remain ahead of the curve with a rapidly growing trend of digitalization in banking and financial
services on a global scale. The Digital Bridge created by Mr. Tiwari and his wealth of experience
in the industry make his abilities in his field truly extraordinary.
My name is Debra Ameerally, and I am the current Director of AI/ML Data Operations, BPR and
Analytics at Apple, before this role I led Apple Pay, built Apple store and Apple Wallet. Apple is the
worlds largest technology company, with $394.3 billion in revenue in 2022. It produces a multitude
of technology products, including the iPhone, iPad, iWatch, Airpods, and more. It also offers financial
technology services in the form of Apple Pay, Apple Card, and Apple Cash. In my Director role, I
apply my wealth of leadership experience, specifically in the software industry. I am a seasoned e-
commerce professional with broad experience in online commerce, including analyses and strategy,
coupled with a strong IT background. Before my role as Director of AIML Data Operations, BPR and
Analytics, I applied my experience in several other leadership roles with Apple, including Director of
Payments, iTunes store; Director of Maps; and Director of Analytics HR. Additionally, I am highly
educated with a Master of Science in Economics from the London School of Economic and Political
Science (LSE), specializing in Analysis, Design, and Management of Information Systems. I also
hold a Bachelor of Science in Economics from LSE, specializing in Accounting. Based on my level
of experience and education, I am expertly qualified to speak to Mr. Tiwaris extraordinary ability in
digital banking and financial services.
As a leader within Apple, I directly witnessed the impact of Mr. Tiwaris innovative Digital Bridge as
applied to Apples Payment products when Apple was a McKinsey client. Although Mr. Tiwari
performed this work while employed with McKinsey, the Digital Bridge has since proliferated beyond
Apple into the industry as a whole, and we got to know it via our banking partners. Further, Mr.
Tiwaris Digital Bridge can be attributed specifically to him and his extraordinary ability, rather than
to McKinsey as his employer. McKinsey can claim credit for the wise decision to employ him (as they
should); however, Mr. Tiwaris innovative contribution to the digital banking and financial services
field is entirely his own.
For context, digital banking and financial services has been a rapidly growing and competitive field,
with unique challenges as banks and payment networks struggle to develop new core systems to
meet the needs of their users and deploy new network infrastructure. Historically, migration from old
1 Apple Park way, Cupertino, CA 95014
systems such as mainframe and IMS databases has been a painstaking task, with a significant risk
of lost data, functional discrepancies, and long amounts of downtime. Mr. Tiwari developed a new,
modern framework to simplify this enormous task, which is now known across the industry as Digital
Legacy Decomposition and Automated Integration Framework, or, more simply, Digital Bridge. At
its essence, Mr. Tiwaris Digital Bridge redefines and solves for the transition between the old
systems and the new, functioning as an intermediary layer, which simplifies and accelerates the
migration process.
Mr. Tiwaris Digital Bridge methodology involves numerous components, including automatic
cataloging, legacy code identification, decoupling and preservation, and API integration. At the
outset, Digital Bridge performs a comprehensive scan, cataloging components of the existing
system, ensuring that no component is inadvertently overlooked. Employing advanced algorithms,
the Digital Bridge framework differentiates between the new and legacy code segments, which aids
in the efficient migration of only relevant, up-to-date data and functionalities. One feature that makes
the Digital Bridge shine is its ability to isolate business logic from codebase, ensuring that vital
processes are both preserved and enhanced during the migration process. This isolated business
logic is then transformed into immutable APIs (Application Programming Interfaces), which are
placed systematically in a service catalog. These APIs act as building blocks for the new system,
allowing institutions to mold their service flexibility.
Mr. Tiwaris innovative and disruptive Digital Bridge methodology brings with it numerous game-
changing advantages. First, it mitigates risk by providing an intermediary layer and providing a highly
effective and reliable framework to diminish the risk of data loss and functional inconsistencies and
discrepancies. It is also cost-effective. Historically, migrations have been not only extremely time-
consuming but also financially draining. Digital Bridges efficiency reduces both operational
downtime and the costs associated with it. The stable API structure means banks can progressively
adopt new functionalities while ensuring minimal disruptions to their existing users. Additionally, the
frameworks modular approach allows for easy updates and enhancements, making it a sustainable
choice for future technological shifts.
The results of the implementation of Mr. Tiwaris Digital Bridge at our organization, specifically in
Apple Pay, cannot be overstated. Given as a large enterprise we have several systems and
platforms, we had a very fragmented approach to integration and synchronization, the Digital bridge
framework enabled us to simplify integrations across more than 300+ services, across 6 different
platforms and easily integrate with our network and banking partners. Currently the product runs on
the Digital bridge orchestration framework and supports more than 100 million active devices/users
and over 100 thousand transactions per second. Digital bridge enabled us to build several extensions
to our products, some of which are of confidential nature to mention here.
1 Apple Park way, Cupertino, CA 95014
Given the disruptive nature and global impact of Mr. Tiwaris Digital Bridge methodology in digital
banking and financial services, I earnestly endorse him as among the top 1 to 2% of experts in his
field. I strongly believe the U.S. will continue to benefit from Mr. Tiwaris extraordinary abilities in his
field, and I avidly recommend the approval of the petition on Mr. Tiwaris behalf.