1 value
public static String quoteJavaString (String str) { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder (); builder.append ('"'); int index = 0; int fromIndex = 0; while ((index = str.indexOf ('"', fromIndex)) >= 0) { if (index == fromIndex) { builder.append ("\\\""); ++fromIndex; continue; } builder.append (str.substring (fromIndex, index)); builder.append ("\\\""); fromIndex = index + 1; } if (fromIndex < str.length ()) builder.append (str.substring (fromIndex)); builder.append ('"'); return builder.toString (); }
@Test public void quoteJavaStringTest () { Assert.assertEquals ("\"abc\"", StringUtils.quoteJavaString ("abc")); Assert.assertEquals ("\"ab\\\"c\"", StringUtils.quoteJavaString ("ab\"c")); Assert.assertEquals ("\"\\\"abc\\\"\"", StringUtils.quoteJavaString ("\"abc\"")); }
[ "append", "indexOf", "append", "append", "substring", "append", "length", "append", "substring", "append", "toString" ]
[ "assertEquals", "quoteJavaString", "assertEquals", "quoteJavaString", "assertEquals", "quoteJavaString" ]
{ "class_fields": "", "class_name": "StringUtilsTest" }
{ "class_fields": "", "class_name": "StringUtils", "method_signatures": "private final static char getChar(int v)\npublic static String getHexString(byte[] bytes)\npublic static String getHexString(byte[] bytes, int start, int end)\nprivate static int getIntValue(byte b)\npublic static byte[] getBytesFromHexString(String str)\npublic static String repeat(char c, int n)\npublic static void printRepeat(PrintWriter pw, char c, int width)\npublic static void print(PrintWriter pw, String s, int width, boolean leftAlign, boolean pad)\npublic static String getStringFromStream(InputStream is)\npublic static String getStringFromReader(Reader reader)\npublic static String[] shiftArgs(String[] args)\npublic static String[] shiftArgs(String[] args, int num)\npublic static String trimEnd(String str)\npublic static String quoteJavaString(String str)\npublic static String eval(String str, JaqyInterpreter interpreter)\npublic static boolean getOnOffState(String state, String field)\npublic static String stripQuote(String str, char quoteChar)\npublic static String[] parseArgs(CommandArgumentType argType, String arguments, JaqyInterpreter interpreter)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: jaqy-core/src/main/java/com/teradata/jaqy/utils/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: StringUtils\n\nclass_fields: \n\nmethod_signatures: private final static char getChar(int v)\npublic static String getHexString(byte[] bytes)\npublic static String getHexString(byte[] bytes, int start, int end)\nprivate static int getIntValue(byte b)\npublic static byte[] getBytesFromHexString(String str)\npublic static String repeat(char c, int n)\npublic static void printRepeat(PrintWriter pw, char c, int width)\npublic static void print(PrintWriter pw, String s, int width, boolean leftAlign, boolean pad)\npublic static String getStringFromStream(InputStream is)\npublic static String getStringFromReader(Reader reader)\npublic static String[] shiftArgs(String[] args)\npublic static String[] shiftArgs(String[] args, int num)\npublic static String trimEnd(String str)\npublic static String quoteJavaString(String str)\npublic static String eval(String str, JaqyInterpreter interpreter)\npublic static boolean getOnOffState(String state, String field)\npublic static String stripQuote(String str, char quoteChar)\npublic static String[] parseArgs(CommandArgumentType argType, String arguments, JaqyInterpreter interpreter)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: StringUtilsTest\n\nclass_fields: \n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file jaqy-core/src/main/java/com/teradata/jaqy/utils/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n public static String quoteJavaString (String str)\n\t{\n\t\tStringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder ();\n\t\tbuilder.append ('\"');\n\t\tint index = 0;\n\t\tint fromIndex = 0;\n\t\twhile ((index = str.indexOf ('\"', fromIndex)) >= 0)\n\t\t{\n\t\t\tif (index == fromIndex)\n\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\tbuilder.append (\"\\\\\\\"\");\n\t\t\t\t++fromIndex;\n\t\t\t\tcontinue;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\tbuilder.append (str.substring (fromIndex, index));\n\t\t\tbuilder.append (\"\\\\\\\"\");\n\t\t\tfromIndex = index + 1;\n\t\t}\n\t\tif (fromIndex < str.length ())\n\t\t\tbuilder.append (str.substring (fromIndex));\n\t\tbuilder.append ('\"');\n\t\treturn builder.toString ();\n\t}\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n jaqy-core/src/test/java/com/teradata/jaqy/utils/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n\tpublic void quoteJavaStringTest ()\n\t{\n\t\tAssert.assertEquals (\"\\\"abc\\\"\", StringUtils.quoteJavaString (\"abc\"));\n\t\tAssert.assertEquals (\"\\\"ab\\\\\\\"c\\\"\", StringUtils.quoteJavaString (\"ab\\\"c\"));\n\t\tAssert.assertEquals (\"\\\"\\\\\\\"abc\\\\\\\"\\\"\", StringUtils.quoteJavaString (\"\\\"abc\\\"\"));\n\t}\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
public void setVolumesRead(final int volumesRead) { if (volumesRead < 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("volumesRead is negative: " + volumesRead); } mVolumesRead = volumesRead; }
@Test public void testSetVolumesRead() throws Exception { assertFalse(mLibraryUpdate.containsModifications()); mLibraryUpdate.setVolumesRead(mLibraryUpdate.getVolumesRead()); assertFalse(mLibraryUpdate.containsModifications()); mLibraryUpdate.setVolumesRead(mLibraryUpdate.getVolumesRead() + 1); assertTrue(mLibraryUpdate.containsModifications()); mLibraryUpdate.setVolumesRead(mLibraryUpdate.getDefaults().getVolumesRead()); assertFalse(mLibraryUpdate.containsModifications()); mLibraryUpdate.setVolumesRead(mLibraryUpdate.getChaptersRead() + 2); assertTrue(mLibraryUpdate.containsModifications()); }
[ "assertFalse", "containsModifications", "setVolumesRead", "getVolumesRead", "assertFalse", "containsModifications", "setVolumesRead", "getVolumesRead", "assertTrue", "containsModifications", "setVolumesRead", "getVolumesRead", "getDefaults", "assertFalse", "containsModifications", "setVolumesRead", "getChaptersRead", "assertTrue", "containsModifications" ]
{ "class_fields": "private MangaLibraryUpdate mLibraryUpdate;", "class_name": "MangaLibraryUpdateTest" }
{ "class_fields": "private final Defaults mDefaults;\nprivate boolean mIsPrivate;\nprivate boolean mIsReReading;\nprivate int mChaptersRead;\nprivate int mReReadCount;\nprivate int mVolumesRead;\n@Nullable\n private Rating mRating;\n@Nullable\n private ReadingStatus mReadingStatus;\nprivate final String mMangaId;\nprivate final String mMangaTitle;\n@Nullable\n private String mNotes;\npublic static final Creator<MangaLibraryUpdate> CREATOR = new Creator<MangaLibraryUpdate>() {\n @Override\n public MangaLibraryUpdate createFromParcel(final Parcel source) {\n return new MangaLibraryUpdate(source);\n }\n\n @Override\n public MangaLibraryUpdate[] newArray(final int size) {\n return new MangaLibraryUpdate[size];\n }\n };", "class_name": "MangaLibraryUpdate implements Parcelable", "method_signatures": "public MangaLibraryUpdate(final MangaDigest digest)\npublic MangaLibraryUpdate(final MangaLibraryEntry libraryEntry)\nprivate MangaLibraryUpdate(final Parcel source)\npublic boolean containsModifications()\npublic int getChaptersRead()\npublic Defaults getDefaults()\npublic String getMangaId()\npublic String getMangaTitle()\n@Nullable public String getNotes()\n@Nullable public Rating getRating()\n@Nullable public ReadingStatus getReadingStatus()\npublic int getReReadCount()\npublic int getVolumesRead()\npublic boolean isPrivate()\npublic boolean isReReading()\npublic void setChaptersRead(final int chaptersRead)\npublic void setNotes(@Nullable String notes)\npublic void setPrivacy(final Privacy privacy)\npublic void setRating(@Nullable final Rating rating)\npublic void setReadingStatus(@Nullable final ReadingStatus readingStatus)\npublic void setReReadCount(final int reReadCount)\npublic void setReReading(final boolean reReading)\npublic void setVolumesRead(final int volumesRead)\npublic JsonObject toJson()\n@Override public int describeContents()\n@Override public void writeToParcel(final Parcel dest, final int flags)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: project/app/src/main/java/com/charlesmadere/hummingbird/models/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: MangaLibraryUpdate implements Parcelable\n\nclass_fields: private final Defaults mDefaults;\nprivate boolean mIsPrivate;\nprivate boolean mIsReReading;\nprivate int mChaptersRead;\nprivate int mReReadCount;\nprivate int mVolumesRead;\n@Nullable\n private Rating mRating;\n@Nullable\n private ReadingStatus mReadingStatus;\nprivate final String mMangaId;\nprivate final String mMangaTitle;\n@Nullable\n private String mNotes;\npublic static final Creator<MangaLibraryUpdate> CREATOR = new Creator<MangaLibraryUpdate>() {\n @Override\n public MangaLibraryUpdate createFromParcel(final Parcel source) {\n return new MangaLibraryUpdate(source);\n }\n\n @Override\n public MangaLibraryUpdate[] newArray(final int size) {\n return new MangaLibraryUpdate[size];\n }\n };\n\nmethod_signatures: public MangaLibraryUpdate(final MangaDigest digest)\npublic MangaLibraryUpdate(final MangaLibraryEntry libraryEntry)\nprivate MangaLibraryUpdate(final Parcel source)\npublic boolean containsModifications()\npublic int getChaptersRead()\npublic Defaults getDefaults()\npublic String getMangaId()\npublic String getMangaTitle()\n@Nullable public String getNotes()\n@Nullable public Rating getRating()\n@Nullable public ReadingStatus getReadingStatus()\npublic int getReReadCount()\npublic int getVolumesRead()\npublic boolean isPrivate()\npublic boolean isReReading()\npublic void setChaptersRead(final int chaptersRead)\npublic void setNotes(@Nullable String notes)\npublic void setPrivacy(final Privacy privacy)\npublic void setRating(@Nullable final Rating rating)\npublic void setReadingStatus(@Nullable final ReadingStatus readingStatus)\npublic void setReReadCount(final int reReadCount)\npublic void setReReading(final boolean reReading)\npublic void setVolumesRead(final int volumesRead)\npublic JsonObject toJson()\n@Override public int describeContents()\n@Override public void writeToParcel(final Parcel dest, final int flags)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: MangaLibraryUpdateTest\n\nclass_fields: private MangaLibraryUpdate mLibraryUpdate;\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file project/app/src/main/java/com/charlesmadere/hummingbird/models/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n public void setVolumesRead(final int volumesRead) {\n if (volumesRead < 0) {\n throw new IllegalArgumentException(\"volumesRead is negative: \" + volumesRead);\n }\n\n mVolumesRead = volumesRead;\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n project/app/src/test/java/com/charlesmadere/hummingbird/models/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void testSetVolumesRead() throws Exception {\n assertFalse(mLibraryUpdate.containsModifications());\n\n mLibraryUpdate.setVolumesRead(mLibraryUpdate.getVolumesRead());\n assertFalse(mLibraryUpdate.containsModifications());\n\n mLibraryUpdate.setVolumesRead(mLibraryUpdate.getVolumesRead() + 1);\n assertTrue(mLibraryUpdate.containsModifications());\n\n mLibraryUpdate.setVolumesRead(mLibraryUpdate.getDefaults().getVolumesRead());\n assertFalse(mLibraryUpdate.containsModifications());\n\n mLibraryUpdate.setVolumesRead(mLibraryUpdate.getChaptersRead() + 2);\n assertTrue(mLibraryUpdate.containsModifications());\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
public static Completable validate(User user) { if (!isValid(user.getUsername(), USERNAME_PATTERN_COMPILED)) { return Completable.error(new InvalidUserException(String.format("Username [%s] is not a valid value", user.getUsername()))); } if (!EmailValidator.isValid(user.getEmail())) { return Completable.error(new EmailFormatInvalidException(user.getEmail())); } if (!isValid(user.getFirstName(), NAME_STRICT_PATTERN_COMPILED)) { return Completable.error(new InvalidUserException(String.format("First name [%s] is not a valid value", user.getFirstName()))); } if (!isValid(user.getLastName(), NAME_STRICT_PATTERN_COMPILED)) { return Completable.error(new InvalidUserException(String.format("Last name [%s] is not a valid value", user.getLastName()))); } if (!isValid(user.getDisplayName(), NAME_LAX_PATTERN_COMPILED)) { return Completable.error(new InvalidUserException(String.format("Display name [%s] is not a valid value", user.getDisplayName()))); } if (!isValid(user.getNickName(), NAME_LAX_PATTERN_COMPILED)) { return Completable.error(new InvalidUserException(String.format("Nick name [%s] is not a valid value", user.getNickName()))); } if (user.getExternalId() != null && user.getExternalId().length() > DEFAULT_MAX_LENGTH) { return Completable.error(new InvalidUserException(String.format("External id [%s] is not a valid value", user.getExternalId()))); } return Completable.complete(); }
@Test public void validate_invalidLastName() { User user = getValidUser(); user.setLastName("$¨¨^invalid"); Throwable throwable = UserValidator.validate(user).blockingGet(); assertNotNull(throwable); assertTrue(throwable instanceof InvalidUserException); }
[ "isValid", "getUsername", "error", "format", "getUsername", "isValid", "getEmail", "error", "getEmail", "isValid", "getFirstName", "error", "format", "getFirstName", "isValid", "getLastName", "error", "format", "getLastName", "isValid", "getDisplayName", "error", "format", "getDisplayName", "isValid", "getNickName", "error", "format", "getNickName", "getExternalId", "length", "getExternalId", "error", "format", "getExternalId", "complete" ]
[ "getValidUser", "setLastName", "blockingGet", "validate", "assertNotNull", "assertTrue" ]
{ "class_fields": "", "class_name": "UserValidatorTest" }
{ "class_fields": "public static final int DEFAULT_MAX_LENGTH = 100;\npublic static final String NAME_STRICT_PATTERN = \"^[^±!@£$%^&*_+§¡€#¢¶•ªº«»\\\\\\\\/<>?:;|=.,]{0,\" + DEFAULT_MAX_LENGTH + \"}$\";\npublic static final String NAME_LAX_PATTERN = \"^[^±!@£$%^&*_+§¡€#¢¶•ªº«»\\\\\\\\/<>?|=]{0,\" + DEFAULT_MAX_LENGTH + \"}$\";\npublic static final String USERNAME_PATTERN = \"^[^±!£$%^&*§¡€¢¶•ªº«»\\\\\\\\/<>?:;|=,]{1,\" + DEFAULT_MAX_LENGTH + \"}$\";\nprivate static final Pattern NAME_STRICT_PATTERN_COMPILED = Pattern.compile(NAME_STRICT_PATTERN);\nprivate static final Pattern NAME_LAX_PATTERN_COMPILED = Pattern.compile(NAME_LAX_PATTERN);\nprivate static final Pattern USERNAME_PATTERN_COMPILED = Pattern.compile(USERNAME_PATTERN);", "class_name": "UserValidator", "method_signatures": "public static Completable validate(User user)\nprivate static boolean isValid(String userInfo, Pattern pattern)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: gravitee-am-service/src/main/java/io/gravitee/am/service/validators/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: UserValidator\n\nclass_fields: public static final int DEFAULT_MAX_LENGTH = 100;\npublic static final String NAME_STRICT_PATTERN = \"^[^±!@£$%^&*_+§¡€#¢¶•ªº«»\\\\\\\\/<>?:;|=.,]{0,\" + DEFAULT_MAX_LENGTH + \"}$\";\npublic static final String NAME_LAX_PATTERN = \"^[^±!@£$%^&*_+§¡€#¢¶•ªº«»\\\\\\\\/<>?|=]{0,\" + DEFAULT_MAX_LENGTH + \"}$\";\npublic static final String USERNAME_PATTERN = \"^[^±!£$%^&*§¡€¢¶•ªº«»\\\\\\\\/<>?:;|=,]{1,\" + DEFAULT_MAX_LENGTH + \"}$\";\nprivate static final Pattern NAME_STRICT_PATTERN_COMPILED = Pattern.compile(NAME_STRICT_PATTERN);\nprivate static final Pattern NAME_LAX_PATTERN_COMPILED = Pattern.compile(NAME_LAX_PATTERN);\nprivate static final Pattern USERNAME_PATTERN_COMPILED = Pattern.compile(USERNAME_PATTERN);\n\nmethod_signatures: public static Completable validate(User user)\nprivate static boolean isValid(String userInfo, Pattern pattern)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: UserValidatorTest\n\nclass_fields: \n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file gravitee-am-service/src/main/java/io/gravitee/am/service/validators/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n public static Completable validate(User user) {\n\n if (!isValid(user.getUsername(), USERNAME_PATTERN_COMPILED)) {\n return Completable.error(new InvalidUserException(String.format(\"Username [%s] is not a valid value\", user.getUsername())));\n }\n\n if (!EmailValidator.isValid(user.getEmail())) {\n return Completable.error(new EmailFormatInvalidException(user.getEmail()));\n }\n\n if (!isValid(user.getFirstName(), NAME_STRICT_PATTERN_COMPILED)) {\n return Completable.error(new InvalidUserException(String.format(\"First name [%s] is not a valid value\", user.getFirstName())));\n }\n\n if (!isValid(user.getLastName(), NAME_STRICT_PATTERN_COMPILED)) {\n return Completable.error(new InvalidUserException(String.format(\"Last name [%s] is not a valid value\", user.getLastName())));\n }\n\n if (!isValid(user.getDisplayName(), NAME_LAX_PATTERN_COMPILED)) {\n return Completable.error(new InvalidUserException(String.format(\"Display name [%s] is not a valid value\", user.getDisplayName())));\n }\n\n if (!isValid(user.getNickName(), NAME_LAX_PATTERN_COMPILED)) {\n return Completable.error(new InvalidUserException(String.format(\"Nick name [%s] is not a valid value\", user.getNickName())));\n }\n\n if (user.getExternalId() != null && user.getExternalId().length() > DEFAULT_MAX_LENGTH) {\n return Completable.error(new InvalidUserException(String.format(\"External id [%s] is not a valid value\", user.getExternalId())));\n }\n\n return Completable.complete();\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n gravitee-am-service/src/test/java/io/gravitee/am/service/validators/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void validate_invalidLastName() {\n\n User user = getValidUser();\n user.setLastName(\"$¨¨^invalid\");\n\n Throwable throwable = UserValidator.validate(user).blockingGet();\n\n assertNotNull(throwable);\n assertTrue(throwable instanceof InvalidUserException);\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
public void setPrivacy(final Privacy privacy) { if (Privacy.PRIVATE == privacy) { mIsPrivate = true; } else if (Privacy.PUBLIC == privacy) { mIsPrivate = false; } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("privacy is an illegal value: " + privacy); } }
@Test public void testSetPrivacy() throws Exception { assertFalse(mLibraryUpdate.containsModifications()); mLibraryUpdate.setPrivacy(mLibraryUpdate.getDefaults().isPrivate() ? Privacy.PRIVATE : Privacy.PUBLIC); assertFalse(mLibraryUpdate.containsModifications()); mLibraryUpdate.setPrivacy(mLibraryUpdate.isPrivate() ? Privacy.PUBLIC : Privacy.PRIVATE); assertTrue(mLibraryUpdate.containsModifications()); mLibraryUpdate.setPrivacy(mLibraryUpdate.getDefaults().isPrivate() ? Privacy.PRIVATE : Privacy.PUBLIC); assertFalse(mLibraryUpdate.containsModifications()); }
[ "assertFalse", "containsModifications", "setPrivacy", "isPrivate", "getDefaults", "assertFalse", "containsModifications", "setPrivacy", "isPrivate", "assertTrue", "containsModifications", "setPrivacy", "isPrivate", "getDefaults", "assertFalse", "containsModifications" ]
{ "class_fields": "private AnimeLibraryUpdate mLibraryUpdate;", "class_name": "AnimeLibraryUpdateTest" }
{ "class_fields": "private final Defaults mDefaults;\nprivate boolean mIsPrivate;\nprivate boolean mIsRewatching;\nprivate int mEpisodesWatched;\nprivate int mRewatchCount;\n@Nullable\n private Rating mRating;\nprivate final String mAnimeId;\nprivate final String mAnimeTitle;\n@Nullable\n private String mNotes;\n@Nullable\n private WatchingStatus mWatchingStatus;\npublic static final Creator<AnimeLibraryUpdate> CREATOR = new Creator<AnimeLibraryUpdate>() {\n @Override\n public AnimeLibraryUpdate createFromParcel(final Parcel source) {\n return new AnimeLibraryUpdate(source);\n }\n\n @Override\n public AnimeLibraryUpdate[] newArray(final int size) {\n return new AnimeLibraryUpdate[size];\n }\n };", "class_name": "AnimeLibraryUpdate implements Parcelable", "method_signatures": "public AnimeLibraryUpdate(final AnimeDigest digest)\npublic AnimeLibraryUpdate(final AnimeLibraryEntry libraryEntry)\nprivate AnimeLibraryUpdate(final Parcel source)\npublic boolean containsModifications()\npublic String getAnimeId()\npublic String getAnimeTitle()\npublic Defaults getDefaults()\npublic int getEpisodesWatched()\n@Nullable public String getNotes()\n@Nullable public Rating getRating()\npublic int getRewatchCount()\n@Nullable public WatchingStatus getWatchingStatus()\npublic boolean isPrivate()\npublic boolean isRewatching()\npublic void setEpisodesWatched(final int episodesWatched)\npublic void setNotes(@Nullable String notes)\npublic void setPrivacy(final Privacy privacy)\npublic void setRating(@Nullable final Rating rating)\npublic void setRewatchCount(final int rewatchCount)\npublic void setRewatching(final boolean rewatching)\npublic void setWatchingStatus(@Nullable final WatchingStatus watchingStatus)\npublic JsonObject toJson()\n@Override public int describeContents()\n@Override public void writeToParcel(final Parcel dest, final int flags)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: project/app/src/main/java/com/charlesmadere/hummingbird/models/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: AnimeLibraryUpdate implements Parcelable\n\nclass_fields: private final Defaults mDefaults;\nprivate boolean mIsPrivate;\nprivate boolean mIsRewatching;\nprivate int mEpisodesWatched;\nprivate int mRewatchCount;\n@Nullable\n private Rating mRating;\nprivate final String mAnimeId;\nprivate final String mAnimeTitle;\n@Nullable\n private String mNotes;\n@Nullable\n private WatchingStatus mWatchingStatus;\npublic static final Creator<AnimeLibraryUpdate> CREATOR = new Creator<AnimeLibraryUpdate>() {\n @Override\n public AnimeLibraryUpdate createFromParcel(final Parcel source) {\n return new AnimeLibraryUpdate(source);\n }\n\n @Override\n public AnimeLibraryUpdate[] newArray(final int size) {\n return new AnimeLibraryUpdate[size];\n }\n };\n\nmethod_signatures: public AnimeLibraryUpdate(final AnimeDigest digest)\npublic AnimeLibraryUpdate(final AnimeLibraryEntry libraryEntry)\nprivate AnimeLibraryUpdate(final Parcel source)\npublic boolean containsModifications()\npublic String getAnimeId()\npublic String getAnimeTitle()\npublic Defaults getDefaults()\npublic int getEpisodesWatched()\n@Nullable public String getNotes()\n@Nullable public Rating getRating()\npublic int getRewatchCount()\n@Nullable public WatchingStatus getWatchingStatus()\npublic boolean isPrivate()\npublic boolean isRewatching()\npublic void setEpisodesWatched(final int episodesWatched)\npublic void setNotes(@Nullable String notes)\npublic void setPrivacy(final Privacy privacy)\npublic void setRating(@Nullable final Rating rating)\npublic void setRewatchCount(final int rewatchCount)\npublic void setRewatching(final boolean rewatching)\npublic void setWatchingStatus(@Nullable final WatchingStatus watchingStatus)\npublic JsonObject toJson()\n@Override public int describeContents()\n@Override public void writeToParcel(final Parcel dest, final int flags)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: AnimeLibraryUpdateTest\n\nclass_fields: private AnimeLibraryUpdate mLibraryUpdate;\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file project/app/src/main/java/com/charlesmadere/hummingbird/models/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n public void setPrivacy(final Privacy privacy) {\n if (Privacy.PRIVATE == privacy) {\n mIsPrivate = true;\n } else if (Privacy.PUBLIC == privacy) {\n mIsPrivate = false;\n } else {\n throw new IllegalArgumentException(\"privacy is an illegal value: \" + privacy);\n }\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n project/app/src/test/java/com/charlesmadere/hummingbird/models/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void testSetPrivacy() throws Exception {\n assertFalse(mLibraryUpdate.containsModifications());\n\n mLibraryUpdate.setPrivacy(mLibraryUpdate.getDefaults().isPrivate() ?\n Privacy.PRIVATE : Privacy.PUBLIC);\n assertFalse(mLibraryUpdate.containsModifications());\n\n mLibraryUpdate.setPrivacy(mLibraryUpdate.isPrivate() ? Privacy.PUBLIC : Privacy.PRIVATE);\n assertTrue(mLibraryUpdate.containsModifications());\n\n mLibraryUpdate.setPrivacy(mLibraryUpdate.getDefaults().isPrivate() ?\n Privacy.PRIVATE : Privacy.PUBLIC);\n assertFalse(mLibraryUpdate.containsModifications());\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
public static boolean isSameType (String src, String sub) { if (src.length () < sub.length ()) return false; if (src.length () == sub.length ()) return src.equalsIgnoreCase (sub); src = src.toLowerCase (); sub = sub.toLowerCase (); // check the simple case where sub is a substring of src. if (src.indexOf (sub) >= 0) return true; // we now have to deal with more complicated cases such as // VARCHAR CHARACTER SET LATIN vs VARCHAR(1000) CHARACTER SET LATIN // we make a major assumption that at least beginning part of // src and sub are the same. int i; for (i = 0; i < sub.length (); ++i) { if (src.charAt (i) != sub.charAt (i)) break; } if (i == 0) return false; return src.substring (i).indexOf (sub.substring (i)) >= 0; }
@Test public void isSameTypeTest () { Assert.assertTrue (TypeMap.isSameType ("CHAR", "char")); Assert.assertFalse (TypeMap.isSameType ("CHAR", "VARCHAR")); Assert.assertTrue (TypeMap.isSameType ("VARCHAR", "CHAR")); Assert.assertTrue (TypeMap.isSameType ("VARCHAR(100)", "VARCHAR")); Assert.assertTrue (TypeMap.isSameType ("VARCHAR(100) CHARACTER SET LATIN", "VARCHAR")); Assert.assertTrue (TypeMap.isSameType ("VARCHAR(100) CHARACTER SET LATIN", "VARCHAR CHARACTER SET LATIN")); Assert.assertTrue (TypeMap.isSameType ("CHAR(100) FOR BIT DATA", "CHAR() FOR BIT DATA")); }
[ "length", "length", "length", "length", "equalsIgnoreCase", "toLowerCase", "toLowerCase", "indexOf", "length", "charAt", "charAt", "indexOf", "substring", "substring" ]
[ "assertTrue", "isSameType", "assertFalse", "isSameType", "assertTrue", "isSameType", "assertTrue", "isSameType", "assertTrue", "isSameType", "assertTrue", "isSameType", "assertTrue", "isSameType" ]
{ "class_fields": "", "class_name": "TypeMapTest" }
{ "class_fields": "private final static int[] STRING_CAST = { Types.CHAR, Types.VARCHAR, Types.LONGVARCHAR, Types.CLOB };\nprivate final static int[] NSTRING_CAST = { Types.NCHAR, Types.NVARCHAR, Types.LONGNVARCHAR, Types.NCLOB };\nprivate final static int[] BINARY_CAST = { Types.BINARY, Types.VARBINARY, Types.LONGVARBINARY, Types.BLOB };\nprivate final static int[] NUMBER_CAST = { Types.BOOLEAN, Types.TINYINT, Types.SMALLINT, Types.INTEGER, Types.BIGINT, Types.DECIMAL, Types.NUMERIC, Types.FLOAT, Types.REAL, Types.DOUBLE };\nprivate final Map<Integer, TypeInfo> m_map;", "class_name": "TypeMap", "method_signatures": "public TypeMap(Map<Integer, TypeInfo> map)\nprivate TypeInfo getCast(int target, int precision, int[] castArray)\nstatic int switchCharType(int type)\npublic TypeInfo getType(int type, int precision, boolean exact)\npublic void setCustomMap(Map<Integer, TypeInfo> customMap)\npublic String getTypeName(int type, int precision, int scale, boolean exact)\npublic static boolean isSameType(String src, String sub)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: jaqy-core/src/main/java/com/teradata/jaqy/schema/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: TypeMap\n\nclass_fields: private final static int[] STRING_CAST = { Types.CHAR, Types.VARCHAR, Types.LONGVARCHAR, Types.CLOB };\nprivate final static int[] NSTRING_CAST = { Types.NCHAR, Types.NVARCHAR, Types.LONGNVARCHAR, Types.NCLOB };\nprivate final static int[] BINARY_CAST = { Types.BINARY, Types.VARBINARY, Types.LONGVARBINARY, Types.BLOB };\nprivate final static int[] NUMBER_CAST = { Types.BOOLEAN, Types.TINYINT, Types.SMALLINT, Types.INTEGER, Types.BIGINT, Types.DECIMAL, Types.NUMERIC, Types.FLOAT, Types.REAL, Types.DOUBLE };\nprivate final Map<Integer, TypeInfo> m_map;\n\nmethod_signatures: public TypeMap(Map<Integer, TypeInfo> map)\nprivate TypeInfo getCast(int target, int precision, int[] castArray)\nstatic int switchCharType(int type)\npublic TypeInfo getType(int type, int precision, boolean exact)\npublic void setCustomMap(Map<Integer, TypeInfo> customMap)\npublic String getTypeName(int type, int precision, int scale, boolean exact)\npublic static boolean isSameType(String src, String sub)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: TypeMapTest\n\nclass_fields: \n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file jaqy-core/src/main/java/com/teradata/jaqy/schema/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n public static boolean isSameType (String src, String sub)\n\t{\n\t\tif (src.length () < sub.length ())\n\t\t\treturn false;\n\t\tif (src.length () == sub.length ())\n\t\t\treturn src.equalsIgnoreCase (sub);\n\n\t\tsrc = src.toLowerCase ();\n\t\tsub = sub.toLowerCase ();\n\n\t\t// check the simple case where sub is a substring of src.\n\t\tif (src.indexOf (sub) >= 0)\n\t\t\treturn true;\n\n\t\t// we now have to deal with more complicated cases such as\n\t\t// VARCHAR CHARACTER SET LATIN vs VARCHAR(1000) CHARACTER SET LATIN\n\t\t// we make a major assumption that at least beginning part of\n\t\t// src and sub are the same.\n\t\tint i;\n\t\tfor (i = 0; i < sub.length (); ++i)\n\t\t{\n\t\t\tif (src.charAt (i) != sub.charAt (i))\n\t\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\t}\n\t\tif (i == 0)\n\t\t\treturn false;\n\t\treturn src.substring (i).indexOf (sub.substring (i)) >= 0;\n\t}\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n jaqy-core/src/test/java/com/teradata/jaqy/schema/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n\tpublic void isSameTypeTest ()\n\t{\n\t\tAssert.assertTrue (TypeMap.isSameType (\"CHAR\", \"char\"));\n\n\t\tAssert.assertFalse (TypeMap.isSameType (\"CHAR\", \"VARCHAR\"));\n\t\tAssert.assertTrue (TypeMap.isSameType (\"VARCHAR\", \"CHAR\"));\n\n\t\tAssert.assertTrue (TypeMap.isSameType (\"VARCHAR(100)\", \"VARCHAR\"));\n\t\tAssert.assertTrue (TypeMap.isSameType (\"VARCHAR(100) CHARACTER SET LATIN\", \"VARCHAR\"));\n\t\tAssert.assertTrue (TypeMap.isSameType (\"VARCHAR(100) CHARACTER SET LATIN\", \"VARCHAR CHARACTER SET LATIN\"));\n\t\tAssert.assertTrue (TypeMap.isSameType (\"CHAR(100) FOR BIT DATA\", \"CHAR() FOR BIT DATA\"));\n\t}\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
public Single<Boolean> hasPermission(User user, PermissionAcls permissions) { return findMembershipPermissions(user, permissions.referenceStream()) .map(permissions::match); }
@Test public void hasPermission_hasNotAllPermissions() { DefaultUser user = new DefaultUser("user"); user.setId(USER_ID); Membership organizationMembership = new Membership(); organizationMembership.setMemberType(MemberType.USER); organizationMembership.setMemberId(USER_ID); organizationMembership.setReferenceType(ReferenceType.ORGANIZATION); organizationMembership.setReferenceId(ORGANIZATION_ID); organizationMembership.setRoleId(ROLE_ID); Membership domainMembership = new Membership(); domainMembership.setMemberType(MemberType.USER); domainMembership.setMemberId(USER_ID); domainMembership.setReferenceType(ReferenceType.DOMAIN); domainMembership.setReferenceId(DOMAIN_ID); domainMembership.setRoleId(ROLE_ID2); Role organizationRole = new Role(); organizationRole.setId(ROLE_ID); organizationRole.setAssignableType(ReferenceType.ORGANIZATION); organizationRole.setPermissionAcls(Permission.of(ORGANIZATION, READ)); Role domainRole = new Role(); domainRole.setId(ROLE_ID2); domainRole.setAssignableType(ReferenceType.DOMAIN); domainRole.setPermissionAcls(Permission.of(DOMAIN, CREATE)); when(groupService.findByMember(user.getId())).thenReturn(Single.just(emptyList())); when(membershipService.findByCriteria(eq(ReferenceType.ORGANIZATION), eq(ORGANIZATION_ID), any(MembershipCriteria.class))).thenReturn(Flowable.just(organizationMembership)); when(membershipService.findByCriteria(eq(ReferenceType.DOMAIN), eq(DOMAIN_ID), any(MembershipCriteria.class))).thenReturn(Flowable.just(domainMembership)); when(roleService.findByIdIn(Arrays.asList(organizationMembership.getRoleId(), domainMembership.getRoleId()))).thenReturn(Single.just(new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList(organizationRole, domainRole)))); TestObserver<Boolean> obs = cut.hasPermission(user, and(of(ReferenceType.ORGANIZATION, ORGANIZATION_ID, Permission.ORGANIZATION, READ), of(ReferenceType.DOMAIN, DOMAIN_ID, Permission.DOMAIN, READ))).test(); obs.awaitTerminalEvent(); obs.assertComplete(); obs.assertValue(false); }
[ "map", "findMembershipPermissions", "referenceStream" ]
[ "setId", "setMemberType", "setMemberId", "setReferenceType", "setReferenceId", "setRoleId", "setMemberType", "setMemberId", "setReferenceType", "setReferenceId", "setRoleId", "setId", "setAssignableType", "setPermissionAcls", "of", "setId", "setAssignableType", "setPermissionAcls", "of", "thenReturn", "when", "findByMember", "getId", "just", "emptyList", "thenReturn", "when", "findByCriteria", "eq", "eq", "any", "just", "thenReturn", "when", "findByCriteria", "eq", "eq", "any", "just", "thenReturn", "when", "findByIdIn", "asList", "getRoleId", "getRoleId", "just", "asList", "test", "hasPermission", "and", "of", "of", "awaitTerminalEvent", "assertComplete", "assertValue" ]
{ "class_fields": "private static final String ORGANIZATION_ID = \"orga#1\";\npublic static final String USER_ID = \"user#1\";\npublic static final String ROLE_ID = \"role#1\";\npublic static final String GROUP_ID = \"group#1\";\npublic static final String DOMAIN_ID = \"domain#1\";\nprivate static final String ROLE_ID2 = \"role#2\";\npublic static final String APPLICATION_ID = \"application#1\";\n@Mock\n private MembershipService membershipService;\n@Mock\n private GroupService groupService;\n@Mock\n private RoleService roleService;\nprivate PermissionService cut;", "class_name": "PermissionServiceTest" }
{ "class_fields": "private final MembershipService membershipService;\nprivate final GroupService groupService;\nprivate final RoleService roleService;", "class_name": "PermissionService", "method_signatures": "public PermissionService(MembershipService membershipService,\n GroupService groupService,\n RoleService roleService)\npublic Single<Map<Permission, Set<Acl>>> findAllPermissions(User user, ReferenceType referenceType, String referenceId)\npublic Single<Boolean> hasPermission(User user, PermissionAcls permissions)\nprivate Single<Map<Membership, Map<Permission, Set<Acl>>>> findMembershipPermissions(User user, Stream<Map.Entry<ReferenceType, String>> referenceStream)\nprivate Map<Membership, Map<Permission, Set<Acl>>> permissionsPerMembership(List<Membership> allMemberships, Set<Role> allRoles)\nprivate Map<Permission, Set<Acl>> aclsPerPermission(Map<Membership, Map<Permission, Set<Acl>>> rolesPerMembership)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: gravitee-am-management-api/gravitee-am-management-api-service/src/main/java/io/gravitee/am/management/service/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: PermissionService\n\nclass_fields: private final MembershipService membershipService;\nprivate final GroupService groupService;\nprivate final RoleService roleService;\n\nmethod_signatures: public PermissionService(MembershipService membershipService,\n GroupService groupService,\n RoleService roleService)\npublic Single<Map<Permission, Set<Acl>>> findAllPermissions(User user, ReferenceType referenceType, String referenceId)\npublic Single<Boolean> hasPermission(User user, PermissionAcls permissions)\nprivate Single<Map<Membership, Map<Permission, Set<Acl>>>> findMembershipPermissions(User user, Stream<Map.Entry<ReferenceType, String>> referenceStream)\nprivate Map<Membership, Map<Permission, Set<Acl>>> permissionsPerMembership(List<Membership> allMemberships, Set<Role> allRoles)\nprivate Map<Permission, Set<Acl>> aclsPerPermission(Map<Membership, Map<Permission, Set<Acl>>> rolesPerMembership)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: PermissionServiceTest\n\nclass_fields: private static final String ORGANIZATION_ID = \"orga#1\";\npublic static final String USER_ID = \"user#1\";\npublic static final String ROLE_ID = \"role#1\";\npublic static final String GROUP_ID = \"group#1\";\npublic static final String DOMAIN_ID = \"domain#1\";\nprivate static final String ROLE_ID2 = \"role#2\";\npublic static final String APPLICATION_ID = \"application#1\";\n@Mock\n private MembershipService membershipService;\n@Mock\n private GroupService groupService;\n@Mock\n private RoleService roleService;\nprivate PermissionService cut;\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file gravitee-am-management-api/gravitee-am-management-api-service/src/main/java/io/gravitee/am/management/service/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n public Single<Boolean> hasPermission(User user, PermissionAcls permissions) {\n\n return findMembershipPermissions(user, permissions.referenceStream())\n .map(permissions::match);\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n gravitee-am-management-api/gravitee-am-management-api-service/src/test/java/io/gravitee/am/management/service/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void hasPermission_hasNotAllPermissions() {\n\n DefaultUser user = new DefaultUser(\"user\");\n user.setId(USER_ID);\n\n Membership organizationMembership = new Membership();\n organizationMembership.setMemberType(MemberType.USER);\n organizationMembership.setMemberId(USER_ID);\n organizationMembership.setReferenceType(ReferenceType.ORGANIZATION);\n organizationMembership.setReferenceId(ORGANIZATION_ID);\n organizationMembership.setRoleId(ROLE_ID);\n\n Membership domainMembership = new Membership();\n domainMembership.setMemberType(MemberType.USER);\n domainMembership.setMemberId(USER_ID);\n domainMembership.setReferenceType(ReferenceType.DOMAIN);\n domainMembership.setReferenceId(DOMAIN_ID);\n domainMembership.setRoleId(ROLE_ID2);\n\n Role organizationRole = new Role();\n organizationRole.setId(ROLE_ID);\n organizationRole.setAssignableType(ReferenceType.ORGANIZATION);\n organizationRole.setPermissionAcls(Permission.of(ORGANIZATION, READ));\n\n Role domainRole = new Role();\n domainRole.setId(ROLE_ID2);\n domainRole.setAssignableType(ReferenceType.DOMAIN);\n domainRole.setPermissionAcls(Permission.of(DOMAIN, CREATE));\n\n when(groupService.findByMember(user.getId())).thenReturn(Single.just(emptyList()));\n when(membershipService.findByCriteria(eq(ReferenceType.ORGANIZATION), eq(ORGANIZATION_ID), any(MembershipCriteria.class))).thenReturn(Flowable.just(organizationMembership));\n when(membershipService.findByCriteria(eq(ReferenceType.DOMAIN), eq(DOMAIN_ID), any(MembershipCriteria.class))).thenReturn(Flowable.just(domainMembership));\n when(roleService.findByIdIn(Arrays.asList(organizationMembership.getRoleId(), domainMembership.getRoleId()))).thenReturn(Single.just(new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList(organizationRole, domainRole))));\n\n TestObserver<Boolean> obs = cut.hasPermission(user,\n and(of(ReferenceType.ORGANIZATION, ORGANIZATION_ID, Permission.ORGANIZATION, READ),\n of(ReferenceType.DOMAIN, DOMAIN_ID, Permission.DOMAIN, READ))).test();\n\n obs.awaitTerminalEvent();\n obs.assertComplete();\n obs.assertValue(false);\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
@Override public Maybe<AccessToken> findByToken(String token) { return Observable .fromPublisher(accessTokenCollection.find(eq(FIELD_TOKEN, token)).limit(1).first()) .firstElement() .map(this::convert); }
@Test public void shouldNotFindToken() { TestObserver<AccessToken> observer = accessTokenRepository.findByToken("unknown-token").test(); observer.awaitTerminalEvent(); observer.assertComplete(); observer.assertValueCount(0); observer.assertNoErrors(); }
[ "map", "firstElement", "fromPublisher", "first", "limit", "find", "eq" ]
[ "test", "findByToken", "awaitTerminalEvent", "assertComplete", "assertValueCount", "assertNoErrors" ]
{ "class_fields": "@Autowired\n private AccessTokenRepository accessTokenRepository;", "class_name": "MongoAccessTokenRepositoryTest extends AbstractOAuth2RepositoryTest" }
{ "class_fields": "private MongoCollection<AccessTokenMongo> accessTokenCollection;\nprivate static final String FIELD_ID = \"_id\";\nprivate static final String FIELD_TOKEN = \"token\";\nprivate static final String FIELD_RESET_TIME = \"expire_at\";\nprivate static final String FIELD_DOMAIN_ID = \"domain\";\nprivate static final String FIELD_CLIENT_ID = \"client\";\nprivate static final String FIELD_SUBJECT = \"subject\";\nprivate static final String FIELD_AUTHORIZATION_CODE = \"authorization_code\";", "class_name": "MongoAccessTokenRepository extends AbstractOAuth2MongoRepository implements AccessTokenRepository", "method_signatures": "@PostConstruct public void init()\nprivate Maybe<AccessToken> findById(String id)\n@Override public Maybe<AccessToken> findByToken(String token)\n@Override public Single<AccessToken> create(AccessToken accessToken)\n@Override public Completable bulkWrite(List<AccessToken> accessTokens)\n@Override public Completable delete(String token)\n@Override public Observable<AccessToken> findByClientIdAndSubject(String clientId, String subject)\n@Override public Observable<AccessToken> findByClientId(String clientId)\n@Override public Observable<AccessToken> findByAuthorizationCode(String authorizationCode)\n@Override public Single<Long> countByClientId(String clientId)\n@Override public Completable deleteByUserId(String userId)\n@Override public Completable deleteByDomainIdClientIdAndUserId(String domainId, String clientId, String userId)\n@Override public Completable deleteByDomainIdAndUserId(String domainId, String userId)\nprivate List<WriteModel<AccessTokenMongo>> convert(List<AccessToken> accessTokens)\nprivate AccessTokenMongo convert(AccessToken accessToken)\nprivate AccessToken convert(AccessTokenMongo accessTokenMongo)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: gravitee-am-repository/gravitee-am-repository-mongodb/src/main/java/io/gravitee/am/repository/mongodb/oauth2/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: MongoAccessTokenRepository extends AbstractOAuth2MongoRepository implements AccessTokenRepository\n\nclass_fields: private MongoCollection<AccessTokenMongo> accessTokenCollection;\nprivate static final String FIELD_ID = \"_id\";\nprivate static final String FIELD_TOKEN = \"token\";\nprivate static final String FIELD_RESET_TIME = \"expire_at\";\nprivate static final String FIELD_DOMAIN_ID = \"domain\";\nprivate static final String FIELD_CLIENT_ID = \"client\";\nprivate static final String FIELD_SUBJECT = \"subject\";\nprivate static final String FIELD_AUTHORIZATION_CODE = \"authorization_code\";\n\nmethod_signatures: @PostConstruct public void init()\nprivate Maybe<AccessToken> findById(String id)\n@Override public Maybe<AccessToken> findByToken(String token)\n@Override public Single<AccessToken> create(AccessToken accessToken)\n@Override public Completable bulkWrite(List<AccessToken> accessTokens)\n@Override public Completable delete(String token)\n@Override public Observable<AccessToken> findByClientIdAndSubject(String clientId, String subject)\n@Override public Observable<AccessToken> findByClientId(String clientId)\n@Override public Observable<AccessToken> findByAuthorizationCode(String authorizationCode)\n@Override public Single<Long> countByClientId(String clientId)\n@Override public Completable deleteByUserId(String userId)\n@Override public Completable deleteByDomainIdClientIdAndUserId(String domainId, String clientId, String userId)\n@Override public Completable deleteByDomainIdAndUserId(String domainId, String userId)\nprivate List<WriteModel<AccessTokenMongo>> convert(List<AccessToken> accessTokens)\nprivate AccessTokenMongo convert(AccessToken accessToken)\nprivate AccessToken convert(AccessTokenMongo accessTokenMongo)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: MongoAccessTokenRepositoryTest extends AbstractOAuth2RepositoryTest\n\nclass_fields: @Autowired\n private AccessTokenRepository accessTokenRepository;\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file gravitee-am-repository/gravitee-am-repository-mongodb/src/main/java/io/gravitee/am/repository/mongodb/oauth2/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n @Override\n public Maybe<AccessToken> findByToken(String token) {\n return Observable\n .fromPublisher(accessTokenCollection.find(eq(FIELD_TOKEN, token)).limit(1).first())\n .firstElement()\n .map(this::convert);\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n gravitee-am-repository/gravitee-am-repository-mongodb/src/test/java/io/gravitee/am/repository/mongodb/oauth2/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void shouldNotFindToken() {\n TestObserver<AccessToken> observer = accessTokenRepository.findByToken(\"unknown-token\").test();\n\n observer.awaitTerminalEvent();\n\n observer.assertComplete();\n observer.assertValueCount(0);\n observer.assertNoErrors();\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
public void setNotes(@Nullable String notes) { if (TextUtils.isEmpty(notes) || TextUtils.getTrimmedLength(notes) == 0) { notes = null; } else { notes = notes.trim(); } mNotes = notes; }
@Test public void testSetNotes() throws Exception { assertFalse(mLibraryUpdate.containsModifications()); mLibraryUpdate.setNotes(mLibraryUpdate.getNotes()); assertFalse(mLibraryUpdate.containsModifications()); mLibraryUpdate.setNotes("Hello, World!"); assertTrue(mLibraryUpdate.containsModifications()); mLibraryUpdate.setNotes(mLibraryUpdate.getDefaults().getNotes()); assertFalse(mLibraryUpdate.containsModifications()); }
[ "isEmpty", "getTrimmedLength", "trim" ]
[ "assertFalse", "containsModifications", "setNotes", "getNotes", "assertFalse", "containsModifications", "setNotes", "assertTrue", "containsModifications", "setNotes", "getNotes", "getDefaults", "assertFalse", "containsModifications" ]
{ "class_fields": "private MangaLibraryUpdate mLibraryUpdate;", "class_name": "MangaLibraryUpdateTest" }
{ "class_fields": "private final Defaults mDefaults;\nprivate boolean mIsPrivate;\nprivate boolean mIsReReading;\nprivate int mChaptersRead;\nprivate int mReReadCount;\nprivate int mVolumesRead;\n@Nullable\n private Rating mRating;\n@Nullable\n private ReadingStatus mReadingStatus;\nprivate final String mMangaId;\nprivate final String mMangaTitle;\n@Nullable\n private String mNotes;\npublic static final Creator<MangaLibraryUpdate> CREATOR = new Creator<MangaLibraryUpdate>() {\n @Override\n public MangaLibraryUpdate createFromParcel(final Parcel source) {\n return new MangaLibraryUpdate(source);\n }\n\n @Override\n public MangaLibraryUpdate[] newArray(final int size) {\n return new MangaLibraryUpdate[size];\n }\n };", "class_name": "MangaLibraryUpdate implements Parcelable", "method_signatures": "public MangaLibraryUpdate(final MangaDigest digest)\npublic MangaLibraryUpdate(final MangaLibraryEntry libraryEntry)\nprivate MangaLibraryUpdate(final Parcel source)\npublic boolean containsModifications()\npublic int getChaptersRead()\npublic Defaults getDefaults()\npublic String getMangaId()\npublic String getMangaTitle()\n@Nullable public String getNotes()\n@Nullable public Rating getRating()\n@Nullable public ReadingStatus getReadingStatus()\npublic int getReReadCount()\npublic int getVolumesRead()\npublic boolean isPrivate()\npublic boolean isReReading()\npublic void setChaptersRead(final int chaptersRead)\npublic void setNotes(@Nullable String notes)\npublic void setPrivacy(final Privacy privacy)\npublic void setRating(@Nullable final Rating rating)\npublic void setReadingStatus(@Nullable final ReadingStatus readingStatus)\npublic void setReReadCount(final int reReadCount)\npublic void setReReading(final boolean reReading)\npublic void setVolumesRead(final int volumesRead)\npublic JsonObject toJson()\n@Override public int describeContents()\n@Override public void writeToParcel(final Parcel dest, final int flags)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: project/app/src/main/java/com/charlesmadere/hummingbird/models/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: MangaLibraryUpdate implements Parcelable\n\nclass_fields: private final Defaults mDefaults;\nprivate boolean mIsPrivate;\nprivate boolean mIsReReading;\nprivate int mChaptersRead;\nprivate int mReReadCount;\nprivate int mVolumesRead;\n@Nullable\n private Rating mRating;\n@Nullable\n private ReadingStatus mReadingStatus;\nprivate final String mMangaId;\nprivate final String mMangaTitle;\n@Nullable\n private String mNotes;\npublic static final Creator<MangaLibraryUpdate> CREATOR = new Creator<MangaLibraryUpdate>() {\n @Override\n public MangaLibraryUpdate createFromParcel(final Parcel source) {\n return new MangaLibraryUpdate(source);\n }\n\n @Override\n public MangaLibraryUpdate[] newArray(final int size) {\n return new MangaLibraryUpdate[size];\n }\n };\n\nmethod_signatures: public MangaLibraryUpdate(final MangaDigest digest)\npublic MangaLibraryUpdate(final MangaLibraryEntry libraryEntry)\nprivate MangaLibraryUpdate(final Parcel source)\npublic boolean containsModifications()\npublic int getChaptersRead()\npublic Defaults getDefaults()\npublic String getMangaId()\npublic String getMangaTitle()\n@Nullable public String getNotes()\n@Nullable public Rating getRating()\n@Nullable public ReadingStatus getReadingStatus()\npublic int getReReadCount()\npublic int getVolumesRead()\npublic boolean isPrivate()\npublic boolean isReReading()\npublic void setChaptersRead(final int chaptersRead)\npublic void setNotes(@Nullable String notes)\npublic void setPrivacy(final Privacy privacy)\npublic void setRating(@Nullable final Rating rating)\npublic void setReadingStatus(@Nullable final ReadingStatus readingStatus)\npublic void setReReadCount(final int reReadCount)\npublic void setReReading(final boolean reReading)\npublic void setVolumesRead(final int volumesRead)\npublic JsonObject toJson()\n@Override public int describeContents()\n@Override public void writeToParcel(final Parcel dest, final int flags)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: MangaLibraryUpdateTest\n\nclass_fields: private MangaLibraryUpdate mLibraryUpdate;\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file project/app/src/main/java/com/charlesmadere/hummingbird/models/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n public void setNotes(@Nullable String notes) {\n if (TextUtils.isEmpty(notes) || TextUtils.getTrimmedLength(notes) == 0) {\n notes = null;\n } else {\n notes = notes.trim();\n }\n\n mNotes = notes;\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n project/app/src/test/java/com/charlesmadere/hummingbird/models/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void testSetNotes() throws Exception {\n assertFalse(mLibraryUpdate.containsModifications());\n\n mLibraryUpdate.setNotes(mLibraryUpdate.getNotes());\n assertFalse(mLibraryUpdate.containsModifications());\n\n mLibraryUpdate.setNotes(\"Hello, World!\");\n assertTrue(mLibraryUpdate.containsModifications());\n\n mLibraryUpdate.setNotes(mLibraryUpdate.getDefaults().getNotes());\n assertFalse(mLibraryUpdate.containsModifications());\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
@Override public Maybe<User> findByUsername(String username) { try { // prepare context AuthenticationContext authenticationContext = new SimpleAuthenticationContext(); TemplateEngine templateEngine = authenticationContext.getTemplateEngine(); DefaultUser user = new DefaultUser(username); templateEngine.getTemplateContext().setVariable(USER_CONTEXT_KEY, user); // prepare request final HttpUsersResourceConfiguration usersResourceConfiguration = configuration.getUsersResource(); final HttpResourceConfiguration readResourceConfiguration = usersResourceConfiguration.getPaths().getReadResource(); final String readUserURI = usersResourceConfiguration.getBaseURL() + readResourceConfiguration.getBaseURL(); final HttpMethod readUserHttpMethod = HttpMethod.valueOf(readResourceConfiguration.getHttpMethod().toString()); final List<HttpHeader> readUserHttpHeaders = readResourceConfiguration.getHttpHeaders(); final String readUserBody = readResourceConfiguration.getHttpBody(); final Single<HttpResponse<Buffer>> requestHandler = processRequest(templateEngine, readUserURI, readUserHttpMethod, readUserHttpHeaders, readUserBody); return requestHandler .toMaybe() .map(httpResponse -> { final List<HttpResponseErrorCondition> errorConditions = readResourceConfiguration.getHttpResponseErrorConditions(); Map<String, Object> userAttributes = processResponse(templateEngine, errorConditions, httpResponse); return convert(user.getUsername(), userAttributes); }) .onErrorResumeNext(ex -> { if (ex instanceof AbstractManagementException) { return Maybe.error(ex); } LOGGER.error("An error has occurred while searching user {} from the remote HTTP identity provider", username, ex); return Maybe.error(new TechnicalManagementException("An error has occurred while searching user from the remote HTTP identity provider", ex)); }); } catch (Exception ex) { LOGGER.error("An error has occurred while searching the user {}", username, ex); return Maybe.error(new TechnicalManagementException("An error has occurred while searching the user", ex)); } }
@Test public void shouldFindUserByUsername() { stubFor(get(urlPathEqualTo("/api/users")) .withQueryParam("username", new EqualToPattern("johndoe")) .willReturn(okJson("{\"id\" : \"123456789\", \"username\" : \"johndoe\"}"))); TestObserver<User> testObserver = userProvider.findByUsername("johndoe").test(); testObserver.awaitTerminalEvent(); testObserver.assertComplete(); testObserver.assertNoErrors(); testObserver.assertValue(u -> "123456789".equals(u.getId())); testObserver.assertValue(u -> "johndoe".equals(u.getUsername())); }
[ "getTemplateEngine", "setVariable", "getTemplateContext", "getUsersResource", "getReadResource", "getPaths", "getBaseURL", "getBaseURL", "valueOf", "toString", "getHttpMethod", "getHttpHeaders", "getHttpBody", "processRequest", "onErrorResumeNext", "map", "toMaybe", "getHttpResponseErrorConditions", "processResponse", "convert", "getUsername", "error", "error", "error", "error", "error" ]
[ "stubFor", "willReturn", "withQueryParam", "get", "urlPathEqualTo", "okJson", "test", "findByUsername", "awaitTerminalEvent", "assertComplete", "assertNoErrors", "assertValue", "equals", "getId", "assertValue", "equals", "getUsername" ]
{ "class_fields": "@Autowired\n private UserProvider userProvider;\n@Rule\n public WireMockRule wireMockRule = new WireMockRule(wireMockConfig().port(19998));", "class_name": "HttpUserProviderTest" }
{ "class_fields": "private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(HttpUserProvider.class);\nprivate static final String USER_CONTEXT_KEY = \"user\";\nprivate static final String USER_API_RESPONSE_CONTEXT_KEY = \"usersResponse\";\n@Autowired\n @Qualifier(\"idpHttpUsersWebClient\")\n private WebClient client;\n@Autowired\n private HttpIdentityProviderConfiguration configuration;", "class_name": "HttpUserProvider implements UserProvider", "method_signatures": "@Override public Maybe<User> findByUsername(String username)\n@Override public Single<User> create(User user)\n@Override public Single<User> update(String id, User updateUser)\n@Override public Completable delete(String id)\nprivate User convert(String username, Map<String, Object> userAttributes)\nprivate Single<HttpResponse<Buffer>> processRequest(TemplateEngine templateEngine,\n String httpURI,\n HttpMethod httpMethod,\n List<HttpHeader> httpHeaders,\n String httpBody)\nprivate Map<String, Object> processResponse(TemplateEngine templateEngine, List<HttpResponseErrorCondition> errorConditions, HttpResponse<Buffer> httpResponse)\nprivate static Map<String, String> format(String query)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: gravitee-am-identityprovider/gravitee-am-identityprovider-http/src/main/java/io/gravitee/am/identityprovider/http/user/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: HttpUserProvider implements UserProvider\n\nclass_fields: private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(HttpUserProvider.class);\nprivate static final String USER_CONTEXT_KEY = \"user\";\nprivate static final String USER_API_RESPONSE_CONTEXT_KEY = \"usersResponse\";\n@Autowired\n @Qualifier(\"idpHttpUsersWebClient\")\n private WebClient client;\n@Autowired\n private HttpIdentityProviderConfiguration configuration;\n\nmethod_signatures: @Override public Maybe<User> findByUsername(String username)\n@Override public Single<User> create(User user)\n@Override public Single<User> update(String id, User updateUser)\n@Override public Completable delete(String id)\nprivate User convert(String username, Map<String, Object> userAttributes)\nprivate Single<HttpResponse<Buffer>> processRequest(TemplateEngine templateEngine,\n String httpURI,\n HttpMethod httpMethod,\n List<HttpHeader> httpHeaders,\n String httpBody)\nprivate Map<String, Object> processResponse(TemplateEngine templateEngine, List<HttpResponseErrorCondition> errorConditions, HttpResponse<Buffer> httpResponse)\nprivate static Map<String, String> format(String query)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: HttpUserProviderTest\n\nclass_fields: @Autowired\n private UserProvider userProvider;\n@Rule\n public WireMockRule wireMockRule = new WireMockRule(wireMockConfig().port(19998));\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file gravitee-am-identityprovider/gravitee-am-identityprovider-http/src/main/java/io/gravitee/am/identityprovider/http/user/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n @Override\n public Maybe<User> findByUsername(String username) {\n try {\n // prepare context\n AuthenticationContext authenticationContext = new SimpleAuthenticationContext();\n TemplateEngine templateEngine = authenticationContext.getTemplateEngine();\n DefaultUser user = new DefaultUser(username);\n templateEngine.getTemplateContext().setVariable(USER_CONTEXT_KEY, user);\n\n // prepare request\n final HttpUsersResourceConfiguration usersResourceConfiguration = configuration.getUsersResource();\n final HttpResourceConfiguration readResourceConfiguration = usersResourceConfiguration.getPaths().getReadResource();\n final String readUserURI = usersResourceConfiguration.getBaseURL() + readResourceConfiguration.getBaseURL();\n final HttpMethod readUserHttpMethod = HttpMethod.valueOf(readResourceConfiguration.getHttpMethod().toString());\n final List<HttpHeader> readUserHttpHeaders = readResourceConfiguration.getHttpHeaders();\n final String readUserBody = readResourceConfiguration.getHttpBody();\n final Single<HttpResponse<Buffer>> requestHandler = processRequest(templateEngine, readUserURI, readUserHttpMethod, readUserHttpHeaders, readUserBody);\n\n return requestHandler\n .toMaybe()\n .map(httpResponse -> {\n final List<HttpResponseErrorCondition> errorConditions = readResourceConfiguration.getHttpResponseErrorConditions();\n Map<String, Object> userAttributes = processResponse(templateEngine, errorConditions, httpResponse);\n return convert(user.getUsername(), userAttributes);\n })\n .onErrorResumeNext(ex -> {\n if (ex instanceof AbstractManagementException) {\n return Maybe.error(ex);\n }\n LOGGER.error(\"An error has occurred while searching user {} from the remote HTTP identity provider\", username, ex);\n return Maybe.error(new TechnicalManagementException(\"An error has occurred while searching user from the remote HTTP identity provider\", ex));\n });\n } catch (Exception ex) {\n LOGGER.error(\"An error has occurred while searching the user {}\", username, ex);\n return Maybe.error(new TechnicalManagementException(\"An error has occurred while searching the user\", ex));\n }\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n gravitee-am-identityprovider/gravitee-am-identityprovider-http/src/test/java/io/gravitee/am/identityprovider/http/user/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void shouldFindUserByUsername() {\n stubFor(get(urlPathEqualTo(\"/api/users\"))\n .withQueryParam(\"username\", new EqualToPattern(\"johndoe\"))\n .willReturn(okJson(\"{\\\"id\\\" : \\\"123456789\\\", \\\"username\\\" : \\\"johndoe\\\"}\")));\n\n TestObserver<User> testObserver = userProvider.findByUsername(\"johndoe\").test();\n testObserver.awaitTerminalEvent();\n testObserver.assertComplete();\n testObserver.assertNoErrors();\n testObserver.assertValue(u -> \"123456789\".equals(u.getId()));\n testObserver.assertValue(u -> \"johndoe\".equals(u.getUsername()));\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
Date getFirstDayOfCurrentMonth() { Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance(timeZone, locale); calendar.setTime(currentDate); calendar.add(Calendar.MONTH, monthsScrolledSoFar()); calendar.set(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, 1); setToMidnight(calendar); return calendar.getTime(); }
@Test public void testItReturnsFirstDayOfMonth(){ Calendar currentCalender = Calendar.getInstance(); currentCalender.set(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, 1); currentCalender.set(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, 0); currentCalender.set(Calendar.MINUTE, 0); currentCalender.set(Calendar.SECOND, 0); currentCalender.set(Calendar.MILLISECOND, 0); Date expectFirstDayOfMonth = currentCalender.getTime(); Date actualDate = underTest.getFirstDayOfCurrentMonth(); assertEquals(expectFirstDayOfMonth, actualDate); }
[ "getInstance", "setTime", "add", "monthsScrolledSoFar", "set", "setToMidnight", "getTime" ]
[ "getInstance", "set", "set", "set", "set", "set", "getTime", "getFirstDayOfCurrentMonth", "assertEquals" ]
{ "class_fields": "@Mock private Paint paint;\n@Mock private OverScroller overScroller;\n@Mock private Canvas canvas;\n@Mock private Rect rect;\n@Mock private Calendar calendar;\n@Mock private MotionEvent motionEvent;\n@Mock private VelocityTracker velocityTracker;\n@Mock private EventsContainer eventsContainer;\nprivate static final String[] dayColumnNames = {\"M\", \"T\", \"W\", \"T\", \"F\", \"S\", \"S\"};\nCompactCalendarController underTest;", "class_name": "CompactCalendarControllerTest" }
{ "class_fields": "public static final int IDLE = 0;\npublic static final int EXPOSE_CALENDAR_ANIMATION = 1;\npublic static final int EXPAND_COLLAPSE_CALENDAR = 2;\npublic static final int ANIMATE_INDICATORS = 3;\nprivate static final int VELOCITY_UNIT_PIXELS_PER_SECOND = 1000;\nprivate static final int LAST_FLING_THRESHOLD_MILLIS = 300;\nprivate static final int DAYS_IN_WEEK = 7;\nprivate static final float SNAP_VELOCITY_DIP_PER_SECOND = 400;\nprivate static final float ANIMATION_SCREEN_SET_DURATION_MILLIS = 700;\nprivate int eventIndicatorStyle = SMALL_INDICATOR;\nprivate int currentDayIndicatorStyle = FILL_LARGE_INDICATOR;\nprivate int currentSelectedDayIndicatorStyle = FILL_LARGE_INDICATOR;\nprivate int paddingWidth = 40;\nprivate int paddingHeight = 40;\nprivate int textHeight;\nprivate int textWidth;\nprivate int widthPerDay;\nprivate int monthsScrolledSoFar;\nprivate int heightPerDay;\nprivate int textSize = 30;\nprivate int width;\nprivate int height;\nprivate int paddingRight;\nprivate int paddingLeft;\nprivate int maximumVelocity;\nprivate int densityAdjustedSnapVelocity;\nprivate int distanceThresholdForAutoScroll;\nprivate int targetHeight;\nprivate int animationStatus = 0;\nprivate int firstDayOfWeekToDraw = Calendar.MONDAY;\nprivate float xIndicatorOffset;\nprivate float multiDayIndicatorStrokeWidth;\nprivate float bigCircleIndicatorRadius;\nprivate float smallIndicatorRadius;\nprivate float growFactor = 0f;\nprivate float screenDensity = 1;\nprivate float growfactorIndicator;\nprivate float distanceX;\nprivate long lastAutoScrollFromFling;\nprivate boolean useThreeLetterAbbreviation = false;\nprivate boolean isSmoothScrolling;\nprivate boolean isScrolling;\nprivate boolean shouldDrawDaysHeader = true;\nprivate boolean shouldDrawIndicatorsBelowSelectedDays = false;\nprivate boolean displayOtherMonthDays = false;\nprivate boolean shouldSelectFirstDayOfMonthOnScroll = true;\nprivate boolean isRtl = false;\nprivate CompactCalendarViewListener listener;\nprivate VelocityTracker velocityTracker = null;\nprivate Direction currentDirection = Direction.NONE;\nprivate Date currentDate = new Date();\nprivate Locale locale;\nprivate Calendar currentCalender;\nprivate Calendar todayCalender;\nprivate Calendar calendarWithFirstDayOfMonth;\nprivate Calendar eventsCalendar;\nprivate EventsContainer eventsContainer;\nprivate PointF accumulatedScrollOffset = new PointF();\nprivate OverScroller scroller;\nprivate Paint dayPaint = new Paint();\nprivate Paint background = new Paint();\nprivate Rect textSizeRect;\nprivate String[] dayColumnNames;\nprivate int multiEventIndicatorColor;\nprivate int currentDayBackgroundColor;\nprivate int currentDayTextColor;\nprivate int calenderTextColor;\nprivate int currentSelectedDayBackgroundColor;\nprivate int currentSelectedDayTextColor;\nprivate int calenderBackgroundColor = Color.WHITE;\nprivate int otherMonthDaysTextColor;\nprivate TimeZone timeZone;\nprivate Calendar tempPreviousMonthCalendar;", "class_name": "CompactCalendarController", "method_signatures": "CompactCalendarController(Paint dayPaint, OverScroller scroller, Rect textSizeRect, AttributeSet attrs,\n Context context, int currentDayBackgroundColor, int calenderTextColor,\n int currentSelectedDayBackgroundColor, VelocityTracker velocityTracker,\n int multiEventIndicatorColor, EventsContainer eventsContainer,\n Locale locale, TimeZone timeZone)\nprivate void loadAttributes(AttributeSet attrs, Context context)\nprivate void init(Context context)\nprivate void initScreenDensityRelatedValues(Context context)\nprivate void setCalenderToFirstDayOfMonth(Calendar calendarWithFirstDayOfMonth, Date currentDate, int scrollOffset, int monthOffset)\nprivate void setMonthOffset(Calendar calendarWithFirstDayOfMonth, Date currentDate, int scrollOffset, int monthOffset)\n void setIsRtl(boolean isRtl)\n void setShouldSelectFirstDayOfMonthOnScroll(boolean shouldSelectFirstDayOfMonthOnScroll)\n void setDisplayOtherMonthDays(boolean displayOtherMonthDays)\n void shouldDrawIndicatorsBelowSelectedDays(boolean shouldDrawIndicatorsBelowSelectedDays)\n void setCurrentDayIndicatorStyle(int currentDayIndicatorStyle)\n void setEventIndicatorStyle(int eventIndicatorStyle)\n void setCurrentSelectedDayIndicatorStyle(int currentSelectedDayIndicatorStyle)\n void setTargetHeight(int targetHeight)\n float getScreenDensity()\n float getDayIndicatorRadius()\n void setGrowFactorIndicator(float growfactorIndicator)\n float getGrowFactorIndicator()\n void setAnimationStatus(int animationStatus)\n int getTargetHeight()\n int getWidth()\n void setListener(CompactCalendarViewListener listener)\n void removeAllEvents()\n void setFirstDayOfWeek(int day)\n void setCurrentSelectedDayBackgroundColor(int currentSelectedDayBackgroundColor)\n void setCurrentSelectedDayTextColor(int currentSelectedDayTextColor)\n void setCalenderBackgroundColor(int calenderBackgroundColor)\n void setCurrentDayBackgroundColor(int currentDayBackgroundColor)\n void setCurrentDayTextColor(int currentDayTextColor)\n void scrollRight()\n void scrollLeft()\nprivate void scrollNext()\nprivate void scrollPrev()\n void setLocale(TimeZone timeZone, Locale locale)\n void setUseWeekDayAbbreviation(boolean useThreeLetterAbbreviation)\n void setDayColumnNames(String[] dayColumnNames)\n void setShouldDrawDaysHeader(boolean shouldDrawDaysHeader)\n void onMeasure(int width, int height, int paddingRight, int paddingLeft)\nprivate float getInterpolatedBigCircleIndicator()\n void onDraw(Canvas canvas)\nprivate void drawCalendarWhileAnimatingIndicators(Canvas canvas)\nprivate void drawCalendarWhileAnimating(Canvas canvas)\n void onSingleTapUp(MotionEvent e)\nprivate boolean isScrolling()\nprivate void performOnDayClickCallback(Date date)\n boolean onScroll(MotionEvent e1, MotionEvent e2, float distanceX, float distanceY)\n boolean onTouch(MotionEvent event)\nprivate void snapBackScroller()\nprivate void handleHorizontalScrolling()\nprivate int computeVelocity()\nprivate void handleSmoothScrolling(int velocityX)\nprivate void scrollNextMonth()\nprivate void scrollPreviousMonth()\nprivate void performMonthScrollCallback()\nprivate void performScroll()\n int getHeightPerDay()\n int getWeekNumberForCurrentMonth()\n Date getFirstDayOfCurrentMonth()\n void setCurrentDate(Date dateTimeMonth)\nprivate void setToMidnight(Calendar calendar)\n void addEvent(Event event)\n void addEvents(List<Event> events)\n List<Event> getCalendarEventsFor(long epochMillis)\n List<Event> getCalendarEventsForMonth(long epochMillis)\n void removeEventsFor(long epochMillis)\n void removeEvent(Event event)\n void removeEvents(List<Event> events)\n void setGrowProgress(float grow)\n float getGrowFactor()\n boolean onDown(MotionEvent e)\n boolean onFling(MotionEvent e1, MotionEvent e2, float velocityX, float velocityY)\n boolean computeScroll()\nprivate void drawScrollableCalender(Canvas canvas)\nprivate void drawNextMonth(Canvas canvas, int offset)\nprivate void drawCurrentMonth(Canvas canvas)\nprivate int monthsScrolledSoFar()\nprivate void drawPreviousMonth(Canvas canvas, int offset)\nprivate void calculateXPositionOffset()\nprivate void drawCalenderBackground(Canvas canvas)\n void drawEvents(Canvas canvas, Calendar currentMonthToDrawCalender, int offset)\nprivate void drawSingleEvent(Canvas canvas, float xPosition, float yPosition, List<Event> eventsList)\nprivate void drawTwoEvents(Canvas canvas, float xPosition, float yPosition, List<Event> eventsList)\nprivate void drawEventsWithPlus(Canvas canvas, float xPosition, float yPosition, List<Event> eventsList)\n int getDayOfWeek(Calendar calendar)\n void drawMonth(Canvas canvas, Calendar monthToDrawCalender, int offset)\nprivate void drawDayCircleIndicator(int indicatorStyle, Canvas canvas, float x, float y, int color)\nprivate void drawDayCircleIndicator(int indicatorStyle, Canvas canvas, float x, float y, int color, float circleScale)\nprivate void drawCircle(Canvas canvas, float x, float y, int color, float circleScale)\nprivate void drawEventIndicatorCircle(Canvas canvas, float x, float y, int color)\nprivate void drawCircle(Canvas canvas, float radius, float x, float y)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: library/src/main/java/com/github/sundeepk/compactcalendarview/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: CompactCalendarController\n\nclass_fields: public static final int IDLE = 0;\npublic static final int EXPOSE_CALENDAR_ANIMATION = 1;\npublic static final int EXPAND_COLLAPSE_CALENDAR = 2;\npublic static final int ANIMATE_INDICATORS = 3;\nprivate static final int VELOCITY_UNIT_PIXELS_PER_SECOND = 1000;\nprivate static final int LAST_FLING_THRESHOLD_MILLIS = 300;\nprivate static final int DAYS_IN_WEEK = 7;\nprivate static final float SNAP_VELOCITY_DIP_PER_SECOND = 400;\nprivate static final float ANIMATION_SCREEN_SET_DURATION_MILLIS = 700;\nprivate int eventIndicatorStyle = SMALL_INDICATOR;\nprivate int currentDayIndicatorStyle = FILL_LARGE_INDICATOR;\nprivate int currentSelectedDayIndicatorStyle = FILL_LARGE_INDICATOR;\nprivate int paddingWidth = 40;\nprivate int paddingHeight = 40;\nprivate int textHeight;\nprivate int textWidth;\nprivate int widthPerDay;\nprivate int monthsScrolledSoFar;\nprivate int heightPerDay;\nprivate int textSize = 30;\nprivate int width;\nprivate int height;\nprivate int paddingRight;\nprivate int paddingLeft;\nprivate int maximumVelocity;\nprivate int densityAdjustedSnapVelocity;\nprivate int distanceThresholdForAutoScroll;\nprivate int targetHeight;\nprivate int animationStatus = 0;\nprivate int firstDayOfWeekToDraw = Calendar.MONDAY;\nprivate float xIndicatorOffset;\nprivate float multiDayIndicatorStrokeWidth;\nprivate float bigCircleIndicatorRadius;\nprivate float smallIndicatorRadius;\nprivate float growFactor = 0f;\nprivate float screenDensity = 1;\nprivate float growfactorIndicator;\nprivate float distanceX;\nprivate long lastAutoScrollFromFling;\nprivate boolean useThreeLetterAbbreviation = false;\nprivate boolean isSmoothScrolling;\nprivate boolean isScrolling;\nprivate boolean shouldDrawDaysHeader = true;\nprivate boolean shouldDrawIndicatorsBelowSelectedDays = false;\nprivate boolean displayOtherMonthDays = false;\nprivate boolean shouldSelectFirstDayOfMonthOnScroll = true;\nprivate boolean isRtl = false;\nprivate CompactCalendarViewListener listener;\nprivate VelocityTracker velocityTracker = null;\nprivate Direction currentDirection = Direction.NONE;\nprivate Date currentDate = new Date();\nprivate Locale locale;\nprivate Calendar currentCalender;\nprivate Calendar todayCalender;\nprivate Calendar calendarWithFirstDayOfMonth;\nprivate Calendar eventsCalendar;\nprivate EventsContainer eventsContainer;\nprivate PointF accumulatedScrollOffset = new PointF();\nprivate OverScroller scroller;\nprivate Paint dayPaint = new Paint();\nprivate Paint background = new Paint();\nprivate Rect textSizeRect;\nprivate String[] dayColumnNames;\nprivate int multiEventIndicatorColor;\nprivate int currentDayBackgroundColor;\nprivate int currentDayTextColor;\nprivate int calenderTextColor;\nprivate int currentSelectedDayBackgroundColor;\nprivate int currentSelectedDayTextColor;\nprivate int calenderBackgroundColor = Color.WHITE;\nprivate int otherMonthDaysTextColor;\nprivate TimeZone timeZone;\nprivate Calendar tempPreviousMonthCalendar;\n\nmethod_signatures: CompactCalendarController(Paint dayPaint, OverScroller scroller, Rect textSizeRect, AttributeSet attrs,\n Context context, int currentDayBackgroundColor, int calenderTextColor,\n int currentSelectedDayBackgroundColor, VelocityTracker velocityTracker,\n int multiEventIndicatorColor, EventsContainer eventsContainer,\n Locale locale, TimeZone timeZone)\nprivate void loadAttributes(AttributeSet attrs, Context context)\nprivate void init(Context context)\nprivate void initScreenDensityRelatedValues(Context context)\nprivate void setCalenderToFirstDayOfMonth(Calendar calendarWithFirstDayOfMonth, Date currentDate, int scrollOffset, int monthOffset)\nprivate void setMonthOffset(Calendar calendarWithFirstDayOfMonth, Date currentDate, int scrollOffset, int monthOffset)\n void setIsRtl(boolean isRtl)\n void setShouldSelectFirstDayOfMonthOnScroll(boolean shouldSelectFirstDayOfMonthOnScroll)\n void setDisplayOtherMonthDays(boolean displayOtherMonthDays)\n void shouldDrawIndicatorsBelowSelectedDays(boolean shouldDrawIndicatorsBelowSelectedDays)\n void setCurrentDayIndicatorStyle(int currentDayIndicatorStyle)\n void setEventIndicatorStyle(int eventIndicatorStyle)\n void setCurrentSelectedDayIndicatorStyle(int currentSelectedDayIndicatorStyle)\n void setTargetHeight(int targetHeight)\n float getScreenDensity()\n float getDayIndicatorRadius()\n void setGrowFactorIndicator(float growfactorIndicator)\n float getGrowFactorIndicator()\n void setAnimationStatus(int animationStatus)\n int getTargetHeight()\n int getWidth()\n void setListener(CompactCalendarViewListener listener)\n void removeAllEvents()\n void setFirstDayOfWeek(int day)\n void setCurrentSelectedDayBackgroundColor(int currentSelectedDayBackgroundColor)\n void setCurrentSelectedDayTextColor(int currentSelectedDayTextColor)\n void setCalenderBackgroundColor(int calenderBackgroundColor)\n void setCurrentDayBackgroundColor(int currentDayBackgroundColor)\n void setCurrentDayTextColor(int currentDayTextColor)\n void scrollRight()\n void scrollLeft()\nprivate void scrollNext()\nprivate void scrollPrev()\n void setLocale(TimeZone timeZone, Locale locale)\n void setUseWeekDayAbbreviation(boolean useThreeLetterAbbreviation)\n void setDayColumnNames(String[] dayColumnNames)\n void setShouldDrawDaysHeader(boolean shouldDrawDaysHeader)\n void onMeasure(int width, int height, int paddingRight, int paddingLeft)\nprivate float getInterpolatedBigCircleIndicator()\n void onDraw(Canvas canvas)\nprivate void drawCalendarWhileAnimatingIndicators(Canvas canvas)\nprivate void drawCalendarWhileAnimating(Canvas canvas)\n void onSingleTapUp(MotionEvent e)\nprivate boolean isScrolling()\nprivate void performOnDayClickCallback(Date date)\n boolean onScroll(MotionEvent e1, MotionEvent e2, float distanceX, float distanceY)\n boolean onTouch(MotionEvent event)\nprivate void snapBackScroller()\nprivate void handleHorizontalScrolling()\nprivate int computeVelocity()\nprivate void handleSmoothScrolling(int velocityX)\nprivate void scrollNextMonth()\nprivate void scrollPreviousMonth()\nprivate void performMonthScrollCallback()\nprivate void performScroll()\n int getHeightPerDay()\n int getWeekNumberForCurrentMonth()\n Date getFirstDayOfCurrentMonth()\n void setCurrentDate(Date dateTimeMonth)\nprivate void setToMidnight(Calendar calendar)\n void addEvent(Event event)\n void addEvents(List<Event> events)\n List<Event> getCalendarEventsFor(long epochMillis)\n List<Event> getCalendarEventsForMonth(long epochMillis)\n void removeEventsFor(long epochMillis)\n void removeEvent(Event event)\n void removeEvents(List<Event> events)\n void setGrowProgress(float grow)\n float getGrowFactor()\n boolean onDown(MotionEvent e)\n boolean onFling(MotionEvent e1, MotionEvent e2, float velocityX, float velocityY)\n boolean computeScroll()\nprivate void drawScrollableCalender(Canvas canvas)\nprivate void drawNextMonth(Canvas canvas, int offset)\nprivate void drawCurrentMonth(Canvas canvas)\nprivate int monthsScrolledSoFar()\nprivate void drawPreviousMonth(Canvas canvas, int offset)\nprivate void calculateXPositionOffset()\nprivate void drawCalenderBackground(Canvas canvas)\n void drawEvents(Canvas canvas, Calendar currentMonthToDrawCalender, int offset)\nprivate void drawSingleEvent(Canvas canvas, float xPosition, float yPosition, List<Event> eventsList)\nprivate void drawTwoEvents(Canvas canvas, float xPosition, float yPosition, List<Event> eventsList)\nprivate void drawEventsWithPlus(Canvas canvas, float xPosition, float yPosition, List<Event> eventsList)\n int getDayOfWeek(Calendar calendar)\n void drawMonth(Canvas canvas, Calendar monthToDrawCalender, int offset)\nprivate void drawDayCircleIndicator(int indicatorStyle, Canvas canvas, float x, float y, int color)\nprivate void drawDayCircleIndicator(int indicatorStyle, Canvas canvas, float x, float y, int color, float circleScale)\nprivate void drawCircle(Canvas canvas, float x, float y, int color, float circleScale)\nprivate void drawEventIndicatorCircle(Canvas canvas, float x, float y, int color)\nprivate void drawCircle(Canvas canvas, float radius, float x, float y)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: CompactCalendarControllerTest\n\nclass_fields: @Mock private Paint paint;\n@Mock private OverScroller overScroller;\n@Mock private Canvas canvas;\n@Mock private Rect rect;\n@Mock private Calendar calendar;\n@Mock private MotionEvent motionEvent;\n@Mock private VelocityTracker velocityTracker;\n@Mock private EventsContainer eventsContainer;\nprivate static final String[] dayColumnNames = {\"M\", \"T\", \"W\", \"T\", \"F\", \"S\", \"S\"};\nCompactCalendarController underTest;\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file library/src/main/java/com/github/sundeepk/compactcalendarview/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n Date getFirstDayOfCurrentMonth() {\n Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance(timeZone, locale);\n calendar.setTime(currentDate);\n calendar.add(Calendar.MONTH, monthsScrolledSoFar());\n calendar.set(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, 1);\n setToMidnight(calendar);\n return calendar.getTime();\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n library/src/test/java/com/github/sundeepk/compactcalendarview/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void testItReturnsFirstDayOfMonth(){\n Calendar currentCalender = Calendar.getInstance();\n currentCalender.set(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, 1);\n currentCalender.set(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, 0);\n currentCalender.set(Calendar.MINUTE, 0);\n currentCalender.set(Calendar.SECOND, 0);\n currentCalender.set(Calendar.MILLISECOND, 0);\n Date expectFirstDayOfMonth = currentCalender.getTime();\n\n Date actualDate = underTest.getFirstDayOfCurrentMonth();\n\n assertEquals(expectFirstDayOfMonth, actualDate);\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
public void refresh() { logger.debug("Refreshing sync state..."); long nextLastRefreshAt = System.currentTimeMillis(); try { if (lastRefreshAt == -1) { logger.debug("Initial synchronization"); deployDomains(); deployClients(); deployCertificates(); } else { // search for events and compute them logger.debug("Events synchronization"); List<Event> events = eventRepository.findByTimeFrame(lastRefreshAt - lastDelay, nextLastRefreshAt).blockingGet(); if (events != null && !events.isEmpty()) { // Extract only the latest events by type and id Map<AbstractMap.SimpleEntry, Event> sortedEvents = events .stream() .collect( toMap( event -> new AbstractMap.SimpleEntry<>(event.getType(), event.getPayload().getId()), event -> event, BinaryOperator.maxBy(comparing(Event::getCreatedAt)), LinkedHashMap::new)); computeEvents(sortedEvents.values()); } } lastRefreshAt = nextLastRefreshAt; lastDelay = System.currentTimeMillis() - nextLastRefreshAt; } catch (Exception ex) { logger.error("An error occurs while synchronizing the security domains", ex); } }
@Test public void shouldDeployApplication() { when(domainRepository.findAll()).thenReturn(Single.just(Collections.emptySet())); when(applicationRepository.findAll()).thenReturn(Single.just(Collections.emptyList())); when(certificateRepository.findAll()).thenReturn(Single.just(Collections.emptySet())); when(applicationRepository.findById("client-1")).thenReturn(Maybe.just(new Application())); doNothing().when(clientManager).init(anyCollection()); syncManager.refresh(); Event event = new Event(); event.setType(Type.APPLICATION); event.setPayload(new Payload("client-1", ReferenceType.DOMAIN, "domain-1", Action.CREATE)); when(eventRepository.findByTimeFrame(any(Long.class), any(Long.class))).thenReturn(Single.just(Collections.singletonList(event))); syncManager.refresh(); verify(clientManager, times(1)).deploy(any(Client.class)); verify(clientManager, never()).update(any(Client.class)); verify(clientManager, never()).undeploy(any(String.class)); }
[ "debug", "currentTimeMillis", "debug", "deployDomains", "deployClients", "deployCertificates", "debug", "blockingGet", "findByTimeFrame", "isEmpty", "collect", "stream", "toMap", "getType", "getId", "getPayload", "maxBy", "comparing", "computeEvents", "values", "currentTimeMillis", "error" ]
[ "thenReturn", "when", "findAll", "just", "emptySet", "thenReturn", "when", "findAll", "just", "emptyList", "thenReturn", "when", "findAll", "just", "emptySet", "thenReturn", "when", "findById", "just", "init", "when", "doNothing", "anyCollection", "refresh", "setType", "setPayload", "thenReturn", "when", "findByTimeFrame", "any", "any", "just", "singletonList", "refresh", "deploy", "verify", "times", "any", "update", "verify", "never", "any", "undeploy", "verify", "never", "any" ]
{ "class_fields": "private static final String SHARDING_TAGS_SYSTEM_PROPERTY = \"tags\";\n@InjectMocks\n private SyncManager syncManager = new SyncManager();\n@Mock\n private EventManager eventManager;\n@Mock\n private SecurityDomainManager securityDomainManager;\n@Mock\n private Environment environment;\n@Mock\n private DomainRepository domainRepository;\n@Mock\n private EventRepository eventRepository;\n@Mock\n private ApplicationRepository applicationRepository;\n@Mock\n private CertificateRepository certificateRepository;\n@Mock\n private DefaultClientManager clientManager;\n@Mock\n private DefaultCertificateManager certificateManager;", "class_name": "SyncManagerTest" }
