List down the brand names of root beer that gained a 5-star rating from a customer's review in 2013. Calculate the unit profit available to wholesalers for each brand.
5-star rating refers to StarRating = 5; in 2013 refers to ReviewDate LIKE '2013%'; unit profit available to wholesalers = SUBTRACT(CurrentRetailPrice, WholesaleCost);
full name = First, Last; male customers refers to Gender = 'M'; Fair Oaks refers to City = 'Fair Oaks'; subscribed to the email list refers to SubscribedToEmailList = 'TRUE';
in bottles refers to ContainerType = 'Bottle';  location 38.559615, -121.42243 refers to latitude = 38.559615 AND longitude = -121.42243;
bottle of beer refers to ContainerType = 'Bottle'; American Express refers to CreditCardType = 'American Express';
3 star rating refers to StarRating = 3; Frostie refers to  BrandName = 'Frostie'; if SubscribedToEmailList = 'TRUE', it means the user permit the company to send regular emails to him/her; if SubscribedToEmailList = FALSE', it means the user did not permit the company to send regular emails to him/her; rating on 2014/4/24 refers to ReviewDate = '2014-04-24';
brand of root beer refers to BrandName; lowest unit profit available to wholesalers refers to MIN(SUBTRACT(CurrentRetailPrice, WholesaleCost)); ID of the customer refers to CustomerID; highest number of purchases refers to MAX(COUNT(CustomerID));
AJ Stephans refers to BreweryName = 'AJ Stephans Beverages';
root beer brand refers to BrandName; lowest purchase refers to MIN(COUNT(BrandID));
full name = First, Last; American Express cards refers to CreditCardType = 'American Express'; Sac State Union refers to LocationName = 'Sac State Union';
most amount of profit per unit refers to MAX(SUBTRACT(CurrentRetailPrice, WholesaleCost)); least amount of profit per unit refers to MIN(SUBTRACT(CurrentRetailPrice, WholesaleCost));
How many transactions have been made to purchase a root beer brand from California?
California refers to State = 'CA';
between 2015 to 2016 refers to TransactionDate > = '2015-01-01' AND TransactionDate < '2016-12-31';
female refers to Gender = 'F'; contains artificial sweetener refers to ArtificialSweetener = 'TRUE';
in July, 2014 refers to SUBSTR(TransactionDate, 1, 4) = '2014' AND SUBSTR(TransactionDate, 6, 2) = '07';
California refers to State = 'CA';
average cost = DIVIDE(SUM(PurchasePrice > 2), COUNT(RootBeerID) WHERE PurchasePrice > 2); more than 2 dollars refers to PurchasePrice > 2; in bottles refers to ContainerType = 'Bottle';
not subscribed to the mailing list refers to SubscribedToEmailList = 'FALSE'; percentage = MULTIPLY(DIVIDE(SUM(CustomerID WHERE StarRating > 3), COUNT(CustomerID) WHERE SubscribedToEmailList = 'FALSE'), 1.0);
percentage difference = (DIVIDE(MULTIPLY(SUBTRACT(SUM(PurchasePrice WHERE BrandName = 'River City'), SUM(PurchasePrice WHERE BrandName = 'Frostie')), 100), SUM(PurchasePrice WHERE BrandName = 'Frostie'))); River City refers to BrandName = 'River City'; Frostie refers to BrandName = 'Frostie';
full name = First, Last; customers who have purchased at least one root beer refers to CustomerID > = 1; produced by AJ Stephans Beverages refers to BreweryName = 'AJ Stephans Beverages';
name of the customer = First, Last; 5-star review refers to StarRating = 5;
transaction no. refers to TransactionID; TransactionID = 103545;
How many brands of root beers are available in cans and contain corn syrup and artificial sweeteners?
available in cans refers to AvailableInCans = 'TRUE'; contain corn syrup refers to CornSyrup = 'TRUE'; contain artificial sweeteners refers to ArtificialSweetener = 'TRUE';
Mastercard refers to CreditCardType = 'MasterCard'; between 12/25/2014 and 5/20/2016 refers to TransactionDate BETWEEN '2014-12-25' AND '2016-05-20';
Australia refers to Country = 'Australia';
name of the customer = First, Last; 5-star review refers to StarRating = 5;
name of the root beer brand refers to BrandName; advertised on facebook refers to FacebookPage IS not NULL;
between 2015 to 2016 refers to TransactionDate > = '2015-01-01' AND TransactionDate < '2016-12-31';
type of card refers to CreditCardType;
lowest star rating refers to MIN(StarRating); "Too spicy!" review refers to Review = 'Too Spicy!';
5-star rating refers to StarRating = 5; in 2013 refers to ReviewDate LIKE '2013%'; unit profit available to wholesalers = SUBTRACT(CurrentRetailPrice, WholesaleCost);
in 2014 refers to PurchaseDate > = '2014-01-01' AND PurchaseDate < = '2014-12-31'; percentage = MULTIPLY(DIVIDE(SUM(ContainerType = 'Can'), COUNT(RootBeerID) WHERE PurchaseDate > = '2014-01-01' AND PurchaseDate < = '2014-12-31'), 1.0); in cans refers to ContainerType = 'Can';
What is the precise location of zip code 95819?
precise location = Latitude, Longitude;
Bulldog refers to BrandName = 'Bulldog'; purchased in August, 2014 refers to SUBSTR(TransactionDate, 1, 4) = '2014' AND SUBSTR(TransactionDate, 6, 2) = '08';
most amount of profit per unit refers to MAX(SUBTRACT(CurrentRetailPrice, WholesaleCost)); least amount of profit per unit refers to MIN(SUBTRACT(CurrentRetailPrice, WholesaleCost));
MasterCard refers to CreditCardType = 'MasterCard'; in 2014 refers to TransactionDate > = '2014-01-01' AND TransactionDate < = '2014-12-31';
email address refers to Email; transaction 100016 refers to TransactionID = 100016;
brand of beer refers to BrandName; worst rated most times refers to MAX(COUNT(StarRating = 1));
A&W refers to BrandName = 'A&W';
root beer brands refers to BrandName; highest market evaluation and acceptance refers to MAX(COUNT(StarRating = 5));
brand refers to BrandName; in 2012 refers to ReviewDate LIKE '2012%'; lowest star rating refers to MIN(StarRating); contains cane sugar as well as honey refers to CaneSugar = 'TRUE' AND Honey = 'TRUE';
Australia refers to Country = 'Australia';
difference in the average = SUBTRACT(DIVIDE(MULTIPLY(SUM(Honey = 'TRUE'), 1.0), COUNT(TransactionDate)), DIVIDE(MULTIPLY(SUM(Honey = 'FALSE'), 1.0), COUNT(TransactionDate))); contain honey refers to Honey = 'TRUE'; don’t contain honey refers to Honey = 'FALSE'
Which location sold more bottles of beer?
location refers to LocationName; bottle of beer refers to ContainerType = 'Bottle'; location that sold more bottles of beer refers to MAX(COUNT(LocationID WHERE ContainerType = 'Bottle'));
brewery refers to BreweryName; most sold root beer refers to MAX(COUNT(BrandID)); in 2015 refers to TransactionDate > = '2015-01-01' AND TransactionDate < = '2015-12-31';
most common refers to MAX(COUNT(StarRating)); containing corn syrup refers to CornSyrup = 'TRUE';
do not advertise on Twitter refers to twitter IS NULL; in August, 2014 refers to SUBSTR(TransactionDate, 1, 4) = '2014' AND SUBSTR(TransactionDate, 6, 2) = '08';
not subscribed to the mailing list refers to SubscribedToEmailList = 'FALSE'; percentage = MULTIPLY(DIVIDE(SUM(CustomerID WHERE StarRating > 3), COUNT(CustomerID) WHERE SubscribedToEmailList = 'FALSE'), 1.0);
precise location refers to Latitude, Longitude; American Express refers to CreditCardType = 'American Express';
transaction no. refers to TransactionID; TransactionID = 103545;
most amount of profit per unit refers to MAX(SUBTRACT(CurrentRetailPrice, WholesaleCost)); least amount of profit per unit refers to MIN(SUBTRACT(CurrentRetailPrice, WholesaleCost));
star rating is more than 3 refers to StarRating > 3;
name of the customer = First, Last; 5-star review refers to StarRating = 5;
name of the brand of the beer refers to BrandName; shortest brewed history refers to MAX(FirstBrewedYear);
Which brand has the lowest star rating with a "Too spicy!" review?
lowest star rating refers to MIN(StarRating); "Too spicy!" review refers to Review = 'Too Spicy!';
September 2014 refers to ReviewDate LIKE '2014-09%'; brand of beers refers to BrandName; highest star ratings refers to MAX(StarRating);
non-sweetened refers to honey = 'FALSE' AND artificialsweetener = 'FALSE';
California refers to State = 'CA';
sold in 2014 refers to SUBSTR(TransactionDate, 1, 4) = '2014'; percentage = DIVIDE(MULTIPLY(SUM(BreweryName = 'AJ Stephans Beverages'), 1.0), COUNT(RootBeerID)) WHERE SUBSTR(TransactionDate, 1, 4) = '2014'; AJ Stephans Beverages refers to BreweryName = 'AJ Stephans Beverages';
AJ Stephans refers to BreweryName = 'AJ Stephans Beverages';
Bulldog refers to BrandName = 'Bulldog'; purchased in August, 2014 refers to SUBSTR(TransactionDate, 1, 4) = '2014' AND SUBSTR(TransactionDate, 6, 2) = '08';
brewery refers to BreweryName; most sold root beer refers to MAX(COUNT(BrandID)); in 2015 refers to TransactionDate > = '2015-01-01' AND TransactionDate < = '2015-12-31';
full name = First, Last; River City refers to BrandName = 'River City'; 5-star refers to StarRating = 5;
full name = First, Last; customers who have purchased at least one root beer refers to CustomerID > = 1; produced by AJ Stephans Beverages refers to BreweryName = 'AJ Stephans Beverages';
5-star rating refers to StarRating = 5; in 2013 refers to ReviewDate LIKE '2013%'; unit profit available to wholesalers = SUBTRACT(CurrentRetailPrice, WholesaleCost);
List the full name and phone number of male customers from Fair Oaks who are subscribed to the email list.
full name = First, Last; male customers refers to Gender = 'M'; Fair Oaks refers to City = 'Fair Oaks'; subscribed to the email list refers to SubscribedToEmailList = 'TRUE';
most common refers to MAX(COUNT(StarRating)); containing corn syrup refers to CornSyrup = 'TRUE';
in July, 2014 refers to SUBSTR(TransactionDate, 1, 4) = '2014' AND SUBSTR(TransactionDate, 6, 2) = '07'; male customer refers to Gender = 'M';
brand of root beer refers to BrandName; lowest rating refers to MIN(StarRating);
Mastercard refers to CreditCardType = 'MasterCard'; between 12/25/2014 and 5/20/2016 refers to TransactionDate BETWEEN '2014-12-25' AND '2016-05-20';
California refers to State = 'CA';
average cost = DIVIDE(SUM(PurchasePrice > 2), COUNT(RootBeerID) WHERE PurchasePrice > 2); more than 2 dollars refers to PurchasePrice > 2; in bottles refers to ContainerType = 'Bottle';
brewery refers to BreweryName; most sold root beer refers to MAX(COUNT(BrandID)); in 2015 refers to TransactionDate > = '2015-01-01' AND TransactionDate < = '2015-12-31';
brand of root beer refers to BrandName; highly rated refers to MAX(COUNT(StarRating = 5));
difference = SUBTRACT(COUNT(ContainerType = 'Bottle' WHERE State = 'LA'), COUNT(ContainerType = 'Bottle' State = 'MO')); bottles refers to ContainerType = 'Bottle'; Louisiana refers to State = 'LA'; Missouri refers to State = 'MO';
Among the root beers sold in bottles, how many are sold at the location 38.559615, -121.42243?
in bottles refers to ContainerType = 'Bottle';  location 38.559615, -121.42243 refers to latitude = 38.559615 AND longitude = -121.42243;
Thomas Kemper refers to BrandName = 'Thomas Kemper';  latitude the beer is consumed the most refers to MAX(COUNT(Latitude));
Bulldog refers to BrandName = 'Bulldog'; purchased in August, 2014 refers to SUBSTR(TransactionDate, 1, 4) = '2014' AND SUBSTR(TransactionDate, 6, 2) = '08';
5 stars refers to StarRating = 5; in November 2012 refers to ReviewDate LIKE '2012-11%';
bottle root beer refers to ContainerType = 'Bottle'; purchased between 4/3/2015 and 10/26/2015 refers to PurchaseDate BETWEEN '2015-04-23' AND '2015-10-26';
most amount of profit per unit refers to MAX(SUBTRACT(CurrentRetailPrice, WholesaleCost)); least amount of profit per unit refers to MIN(SUBTRACT(CurrentRetailPrice, WholesaleCost));
root beer brand refers to BrandName; lowest purchase refers to MIN(COUNT(BrandID));
in July, 2014 refers to SUBSTR(TransactionDate, 1, 4) = '2014' AND SUBSTR(TransactionDate, 6, 2) = '07';
full name = First, Last; River City refers to BrandName = 'River City'; 5-star refers to StarRating = 5;
lowest star rating refers to MIN(StarRating); "Too spicy!" review refers to Review = 'Too Spicy!';
MasterCard refers to CreditCardType = 'MasterCard'; in 2014 refers to TransactionDate > = '2014-01-01' AND TransactionDate < = '2014-12-31';
How many transactions were paid through MasterCard in 2014?
MasterCard refers to CreditCardType = 'MasterCard'; in 2014 refers to TransactionDate > = '2014-01-01' AND TransactionDate < = '2014-12-31';
female refers to Gender = 'F'; contains artificial sweetener refers to ArtificialSweetener = 'TRUE';
brand of root beer refers to BrandName; lowest rating refers to MIN(StarRating);
most common refers to MAX(COUNT(StarRating)); containing corn syrup refers to CornSyrup = 'TRUE';
difference = SUBTRACT(COUNT(ContainerType = 'Bottle' WHERE State = 'LA'), COUNT(ContainerType = 'Bottle' State = 'MO')); bottles refers to ContainerType = 'Bottle'; Louisiana refers to State = 'LA'; Missouri refers to State = 'MO';
name of the root beer brand refers to BrandName; advertised on facebook refers to FacebookPage IS not NULL;
brewery refers to BreweryName; most sold root beer refers to MAX(COUNT(BrandID)); in 2015 refers to TransactionDate > = '2015-01-01' AND TransactionDate < = '2015-12-31';
brand of beer refers to BrandName; worst rated most times refers to MAX(COUNT(StarRating = 1));
email addresses refers to Email; Sacramento refers to City = 'Sacramento'; star rating of more than 3 refers to StarRating > 3; in 2014 refers to ReviewDate LIKE '2014%';
sold in 2014 refers to SUBSTR(TransactionDate, 1, 4) = '2014'; percentage = DIVIDE(MULTIPLY(SUM(BreweryName = 'AJ Stephans Beverages'), 1.0), COUNT(RootBeerID)) WHERE SUBSTR(TransactionDate, 1, 4) = '2014'; AJ Stephans Beverages refers to BreweryName = 'AJ Stephans Beverages';
full name = First, Last; American Express cards refers to CreditCardType = 'American Express'; Sac State Union refers to LocationName = 'Sac State Union';
Please list the full names of the customers who have purchased at least one root beer produced by AJ Stephans Beverages.
full name = First, Last; customers who have purchased at least one root beer refers to CustomerID > = 1; produced by AJ Stephans Beverages refers to BreweryName = 'AJ Stephans Beverages';
difference in the average = SUBTRACT(DIVIDE(MULTIPLY(SUM(Honey = 'TRUE'), 1.0), COUNT(TransactionDate)), DIVIDE(MULTIPLY(SUM(Honey = 'FALSE'), 1.0), COUNT(TransactionDate))); contain honey refers to Honey = 'TRUE'; don’t contain honey refers to Honey = 'FALSE'
customer that has the most reviews refers to MAX(COUNT(CustomerID)); full name = First, Last;
brand of root beer refers to BrandName; highly rated refers to MAX(COUNT(StarRating = 5));
most purchased root beer refers to MAX(COUNT(BrandID)); in 2016 refers to PurchaseDate > = '2016-01-01' AND PurchaseDate < = '2016-12-31';
in July, 2014 refers to SUBSTR(TransactionDate, 1, 4) = '2014' AND SUBSTR(TransactionDate, 6, 2) = '07'; male customer refers to Gender = 'M';
brand of root beer refers to BrandName; lowest unit profit available to wholesalers refers to MIN(SUBTRACT(CurrentRetailPrice, WholesaleCost)); ID of the customer refers to CustomerID; highest number of purchases refers to MAX(COUNT(CustomerID));
review content of "Tastes like Australia." refers to Review = 'Tastes like Australia.';
Between Sac State Union and Sac State American River Courtyard refers to LocationName IN('Sac State American River Courtyard', 'Sac State Union'); Dog n Suds refers to BrandName = 'Dog n Suds'; sold the most root beer refers to MAX(COUNT(BrandID));
precise location = Latitude, Longitude;
Please name all of the cities in California.
California refers to State = 'CA';
Thomas Kemper refers to BrandName = 'Thomas Kemper';  latitude the beer is consumed the most refers to MAX(COUNT(Latitude));
brewery refers to BreweryName; most sold root beer refers to MAX(COUNT(BrandID)); in 2015 refers to TransactionDate > = '2015-01-01' AND TransactionDate < = '2015-12-31';
in July, 2014 refers to SUBSTR(TransactionDate, 1, 4) = '2014' AND SUBSTR(TransactionDate, 6, 2) = '07';
type of card refers to CreditCardType;
between 2015 to 2016 refers to TransactionDate > = '2015-01-01' AND TransactionDate < '2016-12-31';
available in cans refers to AvailableInCans = 'TRUE'; contain corn syrup refers to CornSyrup = 'TRUE'; contain artificial sweeteners refers to ArtificialSweetener = 'TRUE';
3 star rating refers to StarRating = 3; Frostie refers to  BrandName = 'Frostie'; if SubscribedToEmailList = 'TRUE', it means the user permit the company to send regular emails to him/her; if SubscribedToEmailList = FALSE', it means the user did not permit the company to send regular emails to him/her; rating on 2014/4/24 refers to ReviewDate = '2014-04-24';
in 2014 refers to PurchaseDate > = '2014-01-01' AND PurchaseDate < = '2014-12-31'; percentage = MULTIPLY(DIVIDE(SUM(ContainerType = 'Can'), COUNT(RootBeerID) WHERE PurchaseDate > = '2014-01-01' AND PurchaseDate < = '2014-12-31'), 1.0); in cans refers to ContainerType = 'Can';
most 5 star ratings refers to MAX(COUNT(StarRating = 5)); name of the brewery refers to BreweryName;
What is the name of the brand of the beer with the shortest brewed history?
name of the brand of the beer refers to BrandName; shortest brewed history refers to MAX(FirstBrewedYear);
brand of root beer refers to BrandName; highly rated refers to MAX(COUNT(StarRating = 5));
dates of purchase refers to TransactionDate; male customer refers to Gender = 'M'; purchased more than 3 root beers refers to COUNT(CustomerID) > 3;
average cost = DIVIDE(SUM(PurchasePrice > 2), COUNT(RootBeerID) WHERE PurchasePrice > 2); more than 2 dollars refers to PurchasePrice > 2; in bottles refers to ContainerType = 'Bottle';
in July, 2014 refers to SUBSTR(TransactionDate, 1, 4) = '2014' AND SUBSTR(TransactionDate, 6, 2) = '07';
bottle of beer refers to ContainerType = 'Bottle'; American Express refers to CreditCardType = 'American Express';
full name = First Last; first top 10 customers refers to MIN(FirstPurchaseDate) LIMIT 10;
brewery refers to BreweryName; most sold root beer refers to MAX(COUNT(BrandID)); in 2015 refers to TransactionDate > = '2015-01-01' AND TransactionDate < = '2015-12-31';
Sac State Union refers to LocationName = 'Sac State Union'; American Express credit card refers to CreditCardType = 'American Express'; in 2014 refers to TransactionDate LIKE '2014%';
male customers refers to Gender = 'M'; Sacramento refers to City = 'Sacramento'; percentage = MULTIPLY(DIVIDE(SUM(BrandID WHERE BrandName = 'Dominion'), COUNT(BrandID) WHERE City = 'Sacramento'), 1.0); Dominion refers to BrandName = 'Dominion'; in 2013 refers to TransactionDate > = 2013-01-01 AND TransactionDate < 2014-01-01;
From which cities are the customers who gave 5 stars in their reviews in November 2012?
