1 value
public Node rewrite(Node root) throws RewriteException, RepositoryException { logger.debug("Rewriting page's content tree rooted at {}", root.getPath()); /* * Description of the algorithm: * - traverse the tree rooted at root's parent in pre-order * - skip any node that isn't in the original root search tree * - for each node we check if one of the rules match * - on a match, the (sub)tree rooted at that node is rewritten according to that rule, * and we restart the traversal from 'root' * - the algorithm stops when the whole tree has been traversed and no node has matched any rule */ long tick = System.currentTimeMillis(); Session session = root.getSession(); // reference to the node where the pre-order traversal is started from. Node startNode = root; // collect paths of nodes that are final and can be skipped by the algorithm Set<String> finalPaths = new LinkedHashSet<String>(); boolean foundMatch = false; boolean success = false; try { // do a pre-order tree traversal until we found no match do { foundMatch = false; TreeTraverser traverser = new TreeTraverser(startNode); Iterator<Node> iterator = traverser.iterator(); logger.debug("Starting new pre-order tree traversal"); // traverse the tree in pre-order while (iterator.hasNext()) { Node node =; // we have previously found a match // (and will start a new traversal from the start node) // but we still need to finish this traversal in order not to change the order of nodes if (foundMatch) { continue; } // check if we should skip this node if (finalPaths.contains(node.getPath())) { continue; } // traverse all available rules Set<Node> finalNodes = new LinkedHashSet<>(); for (StructureRewriteRule rule : rules) { // check for a match if (rule.matches(node)) { logger.debug("Rule {} matched subtree rooted at {}", rule, node.getPath()); // the rule matched, rewrite the tree Node result = rule.applyTo(node, finalNodes); // set the start node in case it was rewritten if (node.equals(startNode)) { startNode = result; } addPaths(finalPaths, finalNodes); foundMatch = true; break; } } // if we have found no match for this node, we can ignore it // in subsequent traversals if (!foundMatch) { finalNodes.add(node); addPaths(finalPaths, finalNodes); } } } while (foundMatch && startNode != null); success = true; } finally { if (!success) { // an exception has been thrown: try to revert changes try { session.refresh(false); } catch (RepositoryException e) { logger.warn("Could not revert changes", e); } } } // save changes; long tack = System.currentTimeMillis(); logger.debug("Rewrote component tree rooted at {} in {} ms", root.getPath(), tack - tick); return startNode; }
@Test public void testRewrite() throws Exception { Node rootNode = context.resourceResolver().getResource(ROOTS_PATH + "/matches/jcr:content").adaptTo(Node.class); StructureTreeRewriter rewriter = new StructureTreeRewriter(rules); Node rewrittenNode = rewriter.rewrite(rootNode); assertFalse(rewrittenNode.hasProperty("cq:designPath")); assertEquals(EDITABLE_TEMPLATE, rewrittenNode.getProperty("cq:template").getString()); assertEquals(SLING_RESOURCE_TYPE, rewrittenNode.getProperty("sling:resourceType").getString()); Node rootContainer = rewrittenNode.getNode("root"); assertNotNull(rootContainer); NodeIterator rootContent = rootContainer.getNodes(); assertTrue(rootContent.hasNext()); assertEquals("header", rootContent.nextNode().getName()); assertTrue(rootContent.hasNext()); assertEquals("title", rootContent.nextNode().getName()); assertTrue(rootContent.hasNext()); Node replacedParsys = rootContent.nextNode(); assertEquals("par", replacedParsys.getName()); assertEquals(RewriteUtils.RESPONSIVE_GRID_RES_TYPE, replacedParsys.getProperty(JcrResourceConstants.SLING_RESOURCE_TYPE_PROPERTY).getString()); NodeIterator oldParsysContent = replacedParsys.getNodes(); Node convertedColumn = oldParsysContent.nextNode(); assertTrue(convertedColumn.getName().contains("responsivegrid")); assertEquals(RewriteUtils.RESPONSIVE_GRID_RES_TYPE, convertedColumn.getProperty(JcrResourceConstants.SLING_RESOURCE_TYPE_PROPERTY).getString()); NodeIterator columnContent = convertedColumn.getNodes(); assertEquals("cq:responsive", columnContent.nextNode().getName()); Node responsive = convertedColumn.getNode("cq:responsive"); assertTrue(responsive.hasNode("default")); Node width = responsive.getNode("default"); assertTrue(width.hasProperty("width")); assertEquals("6", width.getProperty("width").getString()); assertTrue(width.hasProperty("offset")); assertEquals("0", width.getProperty("offset").getString()); assertTrue(columnContent.hasNext()); assertEquals("image", columnContent.nextNode().getName()); assertTrue(columnContent.hasNext()); assertEquals("title_1", columnContent.nextNode().getName()); assertTrue(columnContent.hasNext()); assertEquals("text_1", columnContent.nextNode().getName()); assertFalse(columnContent.hasNext()); // Found the next new responsive grid // Verify it's structure assertTrue(oldParsysContent.hasNext()); convertedColumn = oldParsysContent.nextNode(); assertTrue(convertedColumn.getName().contains("responsivegrid")); columnContent = convertedColumn.getNodes(); assertTrue(columnContent.hasNext()); assertEquals("cq:responsive", columnContent.nextNode().getName()); responsive = convertedColumn.getNode("cq:responsive"); assertTrue(responsive.hasNode("default")); width = responsive.getNode("default"); assertTrue(width.hasProperty("width")); assertEquals("6", width.getProperty("width").getString()); assertTrue(width.hasProperty("offset")); assertEquals("0", width.getProperty("offset").getString()); assertTrue(columnContent.hasNext()); assertEquals("image_0", columnContent.nextNode().getName()); assertTrue(columnContent.hasNext()); assertEquals("title_2", columnContent.nextNode().getName()); assertTrue(columnContent.hasNext()); assertEquals("text_0", columnContent.nextNode().getName()); assertFalse(columnContent.hasNext()); assertFalse(rootContent.hasNext()); }
[ "debug", "getPath", "currentTimeMillis", "getSession", "iterator", "debug", "hasNext", "next", "contains", "getPath", "matches", "debug", "getPath", "applyTo", "equals", "addPaths", "add", "addPaths", "refresh", "warn", "save", "currentTimeMillis", "debug", "getPath" ]
[ "adaptTo", "getResource", "resourceResolver", "rewrite", "assertFalse", "hasProperty", "assertEquals", "getString", "getProperty", "assertEquals", "getString", "getProperty", "getNode", "assertNotNull", "getNodes", "assertTrue", "hasNext", "assertEquals", "getName", "nextNode", "assertTrue", "hasNext", "assertEquals", "getName", "nextNode", "assertTrue", "hasNext", "nextNode", "assertEquals", "getName", "assertEquals", "getString", "getProperty", "getNodes", "nextNode", "assertTrue", "contains", "getName", "assertEquals", "getString", "getProperty", "getNodes", "assertEquals", "getName", "nextNode", "getNode", "assertTrue", "hasNode", "getNode", "assertTrue", "hasProperty", "assertEquals", "getString", "getProperty", "assertTrue", "hasProperty", "assertEquals", "getString", "getProperty", "assertTrue", "hasNext", "assertEquals", "getName", "nextNode", "assertTrue", "hasNext", "assertEquals", "getName", "nextNode", "assertTrue", "hasNext", "assertEquals", "getName", "nextNode", "assertFalse", "hasNext", "assertTrue", "hasNext", "nextNode", "assertTrue", "contains", "getName", "getNodes", "assertTrue", "hasNext", "assertEquals", "getName", "nextNode", "getNode", "assertTrue", "hasNode", "getNode", "assertTrue", "hasProperty", "assertEquals", "getString", "getProperty", "assertTrue", "hasProperty", "assertEquals", "getString", "getProperty", "assertTrue", "hasNext", "assertEquals", "getName", "nextNode", "assertTrue", "hasNext", "assertEquals", "getName", "nextNode", "assertTrue", "hasNext", "assertEquals", "getName", "nextNode", "assertFalse", "hasNext", "assertFalse", "hasNext" ]
{ "class_fields": "private final String ROOTS_PATH = \"/libs/cq/modernize/component/content/roots\";\nprivate static final String STATIC_TEMPLATE = \"/apps/geometrixx/templates/homepage\";\nprivate static final String EDITABLE_TEMPLATE = \"/conf/geodemo/settings/wcm/templates/geometrixx-demo-home-page\";\nprivate static final String SLING_RESOURCE_TYPE = \"geodemo/components/structure/page\";\nprivate static final String[] ORDER = { \"header\", \"title\" };\nprivate static final String[] REMOVE = { \"toBeRemoved\", \"rightpar\" };\nprivate static final String LAYOUT_VALUE = \"2;cq-colctrl-lt0\";\nprivate static final String[] COLUMN_WIDTHS = {\"6\", \"6\"};\nList<StructureRewriteRule> rules = new ArrayList<>();\n@Rule\n public final SlingContext context = new SlingContext(ResourceResolverType.JCR_OAK);\nprivate BundleContext bundleContext;", "class_name": "StructureTreeRewriterTest" }
{ "class_fields": "private Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(StructureTreeRewriter.class);\nprivate List<StructureRewriteRule> rules;", "class_name": "StructureTreeRewriter", "method_signatures": "public StructureTreeRewriter(List<StructureRewriteRule> rules)\npublic Node rewrite(Node root)\nprivate void addPaths(Set<String> paths, Set<Node> nodes)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: bundles/aem-modernize-tools/src/main/java/com/adobe/aem/modernize/structure/impl/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: StructureTreeRewriter\n\nclass_fields: private Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(StructureTreeRewriter.class);\nprivate List<StructureRewriteRule> rules;\n\nmethod_signatures: public StructureTreeRewriter(List<StructureRewriteRule> rules)\npublic Node rewrite(Node root)\nprivate void addPaths(Set<String> paths, Set<Node> nodes)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: StructureTreeRewriterTest\n\nclass_fields: private final String ROOTS_PATH = \"/libs/cq/modernize/component/content/roots\";\nprivate static final String STATIC_TEMPLATE = \"/apps/geometrixx/templates/homepage\";\nprivate static final String EDITABLE_TEMPLATE = \"/conf/geodemo/settings/wcm/templates/geometrixx-demo-home-page\";\nprivate static final String SLING_RESOURCE_TYPE = \"geodemo/components/structure/page\";\nprivate static final String[] ORDER = { \"header\", \"title\" };\nprivate static final String[] REMOVE = { \"toBeRemoved\", \"rightpar\" };\nprivate static final String LAYOUT_VALUE = \"2;cq-colctrl-lt0\";\nprivate static final String[] COLUMN_WIDTHS = {\"6\", \"6\"};\nList<StructureRewriteRule> rules = new ArrayList<>();\n@Rule\n public final SlingContext context = new SlingContext(ResourceResolverType.JCR_OAK);\nprivate BundleContext bundleContext;\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file bundles/aem-modernize-tools/src/main/java/com/adobe/aem/modernize/structure/impl/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n public Node rewrite(Node root) throws RewriteException, RepositoryException {\n logger.debug(\"Rewriting page's content tree rooted at {}\", root.getPath());\n\n /*\n * Description of the algorithm:\n * - traverse the tree rooted at root's parent in pre-order\n * - skip any node that isn't in the original root search tree\n * - for each node we check if one of the rules match\n * - on a match, the (sub)tree rooted at that node is rewritten according to that rule,\n * and we restart the traversal from 'root'\n * - the algorithm stops when the whole tree has been traversed and no node has matched any rule\n */\n\n long tick = System.currentTimeMillis();\n Session session = root.getSession();\n\n // reference to the node where the pre-order traversal is started from.\n Node startNode = root;\n // collect paths of nodes that are final and can be skipped by the algorithm\n Set<String> finalPaths = new LinkedHashSet<String>();\n\n boolean foundMatch = false;\n boolean success = false;\n\n try {\n // do a pre-order tree traversal until we found no match\n do {\n foundMatch = false;\n TreeTraverser traverser = new TreeTraverser(startNode);\n Iterator<Node> iterator = traverser.iterator();\n logger.debug(\"Starting new pre-order tree traversal\");\n // traverse the tree in pre-order\n while (iterator.hasNext()) {\n Node node =;\n\n // we have previously found a match\n // (and will start a new traversal from the start node)\n // but we still need to finish this traversal in order not to change the order of nodes\n if (foundMatch) {\n continue;\n }\n\n // check if we should skip this node\n if (finalPaths.contains(node.getPath())) {\n continue;\n }\n // traverse all available rules\n Set<Node> finalNodes = new LinkedHashSet<>();\n for (StructureRewriteRule rule : rules) {\n // check for a match\n if (rule.matches(node)) {\n logger.debug(\"Rule {} matched subtree rooted at {}\", rule, node.getPath());\n // the rule matched, rewrite the tree\n Node result = rule.applyTo(node, finalNodes);\n // set the start node in case it was rewritten\n if (node.equals(startNode)) {\n startNode = result;\n }\n addPaths(finalPaths, finalNodes);\n foundMatch = true;\n break;\n\n }\n }\n\n // if we have found no match for this node, we can ignore it\n // in subsequent traversals\n if (!foundMatch) {\n finalNodes.add(node);\n addPaths(finalPaths, finalNodes);\n }\n }\n } while (foundMatch && startNode != null);\n success = true;\n } finally {\n if (!success) {\n // an exception has been thrown: try to revert changes\n try {\n session.refresh(false);\n } catch (RepositoryException e) {\n logger.warn(\"Could not revert changes\", e);\n }\n }\n }\n\n // save changes\n;\n\n long tack = System.currentTimeMillis();\n logger.debug(\"Rewrote component tree rooted at {} in {} ms\", root.getPath(), tack - tick);\n\n return startNode;\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n bundles/aem-modernize-tools/src/test/java/com/adobe/aem/modernize/structure/impl/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void testRewrite() throws Exception {\n\n Node rootNode = context.resourceResolver().getResource(ROOTS_PATH + \"/matches/jcr:content\").adaptTo(Node.class);\n\n StructureTreeRewriter rewriter = new StructureTreeRewriter(rules);\n Node rewrittenNode = rewriter.rewrite(rootNode);\n\n assertFalse(rewrittenNode.hasProperty(\"cq:designPath\"));\n assertEquals(EDITABLE_TEMPLATE, rewrittenNode.getProperty(\"cq:template\").getString());\n assertEquals(SLING_RESOURCE_TYPE, rewrittenNode.getProperty(\"sling:resourceType\").getString());\n Node rootContainer = rewrittenNode.getNode(\"root\");\n assertNotNull(rootContainer);\n\n NodeIterator rootContent = rootContainer.getNodes();\n assertTrue(rootContent.hasNext());\n assertEquals(\"header\", rootContent.nextNode().getName());\n assertTrue(rootContent.hasNext());\n assertEquals(\"title\", rootContent.nextNode().getName());\n\n assertTrue(rootContent.hasNext());\n Node replacedParsys = rootContent.nextNode();\n assertEquals(\"par\", replacedParsys.getName());\n assertEquals(RewriteUtils.RESPONSIVE_GRID_RES_TYPE,\n replacedParsys.getProperty(JcrResourceConstants.SLING_RESOURCE_TYPE_PROPERTY).getString());\n\n NodeIterator oldParsysContent = replacedParsys.getNodes();\n Node convertedColumn = oldParsysContent.nextNode();\n assertTrue(convertedColumn.getName().contains(\"responsivegrid\"));\n assertEquals(RewriteUtils.RESPONSIVE_GRID_RES_TYPE,\n convertedColumn.getProperty(JcrResourceConstants.SLING_RESOURCE_TYPE_PROPERTY).getString());\n NodeIterator columnContent = convertedColumn.getNodes();\n assertEquals(\"cq:responsive\", columnContent.nextNode().getName());\n Node responsive = convertedColumn.getNode(\"cq:responsive\");\n assertTrue(responsive.hasNode(\"default\"));\n Node width = responsive.getNode(\"default\");\n assertTrue(width.hasProperty(\"width\"));\n assertEquals(\"6\", width.getProperty(\"width\").getString());\n assertTrue(width.hasProperty(\"offset\"));\n assertEquals(\"0\", width.getProperty(\"offset\").getString());\n assertTrue(columnContent.hasNext());\n assertEquals(\"image\", columnContent.nextNode().getName());\n assertTrue(columnContent.hasNext());\n assertEquals(\"title_1\", columnContent.nextNode().getName());\n assertTrue(columnContent.hasNext());\n assertEquals(\"text_1\", columnContent.nextNode().getName());\n\n assertFalse(columnContent.hasNext());\n\n // Found the next new responsive grid\n // Verify it's structure\n assertTrue(oldParsysContent.hasNext());\n convertedColumn = oldParsysContent.nextNode();\n assertTrue(convertedColumn.getName().contains(\"responsivegrid\"));\n columnContent = convertedColumn.getNodes();\n assertTrue(columnContent.hasNext());\n assertEquals(\"cq:responsive\", columnContent.nextNode().getName());\n responsive = convertedColumn.getNode(\"cq:responsive\");\n assertTrue(responsive.hasNode(\"default\"));\n width = responsive.getNode(\"default\");\n assertTrue(width.hasProperty(\"width\"));\n assertEquals(\"6\", width.getProperty(\"width\").getString());\n assertTrue(width.hasProperty(\"offset\"));\n assertEquals(\"0\", width.getProperty(\"offset\").getString());\n\n assertTrue(columnContent.hasNext());\n assertEquals(\"image_0\", columnContent.nextNode().getName());\n assertTrue(columnContent.hasNext());\n assertEquals(\"title_2\", columnContent.nextNode().getName());\n assertTrue(columnContent.hasNext());\n assertEquals(\"text_0\", columnContent.nextNode().getName());\n\n assertFalse(columnContent.hasNext());\n assertFalse(rootContent.hasNext());\n\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
public void handle(String line, long linenum) throws IOException { final String[] cols = tok.tokenize(line); try { final T dat = proc.process(cols); con.consume(dat); } catch (BadDataException e) { err.consume(e, linenum); } }
@Test public void handleGood() throws IOException, BadDataException { final LineTokenizer tok = context.mock(LineTokenizer.class); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") final RecordProcessor<Object> proc = (RecordProcessor<Object>) context.mock(RecordProcessor.class); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") final RecordConsumer<Object> con = (RecordConsumer<Object>) context.mock(RecordConsumer.class); final ErrorConsumer err = context.mock(ErrorConsumer.class); context.checking(new Expectations() { { for (int i = 0; i < rows.length; ++i) { oneOf(tok).tokenize(with(buildCSV(rows[i]))); will(returnValue(rows[i])); oneOf(proc).process(with(rows[i])); will(returnValue("foo")); oneOf(con).consume(with("foo")); } never(err).consume(with(any(BadDataException.class)), with(any(long.class))); } }); final LineHandler lh = new DefaultLineHandler<Object>(tok, proc, con, err); for (int i = 0; i < rows.length; ++i) { lh.handle(buildCSV(rows[i]), i+1); } }
[ "tokenize", "process", "consume", "consume" ]
[ "mock", "mock", "mock", "mock", "checking", "tokenize", "oneOf", "with", "buildCSV", "will", "returnValue", "process", "oneOf", "with", "will", "returnValue", "consume", "oneOf", "with", "consume", "never", "with", "any", "with", "any", "handle", "buildCSV" ]
{ "class_fields": "private final Mockery context = new JUnit4Mockery();\nprivate static final String[][] rows = {\n new String[] { \"foo\", \"bar,baz\", \"1\" },\n new String[] { \"xxx\", \"yyy\", \"2\" },\n new String[] { \"aaa\", \"bbb\", \"3\" }\n };", "class_name": "DefaultLineHandlerTest" }
{ "class_fields": "private final LineTokenizer tok;\nprivate final RecordProcessor<T> proc;\nprivate final RecordConsumer<T> con;\nprivate final ErrorConsumer err;", "class_name": "DefaultLineHandler implements LineHandler", "method_signatures": "public DefaultLineHandler(LineTokenizer tok, RecordProcessor<T> proc,\n RecordConsumer<T> con, ErrorConsumer err)\npublic void handle(String line, long linenum)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: core/src/main/java/com/lightboxtechnologies/nsrl/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: DefaultLineHandler implements LineHandler\n\nclass_fields: private final LineTokenizer tok;\nprivate final RecordProcessor<T> proc;\nprivate final RecordConsumer<T> con;\nprivate final ErrorConsumer err;\n\nmethod_signatures: public DefaultLineHandler(LineTokenizer tok, RecordProcessor<T> proc,\n RecordConsumer<T> con, ErrorConsumer err)\npublic void handle(String line, long linenum)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: DefaultLineHandlerTest\n\nclass_fields: private final Mockery context = new JUnit4Mockery();\nprivate static final String[][] rows = {\n new String[] { \"foo\", \"bar,baz\", \"1\" },\n new String[] { \"xxx\", \"yyy\", \"2\" },\n new String[] { \"aaa\", \"bbb\", \"3\" }\n };\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file core/src/main/java/com/lightboxtechnologies/nsrl/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n public void handle(String line, long linenum) throws IOException {\n final String[] cols = tok.tokenize(line);\n\n try {\n final T dat = proc.process(cols);\n con.consume(dat);\n }\n catch (BadDataException e) {\n err.consume(e, linenum);\n }\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n core/src/test/java/com/lightboxtechnologies/nsrl/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void handleGood() throws IOException, BadDataException {\n final LineTokenizer tok = context.mock(LineTokenizer.class);\n @SuppressWarnings(\"unchecked\")\n final RecordProcessor<Object> proc =\n (RecordProcessor<Object>) context.mock(RecordProcessor.class);\n @SuppressWarnings(\"unchecked\")\n final RecordConsumer<Object> con =\n (RecordConsumer<Object>) context.mock(RecordConsumer.class);\n final ErrorConsumer err = context.mock(ErrorConsumer.class);\n\n context.checking(new Expectations() {\n {\n for (int i = 0; i < rows.length; ++i) {\n oneOf(tok).tokenize(with(buildCSV(rows[i])));\n will(returnValue(rows[i]));\n\n oneOf(proc).process(with(rows[i]));\n will(returnValue(\"foo\"));\n\n oneOf(con).consume(with(\"foo\"));\n }\n\n never(err).consume(with(any(BadDataException.class)),\n with(any(long.class)));\n }\n });\n\n final LineHandler lh = new DefaultLineHandler<Object>(tok, proc, con, err);\n for (int i = 0; i < rows.length; ++i) {\n lh.handle(buildCSV(rows[i]), i+1);\n }\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
@SuppressWarnings("fallthrough") public static Object unmarshall(byte[] colSpec, byte[] colVal) { byte type = colSpec[0]; switch (type) { case LONG: return Bytes.toLong(colVal); case STRING: return Bytes.toString(colVal); case DATE: return new Date(Bytes.toLong(colVal)); case JSON: try { return mapper.readValue(colVal, 0, colVal.length, Object.class); } catch (IOException e) { // does not parse, failover to byte array } case BYTE_ARRAY: return colVal; case BUFFER_STREAM: return new BufferProxy(colVal); case FILE_STREAM: return new FileProxy(Bytes.toString(colVal)); } return null; }
@Test public void testUnmarshallLong() { ByteArrayOutputStream colSpec = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); colSpec.write(LONG); colSpec.write(65); byte[] c = colSpec.toByteArray(); assertEquals(7L, unmarshall(c, Bytes.toBytes(7L))); }
[ "toLong", "toString", "toLong", "readValue", "toString" ]
[ "write", "write", "toByteArray", "assertEquals", "unmarshall", "toBytes" ]
{ "class_fields": "", "class_name": "FsEntryHBaseCommonTest" }
{ "class_fields": "public static final byte LONG = 0;\npublic static final byte STRING = 1;\npublic static final byte DATE = 2;\npublic static final byte JSON = 3;\npublic static final byte BYTE_ARRAY = 4;\npublic static final byte BUFFER_STREAM = 5;\npublic static final byte FILE_STREAM = 6;\nprivate static final ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();", "class_name": "FsEntryHBaseCommon", "method_signatures": "public static byte typeVal(Object o)\npublic static byte[] createColSpec(Object o, String colName)\npublic static byte[] createColSpec(byte type, String colName)\npublic static String colName(byte[] colSpec)\n@SuppressWarnings(\"fallthrough\") public static Object unmarshall(byte[] colSpec, byte[] colVal)\npublic static void populate(Map<byte[], byte[]> input, Map<String,Object> out, Map<String, StreamProxy> streams)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: core/src/main/java/com/lightboxtechnologies/spectrum/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: FsEntryHBaseCommon\n\nclass_fields: public static final byte LONG = 0;\npublic static final byte STRING = 1;\npublic static final byte DATE = 2;\npublic static final byte JSON = 3;\npublic static final byte BYTE_ARRAY = 4;\npublic static final byte BUFFER_STREAM = 5;\npublic static final byte FILE_STREAM = 6;\nprivate static final ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();\n\nmethod_signatures: public static byte typeVal(Object o)\npublic static byte[] createColSpec(Object o, String colName)\npublic static byte[] createColSpec(byte type, String colName)\npublic static String colName(byte[] colSpec)\n@SuppressWarnings(\"fallthrough\") public static Object unmarshall(byte[] colSpec, byte[] colVal)\npublic static void populate(Map<byte[], byte[]> input, Map<String,Object> out, Map<String, StreamProxy> streams)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: FsEntryHBaseCommonTest\n\nclass_fields: \n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file core/src/main/java/com/lightboxtechnologies/spectrum/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n @SuppressWarnings(\"fallthrough\")\n public static Object unmarshall(byte[] colSpec, byte[] colVal) {\n byte type = colSpec[0];\n switch (type) {\n case LONG:\n return Bytes.toLong(colVal);\n case STRING:\n return Bytes.toString(colVal);\n case DATE:\n return new Date(Bytes.toLong(colVal));\n case JSON:\n try {\n return mapper.readValue(colVal, 0, colVal.length, Object.class);\n }\n catch (IOException e) {\n // does not parse, failover to byte array\n }\n case BYTE_ARRAY:\n return colVal;\n case BUFFER_STREAM:\n return new BufferProxy(colVal);\n case FILE_STREAM:\n return new FileProxy(Bytes.toString(colVal));\n }\n return null;\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n core/src/test/java/com/lightboxtechnologies/spectrum/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void testUnmarshallLong() {\n ByteArrayOutputStream colSpec = new ByteArrayOutputStream();\n colSpec.write(LONG);\n colSpec.write(65);\n byte[] c = colSpec.toByteArray();\n assertEquals(7L, unmarshall(c, Bytes.toBytes(7L)));\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
@Activate protected void activate(ComponentContext context) throws RepositoryException, ConfigurationException { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Dictionary<String, Object> props = context.getProperties(); // read service ranking property Object ranking = props.get("service.ranking"); if (ranking != null) { try { this.ranking = (Integer) ranking; } catch (ClassCastException e) { // ignore logger.warn("Found invalid service.ranking value {}", ranking); } } staticTemplate = PropertiesUtil.toString(props.get(PROP_STATIC_TEMPLATE), null); if (StringUtils.isBlank(staticTemplate)) { throw new ConfigurationException(PROP_STATIC_TEMPLATE, "Static template is required."); } editableTemplate = PropertiesUtil.toString(props.get(PROP_EDITABLE_TEMPLATE), null); if (StringUtils.isBlank(editableTemplate)) { throw new ConfigurationException(PROP_EDITABLE_TEMPLATE, "Editable template is required."); } slingResourceType = PropertiesUtil.toString(props.get(PROP_SLING_RESOURCE_TYPE), null); if (StringUtils.isBlank(slingResourceType)) { throw new ConfigurationException(PROP_SLING_RESOURCE_TYPE, "Sling Resource Type is required."); } String[] orders = PropertiesUtil.toStringArray(props.get(PROP_ORDER_COMPONENTS), new String[] {}); for (String o : orders) { String[] tmp = StringUtils.split(o, ":", 2); if (tmp.length < 1) { continue; } if (tmp.length == 2) { nested.add(tmp[1]); } String key = tmp.length == 2 ? tmp[0] : RESPONSIVE_GRID_NODE_NAME; String value = tmp.length == 2 ? tmp[1] : tmp[0]; if (componentOrdering.get(key) == null) { componentOrdering.put(key, new ArrayList<>()); } componentOrdering.get(key).add(value); } componentsToRemove = PropertiesUtil.toStringArray(props.get(PROP_REMOVE_COMPONENTS), new String[] {}); componentRenamed = RewriteUtils.toMap( PropertiesUtil.toStringArray(props.get(PROP_RENAME_COMPONENTS), new String[] {}), ":"); // Add any renamed component that contains a path separator for (String val : componentRenamed.values()) { if (val.contains("/")) { nested.add(val); } } }
@Test public void testActivateNoRename() { BundleContext bundleContext = MockOsgi.newBundleContext(); PageRewriteRule rule = new PageRewriteRule(); MockOsgi.injectServices(rule, bundleContext); Dictionary<String, Object> props = new Hashtable<>(); props.put("static.template", STATIC_TEMPLATE); props.put("editable.template", EDITABLE_TEMPLATE); props.put("sling.resourceType", SLING_RESOURCE_TYPE); props.put("order.components", ORDER); props.put("remove.components", REMOVE); MockOsgi.activate(rule, bundleContext, props); }
[ "getProperties", "get", "warn", "toString", "get", "isBlank", "toString", "get", "isBlank", "toString", "get", "isBlank", "toStringArray", "get", "split", "add", "get", "put", "add", "get", "toStringArray", "get", "toMap", "toStringArray", "get", "values", "contains", "add" ]
[ "newBundleContext", "injectServices", "put", "put", "put", "put", "put", "activate" ]
{ "class_fields": "private final String ROOTS_PATH = \"/libs/cq/modernize/templatestructure/content/roots\";\nprivate static final String STATIC_TEMPLATE = \"/apps/geometrixx/templates/homepage\";\nprivate static final String EDITABLE_TEMPLATE = \"/conf/geodemo/settings/wcm/templates/geometrixx-demo-home-page\";\nprivate static final String SLING_RESOURCE_TYPE = \"geodemo/components/structure/page\";\nprivate static final String[] ORDER = {\n \"responsivegrid\",\n \"responsivegrid_12345\",\n \"responsivegrid:header\",\n \"responsivegrid:title\"\n };\nprivate static final String[] REMOVE = { \"toBeRemoved\" };\nprivate static final String[] RENAME = { \"par:responsivegrid/responsivegrid\", \"rightpar:responsivegrid_12345\" };\n@Rule\n public final SlingContext context = new SlingContext(ResourceResolverType.JCR_OAK);\nprivate BundleContext bundleContext;", "class_name": "PageRewriteRuleTest" }
{ "class_fields": "private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(PageRewriteRule.class);\n@org.apache.felix.scr.annotations.Property(label = \"Static Template\",\n description = \"The static template which will be updated by this Page Rewrite Rule\")\n private static final String PROP_STATIC_TEMPLATE = \"static.template\";\nprivate String staticTemplate;\n@org.apache.felix.scr.annotations.Property(label = \"Editable Template\",\n description = \"The value to update the cq:template with, this should be the new Editable Template.\")\n private static final String PROP_EDITABLE_TEMPLATE = \"editable.template\";\nprivate String editableTemplate;\n@org.apache.felix.scr.annotations.Property(label = \"Sling Resource Type\",\n description = \"The value to update the sling:resourceType with, this should be the same as the \" +\n \"new Editable Template.\")\n private static final String PROP_SLING_RESOURCE_TYPE = \"sling.resourceType\";\nprivate String slingResourceType;\n@org.apache.felix.scr.annotations.Property(label = \"Component Order\",\n cardinality = Integer.MAX_VALUE,\n description = \"Specify the order of the components in the new responsive grid. \" +\n \"Any found and unspecified are moved to the end in arbitrary order.\")\n private static final String PROP_ORDER_COMPONENTS = \"order.components\";\nprivate Map<String, List<String>> componentOrdering = new HashMap<>();\n@org.apache.felix.scr.annotations.Property(label = \"Remove Components\",\n cardinality = Integer.MAX_VALUE,\n description = \"Specify any components that may exist on the static page that can be removed.\")\n private static final String PROP_REMOVE_COMPONENTS = \"remove.components\";\nprivate String[] componentsToRemove;\n@org.apache.felix.scr.annotations.Property(label = \"Rename Components\",\n cardinality = Integer.MAX_VALUE,\n description = \"Specify new name for components as they are moved into the root responsive grid.\")\n private static final String PROP_RENAME_COMPONENTS = \"rename.components\";\nprivate Map<String, String> componentRenamed;\nprivate List<String> nested = new ArrayList<>();\nprivate int ranking = Integer.MAX_VALUE;\nprivate static final String RESPONSIVE_GRID_NODE_NAME = \"root\";", "class_name": "PageRewriteRule implements PageStructureRewriteRule", "method_signatures": "@Override public boolean matches(Node root)\n@Override public Node applyTo(Node root, Set<Node> finalNodes)\nprivate List<String> moveStructure(Node source, Node target, List<String> ignored)\nprivate void reorderChildren(List<String> names, List<String> order, Node parent)\n@Activate protected void activate(ComponentContext context)\n@Override public String getStaticTemplate()\n@Override public int getRanking()" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: bundles/aem-modernize-tools/src/main/java/com/adobe/aem/modernize/structure/impl/rules/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: PageRewriteRule implements PageStructureRewriteRule\n\nclass_fields: private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(PageRewriteRule.class);\n@org.apache.felix.scr.annotations.Property(label = \"Static Template\",\n description = \"The static template which will be updated by this Page Rewrite Rule\")\n private static final String PROP_STATIC_TEMPLATE = \"static.template\";\nprivate String staticTemplate;\n@org.apache.felix.scr.annotations.Property(label = \"Editable Template\",\n description = \"The value to update the cq:template with, this should be the new Editable Template.\")\n private static final String PROP_EDITABLE_TEMPLATE = \"editable.template\";\nprivate String editableTemplate;\n@org.apache.felix.scr.annotations.Property(label = \"Sling Resource Type\",\n description = \"The value to update the sling:resourceType with, this should be the same as the \" +\n \"new Editable Template.\")\n private static final String PROP_SLING_RESOURCE_TYPE = \"sling.resourceType\";\nprivate String slingResourceType;\n@org.apache.felix.scr.annotations.Property(label = \"Component Order\",\n cardinality = Integer.MAX_VALUE,\n description = \"Specify the order of the components in the new responsive grid. \" +\n \"Any found and unspecified are moved to the end in arbitrary order.\")\n private static final String PROP_ORDER_COMPONENTS = \"order.components\";\nprivate Map<String, List<String>> componentOrdering = new HashMap<>();\n@org.apache.felix.scr.annotations.Property(label = \"Remove Components\",\n cardinality = Integer.MAX_VALUE,\n description = \"Specify any components that may exist on the static page that can be removed.\")\n private static final String PROP_REMOVE_COMPONENTS = \"remove.components\";\nprivate String[] componentsToRemove;\n@org.apache.felix.scr.annotations.Property(label = \"Rename Components\",\n cardinality = Integer.MAX_VALUE,\n description = \"Specify new name for components as they are moved into the root responsive grid.\")\n private static final String PROP_RENAME_COMPONENTS = \"rename.components\";\nprivate Map<String, String> componentRenamed;\nprivate List<String> nested = new ArrayList<>();\nprivate int ranking = Integer.MAX_VALUE;\nprivate static final String RESPONSIVE_GRID_NODE_NAME = \"root\";\n\nmethod_signatures: @Override public boolean matches(Node root)\n@Override public Node applyTo(Node root, Set<Node> finalNodes)\nprivate List<String> moveStructure(Node source, Node target, List<String> ignored)\nprivate void reorderChildren(List<String> names, List<String> order, Node parent)\n@Activate protected void activate(ComponentContext context)\n@Override public String getStaticTemplate()\n@Override public int getRanking()\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: PageRewriteRuleTest\n\nclass_fields: private final String ROOTS_PATH = \"/libs/cq/modernize/templatestructure/content/roots\";\nprivate static final String STATIC_TEMPLATE = \"/apps/geometrixx/templates/homepage\";\nprivate static final String EDITABLE_TEMPLATE = \"/conf/geodemo/settings/wcm/templates/geometrixx-demo-home-page\";\nprivate static final String SLING_RESOURCE_TYPE = \"geodemo/components/structure/page\";\nprivate static final String[] ORDER = {\n \"responsivegrid\",\n \"responsivegrid_12345\",\n \"responsivegrid:header\",\n \"responsivegrid:title\"\n };\nprivate static final String[] REMOVE = { \"toBeRemoved\" };\nprivate static final String[] RENAME = { \"par:responsivegrid/responsivegrid\", \"rightpar:responsivegrid_12345\" };\n@Rule\n public final SlingContext context = new SlingContext(ResourceResolverType.JCR_OAK);\nprivate BundleContext bundleContext;\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file bundles/aem-modernize-tools/src/main/java/com/adobe/aem/modernize/structure/impl/rules/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n @Activate\n protected void activate(ComponentContext context) throws RepositoryException, ConfigurationException {\n @SuppressWarnings(\"unchecked\")\n Dictionary<String, Object> props = context.getProperties();\n // read service ranking property\n Object ranking = props.get(\"service.ranking\");\n if (ranking != null) {\n try {\n this.ranking = (Integer) ranking;\n } catch (ClassCastException e) {\n // ignore\n logger.warn(\"Found invalid service.ranking value {}\", ranking);\n }\n }\n\n staticTemplate = PropertiesUtil.toString(props.get(PROP_STATIC_TEMPLATE), null);\n if (StringUtils.isBlank(staticTemplate)) {\n throw new ConfigurationException(PROP_STATIC_TEMPLATE, \"Static template is required.\");\n }\n\n editableTemplate = PropertiesUtil.toString(props.get(PROP_EDITABLE_TEMPLATE), null);\n if (StringUtils.isBlank(editableTemplate)) {\n throw new ConfigurationException(PROP_EDITABLE_TEMPLATE, \"Editable template is required.\");\n }\n\n slingResourceType = PropertiesUtil.toString(props.get(PROP_SLING_RESOURCE_TYPE), null);\n if (StringUtils.isBlank(slingResourceType)) {\n throw new ConfigurationException(PROP_SLING_RESOURCE_TYPE, \"Sling Resource Type is required.\");\n }\n\n\n\n String[] orders = PropertiesUtil.toStringArray(props.get(PROP_ORDER_COMPONENTS), new String[] {});\n for (String o : orders) {\n String[] tmp = StringUtils.split(o, \":\", 2);\n if (tmp.length < 1) {\n continue;\n }\n if (tmp.length == 2) {\n nested.add(tmp[1]);\n }\n String key = tmp.length == 2 ? tmp[0] : RESPONSIVE_GRID_NODE_NAME;\n String value = tmp.length == 2 ? tmp[1] : tmp[0];\n if (componentOrdering.get(key) == null) {\n componentOrdering.put(key, new ArrayList<>());\n }\n componentOrdering.get(key).add(value);\n\n }\n\n componentsToRemove = PropertiesUtil.toStringArray(props.get(PROP_REMOVE_COMPONENTS), new String[] {});\n\n componentRenamed = RewriteUtils.toMap(\n PropertiesUtil.toStringArray(props.get(PROP_RENAME_COMPONENTS), new String[] {}), \":\");\n\n // Add any renamed component that contains a path separator\n for (String val : componentRenamed.values()) {\n if (val.contains(\"/\")) {\n nested.add(val);\n }\n }\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n bundles/aem-modernize-tools/src/test/java/com/adobe/aem/modernize/structure/impl/rules/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void testActivateNoRename() {\n BundleContext bundleContext = MockOsgi.newBundleContext();\n PageRewriteRule rule = new PageRewriteRule();\n MockOsgi.injectServices(rule, bundleContext);\n Dictionary<String, Object> props = new Hashtable<>();\n props.put(\"static.template\", STATIC_TEMPLATE);\n props.put(\"editable.template\", EDITABLE_TEMPLATE);\n props.put(\"sling.resourceType\", SLING_RESOURCE_TYPE);\n props.put(\"order.components\", ORDER);\n props.put(\"remove.components\", REMOVE);\n MockOsgi.activate(rule, bundleContext, props);\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
public static Object getNonNull(Map<String,Object> json, String key) throws DataException { if (key == null) { throw new DataException("key is null"); } if (!json.containsKey(key)) { throw new DataException(key + " does not exist in " + json); } final Object o = json.get(key); if (o == null) { throw new DataException("value for " + key + " is null"); } return o; }
@Test(expected=JSON.DataException.class) public void testGetNonNullNullValue() throws JSON.DataException { final Map<String,Object> json = new HashMap<String,Object>(); final String key = "foo"; json.put(key, null); JSON.getNonNull(json, key); }
[ "containsKey", "get" ]
[ "put", "getNonNull" ]
{ "class_fields": "", "class_name": "JSONTest" }
{ "class_fields": "", "class_name": "JSON", "method_signatures": "protected JSON()\npublic static T getAs(Map<String,Object> json, String key, Class<T> type)\npublic static Object getNonNull(Map<String,Object> json, String key)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: core/src/main/java/com/lightboxtechnologies/spectrum/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: JSON\n\nclass_fields: \n\nmethod_signatures: protected JSON()\npublic static T getAs(Map<String,Object> json, String key, Class<T> type)\npublic static Object getNonNull(Map<String,Object> json, String key)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: JSONTest\n\nclass_fields: \n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file core/src/main/java/com/lightboxtechnologies/spectrum/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n public static Object getNonNull(Map<String,Object> json, String key)\n throws DataException {\n if (key == null) {\n throw new DataException(\"key is null\");\n }\n\n if (!json.containsKey(key)) {\n throw new DataException(key + \" does not exist in \" + json);\n }\n\n final Object o = json.get(key);\n if (o == null) {\n throw new DataException(\"value for \" + key + \" is null\");\n }\n\n return o;\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n core/src/test/java/com/lightboxtechnologies/spectrum/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test(expected=JSON.DataException.class)\n public void testGetNonNullNullValue() throws JSON.DataException {\n final Map<String,Object> json = new HashMap<String,Object>();\n final String key = \"foo\";\n json.put(key, null);\n JSON.getNonNull(json, key);\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
public static long copyLarge(InputStream in, OutputStream out, byte[] buffer) throws IOException { long count = 0; int n = 0; while ((n = != -1) { out.write(buffer, 0, n); count += n; } return count; }
@Test public void testCopyLargeBuffer() throws IOException { final byte[] buf = new byte[1024]; final byte[] expected = new byte[10000]; final long seed = System.currentTimeMillis(); final Random rng = new Random(seed); rng.nextBytes(expected); final ByteArrayInputStream in = new ByteArrayInputStream(expected); final ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); final long count = IOUtils.copyLarge(in, out, buf); assertEquals("seed == " + seed, expected.length, count); assertArrayEquals("seed == " + seed, expected, out.toByteArray()); }
[ "read", "write" ]
[ "currentTimeMillis", "nextBytes", "copyLarge", "assertEquals", "assertArrayEquals", "toByteArray" ]
{ "class_fields": "protected final Mockery context = new JUnit4Mockery();", "class_name": "IOUtilsTest" }
{ "class_fields": "", "class_name": "IOUtils extends", "method_signatures": "protected IOUtils()\npublic static int copy(InputStream in, OutputStream out, byte[] buffer)\npublic static long copyLarge(InputStream in, OutputStream out, byte[] buffer)\npublic static void copy(InputStream in, OutputStream out,\n byte[] buffer, long length)\npublic static void closeQuietly(Closeable c)\npublic static int read(InputStream in, byte[] buf)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: core/src/main/java/com/lightboxtechnologies/io/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: IOUtils extends\n\nclass_fields: \n\nmethod_signatures: protected IOUtils()\npublic static int copy(InputStream in, OutputStream out, byte[] buffer)\npublic static long copyLarge(InputStream in, OutputStream out, byte[] buffer)\npublic static void copy(InputStream in, OutputStream out,\n byte[] buffer, long length)\npublic static void closeQuietly(Closeable c)\npublic static int read(InputStream in, byte[] buf)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: IOUtilsTest\n\nclass_fields: protected final Mockery context = new JUnit4Mockery();\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file core/src/main/java/com/lightboxtechnologies/io/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n public static long copyLarge(InputStream in, OutputStream out, byte[] buffer)\n throws IOException {\n long count = 0;\n int n = 0;\n while ((n = != -1) {\n out.write(buffer, 0, n);\n count += n;\n }\n return count;\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n core/src/test/java/com/lightboxtechnologies/io/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void testCopyLargeBuffer() throws IOException {\n final byte[] buf = new byte[1024];\n\n final byte[] expected = new byte[10000];\n final long seed = System.currentTimeMillis();\n final Random rng = new Random(seed);\n rng.nextBytes(expected);\n\n final ByteArrayInputStream in = new ByteArrayInputStream(expected);\n final ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream();\n\n final long count = IOUtils.copyLarge(in, out, buf);\n\n assertEquals(\"seed == \" + seed, expected.length, count);\n assertArrayEquals(\"seed == \" + seed, expected, out.toByteArray());\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
@Override public Node applyTo(Node root, Set<Node> finalNodes) throws RepositoryException { // Remove Design Property. if (root.hasProperty(NameConstants.PN_DESIGN_PATH)) { root.getProperty(NameConstants.PN_DESIGN_PATH).remove(); } // Remove specified nodes List<String> remove = Arrays.asList(componentsToRemove); NodeIterator it = root.getNodes(); while (it.hasNext()) { Node child = it.nextNode(); if (remove.contains(child.getName())) { child.remove(); } } Property template = root.getProperty(NameConstants.NN_TEMPLATE); template.setValue(editableTemplate); Property resourceType = root.getProperty(JcrResourceConstants.SLING_RESOURCE_TYPE_PROPERTY); resourceType.setValue(slingResourceType); Node responsiveGrid = root.addNode(RESPONSIVE_GRID_NODE_NAME, JcrConstants.NT_UNSTRUCTURED); responsiveGrid.setProperty(JcrResourceConstants.SLING_RESOURCE_TYPE_PROPERTY, RewriteUtils.RESPONSIVE_GRID_RES_TYPE); // First Copy the Root children over List<String> names = moveStructure(root, responsiveGrid, nested); // Copy & Create any nested for (String key : componentOrdering.keySet()) { // Ignore root, it'll be handled after everything is copied. if (RESPONSIVE_GRID_NODE_NAME.equals(key)) { continue; } if (!responsiveGrid.hasNode(key)) { Node child = responsiveGrid.addNode(key, JcrConstants.NT_UNSTRUCTURED); child.setProperty(JcrResourceConstants.SLING_RESOURCE_TYPE_PROPERTY, RewriteUtils.RESPONSIVE_GRID_RES_TYPE); } Node child = responsiveGrid.getNode(key); List<String> cn = moveStructure(root, child, names); reorderChildren(cn, componentOrdering.get(key), child); } reorderChildren(names, componentOrdering.get(RESPONSIVE_GRID_NODE_NAME), responsiveGrid); return root; }
@Test public void testApplyTo() throws Exception { Node rootNode = context.resourceResolver().getResource(ROOTS_PATH + "/matches/jcr:content").adaptTo(Node.class); ServiceReference ref = bundleContext.getServiceReference(StructureRewriteRule.class.getName()); StructureRewriteRule rule = bundleContext.<StructureRewriteRule>getService(ref); Node rewrittenNode = rule.applyTo(rootNode, new HashSet<>()); assertFalse(rewrittenNode.hasProperty("cq:designPath")); assertEquals(EDITABLE_TEMPLATE, rewrittenNode.getProperty("cq:template").getString()); assertEquals(SLING_RESOURCE_TYPE, rewrittenNode.getProperty("sling:resourceType").getString()); Node rootContainer = rewrittenNode.getNode("root"); assertNotNull(rootContainer); assertEquals("nt:unstructured", rootContainer.getPrimaryNodeType().getName()); assertEquals("wcm/foundation/components/responsivegrid", rootContainer.getProperty("sling:resourceType").getString()); NodeIterator children = rootContainer.getNodes(); assertTrue(children.hasNext()); Node rg = children.nextNode(); assertEquals("responsivegrid", rg.getName()); assertTrue(children.hasNext()); assertEquals("responsivegrid_12345", children.nextNode().getName()); assertFalse(children.hasNext()); NodeIterator rgChildren = rg.getNodes(); assertEquals("header", rgChildren.nextNode().getName()); assertTrue(rgChildren.hasNext()); assertEquals("title", rgChildren.nextNode().getName()); assertTrue(rgChildren.hasNext()); assertEquals("responsivegrid", rgChildren.nextNode().getName()); assertFalse(rgChildren.hasNext()); }
[ "hasProperty", "remove", "getProperty", "asList", "getNodes", "hasNext", "nextNode", "contains", "getName", "remove", "getProperty", "setValue", "getProperty", "setValue", "addNode", "setProperty", "moveStructure", "keySet", "equals", "hasNode", "addNode", "setProperty", "getNode", "moveStructure", "reorderChildren", "get", "reorderChildren", "get" ]
[ "adaptTo", "getResource", "resourceResolver", "getServiceReference", "getName", "getService", "applyTo", "assertFalse", "hasProperty", "assertEquals", "getString", "getProperty", "assertEquals", "getString", "getProperty", "getNode", "assertNotNull", "assertEquals", "getName", "getPrimaryNodeType", "assertEquals", "getString", "getProperty", "getNodes", "assertTrue", "hasNext", "nextNode", "assertEquals", "getName", "assertTrue", "hasNext", "assertEquals", "getName", "nextNode", "assertFalse", "hasNext", "getNodes", "assertEquals", "getName", "nextNode", "assertTrue", "hasNext", "assertEquals", "getName", "nextNode", "assertTrue", "hasNext", "assertEquals", "getName", "nextNode", "assertFalse", "hasNext" ]
{ "class_fields": "private final String ROOTS_PATH = \"/libs/cq/modernize/templatestructure/content/roots\";\nprivate static final String STATIC_TEMPLATE = \"/apps/geometrixx/templates/homepage\";\nprivate static final String EDITABLE_TEMPLATE = \"/conf/geodemo/settings/wcm/templates/geometrixx-demo-home-page\";\nprivate static final String SLING_RESOURCE_TYPE = \"geodemo/components/structure/page\";\nprivate static final String[] ORDER = {\n \"responsivegrid\",\n \"responsivegrid_12345\",\n \"responsivegrid:header\",\n \"responsivegrid:title\"\n };\nprivate static final String[] REMOVE = { \"toBeRemoved\" };\nprivate static final String[] RENAME = { \"par:responsivegrid/responsivegrid\", \"rightpar:responsivegrid_12345\" };\n@Rule\n public final SlingContext context = new SlingContext(ResourceResolverType.JCR_OAK);\nprivate BundleContext bundleContext;", "class_name": "PageRewriteRuleTest" }
{ "class_fields": "private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(PageRewriteRule.class);\n@org.apache.felix.scr.annotations.Property(label = \"Static Template\",\n description = \"The static template which will be updated by this Page Rewrite Rule\")\n private static final String PROP_STATIC_TEMPLATE = \"static.template\";\nprivate String staticTemplate;\n@org.apache.felix.scr.annotations.Property(label = \"Editable Template\",\n description = \"The value to update the cq:template with, this should be the new Editable Template.\")\n private static final String PROP_EDITABLE_TEMPLATE = \"editable.template\";\nprivate String editableTemplate;\n@org.apache.felix.scr.annotations.Property(label = \"Sling Resource Type\",\n description = \"The value to update the sling:resourceType with, this should be the same as the \" +\n \"new Editable Template.\")\n private static final String PROP_SLING_RESOURCE_TYPE = \"sling.resourceType\";\nprivate String slingResourceType;\n@org.apache.felix.scr.annotations.Property(label = \"Component Order\",\n cardinality = Integer.MAX_VALUE,\n description = \"Specify the order of the components in the new responsive grid. \" +\n \"Any found and unspecified are moved to the end in arbitrary order.\")\n private static final String PROP_ORDER_COMPONENTS = \"order.components\";\nprivate Map<String, List<String>> componentOrdering = new HashMap<>();\n@org.apache.felix.scr.annotations.Property(label = \"Remove Components\",\n cardinality = Integer.MAX_VALUE,\n description = \"Specify any components that may exist on the static page that can be removed.\")\n private static final String PROP_REMOVE_COMPONENTS = \"remove.components\";\nprivate String[] componentsToRemove;\n@org.apache.felix.scr.annotations.Property(label = \"Rename Components\",\n cardinality = Integer.MAX_VALUE,\n description = \"Specify new name for components as they are moved into the root responsive grid.\")\n private static final String PROP_RENAME_COMPONENTS = \"rename.components\";\nprivate Map<String, String> componentRenamed;\nprivate List<String> nested = new ArrayList<>();\nprivate int ranking = Integer.MAX_VALUE;\nprivate static final String RESPONSIVE_GRID_NODE_NAME = \"root\";", "class_name": "PageRewriteRule implements PageStructureRewriteRule", "method_signatures": "@Override public boolean matches(Node root)\n@Override public Node applyTo(Node root, Set<Node> finalNodes)\nprivate List<String> moveStructure(Node source, Node target, List<String> ignored)\nprivate void reorderChildren(List<String> names, List<String> order, Node parent)\n@Activate protected void activate(ComponentContext context)\n@Override public String getStaticTemplate()\n@Override public int getRanking()" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: bundles/aem-modernize-tools/src/main/java/com/adobe/aem/modernize/structure/impl/rules/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: PageRewriteRule implements PageStructureRewriteRule\n\nclass_fields: private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(PageRewriteRule.class);\n@org.apache.felix.scr.annotations.Property(label = \"Static Template\",\n description = \"The static template which will be updated by this Page Rewrite Rule\")\n private static final String PROP_STATIC_TEMPLATE = \"static.template\";\nprivate String staticTemplate;\n@org.apache.felix.scr.annotations.Property(label = \"Editable Template\",\n description = \"The value to update the cq:template with, this should be the new Editable Template.\")\n private static final String PROP_EDITABLE_TEMPLATE = \"editable.template\";\nprivate String editableTemplate;\n@org.apache.felix.scr.annotations.Property(label = \"Sling Resource Type\",\n description = \"The value to update the sling:resourceType with, this should be the same as the \" +\n \"new Editable Template.\")\n private static final String PROP_SLING_RESOURCE_TYPE = \"sling.resourceType\";\nprivate String slingResourceType;\n@org.apache.felix.scr.annotations.Property(label = \"Component Order\",\n cardinality = Integer.MAX_VALUE,\n description = \"Specify the order of the components in the new responsive grid. \" +\n \"Any found and unspecified are moved to the end in arbitrary order.\")\n private static final String PROP_ORDER_COMPONENTS = \"order.components\";\nprivate Map<String, List<String>> componentOrdering = new HashMap<>();\n@org.apache.felix.scr.annotations.Property(label = \"Remove Components\",\n cardinality = Integer.MAX_VALUE,\n description = \"Specify any components that may exist on the static page that can be removed.\")\n private static final String PROP_REMOVE_COMPONENTS = \"remove.components\";\nprivate String[] componentsToRemove;\n@org.apache.felix.scr.annotations.Property(label = \"Rename Components\",\n cardinality = Integer.MAX_VALUE,\n description = \"Specify new name for components as they are moved into the root responsive grid.\")\n private static final String PROP_RENAME_COMPONENTS = \"rename.components\";\nprivate Map<String, String> componentRenamed;\nprivate List<String> nested = new ArrayList<>();\nprivate int ranking = Integer.MAX_VALUE;\nprivate static final String RESPONSIVE_GRID_NODE_NAME = \"root\";\n\nmethod_signatures: @Override public boolean matches(Node root)\n@Override public Node applyTo(Node root, Set<Node> finalNodes)\nprivate List<String> moveStructure(Node source, Node target, List<String> ignored)\nprivate void reorderChildren(List<String> names, List<String> order, Node parent)\n@Activate protected void activate(ComponentContext context)\n@Override public String getStaticTemplate()\n@Override public int getRanking()\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: PageRewriteRuleTest\n\nclass_fields: private final String ROOTS_PATH = \"/libs/cq/modernize/templatestructure/content/roots\";\nprivate static final String STATIC_TEMPLATE = \"/apps/geometrixx/templates/homepage\";\nprivate static final String EDITABLE_TEMPLATE = \"/conf/geodemo/settings/wcm/templates/geometrixx-demo-home-page\";\nprivate static final String SLING_RESOURCE_TYPE = \"geodemo/components/structure/page\";\nprivate static final String[] ORDER = {\n \"responsivegrid\",\n \"responsivegrid_12345\",\n \"responsivegrid:header\",\n \"responsivegrid:title\"\n };\nprivate static final String[] REMOVE = { \"toBeRemoved\" };\nprivate static final String[] RENAME = { \"par:responsivegrid/responsivegrid\", \"rightpar:responsivegrid_12345\" };\n@Rule\n public final SlingContext context = new SlingContext(ResourceResolverType.JCR_OAK);\nprivate BundleContext bundleContext;\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file bundles/aem-modernize-tools/src/main/java/com/adobe/aem/modernize/structure/impl/rules/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n @Override\n public Node applyTo(Node root, Set<Node> finalNodes) throws RepositoryException {\n\n\n // Remove Design Property.\n if (root.hasProperty(NameConstants.PN_DESIGN_PATH)) {\n root.getProperty(NameConstants.PN_DESIGN_PATH).remove();\n }\n\n // Remove specified nodes\n List<String> remove = Arrays.asList(componentsToRemove);\n NodeIterator it = root.getNodes();\n while (it.hasNext()) {\n Node child = it.nextNode();\n if (remove.contains(child.getName())) {\n child.remove();\n }\n }\n\n Property template = root.getProperty(NameConstants.NN_TEMPLATE);\n template.setValue(editableTemplate);\n Property resourceType = root.getProperty(JcrResourceConstants.SLING_RESOURCE_TYPE_PROPERTY);\n resourceType.setValue(slingResourceType);\n\n\n Node responsiveGrid = root.addNode(RESPONSIVE_GRID_NODE_NAME, JcrConstants.NT_UNSTRUCTURED);\n responsiveGrid.setProperty(JcrResourceConstants.SLING_RESOURCE_TYPE_PROPERTY,\n RewriteUtils.RESPONSIVE_GRID_RES_TYPE);\n\n // First Copy the Root children over\n List<String> names = moveStructure(root, responsiveGrid, nested);\n // Copy & Create any nested\n for (String key : componentOrdering.keySet()) {\n\n // Ignore root, it'll be handled after everything is copied.\n if (RESPONSIVE_GRID_NODE_NAME.equals(key)) {\n continue;\n }\n\n if (!responsiveGrid.hasNode(key)) {\n Node child = responsiveGrid.addNode(key, JcrConstants.NT_UNSTRUCTURED);\n child.setProperty(JcrResourceConstants.SLING_RESOURCE_TYPE_PROPERTY, RewriteUtils.RESPONSIVE_GRID_RES_TYPE);\n }\n Node child = responsiveGrid.getNode(key);\n List<String> cn = moveStructure(root, child, names);\n reorderChildren(cn, componentOrdering.get(key), child);\n }\n\n reorderChildren(names, componentOrdering.get(RESPONSIVE_GRID_NODE_NAME), responsiveGrid);\n\n return root;\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n bundles/aem-modernize-tools/src/test/java/com/adobe/aem/modernize/structure/impl/rules/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void testApplyTo() throws Exception {\n\n Node rootNode = context.resourceResolver().getResource(ROOTS_PATH + \"/matches/jcr:content\").adaptTo(Node.class);\n\n ServiceReference ref = bundleContext.getServiceReference(StructureRewriteRule.class.getName());\n StructureRewriteRule rule = bundleContext.<StructureRewriteRule>getService(ref);\n\n Node rewrittenNode = rule.applyTo(rootNode, new HashSet<>());\n\n assertFalse(rewrittenNode.hasProperty(\"cq:designPath\"));\n assertEquals(EDITABLE_TEMPLATE, rewrittenNode.getProperty(\"cq:template\").getString());\n assertEquals(SLING_RESOURCE_TYPE, rewrittenNode.getProperty(\"sling:resourceType\").getString());\n Node rootContainer = rewrittenNode.getNode(\"root\");\n assertNotNull(rootContainer);\n assertEquals(\"nt:unstructured\", rootContainer.getPrimaryNodeType().getName());\n assertEquals(\"wcm/foundation/components/responsivegrid\", rootContainer.getProperty(\"sling:resourceType\").getString());\n NodeIterator children = rootContainer.getNodes();\n assertTrue(children.hasNext());\n Node rg = children.nextNode();\n assertEquals(\"responsivegrid\", rg.getName());\n assertTrue(children.hasNext());\n assertEquals(\"responsivegrid_12345\", children.nextNode().getName());\n assertFalse(children.hasNext());\n\n NodeIterator rgChildren = rg.getNodes();\n assertEquals(\"header\", rgChildren.nextNode().getName());\n assertTrue(rgChildren.hasNext());\n assertEquals(\"title\", rgChildren.nextNode().getName());\n assertTrue(rgChildren.hasNext());\n assertEquals(\"responsivegrid\", rgChildren.nextNode().getName());\n assertFalse(rgChildren.hasNext());\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
@Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (this == o) return true; if (!(o instanceof HashData)) return false; final HashData d = (HashData) o; return Arrays.equals(sha1, d.sha1) && Arrays.equals(md5, d.md5) && Arrays.equals(crc32, d.crc32) && name.equals( && size == d.size && prod_code == d.prod_code && os_code.equals(d.os_code) && special_code.equals(d.special_code); }
@Test public void notEqualsOtherType() { final HashData hd = new HashData( sha1, md5, crc32, name, size, prod_code, os_code, special_code); assertFalse(hd.equals("bogus")); assertFalse("bogus".equals(hd)); }
[ "equals", "equals", "equals", "equals", "equals", "equals" ]
[ "assertFalse", "equals", "assertFalse", "equals" ]
{ "class_fields": "private static final Hex hex = new Hex();\nprivate static final String name = \"c'est ne pas un name\";\nprivate static final long size = 42;\nprivate static final int prod_code = 13;\nprivate static final String os_code = \"89\";\nprivate static final String special_code = \"so fucking special\";\nprivate static byte[] sha1;\nprivate static byte[] md5;\nprivate static byte[] crc32;", "class_name": "HashDataTest" }
{ "class_fields": "public final byte[] sha1;\npublic final byte[] md5;\npublic final byte[] crc32;\npublic final String name;\npublic final long size;\npublic final int prod_code;\npublic final String os_code;\npublic final String special_code;", "class_name": "HashData", "method_signatures": "public HashData(\n byte[] sha1, byte[] md5, byte[] crc32, String name, long size,\n int prod_code, String os_code, String special_code)\n@Override public String toString()\n@Override public boolean equals(Object o)\n@Override public int hashCode()" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: core/src/main/java/com/lightboxtechnologies/nsrl/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: HashData\n\nclass_fields: public final byte[] sha1;\npublic final byte[] md5;\npublic final byte[] crc32;\npublic final String name;\npublic final long size;\npublic final int prod_code;\npublic final String os_code;\npublic final String special_code;\n\nmethod_signatures: public HashData(\n byte[] sha1, byte[] md5, byte[] crc32, String name, long size,\n int prod_code, String os_code, String special_code)\n@Override public String toString()\n@Override public boolean equals(Object o)\n@Override public int hashCode()\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: HashDataTest\n\nclass_fields: private static final Hex hex = new Hex();\nprivate static final String name = \"c'est ne pas un name\";\nprivate static final long size = 42;\nprivate static final int prod_code = 13;\nprivate static final String os_code = \"89\";\nprivate static final String special_code = \"so fucking special\";\nprivate static byte[] sha1;\nprivate static byte[] md5;\nprivate static byte[] crc32;\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file core/src/main/java/com/lightboxtechnologies/nsrl/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n @Override\n public boolean equals(Object o) {\n if (this == o) return true;\n if (!(o instanceof HashData)) return false;\n final HashData d = (HashData) o;\n return Arrays.equals(sha1, d.sha1) && Arrays.equals(md5, d.md5) &&\n Arrays.equals(crc32, d.crc32) && name.equals( &&\n size == d.size && prod_code == d.prod_code &&\n os_code.equals(d.os_code) && special_code.equals(d.special_code);\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n core/src/test/java/com/lightboxtechnologies/nsrl/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void notEqualsOtherType() {\n final HashData hd = new HashData(\n sha1, md5, crc32, name, size, prod_code, os_code, special_code);\n\n assertFalse(hd.equals(\"bogus\"));\n assertFalse(\"bogus\".equals(hd));\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
public static int copy(InputStream in, OutputStream out, byte[] buffer) throws IOException { final long count = copyLarge(in, out, buffer); return count > Integer.MAX_VALUE ? -1 : (int) count; }
@Test public void testCopyExactFull() throws IOException { final byte[] buf = new byte[1024]; final byte[] expected = new byte[10000]; final long seed = System.currentTimeMillis(); final Random rng = new Random(seed); rng.nextBytes(expected); final ByteArrayInputStream in = new ByteArrayInputStream(expected); final ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); IOUtils.copy(in, out, buf, 10000); assertArrayEquals("seed == " + seed, expected, out.toByteArray()); }
[ "copyLarge" ]
[ "currentTimeMillis", "nextBytes", "copy", "assertArrayEquals", "toByteArray" ]
{ "class_fields": "protected final Mockery context = new JUnit4Mockery();", "class_name": "IOUtilsTest" }
{ "class_fields": "", "class_name": "IOUtils extends", "method_signatures": "protected IOUtils()\npublic static int copy(InputStream in, OutputStream out, byte[] buffer)\npublic static long copyLarge(InputStream in, OutputStream out, byte[] buffer)\npublic static void copy(InputStream in, OutputStream out,\n byte[] buffer, long length)\npublic static void closeQuietly(Closeable c)\npublic static int read(InputStream in, byte[] buf)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: core/src/main/java/com/lightboxtechnologies/io/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: IOUtils extends\n\nclass_fields: \n\nmethod_signatures: protected IOUtils()\npublic static int copy(InputStream in, OutputStream out, byte[] buffer)\npublic static long copyLarge(InputStream in, OutputStream out, byte[] buffer)\npublic static void copy(InputStream in, OutputStream out,\n byte[] buffer, long length)\npublic static void closeQuietly(Closeable c)\npublic static int read(InputStream in, byte[] buf)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: IOUtilsTest\n\nclass_fields: protected final Mockery context = new JUnit4Mockery();\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file core/src/main/java/com/lightboxtechnologies/io/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n public static int copy(InputStream in, OutputStream out, byte[] buffer)\n throws IOException {\n final long count = copyLarge(in, out, buffer);\n return count > Integer.MAX_VALUE ? -1 : (int) count;\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n core/src/test/java/com/lightboxtechnologies/io/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void testCopyExactFull() throws IOException {\n final byte[] buf = new byte[1024];\n\n final byte[] expected = new byte[10000];\n final long seed = System.currentTimeMillis();\n final Random rng = new Random(seed);\n rng.nextBytes(expected);\n\n final ByteArrayInputStream in = new ByteArrayInputStream(expected);\n final ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream();\n\n IOUtils.copy(in, out, buf, 10000);\n\n assertArrayEquals(\"seed == \" + seed, expected, out.toByteArray());\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
@Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (this == o) return true; if (!(o instanceof MfgData)) return false; final MfgData d = (MfgData) o; return code.equals(d.code) && name.equals(; }
@Test public void notEqualsOtherType() { final MfgData osd = new MfgData(code, name); assertFalse(osd.equals("bogus")); assertFalse("bogus".equals(osd)); }
[ "equals", "equals" ]
[ "assertFalse", "equals", "assertFalse", "equals" ]
{ "class_fields": "private static final String code = \"SPFT\";\nprivate static final String name = \"Stay Puft Marshmallow Corporation\";", "class_name": "MfgDataTest" }
{ "class_fields": "public final String code;\npublic final String name;", "class_name": "MfgData", "method_signatures": "public MfgData(String code, String name)\n@Override public String toString()\n@Override public boolean equals(Object o)\n@Override public int hashCode()" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: core/src/main/java/com/lightboxtechnologies/nsrl/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: MfgData\n\nclass_fields: public final String code;\npublic final String name;\n\nmethod_signatures: public MfgData(String code, String name)\n@Override public String toString()\n@Override public boolean equals(Object o)\n@Override public int hashCode()\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: MfgDataTest\n\nclass_fields: private static final String code = \"SPFT\";\nprivate static final String name = \"Stay Puft Marshmallow Corporation\";\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file core/src/main/java/com/lightboxtechnologies/nsrl/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n @Override\n public boolean equals(Object o) {\n if (this == o) return true;\n if (!(o instanceof MfgData)) return false;\n final MfgData d = (MfgData) o;\n return code.equals(d.code) && name.equals(;\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n core/src/test/java/com/lightboxtechnologies/nsrl/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void notEqualsOtherType() {\n final MfgData osd = new MfgData(code, name);\n assertFalse(osd.equals(\"bogus\"));\n assertFalse(\"bogus\".equals(osd));\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
@SuppressWarnings("fallthrough") public static Object unmarshall(byte[] colSpec, byte[] colVal) { byte type = colSpec[0]; switch (type) { case LONG: return Bytes.toLong(colVal); case STRING: return Bytes.toString(colVal); case DATE: return new Date(Bytes.toLong(colVal)); case JSON: try { return mapper.readValue(colVal, 0, colVal.length, Object.class); } catch (IOException e) { // does not parse, failover to byte array } case BYTE_ARRAY: return colVal; case BUFFER_STREAM: return new BufferProxy(colVal); case FILE_STREAM: return new FileProxy(Bytes.toString(colVal)); } return null; }
@Test public void testUnmarshallByteArray() { ByteArrayOutputStream colSpec = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); colSpec.write(BYTE_ARRAY); colSpec.write('D'); byte[] c = colSpec.toByteArray(); byte[] input = new byte[] {0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05}, expected = new byte[] {0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05}; assertArrayEquals(expected, (byte[])unmarshall(c, input)); }
[ "toLong", "toString", "toLong", "readValue", "toString" ]
[ "write", "write", "toByteArray", "assertArrayEquals", "unmarshall" ]
{ "class_fields": "", "class_name": "FsEntryHBaseCommonTest" }
{ "class_fields": "public static final byte LONG = 0;\npublic static final byte STRING = 1;\npublic static final byte DATE = 2;\npublic static final byte JSON = 3;\npublic static final byte BYTE_ARRAY = 4;\npublic static final byte BUFFER_STREAM = 5;\npublic static final byte FILE_STREAM = 6;\nprivate static final ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();", "class_name": "FsEntryHBaseCommon", "method_signatures": "public static byte typeVal(Object o)\npublic static byte[] createColSpec(Object o, String colName)\npublic static byte[] createColSpec(byte type, String colName)\npublic static String colName(byte[] colSpec)\n@SuppressWarnings(\"fallthrough\") public static Object unmarshall(byte[] colSpec, byte[] colVal)\npublic static void populate(Map<byte[], byte[]> input, Map<String,Object> out, Map<String, StreamProxy> streams)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: core/src/main/java/com/lightboxtechnologies/spectrum/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: FsEntryHBaseCommon\n\nclass_fields: public static final byte LONG = 0;\npublic static final byte STRING = 1;\npublic static final byte DATE = 2;\npublic static final byte JSON = 3;\npublic static final byte BYTE_ARRAY = 4;\npublic static final byte BUFFER_STREAM = 5;\npublic static final byte FILE_STREAM = 6;\nprivate static final ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();\n\nmethod_signatures: public static byte typeVal(Object o)\npublic static byte[] createColSpec(Object o, String colName)\npublic static byte[] createColSpec(byte type, String colName)\npublic static String colName(byte[] colSpec)\n@SuppressWarnings(\"fallthrough\") public static Object unmarshall(byte[] colSpec, byte[] colVal)\npublic static void populate(Map<byte[], byte[]> input, Map<String,Object> out, Map<String, StreamProxy> streams)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: FsEntryHBaseCommonTest\n\nclass_fields: \n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file core/src/main/java/com/lightboxtechnologies/spectrum/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n @SuppressWarnings(\"fallthrough\")\n public static Object unmarshall(byte[] colSpec, byte[] colVal) {\n byte type = colSpec[0];\n switch (type) {\n case LONG:\n return Bytes.toLong(colVal);\n case STRING:\n return Bytes.toString(colVal);\n case DATE:\n return new Date(Bytes.toLong(colVal));\n case JSON:\n try {\n return mapper.readValue(colVal, 0, colVal.length, Object.class);\n }\n catch (IOException e) {\n // does not parse, failover to byte array\n }\n case BYTE_ARRAY:\n return colVal;\n case BUFFER_STREAM:\n return new BufferProxy(colVal);\n case FILE_STREAM:\n return new FileProxy(Bytes.toString(colVal));\n }\n return null;\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n core/src/test/java/com/lightboxtechnologies/spectrum/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void testUnmarshallByteArray() {\n ByteArrayOutputStream colSpec = new ByteArrayOutputStream();\n colSpec.write(BYTE_ARRAY);\n colSpec.write('D');\n byte[] c = colSpec.toByteArray();\n byte[] input = new byte[] {0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05},\n expected = new byte[] {0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05};\n assertArrayEquals(expected, (byte[])unmarshall(c, input));\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
@Override public QualityAnalysis analyzeProject(Project project) { try { ViolationsAnalysisResult violationsAnalysisResult = violationsCalculatorService.calculateAllViolation(project); if (!violationsAnalysisResult.isSuccessful()) { log.error("Quality analysis for project {} failed due '{}'", project.getName(), violationsAnalysisResult.getFailureReason().get()); return, zeroCostsForEachViolation(violationsAnalysisResult), violationsAnalysisResult.getFailureReason().get())); }"Checking the availability of the SCM system {} for project {}", project.getScmSettings(), project.getName()); if (!scmAvailabilityCheckerServiceFactory.create(project.getScmSettings()).isAvailable(project.getScmSettings())) { return, zeroCostsForEachViolation(violationsAnalysisResult), "The scm system is not available.")); } QualityAnalysis qualityAnalysis = addChangeProbabilityToEachArtifact(project, violationsAnalysisResult); if (!qualityAnalysis.isSuccessful()) { return; } qualityAnalysis = addSecureChangeProbabilityToEachArtifact(project, qualityAnalysis);"Quality analysis succeeded for project {} with {} violations.", project.getName(), violationsAnalysisResult.getViolations().size()); return; } catch (Exception e) { String errorMessage = "Unexpected error occured during quality analysis!"; log.error(errorMessage, e); return QualityAnalysis.failed(project, new ArrayList<QualityViolation>(), errorMessage); } }
@Test public void addCodeChangeProbabilityToArtefacts() throws CodeChurnCalculationException, ScmConnectionEncodingException, ResourceNotFoundException { Artefact artefactA = new Artefact("A", "A"); Artefact artefactB = new Artefact("B", "B"); ViolationOccurence violationA = new ViolationOccurence(firstRequirement, artefactA, 0); ViolationOccurence violationB = new ViolationOccurence(firstRequirement, artefactB, 0); ViolationsCalculatorService violationsCalculatorService = mock(ViolationsCalculatorService.class); when(violationsCalculatorService.calculateAllViolation(any(Project.class))) .thenReturn(ViolationsAnalysisResult.createSuccessfulAnalysis(Arrays.asList(violationA, violationB))); CodeChangeProbabilityCalculator codeChangeProbabilityCalculator = mock(CodeChangeProbabilityCalculator.class); when(codeChangeProbabilityCalculator.calculateCodeChangeProbability(any(ScmConnectionSettings.class), anyString())).thenReturn(1.2); CodeChangeProbabilityCalculatorFactory codeChangeProbabilityCalculatorFactory = createMockedCodeChangeProbabilityCalculatorFactory(); when(codeChangeProbabilityCalculatorFactory.create(any(CodeChangeSettings.class))).thenReturn(codeChangeProbabilityCalculator); QualityAnalyzerService qualityAnalyzerService = new DefaultQualityAnalyzerService(violationsCalculatorService, scmAvailabilityCheckerServiceFactory, codeChangeProbabilityCalculatorFactory, secureChangeProbabilityCalculator, costsCalculator, qualityAnalysisRepository); qualityAnalyzerService.analyzeProject(project); assertThat(artefactA.getChangeProbability()).isEqualTo(1.2); assertThat(artefactB.getChangeProbability()).isEqualTo(1.2); }
