1 value
You are that awareness!
But all of us are experiencing that awareness...
Yes of course, everything is still being registered: the cars going by, the movements in the room. It is all still functioning. Simply bring the focus back. You are that awareness.Instead of focusing out there on what is appearing on the mind, which we are conditioned to do, just come back to what you really are. Come back to that awareness which is no thing, and expand that. And you realize that it is space like, using the metaphor 'space like awareness'.Just like the space that encompasses the car that just passed by: does the sound come to you or does the space enclose it? Looking from this space like awareness, you can't even see a head or ears, so where is the place that the sound comes to you?
Yes, and thought comes and goes, like what we are thinking and talking about here, but none of it at the moment is being referred to the self-center necessarily but thought still happens.
But the hearing is happening. And you realize that the vastness of space encompasses it all. The vastness of awareness is encompassing all those sounds, not out there or in here: just a pure hearing, a pure functioning.
No, that's right.
Because it is very subtle. We are used to the sensations. We continue to look out there for bigger and better sensations, Or we imagine a big bang or some such thing with enlightenment or realization. 'In the future I'll get it' or 'Oh! Won't it be wonderful' and all sorts of imaginings about what it will be like. That is what we continue to look for. So, stay with the subtleness of it.As Nisargadatta says, 'My silence sings; my emptiness is full'. And it does, you feel it vibrating and pulsating through you, very subtly. There is a sense of joy. It is not a highly emotional state or something that will burn you out. Stay with the subtle vibrancy. You will start to know what it is like.Nothing can toss you from there. Nothing can touch you. Just be confident in knowing that nothing can ever toss you away from that essence that you are. Whatever is appearing thoughts, emotions, dramas of this sort or that nothing can ever push you away from your essence. Nothing can ever be added to it, nothing can be taken away from it. In knowing that, just allow that confidence to grow.Without any sense of person, just being, drop all ideas of 'I', What can you say about it, without going into your mind?
How is it that one is not satisfied with that?
You can't say anything without a thought. But you're hearing?
Yes, well I can't say anything about it.
You are seeing?
Oh, yes!
So the functioning is still happening without any mental image. There is an awareness or a sense of presence there.
What do you need to do to acquire that?
It is there of itself, self-arising, self-knowing, timelessly and ceaselessly. Again without a thought, what conditioning is there? Where is your conditioning, without a thought?
Ah! Well you don't need to acquire it.
Right. People try to analyze and get rid of their conditioning. The only way to get rid of your conditioning is full stop! Right here, right now, without thinking about it, there is no conditioning whatsoever! In the next instance there may be so called conditioned responses, but if they are not related to 'my conditioning' then the activity will take place. What's Wrong with Right Now, Unless You Think About It? To do that you have to pull up and stop thought, even if it is only for an instant. Then you realize there is not a thing you can say about it. But you can't deny the fact that it is as it is. As it is, you can't say that it is good, bad, pleasant, etc. It is just what is. What is means it is unaltered, unmodified, uncorrected.Just like a camera will take a photograph of everything in this room, just as it is: the camera does not say 'I don't want that object' or 'I'll have that bit in because it is more pleasant than the other’. It is just taking it just as it is. And this is precisely what is happening in the functioning with you right now. Then it is referred to the ‘me' of memory. From there it is altered, modified or corrected with some preference, partiality or comparison. And all problems arise from that.It does not mean to say that these things will not go on. But if they go on they are understood. You have to see this clearly and understand it. And in the understanding of it, let it go. Then there is no longer anyone or anything to be bound by it. Where before, in believing it, there is that bondage to it. That is the bondage of self. That is our conflict, the resistance to what is.
Yes, that's right. There isn't any.
No. Because what could it have preference for? It can only know itself. So it knows itself as awareness only. There is not a pattern there. It can't divide; space can't divide itself. There is nothing to know or no one to know.
So, this self-knowing awareness doesn't have any preferences. To it , it doesn't matter what happens.
The desire to know oneself is the trying to find some reality to this pattern. When it realizes that it can't find it in the mind or in the pattern, then it really turns back on itself.
In the spiritual tradition there is this desire that arises in the seeker, to know oneself. How is that related to this?
No, because it never left what it was.
And it doesn't find anything.
But you can see it. What is that body made up of?
I understand that it manifests itself as different patterns and that it doesn't have preferences. That it only knows itself, that you can't grasp it with the mind. But something is missing.