5 stars refers to StarRating = 5; in November 2012 refers to ReviewDate LIKE '2012-11%';
email addresses refers to Email; Sacramento refers to City = 'Sacramento'; star rating of more than 3 refers to StarRating > 3; in 2014 refers to ReviewDate LIKE '2014%';
California refers to State = 'CA';
percentage difference = (DIVIDE(MULTIPLY(SUBTRACT(SUM(PurchasePrice WHERE BrandName = 'River City'), SUM(PurchasePrice WHERE BrandName = 'Frostie')), 100), SUM(PurchasePrice WHERE BrandName = 'Frostie'))); River City refers to BrandName = 'River City'; Frostie refers to BrandName = 'Frostie';
name of the root beer brand refers to BrandName; advertised on facebook refers to FacebookPage IS not NULL;
brand of root beer refers to BrandName; lowest rating refers to MIN(StarRating);
male customers refers to Gender = 'M'; Sacramento refers to City = 'Sacramento'; percentage = MULTIPLY(DIVIDE(SUM(BrandID WHERE BrandName = 'Dominion'), COUNT(BrandID) WHERE City = 'Sacramento'), 1.0); Dominion refers to BrandName = 'Dominion'; in 2013 refers to TransactionDate > = 2013-01-01 AND TransactionDate < 2014-01-01;
September 2014 refers to ReviewDate LIKE '2014-09%'; brand of beers refers to BrandName; highest star ratings refers to MAX(StarRating);
Sac State Union refers to LocationName = 'Sac State Union'; American Express credit card refers to CreditCardType = 'American Express'; in 2014 refers to TransactionDate LIKE '2014%';
AJ Stephans refers to BreweryName = 'AJ Stephans Beverages';
full name = First, Last; male customers refers to Gender = 'M'; Fair Oaks refers to City = 'Fair Oaks'; subscribed to the email list refers to SubscribedToEmailList = 'TRUE';
Which customer has the most reviews? State the full name.
customer that has the most reviews refers to MAX(COUNT(CustomerID)); full name = First, Last;
Mastercard refers to CreditCardType = 'MasterCard'; between 12/25/2014 and 5/20/2016 refers to TransactionDate BETWEEN '2014-12-25' AND '2016-05-20';
bottle of beer refers to ContainerType = 'Bottle'; American Express refers to CreditCardType = 'American Express';
brand of root beer refers to BrandName; lowest rating refers to MIN(StarRating);
brands of the root beer refers to BrandName; purchased on 2014/7/7 refers to transactiondate = '2014-07-07';
average cost = DIVIDE(SUM(PurchasePrice > 2), COUNT(RootBeerID) WHERE PurchasePrice > 2); more than 2 dollars refers to PurchasePrice > 2; in bottles refers to ContainerType = 'Bottle';
5-star rating refers to StarRating = 5; in 2013 refers to ReviewDate LIKE '2013%'; unit profit available to wholesalers = SUBTRACT(CurrentRetailPrice, WholesaleCost);
name of the root beer brand refers to BrandName; advertised on facebook refers to FacebookPage IS not NULL;
full name = First, Last; how long ago = SUBTRACT(ReviewDate, FirstPurchaseDate);
California refers to State = 'CA';
Which brand of root beer did Jayne Collins give the lowest rating?
brand of root beer refers to BrandName; lowest rating refers to MIN(StarRating);
5 stars refers to StarRating = 5; in November 2012 refers to ReviewDate LIKE '2012-11%';
stars refers to StarRating; Frostie refers to BrandName = 'Frostie';
brewery refers to BreweryName; most sold root beer refers to MAX(COUNT(BrandID)); in 2015 refers to TransactionDate > = '2015-01-01' AND TransactionDate < = '2015-12-31';
Sac State Union refers to LocationName = 'Sac State Union';
brand of root beer refers to BrandName; lowest unit profit available to wholesalers refers to MIN(SUBTRACT(CurrentRetailPrice, WholesaleCost)); ID of the customer refers to CustomerID; highest number of purchases refers to MAX(COUNT(CustomerID));
sold in 2014 refers to SUBSTR(TransactionDate, 1, 4) = '2014'; percentage = DIVIDE(MULTIPLY(SUM(BreweryName = 'AJ Stephans Beverages'), 1.0), COUNT(RootBeerID)) WHERE SUBSTR(TransactionDate, 1, 4) = '2014'; AJ Stephans Beverages refers to BreweryName = 'AJ Stephans Beverages';
California refers to State = 'CA';
review content of "Tastes like Australia." refers to Review = 'Tastes like Australia.';
percentage =   MULTIPLY(DIVIDE(SUM(LocationName = 'Sac State American River Courtyard'), COUNT(LocationID)), 1.0); Sac State American River Courtyard refers to LocationName = 'Sac State American River Courtyard';
In which city is the brewery AJ Stephans Beverages located?
AJ Stephans refers to BreweryName = 'AJ Stephans Beverages';
5-star rating refers to StarRating = 5; in 2013 refers to ReviewDate LIKE '2013%'; unit profit available to wholesalers = SUBTRACT(CurrentRetailPrice, WholesaleCost);
location refers to LocationName; bottle of beer refers to ContainerType = 'Bottle'; location that sold more bottles of beer refers to MAX(COUNT(LocationID WHERE ContainerType = 'Bottle'));
root beer brands refers to BrandName; highest market evaluation and acceptance refers to MAX(COUNT(StarRating = 5));
full name = First, Last; how long ago = SUBTRACT(ReviewDate, FirstPurchaseDate);
Mastercard refers to CreditCardType = 'MasterCard'; between 12/25/2014 and 5/20/2016 refers to TransactionDate BETWEEN '2014-12-25' AND '2016-05-20';
full name = First, Last; River City refers to BrandName = 'River City'; 5-star refers to StarRating = 5;
MasterCard refers to CreditCardType = 'MasterCard'; in 2014 refers to TransactionDate > = '2014-01-01' AND TransactionDate < = '2014-12-31';
most amount of profit per unit refers to MAX(SUBTRACT(CurrentRetailPrice, WholesaleCost)); least amount of profit per unit refers to MIN(SUBTRACT(CurrentRetailPrice, WholesaleCost));
male customers refers to Gender = 'M'; Sacramento refers to City = 'Sacramento'; percentage = MULTIPLY(DIVIDE(SUM(BrandID WHERE BrandName = 'Dominion'), COUNT(BrandID) WHERE City = 'Sacramento'), 1.0); Dominion refers to BrandName = 'Dominion'; in 2013 refers to TransactionDate > = 2013-01-01 AND TransactionDate < 2014-01-01;
brand of root beer refers to BrandName; highly rated refers to MAX(COUNT(StarRating = 5));
Among the root beer brands that do not advertise on Twitter, how many of them have root beers sold in August, 2014?
do not advertise on Twitter refers to twitter IS NULL; in August, 2014 refers to SUBSTR(TransactionDate, 1, 4) = '2014' AND SUBSTR(TransactionDate, 6, 2) = '08';
name of the brand of the beer refers to BrandName; shortest brewed history refers to MAX(FirstBrewedYear);
non-sweetened refers to honey = 'FALSE' AND artificialsweetener = 'FALSE';
type of card refers to CreditCardType;
brand of root beer refers to BrandName; lowest rating refers to MIN(StarRating);
root beer brand refers to BrandName; lowest purchase refers to MIN(COUNT(BrandID));
brewery refers to BreweryName; most sold root beer refers to MAX(COUNT(BrandID)); in 2015 refers to TransactionDate > = '2015-01-01' AND TransactionDate < = '2015-12-31';
not subscribed to the mailing list refers to SubscribedToEmailList = 'FALSE'; percentage = MULTIPLY(DIVIDE(SUM(CustomerID WHERE StarRating > 3), COUNT(CustomerID) WHERE SubscribedToEmailList = 'FALSE'), 1.0);
in 2014 refers to PurchaseDate > = '2014-01-01' AND PurchaseDate < = '2014-12-31'; percentage = MULTIPLY(DIVIDE(SUM(ContainerType = 'Can'), COUNT(RootBeerID) WHERE PurchaseDate > = '2014-01-01' AND PurchaseDate < = '2014-12-31'), 1.0); in cans refers to ContainerType = 'Can';
email address refers to Email; transaction 100016 refers to TransactionID = 100016;
What is the average star rating given by female customers to brand ID 10018 from 1/25/2015 to 3/10/2015?
average star rating = AVG(StarRating); female customers refers to Gender = 'F; from 1/25/2015 to 3/10/2015 refers to ReviewDate BETWEEN '2015-01-25' AND '2015-03-10';
5-star rating refers to StarRating = 5; in 2013 refers to ReviewDate LIKE '2013%'; unit profit available to wholesalers = SUBTRACT(CurrentRetailPrice, WholesaleCost);
brand of beer refers to BrandName; worst rated most times refers to MAX(COUNT(StarRating = 1));
5 stars refers to StarRating = 5; in November 2012 refers to ReviewDate LIKE '2012-11%';
dates of purchase refers to TransactionDate; male customer refers to Gender = 'M'; purchased more than 3 root beers refers to COUNT(CustomerID) > 3;
average cost = DIVIDE(SUM(PurchasePrice > 2), COUNT(RootBeerID) WHERE PurchasePrice > 2); more than 2 dollars refers to PurchasePrice > 2; in bottles refers to ContainerType = 'Bottle';
between 2015 to 2016 refers to TransactionDate > = '2015-01-01' AND TransactionDate < '2016-12-31';
brand of root beer refers to BrandName; highly rated refers to MAX(COUNT(StarRating = 5));
not subscribed to the mailing list refers to SubscribedToEmailList = 'FALSE'; percentage = MULTIPLY(DIVIDE(SUM(CustomerID WHERE StarRating > 3), COUNT(CustomerID) WHERE SubscribedToEmailList = 'FALSE'), 1.0);
AJ Stephans refers to BreweryName = 'AJ Stephans Beverages';
What is the average cost of root beers purchased for more than 2 dollars and sold in bottles?
average cost = DIVIDE(SUM(PurchasePrice > 2), COUNT(RootBeerID) WHERE PurchasePrice > 2); more than 2 dollars refers to PurchasePrice > 2; in bottles refers to ContainerType = 'Bottle';
not subscribed to the mailing list refers to SubscribedToEmailList = 'FALSE'; percentage = MULTIPLY(DIVIDE(SUM(CustomerID WHERE StarRating > 3), COUNT(CustomerID) WHERE SubscribedToEmailList = 'FALSE'), 1.0);
users permit the company to send regular emails to them refers to subscribedtoemaillist = 'TRUE'; Visa card refers to creditcardtype = 'Visa'; in July, 2014 refers to SUBSTR(TransactionDate, 1, 4) = '2014' AND SUBSTR(TransactionDate, 6, 2) = '07';
non-sweetened refers to honey = 'FALSE' AND artificialsweetener = 'FALSE';
most purchased root beer refers to MAX(COUNT(BrandID)); in 2016 refers to PurchaseDate > = '2016-01-01' AND PurchaseDate < = '2016-12-31';
brewery refers to BreweryName; most sold root beer refers to MAX(COUNT(BrandID)); in 2015 refers to TransactionDate > = '2015-01-01' AND TransactionDate < = '2015-12-31';
California refers to State = 'CA';
most amount of profit per unit refers to MAX(SUBTRACT(CurrentRetailPrice, WholesaleCost)); least amount of profit per unit refers to MIN(SUBTRACT(CurrentRetailPrice, WholesaleCost));
brand refers to BrandName; in 2012 refers to ReviewDate LIKE '2012%'; lowest star rating refers to MIN(StarRating); contains cane sugar as well as honey refers to CaneSugar = 'TRUE' AND Honey = 'TRUE';
location refers to LocationName; bottle of beer refers to ContainerType = 'Bottle'; location that sold more bottles of beer refers to MAX(COUNT(LocationID WHERE ContainerType = 'Bottle'));
Among the users that permit the company to send regular emails to them, how many of them had made a transaction with a Visa card in July, 2014?
users permit the company to send regular emails to them refers to subscribedtoemaillist = 'TRUE'; Visa card refers to creditcardtype = 'Visa'; in July, 2014 refers to SUBSTR(TransactionDate, 1, 4) = '2014' AND SUBSTR(TransactionDate, 6, 2) = '07';
California refers to State = 'CA';
California refers to State = 'CA';
most amount of profit per unit refers to MAX(SUBTRACT(CurrentRetailPrice, WholesaleCost)); least amount of profit per unit refers to MIN(SUBTRACT(CurrentRetailPrice, WholesaleCost));
full name = First Last; first top 10 customers refers to MIN(FirstPurchaseDate) LIMIT 10;
A&W refers to BrandName = 'A&W';
Between Sac State Union and Sac State American River Courtyard refers to LocationName IN('Sac State American River Courtyard', 'Sac State Union'); Dog n Suds refers to BrandName = 'Dog n Suds'; sold the most root beer refers to MAX(COUNT(BrandID));
full name = First, Last; male customers refers to Gender = 'M'; Fair Oaks refers to City = 'Fair Oaks'; subscribed to the email list refers to SubscribedToEmailList = 'TRUE';
Bulldog refers to BrandName = 'Bulldog'; purchased in August, 2014 refers to SUBSTR(TransactionDate, 1, 4) = '2014' AND SUBSTR(TransactionDate, 6, 2) = '08';
Sac State Union refers to LocationName = 'Sac State Union'; American Express credit card refers to CreditCardType = 'American Express'; in 2014 refers to TransactionDate LIKE '2014%';
percentage difference = (DIVIDE(MULTIPLY(SUBTRACT(SUM(PurchasePrice WHERE BrandName = 'River City'), SUM(PurchasePrice WHERE BrandName = 'Frostie')), 100), SUM(PurchasePrice WHERE BrandName = 'Frostie'))); River City refers to BrandName = 'River City'; Frostie refers to BrandName = 'Frostie';
What is the percentage difference of River City sale compare to Frostie?
percentage difference = (DIVIDE(MULTIPLY(SUBTRACT(SUM(PurchasePrice WHERE BrandName = 'River City'), SUM(PurchasePrice WHERE BrandName = 'Frostie')), 100), SUM(PurchasePrice WHERE BrandName = 'Frostie'))); River City refers to BrandName = 'River City'; Frostie refers to BrandName = 'Frostie';
Mastercard refers to CreditCardType = 'MasterCard'; between 12/25/2014 and 5/20/2016 refers to TransactionDate BETWEEN '2014-12-25' AND '2016-05-20';
available in cans refers to AvailableInCans = 'TRUE'; contain corn syrup refers to CornSyrup = 'TRUE'; contain artificial sweeteners refers to ArtificialSweetener = 'TRUE';
Sac State Union refers to LocationName = 'Sac State Union';
full name = First, Last; River City refers to BrandName = 'River City'; 5-star refers to StarRating = 5;
Sac State Union refers to LocationName = 'Sac State Union'; American Express credit card refers to CreditCardType = 'American Express'; in 2014 refers to TransactionDate LIKE '2014%';
sweet refers to Honey = 'TRUE'; bottled refers to ContainerType = 'Bottle'; do not contain cane sugar refers to CaneSugar = 'FALSE'; in 2015 refers to PurchaseDate < = '2015-12-31'; Sac State American River Courtyard refers to LocationName = 'Sac State American River Courtyard';
California refers to State = 'CA';
customer that has the most reviews refers to MAX(COUNT(CustomerID)); full name = First, Last;
brand of root beer refers to BrandName; highly rated refers to MAX(COUNT(StarRating = 5));
in bottles refers to ContainerType = 'Bottle';  location 38.559615, -121.42243 refers to latitude = 38.559615 AND longitude = -121.42243;
How many brands of bottle root beer were purchased between 4/3/2015 and 10/26/2015?
bottle root beer refers to ContainerType = 'Bottle'; purchased between 4/3/2015 and 10/26/2015 refers to PurchaseDate BETWEEN '2015-04-23' AND '2015-10-26';
most amount of profit per unit refers to MAX(SUBTRACT(CurrentRetailPrice, WholesaleCost)); least amount of profit per unit refers to MIN(SUBTRACT(CurrentRetailPrice, WholesaleCost));
Sac State Union refers to LocationName = 'Sac State Union';
sweet refers to Honey = 'TRUE'; bottled refers to ContainerType = 'Bottle'; do not contain cane sugar refers to CaneSugar = 'FALSE'; in 2015 refers to PurchaseDate < = '2015-12-31'; Sac State American River Courtyard refers to LocationName = 'Sac State American River Courtyard';
name of the customer = First, Last; 5-star review refers to StarRating = 5;
percentage difference = (DIVIDE(MULTIPLY(SUBTRACT(SUM(PurchasePrice WHERE BrandName = 'River City'), SUM(PurchasePrice WHERE BrandName = 'Frostie')), 100), SUM(PurchasePrice WHERE BrandName = 'Frostie'))); River City refers to BrandName = 'River City'; Frostie refers to BrandName = 'Frostie';
female refers to Gender = 'F'; contains artificial sweetener refers to ArtificialSweetener = 'TRUE';
sold in 2014 refers to SUBSTR(TransactionDate, 1, 4) = '2014'; percentage = DIVIDE(MULTIPLY(SUM(BreweryName = 'AJ Stephans Beverages'), 1.0), COUNT(RootBeerID)) WHERE SUBSTR(TransactionDate, 1, 4) = '2014'; AJ Stephans Beverages refers to BreweryName = 'AJ Stephans Beverages';
precise location refers to Latitude, Longitude; American Express refers to CreditCardType = 'American Express';
star rating is more than 3 refers to StarRating > 3;
full name = First, Last; male customers refers to Gender = 'M'; Fair Oaks refers to City = 'Fair Oaks'; subscribed to the email list refers to SubscribedToEmailList = 'TRUE';
How many breweries are there in Australia?
Australia refers to Country = 'Australia';
precise location = Latitude, Longitude;
A&W refers to BrandName = 'A&W';
in July, 2014 refers to SUBSTR(TransactionDate, 1, 4) = '2014' AND SUBSTR(TransactionDate, 6, 2) = '07';
precise location refers to Latitude, Longitude; American Express refers to CreditCardType = 'American Express';
California refers to State = 'CA';
female refers to Gender = 'F'; contains artificial sweetener refers to ArtificialSweetener = 'TRUE';
email addresses refers to Email; Sacramento refers to City = 'Sacramento'; star rating of more than 3 refers to StarRating > 3; in 2014 refers to ReviewDate LIKE '2014%';
average cost = DIVIDE(SUM(PurchasePrice > 2), COUNT(RootBeerID) WHERE PurchasePrice > 2); more than 2 dollars refers to PurchasePrice > 2; in bottles refers to ContainerType = 'Bottle';
dates of purchase refers to TransactionDate; male customer refers to Gender = 'M'; purchased more than 3 root beers refers to COUNT(CustomerID) > 3;
Which brand of root beer has the lowest unit profit available to wholesalers? Indicate the ID of the customer that has the highest number of purchases of the said brand.
brand of root beer refers to BrandName; lowest unit profit available to wholesalers refers to MIN(SUBTRACT(CurrentRetailPrice, WholesaleCost)); ID of the customer refers to CustomerID; highest number of purchases refers to MAX(COUNT(CustomerID));
do not advertise on Twitter refers to twitter IS NULL; in August, 2014 refers to SUBSTR(TransactionDate, 1, 4) = '2014' AND SUBSTR(TransactionDate, 6, 2) = '08';
full name = First, Last; River City refers to BrandName = 'River City'; 5-star refers to StarRating = 5;
transaction no. refers to TransactionID; TransactionID = 103545;
sold in 2014 refers to SUBSTR(TransactionDate, 1, 4) = '2014'; percentage = DIVIDE(MULTIPLY(SUM(BreweryName = 'AJ Stephans Beverages'), 1.0), COUNT(RootBeerID)) WHERE SUBSTR(TransactionDate, 1, 4) = '2014'; AJ Stephans Beverages refers to BreweryName = 'AJ Stephans Beverages';
MasterCard refers to CreditCardType = 'MasterCard'; in 2014 refers to TransactionDate > = '2014-01-01' AND TransactionDate < = '2014-12-31';
Sac State Union refers to LocationName = 'Sac State Union'; American Express credit card refers to CreditCardType = 'American Express'; in 2014 refers to TransactionDate LIKE '2014%';
customer that has the most reviews refers to MAX(COUNT(CustomerID)); full name = First, Last;
most 5 star ratings refers to MAX(COUNT(StarRating = 5)); name of the brewery refers to BreweryName;
What is the credit card type used by Kenneth Walton?
bottle of beer refers to ContainerType = 'Bottle'; American Express refers to CreditCardType = 'American Express';
stars refers to StarRating; Frostie refers to BrandName = 'Frostie';
difference in the average = SUBTRACT(DIVIDE(MULTIPLY(SUM(Honey = 'TRUE'), 1.0), COUNT(TransactionDate)), DIVIDE(MULTIPLY(SUM(Honey = 'FALSE'), 1.0), COUNT(TransactionDate))); contain honey refers to Honey = 'TRUE'; don’t contain honey refers to Honey = 'FALSE'
brand of root beer refers to BrandName; highly rated refers to MAX(COUNT(StarRating = 5));
bottle root beer refers to ContainerType = 'Bottle'; purchased between 4/3/2015 and 10/26/2015 refers to PurchaseDate BETWEEN '2015-04-23' AND '2015-10-26';
full name = First, Last; American Express cards refers to CreditCardType = 'American Express'; Sac State Union refers to LocationName = 'Sac State Union';
review content of "Tastes like Australia." refers to Review = 'Tastes like Australia.';
star rating is more than 3 refers to StarRating > 3;
Mastercard refers to CreditCardType = 'MasterCard'; between 12/25/2014 and 5/20/2016 refers to TransactionDate BETWEEN '2014-12-25' AND '2016-05-20';
In the reviews of September 2014. Which brand of beers obtained the highest star ratings?