[ "calculateAllViolation", "isSuccessful", "error", "getName", "get", "getFailureReason", "save", "failed", "zeroCostsForEachViolation", "get", "getFailureReason", "info", "getScmSettings", "getName", "isAvailable", "create", "getScmSettings", "getScmSettings", "save", "failed", "zeroCostsForEachViolation", "addChangeProbabilityToEachArtifact", "isSuccessful", "save", "addSecureChangeProbabilityToEachArtifact", "info", "getName", "size", "getViolations", "save", "error", "failed" ]
[ "mock", "thenReturn", "when", "calculateAllViolation", "any", "createSuccessfulAnalysis", "asList", "mock", "thenReturn", "when", "calculateCodeChangeProbability", "any", "anyString", "createMockedCodeChangeProbabilityCalculatorFactory", "thenReturn", "when", "create", "any", "analyzeProject", "isEqualTo", "assertThat", "getChangeProbability", "isEqualTo", "assertThat", "getChangeProbability" ]
{ "class_fields": "private QualityProfile profile;\nprivate QualityRequirement firstRequirement;\nprivate QualityRequirement secondRequirement;\nprivate Project project;\nprivate ScmAvailabilityCheckerServiceFactory scmAvailabilityCheckerServiceFactory;\nprivate SecureChangeProbabilityCalculator secureChangeProbabilityCalculator;\nprivate QualityViolationCostsCalculator costsCalculator;\nprivate QualityAnalysisRepository qualityAnalysisRepository;", "class_name": "DefaultQualityAnalyzerServiceTest" }
{ "class_fields": "private final ViolationsCalculatorService violationsCalculatorService;\nprivate final ScmAvailabilityCheckerServiceFactory scmAvailabilityCheckerServiceFactory;\nprivate final CodeChangeProbabilityCalculatorFactory codeChangeProbabilityCalculatorFactory;\nprivate final SecureChangeProbabilityCalculator secureChangeProbabilityCalculator;\nprivate final QualityViolationCostsCalculator costsCalculator;\nprivate final QualityAnalysisRepository qualityAnalysisRepository;", "class_name": "DefaultQualityAnalyzerService implements QualityAnalyzerService", "method_signatures": "@Autowired public DefaultQualityAnalyzerService(ViolationsCalculatorService violationsCalculatorService,\n ScmAvailabilityCheckerServiceFactory scmAvailabilityCheckerServiceFactory,\n CodeChangeProbabilityCalculatorFactory codeChangeProbabilityCalculatorFactory,\n SecureChangeProbabilityCalculator secureChangeProbabilityCalculator,\n QualityViolationCostsCalculator costsCalculator,\n QualityAnalysisRepository qualityAnalysisRepository)\n@Override public QualityAnalysis analyzeProject(Project project)\nprivate QualityAnalysis addChangeProbabilityToEachArtifact(Project project, ViolationsAnalysisResult violationsAnalysisResult)\nprivate QualityAnalysis addSecureChangeProbabilityToEachArtifact(Project project, QualityAnalysis qualityAnalysis)\nprivate void logFailedAnalysis(Project project, Exception e)\nprivate List<QualityViolation> calculateCostsForEachViolation(SonarConnectionSettings sonarConnectionSettings, ViolationsAnalysisResult violationsAnalysisResult)\nprivate List<QualityViolation> zeroCostsForEachViolation(ViolationsAnalysisResult violationsAnalysisResult)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: quality-assessment/src/main/java/org/codeqinvest/quality/analysis/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: DefaultQualityAnalyzerService implements QualityAnalyzerService\n\nclass_fields: private final ViolationsCalculatorService violationsCalculatorService;\nprivate final ScmAvailabilityCheckerServiceFactory scmAvailabilityCheckerServiceFactory;\nprivate final CodeChangeProbabilityCalculatorFactory codeChangeProbabilityCalculatorFactory;\nprivate final SecureChangeProbabilityCalculator secureChangeProbabilityCalculator;\nprivate final QualityViolationCostsCalculator costsCalculator;\nprivate final QualityAnalysisRepository qualityAnalysisRepository;\n\nmethod_signatures: @Autowired public DefaultQualityAnalyzerService(ViolationsCalculatorService violationsCalculatorService,\n ScmAvailabilityCheckerServiceFactory scmAvailabilityCheckerServiceFactory,\n CodeChangeProbabilityCalculatorFactory codeChangeProbabilityCalculatorFactory,\n SecureChangeProbabilityCalculator secureChangeProbabilityCalculator,\n QualityViolationCostsCalculator costsCalculator,\n QualityAnalysisRepository qualityAnalysisRepository)\n@Override public QualityAnalysis analyzeProject(Project project)\nprivate QualityAnalysis addChangeProbabilityToEachArtifact(Project project, ViolationsAnalysisResult violationsAnalysisResult)\nprivate QualityAnalysis addSecureChangeProbabilityToEachArtifact(Project project, QualityAnalysis qualityAnalysis)\nprivate void logFailedAnalysis(Project project, Exception e)\nprivate List<QualityViolation> calculateCostsForEachViolation(SonarConnectionSettings sonarConnectionSettings, ViolationsAnalysisResult violationsAnalysisResult)\nprivate List<QualityViolation> zeroCostsForEachViolation(ViolationsAnalysisResult violationsAnalysisResult)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: DefaultQualityAnalyzerServiceTest\n\nclass_fields: private QualityProfile profile;\nprivate QualityRequirement firstRequirement;\nprivate QualityRequirement secondRequirement;\nprivate Project project;\nprivate ScmAvailabilityCheckerServiceFactory scmAvailabilityCheckerServiceFactory;\nprivate SecureChangeProbabilityCalculator secureChangeProbabilityCalculator;\nprivate QualityViolationCostsCalculator costsCalculator;\nprivate QualityAnalysisRepository qualityAnalysisRepository;\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file quality-assessment/src/main/java/org/codeqinvest/quality/analysis/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n @Override\n public QualityAnalysis analyzeProject(Project project) {\n try {\n ViolationsAnalysisResult violationsAnalysisResult = violationsCalculatorService.calculateAllViolation(project);\n if (!violationsAnalysisResult.isSuccessful()) {\n log.error(\"Quality analysis for project {} failed due '{}'\", project.getName(), violationsAnalysisResult.getFailureReason().get());\n return,\n zeroCostsForEachViolation(violationsAnalysisResult),\n violationsAnalysisResult.getFailureReason().get()));\n }\n\n\"Checking the availability of the SCM system {} for project {}\", project.getScmSettings(), project.getName());\n if (!scmAvailabilityCheckerServiceFactory.create(project.getScmSettings()).isAvailable(project.getScmSettings())) {\n return,\n zeroCostsForEachViolation(violationsAnalysisResult), \"The scm system is not available.\"));\n }\n\n QualityAnalysis qualityAnalysis = addChangeProbabilityToEachArtifact(project, violationsAnalysisResult);\n if (!qualityAnalysis.isSuccessful()) {\n return;\n }\n\n qualityAnalysis = addSecureChangeProbabilityToEachArtifact(project, qualityAnalysis);\n\"Quality analysis succeeded for project {} with {} violations.\", project.getName(), violationsAnalysisResult.getViolations().size());\n return;\n } catch (Exception e) {\n String errorMessage = \"Unexpected error occured during quality analysis!\";\n log.error(errorMessage, e);\n return QualityAnalysis.failed(project, new ArrayList<QualityViolation>(), errorMessage);\n }\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n quality-assessment/src/test/java/org/codeqinvest/quality/analysis/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void addCodeChangeProbabilityToArtefacts() throws CodeChurnCalculationException, ScmConnectionEncodingException, ResourceNotFoundException {\n Artefact artefactA = new Artefact(\"A\", \"A\");\n Artefact artefactB = new Artefact(\"B\", \"B\");\n\n ViolationOccurence violationA = new ViolationOccurence(firstRequirement, artefactA, 0);\n ViolationOccurence violationB = new ViolationOccurence(firstRequirement, artefactB, 0);\n\n ViolationsCalculatorService violationsCalculatorService = mock(ViolationsCalculatorService.class);\n when(violationsCalculatorService.calculateAllViolation(any(Project.class)))\n .thenReturn(ViolationsAnalysisResult.createSuccessfulAnalysis(Arrays.asList(violationA, violationB)));\n\n CodeChangeProbabilityCalculator codeChangeProbabilityCalculator = mock(CodeChangeProbabilityCalculator.class);\n when(codeChangeProbabilityCalculator.calculateCodeChangeProbability(any(ScmConnectionSettings.class), anyString())).thenReturn(1.2);\n CodeChangeProbabilityCalculatorFactory codeChangeProbabilityCalculatorFactory = createMockedCodeChangeProbabilityCalculatorFactory();\n when(codeChangeProbabilityCalculatorFactory.create(any(CodeChangeSettings.class))).thenReturn(codeChangeProbabilityCalculator);\n\n QualityAnalyzerService qualityAnalyzerService = new DefaultQualityAnalyzerService(violationsCalculatorService,\n scmAvailabilityCheckerServiceFactory, codeChangeProbabilityCalculatorFactory, secureChangeProbabilityCalculator, costsCalculator, qualityAnalysisRepository);\n qualityAnalyzerService.analyzeProject(project);\n\n assertThat(artefactA.getChangeProbability()).isEqualTo(1.2);\n assertThat(artefactB.getChangeProbability()).isEqualTo(1.2);\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
protected IdentifierData cast(Type goalType, IdentifierData oldId) throws IntermediateCodeGeneratorException { if (oldId.getIdentifier().startsWith("#")) { IdentifierData tmpId = icg.generateTempIdentifier(oldId.getType()); icg.addQuadruple(QuadrupleFactoryJb.generateAssignment(tmpId, oldId)); oldId = tmpId; } IdentifierData newId = icg.generateTempIdentifier(goalType); icg.addQuadruple(QuadrupleFactoryJb.generateCast(newId, oldId)); return newId; }
@Test public void testCastArrayToLongFails(){ try{ when(converter.icg.generateTempIdentifier(any(LongType.class))) .thenReturn(new IdentifierData("tmp", new LongType())); converter.cast(new LongType(), new IdentifierData("test", new ArrayType(new LongType(), 0))); fail(); }catch (IntermediateCodeGeneratorException e){ } }
[ "startsWith", "getIdentifier", "generateTempIdentifier", "getType", "addQuadruple", "generateAssignment", "generateTempIdentifier", "addQuadruple", "generateCast" ]
[ "thenReturn", "when", "generateTempIdentifier", "any", "cast", "fail" ]
{ "class_fields": "CastingAst2CodeConverter converter;", "class_name": "CastingAst2CodeConverterTest" }
{ "class_fields": "", "class_name": "CastingAst2CodeConverter extends AbstractAst2CodeConverter", "method_signatures": "protected IdentifierData cast(Type goalType, IdentifierData oldId)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: javabite-code-gen/src/main/java/swp_compiler_ss13/javabite/codegen/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: CastingAst2CodeConverter extends AbstractAst2CodeConverter\n\nclass_fields: \n\nmethod_signatures: protected IdentifierData cast(Type goalType, IdentifierData oldId)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: CastingAst2CodeConverterTest\n\nclass_fields: CastingAst2CodeConverter converter;\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file javabite-code-gen/src/main/java/swp_compiler_ss13/javabite/codegen/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n protected IdentifierData cast(Type goalType, IdentifierData oldId) throws IntermediateCodeGeneratorException {\n\t\tif (oldId.getIdentifier().startsWith(\"#\")) {\n\t\t\tIdentifierData tmpId = icg.generateTempIdentifier(oldId.getType());\n\t\t\ticg.addQuadruple(QuadrupleFactoryJb.generateAssignment(tmpId, oldId));\n\t\t\toldId = tmpId;\n\t\t}\n\t\tIdentifierData newId = icg.generateTempIdentifier(goalType);\n\t\ticg.addQuadruple(QuadrupleFactoryJb.generateCast(newId, oldId));\n\t\treturn newId;\n\t}\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n javabite-code-gen/src/test/java/swp_compiler_ss13/javabite/codegen/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n\t public void testCastArrayToLongFails(){\n\t try{\n\t\t when(converter.icg.generateTempIdentifier(any(LongType.class)))\n\t\t .thenReturn(new IdentifierData(\"tmp\", new LongType()));\n\t\t converter.cast(new LongType(), new IdentifierData(\"test\", \n\t\t\t\t new ArrayType(new LongType(), 0)));\n\t\t fail();\n\t }catch (IntermediateCodeGeneratorException e){\n\t \n\t }\n\t }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
public List<Production<T, NT>> getDerivationASsSequence( Word<T, NT> word_total) { Stack<State> state_stack = new Stack<>(); Stack<Symbol> symbol_stack = new Stack<>(); state_stack.push(initialState); symbol_stack.push(g.word_end); List<Production<T, NT>> productions = new LinkedList<>(); Queue<T> word = new ArrayDeque<>(word_total); word.add(g.word_end); while (!state_stack.isEmpty()) { State state = state_stack.peek(); if (state.isStateAccepting()) break; Symbol a = word.peek(); if (g.isTerminal(a)) { T t = (T) a; State nextStateTrans = state.transition.get(t); Set<Production> nextProdFollow = possibleReductionsInState(t, state); if (nextStateTrans != null && !nextProdFollow.isEmpty() || nextStateTrans == null && nextProdFollow.isEmpty() || nextProdFollow.size() > 1) { if (nextStateTrans == null && nextProdFollow.isEmpty()){ logger.warn( "behaviour not defined, policy set to DIE. next state by shift: {}, next states by follow: {}", nextStateTrans, nextProdFollow); logger.warn("current terminal: {}", a); logger.warn("productions so far: {}", productions); logger.warn("state stack {}", state_stack); logger.warn("symbol stack {}", symbol_stack); logger.warn("word actual {}", word); logger.warn("word complete {}", word_total); logger.warn("states:"); //for (State st : states) { // logger.warn("\n{}", st.descriptionAsString()); //} throw new WordNotInLanguageGrammarException( (swp_compiler_ss13.javabite.parser.targetgrammar.Terminal) t); } if (policy == AMBIGUITY_POLICY.DIE) { logger.warn( "behaviour not defined, policy set to DIE. next state by shift: {}, next states by follow: {}", nextStateTrans, nextProdFollow); logger.warn("current terminal: {}", a); logger.warn("productions so far: {}", productions); logger.warn("state stack {}", state_stack); logger.warn("symbol stack {}", symbol_stack); logger.warn("word actual {}", word); logger.warn("word complete {}", word_total); logger.warn("states:"); //for (State st : states) { // logger.warn("\n{}", st.descriptionAsString()); //} if (nextStateTrans != null && !nextProdFollow.isEmpty()) { if (t instanceof swp_compiler_ss13.javabite.parser.targetgrammar.Terminal) { throw new AmbiguityInDerivationGrammarException( (swp_compiler_ss13.javabite.parser.targetgrammar.Terminal) t); } else logger.warn("Dont know how to react..."); } else if (nextStateTrans == null && nextProdFollow.isEmpty()) { if (t instanceof swp_compiler_ss13.javabite.parser.targetgrammar.Terminal) { throw new WordNotInLanguageGrammarException( (swp_compiler_ss13.javabite.parser.targetgrammar.Terminal) t); } else logger.warn("Dont know how to react..."); } else if (nextProdFollow.size() > 1) { if (t instanceof swp_compiler_ss13.javabite.parser.targetgrammar.Terminal) { throw new AmbiguityInDerivationGrammarException( (swp_compiler_ss13.javabite.parser.targetgrammar.Terminal) t); } else logger.warn("Dont know how to react..."); } else { throw new RuntimeException( "Enexptected state reached"); } } else if (policy==AMBIGUITY_POLICY.PREFER_REDUCE){ if (nextProdFollow.size()==1){ // disable shift nextStateTrans=null; } else{ logger.error("policy PREFER_REDUCE is not applicable, because multiple or none (exact :{}) reductions are possible",nextProdFollow.size()); if (nextProdFollow.size()>1) throw new AmbiguityInDerivationGrammarException( (swp_compiler_ss13.javabite.parser.targetgrammar.Terminal) t); } } else if (policy==AMBIGUITY_POLICY.PREFER_SHIFT){"policy PREFER_SHIFT is applicable and used"); // diable of reduce not necessary nextProdFollow=null; } else{ throw new RuntimeException("Invalid Policy"); } } // do shift if possible if (nextStateTrans != null) { word.poll(); symbol_stack.push(a); state_stack.push(nextStateTrans); } else { // reduce Production todo = nextProdFollow.iterator().next(); List<Symbol> original_right_side = new LinkedList<>(); for (int i = todo.right.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { state_stack.pop(); original_right_side.add(symbol_stack.pop()); } Collections.reverse(original_right_side); State stateBeforeProduction = state_stack.peek(); State nextState = stateBeforeProduction.transition .get(todo.left); state_stack.push(nextState); symbol_stack.push(todo.left); todo.right = original_right_side; productions.add(todo); } } } return productions; }
@Test public void testDerivationSequenceSimpleBraceRightDouble(){ SLRAutomaton<SimpleT, SimpleNT> automaton=new SLRAutomaton<>(g1); Word<SimpleT,SimpleNT> original=new Word<SimpleT,SimpleNT>(g1, listTok(T_OPEN,T_OPEN,T_ID,T_CLOSE,T_CLOSE)); List<Production<SimpleT,SimpleNT>> productions=automaton.getDerivationASsSequence(original); Collections.reverse(productions); Word<SimpleT,SimpleNT> derivated=Word.getWordFromRightMostDerivation(g1, productions); assertEquals("must be the same",original,derivated); }
[ "push", "push", "add", "isEmpty", "peek", "isStateAccepting", "peek", "isTerminal", "get", "possibleReductionsInState", "isEmpty", "isEmpty", "size", "isEmpty", "warn", "warn", "warn", "warn", "warn", "warn", "warn", "warn", "warn", "warn", "warn", "warn", "warn", "warn", "warn", "warn", "isEmpty", "warn", "isEmpty", "warn", "size", "warn", "size", "error", "size", "size", "info", "poll", "push", "push", "next", "iterator", "size", "pop", "add", "pop", "reverse", "peek", "get", "push", "push", "add" ]
[ "listTok", "getDerivationASsSequence", "reverse", "getWordFromRightMostDerivation", "assertEquals" ]
{ "class_fields": "SimpleT T_ADD=new SimpleT(\"+\");\nSimpleT T_MUL=new SimpleT(\"*\");\nSimpleT T_OPEN=new SimpleT(\"(\");\nSimpleT T_CLOSE=new SimpleT(\")\");\nSimpleT T_ID=new SimpleT(\"id\");\nSimpleT T_EOF=new SimpleT(\"$\");\nSimpleT T_EPSILON=new SimpleT(\"[eps]\");\nSimpleNT E=new SimpleNT(\"E\");\nSimpleNT T=new SimpleNT(\"T\");\nSimpleNT F=new SimpleNT(\"F\");\nSimpleNT E_=new SimpleNT(\"E'\");\nfinal Grammar<SimpleT,SimpleNT> g1=new Grammar<>(E,E_,T_EOF,T_EPSILON);\nfinal Grammar<SimpleT,SimpleNT> g2=new Grammar<>(E,E_,T_EOF,T_EPSILON);", "class_name": "SLRAutomatonTest" }
{ "class_fields": "Integer state_num = 0;\nGrammar<T, NT> g;\nState initialState;\nfinal Set<State> states = new HashSet<>();\nfinal State acceptState = new State();\nAMBIGUITY_POLICY policy = AMBIGUITY_POLICY.DIE;\nLogger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(this.getClass());", "class_name": "SLRAutomaton", "method_signatures": "public SLRAutomaton(Grammar<T, NT> referenceGrammar)\npublic void setAmbiguityPolicy(AMBIGUITY_POLICY policy)\nprivate State getStateFor(Map<NT, Set<Item<T, NT>>> kernel)\nprivate int getAllStateItems()\nprivate void build()\npublic List<Production<T, NT>> getDerivationASsSequence(\n\t\t\tWord<T, NT> word_total)\nprivate Set<Production> possibleReductionsInState(T t, State st)\npublic int getNStates()" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: javabite-parser/src/main/java/swp_compiler_ss13/javabite/parser/grammar/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: SLRAutomaton\n\nclass_fields: Integer state_num = 0;\nGrammar<T, NT> g;\nState initialState;\nfinal Set<State> states = new HashSet<>();\nfinal State acceptState = new State();\nAMBIGUITY_POLICY policy = AMBIGUITY_POLICY.DIE;\nLogger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(this.getClass());\n\nmethod_signatures: public SLRAutomaton(Grammar<T, NT> referenceGrammar)\npublic void setAmbiguityPolicy(AMBIGUITY_POLICY policy)\nprivate State getStateFor(Map<NT, Set<Item<T, NT>>> kernel)\nprivate int getAllStateItems()\nprivate void build()\npublic List<Production<T, NT>> getDerivationASsSequence(\n\t\t\tWord<T, NT> word_total)\nprivate Set<Production> possibleReductionsInState(T t, State st)\npublic int getNStates()\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: SLRAutomatonTest\n\nclass_fields: SimpleT T_ADD=new SimpleT(\"+\");\nSimpleT T_MUL=new SimpleT(\"*\");\nSimpleT T_OPEN=new SimpleT(\"(\");\nSimpleT T_CLOSE=new SimpleT(\")\");\nSimpleT T_ID=new SimpleT(\"id\");\nSimpleT T_EOF=new SimpleT(\"$\");\nSimpleT T_EPSILON=new SimpleT(\"[eps]\");\nSimpleNT E=new SimpleNT(\"E\");\nSimpleNT T=new SimpleNT(\"T\");\nSimpleNT F=new SimpleNT(\"F\");\nSimpleNT E_=new SimpleNT(\"E'\");\nfinal Grammar<SimpleT,SimpleNT> g1=new Grammar<>(E,E_,T_EOF,T_EPSILON);\nfinal Grammar<SimpleT,SimpleNT> g2=new Grammar<>(E,E_,T_EOF,T_EPSILON);\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file javabite-parser/src/main/java/swp_compiler_ss13/javabite/parser/grammar/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n public List<Production<T, NT>> getDerivationASsSequence(\n\t\t\tWord<T, NT> word_total) {\n\n\t\tStack<State> state_stack = new Stack<>();\n\t\tStack<Symbol> symbol_stack = new Stack<>();\n\t\tstate_stack.push(initialState);\n\t\tsymbol_stack.push(g.word_end);\n\n\t\tList<Production<T, NT>> productions = new LinkedList<>();\n\t\tQueue<T> word = new ArrayDeque<>(word_total);\n\t\tword.add(g.word_end);\n\t\twhile (!state_stack.isEmpty()) {\n\t\t\tState state = state_stack.peek();\n\t\t\tif (state.isStateAccepting())\n\t\t\t\tbreak;\n\n\t\t\tSymbol a = word.peek();\n\t\t\tif (g.isTerminal(a)) {\n\t\t\t\tT t = (T) a;\n\t\t\t\tState nextStateTrans = state.transition.get(t);\n\t\t\t\tSet<Production> nextProdFollow = possibleReductionsInState(t,\n\t\t\t\t\t\tstate);\n\t\t\t\tif (nextStateTrans != null && !nextProdFollow.isEmpty()\n\t\t\t\t\t\t|| nextStateTrans == null && nextProdFollow.isEmpty()\n\t\t\t\t\t\t|| nextProdFollow.size() > 1) {\n\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\tif (nextStateTrans == null && nextProdFollow.isEmpty()){\n\t\t\t\t\t\tlogger.warn(\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\"behaviour not defined, policy set to DIE. next state by shift: {}, next states by follow: {}\",\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tnextStateTrans, nextProdFollow);\n\t\t\t\t\t\tlogger.warn(\"current terminal: {}\", a);\n\t\t\t\t\t\tlogger.warn(\"productions so far: {}\", productions);\n\t\t\t\t\t\tlogger.warn(\"state stack {}\", state_stack);\n\t\t\t\t\t\tlogger.warn(\"symbol stack {}\", symbol_stack);\n\t\t\t\t\t\tlogger.warn(\"word actual {}\", word);\n\t\t\t\t\t\tlogger.warn(\"word complete {}\", word_total);\n\t\t\t\t\t\tlogger.warn(\"states:\");\n\t\t\t\t\t\t//for (State st : states) {\n\t\t\t\t\t\t//\tlogger.warn(\"\\n{}\", st.descriptionAsString());\n\t\t\t\t\t\t//}\n\t\t\t\t\t\tthrow new WordNotInLanguageGrammarException(\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t(swp_compiler_ss13.javabite.parser.targetgrammar.Terminal) t);\n\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\tif (policy == AMBIGUITY_POLICY.DIE) {\n\t\t\t\t\t\tlogger.warn(\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\"behaviour not defined, policy set to DIE. next state by shift: {}, next states by follow: {}\",\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tnextStateTrans, nextProdFollow);\n\t\t\t\t\t\tlogger.warn(\"current terminal: {}\", a);\n\t\t\t\t\t\tlogger.warn(\"productions so far: {}\", productions);\n\t\t\t\t\t\tlogger.warn(\"state stack {}\", state_stack);\n\t\t\t\t\t\tlogger.warn(\"symbol stack {}\", symbol_stack);\n\t\t\t\t\t\tlogger.warn(\"word actual {}\", word);\n\t\t\t\t\t\tlogger.warn(\"word complete {}\", word_total);\n\t\t\t\t\t\tlogger.warn(\"states:\");\n\t\t\t\t\t\t//for (State st : states) {\n\t\t\t\t\t\t//\tlogger.warn(\"\\n{}\", st.descriptionAsString());\n\t\t\t\t\t\t//}\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\tif (nextStateTrans != null && !nextProdFollow.isEmpty()) {\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tif (t instanceof swp_compiler_ss13.javabite.parser.targetgrammar.Terminal) {\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tthrow new AmbiguityInDerivationGrammarException(\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t(swp_compiler_ss13.javabite.parser.targetgrammar.Terminal) t);\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t} else\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tlogger.warn(\"Dont know how to react...\");\n\t\t\t\t\t\t} else if (nextStateTrans == null\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t&& nextProdFollow.isEmpty()) {\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tif (t instanceof swp_compiler_ss13.javabite.parser.targetgrammar.Terminal) {\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tthrow new WordNotInLanguageGrammarException(\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t(swp_compiler_ss13.javabite.parser.targetgrammar.Terminal) t);\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t} else\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tlogger.warn(\"Dont know how to react...\");\n\t\t\t\t\t\t} else if (nextProdFollow.size() > 1) {\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tif (t instanceof swp_compiler_ss13.javabite.parser.targetgrammar.Terminal) {\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tthrow new AmbiguityInDerivationGrammarException(\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t(swp_compiler_ss13.javabite.parser.targetgrammar.Terminal) t);\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t} else\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tlogger.warn(\"Dont know how to react...\");\n\t\t\t\t\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tthrow new RuntimeException(\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\"Enexptected state reached\");\n\t\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t\telse if (policy==AMBIGUITY_POLICY.PREFER_REDUCE){\n\t\t\t\t\t\tif (nextProdFollow.size()==1){\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t// disable shift\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tnextStateTrans=null;\n\t\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t\t\telse{\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tlogger.error(\"policy PREFER_REDUCE is not applicable, because multiple or none (exact :{}) reductions are possible\",nextProdFollow.size());\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tif (nextProdFollow.size()>1)\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tthrow new AmbiguityInDerivationGrammarException(\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t(swp_compiler_ss13.javabite.parser.targetgrammar.Terminal) t);\n\t\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t\telse if (policy==AMBIGUITY_POLICY.PREFER_SHIFT){\n\t\t\t\t\t\\"policy PREFER_SHIFT is applicable and used\");\n\t\t\t\t\t\t// diable of reduce not necessary\n\t\t\t\t\t\tnextProdFollow=null;\n\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t\telse{\n\t\t\t\t\t\tthrow new RuntimeException(\"Invalid Policy\");\n\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t// do shift if possible\n\t\t\t\tif (nextStateTrans != null) {\n\t\t\t\t\tword.poll();\n\t\t\t\t\tsymbol_stack.push(a);\n\t\t\t\t\tstate_stack.push(nextStateTrans);\n\t\t\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t\t\t// reduce\n\t\t\t\t\tProduction todo = nextProdFollow.iterator().next();\n\t\t\t\t\tList<Symbol> original_right_side = new LinkedList<>();\n\t\t\t\t\tfor (int i = todo.right.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {\n\t\t\t\t\t\tstate_stack.pop();\n\t\t\t\t\t\toriginal_right_side.add(symbol_stack.pop());\n\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t\tCollections.reverse(original_right_side);\n\t\t\t\t\tState stateBeforeProduction = state_stack.peek();\n\t\t\t\t\tState nextState = stateBeforeProduction.transition\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t.get(todo.left);\n\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\tstate_stack.push(nextState);\n\t\t\t\t\tsymbol_stack.push(todo.left);\n\t\t\t\t\ttodo.right = original_right_side;\n\t\t\t\t\tproductions.add(todo);\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t\treturn productions;\n\t}\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n javabite-parser/src/test/java/swp_compiler_ss13/javabite/parser/grammar/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n\tpublic void testDerivationSequenceSimpleBraceRightDouble(){\n\t\tSLRAutomaton<SimpleT, SimpleNT> automaton=new SLRAutomaton<>(g1);\n\t\tWord<SimpleT,SimpleNT> original=new Word<SimpleT,SimpleNT>(g1, listTok(T_OPEN,T_OPEN,T_ID,T_CLOSE,T_CLOSE));\n\t\tList<Production<SimpleT,SimpleNT>> productions=automaton.getDerivationASsSequence(original);\n\t\tCollections.reverse(productions);\n\t\tWord<SimpleT,SimpleNT> derivated=Word.getWordFromRightMostDerivation(g1, productions); \n\t\tassertEquals(\"must be the same\",original,derivated);\n\t}\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
protected IdentifierData cast(Type goalType, IdentifierData oldId) throws IntermediateCodeGeneratorException { if (oldId.getIdentifier().startsWith("#")) { IdentifierData tmpId = icg.generateTempIdentifier(oldId.getType()); icg.addQuadruple(QuadrupleFactoryJb.generateAssignment(tmpId, oldId)); oldId = tmpId; } IdentifierData newId = icg.generateTempIdentifier(goalType); icg.addQuadruple(QuadrupleFactoryJb.generateCast(newId, oldId)); return newId; }
@Test public void testCastCastStructToArrayFails(){ try { when(converter.icg.generateTempIdentifier(any(ArrayType.class))) .thenReturn(new IdentifierData("tmp", new ArrayType(new LongType(), 0))); converter.cast(new StringType(0l), new IdentifierData("test", new StructType( new Member[] { new Member("", new LongType()) }))); fail(); } catch (IntermediateCodeGeneratorException e) { } }
[ "startsWith", "getIdentifier", "generateTempIdentifier", "getType", "addQuadruple", "generateAssignment", "generateTempIdentifier", "addQuadruple", "generateCast" ]
[ "thenReturn", "when", "generateTempIdentifier", "any", "cast", "fail" ]
{ "class_fields": "CastingAst2CodeConverter converter;", "class_name": "CastingAst2CodeConverterTest" }
{ "class_fields": "", "class_name": "CastingAst2CodeConverter extends AbstractAst2CodeConverter", "method_signatures": "protected IdentifierData cast(Type goalType, IdentifierData oldId)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: javabite-code-gen/src/main/java/swp_compiler_ss13/javabite/codegen/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: CastingAst2CodeConverter extends AbstractAst2CodeConverter\n\nclass_fields: \n\nmethod_signatures: protected IdentifierData cast(Type goalType, IdentifierData oldId)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: CastingAst2CodeConverterTest\n\nclass_fields: CastingAst2CodeConverter converter;\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file javabite-code-gen/src/main/java/swp_compiler_ss13/javabite/codegen/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n protected IdentifierData cast(Type goalType, IdentifierData oldId) throws IntermediateCodeGeneratorException {\n\t\tif (oldId.getIdentifier().startsWith(\"#\")) {\n\t\t\tIdentifierData tmpId = icg.generateTempIdentifier(oldId.getType());\n\t\t\ticg.addQuadruple(QuadrupleFactoryJb.generateAssignment(tmpId, oldId));\n\t\t\toldId = tmpId;\n\t\t}\n\t\tIdentifierData newId = icg.generateTempIdentifier(goalType);\n\t\ticg.addQuadruple(QuadrupleFactoryJb.generateCast(newId, oldId));\n\t\treturn newId;\n\t}\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n javabite-code-gen/src/test/java/swp_compiler_ss13/javabite/codegen/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n\tpublic void testCastCastStructToArrayFails(){\n\t\ttry {\n\t\t\twhen(converter.icg.generateTempIdentifier(any(ArrayType.class)))\n\t\t\t\t\t.thenReturn(new IdentifierData(\"tmp\",\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tnew ArrayType(new LongType(), 0)));\n\t\t\tconverter.cast(new StringType(0l), new IdentifierData(\"test\",\n\t\t\t\t\tnew StructType( new Member[] { new Member(\"\",\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tnew LongType()) })));\n\t\t\tfail();\n\t\t} catch (IntermediateCodeGeneratorException e) {\n\t\t}\n\t}\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
public QualityInvestmentPlan computeInvestmentPlan(QualityAnalysis analysis, String basePackage, int investmentInMinutes) { Multimap<Double, QualityViolation> violationsByProfit = ArrayListMultimap.create(); for (QualityViolation violation : filterViolationsByArtefactNameStartingWith(basePackage, analysis.getViolations())) { double profit = profitCalculator.calculateProfit(violation); if (Math.round(profit) > 0) { violationsByProfit.put(profit, violation); } } List<Double> allProfits = new ArrayList<Double>(); for (Double profit : violationsByProfit.keySet()) { int numberOfViolations = violationsByProfit.get(profit).size(); for (int i = 0; i < numberOfViolations; i++) { allProfits.add(profit); } } Collections.sort(allProfits, new DescendingComparator<Double>()); Set<QualityInvestmentPlanEntry> investmentPlanEntries = Sets.newTreeSet(); int toInvest = investmentInMinutes; int invested = 0; for (double profit : allProfits) { List<QualityViolation> violations = new ArrayList<QualityViolation>(violationsByProfit.get(profit)); Collections.sort(violations, new ViolationByRemediationCostsComparator()); for (QualityViolation violation : violations) { int remediationCost = violation.getRemediationCosts(); if (remediationCost <= toInvest) { invested += remediationCost; toInvest -= remediationCost; QualityRequirement requirement = violation.getRequirement(); investmentPlanEntries.add(new QualityInvestmentPlanEntry( requirement.getMetricIdentifier(), requirement.getOperator() + " " + requirement.getThreshold(), violation.getArtefact().getName(), violation.getArtefact().getShortClassName(), (int) Math.round(profit), remediationCost)); } } } final int overallProfit = calculateOverallProfit(investmentPlanEntries); return new QualityInvestmentPlan(basePackage, invested, overallProfit, calculateRoi(investmentPlanEntries, overallProfit), investmentPlanEntries); }
@Test public void whenInvestmentIsSmallerThanPossibleOverallProfitOnlyTheInvestedAmountShouldBeCalculated() { QualityInvestmentPlan qualityInvestmentPlan = investmentPlanService.computeInvestmentPlan(analysis, "", 35); assertThat(qualityInvestmentPlan.getProfitInMinutes()).isEqualTo(220); assertThat(qualityInvestmentPlan.getInvestmentInMinutes()).isEqualTo(20); }
[ "create", "filterViolationsByArtefactNameStartingWith", "getViolations", "calculateProfit", "round", "put", "keySet", "size", "get", "add", "sort", "newTreeSet", "get", "sort", "getRemediationCosts", "getRequirement", "add", "getMetricIdentifier", "getOperator", "getThreshold", "getName", "getArtefact", "getShortClassName", "getArtefact", "round", "calculateOverallProfit", "calculateRoi" ]
[ "computeInvestmentPlan", "isEqualTo", "assertThat", "getProfitInMinutes", "isEqualTo", "assertThat", "getInvestmentInMinutes" ]
{ "class_fields": "private QualityInvestmentPlanService investmentPlanService;\nprivate ProfitCalculator profitCalculator;\nprivate QualityAnalysis analysis;", "class_name": "QualityInvestmentPlanServiceTest" }
{ "class_fields": "private final ProfitCalculator profitCalculator;", "class_name": "QualityInvestmentPlanService", "method_signatures": "@Autowired public QualityInvestmentPlanService(ProfitCalculator profitCalculator)\npublic QualityInvestmentPlan computeInvestmentPlan(QualityAnalysis analysis, String basePackage, int investmentInMinutes)\nprivate int calculateOverallProfit(Set<QualityInvestmentPlanEntry> investmentPlanEntries)\nprivate Collection<QualityViolation> filterViolationsByArtefactNameStartingWith(String basePackage, List<QualityViolation> violations)\nprivate int calculateRoi(Set<QualityInvestmentPlanEntry> investmentPlanEntries, int overallProfit)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: investment-decision-making/src/main/java/org/codeqinvest/investment/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: QualityInvestmentPlanService\n\nclass_fields: private final ProfitCalculator profitCalculator;\n\nmethod_signatures: @Autowired public QualityInvestmentPlanService(ProfitCalculator profitCalculator)\npublic QualityInvestmentPlan computeInvestmentPlan(QualityAnalysis analysis, String basePackage, int investmentInMinutes)\nprivate int calculateOverallProfit(Set<QualityInvestmentPlanEntry> investmentPlanEntries)\nprivate Collection<QualityViolation> filterViolationsByArtefactNameStartingWith(String basePackage, List<QualityViolation> violations)\nprivate int calculateRoi(Set<QualityInvestmentPlanEntry> investmentPlanEntries, int overallProfit)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: QualityInvestmentPlanServiceTest\n\nclass_fields: private QualityInvestmentPlanService investmentPlanService;\nprivate ProfitCalculator profitCalculator;\nprivate QualityAnalysis analysis;\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file investment-decision-making/src/main/java/org/codeqinvest/investment/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n public QualityInvestmentPlan computeInvestmentPlan(QualityAnalysis analysis, String basePackage, int investmentInMinutes) {\n Multimap<Double, QualityViolation> violationsByProfit = ArrayListMultimap.create();\n for (QualityViolation violation : filterViolationsByArtefactNameStartingWith(basePackage, analysis.getViolations())) {\n double profit = profitCalculator.calculateProfit(violation);\n if (Math.round(profit) > 0) {\n violationsByProfit.put(profit, violation);\n }\n }\n\n List<Double> allProfits = new ArrayList<Double>();\n for (Double profit : violationsByProfit.keySet()) {\n int numberOfViolations = violationsByProfit.get(profit).size();\n for (int i = 0; i < numberOfViolations; i++) {\n allProfits.add(profit);\n }\n }\n Collections.sort(allProfits, new DescendingComparator<Double>());\n\n Set<QualityInvestmentPlanEntry> investmentPlanEntries = Sets.newTreeSet();\n int toInvest = investmentInMinutes;\n int invested = 0;\n\n for (double profit : allProfits) {\n List<QualityViolation> violations = new ArrayList<QualityViolation>(violationsByProfit.get(profit));\n Collections.sort(violations, new ViolationByRemediationCostsComparator());\n\n for (QualityViolation violation : violations) {\n int remediationCost = violation.getRemediationCosts();\n if (remediationCost <= toInvest) {\n\n invested += remediationCost;\n toInvest -= remediationCost;\n\n QualityRequirement requirement = violation.getRequirement();\n investmentPlanEntries.add(new QualityInvestmentPlanEntry(\n requirement.getMetricIdentifier(),\n requirement.getOperator() + \" \" + requirement.getThreshold(),\n violation.getArtefact().getName(),\n violation.getArtefact().getShortClassName(),\n (int) Math.round(profit),\n remediationCost));\n }\n }\n }\n\n final int overallProfit = calculateOverallProfit(investmentPlanEntries);\n return new QualityInvestmentPlan(basePackage,\n invested,\n overallProfit,\n calculateRoi(investmentPlanEntries, overallProfit),\n investmentPlanEntries);\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n investment-decision-making/src/test/java/org/codeqinvest/investment/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void whenInvestmentIsSmallerThanPossibleOverallProfitOnlyTheInvestedAmountShouldBeCalculated() {\n QualityInvestmentPlan qualityInvestmentPlan = investmentPlanService.computeInvestmentPlan(analysis, \"\", 35);\n assertThat(qualityInvestmentPlan.getProfitInMinutes()).isEqualTo(220);\n assertThat(qualityInvestmentPlan.getInvestmentInMinutes()).isEqualTo(20);\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
protected IdentifierData cast(Type goalType, IdentifierData oldId) throws IntermediateCodeGeneratorException { if (oldId.getIdentifier().startsWith("#")) { IdentifierData tmpId = icg.generateTempIdentifier(oldId.getType()); icg.addQuadruple(QuadrupleFactoryJb.generateAssignment(tmpId, oldId)); oldId = tmpId; } IdentifierData newId = icg.generateTempIdentifier(goalType); icg.addQuadruple(QuadrupleFactoryJb.generateCast(newId, oldId)); return newId; }
@Test public void testCastLongToDouble() { try { when(converter.icg.generateTempIdentifier(any(DoubleType.class))) .thenReturn(new IdentifierData("tmp", new DoubleType())); converter.cast(new DoubleType(), new IdentifierData("test", new LongType())); verify(converter.icg).addQuadruple( new QuadrupleJb(Operator.LONG_TO_DOUBLE, "test", Quadruple.EmptyArgument, "tmp")); } catch (IntermediateCodeGeneratorException e) { fail(); } }
[ "startsWith", "getIdentifier", "generateTempIdentifier", "getType", "addQuadruple", "generateAssignment", "generateTempIdentifier", "addQuadruple", "generateCast" ]
[ "thenReturn", "when", "generateTempIdentifier", "any", "cast", "addQuadruple", "verify", "fail" ]
{ "class_fields": "CastingAst2CodeConverter converter;", "class_name": "CastingAst2CodeConverterTest" }
{ "class_fields": "", "class_name": "CastingAst2CodeConverter extends AbstractAst2CodeConverter", "method_signatures": "protected IdentifierData cast(Type goalType, IdentifierData oldId)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: javabite-code-gen/src/main/java/swp_compiler_ss13/javabite/codegen/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: CastingAst2CodeConverter extends AbstractAst2CodeConverter\n\nclass_fields: \n\nmethod_signatures: protected IdentifierData cast(Type goalType, IdentifierData oldId)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: CastingAst2CodeConverterTest\n\nclass_fields: CastingAst2CodeConverter converter;\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file javabite-code-gen/src/main/java/swp_compiler_ss13/javabite/codegen/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n protected IdentifierData cast(Type goalType, IdentifierData oldId) throws IntermediateCodeGeneratorException {\n\t\tif (oldId.getIdentifier().startsWith(\"#\")) {\n\t\t\tIdentifierData tmpId = icg.generateTempIdentifier(oldId.getType());\n\t\t\ticg.addQuadruple(QuadrupleFactoryJb.generateAssignment(tmpId, oldId));\n\t\t\toldId = tmpId;\n\t\t}\n\t\tIdentifierData newId = icg.generateTempIdentifier(goalType);\n\t\ticg.addQuadruple(QuadrupleFactoryJb.generateCast(newId, oldId));\n\t\treturn newId;\n\t}\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n javabite-code-gen/src/test/java/swp_compiler_ss13/javabite/codegen/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n\tpublic void testCastLongToDouble() {\n\t\ttry {\n\t\t\twhen(converter.icg.generateTempIdentifier(any(DoubleType.class)))\n\t\t\t\t\t.thenReturn(new IdentifierData(\"tmp\", new DoubleType()));\n\t\t\tconverter.cast(new DoubleType(), new IdentifierData(\"test\",\n\t\t\t\t\tnew LongType()));\n\t\t\tverify(converter.icg).addQuadruple(\n\t\t\t\t\tnew QuadrupleJb(Operator.LONG_TO_DOUBLE, \"test\",\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tQuadruple.EmptyArgument, \"tmp\"));\n\t\t} catch (IntermediateCodeGeneratorException e) {\n\t\t\tfail();\n\t\t}\n\t}\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
protected IdentifierData cast(Type goalType, IdentifierData oldId) throws IntermediateCodeGeneratorException { if (oldId.getIdentifier().startsWith("#")) { IdentifierData tmpId = icg.generateTempIdentifier(oldId.getType()); icg.addQuadruple(QuadrupleFactoryJb.generateAssignment(tmpId, oldId)); oldId = tmpId; } IdentifierData newId = icg.generateTempIdentifier(goalType); icg.addQuadruple(QuadrupleFactoryJb.generateCast(newId, oldId)); return newId; }
@Test public void testCastStructToLongFails(){ try{ when(converter.icg.generateTempIdentifier(any(LongType.class))) .thenReturn(new IdentifierData("tmp", new LongType())); converter.cast(new LongType(), new IdentifierData("test", new StructType( new Member[] { new Member("", new LongType()) }))); }catch (IntermediateCodeGeneratorException e){ } }
[ "startsWith", "getIdentifier", "generateTempIdentifier", "getType", "addQuadruple", "generateAssignment", "generateTempIdentifier", "addQuadruple", "generateCast" ]
[ "thenReturn", "when", "generateTempIdentifier", "any", "cast" ]
{ "class_fields": "CastingAst2CodeConverter converter;", "class_name": "CastingAst2CodeConverterTest" }
{ "class_fields": "", "class_name": "CastingAst2CodeConverter extends AbstractAst2CodeConverter", "method_signatures": "protected IdentifierData cast(Type goalType, IdentifierData oldId)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: javabite-code-gen/src/main/java/swp_compiler_ss13/javabite/codegen/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: CastingAst2CodeConverter extends AbstractAst2CodeConverter\n\nclass_fields: \n\nmethod_signatures: protected IdentifierData cast(Type goalType, IdentifierData oldId)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: CastingAst2CodeConverterTest\n\nclass_fields: CastingAst2CodeConverter converter;\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file javabite-code-gen/src/main/java/swp_compiler_ss13/javabite/codegen/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n protected IdentifierData cast(Type goalType, IdentifierData oldId) throws IntermediateCodeGeneratorException {\n\t\tif (oldId.getIdentifier().startsWith(\"#\")) {\n\t\t\tIdentifierData tmpId = icg.generateTempIdentifier(oldId.getType());\n\t\t\ticg.addQuadruple(QuadrupleFactoryJb.generateAssignment(tmpId, oldId));\n\t\t\toldId = tmpId;\n\t\t}\n\t\tIdentifierData newId = icg.generateTempIdentifier(goalType);\n\t\ticg.addQuadruple(QuadrupleFactoryJb.generateCast(newId, oldId));\n\t\treturn newId;\n\t}\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n javabite-code-gen/src/test/java/swp_compiler_ss13/javabite/codegen/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n\tpublic void testCastStructToLongFails(){\n\t\ttry{\n\t\t\twhen(converter.icg.generateTempIdentifier(any(LongType.class)))\n\t\t\t\t\t.thenReturn(new IdentifierData(\"tmp\", new LongType()));\n\t\t\tconverter.cast(new LongType(), new IdentifierData(\"test\", \n\t\t\t\t\tnew StructType( new Member[] { new Member(\"\",\n\t\t\t\t\tnew LongType()) })));\n\t\t}catch (IntermediateCodeGeneratorException e){\n\t\t\t\n\t\t}\n\t}\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
protected IdentifierData cast(Type goalType, IdentifierData oldId) throws IntermediateCodeGeneratorException { if (oldId.getIdentifier().startsWith("#")) { IdentifierData tmpId = icg.generateTempIdentifier(oldId.getType()); icg.addQuadruple(QuadrupleFactoryJb.generateAssignment(tmpId, oldId)); oldId = tmpId; } IdentifierData newId = icg.generateTempIdentifier(goalType); icg.addQuadruple(QuadrupleFactoryJb.generateCast(newId, oldId)); return newId; }
@Test public void testCastStringToBooleanFails() { try { when(converter.icg.generateTempIdentifier(any(BooleanType.class))) .thenReturn(new IdentifierData("tmp", new BooleanType())); converter.cast(new BooleanType(), new IdentifierData("test", new StringType(0l))); fail(); } catch (IntermediateCodeGeneratorException e) { } }
[ "startsWith", "getIdentifier", "generateTempIdentifier", "getType", "addQuadruple", "generateAssignment", "generateTempIdentifier", "addQuadruple", "generateCast" ]
[ "thenReturn", "when", "generateTempIdentifier", "any", "cast", "fail" ]
{ "class_fields": "CastingAst2CodeConverter converter;", "class_name": "CastingAst2CodeConverterTest" }
{ "class_fields": "", "class_name": "CastingAst2CodeConverter extends AbstractAst2CodeConverter", "method_signatures": "protected IdentifierData cast(Type goalType, IdentifierData oldId)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: javabite-code-gen/src/main/java/swp_compiler_ss13/javabite/codegen/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: CastingAst2CodeConverter extends AbstractAst2CodeConverter\n\nclass_fields: \n\nmethod_signatures: protected IdentifierData cast(Type goalType, IdentifierData oldId)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: CastingAst2CodeConverterTest\n\nclass_fields: CastingAst2CodeConverter converter;\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file javabite-code-gen/src/main/java/swp_compiler_ss13/javabite/codegen/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n protected IdentifierData cast(Type goalType, IdentifierData oldId) throws IntermediateCodeGeneratorException {\n\t\tif (oldId.getIdentifier().startsWith(\"#\")) {\n\t\t\tIdentifierData tmpId = icg.generateTempIdentifier(oldId.getType());\n\t\t\ticg.addQuadruple(QuadrupleFactoryJb.generateAssignment(tmpId, oldId));\n\t\t\toldId = tmpId;\n\t\t}\n\t\tIdentifierData newId = icg.generateTempIdentifier(goalType);\n\t\ticg.addQuadruple(QuadrupleFactoryJb.generateCast(newId, oldId));\n\t\treturn newId;\n\t}\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n javabite-code-gen/src/test/java/swp_compiler_ss13/javabite/codegen/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n\t public void testCastStringToBooleanFails() {\n\t try {\n\t when(converter.icg.generateTempIdentifier(any(BooleanType.class)))\n\t .thenReturn(new IdentifierData(\"tmp\", new BooleanType()));\n\t converter.cast(new BooleanType(), new IdentifierData(\"test\",\n\t new StringType(0l)));\n\t fail();\n\t } catch (IntermediateCodeGeneratorException e) {\n\t }\n\t }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
public List<Production<T, NT>> getDerivationASsSequence( Word<T, NT> word_total) { Stack<State> state_stack = new Stack<>(); Stack<Symbol> symbol_stack = new Stack<>(); state_stack.push(initialState); symbol_stack.push(g.word_end); List<Production<T, NT>> productions = new LinkedList<>(); Queue<T> word = new ArrayDeque<>(word_total); word.add(g.word_end); while (!state_stack.isEmpty()) { State state = state_stack.peek(); if (state.isStateAccepting()) break; Symbol a = word.peek(); if (g.isTerminal(a)) { T t = (T) a; State nextStateTrans = state.transition.get(t); Set<Production> nextProdFollow = possibleReductionsInState(t, state); if (nextStateTrans != null && !nextProdFollow.isEmpty() || nextStateTrans == null && nextProdFollow.isEmpty() || nextProdFollow.size() > 1) { if (nextStateTrans == null && nextProdFollow.isEmpty()){ logger.warn( "behaviour not defined, policy set to DIE. next state by shift: {}, next states by follow: {}", nextStateTrans, nextProdFollow); logger.warn("current terminal: {}", a); logger.warn("productions so far: {}", productions); logger.warn("state stack {}", state_stack); logger.warn("symbol stack {}", symbol_stack); logger.warn("word actual {}", word); logger.warn("word complete {}", word_total); logger.warn("states:"); //for (State st : states) { // logger.warn("\n{}", st.descriptionAsString()); //} throw new WordNotInLanguageGrammarException( (swp_compiler_ss13.javabite.parser.targetgrammar.Terminal) t); } if (policy == AMBIGUITY_POLICY.DIE) { logger.warn( "behaviour not defined, policy set to DIE. next state by shift: {}, next states by follow: {}", nextStateTrans, nextProdFollow); logger.warn("current terminal: {}", a); logger.warn("productions so far: {}", productions); logger.warn("state stack {}", state_stack); logger.warn("symbol stack {}", symbol_stack); logger.warn("word actual {}", word); logger.warn("word complete {}", word_total); logger.warn("states:"); //for (State st : states) { // logger.warn("\n{}", st.descriptionAsString()); //} if (nextStateTrans != null && !nextProdFollow.isEmpty()) { if (t instanceof swp_compiler_ss13.javabite.parser.targetgrammar.Terminal) { throw new AmbiguityInDerivationGrammarException( (swp_compiler_ss13.javabite.parser.targetgrammar.Terminal) t); } else logger.warn("Dont know how to react..."); } else if (nextStateTrans == null && nextProdFollow.isEmpty()) { if (t instanceof swp_compiler_ss13.javabite.parser.targetgrammar.Terminal) { throw new WordNotInLanguageGrammarException( (swp_compiler_ss13.javabite.parser.targetgrammar.Terminal) t); } else logger.warn("Dont know how to react..."); } else if (nextProdFollow.size() > 1) { if (t instanceof swp_compiler_ss13.javabite.parser.targetgrammar.Terminal) { throw new AmbiguityInDerivationGrammarException( (swp_compiler_ss13.javabite.parser.targetgrammar.Terminal) t); } else logger.warn("Dont know how to react..."); } else { throw new RuntimeException( "Enexptected state reached"); } } else if (policy==AMBIGUITY_POLICY.PREFER_REDUCE){ if (nextProdFollow.size()==1){ // disable shift nextStateTrans=null; } else{ logger.error("policy PREFER_REDUCE is not applicable, because multiple or none (exact :{}) reductions are possible",nextProdFollow.size()); if (nextProdFollow.size()>1) throw new AmbiguityInDerivationGrammarException( (swp_compiler_ss13.javabite.parser.targetgrammar.Terminal) t); } } else if (policy==AMBIGUITY_POLICY.PREFER_SHIFT){"policy PREFER_SHIFT is applicable and used"); // diable of reduce not necessary nextProdFollow=null; } else{ throw new RuntimeException("Invalid Policy"); } } // do shift if possible if (nextStateTrans != null) { word.poll(); symbol_stack.push(a); state_stack.push(nextStateTrans); } else { // reduce Production todo = nextProdFollow.iterator().next(); List<Symbol> original_right_side = new LinkedList<>(); for (int i = todo.right.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { state_stack.pop(); original_right_side.add(symbol_stack.pop()); } Collections.reverse(original_right_side); State stateBeforeProduction = state_stack.peek(); State nextState = stateBeforeProduction.transition .get(todo.left); state_stack.push(nextState); symbol_stack.push(todo.left); todo.right = original_right_side; productions.add(todo); } } } return productions; }
@Test public void testDerivationEpsilonOneProd(){ SLRAutomaton<SimpleT, SimpleNT> automaton=new SLRAutomaton<>(g2); Word<SimpleT,SimpleNT> original=new Word<SimpleT,SimpleNT>(g2, listTok(T_MUL)); List<Production<SimpleT,SimpleNT>> productions=automaton.getDerivationASsSequence(original); Collections.reverse(productions); Word<SimpleT,SimpleNT> derivated=Word.getWordFromRightMostDerivation(g2, productions); assertEquals("must be the same",original,derivated); }
[ "push", "push", "add", "isEmpty", "peek", "isStateAccepting", "peek", "isTerminal", "get", "possibleReductionsInState", "isEmpty", "isEmpty", "size", "isEmpty", "warn", "warn", "warn", "warn", "warn", "warn", "warn", "warn", "warn", "warn", "warn", "warn", "warn", "warn", "warn", "warn", "isEmpty", "warn", "isEmpty", "warn", "size", "warn", "size", "error", "size", "size", "info", "poll", "push", "push", "next", "iterator", "size", "pop", "add", "pop", "reverse", "peek", "get", "push", "push", "add" ]
[ "listTok", "getDerivationASsSequence", "reverse", "getWordFromRightMostDerivation", "assertEquals" ]
{ "class_fields": "SimpleT T_ADD=new SimpleT(\"+\");\nSimpleT T_MUL=new SimpleT(\"*\");\nSimpleT T_OPEN=new SimpleT(\"(\");\nSimpleT T_CLOSE=new SimpleT(\")\");\nSimpleT T_ID=new SimpleT(\"id\");\nSimpleT T_EOF=new SimpleT(\"$\");\nSimpleT T_EPSILON=new SimpleT(\"[eps]\");\nSimpleNT E=new SimpleNT(\"E\");\nSimpleNT T=new SimpleNT(\"T\");\nSimpleNT F=new SimpleNT(\"F\");\nSimpleNT E_=new SimpleNT(\"E'\");\nfinal Grammar<SimpleT,SimpleNT> g1=new Grammar<>(E,E_,T_EOF,T_EPSILON);\nfinal Grammar<SimpleT,SimpleNT> g2=new Grammar<>(E,E_,T_EOF,T_EPSILON);", "class_name": "SLRAutomatonTest" }
{ "class_fields": "Integer state_num = 0;\nGrammar<T, NT> g;\nState initialState;\nfinal Set<State> states = new HashSet<>();\nfinal State acceptState = new State();\nAMBIGUITY_POLICY policy = AMBIGUITY_POLICY.DIE;\nLogger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(this.getClass());", "class_name": "SLRAutomaton", "method_signatures": "public SLRAutomaton(Grammar<T, NT> referenceGrammar)\npublic void setAmbiguityPolicy(AMBIGUITY_POLICY policy)\nprivate State getStateFor(Map<NT, Set<Item<T, NT>>> kernel)\nprivate int getAllStateItems()\nprivate void build()\npublic List<Production<T, NT>> getDerivationASsSequence(\n\t\t\tWord<T, NT> word_total)\nprivate Set<Production> possibleReductionsInState(T t, State st)\npublic int getNStates()" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: javabite-parser/src/main/java/swp_compiler_ss13/javabite/parser/grammar/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: SLRAutomaton\n\nclass_fields: Integer state_num = 0;\nGrammar<T, NT> g;\nState initialState;\nfinal Set<State> states = new HashSet<>();\nfinal State acceptState = new State();\nAMBIGUITY_POLICY policy = AMBIGUITY_POLICY.DIE;\nLogger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(this.getClass());\n\nmethod_signatures: public SLRAutomaton(Grammar<T, NT> referenceGrammar)\npublic void setAmbiguityPolicy(AMBIGUITY_POLICY policy)\nprivate State getStateFor(Map<NT, Set<Item<T, NT>>> kernel)\nprivate int getAllStateItems()\nprivate void build()\npublic List<Production<T, NT>> getDerivationASsSequence(\n\t\t\tWord<T, NT> word_total)\nprivate Set<Production> possibleReductionsInState(T t, State st)\npublic int getNStates()\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: SLRAutomatonTest\n\nclass_fields: SimpleT T_ADD=new SimpleT(\"+\");\nSimpleT T_MUL=new SimpleT(\"*\");\nSimpleT T_OPEN=new SimpleT(\"(\");\nSimpleT T_CLOSE=new SimpleT(\")\");\nSimpleT T_ID=new SimpleT(\"id\");\nSimpleT T_EOF=new SimpleT(\"$\");\nSimpleT T_EPSILON=new SimpleT(\"[eps]\");\nSimpleNT E=new SimpleNT(\"E\");\nSimpleNT T=new SimpleNT(\"T\");\nSimpleNT F=new SimpleNT(\"F\");\nSimpleNT E_=new SimpleNT(\"E'\");\nfinal Grammar<SimpleT,SimpleNT> g1=new Grammar<>(E,E_,T_EOF,T_EPSILON);\nfinal Grammar<SimpleT,SimpleNT> g2=new Grammar<>(E,E_,T_EOF,T_EPSILON);\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file javabite-parser/src/main/java/swp_compiler_ss13/javabite/parser/grammar/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n public List<Production<T, NT>> getDerivationASsSequence(\n\t\t\tWord<T, NT> word_total) {\n\n\t\tStack<State> state_stack = new Stack<>();\n\t\tStack<Symbol> symbol_stack = new Stack<>();\n\t\tstate_stack.push(initialState);\n\t\tsymbol_stack.push(g.word_end);\n\n\t\tList<Production<T, NT>> productions = new LinkedList<>();\n\t\tQueue<T> word = new ArrayDeque<>(word_total);\n\t\tword.add(g.word_end);\n\t\twhile (!state_stack.isEmpty()) {\n\t\t\tState state = state_stack.peek();\n\t\t\tif (state.isStateAccepting())\n\t\t\t\tbreak;\n\n\t\t\tSymbol a = word.peek();\n\t\t\tif (g.isTerminal(a)) {\n\t\t\t\tT t = (T) a;\n\t\t\t\tState nextStateTrans = state.transition.get(t);\n\t\t\t\tSet<Production> nextProdFollow = possibleReductionsInState(t,\n\t\t\t\t\t\tstate);\n\t\t\t\tif (nextStateTrans != null && !nextProdFollow.isEmpty()\n\t\t\t\t\t\t|| nextStateTrans == null && nextProdFollow.isEmpty()\n\t\t\t\t\t\t|| nextProdFollow.size() > 1) {\n\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\tif (nextStateTrans == null && nextProdFollow.isEmpty()){\n\t\t\t\t\t\tlogger.warn(\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\"behaviour not defined, policy set to DIE. next state by shift: {}, next states by follow: {}\",\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tnextStateTrans, nextProdFollow);\n\t\t\t\t\t\tlogger.warn(\"current terminal: {}\", a);\n\t\t\t\t\t\tlogger.warn(\"productions so far: {}\", productions);\n\t\t\t\t\t\tlogger.warn(\"state stack {}\", state_stack);\n\t\t\t\t\t\tlogger.warn(\"symbol stack {}\", symbol_stack);\n\t\t\t\t\t\tlogger.warn(\"word actual {}\", word);\n\t\t\t\t\t\tlogger.warn(\"word complete {}\", word_total);\n\t\t\t\t\t\tlogger.warn(\"states:\");\n\t\t\t\t\t\t//for (State st : states) {\n\t\t\t\t\t\t//\tlogger.warn(\"\\n{}\", st.descriptionAsString());\n\t\t\t\t\t\t//}\n\t\t\t\t\t\tthrow new WordNotInLanguageGrammarException(\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t(swp_compiler_ss13.javabite.parser.targetgrammar.Terminal) t);\n\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\tif (policy == AMBIGUITY_POLICY.DIE) {\n\t\t\t\t\t\tlogger.warn(\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\"behaviour not defined, policy set to DIE. next state by shift: {}, next states by follow: {}\",\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tnextStateTrans, nextProdFollow);\n\t\t\t\t\t\tlogger.warn(\"current terminal: {}\", a);\n\t\t\t\t\t\tlogger.warn(\"productions so far: {}\", productions);\n\t\t\t\t\t\tlogger.warn(\"state stack {}\", state_stack);\n\t\t\t\t\t\tlogger.warn(\"symbol stack {}\", symbol_stack);\n\t\t\t\t\t\tlogger.warn(\"word actual {}\", word);\n\t\t\t\t\t\tlogger.warn(\"word complete {}\", word_total);\n\t\t\t\t\t\tlogger.warn(\"states:\");\n\t\t\t\t\t\t//for (State st : states) {\n\t\t\t\t\t\t//\tlogger.warn(\"\\n{}\", st.descriptionAsString());\n\t\t\t\t\t\t//}\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\tif (nextStateTrans != null && !nextProdFollow.isEmpty()) {\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tif (t instanceof swp_compiler_ss13.javabite.parser.targetgrammar.Terminal) {\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tthrow new AmbiguityInDerivationGrammarException(\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t(swp_compiler_ss13.javabite.parser.targetgrammar.Terminal) t);\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t} else\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tlogger.warn(\"Dont know how to react...\");\n\t\t\t\t\t\t} else if (nextStateTrans == null\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t&& nextProdFollow.isEmpty()) {\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tif (t instanceof swp_compiler_ss13.javabite.parser.targetgrammar.Terminal) {\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tthrow new WordNotInLanguageGrammarException(\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t(swp_compiler_ss13.javabite.parser.targetgrammar.Terminal) t);\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t} else\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tlogger.warn(\"Dont know how to react...\");\n\t\t\t\t\t\t} else if (nextProdFollow.size() > 1) {\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tif (t instanceof swp_compiler_ss13.javabite.parser.targetgrammar.Terminal) {\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tthrow new AmbiguityInDerivationGrammarException(\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t(swp_compiler_ss13.javabite.parser.targetgrammar.Terminal) t);\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t} else\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tlogger.warn(\"Dont know how to react...\");\n\t\t\t\t\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tthrow new RuntimeException(\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\"Enexptected state reached\");\n\t\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t\telse if (policy==AMBIGUITY_POLICY.PREFER_REDUCE){\n\t\t\t\t\t\tif (nextProdFollow.size()==1){\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t// disable shift\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tnextStateTrans=null;\n\t\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t\t\telse{\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tlogger.error(\"policy PREFER_REDUCE is not applicable, because multiple or none (exact :{}) reductions are possible\",nextProdFollow.size());\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tif (nextProdFollow.size()>1)\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tthrow new AmbiguityInDerivationGrammarException(\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t(swp_compiler_ss13.javabite.parser.targetgrammar.Terminal) t);\n\t\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t\telse if (policy==AMBIGUITY_POLICY.PREFER_SHIFT){\n\t\t\t\t\t\\"policy PREFER_SHIFT is applicable and used\");\n\t\t\t\t\t\t// diable of reduce not necessary\n\t\t\t\t\t\tnextProdFollow=null;\n\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t\telse{\n\t\t\t\t\t\tthrow new RuntimeException(\"Invalid Policy\");\n\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t// do shift if possible\n\t\t\t\tif (nextStateTrans != null) {\n\t\t\t\t\tword.poll();\n\t\t\t\t\tsymbol_stack.push(a);\n\t\t\t\t\tstate_stack.push(nextStateTrans);\n\t\t\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t\t\t// reduce\n\t\t\t\t\tProduction todo = nextProdFollow.iterator().next();\n\t\t\t\t\tList<Symbol> original_right_side = new LinkedList<>();\n\t\t\t\t\tfor (int i = todo.right.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {\n\t\t\t\t\t\tstate_stack.pop();\n\t\t\t\t\t\toriginal_right_side.add(symbol_stack.pop());\n\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t\tCollections.reverse(original_right_side);\n\t\t\t\t\tState stateBeforeProduction = state_stack.peek();\n\t\t\t\t\tState nextState = stateBeforeProduction.transition\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t.get(todo.left);\n\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\tstate_stack.push(nextState);\n\t\t\t\t\tsymbol_stack.push(todo.left);\n\t\t\t\t\ttodo.right = original_right_side;\n\t\t\t\t\tproductions.add(todo);\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t\treturn productions;\n\t}\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n javabite-parser/src/test/java/swp_compiler_ss13/javabite/parser/grammar/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n\tpublic void testDerivationEpsilonOneProd(){\n\t\tSLRAutomaton<SimpleT, SimpleNT> automaton=new SLRAutomaton<>(g2);\n\t\tWord<SimpleT,SimpleNT> original=new Word<SimpleT,SimpleNT>(g2, listTok(T_MUL));\n\t\tList<Production<SimpleT,SimpleNT>> productions=automaton.getDerivationASsSequence(original);\n\t\tCollections.reverse(productions);\n\t\tWord<SimpleT,SimpleNT> derivated=Word.getWordFromRightMostDerivation(g2, productions); \n\t\tassertEquals(\"must be the same\",original,derivated);\n\t}\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
@Activate protected void activate(ComponentContext context) throws RepositoryException, ConfigurationException { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Dictionary<String, Object> props = context.getProperties(); // read service ranking property Object ranking = props.get("service.ranking"); if (ranking != null) { try { this.ranking = (Integer) ranking; } catch (ClassCastException e) { // ignore logger.warn("Found invalid service.ranking value {}", ranking); } } staticTemplate = PropertiesUtil.toString(props.get(PROP_STATIC_TEMPLATE), null); if (StringUtils.isBlank(staticTemplate)) { throw new ConfigurationException(PROP_STATIC_TEMPLATE, "Static template is required."); } editableTemplate = PropertiesUtil.toString(props.get(PROP_EDITABLE_TEMPLATE), null); if (StringUtils.isBlank(editableTemplate)) { throw new ConfigurationException(PROP_EDITABLE_TEMPLATE, "Editable template is required."); } slingResourceType = PropertiesUtil.toString(props.get(PROP_SLING_RESOURCE_TYPE), null); if (StringUtils.isBlank(slingResourceType)) { throw new ConfigurationException(PROP_SLING_RESOURCE_TYPE, "Sling Resource Type is required."); } String[] orders = PropertiesUtil.toStringArray(props.get(PROP_ORDER_COMPONENTS), new String[] {}); for (String o : orders) { String[] tmp = StringUtils.split(o, ":", 2); if (tmp.length < 1) { continue; } if (tmp.length == 2) { nested.add(tmp[1]); } String key = tmp.length == 2 ? tmp[0] : RESPONSIVE_GRID_NODE_NAME; String value = tmp.length == 2 ? tmp[1] : tmp[0]; if (componentOrdering.get(key) == null) { componentOrdering.put(key, new ArrayList<>()); } componentOrdering.get(key).add(value); } componentsToRemove = PropertiesUtil.toStringArray(props.get(PROP_REMOVE_COMPONENTS), new String[] {}); componentRenamed = RewriteUtils.toMap( PropertiesUtil.toStringArray(props.get(PROP_RENAME_COMPONENTS), new String[] {}), ":"); // Add any renamed component that contains a path separator for (String val : componentRenamed.values()) { if (val.contains("/")) { nested.add(val); } } }
@Test(expected = RuntimeException.class) public void testActivateNoStatic() { BundleContext bundleContext = MockOsgi.newBundleContext(); PageRewriteRule rule = new PageRewriteRule(); MockOsgi.injectServices(rule, bundleContext); Dictionary<String, Object> props = new Hashtable<>(); MockOsgi.activate(rule, bundleContext, props); }
[ "getProperties", "get", "warn", "toString", "get", "isBlank", "toString", "get", "isBlank", "toString", "get", "isBlank", "toStringArray", "get", "split", "add", "get", "put", "add", "get", "toStringArray", "get", "toMap", "toStringArray", "get", "values", "contains", "add" ]
[ "newBundleContext", "injectServices", "activate" ]
{ "class_fields": "private final String ROOTS_PATH = \"/libs/cq/modernize/templatestructure/content/roots\";\nprivate static final String STATIC_TEMPLATE = \"/apps/geometrixx/templates/homepage\";\nprivate static final String EDITABLE_TEMPLATE = \"/conf/geodemo/settings/wcm/templates/geometrixx-demo-home-page\";\nprivate static final String SLING_RESOURCE_TYPE = \"geodemo/components/structure/page\";\nprivate static final String[] ORDER = {\n \"responsivegrid\",\n \"responsivegrid_12345\",\n \"responsivegrid:header\",\n \"responsivegrid:title\"\n };\nprivate static final String[] REMOVE = { \"toBeRemoved\" };\nprivate static final String[] RENAME = { \"par:responsivegrid/responsivegrid\", \"rightpar:responsivegrid_12345\" };\n@Rule\n public final SlingContext context = new SlingContext(ResourceResolverType.JCR_OAK);\nprivate BundleContext bundleContext;", "class_name": "PageRewriteRuleTest" }
{ "class_fields": "private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(PageRewriteRule.class);\n@org.apache.felix.scr.annotations.Property(label = \"Static Template\",\n description = \"The static template which will be updated by this Page Rewrite Rule\")\n private static final String PROP_STATIC_TEMPLATE = \"static.template\";\nprivate String staticTemplate;\n@org.apache.felix.scr.annotations.Property(label = \"Editable Template\",\n description = \"The value to update the cq:template with, this should be the new Editable Template.\")\n private static final String PROP_EDITABLE_TEMPLATE = \"editable.template\";\nprivate String editableTemplate;\n@org.apache.felix.scr.annotations.Property(label = \"Sling Resource Type\",\n description = \"The value to update the sling:resourceType with, this should be the same as the \" +\n \"new Editable Template.\")\n private static final String PROP_SLING_RESOURCE_TYPE = \"sling.resourceType\";\nprivate String slingResourceType;\n@org.apache.felix.scr.annotations.Property(label = \"Component Order\",\n cardinality = Integer.MAX_VALUE,\n description = \"Specify the order of the components in the new responsive grid. \" +\n \"Any found and unspecified are moved to the end in arbitrary order.\")\n private static final String PROP_ORDER_COMPONENTS = \"order.components\";\nprivate Map<String, List<String>> componentOrdering = new HashMap<>();\n@org.apache.felix.scr.annotations.Property(label = \"Remove Components\",\n cardinality = Integer.MAX_VALUE,\n description = \"Specify any components that may exist on the static page that can be removed.\")\n private static final String PROP_REMOVE_COMPONENTS = \"remove.components\";\nprivate String[] componentsToRemove;\n@org.apache.felix.scr.annotations.Property(label = \"Rename Components\",\n cardinality = Integer.MAX_VALUE,\n description = \"Specify new name for components as they are moved into the root responsive grid.\")\n private static final String PROP_RENAME_COMPONENTS = \"rename.components\";\nprivate Map<String, String> componentRenamed;\nprivate List<String> nested = new ArrayList<>();\nprivate int ranking = Integer.MAX_VALUE;\nprivate static final String RESPONSIVE_GRID_NODE_NAME = \"root\";", "class_name": "PageRewriteRule implements PageStructureRewriteRule", "method_signatures": "@Override public boolean matches(Node root)\n@Override public Node applyTo(Node root, Set<Node> finalNodes)\nprivate List<String> moveStructure(Node source, Node target, List<String> ignored)\nprivate void reorderChildren(List<String> names, List<String> order, Node parent)\n@Activate protected void activate(ComponentContext context)\n@Override public String getStaticTemplate()\n@Override public int getRanking()" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: bundles/aem-modernize-tools/src/main/java/com/adobe/aem/modernize/structure/impl/rules/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: PageRewriteRule implements PageStructureRewriteRule\n\nclass_fields: private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(PageRewriteRule.class);\n@org.apache.felix.scr.annotations.Property(label = \"Static Template\",\n description = \"The static template which will be updated by this Page Rewrite Rule\")\n private static final String PROP_STATIC_TEMPLATE = \"static.template\";\nprivate String staticTemplate;\n@org.apache.felix.scr.annotations.Property(label = \"Editable Template\",\n description = \"The value to update the cq:template with, this should be the new Editable Template.\")\n private static final String PROP_EDITABLE_TEMPLATE = \"editable.template\";\nprivate String editableTemplate;\n@org.apache.felix.scr.annotations.Property(label = \"Sling Resource Type\",\n description = \"The value to update the sling:resourceType with, this should be the same as the \" +\n \"new Editable Template.\")\n private static final String PROP_SLING_RESOURCE_TYPE = \"sling.resourceType\";\nprivate String slingResourceType;\n@org.apache.felix.scr.annotations.Property(label = \"Component Order\",\n cardinality = Integer.MAX_VALUE,\n description = \"Specify the order of the components in the new responsive grid. \" +\n \"Any found and unspecified are moved to the end in arbitrary order.\")\n private static final String PROP_ORDER_COMPONENTS = \"order.components\";\nprivate Map<String, List<String>> componentOrdering = new HashMap<>();\n@org.apache.felix.scr.annotations.Property(label = \"Remove Components\",\n cardinality = Integer.MAX_VALUE,\n description = \"Specify any components that may exist on the static page that can be removed.\")\n private static final String PROP_REMOVE_COMPONENTS = \"remove.components\";\nprivate String[] componentsToRemove;\n@org.apache.felix.scr.annotations.Property(label = \"Rename Components\",\n cardinality = Integer.MAX_VALUE,\n description = \"Specify new name for components as they are moved into the root responsive grid.\")\n private static final String PROP_RENAME_COMPONENTS = \"rename.components\";\nprivate Map<String, String> componentRenamed;\nprivate List<String> nested = new ArrayList<>();\nprivate int ranking = Integer.MAX_VALUE;\nprivate static final String RESPONSIVE_GRID_NODE_NAME = \"root\";\n\nmethod_signatures: @Override public boolean matches(Node root)\n@Override public Node applyTo(Node root, Set<Node> finalNodes)\nprivate List<String> moveStructure(Node source, Node target, List<String> ignored)\nprivate void reorderChildren(List<String> names, List<String> order, Node parent)\n@Activate protected void activate(ComponentContext context)\n@Override public String getStaticTemplate()\n@Override public int getRanking()\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: PageRewriteRuleTest\n\nclass_fields: private final String ROOTS_PATH = \"/libs/cq/modernize/templatestructure/content/roots\";\nprivate static final String STATIC_TEMPLATE = \"/apps/geometrixx/templates/homepage\";\nprivate static final String EDITABLE_TEMPLATE = \"/conf/geodemo/settings/wcm/templates/geometrixx-demo-home-page\";\nprivate static final String SLING_RESOURCE_TYPE = \"geodemo/components/structure/page\";\nprivate static final String[] ORDER = {\n \"responsivegrid\",\n \"responsivegrid_12345\",\n \"responsivegrid:header\",\n \"responsivegrid:title\"\n };\nprivate static final String[] REMOVE = { \"toBeRemoved\" };\nprivate static final String[] RENAME = { \"par:responsivegrid/responsivegrid\", \"rightpar:responsivegrid_12345\" };\n@Rule\n public final SlingContext context = new SlingContext(ResourceResolverType.JCR_OAK);\nprivate BundleContext bundleContext;\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file bundles/aem-modernize-tools/src/main/java/com/adobe/aem/modernize/structure/impl/rules/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n @Activate\n protected void activate(ComponentContext context) throws RepositoryException, ConfigurationException {\n @SuppressWarnings(\"unchecked\")\n Dictionary<String, Object> props = context.getProperties();\n // read service ranking property\n Object ranking = props.get(\"service.ranking\");\n if (ranking != null) {\n try {\n this.ranking = (Integer) ranking;\n } catch (ClassCastException e) {\n // ignore\n logger.warn(\"Found invalid service.ranking value {}\", ranking);\n }\n }\n\n staticTemplate = PropertiesUtil.toString(props.get(PROP_STATIC_TEMPLATE), null);\n if (StringUtils.isBlank(staticTemplate)) {\n throw new ConfigurationException(PROP_STATIC_TEMPLATE, \"Static template is required.\");\n }\n\n editableTemplate = PropertiesUtil.toString(props.get(PROP_EDITABLE_TEMPLATE), null);\n if (StringUtils.isBlank(editableTemplate)) {\n throw new ConfigurationException(PROP_EDITABLE_TEMPLATE, \"Editable template is required.\");\n }\n\n slingResourceType = PropertiesUtil.toString(props.get(PROP_SLING_RESOURCE_TYPE), null);\n if (StringUtils.isBlank(slingResourceType)) {\n throw new ConfigurationException(PROP_SLING_RESOURCE_TYPE, \"Sling Resource Type is required.\");\n }\n\n\n\n String[] orders = PropertiesUtil.toStringArray(props.get(PROP_ORDER_COMPONENTS), new String[] {});\n for (String o : orders) {\n String[] tmp = StringUtils.split(o, \":\", 2);\n if (tmp.length < 1) {\n continue;\n }\n if (tmp.length == 2) {\n nested.add(tmp[1]);\n }\n String key = tmp.length == 2 ? tmp[0] : RESPONSIVE_GRID_NODE_NAME;\n String value = tmp.length == 2 ? tmp[1] : tmp[0];\n if (componentOrdering.get(key) == null) {\n componentOrdering.put(key, new ArrayList<>());\n }\n componentOrdering.get(key).add(value);\n\n }\n\n componentsToRemove = PropertiesUtil.toStringArray(props.get(PROP_REMOVE_COMPONENTS), new String[] {});\n\n componentRenamed = RewriteUtils.toMap(\n PropertiesUtil.toStringArray(props.get(PROP_RENAME_COMPONENTS), new String[] {}), \":\");\n\n // Add any renamed component that contains a path separator\n for (String val : componentRenamed.values()) {\n if (val.contains(\"/\")) {\n nested.add(val);\n }\n }\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n bundles/aem-modernize-tools/src/test/java/com/adobe/aem/modernize/structure/impl/rules/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test(expected = RuntimeException.class)\n public void testActivateNoStatic() {\n BundleContext bundleContext = MockOsgi.newBundleContext();\n PageRewriteRule rule = new PageRewriteRule();\n MockOsgi.injectServices(rule, bundleContext);\n Dictionary<String, Object> props = new Hashtable<>();\n MockOsgi.activate(rule, bundleContext, props);\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
