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Hi, I am 21 years old, I used to suffer from panic attacks and anxiety last year, but somehow managed to beat it and live like a normal person again. But from time to time, i have this weird feeling that I am gonna pass out or something like that, my face is pale and I feel this uncomfortable pressure in my eye balls, it happens when I'm at university during class or even during normal daily activities. I did some blood tests and everything is fine, so is this anxiety again?
He was happy and loving as usual. He still speaks with his father on a weekly basis and says he is not a bad man. He states he deserved a lot of the abuse he received. He also does not think poorly of the men that sexually abused him. He is the type of person that sees the good in everyone even if they don't deserve it.
I won’t have to make that decision to either shut up and let him have his way or or risk my safety and the safety of my family. I’m not bound to him anymore, but that doesn’t mean that I don’t panic at the end of each day in the split second that I think it’s going to happen again. I’m an adult now, not a child that was groomed and broken like a horse. I’ll never again have to ask “Can we stop now please?” and get a no. I’ll never have to ask if I’m allowed to put on my clothes and leave.
You’re losing control Juststopthinking— —You’re panicking Stop —Panicking
Accounts incredibly overdue. A life entirely unattended to, without organization or care. Chaos. I knew none of this. The man he presented to me was one of principle (honesty, loyalty, your word is your bond, etc), always ready to protect and serve in whatever way necessary.
I plan on putting these essays either in my portfolio or a separate writing site as soon as I finish them, so you'd probably get in trouble for plagiarizing if your teacher uses a plagiarism detection tool (which most do these days). Hope y'all have a wonderful day and evening! ​ Update: Thanks for all the wonderful ideas! I'm looking forward to brainstorming them all and seeing which ones are the best fit for me!
Now its personal so it hurts a lot more. There are nightmares where I am murdered, those don't hurt half as much as these. I woke up a few nights ago screaming because of it and I cried like an idiot until I realized it wasn't real. Figured I'd rant here instead of breaking my hands on my heavy bag. You guys ever get extremely worried about your partners safety to the point where it triggers you?
My bf and I went to his parents place in Iowa over Christmas. Over the years, I have always known that his parents don't absolutely love me but I didn't realize that they actually dislike me until this time I visited them. His dad is a difficult person to begin with, which is well known by everyone and he kept making little jabs at me and insulting me. For example, he asked if I am a citizen and how long I have been one, I mentioned that I have never watched Harry Potter and he "jokingly" asked me if I was busy clubbing and talking to boys and doubted my upbringing, and when I was using my bfs phone, he asked me why I am using it and if I am reading his texts. These are just a couple examples and there are many more.
First off I'm male but my relationship with the woman is strictly platonic stemming from professional, we are co-workers. It's no secret to anyone that she's in an abusive relationship as she's come to work several times over the last several months with blackeyes etc and admits to being abused. She been in the relationship for 1.5 years which turned info is out of the way, here's the new twist that has brought me to split roads. Yesterday she showed me a text from him detailing how angry he'd been at her 12 yr old and that if he didn't have so much will power he would have choked her son to death and that she needs to get her son to behave so he doesn't have to crack his skull. I encouraged her to show that to Leo and have him removed from the apartment as well as get an order of protection, she seemed to be considering that but has expressed fear of retaliation in the past.
The welfare office foe my county is too far and i can't get there without transportation to ask for help. I don't have any friends or family that can or are willing to take my cat and I. And i cannot get rid of my cat because he is my ESA and the only thing keeping me sane at this point. What do i do when i feel like i don't have any other options. Even though this is my fault because i'm an idiot.
She's been doing exams as of late and we've both had some personal problems so we haven't had time to work on our relationship. We both said we would stay together but sort it all out after she came back from a holiday she was going on with her uni. On the second last night she tells me she has kissed another guy and feels horrific about it. I tell her i'm going to leave because she has cheated in hope she realizes what life is like without me (stupid I know). I've always put her needs before mine, i've tried to give her everything and be the perfect boyfriend and because my natural defense mechanism is to retreat into my shell and shut the world out I don't reply to her texts that day.
I feel like I've failed. I keep having this fear that I've made it all up. Everything. That I made up the rape, and made up the traumatizing feelings, made up the emotions. I'm afraid that I just have a very sick, sick dramatic mind that is just making up terrible shit to try and destroy me or something?
I'm not competent to deal with life, despite being 21. I'm living like a parasite on my family. I'm so tired of not getting to sleep at night because I'm constantly worrying about the future and not being in control of it because I can't trust myself not to fuck everything up by panicking. It all just seems so absolutely futile. I don't know what to do anymore.