Yes, and what are they made of? Go right into it.
Skin and bones.
Yes, subatomic particles, elements. They can be broken down to nothing. So it seems to be a solid body. But in between those minute particles is space. They are floating in space. There is space all around them and space inside them also. It seemingly forms a solid thing. Have a look at your mind in the same way. What is your mind?
Energy! So you see it hasn't really changed. You can dissolve the pattern if you look at it closely. The body and the mind dissolve, and what are you left with? You can dissolve all the mental images you have about yourself by looking closely at them, by seeing the falseness of them. But you cannot negate your beingness. Even with that image of a body mind, you cannot say 'l am not'.
So you can break it down to the same thing, energy.
energy itself is power, isn't it? What is electricity? Show me electricity. What powers that light?
So you say that everything is energy. So what drives it, what powers it?
What is electricity?
Where is the source of the electricity that powers this light? Where is the start of that?
Energy. Where is the source of the energy you are speaking of?
Can you?
Oh, there is combustion and you can actually pinpoint a source.
Where does it start?
It is all there is: Intelligence energy. It is everywhere and every when . You only need a little friction in the sky and you'll get lightning. All the power is there. The lightning is manifesting, but the energy is there already.
I don't know, that is why I am asking you.
That is the intelligence of knowing. Now, when you say 'where' that implies a starting point to it. Where is the center in space? Is there one?
All right. You call it 'intelligence energy'. From where does the intelligence derive?
Where is it expanding from? Where is the source of it?
I don't know. I have read books that say the universe is expanding.
The energy itself is the force. It is intelligence energy. It keeps all the planetary bodies in orbit. It is growing this body right now. It is intelligence energy that is in the sea.
I suppose what I'm asking is: do you think that there is some creative force that is driving all this energy in the universe?
It is uncreated. No origination. It is ceaselessly arising. It is no thing.
But when you say 'intelligence energy'. I think that there must be something that created that intelligence energy.
There could have been, but that would be what? It can only be just another appearance on the beginning less and endlessness, just the same as the whole manifestation is appearance only. It still has not changed its true nature.
So you don't think there was the Big Bang?
Yes, and the patterns are only THAT in reality. Our eyes can't see at that level. It is hard for us to see that the image that we have about ourselves is not the real thing. Just like the microscope reveals something through seeing, by looking into this image of what we believe ourselves to be, we see that it is not real.
I think what limits us in understanding this bit is because of how we see things. If our eyes were like electron microscopes and we could look at the minute level at everything, then there would be nothing there, except energy. Then I would understand that this hand is just empty space. The eye can only see superficially the surface. But at that deeper level the energy becomes apparent. This energy is what you are calling awareness is that right? And the energy appears in patterns.
Yes, you are conditioned to that.
But we are taught that the mind is the intelligence.
it goes along with the habit patterns. It is a wonderfully creative instrument. The problem is that we are trying to grasp it with something that has no power at all. The mind itself has not got the power. The ‘I’ thought can't see, can't hear, can't be aware. So it is trying to get the power and be the power but it can't. Realize that you are the power itself that has formed that pattern of energy and continues to form it and keep it in that pattern. It is living you as you. Get this mental image, which is putting the boundaries on it, out of the way. Then there is freedom from all that limitation that we put upon ourselves. Now, because that limitation is energy also, energy goes into that and gives it a seeming sense of reality.
Like, the more you learn and store away, the more power you will have and success. Everything is based on that. This is like 'me' being deconstructed of all of that. The mind is like a robot in a sense. Is it just habit patterns? Is it anything other than that?
That is why I say at the start, 'Sit with that ordinary wakefulness' It is there; it is immediate; it is there with you right now, without any conceptualization on it. It is just pure ordinary, commonplace, everyday awareness. What happens is that we try to grasp it with the mind instead of simply sitting with it. Realization starts to form as a knowing that everything happens in awareness. Any responses will happen by themselves. It is effortless, just like the breathing, digestion and even the thinking. But the conditioning comes up that 'l am thinking this’. In that, we have created a 'thinker', which we believe to be 'me’. But that is another thought. The thought 'I am' has formed a mental pattern or picture of it but it has not got any power whatsoever. What you call a deconstruction is just a 'seeing through'. There are still going to be patterns of energy. There will still be thoughts. But instead of translating it from the point of view of the 'me' of past memory, the responses will come up of themselves from that intelligence. The intelligence can't do anything by itself, but the response or the urge is then translated by the mind.