protected IdentifierData cast(Type goalType, IdentifierData oldId) throws IntermediateCodeGeneratorException { if (oldId.getIdentifier().startsWith("#")) { IdentifierData tmpId = icg.generateTempIdentifier(oldId.getType()); icg.addQuadruple(QuadrupleFactoryJb.generateAssignment(tmpId, oldId)); oldId = tmpId; } IdentifierData newId = icg.generateTempIdentifier(goalType); icg.addQuadruple(QuadrupleFactoryJb.generateCast(newId, oldId)); return newId; }
@Test public void testCastStringToLongFails(){ try{ when(converter.icg.generateTempIdentifier(any(LongType.class))) .thenReturn(new IdentifierData("tmp", new LongType())); converter.cast(new LongType(), new IdentifierData("test", new StringType(0l))); }catch (IntermediateCodeGeneratorException e){ } }
[ "startsWith", "getIdentifier", "generateTempIdentifier", "getType", "addQuadruple", "generateAssignment", "generateTempIdentifier", "addQuadruple", "generateCast" ]
[ "thenReturn", "when", "generateTempIdentifier", "any", "cast" ]
{ "class_fields": "CastingAst2CodeConverter converter;", "class_name": "CastingAst2CodeConverterTest" }
{ "class_fields": "", "class_name": "CastingAst2CodeConverter extends AbstractAst2CodeConverter", "method_signatures": "protected IdentifierData cast(Type goalType, IdentifierData oldId)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: javabite-code-gen/src/main/java/swp_compiler_ss13/javabite/codegen/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: CastingAst2CodeConverter extends AbstractAst2CodeConverter\n\nclass_fields: \n\nmethod_signatures: protected IdentifierData cast(Type goalType, IdentifierData oldId)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: CastingAst2CodeConverterTest\n\nclass_fields: CastingAst2CodeConverter converter;\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file javabite-code-gen/src/main/java/swp_compiler_ss13/javabite/codegen/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n protected IdentifierData cast(Type goalType, IdentifierData oldId) throws IntermediateCodeGeneratorException {\n\t\tif (oldId.getIdentifier().startsWith(\"#\")) {\n\t\t\tIdentifierData tmpId = icg.generateTempIdentifier(oldId.getType());\n\t\t\ticg.addQuadruple(QuadrupleFactoryJb.generateAssignment(tmpId, oldId));\n\t\t\toldId = tmpId;\n\t\t}\n\t\tIdentifierData newId = icg.generateTempIdentifier(goalType);\n\t\ticg.addQuadruple(QuadrupleFactoryJb.generateCast(newId, oldId));\n\t\treturn newId;\n\t}\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n javabite-code-gen/src/test/java/swp_compiler_ss13/javabite/codegen/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n\tpublic void testCastStringToLongFails(){\n\t\ttry{\n\t\t\twhen(converter.icg.generateTempIdentifier(any(LongType.class)))\n\t\t\t\t\t.thenReturn(new IdentifierData(\"tmp\", new LongType()));\n\t\t\tconverter.cast(new LongType(), new IdentifierData(\"test\", new StringType(0l)));\n\t\t}catch (IntermediateCodeGeneratorException e){\n\t\t\t\n\t\t}\n\t}\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
protected IdentifierData cast(Type goalType, IdentifierData oldId) throws IntermediateCodeGeneratorException { if (oldId.getIdentifier().startsWith("#")) { IdentifierData tmpId = icg.generateTempIdentifier(oldId.getType()); icg.addQuadruple(QuadrupleFactoryJb.generateAssignment(tmpId, oldId)); oldId = tmpId; } IdentifierData newId = icg.generateTempIdentifier(goalType); icg.addQuadruple(QuadrupleFactoryJb.generateCast(newId, oldId)); return newId; }
@Test public void testCastArrayToString(){ try { when(converter.icg.generateTempIdentifier(any(StringType.class))) .thenReturn(new IdentifierData("tmp", new StringType(0l))); converter.cast(new StringType(0l), new IdentifierData("test", new ArrayType(new LongType(), 0))); fail(); } catch (IntermediateCodeGeneratorException e) { } }
[ "startsWith", "getIdentifier", "generateTempIdentifier", "getType", "addQuadruple", "generateAssignment", "generateTempIdentifier", "addQuadruple", "generateCast" ]
[ "thenReturn", "when", "generateTempIdentifier", "any", "cast", "fail" ]
{ "class_fields": "CastingAst2CodeConverter converter;", "class_name": "CastingAst2CodeConverterTest" }
{ "class_fields": "", "class_name": "CastingAst2CodeConverter extends AbstractAst2CodeConverter", "method_signatures": "protected IdentifierData cast(Type goalType, IdentifierData oldId)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: javabite-code-gen/src/main/java/swp_compiler_ss13/javabite/codegen/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: CastingAst2CodeConverter extends AbstractAst2CodeConverter\n\nclass_fields: \n\nmethod_signatures: protected IdentifierData cast(Type goalType, IdentifierData oldId)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: CastingAst2CodeConverterTest\n\nclass_fields: CastingAst2CodeConverter converter;\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file javabite-code-gen/src/main/java/swp_compiler_ss13/javabite/codegen/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n protected IdentifierData cast(Type goalType, IdentifierData oldId) throws IntermediateCodeGeneratorException {\n\t\tif (oldId.getIdentifier().startsWith(\"#\")) {\n\t\t\tIdentifierData tmpId = icg.generateTempIdentifier(oldId.getType());\n\t\t\ticg.addQuadruple(QuadrupleFactoryJb.generateAssignment(tmpId, oldId));\n\t\t\toldId = tmpId;\n\t\t}\n\t\tIdentifierData newId = icg.generateTempIdentifier(goalType);\n\t\ticg.addQuadruple(QuadrupleFactoryJb.generateCast(newId, oldId));\n\t\treturn newId;\n\t}\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n javabite-code-gen/src/test/java/swp_compiler_ss13/javabite/codegen/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n\t public void testCastArrayToString(){\n\t try {\n\t when(converter.icg.generateTempIdentifier(any(StringType.class)))\n\t .thenReturn(new IdentifierData(\"tmp\", new StringType(0l)));\n\t converter.cast(new StringType(0l), new IdentifierData(\"test\",\n\t new ArrayType(new LongType(), 0)));\n\t fail();\n\t } catch (IntermediateCodeGeneratorException e) {\n\t }\n\t }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
protected IdentifierData cast(Type goalType, IdentifierData oldId) throws IntermediateCodeGeneratorException { if (oldId.getIdentifier().startsWith("#")) { IdentifierData tmpId = icg.generateTempIdentifier(oldId.getType()); icg.addQuadruple(QuadrupleFactoryJb.generateAssignment(tmpId, oldId)); oldId = tmpId; } IdentifierData newId = icg.generateTempIdentifier(goalType); icg.addQuadruple(QuadrupleFactoryJb.generateCast(newId, oldId)); return newId; }
@Test public void testCastBooleanToStructFails() { try { when(converter.icg.generateTempIdentifier(any(StructType.class))) .thenReturn( new IdentifierData("tmp", new StructType( new Member[] { new Member("", new BooleanType()) }))); converter.cast(new StructType( new Member[] { new Member("", new LongType()) }), new IdentifierData("test", new BooleanType())); fail(); } catch (IntermediateCodeGeneratorException e) { } }
[ "startsWith", "getIdentifier", "generateTempIdentifier", "getType", "addQuadruple", "generateAssignment", "generateTempIdentifier", "addQuadruple", "generateCast" ]
[ "thenReturn", "when", "generateTempIdentifier", "any", "cast", "fail" ]
{ "class_fields": "CastingAst2CodeConverter converter;", "class_name": "CastingAst2CodeConverterTest" }
{ "class_fields": "", "class_name": "CastingAst2CodeConverter extends AbstractAst2CodeConverter", "method_signatures": "protected IdentifierData cast(Type goalType, IdentifierData oldId)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: javabite-code-gen/src/main/java/swp_compiler_ss13/javabite/codegen/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: CastingAst2CodeConverter extends AbstractAst2CodeConverter\n\nclass_fields: \n\nmethod_signatures: protected IdentifierData cast(Type goalType, IdentifierData oldId)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: CastingAst2CodeConverterTest\n\nclass_fields: CastingAst2CodeConverter converter;\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file javabite-code-gen/src/main/java/swp_compiler_ss13/javabite/codegen/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n protected IdentifierData cast(Type goalType, IdentifierData oldId) throws IntermediateCodeGeneratorException {\n\t\tif (oldId.getIdentifier().startsWith(\"#\")) {\n\t\t\tIdentifierData tmpId = icg.generateTempIdentifier(oldId.getType());\n\t\t\ticg.addQuadruple(QuadrupleFactoryJb.generateAssignment(tmpId, oldId));\n\t\t\toldId = tmpId;\n\t\t}\n\t\tIdentifierData newId = icg.generateTempIdentifier(goalType);\n\t\ticg.addQuadruple(QuadrupleFactoryJb.generateCast(newId, oldId));\n\t\treturn newId;\n\t}\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n javabite-code-gen/src/test/java/swp_compiler_ss13/javabite/codegen/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n\tpublic void testCastBooleanToStructFails() {\n\t\ttry {\n\t\t\twhen(converter.icg.generateTempIdentifier(any(StructType.class)))\n\t\t\t\t\t.thenReturn(\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tnew IdentifierData(\"tmp\", new StructType(\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tnew Member[] { new Member(\"\",\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tnew BooleanType()) })));\n\t\t\tconverter.cast(new StructType( new Member[] { new Member(\"\",\n\t\t\t\t\tnew LongType()) }), new IdentifierData(\"test\",\n\t\t\t\t\tnew BooleanType()));\n\t\t\tfail();\n\t\t} catch (IntermediateCodeGeneratorException e) {\n\t\t}\n\t}\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
protected IdentifierData cast(Type goalType, IdentifierData oldId) throws IntermediateCodeGeneratorException { if (oldId.getIdentifier().startsWith("#")) { IdentifierData tmpId = icg.generateTempIdentifier(oldId.getType()); icg.addQuadruple(QuadrupleFactoryJb.generateAssignment(tmpId, oldId)); oldId = tmpId; } IdentifierData newId = icg.generateTempIdentifier(goalType); icg.addQuadruple(QuadrupleFactoryJb.generateCast(newId, oldId)); return newId; }
@Test public void testCastBooleanToString() { try { when(converter.icg.generateTempIdentifier(any(StringType.class))) .thenReturn(new IdentifierData("tmp", new StringType(0l))); converter.cast(new StringType(0l), new IdentifierData("test", new BooleanType())); verify(converter.icg).addQuadruple( new QuadrupleJb(Operator.BOOLEAN_TO_STRING, "test", Quadruple.EmptyArgument, "tmp")); } catch (IntermediateCodeGeneratorException e) { fail(); } }
[ "startsWith", "getIdentifier", "generateTempIdentifier", "getType", "addQuadruple", "generateAssignment", "generateTempIdentifier", "addQuadruple", "generateCast" ]
[ "thenReturn", "when", "generateTempIdentifier", "any", "cast", "addQuadruple", "verify", "fail" ]
{ "class_fields": "CastingAst2CodeConverter converter;", "class_name": "CastingAst2CodeConverterTest" }
{ "class_fields": "", "class_name": "CastingAst2CodeConverter extends AbstractAst2CodeConverter", "method_signatures": "protected IdentifierData cast(Type goalType, IdentifierData oldId)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: javabite-code-gen/src/main/java/swp_compiler_ss13/javabite/codegen/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: CastingAst2CodeConverter extends AbstractAst2CodeConverter\n\nclass_fields: \n\nmethod_signatures: protected IdentifierData cast(Type goalType, IdentifierData oldId)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: CastingAst2CodeConverterTest\n\nclass_fields: CastingAst2CodeConverter converter;\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file javabite-code-gen/src/main/java/swp_compiler_ss13/javabite/codegen/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n protected IdentifierData cast(Type goalType, IdentifierData oldId) throws IntermediateCodeGeneratorException {\n\t\tif (oldId.getIdentifier().startsWith(\"#\")) {\n\t\t\tIdentifierData tmpId = icg.generateTempIdentifier(oldId.getType());\n\t\t\ticg.addQuadruple(QuadrupleFactoryJb.generateAssignment(tmpId, oldId));\n\t\t\toldId = tmpId;\n\t\t}\n\t\tIdentifierData newId = icg.generateTempIdentifier(goalType);\n\t\ticg.addQuadruple(QuadrupleFactoryJb.generateCast(newId, oldId));\n\t\treturn newId;\n\t}\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n javabite-code-gen/src/test/java/swp_compiler_ss13/javabite/codegen/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n\tpublic void testCastBooleanToString() {\n\t\ttry {\n\t\t\twhen(converter.icg.generateTempIdentifier(any(StringType.class)))\n\t\t\t\t\t.thenReturn(new IdentifierData(\"tmp\", new StringType(0l)));\n\t\t\tconverter.cast(new StringType(0l), new IdentifierData(\"test\",\n\t\t\t\t\tnew BooleanType()));\n\t\t\tverify(converter.icg).addQuadruple(\n\t\t\t\t\tnew QuadrupleJb(Operator.BOOLEAN_TO_STRING, \"test\",\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tQuadruple.EmptyArgument, \"tmp\"));\n\t\t} catch (IntermediateCodeGeneratorException e) {\n\t\t\tfail();\n\t\t}\n\t}\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
public List<Production<T, NT>> getDerivationASsSequence( Word<T, NT> word_total) { Stack<State> state_stack = new Stack<>(); Stack<Symbol> symbol_stack = new Stack<>(); state_stack.push(initialState); symbol_stack.push(g.word_end); List<Production<T, NT>> productions = new LinkedList<>(); Queue<T> word = new ArrayDeque<>(word_total); word.add(g.word_end); while (!state_stack.isEmpty()) { State state = state_stack.peek(); if (state.isStateAccepting()) break; Symbol a = word.peek(); if (g.isTerminal(a)) { T t = (T) a; State nextStateTrans = state.transition.get(t); Set<Production> nextProdFollow = possibleReductionsInState(t, state); if (nextStateTrans != null && !nextProdFollow.isEmpty() || nextStateTrans == null && nextProdFollow.isEmpty() || nextProdFollow.size() > 1) { if (nextStateTrans == null && nextProdFollow.isEmpty()){ logger.warn( "behaviour not defined, policy set to DIE. next state by shift: {}, next states by follow: {}", nextStateTrans, nextProdFollow); logger.warn("current terminal: {}", a); logger.warn("productions so far: {}", productions); logger.warn("state stack {}", state_stack); logger.warn("symbol stack {}", symbol_stack); logger.warn("word actual {}", word); logger.warn("word complete {}", word_total); logger.warn("states:"); //for (State st : states) { // logger.warn("\n{}", st.descriptionAsString()); //} throw new WordNotInLanguageGrammarException( (swp_compiler_ss13.javabite.parser.targetgrammar.Terminal) t); } if (policy == AMBIGUITY_POLICY.DIE) { logger.warn( "behaviour not defined, policy set to DIE. next state by shift: {}, next states by follow: {}", nextStateTrans, nextProdFollow); logger.warn("current terminal: {}", a); logger.warn("productions so far: {}", productions); logger.warn("state stack {}", state_stack); logger.warn("symbol stack {}", symbol_stack); logger.warn("word actual {}", word); logger.warn("word complete {}", word_total); logger.warn("states:"); //for (State st : states) { // logger.warn("\n{}", st.descriptionAsString()); //} if (nextStateTrans != null && !nextProdFollow.isEmpty()) { if (t instanceof swp_compiler_ss13.javabite.parser.targetgrammar.Terminal) { throw new AmbiguityInDerivationGrammarException( (swp_compiler_ss13.javabite.parser.targetgrammar.Terminal) t); } else logger.warn("Dont know how to react..."); } else if (nextStateTrans == null && nextProdFollow.isEmpty()) { if (t instanceof swp_compiler_ss13.javabite.parser.targetgrammar.Terminal) { throw new WordNotInLanguageGrammarException( (swp_compiler_ss13.javabite.parser.targetgrammar.Terminal) t); } else logger.warn("Dont know how to react..."); } else if (nextProdFollow.size() > 1) { if (t instanceof swp_compiler_ss13.javabite.parser.targetgrammar.Terminal) { throw new AmbiguityInDerivationGrammarException( (swp_compiler_ss13.javabite.parser.targetgrammar.Terminal) t); } else logger.warn("Dont know how to react..."); } else { throw new RuntimeException( "Enexptected state reached"); } } else if (policy==AMBIGUITY_POLICY.PREFER_REDUCE){ if (nextProdFollow.size()==1){ // disable shift nextStateTrans=null; } else{ logger.error("policy PREFER_REDUCE is not applicable, because multiple or none (exact :{}) reductions are possible",nextProdFollow.size()); if (nextProdFollow.size()>1) throw new AmbiguityInDerivationGrammarException( (swp_compiler_ss13.javabite.parser.targetgrammar.Terminal) t); } } else if (policy==AMBIGUITY_POLICY.PREFER_SHIFT){"policy PREFER_SHIFT is applicable and used"); // diable of reduce not necessary nextProdFollow=null; } else{ throw new RuntimeException("Invalid Policy"); } } // do shift if possible if (nextStateTrans != null) { word.poll(); symbol_stack.push(a); state_stack.push(nextStateTrans); } else { // reduce Production todo = nextProdFollow.iterator().next(); List<Symbol> original_right_side = new LinkedList<>(); for (int i = todo.right.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { state_stack.pop(); original_right_side.add(symbol_stack.pop()); } Collections.reverse(original_right_side); State stateBeforeProduction = state_stack.peek(); State nextState = stateBeforeProduction.transition .get(todo.left); state_stack.push(nextState); symbol_stack.push(todo.left); todo.right = original_right_side; productions.add(todo); } } } return productions; }
@Test public void testDerivationSequenceComplex(){ SLRAutomaton<SimpleT, SimpleNT> automaton=new SLRAutomaton<>(g1); Word<SimpleT,SimpleNT> original=new Word<SimpleT,SimpleNT>(g1, listTok(T_ID,T_MUL,T_ID)); List<Production<SimpleT,SimpleNT>> productions=automaton.getDerivationASsSequence(original); Collections.reverse(productions); Word<SimpleT,SimpleNT> derivated=Word.getWordFromRightMostDerivation(g1, productions); assertEquals("must be the same",original,derivated); }
[ "push", "push", "add", "isEmpty", "peek", "isStateAccepting", "peek", "isTerminal", "get", "possibleReductionsInState", "isEmpty", "isEmpty", "size", "isEmpty", "warn", "warn", "warn", "warn", "warn", "warn", "warn", "warn", "warn", "warn", "warn", "warn", "warn", "warn", "warn", "warn", "isEmpty", "warn", "isEmpty", "warn", "size", "warn", "size", "error", "size", "size", "info", "poll", "push", "push", "next", "iterator", "size", "pop", "add", "pop", "reverse", "peek", "get", "push", "push", "add" ]
[ "listTok", "getDerivationASsSequence", "reverse", "getWordFromRightMostDerivation", "assertEquals" ]
{ "class_fields": "SimpleT T_ADD=new SimpleT(\"+\");\nSimpleT T_MUL=new SimpleT(\"*\");\nSimpleT T_OPEN=new SimpleT(\"(\");\nSimpleT T_CLOSE=new SimpleT(\")\");\nSimpleT T_ID=new SimpleT(\"id\");\nSimpleT T_EOF=new SimpleT(\"$\");\nSimpleT T_EPSILON=new SimpleT(\"[eps]\");\nSimpleNT E=new SimpleNT(\"E\");\nSimpleNT T=new SimpleNT(\"T\");\nSimpleNT F=new SimpleNT(\"F\");\nSimpleNT E_=new SimpleNT(\"E'\");\nfinal Grammar<SimpleT,SimpleNT> g1=new Grammar<>(E,E_,T_EOF,T_EPSILON);\nfinal Grammar<SimpleT,SimpleNT> g2=new Grammar<>(E,E_,T_EOF,T_EPSILON);", "class_name": "SLRAutomatonTest" }
{ "class_fields": "Integer state_num = 0;\nGrammar<T, NT> g;\nState initialState;\nfinal Set<State> states = new HashSet<>();\nfinal State acceptState = new State();\nAMBIGUITY_POLICY policy = AMBIGUITY_POLICY.DIE;\nLogger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(this.getClass());", "class_name": "SLRAutomaton", "method_signatures": "public SLRAutomaton(Grammar<T, NT> referenceGrammar)\npublic void setAmbiguityPolicy(AMBIGUITY_POLICY policy)\nprivate State getStateFor(Map<NT, Set<Item<T, NT>>> kernel)\nprivate int getAllStateItems()\nprivate void build()\npublic List<Production<T, NT>> getDerivationASsSequence(\n\t\t\tWord<T, NT> word_total)\nprivate Set<Production> possibleReductionsInState(T t, State st)\npublic int getNStates()" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: javabite-parser/src/main/java/swp_compiler_ss13/javabite/parser/grammar/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: SLRAutomaton\n\nclass_fields: Integer state_num = 0;\nGrammar<T, NT> g;\nState initialState;\nfinal Set<State> states = new HashSet<>();\nfinal State acceptState = new State();\nAMBIGUITY_POLICY policy = AMBIGUITY_POLICY.DIE;\nLogger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(this.getClass());\n\nmethod_signatures: public SLRAutomaton(Grammar<T, NT> referenceGrammar)\npublic void setAmbiguityPolicy(AMBIGUITY_POLICY policy)\nprivate State getStateFor(Map<NT, Set<Item<T, NT>>> kernel)\nprivate int getAllStateItems()\nprivate void build()\npublic List<Production<T, NT>> getDerivationASsSequence(\n\t\t\tWord<T, NT> word_total)\nprivate Set<Production> possibleReductionsInState(T t, State st)\npublic int getNStates()\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: SLRAutomatonTest\n\nclass_fields: SimpleT T_ADD=new SimpleT(\"+\");\nSimpleT T_MUL=new SimpleT(\"*\");\nSimpleT T_OPEN=new SimpleT(\"(\");\nSimpleT T_CLOSE=new SimpleT(\")\");\nSimpleT T_ID=new SimpleT(\"id\");\nSimpleT T_EOF=new SimpleT(\"$\");\nSimpleT T_EPSILON=new SimpleT(\"[eps]\");\nSimpleNT E=new SimpleNT(\"E\");\nSimpleNT T=new SimpleNT(\"T\");\nSimpleNT F=new SimpleNT(\"F\");\nSimpleNT E_=new SimpleNT(\"E'\");\nfinal Grammar<SimpleT,SimpleNT> g1=new Grammar<>(E,E_,T_EOF,T_EPSILON);\nfinal Grammar<SimpleT,SimpleNT> g2=new Grammar<>(E,E_,T_EOF,T_EPSILON);\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file javabite-parser/src/main/java/swp_compiler_ss13/javabite/parser/grammar/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n public List<Production<T, NT>> getDerivationASsSequence(\n\t\t\tWord<T, NT> word_total) {\n\n\t\tStack<State> state_stack = new Stack<>();\n\t\tStack<Symbol> symbol_stack = new Stack<>();\n\t\tstate_stack.push(initialState);\n\t\tsymbol_stack.push(g.word_end);\n\n\t\tList<Production<T, NT>> productions = new LinkedList<>();\n\t\tQueue<T> word = new ArrayDeque<>(word_total);\n\t\tword.add(g.word_end);\n\t\twhile (!state_stack.isEmpty()) {\n\t\t\tState state = state_stack.peek();\n\t\t\tif (state.isStateAccepting())\n\t\t\t\tbreak;\n\n\t\t\tSymbol a = word.peek();\n\t\t\tif (g.isTerminal(a)) {\n\t\t\t\tT t = (T) a;\n\t\t\t\tState nextStateTrans = state.transition.get(t);\n\t\t\t\tSet<Production> nextProdFollow = possibleReductionsInState(t,\n\t\t\t\t\t\tstate);\n\t\t\t\tif (nextStateTrans != null && !nextProdFollow.isEmpty()\n\t\t\t\t\t\t|| nextStateTrans == null && nextProdFollow.isEmpty()\n\t\t\t\t\t\t|| nextProdFollow.size() > 1) {\n\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\tif (nextStateTrans == null && nextProdFollow.isEmpty()){\n\t\t\t\t\t\tlogger.warn(\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\"behaviour not defined, policy set to DIE. next state by shift: {}, next states by follow: {}\",\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tnextStateTrans, nextProdFollow);\n\t\t\t\t\t\tlogger.warn(\"current terminal: {}\", a);\n\t\t\t\t\t\tlogger.warn(\"productions so far: {}\", productions);\n\t\t\t\t\t\tlogger.warn(\"state stack {}\", state_stack);\n\t\t\t\t\t\tlogger.warn(\"symbol stack {}\", symbol_stack);\n\t\t\t\t\t\tlogger.warn(\"word actual {}\", word);\n\t\t\t\t\t\tlogger.warn(\"word complete {}\", word_total);\n\t\t\t\t\t\tlogger.warn(\"states:\");\n\t\t\t\t\t\t//for (State st : states) {\n\t\t\t\t\t\t//\tlogger.warn(\"\\n{}\", st.descriptionAsString());\n\t\t\t\t\t\t//}\n\t\t\t\t\t\tthrow new WordNotInLanguageGrammarException(\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t(swp_compiler_ss13.javabite.parser.targetgrammar.Terminal) t);\n\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\tif (policy == AMBIGUITY_POLICY.DIE) {\n\t\t\t\t\t\tlogger.warn(\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\"behaviour not defined, policy set to DIE. next state by shift: {}, next states by follow: {}\",\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tnextStateTrans, nextProdFollow);\n\t\t\t\t\t\tlogger.warn(\"current terminal: {}\", a);\n\t\t\t\t\t\tlogger.warn(\"productions so far: {}\", productions);\n\t\t\t\t\t\tlogger.warn(\"state stack {}\", state_stack);\n\t\t\t\t\t\tlogger.warn(\"symbol stack {}\", symbol_stack);\n\t\t\t\t\t\tlogger.warn(\"word actual {}\", word);\n\t\t\t\t\t\tlogger.warn(\"word complete {}\", word_total);\n\t\t\t\t\t\tlogger.warn(\"states:\");\n\t\t\t\t\t\t//for (State st : states) {\n\t\t\t\t\t\t//\tlogger.warn(\"\\n{}\", st.descriptionAsString());\n\t\t\t\t\t\t//}\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\tif (nextStateTrans != null && !nextProdFollow.isEmpty()) {\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tif (t instanceof swp_compiler_ss13.javabite.parser.targetgrammar.Terminal) {\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tthrow new AmbiguityInDerivationGrammarException(\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t(swp_compiler_ss13.javabite.parser.targetgrammar.Terminal) t);\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t} else\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tlogger.warn(\"Dont know how to react...\");\n\t\t\t\t\t\t} else if (nextStateTrans == null\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t&& nextProdFollow.isEmpty()) {\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tif (t instanceof swp_compiler_ss13.javabite.parser.targetgrammar.Terminal) {\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tthrow new WordNotInLanguageGrammarException(\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t(swp_compiler_ss13.javabite.parser.targetgrammar.Terminal) t);\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t} else\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tlogger.warn(\"Dont know how to react...\");\n\t\t\t\t\t\t} else if (nextProdFollow.size() > 1) {\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tif (t instanceof swp_compiler_ss13.javabite.parser.targetgrammar.Terminal) {\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tthrow new AmbiguityInDerivationGrammarException(\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t(swp_compiler_ss13.javabite.parser.targetgrammar.Terminal) t);\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t} else\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tlogger.warn(\"Dont know how to react...\");\n\t\t\t\t\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tthrow new RuntimeException(\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\"Enexptected state reached\");\n\t\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t\telse if (policy==AMBIGUITY_POLICY.PREFER_REDUCE){\n\t\t\t\t\t\tif (nextProdFollow.size()==1){\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t// disable shift\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tnextStateTrans=null;\n\t\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t\t\telse{\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tlogger.error(\"policy PREFER_REDUCE is not applicable, because multiple or none (exact :{}) reductions are possible\",nextProdFollow.size());\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tif (nextProdFollow.size()>1)\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tthrow new AmbiguityInDerivationGrammarException(\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t(swp_compiler_ss13.javabite.parser.targetgrammar.Terminal) t);\n\t\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t\telse if (policy==AMBIGUITY_POLICY.PREFER_SHIFT){\n\t\t\t\t\t\\"policy PREFER_SHIFT is applicable and used\");\n\t\t\t\t\t\t// diable of reduce not necessary\n\t\t\t\t\t\tnextProdFollow=null;\n\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t\telse{\n\t\t\t\t\t\tthrow new RuntimeException(\"Invalid Policy\");\n\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t// do shift if possible\n\t\t\t\tif (nextStateTrans != null) {\n\t\t\t\t\tword.poll();\n\t\t\t\t\tsymbol_stack.push(a);\n\t\t\t\t\tstate_stack.push(nextStateTrans);\n\t\t\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t\t\t// reduce\n\t\t\t\t\tProduction todo = nextProdFollow.iterator().next();\n\t\t\t\t\tList<Symbol> original_right_side = new LinkedList<>();\n\t\t\t\t\tfor (int i = todo.right.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {\n\t\t\t\t\t\tstate_stack.pop();\n\t\t\t\t\t\toriginal_right_side.add(symbol_stack.pop());\n\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t\tCollections.reverse(original_right_side);\n\t\t\t\t\tState stateBeforeProduction = state_stack.peek();\n\t\t\t\t\tState nextState = stateBeforeProduction.transition\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t.get(todo.left);\n\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\tstate_stack.push(nextState);\n\t\t\t\t\tsymbol_stack.push(todo.left);\n\t\t\t\t\ttodo.right = original_right_side;\n\t\t\t\t\tproductions.add(todo);\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t\treturn productions;\n\t}\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n javabite-parser/src/test/java/swp_compiler_ss13/javabite/parser/grammar/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n\tpublic void testDerivationSequenceComplex(){\n\t\tSLRAutomaton<SimpleT, SimpleNT> automaton=new SLRAutomaton<>(g1);\n\t\tWord<SimpleT,SimpleNT> original=new Word<SimpleT,SimpleNT>(g1, listTok(T_ID,T_MUL,T_ID));\n\t\tList<Production<SimpleT,SimpleNT>> productions=automaton.getDerivationASsSequence(original);\n\t\tCollections.reverse(productions);\n\t\tWord<SimpleT,SimpleNT> derivated=Word.getWordFromRightMostDerivation(g1, productions); \n\t\tassertEquals(\"must be the same\",original,derivated);\n\t}\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
@Override public int hashCode() { return new HashCodeBuilder().append(code) .append(name) .append(version) .append(os_code) .append(mfg_code) .append(language) .append(app_type) .toHashCode(); }
@Test public void hashCodeSelf() { final ProdData pd = new ProdData(code, name, version, os_code, mfg_code, language, app_type); assertTrue(pd.hashCode() == pd.hashCode()); }
[ "toHashCode", "append", "append", "append", "append", "append", "append", "append" ]
[ "assertTrue", "hashCode", "hashCode" ]
{ "class_fields": "private static final int code = 99;\nprivate static final String name = \"Lern Yerself Scouse\";\nprivate static final String version = \"1.0\";\nprivate static final String os_code = \"42\";\nprivate static final String mfg_code = \"Lime Street Applications Inc.\";\nprivate static final String language = \"Scouse\";\nprivate final String app_type = \"Langauge learning\";", "class_name": "ProdDataTest" }
{ "class_fields": "public final int code;\npublic final String name;\npublic final String version;\npublic final String os_code;\npublic final String mfg_code;\npublic final String language;\npublic final String app_type;", "class_name": "ProdData", "method_signatures": "public ProdData(int code, String name, String version, String os_code,\n String mfg_code, String language, String app_type)\n@Override public String toString()\n@Override public boolean equals(Object o)\n@Override public int hashCode()" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: core/src/main/java/com/lightboxtechnologies/nsrl/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: ProdData\n\nclass_fields: public final int code;\npublic final String name;\npublic final String version;\npublic final String os_code;\npublic final String mfg_code;\npublic final String language;\npublic final String app_type;\n\nmethod_signatures: public ProdData(int code, String name, String version, String os_code,\n String mfg_code, String language, String app_type)\n@Override public String toString()\n@Override public boolean equals(Object o)\n@Override public int hashCode()\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: ProdDataTest\n\nclass_fields: private static final int code = 99;\nprivate static final String name = \"Lern Yerself Scouse\";\nprivate static final String version = \"1.0\";\nprivate static final String os_code = \"42\";\nprivate static final String mfg_code = \"Lime Street Applications Inc.\";\nprivate static final String language = \"Scouse\";\nprivate final String app_type = \"Langauge learning\";\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file core/src/main/java/com/lightboxtechnologies/nsrl/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n @Override\n public int hashCode() {\n return new HashCodeBuilder().append(code)\n .append(name)\n .append(version)\n .append(os_code)\n .append(mfg_code)\n .append(language)\n .append(app_type)\n .toHashCode();\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n core/src/test/java/com/lightboxtechnologies/nsrl/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void hashCodeSelf() {\n final ProdData pd =\n new ProdData(code, name, version, os_code, mfg_code, language, app_type);\n\n assertTrue(pd.hashCode() == pd.hashCode());\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
protected IdentifierData cast(Type goalType, IdentifierData oldId) throws IntermediateCodeGeneratorException { if (oldId.getIdentifier().startsWith("#")) { IdentifierData tmpId = icg.generateTempIdentifier(oldId.getType()); icg.addQuadruple(QuadrupleFactoryJb.generateAssignment(tmpId, oldId)); oldId = tmpId; } IdentifierData newId = icg.generateTempIdentifier(goalType); icg.addQuadruple(QuadrupleFactoryJb.generateCast(newId, oldId)); return newId; }
@Test public void testCastLongToString() { try { when(converter.icg.generateTempIdentifier(any(StringType.class))) .thenReturn(new IdentifierData("tmp", new StringType(0l))); converter.cast(new StringType(0l), new IdentifierData("test", new LongType())); verify(converter.icg).addQuadruple( new QuadrupleJb(Operator.LONG_TO_STRING, "test", Quadruple.EmptyArgument, "tmp")); } catch (IntermediateCodeGeneratorException e) { fail(); } }
[ "startsWith", "getIdentifier", "generateTempIdentifier", "getType", "addQuadruple", "generateAssignment", "generateTempIdentifier", "addQuadruple", "generateCast" ]
[ "thenReturn", "when", "generateTempIdentifier", "any", "cast", "addQuadruple", "verify", "fail" ]
{ "class_fields": "CastingAst2CodeConverter converter;", "class_name": "CastingAst2CodeConverterTest" }
{ "class_fields": "", "class_name": "CastingAst2CodeConverter extends AbstractAst2CodeConverter", "method_signatures": "protected IdentifierData cast(Type goalType, IdentifierData oldId)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: javabite-code-gen/src/main/java/swp_compiler_ss13/javabite/codegen/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: CastingAst2CodeConverter extends AbstractAst2CodeConverter\n\nclass_fields: \n\nmethod_signatures: protected IdentifierData cast(Type goalType, IdentifierData oldId)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: CastingAst2CodeConverterTest\n\nclass_fields: CastingAst2CodeConverter converter;\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file javabite-code-gen/src/main/java/swp_compiler_ss13/javabite/codegen/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n protected IdentifierData cast(Type goalType, IdentifierData oldId) throws IntermediateCodeGeneratorException {\n\t\tif (oldId.getIdentifier().startsWith(\"#\")) {\n\t\t\tIdentifierData tmpId = icg.generateTempIdentifier(oldId.getType());\n\t\t\ticg.addQuadruple(QuadrupleFactoryJb.generateAssignment(tmpId, oldId));\n\t\t\toldId = tmpId;\n\t\t}\n\t\tIdentifierData newId = icg.generateTempIdentifier(goalType);\n\t\ticg.addQuadruple(QuadrupleFactoryJb.generateCast(newId, oldId));\n\t\treturn newId;\n\t}\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n javabite-code-gen/src/test/java/swp_compiler_ss13/javabite/codegen/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n\tpublic void testCastLongToString() {\n\t\ttry {\n\t\t\twhen(converter.icg.generateTempIdentifier(any(StringType.class)))\n\t\t\t\t\t.thenReturn(new IdentifierData(\"tmp\", new StringType(0l)));\n\t\t\tconverter.cast(new StringType(0l), new IdentifierData(\"test\",\n\t\t\t\t\tnew LongType()));\n\t\t\tverify(converter.icg).addQuadruple(\n\t\t\t\t\tnew QuadrupleJb(Operator.LONG_TO_STRING, \"test\",\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tQuadruple.EmptyArgument, \"tmp\"));\n\t\t} catch (IntermediateCodeGeneratorException e) {\n\t\t\tfail();\n\t\t}\n\t}\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
public ASTJb generateAST() { // generate AST ASTJb ast = new ASTJb(); BlockNode rootNode = this.useBlockProduction(); ast.setRootNode(rootNode); return ast; }
@Test public void testSimpleDoubleDeclaration(){ List<Token> tList=new LinkedList<>(); tList.add(new TokenJb(TokenType.LONG_SYMBOL, "long")); tList.add(new TokenJb(TokenType.ID, "i")); tList.add(new TokenJb(TokenType.SEMICOLON,";")); tList.add(new TokenJb(TokenType.LONG_SYMBOL, "long")); tList.add(new TokenJb(TokenType.ID, "j")); tList.add(new TokenJb(TokenType.SEMICOLON,";")); TargetGrammar.SourceCode sc = SourceCode(tList); List<Reduction> res= syn.derivateDFLeftToRight(sc); instance=new ASTGenerator(res); AST ast=instance.generateAST(); }
[ "useBlockProduction", "setRootNode" ]
[ "add", "add", "add", "add", "add", "add", "derivateDFLeftToRight", "generateAST" ]
{ "class_fields": "ASTGenerator instance;\nLogger logger=LoggerFactory.getLogger(this.getClass());\nTargetGrammar syn=new TargetGrammar();", "class_name": "ASTGeneratorTest" }
{ "class_fields": "boolean debug=false;\nLogger logger=LoggerFactory.getLogger(ASTGenerator.class);\nList<TargetGrammar.Reduction> reductions;\nStack<BlockNodeJb> currentBlocks;\nList<Object> nonDisposedTokenConsumer=new LinkedList<>();", "class_name": "ASTGenerator", "method_signatures": "public ASTGenerator(List<TargetGrammar.Reduction> reductions)\npublic ASTJb generateAST()\nprivate BlockNodeJb useBlockProduction()\nprivate BlockNodeJb useBlockProductionDeclarationsOnly()\nprivate void useDeclsProduction()\nprivate DeclarationNodeJb useDeclProduction()\nprivate DeclarationNodeJb useDeclarationTypeProduction()\nprivate void useStmtsProduction()\nprivate StatementNodeJb useStmtProduction()\nprivate IdentifierNodeJb useLocProduction()\nprivate ExpressionNodeJb useAssignProduction()\nprivate ExpressionNodeJb useBoolProduction()\nprivate ExpressionNodeJb useJoinProduction()\nprivate ExpressionNodeJb useEqualityProduction()\nprivate ExpressionNodeJb useRelProduction()\nprivate ExpressionNodeJb useExprProduction()\nprivate ExpressionNodeJb useTermProduction()\nprivate ExpressionNodeJb useUnaryProduction()\nprivate ExpressionNodeJb useFactorProduction()" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: javabite-parser/src/main/java/swp_compiler_ss13/javabite/parser/astGenerator/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: ASTGenerator\n\nclass_fields: boolean debug=false;\nLogger logger=LoggerFactory.getLogger(ASTGenerator.class);\nList<TargetGrammar.Reduction> reductions;\nStack<BlockNodeJb> currentBlocks;\nList<Object> nonDisposedTokenConsumer=new LinkedList<>();\n\nmethod_signatures: public ASTGenerator(List<TargetGrammar.Reduction> reductions)\npublic ASTJb generateAST()\nprivate BlockNodeJb useBlockProduction()\nprivate BlockNodeJb useBlockProductionDeclarationsOnly()\nprivate void useDeclsProduction()\nprivate DeclarationNodeJb useDeclProduction()\nprivate DeclarationNodeJb useDeclarationTypeProduction()\nprivate void useStmtsProduction()\nprivate StatementNodeJb useStmtProduction()\nprivate IdentifierNodeJb useLocProduction()\nprivate ExpressionNodeJb useAssignProduction()\nprivate ExpressionNodeJb useBoolProduction()\nprivate ExpressionNodeJb useJoinProduction()\nprivate ExpressionNodeJb useEqualityProduction()\nprivate ExpressionNodeJb useRelProduction()\nprivate ExpressionNodeJb useExprProduction()\nprivate ExpressionNodeJb useTermProduction()\nprivate ExpressionNodeJb useUnaryProduction()\nprivate ExpressionNodeJb useFactorProduction()\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: ASTGeneratorTest\n\nclass_fields: ASTGenerator instance;\nLogger logger=LoggerFactory.getLogger(this.getClass());\nTargetGrammar syn=new TargetGrammar();\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file javabite-parser/src/main/java/swp_compiler_ss13/javabite/parser/astGenerator/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n public ASTJb generateAST() {\n\t\t// generate AST\n\t\tASTJb ast = new ASTJb();\n\n\t\tBlockNode rootNode = this.useBlockProduction();\n\t\tast.setRootNode(rootNode);\n\t\n\t\t\n\t\treturn ast;\n\t}\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n javabite-parser/src/test/java/swp_compiler_ss13/javabite/parser/astGenerator/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n\tpublic void testSimpleDoubleDeclaration(){\n\t\tList<Token> tList=new LinkedList<>();\n\t\ttList.add(new TokenJb(TokenType.LONG_SYMBOL, \"long\"));\n\t\ttList.add(new TokenJb(TokenType.ID, \"i\"));\n\t\ttList.add(new TokenJb(TokenType.SEMICOLON,\";\"));\n\t\ttList.add(new TokenJb(TokenType.LONG_SYMBOL, \"long\"));\n\t\ttList.add(new TokenJb(TokenType.ID, \"j\"));\n\t\ttList.add(new TokenJb(TokenType.SEMICOLON,\";\"));\n\t\tTargetGrammar.SourceCode sc = SourceCode(tList);\n\t\tList<Reduction> res= syn.derivateDFLeftToRight(sc);\n\t\tinstance=new ASTGenerator(res);\n\t\tAST ast=instance.generateAST();\n\t}\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
public synchronized void take(Handler<AsyncResult<Connection>> handler) { Connection connection = availableConnections.poll(); if (connection == null) { createOrWaitForAvailableConnection(handler); } else { cancelTimer(connection); if (connection.isConnected()) { // Do connection test if connection test timeout is configured if (connectionConfig != null && connectionConfig.getConnectionTestTimeout() > 0) { AtomicBoolean testCompleted = new AtomicBoolean(false); long timer = vertx.setTimer(connectionConfig.getConnectionTestTimeout(), ignored -> { // check if the test request has completed or not, if not, try it again and drop the current connection if (testCompleted.compareAndSet(false, true)) {"connection test timeout"); connection.disconnect(); // drop the connection if it's still alive synchronized (this) { poolSize -= 1; } take(handler); } }); connection.sendQuery("SELECT 1 AS alive") .whenCompleteAsync((ignored, error) -> { if (error != null) {"connection test failed", error); connection.disconnect(); // try to close the connection synchronized (this) { poolSize -= 1; } take(handler); } else { // connection is good, however, need to check if the test query has timeout or not // if timeout is not fired yet, then we will cleanup the timeout timer and return // the connection, otherwise, we will skip this event, as timeout timer already // drop the connection and retry if (testCompleted.compareAndSet(false, true)) { // cleanup the timer if (this.connectionConfig.getConnectionTestTimeout() > 0) { vertx.cancelTimer(timer); } handler.handle(Future.succeededFuture(connection)); } } }, ConversionUtils.vertxToExecutor(vertx)); } else { // No test connection timeout is configured, return the connection directly handler.handle(Future.succeededFuture(connection)); } } else { poolSize -= 1; take(handler); } } }
@Test public void testRetriesAndFail(TestContext context) { final int MAX_RETRIES = 5; final Async async = context.async(); final AsyncConnectionPoolMock pool = new AsyncConnectionPoolMock( new JsonObject() .put("maxConnectionRetries", MAX_RETRIES) .put("connectionRetryDelay", 100L), this::getFailingConnection); pool.take(result -> { context.assertTrue(result.failed()); context.assertTrue(result.cause() instanceof RuntimeException); context.assertEquals(MAX_RETRIES + 1, pool.connectionAttempts); context.assertEquals(0, pool.createdConnections); // Verify the the Vert.x timer has been used 5 times (MAX_RETRIES) Mockito.verify(vertx, Mockito.times(MAX_RETRIES)).setTimer(Mockito.eq(100L), Mockito.any()); Mockito.verifyNoMoreInteractions(vertx); async.complete(); }); }
[ "poll", "createOrWaitForAvailableConnection", "cancelTimer", "isConnected", "getConnectionTestTimeout", "setTimer", "getConnectionTestTimeout", "compareAndSet", "info", "disconnect", "take", "whenCompleteAsync", "sendQuery", "info", "disconnect", "take", "compareAndSet", "getConnectionTestTimeout", "cancelTimer", "handle", "succeededFuture", "vertxToExecutor", "handle", "succeededFuture", "take" ]
[ "async", "put", "put", "take", "assertTrue", "failed", "assertTrue", "cause", "assertEquals", "assertEquals", "setTimer", "verify", "times", "eq", "any", "verifyNoMoreInteractions", "complete" ]
{ "class_fields": "private final int MAX_POOL_SIZE = 15;\nprivate Vertx vertx;", "class_name": "AsyncConnectionPoolTest" }
{ "class_fields": "public static final int DEFAULT_MAX_POOL_SIZE = 10;\npublic static final int DEFAULT_MAX_CONNECTION_RETRIES = 0;\npublic static final int DEFAULT_CONNECTION_RETRY_DELAY = 5_000;\npublic static final int DEFAULT_CONNECTION_RELEASE_DELAY = 0;\nprivate static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(AsyncConnectionPool.class);\nprivate final int maxPoolSize;\nprivate final int maxConnectionRetries;\nprivate final int connectionRetryDelay;\nprivate final int connectionReleaseDelay;\nprotected final ConnectionPoolConfiguration connectionConfig;\nprotected final Vertx vertx;\nprivate int poolSize = 0;\nprivate final Deque<Connection> availableConnections = new ArrayDeque<>();\nprivate final Deque<Handler<AsyncResult<Connection>>> waiters = new ArrayDeque<>();\nprivate final Map<Connection,Long> timers = new HashMap<>();", "class_name": "AsyncConnectionPool", "method_signatures": "public AsyncConnectionPool(Vertx vertx, JsonObject globalConfig, ConnectionPoolConfiguration connectionConfig)\nprotected abstract Connection create()\npublic synchronized int getPoolSize()\nsynchronized int getTimersSize()\nprivate synchronized void createConnection(Handler<AsyncResult<Connection>> handler)\nprivate synchronized void createAndConnect(Handler<AsyncResult<Connection>> handler)\nprivate synchronized void waitForAvailableConnection(Handler<AsyncResult<Connection>> handler)\nprivate synchronized void createOrWaitForAvailableConnection(Handler<AsyncResult<Connection>> handler)\npublic synchronized void take(Handler<AsyncResult<Connection>> handler)\nprivate synchronized void notifyWaitersAboutAvailableConnection()\nprivate synchronized void cancelTimer(Connection connection)\npublic synchronized void expire(Connection connection)\npublic synchronized void giveBack(Connection connection)\npublic synchronized void close()\npublic synchronized void close(Handler<AsyncResult<Void>> handler)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: vertx-mysql-postgresql-client-jasync/src/main/java/io/vertx/ext/asyncsql/impl/pool/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: AsyncConnectionPool\n\nclass_fields: public static final int DEFAULT_MAX_POOL_SIZE = 10;\npublic static final int DEFAULT_MAX_CONNECTION_RETRIES = 0;\npublic static final int DEFAULT_CONNECTION_RETRY_DELAY = 5_000;\npublic static final int DEFAULT_CONNECTION_RELEASE_DELAY = 0;\nprivate static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(AsyncConnectionPool.class);\nprivate final int maxPoolSize;\nprivate final int maxConnectionRetries;\nprivate final int connectionRetryDelay;\nprivate final int connectionReleaseDelay;\nprotected final ConnectionPoolConfiguration connectionConfig;\nprotected final Vertx vertx;\nprivate int poolSize = 0;\nprivate final Deque<Connection> availableConnections = new ArrayDeque<>();\nprivate final Deque<Handler<AsyncResult<Connection>>> waiters = new ArrayDeque<>();\nprivate final Map<Connection,Long> timers = new HashMap<>();\n\nmethod_signatures: public AsyncConnectionPool(Vertx vertx, JsonObject globalConfig, ConnectionPoolConfiguration connectionConfig)\nprotected abstract Connection create()\npublic synchronized int getPoolSize()\nsynchronized int getTimersSize()\nprivate synchronized void createConnection(Handler<AsyncResult<Connection>> handler)\nprivate synchronized void createAndConnect(Handler<AsyncResult<Connection>> handler)\nprivate synchronized void waitForAvailableConnection(Handler<AsyncResult<Connection>> handler)\nprivate synchronized void createOrWaitForAvailableConnection(Handler<AsyncResult<Connection>> handler)\npublic synchronized void take(Handler<AsyncResult<Connection>> handler)\nprivate synchronized void notifyWaitersAboutAvailableConnection()\nprivate synchronized void cancelTimer(Connection connection)\npublic synchronized void expire(Connection connection)\npublic synchronized void giveBack(Connection connection)\npublic synchronized void close()\npublic synchronized void close(Handler<AsyncResult<Void>> handler)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: AsyncConnectionPoolTest\n\nclass_fields: private final int MAX_POOL_SIZE = 15;\nprivate Vertx vertx;\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file vertx-mysql-postgresql-client-jasync/src/main/java/io/vertx/ext/asyncsql/impl/pool/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n public synchronized void take(Handler<AsyncResult<Connection>> handler) {\n Connection connection = availableConnections.poll();\n if (connection == null) {\n createOrWaitForAvailableConnection(handler);\n } else {\n cancelTimer(connection);\n if (connection.isConnected()) {\n // Do connection test if connection test timeout is configured\n if (connectionConfig != null && connectionConfig.getConnectionTestTimeout() > 0) {\n AtomicBoolean testCompleted = new AtomicBoolean(false);\n long timer = vertx.setTimer(connectionConfig.getConnectionTestTimeout(), ignored -> {\n // check if the test request has completed or not, if not, try it again and drop the current connection\n if (testCompleted.compareAndSet(false, true)) {\n\"connection test timeout\");\n connection.disconnect(); // drop the connection if it's still alive\n synchronized (this) {\n poolSize -= 1;\n }\n\n take(handler);\n }\n });\n connection.sendQuery(\"SELECT 1 AS alive\")\n .whenCompleteAsync((ignored, error) -> {\n if (error != null) {\n\"connection test failed\", error);\n connection.disconnect(); // try to close the connection\n synchronized (this) {\n poolSize -= 1;\n }\n\n take(handler);\n } else {\n // connection is good, however, need to check if the test query has timeout or not\n // if timeout is not fired yet, then we will cleanup the timeout timer and return\n // the connection, otherwise, we will skip this event, as timeout timer already\n // drop the connection and retry\n if (testCompleted.compareAndSet(false, true)) {\n // cleanup the timer\n if (this.connectionConfig.getConnectionTestTimeout() > 0) {\n vertx.cancelTimer(timer);\n }\n\n handler.handle(Future.succeededFuture(connection));\n }\n }\n }, ConversionUtils.vertxToExecutor(vertx));\n } else {\n // No test connection timeout is configured, return the connection directly\n handler.handle(Future.succeededFuture(connection));\n }\n } else {\n poolSize -= 1;\n take(handler);\n }\n }\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n vertx-mysql-postgresql-client-jasync/src/test/java/io/vertx/ext/asyncsql/impl/pool/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void testRetriesAndFail(TestContext context) {\n final int MAX_RETRIES = 5;\n\n final Async async = context.async();\n\n final AsyncConnectionPoolMock pool = new AsyncConnectionPoolMock(\n new JsonObject()\n .put(\"maxConnectionRetries\", MAX_RETRIES)\n .put(\"connectionRetryDelay\", 100L),\n this::getFailingConnection);\n\n pool.take(result -> {\n context.assertTrue(result.failed());\n context.assertTrue(result.cause() instanceof RuntimeException);\n context.assertEquals(MAX_RETRIES + 1, pool.connectionAttempts);\n context.assertEquals(0, pool.createdConnections);\n\n // Verify the the Vert.x timer has been used 5 times (MAX_RETRIES)\n Mockito.verify(vertx, Mockito.times(MAX_RETRIES)).setTimer(Mockito.eq(100L), Mockito.any());\n Mockito.verifyNoMoreInteractions(vertx);\n\n async.complete();\n });\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
protected IdentifierData cast(Type goalType, IdentifierData oldId) throws IntermediateCodeGeneratorException { if (oldId.getIdentifier().startsWith("#")) { IdentifierData tmpId = icg.generateTempIdentifier(oldId.getType()); icg.addQuadruple(QuadrupleFactoryJb.generateAssignment(tmpId, oldId)); oldId = tmpId; } IdentifierData newId = icg.generateTempIdentifier(goalType); icg.addQuadruple(QuadrupleFactoryJb.generateCast(newId, oldId)); return newId; }
@Test public void testCastArrayToBoolean(){ try { when(converter.icg.generateTempIdentifier(any(BooleanType.class))) .thenReturn(new IdentifierData("tmp", new BooleanType())); converter.cast(new BooleanType(), new IdentifierData("test", new ArrayType(new LongType(), 0))); fail(); } catch (IntermediateCodeGeneratorException e) { } }
[ "startsWith", "getIdentifier", "generateTempIdentifier", "getType", "addQuadruple", "generateAssignment", "generateTempIdentifier", "addQuadruple", "generateCast" ]
[ "thenReturn", "when", "generateTempIdentifier", "any", "cast", "fail" ]
{ "class_fields": "CastingAst2CodeConverter converter;", "class_name": "CastingAst2CodeConverterTest" }
{ "class_fields": "", "class_name": "CastingAst2CodeConverter extends AbstractAst2CodeConverter", "method_signatures": "protected IdentifierData cast(Type goalType, IdentifierData oldId)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: javabite-code-gen/src/main/java/swp_compiler_ss13/javabite/codegen/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: CastingAst2CodeConverter extends AbstractAst2CodeConverter\n\nclass_fields: \n\nmethod_signatures: protected IdentifierData cast(Type goalType, IdentifierData oldId)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: CastingAst2CodeConverterTest\n\nclass_fields: CastingAst2CodeConverter converter;\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file javabite-code-gen/src/main/java/swp_compiler_ss13/javabite/codegen/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n protected IdentifierData cast(Type goalType, IdentifierData oldId) throws IntermediateCodeGeneratorException {\n\t\tif (oldId.getIdentifier().startsWith(\"#\")) {\n\t\t\tIdentifierData tmpId = icg.generateTempIdentifier(oldId.getType());\n\t\t\ticg.addQuadruple(QuadrupleFactoryJb.generateAssignment(tmpId, oldId));\n\t\t\toldId = tmpId;\n\t\t}\n\t\tIdentifierData newId = icg.generateTempIdentifier(goalType);\n\t\ticg.addQuadruple(QuadrupleFactoryJb.generateCast(newId, oldId));\n\t\treturn newId;\n\t}\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n javabite-code-gen/src/test/java/swp_compiler_ss13/javabite/codegen/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n\tpublic void testCastArrayToBoolean(){\n\ttry {\n\t when(converter.icg.generateTempIdentifier(any(BooleanType.class)))\n\t .thenReturn(new IdentifierData(\"tmp\", new BooleanType()));\n\t converter.cast(new BooleanType(), new IdentifierData(\"test\",\n\t new ArrayType(new LongType(), 0)));\n\t fail();\n\t } catch (IntermediateCodeGeneratorException e) {\n\t }\n\t }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
protected IdentifierData cast(Type goalType, IdentifierData oldId) throws IntermediateCodeGeneratorException { if (oldId.getIdentifier().startsWith("#")) { IdentifierData tmpId = icg.generateTempIdentifier(oldId.getType()); icg.addQuadruple(QuadrupleFactoryJb.generateAssignment(tmpId, oldId)); oldId = tmpId; } IdentifierData newId = icg.generateTempIdentifier(goalType); icg.addQuadruple(QuadrupleFactoryJb.generateCast(newId, oldId)); return newId; }
@Test public void testCastArrayToDoubleFails(){ try { when(converter.icg.generateTempIdentifier(any(DoubleType.class))) .thenReturn( new IdentifierData("tmp", new DoubleType())); converter.cast(new DoubleType(), new IdentifierData("test", new ArrayType(new LongType(), 0))); fail(); } catch (IntermediateCodeGeneratorException e) { } }
[ "startsWith", "getIdentifier", "generateTempIdentifier", "getType", "addQuadruple", "generateAssignment", "generateTempIdentifier", "addQuadruple", "generateCast" ]
[ "thenReturn", "when", "generateTempIdentifier", "any", "cast", "fail" ]
{ "class_fields": "CastingAst2CodeConverter converter;", "class_name": "CastingAst2CodeConverterTest" }
{ "class_fields": "", "class_name": "CastingAst2CodeConverter extends AbstractAst2CodeConverter", "method_signatures": "protected IdentifierData cast(Type goalType, IdentifierData oldId)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: javabite-code-gen/src/main/java/swp_compiler_ss13/javabite/codegen/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: CastingAst2CodeConverter extends AbstractAst2CodeConverter\n\nclass_fields: \n\nmethod_signatures: protected IdentifierData cast(Type goalType, IdentifierData oldId)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: CastingAst2CodeConverterTest\n\nclass_fields: CastingAst2CodeConverter converter;\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file javabite-code-gen/src/main/java/swp_compiler_ss13/javabite/codegen/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n protected IdentifierData cast(Type goalType, IdentifierData oldId) throws IntermediateCodeGeneratorException {\n\t\tif (oldId.getIdentifier().startsWith(\"#\")) {\n\t\t\tIdentifierData tmpId = icg.generateTempIdentifier(oldId.getType());\n\t\t\ticg.addQuadruple(QuadrupleFactoryJb.generateAssignment(tmpId, oldId));\n\t\t\toldId = tmpId;\n\t\t}\n\t\tIdentifierData newId = icg.generateTempIdentifier(goalType);\n\t\ticg.addQuadruple(QuadrupleFactoryJb.generateCast(newId, oldId));\n\t\treturn newId;\n\t}\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n javabite-code-gen/src/test/java/swp_compiler_ss13/javabite/codegen/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n\t public void testCastArrayToDoubleFails(){\n\t try {\n\t\t when(converter.icg.generateTempIdentifier(any(DoubleType.class)))\n\t\t .thenReturn(\n\t\t new IdentifierData(\"tmp\", new DoubleType()));\n\t\t converter.cast(new DoubleType(), new IdentifierData(\"test\",\n\t\t new ArrayType(new LongType(), 0)));\n\t\t fail();\n\t } catch (IntermediateCodeGeneratorException e) {\n\t \n\t }\n\t }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
public Set<ConfigCategory> getConfigCategories() { Set<ConfigCategory> categories = new HashSet<>(); for (String key : this.stringPropertyNames()) { if (key.contains(".")) { categories.add(new ConfigCategory(key.substring(0, key.indexOf(".")))); } else { categories.add(new ConfigCategory("")); } } return categories; }
@Test public void testGetConfigCategories() { Set<ConfigCategory> categories = config.getConfigCategories(); assertEquals(3, categories.size()); Iterator<ConfigCategory> it = categories.iterator(); ConfigCategory cc =; assertEquals("syntaxHighlighting", cc.getName()); assertEquals("Syntax Highlighting", cc.toString()); cc =; assertEquals("compiler", cc.getName()); assertEquals("Compiler", cc.toString()); cc =; assertEquals("", cc.getName()); assertEquals("Misc", cc.toString()); }
[ "stringPropertyNames", "contains", "add", "substring", "indexOf", "add" ]
[ "getConfigCategories", "assertEquals", "size", "iterator", "next", "assertEquals", "getName", "assertEquals", "toString", "next", "assertEquals", "getName", "assertEquals", "toString", "next", "assertEquals", "getName", "assertEquals", "toString" ]
{ "class_fields": "JavabiteConfig config;", "class_name": "JavabiteConfigTest" }
{ "class_fields": "private final static Logger log = LoggerFactory\n\t\t\t.getLogger(JavabiteConfig.class);\nprivate final static String CONFIG_FILE_NAME = \"\";\npublic final static JavabiteConfig SINGLETON = new JavabiteConfig();\nprivate final List<Configurable> configurables = new ArrayList<>();\nprivate final HashMap<String, ConfigEntry> configEntryMap = new HashMap<>();\nprivate static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;", "class_name": "JavabiteConfig extends Properties", "method_signatures": "JavabiteConfig()\n JavabiteConfig(String path)\npublic static JavabiteConfig getDefaultConfig()\npublic void configurationChanges()\npublic static void registerConfigurable(Configurable config)\n@Override public synchronized Object setProperty(String key, String value)\n@Override public String getProperty(String key, String defaultValue)\npublic String getProperty(String key, Integer color)\npublic String getProperty(String key, List<String> validValues)\npublic void writeConfig()\npublic Set<ConfigCategory> getConfigCategories()\npublic Set<ConfigKey> getConfigKeys(ConfigCategory category)\npublic Set<ConfigKey> getConfigKeys(String categoryName)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: javabite-common/src/main/java/swp_compiler_ss13/javabite/config/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: JavabiteConfig extends Properties\n\nclass_fields: private final static Logger log = LoggerFactory\n\t\t\t.getLogger(JavabiteConfig.class);\nprivate final static String CONFIG_FILE_NAME = \"\";\npublic final static JavabiteConfig SINGLETON = new JavabiteConfig();\nprivate final List<Configurable> configurables = new ArrayList<>();\nprivate final HashMap<String, ConfigEntry> configEntryMap = new HashMap<>();\nprivate static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;\n\nmethod_signatures: JavabiteConfig()\n JavabiteConfig(String path)\npublic static JavabiteConfig getDefaultConfig()\npublic void configurationChanges()\npublic static void registerConfigurable(Configurable config)\n@Override public synchronized Object setProperty(String key, String value)\n@Override public String getProperty(String key, String defaultValue)\npublic String getProperty(String key, Integer color)\npublic String getProperty(String key, List<String> validValues)\npublic void writeConfig()\npublic Set<ConfigCategory> getConfigCategories()\npublic Set<ConfigKey> getConfigKeys(ConfigCategory category)\npublic Set<ConfigKey> getConfigKeys(String categoryName)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: JavabiteConfigTest\n\nclass_fields: JavabiteConfig config;\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file javabite-common/src/main/java/swp_compiler_ss13/javabite/config/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n public Set<ConfigCategory> getConfigCategories() {\n\t\tSet<ConfigCategory> categories = new HashSet<>();\n\n\t\tfor (String key : this.stringPropertyNames()) {\n\t\t\tif (key.contains(\".\")) {\n\t\t\t\tcategories.add(new ConfigCategory(key.substring(0,\n\t\t\t\t\t\tkey.indexOf(\".\"))));\n\t\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t\tcategories.add(new ConfigCategory(\"\"));\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\n\t\treturn categories;\n\t}\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n javabite-common/src/test/java/swp_compiler_ss13/javabite/config/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n\tpublic void testGetConfigCategories() {\n\t\tSet<ConfigCategory> categories = config.getConfigCategories();\n\n\t\tassertEquals(3, categories.size());\n\t\tIterator<ConfigCategory> it = categories.iterator();\n\t\tConfigCategory cc =;\n\t\tassertEquals(\"syntaxHighlighting\", cc.getName());\n\t\tassertEquals(\"Syntax Highlighting\", cc.toString());\n\t\tcc =;\n\t\tassertEquals(\"compiler\", cc.getName());\n\t\tassertEquals(\"Compiler\", cc.toString());\n\t\tcc =;\n\t\tassertEquals(\"\", cc.getName());\n\t\tassertEquals(\"Misc\", cc.toString());\n\t}\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
@Override public Object get(int row, int column) { Object pojo = pojoList.get(row); beanWrapper.setWrappedInstance(pojo); TypeDescriptor fieldDesc = beanWrapper .getPropertyTypeDescriptor(props[column]); TypeDescriptor strDesc = TypeDescriptor.valueOf(String.class); Object value = beanWrapper.getPropertyValue(props[column]); if (canConvert(value, fieldDesc, strDesc)) { return this.conversionService.convert(value, fieldDesc, strDesc); } else { return value; } }
@Test public void get() { assertThat((String) target.get(0, 0), is("Hello")); assertThat((Integer)target.get(0, 1), is(0)); assertThat(target.get(0, 2), is(nullValue())); assertThat(target.get(1, 0), is(nullValue())); assertThat((Integer) target.get(1, 1), is(100)); assertThat((Date) target.get(1, 2), is(DateUtils.create(2010, 5, 6))); }
[ "get", "setWrappedInstance", "getPropertyTypeDescriptor", "valueOf", "getPropertyValue", "canConvert", "convert" ]
[ "assertThat", "get", "is", "assertThat", "get", "is", "assertThat", "get", "is", "nullValue", "assertThat", "get", "is", "nullValue", "assertThat", "get", "is", "assertThat", "get", "is", "create" ]
{ "class_fields": "PojoListGrid target;\nSamplePojo samplePojo1 = new SamplePojo();\nSamplePojo samplePojo2 = new SamplePojo();\nList<SamplePojo> samplePojoList = Arrays.asList(samplePojo1, samplePojo2);", "class_name": "PojoListGridTest" }
{ "class_fields": "private List<Object> pojoList;\nprivate String[] props;\nprivate BeanWrapperImpl beanWrapper = new BeanWrapperImpl();\nprivate ConversionService conversionService;", "class_name": "PojoListGrid implements Grid", "method_signatures": "public PojoListGrid(List<?> pojoList, ConversionService conversionService, String... props)\npublic PojoListGrid(List<?> pojoList, String... props)\n@Override public Object get(int row, int column)\nprivate boolean canConvert(Object value, TypeDescriptor fieldDesc, TypeDescriptor strDesc)\n@Override public void set(int row, int column, Object value)\n@Override public int columns()\n@Override public int rows()\n@Override public Object[][] toArray2D()" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: spring-mvc-exts/src/main/java/com/github/ryoasai/springmvc/grid/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: PojoListGrid implements Grid\n\nclass_fields: private List<Object> pojoList;\nprivate String[] props;\nprivate BeanWrapperImpl beanWrapper = new BeanWrapperImpl();\nprivate ConversionService conversionService;\n\nmethod_signatures: public PojoListGrid(List<?> pojoList, ConversionService conversionService, String... props)\npublic PojoListGrid(List<?> pojoList, String... props)\n@Override public Object get(int row, int column)\nprivate boolean canConvert(Object value, TypeDescriptor fieldDesc, TypeDescriptor strDesc)\n@Override public void set(int row, int column, Object value)\n@Override public int columns()\n@Override public int rows()\n@Override public Object[][] toArray2D()\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: PojoListGridTest\n\nclass_fields: PojoListGrid target;\nSamplePojo samplePojo1 = new SamplePojo();\nSamplePojo samplePojo2 = new SamplePojo();\nList<SamplePojo> samplePojoList = Arrays.asList(samplePojo1, samplePojo2);\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file spring-mvc-exts/src/main/java/com/github/ryoasai/springmvc/grid/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n @Override\n\tpublic Object get(int row, int column) {\n\t\tObject pojo = pojoList.get(row);\n\t\tbeanWrapper.setWrappedInstance(pojo);\n\n\t\tTypeDescriptor fieldDesc = beanWrapper\n\t\t\t\t.getPropertyTypeDescriptor(props[column]);\n\t\tTypeDescriptor strDesc = TypeDescriptor.valueOf(String.class);\n\n\t\tObject value = beanWrapper.getPropertyValue(props[column]);\n\n\t\tif (canConvert(value, fieldDesc, strDesc)) {\n\t\t\treturn this.conversionService.convert(value, fieldDesc, strDesc);\n\t\t} else {\n\t\t\treturn value;\n\t\t}\n\t}\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n spring-mvc-exts/src/test/java/com/github/ryoasai/springmvc/grid/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n\tpublic void get() {\n\t\tassertThat((String) target.get(0, 0), is(\"Hello\"));\n\t\tassertThat((Integer)target.get(0, 1), is(0));\n\t\tassertThat(target.get(0, 2), is(nullValue()));\n\n\t\tassertThat(target.get(1, 0), is(nullValue()));\n\t\tassertThat((Integer) target.get(1, 1), is(100));\n\t\tassertThat((Date) target.get(1, 2), is(DateUtils.create(2010, 5, 6)));\n\t}\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
protected IdentifierData cast(Type goalType, IdentifierData oldId) throws IntermediateCodeGeneratorException { if (oldId.getIdentifier().startsWith("#")) { IdentifierData tmpId = icg.generateTempIdentifier(oldId.getType()); icg.addQuadruple(QuadrupleFactoryJb.generateAssignment(tmpId, oldId)); oldId = tmpId; } IdentifierData newId = icg.generateTempIdentifier(goalType); icg.addQuadruple(QuadrupleFactoryJb.generateCast(newId, oldId)); return newId; }
@Test public void testCastLongToBooleanFails() { try { when(converter.icg.generateTempIdentifier(any(BooleanType.class))) .thenReturn(new IdentifierData("tmp", new BooleanType())); converter.cast(new BooleanType(), new IdentifierData("test", new LongType())); fail(); } catch (IntermediateCodeGeneratorException e) { } }
[ "startsWith", "getIdentifier", "generateTempIdentifier", "getType", "addQuadruple", "generateAssignment", "generateTempIdentifier", "addQuadruple", "generateCast" ]
[ "thenReturn", "when", "generateTempIdentifier", "any", "cast", "fail" ]
{ "class_fields": "CastingAst2CodeConverter converter;", "class_name": "CastingAst2CodeConverterTest" }
{ "class_fields": "", "class_name": "CastingAst2CodeConverter extends AbstractAst2CodeConverter", "method_signatures": "protected IdentifierData cast(Type goalType, IdentifierData oldId)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: javabite-code-gen/src/main/java/swp_compiler_ss13/javabite/codegen/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: CastingAst2CodeConverter extends AbstractAst2CodeConverter\n\nclass_fields: \n\nmethod_signatures: protected IdentifierData cast(Type goalType, IdentifierData oldId)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: CastingAst2CodeConverterTest\n\nclass_fields: CastingAst2CodeConverter converter;\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file javabite-code-gen/src/main/java/swp_compiler_ss13/javabite/codegen/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n protected IdentifierData cast(Type goalType, IdentifierData oldId) throws IntermediateCodeGeneratorException {\n\t\tif (oldId.getIdentifier().startsWith(\"#\")) {\n\t\t\tIdentifierData tmpId = icg.generateTempIdentifier(oldId.getType());\n\t\t\ticg.addQuadruple(QuadrupleFactoryJb.generateAssignment(tmpId, oldId));\n\t\t\toldId = tmpId;\n\t\t}\n\t\tIdentifierData newId = icg.generateTempIdentifier(goalType);\n\t\ticg.addQuadruple(QuadrupleFactoryJb.generateCast(newId, oldId));\n\t\treturn newId;\n\t}\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n javabite-code-gen/src/test/java/swp_compiler_ss13/javabite/codegen/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n\tpublic void testCastLongToBooleanFails() {\n\t\ttry {\n\t\t\twhen(converter.icg.generateTempIdentifier(any(BooleanType.class)))\n\t\t\t\t\t.thenReturn(new IdentifierData(\"tmp\", new BooleanType()));\n\t\t\tconverter.cast(new BooleanType(), new IdentifierData(\"test\",\n\t\t\t\t\tnew LongType()));\n\t\t\tfail();\n\t\t} catch (IntermediateCodeGeneratorException e) {\n\t\t}\n\t}\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
protected IdentifierData cast(Type goalType, IdentifierData oldId) throws IntermediateCodeGeneratorException { if (oldId.getIdentifier().startsWith("#")) { IdentifierData tmpId = icg.generateTempIdentifier(oldId.getType()); icg.addQuadruple(QuadrupleFactoryJb.generateAssignment(tmpId, oldId)); oldId = tmpId; } IdentifierData newId = icg.generateTempIdentifier(goalType); icg.addQuadruple(QuadrupleFactoryJb.generateCast(newId, oldId)); return newId; }
@Test public void testCastDoubleToStructFails() { try { when(converter.icg.generateTempIdentifier(any(StructType.class))) .thenReturn( new IdentifierData("tmp", new StructType( new Member[] { new Member("", new DoubleType()) }))); converter.cast(new StructType( new Member[] { new Member("", new LongType()) }), new IdentifierData("test", new DoubleType())); fail(); } catch (IntermediateCodeGeneratorException e) { } }
[ "startsWith", "getIdentifier", "generateTempIdentifier", "getType", "addQuadruple", "generateAssignment", "generateTempIdentifier", "addQuadruple", "generateCast" ]
[ "thenReturn", "when", "generateTempIdentifier", "any", "cast", "fail" ]
{ "class_fields": "CastingAst2CodeConverter converter;", "class_name": "CastingAst2CodeConverterTest" }
{ "class_fields": "", "class_name": "CastingAst2CodeConverter extends AbstractAst2CodeConverter", "method_signatures": "protected IdentifierData cast(Type goalType, IdentifierData oldId)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: javabite-code-gen/src/main/java/swp_compiler_ss13/javabite/codegen/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: CastingAst2CodeConverter extends AbstractAst2CodeConverter\n\nclass_fields: \n\nmethod_signatures: protected IdentifierData cast(Type goalType, IdentifierData oldId)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: CastingAst2CodeConverterTest\n\nclass_fields: CastingAst2CodeConverter converter;\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file javabite-code-gen/src/main/java/swp_compiler_ss13/javabite/codegen/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n protected IdentifierData cast(Type goalType, IdentifierData oldId) throws IntermediateCodeGeneratorException {\n\t\tif (oldId.getIdentifier().startsWith(\"#\")) {\n\t\t\tIdentifierData tmpId = icg.generateTempIdentifier(oldId.getType());\n\t\t\ticg.addQuadruple(QuadrupleFactoryJb.generateAssignment(tmpId, oldId));\n\t\t\toldId = tmpId;\n\t\t}\n\t\tIdentifierData newId = icg.generateTempIdentifier(goalType);\n\t\ticg.addQuadruple(QuadrupleFactoryJb.generateCast(newId, oldId));\n\t\treturn newId;\n\t}\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n javabite-code-gen/src/test/java/swp_compiler_ss13/javabite/codegen/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n\tpublic void testCastDoubleToStructFails() {\n\t\ttry {\n\t\t\twhen(converter.icg.generateTempIdentifier(any(StructType.class)))\n\t\t\t\t\t.thenReturn(\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tnew IdentifierData(\"tmp\", new StructType(\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tnew Member[] { new Member(\"\",\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tnew DoubleType()) })));\n\t\t\tconverter.cast(new StructType( new Member[] { new Member(\"\",\n\t\t\t\t\tnew LongType()) }), new IdentifierData(\"test\",\n\t\t\t\t\tnew DoubleType()));\n\t\t\tfail();\n\t\t} catch (IntermediateCodeGeneratorException e) {\n\t\t}\n\t}\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
public ASTJb generateAST() { // generate AST ASTJb ast = new ASTJb(); BlockNode rootNode = this.useBlockProduction(); ast.setRootNode(rootNode); return ast; }
@Test public void testSimpleStatement(){ List<Token> tList=new LinkedList<>(); tList.add(new TokenJb(TokenType.ID, "i")); tList.add(new TokenJb(TokenType.ASSIGNOP, "=")); tList.add(new RealTokenJb(TokenType.REAL,"2.0")); tList.add(new TokenJb(TokenType.SEMICOLON,";")); TargetGrammar.SourceCode sc = SourceCode(tList); List<Reduction> res= syn.derivateDFLeftToRight(sc); instance=new ASTGenerator(res); AST ast=instance.generateAST(); }
[ "useBlockProduction", "setRootNode" ]
[ "add", "add", "add", "add", "derivateDFLeftToRight", "generateAST" ]
{ "class_fields": "ASTGenerator instance;\nLogger logger=LoggerFactory.getLogger(this.getClass());\nTargetGrammar syn=new TargetGrammar();", "class_name": "ASTGeneratorTest" }
