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changing at will from life unto life. |
Thus ever passes the Avatar, |
willing his Death as he wills his own life. |
List ye, O man, drink of my wisdom. |
Learn ye the secret that is Master of Time. |
Learn ye how those ye call Masters are |
able to remember the lives of the past. |
Great is the secret yet easy to master, |
giving to thee the mastery of time. |
When upon thee death fast approaches, |
fear not but know ye are master of Death. |
Relax thy body, resist not with tension. |
Place in thy heart the flame of thy Soul. |
Swiftly then sweep it to the seat of the triangle. |
Hold for a moment, then move to the goal. |
This, thy goal, is the place between thine eyebrows, |
the place where the memory of life must hold sway. |
Hold thou thy flame here in thy brain-seat |
until the fingers of Death grasp thy Soul. |
Then as thou pass through the state of transition, |
surely the memories of life shall pass, too. |
Then shalt the past be as one with the present. |
Then shall the memory of all be retained. |
Free shalt thou be from all retrogression. |
The things of the past shall live in today. |
List ye, O Man, to the deep hidden wisdom, |
lost to the world since the time of the Dwellers, |
lost and forgotten by men of this age. |
Know ye this Earth is but a portal, |
guarded by powers unknown to man. |
Yet, the Dark Lords hide the entrance |
that leads to the Heaven-born land. |
Know ye, the way to the sphere of Arulu |
is guarded by barriers opened only to Light-born man. |
Upon Earth, I am the holder of the keys |
to the gates of the Sacred Land. |
Command I, by the powers beyond me, |
to leave the keys to the world of man. |
Before I depart, I give ye the Secrets of how |
ye may rise from the bondage of darkness, |
cast off the fetters of flesh that have bound ye, |
rise from the darkness into the Light. |
Know ye, the soul must be cleansed of its darkness, |
ere ye may enter the portals of Light. |
Thus, I established among ye the Mysteries |
so that the Secrets may always be found. |
Aye, though man may fall into darkness, |
always the Light will shine as a guide. |
Hidden in darkness, veiled in symbols, |
always the way to the portal will be found. |
Man in the future will deny the mysteries |
but always the way the seeker will find. |
Now I command ye to maintain my secrets, |
giving only to those ye have tested, |
so that the pure may not be corrupted, |
so that the power of Truth may prevail. |
List ye now to the unveiling of Mystery. |
List to the symbols of Mystery I give. |
Make of it a religion for only thus will its essence remain. |
Regions there are two between |
this life and the Great One, |
traveled by the Souls |
who depart from this Earth; |
Duat, the home of the powers of illusion; |
Sekhet Hetspet, the House of the Gods. |
Osiris, the symbol of the guard of the portal, |
who turns back the souls of unworthy men. |
Beyond lies the sphere of the heaven-born powers, |
Arulu, the land where the Great Ones have passed. |
There, when my work among men has been finished, |
will I join the Great Ones of my Ancient home. |
Seven are the mansions of the house of the Mighty; |
Three guards the portal of each house from the darkness; |
Fifteen the ways that lead to Duat. |
Twelve are the houses of the Lords of Illusion, |
facing four ways, each of them different. |
Forty and Two are the great powers, |
judging the Dead who seek for the portal. |
Four are the Sons of Horus, |
Two are the Guards of East and West of Isis, |
the mother who pleads for her children, Queen of the Moon, |
reflecting the Sun. |
Ba is the Essence, living forever. |