What is the name of the authors of papers in which conferences have been published whose full name includes the word Workshop?
full name includes the word Workshop refers to FullName LIKE '%Workshop%'
'Mathematics of Program Construction' is the FullName of conference
'Open Sourcing Social Solutions (Building Communities of Change)' is a title of the paper; author refers to PaperAuthor.Name
'Howard F. Lipson' is the name of author
year = 0 means this paper is preprint; John Van Reenen is the author's name; papers refers to paper.Id; calculation = DIVIDE(SUM(paper.Id where Name = 'John Van Reenen' AND ConferenceID = 0 AND  JournalId = 0), SUM(paper.Id where Name = 'John Van Reenen'))
journal "Concepts in Magnetic Resonance Part A" refers to FullName = 'Concepts in Magnetic Resonance Part A'; in 2018 refers to Year = 2018
after the year 2000 refers to Year > 2000; preprinted refers to ConferenceId = 0 AND JournalId = 0; percentage refers to DIVIDE(COUNT(ConferenceId = 0 AND JournalId = 0 AND Year > 2000), COUNT(Id))
"Molecular Brain" is the FullName of journal; year from 2008 to 2011 refers to Year BETWEEN 2008 AND 2011; average = Divide (Count(Id),4)
articles that are preprinted but not published refers to Year = 0
paper titled 'Particle identification using the time-over-threshold method in the ATLAS Transition Radiation Tracker' refers to Title = 'Particle identification using the time-over-threshold method in the ATLAS Transition Radiation Tracker'
Please list the titles of the papers published in the journal "Concepts in Magnetic Resonance Part A" in 2008.
journal "Concepts in Magnetic Resonance Part A" refers to FullName = 'Concepts in Magnetic Resonance Part A'; in 2018 refers to Year = 2018
'Modeling Identification and Control' is the FullName of the journal; 1994 refers to Year = '1994'; if the year is "0", it means this paper is preprint, or not published
'Determination of Planetary Meteorology from Aerobot Flight Sensors' refer to title of the paper
Ibm Journal of Research and Development refer to FullName 'Ibm Journal of Research and Development' is the full name of paper
'ICCI' is the ShortName of conference; URL refer to HomePage
affiliated refers to Affiliation; 'University of California Berkeley' is the Affiliation
Id of 187 refers to ConferenceId = 187; during 1990 to 2000 refers to Year BETWEEN 1990 and 2000; total number of conference refers to Count(ConferenceId = 187)
year = 0 means this paper is preprint; John Van Reenen is the author's name; papers refers to paper.Id; calculation = DIVIDE(SUM(paper.Id where Name = 'John Van Reenen' AND ConferenceID = 0 AND  JournalId = 0), SUM(paper.Id where Name = 'John Van Reenen'))
Jianli Hua is the author of a paper
in 2011 refers to Year = 2011; 'Mol Brain' is the ShortName of journal
journal "Iet Software/iee Proceedings - Software" refers to FullName = 'Iet Software/iee Proceedings - Software'; papers refers to COUNT(JournalId)
Identify by publication year in the paper database all journals that don't have short name.
don't have short name refers to ShortName is NULL OR ShortName = ''
in 1997 refers to Year = 1997; books that were preprint refers to ConferenceId = 0 AND JournalId = 0
'Increasing the Concurrency in Estelle' is the Title of the paper; home page of the conference refers to HomePage;
about Charged particle multiplicity refers to Title which contains 'Charged particle multiplicity'; affiliated with INFN refers to Affiliation LIKE '%INFN%' ; percentage refers to DIVIDE(COUNT(Affiliation LIKE '%INFN%' ), COUNT(AuthorId)) * 100%
Ibm Journal of Research and Development refer to FullName 'Ibm Journal of Research and Development' is the full name of paper
'Open Sourcing Social Solutions (Building Communities of Change)' is a title of the paper; author refers to PaperAuthor.Name
'Extended Fuzzy Regression Models' is the title of paper; full name of the conference refers to FullName
'ICCI' is the ShortName of conference; URL refer to HomePage
paper "FIBER: A Generalized Framework for Auto-tuning Software" refers to Title = 'FIBER: A Generalized Framework for Auto-tuning Software'; are affiliated with refers to Affiliation
do not have a website refers to HomePage = ''
How many authors were associated with the Microsoft Research when paper number 1 was written?