{ "class_fields": "boolean debug=false;\nLogger logger=LoggerFactory.getLogger(ASTGenerator.class);\nList<TargetGrammar.Reduction> reductions;\nStack<BlockNodeJb> currentBlocks;\nList<Object> nonDisposedTokenConsumer=new LinkedList<>();", "class_name": "ASTGenerator", "method_signatures": "public ASTGenerator(List<TargetGrammar.Reduction> reductions)\npublic ASTJb generateAST()\nprivate BlockNodeJb useBlockProduction()\nprivate BlockNodeJb useBlockProductionDeclarationsOnly()\nprivate void useDeclsProduction()\nprivate DeclarationNodeJb useDeclProduction()\nprivate DeclarationNodeJb useDeclarationTypeProduction()\nprivate void useStmtsProduction()\nprivate StatementNodeJb useStmtProduction()\nprivate IdentifierNodeJb useLocProduction()\nprivate ExpressionNodeJb useAssignProduction()\nprivate ExpressionNodeJb useBoolProduction()\nprivate ExpressionNodeJb useJoinProduction()\nprivate ExpressionNodeJb useEqualityProduction()\nprivate ExpressionNodeJb useRelProduction()\nprivate ExpressionNodeJb useExprProduction()\nprivate ExpressionNodeJb useTermProduction()\nprivate ExpressionNodeJb useUnaryProduction()\nprivate ExpressionNodeJb useFactorProduction()" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: javabite-parser/src/main/java/swp_compiler_ss13/javabite/parser/astGenerator/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: ASTGenerator\n\nclass_fields: boolean debug=false;\nLogger logger=LoggerFactory.getLogger(ASTGenerator.class);\nList<TargetGrammar.Reduction> reductions;\nStack<BlockNodeJb> currentBlocks;\nList<Object> nonDisposedTokenConsumer=new LinkedList<>();\n\nmethod_signatures: public ASTGenerator(List<TargetGrammar.Reduction> reductions)\npublic ASTJb generateAST()\nprivate BlockNodeJb useBlockProduction()\nprivate BlockNodeJb useBlockProductionDeclarationsOnly()\nprivate void useDeclsProduction()\nprivate DeclarationNodeJb useDeclProduction()\nprivate DeclarationNodeJb useDeclarationTypeProduction()\nprivate void useStmtsProduction()\nprivate StatementNodeJb useStmtProduction()\nprivate IdentifierNodeJb useLocProduction()\nprivate ExpressionNodeJb useAssignProduction()\nprivate ExpressionNodeJb useBoolProduction()\nprivate ExpressionNodeJb useJoinProduction()\nprivate ExpressionNodeJb useEqualityProduction()\nprivate ExpressionNodeJb useRelProduction()\nprivate ExpressionNodeJb useExprProduction()\nprivate ExpressionNodeJb useTermProduction()\nprivate ExpressionNodeJb useUnaryProduction()\nprivate ExpressionNodeJb useFactorProduction()\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: ASTGeneratorTest\n\nclass_fields: ASTGenerator instance;\nLogger logger=LoggerFactory.getLogger(this.getClass());\nTargetGrammar syn=new TargetGrammar();\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file javabite-parser/src/main/java/swp_compiler_ss13/javabite/parser/astGenerator/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n public ASTJb generateAST() {\n\t\t// generate AST\n\t\tASTJb ast = new ASTJb();\n\n\t\tBlockNode rootNode = this.useBlockProduction();\n\t\tast.setRootNode(rootNode);\n\t\n\t\t\n\t\treturn ast;\n\t}\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n javabite-parser/src/test/java/swp_compiler_ss13/javabite/parser/astGenerator/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n\tpublic void testSimpleStatement(){\n\t\tList<Token> tList=new LinkedList<>();\n\t\ttList.add(new TokenJb(TokenType.ID, \"i\"));\n\t\ttList.add(new TokenJb(TokenType.ASSIGNOP, \"=\"));\n\t\ttList.add(new RealTokenJb(TokenType.REAL,\"2.0\"));\n\t\ttList.add(new TokenJb(TokenType.SEMICOLON,\";\"));\n\t\tTargetGrammar.SourceCode sc = SourceCode(tList);\n\t\tList<Reduction> res= syn.derivateDFLeftToRight(sc);\n\t\tinstance=new ASTGenerator(res);\n\t\tAST ast=instance.generateAST();\n\t}\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
@NonNull public static <S extends DimensionAware & Named> List<ProductFlavorCombo<S>> createCombinations( @Nullable List<String> flavorDimensions, @NonNull Iterable<S> productFlavors) { List <ProductFlavorCombo<S>> result = Lists.newArrayList(); if (flavorDimensions == null || flavorDimensions.isEmpty()) { for (S flavor : productFlavors) { result.add(new ProductFlavorCombo<S>(ImmutableList.of(flavor))); } } else { // need to group the flavor per dimension. // First a map of dimension -> list(ProductFlavor) ArrayListMultimap<String, S> map = ArrayListMultimap.create(); for (S flavor : productFlavors) { String flavorDimension = flavor.getDimension(); if (flavorDimension == null) { throw new RuntimeException(String.format( "Flavor '%1$s' has no flavor dimension.", flavor.getName())); } if (!flavorDimensions.contains(flavorDimension)) { throw new RuntimeException(String.format( "Flavor '%1$s' has unknown dimension '%2$s'.", flavor.getName(), flavor.getDimension())); } map.put(flavorDimension, flavor); } createProductFlavorCombinations(result, Lists.<S>newArrayListWithCapacity(flavorDimensions.size()), 0, flavorDimensions, map); } return result; }
@Test public void createGroupListNullDimension() throws Exception { assertEqualGroupList( ImmutableList.of( new ProductFlavorCombo<CoreProductFlavor>(f1) ), ProductFlavorCombo.createCombinations( null, ImmutableList.of(f1))); }
[ "newArrayList", "isEmpty", "add", "of", "create", "getDimension", "format", "getName", "contains", "format", "getName", "getDimension", "put", "createProductFlavorCombinations", "newArrayListWithCapacity", "size" ]
[ "assertEqualGroupList", "of", "createCombinations", "of" ]
{ "class_fields": "private static final String DIMENSION1 = \"dimension1\";\nprivate static final String DIMENSION2 = \"dimension2\";\n@Mock\n private CoreProductFlavor f1;\n@Mock\n private CoreProductFlavor f2;\n@Mock\n private CoreProductFlavor f1d1;\n@Mock\n private CoreProductFlavor f2d1;\n@Mock\n private CoreProductFlavor f1d2;\n@Mock\n private CoreProductFlavor f2d2;", "class_name": "ProductFlavorComboTest" }
{ "class_fields": "private String name;\n@NonNull\n private final List<T> flavorList;", "class_name": "ProductFlavorCombo", "method_signatures": "public ProductFlavorCombo(@NonNull T... flavors)\npublic ProductFlavorCombo(@NonNull Iterable<T> flavors)\n@NonNull public String getName()\n@NonNull public List<T> getFlavorList()\n@NonNull public static List<ProductFlavorCombo<S>> createCombinations(\n @Nullable List<String> flavorDimensions,\n @NonNull Iterable<S> productFlavors)\nprivate static ImmutableList<ProductFlavor> filterNullFromArray(ProductFlavor[] flavors)\nprivate static void createProductFlavorCombinations(\n List<ProductFlavorCombo<S>> flavorGroups,\n List<S> group,\n int index,\n List<String> flavorDimensionList,\n ListMultimap<String, S> map)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: build-system/gradle-core/src/main/groovy/com/android/build/gradle/internal/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: ProductFlavorCombo\n\nclass_fields: private String name;\n@NonNull\n private final List<T> flavorList;\n\nmethod_signatures: public ProductFlavorCombo(@NonNull T... flavors)\npublic ProductFlavorCombo(@NonNull Iterable<T> flavors)\n@NonNull public String getName()\n@NonNull public List<T> getFlavorList()\n@NonNull public static List<ProductFlavorCombo<S>> createCombinations(\n @Nullable List<String> flavorDimensions,\n @NonNull Iterable<S> productFlavors)\nprivate static ImmutableList<ProductFlavor> filterNullFromArray(ProductFlavor[] flavors)\nprivate static void createProductFlavorCombinations(\n List<ProductFlavorCombo<S>> flavorGroups,\n List<S> group,\n int index,\n List<String> flavorDimensionList,\n ListMultimap<String, S> map)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: ProductFlavorComboTest\n\nclass_fields: private static final String DIMENSION1 = \"dimension1\";\nprivate static final String DIMENSION2 = \"dimension2\";\n@Mock\n private CoreProductFlavor f1;\n@Mock\n private CoreProductFlavor f2;\n@Mock\n private CoreProductFlavor f1d1;\n@Mock\n private CoreProductFlavor f2d1;\n@Mock\n private CoreProductFlavor f1d2;\n@Mock\n private CoreProductFlavor f2d2;\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file build-system/gradle-core/src/main/groovy/com/android/build/gradle/internal/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n @NonNull\n public static <S extends DimensionAware & Named> List<ProductFlavorCombo<S>> createCombinations(\n @Nullable List<String> flavorDimensions,\n @NonNull Iterable<S> productFlavors) {\n\n List <ProductFlavorCombo<S>> result = Lists.newArrayList();\n if (flavorDimensions == null || flavorDimensions.isEmpty()) {\n for (S flavor : productFlavors) {\n result.add(new ProductFlavorCombo<S>(ImmutableList.of(flavor)));\n }\n } else {\n // need to group the flavor per dimension.\n // First a map of dimension -> list(ProductFlavor)\n ArrayListMultimap<String, S> map = ArrayListMultimap.create();\n for (S flavor : productFlavors) {\n String flavorDimension = flavor.getDimension();\n\n if (flavorDimension == null) {\n throw new RuntimeException(String.format(\n \"Flavor '%1$s' has no flavor dimension.\", flavor.getName()));\n }\n if (!flavorDimensions.contains(flavorDimension)) {\n throw new RuntimeException(String.format(\n \"Flavor '%1$s' has unknown dimension '%2$s'.\",\n flavor.getName(), flavor.getDimension()));\n }\n\n map.put(flavorDimension, flavor);\n }\n\n createProductFlavorCombinations(result,\n Lists.<S>newArrayListWithCapacity(flavorDimensions.size()),\n 0, flavorDimensions, map);\n }\n return result;\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n build-system/gradle-core/src/test/groovy/com/android/build/gradle/internal/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void createGroupListNullDimension() throws Exception {\n assertEqualGroupList(\n ImmutableList.of(\n new ProductFlavorCombo<CoreProductFlavor>(f1)\n ),\n ProductFlavorCombo.createCombinations(\n null,\n ImmutableList.of(f1)));\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
public List<Production<T, NT>> getDerivationASsSequence( Word<T, NT> word_total) { Stack<State> state_stack = new Stack<>(); Stack<Symbol> symbol_stack = new Stack<>(); state_stack.push(initialState); symbol_stack.push(g.word_end); List<Production<T, NT>> productions = new LinkedList<>(); Queue<T> word = new ArrayDeque<>(word_total); word.add(g.word_end); while (!state_stack.isEmpty()) { State state = state_stack.peek(); if (state.isStateAccepting()) break; Symbol a = word.peek(); if (g.isTerminal(a)) { T t = (T) a; State nextStateTrans = state.transition.get(t); Set<Production> nextProdFollow = possibleReductionsInState(t, state); if (nextStateTrans != null && !nextProdFollow.isEmpty() || nextStateTrans == null && nextProdFollow.isEmpty() || nextProdFollow.size() > 1) { if (nextStateTrans == null && nextProdFollow.isEmpty()){ logger.warn( "behaviour not defined, policy set to DIE. next state by shift: {}, next states by follow: {}", nextStateTrans, nextProdFollow); logger.warn("current terminal: {}", a); logger.warn("productions so far: {}", productions); logger.warn("state stack {}", state_stack); logger.warn("symbol stack {}", symbol_stack); logger.warn("word actual {}", word); logger.warn("word complete {}", word_total); logger.warn("states:"); //for (State st : states) { // logger.warn("\n{}", st.descriptionAsString()); //} throw new WordNotInLanguageGrammarException( (swp_compiler_ss13.javabite.parser.targetgrammar.Terminal) t); } if (policy == AMBIGUITY_POLICY.DIE) { logger.warn( "behaviour not defined, policy set to DIE. next state by shift: {}, next states by follow: {}", nextStateTrans, nextProdFollow); logger.warn("current terminal: {}", a); logger.warn("productions so far: {}", productions); logger.warn("state stack {}", state_stack); logger.warn("symbol stack {}", symbol_stack); logger.warn("word actual {}", word); logger.warn("word complete {}", word_total); logger.warn("states:"); //for (State st : states) { // logger.warn("\n{}", st.descriptionAsString()); //} if (nextStateTrans != null && !nextProdFollow.isEmpty()) { if (t instanceof swp_compiler_ss13.javabite.parser.targetgrammar.Terminal) { throw new AmbiguityInDerivationGrammarException( (swp_compiler_ss13.javabite.parser.targetgrammar.Terminal) t); } else logger.warn("Dont know how to react..."); } else if (nextStateTrans == null && nextProdFollow.isEmpty()) { if (t instanceof swp_compiler_ss13.javabite.parser.targetgrammar.Terminal) { throw new WordNotInLanguageGrammarException( (swp_compiler_ss13.javabite.parser.targetgrammar.Terminal) t); } else logger.warn("Dont know how to react..."); } else if (nextProdFollow.size() > 1) { if (t instanceof swp_compiler_ss13.javabite.parser.targetgrammar.Terminal) { throw new AmbiguityInDerivationGrammarException( (swp_compiler_ss13.javabite.parser.targetgrammar.Terminal) t); } else logger.warn("Dont know how to react..."); } else { throw new RuntimeException( "Enexptected state reached"); } } else if (policy==AMBIGUITY_POLICY.PREFER_REDUCE){ if (nextProdFollow.size()==1){ // disable shift nextStateTrans=null; } else{ logger.error("policy PREFER_REDUCE is not applicable, because multiple or none (exact :{}) reductions are possible",nextProdFollow.size()); if (nextProdFollow.size()>1) throw new AmbiguityInDerivationGrammarException( (swp_compiler_ss13.javabite.parser.targetgrammar.Terminal) t); } } else if (policy==AMBIGUITY_POLICY.PREFER_SHIFT){"policy PREFER_SHIFT is applicable and used"); // diable of reduce not necessary nextProdFollow=null; } else{ throw new RuntimeException("Invalid Policy"); } } // do shift if possible if (nextStateTrans != null) { word.poll(); symbol_stack.push(a); state_stack.push(nextStateTrans); } else { // reduce Production todo = nextProdFollow.iterator().next(); List<Symbol> original_right_side = new LinkedList<>(); for (int i = todo.right.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { state_stack.pop(); original_right_side.add(symbol_stack.pop()); } Collections.reverse(original_right_side); State stateBeforeProduction = state_stack.peek(); State nextState = stateBeforeProduction.transition .get(todo.left); state_stack.push(nextState); symbol_stack.push(todo.left); todo.right = original_right_side; productions.add(todo); } } } return productions; }
@Test public void testDerivationEpsilonMultipleProd(){ SLRAutomaton<SimpleT, SimpleNT> automaton=new SLRAutomaton<>(g2); Word<SimpleT,SimpleNT> original=new Word<SimpleT,SimpleNT>(g2, listTok(T_MUL,T_MUL,T_MUL,T_MUL,T_MUL,T_MUL,T_MUL)); List<Production<SimpleT,SimpleNT>> productions=automaton.getDerivationASsSequence(original); Collections.reverse(productions); Word<SimpleT,SimpleNT> derivated=Word.getWordFromRightMostDerivation(g2, productions); assertEquals("must be the same",original,derivated); }
[ "push", "push", "add", "isEmpty", "peek", "isStateAccepting", "peek", "isTerminal", "get", "possibleReductionsInState", "isEmpty", "isEmpty", "size", "isEmpty", "warn", "warn", "warn", "warn", "warn", "warn", "warn", "warn", "warn", "warn", "warn", "warn", "warn", "warn", "warn", "warn", "isEmpty", "warn", "isEmpty", "warn", "size", "warn", "size", "error", "size", "size", "info", "poll", "push", "push", "next", "iterator", "size", "pop", "add", "pop", "reverse", "peek", "get", "push", "push", "add" ]
[ "listTok", "getDerivationASsSequence", "reverse", "getWordFromRightMostDerivation", "assertEquals" ]
{ "class_fields": "SimpleT T_ADD=new SimpleT(\"+\");\nSimpleT T_MUL=new SimpleT(\"*\");\nSimpleT T_OPEN=new SimpleT(\"(\");\nSimpleT T_CLOSE=new SimpleT(\")\");\nSimpleT T_ID=new SimpleT(\"id\");\nSimpleT T_EOF=new SimpleT(\"$\");\nSimpleT T_EPSILON=new SimpleT(\"[eps]\");\nSimpleNT E=new SimpleNT(\"E\");\nSimpleNT T=new SimpleNT(\"T\");\nSimpleNT F=new SimpleNT(\"F\");\nSimpleNT E_=new SimpleNT(\"E'\");\nfinal Grammar<SimpleT,SimpleNT> g1=new Grammar<>(E,E_,T_EOF,T_EPSILON);\nfinal Grammar<SimpleT,SimpleNT> g2=new Grammar<>(E,E_,T_EOF,T_EPSILON);", "class_name": "SLRAutomatonTest" }
{ "class_fields": "Integer state_num = 0;\nGrammar<T, NT> g;\nState initialState;\nfinal Set<State> states = new HashSet<>();\nfinal State acceptState = new State();\nAMBIGUITY_POLICY policy = AMBIGUITY_POLICY.DIE;\nLogger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(this.getClass());", "class_name": "SLRAutomaton", "method_signatures": "public SLRAutomaton(Grammar<T, NT> referenceGrammar)\npublic void setAmbiguityPolicy(AMBIGUITY_POLICY policy)\nprivate State getStateFor(Map<NT, Set<Item<T, NT>>> kernel)\nprivate int getAllStateItems()\nprivate void build()\npublic List<Production<T, NT>> getDerivationASsSequence(\n\t\t\tWord<T, NT> word_total)\nprivate Set<Production> possibleReductionsInState(T t, State st)\npublic int getNStates()" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: javabite-parser/src/main/java/swp_compiler_ss13/javabite/parser/grammar/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: SLRAutomaton\n\nclass_fields: Integer state_num = 0;\nGrammar<T, NT> g;\nState initialState;\nfinal Set<State> states = new HashSet<>();\nfinal State acceptState = new State();\nAMBIGUITY_POLICY policy = AMBIGUITY_POLICY.DIE;\nLogger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(this.getClass());\n\nmethod_signatures: public SLRAutomaton(Grammar<T, NT> referenceGrammar)\npublic void setAmbiguityPolicy(AMBIGUITY_POLICY policy)\nprivate State getStateFor(Map<NT, Set<Item<T, NT>>> kernel)\nprivate int getAllStateItems()\nprivate void build()\npublic List<Production<T, NT>> getDerivationASsSequence(\n\t\t\tWord<T, NT> word_total)\nprivate Set<Production> possibleReductionsInState(T t, State st)\npublic int getNStates()\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: SLRAutomatonTest\n\nclass_fields: SimpleT T_ADD=new SimpleT(\"+\");\nSimpleT T_MUL=new SimpleT(\"*\");\nSimpleT T_OPEN=new SimpleT(\"(\");\nSimpleT T_CLOSE=new SimpleT(\")\");\nSimpleT T_ID=new SimpleT(\"id\");\nSimpleT T_EOF=new SimpleT(\"$\");\nSimpleT T_EPSILON=new SimpleT(\"[eps]\");\nSimpleNT E=new SimpleNT(\"E\");\nSimpleNT T=new SimpleNT(\"T\");\nSimpleNT F=new SimpleNT(\"F\");\nSimpleNT E_=new SimpleNT(\"E'\");\nfinal Grammar<SimpleT,SimpleNT> g1=new Grammar<>(E,E_,T_EOF,T_EPSILON);\nfinal Grammar<SimpleT,SimpleNT> g2=new Grammar<>(E,E_,T_EOF,T_EPSILON);\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file javabite-parser/src/main/java/swp_compiler_ss13/javabite/parser/grammar/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n public List<Production<T, NT>> getDerivationASsSequence(\n\t\t\tWord<T, NT> word_total) {\n\n\t\tStack<State> state_stack = new Stack<>();\n\t\tStack<Symbol> symbol_stack = new Stack<>();\n\t\tstate_stack.push(initialState);\n\t\tsymbol_stack.push(g.word_end);\n\n\t\tList<Production<T, NT>> productions = new LinkedList<>();\n\t\tQueue<T> word = new ArrayDeque<>(word_total);\n\t\tword.add(g.word_end);\n\t\twhile (!state_stack.isEmpty()) {\n\t\t\tState state = state_stack.peek();\n\t\t\tif (state.isStateAccepting())\n\t\t\t\tbreak;\n\n\t\t\tSymbol a = word.peek();\n\t\t\tif (g.isTerminal(a)) {\n\t\t\t\tT t = (T) a;\n\t\t\t\tState nextStateTrans = state.transition.get(t);\n\t\t\t\tSet<Production> nextProdFollow = possibleReductionsInState(t,\n\t\t\t\t\t\tstate);\n\t\t\t\tif (nextStateTrans != null && !nextProdFollow.isEmpty()\n\t\t\t\t\t\t|| nextStateTrans == null && nextProdFollow.isEmpty()\n\t\t\t\t\t\t|| nextProdFollow.size() > 1) {\n\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\tif (nextStateTrans == null && nextProdFollow.isEmpty()){\n\t\t\t\t\t\tlogger.warn(\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\"behaviour not defined, policy set to DIE. next state by shift: {}, next states by follow: {}\",\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tnextStateTrans, nextProdFollow);\n\t\t\t\t\t\tlogger.warn(\"current terminal: {}\", a);\n\t\t\t\t\t\tlogger.warn(\"productions so far: {}\", productions);\n\t\t\t\t\t\tlogger.warn(\"state stack {}\", state_stack);\n\t\t\t\t\t\tlogger.warn(\"symbol stack {}\", symbol_stack);\n\t\t\t\t\t\tlogger.warn(\"word actual {}\", word);\n\t\t\t\t\t\tlogger.warn(\"word complete {}\", word_total);\n\t\t\t\t\t\tlogger.warn(\"states:\");\n\t\t\t\t\t\t//for (State st : states) {\n\t\t\t\t\t\t//\tlogger.warn(\"\\n{}\", st.descriptionAsString());\n\t\t\t\t\t\t//}\n\t\t\t\t\t\tthrow new WordNotInLanguageGrammarException(\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t(swp_compiler_ss13.javabite.parser.targetgrammar.Terminal) t);\n\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\tif (policy == AMBIGUITY_POLICY.DIE) {\n\t\t\t\t\t\tlogger.warn(\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\"behaviour not defined, policy set to DIE. next state by shift: {}, next states by follow: {}\",\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tnextStateTrans, nextProdFollow);\n\t\t\t\t\t\tlogger.warn(\"current terminal: {}\", a);\n\t\t\t\t\t\tlogger.warn(\"productions so far: {}\", productions);\n\t\t\t\t\t\tlogger.warn(\"state stack {}\", state_stack);\n\t\t\t\t\t\tlogger.warn(\"symbol stack {}\", symbol_stack);\n\t\t\t\t\t\tlogger.warn(\"word actual {}\", word);\n\t\t\t\t\t\tlogger.warn(\"word complete {}\", word_total);\n\t\t\t\t\t\tlogger.warn(\"states:\");\n\t\t\t\t\t\t//for (State st : states) {\n\t\t\t\t\t\t//\tlogger.warn(\"\\n{}\", st.descriptionAsString());\n\t\t\t\t\t\t//}\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\tif (nextStateTrans != null && !nextProdFollow.isEmpty()) {\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tif (t instanceof swp_compiler_ss13.javabite.parser.targetgrammar.Terminal) {\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tthrow new AmbiguityInDerivationGrammarException(\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t(swp_compiler_ss13.javabite.parser.targetgrammar.Terminal) t);\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t} else\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tlogger.warn(\"Dont know how to react...\");\n\t\t\t\t\t\t} else if (nextStateTrans == null\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t&& nextProdFollow.isEmpty()) {\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tif (t instanceof swp_compiler_ss13.javabite.parser.targetgrammar.Terminal) {\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tthrow new WordNotInLanguageGrammarException(\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t(swp_compiler_ss13.javabite.parser.targetgrammar.Terminal) t);\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t} else\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tlogger.warn(\"Dont know how to react...\");\n\t\t\t\t\t\t} else if (nextProdFollow.size() > 1) {\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tif (t instanceof swp_compiler_ss13.javabite.parser.targetgrammar.Terminal) {\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tthrow new AmbiguityInDerivationGrammarException(\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t(swp_compiler_ss13.javabite.parser.targetgrammar.Terminal) t);\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t} else\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tlogger.warn(\"Dont know how to react...\");\n\t\t\t\t\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tthrow new RuntimeException(\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\"Enexptected state reached\");\n\t\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t\telse if (policy==AMBIGUITY_POLICY.PREFER_REDUCE){\n\t\t\t\t\t\tif (nextProdFollow.size()==1){\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t// disable shift\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tnextStateTrans=null;\n\t\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t\t\telse{\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tlogger.error(\"policy PREFER_REDUCE is not applicable, because multiple or none (exact :{}) reductions are possible\",nextProdFollow.size());\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tif (nextProdFollow.size()>1)\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tthrow new AmbiguityInDerivationGrammarException(\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t(swp_compiler_ss13.javabite.parser.targetgrammar.Terminal) t);\n\t\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t\telse if (policy==AMBIGUITY_POLICY.PREFER_SHIFT){\n\t\t\t\t\t\\"policy PREFER_SHIFT is applicable and used\");\n\t\t\t\t\t\t// diable of reduce not necessary\n\t\t\t\t\t\tnextProdFollow=null;\n\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t\telse{\n\t\t\t\t\t\tthrow new RuntimeException(\"Invalid Policy\");\n\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t// do shift if possible\n\t\t\t\tif (nextStateTrans != null) {\n\t\t\t\t\tword.poll();\n\t\t\t\t\tsymbol_stack.push(a);\n\t\t\t\t\tstate_stack.push(nextStateTrans);\n\t\t\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t\t\t// reduce\n\t\t\t\t\tProduction todo = nextProdFollow.iterator().next();\n\t\t\t\t\tList<Symbol> original_right_side = new LinkedList<>();\n\t\t\t\t\tfor (int i = todo.right.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {\n\t\t\t\t\t\tstate_stack.pop();\n\t\t\t\t\t\toriginal_right_side.add(symbol_stack.pop());\n\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t\tCollections.reverse(original_right_side);\n\t\t\t\t\tState stateBeforeProduction = state_stack.peek();\n\t\t\t\t\tState nextState = stateBeforeProduction.transition\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t.get(todo.left);\n\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\tstate_stack.push(nextState);\n\t\t\t\t\tsymbol_stack.push(todo.left);\n\t\t\t\t\ttodo.right = original_right_side;\n\t\t\t\t\tproductions.add(todo);\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t\treturn productions;\n\t}\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n javabite-parser/src/test/java/swp_compiler_ss13/javabite/parser/grammar/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n\tpublic void testDerivationEpsilonMultipleProd(){\n\t\tSLRAutomaton<SimpleT, SimpleNT> automaton=new SLRAutomaton<>(g2);\n\t\tWord<SimpleT,SimpleNT> original=new Word<SimpleT,SimpleNT>(g2, listTok(T_MUL,T_MUL,T_MUL,T_MUL,T_MUL,T_MUL,T_MUL));\n\t\tList<Production<SimpleT,SimpleNT>> productions=automaton.getDerivationASsSequence(original);\n\t\tCollections.reverse(productions);\n\t\tWord<SimpleT,SimpleNT> derivated=Word.getWordFromRightMostDerivation(g2, productions); \n\t\tassertEquals(\"must be the same\",original,derivated);\n\t}\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
@Override public void set(int row, int column, Object value) { Object pojo = pojoList.get(row); beanWrapper.setWrappedInstance(pojo); TypeDescriptor fieldDesc = beanWrapper .getPropertyTypeDescriptor(props[column]); TypeDescriptor strDesc = TypeDescriptor.valueOf(String.class); if (canConvert(value, fieldDesc, strDesc)) { beanWrapper.setPropertyValue(props[column], conversionService.convert(value, strDesc, fieldDesc)); } else { beanWrapper.setPropertyValue(props[column], value); } }
@Test public void set() { target.set(0, 1, 200); target.set(1, 2, DateUtils.create(2011, 12, 4)); assertThat((Integer) target.get(0, 1), is(200)); assertThat((Date) target.get(1, 2), is(DateUtils.create(2011, 12, 4))); }
[ "get", "setWrappedInstance", "getPropertyTypeDescriptor", "valueOf", "canConvert", "setPropertyValue", "convert", "setPropertyValue" ]
[ "set", "set", "create", "assertThat", "get", "is", "assertThat", "get", "is", "create" ]
{ "class_fields": "PojoListGrid target;\nSamplePojo samplePojo1 = new SamplePojo();\nSamplePojo samplePojo2 = new SamplePojo();\nList<SamplePojo> samplePojoList = Arrays.asList(samplePojo1, samplePojo2);", "class_name": "PojoListGridTest" }
{ "class_fields": "private List<Object> pojoList;\nprivate String[] props;\nprivate BeanWrapperImpl beanWrapper = new BeanWrapperImpl();\nprivate ConversionService conversionService;", "class_name": "PojoListGrid implements Grid", "method_signatures": "public PojoListGrid(List<?> pojoList, ConversionService conversionService, String... props)\npublic PojoListGrid(List<?> pojoList, String... props)\n@Override public Object get(int row, int column)\nprivate boolean canConvert(Object value, TypeDescriptor fieldDesc, TypeDescriptor strDesc)\n@Override public void set(int row, int column, Object value)\n@Override public int columns()\n@Override public int rows()\n@Override public Object[][] toArray2D()" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: spring-mvc-exts/src/main/java/com/github/ryoasai/springmvc/grid/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: PojoListGrid implements Grid\n\nclass_fields: private List<Object> pojoList;\nprivate String[] props;\nprivate BeanWrapperImpl beanWrapper = new BeanWrapperImpl();\nprivate ConversionService conversionService;\n\nmethod_signatures: public PojoListGrid(List<?> pojoList, ConversionService conversionService, String... props)\npublic PojoListGrid(List<?> pojoList, String... props)\n@Override public Object get(int row, int column)\nprivate boolean canConvert(Object value, TypeDescriptor fieldDesc, TypeDescriptor strDesc)\n@Override public void set(int row, int column, Object value)\n@Override public int columns()\n@Override public int rows()\n@Override public Object[][] toArray2D()\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: PojoListGridTest\n\nclass_fields: PojoListGrid target;\nSamplePojo samplePojo1 = new SamplePojo();\nSamplePojo samplePojo2 = new SamplePojo();\nList<SamplePojo> samplePojoList = Arrays.asList(samplePojo1, samplePojo2);\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file spring-mvc-exts/src/main/java/com/github/ryoasai/springmvc/grid/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n @Override\n\tpublic void set(int row, int column, Object value) {\n\t\tObject pojo = pojoList.get(row);\n\t\tbeanWrapper.setWrappedInstance(pojo);\n\n\t\tTypeDescriptor fieldDesc = beanWrapper\n\t\t.getPropertyTypeDescriptor(props[column]);\n\t\tTypeDescriptor strDesc = TypeDescriptor.valueOf(String.class);\n\n\t\tif (canConvert(value, fieldDesc, strDesc)) {\n\t\t\tbeanWrapper.setPropertyValue(props[column], conversionService.convert(value, strDesc, fieldDesc));\n\t\t} else {\n\t\t\tbeanWrapper.setPropertyValue(props[column], value);\n\t\t}\n\t}\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n spring-mvc-exts/src/test/java/com/github/ryoasai/springmvc/grid/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n\tpublic void set() {\n\t\ttarget.set(0, 1, 200);\n\t\ttarget.set(1, 2, DateUtils.create(2011, 12, 4));\n\t\tassertThat((Integer) target.get(0, 1), is(200));\n\t\tassertThat((Date) target.get(1, 2), is(DateUtils.create(2011, 12, 4)));\n\t}\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
protected IdentifierData cast(Type goalType, IdentifierData oldId) throws IntermediateCodeGeneratorException { if (oldId.getIdentifier().startsWith("#")) { IdentifierData tmpId = icg.generateTempIdentifier(oldId.getType()); icg.addQuadruple(QuadrupleFactoryJb.generateAssignment(tmpId, oldId)); oldId = tmpId; } IdentifierData newId = icg.generateTempIdentifier(goalType); icg.addQuadruple(QuadrupleFactoryJb.generateCast(newId, oldId)); return newId; }
@Test public void testCastDoubleToLong() { try { when(converter.icg.generateTempIdentifier(any(LongType.class))) .thenReturn(new IdentifierData("tmp", new LongType())); converter.cast(new LongType(), new IdentifierData("test", new DoubleType())); verify(converter.icg).addQuadruple( new QuadrupleJb(Operator.DOUBLE_TO_LONG, "test", Quadruple.EmptyArgument, "tmp")); } catch (IntermediateCodeGeneratorException e) { fail(); } }
[ "startsWith", "getIdentifier", "generateTempIdentifier", "getType", "addQuadruple", "generateAssignment", "generateTempIdentifier", "addQuadruple", "generateCast" ]
[ "thenReturn", "when", "generateTempIdentifier", "any", "cast", "addQuadruple", "verify", "fail" ]
{ "class_fields": "CastingAst2CodeConverter converter;", "class_name": "CastingAst2CodeConverterTest" }
{ "class_fields": "", "class_name": "CastingAst2CodeConverter extends AbstractAst2CodeConverter", "method_signatures": "protected IdentifierData cast(Type goalType, IdentifierData oldId)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: javabite-code-gen/src/main/java/swp_compiler_ss13/javabite/codegen/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: CastingAst2CodeConverter extends AbstractAst2CodeConverter\n\nclass_fields: \n\nmethod_signatures: protected IdentifierData cast(Type goalType, IdentifierData oldId)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: CastingAst2CodeConverterTest\n\nclass_fields: CastingAst2CodeConverter converter;\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file javabite-code-gen/src/main/java/swp_compiler_ss13/javabite/codegen/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n protected IdentifierData cast(Type goalType, IdentifierData oldId) throws IntermediateCodeGeneratorException {\n\t\tif (oldId.getIdentifier().startsWith(\"#\")) {\n\t\t\tIdentifierData tmpId = icg.generateTempIdentifier(oldId.getType());\n\t\t\ticg.addQuadruple(QuadrupleFactoryJb.generateAssignment(tmpId, oldId));\n\t\t\toldId = tmpId;\n\t\t}\n\t\tIdentifierData newId = icg.generateTempIdentifier(goalType);\n\t\ticg.addQuadruple(QuadrupleFactoryJb.generateCast(newId, oldId));\n\t\treturn newId;\n\t}\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n javabite-code-gen/src/test/java/swp_compiler_ss13/javabite/codegen/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n\tpublic void testCastDoubleToLong() {\n\t\ttry {\n\t\t\twhen(converter.icg.generateTempIdentifier(any(LongType.class)))\n\t\t\t\t\t.thenReturn(new IdentifierData(\"tmp\", new LongType()));\n\t\t\tconverter.cast(new LongType(), new IdentifierData(\"test\",\n\t\t\t\t\tnew DoubleType()));\n\t\t\tverify(converter.icg).addQuadruple(\n\t\t\t\t\tnew QuadrupleJb(Operator.DOUBLE_TO_LONG, \"test\",\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tQuadruple.EmptyArgument, \"tmp\"));\n\t\t} catch (IntermediateCodeGeneratorException e) {\n\t\t\tfail();\n\t\t}\n\t}\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
public static byte[] makeFsEntryKey(byte[] imgID, byte[] path, int dirIndex) { byte[] ret = new byte[ID_LENGTH]; MessageDigest hasher = getHashInstance("MD5"); makeFsEntryKey(ret, imgID, path, dirIndex, hasher); return ret; }
@Test public void makeFsEntryKeyTest() { final byte[] path = "goats/goats/goats".getBytes(); final int dir_index = 123456; final byte[] img_md5 = { (byte) 0xa0, (byte) 0x79, (byte) 0xc4, (byte) 0xe7, (byte) 0x79, (byte) 0xcd, (byte) 0x99, (byte) 0x1f, (byte) 0xbb, (byte) 0x8c, (byte) 0xe6, (byte) 0xfa, (byte) 0x49, (byte) 0x47, (byte) 0xdc, (byte) 0x2a }; final byte[] expected = { (byte) 0x31, // path_md5[0] (byte) 0xa0, (byte) 0x79, (byte) 0xc4, (byte) 0xe7, // img_md5 (byte) 0x79, (byte) 0xcd, (byte) 0x99, (byte) 0x1f, (byte) 0xbb, (byte) 0x8c, (byte) 0xe6, (byte) 0xfa, (byte) 0x49, (byte) 0x47, (byte) 0xdc, (byte) 0x2a, (byte) 0x23, (byte) 0x4b, (byte) 0xf4, // rest of path_md5 (byte) 0x10, (byte) 0x57, (byte) 0x58, (byte) 0xb5, (byte) 0x88, (byte) 0x07, (byte) 0x22, (byte) 0x5c, (byte) 0x26, (byte) 0x15, (byte) 0xc5, (byte) 0x72, (byte) 0x00, (byte) 0x01, (byte) 0xe2, (byte) 0x40 // dir_index }; assertArrayEquals(expected, makeFsEntryKey(img_md5, path, dir_index)); }
[ "getHashInstance", "makeFsEntryKey" ]
[ "getBytes", "assertArrayEquals", "makeFsEntryKey" ]
{ "class_fields": "", "class_name": "FsEntryUtilsTest" }
{ "class_fields": "public static final int ID_LENGTH = 36;\nMessageDigest Hasher;", "class_name": "FsEntryUtils", "method_signatures": "static MessageDigest getHashInstance(final String alg)\n FsEntryUtils()\npublic void calcFsEntryID(byte[] result, byte[] imgID, String path, int dirIndex)\npublic static byte[] makeFsEntryKey(byte[] imgID, byte[] path, int dirIndex)\npublic static void makeFsEntryKey(byte[] result, byte[] img_md5, byte[] path, int dir_index, MessageDigest hasher)\npublic static byte[] getImageID(byte[] entryID)\npublic static int getImageID(byte[] imgID, byte[] entryID)\npublic static int getImageID(byte[] imgID, byte[] entryID, int offset)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: core/src/main/java/com/lightboxtechnologies/spectrum/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: FsEntryUtils\n\nclass_fields: public static final int ID_LENGTH = 36;\nMessageDigest Hasher;\n\nmethod_signatures: static MessageDigest getHashInstance(final String alg)\n FsEntryUtils()\npublic void calcFsEntryID(byte[] result, byte[] imgID, String path, int dirIndex)\npublic static byte[] makeFsEntryKey(byte[] imgID, byte[] path, int dirIndex)\npublic static void makeFsEntryKey(byte[] result, byte[] img_md5, byte[] path, int dir_index, MessageDigest hasher)\npublic static byte[] getImageID(byte[] entryID)\npublic static int getImageID(byte[] imgID, byte[] entryID)\npublic static int getImageID(byte[] imgID, byte[] entryID, int offset)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: FsEntryUtilsTest\n\nclass_fields: \n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file core/src/main/java/com/lightboxtechnologies/spectrum/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n public static byte[] makeFsEntryKey(byte[] imgID, byte[] path, int dirIndex) {\n byte[] ret = new byte[ID_LENGTH];\n MessageDigest hasher = getHashInstance(\"MD5\");\n makeFsEntryKey(ret, imgID, path, dirIndex, hasher);\n return ret;\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n core/src/test/java/com/lightboxtechnologies/spectrum/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void makeFsEntryKeyTest() {\n final byte[] path = \"goats/goats/goats\".getBytes();\n\n final int dir_index = 123456;\n\n final byte[] img_md5 = {\n (byte) 0xa0, (byte) 0x79, (byte) 0xc4, (byte) 0xe7,\n (byte) 0x79, (byte) 0xcd, (byte) 0x99, (byte) 0x1f,\n (byte) 0xbb, (byte) 0x8c, (byte) 0xe6, (byte) 0xfa,\n (byte) 0x49, (byte) 0x47, (byte) 0xdc, (byte) 0x2a\n };\n\n final byte[] expected = {\n (byte) 0x31, // path_md5[0]\n (byte) 0xa0, (byte) 0x79, (byte) 0xc4, (byte) 0xe7, // img_md5 \n (byte) 0x79, (byte) 0xcd, (byte) 0x99, (byte) 0x1f,\n (byte) 0xbb, (byte) 0x8c, (byte) 0xe6, (byte) 0xfa,\n (byte) 0x49, (byte) 0x47, (byte) 0xdc, (byte) 0x2a,\n (byte) 0x23, (byte) 0x4b, (byte) 0xf4, // rest of path_md5\n (byte) 0x10, (byte) 0x57, (byte) 0x58, (byte) 0xb5,\n (byte) 0x88, (byte) 0x07, (byte) 0x22, (byte) 0x5c,\n (byte) 0x26, (byte) 0x15, (byte) 0xc5, (byte) 0x72,\n (byte) 0x00, (byte) 0x01, (byte) 0xe2, (byte) 0x40 // dir_index\n };\n\n assertArrayEquals(expected, makeFsEntryKey(img_md5, path, dir_index));\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
public List<Production<T, NT>> getDerivationASsSequence( Word<T, NT> word_total) { Stack<State> state_stack = new Stack<>(); Stack<Symbol> symbol_stack = new Stack<>(); state_stack.push(initialState); symbol_stack.push(g.word_end); List<Production<T, NT>> productions = new LinkedList<>(); Queue<T> word = new ArrayDeque<>(word_total); word.add(g.word_end); while (!state_stack.isEmpty()) { State state = state_stack.peek(); if (state.isStateAccepting()) break; Symbol a = word.peek(); if (g.isTerminal(a)) { T t = (T) a; State nextStateTrans = state.transition.get(t); Set<Production> nextProdFollow = possibleReductionsInState(t, state); if (nextStateTrans != null && !nextProdFollow.isEmpty() || nextStateTrans == null && nextProdFollow.isEmpty() || nextProdFollow.size() > 1) { if (nextStateTrans == null && nextProdFollow.isEmpty()){ logger.warn( "behaviour not defined, policy set to DIE. next state by shift: {}, next states by follow: {}", nextStateTrans, nextProdFollow); logger.warn("current terminal: {}", a); logger.warn("productions so far: {}", productions); logger.warn("state stack {}", state_stack); logger.warn("symbol stack {}", symbol_stack); logger.warn("word actual {}", word); logger.warn("word complete {}", word_total); logger.warn("states:"); //for (State st : states) { // logger.warn("\n{}", st.descriptionAsString()); //} throw new WordNotInLanguageGrammarException( (swp_compiler_ss13.javabite.parser.targetgrammar.Terminal) t); } if (policy == AMBIGUITY_POLICY.DIE) { logger.warn( "behaviour not defined, policy set to DIE. next state by shift: {}, next states by follow: {}", nextStateTrans, nextProdFollow); logger.warn("current terminal: {}", a); logger.warn("productions so far: {}", productions); logger.warn("state stack {}", state_stack); logger.warn("symbol stack {}", symbol_stack); logger.warn("word actual {}", word); logger.warn("word complete {}", word_total); logger.warn("states:"); //for (State st : states) { // logger.warn("\n{}", st.descriptionAsString()); //} if (nextStateTrans != null && !nextProdFollow.isEmpty()) { if (t instanceof swp_compiler_ss13.javabite.parser.targetgrammar.Terminal) { throw new AmbiguityInDerivationGrammarException( (swp_compiler_ss13.javabite.parser.targetgrammar.Terminal) t); } else logger.warn("Dont know how to react..."); } else if (nextStateTrans == null && nextProdFollow.isEmpty()) { if (t instanceof swp_compiler_ss13.javabite.parser.targetgrammar.Terminal) { throw new WordNotInLanguageGrammarException( (swp_compiler_ss13.javabite.parser.targetgrammar.Terminal) t); } else logger.warn("Dont know how to react..."); } else if (nextProdFollow.size() > 1) { if (t instanceof swp_compiler_ss13.javabite.parser.targetgrammar.Terminal) { throw new AmbiguityInDerivationGrammarException( (swp_compiler_ss13.javabite.parser.targetgrammar.Terminal) t); } else logger.warn("Dont know how to react..."); } else { throw new RuntimeException( "Enexptected state reached"); } } else if (policy==AMBIGUITY_POLICY.PREFER_REDUCE){ if (nextProdFollow.size()==1){ // disable shift nextStateTrans=null; } else{ logger.error("policy PREFER_REDUCE is not applicable, because multiple or none (exact :{}) reductions are possible",nextProdFollow.size()); if (nextProdFollow.size()>1) throw new AmbiguityInDerivationGrammarException( (swp_compiler_ss13.javabite.parser.targetgrammar.Terminal) t); } } else if (policy==AMBIGUITY_POLICY.PREFER_SHIFT){"policy PREFER_SHIFT is applicable and used"); // diable of reduce not necessary nextProdFollow=null; } else{ throw new RuntimeException("Invalid Policy"); } } // do shift if possible if (nextStateTrans != null) { word.poll(); symbol_stack.push(a); state_stack.push(nextStateTrans); } else { // reduce Production todo = nextProdFollow.iterator().next(); List<Symbol> original_right_side = new LinkedList<>(); for (int i = todo.right.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { state_stack.pop(); original_right_side.add(symbol_stack.pop()); } Collections.reverse(original_right_side); State stateBeforeProduction = state_stack.peek(); State nextState = stateBeforeProduction.transition .get(todo.left); state_stack.push(nextState); symbol_stack.push(todo.left); todo.right = original_right_side; productions.add(todo); } } } return productions; }
@Test public void testDerivationEpsilon(){ SLRAutomaton<SimpleT, SimpleNT> automaton=new SLRAutomaton<>(g2); Word<SimpleT,SimpleNT> original=new Word<SimpleT,SimpleNT>(g2, listTok()); List<Production<SimpleT,SimpleNT>> productions=automaton.getDerivationASsSequence(original); Collections.reverse(productions); Word<SimpleT,SimpleNT> derivated=Word.getWordFromRightMostDerivation(g2, productions); assertEquals("must be the same",original,derivated); }
[ "push", "push", "add", "isEmpty", "peek", "isStateAccepting", "peek", "isTerminal", "get", "possibleReductionsInState", "isEmpty", "isEmpty", "size", "isEmpty", "warn", "warn", "warn", "warn", "warn", "warn", "warn", "warn", "warn", "warn", "warn", "warn", "warn", "warn", "warn", "warn", "isEmpty", "warn", "isEmpty", "warn", "size", "warn", "size", "error", "size", "size", "info", "poll", "push", "push", "next", "iterator", "size", "pop", "add", "pop", "reverse", "peek", "get", "push", "push", "add" ]
[ "listTok", "getDerivationASsSequence", "reverse", "getWordFromRightMostDerivation", "assertEquals" ]
{ "class_fields": "SimpleT T_ADD=new SimpleT(\"+\");\nSimpleT T_MUL=new SimpleT(\"*\");\nSimpleT T_OPEN=new SimpleT(\"(\");\nSimpleT T_CLOSE=new SimpleT(\")\");\nSimpleT T_ID=new SimpleT(\"id\");\nSimpleT T_EOF=new SimpleT(\"$\");\nSimpleT T_EPSILON=new SimpleT(\"[eps]\");\nSimpleNT E=new SimpleNT(\"E\");\nSimpleNT T=new SimpleNT(\"T\");\nSimpleNT F=new SimpleNT(\"F\");\nSimpleNT E_=new SimpleNT(\"E'\");\nfinal Grammar<SimpleT,SimpleNT> g1=new Grammar<>(E,E_,T_EOF,T_EPSILON);\nfinal Grammar<SimpleT,SimpleNT> g2=new Grammar<>(E,E_,T_EOF,T_EPSILON);", "class_name": "SLRAutomatonTest" }
{ "class_fields": "Integer state_num = 0;\nGrammar<T, NT> g;\nState initialState;\nfinal Set<State> states = new HashSet<>();\nfinal State acceptState = new State();\nAMBIGUITY_POLICY policy = AMBIGUITY_POLICY.DIE;\nLogger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(this.getClass());", "class_name": "SLRAutomaton", "method_signatures": "public SLRAutomaton(Grammar<T, NT> referenceGrammar)\npublic void setAmbiguityPolicy(AMBIGUITY_POLICY policy)\nprivate State getStateFor(Map<NT, Set<Item<T, NT>>> kernel)\nprivate int getAllStateItems()\nprivate void build()\npublic List<Production<T, NT>> getDerivationASsSequence(\n\t\t\tWord<T, NT> word_total)\nprivate Set<Production> possibleReductionsInState(T t, State st)\npublic int getNStates()" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: javabite-parser/src/main/java/swp_compiler_ss13/javabite/parser/grammar/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: SLRAutomaton\n\nclass_fields: Integer state_num = 0;\nGrammar<T, NT> g;\nState initialState;\nfinal Set<State> states = new HashSet<>();\nfinal State acceptState = new State();\nAMBIGUITY_POLICY policy = AMBIGUITY_POLICY.DIE;\nLogger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(this.getClass());\n\nmethod_signatures: public SLRAutomaton(Grammar<T, NT> referenceGrammar)\npublic void setAmbiguityPolicy(AMBIGUITY_POLICY policy)\nprivate State getStateFor(Map<NT, Set<Item<T, NT>>> kernel)\nprivate int getAllStateItems()\nprivate void build()\npublic List<Production<T, NT>> getDerivationASsSequence(\n\t\t\tWord<T, NT> word_total)\nprivate Set<Production> possibleReductionsInState(T t, State st)\npublic int getNStates()\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: SLRAutomatonTest\n\nclass_fields: SimpleT T_ADD=new SimpleT(\"+\");\nSimpleT T_MUL=new SimpleT(\"*\");\nSimpleT T_OPEN=new SimpleT(\"(\");\nSimpleT T_CLOSE=new SimpleT(\")\");\nSimpleT T_ID=new SimpleT(\"id\");\nSimpleT T_EOF=new SimpleT(\"$\");\nSimpleT T_EPSILON=new SimpleT(\"[eps]\");\nSimpleNT E=new SimpleNT(\"E\");\nSimpleNT T=new SimpleNT(\"T\");\nSimpleNT F=new SimpleNT(\"F\");\nSimpleNT E_=new SimpleNT(\"E'\");\nfinal Grammar<SimpleT,SimpleNT> g1=new Grammar<>(E,E_,T_EOF,T_EPSILON);\nfinal Grammar<SimpleT,SimpleNT> g2=new Grammar<>(E,E_,T_EOF,T_EPSILON);\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file javabite-parser/src/main/java/swp_compiler_ss13/javabite/parser/grammar/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n public List<Production<T, NT>> getDerivationASsSequence(\n\t\t\tWord<T, NT> word_total) {\n\n\t\tStack<State> state_stack = new Stack<>();\n\t\tStack<Symbol> symbol_stack = new Stack<>();\n\t\tstate_stack.push(initialState);\n\t\tsymbol_stack.push(g.word_end);\n\n\t\tList<Production<T, NT>> productions = new LinkedList<>();\n\t\tQueue<T> word = new ArrayDeque<>(word_total);\n\t\tword.add(g.word_end);\n\t\twhile (!state_stack.isEmpty()) {\n\t\t\tState state = state_stack.peek();\n\t\t\tif (state.isStateAccepting())\n\t\t\t\tbreak;\n\n\t\t\tSymbol a = word.peek();\n\t\t\tif (g.isTerminal(a)) {\n\t\t\t\tT t = (T) a;\n\t\t\t\tState nextStateTrans = state.transition.get(t);\n\t\t\t\tSet<Production> nextProdFollow = possibleReductionsInState(t,\n\t\t\t\t\t\tstate);\n\t\t\t\tif (nextStateTrans != null && !nextProdFollow.isEmpty()\n\t\t\t\t\t\t|| nextStateTrans == null && nextProdFollow.isEmpty()\n\t\t\t\t\t\t|| nextProdFollow.size() > 1) {\n\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\tif (nextStateTrans == null && nextProdFollow.isEmpty()){\n\t\t\t\t\t\tlogger.warn(\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\"behaviour not defined, policy set to DIE. next state by shift: {}, next states by follow: {}\",\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tnextStateTrans, nextProdFollow);\n\t\t\t\t\t\tlogger.warn(\"current terminal: {}\", a);\n\t\t\t\t\t\tlogger.warn(\"productions so far: {}\", productions);\n\t\t\t\t\t\tlogger.warn(\"state stack {}\", state_stack);\n\t\t\t\t\t\tlogger.warn(\"symbol stack {}\", symbol_stack);\n\t\t\t\t\t\tlogger.warn(\"word actual {}\", word);\n\t\t\t\t\t\tlogger.warn(\"word complete {}\", word_total);\n\t\t\t\t\t\tlogger.warn(\"states:\");\n\t\t\t\t\t\t//for (State st : states) {\n\t\t\t\t\t\t//\tlogger.warn(\"\\n{}\", st.descriptionAsString());\n\t\t\t\t\t\t//}\n\t\t\t\t\t\tthrow new WordNotInLanguageGrammarException(\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t(swp_compiler_ss13.javabite.parser.targetgrammar.Terminal) t);\n\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\tif (policy == AMBIGUITY_POLICY.DIE) {\n\t\t\t\t\t\tlogger.warn(\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\"behaviour not defined, policy set to DIE. next state by shift: {}, next states by follow: {}\",\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tnextStateTrans, nextProdFollow);\n\t\t\t\t\t\tlogger.warn(\"current terminal: {}\", a);\n\t\t\t\t\t\tlogger.warn(\"productions so far: {}\", productions);\n\t\t\t\t\t\tlogger.warn(\"state stack {}\", state_stack);\n\t\t\t\t\t\tlogger.warn(\"symbol stack {}\", symbol_stack);\n\t\t\t\t\t\tlogger.warn(\"word actual {}\", word);\n\t\t\t\t\t\tlogger.warn(\"word complete {}\", word_total);\n\t\t\t\t\t\tlogger.warn(\"states:\");\n\t\t\t\t\t\t//for (State st : states) {\n\t\t\t\t\t\t//\tlogger.warn(\"\\n{}\", st.descriptionAsString());\n\t\t\t\t\t\t//}\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\tif (nextStateTrans != null && !nextProdFollow.isEmpty()) {\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tif (t instanceof swp_compiler_ss13.javabite.parser.targetgrammar.Terminal) {\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tthrow new AmbiguityInDerivationGrammarException(\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t(swp_compiler_ss13.javabite.parser.targetgrammar.Terminal) t);\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t} else\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tlogger.warn(\"Dont know how to react...\");\n\t\t\t\t\t\t} else if (nextStateTrans == null\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t&& nextProdFollow.isEmpty()) {\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tif (t instanceof swp_compiler_ss13.javabite.parser.targetgrammar.Terminal) {\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tthrow new WordNotInLanguageGrammarException(\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t(swp_compiler_ss13.javabite.parser.targetgrammar.Terminal) t);\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t} else\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tlogger.warn(\"Dont know how to react...\");\n\t\t\t\t\t\t} else if (nextProdFollow.size() > 1) {\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tif (t instanceof swp_compiler_ss13.javabite.parser.targetgrammar.Terminal) {\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tthrow new AmbiguityInDerivationGrammarException(\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t(swp_compiler_ss13.javabite.parser.targetgrammar.Terminal) t);\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t} else\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tlogger.warn(\"Dont know how to react...\");\n\t\t\t\t\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tthrow new RuntimeException(\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\"Enexptected state reached\");\n\t\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t\telse if (policy==AMBIGUITY_POLICY.PREFER_REDUCE){\n\t\t\t\t\t\tif (nextProdFollow.size()==1){\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t// disable shift\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tnextStateTrans=null;\n\t\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t\t\telse{\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tlogger.error(\"policy PREFER_REDUCE is not applicable, because multiple or none (exact :{}) reductions are possible\",nextProdFollow.size());\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tif (nextProdFollow.size()>1)\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tthrow new AmbiguityInDerivationGrammarException(\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t(swp_compiler_ss13.javabite.parser.targetgrammar.Terminal) t);\n\t\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t\telse if (policy==AMBIGUITY_POLICY.PREFER_SHIFT){\n\t\t\t\t\t\\"policy PREFER_SHIFT is applicable and used\");\n\t\t\t\t\t\t// diable of reduce not necessary\n\t\t\t\t\t\tnextProdFollow=null;\n\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t\telse{\n\t\t\t\t\t\tthrow new RuntimeException(\"Invalid Policy\");\n\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t// do shift if possible\n\t\t\t\tif (nextStateTrans != null) {\n\t\t\t\t\tword.poll();\n\t\t\t\t\tsymbol_stack.push(a);\n\t\t\t\t\tstate_stack.push(nextStateTrans);\n\t\t\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t\t\t// reduce\n\t\t\t\t\tProduction todo = nextProdFollow.iterator().next();\n\t\t\t\t\tList<Symbol> original_right_side = new LinkedList<>();\n\t\t\t\t\tfor (int i = todo.right.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {\n\t\t\t\t\t\tstate_stack.pop();\n\t\t\t\t\t\toriginal_right_side.add(symbol_stack.pop());\n\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t\tCollections.reverse(original_right_side);\n\t\t\t\t\tState stateBeforeProduction = state_stack.peek();\n\t\t\t\t\tState nextState = stateBeforeProduction.transition\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t.get(todo.left);\n\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\tstate_stack.push(nextState);\n\t\t\t\t\tsymbol_stack.push(todo.left);\n\t\t\t\t\ttodo.right = original_right_side;\n\t\t\t\t\tproductions.add(todo);\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t\treturn productions;\n\t}\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n javabite-parser/src/test/java/swp_compiler_ss13/javabite/parser/grammar/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n\tpublic void testDerivationEpsilon(){\n\t\tSLRAutomaton<SimpleT, SimpleNT> automaton=new SLRAutomaton<>(g2);\n\t\tWord<SimpleT,SimpleNT> original=new Word<SimpleT,SimpleNT>(g2, listTok());\n\t\tList<Production<SimpleT,SimpleNT>> productions=automaton.getDerivationASsSequence(original);\n\t\tCollections.reverse(productions);\n\t\tWord<SimpleT,SimpleNT> derivated=Word.getWordFromRightMostDerivation(g2, productions); \n\t\tassertEquals(\"must be the same\",original,derivated);\n\t}\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
public synchronized void clear() { if (!mProcessedValues.isEmpty()) { throw new IllegalStateException("Cache values are being processed"); } mCache.clear(); }
@Test(expected = IllegalStateException.class) public void testClear() throws Exception { // the latch that controls whether the factory will "create" an item. // this is never released in this test since we want to try clearing the cache while an // item is pending creation. CountDownLatch factoryLatch = new CountDownLatch(1); final CreatingCache<String, String> cache = new CreatingCache<String, String>(new DelayedFactory(factoryLatch)); // the latch that will be released when the thread is pending its query. CountDownLatch latch = new CountDownLatch(1); new Thread(new CacheRunnable(cache, latch)).start(); // wait on thread to be waiting, before trying to clear the cache. latch.await(); cache.clear(); }
[ "isEmpty", "clear" ]
[ "start", "await", "clear" ]
{ "class_fields": "", "class_name": "CreatingCacheTest" }
{ "class_fields": "@GuardedBy(\"this\")\n private final Map<Object, V> mCache = Maps.newHashMap();\n@GuardedBy(\"this\")\n private final Map<Object, CountDownLatch> mProcessedValues = Maps.newHashMap();\n@NonNull\n private final ValueFactory<K, V> mValueFactory;", "class_name": "CreatingCache", "method_signatures": "public CreatingCache(@NonNull ValueFactory<K, V> valueFactory)\n@Nullable public V get(@NonNull K key)\n@VisibleForTesting V get(@NonNull K key, @Nullable QueryListener queryListener)\npublic synchronized void clear()\n@NonNull private synchronized ValueState<V> findValueState(@NonNull K key)\nprivate synchronized void addNewValue(\n @NonNull K key,\n @NonNull V value,\n @NonNull CountDownLatch latch)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: sdk-common/src/main/java/com/android/ide/common/caching/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: CreatingCache\n\nclass_fields: @GuardedBy(\"this\")\n private final Map<Object, V> mCache = Maps.newHashMap();\n@GuardedBy(\"this\")\n private final Map<Object, CountDownLatch> mProcessedValues = Maps.newHashMap();\n@NonNull\n private final ValueFactory<K, V> mValueFactory;\n\nmethod_signatures: public CreatingCache(@NonNull ValueFactory<K, V> valueFactory)\n@Nullable public V get(@NonNull K key)\n@VisibleForTesting V get(@NonNull K key, @Nullable QueryListener queryListener)\npublic synchronized void clear()\n@NonNull private synchronized ValueState<V> findValueState(@NonNull K key)\nprivate synchronized void addNewValue(\n @NonNull K key,\n @NonNull V value,\n @NonNull CountDownLatch latch)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: CreatingCacheTest\n\nclass_fields: \n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file sdk-common/src/main/java/com/android/ide/common/caching/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n public synchronized void clear() {\n if (!mProcessedValues.isEmpty()) {\n throw new IllegalStateException(\"Cache values are being processed\");\n }\n\n mCache.clear();\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n sdk-common/src/test/java/com/android/ide/common/caching/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test(expected = IllegalStateException.class)\n public void testClear() throws Exception {\n // the latch that controls whether the factory will \"create\" an item.\n // this is never released in this test since we want to try clearing the cache while an\n // item is pending creation.\n CountDownLatch factoryLatch = new CountDownLatch(1);\n\n final CreatingCache<String, String>\n cache = new CreatingCache<String, String>(new DelayedFactory(factoryLatch));\n\n // the latch that will be released when the thread is pending its query.\n CountDownLatch latch = new CountDownLatch(1);\n\n new Thread(new CacheRunnable(cache, latch)).start();\n\n // wait on thread to be waiting, before trying to clear the cache.\n latch.await();\n\n cache.clear();\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
public MfgData process(String[] col) throws BadDataException { if (col.length < 2) { throw new BadDataException("too few columns"); } else if (col.length > 2) { throw new BadDataException("too many columns"); } return new MfgData(col[0], col[1]); }
@Test(expected=BadDataException.class) public void processTooManyCols() throws BadDataException { final RecordProcessor<MfgData> proc = new MfgRecordProcessor(); proc.process(new String[] { "foo", "foo", "foo" }); }
[ "process" ]
{ "class_fields": "", "class_name": "MfgRecordProcessorTest" }
{ "class_fields": "", "class_name": "MfgRecordProcessor implements RecordProcessor<MfgData>", "method_signatures": "public MfgData process(String[] col)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: core/src/main/java/com/lightboxtechnologies/nsrl/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: MfgRecordProcessor implements RecordProcessor<MfgData>\n\nclass_fields: \n\nmethod_signatures: public MfgData process(String[] col)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: MfgRecordProcessorTest\n\nclass_fields: \n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file core/src/main/java/com/lightboxtechnologies/nsrl/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n public MfgData process(String[] col) throws BadDataException {\n if (col.length < 2) {\n throw new BadDataException(\"too few columns\");\n }\n else if (col.length > 2) {\n throw new BadDataException(\"too many columns\");\n }\n\n return new MfgData(col[0], col[1]);\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n core/src/test/java/com/lightboxtechnologies/nsrl/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test(expected=BadDataException.class)\n public void processTooManyCols() throws BadDataException {\n final RecordProcessor<MfgData> proc = new MfgRecordProcessor();\n proc.process(new String[] { \"foo\", \"foo\", \"foo\" });\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
@NonNull public static <S extends DimensionAware & Named> List<ProductFlavorCombo<S>> createCombinations( @Nullable List<String> flavorDimensions, @NonNull Iterable<S> productFlavors) { List <ProductFlavorCombo<S>> result = Lists.newArrayList(); if (flavorDimensions == null || flavorDimensions.isEmpty()) { for (S flavor : productFlavors) { result.add(new ProductFlavorCombo<S>(ImmutableList.of(flavor))); } } else { // need to group the flavor per dimension. // First a map of dimension -> list(ProductFlavor) ArrayListMultimap<String, S> map = ArrayListMultimap.create(); for (S flavor : productFlavors) { String flavorDimension = flavor.getDimension(); if (flavorDimension == null) { throw new RuntimeException(String.format( "Flavor '%1$s' has no flavor dimension.", flavor.getName())); } if (!flavorDimensions.contains(flavorDimension)) { throw new RuntimeException(String.format( "Flavor '%1$s' has unknown dimension '%2$s'.", flavor.getName(), flavor.getDimension())); } map.put(flavorDimension, flavor); } createProductFlavorCombinations(result, Lists.<S>newArrayListWithCapacity(flavorDimensions.size()), 0, flavorDimensions, map); } return result; }
@Test public void createGroupListEmpty() throws Exception { assertEqualGroupList( ImmutableList.<ProductFlavorCombo<CoreProductFlavor>>of(), ProductFlavorCombo.createCombinations( Collections.<String>emptyList(), Collections.<CoreProductFlavor>emptyList())); }
[ "newArrayList", "isEmpty", "add", "of", "create", "getDimension", "format", "getName", "contains", "format", "getName", "getDimension", "put", "createProductFlavorCombinations", "newArrayListWithCapacity", "size" ]
[ "assertEqualGroupList", "of", "createCombinations", "emptyList", "emptyList" ]
{ "class_fields": "private static final String DIMENSION1 = \"dimension1\";\nprivate static final String DIMENSION2 = \"dimension2\";\n@Mock\n private CoreProductFlavor f1;\n@Mock\n private CoreProductFlavor f2;\n@Mock\n private CoreProductFlavor f1d1;\n@Mock\n private CoreProductFlavor f2d1;\n@Mock\n private CoreProductFlavor f1d2;\n@Mock\n private CoreProductFlavor f2d2;", "class_name": "ProductFlavorComboTest" }
{ "class_fields": "private String name;\n@NonNull\n private final List<T> flavorList;", "class_name": "ProductFlavorCombo", "method_signatures": "public ProductFlavorCombo(@NonNull T... flavors)\npublic ProductFlavorCombo(@NonNull Iterable<T> flavors)\n@NonNull public String getName()\n@NonNull public List<T> getFlavorList()\n@NonNull public static List<ProductFlavorCombo<S>> createCombinations(\n @Nullable List<String> flavorDimensions,\n @NonNull Iterable<S> productFlavors)\nprivate static ImmutableList<ProductFlavor> filterNullFromArray(ProductFlavor[] flavors)\nprivate static void createProductFlavorCombinations(\n List<ProductFlavorCombo<S>> flavorGroups,\n List<S> group,\n int index,\n List<String> flavorDimensionList,\n ListMultimap<String, S> map)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: build-system/gradle-core/src/main/groovy/com/android/build/gradle/internal/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: ProductFlavorCombo\n\nclass_fields: private String name;\n@NonNull\n private final List<T> flavorList;\n\nmethod_signatures: public ProductFlavorCombo(@NonNull T... flavors)\npublic ProductFlavorCombo(@NonNull Iterable<T> flavors)\n@NonNull public String getName()\n@NonNull public List<T> getFlavorList()\n@NonNull public static List<ProductFlavorCombo<S>> createCombinations(\n @Nullable List<String> flavorDimensions,\n @NonNull Iterable<S> productFlavors)\nprivate static ImmutableList<ProductFlavor> filterNullFromArray(ProductFlavor[] flavors)\nprivate static void createProductFlavorCombinations(\n List<ProductFlavorCombo<S>> flavorGroups,\n List<S> group,\n int index,\n List<String> flavorDimensionList,\n ListMultimap<String, S> map)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: ProductFlavorComboTest\n\nclass_fields: private static final String DIMENSION1 = \"dimension1\";\nprivate static final String DIMENSION2 = \"dimension2\";\n@Mock\n private CoreProductFlavor f1;\n@Mock\n private CoreProductFlavor f2;\n@Mock\n private CoreProductFlavor f1d1;\n@Mock\n private CoreProductFlavor f2d1;\n@Mock\n private CoreProductFlavor f1d2;\n@Mock\n private CoreProductFlavor f2d2;\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file build-system/gradle-core/src/main/groovy/com/android/build/gradle/internal/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n @NonNull\n public static <S extends DimensionAware & Named> List<ProductFlavorCombo<S>> createCombinations(\n @Nullable List<String> flavorDimensions,\n @NonNull Iterable<S> productFlavors) {\n\n List <ProductFlavorCombo<S>> result = Lists.newArrayList();\n if (flavorDimensions == null || flavorDimensions.isEmpty()) {\n for (S flavor : productFlavors) {\n result.add(new ProductFlavorCombo<S>(ImmutableList.of(flavor)));\n }\n } else {\n // need to group the flavor per dimension.\n // First a map of dimension -> list(ProductFlavor)\n ArrayListMultimap<String, S> map = ArrayListMultimap.create();\n for (S flavor : productFlavors) {\n String flavorDimension = flavor.getDimension();\n\n if (flavorDimension == null) {\n throw new RuntimeException(String.format(\n \"Flavor '%1$s' has no flavor dimension.\", flavor.getName()));\n }\n if (!flavorDimensions.contains(flavorDimension)) {\n throw new RuntimeException(String.format(\n \"Flavor '%1$s' has unknown dimension '%2$s'.\",\n flavor.getName(), flavor.getDimension()));\n }\n\n map.put(flavorDimension, flavor);\n }\n\n createProductFlavorCombinations(result,\n Lists.<S>newArrayListWithCapacity(flavorDimensions.size()),\n 0, flavorDimensions, map);\n }\n return result;\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n build-system/gradle-core/src/test/groovy/com/android/build/gradle/internal/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void createGroupListEmpty() throws Exception {\n assertEqualGroupList(\n ImmutableList.<ProductFlavorCombo<CoreProductFlavor>>of(),\n ProductFlavorCombo.createCombinations(\n Collections.<String>emptyList(),\n Collections.<CoreProductFlavor>emptyList()));\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
@NonNull public static <S extends DimensionAware & Named> List<ProductFlavorCombo<S>> createCombinations( @Nullable List<String> flavorDimensions, @NonNull Iterable<S> productFlavors) { List <ProductFlavorCombo<S>> result = Lists.newArrayList(); if (flavorDimensions == null || flavorDimensions.isEmpty()) { for (S flavor : productFlavors) { result.add(new ProductFlavorCombo<S>(ImmutableList.of(flavor))); } } else { // need to group the flavor per dimension. // First a map of dimension -> list(ProductFlavor) ArrayListMultimap<String, S> map = ArrayListMultimap.create(); for (S flavor : productFlavors) { String flavorDimension = flavor.getDimension(); if (flavorDimension == null) { throw new RuntimeException(String.format( "Flavor '%1$s' has no flavor dimension.", flavor.getName())); } if (!flavorDimensions.contains(flavorDimension)) { throw new RuntimeException(String.format( "Flavor '%1$s' has unknown dimension '%2$s'.", flavor.getName(), flavor.getDimension())); } map.put(flavorDimension, flavor); } createProductFlavorCombinations(result, Lists.<S>newArrayListWithCapacity(flavorDimensions.size()), 0, flavorDimensions, map); } return result; }
@Test public void createGroupListDimensionWithoutFlavor() throws Exception { try { ProductFlavorCombo.createCombinations( ImmutableList.of(DIMENSION1, DIMENSION2), ImmutableList.of(f1d1)); fail("Expected to throw"); } catch (RuntimeException ignore) { } }
[ "newArrayList", "isEmpty", "add", "of", "create", "getDimension", "format", "getName", "contains", "format", "getName", "getDimension", "put", "createProductFlavorCombinations", "newArrayListWithCapacity", "size" ]
[ "createCombinations", "of", "of", "fail" ]
{ "class_fields": "private static final String DIMENSION1 = \"dimension1\";\nprivate static final String DIMENSION2 = \"dimension2\";\n@Mock\n private CoreProductFlavor f1;\n@Mock\n private CoreProductFlavor f2;\n@Mock\n private CoreProductFlavor f1d1;\n@Mock\n private CoreProductFlavor f2d1;\n@Mock\n private CoreProductFlavor f1d2;\n@Mock\n private CoreProductFlavor f2d2;", "class_name": "ProductFlavorComboTest" }
{ "class_fields": "private String name;\n@NonNull\n private final List<T> flavorList;", "class_name": "ProductFlavorCombo", "method_signatures": "public ProductFlavorCombo(@NonNull T... flavors)\npublic ProductFlavorCombo(@NonNull Iterable<T> flavors)\n@NonNull public String getName()\n@NonNull public List<T> getFlavorList()\n@NonNull public static List<ProductFlavorCombo<S>> createCombinations(\n @Nullable List<String> flavorDimensions,\n @NonNull Iterable<S> productFlavors)\nprivate static ImmutableList<ProductFlavor> filterNullFromArray(ProductFlavor[] flavors)\nprivate static void createProductFlavorCombinations(\n List<ProductFlavorCombo<S>> flavorGroups,\n List<S> group,\n int index,\n List<String> flavorDimensionList,\n ListMultimap<String, S> map)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: build-system/gradle-core/src/main/groovy/com/android/build/gradle/internal/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: ProductFlavorCombo\n\nclass_fields: private String name;\n@NonNull\n private final List<T> flavorList;\n\nmethod_signatures: public ProductFlavorCombo(@NonNull T... flavors)\npublic ProductFlavorCombo(@NonNull Iterable<T> flavors)\n@NonNull public String getName()\n@NonNull public List<T> getFlavorList()\n@NonNull public static List<ProductFlavorCombo<S>> createCombinations(\n @Nullable List<String> flavorDimensions,\n @NonNull Iterable<S> productFlavors)\nprivate static ImmutableList<ProductFlavor> filterNullFromArray(ProductFlavor[] flavors)\nprivate static void createProductFlavorCombinations(\n List<ProductFlavorCombo<S>> flavorGroups,\n List<S> group,\n int index,\n List<String> flavorDimensionList,\n ListMultimap<String, S> map)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: ProductFlavorComboTest\n\nclass_fields: private static final String DIMENSION1 = \"dimension1\";\nprivate static final String DIMENSION2 = \"dimension2\";\n@Mock\n private CoreProductFlavor f1;\n@Mock\n private CoreProductFlavor f2;\n@Mock\n private CoreProductFlavor f1d1;\n@Mock\n private CoreProductFlavor f2d1;\n@Mock\n private CoreProductFlavor f1d2;\n@Mock\n private CoreProductFlavor f2d2;\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file build-system/gradle-core/src/main/groovy/com/android/build/gradle/internal/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n @NonNull\n public static <S extends DimensionAware & Named> List<ProductFlavorCombo<S>> createCombinations(\n @Nullable List<String> flavorDimensions,\n @NonNull Iterable<S> productFlavors) {\n\n List <ProductFlavorCombo<S>> result = Lists.newArrayList();\n if (flavorDimensions == null || flavorDimensions.isEmpty()) {\n for (S flavor : productFlavors) {\n result.add(new ProductFlavorCombo<S>(ImmutableList.of(flavor)));\n }\n } else {\n // need to group the flavor per dimension.\n // First a map of dimension -> list(ProductFlavor)\n ArrayListMultimap<String, S> map = ArrayListMultimap.create();\n for (S flavor : productFlavors) {\n String flavorDimension = flavor.getDimension();\n\n if (flavorDimension == null) {\n throw new RuntimeException(String.format(\n \"Flavor '%1$s' has no flavor dimension.\", flavor.getName()));\n }\n if (!flavorDimensions.contains(flavorDimension)) {\n throw new RuntimeException(String.format(\n \"Flavor '%1$s' has unknown dimension '%2$s'.\",\n flavor.getName(), flavor.getDimension()));\n }\n\n map.put(flavorDimension, flavor);\n }\n\n createProductFlavorCombinations(result,\n Lists.<S>newArrayListWithCapacity(flavorDimensions.size()),\n 0, flavorDimensions, map);\n }\n return result;\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n build-system/gradle-core/src/test/groovy/com/android/build/gradle/internal/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void createGroupListDimensionWithoutFlavor() throws Exception {\n try {\n ProductFlavorCombo.createCombinations(\n ImmutableList.of(DIMENSION1, DIMENSION2),\n ImmutableList.of(f1d1));\n fail(\"Expected to throw\");\n } catch (RuntimeException ignore) {\n }\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
@Override public List<WebElement> findElements(By locator) { try { return wrapElements(trier().tryTo(getOriginal()::findElements, locator)); } catch (InterruptedException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } catch (LimitExceededException e) { return new ArrayList<>(); } }
@Test void findElementsShouldImplicitlyWaitForAtLeastOneElementToBePresent() { final WebElement mockedElement1 = mock(WebElement.class); final WebElement mockedElement2 = mock(WebElement.class); final List<WebElement> mockedElements = Lists.newArrayList(mockedElement1, mockedElement2); when(mockedDriver.findElements("foo"))) .thenReturn(new ArrayList<>()) .thenReturn(new ArrayList<>()) .thenReturn(mockedElements); List<WebElement> elements = driver.findElements("foo")); assertThat(, is(200L)); verify(mockedDriver, times(3)).findElements("foo")); assertThat(elements, equalTo(mockedElements)); }
[ "wrapElements", "tryTo", "trier", "getOriginal" ]
[ "mock", "mock", "newArrayList", "thenReturn", "thenReturn", "thenReturn", "when", "findElements", "name", "findElements", "name", "assertThat", "now", "is", "findElements", "verify", "times", "name", "assertThat", "equalTo" ]
{ "class_fields": "private TestingClock clock;\nprivate WebDriver mockedDriver;\nprivate WebDriver driver;", "class_name": "ImplicitlyWaitingWebDriverTest" }
{ "class_fields": "private static final long DEFAULT_TIMEOUT = 10;\nprivate static final long DEFAULT_SLEEP_TIMEOUT = 500;\nprivate long timeout = DEFAULT_TIMEOUT;\nprivate long interval = DEFAULT_SLEEP_TIMEOUT;\nprivate Clock clock;\nprivate Sleeper sleeper;", "class_name": "ImplicitlyWaitingWebDriver extends DecoratedWebDriver", "method_signatures": "@Override protected Decorated<WebElement> createDecorated(WebElement original)\n@Override protected Decorated<TargetLocator> createDecorated(final TargetLocator original)\npublic ImplicitlyWaitingWebDriver(final WebDriver driver)\npublic ImplicitlyWaitingWebDriver(final WebDriver driver, long timeoutInSeconds)\npublic ImplicitlyWaitingWebDriver(final WebDriver driver, long timeoutInSeconds, long sleepTimeOut)\nprotected ImplicitlyWaitingWebDriver(final WebDriver driver, Clock clock, Sleeper sleeper, long timeoutInSeconds, long sleepTimeOut)\nprivate TimeBasedTrier<Object> trier()\nprivate RuntimeException propagate(Throwable throwable)\n@Override public WebElement findElement(By locator)\n@Override public List<WebElement> findElements(By locator)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: implicit-wait/src/main/java/ru/stqa/selenium/wait/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: ImplicitlyWaitingWebDriver extends DecoratedWebDriver\n\nclass_fields: private static final long DEFAULT_TIMEOUT = 10;\nprivate static final long DEFAULT_SLEEP_TIMEOUT = 500;\nprivate long timeout = DEFAULT_TIMEOUT;\nprivate long interval = DEFAULT_SLEEP_TIMEOUT;\nprivate Clock clock;\nprivate Sleeper sleeper;\n\nmethod_signatures: @Override protected Decorated<WebElement> createDecorated(WebElement original)\n@Override protected Decorated<TargetLocator> createDecorated(final TargetLocator original)\npublic ImplicitlyWaitingWebDriver(final WebDriver driver)\npublic ImplicitlyWaitingWebDriver(final WebDriver driver, long timeoutInSeconds)\npublic ImplicitlyWaitingWebDriver(final WebDriver driver, long timeoutInSeconds, long sleepTimeOut)\nprotected ImplicitlyWaitingWebDriver(final WebDriver driver, Clock clock, Sleeper sleeper, long timeoutInSeconds, long sleepTimeOut)\nprivate TimeBasedTrier<Object> trier()\nprivate RuntimeException propagate(Throwable throwable)\n@Override public WebElement findElement(By locator)\n@Override public List<WebElement> findElements(By locator)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: ImplicitlyWaitingWebDriverTest\n\nclass_fields: private TestingClock clock;\nprivate WebDriver mockedDriver;\nprivate WebDriver driver;\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file implicit-wait/src/main/java/ru/stqa/selenium/wait/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n @Override\n public List<WebElement> findElements(By locator) {\n try {\n return wrapElements(trier().tryTo(getOriginal()::findElements, locator));\n } catch (InterruptedException e) {\n throw new RuntimeException(e);\n } catch (LimitExceededException e) {\n return new ArrayList<>();\n }\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n implicit-wait/src/test/java/ru/stqa/selenium/wait/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n void findElementsShouldImplicitlyWaitForAtLeastOneElementToBePresent() {\n final WebElement mockedElement1 = mock(WebElement.class);\n final WebElement mockedElement2 = mock(WebElement.class);\n final List<WebElement> mockedElements = Lists.newArrayList(mockedElement1, mockedElement2);\n\n when(mockedDriver.findElements(\"foo\")))\n .thenReturn(new ArrayList<>())\n .thenReturn(new ArrayList<>())\n .thenReturn(mockedElements);\n\n List<WebElement> elements = driver.findElements(\"foo\"));\n\n assertThat(, is(200L));\n verify(mockedDriver, times(3)).findElements(\"foo\"));\n assertThat(elements, equalTo(mockedElements));\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