{ "class_fields": "private final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(SyncManager.class);\nprivate static final String SHARDING_TAGS_SYSTEM_PROPERTY = \"tags\";\nprivate static final String SHARDING_TAGS_SEPARATOR = \",\";\n@Autowired\n private EventManager eventManager;\n@Autowired\n private SecurityDomainManager securityDomainManager;\n@Autowired\n private EntityManager<Client> clientManager;\n@Autowired\n private EntityManager<Certificate> certificateManager;\n@Autowired\n private Environment environment;\n@Lazy\n @Autowired\n private DomainRepository domainRepository;\n@Lazy\n @Autowired\n private EventRepository eventRepository;\n@Lazy\n @Autowired\n private ApplicationRepository applicationRepository;\n@Lazy\n @Autowired\n private CertificateRepository certificateRepository;\nprivate Optional<List<String>> shardingTags;\nprivate long lastRefreshAt = -1;\nprivate long lastDelay = 0;", "class_name": "SyncManager implements InitializingBean", "method_signatures": "@Override public void afterPropertiesSet()\npublic void refresh()\nprivate void deployDomains()\nprivate void deployClients()\nprivate void deployCertificates()\nprivate void computeEvents(Collection<Event> events)\nprivate void synchronizeDomain(Event event)\nprivate void synchronizeApplication(Event event)\nprivate void synchronizeCertificate(Event event)\nprivate void initShardingTags()\nprivate boolean hasMatchingTags(Domain domain)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: gravitee-am-gateway/gravitee-am-gateway-services/gravitee-am-gateway-services-sync/src/main/java/io/gravitee/am/gateway/services/sync/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: SyncManager implements InitializingBean\n\nclass_fields: private final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(SyncManager.class);\nprivate static final String SHARDING_TAGS_SYSTEM_PROPERTY = \"tags\";\nprivate static final String SHARDING_TAGS_SEPARATOR = \",\";\n@Autowired\n private EventManager eventManager;\n@Autowired\n private SecurityDomainManager securityDomainManager;\n@Autowired\n private EntityManager<Client> clientManager;\n@Autowired\n private EntityManager<Certificate> certificateManager;\n@Autowired\n private Environment environment;\n@Lazy\n @Autowired\n private DomainRepository domainRepository;\n@Lazy\n @Autowired\n private EventRepository eventRepository;\n@Lazy\n @Autowired\n private ApplicationRepository applicationRepository;\n@Lazy\n @Autowired\n private CertificateRepository certificateRepository;\nprivate Optional<List<String>> shardingTags;\nprivate long lastRefreshAt = -1;\nprivate long lastDelay = 0;\n\nmethod_signatures: @Override public void afterPropertiesSet()\npublic void refresh()\nprivate void deployDomains()\nprivate void deployClients()\nprivate void deployCertificates()\nprivate void computeEvents(Collection<Event> events)\nprivate void synchronizeDomain(Event event)\nprivate void synchronizeApplication(Event event)\nprivate void synchronizeCertificate(Event event)\nprivate void initShardingTags()\nprivate boolean hasMatchingTags(Domain domain)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: SyncManagerTest\n\nclass_fields: private static final String SHARDING_TAGS_SYSTEM_PROPERTY = \"tags\";\n@InjectMocks\n private SyncManager syncManager = new SyncManager();\n@Mock\n private EventManager eventManager;\n@Mock\n private SecurityDomainManager securityDomainManager;\n@Mock\n private Environment environment;\n@Mock\n private DomainRepository domainRepository;\n@Mock\n private EventRepository eventRepository;\n@Mock\n private ApplicationRepository applicationRepository;\n@Mock\n private CertificateRepository certificateRepository;\n@Mock\n private DefaultClientManager clientManager;\n@Mock\n private DefaultCertificateManager certificateManager;\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file gravitee-am-gateway/gravitee-am-gateway-services/gravitee-am-gateway-services-sync/src/main/java/io/gravitee/am/gateway/services/sync/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n public void refresh() {\n logger.debug(\"Refreshing sync state...\");\n long nextLastRefreshAt = System.currentTimeMillis();\n\n try {\n if (lastRefreshAt == -1) {\n logger.debug(\"Initial synchronization\");\n deployDomains();\n deployClients();\n deployCertificates();\n } else {\n // search for events and compute them\n logger.debug(\"Events synchronization\");\n List<Event> events = eventRepository.findByTimeFrame(lastRefreshAt - lastDelay, nextLastRefreshAt).blockingGet();\n\n if (events != null && !events.isEmpty()) {\n // Extract only the latest events by type and id\n Map<AbstractMap.SimpleEntry, Event> sortedEvents = events\n .stream()\n .collect(\n toMap(\n event -> new AbstractMap.SimpleEntry<>(event.getType(), event.getPayload().getId()),\n event -> event, BinaryOperator.maxBy(comparing(Event::getCreatedAt)), LinkedHashMap::new));\n computeEvents(sortedEvents.values());\n }\n\n }\n lastRefreshAt = nextLastRefreshAt;\n lastDelay = System.currentTimeMillis() - nextLastRefreshAt;\n } catch (Exception ex) {\n logger.error(\"An error occurs while synchronizing the security domains\", ex);\n }\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n gravitee-am-gateway/gravitee-am-gateway-services/gravitee-am-gateway-services-sync/src/test/java/io/gravitee/am/gateway/services/sync/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void shouldDeployApplication() {\n when(domainRepository.findAll()).thenReturn(Single.just(Collections.emptySet()));\n when(applicationRepository.findAll()).thenReturn(Single.just(Collections.emptyList()));\n when(certificateRepository.findAll()).thenReturn(Single.just(Collections.emptySet()));\n when(applicationRepository.findById(\"client-1\")).thenReturn(Maybe.just(new Application()));\n doNothing().when(clientManager).init(anyCollection());\n syncManager.refresh();\n\n Event event = new Event();\n event.setType(Type.APPLICATION);\n event.setPayload(new Payload(\"client-1\", ReferenceType.DOMAIN, \"domain-1\", Action.CREATE));\n\n when(eventRepository.findByTimeFrame(any(Long.class), any(Long.class))).thenReturn(Single.just(Collections.singletonList(event)));\n\n syncManager.refresh();\n\n verify(clientManager, times(1)).deploy(any(Client.class));\n verify(clientManager, never()).update(any(Client.class));\n verify(clientManager, never()).undeploy(any(String.class));\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
@Override public Single<Token> grant(TokenRequest tokenRequest, Client client) { return parseRequest(tokenRequest, client) .flatMapMaybe(tokenRequest1 -> resolveResourceOwner(tokenRequest, client)) .map(Optional::of) .defaultIfEmpty(Optional.empty()) .flatMapSingle(user -> handleRequest(tokenRequest, client, user.orElse(null))); }
@Test public void grant_missingTicket() { parameters.clear();//erase default setup TestObserver<Token> testObserver = umaTokenGranter.grant(tokenRequest, client).test(); testObserver .assertNotComplete() .assertError(InvalidGrantException.class) .assertError(err -> "Missing parameter: ticket".equals(err.getMessage())); }
[ "flatMapSingle", "defaultIfEmpty", "map", "flatMapMaybe", "parseRequest", "resolveResourceOwner", "empty", "handleRequest", "orElse" ]
[ "clear", "test", "grant", "assertError", "assertError", "assertNotComplete", "equals", "getMessage" ]
{ "class_fields": "@Mock\n private Domain domain;\n@Mock\n private Client client;\n@Mock\n private User user;\n@Mock\n private TokenService tokenService;\n@Mock\n private UserAuthenticationManager userAuthenticationManager;\n@Mock\n private PermissionTicketService permissionTicketService;\n@Mock\n private ResourceService resourceService;\n@Mock\n private RulesEngine rulesEngine;\n@Mock\n private ExecutionContextFactory executionContextFactory;\n@Mock\n private JWTService jwtService;\n@Mock\n private JWT jwt;\n@Mock\n private JWT rpt;\n@InjectMocks\n private UMATokenGranter umaTokenGranter = new UMATokenGranter(\n tokenService, userAuthenticationManager,\n permissionTicketService, resourceService,\n jwtService, domain, rulesEngine, executionContextFactory\n );\nprivate TokenRequest tokenRequest;\nprivate MultiValueMap<String, String> parameters = new LinkedMultiValueMap<>();\nprivate ArgumentCaptor<OAuth2Request> oauth2RequestCaptor = ArgumentCaptor.forClass(OAuth2Request.class);\nprivate static final String USER_ID = \"userId\";\nprivate static final String CLIENT_ID = \"clientId\";\nprivate static final String TICKET_ID = \"ticketId\";\nprivate static final String RQP_ID_TOKEN = \"requesting_party_id_token\";\nprivate static final String RS_ONE = \"rs_one\";\nprivate static final String RS_TWO = \"rs_two\";\nprivate static final String RPT_OLD_TOKEN = \"rpt_old_token\";", "class_name": "UmaTokenGranterTest" }
{ "class_fields": "private static final List<String> CLAIM_TOKEN_FORMAT_SUPPORTED = Arrays.asList(TokenType.ID_TOKEN);\nprivate UserAuthenticationManager userAuthenticationManager;\nprivate PermissionTicketService permissionTicketService;\nprivate ResourceService resourceService;\nprivate JWTService jwtService;\nprivate Domain domain;\nprivate RulesEngine rulesEngine;\nprivate ExecutionContextFactory executionContextFactory;", "class_name": "UMATokenGranter extends AbstractTokenGranter", "method_signatures": "public UMATokenGranter()\npublic UMATokenGranter(TokenService tokenService,\n UserAuthenticationManager userAuthenticationManager,\n PermissionTicketService permissionTicketService,\n ResourceService resourceService,\n JWTService jwtService,\n Domain domain,\n RulesEngine rulesEngine,\n ExecutionContextFactory executionContextFactory)\n@Override public boolean handle(String grantType, Client client)\n@Override public Single<Token> grant(TokenRequest tokenRequest, Client client)\n@Override protected Single<TokenRequest> parseRequest(TokenRequest tokenRequest, Client client)\n@Override protected Maybe<User> resolveResourceOwner(TokenRequest tokenRequest, Client client)\nprivate Single<Token> handleRequest(TokenRequest tokenRequest, Client client, User endUser)\nprivate Single<TokenRequest> resolveRequestedScopes(TokenRequest tokenRequest, Client client)\nprivate Single<TokenRequest> resolvePermissions(TokenRequest tokenRequest, Client client, User endUser)\nprivate Single<Map<String, Resource>> checkRequestedScopesMatchResource(TokenRequest tokenRequest, List<Resource> resourceSet)\nprivate Single<List<PermissionRequest>> resolveScopeRequestAssessment(TokenRequest tokenRequest, List<PermissionRequest> requestedPermissions, Map<String, Resource> fetchedResources)\nprivate Single<List<PermissionRequest>> extendPermissionWithRPT(TokenRequest tokenRequest, Client client, User endUser, List<PermissionRequest> requestedPermissions)\nprivate Single<JWT> checkRequestingPartyToken(JWT rpt, Client client, User user)\nprivate List<PermissionRequest> mergePermissions(JWT rpt, List<PermissionRequest> requested)\nprivate Map<String, PermissionRequest> convert(List<HashMap> permissions)\nprivate Single<OAuth2Request> createOAuth2Request(TokenRequest tokenRequest, Client client, User endUser)\nprivate Token handleUpgradedToken(TokenRequest tokenRequest, Token token)\nprotected Single<TokenRequest> resolveRequest(TokenRequest tokenRequest, Client client, User endUser)\nprivate Single<OAuth2Request> executePolicies(OAuth2Request oAuth2Request, Client client, User endUser)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: gravitee-am-gateway/gravitee-am-gateway-handler/gravitee-am-gateway-handler-oidc/src/main/java/io/gravitee/am/gateway/handler/oauth2/service/granter/uma/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: UMATokenGranter extends AbstractTokenGranter\n\nclass_fields: private static final List<String> CLAIM_TOKEN_FORMAT_SUPPORTED = Arrays.asList(TokenType.ID_TOKEN);\nprivate UserAuthenticationManager userAuthenticationManager;\nprivate PermissionTicketService permissionTicketService;\nprivate ResourceService resourceService;\nprivate JWTService jwtService;\nprivate Domain domain;\nprivate RulesEngine rulesEngine;\nprivate ExecutionContextFactory executionContextFactory;\n\nmethod_signatures: public UMATokenGranter()\npublic UMATokenGranter(TokenService tokenService,\n UserAuthenticationManager userAuthenticationManager,\n PermissionTicketService permissionTicketService,\n ResourceService resourceService,\n JWTService jwtService,\n Domain domain,\n RulesEngine rulesEngine,\n ExecutionContextFactory executionContextFactory)\n@Override public boolean handle(String grantType, Client client)\n@Override public Single<Token> grant(TokenRequest tokenRequest, Client client)\n@Override protected Single<TokenRequest> parseRequest(TokenRequest tokenRequest, Client client)\n@Override protected Maybe<User> resolveResourceOwner(TokenRequest tokenRequest, Client client)\nprivate Single<Token> handleRequest(TokenRequest tokenRequest, Client client, User endUser)\nprivate Single<TokenRequest> resolveRequestedScopes(TokenRequest tokenRequest, Client client)\nprivate Single<TokenRequest> resolvePermissions(TokenRequest tokenRequest, Client client, User endUser)\nprivate Single<Map<String, Resource>> checkRequestedScopesMatchResource(TokenRequest tokenRequest, List<Resource> resourceSet)\nprivate Single<List<PermissionRequest>> resolveScopeRequestAssessment(TokenRequest tokenRequest, List<PermissionRequest> requestedPermissions, Map<String, Resource> fetchedResources)\nprivate Single<List<PermissionRequest>> extendPermissionWithRPT(TokenRequest tokenRequest, Client client, User endUser, List<PermissionRequest> requestedPermissions)\nprivate Single<JWT> checkRequestingPartyToken(JWT rpt, Client client, User user)\nprivate List<PermissionRequest> mergePermissions(JWT rpt, List<PermissionRequest> requested)\nprivate Map<String, PermissionRequest> convert(List<HashMap> permissions)\nprivate Single<OAuth2Request> createOAuth2Request(TokenRequest tokenRequest, Client client, User endUser)\nprivate Token handleUpgradedToken(TokenRequest tokenRequest, Token token)\nprotected Single<TokenRequest> resolveRequest(TokenRequest tokenRequest, Client client, User endUser)\nprivate Single<OAuth2Request> executePolicies(OAuth2Request oAuth2Request, Client client, User endUser)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: UmaTokenGranterTest\n\nclass_fields: @Mock\n private Domain domain;\n@Mock\n private Client client;\n@Mock\n private User user;\n@Mock\n private TokenService tokenService;\n@Mock\n private UserAuthenticationManager userAuthenticationManager;\n@Mock\n private PermissionTicketService permissionTicketService;\n@Mock\n private ResourceService resourceService;\n@Mock\n private RulesEngine rulesEngine;\n@Mock\n private ExecutionContextFactory executionContextFactory;\n@Mock\n private JWTService jwtService;\n@Mock\n private JWT jwt;\n@Mock\n private JWT rpt;\n@InjectMocks\n private UMATokenGranter umaTokenGranter = new UMATokenGranter(\n tokenService, userAuthenticationManager,\n permissionTicketService, resourceService,\n jwtService, domain, rulesEngine, executionContextFactory\n );\nprivate TokenRequest tokenRequest;\nprivate MultiValueMap<String, String> parameters = new LinkedMultiValueMap<>();\nprivate ArgumentCaptor<OAuth2Request> oauth2RequestCaptor = ArgumentCaptor.forClass(OAuth2Request.class);\nprivate static final String USER_ID = \"userId\";\nprivate static final String CLIENT_ID = \"clientId\";\nprivate static final String TICKET_ID = \"ticketId\";\nprivate static final String RQP_ID_TOKEN = \"requesting_party_id_token\";\nprivate static final String RS_ONE = \"rs_one\";\nprivate static final String RS_TWO = \"rs_two\";\nprivate static final String RPT_OLD_TOKEN = \"rpt_old_token\";\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file gravitee-am-gateway/gravitee-am-gateway-handler/gravitee-am-gateway-handler-oidc/src/main/java/io/gravitee/am/gateway/handler/oauth2/service/granter/uma/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n @Override\n public Single<Token> grant(TokenRequest tokenRequest, Client client) {\n return parseRequest(tokenRequest, client)\n .flatMapMaybe(tokenRequest1 -> resolveResourceOwner(tokenRequest, client))\n .map(Optional::of)\n .defaultIfEmpty(Optional.empty())\n .flatMapSingle(user -> handleRequest(tokenRequest, client, user.orElse(null)));\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n gravitee-am-gateway/gravitee-am-gateway-handler/gravitee-am-gateway-handler-oidc/src/test/java/io/gravitee/am/gateway/handler/oauth2/service/granter/uma/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void grant_missingTicket() {\n parameters.clear();//erase default setup\n TestObserver<Token> testObserver = umaTokenGranter.grant(tokenRequest, client).test();\n testObserver\n .assertNotComplete()\n .assertError(InvalidGrantException.class)\n .assertError(err -> \"Missing parameter: ticket\".equals(err.getMessage()));\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
public void read(RoutingContext context) { LOGGER.debug("Dynamic client registration GET endpoint"); this.getClient(context) .map(DynamicClientRegistrationResponse::fromClient) .map(response -> { //The Authorization Server need not include the registration access_token or client_uri unless they have been updated. response.setRegistrationAccessToken(null); response.setRegistrationClientUri(null); return response; }) .subscribe( result -> context.response() .putHeader(HttpHeaders.CACHE_CONTROL, "no-store") .putHeader(HttpHeaders.PRAGMA, "no-cache") .putHeader(HttpHeaders.CONTENT_TYPE, MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON) .setStatusCode(HttpStatusCode.OK_200) .end(Json.encodePrettily(result)) , error -> ); }
@Test public void read() throws Exception{ testRequest( HttpMethod.GET, "/register/my-test-client_id", HttpStatusCode.OK_200, "OK"); }
[ "debug", "subscribe", "map", "map", "getClient", "setRegistrationAccessToken", "setRegistrationClientUri", "end", "setStatusCode", "putHeader", "putHeader", "putHeader", "response", "encodePrettily", "fail" ]
[ "testRequest" ]
{ "class_fields": "@Mock\n private ClientSyncService clientSyncService;\n@Mock\n private DynamicClientRegistrationService dcrService;\n@InjectMocks\n DynamicClientAccessEndpoint endpoint = new DynamicClientAccessEndpoint(dcrService, clientSyncService);", "class_name": "DynamicClientAccessEndpointTest extends RxWebTestBase" }
{ "class_fields": "private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(DynamicClientAccessEndpoint.class);", "class_name": "DynamicClientAccessEndpoint extends DynamicClientRegistrationEndpoint", "method_signatures": "public DynamicClientAccessEndpoint(DynamicClientRegistrationService dcrService, ClientSyncService clientSyncService)\npublic void read(RoutingContext context)\npublic void patch(RoutingContext context)\npublic void update(RoutingContext context)\npublic void delete(RoutingContext context)\npublic void renewClientSecret(RoutingContext context)\nprivate Maybe<Client> getClient(RoutingContext context)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: gravitee-am-gateway/gravitee-am-gateway-handler/gravitee-am-gateway-handler-oidc/src/main/java/io/gravitee/am/gateway/handler/oidc/resources/endpoint/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: DynamicClientAccessEndpoint extends DynamicClientRegistrationEndpoint\n\nclass_fields: private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(DynamicClientAccessEndpoint.class);\n\nmethod_signatures: public DynamicClientAccessEndpoint(DynamicClientRegistrationService dcrService, ClientSyncService clientSyncService)\npublic void read(RoutingContext context)\npublic void patch(RoutingContext context)\npublic void update(RoutingContext context)\npublic void delete(RoutingContext context)\npublic void renewClientSecret(RoutingContext context)\nprivate Maybe<Client> getClient(RoutingContext context)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: DynamicClientAccessEndpointTest extends RxWebTestBase\n\nclass_fields: @Mock\n private ClientSyncService clientSyncService;\n@Mock\n private DynamicClientRegistrationService dcrService;\n@InjectMocks\n DynamicClientAccessEndpoint endpoint = new DynamicClientAccessEndpoint(dcrService, clientSyncService);\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file gravitee-am-gateway/gravitee-am-gateway-handler/gravitee-am-gateway-handler-oidc/src/main/java/io/gravitee/am/gateway/handler/oidc/resources/endpoint/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n public void read(RoutingContext context) {\n LOGGER.debug(\"Dynamic client registration GET endpoint\");\n\n this.getClient(context)\n .map(DynamicClientRegistrationResponse::fromClient)\n .map(response -> {\n //The Authorization Server need not include the registration access_token or client_uri unless they have been updated.\n response.setRegistrationAccessToken(null);\n response.setRegistrationClientUri(null);\n return response;\n })\n .subscribe(\n result -> context.response()\n .putHeader(HttpHeaders.CACHE_CONTROL, \"no-store\")\n .putHeader(HttpHeaders.PRAGMA, \"no-cache\")\n .putHeader(HttpHeaders.CONTENT_TYPE, MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON)\n .setStatusCode(HttpStatusCode.OK_200)\n .end(Json.encodePrettily(result))\n , error ->\n );\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n gravitee-am-gateway/gravitee-am-gateway-handler/gravitee-am-gateway-handler-oidc/src/test/java/io/gravitee/am/gateway/handler/oidc/resources/endpoint/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void read() throws Exception{\n testRequest(\n HttpMethod.GET, \"/register/my-test-client_id\",\n HttpStatusCode.OK_200, \"OK\");\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
public Single<Boolean> hasPermission(User user, PermissionAcls permissions) { return findMembershipPermissions(user, permissions.referenceStream()) .map(permissions::match); }
@Test public void hasPermission_fromUserMemberships() { DefaultUser user = new DefaultUser("user"); user.setId(USER_ID); Membership membership = new Membership(); membership.setMemberType(MemberType.USER); membership.setMemberId(USER_ID); membership.setReferenceType(ReferenceType.ORGANIZATION); membership.setReferenceId(ORGANIZATION_ID); membership.setRoleId(ROLE_ID); Role role = new Role(); role.setId(ROLE_ID); role.setAssignableType(ReferenceType.ORGANIZATION); role.setPermissionAcls(Permission.of(ORGANIZATION, READ)); when(groupService.findByMember(user.getId())).thenReturn(Single.just(emptyList())); when(membershipService.findByCriteria(eq(ReferenceType.ORGANIZATION), eq(ORGANIZATION_ID), argThat(criteria -> criteria.getUserId().get().equals(user.getId()) && !criteria.getGroupIds().isPresent() && criteria.isLogicalOR()))).thenReturn(Flowable.just(membership)); when(roleService.findByIdIn(Arrays.asList(membership.getRoleId()))).thenReturn(Single.just(Collections.singleton(role))); TestObserver<Boolean> obs = cut.hasPermission(user, of(ReferenceType.ORGANIZATION, ORGANIZATION_ID, Permission.ORGANIZATION, READ)) .test(); obs.awaitTerminalEvent(); obs.assertComplete(); obs.assertValue(true); }
[ "map", "findMembershipPermissions", "referenceStream" ]
[ "setId", "setMemberType", "setMemberId", "setReferenceType", "setReferenceId", "setRoleId", "setId", "setAssignableType", "setPermissionAcls", "of", "thenReturn", "when", "findByMember", "getId", "just", "emptyList", "thenReturn", "when", "findByCriteria", "eq", "eq", "argThat", "equals", "get", "getUserId", "getId", "isPresent", "getGroupIds", "isLogicalOR", "just", "thenReturn", "when", "findByIdIn", "asList", "getRoleId", "just", "singleton", "test", "hasPermission", "of", "awaitTerminalEvent", "assertComplete", "assertValue" ]
{ "class_fields": "private static final String ORGANIZATION_ID = \"orga#1\";\npublic static final String USER_ID = \"user#1\";\npublic static final String ROLE_ID = \"role#1\";\npublic static final String GROUP_ID = \"group#1\";\npublic static final String DOMAIN_ID = \"domain#1\";\nprivate static final String ROLE_ID2 = \"role#2\";\npublic static final String APPLICATION_ID = \"application#1\";\n@Mock\n private MembershipService membershipService;\n@Mock\n private GroupService groupService;\n@Mock\n private RoleService roleService;\nprivate PermissionService cut;", "class_name": "PermissionServiceTest" }
{ "class_fields": "private final MembershipService membershipService;\nprivate final GroupService groupService;\nprivate final RoleService roleService;", "class_name": "PermissionService", "method_signatures": "public PermissionService(MembershipService membershipService,\n GroupService groupService,\n RoleService roleService)\npublic Single<Map<Permission, Set<Acl>>> findAllPermissions(User user, ReferenceType referenceType, String referenceId)\npublic Single<Boolean> hasPermission(User user, PermissionAcls permissions)\nprivate Single<Map<Membership, Map<Permission, Set<Acl>>>> findMembershipPermissions(User user, Stream<Map.Entry<ReferenceType, String>> referenceStream)\nprivate Map<Membership, Map<Permission, Set<Acl>>> permissionsPerMembership(List<Membership> allMemberships, Set<Role> allRoles)\nprivate Map<Permission, Set<Acl>> aclsPerPermission(Map<Membership, Map<Permission, Set<Acl>>> rolesPerMembership)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: gravitee-am-management-api/gravitee-am-management-api-service/src/main/java/io/gravitee/am/management/service/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: PermissionService\n\nclass_fields: private final MembershipService membershipService;\nprivate final GroupService groupService;\nprivate final RoleService roleService;\n\nmethod_signatures: public PermissionService(MembershipService membershipService,\n GroupService groupService,\n RoleService roleService)\npublic Single<Map<Permission, Set<Acl>>> findAllPermissions(User user, ReferenceType referenceType, String referenceId)\npublic Single<Boolean> hasPermission(User user, PermissionAcls permissions)\nprivate Single<Map<Membership, Map<Permission, Set<Acl>>>> findMembershipPermissions(User user, Stream<Map.Entry<ReferenceType, String>> referenceStream)\nprivate Map<Membership, Map<Permission, Set<Acl>>> permissionsPerMembership(List<Membership> allMemberships, Set<Role> allRoles)\nprivate Map<Permission, Set<Acl>> aclsPerPermission(Map<Membership, Map<Permission, Set<Acl>>> rolesPerMembership)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: PermissionServiceTest\n\nclass_fields: private static final String ORGANIZATION_ID = \"orga#1\";\npublic static final String USER_ID = \"user#1\";\npublic static final String ROLE_ID = \"role#1\";\npublic static final String GROUP_ID = \"group#1\";\npublic static final String DOMAIN_ID = \"domain#1\";\nprivate static final String ROLE_ID2 = \"role#2\";\npublic static final String APPLICATION_ID = \"application#1\";\n@Mock\n private MembershipService membershipService;\n@Mock\n private GroupService groupService;\n@Mock\n private RoleService roleService;\nprivate PermissionService cut;\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file gravitee-am-management-api/gravitee-am-management-api-service/src/main/java/io/gravitee/am/management/service/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n public Single<Boolean> hasPermission(User user, PermissionAcls permissions) {\n\n return findMembershipPermissions(user, permissions.referenceStream())\n .map(permissions::match);\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n gravitee-am-management-api/gravitee-am-management-api-service/src/test/java/io/gravitee/am/management/service/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void hasPermission_fromUserMemberships() {\n\n DefaultUser user = new DefaultUser(\"user\");\n user.setId(USER_ID);\n\n Membership membership = new Membership();\n membership.setMemberType(MemberType.USER);\n membership.setMemberId(USER_ID);\n membership.setReferenceType(ReferenceType.ORGANIZATION);\n membership.setReferenceId(ORGANIZATION_ID);\n membership.setRoleId(ROLE_ID);\n\n Role role = new Role();\n role.setId(ROLE_ID);\n role.setAssignableType(ReferenceType.ORGANIZATION);\n role.setPermissionAcls(Permission.of(ORGANIZATION, READ));\n\n when(groupService.findByMember(user.getId())).thenReturn(Single.just(emptyList()));\n when(membershipService.findByCriteria(eq(ReferenceType.ORGANIZATION), eq(ORGANIZATION_ID), argThat(criteria -> criteria.getUserId().get().equals(user.getId())\n && !criteria.getGroupIds().isPresent()\n && criteria.isLogicalOR()))).thenReturn(Flowable.just(membership));\n when(roleService.findByIdIn(Arrays.asList(membership.getRoleId()))).thenReturn(Single.just(Collections.singleton(role)));\n\n TestObserver<Boolean> obs = cut.hasPermission(user, of(ReferenceType.ORGANIZATION, ORGANIZATION_ID, Permission.ORGANIZATION, READ))\n .test();\n\n obs.awaitTerminalEvent();\n obs.assertComplete();\n obs.assertValue(true);\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
public static Single<Application> validateGrantTypes(Application application) { // no application to check, continue if (application==null) { return Single.error(new InvalidClientMetadataException("No application to validate grant")); } // no application settings to check, continue if (application.getSettings() == null) { return Single.just(application); } // no application oauth settings to check, continue if (application.getSettings().getOauth() == null) { return Single.just(application); } // Each security domain can have multiple extension grant with the same grant_type // we must split the client authorized grant types to get the real grant_type value ApplicationOAuthSettings oAuthSettings = application.getSettings().getOauth(); List<String> formattedClientGrantTypes = oAuthSettings.getGrantTypes() == null ? null : oAuthSettings.getGrantTypes().stream().map(str -> str.split(EXTENSION_GRANT_SEPARATOR)[0]).collect(Collectors.toList()); if(!isSupportedGrantType(formattedClientGrantTypes)) { return Single.error(new InvalidClientMetadataException("Missing or invalid grant type.")); } //Ensure correspondance between response & grant types. completeGrantTypeCorrespondance(application); //refresh_token are not allowed for all grant types... Set<String> grantTypeSet = Collections.unmodifiableSet(new HashSet<>(oAuthSettings.getGrantTypes())); if(grantTypeSet.contains(REFRESH_TOKEN)) { //Hybrid is not managed yet and AM does not support refresh token for client_credentials for now... List<String> allowedRefreshTokenGrant = Arrays.asList(AUTHORIZATION_CODE, PASSWORD, JWT_BEARER);//, CLIENT_CREDENTIALS, HYBRID); //return true if there is no element in common if(Collections.disjoint(formattedClientGrantTypes, allowedRefreshTokenGrant)) { return Single.error(new InvalidClientMetadataException( REFRESH_TOKEN+" grant type must be associated with one of "+String.join(", ",allowedRefreshTokenGrant) )); } } /* * Uncomment when ready to setup a "non expert mode" on the AM user interface" * It is not recommended to mix client and user authentication within the same application. * (Aka client_credentials and authorization_code, implicit or password...) if(grantTypeSet.contains(CLIENT_CREDENTIALS)) { //If client_credentials come with at least one of belows grant if(!Collections.disjoint(client.getAuthorizedGrantTypes(),Arrays.asList(AUTHORIZATION_CODE, IMPLICIT, PASSWORD, HYBRID, DEVIDE_CODE))) { return Single.error(new InvalidClientMetadataException( CLIENT_CREDENTIALS+" must not be associated with another grant that imply user authentication" )); } } */ return Single.just(application); }
@Test public void validateGrantTypes_nullClient() { TestObserver<Application> testObserver = GrantTypeUtils.validateGrantTypes(null).test(); testObserver.assertNotComplete(); testObserver.assertError(InvalidClientMetadataException.class); }
[ "error", "getSettings", "just", "getOauth", "getSettings", "just", "getOauth", "getSettings", "getGrantTypes", "collect", "map", "stream", "getGrantTypes", "split", "toList", "isSupportedGrantType", "error", "completeGrantTypeCorrespondance", "unmodifiableSet", "getGrantTypes", "contains", "asList", "disjoint", "error", "join", "just" ]
[ "test", "validateGrantTypes", "assertNotComplete", "assertError" ]
{ "class_fields": "", "class_name": "GrantTypeUtilsTest" }
{ "class_fields": "private static final String AM_V2_VERSION = \"AM_V2_VERSION\";\nprivate static final String EXTENSION_GRANT_SEPARATOR = \"~\";\nprivate static final Set<String> SUPPORTED_GRANT_TYPES = Collections.unmodifiableSet(new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList(\n AUTHORIZATION_CODE, IMPLICIT, REFRESH_TOKEN, CLIENT_CREDENTIALS, PASSWORD, JWT_BEARER, UMA//, DEVIDE_CODE, SAML2_BEARER\n )));", "class_name": "GrantTypeUtils", "method_signatures": "public static Single<Application> validateGrantTypes(Application application)\npublic static List<String> getSupportedGrantTypes()\npublic static boolean isSupportedGrantType(List<String> grantTypes)\npublic static boolean isSupportedGrantType(String grantType)\npublic static boolean isRedirectUriRequired(List<String> grantTypes)\npublic static Application completeGrantTypeCorrespondance(Application application)\npublic static Client completeGrantTypeCorrespondance(Client client)\nprivate static boolean mustHaveAuthorizationCode(Set<String> responseType)\nprivate static boolean mustHaveImplicit(Set<String> responseType)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: gravitee-am-service/src/main/java/io/gravitee/am/service/utils/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: GrantTypeUtils\n\nclass_fields: private static final String AM_V2_VERSION = \"AM_V2_VERSION\";\nprivate static final String EXTENSION_GRANT_SEPARATOR = \"~\";\nprivate static final Set<String> SUPPORTED_GRANT_TYPES = Collections.unmodifiableSet(new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList(\n AUTHORIZATION_CODE, IMPLICIT, REFRESH_TOKEN, CLIENT_CREDENTIALS, PASSWORD, JWT_BEARER, UMA//, DEVIDE_CODE, SAML2_BEARER\n )));\n\nmethod_signatures: public static Single<Application> validateGrantTypes(Application application)\npublic static List<String> getSupportedGrantTypes()\npublic static boolean isSupportedGrantType(List<String> grantTypes)\npublic static boolean isSupportedGrantType(String grantType)\npublic static boolean isRedirectUriRequired(List<String> grantTypes)\npublic static Application completeGrantTypeCorrespondance(Application application)\npublic static Client completeGrantTypeCorrespondance(Client client)\nprivate static boolean mustHaveAuthorizationCode(Set<String> responseType)\nprivate static boolean mustHaveImplicit(Set<String> responseType)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: GrantTypeUtilsTest\n\nclass_fields: \n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file gravitee-am-service/src/main/java/io/gravitee/am/service/utils/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n public static Single<Application> validateGrantTypes(Application application) {\n // no application to check, continue\n if (application==null) {\n return Single.error(new InvalidClientMetadataException(\"No application to validate grant\"));\n }\n\n // no application settings to check, continue\n if (application.getSettings() == null) {\n return Single.just(application);\n }\n\n // no application oauth settings to check, continue\n if (application.getSettings().getOauth() == null) {\n return Single.just(application);\n }\n\n // Each security domain can have multiple extension grant with the same grant_type\n // we must split the client authorized grant types to get the real grant_type value\n ApplicationOAuthSettings oAuthSettings = application.getSettings().getOauth();\n List<String> formattedClientGrantTypes = oAuthSettings.getGrantTypes() == null ? null : oAuthSettings.getGrantTypes().stream().map(str -> str.split(EXTENSION_GRANT_SEPARATOR)[0]).collect(Collectors.toList());\n if(!isSupportedGrantType(formattedClientGrantTypes)) {\n return Single.error(new InvalidClientMetadataException(\"Missing or invalid grant type.\"));\n }\n\n //Ensure correspondance between response & grant types.\n completeGrantTypeCorrespondance(application);\n\n //refresh_token are not allowed for all grant types...\n Set<String> grantTypeSet = Collections.unmodifiableSet(new HashSet<>(oAuthSettings.getGrantTypes()));\n if(grantTypeSet.contains(REFRESH_TOKEN)) {\n //Hybrid is not managed yet and AM does not support refresh token for client_credentials for now...\n List<String> allowedRefreshTokenGrant = Arrays.asList(AUTHORIZATION_CODE, PASSWORD, JWT_BEARER);//, CLIENT_CREDENTIALS, HYBRID);\n //return true if there is no element in common\n if(Collections.disjoint(formattedClientGrantTypes, allowedRefreshTokenGrant)) {\n return Single.error(new InvalidClientMetadataException(\n REFRESH_TOKEN+\" grant type must be associated with one of \"+String.join(\", \",allowedRefreshTokenGrant)\n ));\n }\n }\n\n /*\n * Uncomment when ready to setup a \"non expert mode\" on the AM user interface\"\n * It is not recommended to mix client and user authentication within the same application.\n * (Aka client_credentials and authorization_code, implicit or password...)\n if(grantTypeSet.contains(CLIENT_CREDENTIALS)) {\n //If client_credentials come with at least one of belows grant\n if(!Collections.disjoint(client.getAuthorizedGrantTypes(),Arrays.asList(AUTHORIZATION_CODE, IMPLICIT, PASSWORD, HYBRID, DEVIDE_CODE))) {\n return Single.error(new InvalidClientMetadataException(\n CLIENT_CREDENTIALS+\" must not be associated with another grant that imply user authentication\"\n ));\n }\n }\n */\n\n return Single.just(application);\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n gravitee-am-service/src/test/java/io/gravitee/am/service/utils/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void validateGrantTypes_nullClient() {\n TestObserver<Application> testObserver = GrantTypeUtils.validateGrantTypes(null).test();\n\n testObserver.assertNotComplete();\n testObserver.assertError(InvalidClientMetadataException.class);\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
@Override public void handle(RoutingContext context) { //Do not apply security check if open dynamic client registration is enabled. if(domain.isOpenDynamicClientRegistrationEnabled()) { LOGGER.debug("Open Dynamic client registration is enabled - no security will be performed.");; return; } //1st check if dynamic client registration is enabled. if(!domain.isDynamicClientRegistrationEnabled()) { LOGGER.debug("Dynamic client registration is disabled"); ClientRegistrationForbiddenException()); return; } this.oAuth2AuthHandler.handle(context); }
@Test public void register_withOidcDcrDisabled() { when(domain.isDynamicClientRegistrationEnabled()).thenReturn(false); handler.handle(context); ArgumentCaptor<Throwable> exceptionCaptor = ArgumentCaptor.forClass(Throwable.class); verify(context, times(1)).fail(exceptionCaptor.capture()); Assert.assertTrue("Should return a DCR disabled exception", exceptionCaptor.getValue() instanceof ClientRegistrationForbiddenException); }
[ "isOpenDynamicClientRegistrationEnabled", "debug", "next", "isDynamicClientRegistrationEnabled", "debug", "fail", "handle" ]
[ "thenReturn", "when", "isDynamicClientRegistrationEnabled", "handle", "forClass", "fail", "verify", "times", "capture", "assertTrue", "getValue" ]
{ "class_fields": "@Mock\n private Domain domain;\n@Mock\n private OAuth2AuthHandler oAuth2AuthHandler;\n@InjectMocks\n private DynamicClientRegistrationHandler handler = new DynamicClientRegistrationHandler(domain, oAuth2AuthHandler);\n@Mock\n private RoutingContext context;", "class_name": "DynamicClientRegistrationHandlerTest" }
{ "class_fields": "private Domain domain;\nprivate OAuth2AuthHandler oAuth2AuthHandler;\nprivate static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(DynamicClientRegistrationHandler.class);", "class_name": "DynamicClientRegistrationHandler implements Handler<RoutingContext>", "method_signatures": "public DynamicClientRegistrationHandler(Domain domain, OAuth2AuthHandler oAuth2AuthHandler)\n@Override public void handle(RoutingContext context)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: gravitee-am-gateway/gravitee-am-gateway-handler/gravitee-am-gateway-handler-oidc/src/main/java/io/gravitee/am/gateway/handler/oidc/resources/handler/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: DynamicClientRegistrationHandler implements Handler<RoutingContext>\n\nclass_fields: private Domain domain;\nprivate OAuth2AuthHandler oAuth2AuthHandler;\nprivate static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(DynamicClientRegistrationHandler.class);\n\nmethod_signatures: public DynamicClientRegistrationHandler(Domain domain, OAuth2AuthHandler oAuth2AuthHandler)\n@Override public void handle(RoutingContext context)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: DynamicClientRegistrationHandlerTest\n\nclass_fields: @Mock\n private Domain domain;\n@Mock\n private OAuth2AuthHandler oAuth2AuthHandler;\n@InjectMocks\n private DynamicClientRegistrationHandler handler = new DynamicClientRegistrationHandler(domain, oAuth2AuthHandler);\n@Mock\n private RoutingContext context;\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file gravitee-am-gateway/gravitee-am-gateway-handler/gravitee-am-gateway-handler-oidc/src/main/java/io/gravitee/am/gateway/handler/oidc/resources/handler/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n @Override\n public void handle(RoutingContext context) {\n\n //Do not apply security check if open dynamic client registration is enabled.\n if(domain.isOpenDynamicClientRegistrationEnabled()) {\n LOGGER.debug(\"Open Dynamic client registration is enabled - no security will be performed.\");\n;\n return;\n }\n\n //1st check if dynamic client registration is enabled.\n if(!domain.isDynamicClientRegistrationEnabled()) {\n LOGGER.debug(\"Dynamic client registration is disabled\");\n ClientRegistrationForbiddenException());\n return;\n }\n\n this.oAuth2AuthHandler.handle(context);\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n gravitee-am-gateway/gravitee-am-gateway-handler/gravitee-am-gateway-handler-oidc/src/test/java/io/gravitee/am/gateway/handler/oidc/resources/handler/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void register_withOidcDcrDisabled() {\n when(domain.isDynamicClientRegistrationEnabled()).thenReturn(false);\n\n handler.handle(context);\n\n ArgumentCaptor<Throwable> exceptionCaptor = ArgumentCaptor.forClass(Throwable.class);\n verify(context, times(1)).fail(exceptionCaptor.capture());\n Assert.assertTrue(\"Should return a DCR disabled exception\", exceptionCaptor.getValue() instanceof ClientRegistrationForbiddenException);\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
static String[] getWeekdayNames(Locale locale, int day, boolean useThreeLetterAbbreviation){ DateFormatSymbols dateFormatSymbols = new DateFormatSymbols(locale); String[] dayNames = dateFormatSymbols.getShortWeekdays(); if (dayNames == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("Unable to determine weekday names from default locale"); } if (dayNames.length != 8) { throw new IllegalStateException("Expected weekday names from default locale to be of size 7 but: " + Arrays.toString(dayNames) + " with size " + dayNames.length + " was returned."); } String[] weekDayNames = new String[7]; String[] weekDaysFromSunday = {dayNames[1], dayNames[2], dayNames[3], dayNames[4], dayNames[5], dayNames[6], dayNames[7]}; for (int currentDay = day - 1, i = 0; i <= 6; i++, currentDay++) { currentDay = currentDay >= 7 ? 0 : currentDay; weekDayNames[i] = weekDaysFromSunday[currentDay]; } if (!useThreeLetterAbbreviation) { for (int i = 0; i < weekDayNames.length; i++) { weekDayNames[i] = weekDayNames[i].substring(0, 1); } } return weekDayNames; }
@Test public void itShouldReturnCorrectWeekDaysWhenFridayIsFirstDay(){ String[] expectedWeekDays = {"F", "S", "S", "M", "T", "W", "T"}; String[] actualWeekDays = WeekUtils.getWeekdayNames(Locale.ENGLISH, Calendar.FRIDAY, false); assertArrayEquals(expectedWeekDays, actualWeekDays); }
[ "getShortWeekdays", "toString", "substring" ]
[ "getWeekdayNames", "assertArrayEquals" ]
{ "class_fields": "", "class_name": "WeekUtilsTest" }
{ "class_fields": "", "class_name": "WeekUtils", "method_signatures": "static String[] getWeekdayNames(Locale locale, int day, boolean useThreeLetterAbbreviation)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: library/src/main/java/com/github/sundeepk/compactcalendarview/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: WeekUtils\n\nclass_fields: \n\nmethod_signatures: static String[] getWeekdayNames(Locale locale, int day, boolean useThreeLetterAbbreviation)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: WeekUtilsTest\n\nclass_fields: \n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file library/src/main/java/com/github/sundeepk/compactcalendarview/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n static String[] getWeekdayNames(Locale locale, int day, boolean useThreeLetterAbbreviation){\n DateFormatSymbols dateFormatSymbols = new DateFormatSymbols(locale);\n String[] dayNames = dateFormatSymbols.getShortWeekdays();\n if (dayNames == null) {\n throw new IllegalStateException(\"Unable to determine weekday names from default locale\");\n }\n if (dayNames.length != 8) {\n throw new IllegalStateException(\"Expected weekday names from default locale to be of size 7 but: \"\n + Arrays.toString(dayNames) + \" with size \" + dayNames.length + \" was returned.\");\n }\n\n String[] weekDayNames = new String[7];\n String[] weekDaysFromSunday = {dayNames[1], dayNames[2], dayNames[3], dayNames[4], dayNames[5], dayNames[6], dayNames[7]};\n for (int currentDay = day - 1, i = 0; i <= 6; i++, currentDay++) {\n currentDay = currentDay >= 7 ? 0 : currentDay;\n weekDayNames[i] = weekDaysFromSunday[currentDay];\n }\n\n if (!useThreeLetterAbbreviation) {\n for (int i = 0; i < weekDayNames.length; i++) {\n weekDayNames[i] = weekDayNames[i].substring(0, 1);\n }\n }\n\n return weekDayNames;\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n library/src/test/java/com/github/sundeepk/compactcalendarview/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void itShouldReturnCorrectWeekDaysWhenFridayIsFirstDay(){\n String[] expectedWeekDays = {\"F\", \"S\", \"S\", \"M\", \"T\", \"W\", \"T\"};\n String[] actualWeekDays = WeekUtils.getWeekdayNames(Locale.ENGLISH, Calendar.FRIDAY, false);\n assertArrayEquals(expectedWeekDays, actualWeekDays);\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
static String[] getWeekdayNames(Locale locale, int day, boolean useThreeLetterAbbreviation){ DateFormatSymbols dateFormatSymbols = new DateFormatSymbols(locale); String[] dayNames = dateFormatSymbols.getShortWeekdays(); if (dayNames == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("Unable to determine weekday names from default locale"); } if (dayNames.length != 8) { throw new IllegalStateException("Expected weekday names from default locale to be of size 7 but: " + Arrays.toString(dayNames) + " with size " + dayNames.length + " was returned."); } String[] weekDayNames = new String[7]; String[] weekDaysFromSunday = {dayNames[1], dayNames[2], dayNames[3], dayNames[4], dayNames[5], dayNames[6], dayNames[7]}; for (int currentDay = day - 1, i = 0; i <= 6; i++, currentDay++) { currentDay = currentDay >= 7 ? 0 : currentDay; weekDayNames[i] = weekDaysFromSunday[currentDay]; } if (!useThreeLetterAbbreviation) { for (int i = 0; i < weekDayNames.length; i++) { weekDayNames[i] = weekDayNames[i].substring(0, 1); } } return weekDayNames; }
@Test public void itShouldReturnCorrectWeekDaysWhenSaturdayIsFirstDay(){ String[] expectedWeekDays = {"S", "S", "M", "T", "W", "T", "F"}; String[] actualWeekDays = WeekUtils.getWeekdayNames(Locale.ENGLISH, Calendar.SATURDAY, false); assertArrayEquals(expectedWeekDays, actualWeekDays); }
[ "getShortWeekdays", "toString", "substring" ]
[ "getWeekdayNames", "assertArrayEquals" ]
{ "class_fields": "", "class_name": "WeekUtilsTest" }
{ "class_fields": "", "class_name": "WeekUtils", "method_signatures": "static String[] getWeekdayNames(Locale locale, int day, boolean useThreeLetterAbbreviation)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: library/src/main/java/com/github/sundeepk/compactcalendarview/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: WeekUtils\n\nclass_fields: \n\nmethod_signatures: static String[] getWeekdayNames(Locale locale, int day, boolean useThreeLetterAbbreviation)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: WeekUtilsTest\n\nclass_fields: \n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file library/src/main/java/com/github/sundeepk/compactcalendarview/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n static String[] getWeekdayNames(Locale locale, int day, boolean useThreeLetterAbbreviation){\n DateFormatSymbols dateFormatSymbols = new DateFormatSymbols(locale);\n String[] dayNames = dateFormatSymbols.getShortWeekdays();\n if (dayNames == null) {\n throw new IllegalStateException(\"Unable to determine weekday names from default locale\");\n }\n if (dayNames.length != 8) {\n throw new IllegalStateException(\"Expected weekday names from default locale to be of size 7 but: \"\n + Arrays.toString(dayNames) + \" with size \" + dayNames.length + \" was returned.\");\n }\n\n String[] weekDayNames = new String[7];\n String[] weekDaysFromSunday = {dayNames[1], dayNames[2], dayNames[3], dayNames[4], dayNames[5], dayNames[6], dayNames[7]};\n for (int currentDay = day - 1, i = 0; i <= 6; i++, currentDay++) {\n currentDay = currentDay >= 7 ? 0 : currentDay;\n weekDayNames[i] = weekDaysFromSunday[currentDay];\n }\n\n if (!useThreeLetterAbbreviation) {\n for (int i = 0; i < weekDayNames.length; i++) {\n weekDayNames[i] = weekDayNames[i].substring(0, 1);\n }\n }\n\n return weekDayNames;\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n library/src/test/java/com/github/sundeepk/compactcalendarview/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void itShouldReturnCorrectWeekDaysWhenSaturdayIsFirstDay(){\n String[] expectedWeekDays = {\"S\", \"S\", \"M\", \"T\", \"W\", \"T\", \"F\"};\n String[] actualWeekDays = WeekUtils.getWeekdayNames(Locale.ENGLISH, Calendar.SATURDAY, false);\n assertArrayEquals(expectedWeekDays, actualWeekDays);\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
public static <T> void exclusiveAdd(final List<T> list, @Nullable final List<T> elementsToAdd) { if (elementsToAdd == null || elementsToAdd.isEmpty()) { return; } for (final T elementToAdd : elementsToAdd) { final int indexOf = list.indexOf(elementToAdd); if (indexOf == -1) { list.add(elementToAdd); } else { list.set(indexOf, elementToAdd); } } }
@Test public void testExclusiveAdd() throws Exception { final ArrayList<Integer> list = new ArrayList<>(); list.add(1); list.add(2); list.add(3); MiscUtils.exclusiveAdd(list, Arrays.asList(1, 2, 3)); assertTrue(list.size() == 3); MiscUtils.exclusiveAdd(list, Arrays.asList(1, 2, 3, 6)); assertTrue(list.size() == 4); MiscUtils.exclusiveAdd(list, Arrays.asList(10, 20, 30, 1)); assertTrue(list.size() == 7); MiscUtils.exclusiveAdd(list, Arrays.asList(30, 3, 2, 1, 6)); assertTrue(list.size() == 7); MiscUtils.exclusiveAdd(list, null); assertTrue(list.size() == 7); MiscUtils.exclusiveAdd(list, new ArrayList<Integer>()); assertTrue(list.size() == 7); MiscUtils.exclusiveAdd(list, new LinkedList<Integer>()); assertTrue(list.size() == 7); }
[ "isEmpty", "indexOf", "add", "set" ]
[ "add", "add", "add", "exclusiveAdd", "asList", "assertTrue", "size", "exclusiveAdd", "asList", "assertTrue", "size", "exclusiveAdd", "asList", "assertTrue", "size", "exclusiveAdd", "asList", "assertTrue", "size", "exclusiveAdd", "assertTrue", "size", "exclusiveAdd", "assertTrue", "size", "exclusiveAdd", "assertTrue", "size" ]
{ "class_fields": "private static final String AVATAR0 = \"\";\nprivate static final String AVATAR1 = \"\";\nprivate static final String AVATAR2 = \"\";\nprivate static final String AVATAR3 = \"\";\nprivate static final String AVATAR4 = \"\";\nprivate static final String AVATAR5 = \"\";\nprivate static final String AVATAR6 = \"\";\nprivate static final String AVATAR7 = \"\";\nprivate static final String AVATAR8 = \"\";\nprivate static final String LOGO0 = \"\";\nprivate static final String LOGO1 = \"\";\nprivate static final String LOGO2 = \"\";\nprivate static final String LOGO3 = \"\";\nprivate static final String LOGO4 = \"\";\nprivate static final String LOGO5 = \"\";\nprivate static final String LOGO6 = \"\";", "class_name": "MiscUtilsTest" }
{ "class_fields": "private static final String TAG = \"MiscUtils\";\nprivate static final long MINUTE_IN_SECONDS = TimeUnit.MINUTES.toSeconds(1L);\nprivate static final long HOUR_IN_SECONDS = TimeUnit.HOURS.toSeconds(1L);\nprivate static final long DAY_IN_SECONDS = TimeUnit.DAYS.toSeconds(1L);\nprivate static final long WEEK_IN_SECONDS = TimeUnit.DAYS.toSeconds(7L);\nprivate static final long MONTH_IN_SECONDS = TimeUnit.DAYS.toSeconds(30L);\nprivate static final long YEAR_IN_SECONDS = TimeUnit.DAYS.toSeconds(365L);", "class_name": "MiscUtils", "method_signatures": "public static boolean booleanEquals(@Nullable final Boolean lhs, @Nullable final Boolean rhs)\npublic static void closeKeyboard(final Activity activity)\npublic static void exclusiveAdd(final List<T> list, @Nullable final List<T> elementsToAdd)\npublic static Activity getActivity(final Context context)\n@ColorInt public static int getAttrColor(final Context context, @AttrRes final int colorResId)\n@ColorInt public static int getDrawableColor(final Context context, @Nullable final Drawable drawable)\n@ColorInt public static int getDrawableColor(final View view, @Nullable final Drawable drawable)\npublic static CharSequence getElapsedTime(final Resources res, long seconds)\n@Nullable public static String[] getGroupLogos(@Nullable final String logo)\npublic static LayerDrawable getStatusBarScrim(final Context context,\n @Nullable final Drawable statusBarBackground)\n@Nullable public static String[] getUserAvatars(@Nullable final String avatar)\npublic static int integerCompare(final int lhs, final int rhs)\npublic static boolean integerEquals(@Nullable final Integer lhs, @Nullable final Integer rhs)\npublic static boolean isLowRamDevice()\npublic static boolean isValidArtwork(final String url)\npublic static void openKeyboard(final Context context, final View view)\npublic static void openUrl(final Activity activity, final String url)\npublic static void openUrl(final Context context, final String url)\n@Nullable public static Activity optActivity(@Nullable final Context context)\n@Nullable public static ArrayList<T> toArrayList(@Nullable final Collection<T> collection)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: project/app/src/main/java/com/charlesmadere/hummingbird/misc/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: MiscUtils\n\nclass_fields: private static final String TAG = \"MiscUtils\";\nprivate static final long MINUTE_IN_SECONDS = TimeUnit.MINUTES.toSeconds(1L);\nprivate static final long HOUR_IN_SECONDS = TimeUnit.HOURS.toSeconds(1L);\nprivate static final long DAY_IN_SECONDS = TimeUnit.DAYS.toSeconds(1L);\nprivate static final long WEEK_IN_SECONDS = TimeUnit.DAYS.toSeconds(7L);\nprivate static final long MONTH_IN_SECONDS = TimeUnit.DAYS.toSeconds(30L);\nprivate static final long YEAR_IN_SECONDS = TimeUnit.DAYS.toSeconds(365L);\n\nmethod_signatures: public static boolean booleanEquals(@Nullable final Boolean lhs, @Nullable final Boolean rhs)\npublic static void closeKeyboard(final Activity activity)\npublic static void exclusiveAdd(final List<T> list, @Nullable final List<T> elementsToAdd)\npublic static Activity getActivity(final Context context)\n@ColorInt public static int getAttrColor(final Context context, @AttrRes final int colorResId)\n@ColorInt public static int getDrawableColor(final Context context, @Nullable final Drawable drawable)\n@ColorInt public static int getDrawableColor(final View view, @Nullable final Drawable drawable)\npublic static CharSequence getElapsedTime(final Resources res, long seconds)\n@Nullable public static String[] getGroupLogos(@Nullable final String logo)\npublic static LayerDrawable getStatusBarScrim(final Context context,\n @Nullable final Drawable statusBarBackground)\n@Nullable public static String[] getUserAvatars(@Nullable final String avatar)\npublic static int integerCompare(final int lhs, final int rhs)\npublic static boolean integerEquals(@Nullable final Integer lhs, @Nullable final Integer rhs)\npublic static boolean isLowRamDevice()\npublic static boolean isValidArtwork(final String url)\npublic static void openKeyboard(final Context context, final View view)\npublic static void openUrl(final Activity activity, final String url)\npublic static void openUrl(final Context context, final String url)\n@Nullable public static Activity optActivity(@Nullable final Context context)\n@Nullable public static ArrayList<T> toArrayList(@Nullable final Collection<T> collection)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: MiscUtilsTest\n\nclass_fields: private static final String AVATAR0 = \"\";\nprivate static final String AVATAR1 = \"\";\nprivate static final String AVATAR2 = \"\";\nprivate static final String AVATAR3 = \"\";\nprivate static final String AVATAR4 = \"\";\nprivate static final String AVATAR5 = \"\";\nprivate static final String AVATAR6 = \"\";\nprivate static final String AVATAR7 = \"\";\nprivate static final String AVATAR8 = \"\";\nprivate static final String LOGO0 = \"\";\nprivate static final String LOGO1 = \"\";\nprivate static final String LOGO2 = \"\";\nprivate static final String LOGO3 = \"\";\nprivate static final String LOGO4 = \"\";\nprivate static final String LOGO5 = \"\";\nprivate static final String LOGO6 = \"\";\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file project/app/src/main/java/com/charlesmadere/hummingbird/misc/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n public static <T> void exclusiveAdd(final List<T> list, @Nullable final List<T> elementsToAdd) {\n if (elementsToAdd == null || elementsToAdd.isEmpty()) {\n return;\n }\n\n for (final T elementToAdd : elementsToAdd) {\n final int indexOf = list.indexOf(elementToAdd);\n\n if (indexOf == -1) {\n list.add(elementToAdd);\n } else {\n list.set(indexOf, elementToAdd);\n }\n }\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n project/app/src/test/java/com/charlesmadere/hummingbird/misc/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void testExclusiveAdd() throws Exception {\n final ArrayList<Integer> list = new ArrayList<>();\n list.add(1);\n list.add(2);\n list.add(3);\n\n MiscUtils.exclusiveAdd(list, Arrays.asList(1, 2, 3));\n assertTrue(list.size() == 3);\n\n MiscUtils.exclusiveAdd(list, Arrays.asList(1, 2, 3, 6));\n assertTrue(list.size() == 4);\n\n MiscUtils.exclusiveAdd(list, Arrays.asList(10, 20, 30, 1));\n assertTrue(list.size() == 7);\n\n MiscUtils.exclusiveAdd(list, Arrays.asList(30, 3, 2, 1, 6));\n assertTrue(list.size() == 7);\n\n MiscUtils.exclusiveAdd(list, null);\n assertTrue(list.size() == 7);\n\n MiscUtils.exclusiveAdd(list, new ArrayList<Integer>());\n assertTrue(list.size() == 7);\n\n MiscUtils.exclusiveAdd(list, new LinkedList<Integer>());\n assertTrue(list.size() == 7);\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
public ClientRegistrationSettings patch(ClientRegistrationSettings toPatch) { ClientRegistrationSettings result=toPatch!=null?toPatch: ClientRegistrationSettings.defaultSettings(); SetterUtils.safeSet(result::setAllowWildCardRedirectUri, this.getAllowWildCardRedirectUri(), boolean.class); SetterUtils.safeSet(result::setAllowHttpSchemeRedirectUri, this.getAllowHttpSchemeRedirectUri(), boolean.class); SetterUtils.safeSet(result::setAllowLocalhostRedirectUri, this.getAllowLocalhostRedirectUri(), boolean.class); SetterUtils.safeSet(result::setOpenDynamicClientRegistrationEnabled, this.isOpenDynamicClientRegistrationEnabled(), boolean.class); SetterUtils.safeSet(result::setDynamicClientRegistrationEnabled, this.isDynamicClientRegistrationEnabled(), boolean.class); SetterUtils.safeSet(result::setDefaultScopes, this.getDefaultScopes()); SetterUtils.safeSet(result::setAllowedScopesEnabled, this.isAllowedScopesEnabled(), boolean.class); SetterUtils.safeSet(result::setAllowedScopes, this.getAllowedScopes()); SetterUtils.safeSet(result::setClientTemplateEnabled, this.isClientTemplateEnabled(), boolean.class); return result; }
@Test public void testPatch() { PatchClientRegistrationSettings patcher = new PatchClientRegistrationSettings(); patcher.setDynamicClientRegistrationEnabled(Optional.of(false)); patcher.setOpenDynamicClientRegistrationEnabled(Optional.empty()); ClientRegistrationSettings toPatch = ClientRegistrationSettings.defaultSettings(); toPatch.setDynamicClientRegistrationEnabled(true); toPatch.setOpenDynamicClientRegistrationEnabled(true); toPatch.setAllowLocalhostRedirectUri(true); ClientRegistrationSettings result = patcher.patch(toPatch); assertFalse("should be disabled by default", result.isDynamicClientRegistrationEnabled()); assertFalse("should be disabled by default", result.isOpenDynamicClientRegistrationEnabled()); assertTrue("should be disabled by default", result.isAllowLocalhostRedirectUri()); }
[ "defaultSettings", "safeSet", "getAllowWildCardRedirectUri", "safeSet", "getAllowHttpSchemeRedirectUri", "safeSet", "getAllowLocalhostRedirectUri", "safeSet", "isOpenDynamicClientRegistrationEnabled", "safeSet", "isDynamicClientRegistrationEnabled", "safeSet", "getDefaultScopes", "safeSet", "isAllowedScopesEnabled", "safeSet", "getAllowedScopes", "safeSet", "isClientTemplateEnabled" ]
[ "setDynamicClientRegistrationEnabled", "of", "setOpenDynamicClientRegistrationEnabled", "empty", "defaultSettings", "setDynamicClientRegistrationEnabled", "setOpenDynamicClientRegistrationEnabled", "setAllowLocalhostRedirectUri", "patch", "assertFalse", "isDynamicClientRegistrationEnabled", "assertFalse", "isOpenDynamicClientRegistrationEnabled", "assertTrue", "isAllowLocalhostRedirectUri" ]
{ "class_fields": "", "class_name": "PatchClientRegistrationSettingsTest" }
{ "class_fields": "private Optional<Boolean> allowLocalhostRedirectUri;\nprivate Optional<Boolean> allowHttpSchemeRedirectUri;\nprivate Optional<Boolean> allowWildCardRedirectUri;\nprivate Optional<Boolean> isDynamicClientRegistrationEnabled;\nprivate Optional<Boolean> isOpenDynamicClientRegistrationEnabled;\nprivate Optional<List<String>> defaultScopes;\nprivate Optional<Boolean> isAllowedScopesEnabled;\nprivate Optional<List<String>> allowedScopes;\nprivate Optional<Boolean> isClientTemplateEnabled;", "class_name": "PatchClientRegistrationSettings", "method_signatures": "public PatchClientRegistrationSettings()\npublic Optional<Boolean> getAllowLocalhostRedirectUri()\npublic void setAllowLocalhostRedirectUri(Optional<Boolean> allowLocalhostRedirectUri)\npublic Optional<Boolean> getAllowHttpSchemeRedirectUri()\npublic void setAllowHttpSchemeRedirectUri(Optional<Boolean> allowHttpSchemeRedirectUri)\npublic Optional<Boolean> getAllowWildCardRedirectUri()\npublic void setAllowWildCardRedirectUri(Optional<Boolean> allowWildCardRedirectUri)\npublic Optional<Boolean> isDynamicClientRegistrationEnabled()\npublic void setDynamicClientRegistrationEnabled(Optional<Boolean> isDynamicClientRegistrationEnabled)\npublic Optional<Boolean> isOpenDynamicClientRegistrationEnabled()\npublic void setOpenDynamicClientRegistrationEnabled(Optional<Boolean> isOpenDynamicClientRegistrationEnabled)\npublic Optional<List<String>> getDefaultScopes()\npublic void setDefaultScopes(Optional<List<String>> defaultScopes)\npublic Optional<Boolean> isAllowedScopesEnabled()\npublic void setIsAllowedScopesEnabled(Optional<Boolean> isAllowedScopesEnabled)\npublic Optional<List<String>> getAllowedScopes()\npublic void setAllowedScopes(Optional<List<String>> allowedScopes)\npublic Optional<Boolean> isClientTemplateEnabled()\npublic void setClientTemplateEnabled(Optional<Boolean> clientTemplateEnabled)\npublic ClientRegistrationSettings patch(ClientRegistrationSettings toPatch)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: gravitee-am-service/src/main/java/io/gravitee/am/service/model/openid/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: PatchClientRegistrationSettings\n\nclass_fields: private Optional<Boolean> allowLocalhostRedirectUri;\nprivate Optional<Boolean> allowHttpSchemeRedirectUri;\nprivate Optional<Boolean> allowWildCardRedirectUri;\nprivate Optional<Boolean> isDynamicClientRegistrationEnabled;\nprivate Optional<Boolean> isOpenDynamicClientRegistrationEnabled;\nprivate Optional<List<String>> defaultScopes;\nprivate Optional<Boolean> isAllowedScopesEnabled;\nprivate Optional<List<String>> allowedScopes;\nprivate Optional<Boolean> isClientTemplateEnabled;\n\nmethod_signatures: public PatchClientRegistrationSettings()\npublic Optional<Boolean> getAllowLocalhostRedirectUri()\npublic void setAllowLocalhostRedirectUri(Optional<Boolean> allowLocalhostRedirectUri)\npublic Optional<Boolean> getAllowHttpSchemeRedirectUri()\npublic void setAllowHttpSchemeRedirectUri(Optional<Boolean> allowHttpSchemeRedirectUri)\npublic Optional<Boolean> getAllowWildCardRedirectUri()\npublic void setAllowWildCardRedirectUri(Optional<Boolean> allowWildCardRedirectUri)\npublic Optional<Boolean> isDynamicClientRegistrationEnabled()\npublic void setDynamicClientRegistrationEnabled(Optional<Boolean> isDynamicClientRegistrationEnabled)\npublic Optional<Boolean> isOpenDynamicClientRegistrationEnabled()\npublic void setOpenDynamicClientRegistrationEnabled(Optional<Boolean> isOpenDynamicClientRegistrationEnabled)\npublic Optional<List<String>> getDefaultScopes()\npublic void setDefaultScopes(Optional<List<String>> defaultScopes)\npublic Optional<Boolean> isAllowedScopesEnabled()\npublic void setIsAllowedScopesEnabled(Optional<Boolean> isAllowedScopesEnabled)\npublic Optional<List<String>> getAllowedScopes()\npublic void setAllowedScopes(Optional<List<String>> allowedScopes)\npublic Optional<Boolean> isClientTemplateEnabled()\npublic void setClientTemplateEnabled(Optional<Boolean> clientTemplateEnabled)\npublic ClientRegistrationSettings patch(ClientRegistrationSettings toPatch)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: PatchClientRegistrationSettingsTest\n\nclass_fields: \n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file gravitee-am-service/src/main/java/io/gravitee/am/service/model/openid/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n public ClientRegistrationSettings patch(ClientRegistrationSettings toPatch) {\n ClientRegistrationSettings result=toPatch!=null?toPatch: ClientRegistrationSettings.defaultSettings();\n\n SetterUtils.safeSet(result::setAllowWildCardRedirectUri, this.getAllowWildCardRedirectUri(), boolean.class);\n SetterUtils.safeSet(result::setAllowHttpSchemeRedirectUri, this.getAllowHttpSchemeRedirectUri(), boolean.class);\n SetterUtils.safeSet(result::setAllowLocalhostRedirectUri, this.getAllowLocalhostRedirectUri(), boolean.class);\n SetterUtils.safeSet(result::setOpenDynamicClientRegistrationEnabled, this.isOpenDynamicClientRegistrationEnabled(), boolean.class);\n SetterUtils.safeSet(result::setDynamicClientRegistrationEnabled, this.isDynamicClientRegistrationEnabled(), boolean.class);\n SetterUtils.safeSet(result::setDefaultScopes, this.getDefaultScopes());\n SetterUtils.safeSet(result::setAllowedScopesEnabled, this.isAllowedScopesEnabled(), boolean.class);\n SetterUtils.safeSet(result::setAllowedScopes, this.getAllowedScopes());\n SetterUtils.safeSet(result::setClientTemplateEnabled, this.isClientTemplateEnabled(), boolean.class);\n\n return result;\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n gravitee-am-service/src/test/java/io/gravitee/am/service/model/openid/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void testPatch() {\n PatchClientRegistrationSettings patcher = new PatchClientRegistrationSettings();\n patcher.setDynamicClientRegistrationEnabled(Optional.of(false));\n patcher.setOpenDynamicClientRegistrationEnabled(Optional.empty());\n\n ClientRegistrationSettings toPatch = ClientRegistrationSettings.defaultSettings();\n toPatch.setDynamicClientRegistrationEnabled(true);\n toPatch.setOpenDynamicClientRegistrationEnabled(true);\n toPatch.setAllowLocalhostRedirectUri(true);\n\n ClientRegistrationSettings result = patcher.patch(toPatch);\n\n assertFalse(\"should be disabled by default\", result.isDynamicClientRegistrationEnabled());\n assertFalse(\"should be disabled by default\", result.isOpenDynamicClientRegistrationEnabled());\n assertTrue(\"should be disabled by default\", result.isAllowLocalhostRedirectUri());\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
@Override public void handleRequest(Event event) { HttpServletNetworkRequestEvent requestEvent = (HttpServletNetworkRequestEvent) event; // HttpEvents are seen as servlet invocations, so in every request, we mark that we are serving an Http request // In X-Ray's context, this means that if we receive a activity event, to start generating a segment. XRayTransactionState transactionState = getTransactionState(); populateHeaderToTransactionState(requestEvent, transactionState); // TODO Fix request event bug so that getHeaderData is lower cased. This needs to be case insensitive String headerData = requestEvent.getHeaderData(HEADER_KEY.toLowerCase()); if (headerData == null) { headerData = requestEvent.getHeaderData(HEADER_KEY); } transactionState.withTraceheaderString(headerData); Optional<TraceHeader> traceHeader = Optional.empty(); String traceHeaderString = transactionState.getTraceHeader(); // If the trace header string is null, then this is the origin call. if (traceHeaderString != null) { traceHeader = Optional.of(TraceHeader.fromString(traceHeaderString)); } Segment segment = beginSegment(XRayTransactionState.getServiceName(), traceHeader); // Obtain sampling decision boolean shouldSample = getSamplingDecision(transactionState, traceHeader); segment.setSampled(shouldSample); // Add HTTP Information Map<String, Object> requestAttributes = new HashMap<>(); requestAttributes.put(URL_KEY, transactionState.getURL()); requestAttributes.put(USER_AGENT_KEY, transactionState.getUserAgent()); requestAttributes.put(METHOD_KEY, transactionState.getMethod()); requestAttributes.put(CLIENT_IP_KEY, transactionState.getClientIP()); segment.putHttp(HTTP_REQUEST_KEY, requestAttributes); }
@Test public void testHandleRequestWithTraceHeader() { HttpServletNetworkRequestEvent requestEvent = new HttpServletNetworkRequestEvent(ORIGIN, 54, 32, SRC_IP, DST_IP); TraceID traceID = new TraceID(); String parentId = "1fb64b3cbdcd5705"; TraceHeader thSampled = new TraceHeader(traceID, parentId, TraceHeader.SampleDecision.SAMPLED); Map<String, String> headerMap = new HashMap<>(); headerMap.put(HEADER_KEY.toLowerCase(), thSampled.toString()); requestEvent.withHeaderMap(headerMap); servletHandler.handleRequest(requestEvent); Segment servletSegment = AWSXRay.getCurrentSegment(); Assert.assertTrue(servletSegment.isSampled()); Assert.assertEquals(thSampled.getRootTraceId(), servletSegment.getTraceId()); Assert.assertEquals(thSampled.getParentId(), parentId); Assert.assertEquals(thSampled.getSampled() == TraceHeader.SampleDecision.SAMPLED, servletSegment.isSampled()); AWSXRay.clearTraceEntity(); TraceHeader thUnsampled = new TraceHeader(traceID, parentId, TraceHeader.SampleDecision.NOT_SAMPLED); headerMap = new HashMap<>(); headerMap.put(HEADER_KEY.toLowerCase(), thUnsampled.toString()); requestEvent.withHeaderMap(headerMap); servletHandler.handleRequest(requestEvent); servletSegment = AWSXRay.getCurrentSegment(); Assert.assertFalse(servletSegment.isSampled()); Assert.assertEquals(thSampled.getRootTraceId(), servletSegment.getTraceId()); Assert.assertEquals(thSampled.getParentId(), parentId); Assert.assertEquals(thSampled.getSampled() == TraceHeader.SampleDecision.NOT_SAMPLED, servletSegment.isSampled()); }
[ "getTransactionState", "populateHeaderToTransactionState", "getHeaderData", "toLowerCase", "getHeaderData", "withTraceheaderString", "empty", "getTraceHeader", "of", "fromString", "beginSegment", "getServiceName", "getSamplingDecision", "setSampled", "put", "getURL", "put", "getUserAgent", "put", "getMethod", "put", "getClientIP", "putHttp" ]
[ "put", "toLowerCase", "toString", "withHeaderMap", "handleRequest", "getCurrentSegment", "assertTrue", "isSampled", "assertEquals", "getRootTraceId", "getTraceId", "assertEquals", "getParentId", "assertEquals", "getSampled", "isSampled", "clearTraceEntity", "put", "toLowerCase", "toString", "withHeaderMap", "handleRequest", "getCurrentSegment", "assertFalse", "isSampled", "assertEquals", "getRootTraceId", "getTraceId", "assertEquals", "getParentId", "assertEquals", "getSampled", "isSampled" ]
{ "class_fields": "public static final String HEADER_KEY = \"X-Amzn-Trace-Id\";\nprivate final String ORIGIN = \"httpServlet\";\nprivate final String SERVICE_NAME = \"SomeServletHostedService\";\nprivate final String SDK = \"X-Ray for Java\";\nprivate final String HOST = \"localhost:8080\";\nprivate final String METHOD = \"POST\";\nprivate final String URL = \"http://localhost:8080/\";\nprivate final String USER_AGENT = \"Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_12_6) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/76.0.3809.132 Safari/537.36\";\nprivate final String DST_IP = \"\";\nprivate final String SRC_IP = \"\";\nprivate ServletHandler servletHandler;\n@Mock\n private Emitter blankEmitter;", "class_name": "ServletHandlerTest" }
{ "class_fields": "private static final String URL_KEY = \"url\";\nprivate static final String METHOD_KEY = \"method\";\nprivate static final String CLIENT_IP_KEY = \"client_ip\";\nprivate static final String USER_AGENT_KEY = \"user_agent\";\nprivate static final String RESPONSE_KEY = \"response\";\nprivate static final String HTTP_REQUEST_KEY = \"request\";\nprivate static final String STATUS_KEY = \"status\";", "class_name": "ServletHandler extends XRayHandler", "method_signatures": "@Override public void handleRequest(Event event)\n@Override public void handleResponse(Event event)\nprivate void populateHeaderToTransactionState(HttpNetworkProtocolRequestEvent requestEvent, XRayTransactionState transactionState)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: aws-xray-agent/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/xray/agent/runtime/handlers/upstream/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: ServletHandler extends XRayHandler\n\nclass_fields: private static final String URL_KEY = \"url\";\nprivate static final String METHOD_KEY = \"method\";\nprivate static final String CLIENT_IP_KEY = \"client_ip\";\nprivate static final String USER_AGENT_KEY = \"user_agent\";\nprivate static final String RESPONSE_KEY = \"response\";\nprivate static final String HTTP_REQUEST_KEY = \"request\";\nprivate static final String STATUS_KEY = \"status\";\n\nmethod_signatures: @Override public void handleRequest(Event event)\n@Override public void handleResponse(Event event)\nprivate void populateHeaderToTransactionState(HttpNetworkProtocolRequestEvent requestEvent, XRayTransactionState transactionState)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: ServletHandlerTest\n\nclass_fields: public static final String HEADER_KEY = \"X-Amzn-Trace-Id\";\nprivate final String ORIGIN = \"httpServlet\";\nprivate final String SERVICE_NAME = \"SomeServletHostedService\";\nprivate final String SDK = \"X-Ray for Java\";\nprivate final String HOST = \"localhost:8080\";\nprivate final String METHOD = \"POST\";\nprivate final String URL = \"http://localhost:8080/\";\nprivate final String USER_AGENT = \"Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_12_6) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/76.0.3809.132 Safari/537.36\";\nprivate final String DST_IP = \"\";\nprivate final String SRC_IP = \"\";\nprivate ServletHandler servletHandler;\n@Mock\n private Emitter blankEmitter;\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file aws-xray-agent/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/xray/agent/runtime/handlers/upstream/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n @Override\n public void handleRequest(Event event) {\n HttpServletNetworkRequestEvent requestEvent = (HttpServletNetworkRequestEvent) event;\n\n // HttpEvents are seen as servlet invocations, so in every request, we mark that we are serving an Http request\n // In X-Ray's context, this means that if we receive a activity event, to start generating a segment.\n XRayTransactionState transactionState = getTransactionState();\n populateHeaderToTransactionState(requestEvent, transactionState);\n\n // TODO Fix request event bug so that getHeaderData is lower cased. This needs to be case insensitive\n String headerData = requestEvent.getHeaderData(HEADER_KEY.toLowerCase());\n if (headerData == null) {\n headerData = requestEvent.getHeaderData(HEADER_KEY);\n }\n transactionState.withTraceheaderString(headerData);\n\n Optional<TraceHeader> traceHeader = Optional.empty();\n String traceHeaderString = transactionState.getTraceHeader();\n // If the trace header string is null, then this is the origin call.\n if (traceHeaderString != null) {\n traceHeader = Optional.of(TraceHeader.fromString(traceHeaderString));\n }\n Segment segment = beginSegment(XRayTransactionState.getServiceName(), traceHeader);\n\n // Obtain sampling decision\n boolean shouldSample = getSamplingDecision(transactionState, traceHeader);\n segment.setSampled(shouldSample);\n\n // Add HTTP Information\n Map<String, Object> requestAttributes = new HashMap<>();\n requestAttributes.put(URL_KEY, transactionState.getURL());\n requestAttributes.put(USER_AGENT_KEY, transactionState.getUserAgent());\n requestAttributes.put(METHOD_KEY, transactionState.getMethod());\n requestAttributes.put(CLIENT_IP_KEY, transactionState.getClientIP());\n segment.putHttp(HTTP_REQUEST_KEY, requestAttributes);\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n aws-xray-agent/src/test/java/com/amazonaws/xray/agent/runtime/handlers/upstream/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void testHandleRequestWithTraceHeader() {\n HttpServletNetworkRequestEvent requestEvent = new HttpServletNetworkRequestEvent(ORIGIN, 54, 32, SRC_IP, DST_IP);\n TraceID traceID = new TraceID();\n String parentId = \"1fb64b3cbdcd5705\";\n\n TraceHeader thSampled = new TraceHeader(traceID, parentId, TraceHeader.SampleDecision.SAMPLED);\n Map<String, String> headerMap = new HashMap<>();\n headerMap.put(HEADER_KEY.toLowerCase(), thSampled.toString());\n requestEvent.withHeaderMap(headerMap);\n\n servletHandler.handleRequest(requestEvent);\n Segment servletSegment = AWSXRay.getCurrentSegment();\n Assert.assertTrue(servletSegment.isSampled());\n Assert.assertEquals(thSampled.getRootTraceId(), servletSegment.getTraceId());\n Assert.assertEquals(thSampled.getParentId(), parentId);\n Assert.assertEquals(thSampled.getSampled() == TraceHeader.SampleDecision.SAMPLED, servletSegment.isSampled());\n AWSXRay.clearTraceEntity();\n\n TraceHeader thUnsampled = new TraceHeader(traceID, parentId, TraceHeader.SampleDecision.NOT_SAMPLED);\n headerMap = new HashMap<>();\n headerMap.put(HEADER_KEY.toLowerCase(), thUnsampled.toString());\n requestEvent.withHeaderMap(headerMap);\n\n servletHandler.handleRequest(requestEvent);\n servletSegment = AWSXRay.getCurrentSegment();\n Assert.assertFalse(servletSegment.isSampled());\n Assert.assertEquals(thSampled.getRootTraceId(), servletSegment.getTraceId());\n Assert.assertEquals(thSampled.getParentId(), parentId);\n Assert.assertEquals(thSampled.getSampled() == TraceHeader.SampleDecision.NOT_SAMPLED, servletSegment.isSampled());\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
@Override public JWT parse(String payload) { try { // verify format SignedJWT signedJWT = SignedJWT.parse(payload); // verify signature boolean verified = signedJWT.verify(verifier); if (!verified) { throw new JOSEException("The signature was not verified"); } Map<String, Object> claims = signedJWT .getPayload() .toJSONObject() .entrySet() .stream() .collect(Collectors.toMap(Map.Entry::getKey, Map.Entry::getValue)); JWT jwt = new JWT(claims); // verify exp and nbf values // // token MUST NOT be accepted on or after any specified exp time Instant now =; if (jwt.getExp() > 0) { Instant exp = Instant.ofEpochSecond(jwt.getExp()); if (now.isAfter(exp)) { long differenceMillis = now.toEpochMilli() - exp.toEpochMilli(); String msg = "JWT expired at " + exp + ". Current time: " + now + ", a difference of " + differenceMillis + " milliseconds. Allowed clock skew: " + this.allowedClockSkewMillis + " milliseconds."; throw new ExpiredJWTException(msg); } } // // token MUST NOT be accepted before any specified nbf time if (jwt.getNbf() > 0) { Instant nbf = Instant.ofEpochSecond(jwt.getNbf()); if (now.isBefore(nbf)) { long differenceMillis = nbf.toEpochMilli() - now.toEpochMilli(); String msg = "JWT must not be accepted before " + nbf + ". Current time: " + now + ", a difference of " + differenceMillis + " milliseconds. Allowed clock skew: " + this.allowedClockSkewMillis + " milliseconds."; throw new PrematureJWTException(msg); } } return jwt; } catch (ParseException ex) { logger.debug("The following JWT token : {} is malformed", payload); throw new MalformedJWTException("Token is malformed", ex); } catch (ExpiredJWTException ex) { logger.debug("The following JWT token : {} is expired", payload); throw new ExpiredJWTException("Token is expired", ex); } catch (PrematureJWTException ex) { logger.debug("The following JWT token : {} must not be accepted (nbf)", payload); throw new PrematureJWTException("Token must not be accepted (nbf)", ex); } catch (JOSEException ex) { logger.debug("Verifying JWT token signature : {} has failed", payload); throw new SignatureException("Token's signature is invalid", ex); } catch (Exception ex) { logger.error("An error occurs while parsing JWT token : {}", payload, ex); throw ex; } }
@Test public void shouldParse_rsa() throws Exception { RSAKey rsaJWK = new RSAKeyGenerator(2048) .keyID("123") .generate(); RSAPrivateKey rsaPrivateKey = rsaJWK.toRSAPrivateKey(); RSAPublicKey rsaPublicKey = rsaJWK.toRSAPublicKey(); JWTBuilder jwtBuilder = new DefaultJWTBuilder(rsaPrivateKey, SignatureAlgorithm.RS256.getValue(), rsaJWK.getKeyID()); JWTParser jwtParser = new DefaultJWTParser(rsaPublicKey); JWT jwt = new JWT(); jwt.setIss(""); jwt.setSub("alice"); jwt.setIat( * 365, ChronoUnit.HOURS).getEpochSecond()); jwt.setExp( * 365 * 2, ChronoUnit.HOURS).getEpochSecond()); String signedJWT = jwtBuilder.sign(jwt); JWT parsedJWT = jwtParser.parse(signedJWT); assertEquals("alice", parsedJWT.getSub()); assertEquals("", parsedJWT.getIss()); assertTrue(new Date().before(new Date(parsedJWT.getExp() * 1000))); }
[ "parse", "verify", "collect", "stream", "entrySet", "toJSONObject", "getPayload", "toMap", "now", "getExp", "ofEpochSecond", "getExp", "isAfter", "toEpochMilli", "toEpochMilli", "getNbf", "ofEpochSecond", "getNbf", "isBefore", "toEpochMilli", "toEpochMilli", "debug", "debug", "debug", "debug", "error" ]
[ "generate", "keyID", "toRSAPrivateKey", "toRSAPublicKey", "getValue", "getKeyID", "setIss", "setSub", "setIat", "getEpochSecond", "plus", "now", "setExp", "getEpochSecond", "plus", "now", "sign", "parse", "assertEquals", "getSub", "assertEquals", "getIss", "assertTrue", "before", "getExp" ]
{ "class_fields": "", "class_name": "DefaultJWTParserTest" }
{ "class_fields": "private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(DefaultJWTParser.class);\nprivate final JWSVerifier verifier;\nprivate long allowedClockSkewMillis = 0;", "class_name": "DefaultJWTParser implements JWTParser", "method_signatures": "public DefaultJWTParser(final Key key)\n@Override public JWT parse(String payload)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: gravitee-am-jwt/src/main/java/io/gravitee/am/jwt/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: DefaultJWTParser implements JWTParser\n\nclass_fields: private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(DefaultJWTParser.class);\nprivate final JWSVerifier verifier;\nprivate long allowedClockSkewMillis = 0;\n\nmethod_signatures: public DefaultJWTParser(final Key key)\n@Override public JWT parse(String payload)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: DefaultJWTParserTest\n\nclass_fields: \n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file gravitee-am-jwt/src/main/java/io/gravitee/am/jwt/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n @Override\n public JWT parse(String payload) {\n try {\n // verify format\n SignedJWT signedJWT = SignedJWT.parse(payload);\n // verify signature\n boolean verified = signedJWT.verify(verifier);\n if (!verified) {\n throw new JOSEException(\"The signature was not verified\");\n }\n Map<String, Object> claims = signedJWT\n .getPayload()\n .toJSONObject()\n .entrySet()\n .stream()\n .collect(Collectors.toMap(Map.Entry::getKey, Map.Entry::getValue));\n JWT jwt = new JWT(claims);\n // verify exp and nbf values\n //\n // token MUST NOT be accepted on or after any specified exp time\n Instant now =;\n if (jwt.getExp() > 0) {\n Instant exp = Instant.ofEpochSecond(jwt.getExp());\n if (now.isAfter(exp)) {\n long differenceMillis = now.toEpochMilli() - exp.toEpochMilli();\n String msg = \"JWT expired at \" + exp + \". Current time: \" + now + \", a difference of \" +\n differenceMillis + \" milliseconds. Allowed clock skew: \" +\n this.allowedClockSkewMillis + \" milliseconds.\";\n throw new ExpiredJWTException(msg);\n }\n }\n //\n // token MUST NOT be accepted before any specified nbf time\n if (jwt.getNbf() > 0) {\n Instant nbf = Instant.ofEpochSecond(jwt.getNbf());\n if (now.isBefore(nbf)) {\n long differenceMillis = nbf.toEpochMilli() - now.toEpochMilli();\n String msg = \"JWT must not be accepted before \" + nbf + \". Current time: \" + now +\n \", a difference of \" +\n differenceMillis + \" milliseconds. Allowed clock skew: \" +\n this.allowedClockSkewMillis + \" milliseconds.\";\n throw new PrematureJWTException(msg);\n }\n }\n return jwt;\n } catch (ParseException ex) {\n logger.debug(\"The following JWT token : {} is malformed\", payload);\n throw new MalformedJWTException(\"Token is malformed\", ex);\n } catch (ExpiredJWTException ex) {\n logger.debug(\"The following JWT token : {} is expired\", payload);\n throw new ExpiredJWTException(\"Token is expired\", ex);\n } catch (PrematureJWTException ex) {\n logger.debug(\"The following JWT token : {} must not be accepted (nbf)\", payload);\n throw new PrematureJWTException(\"Token must not be accepted (nbf)\", ex);\n } catch (JOSEException ex) {\n logger.debug(\"Verifying JWT token signature : {} has failed\", payload);\n throw new SignatureException(\"Token's signature is invalid\", ex);\n } catch (Exception ex) {\n logger.error(\"An error occurs while parsing JWT token : {}\", payload, ex);\n throw ex;\n }\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n gravitee-am-jwt/src/test/java/io/gravitee/am/jwt/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void shouldParse_rsa() throws Exception {\n RSAKey rsaJWK = new RSAKeyGenerator(2048)\n .keyID(\"123\")\n .generate();\n RSAPrivateKey rsaPrivateKey = rsaJWK.toRSAPrivateKey();\n RSAPublicKey rsaPublicKey = rsaJWK.toRSAPublicKey();\n JWTBuilder jwtBuilder = new DefaultJWTBuilder(rsaPrivateKey, SignatureAlgorithm.RS256.getValue(), rsaJWK.getKeyID());\n JWTParser jwtParser = new DefaultJWTParser(rsaPublicKey);\n\n JWT jwt = new JWT();\n jwt.setIss(\"\");\n jwt.setSub(\"alice\");\n jwt.setIat( * 365, ChronoUnit.HOURS).getEpochSecond());\n jwt.setExp( * 365 * 2, ChronoUnit.HOURS).getEpochSecond());\n String signedJWT = jwtBuilder.sign(jwt);\n\n JWT parsedJWT = jwtParser.parse(signedJWT);\n assertEquals(\"alice\", parsedJWT.getSub());\n assertEquals(\"\", parsedJWT.getIss());\n assertTrue(new Date().before(new Date(parsedJWT.getExp() * 1000)));\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
public Set<Permission> getRequiredPermissions() { Set<Permission> requiredPermissions = new HashSet<>(); if (name != null && name.isPresent() || description != null && description.isPresent() || enabled != null && enabled.isPresent() || template != null && template.isPresent() || metadata != null && metadata.isPresent()) { requiredPermissions.add(Permission.APPLICATION_SETTINGS); } if (identities != null && identities.isPresent()) { requiredPermissions.add(Permission.APPLICATION_IDENTITY_PROVIDER); } if (factors != null && factors.isPresent()) { requiredPermissions.add(Permission.APPLICATION_FACTOR); } if (certificate != null && certificate.isPresent()) { requiredPermissions.add(Permission.APPLICATION_CERTIFICATE); } if (settings != null && settings.isPresent()) { requiredPermissions.addAll(settings.get().getRequiredPermissions()); } return requiredPermissions; }