associated with the Microsoft Research refers to Affiliation contains 'Microsoft Research'; paper number 1 refers to PaperId = 1
'Determination of Planetary Meteorology from Aerobot Flight Sensors' refer to title of the paper
about Charged particle multiplicity refers to Title which contains 'Charged particle multiplicity'; affiliated with INFN refers to Affiliation LIKE '%INFN%' ; percentage refers to DIVIDE(COUNT(Affiliation LIKE '%INFN%' ), COUNT(AuthorId)) * 100%
Mark A. Musen refer to Author.Name;
IEEE Computer refer to FullName; How many author published papers refer to COUNT(PaperAuthor.Name) where FullName = ’IEEE Computer’
homepage URL refers to HomePage; 'Quality evaluation of long duration audiovisual content' is the Title
Year = 0 means this paper is preprint, or not published
"Klaus Zimmermann" is the name of author
'Increasing the Concurrency in Estelle' is the Title of the paper; home page of the conference refers to HomePage;
'Open Sourcing Social Solutions (Building Communities of Change)' is a title of the paper; author refers to PaperAuthor.Name
Otterbein University is an Affiliation
What is the average number of papers published in the World Computer Congress each year?
published in the World Computer Congress refers to FullName = 'World Computer Congress'; average refers to DIVIDE(COUNT(FullName = 'World Computer Congress'), COUNT(Id))
"Standford University" and "Massachusetts Institute of Technolgy" are affiliation organization; affiliated with more author refers to Max(Count(Id))
in 2011 refers to Year = 2011; 'Mol Brain' is the ShortName of journal
'Modeling Identification and Control' is the FullName of the journal; 1994 refers to Year = '1994'; if the year is "0", it means this paper is preprint, or not published
article "A Formal Approach to Service Component Architecture" refers to Title = 'A Formal Approach to Service Component Architecture'; topic of the article refers to Keyword
"Inspection resistant memory: Architectural support for security from physical examination" is the title of paper;  'Microsoft Research, USA' is the Affiliation
published in 1995 refers to Year = 1995; 'Thomas Wiegand' is the name of author
in 1997 refers to Year = 1997; books that were preprint refers to ConferenceId = 0 AND JournalId = 0
homepage URL refers to HomePage; 'Quality evaluation of long duration audiovisual content' is the Title
NASA Langley Research Center is the Affiliation
papers of Jean-luc Hainaut refers to Name = 'Jean-luc Hainaut'
Write down the author's name and IDs who are affiliated with Univeristiy of Oulu.
"University of Oulu" is the Affiliation Organization
published in the World Computer Congress refers to FullName = 'World Computer Congress'; average refers to DIVIDE(COUNT(FullName = 'World Computer Congress'), COUNT(Id))
topic is Sustainability refers to Keyword = 'Sustainability'
do not have a website refers to HomePage IS NULL OR HomePage = ''
"Klaus Zimmermann" is the name of author
articles that are preprinted but not published refers to Year = 0
'Jei Keon Chee' is the name of author;
'Physics of Fluids' is the FullName of journal; percentage = DIVIDE(SUM(Keyword = 'Turbulent Fluids'), SUM(FullName = 'Physics of Fluids')) as percentage
in 2005 refers to Year = '2005'; key words of "LOAD; IDE; SNP; haplotype; asso- ciation studies" refers to Keyword = 'LOAD; IDE; SNP; haplotype; asso- ciation studies'
don't have short name refers to ShortName is NULL OR ShortName = ''
Education, democracy and growth' refer to title of paper
How many author published papers in the 'IEEE Computer' journal?
IEEE Computer refer to FullName; How many author published papers refer to COUNT(PaperAuthor.Name) where FullName = ’IEEE Computer’
"Molecular Brain" is the FullName of journal; year from 2008 to 2011 refers to Year BETWEEN 2008 AND 2011; average = Divide (Count(Id),4)
Education, democracy and growth' refer to title of paper
'ICCI' is the ShortName of conference; URL refer to HomePage
in 1997 refers to Year = 1997; books that were preprint refers to ConferenceId = 0 AND JournalId = 0
about Charged particle multiplicity refers to Title which contains 'Charged particle multiplicity'; affiliated with INFN refers to Affiliation LIKE '%INFN%' ; percentage refers to DIVIDE(COUNT(Affiliation LIKE '%INFN%' ), COUNT(AuthorId)) * 100%
"FIBER: A Generalized Framework for Auto-tuning Software" is the Title of paper; affiliated refers to Affiliation;  University of Tokyo is the affiliation organization
"Cases Journal" and "Molecular Brain" are FullName of journal; more paper in percentage = Subtract(Count(Id(FullName = 'Cases Journal')), Count(Id(FullName = 'Molecular Brain')))/ Count(Id(FullNmae = 'Molecular Brain')) * 100
published in 2009 refers to Year = 2009
Shueh-Lin Yau is the name of author;
published in 1995 refers to Year = 1995; 'Thomas Wiegand' is the name of author
Provide the number of publications published in the journal named 'Academic Medicine' between 2005 and 2010.