September 2014 refers to ReviewDate LIKE '2014-09%'; brand of beers refers to BrandName; highest star ratings refers to MAX(StarRating);
email address refers to Email; transaction 100016 refers to TransactionID = 100016;
between 2015 to 2016 refers to TransactionDate > = '2015-01-01' AND TransactionDate < '2016-12-31';
not subscribed to the mailing list refers to SubscribedToEmailList = 'FALSE'; percentage = MULTIPLY(DIVIDE(SUM(CustomerID WHERE StarRating > 3), COUNT(CustomerID) WHERE SubscribedToEmailList = 'FALSE'), 1.0);
transaction no. refers to TransactionID; TransactionID = 103545;
brand of root beer refers to BrandName; produced by Dr Pepper Snapple Group refers to BreweryName = 'Dr Pepper Snapple Group'; percentage of purchases = MULTIPLY(DIVIDE(SUM(BrandID WHERE PurchaseDate > = '2014-01-01' AND PurchaseDate < = '2016-12-31'), COUNT(BrandID) WHERE BreweryName = 'Dr Pepper Snapple Group'), 1.0); between 2014 to 2016 refers to PurchaseDate > = '2014-01-01' AND PurchaseDate < = '2016-12-31;
star rating is more than 3 refers to StarRating > 3;
name of the customer = First, Last; 5-star review refers to StarRating = 5;
percentage =   MULTIPLY(DIVIDE(SUM(LocationName = 'Sac State American River Courtyard'), COUNT(LocationID)), 1.0); Sac State American River Courtyard refers to LocationName = 'Sac State American River Courtyard';
name of the brand of the beer refers to BrandName; shortest brewed history refers to MAX(FirstBrewedYear);
difference in the average = SUBTRACT(DIVIDE(MULTIPLY(SUM(Honey = 'TRUE'), 1.0), COUNT(TransactionDate)), DIVIDE(MULTIPLY(SUM(Honey = 'FALSE'), 1.0), COUNT(TransactionDate))); contain honey refers to Honey = 'TRUE'; don’t contain honey refers to Honey = 'FALSE'
How many root beers did Tom Hanks purchase between 2015 to 2016?
between 2015 to 2016 refers to TransactionDate > = '2015-01-01' AND TransactionDate < '2016-12-31';
non-sweetened refers to honey = 'FALSE' AND artificialsweetener = 'FALSE';
brand refers to BrandName; in 2012 refers to ReviewDate LIKE '2012%'; lowest star rating refers to MIN(StarRating); contains cane sugar as well as honey refers to CaneSugar = 'TRUE' AND Honey = 'TRUE';
sold in 2014 refers to SUBSTR(TransactionDate, 1, 4) = '2014'; percentage = DIVIDE(MULTIPLY(SUM(BreweryName = 'AJ Stephans Beverages'), 1.0), COUNT(RootBeerID)) WHERE SUBSTR(TransactionDate, 1, 4) = '2014'; AJ Stephans Beverages refers to BreweryName = 'AJ Stephans Beverages';
bottle of beer refers to ContainerType = 'Bottle'; American Express refers to CreditCardType = 'American Express';
review content of "Tastes like Australia." refers to Review = 'Tastes like Australia.';
average star rating = AVG(StarRating); female customers refers to Gender = 'F; from 1/25/2015 to 3/10/2015 refers to ReviewDate BETWEEN '2015-01-25' AND '2015-03-10';
Mastercard refers to CreditCardType = 'MasterCard'; between 12/25/2014 and 5/20/2016 refers to TransactionDate BETWEEN '2014-12-25' AND '2016-05-20';
bottle root beer refers to ContainerType = 'Bottle'; purchased between 4/3/2015 and 10/26/2015 refers to PurchaseDate BETWEEN '2015-04-23' AND '2015-10-26';
5 stars refers to StarRating = 5; in November 2012 refers to ReviewDate LIKE '2012-11%';
Australia refers to Country = 'Australia';
Tally the email addresses and phone numbers of customers from Sacramento who gave a star rating of more than 3 in 2014.
email addresses refers to Email; Sacramento refers to City = 'Sacramento'; star rating of more than 3 refers to StarRating > 3; in 2014 refers to ReviewDate LIKE '2014%';
in July, 2014 refers to SUBSTR(TransactionDate, 1, 4) = '2014' AND SUBSTR(TransactionDate, 6, 2) = '07';
Between Sac State Union and Sac State American River Courtyard refers to LocationName IN('Sac State American River Courtyard', 'Sac State Union'); Dog n Suds refers to BrandName = 'Dog n Suds'; sold the most root beer refers to MAX(COUNT(BrandID));
sold in 2014 refers to SUBSTR(TransactionDate, 1, 4) = '2014'; percentage = DIVIDE(MULTIPLY(SUM(BreweryName = 'AJ Stephans Beverages'), 1.0), COUNT(RootBeerID)) WHERE SUBSTR(TransactionDate, 1, 4) = '2014'; AJ Stephans Beverages refers to BreweryName = 'AJ Stephans Beverages';
location refers to LocationName; bottle of beer refers to ContainerType = 'Bottle'; location that sold more bottles of beer refers to MAX(COUNT(LocationID WHERE ContainerType = 'Bottle'));
root beer brand refers to BrandName; lowest purchase refers to MIN(COUNT(BrandID));
customer that has the most reviews refers to MAX(COUNT(CustomerID)); full name = First, Last;
difference in the average = SUBTRACT(DIVIDE(MULTIPLY(SUM(Honey = 'TRUE'), 1.0), COUNT(TransactionDate)), DIVIDE(MULTIPLY(SUM(Honey = 'FALSE'), 1.0), COUNT(TransactionDate))); contain honey refers to Honey = 'TRUE'; don’t contain honey refers to Honey = 'FALSE'
average star rating = AVG(StarRating); female customers refers to Gender = 'F; from 1/25/2015 to 3/10/2015 refers to ReviewDate BETWEEN '2015-01-25' AND '2015-03-10';
most purchased root beer refers to MAX(COUNT(BrandID)); in 2016 refers to PurchaseDate > = '2016-01-01' AND PurchaseDate < = '2016-12-31';
precise location refers to Latitude, Longitude; American Express refers to CreditCardType = 'American Express';
Among all the root beers purchased by Frank-Paul Santangelo, how many of them were non-sweetened?
non-sweetened refers to honey = 'FALSE' AND artificialsweetener = 'FALSE';
brand of root beer refers to BrandName; lowest unit profit available to wholesalers refers to MIN(SUBTRACT(CurrentRetailPrice, WholesaleCost)); ID of the customer refers to CustomerID; highest number of purchases refers to MAX(COUNT(CustomerID));
California refers to State = 'CA';
Sac State Union refers to LocationName = 'Sac State Union'; American Express credit card refers to CreditCardType = 'American Express'; in 2014 refers to TransactionDate LIKE '2014%';
bottle root beer refers to ContainerType = 'Bottle'; purchased between 4/3/2015 and 10/26/2015 refers to PurchaseDate BETWEEN '2015-04-23' AND '2015-10-26';
female refers to Gender = 'F'; contains artificial sweetener refers to ArtificialSweetener = 'TRUE';
most amount of profit per unit refers to MAX(SUBTRACT(CurrentRetailPrice, WholesaleCost)); least amount of profit per unit refers to MIN(SUBTRACT(CurrentRetailPrice, WholesaleCost));
name of the customer = First, Last; 5-star review refers to StarRating = 5;
most common refers to MAX(COUNT(StarRating)); containing corn syrup refers to CornSyrup = 'TRUE';
full name = First, Last; American Express cards refers to CreditCardType = 'American Express'; Sac State Union refers to LocationName = 'Sac State Union';
Among the transactions made in July, 2014, how many of them were made by a male customer?
in July, 2014 refers to SUBSTR(TransactionDate, 1, 4) = '2014' AND SUBSTR(TransactionDate, 6, 2) = '07'; male customer refers to Gender = 'M';
in July, 2014 refers to SUBSTR(TransactionDate, 1, 4) = '2014' AND SUBSTR(TransactionDate, 6, 2) = '07';
root beer brand refers to BrandName; lowest purchase refers to MIN(COUNT(BrandID));
full name = First, Last; American Express cards refers to CreditCardType = 'American Express'; Sac State Union refers to LocationName = 'Sac State Union';
male customers refers to Gender = 'M'; Sacramento refers to City = 'Sacramento'; percentage = MULTIPLY(DIVIDE(SUM(BrandID WHERE BrandName = 'Dominion'), COUNT(BrandID) WHERE City = 'Sacramento'), 1.0); Dominion refers to BrandName = 'Dominion'; in 2013 refers to TransactionDate > = 2013-01-01 AND TransactionDate < 2014-01-01;
stars refers to StarRating; Frostie refers to BrandName = 'Frostie';
customer that has the most reviews refers to MAX(COUNT(CustomerID)); full name = First, Last;
most 5 star ratings refers to MAX(COUNT(StarRating = 5)); name of the brewery refers to BreweryName;
average cost = DIVIDE(SUM(PurchasePrice > 2), COUNT(RootBeerID) WHERE PurchasePrice > 2); more than 2 dollars refers to PurchasePrice > 2; in bottles refers to ContainerType = 'Bottle';
sweet refers to Honey = 'TRUE'; bottled refers to ContainerType = 'Bottle'; do not contain cane sugar refers to CaneSugar = 'FALSE'; in 2015 refers to PurchaseDate < = '2015-12-31'; Sac State American River Courtyard refers to LocationName = 'Sac State American River Courtyard';
full name = First, Last; male customers refers to Gender = 'M'; Fair Oaks refers to City = 'Fair Oaks'; subscribed to the email list refers to SubscribedToEmailList = 'TRUE';
Among the customers not subscribed to the mailing list, what percentage has given three or more stars in a review?
not subscribed to the mailing list refers to SubscribedToEmailList = 'FALSE'; percentage = MULTIPLY(DIVIDE(SUM(CustomerID WHERE StarRating > 3), COUNT(CustomerID) WHERE SubscribedToEmailList = 'FALSE'), 1.0);
difference = SUBTRACT(COUNT(ContainerType = 'Bottle' WHERE State = 'LA'), COUNT(ContainerType = 'Bottle' State = 'MO')); bottles refers to ContainerType = 'Bottle'; Louisiana refers to State = 'LA'; Missouri refers to State = 'MO';
most amount of profit per unit refers to MAX(SUBTRACT(CurrentRetailPrice, WholesaleCost)); least amount of profit per unit refers to MIN(SUBTRACT(CurrentRetailPrice, WholesaleCost));
brand of root beer refers to BrandName; highly rated refers to MAX(COUNT(StarRating = 5));
email address refers to Email; transaction 100016 refers to TransactionID = 100016;
precise location = Latitude, Longitude;
difference in the average = SUBTRACT(DIVIDE(MULTIPLY(SUM(Honey = 'TRUE'), 1.0), COUNT(TransactionDate)), DIVIDE(MULTIPLY(SUM(Honey = 'FALSE'), 1.0), COUNT(TransactionDate))); contain honey refers to Honey = 'TRUE'; don’t contain honey refers to Honey = 'FALSE'
lowest star rating refers to MIN(StarRating); "Too spicy!" review refers to Review = 'Too Spicy!';
email addresses refers to Email; Sacramento refers to City = 'Sacramento'; star rating of more than 3 refers to StarRating > 3; in 2014 refers to ReviewDate LIKE '2014%';
Bulldog refers to BrandName = 'Bulldog'; purchased in August, 2014 refers to SUBSTR(TransactionDate, 1, 4) = '2014' AND SUBSTR(TransactionDate, 6, 2) = '08';
in bottles refers to ContainerType = 'Bottle';  location 38.559615, -121.42243 refers to latitude = 38.559615 AND longitude = -121.42243;
Find the root beer with the most and least amount of profit per unit and list the container types in which these root beers are sold.
most amount of profit per unit refers to MAX(SUBTRACT(CurrentRetailPrice, WholesaleCost)); least amount of profit per unit refers to MIN(SUBTRACT(CurrentRetailPrice, WholesaleCost));
brand of root beer refers to BrandName; lowest rating refers to MIN(StarRating);
full name = First, Last; how long ago = SUBTRACT(ReviewDate, FirstPurchaseDate);
bottle of beer refers to ContainerType = 'Bottle'; American Express refers to CreditCardType = 'American Express';
3 star rating refers to StarRating = 3; Frostie refers to  BrandName = 'Frostie'; if SubscribedToEmailList = 'TRUE', it means the user permit the company to send regular emails to him/her; if SubscribedToEmailList = FALSE', it means the user did not permit the company to send regular emails to him/her; rating on 2014/4/24 refers to ReviewDate = '2014-04-24';
sweet refers to Honey = 'TRUE'; bottled refers to ContainerType = 'Bottle'; do not contain cane sugar refers to CaneSugar = 'FALSE'; in 2015 refers to PurchaseDate < = '2015-12-31'; Sac State American River Courtyard refers to LocationName = 'Sac State American River Courtyard';
star rating is more than 3 refers to StarRating > 3;
male customers refers to Gender = 'M'; Sacramento refers to City = 'Sacramento'; percentage = MULTIPLY(DIVIDE(SUM(BrandID WHERE BrandName = 'Dominion'), COUNT(BrandID) WHERE City = 'Sacramento'), 1.0); Dominion refers to BrandName = 'Dominion'; in 2013 refers to TransactionDate > = 2013-01-01 AND TransactionDate < 2014-01-01;
email address refers to Email; transaction 100016 refers to TransactionID = 100016;
most purchased root beer refers to MAX(COUNT(BrandID)); in 2016 refers to PurchaseDate > = '2016-01-01' AND PurchaseDate < = '2016-12-31';
bottle root beer refers to ContainerType = 'Bottle'; purchased between 4/3/2015 and 10/26/2015 refers to PurchaseDate BETWEEN '2015-04-23' AND '2015-10-26';
What is the amount difference between the bottles of root beer sold from Louisiana and Missouri?
difference = SUBTRACT(COUNT(ContainerType = 'Bottle' WHERE State = 'LA'), COUNT(ContainerType = 'Bottle' State = 'MO')); bottles refers to ContainerType = 'Bottle'; Louisiana refers to State = 'LA'; Missouri refers to State = 'MO';
brand of beer refers to BrandName; worst rated most times refers to MAX(COUNT(StarRating = 1));
bottle root beer refers to ContainerType = 'Bottle'; purchased between 4/3/2015 and 10/26/2015 refers to PurchaseDate BETWEEN '2015-04-23' AND '2015-10-26';
Sac State Union refers to LocationName = 'Sac State Union';
in bottles refers to ContainerType = 'Bottle';  location 38.559615, -121.42243 refers to latitude = 38.559615 AND longitude = -121.42243;
AJ Stephans refers to BreweryName = 'AJ Stephans Beverages';
full name = First, Last; American Express cards refers to CreditCardType = 'American Express'; Sac State Union refers to LocationName = 'Sac State Union';
full name = First, Last; customers who have purchased at least one root beer refers to CustomerID > = 1; produced by AJ Stephans Beverages refers to BreweryName = 'AJ Stephans Beverages';
Mastercard refers to CreditCardType = 'MasterCard'; between 12/25/2014 and 5/20/2016 refers to TransactionDate BETWEEN '2014-12-25' AND '2016-05-20';
not subscribed to the mailing list refers to SubscribedToEmailList = 'FALSE'; percentage = MULTIPLY(DIVIDE(SUM(CustomerID WHERE StarRating > 3), COUNT(CustomerID) WHERE SubscribedToEmailList = 'FALSE'), 1.0);
root beer brands refers to BrandName; highest market evaluation and acceptance refers to MAX(COUNT(StarRating = 5));
Find and list the full name and email of the customers who used American Express cards in Sac State Union.
full name = First, Last; American Express cards refers to CreditCardType = 'American Express'; Sac State Union refers to LocationName = 'Sac State Union';
Mastercard refers to CreditCardType = 'MasterCard'; between 12/25/2014 and 5/20/2016 refers to TransactionDate BETWEEN '2014-12-25' AND '2016-05-20';
in July, 2014 refers to SUBSTR(TransactionDate, 1, 4) = '2014' AND SUBSTR(TransactionDate, 6, 2) = '07'; male customer refers to Gender = 'M';
brand of root beer refers to BrandName; produced by Dr Pepper Snapple Group refers to BreweryName = 'Dr Pepper Snapple Group'; percentage of purchases = MULTIPLY(DIVIDE(SUM(BrandID WHERE PurchaseDate > = '2014-01-01' AND PurchaseDate < = '2016-12-31'), COUNT(BrandID) WHERE BreweryName = 'Dr Pepper Snapple Group'), 1.0); between 2014 to 2016 refers to PurchaseDate > = '2014-01-01' AND PurchaseDate < = '2016-12-31;
available in cans refers to AvailableInCans = 'TRUE'; contain corn syrup refers to CornSyrup = 'TRUE'; contain artificial sweeteners refers to ArtificialSweetener = 'TRUE';
sold in 2014 refers to SUBSTR(TransactionDate, 1, 4) = '2014'; percentage = DIVIDE(MULTIPLY(SUM(BreweryName = 'AJ Stephans Beverages'), 1.0), COUNT(RootBeerID)) WHERE SUBSTR(TransactionDate, 1, 4) = '2014'; AJ Stephans Beverages refers to BreweryName = 'AJ Stephans Beverages';
location refers to LocationName; bottle of beer refers to ContainerType = 'Bottle'; location that sold more bottles of beer refers to MAX(COUNT(LocationID WHERE ContainerType = 'Bottle'));
in 2014 refers to PurchaseDate > = '2014-01-01' AND PurchaseDate < = '2014-12-31'; percentage = MULTIPLY(DIVIDE(SUM(ContainerType = 'Can'), COUNT(RootBeerID) WHERE PurchaseDate > = '2014-01-01' AND PurchaseDate < = '2014-12-31'), 1.0); in cans refers to ContainerType = 'Can';
difference = SUBTRACT(COUNT(ContainerType = 'Bottle' WHERE State = 'LA'), COUNT(ContainerType = 'Bottle' State = 'MO')); bottles refers to ContainerType = 'Bottle'; Louisiana refers to State = 'LA'; Missouri refers to State = 'MO';
full name = First, Last; River City refers to BrandName = 'River City'; 5-star refers to StarRating = 5;
customer that has the most reviews refers to MAX(COUNT(CustomerID)); full name = First, Last;
What is the container type, brand name and star rating for root beer ID 10054?
sold in 2014 refers to SUBSTR(TransactionDate, 1, 4) = '2014'; percentage = DIVIDE(MULTIPLY(SUM(BreweryName = 'AJ Stephans Beverages'), 1.0), COUNT(RootBeerID)) WHERE SUBSTR(TransactionDate, 1, 4) = '2014'; AJ Stephans Beverages refers to BreweryName = 'AJ Stephans Beverages';
California refers to State = 'CA';
name of the root beer brand refers to BrandName; advertised on facebook refers to FacebookPage IS not NULL;
brand of root beer refers to BrandName; lowest rating refers to MIN(StarRating);
do not advertise on Twitter refers to twitter IS NULL; in August, 2014 refers to SUBSTR(TransactionDate, 1, 4) = '2014' AND SUBSTR(TransactionDate, 6, 2) = '08';
brands of the root beer refers to BrandName; purchased on 2014/7/7 refers to transactiondate = '2014-07-07';
in bottles refers to ContainerType = 'Bottle';  location 38.559615, -121.42243 refers to latitude = 38.559615 AND longitude = -121.42243;
Between Sac State Union and Sac State American River Courtyard refers to LocationName IN('Sac State American River Courtyard', 'Sac State Union'); Dog n Suds refers to BrandName = 'Dog n Suds'; sold the most root beer refers to MAX(COUNT(BrandID));
brand of root beer refers to BrandName; lowest unit profit available to wholesalers refers to MIN(SUBTRACT(CurrentRetailPrice, WholesaleCost)); ID of the customer refers to CustomerID; highest number of purchases refers to MAX(COUNT(CustomerID));
male customers refers to Gender = 'M'; Sacramento refers to City = 'Sacramento'; percentage = MULTIPLY(DIVIDE(SUM(BrandID WHERE BrandName = 'Dominion'), COUNT(BrandID) WHERE City = 'Sacramento'), 1.0); Dominion refers to BrandName = 'Dominion'; in 2013 refers to TransactionDate > = 2013-01-01 AND TransactionDate < 2014-01-01;
How many transactions were made to purchase a bottle of beer using American Express?