I am a 30 year old male with a 5 lb dog recently homeless in Washington state. My dog is the last remaining thing from when life was normal, and I refuse to get ride of her after being my companion for 6 years. Reason for my homeless, car broke had to work fast food because it was close to home. I was assigned less hours than the high schoolers I worked with (3-4 hour shifts)I was unable to maintain the apartment. I do not have any drug abuse problems or alcohol.
I tend not to like driving long distances in cars with people in unfamiliar places still but I feel good just that I am back on the road even if I don't drive the car. This took me about five years to reach this level of comfort. All of my fears: I started to exercise hard every single day. Heavy exercise would defeat the fear in most cases or make it easy to manage. If I did not exercise, I was a walking fear bomb.
I recently got out of a 2+ year abusive relationship and am now going to court against him with domestic violence charges. Originally, I was told that I wouldn’t have to testify as there was ample evidence, but now I am being told I must testify about a week from now. I am terrified to see my abuser in court and I was wondering what I should expect. Does anyone have any advice for me or can tell me what I should expect at the trial? Thank you so much.
Regarding my abuser, I still feel my heart ache with compassion, and the understanding that no human being is born a monster; it is an environment poisoned with violence they grew up in that guides them into life as an abuser. I have prayed every single day for John Doe and his foster family, in the hopes that he can overcome his inner demons and lead a life of peace. But if and when he finds a new woman to victimize and rob her of dignity, worth, and benevolence, I feel proud that I have taken steps to ensure that even if she is too afraid to step forward, I have taken that first step in her honor. I feel proud to have set the precedent to lead him on a path for growth and healing if he chooses. I feel proud to have broken that silence.
Physical abuse wise my dad had beat me several times, I never really understood that it was abuse until not that long ago, things like hitting my legs together what seemed like as hard as he could, hitting me on the face as hard as he could, threatening to choke me out, etc. it overall made me feel pretty disassociated, I just didn't really understand why though, my relationship with my parents became this extremely hollow thing that felt like an obligation rather than having genuine parents. as I got older from 10 on they became increasingly mentally abusive on top of it, at age 11 my dad found out that I'm trans by looking on my computer and screamed at me for an hour and threatened to hospitalize me (He didnt know mental hospitals wont hospitalize people for it, and might've ended up trying to put me into conversion therapy or something) this is around where my mental health completely snapped, going into 7th grade, hitting age 12, I started becoming extremely suicidal, I thought about hanging myself at school or stabbing myself, it became too much to bear, not being able to be openly trans, being beaten, feeling on edge non stop, feeling completely invalidated to the core of who I am as a person. I became morbidly depressed and stayed that way from then on.
Nobody should ever have to put up with that and have to live in fear of someone who can fly off the handle like that. I wish so badly I knew who she was so that I could tell her in quiet that if she ever needs a place to escape that my door is always open. Sorry for my rambling. I'm just not sure what to do or how to approach this. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I’ve even sought out arrangements (sugar daddy) for gifts and stuff. I’m fully willing to do it, but of course this is a shot in the dark and hard to be consistent about. I’m kinda freaking out about it and i’m not sure what to do. If there are any loans or opportunities or anything that I can use as a resource please let me know. I could use all the help I can get.
Alright, I'll try to keep this as short as possible. **Some Background:** I have a co-worker we'll call Pamela. Pamela is disabled from complications and defects from when she was born; she has a brain shunt, and some cognitive issues. However, it's not enough to impair her too greatly obviously because she has worked in the call center I work at for about 12 years or so, and in other call centers before this. She receives accommodations for a disability at work though, such as having to meet less strict stats (like time per phone call, or time spent working offline) and being allowed to take a "rest" break if her disability causes her issues.
I made way to the store, it was full of like the whole fucking town. Turns out it was like this nearly every night, feeling good I decided to make conversation with the guy at the register. I was curious as to what happened to that other convenience store. Considering there was only two in the whole area, both in good spots, you wouldn’t think it would just go out of business. Nah something was off.
For me it would start with rent. We got approved for an apartment but some shit happened and we don’t have 1st months anymore so we can’t move in. We still have time to come up with it but I doubt we will before the deadline. After we got that I have an employment opportunity lined up but I can’t start the job until after the baby so I’d just have to manage to keep the rent paid until Dec which would be after due date and minimum recovery time. After that I’d just need to make sure I had some decent savings up by then to get everything I’d need to start the gig.