public void clear() { Path = null; Name = null; super.clear(); Changed.clear(); }
@Test public void testClear() { FsEntry e = new FsEntry(); e.put("name", "foo"); e.put("path", "bar"); assertEquals("foo", e.getName()); assertEquals("bar", e.getPath()); e.clear(); assertEquals(null, e.getName()); assertEquals(null, e.getPath()); }
[ "clear", "clear" ]
[ "put", "put", "assertEquals", "getName", "assertEquals", "getPath", "clear", "assertEquals", "getName", "assertEquals", "getPath" ]
{ "class_fields": "private static final ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();", "class_name": "FsEntryTest" }
{ "class_fields": "private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;\nprivate boolean hasMRec;\nprivate String Path;\nprivate String Name;\nprivate Date Created;\nprivate Date Written;\nprivate Date Accessed;\nprivate Date Updated;\nprivate long Size;\nprivate final Map<String, Object> Changed = new HashMap<String, Object>();\nprivate final Map<String,StreamProxy> Streams = new HashMap<String,StreamProxy>();\nprivate FileSystem FS;\nprivate static final ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();", "class_name": "FsEntry extends HashMap<String,Object>", "method_signatures": "public void clear()\npublic Map<String, Object> getChangedItems()\npublic boolean containsKey(Object key)\npublic boolean containsValue(Object value)\n@Deprecated public Set<Map.Entry<String,Object>> entrySet()\n@Deprecated public boolean equals(Object o)\npublic Object get(Object key)\npublic boolean isEmpty()\n@Deprecated public Set<String> keySet()\npublic Object put(String key, Object value)\npublic void putAll(Map<? extends String,? extends Object> m)\n@Deprecated public Object remove(Object key)\npublic int size()\n@Deprecated public Collection<Object> values()\npublic void setFileSystem(FileSystem fs)\npublic Map<String, StreamProxy> getStreams()\npublic Object getStream()\npublic Object getStream(String key)\npublic InputStream getInputStream()\npublic InputStream getInputStream(String key)\n boolean isContentHDFS()\n byte[] getContentBuffer()\n String getContentHdfsPath()\npublic boolean hasMetadata()\npublic String getPath()\npublic String getName()\npublic String getID()\npublic String extension()\npublic String fullPath()\npublic Date getCreated()\npublic Date getWritten()\npublic Date getAccessed()\npublic Date getUpdated()\npublic long getSize()\nprivate static Date addDate(Map<String,Object> map, String name, Map<String,Object> rec, String recName)\nprivate static void addOptLong(Map<String,Object> map, String name, Map<String,Object> rec, String recName)\npublic boolean parseJson(String jsonstr)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: core/src/main/java/com/lightboxtechnologies/spectrum/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: FsEntry extends HashMap<String,Object>\n\nclass_fields: private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;\nprivate boolean hasMRec;\nprivate String Path;\nprivate String Name;\nprivate Date Created;\nprivate Date Written;\nprivate Date Accessed;\nprivate Date Updated;\nprivate long Size;\nprivate final Map<String, Object> Changed = new HashMap<String, Object>();\nprivate final Map<String,StreamProxy> Streams = new HashMap<String,StreamProxy>();\nprivate FileSystem FS;\nprivate static final ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();\n\nmethod_signatures: public void clear()\npublic Map<String, Object> getChangedItems()\npublic boolean containsKey(Object key)\npublic boolean containsValue(Object value)\n@Deprecated public Set<Map.Entry<String,Object>> entrySet()\n@Deprecated public boolean equals(Object o)\npublic Object get(Object key)\npublic boolean isEmpty()\n@Deprecated public Set<String> keySet()\npublic Object put(String key, Object value)\npublic void putAll(Map<? extends String,? extends Object> m)\n@Deprecated public Object remove(Object key)\npublic int size()\n@Deprecated public Collection<Object> values()\npublic void setFileSystem(FileSystem fs)\npublic Map<String, StreamProxy> getStreams()\npublic Object getStream()\npublic Object getStream(String key)\npublic InputStream getInputStream()\npublic InputStream getInputStream(String key)\n boolean isContentHDFS()\n byte[] getContentBuffer()\n String getContentHdfsPath()\npublic boolean hasMetadata()\npublic String getPath()\npublic String getName()\npublic String getID()\npublic String extension()\npublic String fullPath()\npublic Date getCreated()\npublic Date getWritten()\npublic Date getAccessed()\npublic Date getUpdated()\npublic long getSize()\nprivate static Date addDate(Map<String,Object> map, String name, Map<String,Object> rec, String recName)\nprivate static void addOptLong(Map<String,Object> map, String name, Map<String,Object> rec, String recName)\npublic boolean parseJson(String jsonstr)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: FsEntryTest\n\nclass_fields: private static final ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file core/src/main/java/com/lightboxtechnologies/spectrum/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n public void clear() {\n Path = null;\n Name = null;\n super.clear();\n Changed.clear();\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n core/src/test/java/com/lightboxtechnologies/spectrum/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void testClear() {\n FsEntry e = new FsEntry();\n e.put(\"name\", \"foo\");\n e.put(\"path\", \"bar\");\n assertEquals(\"foo\", e.getName());\n assertEquals(\"bar\", e.getPath());\n e.clear();\n assertEquals(null, e.getName());\n assertEquals(null, e.getPath());\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
@Override public Object executeAsyncScript(String script, Object... args) { WebDriver driver = getOriginal(); if (driver instanceof JavascriptExecutor) { return wrapObject(((JavascriptExecutor) driver).executeAsyncScript(script, args)); } else { throw new WebDriverException("Wrapped webdriver does not implement JavascriptExecutor: " + driver); } }
@Test void testExecuteAsyncScriptThatReturnsAnElement() { WebElement element = mock(WebElement.class); verifyDecoratingFunction($ -> (WebElement) ((JavascriptExecutor) $).executeAsyncScript("..."), element, WebElement::click); }
[ "getOriginal", "wrapObject", "executeAsyncScript" ]
[ "mock", "executeAsyncScript" ]
{ "class_fields": "", "class_name": "DecoratedWebDriverTest" }
{ "class_fields": "", "class_name": "DecoratedWebDriver extends DecoratedTopmost<WebDriver> implements WebDriver, WrapsDriver, JavascriptExecutor, HasInputDevices, HasTouchScreen, Interactive", "method_signatures": "public DecoratedWebDriver(WebDriver driver)\nprotected Decorated<WebElement> createDecorated(WebElement original)\nprotected List<WebElement> wrapElements(final List<WebElement> elements)\nprotected Decorated<TargetLocator> createDecorated(final TargetLocator original)\nprotected Decorated<Alert> createDecorated(final Alert original)\nprotected Decorated<Navigation> createDecorated(final Navigation original)\nprotected Decorated<Options> createDecorated(final Options original)\nprotected Decorated<Timeouts> createDecorated(final Timeouts original)\nprotected Decorated<Window> createDecorated(final Window original)\nprotected Decorated<Coordinates> createDecorated(final Coordinates original)\nprotected Decorated<Keyboard> createDecorated(final Keyboard original)\nprotected Decorated<Mouse> createDecorated(final Mouse original)\nprotected Decorated<TouchScreen> createDecorated(final TouchScreen original)\n Object wrapObject(final Object object)\n@Override public final WebDriver getWrappedDriver()\n@Override public void get(String url)\n@Override public String getCurrentUrl()\n@Override public String getTitle()\n@Override public WebElement findElement(final By by)\n@Override public List<WebElement> findElements(final By by)\n@Override public String getPageSource()\n@Override public void close()\n@Override public void quit()\n@Override public Set<String> getWindowHandles()\n@Override public String getWindowHandle()\n@Override public TargetLocator switchTo()\n@Override public Navigation navigate()\n@Override public Options manage()\n@Override public Object executeScript(String script, Object... args)\n@Override public Object executeAsyncScript(String script, Object... args)\n@Override public Keyboard getKeyboard()\n@Override public Mouse getMouse()\n@Override public TouchScreen getTouch()\n@Override public void perform(Collection<Sequence> actions)\n@Override public void resetInputState()" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: core/src/main/java/ru/stqa/selenium/decorated/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: DecoratedWebDriver extends DecoratedTopmost<WebDriver> implements WebDriver, WrapsDriver, JavascriptExecutor, HasInputDevices, HasTouchScreen, Interactive\n\nclass_fields: \n\nmethod_signatures: public DecoratedWebDriver(WebDriver driver)\nprotected Decorated<WebElement> createDecorated(WebElement original)\nprotected List<WebElement> wrapElements(final List<WebElement> elements)\nprotected Decorated<TargetLocator> createDecorated(final TargetLocator original)\nprotected Decorated<Alert> createDecorated(final Alert original)\nprotected Decorated<Navigation> createDecorated(final Navigation original)\nprotected Decorated<Options> createDecorated(final Options original)\nprotected Decorated<Timeouts> createDecorated(final Timeouts original)\nprotected Decorated<Window> createDecorated(final Window original)\nprotected Decorated<Coordinates> createDecorated(final Coordinates original)\nprotected Decorated<Keyboard> createDecorated(final Keyboard original)\nprotected Decorated<Mouse> createDecorated(final Mouse original)\nprotected Decorated<TouchScreen> createDecorated(final TouchScreen original)\n Object wrapObject(final Object object)\n@Override public final WebDriver getWrappedDriver()\n@Override public void get(String url)\n@Override public String getCurrentUrl()\n@Override public String getTitle()\n@Override public WebElement findElement(final By by)\n@Override public List<WebElement> findElements(final By by)\n@Override public String getPageSource()\n@Override public void close()\n@Override public void quit()\n@Override public Set<String> getWindowHandles()\n@Override public String getWindowHandle()\n@Override public TargetLocator switchTo()\n@Override public Navigation navigate()\n@Override public Options manage()\n@Override public Object executeScript(String script, Object... args)\n@Override public Object executeAsyncScript(String script, Object... args)\n@Override public Keyboard getKeyboard()\n@Override public Mouse getMouse()\n@Override public TouchScreen getTouch()\n@Override public void perform(Collection<Sequence> actions)\n@Override public void resetInputState()\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: DecoratedWebDriverTest\n\nclass_fields: \n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file core/src/main/java/ru/stqa/selenium/decorated/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n @Override\n public Object executeAsyncScript(String script, Object... args) {\n WebDriver driver = getOriginal();\n if (driver instanceof JavascriptExecutor) {\n return wrapObject(((JavascriptExecutor) driver).executeAsyncScript(script, args));\n } else {\n throw new WebDriverException(\"Wrapped webdriver does not implement JavascriptExecutor: \" + driver);\n }\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n core/src/test/java/ru/stqa/selenium/decorated/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n void testExecuteAsyncScriptThatReturnsAnElement() {\n WebElement element = mock(WebElement.class);\n verifyDecoratingFunction($ -> (WebElement) ((JavascriptExecutor) $).executeAsyncScript(\"...\"), element, WebElement::click);\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
@Override public WebElement findElement(By locator) { try { return new ImplicitlyWaitingWebElement(trier().tryTo(getOriginal()::findElement, locator), this).getActivated(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } catch (LimitExceededException e) { throw propagate(e.getCause()); } }
@Test void isSelectedShouldThrowIfTheElementIsNotVisible() { final WebElement mockedElement = mock(WebElement.class); when(mockedDriver.findElement("foo"))) .thenReturn(mockedElement); when(mockedElement.isSelected()) .thenThrow(ElementNotVisibleException.class); assertThrows(ElementNotVisibleException.class, () -> driver.findElement("foo")).isSelected()); assertThat(, is(1000L)); verify(mockedDriver, times(1)).findElement("foo")); verify(mockedElement, times(11)).isSelected(); }
[ "getActivated", "tryTo", "trier", "getOriginal", "propagate", "getCause" ]
[ "mock", "thenReturn", "when", "findElement", "name", "thenThrow", "when", "isSelected", "assertThrows", "isSelected", "findElement", "name", "assertThat", "now", "is", "findElement", "verify", "times", "name", "isSelected", "verify", "times" ]
{ "class_fields": "private TestingClock clock;\nprivate WebDriver mockedDriver;\nprivate WebDriver driver;", "class_name": "ImplicitlyWaitingWebDriverTest" }
{ "class_fields": "private static final long DEFAULT_TIMEOUT = 10;\nprivate static final long DEFAULT_SLEEP_TIMEOUT = 500;\nprivate long timeout = DEFAULT_TIMEOUT;\nprivate long interval = DEFAULT_SLEEP_TIMEOUT;\nprivate Clock clock;\nprivate Sleeper sleeper;", "class_name": "ImplicitlyWaitingWebDriver extends DecoratedWebDriver", "method_signatures": "@Override protected Decorated<WebElement> createDecorated(WebElement original)\n@Override protected Decorated<TargetLocator> createDecorated(final TargetLocator original)\npublic ImplicitlyWaitingWebDriver(final WebDriver driver)\npublic ImplicitlyWaitingWebDriver(final WebDriver driver, long timeoutInSeconds)\npublic ImplicitlyWaitingWebDriver(final WebDriver driver, long timeoutInSeconds, long sleepTimeOut)\nprotected ImplicitlyWaitingWebDriver(final WebDriver driver, Clock clock, Sleeper sleeper, long timeoutInSeconds, long sleepTimeOut)\nprivate TimeBasedTrier<Object> trier()\nprivate RuntimeException propagate(Throwable throwable)\n@Override public WebElement findElement(By locator)\n@Override public List<WebElement> findElements(By locator)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: implicit-wait/src/main/java/ru/stqa/selenium/wait/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: ImplicitlyWaitingWebDriver extends DecoratedWebDriver\n\nclass_fields: private static final long DEFAULT_TIMEOUT = 10;\nprivate static final long DEFAULT_SLEEP_TIMEOUT = 500;\nprivate long timeout = DEFAULT_TIMEOUT;\nprivate long interval = DEFAULT_SLEEP_TIMEOUT;\nprivate Clock clock;\nprivate Sleeper sleeper;\n\nmethod_signatures: @Override protected Decorated<WebElement> createDecorated(WebElement original)\n@Override protected Decorated<TargetLocator> createDecorated(final TargetLocator original)\npublic ImplicitlyWaitingWebDriver(final WebDriver driver)\npublic ImplicitlyWaitingWebDriver(final WebDriver driver, long timeoutInSeconds)\npublic ImplicitlyWaitingWebDriver(final WebDriver driver, long timeoutInSeconds, long sleepTimeOut)\nprotected ImplicitlyWaitingWebDriver(final WebDriver driver, Clock clock, Sleeper sleeper, long timeoutInSeconds, long sleepTimeOut)\nprivate TimeBasedTrier<Object> trier()\nprivate RuntimeException propagate(Throwable throwable)\n@Override public WebElement findElement(By locator)\n@Override public List<WebElement> findElements(By locator)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: ImplicitlyWaitingWebDriverTest\n\nclass_fields: private TestingClock clock;\nprivate WebDriver mockedDriver;\nprivate WebDriver driver;\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file implicit-wait/src/main/java/ru/stqa/selenium/wait/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n @Override\n public WebElement findElement(By locator) {\n try {\n return new ImplicitlyWaitingWebElement(trier().tryTo(getOriginal()::findElement, locator), this).getActivated();\n } catch (InterruptedException e) {\n throw new RuntimeException(e);\n } catch (LimitExceededException e) {\n throw propagate(e.getCause());\n }\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n implicit-wait/src/test/java/ru/stqa/selenium/wait/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n void isSelectedShouldThrowIfTheElementIsNotVisible() {\n final WebElement mockedElement = mock(WebElement.class);\n\n when(mockedDriver.findElement(\"foo\")))\n .thenReturn(mockedElement);\n\n when(mockedElement.isSelected())\n .thenThrow(ElementNotVisibleException.class);\n\n assertThrows(ElementNotVisibleException.class, () -> driver.findElement(\"foo\")).isSelected());\n\n assertThat(, is(1000L));\n verify(mockedDriver, times(1)).findElement(\"foo\"));\n verify(mockedElement, times(11)).isSelected();\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
@Override public String toString() { final byte[] bytes = copyBytes(); return new String(MyHex.encode(bytes)); }
@Test public void toStringTest() throws Exception { final Hex hex = new Hex(); final String str = "DEADBEEF"; final ImmutableHexWritable ihw = new ImmutableHexWritable(hex.decode(str.getBytes())); assertEquals(str, ihw.toString().toUpperCase()); }
[ "copyBytes", "encode" ]
[ "decode", "getBytes", "assertEquals", "toUpperCase", "toString" ]
{ "class_fields": "", "class_name": "ImmutableHexWritableTest" }
{ "class_fields": "final Hex MyHex = new Hex();", "class_name": "ImmutableHexWritable extends ImmutableBytesWritable", "method_signatures": "public ImmutableHexWritable()\npublic ImmutableHexWritable(byte[] bytes)\npublic ImmutableHexWritable(final ImmutableBytesWritable ibw)\npublic ImmutableHexWritable(final byte[] bytes, final int offset, final int length)\n@Override public String toString()" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: core/src/main/java/com/lightboxtechnologies/spectrum/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: ImmutableHexWritable extends ImmutableBytesWritable\n\nclass_fields: final Hex MyHex = new Hex();\n\nmethod_signatures: public ImmutableHexWritable()\npublic ImmutableHexWritable(byte[] bytes)\npublic ImmutableHexWritable(final ImmutableBytesWritable ibw)\npublic ImmutableHexWritable(final byte[] bytes, final int offset, final int length)\n@Override public String toString()\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: ImmutableHexWritableTest\n\nclass_fields: \n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file core/src/main/java/com/lightboxtechnologies/spectrum/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n @Override\n public String toString() {\n final byte[] bytes = copyBytes();\n return new String(MyHex.encode(bytes));\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n core/src/test/java/com/lightboxtechnologies/spectrum/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void toStringTest() throws Exception {\n final Hex hex = new Hex();\n final String str = \"DEADBEEF\";\n final ImmutableHexWritable ihw =\n new ImmutableHexWritable(hex.decode(str.getBytes()));\n assertEquals(str, ihw.toString().toUpperCase());\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
public static String sanitiseWARCHeaderValue(String value) { if (value == null) { return null; } if (value.startsWith("<")) { if (value.endsWith(">")) { return value.substring(1, value.length()-1); } log.warn("sanitiseWARCHeaderValue: The value started with '<' but did not end in '>': '" + value + "'"); } else if (value.endsWith(">")) { log.warn("sanitiseWARCHeaderValue: The value ended with '>' but did not start with '<': '" + value + "'"); } return value; }
@Test public void testWARCHeaderValueSanitise() { String[][] TESTS = new String[][]{ // input, expected {"foo bar", "foo bar"}, {"<foo bar", "<foo bar"}, {"foo bar>", "foo bar>"}, {"<foo bar>", "foo bar"}, {"foo< >bar", "foo< >bar"}, {"<foo< >bar>", "foo< >bar"} }; for (String[] test: TESTS) { assertEquals("WARC-header value should be sanitised as expected for input '" + test[0] + "'", test[1], Normalisation.sanitiseWARCHeaderValue(test[0])); } }
[ "startsWith", "endsWith", "substring", "length", "warn", "endsWith", "warn" ]
[ "assertEquals", "sanitiseWARCHeaderValue" ]
{ "class_fields": "", "class_name": "NormalisationTest" }
{ "class_fields": "private static Log log = LogFactory.getLog( Normalisation.class );\nprivate static Charset UTF8_CHARSET = Charset.forName(\"UTF-8\");\nprivate static AggressiveUrlCanonicalizer canon = new AggressiveUrlCanonicalizer();\nprivate static Pattern DOMAIN_ONLY = Pattern.compile(\"https?://[^/]+\");\nprivate static Pattern WWW_PREFIX = Pattern.compile(\"([a-z]+://)(?:www[0-9]*|ww2|ww)[.](.+)\");\nprivate final static byte[] HEX = \"0123456789abcdef\".getBytes(UTF8_CHARSET);", "class_name": "Normalisation", "method_signatures": "public static String sanitiseWARCHeaderValue(String value)\npublic static String canonicaliseHost(String host)\npublic static String canonicaliseURL(String url)\npublic static String fixURLErrors(String url)\npublic static String resolveRelative(String url, String relative)\npublic static String resolveRelative(String url, String relative, boolean normalise)\npublic static String canonicaliseURL(String url, boolean allowHighOrder, boolean createUnambiguous)\nprivate static byte[] fixEscapeErrorsAndUnescapeHighOrderUTF8(final String url)\nprivate static String escapeUTF8(final byte[] utf8, boolean escapeHighOrder, boolean normaliseLowOrder)\nprivate static void hexEscape(int codePoint, ByteArrayOutputStream sb)\nprivate static boolean mustEscape(int codePoint)\nprivate static boolean keepEscape(int codePoint)\nprivate static boolean isHex(byte b)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: warc-indexer/src/main/java/uk/bl/wa/util/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: Normalisation\n\nclass_fields: private static Log log = LogFactory.getLog( Normalisation.class );\nprivate static Charset UTF8_CHARSET = Charset.forName(\"UTF-8\");\nprivate static AggressiveUrlCanonicalizer canon = new AggressiveUrlCanonicalizer();\nprivate static Pattern DOMAIN_ONLY = Pattern.compile(\"https?://[^/]+\");\nprivate static Pattern WWW_PREFIX = Pattern.compile(\"([a-z]+://)(?:www[0-9]*|ww2|ww)[.](.+)\");\nprivate final static byte[] HEX = \"0123456789abcdef\".getBytes(UTF8_CHARSET);\n\nmethod_signatures: public static String sanitiseWARCHeaderValue(String value)\npublic static String canonicaliseHost(String host)\npublic static String canonicaliseURL(String url)\npublic static String fixURLErrors(String url)\npublic static String resolveRelative(String url, String relative)\npublic static String resolveRelative(String url, String relative, boolean normalise)\npublic static String canonicaliseURL(String url, boolean allowHighOrder, boolean createUnambiguous)\nprivate static byte[] fixEscapeErrorsAndUnescapeHighOrderUTF8(final String url)\nprivate static String escapeUTF8(final byte[] utf8, boolean escapeHighOrder, boolean normaliseLowOrder)\nprivate static void hexEscape(int codePoint, ByteArrayOutputStream sb)\nprivate static boolean mustEscape(int codePoint)\nprivate static boolean keepEscape(int codePoint)\nprivate static boolean isHex(byte b)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: NormalisationTest\n\nclass_fields: \n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file warc-indexer/src/main/java/uk/bl/wa/util/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n public static String sanitiseWARCHeaderValue(String value) {\n if (value == null) {\n return null;\n }\n if (value.startsWith(\"<\")) {\n if (value.endsWith(\">\")) {\n return value.substring(1, value.length()-1);\n }\n log.warn(\"sanitiseWARCHeaderValue: The value started with '<' but did not end in '>': '\" + value + \"'\");\n } else if (value.endsWith(\">\")) {\n log.warn(\"sanitiseWARCHeaderValue: The value ended with '>' but did not start with '<': '\" + value + \"'\");\n }\n return value;\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n warc-indexer/src/test/java/uk/bl/wa/util/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void testWARCHeaderValueSanitise() {\n String[][] TESTS = new String[][]{\n // input, expected\n {\"foo bar\", \"foo bar\"},\n {\"<foo bar\", \"<foo bar\"},\n {\"foo bar>\", \"foo bar>\"},\n {\"<foo bar>\", \"foo bar\"},\n {\"foo< >bar\", \"foo< >bar\"},\n {\"<foo< >bar>\", \"foo< >bar\"}\n };\n for (String[] test: TESTS) {\n assertEquals(\"WARC-header value should be sanitised as expected for input '\" + test[0] + \"'\",\n test[1], Normalisation.sanitiseWARCHeaderValue(test[0]));\n }\n\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
protected static String parseCrawlDate( String waybackDate ) { DateTimeFormatter iso_df = ISODateTimeFormat.dateTimeNoMillis() .withZone(DateTimeZone.UTC); return iso_df.print(new org.joda.time.DateTime( getWaybackDate(waybackDate))); }
@Test public void testParseCrawlDate() { assertEquals("2000-09-20T00:05:00Z", WARCIndexer.parseCrawlDate(TIMESTAMP_12)); assertEquals("2000-09-20T00:05:45Z", WARCIndexer.parseCrawlDate(TIMESTAMP_14)); assertEquals("2000-09-20T00:05:45Z", WARCIndexer.parseCrawlDate(TIMESTAMP_16)); assertEquals("2000-09-20T00:05:45Z", WARCIndexer.parseCrawlDate(TIMESTAMP_17)); }
[ "withZone", "dateTimeNoMillis", "print", "getWaybackDate" ]
[ "assertEquals", "parseCrawlDate", "assertEquals", "parseCrawlDate", "assertEquals", "parseCrawlDate", "assertEquals", "parseCrawlDate" ]
{ "class_fields": "private static Log log = LogFactory.getLog(WARCIndexerTest.class);\nprivate static final String TIMESTAMP_12 = \"200009200005\";\nprivate static final String TIMESTAMP_14 = \"20000920000545\";\nprivate static final String TIMESTAMP_16 = \"2000092000054543\";\nprivate static final String TIMESTAMP_17 = \"20000920000545439\";", "class_name": "WARCIndexerTest" }
{ "class_fields": "private static Log log = LogFactory.getLog( WARCIndexer.class );\nprivate List<String> url_excludes;\nprivate List<String> protocol_includes;\nprivate List<String> response_includes;\nprivate List<String> record_type_includes;\nprivate MessageDigest md5 = null;\nprivate boolean extractText;\nprivate boolean storeText;\nprivate StaticMapExclusionFilterFactory smef = null;\nprivate boolean checkSolrForDuplicates = false;\nprivate SolrWebServer solrServer = null;\nprivate long inMemoryThreshold;\nprivate long onDiskThreshold;\nprivate WARCPayloadAnalysers wpa;\nprivate TextAnalysers txa;\nprivate Annotator ant = null;\nprivate final boolean addNormalisedURL;\npublic static final boolean CANONICALISE_HOST = true;\nprivate final SolrRecordFactory solrFactory;\nprivate final java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter WAYBACK_DATETIME =\n java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern(\"yyyyMMddHHmmss\").withZone(ZoneId.of(\"UTC\"));\nprivate final Calendar calendar = Calendar\n .getInstance(TimeZone.getTimeZone(\"UTC\"));\npublic static SimpleDateFormat formatter = new SimpleDateFormat(\n \"yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z'\");", "class_name": "WARCIndexer", "method_signatures": "public WARCIndexer()\npublic WARCIndexer( Config conf )\npublic void setAnnotations(Annotations ann, SurtPrefixSet openAccessSurts)\npublic boolean isCheckSolrForDuplicates()\npublic void setCheckSolrForDuplicates(boolean checkSolrForDuplicates)\npublic SolrRecord extract( String archiveName, ArchiveRecord record )\npublic SolrRecord extract( String archiveName, ArchiveRecord record, boolean isTextIncluded )\nprivate void processText(SolrRecord solr, boolean isTextIncluded)\nprivate void applyAnnotations(SolrRecord solr, URI saneURI)\nprivate void processEnvelopeHeader(SolrRecord solr, ArchiveRecordHeader header, String targetUrl)\nprivate void setUserFields(SolrRecord solr, String archiveName)\nprivate void processARCHeader(SolrRecord solr)\nprivate void processWARCHeader(ArchiveRecordHeader header, SolrRecord solr)\nprotected URI parseURL(SolrRecord solr, String fullUrl)\nprivate synchronized String getYearFromDate(Date date)\nprivate HTTPHeader processWARCHTTPHeaders(\n ArchiveRecord record, ArchiveRecordHeader warcHeader, String targetUrl, SolrRecord solr)\nprivate void processHTTPHeaders(SolrRecord solr, HTTPHeader httpHeaders , String targetUrl)\nprotected static String parseResourceName(String fullUrl)\nprotected static String parseExtension(String path)\npublic static Date getWaybackDate( String timestamp )\nprotected static String parseCrawlDate( String waybackDate )\npublic static String extractYear( String timestamp )\nprivate boolean checkUrl( String url )\nprivate boolean checkProtocol( String url )\nprivate boolean checkResponseCode( String statusCode )\nprivate boolean checkRecordType( String type )\nprivate boolean checkExclusionFilter( String uri )" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: warc-indexer/src/main/java/uk/bl/wa/indexer/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: WARCIndexer\n\nclass_fields: private static Log log = LogFactory.getLog( WARCIndexer.class );\nprivate List<String> url_excludes;\nprivate List<String> protocol_includes;\nprivate List<String> response_includes;\nprivate List<String> record_type_includes;\nprivate MessageDigest md5 = null;\nprivate boolean extractText;\nprivate boolean storeText;\nprivate StaticMapExclusionFilterFactory smef = null;\nprivate boolean checkSolrForDuplicates = false;\nprivate SolrWebServer solrServer = null;\nprivate long inMemoryThreshold;\nprivate long onDiskThreshold;\nprivate WARCPayloadAnalysers wpa;\nprivate TextAnalysers txa;\nprivate Annotator ant = null;\nprivate final boolean addNormalisedURL;\npublic static final boolean CANONICALISE_HOST = true;\nprivate final SolrRecordFactory solrFactory;\nprivate final java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter WAYBACK_DATETIME =\n java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern(\"yyyyMMddHHmmss\").withZone(ZoneId.of(\"UTC\"));\nprivate final Calendar calendar = Calendar\n .getInstance(TimeZone.getTimeZone(\"UTC\"));\npublic static SimpleDateFormat formatter = new SimpleDateFormat(\n \"yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z'\");\n\nmethod_signatures: public WARCIndexer()\npublic WARCIndexer( Config conf )\npublic void setAnnotations(Annotations ann, SurtPrefixSet openAccessSurts)\npublic boolean isCheckSolrForDuplicates()\npublic void setCheckSolrForDuplicates(boolean checkSolrForDuplicates)\npublic SolrRecord extract( String archiveName, ArchiveRecord record )\npublic SolrRecord extract( String archiveName, ArchiveRecord record, boolean isTextIncluded )\nprivate void processText(SolrRecord solr, boolean isTextIncluded)\nprivate void applyAnnotations(SolrRecord solr, URI saneURI)\nprivate void processEnvelopeHeader(SolrRecord solr, ArchiveRecordHeader header, String targetUrl)\nprivate void setUserFields(SolrRecord solr, String archiveName)\nprivate void processARCHeader(SolrRecord solr)\nprivate void processWARCHeader(ArchiveRecordHeader header, SolrRecord solr)\nprotected URI parseURL(SolrRecord solr, String fullUrl)\nprivate synchronized String getYearFromDate(Date date)\nprivate HTTPHeader processWARCHTTPHeaders(\n ArchiveRecord record, ArchiveRecordHeader warcHeader, String targetUrl, SolrRecord solr)\nprivate void processHTTPHeaders(SolrRecord solr, HTTPHeader httpHeaders , String targetUrl)\nprotected static String parseResourceName(String fullUrl)\nprotected static String parseExtension(String path)\npublic static Date getWaybackDate( String timestamp )\nprotected static String parseCrawlDate( String waybackDate )\npublic static String extractYear( String timestamp )\nprivate boolean checkUrl( String url )\nprivate boolean checkProtocol( String url )\nprivate boolean checkResponseCode( String statusCode )\nprivate boolean checkRecordType( String type )\nprivate boolean checkExclusionFilter( String uri )\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: WARCIndexerTest\n\nclass_fields: private static Log log = LogFactory.getLog(WARCIndexerTest.class);\nprivate static final String TIMESTAMP_12 = \"200009200005\";\nprivate static final String TIMESTAMP_14 = \"20000920000545\";\nprivate static final String TIMESTAMP_16 = \"2000092000054543\";\nprivate static final String TIMESTAMP_17 = \"20000920000545439\";\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file warc-indexer/src/main/java/uk/bl/wa/indexer/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n protected static String parseCrawlDate( String waybackDate ) {\n DateTimeFormatter iso_df = ISODateTimeFormat.dateTimeNoMillis()\n .withZone(DateTimeZone.UTC);\n return iso_df.print(new org.joda.time.DateTime(\n getWaybackDate(waybackDate)));\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n warc-indexer/src/test/java/uk/bl/wa/indexer/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void testParseCrawlDate() {\n assertEquals(\"2000-09-20T00:05:00Z\", WARCIndexer.parseCrawlDate(TIMESTAMP_12));\n assertEquals(\"2000-09-20T00:05:45Z\", WARCIndexer.parseCrawlDate(TIMESTAMP_14));\n assertEquals(\"2000-09-20T00:05:45Z\", WARCIndexer.parseCrawlDate(TIMESTAMP_16));\n assertEquals(\"2000-09-20T00:05:45Z\", WARCIndexer.parseCrawlDate(TIMESTAMP_17));\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
@Override public List<WebElement> findElements(By locator) { try { return wrapElements(trier().tryTo(getOriginal()::findElements, locator)); } catch (InterruptedException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } catch (LimitExceededException e) { return new ArrayList<>(); } }
@Test void findElementsChainShouldThrowIfElementIsNotFound() { final WebElement mockedElement1 = mock(WebElement.class); final WebElement mockedElement2 = mock(WebElement.class); when(mockedDriver.findElements("foo"))) .thenReturn(new ArrayList<>()) .thenReturn(new ArrayList<>()) .thenReturn(Lists.newArrayList(mockedElement1)); when(mockedElement1.findElements("bar"))) .thenReturn(new ArrayList<>()) .thenReturn(new ArrayList<>()) .thenReturn(Lists.newArrayList(mockedElement2)); when(mockedElement2.findElements("baz"))) .thenReturn(new ArrayList<>()); List<WebElement> elements1 = driver.findElements("foo")); List<WebElement> elements2 = elements1.get(0).findElements("bar")); List<WebElement> elements3 = elements2.get(0).findElements("baz")); assertThat(, is(1400L)); verify(mockedDriver, times(3)).findElements("foo")); verify(mockedElement1, times(3)).findElements("bar")); verify(mockedElement2, times(11)).findElements("baz")); assertThat(elements3.size(), is(0)); }
[ "wrapElements", "tryTo", "trier", "getOriginal" ]
[ "mock", "mock", "thenReturn", "thenReturn", "thenReturn", "when", "findElements", "name", "newArrayList", "thenReturn", "thenReturn", "thenReturn", "when", "findElements", "name", "newArrayList", "thenReturn", "when", "findElements", "name", "findElements", "name", "findElements", "get", "name", "findElements", "get", "name", "assertThat", "now", "is", "findElements", "verify", "times", "name", "findElements", "verify", "times", "name", "findElements", "verify", "times", "name", "assertThat", "size", "is" ]
{ "class_fields": "private TestingClock clock;\nprivate WebDriver mockedDriver;\nprivate WebDriver driver;", "class_name": "ImplicitlyWaitingWebDriverTest" }
{ "class_fields": "private static final long DEFAULT_TIMEOUT = 10;\nprivate static final long DEFAULT_SLEEP_TIMEOUT = 500;\nprivate long timeout = DEFAULT_TIMEOUT;\nprivate long interval = DEFAULT_SLEEP_TIMEOUT;\nprivate Clock clock;\nprivate Sleeper sleeper;", "class_name": "ImplicitlyWaitingWebDriver extends DecoratedWebDriver", "method_signatures": "@Override protected Decorated<WebElement> createDecorated(WebElement original)\n@Override protected Decorated<TargetLocator> createDecorated(final TargetLocator original)\npublic ImplicitlyWaitingWebDriver(final WebDriver driver)\npublic ImplicitlyWaitingWebDriver(final WebDriver driver, long timeoutInSeconds)\npublic ImplicitlyWaitingWebDriver(final WebDriver driver, long timeoutInSeconds, long sleepTimeOut)\nprotected ImplicitlyWaitingWebDriver(final WebDriver driver, Clock clock, Sleeper sleeper, long timeoutInSeconds, long sleepTimeOut)\nprivate TimeBasedTrier<Object> trier()\nprivate RuntimeException propagate(Throwable throwable)\n@Override public WebElement findElement(By locator)\n@Override public List<WebElement> findElements(By locator)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: implicit-wait/src/main/java/ru/stqa/selenium/wait/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: ImplicitlyWaitingWebDriver extends DecoratedWebDriver\n\nclass_fields: private static final long DEFAULT_TIMEOUT = 10;\nprivate static final long DEFAULT_SLEEP_TIMEOUT = 500;\nprivate long timeout = DEFAULT_TIMEOUT;\nprivate long interval = DEFAULT_SLEEP_TIMEOUT;\nprivate Clock clock;\nprivate Sleeper sleeper;\n\nmethod_signatures: @Override protected Decorated<WebElement> createDecorated(WebElement original)\n@Override protected Decorated<TargetLocator> createDecorated(final TargetLocator original)\npublic ImplicitlyWaitingWebDriver(final WebDriver driver)\npublic ImplicitlyWaitingWebDriver(final WebDriver driver, long timeoutInSeconds)\npublic ImplicitlyWaitingWebDriver(final WebDriver driver, long timeoutInSeconds, long sleepTimeOut)\nprotected ImplicitlyWaitingWebDriver(final WebDriver driver, Clock clock, Sleeper sleeper, long timeoutInSeconds, long sleepTimeOut)\nprivate TimeBasedTrier<Object> trier()\nprivate RuntimeException propagate(Throwable throwable)\n@Override public WebElement findElement(By locator)\n@Override public List<WebElement> findElements(By locator)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: ImplicitlyWaitingWebDriverTest\n\nclass_fields: private TestingClock clock;\nprivate WebDriver mockedDriver;\nprivate WebDriver driver;\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file implicit-wait/src/main/java/ru/stqa/selenium/wait/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n @Override\n public List<WebElement> findElements(By locator) {\n try {\n return wrapElements(trier().tryTo(getOriginal()::findElements, locator));\n } catch (InterruptedException e) {\n throw new RuntimeException(e);\n } catch (LimitExceededException e) {\n return new ArrayList<>();\n }\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n implicit-wait/src/test/java/ru/stqa/selenium/wait/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n void findElementsChainShouldThrowIfElementIsNotFound() {\n final WebElement mockedElement1 = mock(WebElement.class);\n final WebElement mockedElement2 = mock(WebElement.class);\n\n when(mockedDriver.findElements(\"foo\")))\n .thenReturn(new ArrayList<>())\n .thenReturn(new ArrayList<>())\n .thenReturn(Lists.newArrayList(mockedElement1));\n\n when(mockedElement1.findElements(\"bar\")))\n .thenReturn(new ArrayList<>())\n .thenReturn(new ArrayList<>())\n .thenReturn(Lists.newArrayList(mockedElement2));\n\n when(mockedElement2.findElements(\"baz\")))\n .thenReturn(new ArrayList<>());\n\n List<WebElement> elements1 = driver.findElements(\"foo\"));\n List<WebElement> elements2 = elements1.get(0).findElements(\"bar\"));\n List<WebElement> elements3 = elements2.get(0).findElements(\"baz\"));\n\n assertThat(, is(1400L));\n verify(mockedDriver, times(3)).findElements(\"foo\"));\n verify(mockedElement1, times(3)).findElements(\"bar\"));\n verify(mockedElement2, times(11)).findElements(\"baz\"));\n assertThat(elements3.size(), is(0));\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
@Override public WebElement findElement(By locator) { try { return new ImplicitlyWaitingWebElement(trier().tryTo(getOriginal()::findElement, locator), this).getActivated(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } catch (LimitExceededException e) { throw propagate(e.getCause()); } }
@Test void findElementChainShouldImplicitlyWaitForAnElementToBePresent() { final WebElement mockedElement1 = mock(WebElement.class); final WebElement mockedElement2 = mock(WebElement.class); final WebElement mockedElement3 = mock(WebElement.class); when(mockedDriver.findElement("foo"))) .thenThrow(NoSuchElementException.class) .thenThrow(NoSuchElementException.class) .thenReturn(mockedElement1); when(mockedElement1.findElement("bar"))) .thenThrow(NoSuchElementException.class) .thenThrow(NoSuchElementException.class) .thenReturn(mockedElement2); when(mockedElement2.findElement("baz"))) .thenThrow(NoSuchElementException.class) .thenThrow(NoSuchElementException.class) .thenReturn(mockedElement3); WebElement element1 = driver.findElement("foo")); WebElement element2 = element1.findElement("bar")); WebElement element3 = element2.findElement("baz")); assertThat(, is(600L)); verify(mockedDriver, times(3)).findElement("foo")); verify(mockedElement1, times(3)).findElement("bar")); verify(mockedElement2, times(3)).findElement("baz")); assertThat(element3, equalTo(mockedElement3)); }
[ "getActivated", "tryTo", "trier", "getOriginal", "propagate", "getCause" ]
[ "mock", "mock", "mock", "thenReturn", "thenThrow", "thenThrow", "when", "findElement", "name", "thenReturn", "thenThrow", "thenThrow", "when", "findElement", "name", "thenReturn", "thenThrow", "thenThrow", "when", "findElement", "name", "findElement", "name", "findElement", "name", "findElement", "name", "assertThat", "now", "is", "findElement", "verify", "times", "name", "findElement", "verify", "times", "name", "findElement", "verify", "times", "name", "assertThat", "equalTo" ]
{ "class_fields": "private TestingClock clock;\nprivate WebDriver mockedDriver;\nprivate WebDriver driver;", "class_name": "ImplicitlyWaitingWebDriverTest" }
{ "class_fields": "private static final long DEFAULT_TIMEOUT = 10;\nprivate static final long DEFAULT_SLEEP_TIMEOUT = 500;\nprivate long timeout = DEFAULT_TIMEOUT;\nprivate long interval = DEFAULT_SLEEP_TIMEOUT;\nprivate Clock clock;\nprivate Sleeper sleeper;", "class_name": "ImplicitlyWaitingWebDriver extends DecoratedWebDriver", "method_signatures": "@Override protected Decorated<WebElement> createDecorated(WebElement original)\n@Override protected Decorated<TargetLocator> createDecorated(final TargetLocator original)\npublic ImplicitlyWaitingWebDriver(final WebDriver driver)\npublic ImplicitlyWaitingWebDriver(final WebDriver driver, long timeoutInSeconds)\npublic ImplicitlyWaitingWebDriver(final WebDriver driver, long timeoutInSeconds, long sleepTimeOut)\nprotected ImplicitlyWaitingWebDriver(final WebDriver driver, Clock clock, Sleeper sleeper, long timeoutInSeconds, long sleepTimeOut)\nprivate TimeBasedTrier<Object> trier()\nprivate RuntimeException propagate(Throwable throwable)\n@Override public WebElement findElement(By locator)\n@Override public List<WebElement> findElements(By locator)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: implicit-wait/src/main/java/ru/stqa/selenium/wait/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: ImplicitlyWaitingWebDriver extends DecoratedWebDriver\n\nclass_fields: private static final long DEFAULT_TIMEOUT = 10;\nprivate static final long DEFAULT_SLEEP_TIMEOUT = 500;\nprivate long timeout = DEFAULT_TIMEOUT;\nprivate long interval = DEFAULT_SLEEP_TIMEOUT;\nprivate Clock clock;\nprivate Sleeper sleeper;\n\nmethod_signatures: @Override protected Decorated<WebElement> createDecorated(WebElement original)\n@Override protected Decorated<TargetLocator> createDecorated(final TargetLocator original)\npublic ImplicitlyWaitingWebDriver(final WebDriver driver)\npublic ImplicitlyWaitingWebDriver(final WebDriver driver, long timeoutInSeconds)\npublic ImplicitlyWaitingWebDriver(final WebDriver driver, long timeoutInSeconds, long sleepTimeOut)\nprotected ImplicitlyWaitingWebDriver(final WebDriver driver, Clock clock, Sleeper sleeper, long timeoutInSeconds, long sleepTimeOut)\nprivate TimeBasedTrier<Object> trier()\nprivate RuntimeException propagate(Throwable throwable)\n@Override public WebElement findElement(By locator)\n@Override public List<WebElement> findElements(By locator)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: ImplicitlyWaitingWebDriverTest\n\nclass_fields: private TestingClock clock;\nprivate WebDriver mockedDriver;\nprivate WebDriver driver;\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file implicit-wait/src/main/java/ru/stqa/selenium/wait/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n @Override\n public WebElement findElement(By locator) {\n try {\n return new ImplicitlyWaitingWebElement(trier().tryTo(getOriginal()::findElement, locator), this).getActivated();\n } catch (InterruptedException e) {\n throw new RuntimeException(e);\n } catch (LimitExceededException e) {\n throw propagate(e.getCause());\n }\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n implicit-wait/src/test/java/ru/stqa/selenium/wait/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n void findElementChainShouldImplicitlyWaitForAnElementToBePresent() {\n final WebElement mockedElement1 = mock(WebElement.class);\n final WebElement mockedElement2 = mock(WebElement.class);\n final WebElement mockedElement3 = mock(WebElement.class);\n\n when(mockedDriver.findElement(\"foo\")))\n .thenThrow(NoSuchElementException.class)\n .thenThrow(NoSuchElementException.class)\n .thenReturn(mockedElement1);\n\n when(mockedElement1.findElement(\"bar\")))\n .thenThrow(NoSuchElementException.class)\n .thenThrow(NoSuchElementException.class)\n .thenReturn(mockedElement2);\n\n when(mockedElement2.findElement(\"baz\")))\n .thenThrow(NoSuchElementException.class)\n .thenThrow(NoSuchElementException.class)\n .thenReturn(mockedElement3);\n\n WebElement element1 = driver.findElement(\"foo\"));\n WebElement element2 = element1.findElement(\"bar\"));\n WebElement element3 = element2.findElement(\"baz\"));\n\n assertThat(, is(600L));\n verify(mockedDriver, times(3)).findElement(\"foo\"));\n verify(mockedElement1, times(3)).findElement(\"bar\"));\n verify(mockedElement2, times(3)).findElement(\"baz\"));\n assertThat(element3, equalTo(mockedElement3));\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
@Override public void analyse(String source, ArchiveRecordHeader header, InputStream tikainput, SolrRecord solr) { final long start = System.nanoTime(); Metadata metadata = new Metadata(); Set<String> hosts = new HashSet<String>(); Set<String> suffixes = new HashSet<String>(); Set<String> domains = new HashSet<String>(); // JSoup NEEDS the URL to function: metadata.set( Metadata.RESOURCE_NAME_KEY, Normalisation.sanitiseWARCHeaderValue(header.getUrl()) ); ParseRunner parser = new ParseRunner( hfp, tikainput, metadata, solr ); try {, 30000L, false); } catch( Exception e ) { log.error( "WritableSolrRecord.extract(): " + e.getMessage() ); solr.addParseException("when parsing as HTML", e); } Instrument.timeRel("HTMLAnalyzer.analyze#total", "HTMLAnalyzer.analyze#parser", start); //Process image links if (extractImageLinks){ String[] imageLinks = metadata.getValues( HtmlFeatureParser.IMAGE_LINKS ); if (imageLinks != null){ for( String link : imageLinks ) { String urlNorm = normaliseLinks ? Normalisation.canonicaliseURL(link) : link; solr.addField( SolrFields.SOLR_LINKS_IMAGES, urlNorm); } } } // Process links: String[] links_list = metadata.getValues( HtmlFeatureParser.LINK_LIST ); if( links_list != null ) { String lhost, ldomain, lsuffix; for( String link : links_list ) { lhost = LinkExtractor.extractHost( link ); if( !lhost.equals( LinkExtractor.MALFORMED_HOST ) ) { hosts.add(lhost); } lsuffix = LinkExtractor.extractPublicSuffix( link ); if( lsuffix != null ) { suffixes.add(lsuffix); } ldomain = LinkExtractor.extractPrivateSuffix( link ); if( ldomain != null ) { domains.add(ldomain); } // Also store actual resource-level links: if( this.extractLinks ){ String urlNorm = normaliseLinks ? Normalisation.canonicaliseURL(link) : link; solr.addField( SolrFields.SOLR_LINKS, urlNorm ); } } // Store the data from the links: if( this.extractLinkHosts ) { Set<String> cHostSet = new HashSet<String>(); for (String host: hosts) { // Canonicalise the host: String cHost = host; if (WARCIndexer.CANONICALISE_HOST) { try { cHost = Normalisation.canonicaliseHost(host); } catch (URIException e) { log.error("Failed to canonicalise host: '" + host + "': " + e); cHost = host; } } cHostSet.add(cHost); } Set<String> uniqueHostLevels = new LinkedHashSet<String>(); // Store the unique hosts: for (String host : cHostSet) { solr.addField(SolrFields.SOLR_LINKS_HOSTS, host); uniqueHostLevels.addAll(LinkExtractor.allLevels(host)); } for(String hostLevel : uniqueHostLevels) { solr.addField(SolrFields.SOLR_LINKS_HOSTS_SURTS, SURT.toSURT(hostLevel)); } } if( this.extractLinkDomains ) { for (String domain: domains) { solr.addField( SolrFields.SOLR_LINKS_DOMAINS, domain ); } } for (String suffix: suffixes) { solr.addField( SolrFields.SOLR_LINKS_PUBLIC_SUFFIXES, suffix ); } } // Process element usage: if( this.extractElementsUsed ) { String[] de = metadata.getValues( HtmlFeatureParser.DISTINCT_ELEMENTS ); if( de != null ) { for( String e : de ) { solr.addField( SolrFields.ELEMENTS_USED, e ); } } } for( String lurl : metadata.getValues( Metadata.LICENSE_URL ) ) { solr.addField( SolrFields.LICENSE_URL, lurl ); } Instrument.timeRel("WARCPayloadAnalyzers.analyze#total", "HTMLAnalyzer.analyze#total", start); }
@Test public void testLinksExtraction() throws IOException { final URL SAMPLE_RESOURCE = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader().getResource("links_extract.html"); assertNotNull("The sample file should be resolved", SAMPLE_RESOURCE); final File SAMPLE = new File(SAMPLE_RESOURCE.getFile()); final URL CONF_RESOURCE = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader().getResource("links_extract.conf"); assertNotNull("The config file should be resolved", CONF_RESOURCE); final File CONF = new File(CONF_RESOURCE.getFile()); Config config = ConfigFactory.parseFile(CONF); HTMLAnalyser ha = new HTMLAnalyser(config); Map<String, Object> core = new HashMap<String, Object>(); core.put("subject-uri", "NotPresent"); core.put("ip-address", ""); core.put("creation-date", "Invalid"); core.put("content-type", "text/html"); core.put("length", Long.toString(SAMPLE.length())); core.put("version", "InvalidVersion"); core.put("absolute-offset", "0"); core.put("origin", ""); ArchiveRecordHeader header = new ARCRecordMetaData("invalid", core); SolrRecord solr = SolrRecordFactory.createFactory(null).createRecord(); InputStream in = new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(SAMPLE), (int) SAMPLE.length()); in.mark((int) SAMPLE.length()); ha.analyse("source", header, in, solr); // Check number of links: assertEquals("The number of links should be correct", 4, solr.getField(SolrFields.SOLR_LINKS).getValueCount()); // Check hosts are canonicalized: assertEquals("The number of hosts should be correct", 1, solr.getField(SolrFields.SOLR_LINKS_HOSTS).getValueCount()); String host = (String) solr.getField(SolrFields.SOLR_LINKS_HOSTS) .getFirstValue(); assertEquals("The host should be formatted correctly", "", host); // The domains and suffixes too: String domain = (String) solr.getField(SolrFields.SOLR_LINKS_DOMAINS) .getFirstValue(); assertEquals("The domain should be formatted correctly", "", domain); String suffix = (String) solr.getField( SolrFields.SOLR_LINKS_PUBLIC_SUFFIXES).getFirstValue(); assertEquals("The suffix should be formatted correctly", "org", suffix); // Check links_domains_surts String[] linksDomainsSurts = new String[]{"(org,", "(org,example,"}; assertArrayEquals("The SURT domains should be correct", linksDomainsSurts, solr.getField(SolrFields.SOLR_LINKS_HOSTS_SURTS).getValues() .toArray()); }
[ "nanoTime", "set", "sanitiseWARCHeaderValue", "getUrl", "run", "error", "getMessage", "addParseException", "timeRel", "getValues", "canonicaliseURL", "addField", "getValues", "extractHost", "equals", "add", "extractPublicSuffix", "add", "extractPrivateSuffix", "add", "canonicaliseURL", "addField", "canonicaliseHost", "error", "add", "addField", "addAll", "allLevels", "addField", "toSURT", "addField", "addField", "getValues", "addField", "getValues", "addField", "timeRel" ]
[ "getResource", "getContextClassLoader", "currentThread", "assertNotNull", "getFile", "getResource", "getContextClassLoader", "currentThread", "assertNotNull", "getFile", "parseFile", "put", "put", "put", "put", "put", "toString", "length", "put", "put", "put", "createRecord", "createFactory", "length", "mark", "length", "analyse", "assertEquals", "getValueCount", "getField", "assertEquals", "getValueCount", "getField", "getFirstValue", "getField", "assertEquals", "getFirstValue", "getField", "assertEquals", "getFirstValue", "getField", "assertEquals", "assertArrayEquals", "toArray", "getValues", "getField" ]
{ "class_fields": "", "class_name": "HTMLAnalyserTest" }
{ "class_fields": "private static Log log = LogFactory.getLog( HTMLAnalyser.class );\nprivate HtmlFeatureParser hfp;\nprivate boolean extractLinkDomains;\nprivate boolean extractLinkHosts;\nprivate boolean extractLinks;\nprivate boolean extractElementsUsed;\nprivate boolean extractImageLinks;\nprivate boolean normaliseLinks;", "class_name": "HTMLAnalyser extends AbstractPayloadAnalyser", "method_signatures": "public HTMLAnalyser()\npublic HTMLAnalyser( Config conf )\n@Override public void configure(Config conf)\n@Override public boolean shouldProcess(String mime)\n@Override public void analyse(String source, ArchiveRecordHeader header,\n InputStream tikainput, SolrRecord solr)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: warc-indexer/src/main/java/uk/bl/wa/analyser/payload/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: HTMLAnalyser extends AbstractPayloadAnalyser\n\nclass_fields: private static Log log = LogFactory.getLog( HTMLAnalyser.class );\nprivate HtmlFeatureParser hfp;\nprivate boolean extractLinkDomains;\nprivate boolean extractLinkHosts;\nprivate boolean extractLinks;\nprivate boolean extractElementsUsed;\nprivate boolean extractImageLinks;\nprivate boolean normaliseLinks;\n\nmethod_signatures: public HTMLAnalyser()\npublic HTMLAnalyser( Config conf )\n@Override public void configure(Config conf)\n@Override public boolean shouldProcess(String mime)\n@Override public void analyse(String source, ArchiveRecordHeader header,\n InputStream tikainput, SolrRecord solr)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: HTMLAnalyserTest\n\nclass_fields: \n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file warc-indexer/src/main/java/uk/bl/wa/analyser/payload/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n @Override\n public void analyse(String source, ArchiveRecordHeader header,\n InputStream tikainput, SolrRecord solr) {\n final long start = System.nanoTime();\n Metadata metadata = new Metadata();\n Set<String> hosts = new HashSet<String>();\n Set<String> suffixes = new HashSet<String>();\n Set<String> domains = new HashSet<String>();\n \n // JSoup NEEDS the URL to function:\n metadata.set( Metadata.RESOURCE_NAME_KEY, Normalisation.sanitiseWARCHeaderValue(header.getUrl()) );\n ParseRunner parser = new ParseRunner( hfp, tikainput, metadata, solr );\n try {\n, 30000L, false);\n } catch( Exception e ) {\n log.error( \"WritableSolrRecord.extract(): \" + e.getMessage() );\n solr.addParseException(\"when parsing as HTML\", e);\n }\n Instrument.timeRel(\"HTMLAnalyzer.analyze#total\", \"HTMLAnalyzer.analyze#parser\", start);\n\n \n //Process image links\n if (extractImageLinks){\n String[] imageLinks = metadata.getValues( HtmlFeatureParser.IMAGE_LINKS );\n if (imageLinks != null){ \n for( String link : imageLinks ) { \n String urlNorm = normaliseLinks ? Normalisation.canonicaliseURL(link) : link;\n solr.addField( SolrFields.SOLR_LINKS_IMAGES, urlNorm);\n }\n } \n }\n \n // Process links:\n String[] links_list = metadata.getValues( HtmlFeatureParser.LINK_LIST );\n if( links_list != null ) {\n String lhost, ldomain, lsuffix;\n for( String link : links_list ) {\n lhost = LinkExtractor.extractHost( link );\n if( !lhost.equals( LinkExtractor.MALFORMED_HOST ) ) {\n hosts.add(lhost);\n }\n lsuffix = LinkExtractor.extractPublicSuffix( link );\n if( lsuffix != null ) {\n suffixes.add(lsuffix);\n }\n ldomain = LinkExtractor.extractPrivateSuffix( link );\n if( ldomain != null ) {\n domains.add(ldomain);\n }\n // Also store actual resource-level links:\n if( this.extractLinks ){\n String urlNorm = normaliseLinks ? Normalisation.canonicaliseURL(link) : link;\n solr.addField( SolrFields.SOLR_LINKS, urlNorm );\n }\n }\n // Store the data from the links:\n if( this.extractLinkHosts ) {\n Set<String> cHostSet = new HashSet<String>();\n for (String host: hosts) {\n // Canonicalise the host:\n String cHost = host;\n if (WARCIndexer.CANONICALISE_HOST) {\n try {\n cHost = Normalisation.canonicaliseHost(host);\n } catch (URIException e) {\n log.error(\"Failed to canonicalise host: '\" + host\n + \"': \" + e);\n cHost = host;\n }\n }\n cHostSet.add(cHost);\n }\n\n Set<String> uniqueHostLevels = new LinkedHashSet<String>();\n\n // Store the unique hosts:\n for (String host : cHostSet) {\n solr.addField(SolrFields.SOLR_LINKS_HOSTS, host);\n uniqueHostLevels.addAll(LinkExtractor.allLevels(host));\n }\n\n for(String hostLevel : uniqueHostLevels) {\n solr.addField(SolrFields.SOLR_LINKS_HOSTS_SURTS,\n SURT.toSURT(hostLevel));\n }\n }\n if( this.extractLinkDomains ) {\n for (String domain: domains) {\n solr.addField( SolrFields.SOLR_LINKS_DOMAINS, domain );\n }\n }\n for (String suffix: suffixes) {\n solr.addField( SolrFields.SOLR_LINKS_PUBLIC_SUFFIXES, suffix );\n }\n }\n // Process element usage:\n if( this.extractElementsUsed ) {\n String[] de = metadata.getValues( HtmlFeatureParser.DISTINCT_ELEMENTS );\n if( de != null ) {\n for( String e : de ) {\n solr.addField( SolrFields.ELEMENTS_USED, e );\n }\n }\n }\n for( String lurl : metadata.getValues( Metadata.LICENSE_URL ) ) {\n solr.addField( SolrFields.LICENSE_URL, lurl );\n }\n Instrument.timeRel(\"WARCPayloadAnalyzers.analyze#total\", \"HTMLAnalyzer.analyze#total\", start);\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n warc-indexer/src/test/java/uk/bl/wa/analyser/payload/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void testLinksExtraction() throws IOException {\n final URL SAMPLE_RESOURCE = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader().getResource(\"links_extract.html\");\n assertNotNull(\"The sample file should be resolved\", SAMPLE_RESOURCE);\n final File SAMPLE = new File(SAMPLE_RESOURCE.getFile());\n\n final URL CONF_RESOURCE = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader().getResource(\"links_extract.conf\");\n assertNotNull(\"The config file should be resolved\", CONF_RESOURCE);\n final File CONF = new File(CONF_RESOURCE.getFile());\n Config config = ConfigFactory.parseFile(CONF);\n HTMLAnalyser ha = new HTMLAnalyser(config);\n Map<String, Object> core = new HashMap<String, Object>();\n core.put(\"subject-uri\", \"NotPresent\");\n core.put(\"ip-address\", \"\");\n core.put(\"creation-date\", \"Invalid\");\n core.put(\"content-type\", \"text/html\");\n core.put(\"length\", Long.toString(SAMPLE.length()));\n core.put(\"version\", \"InvalidVersion\");\n core.put(\"absolute-offset\", \"0\");\n core.put(\"origin\", \"\");\n ArchiveRecordHeader header = new ARCRecordMetaData(\"invalid\", core);\n SolrRecord solr = SolrRecordFactory.createFactory(null).createRecord();\n InputStream in = new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(SAMPLE), (int) SAMPLE.length());\n in.mark((int) SAMPLE.length());\n ha.analyse(\"source\", header, in, solr);\n\n // Check number of links:\n assertEquals(\"The number of links should be correct\", 4,\n solr.getField(SolrFields.SOLR_LINKS).getValueCount());\n\n // Check hosts are canonicalized:\n assertEquals(\"The number of hosts should be correct\", 1,\n solr.getField(SolrFields.SOLR_LINKS_HOSTS).getValueCount());\n String host = (String) solr.getField(SolrFields.SOLR_LINKS_HOSTS)\n .getFirstValue();\n assertEquals(\"The host should be formatted correctly\", \"\",\n host);\n // The domains and suffixes too:\n String domain = (String) solr.getField(SolrFields.SOLR_LINKS_DOMAINS)\n .getFirstValue();\n assertEquals(\"The domain should be formatted correctly\", \"\",\n domain);\n String suffix = (String) solr.getField(\n SolrFields.SOLR_LINKS_PUBLIC_SUFFIXES).getFirstValue();\n assertEquals(\"The suffix should be formatted correctly\", \"org\",\n suffix);\n\n // Check links_domains_surts\n String[] linksDomainsSurts = new String[]{\"(org,\", \"(org,example,\"};\n assertArrayEquals(\"The SURT domains should be correct\", linksDomainsSurts,\n solr.getField(SolrFields.SOLR_LINKS_HOSTS_SURTS).getValues()\n .toArray());\n\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
@Override public CompletionStage<com.spotify.apollo.Response<ByteString>> send( com.spotify.apollo.Request apolloRequest, Optional<com.spotify.apollo.Request> apolloIncomingRequest) { final Optional<RequestBody> requestBody = apolloRequest.payload().map(payload -> { final MediaType contentType = apolloRequest.header("Content-Type") .map(MediaType::parse) .orElse(DEFAULT_CONTENT_TYPE); return RequestBody.create(contentType, payload); }); Headers.Builder headersBuilder = new Headers.Builder(); apolloRequest.headerEntries().forEach((e) -> headersBuilder.add(e.getKey(), e.getValue())); apolloIncomingRequest .flatMap(req -> req.header(AUTHORIZATION_HEADER)) .ifPresent(header -> headersBuilder.add(AUTHORIZATION_HEADER, header)); final Request request = new Request.Builder() .method(apolloRequest.method(), requestBody.orElse(null)) .url(apolloRequest.uri()) .headers( .build(); final CompletableFuture<com.spotify.apollo.Response<ByteString>> result = new CompletableFuture<>(); // OkHttpClient finalClient = client; if (apolloRequest.ttl().isPresent() && client.getReadTimeout() != apolloRequest.ttl().get().toMillis()) { finalClient = client.clone(); finalClient.setReadTimeout(apolloRequest.ttl().get().toMillis(), TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); } finalClient.newCall(request).enqueue(TransformingCallback.create(result)); return result; }
@Test public void testSend() throws Exception { mockServerClient.when( request() .withMethod("GET") .withPath("/foo.php") .withQueryStringParameter("bar", "baz") .withQueryStringParameter("qur", "quz") ).respond( response() .withStatusCode(204) ); String uri = format("http://localhost:%d/foo.php?bar=baz&qur=quz", mockServerRule.getHttpPort()); Request request = Request.forUri(uri, "GET"); Response<ByteString> response = HttpClient.createUnconfigured() .send(request, empty()) .toCompletableFuture().get(); assertThat(response.status(), withCode(204)); assertThat(response.payload(), is(empty())); }
[ "map", "payload", "orElse", "map", "header", "create", "forEach", "headerEntries", "add", "getKey", "getValue", "ifPresent", "flatMap", "header", "add", "build", "headers", "url", "method", "method", "orElse", "uri", "build", "isPresent", "ttl", "getReadTimeout", "toMillis", "get", "ttl", "clone", "setReadTimeout", "toMillis", "get", "ttl", "enqueue", "newCall", "create" ]
[ "respond", "when", "withQueryStringParameter", "withQueryStringParameter", "withPath", "withMethod", "request", "withStatusCode", "response", "format", "getHttpPort", "forUri", "get", "toCompletableFuture", "send", "createUnconfigured", "empty", "assertThat", "status", "withCode", "assertThat", "payload", "is", "empty" ]
{ "class_fields": "@Rule\n public final MockServerRule mockServerRule = new MockServerRule(this);\n@Rule\n public ExpectedException thrown = ExpectedException.none();\n@SuppressWarnings(\"unused\")\n private MockServerClient mockServerClient;", "class_name": "HttpClientTest" }
{ "class_fields": "private static final MediaType DEFAULT_CONTENT_TYPE = MediaType.parse(\"application/octet-stream\");\nprivate static final String AUTHORIZATION_HEADER = \"Authorization\";\nprivate final OkHttpClient client;", "class_name": "HttpClient implements IncomingRequestAwareClient", "method_signatures": "@Inject HttpClient(OkHttpClient client)\n@Deprecated /** @deprecated use {@link #createUnconfigured()} instead. */ public static HttpClient create()\npublic static HttpClient createUnconfigured()\n@Override public CompletionStage<com.spotify.apollo.Response<ByteString>> send(\n com.spotify.apollo.Request apolloRequest,\n Optional<com.spotify.apollo.Request> apolloIncomingRequest)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: modules/okhttp-client/src/main/java/com/spotify/apollo/http/client/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: HttpClient implements IncomingRequestAwareClient\n\nclass_fields: private static final MediaType DEFAULT_CONTENT_TYPE = MediaType.parse(\"application/octet-stream\");\nprivate static final String AUTHORIZATION_HEADER = \"Authorization\";\nprivate final OkHttpClient client;\n\nmethod_signatures: @Inject HttpClient(OkHttpClient client)\n@Deprecated /** @deprecated use {@link #createUnconfigured()} instead. */ public static HttpClient create()\npublic static HttpClient createUnconfigured()\n@Override public CompletionStage<com.spotify.apollo.Response<ByteString>> send(\n com.spotify.apollo.Request apolloRequest,\n Optional<com.spotify.apollo.Request> apolloIncomingRequest)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: HttpClientTest\n\nclass_fields: @Rule\n public final MockServerRule mockServerRule = new MockServerRule(this);\n@Rule\n public ExpectedException thrown = ExpectedException.none();\n@SuppressWarnings(\"unused\")\n private MockServerClient mockServerClient;\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file modules/okhttp-client/src/main/java/com/spotify/apollo/http/client/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n @Override\n public CompletionStage<com.spotify.apollo.Response<ByteString>> send(\n com.spotify.apollo.Request apolloRequest,\n Optional<com.spotify.apollo.Request> apolloIncomingRequest) {\n\n final Optional<RequestBody> requestBody = apolloRequest.payload().map(payload -> {\n final MediaType contentType = apolloRequest.header(\"Content-Type\")\n .map(MediaType::parse)\n .orElse(DEFAULT_CONTENT_TYPE);\n return RequestBody.create(contentType, payload);\n });\n\n Headers.Builder headersBuilder = new Headers.Builder();\n apolloRequest.headerEntries().forEach((e) -> headersBuilder.add(e.getKey(), e.getValue()));\n\n apolloIncomingRequest\n .flatMap(req -> req.header(AUTHORIZATION_HEADER))\n .ifPresent(header -> headersBuilder.add(AUTHORIZATION_HEADER, header));\n\n final Request request = new Request.Builder()\n .method(apolloRequest.method(), requestBody.orElse(null))\n .url(apolloRequest.uri())\n .headers(\n .build();\n\n final CompletableFuture<com.spotify.apollo.Response<ByteString>> result =\n new CompletableFuture<>();\n\n //\n OkHttpClient finalClient = client;\n if (apolloRequest.ttl().isPresent()\n && client.getReadTimeout() != apolloRequest.ttl().get().toMillis()) {\n finalClient = client.clone();\n finalClient.setReadTimeout(apolloRequest.ttl().get().toMillis(), TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);\n }\n\n finalClient.newCall(request).enqueue(TransformingCallback.create(result));\n\n return result;\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n modules/okhttp-client/src/test/java/com/spotify/apollo/http/client/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void testSend() throws Exception {\n mockServerClient.when(\n request()\n .withMethod(\"GET\")\n .withPath(\"/foo.php\")\n .withQueryStringParameter(\"bar\", \"baz\")\n .withQueryStringParameter(\"qur\", \"quz\")\n ).respond(\n response()\n .withStatusCode(204)\n );\n\n String uri = format(\"http://localhost:%d/foo.php?bar=baz&qur=quz\", mockServerRule.getHttpPort());\n Request request = Request.forUri(uri, \"GET\");\n Response<ByteString> response = HttpClient.createUnconfigured()\n .send(request, empty())\n .toCompletableFuture().get();\n\n assertThat(response.status(), withCode(204));\n assertThat(response.payload(), is(empty()));\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
@Override public WebElement findElement(By locator) { try { return new ImplicitlyWaitingWebElement(trier().tryTo(getOriginal()::findElement, locator), this).getActivated(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } catch (LimitExceededException e) { throw propagate(e.getCause()); } }
@Test void findElementShouldThrowIfElementIsNotFound() { when(mockedDriver.findElement("foo"))) .thenThrow(NoSuchElementException.class); assertThrows(NoSuchElementException.class, () -> driver.findElement("foo"))); assertThat(, is(1000L)); verify(mockedDriver, times(11)).findElement("foo")); }
[ "getActivated", "tryTo", "trier", "getOriginal", "propagate", "getCause" ]
[ "thenThrow", "when", "findElement", "name", "assertThrows", "findElement", "name", "assertThat", "now", "is", "findElement", "verify", "times", "name" ]
{ "class_fields": "private TestingClock clock;\nprivate WebDriver mockedDriver;\nprivate WebDriver driver;", "class_name": "ImplicitlyWaitingWebDriverTest" }
{ "class_fields": "private static final long DEFAULT_TIMEOUT = 10;\nprivate static final long DEFAULT_SLEEP_TIMEOUT = 500;\nprivate long timeout = DEFAULT_TIMEOUT;\nprivate long interval = DEFAULT_SLEEP_TIMEOUT;\nprivate Clock clock;\nprivate Sleeper sleeper;", "class_name": "ImplicitlyWaitingWebDriver extends DecoratedWebDriver", "method_signatures": "@Override protected Decorated<WebElement> createDecorated(WebElement original)\n@Override protected Decorated<TargetLocator> createDecorated(final TargetLocator original)\npublic ImplicitlyWaitingWebDriver(final WebDriver driver)\npublic ImplicitlyWaitingWebDriver(final WebDriver driver, long timeoutInSeconds)\npublic ImplicitlyWaitingWebDriver(final WebDriver driver, long timeoutInSeconds, long sleepTimeOut)\nprotected ImplicitlyWaitingWebDriver(final WebDriver driver, Clock clock, Sleeper sleeper, long timeoutInSeconds, long sleepTimeOut)\nprivate TimeBasedTrier<Object> trier()\nprivate RuntimeException propagate(Throwable throwable)\n@Override public WebElement findElement(By locator)\n@Override public List<WebElement> findElements(By locator)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: implicit-wait/src/main/java/ru/stqa/selenium/wait/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: ImplicitlyWaitingWebDriver extends DecoratedWebDriver\n\nclass_fields: private static final long DEFAULT_TIMEOUT = 10;\nprivate static final long DEFAULT_SLEEP_TIMEOUT = 500;\nprivate long timeout = DEFAULT_TIMEOUT;\nprivate long interval = DEFAULT_SLEEP_TIMEOUT;\nprivate Clock clock;\nprivate Sleeper sleeper;\n\nmethod_signatures: @Override protected Decorated<WebElement> createDecorated(WebElement original)\n@Override protected Decorated<TargetLocator> createDecorated(final TargetLocator original)\npublic ImplicitlyWaitingWebDriver(final WebDriver driver)\npublic ImplicitlyWaitingWebDriver(final WebDriver driver, long timeoutInSeconds)\npublic ImplicitlyWaitingWebDriver(final WebDriver driver, long timeoutInSeconds, long sleepTimeOut)\nprotected ImplicitlyWaitingWebDriver(final WebDriver driver, Clock clock, Sleeper sleeper, long timeoutInSeconds, long sleepTimeOut)\nprivate TimeBasedTrier<Object> trier()\nprivate RuntimeException propagate(Throwable throwable)\n@Override public WebElement findElement(By locator)\n@Override public List<WebElement> findElements(By locator)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: ImplicitlyWaitingWebDriverTest\n\nclass_fields: private TestingClock clock;\nprivate WebDriver mockedDriver;\nprivate WebDriver driver;\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file implicit-wait/src/main/java/ru/stqa/selenium/wait/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n @Override\n public WebElement findElement(By locator) {\n try {\n return new ImplicitlyWaitingWebElement(trier().tryTo(getOriginal()::findElement, locator), this).getActivated();\n } catch (InterruptedException e) {\n throw new RuntimeException(e);\n } catch (LimitExceededException e) {\n throw propagate(e.getCause());\n }\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n implicit-wait/src/test/java/ru/stqa/selenium/wait/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n void findElementShouldThrowIfElementIsNotFound() {\n when(mockedDriver.findElement(\"foo\")))\n .thenThrow(NoSuchElementException.class);\n\n assertThrows(NoSuchElementException.class, () -> driver.findElement(\"foo\")));\n\n assertThat(, is(1000L));\n verify(mockedDriver, times(11)).findElement(\"foo\"));\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
public static Middleware<AsyncHandler<?>, AsyncHandler<Response<ByteString>>> serialize( Serializer serializer) { return inner -> inner .map(Middlewares::ensureResponse) .flatMapSync(resp -> ctx -> serializePayload(serializer, ctx.request(), resp)); }
@Test public void serializerShouldNotSerializeNull() throws Exception { serializationFuture.complete(Response.forStatus(Status.BAD_REQUEST)); Response<ByteString> response = getResult(Middlewares.serialize(serializer).apply(serializationDelegate)); assertThat(response.status(), equalTo(Status.BAD_REQUEST)); verify(serializer, never()).serialize(any(Request.class), any()); }
[ "flatMapSync", "map", "serializePayload", "request" ]
[ "complete", "forStatus", "getResult", "apply", "serialize", "assertThat", "status", "equalTo", "serialize", "verify", "never", "any", "any" ]
{ "class_fields": "AsyncHandler<Response<ByteString>> delegate;\nAsyncHandler<Object> serializationDelegate;\n@Mock\n RequestContext requestContext;\n@Mock\n Request request;\n@Mock\n Serializer serializer;\nCompletableFuture<Response<ByteString>> future;\nCompletableFuture<Object> serializationFuture;\n@org.junit.Rule\n public ExpectedException thrown = ExpectedException.none();", "class_name": "MiddlewaresTest" }
{ "class_fields": "private static final String CONTENT_TYPE = \"Content-Type\";", "class_name": "Middlewares", "method_signatures": "private Middlewares()\npublic static AsyncHandler<Response<ByteString>> autoSerialize(AsyncHandler<T> inner)\npublic static AsyncHandler<Response<ByteString>> httpPayloadSemantics(\n AsyncHandler<Response<ByteString>> inner)\npublic static Middleware<AsyncHandler<?>, AsyncHandler<Response<?>>> replyContentType(\n String contentType)\npublic static Middleware<AsyncHandler<?>, AsyncHandler<Response<ByteString>>> serialize(\n Serializer serializer)\npublic static Middleware<AsyncHandler<?>, AsyncHandler<Response<ByteString>>> apolloDefaults()\nprivate static Response<ByteString> applyHttpPayloadSemantics(\n Request request, Response<ByteString> response)\nprivate static boolean setPayloadForStatus(StatusType statusType)\nprivate static boolean setPayloadForMethod(String method)\nprivate static boolean setContentLengthForStatus(StatusType statusType)\nprivate static Response<ByteString> serializePayload(\n Serializer serializer, Request request, Response<T> response)\nprivate static Response<T> ensureResponse(T t)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: apollo-api-impl/src/main/java/com/spotify/apollo/route/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: Middlewares\n\nclass_fields: private static final String CONTENT_TYPE = \"Content-Type\";\n\nmethod_signatures: private Middlewares()\npublic static AsyncHandler<Response<ByteString>> autoSerialize(AsyncHandler<T> inner)\npublic static AsyncHandler<Response<ByteString>> httpPayloadSemantics(\n AsyncHandler<Response<ByteString>> inner)\npublic static Middleware<AsyncHandler<?>, AsyncHandler<Response<?>>> replyContentType(\n String contentType)\npublic static Middleware<AsyncHandler<?>, AsyncHandler<Response<ByteString>>> serialize(\n Serializer serializer)\npublic static Middleware<AsyncHandler<?>, AsyncHandler<Response<ByteString>>> apolloDefaults()\nprivate static Response<ByteString> applyHttpPayloadSemantics(\n Request request, Response<ByteString> response)\nprivate static boolean setPayloadForStatus(StatusType statusType)\nprivate static boolean setPayloadForMethod(String method)\nprivate static boolean setContentLengthForStatus(StatusType statusType)\nprivate static Response<ByteString> serializePayload(\n Serializer serializer, Request request, Response<T> response)\nprivate static Response<T> ensureResponse(T t)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: MiddlewaresTest\n\nclass_fields: AsyncHandler<Response<ByteString>> delegate;\nAsyncHandler<Object> serializationDelegate;\n@Mock\n RequestContext requestContext;\n@Mock\n Request request;\n@Mock\n Serializer serializer;\nCompletableFuture<Response<ByteString>> future;\nCompletableFuture<Object> serializationFuture;\n@org.junit.Rule\n public ExpectedException thrown = ExpectedException.none();\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file apollo-api-impl/src/main/java/com/spotify/apollo/route/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n public static Middleware<AsyncHandler<?>, AsyncHandler<Response<ByteString>>> serialize(\n Serializer serializer) {\n\n return inner -> inner\n .map(Middlewares::ensureResponse)\n .flatMapSync(resp -> ctx -> serializePayload(serializer, ctx.request(), resp));\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n apollo-api-impl/src/test/java/com/spotify/apollo/route/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void serializerShouldNotSerializeNull() throws Exception {\n serializationFuture.complete(Response.forStatus(Status.BAD_REQUEST));\n\n Response<ByteString> response =\n getResult(Middlewares.serialize(serializer).apply(serializationDelegate));\n\n assertThat(response.status(), equalTo(Status.BAD_REQUEST));\n verify(serializer, never()).serialize(any(Request.class), any());\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