bottle of beer refers to ContainerType = 'Bottle'; American Express refers to CreditCardType = 'American Express';
Sac State Union refers to LocationName = 'Sac State Union';
in bottles refers to ContainerType = 'Bottle';  location 38.559615, -121.42243 refers to latitude = 38.559615 AND longitude = -121.42243;
bottle root beer refers to ContainerType = 'Bottle'; purchased between 4/3/2015 and 10/26/2015 refers to PurchaseDate BETWEEN '2015-04-23' AND '2015-10-26';
do not advertise on Twitter refers to twitter IS NULL; in August, 2014 refers to SUBSTR(TransactionDate, 1, 4) = '2014' AND SUBSTR(TransactionDate, 6, 2) = '08';
MasterCard refers to CreditCardType = 'MasterCard'; in 2014 refers to TransactionDate > = '2014-01-01' AND TransactionDate < = '2014-12-31';
most 5 star ratings refers to MAX(COUNT(StarRating = 5)); name of the brewery refers to BreweryName;
female refers to Gender = 'F'; contains artificial sweetener refers to ArtificialSweetener = 'TRUE';
full name = First, Last; how long ago = SUBTRACT(ReviewDate, FirstPurchaseDate);
brewery refers to BreweryName; most sold root beer refers to MAX(COUNT(BrandID)); in 2015 refers to TransactionDate > = '2015-01-01' AND TransactionDate < = '2015-12-31';
difference = SUBTRACT(COUNT(ContainerType = 'Bottle' WHERE State = 'LA'), COUNT(ContainerType = 'Bottle' State = 'MO')); bottles refers to ContainerType = 'Bottle'; Louisiana refers to State = 'LA'; Missouri refers to State = 'MO';
In the female customers, how many bought root beer that contains artificial sweetener?
female refers to Gender = 'F'; contains artificial sweetener refers to ArtificialSweetener = 'TRUE';
percentage difference = (DIVIDE(MULTIPLY(SUBTRACT(SUM(PurchasePrice WHERE BrandName = 'River City'), SUM(PurchasePrice WHERE BrandName = 'Frostie')), 100), SUM(PurchasePrice WHERE BrandName = 'Frostie'))); River City refers to BrandName = 'River City'; Frostie refers to BrandName = 'Frostie';
5 stars refers to StarRating = 5; in November 2012 refers to ReviewDate LIKE '2012-11%';
brand of root beer refers to BrandName; produced by Dr Pepper Snapple Group refers to BreweryName = 'Dr Pepper Snapple Group'; percentage of purchases = MULTIPLY(DIVIDE(SUM(BrandID WHERE PurchaseDate > = '2014-01-01' AND PurchaseDate < = '2016-12-31'), COUNT(BrandID) WHERE BreweryName = 'Dr Pepper Snapple Group'), 1.0); between 2014 to 2016 refers to PurchaseDate > = '2014-01-01' AND PurchaseDate < = '2016-12-31;
average cost = DIVIDE(SUM(PurchasePrice > 2), COUNT(RootBeerID) WHERE PurchasePrice > 2); more than 2 dollars refers to PurchasePrice > 2; in bottles refers to ContainerType = 'Bottle';
difference = SUBTRACT(COUNT(ContainerType = 'Bottle' WHERE State = 'LA'), COUNT(ContainerType = 'Bottle' State = 'MO')); bottles refers to ContainerType = 'Bottle'; Louisiana refers to State = 'LA'; Missouri refers to State = 'MO';
Bulldog refers to BrandName = 'Bulldog'; purchased in August, 2014 refers to SUBSTR(TransactionDate, 1, 4) = '2014' AND SUBSTR(TransactionDate, 6, 2) = '08';
root beer brands refers to BrandName; highest market evaluation and acceptance refers to MAX(COUNT(StarRating = 5));
full name = First Last; first top 10 customers refers to MIN(FirstPurchaseDate) LIMIT 10;
September 2014 refers to ReviewDate LIKE '2014-09%'; brand of beers refers to BrandName; highest star ratings refers to MAX(StarRating);
5-star rating refers to StarRating = 5; in 2013 refers to ReviewDate LIKE '2013%'; unit profit available to wholesalers = SUBTRACT(CurrentRetailPrice, WholesaleCost);
What is the name of all the customers who have ever given a 5-star review?
name of the customer = First, Last; 5-star review refers to StarRating = 5;
Sac State Union refers to LocationName = 'Sac State Union'; American Express credit card refers to CreditCardType = 'American Express'; in 2014 refers to TransactionDate LIKE '2014%';
in July, 2014 refers to SUBSTR(TransactionDate, 1, 4) = '2014' AND SUBSTR(TransactionDate, 6, 2) = '07'; male customer refers to Gender = 'M';
name of the brand of the beer refers to BrandName; shortest brewed history refers to MAX(FirstBrewedYear);
in July, 2014 refers to SUBSTR(TransactionDate, 1, 4) = '2014' AND SUBSTR(TransactionDate, 6, 2) = '07';
brand of beer refers to BrandName; worst rated most times refers to MAX(COUNT(StarRating = 1));
sweet refers to Honey = 'TRUE'; bottled refers to ContainerType = 'Bottle'; do not contain cane sugar refers to CaneSugar = 'FALSE'; in 2015 refers to PurchaseDate < = '2015-12-31'; Sac State American River Courtyard refers to LocationName = 'Sac State American River Courtyard';
Sac State Union refers to LocationName = 'Sac State Union';
lowest star rating refers to MIN(StarRating); "Too spicy!" review refers to Review = 'Too Spicy!';
between 2015 to 2016 refers to TransactionDate > = '2015-01-01' AND TransactionDate < '2016-12-31';
dates of purchase refers to TransactionDate; male customer refers to Gender = 'M'; purchased more than 3 root beers refers to COUNT(CustomerID) > 3;
How many stars did Urijah Faber rate for Frostie?
stars refers to StarRating; Frostie refers to BrandName = 'Frostie';
not subscribed to the mailing list refers to SubscribedToEmailList = 'FALSE'; percentage = MULTIPLY(DIVIDE(SUM(CustomerID WHERE StarRating > 3), COUNT(CustomerID) WHERE SubscribedToEmailList = 'FALSE'), 1.0);
5 stars refers to StarRating = 5; in November 2012 refers to ReviewDate LIKE '2012-11%';
most common refers to MAX(COUNT(StarRating)); containing corn syrup refers to CornSyrup = 'TRUE';
users permit the company to send regular emails to them refers to subscribedtoemaillist = 'TRUE'; Visa card refers to creditcardtype = 'Visa'; in July, 2014 refers to SUBSTR(TransactionDate, 1, 4) = '2014' AND SUBSTR(TransactionDate, 6, 2) = '07';
Mastercard refers to CreditCardType = 'MasterCard'; between 12/25/2014 and 5/20/2016 refers to TransactionDate BETWEEN '2014-12-25' AND '2016-05-20';
full name = First Last; first top 10 customers refers to MIN(FirstPurchaseDate) LIMIT 10;
sweet refers to Honey = 'TRUE'; bottled refers to ContainerType = 'Bottle'; do not contain cane sugar refers to CaneSugar = 'FALSE'; in 2015 refers to PurchaseDate < = '2015-12-31'; Sac State American River Courtyard refers to LocationName = 'Sac State American River Courtyard';
customer that has the most reviews refers to MAX(COUNT(CustomerID)); full name = First, Last;
Between Sac State Union and Sac State American River Courtyard refers to LocationName IN('Sac State American River Courtyard', 'Sac State Union'); Dog n Suds refers to BrandName = 'Dog n Suds'; sold the most root beer refers to MAX(COUNT(BrandID));
What is the difference in the average number of sales per day of root beer brands that contain honey and that don’t contain honey.
difference in the average = SUBTRACT(DIVIDE(MULTIPLY(SUM(Honey = 'TRUE'), 1.0), COUNT(TransactionDate)), DIVIDE(MULTIPLY(SUM(Honey = 'FALSE'), 1.0), COUNT(TransactionDate))); contain honey refers to Honey = 'TRUE'; don’t contain honey refers to Honey = 'FALSE'
male customers refers to Gender = 'M'; Sacramento refers to City = 'Sacramento'; percentage = MULTIPLY(DIVIDE(SUM(BrandID WHERE BrandName = 'Dominion'), COUNT(BrandID) WHERE City = 'Sacramento'), 1.0); Dominion refers to BrandName = 'Dominion'; in 2013 refers to TransactionDate > = 2013-01-01 AND TransactionDate < 2014-01-01;
full name = First, Last; American Express cards refers to CreditCardType = 'American Express'; Sac State Union refers to LocationName = 'Sac State Union';
brands of the root beer refers to BrandName; purchased on 2014/7/7 refers to transactiondate = '2014-07-07';
full name = First, Last; River City refers to BrandName = 'River City'; 5-star refers to StarRating = 5;
type of card refers to CreditCardType;
most purchased root beer refers to MAX(COUNT(BrandID)); in 2016 refers to PurchaseDate > = '2016-01-01' AND PurchaseDate < = '2016-12-31';
name of the brand of the beer refers to BrandName; shortest brewed history refers to MAX(FirstBrewedYear);
most common refers to MAX(COUNT(StarRating)); containing corn syrup refers to CornSyrup = 'TRUE';
What are the full names of the first top 10 customers?
full name = First Last; first top 10 customers refers to MIN(FirstPurchaseDate) LIMIT 10;
average cost = DIVIDE(SUM(PurchasePrice > 2), COUNT(RootBeerID) WHERE PurchasePrice > 2); more than 2 dollars refers to PurchasePrice > 2; in bottles refers to ContainerType = 'Bottle';
email address refers to Email; transaction 100016 refers to TransactionID = 100016;
in bottles refers to ContainerType = 'Bottle';  location 38.559615, -121.42243 refers to latitude = 38.559615 AND longitude = -121.42243;
visa card refers to CreditCardType = 'Visa'; percentage = MULTIPLY(DIVIDE(SUM(CreditCardType = 'Visa'), COUNT(TransactionID)), 1.0);
bottle root beer refers to ContainerType = 'Bottle'; purchased between 4/3/2015 and 10/26/2015 refers to PurchaseDate BETWEEN '2015-04-23' AND '2015-10-26';
users permit the company to send regular emails to them refers to subscribedtoemaillist = 'TRUE'; Visa card refers to creditcardtype = 'Visa'; in July, 2014 refers to SUBSTR(TransactionDate, 1, 4) = '2014' AND SUBSTR(TransactionDate, 6, 2) = '07';
root beer brand refers to BrandName; lowest purchase refers to MIN(COUNT(BrandID));
root beer brands refers to BrandName; highest market evaluation and acceptance refers to MAX(COUNT(StarRating = 5));
precise location refers to Latitude, Longitude; American Express refers to CreditCardType = 'American Express';
Tell the number of reviews given by James House.
in 2014 refers to PurchaseDate > = '2014-01-01' AND PurchaseDate < = '2014-12-31'; percentage = MULTIPLY(DIVIDE(SUM(ContainerType = 'Can'), COUNT(RootBeerID) WHERE PurchaseDate > = '2014-01-01' AND PurchaseDate < = '2014-12-31'), 1.0); in cans refers to ContainerType = 'Can';
lowest star rating refers to MIN(StarRating); "Too spicy!" review refers to Review = 'Too Spicy!';
non-sweetened refers to honey = 'FALSE' AND artificialsweetener = 'FALSE';
sold in 2014 refers to SUBSTR(TransactionDate, 1, 4) = '2014'; percentage = DIVIDE(MULTIPLY(SUM(BreweryName = 'AJ Stephans Beverages'), 1.0), COUNT(RootBeerID)) WHERE SUBSTR(TransactionDate, 1, 4) = '2014'; AJ Stephans Beverages refers to BreweryName = 'AJ Stephans Beverages';
male customers refers to Gender = 'M'; Sacramento refers to City = 'Sacramento'; percentage = MULTIPLY(DIVIDE(SUM(BrandID WHERE BrandName = 'Dominion'), COUNT(BrandID) WHERE City = 'Sacramento'), 1.0); Dominion refers to BrandName = 'Dominion'; in 2013 refers to TransactionDate > = 2013-01-01 AND TransactionDate < 2014-01-01;
full name = First Last; first top 10 customers refers to MIN(FirstPurchaseDate) LIMIT 10;
dates of purchase refers to TransactionDate; male customer refers to Gender = 'M'; purchased more than 3 root beers refers to COUNT(CustomerID) > 3;
September 2014 refers to ReviewDate LIKE '2014-09%'; brand of beers refers to BrandName; highest star ratings refers to MAX(StarRating);
A&W refers to BrandName = 'A&W';
5 stars refers to StarRating = 5; in November 2012 refers to ReviewDate LIKE '2012-11%';
Which type of card did Dick Ruthven use to pay for all of his transactions?
type of card refers to CreditCardType;
visa card refers to CreditCardType = 'Visa'; percentage = MULTIPLY(DIVIDE(SUM(CreditCardType = 'Visa'), COUNT(TransactionID)), 1.0);
sweet refers to Honey = 'TRUE'; bottled refers to ContainerType = 'Bottle'; do not contain cane sugar refers to CaneSugar = 'FALSE'; in 2015 refers to PurchaseDate < = '2015-12-31'; Sac State American River Courtyard refers to LocationName = 'Sac State American River Courtyard';
root beer brand refers to BrandName; lowest purchase refers to MIN(COUNT(BrandID));
brands of the root beer refers to BrandName; purchased on 2014/7/7 refers to transactiondate = '2014-07-07';
in July, 2014 refers to SUBSTR(TransactionDate, 1, 4) = '2014' AND SUBSTR(TransactionDate, 6, 2) = '07';
average star rating = AVG(StarRating); female customers refers to Gender = 'F; from 1/25/2015 to 3/10/2015 refers to ReviewDate BETWEEN '2015-01-25' AND '2015-03-10';
difference = SUBTRACT(COUNT(ContainerType = 'Bottle' WHERE State = 'LA'), COUNT(ContainerType = 'Bottle' State = 'MO')); bottles refers to ContainerType = 'Bottle'; Louisiana refers to State = 'LA'; Missouri refers to State = 'MO';
sold in 2014 refers to SUBSTR(TransactionDate, 1, 4) = '2014'; percentage = DIVIDE(MULTIPLY(SUM(BreweryName = 'AJ Stephans Beverages'), 1.0), COUNT(RootBeerID)) WHERE SUBSTR(TransactionDate, 1, 4) = '2014'; AJ Stephans Beverages refers to BreweryName = 'AJ Stephans Beverages';
percentage difference = (DIVIDE(MULTIPLY(SUBTRACT(SUM(PurchasePrice WHERE BrandName = 'River City'), SUM(PurchasePrice WHERE BrandName = 'Frostie')), 100), SUM(PurchasePrice WHERE BrandName = 'Frostie'))); River City refers to BrandName = 'River City'; Frostie refers to BrandName = 'Frostie';
review content of "Tastes like Australia." refers to Review = 'Tastes like Australia.';
Which brand in 2012 has the lowest star rating and contains cane sugar as well as honey?
brand refers to BrandName; in 2012 refers to ReviewDate LIKE '2012%'; lowest star rating refers to MIN(StarRating); contains cane sugar as well as honey refers to CaneSugar = 'TRUE' AND Honey = 'TRUE';
full name = First, Last; River City refers to BrandName = 'River City'; 5-star refers to StarRating = 5;
transaction no. refers to TransactionID; TransactionID = 103545;
3 star rating refers to StarRating = 3; Frostie refers to  BrandName = 'Frostie'; if SubscribedToEmailList = 'TRUE', it means the user permit the company to send regular emails to him/her; if SubscribedToEmailList = FALSE', it means the user did not permit the company to send regular emails to him/her; rating on 2014/4/24 refers to ReviewDate = '2014-04-24';
available in cans refers to AvailableInCans = 'TRUE'; contain corn syrup refers to CornSyrup = 'TRUE'; contain artificial sweeteners refers to ArtificialSweetener = 'TRUE';
brands of the root beer refers to BrandName; purchased on 2014/7/7 refers to transactiondate = '2014-07-07';
customer that has the most reviews refers to MAX(COUNT(CustomerID)); full name = First, Last;
AJ Stephans refers to BreweryName = 'AJ Stephans Beverages';
non-sweetened refers to honey = 'FALSE' AND artificialsweetener = 'FALSE';
email addresses refers to Email; Sacramento refers to City = 'Sacramento'; star rating of more than 3 refers to StarRating > 3; in 2014 refers to ReviewDate LIKE '2014%';
Give me the full name of the first customer, and tell me how long ago he or she wrote his or her first review since making his or her first purchase.
full name = First, Last; how long ago = SUBTRACT(ReviewDate, FirstPurchaseDate);
Between Sac State Union and Sac State American River Courtyard refers to LocationName IN('Sac State American River Courtyard', 'Sac State Union'); Dog n Suds refers to BrandName = 'Dog n Suds'; sold the most root beer refers to MAX(COUNT(BrandID));
Sac State Union refers to LocationName = 'Sac State Union';
full name = First, Last; customers who have purchased at least one root beer refers to CustomerID > = 1; produced by AJ Stephans Beverages refers to BreweryName = 'AJ Stephans Beverages';
most amount of profit per unit refers to MAX(SUBTRACT(CurrentRetailPrice, WholesaleCost)); least amount of profit per unit refers to MIN(SUBTRACT(CurrentRetailPrice, WholesaleCost));
California refers to State = 'CA';
5 stars refers to StarRating = 5; in November 2012 refers to ReviewDate LIKE '2012-11%';
Thomas Kemper refers to BrandName = 'Thomas Kemper';  latitude the beer is consumed the most refers to MAX(COUNT(Latitude));
name of the customer = First, Last; 5-star review refers to StarRating = 5;
At what latitude is the Thomas Kemper brand beer consumed the most?