My friend made a comment that really embarrassed me because, up until that point, I hadn't realized how unusual it probably appeared. Since then, I've been more conscious of myself doing this and, while it feels like a shameful secret, I continue to do it. I know I never did this before, so I'm wondering if it has anything to do with what happened to me. Has anyone else experienced anything like this? I feel like I'm the only one.
This is so hard to write about for me. Attempting to describe what I've been through cuts me really deep down and spins me through flashes of pain, tears, and the deepest depression. I really feel kicked when I'm already down. So please, forgive me for the winded intro and shaking writing style. It has honestly taken me a week just to get to this point.
For many years I visited her and asked if she please could do things to mitigate my allergies (keeping the cat out of ONE room-where I slept, not give me clothes to wear that the cat had laid on, vaccuuming) and she did not do anything. "The cat almost never wants to be in that room" I got as a reply, but he was free to roam everywhere. A few years ago I just stopped going to their home and after taking that control I have felt much less sad about this. - Since she got together with her new partner I wanted us to go on a short trip (weekend) staying somewhere over night with her. This has happened only one time, more than ten years after she met her partner.
Had a good weekend, went to a movie together the 19th. Feb 22 she started full dose of Zoloft. Feb 23 weekend, we hung out again, but mostly stayed in because I was tired from traveling for work again. She seemed a bit more distant than I'd seen her but still content, and we had a good weekend together. Everything remained normal up til Feb 26 or so, regular texting, sexy texts, etc.
Have been living with seizures for about 6 years now, trying to remain well let alone be successful but lack support not only in my family but also in the medical community. I've been trying to move across the country to Salem, OR for the past couple months, thinking that I could better manage my medical condition there and thrive, but I've been paying into housing that is falling through at the beginning of Nov. I'm eating my non-existant bank account and running ramped in my mind trying to figure all of this out. Advice needed. Please.
This has made me really question where I am and if I should be staying put. Sort of if where I was was right I wouldn't be feeling like this is now. I'm not thinking I should leave for the sake of being single to see someone else but maybe if I'm not as happy as I thought I should be leaving for me to have some time and space to do things on my own. Any suggestions reddit? **tl;dr my crush on my driving instructor is making me think about leaving my boyfriend**
Wish me luck homies. EDIT: I GOT THE JOB! and they are going to pay more than I asked for. I think the hiring manager figured out I was homeless when she asked about dependable transportation and my place of residence, I've never had an interview where they ask "and you have a place to live?" That was the only question I stumbled on, so that might have given an inclination that I am homeless.
I feel really guilty over it. I know part of the problem may be how much I've repressed and can't feel, but... I don't know, I feel I've exaggerated so much. I haven't been having nightmares, and my "flashbacks" don't feel like flashbacks so much as "regressive anxious states." I can think of the trauma I've been through and talk about it, but it doesn't feel like anything disturbing.
? To me is heartbreaking to know that the most I can achieve is to keep defending myself, but not getting to be loved, accepted and cared. I know that somatic therapies may somehow help me to develop discernment, but that is not what i'm looking for. i'm looking for ways to attract healthy people. Please no victim-blaminish phrases like the "love yourself first" motto, (I already love myself wildly hard) please no tough love.
So long story short I’m currently a freshman and my mom has made it clear that I’m being kicked out before the start of my sophomore year. I plan on making my way to New York City and living on the streets while looking for a job under the table. I am hoping to find somebody willing to hire me for a construction//landscaping job. My goal is to save money while going to high school, so that I can get my diploma and start a career in law enforcement. Of course my mom didn’t think to take note to save anything such as my birth certificate or the like...
Do I force myself to move forward? Am I being ridiculous because I still have ptsd? I feel like they’re so out of line. I’m all over the place. Just someone please help.
My wife and I live in New Bern NC a town impacted heavily by hurricane Florence. We live in a 2 bedroom 1.5 bath home with our 2 dogs, a cat and a rabbit. We are in our late 50's and lived a quiet life prior to the storm. 2 weeks ago 11 of my wife's family members and 6 dogs came to ride out the storm at our home. Unfortunately 8 of them now have no home to go back to, nor do their 5 dogs.
come up and live with us and she'd leave me alone with him, wasted out of his mind, while she would be with her boyfriend (who shes now married to). Eventually I moved back with my dad and everything was fine. I'd call and talk to her and she sounded like she had her life together. Well then they broke up for a short period of time, and she moved to live with her half siblings. She would drink excessively, and call me and cry about her life.