That is what it seems like to me. In reference to me, it is just a whole lot of habits. There are a whole lot of pre-programmed responses to a particular event. It is just like going from one to another.
No, it is pure intelligence energy. It never changes. It changes only seemingly so. It would not be reality if it changed. The whole manifestation appears to be in these patterns. Nothing really has ever happened. Let's take the mirage as an example. There appears to be water in the mirage, is that right? Now can that water in the mirage wet your shoes or can you step into it? It can't do anything. Why? Because it never really existed. It only appears to be so. It never ever was water and never will be. So it is the same with this. This vibrates into different patterns and the mind translates it into good or bad, or this or that is going to happen or whatever. All are thoughts, ideas or images. But that is still the same. It is still only energy.
So, intelligence can't do anything of itself?
It is just pure knowing, the activity of knowing, not knowing this or knowing that. There is a registering of everything just like the mirror reflects all that comes before it. Just like the mirror, everything just registers on that pure intelligence energy. But in that registration there is nothing that can be done about it until it is translated by the mind. We get back to 'What's wrong with right now, unless you think about it?' You see, you're hearing that tram go by. You immediately know that it is a tram. Realize that that sound is registered just as it is. In that registration there is an immediate knowing it as this, that or other.
Is the intelligence energy aware that all that it observes is not real? Is it something that it wishes to do to amuse itself?
I am missing something here. Is the intelligence energy creating the sound of the car?
There is hearing, seeing, knowing. There is no 'lt is hearing.' If it is translated as 'It is hearing it' then there is a conceptualized ‘hearer’. The mind puts a label on it and divides it into a seer and seen, a hearer and heard or a knower and known.
It is hearing it?
Well it doesn't! It is another appearance. It has no reality as such. It only appears to be so, just like the mirage or the blue sea. All the appearances are the display of pure awareness.
What do you mean that it did not create that sound?
Not created. They have no reality.
Created by the intelligence energy or not created?
There is nothing created. It only appears to be so. Turn around and look at the reflection in that mirror. Has the mirror created the reflection? It appears to be so, but it is still only the pure energy. You see, that is still the pure mirror. The reflection is in it, but if you really look at it, it is not really in there. It's neither in it nor out of it. It is not touching the mirror in any way. Try and put your hand in the mirror and grasp the reflection.
As an illusion, as a play? Doesn't consciousness create everything?
No, nothing would be there. Everything is that.
But without intelligence energy it would not be there.
Do you dream at night?
Yes, so it does create it! We are splitting hairs here.
How real is your dream when you wake up?
You could say that it was created, but was it created? They can all feel very real but where are they when you wake up?
I can see that it is not real.
Is it because there has to be duration if something is created? In the sense that this moment has no beginning and no end, it is just presence, ever present and ever changing. The mind creates the duration with a description of whatever is happening. That is psychological reality. It is a process that emerges from that immediate energy, but is an illusion in that the word cannot be the real, as you put it.
you can't see any energy. You see the expression of energy. You can't see the wind, but you see the expression of it with the movement of the trees.
How come we can't see that energy?
Yes. It's just not real.
The appearance is an expression of the pure intelligence energy. Is that correct?
Yes, it has not moved away from the One. That One is no thing. It has no shape, no form. It is really only awareness.
So as pure intelligence energy, that is all it is. Is that what you mean when you say that the appearance is not real?
Knowing that it is continually changing with the moment, watching, alert, expectantly, seeing what is unfolding next. Whether it is good or bad, pleasant or painful, just wait for it to unfold, knowing that the dream is going on.
Consciousness is continually moving, continually changing.
Yes, whatever is appropriate will come up. There may be certain responses to it or whatever.
So for someone like you something comes towards you and it is not very nice, you don't like it.
Whatever response that comes up is usually acted upon spontaneously now. There is no, 'Oh, I shouldn't be like this'. Just take note of that spontaneous action. It may be giving someone a smack in the mouth or whatever it is.
But you won't have any attachment to it afterwards?
Yes, but you have known beforehand. It is not attracting that intelligence energy before it is translated into a thought. In the immediacy everything is registered. It is cognized. Then it is translated as 'I don't like it' or whatever. And that is neither accepted nor rejected now. A further response may be added to that 'I don't like it’, such as 'I should do something about it’. But if that is neither accepted nor rejected, if you are not taking a stand anywhere, you allow all these things to come up and the activity follows.
