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Above the sky, like a rainbow of Fire and Sunlight, |
were Formed the Spirits. |
Sang they the glories of the Holy One. |
Then from the midst of the Fire came a voice: |
Behold the Glory of the first Cause. |
I beheld that Light, high above all darkness, |
reflected in my own being. |
I attained, as it were, to the God of all Gods, |
the Spirit-Sun, the Sovereign of the Sun spheres. |
There is One, Even the First, |
who hath no beginning, |
who hath no end; |
who hath made all things, |
who govern all, |
who is good, |
who is just, |
who illumines, |
who sustains. |
Then from the throne, there poured a great radiance, |
surrounding and lifting my soul by its power. |
Swiftly I moved through the spaces of Heaven, |
shown was I the mystery of mysteries, |
shown the Secret heart of the cosmos. |
Carried was I to the land of Arulu, |
stood before the Lords in their Houses. |
Opened they the Doorway so I might |
glimpse the primeval chaos. |
Shuddered my soul to the vision of horror, |
shrank back my soul from the ocean of darkness. |
Then saw I the need for the barriers, |
saw the need for the Lords of Arulu.. |
Only they with their Infinite balance could |
stand in the way of the inpouring chaos. |
Only they could guard God's creation. |
Then did I pass around the circle of eight. |
Saw all the souls who had conquered the darkness. |
Saw the splendor of Light where they dwelled. |
Longed I to take my place in their circle, |
but longed I also for the way I had chosen, |
when I stood in the Halls of Amenti |
and made my choice to the work I would do. |
Passed I from the Halls of Arulu |
down to the earth space where my body lay. |
Arose I from the earth where I rested. |
Stood I before the Dweller. |
Gave my pledge to renounce my Great |
right until my work on Earth was completed, |
until the Age of darkness be past. |
List ye, O man, to the words I shall give ye. |
In them shall ye find the Essence of Life. |
Before I return to the Halls of Amenti, |
taught shall ye be the Secrets of Secrets, |
how ye, too, may arise to the Light. |
Preserve them and guard them, |
hide them in symbols, |
so the profane will laugh and renounce. |
In every land, form ye the mysteries. |
Make the way hard for the seeker to tread. |
Thus will the weak and the wavering be rejected. |
Thus will the secrets be hidden and guarded, |
held till the time when the wheel shall be turned. |
Through the dark ages, waiting and watching, |
my Spirit shall remain in the deep hidden land. |
When one has passed all the trials of the outer, |
summon ye me by the Key that ye hold. |
Then will I, the Initiator, answer, |
come from the Halls of the Gods in Amenti. |
Then will I receive the initiate, give him the words of power. |
Hark ye, remember, these words of warning: |
bring not to me one lacking in wisdom, |
impure in heart or weak in his purpose. |
Else I will withdraw from ye your power |
to summon me from the place of my sleeping. |
Now go ye forth and summon thy brothers |
so that I may impart the wisdom to light thy |
path when my presence is gone. |
Come to the chamber beneath my temple. |
Eat not food until three days are past. |
There will I give thee the essence of wisdom |
so that with power ye may shine amongst men. |
There will I give unto thee the secrets so that |
ye, to, may rise to the |
Heavens, God-men in Truth |