void handle(OngoingRequest ongoingRequest, RequestContext requestContext, Endpoint endpoint) { try { endpoint.invoke(requestContext) .whenComplete((message, throwable) -> { try { if (message != null) { ongoingRequest.reply(message); } else if (throwable != null) { // unwrap CompletionException if (throwable instanceof CompletionException) { throwable = throwable.getCause(); } handleException(throwable, ongoingRequest); } else { LOG.error( "Both message and throwable null in EndpointInvocationHandler for request " + ongoingRequest + " - this shouldn't happen!"); handleException(new IllegalStateException("Both message and throwable null"), ongoingRequest); } } catch (Throwable t) { // don't try to respond here; just log the fact that responding failed. LOG.error("Exception caught when replying", t); } }); } catch (Exception e) { handleException(e, ongoingRequest); } }
@Test public void shouldRespondWithResponseMessageForOk() throws Exception { when(endpoint.invoke(any(RequestContext.class))) .thenReturn(completedFuture(response)); handler.handle(ongoingRequest, requestContext, endpoint); verify(ongoingRequest).reply(response); }
[ "whenComplete", "invoke", "reply", "getCause", "handleException", "error", "handleException", "error", "handleException" ]
[ "thenReturn", "when", "invoke", "any", "completedFuture", "handle", "reply", "verify" ]
{ "class_fields": "private EndpointInvocationHandler handler;\n@Mock private OngoingRequest ongoingRequest;\n@Mock private RequestContext requestContext;\n@Mock private Endpoint endpoint;\n@Mock private Response<ByteString> response;\n@Captor private ArgumentCaptor<Response<ByteString>> messageArgumentCaptor;\nprivate CompletableFuture<Response<ByteString>> future;\nprivate TestLogger testLogger = TestLoggerFactory.getTestLogger(EndpointInvocationHandler.class);\n@Rule\n public TestLoggerFactoryResetRule resetRule = new TestLoggerFactoryResetRule();", "class_name": "EndpointInvocationHandlerTest" }
{ "class_fields": "private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(EndpointInvocationHandler.class);", "class_name": "EndpointInvocationHandler implements EndpointRunnableFactory", "method_signatures": "@Override public Runnable create(\n OngoingRequest ongoingRequest,\n RequestContext requestContext,\n Endpoint endpoint)\n void handle(OngoingRequest ongoingRequest, RequestContext requestContext, Endpoint endpoint)\nprivate static void handleException(Throwable e, OngoingRequest ongoingRequest)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: apollo-api-impl/src/main/java/com/spotify/apollo/dispatch/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: EndpointInvocationHandler implements EndpointRunnableFactory\n\nclass_fields: private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(EndpointInvocationHandler.class);\n\nmethod_signatures: @Override public Runnable create(\n OngoingRequest ongoingRequest,\n RequestContext requestContext,\n Endpoint endpoint)\n void handle(OngoingRequest ongoingRequest, RequestContext requestContext, Endpoint endpoint)\nprivate static void handleException(Throwable e, OngoingRequest ongoingRequest)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: EndpointInvocationHandlerTest\n\nclass_fields: private EndpointInvocationHandler handler;\n@Mock private OngoingRequest ongoingRequest;\n@Mock private RequestContext requestContext;\n@Mock private Endpoint endpoint;\n@Mock private Response<ByteString> response;\n@Captor private ArgumentCaptor<Response<ByteString>> messageArgumentCaptor;\nprivate CompletableFuture<Response<ByteString>> future;\nprivate TestLogger testLogger = TestLoggerFactory.getTestLogger(EndpointInvocationHandler.class);\n@Rule\n public TestLoggerFactoryResetRule resetRule = new TestLoggerFactoryResetRule();\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file apollo-api-impl/src/main/java/com/spotify/apollo/dispatch/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n void handle(OngoingRequest ongoingRequest, RequestContext requestContext, Endpoint endpoint) {\n try {\n endpoint.invoke(requestContext)\n .whenComplete((message, throwable) -> {\n try {\n if (message != null) {\n ongoingRequest.reply(message);\n } else if (throwable != null) {\n // unwrap CompletionException\n if (throwable instanceof CompletionException) {\n throwable = throwable.getCause();\n }\n handleException(throwable, ongoingRequest);\n } else {\n LOG.error(\n \"Both message and throwable null in EndpointInvocationHandler for request \"\n + ongoingRequest\n + \" - this shouldn't happen!\");\n handleException(new IllegalStateException(\"Both message and throwable null\"),\n ongoingRequest);\n }\n } catch (Throwable t) {\n // don't try to respond here; just log the fact that responding failed.\n LOG.error(\"Exception caught when replying\", t);\n }\n });\n } catch (Exception e) {\n handleException(e, ongoingRequest);\n }\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n apollo-api-impl/src/test/java/com/spotify/apollo/dispatch/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void shouldRespondWithResponseMessageForOk() throws Exception {\n when(endpoint.invoke(any(RequestContext.class)))\n .thenReturn(completedFuture(response));\n\n handler.handle(ongoingRequest, requestContext, endpoint);\n\n verify(ongoingRequest).reply(response);\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
@Override public void drop() { metrics.drop(); super.drop(); }
@Test public void shouldForwardDropsToDelegate() throws Exception { request.drop(); verify(delegate).drop(); }
[ "drop", "drop" ]
[ "drop", "drop", "verify" ]
{ "class_fields": "private MetricsTrackingOngoingRequest request;\n@Mock\n RequestMetrics requestStats;\n@Mock\n OngoingRequest delegate;\nprivate Response<ByteString> response;", "class_name": "MetricsTrackingOngoingRequestTest" }
{ "class_fields": "private final RequestMetrics metrics;\nprivate final AtomicInteger requestCounter = new AtomicInteger();", "class_name": "MetricsTrackingOngoingRequest extends ForwardingOngoingRequest implements TrackedOngoingRequest", "method_signatures": "MetricsTrackingOngoingRequest(\n RequestMetrics metrics,\n OngoingRequest ongoingRequest)\n@Override public void reply(Response<ByteString> message)\n@Override public void drop()\n@Override public void incrementDownstreamRequests()" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: modules/metrics/src/main/java/com/spotify/apollo/metrics/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: MetricsTrackingOngoingRequest extends ForwardingOngoingRequest implements TrackedOngoingRequest\n\nclass_fields: private final RequestMetrics metrics;\nprivate final AtomicInteger requestCounter = new AtomicInteger();\n\nmethod_signatures: MetricsTrackingOngoingRequest(\n RequestMetrics metrics,\n OngoingRequest ongoingRequest)\n@Override public void reply(Response<ByteString> message)\n@Override public void drop()\n@Override public void incrementDownstreamRequests()\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: MetricsTrackingOngoingRequestTest\n\nclass_fields: private MetricsTrackingOngoingRequest request;\n@Mock\n RequestMetrics requestStats;\n@Mock\n OngoingRequest delegate;\nprivate Response<ByteString> response;\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file modules/metrics/src/main/java/com/spotify/apollo/metrics/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n @Override\n public void drop() {\n metrics.drop();\n super.drop();\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n modules/metrics/src/test/java/com/spotify/apollo/metrics/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void shouldForwardDropsToDelegate() throws Exception {\n request.drop();\n\n verify(delegate).drop();\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
@Override public APIGatewayProxyResponseEvent handleRequest(APIGatewayProxyRequestEvent input, Context context) { log.debug("'input' is [" + input + "]"); APIGatewayProxyResponseEvent output = new APIGatewayProxyResponseEvent(); byte[] body = Base64.getDecoder().decode(input.getBody()); FileUpload upload = new FileUpload(new DiskFileItemFactory()); try { FileItemIterator iterator = upload.getItemIterator(new UploadContext() { @Override public InputStream getInputStream() throws IOException { return new ByteArrayInputStream(body); } @Override public String getContentType() { return input.getHeaders().get("Content-Type"); } @Override public int getContentLength() { return body.length; } @Override public String getCharacterEncoding() { return; } @Override public long contentLength() { return body.length; } }); while (iterator.hasNext()) { FileItemStream item =; if (!item.isFormField() && item.getFieldName().equals("jar")) { String name = item.getName(); Prodigy.push(name, item.openStream()); return output.withStatusCode(200).withBody("{}"); } } throw new IllegalArgumentException("Parameter 'jar' is required"); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { log.warn(e.getMessage(), e); return output.withStatusCode(400).withBody(e.getMessage()); } catch (Exception e) { log.error(e.getMessage(), e); return output.withStatusCode(500).withBody(e.getMessage()); } }
@Test public void testHandleRequest() throws UnsupportedOperationException, IOException { // No 'jar' field - APIGatewayProxyResponseEvent with status code 400 APIGatewayProxyRequestEvent input = new APIGatewayProxyRequestEvent(); HttpEntity entity = MultipartEntityBuilder.create().addBinaryBody("not-jar", Paths.get(getClass().getResource("/push-handler-test.jar").getPath()).toFile()).build(); Map<String, String> headers = new HashMap<>(); Header header = entity.getContentType(); headers.put(header.getName(), header.getValue()); // API Gateway automatically encodes raw binary bytes as Base64 string. input.setBody(Base64.getEncoder().encodeToString(IOUtils.toString(entity.getContent()).getBytes())); input.setHeaders(headers); PushHandler handler = new PushHandler(); APIGatewayProxyResponseEvent output = handler.handleRequest(input, null); assertThat(output.getStatusCode(), is(400)); assertThat(output.getBody(), is("Parameter 'jar' is required")); // Prodigy throws IllegalArgumentException - APIGatewayProxyResponseEvent with status code 400 input = new APIGatewayProxyRequestEvent(); entity = MultipartEntityBuilder.create().addBinaryBody("jar", Paths.get(getClass().getResource("/").getPath()).toFile()).build(); headers = new HashMap<>(); header = entity.getContentType(); headers.put(header.getName(), header.getValue()); input.setBody(Base64.getEncoder().encodeToString(IOUtils.toString(entity.getContent()).getBytes())); input.setHeaders(headers); handler = new PushHandler(); output = handler.handleRequest(input, null); assertThat(output.getStatusCode(), is(400)); assertThat(output.getBody(), is("Parameter 'name' must be *.jar")); // Prodigy throws Exception - APIGatewayProxyResponseEvent with status code 500 input = new APIGatewayProxyRequestEvent(); entity = MultipartEntityBuilder.create().addBinaryBody("jar", Paths.get(getClass().getResource("/push-handler-test.jar").getPath()).toFile()).build(); headers = new HashMap<>(); header = entity.getContentType(); headers.put(header.getName(), header.getValue()); input.setBody(Base64.getEncoder().encodeToString(IOUtils.toString(entity.getContent()).getBytes())); input.setHeaders(headers); handler = new PushHandler(); Repository repository = mock(Repository.class); doThrow(new IllegalStateException("hello")).when(repository).save(anyString(), ArgumentMatchers.any(InputStream.class)); Prodigy.container(new Container(mock(Scheduler.class), repository)); output = handler.handleRequest(input, null); assertThat(output.getStatusCode(), is(500)); assertThat(output.getBody(), is("hello")); // Other - APIGatewayProxyResponseEvent with JSON object and status code 200 input = new APIGatewayProxyRequestEvent(); entity = MultipartEntityBuilder.create().addBinaryBody("jar", Paths.get(getClass().getResource("/push-handler-test.jar").getPath()).toFile()).build(); headers = new HashMap<>(); header = entity.getContentType(); headers.put(header.getName(), header.getValue()); input.setBody(Base64.getEncoder().encodeToString(IOUtils.toString(entity.getContent()).getBytes())); input.setHeaders(headers); handler = new PushHandler(); repository = mock(Repository.class); doNothing().when(repository).save(anyString(), ArgumentMatchers.any(InputStream.class)); Prodigy.container(new Container(mock(Scheduler.class), repository)); output = handler.handleRequest(input, null); assertThat(output.getStatusCode(), is(200)); assertThat(output.getBody(), is("{}")); }
[ "debug", "decode", "getDecoder", "getBody", "getItemIterator", "get", "getHeaders", "name", "hasNext", "next", "isFormField", "equals", "getFieldName", "getName", "push", "openStream", "withBody", "withStatusCode", "warn", "getMessage", "withBody", "withStatusCode", "getMessage", "error", "getMessage", "withBody", "withStatusCode", "getMessage" ]
[ "build", "addBinaryBody", "create", "toFile", "get", "getPath", "getResource", "getClass", "getContentType", "put", "getName", "getValue", "setBody", "encodeToString", "getEncoder", "getBytes", "toString", "getContent", "setHeaders", "handleRequest", "assertThat", "getStatusCode", "is", "assertThat", "getBody", "is", "build", "addBinaryBody", "create", "toFile", "get", "getPath", "getResource", "getClass", "getContentType", "put", "getName", "getValue", "setBody", "encodeToString", "getEncoder", "getBytes", "toString", "getContent", "setHeaders", "handleRequest", "assertThat", "getStatusCode", "is", "assertThat", "getBody", "is", "build", "addBinaryBody", "create", "toFile", "get", "getPath", "getResource", "getClass", "getContentType", "put", "getName", "getValue", "setBody", "encodeToString", "getEncoder", "getBytes", "toString", "getContent", "setHeaders", "mock", "save", "when", "doThrow", "anyString", "any", "container", "mock", "handleRequest", "assertThat", "getStatusCode", "is", "assertThat", "getBody", "is", "build", "addBinaryBody", "create", "toFile", "get", "getPath", "getResource", "getClass", "getContentType", "put", "getName", "getValue", "setBody", "encodeToString", "getEncoder", "getBytes", "toString", "getContent", "setHeaders", "mock", "save", "when", "doNothing", "anyString", "any", "container", "mock", "handleRequest", "assertThat", "getStatusCode", "is", "assertThat", "getBody", "is" ]
{ "class_fields": "", "class_name": "PushHandlerTest" }
{ "class_fields": "private static Log log = LambdaLogFactory.getLog(PushHandler.class);", "class_name": "PushHandler implements RequestHandler<APIGatewayProxyRequestEvent, APIGatewayProxyResponseEvent>", "method_signatures": "@Override public APIGatewayProxyResponseEvent handleRequest(APIGatewayProxyRequestEvent input, Context context)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: prodigy-core/src/main/java/io/eiichiro/prodigy/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: PushHandler implements RequestHandler<APIGatewayProxyRequestEvent, APIGatewayProxyResponseEvent>\n\nclass_fields: private static Log log = LambdaLogFactory.getLog(PushHandler.class);\n\nmethod_signatures: @Override public APIGatewayProxyResponseEvent handleRequest(APIGatewayProxyRequestEvent input, Context context)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: PushHandlerTest\n\nclass_fields: \n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file prodigy-core/src/main/java/io/eiichiro/prodigy/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n @Override\n public APIGatewayProxyResponseEvent handleRequest(APIGatewayProxyRequestEvent input, Context context) {\n log.debug(\"'input' is [\" + input + \"]\");\n APIGatewayProxyResponseEvent output = new APIGatewayProxyResponseEvent();\n byte[] body = Base64.getDecoder().decode(input.getBody());\n FileUpload upload = new FileUpload(new DiskFileItemFactory());\n\n try {\n FileItemIterator iterator = upload.getItemIterator(new UploadContext() {\n\n @Override\n public InputStream getInputStream() throws IOException {\n return new ByteArrayInputStream(body);\n }\n \n @Override\n public String getContentType() {\n return input.getHeaders().get(\"Content-Type\");\n }\n \n @Override\n public int getContentLength() {\n return body.length;\n }\n \n @Override\n public String getCharacterEncoding() {\n return;\n }\n \n @Override\n public long contentLength() {\n return body.length;\n }\n\n });\n\n while (iterator.hasNext()) {\n FileItemStream item =;\n\n if (!item.isFormField() && item.getFieldName().equals(\"jar\")) {\n String name = item.getName();\n Prodigy.push(name, item.openStream());\n return output.withStatusCode(200).withBody(\"{}\");\n }\n }\n\n throw new IllegalArgumentException(\"Parameter 'jar' is required\");\n } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {\n log.warn(e.getMessage(), e);\n return output.withStatusCode(400).withBody(e.getMessage());\n } catch (Exception e) {\n log.error(e.getMessage(), e);\n return output.withStatusCode(500).withBody(e.getMessage());\n }\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n prodigy-core/src/test/java/io/eiichiro/prodigy/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n\tpublic void testHandleRequest() throws UnsupportedOperationException, IOException {\n\t\t// No 'jar' field - APIGatewayProxyResponseEvent with status code 400\n\t\tAPIGatewayProxyRequestEvent input = new APIGatewayProxyRequestEvent();\n\t\tHttpEntity entity = MultipartEntityBuilder.create().addBinaryBody(\"not-jar\", Paths.get(getClass().getResource(\"/push-handler-test.jar\").getPath()).toFile()).build();\n\t\tMap<String, String> headers = new HashMap<>();\n\t\tHeader header = entity.getContentType();\n\t\theaders.put(header.getName(), header.getValue());\n\t\t// API Gateway automatically encodes raw binary bytes as Base64 string.\n\t\tinput.setBody(Base64.getEncoder().encodeToString(IOUtils.toString(entity.getContent()).getBytes()));\n\t\tinput.setHeaders(headers);\n\t\tPushHandler handler = new PushHandler();\n\t\tAPIGatewayProxyResponseEvent output = handler.handleRequest(input, null);\n\t\tassertThat(output.getStatusCode(), is(400));\n\t\tassertThat(output.getBody(), is(\"Parameter 'jar' is required\"));\n\n\t\t// Prodigy throws IllegalArgumentException - APIGatewayProxyResponseEvent with status code 400\n\t\tinput = new APIGatewayProxyRequestEvent();\n\t\tentity = MultipartEntityBuilder.create().addBinaryBody(\"jar\", Paths.get(getClass().getResource(\"/\").getPath()).toFile()).build();\n\t\theaders = new HashMap<>();\n\t\theader = entity.getContentType();\n\t\theaders.put(header.getName(), header.getValue());\n\t\tinput.setBody(Base64.getEncoder().encodeToString(IOUtils.toString(entity.getContent()).getBytes()));\n\t\tinput.setHeaders(headers);\n\t\thandler = new PushHandler();\n\t\toutput = handler.handleRequest(input, null);\n\t\tassertThat(output.getStatusCode(), is(400));\n\t\tassertThat(output.getBody(), is(\"Parameter 'name' must be *.jar\"));\n\n\t\t// Prodigy throws Exception - APIGatewayProxyResponseEvent with status code 500\n\t\tinput = new APIGatewayProxyRequestEvent();\n\t\tentity = MultipartEntityBuilder.create().addBinaryBody(\"jar\", Paths.get(getClass().getResource(\"/push-handler-test.jar\").getPath()).toFile()).build();\n\t\theaders = new HashMap<>();\n\t\theader = entity.getContentType();\n\t\theaders.put(header.getName(), header.getValue());\n\t\tinput.setBody(Base64.getEncoder().encodeToString(IOUtils.toString(entity.getContent()).getBytes()));\n\t\tinput.setHeaders(headers);\n\t\thandler = new PushHandler();\n\t\tRepository repository = mock(Repository.class);\n\t\tdoThrow(new IllegalStateException(\"hello\")).when(repository).save(anyString(), ArgumentMatchers.any(InputStream.class));\n\t\tProdigy.container(new Container(mock(Scheduler.class), repository));\n\t\toutput = handler.handleRequest(input, null);\n\t\tassertThat(output.getStatusCode(), is(500));\n\t\tassertThat(output.getBody(), is(\"hello\"));\n\n\t\t// Other - APIGatewayProxyResponseEvent with JSON object and status code 200\n\t\tinput = new APIGatewayProxyRequestEvent();\n\t\tentity = MultipartEntityBuilder.create().addBinaryBody(\"jar\", Paths.get(getClass().getResource(\"/push-handler-test.jar\").getPath()).toFile()).build();\n\t\theaders = new HashMap<>();\n\t\theader = entity.getContentType();\n\t\theaders.put(header.getName(), header.getValue());\n\t\tinput.setBody(Base64.getEncoder().encodeToString(IOUtils.toString(entity.getContent()).getBytes()));\n\t\tinput.setHeaders(headers);\n\t\thandler = new PushHandler();\n\t\trepository = mock(Repository.class);\n\t\tdoNothing().when(repository).save(anyString(), ArgumentMatchers.any(InputStream.class));\n\t\tProdigy.container(new Container(mock(Scheduler.class), repository));\n\t\toutput = handler.handleRequest(input, null);\n\t\tassertThat(output.getStatusCode(), is(200));\n\t\tassertThat(output.getBody(), is(\"{}\"));\n\t}\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
@VisibleForTesting static List<OptionalLibrary> getLibsFromJson(@NonNull File jsonFile) { Gson gson = new Gson(); try { Type collectionType = new TypeToken<Collection<Library>>() { }.getType(); Collection<Library> libs = gson .fromJson(Files.newReader(jsonFile, Charsets.UTF_8), collectionType); // convert into the right format. List<OptionalLibrary> optionalLibraries = Lists.newArrayListWithCapacity(libs.size()); File rootFolder = jsonFile.getParentFile(); for (Library lib : libs) { optionalLibraries.add(new OptionalLibraryImpl(, new File(rootFolder, lib.jar),, lib.manifest)); } return optionalLibraries; } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { // shouldn't happen since we've checked the file is here, but can happen in // some cases (too many files open). return Collections.emptyList(); } }
@Test public void testOptionalLibWith1() throws Exception { String content = "[\n" + " {\n" + " \"name\": \"org.apache.http.legacy\",\n" + " \"jar\": \"org.apache.http.legacy.jar\",\n" + " \"manifest\": false\n" + " }\n" + "]\n"; File json = getJsonFile(content); List<IAndroidTarget.OptionalLibrary> libs = LocalPlatformPkgInfo.getLibsFromJson(json); assertEquals(1, libs.size()); IAndroidTarget.OptionalLibrary lib = libs.get(0); assertEquals("org.apache.http.legacy", lib.getName()); assertEquals(new File(json.getParentFile(), "org.apache.http.legacy.jar"), lib.getJar()); assertEquals(false, lib.isManifestEntryRequired()); }
[ "getType", "fromJson", "newReader", "newArrayListWithCapacity", "size", "getParentFile", "add", "emptyList" ]
[ "getJsonFile", "getLibsFromJson", "assertEquals", "size", "get", "assertEquals", "getName", "assertEquals", "getParentFile", "getJar", "assertEquals", "isManifestEntryRequired" ]
{ "class_fields": "", "class_name": "LocalPlatformPkgInfoTest" }
{ "class_fields": "public static final String PROP_VERSION_SDK = \"\";\npublic static final String PROP_VERSION_CODENAME = \"\";\npublic static final String PROP_VERSION_RELEASE = \"\";\n@NonNull\n private final IPkgDesc mDesc;\nprivate IAndroidTarget mTarget;\nprivate boolean mLoaded;\nprivate static final String[] sPlatformContentList = new String[] {\n SdkConstants.FN_FRAMEWORK_LIBRARY,\n SdkConstants.FN_FRAMEWORK_AIDL,\n };", "class_name": "LocalPlatformPkgInfo extends LocalPkgInfo", "method_signatures": "public LocalPlatformPkgInfo(@NonNull LocalSdk localSdk,\n @NonNull File localDir,\n @NonNull Properties sourceProps,\n @NonNull AndroidVersion version,\n @NonNull MajorRevision revision,\n @NonNull FullRevision minToolsRev)\n@NonNull @Override public IPkgDesc getDesc()\n@NonNull public String getTargetHash()\n@Nullable public IAndroidTarget getAndroidTarget()\npublic boolean isLoaded()\n@SuppressWarnings(\"ConstantConditions\") @Nullable protected IAndroidTarget createAndroidTarget()\n@NonNull private ISystemImage[] getPlatformSystemImages(IFileOp fileOp,\n File platformDir,\n AndroidVersion apiVersion)\nprivate List<OptionalLibrary> getOptionalLibraries(@NonNull File platformDir)\n@VisibleForTesting static List<OptionalLibrary> getLibsFromJson(@NonNull File jsonFile)\n@NonNull private static String checkPlatformContent(IFileOp fileOp, @NonNull File platform)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: sdklib/src/main/java/com/android/sdklib/repository/local/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: LocalPlatformPkgInfo extends LocalPkgInfo\n\nclass_fields: public static final String PROP_VERSION_SDK = \"\";\npublic static final String PROP_VERSION_CODENAME = \"\";\npublic static final String PROP_VERSION_RELEASE = \"\";\n@NonNull\n private final IPkgDesc mDesc;\nprivate IAndroidTarget mTarget;\nprivate boolean mLoaded;\nprivate static final String[] sPlatformContentList = new String[] {\n SdkConstants.FN_FRAMEWORK_LIBRARY,\n SdkConstants.FN_FRAMEWORK_AIDL,\n };\n\nmethod_signatures: public LocalPlatformPkgInfo(@NonNull LocalSdk localSdk,\n @NonNull File localDir,\n @NonNull Properties sourceProps,\n @NonNull AndroidVersion version,\n @NonNull MajorRevision revision,\n @NonNull FullRevision minToolsRev)\n@NonNull @Override public IPkgDesc getDesc()\n@NonNull public String getTargetHash()\n@Nullable public IAndroidTarget getAndroidTarget()\npublic boolean isLoaded()\n@SuppressWarnings(\"ConstantConditions\") @Nullable protected IAndroidTarget createAndroidTarget()\n@NonNull private ISystemImage[] getPlatformSystemImages(IFileOp fileOp,\n File platformDir,\n AndroidVersion apiVersion)\nprivate List<OptionalLibrary> getOptionalLibraries(@NonNull File platformDir)\n@VisibleForTesting static List<OptionalLibrary> getLibsFromJson(@NonNull File jsonFile)\n@NonNull private static String checkPlatformContent(IFileOp fileOp, @NonNull File platform)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: LocalPlatformPkgInfoTest\n\nclass_fields: \n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file sdklib/src/main/java/com/android/sdklib/repository/local/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n @VisibleForTesting\n static List<OptionalLibrary> getLibsFromJson(@NonNull File jsonFile) {\n\n Gson gson = new Gson();\n\n try {\n Type collectionType = new TypeToken<Collection<Library>>() {\n }.getType();\n Collection<Library> libs = gson\n .fromJson(Files.newReader(jsonFile, Charsets.UTF_8), collectionType);\n\n // convert into the right format.\n List<OptionalLibrary> optionalLibraries = Lists.newArrayListWithCapacity(libs.size());\n\n File rootFolder = jsonFile.getParentFile();\n for (Library lib : libs) {\n optionalLibraries.add(new OptionalLibraryImpl(\n,\n new File(rootFolder, lib.jar),\n,\n lib.manifest));\n }\n\n return optionalLibraries;\n } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {\n // shouldn't happen since we've checked the file is here, but can happen in\n // some cases (too many files open).\n return Collections.emptyList();\n }\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n sdklib/src/test/java/com/android/sdklib/repository/local/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void testOptionalLibWith1() throws Exception {\n String content =\n \"[\\n\" +\n \" {\\n\" +\n \" \\\"name\\\": \\\"org.apache.http.legacy\\\",\\n\" +\n \" \\\"jar\\\": \\\"org.apache.http.legacy.jar\\\",\\n\" +\n \" \\\"manifest\\\": false\\n\" +\n \" }\\n\" +\n \"]\\n\";\n\n File json = getJsonFile(content);\n\n List<IAndroidTarget.OptionalLibrary> libs = LocalPlatformPkgInfo.getLibsFromJson(json);\n\n assertEquals(1, libs.size());\n IAndroidTarget.OptionalLibrary lib = libs.get(0);\n assertEquals(\"org.apache.http.legacy\", lib.getName());\n assertEquals(new File(json.getParentFile(), \"org.apache.http.legacy.jar\"), lib.getJar());\n assertEquals(false, lib.isManifestEntryRequired());\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
@Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (this == o) return true; if (!(o instanceof MfgData)) return false; final MfgData d = (MfgData) o; return code.equals(d.code) && name.equals(; }
@Test public void equalsSelf() { final MfgData osd = new MfgData(code, name); assertTrue(osd.equals(osd)); }
[ "equals", "equals" ]
[ "assertTrue", "equals" ]
{ "class_fields": "private static final String code = \"SPFT\";\nprivate static final String name = \"Stay Puft Marshmallow Corporation\";", "class_name": "MfgDataTest" }
{ "class_fields": "public final String code;\npublic final String name;", "class_name": "MfgData", "method_signatures": "public MfgData(String code, String name)\n@Override public String toString()\n@Override public boolean equals(Object o)\n@Override public int hashCode()" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: core/src/main/java/com/lightboxtechnologies/nsrl/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: MfgData\n\nclass_fields: public final String code;\npublic final String name;\n\nmethod_signatures: public MfgData(String code, String name)\n@Override public String toString()\n@Override public boolean equals(Object o)\n@Override public int hashCode()\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: MfgDataTest\n\nclass_fields: private static final String code = \"SPFT\";\nprivate static final String name = \"Stay Puft Marshmallow Corporation\";\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file core/src/main/java/com/lightboxtechnologies/nsrl/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n @Override\n public boolean equals(Object o) {\n if (this == o) return true;\n if (!(o instanceof MfgData)) return false;\n final MfgData d = (MfgData) o;\n return code.equals(d.code) && name.equals(;\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n core/src/test/java/com/lightboxtechnologies/nsrl/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void equalsSelf() {\n final MfgData osd = new MfgData(code, name);\n assertTrue(osd.equals(osd));\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
public static void throwIfNonEmpty(Collection<Message> messages) throws MergingException { if (!messages.isEmpty()) { throw new MergingException(null, Iterables.toArray(messages, Message.class)); } }
@Test public void testThrowIfNonEmpty() throws MergingException{ MergingException.throwIfNonEmpty(ImmutableList.<Message>of()); try { MergingException.throwIfNonEmpty(ImmutableList.<Message>of( new Message(Message.Kind.ERROR, "Message", SourceFilePosition.UNKNOWN))); fail(); } catch (MergingException e) { // ok } }
[ "isEmpty", "toArray" ]
[ "throwIfNonEmpty", "of", "throwIfNonEmpty", "of", "fail" ]
{ "class_fields": "private static final File file = new File(\"/some/random/path\");", "class_name": "MergingExceptionTest" }
{ "class_fields": "public static final String MULTIPLE_ERRORS = \"Multiple errors:\";\nprivate final List<Message> mMessages;", "class_name": "MergingException extends Exception", "method_signatures": "protected MergingException(@Nullable Throwable cause, @NonNull Message... messages)\npublic static Builder wrapException(@NonNull Throwable cause)\npublic static Builder withMessage(@Nullable String message, Object... args)\npublic static void throwIfNonEmpty(Collection<Message> messages)\npublic List<Message> getMessages()\n@Override public String getMessage()\n@Override public String toString()" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: sdk-common/src/main/java/com/android/ide/common/res2/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: MergingException extends Exception\n\nclass_fields: public static final String MULTIPLE_ERRORS = \"Multiple errors:\";\nprivate final List<Message> mMessages;\n\nmethod_signatures: protected MergingException(@Nullable Throwable cause, @NonNull Message... messages)\npublic static Builder wrapException(@NonNull Throwable cause)\npublic static Builder withMessage(@Nullable String message, Object... args)\npublic static void throwIfNonEmpty(Collection<Message> messages)\npublic List<Message> getMessages()\n@Override public String getMessage()\n@Override public String toString()\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: MergingExceptionTest\n\nclass_fields: private static final File file = new File(\"/some/random/path\");\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file sdk-common/src/main/java/com/android/ide/common/res2/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n public static void throwIfNonEmpty(Collection<Message> messages) throws MergingException {\n if (!messages.isEmpty()) {\n throw new MergingException(null, Iterables.toArray(messages, Message.class));\n }\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n sdk-common/src/test/java/com/android/ide/common/res2/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void testThrowIfNonEmpty() throws MergingException{\n MergingException.throwIfNonEmpty(ImmutableList.<Message>of());\n try {\n MergingException.throwIfNonEmpty(ImmutableList.<Message>of(\n new Message(Message.Kind.ERROR, \"Message\", SourceFilePosition.UNKNOWN)));\n fail();\n } catch (MergingException e) {\n // ok\n }\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
@NonNull public static <S extends DimensionAware & Named> List<ProductFlavorCombo<S>> createCombinations( @Nullable List<String> flavorDimensions, @NonNull Iterable<S> productFlavors) { List <ProductFlavorCombo<S>> result = Lists.newArrayList(); if (flavorDimensions == null || flavorDimensions.isEmpty()) { for (S flavor : productFlavors) { result.add(new ProductFlavorCombo<S>(ImmutableList.of(flavor))); } } else { // need to group the flavor per dimension. // First a map of dimension -> list(ProductFlavor) ArrayListMultimap<String, S> map = ArrayListMultimap.create(); for (S flavor : productFlavors) { String flavorDimension = flavor.getDimension(); if (flavorDimension == null) { throw new RuntimeException(String.format( "Flavor '%1$s' has no flavor dimension.", flavor.getName())); } if (!flavorDimensions.contains(flavorDimension)) { throw new RuntimeException(String.format( "Flavor '%1$s' has unknown dimension '%2$s'.", flavor.getName(), flavor.getDimension())); } map.put(flavorDimension, flavor); } createProductFlavorCombinations(result, Lists.<S>newArrayListWithCapacity(flavorDimensions.size()), 0, flavorDimensions, map); } return result; }
@Test public void createGroupListInvalidDimension() throws Exception { try { ProductFlavorCombo.createCombinations( ImmutableList.of(DIMENSION1), ImmutableList.of(f1d2)); fail("Expected to throw"); } catch (RuntimeException ignore) { } }
[ "newArrayList", "isEmpty", "add", "of", "create", "getDimension", "format", "getName", "contains", "format", "getName", "getDimension", "put", "createProductFlavorCombinations", "newArrayListWithCapacity", "size" ]
[ "createCombinations", "of", "of", "fail" ]
{ "class_fields": "private static final String DIMENSION1 = \"dimension1\";\nprivate static final String DIMENSION2 = \"dimension2\";\n@Mock\n private CoreProductFlavor f1;\n@Mock\n private CoreProductFlavor f2;\n@Mock\n private CoreProductFlavor f1d1;\n@Mock\n private CoreProductFlavor f2d1;\n@Mock\n private CoreProductFlavor f1d2;\n@Mock\n private CoreProductFlavor f2d2;", "class_name": "ProductFlavorComboTest" }
{ "class_fields": "private String name;\n@NonNull\n private final List<T> flavorList;", "class_name": "ProductFlavorCombo", "method_signatures": "public ProductFlavorCombo(@NonNull T... flavors)\npublic ProductFlavorCombo(@NonNull Iterable<T> flavors)\n@NonNull public String getName()\n@NonNull public List<T> getFlavorList()\n@NonNull public static List<ProductFlavorCombo<S>> createCombinations(\n @Nullable List<String> flavorDimensions,\n @NonNull Iterable<S> productFlavors)\nprivate static ImmutableList<ProductFlavor> filterNullFromArray(ProductFlavor[] flavors)\nprivate static void createProductFlavorCombinations(\n List<ProductFlavorCombo<S>> flavorGroups,\n List<S> group,\n int index,\n List<String> flavorDimensionList,\n ListMultimap<String, S> map)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: build-system/gradle-core/src/main/groovy/com/android/build/gradle/internal/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: ProductFlavorCombo\n\nclass_fields: private String name;\n@NonNull\n private final List<T> flavorList;\n\nmethod_signatures: public ProductFlavorCombo(@NonNull T... flavors)\npublic ProductFlavorCombo(@NonNull Iterable<T> flavors)\n@NonNull public String getName()\n@NonNull public List<T> getFlavorList()\n@NonNull public static List<ProductFlavorCombo<S>> createCombinations(\n @Nullable List<String> flavorDimensions,\n @NonNull Iterable<S> productFlavors)\nprivate static ImmutableList<ProductFlavor> filterNullFromArray(ProductFlavor[] flavors)\nprivate static void createProductFlavorCombinations(\n List<ProductFlavorCombo<S>> flavorGroups,\n List<S> group,\n int index,\n List<String> flavorDimensionList,\n ListMultimap<String, S> map)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: ProductFlavorComboTest\n\nclass_fields: private static final String DIMENSION1 = \"dimension1\";\nprivate static final String DIMENSION2 = \"dimension2\";\n@Mock\n private CoreProductFlavor f1;\n@Mock\n private CoreProductFlavor f2;\n@Mock\n private CoreProductFlavor f1d1;\n@Mock\n private CoreProductFlavor f2d1;\n@Mock\n private CoreProductFlavor f1d2;\n@Mock\n private CoreProductFlavor f2d2;\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file build-system/gradle-core/src/main/groovy/com/android/build/gradle/internal/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n @NonNull\n public static <S extends DimensionAware & Named> List<ProductFlavorCombo<S>> createCombinations(\n @Nullable List<String> flavorDimensions,\n @NonNull Iterable<S> productFlavors) {\n\n List <ProductFlavorCombo<S>> result = Lists.newArrayList();\n if (flavorDimensions == null || flavorDimensions.isEmpty()) {\n for (S flavor : productFlavors) {\n result.add(new ProductFlavorCombo<S>(ImmutableList.of(flavor)));\n }\n } else {\n // need to group the flavor per dimension.\n // First a map of dimension -> list(ProductFlavor)\n ArrayListMultimap<String, S> map = ArrayListMultimap.create();\n for (S flavor : productFlavors) {\n String flavorDimension = flavor.getDimension();\n\n if (flavorDimension == null) {\n throw new RuntimeException(String.format(\n \"Flavor '%1$s' has no flavor dimension.\", flavor.getName()));\n }\n if (!flavorDimensions.contains(flavorDimension)) {\n throw new RuntimeException(String.format(\n \"Flavor '%1$s' has unknown dimension '%2$s'.\",\n flavor.getName(), flavor.getDimension()));\n }\n\n map.put(flavorDimension, flavor);\n }\n\n createProductFlavorCombinations(result,\n Lists.<S>newArrayListWithCapacity(flavorDimensions.size()),\n 0, flavorDimensions, map);\n }\n return result;\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n build-system/gradle-core/src/test/groovy/com/android/build/gradle/internal/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void createGroupListInvalidDimension() throws Exception {\n try {\n ProductFlavorCombo.createCombinations(\n ImmutableList.of(DIMENSION1),\n ImmutableList.of(f1d2));\n fail(\"Expected to throw\");\n } catch (RuntimeException ignore) {\n }\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
@NonNull public static <S extends DimensionAware & Named> List<ProductFlavorCombo<S>> createCombinations( @Nullable List<String> flavorDimensions, @NonNull Iterable<S> productFlavors) { List <ProductFlavorCombo<S>> result = Lists.newArrayList(); if (flavorDimensions == null || flavorDimensions.isEmpty()) { for (S flavor : productFlavors) { result.add(new ProductFlavorCombo<S>(ImmutableList.of(flavor))); } } else { // need to group the flavor per dimension. // First a map of dimension -> list(ProductFlavor) ArrayListMultimap<String, S> map = ArrayListMultimap.create(); for (S flavor : productFlavors) { String flavorDimension = flavor.getDimension(); if (flavorDimension == null) { throw new RuntimeException(String.format( "Flavor '%1$s' has no flavor dimension.", flavor.getName())); } if (!flavorDimensions.contains(flavorDimension)) { throw new RuntimeException(String.format( "Flavor '%1$s' has unknown dimension '%2$s'.", flavor.getName(), flavor.getDimension())); } map.put(flavorDimension, flavor); } createProductFlavorCombinations(result, Lists.<S>newArrayListWithCapacity(flavorDimensions.size()), 0, flavorDimensions, map); } return result; }
@Test public void createGroupListMissingDimension() throws Exception { try { ProductFlavorCombo.createCombinations( ImmutableList.of(DIMENSION1), ImmutableList.of(f1)); fail("Expected to throw"); } catch (RuntimeException ignore) { } }
[ "newArrayList", "isEmpty", "add", "of", "create", "getDimension", "format", "getName", "contains", "format", "getName", "getDimension", "put", "createProductFlavorCombinations", "newArrayListWithCapacity", "size" ]
[ "createCombinations", "of", "of", "fail" ]
{ "class_fields": "private static final String DIMENSION1 = \"dimension1\";\nprivate static final String DIMENSION2 = \"dimension2\";\n@Mock\n private CoreProductFlavor f1;\n@Mock\n private CoreProductFlavor f2;\n@Mock\n private CoreProductFlavor f1d1;\n@Mock\n private CoreProductFlavor f2d1;\n@Mock\n private CoreProductFlavor f1d2;\n@Mock\n private CoreProductFlavor f2d2;", "class_name": "ProductFlavorComboTest" }
{ "class_fields": "private String name;\n@NonNull\n private final List<T> flavorList;", "class_name": "ProductFlavorCombo", "method_signatures": "public ProductFlavorCombo(@NonNull T... flavors)\npublic ProductFlavorCombo(@NonNull Iterable<T> flavors)\n@NonNull public String getName()\n@NonNull public List<T> getFlavorList()\n@NonNull public static List<ProductFlavorCombo<S>> createCombinations(\n @Nullable List<String> flavorDimensions,\n @NonNull Iterable<S> productFlavors)\nprivate static ImmutableList<ProductFlavor> filterNullFromArray(ProductFlavor[] flavors)\nprivate static void createProductFlavorCombinations(\n List<ProductFlavorCombo<S>> flavorGroups,\n List<S> group,\n int index,\n List<String> flavorDimensionList,\n ListMultimap<String, S> map)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: build-system/gradle-core/src/main/groovy/com/android/build/gradle/internal/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: ProductFlavorCombo\n\nclass_fields: private String name;\n@NonNull\n private final List<T> flavorList;\n\nmethod_signatures: public ProductFlavorCombo(@NonNull T... flavors)\npublic ProductFlavorCombo(@NonNull Iterable<T> flavors)\n@NonNull public String getName()\n@NonNull public List<T> getFlavorList()\n@NonNull public static List<ProductFlavorCombo<S>> createCombinations(\n @Nullable List<String> flavorDimensions,\n @NonNull Iterable<S> productFlavors)\nprivate static ImmutableList<ProductFlavor> filterNullFromArray(ProductFlavor[] flavors)\nprivate static void createProductFlavorCombinations(\n List<ProductFlavorCombo<S>> flavorGroups,\n List<S> group,\n int index,\n List<String> flavorDimensionList,\n ListMultimap<String, S> map)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: ProductFlavorComboTest\n\nclass_fields: private static final String DIMENSION1 = \"dimension1\";\nprivate static final String DIMENSION2 = \"dimension2\";\n@Mock\n private CoreProductFlavor f1;\n@Mock\n private CoreProductFlavor f2;\n@Mock\n private CoreProductFlavor f1d1;\n@Mock\n private CoreProductFlavor f2d1;\n@Mock\n private CoreProductFlavor f1d2;\n@Mock\n private CoreProductFlavor f2d2;\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file build-system/gradle-core/src/main/groovy/com/android/build/gradle/internal/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n @NonNull\n public static <S extends DimensionAware & Named> List<ProductFlavorCombo<S>> createCombinations(\n @Nullable List<String> flavorDimensions,\n @NonNull Iterable<S> productFlavors) {\n\n List <ProductFlavorCombo<S>> result = Lists.newArrayList();\n if (flavorDimensions == null || flavorDimensions.isEmpty()) {\n for (S flavor : productFlavors) {\n result.add(new ProductFlavorCombo<S>(ImmutableList.of(flavor)));\n }\n } else {\n // need to group the flavor per dimension.\n // First a map of dimension -> list(ProductFlavor)\n ArrayListMultimap<String, S> map = ArrayListMultimap.create();\n for (S flavor : productFlavors) {\n String flavorDimension = flavor.getDimension();\n\n if (flavorDimension == null) {\n throw new RuntimeException(String.format(\n \"Flavor '%1$s' has no flavor dimension.\", flavor.getName()));\n }\n if (!flavorDimensions.contains(flavorDimension)) {\n throw new RuntimeException(String.format(\n \"Flavor '%1$s' has unknown dimension '%2$s'.\",\n flavor.getName(), flavor.getDimension()));\n }\n\n map.put(flavorDimension, flavor);\n }\n\n createProductFlavorCombinations(result,\n Lists.<S>newArrayListWithCapacity(flavorDimensions.size()),\n 0, flavorDimensions, map);\n }\n return result;\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n build-system/gradle-core/src/test/groovy/com/android/build/gradle/internal/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void createGroupListMissingDimension() throws Exception {\n try {\n ProductFlavorCombo.createCombinations(\n ImmutableList.of(DIMENSION1),\n ImmutableList.of(f1));\n fail(\"Expected to throw\");\n } catch (RuntimeException ignore) {\n }\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
public ASTJb generateAST() { // generate AST ASTJb ast = new ASTJb(); BlockNode rootNode = this.useBlockProduction(); ast.setRootNode(rootNode); return ast; }
@Test public void testLessSimpleProgram(){ List<Token> tList=new LinkedList<>(); tList.add(new TokenJb(TokenType.LONG_SYMBOL, "long")); tList.add(new TokenJb(TokenType.ID, "i")); tList.add(new TokenJb(TokenType.SEMICOLON,";")); tList.add(new TokenJb(TokenType.ID, "i")); tList.add(new TokenJb(TokenType.ASSIGNOP, "=")); tList.add(new RealTokenJb(TokenType.REAL,"2.0")); tList.add(new TokenJb(TokenType.DIVIDE,"/")); tList.add(new NumTokenJb(TokenType.NUM,"2")); tList.add(new TokenJb(TokenType.SEMICOLON,";")); TargetGrammar.SourceCode sc = SourceCode(tList); List<Reduction> res= syn.derivateDFLeftToRight(sc); instance=new ASTGenerator(res); AST ast=instance.generateAST(); }
[ "useBlockProduction", "setRootNode" ]
[ "add", "add", "add", "add", "add", "add", "add", "add", "add", "derivateDFLeftToRight", "generateAST" ]
{ "class_fields": "ASTGenerator instance;\nLogger logger=LoggerFactory.getLogger(this.getClass());\nTargetGrammar syn=new TargetGrammar();", "class_name": "ASTGeneratorTest" }
{ "class_fields": "boolean debug=false;\nLogger logger=LoggerFactory.getLogger(ASTGenerator.class);\nList<TargetGrammar.Reduction> reductions;\nStack<BlockNodeJb> currentBlocks;\nList<Object> nonDisposedTokenConsumer=new LinkedList<>();", "class_name": "ASTGenerator", "method_signatures": "public ASTGenerator(List<TargetGrammar.Reduction> reductions)\npublic ASTJb generateAST()\nprivate BlockNodeJb useBlockProduction()\nprivate BlockNodeJb useBlockProductionDeclarationsOnly()\nprivate void useDeclsProduction()\nprivate DeclarationNodeJb useDeclProduction()\nprivate DeclarationNodeJb useDeclarationTypeProduction()\nprivate void useStmtsProduction()\nprivate StatementNodeJb useStmtProduction()\nprivate IdentifierNodeJb useLocProduction()\nprivate ExpressionNodeJb useAssignProduction()\nprivate ExpressionNodeJb useBoolProduction()\nprivate ExpressionNodeJb useJoinProduction()\nprivate ExpressionNodeJb useEqualityProduction()\nprivate ExpressionNodeJb useRelProduction()\nprivate ExpressionNodeJb useExprProduction()\nprivate ExpressionNodeJb useTermProduction()\nprivate ExpressionNodeJb useUnaryProduction()\nprivate ExpressionNodeJb useFactorProduction()" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: javabite-parser/src/main/java/swp_compiler_ss13/javabite/parser/astGenerator/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: ASTGenerator\n\nclass_fields: boolean debug=false;\nLogger logger=LoggerFactory.getLogger(ASTGenerator.class);\nList<TargetGrammar.Reduction> reductions;\nStack<BlockNodeJb> currentBlocks;\nList<Object> nonDisposedTokenConsumer=new LinkedList<>();\n\nmethod_signatures: public ASTGenerator(List<TargetGrammar.Reduction> reductions)\npublic ASTJb generateAST()\nprivate BlockNodeJb useBlockProduction()\nprivate BlockNodeJb useBlockProductionDeclarationsOnly()\nprivate void useDeclsProduction()\nprivate DeclarationNodeJb useDeclProduction()\nprivate DeclarationNodeJb useDeclarationTypeProduction()\nprivate void useStmtsProduction()\nprivate StatementNodeJb useStmtProduction()\nprivate IdentifierNodeJb useLocProduction()\nprivate ExpressionNodeJb useAssignProduction()\nprivate ExpressionNodeJb useBoolProduction()\nprivate ExpressionNodeJb useJoinProduction()\nprivate ExpressionNodeJb useEqualityProduction()\nprivate ExpressionNodeJb useRelProduction()\nprivate ExpressionNodeJb useExprProduction()\nprivate ExpressionNodeJb useTermProduction()\nprivate ExpressionNodeJb useUnaryProduction()\nprivate ExpressionNodeJb useFactorProduction()\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: ASTGeneratorTest\n\nclass_fields: ASTGenerator instance;\nLogger logger=LoggerFactory.getLogger(this.getClass());\nTargetGrammar syn=new TargetGrammar();\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file javabite-parser/src/main/java/swp_compiler_ss13/javabite/parser/astGenerator/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n public ASTJb generateAST() {\n\t\t// generate AST\n\t\tASTJb ast = new ASTJb();\n\n\t\tBlockNode rootNode = this.useBlockProduction();\n\t\tast.setRootNode(rootNode);\n\t\n\t\t\n\t\treturn ast;\n\t}\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n javabite-parser/src/test/java/swp_compiler_ss13/javabite/parser/astGenerator/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n\tpublic void testLessSimpleProgram(){\n\t\tList<Token> tList=new LinkedList<>();\n\t\ttList.add(new TokenJb(TokenType.LONG_SYMBOL, \"long\"));\n\t\ttList.add(new TokenJb(TokenType.ID, \"i\"));\n\t\ttList.add(new TokenJb(TokenType.SEMICOLON,\";\"));\n\t\ttList.add(new TokenJb(TokenType.ID, \"i\"));\n\t\ttList.add(new TokenJb(TokenType.ASSIGNOP, \"=\"));\n\t\ttList.add(new RealTokenJb(TokenType.REAL,\"2.0\"));\n\t\ttList.add(new TokenJb(TokenType.DIVIDE,\"/\"));\n\t\ttList.add(new NumTokenJb(TokenType.NUM,\"2\"));\n\t\ttList.add(new TokenJb(TokenType.SEMICOLON,\";\"));\n\t\tTargetGrammar.SourceCode sc = SourceCode(tList);\n\t\tList<Reduction> res= syn.derivateDFLeftToRight(sc);\n\t\tinstance=new ASTGenerator(res);\n\t\tAST ast=instance.generateAST();\n\t}\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
public String backend() { return either(either(optionalString(apolloNode, "domain"), optionalString(apolloNode, "backend")), optionalString(root, "domain")) .orElse(""); }
@Test public void testBackendDomain() throws Exception { final Config config = ConfigFactory.parseMap(ImmutableMap.of( "domain", "foo" )); final ApolloConfig sut = new ApolloConfig(config); assertThat(sut.backend(), is("foo")); }
[ "orElse", "either", "either", "optionalString", "optionalString", "optionalString" ]
[ "parseMap", "of", "assertThat", "backend", "is" ]
{ "class_fields": "", "class_name": "ApolloConfigTest" }
{ "class_fields": "private final Config root;\nprivate final Config apolloNode;", "class_name": "ApolloConfig", "method_signatures": "@Inject public ApolloConfig(Config configNode)\npublic String backend()\npublic boolean enableIncomingRequestLogging()\npublic boolean enableOutgoingRequestLogging()\npublic boolean enableMetaApi()" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: apollo-environment/src/main/java/com/spotify/apollo/environment/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: ApolloConfig\n\nclass_fields: private final Config root;\nprivate final Config apolloNode;\n\nmethod_signatures: @Inject public ApolloConfig(Config configNode)\npublic String backend()\npublic boolean enableIncomingRequestLogging()\npublic boolean enableOutgoingRequestLogging()\npublic boolean enableMetaApi()\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: ApolloConfigTest\n\nclass_fields: \n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file apollo-environment/src/main/java/com/spotify/apollo/environment/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n public String backend() {\n return either(either(optionalString(apolloNode, \"domain\"),\n optionalString(apolloNode, \"backend\")),\n optionalString(root, \"domain\"))\n .orElse(\"\");\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n apollo-environment/src/test/java/com/spotify/apollo/environment/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void testBackendDomain() throws Exception {\n final Config config = ConfigFactory.parseMap(ImmutableMap.of(\n \"domain\", \"foo\"\n ));\n final ApolloConfig sut = new ApolloConfig(config);\n\n assertThat(sut.backend(), is(\"foo\"));\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
@NonNull public static <S extends DimensionAware & Named> List<ProductFlavorCombo<S>> createCombinations( @Nullable List<String> flavorDimensions, @NonNull Iterable<S> productFlavors) { List <ProductFlavorCombo<S>> result = Lists.newArrayList(); if (flavorDimensions == null || flavorDimensions.isEmpty()) { for (S flavor : productFlavors) { result.add(new ProductFlavorCombo<S>(ImmutableList.of(flavor))); } } else { // need to group the flavor per dimension. // First a map of dimension -> list(ProductFlavor) ArrayListMultimap<String, S> map = ArrayListMultimap.create(); for (S flavor : productFlavors) { String flavorDimension = flavor.getDimension(); if (flavorDimension == null) { throw new RuntimeException(String.format( "Flavor '%1$s' has no flavor dimension.", flavor.getName())); } if (!flavorDimensions.contains(flavorDimension)) { throw new RuntimeException(String.format( "Flavor '%1$s' has unknown dimension '%2$s'.", flavor.getName(), flavor.getDimension())); } map.put(flavorDimension, flavor); } createProductFlavorCombinations(result, Lists.<S>newArrayListWithCapacity(flavorDimensions.size()), 0, flavorDimensions, map); } return result; }
@Test public void createGroupListEmptyDimension() throws Exception { assertEqualGroupList( ImmutableList.of( new ProductFlavorCombo<CoreProductFlavor>(f1), new ProductFlavorCombo<CoreProductFlavor>(f2) ), ProductFlavorCombo.createCombinations( ImmutableList.<String>of(), ImmutableList.of(f1, f2))); }
[ "newArrayList", "isEmpty", "add", "of", "create", "getDimension", "format", "getName", "contains", "format", "getName", "getDimension", "put", "createProductFlavorCombinations", "newArrayListWithCapacity", "size" ]
[ "assertEqualGroupList", "of", "createCombinations", "of", "of" ]
{ "class_fields": "private static final String DIMENSION1 = \"dimension1\";\nprivate static final String DIMENSION2 = \"dimension2\";\n@Mock\n private CoreProductFlavor f1;\n@Mock\n private CoreProductFlavor f2;\n@Mock\n private CoreProductFlavor f1d1;\n@Mock\n private CoreProductFlavor f2d1;\n@Mock\n private CoreProductFlavor f1d2;\n@Mock\n private CoreProductFlavor f2d2;", "class_name": "ProductFlavorComboTest" }
{ "class_fields": "private String name;\n@NonNull\n private final List<T> flavorList;", "class_name": "ProductFlavorCombo", "method_signatures": "public ProductFlavorCombo(@NonNull T... flavors)\npublic ProductFlavorCombo(@NonNull Iterable<T> flavors)\n@NonNull public String getName()\n@NonNull public List<T> getFlavorList()\n@NonNull public static List<ProductFlavorCombo<S>> createCombinations(\n @Nullable List<String> flavorDimensions,\n @NonNull Iterable<S> productFlavors)\nprivate static ImmutableList<ProductFlavor> filterNullFromArray(ProductFlavor[] flavors)\nprivate static void createProductFlavorCombinations(\n List<ProductFlavorCombo<S>> flavorGroups,\n List<S> group,\n int index,\n List<String> flavorDimensionList,\n ListMultimap<String, S> map)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: build-system/gradle-core/src/main/groovy/com/android/build/gradle/internal/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: ProductFlavorCombo\n\nclass_fields: private String name;\n@NonNull\n private final List<T> flavorList;\n\nmethod_signatures: public ProductFlavorCombo(@NonNull T... flavors)\npublic ProductFlavorCombo(@NonNull Iterable<T> flavors)\n@NonNull public String getName()\n@NonNull public List<T> getFlavorList()\n@NonNull public static List<ProductFlavorCombo<S>> createCombinations(\n @Nullable List<String> flavorDimensions,\n @NonNull Iterable<S> productFlavors)\nprivate static ImmutableList<ProductFlavor> filterNullFromArray(ProductFlavor[] flavors)\nprivate static void createProductFlavorCombinations(\n List<ProductFlavorCombo<S>> flavorGroups,\n List<S> group,\n int index,\n List<String> flavorDimensionList,\n ListMultimap<String, S> map)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: ProductFlavorComboTest\n\nclass_fields: private static final String DIMENSION1 = \"dimension1\";\nprivate static final String DIMENSION2 = \"dimension2\";\n@Mock\n private CoreProductFlavor f1;\n@Mock\n private CoreProductFlavor f2;\n@Mock\n private CoreProductFlavor f1d1;\n@Mock\n private CoreProductFlavor f2d1;\n@Mock\n private CoreProductFlavor f1d2;\n@Mock\n private CoreProductFlavor f2d2;\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file build-system/gradle-core/src/main/groovy/com/android/build/gradle/internal/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n @NonNull\n public static <S extends DimensionAware & Named> List<ProductFlavorCombo<S>> createCombinations(\n @Nullable List<String> flavorDimensions,\n @NonNull Iterable<S> productFlavors) {\n\n List <ProductFlavorCombo<S>> result = Lists.newArrayList();\n if (flavorDimensions == null || flavorDimensions.isEmpty()) {\n for (S flavor : productFlavors) {\n result.add(new ProductFlavorCombo<S>(ImmutableList.of(flavor)));\n }\n } else {\n // need to group the flavor per dimension.\n // First a map of dimension -> list(ProductFlavor)\n ArrayListMultimap<String, S> map = ArrayListMultimap.create();\n for (S flavor : productFlavors) {\n String flavorDimension = flavor.getDimension();\n\n if (flavorDimension == null) {\n throw new RuntimeException(String.format(\n \"Flavor '%1$s' has no flavor dimension.\", flavor.getName()));\n }\n if (!flavorDimensions.contains(flavorDimension)) {\n throw new RuntimeException(String.format(\n \"Flavor '%1$s' has unknown dimension '%2$s'.\",\n flavor.getName(), flavor.getDimension()));\n }\n\n map.put(flavorDimension, flavor);\n }\n\n createProductFlavorCombinations(result,\n Lists.<S>newArrayListWithCapacity(flavorDimensions.size()),\n 0, flavorDimensions, map);\n }\n return result;\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n build-system/gradle-core/src/test/groovy/com/android/build/gradle/internal/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void createGroupListEmptyDimension() throws Exception {\n assertEqualGroupList(\n ImmutableList.of(\n new ProductFlavorCombo<CoreProductFlavor>(f1),\n new ProductFlavorCombo<CoreProductFlavor>(f2)\n ),\n ProductFlavorCombo.createCombinations(\n ImmutableList.<String>of(),\n ImmutableList.of(f1, f2)));\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
public void persist(List<FileSupplier> fileSuppliers, Writer writer) throws IOException { Gson gson = new Gson(); ImmutableList.Builder<Record> records = ImmutableList.builder(); for (FileSupplier fileSupplier : fileSuppliers) { if (fileSupplier instanceof SplitFileSupplier) { records.add(new Record( ((SplitFileSupplier) fileSupplier).getFilterData().getFilterType(), ((SplitFileSupplier) fileSupplier).getFilterData().getIdentifier(), fileSupplier.get().getName())); } } String recordsAsString = gson.toJson(; try { writer.append(recordsAsString); } finally { writer.close(); } }
@Test public void testPersistedFormat() throws IOException { persistence.persist( ImmutableList.<FileSupplier>of( makeFileSupplier(OutputFile.FilterType.DENSITY, "xxhdpi")), writer); assertEquals("[{\"filterType\":\"DENSITY\",\"filterIdentifier\":\"xxhdpi\",\"splitFileName\":\"DENSITY_xxhdpi\"}]", writer.toString()); }
[ "builder", "add", "getFilterType", "getFilterData", "getIdentifier", "getFilterData", "getName", "get", "toJson", "build", "append", "close" ]
[ "persist", "of", "makeFileSupplier", "assertEquals", "toString" ]
{ "class_fields": "FilterDataPersistence persistence = new FilterDataPersistence();\nStringWriter writer = new StringWriter();", "class_name": "FilterDataPersistenceTest" }
{ "class_fields": "", "class_name": "FilterDataPersistence", "method_signatures": "public void persist(List<FileSupplier> fileSuppliers, Writer writer)\npublic List<Record> load(Reader reader)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: build-system/gradle-core/src/main/groovy/com/android/build/gradle/internal/publishing/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: FilterDataPersistence\n\nclass_fields: \n\nmethod_signatures: public void persist(List<FileSupplier> fileSuppliers, Writer writer)\npublic List<Record> load(Reader reader)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: FilterDataPersistenceTest\n\nclass_fields: FilterDataPersistence persistence = new FilterDataPersistence();\nStringWriter writer = new StringWriter();\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file build-system/gradle-core/src/main/groovy/com/android/build/gradle/internal/publishing/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n public void persist(List<FileSupplier> fileSuppliers, Writer writer) throws IOException {\n Gson gson = new Gson();\n ImmutableList.Builder<Record> records = ImmutableList.builder();\n for (FileSupplier fileSupplier : fileSuppliers) {\n if (fileSupplier instanceof SplitFileSupplier) {\n records.add(new Record(\n ((SplitFileSupplier) fileSupplier).getFilterData().getFilterType(),\n ((SplitFileSupplier) fileSupplier).getFilterData().getIdentifier(),\n fileSupplier.get().getName()));\n }\n }\n String recordsAsString = gson.toJson(;\n try {\n writer.append(recordsAsString);\n } finally {\n writer.close();\n }\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n build-system/gradle-core/src/test/groovy/com/android/build/gradle/internal/publishing/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void testPersistedFormat() throws IOException {\n persistence.persist(\n ImmutableList.<FileSupplier>of(\n makeFileSupplier(OutputFile.FilterType.DENSITY, \"xxhdpi\")),\n writer);\n\n assertEquals(\"[{\\\"filterType\\\":\\\"DENSITY\\\",\\\"filterIdentifier\\\":\\\"xxhdpi\\\",\\\"splitFileName\\\":\\\"DENSITY_xxhdpi\\\"}]\",\n writer.toString());\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
@Override public void reply(Response<ByteString> message) { metrics.fanout(requestCounter.get()); metrics.response(message); super.reply(message); }
@Test public void shouldForwardRepliesToDelegate() throws Exception { request.reply(response); verify(delegate).reply(response); }
[ "fanout", "get", "response", "reply" ]
[ "reply", "reply", "verify" ]
{ "class_fields": "private MetricsTrackingOngoingRequest request;\n@Mock\n RequestMetrics requestStats;\n@Mock\n OngoingRequest delegate;\nprivate Response<ByteString> response;", "class_name": "MetricsTrackingOngoingRequestTest" }
{ "class_fields": "private final RequestMetrics metrics;\nprivate final AtomicInteger requestCounter = new AtomicInteger();", "class_name": "MetricsTrackingOngoingRequest extends ForwardingOngoingRequest implements TrackedOngoingRequest", "method_signatures": "MetricsTrackingOngoingRequest(\n RequestMetrics metrics,\n OngoingRequest ongoingRequest)\n@Override public void reply(Response<ByteString> message)\n@Override public void drop()\n@Override public void incrementDownstreamRequests()" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: modules/metrics/src/main/java/com/spotify/apollo/metrics/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: MetricsTrackingOngoingRequest extends ForwardingOngoingRequest implements TrackedOngoingRequest\n\nclass_fields: private final RequestMetrics metrics;\nprivate final AtomicInteger requestCounter = new AtomicInteger();\n\nmethod_signatures: MetricsTrackingOngoingRequest(\n RequestMetrics metrics,\n OngoingRequest ongoingRequest)\n@Override public void reply(Response<ByteString> message)\n@Override public void drop()\n@Override public void incrementDownstreamRequests()\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: MetricsTrackingOngoingRequestTest\n\nclass_fields: private MetricsTrackingOngoingRequest request;\n@Mock\n RequestMetrics requestStats;\n@Mock\n OngoingRequest delegate;\nprivate Response<ByteString> response;\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file modules/metrics/src/main/java/com/spotify/apollo/metrics/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n @Override\n public void reply(Response<ByteString> message) {\n metrics.fanout(requestCounter.get());\n metrics.response(message);\n super.reply(message);\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n modules/metrics/src/test/java/com/spotify/apollo/metrics/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void shouldForwardRepliesToDelegate() throws Exception {\n request.reply(response);\n\n verify(delegate).reply(response);\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
@Nullable public static String getErrorTextForPartialName( @NonNull final String partialFileNameWithExt, @NonNull final ResourceType resourceType) { return getErrorTextForFileResource(partialFileNameWithExt, resourceType, true); }
@Test public void validatePartial() { if (mExpectedErrorMessage == null) { for (int i = 1; i <= mSourceFileName.length(); i++) { String partialName = mSourceFileName.substring(0, i); String actual = FileResourceNameValidator.getErrorTextForPartialName( partialName, mResourceType); assertNull("Was not expecting error for " + partialName, actual); } } else { // A partial error message may or may not validate, but the full result should either // be the same or there should be no error (i.e. if ther error is a missing filename); String actual = FileResourceNameValidator.getErrorTextForPartialName( mSourceFileName, mResourceType); if (!mExpectedErrorMessage.startsWith("The file name must end with")) { assertEquals(mExpectedErrorMessage, actual); } } }
[ "getErrorTextForFileResource" ]
[ "length", "substring", "getErrorTextForPartialName", "assertNull", "getErrorTextForPartialName", "startsWith", "assertEquals" ]
{ "class_fields": "@Parameterized.Parameter(value = 0)\n public String mSourceFileName;\n@Parameterized.Parameter(value = 1)\n public ResourceType mResourceType;\n@Parameterized.Parameter(value = 2)\n public String mExpectedErrorMessage;", "class_name": "FileResourceNameValidatorTest" }
{ "class_fields": "", "class_name": "FileResourceNameValidator", "method_signatures": "private FileResourceNameValidator()\npublic static void validate(@NonNull File file, @NonNull ResourceType resourceType)\n@Nullable public static String getErrorTextForFileResource(@NonNull final String fileNameWithExt,\n @NonNull final ResourceType resourceType)\n@Nullable public static String getErrorTextForPartialName(\n @NonNull final String partialFileNameWithExt,\n @NonNull final ResourceType resourceType)\n@Nullable private static String getErrorTextForFileResource(@NonNull final String fileNameWithExt,\n @NonNull final ResourceType resourceType, boolean allowPartialOrMissingExtension)\n@Nullable public static String getErrorTextForNameWithoutExtension(\n @NonNull final String fileNameWithoutExt)\nprivate static String removeSingleExtension(String fileNameWithExt)\nprivate static boolean oneOfStartsWithIgnoreCase(List<String> strings, String prefix)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: sdk-common/src/main/java/com/android/ide/common/res2/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: FileResourceNameValidator\n\nclass_fields: \n\nmethod_signatures: private FileResourceNameValidator()\npublic static void validate(@NonNull File file, @NonNull ResourceType resourceType)\n@Nullable public static String getErrorTextForFileResource(@NonNull final String fileNameWithExt,\n @NonNull final ResourceType resourceType)\n@Nullable public static String getErrorTextForPartialName(\n @NonNull final String partialFileNameWithExt,\n @NonNull final ResourceType resourceType)\n@Nullable private static String getErrorTextForFileResource(@NonNull final String fileNameWithExt,\n @NonNull final ResourceType resourceType, boolean allowPartialOrMissingExtension)\n@Nullable public static String getErrorTextForNameWithoutExtension(\n @NonNull final String fileNameWithoutExt)\nprivate static String removeSingleExtension(String fileNameWithExt)\nprivate static boolean oneOfStartsWithIgnoreCase(List<String> strings, String prefix)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: FileResourceNameValidatorTest\n\nclass_fields: @Parameterized.Parameter(value = 0)\n public String mSourceFileName;\n@Parameterized.Parameter(value = 1)\n public ResourceType mResourceType;\n@Parameterized.Parameter(value = 2)\n public String mExpectedErrorMessage;\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file sdk-common/src/main/java/com/android/ide/common/res2/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n @Nullable\n public static String getErrorTextForPartialName(\n @NonNull final String partialFileNameWithExt,\n @NonNull final ResourceType resourceType) {\n return getErrorTextForFileResource(partialFileNameWithExt, resourceType, true);\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n sdk-common/src/test/java/com/android/ide/common/res2/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void validatePartial() {\n if (mExpectedErrorMessage == null) {\n for (int i = 1; i <= mSourceFileName.length(); i++) {\n String partialName = mSourceFileName.substring(0, i);\n String actual = FileResourceNameValidator.getErrorTextForPartialName(\n partialName, mResourceType);\n assertNull(\"Was not expecting error for \" + partialName, actual);\n }\n } else {\n // A partial error message may or may not validate, but the full result should either\n // be the same or there should be no error (i.e. if ther error is a missing filename);\n String actual = FileResourceNameValidator.getErrorTextForPartialName(\n mSourceFileName, mResourceType);\n if (!mExpectedErrorMessage.startsWith(\"The file name must end with\")) {\n assertEquals(mExpectedErrorMessage, actual);\n }\n }\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
@NonNull public static <S extends DimensionAware & Named> List<ProductFlavorCombo<S>> createCombinations( @Nullable List<String> flavorDimensions, @NonNull Iterable<S> productFlavors) { List <ProductFlavorCombo<S>> result = Lists.newArrayList(); if (flavorDimensions == null || flavorDimensions.isEmpty()) { for (S flavor : productFlavors) { result.add(new ProductFlavorCombo<S>(ImmutableList.of(flavor))); } } else { // need to group the flavor per dimension. // First a map of dimension -> list(ProductFlavor) ArrayListMultimap<String, S> map = ArrayListMultimap.create(); for (S flavor : productFlavors) { String flavorDimension = flavor.getDimension(); if (flavorDimension == null) { throw new RuntimeException(String.format( "Flavor '%1$s' has no flavor dimension.", flavor.getName())); } if (!flavorDimensions.contains(flavorDimension)) { throw new RuntimeException(String.format( "Flavor '%1$s' has unknown dimension '%2$s'.", flavor.getName(), flavor.getDimension())); } map.put(flavorDimension, flavor); } createProductFlavorCombinations(result, Lists.<S>newArrayListWithCapacity(flavorDimensions.size()), 0, flavorDimensions, map); } return result; }
@Test public void createGroupListMultiDimensions() throws Exception { assertEqualGroupList( ImmutableList.of( new ProductFlavorCombo<CoreProductFlavor>(f1d1, f1d2), new ProductFlavorCombo<CoreProductFlavor>(f1d1, f2d2), new ProductFlavorCombo<CoreProductFlavor>(f2d1, f1d2), new ProductFlavorCombo<CoreProductFlavor>(f2d1, f2d2)), ProductFlavorCombo.createCombinations( ImmutableList.of(DIMENSION1, DIMENSION2), ImmutableList.of(f1d1, f1d2, f2d1, f2d2))); }
[ "newArrayList", "isEmpty", "add", "of", "create", "getDimension", "format", "getName", "contains", "format", "getName", "getDimension", "put", "createProductFlavorCombinations", "newArrayListWithCapacity", "size" ]
[ "assertEqualGroupList", "of", "createCombinations", "of", "of" ]
{ "class_fields": "private static final String DIMENSION1 = \"dimension1\";\nprivate static final String DIMENSION2 = \"dimension2\";\n@Mock\n private CoreProductFlavor f1;\n@Mock\n private CoreProductFlavor f2;\n@Mock\n private CoreProductFlavor f1d1;\n@Mock\n private CoreProductFlavor f2d1;\n@Mock\n private CoreProductFlavor f1d2;\n@Mock\n private CoreProductFlavor f2d2;", "class_name": "ProductFlavorComboTest" }
{ "class_fields": "private String name;\n@NonNull\n private final List<T> flavorList;", "class_name": "ProductFlavorCombo", "method_signatures": "public ProductFlavorCombo(@NonNull T... flavors)\npublic ProductFlavorCombo(@NonNull Iterable<T> flavors)\n@NonNull public String getName()\n@NonNull public List<T> getFlavorList()\n@NonNull public static List<ProductFlavorCombo<S>> createCombinations(\n @Nullable List<String> flavorDimensions,\n @NonNull Iterable<S> productFlavors)\nprivate static ImmutableList<ProductFlavor> filterNullFromArray(ProductFlavor[] flavors)\nprivate static void createProductFlavorCombinations(\n List<ProductFlavorCombo<S>> flavorGroups,\n List<S> group,\n int index,\n List<String> flavorDimensionList,\n ListMultimap<String, S> map)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: build-system/gradle-core/src/main/groovy/com/android/build/gradle/internal/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: ProductFlavorCombo\n\nclass_fields: private String name;\n@NonNull\n private final List<T> flavorList;\n\nmethod_signatures: public ProductFlavorCombo(@NonNull T... flavors)\npublic ProductFlavorCombo(@NonNull Iterable<T> flavors)\n@NonNull public String getName()\n@NonNull public List<T> getFlavorList()\n@NonNull public static List<ProductFlavorCombo<S>> createCombinations(\n @Nullable List<String> flavorDimensions,\n @NonNull Iterable<S> productFlavors)\nprivate static ImmutableList<ProductFlavor> filterNullFromArray(ProductFlavor[] flavors)\nprivate static void createProductFlavorCombinations(\n List<ProductFlavorCombo<S>> flavorGroups,\n List<S> group,\n int index,\n List<String> flavorDimensionList,\n ListMultimap<String, S> map)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: ProductFlavorComboTest\n\nclass_fields: private static final String DIMENSION1 = \"dimension1\";\nprivate static final String DIMENSION2 = \"dimension2\";\n@Mock\n private CoreProductFlavor f1;\n@Mock\n private CoreProductFlavor f2;\n@Mock\n private CoreProductFlavor f1d1;\n@Mock\n private CoreProductFlavor f2d1;\n@Mock\n private CoreProductFlavor f1d2;\n@Mock\n private CoreProductFlavor f2d2;\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file build-system/gradle-core/src/main/groovy/com/android/build/gradle/internal/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n @NonNull\n public static <S extends DimensionAware & Named> List<ProductFlavorCombo<S>> createCombinations(\n @Nullable List<String> flavorDimensions,\n @NonNull Iterable<S> productFlavors) {\n\n List <ProductFlavorCombo<S>> result = Lists.newArrayList();\n if (flavorDimensions == null || flavorDimensions.isEmpty()) {\n for (S flavor : productFlavors) {\n result.add(new ProductFlavorCombo<S>(ImmutableList.of(flavor)));\n }\n } else {\n // need to group the flavor per dimension.\n // First a map of dimension -> list(ProductFlavor)\n ArrayListMultimap<String, S> map = ArrayListMultimap.create();\n for (S flavor : productFlavors) {\n String flavorDimension = flavor.getDimension();\n\n if (flavorDimension == null) {\n throw new RuntimeException(String.format(\n \"Flavor '%1$s' has no flavor dimension.\", flavor.getName()));\n }\n if (!flavorDimensions.contains(flavorDimension)) {\n throw new RuntimeException(String.format(\n \"Flavor '%1$s' has unknown dimension '%2$s'.\",\n flavor.getName(), flavor.getDimension()));\n }\n\n map.put(flavorDimension, flavor);\n }\n\n createProductFlavorCombinations(result,\n Lists.<S>newArrayListWithCapacity(flavorDimensions.size()),\n 0, flavorDimensions, map);\n }\n return result;\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n build-system/gradle-core/src/test/groovy/com/android/build/gradle/internal/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void createGroupListMultiDimensions() throws Exception {\n assertEqualGroupList(\n ImmutableList.of(\n new ProductFlavorCombo<CoreProductFlavor>(f1d1, f1d2),\n new ProductFlavorCombo<CoreProductFlavor>(f1d1, f2d2),\n new ProductFlavorCombo<CoreProductFlavor>(f2d1, f1d2),\n new ProductFlavorCombo<CoreProductFlavor>(f2d1, f2d2)),\n ProductFlavorCombo.createCombinations(\n ImmutableList.of(DIMENSION1, DIMENSION2),\n ImmutableList.of(f1d1, f1d2, f2d1, f2d2)));\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
