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I'm a survivor of CSA and have been doing the work to process/cope with depression, anxiety, and PTSD. This includes a few years of therapy & ~6 months on sertraline. Everyone in my family is pretty jumpy (I'm pretty sure we all have high anxiety), but lately I have become ridiculously easy to startle! The first time I noticed it being extremely bad was while at my boyfriend's and he was cooking steak. As occasionally happens, the smoke detector went off because of the steaks.
That was nice. But now that we're close to the point of no return, with a flight booked so he can come see her(I agreed to travel out of our house for the week), and they seem to be bonding big time(I love you's abound), I'm not sure what to do with myself. On one hand I want to let loose and detach, let her have fun, and do so myself. If it leads to a new LTR for her, awesome. But what kills me I guess is the uncertainty.
His mother would say, "Who would love you if you look like that?" or "Why couldn't I have a fit and handsome son." So he has his own issues with his body image and weight. He also went a few years without being physical with anyone because he never thought that anyone would be interested or love him because of his appearance. He had a few years where he got very fit and had six pack but eventually lost it as he got older.
Now while yes it could have taken me 30 minutes to figure out the bleach ratio, it was weird because once it was 2:30 I realized it was time to make the kids snack, and I went to look for the little baskets we put the food in and they were gone. I was frantically looking for them and I asked my coworker if she saw them, she explained in a confusing manner that she already made snack. And if she made snack she would have been right in front of me because we were in a very small kitchen. And if I were "there" I definetly would have known. And when I came out of this "blackout" I was really groggy and anxious.
We seem to be talking and accidentally being together more often in school, making what I think are feelings towards her only stronger. I can't bring myself to bring this up with her because I'm scared that we will have a repeat of February again. I love her so much but I feel that if I have these feelings about other girls am I really devoted to her? This is in no way her fault, she has done nothing to deserve my questioning of my decision, this is my problem and mine alone. I am reluctant to bring this up with her because I'm worried that she might break up with me because I do truly still love her I'm just wondering if this other girl is a passing thought more focused than earlier and something I can overcome.
She’s in play therapy once a week but haven’t seen noticeable change :( We have a worry doll and box, practice being greatful and do cosmic kids yoga, i don’t force her to do things but her teachers express concerns about her and we were recently told not to continue doing dance because of her non participation and separation problems.
These weren't the only punishments, though. Sometimes he'd make us choose a favorite toy or plushie to be thrown out if we'd made him mad, and one time when he caught me rescuing my plushie, he slapped me across the face, then made me watch him cut her into little pieces, standing there at 1 in the morning berating me about how I was a stupid, ignorant little bitch that needed right and wrong beaten into her, because I was too stupid to to know how to do as I was told. Sometimes, though, he'd not just snap and get angry... He'd utterly lose control of himself. Screaming so furiously I couldn't really understand him, grabbing me by the arms/shoulders and shaking me hard enough to give me whiplash, and continue screaming over me once I collapsed in a cowering heap when he let go.
Hi everyone. I’m broke, as many people on this sub are. I’m not actually asking for money, not money to keep anyway. I already entered the promo code you need to get the $5 bonus from cash app but i don’t have $5 in my bank account. As I understand it, if someone can send me $5 and I send it right back I will then have $5.
The Power of Now - this teaches you to look behind your mind, to be the observer of your life. Please share your experiences and how you get through anxiety. I am more than pleased to see video, read books, articles etc;. Thank you and I hope that this will help you to pursuit your true nature and live happily. P.S Not a native English, sorry for grammar mistakes.
I don't know if I'm able to do that, since I didn't tell the doctor the truth to begin with. I will say that my doctor very clearly didn't believe me at my follow up appointment, but my bf was in the waiting room. So I didn't admit to anything. I was teary eyed, however. From anyone's experience- is it worth it to go to the police?
About Sean One thing that describes Sean best is his huge thirst for new experiences and knowledge. He would never sit still and was constantly trying to grow - waking up at 6am to go for a run, taking every opportunity to improve his Spanish and learning new skills while volunteering. A real nature lover; his biggest hero is David Attenborough and he would always serve us with the weirdest fun-facts about nature. He came across as the most positive guy, embracing life with all its aspects and trying to take the most of it.
We went home the next day. And now i fcking dont know what to do. My heart rate feels like it’s shaking the whole bed. Im dying. TLDR i got friendzoned at the beach and I cant take it like a man
She then decided to go to a party without me and said "I would cancel my plans to see you, but you won't do the same for me. All you do is push me away and act like a complete asshole." even though she was the one who left. I told her I didn't want to see her tonight after she tried to bait me into going over to her house. She was telling me I'm an asshole and the cause of all of her sadness, why would I want to go there?