But your thoughts are still that you don't like something.
Even that idea of watching it is a concept. The understanding is that I am that one without a second. Whatever takes place on it, this pattern here just goes on the way it has always gone on. There is no concern as an ‘I’, if you understand what I mean.From that understanding, the world is carrying on as it should. If I find myself not liking something or reacting to it, then that is what is happening. If there are aches and pains in the body then that is what is happening too.
You are just watching it happen to you.
There is no 'me' here that can accept or reject. That is the understanding. If there is accepting or rejecting happening here, then that is what is happening in the appearance also. Just the same as day or night coming onto the sky: is there anything out there saying, 'I don't want it to be night time'? Or 'It shouldn't be winter' or 'It should be spring'? You are just the flow or seeming flow of intelligence energy, although there is nothing really happening as such. It is just functioning like that.
So what part of you is not accepting or not rejecting these things?
Yes, but what I am saying is, even when that 'me' comes out, what is it happening on?
Is it that you mirror back whatever is appropriate at the time? I feel as though I have an understanding of what you are saying or there is a catching of it, but then the 'me' comes out and says it's a lack of responsibility or a lack of concern for other people's feelings...
So it is just the same. Is there any 'me' there, that can 'do' anything?
On awareness.
Even this 'lack of responsibility' idea that comes up, that is part of the play also. In other words, it is just one without a second. That is what you are. It is appearing over 'here' as 'this' and appearing over 'there' as 'that'. It still hasn't changed. You are that one without a second, whether there is a realization there or not.
It's nothing speaking to nothing. The nothing over there is pretending it's somebody. It's as simple as that. But the words - these words - won't necessarily create an awakening there; these are just concepts. We're sharing words together. There's something much more powerful going on in this room. There's a sense of boundlessness that arises in these meetings. But somewhere the words may go to the dreamer and the dreamer will convert them into what they want to hear. They won't listen to what's being said because they don't want to hear that there is no-one. It is too threatening. So continually we find that people come to these meetings and absolutely don't hear what's being said. The fundamental thing that is being said here is hardly ever heard. This is the hidden message that's only available when there's a readiness. But it's hidden under everything else. You have Christianity, Buddhism, traditional Advaita, so-called non-dualism being taught everywhere. There are many books and teachings which claim to be Advaita teachings but which continuously compromise the fundamental and frightening mystery held within the essence of the word Advaita. This message is about the death of the separate individual, and its avoidance or compromise comes straight out of self-survival.
So where does this information come from? Is it that our conversation is a conversation with myself? And myself tells me that all this is a dream?
Oh no, I never knew it. I still don't. But there was a sense of this. This is the communication of unknowing. Here is nothing talking about nothing. There is no-one to know this and nothing to know.
Does it make any sense then to make any effort in life? As a dreamer it seems convincing that you are an individual who can make an effort to get from A to B. In reality there is no you and no A or B. But going even deeper than that, there is no-one that can make an effort and there is no-one that can give up seeming to make an effort. The difficulty with this message is that people suggest that no2 is saying that you don't have to do anything. The message is not that there is someone who can't do anything or doesn't need to. This message is not that at all. This message is that there is no separate one with free will and choice. There's a fundamental difference. Did you always know this?
So that's the dream. There is the dreamer dreaming that they are definitely choosing to stand up or not. The idea of standing up will arrive and the dreamer will stand up and thinks it's choosing to stand up. It's the dream. You've never done anything. There's no-one that's ever done anything. All there is, is what is happening , to no-one.
But it seems I have a choice because I can work or I can sleep. I can do what I want. So it seems to me I have a choice. If I want to go, I could go, or stand up. I have some choice.
There is no responsibility. There is no-one. No-one is responsible. No-one's ever done anything so no-one is responsible. Everything that's apparently happened has apparently happened.
And what about responsibility then?
Dreaming happens and the idea that there is a separate someone happens. It's a dream. And the idea that they are responsible and there's such a thing as cause and effect also arises in that dream.
But responsibility happens.
At death all that ends is the idea of time and story and the struggle to find liberation, simply because in separation the whole mechanism of the body-mind organism is searching for oneness. When that apparent organism ceases to function, which it does at death, then the whole story of searching to find oneness is no more and there is oneness.