Does anyone else feel the same way? I am just too numb and burned out. I can love people but I can't fall in love with them. I can't give them what they need, the regular sex or the emotional intimacy, and I just end up feeling guilty. I can get along with them just fine, I can respect them and consider their feelings, but that's not enough.
I've applied to many other places over the months and using services like Indeed and Monster. But no such luck as of yet. The whole issue has left me feeling angry. When I talked to my therapist about it, he did help; however, the conversation had the tone of "being a man" and doing what you need to do and after a while to simply let go of the anger. I'm not trying to disregard him, but I've been having a hard time understanding what he means.
I will stay with the sub to offer any advice I can but thought a success story was worthy to share. They say never destroy a person's hope. It may be all they have left. Much love to you all for the good tips and advice during my struggle. Thanks!
Kyle got out and started contacting me again, writing letters to “prove he still knew where I lived”, and “being able to get in touch with me regardless of me blocking him”. I have some friends in the police force near me, who I informed of the situation. About the same time I started talking to them, Kyle was put in jail for separate reasons. Since these two events, he has stopped contacting me (thank Christ.) James knows about Kyle, but I haven’t told James about the most recent developments because he has had a lot going on (a death in the family, health issues, among others).
I keep on getting crap from non work people about oh just fly. I try to psyche myself up to do it but after the 5 minutes of feeling like “yeah I can do it” I feel beyond tense. Anyone been in a similar spot? What did you end up doing? Thanks!
She is in need of some house repairs and a reliable car. Her fixed income and family support isn't enough to get everything done. The van she’s driving has some serious problems. The transmission is dying and there's no heater or defroster. The lights, blinkers, and brakes don't always work right due to electrical problems.
I have a vague fear that I get when I'm "alone", or when such a situation is coming up. I put it in quotes as it is really when my wife is not going to be around. This weekend my wife and oldest daughter went away early saturday got back mid day sunday. I was home with my youngest. I had some mild fear about it leading up to it.
We've funnelled about 4k into saving our dog's life. As you can see- we haven't gotten that in donations, but what we've gotten has really saved our asses. I found out my dog had a 'treatable' disease right after graduating from college. The college debt was already a burden, and after my partner got laid off- the panic set in that we would have to put my best friend down. He's too young for this, and has been too good to us.
-I don't have any relief in my symptoms and am concerned that I've wasted an entire year of my life I'm concerned that I not leave this relationship too soon, but at the same time, I'm paying for this therapy, I have repeatedly brought up questions about goals in my sessions, and don't feel like this is the right fit...unless I need to open up more. I chose her initially because she was covered by my insurance less because I felt like she was the right match. Do I stick this out? I have started to fantasize about having a new therapist, because then I could start over and feel heard.
Between losing my job, my unborn baby and my husband losing his job I am overwhelmed and pretty much numb. Bills are piling up fast and I don't know what to do anymore. I make vinyl decals but just started out so I am not making much at the moment. My husband just did paperwork for a new job today and I am waiting to hear back on a job I interviewed for. Unfourtunatley it won't be soon enough because the finance company for my car called and said I need to pay $439 by tomorrow, another $439 by the end of the month.
Part of me wonders if it's not my mom's fine-tuned manipulation at work, but it's sure as hell eating at me. How do I get out of his harmful headspace? It feels like my emotions and my logic are at war right now. Even after the abuse and trauma I've endured at the hands of my mom I still question the validity of my experience because I know there are people that have it a lot worse. And seeing that video was like watching a train wreck, it made me feel so awful because of its violent nature but it also made me doubt a lot of what I'm still experiencing.
I have very little understanding of developing workout regiments to challenge my body with and could great use insight. I've tried reading the r/fitness wiki, for example, but I didn't couldn't make heads or tails of the information that was presented. If there's anyone here that can help, please do! Thank you for reading,
- I am asking for people to view a video I made about this here: <url> You'll "get it" instantly. - If it moves you, PLEASE SHARE it (and/or <url> amongst your friends, and to any relevant groups. (When sharing links, it makes a huge difference if you can personalize it slightly with a few words). If you can DONATE, I would be eternally grateful. Any amount helps.
“Take all your problems and rip ‘em apart... carry them off in a shopping cart... one thing you should’ve known from the start... **your problems in hand are lighter than at heart. **” The things that seperate us from taxonomically lower lifeforms are our abilities to record and rationalize information. So do just that: record and rationalize.