public static void validate(@NonNull String resourceName, @NonNull ResourceType resourceType, @Nullable File file) throws MergingException { String error = getErrorText(resourceName, resourceType); if (error != null) { // TODO find location in file. throw MergingException.withMessage( error).withFile(file).build(); } }
@Test public void validate() { String errorMessage = null; try { ValueResourceNameValidator.validate(mResourceName, mResourceType, mSourceFile); } catch (MergingException e) { errorMessage = e.getMessage(); } FileResourceNameValidatorTest.assertErrorMessageCorrect( mExpectedErrorMessage, errorMessage, mSourceFile); }
[ "getErrorText", "build", "withFile", "withMessage" ]
[ "validate", "getMessage", "assertErrorMessageCorrect" ]
{ "class_fields": "public static File DUMMY_FILE = new File(\"DUMMY_FILE\");\n@Parameterized.Parameter\n public String mResourceName;\n@Parameterized.Parameter(value=1)\n public ResourceType mResourceType;\n@Parameterized.Parameter(value=2)\n public File mSourceFile;\n@Parameterized.Parameter(value=3)\n public String mExpectedErrorMessage;", "class_name": "ValueResourceNameValidatorTest" }
{ "class_fields": "", "class_name": "ValueResourceNameValidator", "method_signatures": "private ValueResourceNameValidator()\npublic static void validate(@NonNull String resourceName, @NonNull ResourceType resourceType,\n @Nullable File file)\n@Nullable public static String getErrorText(@NonNull String fullResourceName, ResourceType resourceType)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: sdk-common/src/main/java/com/android/ide/common/res2/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: ValueResourceNameValidator\n\nclass_fields: \n\nmethod_signatures: private ValueResourceNameValidator()\npublic static void validate(@NonNull String resourceName, @NonNull ResourceType resourceType,\n @Nullable File file)\n@Nullable public static String getErrorText(@NonNull String fullResourceName, ResourceType resourceType)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: ValueResourceNameValidatorTest\n\nclass_fields: public static File DUMMY_FILE = new File(\"DUMMY_FILE\");\n@Parameterized.Parameter\n public String mResourceName;\n@Parameterized.Parameter(value=1)\n public ResourceType mResourceType;\n@Parameterized.Parameter(value=2)\n public File mSourceFile;\n@Parameterized.Parameter(value=3)\n public String mExpectedErrorMessage;\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file sdk-common/src/main/java/com/android/ide/common/res2/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n public static void validate(@NonNull String resourceName, @NonNull ResourceType resourceType,\n @Nullable File file)\n throws MergingException {\n String error = getErrorText(resourceName, resourceType);\n if (error != null) {\n // TODO find location in file.\n throw MergingException.withMessage( error).withFile(file).build();\n }\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n sdk-common/src/test/java/com/android/ide/common/res2/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void validate() {\n String errorMessage = null;\n try {\n ValueResourceNameValidator.validate(mResourceName, mResourceType, mSourceFile);\n } catch (MergingException e) {\n errorMessage = e.getMessage();\n }\n FileResourceNameValidatorTest.assertErrorMessageCorrect(\n mExpectedErrorMessage, errorMessage, mSourceFile);\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
@NonNull public static <S extends DimensionAware & Named> List<ProductFlavorCombo<S>> createCombinations( @Nullable List<String> flavorDimensions, @NonNull Iterable<S> productFlavors) { List <ProductFlavorCombo<S>> result = Lists.newArrayList(); if (flavorDimensions == null || flavorDimensions.isEmpty()) { for (S flavor : productFlavors) { result.add(new ProductFlavorCombo<S>(ImmutableList.of(flavor))); } } else { // need to group the flavor per dimension. // First a map of dimension -> list(ProductFlavor) ArrayListMultimap<String, S> map = ArrayListMultimap.create(); for (S flavor : productFlavors) { String flavorDimension = flavor.getDimension(); if (flavorDimension == null) { throw new RuntimeException(String.format( "Flavor '%1$s' has no flavor dimension.", flavor.getName())); } if (!flavorDimensions.contains(flavorDimension)) { throw new RuntimeException(String.format( "Flavor '%1$s' has unknown dimension '%2$s'.", flavor.getName(), flavor.getDimension())); } map.put(flavorDimension, flavor); } createProductFlavorCombinations(result, Lists.<S>newArrayListWithCapacity(flavorDimensions.size()), 0, flavorDimensions, map); } return result; }
@Test public void createGroupListSingleDimension() throws Exception { assertEqualGroupList( ImmutableList.of(new ProductFlavorCombo<CoreProductFlavor>(f1d1)), ProductFlavorCombo.createCombinations( ImmutableList.of(DIMENSION1), ImmutableList.of(f1d1))); }
[ "newArrayList", "isEmpty", "add", "of", "create", "getDimension", "format", "getName", "contains", "format", "getName", "getDimension", "put", "createProductFlavorCombinations", "newArrayListWithCapacity", "size" ]
[ "assertEqualGroupList", "of", "createCombinations", "of", "of" ]
{ "class_fields": "private static final String DIMENSION1 = \"dimension1\";\nprivate static final String DIMENSION2 = \"dimension2\";\n@Mock\n private CoreProductFlavor f1;\n@Mock\n private CoreProductFlavor f2;\n@Mock\n private CoreProductFlavor f1d1;\n@Mock\n private CoreProductFlavor f2d1;\n@Mock\n private CoreProductFlavor f1d2;\n@Mock\n private CoreProductFlavor f2d2;", "class_name": "ProductFlavorComboTest" }
{ "class_fields": "private String name;\n@NonNull\n private final List<T> flavorList;", "class_name": "ProductFlavorCombo", "method_signatures": "public ProductFlavorCombo(@NonNull T... flavors)\npublic ProductFlavorCombo(@NonNull Iterable<T> flavors)\n@NonNull public String getName()\n@NonNull public List<T> getFlavorList()\n@NonNull public static List<ProductFlavorCombo<S>> createCombinations(\n @Nullable List<String> flavorDimensions,\n @NonNull Iterable<S> productFlavors)\nprivate static ImmutableList<ProductFlavor> filterNullFromArray(ProductFlavor[] flavors)\nprivate static void createProductFlavorCombinations(\n List<ProductFlavorCombo<S>> flavorGroups,\n List<S> group,\n int index,\n List<String> flavorDimensionList,\n ListMultimap<String, S> map)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: build-system/gradle-core/src/main/groovy/com/android/build/gradle/internal/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: ProductFlavorCombo\n\nclass_fields: private String name;\n@NonNull\n private final List<T> flavorList;\n\nmethod_signatures: public ProductFlavorCombo(@NonNull T... flavors)\npublic ProductFlavorCombo(@NonNull Iterable<T> flavors)\n@NonNull public String getName()\n@NonNull public List<T> getFlavorList()\n@NonNull public static List<ProductFlavorCombo<S>> createCombinations(\n @Nullable List<String> flavorDimensions,\n @NonNull Iterable<S> productFlavors)\nprivate static ImmutableList<ProductFlavor> filterNullFromArray(ProductFlavor[] flavors)\nprivate static void createProductFlavorCombinations(\n List<ProductFlavorCombo<S>> flavorGroups,\n List<S> group,\n int index,\n List<String> flavorDimensionList,\n ListMultimap<String, S> map)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: ProductFlavorComboTest\n\nclass_fields: private static final String DIMENSION1 = \"dimension1\";\nprivate static final String DIMENSION2 = \"dimension2\";\n@Mock\n private CoreProductFlavor f1;\n@Mock\n private CoreProductFlavor f2;\n@Mock\n private CoreProductFlavor f1d1;\n@Mock\n private CoreProductFlavor f2d1;\n@Mock\n private CoreProductFlavor f1d2;\n@Mock\n private CoreProductFlavor f2d2;\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file build-system/gradle-core/src/main/groovy/com/android/build/gradle/internal/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n @NonNull\n public static <S extends DimensionAware & Named> List<ProductFlavorCombo<S>> createCombinations(\n @Nullable List<String> flavorDimensions,\n @NonNull Iterable<S> productFlavors) {\n\n List <ProductFlavorCombo<S>> result = Lists.newArrayList();\n if (flavorDimensions == null || flavorDimensions.isEmpty()) {\n for (S flavor : productFlavors) {\n result.add(new ProductFlavorCombo<S>(ImmutableList.of(flavor)));\n }\n } else {\n // need to group the flavor per dimension.\n // First a map of dimension -> list(ProductFlavor)\n ArrayListMultimap<String, S> map = ArrayListMultimap.create();\n for (S flavor : productFlavors) {\n String flavorDimension = flavor.getDimension();\n\n if (flavorDimension == null) {\n throw new RuntimeException(String.format(\n \"Flavor '%1$s' has no flavor dimension.\", flavor.getName()));\n }\n if (!flavorDimensions.contains(flavorDimension)) {\n throw new RuntimeException(String.format(\n \"Flavor '%1$s' has unknown dimension '%2$s'.\",\n flavor.getName(), flavor.getDimension()));\n }\n\n map.put(flavorDimension, flavor);\n }\n\n createProductFlavorCombinations(result,\n Lists.<S>newArrayListWithCapacity(flavorDimensions.size()),\n 0, flavorDimensions, map);\n }\n return result;\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n build-system/gradle-core/src/test/groovy/com/android/build/gradle/internal/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void createGroupListSingleDimension() throws Exception {\n assertEqualGroupList(\n ImmutableList.of(new ProductFlavorCombo<CoreProductFlavor>(f1d1)),\n ProductFlavorCombo.createCombinations(\n ImmutableList.of(DIMENSION1),\n ImmutableList.of(f1d1)));\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
@Override public WebElement findElement(By locator) { try { return new ImplicitlyWaitingWebElement(trier().tryTo(getOriginal()::findElement, locator), this).getActivated(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } catch (LimitExceededException e) { throw propagate(e.getCause()); } }
@Test void submitShouldImplicitlyWaitForTheElementToBeVisible() { final WebElement mockedElement = mock(WebElement.class); when(mockedDriver.findElement("foo"))) .thenReturn(mockedElement); doThrow(ElementNotVisibleException.class) .doThrow(ElementNotVisibleException.class) .doNothing() .when(mockedElement).submit(); driver.findElement("foo")).submit(); assertThat(, is(200L)); verify(mockedDriver, times(1)).findElement("foo")); verify(mockedElement, times(3)).submit(); }
[ "getActivated", "tryTo", "trier", "getOriginal", "propagate", "getCause" ]
[ "mock", "thenReturn", "when", "findElement", "name", "submit", "when", "doNothing", "doThrow", "doThrow", "submit", "findElement", "name", "assertThat", "now", "is", "findElement", "verify", "times", "name", "submit", "verify", "times" ]
{ "class_fields": "private TestingClock clock;\nprivate WebDriver mockedDriver;\nprivate WebDriver driver;", "class_name": "ImplicitlyWaitingWebDriverTest" }
{ "class_fields": "private static final long DEFAULT_TIMEOUT = 10;\nprivate static final long DEFAULT_SLEEP_TIMEOUT = 500;\nprivate long timeout = DEFAULT_TIMEOUT;\nprivate long interval = DEFAULT_SLEEP_TIMEOUT;\nprivate Clock clock;\nprivate Sleeper sleeper;", "class_name": "ImplicitlyWaitingWebDriver extends DecoratedWebDriver", "method_signatures": "@Override protected Decorated<WebElement> createDecorated(WebElement original)\n@Override protected Decorated<TargetLocator> createDecorated(final TargetLocator original)\npublic ImplicitlyWaitingWebDriver(final WebDriver driver)\npublic ImplicitlyWaitingWebDriver(final WebDriver driver, long timeoutInSeconds)\npublic ImplicitlyWaitingWebDriver(final WebDriver driver, long timeoutInSeconds, long sleepTimeOut)\nprotected ImplicitlyWaitingWebDriver(final WebDriver driver, Clock clock, Sleeper sleeper, long timeoutInSeconds, long sleepTimeOut)\nprivate TimeBasedTrier<Object> trier()\nprivate RuntimeException propagate(Throwable throwable)\n@Override public WebElement findElement(By locator)\n@Override public List<WebElement> findElements(By locator)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: implicit-wait/src/main/java/ru/stqa/selenium/wait/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: ImplicitlyWaitingWebDriver extends DecoratedWebDriver\n\nclass_fields: private static final long DEFAULT_TIMEOUT = 10;\nprivate static final long DEFAULT_SLEEP_TIMEOUT = 500;\nprivate long timeout = DEFAULT_TIMEOUT;\nprivate long interval = DEFAULT_SLEEP_TIMEOUT;\nprivate Clock clock;\nprivate Sleeper sleeper;\n\nmethod_signatures: @Override protected Decorated<WebElement> createDecorated(WebElement original)\n@Override protected Decorated<TargetLocator> createDecorated(final TargetLocator original)\npublic ImplicitlyWaitingWebDriver(final WebDriver driver)\npublic ImplicitlyWaitingWebDriver(final WebDriver driver, long timeoutInSeconds)\npublic ImplicitlyWaitingWebDriver(final WebDriver driver, long timeoutInSeconds, long sleepTimeOut)\nprotected ImplicitlyWaitingWebDriver(final WebDriver driver, Clock clock, Sleeper sleeper, long timeoutInSeconds, long sleepTimeOut)\nprivate TimeBasedTrier<Object> trier()\nprivate RuntimeException propagate(Throwable throwable)\n@Override public WebElement findElement(By locator)\n@Override public List<WebElement> findElements(By locator)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: ImplicitlyWaitingWebDriverTest\n\nclass_fields: private TestingClock clock;\nprivate WebDriver mockedDriver;\nprivate WebDriver driver;\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file implicit-wait/src/main/java/ru/stqa/selenium/wait/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n @Override\n public WebElement findElement(By locator) {\n try {\n return new ImplicitlyWaitingWebElement(trier().tryTo(getOriginal()::findElement, locator), this).getActivated();\n } catch (InterruptedException e) {\n throw new RuntimeException(e);\n } catch (LimitExceededException e) {\n throw propagate(e.getCause());\n }\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n implicit-wait/src/test/java/ru/stqa/selenium/wait/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n void submitShouldImplicitlyWaitForTheElementToBeVisible() {\n final WebElement mockedElement = mock(WebElement.class);\n\n when(mockedDriver.findElement(\"foo\")))\n .thenReturn(mockedElement);\n\n doThrow(ElementNotVisibleException.class)\n .doThrow(ElementNotVisibleException.class)\n .doNothing()\n .when(mockedElement).submit();\n\n driver.findElement(\"foo\")).submit();\n\n assertThat(, is(200L));\n verify(mockedDriver, times(1)).findElement(\"foo\"));\n verify(mockedElement, times(3)).submit();\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
public static void validate(@NonNull File file, @NonNull ResourceType resourceType) throws MergingException { String error = getErrorTextForFileResource(file.getName(), resourceType); if (error != null) { throw MergingException.withMessage(error).withFile(file).build(); } }
@Test public void validate() { String errorMessage = null; File file = new File(mSourceFileName); try { FileResourceNameValidator.validate(file, mResourceType); } catch (MergingException e) { errorMessage = e.getMessage(); } assertErrorMessageCorrect(mExpectedErrorMessage, errorMessage, file); }
[ "getErrorTextForFileResource", "getName", "build", "withFile", "withMessage" ]
[ "validate", "getMessage", "assertErrorMessageCorrect" ]
{ "class_fields": "@Parameterized.Parameter(value = 0)\n public String mSourceFileName;\n@Parameterized.Parameter(value = 1)\n public ResourceType mResourceType;\n@Parameterized.Parameter(value = 2)\n public String mExpectedErrorMessage;", "class_name": "FileResourceNameValidatorTest" }
{ "class_fields": "", "class_name": "FileResourceNameValidator", "method_signatures": "private FileResourceNameValidator()\npublic static void validate(@NonNull File file, @NonNull ResourceType resourceType)\n@Nullable public static String getErrorTextForFileResource(@NonNull final String fileNameWithExt,\n @NonNull final ResourceType resourceType)\n@Nullable public static String getErrorTextForPartialName(\n @NonNull final String partialFileNameWithExt,\n @NonNull final ResourceType resourceType)\n@Nullable private static String getErrorTextForFileResource(@NonNull final String fileNameWithExt,\n @NonNull final ResourceType resourceType, boolean allowPartialOrMissingExtension)\n@Nullable public static String getErrorTextForNameWithoutExtension(\n @NonNull final String fileNameWithoutExt)\nprivate static String removeSingleExtension(String fileNameWithExt)\nprivate static boolean oneOfStartsWithIgnoreCase(List<String> strings, String prefix)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: sdk-common/src/main/java/com/android/ide/common/res2/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: FileResourceNameValidator\n\nclass_fields: \n\nmethod_signatures: private FileResourceNameValidator()\npublic static void validate(@NonNull File file, @NonNull ResourceType resourceType)\n@Nullable public static String getErrorTextForFileResource(@NonNull final String fileNameWithExt,\n @NonNull final ResourceType resourceType)\n@Nullable public static String getErrorTextForPartialName(\n @NonNull final String partialFileNameWithExt,\n @NonNull final ResourceType resourceType)\n@Nullable private static String getErrorTextForFileResource(@NonNull final String fileNameWithExt,\n @NonNull final ResourceType resourceType, boolean allowPartialOrMissingExtension)\n@Nullable public static String getErrorTextForNameWithoutExtension(\n @NonNull final String fileNameWithoutExt)\nprivate static String removeSingleExtension(String fileNameWithExt)\nprivate static boolean oneOfStartsWithIgnoreCase(List<String> strings, String prefix)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: FileResourceNameValidatorTest\n\nclass_fields: @Parameterized.Parameter(value = 0)\n public String mSourceFileName;\n@Parameterized.Parameter(value = 1)\n public ResourceType mResourceType;\n@Parameterized.Parameter(value = 2)\n public String mExpectedErrorMessage;\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file sdk-common/src/main/java/com/android/ide/common/res2/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n public static void validate(@NonNull File file, @NonNull ResourceType resourceType)\n throws MergingException {\n String error = getErrorTextForFileResource(file.getName(), resourceType);\n if (error != null) {\n throw MergingException.withMessage(error).withFile(file).build();\n }\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n sdk-common/src/test/java/com/android/ide/common/res2/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void validate() {\n String errorMessage = null;\n File file = new File(mSourceFileName);\n try {\n FileResourceNameValidator.validate(file, mResourceType);\n } catch (MergingException e) {\n errorMessage = e.getMessage();\n }\n assertErrorMessageCorrect(mExpectedErrorMessage, errorMessage, file);\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
@Override public void handle(OngoingRequest ongoingRequest) { try { rrf.create(ongoingRequest).run(this::handleEndpointMatch); } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.error("Request matching/handling threw exception", e); try { ongoingRequest.reply(forStatus(INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR)); } catch (Throwable t) { LOGGER.error("Caught throwable when replying with Internal Server Error", t); } } }
@Test public void shouldSetRequestContextMetadata() throws Exception { requestHandler.handle(ongoingRequest); verify(requestRunnable).run(continuationCaptor.capture()); continuationCaptor.getValue() .accept(ongoingRequest, match); final RequestContext requestContext = requestContextCaptor.getValue(); assertThat(requestContext.metadata(), is(requestMetadata)); }
[ "run", "create", "error", "reply", "forStatus", "error" ]
[ "handle", "run", "verify", "capture", "accept", "getValue", "getValue", "assertThat", "metadata", "is" ]
{ "class_fields": "@Mock RequestRunnableFactory requestFactory;\n@Mock EndpointRunnableFactory endpointFactory;\n@Mock RequestRunnable requestRunnable;\n@Mock Runnable runnable;\n@Mock OngoingRequest ongoingRequest;\n@Mock RuleMatch<Endpoint> match;\n@Mock Endpoint endpoint;\n@Mock EndpointInfo info;\n@Captor ArgumentCaptor<BiConsumer<OngoingRequest, RuleMatch<Endpoint>>> continuationCaptor;\n@Captor ArgumentCaptor<RequestContext> requestContextCaptor;\nRequestHandlerImpl requestHandler;\nprivate RequestMetadata requestMetadata;", "class_name": "RequestHandlerImplTest" }
{ "class_fields": "private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(RequestHandlerImpl.class);\nprivate final RequestRunnableFactory rrf;\nprivate final EndpointRunnableFactory erf;\nprivate final IncomingRequestAwareClient client;", "class_name": "RequestHandlerImpl implements RequestHandler", "method_signatures": "RequestHandlerImpl(\n RequestRunnableFactory requestRunnableFactory,\n EndpointRunnableFactory endpointRunnableFactory,\n IncomingRequestAwareClient client)\n@Override public void handle(OngoingRequest ongoingRequest)\nprivate void handleEndpointMatch(OngoingRequest request, RuleMatch<Endpoint> match)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: apollo-api-impl/src/main/java/com/spotify/apollo/request/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: RequestHandlerImpl implements RequestHandler\n\nclass_fields: private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(RequestHandlerImpl.class);\nprivate final RequestRunnableFactory rrf;\nprivate final EndpointRunnableFactory erf;\nprivate final IncomingRequestAwareClient client;\n\nmethod_signatures: RequestHandlerImpl(\n RequestRunnableFactory requestRunnableFactory,\n EndpointRunnableFactory endpointRunnableFactory,\n IncomingRequestAwareClient client)\n@Override public void handle(OngoingRequest ongoingRequest)\nprivate void handleEndpointMatch(OngoingRequest request, RuleMatch<Endpoint> match)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: RequestHandlerImplTest\n\nclass_fields: @Mock RequestRunnableFactory requestFactory;\n@Mock EndpointRunnableFactory endpointFactory;\n@Mock RequestRunnable requestRunnable;\n@Mock Runnable runnable;\n@Mock OngoingRequest ongoingRequest;\n@Mock RuleMatch<Endpoint> match;\n@Mock Endpoint endpoint;\n@Mock EndpointInfo info;\n@Captor ArgumentCaptor<BiConsumer<OngoingRequest, RuleMatch<Endpoint>>> continuationCaptor;\n@Captor ArgumentCaptor<RequestContext> requestContextCaptor;\nRequestHandlerImpl requestHandler;\nprivate RequestMetadata requestMetadata;\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file apollo-api-impl/src/main/java/com/spotify/apollo/request/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n @Override\n public void handle(OngoingRequest ongoingRequest) {\n try {\n rrf.create(ongoingRequest).run(this::handleEndpointMatch);\n }\n catch (Exception e) {\n LOGGER.error(\"Request matching/handling threw exception\", e);\n try {\n ongoingRequest.reply(forStatus(INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR));\n } catch (Throwable t) {\n LOGGER.error(\"Caught throwable when replying with Internal Server Error\", t);\n }\n }\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n apollo-api-impl/src/test/java/com/spotify/apollo/request/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void shouldSetRequestContextMetadata() throws Exception {\n requestHandler.handle(ongoingRequest);\n\n verify(requestRunnable).run(continuationCaptor.capture());\n\n continuationCaptor.getValue()\n .accept(ongoingRequest, match);\n\n final RequestContext requestContext = requestContextCaptor.getValue();\n assertThat(requestContext.metadata(), is(requestMetadata));\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
static String normalize(ILogger logger, ModuleVersionIdentifier id, String path) { if (path == null || path.isEmpty()) { "When unzipping library '%s:%s:%s, either group, name or version is empty", id.getGroup(), id.getName(), id.getVersion())); return path; } // list of illegal characters String normalizedPath = path.replaceAll("[%<>:\"/?*\\\\]", "@"); if (normalizedPath == null || normalizedPath.isEmpty()) { // if the path normalization failed, return the original path. "When unzipping library '%s:%s:%s, the normalized '%s' is empty", id.getGroup(), id.getName(), id.getVersion(), path)); return path; } try { int pathPointer = normalizedPath.length() - 1; // do not end your path with either a dot or a space. String suffix = ""; while (pathPointer >= 0 && (normalizedPath.charAt(pathPointer) == '.' || normalizedPath.charAt(pathPointer) == ' ')) { pathPointer--; suffix += "@"; } if (pathPointer < 0) { throw new RuntimeException(String.format( "When unzipping library '%s:%s:%s, " + "the path '%s' cannot be transformed into a valid directory name", id.getGroup(), id.getName(), id.getVersion(), path)); } return normalizedPath.substring(0, pathPointer + 1) + suffix; } catch (Exception e) { logger.error(e, String.format( "When unzipping library '%s:%s:%s', " + "Path normalization failed for input %s", id.getGroup(), id.getName(), id.getVersion(), path)); return path; } }
@Test public void testNormalize() throws Exception { ModuleVersionIdentifier moduleVersionIdentifier = new DefaultModuleVersionIdentifier( "group", "name", "1.2"); ILogger logger = new StdLogger(StdLogger.Level.VERBOSE); assertEquals("app", DependencyManager.normalize(logger, moduleVersionIdentifier, "app")); assertEquals(".app", DependencyManager.normalize(logger, moduleVersionIdentifier, ".app")); assertEquals("app@", DependencyManager.normalize(logger, moduleVersionIdentifier, "app.")); assertEquals("app@", DependencyManager.normalize(logger, moduleVersionIdentifier, "app ")); assertEquals("app@@@", DependencyManager.normalize(logger, moduleVersionIdentifier, "app...")); assertEquals("app@@@", DependencyManager.normalize(logger, moduleVersionIdentifier, "app. .")); assertEquals("app@@@@", DependencyManager.normalize(logger, moduleVersionIdentifier, "app. . ")); assertEquals("a@", DependencyManager.normalize(logger, moduleVersionIdentifier, "a.")); assertEquals("a@", DependencyManager.normalize(logger, moduleVersionIdentifier, "a ")); assertEquals("a@@@", DependencyManager.normalize(logger, moduleVersionIdentifier, "a...")); assertEquals(".app@@", DependencyManager.normalize(logger, moduleVersionIdentifier, ".app%%")); assertEquals("app.txt", DependencyManager.normalize(logger, moduleVersionIdentifier, "app.txt")); assertEquals("app@@@txt", DependencyManager.normalize(logger, moduleVersionIdentifier, "app%*?txt")); assertEquals("", DependencyManager.normalize(logger, moduleVersionIdentifier, "")); assertEquals("a", DependencyManager.normalize(logger, moduleVersionIdentifier, "a")); assertEquals("1", DependencyManager.normalize(logger, moduleVersionIdentifier, "1")); assertNull(DependencyManager.normalize(logger, moduleVersionIdentifier, null)); // those will generate an exception and return the original value assertEquals(".", DependencyManager.normalize(logger, moduleVersionIdentifier, ".")); assertEquals("..", DependencyManager.normalize(logger, moduleVersionIdentifier, "..")); assertEquals("...", DependencyManager.normalize(logger, moduleVersionIdentifier, "...")); }
[ "isEmpty", "info", "format", "getGroup", "getName", "getVersion", "replaceAll", "isEmpty", "info", "format", "getGroup", "getName", "getVersion", "length", "charAt", "charAt", "format", "getGroup", "getName", "getVersion", "substring", "error", "format", "getGroup", "getName", "getVersion" ]
[ "assertEquals", "normalize", "assertEquals", "normalize", "assertEquals", "normalize", "assertEquals", "normalize", "assertEquals", "normalize", "assertEquals", "normalize", "assertEquals", "normalize", "assertEquals", "normalize", "assertEquals", "normalize", "assertEquals", "normalize", "assertEquals", "normalize", "assertEquals", "normalize", "assertEquals", "normalize", "assertEquals", "normalize", "assertEquals", "normalize", "assertEquals", "normalize", "assertNull", "normalize", "assertEquals", "normalize", "assertEquals", "normalize", "assertEquals", "normalize" ]
{ "class_fields": "", "class_name": "DependencyManagerTest" }
{ "class_fields": "protected static final boolean DEBUG_DEPENDENCY = false;\nprivate Project project;\nprivate ExtraModelInfo extraModelInfo;\nprivate ILogger logger;\nfinal Map<LibraryDependencyImpl, PrepareLibraryTask> prepareTaskMap = Maps.newHashMap();", "class_name": "DependencyManager", "method_signatures": "public DependencyManager(Project project, ExtraModelInfo extraModelInfo)\npublic static List<File> getPackagedLocalJarFileList(DependencyContainer dependencyContainer)\npublic void addDependencyToPrepareTask(\n @NonNull BaseVariantData<? extends BaseVariantOutputData> variantData,\n @NonNull PrepareDependenciesTask prepareDependenciesTask,\n @NonNull LibraryDependencyImpl lib)\npublic void resolveDependencies(\n @NonNull VariantDependencies variantDeps,\n @Nullable VariantDependencies testedVariantDeps,\n @Nullable String testedProjectPath)\nprivate void processLibraries(\n @NonNull Collection<LibraryDependencyImpl> libraries,\n @NonNull Multimap<LibraryDependency, VariantDependencies> reverseMap)\nprivate void setupPrepareLibraryTask(\n @NonNull LibraryDependencyImpl libDependency,\n @NonNull Multimap<LibraryDependency, VariantDependencies> reverseMap)\nprivate PrepareLibraryTask maybeCreatePrepareLibraryTask(\n @NonNull LibraryDependencyImpl library,\n @NonNull Project project)\nprivate void resolveDependencyForConfig(\n @NonNull VariantDependencies variantDeps,\n @Nullable VariantDependencies testedVariantDeps,\n @Nullable String testedProjectPath,\n @NonNull Multimap<LibraryDependency, VariantDependencies> reverseMap)\nprivate static List<LibraryDependencyImpl> convertLibraryInfoIntoDependency(\n @NonNull List<LibInfo> libInfos,\n @NonNull Multimap<LibraryDependency, VariantDependencies> reverseMap)\nprivate static LibraryDependencyImpl convertLibInfo(\n @NonNull LibInfo libInfo,\n @NonNull Multimap<LibraryDependency, VariantDependencies> reverseMap,\n @NonNull Map<LibInfo, LibraryDependencyImpl> convertedMap)\nprivate static void gatherJarDependencies(\n Set<JarInfo> outJarInfos,\n Collection<JarInfo> inJarInfos,\n boolean compiled,\n boolean packaged)\nprivate static void gatherJarDependenciesFromLibraries(\n Set<JarInfo> outJarInfos,\n Collection<LibInfo> inLibraryDependencies)\nprivate void ensureConfigured(Configuration config)\nprivate void collectArtifacts(\n Configuration configuration,\n Map<ModuleVersionIdentifier,\n List<ResolvedArtifact>> artifacts)\nprivate static void printIndent(int indent, @NonNull String message)\nprivate void addDependency(\n @NonNull ResolvedComponentResult resolvedComponentResult,\n @NonNull VariantDependencies configDependencies,\n @NonNull Collection<LibInfo> outLibraries,\n @NonNull List<JarInfo> outJars,\n @NonNull Map<ModuleVersionIdentifier, List<LibInfo>> alreadyFoundLibraries,\n @NonNull Map<ModuleVersionIdentifier, List<JarInfo>> alreadyFoundJars,\n @NonNull Map<ModuleVersionIdentifier, List<ResolvedArtifact>> artifacts,\n @NonNull Multimap<LibraryDependency, VariantDependencies> reverseMap,\n @NonNull Set<String> currentUnresolvedDependencies,\n @Nullable String testedProjectPath,\n int indent)\n@NonNull private String computeArtifactPath(\n @NonNull ModuleVersionIdentifier moduleVersion,\n @NonNull ResolvedArtifact artifact)\n@NonNull private static String computeArtifactName(\n @NonNull ModuleVersionIdentifier moduleVersion,\n @NonNull ResolvedArtifact artifact)\nstatic String normalize(ILogger logger, ModuleVersionIdentifier id, String path)\nprivate void configureBuild(VariantDependencies configurationDependencies)\n@NonNull public static List<ManifestDependencyImpl> getManifestDependencies(\n List<LibraryDependency> libraries)\nprivate static void addDependsOnTaskInOtherProjects(final Task task, boolean useDependedOn,\n String otherProjectTaskName,\n String configurationName)\n@NonNull private static String computeVersionLessCoordinateKey(@NonNull MavenCoordinates coordinates)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: build-system/gradle-core/src/main/groovy/com/android/build/gradle/internal/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: DependencyManager\n\nclass_fields: protected static final boolean DEBUG_DEPENDENCY = false;\nprivate Project project;\nprivate ExtraModelInfo extraModelInfo;\nprivate ILogger logger;\nfinal Map<LibraryDependencyImpl, PrepareLibraryTask> prepareTaskMap = Maps.newHashMap();\n\nmethod_signatures: public DependencyManager(Project project, ExtraModelInfo extraModelInfo)\npublic static List<File> getPackagedLocalJarFileList(DependencyContainer dependencyContainer)\npublic void addDependencyToPrepareTask(\n @NonNull BaseVariantData<? extends BaseVariantOutputData> variantData,\n @NonNull PrepareDependenciesTask prepareDependenciesTask,\n @NonNull LibraryDependencyImpl lib)\npublic void resolveDependencies(\n @NonNull VariantDependencies variantDeps,\n @Nullable VariantDependencies testedVariantDeps,\n @Nullable String testedProjectPath)\nprivate void processLibraries(\n @NonNull Collection<LibraryDependencyImpl> libraries,\n @NonNull Multimap<LibraryDependency, VariantDependencies> reverseMap)\nprivate void setupPrepareLibraryTask(\n @NonNull LibraryDependencyImpl libDependency,\n @NonNull Multimap<LibraryDependency, VariantDependencies> reverseMap)\nprivate PrepareLibraryTask maybeCreatePrepareLibraryTask(\n @NonNull LibraryDependencyImpl library,\n @NonNull Project project)\nprivate void resolveDependencyForConfig(\n @NonNull VariantDependencies variantDeps,\n @Nullable VariantDependencies testedVariantDeps,\n @Nullable String testedProjectPath,\n @NonNull Multimap<LibraryDependency, VariantDependencies> reverseMap)\nprivate static List<LibraryDependencyImpl> convertLibraryInfoIntoDependency(\n @NonNull List<LibInfo> libInfos,\n @NonNull Multimap<LibraryDependency, VariantDependencies> reverseMap)\nprivate static LibraryDependencyImpl convertLibInfo(\n @NonNull LibInfo libInfo,\n @NonNull Multimap<LibraryDependency, VariantDependencies> reverseMap,\n @NonNull Map<LibInfo, LibraryDependencyImpl> convertedMap)\nprivate static void gatherJarDependencies(\n Set<JarInfo> outJarInfos,\n Collection<JarInfo> inJarInfos,\n boolean compiled,\n boolean packaged)\nprivate static void gatherJarDependenciesFromLibraries(\n Set<JarInfo> outJarInfos,\n Collection<LibInfo> inLibraryDependencies)\nprivate void ensureConfigured(Configuration config)\nprivate void collectArtifacts(\n Configuration configuration,\n Map<ModuleVersionIdentifier,\n List<ResolvedArtifact>> artifacts)\nprivate static void printIndent(int indent, @NonNull String message)\nprivate void addDependency(\n @NonNull ResolvedComponentResult resolvedComponentResult,\n @NonNull VariantDependencies configDependencies,\n @NonNull Collection<LibInfo> outLibraries,\n @NonNull List<JarInfo> outJars,\n @NonNull Map<ModuleVersionIdentifier, List<LibInfo>> alreadyFoundLibraries,\n @NonNull Map<ModuleVersionIdentifier, List<JarInfo>> alreadyFoundJars,\n @NonNull Map<ModuleVersionIdentifier, List<ResolvedArtifact>> artifacts,\n @NonNull Multimap<LibraryDependency, VariantDependencies> reverseMap,\n @NonNull Set<String> currentUnresolvedDependencies,\n @Nullable String testedProjectPath,\n int indent)\n@NonNull private String computeArtifactPath(\n @NonNull ModuleVersionIdentifier moduleVersion,\n @NonNull ResolvedArtifact artifact)\n@NonNull private static String computeArtifactName(\n @NonNull ModuleVersionIdentifier moduleVersion,\n @NonNull ResolvedArtifact artifact)\nstatic String normalize(ILogger logger, ModuleVersionIdentifier id, String path)\nprivate void configureBuild(VariantDependencies configurationDependencies)\n@NonNull public static List<ManifestDependencyImpl> getManifestDependencies(\n List<LibraryDependency> libraries)\nprivate static void addDependsOnTaskInOtherProjects(final Task task, boolean useDependedOn,\n String otherProjectTaskName,\n String configurationName)\n@NonNull private static String computeVersionLessCoordinateKey(@NonNull MavenCoordinates coordinates)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: DependencyManagerTest\n\nclass_fields: \n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file build-system/gradle-core/src/main/groovy/com/android/build/gradle/internal/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n static String normalize(ILogger logger, ModuleVersionIdentifier id, String path) {\n if (path == null || path.isEmpty()) {\n\n \"When unzipping library '%s:%s:%s, either group, name or version is empty\",\n id.getGroup(), id.getName(), id.getVersion()));\n return path;\n }\n // list of illegal characters\n String normalizedPath = path.replaceAll(\"[%<>:\\\"/?*\\\\\\\\]\", \"@\");\n if (normalizedPath == null || normalizedPath.isEmpty()) {\n // if the path normalization failed, return the original path.\n\n \"When unzipping library '%s:%s:%s, the normalized '%s' is empty\",\n id.getGroup(), id.getName(), id.getVersion(), path));\n return path;\n }\n try {\n int pathPointer = normalizedPath.length() - 1;\n // do not end your path with either a dot or a space.\n String suffix = \"\";\n while (pathPointer >= 0 && (normalizedPath.charAt(pathPointer) == '.'\n || normalizedPath.charAt(pathPointer) == ' ')) {\n pathPointer--;\n suffix += \"@\";\n }\n if (pathPointer < 0) {\n throw new RuntimeException(String.format(\n \"When unzipping library '%s:%s:%s, \" +\n \"the path '%s' cannot be transformed into a valid directory name\",\n id.getGroup(), id.getName(), id.getVersion(), path));\n }\n return normalizedPath.substring(0, pathPointer + 1) + suffix;\n } catch (Exception e) {\n logger.error(e, String.format(\n \"When unzipping library '%s:%s:%s', \" +\n \"Path normalization failed for input %s\",\n id.getGroup(), id.getName(), id.getVersion(), path));\n return path;\n }\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n build-system/gradle-core/src/test/groovy/com/android/build/gradle/internal/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void testNormalize() throws Exception {\n ModuleVersionIdentifier moduleVersionIdentifier = new DefaultModuleVersionIdentifier(\n \"group\", \"name\", \"1.2\");\n ILogger logger = new StdLogger(StdLogger.Level.VERBOSE);\n assertEquals(\"app\", DependencyManager.normalize(logger, moduleVersionIdentifier, \"app\"));\n assertEquals(\".app\", DependencyManager.normalize(logger, moduleVersionIdentifier, \".app\"));\n assertEquals(\"app@\", DependencyManager.normalize(logger, moduleVersionIdentifier, \"app.\"));\n assertEquals(\"app@\", DependencyManager.normalize(logger, moduleVersionIdentifier, \"app \"));\n assertEquals(\"app@@@\", DependencyManager.normalize(logger, moduleVersionIdentifier, \"app...\"));\n assertEquals(\"app@@@\", DependencyManager.normalize(logger, moduleVersionIdentifier, \"app. .\"));\n assertEquals(\"app@@@@\", DependencyManager.normalize(logger, moduleVersionIdentifier, \"app. . \"));\n assertEquals(\"a@\", DependencyManager.normalize(logger, moduleVersionIdentifier, \"a.\"));\n assertEquals(\"a@\", DependencyManager.normalize(logger, moduleVersionIdentifier, \"a \"));\n assertEquals(\"a@@@\", DependencyManager.normalize(logger, moduleVersionIdentifier, \"a...\"));\n assertEquals(\".app@@\", DependencyManager.normalize(logger, moduleVersionIdentifier, \".app%%\"));\n assertEquals(\"app.txt\", DependencyManager.normalize(logger, moduleVersionIdentifier, \"app.txt\"));\n assertEquals(\"app@@@txt\", DependencyManager.normalize(logger, moduleVersionIdentifier, \"app%*?txt\"));\n assertEquals(\"\", DependencyManager.normalize(logger, moduleVersionIdentifier, \"\"));\n assertEquals(\"a\", DependencyManager.normalize(logger, moduleVersionIdentifier, \"a\"));\n assertEquals(\"1\", DependencyManager.normalize(logger, moduleVersionIdentifier, \"1\"));\n assertNull(DependencyManager.normalize(logger, moduleVersionIdentifier, null));\n\n // those will generate an exception and return the original value\n assertEquals(\".\", DependencyManager.normalize(logger, moduleVersionIdentifier, \".\"));\n assertEquals(\"..\", DependencyManager.normalize(logger, moduleVersionIdentifier, \"..\"));\n assertEquals(\"...\", DependencyManager.normalize(logger, moduleVersionIdentifier, \"...\"));\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
@Override public void parse(InputStream stream, ContentHandler handler, Metadata metadata, ParseContext context) throws IOException, SAXException, TikaException { // Read the input stream as text: StringWriter writer = new StringWriter(); IOUtils.copy(stream, writer, "UTF-8"); String text = writer.toString(); // And parse: this.parse(text, metadata); }
@Test public void testNERMalcolmX() { String text = "The Autobiography of Malcolm X was published in 1965, the result of a collaboration between Malcolm X and journalist Alex Haley. Haley coauthored the autobiography based on a series of in-depth interviews he conducted between 1963 and Malcolm X's 1965 assassination. The Autobiography is a spiritual conversion narrative that outlines Malcolm X's philosophy of black pride, black nationalism, and pan-Africanism. After the death of his subject, Haley authored the book's epilogue,a[›] which describes their collaboration and summarizes the end of Malcolm X's life. While Malcolm X and scholars contemporary to the book's publication regarded Haley as the book's ghostwriter, modern scholars tend to regard him as an essential collaborator who intentionally muted his authorial voice to allow readers to feel as though Malcolm X were speaking directly to them. Haley also influenced some of Malcolm X's literary choices; for example, when Malcolm X left the Nation of Islam during the composition of the book, Haley persuaded him to favor a style of \"suspense and drama\" rather than rewriting earlier chapters into a polemic against the Nation. Furthermore, Haley's proactive censorship of the manuscript's antisemitic material significantly influenced the ideological tone of the Autobiography, increasing its commercial success and popularity although distorting Malcolm X's public persona. When the Autobiography was published, the New York Times reviewer described it as a \"brilliant, painful, important book\". In 1967, historian John William Ward wrote that it would become a classic American autobiography. In 1998, Time named The Autobiography of Malcolm X one of ten \"required reading\" nonfiction books. A screenplay adaptation of the Autobiography by James Baldwin and Arnold Perl provided the source material for Spike Lee's 1992 film Malcolm X."; // Launch the parser: Metadata metadata = new Metadata(); parser.parse(text, metadata); Set<String> persons = new HashSet<String>(Arrays.asList(metadata.getValues(StanfordAnnotatorParser.NER_PERSONS))); System.out.println("PERSONS: "+persons); assertTrue(persons.contains("Malcolm X")); Set<String> orgs = new HashSet<String>(Arrays.asList(metadata.getValues(StanfordAnnotatorParser.NER_ORGANISATIONS))); System.out.println("ORGANIZATIONS: "+orgs); assertTrue(orgs.contains("New York Times")); Set<String> locs = new HashSet<String>(Arrays.asList(metadata.getValues(StanfordAnnotatorParser.NER_LOCATIONS))); System.out.println("LOCATIONS: "+locs); Set<String> dates = new HashSet<String>(Arrays.asList(metadata.getValues(StanfordAnnotatorParser.NER_DATES))); System.out.println("DATES: "+dates); assertTrue(dates.contains("1965")); Set<String> misc = new HashSet<String>(Arrays.asList(metadata.getValues(StanfordAnnotatorParser.NER_MISC))); System.out.println("MISC: "+misc); assertTrue(misc.contains("American")); /* And sentiments */ // Requires Java 8 // String sentiment = // metadata.get(StanfordAnnotatorParser.AVG_SENTIMENT); // System.out.println("Sentiment: "+sentiment); // // List<String> sentiments = // Arrays.asList(metadata.getValues(StanfordAnnotatorParser.SENTIMENT_DIST)); // System.out.println("Sentiments: "+sentiments); }
[ "copy", "toString", "parse" ]
[ "parse", "asList", "getValues", "println", "assertTrue", "contains", "asList", "getValues", "println", "assertTrue", "contains", "asList", "getValues", "println", "asList", "getValues", "println", "assertTrue", "contains", "asList", "getValues", "println", "assertTrue", "contains" ]
{ "class_fields": "private StanfordAnnotatorParser parser;", "class_name": "StanfordAnnotatorParserTest" }
{ "class_fields": "private static final long serialVersionUID = 7995695364077961609L;\nprivate static final Set<MediaType> SUPPORTED_TYPES =\n Collections.unmodifiableSet(new HashSet<MediaType>(Arrays.asList(\n MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN\n )));\npublic static final Property NER_PERSONS = Property.internalTextBag(\"NLP-NER-PERSONS\");\npublic static final Property NER_ORGANISATIONS = Property.internalTextBag(\"NLP-NER-ORGANISATIONS\");\npublic static final Property NER_LOCATIONS = Property.internalTextBag(\"NLP-NER-LOCATIONS\");\npublic static final Property NER_DATES = Property.internalTextBag(\"NLP-NER-DATES\");\npublic static final Property NER_MISC = Property.internalTextBag(\"NLP-NER-MISC\");\npublic static final Property AVG_SENTIMENT = Property.internalInteger(\"AVG-SENTIMENT\");\npublic static final Property SENTIMENT_DIST = Property.internalIntegerSequence(\"SENTENCE-DIST\");\nstatic Properties props = new Properties();\nstatic StanfordCoreNLP pipeline = new StanfordCoreNLP(props);", "class_name": "StanfordAnnotatorParser extends AbstractParser", "method_signatures": "@Override public Set<MediaType> getSupportedTypes(ParseContext context)\n@Override public void parse(InputStream stream, ContentHandler handler,\n Metadata metadata, ParseContext context)\npublic void parse(String text, Metadata metadata )\npublic static void main(String[] args)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: warc-nlp/src/main/java/uk/bl/wa/nlp/parsers/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: StanfordAnnotatorParser extends AbstractParser\n\nclass_fields: private static final long serialVersionUID = 7995695364077961609L;\nprivate static final Set<MediaType> SUPPORTED_TYPES =\n Collections.unmodifiableSet(new HashSet<MediaType>(Arrays.asList(\n MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN\n )));\npublic static final Property NER_PERSONS = Property.internalTextBag(\"NLP-NER-PERSONS\");\npublic static final Property NER_ORGANISATIONS = Property.internalTextBag(\"NLP-NER-ORGANISATIONS\");\npublic static final Property NER_LOCATIONS = Property.internalTextBag(\"NLP-NER-LOCATIONS\");\npublic static final Property NER_DATES = Property.internalTextBag(\"NLP-NER-DATES\");\npublic static final Property NER_MISC = Property.internalTextBag(\"NLP-NER-MISC\");\npublic static final Property AVG_SENTIMENT = Property.internalInteger(\"AVG-SENTIMENT\");\npublic static final Property SENTIMENT_DIST = Property.internalIntegerSequence(\"SENTENCE-DIST\");\nstatic Properties props = new Properties();\nstatic StanfordCoreNLP pipeline = new StanfordCoreNLP(props);\n\nmethod_signatures: @Override public Set<MediaType> getSupportedTypes(ParseContext context)\n@Override public void parse(InputStream stream, ContentHandler handler,\n Metadata metadata, ParseContext context)\npublic void parse(String text, Metadata metadata )\npublic static void main(String[] args)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: StanfordAnnotatorParserTest\n\nclass_fields: private StanfordAnnotatorParser parser;\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file warc-nlp/src/main/java/uk/bl/wa/nlp/parsers/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n @Override\n public void parse(InputStream stream, ContentHandler handler,\n Metadata metadata, ParseContext context) throws IOException,\n SAXException, TikaException {\n\n // Read the input stream as text:\n StringWriter writer = new StringWriter();\n IOUtils.copy(stream, writer, \"UTF-8\");\n String text = writer.toString();\n\n // And parse:\n this.parse(text, metadata);\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n warc-nlp/src/test/java/uk/bl/wa/nlp/parsers/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void testNERMalcolmX() {\n String text = \"The Autobiography of Malcolm X was published in 1965, the result of a collaboration between Malcolm X and journalist Alex Haley. Haley coauthored the autobiography based on a series of in-depth interviews he conducted between 1963 and Malcolm X's 1965 assassination. The Autobiography is a spiritual conversion narrative that outlines Malcolm X's philosophy of black pride, black nationalism, and pan-Africanism. After the death of his subject, Haley authored the book's epilogue,a[›] which describes their collaboration and summarizes the end of Malcolm X's life. While Malcolm X and scholars contemporary to the book's publication regarded Haley as the book's ghostwriter, modern scholars tend to regard him as an essential collaborator who intentionally muted his authorial voice to allow readers to feel as though Malcolm X were speaking directly to them. Haley also influenced some of Malcolm X's literary choices; for example, when Malcolm X left the Nation of Islam during the composition of the book, Haley persuaded him to favor a style of \\\"suspense and drama\\\" rather than rewriting earlier chapters into a polemic against the Nation. Furthermore, Haley's proactive censorship of the manuscript's antisemitic material significantly influenced the ideological tone of the Autobiography, increasing its commercial success and popularity although distorting Malcolm X's public persona. When the Autobiography was published, the New York Times reviewer described it as a \\\"brilliant, painful, important book\\\". In 1967, historian John William Ward wrote that it would become a classic American autobiography. In 1998, Time named The Autobiography of Malcolm X one of ten \\\"required reading\\\" nonfiction books. A screenplay adaptation of the Autobiography by James Baldwin and Arnold Perl provided the source material for Spike Lee's 1992 film Malcolm X.\";\n \n // Launch the parser:\n Metadata metadata = new Metadata();\n parser.parse(text, metadata);\n \n Set<String> persons = new HashSet<String>(Arrays.asList(metadata.getValues(StanfordAnnotatorParser.NER_PERSONS)));\n System.out.println(\"PERSONS: \"+persons);\n assertTrue(persons.contains(\"Malcolm X\"));\n \n Set<String> orgs = new HashSet<String>(Arrays.asList(metadata.getValues(StanfordAnnotatorParser.NER_ORGANISATIONS)));\n System.out.println(\"ORGANIZATIONS: \"+orgs);\n assertTrue(orgs.contains(\"New York Times\"));\n \n Set<String> locs = new HashSet<String>(Arrays.asList(metadata.getValues(StanfordAnnotatorParser.NER_LOCATIONS)));\n System.out.println(\"LOCATIONS: \"+locs);\n \n Set<String> dates = new HashSet<String>(Arrays.asList(metadata.getValues(StanfordAnnotatorParser.NER_DATES)));\n System.out.println(\"DATES: \"+dates);\n assertTrue(dates.contains(\"1965\"));\n \n Set<String> misc = new HashSet<String>(Arrays.asList(metadata.getValues(StanfordAnnotatorParser.NER_MISC)));\n System.out.println(\"MISC: \"+misc);\n assertTrue(misc.contains(\"American\"));\n\n /* And sentiments */\n // Requires Java 8\n \n // String sentiment =\n // metadata.get(StanfordAnnotatorParser.AVG_SENTIMENT);\n // System.out.println(\"Sentiment: \"+sentiment);\n //\n // List<String> sentiments =\n // Arrays.asList(metadata.getValues(StanfordAnnotatorParser.SENTIMENT_DIST));\n // System.out.println(\"Sentiments: \"+sentiments);\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
public CertificateResponse newCertificate(CertificateRequest certificateRequest) { SubjectData subjectData = generateSubjectData(certificateRequest); QCStatement qcStatement = generateQcStatement(certificateRequest); X509Certificate cert = generateCertificate(subjectData, issuerData, qcStatement); try { String formattedCertificate = format(cert); log.debug(formattedCertificate); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new CertificateException("Could not format certificate", ex); } return CertificateResponse.builder() .privateKey(exportToString(subjectData.getPrivateKey())) .encodedCert(exportToString(cert)) .build(); }
@Test public void newCertificateCreatesCertAndKey() { CertificateService certificateService = new CertificateService(); CertificateRequest certificateRequest = CertificateRequest.builder() .authorizationNumber("12345") .countryName("Germany") .organizationName("adorsys") .commonName("XS2A Sandbox") .build(); CertificateResponse certificateResponse = certificateService.newCertificate(certificateRequest); assertNotNull(certificateResponse.getPrivateKey()); assertNotNull(certificateResponse.getEncodedCert()); }
[ "generateSubjectData", "generateQcStatement", "generateCertificate", "format", "debug", "build", "encodedCert", "privateKey", "builder", "exportToString", "getPrivateKey", "exportToString" ]
[ "build", "commonName", "organizationName", "countryName", "authorizationNumber", "builder", "newCertificate", "assertNotNull", "getPrivateKey", "assertNotNull", "getEncodedCert" ]
{ "class_fields": "", "class_name": "CertificateServiceTest" }
{ "class_fields": "private static final String ISSUER_CERTIFICATE = \"MyRootCA.pem\";\nprivate static final String ISSUER_PRIVATE_KEY = \"MyRootCA.key\";\nprivate static final ASN1ObjectIdentifier ETSI_QC_STATEMENT =\n new ASN1ObjectIdentifier(\"\");\nstatic final String NCA_SHORT_NAME = \"FAKENCA\";\nprivate static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(CertificateService.class);\nprivate final IssuerData issuerData;", "class_name": "CertificateService", "method_signatures": "static X509Certificate getCertificateFromClassPath(String filename)\nstatic PrivateKey getKeyFromClassPath(String filename)\nstatic X509Certificate generateCertificate(SubjectData subjectData, IssuerData issuerData,\n QCStatement statement)\nstatic String exportToString(Object obj)\nprivate static DERSequence createQcInfo(RolesOfPsp rolesOfPsp, NcaName ncaName, NcaId ncaId)\n CertificateService()\npublic CertificateResponse newCertificate(CertificateRequest certificateRequest)\nstatic String format(X509Certificate cert)\n QCStatement generateQcStatement(CertificateRequest certificateRequest)\nprivate NcaName getNcaNameFromIssuerData()\nprivate NcaId getNcaIdFromIssuerData()\n SubjectData generateSubjectData(CertificateRequest cerData)\nprivate KeyPair generateKeyPair()\n IssuerData generateIssuerData()" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: service/certificate-generator/src/main/java/de/adorsys/psd2/sandbox/certificate/service/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: CertificateService\n\nclass_fields: private static final String ISSUER_CERTIFICATE = \"MyRootCA.pem\";\nprivate static final String ISSUER_PRIVATE_KEY = \"MyRootCA.key\";\nprivate static final ASN1ObjectIdentifier ETSI_QC_STATEMENT =\n new ASN1ObjectIdentifier(\"\");\nstatic final String NCA_SHORT_NAME = \"FAKENCA\";\nprivate static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(CertificateService.class);\nprivate final IssuerData issuerData;\n\nmethod_signatures: static X509Certificate getCertificateFromClassPath(String filename)\nstatic PrivateKey getKeyFromClassPath(String filename)\nstatic X509Certificate generateCertificate(SubjectData subjectData, IssuerData issuerData,\n QCStatement statement)\nstatic String exportToString(Object obj)\nprivate static DERSequence createQcInfo(RolesOfPsp rolesOfPsp, NcaName ncaName, NcaId ncaId)\n CertificateService()\npublic CertificateResponse newCertificate(CertificateRequest certificateRequest)\nstatic String format(X509Certificate cert)\n QCStatement generateQcStatement(CertificateRequest certificateRequest)\nprivate NcaName getNcaNameFromIssuerData()\nprivate NcaId getNcaIdFromIssuerData()\n SubjectData generateSubjectData(CertificateRequest cerData)\nprivate KeyPair generateKeyPair()\n IssuerData generateIssuerData()\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: CertificateServiceTest\n\nclass_fields: \n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file service/certificate-generator/src/main/java/de/adorsys/psd2/sandbox/certificate/service/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n public CertificateResponse newCertificate(CertificateRequest certificateRequest) {\n SubjectData subjectData = generateSubjectData(certificateRequest);\n QCStatement qcStatement = generateQcStatement(certificateRequest);\n\n X509Certificate cert = generateCertificate(subjectData, issuerData, qcStatement);\n\n try {\n String formattedCertificate = format(cert);\n log.debug(formattedCertificate);\n } catch (Exception ex) {\n throw new CertificateException(\"Could not format certificate\", ex);\n }\n\n return CertificateResponse.builder()\n .privateKey(exportToString(subjectData.getPrivateKey()))\n .encodedCert(exportToString(cert))\n .build();\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n service/certificate-generator/src/test/java/de/adorsys/psd2/sandbox/certificate/service/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void newCertificateCreatesCertAndKey() {\n CertificateService certificateService = new CertificateService();\n CertificateRequest certificateRequest = CertificateRequest.builder()\n .authorizationNumber(\"12345\")\n .countryName(\"Germany\")\n .organizationName(\"adorsys\")\n .commonName(\"XS2A Sandbox\")\n .build();\n CertificateResponse certificateResponse = certificateService.newCertificate(certificateRequest);\n assertNotNull(certificateResponse.getPrivateKey());\n assertNotNull(certificateResponse.getEncodedCert());\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
protected IdentifierData cast(Type goalType, IdentifierData oldId) throws IntermediateCodeGeneratorException { if (oldId.getIdentifier().startsWith("#")) { IdentifierData tmpId = icg.generateTempIdentifier(oldId.getType()); icg.addQuadruple(QuadrupleFactoryJb.generateAssignment(tmpId, oldId)); oldId = tmpId; } IdentifierData newId = icg.generateTempIdentifier(goalType); icg.addQuadruple(QuadrupleFactoryJb.generateCast(newId, oldId)); return newId; }
@Test public void testCastDoubleToBooleanFails() { try { when(converter.icg.generateTempIdentifier(any(BooleanType.class))) .thenReturn(new IdentifierData("tmp", new BooleanType())); converter.cast(new BooleanType(), new IdentifierData("test", new DoubleType())); fail(); } catch (IntermediateCodeGeneratorException e) { } }
[ "startsWith", "getIdentifier", "generateTempIdentifier", "getType", "addQuadruple", "generateAssignment", "generateTempIdentifier", "addQuadruple", "generateCast" ]
[ "thenReturn", "when", "generateTempIdentifier", "any", "cast", "fail" ]
{ "class_fields": "CastingAst2CodeConverter converter;", "class_name": "CastingAst2CodeConverterTest" }
{ "class_fields": "", "class_name": "CastingAst2CodeConverter extends AbstractAst2CodeConverter", "method_signatures": "protected IdentifierData cast(Type goalType, IdentifierData oldId)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: javabite-code-gen/src/main/java/swp_compiler_ss13/javabite/codegen/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: CastingAst2CodeConverter extends AbstractAst2CodeConverter\n\nclass_fields: \n\nmethod_signatures: protected IdentifierData cast(Type goalType, IdentifierData oldId)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: CastingAst2CodeConverterTest\n\nclass_fields: CastingAst2CodeConverter converter;\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file javabite-code-gen/src/main/java/swp_compiler_ss13/javabite/codegen/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n protected IdentifierData cast(Type goalType, IdentifierData oldId) throws IntermediateCodeGeneratorException {\n\t\tif (oldId.getIdentifier().startsWith(\"#\")) {\n\t\t\tIdentifierData tmpId = icg.generateTempIdentifier(oldId.getType());\n\t\t\ticg.addQuadruple(QuadrupleFactoryJb.generateAssignment(tmpId, oldId));\n\t\t\toldId = tmpId;\n\t\t}\n\t\tIdentifierData newId = icg.generateTempIdentifier(goalType);\n\t\ticg.addQuadruple(QuadrupleFactoryJb.generateCast(newId, oldId));\n\t\treturn newId;\n\t}\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n javabite-code-gen/src/test/java/swp_compiler_ss13/javabite/codegen/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n\tpublic void testCastDoubleToBooleanFails() {\n\t\ttry {\n\t\t\twhen(converter.icg.generateTempIdentifier(any(BooleanType.class)))\n\t\t\t\t\t.thenReturn(new IdentifierData(\"tmp\", new BooleanType()));\n\t\t\tconverter.cast(new BooleanType(), new IdentifierData(\"test\",\n\t\t\t\t\tnew DoubleType()));\n\t\t\tfail();\n\t\t} catch (IntermediateCodeGeneratorException e) {\n\t\t}\n\t}\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
@Override public void analyse(String text, SolrRecord solr) { // Find the entities: List<ResolvedNamedEntity> entities = oscar .findAndResolveNamedEntities(text); // Record them: Set<String> uniqueEntities = new HashSet<String>(); for (ResolvedNamedEntity ne : entities) { // e.g. 'acetone' uniqueEntities.add("OSCAR4:MATCH:" + ne.getSurface()); ChemicalStructure stdInchi = ne .getFirstChemicalStructure(FormatType.STD_INCHI); if (stdInchi != null) { // e.g. [Structure:STD_INCHI:InChI=1S/C3H6O/c1-3(2)4/h1-2H3] uniqueEntities.add("OSCAR4:" + stdInchi.getType() + ":" + stdInchi.getValue()); } } // Store in Solr records: for (String ent : uniqueEntities) { solr.addField(SolrFields.SOLR_TIKA_METADATA_LIST, ent); } }
@Test public void test() { String test = "Hello acetone world!"; Oscar4TextAnalyser oa = new Oscar4TextAnalyser(); SolrRecord solr = SolrRecordFactory.createFactory(null).createRecord(); oa.analyse(test, solr); Collection<Object> results = solr .getField(SolrFields.SOLR_TIKA_METADATA_LIST) .getValues(); assertTrue("Cannot find expected value.", results .contains("OSCAR4:MATCH:acetone")); assertTrue("Cannot find expected value.", results .contains("OSCAR4:STD_INCHI:InChI=1S/C3H6O/c1-3(2)4/h1-2H3")); }
[ "findAndResolveNamedEntities", "add", "getSurface", "getFirstChemicalStructure", "add", "getType", "getValue", "addField" ]
[ "createRecord", "createFactory", "analyse", "getValues", "getField", "assertTrue", "contains", "assertTrue", "contains" ]
{ "class_fields": "", "class_name": "Oscar4TextAnalyserTest" }
{ "class_fields": "Oscar oscar = new Oscar();", "class_name": "Oscar4TextAnalyser extends AbstractTextAnalyser", "method_signatures": "@Override public void configure(Config conf)\n@Override public void analyse(String text, SolrRecord solr)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: warc-analysers-oscar4/src/main/java/uk/bl/wa/analyser/text/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: Oscar4TextAnalyser extends AbstractTextAnalyser\n\nclass_fields: Oscar oscar = new Oscar();\n\nmethod_signatures: @Override public void configure(Config conf)\n@Override public void analyse(String text, SolrRecord solr)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: Oscar4TextAnalyserTest\n\nclass_fields: \n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file warc-analysers-oscar4/src/main/java/uk/bl/wa/analyser/text/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n @Override\n public void analyse(String text, SolrRecord solr) {\n // Find the entities:\n List<ResolvedNamedEntity> entities = oscar\n .findAndResolveNamedEntities(text);\n // Record them:\n Set<String> uniqueEntities = new HashSet<String>();\n for (ResolvedNamedEntity ne : entities) {\n // e.g. 'acetone'\n uniqueEntities.add(\"OSCAR4:MATCH:\" + ne.getSurface());\n ChemicalStructure stdInchi = ne\n .getFirstChemicalStructure(FormatType.STD_INCHI);\n if (stdInchi != null) {\n // e.g. [Structure:STD_INCHI:InChI=1S/C3H6O/c1-3(2)4/h1-2H3]\n uniqueEntities.add(\"OSCAR4:\" + stdInchi.getType() + \":\"\n + stdInchi.getValue());\n }\n }\n // Store in Solr records:\n for (String ent : uniqueEntities) {\n solr.addField(SolrFields.SOLR_TIKA_METADATA_LIST, ent);\n }\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n warc-analysers-oscar4/src/test/java/uk/bl/wa/analyser/text/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void test() {\n String test = \"Hello acetone world!\";\n\n Oscar4TextAnalyser oa = new Oscar4TextAnalyser();\n SolrRecord solr = SolrRecordFactory.createFactory(null).createRecord();\n\n oa.analyse(test, solr);\n\n Collection<Object> results = solr\n .getField(SolrFields.SOLR_TIKA_METADATA_LIST)\n .getValues();\n\n assertTrue(\"Cannot find expected value.\", results\n .contains(\"OSCAR4:MATCH:acetone\"));\n\n assertTrue(\"Cannot find expected value.\", results\n .contains(\"OSCAR4:STD_INCHI:InChI=1S/C3H6O/c1-3(2)4/h1-2H3\"));\n\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
public static String extractPublicSuffixFromHost( String host ) { if( host == null ) return null; // Parse out the public suffix: InternetDomainName domainName; try { domainName = InternetDomainName.from(host); } catch( Exception e ) { return null; } InternetDomainName suffix = null; if( host.endsWith(".uk")) { ImmutableList<String> parts =; if( parts.size() >= 2 ) { suffix = InternetDomainName.from(parts.get(parts.size() - 2) + "." + parts.get(parts.size() - 1)); } } else { suffix = domainName.publicSuffix(); } // Return a value: if( suffix == null ) return null; return suffix.toString(); }
@Test public void testExtractPublicSuffixFromHost() { // Currently the code treats all UK domains as: // <sub>.<private>.<public>.uk // which is a bit off for special cases like,, // // // Note that any leading /www/ will be stripped by this point testExtractPublicSuffixFromHost("", ""); testExtractPublicSuffixFromHost("", ""); testExtractPublicSuffixFromHost("", ""); testExtractPublicSuffixFromHost("", ""); testExtractPublicSuffixFromHost("", ""); }
[ "from", "endsWith", "parts", "size", "from", "get", "size", "get", "size", "publicSuffix", "toString" ]
[ "testExtractPublicSuffixFromHost", "testExtractPublicSuffixFromHost", "testExtractPublicSuffixFromHost", "testExtractPublicSuffixFromHost", "testExtractPublicSuffixFromHost" ]
{ "class_fields": "", "class_name": "LinkExtractorTest" }
{ "class_fields": "public static final String MALFORMED_HOST = \"\";", "class_name": "LinkExtractor", "method_signatures": "public static String extractHost(String url)\npublic static Set<String> extractPublicSuffixes( Metadata metadata )\npublic static String extractPublicSuffix( String url )\npublic static String extractPublicSuffixFromHost( String host )\npublic static String extractPrivateSuffix( String url )\npublic static String extractPrivateSuffixFromHost( String host )\npublic static ImmutableList<String> allLevels(String host)\nprivate static ImmutableList.Builder<String> parentLevels(InternetDomainName internetDomainName)\npublic static void main( String[] args )" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: warc-indexer/src/main/java/uk/bl/wa/extract/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: LinkExtractor\n\nclass_fields: public static final String MALFORMED_HOST = \"\";\n\nmethod_signatures: public static String extractHost(String url)\npublic static Set<String> extractPublicSuffixes( Metadata metadata )\npublic static String extractPublicSuffix( String url )\npublic static String extractPublicSuffixFromHost( String host )\npublic static String extractPrivateSuffix( String url )\npublic static String extractPrivateSuffixFromHost( String host )\npublic static ImmutableList<String> allLevels(String host)\nprivate static ImmutableList.Builder<String> parentLevels(InternetDomainName internetDomainName)\npublic static void main( String[] args )\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: LinkExtractorTest\n\nclass_fields: \n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file warc-indexer/src/main/java/uk/bl/wa/extract/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n public static String extractPublicSuffixFromHost( String host ) {\n if( host == null ) return null;\n // Parse out the public suffix:\n InternetDomainName domainName;\n try {\n domainName = InternetDomainName.from(host);\n } catch( Exception e ) {\n return null;\n }\n InternetDomainName suffix = null;\n if( host.endsWith(\".uk\")) {\n ImmutableList<String> parts =;\n if( parts.size() >= 2 ) {\n suffix = InternetDomainName.from(parts.get(parts.size() - 2)\n + \".\" + parts.get(parts.size() - 1));\n }\n } else {\n suffix = domainName.publicSuffix();\n }\n // Return a value:\n if( suffix == null ) return null;\n return suffix.toString();\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n warc-indexer/src/test/java/uk/bl/wa/extract/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void testExtractPublicSuffixFromHost() {\n // Currently the code treats all UK domains as:\n // <sub>.<private>.<public>.uk\n // which is a bit off for special cases like,,\n //\n //\n // Note that any leading /www/ will be stripped by this point\n testExtractPublicSuffixFromHost(\"\", \"\");\n testExtractPublicSuffixFromHost(\"\", \"\");\n testExtractPublicSuffixFromHost(\"\", \"\");\n testExtractPublicSuffixFromHost(\"\", \"\");\n testExtractPublicSuffixFromHost(\"\", \"\");\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
public static String extractPrivateSuffixFromHost( String host ) { if( host == null ) return null; // Parse out the public suffix: InternetDomainName domainName; try { domainName = InternetDomainName.from(host); } catch( Exception e ) { return host; } InternetDomainName suffix = null; // It appears the IDN class does not know about the various UK // second-level domains. // If it's a UK host, override the result by assuming three levels: if( host.endsWith(".uk")) { ImmutableList<String> parts =; if( parts.size() >= 3 ) { suffix = InternetDomainName.from(parts.get(parts.size() - 3) + "." + parts.get(parts.size() - 2) + "." + parts.get(parts.size() - 1)); } } else { if( domainName.isTopPrivateDomain() || domainName.isUnderPublicSuffix() ) { suffix = domainName.topPrivateDomain(); } else { suffix = domainName; } } // If it all failed for some reason, fall back on the host value: if (suffix == null) suffix = domainName; return suffix.toString(); }
@Test public void testExtractDomainFromFullURL() throws URIException { final String[][] TESTS = new String[][]{ // url, host, domain {"", "", ""}, {"", "", ""}, {"", "", ""}, {"", "", ""} }; for (String[] test: TESTS) { UsableURI url = UsableURIFactory.getInstance(test[0]); String host = url.getHost(); String canonHost = Normalisation.canonicaliseHost(host); assertEquals("The URL '" + test[0] + "' should have the correct host extracted", test[1], canonHost); final String domain = LinkExtractor.extractPrivateSuffixFromHost(canonHost); assertEquals("The URL '" + test[0] + "' should have the correct domain extracted", test[2], domain); } }
[ "from", "endsWith", "parts", "size", "from", "get", "size", "get", "size", "get", "size", "isTopPrivateDomain", "isUnderPublicSuffix", "topPrivateDomain", "toString" ]
[ "getInstance", "getHost", "canonicaliseHost", "assertEquals", "extractPrivateSuffixFromHost", "assertEquals" ]
{ "class_fields": "", "class_name": "LinkExtractorTest" }
{ "class_fields": "public static final String MALFORMED_HOST = \"\";", "class_name": "LinkExtractor", "method_signatures": "public static String extractHost(String url)\npublic static Set<String> extractPublicSuffixes( Metadata metadata )\npublic static String extractPublicSuffix( String url )\npublic static String extractPublicSuffixFromHost( String host )\npublic static String extractPrivateSuffix( String url )\npublic static String extractPrivateSuffixFromHost( String host )\npublic static ImmutableList<String> allLevels(String host)\nprivate static ImmutableList.Builder<String> parentLevels(InternetDomainName internetDomainName)\npublic static void main( String[] args )" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: warc-indexer/src/main/java/uk/bl/wa/extract/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: LinkExtractor\n\nclass_fields: public static final String MALFORMED_HOST = \"\";\n\nmethod_signatures: public static String extractHost(String url)\npublic static Set<String> extractPublicSuffixes( Metadata metadata )\npublic static String extractPublicSuffix( String url )\npublic static String extractPublicSuffixFromHost( String host )\npublic static String extractPrivateSuffix( String url )\npublic static String extractPrivateSuffixFromHost( String host )\npublic static ImmutableList<String> allLevels(String host)\nprivate static ImmutableList.Builder<String> parentLevels(InternetDomainName internetDomainName)\npublic static void main( String[] args )\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: LinkExtractorTest\n\nclass_fields: \n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file warc-indexer/src/main/java/uk/bl/wa/extract/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n public static String extractPrivateSuffixFromHost( String host ) {\n if( host == null ) return null;\n // Parse out the public suffix:\n InternetDomainName domainName;\n try {\n domainName = InternetDomainName.from(host);\n } catch( Exception e ) {\n return host;\n }\n InternetDomainName suffix = null;\n // It appears the IDN class does not know about the various UK\n // second-level domains.\n // If it's a UK host, override the result by assuming three levels:\n if( host.endsWith(\".uk\")) {\n ImmutableList<String> parts =;\n if( parts.size() >= 3 ) {\n suffix = InternetDomainName.from(parts.get(parts.size() - 3)\n + \".\" + parts.get(parts.size() - 2) + \".\"\n + parts.get(parts.size() - 1));\n }\n } else {\n if( domainName.isTopPrivateDomain() || domainName.isUnderPublicSuffix() ) {\n suffix = domainName.topPrivateDomain();\n } else {\n suffix = domainName;\n }\n }\n\n // If it all failed for some reason, fall back on the host value:\n if (suffix == null)\n suffix = domainName;\n\n return suffix.toString();\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n warc-indexer/src/test/java/uk/bl/wa/extract/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void testExtractDomainFromFullURL() throws URIException {\n final String[][] TESTS = new String[][]{\n // url, host, domain\n {\"\", \"\", \"\"},\n {\"\", \"\", \"\"},\n {\"\", \"\", \"\"},\n {\"\", \"\", \"\"}\n };\n\n for (String[] test: TESTS) {\n UsableURI url = UsableURIFactory.getInstance(test[0]);\n\n String host = url.getHost();\n String canonHost = Normalisation.canonicaliseHost(host);\n assertEquals(\"The URL '\" + test[0] + \"' should have the correct host extracted\", test[1], canonHost);\n \n final String domain = LinkExtractor.extractPrivateSuffixFromHost(canonHost);\n assertEquals(\"The URL '\" + test[0] + \"' should have the correct domain extracted\", test[2], domain);\n }\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
boolean isTransactionWithBookingStatus(Transaction transaction, BookingStatus bookingStatus) { if (bookingStatus.equals(BookingStatus.BOOKED)) { return transaction.getBookingDate() != null; } else if (bookingStatus.equals(BookingStatus.PENDING)) { return transaction.getBookingDate() == null; } return true; }
@Test public void transactionIsNotBooked() { Transaction transaction = mock(Transaction.class); assertFalse(accountSpi.isTransactionWithBookingStatus(transaction, BookingStatus.BOOKED)); }
[ "equals", "getBookingDate", "equals", "getBookingDate" ]
[ "mock", "assertFalse", "isTransactionWithBookingStatus" ]
{ "class_fields": "private AccountSpiImpl accountSpi;\n@Mock\n TestDataService testDataService;\n@Mock\n TestDataMapper testDataMapper;\nprivate LocalDate dateFrom = LocalDate.of(2019, 1, 17);\nprivate LocalDate dateTo = LocalDate.of(2019, 9, 28);", "class_name": "AccountSpiImplTest" }