@Test public void getRequiredPermissions() { PatchApplication patchApplication = new PatchApplication(); assertEquals(Collections.emptySet(), patchApplication.getRequiredPermissions()); patchApplication.setName(Optional.of("patchName")); assertEquals(new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList(Permission.APPLICATION_SETTINGS)), patchApplication.getRequiredPermissions()); patchApplication = new PatchApplication(); patchApplication.setDescription(Optional.of("patchDescription")); assertEquals(new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList(Permission.APPLICATION_SETTINGS)), patchApplication.getRequiredPermissions()); patchApplication = new PatchApplication(); patchApplication.setEnabled(Optional.of(true)); assertEquals(new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList(Permission.APPLICATION_SETTINGS)), patchApplication.getRequiredPermissions()); patchApplication = new PatchApplication(); patchApplication.setTemplate(Optional.of(true)); assertEquals(new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList(Permission.APPLICATION_SETTINGS)), patchApplication.getRequiredPermissions()); patchApplication = new PatchApplication(); patchApplication.setIdentities(Optional.of(Collections.singleton("patchIdentity"))); assertEquals(new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList(Permission.APPLICATION_IDENTITY_PROVIDER)), patchApplication.getRequiredPermissions()); patchApplication = new PatchApplication(); patchApplication.setFactors(Optional.of(Collections.singleton("patchFactor"))); assertEquals(new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList(Permission.APPLICATION_FACTOR)), patchApplication.getRequiredPermissions()); patchApplication = new PatchApplication(); patchApplication.setCertificate(Optional.of("patchCertificate")); assertEquals(new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList(Permission.APPLICATION_CERTIFICATE)), patchApplication.getRequiredPermissions()); patchApplication = new PatchApplication(); patchApplication.setMetadata(Optional.of(Collections.emptyMap())); assertEquals(new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList(Permission.APPLICATION_SETTINGS)), patchApplication.getRequiredPermissions()); patchApplication = new PatchApplication(); PatchApplicationSettings patchApplicationSettings = new PatchApplicationSettings(); patchApplication.setSettings(Optional.of(patchApplicationSettings)); assertEquals(Collections.emptySet(), patchApplication.getRequiredPermissions()); patchApplicationSettings.setOauth(Optional.of(new PatchApplicationOAuthSettings())); assertEquals(new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList(Permission.APPLICATION_OPENID)), patchApplication.getRequiredPermissions()); patchApplicationSettings.setOauth(Optional.empty()); patchApplicationSettings.setAccount(Optional.of(new AccountSettings())); assertEquals(new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList(Permission.APPLICATION_SETTINGS)), patchApplication.getRequiredPermissions()); patchApplicationSettings.setAccount(Optional.empty()); patchApplicationSettings.setAdvanced(Optional.of(new PatchApplicationAdvancedSettings())); assertEquals(new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList(Permission.APPLICATION_SETTINGS)), patchApplication.getRequiredPermissions()); // Check multiple permissions. patchApplication = new PatchApplication(); patchApplication.setTemplate(Optional.of(true)); patchApplication.setIdentities(Optional.of(Collections.singleton("patchIdentity"))); patchApplication.setFactors(Optional.of(Collections.singleton("patchFactor"))); patchApplication.setCertificate(Optional.of("patchCertificate")); patchApplicationSettings = new PatchApplicationSettings(); patchApplicationSettings.setOauth(Optional.of(new PatchApplicationOAuthSettings())); patchApplication.setSettings(Optional.of(patchApplicationSettings)); assertEquals(new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList(Permission.APPLICATION_SETTINGS, Permission.APPLICATION_OPENID, Permission.APPLICATION_IDENTITY_PROVIDER, Permission.APPLICATION_CERTIFICATE, Permission.APPLICATION_FACTOR)), patchApplication.getRequiredPermissions()); }
[ "isPresent", "isPresent", "isPresent", "isPresent", "isPresent", "add", "isPresent", "add", "isPresent", "add", "isPresent", "add", "isPresent", "addAll", "getRequiredPermissions", "get" ]
[ "assertEquals", "emptySet", "getRequiredPermissions", "setName", "of", "assertEquals", "asList", "getRequiredPermissions", "setDescription", "of", "assertEquals", "asList", "getRequiredPermissions", "setEnabled", "of", "assertEquals", "asList", "getRequiredPermissions", "setTemplate", "of", "assertEquals", "asList", "getRequiredPermissions", "setIdentities", "of", "singleton", "assertEquals", "asList", "getRequiredPermissions", "setFactors", "of", "singleton", "assertEquals", "asList", "getRequiredPermissions", "setCertificate", "of", "assertEquals", "asList", "getRequiredPermissions", "setMetadata", "of", "emptyMap", "assertEquals", "asList", "getRequiredPermissions", "setSettings", "of", "assertEquals", "emptySet", "getRequiredPermissions", "setOauth", "of", "assertEquals", "asList", "getRequiredPermissions", "setOauth", "empty", "setAccount", "of", "assertEquals", "asList", "getRequiredPermissions", "setAccount", "empty", "setAdvanced", "of", "assertEquals", "asList", "getRequiredPermissions", "setTemplate", "of", "setIdentities", "of", "singleton", "setFactors", "of", "singleton", "setCertificate", "of", "setOauth", "of", "setSettings", "of", "assertEquals", "asList", "getRequiredPermissions" ]
{ "class_fields": "", "class_name": "PatchApplicationTest" }
{ "class_fields": "private Optional<String> name;\nprivate Optional<String> description;\nprivate Optional<Boolean> enabled;\nprivate Optional<Boolean> template;\nprivate Optional<Set<String>> identities;\nprivate Optional<Set<String>> factors;\nprivate Optional<String> certificate;\nprivate Optional<Map<String, Object>> metadata;\nprivate Optional<PatchApplicationSettings> settings;", "class_name": "PatchApplication", "method_signatures": "public Optional<String> getName()\npublic void setName(Optional<String> name)\npublic Optional<String> getDescription()\npublic void setDescription(Optional<String> description)\npublic Optional<Boolean> getEnabled()\npublic void setEnabled(Optional<Boolean> enabled)\npublic Optional<Boolean> getTemplate()\npublic void setTemplate(Optional<Boolean> template)\npublic Optional<Set<String>> getIdentities()\npublic void setIdentities(Optional<Set<String>> identities)\npublic Optional<Set<String>> getFactors()\npublic void setFactors(Optional<Set<String>> factors)\npublic Optional<String> getCertificate()\npublic void setCertificate(Optional<String> certificate)\npublic Optional<Map<String, Object>> getMetadata()\npublic void setMetadata(Optional<Map<String, Object>> metadata)\npublic Optional<PatchApplicationSettings> getSettings()\npublic void setSettings(Optional<PatchApplicationSettings> settings)\npublic Application patch(Application _toPatch)\npublic Set<Permission> getRequiredPermissions()" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: gravitee-am-service/src/main/java/io/gravitee/am/service/model/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: PatchApplication\n\nclass_fields: private Optional<String> name;\nprivate Optional<String> description;\nprivate Optional<Boolean> enabled;\nprivate Optional<Boolean> template;\nprivate Optional<Set<String>> identities;\nprivate Optional<Set<String>> factors;\nprivate Optional<String> certificate;\nprivate Optional<Map<String, Object>> metadata;\nprivate Optional<PatchApplicationSettings> settings;\n\nmethod_signatures: public Optional<String> getName()\npublic void setName(Optional<String> name)\npublic Optional<String> getDescription()\npublic void setDescription(Optional<String> description)\npublic Optional<Boolean> getEnabled()\npublic void setEnabled(Optional<Boolean> enabled)\npublic Optional<Boolean> getTemplate()\npublic void setTemplate(Optional<Boolean> template)\npublic Optional<Set<String>> getIdentities()\npublic void setIdentities(Optional<Set<String>> identities)\npublic Optional<Set<String>> getFactors()\npublic void setFactors(Optional<Set<String>> factors)\npublic Optional<String> getCertificate()\npublic void setCertificate(Optional<String> certificate)\npublic Optional<Map<String, Object>> getMetadata()\npublic void setMetadata(Optional<Map<String, Object>> metadata)\npublic Optional<PatchApplicationSettings> getSettings()\npublic void setSettings(Optional<PatchApplicationSettings> settings)\npublic Application patch(Application _toPatch)\npublic Set<Permission> getRequiredPermissions()\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: PatchApplicationTest\n\nclass_fields: \n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file gravitee-am-service/src/main/java/io/gravitee/am/service/model/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n public Set<Permission> getRequiredPermissions() {\n\n Set<Permission> requiredPermissions = new HashSet<>();\n\n if (name != null && name.isPresent()\n || description != null && description.isPresent()\n || enabled != null && enabled.isPresent()\n || template != null && template.isPresent()\n || metadata != null && metadata.isPresent()) {\n\n requiredPermissions.add(Permission.APPLICATION_SETTINGS);\n }\n\n if (identities != null && identities.isPresent()) {\n requiredPermissions.add(Permission.APPLICATION_IDENTITY_PROVIDER);\n }\n\n if (factors != null && factors.isPresent()) {\n requiredPermissions.add(Permission.APPLICATION_FACTOR);\n }\n\n if (certificate != null && certificate.isPresent()) {\n requiredPermissions.add(Permission.APPLICATION_CERTIFICATE);\n }\n\n if (settings != null && settings.isPresent()) {\n requiredPermissions.addAll(settings.get().getRequiredPermissions());\n }\n\n return requiredPermissions;\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n gravitee-am-service/src/test/java/io/gravitee/am/service/model/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void getRequiredPermissions() {\n\n PatchApplication patchApplication = new PatchApplication();\n assertEquals(Collections.emptySet(), patchApplication.getRequiredPermissions());\n\n patchApplication.setName(Optional.of(\"patchName\"));\n assertEquals(new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList(Permission.APPLICATION_SETTINGS)), patchApplication.getRequiredPermissions());\n\n patchApplication = new PatchApplication();\n patchApplication.setDescription(Optional.of(\"patchDescription\"));\n assertEquals(new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList(Permission.APPLICATION_SETTINGS)), patchApplication.getRequiredPermissions());\n\n patchApplication = new PatchApplication();\n patchApplication.setEnabled(Optional.of(true));\n assertEquals(new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList(Permission.APPLICATION_SETTINGS)), patchApplication.getRequiredPermissions());\n\n patchApplication = new PatchApplication();\n patchApplication.setTemplate(Optional.of(true));\n assertEquals(new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList(Permission.APPLICATION_SETTINGS)), patchApplication.getRequiredPermissions());\n\n patchApplication = new PatchApplication();\n patchApplication.setIdentities(Optional.of(Collections.singleton(\"patchIdentity\")));\n assertEquals(new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList(Permission.APPLICATION_IDENTITY_PROVIDER)), patchApplication.getRequiredPermissions());\n\n patchApplication = new PatchApplication();\n patchApplication.setFactors(Optional.of(Collections.singleton(\"patchFactor\")));\n assertEquals(new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList(Permission.APPLICATION_FACTOR)), patchApplication.getRequiredPermissions());\n\n patchApplication = new PatchApplication();\n patchApplication.setCertificate(Optional.of(\"patchCertificate\"));\n assertEquals(new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList(Permission.APPLICATION_CERTIFICATE)), patchApplication.getRequiredPermissions());\n\n patchApplication = new PatchApplication();\n patchApplication.setMetadata(Optional.of(Collections.emptyMap()));\n assertEquals(new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList(Permission.APPLICATION_SETTINGS)), patchApplication.getRequiredPermissions());\n\n patchApplication = new PatchApplication();\n PatchApplicationSettings patchApplicationSettings = new PatchApplicationSettings();\n patchApplication.setSettings(Optional.of(patchApplicationSettings));\n assertEquals(Collections.emptySet(), patchApplication.getRequiredPermissions());\n patchApplicationSettings.setOauth(Optional.of(new PatchApplicationOAuthSettings()));\n assertEquals(new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList(Permission.APPLICATION_OPENID)), patchApplication.getRequiredPermissions());\n patchApplicationSettings.setOauth(Optional.empty());\n patchApplicationSettings.setAccount(Optional.of(new AccountSettings()));\n assertEquals(new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList(Permission.APPLICATION_SETTINGS)), patchApplication.getRequiredPermissions());\n patchApplicationSettings.setAccount(Optional.empty());\n patchApplicationSettings.setAdvanced(Optional.of(new PatchApplicationAdvancedSettings()));\n assertEquals(new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList(Permission.APPLICATION_SETTINGS)), patchApplication.getRequiredPermissions());\n\n // Check multiple permissions.\n patchApplication = new PatchApplication();\n patchApplication.setTemplate(Optional.of(true));\n patchApplication.setIdentities(Optional.of(Collections.singleton(\"patchIdentity\")));\n patchApplication.setFactors(Optional.of(Collections.singleton(\"patchFactor\")));\n patchApplication.setCertificate(Optional.of(\"patchCertificate\"));\n patchApplicationSettings = new PatchApplicationSettings();\n patchApplicationSettings.setOauth(Optional.of(new PatchApplicationOAuthSettings()));\n patchApplication.setSettings(Optional.of(patchApplicationSettings));\n\n assertEquals(new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList(Permission.APPLICATION_SETTINGS, Permission.APPLICATION_OPENID, Permission.APPLICATION_IDENTITY_PROVIDER,\n Permission.APPLICATION_CERTIFICATE, Permission.APPLICATION_FACTOR)), patchApplication.getRequiredPermissions());\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
@Override public void handleResponse(Event event) { ServiceResponseEvent responseEvent = (ServiceResponseEvent) event; Request awsReq = (Request) responseEvent.getRequest().getRequest(); Response awsResp = (Response) responseEvent.getResponse(); if (responseEvent.getThrown() == null) { tracingHandler.afterResponse(awsReq, awsResp); } else { Throwable exception = responseEvent.getThrown(); tracingHandler.afterError(awsReq, awsResp, (Exception) exception); } }
@Test public void testHandleEventFault() { ServiceDownstreamRequestEvent awsRequestEvent = new ServiceDownstreamRequestEvent(ORIGIN, SERVICE, OPERATION); awsRequestEvent.withRequest(awsRequest); ServiceDownstreamResponseEvent awsResponseEvent = new ServiceDownstreamResponseEvent(ORIGIN, SERVICE, OPERATION, awsRequestEvent); awsResponseEvent.withResponse(null); awsResponseEvent.withThrown(new AmazonDynamoDBException("Some error")); Subsegment awsSubsegment = AWSXRay.beginSubsegment(SERVICE); awsSubsegment.setNamespace("aws"); // Mimic aws namespace so that the subsegment would be processed. Assert.assertEquals(0, awsSubsegment.getCause().getExceptions().size()); awsHandler.handleResponse(awsResponseEvent); // Ensure that our subsegment has the error in it. Assert.assertEquals(1, awsSubsegment.getCause().getExceptions().size()); Assert.assertTrue(awsSubsegment.isFault()); }
[ "getRequest", "getRequest", "getResponse", "getThrown", "afterResponse", "getThrown", "afterError" ]
[ "withRequest", "withResponse", "withThrown", "beginSubsegment", "setNamespace", "assertEquals", "size", "getExceptions", "getCause", "handleResponse", "assertEquals", "size", "getExceptions", "getCause", "assertTrue", "isFault" ]
{ "class_fields": "private final String ORIGIN = \"AWSv1\";\nprivate final String SERVICE = \"AmazonDynamoDBv2\";\nprivate final String OPERATION = \"ScanRequest\";\nprivate final String TABLE_NAME = \"TestTableName\";\nprivate final String AWS_REQUEST_ID = \"SOMERANDOMID\";\nprivate final int COUNT = 25;\nprivate final int SCAN_COUNT = 10;\nprivate AWSHandler awsHandler;\n@Mock\n private Request awsRequest;\nprivate Response awsResponse;\nprivate ScanRequest scanRequest;\nprivate ScanResult scanResult;\nprivate Segment parentSegment;", "class_name": "AWSHandlerTest" }
{ "class_fields": "private TracingHandler tracingHandler;", "class_name": "AWSHandler extends XRayHandler", "method_signatures": "public AWSHandler()\npublic AWSHandler(URL serviceHandlerManifest)\n@Override public void handleRequest(Event event)\n@Override public void handleResponse(Event event)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: aws-xray-agent/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/xray/agent/runtime/handlers/downstream/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: AWSHandler extends XRayHandler\n\nclass_fields: private TracingHandler tracingHandler;\n\nmethod_signatures: public AWSHandler()\npublic AWSHandler(URL serviceHandlerManifest)\n@Override public void handleRequest(Event event)\n@Override public void handleResponse(Event event)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: AWSHandlerTest\n\nclass_fields: private final String ORIGIN = \"AWSv1\";\nprivate final String SERVICE = \"AmazonDynamoDBv2\";\nprivate final String OPERATION = \"ScanRequest\";\nprivate final String TABLE_NAME = \"TestTableName\";\nprivate final String AWS_REQUEST_ID = \"SOMERANDOMID\";\nprivate final int COUNT = 25;\nprivate final int SCAN_COUNT = 10;\nprivate AWSHandler awsHandler;\n@Mock\n private Request awsRequest;\nprivate Response awsResponse;\nprivate ScanRequest scanRequest;\nprivate ScanResult scanResult;\nprivate Segment parentSegment;\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file aws-xray-agent/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/xray/agent/runtime/handlers/downstream/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n @Override\n public void handleResponse(Event event) {\n ServiceResponseEvent responseEvent = (ServiceResponseEvent) event;\n Request awsReq = (Request) responseEvent.getRequest().getRequest();\n Response awsResp = (Response) responseEvent.getResponse();\n\n if (responseEvent.getThrown() == null) {\n tracingHandler.afterResponse(awsReq, awsResp);\n } else {\n Throwable exception = responseEvent.getThrown();\n tracingHandler.afterError(awsReq, awsResp, (Exception) exception);\n }\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n aws-xray-agent/src/test/java/com/amazonaws/xray/agent/runtime/handlers/downstream/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void testHandleEventFault() {\n ServiceDownstreamRequestEvent awsRequestEvent = new ServiceDownstreamRequestEvent(ORIGIN, SERVICE, OPERATION);\n awsRequestEvent.withRequest(awsRequest);\n ServiceDownstreamResponseEvent awsResponseEvent = new ServiceDownstreamResponseEvent(ORIGIN, SERVICE, OPERATION, awsRequestEvent);\n awsResponseEvent.withResponse(null);\n awsResponseEvent.withThrown(new AmazonDynamoDBException(\"Some error\"));\n\n Subsegment awsSubsegment = AWSXRay.beginSubsegment(SERVICE);\n awsSubsegment.setNamespace(\"aws\"); // Mimic aws namespace so that the subsegment would be processed.\n\n Assert.assertEquals(0, awsSubsegment.getCause().getExceptions().size());\n\n awsHandler.handleResponse(awsResponseEvent);\n\n // Ensure that our subsegment has the error in it.\n Assert.assertEquals(1, awsSubsegment.getCause().getExceptions().size());\n Assert.assertTrue(awsSubsegment.isFault());\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
@Override public void handle(RoutingContext context) { JWT accessToken = context.get(OAuth2AuthHandler.TOKEN_CONTEXT_KEY); Client client = context.get(OAuth2AuthHandler.CLIENT_CONTEXT_KEY); this.extractRequest(context) .flatMap(this::bodyValidation) .map(this::toPermissionRequest) .flatMap(permissionRequests -> permissionTicketService.create(permissionRequests, domain.getId(), client.getId())) .map(PermissionTicketResponse::from) .subscribe( permission -> context.response() .putHeader(HttpHeaders.CACHE_CONTROL, "no-store") .putHeader(HttpHeaders.PRAGMA, "no-cache") .putHeader(HttpHeaders.CONTENT_TYPE, MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON) .setStatusCode(HttpStatusCode.CREATED_201) .end(Json.encodePrettily(permission)) , error -> ); }
@Test public void success_extendedRequest() { PermissionTicket success = new PermissionTicket().setId("success"); final String extendedRequest = "[{\"resource_id\":\"{{set_one}}\", \"resource_scopes\":[\"profile:read\"]}, {\"resource_id\":\"{{set_two}}\",\"resource_scopes\":[\"avatar:write\"]}]"; when(context.getBody()).thenReturn(Buffer.buffer(extendedRequest)); when(context.response()).thenReturn(response); when(response.putHeader(anyString(),anyString())).thenReturn(response); when(response.setStatusCode(anyInt())).thenReturn(response); when(permissionTicketService.create(anyList(), eq(DOMAIN_ID), eq(CLIENT_ID))).thenReturn(Single.just(success)); endpoint.handle(context); verify(response, times(1)).putHeader(HttpHeaders.CONTENT_TYPE, MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON); verify(context.response(), times(1)).setStatusCode(intCaptor.capture()); verify(context.response(), times(1)).end(strCaptor.capture()); Assert.assertEquals("Expecting 201 creation status",intCaptor.getValue().intValue(),201); Assert.assertTrue("Expect success id", strCaptor.getValue().contains("success")); }
[ "get", "get", "subscribe", "map", "flatMap", "map", "flatMap", "extractRequest", "create", "getId", "getId", "end", "setStatusCode", "putHeader", "putHeader", "putHeader", "response", "encodePrettily", "fail" ]
[ "setId", "thenReturn", "when", "getBody", "buffer", "thenReturn", "when", "response", "thenReturn", "when", "putHeader", "anyString", "anyString", "thenReturn", "when", "setStatusCode", "anyInt", "thenReturn", "when", "create", "anyList", "eq", "eq", "just", "handle", "putHeader", "verify", "times", "setStatusCode", "verify", "response", "times", "capture", "end", "verify", "response", "times", "capture", "assertEquals", "intValue", "getValue", "assertTrue", "contains", "getValue" ]
{ "class_fields": "@Mock\n private Domain domain;\n@Mock\n private PermissionTicketService permissionTicketService;\n@Mock\n private JWT jwt;\n@Mock\n private Client client;\n@Mock\n private RoutingContext context;\n@Mock\n private HttpServerResponse response;\n@InjectMocks\n private PermissionEndpoint endpoint = new PermissionEndpoint(domain, permissionTicketService);\nprivate static final String DOMAIN_ID = \"123\";\nprivate static final String CLIENT_ID = \"api\";\nArgumentCaptor<Throwable> errCaptor = ArgumentCaptor.forClass(Throwable.class);\nArgumentCaptor<Integer> intCaptor = ArgumentCaptor.forClass(Integer.class);\nArgumentCaptor<String> strCaptor = ArgumentCaptor.forClass(String.class);", "class_name": "PermissionEndpointTest" }
{ "class_fields": "private PermissionTicketService permissionTicketService;\nprivate Domain domain;", "class_name": "PermissionEndpoint implements Handler<RoutingContext>", "method_signatures": "public PermissionEndpoint(Domain domain, PermissionTicketService permissionTicketService)\n@Override public void handle(RoutingContext context)\nprivate Single<List<PermissionTicketRequest>> extractRequest(RoutingContext context)\nprivate List<PermissionTicketRequest> convert(List<LinkedHashMap> list)\nprivate List<PermissionRequest> toPermissionRequest(List<PermissionTicketRequest> requestedPermissions)\nprivate Single<List<PermissionTicketRequest>> bodyValidation(List<PermissionTicketRequest> toValidate)\nprivate static final Predicate<PermissionTicketRequest> invalidPermissionRequest()" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: gravitee-am-gateway/gravitee-am-gateway-handler/gravitee-am-gateway-handler-oidc/src/main/java/io/gravitee/am/gateway/handler/uma/resources/endpoint/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: PermissionEndpoint implements Handler<RoutingContext>\n\nclass_fields: private PermissionTicketService permissionTicketService;\nprivate Domain domain;\n\nmethod_signatures: public PermissionEndpoint(Domain domain, PermissionTicketService permissionTicketService)\n@Override public void handle(RoutingContext context)\nprivate Single<List<PermissionTicketRequest>> extractRequest(RoutingContext context)\nprivate List<PermissionTicketRequest> convert(List<LinkedHashMap> list)\nprivate List<PermissionRequest> toPermissionRequest(List<PermissionTicketRequest> requestedPermissions)\nprivate Single<List<PermissionTicketRequest>> bodyValidation(List<PermissionTicketRequest> toValidate)\nprivate static final Predicate<PermissionTicketRequest> invalidPermissionRequest()\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: PermissionEndpointTest\n\nclass_fields: @Mock\n private Domain domain;\n@Mock\n private PermissionTicketService permissionTicketService;\n@Mock\n private JWT jwt;\n@Mock\n private Client client;\n@Mock\n private RoutingContext context;\n@Mock\n private HttpServerResponse response;\n@InjectMocks\n private PermissionEndpoint endpoint = new PermissionEndpoint(domain, permissionTicketService);\nprivate static final String DOMAIN_ID = \"123\";\nprivate static final String CLIENT_ID = \"api\";\nArgumentCaptor<Throwable> errCaptor = ArgumentCaptor.forClass(Throwable.class);\nArgumentCaptor<Integer> intCaptor = ArgumentCaptor.forClass(Integer.class);\nArgumentCaptor<String> strCaptor = ArgumentCaptor.forClass(String.class);\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file gravitee-am-gateway/gravitee-am-gateway-handler/gravitee-am-gateway-handler-oidc/src/main/java/io/gravitee/am/gateway/handler/uma/resources/endpoint/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n @Override\n public void handle(RoutingContext context) {\n JWT accessToken = context.get(OAuth2AuthHandler.TOKEN_CONTEXT_KEY);\n Client client = context.get(OAuth2AuthHandler.CLIENT_CONTEXT_KEY);\n\n this.extractRequest(context)\n .flatMap(this::bodyValidation)\n .map(this::toPermissionRequest)\n .flatMap(permissionRequests -> permissionTicketService.create(permissionRequests, domain.getId(), client.getId()))\n .map(PermissionTicketResponse::from)\n .subscribe(\n permission -> context.response()\n .putHeader(HttpHeaders.CACHE_CONTROL, \"no-store\")\n .putHeader(HttpHeaders.PRAGMA, \"no-cache\")\n .putHeader(HttpHeaders.CONTENT_TYPE, MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON)\n .setStatusCode(HttpStatusCode.CREATED_201)\n .end(Json.encodePrettily(permission))\n , error ->\n );\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n gravitee-am-gateway/gravitee-am-gateway-handler/gravitee-am-gateway-handler-oidc/src/test/java/io/gravitee/am/gateway/handler/uma/resources/endpoint/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void success_extendedRequest() {\n PermissionTicket success = new PermissionTicket().setId(\"success\");\n final String extendedRequest = \"[{\\\"resource_id\\\":\\\"{{set_one}}\\\", \\\"resource_scopes\\\":[\\\"profile:read\\\"]}, {\\\"resource_id\\\":\\\"{{set_two}}\\\",\\\"resource_scopes\\\":[\\\"avatar:write\\\"]}]\";\n\n when(context.getBody()).thenReturn(Buffer.buffer(extendedRequest));\n when(context.response()).thenReturn(response);\n when(response.putHeader(anyString(),anyString())).thenReturn(response);\n when(response.setStatusCode(anyInt())).thenReturn(response);\n when(permissionTicketService.create(anyList(), eq(DOMAIN_ID), eq(CLIENT_ID))).thenReturn(Single.just(success));\n endpoint.handle(context);\n verify(response, times(1)).putHeader(HttpHeaders.CONTENT_TYPE, MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON);\n verify(context.response(), times(1)).setStatusCode(intCaptor.capture());\n verify(context.response(), times(1)).end(strCaptor.capture());\n Assert.assertEquals(\"Expecting 201 creation status\",intCaptor.getValue().intValue(),201);\n Assert.assertTrue(\"Expect success id\", strCaptor.getValue().contains(\"success\"));\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
@Override public void handleRequest(Event event) { ServiceRequestEvent requestEvent = (ServiceRequestEvent) event; Request awsRequest = (Request) requestEvent.getRequest(); // Avoid throwing if we can't get the service name because of an old version of AWS SDK // HTTP handler should pick it up instead. if (awsRequest.getServiceName() == null) { return; } tracingHandler.beforeRequest(awsRequest); }
@Test public void testHandleAWSRequest() { ServiceDownstreamRequestEvent awsRequestEvent = new ServiceDownstreamRequestEvent(ORIGIN, SERVICE, OPERATION); awsRequestEvent.withRequest(awsRequest); awsHandler.handleRequest(awsRequestEvent); Subsegment awsSubsegment = AWSXRay.getCurrentSubsegment(); Assert.assertEquals("aws", awsSubsegment.getNamespace()); Assert.assertEquals(SERVICE, awsSubsegment.getName()); Assert.assertTrue(awsSubsegment.isInProgress()); Map<String, Object> awsMap = awsSubsegment.getAws(); Assert.assertEquals("Scan", awsMap.get("operation")); Assert.assertEquals(TABLE_NAME, awsMap.get("table_name")); Assert.assertEquals(parentSegment, awsSubsegment.getParentSegment()); Assert.assertEquals(1, parentSegment.getSubsegments().size()); }
[ "getRequest", "getServiceName", "beforeRequest" ]
[ "withRequest", "handleRequest", "getCurrentSubsegment", "assertEquals", "getNamespace", "assertEquals", "getName", "assertTrue", "isInProgress", "getAws", "assertEquals", "get", "assertEquals", "get", "assertEquals", "getParentSegment", "assertEquals", "size", "getSubsegments" ]
{ "class_fields": "private final String ORIGIN = \"AWSv1\";\nprivate final String SERVICE = \"AmazonDynamoDBv2\";\nprivate final String OPERATION = \"ScanRequest\";\nprivate final String TABLE_NAME = \"TestTableName\";\nprivate final String AWS_REQUEST_ID = \"SOMERANDOMID\";\nprivate final int COUNT = 25;\nprivate final int SCAN_COUNT = 10;\nprivate AWSHandler awsHandler;\n@Mock\n private Request awsRequest;\nprivate Response awsResponse;\nprivate ScanRequest scanRequest;\nprivate ScanResult scanResult;\nprivate Segment parentSegment;", "class_name": "AWSHandlerTest" }
{ "class_fields": "private TracingHandler tracingHandler;", "class_name": "AWSHandler extends XRayHandler", "method_signatures": "public AWSHandler()\npublic AWSHandler(URL serviceHandlerManifest)\n@Override public void handleRequest(Event event)\n@Override public void handleResponse(Event event)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: aws-xray-agent/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/xray/agent/runtime/handlers/downstream/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: AWSHandler extends XRayHandler\n\nclass_fields: private TracingHandler tracingHandler;\n\nmethod_signatures: public AWSHandler()\npublic AWSHandler(URL serviceHandlerManifest)\n@Override public void handleRequest(Event event)\n@Override public void handleResponse(Event event)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: AWSHandlerTest\n\nclass_fields: private final String ORIGIN = \"AWSv1\";\nprivate final String SERVICE = \"AmazonDynamoDBv2\";\nprivate final String OPERATION = \"ScanRequest\";\nprivate final String TABLE_NAME = \"TestTableName\";\nprivate final String AWS_REQUEST_ID = \"SOMERANDOMID\";\nprivate final int COUNT = 25;\nprivate final int SCAN_COUNT = 10;\nprivate AWSHandler awsHandler;\n@Mock\n private Request awsRequest;\nprivate Response awsResponse;\nprivate ScanRequest scanRequest;\nprivate ScanResult scanResult;\nprivate Segment parentSegment;\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file aws-xray-agent/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/xray/agent/runtime/handlers/downstream/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n @Override\n public void handleRequest(Event event) {\n ServiceRequestEvent requestEvent = (ServiceRequestEvent) event;\n Request awsRequest = (Request) requestEvent.getRequest();\n\n // Avoid throwing if we can't get the service name because of an old version of AWS SDK\n // HTTP handler should pick it up instead.\n if (awsRequest.getServiceName() == null) {\n return;\n }\n\n tracingHandler.beforeRequest(awsRequest);\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n aws-xray-agent/src/test/java/com/amazonaws/xray/agent/runtime/handlers/downstream/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void testHandleAWSRequest() {\n ServiceDownstreamRequestEvent awsRequestEvent = new ServiceDownstreamRequestEvent(ORIGIN, SERVICE, OPERATION);\n awsRequestEvent.withRequest(awsRequest);\n awsHandler.handleRequest(awsRequestEvent);\n\n Subsegment awsSubsegment = AWSXRay.getCurrentSubsegment();\n Assert.assertEquals(\"aws\", awsSubsegment.getNamespace());\n Assert.assertEquals(SERVICE, awsSubsegment.getName());\n Assert.assertTrue(awsSubsegment.isInProgress());\n\n Map<String, Object> awsMap = awsSubsegment.getAws();\n Assert.assertEquals(\"Scan\", awsMap.get(\"operation\"));\n Assert.assertEquals(TABLE_NAME, awsMap.get(\"table_name\"));\n\n Assert.assertEquals(parentSegment, awsSubsegment.getParentSegment());\n Assert.assertEquals(1, parentSegment.getSubsegments().size());\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
@Override public void listen(Event event) { try { EventDispatcher dispatcher = isEventDownstream(event) ? downstreamEventDispatcher : upstreamEventDispatcher; if (event instanceof ServiceRequestEvent || event instanceof HttpServletNetworkRequestEvent) { dispatcher.dispatchRequestEvent(event); } else if (event instanceof ServiceResponseEvent || event instanceof HttpServletNetworkResponseEvent) { dispatcher.dispatchResponseEvent(event); } else { // Other events we don't care about so return. return; } } catch (Exception e) { // We dont want to propagate any exceptions back to the bus nor the application code, so we // just log it and continue. log.error("The X-Ray Agent had encountered an unexpected exception for the following event: " + event.toString(), e); } }
@Test public void testInvalidEvent() { TransactionEvent invalidEvent = new TransactionBeginEvent(ORIGIN); xRayListener.listen(invalidEvent); verify(downstreamDispatcher, times(0)).dispatchResponseEvent(any()); verify(downstreamDispatcher, times(0)).dispatchResponseEvent(any()); verify(upstreamDispatcher, times(0)).dispatchResponseEvent(any()); verify(upstreamDispatcher, times(0)).dispatchResponseEvent(any()); }
[ "isEventDownstream", "dispatchRequestEvent", "dispatchResponseEvent", "error", "toString" ]
[ "listen", "dispatchResponseEvent", "verify", "times", "any", "dispatchResponseEvent", "verify", "times", "any", "dispatchResponseEvent", "verify", "times", "any", "dispatchResponseEvent", "verify", "times", "any" ]
{ "class_fields": "private final String ORIGIN = \"TestOrigin\";\nprivate final String SERVICE = \"TestService\";\nprivate final String OPERATION = \"TestOperation\";\n@Mock\n private EventDispatcher upstreamDispatcher;\n@Mock\n private EventDispatcher downstreamDispatcher;\nprivate XRayListener xRayListener;", "class_name": "XRayListenerTest" }
{ "class_fields": "private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(XRayListener.class);\nprivate final EventDispatcher upstreamEventDispatcher;\nprivate final EventDispatcher downstreamEventDispatcher;", "class_name": "XRayListener implements Listener", "method_signatures": "public XRayListener(EventDispatcher upstreamEventDispatcher, EventDispatcher downstreamEventDispatcher)\n@Override public int getPriority()\n@Override public void listen(Event event)\nprivate boolean isEventDownstream(Event e)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: aws-xray-agent/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/xray/agent/runtime/listeners/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: XRayListener implements Listener\n\nclass_fields: private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(XRayListener.class);\nprivate final EventDispatcher upstreamEventDispatcher;\nprivate final EventDispatcher downstreamEventDispatcher;\n\nmethod_signatures: public XRayListener(EventDispatcher upstreamEventDispatcher, EventDispatcher downstreamEventDispatcher)\n@Override public int getPriority()\n@Override public void listen(Event event)\nprivate boolean isEventDownstream(Event e)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: XRayListenerTest\n\nclass_fields: private final String ORIGIN = \"TestOrigin\";\nprivate final String SERVICE = \"TestService\";\nprivate final String OPERATION = \"TestOperation\";\n@Mock\n private EventDispatcher upstreamDispatcher;\n@Mock\n private EventDispatcher downstreamDispatcher;\nprivate XRayListener xRayListener;\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file aws-xray-agent/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/xray/agent/runtime/listeners/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n @Override\n public void listen(Event event) {\n try {\n EventDispatcher dispatcher = isEventDownstream(event) ? downstreamEventDispatcher : upstreamEventDispatcher;\n\n if (event instanceof ServiceRequestEvent || event instanceof HttpServletNetworkRequestEvent) {\n dispatcher.dispatchRequestEvent(event);\n } else if (event instanceof ServiceResponseEvent || event instanceof HttpServletNetworkResponseEvent) {\n dispatcher.dispatchResponseEvent(event);\n } else {\n // Other events we don't care about so return.\n return;\n }\n } catch (Exception e) {\n // We dont want to propagate any exceptions back to the bus nor the application code, so we\n // just log it and continue.\n log.error(\"The X-Ray Agent had encountered an unexpected exception for the following event: \"\n + event.toString(), e);\n }\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n aws-xray-agent/src/test/java/com/amazonaws/xray/agent/runtime/listeners/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void testInvalidEvent() {\n TransactionEvent invalidEvent = new TransactionBeginEvent(ORIGIN);\n\n xRayListener.listen(invalidEvent);\n\n verify(downstreamDispatcher, times(0)).dispatchResponseEvent(any());\n verify(downstreamDispatcher, times(0)).dispatchResponseEvent(any());\n verify(upstreamDispatcher, times(0)).dispatchResponseEvent(any());\n verify(upstreamDispatcher, times(0)).dispatchResponseEvent(any());\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
@Override public void handleRequest(Event event) { HttpServiceDownstreamRequestEvent requestEvent = (HttpServiceDownstreamRequestEvent) event; URI uri = getUriFromEvent(requestEvent); if (isWithinAWSCall() || isXRaySamplingCall(uri) || isXRayPluginCall(uri)) { return; } String hostName = uri.getHost(); if (hostName == null) { // If we fail to acquire the hostname, we will use the entire URL/service name instead. // This is an indication that there's an issue with the request configuration so we // use the entire URI so we can provide a subsegment with useful information. hostName = requestEvent.getService(); } Subsegment subsegment = beginSubsegment(hostName); // Adds http metadata and stores the Trace Header into the request header. if (subsegment != null) { addRequestInformation(subsegment, requestEvent, uri); } }
@Test public void testHandleGetRequest() throws Exception { HttpServiceDownstreamRequestEvent requestEventSpy = spy(httpClientRequestEvent); httpClientHandler.handleRequest(requestEventSpy); Subsegment httpClientSubsegment = AWSXRay.getCurrentSubsegment(); Assert.assertEquals(Namespace.REMOTE.toString(), httpClientSubsegment.getNamespace()); Assert.assertEquals(new URI(SERVICE).getHost(), httpClientSubsegment.getName()); Assert.assertTrue(httpClientSubsegment.isInProgress()); Map<String, String> requestMap = (Map<String, String>) httpClientSubsegment.getHttp().get("request"); Assert.assertEquals(OPERATION, requestMap.get("method")); // Trace header check TraceID traceID = httpClientSubsegment.getParentSegment().getTraceId(); String parentID = httpClientSubsegment.getId(); TraceHeader.SampleDecision sampleDecision = parentSegment.isSampled() ? TraceHeader.SampleDecision.SAMPLED : TraceHeader.SampleDecision.NOT_SAMPLED; TraceHeader theTraceHeader = new TraceHeader(traceID, parentID, sampleDecision); verify(requestEventSpy).replaceHeader(TraceHeader.HEADER_KEY, theTraceHeader.toString()); Assert.assertEquals(parentSegment, httpClientSubsegment.getParentSegment()); Assert.assertEquals(1, parentSegment.getSubsegments().size()); }
[ "getUriFromEvent", "isWithinAWSCall", "isXRaySamplingCall", "isXRayPluginCall", "getHost", "getService", "beginSubsegment", "addRequestInformation" ]
[ "spy", "handleRequest", "getCurrentSubsegment", "assertEquals", "toString", "getNamespace", "assertEquals", "getHost", "getName", "assertTrue", "isInProgress", "get", "getHttp", "assertEquals", "get", "getTraceId", "getParentSegment", "getId", "isSampled", "replaceHeader", "verify", "toString", "assertEquals", "getParentSegment", "assertEquals", "size", "getSubsegments" ]
{ "class_fields": "private final String ORIGIN = \"ApacheHttpClient\";\nprivate final String SERVICE = \"\";\nprivate final String OPERATION = \"GET\";\nprivate final int STATUS_CODE = 200;\nprivate final int CONTENT_LENGTH = 48343;\nprivate HttpClientHandler httpClientHandler;\nprivate Segment parentSegment;\nprivate HttpServiceDownstreamRequestEvent httpClientRequestEvent;\nprivate HttpServiceDownstreamResponseEvent httpClientResponseEvent;", "class_name": "HttpClientHandlerTest" }
{ "class_fields": "private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(HttpClientHandler.class);\nprivate static final String URL_KEY = \"url\";\nprivate static final String METHOD_KEY = \"method\";\nprivate static final String HTTP_REQUEST_KEY = \"request\";\nprivate static final String STATUS_CODE_KEY = \"status\";\nprivate static final String CONTENT_LENGTH_KEY = \"content_length\";\nprivate static final String HTTP_RESPONSE_KEY = \"response\";", "class_name": "HttpClientHandler extends XRayHandler", "method_signatures": "@Override public void handleRequest(Event event)\nprivate URI getUriFromEvent(HttpServiceDownstreamRequestEvent requestEvent)\nprivate static void addRequestInformation(Subsegment subsegment, HttpServiceDownstreamRequestEvent requestEvent, URI uri)\n@Override public void handleResponse(Event event)\nprivate static void addResponseInformation(Subsegment subsegment, HttpServiceDownstreamResponseEvent responseEvent)\nprivate boolean isWithinAWSCall()\nprivate boolean isXRaySamplingCall(URI uri)\nprivate boolean isXRayPluginCall(URI uri)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: aws-xray-agent/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/xray/agent/runtime/handlers/downstream/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: HttpClientHandler extends XRayHandler\n\nclass_fields: private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(HttpClientHandler.class);\nprivate static final String URL_KEY = \"url\";\nprivate static final String METHOD_KEY = \"method\";\nprivate static final String HTTP_REQUEST_KEY = \"request\";\nprivate static final String STATUS_CODE_KEY = \"status\";\nprivate static final String CONTENT_LENGTH_KEY = \"content_length\";\nprivate static final String HTTP_RESPONSE_KEY = \"response\";\n\nmethod_signatures: @Override public void handleRequest(Event event)\nprivate URI getUriFromEvent(HttpServiceDownstreamRequestEvent requestEvent)\nprivate static void addRequestInformation(Subsegment subsegment, HttpServiceDownstreamRequestEvent requestEvent, URI uri)\n@Override public void handleResponse(Event event)\nprivate static void addResponseInformation(Subsegment subsegment, HttpServiceDownstreamResponseEvent responseEvent)\nprivate boolean isWithinAWSCall()\nprivate boolean isXRaySamplingCall(URI uri)\nprivate boolean isXRayPluginCall(URI uri)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: HttpClientHandlerTest\n\nclass_fields: private final String ORIGIN = \"ApacheHttpClient\";\nprivate final String SERVICE = \"\";\nprivate final String OPERATION = \"GET\";\nprivate final int STATUS_CODE = 200;\nprivate final int CONTENT_LENGTH = 48343;\nprivate HttpClientHandler httpClientHandler;\nprivate Segment parentSegment;\nprivate HttpServiceDownstreamRequestEvent httpClientRequestEvent;\nprivate HttpServiceDownstreamResponseEvent httpClientResponseEvent;\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file aws-xray-agent/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/xray/agent/runtime/handlers/downstream/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n @Override\n public void handleRequest(Event event) {\n HttpServiceDownstreamRequestEvent requestEvent = (HttpServiceDownstreamRequestEvent) event;\n URI uri = getUriFromEvent(requestEvent);\n\n if (isWithinAWSCall() || isXRaySamplingCall(uri) || isXRayPluginCall(uri)) {\n return;\n }\n\n String hostName = uri.getHost();\n if (hostName == null) {\n // If we fail to acquire the hostname, we will use the entire URL/service name instead.\n // This is an indication that there's an issue with the request configuration so we\n // use the entire URI so we can provide a subsegment with useful information.\n hostName = requestEvent.getService();\n }\n Subsegment subsegment = beginSubsegment(hostName);\n\n // Adds http metadata and stores the Trace Header into the request header.\n if (subsegment != null) {\n addRequestInformation(subsegment, requestEvent, uri);\n }\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n aws-xray-agent/src/test/java/com/amazonaws/xray/agent/runtime/handlers/downstream/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void testHandleGetRequest() throws Exception {\n HttpServiceDownstreamRequestEvent requestEventSpy = spy(httpClientRequestEvent);\n httpClientHandler.handleRequest(requestEventSpy);\n\n Subsegment httpClientSubsegment = AWSXRay.getCurrentSubsegment();\n Assert.assertEquals(Namespace.REMOTE.toString(), httpClientSubsegment.getNamespace());\n Assert.assertEquals(new URI(SERVICE).getHost(), httpClientSubsegment.getName());\n Assert.assertTrue(httpClientSubsegment.isInProgress());\n\n Map<String, String> requestMap = (Map<String, String>) httpClientSubsegment.getHttp().get(\"request\");\n Assert.assertEquals(OPERATION, requestMap.get(\"method\"));\n\n // Trace header check\n TraceID traceID = httpClientSubsegment.getParentSegment().getTraceId();\n String parentID = httpClientSubsegment.getId();\n TraceHeader.SampleDecision sampleDecision = parentSegment.isSampled() ? TraceHeader.SampleDecision.SAMPLED : TraceHeader.SampleDecision.NOT_SAMPLED;\n TraceHeader theTraceHeader = new TraceHeader(traceID, parentID, sampleDecision);\n verify(requestEventSpy).replaceHeader(TraceHeader.HEADER_KEY, theTraceHeader.toString());\n\n Assert.assertEquals(parentSegment, httpClientSubsegment.getParentSegment());\n Assert.assertEquals(1, parentSegment.getSubsegments().size());\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
@Nullable @Override public Integer get() { if (contains()) { // at this point, returning the fallback value is impossible return readSharedPreferences().getInt(getKey(), 0); } else { return getDefaultValue(); } }
@Test public void testGet() throws Exception { assertNull(mNullPref.get()); assertTrue(mTenPref.get() == 10); }
[ "contains", "getInt", "readSharedPreferences", "getKey", "getDefaultValue" ]
[ "assertNull", "get", "assertTrue", "get" ]
{ "class_fields": "private static final String CNAME = IntegerPreferenceTest.class.getCanonicalName();\nprivate IntegerPreference mNullPref;\nprivate IntegerPreference mTenPref;", "class_name": "IntegerPreferenceTest" }
{ "class_fields": "", "class_name": "IntegerPreference extends Preference<Integer>", "method_signatures": "public IntegerPreference(final String name, final String key,\n @Nullable final Integer defaultValue)\n@Override public boolean exists()\n@Nullable @Override public Integer get()\n@Override protected void performSet(@NonNull final Integer newValue)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: project/app/src/main/java/com/charlesmadere/hummingbird/preferences/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: IntegerPreference extends Preference<Integer>\n\nclass_fields: \n\nmethod_signatures: public IntegerPreference(final String name, final String key,\n @Nullable final Integer defaultValue)\n@Override public boolean exists()\n@Nullable @Override public Integer get()\n@Override protected void performSet(@NonNull final Integer newValue)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: IntegerPreferenceTest\n\nclass_fields: private static final String CNAME = IntegerPreferenceTest.class.getCanonicalName();\nprivate IntegerPreference mNullPref;\nprivate IntegerPreference mTenPref;\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file project/app/src/main/java/com/charlesmadere/hummingbird/preferences/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n @Nullable\n @Override\n public Integer get() {\n if (contains()) {\n // at this point, returning the fallback value is impossible\n return readSharedPreferences().getInt(getKey(), 0);\n } else {\n return getDefaultValue();\n }\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n project/app/src/test/java/com/charlesmadere/hummingbird/preferences/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void testGet() throws Exception {\n assertNull(mNullPref.get());\n assertTrue(mTenPref.get() == 10);\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
@Override public T get() { if (exists()) { return getGson().fromJson(mStringPreference.get(), mType); } else { return getDefaultValue(); } }
@Test public void testGet() throws Exception { assertNull(mNullPref.get()); Employee sheik = mSheikPref.get(); assertNotNull(sheik); assertEquals(sheik.mId, SHEIK_ID); assertEquals(sheik.mName, SHEIK_NAME); }
[ "exists", "fromJson", "getGson", "get", "getDefaultValue" ]
[ "assertNull", "get", "get", "assertNotNull", "assertEquals", "assertEquals" ]
{ "class_fields": "private static final String CNAME = GsonPreferenceTest.class.getCanonicalName();\nprivate static final int SHEIK_ID = 10;\nprivate static final String SHEIK_NAME = \"Zelda\";\nprivate GsonPreference<Employee> mNullPref;\nprivate GsonPreference<Employee> mSheikPref;", "class_name": "GsonPreferenceTest" }
{ "class_fields": "private final StringPreference mStringPreference;\nprivate final Type mType;", "class_name": "GsonPreference extends Preference<T>", "method_signatures": "public GsonPreference(final String name, final String key, final Type type,\n @Nullable final T defaultValue)\n@Override public boolean exists()\n@Override public T get()\n@NonNull public final Gson getGson()\n@Override protected void performSet(@NonNull final T newValue)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: project/app/src/main/java/com/charlesmadere/hummingbird/preferences/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: GsonPreference extends Preference<T>\n\nclass_fields: private final StringPreference mStringPreference;\nprivate final Type mType;\n\nmethod_signatures: public GsonPreference(final String name, final String key, final Type type,\n @Nullable final T defaultValue)\n@Override public boolean exists()\n@Override public T get()\n@NonNull public final Gson getGson()\n@Override protected void performSet(@NonNull final T newValue)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: GsonPreferenceTest\n\nclass_fields: private static final String CNAME = GsonPreferenceTest.class.getCanonicalName();\nprivate static final int SHEIK_ID = 10;\nprivate static final String SHEIK_NAME = \"Zelda\";\nprivate GsonPreference<Employee> mNullPref;\nprivate GsonPreference<Employee> mSheikPref;\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file project/app/src/main/java/com/charlesmadere/hummingbird/preferences/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n @Override\n public T get() {\n if (exists()) {\n return getGson().fromJson(mStringPreference.get(), mType);\n } else {\n return getDefaultValue();\n }\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n project/app/src/test/java/com/charlesmadere/hummingbird/preferences/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void testGet() throws Exception {\n assertNull(mNullPref.get());\n\n Employee sheik = mSheikPref.get();\n assertNotNull(sheik);\n assertEquals(sheik.mId, SHEIK_ID);\n assertEquals(sheik.mName, SHEIK_NAME);\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
public void dispatchResponseEvent(Event event) { XRayHandlerInterface xrayHandler = getHandler(event); if (xrayHandler != null) { xrayHandler.handleResponse(event); } }
@Test public void testDispatchResponse() { ServiceActivityRequestEvent serviceRequestEvent = mock(ServiceActivityRequestEvent.class); ServiceActivityResponseEvent serviceResponseEvent = new ServiceActivityResponseEvent(ORIGIN, SERVICE, OPERATION, serviceRequestEvent); eventDispatcher.dispatchResponseEvent(serviceResponseEvent); verify(mockHandler, times(1)).handleResponse(serviceResponseEvent); }
[ "getHandler", "handleResponse" ]
[ "mock", "dispatchResponseEvent", "handleResponse", "verify", "times" ]
{ "class_fields": "private final String ORIGIN = \"testOrigin\";\nprivate final String SERVICE = \"testService\";\nprivate final String OPERATION = \"testOperation\";\n@Mock\n private XRayHandlerInterface mockHandler;\nprivate EventDispatcher eventDispatcher;", "class_name": "EventDispatcherTest" }
{ "class_fields": "private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(EventDispatcher.class);\nprivate Map<String, XRayHandlerInterface> originHandlerMap;", "class_name": "EventDispatcher", "method_signatures": "public EventDispatcher()\npublic void addHandler(String origin, XRayHandlerInterface handler)\nprivate XRayHandlerInterface getHandler(Event event)\npublic void dispatchRequestEvent(Event event)\npublic void dispatchResponseEvent(Event event)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: aws-xray-agent/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/xray/agent/runtime/dispatcher/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: EventDispatcher\n\nclass_fields: private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(EventDispatcher.class);\nprivate Map<String, XRayHandlerInterface> originHandlerMap;\n\nmethod_signatures: public EventDispatcher()\npublic void addHandler(String origin, XRayHandlerInterface handler)\nprivate XRayHandlerInterface getHandler(Event event)\npublic void dispatchRequestEvent(Event event)\npublic void dispatchResponseEvent(Event event)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: EventDispatcherTest\n\nclass_fields: private final String ORIGIN = \"testOrigin\";\nprivate final String SERVICE = \"testService\";\nprivate final String OPERATION = \"testOperation\";\n@Mock\n private XRayHandlerInterface mockHandler;\nprivate EventDispatcher eventDispatcher;\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file aws-xray-agent/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/xray/agent/runtime/dispatcher/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n public void dispatchResponseEvent(Event event) {\n XRayHandlerInterface xrayHandler = getHandler(event);\n if (xrayHandler != null) {\n xrayHandler.handleResponse(event);\n }\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n aws-xray-agent/src/test/java/com/amazonaws/xray/agent/runtime/dispatcher/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void testDispatchResponse() {\n ServiceActivityRequestEvent serviceRequestEvent = mock(ServiceActivityRequestEvent.class);\n ServiceActivityResponseEvent serviceResponseEvent = new ServiceActivityResponseEvent(ORIGIN, SERVICE, OPERATION, serviceRequestEvent);\n eventDispatcher.dispatchResponseEvent(serviceResponseEvent);\n verify(mockHandler, times(1)).handleResponse(serviceResponseEvent);\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
@Override public void handleResponse(Event event) { ServiceResponseEvent responseEvent = (ServiceResponseEvent) event; Request awsReq = (Request) responseEvent.getRequest().getRequest(); Response awsResp = (Response) responseEvent.getResponse(); if (responseEvent.getThrown() == null) { tracingHandler.afterResponse(awsReq, awsResp); } else { Throwable exception = responseEvent.getThrown(); tracingHandler.afterError(awsReq, awsResp, (Exception) exception); } }
@Test public void testHandleAWSResponse() { ServiceDownstreamRequestEvent awsRequestEvent = new ServiceDownstreamRequestEvent(ORIGIN, SERVICE, OPERATION); awsRequestEvent.withRequest(awsRequest); ServiceDownstreamResponseEvent awsResponseEvent = new ServiceDownstreamResponseEvent(ORIGIN, SERVICE, OPERATION, awsRequestEvent); awsResponseEvent.withResponse(awsResponse); Subsegment awsSubsegment = AWSXRay.beginSubsegment(SERVICE); awsSubsegment.setNamespace("aws"); // Mimic aws namespace so that the subsegment would be processed. awsHandler.handleResponse(awsResponseEvent); Map<String, Object> awsMap = awsSubsegment.getAws(); Assert.assertEquals(AWS_REQUEST_ID, awsMap.get("request_id")); Assert.assertEquals(SCAN_COUNT, awsMap.get("scanned_count")); Assert.assertEquals(COUNT, awsMap.get("count")); Map<String, Object> httpMap = awsSubsegment.getHttp(); Assert.assertEquals(200, ((Map<String, Integer>) httpMap.get("response")).get("status").intValue()); }
[ "getRequest", "getRequest", "getResponse", "getThrown", "afterResponse", "getThrown", "afterError" ]
[ "withRequest", "withResponse", "beginSubsegment", "setNamespace", "handleResponse", "getAws", "assertEquals", "get", "assertEquals", "get", "assertEquals", "get", "getHttp", "assertEquals", "intValue", "get", "get" ]
{ "class_fields": "private final String ORIGIN = \"AWSv1\";\nprivate final String SERVICE = \"AmazonDynamoDBv2\";\nprivate final String OPERATION = \"ScanRequest\";\nprivate final String TABLE_NAME = \"TestTableName\";\nprivate final String AWS_REQUEST_ID = \"SOMERANDOMID\";\nprivate final int COUNT = 25;\nprivate final int SCAN_COUNT = 10;\nprivate AWSHandler awsHandler;\n@Mock\n private Request awsRequest;\nprivate Response awsResponse;\nprivate ScanRequest scanRequest;\nprivate ScanResult scanResult;\nprivate Segment parentSegment;", "class_name": "AWSHandlerTest" }
{ "class_fields": "private TracingHandler tracingHandler;", "class_name": "AWSHandler extends XRayHandler", "method_signatures": "public AWSHandler()\npublic AWSHandler(URL serviceHandlerManifest)\n@Override public void handleRequest(Event event)\n@Override public void handleResponse(Event event)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: aws-xray-agent/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/xray/agent/runtime/handlers/downstream/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: AWSHandler extends XRayHandler\n\nclass_fields: private TracingHandler tracingHandler;\n\nmethod_signatures: public AWSHandler()\npublic AWSHandler(URL serviceHandlerManifest)\n@Override public void handleRequest(Event event)\n@Override public void handleResponse(Event event)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: AWSHandlerTest\n\nclass_fields: private final String ORIGIN = \"AWSv1\";\nprivate final String SERVICE = \"AmazonDynamoDBv2\";\nprivate final String OPERATION = \"ScanRequest\";\nprivate final String TABLE_NAME = \"TestTableName\";\nprivate final String AWS_REQUEST_ID = \"SOMERANDOMID\";\nprivate final int COUNT = 25;\nprivate final int SCAN_COUNT = 10;\nprivate AWSHandler awsHandler;\n@Mock\n private Request awsRequest;\nprivate Response awsResponse;\nprivate ScanRequest scanRequest;\nprivate ScanResult scanResult;\nprivate Segment parentSegment;\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file aws-xray-agent/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/xray/agent/runtime/handlers/downstream/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n @Override\n public void handleResponse(Event event) {\n ServiceResponseEvent responseEvent = (ServiceResponseEvent) event;\n Request awsReq = (Request) responseEvent.getRequest().getRequest();\n Response awsResp = (Response) responseEvent.getResponse();\n\n if (responseEvent.getThrown() == null) {\n tracingHandler.afterResponse(awsReq, awsResp);\n } else {\n Throwable exception = responseEvent.getThrown();\n tracingHandler.afterError(awsReq, awsResp, (Exception) exception);\n }\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n aws-xray-agent/src/test/java/com/amazonaws/xray/agent/runtime/handlers/downstream/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void testHandleAWSResponse() {\n ServiceDownstreamRequestEvent awsRequestEvent = new ServiceDownstreamRequestEvent(ORIGIN, SERVICE, OPERATION);\n awsRequestEvent.withRequest(awsRequest);\n ServiceDownstreamResponseEvent awsResponseEvent = new ServiceDownstreamResponseEvent(ORIGIN, SERVICE, OPERATION, awsRequestEvent);\n awsResponseEvent.withResponse(awsResponse);\n\n Subsegment awsSubsegment = AWSXRay.beginSubsegment(SERVICE);\n awsSubsegment.setNamespace(\"aws\"); // Mimic aws namespace so that the subsegment would be processed.\n awsHandler.handleResponse(awsResponseEvent);\n\n Map<String, Object> awsMap = awsSubsegment.getAws();\n Assert.assertEquals(AWS_REQUEST_ID, awsMap.get(\"request_id\"));\n Assert.assertEquals(SCAN_COUNT, awsMap.get(\"scanned_count\"));\n Assert.assertEquals(COUNT, awsMap.get(\"count\"));\n\n Map<String, Object> httpMap = awsSubsegment.getHttp();\n Assert.assertEquals(200, ((Map<String, Integer>) httpMap.get(\"response\")).get(\"status\").intValue());\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
@VisibleForTesting protected static boolean impliesURI(String policy, String request) { try { URI policyURI = new URI(new StrSubstitutor(System.getProperties()).replace(policy)); URI requestURI = new URI(request); if(policyURI.getScheme() == null || policyURI.getPath() == null) { LOGGER.warn("Policy URI " + policy + " is not valid. Either no scheme or no path."); return false; } if(requestURI.getScheme() == null || requestURI.getPath() == null) { LOGGER.warn("Request URI " + request + " is not valid. Either no scheme or no path."); return false; } // schemes are equal && // request path does not contain relative parts /a/../b && // request path starts with policy path && // authorities (nullable) are equal String requestPath = requestURI.getPath() + File.separator; String policyPath = policyURI.getPath() + File.separator; if(policyURI.getScheme().equals(requestURI.getScheme()) && requestURI.getPath().equals(new URI(request).normalize().getPath()) && requestPath.startsWith(policyPath) && Strings.nullToEmpty(policyURI.getAuthority()).equals(Strings.nullToEmpty(requestURI.getAuthority()))) { return true; } return false; } catch (URISyntaxException e) { LOGGER.warn("Request URI " + request + " is not a URI", e); return false; } }
@Test public void testImpliesURINegative() throws Exception { // relative path assertFalse(WildcardPermission.impliesURI("hdfs://namenode:8020/path", "hdfs://namenode:8020/path/to/../../other")); assertFalse(WildcardPermission.impliesURI("file:///path", "file:///path/to/../../other")); // bad policy assertFalse(WildcardPermission.impliesURI("blah", "hdfs://namenode:8020/path/to/some/dir")); // bad request assertFalse(WildcardPermission.impliesURI("hdfs://namenode:8020/path", "blah")); // scheme assertFalse(WildcardPermission.impliesURI("hdfs://namenode:8020/path", "file:///path/to/some/dir")); assertFalse(WildcardPermission.impliesURI("hdfs://namenode:8020/path", "file://namenode:8020/path/to/some/dir")); // hostname assertFalse(WildcardPermission.impliesURI("hdfs://namenode1:8020/path", "hdfs://namenode2:8020/path/to/some/dir")); // port assertFalse(WildcardPermission.impliesURI("hdfs://namenode:8020/path", "hdfs://namenode:8021/path/to/some/dir")); // mangled path assertFalse(WildcardPermission.impliesURI("hdfs://namenode:8020/path", "hdfs://namenode:8020/pathFooBar")); }
[ "replace", "getProperties", "getScheme", "getPath", "warn", "getScheme", "getPath", "warn", "getPath", "getPath", "equals", "getScheme", "getScheme", "equals", "getPath", "getPath", "normalize", "startsWith", "equals", "nullToEmpty", "getAuthority", "nullToEmpty", "getAuthority", "warn" ]
[ "assertFalse", "impliesURI", "assertFalse", "impliesURI", "assertFalse", "impliesURI", "assertFalse", "impliesURI", "assertFalse", "impliesURI", "assertFalse", "impliesURI", "assertFalse", "impliesURI", "assertFalse", "impliesURI", "assertFalse", "impliesURI" ]
{ "class_fields": "private static final String ALL = AccessConstants.ALL;\nprivate static final Permission ROLE_SERVER_SERVER1_DB_ALL =\n create(new KeyValue(\"server\", \"server1\"), new KeyValue(\"db\", ALL));\nprivate static final Permission ROLE_SERVER_SERVER1_DB_DB1 =\n create(new KeyValue(\"server\", \"server1\"), new KeyValue(\"db\", \"db1\"));\nprivate static final Permission ROLE_SERVER_SERVER2_DB_ALL =\n create(new KeyValue(\"server\", \"server2\"), new KeyValue(\"db\", ALL));\nprivate static final Permission ROLE_SERVER_SERVER2_DB_DB1 =\n create(new KeyValue(\"server\", \"server2\"), new KeyValue(\"db\", \"db1\"));\nprivate static final Permission ROLE_SERVER_ALL_DB_ALL =\n create(new KeyValue(\"server\", ALL), new KeyValue(\"db\", ALL));\nprivate static final Permission ROLE_SERVER_ALL_DB_DB1 =\n create(new KeyValue(\"server\", ALL), new KeyValue(\"db\", \"db1\"));\nprivate static final Permission ROLE_SERVER_SERVER1_URI_URI1 =\n create(new KeyValue(\"server\", \"server1\"), new KeyValue(\"uri\",\n \"hdfs://namenode:8020/path/to/uri1\"));\nprivate static final Permission ROLE_SERVER_SERVER1_URI_URI2 =\n create(new KeyValue(\"server\", \"server1\"), new KeyValue(\"uri\",\n \"hdfs://namenode:8020/path/to/uri2\"));\nprivate static final Permission ROLE_SERVER_SERVER1_URI_ALL =\n create(new KeyValue(\"server\", \"server1\"), new KeyValue(\"uri\", ALL));\nprivate static final Permission ROLE_SERVER_SERVER1 =\n create(new KeyValue(\"server\", \"server1\"));\nprivate static final Permission REQUEST_SERVER1_DB1 =\n create(new KeyValue(\"server\", \"server1\"), new KeyValue(\"db\", \"db1\"));\nprivate static final Permission REQUEST_SERVER2_DB1 =\n create(new KeyValue(\"server\", \"server2\"), new KeyValue(\"db\", \"db1\"));\nprivate static final Permission REQUEST_SERVER1_DB2 =\n create(new KeyValue(\"server\", \"server1\"), new KeyValue(\"db\", \"db2\"));\nprivate static final Permission REQUEST_SERVER2_DB2 =\n create(new KeyValue(\"server\", \"server2\"), new KeyValue(\"db\", \"db2\"));\nprivate static final Permission REQUEST_SERVER1_URI1 =\n create(new KeyValue(\"server\", \"server1\"), new KeyValue(\"uri\",\n \"hdfs://namenode:8020/path/to/uri1/some/file\"));\nprivate static final Permission REQUEST_SERVER1_URI2 =\n create(new KeyValue(\"server\", \"server1\"), new KeyValue(\"uri\",\n \"hdfs://namenode:8020/path/to/uri2/some/other/file\"));\nprivate static final Permission REQUEST_SERVER1_OTHER =\n create(new KeyValue(\"server\", \"server2\"), new KeyValue(\"other\", \"thing\"));\nprivate static final Permission REQUEST_SERVER1 =\n create(new KeyValue(\"server\", \"server2\"));", "class_name": "TestWildcardPermission" }
{ "class_fields": "private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory\n .getLogger(WildcardPermission.class);\nprivate static final long serialVersionUID = -6785051263922740818L;\nprivate final ImmutableList<KeyValue> parts;", "class_name": "WildcardPermission implements Permission, Serializable", "method_signatures": "public WildcardPermission(String wildcardString)\n@Override public boolean implies(Permission p)\nprivate boolean impliesKeyValue(KeyValue policyPart, KeyValue requestPart)\n@VisibleForTesting protected static boolean impliesURI(String policy, String request)\n@Override public String toString()\n@Override public boolean equals(Object o)\n@Override public int hashCode()" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: sentry-provider/sentry-provider-file/src/main/java/org/apache/sentry/provider/file/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: WildcardPermission implements Permission, Serializable\n\nclass_fields: private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory\n .getLogger(WildcardPermission.class);\nprivate static final long serialVersionUID = -6785051263922740818L;\nprivate final ImmutableList<KeyValue> parts;\n\nmethod_signatures: public WildcardPermission(String wildcardString)\n@Override public boolean implies(Permission p)\nprivate boolean impliesKeyValue(KeyValue policyPart, KeyValue requestPart)\n@VisibleForTesting protected static boolean impliesURI(String policy, String request)\n@Override public String toString()\n@Override public boolean equals(Object o)\n@Override public int hashCode()\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: TestWildcardPermission\n\nclass_fields: private static final String ALL = AccessConstants.ALL;\nprivate static final Permission ROLE_SERVER_SERVER1_DB_ALL =\n create(new KeyValue(\"server\", \"server1\"), new KeyValue(\"db\", ALL));\nprivate static final Permission ROLE_SERVER_SERVER1_DB_DB1 =\n create(new KeyValue(\"server\", \"server1\"), new KeyValue(\"db\", \"db1\"));\nprivate static final Permission ROLE_SERVER_SERVER2_DB_ALL =\n create(new KeyValue(\"server\", \"server2\"), new KeyValue(\"db\", ALL));\nprivate static final Permission ROLE_SERVER_SERVER2_DB_DB1 =\n create(new KeyValue(\"server\", \"server2\"), new KeyValue(\"db\", \"db1\"));\nprivate static final Permission ROLE_SERVER_ALL_DB_ALL =\n create(new KeyValue(\"server\", ALL), new KeyValue(\"db\", ALL));\nprivate static final Permission ROLE_SERVER_ALL_DB_DB1 =\n create(new KeyValue(\"server\", ALL), new KeyValue(\"db\", \"db1\"));\nprivate static final Permission ROLE_SERVER_SERVER1_URI_URI1 =\n create(new KeyValue(\"server\", \"server1\"), new KeyValue(\"uri\",\n \"hdfs://namenode:8020/path/to/uri1\"));\nprivate static final Permission ROLE_SERVER_SERVER1_URI_URI2 =\n create(new KeyValue(\"server\", \"server1\"), new KeyValue(\"uri\",\n \"hdfs://namenode:8020/path/to/uri2\"));\nprivate static final Permission ROLE_SERVER_SERVER1_URI_ALL =\n create(new KeyValue(\"server\", \"server1\"), new KeyValue(\"uri\", ALL));\nprivate static final Permission ROLE_SERVER_SERVER1 =\n create(new KeyValue(\"server\", \"server1\"));\nprivate static final Permission REQUEST_SERVER1_DB1 =\n create(new KeyValue(\"server\", \"server1\"), new KeyValue(\"db\", \"db1\"));\nprivate static final Permission REQUEST_SERVER2_DB1 =\n create(new KeyValue(\"server\", \"server2\"), new KeyValue(\"db\", \"db1\"));\nprivate static final Permission REQUEST_SERVER1_DB2 =\n create(new KeyValue(\"server\", \"server1\"), new KeyValue(\"db\", \"db2\"));\nprivate static final Permission REQUEST_SERVER2_DB2 =\n create(new KeyValue(\"server\", \"server2\"), new KeyValue(\"db\", \"db2\"));\nprivate static final Permission REQUEST_SERVER1_URI1 =\n create(new KeyValue(\"server\", \"server1\"), new KeyValue(\"uri\",\n \"hdfs://namenode:8020/path/to/uri1/some/file\"));\nprivate static final Permission REQUEST_SERVER1_URI2 =\n create(new KeyValue(\"server\", \"server1\"), new KeyValue(\"uri\",\n \"hdfs://namenode:8020/path/to/uri2/some/other/file\"));\nprivate static final Permission REQUEST_SERVER1_OTHER =\n create(new KeyValue(\"server\", \"server2\"), new KeyValue(\"other\", \"thing\"));\nprivate static final Permission REQUEST_SERVER1 =\n create(new KeyValue(\"server\", \"server2\"));\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file sentry-provider/sentry-provider-file/src/main/java/org/apache/sentry/provider/file/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n @VisibleForTesting\n protected static boolean impliesURI(String policy, String request) {\n try {\n URI policyURI = new URI(new StrSubstitutor(System.getProperties()).replace(policy));\n URI requestURI = new URI(request);\n if(policyURI.getScheme() == null || policyURI.getPath() == null) {\n LOGGER.warn(\"Policy URI \" + policy + \" is not valid. Either no scheme or no path.\");\n return false;\n }\n if(requestURI.getScheme() == null || requestURI.getPath() == null) {\n LOGGER.warn(\"Request URI \" + request + \" is not valid. Either no scheme or no path.\");\n return false;\n }\n // schemes are equal &&\n // request path does not contain relative parts /a/../b &&\n // request path starts with policy path &&\n // authorities (nullable) are equal\n String requestPath = requestURI.getPath() + File.separator;\n String policyPath = policyURI.getPath() + File.separator;\n if(policyURI.getScheme().equals(requestURI.getScheme()) &&\n requestURI.getPath().equals(new URI(request).normalize().getPath()) &&\n requestPath.startsWith(policyPath) &&\n Strings.nullToEmpty(policyURI.getAuthority()).equals(Strings.nullToEmpty(requestURI.getAuthority()))) {\n return true;\n }\n return false;\n } catch (URISyntaxException e) {\n LOGGER.warn(\"Request URI \" + request + \" is not a URI\", e);\n return false;\n }\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n sentry-provider/sentry-provider-file/src/test/java/org/apache/sentry/provider/file/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void testImpliesURINegative() throws Exception {\n // relative path\n assertFalse(WildcardPermission.impliesURI(\"hdfs://namenode:8020/path\",\n \"hdfs://namenode:8020/path/to/../../other\"));\n assertFalse(WildcardPermission.impliesURI(\"file:///path\",\n \"file:///path/to/../../other\"));\n // bad policy\n assertFalse(WildcardPermission.impliesURI(\"blah\",\n \"hdfs://namenode:8020/path/to/some/dir\"));\n // bad request\n assertFalse(WildcardPermission.impliesURI(\"hdfs://namenode:8020/path\",\n \"blah\"));\n // scheme\n assertFalse(WildcardPermission.impliesURI(\"hdfs://namenode:8020/path\",\n \"file:///path/to/some/dir\"));\n assertFalse(WildcardPermission.impliesURI(\"hdfs://namenode:8020/path\",\n \"file://namenode:8020/path/to/some/dir\"));\n // hostname\n assertFalse(WildcardPermission.impliesURI(\"hdfs://namenode1:8020/path\",\n \"hdfs://namenode2:8020/path/to/some/dir\"));\n // port\n assertFalse(WildcardPermission.impliesURI(\"hdfs://namenode:8020/path\",\n \"hdfs://namenode:8021/path/to/some/dir\"));\n // mangled path\n assertFalse(WildcardPermission.impliesURI(\"hdfs://namenode:8020/path\",\n \"hdfs://namenode:8020/pathFooBar\"));\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
@Nullable public static String[] getGroupLogos(@Nullable final String logo) { if (!isValidArtwork(logo)) { return null; } final String replace; if (logo.contains('/' + Constants.IMAGE_TEMPLATE_MEDIUM + '.')) { replace = '/' + Constants.IMAGE_TEMPLATE_MEDIUM + '.'; } else if (logo.contains('/' + Constants.IMAGE_TEMPLATE_SMALL + '.')) { replace = '/' + Constants.IMAGE_TEMPLATE_SMALL + '.'; } else if (logo.contains('/' + Constants.IMAGE_TEMPLATE_THUMB + '.')) { replace = '/' + Constants.IMAGE_TEMPLATE_THUMB + '.'; } else if (logo.contains('/' + Constants.IMAGE_TEMPLATE_THUMB_SMALL + '.')) { replace = '/' + Constants.IMAGE_TEMPLATE_THUMB_SMALL + '.'; } else if (logo.contains('/' + Constants.IMAGE_TEMPLATE_ORIGINAL + '.')) { replace = '/' + Constants.IMAGE_TEMPLATE_ORIGINAL + '.'; } else { return new String[] { logo }; } return new String[] { logo.replaceFirst(replace, '/' + Constants.IMAGE_TEMPLATE_THUMB + '.'), logo.replaceFirst(replace, '/' + Constants.IMAGE_TEMPLATE_THUMB_SMALL + '.'), logo.replaceFirst(replace, '/' + Constants.IMAGE_TEMPLATE_SMALL + '.'), logo.replaceFirst(replace, '/' + Constants.IMAGE_TEMPLATE_MEDIUM + '.'), logo.replaceFirst(replace, '/' + Constants.IMAGE_TEMPLATE_ORIGINAL + '.') }; }
@Test public void testGetGroupLogos() throws Exception { assertNull(MiscUtils.getGroupLogos(null)); assertNull(MiscUtils.getGroupLogos("")); assertNotNull(MiscUtils.getGroupLogos(LOGO0)); assertNotNull(MiscUtils.getGroupLogos(LOGO1)); assertNotNull(MiscUtils.getGroupLogos(LOGO2)); assertNotNull(MiscUtils.getGroupLogos(LOGO3)); assertNotNull(MiscUtils.getGroupLogos(LOGO4)); assertNotNull(MiscUtils.getGroupLogos(LOGO5)); assertNotNull(MiscUtils.getGroupLogos(LOGO6)); }
[ "isValidArtwork", "contains", "contains", "contains", "contains", "contains", "replaceFirst", "replaceFirst", "replaceFirst", "replaceFirst", "replaceFirst" ]
[ "assertNull", "getGroupLogos", "assertNull", "getGroupLogos", "assertNotNull", "getGroupLogos", "assertNotNull", "getGroupLogos", "assertNotNull", "getGroupLogos", "assertNotNull", "getGroupLogos", "assertNotNull", "getGroupLogos", "assertNotNull", "getGroupLogos", "assertNotNull", "getGroupLogos" ]
{ "class_fields": "private static final String AVATAR0 = \"\";\nprivate static final String AVATAR1 = \"\";\nprivate static final String AVATAR2 = \"\";\nprivate static final String AVATAR3 = \"\";\nprivate static final String AVATAR4 = \"\";\nprivate static final String AVATAR5 = \"\";\nprivate static final String AVATAR6 = \"\";\nprivate static final String AVATAR7 = \"\";\nprivate static final String AVATAR8 = \"\";\nprivate static final String LOGO0 = \"\";\nprivate static final String LOGO1 = \"\";\nprivate static final String LOGO2 = \"\";\nprivate static final String LOGO3 = \"\";\nprivate static final String LOGO4 = \"\";\nprivate static final String LOGO5 = \"\";\nprivate static final String LOGO6 = \"\";", "class_name": "MiscUtilsTest" }
{ "class_fields": "private static final String TAG = \"MiscUtils\";\nprivate static final long MINUTE_IN_SECONDS = TimeUnit.MINUTES.toSeconds(1L);\nprivate static final long HOUR_IN_SECONDS = TimeUnit.HOURS.toSeconds(1L);\nprivate static final long DAY_IN_SECONDS = TimeUnit.DAYS.toSeconds(1L);\nprivate static final long WEEK_IN_SECONDS = TimeUnit.DAYS.toSeconds(7L);\nprivate static final long MONTH_IN_SECONDS = TimeUnit.DAYS.toSeconds(30L);\nprivate static final long YEAR_IN_SECONDS = TimeUnit.DAYS.toSeconds(365L);", "class_name": "MiscUtils", "method_signatures": "public static boolean booleanEquals(@Nullable final Boolean lhs, @Nullable final Boolean rhs)\npublic static void closeKeyboard(final Activity activity)\npublic static void exclusiveAdd(final List<T> list, @Nullable final List<T> elementsToAdd)\npublic static Activity getActivity(final Context context)\n@ColorInt public static int getAttrColor(final Context context, @AttrRes final int colorResId)\n@ColorInt public static int getDrawableColor(final Context context, @Nullable final Drawable drawable)\n@ColorInt public static int getDrawableColor(final View view, @Nullable final Drawable drawable)\npublic static CharSequence getElapsedTime(final Resources res, long seconds)\n@Nullable public static String[] getGroupLogos(@Nullable final String logo)\npublic static LayerDrawable getStatusBarScrim(final Context context,\n @Nullable final Drawable statusBarBackground)\n@Nullable public static String[] getUserAvatars(@Nullable final String avatar)\npublic static int integerCompare(final int lhs, final int rhs)\npublic static boolean integerEquals(@Nullable final Integer lhs, @Nullable final Integer rhs)\npublic static boolean isLowRamDevice()\npublic static boolean isValidArtwork(final String url)\npublic static void openKeyboard(final Context context, final View view)\npublic static void openUrl(final Activity activity, final String url)\npublic static void openUrl(final Context context, final String url)\n@Nullable public static Activity optActivity(@Nullable final Context context)\n@Nullable public static ArrayList<T> toArrayList(@Nullable final Collection<T> collection)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: project/app/src/main/java/com/charlesmadere/hummingbird/misc/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: MiscUtils\n\nclass_fields: private static final String TAG = \"MiscUtils\";\nprivate static final long MINUTE_IN_SECONDS = TimeUnit.MINUTES.toSeconds(1L);\nprivate static final long HOUR_IN_SECONDS = TimeUnit.HOURS.toSeconds(1L);\nprivate static final long DAY_IN_SECONDS = TimeUnit.DAYS.toSeconds(1L);\nprivate static final long WEEK_IN_SECONDS = TimeUnit.DAYS.toSeconds(7L);\nprivate static final long MONTH_IN_SECONDS = TimeUnit.DAYS.toSeconds(30L);\nprivate static final long YEAR_IN_SECONDS = TimeUnit.DAYS.toSeconds(365L);\n\nmethod_signatures: public static boolean booleanEquals(@Nullable final Boolean lhs, @Nullable final Boolean rhs)\npublic static void closeKeyboard(final Activity activity)\npublic static void exclusiveAdd(final List<T> list, @Nullable final List<T> elementsToAdd)\npublic static Activity getActivity(final Context context)\n@ColorInt public static int getAttrColor(final Context context, @AttrRes final int colorResId)\n@ColorInt public static int getDrawableColor(final Context context, @Nullable final Drawable drawable)\n@ColorInt public static int getDrawableColor(final View view, @Nullable final Drawable drawable)\npublic static CharSequence getElapsedTime(final Resources res, long seconds)\n@Nullable public static String[] getGroupLogos(@Nullable final String logo)\npublic static LayerDrawable getStatusBarScrim(final Context context,\n @Nullable final Drawable statusBarBackground)\n@Nullable public static String[] getUserAvatars(@Nullable final String avatar)\npublic static int integerCompare(final int lhs, final int rhs)\npublic static boolean integerEquals(@Nullable final Integer lhs, @Nullable final Integer rhs)\npublic static boolean isLowRamDevice()\npublic static boolean isValidArtwork(final String url)\npublic static void openKeyboard(final Context context, final View view)\npublic static void openUrl(final Activity activity, final String url)\npublic static void openUrl(final Context context, final String url)\n@Nullable public static Activity optActivity(@Nullable final Context context)\n@Nullable public static ArrayList<T> toArrayList(@Nullable final Collection<T> collection)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: MiscUtilsTest\n\nclass_fields: private static final String AVATAR0 = \"\";\nprivate static final String AVATAR1 = \"\";\nprivate static final String AVATAR2 = \"\";\nprivate static final String AVATAR3 = \"\";\nprivate static final String AVATAR4 = \"\";\nprivate static final String AVATAR5 = \"\";\nprivate static final String AVATAR6 = \"\";\nprivate static final String AVATAR7 = \"\";\nprivate static final String AVATAR8 = \"\";\nprivate static final String LOGO0 = \"\";\nprivate static final String LOGO1 = \"\";\nprivate static final String LOGO2 = \"\";\nprivate static final String LOGO3 = \"\";\nprivate static final String LOGO4 = \"\";\nprivate static final String LOGO5 = \"\";\nprivate static final String LOGO6 = \"\";\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file project/app/src/main/java/com/charlesmadere/hummingbird/misc/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n @Nullable\n public static String[] getGroupLogos(@Nullable final String logo) {\n if (!isValidArtwork(logo)) {\n return null;\n }\n\n final String replace;\n if (logo.contains('/' + Constants.IMAGE_TEMPLATE_MEDIUM + '.')) {\n replace = '/' + Constants.IMAGE_TEMPLATE_MEDIUM + '.';\n } else if (logo.contains('/' + Constants.IMAGE_TEMPLATE_SMALL + '.')) {\n replace = '/' + Constants.IMAGE_TEMPLATE_SMALL + '.';\n } else if (logo.contains('/' + Constants.IMAGE_TEMPLATE_THUMB + '.')) {\n replace = '/' + Constants.IMAGE_TEMPLATE_THUMB + '.';\n } else if (logo.contains('/' + Constants.IMAGE_TEMPLATE_THUMB_SMALL + '.')) {\n replace = '/' + Constants.IMAGE_TEMPLATE_THUMB_SMALL + '.';\n } else if (logo.contains('/' + Constants.IMAGE_TEMPLATE_ORIGINAL + '.')) {\n replace = '/' + Constants.IMAGE_TEMPLATE_ORIGINAL + '.';\n } else {\n return new String[] { logo };\n }\n\n return new String[] { logo.replaceFirst(replace, '/' + Constants.IMAGE_TEMPLATE_THUMB + '.'),\n logo.replaceFirst(replace, '/' + Constants.IMAGE_TEMPLATE_THUMB_SMALL + '.'),\n logo.replaceFirst(replace, '/' + Constants.IMAGE_TEMPLATE_SMALL + '.'),\n logo.replaceFirst(replace, '/' + Constants.IMAGE_TEMPLATE_MEDIUM + '.'),\n logo.replaceFirst(replace, '/' + Constants.IMAGE_TEMPLATE_ORIGINAL + '.') };\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n project/app/src/test/java/com/charlesmadere/hummingbird/misc/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void testGetGroupLogos() throws Exception {\n assertNull(MiscUtils.getGroupLogos(null));\n assertNull(MiscUtils.getGroupLogos(\"\"));\n\n assertNotNull(MiscUtils.getGroupLogos(LOGO0));\n assertNotNull(MiscUtils.getGroupLogos(LOGO1));\n assertNotNull(MiscUtils.getGroupLogos(LOGO2));\n assertNotNull(MiscUtils.getGroupLogos(LOGO3));\n assertNotNull(MiscUtils.getGroupLogos(LOGO4));\n assertNotNull(MiscUtils.getGroupLogos(LOGO5));\n assertNotNull(MiscUtils.getGroupLogos(LOGO6));\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
private static String fixTimeZone(String string) { if (string.endsWith("Z")) { string = string.replace("Z", "+0000"); } return string; }
@Test public void testFixTimeZone() throws Exception { String string = (String) mFixTimeZone.invoke(null, AM_PM_DATE_0); assertEquals(string, AM_PM_DATE_0); string = (String) mFixTimeZone.invoke(null, AM_PM_DATE_1); assertEquals(string, AM_PM_DATE_1); string = (String) mFixTimeZone.invoke(null, AM_PM_DATE_2); assertEquals(string, AM_PM_DATE_2); string = (String) mFixTimeZone.invoke(null, EXTENDED_DATE_0); assertTrue(string.endsWith("+0000")); string = (String) mFixTimeZone.invoke(null, EXTENDED_DATE_1); assertTrue(string.endsWith("+0000")); string = (String) mFixTimeZone.invoke(null, SHORT_DATE_0); assertEquals(string, SHORT_DATE_0); string = (String) mFixTimeZone.invoke(null, SHORT_DATE_1); assertEquals(string, SHORT_DATE_1); }
[ "endsWith", "replace" ]
[ "invoke", "assertEquals", "invoke", "assertEquals", "invoke", "assertEquals", "invoke", "assertTrue", "endsWith", "invoke", "assertTrue", "endsWith", "invoke", "assertEquals", "invoke", "assertEquals" ]