I'm not exaggerating in that I legitimately, 100%, thought I was going to die. I don't think I've ever been so scared. I keep a diary and reading back on what I wrote at that time makes me cry at the memory. Something else new I've been experiencing is numbness. I've never felt numb before but it's been happening more lately.
If you want to stay in and watch Netflix, STAY IN. Your mental health is YOUR mental health. It's no one else's. I understand that not everyone sees mental health the same way, but believe me, even if it feels like no one is on your side, we all are. Since then, I have come to find that one of my best friends has been battling life crippling anxiety for a lot longer than I knew her for.
I also have been taking Zoloft 25mg for 12 days. I plan to start exercising nightly for 20 minutes beginning tonight. I want to do all that I can to alleviate my symptoms but if there is a cure, I would love to know. I'm not a patient person and this illness is really making me fed up to the point where I'm getting angry! Anything helps!
We lived together so I spent the whole day yesterday packing up my things and crying. I’m heartbroken but knowing he’s unfaithful makes it easier for me to move on because it’s his fault. Not mine. I don’t know if something I did drove him to find someone else but I know I didn’t deserve to get cheated on. Anyways, he doesn’t know that I found out and I’m planning to simply move out without a trace.
I didn't do anything during spring break, except maybe go to work. And even then, I missed a day because I just couldn't deal with the stress. Most adults get excited to tell you they did absolutely nothing during their break. And there was a time when I enjoyed taking a break too. But now it seems like every time I have a break or a day off from work, it makes the stress worse.
I know there are are people who have absolutely nothing. I have clothes on my back and a roof over my head, but I’m still worried because I don’t have gas money to get to work or buy groceries. It’s just a very helpless feeling. Thanks again to anyone who is reading this. I appreciate you.
I close the door and put my back against it. He's slamming into the door, trying to break into it, yelling that I'm crazy and I'm making everything up. I'm terrified and sobbing, yelling for help and for him to leave me alone. At this point I'm begging him to let me get my phone to call my dad to come get me. He finally tells me that I can, and that he can't wait for me to be gone.
I've never even told anyone this because it makes me feel like a 32-year-old loser. But now I have no pride to lose by saying it, so there it is. **I don't want to die, but the thought of living in a place I hate and having no control of my future is a worse fate. ** I just need some HOPE. Thanks for listening.
I have to first start off by saying my voice is not high-pitched. My inflection occasionally goes up, especially if I'm excited about something. I'm sort of expressive with my hands while talking, though I don't think more than anyone else, male or female. She tells me this is the only thing that is making her doubt our relationship. A little background: this has been an issue with her for her last several boyfriends.
I go through periods where all night I have nightmares and I can’t slee because of them. These periods last for weeks or months on end and then stop briefly. Three years ago I used to be on a medicine that helped with the nightmares, I can’t remember the name though. It was a really old blood pressure medicine from the fifties that they gave to soldiers returning from war and they figured out that it helped with ptsd too. But it made me so tired.
I hate this feeling. I hate weddings, but I want to be there to support them... but I can't. <url> &#x200B; edited; For clarity
FOR ANYONE IN A DOMESTIC VIOLENCE SITUATION For anyone who wanted to know the name of Robin McGraw's (Dr. Phil's wife) domestic violence app. The app is Aspire. It disguises itself as a news app with current news stories that way if the abuser finds it he/she won't be alerted. You can preprogram your friends & families numbers & if you hit the top of the app three times it alerts whomever you programmed & let's them know you need help.
I feel terrible for saying this but, He went away for month and sadly i noticed our family was a little happier and more functional with out him. Recently He's moved from beer and onto spirits, this is where the problems begin. For some reason when he drinks beer he's mellow and approachable. Now that he's drinking spirits. He is the most distingusting person to be around.
I have PTSD from my sexual abuse, and this week has been really hard. Really, since Dr. Ford came out against kavanaugh and the fallout of it. Today, though, was really hard. I come home to see my father watching fox news and agreeing that Dr. Ford is a lying whore. His words.
I hide my own set of keys. She tries to take her keys away from me and I refuse, which turns into a full-blown fight. I have marks and bruises all over my arms and back, as well as deep scratches from her fingernails. At one point, she had me on the floor, cornered on the steps, repeatedly slamming my head into the wall and shoving a loose key that fell off the keyring into my breast, still trying to get the rest of the car keys out of my hand. I'm not saying I didn't retaliate, but I only went to far as to push her away, never hitting her intentionally but more as an act of defense.