What is death?
Look at the whole world we're apparently living in. It's about passion. It's total aliveness. And it's all about the childlike wonder of this. That's all it's about. It has no other meaning. It's not a battle between good and evil. It's not a story about going anywhere. It's just a passionate explosion of aliveness. That's all it is. It's just a passionate explosion of beingness which is telling those who think they are separate people that there is only freedom. All the time, right at this moment, everybody in this room is being bombarded by love through the senses, through everything that is. And the beloved is saying, Look, you don't have to become anything or change or do anything , I am here already. It's so stunning you see. It's so stunningly simple and direct. It's just this. But we're always looking for something else out there. Some concept, some idea that we should be better. I've got to be better. And the lover, the perfect lover, is sitting on our shoulder filling us with aliveness, saying, No you don't have to be anything, what you are is already wholeness. There is only immaculate wholeness and that is all there is. It's amazing.
I heard your wife say that you were very passionate about this, no2.
Being bored , this is oneness being bored and depressed. It can't be anything else. Liberation is totally all-inclusive.
You're saying that boredom and depression are aliveness?
Oh yes. The whole idea, for instance, of being enlightened is looked upon in a certain way by the mind. You know, it's all about being very beautiful and loving and forgiving and accepting and still and quiet. Bullshit! That's such a prison.
It's looked upon in a certain way by the mind, isn't it?
Yes it does. It gets on its knees and gives up.
With the mind, I say, there is just this, and then the mind's just fallen away and there's just this. So the mind kinda bows down.
And takes its place in the manifestation.
Falls away.
It is being this, within which recognition happens. But what I'm trying to say is there isn't any one that can bring that about.
Yes. So it's just the recognition.
Yes, that happens, but being is still beyond that recognition whilst including it.
Yes, it's like itself recognising itself.
No, absolutely not. The mind is only a storyteller and can't possibly comprehend timelessness.
Sometimes I have heard that the mind can actually bring you to this place.
No it can't. Thinking can't comprehend being, it only arises in being. I'm using words and understanding can bring clarity. But clarity isn't awakening. Clarity isn't liberation. Clarity is just another possession.
But it can lead you a little bit.
Again, liberation, being, is beyond recognition. The conceptual recognition that there is no-one is nothing , it's a transient idea.
But, and at the same time, it is the recognition.
There is no such thing as awakening or liberation but these terms are used to describe something that only appears to happen to no-one. Awakening is what invariably seems to happen to most apparent seekers, but you can't say it's in every case, because there are no certainties about anything. But what seems to happen is that there's a sudden timeless seeing by no-one that there is only oneness, and for a while it seems that there is still a subtle seeker who doesn't understand what's just happened but wants to own it. And then apparently it's possible that it's suddenly realised by no-one that the seeker who wants to claim oneness is also oneness, and then it's all over, then there's no-one. There's nothing but being. It's like when you were tiny, tiny children there is only being. And then a moment of separation comes and you're weaned out of being, because young children still sense what being is like, even after that moment of separation, when the ego or the sense of self develops and grows, and we come into the world of the individual. There is a period where there's still a sense of beingness. And then it seems to be lost. But for some people, when awakening happens, there's a weaning back into being. It's so difficult when you answer questions because it sounds like something that's happening in time and it's real. In fact none of it is real. There is no such thing as liberation or awakening. All there is is being.
no2, I don't understand the difference between awakening and liberation.
Absolutely not. What we're talking about here has no relationship to the mind. The mind is just a voice on the side that has all sorts of ideas, but can't possibly conceive beingness because the mind is a moving part. It functions only in story, within being.
There must be a strategy. There must be a formula. If only I had the formula. Wouldn't it be correct to say if I found out how the mind's working ,
But in a sense what happens is that there's a knowing of that , as we were saying, primarily there is a knowing of this. So you can sit on that chair and know that your bum is on the seat, for instance. Or that there's a sound outside. There's a knowing, an awareness of what's happening in your body, there's a knowing that thinking is happening , thinking I'm trying to get this, may be happening. You can feel life in your body right now. There's an energy of aliveness in this room right now. Nobody could deny that exists. But there's a knowing of that energy.
So there's nothing to do really , of course not.