Regardless, that didn't last long, maybe half a year. I released that apartment, and most of my belongings (I kept a few boxes of my things from the military, personal effects, but little else). Looking back, there were some signs of emotional manipulation here, but it was subtle... and you know how it is, love is blind. We got engaged. It was quite the affair.
Do not drink a lot and only eat mild food before and during event. Gave myself permission to leave for any reason whenever I wanted. Giving myself control has allowed me to return to meetings at work in peace. I have been doing this for about 24 years. No one knows I have these fears.
I've had a really turbulent month and unexpected bills, and trouble with an old landlord, which has resulted in me almost being in minus on my account and almost out of rice to feed myself, i moved and got scammed out of my deposit from my landlord, which i am still awaiting, and had to buy some new things aswell as take care of my sick mate. Would really appreciate any help so i could feed myself the upcoming time, not sure if i can offer much in return except my utmost gratitude (Though tell me if you need anything and i might be able to help). This is really a last resort for me, no food banks nearby or any family i could get help from unfortunately. Thanks in advance for reading, cheers! Location Denmark
I turned 15 shortly after meeting him. He started out so kind and loving. And then it just... turned. It turned from compliments into me not being able to wear certain things, say certain things, do certain things. I was barely allowed to be online, no longer able to post anything relating to the music I used to create before him.
The day I actually did it he wasn't there. He had stormed off shouting 'you're fucking useless'. At the time, this had spurred me on and I actually ended up riding without any help. We used to work together as he is a builder, so he would ask me to get him a Philips screwdriver. As an adult I assume most people know what a Philips screwdriver is but as a young boy I didn't.
Check out r/kratom for some info. I personally swear by it Edit: Seems like it has a bad reputation. From my (and others) experience: If you take it in moderation and get it from a REPUTABLE VENDOR, (some 'kratom' is not actually kratom. I heard some head shops tend to mix it with bad stuff) You will have no issues with it.
He laid me down and went to take off his clothes, then I sprung up, ran to the bathroom, grabbed the key(only one we have), ran to the guest room and locked myself in there. Finally safe. No pillow or comforter though, just a thin blanket and some clean laundry. No matter, I couldn't fall asleep anyways. Around 6am I crept outside, took a shower, gathered most of his stuff I could find and left him a note saying I took his key, and when I'd be back at 8pm he should be gone and anything that he leaves behind goes to the bin.
We added a bunch of [security <url> for specific scenarios. If you're more comfortable keeping things on reddit, we put a lot of the same information on r/operationsafeescape. Either way, if you feel your computer's being monitored, check out our [secure <url> guide. Also, we're hosting our first <url> in October. We've also been busy building up partnerships in the security sector, which will allow us to bring even more resources to the audience we serve.
I simply stayed home and did nothing, I was basically a shut-in hiding from the world. I had really awful anxiety at one point, I never went to the doctor for it, but there was a time when I got a panic attack and I had to call a friend, who helped me get through it. Then everything changed, I got an opportunity to work at a really tough (to be honest I would call the working conditions atrocious), minimum-wage job but I learned a lot of life lessons (and it changed my view on society). Then I started reading more books to improve myself, and that was when I started to earn some savings. I returned to school and the first semester back I managed to get As in half of my courses.
I asked him how he's doing to fund this, if there are any bursaries and if so, how much these are, but he never gives a clear answer. --- **tl;dr**: Boyfriend is unemployed, looking for 'perfect' job until he starts his Medicine degree, unsure how he will fund this degree. I resent him for poor financial judgement and day-time chilling. How to change this?
until i met my new boyfriend, he is amazing, he is kind, he is sweet, he is a good student, he likes the same things as me, my family likes him, and so on... but i dont feel that passion that rush i felt with my ex, the truth is that when i started going out with my boyfriend i secretly saw my ex a few times to see if i really didnt feel nothing for him, but it was disgusting, i didnt even want him to touch me, i feel bad with myself i didnt want him, but still, i was there. then i kinda realized i felt nothing love related for him and it was ok, HE was HURT when he knew i was dating this boy and he even begged me to stay but of course not. but now the problem is that when im with my boyfriend i dont feel like i love him, like that thing you kinda have to feel with a new love, i just feel "ok" with him, and i catch myself thinking about my ex from time to time, remembering all the good things we had and it drives me crazy because i know that if i see him again i wont feel that way, that "love" that my mind makes me think stills there. and recently i found out that he has a girl and he is actually enjoying the experience and i got so mad and so hurt (i know i dont have any right to feel that way) i felt betrayed and I STILL feel that way, i gross myself out.
i remember her getting drunk and and ranting about a fuck buddy she was angry at. she came up with the brilliant idea of throwing a brick with a pie recipe tied to it through his window (i dont know). she told me to drive her to his house so she could do that and i said i didn't think it was a good idea. she told me if i didn't do it she would drunk drive there with my little brothers in the car. i haven't seen her in 6 and a half years.