How...do I do that? How much/how little should I say? How can I face my class and my RAs again now that they know I'm a nutcase? TLDR: Had a meltdown in trauma class, and I'm afraid it'll happen again. How do I tell my professor and prepare for the almost inevitable hellscape that is my inability to keep my shit together?
Some details changed for anonymity. Also, let me know if there's a better place for me to post this. My wife and I are trying to help a family member in an abuse situation. I'll call her Amanda and her "boyfriend" John. Amanda and John live a few hours away.
Grad school isn’t really the easiest place to parent alone. Assistantships don’t pay you enough to live off of by yourself (Mine nets me a little less than $800 a month, rent is $750), let alone with a tiny human that needs a particular type of education. They also require you commit to 20 hours a week of on campus work. Essentially meaning, you can’t really hold a full time job anywhere. On top of this, working another part time becomes difficult because work hours have to coincide with the hours your little one is at school, and with 20 hours a week on campus already, that leaves little time to actually work anywhere else during school hours.
She has a history of being extremely over the top, and in our most recent argument she verbally abused me just for because I was upset that she broke my trust by telling my personal details to someone I didn't know. She did apologize a good day later, but only very vaguely about using cuss words and in a "I'm sorry you feel that way" kind of sense. I'm guessing a traditional "we need to talk, it's just not working out" approach would just end up with her blowing up again, and since all my past relationships ended very amicably I'm not sure what to expect. Because she can be incredibly toxic, I've considered just blocking her and essentially "ghosting," but I also feel like that would be very rude and she'd at least deserve an explanation. How do I break up with her without having her potentially flipping out at me?
I can't go into public restrooms because I freak out and dissociate with my surroundings. I can't watch certain shows because they were -on- in the hospital room. But I'm doubting myself, I'm doubting that this is real, that it happened and that I could be suffering from it. How to cope? how to stop doubting that this is happening?
I've had major brain fog all day and I've been out of it all day now because of how anxious I am about how bad of a job I did and how much I embarrassed myself by crying at my desk. I work in a high pressure job and I know other people have done it but I would love to have thicker skin. &#x200B; Do anyone else cry as an immediate reaction to anything negative? Does anyone have a way to cope when your anxiety manifests like that?
I am really worried about my future as it feels my anxiety always has me quitting jobs or having issues while I was in school. I can't even travel and work out of state as last time I tried I missed my interview and was nearly hospitalized with severe anxiety (travel is a trigger for me). I just got out of college and I'm really worried about how I can survive the working world in my future, otherwise I wouldn't care about losing this job. It hurts though and I feel like a total failure... Thanks for reading.
then i tried an ep of bojack horseman on my tablet, but it didn’t really help. for ex, after it was over, i still had my tablet on for light and i was staring up at the ceiling when the ceiling and the wall behind me started to ripple weirdly, distorting, and then the tablet light went off abruptly and i startled and yelped and quickly turned it back on! i also felt someone sit on my bed next to me when i tried to leave the light off and sleep. i distinctly felt it. i didn't hear distant voices like the other time i was this 'hypervigilant,' but i heard some small noise rustle in the closet (just a house noise i assume) and it unnerved me.
If you qualify, you will complete a variety of questionnaires online. The study will involve four online assessments over the next month that should take about 40-50min to complete and you will be compensated up to $70 in online gift cards to Amazon. A few important things to know about the study are: 1. The study includes questions and images regarding self-harm, suicide, and other unpleasant images.
There is so much I can't do because I don't drive and it has impacted my life in such a way that it feels like I am in my own personal prison. I have been to therapy but it doesn't seem to work. So I am asking, have any of you overcome this situation? How did you do it? Any advice?
He would distract me while I drove us places, until at one point, I backed into a parked truck, and I had never been the cause of an accident before. After that, I was not allowed to drive my own car. I was not allowed to drive my own car at all after that, unless I found the keys and snuck away, which was oftentimes very difficult. The summer of 2010, he forced me to move in with him, into a terrible run down duplex off campus, so that he could keep his mother’s pair of small, under socialized dogs who were not housebroken, and his sister, who was, with her husband, to begin college classes at this same university that fall, foisted her hyper 40 pound mutt on top of the burden as well. I will not lie, and say I am the cleanest person on earth.
Living with her parents has since become untenable. Her parents have taken her car, which is not under her name, and are kicking her out of the house. She needs both a short-term plan to do minimal damage to her current career and academics, as well as a long term one to find an apartment or suitable living space. At this time, I do not believe she has any existent options for roommates. 1) What resources can she call upon to help her?