{ "class_fields": "private TestDataService testDataService;\nprivate TestDataMapper testDataMapper;", "class_name": "AccountSpiImpl implements AccountSpi", "method_signatures": "public AccountSpiImpl(TestDataService testDataService, TestDataMapper testDataMapper)\n@Override public SpiResponse<List<SpiAccountDetails>> requestAccountList(\n @NotNull SpiContextData ctx,\n boolean withBalance,\n @NotNull SpiAccountConsent spiAccountConsent,\n @NotNull SpiAspspConsentDataProvider spiAspspConsentDataProvider)\n@Override public SpiResponse<SpiAccountDetails> requestAccountDetailForAccount(\n @NotNull SpiContextData ctx,\n boolean withBalance,\n @NotNull SpiAccountReference spiAccountReference,\n @NotNull SpiAccountConsent spiAccountConsent,\n @NotNull SpiAspspConsentDataProvider spiAspspConsentDataProvider)\n@Override public SpiResponse<SpiTransactionReport> requestTransactionsForAccount(\n @NotNull SpiContextData spiContextData,\n String acceptHeader,\n boolean withBalance,\n @NotNull LocalDate dateFrom,\n @NotNull LocalDate dateTo,\n @NotNull BookingStatus bookingStatus,\n @NotNull SpiAccountReference spiAccountReference,\n @NotNull SpiAccountConsent spiAccountConsent,\n @NotNull SpiAspspConsentDataProvider spiAspspConsentDataProvider)\n@Override public SpiResponse<SpiTransaction> requestTransactionForAccountByTransactionId(\n @NotNull SpiContextData ctx,\n @NotNull String transactionId,\n @NotNull SpiAccountReference spiAccountReference,\n @NotNull SpiAccountConsent spiAccountConsent,\n @NotNull SpiAspspConsentDataProvider spiAspspConsentDataProvider)\n@Override public SpiResponse<List<SpiAccountBalance>> requestBalancesForAccount(\n @NotNull SpiContextData ctx,\n @NotNull SpiAccountReference spiAccountReference,\n @NotNull SpiAccountConsent spiAccountConsent,\n @NotNull SpiAspspConsentDataProvider spiAspspConsentDataProvider)\nprivate Optional<List<SpiAccountDetails>> getAccountDetails(SpiAccountConsent spiAccountConsent,\n boolean withBalance)\nprivate Optional<List<Transaction>> getTransactionsByIbanAndAccountId(String iban,\n String accountId)\nprivate Pair<List<SpiAccountBalance>, SpiResponse<T>> getBalancesForAccount(\n SpiAccountReference accountReference, SpiAccountConsent spiAccountConsent\n )\n boolean dateIsInDateRange(LocalDate date, LocalDate from, LocalDate to)\n boolean isTransactionWithBookingStatus(Transaction transaction, BookingStatus bookingStatus)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: service/sandbox-core/src/main/java/de/adorsys/psd2/sandbox/xs2a/service/ais/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: AccountSpiImpl implements AccountSpi\n\nclass_fields: private TestDataService testDataService;\nprivate TestDataMapper testDataMapper;\n\nmethod_signatures: public AccountSpiImpl(TestDataService testDataService, TestDataMapper testDataMapper)\n@Override public SpiResponse<List<SpiAccountDetails>> requestAccountList(\n @NotNull SpiContextData ctx,\n boolean withBalance,\n @NotNull SpiAccountConsent spiAccountConsent,\n @NotNull SpiAspspConsentDataProvider spiAspspConsentDataProvider)\n@Override public SpiResponse<SpiAccountDetails> requestAccountDetailForAccount(\n @NotNull SpiContextData ctx,\n boolean withBalance,\n @NotNull SpiAccountReference spiAccountReference,\n @NotNull SpiAccountConsent spiAccountConsent,\n @NotNull SpiAspspConsentDataProvider spiAspspConsentDataProvider)\n@Override public SpiResponse<SpiTransactionReport> requestTransactionsForAccount(\n @NotNull SpiContextData spiContextData,\n String acceptHeader,\n boolean withBalance,\n @NotNull LocalDate dateFrom,\n @NotNull LocalDate dateTo,\n @NotNull BookingStatus bookingStatus,\n @NotNull SpiAccountReference spiAccountReference,\n @NotNull SpiAccountConsent spiAccountConsent,\n @NotNull SpiAspspConsentDataProvider spiAspspConsentDataProvider)\n@Override public SpiResponse<SpiTransaction> requestTransactionForAccountByTransactionId(\n @NotNull SpiContextData ctx,\n @NotNull String transactionId,\n @NotNull SpiAccountReference spiAccountReference,\n @NotNull SpiAccountConsent spiAccountConsent,\n @NotNull SpiAspspConsentDataProvider spiAspspConsentDataProvider)\n@Override public SpiResponse<List<SpiAccountBalance>> requestBalancesForAccount(\n @NotNull SpiContextData ctx,\n @NotNull SpiAccountReference spiAccountReference,\n @NotNull SpiAccountConsent spiAccountConsent,\n @NotNull SpiAspspConsentDataProvider spiAspspConsentDataProvider)\nprivate Optional<List<SpiAccountDetails>> getAccountDetails(SpiAccountConsent spiAccountConsent,\n boolean withBalance)\nprivate Optional<List<Transaction>> getTransactionsByIbanAndAccountId(String iban,\n String accountId)\nprivate Pair<List<SpiAccountBalance>, SpiResponse<T>> getBalancesForAccount(\n SpiAccountReference accountReference, SpiAccountConsent spiAccountConsent\n )\n boolean dateIsInDateRange(LocalDate date, LocalDate from, LocalDate to)\n boolean isTransactionWithBookingStatus(Transaction transaction, BookingStatus bookingStatus)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: AccountSpiImplTest\n\nclass_fields: private AccountSpiImpl accountSpi;\n@Mock\n TestDataService testDataService;\n@Mock\n TestDataMapper testDataMapper;\nprivate LocalDate dateFrom = LocalDate.of(2019, 1, 17);\nprivate LocalDate dateTo = LocalDate.of(2019, 9, 28);\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file service/sandbox-core/src/main/java/de/adorsys/psd2/sandbox/xs2a/service/ais/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n boolean isTransactionWithBookingStatus(Transaction transaction, BookingStatus bookingStatus) {\n if (bookingStatus.equals(BookingStatus.BOOKED)) {\n return transaction.getBookingDate() != null;\n } else if (bookingStatus.equals(BookingStatus.PENDING)) {\n return transaction.getBookingDate() == null;\n }\n return true;\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n service/sandbox-core/src/test/java/de/adorsys/psd2/sandbox/xs2a/service/ais/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void transactionIsNotBooked() {\n Transaction transaction = mock(Transaction.class);\n\n assertFalse(accountSpi.isTransactionWithBookingStatus(transaction, BookingStatus.BOOKED));\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
@Override public WebElement findElement(By locator) { try { return new ImplicitlyWaitingWebElement(trier().tryTo(getOriginal()::findElement, locator), this).getActivated(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } catch (LimitExceededException e) { throw propagate(e.getCause()); } }
@Test void isEnabledShouldImplicitlyWaitForTheElementToBeVisible() { final WebElement mockedElement = mock(WebElement.class); when(mockedDriver.findElement("foo"))) .thenReturn(mockedElement); when(mockedElement.isEnabled()) .thenThrow(ElementNotVisibleException.class) .thenThrow(ElementNotVisibleException.class) .thenReturn(true); boolean selected = driver.findElement("foo")).isEnabled(); assertThat(, is(200L)); assertThat(selected, is(true)); verify(mockedDriver, times(1)).findElement("foo")); verify(mockedElement, times(3)).isEnabled(); }
[ "getActivated", "tryTo", "trier", "getOriginal", "propagate", "getCause" ]
[ "mock", "thenReturn", "when", "findElement", "name", "thenReturn", "thenThrow", "thenThrow", "when", "isEnabled", "isEnabled", "findElement", "name", "assertThat", "now", "is", "assertThat", "is", "findElement", "verify", "times", "name", "isEnabled", "verify", "times" ]
{ "class_fields": "private TestingClock clock;\nprivate WebDriver mockedDriver;\nprivate WebDriver driver;", "class_name": "ImplicitlyWaitingWebDriverTest" }
{ "class_fields": "private static final long DEFAULT_TIMEOUT = 10;\nprivate static final long DEFAULT_SLEEP_TIMEOUT = 500;\nprivate long timeout = DEFAULT_TIMEOUT;\nprivate long interval = DEFAULT_SLEEP_TIMEOUT;\nprivate Clock clock;\nprivate Sleeper sleeper;", "class_name": "ImplicitlyWaitingWebDriver extends DecoratedWebDriver", "method_signatures": "@Override protected Decorated<WebElement> createDecorated(WebElement original)\n@Override protected Decorated<TargetLocator> createDecorated(final TargetLocator original)\npublic ImplicitlyWaitingWebDriver(final WebDriver driver)\npublic ImplicitlyWaitingWebDriver(final WebDriver driver, long timeoutInSeconds)\npublic ImplicitlyWaitingWebDriver(final WebDriver driver, long timeoutInSeconds, long sleepTimeOut)\nprotected ImplicitlyWaitingWebDriver(final WebDriver driver, Clock clock, Sleeper sleeper, long timeoutInSeconds, long sleepTimeOut)\nprivate TimeBasedTrier<Object> trier()\nprivate RuntimeException propagate(Throwable throwable)\n@Override public WebElement findElement(By locator)\n@Override public List<WebElement> findElements(By locator)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: implicit-wait/src/main/java/ru/stqa/selenium/wait/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: ImplicitlyWaitingWebDriver extends DecoratedWebDriver\n\nclass_fields: private static final long DEFAULT_TIMEOUT = 10;\nprivate static final long DEFAULT_SLEEP_TIMEOUT = 500;\nprivate long timeout = DEFAULT_TIMEOUT;\nprivate long interval = DEFAULT_SLEEP_TIMEOUT;\nprivate Clock clock;\nprivate Sleeper sleeper;\n\nmethod_signatures: @Override protected Decorated<WebElement> createDecorated(WebElement original)\n@Override protected Decorated<TargetLocator> createDecorated(final TargetLocator original)\npublic ImplicitlyWaitingWebDriver(final WebDriver driver)\npublic ImplicitlyWaitingWebDriver(final WebDriver driver, long timeoutInSeconds)\npublic ImplicitlyWaitingWebDriver(final WebDriver driver, long timeoutInSeconds, long sleepTimeOut)\nprotected ImplicitlyWaitingWebDriver(final WebDriver driver, Clock clock, Sleeper sleeper, long timeoutInSeconds, long sleepTimeOut)\nprivate TimeBasedTrier<Object> trier()\nprivate RuntimeException propagate(Throwable throwable)\n@Override public WebElement findElement(By locator)\n@Override public List<WebElement> findElements(By locator)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: ImplicitlyWaitingWebDriverTest\n\nclass_fields: private TestingClock clock;\nprivate WebDriver mockedDriver;\nprivate WebDriver driver;\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file implicit-wait/src/main/java/ru/stqa/selenium/wait/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n @Override\n public WebElement findElement(By locator) {\n try {\n return new ImplicitlyWaitingWebElement(trier().tryTo(getOriginal()::findElement, locator), this).getActivated();\n } catch (InterruptedException e) {\n throw new RuntimeException(e);\n } catch (LimitExceededException e) {\n throw propagate(e.getCause());\n }\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n implicit-wait/src/test/java/ru/stqa/selenium/wait/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n void isEnabledShouldImplicitlyWaitForTheElementToBeVisible() {\n final WebElement mockedElement = mock(WebElement.class);\n\n when(mockedDriver.findElement(\"foo\")))\n .thenReturn(mockedElement);\n\n when(mockedElement.isEnabled())\n .thenThrow(ElementNotVisibleException.class)\n .thenThrow(ElementNotVisibleException.class)\n .thenReturn(true);\n\n boolean selected = driver.findElement(\"foo\")).isEnabled();\n\n assertThat(, is(200L));\n assertThat(selected, is(true));\n verify(mockedDriver, times(1)).findElement(\"foo\"));\n verify(mockedElement, times(3)).isEnabled();\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
protected IdentifierData cast(Type goalType, IdentifierData oldId) throws IntermediateCodeGeneratorException { if (oldId.getIdentifier().startsWith("#")) { IdentifierData tmpId = icg.generateTempIdentifier(oldId.getType()); icg.addQuadruple(QuadrupleFactoryJb.generateAssignment(tmpId, oldId)); oldId = tmpId; } IdentifierData newId = icg.generateTempIdentifier(goalType); icg.addQuadruple(QuadrupleFactoryJb.generateCast(newId, oldId)); return newId; }
@Test public void testCastCastStructToBooleanFails(){ try { when(converter.icg.generateTempIdentifier(any(BooleanType.class))) .thenReturn(new IdentifierData("tmp", new BooleanType())); converter.cast(new StringType(0l), new IdentifierData("test", new StructType( new Member[] { new Member("", new LongType()) }))); fail(); } catch (IntermediateCodeGeneratorException e) { } }
[ "startsWith", "getIdentifier", "generateTempIdentifier", "getType", "addQuadruple", "generateAssignment", "generateTempIdentifier", "addQuadruple", "generateCast" ]
[ "thenReturn", "when", "generateTempIdentifier", "any", "cast", "fail" ]
{ "class_fields": "CastingAst2CodeConverter converter;", "class_name": "CastingAst2CodeConverterTest" }
{ "class_fields": "", "class_name": "CastingAst2CodeConverter extends AbstractAst2CodeConverter", "method_signatures": "protected IdentifierData cast(Type goalType, IdentifierData oldId)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: javabite-code-gen/src/main/java/swp_compiler_ss13/javabite/codegen/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: CastingAst2CodeConverter extends AbstractAst2CodeConverter\n\nclass_fields: \n\nmethod_signatures: protected IdentifierData cast(Type goalType, IdentifierData oldId)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: CastingAst2CodeConverterTest\n\nclass_fields: CastingAst2CodeConverter converter;\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file javabite-code-gen/src/main/java/swp_compiler_ss13/javabite/codegen/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n protected IdentifierData cast(Type goalType, IdentifierData oldId) throws IntermediateCodeGeneratorException {\n\t\tif (oldId.getIdentifier().startsWith(\"#\")) {\n\t\t\tIdentifierData tmpId = icg.generateTempIdentifier(oldId.getType());\n\t\t\ticg.addQuadruple(QuadrupleFactoryJb.generateAssignment(tmpId, oldId));\n\t\t\toldId = tmpId;\n\t\t}\n\t\tIdentifierData newId = icg.generateTempIdentifier(goalType);\n\t\ticg.addQuadruple(QuadrupleFactoryJb.generateCast(newId, oldId));\n\t\treturn newId;\n\t}\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n javabite-code-gen/src/test/java/swp_compiler_ss13/javabite/codegen/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n\tpublic void testCastCastStructToBooleanFails(){\n\t\ttry {\n\t\t\twhen(converter.icg.generateTempIdentifier(any(BooleanType.class)))\n\t\t\t\t\t.thenReturn(new IdentifierData(\"tmp\", new BooleanType()));\n\t\t\tconverter.cast(new StringType(0l), new IdentifierData(\"test\",\n\t\t\t\t\tnew StructType( new Member[] { new Member(\"\",\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tnew LongType()) })));\n\t\t\tfail();\n\t\t} catch (IntermediateCodeGeneratorException e) {\n\t\t}\n\t}\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
protected URI parseURL(SolrRecord solr, String fullUrl) throws URIException { UsableURI url = UsableURIFactory.getInstance(fullUrl); solr.setField(SolrFields.SOLR_URL_PATH, url.getPath()); // Spot 'slash pages': if (url.getPath().equals("/") || url.getPath().equals("") || url.getPath().matches("/index\\.[a-z]+$")) { solr.setField(SolrFields.SOLR_URL_TYPE, SolrFields.SOLR_URL_TYPE_SLASHPAGE); // Spot 'robots.txt': } else if (url.getPath().equalsIgnoreCase("/robots.txt")) { solr.setField(SolrFields.SOLR_URL_TYPE, SolrFields.SOLR_URL_TYPE_ROBOTS_TXT); } else { solr.setField(SolrFields.SOLR_URL_TYPE, SolrFields.SOLR_URL_TYPE_NORMAL); } // Record the host (an canonicalised), the domain // and the public suffix: String host = url.getHost(); if (CANONICALISE_HOST) host = Normalisation.canonicaliseHost(host); solr.setField(SolrFields.SOLR_HOST, host); // Add the SURT host solr.removeField(SolrFields.SOLR_HOST_SURT); ImmutableList<String> levels = LinkExtractor.allLevels(host); if (levels != null) { for (String level : levels) { solr.addField(SolrFields.SOLR_HOST_SURT, SURT.toSURT(level)); } } final String domain = LinkExtractor.extractPrivateSuffixFromHost(host); solr.setField(SolrFields.DOMAIN, domain); solr.setField(SolrFields.PUBLIC_SUFFIX, LinkExtractor.extractPublicSuffixFromHost(host)); // Force correct escaping: org.apache.commons.httpclient.URI tempUri = new org.apache.commons.httpclient .URI(url.getEscapedURI(), false); return URI.create(tempUri.getEscapedURI()); }
@Test public void testParseURL() throws NoSuchAlgorithmException, URIException { WARCIndexer windex = new WARCIndexer(); String[] testUrls = { "", "|category_ro", "", "^GBP:ILS&chart_time_period=1_month&canvas_colour" }; for (String urlString : testUrls) { SolrRecord solr = SolrRecordFactory.createFactory(null).createRecord(); URI test1 = windex.parseURL(solr, urlString); assertEquals(1, solr.getField(SolrFields.PUBLIC_SUFFIX).getValueCount()); } }
[ "getInstance", "setField", "getPath", "equals", "getPath", "equals", "getPath", "matches", "getPath", "setField", "equalsIgnoreCase", "getPath", "setField", "setField", "getHost", "canonicaliseHost", "setField", "removeField", "allLevels", "addField", "toSURT", "extractPrivateSuffixFromHost", "setField", "setField", "extractPublicSuffixFromHost", "getEscapedURI", "create", "getEscapedURI" ]
[ "createRecord", "createFactory", "parseURL", "assertEquals", "getValueCount", "getField" ]
{ "class_fields": "private static Log log = LogFactory.getLog(WARCIndexerTest.class);\nprivate static final String TIMESTAMP_12 = \"200009200005\";\nprivate static final String TIMESTAMP_14 = \"20000920000545\";\nprivate static final String TIMESTAMP_16 = \"2000092000054543\";\nprivate static final String TIMESTAMP_17 = \"20000920000545439\";", "class_name": "WARCIndexerTest" }
{ "class_fields": "private static Log log = LogFactory.getLog( WARCIndexer.class );\nprivate List<String> url_excludes;\nprivate List<String> protocol_includes;\nprivate List<String> response_includes;\nprivate List<String> record_type_includes;\nprivate MessageDigest md5 = null;\nprivate boolean extractText;\nprivate boolean storeText;\nprivate StaticMapExclusionFilterFactory smef = null;\nprivate boolean checkSolrForDuplicates = false;\nprivate SolrWebServer solrServer = null;\nprivate long inMemoryThreshold;\nprivate long onDiskThreshold;\nprivate WARCPayloadAnalysers wpa;\nprivate TextAnalysers txa;\nprivate Annotator ant = null;\nprivate final boolean addNormalisedURL;\npublic static final boolean CANONICALISE_HOST = true;\nprivate final SolrRecordFactory solrFactory;\nprivate final java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter WAYBACK_DATETIME =\n java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern(\"yyyyMMddHHmmss\").withZone(ZoneId.of(\"UTC\"));\nprivate final Calendar calendar = Calendar\n .getInstance(TimeZone.getTimeZone(\"UTC\"));\npublic static SimpleDateFormat formatter = new SimpleDateFormat(\n \"yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z'\");", "class_name": "WARCIndexer", "method_signatures": "public WARCIndexer()\npublic WARCIndexer( Config conf )\npublic void setAnnotations(Annotations ann, SurtPrefixSet openAccessSurts)\npublic boolean isCheckSolrForDuplicates()\npublic void setCheckSolrForDuplicates(boolean checkSolrForDuplicates)\npublic SolrRecord extract( String archiveName, ArchiveRecord record )\npublic SolrRecord extract( String archiveName, ArchiveRecord record, boolean isTextIncluded )\nprivate void processText(SolrRecord solr, boolean isTextIncluded)\nprivate void applyAnnotations(SolrRecord solr, URI saneURI)\nprivate void processEnvelopeHeader(SolrRecord solr, ArchiveRecordHeader header, String targetUrl)\nprivate void setUserFields(SolrRecord solr, String archiveName)\nprivate void processARCHeader(SolrRecord solr)\nprivate void processWARCHeader(ArchiveRecordHeader header, SolrRecord solr)\nprotected URI parseURL(SolrRecord solr, String fullUrl)\nprivate synchronized String getYearFromDate(Date date)\nprivate HTTPHeader processWARCHTTPHeaders(\n ArchiveRecord record, ArchiveRecordHeader warcHeader, String targetUrl, SolrRecord solr)\nprivate void processHTTPHeaders(SolrRecord solr, HTTPHeader httpHeaders , String targetUrl)\nprotected static String parseResourceName(String fullUrl)\nprotected static String parseExtension(String path)\npublic static Date getWaybackDate( String timestamp )\nprotected static String parseCrawlDate( String waybackDate )\npublic static String extractYear( String timestamp )\nprivate boolean checkUrl( String url )\nprivate boolean checkProtocol( String url )\nprivate boolean checkResponseCode( String statusCode )\nprivate boolean checkRecordType( String type )\nprivate boolean checkExclusionFilter( String uri )" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: warc-indexer/src/main/java/uk/bl/wa/indexer/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: WARCIndexer\n\nclass_fields: private static Log log = LogFactory.getLog( WARCIndexer.class );\nprivate List<String> url_excludes;\nprivate List<String> protocol_includes;\nprivate List<String> response_includes;\nprivate List<String> record_type_includes;\nprivate MessageDigest md5 = null;\nprivate boolean extractText;\nprivate boolean storeText;\nprivate StaticMapExclusionFilterFactory smef = null;\nprivate boolean checkSolrForDuplicates = false;\nprivate SolrWebServer solrServer = null;\nprivate long inMemoryThreshold;\nprivate long onDiskThreshold;\nprivate WARCPayloadAnalysers wpa;\nprivate TextAnalysers txa;\nprivate Annotator ant = null;\nprivate final boolean addNormalisedURL;\npublic static final boolean CANONICALISE_HOST = true;\nprivate final SolrRecordFactory solrFactory;\nprivate final java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter WAYBACK_DATETIME =\n java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern(\"yyyyMMddHHmmss\").withZone(ZoneId.of(\"UTC\"));\nprivate final Calendar calendar = Calendar\n .getInstance(TimeZone.getTimeZone(\"UTC\"));\npublic static SimpleDateFormat formatter = new SimpleDateFormat(\n \"yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z'\");\n\nmethod_signatures: public WARCIndexer()\npublic WARCIndexer( Config conf )\npublic void setAnnotations(Annotations ann, SurtPrefixSet openAccessSurts)\npublic boolean isCheckSolrForDuplicates()\npublic void setCheckSolrForDuplicates(boolean checkSolrForDuplicates)\npublic SolrRecord extract( String archiveName, ArchiveRecord record )\npublic SolrRecord extract( String archiveName, ArchiveRecord record, boolean isTextIncluded )\nprivate void processText(SolrRecord solr, boolean isTextIncluded)\nprivate void applyAnnotations(SolrRecord solr, URI saneURI)\nprivate void processEnvelopeHeader(SolrRecord solr, ArchiveRecordHeader header, String targetUrl)\nprivate void setUserFields(SolrRecord solr, String archiveName)\nprivate void processARCHeader(SolrRecord solr)\nprivate void processWARCHeader(ArchiveRecordHeader header, SolrRecord solr)\nprotected URI parseURL(SolrRecord solr, String fullUrl)\nprivate synchronized String getYearFromDate(Date date)\nprivate HTTPHeader processWARCHTTPHeaders(\n ArchiveRecord record, ArchiveRecordHeader warcHeader, String targetUrl, SolrRecord solr)\nprivate void processHTTPHeaders(SolrRecord solr, HTTPHeader httpHeaders , String targetUrl)\nprotected static String parseResourceName(String fullUrl)\nprotected static String parseExtension(String path)\npublic static Date getWaybackDate( String timestamp )\nprotected static String parseCrawlDate( String waybackDate )\npublic static String extractYear( String timestamp )\nprivate boolean checkUrl( String url )\nprivate boolean checkProtocol( String url )\nprivate boolean checkResponseCode( String statusCode )\nprivate boolean checkRecordType( String type )\nprivate boolean checkExclusionFilter( String uri )\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: WARCIndexerTest\n\nclass_fields: private static Log log = LogFactory.getLog(WARCIndexerTest.class);\nprivate static final String TIMESTAMP_12 = \"200009200005\";\nprivate static final String TIMESTAMP_14 = \"20000920000545\";\nprivate static final String TIMESTAMP_16 = \"2000092000054543\";\nprivate static final String TIMESTAMP_17 = \"20000920000545439\";\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file warc-indexer/src/main/java/uk/bl/wa/indexer/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n protected URI parseURL(SolrRecord solr, String fullUrl) throws URIException {\n UsableURI url = UsableURIFactory.getInstance(fullUrl);\n\n solr.setField(SolrFields.SOLR_URL_PATH, url.getPath());\n\n // Spot 'slash pages':\n if (url.getPath().equals(\"/\") || url.getPath().equals(\"\")\n || url.getPath().matches(\"/index\\\\.[a-z]+$\")) {\n solr.setField(SolrFields.SOLR_URL_TYPE,\n SolrFields.SOLR_URL_TYPE_SLASHPAGE);\n // Spot 'robots.txt':\n } else if (url.getPath().equalsIgnoreCase(\"/robots.txt\")) {\n solr.setField(SolrFields.SOLR_URL_TYPE,\n SolrFields.SOLR_URL_TYPE_ROBOTS_TXT);\n } else {\n solr.setField(SolrFields.SOLR_URL_TYPE,\n SolrFields.SOLR_URL_TYPE_NORMAL);\n }\n // Record the host (an canonicalised), the domain\n // and the public suffix:\n String host = url.getHost();\n if (CANONICALISE_HOST)\n host = Normalisation.canonicaliseHost(host);\n solr.setField(SolrFields.SOLR_HOST, host);\n\n // Add the SURT host\n solr.removeField(SolrFields.SOLR_HOST_SURT);\n ImmutableList<String> levels = LinkExtractor.allLevels(host);\n if (levels != null) {\n for (String level : levels) {\n solr.addField(SolrFields.SOLR_HOST_SURT, SURT.toSURT(level));\n }\n }\n\n final String domain = LinkExtractor.extractPrivateSuffixFromHost(host);\n solr.setField(SolrFields.DOMAIN, domain);\n solr.setField(SolrFields.PUBLIC_SUFFIX,\n LinkExtractor.extractPublicSuffixFromHost(host));\n\n // Force correct escaping:\n org.apache.commons.httpclient.URI tempUri = new org.apache.commons.httpclient\n .URI(url.getEscapedURI(),\n false);\n\n return URI.create(tempUri.getEscapedURI());\n\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n warc-indexer/src/test/java/uk/bl/wa/indexer/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void testParseURL() throws NoSuchAlgorithmException, URIException {\n WARCIndexer windex = new WARCIndexer();\n String[] testUrls = {\n \"\",\n \"|category_ro\",\n \"\",\n \"^GBP:ILS&chart_time_period=1_month&canvas_colour\" };\n for (String urlString : testUrls) {\n SolrRecord solr = SolrRecordFactory.createFactory(null).createRecord();\n URI test1 = windex.parseURL(solr, urlString);\n assertEquals(1,\n solr.getField(SolrFields.PUBLIC_SUFFIX).getValueCount());\n }\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
public static <T> ByteString serialize(final String templateName, T object) { StringWriter templateResults = new StringWriter(); try { final Template template = configuration.getTemplate(templateName); template.process(object, templateResults); } catch (Exception e) { throw Throwables.propagate(e); } return ByteString.encodeUtf8(templateResults.toString()); }
@Test public void testException() throws Exception { expectedException.expect(RuntimeException.class); ImmutableMap<String, String> map = ImmutableMap.of("nomatch", "this"); HtmlSerializerMiddlewares.serialize(TEST_TEMPLATE_FTL, map); }
[ "getTemplate", "process", "propagate", "encodeUtf8", "toString" ]
[ "expect", "of", "serialize" ]
{ "class_fields": "public static final String TEST_TEMPLATE_FTL = \"test_template.ftl\";\n@Rule\n public ExpectedException expectedException = ExpectedException.none();", "class_name": "HtmlSerializerMiddlewaresTest" }
{ "class_fields": "private static final String CONTENT_TYPE = \"Content-Type\";\nprivate static final String HTML = \"text/html; charset=UTF8\";\nprivate static final Configuration configuration = new Configuration(Configuration.VERSION_2_3_22);", "class_name": "HtmlSerializerMiddlewares", "method_signatures": "private HtmlSerializerMiddlewares()\npublic static ByteString serialize(final String templateName, T object)\npublic static Middleware<AsyncHandler<T>, AsyncHandler<Response<ByteString>>> htmlSerialize(\n final String templateName)\npublic static Middleware<AsyncHandler<Response<T>>, AsyncHandler<Response<ByteString>>> htmlSerializeResponse(final String templateName)\npublic static Middleware<SyncHandler<T>, AsyncHandler<Response<ByteString>>> htmlSerializeSync(\n final String templateName)\npublic static Middleware<SyncHandler<Response<T>>, AsyncHandler<Response<ByteString>>> htmlSerializeResponseSync(\n final String templateName)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: apollo-extra/src/main/java/com/spotify/apollo/route/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: HtmlSerializerMiddlewares\n\nclass_fields: private static final String CONTENT_TYPE = \"Content-Type\";\nprivate static final String HTML = \"text/html; charset=UTF8\";\nprivate static final Configuration configuration = new Configuration(Configuration.VERSION_2_3_22);\n\nmethod_signatures: private HtmlSerializerMiddlewares()\npublic static ByteString serialize(final String templateName, T object)\npublic static Middleware<AsyncHandler<T>, AsyncHandler<Response<ByteString>>> htmlSerialize(\n final String templateName)\npublic static Middleware<AsyncHandler<Response<T>>, AsyncHandler<Response<ByteString>>> htmlSerializeResponse(final String templateName)\npublic static Middleware<SyncHandler<T>, AsyncHandler<Response<ByteString>>> htmlSerializeSync(\n final String templateName)\npublic static Middleware<SyncHandler<Response<T>>, AsyncHandler<Response<ByteString>>> htmlSerializeResponseSync(\n final String templateName)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: HtmlSerializerMiddlewaresTest\n\nclass_fields: public static final String TEST_TEMPLATE_FTL = \"test_template.ftl\";\n@Rule\n public ExpectedException expectedException = ExpectedException.none();\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file apollo-extra/src/main/java/com/spotify/apollo/route/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n public static <T> ByteString serialize(final String templateName, T object) {\n StringWriter templateResults = new StringWriter();\n try {\n final Template template = configuration.getTemplate(templateName);\n template.process(object, templateResults);\n } catch (Exception e) {\n throw Throwables.propagate(e);\n }\n return ByteString.encodeUtf8(templateResults.toString());\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n apollo-extra/src/test/java/com/spotify/apollo/route/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void testException() throws Exception {\n expectedException.expect(RuntimeException.class);\n ImmutableMap<String, String> map = ImmutableMap.of(\"nomatch\", \"this\");\n HtmlSerializerMiddlewares.serialize(TEST_TEMPLATE_FTL, map);\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
public synchronized void take(Handler<AsyncResult<Connection>> handler) { Connection connection = availableConnections.poll(); if (connection == null) { createOrWaitForAvailableConnection(handler); } else { cancelTimer(connection); if (connection.isConnected()) { // Do connection test if connection test timeout is configured if (connectionConfig != null && connectionConfig.getConnectionTestTimeout() > 0) { AtomicBoolean testCompleted = new AtomicBoolean(false); long timer = vertx.setTimer(connectionConfig.getConnectionTestTimeout(), ignored -> { // check if the test request has completed or not, if not, try it again and drop the current connection if (testCompleted.compareAndSet(false, true)) {"connection test timeout"); connection.disconnect(); // drop the connection if it's still alive synchronized (this) { poolSize -= 1; } take(handler); } }); connection.sendQuery("SELECT 1 AS alive") .whenCompleteAsync((ignored, error) -> { if (error != null) {"connection test failed", error); connection.disconnect(); // try to close the connection synchronized (this) { poolSize -= 1; } take(handler); } else { // connection is good, however, need to check if the test query has timeout or not // if timeout is not fired yet, then we will cleanup the timeout timer and return // the connection, otherwise, we will skip this event, as timeout timer already // drop the connection and retry if (testCompleted.compareAndSet(false, true)) { // cleanup the timer if (this.connectionConfig.getConnectionTestTimeout() > 0) { vertx.cancelTimer(timer); } handler.handle(Future.succeededFuture(connection)); } } }, ConversionUtils.vertxToExecutor(vertx)); } else { // No test connection timeout is configured, return the connection directly handler.handle(Future.succeededFuture(connection)); } } else { poolSize -= 1; take(handler); } } }
@Test public void testRetriesAndSuccess(TestContext context) { final int MAX_RETRIES = 5; final Async async = context.async(); final AsyncConnectionPoolMock pool = new AsyncConnectionPoolMock( new JsonObject() .put("maxConnectionRetries", MAX_RETRIES) .put("connectionRetryDelay", 100L), new Supplier<Connection>() { int count=0; @Override public Connection get() { count++; if (count < MAX_RETRIES + 1) return getFailingConnection(); else return getGoodConnection(); } }); pool.take(result -> { context.assertTrue(result.succeeded()); context.assertEquals(MAX_RETRIES + 1, pool.connectionAttempts); context.assertEquals(1, pool.createdConnections); // Verify the the Vert.x timer has been used 5 times (MAX_RETRIES) Mockito.verify(vertx, Mockito.times(MAX_RETRIES)).setTimer(Mockito.eq(100L), Mockito.any()); async.complete(); }); }
[ "poll", "createOrWaitForAvailableConnection", "cancelTimer", "isConnected", "getConnectionTestTimeout", "setTimer", "getConnectionTestTimeout", "compareAndSet", "info", "disconnect", "take", "whenCompleteAsync", "sendQuery", "info", "disconnect", "take", "compareAndSet", "getConnectionTestTimeout", "cancelTimer", "handle", "succeededFuture", "vertxToExecutor", "handle", "succeededFuture", "take" ]
[ "async", "put", "put", "getFailingConnection", "getGoodConnection", "take", "assertTrue", "succeeded", "assertEquals", "assertEquals", "setTimer", "verify", "times", "eq", "any", "complete" ]
{ "class_fields": "private final int MAX_POOL_SIZE = 15;\nprivate Vertx vertx;", "class_name": "AsyncConnectionPoolTest" }
{ "class_fields": "public static final int DEFAULT_MAX_POOL_SIZE = 10;\npublic static final int DEFAULT_MAX_CONNECTION_RETRIES = 0;\npublic static final int DEFAULT_CONNECTION_RETRY_DELAY = 5_000;\npublic static final int DEFAULT_CONNECTION_RELEASE_DELAY = 0;\nprivate static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(AsyncConnectionPool.class);\nprivate final int maxPoolSize;\nprivate final int maxConnectionRetries;\nprivate final int connectionRetryDelay;\nprivate final int connectionReleaseDelay;\nprotected final ConnectionPoolConfiguration connectionConfig;\nprotected final Vertx vertx;\nprivate int poolSize = 0;\nprivate final Deque<Connection> availableConnections = new ArrayDeque<>();\nprivate final Deque<Handler<AsyncResult<Connection>>> waiters = new ArrayDeque<>();\nprivate final Map<Connection,Long> timers = new HashMap<>();", "class_name": "AsyncConnectionPool", "method_signatures": "public AsyncConnectionPool(Vertx vertx, JsonObject globalConfig, ConnectionPoolConfiguration connectionConfig)\nprotected abstract Connection create()\npublic synchronized int getPoolSize()\nsynchronized int getTimersSize()\nprivate synchronized void createConnection(Handler<AsyncResult<Connection>> handler)\nprivate synchronized void createAndConnect(Handler<AsyncResult<Connection>> handler)\nprivate synchronized void waitForAvailableConnection(Handler<AsyncResult<Connection>> handler)\nprivate synchronized void createOrWaitForAvailableConnection(Handler<AsyncResult<Connection>> handler)\npublic synchronized void take(Handler<AsyncResult<Connection>> handler)\nprivate synchronized void notifyWaitersAboutAvailableConnection()\nprivate synchronized void cancelTimer(Connection connection)\npublic synchronized void expire(Connection connection)\npublic synchronized void giveBack(Connection connection)\npublic synchronized void close()\npublic synchronized void close(Handler<AsyncResult<Void>> handler)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: vertx-mysql-postgresql-client-jasync/src/main/java/io/vertx/ext/asyncsql/impl/pool/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: AsyncConnectionPool\n\nclass_fields: public static final int DEFAULT_MAX_POOL_SIZE = 10;\npublic static final int DEFAULT_MAX_CONNECTION_RETRIES = 0;\npublic static final int DEFAULT_CONNECTION_RETRY_DELAY = 5_000;\npublic static final int DEFAULT_CONNECTION_RELEASE_DELAY = 0;\nprivate static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(AsyncConnectionPool.class);\nprivate final int maxPoolSize;\nprivate final int maxConnectionRetries;\nprivate final int connectionRetryDelay;\nprivate final int connectionReleaseDelay;\nprotected final ConnectionPoolConfiguration connectionConfig;\nprotected final Vertx vertx;\nprivate int poolSize = 0;\nprivate final Deque<Connection> availableConnections = new ArrayDeque<>();\nprivate final Deque<Handler<AsyncResult<Connection>>> waiters = new ArrayDeque<>();\nprivate final Map<Connection,Long> timers = new HashMap<>();\n\nmethod_signatures: public AsyncConnectionPool(Vertx vertx, JsonObject globalConfig, ConnectionPoolConfiguration connectionConfig)\nprotected abstract Connection create()\npublic synchronized int getPoolSize()\nsynchronized int getTimersSize()\nprivate synchronized void createConnection(Handler<AsyncResult<Connection>> handler)\nprivate synchronized void createAndConnect(Handler<AsyncResult<Connection>> handler)\nprivate synchronized void waitForAvailableConnection(Handler<AsyncResult<Connection>> handler)\nprivate synchronized void createOrWaitForAvailableConnection(Handler<AsyncResult<Connection>> handler)\npublic synchronized void take(Handler<AsyncResult<Connection>> handler)\nprivate synchronized void notifyWaitersAboutAvailableConnection()\nprivate synchronized void cancelTimer(Connection connection)\npublic synchronized void expire(Connection connection)\npublic synchronized void giveBack(Connection connection)\npublic synchronized void close()\npublic synchronized void close(Handler<AsyncResult<Void>> handler)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: AsyncConnectionPoolTest\n\nclass_fields: private final int MAX_POOL_SIZE = 15;\nprivate Vertx vertx;\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file vertx-mysql-postgresql-client-jasync/src/main/java/io/vertx/ext/asyncsql/impl/pool/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n public synchronized void take(Handler<AsyncResult<Connection>> handler) {\n Connection connection = availableConnections.poll();\n if (connection == null) {\n createOrWaitForAvailableConnection(handler);\n } else {\n cancelTimer(connection);\n if (connection.isConnected()) {\n // Do connection test if connection test timeout is configured\n if (connectionConfig != null && connectionConfig.getConnectionTestTimeout() > 0) {\n AtomicBoolean testCompleted = new AtomicBoolean(false);\n long timer = vertx.setTimer(connectionConfig.getConnectionTestTimeout(), ignored -> {\n // check if the test request has completed or not, if not, try it again and drop the current connection\n if (testCompleted.compareAndSet(false, true)) {\n\"connection test timeout\");\n connection.disconnect(); // drop the connection if it's still alive\n synchronized (this) {\n poolSize -= 1;\n }\n\n take(handler);\n }\n });\n connection.sendQuery(\"SELECT 1 AS alive\")\n .whenCompleteAsync((ignored, error) -> {\n if (error != null) {\n\"connection test failed\", error);\n connection.disconnect(); // try to close the connection\n synchronized (this) {\n poolSize -= 1;\n }\n\n take(handler);\n } else {\n // connection is good, however, need to check if the test query has timeout or not\n // if timeout is not fired yet, then we will cleanup the timeout timer and return\n // the connection, otherwise, we will skip this event, as timeout timer already\n // drop the connection and retry\n if (testCompleted.compareAndSet(false, true)) {\n // cleanup the timer\n if (this.connectionConfig.getConnectionTestTimeout() > 0) {\n vertx.cancelTimer(timer);\n }\n\n handler.handle(Future.succeededFuture(connection));\n }\n }\n }, ConversionUtils.vertxToExecutor(vertx));\n } else {\n // No test connection timeout is configured, return the connection directly\n handler.handle(Future.succeededFuture(connection));\n }\n } else {\n poolSize -= 1;\n take(handler);\n }\n }\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n vertx-mysql-postgresql-client-jasync/src/test/java/io/vertx/ext/asyncsql/impl/pool/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void testRetriesAndSuccess(TestContext context) {\n final int MAX_RETRIES = 5;\n\n final Async async = context.async();\n\n final AsyncConnectionPoolMock pool = new AsyncConnectionPoolMock(\n new JsonObject()\n .put(\"maxConnectionRetries\", MAX_RETRIES)\n .put(\"connectionRetryDelay\", 100L),\n new Supplier<Connection>() {\n int count=0;\n @Override public Connection get() {\n count++;\n if (count < MAX_RETRIES + 1)\n return getFailingConnection();\n else\n return getGoodConnection();\n }\n });\n\n pool.take(result -> {\n context.assertTrue(result.succeeded());\n context.assertEquals(MAX_RETRIES + 1, pool.connectionAttempts);\n context.assertEquals(1, pool.createdConnections);\n\n // Verify the the Vert.x timer has been used 5 times (MAX_RETRIES)\n Mockito.verify(vertx, Mockito.times(MAX_RETRIES)).setTimer(Mockito.eq(100L), Mockito.any());\n async.complete();\n });\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
public synchronized void take(Handler<AsyncResult<Connection>> handler) { Connection connection = availableConnections.poll(); if (connection == null) { createOrWaitForAvailableConnection(handler); } else { cancelTimer(connection); if (connection.isConnected()) { // Do connection test if connection test timeout is configured if (connectionConfig != null && connectionConfig.getConnectionTestTimeout() > 0) { AtomicBoolean testCompleted = new AtomicBoolean(false); long timer = vertx.setTimer(connectionConfig.getConnectionTestTimeout(), ignored -> { // check if the test request has completed or not, if not, try it again and drop the current connection if (testCompleted.compareAndSet(false, true)) {"connection test timeout"); connection.disconnect(); // drop the connection if it's still alive synchronized (this) { poolSize -= 1; } take(handler); } }); connection.sendQuery("SELECT 1 AS alive") .whenCompleteAsync((ignored, error) -> { if (error != null) {"connection test failed", error); connection.disconnect(); // try to close the connection synchronized (this) { poolSize -= 1; } take(handler); } else { // connection is good, however, need to check if the test query has timeout or not // if timeout is not fired yet, then we will cleanup the timeout timer and return // the connection, otherwise, we will skip this event, as timeout timer already // drop the connection and retry if (testCompleted.compareAndSet(false, true)) { // cleanup the timer if (this.connectionConfig.getConnectionTestTimeout() > 0) { vertx.cancelTimer(timer); } handler.handle(Future.succeededFuture(connection)); } } }, ConversionUtils.vertxToExecutor(vertx)); } else { // No test connection timeout is configured, return the connection directly handler.handle(Future.succeededFuture(connection)); } } else { poolSize -= 1; take(handler); } } }
@Test public void testNoRetriesByDefault(TestContext context) { final Async async = context.async(); final AsyncConnectionPoolMock pool = new AsyncConnectionPoolMock(new JsonObject(), this::getFailingConnection); pool.take(result -> { context.assertTrue(result.failed()); context.assertTrue(result.cause() instanceof RuntimeException); context.assertEquals(1, pool.connectionAttempts); context.assertEquals(0, pool.createdConnections); Mockito.verifyNoMoreInteractions(vertx); async.complete(); }); }
[ "poll", "createOrWaitForAvailableConnection", "cancelTimer", "isConnected", "getConnectionTestTimeout", "setTimer", "getConnectionTestTimeout", "compareAndSet", "info", "disconnect", "take", "whenCompleteAsync", "sendQuery", "info", "disconnect", "take", "compareAndSet", "getConnectionTestTimeout", "cancelTimer", "handle", "succeededFuture", "vertxToExecutor", "handle", "succeededFuture", "take" ]
[ "async", "take", "assertTrue", "failed", "assertTrue", "cause", "assertEquals", "assertEquals", "verifyNoMoreInteractions", "complete" ]
{ "class_fields": "private final int MAX_POOL_SIZE = 15;\nprivate Vertx vertx;", "class_name": "AsyncConnectionPoolTest" }
{ "class_fields": "public static final int DEFAULT_MAX_POOL_SIZE = 10;\npublic static final int DEFAULT_MAX_CONNECTION_RETRIES = 0;\npublic static final int DEFAULT_CONNECTION_RETRY_DELAY = 5_000;\npublic static final int DEFAULT_CONNECTION_RELEASE_DELAY = 0;\nprivate static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(AsyncConnectionPool.class);\nprivate final int maxPoolSize;\nprivate final int maxConnectionRetries;\nprivate final int connectionRetryDelay;\nprivate final int connectionReleaseDelay;\nprotected final ConnectionPoolConfiguration connectionConfig;\nprotected final Vertx vertx;\nprivate int poolSize = 0;\nprivate final Deque<Connection> availableConnections = new ArrayDeque<>();\nprivate final Deque<Handler<AsyncResult<Connection>>> waiters = new ArrayDeque<>();\nprivate final Map<Connection,Long> timers = new HashMap<>();", "class_name": "AsyncConnectionPool", "method_signatures": "public AsyncConnectionPool(Vertx vertx, JsonObject globalConfig, ConnectionPoolConfiguration connectionConfig)\nprotected abstract Connection create()\npublic synchronized int getPoolSize()\nsynchronized int getTimersSize()\nprivate synchronized void createConnection(Handler<AsyncResult<Connection>> handler)\nprivate synchronized void createAndConnect(Handler<AsyncResult<Connection>> handler)\nprivate synchronized void waitForAvailableConnection(Handler<AsyncResult<Connection>> handler)\nprivate synchronized void createOrWaitForAvailableConnection(Handler<AsyncResult<Connection>> handler)\npublic synchronized void take(Handler<AsyncResult<Connection>> handler)\nprivate synchronized void notifyWaitersAboutAvailableConnection()\nprivate synchronized void cancelTimer(Connection connection)\npublic synchronized void expire(Connection connection)\npublic synchronized void giveBack(Connection connection)\npublic synchronized void close()\npublic synchronized void close(Handler<AsyncResult<Void>> handler)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: vertx-mysql-postgresql-client-jasync/src/main/java/io/vertx/ext/asyncsql/impl/pool/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: AsyncConnectionPool\n\nclass_fields: public static final int DEFAULT_MAX_POOL_SIZE = 10;\npublic static final int DEFAULT_MAX_CONNECTION_RETRIES = 0;\npublic static final int DEFAULT_CONNECTION_RETRY_DELAY = 5_000;\npublic static final int DEFAULT_CONNECTION_RELEASE_DELAY = 0;\nprivate static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(AsyncConnectionPool.class);\nprivate final int maxPoolSize;\nprivate final int maxConnectionRetries;\nprivate final int connectionRetryDelay;\nprivate final int connectionReleaseDelay;\nprotected final ConnectionPoolConfiguration connectionConfig;\nprotected final Vertx vertx;\nprivate int poolSize = 0;\nprivate final Deque<Connection> availableConnections = new ArrayDeque<>();\nprivate final Deque<Handler<AsyncResult<Connection>>> waiters = new ArrayDeque<>();\nprivate final Map<Connection,Long> timers = new HashMap<>();\n\nmethod_signatures: public AsyncConnectionPool(Vertx vertx, JsonObject globalConfig, ConnectionPoolConfiguration connectionConfig)\nprotected abstract Connection create()\npublic synchronized int getPoolSize()\nsynchronized int getTimersSize()\nprivate synchronized void createConnection(Handler<AsyncResult<Connection>> handler)\nprivate synchronized void createAndConnect(Handler<AsyncResult<Connection>> handler)\nprivate synchronized void waitForAvailableConnection(Handler<AsyncResult<Connection>> handler)\nprivate synchronized void createOrWaitForAvailableConnection(Handler<AsyncResult<Connection>> handler)\npublic synchronized void take(Handler<AsyncResult<Connection>> handler)\nprivate synchronized void notifyWaitersAboutAvailableConnection()\nprivate synchronized void cancelTimer(Connection connection)\npublic synchronized void expire(Connection connection)\npublic synchronized void giveBack(Connection connection)\npublic synchronized void close()\npublic synchronized void close(Handler<AsyncResult<Void>> handler)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: AsyncConnectionPoolTest\n\nclass_fields: private final int MAX_POOL_SIZE = 15;\nprivate Vertx vertx;\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file vertx-mysql-postgresql-client-jasync/src/main/java/io/vertx/ext/asyncsql/impl/pool/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n public synchronized void take(Handler<AsyncResult<Connection>> handler) {\n Connection connection = availableConnections.poll();\n if (connection == null) {\n createOrWaitForAvailableConnection(handler);\n } else {\n cancelTimer(connection);\n if (connection.isConnected()) {\n // Do connection test if connection test timeout is configured\n if (connectionConfig != null && connectionConfig.getConnectionTestTimeout() > 0) {\n AtomicBoolean testCompleted = new AtomicBoolean(false);\n long timer = vertx.setTimer(connectionConfig.getConnectionTestTimeout(), ignored -> {\n // check if the test request has completed or not, if not, try it again and drop the current connection\n if (testCompleted.compareAndSet(false, true)) {\n\"connection test timeout\");\n connection.disconnect(); // drop the connection if it's still alive\n synchronized (this) {\n poolSize -= 1;\n }\n\n take(handler);\n }\n });\n connection.sendQuery(\"SELECT 1 AS alive\")\n .whenCompleteAsync((ignored, error) -> {\n if (error != null) {\n\"connection test failed\", error);\n connection.disconnect(); // try to close the connection\n synchronized (this) {\n poolSize -= 1;\n }\n\n take(handler);\n } else {\n // connection is good, however, need to check if the test query has timeout or not\n // if timeout is not fired yet, then we will cleanup the timeout timer and return\n // the connection, otherwise, we will skip this event, as timeout timer already\n // drop the connection and retry\n if (testCompleted.compareAndSet(false, true)) {\n // cleanup the timer\n if (this.connectionConfig.getConnectionTestTimeout() > 0) {\n vertx.cancelTimer(timer);\n }\n\n handler.handle(Future.succeededFuture(connection));\n }\n }\n }, ConversionUtils.vertxToExecutor(vertx));\n } else {\n // No test connection timeout is configured, return the connection directly\n handler.handle(Future.succeededFuture(connection));\n }\n } else {\n poolSize -= 1;\n take(handler);\n }\n }\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n vertx-mysql-postgresql-client-jasync/src/test/java/io/vertx/ext/asyncsql/impl/pool/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void testNoRetriesByDefault(TestContext context) {\n\n final Async async = context.async();\n\n final AsyncConnectionPoolMock pool = new AsyncConnectionPoolMock(new JsonObject(),\n this::getFailingConnection);\n\n pool.take(result -> {\n context.assertTrue(result.failed());\n context.assertTrue(result.cause() instanceof RuntimeException);\n context.assertEquals(1, pool.connectionAttempts);\n context.assertEquals(0, pool.createdConnections);\n Mockito.verifyNoMoreInteractions(vertx);\n async.complete();\n });\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
void handle(OngoingRequest ongoingRequest, RequestContext requestContext, Endpoint endpoint) { try { endpoint.invoke(requestContext) .whenComplete((message, throwable) -> { try { if (message != null) { ongoingRequest.reply(message); } else if (throwable != null) { // unwrap CompletionException if (throwable instanceof CompletionException) { throwable = throwable.getCause(); } handleException(throwable, ongoingRequest); } else { LOG.error( "Both message and throwable null in EndpointInvocationHandler for request " + ongoingRequest + " - this shouldn't happen!"); handleException(new IllegalStateException("Both message and throwable null"), ongoingRequest); } } catch (Throwable t) { // don't try to respond here; just log the fact that responding failed. LOG.error("Exception caught when replying", t); } }); } catch (Exception e) { handleException(e, ongoingRequest); } }
@Test public void shouldRespondWithDetailMessageForSyncExceptionsToNonClientCallers() throws Exception { RuntimeException exception = new RuntimeException("expected"); when(endpoint.invoke(any(RequestContext.class))) .thenThrow(exception); handler.handle(ongoingRequest, requestContext, endpoint); verify(ongoingRequest).reply(messageArgumentCaptor.capture()); assertThat(messageArgumentCaptor.getValue().status().reasonPhrase(), containsString(exception.getMessage())); }
[ "whenComplete", "invoke", "reply", "getCause", "handleException", "error", "handleException", "error", "handleException" ]
[ "thenThrow", "when", "invoke", "any", "handle", "reply", "verify", "capture", "assertThat", "reasonPhrase", "status", "getValue", "containsString", "getMessage" ]
{ "class_fields": "private EndpointInvocationHandler handler;\n@Mock private OngoingRequest ongoingRequest;\n@Mock private RequestContext requestContext;\n@Mock private Endpoint endpoint;\n@Mock private Response<ByteString> response;\n@Captor private ArgumentCaptor<Response<ByteString>> messageArgumentCaptor;\nprivate CompletableFuture<Response<ByteString>> future;\nprivate TestLogger testLogger = TestLoggerFactory.getTestLogger(EndpointInvocationHandler.class);\n@Rule\n public TestLoggerFactoryResetRule resetRule = new TestLoggerFactoryResetRule();", "class_name": "EndpointInvocationHandlerTest" }
{ "class_fields": "private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(EndpointInvocationHandler.class);", "class_name": "EndpointInvocationHandler implements EndpointRunnableFactory", "method_signatures": "@Override public Runnable create(\n OngoingRequest ongoingRequest,\n RequestContext requestContext,\n Endpoint endpoint)\n void handle(OngoingRequest ongoingRequest, RequestContext requestContext, Endpoint endpoint)\nprivate static void handleException(Throwable e, OngoingRequest ongoingRequest)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: apollo-api-impl/src/main/java/com/spotify/apollo/dispatch/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: EndpointInvocationHandler implements EndpointRunnableFactory\n\nclass_fields: private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(EndpointInvocationHandler.class);\n\nmethod_signatures: @Override public Runnable create(\n OngoingRequest ongoingRequest,\n RequestContext requestContext,\n Endpoint endpoint)\n void handle(OngoingRequest ongoingRequest, RequestContext requestContext, Endpoint endpoint)\nprivate static void handleException(Throwable e, OngoingRequest ongoingRequest)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: EndpointInvocationHandlerTest\n\nclass_fields: private EndpointInvocationHandler handler;\n@Mock private OngoingRequest ongoingRequest;\n@Mock private RequestContext requestContext;\n@Mock private Endpoint endpoint;\n@Mock private Response<ByteString> response;\n@Captor private ArgumentCaptor<Response<ByteString>> messageArgumentCaptor;\nprivate CompletableFuture<Response<ByteString>> future;\nprivate TestLogger testLogger = TestLoggerFactory.getTestLogger(EndpointInvocationHandler.class);\n@Rule\n public TestLoggerFactoryResetRule resetRule = new TestLoggerFactoryResetRule();\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file apollo-api-impl/src/main/java/com/spotify/apollo/dispatch/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n void handle(OngoingRequest ongoingRequest, RequestContext requestContext, Endpoint endpoint) {\n try {\n endpoint.invoke(requestContext)\n .whenComplete((message, throwable) -> {\n try {\n if (message != null) {\n ongoingRequest.reply(message);\n } else if (throwable != null) {\n // unwrap CompletionException\n if (throwable instanceof CompletionException) {\n throwable = throwable.getCause();\n }\n handleException(throwable, ongoingRequest);\n } else {\n LOG.error(\n \"Both message and throwable null in EndpointInvocationHandler for request \"\n + ongoingRequest\n + \" - this shouldn't happen!\");\n handleException(new IllegalStateException(\"Both message and throwable null\"),\n ongoingRequest);\n }\n } catch (Throwable t) {\n // don't try to respond here; just log the fact that responding failed.\n LOG.error(\"Exception caught when replying\", t);\n }\n });\n } catch (Exception e) {\n handleException(e, ongoingRequest);\n }\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n apollo-api-impl/src/test/java/com/spotify/apollo/dispatch/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void shouldRespondWithDetailMessageForSyncExceptionsToNonClientCallers() throws Exception {\n RuntimeException exception = new RuntimeException(\"expected\");\n when(endpoint.invoke(any(RequestContext.class)))\n .thenThrow(exception);\n\n handler.handle(ongoingRequest, requestContext, endpoint);\n\n verify(ongoingRequest).reply(messageArgumentCaptor.capture());\n\n assertThat(messageArgumentCaptor.getValue().status().reasonPhrase(),\n containsString(exception.getMessage()));\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
public static <T> Middleware<SyncHandler<T>, AsyncHandler<Response<ByteString>>> jsonSerializeSync(ObjectWriter objectWriter) { Middleware<SyncHandler<T>, AsyncHandler<T>> syncToAsync = Middleware::syncToAsync; return syncToAsync.and(jsonSerialize(objectWriter)); }
@Test public void shouldJsonSerializeSync() throws Exception { Middleware<SyncHandler<TestBean>, AsyncHandler<Response<ByteString>>> sync = JsonSerializerMiddlewares.jsonSerializeSync(WRITER); Response<ByteString> response = sync.apply(rq -> new TestBean()) .invoke(null).toCompletableFuture().get(); checkPayloadAndContentType(response); }
[ "and", "jsonSerialize" ]
[ "jsonSerializeSync", "get", "toCompletableFuture", "invoke", "apply", "checkPayloadAndContentType" ]
{ "class_fields": "private static final ObjectWriter WRITER = new ObjectMapper().writer();", "class_name": "JsonSerializerMiddlewaresTest" }
{ "class_fields": "private static final String CONTENT_TYPE = \"Content-Type\";\nprivate static final String JSON = \"application/json; charset=UTF8\";", "class_name": "JsonSerializerMiddlewares", "method_signatures": "private JsonSerializerMiddlewares()\nprivate static ByteString serialize(ObjectWriter objectWriter, T object)\nprivate static Response<ByteString> serialize(ObjectWriter objectWriter, Response<T> response)\npublic static Middleware<AsyncHandler<T>, AsyncHandler<Response<ByteString>>> jsonSerialize(ObjectWriter objectWriter)\npublic static Middleware<AsyncHandler<Response<T>>, AsyncHandler<Response<ByteString>>> jsonSerializeResponse(ObjectWriter objectWriter)\npublic static Middleware<SyncHandler<T>, AsyncHandler<Response<ByteString>>> jsonSerializeSync(ObjectWriter objectWriter)\npublic static Middleware<SyncHandler<Response<T>>, AsyncHandler<Response<ByteString>>> jsonSerializeResponseSync(ObjectWriter objectWriter)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: apollo-extra/src/main/java/com/spotify/apollo/route/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: JsonSerializerMiddlewares\n\nclass_fields: private static final String CONTENT_TYPE = \"Content-Type\";\nprivate static final String JSON = \"application/json; charset=UTF8\";\n\nmethod_signatures: private JsonSerializerMiddlewares()\nprivate static ByteString serialize(ObjectWriter objectWriter, T object)\nprivate static Response<ByteString> serialize(ObjectWriter objectWriter, Response<T> response)\npublic static Middleware<AsyncHandler<T>, AsyncHandler<Response<ByteString>>> jsonSerialize(ObjectWriter objectWriter)\npublic static Middleware<AsyncHandler<Response<T>>, AsyncHandler<Response<ByteString>>> jsonSerializeResponse(ObjectWriter objectWriter)\npublic static Middleware<SyncHandler<T>, AsyncHandler<Response<ByteString>>> jsonSerializeSync(ObjectWriter objectWriter)\npublic static Middleware<SyncHandler<Response<T>>, AsyncHandler<Response<ByteString>>> jsonSerializeResponseSync(ObjectWriter objectWriter)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: JsonSerializerMiddlewaresTest\n\nclass_fields: private static final ObjectWriter WRITER = new ObjectMapper().writer();\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file apollo-extra/src/main/java/com/spotify/apollo/route/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n public static <T> Middleware<SyncHandler<T>, AsyncHandler<Response<ByteString>>>\n jsonSerializeSync(ObjectWriter objectWriter) {\n Middleware<SyncHandler<T>, AsyncHandler<T>> syncToAsync = Middleware::syncToAsync;\n return syncToAsync.and(jsonSerialize(objectWriter));\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n apollo-extra/src/test/java/com/spotify/apollo/route/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void shouldJsonSerializeSync() throws Exception {\n Middleware<SyncHandler<TestBean>, AsyncHandler<Response<ByteString>>> sync =\n JsonSerializerMiddlewares.jsonSerializeSync(WRITER);\n Response<ByteString> response = sync.apply(rq -> new TestBean())\n .invoke(null).toCompletableFuture().get();\n\n checkPayloadAndContentType(response);\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
public static <T> Middleware<AsyncHandler<T>, AsyncHandler<Response<ByteString>>> jsonSerialize(ObjectWriter objectWriter) { return handler -> requestContext -> handler.invoke(requestContext) .thenApply(result -> Response .forPayload(serialize(objectWriter, result)) .withHeader(CONTENT_TYPE, JSON)); }
@Test public void shouldJsonSerialize() throws Exception { Response<ByteString> response = Route.sync("GET", "/foo", rq -> new TestBean()) .withMiddleware(JsonSerializerMiddlewares.jsonSerialize(WRITER)) .handler().invoke(null).toCompletableFuture().get(); checkPayloadAndContentType(response); }
[ "thenApply", "invoke", "withHeader", "forPayload", "serialize" ]
[ "get", "toCompletableFuture", "invoke", "handler", "withMiddleware", "sync", "jsonSerialize", "checkPayloadAndContentType" ]
{ "class_fields": "private static final ObjectWriter WRITER = new ObjectMapper().writer();", "class_name": "JsonSerializerMiddlewaresTest" }
{ "class_fields": "private static final String CONTENT_TYPE = \"Content-Type\";\nprivate static final String JSON = \"application/json; charset=UTF8\";", "class_name": "JsonSerializerMiddlewares", "method_signatures": "private JsonSerializerMiddlewares()\nprivate static ByteString serialize(ObjectWriter objectWriter, T object)\nprivate static Response<ByteString> serialize(ObjectWriter objectWriter, Response<T> response)\npublic static Middleware<AsyncHandler<T>, AsyncHandler<Response<ByteString>>> jsonSerialize(ObjectWriter objectWriter)\npublic static Middleware<AsyncHandler<Response<T>>, AsyncHandler<Response<ByteString>>> jsonSerializeResponse(ObjectWriter objectWriter)\npublic static Middleware<SyncHandler<T>, AsyncHandler<Response<ByteString>>> jsonSerializeSync(ObjectWriter objectWriter)\npublic static Middleware<SyncHandler<Response<T>>, AsyncHandler<Response<ByteString>>> jsonSerializeResponseSync(ObjectWriter objectWriter)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: apollo-extra/src/main/java/com/spotify/apollo/route/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: JsonSerializerMiddlewares\n\nclass_fields: private static final String CONTENT_TYPE = \"Content-Type\";\nprivate static final String JSON = \"application/json; charset=UTF8\";\n\nmethod_signatures: private JsonSerializerMiddlewares()\nprivate static ByteString serialize(ObjectWriter objectWriter, T object)\nprivate static Response<ByteString> serialize(ObjectWriter objectWriter, Response<T> response)\npublic static Middleware<AsyncHandler<T>, AsyncHandler<Response<ByteString>>> jsonSerialize(ObjectWriter objectWriter)\npublic static Middleware<AsyncHandler<Response<T>>, AsyncHandler<Response<ByteString>>> jsonSerializeResponse(ObjectWriter objectWriter)\npublic static Middleware<SyncHandler<T>, AsyncHandler<Response<ByteString>>> jsonSerializeSync(ObjectWriter objectWriter)\npublic static Middleware<SyncHandler<Response<T>>, AsyncHandler<Response<ByteString>>> jsonSerializeResponseSync(ObjectWriter objectWriter)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: JsonSerializerMiddlewaresTest\n\nclass_fields: private static final ObjectWriter WRITER = new ObjectMapper().writer();\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file apollo-extra/src/main/java/com/spotify/apollo/route/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n public static <T> Middleware<AsyncHandler<T>, AsyncHandler<Response<ByteString>>>\n jsonSerialize(ObjectWriter objectWriter) {\n return handler ->\n requestContext -> handler.invoke(requestContext)\n .thenApply(result -> Response\n .forPayload(serialize(objectWriter, result))\n .withHeader(CONTENT_TYPE, JSON));\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n apollo-extra/src/test/java/com/spotify/apollo/route/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void shouldJsonSerialize() throws Exception {\n Response<ByteString> response =\n Route.sync(\"GET\", \"/foo\", rq -> new TestBean())\n .withMiddleware(JsonSerializerMiddlewares.jsonSerialize(WRITER))\n .handler().invoke(null).toCompletableFuture().get();\n\n checkPayloadAndContentType(response);\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
protected static String loadApolloVersion(ClassLoader classLoader) throws IOException { Properties properties = new Properties(); properties.load(classLoader.getResourceAsStream("")); return properties.getProperty("apolloVersion"); }
@Test public void testLoadApolloVersion() throws Exception { ClassLoader classLoader = ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader(); String version = MetaDescriptor.loadApolloVersion(classLoader); assertTrue(version.startsWith("1.")); }
[ "load", "getResourceAsStream", "getProperty" ]
[ "getSystemClassLoader", "loadApolloVersion", "assertTrue", "startsWith" ]
{ "class_fields": "", "class_name": "MetaDescriptorTest" }
{ "class_fields": "private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(MetaDescriptor.class);\nprivate static final String IMPL_VERSION = \"Implementation-Version\";\nprivate final Descriptor descriptor;\nprivate final String apolloVersion;", "class_name": "MetaDescriptor", "method_signatures": "MetaDescriptor(Descriptor descriptor, String apolloVersion)\npublic Descriptor descriptor()\npublic String apolloVersion()\npublic static MetaDescriptor readMetaDescriptor(String serviceName, ClassLoader classLoader)\nprotected static String loadApolloVersion(ClassLoader classLoader)\nprivate static String loadVersion(ClassLoader classLoader)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: apollo-api-impl/src/main/java/com/spotify/apollo/meta/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: MetaDescriptor\n\nclass_fields: private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(MetaDescriptor.class);\nprivate static final String IMPL_VERSION = \"Implementation-Version\";\nprivate final Descriptor descriptor;\nprivate final String apolloVersion;\n\nmethod_signatures: MetaDescriptor(Descriptor descriptor, String apolloVersion)\npublic Descriptor descriptor()\npublic String apolloVersion()\npublic static MetaDescriptor readMetaDescriptor(String serviceName, ClassLoader classLoader)\nprotected static String loadApolloVersion(ClassLoader classLoader)\nprivate static String loadVersion(ClassLoader classLoader)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: MetaDescriptorTest\n\nclass_fields: \n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file apollo-api-impl/src/main/java/com/spotify/apollo/meta/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n protected static String loadApolloVersion(ClassLoader classLoader) throws IOException {\n Properties properties = new Properties();\n properties.load(classLoader.getResourceAsStream(\"\"));\n return properties.getProperty(\"apolloVersion\");\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n apollo-api-impl/src/test/java/com/spotify/apollo/meta/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void testLoadApolloVersion() throws Exception {\n ClassLoader classLoader = ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader();\n String version = MetaDescriptor.loadApolloVersion(classLoader);\n assertTrue(version.startsWith(\"1.\"));\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
@Override public void handle(OngoingRequest ongoingRequest) { try { rrf.create(ongoingRequest).run(this::handleEndpointMatch); } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.error("Request matching/handling threw exception", e); try { ongoingRequest.reply(forStatus(INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR)); } catch (Throwable t) { LOGGER.error("Caught throwable when replying with Internal Server Error", t); } } }
@Test public void shouldRunEndpointRunnable() throws Exception { requestHandler.handle(ongoingRequest); verify(requestRunnable).run(continuationCaptor.capture()); continuationCaptor.getValue() .accept(ongoingRequest, match); verify(endpointFactory).create(eq(ongoingRequest), any(RequestContext.class), eq(endpoint)); verify(runnable).run(); }
[ "run", "create", "error", "reply", "forStatus", "error" ]
[ "handle", "run", "verify", "capture", "accept", "getValue", "create", "verify", "eq", "any", "eq", "run", "verify" ]
{ "class_fields": "@Mock RequestRunnableFactory requestFactory;\n@Mock EndpointRunnableFactory endpointFactory;\n@Mock RequestRunnable requestRunnable;\n@Mock Runnable runnable;\n@Mock OngoingRequest ongoingRequest;\n@Mock RuleMatch<Endpoint> match;\n@Mock Endpoint endpoint;\n@Mock EndpointInfo info;\n@Captor ArgumentCaptor<BiConsumer<OngoingRequest, RuleMatch<Endpoint>>> continuationCaptor;\n@Captor ArgumentCaptor<RequestContext> requestContextCaptor;\nRequestHandlerImpl requestHandler;\nprivate RequestMetadata requestMetadata;", "class_name": "RequestHandlerImplTest" }
{ "class_fields": "private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(RequestHandlerImpl.class);\nprivate final RequestRunnableFactory rrf;\nprivate final EndpointRunnableFactory erf;\nprivate final IncomingRequestAwareClient client;", "class_name": "RequestHandlerImpl implements RequestHandler", "method_signatures": "RequestHandlerImpl(\n RequestRunnableFactory requestRunnableFactory,\n EndpointRunnableFactory endpointRunnableFactory,\n IncomingRequestAwareClient client)\n@Override public void handle(OngoingRequest ongoingRequest)\nprivate void handleEndpointMatch(OngoingRequest request, RuleMatch<Endpoint> match)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: apollo-api-impl/src/main/java/com/spotify/apollo/request/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: RequestHandlerImpl implements RequestHandler\n\nclass_fields: private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(RequestHandlerImpl.class);\nprivate final RequestRunnableFactory rrf;\nprivate final EndpointRunnableFactory erf;\nprivate final IncomingRequestAwareClient client;\n\nmethod_signatures: RequestHandlerImpl(\n RequestRunnableFactory requestRunnableFactory,\n EndpointRunnableFactory endpointRunnableFactory,\n IncomingRequestAwareClient client)\n@Override public void handle(OngoingRequest ongoingRequest)\nprivate void handleEndpointMatch(OngoingRequest request, RuleMatch<Endpoint> match)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: RequestHandlerImplTest\n\nclass_fields: @Mock RequestRunnableFactory requestFactory;\n@Mock EndpointRunnableFactory endpointFactory;\n@Mock RequestRunnable requestRunnable;\n@Mock Runnable runnable;\n@Mock OngoingRequest ongoingRequest;\n@Mock RuleMatch<Endpoint> match;\n@Mock Endpoint endpoint;\n@Mock EndpointInfo info;\n@Captor ArgumentCaptor<BiConsumer<OngoingRequest, RuleMatch<Endpoint>>> continuationCaptor;\n@Captor ArgumentCaptor<RequestContext> requestContextCaptor;\nRequestHandlerImpl requestHandler;\nprivate RequestMetadata requestMetadata;\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file apollo-api-impl/src/main/java/com/spotify/apollo/request/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n @Override\n public void handle(OngoingRequest ongoingRequest) {\n try {\n rrf.create(ongoingRequest).run(this::handleEndpointMatch);\n }\n catch (Exception e) {\n LOGGER.error(\"Request matching/handling threw exception\", e);\n try {\n ongoingRequest.reply(forStatus(INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR));\n } catch (Throwable t) {\n LOGGER.error(\"Caught throwable when replying with Internal Server Error\", t);\n }\n }\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n apollo-api-impl/src/test/java/com/spotify/apollo/request/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void shouldRunEndpointRunnable() throws Exception {\n requestHandler.handle(ongoingRequest);\n\n verify(requestRunnable).run(continuationCaptor.capture());\n\n continuationCaptor.getValue()\n .accept(ongoingRequest, match);\n\n verify(endpointFactory).create(eq(ongoingRequest), any(RequestContext.class), eq(endpoint));\n verify(runnable).run();\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
void handle(OngoingRequest ongoingRequest, RequestContext requestContext, Endpoint endpoint) { try { endpoint.invoke(requestContext) .whenComplete((message, throwable) -> { try { if (message != null) { ongoingRequest.reply(message); } else if (throwable != null) { // unwrap CompletionException if (throwable instanceof CompletionException) { throwable = throwable.getCause(); } handleException(throwable, ongoingRequest); } else { LOG.error( "Both message and throwable null in EndpointInvocationHandler for request " + ongoingRequest + " - this shouldn't happen!"); handleException(new IllegalStateException("Both message and throwable null"), ongoingRequest); } } catch (Throwable t) { // don't try to respond here; just log the fact that responding failed. LOG.error("Exception caught when replying", t); } }); } catch (Exception e) { handleException(e, ongoingRequest); } }
@Test public void shouldRespondWithDetailMessageForExceptionsToNonClientCallers() throws Exception { RuntimeException exception = new RuntimeException("expected"); when(endpoint.invoke(any(RequestContext.class))) .thenReturn(future); future.completeExceptionally(exception); handler.handle(ongoingRequest, requestContext, endpoint); verify(ongoingRequest).reply(messageArgumentCaptor.capture()); assertThat(messageArgumentCaptor.getValue().status().reasonPhrase(), containsString(exception.getMessage())); }
[ "whenComplete", "invoke", "reply", "getCause", "handleException", "error", "handleException", "error", "handleException" ]
[ "thenReturn", "when", "invoke", "any", "completeExceptionally", "handle", "reply", "verify", "capture", "assertThat", "reasonPhrase", "status", "getValue", "containsString", "getMessage" ]
{ "class_fields": "private EndpointInvocationHandler handler;\n@Mock private OngoingRequest ongoingRequest;\n@Mock private RequestContext requestContext;\n@Mock private Endpoint endpoint;\n@Mock private Response<ByteString> response;\n@Captor private ArgumentCaptor<Response<ByteString>> messageArgumentCaptor;\nprivate CompletableFuture<Response<ByteString>> future;\nprivate TestLogger testLogger = TestLoggerFactory.getTestLogger(EndpointInvocationHandler.class);\n@Rule\n public TestLoggerFactoryResetRule resetRule = new TestLoggerFactoryResetRule();", "class_name": "EndpointInvocationHandlerTest" }
{ "class_fields": "private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(EndpointInvocationHandler.class);", "class_name": "EndpointInvocationHandler implements EndpointRunnableFactory", "method_signatures": "@Override public Runnable create(\n OngoingRequest ongoingRequest,\n RequestContext requestContext,\n Endpoint endpoint)\n void handle(OngoingRequest ongoingRequest, RequestContext requestContext, Endpoint endpoint)\nprivate static void handleException(Throwable e, OngoingRequest ongoingRequest)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: apollo-api-impl/src/main/java/com/spotify/apollo/dispatch/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: EndpointInvocationHandler implements EndpointRunnableFactory\n\nclass_fields: private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(EndpointInvocationHandler.class);\n\nmethod_signatures: @Override public Runnable create(\n OngoingRequest ongoingRequest,\n RequestContext requestContext,\n Endpoint endpoint)\n void handle(OngoingRequest ongoingRequest, RequestContext requestContext, Endpoint endpoint)\nprivate static void handleException(Throwable e, OngoingRequest ongoingRequest)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: EndpointInvocationHandlerTest\n\nclass_fields: private EndpointInvocationHandler handler;\n@Mock private OngoingRequest ongoingRequest;\n@Mock private RequestContext requestContext;\n@Mock private Endpoint endpoint;\n@Mock private Response<ByteString> response;\n@Captor private ArgumentCaptor<Response<ByteString>> messageArgumentCaptor;\nprivate CompletableFuture<Response<ByteString>> future;\nprivate TestLogger testLogger = TestLoggerFactory.getTestLogger(EndpointInvocationHandler.class);\n@Rule\n public TestLoggerFactoryResetRule resetRule = new TestLoggerFactoryResetRule();\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file apollo-api-impl/src/main/java/com/spotify/apollo/dispatch/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n void handle(OngoingRequest ongoingRequest, RequestContext requestContext, Endpoint endpoint) {\n try {\n endpoint.invoke(requestContext)\n .whenComplete((message, throwable) -> {\n try {\n if (message != null) {\n ongoingRequest.reply(message);\n } else if (throwable != null) {\n // unwrap CompletionException\n if (throwable instanceof CompletionException) {\n throwable = throwable.getCause();\n }\n handleException(throwable, ongoingRequest);\n } else {\n LOG.error(\n \"Both message and throwable null in EndpointInvocationHandler for request \"\n + ongoingRequest\n + \" - this shouldn't happen!\");\n handleException(new IllegalStateException(\"Both message and throwable null\"),\n ongoingRequest);\n }\n } catch (Throwable t) {\n // don't try to respond here; just log the fact that responding failed.\n LOG.error(\"Exception caught when replying\", t);\n }\n });\n } catch (Exception e) {\n handleException(e, ongoingRequest);\n }\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n apollo-api-impl/src/test/java/com/spotify/apollo/dispatch/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void shouldRespondWithDetailMessageForExceptionsToNonClientCallers() throws Exception {\n RuntimeException exception = new RuntimeException(\"expected\");\n when(endpoint.invoke(any(RequestContext.class)))\n .thenReturn(future);\n future.completeExceptionally(exception);\n\n handler.handle(ongoingRequest, requestContext, endpoint);\n\n verify(ongoingRequest).reply(messageArgumentCaptor.capture());\n\n assertThat(messageArgumentCaptor.getValue().status().reasonPhrase(),\n containsString(exception.getMessage()));\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]