Absolutely. There is still the knowing, the awareness that you're sitting there and that knowing awareness is still in the dream. So what will happen? What can happen is that there can be a knowing you're sitting there, and then there can be a shift where there is just sitting there. That's the shift. That's the timelessness. In a sense, everything that's happening in this room seems to be happening to you in time. Actually it is timeless being, it is the gift. So all the time you're being bombarded through your senses with timeless being. You breathe, you see, you hear, you feel, you taste that which you constantly seek elsewhere. Whatever's happening is oneness, or beingness saying, Look, there's only this. You don't have to look. It's already all there is!
But still in the dream.
Well what happens is that already in that moment of there being no-one and there just being what's happening, light has entered the apparent darkness and the light dissipates the darkness. The darkness is dissipated and apparently falls away. The me, the separation, simply disintegrates in that light. And then there's nothing left.
So what will happen when ,
Everything is nothing arising as everything, including the idea of separation.
Where does the idea of being separated come from?
Oh, yes. But the trying fuels the separation. The whole reinforcement of the individual is in that attempt to find oneness. That effort goes on reinforcing a sense of separation from oneness.
To make this separation go away there is an effort, yes? People are trying to ,
That is why all teachings based on the idea of spiritual endeavour or choice are actually teachings of imprisonment because they go on imprisoning the person in something called being a separate person. So for the mind there is no way out? this has got nothing to do with the mind. When apparent liberation happens then the mind takes its natural place in the functioning , it's no longer the great power. &nbsp; So, you can't get away from what you're looking for because there's no escape from everything. This is all there is so how can anyone lose this? How does anybody have to attain being when this is all and everything? What's apparently happening? What's happening is you're sitting on a chair breathing, seeing this, hearing a voice, that's what's happening. That is this. This is all there is. And if you get up and walk out of this room that will be this. And if you don't really hear what's being said, that will be this. And if there's a real hearing of what's being said, that will be this. And tonight when you go home and eat your dinner, that will be this. There's no escape from this. There's no escape from being. There is only being. This is being, being a room, being bodies on chairs, being no2 waving his arms around. That's all there is. This is a very rare and revolutionary message. Some people say, Oh well you're saying what a lot of other people are saying. Absolutely not. If this is really heard, if the fundamental secret is heard somewhere, you won't ever hear it, but if it's heard it will be seen that this is a rare and revolutionary message. It's about the rediscovery that there is no such thing as separation. There is no separate one. There is no other. There's nothing to be separate from. There's no-one who can be separate. This is all and everything. What is sought has never been lost. However, in the everything arises the idea of separation - Oh I am a person. I am definitely a separate person. I'm an individual and my mother and my father and priests and the teachers and the bosses and the wives and the husbands are all telling me that I am a separate person who can make a choice for better or worse. So there continues a searching for better or worse. The dreamer is created. The dreamer is the apparent separate individual. I am a person. That's the dreamer. And that dreamer can only function in that dream of being separate. And so it grows up with a world of dreamers who all say, This is your life, this is your own life and you can make a choice to make it better or worse. You actually have free will to choose better or worse. And somewhere for many, many people - more and more people these days - that is not the answer. Somewhere there's a knowing that there's a discomfort about that sense of being separate. There's something lost. Something isn't whole. And you can go to religion, you can go to therapy, you can go all over the place, and try and fill that sense of loss. You can go to a teacher of enlightenment and try and fill that sense of loss. But all the time those people are saying to you, Yes, you are a separate individual , you stay locked in the prison - in the dreamer's prison , the dreamer's prison of being a separate person who needs to find something , There's nothing to find. This is it. There is only this. And by this I mean what seems to be happening, beingness. You come in here as an apparent separate individual, let's presume you do, and you're sitting there looking for something. It's already this. Whatever seems to be happening is this. There is only this. And whatever is happening is not happening to anyone in this room. There is no-one in this room to whom anything is happening. There is just happening. This is space. This is emptiness. This is nothing. What's sitting here is nothing and what's arising in that nothing is the sense of a body, hearing noises, feeling feelings, thinking. Thinking also happens to no-one. Nobody has ever thought anything because there is no-one. So thinking is happening, feeling is happening, listening to this voice is happening. All there is, is life happening. All there is, is alive-ness. Aliveness is beingness. There isn't anything other than that. It may be suddenly seen that all that's sitting there is aliveness. Nobody can teach you to be alive. Who would have the arrogance to teach you to be when there is only being? Who would have the arrogance to say you have to change? There