Just goes to show: It's not the suit. It's how you wear it. Update 2: Got the job. Thread [here. ]( <url>
I've got a good handle on my triggers. I know how to prepare myself when I have to encounter a trigger and how to move past it without too much discomfort. That being said today I encountered an event that blindsided me. I was not prepared at all. I know its possible I will come across triggers without warning, but this was something that had not been a trigger before.
* <url> * <url> Again, we arent promoting one company over another, but thought this was an opportunity for some of you that cant reach a therapist IRL to consider this method and ask some questions. I hope you all find it helpful and informative, and /u/iTherapy has the answers for you that you want. Good luck!
(I originally posted this somewhere else but it was taken down because someone felt it didn't belong there) I think I should start this by saying that I was originally born somewhere else and moved to my current home when I was really young. I don't really know anyone else in my family on either sides, other than my mom, dad, and my brother. I have never really been close to anyone in my entire life besides my grandparents on my mom's side, and my music teacher. Except my grandparents died when I was 8 years old (both within the span of 5 months of each other) and my music teacher had to quit his job as he was struggling economically.
I'm afraid that I could also give her those snapchats. Usually I wouldn't care but first of all I know how much it would hurt her if She had seen it. I hate myself for lying but I just know how much it would hurt both me and Her, I also love Her more than anything or anyone else. I told her I won't be talknig with anyone and that I don't like anyone in that class (which I did). I have no idea what I should do, if I tell her that She's goin to breakdown and quite possibly break up, if I don't do anything it's gonn get even worse but I also can't tell that to her, I just can't hurt Her or see her get hurt and I just can't even imagine loseing her, especially because something that I know well I fu*ked up and could and should have been avoided but it happend althozght it shouldn't and I can't stand it.
It’s subconscious for sure, but just a feeling I get. I’m terrified of him, and praying that he gets the real help he needs at the same time. And I just don’t know how to sort that out. I don’t know how to stop worrying and wondering what he’s doing, we have several court dates coming up so I think that adds to it. I’m just so exhausted and ready for this fight to be over.
Help me out here, fellow anxious, if we gather maybe we could create an elaborate plan to help me avoid this, idk I have phone phobia. These are really important conversations that I'll be calling to have and a lot depends on my explaining things and my demeanour and a lot of things could go so terribly wrong and I'm just so absolutely socially inept and phone calls are one of the worst ways for me to say words and make sense and - please help. 😔😔
I've been out of work for nine months, and it's finally catching up to me. When I lost my job in January, I took a sabbatical for a few months; it was necessary at the time. Hindsight being 20/20, I should have set up my phone with call blockers when the bill collectors began calling. I couldn't tell the difference between a potential employer and something which would stress me out given the slew of incoming calls with unknown numbers. During my time off I invested my time to build new skills, donating them to a gaming community, and hanging out for escapism to the point of obsession.
No I’m not. What I am saying though is that man and woman were designed to have a mate. A mate who completes you and makes you happy. A mate you can love and be loved by. I never searched for a man to make me happy or be my knight in shining armour, but he found me anyway.
He pretty much told me that he was angry and disappointed and would probably not forgive me for a while and that I owe him. I was going to go... I still want to. I just am looking at either going to this wedding and being evicted or not going and dealing with the disappointment. I don't feel like I have a choice.
(If so, how do I work on fixing that?) * Is this a lack of clear communication? (By either one party or both) * Should I try to get back in touch with them? Thank you if you made it this far.
Bit of background... My abuser was my mother's father, let's call him J, because he doesn't deserve the title Grandpa. My mother's mother was H, because she didn't like us kids and doesn't deserve the title grandma. Between 1987 and 1989, I would stay at J's house for up to a week at a time and every night he would come into the room to abuse me. It always centered on sexual humiliation.
The messages are essentially the guy being flirtatious and asking her to come over to his place. My gf’s responses are not flirtatious but definitely welcoming. She responded to his offer by saying “how about we meet halfway and grab some lunch together some time”. She never told me that she was even still in contact with this guy. And their relationship was explicitly sexual, not friendly.
We quickly got really romantically involved albeit it being online. After a few months we decided to meet so I (with the gracious help of my parents) booked a flight to visit her in Germany. My dad insisted on coming with. We met, and things quickly turned sexual. It was my first time being intimate with anyone, my first kiss etc.