{ "class_fields": "private static final String AM_PM_DATE_0 = \"Feb 2, 1998 4:34:20 AM\";\nprivate static final String AM_PM_DATE_1 = \"Jun 08, 2000 08:10:59 PM\";\nprivate static final String AM_PM_DATE_2 = \"Dec 28, 2012 12:00:00 AM\";\nprivate static final String ARMY_DATE_0 = \"Sep 26, 2015 00:00:00\";\nprivate static final String ARMY_DATE_1 = \"Nov 28, 1989 13:41:26\";\nprivate static final String EXTENDED_DATE_0 = \"2013-02-20T16:00:15.623Z\";\nprivate static final String EXTENDED_DATE_1 = \"2015-08-06T18:46:42.723Z\";\nprivate static final String SHORT_DATE_0 = \"2013-07-18\";\nprivate static final String SHORT_DATE_1 = \"2016-03-04\";\nprivate Constructor<SimpleDate> mConstructor;\nprivate Method mFixTimeZone;\nprivate SimpleDateFormat mAmPmFormat;\nprivate SimpleDateFormat mArmyFormat;\nprivate SimpleDateFormat mExtendedFormat;\nprivate SimpleDateFormat mShortFormat;", "class_name": "SimpleDateTest" }
{ "class_fields": "private static final SimpleDateFormat[] FORMATS = {\n new SimpleDateFormat(\"yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ\", Locale.US),\n new SimpleDateFormat(\"MMM d, yyyy hh:mm:ss a\", Locale.US),\n new SimpleDateFormat(\"MMM d, yyyy HH:mm:ss\", Locale.US),\n new SimpleDateFormat(\"yyyy-MM-dd\", Locale.US)\n };\nprivate static final String TAG = \"SimpleDate\";\nprivate final Date mDate;\npublic static final Creator<SimpleDate> CREATOR = new Creator<SimpleDate>() {\n @Override\n public SimpleDate createFromParcel(final Parcel source) {\n return new SimpleDate(source.readLong());\n }\n\n @Override\n public SimpleDate[] newArray(final int size) {\n return new SimpleDate[size];\n }\n };\npublic static final Comparator<SimpleDate> CHRONOLOGICAL_ORDER = new Comparator<SimpleDate>() {\n @Override\n public int compare(final SimpleDate lhs, final SimpleDate rhs) {\n return lhs.getDate().compareTo(rhs.getDate());\n }\n };\npublic static final Comparator<SimpleDate> REVERSE_CHRONOLOGICAL_ORDER = new Comparator<SimpleDate>() {\n @Override\n public int compare(final SimpleDate lhs, final SimpleDate rhs) {\n return, lhs);\n }\n };\npublic static final JsonDeserializer<SimpleDate> JSON_DESERIALIZER = new JsonDeserializer<SimpleDate>() {\n @Override\n public SimpleDate deserialize(final JsonElement json, final Type typeOfT,\n final JsonDeserializationContext context) throws JsonParseException {\n if (json == null || json.isJsonNull()) {\n return null;\n }\n\n String string;\n\n try {\n string = json.getAsString();\n } catch (final ClassCastException | UnsupportedOperationException e) {\n Timber.e(TAG, \"couldn't get date as string: \\\"\" + json + '\"', e);\n return null;\n }\n\n if (TextUtils.isEmpty(string)) {\n return null;\n }\n\n string = fixTimeZone(string);\n\n for (final SimpleDateFormat format : FORMATS) {\n try {\n return new SimpleDate(format.parse(string));\n } catch (final ParseException e) {\n // this can be safely ignored\n }\n }\n\n throw new JsonParseException(\"couldn't parse date string: \\\"\" + string + '\"');\n }\n };\npublic static final JsonSerializer<SimpleDate> JSON_SERIALIZER = new JsonSerializer<SimpleDate>() {\n @Override\n public JsonElement serialize(final SimpleDate src, final Type typeOfSrc,\n final JsonSerializationContext context) {\n return context.serialize(src.getDate());\n }\n };", "class_name": "SimpleDate implements Parcelable", "method_signatures": "private static String fixTimeZone(String string)\npublic SimpleDate(final long time)\nprivate SimpleDate(final Date date)\n@Override public boolean equals(final Object o)\npublic Date getDate()\npublic CharSequence getRelativeDateTimeText(final Context context)\npublic CharSequence getRelativeTimeText(final Context context)\n@Override public int hashCode()\npublic boolean isInTheFuture()\n@Override public String toString()\n@Override public int describeContents()\n@Override public void writeToParcel(final Parcel dest, final int flags)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: project/app/src/main/java/com/charlesmadere/hummingbird/models/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: SimpleDate implements Parcelable\n\nclass_fields: private static final SimpleDateFormat[] FORMATS = {\n new SimpleDateFormat(\"yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ\", Locale.US),\n new SimpleDateFormat(\"MMM d, yyyy hh:mm:ss a\", Locale.US),\n new SimpleDateFormat(\"MMM d, yyyy HH:mm:ss\", Locale.US),\n new SimpleDateFormat(\"yyyy-MM-dd\", Locale.US)\n };\nprivate static final String TAG = \"SimpleDate\";\nprivate final Date mDate;\npublic static final Creator<SimpleDate> CREATOR = new Creator<SimpleDate>() {\n @Override\n public SimpleDate createFromParcel(final Parcel source) {\n return new SimpleDate(source.readLong());\n }\n\n @Override\n public SimpleDate[] newArray(final int size) {\n return new SimpleDate[size];\n }\n };\npublic static final Comparator<SimpleDate> CHRONOLOGICAL_ORDER = new Comparator<SimpleDate>() {\n @Override\n public int compare(final SimpleDate lhs, final SimpleDate rhs) {\n return lhs.getDate().compareTo(rhs.getDate());\n }\n };\npublic static final Comparator<SimpleDate> REVERSE_CHRONOLOGICAL_ORDER = new Comparator<SimpleDate>() {\n @Override\n public int compare(final SimpleDate lhs, final SimpleDate rhs) {\n return, lhs);\n }\n };\npublic static final JsonDeserializer<SimpleDate> JSON_DESERIALIZER = new JsonDeserializer<SimpleDate>() {\n @Override\n public SimpleDate deserialize(final JsonElement json, final Type typeOfT,\n final JsonDeserializationContext context) throws JsonParseException {\n if (json == null || json.isJsonNull()) {\n return null;\n }\n\n String string;\n\n try {\n string = json.getAsString();\n } catch (final ClassCastException | UnsupportedOperationException e) {\n Timber.e(TAG, \"couldn't get date as string: \\\"\" + json + '\"', e);\n return null;\n }\n\n if (TextUtils.isEmpty(string)) {\n return null;\n }\n\n string = fixTimeZone(string);\n\n for (final SimpleDateFormat format : FORMATS) {\n try {\n return new SimpleDate(format.parse(string));\n } catch (final ParseException e) {\n // this can be safely ignored\n }\n }\n\n throw new JsonParseException(\"couldn't parse date string: \\\"\" + string + '\"');\n }\n };\npublic static final JsonSerializer<SimpleDate> JSON_SERIALIZER = new JsonSerializer<SimpleDate>() {\n @Override\n public JsonElement serialize(final SimpleDate src, final Type typeOfSrc,\n final JsonSerializationContext context) {\n return context.serialize(src.getDate());\n }\n };\n\nmethod_signatures: private static String fixTimeZone(String string)\npublic SimpleDate(final long time)\nprivate SimpleDate(final Date date)\n@Override public boolean equals(final Object o)\npublic Date getDate()\npublic CharSequence getRelativeDateTimeText(final Context context)\npublic CharSequence getRelativeTimeText(final Context context)\n@Override public int hashCode()\npublic boolean isInTheFuture()\n@Override public String toString()\n@Override public int describeContents()\n@Override public void writeToParcel(final Parcel dest, final int flags)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: SimpleDateTest\n\nclass_fields: private static final String AM_PM_DATE_0 = \"Feb 2, 1998 4:34:20 AM\";\nprivate static final String AM_PM_DATE_1 = \"Jun 08, 2000 08:10:59 PM\";\nprivate static final String AM_PM_DATE_2 = \"Dec 28, 2012 12:00:00 AM\";\nprivate static final String ARMY_DATE_0 = \"Sep 26, 2015 00:00:00\";\nprivate static final String ARMY_DATE_1 = \"Nov 28, 1989 13:41:26\";\nprivate static final String EXTENDED_DATE_0 = \"2013-02-20T16:00:15.623Z\";\nprivate static final String EXTENDED_DATE_1 = \"2015-08-06T18:46:42.723Z\";\nprivate static final String SHORT_DATE_0 = \"2013-07-18\";\nprivate static final String SHORT_DATE_1 = \"2016-03-04\";\nprivate Constructor<SimpleDate> mConstructor;\nprivate Method mFixTimeZone;\nprivate SimpleDateFormat mAmPmFormat;\nprivate SimpleDateFormat mArmyFormat;\nprivate SimpleDateFormat mExtendedFormat;\nprivate SimpleDateFormat mShortFormat;\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file project/app/src/main/java/com/charlesmadere/hummingbird/models/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n private static String fixTimeZone(String string) {\n if (string.endsWith(\"Z\")) {\n string = string.replace(\"Z\", \"+0000\");\n }\n\n return string;\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n project/app/src/test/java/com/charlesmadere/hummingbird/models/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void testFixTimeZone() throws Exception {\n String string = (String) mFixTimeZone.invoke(null, AM_PM_DATE_0);\n assertEquals(string, AM_PM_DATE_0);\n\n string = (String) mFixTimeZone.invoke(null, AM_PM_DATE_1);\n assertEquals(string, AM_PM_DATE_1);\n\n string = (String) mFixTimeZone.invoke(null, AM_PM_DATE_2);\n assertEquals(string, AM_PM_DATE_2);\n\n string = (String) mFixTimeZone.invoke(null, EXTENDED_DATE_0);\n assertTrue(string.endsWith(\"+0000\"));\n\n string = (String) mFixTimeZone.invoke(null, EXTENDED_DATE_1);\n assertTrue(string.endsWith(\"+0000\"));\n\n string = (String) mFixTimeZone.invoke(null, SHORT_DATE_0);\n assertEquals(string, SHORT_DATE_0);\n\n string = (String) mFixTimeZone.invoke(null, SHORT_DATE_1);\n assertEquals(string, SHORT_DATE_1);\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
public static boolean isValidArtwork(final String url) { if (TextUtils.isEmpty(url) || TextUtils.getTrimmedLength(url) == 0) { return false; } for (final String missingArtwork : Constants.MISSING_ARTWORK) { if (missingArtwork.equalsIgnoreCase(url)) { return false; } } return true; }
@Test public void testIsValidArtwork() throws Exception { assertFalse(MiscUtils.isValidArtwork(null)); assertFalse(MiscUtils.isValidArtwork("")); assertFalse(MiscUtils.isValidArtwork(" ")); assertFalse(MiscUtils.isValidArtwork(" ")); assertTrue(MiscUtils.isValidArtwork("Hello, World!")); assertTrue(MiscUtils.isValidArtwork("")); for (final String missingArtwork : Constants.MISSING_ARTWORK) { assertFalse(MiscUtils.isValidArtwork(missingArtwork)); } }
[ "isEmpty", "getTrimmedLength", "equalsIgnoreCase" ]
[ "assertFalse", "isValidArtwork", "assertFalse", "isValidArtwork", "assertFalse", "isValidArtwork", "assertFalse", "isValidArtwork", "assertTrue", "isValidArtwork", "assertTrue", "isValidArtwork", "assertFalse", "isValidArtwork" ]
{ "class_fields": "private static final String AVATAR0 = \"\";\nprivate static final String AVATAR1 = \"\";\nprivate static final String AVATAR2 = \"\";\nprivate static final String AVATAR3 = \"\";\nprivate static final String AVATAR4 = \"\";\nprivate static final String AVATAR5 = \"\";\nprivate static final String AVATAR6 = \"\";\nprivate static final String AVATAR7 = \"\";\nprivate static final String AVATAR8 = \"\";\nprivate static final String LOGO0 = \"\";\nprivate static final String LOGO1 = \"\";\nprivate static final String LOGO2 = \"\";\nprivate static final String LOGO3 = \"\";\nprivate static final String LOGO4 = \"\";\nprivate static final String LOGO5 = \"\";\nprivate static final String LOGO6 = \"\";", "class_name": "MiscUtilsTest" }
{ "class_fields": "private static final String TAG = \"MiscUtils\";\nprivate static final long MINUTE_IN_SECONDS = TimeUnit.MINUTES.toSeconds(1L);\nprivate static final long HOUR_IN_SECONDS = TimeUnit.HOURS.toSeconds(1L);\nprivate static final long DAY_IN_SECONDS = TimeUnit.DAYS.toSeconds(1L);\nprivate static final long WEEK_IN_SECONDS = TimeUnit.DAYS.toSeconds(7L);\nprivate static final long MONTH_IN_SECONDS = TimeUnit.DAYS.toSeconds(30L);\nprivate static final long YEAR_IN_SECONDS = TimeUnit.DAYS.toSeconds(365L);", "class_name": "MiscUtils", "method_signatures": "public static boolean booleanEquals(@Nullable final Boolean lhs, @Nullable final Boolean rhs)\npublic static void closeKeyboard(final Activity activity)\npublic static void exclusiveAdd(final List<T> list, @Nullable final List<T> elementsToAdd)\npublic static Activity getActivity(final Context context)\n@ColorInt public static int getAttrColor(final Context context, @AttrRes final int colorResId)\n@ColorInt public static int getDrawableColor(final Context context, @Nullable final Drawable drawable)\n@ColorInt public static int getDrawableColor(final View view, @Nullable final Drawable drawable)\npublic static CharSequence getElapsedTime(final Resources res, long seconds)\n@Nullable public static String[] getGroupLogos(@Nullable final String logo)\npublic static LayerDrawable getStatusBarScrim(final Context context,\n @Nullable final Drawable statusBarBackground)\n@Nullable public static String[] getUserAvatars(@Nullable final String avatar)\npublic static int integerCompare(final int lhs, final int rhs)\npublic static boolean integerEquals(@Nullable final Integer lhs, @Nullable final Integer rhs)\npublic static boolean isLowRamDevice()\npublic static boolean isValidArtwork(final String url)\npublic static void openKeyboard(final Context context, final View view)\npublic static void openUrl(final Activity activity, final String url)\npublic static void openUrl(final Context context, final String url)\n@Nullable public static Activity optActivity(@Nullable final Context context)\n@Nullable public static ArrayList<T> toArrayList(@Nullable final Collection<T> collection)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: project/app/src/main/java/com/charlesmadere/hummingbird/misc/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: MiscUtils\n\nclass_fields: private static final String TAG = \"MiscUtils\";\nprivate static final long MINUTE_IN_SECONDS = TimeUnit.MINUTES.toSeconds(1L);\nprivate static final long HOUR_IN_SECONDS = TimeUnit.HOURS.toSeconds(1L);\nprivate static final long DAY_IN_SECONDS = TimeUnit.DAYS.toSeconds(1L);\nprivate static final long WEEK_IN_SECONDS = TimeUnit.DAYS.toSeconds(7L);\nprivate static final long MONTH_IN_SECONDS = TimeUnit.DAYS.toSeconds(30L);\nprivate static final long YEAR_IN_SECONDS = TimeUnit.DAYS.toSeconds(365L);\n\nmethod_signatures: public static boolean booleanEquals(@Nullable final Boolean lhs, @Nullable final Boolean rhs)\npublic static void closeKeyboard(final Activity activity)\npublic static void exclusiveAdd(final List<T> list, @Nullable final List<T> elementsToAdd)\npublic static Activity getActivity(final Context context)\n@ColorInt public static int getAttrColor(final Context context, @AttrRes final int colorResId)\n@ColorInt public static int getDrawableColor(final Context context, @Nullable final Drawable drawable)\n@ColorInt public static int getDrawableColor(final View view, @Nullable final Drawable drawable)\npublic static CharSequence getElapsedTime(final Resources res, long seconds)\n@Nullable public static String[] getGroupLogos(@Nullable final String logo)\npublic static LayerDrawable getStatusBarScrim(final Context context,\n @Nullable final Drawable statusBarBackground)\n@Nullable public static String[] getUserAvatars(@Nullable final String avatar)\npublic static int integerCompare(final int lhs, final int rhs)\npublic static boolean integerEquals(@Nullable final Integer lhs, @Nullable final Integer rhs)\npublic static boolean isLowRamDevice()\npublic static boolean isValidArtwork(final String url)\npublic static void openKeyboard(final Context context, final View view)\npublic static void openUrl(final Activity activity, final String url)\npublic static void openUrl(final Context context, final String url)\n@Nullable public static Activity optActivity(@Nullable final Context context)\n@Nullable public static ArrayList<T> toArrayList(@Nullable final Collection<T> collection)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: MiscUtilsTest\n\nclass_fields: private static final String AVATAR0 = \"\";\nprivate static final String AVATAR1 = \"\";\nprivate static final String AVATAR2 = \"\";\nprivate static final String AVATAR3 = \"\";\nprivate static final String AVATAR4 = \"\";\nprivate static final String AVATAR5 = \"\";\nprivate static final String AVATAR6 = \"\";\nprivate static final String AVATAR7 = \"\";\nprivate static final String AVATAR8 = \"\";\nprivate static final String LOGO0 = \"\";\nprivate static final String LOGO1 = \"\";\nprivate static final String LOGO2 = \"\";\nprivate static final String LOGO3 = \"\";\nprivate static final String LOGO4 = \"\";\nprivate static final String LOGO5 = \"\";\nprivate static final String LOGO6 = \"\";\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file project/app/src/main/java/com/charlesmadere/hummingbird/misc/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n public static boolean isValidArtwork(final String url) {\n if (TextUtils.isEmpty(url) || TextUtils.getTrimmedLength(url) == 0) {\n return false;\n }\n\n for (final String missingArtwork : Constants.MISSING_ARTWORK) {\n if (missingArtwork.equalsIgnoreCase(url)) {\n return false;\n }\n }\n\n return true;\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n project/app/src/test/java/com/charlesmadere/hummingbird/misc/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void testIsValidArtwork() throws Exception {\n assertFalse(MiscUtils.isValidArtwork(null));\n assertFalse(MiscUtils.isValidArtwork(\"\"));\n assertFalse(MiscUtils.isValidArtwork(\" \"));\n assertFalse(MiscUtils.isValidArtwork(\" \"));\n\n assertTrue(MiscUtils.isValidArtwork(\"Hello, World!\"));\n assertTrue(MiscUtils.isValidArtwork(\"\"));\n\n for (final String missingArtwork : Constants.MISSING_ARTWORK) {\n assertFalse(MiscUtils.isValidArtwork(missingArtwork));\n }\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
@Override public void handleResponse(Event event) { HttpServiceDownstreamResponseEvent responseEvent = (HttpServiceDownstreamResponseEvent) event; // Check again if this is an X-Ray sampling call or within an AWS call. // By this time, the request handler would've executed the same logic and didn't generate a subsegment. HttpServiceDownstreamRequestEvent requestEvent = (HttpServiceDownstreamRequestEvent) responseEvent.getRequest(); URI uri = getUriFromEvent(requestEvent); if (isWithinAWSCall() || isXRaySamplingCall(uri) || isXRayPluginCall(uri)) { return; } Optional<Subsegment> subsegmentOptional = getSubsegmentOptional(); if (subsegmentOptional.isPresent()) { addResponseInformation(subsegmentOptional.get(), responseEvent); endSubsegment(); } }
@Test public void testHandleThrottlingStatusCode() { httpClientResponseEvent.withStatusCode(429); Subsegment httpClientSubsegment = AWSXRay.beginSubsegment("failedResponseSubsegment"); httpClientHandler.handleResponse(httpClientResponseEvent); Assert.assertTrue(httpClientSubsegment.isError()); Assert.assertFalse(httpClientSubsegment.isFault()); Assert.assertTrue(httpClientSubsegment.isThrottle()); Map<String, Integer> httpResponseMap = (Map<String, Integer>) httpClientSubsegment.getHttp().get("response"); Assert.assertEquals(429, (int) httpResponseMap.get("status")); }
[ "getRequest", "getUriFromEvent", "isWithinAWSCall", "isXRaySamplingCall", "isXRayPluginCall", "getSubsegmentOptional", "isPresent", "addResponseInformation", "get", "endSubsegment" ]
[ "withStatusCode", "beginSubsegment", "handleResponse", "assertTrue", "isError", "assertFalse", "isFault", "assertTrue", "isThrottle", "get", "getHttp", "assertEquals", "get" ]
{ "class_fields": "private final String ORIGIN = \"ApacheHttpClient\";\nprivate final String SERVICE = \"\";\nprivate final String OPERATION = \"GET\";\nprivate final int STATUS_CODE = 200;\nprivate final int CONTENT_LENGTH = 48343;\nprivate HttpClientHandler httpClientHandler;\nprivate Segment parentSegment;\nprivate HttpServiceDownstreamRequestEvent httpClientRequestEvent;\nprivate HttpServiceDownstreamResponseEvent httpClientResponseEvent;", "class_name": "HttpClientHandlerTest" }
{ "class_fields": "private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(HttpClientHandler.class);\nprivate static final String URL_KEY = \"url\";\nprivate static final String METHOD_KEY = \"method\";\nprivate static final String HTTP_REQUEST_KEY = \"request\";\nprivate static final String STATUS_CODE_KEY = \"status\";\nprivate static final String CONTENT_LENGTH_KEY = \"content_length\";\nprivate static final String HTTP_RESPONSE_KEY = \"response\";", "class_name": "HttpClientHandler extends XRayHandler", "method_signatures": "@Override public void handleRequest(Event event)\nprivate URI getUriFromEvent(HttpServiceDownstreamRequestEvent requestEvent)\nprivate static void addRequestInformation(Subsegment subsegment, HttpServiceDownstreamRequestEvent requestEvent, URI uri)\n@Override public void handleResponse(Event event)\nprivate static void addResponseInformation(Subsegment subsegment, HttpServiceDownstreamResponseEvent responseEvent)\nprivate boolean isWithinAWSCall()\nprivate boolean isXRaySamplingCall(URI uri)\nprivate boolean isXRayPluginCall(URI uri)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: aws-xray-agent/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/xray/agent/runtime/handlers/downstream/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: HttpClientHandler extends XRayHandler\n\nclass_fields: private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(HttpClientHandler.class);\nprivate static final String URL_KEY = \"url\";\nprivate static final String METHOD_KEY = \"method\";\nprivate static final String HTTP_REQUEST_KEY = \"request\";\nprivate static final String STATUS_CODE_KEY = \"status\";\nprivate static final String CONTENT_LENGTH_KEY = \"content_length\";\nprivate static final String HTTP_RESPONSE_KEY = \"response\";\n\nmethod_signatures: @Override public void handleRequest(Event event)\nprivate URI getUriFromEvent(HttpServiceDownstreamRequestEvent requestEvent)\nprivate static void addRequestInformation(Subsegment subsegment, HttpServiceDownstreamRequestEvent requestEvent, URI uri)\n@Override public void handleResponse(Event event)\nprivate static void addResponseInformation(Subsegment subsegment, HttpServiceDownstreamResponseEvent responseEvent)\nprivate boolean isWithinAWSCall()\nprivate boolean isXRaySamplingCall(URI uri)\nprivate boolean isXRayPluginCall(URI uri)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: HttpClientHandlerTest\n\nclass_fields: private final String ORIGIN = \"ApacheHttpClient\";\nprivate final String SERVICE = \"\";\nprivate final String OPERATION = \"GET\";\nprivate final int STATUS_CODE = 200;\nprivate final int CONTENT_LENGTH = 48343;\nprivate HttpClientHandler httpClientHandler;\nprivate Segment parentSegment;\nprivate HttpServiceDownstreamRequestEvent httpClientRequestEvent;\nprivate HttpServiceDownstreamResponseEvent httpClientResponseEvent;\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file aws-xray-agent/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/xray/agent/runtime/handlers/downstream/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n @Override\n public void handleResponse(Event event) {\n HttpServiceDownstreamResponseEvent responseEvent = (HttpServiceDownstreamResponseEvent) event;\n\n // Check again if this is an X-Ray sampling call or within an AWS call.\n // By this time, the request handler would've executed the same logic and didn't generate a subsegment.\n HttpServiceDownstreamRequestEvent requestEvent = (HttpServiceDownstreamRequestEvent) responseEvent.getRequest();\n URI uri = getUriFromEvent(requestEvent);\n if (isWithinAWSCall() || isXRaySamplingCall(uri) || isXRayPluginCall(uri)) {\n return;\n }\n\n Optional<Subsegment> subsegmentOptional = getSubsegmentOptional();\n if (subsegmentOptional.isPresent()) {\n addResponseInformation(subsegmentOptional.get(), responseEvent);\n endSubsegment();\n }\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n aws-xray-agent/src/test/java/com/amazonaws/xray/agent/runtime/handlers/downstream/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void testHandleThrottlingStatusCode() {\n httpClientResponseEvent.withStatusCode(429);\n Subsegment httpClientSubsegment = AWSXRay.beginSubsegment(\"failedResponseSubsegment\");\n\n httpClientHandler.handleResponse(httpClientResponseEvent);\n Assert.assertTrue(httpClientSubsegment.isError());\n Assert.assertFalse(httpClientSubsegment.isFault());\n Assert.assertTrue(httpClientSubsegment.isThrottle());\n\n Map<String, Integer> httpResponseMap = (Map<String, Integer>) httpClientSubsegment.getHttp().get(\"response\");\n Assert.assertEquals(429, (int) httpResponseMap.get(\"status\"));\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
public void init(@Nullable URL configFile) { if (configFile == null) { this.agentConfiguration = new AgentConfiguration(); } else { try {"Reading X-Ray Agent config file at: " + configFile.getPath()); this.agentConfiguration = parseConfig(configFile); } catch (IOException e) { throw new InvalidAgentConfigException("Failed to read X-Ray Agent configuration file " + configFile.getPath(), e); } } if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Starting the X-Ray Agent with the following properties:\n" + agentConfiguration.toString()); } init(AWSXRayRecorderBuilder.standard()); }
@Test public void testDefaultContextPropagation() { config.init(); Assert.assertTrue(AWSXRay.getGlobalRecorder().getSegmentContextResolverChain().resolve() instanceof XRayTransactionContext); }
[ "info", "getPath", "parseConfig", "getPath", "isDebugEnabled", "debug", "toString", "init", "standard" ]
[ "init", "assertTrue", "resolve", "getSegmentContextResolverChain", "getGlobalRecorder" ]
{ "class_fields": "private static final String JVM_NAME = \"jvm_name\";\nprivate static final String ENV_NAME = \"env_name\";\nprivate static final String SYS_NAME = \"sys_name\";\nprivate static final String CONFIG_NAME = \"config_name\";\nXRaySDKConfiguration config;\nMap<String, String> configMap;\n@Rule\n public final EnvironmentVariables environmentVariables = new EnvironmentVariables();", "class_name": "XRaySDKConfigurationTest" }
{ "class_fields": "static final String LAMBDA_TASK_ROOT_KEY = \"LAMBDA_TASK_ROOT\";\nstatic final String ENABLED_ENVIRONMENT_VARIABLE_KEY = \"AWS_XRAY_TRACING_ENABLED\";\nstatic final String ENABLED_SYSTEM_PROPERTY_KEY = \"com.amazonaws.xray.tracingEnabled\";\nprivate static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(XRaySDKConfiguration.class);\nprivate static final JsonFactory factory = new JsonFactory();\nprivate static final XRaySDKConfiguration instance = new XRaySDKConfiguration();\nprivate AgentConfiguration agentConfiguration;\n@Nullable\n private URL awsServiceHandlerManifest = null;\nprivate int awsSdkVersion;", "class_name": "XRaySDKConfiguration", "method_signatures": "public int getAwsSdkVersion()\n@Nullable public URL getAwsServiceHandlerManifest()\n AgentConfiguration getAgentConfiguration()\n void setAgentConfiguration(AgentConfiguration agentConfiguration)\npublic boolean isEnabled()\npublic boolean shouldCollectSqlQueries()\npublic boolean isTraceIncomingRequests()\n XRaySDKConfiguration()\npublic static XRaySDKConfiguration getInstance()\npublic void init(@Nullable URL configFile)\npublic void init()\n void init(AWSXRayRecorderBuilder builder)\nprivate AgentConfiguration parseConfig(URL configFile)\nprivate void tryAddTraceIdInjection(AWSXRayRecorderBuilder builder, String className, String prefix)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: aws-xray-agent/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/xray/agent/runtime/config/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: XRaySDKConfiguration\n\nclass_fields: static final String LAMBDA_TASK_ROOT_KEY = \"LAMBDA_TASK_ROOT\";\nstatic final String ENABLED_ENVIRONMENT_VARIABLE_KEY = \"AWS_XRAY_TRACING_ENABLED\";\nstatic final String ENABLED_SYSTEM_PROPERTY_KEY = \"com.amazonaws.xray.tracingEnabled\";\nprivate static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(XRaySDKConfiguration.class);\nprivate static final JsonFactory factory = new JsonFactory();\nprivate static final XRaySDKConfiguration instance = new XRaySDKConfiguration();\nprivate AgentConfiguration agentConfiguration;\n@Nullable\n private URL awsServiceHandlerManifest = null;\nprivate int awsSdkVersion;\n\nmethod_signatures: public int getAwsSdkVersion()\n@Nullable public URL getAwsServiceHandlerManifest()\n AgentConfiguration getAgentConfiguration()\n void setAgentConfiguration(AgentConfiguration agentConfiguration)\npublic boolean isEnabled()\npublic boolean shouldCollectSqlQueries()\npublic boolean isTraceIncomingRequests()\n XRaySDKConfiguration()\npublic static XRaySDKConfiguration getInstance()\npublic void init(@Nullable URL configFile)\npublic void init()\n void init(AWSXRayRecorderBuilder builder)\nprivate AgentConfiguration parseConfig(URL configFile)\nprivate void tryAddTraceIdInjection(AWSXRayRecorderBuilder builder, String className, String prefix)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: XRaySDKConfigurationTest\n\nclass_fields: private static final String JVM_NAME = \"jvm_name\";\nprivate static final String ENV_NAME = \"env_name\";\nprivate static final String SYS_NAME = \"sys_name\";\nprivate static final String CONFIG_NAME = \"config_name\";\nXRaySDKConfiguration config;\nMap<String, String> configMap;\n@Rule\n public final EnvironmentVariables environmentVariables = new EnvironmentVariables();\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file aws-xray-agent/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/xray/agent/runtime/config/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n public void init(@Nullable URL configFile) {\n if (configFile == null) {\n this.agentConfiguration = new AgentConfiguration();\n } else {\n try {\n\"Reading X-Ray Agent config file at: \" + configFile.getPath());\n this.agentConfiguration = parseConfig(configFile);\n } catch (IOException e) {\n throw new InvalidAgentConfigException(\"Failed to read X-Ray Agent configuration file \" + configFile.getPath(), e);\n }\n }\n\n if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {\n log.debug(\"Starting the X-Ray Agent with the following properties:\\n\" + agentConfiguration.toString());\n }\n init(AWSXRayRecorderBuilder.standard());\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n aws-xray-agent/src/test/java/com/amazonaws/xray/agent/runtime/config/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void testDefaultContextPropagation() {\n config.init();\n\n Assert.assertTrue(AWSXRay.getGlobalRecorder().getSegmentContextResolverChain().resolve() instanceof XRayTransactionContext);\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
public void init(@Nullable URL configFile) { if (configFile == null) { this.agentConfiguration = new AgentConfiguration(); } else { try {"Reading X-Ray Agent config file at: " + configFile.getPath()); this.agentConfiguration = parseConfig(configFile); } catch (IOException e) { throw new InvalidAgentConfigException("Failed to read X-Ray Agent configuration file " + configFile.getPath(), e); } } if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Starting the X-Ray Agent with the following properties:\n" + agentConfiguration.toString()); } init(AWSXRayRecorderBuilder.standard()); }
@Test public void testDefaultContextMissingStrategy() { config.init(); Assert.assertTrue(AWSXRay.getGlobalRecorder().getContextMissingStrategy() instanceof LogErrorContextMissingStrategy); }
[ "info", "getPath", "parseConfig", "getPath", "isDebugEnabled", "debug", "toString", "init", "standard" ]
[ "init", "assertTrue", "getContextMissingStrategy", "getGlobalRecorder" ]
{ "class_fields": "private static final String JVM_NAME = \"jvm_name\";\nprivate static final String ENV_NAME = \"env_name\";\nprivate static final String SYS_NAME = \"sys_name\";\nprivate static final String CONFIG_NAME = \"config_name\";\nXRaySDKConfiguration config;\nMap<String, String> configMap;\n@Rule\n public final EnvironmentVariables environmentVariables = new EnvironmentVariables();", "class_name": "XRaySDKConfigurationTest" }
{ "class_fields": "static final String LAMBDA_TASK_ROOT_KEY = \"LAMBDA_TASK_ROOT\";\nstatic final String ENABLED_ENVIRONMENT_VARIABLE_KEY = \"AWS_XRAY_TRACING_ENABLED\";\nstatic final String ENABLED_SYSTEM_PROPERTY_KEY = \"com.amazonaws.xray.tracingEnabled\";\nprivate static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(XRaySDKConfiguration.class);\nprivate static final JsonFactory factory = new JsonFactory();\nprivate static final XRaySDKConfiguration instance = new XRaySDKConfiguration();\nprivate AgentConfiguration agentConfiguration;\n@Nullable\n private URL awsServiceHandlerManifest = null;\nprivate int awsSdkVersion;", "class_name": "XRaySDKConfiguration", "method_signatures": "public int getAwsSdkVersion()\n@Nullable public URL getAwsServiceHandlerManifest()\n AgentConfiguration getAgentConfiguration()\n void setAgentConfiguration(AgentConfiguration agentConfiguration)\npublic boolean isEnabled()\npublic boolean shouldCollectSqlQueries()\npublic boolean isTraceIncomingRequests()\n XRaySDKConfiguration()\npublic static XRaySDKConfiguration getInstance()\npublic void init(@Nullable URL configFile)\npublic void init()\n void init(AWSXRayRecorderBuilder builder)\nprivate AgentConfiguration parseConfig(URL configFile)\nprivate void tryAddTraceIdInjection(AWSXRayRecorderBuilder builder, String className, String prefix)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: aws-xray-agent/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/xray/agent/runtime/config/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: XRaySDKConfiguration\n\nclass_fields: static final String LAMBDA_TASK_ROOT_KEY = \"LAMBDA_TASK_ROOT\";\nstatic final String ENABLED_ENVIRONMENT_VARIABLE_KEY = \"AWS_XRAY_TRACING_ENABLED\";\nstatic final String ENABLED_SYSTEM_PROPERTY_KEY = \"com.amazonaws.xray.tracingEnabled\";\nprivate static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(XRaySDKConfiguration.class);\nprivate static final JsonFactory factory = new JsonFactory();\nprivate static final XRaySDKConfiguration instance = new XRaySDKConfiguration();\nprivate AgentConfiguration agentConfiguration;\n@Nullable\n private URL awsServiceHandlerManifest = null;\nprivate int awsSdkVersion;\n\nmethod_signatures: public int getAwsSdkVersion()\n@Nullable public URL getAwsServiceHandlerManifest()\n AgentConfiguration getAgentConfiguration()\n void setAgentConfiguration(AgentConfiguration agentConfiguration)\npublic boolean isEnabled()\npublic boolean shouldCollectSqlQueries()\npublic boolean isTraceIncomingRequests()\n XRaySDKConfiguration()\npublic static XRaySDKConfiguration getInstance()\npublic void init(@Nullable URL configFile)\npublic void init()\n void init(AWSXRayRecorderBuilder builder)\nprivate AgentConfiguration parseConfig(URL configFile)\nprivate void tryAddTraceIdInjection(AWSXRayRecorderBuilder builder, String className, String prefix)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: XRaySDKConfigurationTest\n\nclass_fields: private static final String JVM_NAME = \"jvm_name\";\nprivate static final String ENV_NAME = \"env_name\";\nprivate static final String SYS_NAME = \"sys_name\";\nprivate static final String CONFIG_NAME = \"config_name\";\nXRaySDKConfiguration config;\nMap<String, String> configMap;\n@Rule\n public final EnvironmentVariables environmentVariables = new EnvironmentVariables();\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file aws-xray-agent/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/xray/agent/runtime/config/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n public void init(@Nullable URL configFile) {\n if (configFile == null) {\n this.agentConfiguration = new AgentConfiguration();\n } else {\n try {\n\"Reading X-Ray Agent config file at: \" + configFile.getPath());\n this.agentConfiguration = parseConfig(configFile);\n } catch (IOException e) {\n throw new InvalidAgentConfigException(\"Failed to read X-Ray Agent configuration file \" + configFile.getPath(), e);\n }\n }\n\n if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {\n log.debug(\"Starting the X-Ray Agent with the following properties:\\n\" + agentConfiguration.toString());\n }\n init(AWSXRayRecorderBuilder.standard());\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n aws-xray-agent/src/test/java/com/amazonaws/xray/agent/runtime/config/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void testDefaultContextMissingStrategy() {\n config.init();\n\n Assert.assertTrue(AWSXRay.getGlobalRecorder().getContextMissingStrategy() instanceof LogErrorContextMissingStrategy);\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
public float calculateEarnings(Collection<? extends BookingBean> bookings) { if (isPaymentDone()) { bookings = -> b.isPaymentDone()).collect(Collectors.toCollection(LinkedHashSet::new)); } if (getDateRange() != null) { bookings = -> getDateRange().contains(b.getCheckOut())).collect(Collectors.toCollection(LinkedHashSet::new)); } MonetaryAmountFactory<?> moneyFactory = Monetary.getDefaultAmountFactory().setCurrency(DrBookingsApplication.DEFAULT_CURRENCY.getCurrencyCode()); MonetaryAmount result = moneyFactory.setNumber(0).create(); for (BookingBean b : bookings) { result = result.add(moneyFactory.setNumber(b.getEarnings(isNetEarnings())).create()); } return result.getNumber().floatValue(); }
@Test public void test01() { c = new BookingEarningsCalculator(); BookingBean b = BookingBeanTest.newInstance(LocalDate.of(2012, 02, 02), LocalDate.of(2012, 2, 5)); b.setPaymentDone(true); float result = c.calculateEarnings(b); assertThat(result, is(0f)); }
[ "isPaymentDone", "collect", "filter", "stream", "isPaymentDone", "toCollection", "getDateRange", "collect", "filter", "stream", "contains", "getDateRange", "getCheckOut", "toCollection", "setCurrency", "getDefaultAmountFactory", "getCurrencyCode", "create", "setNumber", "add", "create", "setNumber", "getEarnings", "isNetEarnings", "floatValue", "getNumber" ]
[ "newInstance", "of", "of", "setPaymentDone", "calculateEarnings", "assertThat", "is" ]
{ "class_fields": "private BookingEarningsCalculator c;", "class_name": "BookingEarningsCalculatorTest" }
{ "class_fields": "private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(BookingEarningsCalculator.class);", "class_name": "BookingEarningsCalculator extends EarningsCalculator", "method_signatures": "public BookingEarningsCalculator filterToDateRange(Range<LocalDate> dateRange)\npublic BookingEarningsCalculator filterForPaymentDone(boolean paymentDone)\npublic BookingEarningsCalculator filterForNetEarnings(boolean netEarnigns)\npublic float calculateEarnings(Collection<? extends BookingBean> bookings)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: simple/src/main/java/com/github/drbookings/model/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: BookingEarningsCalculator extends EarningsCalculator\n\nclass_fields: private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(BookingEarningsCalculator.class);\n\nmethod_signatures: public BookingEarningsCalculator filterToDateRange(Range<LocalDate> dateRange)\npublic BookingEarningsCalculator filterForPaymentDone(boolean paymentDone)\npublic BookingEarningsCalculator filterForNetEarnings(boolean netEarnigns)\npublic float calculateEarnings(Collection<? extends BookingBean> bookings)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: BookingEarningsCalculatorTest\n\nclass_fields: private BookingEarningsCalculator c;\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file simple/src/main/java/com/github/drbookings/model/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n public float calculateEarnings(Collection<? extends BookingBean> bookings) {\n if (isPaymentDone()) {\n bookings = -> b.isPaymentDone()).collect(Collectors.toCollection(LinkedHashSet::new));\n }\n if (getDateRange() != null) {\n bookings = -> getDateRange().contains(b.getCheckOut())).collect(Collectors.toCollection(LinkedHashSet::new));\n }\n MonetaryAmountFactory<?> moneyFactory = Monetary.getDefaultAmountFactory().setCurrency(DrBookingsApplication.DEFAULT_CURRENCY.getCurrencyCode());\n MonetaryAmount result = moneyFactory.setNumber(0).create();\n for (BookingBean b : bookings) {\n result = result.add(moneyFactory.setNumber(b.getEarnings(isNetEarnings())).create());\n }\n\n return result.getNumber().floatValue();\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n simple/src/test/java/com/github/drbookings/model/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void test01() {\n c = new BookingEarningsCalculator();\n BookingBean b = BookingBeanTest.newInstance(LocalDate.of(2012, 02, 02), LocalDate.of(2012, 2, 5));\n b.setPaymentDone(true);\n float result = c.calculateEarnings(b);\n assertThat(result, is(0f));\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
public float calculateEarnings(Collection<? extends BookingBean> bookings) { if (isPaymentDone()) { bookings = -> b.isPaymentDone()).collect(Collectors.toCollection(LinkedHashSet::new)); } if (getDateRange() != null) { bookings = -> getDateRange().contains(b.getCheckOut())).collect(Collectors.toCollection(LinkedHashSet::new)); } MonetaryAmountFactory<?> moneyFactory = Monetary.getDefaultAmountFactory().setCurrency(DrBookingsApplication.DEFAULT_CURRENCY.getCurrencyCode()); MonetaryAmount result = moneyFactory.setNumber(0).create(); if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("Calculating earnings for\n" + -> b.toString()).collect(Collectors.joining("\n"))); } for (BookingBean b : bookings) { if (b.getNumberOfNights() > { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("Days in month " + + ": " +; } if (logger.isInfoEnabled()) {"Airbnb long term booking, looking at manual registered payments"); } Optional<Payment> op = Payments.getLastPayment(b.getPayments()); MonetaryAmount payment; if (op.isPresent()) { payment = op.get().getAmount(); } else { payment = moneyFactory.setNumber(0).create(); } if(logger.isDebugEnabled()){ logger.debug("Payment is " + payment); } result = result.add(payment); } else result = result.add(moneyFactory.setNumber(b.getEarnings(isNetEarnings())).create()); } return result.getNumber().floatValue(); }
@Test public void test01() { BookingBean b = BookingBeanTest.newInstance(LocalDate.of(2012, 02, 02), LocalDate.of(2012, 2, 5)); b.setPaymentDone(true); float result = c.calculateEarnings(b); assertThat(result, is(0f)); }
[ "isPaymentDone", "collect", "filter", "stream", "isPaymentDone", "toCollection", "getDateRange", "collect", "filter", "stream", "contains", "getDateRange", "getCheckOut", "toCollection", "setCurrency", "getDefaultAmountFactory", "getCurrencyCode", "create", "setNumber", "isDebugEnabled", "debug", "collect", "map", "stream", "toString", "joining", "getNumberOfNights", "minLength", "getMonth", "now", "isDebugEnabled", "debug", "getMonth", "now", "minLength", "getMonth", "now", "isInfoEnabled", "info", "getLastPayment", "getPayments", "isPresent", "getAmount", "get", "create", "setNumber", "isDebugEnabled", "debug", "add", "add", "create", "setNumber", "getEarnings", "isNetEarnings", "floatValue", "getNumber" ]
[ "newInstance", "of", "of", "setPaymentDone", "calculateEarnings", "assertThat", "is" ]
{ "class_fields": "private AirbnbEarningsCalculator c;", "class_name": "AirbnbEarningsCalculatorTest" }
{ "class_fields": "private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(AirbnbEarningsCalculator.class);\nprivate Range<LocalDate> dateRange;", "class_name": "AirbnbEarningsCalculator extends EarningsCalculator", "method_signatures": "public AirbnbEarningsCalculator filterToDateRange(Range<LocalDate> dateRange)\npublic AirbnbEarningsCalculator filterForPaymentDone(boolean paymentDone)\npublic AirbnbEarningsCalculator filterForNetEarnings(boolean netEarnigns)\npublic Range<LocalDate> getDateRange()\npublic float calculateEarnings(Collection<? extends BookingBean> bookings)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: simple/src/main/java/com/github/drbookings/model/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: AirbnbEarningsCalculator extends EarningsCalculator\n\nclass_fields: private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(AirbnbEarningsCalculator.class);\nprivate Range<LocalDate> dateRange;\n\nmethod_signatures: public AirbnbEarningsCalculator filterToDateRange(Range<LocalDate> dateRange)\npublic AirbnbEarningsCalculator filterForPaymentDone(boolean paymentDone)\npublic AirbnbEarningsCalculator filterForNetEarnings(boolean netEarnigns)\npublic Range<LocalDate> getDateRange()\npublic float calculateEarnings(Collection<? extends BookingBean> bookings)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: AirbnbEarningsCalculatorTest\n\nclass_fields: private AirbnbEarningsCalculator c;\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file simple/src/main/java/com/github/drbookings/model/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n public float calculateEarnings(Collection<? extends BookingBean> bookings) {\n if (isPaymentDone()) {\n bookings = -> b.isPaymentDone()).collect(Collectors.toCollection(LinkedHashSet::new));\n }\n if (getDateRange() != null) {\n bookings = -> getDateRange().contains(b.getCheckOut())).collect(Collectors.toCollection(LinkedHashSet::new));\n }\n MonetaryAmountFactory<?> moneyFactory = Monetary.getDefaultAmountFactory().setCurrency(DrBookingsApplication.DEFAULT_CURRENCY.getCurrencyCode());\n MonetaryAmount result = moneyFactory.setNumber(0).create();\n if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {\n logger.debug(\"Calculating earnings for\\n\" + -> b.toString()).collect(Collectors.joining(\"\\n\")));\n }\n for (BookingBean b : bookings) {\n if (b.getNumberOfNights() > {\n if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {\n logger.debug(\"Days in month \" + + \": \" +;\n }\n if (logger.isInfoEnabled()) {\n\"Airbnb long term booking, looking at manual registered payments\");\n }\n Optional<Payment> op = Payments.getLastPayment(b.getPayments());\n MonetaryAmount payment;\n if (op.isPresent()) {\n payment = op.get().getAmount();\n } else {\n payment = moneyFactory.setNumber(0).create();\n }\n if(logger.isDebugEnabled()){\n logger.debug(\"Payment is \" + payment);\n }\n result = result.add(payment);\n } else\n result = result.add(moneyFactory.setNumber(b.getEarnings(isNetEarnings())).create());\n }\n\n return result.getNumber().floatValue();\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n simple/src/test/java/com/github/drbookings/model/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void test01() {\n BookingBean b = BookingBeanTest.newInstance(LocalDate.of(2012, 02, 02), LocalDate.of(2012, 2, 5));\n b.setPaymentDone(true);\n float result = c.calculateEarnings(b);\n assertThat(result, is(0f));\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
public void setPrivacy(final Privacy privacy) { if (Privacy.PRIVATE == privacy) { mIsPrivate = true; } else if (Privacy.PUBLIC == privacy) { mIsPrivate = false; } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("privacy is an illegal value: " + privacy); } }
@Test public void testSetPrivacy() throws Exception { assertFalse(mLibraryUpdate.containsModifications()); mLibraryUpdate.setPrivacy(mLibraryUpdate.getDefaults().isPrivate() ? Privacy.PRIVATE : Privacy.PUBLIC); assertFalse(mLibraryUpdate.containsModifications()); mLibraryUpdate.setPrivacy(mLibraryUpdate.isPrivate() ? Privacy.PUBLIC : Privacy.PRIVATE); assertTrue(mLibraryUpdate.containsModifications()); mLibraryUpdate.setPrivacy(mLibraryUpdate.getDefaults().isPrivate() ? Privacy.PRIVATE : Privacy.PUBLIC); assertFalse(mLibraryUpdate.containsModifications()); }
[ "assertFalse", "containsModifications", "setPrivacy", "isPrivate", "getDefaults", "assertFalse", "containsModifications", "setPrivacy", "isPrivate", "assertTrue", "containsModifications", "setPrivacy", "isPrivate", "getDefaults", "assertFalse", "containsModifications" ]
{ "class_fields": "private MangaLibraryUpdate mLibraryUpdate;", "class_name": "MangaLibraryUpdateTest" }
{ "class_fields": "private final Defaults mDefaults;\nprivate boolean mIsPrivate;\nprivate boolean mIsReReading;\nprivate int mChaptersRead;\nprivate int mReReadCount;\nprivate int mVolumesRead;\n@Nullable\n private Rating mRating;\n@Nullable\n private ReadingStatus mReadingStatus;\nprivate final String mMangaId;\nprivate final String mMangaTitle;\n@Nullable\n private String mNotes;\npublic static final Creator<MangaLibraryUpdate> CREATOR = new Creator<MangaLibraryUpdate>() {\n @Override\n public MangaLibraryUpdate createFromParcel(final Parcel source) {\n return new MangaLibraryUpdate(source);\n }\n\n @Override\n public MangaLibraryUpdate[] newArray(final int size) {\n return new MangaLibraryUpdate[size];\n }\n };", "class_name": "MangaLibraryUpdate implements Parcelable", "method_signatures": "public MangaLibraryUpdate(final MangaDigest digest)\npublic MangaLibraryUpdate(final MangaLibraryEntry libraryEntry)\nprivate MangaLibraryUpdate(final Parcel source)\npublic boolean containsModifications()\npublic int getChaptersRead()\npublic Defaults getDefaults()\npublic String getMangaId()\npublic String getMangaTitle()\n@Nullable public String getNotes()\n@Nullable public Rating getRating()\n@Nullable public ReadingStatus getReadingStatus()\npublic int getReReadCount()\npublic int getVolumesRead()\npublic boolean isPrivate()\npublic boolean isReReading()\npublic void setChaptersRead(final int chaptersRead)\npublic void setNotes(@Nullable String notes)\npublic void setPrivacy(final Privacy privacy)\npublic void setRating(@Nullable final Rating rating)\npublic void setReadingStatus(@Nullable final ReadingStatus readingStatus)\npublic void setReReadCount(final int reReadCount)\npublic void setReReading(final boolean reReading)\npublic void setVolumesRead(final int volumesRead)\npublic JsonObject toJson()\n@Override public int describeContents()\n@Override public void writeToParcel(final Parcel dest, final int flags)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: project/app/src/main/java/com/charlesmadere/hummingbird/models/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: MangaLibraryUpdate implements Parcelable\n\nclass_fields: private final Defaults mDefaults;\nprivate boolean mIsPrivate;\nprivate boolean mIsReReading;\nprivate int mChaptersRead;\nprivate int mReReadCount;\nprivate int mVolumesRead;\n@Nullable\n private Rating mRating;\n@Nullable\n private ReadingStatus mReadingStatus;\nprivate final String mMangaId;\nprivate final String mMangaTitle;\n@Nullable\n private String mNotes;\npublic static final Creator<MangaLibraryUpdate> CREATOR = new Creator<MangaLibraryUpdate>() {\n @Override\n public MangaLibraryUpdate createFromParcel(final Parcel source) {\n return new MangaLibraryUpdate(source);\n }\n\n @Override\n public MangaLibraryUpdate[] newArray(final int size) {\n return new MangaLibraryUpdate[size];\n }\n };\n\nmethod_signatures: public MangaLibraryUpdate(final MangaDigest digest)\npublic MangaLibraryUpdate(final MangaLibraryEntry libraryEntry)\nprivate MangaLibraryUpdate(final Parcel source)\npublic boolean containsModifications()\npublic int getChaptersRead()\npublic Defaults getDefaults()\npublic String getMangaId()\npublic String getMangaTitle()\n@Nullable public String getNotes()\n@Nullable public Rating getRating()\n@Nullable public ReadingStatus getReadingStatus()\npublic int getReReadCount()\npublic int getVolumesRead()\npublic boolean isPrivate()\npublic boolean isReReading()\npublic void setChaptersRead(final int chaptersRead)\npublic void setNotes(@Nullable String notes)\npublic void setPrivacy(final Privacy privacy)\npublic void setRating(@Nullable final Rating rating)\npublic void setReadingStatus(@Nullable final ReadingStatus readingStatus)\npublic void setReReadCount(final int reReadCount)\npublic void setReReading(final boolean reReading)\npublic void setVolumesRead(final int volumesRead)\npublic JsonObject toJson()\n@Override public int describeContents()\n@Override public void writeToParcel(final Parcel dest, final int flags)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: MangaLibraryUpdateTest\n\nclass_fields: private MangaLibraryUpdate mLibraryUpdate;\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file project/app/src/main/java/com/charlesmadere/hummingbird/models/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n public void setPrivacy(final Privacy privacy) {\n if (Privacy.PRIVATE == privacy) {\n mIsPrivate = true;\n } else if (Privacy.PUBLIC == privacy) {\n mIsPrivate = false;\n } else {\n throw new IllegalArgumentException(\"privacy is an illegal value: \" + privacy);\n }\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n project/app/src/test/java/com/charlesmadere/hummingbird/models/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void testSetPrivacy() throws Exception {\n assertFalse(mLibraryUpdate.containsModifications());\n\n mLibraryUpdate.setPrivacy(mLibraryUpdate.getDefaults().isPrivate() ?\n Privacy.PRIVATE : Privacy.PUBLIC);\n assertFalse(mLibraryUpdate.containsModifications());\n\n mLibraryUpdate.setPrivacy(mLibraryUpdate.isPrivate() ? Privacy.PUBLIC : Privacy.PRIVATE);\n assertTrue(mLibraryUpdate.containsModifications());\n\n mLibraryUpdate.setPrivacy(mLibraryUpdate.getDefaults().isPrivate() ?\n Privacy.PRIVATE : Privacy.PUBLIC);\n assertFalse(mLibraryUpdate.containsModifications());\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
public void setNotes(@Nullable String notes) { if (TextUtils.isEmpty(notes) || TextUtils.getTrimmedLength(notes) == 0) { notes = null; } else { notes = notes.trim(); } mNotes = notes; }
@Test public void testSetNotes() throws Exception { assertFalse(mLibraryUpdate.containsModifications()); mLibraryUpdate.setNotes(mLibraryUpdate.getNotes()); assertFalse(mLibraryUpdate.containsModifications()); mLibraryUpdate.setNotes("Hello, World!"); assertTrue(mLibraryUpdate.containsModifications()); mLibraryUpdate.setNotes(mLibraryUpdate.getDefaults().getNotes()); assertFalse(mLibraryUpdate.containsModifications()); }
[ "isEmpty", "getTrimmedLength", "trim" ]
[ "assertFalse", "containsModifications", "setNotes", "getNotes", "assertFalse", "containsModifications", "setNotes", "assertTrue", "containsModifications", "setNotes", "getNotes", "getDefaults", "assertFalse", "containsModifications" ]
{ "class_fields": "private AnimeLibraryUpdate mLibraryUpdate;", "class_name": "AnimeLibraryUpdateTest" }
{ "class_fields": "private final Defaults mDefaults;\nprivate boolean mIsPrivate;\nprivate boolean mIsRewatching;\nprivate int mEpisodesWatched;\nprivate int mRewatchCount;\n@Nullable\n private Rating mRating;\nprivate final String mAnimeId;\nprivate final String mAnimeTitle;\n@Nullable\n private String mNotes;\n@Nullable\n private WatchingStatus mWatchingStatus;\npublic static final Creator<AnimeLibraryUpdate> CREATOR = new Creator<AnimeLibraryUpdate>() {\n @Override\n public AnimeLibraryUpdate createFromParcel(final Parcel source) {\n return new AnimeLibraryUpdate(source);\n }\n\n @Override\n public AnimeLibraryUpdate[] newArray(final int size) {\n return new AnimeLibraryUpdate[size];\n }\n };", "class_name": "AnimeLibraryUpdate implements Parcelable", "method_signatures": "public AnimeLibraryUpdate(final AnimeDigest digest)\npublic AnimeLibraryUpdate(final AnimeLibraryEntry libraryEntry)\nprivate AnimeLibraryUpdate(final Parcel source)\npublic boolean containsModifications()\npublic String getAnimeId()\npublic String getAnimeTitle()\npublic Defaults getDefaults()\npublic int getEpisodesWatched()\n@Nullable public String getNotes()\n@Nullable public Rating getRating()\npublic int getRewatchCount()\n@Nullable public WatchingStatus getWatchingStatus()\npublic boolean isPrivate()\npublic boolean isRewatching()\npublic void setEpisodesWatched(final int episodesWatched)\npublic void setNotes(@Nullable String notes)\npublic void setPrivacy(final Privacy privacy)\npublic void setRating(@Nullable final Rating rating)\npublic void setRewatchCount(final int rewatchCount)\npublic void setRewatching(final boolean rewatching)\npublic void setWatchingStatus(@Nullable final WatchingStatus watchingStatus)\npublic JsonObject toJson()\n@Override public int describeContents()\n@Override public void writeToParcel(final Parcel dest, final int flags)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: project/app/src/main/java/com/charlesmadere/hummingbird/models/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: AnimeLibraryUpdate implements Parcelable\n\nclass_fields: private final Defaults mDefaults;\nprivate boolean mIsPrivate;\nprivate boolean mIsRewatching;\nprivate int mEpisodesWatched;\nprivate int mRewatchCount;\n@Nullable\n private Rating mRating;\nprivate final String mAnimeId;\nprivate final String mAnimeTitle;\n@Nullable\n private String mNotes;\n@Nullable\n private WatchingStatus mWatchingStatus;\npublic static final Creator<AnimeLibraryUpdate> CREATOR = new Creator<AnimeLibraryUpdate>() {\n @Override\n public AnimeLibraryUpdate createFromParcel(final Parcel source) {\n return new AnimeLibraryUpdate(source);\n }\n\n @Override\n public AnimeLibraryUpdate[] newArray(final int size) {\n return new AnimeLibraryUpdate[size];\n }\n };\n\nmethod_signatures: public AnimeLibraryUpdate(final AnimeDigest digest)\npublic AnimeLibraryUpdate(final AnimeLibraryEntry libraryEntry)\nprivate AnimeLibraryUpdate(final Parcel source)\npublic boolean containsModifications()\npublic String getAnimeId()\npublic String getAnimeTitle()\npublic Defaults getDefaults()\npublic int getEpisodesWatched()\n@Nullable public String getNotes()\n@Nullable public Rating getRating()\npublic int getRewatchCount()\n@Nullable public WatchingStatus getWatchingStatus()\npublic boolean isPrivate()\npublic boolean isRewatching()\npublic void setEpisodesWatched(final int episodesWatched)\npublic void setNotes(@Nullable String notes)\npublic void setPrivacy(final Privacy privacy)\npublic void setRating(@Nullable final Rating rating)\npublic void setRewatchCount(final int rewatchCount)\npublic void setRewatching(final boolean rewatching)\npublic void setWatchingStatus(@Nullable final WatchingStatus watchingStatus)\npublic JsonObject toJson()\n@Override public int describeContents()\n@Override public void writeToParcel(final Parcel dest, final int flags)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: AnimeLibraryUpdateTest\n\nclass_fields: private AnimeLibraryUpdate mLibraryUpdate;\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file project/app/src/main/java/com/charlesmadere/hummingbird/models/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n public void setNotes(@Nullable String notes) {\n if (TextUtils.isEmpty(notes) || TextUtils.getTrimmedLength(notes) == 0) {\n notes = null;\n } else {\n notes = notes.trim();\n }\n\n mNotes = notes;\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n project/app/src/test/java/com/charlesmadere/hummingbird/models/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void testSetNotes() throws Exception {\n assertFalse(mLibraryUpdate.containsModifications());\n\n mLibraryUpdate.setNotes(mLibraryUpdate.getNotes());\n assertFalse(mLibraryUpdate.containsModifications());\n\n mLibraryUpdate.setNotes(\"Hello, World!\");\n assertTrue(mLibraryUpdate.containsModifications());\n\n mLibraryUpdate.setNotes(mLibraryUpdate.getDefaults().getNotes());\n assertFalse(mLibraryUpdate.containsModifications());\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
@Nullable @Override public String get() { return readSharedPreferences().getString(getKey(), getDefaultValue()); }
@Test public void testGet() throws Exception { assertNull(mNullPref.get()); mNullPref.set((String) null); assertNull(mNullPref.get()); mNullPref.delete(); assertNull(mNullPref.get()); mNullPref.set("Android"); assertEquals(mNullPref.get(), "Android"); mNullPref.delete(); assertNull(mNullPref.get()); assertEquals(mEmptyPref.get(), ""); mEmptyPref.set("hi"); assertEquals(mEmptyPref.get(), "hi"); mEmptyPref.delete(); assertEquals(mEmptyPref.get(), ""); assertEquals(mHelloPref.get(), "Hello, World!"); mHelloPref.set((String) null); assertEquals(mHelloPref.get(), "Hello, World!"); mHelloPref.delete(); assertEquals(mHelloPref.get(), "Hello, World!"); }
[ "getString", "readSharedPreferences", "getKey", "getDefaultValue" ]
[ "assertNull", "get", "set", "assertNull", "get", "delete", "assertNull", "get", "set", "assertEquals", "get", "delete", "assertNull", "get", "assertEquals", "get", "set", "assertEquals", "get", "delete", "assertEquals", "get", "assertEquals", "get", "set", "assertEquals", "get", "delete", "assertEquals", "get" ]
{ "class_fields": "private static final String CNAME = StringPreferenceTest.class.getCanonicalName();\nprivate StringPreference mNullPref;\nprivate StringPreference mEmptyPref;\nprivate StringPreference mHelloPref;", "class_name": "StringPreferenceTest" }
{ "class_fields": "", "class_name": "StringPreference extends Preference<String>", "method_signatures": "public StringPreference(final String name, final String key,\n @Nullable final String defaultValue)\n@Override public boolean exists()\n@Nullable @Override public String get()\n@Override protected void performSet(@NonNull final String newValue)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: project/app/src/main/java/com/charlesmadere/hummingbird/preferences/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: StringPreference extends Preference<String>\n\nclass_fields: \n\nmethod_signatures: public StringPreference(final String name, final String key,\n @Nullable final String defaultValue)\n@Override public boolean exists()\n@Nullable @Override public String get()\n@Override protected void performSet(@NonNull final String newValue)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: StringPreferenceTest\n\nclass_fields: private static final String CNAME = StringPreferenceTest.class.getCanonicalName();\nprivate StringPreference mNullPref;\nprivate StringPreference mEmptyPref;\nprivate StringPreference mHelloPref;\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file project/app/src/main/java/com/charlesmadere/hummingbird/preferences/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n @Nullable\n @Override\n public String get() {\n return readSharedPreferences().getString(getKey(), getDefaultValue());\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n project/app/src/test/java/com/charlesmadere/hummingbird/preferences/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void testGet() throws Exception {\n assertNull(mNullPref.get());\n mNullPref.set((String) null);\n assertNull(mNullPref.get());\n mNullPref.delete();\n assertNull(mNullPref.get());\n mNullPref.set(\"Android\");\n assertEquals(mNullPref.get(), \"Android\");\n mNullPref.delete();\n assertNull(mNullPref.get());\n\n assertEquals(mEmptyPref.get(), \"\");\n mEmptyPref.set(\"hi\");\n assertEquals(mEmptyPref.get(), \"hi\");\n mEmptyPref.delete();\n assertEquals(mEmptyPref.get(), \"\");\n\n assertEquals(mHelloPref.get(), \"Hello, World!\");\n mHelloPref.set((String) null);\n assertEquals(mHelloPref.get(), \"Hello, World!\");\n mHelloPref.delete();\n assertEquals(mHelloPref.get(), \"Hello, World!\");\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
@Nullable static URL getConfigFile() { String customLocation = System.getProperty(CONFIG_FILE_SYS_PROPERTY); if (customLocation != null && !customLocation.isEmpty()) { try { File file = new File(customLocation); if (file.exists()) { return file.toURI().toURL(); } else { return AgentRuntimeLoader.class.getResource(customLocation); } } catch (MalformedURLException e) { log.error("X-Ray agent config file's custom location was malformed. " + "Falling back to default configuration."); return null; } } // Will return null if default file is absent return AgentRuntimeLoader.class.getResource(CONFIG_FILE_DEFAULT_LOCATION); }
@Test public void testNonExistentCustomConfigFile() { System.setProperty(CONFIG_FILE_SYS_PROPERTY, "/some/totally/fake/file"); URL configFile = AgentRuntimeLoader.getConfigFile(); Assert.assertNull(configFile); }
[ "getProperty", "isEmpty", "exists", "toURL", "toURI", "getResource", "error", "getResource" ]
[ "setProperty", "getConfigFile", "assertNull" ]
{ "class_fields": "private final String serviceName = \"TestService\";\nprivate static final String CONFIG_FILE_SYS_PROPERTY = \"com.amazonaws.xray.configFile\";\nprivate static final String CONFIG_FILE_DEFAULT_NAME = \"xray-agent.json\";\n@Mock\n private XRayListener listenerMock;\n@Mock\n private ListenerFactory factoryMock;\nprivate XRaySDKConfiguration config;", "class_name": "AgentRuntimeLoaderTest" }
{ "class_fields": "private static final String CONFIG_FILE_SYS_PROPERTY = \"com.amazonaws.xray.configFile\";\nprivate static final String CONFIG_FILE_DEFAULT_LOCATION = \"/xray-agent.json\";\nprivate static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(AgentRuntimeLoader.class);\nprivate static ListenerFactory listenerFactory = new XRayListenerFactory();", "class_name": "AgentRuntimeLoader", "method_signatures": "static void setListenerFactory(ListenerFactory factory)\npublic static void init()\npublic static void init(@Nullable String serviceName)\nprivate static boolean configureXRay()\n@Nullable static URL getConfigFile()" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: aws-xray-agent/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/xray/agent/runtime/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: AgentRuntimeLoader\n\nclass_fields: private static final String CONFIG_FILE_SYS_PROPERTY = \"com.amazonaws.xray.configFile\";\nprivate static final String CONFIG_FILE_DEFAULT_LOCATION = \"/xray-agent.json\";\nprivate static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(AgentRuntimeLoader.class);\nprivate static ListenerFactory listenerFactory = new XRayListenerFactory();\n\nmethod_signatures: static void setListenerFactory(ListenerFactory factory)\npublic static void init()\npublic static void init(@Nullable String serviceName)\nprivate static boolean configureXRay()\n@Nullable static URL getConfigFile()\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: AgentRuntimeLoaderTest\n\nclass_fields: private final String serviceName = \"TestService\";\nprivate static final String CONFIG_FILE_SYS_PROPERTY = \"com.amazonaws.xray.configFile\";\nprivate static final String CONFIG_FILE_DEFAULT_NAME = \"xray-agent.json\";\n@Mock\n private XRayListener listenerMock;\n@Mock\n private ListenerFactory factoryMock;\nprivate XRaySDKConfiguration config;\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file aws-xray-agent/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/xray/agent/runtime/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n @Nullable\n static URL getConfigFile() {\n String customLocation = System.getProperty(CONFIG_FILE_SYS_PROPERTY);\n if (customLocation != null && !customLocation.isEmpty()) {\n try {\n File file = new File(customLocation);\n if (file.exists()) {\n return file.toURI().toURL();\n } else {\n return AgentRuntimeLoader.class.getResource(customLocation);\n }\n } catch (MalformedURLException e) {\n log.error(\"X-Ray agent config file's custom location was malformed. \" +\n \"Falling back to default configuration.\");\n return null;\n }\n }\n\n // Will return null if default file is absent\n return AgentRuntimeLoader.class.getResource(CONFIG_FILE_DEFAULT_LOCATION);\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n aws-xray-agent/src/test/java/com/amazonaws/xray/agent/runtime/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void testNonExistentCustomConfigFile() {\n System.setProperty(CONFIG_FILE_SYS_PROPERTY, \"/some/totally/fake/file\");\n\n URL configFile = AgentRuntimeLoader.getConfigFile();\n\n Assert.assertNull(configFile);\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
protected void notifyDataSetSwapStarted(@Nullable final D dataSet) { if (listeners != null && !listeners.isEmpty()) { for (final OnDataSetSwapListener<D> listener : listeners) { listener.onDataSetSwapStarted(dataSet); } } }
@Test public void testNotifyDataSetSwapStartedWithoutRegisteredListeners() { // Arrange: final SwappableDataSetAdapterListeners<String> listeners = new SwappableDataSetAdapterListeners<>(); // Act: // Only ensure that the listeners registry does not throw a NullPointerException exception. listeners.notifyDataSetSwapStarted("data"); }
[ "isEmpty", "onDataSetSwapStarted" ]
[ "notifyDataSetSwapStarted" ]
{ "class_fields": "", "class_name": "SwappableDataSetAdapterListenersTest extends LocalTestCase" }
{ "class_fields": "private List<OnDataSetSwapListener<D>> listeners;", "class_name": "SwappableDataSetAdapterListeners", "method_signatures": "public void registerOnDataSetSwapListener(@NonNull final OnDataSetSwapListener<D> listener)\nprotected void notifyDataSetSwapStarted(@Nullable final D dataSet)\nprotected void notifyDataSetSwapFinished(@Nullable final D dataSet)\npublic void unregisterOnDataSetSwapListener(@NonNull final OnDataSetSwapListener<D> listener)\npublic boolean isEmpty()" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: library-core/src/main/java/universum/studios/android/widget/adapter/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: SwappableDataSetAdapterListeners\n\nclass_fields: private List<OnDataSetSwapListener<D>> listeners;\n\nmethod_signatures: public void registerOnDataSetSwapListener(@NonNull final OnDataSetSwapListener<D> listener)\nprotected void notifyDataSetSwapStarted(@Nullable final D dataSet)\nprotected void notifyDataSetSwapFinished(@Nullable final D dataSet)\npublic void unregisterOnDataSetSwapListener(@NonNull final OnDataSetSwapListener<D> listener)\npublic boolean isEmpty()\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: SwappableDataSetAdapterListenersTest extends LocalTestCase\n\nclass_fields: \n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file library-core/src/main/java/universum/studios/android/widget/adapter/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n protected void notifyDataSetSwapStarted(@Nullable final D dataSet) {\n\t\tif (listeners != null && !listeners.isEmpty()) {\n\t\t\tfor (final OnDataSetSwapListener<D> listener : listeners) {\n\t\t\t\tlistener.onDataSetSwapStarted(dataSet);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t}\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n library-core/src/test/java/universum/studios/android/widget/adapter/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n\tpublic void testNotifyDataSetSwapStartedWithoutRegisteredListeners() {\n\t\t// Arrange:\n\t\tfinal SwappableDataSetAdapterListeners<String> listeners = new SwappableDataSetAdapterListeners<>();\n\t\t// Act:\n\t\t// Only ensure that the listeners registry does not throw a NullPointerException exception.\n\t\tlisteners.notifyDataSetSwapStarted(\"data\");\n\t}\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
@Override public void handleRequest(Event event) { // If a parent SQL transaction is already in progress, we return to avoid an infinite loop. This is because // in order to populate a SQL subsegment, we make several calls to the JDBC Driver's DatabaseMetaData object. // For example, if a driver's implementation of DatabaseMetaData.getUserName() uses executeQuery("SELECT USER") // to get the DB user, executeQuery would be intercepted by the Disco JDBC plugin, trigger this handler to // create subegment, and we'd call getUserName to populate that subsegment and so on. if (incrementSqlTransactionCount() > 1) { return; } ServiceDownstreamRequestEvent requestEvent = (ServiceDownstreamRequestEvent) event; Statement statement = (Statement) requestEvent.getRequest(); boolean recordSql = XRaySDKConfiguration.getInstance().shouldCollectSqlQueries(); final Connection connection; try { connection = statement.getConnection(); } catch (SQLException e) { log.debug("Encountered exception when creating subsegment for query of " + requestEvent.getService() + ", starting blank subsegment", e); AWSXRay.beginSubsegment(SqlSubsegments.DEFAULT_DATABASE_NAME); return; } // If user opted-in to record their Queries, include them in the subsegment SqlSubsegments.forQuery(connection, recordSql ? requestEvent.getOperation() : null); }
@Test public void testSubsegmentCreatedWithSql() { URL configFile = SqlHandlerTest.class.getResource("/com/amazonaws/xray/agent/collectSqlConfig.json"); XRaySDKConfiguration.getInstance().init(configFile); AWSXRay.beginSegment("test"); // must be after config init handler.handleRequest(requestEvent); Subsegment sqlSub = AWSXRay.getCurrentSubsegment(); assertThat(sqlSub.isInProgress()).isTrue(); assertThat(sqlSub.getName()).isEqualTo(DB + ""); assertThat(sqlSub.getNamespace()).isEqualTo(Namespace.REMOTE.toString()); assertThat(sqlSub.getSql()).containsEntry(SqlSubsegments.SANITIZED_QUERY, QUERY); }
[ "incrementSqlTransactionCount", "getRequest", "shouldCollectSqlQueries", "getInstance", "getConnection", "debug", "getService", "beginSubsegment", "forQuery", "getOperation" ]
[ "getResource", "init", "getInstance", "beginSegment", "handleRequest", "getCurrentSubsegment", "isTrue", "assertThat", "isInProgress", "isEqualTo", "assertThat", "getName", "isEqualTo", "assertThat", "getNamespace", "toString", "containsEntry", "assertThat", "getSql" ]
{ "class_fields": "private static final String DB = \"myDB\";\nprivate static final String QUERY = \"SQL\";\nprivate static final String DB_URL = \"\";\nprivate SqlHandler handler;\nprivate ServiceDownstreamRequestEvent requestEvent;\nprivate ServiceDownstreamResponseEvent responseEvent;\n@Mock\n Statement mockStatement;\n@Mock\n Connection mockConnection;\n@Mock\n DatabaseMetaData mockMetaData;", "class_name": "SqlHandlerTest" }
{ "class_fields": "private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(SqlHandler.class);\nstatic final String SQL_SUBSEGMENT_COUNT_KEY = \"XRaySQLSubsegmentCount\";", "class_name": "SqlHandler extends XRayHandler", "method_signatures": "@Override public void handleRequest(Event event)\n@Override public void handleResponse(Event event)\nsynchronized int getSqlTransactionCount()\nprivate synchronized int incrementSqlTransactionCount()\nprivate synchronized int decrementSqlTransactionCount()\nsynchronized void setSqlTransactionCount(int val)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: aws-xray-agent/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/xray/agent/runtime/handlers/downstream/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: SqlHandler extends XRayHandler\n\nclass_fields: private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(SqlHandler.class);\nstatic final String SQL_SUBSEGMENT_COUNT_KEY = \"XRaySQLSubsegmentCount\";\n\nmethod_signatures: @Override public void handleRequest(Event event)\n@Override public void handleResponse(Event event)\nsynchronized int getSqlTransactionCount()\nprivate synchronized int incrementSqlTransactionCount()\nprivate synchronized int decrementSqlTransactionCount()\nsynchronized void setSqlTransactionCount(int val)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: SqlHandlerTest\n\nclass_fields: private static final String DB = \"myDB\";\nprivate static final String QUERY = \"SQL\";\nprivate static final String DB_URL = \"\";\nprivate SqlHandler handler;\nprivate ServiceDownstreamRequestEvent requestEvent;\nprivate ServiceDownstreamResponseEvent responseEvent;\n@Mock\n Statement mockStatement;\n@Mock\n Connection mockConnection;\n@Mock\n DatabaseMetaData mockMetaData;\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file aws-xray-agent/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/xray/agent/runtime/handlers/downstream/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n @Override\n public void handleRequest(Event event) {\n // If a parent SQL transaction is already in progress, we return to avoid an infinite loop. This is because\n // in order to populate a SQL subsegment, we make several calls to the JDBC Driver's DatabaseMetaData object.\n // For example, if a driver's implementation of DatabaseMetaData.getUserName() uses executeQuery(\"SELECT USER\")\n // to get the DB user, executeQuery would be intercepted by the Disco JDBC plugin, trigger this handler to\n // create subegment, and we'd call getUserName to populate that subsegment and so on.\n if (incrementSqlTransactionCount() > 1) {\n return;\n }\n\n ServiceDownstreamRequestEvent requestEvent = (ServiceDownstreamRequestEvent) event;\n Statement statement = (Statement) requestEvent.getRequest();\n boolean recordSql = XRaySDKConfiguration.getInstance().shouldCollectSqlQueries();\n final Connection connection;\n\n try {\n connection = statement.getConnection();\n } catch (SQLException e) {\n log.debug(\"Encountered exception when creating subsegment for query of \"\n + requestEvent.getService() + \", starting blank subsegment\", e);\n AWSXRay.beginSubsegment(SqlSubsegments.DEFAULT_DATABASE_NAME);\n return;\n }\n\n // If user opted-in to record their Queries, include them in the subsegment\n SqlSubsegments.forQuery(connection, recordSql ? requestEvent.getOperation() : null);\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n aws-xray-agent/src/test/java/com/amazonaws/xray/agent/runtime/handlers/downstream/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void testSubsegmentCreatedWithSql() {\n URL configFile = SqlHandlerTest.class.getResource(\"/com/amazonaws/xray/agent/collectSqlConfig.json\");\n XRaySDKConfiguration.getInstance().init(configFile);\n AWSXRay.beginSegment(\"test\"); // must be after config init\n\n handler.handleRequest(requestEvent);\n\n Subsegment sqlSub = AWSXRay.getCurrentSubsegment();\n assertThat(sqlSub.isInProgress()).isTrue();\n assertThat(sqlSub.getName()).isEqualTo(DB + \"\");\n assertThat(sqlSub.getNamespace()).isEqualTo(Namespace.REMOTE.toString());\n assertThat(sqlSub.getSql()).containsEntry(SqlSubsegments.SANITIZED_QUERY, QUERY);\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
@Override public void handleRequest(Event event) { // If a parent SQL transaction is already in progress, we return to avoid an infinite loop. This is because // in order to populate a SQL subsegment, we make several calls to the JDBC Driver's DatabaseMetaData object. // For example, if a driver's implementation of DatabaseMetaData.getUserName() uses executeQuery("SELECT USER") // to get the DB user, executeQuery would be intercepted by the Disco JDBC plugin, trigger this handler to // create subegment, and we'd call getUserName to populate that subsegment and so on. if (incrementSqlTransactionCount() > 1) { return; } ServiceDownstreamRequestEvent requestEvent = (ServiceDownstreamRequestEvent) event; Statement statement = (Statement) requestEvent.getRequest(); boolean recordSql = XRaySDKConfiguration.getInstance().shouldCollectSqlQueries(); final Connection connection; try { connection = statement.getConnection(); } catch (SQLException e) { log.debug("Encountered exception when creating subsegment for query of " + requestEvent.getService() + ", starting blank subsegment", e); AWSXRay.beginSubsegment(SqlSubsegments.DEFAULT_DATABASE_NAME); return; } // If user opted-in to record their Queries, include them in the subsegment SqlSubsegments.forQuery(connection, recordSql ? requestEvent.getOperation() : null); }
@Test public void testSubsegmentCreatedWithoutSql() { XRaySDKConfiguration.getInstance().init(); AWSXRay.beginSegment("test"); // must be after config init handler.handleRequest(requestEvent); Subsegment sqlSub = AWSXRay.getCurrentSubsegment(); assertThat(sqlSub.isInProgress()).isTrue(); assertThat(sqlSub.getName()).isEqualTo(DB + ""); assertThat(sqlSub.getNamespace()).isEqualTo(Namespace.REMOTE.toString()); assertThat(sqlSub.getSql()).doesNotContainKey(SqlSubsegments.SANITIZED_QUERY); }
[ "incrementSqlTransactionCount", "getRequest", "shouldCollectSqlQueries", "getInstance", "getConnection", "debug", "getService", "beginSubsegment", "forQuery", "getOperation" ]
[ "init", "getInstance", "beginSegment", "handleRequest", "getCurrentSubsegment", "isTrue", "assertThat", "isInProgress", "isEqualTo", "assertThat", "getName", "isEqualTo", "assertThat", "getNamespace", "toString", "doesNotContainKey", "assertThat", "getSql" ]
{ "class_fields": "private static final String DB = \"myDB\";\nprivate static final String QUERY = \"SQL\";\nprivate static final String DB_URL = \"\";\nprivate SqlHandler handler;\nprivate ServiceDownstreamRequestEvent requestEvent;\nprivate ServiceDownstreamResponseEvent responseEvent;\n@Mock\n Statement mockStatement;\n@Mock\n Connection mockConnection;\n@Mock\n DatabaseMetaData mockMetaData;", "class_name": "SqlHandlerTest" }
{ "class_fields": "private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(SqlHandler.class);\nstatic final String SQL_SUBSEGMENT_COUNT_KEY = \"XRaySQLSubsegmentCount\";", "class_name": "SqlHandler extends XRayHandler", "method_signatures": "@Override public void handleRequest(Event event)\n@Override public void handleResponse(Event event)\nsynchronized int getSqlTransactionCount()\nprivate synchronized int incrementSqlTransactionCount()\nprivate synchronized int decrementSqlTransactionCount()\nsynchronized void setSqlTransactionCount(int val)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: aws-xray-agent/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/xray/agent/runtime/handlers/downstream/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: SqlHandler extends XRayHandler\n\nclass_fields: private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(SqlHandler.class);\nstatic final String SQL_SUBSEGMENT_COUNT_KEY = \"XRaySQLSubsegmentCount\";\n\nmethod_signatures: @Override public void handleRequest(Event event)\n@Override public void handleResponse(Event event)\nsynchronized int getSqlTransactionCount()\nprivate synchronized int incrementSqlTransactionCount()\nprivate synchronized int decrementSqlTransactionCount()\nsynchronized void setSqlTransactionCount(int val)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: SqlHandlerTest\n\nclass_fields: private static final String DB = \"myDB\";\nprivate static final String QUERY = \"SQL\";\nprivate static final String DB_URL = \"\";\nprivate SqlHandler handler;\nprivate ServiceDownstreamRequestEvent requestEvent;\nprivate ServiceDownstreamResponseEvent responseEvent;\n@Mock\n Statement mockStatement;\n@Mock\n Connection mockConnection;\n@Mock\n DatabaseMetaData mockMetaData;\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file aws-xray-agent/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/xray/agent/runtime/handlers/downstream/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n @Override\n public void handleRequest(Event event) {\n // If a parent SQL transaction is already in progress, we return to avoid an infinite loop. This is because\n // in order to populate a SQL subsegment, we make several calls to the JDBC Driver's DatabaseMetaData object.\n // For example, if a driver's implementation of DatabaseMetaData.getUserName() uses executeQuery(\"SELECT USER\")\n // to get the DB user, executeQuery would be intercepted by the Disco JDBC plugin, trigger this handler to\n // create subegment, and we'd call getUserName to populate that subsegment and so on.\n if (incrementSqlTransactionCount() > 1) {\n return;\n }\n\n ServiceDownstreamRequestEvent requestEvent = (ServiceDownstreamRequestEvent) event;\n Statement statement = (Statement) requestEvent.getRequest();\n boolean recordSql = XRaySDKConfiguration.getInstance().shouldCollectSqlQueries();\n final Connection connection;\n\n try {\n connection = statement.getConnection();\n } catch (SQLException e) {\n log.debug(\"Encountered exception when creating subsegment for query of \"\n + requestEvent.getService() + \", starting blank subsegment\", e);\n AWSXRay.beginSubsegment(SqlSubsegments.DEFAULT_DATABASE_NAME);\n return;\n }\n\n // If user opted-in to record their Queries, include them in the subsegment\n SqlSubsegments.forQuery(connection, recordSql ? requestEvent.getOperation() : null);\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n aws-xray-agent/src/test/java/com/amazonaws/xray/agent/runtime/handlers/downstream/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void testSubsegmentCreatedWithoutSql() {\n XRaySDKConfiguration.getInstance().init();\n AWSXRay.beginSegment(\"test\"); // must be after config init\n\n handler.handleRequest(requestEvent);\n\n Subsegment sqlSub = AWSXRay.getCurrentSubsegment();\n assertThat(sqlSub.isInProgress()).isTrue();\n assertThat(sqlSub.getName()).isEqualTo(DB + \"\");\n assertThat(sqlSub.getNamespace()).isEqualTo(Namespace.REMOTE.toString());\n assertThat(sqlSub.getSql()).doesNotContainKey(SqlSubsegments.SANITIZED_QUERY);\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
public void init(@Nullable URL configFile) { if (configFile == null) { this.agentConfiguration = new AgentConfiguration(); } else { try {"Reading X-Ray Agent config file at: " + configFile.getPath()); this.agentConfiguration = parseConfig(configFile); } catch (IOException e) { throw new InvalidAgentConfigException("Failed to read X-Ray Agent configuration file " + configFile.getPath(), e); } } if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Starting the X-Ray Agent with the following properties:\n" + agentConfiguration.toString()); } init(AWSXRayRecorderBuilder.standard()); }
@Test public void testSysTracingDisabled() { AWSXRayRecorderBuilder builderMock = mock(AWSXRayRecorderBuilder.class); System.setProperty(XRaySDKConfiguration.ENABLED_SYSTEM_PROPERTY_KEY, "false"); config.init(builderMock); Assert.assertNull(XRayTransactionState.getServiceName()); verify(builderMock, never()).build(); }
[ "info", "getPath", "parseConfig", "getPath", "isDebugEnabled", "debug", "toString", "init", "standard" ]
[ "mock", "setProperty", "init", "assertNull", "getServiceName", "build", "verify", "never" ]
{ "class_fields": "private static final String JVM_NAME = \"jvm_name\";\nprivate static final String ENV_NAME = \"env_name\";\nprivate static final String SYS_NAME = \"sys_name\";\nprivate static final String CONFIG_NAME = \"config_name\";\nXRaySDKConfiguration config;\nMap<String, String> configMap;\n@Rule\n public final EnvironmentVariables environmentVariables = new EnvironmentVariables();", "class_name": "XRaySDKConfigurationTest" }