'Academic Medicine' is the FullName of journal; between 2005 and 2010 refer to Year 2005 BETWEEN 2010
published in 1995 refers to Year = 1995; 'Thomas Wiegand' is the name of author
paper ID of 15 refers to PaperId = 15
in 2000 to 2005 refers to Year BETWEEN 2000 AND 2005; a word "social" in its title refers to Title = '%SOCIAL%'
papers that are either preprinted or unpublished along refers to Year = 0
don't have short name refers to ShortName is NULL OR ShortName = ''
year = 0 means this paper is preprint; John Van Reenen is the author's name; papers refers to paper.Id; calculation = DIVIDE(SUM(paper.Id where Name = 'John Van Reenen' AND ConferenceID = 0 AND  JournalId = 0), SUM(paper.Id where Name = 'John Van Reenen'))
"Area Effects in Cepaea" is the title of paper
'Modeling Identification and Control' is the FullName of the journal; 1994 refers to Year = '1994'; if the year is "0", it means this paper is preprint, or not published
'Extended Fuzzy Regression Models' is the title of paper; full name of the conference refers to FullName
"FIBER: A Generalized Framework for Auto-tuning Software" is the Title of paper; affiliated refers to Affiliation;  University of Tokyo is the affiliation organization
Within the year of 2001 to 2010, find the paper published rate of 2001.
year of 2001 to 2010 refers to Year BETWEEN 2001 AND 2010; Percentage = Divide(Count (PaperId(Year = 2001)), Count (PaperID(Year BETWEEN 2001 AND 2010))) * 100
Id of 187 refers to ConferenceId = 187; during 1990 to 2000 refers to Year BETWEEN 1990 and 2000; total number of conference refers to Count(ConferenceId = 187)
year = 0 means this paper is preprint; John Van Reenen is the author's name; papers refers to paper.Id; calculation = DIVIDE(SUM(paper.Id where Name = 'John Van Reenen' AND ConferenceID = 0 AND  JournalId = 0), SUM(paper.Id where Name = 'John Van Reenen'))
the International Conference on Database Theory refers to FullName = 'International Conference on Database Theory'; published refers to year ! = 0
"Standford University" and "Massachusetts Institute of Technolgy" are affiliation organization; affiliated with more author refers to Max(Count(Id))
'Mathematics of Program Construction' is the FullName of conference
Year = 0 means this paper is preprint, or not published
paper refers to paper.Id; paper with the most authors refers to MAX(PaperAuthor.PaperId)
Jianli Hua is the author of a paper
article "A Formal Approach to Service Component Architecture" refers to Title = 'A Formal Approach to Service Component Architecture'; topic of the article refers to Keyword
with "chemiluminescence" in its title refers to Title LIKE 'chemiluminescence%'; journal ID from 245 to 250 refers to JournalId BETWEEN 245 AND 250
Identify by papers title those in which conferences have been published that do not have a website..
do not have a website refers to HomePage IS NULL OR HomePage = ''
papers on the "Materials" topic refers to Keyword = 'Materials'
article "A Formal Approach to Service Component Architecture" refers to Title = 'A Formal Approach to Service Component Architecture'; topic of the article refers to Keyword
"Molecular Brain" is the FullName of journal; year from 2008 to 2011 refers to Year BETWEEN 2008 AND 2011; average = Divide (Count(Id),4)
"Energy-efficiency bounds for noise-tolerant dynamic circuits" is the Title of paper
journal was not published but a conference refers to ConferenceId ! = 0 And JournalId = 0 Year ! = 0
"University of Oulu" is the Affiliation Organization
associated with the Microsoft Research refers to Affiliation contains 'Microsoft Research'; paper number 1 refers to PaperId = 1
"Incremental Extraction of Keyterms for Classifying Multilingual Documents in the Web" is the title of paper; affiliated with refers to Affiliation; "National Taiwan University Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering Taiwan" is the Affiliation organization
NASA Langley Research Center is the Affiliation
url refers to HomePage; 'Area Effects in Cepaea' is the Title of paper
What is the percentage of preprints of John Van Reenen's papers?