Thomas Kemper refers to BrandName = 'Thomas Kemper';  latitude the beer is consumed the most refers to MAX(COUNT(Latitude));
between 2015 to 2016 refers to TransactionDate > = '2015-01-01' AND TransactionDate < '2016-12-31';
sweet refers to Honey = 'TRUE'; bottled refers to ContainerType = 'Bottle'; do not contain cane sugar refers to CaneSugar = 'FALSE'; in 2015 refers to PurchaseDate < = '2015-12-31'; Sac State American River Courtyard refers to LocationName = 'Sac State American River Courtyard';
email addresses refers to Email; Sacramento refers to City = 'Sacramento'; star rating of more than 3 refers to StarRating > 3; in 2014 refers to ReviewDate LIKE '2014%';
available in cans refers to AvailableInCans = 'TRUE'; contain corn syrup refers to CornSyrup = 'TRUE'; contain artificial sweeteners refers to ArtificialSweetener = 'TRUE';
brand refers to BrandName; in 2012 refers to ReviewDate LIKE '2012%'; lowest star rating refers to MIN(StarRating); contains cane sugar as well as honey refers to CaneSugar = 'TRUE' AND Honey = 'TRUE';
most purchased root beer refers to MAX(COUNT(BrandID)); in 2016 refers to PurchaseDate > = '2016-01-01' AND PurchaseDate < = '2016-12-31';
name of the root beer brand refers to BrandName; advertised on facebook refers to FacebookPage IS not NULL;
precise location = Latitude, Longitude;
Mastercard refers to CreditCardType = 'MasterCard'; between 12/25/2014 and 5/20/2016 refers to TransactionDate BETWEEN '2014-12-25' AND '2016-05-20';
Calculate the percentage of sales done at Sac State American River Courtyard.
percentage =   MULTIPLY(DIVIDE(SUM(LocationName = 'Sac State American River Courtyard'), COUNT(LocationID)), 1.0); Sac State American River Courtyard refers to LocationName = 'Sac State American River Courtyard';
email addresses refers to Email; Sacramento refers to City = 'Sacramento'; star rating of more than 3 refers to StarRating > 3; in 2014 refers to ReviewDate LIKE '2014%';
Sac State Union refers to LocationName = 'Sac State Union'; American Express credit card refers to CreditCardType = 'American Express'; in 2014 refers to TransactionDate LIKE '2014%';
type of card refers to CreditCardType;
average star rating = AVG(StarRating); female customers refers to Gender = 'F; from 1/25/2015 to 3/10/2015 refers to ReviewDate BETWEEN '2015-01-25' AND '2015-03-10';
in July, 2014 refers to SUBSTR(TransactionDate, 1, 4) = '2014' AND SUBSTR(TransactionDate, 6, 2) = '07';
average cost = DIVIDE(SUM(PurchasePrice > 2), COUNT(RootBeerID) WHERE PurchasePrice > 2); more than 2 dollars refers to PurchasePrice > 2; in bottles refers to ContainerType = 'Bottle';
sold in 2014 refers to SUBSTR(TransactionDate, 1, 4) = '2014'; percentage = DIVIDE(MULTIPLY(SUM(BreweryName = 'AJ Stephans Beverages'), 1.0), COUNT(RootBeerID)) WHERE SUBSTR(TransactionDate, 1, 4) = '2014'; AJ Stephans Beverages refers to BreweryName = 'AJ Stephans Beverages';
brands of the root beer refers to BrandName; purchased on 2014/7/7 refers to transactiondate = '2014-07-07';
star rating is more than 3 refers to StarRating > 3;
do not advertise on Twitter refers to twitter IS NULL; in August, 2014 refers to SUBSTR(TransactionDate, 1, 4) = '2014' AND SUBSTR(TransactionDate, 6, 2) = '08';
Please name any three root beer brands that have the highest market evaluation and acceptance.
root beer brands refers to BrandName; highest market evaluation and acceptance refers to MAX(COUNT(StarRating = 5));
sweet refers to Honey = 'TRUE'; bottled refers to ContainerType = 'Bottle'; do not contain cane sugar refers to CaneSugar = 'FALSE'; in 2015 refers to PurchaseDate < = '2015-12-31'; Sac State American River Courtyard refers to LocationName = 'Sac State American River Courtyard';
brand of root beer refers to BrandName; produced by Dr Pepper Snapple Group refers to BreweryName = 'Dr Pepper Snapple Group'; percentage of purchases = MULTIPLY(DIVIDE(SUM(BrandID WHERE PurchaseDate > = '2014-01-01' AND PurchaseDate < = '2016-12-31'), COUNT(BrandID) WHERE BreweryName = 'Dr Pepper Snapple Group'), 1.0); between 2014 to 2016 refers to PurchaseDate > = '2014-01-01' AND PurchaseDate < = '2016-12-31;
female refers to Gender = 'F'; contains artificial sweetener refers to ArtificialSweetener = 'TRUE';
in July, 2014 refers to SUBSTR(TransactionDate, 1, 4) = '2014' AND SUBSTR(TransactionDate, 6, 2) = '07';
dates of purchase refers to TransactionDate; male customer refers to Gender = 'M'; purchased more than 3 root beers refers to COUNT(CustomerID) > 3;
review content of "Tastes like Australia." refers to Review = 'Tastes like Australia.';
in bottles refers to ContainerType = 'Bottle';  location 38.559615, -121.42243 refers to latitude = 38.559615 AND longitude = -121.42243;
email address refers to Email; transaction 100016 refers to TransactionID = 100016;
most purchased root beer refers to MAX(COUNT(BrandID)); in 2016 refers to PurchaseDate > = '2016-01-01' AND PurchaseDate < = '2016-12-31';
For the customer who gave a 3 star rating to Frostie brand on 2014/4/24, did the user permit the company to send regular emails to him/her?
3 star rating refers to StarRating = 3; Frostie refers to  BrandName = 'Frostie'; if SubscribedToEmailList = 'TRUE', it means the user permit the company to send regular emails to him/her; if SubscribedToEmailList = FALSE', it means the user did not permit the company to send regular emails to him/her; rating on 2014/4/24 refers to ReviewDate = '2014-04-24';
review content of "Tastes like Australia." refers to Review = 'Tastes like Australia.';
lowest star rating refers to MIN(StarRating); "Too spicy!" review refers to Review = 'Too Spicy!';
type of card refers to CreditCardType;
5-star rating refers to StarRating = 5; in 2013 refers to ReviewDate LIKE '2013%'; unit profit available to wholesalers = SUBTRACT(CurrentRetailPrice, WholesaleCost);
brand of root beer refers to BrandName; produced by Dr Pepper Snapple Group refers to BreweryName = 'Dr Pepper Snapple Group'; percentage of purchases = MULTIPLY(DIVIDE(SUM(BrandID WHERE PurchaseDate > = '2014-01-01' AND PurchaseDate < = '2016-12-31'), COUNT(BrandID) WHERE BreweryName = 'Dr Pepper Snapple Group'), 1.0); between 2014 to 2016 refers to PurchaseDate > = '2014-01-01' AND PurchaseDate < = '2016-12-31;
most 5 star ratings refers to MAX(COUNT(StarRating = 5)); name of the brewery refers to BreweryName;
root beer brand refers to BrandName; lowest purchase refers to MIN(COUNT(BrandID));
available in cans refers to AvailableInCans = 'TRUE'; contain corn syrup refers to CornSyrup = 'TRUE'; contain artificial sweeteners refers to ArtificialSweetener = 'TRUE';
female refers to Gender = 'F'; contains artificial sweetener refers to ArtificialSweetener = 'TRUE';
email addresses refers to Email; Sacramento refers to City = 'Sacramento'; star rating of more than 3 refers to StarRating > 3; in 2014 refers to ReviewDate LIKE '2014%';
How many times did Anna Himes use her Mastercard when paying between 12/25/2014 and 5/20/2016 ?
Mastercard refers to CreditCardType = 'MasterCard'; between 12/25/2014 and 5/20/2016 refers to TransactionDate BETWEEN '2014-12-25' AND '2016-05-20';
A&W refers to BrandName = 'A&W';
visa card refers to CreditCardType = 'Visa'; percentage = MULTIPLY(DIVIDE(SUM(CreditCardType = 'Visa'), COUNT(TransactionID)), 1.0);
root beer brands refers to BrandName; highest market evaluation and acceptance refers to MAX(COUNT(StarRating = 5));
in 2014 refers to PurchaseDate > = '2014-01-01' AND PurchaseDate < = '2014-12-31'; percentage = MULTIPLY(DIVIDE(SUM(ContainerType = 'Can'), COUNT(RootBeerID) WHERE PurchaseDate > = '2014-01-01' AND PurchaseDate < = '2014-12-31'), 1.0); in cans refers to ContainerType = 'Can';
male customers refers to Gender = 'M'; Sacramento refers to City = 'Sacramento'; percentage = MULTIPLY(DIVIDE(SUM(BrandID WHERE BrandName = 'Dominion'), COUNT(BrandID) WHERE City = 'Sacramento'), 1.0); Dominion refers to BrandName = 'Dominion'; in 2013 refers to TransactionDate > = 2013-01-01 AND TransactionDate < 2014-01-01;
transaction no. refers to TransactionID; TransactionID = 103545;
most purchased root beer refers to MAX(COUNT(BrandID)); in 2016 refers to PurchaseDate > = '2016-01-01' AND PurchaseDate < = '2016-12-31';
Bulldog refers to BrandName = 'Bulldog'; purchased in August, 2014 refers to SUBSTR(TransactionDate, 1, 4) = '2014' AND SUBSTR(TransactionDate, 6, 2) = '08';
users permit the company to send regular emails to them refers to subscribedtoemaillist = 'TRUE'; Visa card refers to creditcardtype = 'Visa'; in July, 2014 refers to SUBSTR(TransactionDate, 1, 4) = '2014' AND SUBSTR(TransactionDate, 6, 2) = '07';
name of the root beer brand refers to BrandName; advertised on facebook refers to FacebookPage IS not NULL;
What is the average duration of trips that ended on a foggy day?
ended on a foggy day refers to end_date where events = 'fog'; average duration = DIVIDE(SUM(duration), COUNT(duration));
hottest temperature refers to max_temperatutre_f; coldest temperature refers to min_temperature_f; difference = SUBTRACT(max_temperature_f, min_temperature_f); date = '8/29/2013'
intercity trip refers to start_station_name! = end_station_name; total travel duration to hour = DIVIDE(SUM(duration), 3600) AS hour;
37.331415 and -121.8932 are latitude (lat) and longitude (long) coordinates indicating location; returned at refers to end_station_name; the date the bike was borrowed refers to start_date;
the maximum dew point in Fahrenheit degree refers to max_dew_point_f; date = '7/15/2014';
South Van Ness at Market refers to start_station_name; subscriber refers to subscription_type; start_date = '12/1/2013'; the shortest duration refers to MIN(duration); which station was the bike returned to refers to end_station_name;
customer refers to subscription_type = 'Customer'; subscribers refers to subscription_type = 'Subscriber'; difference = SUBTRACT(SUM(subscription_type = 'Subscriber' t), SUM(subscription_type = 'Customer')); trip in June 2013 refers to start_date BETWEEN '6/1/2013 0:00'AND '6/31/2013 12:59';
average duration = DIVIDE(SUM(duration), COUNT(id)); hottest temperature refers to max_temperature_f; in 2014 refers to date LIKE '%2014';
starting stations refers to start_station_name; above average duration trips = DIVIDE(SUM(duration), COUNT(main_trip.id))<duration;
installed on refers to installation_date; installation_date = '8/16/2013'; customers refers to subscription_type = customers;
when the station was first installed refers to installation_date;
What is the total number of bikes that can be hold in Redwood City before 2014.
total number of bikes that can be hold = MAX(dock_count); before 2014 refers to year(installation_date)<2014;
longest trip refers to MAX(duration); started on the day refers to start_date; maximum wind speed refers to max_wind_speed_mph; max_wind_speed_mph = 30;
started on the days with a fog refers to start_date where events = 'fog'; in 2013 refers to date LIKE '%2013'; started from station refers to start_station_name; start_station_name = '2nd at Townsend';
in 2006 refers to start_date LIKE'%2006%'; ended at station refers to end_station_name; Mountain View refers to city = 'Mountain View';
start station refers to start_station_id; end station refers to end_station_id; start station and end station are the same refers to start_station_id = end_station_id;
started at refers to start_station_name; start_station_name = 'South Van Ness at Market'; average duration = DIVIDE(SUM(duration), COUNT(duration));
started refers to start_date; the hottest day refers to max_temperature_f;
Powell Street refers to start_station_name; bike 496 refers to bike_id = '496'; start_date = '8/29/2013';
time = '11/3/2013'; which stations are empty refers to bikes_available = '0';
shortest trip refers to MIN(duration); starting from refers to start_station_name; start_station_name = 'Franklin at Maple'; maximum wind speed refers to max_wind_Speed_mph;
less than 5 minutes refers to duration<300 in seconds; the station where the bike was borrowed refers to start_station_name; the station where the bike was returned refers to end_station_name; mean temperature refers to min_temperature_f;
Among the subscribers who rented a bike from South Van Ness at Market on 12/1/2013, whose duration was the shortest and to which station was the bike returned to? Indicate South Van Ness's dock count.
South Van Ness at Market refers to start_station_name; subscriber refers to subscription_type; start_date = '12/1/2013'; the shortest duration refers to MIN(duration); which station was the bike returned to refers to end_station_name;
least used bike refers to bike_id with MIN(COUNT(main_trip.id)); start station refers to start_station_name; end station refers to end_station_name; total duration in hour = DIVIDE(duration, 3600) AS hour;
start station refers to start_station_id; end station refers to end_station_id; start station and end station are the same refers to start_station_id = end_station_id;
started at refers to start_station_name; start_station_name = 'Mountain View City Hall'; ended on a rainy day refers to end_date where events = 'rain';
shortest duration refers to MIN(duration); started at the station refers to start_station_name; can hold 15 bikes refers to dock_count = 15;
started on the days with a fog refers to start_date where events = 'fog'; in 2013 refers to date LIKE '%2013'; started from station refers to start_station_name; start_station_name = '2nd at Townsend';
the hottest temperature refers to max_temperature_f;
subsscriber refers to subscription_type = subscriber; started their trips in refers to start_station_name; start_station_name = 'Market at 4th';
installed on refers to installation_date; installation_date = '8/16/2013'; customers refers to subscription_type = customers;
coldest temperature refers to min_temperature_f; average coldest temperature refers = AVG(min_temperature_f); stations refers to name; latitude refers to lat; longitude refers to long;
intercity trip refers to start_station_name! = end_station_name; total travel duration to hour = DIVIDE(SUM(duration), 3600) AS hour;
Find the average ride time of the bikes that started at Steuart at Market station and ended at Embarcadero at Sansome station in July 2014.
started at refers to start_station_name; start_station_name = 'Steuart at Market'; ended at refers to end_station_name; end_station_name = 'Embarcadero at Sansome'; rides in July 2004 refers to start_date = '7/1/2014 0:00'AND end_date = '7/31/2014 12:59';average ride time = DIVIDE(SUM(duration), COUNT(id))
hottest temperature refers to MAX(max_temperature_f);
longest duration refers to MAX(duration); starting on a day with a fog refers to start_date where events = 'fog'; in 2013 refers to date LIKE '%2013';
route implies a course taken in getting from start_station_name to end_station_name; the longest duration refers to MAX(duration);
trips refer to id; DIVIDE(SUM(duration where start_station_name = 'Adobe on Almaden', end_station_name = 'Ryland Park'), COUNT(id));
rain of more than 0.8 inches refers to events = rain where precipitation_inches>0.8; average ride duration = DIVIDE(SUM(duration), COUNT(duration));
least used bike refers to bike_id with MIN(COUNT(main_trip.id)); start station refers to start_station_name; end station refers to end_station_name; total duration in hour = DIVIDE(duration, 3600) AS hour;
San Jose is the name of the city; 2014 refers to installation_date between '1/1/2014' and '12/31/2014';
start and end station are similar refers to start_station_name = end_station_name; latitude and longitude coordinates can be used to indicate a location;
start station refers to start_station_id; end station refers to end_station_id; start station and end station are the same refers to start_station_id = end_station_id;
average duration = DIVIDE(SUM(duration), COUNT(id)); hottest temperature refers to max_temperature_f; in 2014 refers to date LIKE '%2014';
What is the longest duration for a bike trip starting on a day with a fog in 2013?
longest duration refers to MAX(duration); starting on a day with a fog refers to start_date where events = 'fog'; in 2013 refers to date LIKE '%2013';
rain of more than 0.8 inches refers to events = rain where precipitation_inches>0.8; average ride duration = DIVIDE(SUM(duration), COUNT(duration));
started at refers to start_station_name; start_station_name = 'Steuart at Market'; ended at refers to end_station_name; end_station_name = 'Embarcadero at Sansome'; rides in July 2004 refers to start_date = '7/1/2014 0:00'AND end_date = '7/31/2014 12:59';average ride time = DIVIDE(SUM(duration), COUNT(id))
coldest temperature refers to min_temperature_f; average coldest temperature refers = AVG(min_temperature_f); stations refers to name; latitude refers to lat; longitude refers to long;
ended on a foggy day refers to end_date where events = 'fog'; average duration = DIVIDE(SUM(duration), COUNT(duration));
37.331415 and -121.8932 are latitude (lat) and longitude (long) coordinates indicating location; returned at refers to end_station_name; the date the bike was borrowed refers to start_date;
San Jose is the name of the city; 2014 refers to installation_date between '1/1/2014' and '12/31/2014';
started at refers to start_station_name; start_station_name = 'South Van Ness at Market'; average duration = DIVIDE(SUM(duration), COUNT(duration));
rainy days refers to events = 'rain'; longest ride refers to MAX(duration); start station refers to start_station_name; end station refers to end_station_name; duration of the ride refers to duration;
temperature refers to max_temperature_f; March 2013 refers to date like '3/%/2013'; conversion to Celcius = DIVIDE(SUBTRACT(max_temperature_f, 32), 1.800) as Celsius1; DIVIDE(SUBTRACT(mean_temperature_f, 32), 1.800) as Celsius2; DIVIDE(SUBTRACT(min_temperature_f, 32), 1.800) as Celcius3;
events = 'Rain'; year refers to YEAR(date);
Which day in the month of November, 2014 have a foggy weather in the zip code 94301 and in total, how many bikes were borrowed by subscribers from all of the stations in the said day?
day in the month of November, 2014 refers to start_date between '11/1/2014' and '11/30/2014'; foggy weather refers to events = 'Fog'; subscriber refers to subscription_type; all of the stations bikes were borrowed from refer to start_station_name;
installed after August, 2013 refers to year(installation_date)>2013; in San Jose refers to city = 'San Jose';
bike was borrowed from refers to start_station_id; when the bike station was installed refers to installation_date;
less than 5 minutes refers to duration<300 in seconds; the station where the bike was borrowed refers to start_station_name; the station where the bike was returned refers to end_station_name; mean temperature refers to min_temperature_f;
route implies a course taken in getting from start_station_name to end_station_name; the longest duration refers to MAX(duration);
San Jose is the name of the city; 2014 refers to installation_date between '1/1/2014' and '12/31/2014';
end station refers to end_station_id; docks that were left refers to docks_available;
subscription_type = 'Subscriber'; DIVIDE(COUNT(id where subscription_type = 'Subscriber'), COUNT(id)) as percentage;
started at refers to start_station_name; start_station_name = 'South Van Ness at Market'; average duration = DIVIDE(SUM(duration), COUNT(duration));
rainy days refers to events = 'rain'; longest ride refers to MAX(duration); start station refers to start_station_name; end station refers to end_station_name; duration of the ride refers to duration;
station refers to name;
On 11/3/2013, which stations are often empty? Indicate the names of the stations.
time = '11/3/2013'; which stations are empty refers to bikes_available = '0';
installed after August, 2013 refers to year(installation_date)>2013; in San Jose refers to city = 'San Jose';
start and end station are similar refers to start_station_name = end_station_name; latitude and longitude coordinates can be used to indicate a location;
started at refers to start_station_name; start_station_name = 'Mountain View City Hall'; ended on a rainy day refers to end_date where events = 'rain';
hottest temperature refers to MAX(max_temperature_f);
started at refers to start_station_name; start_station_name = 'South Van Ness at Market'; average duration = DIVIDE(SUM(duration), COUNT(duration));
temperature refers to max_temperature_f; March 2013 refers to date like '3/%/2013'; conversion to Celcius = DIVIDE(SUBTRACT(max_temperature_f, 32), 1.800) as Celsius1; DIVIDE(SUBTRACT(mean_temperature_f, 32), 1.800) as Celsius2; DIVIDE(SUBTRACT(min_temperature_f, 32), 1.800) as Celcius3;
hottest temperature refers to max_temperatutre_f; in 2014 refers to date LIKE '%2014'; started from station refers to start_station_name; start_station_name = '2nd at Folsom';
in 2015 refers to end_date like '%2015%'; percentage = DIVIDE(COUNT(events = 'Rain'), COUNT(events));
Redwood City is the name of the city; trips in August 2013 refers to start_date like '8%2013%';
in 2006 refers to start_date LIKE'%2006%'; ended at station refers to end_station_name; Mountain View refers to city = 'Mountain View';
How many bike stations were installed in San Jose in 2014? Indicate the names of the stations.