{ "class_fields": "static final String LAMBDA_TASK_ROOT_KEY = \"LAMBDA_TASK_ROOT\";\nstatic final String ENABLED_ENVIRONMENT_VARIABLE_KEY = \"AWS_XRAY_TRACING_ENABLED\";\nstatic final String ENABLED_SYSTEM_PROPERTY_KEY = \"com.amazonaws.xray.tracingEnabled\";\nprivate static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(XRaySDKConfiguration.class);\nprivate static final JsonFactory factory = new JsonFactory();\nprivate static final XRaySDKConfiguration instance = new XRaySDKConfiguration();\nprivate AgentConfiguration agentConfiguration;\n@Nullable\n private URL awsServiceHandlerManifest = null;\nprivate int awsSdkVersion;", "class_name": "XRaySDKConfiguration", "method_signatures": "public int getAwsSdkVersion()\n@Nullable public URL getAwsServiceHandlerManifest()\n AgentConfiguration getAgentConfiguration()\n void setAgentConfiguration(AgentConfiguration agentConfiguration)\npublic boolean isEnabled()\npublic boolean shouldCollectSqlQueries()\npublic boolean isTraceIncomingRequests()\n XRaySDKConfiguration()\npublic static XRaySDKConfiguration getInstance()\npublic void init(@Nullable URL configFile)\npublic void init()\n void init(AWSXRayRecorderBuilder builder)\nprivate AgentConfiguration parseConfig(URL configFile)\nprivate void tryAddTraceIdInjection(AWSXRayRecorderBuilder builder, String className, String prefix)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: aws-xray-agent/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/xray/agent/runtime/config/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: XRaySDKConfiguration\n\nclass_fields: static final String LAMBDA_TASK_ROOT_KEY = \"LAMBDA_TASK_ROOT\";\nstatic final String ENABLED_ENVIRONMENT_VARIABLE_KEY = \"AWS_XRAY_TRACING_ENABLED\";\nstatic final String ENABLED_SYSTEM_PROPERTY_KEY = \"com.amazonaws.xray.tracingEnabled\";\nprivate static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(XRaySDKConfiguration.class);\nprivate static final JsonFactory factory = new JsonFactory();\nprivate static final XRaySDKConfiguration instance = new XRaySDKConfiguration();\nprivate AgentConfiguration agentConfiguration;\n@Nullable\n private URL awsServiceHandlerManifest = null;\nprivate int awsSdkVersion;\n\nmethod_signatures: public int getAwsSdkVersion()\n@Nullable public URL getAwsServiceHandlerManifest()\n AgentConfiguration getAgentConfiguration()\n void setAgentConfiguration(AgentConfiguration agentConfiguration)\npublic boolean isEnabled()\npublic boolean shouldCollectSqlQueries()\npublic boolean isTraceIncomingRequests()\n XRaySDKConfiguration()\npublic static XRaySDKConfiguration getInstance()\npublic void init(@Nullable URL configFile)\npublic void init()\n void init(AWSXRayRecorderBuilder builder)\nprivate AgentConfiguration parseConfig(URL configFile)\nprivate void tryAddTraceIdInjection(AWSXRayRecorderBuilder builder, String className, String prefix)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: XRaySDKConfigurationTest\n\nclass_fields: private static final String JVM_NAME = \"jvm_name\";\nprivate static final String ENV_NAME = \"env_name\";\nprivate static final String SYS_NAME = \"sys_name\";\nprivate static final String CONFIG_NAME = \"config_name\";\nXRaySDKConfiguration config;\nMap<String, String> configMap;\n@Rule\n public final EnvironmentVariables environmentVariables = new EnvironmentVariables();\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file aws-xray-agent/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/xray/agent/runtime/config/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n public void init(@Nullable URL configFile) {\n if (configFile == null) {\n this.agentConfiguration = new AgentConfiguration();\n } else {\n try {\n\"Reading X-Ray Agent config file at: \" + configFile.getPath());\n this.agentConfiguration = parseConfig(configFile);\n } catch (IOException e) {\n throw new InvalidAgentConfigException(\"Failed to read X-Ray Agent configuration file \" + configFile.getPath(), e);\n }\n }\n\n if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {\n log.debug(\"Starting the X-Ray Agent with the following properties:\\n\" + agentConfiguration.toString());\n }\n init(AWSXRayRecorderBuilder.standard());\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n aws-xray-agent/src/test/java/com/amazonaws/xray/agent/runtime/config/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void testSysTracingDisabled() {\n AWSXRayRecorderBuilder builderMock = mock(AWSXRayRecorderBuilder.class);\n System.setProperty(XRaySDKConfiguration.ENABLED_SYSTEM_PROPERTY_KEY, \"false\");\n\n config.init(builderMock);\n\n Assert.assertNull(XRayTransactionState.getServiceName());\n verify(builderMock, never()).build();\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
@Nullable static URL getConfigFile() { String customLocation = System.getProperty(CONFIG_FILE_SYS_PROPERTY); if (customLocation != null && !customLocation.isEmpty()) { try { File file = new File(customLocation); if (file.exists()) { return file.toURI().toURL(); } else { return AgentRuntimeLoader.class.getResource(customLocation); } } catch (MalformedURLException e) { log.error("X-Ray agent config file's custom location was malformed. " + "Falling back to default configuration."); return null; } } // Will return null if default file is absent return AgentRuntimeLoader.class.getResource(CONFIG_FILE_DEFAULT_LOCATION); }
@Test public void testGetDefaultConfigFile() { URL configFile = AgentRuntimeLoader.getConfigFile(); Assert.assertEquals(CONFIG_FILE_DEFAULT_NAME, FilenameUtils.getName(configFile.getPath())); }
[ "getProperty", "isEmpty", "exists", "toURL", "toURI", "getResource", "error", "getResource" ]
[ "getConfigFile", "assertEquals", "getName", "getPath" ]
{ "class_fields": "private final String serviceName = \"TestService\";\nprivate static final String CONFIG_FILE_SYS_PROPERTY = \"com.amazonaws.xray.configFile\";\nprivate static final String CONFIG_FILE_DEFAULT_NAME = \"xray-agent.json\";\n@Mock\n private XRayListener listenerMock;\n@Mock\n private ListenerFactory factoryMock;\nprivate XRaySDKConfiguration config;", "class_name": "AgentRuntimeLoaderTest" }
{ "class_fields": "private static final String CONFIG_FILE_SYS_PROPERTY = \"com.amazonaws.xray.configFile\";\nprivate static final String CONFIG_FILE_DEFAULT_LOCATION = \"/xray-agent.json\";\nprivate static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(AgentRuntimeLoader.class);\nprivate static ListenerFactory listenerFactory = new XRayListenerFactory();", "class_name": "AgentRuntimeLoader", "method_signatures": "static void setListenerFactory(ListenerFactory factory)\npublic static void init()\npublic static void init(@Nullable String serviceName)\nprivate static boolean configureXRay()\n@Nullable static URL getConfigFile()" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: aws-xray-agent/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/xray/agent/runtime/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: AgentRuntimeLoader\n\nclass_fields: private static final String CONFIG_FILE_SYS_PROPERTY = \"com.amazonaws.xray.configFile\";\nprivate static final String CONFIG_FILE_DEFAULT_LOCATION = \"/xray-agent.json\";\nprivate static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(AgentRuntimeLoader.class);\nprivate static ListenerFactory listenerFactory = new XRayListenerFactory();\n\nmethod_signatures: static void setListenerFactory(ListenerFactory factory)\npublic static void init()\npublic static void init(@Nullable String serviceName)\nprivate static boolean configureXRay()\n@Nullable static URL getConfigFile()\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: AgentRuntimeLoaderTest\n\nclass_fields: private final String serviceName = \"TestService\";\nprivate static final String CONFIG_FILE_SYS_PROPERTY = \"com.amazonaws.xray.configFile\";\nprivate static final String CONFIG_FILE_DEFAULT_NAME = \"xray-agent.json\";\n@Mock\n private XRayListener listenerMock;\n@Mock\n private ListenerFactory factoryMock;\nprivate XRaySDKConfiguration config;\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file aws-xray-agent/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/xray/agent/runtime/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n @Nullable\n static URL getConfigFile() {\n String customLocation = System.getProperty(CONFIG_FILE_SYS_PROPERTY);\n if (customLocation != null && !customLocation.isEmpty()) {\n try {\n File file = new File(customLocation);\n if (file.exists()) {\n return file.toURI().toURL();\n } else {\n return AgentRuntimeLoader.class.getResource(customLocation);\n }\n } catch (MalformedURLException e) {\n log.error(\"X-Ray agent config file's custom location was malformed. \" +\n \"Falling back to default configuration.\");\n return null;\n }\n }\n\n // Will return null if default file is absent\n return AgentRuntimeLoader.class.getResource(CONFIG_FILE_DEFAULT_LOCATION);\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n aws-xray-agent/src/test/java/com/amazonaws/xray/agent/runtime/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void testGetDefaultConfigFile() {\n URL configFile = AgentRuntimeLoader.getConfigFile();\n\n Assert.assertEquals(CONFIG_FILE_DEFAULT_NAME, FilenameUtils.getName(configFile.getPath()));\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
@Nullable static URL getConfigFile() { String customLocation = System.getProperty(CONFIG_FILE_SYS_PROPERTY); if (customLocation != null && !customLocation.isEmpty()) { try { File file = new File(customLocation); if (file.exists()) { return file.toURI().toURL(); } else { return AgentRuntimeLoader.class.getResource(customLocation); } } catch (MalformedURLException e) { log.error("X-Ray agent config file's custom location was malformed. " + "Falling back to default configuration."); return null; } } // Will return null if default file is absent return AgentRuntimeLoader.class.getResource(CONFIG_FILE_DEFAULT_LOCATION); }
@Test public void testGetCustomConfigFileFromClassPath() { String fileName = "emptyAgentConfig.json"; System.setProperty(CONFIG_FILE_SYS_PROPERTY, "/com/amazonaws/xray/agent/" + fileName); URL configFile = AgentRuntimeLoader.getConfigFile(); // Make sure it's not using the file system Assert.assertFalse(new File("/com/amazonaws/xray/agent/" + fileName).exists()); Assert.assertEquals(fileName, FilenameUtils.getName(configFile.getPath())); }
[ "getProperty", "isEmpty", "exists", "toURL", "toURI", "getResource", "error", "getResource" ]
[ "setProperty", "getConfigFile", "assertFalse", "exists", "assertEquals", "getName", "getPath" ]
{ "class_fields": "private final String serviceName = \"TestService\";\nprivate static final String CONFIG_FILE_SYS_PROPERTY = \"com.amazonaws.xray.configFile\";\nprivate static final String CONFIG_FILE_DEFAULT_NAME = \"xray-agent.json\";\n@Mock\n private XRayListener listenerMock;\n@Mock\n private ListenerFactory factoryMock;\nprivate XRaySDKConfiguration config;", "class_name": "AgentRuntimeLoaderTest" }
{ "class_fields": "private static final String CONFIG_FILE_SYS_PROPERTY = \"com.amazonaws.xray.configFile\";\nprivate static final String CONFIG_FILE_DEFAULT_LOCATION = \"/xray-agent.json\";\nprivate static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(AgentRuntimeLoader.class);\nprivate static ListenerFactory listenerFactory = new XRayListenerFactory();", "class_name": "AgentRuntimeLoader", "method_signatures": "static void setListenerFactory(ListenerFactory factory)\npublic static void init()\npublic static void init(@Nullable String serviceName)\nprivate static boolean configureXRay()\n@Nullable static URL getConfigFile()" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: aws-xray-agent/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/xray/agent/runtime/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: AgentRuntimeLoader\n\nclass_fields: private static final String CONFIG_FILE_SYS_PROPERTY = \"com.amazonaws.xray.configFile\";\nprivate static final String CONFIG_FILE_DEFAULT_LOCATION = \"/xray-agent.json\";\nprivate static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(AgentRuntimeLoader.class);\nprivate static ListenerFactory listenerFactory = new XRayListenerFactory();\n\nmethod_signatures: static void setListenerFactory(ListenerFactory factory)\npublic static void init()\npublic static void init(@Nullable String serviceName)\nprivate static boolean configureXRay()\n@Nullable static URL getConfigFile()\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: AgentRuntimeLoaderTest\n\nclass_fields: private final String serviceName = \"TestService\";\nprivate static final String CONFIG_FILE_SYS_PROPERTY = \"com.amazonaws.xray.configFile\";\nprivate static final String CONFIG_FILE_DEFAULT_NAME = \"xray-agent.json\";\n@Mock\n private XRayListener listenerMock;\n@Mock\n private ListenerFactory factoryMock;\nprivate XRaySDKConfiguration config;\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file aws-xray-agent/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/xray/agent/runtime/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n @Nullable\n static URL getConfigFile() {\n String customLocation = System.getProperty(CONFIG_FILE_SYS_PROPERTY);\n if (customLocation != null && !customLocation.isEmpty()) {\n try {\n File file = new File(customLocation);\n if (file.exists()) {\n return file.toURI().toURL();\n } else {\n return AgentRuntimeLoader.class.getResource(customLocation);\n }\n } catch (MalformedURLException e) {\n log.error(\"X-Ray agent config file's custom location was malformed. \" +\n \"Falling back to default configuration.\");\n return null;\n }\n }\n\n // Will return null if default file is absent\n return AgentRuntimeLoader.class.getResource(CONFIG_FILE_DEFAULT_LOCATION);\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n aws-xray-agent/src/test/java/com/amazonaws/xray/agent/runtime/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void testGetCustomConfigFileFromClassPath() {\n String fileName = \"emptyAgentConfig.json\";\n System.setProperty(CONFIG_FILE_SYS_PROPERTY, \"/com/amazonaws/xray/agent/\" + fileName);\n\n URL configFile = AgentRuntimeLoader.getConfigFile();\n\n // Make sure it's not using the file system\n Assert.assertFalse(new File(\"/com/amazonaws/xray/agent/\" + fileName).exists());\n Assert.assertEquals(fileName, FilenameUtils.getName(configFile.getPath()));\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
@Override public void listen(Event event) { try { EventDispatcher dispatcher = isEventDownstream(event) ? downstreamEventDispatcher : upstreamEventDispatcher; if (event instanceof ServiceRequestEvent || event instanceof HttpServletNetworkRequestEvent) { dispatcher.dispatchRequestEvent(event); } else if (event instanceof ServiceResponseEvent || event instanceof HttpServletNetworkResponseEvent) { dispatcher.dispatchResponseEvent(event); } else { // Other events we don't care about so return. return; } } catch (Exception e) { // We dont want to propagate any exceptions back to the bus nor the application code, so we // just log it and continue. log.error("The X-Ray Agent had encountered an unexpected exception for the following event: " + event.toString(), e); } }
@Test public void testDispatcherException() { // We expect the listener to be a catch-all for any exception, // so ultimately, it shouldn't throw exceptions and mess up application code. doThrow(new RuntimeException("Test Exception")).when(downstreamDispatcher).dispatchRequestEvent(any()); ServiceDownstreamRequestEvent downstreamRequestEvent = new ServiceDownstreamRequestEvent(ORIGIN, SERVICE, OPERATION); verify(downstreamDispatcher, times(0)).dispatchRequestEvent(any()); xRayListener.listen(downstreamRequestEvent); verify(downstreamDispatcher, times(1)).dispatchRequestEvent(any()); }
[ "isEventDownstream", "dispatchRequestEvent", "dispatchResponseEvent", "error", "toString" ]
[ "dispatchRequestEvent", "when", "doThrow", "any", "dispatchRequestEvent", "verify", "times", "any", "listen", "dispatchRequestEvent", "verify", "times", "any" ]
{ "class_fields": "private final String ORIGIN = \"TestOrigin\";\nprivate final String SERVICE = \"TestService\";\nprivate final String OPERATION = \"TestOperation\";\n@Mock\n private EventDispatcher upstreamDispatcher;\n@Mock\n private EventDispatcher downstreamDispatcher;\nprivate XRayListener xRayListener;", "class_name": "XRayListenerTest" }
{ "class_fields": "private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(XRayListener.class);\nprivate final EventDispatcher upstreamEventDispatcher;\nprivate final EventDispatcher downstreamEventDispatcher;", "class_name": "XRayListener implements Listener", "method_signatures": "public XRayListener(EventDispatcher upstreamEventDispatcher, EventDispatcher downstreamEventDispatcher)\n@Override public int getPriority()\n@Override public void listen(Event event)\nprivate boolean isEventDownstream(Event e)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: aws-xray-agent/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/xray/agent/runtime/listeners/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: XRayListener implements Listener\n\nclass_fields: private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(XRayListener.class);\nprivate final EventDispatcher upstreamEventDispatcher;\nprivate final EventDispatcher downstreamEventDispatcher;\n\nmethod_signatures: public XRayListener(EventDispatcher upstreamEventDispatcher, EventDispatcher downstreamEventDispatcher)\n@Override public int getPriority()\n@Override public void listen(Event event)\nprivate boolean isEventDownstream(Event e)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: XRayListenerTest\n\nclass_fields: private final String ORIGIN = \"TestOrigin\";\nprivate final String SERVICE = \"TestService\";\nprivate final String OPERATION = \"TestOperation\";\n@Mock\n private EventDispatcher upstreamDispatcher;\n@Mock\n private EventDispatcher downstreamDispatcher;\nprivate XRayListener xRayListener;\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file aws-xray-agent/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/xray/agent/runtime/listeners/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n @Override\n public void listen(Event event) {\n try {\n EventDispatcher dispatcher = isEventDownstream(event) ? downstreamEventDispatcher : upstreamEventDispatcher;\n\n if (event instanceof ServiceRequestEvent || event instanceof HttpServletNetworkRequestEvent) {\n dispatcher.dispatchRequestEvent(event);\n } else if (event instanceof ServiceResponseEvent || event instanceof HttpServletNetworkResponseEvent) {\n dispatcher.dispatchResponseEvent(event);\n } else {\n // Other events we don't care about so return.\n return;\n }\n } catch (Exception e) {\n // We dont want to propagate any exceptions back to the bus nor the application code, so we\n // just log it and continue.\n log.error(\"The X-Ray Agent had encountered an unexpected exception for the following event: \"\n + event.toString(), e);\n }\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n aws-xray-agent/src/test/java/com/amazonaws/xray/agent/runtime/listeners/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void testDispatcherException() {\n // We expect the listener to be a catch-all for any exception,\n // so ultimately, it shouldn't throw exceptions and mess up application code.\n doThrow(new RuntimeException(\"Test Exception\")).when(downstreamDispatcher).dispatchRequestEvent(any());\n ServiceDownstreamRequestEvent downstreamRequestEvent = new ServiceDownstreamRequestEvent(ORIGIN, SERVICE, OPERATION);\n\n verify(downstreamDispatcher, times(0)).dispatchRequestEvent(any());\n xRayListener.listen(downstreamRequestEvent);\n verify(downstreamDispatcher, times(1)).dispatchRequestEvent(any());\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
public void notifyDataSetChanged() { if (listeners != null && !listeners.isEmpty()) { for (final OnDataSetListener listener : listeners) { listener.onDataSetChanged(); } } }
@Test public void testNotifyDataSetChanged() { // Arrange: final DataSetListeners listeners = new DataSetListeners(mock(DataSet.class)); final OnDataSetListener mockListener = mock(OnDataSetListener.class); listeners.registerOnDataSetListener(mockListener); // Act: listeners.notifyDataSetChanged(); // Assert: verify(mockListener).onDataSetChanged(); verifyNoMoreInteractions(mockListener); }
[ "isEmpty", "onDataSetChanged" ]
[ "mock", "mock", "registerOnDataSetListener", "notifyDataSetChanged", "onDataSetChanged", "verify", "verifyNoMoreInteractions" ]
{ "class_fields": "private static final int DATA_SET_ACTION = 0x01;", "class_name": "DataSetListenersTest extends LocalTestCase" }
{ "class_fields": "private final DataSet dataSet;\nprivate List<OnDataSetListener> listeners;\nprivate List<OnDataSetActionListener> actionListeners;", "class_name": "DataSetListeners", "method_signatures": "public DataSetListeners(@NonNull final DataSet dataSet)\npublic void registerOnDataSetListener(@NonNull final OnDataSetListener listener)\npublic void notifyDataSetChanged()\npublic void notifyDataSetInvalidated()\npublic void unregisterOnDataSetListener(@NonNull final OnDataSetListener listener)\npublic void registerOnDataSetActionListener(@NonNull final OnDataSetActionListener listener)\npublic boolean notifyDataSetActionSelected(final int action, final int position, final Object payload)\npublic void unregisterOnDataSetActionListener(@NonNull final OnDataSetActionListener listener)\npublic boolean isEmpty()" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: library-core/src/main/java/universum/studios/android/widget/adapter/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: DataSetListeners\n\nclass_fields: private final DataSet dataSet;\nprivate List<OnDataSetListener> listeners;\nprivate List<OnDataSetActionListener> actionListeners;\n\nmethod_signatures: public DataSetListeners(@NonNull final DataSet dataSet)\npublic void registerOnDataSetListener(@NonNull final OnDataSetListener listener)\npublic void notifyDataSetChanged()\npublic void notifyDataSetInvalidated()\npublic void unregisterOnDataSetListener(@NonNull final OnDataSetListener listener)\npublic void registerOnDataSetActionListener(@NonNull final OnDataSetActionListener listener)\npublic boolean notifyDataSetActionSelected(final int action, final int position, final Object payload)\npublic void unregisterOnDataSetActionListener(@NonNull final OnDataSetActionListener listener)\npublic boolean isEmpty()\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: DataSetListenersTest extends LocalTestCase\n\nclass_fields: private static final int DATA_SET_ACTION = 0x01;\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file library-core/src/main/java/universum/studios/android/widget/adapter/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n public void notifyDataSetChanged() {\n\t\tif (listeners != null && !listeners.isEmpty()) {\n\t\t\tfor (final OnDataSetListener listener : listeners) {\n\t\t\t\tlistener.onDataSetChanged();\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t}\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n library-core/src/test/java/universum/studios/android/widget/adapter/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test public void testNotifyDataSetChanged() {\n\t\t// Arrange:\n\t\tfinal DataSetListeners listeners = new DataSetListeners(mock(DataSet.class));\n\t\tfinal OnDataSetListener mockListener = mock(OnDataSetListener.class);\n\t\tlisteners.registerOnDataSetListener(mockListener);\n\t\t// Act:\n\t\tlisteners.notifyDataSetChanged();\n\t\t// Assert:\n\t\tverify(mockListener).onDataSetChanged();\n\t\tverifyNoMoreInteractions(mockListener);\n\t}\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
@Override public boolean upgrade() { try { // This call create default organization with : // - default roles // - default entry point Organization organization = organizationService.createDefault().blockingGet(); // No existing organization, finish the following set up : // - retrieve information from the old admin domain // - migrate all existing users permissions to default ORGANIZATION_OWNER if (organization != null) {"Default organization successfully created"); // check if old domain admin exists Domain adminDomain = domainService.findById(ADMIN_DOMAIN).blockingGet(); if (adminDomain != null) { // update organization identities PatchOrganization patchOrganization = new PatchOrganization(); patchOrganization.setIdentities(adminDomain.getIdentities() != null ? new ArrayList<>(adminDomain.getIdentities()) : null); organizationService.update(organization.getId(), patchOrganization,null).blockingGet(); // Must grant owner power to all existing users to be iso-functional with v2 where all users could do everything. Role organizationOwnerRole = roleService.findDefaultRole(Organization.DEFAULT, DefaultRole.ORGANIZATION_OWNER, ReferenceType.ORGANIZATION).blockingGet(); Page<User> userPage; int page = 0; do { userPage = userService.findAll(ReferenceType.ORGANIZATION, Organization.DEFAULT, page, PAGE_SIZE).blockingGet(); // membership helper create membership only if userPage.getData().forEach(user -> membershipHelper.setRole(user, organizationOwnerRole)); page++; } while (userPage.getData().size() == PAGE_SIZE); // then delete the domain domainService.delete(ADMIN_DOMAIN).blockingGet(); } else { // Need to create an inline provider and an admin user for this newly created default organization. IdentityProvider inlineProvider = createInlineProvider(); User adminUser = createAdminUser(inlineProvider); membershipHelper.setOrganizationPrimaryOwnerRole(adminUser); } } else {"One or more organizations already exist. Check if default organization is up to date"); // If default organization exist (and only if), need to check that inline idp and default admin user has 'admin' role. organization = organizationService.findById(Organization.DEFAULT).blockingGet(); if (organization != null) { final List<String> identities = organization.getIdentities(); IdentityProvider inlineIdp = identityProviderService.findAll(ReferenceType.ORGANIZATION, Organization.DEFAULT) .flattenAsFlowable(identityProviders -> identityProviders) .filter(identityProvider -> identityProvider.getType().equals("inline-am-idp") && !identityProvider.isExternal() && identities.contains(identityProvider.getId())) .firstElement().blockingGet(); // If inline idp doesn't exist or is not enabled, it is probably an administrator choice. So do not go further. if (inlineIdp != null) { // If inline idp doesn't have "admin" user in its configuration, it is probably an administrator choice. So do not go further. if (inlineIdp.getConfiguration().contains(",\"username\":\"" + ADMIN_USERNAME + "\",") && inlineIdp.getRoleMapper().isEmpty()) { // Check the user admin exists. User adminUser = userService.findByUsernameAndSource(ReferenceType.ORGANIZATION, Organization.DEFAULT, ADMIN_USERNAME, inlineIdp.getId()).blockingGet(); if (adminUser == null) { // Create the admin user with organization primary owner role on the default organization. adminUser = createAdminUser(inlineIdp); membershipHelper.setOrganizationPrimaryOwnerRole(adminUser); } } } } } } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("An error occurred trying to initialize default organization", e); return false; } return true; }
@Test public void shouldCreateAdminUser_noAdminUser() { IdentityProvider idp = new IdentityProvider(); idp.setId("inlineIdpId"); idp.setType("inline-am-idp"); idp.setExternal(false); idp.setConfiguration(DefaultOrganizationUpgrader.DEFAULT_INLINE_IDP_CONFIG); idp.setRoleMapper(new HashMap<>()); User adminUser = new User(); adminUser.setId("admin-id"); Organization defaultOrganization = new Organization(); defaultOrganization.setId(Organization.DEFAULT); defaultOrganization.setIdentities(Arrays.asList("inlineIdpId")); when(organizationService.findById(Organization.DEFAULT)).thenReturn(Single.just(defaultOrganization)); when(identityProviderService.findAll(ReferenceType.ORGANIZATION, Organization.DEFAULT)).thenReturn(Single.just(Collections.singletonList(idp))); when(userService.findByUsernameAndSource(ReferenceType.ORGANIZATION, Organization.DEFAULT, "admin", idp.getId())).thenReturn(Maybe.empty()); when(userService.create(any(User.class))).thenReturn(Single.just(adminUser)); doNothing().when(membershipHelper).setOrganizationPrimaryOwnerRole(argThat(user -> user.getId().equals(adminUser.getId()))); when(organizationService.createDefault()).thenReturn(Maybe.empty()); assertTrue(cut.upgrade()); }
[ "blockingGet", "createDefault", "info", "blockingGet", "findById", "setIdentities", "getIdentities", "getIdentities", "blockingGet", "update", "getId", "blockingGet", "findDefaultRole", "blockingGet", "findAll", "forEach", "getData", "setRole", "size", "getData", "blockingGet", "delete", "createInlineProvider", "createAdminUser", "setOrganizationPrimaryOwnerRole", "info", "blockingGet", "findById", "getIdentities", "blockingGet", "firstElement", "filter", "flattenAsFlowable", "findAll", "equals", "getType", "isExternal", "contains", "getId", "contains", "getConfiguration", "isEmpty", "getRoleMapper", "blockingGet", "findByUsernameAndSource", "getId", "createAdminUser", "setOrganizationPrimaryOwnerRole", "error" ]
[ "setId", "setType", "setExternal", "setConfiguration", "setRoleMapper", "setId", "setId", "setIdentities", "asList", "thenReturn", "when", "findById", "just", "thenReturn", "when", "findAll", "just", "singletonList", "thenReturn", "when", "findByUsernameAndSource", "getId", "empty", "thenReturn", "when", "create", "any", "just", "setOrganizationPrimaryOwnerRole", "when", "doNothing", "argThat", "equals", "getId", "getId", "thenReturn", "when", "createDefault", "empty", "assertTrue", "upgrade" ]
{ "class_fields": "@Mock\n private OrganizationService organizationService;\n@Mock\n private IdentityProviderService identityProviderService;\n@Mock\n private UserService userService;\n@Mock\n private MembershipHelper membershipHelper;\n@Mock\n private RoleService roleService;\n@Mock\n private DomainService domainService;\nprivate DefaultOrganizationUpgrader cut;", "class_name": "DefaultOrganizationUpgraderTest" }
{ "class_fields": "private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(DefaultOrganizationUpgrader.class);\nprivate static final String ADMIN_DOMAIN = \"admin\";\nprivate static final int PAGE_SIZE = 10;\npublic static String ADMIN_USERNAME = \"admin\";\npublic static String DEFAULT_INLINE_IDP_CONFIG = \"{\\\"users\\\":[{\\\"firstname\\\":\\\"Administrator\\\",\\\"lastname\\\":\\\"Administrator\\\",\\\"username\\\":\\\"\" + ADMIN_USERNAME + \"\\\",\\\"password\\\":\\\"adminadmin\\\"}]}\";\nprivate final OrganizationService organizationService;\nprivate final IdentityProviderService identityProviderService;\nprivate final UserService userService;\nprivate final MembershipHelper membershipHelper;\nprivate final RoleService roleService;\nprivate final DomainService domainService;", "class_name": "DefaultOrganizationUpgrader implements Upgrader, Ordered", "method_signatures": "public DefaultOrganizationUpgrader(OrganizationService organizationService,\n IdentityProviderService identityProviderService,\n UserService userService,\n MembershipHelper membershipHelper,\n RoleService roleService,\n DomainService domainService)\n@Override public boolean upgrade()\nprivate IdentityProvider createInlineProvider()\nprivate User createAdminUser(IdentityProvider inlineIdp)\n@Override public int getOrder()" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: gravitee-am-management-api/gravitee-am-management-api-service/src/main/java/io/gravitee/am/management/service/impl/upgrades/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: DefaultOrganizationUpgrader implements Upgrader, Ordered\n\nclass_fields: private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(DefaultOrganizationUpgrader.class);\nprivate static final String ADMIN_DOMAIN = \"admin\";\nprivate static final int PAGE_SIZE = 10;\npublic static String ADMIN_USERNAME = \"admin\";\npublic static String DEFAULT_INLINE_IDP_CONFIG = \"{\\\"users\\\":[{\\\"firstname\\\":\\\"Administrator\\\",\\\"lastname\\\":\\\"Administrator\\\",\\\"username\\\":\\\"\" + ADMIN_USERNAME + \"\\\",\\\"password\\\":\\\"adminadmin\\\"}]}\";\nprivate final OrganizationService organizationService;\nprivate final IdentityProviderService identityProviderService;\nprivate final UserService userService;\nprivate final MembershipHelper membershipHelper;\nprivate final RoleService roleService;\nprivate final DomainService domainService;\n\nmethod_signatures: public DefaultOrganizationUpgrader(OrganizationService organizationService,\n IdentityProviderService identityProviderService,\n UserService userService,\n MembershipHelper membershipHelper,\n RoleService roleService,\n DomainService domainService)\n@Override public boolean upgrade()\nprivate IdentityProvider createInlineProvider()\nprivate User createAdminUser(IdentityProvider inlineIdp)\n@Override public int getOrder()\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: DefaultOrganizationUpgraderTest\n\nclass_fields: @Mock\n private OrganizationService organizationService;\n@Mock\n private IdentityProviderService identityProviderService;\n@Mock\n private UserService userService;\n@Mock\n private MembershipHelper membershipHelper;\n@Mock\n private RoleService roleService;\n@Mock\n private DomainService domainService;\nprivate DefaultOrganizationUpgrader cut;\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file gravitee-am-management-api/gravitee-am-management-api-service/src/main/java/io/gravitee/am/management/service/impl/upgrades/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n @Override\n public boolean upgrade() {\n\n try {\n // This call create default organization with :\n // - default roles\n // - default entry point\n Organization organization = organizationService.createDefault().blockingGet();\n\n // No existing organization, finish the following set up :\n // - retrieve information from the old admin domain\n // - migrate all existing users permissions to default ORGANIZATION_OWNER\n if (organization != null) {\n\"Default organization successfully created\");\n\n // check if old domain admin exists\n Domain adminDomain = domainService.findById(ADMIN_DOMAIN).blockingGet();\n if (adminDomain != null) {\n // update organization identities\n PatchOrganization patchOrganization = new PatchOrganization();\n patchOrganization.setIdentities(adminDomain.getIdentities() != null ? new ArrayList<>(adminDomain.getIdentities()) : null);\n organizationService.update(organization.getId(), patchOrganization,null).blockingGet();\n\n // Must grant owner power to all existing users to be iso-functional with v2 where all users could do everything.\n Role organizationOwnerRole = roleService.findDefaultRole(Organization.DEFAULT, DefaultRole.ORGANIZATION_OWNER, ReferenceType.ORGANIZATION).blockingGet();\n Page<User> userPage;\n int page = 0;\n do {\n userPage = userService.findAll(ReferenceType.ORGANIZATION, Organization.DEFAULT, page, PAGE_SIZE).blockingGet();\n // membership helper create membership only if\n userPage.getData().forEach(user -> membershipHelper.setRole(user, organizationOwnerRole));\n page++;\n } while (userPage.getData().size() == PAGE_SIZE);\n\n // then delete the domain\n domainService.delete(ADMIN_DOMAIN).blockingGet();\n } else {\n // Need to create an inline provider and an admin user for this newly created default organization.\n IdentityProvider inlineProvider = createInlineProvider();\n User adminUser = createAdminUser(inlineProvider);\n membershipHelper.setOrganizationPrimaryOwnerRole(adminUser);\n }\n } else {\n\"One or more organizations already exist. Check if default organization is up to date\");\n\n // If default organization exist (and only if), need to check that inline idp and default admin user has 'admin' role.\n organization = organizationService.findById(Organization.DEFAULT).blockingGet();\n\n if (organization != null) {\n final List<String> identities = organization.getIdentities();\n\n IdentityProvider inlineIdp = identityProviderService.findAll(ReferenceType.ORGANIZATION, Organization.DEFAULT)\n .flattenAsFlowable(identityProviders -> identityProviders)\n .filter(identityProvider -> identityProvider.getType().equals(\"inline-am-idp\")\n && !identityProvider.isExternal()\n && identities.contains(identityProvider.getId()))\n .firstElement().blockingGet();\n\n // If inline idp doesn't exist or is not enabled, it is probably an administrator choice. So do not go further.\n if (inlineIdp != null) {\n // If inline idp doesn't have \"admin\" user in its configuration, it is probably an administrator choice. So do not go further.\n if (inlineIdp.getConfiguration().contains(\",\\\"username\\\":\\\"\" + ADMIN_USERNAME + \"\\\",\") && inlineIdp.getRoleMapper().isEmpty()) {\n\n // Check the user admin exists.\n User adminUser = userService.findByUsernameAndSource(ReferenceType.ORGANIZATION, Organization.DEFAULT, ADMIN_USERNAME, inlineIdp.getId()).blockingGet();\n\n if (adminUser == null) {\n // Create the admin user with organization primary owner role on the default organization.\n adminUser = createAdminUser(inlineIdp);\n membershipHelper.setOrganizationPrimaryOwnerRole(adminUser);\n }\n }\n }\n }\n }\n } catch (Exception e) {\n logger.error(\"An error occurred trying to initialize default organization\", e);\n return false;\n }\n\n return true;\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n gravitee-am-management-api/gravitee-am-management-api-service/src/test/java/io/gravitee/am/management/service/impl/upgrades/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void shouldCreateAdminUser_noAdminUser() {\n\n IdentityProvider idp = new IdentityProvider();\n idp.setId(\"inlineIdpId\");\n idp.setType(\"inline-am-idp\");\n idp.setExternal(false);\n idp.setConfiguration(DefaultOrganizationUpgrader.DEFAULT_INLINE_IDP_CONFIG);\n idp.setRoleMapper(new HashMap<>());\n\n User adminUser = new User();\n adminUser.setId(\"admin-id\");\n\n Organization defaultOrganization = new Organization();\n defaultOrganization.setId(Organization.DEFAULT);\n defaultOrganization.setIdentities(Arrays.asList(\"inlineIdpId\"));\n\n when(organizationService.findById(Organization.DEFAULT)).thenReturn(Single.just(defaultOrganization));\n when(identityProviderService.findAll(ReferenceType.ORGANIZATION, Organization.DEFAULT)).thenReturn(Single.just(Collections.singletonList(idp)));\n when(userService.findByUsernameAndSource(ReferenceType.ORGANIZATION, Organization.DEFAULT, \"admin\", idp.getId())).thenReturn(Maybe.empty());\n when(userService.create(any(User.class))).thenReturn(Single.just(adminUser));\n doNothing().when(membershipHelper).setOrganizationPrimaryOwnerRole(argThat(user -> user.getId().equals(adminUser.getId())));\n\n when(organizationService.createDefault()).thenReturn(Maybe.empty());\n assertTrue(cut.upgrade());\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
@Override public void handleRequest(Event event) { ServiceRequestEvent requestEvent = (ServiceRequestEvent) event; Request awsRequest = (Request) requestEvent.getRequest(); // Avoid throwing if we can't get the service name because of an old version of AWS SDK // HTTP handler should pick it up instead. if (awsRequest.getServiceName() == null) { return; } tracingHandler.beforeRequest(awsRequest); }
@Test public void testPopulateTraceHeaderToHttpHeader() { // Ensure that we propagate the trace header to the request's http header. ServiceDownstreamRequestEvent awsRequestEvent = new ServiceDownstreamRequestEvent(ORIGIN, SERVICE, OPERATION); awsRequestEvent.withRequest(awsRequest); awsHandler.handleRequest(awsRequestEvent); TraceID traceID = parentSegment.getTraceId(); String parentID = AWSXRay.getCurrentSubsegment().getId(); TraceHeader.SampleDecision sampleDecision = parentSegment.isSampled() ? TraceHeader.SampleDecision.SAMPLED : TraceHeader.SampleDecision.NOT_SAMPLED; TraceHeader theTraceHeader = new TraceHeader(traceID, parentID, sampleDecision); verify(awsRequest).addHeader(TraceHeader.HEADER_KEY, theTraceHeader.toString()); }
[ "getRequest", "getServiceName", "beforeRequest" ]
[ "withRequest", "handleRequest", "getTraceId", "getId", "getCurrentSubsegment", "isSampled", "addHeader", "verify", "toString" ]
{ "class_fields": "private final String ORIGIN = \"AWSv1\";\nprivate final String SERVICE = \"AmazonDynamoDBv2\";\nprivate final String OPERATION = \"ScanRequest\";\nprivate final String TABLE_NAME = \"TestTableName\";\nprivate final String AWS_REQUEST_ID = \"SOMERANDOMID\";\nprivate final int COUNT = 25;\nprivate final int SCAN_COUNT = 10;\nprivate AWSHandler awsHandler;\n@Mock\n private Request awsRequest;\nprivate Response awsResponse;\nprivate ScanRequest scanRequest;\nprivate ScanResult scanResult;\nprivate Segment parentSegment;", "class_name": "AWSHandlerTest" }
{ "class_fields": "private TracingHandler tracingHandler;", "class_name": "AWSHandler extends XRayHandler", "method_signatures": "public AWSHandler()\npublic AWSHandler(URL serviceHandlerManifest)\n@Override public void handleRequest(Event event)\n@Override public void handleResponse(Event event)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: aws-xray-agent/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/xray/agent/runtime/handlers/downstream/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: AWSHandler extends XRayHandler\n\nclass_fields: private TracingHandler tracingHandler;\n\nmethod_signatures: public AWSHandler()\npublic AWSHandler(URL serviceHandlerManifest)\n@Override public void handleRequest(Event event)\n@Override public void handleResponse(Event event)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: AWSHandlerTest\n\nclass_fields: private final String ORIGIN = \"AWSv1\";\nprivate final String SERVICE = \"AmazonDynamoDBv2\";\nprivate final String OPERATION = \"ScanRequest\";\nprivate final String TABLE_NAME = \"TestTableName\";\nprivate final String AWS_REQUEST_ID = \"SOMERANDOMID\";\nprivate final int COUNT = 25;\nprivate final int SCAN_COUNT = 10;\nprivate AWSHandler awsHandler;\n@Mock\n private Request awsRequest;\nprivate Response awsResponse;\nprivate ScanRequest scanRequest;\nprivate ScanResult scanResult;\nprivate Segment parentSegment;\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file aws-xray-agent/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/xray/agent/runtime/handlers/downstream/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n @Override\n public void handleRequest(Event event) {\n ServiceRequestEvent requestEvent = (ServiceRequestEvent) event;\n Request awsRequest = (Request) requestEvent.getRequest();\n\n // Avoid throwing if we can't get the service name because of an old version of AWS SDK\n // HTTP handler should pick it up instead.\n if (awsRequest.getServiceName() == null) {\n return;\n }\n\n tracingHandler.beforeRequest(awsRequest);\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n aws-xray-agent/src/test/java/com/amazonaws/xray/agent/runtime/handlers/downstream/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void testPopulateTraceHeaderToHttpHeader() {\n // Ensure that we propagate the trace header to the request's http header.\n ServiceDownstreamRequestEvent awsRequestEvent = new ServiceDownstreamRequestEvent(ORIGIN, SERVICE, OPERATION);\n awsRequestEvent.withRequest(awsRequest);\n awsHandler.handleRequest(awsRequestEvent);\n\n TraceID traceID = parentSegment.getTraceId();\n String parentID = AWSXRay.getCurrentSubsegment().getId();\n TraceHeader.SampleDecision sampleDecision = parentSegment.isSampled() ? TraceHeader.SampleDecision.SAMPLED : TraceHeader.SampleDecision.NOT_SAMPLED;\n TraceHeader theTraceHeader = new TraceHeader(traceID, parentID, sampleDecision);\n\n verify(awsRequest).addHeader(TraceHeader.HEADER_KEY, theTraceHeader.toString());\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
public void init(@Nullable URL configFile) { if (configFile == null) { this.agentConfiguration = new AgentConfiguration(); } else { try {"Reading X-Ray Agent config file at: " + configFile.getPath()); this.agentConfiguration = parseConfig(configFile); } catch (IOException e) { throw new InvalidAgentConfigException("Failed to read X-Ray Agent configuration file " + configFile.getPath(), e); } } if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Starting the X-Ray Agent with the following properties:\n" + agentConfiguration.toString()); } init(AWSXRayRecorderBuilder.standard()); }
@Test public void testDefaultSamplingStrategy() { config.init(); Assert.assertTrue(AWSXRay.getGlobalRecorder().getSamplingStrategy() instanceof CentralizedSamplingStrategy); }
[ "info", "getPath", "parseConfig", "getPath", "isDebugEnabled", "debug", "toString", "init", "standard" ]
[ "init", "assertTrue", "getSamplingStrategy", "getGlobalRecorder" ]
{ "class_fields": "private static final String JVM_NAME = \"jvm_name\";\nprivate static final String ENV_NAME = \"env_name\";\nprivate static final String SYS_NAME = \"sys_name\";\nprivate static final String CONFIG_NAME = \"config_name\";\nXRaySDKConfiguration config;\nMap<String, String> configMap;\n@Rule\n public final EnvironmentVariables environmentVariables = new EnvironmentVariables();", "class_name": "XRaySDKConfigurationTest" }
{ "class_fields": "static final String LAMBDA_TASK_ROOT_KEY = \"LAMBDA_TASK_ROOT\";\nstatic final String ENABLED_ENVIRONMENT_VARIABLE_KEY = \"AWS_XRAY_TRACING_ENABLED\";\nstatic final String ENABLED_SYSTEM_PROPERTY_KEY = \"com.amazonaws.xray.tracingEnabled\";\nprivate static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(XRaySDKConfiguration.class);\nprivate static final JsonFactory factory = new JsonFactory();\nprivate static final XRaySDKConfiguration instance = new XRaySDKConfiguration();\nprivate AgentConfiguration agentConfiguration;\n@Nullable\n private URL awsServiceHandlerManifest = null;\nprivate int awsSdkVersion;", "class_name": "XRaySDKConfiguration", "method_signatures": "public int getAwsSdkVersion()\n@Nullable public URL getAwsServiceHandlerManifest()\n AgentConfiguration getAgentConfiguration()\n void setAgentConfiguration(AgentConfiguration agentConfiguration)\npublic boolean isEnabled()\npublic boolean shouldCollectSqlQueries()\npublic boolean isTraceIncomingRequests()\n XRaySDKConfiguration()\npublic static XRaySDKConfiguration getInstance()\npublic void init(@Nullable URL configFile)\npublic void init()\n void init(AWSXRayRecorderBuilder builder)\nprivate AgentConfiguration parseConfig(URL configFile)\nprivate void tryAddTraceIdInjection(AWSXRayRecorderBuilder builder, String className, String prefix)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: aws-xray-agent/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/xray/agent/runtime/config/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: XRaySDKConfiguration\n\nclass_fields: static final String LAMBDA_TASK_ROOT_KEY = \"LAMBDA_TASK_ROOT\";\nstatic final String ENABLED_ENVIRONMENT_VARIABLE_KEY = \"AWS_XRAY_TRACING_ENABLED\";\nstatic final String ENABLED_SYSTEM_PROPERTY_KEY = \"com.amazonaws.xray.tracingEnabled\";\nprivate static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(XRaySDKConfiguration.class);\nprivate static final JsonFactory factory = new JsonFactory();\nprivate static final XRaySDKConfiguration instance = new XRaySDKConfiguration();\nprivate AgentConfiguration agentConfiguration;\n@Nullable\n private URL awsServiceHandlerManifest = null;\nprivate int awsSdkVersion;\n\nmethod_signatures: public int getAwsSdkVersion()\n@Nullable public URL getAwsServiceHandlerManifest()\n AgentConfiguration getAgentConfiguration()\n void setAgentConfiguration(AgentConfiguration agentConfiguration)\npublic boolean isEnabled()\npublic boolean shouldCollectSqlQueries()\npublic boolean isTraceIncomingRequests()\n XRaySDKConfiguration()\npublic static XRaySDKConfiguration getInstance()\npublic void init(@Nullable URL configFile)\npublic void init()\n void init(AWSXRayRecorderBuilder builder)\nprivate AgentConfiguration parseConfig(URL configFile)\nprivate void tryAddTraceIdInjection(AWSXRayRecorderBuilder builder, String className, String prefix)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: XRaySDKConfigurationTest\n\nclass_fields: private static final String JVM_NAME = \"jvm_name\";\nprivate static final String ENV_NAME = \"env_name\";\nprivate static final String SYS_NAME = \"sys_name\";\nprivate static final String CONFIG_NAME = \"config_name\";\nXRaySDKConfiguration config;\nMap<String, String> configMap;\n@Rule\n public final EnvironmentVariables environmentVariables = new EnvironmentVariables();\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file aws-xray-agent/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/xray/agent/runtime/config/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n public void init(@Nullable URL configFile) {\n if (configFile == null) {\n this.agentConfiguration = new AgentConfiguration();\n } else {\n try {\n\"Reading X-Ray Agent config file at: \" + configFile.getPath());\n this.agentConfiguration = parseConfig(configFile);\n } catch (IOException e) {\n throw new InvalidAgentConfigException(\"Failed to read X-Ray Agent configuration file \" + configFile.getPath(), e);\n }\n }\n\n if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {\n log.debug(\"Starting the X-Ray Agent with the following properties:\\n\" + agentConfiguration.toString());\n }\n init(AWSXRayRecorderBuilder.standard());\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n aws-xray-agent/src/test/java/com/amazonaws/xray/agent/runtime/config/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void testDefaultSamplingStrategy() {\n config.init();\n Assert.assertTrue(AWSXRay.getGlobalRecorder().getSamplingStrategy() instanceof CentralizedSamplingStrategy);\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
public void init(@Nullable URL configFile) { if (configFile == null) { this.agentConfiguration = new AgentConfiguration(); } else { try {"Reading X-Ray Agent config file at: " + configFile.getPath()); this.agentConfiguration = parseConfig(configFile); } catch (IOException e) { throw new InvalidAgentConfigException("Failed to read X-Ray Agent configuration file " + configFile.getPath(), e); } } if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Starting the X-Ray Agent with the following properties:\n" + agentConfiguration.toString()); } init(AWSXRayRecorderBuilder.standard()); }
@Test public void testEnvTracingDisabled() { AWSXRayRecorderBuilder builderMock = mock(AWSXRayRecorderBuilder.class); environmentVariables.set(XRaySDKConfiguration.ENABLED_ENVIRONMENT_VARIABLE_KEY, "false"); System.setProperty(XRaySDKConfiguration.ENABLED_SYSTEM_PROPERTY_KEY, "true"); config.init(builderMock); Assert.assertNull(XRayTransactionState.getServiceName()); verify(builderMock, never()).build(); }
[ "info", "getPath", "parseConfig", "getPath", "isDebugEnabled", "debug", "toString", "init", "standard" ]
[ "mock", "set", "setProperty", "init", "assertNull", "getServiceName", "build", "verify", "never" ]
{ "class_fields": "private static final String JVM_NAME = \"jvm_name\";\nprivate static final String ENV_NAME = \"env_name\";\nprivate static final String SYS_NAME = \"sys_name\";\nprivate static final String CONFIG_NAME = \"config_name\";\nXRaySDKConfiguration config;\nMap<String, String> configMap;\n@Rule\n public final EnvironmentVariables environmentVariables = new EnvironmentVariables();", "class_name": "XRaySDKConfigurationTest" }
{ "class_fields": "static final String LAMBDA_TASK_ROOT_KEY = \"LAMBDA_TASK_ROOT\";\nstatic final String ENABLED_ENVIRONMENT_VARIABLE_KEY = \"AWS_XRAY_TRACING_ENABLED\";\nstatic final String ENABLED_SYSTEM_PROPERTY_KEY = \"com.amazonaws.xray.tracingEnabled\";\nprivate static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(XRaySDKConfiguration.class);\nprivate static final JsonFactory factory = new JsonFactory();\nprivate static final XRaySDKConfiguration instance = new XRaySDKConfiguration();\nprivate AgentConfiguration agentConfiguration;\n@Nullable\n private URL awsServiceHandlerManifest = null;\nprivate int awsSdkVersion;", "class_name": "XRaySDKConfiguration", "method_signatures": "public int getAwsSdkVersion()\n@Nullable public URL getAwsServiceHandlerManifest()\n AgentConfiguration getAgentConfiguration()\n void setAgentConfiguration(AgentConfiguration agentConfiguration)\npublic boolean isEnabled()\npublic boolean shouldCollectSqlQueries()\npublic boolean isTraceIncomingRequests()\n XRaySDKConfiguration()\npublic static XRaySDKConfiguration getInstance()\npublic void init(@Nullable URL configFile)\npublic void init()\n void init(AWSXRayRecorderBuilder builder)\nprivate AgentConfiguration parseConfig(URL configFile)\nprivate void tryAddTraceIdInjection(AWSXRayRecorderBuilder builder, String className, String prefix)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: aws-xray-agent/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/xray/agent/runtime/config/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: XRaySDKConfiguration\n\nclass_fields: static final String LAMBDA_TASK_ROOT_KEY = \"LAMBDA_TASK_ROOT\";\nstatic final String ENABLED_ENVIRONMENT_VARIABLE_KEY = \"AWS_XRAY_TRACING_ENABLED\";\nstatic final String ENABLED_SYSTEM_PROPERTY_KEY = \"com.amazonaws.xray.tracingEnabled\";\nprivate static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(XRaySDKConfiguration.class);\nprivate static final JsonFactory factory = new JsonFactory();\nprivate static final XRaySDKConfiguration instance = new XRaySDKConfiguration();\nprivate AgentConfiguration agentConfiguration;\n@Nullable\n private URL awsServiceHandlerManifest = null;\nprivate int awsSdkVersion;\n\nmethod_signatures: public int getAwsSdkVersion()\n@Nullable public URL getAwsServiceHandlerManifest()\n AgentConfiguration getAgentConfiguration()\n void setAgentConfiguration(AgentConfiguration agentConfiguration)\npublic boolean isEnabled()\npublic boolean shouldCollectSqlQueries()\npublic boolean isTraceIncomingRequests()\n XRaySDKConfiguration()\npublic static XRaySDKConfiguration getInstance()\npublic void init(@Nullable URL configFile)\npublic void init()\n void init(AWSXRayRecorderBuilder builder)\nprivate AgentConfiguration parseConfig(URL configFile)\nprivate void tryAddTraceIdInjection(AWSXRayRecorderBuilder builder, String className, String prefix)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: XRaySDKConfigurationTest\n\nclass_fields: private static final String JVM_NAME = \"jvm_name\";\nprivate static final String ENV_NAME = \"env_name\";\nprivate static final String SYS_NAME = \"sys_name\";\nprivate static final String CONFIG_NAME = \"config_name\";\nXRaySDKConfiguration config;\nMap<String, String> configMap;\n@Rule\n public final EnvironmentVariables environmentVariables = new EnvironmentVariables();\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file aws-xray-agent/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/xray/agent/runtime/config/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n public void init(@Nullable URL configFile) {\n if (configFile == null) {\n this.agentConfiguration = new AgentConfiguration();\n } else {\n try {\n\"Reading X-Ray Agent config file at: \" + configFile.getPath());\n this.agentConfiguration = parseConfig(configFile);\n } catch (IOException e) {\n throw new InvalidAgentConfigException(\"Failed to read X-Ray Agent configuration file \" + configFile.getPath(), e);\n }\n }\n\n if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {\n log.debug(\"Starting the X-Ray Agent with the following properties:\\n\" + agentConfiguration.toString());\n }\n init(AWSXRayRecorderBuilder.standard());\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n aws-xray-agent/src/test/java/com/amazonaws/xray/agent/runtime/config/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void testEnvTracingDisabled() {\n AWSXRayRecorderBuilder builderMock = mock(AWSXRayRecorderBuilder.class);\n environmentVariables.set(XRaySDKConfiguration.ENABLED_ENVIRONMENT_VARIABLE_KEY, \"false\");\n System.setProperty(XRaySDKConfiguration.ENABLED_SYSTEM_PROPERTY_KEY, \"true\");\n\n config.init(builderMock);\n\n Assert.assertNull(XRayTransactionState.getServiceName());\n verify(builderMock, never()).build();\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
@Override public void handleResponse(Event event) { HttpServletNetworkResponseEvent responseEvent = (HttpServletNetworkResponseEvent) event; Segment currentSegment = getSegment(); // No need to log since a Context Missing Error will already be recorded if (currentSegment == null) { return; } // Add the status code // Obtain the status code of the underlying http response. If it failed, it's a fault. Map<String, Object> responseAttributes = new HashMap<>(); int statusCode = responseEvent.getStatusCode(); // Check if the status code was a fault. switch (statusCode / 100) { case 2: // Server OK break; case 4: // Exception currentSegment.setError(true); if (statusCode == 429) { currentSegment.setThrottle(true); } break; case 5: // Fault currentSegment.setFault(true); break; } responseAttributes.put(STATUS_KEY, statusCode); currentSegment.putHttp(RESPONSE_KEY, responseAttributes); endSegment(); }
@Test public void testHandleResponseErrors() { HttpServletNetworkRequestEvent requestEvent = mock(HttpServletNetworkRequestEvent.class); HttpServletNetworkResponseEvent responseEvent = new HttpServletNetworkResponseEvent(ORIGIN, requestEvent); Segment servletSegment = AWSXRay.beginSegment(SERVICE_NAME); responseEvent.withStatusCode(400); servletHandler.handleResponse(responseEvent); Assert.assertEquals(400, ((Map<String, Integer>) servletSegment.getHttp().get("response")).get("status").intValue()); Assert.assertTrue(servletSegment.isError()); Assert.assertFalse(servletSegment.isFault()); AWSXRay.clearTraceEntity(); servletSegment = AWSXRay.beginSegment(SERVICE_NAME); responseEvent.withStatusCode(500); servletHandler.handleResponse(responseEvent); Assert.assertEquals(500, ((Map<String, Integer>) servletSegment.getHttp().get("response")).get("status").intValue()); Assert.assertFalse(servletSegment.isError()); Assert.assertTrue(servletSegment.isFault()); }
[ "getSegment", "getStatusCode", "setError", "setThrottle", "setFault", "put", "putHttp", "endSegment" ]
[ "mock", "beginSegment", "withStatusCode", "handleResponse", "assertEquals", "intValue", "get", "get", "getHttp", "assertTrue", "isError", "assertFalse", "isFault", "clearTraceEntity", "beginSegment", "withStatusCode", "handleResponse", "assertEquals", "intValue", "get", "get", "getHttp", "assertFalse", "isError", "assertTrue", "isFault" ]
{ "class_fields": "public static final String HEADER_KEY = \"X-Amzn-Trace-Id\";\nprivate final String ORIGIN = \"httpServlet\";\nprivate final String SERVICE_NAME = \"SomeServletHostedService\";\nprivate final String SDK = \"X-Ray for Java\";\nprivate final String HOST = \"localhost:8080\";\nprivate final String METHOD = \"POST\";\nprivate final String URL = \"http://localhost:8080/\";\nprivate final String USER_AGENT = \"Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_12_6) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/76.0.3809.132 Safari/537.36\";\nprivate final String DST_IP = \"\";\nprivate final String SRC_IP = \"\";\nprivate ServletHandler servletHandler;\n@Mock\n private Emitter blankEmitter;", "class_name": "ServletHandlerTest" }
{ "class_fields": "private static final String URL_KEY = \"url\";\nprivate static final String METHOD_KEY = \"method\";\nprivate static final String CLIENT_IP_KEY = \"client_ip\";\nprivate static final String USER_AGENT_KEY = \"user_agent\";\nprivate static final String RESPONSE_KEY = \"response\";\nprivate static final String HTTP_REQUEST_KEY = \"request\";\nprivate static final String STATUS_KEY = \"status\";", "class_name": "ServletHandler extends XRayHandler", "method_signatures": "@Override public void handleRequest(Event event)\n@Override public void handleResponse(Event event)\nprivate void populateHeaderToTransactionState(HttpNetworkProtocolRequestEvent requestEvent, XRayTransactionState transactionState)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: aws-xray-agent/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/xray/agent/runtime/handlers/upstream/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: ServletHandler extends XRayHandler\n\nclass_fields: private static final String URL_KEY = \"url\";\nprivate static final String METHOD_KEY = \"method\";\nprivate static final String CLIENT_IP_KEY = \"client_ip\";\nprivate static final String USER_AGENT_KEY = \"user_agent\";\nprivate static final String RESPONSE_KEY = \"response\";\nprivate static final String HTTP_REQUEST_KEY = \"request\";\nprivate static final String STATUS_KEY = \"status\";\n\nmethod_signatures: @Override public void handleRequest(Event event)\n@Override public void handleResponse(Event event)\nprivate void populateHeaderToTransactionState(HttpNetworkProtocolRequestEvent requestEvent, XRayTransactionState transactionState)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: ServletHandlerTest\n\nclass_fields: public static final String HEADER_KEY = \"X-Amzn-Trace-Id\";\nprivate final String ORIGIN = \"httpServlet\";\nprivate final String SERVICE_NAME = \"SomeServletHostedService\";\nprivate final String SDK = \"X-Ray for Java\";\nprivate final String HOST = \"localhost:8080\";\nprivate final String METHOD = \"POST\";\nprivate final String URL = \"http://localhost:8080/\";\nprivate final String USER_AGENT = \"Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_12_6) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/76.0.3809.132 Safari/537.36\";\nprivate final String DST_IP = \"\";\nprivate final String SRC_IP = \"\";\nprivate ServletHandler servletHandler;\n@Mock\n private Emitter blankEmitter;\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file aws-xray-agent/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/xray/agent/runtime/handlers/upstream/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n @Override\n public void handleResponse(Event event) {\n HttpServletNetworkResponseEvent responseEvent = (HttpServletNetworkResponseEvent) event;\n Segment currentSegment = getSegment();\n\n // No need to log since a Context Missing Error will already be recorded\n if (currentSegment == null) {\n return;\n }\n\n // Add the status code\n // Obtain the status code of the underlying http response. If it failed, it's a fault.\n Map<String, Object> responseAttributes = new HashMap<>();\n int statusCode = responseEvent.getStatusCode();\n\n // Check if the status code was a fault.\n switch (statusCode / 100) {\n case 2:\n // Server OK\n break;\n case 4:\n // Exception\n currentSegment.setError(true);\n if (statusCode == 429) {\n currentSegment.setThrottle(true);\n }\n break;\n case 5:\n // Fault\n currentSegment.setFault(true);\n break;\n }\n responseAttributes.put(STATUS_KEY, statusCode);\n currentSegment.putHttp(RESPONSE_KEY, responseAttributes);\n\n endSegment();\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n aws-xray-agent/src/test/java/com/amazonaws/xray/agent/runtime/handlers/upstream/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void testHandleResponseErrors() {\n HttpServletNetworkRequestEvent requestEvent = mock(HttpServletNetworkRequestEvent.class);\n HttpServletNetworkResponseEvent responseEvent = new HttpServletNetworkResponseEvent(ORIGIN, requestEvent);\n\n Segment servletSegment = AWSXRay.beginSegment(SERVICE_NAME);\n responseEvent.withStatusCode(400);\n servletHandler.handleResponse(responseEvent);\n Assert.assertEquals(400, ((Map<String, Integer>) servletSegment.getHttp().get(\"response\")).get(\"status\").intValue());\n Assert.assertTrue(servletSegment.isError());\n Assert.assertFalse(servletSegment.isFault());\n AWSXRay.clearTraceEntity();\n\n servletSegment = AWSXRay.beginSegment(SERVICE_NAME);\n responseEvent.withStatusCode(500);\n servletHandler.handleResponse(responseEvent);\n Assert.assertEquals(500, ((Map<String, Integer>) servletSegment.getHttp().get(\"response\")).get(\"status\").intValue());\n Assert.assertFalse(servletSegment.isError());\n Assert.assertTrue(servletSegment.isFault());\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
@Override public void handleResponse(Event event) { // If this SQL request is being ignored, we should also ignore the response if (decrementSqlTransactionCount() > 0) { return; } Subsegment subsegment = getSubsegment(); ServiceDownstreamResponseEvent responseEvent = (ServiceDownstreamResponseEvent) event; Throwable thrown = responseEvent.getThrown(); if (thrown != null) { subsegment.addException(thrown); } endSubsegment(); }
@Test public void testSubsegmentEndedWithThrowable() { XRaySDKConfiguration.getInstance().init(); Segment seg = AWSXRay.beginSegment("test"); // must be after config init Subsegment sub = AWSXRay.beginSubsegment("FakeSqlSub"); TransactionContext.putMetadata(SqlHandler.SQL_SUBSEGMENT_COUNT_KEY, 1); handler.handleResponse(responseEvent); assertThat(seg.getSubsegments().size()).isEqualTo(1); assertThat(sub.isInProgress()).isFalse(); assertThat(sub.getCause().getExceptions().size()).isEqualTo(1); assertThat(sub.isFault()).isTrue(); }
[ "decrementSqlTransactionCount", "getSubsegment", "getThrown", "addException", "endSubsegment" ]
[ "init", "getInstance", "beginSegment", "beginSubsegment", "putMetadata", "handleResponse", "isEqualTo", "assertThat", "size", "getSubsegments", "isFalse", "assertThat", "isInProgress", "isEqualTo", "assertThat", "size", "getExceptions", "getCause", "isTrue", "assertThat", "isFault" ]
{ "class_fields": "private static final String DB = \"myDB\";\nprivate static final String QUERY = \"SQL\";\nprivate static final String DB_URL = \"\";\nprivate SqlHandler handler;\nprivate ServiceDownstreamRequestEvent requestEvent;\nprivate ServiceDownstreamResponseEvent responseEvent;\n@Mock\n Statement mockStatement;\n@Mock\n Connection mockConnection;\n@Mock\n DatabaseMetaData mockMetaData;", "class_name": "SqlHandlerTest" }
{ "class_fields": "private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(SqlHandler.class);\nstatic final String SQL_SUBSEGMENT_COUNT_KEY = \"XRaySQLSubsegmentCount\";", "class_name": "SqlHandler extends XRayHandler", "method_signatures": "@Override public void handleRequest(Event event)\n@Override public void handleResponse(Event event)\nsynchronized int getSqlTransactionCount()\nprivate synchronized int incrementSqlTransactionCount()\nprivate synchronized int decrementSqlTransactionCount()\nsynchronized void setSqlTransactionCount(int val)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: aws-xray-agent/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/xray/agent/runtime/handlers/downstream/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: SqlHandler extends XRayHandler\n\nclass_fields: private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(SqlHandler.class);\nstatic final String SQL_SUBSEGMENT_COUNT_KEY = \"XRaySQLSubsegmentCount\";\n\nmethod_signatures: @Override public void handleRequest(Event event)\n@Override public void handleResponse(Event event)\nsynchronized int getSqlTransactionCount()\nprivate synchronized int incrementSqlTransactionCount()\nprivate synchronized int decrementSqlTransactionCount()\nsynchronized void setSqlTransactionCount(int val)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: SqlHandlerTest\n\nclass_fields: private static final String DB = \"myDB\";\nprivate static final String QUERY = \"SQL\";\nprivate static final String DB_URL = \"\";\nprivate SqlHandler handler;\nprivate ServiceDownstreamRequestEvent requestEvent;\nprivate ServiceDownstreamResponseEvent responseEvent;\n@Mock\n Statement mockStatement;\n@Mock\n Connection mockConnection;\n@Mock\n DatabaseMetaData mockMetaData;\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file aws-xray-agent/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/xray/agent/runtime/handlers/downstream/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n @Override\n public void handleResponse(Event event) {\n // If this SQL request is being ignored, we should also ignore the response\n if (decrementSqlTransactionCount() > 0) {\n return;\n }\n\n Subsegment subsegment = getSubsegment();\n ServiceDownstreamResponseEvent responseEvent = (ServiceDownstreamResponseEvent) event;\n Throwable thrown = responseEvent.getThrown();\n\n if (thrown != null) {\n subsegment.addException(thrown);\n }\n endSubsegment();\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n aws-xray-agent/src/test/java/com/amazonaws/xray/agent/runtime/handlers/downstream/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void testSubsegmentEndedWithThrowable() {\n XRaySDKConfiguration.getInstance().init();\n Segment seg = AWSXRay.beginSegment(\"test\"); // must be after config init\n Subsegment sub = AWSXRay.beginSubsegment(\"FakeSqlSub\");\n TransactionContext.putMetadata(SqlHandler.SQL_SUBSEGMENT_COUNT_KEY, 1);\n\n handler.handleResponse(responseEvent);\n\n assertThat(seg.getSubsegments().size()).isEqualTo(1);\n assertThat(sub.isInProgress()).isFalse();\n assertThat(sub.getCause().getExceptions().size()).isEqualTo(1);\n assertThat(sub.isFault()).isTrue();\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
@Override public void handleResponse(Event event) { HttpServletNetworkResponseEvent responseEvent = (HttpServletNetworkResponseEvent) event; Segment currentSegment = getSegment(); // No need to log since a Context Missing Error will already be recorded if (currentSegment == null) { return; } // Add the status code // Obtain the status code of the underlying http response. If it failed, it's a fault. Map<String, Object> responseAttributes = new HashMap<>(); int statusCode = responseEvent.getStatusCode(); // Check if the status code was a fault. switch (statusCode / 100) { case 2: // Server OK break; case 4: // Exception currentSegment.setError(true); if (statusCode == 429) { currentSegment.setThrottle(true); } break; case 5: // Fault currentSegment.setFault(true); break; } responseAttributes.put(STATUS_KEY, statusCode); currentSegment.putHttp(RESPONSE_KEY, responseAttributes); endSegment(); }
@Test public void testHandleResponse() { HttpServletNetworkRequestEvent requestEvent = mock(HttpServletNetworkRequestEvent.class); HttpServletNetworkResponseEvent responseEvent = new HttpServletNetworkResponseEvent(ORIGIN, requestEvent); responseEvent.withStatusCode(200); Segment servletSegment = AWSXRay.beginSegment(SERVICE_NAME); servletHandler.handleResponse(responseEvent); Assert.assertEquals(200, ((Map<String, Integer>) servletSegment.getHttp().get("response")).get("status").intValue()); }
[ "getSegment", "getStatusCode", "setError", "setThrottle", "setFault", "put", "putHttp", "endSegment" ]
[ "mock", "withStatusCode", "beginSegment", "handleResponse", "assertEquals", "intValue", "get", "get", "getHttp" ]
{ "class_fields": "public static final String HEADER_KEY = \"X-Amzn-Trace-Id\";\nprivate final String ORIGIN = \"httpServlet\";\nprivate final String SERVICE_NAME = \"SomeServletHostedService\";\nprivate final String SDK = \"X-Ray for Java\";\nprivate final String HOST = \"localhost:8080\";\nprivate final String METHOD = \"POST\";\nprivate final String URL = \"http://localhost:8080/\";\nprivate final String USER_AGENT = \"Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_12_6) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/76.0.3809.132 Safari/537.36\";\nprivate final String DST_IP = \"\";\nprivate final String SRC_IP = \"\";\nprivate ServletHandler servletHandler;\n@Mock\n private Emitter blankEmitter;", "class_name": "ServletHandlerTest" }
{ "class_fields": "private static final String URL_KEY = \"url\";\nprivate static final String METHOD_KEY = \"method\";\nprivate static final String CLIENT_IP_KEY = \"client_ip\";\nprivate static final String USER_AGENT_KEY = \"user_agent\";\nprivate static final String RESPONSE_KEY = \"response\";\nprivate static final String HTTP_REQUEST_KEY = \"request\";\nprivate static final String STATUS_KEY = \"status\";", "class_name": "ServletHandler extends XRayHandler", "method_signatures": "@Override public void handleRequest(Event event)\n@Override public void handleResponse(Event event)\nprivate void populateHeaderToTransactionState(HttpNetworkProtocolRequestEvent requestEvent, XRayTransactionState transactionState)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: aws-xray-agent/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/xray/agent/runtime/handlers/upstream/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: ServletHandler extends XRayHandler\n\nclass_fields: private static final String URL_KEY = \"url\";\nprivate static final String METHOD_KEY = \"method\";\nprivate static final String CLIENT_IP_KEY = \"client_ip\";\nprivate static final String USER_AGENT_KEY = \"user_agent\";\nprivate static final String RESPONSE_KEY = \"response\";\nprivate static final String HTTP_REQUEST_KEY = \"request\";\nprivate static final String STATUS_KEY = \"status\";\n\nmethod_signatures: @Override public void handleRequest(Event event)\n@Override public void handleResponse(Event event)\nprivate void populateHeaderToTransactionState(HttpNetworkProtocolRequestEvent requestEvent, XRayTransactionState transactionState)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: ServletHandlerTest\n\nclass_fields: public static final String HEADER_KEY = \"X-Amzn-Trace-Id\";\nprivate final String ORIGIN = \"httpServlet\";\nprivate final String SERVICE_NAME = \"SomeServletHostedService\";\nprivate final String SDK = \"X-Ray for Java\";\nprivate final String HOST = \"localhost:8080\";\nprivate final String METHOD = \"POST\";\nprivate final String URL = \"http://localhost:8080/\";\nprivate final String USER_AGENT = \"Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_12_6) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/76.0.3809.132 Safari/537.36\";\nprivate final String DST_IP = \"\";\nprivate final String SRC_IP = \"\";\nprivate ServletHandler servletHandler;\n@Mock\n private Emitter blankEmitter;\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file aws-xray-agent/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/xray/agent/runtime/handlers/upstream/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n @Override\n public void handleResponse(Event event) {\n HttpServletNetworkResponseEvent responseEvent = (HttpServletNetworkResponseEvent) event;\n Segment currentSegment = getSegment();\n\n // No need to log since a Context Missing Error will already be recorded\n if (currentSegment == null) {\n return;\n }\n\n // Add the status code\n // Obtain the status code of the underlying http response. If it failed, it's a fault.\n Map<String, Object> responseAttributes = new HashMap<>();\n int statusCode = responseEvent.getStatusCode();\n\n // Check if the status code was a fault.\n switch (statusCode / 100) {\n case 2:\n // Server OK\n break;\n case 4:\n // Exception\n currentSegment.setError(true);\n if (statusCode == 429) {\n currentSegment.setThrottle(true);\n }\n break;\n case 5:\n // Fault\n currentSegment.setFault(true);\n break;\n }\n responseAttributes.put(STATUS_KEY, statusCode);\n currentSegment.putHttp(RESPONSE_KEY, responseAttributes);\n\n endSegment();\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n aws-xray-agent/src/test/java/com/amazonaws/xray/agent/runtime/handlers/upstream/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void testHandleResponse() {\n HttpServletNetworkRequestEvent requestEvent = mock(HttpServletNetworkRequestEvent.class);\n HttpServletNetworkResponseEvent responseEvent = new HttpServletNetworkResponseEvent(ORIGIN, requestEvent);\n responseEvent.withStatusCode(200);\n Segment servletSegment = AWSXRay.beginSegment(SERVICE_NAME);\n\n servletHandler.handleResponse(responseEvent);\n\n Assert.assertEquals(200, ((Map<String, Integer>) servletSegment.getHttp().get(\"response\")).get(\"status\").intValue());\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
public void init(@Nullable URL configFile) { if (configFile == null) { this.agentConfiguration = new AgentConfiguration(); } else { try {"Reading X-Ray Agent config file at: " + configFile.getPath()); this.agentConfiguration = parseConfig(configFile); } catch (IOException e) { throw new InvalidAgentConfigException("Failed to read X-Ray Agent configuration file " + configFile.getPath(), e); } } if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Starting the X-Ray Agent with the following properties:\n" + agentConfiguration.toString()); } init(AWSXRayRecorderBuilder.standard()); }
@Test public void testTraceIdInjection() { config.init(AWSXRayRecorderBuilder.standard()); // A little fragile, depends on the order they're added in XRaySDKConfiguration Log4JSegmentListener listener = (Log4JSegmentListener) AWSXRay.getGlobalRecorder().getSegmentListeners().get(0); Assert.assertEquals(2, AWSXRay.getGlobalRecorder().getSegmentListeners().size()); Assert.assertEquals("", listener.getPrefix()); }
[ "info", "getPath", "parseConfig", "getPath", "isDebugEnabled", "debug", "toString", "init", "standard" ]
[ "init", "standard", "get", "getSegmentListeners", "getGlobalRecorder", "assertEquals", "size", "getSegmentListeners", "getGlobalRecorder", "assertEquals", "getPrefix" ]
{ "class_fields": "private static final String JVM_NAME = \"jvm_name\";\nprivate static final String ENV_NAME = \"env_name\";\nprivate static final String SYS_NAME = \"sys_name\";\nprivate static final String CONFIG_NAME = \"config_name\";\nXRaySDKConfiguration config;\nMap<String, String> configMap;\n@Rule\n public final EnvironmentVariables environmentVariables = new EnvironmentVariables();", "class_name": "XRaySDKConfigurationTest" }
{ "class_fields": "static final String LAMBDA_TASK_ROOT_KEY = \"LAMBDA_TASK_ROOT\";\nstatic final String ENABLED_ENVIRONMENT_VARIABLE_KEY = \"AWS_XRAY_TRACING_ENABLED\";\nstatic final String ENABLED_SYSTEM_PROPERTY_KEY = \"com.amazonaws.xray.tracingEnabled\";\nprivate static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(XRaySDKConfiguration.class);\nprivate static final JsonFactory factory = new JsonFactory();\nprivate static final XRaySDKConfiguration instance = new XRaySDKConfiguration();\nprivate AgentConfiguration agentConfiguration;\n@Nullable\n private URL awsServiceHandlerManifest = null;\nprivate int awsSdkVersion;", "class_name": "XRaySDKConfiguration", "method_signatures": "public int getAwsSdkVersion()\n@Nullable public URL getAwsServiceHandlerManifest()\n AgentConfiguration getAgentConfiguration()\n void setAgentConfiguration(AgentConfiguration agentConfiguration)\npublic boolean isEnabled()\npublic boolean shouldCollectSqlQueries()\npublic boolean isTraceIncomingRequests()\n XRaySDKConfiguration()\npublic static XRaySDKConfiguration getInstance()\npublic void init(@Nullable URL configFile)\npublic void init()\n void init(AWSXRayRecorderBuilder builder)\nprivate AgentConfiguration parseConfig(URL configFile)\nprivate void tryAddTraceIdInjection(AWSXRayRecorderBuilder builder, String className, String prefix)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: aws-xray-agent/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/xray/agent/runtime/config/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: XRaySDKConfiguration\n\nclass_fields: static final String LAMBDA_TASK_ROOT_KEY = \"LAMBDA_TASK_ROOT\";\nstatic final String ENABLED_ENVIRONMENT_VARIABLE_KEY = \"AWS_XRAY_TRACING_ENABLED\";\nstatic final String ENABLED_SYSTEM_PROPERTY_KEY = \"com.amazonaws.xray.tracingEnabled\";\nprivate static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(XRaySDKConfiguration.class);\nprivate static final JsonFactory factory = new JsonFactory();\nprivate static final XRaySDKConfiguration instance = new XRaySDKConfiguration();\nprivate AgentConfiguration agentConfiguration;\n@Nullable\n private URL awsServiceHandlerManifest = null;\nprivate int awsSdkVersion;\n\nmethod_signatures: public int getAwsSdkVersion()\n@Nullable public URL getAwsServiceHandlerManifest()\n AgentConfiguration getAgentConfiguration()\n void setAgentConfiguration(AgentConfiguration agentConfiguration)\npublic boolean isEnabled()\npublic boolean shouldCollectSqlQueries()\npublic boolean isTraceIncomingRequests()\n XRaySDKConfiguration()\npublic static XRaySDKConfiguration getInstance()\npublic void init(@Nullable URL configFile)\npublic void init()\n void init(AWSXRayRecorderBuilder builder)\nprivate AgentConfiguration parseConfig(URL configFile)\nprivate void tryAddTraceIdInjection(AWSXRayRecorderBuilder builder, String className, String prefix)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: XRaySDKConfigurationTest\n\nclass_fields: private static final String JVM_NAME = \"jvm_name\";\nprivate static final String ENV_NAME = \"env_name\";\nprivate static final String SYS_NAME = \"sys_name\";\nprivate static final String CONFIG_NAME = \"config_name\";\nXRaySDKConfiguration config;\nMap<String, String> configMap;\n@Rule\n public final EnvironmentVariables environmentVariables = new EnvironmentVariables();\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file aws-xray-agent/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/xray/agent/runtime/config/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n public void init(@Nullable URL configFile) {\n if (configFile == null) {\n this.agentConfiguration = new AgentConfiguration();\n } else {\n try {\n\"Reading X-Ray Agent config file at: \" + configFile.getPath());\n this.agentConfiguration = parseConfig(configFile);\n } catch (IOException e) {\n throw new InvalidAgentConfigException(\"Failed to read X-Ray Agent configuration file \" + configFile.getPath(), e);\n }\n }\n\n if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {\n log.debug(\"Starting the X-Ray Agent with the following properties:\\n\" + agentConfiguration.toString());\n }\n init(AWSXRayRecorderBuilder.standard());\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n aws-xray-agent/src/test/java/com/amazonaws/xray/agent/runtime/config/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void testTraceIdInjection() {\n config.init(AWSXRayRecorderBuilder.standard());\n\n // A little fragile, depends on the order they're added in XRaySDKConfiguration\n Log4JSegmentListener listener = (Log4JSegmentListener) AWSXRay.getGlobalRecorder().getSegmentListeners().get(0);\n Assert.assertEquals(2, AWSXRay.getGlobalRecorder().getSegmentListeners().size());\n Assert.assertEquals(\"\", listener.getPrefix());\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
@Override public void handleRequest(Event event) { // If a parent SQL transaction is already in progress, we return to avoid an infinite loop. This is because // in order to populate a SQL subsegment, we make several calls to the JDBC Driver's DatabaseMetaData object. // For example, if a driver's implementation of DatabaseMetaData.getUserName() uses executeQuery("SELECT USER") // to get the DB user, executeQuery would be intercepted by the Disco JDBC plugin, trigger this handler to // create subegment, and we'd call getUserName to populate that subsegment and so on. if (incrementSqlTransactionCount() > 1) { return; } ServiceDownstreamRequestEvent requestEvent = (ServiceDownstreamRequestEvent) event; Statement statement = (Statement) requestEvent.getRequest(); boolean recordSql = XRaySDKConfiguration.getInstance().shouldCollectSqlQueries(); final Connection connection; try { connection = statement.getConnection(); } catch (SQLException e) { log.debug("Encountered exception when creating subsegment for query of " + requestEvent.getService() + ", starting blank subsegment", e); AWSXRay.beginSubsegment(SqlSubsegments.DEFAULT_DATABASE_NAME); return; } // If user opted-in to record their Queries, include them in the subsegment SqlSubsegments.forQuery(connection, recordSql ? requestEvent.getOperation() : null); }
@Test public void testSubsegmentCreatedDespiteException() throws SQLException { when(mockStatement.getConnection()).thenThrow(new SQLException()); XRaySDKConfiguration.getInstance().init(); AWSXRay.beginSegment("test"); // must be after config init handler.handleRequest(requestEvent); Subsegment sqlSub = AWSXRay.getCurrentSubsegment(); assertThat(sqlSub.isInProgress()).isTrue(); assertThat(sqlSub.getName()).isEqualTo(SqlSubsegments.DEFAULT_DATABASE_NAME); }
[ "incrementSqlTransactionCount", "getRequest", "shouldCollectSqlQueries", "getInstance", "getConnection", "debug", "getService", "beginSubsegment", "forQuery", "getOperation" ]
[ "thenThrow", "when", "getConnection", "init", "getInstance", "beginSegment", "handleRequest", "getCurrentSubsegment", "isTrue", "assertThat", "isInProgress", "isEqualTo", "assertThat", "getName" ]
{ "class_fields": "private static final String DB = \"myDB\";\nprivate static final String QUERY = \"SQL\";\nprivate static final String DB_URL = \"\";\nprivate SqlHandler handler;\nprivate ServiceDownstreamRequestEvent requestEvent;\nprivate ServiceDownstreamResponseEvent responseEvent;\n@Mock\n Statement mockStatement;\n@Mock\n Connection mockConnection;\n@Mock\n DatabaseMetaData mockMetaData;", "class_name": "SqlHandlerTest" }