is only nothing and<span class=t3> everything. This is beyond understanding, beyond the heart and mind of man. And we can talk together and use words but the words will only point - go on pointing - to something beyond. The words may destroy the illusion in the mind that there is separation because the mind is the storyteller. What can fall apart here is the idea that there is such a thing as a separate individual. And of course what also falls apart is the idea that there's anything that needs to be done, that there's anyone that ever did anything. So, there is nothing to attain, nothing to understand and what is being is this. Simply this aliveness arising for no-one. Liberation is an energetic shift. It's a shift from the contraction of being someone, a separate person with a world out there, back into the natural and very ordinary sense of there only being everything. So that contraction expands out into everything and this thing you thought you were becomes everything. This communication has nothing to do with no2. This is not something that no2 owns or has achieved. It's got nothing to do with knowing, personal endeavour or achievement. no2 is no different to anyone else in this room. It's just a body-mind organism that waves its arms around and talks. The difficulty is that in seeking we personalise everything. We try to say, What's in this for me? What can I get out of this? What do I have to do to be this? That's the confusion. You don't have to do anything because you - this - is already being done. It's being done. Aliveness is happening. Being is simply being. And once this seeker, that always thinks it has to find something and discover something new or different, falls away, suddenly there is a total relaxation and dropping into the sheer joy of being this. Not the knowing of being, but simply, directly being. And people say to us when apparent awakening happens, It's so funny. For years I've searched for bliss and peace and all those other things that are on offer. All those years I searched for that, and what I didn't realise was that what I was looking for already is this. It's always been here. It never left me. It's the perfect lover. But let's talk together about it. And when you ask a question you won't get an answer. In a sense you'll get an answer but the answer will continually bring the questioner back to the realisation that there is just this. The whole answer to life is that there is no answer. There is only life. This isn't my truth. It's not a truth. There is no truth. This is just an exposure, a description of that which is the only constant. It is a rediscovery. And the utter simplicity of it confounds the mind. We will hear this afternoon the mind battling with this , because the mind loves a story. The mind wants to be in a story about seeking and finding. And what's being shared today is that there is nothing to find. This is already it.
And that is a joke isn't it?
Well nobody experiences awakening because nobody awakens. Awakening brings with it the realisation that there is nobody.
I wanted to ask you about awakening because we do experience it.
Well no, it doesn't go away, you come back. There is only this and then there's something that comes back and says, Well is this it? All the traditional teachings are a denial that this is it because what they're really saying to you is, In order to find enlightenment you have to become something. The very idea that you have to become something is a direct denial that already this is all there is. So when awakening apparently happens to no-one, then the seeker comes back for a while, the subtle seeker comes back and says, Well what was that? I don't know what it was but I want it. So you come back and it seems that what happened is no longer there. But in fact it is all and everything. And in a sense, later on, it is seen that the one that comes back, that wants to own that, is also that, and then it's all over.
And then it goes away again?
It is denied because there is a fascination in looking for it. It's a fascination. Oneness plays a joke on itself called becoming a separate individual looking for something called 'not being a separate individual'. But it's totally fascinated by the whole search. It is the play of being. And once it is seen that there is all and everything there's no longer a question of why. All the time there is a seeker, the seeker is really basically saying, Why have I lost paradise? Where is paradise? But this is paradise. Even the looking for it, even the confusion, the seeking is totally immaculately the expression of the infinite. There's nowhere to go. There's nothing right or wrong. There's no above or below. There's no before and after. All there is is this. It's stunning.
Why do we deny it or why do we go back?
Well it's not now. There isn't a now. It is simply this. The timeless expression of the infinite.
So this is always immediate and now.
It is both real and unreal. It's both the nothing and the something. The difficulty is that when we apparently become individuals, we seem to become something. I am something. And everything else around me is something. And then there's a longing for something called enlightenment. So I am something that's going to find something called 'enlightenment'. But in reality there is both something and nothing. All that manifests is something and nothing together. And the separate something is incapable of seeing nothing. It's frightened of seeing nothing because nothing points to personal death. This is about dying. You haven't come here to get anything; you've come here to lose something , the dream of you.
And whatever it is has no reality?
Liberation is not something that happens , it already is. But for the seeker it is believed it isn't. When there is no seeker it is seen by no-one that there is only liberation, there is only being. So at the depth of this, when the body-mind ceases to function as the dreamer, all there is is being.