San Jose is the name of the city; 2014 refers to installation_date between '1/1/2014' and '12/31/2014';
Redwood City is the name of the city; trips in August 2013 refers to start_date like '8%2013%';
route implies a course taken in getting from start_station_name to end_station_name; the longest duration refers to MAX(duration);
end station refers to end_station_name; starting from refers to start_station_name; start_station_name = '2nd at South Park';
the station with the most borrowed bikes refers to MAX(start_station);
in 2015 refers to end_date like '%2015%'; percentage = DIVIDE(COUNT(events = 'Rain'), COUNT(events));
start station refers to start_station_id; end station refers to end_station_id; start station and end station are the same refers to start_station_id = end_station_id;
subsscriber refers to subscription_type = subscriber; started their trips in refers to start_station_name; start_station_name = 'Market at 4th';
shortest trip refers to MIN(duration); starting from refers to start_station_name; start_station_name = 'Franklin at Maple'; maximum wind speed refers to max_wind_Speed_mph;
bike was borrowed from refers to start_station_id; San Francisco refers to city = 'San Francisco'; subscriber refers to subscription_type = 'Subscriber';
day in the month of November, 2014 refers to start_date between '11/1/2014' and '11/30/2014'; foggy weather refers to events = 'Fog'; subscriber refers to subscription_type; all of the stations bikes were borrowed from refer to start_station_name;
Calculate the difference between the number of customers and the number of subscribers who did the trip in June 2013.
customer refers to subscription_type = 'Customer'; subscribers refers to subscription_type = 'Subscriber'; difference = SUBTRACT(SUM(subscription_type = 'Subscriber' t), SUM(subscription_type = 'Customer')); trip in June 2013 refers to start_date BETWEEN '6/1/2013 0:00'AND '6/31/2013 12:59';
no available bike to borrow refers to bikes_available = 0; latitude and longitude coordinates can be used to indicate a location;
total trip duration to hour = DIVIDE(SUM(duration), 3600);
Redwood City is the name of the city; trips in August 2013 refers to start_date like '8%2013%';
bike is borrowed from refers to start_station_id;
rainy days refers to events = 'rain'; longest ride refers to MAX(duration); start station refers to start_station_name; end station refers to end_station_name; duration of the ride refers to duration;
shortest duration refers to MIN(duration); started at the station refers to start_station_name; can hold 15 bikes refers to dock_count = 15;
less than 5 minutes refers to duration<300 in seconds; the station where the bike was borrowed refers to start_station_name; the station where the bike was returned refers to end_station_name; mean temperature refers to min_temperature_f;
installed after August, 2013 refers to year(installation_date)>2013; in San Jose refers to city = 'San Jose';
bike was borrowed from refers to start_station_id; when the bike station was installed refers to installation_date;
San Francico is the name of the city; can hold more than 20 bikes implies dock's capacity and refers to dock_count≥20;
Find the average ride duration during the rain of more than 0.8 inches.
rain of more than 0.8 inches refers to events = rain where precipitation_inches>0.8; average ride duration = DIVIDE(SUM(duration), COUNT(duration));
total number of bikes that can be hold = MAX(dock_count); before 2014 refers to year(installation_date)<2014;
shortest duration refers to MIN(duration); started at the station refers to start_station_name; can hold 15 bikes refers to dock_count = 15;
less than 5 minutes refers to duration<300 in seconds; the station where the bike was borrowed refers to start_station_name; the station where the bike was returned refers to end_station_name; mean temperature refers to min_temperature_f;
longest trip refers to MAX(duration); started on the day refers to start_date; maximum wind speed refers to max_wind_speed_mph; max_wind_speed_mph = 30;
Powell Street refers to start_station_name; bike 496 refers to bike_id = '496'; start_date = '8/29/2013';
installed on refers to installation_date; installation_date = '8/16/2013'; customers refers to subscription_type = customers;
coldest temperature refers to min_temperature_f; average coldest temperature refers = AVG(min_temperature_f); stations refers to name; latitude refers to lat; longitude refers to long;
day in the month of November, 2014 refers to start_date between '11/1/2014' and '11/30/2014'; foggy weather refers to events = 'Fog'; subscriber refers to subscription_type; all of the stations bikes were borrowed from refer to start_station_name;
subsscriber refers to subscription_type = subscriber; started their trips in refers to start_station_name; start_station_name = 'Market at 4th';
hottest temperature refers to MAX(max_temperature_f);
Among the trips in August 2013, how many bikes were borrowed from Redwood City.
Redwood City is the name of the city; trips in August 2013 refers to start_date like '8%2013%';
no available bike to borrow refers to bikes_available = 0; latitude and longitude coordinates can be used to indicate a location;
longest duration refers to MAX(duration); starting on a day with a fog refers to start_date where events = 'fog'; in 2013 refers to date LIKE '%2013';
started at refers to start_station_name; start_station_name = 'South Van Ness at Market'; average duration = DIVIDE(SUM(duration), COUNT(duration));
started at refers to start_station_name; start_station_name = 'Steuart at Market'; ended at refers to end_station_name; end_station_name = 'Embarcadero at Sansome'; rides in July 2004 refers to start_date = '7/1/2014 0:00'AND end_date = '7/31/2014 12:59';average ride time = DIVIDE(SUM(duration), COUNT(id))
in 2006 refers to start_date LIKE'%2006%'; ended at station refers to end_station_name; Mountain View refers to city = 'Mountain View';
started on the days in September, 2013 refers to date LIKE'9%'AND date LIKE'%2013' hottest temperature over 70 degrees Fahrenheit refers to max_temperature_f>70;
least used bike refers to bike_id with MIN(COUNT(main_trip.id)); start station refers to start_station_name; end station refers to end_station_name; total duration in hour = DIVIDE(duration, 3600) AS hour;
intercity trip refers to start_station_name! = end_station_name; total travel duration to hour = DIVIDE(SUM(duration), 3600) AS hour;
the station with the most borrowed bikes refers to MAX(start_station);
start station refers to start_station_name; end station refers to end_station_name;
How many bike trips started on the days in September, 2013 with the hottest temperature over 70 degrees Fahrenheit in the area where the zip code is 94107?
started on the days in September, 2013 refers to date LIKE'9%'AND date LIKE'%2013' hottest temperature over 70 degrees Fahrenheit refers to max_temperature_f>70;
in 2015 refers to end_date like '%2015%'; percentage = DIVIDE(COUNT(events = 'Rain'), COUNT(events));
end station refers to end_station_id; docks that were left refers to docks_available;
start station refers to start_station_id; end station refers to end_station_id; start station and end station are the same refers to start_station_id = end_station_id;
hottest temperature refers to max_temperatutre_f; coldest temperature refers to min_temperature_f; difference = SUBTRACT(max_temperature_f, min_temperature_f); date = '8/29/2013'
started at refers to start_station_name; start_station_name = 'South Van Ness at Market'; average duration = DIVIDE(SUM(duration), COUNT(duration));
day in the month of November, 2014 refers to start_date between '11/1/2014' and '11/30/2014'; foggy weather refers to events = 'Fog'; subscriber refers to subscription_type; all of the stations bikes were borrowed from refer to start_station_name;
start station refers to start_station_name; end station refers to end_station_name;
South Van Ness at Market refers to start_station_name; subscriber refers to subscription_type; start_date = '12/1/2013'; the shortest duration refers to MIN(duration); which station was the bike returned to refers to end_station_name;
hottest temperature refers to max_temperatutre_f; in 2014 refers to date LIKE '%2014'; started from station refers to start_station_name; start_station_name = '2nd at Folsom';
in 2013 refers to year(date) = 2013; rain and fog ocurred together refers to events = 'Fog-Rain'; id of bikes refers to biked_id;
What is the maximum dew point in Fahrenheit degree on 7/15/2014 in the area with a zip code of 94301?
the maximum dew point in Fahrenheit degree refers to max_dew_point_f; date = '7/15/2014';
San Jose is the name of the city; 2014 refers to installation_date between '1/1/2014' and '12/31/2014';
in 2006 refers to start_date LIKE'%2006%'; ended at station refers to end_station_name; Mountain View refers to city = 'Mountain View';
route implies a course taken in getting from start_station_name to end_station_name; the longest duration refers to MAX(duration);
longest duration refers to MAX(duration); start station refers to start_station_name;
started at refers to start_station_name; start_station_name = 'Market at 4th'; location coordinates refers to (lat, long);
hottest temperature refers to MAX(max_temperature_f);
started refers to start_date; the hottest day refers to max_temperature_f;
longest duration refers to MAX(duration); starting on a day with a fog refers to start_date where events = 'fog'; in 2013 refers to date LIKE '%2013';
subscription_type = 'Subscriber'; DIVIDE(COUNT(id where subscription_type = 'Subscriber'), COUNT(id)) as percentage;
temperature refers to max_temperature_f; March 2013 refers to date like '3/%/2013'; conversion to Celcius = DIVIDE(SUBTRACT(max_temperature_f, 32), 1.800) as Celsius1; DIVIDE(SUBTRACT(mean_temperature_f, 32), 1.800) as Celsius2; DIVIDE(SUBTRACT(min_temperature_f, 32), 1.800) as Celcius3;
How many subscribers are in the zip code of 94301 and what is the hottest temperature recorded on that zip code?
hottest temperature refers to MAX(max_temperature_f);
37.331415 and -121.8932 are latitude (lat) and longitude (long) coordinates indicating location; returned at refers to end_station_name; the date the bike was borrowed refers to start_date;
route implies a course taken in getting from start_station_name to end_station_name; the longest duration refers to MAX(duration);
started on the days in September, 2013 refers to date LIKE'9%'AND date LIKE'%2013' hottest temperature over 70 degrees Fahrenheit refers to max_temperature_f>70;
average duration = DIVIDE(SUM(duration), COUNT(id)); subscribers refers to subscription_type = 'subscriptions'; started and ended their trip at Mountain View City Hall refers to start_station_name = 'Mountain View City Hall' and end_station_name = 'Mountain View City Hall'; when the station was first installed refers to installation_date;
final station refers to end_station_name where MAX(end_date);
started at station refers to start_station_name; San Francisco refers to city = 'San Francisco'; year that had the most number of trips refers to MAX(year(start_date));
total number of bikes that can be hold = MAX(dock_count); before 2014 refers to year(installation_date)<2014;
started at refers to start_station_name; start_station_name = 'Mountain View City Hall'; ended on a rainy day refers to end_date where events = 'rain';
bike was borrowed from refers to start_station_id; when the bike station was installed refers to installation_date;
least used bike refers to bike_id with MIN(COUNT(main_trip.id)); start station refers to start_station_name; end station refers to end_station_name; total duration in hour = DIVIDE(duration, 3600) AS hour;
What is the percentage of the trip were done by a subscriber?
subscription_type = 'Subscriber'; DIVIDE(COUNT(id where subscription_type = 'Subscriber'), COUNT(id)) as percentage;
bike is borrowed from refers to start_station_id;
37.331415 and -121.8932 are latitude (lat) and longitude (long) coordinates indicating location; returned at refers to end_station_name; the date the bike was borrowed refers to start_date;
rainy days refers to events = 'rain'; longest ride refers to MAX(duration); start station refers to start_station_name; end station refers to end_station_name; duration of the ride refers to duration;
station refers to name;
shortest trip refers to MIN(duration); starting from refers to start_station_name; start_station_name = 'Franklin at Maple'; maximum wind speed refers to max_wind_Speed_mph;
total trip duration to hour = DIVIDE(SUM(duration), 3600);
end station refers to end_station_name; starting from refers to start_station_name; start_station_name = '2nd at South Park';
started at refers to start_station_name; start_station_name = 'Mountain View City Hall'; ended on a rainy day refers to end_date where events = 'rain';
the station with the most borrowed bikes refers to MAX(start_station);
the hottest temperature refers to max_temperature_f;
Which station did the user who started at Market at 4th station ended their trip at the time of 12:45:00 PM and the date of 8/29/2013 and what is the location coordinates of the ending station?
started at refers to start_station_name; start_station_name = 'Market at 4th'; location coordinates refers to (lat, long);
start and end station are similar refers to start_station_name = end_station_name; latitude and longitude coordinates can be used to indicate a location;
rainy days refers to events = 'rain'; longest ride refers to MAX(duration); start station refers to start_station_name; end station refers to end_station_name; duration of the ride refers to duration;
started at refers to start_station_name; start_station_name = 'South Van Ness at Market'; average duration = DIVIDE(SUM(duration), COUNT(duration));
subscription_type = 'Subscriber'; DIVIDE(COUNT(id where subscription_type = 'Subscriber'), COUNT(id)) as percentage;
route implies a course taken in getting from start_station_name to end_station_name; the longest duration refers to MAX(duration);
station refers to name;
total trip duration to hour = DIVIDE(SUM(duration), 3600);
hottest temperature refers to max_temperatutre_f; coldest temperature refers to min_temperature_f; difference = SUBTRACT(max_temperature_f, min_temperature_f); date = '8/29/2013'
bike was borrowed from refers to start_station_id; San Francisco refers to city = 'San Francisco'; subscriber refers to subscription_type = 'Subscriber';
end station refers to end_station_id; docks that were left refers to docks_available;
Convert all temperature recorded at San Francisco city during August 2013 into degree Celsius.
temperature refers to max_temperature_f; March 2013 refers to date like '3/%/2013'; conversion to Celcius = DIVIDE(SUBTRACT(max_temperature_f, 32), 1.800) as Celsius1; DIVIDE(SUBTRACT(mean_temperature_f, 32), 1.800) as Celsius2; DIVIDE(SUBTRACT(min_temperature_f, 32), 1.800) as Celcius3;
trips refer to id; DIVIDE(SUM(duration where start_station_name = 'Adobe on Almaden', end_station_name = 'Ryland Park'), COUNT(id));
longest trip refers to MAX(duration); started on the day refers to start_date; maximum wind speed refers to max_wind_speed_mph; max_wind_speed_mph = 30;
the station with the most borrowed bikes refers to MAX(start_station);
rain of more than 0.8 inches refers to events = rain where precipitation_inches>0.8; average ride duration = DIVIDE(SUM(duration), COUNT(duration));
bike was borrowed from refers to start_station_id; when the bike station was installed refers to installation_date;
average duration = DIVIDE(SUM(duration), COUNT(id)); hottest temperature refers to max_temperature_f; in 2014 refers to date LIKE '%2014';
total trip duration to hour = DIVIDE(SUM(duration), 3600);
South Van Ness at Market refers to start_station_name; subscriber refers to subscription_type; start_date = '12/1/2013'; the shortest duration refers to MIN(duration); which station was the bike returned to refers to end_station_name;
started at refers to start_station_name; start_station_name = 'Market at 4th'; location coordinates refers to (lat, long);
San Francico is the name of the city; can hold more than 20 bikes implies dock's capacity and refers to dock_count≥20;
List all trips where bikes were returned at location 37.331415, -121.8932. State the date the bike was borrowed.
37.331415 and -121.8932 are latitude (lat) and longitude (long) coordinates indicating location; returned at refers to end_station_name; the date the bike was borrowed refers to start_date;
station refers to name;
bike is borrowed from refers to start_station_id;
started at station refers to start_station_name; San Francisco refers to city = 'San Francisco'; year that had the most number of trips refers to MAX(year(start_date));
rainy days refers to events = 'rain'; longest ride refers to MAX(duration); start station refers to start_station_name; end station refers to end_station_name; duration of the ride refers to duration;
trips refer to id; DIVIDE(SUM(duration where start_station_name = 'Adobe on Almaden', end_station_name = 'Ryland Park'), COUNT(id));
time = '11/3/2013'; which stations are empty refers to bikes_available = '0';
events = 'Rain'; year refers to YEAR(date);
end station refers to end_station_id; docks that were left refers to docks_available;
rain of more than 0.8 inches refers to events = rain where precipitation_inches>0.8; average ride duration = DIVIDE(SUM(duration), COUNT(duration));
temperature refers to max_temperature_f; March 2013 refers to date like '3/%/2013'; conversion to Celcius = DIVIDE(SUBTRACT(max_temperature_f, 32), 1.800) as Celsius1; DIVIDE(SUBTRACT(mean_temperature_f, 32), 1.800) as Celsius2; DIVIDE(SUBTRACT(min_temperature_f, 32), 1.800) as Celcius3;
Which bicycle is the least used bike. Check if the start and end station are from the same city and calculate the total duration travelled by the bicycle in hours for a trip made within the same city.
least used bike refers to bike_id with MIN(COUNT(main_trip.id)); start station refers to start_station_name; end station refers to end_station_name; total duration in hour = DIVIDE(duration, 3600) AS hour;
ended on a foggy day refers to end_date where events = 'fog'; average duration = DIVIDE(SUM(duration), COUNT(duration));
station refers to name;
starting stations refers to start_station_name; above average duration trips = DIVIDE(SUM(duration), COUNT(main_trip.id))<duration;
trips refer to id; DIVIDE(SUM(duration where start_station_name = 'Adobe on Almaden', end_station_name = 'Ryland Park'), COUNT(id));
started on the days in September, 2013 refers to date LIKE'9%'AND date LIKE'%2013' hottest temperature over 70 degrees Fahrenheit refers to max_temperature_f>70;
37.331415 and -121.8932 are latitude (lat) and longitude (long) coordinates indicating location; returned at refers to end_station_name; the date the bike was borrowed refers to start_date;
shortest trip refers to MIN(duration); starting from refers to start_station_name; start_station_name = 'Franklin at Maple'; maximum wind speed refers to max_wind_Speed_mph;
total trip duration to hour = DIVIDE(SUM(duration), 3600);
start and end station are similar refers to start_station_name = end_station_name; latitude and longitude coordinates can be used to indicate a location;
intercity trip refers to start_station_name! = end_station_name; total travel duration to hour = DIVIDE(SUM(duration), 3600) AS hour;
List out all end stations for a bicycle that were making a trip starting from 2nd at South Park station? Only retain the unique value.
end station refers to end_station_name; starting from refers to start_station_name; start_station_name = '2nd at South Park';
start and end station are similar refers to start_station_name = end_station_name; latitude and longitude coordinates can be used to indicate a location;
trips refer to id; DIVIDE(SUM(duration where start_station_name = 'Adobe on Almaden', end_station_name = 'Ryland Park'), COUNT(id));
rain of more than 0.8 inches refers to events = rain where precipitation_inches>0.8; average ride duration = DIVIDE(SUM(duration), COUNT(duration));
events = 'Rain'; year refers to YEAR(date);
hottest temperature refers to MAX(max_temperature_f);
customer refers to subscription_type = 'Customer'; subscribers refers to subscription_type = 'Subscriber'; difference = SUBTRACT(SUM(subscription_type = 'Subscriber' t), SUM(subscription_type = 'Customer')); trip in June 2013 refers to start_date BETWEEN '6/1/2013 0:00'AND '6/31/2013 12:59';
installed after August, 2013 refers to year(installation_date)>2013; in San Jose refers to city = 'San Jose';
start station refers to start_station_name; end station refers to end_station_name;
station refers to name;
time = '11/3/2013'; which stations are empty refers to bikes_available = '0';
Among the bike trips started on the days with a fog in 2013, how many of those trips started from the station "2nd at Townsend"?
started on the days with a fog refers to start_date where events = 'fog'; in 2013 refers to date LIKE '%2013'; started from station refers to start_station_name; start_station_name = '2nd at Townsend';
station refers to name;
average duration = DIVIDE(SUM(duration), COUNT(id)); subscribers refers to subscription_type = 'subscriptions'; started and ended their trip at Mountain View City Hall refers to start_station_name = 'Mountain View City Hall' and end_station_name = 'Mountain View City Hall'; when the station was first installed refers to installation_date;
Redwood City is the name of the city; trips in August 2013 refers to start_date like '8%2013%';
started refers to start_date; the hottest day refers to max_temperature_f;
coldest temperature refers to min_temperature_f; average coldest temperature refers = AVG(min_temperature_f); stations refers to name; latitude refers to lat; longitude refers to long;
end station refers to end_station_id; docks that were left refers to docks_available;
rainy days refers to events = 'rain'; longest ride refers to MAX(duration); start station refers to start_station_name; end station refers to end_station_name; duration of the ride refers to duration;
rain of more than 0.8 inches refers to events = rain where precipitation_inches>0.8; average ride duration = DIVIDE(SUM(duration), COUNT(duration));
number of bikes a station can hold refers to SUM(dock_count); Evelyn Park and Ride refers to name = 'Evelyn Park and Ride'; started on the station refers to start_station_name; subscribers refers to subscription_type = 'subscriber';
start and end station are similar refers to start_station_name = end_station_name; latitude and longitude coordinates can be used to indicate a location;
Are all stations with zip code 94107 located in San Francisco city?
station refers to name;
total trip duration to hour = DIVIDE(SUM(duration), 3600);
start station refers to start_station_id; end station refers to end_station_id; start station and end station are the same refers to start_station_id = end_station_id;
started at refers to start_station_name; start_station_name = 'Mountain View City Hall'; ended on a rainy day refers to end_date where events = 'rain';
longest trip refers to MAX(duration); started on the day refers to start_date; maximum wind speed refers to max_wind_speed_mph; max_wind_speed_mph = 30;
started at refers to start_station_name; start_station_name = 'Market at 4th'; location coordinates refers to (lat, long);
no available bike to borrow refers to bikes_available = 0; latitude and longitude coordinates can be used to indicate a location;
subsscriber refers to subscription_type = subscriber; started their trips in refers to start_station_name; start_station_name = 'Market at 4th';
hottest temperature refers to max_temperatutre_f; coldest temperature refers to min_temperature_f; difference = SUBTRACT(max_temperature_f, min_temperature_f); date = '8/29/2013'
ended in refers to end_station_name;
San Jose is the name of the city; 2014 refers to installation_date between '1/1/2014' and '12/31/2014';
List down the trips in which their start and end station are similar. Give me their trip IDs and location coordinates.