He laughed a loudly with a couple of people, but to my surprise, many of the others stayed silent. “I have faith young fool, I’m going to heaven, John 3:16 for God so loved the worl-” “I know, but Jesus said what is our faith without good works?” More awkward silence, while he still stood close to my face, so I turned away. I found out much later that he was kicked out of the food place for being disrespectful to a pastor that came to preach.
No criminal record, he’s not on any list, he changed his name and moved to a new town and no one there knows what he did and he’s been messaging her. I feel so hopeless. How am I supposed to feel safe? Or be able to sleep? He’s out there, consequence free, feeling safe enough to message her.
I think he doesn't want to put in the effort for the relationship to work (and we're both so difficult that we have to work on our relationships, doesn't matter with whom) but he can't be without me either. What should I do? I'm afraid this is gonna happen over and over again, because I'm always forgiving him at some point. Am I being strung along? TL;DR: Boyfriend [28,M] broke up with me [23,F] after on-off for 1.5 years, I thought we just got it together and am devastated...don't know what to do, want to keep fighting but should I?
I had no good friends in my class, I never had a partner when it was time to pair up on our own, the work was going to get harder and we would be working on clients soon. When I came back all I could think about was how much I wanted to go home. So I didn't go back after that. I had to go back though and pick up my stuff. But everyone asked what was I gonna do next, why did I drop out.
Well, I had a bad binge eating episode and stopped, and my father proceeded to stop talking to me. For months. A total silent treatment. I’ve done a lot of reflecting on my childhood, trying to figure out if there were times he was like this that I had normalized, but with my therapist and my mother we have concluded that he never used to be like this. He was always a nice, goofy dad who loved me (he still loves me) and we had a ton of fun.
Post-text: don't bother with this part that's crossed out, I wasn't thinking clearly. Not that you should bother with the later parts, either. I don't know. Post-Post-Text: I deleted this from my main account and am re-posting it on an alt because it made me nervous having this connected to myself. Sorry.
Hello everyone. I am wondering what experiences people have with using Mirtazapine as their main antidepressant for depressive and anxious symptoms (low energy, heavy feeling, irritability, concentration problems, insomnia, inability to complete mundane everyday tasks, social anxiety, fear of embarrassment, worry or overthinking about socialization, etc)? I am in therapy using a mixed method approach so suggestions of therapy aren't relevant. I have just begun proper psychotherapy, and I am looking for something to help me when dealing with reality outside the therapist office. My depression/anxiety has been building over the past 3 months after a long remission period and due to current circumstances has nearly swung full steam over my everyday life.
But I still froze and cried through the entire thing. Some of the sensations brouvht me to memories of old sensations, andI felt really vulnerable, trapped, and ashamed, and I haven't been able to shake it off all day. Part of it is that we have company staying in our home; so I don't feel like I have the space to care for myself, and it just further perpetuates the shame feeling. In fact, I felt too ashamed to go home right after, and drove around for an hour and a half before I felt like I at least i wouldn't have to explain myself to my boyfriend's family. Additionally, because it's my boyfriend's family, my boyfriend has been unavailable to me all day.
i’m 15, i don’t want to be anywhere near my dad bc of the shit he’s done and this has been going on for 4 years now. she also claims i give her an attitude anytime i do something. today i took the pair of shorts to fold and she looked at me and said “ are you really gonna grab them like that? your a fucking asshole. your giving me an attitude after all this shit?
How should I feel after all this? Because I feel like I was used and treated poorly, which she rejects. Also how should I read into her getting annoyed about me being with other girls? If they break up again (this is their 3rd attempt at making their relationship work), should I be there in the same way ago? As much as I like to think I wouldn't I still really love this girl.
I have a question about my ex who has a past of violence against women. I was never warned about it but I found out he was violent and I left. His ex has a full life restraining order against him.Now he is on probation for assaulting a police officer for 3 years in the past year he has gone to jail three times for domestic violence. His latest trip to jail was last week for domestic violence his third time. I was wondering what do you think his punishment will be since he's not learning his lesson from the punishments given to him and he just doesn't care.