{ "class_fields": "private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(SqlHandler.class);\nstatic final String SQL_SUBSEGMENT_COUNT_KEY = \"XRaySQLSubsegmentCount\";", "class_name": "SqlHandler extends XRayHandler", "method_signatures": "@Override public void handleRequest(Event event)\n@Override public void handleResponse(Event event)\nsynchronized int getSqlTransactionCount()\nprivate synchronized int incrementSqlTransactionCount()\nprivate synchronized int decrementSqlTransactionCount()\nsynchronized void setSqlTransactionCount(int val)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: aws-xray-agent/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/xray/agent/runtime/handlers/downstream/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: SqlHandler extends XRayHandler\n\nclass_fields: private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(SqlHandler.class);\nstatic final String SQL_SUBSEGMENT_COUNT_KEY = \"XRaySQLSubsegmentCount\";\n\nmethod_signatures: @Override public void handleRequest(Event event)\n@Override public void handleResponse(Event event)\nsynchronized int getSqlTransactionCount()\nprivate synchronized int incrementSqlTransactionCount()\nprivate synchronized int decrementSqlTransactionCount()\nsynchronized void setSqlTransactionCount(int val)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: SqlHandlerTest\n\nclass_fields: private static final String DB = \"myDB\";\nprivate static final String QUERY = \"SQL\";\nprivate static final String DB_URL = \"\";\nprivate SqlHandler handler;\nprivate ServiceDownstreamRequestEvent requestEvent;\nprivate ServiceDownstreamResponseEvent responseEvent;\n@Mock\n Statement mockStatement;\n@Mock\n Connection mockConnection;\n@Mock\n DatabaseMetaData mockMetaData;\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file aws-xray-agent/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/xray/agent/runtime/handlers/downstream/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n @Override\n public void handleRequest(Event event) {\n // If a parent SQL transaction is already in progress, we return to avoid an infinite loop. This is because\n // in order to populate a SQL subsegment, we make several calls to the JDBC Driver's DatabaseMetaData object.\n // For example, if a driver's implementation of DatabaseMetaData.getUserName() uses executeQuery(\"SELECT USER\")\n // to get the DB user, executeQuery would be intercepted by the Disco JDBC plugin, trigger this handler to\n // create subegment, and we'd call getUserName to populate that subsegment and so on.\n if (incrementSqlTransactionCount() > 1) {\n return;\n }\n\n ServiceDownstreamRequestEvent requestEvent = (ServiceDownstreamRequestEvent) event;\n Statement statement = (Statement) requestEvent.getRequest();\n boolean recordSql = XRaySDKConfiguration.getInstance().shouldCollectSqlQueries();\n final Connection connection;\n\n try {\n connection = statement.getConnection();\n } catch (SQLException e) {\n log.debug(\"Encountered exception when creating subsegment for query of \"\n + requestEvent.getService() + \", starting blank subsegment\", e);\n AWSXRay.beginSubsegment(SqlSubsegments.DEFAULT_DATABASE_NAME);\n return;\n }\n\n // If user opted-in to record their Queries, include them in the subsegment\n SqlSubsegments.forQuery(connection, recordSql ? requestEvent.getOperation() : null);\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n aws-xray-agent/src/test/java/com/amazonaws/xray/agent/runtime/handlers/downstream/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void testSubsegmentCreatedDespiteException() throws SQLException {\n when(mockStatement.getConnection()).thenThrow(new SQLException());\n XRaySDKConfiguration.getInstance().init();\n AWSXRay.beginSegment(\"test\"); // must be after config init\n\n handler.handleRequest(requestEvent);\n\n Subsegment sqlSub = AWSXRay.getCurrentSubsegment();\n assertThat(sqlSub.isInProgress()).isTrue();\n assertThat(sqlSub.getName()).isEqualTo(SqlSubsegments.DEFAULT_DATABASE_NAME);\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
public void dispatchRequestEvent(Event event) { XRayHandlerInterface xrayHandler = getHandler(event); if (xrayHandler != null) { xrayHandler.handleRequest(event); } }
@Test public void testDispatchNoHandler() { ServiceActivityRequestEvent serviceRequestEvent = new ServiceActivityRequestEvent("NotUsedOrigin", null, null); eventDispatcher.dispatchRequestEvent(serviceRequestEvent); verify(mockHandler, times(0)).handleRequest(serviceRequestEvent); }
[ "getHandler", "handleRequest" ]
[ "dispatchRequestEvent", "handleRequest", "verify", "times" ]
{ "class_fields": "private final String ORIGIN = \"testOrigin\";\nprivate final String SERVICE = \"testService\";\nprivate final String OPERATION = \"testOperation\";\n@Mock\n private XRayHandlerInterface mockHandler;\nprivate EventDispatcher eventDispatcher;", "class_name": "EventDispatcherTest" }
{ "class_fields": "private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(EventDispatcher.class);\nprivate Map<String, XRayHandlerInterface> originHandlerMap;", "class_name": "EventDispatcher", "method_signatures": "public EventDispatcher()\npublic void addHandler(String origin, XRayHandlerInterface handler)\nprivate XRayHandlerInterface getHandler(Event event)\npublic void dispatchRequestEvent(Event event)\npublic void dispatchResponseEvent(Event event)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: aws-xray-agent/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/xray/agent/runtime/dispatcher/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: EventDispatcher\n\nclass_fields: private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(EventDispatcher.class);\nprivate Map<String, XRayHandlerInterface> originHandlerMap;\n\nmethod_signatures: public EventDispatcher()\npublic void addHandler(String origin, XRayHandlerInterface handler)\nprivate XRayHandlerInterface getHandler(Event event)\npublic void dispatchRequestEvent(Event event)\npublic void dispatchResponseEvent(Event event)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: EventDispatcherTest\n\nclass_fields: private final String ORIGIN = \"testOrigin\";\nprivate final String SERVICE = \"testService\";\nprivate final String OPERATION = \"testOperation\";\n@Mock\n private XRayHandlerInterface mockHandler;\nprivate EventDispatcher eventDispatcher;\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file aws-xray-agent/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/xray/agent/runtime/dispatcher/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n public void dispatchRequestEvent(Event event) {\n XRayHandlerInterface xrayHandler = getHandler(event);\n if (xrayHandler != null) {\n xrayHandler.handleRequest(event);\n }\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n aws-xray-agent/src/test/java/com/amazonaws/xray/agent/runtime/dispatcher/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void testDispatchNoHandler() {\n ServiceActivityRequestEvent serviceRequestEvent = new ServiceActivityRequestEvent(\"NotUsedOrigin\", null, null);\n eventDispatcher.dispatchRequestEvent(serviceRequestEvent);\n verify(mockHandler, times(0)).handleRequest(serviceRequestEvent);\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
public void postProcessBeanFactory(ConfigurableListableBeanFactory beanFactory) throws BeansException { logger.debug("Post process bean factory has been called"); findJaxrsApplications(beanFactory); // This is done by finding their related Spring beans findJaxrsResourcesAndProviderClasses(beanFactory); if (allResources.size() == 0) { logger.warn("No JAX-RS resource Spring beans have been found"); } if (applications.size() == 0) {"No JAX-RS Application classes have been found. A default, one mapped to '/', will be registered."); registerDefaultJaxrsApp(beanFactory); return; } BeanDefinitionRegistry registry = (BeanDefinitionRegistry) beanFactory; for (Class<? extends Application> applicationClass : applications) { ApplicationPath path = AnnotationUtils.findAnnotation(applicationClass, ApplicationPath.class); if (path == null) { logger.warn("JAX-RS Application class {} has no ApplicationPath annotation, so it will not be registered", applicationClass.getName()); continue; } logger.debug("registering JAX-RS application class " + applicationClass.getName()); GenericBeanDefinition applicationServletBean = createApplicationServlet(applicationClass, path.value()); registry.registerBeanDefinition(applicationClass.getName(), applicationServletBean); } }
@Test public void postProcessBeanFactory() { Map<String, ServletRegistrationBean> servletRegistrationBeans = applicationContext.getBeansOfType(ServletRegistrationBean.class); Assert.assertNotNull(servletRegistrationBeans); // Although there are 5 sample JAX-RS Application classes, one of them is not annotated with the ApplicationPath annotation! Assert.assertEquals(servletRegistrationBeans.size(), 4); for(String applicationClassName : servletRegistrationBeans.keySet()) { testApplicaton(applicationClassName, servletRegistrationBeans.get(applicationClassName)); } }
[ "debug", "findJaxrsApplications", "findJaxrsResourcesAndProviderClasses", "size", "warn", "size", "info", "registerDefaultJaxrsApp", "findAnnotation", "warn", "getName", "debug", "getName", "createApplicationServlet", "value", "registerBeanDefinition", "getName" ]
[ "getBeansOfType", "assertNotNull", "assertEquals", "size", "keySet", "testApplicaton", "get" ]
{ "class_fields": "@Autowired\n private ApplicationContext applicationContext;", "class_name": "ResteasyEmbeddedServletInitializerTest extends AbstractTestNGSpringContextTests" }
{ "class_fields": "private static final String JAXRS_APP_CLASSES_DEFINITION_PROPERTY = \"\";\nprivate static final String JAXRS_APP_CLASSES_PROPERTY = \"\";\nprivate static final String JAXRS_APP_CLASSES_PROPERTY_LEGACY = \"\";\nprivate Set<Class<? extends Application>> applications = new HashSet<Class<? extends Application>>();\nprivate Set<Class<?>> allResources = new HashSet<Class<?>>();\nprivate Set<Class<?>> providers = new HashSet<Class<?>>();\nprivate static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ResteasyEmbeddedServletInitializer.class);", "class_name": "ResteasyEmbeddedServletInitializer implements BeanFactoryPostProcessor", "method_signatures": "private void findJaxrsApplications(ConfigurableListableBeanFactory beanFactory)\nprivate JaxrsAppClassesRegistration getJaxrsAppClassesRegistration(ConfigurableListableBeanFactory beanFactory)\nprivate void findJaxrsApplicationBeans(ConfigurableListableBeanFactory beanFactory)\nprivate void findJaxrsApplicationProperty(ConfigurableListableBeanFactory beanFactory)\nprivate void findJaxrsApplicationScanning(BeanFactory beanFactory)\nprivate List<String> getSpringApplicationPackages(BeanFactory beanFactory)\nprivate void findJaxrsResourcesAndProviderClasses(ConfigurableListableBeanFactory beanFactory)\npublic void postProcessBeanFactory(ConfigurableListableBeanFactory beanFactory)\nprivate void registerDefaultJaxrsApp(ConfigurableListableBeanFactory beanFactory)\nprivate GenericBeanDefinition createApplicationServlet(Class<? extends Application> applicationClass, String path)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: resteasy-spring-boot-starter/src/main/java/com/paypal/springboot/resteasy/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: ResteasyEmbeddedServletInitializer implements BeanFactoryPostProcessor\n\nclass_fields: private static final String JAXRS_APP_CLASSES_DEFINITION_PROPERTY = \"\";\nprivate static final String JAXRS_APP_CLASSES_PROPERTY = \"\";\nprivate static final String JAXRS_APP_CLASSES_PROPERTY_LEGACY = \"\";\nprivate Set<Class<? extends Application>> applications = new HashSet<Class<? extends Application>>();\nprivate Set<Class<?>> allResources = new HashSet<Class<?>>();\nprivate Set<Class<?>> providers = new HashSet<Class<?>>();\nprivate static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ResteasyEmbeddedServletInitializer.class);\n\nmethod_signatures: private void findJaxrsApplications(ConfigurableListableBeanFactory beanFactory)\nprivate JaxrsAppClassesRegistration getJaxrsAppClassesRegistration(ConfigurableListableBeanFactory beanFactory)\nprivate void findJaxrsApplicationBeans(ConfigurableListableBeanFactory beanFactory)\nprivate void findJaxrsApplicationProperty(ConfigurableListableBeanFactory beanFactory)\nprivate void findJaxrsApplicationScanning(BeanFactory beanFactory)\nprivate List<String> getSpringApplicationPackages(BeanFactory beanFactory)\nprivate void findJaxrsResourcesAndProviderClasses(ConfigurableListableBeanFactory beanFactory)\npublic void postProcessBeanFactory(ConfigurableListableBeanFactory beanFactory)\nprivate void registerDefaultJaxrsApp(ConfigurableListableBeanFactory beanFactory)\nprivate GenericBeanDefinition createApplicationServlet(Class<? extends Application> applicationClass, String path)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: ResteasyEmbeddedServletInitializerTest extends AbstractTestNGSpringContextTests\n\nclass_fields: @Autowired\n private ApplicationContext applicationContext;\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file resteasy-spring-boot-starter/src/main/java/com/paypal/springboot/resteasy/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n public void postProcessBeanFactory(ConfigurableListableBeanFactory beanFactory) throws BeansException {\n logger.debug(\"Post process bean factory has been called\");\n\n findJaxrsApplications(beanFactory);\n\n // This is done by finding their related Spring beans\n findJaxrsResourcesAndProviderClasses(beanFactory);\n\n if (allResources.size() == 0) {\n logger.warn(\"No JAX-RS resource Spring beans have been found\");\n }\n if (applications.size() == 0) {\n\"No JAX-RS Application classes have been found. A default, one mapped to '/', will be registered.\");\n registerDefaultJaxrsApp(beanFactory);\n return;\n }\n\n BeanDefinitionRegistry registry = (BeanDefinitionRegistry) beanFactory;\n\n for (Class<? extends Application> applicationClass : applications) {\n ApplicationPath path = AnnotationUtils.findAnnotation(applicationClass, ApplicationPath.class);\n if (path == null) {\n logger.warn(\"JAX-RS Application class {} has no ApplicationPath annotation, so it will not be registered\", applicationClass.getName());\n continue;\n }\n\n logger.debug(\"registering JAX-RS application class \" + applicationClass.getName());\n\n GenericBeanDefinition applicationServletBean = createApplicationServlet(applicationClass, path.value());\n registry.registerBeanDefinition(applicationClass.getName(), applicationServletBean);\n }\n\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n resteasy-spring-boot-starter/src/test/java/com/paypal/springboot/resteasy/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void postProcessBeanFactory() {\n Map<String, ServletRegistrationBean> servletRegistrationBeans = applicationContext.getBeansOfType(ServletRegistrationBean.class);\n Assert.assertNotNull(servletRegistrationBeans);\n\n // Although there are 5 sample JAX-RS Application classes, one of them is not annotated with the ApplicationPath annotation!\n Assert.assertEquals(servletRegistrationBeans.size(), 4);\n\n for(String applicationClassName : servletRegistrationBeans.keySet()) {\n testApplicaton(applicationClassName, servletRegistrationBeans.get(applicationClassName));\n }\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
public void init(@Nullable URL configFile) { if (configFile == null) { this.agentConfiguration = new AgentConfiguration(); } else { try {"Reading X-Ray Agent config file at: " + configFile.getPath()); this.agentConfiguration = parseConfig(configFile); } catch (IOException e) { throw new InvalidAgentConfigException("Failed to read X-Ray Agent configuration file " + configFile.getPath(), e); } } if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Starting the X-Ray Agent with the following properties:\n" + agentConfiguration.toString()); } init(AWSXRayRecorderBuilder.standard()); }
@Test public void testPluginsEnabledByDefault() { AWSXRayRecorderBuilder builderMock = mock(AWSXRayRecorderBuilder.class); config.init(builderMock); verify(builderMock).withDefaultPlugins(); }
[ "info", "getPath", "parseConfig", "getPath", "isDebugEnabled", "debug", "toString", "init", "standard" ]
[ "mock", "init", "withDefaultPlugins", "verify" ]
{ "class_fields": "private static final String JVM_NAME = \"jvm_name\";\nprivate static final String ENV_NAME = \"env_name\";\nprivate static final String SYS_NAME = \"sys_name\";\nprivate static final String CONFIG_NAME = \"config_name\";\nXRaySDKConfiguration config;\nMap<String, String> configMap;\n@Rule\n public final EnvironmentVariables environmentVariables = new EnvironmentVariables();", "class_name": "XRaySDKConfigurationTest" }
{ "class_fields": "static final String LAMBDA_TASK_ROOT_KEY = \"LAMBDA_TASK_ROOT\";\nstatic final String ENABLED_ENVIRONMENT_VARIABLE_KEY = \"AWS_XRAY_TRACING_ENABLED\";\nstatic final String ENABLED_SYSTEM_PROPERTY_KEY = \"com.amazonaws.xray.tracingEnabled\";\nprivate static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(XRaySDKConfiguration.class);\nprivate static final JsonFactory factory = new JsonFactory();\nprivate static final XRaySDKConfiguration instance = new XRaySDKConfiguration();\nprivate AgentConfiguration agentConfiguration;\n@Nullable\n private URL awsServiceHandlerManifest = null;\nprivate int awsSdkVersion;", "class_name": "XRaySDKConfiguration", "method_signatures": "public int getAwsSdkVersion()\n@Nullable public URL getAwsServiceHandlerManifest()\n AgentConfiguration getAgentConfiguration()\n void setAgentConfiguration(AgentConfiguration agentConfiguration)\npublic boolean isEnabled()\npublic boolean shouldCollectSqlQueries()\npublic boolean isTraceIncomingRequests()\n XRaySDKConfiguration()\npublic static XRaySDKConfiguration getInstance()\npublic void init(@Nullable URL configFile)\npublic void init()\n void init(AWSXRayRecorderBuilder builder)\nprivate AgentConfiguration parseConfig(URL configFile)\nprivate void tryAddTraceIdInjection(AWSXRayRecorderBuilder builder, String className, String prefix)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: aws-xray-agent/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/xray/agent/runtime/config/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: XRaySDKConfiguration\n\nclass_fields: static final String LAMBDA_TASK_ROOT_KEY = \"LAMBDA_TASK_ROOT\";\nstatic final String ENABLED_ENVIRONMENT_VARIABLE_KEY = \"AWS_XRAY_TRACING_ENABLED\";\nstatic final String ENABLED_SYSTEM_PROPERTY_KEY = \"com.amazonaws.xray.tracingEnabled\";\nprivate static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(XRaySDKConfiguration.class);\nprivate static final JsonFactory factory = new JsonFactory();\nprivate static final XRaySDKConfiguration instance = new XRaySDKConfiguration();\nprivate AgentConfiguration agentConfiguration;\n@Nullable\n private URL awsServiceHandlerManifest = null;\nprivate int awsSdkVersion;\n\nmethod_signatures: public int getAwsSdkVersion()\n@Nullable public URL getAwsServiceHandlerManifest()\n AgentConfiguration getAgentConfiguration()\n void setAgentConfiguration(AgentConfiguration agentConfiguration)\npublic boolean isEnabled()\npublic boolean shouldCollectSqlQueries()\npublic boolean isTraceIncomingRequests()\n XRaySDKConfiguration()\npublic static XRaySDKConfiguration getInstance()\npublic void init(@Nullable URL configFile)\npublic void init()\n void init(AWSXRayRecorderBuilder builder)\nprivate AgentConfiguration parseConfig(URL configFile)\nprivate void tryAddTraceIdInjection(AWSXRayRecorderBuilder builder, String className, String prefix)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: XRaySDKConfigurationTest\n\nclass_fields: private static final String JVM_NAME = \"jvm_name\";\nprivate static final String ENV_NAME = \"env_name\";\nprivate static final String SYS_NAME = \"sys_name\";\nprivate static final String CONFIG_NAME = \"config_name\";\nXRaySDKConfiguration config;\nMap<String, String> configMap;\n@Rule\n public final EnvironmentVariables environmentVariables = new EnvironmentVariables();\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file aws-xray-agent/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/xray/agent/runtime/config/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n public void init(@Nullable URL configFile) {\n if (configFile == null) {\n this.agentConfiguration = new AgentConfiguration();\n } else {\n try {\n\"Reading X-Ray Agent config file at: \" + configFile.getPath());\n this.agentConfiguration = parseConfig(configFile);\n } catch (IOException e) {\n throw new InvalidAgentConfigException(\"Failed to read X-Ray Agent configuration file \" + configFile.getPath(), e);\n }\n }\n\n if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {\n log.debug(\"Starting the X-Ray Agent with the following properties:\\n\" + agentConfiguration.toString());\n }\n init(AWSXRayRecorderBuilder.standard());\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n aws-xray-agent/src/test/java/com/amazonaws/xray/agent/runtime/config/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void testPluginsEnabledByDefault() {\n AWSXRayRecorderBuilder builderMock = mock(AWSXRayRecorderBuilder.class);\n\n config.init(builderMock);\n\n verify(builderMock).withDefaultPlugins();\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
public float calculateEarnings(Collection<? extends BookingBean> bookings) { if (isPaymentDone()) { bookings = -> b.isPaymentDone()).collect(Collectors.toCollection(LinkedHashSet::new)); } if (getDateRange() != null) { bookings = -> getDateRange().contains(b.getCheckOut())).collect(Collectors.toCollection(LinkedHashSet::new)); } MonetaryAmountFactory<?> moneyFactory = Monetary.getDefaultAmountFactory().setCurrency(DrBookingsApplication.DEFAULT_CURRENCY.getCurrencyCode()); MonetaryAmount result = moneyFactory.setNumber(0).create(); if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("Calculating earnings for\n" + -> b.toString()).collect(Collectors.joining("\n"))); } for (BookingBean b : bookings) { if (b.getNumberOfNights() > { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("Days in month " + + ": " +; } if (logger.isInfoEnabled()) {"Airbnb long term booking, looking at manual registered payments"); } Optional<Payment> op = Payments.getLastPayment(b.getPayments()); MonetaryAmount payment; if (op.isPresent()) { payment = op.get().getAmount(); } else { payment = moneyFactory.setNumber(0).create(); } if(logger.isDebugEnabled()){ logger.debug("Payment is " + payment); } result = result.add(payment); } else result = result.add(moneyFactory.setNumber(b.getEarnings(isNetEarnings())).create()); } return result.getNumber().floatValue(); }
@Test public void test02() { BookingBean b = BookingBeanTest.newInstance(LocalDate.of(2012, 02, 02), LocalDate.of(2012, 2, 5)); b.setPaymentDone(true); b.setGrossEarningsExpression("30"); float result = c.calculateEarnings(b); assertThat(result, is(30f)); }
[ "isPaymentDone", "collect", "filter", "stream", "isPaymentDone", "toCollection", "getDateRange", "collect", "filter", "stream", "contains", "getDateRange", "getCheckOut", "toCollection", "setCurrency", "getDefaultAmountFactory", "getCurrencyCode", "create", "setNumber", "isDebugEnabled", "debug", "collect", "map", "stream", "toString", "joining", "getNumberOfNights", "minLength", "getMonth", "now", "isDebugEnabled", "debug", "getMonth", "now", "minLength", "getMonth", "now", "isInfoEnabled", "info", "getLastPayment", "getPayments", "isPresent", "getAmount", "get", "create", "setNumber", "isDebugEnabled", "debug", "add", "add", "create", "setNumber", "getEarnings", "isNetEarnings", "floatValue", "getNumber" ]
[ "newInstance", "of", "of", "setPaymentDone", "setGrossEarningsExpression", "calculateEarnings", "assertThat", "is" ]
{ "class_fields": "private AirbnbEarningsCalculator c;", "class_name": "AirbnbEarningsCalculatorTest" }
{ "class_fields": "private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(AirbnbEarningsCalculator.class);\nprivate Range<LocalDate> dateRange;", "class_name": "AirbnbEarningsCalculator extends EarningsCalculator", "method_signatures": "public AirbnbEarningsCalculator filterToDateRange(Range<LocalDate> dateRange)\npublic AirbnbEarningsCalculator filterForPaymentDone(boolean paymentDone)\npublic AirbnbEarningsCalculator filterForNetEarnings(boolean netEarnigns)\npublic Range<LocalDate> getDateRange()\npublic float calculateEarnings(Collection<? extends BookingBean> bookings)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: simple/src/main/java/com/github/drbookings/model/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: AirbnbEarningsCalculator extends EarningsCalculator\n\nclass_fields: private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(AirbnbEarningsCalculator.class);\nprivate Range<LocalDate> dateRange;\n\nmethod_signatures: public AirbnbEarningsCalculator filterToDateRange(Range<LocalDate> dateRange)\npublic AirbnbEarningsCalculator filterForPaymentDone(boolean paymentDone)\npublic AirbnbEarningsCalculator filterForNetEarnings(boolean netEarnigns)\npublic Range<LocalDate> getDateRange()\npublic float calculateEarnings(Collection<? extends BookingBean> bookings)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: AirbnbEarningsCalculatorTest\n\nclass_fields: private AirbnbEarningsCalculator c;\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file simple/src/main/java/com/github/drbookings/model/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n public float calculateEarnings(Collection<? extends BookingBean> bookings) {\n if (isPaymentDone()) {\n bookings = -> b.isPaymentDone()).collect(Collectors.toCollection(LinkedHashSet::new));\n }\n if (getDateRange() != null) {\n bookings = -> getDateRange().contains(b.getCheckOut())).collect(Collectors.toCollection(LinkedHashSet::new));\n }\n MonetaryAmountFactory<?> moneyFactory = Monetary.getDefaultAmountFactory().setCurrency(DrBookingsApplication.DEFAULT_CURRENCY.getCurrencyCode());\n MonetaryAmount result = moneyFactory.setNumber(0).create();\n if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {\n logger.debug(\"Calculating earnings for\\n\" + -> b.toString()).collect(Collectors.joining(\"\\n\")));\n }\n for (BookingBean b : bookings) {\n if (b.getNumberOfNights() > {\n if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {\n logger.debug(\"Days in month \" + + \": \" +;\n }\n if (logger.isInfoEnabled()) {\n\"Airbnb long term booking, looking at manual registered payments\");\n }\n Optional<Payment> op = Payments.getLastPayment(b.getPayments());\n MonetaryAmount payment;\n if (op.isPresent()) {\n payment = op.get().getAmount();\n } else {\n payment = moneyFactory.setNumber(0).create();\n }\n if(logger.isDebugEnabled()){\n logger.debug(\"Payment is \" + payment);\n }\n result = result.add(payment);\n } else\n result = result.add(moneyFactory.setNumber(b.getEarnings(isNetEarnings())).create());\n }\n\n return result.getNumber().floatValue();\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n simple/src/test/java/com/github/drbookings/model/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void test02() {\n BookingBean b = BookingBeanTest.newInstance(LocalDate.of(2012, 02, 02), LocalDate.of(2012, 2, 5));\n b.setPaymentDone(true);\n b.setGrossEarningsExpression(\"30\");\n float result = c.calculateEarnings(b);\n assertThat(result, is(30f));\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
static String[] getWeekdayNames(Locale locale, int day, boolean useThreeLetterAbbreviation){ DateFormatSymbols dateFormatSymbols = new DateFormatSymbols(locale); String[] dayNames = dateFormatSymbols.getShortWeekdays(); if (dayNames == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("Unable to determine weekday names from default locale"); } if (dayNames.length != 8) { throw new IllegalStateException("Expected weekday names from default locale to be of size 7 but: " + Arrays.toString(dayNames) + " with size " + dayNames.length + " was returned."); } String[] weekDayNames = new String[7]; String[] weekDaysFromSunday = {dayNames[1], dayNames[2], dayNames[3], dayNames[4], dayNames[5], dayNames[6], dayNames[7]}; for (int currentDay = day - 1, i = 0; i <= 6; i++, currentDay++) { currentDay = currentDay >= 7 ? 0 : currentDay; weekDayNames[i] = weekDaysFromSunday[currentDay]; } if (!useThreeLetterAbbreviation) { for (int i = 0; i < weekDayNames.length; i++) { weekDayNames[i] = weekDayNames[i].substring(0, 1); } } return weekDayNames; }
@Test public void itShouldReturnCorrectWeekDaysWhenTuesdayIsFirstDay(){ String[] expectedWeekDays = {"T", "W", "T", "F", "S", "S", "M"}; String[] actualWeekDays = WeekUtils.getWeekdayNames(Locale.ENGLISH, Calendar.TUESDAY, false); assertArrayEquals(expectedWeekDays, actualWeekDays); }
[ "getShortWeekdays", "toString", "substring" ]
[ "getWeekdayNames", "assertArrayEquals" ]
{ "class_fields": "", "class_name": "WeekUtilsTest" }
{ "class_fields": "", "class_name": "WeekUtils", "method_signatures": "static String[] getWeekdayNames(Locale locale, int day, boolean useThreeLetterAbbreviation)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: library/src/main/java/com/github/sundeepk/compactcalendarview/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: WeekUtils\n\nclass_fields: \n\nmethod_signatures: static String[] getWeekdayNames(Locale locale, int day, boolean useThreeLetterAbbreviation)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: WeekUtilsTest\n\nclass_fields: \n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file library/src/main/java/com/github/sundeepk/compactcalendarview/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n static String[] getWeekdayNames(Locale locale, int day, boolean useThreeLetterAbbreviation){\n DateFormatSymbols dateFormatSymbols = new DateFormatSymbols(locale);\n String[] dayNames = dateFormatSymbols.getShortWeekdays();\n if (dayNames == null) {\n throw new IllegalStateException(\"Unable to determine weekday names from default locale\");\n }\n if (dayNames.length != 8) {\n throw new IllegalStateException(\"Expected weekday names from default locale to be of size 7 but: \"\n + Arrays.toString(dayNames) + \" with size \" + dayNames.length + \" was returned.\");\n }\n\n String[] weekDayNames = new String[7];\n String[] weekDaysFromSunday = {dayNames[1], dayNames[2], dayNames[3], dayNames[4], dayNames[5], dayNames[6], dayNames[7]};\n for (int currentDay = day - 1, i = 0; i <= 6; i++, currentDay++) {\n currentDay = currentDay >= 7 ? 0 : currentDay;\n weekDayNames[i] = weekDaysFromSunday[currentDay];\n }\n\n if (!useThreeLetterAbbreviation) {\n for (int i = 0; i < weekDayNames.length; i++) {\n weekDayNames[i] = weekDayNames[i].substring(0, 1);\n }\n }\n\n return weekDayNames;\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n library/src/test/java/com/github/sundeepk/compactcalendarview/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void itShouldReturnCorrectWeekDaysWhenTuesdayIsFirstDay(){\n String[] expectedWeekDays = {\"T\", \"W\", \"T\", \"F\", \"S\", \"S\", \"M\"};\n String[] actualWeekDays = WeekUtils.getWeekdayNames(Locale.ENGLISH, Calendar.TUESDAY, false);\n assertArrayEquals(expectedWeekDays, actualWeekDays);\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
public float calculateEarnings(Collection<? extends BookingBean> bookings) { if (isPaymentDone()) { bookings = -> b.isPaymentDone()).collect(Collectors.toCollection(LinkedHashSet::new)); } if (getDateRange() != null) { bookings = -> getDateRange().contains(b.getCheckOut())).collect(Collectors.toCollection(LinkedHashSet::new)); } MonetaryAmountFactory<?> moneyFactory = Monetary.getDefaultAmountFactory().setCurrency(DrBookingsApplication.DEFAULT_CURRENCY.getCurrencyCode()); MonetaryAmount result = moneyFactory.setNumber(0).create(); for (BookingBean b : bookings) { result = result.add(moneyFactory.setNumber(b.getEarnings(isNetEarnings())).create()); } return result.getNumber().floatValue(); }
@Test public void test03() { c = new BookingEarningsCalculator(); BookingBean b = BookingBeanTest.newInstance(LocalDate.of(2018, 01, 27), LocalDate.of(2018, 8, 5)); b.setPaymentDone(true); b.setGrossEarningsExpression("8252.86"); assertThat(b.getNumberOfNights(), is(190)); float result = c.calculateEarnings(b); assertThat(result, is(8252.86f)); }
[ "isPaymentDone", "collect", "filter", "stream", "isPaymentDone", "toCollection", "getDateRange", "collect", "filter", "stream", "contains", "getDateRange", "getCheckOut", "toCollection", "setCurrency", "getDefaultAmountFactory", "getCurrencyCode", "create", "setNumber", "add", "create", "setNumber", "getEarnings", "isNetEarnings", "floatValue", "getNumber" ]
[ "newInstance", "of", "of", "setPaymentDone", "setGrossEarningsExpression", "assertThat", "getNumberOfNights", "is", "calculateEarnings", "assertThat", "is" ]
{ "class_fields": "private BookingEarningsCalculator c;", "class_name": "BookingEarningsCalculatorTest" }
{ "class_fields": "private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(BookingEarningsCalculator.class);", "class_name": "BookingEarningsCalculator extends EarningsCalculator", "method_signatures": "public BookingEarningsCalculator filterToDateRange(Range<LocalDate> dateRange)\npublic BookingEarningsCalculator filterForPaymentDone(boolean paymentDone)\npublic BookingEarningsCalculator filterForNetEarnings(boolean netEarnigns)\npublic float calculateEarnings(Collection<? extends BookingBean> bookings)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: simple/src/main/java/com/github/drbookings/model/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: BookingEarningsCalculator extends EarningsCalculator\n\nclass_fields: private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(BookingEarningsCalculator.class);\n\nmethod_signatures: public BookingEarningsCalculator filterToDateRange(Range<LocalDate> dateRange)\npublic BookingEarningsCalculator filterForPaymentDone(boolean paymentDone)\npublic BookingEarningsCalculator filterForNetEarnings(boolean netEarnigns)\npublic float calculateEarnings(Collection<? extends BookingBean> bookings)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: BookingEarningsCalculatorTest\n\nclass_fields: private BookingEarningsCalculator c;\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file simple/src/main/java/com/github/drbookings/model/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n public float calculateEarnings(Collection<? extends BookingBean> bookings) {\n if (isPaymentDone()) {\n bookings = -> b.isPaymentDone()).collect(Collectors.toCollection(LinkedHashSet::new));\n }\n if (getDateRange() != null) {\n bookings = -> getDateRange().contains(b.getCheckOut())).collect(Collectors.toCollection(LinkedHashSet::new));\n }\n MonetaryAmountFactory<?> moneyFactory = Monetary.getDefaultAmountFactory().setCurrency(DrBookingsApplication.DEFAULT_CURRENCY.getCurrencyCode());\n MonetaryAmount result = moneyFactory.setNumber(0).create();\n for (BookingBean b : bookings) {\n result = result.add(moneyFactory.setNumber(b.getEarnings(isNetEarnings())).create());\n }\n\n return result.getNumber().floatValue();\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n simple/src/test/java/com/github/drbookings/model/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void test03() {\n c = new BookingEarningsCalculator();\n BookingBean b = BookingBeanTest.newInstance(LocalDate.of(2018, 01, 27), LocalDate.of(2018, 8, 5));\n b.setPaymentDone(true);\n b.setGrossEarningsExpression(\"8252.86\");\n assertThat(b.getNumberOfNights(), is(190));\n float result = c.calculateEarnings(b);\n assertThat(result, is(8252.86f));\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
@Override public Object invoke(Object proxy, Method method, Object[] args) throws Throwable { Invocation invocation = new Invocation(target, method).args(args); for (Interceptor interceptor : Prodigy.container().interceptors().values()) { if (interceptor.apply(invocation)) { return throwOrResult(invocation); } } if (!invocation.proceeded()) { invocation.proceed(); } return throwOrResult(invocation); }
@Test public void testInvoke() throws NoSuchMethodException, SecurityException, Throwable { // Interceptor sets invocation result and returns true as the return value - invocation result returned and subsequent interceptor not invoked Container container = mock(Container.class); Map<String, Interceptor> interceptors = new LinkedHashMap<>(); interceptors.put("interceptor-1", new Interceptor1().result("result-1").applies(true)); interceptors.put("interceptor-2", new Interceptor1().result("result-2").applies(true)); doReturn(interceptors).when(container).interceptors(); Prodigy.container(container); ClientInvocationHandler handler = new ClientInvocationHandler(new Object()); Object result = handler.invoke(null, Object.class.getMethod("toString"), null); assertThat(result, is("result-1")); assertTrue(((Interceptor1) interceptors.get("interceptor-1")).invoked()); assertFalse(((Interceptor1) interceptors.get("interceptor-2")).invoked()); // Interceptor sets exception and returns true as the return value - exception thrown and subsequent interceptor not invoked container = mock(Container.class); interceptors = new LinkedHashMap<>(); interceptors.put("interceptor-3", new Interceptor1().throwable(new IllegalStateException()).applies(true)); interceptors.put("interceptor-4", new Interceptor1().throwable(new IllegalArgumentException()).applies(true)); doReturn(interceptors).when(container).interceptors(); Prodigy.container(container); handler = new ClientInvocationHandler(new Object()); try { handler.invoke(null, Object.class.getMethod("toString"), null); fail(); } catch (IllegalStateException e) {} assertTrue(((Interceptor1) interceptors.get("interceptor-3")).invoked()); assertFalse(((Interceptor1) interceptors.get("interceptor-4")).invoked()); // All interceptors return false and 'proceed' method not invoked on the invocation - target object invoked container = mock(Container.class); interceptors = new LinkedHashMap<>(); interceptors.put("interceptor-5", new Interceptor1().result("result-5").applies(false)); interceptors.put("interceptor-6", new Interceptor1().result("result-6").applies(false)); doReturn(interceptors).when(container).interceptors(); Prodigy.container(container); handler = new ClientInvocationHandler("hello"); result = handler.invoke(null, String.class.getMethod("toString"), null); assertThat(result, is("hello")); assertTrue(((Interceptor1) interceptors.get("interceptor-5")).invoked()); assertTrue(((Interceptor1) interceptors.get("interceptor-6")).invoked()); // All interceptors return false, 'proceed' method invoked on the invocation and exception set - exception thrown container = mock(Container.class); interceptors = new LinkedHashMap<>(); interceptors.put("interceptor-7", new Interceptor1().throwable(new IllegalStateException()).applies(false).proceeds(true)); interceptors.put("interceptor-8", new Interceptor1().throwable(new IllegalArgumentException()).applies(false)); doReturn(interceptors).when(container).interceptors(); Prodigy.container(container); handler = new ClientInvocationHandler(new Object()); try { handler.invoke(null, Object.class.getMethod("toString"), null); fail(); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {} assertTrue(((Interceptor1) interceptors.get("interceptor-7")).invoked()); assertTrue(((Interceptor1) interceptors.get("interceptor-8")).invoked()); // All interceptors return false, 'proceed' method invoked on the invocation and exception not set - invocation result returned container = mock(Container.class); interceptors = new LinkedHashMap<>(); interceptors.put("interceptor-9", new Interceptor1().result("result-9").applies(false).proceeds(true)); interceptors.put("interceptor-10", new Interceptor1().result("result-10").applies(false)); doReturn(interceptors).when(container).interceptors(); Prodigy.container(container); handler = new ClientInvocationHandler(new Object()); result = handler.invoke(null, Object.class.getMethod("toString"), null); assertThat(result, is("result-10")); assertTrue(((Interceptor1) interceptors.get("interceptor-9")).invoked()); assertTrue(((Interceptor1) interceptors.get("interceptor-10")).invoked()); }
[ "args", "values", "interceptors", "container", "apply", "throwOrResult", "proceeded", "proceed", "throwOrResult" ]
[ "mock", "put", "applies", "result", "put", "applies", "result", "interceptors", "when", "doReturn", "container", "invoke", "getMethod", "assertThat", "is", "assertTrue", "invoked", "get", "assertFalse", "invoked", "get", "mock", "put", "applies", "throwable", "put", "applies", "throwable", "interceptors", "when", "doReturn", "container", "invoke", "getMethod", "fail", "assertTrue", "invoked", "get", "assertFalse", "invoked", "get", "mock", "put", "applies", "result", "put", "applies", "result", "interceptors", "when", "doReturn", "container", "invoke", "getMethod", "assertThat", "is", "assertTrue", "invoked", "get", "assertTrue", "invoked", "get", "mock", "put", "proceeds", "applies", "throwable", "put", "applies", "throwable", "interceptors", "when", "doReturn", "container", "invoke", "getMethod", "fail", "assertTrue", "invoked", "get", "assertTrue", "invoked", "get", "mock", "put", "proceeds", "applies", "result", "put", "applies", "result", "interceptors", "when", "doReturn", "container", "invoke", "getMethod", "assertThat", "is", "assertTrue", "invoked", "get", "assertTrue", "invoked", "get" ]
{ "class_fields": "", "class_name": "ClientInvocationHandlerTest" }
{ "class_fields": "private final Object target;", "class_name": "ClientInvocationHandler implements InvocationHandler", "method_signatures": "public ClientInvocationHandler(Object target)\n@Override public Object invoke(Object proxy, Method method, Object[] args)\nprivate Object throwOrResult(Invocation invocation)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: prodigy-core/src/main/java/io/eiichiro/prodigy/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: ClientInvocationHandler implements InvocationHandler\n\nclass_fields: private final Object target;\n\nmethod_signatures: public ClientInvocationHandler(Object target)\n@Override public Object invoke(Object proxy, Method method, Object[] args)\nprivate Object throwOrResult(Invocation invocation)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: ClientInvocationHandlerTest\n\nclass_fields: \n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file prodigy-core/src/main/java/io/eiichiro/prodigy/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n @Override\n public Object invoke(Object proxy, Method method, Object[] args) throws Throwable {\n Invocation invocation = new Invocation(target, method).args(args);\n\n for (Interceptor interceptor : Prodigy.container().interceptors().values()) {\n if (interceptor.apply(invocation)) {\n return throwOrResult(invocation);\n }\n }\n\n if (!invocation.proceeded()) {\n invocation.proceed();\n }\n\n return throwOrResult(invocation);\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n prodigy-core/src/test/java/io/eiichiro/prodigy/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n\tpublic void testInvoke() throws NoSuchMethodException, SecurityException, Throwable {\n\t\t// Interceptor sets invocation result and returns true as the return value - invocation result returned and subsequent interceptor not invoked\n\t\tContainer container = mock(Container.class);\n\t\tMap<String, Interceptor> interceptors = new LinkedHashMap<>();\n\t\tinterceptors.put(\"interceptor-1\", new Interceptor1().result(\"result-1\").applies(true));\n\t\tinterceptors.put(\"interceptor-2\", new Interceptor1().result(\"result-2\").applies(true));\n\t\tdoReturn(interceptors).when(container).interceptors();\n\t\tProdigy.container(container);\n\t\tClientInvocationHandler handler = new ClientInvocationHandler(new Object());\n\t\tObject result = handler.invoke(null, Object.class.getMethod(\"toString\"), null);\n\t\tassertThat(result, is(\"result-1\"));\n\t\tassertTrue(((Interceptor1) interceptors.get(\"interceptor-1\")).invoked());\n\t\tassertFalse(((Interceptor1) interceptors.get(\"interceptor-2\")).invoked());\n\n\t\t// Interceptor sets exception and returns true as the return value - exception thrown and subsequent interceptor not invoked\n\t\tcontainer = mock(Container.class);\n\t\tinterceptors = new LinkedHashMap<>();\n\t\tinterceptors.put(\"interceptor-3\", new Interceptor1().throwable(new IllegalStateException()).applies(true));\n\t\tinterceptors.put(\"interceptor-4\", new Interceptor1().throwable(new IllegalArgumentException()).applies(true));\n\t\tdoReturn(interceptors).when(container).interceptors();\n\t\tProdigy.container(container);\n\t\thandler = new ClientInvocationHandler(new Object());\n\n\t\ttry {\n\t\t\thandler.invoke(null, Object.class.getMethod(\"toString\"), null);\n\t\t\tfail();\n\t\t} catch (IllegalStateException e) {}\n\n\t\tassertTrue(((Interceptor1) interceptors.get(\"interceptor-3\")).invoked());\n\t\tassertFalse(((Interceptor1) interceptors.get(\"interceptor-4\")).invoked());\n\n\t\t// All interceptors return false and 'proceed' method not invoked on the invocation - target object invoked\n\t\tcontainer = mock(Container.class);\n\t\tinterceptors = new LinkedHashMap<>();\n\t\tinterceptors.put(\"interceptor-5\", new Interceptor1().result(\"result-5\").applies(false));\n\t\tinterceptors.put(\"interceptor-6\", new Interceptor1().result(\"result-6\").applies(false));\n\t\tdoReturn(interceptors).when(container).interceptors();\n\t\tProdigy.container(container);\n\t\thandler = new ClientInvocationHandler(\"hello\");\n\t\tresult = handler.invoke(null, String.class.getMethod(\"toString\"), null);\n\t\tassertThat(result, is(\"hello\"));\n\t\tassertTrue(((Interceptor1) interceptors.get(\"interceptor-5\")).invoked());\n\t\tassertTrue(((Interceptor1) interceptors.get(\"interceptor-6\")).invoked());\n\n\t\t// All interceptors return false, 'proceed' method invoked on the invocation and exception set - exception thrown\n\t\tcontainer = mock(Container.class);\n\t\tinterceptors = new LinkedHashMap<>();\n\t\tinterceptors.put(\"interceptor-7\", new Interceptor1().throwable(new IllegalStateException()).applies(false).proceeds(true));\n\t\tinterceptors.put(\"interceptor-8\", new Interceptor1().throwable(new IllegalArgumentException()).applies(false));\n\t\tdoReturn(interceptors).when(container).interceptors();\n\t\tProdigy.container(container);\n\t\thandler = new ClientInvocationHandler(new Object());\n\n\t\ttry {\n\t\t\thandler.invoke(null, Object.class.getMethod(\"toString\"), null);\n\t\t\tfail();\n\t\t} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {}\n\n\t\tassertTrue(((Interceptor1) interceptors.get(\"interceptor-7\")).invoked());\n\t\tassertTrue(((Interceptor1) interceptors.get(\"interceptor-8\")).invoked());\n\n\t\t// All interceptors return false, 'proceed' method invoked on the invocation and exception not set - invocation result returned\n\t\tcontainer = mock(Container.class);\n\t\tinterceptors = new LinkedHashMap<>();\n\t\tinterceptors.put(\"interceptor-9\", new Interceptor1().result(\"result-9\").applies(false).proceeds(true));\n\t\tinterceptors.put(\"interceptor-10\", new Interceptor1().result(\"result-10\").applies(false));\n\t\tdoReturn(interceptors).when(container).interceptors();\n\t\tProdigy.container(container);\n\t\thandler = new ClientInvocationHandler(new Object());\n\t\tresult = handler.invoke(null, Object.class.getMethod(\"toString\"), null);\n\t\tassertThat(result, is(\"result-10\"));\n\t\tassertTrue(((Interceptor1) interceptors.get(\"interceptor-9\")).invoked());\n\t\tassertTrue(((Interceptor1) interceptors.get(\"interceptor-10\")).invoked());\n\t}\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
public float calculateEarnings(Collection<? extends BookingBean> bookings) { if (isPaymentDone()) { bookings = -> b.isPaymentDone()).collect(Collectors.toCollection(LinkedHashSet::new)); } if (getDateRange() != null) { bookings = -> getDateRange().contains(b.getCheckOut())).collect(Collectors.toCollection(LinkedHashSet::new)); } MonetaryAmountFactory<?> moneyFactory = Monetary.getDefaultAmountFactory().setCurrency(DrBookingsApplication.DEFAULT_CURRENCY.getCurrencyCode()); MonetaryAmount result = moneyFactory.setNumber(0).create(); for (BookingBean b : bookings) { result = result.add(moneyFactory.setNumber(b.getEarnings(isNetEarnings())).create()); } return result.getNumber().floatValue(); }
@Test public void test02() { c = new BookingEarningsCalculator(); BookingBean b = BookingBeanTest.newInstance(LocalDate.of(2012, 02, 02), LocalDate.of(2012, 2, 5)); b.setPaymentDone(true); b.setGrossEarningsExpression("30"); float result = c.calculateEarnings(b); assertThat(result, is(30f)); }
[ "isPaymentDone", "collect", "filter", "stream", "isPaymentDone", "toCollection", "getDateRange", "collect", "filter", "stream", "contains", "getDateRange", "getCheckOut", "toCollection", "setCurrency", "getDefaultAmountFactory", "getCurrencyCode", "create", "setNumber", "add", "create", "setNumber", "getEarnings", "isNetEarnings", "floatValue", "getNumber" ]
[ "newInstance", "of", "of", "setPaymentDone", "setGrossEarningsExpression", "calculateEarnings", "assertThat", "is" ]
{ "class_fields": "private BookingEarningsCalculator c;", "class_name": "BookingEarningsCalculatorTest" }
{ "class_fields": "private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(BookingEarningsCalculator.class);", "class_name": "BookingEarningsCalculator extends EarningsCalculator", "method_signatures": "public BookingEarningsCalculator filterToDateRange(Range<LocalDate> dateRange)\npublic BookingEarningsCalculator filterForPaymentDone(boolean paymentDone)\npublic BookingEarningsCalculator filterForNetEarnings(boolean netEarnigns)\npublic float calculateEarnings(Collection<? extends BookingBean> bookings)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: simple/src/main/java/com/github/drbookings/model/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: BookingEarningsCalculator extends EarningsCalculator\n\nclass_fields: private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(BookingEarningsCalculator.class);\n\nmethod_signatures: public BookingEarningsCalculator filterToDateRange(Range<LocalDate> dateRange)\npublic BookingEarningsCalculator filterForPaymentDone(boolean paymentDone)\npublic BookingEarningsCalculator filterForNetEarnings(boolean netEarnigns)\npublic float calculateEarnings(Collection<? extends BookingBean> bookings)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: BookingEarningsCalculatorTest\n\nclass_fields: private BookingEarningsCalculator c;\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file simple/src/main/java/com/github/drbookings/model/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n public float calculateEarnings(Collection<? extends BookingBean> bookings) {\n if (isPaymentDone()) {\n bookings = -> b.isPaymentDone()).collect(Collectors.toCollection(LinkedHashSet::new));\n }\n if (getDateRange() != null) {\n bookings = -> getDateRange().contains(b.getCheckOut())).collect(Collectors.toCollection(LinkedHashSet::new));\n }\n MonetaryAmountFactory<?> moneyFactory = Monetary.getDefaultAmountFactory().setCurrency(DrBookingsApplication.DEFAULT_CURRENCY.getCurrencyCode());\n MonetaryAmount result = moneyFactory.setNumber(0).create();\n for (BookingBean b : bookings) {\n result = result.add(moneyFactory.setNumber(b.getEarnings(isNetEarnings())).create());\n }\n\n return result.getNumber().floatValue();\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n simple/src/test/java/com/github/drbookings/model/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void test02() {\n c = new BookingEarningsCalculator();\n BookingBean b = BookingBeanTest.newInstance(LocalDate.of(2012, 02, 02), LocalDate.of(2012, 2, 5));\n b.setPaymentDone(true);\n b.setGrossEarningsExpression(\"30\");\n float result = c.calculateEarnings(b);\n assertThat(result, is(30f));\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
public void proceed() throws Throwable { if (proceeded) { throw new IllegalStateException("This invocation has already proceeded"); } proceeded = true; try { result = method.invoke(target, args); } catch (InvocationTargetException e) { this.throwable = e.getCause(); } }
@Test public void testProceed() throws Throwable { Invocation invocation = new Invocation(new Target1(), Target1.class.getMethod("method1", String.class)); invocation.args(new Object[] {"hello"}); invocation.proceed(); assertThat(invocation.result(), is("hello")); assertTrue(invocation.proceeded()); invocation = new Invocation(new Target1(), Target1.class.getMethod("method2", Exception.class)); invocation.args(new Object[] {new RuntimeException("goodbye")}); invocation.proceed(); assertThat(invocation.throwable(), instanceOf(RuntimeException.class)); assertThat(invocation.throwable().getMessage(), is("goodbye")); assertNull(invocation.result()); try { invocation.proceed(); fail(); } catch (IllegalStateException e) { assertThat(e.getMessage(), is("This invocation has already proceeded")); } }
[ "invoke", "getCause" ]
[ "getMethod", "args", "proceed", "assertThat", "result", "is", "assertTrue", "proceeded", "getMethod", "args", "proceed", "assertThat", "throwable", "instanceOf", "assertThat", "getMessage", "throwable", "is", "assertNull", "result", "proceed", "fail", "assertThat", "getMessage", "is" ]
{ "class_fields": "", "class_name": "InvocationTest" }
{ "class_fields": "private final Object target;\nprivate final Method method;\nprivate Object[] args;\nprivate Object result;\nprivate Throwable throwable;\nprivate boolean proceeded;", "class_name": "Invocation", "method_signatures": "public Invocation(Object target, Method method)\npublic void proceed()\npublic Object target()\npublic Method method()\npublic Object[] args()\npublic Invocation args(Object[] args)\npublic Object result()\npublic Invocation result(Object result)\npublic Throwable throwable()\npublic Invocation throwable(Throwable throwable)\npublic boolean proceeded()" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: prodigy-core/src/main/java/io/eiichiro/prodigy/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: Invocation\n\nclass_fields: private final Object target;\nprivate final Method method;\nprivate Object[] args;\nprivate Object result;\nprivate Throwable throwable;\nprivate boolean proceeded;\n\nmethod_signatures: public Invocation(Object target, Method method)\npublic void proceed()\npublic Object target()\npublic Method method()\npublic Object[] args()\npublic Invocation args(Object[] args)\npublic Object result()\npublic Invocation result(Object result)\npublic Throwable throwable()\npublic Invocation throwable(Throwable throwable)\npublic boolean proceeded()\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: InvocationTest\n\nclass_fields: \n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file prodigy-core/src/main/java/io/eiichiro/prodigy/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n public void proceed() throws Throwable {\n if (proceeded) {\n throw new IllegalStateException(\"This invocation has already proceeded\");\n }\n\n proceeded = true;\n\n try {\n result = method.invoke(target, args);\n } catch (InvocationTargetException e) {\n this.throwable = e.getCause();\n }\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n prodigy-core/src/test/java/io/eiichiro/prodigy/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n\tpublic void testProceed() throws Throwable {\n\t\tInvocation invocation = new Invocation(new Target1(), Target1.class.getMethod(\"method1\", String.class));\n\t\tinvocation.args(new Object[] {\"hello\"});\n\t\tinvocation.proceed();\n\t\tassertThat(invocation.result(), is(\"hello\"));\n\t\tassertTrue(invocation.proceeded());\n\n\t\tinvocation = new Invocation(new Target1(), Target1.class.getMethod(\"method2\", Exception.class));\n\t\tinvocation.args(new Object[] {new RuntimeException(\"goodbye\")});\n\t\tinvocation.proceed();\n\t\tassertThat(invocation.throwable(), instanceOf(RuntimeException.class));\n\t\tassertThat(invocation.throwable().getMessage(), is(\"goodbye\"));\n\t\tassertNull(invocation.result());\n\n\t\ttry {\n\t\t\tinvocation.proceed();\n\t\t\tfail();\n\t\t} catch (IllegalStateException e) {\n\t\t\tassertThat(e.getMessage(), is(\"This invocation has already proceeded\"));\n\t\t}\n\t}\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
public float calculateEarnings(Collection<? extends BookingBean> bookings) { if (isPaymentDone()) { bookings = -> b.isPaymentDone()).collect(Collectors.toCollection(LinkedHashSet::new)); } if (getDateRange() != null) { bookings = -> getDateRange().contains(b.getCheckOut())).collect(Collectors.toCollection(LinkedHashSet::new)); } MonetaryAmountFactory<?> moneyFactory = Monetary.getDefaultAmountFactory().setCurrency(DrBookingsApplication.DEFAULT_CURRENCY.getCurrencyCode()); MonetaryAmount result = moneyFactory.setNumber(0).create(); if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("Calculating earnings for\n" + -> b.toString()).collect(Collectors.joining("\n"))); } for (BookingBean b : bookings) { if (b.getNumberOfNights() > { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("Days in month " + + ": " +; } if (logger.isInfoEnabled()) {"Airbnb long term booking, looking at manual registered payments"); } Optional<Payment> op = Payments.getLastPayment(b.getPayments()); MonetaryAmount payment; if (op.isPresent()) { payment = op.get().getAmount(); } else { payment = moneyFactory.setNumber(0).create(); } if(logger.isDebugEnabled()){ logger.debug("Payment is " + payment); } result = result.add(payment); } else result = result.add(moneyFactory.setNumber(b.getEarnings(isNetEarnings())).create()); } return result.getNumber().floatValue(); }
@Test public void test03() { BookingBean b = BookingBeanTest.newInstance(LocalDate.of(2018, 01, 27), LocalDate.of(2018, 8, 5)); b.setPaymentDone(true); b.setGrossEarningsExpression("8252.86"); b.getPayments().add(new Payment(LocalDate.of(2018, 01, 29), 1300)); assertThat(b.getNumberOfNights(), is(190)); float result = c.calculateEarnings(b); assertThat(result, is(1300f)); }
[ "isPaymentDone", "collect", "filter", "stream", "isPaymentDone", "toCollection", "getDateRange", "collect", "filter", "stream", "contains", "getDateRange", "getCheckOut", "toCollection", "setCurrency", "getDefaultAmountFactory", "getCurrencyCode", "create", "setNumber", "isDebugEnabled", "debug", "collect", "map", "stream", "toString", "joining", "getNumberOfNights", "minLength", "getMonth", "now", "isDebugEnabled", "debug", "getMonth", "now", "minLength", "getMonth", "now", "isInfoEnabled", "info", "getLastPayment", "getPayments", "isPresent", "getAmount", "get", "create", "setNumber", "isDebugEnabled", "debug", "add", "add", "create", "setNumber", "getEarnings", "isNetEarnings", "floatValue", "getNumber" ]
[ "newInstance", "of", "of", "setPaymentDone", "setGrossEarningsExpression", "add", "getPayments", "of", "assertThat", "getNumberOfNights", "is", "calculateEarnings", "assertThat", "is" ]
{ "class_fields": "private AirbnbEarningsCalculator c;", "class_name": "AirbnbEarningsCalculatorTest" }
{ "class_fields": "private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(AirbnbEarningsCalculator.class);\nprivate Range<LocalDate> dateRange;", "class_name": "AirbnbEarningsCalculator extends EarningsCalculator", "method_signatures": "public AirbnbEarningsCalculator filterToDateRange(Range<LocalDate> dateRange)\npublic AirbnbEarningsCalculator filterForPaymentDone(boolean paymentDone)\npublic AirbnbEarningsCalculator filterForNetEarnings(boolean netEarnigns)\npublic Range<LocalDate> getDateRange()\npublic float calculateEarnings(Collection<? extends BookingBean> bookings)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: simple/src/main/java/com/github/drbookings/model/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: AirbnbEarningsCalculator extends EarningsCalculator\n\nclass_fields: private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(AirbnbEarningsCalculator.class);\nprivate Range<LocalDate> dateRange;\n\nmethod_signatures: public AirbnbEarningsCalculator filterToDateRange(Range<LocalDate> dateRange)\npublic AirbnbEarningsCalculator filterForPaymentDone(boolean paymentDone)\npublic AirbnbEarningsCalculator filterForNetEarnings(boolean netEarnigns)\npublic Range<LocalDate> getDateRange()\npublic float calculateEarnings(Collection<? extends BookingBean> bookings)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: AirbnbEarningsCalculatorTest\n\nclass_fields: private AirbnbEarningsCalculator c;\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file simple/src/main/java/com/github/drbookings/model/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n public float calculateEarnings(Collection<? extends BookingBean> bookings) {\n if (isPaymentDone()) {\n bookings = -> b.isPaymentDone()).collect(Collectors.toCollection(LinkedHashSet::new));\n }\n if (getDateRange() != null) {\n bookings = -> getDateRange().contains(b.getCheckOut())).collect(Collectors.toCollection(LinkedHashSet::new));\n }\n MonetaryAmountFactory<?> moneyFactory = Monetary.getDefaultAmountFactory().setCurrency(DrBookingsApplication.DEFAULT_CURRENCY.getCurrencyCode());\n MonetaryAmount result = moneyFactory.setNumber(0).create();\n if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {\n logger.debug(\"Calculating earnings for\\n\" + -> b.toString()).collect(Collectors.joining(\"\\n\")));\n }\n for (BookingBean b : bookings) {\n if (b.getNumberOfNights() > {\n if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {\n logger.debug(\"Days in month \" + + \": \" +;\n }\n if (logger.isInfoEnabled()) {\n\"Airbnb long term booking, looking at manual registered payments\");\n }\n Optional<Payment> op = Payments.getLastPayment(b.getPayments());\n MonetaryAmount payment;\n if (op.isPresent()) {\n payment = op.get().getAmount();\n } else {\n payment = moneyFactory.setNumber(0).create();\n }\n if(logger.isDebugEnabled()){\n logger.debug(\"Payment is \" + payment);\n }\n result = result.add(payment);\n } else\n result = result.add(moneyFactory.setNumber(b.getEarnings(isNetEarnings())).create());\n }\n\n return result.getNumber().floatValue();\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n simple/src/test/java/com/github/drbookings/model/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void test03() {\n BookingBean b = BookingBeanTest.newInstance(LocalDate.of(2018, 01, 27), LocalDate.of(2018, 8, 5));\n b.setPaymentDone(true);\n b.setGrossEarningsExpression(\"8252.86\");\n b.getPayments().add(new Payment(LocalDate.of(2018, 01, 29), 1300));\n assertThat(b.getNumberOfNights(), is(190));\n float result = c.calculateEarnings(b);\n assertThat(result, is(1300f));\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
public static Completable validate(Domain domain) { List<Completable> chain = new ArrayList<>(); if (domain.getName().contains("/")) { return Completable.error(new InvalidDomainException("Domain name cannot contain '/' character")); } if (domain.isVhostMode()) { if (domain.getVhosts() == null || domain.getVhosts().isEmpty()) { return Completable.error(new InvalidDomainException("VHost mode requires at least one VHost")); } // Check at there is only one vhost flagged with override entrypoint. long count = domain.getVhosts().stream().filter(VirtualHost::isOverrideEntrypoint).count(); if(count > 1) { return Completable.error(new InvalidDomainException("Only one vhost can be used to override entrypoint")); } else if(count == 0) { return Completable.error(new InvalidDomainException("You must select one vhost to override entrypoint")); } chain.addAll(domain.getVhosts().stream().map(VirtualHostValidator::validate).collect(Collectors.toList())); } else { if("/".equals(domain.getPath())) { return Completable.error(new InvalidDomainException("'/' path is not allowed in context-path mode")); } chain.add(PathValidator.validate(domain.getPath())); } return Completable.merge(chain); }
@Test public void validate() { Domain domain = getValidDomain(); Throwable throwable = DomainValidator.validate(domain).blockingGet(); assertNull(throwable); }
[ "contains", "getName", "error", "isVhostMode", "getVhosts", "isEmpty", "getVhosts", "error", "count", "filter", "stream", "getVhosts", "error", "error", "addAll", "collect", "map", "stream", "getVhosts", "toList", "equals", "getPath", "error", "add", "validate", "getPath", "merge" ]
[ "getValidDomain", "blockingGet", "validate", "assertNull" ]
{ "class_fields": "", "class_name": "DomainValidatorTest" }
{ "class_fields": "", "class_name": "DomainValidator", "method_signatures": "public static Completable validate(Domain domain)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: gravitee-am-service/src/main/java/io/gravitee/am/service/validators/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: DomainValidator\n\nclass_fields: \n\nmethod_signatures: public static Completable validate(Domain domain)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: DomainValidatorTest\n\nclass_fields: \n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file gravitee-am-service/src/main/java/io/gravitee/am/service/validators/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n public static Completable validate(Domain domain) {\n\n List<Completable> chain = new ArrayList<>();\n\n if (domain.getName().contains(\"/\")) {\n return Completable.error(new InvalidDomainException(\"Domain name cannot contain '/' character\"));\n }\n\n if (domain.isVhostMode()) {\n if (domain.getVhosts() == null || domain.getVhosts().isEmpty()) {\n return Completable.error(new InvalidDomainException(\"VHost mode requires at least one VHost\"));\n }\n\n // Check at there is only one vhost flagged with override entrypoint.\n long count = domain.getVhosts().stream().filter(VirtualHost::isOverrideEntrypoint).count();\n if(count > 1) {\n return Completable.error(new InvalidDomainException(\"Only one vhost can be used to override entrypoint\"));\n } else if(count == 0) {\n return Completable.error(new InvalidDomainException(\"You must select one vhost to override entrypoint\"));\n }\n\n chain.addAll(domain.getVhosts().stream().map(VirtualHostValidator::validate).collect(Collectors.toList()));\n } else {\n if(\"/\".equals(domain.getPath())) {\n return Completable.error(new InvalidDomainException(\"'/' path is not allowed in context-path mode\"));\n }\n\n chain.add(PathValidator.validate(domain.getPath()));\n }\n\n return Completable.merge(chain);\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n gravitee-am-service/src/test/java/io/gravitee/am/service/validators/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void validate() {\n\n Domain domain = getValidDomain();\n\n Throwable throwable = DomainValidator.validate(domain).blockingGet();\n\n assertNull(throwable);\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
@Override public void handleResponse(Event event) { HttpServiceDownstreamResponseEvent responseEvent = (HttpServiceDownstreamResponseEvent) event; // Check again if this is an X-Ray sampling call or within an AWS call. // By this time, the request handler would've executed the same logic and didn't generate a subsegment. HttpServiceDownstreamRequestEvent requestEvent = (HttpServiceDownstreamRequestEvent) responseEvent.getRequest(); URI uri = getUriFromEvent(requestEvent); if (isWithinAWSCall() || isXRaySamplingCall(uri) || isXRayPluginCall(uri)) { return; } Optional<Subsegment> subsegmentOptional = getSubsegmentOptional(); if (subsegmentOptional.isPresent()) { addResponseInformation(subsegmentOptional.get(), responseEvent); endSubsegment(); } }
@Test public void testHandleInvalidRequest() { HttpServiceDownstreamResponseEvent failedResponseEvent = new HttpServiceDownstreamResponseEvent(ORIGIN, SERVICE, OPERATION, httpClientRequestEvent); failedResponseEvent.withStatusCode(500); failedResponseEvent.withContentLength(1000); Throwable ourThrowable = new IllegalArgumentException("Some illegal exception"); failedResponseEvent.withThrown(ourThrowable); Subsegment httpClientSubsegment = AWSXRay.beginSubsegment("failedResponseSubsegment"); httpClientHandler.handleResponse(failedResponseEvent); Assert.assertTrue(httpClientSubsegment.isFault()); Assert.assertEquals(1, httpClientSubsegment.getCause().getExceptions().size()); Assert.assertEquals(ourThrowable, httpClientSubsegment.getCause().getExceptions().get(0).getThrowable()); }
[ "getRequest", "getUriFromEvent", "isWithinAWSCall", "isXRaySamplingCall", "isXRayPluginCall", "getSubsegmentOptional", "isPresent", "addResponseInformation", "get", "endSubsegment" ]
[ "withStatusCode", "withContentLength", "withThrown", "beginSubsegment", "handleResponse", "assertTrue", "isFault", "assertEquals", "size", "getExceptions", "getCause", "assertEquals", "getThrowable", "get", "getExceptions", "getCause" ]
{ "class_fields": "private final String ORIGIN = \"ApacheHttpClient\";\nprivate final String SERVICE = \"\";\nprivate final String OPERATION = \"GET\";\nprivate final int STATUS_CODE = 200;\nprivate final int CONTENT_LENGTH = 48343;\nprivate HttpClientHandler httpClientHandler;\nprivate Segment parentSegment;\nprivate HttpServiceDownstreamRequestEvent httpClientRequestEvent;\nprivate HttpServiceDownstreamResponseEvent httpClientResponseEvent;", "class_name": "HttpClientHandlerTest" }
{ "class_fields": "private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(HttpClientHandler.class);\nprivate static final String URL_KEY = \"url\";\nprivate static final String METHOD_KEY = \"method\";\nprivate static final String HTTP_REQUEST_KEY = \"request\";\nprivate static final String STATUS_CODE_KEY = \"status\";\nprivate static final String CONTENT_LENGTH_KEY = \"content_length\";\nprivate static final String HTTP_RESPONSE_KEY = \"response\";", "class_name": "HttpClientHandler extends XRayHandler", "method_signatures": "@Override public void handleRequest(Event event)\nprivate URI getUriFromEvent(HttpServiceDownstreamRequestEvent requestEvent)\nprivate static void addRequestInformation(Subsegment subsegment, HttpServiceDownstreamRequestEvent requestEvent, URI uri)\n@Override public void handleResponse(Event event)\nprivate static void addResponseInformation(Subsegment subsegment, HttpServiceDownstreamResponseEvent responseEvent)\nprivate boolean isWithinAWSCall()\nprivate boolean isXRaySamplingCall(URI uri)\nprivate boolean isXRayPluginCall(URI uri)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: aws-xray-agent/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/xray/agent/runtime/handlers/downstream/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: HttpClientHandler extends XRayHandler\n\nclass_fields: private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(HttpClientHandler.class);\nprivate static final String URL_KEY = \"url\";\nprivate static final String METHOD_KEY = \"method\";\nprivate static final String HTTP_REQUEST_KEY = \"request\";\nprivate static final String STATUS_CODE_KEY = \"status\";\nprivate static final String CONTENT_LENGTH_KEY = \"content_length\";\nprivate static final String HTTP_RESPONSE_KEY = \"response\";\n\nmethod_signatures: @Override public void handleRequest(Event event)\nprivate URI getUriFromEvent(HttpServiceDownstreamRequestEvent requestEvent)\nprivate static void addRequestInformation(Subsegment subsegment, HttpServiceDownstreamRequestEvent requestEvent, URI uri)\n@Override public void handleResponse(Event event)\nprivate static void addResponseInformation(Subsegment subsegment, HttpServiceDownstreamResponseEvent responseEvent)\nprivate boolean isWithinAWSCall()\nprivate boolean isXRaySamplingCall(URI uri)\nprivate boolean isXRayPluginCall(URI uri)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: HttpClientHandlerTest\n\nclass_fields: private final String ORIGIN = \"ApacheHttpClient\";\nprivate final String SERVICE = \"\";\nprivate final String OPERATION = \"GET\";\nprivate final int STATUS_CODE = 200;\nprivate final int CONTENT_LENGTH = 48343;\nprivate HttpClientHandler httpClientHandler;\nprivate Segment parentSegment;\nprivate HttpServiceDownstreamRequestEvent httpClientRequestEvent;\nprivate HttpServiceDownstreamResponseEvent httpClientResponseEvent;\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file aws-xray-agent/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/xray/agent/runtime/handlers/downstream/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n @Override\n public void handleResponse(Event event) {\n HttpServiceDownstreamResponseEvent responseEvent = (HttpServiceDownstreamResponseEvent) event;\n\n // Check again if this is an X-Ray sampling call or within an AWS call.\n // By this time, the request handler would've executed the same logic and didn't generate a subsegment.\n HttpServiceDownstreamRequestEvent requestEvent = (HttpServiceDownstreamRequestEvent) responseEvent.getRequest();\n URI uri = getUriFromEvent(requestEvent);\n if (isWithinAWSCall() || isXRaySamplingCall(uri) || isXRayPluginCall(uri)) {\n return;\n }\n\n Optional<Subsegment> subsegmentOptional = getSubsegmentOptional();\n if (subsegmentOptional.isPresent()) {\n addResponseInformation(subsegmentOptional.get(), responseEvent);\n endSubsegment();\n }\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n aws-xray-agent/src/test/java/com/amazonaws/xray/agent/runtime/handlers/downstream/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void testHandleInvalidRequest() {\n HttpServiceDownstreamResponseEvent failedResponseEvent = new HttpServiceDownstreamResponseEvent(ORIGIN, SERVICE, OPERATION, httpClientRequestEvent);\n failedResponseEvent.withStatusCode(500);\n failedResponseEvent.withContentLength(1000);\n Throwable ourThrowable = new IllegalArgumentException(\"Some illegal exception\");\n failedResponseEvent.withThrown(ourThrowable);\n Subsegment httpClientSubsegment = AWSXRay.beginSubsegment(\"failedResponseSubsegment\");\n\n httpClientHandler.handleResponse(failedResponseEvent);\n Assert.assertTrue(httpClientSubsegment.isFault());\n Assert.assertEquals(1, httpClientSubsegment.getCause().getExceptions().size());\n Assert.assertEquals(ourThrowable, httpClientSubsegment.getCause().getExceptions().get(0).getThrowable());\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override public void onBindViewHolder(@NonNull final VH viewHolder, final int position, @NonNull final List<Object> payloads) { if (holderBinder == null) super.onBindViewHolder(viewHolder, position, payloads); else holderBinder.bindHolder((A) this, viewHolder, position, payloads); }
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Test public void testOnBindViewHolderWithPayloadsButWithoutBinder() { // Arrange: final TestAdapter adapter = new TestAdapter(context) { @Override public void onBindViewHolder(@NonNull final RecyclerViewHolder viewHolder, final int position) { ((TextView) viewHolder.itemView).setText("Item with payloads at: " + position); } }; final TextView itemView = new TextView(context); final RecyclerViewHolder viewHolder = new RecyclerViewHolder(itemView); // Act + Assert: for (int i = 0; i < adapter.getItemCount(); i++) { adapter.onBindViewHolder(viewHolder, i, Collections.EMPTY_LIST); assertThat(itemView.getText().toString(), is("Item with payloads at: " + i)); } }
[ "onBindViewHolder", "bindHolder" ]
[ "setText", "getItemCount", "onBindViewHolder", "assertThat", "toString", "getText", "is" ]
{ "class_fields": "private static final int DATA_SET_ACTION = 0x01;\nprivate static final AdapterHolder.Factory<RecyclerViewHolder> HOLDER_FACTORY = new AdapterHolder.Factory<RecyclerViewHolder>() {\n\n\t\t@Override @NonNull public RecyclerViewHolder createHolder(@NonNull final ViewGroup parent, final int viewType) {\n\t\t\treturn new RecyclerViewHolder(new TextView(parent.getContext()));\n\t\t}\n\t};\nprivate static final AdapterHolder.Binder<TestAdapter, RecyclerViewHolder> HOLDER_BINDER = new AdapterHolder.Binder<TestAdapter, RecyclerViewHolder>() {\n\n\t\t@Override public void bindHolder(\n\t\t\t\t@NonNull final TestAdapter adapter,\n\t\t\t\t@NonNull final RecyclerViewHolder holder,\n\t\t\t\tfinal int position,\n\t\t\t\t@NonNull final List<Object> payloads\n\t\t) {\n\t\t\t((TextView) holder.itemView).setText(adapter.getItem(position));\n\t\t}\n\t};", "class_name": "BaseRecyclerAdapterTest extends AdapterTestCase" }
{ "class_fields": "@NonNull private final Context context;\n@NonNull private final Resources resources;\nprivate final LayoutInflater layoutInflater;\n@SuppressWarnings(\"WeakerAccess\") DataSetListeners dataSetListeners;\nprivate RecyclerView.AdapterDataObserver dataObserver;\nprivate AdapterHolder.Factory<VH> holderFactory;\nprivate AdapterHolder.Binder<A, VH> holderBinder;", "class_name": "BaseRecyclerAdapter extends RecyclerView.Adapter<VH> implements\n\t\tDataSetAdapter<I>,\n\t\tAdapterHolder.FactoryAdapter<VH>,\n\t\tAdapterHolder.BinderAdapter<A, VH>", "method_signatures": "public BaseRecyclerAdapter(@NonNull final Context context)\n@NonNull public final Context getContext()\n@NonNull public final Resources getResources()\n@Override public void registerOnDataSetListener(@NonNull final OnDataSetListener listener)\n@Override public void unregisterOnDataSetListener(@NonNull final OnDataSetListener listener)\n@Override public void registerOnDataSetActionListener(@NonNull final OnDataSetActionListener listener)\n@SuppressWarnings(\"SimplifiableIfStatement\") public boolean notifyDataSetActionSelected(final int action, final int position, @Nullable final Object payload)\nprotected boolean onDataSetActionSelected(final int action, final int position, @Nullable final Object payload)\n@Override public void unregisterOnDataSetActionListener(@NonNull final OnDataSetActionListener listener)\n@Override public boolean isEmpty()\n@Override public boolean isEnabled(final int position)\n@Override public boolean hasItemAt(final int position)\n@Override public long getItemId(final int position)\n@Override public void setHolderFactory(@Nullable final AdapterHolder.Factory<VH> factory)\n@Override @Nullable public AdapterHolder.Factory<VH> getHolderFactory()\n@Override public void setHolderBinder(@Nullable final AdapterHolder.Binder<A, VH> binder)\n@Override @Nullable public AdapterHolder.Binder<A, VH> getHolderBinder()\n@Override public VH onCreateViewHolder(@NonNull final ViewGroup parent, final int viewType)\n@NonNull public View inflateView(@LayoutRes final int resource, @Nullable final ViewGroup parent)\n@SuppressWarnings(\"unchecked\") @Override public void onBindViewHolder(@NonNull final VH viewHolder, final int position, @NonNull final List<Object> payloads)\n@SuppressWarnings(\"unchecked\") @Override public void onBindViewHolder(@NonNull final VH viewHolder, final int position)\n@Override @CallSuper @NonNull public Parcelable saveInstanceState()\n@Override @CallSuper public void restoreInstanceState(@NonNull Parcelable savedState)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: library-recycler-base/src/main/java/universum/studios/android/widget/adapter/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: BaseRecyclerAdapter extends RecyclerView.Adapter<VH> implements\n\t\tDataSetAdapter<I>,\n\t\tAdapterHolder.FactoryAdapter<VH>,\n\t\tAdapterHolder.BinderAdapter<A, VH>\n\nclass_fields: @NonNull private final Context context;\n@NonNull private final Resources resources;\nprivate final LayoutInflater layoutInflater;\n@SuppressWarnings(\"WeakerAccess\") DataSetListeners dataSetListeners;\nprivate RecyclerView.AdapterDataObserver dataObserver;\nprivate AdapterHolder.Factory<VH> holderFactory;\nprivate AdapterHolder.Binder<A, VH> holderBinder;\n\nmethod_signatures: public BaseRecyclerAdapter(@NonNull final Context context)\n@NonNull public final Context getContext()\n@NonNull public final Resources getResources()\n@Override public void registerOnDataSetListener(@NonNull final OnDataSetListener listener)\n@Override public void unregisterOnDataSetListener(@NonNull final OnDataSetListener listener)\n@Override public void registerOnDataSetActionListener(@NonNull final OnDataSetActionListener listener)\n@SuppressWarnings(\"SimplifiableIfStatement\") public boolean notifyDataSetActionSelected(final int action, final int position, @Nullable final Object payload)\nprotected boolean onDataSetActionSelected(final int action, final int position, @Nullable final Object payload)\n@Override public void unregisterOnDataSetActionListener(@NonNull final OnDataSetActionListener listener)\n@Override public boolean isEmpty()\n@Override public boolean isEnabled(final int position)\n@Override public boolean hasItemAt(final int position)\n@Override public long getItemId(final int position)\n@Override public void setHolderFactory(@Nullable final AdapterHolder.Factory<VH> factory)\n@Override @Nullable public AdapterHolder.Factory<VH> getHolderFactory()\n@Override public void setHolderBinder(@Nullable final AdapterHolder.Binder<A, VH> binder)\n@Override @Nullable public AdapterHolder.Binder<A, VH> getHolderBinder()\n@Override public VH onCreateViewHolder(@NonNull final ViewGroup parent, final int viewType)\n@NonNull public View inflateView(@LayoutRes final int resource, @Nullable final ViewGroup parent)\n@SuppressWarnings(\"unchecked\") @Override public void onBindViewHolder(@NonNull final VH viewHolder, final int position, @NonNull final List<Object> payloads)\n@SuppressWarnings(\"unchecked\") @Override public void onBindViewHolder(@NonNull final VH viewHolder, final int position)\n@Override @CallSuper @NonNull public Parcelable saveInstanceState()\n@Override @CallSuper public void restoreInstanceState(@NonNull Parcelable savedState)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: BaseRecyclerAdapterTest extends AdapterTestCase\n\nclass_fields: private static final int DATA_SET_ACTION = 0x01;\nprivate static final AdapterHolder.Factory<RecyclerViewHolder> HOLDER_FACTORY = new AdapterHolder.Factory<RecyclerViewHolder>() {\n\n\t\t@Override @NonNull public RecyclerViewHolder createHolder(@NonNull final ViewGroup parent, final int viewType) {\n\t\t\treturn new RecyclerViewHolder(new TextView(parent.getContext()));\n\t\t}\n\t};\nprivate static final AdapterHolder.Binder<TestAdapter, RecyclerViewHolder> HOLDER_BINDER = new AdapterHolder.Binder<TestAdapter, RecyclerViewHolder>() {\n\n\t\t@Override public void bindHolder(\n\t\t\t\t@NonNull final TestAdapter adapter,\n\t\t\t\t@NonNull final RecyclerViewHolder holder,\n\t\t\t\tfinal int position,\n\t\t\t\t@NonNull final List<Object> payloads\n\t\t) {\n\t\t\t((TextView) holder.itemView).setText(adapter.getItem(position));\n\t\t}\n\t};\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file library-recycler-base/src/main/java/universum/studios/android/widget/adapter/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n @SuppressWarnings(\"unchecked\")\n\t@Override public void onBindViewHolder(@NonNull final VH viewHolder, final int position, @NonNull final List<Object> payloads) {\n\t\tif (holderBinder == null) super.onBindViewHolder(viewHolder, position, payloads);\n\t\telse holderBinder.bindHolder((A) this, viewHolder, position, payloads);\n\t}\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n library-recycler-base/src/test/java/universum/studios/android/widget/adapter/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @SuppressWarnings(\"unchecked\")\n\t@Test public void testOnBindViewHolderWithPayloadsButWithoutBinder() {\n\t\t// Arrange:\n\t\tfinal TestAdapter adapter = new TestAdapter(context) {\n\n\t\t\t@Override public void onBindViewHolder(@NonNull final RecyclerViewHolder viewHolder, final int position) {\n\t\t\t\t((TextView) viewHolder.itemView).setText(\"Item with payloads at: \" + position);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t};\n\t\tfinal TextView itemView = new TextView(context);\n\t\tfinal RecyclerViewHolder viewHolder = new RecyclerViewHolder(itemView);\n\t\t// Act + Assert:\n\t\tfor (int i = 0; i < adapter.getItemCount(); i++) {\n\t\t\tadapter.onBindViewHolder(viewHolder, i, Collections.EMPTY_LIST);\n\t\t\tassertThat(itemView.getText().toString(), is(\"Item with payloads at: \" + i));\n\t\t}\n\t}\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
public static Completable validateDomainVhosts(Domain domain, Set<Domain> domains) { List<VirtualHost> otherVhosts = .filter(d -> !d.getId().equals(domain.getId())) .filter(Domain::isVhostMode) .flatMap(d -> d.getVhosts().stream()) .collect(Collectors.toList()); List<String> otherPaths = .filter(d -> !d.getId().equals(domain.getId())) .filter(d -> !d.isVhostMode()) .map(Domain::getPath) .collect(Collectors.toList()); List<String> paths; if (domain.isVhostMode()) { // Get paths of all other domains on the same host. paths = domain.getVhosts().stream() .flatMap(virtualHost -> .filter(otherVhost -> virtualHost.getHost().equals(otherVhost.getHost()))) .map(VirtualHost::getPath).collect(Collectors.toList()); for (VirtualHost vhost : domain.getVhosts()) { List<String> pathsToCheck = paths; if(!vhost.getPath().equals("/")) { // Check against other path of domains in context path mode when trying to use '/'. pathsToCheck = new ArrayList<>(paths); pathsToCheck.addAll(otherPaths); } // Check is the domain context path overlap a path of another domain. for (String otherPath : pathsToCheck) { if (overlap(vhost.getPath(), otherPath)) { return Completable.error(new InvalidVirtualHostException("Path [" + vhost.getPath() + "] overlap path defined in another security domain")); } if (overlap(otherPath, vhost.getPath())) { return Completable.error(new InvalidVirtualHostException("Path [" + vhost.getPath() + "] is overlapped by another security domain")); } } } } else { // Domain listen on every hosts. Need to check if path overlap (or is overlapped) with all other domain path (including vhost path). paths = new ArrayList<>(otherPaths); paths.addAll( -> !"/".equals(path)).collect(Collectors.toList())); // Check is the domain context path overlap a path of another domain. for (String otherPath : paths) { if (overlap(domain.getPath(), otherPath)) { return Completable.error(new InvalidVirtualHostException("Path [" + domain.getPath() + "] overlap path defined in another security domain")); } if (overlap(otherPath, domain.getPath())) { return Completable.error(new InvalidVirtualHostException("Path [" + domain.getPath() + "] is overlapped by another security domain")); } } } return Completable.complete(); }
@Test public void validateDomainVhosts_vhostPathSlashOverlap() { Domain domain = getValidDomain(); domain.setVhostMode(true); domain.getVhosts().get(0).setPath("/"); // same host, "/" path overlap. Domain otherDomain = getValidDomain(); otherDomain.setId("otherDomain"); otherDomain.setVhostMode(true); Set<Domain> otherDomains = new HashSet<>(); otherDomains.add(otherDomain); Throwable throwable = VirtualHostValidator.validateDomainVhosts(domain, otherDomains).blockingGet(); assertNotNull(throwable); assertTrue(throwable instanceof InvalidVirtualHostException); }
[ "collect", "flatMap", "filter", "filter", "stream", "equals", "getId", "getId", "stream", "getVhosts", "toList", "collect", "map", "filter", "filter", "stream", "equals", "getId", "getId", "isVhostMode", "toList", "isVhostMode", "collect", "map", "flatMap", "stream", "getVhosts", "filter", "stream", "equals", "getHost", "getHost", "toList", "getVhosts", "equals", "getPath", "addAll", "overlap", "getPath", "error", "getPath", "overlap", "getPath", "error", "getPath", "addAll", "collect", "filter", "map", "stream", "equals", "toList", "overlap", "getPath", "error", "getPath", "overlap", "getPath", "error", "getPath", "complete" ]
[ "getValidDomain", "setVhostMode", "setPath", "get", "getVhosts", "getValidDomain", "setId", "setVhostMode", "add", "blockingGet", "validateDomainVhosts", "assertNotNull", "assertTrue" ]