start and end station are similar refers to start_station_name = end_station_name; latitude and longitude coordinates can be used to indicate a location;
bike was borrowed from refers to start_station_id; when the bike station was installed refers to installation_date;
shortest duration refers to MIN(duration); started at the station refers to start_station_name; can hold 15 bikes refers to dock_count = 15;
coldest temperature refers to min_temperature_f; average coldest temperature refers = AVG(min_temperature_f); stations refers to name; latitude refers to lat; longitude refers to long;
started at refers to start_station_name; start_station_name = 'South Van Ness at Market'; average duration = DIVIDE(SUM(duration), COUNT(duration));
day in the month of November, 2014 refers to start_date between '11/1/2014' and '11/30/2014'; foggy weather refers to events = 'Fog'; subscriber refers to subscription_type; all of the stations bikes were borrowed from refer to start_station_name;
installed after August, 2013 refers to year(installation_date)>2013; in San Jose refers to city = 'San Jose';
the hottest temperature refers to max_temperature_f;
in 2015 refers to end_date like '%2015%'; percentage = DIVIDE(COUNT(events = 'Rain'), COUNT(events));
in 2006 refers to start_date LIKE'%2006%'; ended at station refers to end_station_name; Mountain View refers to city = 'Mountain View';
hottest temperature refers to MAX(max_temperature_f);
What is the route that has the longest duration? Indicate the city of where the stations are located.
route implies a course taken in getting from start_station_name to end_station_name; the longest duration refers to MAX(duration);
shortest trip refers to MIN(duration); starting from refers to start_station_name; start_station_name = 'Franklin at Maple'; maximum wind speed refers to max_wind_Speed_mph;
number of bikes a station can hold refers to SUM(dock_count); Evelyn Park and Ride refers to name = 'Evelyn Park and Ride'; started on the station refers to start_station_name; subscribers refers to subscription_type = 'subscriber';
starting stations refers to start_station_name; above average duration trips = DIVIDE(SUM(duration), COUNT(main_trip.id))<duration;
end station refers to end_station_name; starting from refers to start_station_name; start_station_name = '2nd at South Park';
bike is borrowed from refers to start_station_id;
hottest temperature refers to MAX(max_temperature_f);
mean temperature in Fahrenheit refers to mean_temperature_f; on 8/29/2013 refers to date = '8/29/2013';
San Francico is the name of the city; can hold more than 20 bikes implies dock's capacity and refers to dock_count≥20;
total trip duration to hour = DIVIDE(SUM(duration), 3600);
start and end station are similar refers to start_station_name = end_station_name; latitude and longitude coordinates can be used to indicate a location;
When was the bike station from which the bike was borrowed on trip ID4069 installed?
bike was borrowed from refers to start_station_id; when the bike station was installed refers to installation_date;
when the station was first installed refers to installation_date;
started at refers to start_station_name; start_station_name = 'Market at 4th'; location coordinates refers to (lat, long);
start and end station are similar refers to start_station_name = end_station_name; latitude and longitude coordinates can be used to indicate a location;
trips refer to id; DIVIDE(SUM(duration where start_station_name = 'Adobe on Almaden', end_station_name = 'Ryland Park'), COUNT(id));
in 2006 refers to start_date LIKE'%2006%'; ended at station refers to end_station_name; Mountain View refers to city = 'Mountain View';
end station refers to end_station_name; starting from refers to start_station_name; start_station_name = '2nd at South Park';
started at refers to start_station_name; start_station_name = 'South Van Ness at Market'; average duration = DIVIDE(SUM(duration), COUNT(duration));
final station refers to end_station_name where MAX(end_date);
started at refers to start_station_name; start_station_name = 'Mountain View City Hall'; ended on a rainy day refers to end_date where events = 'rain';
installed on refers to installation_date; installation_date = '8/16/2013'; customers refers to subscription_type = customers;
How many docks were left at the end station for trip ID4069?
end station refers to end_station_id; docks that were left refers to docks_available;
least used bike refers to bike_id with MIN(COUNT(main_trip.id)); start station refers to start_station_name; end station refers to end_station_name; total duration in hour = DIVIDE(duration, 3600) AS hour;
bike is borrowed from refers to start_station_id;
installed on refers to installation_date; installation_date = '8/16/2013'; customers refers to subscription_type = customers;
hottest temperature refers to max_temperatutre_f; coldest temperature refers to min_temperature_f; difference = SUBTRACT(max_temperature_f, min_temperature_f); date = '8/29/2013'
trips refer to id; DIVIDE(SUM(duration where start_station_name = 'Adobe on Almaden', end_station_name = 'Ryland Park'), COUNT(id));
the station with the most borrowed bikes refers to MAX(start_station);
intercity trip refers to start_station_name! = end_station_name; total travel duration to hour = DIVIDE(SUM(duration), 3600) AS hour;
when the station was first installed refers to installation_date;
events = 'Rain'; year refers to YEAR(date);
total number of bikes that can be hold = MAX(dock_count); before 2014 refers to year(installation_date)<2014;
Which trip had the shortest duration and started at the station that can hold 15 bikes?
shortest duration refers to MIN(duration); started at the station refers to start_station_name; can hold 15 bikes refers to dock_count = 15;
hottest temperature refers to max_temperatutre_f; coldest temperature refers to min_temperature_f; difference = SUBTRACT(max_temperature_f, min_temperature_f); date = '8/29/2013'
end station refers to end_station_id; docks that were left refers to docks_available;
bike was borrowed from refers to start_station_id; San Francisco refers to city = 'San Francisco'; subscriber refers to subscription_type = 'Subscriber';
in 2013 refers to year(date) = 2013; rain and fog ocurred together refers to events = 'Fog-Rain'; id of bikes refers to biked_id;
started on the days with a fog refers to start_date where events = 'fog'; in 2013 refers to date LIKE '%2013'; started from station refers to start_station_name; start_station_name = '2nd at Townsend';
installed after August, 2013 refers to year(installation_date)>2013; in San Jose refers to city = 'San Jose';
subsscriber refers to subscription_type = subscriber; started their trips in refers to start_station_name; start_station_name = 'Market at 4th';
started at refers to start_station_name; start_station_name = 'Steuart at Market'; ended at refers to end_station_name; end_station_name = 'Embarcadero at Sansome'; rides in July 2004 refers to start_date = '7/1/2014 0:00'AND end_date = '7/31/2014 12:59';average ride time = DIVIDE(SUM(duration), COUNT(id))
route implies a course taken in getting from start_station_name to end_station_name; the longest duration refers to MAX(duration);
started at refers to start_station_name; start_station_name = 'Mountain View City Hall'; ended on a rainy day refers to end_date where events = 'rain';
Please calculate the average duration of trips started at South Van Ness at Market in 2015.
started at refers to start_station_name; start_station_name = 'South Van Ness at Market'; average duration = DIVIDE(SUM(duration), COUNT(duration));
37.331415 and -121.8932 are latitude (lat) and longitude (long) coordinates indicating location; returned at refers to end_station_name; the date the bike was borrowed refers to start_date;
final station refers to end_station_name where MAX(end_date);
total trip duration to hour = DIVIDE(SUM(duration), 3600);
station refers to name;
start station refers to start_station_id; end station refers to end_station_id; start station and end station are the same refers to start_station_id = end_station_id;
no available bike to borrow refers to bikes_available = 0; latitude and longitude coordinates can be used to indicate a location;
hottest temperature refers to max_temperatutre_f; in 2014 refers to date LIKE '%2014'; started from station refers to start_station_name; start_station_name = '2nd at Folsom';
least used bike refers to bike_id with MIN(COUNT(main_trip.id)); start station refers to start_station_name; end station refers to end_station_name; total duration in hour = DIVIDE(duration, 3600) AS hour;
the hottest temperature refers to max_temperature_f;
number of bikes a station can hold refers to SUM(dock_count); Evelyn Park and Ride refers to name = 'Evelyn Park and Ride'; started on the station refers to start_station_name; subscribers refers to subscription_type = 'subscriber';
In which city's station is a bike borrowed on trip ID4069?
bike is borrowed from refers to start_station_id;
hottest temperature refers to max_temperatutre_f; coldest temperature refers to min_temperature_f; difference = SUBTRACT(max_temperature_f, min_temperature_f); date = '8/29/2013'
started at refers to start_station_name; start_station_name = 'Mountain View City Hall'; ended on a rainy day refers to end_date where events = 'rain';
events = 'Rain'; year refers to YEAR(date);
no available bike to borrow refers to bikes_available = 0; latitude and longitude coordinates can be used to indicate a location;
start station refers to start_station_id; end station refers to end_station_id; start station and end station are the same refers to start_station_id = end_station_id;
subsscriber refers to subscription_type = subscriber; started their trips in refers to start_station_name; start_station_name = 'Market at 4th';
average duration = DIVIDE(SUM(duration), COUNT(id)); subscribers refers to subscription_type = 'subscriptions'; started and ended their trip at Mountain View City Hall refers to start_station_name = 'Mountain View City Hall' and end_station_name = 'Mountain View City Hall'; when the station was first installed refers to installation_date;
in 2006 refers to start_date LIKE'%2006%'; ended at station refers to end_station_name; Mountain View refers to city = 'Mountain View';
longest trip refers to MAX(duration); started on the day refers to start_date; maximum wind speed refers to max_wind_speed_mph; max_wind_speed_mph = 30;
started at refers to start_station_name; start_station_name = 'Market at 4th'; location coordinates refers to (lat, long);
How many bike stations are installed after August, 2013 in San Jose?
installed after August, 2013 refers to year(installation_date)>2013; in San Jose refers to city = 'San Jose';
starting stations refers to start_station_name; above average duration trips = DIVIDE(SUM(duration), COUNT(main_trip.id))<duration;
longest duration refers to MAX(duration); start station refers to start_station_name;
subsscriber refers to subscription_type = subscriber; started their trips in refers to start_station_name; start_station_name = 'Market at 4th';
total trip duration to hour = DIVIDE(SUM(duration), 3600);
Redwood City is the name of the city; trips in August 2013 refers to start_date like '8%2013%';
trips refer to id; DIVIDE(SUM(duration where start_station_name = 'Adobe on Almaden', end_station_name = 'Ryland Park'), COUNT(id));
Powell Street refers to start_station_name; bike 496 refers to bike_id = '496'; start_date = '8/29/2013';
the hottest temperature refers to max_temperature_f;
mean temperature in Fahrenheit refers to mean_temperature_f; on 8/29/2013 refers to date = '8/29/2013';
started at refers to start_station_name; start_station_name = 'Steuart at Market'; ended at refers to end_station_name; end_station_name = 'Embarcadero at Sansome'; rides in July 2004 refers to start_date = '7/1/2014 0:00'AND end_date = '7/31/2014 12:59';average ride time = DIVIDE(SUM(duration), COUNT(id))
Which trip had the longest duration? State the start and end station.
start station refers to start_station_name; end station refers to end_station_name;
longest duration refers to MAX(duration); start station refers to start_station_name;
bike is borrowed from refers to start_station_id;
the hottest temperature refers to max_temperature_f;
started at refers to start_station_name; start_station_name = 'Steuart at Market'; ended at refers to end_station_name; end_station_name = 'Embarcadero at Sansome'; rides in July 2004 refers to start_date = '7/1/2014 0:00'AND end_date = '7/31/2014 12:59';average ride time = DIVIDE(SUM(duration), COUNT(id))
least used bike refers to bike_id with MIN(COUNT(main_trip.id)); start station refers to start_station_name; end station refers to end_station_name; total duration in hour = DIVIDE(duration, 3600) AS hour;
hottest temperature refers to MAX(max_temperature_f);
coldest temperature refers to min_temperature_f; average coldest temperature refers = AVG(min_temperature_f); stations refers to name; latitude refers to lat; longitude refers to long;
end station refers to end_station_name; starting from refers to start_station_name; start_station_name = '2nd at South Park';
shortest duration refers to MIN(duration); started at the station refers to start_station_name; can hold 15 bikes refers to dock_count = 15;
end station refers to end_station_id; docks that were left refers to docks_available;
For all trips which took less 5 minutes, state the station name where the bike were borrowed and returned. Indicate mean temperature of the day.
less than 5 minutes refers to duration<300 in seconds; the station where the bike was borrowed refers to start_station_name; the station where the bike was returned refers to end_station_name; mean temperature refers to min_temperature_f;
no available bike to borrow refers to bikes_available = 0; latitude and longitude coordinates can be used to indicate a location;
hottest temperature refers to max_temperatutre_f; coldest temperature refers to min_temperature_f; difference = SUBTRACT(max_temperature_f, min_temperature_f); date = '8/29/2013'
rain of more than 0.8 inches refers to events = rain where precipitation_inches>0.8; average ride duration = DIVIDE(SUM(duration), COUNT(duration));
Powell Street refers to start_station_name; bike 496 refers to bike_id = '496'; start_date = '8/29/2013';
shortest duration refers to MIN(duration); started at the station refers to start_station_name; can hold 15 bikes refers to dock_count = 15;
route implies a course taken in getting from start_station_name to end_station_name; the longest duration refers to MAX(duration);
longest trip refers to MAX(duration); started on the day refers to start_date; maximum wind speed refers to max_wind_speed_mph; max_wind_speed_mph = 30;
mean temperature in Fahrenheit refers to mean_temperature_f; on 8/29/2013 refers to date = '8/29/2013';
the maximum dew point in Fahrenheit degree refers to max_dew_point_f; date = '7/15/2014';
subscription_type = 'Subscriber'; DIVIDE(COUNT(id where subscription_type = 'Subscriber'), COUNT(id)) as percentage;
What is the average duration of trips which are started at Adobe on Almaden station to Ryland Park?
trips refer to id; DIVIDE(SUM(duration where start_station_name = 'Adobe on Almaden', end_station_name = 'Ryland Park'), COUNT(id));
started at refers to start_station_name; start_station_name = 'Steuart at Market'; ended at refers to end_station_name; end_station_name = 'Embarcadero at Sansome'; rides in July 2004 refers to start_date = '7/1/2014 0:00'AND end_date = '7/31/2014 12:59';average ride time = DIVIDE(SUM(duration), COUNT(id))
started on the days in September, 2013 refers to date LIKE'9%'AND date LIKE'%2013' hottest temperature over 70 degrees Fahrenheit refers to max_temperature_f>70;
installed after August, 2013 refers to year(installation_date)>2013; in San Jose refers to city = 'San Jose';
start station refers to start_station_id; end station refers to end_station_id; start station and end station are the same refers to start_station_id = end_station_id;
longest duration refers to MAX(duration); starting on a day with a fog refers to start_date where events = 'fog'; in 2013 refers to date LIKE '%2013';
subsscriber refers to subscription_type = subscriber; started their trips in refers to start_station_name; start_station_name = 'Market at 4th';
longest trip refers to MAX(duration); started on the day refers to start_date; maximum wind speed refers to max_wind_speed_mph; max_wind_speed_mph = 30;
Redwood City is the name of the city; trips in August 2013 refers to start_date like '8%2013%';
no available bike to borrow refers to bikes_available = 0; latitude and longitude coordinates can be used to indicate a location;
hottest temperature refers to max_temperatutre_f; coldest temperature refers to min_temperature_f; difference = SUBTRACT(max_temperature_f, min_temperature_f); date = '8/29/2013'
Write down the times when there is no available bike to borrow in a station. List down the stations name and location coordinate.
no available bike to borrow refers to bikes_available = 0; latitude and longitude coordinates can be used to indicate a location;
started on the days in September, 2013 refers to date LIKE'9%'AND date LIKE'%2013' hottest temperature over 70 degrees Fahrenheit refers to max_temperature_f>70;
San Jose is the name of the city; 2014 refers to installation_date between '1/1/2014' and '12/31/2014';
San Francico is the name of the city; can hold more than 20 bikes implies dock's capacity and refers to dock_count≥20;
started at station refers to start_station_name; San Francisco refers to city = 'San Francisco'; year that had the most number of trips refers to MAX(year(start_date));
subsscriber refers to subscription_type = subscriber; started their trips in refers to start_station_name; start_station_name = 'Market at 4th';
rainy days refers to events = 'rain'; longest ride refers to MAX(duration); start station refers to start_station_name; end station refers to end_station_name; duration of the ride refers to duration;
average duration = DIVIDE(SUM(duration), COUNT(id)); subscribers refers to subscription_type = 'subscriptions'; started and ended their trip at Mountain View City Hall refers to start_station_name = 'Mountain View City Hall' and end_station_name = 'Mountain View City Hall'; when the station was first installed refers to installation_date;
hottest temperature refers to MAX(max_temperature_f);
started at refers to start_station_name; start_station_name = 'South Van Ness at Market'; average duration = DIVIDE(SUM(duration), COUNT(duration));
ended in refers to end_station_name;
What was duration of the longest trip started on the day that has a maximum wind speed of 30 mph?
longest trip refers to MAX(duration); started on the day refers to start_date; maximum wind speed refers to max_wind_speed_mph; max_wind_speed_mph = 30;
average duration = DIVIDE(SUM(duration), COUNT(id)); hottest temperature refers to max_temperature_f; in 2014 refers to date LIKE '%2014';
rainy days refers to events = 'rain'; longest ride refers to MAX(duration); start station refers to start_station_name; end station refers to end_station_name; duration of the ride refers to duration;
longest duration refers to MAX(duration); starting on a day with a fog refers to start_date where events = 'fog'; in 2013 refers to date LIKE '%2013';
started on the days in September, 2013 refers to date LIKE'9%'AND date LIKE'%2013' hottest temperature over 70 degrees Fahrenheit refers to max_temperature_f>70;
trips refer to id; DIVIDE(SUM(duration where start_station_name = 'Adobe on Almaden', end_station_name = 'Ryland Park'), COUNT(id));
rain of more than 0.8 inches refers to events = rain where precipitation_inches>0.8; average ride duration = DIVIDE(SUM(duration), COUNT(duration));
mean temperature refers to mean_temperature_f; mean temperature of 20 degree Celsius refers to DIVIDE(SUBTRACT(mean_temperature_f, 32), 1.8) = 20; in 2014 refers to date LIKE'%2015%';
Redwood City is the name of the city; trips in August 2013 refers to start_date like '8%2013%';
temperature refers to max_temperature_f; March 2013 refers to date like '3/%/2013'; conversion to Celcius = DIVIDE(SUBTRACT(max_temperature_f, 32), 1.800) as Celsius1; DIVIDE(SUBTRACT(mean_temperature_f, 32), 1.800) as Celsius2; DIVIDE(SUBTRACT(min_temperature_f, 32), 1.800) as Celcius3;
started at refers to start_station_name; start_station_name = 'Market at 4th'; location coordinates refers to (lat, long);
When was the hottest temperature recorded? If there are multiple dates with the hottest temperature, indicate all of the dates.
the hottest temperature refers to max_temperature_f;
rainy days refers to events = 'rain'; longest ride refers to MAX(duration); start station refers to start_station_name; end station refers to end_station_name; duration of the ride refers to duration;
the station with the most borrowed bikes refers to MAX(start_station);
average duration = DIVIDE(SUM(duration), COUNT(id)); hottest temperature refers to max_temperature_f; in 2014 refers to date LIKE '%2014';
temperature refers to max_temperature_f; March 2013 refers to date like '3/%/2013'; conversion to Celcius = DIVIDE(SUBTRACT(max_temperature_f, 32), 1.800) as Celsius1; DIVIDE(SUBTRACT(mean_temperature_f, 32), 1.800) as Celsius2; DIVIDE(SUBTRACT(min_temperature_f, 32), 1.800) as Celcius3;
ended in refers to end_station_name;
hottest temperature refers to max_temperatutre_f; in 2014 refers to date LIKE '%2014'; started from station refers to start_station_name; start_station_name = '2nd at Folsom';
total number of bikes that can be hold = MAX(dock_count); before 2014 refers to year(installation_date)<2014;
starting stations refers to start_station_name; above average duration trips = DIVIDE(SUM(duration), COUNT(main_trip.id))<duration;
less than 5 minutes refers to duration<300 in seconds; the station where the bike was borrowed refers to start_station_name; the station where the bike was returned refers to end_station_name; mean temperature refers to min_temperature_f;
longest trip refers to MAX(duration); started on the day refers to start_date; maximum wind speed refers to max_wind_speed_mph; max_wind_speed_mph = 30;
Which were the trips that started at Mountain View City Hall and ended on a rainy day?