[Facebook <url> [Criss <url> Please help and share the word. Most importantly, SPREAD AWARENESS. **Edit** available are regular Hanes shirts, women's fit shirts, and sweatshirts
Bust the stigma, don't whine but be frank, if you know or someone else that is struggling help the best you can, constantly let others know that yes they will not drown, there is a boat, and it fits way more than one person. The reality is the more you own and verbalize things, the more control you have over it and the less over you. Bottom line is busting the stigma, no one should feel like they are alone. So does my short little list work for everyone, totally not but I think it is a good reminder for people like myself..and hopefully someone else can take something away from it. If anything it's just got for me to verbalize it all out once in awhile.
But I’ve also had a lot of pain and it seems to be getting worse. It didn’t use to last as long as it does now, I’ve been lying in pain for hours. Nothing helps I’ve taken painkillers and they haven’t helped at all.. Should I mention this to a doctor? ?
I recovered somewhat after a few hours but somethings changed now; I cant be alone without constantly feeling like Im on the verge of another attack. When my fiance is home Im perfectly fine, but as soon as she leaves for work (I work from home) I start to feel terrified, my feet and hands start sweating, I feel like Im about to be sick, I get lightheaded and I feel like I become wayyyy too conscious of my breathing to the point where I focus on it and it feels like no matter how much I exhale and inhale Im not actually breathing. I dont understand why this is happening....Ive never had issues being alone; now I cant even be alone in my own home. This feels like my life is ruined if I dont get it under control because I cant work like this. What the hell is happening?
I don't know why this happened, but I use to have these really bad panic attacks up until about a decade ago. Since then I've been having what feels like one long one. For 9 years I've been in a constant state of panic. It's not as severe as the full blown ones but I'm always short of breath, jittery, with an increased heart rate, a bit warm and super aware of my surroundings. At times I feel like I'm one loud noise away from pulling a seizure or losing consciousness and if I take my mind off my breathing I would stop.
Our current plan of action is to both apply to be Uber / Lyft drivers and rent or lease a car through one of those two companies. It's a way to make money, and sleeping in a car is infinitely better than sleeping outside. My girlfriend is waiting for the background check, and I need to get a CA driver license before anything (working on it). I'm also using the local library to apply for jobs. I'm a software engineer by trade with many years experience and have had $100k+/yr jobs in the past.
I don't know what to do. We have two weeks. My girlfriend is a single mom with two kids, but her ex-spouse is primary and she pays him child support. We are both struggling to get sustainable work, currently jobless, will lose the kids, and simply can't get funds to continue living in the rental we're currently in. Time is ticking and I'm very scared.
But even if I don’t make my goal, I pledge to keep fighting for companion animal and pet owner rights. If nothing else, this has opened my eyes. - This is 100% real. I will answer any questions you have, so long as I do not have to name the other person involved. I’m not trying to ruin reputations.
However, I still need to figure out my best options. That said, I have a few hundred USD to roll with, as well as a part-time job. I know a shelter that's not awfully far from where I work too. So I have my short-term plan, save for possessions. I'll need to call up some storage units tomorrow to check locations and prices.
A couple months after we though she was out of our lives, she broke into our house at 2 am. I was playing diablo 2, as at this point in my life I had severe insomnia. I heard the break in and woke my dad and his new girlfriend up [my dad has had a lot of women in his life....] saying dotty had broken in. I had seen her from the balcony of our stairs when getting my dad. Had i not been up, My dad had thought I had broken a cup or something and wasnt going to bother checking, I was known for having insomnia at this point in my life already, so she may very well have attacked any one of us that night.
It’s been a terrible struggle the last few years. We have never asked for help from anyone, though. We are hard working and we are proud of our family, and who we are as people. It’s hard to ask for help. BUT- sometimes WE need help too.
Life’s kinda sucked all these years but I’ve never given up and my push has always landed me amazing opportunities. Now , I’m just looking for an amazing opportunity but the difference is , I want it to be a permanent one. Reddit is a big site , I’m asking for something specific in a specific state, But if anyone knows anyone I could even just treat to a coffee and pick their brain,
It does not help that my mom leans on me and only me emotionally, when it comes to my father who I don't have a relationship with and all their financial issues etc...I am dealing with a lot personally, and then on the outside there family stuff on top of me too, and I feel trapped honestly. I went to see a counselor in college and he thought if I got more of a routine going I would be fine, he also was extremely judgemental and scolded me for not coming into college regularly, he didn't believe me things I told him, so I left. I did go to a counselor about 12 times after the abusive relationship ended, I still felt vulnerable and scared leaving it that place and told her I don't feel ready to stop this. She said there was nothing more she could do. Now I am at the point where I feel like there is nothing nobody can do for me, I feel emotionally trapped and I don't know what to do, or where to go anymore.