{ "class_fields": "", "class_name": "VirtualHostValidatorTest" }
{ "class_fields": "", "class_name": "VirtualHostValidator", "method_signatures": "public static Completable validate(VirtualHost vhost)\npublic static Completable validateDomainVhosts(Domain domain, Set<Domain> domains)\nprivate static boolean overlap(String path, String other)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: gravitee-am-service/src/main/java/io/gravitee/am/service/validators/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: VirtualHostValidator\n\nclass_fields: \n\nmethod_signatures: public static Completable validate(VirtualHost vhost)\npublic static Completable validateDomainVhosts(Domain domain, Set<Domain> domains)\nprivate static boolean overlap(String path, String other)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: VirtualHostValidatorTest\n\nclass_fields: \n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file gravitee-am-service/src/main/java/io/gravitee/am/service/validators/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n public static Completable validateDomainVhosts(Domain domain, Set<Domain> domains) {\n\n List<VirtualHost> otherVhosts =\n .filter(d -> !d.getId().equals(domain.getId()))\n .filter(Domain::isVhostMode)\n .flatMap(d -> d.getVhosts().stream())\n .collect(Collectors.toList());\n\n List<String> otherPaths =\n .filter(d -> !d.getId().equals(domain.getId()))\n .filter(d -> !d.isVhostMode())\n .map(Domain::getPath)\n .collect(Collectors.toList());\n\n List<String> paths;\n\n if (domain.isVhostMode()) {\n // Get paths of all other domains on the same host.\n paths = domain.getVhosts().stream()\n .flatMap(virtualHost ->\n .filter(otherVhost -> virtualHost.getHost().equals(otherVhost.getHost())))\n .map(VirtualHost::getPath).collect(Collectors.toList());\n\n for (VirtualHost vhost : domain.getVhosts()) {\n\n List<String> pathsToCheck = paths;\n\n if(!vhost.getPath().equals(\"/\")) {\n // Check against other path of domains in context path mode when trying to use '/'.\n pathsToCheck = new ArrayList<>(paths);\n pathsToCheck.addAll(otherPaths);\n }\n\n // Check is the domain context path overlap a path of another domain.\n for (String otherPath : pathsToCheck) {\n if (overlap(vhost.getPath(), otherPath)) {\n return Completable.error(new InvalidVirtualHostException(\"Path [\" + vhost.getPath() + \"] overlap path defined in another security domain\"));\n }\n\n if (overlap(otherPath, vhost.getPath())) {\n return Completable.error(new InvalidVirtualHostException(\"Path [\" + vhost.getPath() + \"] is overlapped by another security domain\"));\n }\n }\n }\n } else {\n // Domain listen on every hosts. Need to check if path overlap (or is overlapped) with all other domain path (including vhost path).\n paths = new ArrayList<>(otherPaths);\n paths.addAll( -> !\"/\".equals(path)).collect(Collectors.toList()));\n\n // Check is the domain context path overlap a path of another domain.\n for (String otherPath : paths) {\n if (overlap(domain.getPath(), otherPath)) {\n return Completable.error(new InvalidVirtualHostException(\"Path [\" + domain.getPath() + \"] overlap path defined in another security domain\"));\n }\n\n if (overlap(otherPath, domain.getPath())) {\n return Completable.error(new InvalidVirtualHostException(\"Path [\" + domain.getPath() + \"] is overlapped by another security domain\"));\n }\n }\n }\n\n return Completable.complete();\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n gravitee-am-service/src/test/java/io/gravitee/am/service/validators/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void validateDomainVhosts_vhostPathSlashOverlap() {\n\n Domain domain = getValidDomain();\n domain.setVhostMode(true);\n domain.getVhosts().get(0).setPath(\"/\"); // same host, \"/\" path overlap.\n\n Domain otherDomain = getValidDomain();\n otherDomain.setId(\"otherDomain\");\n otherDomain.setVhostMode(true);\n\n Set<Domain> otherDomains = new HashSet<>();\n otherDomains.add(otherDomain);\n\n Throwable throwable = VirtualHostValidator.validateDomainVhosts(domain, otherDomains).blockingGet();\n\n assertNotNull(throwable);\n assertTrue(throwable instanceof InvalidVirtualHostException);\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
public void init(@Nullable URL configFile) { if (configFile == null) { this.agentConfiguration = new AgentConfiguration(); } else { try {"Reading X-Ray Agent config file at: " + configFile.getPath()); this.agentConfiguration = parseConfig(configFile); } catch (IOException e) { throw new InvalidAgentConfigException("Failed to read X-Ray Agent configuration file " + configFile.getPath(), e); } } if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Starting the X-Ray Agent with the following properties:\n" + agentConfiguration.toString()); } init(AWSXRayRecorderBuilder.standard()); }
@Test public void testDefaultServiceName() { config.init(); Assert.assertEquals(AgentConfiguration.DEFAULT_SERVICE_NAME, XRayTransactionState.getServiceName()); }
[ "info", "getPath", "parseConfig", "getPath", "isDebugEnabled", "debug", "toString", "init", "standard" ]
[ "init", "assertEquals", "getServiceName" ]
{ "class_fields": "private static final String JVM_NAME = \"jvm_name\";\nprivate static final String ENV_NAME = \"env_name\";\nprivate static final String SYS_NAME = \"sys_name\";\nprivate static final String CONFIG_NAME = \"config_name\";\nXRaySDKConfiguration config;\nMap<String, String> configMap;\n@Rule\n public final EnvironmentVariables environmentVariables = new EnvironmentVariables();", "class_name": "XRaySDKConfigurationTest" }
{ "class_fields": "static final String LAMBDA_TASK_ROOT_KEY = \"LAMBDA_TASK_ROOT\";\nstatic final String ENABLED_ENVIRONMENT_VARIABLE_KEY = \"AWS_XRAY_TRACING_ENABLED\";\nstatic final String ENABLED_SYSTEM_PROPERTY_KEY = \"com.amazonaws.xray.tracingEnabled\";\nprivate static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(XRaySDKConfiguration.class);\nprivate static final JsonFactory factory = new JsonFactory();\nprivate static final XRaySDKConfiguration instance = new XRaySDKConfiguration();\nprivate AgentConfiguration agentConfiguration;\n@Nullable\n private URL awsServiceHandlerManifest = null;\nprivate int awsSdkVersion;", "class_name": "XRaySDKConfiguration", "method_signatures": "public int getAwsSdkVersion()\n@Nullable public URL getAwsServiceHandlerManifest()\n AgentConfiguration getAgentConfiguration()\n void setAgentConfiguration(AgentConfiguration agentConfiguration)\npublic boolean isEnabled()\npublic boolean shouldCollectSqlQueries()\npublic boolean isTraceIncomingRequests()\n XRaySDKConfiguration()\npublic static XRaySDKConfiguration getInstance()\npublic void init(@Nullable URL configFile)\npublic void init()\n void init(AWSXRayRecorderBuilder builder)\nprivate AgentConfiguration parseConfig(URL configFile)\nprivate void tryAddTraceIdInjection(AWSXRayRecorderBuilder builder, String className, String prefix)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: aws-xray-agent/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/xray/agent/runtime/config/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: XRaySDKConfiguration\n\nclass_fields: static final String LAMBDA_TASK_ROOT_KEY = \"LAMBDA_TASK_ROOT\";\nstatic final String ENABLED_ENVIRONMENT_VARIABLE_KEY = \"AWS_XRAY_TRACING_ENABLED\";\nstatic final String ENABLED_SYSTEM_PROPERTY_KEY = \"com.amazonaws.xray.tracingEnabled\";\nprivate static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(XRaySDKConfiguration.class);\nprivate static final JsonFactory factory = new JsonFactory();\nprivate static final XRaySDKConfiguration instance = new XRaySDKConfiguration();\nprivate AgentConfiguration agentConfiguration;\n@Nullable\n private URL awsServiceHandlerManifest = null;\nprivate int awsSdkVersion;\n\nmethod_signatures: public int getAwsSdkVersion()\n@Nullable public URL getAwsServiceHandlerManifest()\n AgentConfiguration getAgentConfiguration()\n void setAgentConfiguration(AgentConfiguration agentConfiguration)\npublic boolean isEnabled()\npublic boolean shouldCollectSqlQueries()\npublic boolean isTraceIncomingRequests()\n XRaySDKConfiguration()\npublic static XRaySDKConfiguration getInstance()\npublic void init(@Nullable URL configFile)\npublic void init()\n void init(AWSXRayRecorderBuilder builder)\nprivate AgentConfiguration parseConfig(URL configFile)\nprivate void tryAddTraceIdInjection(AWSXRayRecorderBuilder builder, String className, String prefix)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: XRaySDKConfigurationTest\n\nclass_fields: private static final String JVM_NAME = \"jvm_name\";\nprivate static final String ENV_NAME = \"env_name\";\nprivate static final String SYS_NAME = \"sys_name\";\nprivate static final String CONFIG_NAME = \"config_name\";\nXRaySDKConfiguration config;\nMap<String, String> configMap;\n@Rule\n public final EnvironmentVariables environmentVariables = new EnvironmentVariables();\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file aws-xray-agent/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/xray/agent/runtime/config/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n public void init(@Nullable URL configFile) {\n if (configFile == null) {\n this.agentConfiguration = new AgentConfiguration();\n } else {\n try {\n\"Reading X-Ray Agent config file at: \" + configFile.getPath());\n this.agentConfiguration = parseConfig(configFile);\n } catch (IOException e) {\n throw new InvalidAgentConfigException(\"Failed to read X-Ray Agent configuration file \" + configFile.getPath(), e);\n }\n }\n\n if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {\n log.debug(\"Starting the X-Ray Agent with the following properties:\\n\" + agentConfiguration.toString());\n }\n init(AWSXRayRecorderBuilder.standard());\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n aws-xray-agent/src/test/java/com/amazonaws/xray/agent/runtime/config/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void testDefaultServiceName() {\n config.init();\n\n Assert.assertEquals(AgentConfiguration.DEFAULT_SERVICE_NAME, XRayTransactionState.getServiceName());\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
@Override public Single<Domain> update(Domain item) { DomainMongo domain = convert(item); return Single.fromPublisher(domainsCollection.replaceOne(eq(FIELD_ID, domain.getId()), domain)).flatMap(updateResult -> findById(domain.getId()).toSingle()); }
@Test public void testUpdate() throws TechnicalException { // create domain Domain domain = new Domain(); domain.setName("testName"); Domain domainCreated = domainRepository.create(domain).blockingGet(); // update domain Domain updatedDomain = new Domain(); updatedDomain.setId(domainCreated.getId()); updatedDomain.setName("testUpdatedName"); TestObserver<Domain> testObserver = domainRepository.update(updatedDomain).test(); testObserver.awaitTerminalEvent(); testObserver.assertComplete(); testObserver.assertNoErrors(); testObserver.assertValue(d -> d.getName().equals(updatedDomain.getName())); }
[ "convert", "flatMap", "fromPublisher", "replaceOne", "eq", "getId", "toSingle", "findById", "getId" ]
[ "setName", "blockingGet", "create", "setId", "getId", "setName", "test", "update", "awaitTerminalEvent", "assertComplete", "assertNoErrors", "assertValue", "equals", "getName", "getName" ]
{ "class_fields": "@Autowired\n private DomainRepository domainRepository;", "class_name": "MongoDomainRepositoryTest extends AbstractManagementRepositoryTest" }
{ "class_fields": "private static final String FIELD_ID = \"_id\";\nprivate static final String FIELD_MASTER = \"master\";\nprivate MongoCollection<DomainMongo> domainsCollection;", "class_name": "MongoDomainRepository extends AbstractManagementMongoRepository implements DomainRepository", "method_signatures": "@PostConstruct public void init()\n@Override public Single<Set<Domain>> findAll()\n@Override public Maybe<Domain> findById(String id)\n@Override public Single<Set<Domain>> findByIdIn(Collection<String> ids)\n@Override public Flowable<Domain> findAllByEnvironment(String environmentId)\n@Override public Maybe<Domain> findMaster()\n@Override public Single<Domain> create(Domain item)\n@Override public Single<Domain> update(Domain item)\n@Override public Completable delete(String id)\nprivate Domain convert(DomainMongo domainMongo)\nprivate DomainMongo convert(Domain domain)\nprivate OIDCSettings convert(OIDCSettingsMongo oidcMongo)\nprivate UMASettings convert(UMASettingsMongo umaMongo)\nprivate ClientRegistrationSettings convert(ClientRegistrationSettingsMongo dcrMongo)\nprivate OIDCSettingsMongo convert(OIDCSettings oidc)\nprivate UMASettingsMongo convert(UMASettings uma)\nprivate ClientRegistrationSettingsMongo convert(ClientRegistrationSettings dcr)\nprivate SCIMSettings convert(SCIMSettingsMongo scimMongo)\nprivate SCIMSettingsMongo convert(SCIMSettings scim)\nprivate LoginSettings convert(LoginSettingsMongo loginSettingsMongo)\nprivate LoginSettingsMongo convert(LoginSettings loginSettings)\nprivate WebAuthnSettings convert(WebAuthnSettingsMongo webAuthnSettingsMongo)\nprivate WebAuthnSettingsMongo convert(WebAuthnSettings webAuthnSettings)\nprivate AccountSettings convert(AccountSettingsMongo accountSettingsMongo)\nprivate AccountSettingsMongo convert(AccountSettings accountSettings)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: gravitee-am-repository/gravitee-am-repository-mongodb/src/main/java/io/gravitee/am/repository/mongodb/management/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: MongoDomainRepository extends AbstractManagementMongoRepository implements DomainRepository\n\nclass_fields: private static final String FIELD_ID = \"_id\";\nprivate static final String FIELD_MASTER = \"master\";\nprivate MongoCollection<DomainMongo> domainsCollection;\n\nmethod_signatures: @PostConstruct public void init()\n@Override public Single<Set<Domain>> findAll()\n@Override public Maybe<Domain> findById(String id)\n@Override public Single<Set<Domain>> findByIdIn(Collection<String> ids)\n@Override public Flowable<Domain> findAllByEnvironment(String environmentId)\n@Override public Maybe<Domain> findMaster()\n@Override public Single<Domain> create(Domain item)\n@Override public Single<Domain> update(Domain item)\n@Override public Completable delete(String id)\nprivate Domain convert(DomainMongo domainMongo)\nprivate DomainMongo convert(Domain domain)\nprivate OIDCSettings convert(OIDCSettingsMongo oidcMongo)\nprivate UMASettings convert(UMASettingsMongo umaMongo)\nprivate ClientRegistrationSettings convert(ClientRegistrationSettingsMongo dcrMongo)\nprivate OIDCSettingsMongo convert(OIDCSettings oidc)\nprivate UMASettingsMongo convert(UMASettings uma)\nprivate ClientRegistrationSettingsMongo convert(ClientRegistrationSettings dcr)\nprivate SCIMSettings convert(SCIMSettingsMongo scimMongo)\nprivate SCIMSettingsMongo convert(SCIMSettings scim)\nprivate LoginSettings convert(LoginSettingsMongo loginSettingsMongo)\nprivate LoginSettingsMongo convert(LoginSettings loginSettings)\nprivate WebAuthnSettings convert(WebAuthnSettingsMongo webAuthnSettingsMongo)\nprivate WebAuthnSettingsMongo convert(WebAuthnSettings webAuthnSettings)\nprivate AccountSettings convert(AccountSettingsMongo accountSettingsMongo)\nprivate AccountSettingsMongo convert(AccountSettings accountSettings)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: MongoDomainRepositoryTest extends AbstractManagementRepositoryTest\n\nclass_fields: @Autowired\n private DomainRepository domainRepository;\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file gravitee-am-repository/gravitee-am-repository-mongodb/src/main/java/io/gravitee/am/repository/mongodb/management/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n @Override\n public Single<Domain> update(Domain item) {\n DomainMongo domain = convert(item);\n return Single.fromPublisher(domainsCollection.replaceOne(eq(FIELD_ID, domain.getId()), domain)).flatMap(updateResult -> findById(domain.getId()).toSingle());\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n gravitee-am-repository/gravitee-am-repository-mongodb/src/test/java/io/gravitee/am/repository/mongodb/management/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void testUpdate() throws TechnicalException {\n // create domain\n Domain domain = new Domain();\n domain.setName(\"testName\");\n Domain domainCreated = domainRepository.create(domain).blockingGet();\n\n // update domain\n Domain updatedDomain = new Domain();\n updatedDomain.setId(domainCreated.getId());\n updatedDomain.setName(\"testUpdatedName\");\n\n TestObserver<Domain> testObserver = domainRepository.update(updatedDomain).test();\n testObserver.awaitTerminalEvent();\n\n testObserver.assertComplete();\n testObserver.assertNoErrors();\n testObserver.assertValue(d -> d.getName().equals(updatedDomain.getName()));\n\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
@GET @Produces(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON) @ApiOperation(value = "Get an identity provider", notes = "There is no particular permission needed. User must be authenticated.") public void get( @PathParam("identity") String identityProviderId, @Suspended final AsyncResponse response) { identityProviderPluginService.findById(identityProviderId) .switchIfEmpty(Maybe.error(new IdentityProviderPluginNotFoundException(identityProviderId))) .map(identityProviderPlugin -> Response.ok(identityProviderPlugin).build()) .subscribe(response::resume, response::resume); }
@Test public void shouldGetSchema_technicalManagementException() { final String identityProviderPluginId = "identityProvider-plugin-id"; doReturn(Maybe.error(new TechnicalManagementException("Error occurs"))).when(identityProviderPluginService).findById(identityProviderPluginId); final Response response = target("platform") .path("plugins") .path("identities") .path(identityProviderPluginId) .path("schema") .request().get(); assertEquals(HttpStatusCode.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR_500, response.getStatus()); }
[ "subscribe", "map", "switchIfEmpty", "findById", "error", "build", "ok" ]
[ "findById", "when", "doReturn", "error", "get", "request", "path", "path", "path", "path", "target", "assertEquals", "getStatus" ]
{ "class_fields": "", "class_name": "IdentityProviderPluginResourceTest extends JerseySpringTest" }
{ "class_fields": "@Context\n private ResourceContext resourceContext;\n@Inject\n private IdentityProviderPluginService identityProviderPluginService;", "class_name": "IdentityProviderPluginResource", "method_signatures": "@GET @Produces(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON) @ApiOperation(value = \"Get an identity provider\", notes = \"There is no particular permission needed. User must be authenticated.\") public void get(\n @PathParam(\"identity\") String identityProviderId,\n @Suspended final AsyncResponse response)\n@GET @Path(\"schema\") @Produces(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON) @ApiOperation(value = \"Get an identity provider plugin's schema\", notes = \"There is no particular permission needed. User must be authenticated.\") public void getSchema(\n @PathParam(\"identity\") String identityProviderId,\n @Suspended final AsyncResponse response)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: gravitee-am-management-api/gravitee-am-management-api-rest/src/main/java/io/gravitee/am/management/handlers/management/api/resources/platform/plugins/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: IdentityProviderPluginResource\n\nclass_fields: @Context\n private ResourceContext resourceContext;\n@Inject\n private IdentityProviderPluginService identityProviderPluginService;\n\nmethod_signatures: @GET @Produces(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON) @ApiOperation(value = \"Get an identity provider\", notes = \"There is no particular permission needed. User must be authenticated.\") public void get(\n @PathParam(\"identity\") String identityProviderId,\n @Suspended final AsyncResponse response)\n@GET @Path(\"schema\") @Produces(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON) @ApiOperation(value = \"Get an identity provider plugin's schema\", notes = \"There is no particular permission needed. User must be authenticated.\") public void getSchema(\n @PathParam(\"identity\") String identityProviderId,\n @Suspended final AsyncResponse response)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: IdentityProviderPluginResourceTest extends JerseySpringTest\n\nclass_fields: \n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file gravitee-am-management-api/gravitee-am-management-api-rest/src/main/java/io/gravitee/am/management/handlers/management/api/resources/platform/plugins/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n @GET\n @Produces(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON)\n @ApiOperation(value = \"Get an identity provider\",\n notes = \"There is no particular permission needed. User must be authenticated.\")\n public void get(\n @PathParam(\"identity\") String identityProviderId,\n @Suspended final AsyncResponse response) {\n\n identityProviderPluginService.findById(identityProviderId)\n .switchIfEmpty(Maybe.error(new IdentityProviderPluginNotFoundException(identityProviderId)))\n .map(identityProviderPlugin -> Response.ok(identityProviderPlugin).build())\n .subscribe(response::resume, response::resume);\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n gravitee-am-management-api/gravitee-am-management-api-rest/src/test/java/io/gravitee/am/management/handlers/management/api/resources/platform/plugins/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void shouldGetSchema_technicalManagementException() {\n final String identityProviderPluginId = \"identityProvider-plugin-id\";\n doReturn(Maybe.error(new TechnicalManagementException(\"Error occurs\"))).when(identityProviderPluginService).findById(identityProviderPluginId);\n\n final Response response = target(\"platform\")\n .path(\"plugins\")\n .path(\"identities\")\n .path(identityProviderPluginId)\n .path(\"schema\")\n .request().get();\n assertEquals(HttpStatusCode.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR_500, response.getStatus());\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
@Nullable static URL getConfigFile() { String customLocation = System.getProperty(CONFIG_FILE_SYS_PROPERTY); if (customLocation != null && !customLocation.isEmpty()) { try { File file = new File(customLocation); if (file.exists()) { return file.toURI().toURL(); } else { return AgentRuntimeLoader.class.getResource(customLocation); } } catch (MalformedURLException e) { log.error("X-Ray agent config file's custom location was malformed. " + "Falling back to default configuration."); return null; } } // Will return null if default file is absent return AgentRuntimeLoader.class.getResource(CONFIG_FILE_DEFAULT_LOCATION); }
@Test public void testGetCustomConfigFileFromFileSystem() { String fileName = "emptyAgentConfig.json"; System.setProperty(CONFIG_FILE_SYS_PROPERTY, AgentRuntimeLoaderTest.class.getResource("/com/amazonaws/xray/agent/" + fileName).getPath()); URL configFile = AgentRuntimeLoader.getConfigFile(); Assert.assertEquals(fileName, FilenameUtils.getName(configFile.getPath())); }
[ "getProperty", "isEmpty", "exists", "toURL", "toURI", "getResource", "error", "getResource" ]
[ "setProperty", "getPath", "getResource", "getConfigFile", "assertEquals", "getName", "getPath" ]
{ "class_fields": "private final String serviceName = \"TestService\";\nprivate static final String CONFIG_FILE_SYS_PROPERTY = \"com.amazonaws.xray.configFile\";\nprivate static final String CONFIG_FILE_DEFAULT_NAME = \"xray-agent.json\";\n@Mock\n private XRayListener listenerMock;\n@Mock\n private ListenerFactory factoryMock;\nprivate XRaySDKConfiguration config;", "class_name": "AgentRuntimeLoaderTest" }
{ "class_fields": "private static final String CONFIG_FILE_SYS_PROPERTY = \"com.amazonaws.xray.configFile\";\nprivate static final String CONFIG_FILE_DEFAULT_LOCATION = \"/xray-agent.json\";\nprivate static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(AgentRuntimeLoader.class);\nprivate static ListenerFactory listenerFactory = new XRayListenerFactory();", "class_name": "AgentRuntimeLoader", "method_signatures": "static void setListenerFactory(ListenerFactory factory)\npublic static void init()\npublic static void init(@Nullable String serviceName)\nprivate static boolean configureXRay()\n@Nullable static URL getConfigFile()" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: aws-xray-agent/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/xray/agent/runtime/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: AgentRuntimeLoader\n\nclass_fields: private static final String CONFIG_FILE_SYS_PROPERTY = \"com.amazonaws.xray.configFile\";\nprivate static final String CONFIG_FILE_DEFAULT_LOCATION = \"/xray-agent.json\";\nprivate static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(AgentRuntimeLoader.class);\nprivate static ListenerFactory listenerFactory = new XRayListenerFactory();\n\nmethod_signatures: static void setListenerFactory(ListenerFactory factory)\npublic static void init()\npublic static void init(@Nullable String serviceName)\nprivate static boolean configureXRay()\n@Nullable static URL getConfigFile()\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: AgentRuntimeLoaderTest\n\nclass_fields: private final String serviceName = \"TestService\";\nprivate static final String CONFIG_FILE_SYS_PROPERTY = \"com.amazonaws.xray.configFile\";\nprivate static final String CONFIG_FILE_DEFAULT_NAME = \"xray-agent.json\";\n@Mock\n private XRayListener listenerMock;\n@Mock\n private ListenerFactory factoryMock;\nprivate XRaySDKConfiguration config;\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file aws-xray-agent/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/xray/agent/runtime/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n @Nullable\n static URL getConfigFile() {\n String customLocation = System.getProperty(CONFIG_FILE_SYS_PROPERTY);\n if (customLocation != null && !customLocation.isEmpty()) {\n try {\n File file = new File(customLocation);\n if (file.exists()) {\n return file.toURI().toURL();\n } else {\n return AgentRuntimeLoader.class.getResource(customLocation);\n }\n } catch (MalformedURLException e) {\n log.error(\"X-Ray agent config file's custom location was malformed. \" +\n \"Falling back to default configuration.\");\n return null;\n }\n }\n\n // Will return null if default file is absent\n return AgentRuntimeLoader.class.getResource(CONFIG_FILE_DEFAULT_LOCATION);\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n aws-xray-agent/src/test/java/com/amazonaws/xray/agent/runtime/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void testGetCustomConfigFileFromFileSystem() {\n String fileName = \"emptyAgentConfig.json\";\n System.setProperty(CONFIG_FILE_SYS_PROPERTY,\n AgentRuntimeLoaderTest.class.getResource(\"/com/amazonaws/xray/agent/\" + fileName).getPath());\n\n URL configFile = AgentRuntimeLoader.getConfigFile();\n\n Assert.assertEquals(fileName, FilenameUtils.getName(configFile.getPath()));\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
public static Authorizable from(KeyValue keyValue) { String prefix = keyValue.getKey().toLowerCase(); String name = keyValue.getValue().toLowerCase(); for(AuthorizableType type : AuthorizableType.values()) { if(prefix.equalsIgnoreCase( { return from(type, name); } } return null; }
@Test public void testTable() throws Exception { Table table = (Table)Authorizables.from("tAbLe=t1"); assertEquals("t1", table.getName()); }
[ "toLowerCase", "getKey", "toLowerCase", "getValue", "values", "equalsIgnoreCase", "name", "from" ]
[ "from", "assertEquals", "getName" ]
{ "class_fields": "", "class_name": "TestAuthorizables" }
{ "class_fields": "", "class_name": "Authorizables", "method_signatures": "public static Authorizable from(KeyValue keyValue)\npublic static Authorizable from(String s)\nprivate static Authorizable from(AuthorizableType type, String name)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: sentry-provider/sentry-provider-file/src/main/java/org/apache/sentry/provider/file/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: Authorizables\n\nclass_fields: \n\nmethod_signatures: public static Authorizable from(KeyValue keyValue)\npublic static Authorizable from(String s)\nprivate static Authorizable from(AuthorizableType type, String name)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: TestAuthorizables\n\nclass_fields: \n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file sentry-provider/sentry-provider-file/src/main/java/org/apache/sentry/provider/file/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n public static Authorizable from(KeyValue keyValue) {\n String prefix = keyValue.getKey().toLowerCase();\n String name = keyValue.getValue().toLowerCase();\n for(AuthorizableType type : AuthorizableType.values()) {\n if(prefix.equalsIgnoreCase( {\n return from(type, name);\n }\n }\n return null;\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n sentry-provider/sentry-provider-file/src/test/java/org/apache/sentry/provider/file/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void testTable() throws Exception {\n Table table = (Table)Authorizables.from(\"tAbLe=t1\");\n assertEquals(\"t1\", table.getName());\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
@Override public int resolveItemPosition(final long itemId) { final int itemCount = dataSet.getItemCount(); for (int i = 0; i < itemCount; i++) { if (dataSet.getItemId(i) == itemId) return i; } return NO_POSITION; }
@Test public void testResolvePositionForEmptyDataSet() { // Arrange: final DataSet mockDataSet = mock(DataSet.class); final ItemPositionResolver resolver = new DataSetItemPositionResolver(mockDataSet); when(mockDataSet.getItemCount()).thenReturn(0); // Act + Assert: for (int i = 0; i < 25; i++) { assertThat(resolver.resolveItemPosition(i + 1L), is(ItemPositionResolver.NO_POSITION)); } }
[ "getItemCount", "getItemId" ]
[ "mock", "thenReturn", "when", "getItemCount", "assertThat", "resolveItemPosition", "is" ]
{ "class_fields": "", "class_name": "DataSetItemPositionResolverTest extends LocalTestCase" }
{ "class_fields": "private final DataSet dataSet;", "class_name": "DataSetItemPositionResolver implements ItemPositionResolver", "method_signatures": "public DataSetItemPositionResolver(@NonNull final DataSet dataSet)\n@Override public int resolveItemPosition(final long itemId)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: library-core/src/main/java/universum/studios/android/widget/adapter/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: DataSetItemPositionResolver implements ItemPositionResolver\n\nclass_fields: private final DataSet dataSet;\n\nmethod_signatures: public DataSetItemPositionResolver(@NonNull final DataSet dataSet)\n@Override public int resolveItemPosition(final long itemId)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: DataSetItemPositionResolverTest extends LocalTestCase\n\nclass_fields: \n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file library-core/src/main/java/universum/studios/android/widget/adapter/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n @Override public int resolveItemPosition(final long itemId) {\n\t\tfinal int itemCount = dataSet.getItemCount();\n\t\tfor (int i = 0; i < itemCount; i++) {\n\t\t\tif (dataSet.getItemId(i) == itemId) return i;\n\t\t}\n\t\treturn NO_POSITION;\n\t}\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n library-core/src/test/java/universum/studios/android/widget/adapter/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test public void testResolvePositionForEmptyDataSet() {\n\t\t// Arrange:\n\t\tfinal DataSet mockDataSet = mock(DataSet.class);\n\t\tfinal ItemPositionResolver resolver = new DataSetItemPositionResolver(mockDataSet);\n\t\twhen(mockDataSet.getItemCount()).thenReturn(0);\n\t\t// Act + Assert:\n\t\tfor (int i = 0; i < 25; i++) {\n\t\t\tassertThat(resolver.resolveItemPosition(i + 1L), is(ItemPositionResolver.NO_POSITION));\n\t\t}\n\t}\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
@Override @NonNull public List<I> removeItems(final int positionStart, final int itemCount) { final int itemsSize = items.size(); if (positionStart < 0 || positionStart + itemCount > itemsSize) { throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException( "Starting position(" + positionStart + ") and/or item count(" + itemCount + ") are out of range (positionStart < 0 || positionStart + itemCount > " + itemsSize + ")!" ); } final List<I> items = new ArrayList<>(itemCount); for (int i = positionStart + itemCount - 1; i >= positionStart; i--) { items.add(0, this.items.remove(i)); } AdaptersLogging.d(TAG, "Removed items from start position(" + positionStart + ") in count(" + itemCount + ")."); this.notifyItemRangeRemoved(positionStart, itemCount); return items; }
@Test public void testRemoveItems() { // Arrange: final SimpleAdapterDataSet<String> dataSet = new SimpleAdapterDataSet<>(); dataSet.swapItems(createItems(10)); final SimpleAdapterDataSet.ItemsCallback mockCallback = mock(SimpleAdapterDataSet.ItemsCallback.class); dataSet.setItemsCallback(mockCallback); // Act: final List<String> removedItems = dataSet.removeItems(4, 5); // Assert: assertThat(removedItems, is(notNullValue())); assertThat(removedItems.size(), is(5)); for (int i = 0; i < removedItems.size(); i++) { assertThat(removedItems.get(i), is("Test item no. " + (i + 5))); } assertThat(dataSet.getItemCount(), is(5)); verify(mockCallback).onItemRangeRemoved(4, 5); verify(mockCallback, times(0)).onItemRangeInserted(anyInt(), anyInt()); verify(mockCallback, times(0)).onItemRangeChanged(anyInt(), anyInt()); verify(mockCallback, times(0)).onItemMoved(anyInt(), anyInt()); }
[ "size", "add", "remove", "d", "notifyItemRangeRemoved" ]
[ "swapItems", "createItems", "mock", "setItemsCallback", "removeItems", "assertThat", "is", "notNullValue", "assertThat", "size", "is", "size", "assertThat", "get", "is", "assertThat", "getItemCount", "is", "onItemRangeRemoved", "verify", "onItemRangeInserted", "verify", "times", "anyInt", "anyInt", "onItemRangeChanged", "verify", "times", "anyInt", "anyInt", "onItemMoved", "verify", "times", "anyInt", "anyInt" ]
{ "class_fields": "", "class_name": "SimpleAdapterDataSetTest extends RobolectricTestCase" }
{ "class_fields": "private static final String TAG = \"SimpleAdapterDataSet\";\nprivate List<I> items;\nprivate ItemsCallback itemsCallback;\nprivate ItemPositionResolver itemPositionResolver;", "class_name": "SimpleAdapterDataSet implements SimpleDataSet<I>", "method_signatures": "SimpleAdapterDataSet()\n SimpleAdapterDataSet(@Nullable final List<I> items)\n void setItemsCallback(final ItemsCallback callback)\nprivate void notifyItemRangeInserted(final int positionStart, final int itemCount)\nprivate void notifyItemRangeChanged(final int positionStart, final int itemCount)\nprivate void notifyItemMoved(final int fromPosition, final int toPosition)\nprivate void notifyItemRangeRemoved(final int positionStart, final int itemCount)\n void setItemPositionResolver(final ItemPositionResolver resolver)\nprivate int resolvePositionForItemId(final long itemId)\n List<I> swapItems(final List<I> items)\n List<I> getItems()\n@Override public boolean isEmpty()\n@Override public int getItemCount()\n@Override public void insertItem(@NonNull final I item)\n@Override public void insertItem(final int position, @NonNull final I item)\n@Override public void insertItems(@NonNull final List<I> items)\n@Override public void insertItems(final int positionStart, @NonNull final List<I> items)\n@Override @NonNull public I swapItemById(final long itemId, @NonNull final I item)\n@Override @NonNull public I swapItem(final int position, @NonNull final I item)\n@Override public void moveItem(final int fromPosition, final int toPosition)\n@Override public int removeItem(@NonNull final I item)\n@Override @NonNull public I removeItemById(final long itemId)\n@Override @NonNull public I removeItem(final int position)\n@Override @NonNull public List<I> removeItems(final int positionStart, final int itemCount)\n@Override public boolean hasItemAt(final int position)\n@Override public boolean isEnabled(final int position)\n@Override public boolean hasStableIds()\n@Override public long getItemId(final int position)\n@SuppressWarnings({\"unchecked\", \"ConstantConditions\"}) @Override @NonNull public I getItem(int position)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: library-simple/src/main/java/universum/studios/android/widget/adapter/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: SimpleAdapterDataSet implements SimpleDataSet<I>\n\nclass_fields: private static final String TAG = \"SimpleAdapterDataSet\";\nprivate List<I> items;\nprivate ItemsCallback itemsCallback;\nprivate ItemPositionResolver itemPositionResolver;\n\nmethod_signatures: SimpleAdapterDataSet()\n SimpleAdapterDataSet(@Nullable final List<I> items)\n void setItemsCallback(final ItemsCallback callback)\nprivate void notifyItemRangeInserted(final int positionStart, final int itemCount)\nprivate void notifyItemRangeChanged(final int positionStart, final int itemCount)\nprivate void notifyItemMoved(final int fromPosition, final int toPosition)\nprivate void notifyItemRangeRemoved(final int positionStart, final int itemCount)\n void setItemPositionResolver(final ItemPositionResolver resolver)\nprivate int resolvePositionForItemId(final long itemId)\n List<I> swapItems(final List<I> items)\n List<I> getItems()\n@Override public boolean isEmpty()\n@Override public int getItemCount()\n@Override public void insertItem(@NonNull final I item)\n@Override public void insertItem(final int position, @NonNull final I item)\n@Override public void insertItems(@NonNull final List<I> items)\n@Override public void insertItems(final int positionStart, @NonNull final List<I> items)\n@Override @NonNull public I swapItemById(final long itemId, @NonNull final I item)\n@Override @NonNull public I swapItem(final int position, @NonNull final I item)\n@Override public void moveItem(final int fromPosition, final int toPosition)\n@Override public int removeItem(@NonNull final I item)\n@Override @NonNull public I removeItemById(final long itemId)\n@Override @NonNull public I removeItem(final int position)\n@Override @NonNull public List<I> removeItems(final int positionStart, final int itemCount)\n@Override public boolean hasItemAt(final int position)\n@Override public boolean isEnabled(final int position)\n@Override public boolean hasStableIds()\n@Override public long getItemId(final int position)\n@SuppressWarnings({\"unchecked\", \"ConstantConditions\"}) @Override @NonNull public I getItem(int position)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: SimpleAdapterDataSetTest extends RobolectricTestCase\n\nclass_fields: \n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file library-simple/src/main/java/universum/studios/android/widget/adapter/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n @Override @NonNull public List<I> removeItems(final int positionStart, final int itemCount) {\n\t\tfinal int itemsSize = items.size();\n\t\tif (positionStart < 0 || positionStart + itemCount > itemsSize) {\n\t\t\tthrow new IndexOutOfBoundsException(\n\t\t\t\t\t\"Starting position(\" + positionStart + \") and/or item count(\" + itemCount + \") are out of range (positionStart < 0 || positionStart + itemCount > \" + itemsSize + \")!\"\n\t\t\t);\n\t\t}\n\t\tfinal List<I> items = new ArrayList<>(itemCount);\n\t\tfor (int i = positionStart + itemCount - 1; i >= positionStart; i--) {\n\t\t\titems.add(0, this.items.remove(i));\n\t\t}\n\t\tAdaptersLogging.d(TAG, \"Removed items from start position(\" + positionStart + \") in count(\" + itemCount + \").\");\n\t\tthis.notifyItemRangeRemoved(positionStart, itemCount);\n\t\treturn items;\n\t}\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n library-simple/src/test/java/universum/studios/android/widget/adapter/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test public void testRemoveItems() {\n\t\t// Arrange:\n\t\tfinal SimpleAdapterDataSet<String> dataSet = new SimpleAdapterDataSet<>();\n\t\tdataSet.swapItems(createItems(10));\n\t\tfinal SimpleAdapterDataSet.ItemsCallback mockCallback = mock(SimpleAdapterDataSet.ItemsCallback.class);\n\t\tdataSet.setItemsCallback(mockCallback);\n\t\t// Act:\n\t\tfinal List<String> removedItems = dataSet.removeItems(4, 5);\n\t\t// Assert:\n\t\tassertThat(removedItems, is(notNullValue()));\n\t\tassertThat(removedItems.size(), is(5));\n\t\tfor (int i = 0; i < removedItems.size(); i++) {\n\t\t\tassertThat(removedItems.get(i), is(\"Test item no. \" + (i + 5)));\n\t\t}\n\t\tassertThat(dataSet.getItemCount(), is(5));\n\t\tverify(mockCallback).onItemRangeRemoved(4, 5);\n\t\tverify(mockCallback, times(0)).onItemRangeInserted(anyInt(), anyInt());\n\t\tverify(mockCallback, times(0)).onItemRangeChanged(anyInt(), anyInt());\n\t\tverify(mockCallback, times(0)).onItemMoved(anyInt(), anyInt());\n\t}\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @NonNull protected DVH onCreateDropDownViewHolder(@NonNull final ViewGroup parent, final int viewType) { return dropDownHolderFactory == null ? (DVH) onCreateViewHolder(parent, viewType) : dropDownHolderFactory.createHolder(parent, viewType); }
@Test public void testOnCreateDropDownViewHolderWithHolderFactory() { // Arrange: final TestAdapter adapter = new TestAdapter(context); adapter.setHolderFactory(HOLDER_FACTORY); // Act + Assert: for (int i = 0; i < adapter.getItemCount(); i++) { final ViewHolder viewHolder = adapter.onCreateDropDownViewHolder(container, i); assertThat(viewHolder, is(not(nullValue()))); assertThat(viewHolder.itemView, instanceOf(TextView.class)); } }
[ "onCreateViewHolder", "createHolder" ]
[ "setHolderFactory", "getItemCount", "onCreateDropDownViewHolder", "assertThat", "is", "not", "nullValue", "assertThat", "instanceOf" ]
{ "class_fields": "private static final AdapterHolder.Factory<ViewHolder> HOLDER_FACTORY = new AdapterHolder.Factory<ViewHolder>() {\n\n\t\t@Override @NonNull public ViewHolder createHolder(@NonNull final ViewGroup parent, final int viewType) {\n\t\t\treturn new ViewHolder(new TextView(parent.getContext()));\n\t\t}\n\t};\nprivate static final AdapterHolder.Binder<TestAdapter, ViewHolder> HOLDER_BINDER = new AdapterHolder.Binder<TestAdapter, ViewHolder>() {\n\n\t\t@Override public void bindHolder(\n\t\t\t\t@NonNull final TestAdapter adapter,\n\t\t\t\t@NonNull final ViewHolder holder,\n\t\t\t\tfinal int position,\n\t\t\t\t@NonNull final List<Object> payloads\n\t\t) {\n\t\t\t((TextView) holder.itemView).setText(adapter.getItem(position));\n\t\t}\n\t};", "class_name": "BaseSpinnerAdapterTest extends AdapterTestCase" }
{ "class_fields": "private int selectedPosition = NO_POSITION;\nprivate AdapterHolder.Factory<DVH> dropDownHolderFactory;\nprivate AdapterHolder.Binder<A, DVH> dropDownHolderBinder;", "class_name": "BaseSpinnerAdapter extends BaseListAdapter<A, VH, I>", "method_signatures": "public BaseSpinnerAdapter(@NonNull final Context context)\npublic void setDropDownHolderFactory(@Nullable final AdapterHolder.Factory<DVH> factory)\n@Nullable public AdapterHolder.Factory<DVH> getDropDownHolderFactory()\npublic void setDropDownHolderBinder(@Nullable final AdapterHolder.Binder<A, DVH> binder)\n@Nullable public AdapterHolder.Binder<A, DVH> getDropDownHolderBinder()\n@Nullable public I getSelectedItem()\npublic int getSelectedPosition()\n@Override public View getView(final int position, @Nullable final View convertView, @NonNull final ViewGroup parent)\n@SuppressWarnings(\"unchecked\") @Override public View getDropDownView(final int position, @Nullable final View convertView, @NonNull final ViewGroup parent)\n@SuppressWarnings(\"unchecked\") @NonNull protected DVH onCreateDropDownViewHolder(@NonNull final ViewGroup parent, final int viewType)\n@SuppressWarnings(\"unchecked\") protected void onBindDropDownViewHolder(@NonNull final DVH viewHolder, final int position)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: library-spinner-base/src/main/java/universum/studios/android/widget/adapter/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: BaseSpinnerAdapter extends BaseListAdapter<A, VH, I>\n\nclass_fields: private int selectedPosition = NO_POSITION;\nprivate AdapterHolder.Factory<DVH> dropDownHolderFactory;\nprivate AdapterHolder.Binder<A, DVH> dropDownHolderBinder;\n\nmethod_signatures: public BaseSpinnerAdapter(@NonNull final Context context)\npublic void setDropDownHolderFactory(@Nullable final AdapterHolder.Factory<DVH> factory)\n@Nullable public AdapterHolder.Factory<DVH> getDropDownHolderFactory()\npublic void setDropDownHolderBinder(@Nullable final AdapterHolder.Binder<A, DVH> binder)\n@Nullable public AdapterHolder.Binder<A, DVH> getDropDownHolderBinder()\n@Nullable public I getSelectedItem()\npublic int getSelectedPosition()\n@Override public View getView(final int position, @Nullable final View convertView, @NonNull final ViewGroup parent)\n@SuppressWarnings(\"unchecked\") @Override public View getDropDownView(final int position, @Nullable final View convertView, @NonNull final ViewGroup parent)\n@SuppressWarnings(\"unchecked\") @NonNull protected DVH onCreateDropDownViewHolder(@NonNull final ViewGroup parent, final int viewType)\n@SuppressWarnings(\"unchecked\") protected void onBindDropDownViewHolder(@NonNull final DVH viewHolder, final int position)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: BaseSpinnerAdapterTest extends AdapterTestCase\n\nclass_fields: private static final AdapterHolder.Factory<ViewHolder> HOLDER_FACTORY = new AdapterHolder.Factory<ViewHolder>() {\n\n\t\t@Override @NonNull public ViewHolder createHolder(@NonNull final ViewGroup parent, final int viewType) {\n\t\t\treturn new ViewHolder(new TextView(parent.getContext()));\n\t\t}\n\t};\nprivate static final AdapterHolder.Binder<TestAdapter, ViewHolder> HOLDER_BINDER = new AdapterHolder.Binder<TestAdapter, ViewHolder>() {\n\n\t\t@Override public void bindHolder(\n\t\t\t\t@NonNull final TestAdapter adapter,\n\t\t\t\t@NonNull final ViewHolder holder,\n\t\t\t\tfinal int position,\n\t\t\t\t@NonNull final List<Object> payloads\n\t\t) {\n\t\t\t((TextView) holder.itemView).setText(adapter.getItem(position));\n\t\t}\n\t};\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file library-spinner-base/src/main/java/universum/studios/android/widget/adapter/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n @SuppressWarnings(\"unchecked\")\n\t@NonNull protected DVH onCreateDropDownViewHolder(@NonNull final ViewGroup parent, final int viewType) {\n\t\treturn dropDownHolderFactory == null ?\n\t\t\t\t(DVH) onCreateViewHolder(parent, viewType) :\n\t\t\t\tdropDownHolderFactory.createHolder(parent, viewType);\n\t}\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n library-spinner-base/src/test/java/universum/studios/android/widget/adapter/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test public void testOnCreateDropDownViewHolderWithHolderFactory() {\n\t\t// Arrange:\n\t\tfinal TestAdapter adapter = new TestAdapter(context);\n\t\tadapter.setHolderFactory(HOLDER_FACTORY);\n\t\t// Act + Assert:\n\t\tfor (int i = 0; i < adapter.getItemCount(); i++) {\n\t\t\tfinal ViewHolder viewHolder = adapter.onCreateDropDownViewHolder(container, i);\n\t\t\tassertThat(viewHolder, is(not(nullValue())));\n\t\t\tassertThat(viewHolder.itemView, instanceOf(TextView.class));\n\t\t}\n\t}\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
ViolationsAnalysisResult calculateAllViolation(Project project) { if (!sonarConnectionCheckerService.isReachable(project.getSonarConnectionSettings())) { return ViolationsAnalysisResult.createFailedAnalysis(Collections.<ViolationOccurence>emptyList(), "sonar project is not reachable with supplied connection settings: " + project.getSonarConnectionSettings().toString()); }"Start violation analysis for project {}", project.getName()); Map<String, Artefact> artefactsThatHaveAtLeastOneViolation = Maps.newHashMap(); List<ViolationOccurence> violations = new ArrayList<ViolationOccurence>(); long violationsOfCurrentArtefact = 0; for (Resource resource : resourcesCollectorService.collectAllResourcesForProject(project.getSonarConnectionSettings())) {"Analyzing resource {}", resource.getLongName()); violationsOfCurrentArtefact = 0; for (QualityRequirement qualityRequirement : project.getProfile().getRequirements()) { final double weightingMetricValue; final double metricValue; try { weightingMetricValue = metricCollectorService.collectMetricForResource(project.getSonarConnectionSettings(), resource.getKey(), qualityRequirement.getWeightingMetricIdentifier()); metricValue = metricCollectorService.collectMetricForResource(project.getSonarConnectionSettings(), resource.getKey(), qualityRequirement.getCriteria().getMetricIdentifier()); } catch (ResourceNotFoundException e) { log.warn("Quality analysis run failed due one resource or metric could not be find in Sonar!", e); return ViolationsAnalysisResult.createFailedAnalysis(violations, "resource " + resource.getKey() + " or metric " + qualityRequirement.getCriteria().getMetricIdentifier() + " not available on Sonar"); } if (qualityRequirement.isViolated(metricValue)) { final Artefact artefact; if (artefactsThatHaveAtLeastOneViolation.containsKey(resource.getKey())) { artefact = artefactsThatHaveAtLeastOneViolation.get(resource.getKey()); } else { artefact = new Artefact(resource.getLongName(), resource.getKey()); artefactsThatHaveAtLeastOneViolation.put(resource.getKey(), artefact); } log.debug("Create quality violation for artefact {} with violated requirement {}", artefact.getName(), qualityRequirement.getCriteria()); violations.add(new ViolationOccurence(qualityRequirement, artefact, weightingMetricValue)); violationsOfCurrentArtefact++; } }"Found {} violations at resource {}", violationsOfCurrentArtefact, resource.getLongName()); }"Successfully analysed project {} and found {} quality violations in {} artefacts", project.getName(), violations.size(), artefactsThatHaveAtLeastOneViolation.size()); return ViolationsAnalysisResult.createSuccessfulAnalysis(violations); }
@Test public void violationsWhenRequirementsAreViolatedInManyArtefact() { FakeResourcesCollectorService resourcesCollectorService = new FakeResourcesCollectorService(); resourcesCollectorService.addResource("A"); resourcesCollectorService.addResource("B"); resourcesCollectorService.addResource("C"); FakeMetricCollectorService metricCollectorService = new FakeMetricCollectorService(); metricCollectorService.addMetricValue("A", "cc", 9.0); metricCollectorService.addMetricValue("A", "ec", 20.0); metricCollectorService.addMetricValue("A", "nloc", 10.0); metricCollectorService.addMetricValue("B", "cc", 10.0); metricCollectorService.addMetricValue("B", "ec", 15.0); metricCollectorService.addMetricValue("B", "nloc", 5.0); metricCollectorService.addMetricValue("C", "cc", 11.0); metricCollectorService.addMetricValue("C", "ec", 14.0); metricCollectorService.addMetricValue("C", "nloc", 21.0); ViolationsCalculatorService violationsCalculatorService = new ViolationsCalculatorService(connectionCheckerService, resourcesCollectorService, metricCollectorService); ViolationsAnalysisResult analysisResult = violationsCalculatorService.calculateAllViolation(project); assertThat(analysisResult.isSuccessful()).isTrue(); assertThat(analysisResult.getViolations()).containsOnly( new ViolationOccurence(firstRequirement, new Artefact("A", "A"), 10.0), new ViolationOccurence(secondRequirement, new Artefact("A", "A"), 10.0), new ViolationOccurence(firstRequirement, new Artefact("B", "B"), 5.0), new ViolationOccurence(secondRequirement, new Artefact("B", "B"), 5.0) ); }
[ "isReachable", "getSonarConnectionSettings", "createFailedAnalysis", "emptyList", "toString", "getSonarConnectionSettings", "info", "getName", "newHashMap", "collectAllResourcesForProject", "getSonarConnectionSettings", "info", "getLongName", "getRequirements", "getProfile", "collectMetricForResource", "getSonarConnectionSettings", "getKey", "getWeightingMetricIdentifier", "collectMetricForResource", "getSonarConnectionSettings", "getKey", "getMetricIdentifier", "getCriteria", "warn", "createFailedAnalysis", "getKey", "getMetricIdentifier", "getCriteria", "isViolated", "containsKey", "getKey", "get", "getKey", "getLongName", "getKey", "put", "getKey", "debug", "getName", "getCriteria", "add", "info", "getLongName", "info", "getName", "size", "size", "createSuccessfulAnalysis" ]
[ "addResource", "addResource", "addResource", "addMetricValue", "addMetricValue", "addMetricValue", "addMetricValue", "addMetricValue", "addMetricValue", "addMetricValue", "addMetricValue", "addMetricValue", "calculateAllViolation", "isTrue", "assertThat", "isSuccessful", "containsOnly", "assertThat", "getViolations" ]
{ "class_fields": "private final String defaultSonarHost = \"http://localhost\";\nprivate QualityProfile profile;\nprivate QualityRequirement firstRequirement;\nprivate QualityRequirement secondRequirement;\nprivate Project project;\nprivate SonarConnectionCheckerService connectionCheckerService;", "class_name": "ViolationsCalculatorServiceTest" }
{ "class_fields": "private final SonarConnectionCheckerService sonarConnectionCheckerService;\nprivate final ResourcesCollectorService resourcesCollectorService;\nprivate final MetricCollectorService metricCollectorService;", "class_name": "ViolationsCalculatorService", "method_signatures": "@Autowired public ViolationsCalculatorService(SonarConnectionCheckerService sonarConnectionCheckerService,\n ResourcesCollectorService resourcesCollectorService,\n MetricCollectorService metricCollectorService)\n ViolationsAnalysisResult calculateAllViolation(Project project)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: quality-assessment/src/main/java/org/codeqinvest/quality/analysis/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: ViolationsCalculatorService\n\nclass_fields: private final SonarConnectionCheckerService sonarConnectionCheckerService;\nprivate final ResourcesCollectorService resourcesCollectorService;\nprivate final MetricCollectorService metricCollectorService;\n\nmethod_signatures: @Autowired public ViolationsCalculatorService(SonarConnectionCheckerService sonarConnectionCheckerService,\n ResourcesCollectorService resourcesCollectorService,\n MetricCollectorService metricCollectorService)\n ViolationsAnalysisResult calculateAllViolation(Project project)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: ViolationsCalculatorServiceTest\n\nclass_fields: private final String defaultSonarHost = \"http://localhost\";\nprivate QualityProfile profile;\nprivate QualityRequirement firstRequirement;\nprivate QualityRequirement secondRequirement;\nprivate Project project;\nprivate SonarConnectionCheckerService connectionCheckerService;\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file quality-assessment/src/main/java/org/codeqinvest/quality/analysis/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n ViolationsAnalysisResult calculateAllViolation(Project project) {\n if (!sonarConnectionCheckerService.isReachable(project.getSonarConnectionSettings())) {\n return ViolationsAnalysisResult.createFailedAnalysis(Collections.<ViolationOccurence>emptyList(),\n \"sonar project is not reachable with supplied connection settings: \" + project.getSonarConnectionSettings().toString());\n }\n\n\"Start violation analysis for project {}\", project.getName());\n Map<String, Artefact> artefactsThatHaveAtLeastOneViolation = Maps.newHashMap();\n List<ViolationOccurence> violations = new ArrayList<ViolationOccurence>();\n long violationsOfCurrentArtefact = 0;\n for (Resource resource : resourcesCollectorService.collectAllResourcesForProject(project.getSonarConnectionSettings())) {\n\"Analyzing resource {}\", resource.getLongName());\n violationsOfCurrentArtefact = 0;\n for (QualityRequirement qualityRequirement : project.getProfile().getRequirements()) {\n\n final double weightingMetricValue;\n final double metricValue;\n try {\n weightingMetricValue = metricCollectorService.collectMetricForResource(project.getSonarConnectionSettings(),\n resource.getKey(), qualityRequirement.getWeightingMetricIdentifier());\n metricValue = metricCollectorService.collectMetricForResource(project.getSonarConnectionSettings(),\n resource.getKey(), qualityRequirement.getCriteria().getMetricIdentifier());\n } catch (ResourceNotFoundException e) {\n log.warn(\"Quality analysis run failed due one resource or metric could not be find in Sonar!\", e);\n return ViolationsAnalysisResult.createFailedAnalysis(violations, \"resource \" + resource.getKey()\n + \" or metric \" + qualityRequirement.getCriteria().getMetricIdentifier() + \" not available on Sonar\");\n }\n\n if (qualityRequirement.isViolated(metricValue)) {\n final Artefact artefact;\n if (artefactsThatHaveAtLeastOneViolation.containsKey(resource.getKey())) {\n artefact = artefactsThatHaveAtLeastOneViolation.get(resource.getKey());\n } else {\n artefact = new Artefact(resource.getLongName(), resource.getKey());\n artefactsThatHaveAtLeastOneViolation.put(resource.getKey(), artefact);\n }\n\n log.debug(\"Create quality violation for artefact {} with violated requirement {}\",\n artefact.getName(), qualityRequirement.getCriteria());\n violations.add(new ViolationOccurence(qualityRequirement, artefact, weightingMetricValue));\n violationsOfCurrentArtefact++;\n }\n }\n\"Found {} violations at resource {}\", violationsOfCurrentArtefact, resource.getLongName());\n }\n\n\"Successfully analysed project {} and found {} quality violations in {} artefacts\",\n project.getName(), violations.size(), artefactsThatHaveAtLeastOneViolation.size());\n return ViolationsAnalysisResult.createSuccessfulAnalysis(violations);\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n quality-assessment/src/test/java/org/codeqinvest/quality/analysis/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void violationsWhenRequirementsAreViolatedInManyArtefact() {\n FakeResourcesCollectorService resourcesCollectorService = new FakeResourcesCollectorService();\n resourcesCollectorService.addResource(\"A\");\n resourcesCollectorService.addResource(\"B\");\n resourcesCollectorService.addResource(\"C\");\n\n FakeMetricCollectorService metricCollectorService = new FakeMetricCollectorService();\n metricCollectorService.addMetricValue(\"A\", \"cc\", 9.0);\n metricCollectorService.addMetricValue(\"A\", \"ec\", 20.0);\n metricCollectorService.addMetricValue(\"A\", \"nloc\", 10.0);\n metricCollectorService.addMetricValue(\"B\", \"cc\", 10.0);\n metricCollectorService.addMetricValue(\"B\", \"ec\", 15.0);\n metricCollectorService.addMetricValue(\"B\", \"nloc\", 5.0);\n metricCollectorService.addMetricValue(\"C\", \"cc\", 11.0);\n metricCollectorService.addMetricValue(\"C\", \"ec\", 14.0);\n metricCollectorService.addMetricValue(\"C\", \"nloc\", 21.0);\n\n ViolationsCalculatorService violationsCalculatorService = new ViolationsCalculatorService(connectionCheckerService,\n resourcesCollectorService, metricCollectorService);\n\n ViolationsAnalysisResult analysisResult = violationsCalculatorService.calculateAllViolation(project);\n assertThat(analysisResult.isSuccessful()).isTrue();\n assertThat(analysisResult.getViolations()).containsOnly(\n new ViolationOccurence(firstRequirement, new Artefact(\"A\", \"A\"), 10.0),\n new ViolationOccurence(secondRequirement, new Artefact(\"A\", \"A\"), 10.0),\n new ViolationOccurence(firstRequirement, new Artefact(\"B\", \"B\"), 5.0),\n new ViolationOccurence(secondRequirement, new Artefact(\"B\", \"B\"), 5.0)\n );\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
@Override public void registerOnDataSetSwapListener(@NonNull final OnDataSetSwapListener<List<I>> listener) { if (listeners == null) { this.listeners = new SwappableDataSetAdapterListeners<>(); } this.listeners.registerOnDataSetSwapListener(listener); }
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Test public void testRegisterOnDataSetSwapListener() { // Arrange: final SimpleAdapterDataSet<String> mockDataSet = mock(TestDataSet.class); final SimpleListAdapter<TestAdapter, ViewHolder, String> adapter = new TestAdapter(context, mockDataSet); final OnDataSetSwapListener mockListener = mock(OnDataSetSwapListener.class); final List<String> items = Collections.emptyList(); // Act: adapter.registerOnDataSetSwapListener(mockListener); adapter.registerOnDataSetSwapListener(mockListener); // Assert: adapter.notifyItemsSwapFinished(items); verify(mockListener).onDataSetSwapFinished(items); verifyNoMoreInteractions(mockListener); }
[ "registerOnDataSetSwapListener" ]
[ "mock", "mock", "emptyList", "registerOnDataSetSwapListener", "registerOnDataSetSwapListener", "notifyItemsSwapFinished", "onDataSetSwapFinished", "verify", "verifyNoMoreInteractions" ]
{ "class_fields": "", "class_name": "SimpleListAdapterTest extends RobolectricTestCase" }
{ "class_fields": "private final SimpleAdapterDataSet<I> dataSet;\nprivate SwappableDataSetAdapterListeners<List<I>> listeners;", "class_name": "SimpleListAdapter extends BaseListAdapter<A, VH, I> implements\n\t\tSimpleAdapter<I>", "method_signatures": "public SimpleListAdapter(@NonNull final Context context)\npublic SimpleListAdapter(@NonNull final Context context, @NonNull final I[] items)\npublic SimpleListAdapter(@NonNull final Context context, @NonNull final List<I> items)\n@SuppressWarnings(\"unchecked\") @VisibleForTesting SimpleListAdapter(final Context context, final SimpleAdapterDataSet<I> dataSet)\n@Override public void registerOnDataSetSwapListener(@NonNull final OnDataSetSwapListener<List<I>> listener)\n@Override public void unregisterOnDataSetSwapListener(@NonNull OnDataSetSwapListener<List<I>> listener)\n@Override public void changeItems(@Nullable final List<I> items)\n@Override @Nullable public List<I> swapItems(@Nullable final List<I> items)\nprotected final void notifyItemsSwapStarted(@Nullable final List<I> items)\n@Nullable protected List<I> onSwapItems(@Nullable final List<I> items)\nprotected final void notifyItemsSwapFinished(@Nullable final List<I> items)\n@Override public void insertItem(@NonNull final I item)\n@Override public void insertItem(final int position, @NonNull final I item)\n@Override public void insertItems(@NonNull final List<I> items)\n@Override public void insertItems(final int positionStart, @NonNull final List<I> items)\n@Override @NonNull public I swapItem(final int position, @NonNull final I item)\n@Override @NonNull public I swapItemById(final long itemId, @NonNull final I item)\n@Override public void moveItem(final int fromPosition, final int toPosition)\n@Override @NonNull public I removeItem(final int position)\n@Override public int removeItem(@NonNull final I item)\n@Override @NonNull public I removeItemById(final long itemId)\n@Override @NonNull public List<I> removeItems(final int positionStart, final int itemCount)\n@Override @Nullable public List<I> getItems()\n@Override public int getItemCount()\n@Override public boolean hasItemAt(final int position)\n@Override @NonNull public I getItem(final int position)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: library-list-simple/src/main/java/universum/studios/android/widget/adapter/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: SimpleListAdapter extends BaseListAdapter<A, VH, I> implements\n\t\tSimpleAdapter<I>\n\nclass_fields: private final SimpleAdapterDataSet<I> dataSet;\nprivate SwappableDataSetAdapterListeners<List<I>> listeners;\n\nmethod_signatures: public SimpleListAdapter(@NonNull final Context context)\npublic SimpleListAdapter(@NonNull final Context context, @NonNull final I[] items)\npublic SimpleListAdapter(@NonNull final Context context, @NonNull final List<I> items)\n@SuppressWarnings(\"unchecked\") @VisibleForTesting SimpleListAdapter(final Context context, final SimpleAdapterDataSet<I> dataSet)\n@Override public void registerOnDataSetSwapListener(@NonNull final OnDataSetSwapListener<List<I>> listener)\n@Override public void unregisterOnDataSetSwapListener(@NonNull OnDataSetSwapListener<List<I>> listener)\n@Override public void changeItems(@Nullable final List<I> items)\n@Override @Nullable public List<I> swapItems(@Nullable final List<I> items)\nprotected final void notifyItemsSwapStarted(@Nullable final List<I> items)\n@Nullable protected List<I> onSwapItems(@Nullable final List<I> items)\nprotected final void notifyItemsSwapFinished(@Nullable final List<I> items)\n@Override public void insertItem(@NonNull final I item)\n@Override public void insertItem(final int position, @NonNull final I item)\n@Override public void insertItems(@NonNull final List<I> items)\n@Override public void insertItems(final int positionStart, @NonNull final List<I> items)\n@Override @NonNull public I swapItem(final int position, @NonNull final I item)\n@Override @NonNull public I swapItemById(final long itemId, @NonNull final I item)\n@Override public void moveItem(final int fromPosition, final int toPosition)\n@Override @NonNull public I removeItem(final int position)\n@Override public int removeItem(@NonNull final I item)\n@Override @NonNull public I removeItemById(final long itemId)\n@Override @NonNull public List<I> removeItems(final int positionStart, final int itemCount)\n@Override @Nullable public List<I> getItems()\n@Override public int getItemCount()\n@Override public boolean hasItemAt(final int position)\n@Override @NonNull public I getItem(final int position)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: SimpleListAdapterTest extends RobolectricTestCase\n\nclass_fields: \n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file library-list-simple/src/main/java/universum/studios/android/widget/adapter/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n @Override public void registerOnDataSetSwapListener(@NonNull final OnDataSetSwapListener<List<I>> listener) {\n\t\tif (listeners == null) {\n\t\t\tthis.listeners = new SwappableDataSetAdapterListeners<>();\n\t\t}\n\t\tthis.listeners.registerOnDataSetSwapListener(listener);\n\t}\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n library-list-simple/src/test/java/universum/studios/android/widget/adapter/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @SuppressWarnings(\"unchecked\")\n\t@Test public void testRegisterOnDataSetSwapListener() {\n\t\t// Arrange:\n\t\tfinal SimpleAdapterDataSet<String> mockDataSet = mock(TestDataSet.class);\n\t\tfinal SimpleListAdapter<TestAdapter, ViewHolder, String> adapter = new TestAdapter(context, mockDataSet);\n\t\tfinal OnDataSetSwapListener mockListener = mock(OnDataSetSwapListener.class);\n\t\tfinal List<String> items = Collections.emptyList();\n\t\t// Act:\n\t\tadapter.registerOnDataSetSwapListener(mockListener);\n\t\tadapter.registerOnDataSetSwapListener(mockListener);\n\t\t// Assert:\n\t\tadapter.notifyItemsSwapFinished(items);\n\t\tverify(mockListener).onDataSetSwapFinished(items);\n\t\tverifyNoMoreInteractions(mockListener);\n\t}\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
@Override public void handleResponse(Event event) { HttpServiceDownstreamResponseEvent responseEvent = (HttpServiceDownstreamResponseEvent) event; // Check again if this is an X-Ray sampling call or within an AWS call. // By this time, the request handler would've executed the same logic and didn't generate a subsegment. HttpServiceDownstreamRequestEvent requestEvent = (HttpServiceDownstreamRequestEvent) responseEvent.getRequest(); URI uri = getUriFromEvent(requestEvent); if (isWithinAWSCall() || isXRaySamplingCall(uri) || isXRayPluginCall(uri)) { return; } Optional<Subsegment> subsegmentOptional = getSubsegmentOptional(); if (subsegmentOptional.isPresent()) { addResponseInformation(subsegmentOptional.get(), responseEvent); endSubsegment(); } }
@Test public void testHandle4xxStatusCode() { httpClientResponseEvent.withStatusCode(400); Subsegment httpClientSubsegment = AWSXRay.beginSubsegment("failedResponseSubsegment"); httpClientHandler.handleResponse(httpClientResponseEvent); Assert.assertTrue(httpClientSubsegment.isError()); Assert.assertFalse(httpClientSubsegment.isFault()); Assert.assertFalse(httpClientSubsegment.isThrottle()); Map<String, Integer> httpResponseMap = (Map<String, Integer>) httpClientSubsegment.getHttp().get("response"); Assert.assertEquals(400, (int) httpResponseMap.get("status")); }
[ "getRequest", "getUriFromEvent", "isWithinAWSCall", "isXRaySamplingCall", "isXRayPluginCall", "getSubsegmentOptional", "isPresent", "addResponseInformation", "get", "endSubsegment" ]
[ "withStatusCode", "beginSubsegment", "handleResponse", "assertTrue", "isError", "assertFalse", "isFault", "assertFalse", "isThrottle", "get", "getHttp", "assertEquals", "get" ]
{ "class_fields": "private final String ORIGIN = \"ApacheHttpClient\";\nprivate final String SERVICE = \"\";\nprivate final String OPERATION = \"GET\";\nprivate final int STATUS_CODE = 200;\nprivate final int CONTENT_LENGTH = 48343;\nprivate HttpClientHandler httpClientHandler;\nprivate Segment parentSegment;\nprivate HttpServiceDownstreamRequestEvent httpClientRequestEvent;\nprivate HttpServiceDownstreamResponseEvent httpClientResponseEvent;", "class_name": "HttpClientHandlerTest" }
{ "class_fields": "private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(HttpClientHandler.class);\nprivate static final String URL_KEY = \"url\";\nprivate static final String METHOD_KEY = \"method\";\nprivate static final String HTTP_REQUEST_KEY = \"request\";\nprivate static final String STATUS_CODE_KEY = \"status\";\nprivate static final String CONTENT_LENGTH_KEY = \"content_length\";\nprivate static final String HTTP_RESPONSE_KEY = \"response\";", "class_name": "HttpClientHandler extends XRayHandler", "method_signatures": "@Override public void handleRequest(Event event)\nprivate URI getUriFromEvent(HttpServiceDownstreamRequestEvent requestEvent)\nprivate static void addRequestInformation(Subsegment subsegment, HttpServiceDownstreamRequestEvent requestEvent, URI uri)\n@Override public void handleResponse(Event event)\nprivate static void addResponseInformation(Subsegment subsegment, HttpServiceDownstreamResponseEvent responseEvent)\nprivate boolean isWithinAWSCall()\nprivate boolean isXRaySamplingCall(URI uri)\nprivate boolean isXRayPluginCall(URI uri)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: aws-xray-agent/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/xray/agent/runtime/handlers/downstream/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: HttpClientHandler extends XRayHandler\n\nclass_fields: private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(HttpClientHandler.class);\nprivate static final String URL_KEY = \"url\";\nprivate static final String METHOD_KEY = \"method\";\nprivate static final String HTTP_REQUEST_KEY = \"request\";\nprivate static final String STATUS_CODE_KEY = \"status\";\nprivate static final String CONTENT_LENGTH_KEY = \"content_length\";\nprivate static final String HTTP_RESPONSE_KEY = \"response\";\n\nmethod_signatures: @Override public void handleRequest(Event event)\nprivate URI getUriFromEvent(HttpServiceDownstreamRequestEvent requestEvent)\nprivate static void addRequestInformation(Subsegment subsegment, HttpServiceDownstreamRequestEvent requestEvent, URI uri)\n@Override public void handleResponse(Event event)\nprivate static void addResponseInformation(Subsegment subsegment, HttpServiceDownstreamResponseEvent responseEvent)\nprivate boolean isWithinAWSCall()\nprivate boolean isXRaySamplingCall(URI uri)\nprivate boolean isXRayPluginCall(URI uri)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: HttpClientHandlerTest\n\nclass_fields: private final String ORIGIN = \"ApacheHttpClient\";\nprivate final String SERVICE = \"\";\nprivate final String OPERATION = \"GET\";\nprivate final int STATUS_CODE = 200;\nprivate final int CONTENT_LENGTH = 48343;\nprivate HttpClientHandler httpClientHandler;\nprivate Segment parentSegment;\nprivate HttpServiceDownstreamRequestEvent httpClientRequestEvent;\nprivate HttpServiceDownstreamResponseEvent httpClientResponseEvent;\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file aws-xray-agent/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/xray/agent/runtime/handlers/downstream/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n @Override\n public void handleResponse(Event event) {\n HttpServiceDownstreamResponseEvent responseEvent = (HttpServiceDownstreamResponseEvent) event;\n\n // Check again if this is an X-Ray sampling call or within an AWS call.\n // By this time, the request handler would've executed the same logic and didn't generate a subsegment.\n HttpServiceDownstreamRequestEvent requestEvent = (HttpServiceDownstreamRequestEvent) responseEvent.getRequest();\n URI uri = getUriFromEvent(requestEvent);\n if (isWithinAWSCall() || isXRaySamplingCall(uri) || isXRayPluginCall(uri)) {\n return;\n }\n\n Optional<Subsegment> subsegmentOptional = getSubsegmentOptional();\n if (subsegmentOptional.isPresent()) {\n addResponseInformation(subsegmentOptional.get(), responseEvent);\n endSubsegment();\n }\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n aws-xray-agent/src/test/java/com/amazonaws/xray/agent/runtime/handlers/downstream/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void testHandle4xxStatusCode() {\n httpClientResponseEvent.withStatusCode(400);\n Subsegment httpClientSubsegment = AWSXRay.beginSubsegment(\"failedResponseSubsegment\");\n\n httpClientHandler.handleResponse(httpClientResponseEvent);\n Assert.assertTrue(httpClientSubsegment.isError());\n Assert.assertFalse(httpClientSubsegment.isFault());\n Assert.assertFalse(httpClientSubsegment.isThrottle());\n\n Map<String, Integer> httpResponseMap = (Map<String, Integer>) httpClientSubsegment.getHttp().get(\"response\");\n Assert.assertEquals(400, (int) httpResponseMap.get(\"status\"));\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
@Override public void listen(Event event) { try { EventDispatcher dispatcher = isEventDownstream(event) ? downstreamEventDispatcher : upstreamEventDispatcher; if (event instanceof ServiceRequestEvent || event instanceof HttpServletNetworkRequestEvent) { dispatcher.dispatchRequestEvent(event); } else if (event instanceof ServiceResponseEvent || event instanceof HttpServletNetworkResponseEvent) { dispatcher.dispatchResponseEvent(event); } else { // Other events we don't care about so return. return; } } catch (Exception e) { // We dont want to propagate any exceptions back to the bus nor the application code, so we // just log it and continue. log.error("The X-Ray Agent had encountered an unexpected exception for the following event: " + event.toString(), e); } }
@Test public void testListenDownstream() { ServiceDownstreamRequestEvent downstreamRequestEvent = new ServiceDownstreamRequestEvent(ORIGIN, SERVICE, OPERATION); ServiceDownstreamResponseEvent downstreamResponseEvent = new ServiceDownstreamResponseEvent(ORIGIN, SERVICE, OPERATION, downstreamRequestEvent); xRayListener.listen(downstreamRequestEvent); verify(downstreamDispatcher, times(1)).dispatchRequestEvent(downstreamRequestEvent); verify(downstreamDispatcher, times(0)).dispatchResponseEvent(downstreamResponseEvent); xRayListener.listen(downstreamResponseEvent); verify(downstreamDispatcher, times(1)).dispatchRequestEvent(downstreamRequestEvent); verify(downstreamDispatcher, times(1)).dispatchResponseEvent(downstreamResponseEvent); verify(upstreamDispatcher, times(0)).dispatchResponseEvent(downstreamRequestEvent); verify(upstreamDispatcher, times(0)).dispatchResponseEvent(downstreamResponseEvent); }
[ "isEventDownstream", "dispatchRequestEvent", "dispatchResponseEvent", "error", "toString" ]
[ "listen", "dispatchRequestEvent", "verify", "times", "dispatchResponseEvent", "verify", "times", "listen", "dispatchRequestEvent", "verify", "times", "dispatchResponseEvent", "verify", "times", "dispatchResponseEvent", "verify", "times", "dispatchResponseEvent", "verify", "times" ]
{ "class_fields": "private final String ORIGIN = \"TestOrigin\";\nprivate final String SERVICE = \"TestService\";\nprivate final String OPERATION = \"TestOperation\";\n@Mock\n private EventDispatcher upstreamDispatcher;\n@Mock\n private EventDispatcher downstreamDispatcher;\nprivate XRayListener xRayListener;", "class_name": "XRayListenerTest" }
{ "class_fields": "private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(XRayListener.class);\nprivate final EventDispatcher upstreamEventDispatcher;\nprivate final EventDispatcher downstreamEventDispatcher;", "class_name": "XRayListener implements Listener", "method_signatures": "public XRayListener(EventDispatcher upstreamEventDispatcher, EventDispatcher downstreamEventDispatcher)\n@Override public int getPriority()\n@Override public void listen(Event event)\nprivate boolean isEventDownstream(Event e)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: aws-xray-agent/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/xray/agent/runtime/listeners/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: XRayListener implements Listener\n\nclass_fields: private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(XRayListener.class);\nprivate final EventDispatcher upstreamEventDispatcher;\nprivate final EventDispatcher downstreamEventDispatcher;\n\nmethod_signatures: public XRayListener(EventDispatcher upstreamEventDispatcher, EventDispatcher downstreamEventDispatcher)\n@Override public int getPriority()\n@Override public void listen(Event event)\nprivate boolean isEventDownstream(Event e)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: XRayListenerTest\n\nclass_fields: private final String ORIGIN = \"TestOrigin\";\nprivate final String SERVICE = \"TestService\";\nprivate final String OPERATION = \"TestOperation\";\n@Mock\n private EventDispatcher upstreamDispatcher;\n@Mock\n private EventDispatcher downstreamDispatcher;\nprivate XRayListener xRayListener;\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file aws-xray-agent/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/xray/agent/runtime/listeners/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n @Override\n public void listen(Event event) {\n try {\n EventDispatcher dispatcher = isEventDownstream(event) ? downstreamEventDispatcher : upstreamEventDispatcher;\n\n if (event instanceof ServiceRequestEvent || event instanceof HttpServletNetworkRequestEvent) {\n dispatcher.dispatchRequestEvent(event);\n } else if (event instanceof ServiceResponseEvent || event instanceof HttpServletNetworkResponseEvent) {\n dispatcher.dispatchResponseEvent(event);\n } else {\n // Other events we don't care about so return.\n return;\n }\n } catch (Exception e) {\n // We dont want to propagate any exceptions back to the bus nor the application code, so we\n // just log it and continue.\n log.error(\"The X-Ray Agent had encountered an unexpected exception for the following event: \"\n + event.toString(), e);\n }\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n aws-xray-agent/src/test/java/com/amazonaws/xray/agent/runtime/listeners/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void testListenDownstream() {\n ServiceDownstreamRequestEvent downstreamRequestEvent = new ServiceDownstreamRequestEvent(ORIGIN, SERVICE, OPERATION);\n ServiceDownstreamResponseEvent downstreamResponseEvent = new ServiceDownstreamResponseEvent(ORIGIN, SERVICE, OPERATION, downstreamRequestEvent);\n\n xRayListener.listen(downstreamRequestEvent);\n verify(downstreamDispatcher, times(1)).dispatchRequestEvent(downstreamRequestEvent);\n verify(downstreamDispatcher, times(0)).dispatchResponseEvent(downstreamResponseEvent);\n\n xRayListener.listen(downstreamResponseEvent);\n verify(downstreamDispatcher, times(1)).dispatchRequestEvent(downstreamRequestEvent);\n verify(downstreamDispatcher, times(1)).dispatchResponseEvent(downstreamResponseEvent);\n\n verify(upstreamDispatcher, times(0)).dispatchResponseEvent(downstreamRequestEvent);\n verify(upstreamDispatcher, times(0)).dispatchResponseEvent(downstreamResponseEvent);\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
public static Completable validate(Domain domain) { List<Completable> chain = new ArrayList<>(); if (domain.getName().contains("/")) { return Completable.error(new InvalidDomainException("Domain name cannot contain '/' character")); } if (domain.isVhostMode()) { if (domain.getVhosts() == null || domain.getVhosts().isEmpty()) { return Completable.error(new InvalidDomainException("VHost mode requires at least one VHost")); } // Check at there is only one vhost flagged with override entrypoint. long count = domain.getVhosts().stream().filter(VirtualHost::isOverrideEntrypoint).count(); if(count > 1) { return Completable.error(new InvalidDomainException("Only one vhost can be used to override entrypoint")); } else if(count == 0) { return Completable.error(new InvalidDomainException("You must select one vhost to override entrypoint")); } chain.addAll(domain.getVhosts().stream().map(VirtualHostValidator::validate).collect(Collectors.toList())); } else { if("/".equals(domain.getPath())) { return Completable.error(new InvalidDomainException("'/' path is not allowed in context-path mode")); } chain.add(PathValidator.validate(domain.getPath())); } return Completable.merge(chain); }
@Test public void validate_invalidEmptyPath() { Domain domain = getValidDomain(); domain.setPath(""); Throwable throwable = DomainValidator.validate(domain).blockingGet(); // Empty path is replaced with '/' but '/' is not allowed in context-path mode. assertNotNull(throwable); assertTrue(throwable instanceof InvalidDomainException); }
[ "contains", "getName", "error", "isVhostMode", "getVhosts", "isEmpty", "getVhosts", "error", "count", "filter", "stream", "getVhosts", "error", "error", "addAll", "collect", "map", "stream", "getVhosts", "toList", "equals", "getPath", "error", "add", "validate", "getPath", "merge" ]
[ "getValidDomain", "setPath", "blockingGet", "validate", "assertNotNull", "assertTrue" ]
{ "class_fields": "", "class_name": "DomainValidatorTest" }
{ "class_fields": "", "class_name": "DomainValidator", "method_signatures": "public static Completable validate(Domain domain)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: gravitee-am-service/src/main/java/io/gravitee/am/service/validators/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: DomainValidator\n\nclass_fields: \n\nmethod_signatures: public static Completable validate(Domain domain)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: DomainValidatorTest\n\nclass_fields: \n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file gravitee-am-service/src/main/java/io/gravitee/am/service/validators/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n public static Completable validate(Domain domain) {\n\n List<Completable> chain = new ArrayList<>();\n\n if (domain.getName().contains(\"/\")) {\n return Completable.error(new InvalidDomainException(\"Domain name cannot contain '/' character\"));\n }\n\n if (domain.isVhostMode()) {\n if (domain.getVhosts() == null || domain.getVhosts().isEmpty()) {\n return Completable.error(new InvalidDomainException(\"VHost mode requires at least one VHost\"));\n }\n\n // Check at there is only one vhost flagged with override entrypoint.\n long count = domain.getVhosts().stream().filter(VirtualHost::isOverrideEntrypoint).count();\n if(count > 1) {\n return Completable.error(new InvalidDomainException(\"Only one vhost can be used to override entrypoint\"));\n } else if(count == 0) {\n return Completable.error(new InvalidDomainException(\"You must select one vhost to override entrypoint\"));\n }\n\n chain.addAll(domain.getVhosts().stream().map(VirtualHostValidator::validate).collect(Collectors.toList()));\n } else {\n if(\"/\".equals(domain.getPath())) {\n return Completable.error(new InvalidDomainException(\"'/' path is not allowed in context-path mode\"));\n }\n\n chain.add(PathValidator.validate(domain.getPath()));\n }\n\n return Completable.merge(chain);\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n gravitee-am-service/src/test/java/io/gravitee/am/service/validators/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void validate_invalidEmptyPath() {\n\n Domain domain = getValidDomain();\n domain.setPath(\"\");\n\n Throwable throwable = DomainValidator.validate(domain).blockingGet();\n\n // Empty path is replaced with '/' but '/' is not allowed in context-path mode.\n assertNotNull(throwable);\n assertTrue(throwable instanceof InvalidDomainException);\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
@Bean @Qualifier("ResteasyProviderFactory") public static BeanFactoryPostProcessor springBeanProcessor() { ResteasyProviderFactory resteasyProviderFactory = new ResteasyProviderFactory(); ResourceMethodRegistry resourceMethodRegistry = new ResourceMethodRegistry(resteasyProviderFactory); SpringBeanProcessor springBeanProcessor = new SpringBeanProcessor(); springBeanProcessor.setProviderFactory(resteasyProviderFactory); springBeanProcessor.setRegistry(resourceMethodRegistry); logger.debug("SpringBeanProcessor has been created"); return springBeanProcessor; }
@Test public void springBeanProcessor() { BeanFactoryPostProcessor beanFactoryPostProcessor = new ResteasyAutoConfiguration().springBeanProcessor(); Assert.assertNotNull(beanFactoryPostProcessor); Assert.assertEquals(SpringBeanProcessor.class, beanFactoryPostProcessor.getClass()); SpringBeanProcessor springBeanProcessor = (SpringBeanProcessor) beanFactoryPostProcessor; Registry springBeanProcessorRegistry = springBeanProcessor.getRegistry(); ResteasyProviderFactory providerFactory = springBeanProcessor.getProviderFactory(); Assert.assertNotNull(springBeanProcessorRegistry); Assert.assertNotNull(providerFactory); Assert.assertEquals(ResourceMethodRegistry.class, springBeanProcessorRegistry.getClass()); }
[ "setProviderFactory", "setRegistry", "debug" ]
[ "springBeanProcessor", "assertNotNull", "assertEquals", "getClass", "getRegistry", "getProviderFactory", "assertNotNull", "assertNotNull", "assertEquals", "getClass" ]
{ "class_fields": "", "class_name": "ResteasyAutoConfigurationTest" }