started at refers to start_station_name; start_station_name = 'Mountain View City Hall'; ended on a rainy day refers to end_date where events = 'rain';
the hottest temperature refers to max_temperature_f;
longest trip refers to MAX(duration); started on the day refers to start_date; maximum wind speed refers to max_wind_speed_mph; max_wind_speed_mph = 30;
average duration = DIVIDE(SUM(duration), COUNT(id)); subscribers refers to subscription_type = 'subscriptions'; started and ended their trip at Mountain View City Hall refers to start_station_name = 'Mountain View City Hall' and end_station_name = 'Mountain View City Hall'; when the station was first installed refers to installation_date;
in 2013 refers to year(date) = 2013; rain and fog ocurred together refers to events = 'Fog-Rain'; id of bikes refers to biked_id;
mean temperature in Fahrenheit refers to mean_temperature_f; on 8/29/2013 refers to date = '8/29/2013';
San Jose is the name of the city; 2014 refers to installation_date between '1/1/2014' and '12/31/2014';
intercity trip refers to start_station_name! = end_station_name; total travel duration to hour = DIVIDE(SUM(duration), 3600) AS hour;
bike was borrowed from refers to start_station_id; when the bike station was installed refers to installation_date;
in 2015 refers to end_date like '%2015%'; percentage = DIVIDE(COUNT(events = 'Rain'), COUNT(events));
rainy days refers to events = 'rain'; longest ride refers to MAX(duration); start station refers to start_station_name; end station refers to end_station_name; duration of the ride refers to duration;
How many trips with a bike borrowed from the stations in San Francisco were made by a subscriber?
bike was borrowed from refers to start_station_id; San Francisco refers to city = 'San Francisco'; subscriber refers to subscription_type = 'Subscriber';
events = 'Rain'; year refers to YEAR(date);
San Francico is the name of the city; can hold more than 20 bikes implies dock's capacity and refers to dock_count≥20;
route implies a course taken in getting from start_station_name to end_station_name; the longest duration refers to MAX(duration);
started at refers to start_station_name; start_station_name = 'Mountain View City Hall'; ended on a rainy day refers to end_date where events = 'rain';
station refers to name;
shortest duration refers to MIN(duration); started at the station refers to start_station_name; can hold 15 bikes refers to dock_count = 15;
average duration = DIVIDE(SUM(duration), COUNT(id)); hottest temperature refers to max_temperature_f; in 2014 refers to date LIKE '%2014';
started at refers to start_station_name; start_station_name = 'Steuart at Market'; ended at refers to end_station_name; end_station_name = 'Embarcadero at Sansome'; rides in July 2004 refers to start_date = '7/1/2014 0:00'AND end_date = '7/31/2014 12:59';average ride time = DIVIDE(SUM(duration), COUNT(id))
in 2006 refers to start_date LIKE'%2006%'; ended at station refers to end_station_name; Mountain View refers to city = 'Mountain View';
mean temperature in Fahrenheit refers to mean_temperature_f; on 8/29/2013 refers to date = '8/29/2013';
Name the station and city with the most borrowed bike.
the station with the most borrowed bikes refers to MAX(start_station);
bike was borrowed from refers to start_station_id; when the bike station was installed refers to installation_date;
in 2013 refers to year(date) = 2013; rain and fog ocurred together refers to events = 'Fog-Rain'; id of bikes refers to biked_id;
end station refers to end_station_name; starting from refers to start_station_name; start_station_name = '2nd at South Park';
day in the month of November, 2014 refers to start_date between '11/1/2014' and '11/30/2014'; foggy weather refers to events = 'Fog'; subscriber refers to subscription_type; all of the stations bikes were borrowed from refer to start_station_name;
started on the days in September, 2013 refers to date LIKE'9%'AND date LIKE'%2013' hottest temperature over 70 degrees Fahrenheit refers to max_temperature_f>70;
Redwood City is the name of the city; trips in August 2013 refers to start_date like '8%2013%';
less than 5 minutes refers to duration<300 in seconds; the station where the bike was borrowed refers to start_station_name; the station where the bike was returned refers to end_station_name; mean temperature refers to min_temperature_f;
started at refers to start_station_name; start_station_name = 'Mountain View City Hall'; ended on a rainy day refers to end_date where events = 'rain';
installed on refers to installation_date; installation_date = '8/16/2013'; customers refers to subscription_type = customers;
in 2015 refers to end_date like '%2015%'; percentage = DIVIDE(COUNT(events = 'Rain'), COUNT(events));
List the days in 2013 when rain and fog occurred together and find the id of bikes borrowed on these days.
in 2013 refers to year(date) = 2013; rain and fog ocurred together refers to events = 'Fog-Rain'; id of bikes refers to biked_id;
final station refers to end_station_name where MAX(end_date);
total trip duration to hour = DIVIDE(SUM(duration), 3600);
installed after August, 2013 refers to year(installation_date)>2013; in San Jose refers to city = 'San Jose';
bike was borrowed from refers to start_station_id; when the bike station was installed refers to installation_date;
starting stations refers to start_station_name; above average duration trips = DIVIDE(SUM(duration), COUNT(main_trip.id))<duration;
started at refers to start_station_name; start_station_name = 'South Van Ness at Market'; average duration = DIVIDE(SUM(duration), COUNT(duration));
started at refers to start_station_name; start_station_name = 'Mountain View City Hall'; ended on a rainy day refers to end_date where events = 'rain';
San Jose is the name of the city; 2014 refers to installation_date between '1/1/2014' and '12/31/2014';
bike was borrowed from refers to start_station_id; San Francisco refers to city = 'San Francisco'; subscriber refers to subscription_type = 'Subscriber';
less than 5 minutes refers to duration<300 in seconds; the station where the bike was borrowed refers to start_station_name; the station where the bike was returned refers to end_station_name; mean temperature refers to min_temperature_f;
How many trips which subscription types were Subscriber and ended in San Jose city?
ended in refers to end_station_name;
hottest temperature refers to max_temperatutre_f; in 2014 refers to date LIKE '%2014'; started from station refers to start_station_name; start_station_name = '2nd at Folsom';
shortest trip refers to MIN(duration); starting from refers to start_station_name; start_station_name = 'Franklin at Maple'; maximum wind speed refers to max_wind_Speed_mph;
in 2006 refers to start_date LIKE'%2006%'; ended at station refers to end_station_name; Mountain View refers to city = 'Mountain View';
San Francico is the name of the city; can hold more than 20 bikes implies dock's capacity and refers to dock_count≥20;
least used bike refers to bike_id with MIN(COUNT(main_trip.id)); start station refers to start_station_name; end station refers to end_station_name; total duration in hour = DIVIDE(duration, 3600) AS hour;
37.331415 and -121.8932 are latitude (lat) and longitude (long) coordinates indicating location; returned at refers to end_station_name; the date the bike was borrowed refers to start_date;
intercity trip refers to start_station_name! = end_station_name; total travel duration to hour = DIVIDE(SUM(duration), 3600) AS hour;
shortest duration refers to MIN(duration); started at the station refers to start_station_name; can hold 15 bikes refers to dock_count = 15;
customer refers to subscription_type = 'Customer'; subscribers refers to subscription_type = 'Subscriber'; difference = SUBTRACT(SUM(subscription_type = 'Subscriber' t), SUM(subscription_type = 'Customer')); trip in June 2013 refers to start_date BETWEEN '6/1/2013 0:00'AND '6/31/2013 12:59';
less than 5 minutes refers to duration<300 in seconds; the station where the bike was borrowed refers to start_station_name; the station where the bike was returned refers to end_station_name; mean temperature refers to min_temperature_f;
How many bikes could Evelyn Park and Ride hold and how many users who started on that station are subscribers?
number of bikes a station can hold refers to SUM(dock_count); Evelyn Park and Ride refers to name = 'Evelyn Park and Ride'; started on the station refers to start_station_name; subscribers refers to subscription_type = 'subscriber';
total trip duration to hour = DIVIDE(SUM(duration), 3600);
intercity trip refers to start_station_name! = end_station_name; total travel duration to hour = DIVIDE(SUM(duration), 3600) AS hour;
the maximum dew point in Fahrenheit degree refers to max_dew_point_f; date = '7/15/2014';
events = 'Rain'; year refers to YEAR(date);
San Francico is the name of the city; can hold more than 20 bikes implies dock's capacity and refers to dock_count≥20;
route implies a course taken in getting from start_station_name to end_station_name; the longest duration refers to MAX(duration);
started at refers to start_station_name; start_station_name = 'Market at 4th'; location coordinates refers to (lat, long);
longest trip refers to MAX(duration); started on the day refers to start_date; maximum wind speed refers to max_wind_speed_mph; max_wind_speed_mph = 30;
ended in refers to end_station_name;
least used bike refers to bike_id with MIN(COUNT(main_trip.id)); start station refers to start_station_name; end station refers to end_station_name; total duration in hour = DIVIDE(duration, 3600) AS hour;
Please list trips id started on the hottest day.
started refers to start_date; the hottest day refers to max_temperature_f;
customer refers to subscription_type = 'Customer'; subscribers refers to subscription_type = 'Subscriber'; difference = SUBTRACT(SUM(subscription_type = 'Subscriber' t), SUM(subscription_type = 'Customer')); trip in June 2013 refers to start_date BETWEEN '6/1/2013 0:00'AND '6/31/2013 12:59';
bike is borrowed from refers to start_station_id;
installed on refers to installation_date; installation_date = '8/16/2013'; customers refers to subscription_type = customers;
ended in refers to end_station_name;
37.331415 and -121.8932 are latitude (lat) and longitude (long) coordinates indicating location; returned at refers to end_station_name; the date the bike was borrowed refers to start_date;
mean temperature in Fahrenheit refers to mean_temperature_f; on 8/29/2013 refers to date = '8/29/2013';
total trip duration to hour = DIVIDE(SUM(duration), 3600);
average duration = DIVIDE(SUM(duration), COUNT(id)); subscribers refers to subscription_type = 'subscriptions'; started and ended their trip at Mountain View City Hall refers to start_station_name = 'Mountain View City Hall' and end_station_name = 'Mountain View City Hall'; when the station was first installed refers to installation_date;
mean temperature refers to mean_temperature_f; mean temperature of 20 degree Celsius refers to DIVIDE(SUBTRACT(mean_temperature_f, 32), 1.8) = 20; in 2014 refers to date LIKE'%2015%';
shortest trip refers to MIN(duration); starting from refers to start_station_name; start_station_name = 'Franklin at Maple'; maximum wind speed refers to max_wind_Speed_mph;
State the final station of bike id 13. Which city was it at?
final station refers to end_station_name where MAX(end_date);
subscription_type = 'Subscriber'; DIVIDE(COUNT(id where subscription_type = 'Subscriber'), COUNT(id)) as percentage;
less than 5 minutes refers to duration<300 in seconds; the station where the bike was borrowed refers to start_station_name; the station where the bike was returned refers to end_station_name; mean temperature refers to min_temperature_f;
events = 'Rain'; year refers to YEAR(date);
end station refers to end_station_name; starting from refers to start_station_name; start_station_name = '2nd at South Park';
route implies a course taken in getting from start_station_name to end_station_name; the longest duration refers to MAX(duration);
the station with the most borrowed bikes refers to MAX(start_station);
in 2015 refers to end_date like '%2015%'; percentage = DIVIDE(COUNT(events = 'Rain'), COUNT(events));
hottest temperature refers to MAX(max_temperature_f);
customer refers to subscription_type = 'Customer'; subscribers refers to subscription_type = 'Subscriber'; difference = SUBTRACT(SUM(subscription_type = 'Subscriber' t), SUM(subscription_type = 'Customer')); trip in June 2013 refers to start_date BETWEEN '6/1/2013 0:00'AND '6/31/2013 12:59';
started at refers to start_station_name; start_station_name = 'Steuart at Market'; ended at refers to end_station_name; end_station_name = 'Embarcadero at Sansome'; rides in July 2004 refers to start_date = '7/1/2014 0:00'AND end_date = '7/31/2014 12:59';average ride time = DIVIDE(SUM(duration), COUNT(id))
How many stations were installed on the date of 8/16/2013 and how many users on those stations are classified as a customer?
installed on refers to installation_date; installation_date = '8/16/2013'; customers refers to subscription_type = customers;
customer refers to subscription_type = 'Customer'; subscribers refers to subscription_type = 'Subscriber'; difference = SUBTRACT(SUM(subscription_type = 'Subscriber' t), SUM(subscription_type = 'Customer')); trip in June 2013 refers to start_date BETWEEN '6/1/2013 0:00'AND '6/31/2013 12:59';
San Jose is the name of the city; 2014 refers to installation_date between '1/1/2014' and '12/31/2014';
final station refers to end_station_name where MAX(end_date);
when the station was first installed refers to installation_date;
station refers to name;
ended on a foggy day refers to end_date where events = 'fog'; average duration = DIVIDE(SUM(duration), COUNT(duration));
started refers to start_date; the hottest day refers to max_temperature_f;
in 2015 refers to end_date like '%2015%'; percentage = DIVIDE(COUNT(events = 'Rain'), COUNT(events));
time = '11/3/2013'; which stations are empty refers to bikes_available = '0';
started at refers to start_station_name; start_station_name = 'Market at 4th'; location coordinates refers to (lat, long);
How many trips which start station and end station are the same?
start station refers to start_station_id; end station refers to end_station_id; start station and end station are the same refers to start_station_id = end_station_id;
average duration = DIVIDE(SUM(duration), COUNT(id)); subscribers refers to subscription_type = 'subscriptions'; started and ended their trip at Mountain View City Hall refers to start_station_name = 'Mountain View City Hall' and end_station_name = 'Mountain View City Hall'; when the station was first installed refers to installation_date;
temperature refers to max_temperature_f; March 2013 refers to date like '3/%/2013'; conversion to Celcius = DIVIDE(SUBTRACT(max_temperature_f, 32), 1.800) as Celsius1; DIVIDE(SUBTRACT(mean_temperature_f, 32), 1.800) as Celsius2; DIVIDE(SUBTRACT(min_temperature_f, 32), 1.800) as Celcius3;
in 2013 refers to year(date) = 2013; rain and fog ocurred together refers to events = 'Fog-Rain'; id of bikes refers to biked_id;
total number of bikes that can be hold = MAX(dock_count); before 2014 refers to year(installation_date)<2014;
subscription_type = 'Subscriber'; DIVIDE(COUNT(id where subscription_type = 'Subscriber'), COUNT(id)) as percentage;
San Jose is the name of the city; 2014 refers to installation_date between '1/1/2014' and '12/31/2014';
ended in refers to end_station_name;
started at refers to start_station_name; start_station_name = 'Steuart at Market'; ended at refers to end_station_name; end_station_name = 'Embarcadero at Sansome'; rides in July 2004 refers to start_date = '7/1/2014 0:00'AND end_date = '7/31/2014 12:59';average ride time = DIVIDE(SUM(duration), COUNT(id))
the maximum dew point in Fahrenheit degree refers to max_dew_point_f; date = '7/15/2014';
less than 5 minutes refers to duration<300 in seconds; the station where the bike was borrowed refers to start_station_name; the station where the bike was returned refers to end_station_name; mean temperature refers to min_temperature_f;
How many stations in San Francico can hold more than 20 bikes?
San Francico is the name of the city; can hold more than 20 bikes implies dock's capacity and refers to dock_count≥20;
started at refers to start_station_name; start_station_name = 'Market at 4th'; location coordinates refers to (lat, long);
ended on a foggy day refers to end_date where events = 'fog'; average duration = DIVIDE(SUM(duration), COUNT(duration));
started on the days with a fog refers to start_date where events = 'fog'; in 2013 refers to date LIKE '%2013'; started from station refers to start_station_name; start_station_name = '2nd at Townsend';
trips refer to id; DIVIDE(SUM(duration where start_station_name = 'Adobe on Almaden', end_station_name = 'Ryland Park'), COUNT(id));
hottest temperature refers to max_temperatutre_f; in 2014 refers to date LIKE '%2014'; started from station refers to start_station_name; start_station_name = '2nd at Folsom';
starting stations refers to start_station_name; above average duration trips = DIVIDE(SUM(duration), COUNT(main_trip.id))<duration;
rainy days refers to events = 'rain'; longest ride refers to MAX(duration); start station refers to start_station_name; end station refers to end_station_name; duration of the ride refers to duration;
start station refers to start_station_id; end station refers to end_station_id; start station and end station are the same refers to start_station_id = end_station_id;
coldest temperature refers to min_temperature_f; average coldest temperature refers = AVG(min_temperature_f); stations refers to name; latitude refers to lat; longitude refers to long;
in 2006 refers to start_date LIKE'%2006%'; ended at station refers to end_station_name; Mountain View refers to city = 'Mountain View';
What is the shortest trip made starting from Franklin at Maple and what is the maximum wind speed at that date?
shortest trip refers to MIN(duration); starting from refers to start_station_name; start_station_name = 'Franklin at Maple'; maximum wind speed refers to max_wind_Speed_mph;
San Jose is the name of the city; 2014 refers to installation_date between '1/1/2014' and '12/31/2014';
San Francico is the name of the city; can hold more than 20 bikes implies dock's capacity and refers to dock_count≥20;
temperature refers to max_temperature_f; March 2013 refers to date like '3/%/2013'; conversion to Celcius = DIVIDE(SUBTRACT(max_temperature_f, 32), 1.800) as Celsius1; DIVIDE(SUBTRACT(mean_temperature_f, 32), 1.800) as Celsius2; DIVIDE(SUBTRACT(min_temperature_f, 32), 1.800) as Celcius3;
shortest duration refers to MIN(duration); started at the station refers to start_station_name; can hold 15 bikes refers to dock_count = 15;
started at refers to start_station_name; start_station_name = 'South Van Ness at Market'; average duration = DIVIDE(SUM(duration), COUNT(duration));
total number of bikes that can be hold = MAX(dock_count); before 2014 refers to year(installation_date)<2014;
rainy days refers to events = 'rain'; longest ride refers to MAX(duration); start station refers to start_station_name; end station refers to end_station_name; duration of the ride refers to duration;
station refers to name;
bike was borrowed from refers to start_station_id; San Francisco refers to city = 'San Francisco'; subscriber refers to subscription_type = 'Subscriber';
bike was borrowed from refers to start_station_id; when the bike station was installed refers to installation_date;
In 2015, what percentage of trips that had the subscription type was Customer and ended on a rainy day?
in 2015 refers to end_date like '%2015%'; percentage = DIVIDE(COUNT(events = 'Rain'), COUNT(events));
day in the month of November, 2014 refers to start_date between '11/1/2014' and '11/30/2014'; foggy weather refers to events = 'Fog'; subscriber refers to subscription_type; all of the stations bikes were borrowed from refer to start_station_name;
temperature refers to max_temperature_f; March 2013 refers to date like '3/%/2013'; conversion to Celcius = DIVIDE(SUBTRACT(max_temperature_f, 32), 1.800) as Celsius1; DIVIDE(SUBTRACT(mean_temperature_f, 32), 1.800) as Celsius2; DIVIDE(SUBTRACT(min_temperature_f, 32), 1.800) as Celcius3;
start station refers to start_station_id; end station refers to end_station_id; start station and end station are the same refers to start_station_id = end_station_id;
South Van Ness at Market refers to start_station_name; subscriber refers to subscription_type; start_date = '12/1/2013'; the shortest duration refers to MIN(duration); which station was the bike returned to refers to end_station_name;
mean temperature in Fahrenheit refers to mean_temperature_f; on 8/29/2013 refers to date = '8/29/2013';
starting stations refers to start_station_name; above average duration trips = DIVIDE(SUM(duration), COUNT(main_trip.id))<duration;
number of bikes a station can hold refers to SUM(dock_count); Evelyn Park and Ride refers to name = 'Evelyn Park and Ride'; started on the station refers to start_station_name; subscribers refers to subscription_type = 'subscriber';
final station refers to end_station_name where MAX(end_date);
the maximum dew point in Fahrenheit degree refers to max_dew_point_f; date = '7/15/2014';
longest duration refers to MAX(duration); start station refers to start_station_name;
Count the number of subscribers who started their trips in Market at 4th.
subsscriber refers to subscription_type = subscriber; started their trips in refers to start_station_name; start_station_name = 'Market at 4th';
end station refers to end_station_id; docks that were left refers to docks_available;
rain of more than 0.8 inches refers to events = rain where precipitation_inches>0.8; average ride duration = DIVIDE(SUM(duration), COUNT(duration));
ended in refers to end_station_name;
trips refer to id; DIVIDE(SUM(duration where start_station_name = 'Adobe on Almaden', end_station_name = 'Ryland Park'), COUNT(id));
longest trip refers to MAX(duration); started on the day refers to start_date; maximum wind speed refers to max_wind_speed_mph; max_wind_speed_mph = 30;
customer refers to subscription_type = 'Customer'; subscribers refers to subscription_type = 'Subscriber'; difference = SUBTRACT(SUM(subscription_type = 'Subscriber' t), SUM(subscription_type = 'Customer')); trip in June 2013 refers to start_date BETWEEN '6/1/2013 0:00'AND '6/31/2013 12:59';
in 2006 refers to start_date LIKE'%2006%'; ended at station refers to end_station_name; Mountain View refers to city = 'Mountain View';
station refers to name;
hottest temperature refers to MAX(max_temperature_f);
in 2013 refers to year(date) = 2013; rain and fog ocurred together refers to events = 'Fog-Rain'; id of bikes refers to biked_id;