If liberation happens is that guaranteed?
Well who's going to meditate? And who would it be useful to?
I was just wondering if you thought that, for instance, meditation was useful?
Who is going to choose to meditate?
meditation is simply what it is and this message isn't about being against or for anything. So this message is not saying you shouldn't meditate or you should. It's saying that if meditation happens it happens but there is no-one that can make meditation happen. There's no-one in this room that can make themselves breathe or sit on the chair. There's no free will or choice at any level, except in the dream of separation.
Exactly. So it's irrelevant.
You are not really hearing what is being said here. Who is going to meditate and how is meditation going to matter?
So it doesn't matter if I meditate or not.
On one of your CDs, no2, you mentioned that we were like divine puppets.
The body-mind is simply an object. There's no-one in there. It's just a mechanism that works. It's an organism that grows up and works and is conditioned and has feelings, thoughts, preferences and habits that go on, and there's no-one in there doing that. That is simply oneness arising as a body-mind organism which is, in a way, a divine puppet in that it just responds and reacts to whatever's going on without any self-volition. However, there is no puppeteer. There is no script, no plan, no destiny, no fate , it is all timeless being appearing as something seeming to happen.
Could you say a little bit more about that?
It's only another appearance. It's just a story.
no2, could you just speak about the phenomena of when people are getting messages from angels?
It's just an appearance. This room is an appearance. Listening to the news tonight is the same as talking to an angel. It has no relevance. The mind thinks that the angel is somehow from a special, heavenly place - but there is no special, heavenly place. There's nowhere else. So the angel is oneness angel-ing. But let's be clear about this, because oneness is very clever at creating all sorts of reasons to keep the dream going, so it would appear in all sorts of forms like angels and ascended masters. Have you heard of ascended masters?
A story?
Yes, I've noticed, There is an abundance of books about ascended masters available and it's all just another story which has no relevance to liberation. It is the guru-mind which sees these ideas as spiritually significant.
Yes. I'm just wondering because there are so many books around ,
Yes, it's all in the story. But then you see the whole appearance, in a way, is simply oneness appearing as whatever it is. It has absolutely no relevance to anybody. It's just this. It's no more relevant than that wall. The wall is being this and so is the angel. And also you have people apparently talking to the dead. It's the same sort of thing. It is all the play of being.
So this is just happening in the mind of these people?
Yes, so-called channelling. It's an appearance.
Like channelling?
Well it seems anything is possible. The mind is capable of anything, except liberation from itself. So oneness, through the mind, creates things like channelling and angels, ascended masters, all of this. It's just oneness. But, you know, the seeker is attracted to strange phenomena because it appears as some sort of magic. I know people who have gone to teachers and reported that the teacher has been on the stage and the teacher has vanished. And then the teacher might reappear and they vanish, And then they become the teacher and see what the teacher sees. All of that goes on. It's all totally meaningless magic. But it's oneness appearing in all sorts of forms. Of course, one is seduced into the idea that this has something to do with enlightenment. So you can go to teachers who have that sort of magic way of doing things. You can go to teachers who have great charisma. You can go to teachers who teach you all sorts of things to do. All you get here is nothing.
Then channelling is possible?
Well who is going to put the mind aside? The dreamer can't put the mind aside because the dreamer is dreaming. The mind is the story maker , I am a dreamer looking for oneness. There is no such thing as a mind. All there is, is thinking. You think there's a thought, then a thought, then a thought. There is no such thing as the mind. But one of the thoughts is, I am a separate person. And another thought is, I can go somewhere called 'better than this'. That's how story-making happens. The whole point of liberation is that it has nothing to do with the story. Liberation simply is, despite the story. Liberation is all there is, and in liberation arises the appearance of a story and the appearance, let's say, of a seeker looking for that which is beyond seeking. So, there's no connection. I know the mind would fondly like there to be a connection with what happened<span class=t3> previously to what is being expressed. But what happened previously has no relevance to liberation. You can't creep up on oneness. You can't move nearer to everything. There is only everything. All the time you are trying to creep up to, or get nearer to being, or move along a path to being, you are being that is trying to move towards being.
Then let's take the mind away. Put the mind aside.
Absolutely. It is heard or it isn't heard.
But the perception of that can't be gained by any kind of attempt to perceive what you're talking about. It just arises.