I didn't have time to text a lot like I used to, and certainly couldn't realistically plan trips to see her anymore. She was plainly unhappy with me for not being as communicative anymore, but things really came to a head when I began dating someone. Lisa was the only person in my inner circle of friends to have a poor reaction when I told her I was dating another woman, which was shocking to me because I trusted her, and because she often used social media to convey her allyship with the LGBT community. She often told me that as soon as I met my gf, I quit talking to her (Lisa). As my relationship with my gf became more serious, Lisa and I became even more distant from each other, and she would often ignore my texts or emails (neither of us were ever much for talking on the phone).
Eat probiotic food, good gut bacteria enhacems serotonin production. Try and learn meditation. I thought it wasn't my scene but I got an app called Headspace and it surprisingly helps. &#x200B; I've been close to killing myself 3 times.
I don't want to leave my house because I know that everyone knows what she's saying about me and EVERYONE BELIEVES IT. this was all over the fact I blocked her because she was toxic. I'm losing it, Reddit. I'm losing my mind. I can't stop crying i can't eat, all I've been thinking about is killing myself.
Need to make a move now or never Update: I texted her more about it and she forgot about what happened until I reminded her! She said It’s not off the table, she just felt braver yesterday due to the liquid courage. So I just asked if she wants to hang one last time, maybe go somewhere like we did last time and have a drink and listen to music. And if something happens or doesn’t happen it doesn’t matter.
The only issue maybe is that she's quite clingy, which I don't mind to a point, but I like my own time and space and that's something I've really began to miss since we moved in together. This stuff doesn't seem to bother her at all and even after spending entire weeks with me straight, she is often sad and upset when we have time apart. I'm starting to realise she loves me more than I love her. And when I think about marriage and children, I'm wondering whether she is the girl I want to do it all with. At the same time, I don't want to end things and then regret it and never get what we've had again.
She keeps using the phrase "right now". Whenever I ask her about us she says "right now, no, but in the future who knows?" I decided to put no contact measures into place as I could not give her what she wants while staying in contact with her. As much as it pained me to stop talking to her, I know that I need to do this for her as well as for myself. When this happened she was bawling over the phone, but she never questioned it.
I found the situation odd at first but because he was drunk, it was ordinary. He was sitting in his truck nearby watching me. Then later I heard something hit my rv hard and in fear of my life I rushed to call police. He fled and police chased after him. Not to my surprise he talked them off and broke in again the next night but that time I was home, he broke the door down and threatened to kill me if I called the police again.
The difference between nightmares and nigh terrors is diagnosed through sleep studies using tools that measure rapid eye movement. All of which tells me absolutely Sweet F*** All, let’s be honest. &nbsp; Sleep and our need for it is not entirely understood, many fantastic theories abound but what little we do states that it is a fundamental requirement for life. &nbsp;
I'm completely overwhelmed. I think this process is about the best I can think of (below), but I really, desperately just want to dive back into my career. Am I wrong to think I'm not emotionally ready? Should I force myself to wait? Is there anything else I could plan on doing?
I check on my mom several times a day and I KNOW it has to be annoying. I am trying to find the right medication but none seem to work for me, I go to therapy, and I talk about it — but I am so sick of feeling this way. I know it is temporary and that I won’t be this way forever, but right now, it sucks. I can’t sleep because I worry so much, it’s hard to focus at work because I worry so much, it’s hard to be social because I worry so much. Thanks for listening.
However, his fits of anger kept going at the smallest things such as eating the rest of the corn chips or even mentioning politics that he doesn't agree with. This went on at the same rate of once a month or so until I turned 16, which is when I noticed that it probably wasn't normal. One occurrence of this was when I was trying to buy a pair of sunglasses, but needed to use his paypal as where I'm from you need to be over 18. This for whatever reason ended in him exploding in rage again, because he couldn't remember his password. He left the room, and grabbed me by the throat when he came back.
Later that night someone snuck into the building we were sleeping in and killed Daniel.. he was chopped up with what I presume was a hatchet. I don't know why they spared me or Jay to this fucking day but I'd gladly take Daniel's place, he was the sweetest boy I ever knew. We were heartbroken and I vowed that I would find the bastard and get revenge for Daniel. I'm crying as I am typing this part because this is what fucked me up the most. Chapter seven: adopted
As for internet, I pay $60/mo on my phone for unlimited talk, text, and data without any throttling at all (thanks StraightTalk)! If I want internet on my laptop, I download the PdaNet+ app, download the .exe app on my phone then transfer to my laptop, install the app, then switch the tethering on so my laptop can connect and have access. That way, I can apply for more jobs on sites that my phone can't open up. So far, I'm doing okay. Just thought I would like to share how's my day been doing.
aaaa sorry I feel so dumb for messing up like that, I hate when people lie and I really hope I don't come across like that to you but now I just sound desperate? I'm s o r r y I don't think he'll be online for a while but maybe in a few hours you could try and talk to him about it hello?