During my service I got suddenly rowdy and would fight a lot with marines and civilians that resulted in many nights in jail. I have been to captains mast twice (Inciting a riot, breach of peace, destruction of government property). Today I sometimes I call in sick because I have pauses I call them where I can’t seem to be too far from home or I get a sudden feeling of not being safe or keep my family safe. I have a million excuses why I cannot do something or go somewhere. I can’t fly, I can’t sit in the center of a crowd I must be by the door and there has to be more than one door.
The contract with Apex is over and they screwed me hard. I don't have another job lined up despite having never stopped looking, and I was counting on my income taxes to pay back all the people who I borrowed money from and buy me some time to get a proper job and fix all of this. Now I have no idea what I'm going to do. Everything is falling apart is even bigger chunks than before. All of the bills are due again and rent is coming up.
I had the back up clothes in case my body exploded. I got an aisle seat in the back. I had it covered. I have been traveling on planes ever since for the last twenty years. Fear defeated.
I would like to reach out for help from someone supportive before an episode becomes too intense to ask for help. I would like to acknowledge the symptoms and temporary nature of the situation as to let it pass without causing additional damage. I finally realized that fighting my traumatic episodes is like a rigid oak tree trying to resist a flooding dam. Do any of you guys have ways to be "okay" with an episode? If so, how do you find the flexibility and patience to not fight against it?
Original post here: <url> Quick update: my abusive ex, who put forward his candidacy for local council, was elected Friday by acclamation - meaning no one came forward to challenge him, so no election will be necessary, and he is automatically the winner. He is flush with victory at the moment. I have decided to come forward anyways, about the emotional and sexual abuse that I experienced during the relationship. I know I may pay a price, for speaking openly in our small community.
My Father has been struggling with alcoholism for nearly his entire life, he hasn’t been in contact with myself, my mom, or my sister in years. I guess it all of sudden caught up with him, he past away from a heart attack recently. It still doesn’t feel real, but my girlfriends family has been nothing but supportive throughout the whole thing and helped me grieve through his death. Needless to say, I do not want to attend a funeral or memorial, because I’d like to remember the good times I had with him and not being up bad memories. I had a rough child hood, he cheated on my mother, he wasn’t a great guy.
I don't want to feel like a burden to anyone anymore and to myself so the feeling of wanting to die didn't go away. I don't know how to deal with myself or with other people since I feel like I should just get over it and continue with my life but I can't and I'm 22. Am I exaggerating? Am I just so weak that I can't deal with what happened to me that I can't normally continue with my life? I was a good student and a good friend.
Every single day I'm getting fb messages from her saying a combination of the following: I'm feeling sad, I'm ugly, I'm fat, I'm scared you aren't attracted to me,
I know it's a young relationship, but it's hard adjusting to changes especially since i went from seeing him every day to not seeing him at all anymore. If any one has experience with a PTSD relationship or something along those lines, please feel free to share. It would be nice just to talk with some one whose been through this and can give me advice even...thanks guys TL;DR! - best advice for some one who's dating a PTSD vet when they've become distant
&#x200B; I'm sorry if this isn't appropriate for the thread. I don't really know if it's appropriate anywhere. I guess that's the point? "Am I normal or am I fucked up?"
I'm pretty broke and almost all of my money for now is going towards bills and food. I have my state's basic free insurance OHP (Oregon Health Plan) but I'm not sure what kind of psychological services they could provide. I'm hesitant to start a regimen of anxiety medications if it's possible to work through things. Open to any advice. Thank you very much in advance.
I have a twin sister, Audrey, and I hate her. I genuinely can't explain it. I know it's so irrational, but it's just how it is, and I hate that this is how it is. We both came home for our mom's birthday, and I couldn't even spend 20 minutes with her. We're really different people.
I'm in a nursing program, and we're talking about domestic violence. It just so happens this lecture has been on the syllabus since day one, I just have impeccable timing. My question is, should I talk to my cohort about my experience? I feel that it may make them more aware to see and speak to someone that's been in the situation. I feel its important they know how police treated me, and the fact that the first people that showed empathy, the first people that asked "are you okay?"