{ "class_fields": "private static Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ResteasyAutoConfiguration.class);", "class_name": "ResteasyAutoConfiguration", "method_signatures": "@Bean @Qualifier(\"ResteasyProviderFactory\") public static BeanFactoryPostProcessor springBeanProcessor()\n@Bean public ServletContextListener resteasyBootstrapListener(@Qualifier(\"ResteasyProviderFactory\") final BeanFactoryPostProcessor beanFactoryPostProcessor)\n@Bean(name = ResteasyApplicationBuilder.BEAN_NAME) public ResteasyApplicationBuilder resteasyApplicationBuilder()\n@Bean public static ResteasyEmbeddedServletInitializer resteasyEmbeddedServletInitializer()" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: resteasy-spring-boot-starter/src/main/java/com/paypal/springboot/resteasy/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: ResteasyAutoConfiguration\n\nclass_fields: private static Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ResteasyAutoConfiguration.class);\n\nmethod_signatures: @Bean @Qualifier(\"ResteasyProviderFactory\") public static BeanFactoryPostProcessor springBeanProcessor()\n@Bean public ServletContextListener resteasyBootstrapListener(@Qualifier(\"ResteasyProviderFactory\") final BeanFactoryPostProcessor beanFactoryPostProcessor)\n@Bean(name = ResteasyApplicationBuilder.BEAN_NAME) public ResteasyApplicationBuilder resteasyApplicationBuilder()\n@Bean public static ResteasyEmbeddedServletInitializer resteasyEmbeddedServletInitializer()\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: ResteasyAutoConfigurationTest\n\nclass_fields: \n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file resteasy-spring-boot-starter/src/main/java/com/paypal/springboot/resteasy/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n @Bean\n @Qualifier(\"ResteasyProviderFactory\")\n public static BeanFactoryPostProcessor springBeanProcessor() {\n ResteasyProviderFactory resteasyProviderFactory = new ResteasyProviderFactory();\n ResourceMethodRegistry resourceMethodRegistry = new ResourceMethodRegistry(resteasyProviderFactory);\n\n SpringBeanProcessor springBeanProcessor = new SpringBeanProcessor();\n springBeanProcessor.setProviderFactory(resteasyProviderFactory);\n springBeanProcessor.setRegistry(resourceMethodRegistry);\n\n logger.debug(\"SpringBeanProcessor has been created\");\n\n return springBeanProcessor;\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n resteasy-spring-boot-starter/src/test/java/com/paypal/springboot/resteasy/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void springBeanProcessor() {\n BeanFactoryPostProcessor beanFactoryPostProcessor = new ResteasyAutoConfiguration().springBeanProcessor();\n\n Assert.assertNotNull(beanFactoryPostProcessor);\n Assert.assertEquals(SpringBeanProcessor.class, beanFactoryPostProcessor.getClass());\n\n SpringBeanProcessor springBeanProcessor = (SpringBeanProcessor) beanFactoryPostProcessor;\n Registry springBeanProcessorRegistry = springBeanProcessor.getRegistry();\n ResteasyProviderFactory providerFactory = springBeanProcessor.getProviderFactory();\n\n Assert.assertNotNull(springBeanProcessorRegistry);\n Assert.assertNotNull(providerFactory);\n Assert.assertEquals(ResourceMethodRegistry.class, springBeanProcessorRegistry.getClass());\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
@SuppressWarnings("SimplifiableIfStatement") public boolean notifyDataSetActionSelected(final int action, final int position, @Nullable final Object payload) { // Do not notify actions for invalid (out of bounds of the current data set) positions. if (position < 0 || position >= getItemCount()) { return false; } if (onDataSetActionSelected(action, position, payload)) { return true; } return dataSetListeners != null && dataSetListeners.notifyDataSetActionSelected(action, position, payload); }
@Test public void testNotifyDataSetActionSelected() { // Arrange: final TestAdapter adapter = new TestAdapter(context); final OnDataSetActionListener mockListener = mock(OnDataSetActionListener.class); adapter.registerOnDataSetActionListener(mockListener); // Act + Assert: for (int i = 0; i < adapter.getItemCount(); i++) { when(mockListener.onDataSetActionSelected(DATA_SET_ACTION, i, adapter.getItemId(i), null)).thenReturn(i % 2 == 0); assertThat(adapter.notifyDataSetActionSelected(DATA_SET_ACTION, i, null), is(i % 2 == 0)); verify(mockListener).onDataSetActionSelected(DATA_SET_ACTION, i, adapter.getItemId(i), null); } verifyNoMoreInteractions(mockListener); }
[ "getItemCount", "onDataSetActionSelected", "notifyDataSetActionSelected" ]
[ "mock", "registerOnDataSetActionListener", "getItemCount", "thenReturn", "when", "onDataSetActionSelected", "getItemId", "assertThat", "notifyDataSetActionSelected", "is", "onDataSetActionSelected", "verify", "getItemId", "verifyNoMoreInteractions" ]
{ "class_fields": "private static final int DATA_SET_ACTION = 0x01;\nprivate static final AdapterHolder.Factory<ViewHolder> HOLDER_FACTORY = new AdapterHolder.Factory<ViewHolder>() {\n\n\t\t@Override @NonNull public ViewHolder createHolder(@NonNull final ViewGroup parent, final int viewType) {\n\t\t\treturn new ViewHolder(new TextView(parent.getContext()));\n\t\t}\n\t};\nprivate static final AdapterHolder.Binder<TestAdapter, ViewHolder> HOLDER_BINDER = new AdapterHolder.Binder<TestAdapter, ViewHolder>() {\n\n\t\t@Override public void bindHolder(\n\t\t\t\t@NonNull final TestAdapter adapter,\n\t\t\t\t@NonNull final ViewHolder holder,\n\t\t\t\tfinal int position,\n\t\t\t\t@NonNull final List<Object> payloads\n\t\t) {\n\t\t\t((TextView) holder.itemView).setText(adapter.getItem(position));\n\t\t}\n\t};", "class_name": "BaseListAdapterTest extends AdapterTestCase" }
{ "class_fields": "@NonNull private final Context context;\n@NonNull private final Resources resources;\nprivate final LayoutInflater layoutInflater;\nprivate DataSetListeners dataSetListeners;\nprivate AdapterHolder.Factory<VH> holderFactory;\nprivate AdapterHolder.Binder<A, VH> holderBinder;", "class_name": "BaseListAdapter extends android.widget.BaseAdapter implements\n\t\tDataSetAdapter<I>,\n\t\tAdapterHolder.FactoryAdapter<VH>,\n\t\tAdapterHolder.BinderAdapter<A, VH>", "method_signatures": "public BaseListAdapter(@NonNull final Context context)\n@NonNull public final Context getContext()\n@NonNull public final Resources getResources()\n@Override public void registerOnDataSetListener(@NonNull final OnDataSetListener listener)\n@Override public void notifyDataSetChanged()\n@Override public void notifyDataSetInvalidated()\n@Override public void unregisterOnDataSetListener(@NonNull final OnDataSetListener listener)\n@Override public void registerOnDataSetActionListener(@NonNull final OnDataSetActionListener listener)\n@SuppressWarnings(\"SimplifiableIfStatement\") public boolean notifyDataSetActionSelected(final int action, final int position, @Nullable final Object payload)\nprotected boolean onDataSetActionSelected(final int action, final int position, @Nullable final Object payload)\n@Override public void unregisterOnDataSetActionListener(@NonNull final OnDataSetActionListener listener)\n@Override public final int getCount()\n@Override public boolean hasItemAt(final int position)\n@Override public long getItemId(final int position)\n@Override public void setHolderFactory(@Nullable final AdapterHolder.Factory<VH> factory)\n@Override @Nullable public AdapterHolder.Factory<VH> getHolderFactory()\n@Override public void setHolderBinder(@Nullable final AdapterHolder.Binder<A, VH> binder)\n@Override @Nullable public AdapterHolder.Binder<A, VH> getHolderBinder()\n@SuppressWarnings(\"unchecked\") @Override public View getView(final int position, @Nullable final View convertView, @NonNull final ViewGroup parent)\n@NonNull protected VH onCreateViewHolder(@NonNull final ViewGroup parent, final int viewType)\n@NonNull public View inflateView(@LayoutRes final int resource, @Nullable final ViewGroup parent)\n@SuppressWarnings(\"unchecked\") protected void onBindViewHolder(@NonNull final VH viewHolder, final int position)\n@Override @CallSuper @NonNull public Parcelable saveInstanceState()\n@Override @CallSuper public void restoreInstanceState(@NonNull Parcelable savedState)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: library-list-base/src/main/java/universum/studios/android/widget/adapter/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: BaseListAdapter extends android.widget.BaseAdapter implements\n\t\tDataSetAdapter<I>,\n\t\tAdapterHolder.FactoryAdapter<VH>,\n\t\tAdapterHolder.BinderAdapter<A, VH>\n\nclass_fields: @NonNull private final Context context;\n@NonNull private final Resources resources;\nprivate final LayoutInflater layoutInflater;\nprivate DataSetListeners dataSetListeners;\nprivate AdapterHolder.Factory<VH> holderFactory;\nprivate AdapterHolder.Binder<A, VH> holderBinder;\n\nmethod_signatures: public BaseListAdapter(@NonNull final Context context)\n@NonNull public final Context getContext()\n@NonNull public final Resources getResources()\n@Override public void registerOnDataSetListener(@NonNull final OnDataSetListener listener)\n@Override public void notifyDataSetChanged()\n@Override public void notifyDataSetInvalidated()\n@Override public void unregisterOnDataSetListener(@NonNull final OnDataSetListener listener)\n@Override public void registerOnDataSetActionListener(@NonNull final OnDataSetActionListener listener)\n@SuppressWarnings(\"SimplifiableIfStatement\") public boolean notifyDataSetActionSelected(final int action, final int position, @Nullable final Object payload)\nprotected boolean onDataSetActionSelected(final int action, final int position, @Nullable final Object payload)\n@Override public void unregisterOnDataSetActionListener(@NonNull final OnDataSetActionListener listener)\n@Override public final int getCount()\n@Override public boolean hasItemAt(final int position)\n@Override public long getItemId(final int position)\n@Override public void setHolderFactory(@Nullable final AdapterHolder.Factory<VH> factory)\n@Override @Nullable public AdapterHolder.Factory<VH> getHolderFactory()\n@Override public void setHolderBinder(@Nullable final AdapterHolder.Binder<A, VH> binder)\n@Override @Nullable public AdapterHolder.Binder<A, VH> getHolderBinder()\n@SuppressWarnings(\"unchecked\") @Override public View getView(final int position, @Nullable final View convertView, @NonNull final ViewGroup parent)\n@NonNull protected VH onCreateViewHolder(@NonNull final ViewGroup parent, final int viewType)\n@NonNull public View inflateView(@LayoutRes final int resource, @Nullable final ViewGroup parent)\n@SuppressWarnings(\"unchecked\") protected void onBindViewHolder(@NonNull final VH viewHolder, final int position)\n@Override @CallSuper @NonNull public Parcelable saveInstanceState()\n@Override @CallSuper public void restoreInstanceState(@NonNull Parcelable savedState)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: BaseListAdapterTest extends AdapterTestCase\n\nclass_fields: private static final int DATA_SET_ACTION = 0x01;\nprivate static final AdapterHolder.Factory<ViewHolder> HOLDER_FACTORY = new AdapterHolder.Factory<ViewHolder>() {\n\n\t\t@Override @NonNull public ViewHolder createHolder(@NonNull final ViewGroup parent, final int viewType) {\n\t\t\treturn new ViewHolder(new TextView(parent.getContext()));\n\t\t}\n\t};\nprivate static final AdapterHolder.Binder<TestAdapter, ViewHolder> HOLDER_BINDER = new AdapterHolder.Binder<TestAdapter, ViewHolder>() {\n\n\t\t@Override public void bindHolder(\n\t\t\t\t@NonNull final TestAdapter adapter,\n\t\t\t\t@NonNull final ViewHolder holder,\n\t\t\t\tfinal int position,\n\t\t\t\t@NonNull final List<Object> payloads\n\t\t) {\n\t\t\t((TextView) holder.itemView).setText(adapter.getItem(position));\n\t\t}\n\t};\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file library-list-base/src/main/java/universum/studios/android/widget/adapter/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n @SuppressWarnings(\"SimplifiableIfStatement\")\n\tpublic boolean notifyDataSetActionSelected(final int action, final int position, @Nullable final Object payload) {\n\t\t// Do not notify actions for invalid (out of bounds of the current data set) positions.\n\t\tif (position < 0 || position >= getItemCount()) {\n\t\t\treturn false;\n\t\t}\n\t\tif (onDataSetActionSelected(action, position, payload)) {\n\t\t\treturn true;\n\t\t}\n\t\treturn dataSetListeners != null && dataSetListeners.notifyDataSetActionSelected(action, position, payload);\n\t}\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n library-list-base/src/test/java/universum/studios/android/widget/adapter/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test public void testNotifyDataSetActionSelected() {\n\t\t// Arrange:\n\t\tfinal TestAdapter adapter = new TestAdapter(context);\n\t\tfinal OnDataSetActionListener mockListener = mock(OnDataSetActionListener.class);\n\t\tadapter.registerOnDataSetActionListener(mockListener);\n\t\t// Act + Assert:\n\t\tfor (int i = 0; i < adapter.getItemCount(); i++) {\n\t\t\twhen(mockListener.onDataSetActionSelected(DATA_SET_ACTION, i, adapter.getItemId(i), null)).thenReturn(i % 2 == 0);\n\t\t\tassertThat(adapter.notifyDataSetActionSelected(DATA_SET_ACTION, i, null), is(i % 2 == 0));\n\t\t\tverify(mockListener).onDataSetActionSelected(DATA_SET_ACTION, i, adapter.getItemId(i), null);\n\t\t}\n\t\tverifyNoMoreInteractions(mockListener);\n\t}\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
CodeChangeProbabilityCalculator create(CodeChangeSettings codeChangeSettings) { if (codeChangeSettings.getMethod() == SupportedCodeChangeProbabilityMethod.WEIGHTED.getId()) { return new WeightedCodeChangeProbabilityCalculator(codeChurnCalculatorFactory,, codeChangeSettings.getDays()); } else if (codeChangeSettings.getMethod() == SupportedCodeChangeProbabilityMethod.COMMIT_BASED.getId()) { return new CommitBasedCodeChangeProbabilityCalculator(codeChurnCalculatorFactory, codeChangeSettings.getNumberOfCommits()); } else { return new DefaultCodeChangeProbabilityCalculator(codeChurnCalculatorFactory,, codeChangeSettings.getDays()); } }
@Test public void createCalculatorForWeightedSetting() { assertThat(codeChangeProbabilityCalculatorFactory.create(CodeChangeSettings.weightedSetting(0))) .isInstanceOf(WeightedCodeChangeProbabilityCalculator.class); }
[ "getMethod", "getId", "now", "getDays", "getMethod", "getId", "getNumberOfCommits", "now", "getDays" ]
[ "isInstanceOf", "assertThat", "create", "weightedSetting" ]
{ "class_fields": "@Autowired\n private CodeChangeProbabilityCalculatorFactory codeChangeProbabilityCalculatorFactory;", "class_name": "CodeChangeProbabilityCalculatorFactoryTest" }
{ "class_fields": "@Getter\n private final CodeChurnCalculatorFactory codeChurnCalculatorFactory;", "class_name": "CodeChangeProbabilityCalculatorFactory", "method_signatures": "@Autowired CodeChangeProbabilityCalculatorFactory(CodeChurnCalculatorFactory codeChurnCalculatorFactory)\n CodeChangeProbabilityCalculator create(CodeChangeSettings codeChangeSettings)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: quality-assessment/src/main/java/org/codeqinvest/quality/analysis/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: CodeChangeProbabilityCalculatorFactory\n\nclass_fields: @Getter\n private final CodeChurnCalculatorFactory codeChurnCalculatorFactory;\n\nmethod_signatures: @Autowired CodeChangeProbabilityCalculatorFactory(CodeChurnCalculatorFactory codeChurnCalculatorFactory)\n CodeChangeProbabilityCalculator create(CodeChangeSettings codeChangeSettings)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: CodeChangeProbabilityCalculatorFactoryTest\n\nclass_fields: @Autowired\n private CodeChangeProbabilityCalculatorFactory codeChangeProbabilityCalculatorFactory;\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file quality-assessment/src/main/java/org/codeqinvest/quality/analysis/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n CodeChangeProbabilityCalculator create(CodeChangeSettings codeChangeSettings) {\n if (codeChangeSettings.getMethod() == SupportedCodeChangeProbabilityMethod.WEIGHTED.getId()) {\n return new WeightedCodeChangeProbabilityCalculator(codeChurnCalculatorFactory,, codeChangeSettings.getDays());\n } else if (codeChangeSettings.getMethod() == SupportedCodeChangeProbabilityMethod.COMMIT_BASED.getId()) {\n return new CommitBasedCodeChangeProbabilityCalculator(codeChurnCalculatorFactory, codeChangeSettings.getNumberOfCommits());\n } else {\n return new DefaultCodeChangeProbabilityCalculator(codeChurnCalculatorFactory,, codeChangeSettings.getDays());\n }\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n quality-assessment/src/test/java/org/codeqinvest/quality/analysis/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void createCalculatorForWeightedSetting() {\n assertThat(codeChangeProbabilityCalculatorFactory.create(CodeChangeSettings.weightedSetting(0)))\n .isInstanceOf(WeightedCodeChangeProbabilityCalculator.class);\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
@Override public Number apply(final BookingBean booking) { double result = booking.getGrossEarnings(); result -= (booking.getGrossEarnings() - booking.getCleaningFees()) * booking.getServiceFeesPercent() / 100.0; result -= booking.getServiceFee(); // if (booking.getCleaning() != null) { // result -= booking.getCleaning().getCleaningCosts(); // } return result; }
@Test public void test() { final DefaultNetEarningsCalculator c = new DefaultNetEarningsCalculator(); final BookingBean b = TestUtils.getTestBooking(,; b.setGrossEarningsExpression("360"); b.setServiceFee(0); b.setServiceFeesPercent(12f); b.setCleaningFees(60); final CleaningEntry ce = new CleaningEntry(, b, new Cleaning("testCleaning"), null); ce.setCleaningCosts(40); b.setCleaning(ce); assertEquals(360 - ((360 - 60) * 0.12), c.apply(b).doubleValue(), 0.001); }
[ "getGrossEarnings", "getGrossEarnings", "getCleaningFees", "getServiceFeesPercent", "getServiceFee" ]
[ "getTestBooking", "now", "plusDays", "now", "setGrossEarningsExpression", "setServiceFee", "setServiceFeesPercent", "setCleaningFees", "now", "setCleaningCosts", "setCleaning", "assertEquals", "doubleValue", "apply" ]
{ "class_fields": "", "class_name": "DefaultNetEarningsCalculatorTest" }
{ "class_fields": "", "class_name": "DefaultNetEarningsCalculator implements NetEarningsCalculator", "method_signatures": "public DefaultNetEarningsCalculator()\n@Override public Number apply(final BookingBean booking)\n@Override public Number apply(final BookingEntry booking)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: simple/src/main/java/com/github/drbookings/model/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: DefaultNetEarningsCalculator implements NetEarningsCalculator\n\nclass_fields: \n\nmethod_signatures: public DefaultNetEarningsCalculator()\n@Override public Number apply(final BookingBean booking)\n@Override public Number apply(final BookingEntry booking)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: DefaultNetEarningsCalculatorTest\n\nclass_fields: \n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file simple/src/main/java/com/github/drbookings/model/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n @Override\n public Number apply(final BookingBean booking) {\n\t\tdouble result = booking.getGrossEarnings();\n\t\tresult -= (booking.getGrossEarnings() - booking.getCleaningFees()) * booking.getServiceFeesPercent() / 100.0;\n\t\tresult -= booking.getServiceFee();\n\t\t// if (booking.getCleaning() != null) {\n\t\t// result -= booking.getCleaning().getCleaningCosts();\n\t\t// }\n\t\treturn result;\n\t}\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n simple/src/test/java/com/github/drbookings/model/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n\tpublic void test() {\n\t\tfinal DefaultNetEarningsCalculator c = new DefaultNetEarningsCalculator();\n final BookingBean b = TestUtils.getTestBooking(,;\n\t\tb.setGrossEarningsExpression(\"360\");\n\t\tb.setServiceFee(0);\n\t\tb.setServiceFeesPercent(12f);\n\t\tb.setCleaningFees(60);\n\t\tfinal CleaningEntry ce = new CleaningEntry(, b, new Cleaning(\"testCleaning\"), null);\n\t\tce.setCleaningCosts(40);\n\t\tb.setCleaning(ce);\n\t\tassertEquals(360 - ((360 - 60) * 0.12), c.apply(b).doubleValue(), 0.001);\n\n\t}\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
public boolean schedule(Fault fault) { Map<String, AttributeValue> item = new HashMap<>(); item.put("id", new AttributeValue().withS(; Class<? extends Fault> clazz = fault.getClass(); Named named = clazz.getAnnotation(Named.class); item.put("name", new AttributeValue().withS((named != null) ? named.value() : clazz.getSimpleName())); item.put("status", new AttributeValue().withS("ACTIVE")); ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); try { item.put("params", new AttributeValue().withS(mapper.writeValueAsString(fault))); } catch (JsonProcessingException e) { throw new UncheckedException(e); } item.put("ttl", new AttributeValue().withN(String.valueOf( + EXPIRE))); PutItemRequest request = new PutItemRequest().withTableName(Prodigy.configuration().scheduler()).withItem(item) .withConditionExpression("attribute_not_exists(id)"); try { dynamoDB.putItem(request); return true; } catch (ConditionalCheckFailedException e) { log.warn(e.getMessage(), e); return false; } }
@Test public void testSchedule() { // AmazonDynamoDB returns ConditionalCheckFailedException - false returned AmazonDynamoDB dynamoDB = mock(AmazonDynamoDB.class); doThrow(new ConditionalCheckFailedException("hello")).when(dynamoDB).putItem(any(PutItemRequest.class)); Scheduler scheduler = new Scheduler(dynamoDB); assertFalse(scheduler.schedule(new Fault2())); // 'putItem()' on AmazonDynamoDB succeeds - true returned dynamoDB = mock(AmazonDynamoDB.class); doAnswer(i -> { PutItemRequest request = i.getArgument(0); Map<String, AttributeValue> item = request.getItem(); assertThat(item.size(), is(5)); assertThat(item.get("id").getS(), is("fault-id-2")); assertThat(item.get("name").getS(), is("Fault2")); assertThat(item.get("status").getS(), is("ACTIVE")); assertThat(item.get("params").getS(), is("{\"property1\":\"property2\",\"property2\":2}")); assertThat(request.getConditionExpression(), is("attribute_not_exists(id)")); return null; }).when(dynamoDB).putItem(any(PutItemRequest.class)); scheduler = new Scheduler(dynamoDB); Fault2 fault2 = new Fault2();"fault-id-2"); fault2.setProperty1("property2"); fault2.setProperty2(2); assertTrue(scheduler.schedule(fault2)); dynamoDB = mock(AmazonDynamoDB.class); doAnswer(i -> { PutItemRequest request = i.getArgument(0); Map<String, AttributeValue> item = request.getItem(); assertThat(item.size(), is(5)); assertThat(item.get("id").getS(), is("fault-id-4")); assertThat(item.get("name").getS(), is("fault-4")); assertThat(item.get("status").getS(), is("ACTIVE")); assertThat(item.get("params").getS(), is("{\"property1\":\"property4\",\"property2\":4}")); assertThat(request.getConditionExpression(), is("attribute_not_exists(id)")); return null; }).when(dynamoDB).putItem(any(PutItemRequest.class)); scheduler = new Scheduler(dynamoDB); Fault4 fault4 = new Fault4();"fault-id-4"); fault4.setProperty1("property4"); fault4.setProperty2(4); assertTrue(scheduler.schedule(fault4)); }
[ "put", "withS", "id", "getClass", "getAnnotation", "put", "withS", "value", "getSimpleName", "put", "withS", "put", "withS", "writeValueAsString", "put", "withN", "valueOf", "getEpochSecond", "now", "withConditionExpression", "withItem", "withTableName", "scheduler", "configuration", "putItem", "warn", "getMessage" ]
[ "mock", "putItem", "when", "doThrow", "any", "assertFalse", "schedule", "mock", "putItem", "when", "doAnswer", "getArgument", "getItem", "assertThat", "size", "is", "assertThat", "getS", "get", "is", "assertThat", "getS", "get", "is", "assertThat", "getS", "get", "is", "assertThat", "getS", "get", "is", "assertThat", "getConditionExpression", "is", "any", "id", "setProperty1", "setProperty2", "assertTrue", "schedule", "mock", "putItem", "when", "doAnswer", "getArgument", "getItem", "assertThat", "size", "is", "assertThat", "getS", "get", "is", "assertThat", "getS", "get", "is", "assertThat", "getS", "get", "is", "assertThat", "getS", "get", "is", "assertThat", "getConditionExpression", "is", "any", "id", "setProperty1", "setProperty2", "assertTrue", "schedule" ]
{ "class_fields": "", "class_name": "SchedulerTest" }
{ "class_fields": "private static final int EXPIRE = 60 * 60 * 24;\nprivate final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(getClass());\nprivate final AmazonDynamoDB dynamoDB;", "class_name": "Scheduler", "method_signatures": "public Scheduler()\npublic Scheduler(AmazonDynamoDB dynamoDB)\npublic boolean schedule(Fault fault)\npublic boolean unschedule(String id)\npublic Entry get(String id)\npublic List<Entry> list()" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: prodigy-core/src/main/java/io/eiichiro/prodigy/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: Scheduler\n\nclass_fields: private static final int EXPIRE = 60 * 60 * 24;\nprivate final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(getClass());\nprivate final AmazonDynamoDB dynamoDB;\n\nmethod_signatures: public Scheduler()\npublic Scheduler(AmazonDynamoDB dynamoDB)\npublic boolean schedule(Fault fault)\npublic boolean unschedule(String id)\npublic Entry get(String id)\npublic List<Entry> list()\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: SchedulerTest\n\nclass_fields: \n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file prodigy-core/src/main/java/io/eiichiro/prodigy/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n public boolean schedule(Fault fault) {\n Map<String, AttributeValue> item = new HashMap<>();\n item.put(\"id\", new AttributeValue().withS(;\n Class<? extends Fault> clazz = fault.getClass();\n Named named = clazz.getAnnotation(Named.class);\n item.put(\"name\", new AttributeValue().withS((named != null) ? named.value() : clazz.getSimpleName()));\n item.put(\"status\", new AttributeValue().withS(\"ACTIVE\"));\n ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();\n\n try {\n item.put(\"params\", new AttributeValue().withS(mapper.writeValueAsString(fault)));\n } catch (JsonProcessingException e) {\n throw new UncheckedException(e);\n }\n\n item.put(\"ttl\", new AttributeValue().withN(String.valueOf( + EXPIRE)));\n PutItemRequest request = new PutItemRequest().withTableName(Prodigy.configuration().scheduler()).withItem(item)\n .withConditionExpression(\"attribute_not_exists(id)\");\n \n try {\n dynamoDB.putItem(request);\n return true;\n } catch (ConditionalCheckFailedException e) {\n log.warn(e.getMessage(), e);\n return false;\n }\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n prodigy-core/src/test/java/io/eiichiro/prodigy/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n\tpublic void testSchedule() {\n\t\t// AmazonDynamoDB returns ConditionalCheckFailedException - false returned\n\t\tAmazonDynamoDB dynamoDB = mock(AmazonDynamoDB.class);\n\t\tdoThrow(new ConditionalCheckFailedException(\"hello\")).when(dynamoDB).putItem(any(PutItemRequest.class));\n\t\tScheduler scheduler = new Scheduler(dynamoDB);\n\t\tassertFalse(scheduler.schedule(new Fault2()));\n\n\t\t// 'putItem()' on AmazonDynamoDB succeeds - true returned\n\t\tdynamoDB = mock(AmazonDynamoDB.class);\n\t\tdoAnswer(i -> {\n\t\t\tPutItemRequest request = i.getArgument(0);\n\t\t\tMap<String, AttributeValue> item = request.getItem();\n\t\t\tassertThat(item.size(), is(5));\n\t\t\tassertThat(item.get(\"id\").getS(), is(\"fault-id-2\"));\n\t\t\tassertThat(item.get(\"name\").getS(), is(\"Fault2\"));\n\t\t\tassertThat(item.get(\"status\").getS(), is(\"ACTIVE\"));\n\t\t\tassertThat(item.get(\"params\").getS(), is(\"{\\\"property1\\\":\\\"property2\\\",\\\"property2\\\":2}\"));\n\t\t\tassertThat(request.getConditionExpression(), is(\"attribute_not_exists(id)\"));\n\t\t\treturn null;\n\t\t}).when(dynamoDB).putItem(any(PutItemRequest.class));\n\t\tscheduler = new Scheduler(dynamoDB);\n\t\tFault2 fault2 = new Fault2();\n\t\\"fault-id-2\");\n\t\tfault2.setProperty1(\"property2\");\n\t\tfault2.setProperty2(2);\n\t\tassertTrue(scheduler.schedule(fault2));\n\t\t\n\t\tdynamoDB = mock(AmazonDynamoDB.class);\n\t\tdoAnswer(i -> {\n\t\t\tPutItemRequest request = i.getArgument(0);\n\t\t\tMap<String, AttributeValue> item = request.getItem();\n\t\t\tassertThat(item.size(), is(5));\n\t\t\tassertThat(item.get(\"id\").getS(), is(\"fault-id-4\"));\n\t\t\tassertThat(item.get(\"name\").getS(), is(\"fault-4\"));\n\t\t\tassertThat(item.get(\"status\").getS(), is(\"ACTIVE\"));\n\t\t\tassertThat(item.get(\"params\").getS(), is(\"{\\\"property1\\\":\\\"property4\\\",\\\"property2\\\":4}\"));\n\t\t\tassertThat(request.getConditionExpression(), is(\"attribute_not_exists(id)\"));\n\t\t\treturn null;\n\t\t}).when(dynamoDB).putItem(any(PutItemRequest.class));\n\t\tscheduler = new Scheduler(dynamoDB);\n\t\tFault4 fault4 = new Fault4();\n\t\\"fault-id-4\");\n\t\tfault4.setProperty1(\"property4\");\n\t\tfault4.setProperty2(4);\n\t\tassertTrue(scheduler.schedule(fault4));\n\t}\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
@Override public void registerOnDataSetSwapListener(@NonNull final OnDataSetSwapListener<List<I>> listener) { if (listeners == null) { this.listeners = new SwappableDataSetAdapterListeners<>(); } this.listeners.registerOnDataSetSwapListener(listener); }
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Test public void testRegisterOnDataSetSwapListener() { // Arrange: final SimpleAdapterDataSet<String> mockDataSet = mock(TestDataSet.class); final SimpleRecyclerAdapter<TestAdapter, RecyclerViewHolder, String> adapter = new TestAdapter(context, mockDataSet); final OnDataSetSwapListener mockListener = mock(OnDataSetSwapListener.class); final List<String> items = Collections.emptyList(); // Act: adapter.registerOnDataSetSwapListener(mockListener); adapter.registerOnDataSetSwapListener(mockListener); // Assert: adapter.notifyItemsSwapFinished(items); verify(mockListener).onDataSetSwapFinished(items); verifyNoMoreInteractions(mockListener); }
[ "registerOnDataSetSwapListener" ]
[ "mock", "mock", "emptyList", "registerOnDataSetSwapListener", "registerOnDataSetSwapListener", "notifyItemsSwapFinished", "onDataSetSwapFinished", "verify", "verifyNoMoreInteractions" ]
{ "class_fields": "", "class_name": "SimpleRecyclerAdapterTest extends RobolectricTestCase" }
{ "class_fields": "private final SimpleAdapterDataSet<I> dataSet;\nprivate SwappableDataSetAdapterListeners<List<I>> listeners;", "class_name": "SimpleRecyclerAdapter extends BaseRecyclerAdapter<A, VH, I> implements\n\t\tSimpleAdapter<I>", "method_signatures": "public SimpleRecyclerAdapter(@NonNull final Context context)\npublic SimpleRecyclerAdapter(@NonNull final Context context, @NonNull final I[] items)\npublic SimpleRecyclerAdapter(@NonNull final Context context, @NonNull final List<I> items)\n@VisibleForTesting SimpleRecyclerAdapter(final Context context, final SimpleAdapterDataSet<I> dataSet)\n@Override public void registerOnDataSetSwapListener(@NonNull final OnDataSetSwapListener<List<I>> listener)\n@Override public void unregisterOnDataSetSwapListener(@NonNull final OnDataSetSwapListener<List<I>> listener)\n@Override public void changeItems(@Nullable final List<I> items)\n@Override @Nullable public List<I> swapItems(@Nullable final List<I> items)\nprotected final void notifyItemsSwapStarted(@Nullable final List<I> items)\n@Nullable protected List<I> onSwapItems(@Nullable final List<I> items)\nprotected final void notifyItemsSwapFinished(@Nullable final List<I> items)\n@Override public void insertItem(@NonNull final I item)\n@Override public void insertItem(final int position, @NonNull final I item)\n@Override public void insertItems(@NonNull final List<I> items)\n@Override public void insertItems(final int positionStart, @NonNull final List<I> items)\n@Override @NonNull public I swapItem(final int position, @NonNull final I item)\n@Override @NonNull public I swapItemById(final long itemId, @NonNull final I item)\n@Override public void moveItem(final int fromPosition, final int toPosition)\n@Override @NonNull public I removeItem(final int position)\n@Override public int removeItem(@NonNull final I item)\n@Override @NonNull public I removeItemById(final long itemId)\n@Override @NonNull public List<I> removeItems(final int positionStart, final int itemCount)\n@Override @Nullable public List<I> getItems()\n@Override public int getItemCount()\n@Override public boolean hasItemAt(final int position)\n@Override @NonNull public I getItem(final int position)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: library-recycler-simple/src/main/java/universum/studios/android/widget/adapter/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: SimpleRecyclerAdapter extends BaseRecyclerAdapter<A, VH, I> implements\n\t\tSimpleAdapter<I>\n\nclass_fields: private final SimpleAdapterDataSet<I> dataSet;\nprivate SwappableDataSetAdapterListeners<List<I>> listeners;\n\nmethod_signatures: public SimpleRecyclerAdapter(@NonNull final Context context)\npublic SimpleRecyclerAdapter(@NonNull final Context context, @NonNull final I[] items)\npublic SimpleRecyclerAdapter(@NonNull final Context context, @NonNull final List<I> items)\n@VisibleForTesting SimpleRecyclerAdapter(final Context context, final SimpleAdapterDataSet<I> dataSet)\n@Override public void registerOnDataSetSwapListener(@NonNull final OnDataSetSwapListener<List<I>> listener)\n@Override public void unregisterOnDataSetSwapListener(@NonNull final OnDataSetSwapListener<List<I>> listener)\n@Override public void changeItems(@Nullable final List<I> items)\n@Override @Nullable public List<I> swapItems(@Nullable final List<I> items)\nprotected final void notifyItemsSwapStarted(@Nullable final List<I> items)\n@Nullable protected List<I> onSwapItems(@Nullable final List<I> items)\nprotected final void notifyItemsSwapFinished(@Nullable final List<I> items)\n@Override public void insertItem(@NonNull final I item)\n@Override public void insertItem(final int position, @NonNull final I item)\n@Override public void insertItems(@NonNull final List<I> items)\n@Override public void insertItems(final int positionStart, @NonNull final List<I> items)\n@Override @NonNull public I swapItem(final int position, @NonNull final I item)\n@Override @NonNull public I swapItemById(final long itemId, @NonNull final I item)\n@Override public void moveItem(final int fromPosition, final int toPosition)\n@Override @NonNull public I removeItem(final int position)\n@Override public int removeItem(@NonNull final I item)\n@Override @NonNull public I removeItemById(final long itemId)\n@Override @NonNull public List<I> removeItems(final int positionStart, final int itemCount)\n@Override @Nullable public List<I> getItems()\n@Override public int getItemCount()\n@Override public boolean hasItemAt(final int position)\n@Override @NonNull public I getItem(final int position)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: SimpleRecyclerAdapterTest extends RobolectricTestCase\n\nclass_fields: \n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file library-recycler-simple/src/main/java/universum/studios/android/widget/adapter/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n @Override public void registerOnDataSetSwapListener(@NonNull final OnDataSetSwapListener<List<I>> listener) {\n\t\tif (listeners == null) {\n\t\t\tthis.listeners = new SwappableDataSetAdapterListeners<>();\n\t\t}\n\t\tthis.listeners.registerOnDataSetSwapListener(listener);\n\t}\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n library-recycler-simple/src/test/java/universum/studios/android/widget/adapter/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @SuppressWarnings(\"unchecked\")\n\t@Test public void testRegisterOnDataSetSwapListener() {\n\t\t// Arrange:\n\t\tfinal SimpleAdapterDataSet<String> mockDataSet = mock(TestDataSet.class);\n\t\tfinal SimpleRecyclerAdapter<TestAdapter, RecyclerViewHolder, String> adapter = new TestAdapter(context, mockDataSet);\n\t\tfinal OnDataSetSwapListener mockListener = mock(OnDataSetSwapListener.class);\n\t\tfinal List<String> items = Collections.emptyList();\n\t\t// Act:\n\t\tadapter.registerOnDataSetSwapListener(mockListener);\n\t\tadapter.registerOnDataSetSwapListener(mockListener);\n\t\t// Assert:\n\t\tadapter.notifyItemsSwapFinished(items);\n\t\tverify(mockListener).onDataSetSwapFinished(items);\n\t\tverifyNoMoreInteractions(mockListener);\n\t}\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
@Override public APIGatewayProxyResponseEvent handleRequest(APIGatewayProxyRequestEvent input, Context context) { APIGatewayProxyResponseEvent output = new APIGatewayProxyResponseEvent(); ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); try { Map<String, Class<? extends Fault>> faults = Prodigy.faults(); return output.withStatusCode(200).withBody(mapper.writeValueAsString(faults)); } catch (Exception e) { log.error(e.getMessage(), e); return output.withStatusCode(500).withBody(e.getMessage()); } }
@Test public void testHandleRequest() { // Prodigy throws Exception - APIGatewayProxyResponseEvent with status code 500 FaultsHandler handler = new FaultsHandler(); Repository repository = mock(Repository.class); doThrow(new IllegalStateException("hello")).when(repository).load(); Prodigy.container(new Container(mock(Scheduler.class), repository)); APIGatewayProxyResponseEvent output = handler.handleRequest(null, null); assertThat(output.getStatusCode(), is(500)); assertThat(output.getBody(), is("hello")); // No exception - APIGatewayProxyResponseEvent with status code 200 repository = mock(Repository.class); Map<String, Class<? extends Fault>> faults = new LinkedHashMap<>(); faults.put("fault-1", Fault1.class); faults.put("fault-2", Fault2.class); doReturn(faults).when(repository).load(); Prodigy.container(new Container(mock(Scheduler.class), repository)); output = handler.handleRequest(null, null); assertThat(output.getStatusCode(), is(200)); assertThat(output.getBody(), is("{\"fault-1\":\"io.eiichiro.prodigy.Fault1\",\"fault-2\":\"io.eiichiro.prodigy.Fault2\"}")); }
[ "faults", "withBody", "withStatusCode", "writeValueAsString", "error", "getMessage", "withBody", "withStatusCode", "getMessage" ]
[ "mock", "load", "when", "doThrow", "container", "mock", "handleRequest", "assertThat", "getStatusCode", "is", "assertThat", "getBody", "is", "mock", "put", "put", "load", "when", "doReturn", "container", "mock", "handleRequest", "assertThat", "getStatusCode", "is", "assertThat", "getBody", "is" ]
{ "class_fields": "", "class_name": "FaultsHandlerTest" }
{ "class_fields": "private static Log log = LambdaLogFactory.getLog(FaultsHandler.class);", "class_name": "FaultsHandler implements RequestHandler<APIGatewayProxyRequestEvent, APIGatewayProxyResponseEvent>", "method_signatures": "@Override public APIGatewayProxyResponseEvent handleRequest(APIGatewayProxyRequestEvent input, Context context)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: prodigy-core/src/main/java/io/eiichiro/prodigy/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: FaultsHandler implements RequestHandler<APIGatewayProxyRequestEvent, APIGatewayProxyResponseEvent>\n\nclass_fields: private static Log log = LambdaLogFactory.getLog(FaultsHandler.class);\n\nmethod_signatures: @Override public APIGatewayProxyResponseEvent handleRequest(APIGatewayProxyRequestEvent input, Context context)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: FaultsHandlerTest\n\nclass_fields: \n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file prodigy-core/src/main/java/io/eiichiro/prodigy/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n @Override\n public APIGatewayProxyResponseEvent handleRequest(APIGatewayProxyRequestEvent input, Context context) {\n APIGatewayProxyResponseEvent output = new APIGatewayProxyResponseEvent();\n ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();\n\n try {\n Map<String, Class<? extends Fault>> faults = Prodigy.faults();\n return output.withStatusCode(200).withBody(mapper.writeValueAsString(faults));\n } catch (Exception e) {\n log.error(e.getMessage(), e);\n return output.withStatusCode(500).withBody(e.getMessage());\n }\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n prodigy-core/src/test/java/io/eiichiro/prodigy/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n\tpublic void testHandleRequest() {\n\t\t// Prodigy throws Exception - APIGatewayProxyResponseEvent with status code 500\n\t\tFaultsHandler handler = new FaultsHandler();\n\t\tRepository repository = mock(Repository.class);\n\t\tdoThrow(new IllegalStateException(\"hello\")).when(repository).load();\n\t\tProdigy.container(new Container(mock(Scheduler.class), repository));\n\t\tAPIGatewayProxyResponseEvent output = handler.handleRequest(null, null);\n\t\tassertThat(output.getStatusCode(), is(500));\n\t\tassertThat(output.getBody(), is(\"hello\"));\n\n\t\t// No exception - APIGatewayProxyResponseEvent with status code 200\n\t\trepository = mock(Repository.class);\n\t\tMap<String, Class<? extends Fault>> faults = new LinkedHashMap<>();\n\t\tfaults.put(\"fault-1\", Fault1.class);\n\t\tfaults.put(\"fault-2\", Fault2.class);\n\t\tdoReturn(faults).when(repository).load();\n\t\tProdigy.container(new Container(mock(Scheduler.class), repository));\n\t\toutput = handler.handleRequest(null, null);\n\t\tassertThat(output.getStatusCode(), is(200));\n\t\tassertThat(output.getBody(), is(\"{\\\"fault-1\\\":\\\"io.eiichiro.prodigy.Fault1\\\",\\\"fault-2\\\":\\\"io.eiichiro.prodigy.Fault2\\\"}\"));\n\t}\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
@Override public void run(Line line) throws Exception { if (line.args().size() == 1) { String profile = line.args().get(0); if (profile != null && !profile.isEmpty() && !profile.equals("core")) { try { Map<String, String> c = deploy(profile); configuration.put("default", profile); configuration.put(profile, c); if (Files.notExists(path)) { touch(); } write(); shell.console().prompt("prodigy|" + profile + "> ");"Default profile has been updated with [" + profile + "]"); log.debug("Configuration file [" + path + "] updated"); read().stream().forEach(log::debug); Command command = new ConfigureCommand(shell, configuration, path); if (!shell.commands().containsKey( { shell.register(command); log.debug("Command [" + ConfigureCommand.class.getName() + "] enabled"); } command = new InjectCommand(shell, configuration); if (!shell.commands().containsKey( { shell.register(command); log.debug("Command [" + InjectCommand.class.getName() + "] enabled"); } command = new EjectCommand(shell, configuration); if (!shell.commands().containsKey( { shell.register(command); log.debug("Command [" + EjectCommand.class.getName() + "] enabled"); } command = new StatusCommand(shell, configuration); if (!shell.commands().containsKey( { shell.register(command); log.debug("Command [" + StatusCommand.class.getName() + "] enabled"); } command = new FaultsCommand(shell, configuration); if (!shell.commands().containsKey( { shell.register(command); log.debug("Command [" + FaultsCommand.class.getName() + "] enabled"); } command = new PushCommand(shell, configuration); if (!shell.commands().containsKey( { shell.register(command); log.debug("Command [" + PushCommand.class.getName() + "] enabled"); } shell.console().println("Prodigy has been successfully deployed for profile [" + profile + "]"); } catch (Exception e) { log.warn(e.getMessage(), e); } return; } } shell.console().println("Unsupported usage"); shell.console().println(usage().toString()); }
@Test public void testRun() throws Exception { // TODO 'private Map<String, String> deploy(String profile)' method behavior testing // Args size is 1 and the specified profile is 'core' - unsupported usage. Map<String, Object> configuration = new HashMap<>(); configuration.put("default", "profile-1"); Map<String, String> profile1 = new HashMap<>(); profile1.put("endpoint", ""); configuration.put("profile-1", profile1); Map<String, String> profile2 = new HashMap<>(); profile2.put("endpoint", ""); configuration.put("profile-2", profile2); DeployCommand command = new DeployCommand(new Shell(), configuration, Paths.get(getClass().getResource("/deploy-command-test.yml").getPath())); Map<String, String> options = new HashMap<>(); List<String> args = new ArrayList<>(); args.add("core"); Line("deploy", options, args)); assertThat(configuration.size(), is(3)); assertThat(configuration.get("default"), is("profile-1")); // Args size is 1, the specified profile is not 'core' and configuration file does not exist - configuration is updated with the specified profile and ConfigureCommand, InjectCommand and EjectCommand are registered. Shell shell = new Shell(); command = spy(new DeployCommand(shell, configuration, Paths.get("/path/to/not-found.yml"))); Map<String, String> c = new HashMap<>(); c.put("endpoint", ""); doReturn(c).when(command, "deploy", anyString()); doNothing().when(command, "touch"); doNothing().when(command, "write"); doReturn(new ArrayList<>()).when(command, "read"); args = new ArrayList<>(); args.add("profile-3"); Line("deploy", options, args)); assertThat(configuration.size(), is(4)); assertThat(configuration.get("default"), is("profile-3")); assertThat(shell.commands().size(), is(6)); assertThat(shell.commands().get(new ConfigureCommand(null, null, null).name()), instanceOf(ConfigureCommand.class)); assertThat(shell.commands().get(new InjectCommand(null, null).name()), instanceOf(InjectCommand.class)); assertThat(shell.commands().get(new EjectCommand(null, null).name()), instanceOf(EjectCommand.class)); assertThat(shell.commands().get(new StatusCommand(null, null).name()), instanceOf(StatusCommand.class)); assertThat(shell.commands().get(new FaultsCommand(null, null).name()), instanceOf(FaultsCommand.class)); assertThat(shell.commands().get(new PushCommand(null, null).name()), instanceOf(PushCommand.class)); verifyPrivate(command, times(1)).invoke("deploy", anyString()); verifyPrivate(command, times(1)).invoke("touch"); verifyPrivate(command, times(1)).invoke("write"); // Args size is 1, the specified profile is not 'core' and configuration file exists - configuration is updated with the specified profile and ConfigureCommand, InjectCommand and EjectCommand are registered. shell = new Shell(); command = spy(new DeployCommand(shell, configuration, Paths.get(getClass().getResource("/deploy-command-test.yml").getPath()))); c = new HashMap<>(); c.put("endpoint", ""); doReturn(c).when(command, "deploy", anyString()); doNothing().when(command, "touch"); doNothing().when(command, "write"); args = new ArrayList<>(); args.add("profile-4"); Line("deploy", options, args)); assertThat(configuration.size(), is(5)); assertThat(configuration.get("default"), is("profile-4")); assertThat(shell.commands().size(), is(6)); assertThat(shell.commands().get(new ConfigureCommand(null, null, null).name()), instanceOf(ConfigureCommand.class)); assertThat(shell.commands().get(new InjectCommand(null, null).name()), instanceOf(InjectCommand.class)); assertThat(shell.commands().get(new EjectCommand(null, null).name()), instanceOf(EjectCommand.class)); assertThat(shell.commands().get(new StatusCommand(null, null).name()), instanceOf(StatusCommand.class)); assertThat(shell.commands().get(new FaultsCommand(null, null).name()), instanceOf(FaultsCommand.class)); assertThat(shell.commands().get(new PushCommand(null, null).name()), instanceOf(PushCommand.class)); verifyPrivate(command, times(1)).invoke("deploy", anyString()); verifyPrivate(command, never()).invoke("touch"); verifyPrivate(command, times(1)).invoke("write"); // Any other cases - unsupported usage. // Args size is not 1 command = new DeployCommand(new Shell(), configuration, Paths.get(getClass().getResource("/deploy-command-test.yml").getPath())); args = new ArrayList<>(); Line("deploy", options, args)); assertThat(configuration.size(), is(5)); assertThat(configuration.get("default"), is("profile-4")); command = new DeployCommand(new Shell(), configuration, Paths.get(getClass().getResource("/deploy-command-test.yml").getPath())); args = new ArrayList<>(); args.add("profile-1"); args.add("profile-2"); Line("deploy", options, args)); assertThat(configuration.size(), is(5)); assertThat(configuration.get("default"), is("profile-4")); }
[ "size", "args", "get", "args", "isEmpty", "equals", "deploy", "put", "put", "notExists", "touch", "write", "prompt", "console", "info", "debug", "forEach", "stream", "read", "containsKey", "commands", "name", "register", "debug", "getName", "containsKey", "commands", "name", "register", "debug", "getName", "containsKey", "commands", "name", "register", "debug", "getName", "containsKey", "commands", "name", "register", "debug", "getName", "containsKey", "commands", "name", "register", "debug", "getName", "containsKey", "commands", "name", "register", "debug", "getName", "println", "console", "warn", "getMessage", "println", "console", "println", "console", "toString", "usage" ]
[ "put", "put", "put", "put", "put", "get", "getPath", "getResource", "getClass", "add", "run", "assertThat", "size", "is", "assertThat", "get", "is", "spy", "get", "put", "when", "doReturn", "anyString", "when", "doNothing", "when", "doNothing", "when", "doReturn", "add", "run", "assertThat", "size", "is", "assertThat", "get", "is", "assertThat", "size", "commands", "is", "assertThat", "get", "commands", "name", "instanceOf", "assertThat", "get", "commands", "name", "instanceOf", "assertThat", "get", "commands", "name", "instanceOf", "assertThat", "get", "commands", "name", "instanceOf", "assertThat", "get", "commands", "name", "instanceOf", "assertThat", "get", "commands", "name", "instanceOf", "invoke", "verifyPrivate", "times", "anyString", "invoke", "verifyPrivate", "times", "invoke", "verifyPrivate", "times", "spy", "get", "getPath", "getResource", "getClass", "put", "when", "doReturn", "anyString", "when", "doNothing", "when", "doNothing", "add", "run", "assertThat", "size", "is", "assertThat", "get", "is", "assertThat", "size", "commands", "is", "assertThat", "get", "commands", "name", "instanceOf", "assertThat", "get", "commands", "name", "instanceOf", "assertThat", "get", "commands", "name", "instanceOf", "assertThat", "get", "commands", "name", "instanceOf", "assertThat", "get", "commands", "name", "instanceOf", "assertThat", "get", "commands", "name", "instanceOf", "invoke", "verifyPrivate", "times", "anyString", "invoke", "verifyPrivate", "never", "invoke", "verifyPrivate", "times", "get", "getPath", "getResource", "getClass", "run", "assertThat", "size", "is", "assertThat", "get", "is", "get", "getPath", "getResource", "getClass", "add", "add", "run", "assertThat", "size", "is", "assertThat", "get", "is" ]
{ "class_fields": "", "class_name": "DeployCommandTest" }
{ "class_fields": "private final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(getClass());\nprivate final Shell shell;\nprivate final Map<String, Object> configuration;\nprivate final Path path;\nprivate AmazonCloudFormation cloudFormation;\nprivate AmazonS3 s3;", "class_name": "DeployCommand implements Command", "method_signatures": "public DeployCommand(Shell shell, Map<String, Object> configuration, Path path)\n@Override public String name()\n@Override public Usage usage()\n@Override public void run(Line line)\npublic void cloudFormation(AmazonCloudFormation cloudFormation)\npublic void s3(AmazonS3 s3)\nprivate Map<String, String> deploy(String profile)\nprivate List<Output> deploy(String stack, String template, boolean update, List<Parameter> parameters,\n Capability... capabilities)\nprivate void touch()\nprivate void write()\nprivate List<String> read()\nprivate String read(String resource)\nprivate void wait(Supplier<Boolean> supplier)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: prodigy-cli/src/main/java/io/eiichiro/prodigy/cli/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: DeployCommand implements Command\n\nclass_fields: private final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(getClass());\nprivate final Shell shell;\nprivate final Map<String, Object> configuration;\nprivate final Path path;\nprivate AmazonCloudFormation cloudFormation;\nprivate AmazonS3 s3;\n\nmethod_signatures: public DeployCommand(Shell shell, Map<String, Object> configuration, Path path)\n@Override public String name()\n@Override public Usage usage()\n@Override public void run(Line line)\npublic void cloudFormation(AmazonCloudFormation cloudFormation)\npublic void s3(AmazonS3 s3)\nprivate Map<String, String> deploy(String profile)\nprivate List<Output> deploy(String stack, String template, boolean update, List<Parameter> parameters,\n Capability... capabilities)\nprivate void touch()\nprivate void write()\nprivate List<String> read()\nprivate String read(String resource)\nprivate void wait(Supplier<Boolean> supplier)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: DeployCommandTest\n\nclass_fields: \n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file prodigy-cli/src/main/java/io/eiichiro/prodigy/cli/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n @Override\n public void run(Line line) throws Exception {\n if (line.args().size() == 1) {\n String profile = line.args().get(0);\n\n if (profile != null && !profile.isEmpty() && !profile.equals(\"core\")) {\n try {\n Map<String, String> c = deploy(profile);\n configuration.put(\"default\", profile);\n configuration.put(profile, c);\n\n if (Files.notExists(path)) {\n touch();\n }\n\n write();\n shell.console().prompt(\"prodigy|\" + profile + \"> \");\n\"Default profile has been updated with [\" + profile + \"]\");\n log.debug(\"Configuration file [\" + path + \"] updated\");\n read().stream().forEach(log::debug);\n Command command = new ConfigureCommand(shell, configuration, path);\n\n if (!shell.commands().containsKey( {\n shell.register(command);\n log.debug(\"Command [\" + ConfigureCommand.class.getName() + \"] enabled\");\n }\n\n command = new InjectCommand(shell, configuration);\n\n if (!shell.commands().containsKey( {\n shell.register(command);\n log.debug(\"Command [\" + InjectCommand.class.getName() + \"] enabled\");\n }\n\n command = new EjectCommand(shell, configuration);\n\n if (!shell.commands().containsKey( {\n shell.register(command);\n log.debug(\"Command [\" + EjectCommand.class.getName() + \"] enabled\");\n }\n\n command = new StatusCommand(shell, configuration);\n\n if (!shell.commands().containsKey( {\n shell.register(command);\n log.debug(\"Command [\" + StatusCommand.class.getName() + \"] enabled\");\n }\n\n command = new FaultsCommand(shell, configuration);\n\n if (!shell.commands().containsKey( {\n shell.register(command);\n log.debug(\"Command [\" + FaultsCommand.class.getName() + \"] enabled\");\n }\n\n command = new PushCommand(shell, configuration);\n\n if (!shell.commands().containsKey( {\n shell.register(command);\n log.debug(\"Command [\" + PushCommand.class.getName() + \"] enabled\");\n }\n\n shell.console().println(\"Prodigy has been successfully deployed for profile [\" + profile + \"]\");\n } catch (Exception e) {\n log.warn(e.getMessage(), e);\n }\n\n return;\n }\n }\n\n shell.console().println(\"Unsupported usage\");\n shell.console().println(usage().toString());\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n prodigy-cli/src/test/java/io/eiichiro/prodigy/cli/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n\tpublic void testRun() throws Exception {\n\t\t// TODO 'private Map<String, String> deploy(String profile)' method behavior testing\n\t\t// Args size is 1 and the specified profile is 'core' - unsupported usage.\n\t\tMap<String, Object> configuration = new HashMap<>();\n\t\tconfiguration.put(\"default\", \"profile-1\");\n\t\tMap<String, String> profile1 = new HashMap<>();\n\t\tprofile1.put(\"endpoint\", \"\");\n\t\tconfiguration.put(\"profile-1\", profile1);\n\t\tMap<String, String> profile2 = new HashMap<>();\n\t\tprofile2.put(\"endpoint\", \"\");\n\t\tconfiguration.put(\"profile-2\", profile2);\n\t\tDeployCommand command = new DeployCommand(new Shell(), configuration, Paths.get(getClass().getResource(\"/deploy-command-test.yml\").getPath()));\n\t\tMap<String, String> options = new HashMap<>();\n\t\tList<String> args = new ArrayList<>();\n\t\targs.add(\"core\");\n\t\ Line(\"deploy\", options, args));\n\t\tassertThat(configuration.size(), is(3));\n\t\tassertThat(configuration.get(\"default\"), is(\"profile-1\"));\n\n\t\t// Args size is 1, the specified profile is not 'core' and configuration file does not exist - configuration is updated with the specified profile and ConfigureCommand, InjectCommand and EjectCommand are registered.\n\t\tShell shell = new Shell();\n\t\tcommand = spy(new DeployCommand(shell, configuration, Paths.get(\"/path/to/not-found.yml\")));\n\t\tMap<String, String> c = new HashMap<>();\n\t\tc.put(\"endpoint\", \"\");\n\t\tdoReturn(c).when(command, \"deploy\", anyString());\n\t\tdoNothing().when(command, \"touch\");\n\t\tdoNothing().when(command, \"write\");\n\t\tdoReturn(new ArrayList<>()).when(command, \"read\");\n\t\targs = new ArrayList<>();\n\t\targs.add(\"profile-3\");\n\t\ Line(\"deploy\", options, args));\n\t\tassertThat(configuration.size(), is(4));\n\t\tassertThat(configuration.get(\"default\"), is(\"profile-3\"));\n\t\tassertThat(shell.commands().size(), is(6));\n\t\tassertThat(shell.commands().get(new ConfigureCommand(null, null, null).name()), instanceOf(ConfigureCommand.class));\n\t\tassertThat(shell.commands().get(new InjectCommand(null, null).name()), instanceOf(InjectCommand.class));\n\t\tassertThat(shell.commands().get(new EjectCommand(null, null).name()), instanceOf(EjectCommand.class));\n\t\tassertThat(shell.commands().get(new StatusCommand(null, null).name()), instanceOf(StatusCommand.class));\n\t\tassertThat(shell.commands().get(new FaultsCommand(null, null).name()), instanceOf(FaultsCommand.class));\n\t\tassertThat(shell.commands().get(new PushCommand(null, null).name()), instanceOf(PushCommand.class));\n\t\tverifyPrivate(command, times(1)).invoke(\"deploy\", anyString());\n\t\tverifyPrivate(command, times(1)).invoke(\"touch\");\n\t\tverifyPrivate(command, times(1)).invoke(\"write\");\n\n\t\t// Args size is 1, the specified profile is not 'core' and configuration file exists - configuration is updated with the specified profile and ConfigureCommand, InjectCommand and EjectCommand are registered.\n\t\tshell = new Shell();\n\t\tcommand = spy(new DeployCommand(shell, configuration, Paths.get(getClass().getResource(\"/deploy-command-test.yml\").getPath())));\n\t\tc = new HashMap<>();\n\t\tc.put(\"endpoint\", \"\");\n\t\tdoReturn(c).when(command, \"deploy\", anyString());\n\t\tdoNothing().when(command, \"touch\");\n\t\tdoNothing().when(command, \"write\");\n\t\targs = new ArrayList<>();\n\t\targs.add(\"profile-4\");\n\t\ Line(\"deploy\", options, args));\n\t\tassertThat(configuration.size(), is(5));\n\t\tassertThat(configuration.get(\"default\"), is(\"profile-4\"));\n\t\tassertThat(shell.commands().size(), is(6));\n\t\tassertThat(shell.commands().get(new ConfigureCommand(null, null, null).name()), instanceOf(ConfigureCommand.class));\n\t\tassertThat(shell.commands().get(new InjectCommand(null, null).name()), instanceOf(InjectCommand.class));\n\t\tassertThat(shell.commands().get(new EjectCommand(null, null).name()), instanceOf(EjectCommand.class));\n\t\tassertThat(shell.commands().get(new StatusCommand(null, null).name()), instanceOf(StatusCommand.class));\n\t\tassertThat(shell.commands().get(new FaultsCommand(null, null).name()), instanceOf(FaultsCommand.class));\n\t\tassertThat(shell.commands().get(new PushCommand(null, null).name()), instanceOf(PushCommand.class));\n\t\tverifyPrivate(command, times(1)).invoke(\"deploy\", anyString());\n\t\tverifyPrivate(command, never()).invoke(\"touch\");\n\t\tverifyPrivate(command, times(1)).invoke(\"write\");\n\n\t\t// Any other cases - unsupported usage.\n\t\t// Args size is not 1\n\t\tcommand = new DeployCommand(new Shell(), configuration, Paths.get(getClass().getResource(\"/deploy-command-test.yml\").getPath()));\n\t\targs = new ArrayList<>();\n\t\ Line(\"deploy\", options, args));\n\t\tassertThat(configuration.size(), is(5));\n\t\tassertThat(configuration.get(\"default\"), is(\"profile-4\"));\n\n\t\tcommand = new DeployCommand(new Shell(), configuration, Paths.get(getClass().getResource(\"/deploy-command-test.yml\").getPath()));\n\t\targs = new ArrayList<>();\n\t\targs.add(\"profile-1\");\n\t\targs.add(\"profile-2\");\n\t\ Line(\"deploy\", options, args));\n\t\tassertThat(configuration.size(), is(5));\n\t\tassertThat(configuration.get(\"default\"), is(\"profile-4\"));\n\t}\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
public void setReReadCount(final int reReadCount) { if (reReadCount < 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("reReadCount is negative: " + reReadCount); } mReReadCount = reReadCount; }
@Test public void testSetReReadCount() throws Exception { assertFalse(mLibraryUpdate.containsModifications()); mLibraryUpdate.setReReadCount(mLibraryUpdate.getDefaults().getReReadCount()); assertFalse(mLibraryUpdate.containsModifications()); mLibraryUpdate.setReReadCount(5); assertTrue(mLibraryUpdate.containsModifications()); mLibraryUpdate.setReReadCount(mLibraryUpdate.getDefaults().getReReadCount()); assertFalse(mLibraryUpdate.containsModifications()); mLibraryUpdate.setReReadCount(20); assertTrue(mLibraryUpdate.containsModifications()); }
[ "assertFalse", "containsModifications", "setReReadCount", "getReReadCount", "getDefaults", "assertFalse", "containsModifications", "setReReadCount", "assertTrue", "containsModifications", "setReReadCount", "getReReadCount", "getDefaults", "assertFalse", "containsModifications", "setReReadCount", "assertTrue", "containsModifications" ]
{ "class_fields": "private MangaLibraryUpdate mLibraryUpdate;", "class_name": "MangaLibraryUpdateTest" }
{ "class_fields": "private final Defaults mDefaults;\nprivate boolean mIsPrivate;\nprivate boolean mIsReReading;\nprivate int mChaptersRead;\nprivate int mReReadCount;\nprivate int mVolumesRead;\n@Nullable\n private Rating mRating;\n@Nullable\n private ReadingStatus mReadingStatus;\nprivate final String mMangaId;\nprivate final String mMangaTitle;\n@Nullable\n private String mNotes;\npublic static final Creator<MangaLibraryUpdate> CREATOR = new Creator<MangaLibraryUpdate>() {\n @Override\n public MangaLibraryUpdate createFromParcel(final Parcel source) {\n return new MangaLibraryUpdate(source);\n }\n\n @Override\n public MangaLibraryUpdate[] newArray(final int size) {\n return new MangaLibraryUpdate[size];\n }\n };", "class_name": "MangaLibraryUpdate implements Parcelable", "method_signatures": "public MangaLibraryUpdate(final MangaDigest digest)\npublic MangaLibraryUpdate(final MangaLibraryEntry libraryEntry)\nprivate MangaLibraryUpdate(final Parcel source)\npublic boolean containsModifications()\npublic int getChaptersRead()\npublic Defaults getDefaults()\npublic String getMangaId()\npublic String getMangaTitle()\n@Nullable public String getNotes()\n@Nullable public Rating getRating()\n@Nullable public ReadingStatus getReadingStatus()\npublic int getReReadCount()\npublic int getVolumesRead()\npublic boolean isPrivate()\npublic boolean isReReading()\npublic void setChaptersRead(final int chaptersRead)\npublic void setNotes(@Nullable String notes)\npublic void setPrivacy(final Privacy privacy)\npublic void setRating(@Nullable final Rating rating)\npublic void setReadingStatus(@Nullable final ReadingStatus readingStatus)\npublic void setReReadCount(final int reReadCount)\npublic void setReReading(final boolean reReading)\npublic void setVolumesRead(final int volumesRead)\npublic JsonObject toJson()\n@Override public int describeContents()\n@Override public void writeToParcel(final Parcel dest, final int flags)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: project/app/src/main/java/com/charlesmadere/hummingbird/models/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: MangaLibraryUpdate implements Parcelable\n\nclass_fields: private final Defaults mDefaults;\nprivate boolean mIsPrivate;\nprivate boolean mIsReReading;\nprivate int mChaptersRead;\nprivate int mReReadCount;\nprivate int mVolumesRead;\n@Nullable\n private Rating mRating;\n@Nullable\n private ReadingStatus mReadingStatus;\nprivate final String mMangaId;\nprivate final String mMangaTitle;\n@Nullable\n private String mNotes;\npublic static final Creator<MangaLibraryUpdate> CREATOR = new Creator<MangaLibraryUpdate>() {\n @Override\n public MangaLibraryUpdate createFromParcel(final Parcel source) {\n return new MangaLibraryUpdate(source);\n }\n\n @Override\n public MangaLibraryUpdate[] newArray(final int size) {\n return new MangaLibraryUpdate[size];\n }\n };\n\nmethod_signatures: public MangaLibraryUpdate(final MangaDigest digest)\npublic MangaLibraryUpdate(final MangaLibraryEntry libraryEntry)\nprivate MangaLibraryUpdate(final Parcel source)\npublic boolean containsModifications()\npublic int getChaptersRead()\npublic Defaults getDefaults()\npublic String getMangaId()\npublic String getMangaTitle()\n@Nullable public String getNotes()\n@Nullable public Rating getRating()\n@Nullable public ReadingStatus getReadingStatus()\npublic int getReReadCount()\npublic int getVolumesRead()\npublic boolean isPrivate()\npublic boolean isReReading()\npublic void setChaptersRead(final int chaptersRead)\npublic void setNotes(@Nullable String notes)\npublic void setPrivacy(final Privacy privacy)\npublic void setRating(@Nullable final Rating rating)\npublic void setReadingStatus(@Nullable final ReadingStatus readingStatus)\npublic void setReReadCount(final int reReadCount)\npublic void setReReading(final boolean reReading)\npublic void setVolumesRead(final int volumesRead)\npublic JsonObject toJson()\n@Override public int describeContents()\n@Override public void writeToParcel(final Parcel dest, final int flags)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: MangaLibraryUpdateTest\n\nclass_fields: private MangaLibraryUpdate mLibraryUpdate;\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file project/app/src/main/java/com/charlesmadere/hummingbird/models/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n public void setReReadCount(final int reReadCount) {\n if (reReadCount < 0) {\n throw new IllegalArgumentException(\"reReadCount is negative: \" + reReadCount);\n }\n\n mReReadCount = reReadCount;\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n project/app/src/test/java/com/charlesmadere/hummingbird/models/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void testSetReReadCount() throws Exception {\n assertFalse(mLibraryUpdate.containsModifications());\n\n mLibraryUpdate.setReReadCount(mLibraryUpdate.getDefaults().getReReadCount());\n assertFalse(mLibraryUpdate.containsModifications());\n\n mLibraryUpdate.setReReadCount(5);\n assertTrue(mLibraryUpdate.containsModifications());\n\n mLibraryUpdate.setReReadCount(mLibraryUpdate.getDefaults().getReReadCount());\n assertFalse(mLibraryUpdate.containsModifications());\n\n mLibraryUpdate.setReReadCount(20);\n assertTrue(mLibraryUpdate.containsModifications());\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
@Override @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public void run(Line line) throws Exception { if (line.args().size() == 1) { Path path = Paths.get(line.args().get(0)); if (Files.notExists(path)) { log.warn("Fault jar [" + path + "] does not exist"); return; }"Pushing jar [" + path + "]"); String profile = (String) configuration.get("default"); HttpPost post = new HttpPost(((Map<String, Object>) configuration.get(profile)).get("endpoint") + "/push"); post.setEntity(MultipartEntityBuilder.create().addBinaryBody("jar", path.toFile()).build()); try (CloseableHttpResponse response = httpClient.execute(post)) { StatusLine status = response.getStatusLine(); String content = EntityUtils.toString(response.getEntity(), ContentType.APPLICATION_JSON.getCharset()); log.debug(content); if (status.getStatusCode() == HttpStatus.SC_OK) { shell.console().println("Fault jar has been successfully pushed"); } else { log.warn("Saving fault jar failed in [" + status + "] for a reason of [" + content + "]"); } } return; } shell.console().println("Unsupported usage"); shell.console().println(usage().toString()); }
@Test public void testRun() throws Exception { Map<String, Object> configuration = new HashMap<>(); configuration.put("default", "profile-1"); Map<String, String> profile1 = new HashMap<>(); profile1.put("endpoint", ""); configuration.put("profile-1", profile1); Map<String, String> profile2 = new HashMap<>(); profile2.put("endpoint", ""); configuration.put("profile-2", profile2); PushCommand command = new PushCommand(new Shell(), configuration); CloseableHttpResponse response = mock(CloseableHttpResponse.class); StatusLine line = new BasicStatusLine(HttpVersion.HTTP_1_1, HttpStatus.SC_OK, ""); doReturn(line).when(response).getStatusLine(); HttpEntity entity = new StringEntity("{}", ContentType.APPLICATION_JSON); doReturn(entity).when(response).getEntity(); CloseableHttpClient httpClient = mock(CloseableHttpClient.class); doAnswer((i) -> { HttpPost post = i.getArgument(0); assertThat(post.getURI().toString(), is("")); assertTrue(post.getEntity().getContentType().getValue().startsWith("multipart/form-data; boundary=")); assertTrue(IOUtils.toString(post.getEntity().getContent(), ContentType.MULTIPART_FORM_DATA.getCharset()).matches("^.*\r\nContent-Disposition: form-data; name=\"jar\"; filename=\"push-command-test.jar\"[\\s\\S]*?")); return response; }).when(httpClient).execute(ArgumentMatchers.any(HttpUriRequest.class)); command.httpClient(httpClient); Map<String, String> options = new HashMap<>(); List<String> args = new ArrayList<>(); args.add(getClass().getResource("/push-command-test.jar").getPath()); Line("push", options, args)); line = new BasicStatusLine(HttpVersion.HTTP_1_1, HttpStatus.SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, ""); doReturn(line).when(response).getStatusLine(); Line("push", options, args)); args = new ArrayList<>(); args.add("/path/to/not-found.jar"); Line("push", options, args)); command = new PushCommand(new Shell(), configuration); args = new ArrayList<>(); Line("push", options, args)); command = new PushCommand(new Shell(), configuration); args = new ArrayList<>(); args.add("/push-command-test-1.jar"); args.add("/push-command-test-2.jar"); Line("push", options, args)); }
[ "size", "args", "get", "get", "args", "notExists", "warn", "info", "get", "get", "get", "setEntity", "build", "addBinaryBody", "create", "toFile", "execute", "getStatusLine", "toString", "getEntity", "getCharset", "debug", "getStatusCode", "println", "console", "warn", "println", "console", "println", "console", "toString", "usage" ]
[ "put", "put", "put", "put", "put", "mock", "getStatusLine", "when", "doReturn", "getEntity", "when", "doReturn", "mock", "execute", "when", "doAnswer", "getArgument", "assertThat", "toString", "getURI", "is", "assertTrue", "startsWith", "getValue", "getContentType", "getEntity", "assertTrue", "matches", "toString", "getContent", "getEntity", "getCharset", "any", "httpClient", "add", "getPath", "getResource", "getClass", "run", "getStatusLine", "when", "doReturn", "run", "add", "run", "run", "add", "add", "run" ]
{ "class_fields": "", "class_name": "PushCommandTest" }
{ "class_fields": "private final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(getClass());\nprivate final Shell shell;\nprivate final Map<String, Object> configuration;\nprivate CloseableHttpClient httpClient;", "class_name": "PushCommand implements Command", "method_signatures": "public PushCommand(Shell shell, Map<String, Object> configuration)\n@Override public String name()\n@Override public Usage usage()\n@Override @SuppressWarnings(\"unchecked\") public void run(Line line)\npublic void httpClient(CloseableHttpClient httpClient)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: prodigy-cli/src/main/java/io/eiichiro/prodigy/cli/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: PushCommand implements Command\n\nclass_fields: private final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(getClass());\nprivate final Shell shell;\nprivate final Map<String, Object> configuration;\nprivate CloseableHttpClient httpClient;\n\nmethod_signatures: public PushCommand(Shell shell, Map<String, Object> configuration)\n@Override public String name()\n@Override public Usage usage()\n@Override @SuppressWarnings(\"unchecked\") public void run(Line line)\npublic void httpClient(CloseableHttpClient httpClient)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: PushCommandTest\n\nclass_fields: \n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file prodigy-cli/src/main/java/io/eiichiro/prodigy/cli/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n @Override\n @SuppressWarnings(\"unchecked\")\n public void run(Line line) throws Exception {\n if (line.args().size() == 1) {\n Path path = Paths.get(line.args().get(0));\n\n if (Files.notExists(path)) {\n log.warn(\"Fault jar [\" + path + \"] does not exist\");\n return;\n }\n\n\"Pushing jar [\" + path + \"]\");\n String profile = (String) configuration.get(\"default\");\n HttpPost post = new HttpPost(((Map<String, Object>) configuration.get(profile)).get(\"endpoint\") + \"/push\");\n post.setEntity(MultipartEntityBuilder.create().addBinaryBody(\"jar\", path.toFile()).build());\n\n try (CloseableHttpResponse response = httpClient.execute(post)) {\n StatusLine status = response.getStatusLine();\n String content = EntityUtils.toString(response.getEntity(), ContentType.APPLICATION_JSON.getCharset());\n log.debug(content);\n\n if (status.getStatusCode() == HttpStatus.SC_OK) {\n shell.console().println(\"Fault jar has been successfully pushed\");\n } else {\n log.warn(\"Saving fault jar failed in [\" + status + \"] for a reason of [\"\n + content + \"]\");\n }\n }\n\n return;\n }\n\n shell.console().println(\"Unsupported usage\");\n shell.console().println(usage().toString());\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n prodigy-cli/src/test/java/io/eiichiro/prodigy/cli/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n\tpublic void testRun() throws Exception {\n\t\tMap<String, Object> configuration = new HashMap<>();\n\t\tconfiguration.put(\"default\", \"profile-1\");\n\t\tMap<String, String> profile1 = new HashMap<>();\n\t\tprofile1.put(\"endpoint\", \"\");\n\t\tconfiguration.put(\"profile-1\", profile1);\n\t\tMap<String, String> profile2 = new HashMap<>();\n\t\tprofile2.put(\"endpoint\", \"\");\n\t\tconfiguration.put(\"profile-2\", profile2);\n\t\tPushCommand command = new PushCommand(new Shell(), configuration);\n\t\tCloseableHttpResponse response = mock(CloseableHttpResponse.class);\n\t\tStatusLine line = new BasicStatusLine(HttpVersion.HTTP_1_1, HttpStatus.SC_OK, \"\");\n\t\tdoReturn(line).when(response).getStatusLine();\n\t\tHttpEntity entity = new StringEntity(\"{}\", ContentType.APPLICATION_JSON);\n\t\tdoReturn(entity).when(response).getEntity();\n\t\tCloseableHttpClient httpClient = mock(CloseableHttpClient.class);\n\t\tdoAnswer((i) -> {\n\t\t\tHttpPost post = i.getArgument(0);\n\t\t\tassertThat(post.getURI().toString(), is(\"\"));\n\t\t\tassertTrue(post.getEntity().getContentType().getValue().startsWith(\"multipart/form-data; boundary=\"));\n\t\t\tassertTrue(IOUtils.toString(post.getEntity().getContent(), ContentType.MULTIPART_FORM_DATA.getCharset()).matches(\"^.*\\r\\nContent-Disposition: form-data; name=\\\"jar\\\"; filename=\\\"push-command-test.jar\\\"[\\\\s\\\\S]*?\"));\n\t\t\treturn response;\n\t\t}).when(httpClient).execute(ArgumentMatchers.any(HttpUriRequest.class));\n\t\tcommand.httpClient(httpClient);\n\t\tMap<String, String> options = new HashMap<>();\n\t\tList<String> args = new ArrayList<>();\n\t\targs.add(getClass().getResource(\"/push-command-test.jar\").getPath());\n\t\ Line(\"push\", options, args));\n\n\t\tline = new BasicStatusLine(HttpVersion.HTTP_1_1, HttpStatus.SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, \"\");\n\t\tdoReturn(line).when(response).getStatusLine();\n\t\ Line(\"push\", options, args));\n\n\t\targs = new ArrayList<>();\n\t\targs.add(\"/path/to/not-found.jar\");\n\t\ Line(\"push\", options, args));\n\n\t\tcommand = new PushCommand(new Shell(), configuration);\n\t\targs = new ArrayList<>();\n\t\ Line(\"push\", options, args));\n\n\t\tcommand = new PushCommand(new Shell(), configuration);\n\t\targs = new ArrayList<>();\n\t\targs.add(\"/push-command-test-1.jar\");\n\t\targs.add(\"/push-command-test-2.jar\");\n\t\ Line(\"push\", options, args));\n\t}\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]
public QualityInvestmentPlan computeInvestmentPlan(QualityAnalysis analysis, String basePackage, int investmentInMinutes) { Multimap<Double, QualityViolation> violationsByProfit = ArrayListMultimap.create(); for (QualityViolation violation : filterViolationsByArtefactNameStartingWith(basePackage, analysis.getViolations())) { double profit = profitCalculator.calculateProfit(violation); if (Math.round(profit) > 0) { violationsByProfit.put(profit, violation); } } List<Double> allProfits = new ArrayList<Double>(); for (Double profit : violationsByProfit.keySet()) { int numberOfViolations = violationsByProfit.get(profit).size(); for (int i = 0; i < numberOfViolations; i++) { allProfits.add(profit); } } Collections.sort(allProfits, new DescendingComparator<Double>()); Set<QualityInvestmentPlanEntry> investmentPlanEntries = Sets.newTreeSet(); int toInvest = investmentInMinutes; int invested = 0; for (double profit : allProfits) { List<QualityViolation> violations = new ArrayList<QualityViolation>(violationsByProfit.get(profit)); Collections.sort(violations, new ViolationByRemediationCostsComparator()); for (QualityViolation violation : violations) { int remediationCost = violation.getRemediationCosts(); if (remediationCost <= toInvest) { invested += remediationCost; toInvest -= remediationCost; QualityRequirement requirement = violation.getRequirement(); investmentPlanEntries.add(new QualityInvestmentPlanEntry( requirement.getMetricIdentifier(), requirement.getOperator() + " " + requirement.getThreshold(), violation.getArtefact().getName(), violation.getArtefact().getShortClassName(), (int) Math.round(profit), remediationCost)); } } } final int overallProfit = calculateOverallProfit(investmentPlanEntries); return new QualityInvestmentPlan(basePackage, invested, overallProfit, calculateRoi(investmentPlanEntries, overallProfit), investmentPlanEntries); }
@Test public void zeroProfitWhenThereAreNoQualityViolations() { QualityAnalysis analysisWithoutViolations = QualityAnalysis.success(null, Collections.<QualityViolation>emptyList()); QualityInvestmentPlan qualityInvestmentPlan = investmentPlanService.computeInvestmentPlan(analysisWithoutViolations, "", 100); assertThat(qualityInvestmentPlan.getProfitInMinutes()) .as("When there are no quality violations the overall profit should be zero.") .isZero(); }
[ "create", "filterViolationsByArtefactNameStartingWith", "getViolations", "calculateProfit", "round", "put", "keySet", "size", "get", "add", "sort", "newTreeSet", "get", "sort", "getRemediationCosts", "getRequirement", "add", "getMetricIdentifier", "getOperator", "getThreshold", "getName", "getArtefact", "getShortClassName", "getArtefact", "round", "calculateOverallProfit", "calculateRoi" ]
[ "success", "emptyList", "computeInvestmentPlan", "isZero", "as", "assertThat", "getProfitInMinutes" ]
{ "class_fields": "private QualityInvestmentPlanService investmentPlanService;\nprivate ProfitCalculator profitCalculator;\nprivate QualityAnalysis analysis;", "class_name": "QualityInvestmentPlanServiceTest" }
{ "class_fields": "private final ProfitCalculator profitCalculator;", "class_name": "QualityInvestmentPlanService", "method_signatures": "@Autowired public QualityInvestmentPlanService(ProfitCalculator profitCalculator)\npublic QualityInvestmentPlan computeInvestmentPlan(QualityAnalysis analysis, String basePackage, int investmentInMinutes)\nprivate int calculateOverallProfit(Set<QualityInvestmentPlanEntry> investmentPlanEntries)\nprivate Collection<QualityViolation> filterViolationsByArtefactNameStartingWith(String basePackage, List<QualityViolation> violations)\nprivate int calculateRoi(Set<QualityInvestmentPlanEntry> investmentPlanEntries, int overallProfit)" }
[ { "content": "\n You are an AI coding assistant, specialized in generating unit test, your role is to assist developers in creating comprehensive test suites. Your tasks include but not limited to:\n 1. Writing a test case for the entire source code file.\n 2. Adding test cases for individual functions.\n 3. Generating patches to fix or append functions in existing test cases.\n ", "role": "system" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the file path: investment-decision-making/src/main/java/org/codeqinvest/investment/ for which to generate the test case is:\nclass_name: QualityInvestmentPlanService\n\nclass_fields: private final ProfitCalculator profitCalculator;\n\nmethod_signatures: @Autowired public QualityInvestmentPlanService(ProfitCalculator profitCalculator)\npublic QualityInvestmentPlan computeInvestmentPlan(QualityAnalysis analysis, String basePackage, int investmentInMinutes)\nprivate int calculateOverallProfit(Set<QualityInvestmentPlanEntry> investmentPlanEntries)\nprivate Collection<QualityViolation> filterViolationsByArtefactNameStartingWith(String basePackage, List<QualityViolation> violations)\nprivate int calculateRoi(Set<QualityInvestmentPlanEntry> investmentPlanEntries, int overallProfit)\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Codebase Context from the existing test file:\nclass_name: QualityInvestmentPlanServiceTest\n\nclass_fields: private QualityInvestmentPlanService investmentPlanService;\nprivate ProfitCalculator profitCalculator;\nprivate QualityAnalysis analysis;\n\n", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ok.", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "\n Here is my selected code from my codebase file investment-decision-making/src/main/java/org/codeqinvest/investment/, enclosed in <SELECTEDCODE7662> tags:\n <SELECTEDCODE7662>\n public QualityInvestmentPlan computeInvestmentPlan(QualityAnalysis analysis, String basePackage, int investmentInMinutes) {\n Multimap<Double, QualityViolation> violationsByProfit = ArrayListMultimap.create();\n for (QualityViolation violation : filterViolationsByArtefactNameStartingWith(basePackage, analysis.getViolations())) {\n double profit = profitCalculator.calculateProfit(violation);\n if (Math.round(profit) > 0) {\n violationsByProfit.put(profit, violation);\n }\n }\n\n List<Double> allProfits = new ArrayList<Double>();\n for (Double profit : violationsByProfit.keySet()) {\n int numberOfViolations = violationsByProfit.get(profit).size();\n for (int i = 0; i < numberOfViolations; i++) {\n allProfits.add(profit);\n }\n }\n Collections.sort(allProfits, new DescendingComparator<Double>());\n\n Set<QualityInvestmentPlanEntry> investmentPlanEntries = Sets.newTreeSet();\n int toInvest = investmentInMinutes;\n int invested = 0;\n\n for (double profit : allProfits) {\n List<QualityViolation> violations = new ArrayList<QualityViolation>(violationsByProfit.get(profit));\n Collections.sort(violations, new ViolationByRemediationCostsComparator());\n\n for (QualityViolation violation : violations) {\n int remediationCost = violation.getRemediationCosts();\n if (remediationCost <= toInvest) {\n\n invested += remediationCost;\n toInvest -= remediationCost;\n\n QualityRequirement requirement = violation.getRequirement();\n investmentPlanEntries.add(new QualityInvestmentPlanEntry(\n requirement.getMetricIdentifier(),\n requirement.getOperator() + \" \" + requirement.getThreshold(),\n violation.getArtefact().getName(),\n violation.getArtefact().getShortClassName(),\n (int) Math.round(profit),\n remediationCost));\n }\n }\n }\n\n final int overallProfit = calculateOverallProfit(investmentPlanEntries);\n return new QualityInvestmentPlan(basePackage,\n invested,\n overallProfit,\n calculateRoi(investmentPlanEntries, overallProfit),\n investmentPlanEntries);\n }\n </SELECTEDCODE7662>\n As my programming assistant and an expert in testing code, follow instructions below to generate code for my selected code: \n Review the shared context to identify the testing framework and libraries in use. \n Then, generate a suite of multiple unit tests for the selected function using the detected test framework and libraries. \n Be sure to import the function being tested. Use the same patterns, testing framework, conventions, and libraries as shown in the shared context. \n Only import modules, functions, dependencies, and mocks based on shared code. If a test suite for the selected code is in the shared context, focus on generating new tests for uncovered cases. \n If none are detected, import common unit test libraries for java. Focus on validating key functionality with simple and complete assertions. \n Before writing the tests, identify which testing libraries and frameworks to use and import. At the end, enclose the fully completed code for the new unit tests without any comments, fragments, or TODOs. \n The new tests should validate the expected functionality and cover edge cases for with all required imports, including the function being tested. Do not repeat tests from the shared context. Enclose only the complete runnable tests.\n\n\n \n\n RULES:\n - Do not enclose response with any markdown formatting or triple backticks.\n - Enclose only the generated code in <CODE5711> XML tags.\n - Your response must start with the <TESTFILE7041> XML tags with a suggested file name for the test code.`,\n ", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "\n <CODE5711>\n <TESTFILE7041>\n investment-decision-making/src/test/java/org/codeqinvest/investment/\n </TESTFILE7041>\n @Test\n public void zeroProfitWhenThereAreNoQualityViolations() {\n QualityAnalysis analysisWithoutViolations = QualityAnalysis.success(null, Collections.<QualityViolation>emptyList());\n QualityInvestmentPlan qualityInvestmentPlan = investmentPlanService.computeInvestmentPlan(analysisWithoutViolations, \"\", 100);\n assertThat(qualityInvestmentPlan.getProfitInMinutes())\n .as(\"When there are no quality violations the overall profit should be zero.\")\n .isZero();\n }\n </CODE5711>\n ", "role": "assistant" } ]