Hey folks, greetings from India. A friend of mine from school's father was diagnosed with non-alcoholic liver cirrhosis back in 2012. His liver's degenerated, and he needs to get an immediate transplant. Surgery cost and post-op are heavy. Frequent hospitalization's eaten up most of their reserve cash, and since my friend's still in college there's not much he can do.
It sorta works, but I don't like the feeling of being deadheaded. I also don't have a good relationships with doctors considering I was misdiagnosed with bipolar as a teen and given lithium... Had a terrible reaction to it. What are some more natural remedies or self-help you all do to keep yourself in the proper mindset to calm your triggers? I've started meditation and taking CBD oil (which work great, but kinda expensive), but it doesn't seem to be enough. I just want to start living and be able to enjoy life.
My husband (29m) and I (26f) live across the country from our parents and have been there almost two years now. I don't really have a relationship with my inlaws (mf 65ish) (ie they never reach out to me expect for once to ask what to get my husband for his birthday and rarely talk to my husband, they don't ask about me or don't seem interest when I'm brought up) and it doesn't bug me because they are incredibly negative and angry people. My fil has anger issues and will have a meltdown in public (he's done it several times in front of me) and my mil is self absorbed among several other issues. I don't want to get into every story, and man do I have some stories, but i guess it's important to know that I've been warned about their general attitude and behavior from others and everyone who has met them that I'm friends or family with has agreed with me that their son is the source of their happiness and they feed off of each others negativity. However, they've never been out rightly malicious towards me.
The silent sadness that you feel for no apparent reason yet somehow you feel too weak or too much of a pussy to do anything about it or even think that you deserve better because you feel like you deserve whatever painful feeling you are going through You feel like you rather suffer a long and painful life rather than ending your life because you feel like you deserve whatever agony you are going through The anxiety and panic attack come and go whenever they please. __________________________________________________________ Sometimes it feels like you somehow been hit by an invisible truck and your body is as frozen as it somebody turned you into a popsicle and you have no other choice but shake from the inside.
Like many I was living in California, working in a kitchen and making decent money. My living situation fell apart and I ended up couch surfing, living out of a truck and finally I ended up living and working on a farm in the north. Not the first time but... i wanted to share a bit of advice for anybody goig through a hard time. 1. I had co workers and friends offer to let me stay with them and I was too proud to accept.
Ive never really had a problem with my education until this semester, I feel mislead in my classes i.e (I do great on the homework and then I end up failing the tests). This has lead to me failing or doing not up to my standards in my other classes and its beginning to effect my own self worth. Instead of being confident in myself im resorting to internal hatred and just overall sadness. I am in a relationship with a very loving girlfriend but I feel that if I bring my problems into it, it could go sideways and I dont want that. Because of all of this my sleep schedule has not been exactly ideal, I usually go to bed at midnight and wake up early for class and the quality of my sleep is not what I would call good (tossing and turning and frequently waking up).
Though we both had crushes on each other we weren't sure if the feelings were reciprocated. She also has some self esteem issues and told me that she wasn't ready to date someone like me three years ago when we first met, because I was "too intimidating", but instead "settled" for her ex. She dated that ex for two years, but never seemed that interested in him. She would complain about feeling like a caregiver for him (he was seriously depressed to the point where she had to make doctor appointments for him) and always talked about wanting to be with someone who was more independent and had their life together. As her friend I remember her saying she felt like he was good for her at the moment, but that she knew it wouldn't last forever (side note: she was open about her feelings with him, and he agreed to just enjoy things in the moment, though I'm sure he was secretly hopeful she would change her mind).
I never searched for a man to make me happy or be my knight in shining armour, but he found me anyway. And yes he did rescue me…mostly because I let him. And in case you ask yes I am happy – in life, in love and within myself. Maybe I was a victim once, but I’m not a victim anymore. I chose freedom and safety, and I hope any woman reading this is brave enough to find those things too <3
My "symptoms": I know this probably isn't nothing compared what other people go through. I even thought this didn't affect me, I thought most people go through either the same or worse, until I was about 20 years old. But once every day, or every 2-3 days, I get intense, intrusive memories about these events. I feel extreme anger and hate, my heart rate goes sky high, sometimes even my hands start shaking.
I've been trying to act like nothing happened but I can't stop thinking about all this. I feel weird that i'm even thinking about it so much. I should just brush it off. Everyone keeps telling me I should go for it. Even my guy friends, which I assumed would agree with me feeling gross about all this.
I'd like to note that I have had a couple close individuals look at my emails, evidence, etc since the last court date. I'm not that crazy, but I showed them the emails because I wanted to make sure they were real. The emails, evidence, and notes are all real. I checked my phone history, and the phone calls to the advocate and office are all logged and sufficient in length to indicate that an actual conversation occurred. I never doubted reality before the abuse, and I have never done so outside of the abuse.
She seems to want to have longer conversations about her emotions every day. I'm trying to work on my studies. tldr: I'd really, really appreciate some advice. Please don't just comment "break up with her". Thanks.
Post contains spoilers for Spider-Man : Homecoming. I was the first responder to a fatal plane crash in Australia in January 2017, and have been dealing with my PTSD since then. I’ve been lucky to avoid most triggers now I’m back in the UK, but watching Spider-Man tonight there’s a scene where a plane crashes into a beach, and my mind is all over the place with my heart rate through the roof. If anyone has any suggestions for how to deal with this please do say, I haven’t been in therapy for a while x
I have been having anxiety sense I was 16, I'm now 20. This 4 years have been difficult, lots of ups and downs, on and off medication and therapy (never really had more then just 3 appointments with the same professional ever). Then it came university and I had to move away from my family which didn't helped a lot. I had the last 6 months without anxiety but in April everything changed. I have been having anxiety attacks almost everyday, then it came the intrusive thoughts.
If you have a survey you would like to share with us, you may do so here, please use the following format. Failure to do so will result in your survey being removed. Surveys not posted in here will result in a ban, the length of which will be decided at mods' pleasure. __Who I am__: _(Student, Researcher)_ __Affiliation__: _(university, company)_
She gave me an 11 pm curfew even though I was in my 20s and never gave me a key. She not picked every little thing I did even though I tried so hard to be a good guest because I thought maybe that’s why She didn’t like me. Whenever I am allowed to come here I have to bring my own food and own blanket. When I told my mom I was in such a bad mental space that I thought I was going to kill myself and didn’t feel safe to be alone she said I couldn’t come over.
I apologized for taking up too much of his time and space and for not respecting his boundaries, and for storming off angry; the worst part is that he eventually said he didn't accept my apology because I was still ruining his day with my insistence he apologize for speaking to me with a "retarded" voice. So, is our relationship doomed? --- **tl;dr**: My bf and I fight too much, and I think it's both our faults while he thinks it's only mine/my brain chemistry's fault. Am I crazy, or do we need to break up?
Hi, so I’m a guy (mid 20s) whose been in a relationship for over 2 years with my girlfriend. I’ve been talking to for at least 8-15 hours a day in person or over the phone, every day, for the entirety of the last 2 years. She had moved in with me around 2 months ago. I don’t have any friends other than her. We recently had a near-relationship ending encounter (entirely my fault) that caused some distance between us for about 2 weeks before she moved back in a week ago.
Context: My father-in-law is/was the ultimate handyman, he could do practically everything round the house. He undertook a massive project to essentially redo the entire house by himself. At the time of this post it has been 7 years on going and had faced innumerous delays. The biggest restrictions was of course money, my father-in-law refused to get any contractors, in the belief they were too expensive and wouldn't do the job to the standard he wanted, he also sourced all the materials from back yard sales and contacts.
- You must own an iPhone or iPod touch (5th generation) in order to participate, and you can earn up to $35 for completing the study. - If you are eligible, you will be asked to download an iOS app called REPS. You will also complete several online surveys prior to and directly following use of the app. For more information please email us at <email> This study is administered by UCSF's THRIVE Lab, which is based at UCSF. The principal investigator is Dr. Aoife O'Donovan and you can contact her at aoife.<email> if you have any questions.
I could write a long book about it. The issue: My current issue is a strange one and I'm curious to hear other people's thoughts about it. Whenever my inlaws visit and stay the night, they bring 1 set of clean clothes and wash the ones they are wearing EVERY NIGHT. They do this regardless of the number of nights they are staying.
Long story short, the alternator + module + radiator is going to cost $500 to repair. After bills are paid we only have $550 monthly for groceries and necessities. I cannot afford to pay this bill and a payday loan is out of the question because they charge a 300% interest and I cannot have that added bill to our already limited funds. Any help would be extremely appreciated. We have 2 kids and being without a car is really not easy.
Lily is a really nice person (atleast, I'll continue to believe she is), and I think she might be open to it. Apparently, Mina and Lily have known eachother since childhood. I still think there's a bond there. I want to look up a professional too, or some kinda of therapist, someone to help her and give her real advice, not my under-educated whims. If I could get some resources, that would really helpful.
Please be aware that although you cannot be identified from your survey responses, no computer transmission can be perfectly secure. **Nevertheless, we have made every effort to protect the security of your data. ** The results of the study will be used by Ms. Divya Kumar to prepare a thesis for submission for the BPsychSci(Hons) degree at ACAP. We also plan to present the results of the research at an academic conference and publish them in a reputable academic journal. In any publication, information will be provided in such a way that you cannot be identified.
I was severely neglected as a child by my mother, but this isn't about the neglect (although it may make an appearance at some point), I think my twin and I were sexually abused by her first boyfriend (the man she had an affair with). I have a distinct memory of lying in my bed at night and there being a male figure crawling up towards me, this is more of a still frame though. The others however I remember vividly to a point, one was a very inappropriate tickling game where my sister was under her duvet and he was on top of her tickling, except he was also humping, I can't remember much more than that, the other is walking to his house, I remember the exact route, going in and him showing me his house, I can't remember anything once he showed me his bedroom, other than the bedding was white, I don't remember leaving or what happened in between, but I remember things like he had an Eiffel Tower figure he made in his front room. I started masturbating at a young age and I wonder if this is linked in. I've been suffering a lot recently, and I am on medication and undergoing therapy, but these bouts are cyclic, I always end up back in this position after a while, perhaps not as severe as the one I'm in now, but I feel that it's in part due to having such little recollection of my childhood (can't remember much of it or my teen years), I want to be able to have a definitive answer to whether I was sexually abused so I can put it to rest, the not knowing is really hurting and the flashbacks I have are intrusive and upsetting, I don't know how to confront this situation and get over it.
I'll try to keep this short. I've never been able to feel empathy towards other people, I'm not a sociopath or anything (as far as I know), I know when I should feel bad for/with somebody but I can't make myself care as much as I want to. _ Anyways, my mothers best friend of 45 years just killed himself and she's pretty torn up about it. I gave her a hug and what not but I have no idea what else I'm supposed to do.
It's horrible. The thing is, my urologist told me that it was just an overactive bladder and gave me some medicine, but it just worked a couple of days when I was "totally positive" about the medicine. Even, after taking the pills I felt great, like in a normal state, but the symptoms are here again. Is it possible that the cause could be my sometimes uncontrollable anxiety? Have someone had the same problem?
But now, my cognitive processes feel so scrambled up and sluggish. I get so confused sometimes I have trouble filling out simple forms or answering questions on the phone. I'm in my 3rd year at a major university but my brain feels so messed up I don't know if I'll be able to finish. Does anyone else experience this? Have you found anything that helps?
These past couple of months have been the worst. My anxiety has gotten so bad it’s effecting my sleep and relationship. I’ve become so paranoid about my health as well. I don’t feel like me anymore and I just feel scared all the time now over every little thing. I don’t have money to see a therapist either...
I’ve tried to reason with him and tell him I love him and there is no reason for him to beat me and he says that he knows I love him and I should see that he loves me too but I don’t listen to him and not listening to him will cause me to lose everything. The physical abuse really has damaged me mentally and lowered my self esteem. I’ve been super depressed and I’m scared for what I’ll do to myself if I don’t get out or if I do get out of this and have to live a life without him . We have a 3 month old daughter and he is in love with her. When he beats me I hate him but seeing him with my daughter makes my heart melt.
I specifically told my father NOT to lose my money gambling. I'm not that depressed since I sort of expected this to happen, but I am still severely disappointed. I am literally continuing to lose respect for my own father. Of course, it isn't so much the money, but rather that he would do this to me when I told him not to. I fear that if this continues, my father will continue to waste away his own life as well as damage mine.
I have just recently got on anxiety medication again because it’s been going downhill recently (my boss knows this, we have more of a friendship than boss/employee relationship) I really just want to up and quit because I make shit money and I feel myself declining but I also know once I pass over this rough patch I’ll need this job because I’ll have to move out I’m sure. I want to text her and tell her I’m taking the week off for mental health reasons, is this not okay? For all I know I’ll wake up in the morning and just not go. I feel like shit right now and know I won’t feel any better by morning or in a few days. I’m just lost.