year = 0 means this paper is preprint; John Van Reenen is the author's name; papers refers to paper.Id; calculation = DIVIDE(SUM(paper.Id where Name = 'John Van Reenen' AND ConferenceID = 0 AND  JournalId = 0), SUM(paper.Id where Name = 'John Van Reenen'))
'Jei Keon Chee' is the name of author;
paper ID of 15 refers to PaperId = 15
homepage URL refers to HomePage; 'Quality evaluation of long duration audiovisual content' is the Title
published between 2000 and 2005 refers to Year BETWEEN 2000 AND 2005; include the topic optical properties refers to Keyword LIKE '%optical properties%'
'Howard F. Lipson' is the name of author
"Decreased Saliva Secretion and Down-Regulation of AQP5 in Submandibular Gland in Irradiated Rats" is the Title of paper
"Standford University" and "Massachusetts Institute of Technolgy" are affiliation organization; affiliated with more author refers to Max(Count(Id))
about Charged particle multiplicity refers to Title which contains 'Charged particle multiplicity'; affiliated with INFN refers to Affiliation LIKE '%INFN%' ; percentage refers to DIVIDE(COUNT(Affiliation LIKE '%INFN%' ), COUNT(AuthorId)) * 100%
author refers to PaperAuthor.Name; 'A Randomized Comparison of Sirolimus- Versus Paclitaxel-Eluting Stent Implantation in Patients With Diabetes Mellitus' is the title; 'Asan Medical Center, University of Ulsan College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea' is an Affiliation
journal "Concepts in Magnetic Resonance Part A" refers to FullName = 'Concepts in Magnetic Resonance Part A'; in 2018 refers to Year = 2018
Describe the paper title, published year, conference's short name and included author names in the paper ID of 15.
paper ID of 15 refers to PaperId = 15
articles that are preprinted but not published refers to Year = 0
'Extended Fuzzy Regression Models' is the title of paper; full name of the conference refers to FullName
in 2011 refers to Year = 2011; 'Mol Brain' is the ShortName of journal
do not have a website refers to HomePage IS NULL OR HomePage = ''
"Decreased Saliva Secretion and Down-Regulation of AQP5 in Submandibular Gland in Irradiated Rats" is the Title of paper
'Howard F. Lipson' is the name of author
'Education, democracy and growth' is the title of a paper
'Open Sourcing Social Solutions (Building Communities of Change)' is a title of the paper; author refers to PaperAuthor.Name
paper "364: Induction of Mixed Chimerism and Transplantation Tolerance in a Non-Human Primate Lung Allograft Model: Early Results" refers to Title = '364: Induction of Mixed Chimerism and Transplantation Tolerance in a Non-Human Primate Lung Allograft Model: Early Results'
about Charged particle multiplicity refers to Title which contains 'Charged particle multiplicity'; affiliated with INFN refers to Affiliation LIKE '%INFN%' ; percentage refers to DIVIDE(COUNT(Affiliation LIKE '%INFN%' ), COUNT(AuthorId)) * 100%
How many publications were published in relation to the conference 'Adaptive Multimedia Retrieval' in 2007?
'Adaptive Multimedia Retrieval is the FullName of paper; in 2007 refer to Year = 2007
full name includes the word Workshop refers to FullName LIKE '%Workshop%'
'Education, democracy and growth' is the title of a paper
affiliated with the University of Oxford refers to Affiliation = 'University of Oxford'
Id of 187 refers to ConferenceId = 187; during 1990 to 2000 refers to Year BETWEEN 1990 and 2000; total number of conference refers to Count(ConferenceId = 187)
year of 2001 to 2010 refers to Year BETWEEN 2001 AND 2010; Percentage = Divide(Count (PaperId(Year = 2001)), Count (PaperID(Year BETWEEN 2001 AND 2010))) * 100
"Incremental Extraction of Keyterms for Classifying Multilingual Documents in the Web" is the title of paper; affiliated with refers to Affiliation; "National Taiwan University Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering Taiwan" is the Affiliation organization
published in 2009 refers to Year = 2009
author refers to PaperAuthor.Name; 'A Randomized Comparison of Sirolimus- Versus Paclitaxel-Eluting Stent Implantation in Patients With Diabetes Mellitus' is the title; 'Asan Medical Center, University of Ulsan College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea' is an Affiliation
in 2005 refers to Year = '2005'; key words of "LOAD; IDE; SNP; haplotype; asso- ciation studies" refers to Keyword = 'LOAD; IDE; SNP; haplotype; asso- ciation studies'
journal "Iet Software/iee Proceedings - Software" refers to FullName = 'Iet Software/iee Proceedings - Software'; papers refers to COUNT(JournalId)
Calculate the differences of the paper number with the journal name of IWC in 2000 and 2010.
"IWC" is the ShortName of journal;  '2000' and '2010' are Year;  Difference = Subtract(Count(Paper.Id(Year = 2000)), Count(Paper.Id(Year = 2010)))
year = 0 means this paper is preprint; John Van Reenen is the author's name; papers refers to paper.Id; calculation = DIVIDE(SUM(paper.Id where Name = 'John Van Reenen' AND ConferenceID = 0 AND  JournalId = 0), SUM(paper.Id where Name = 'John Van Reenen'))
in 2011 refers to Year = 2011; 'Mol Brain' is the ShortName of journal
in 2005 refers to Year = '2005'; key words of "LOAD; IDE; SNP; haplotype; asso- ciation studies" refers to Keyword = 'LOAD; IDE; SNP; haplotype; asso- ciation studies'
the International Conference on Database Theory refers to FullName = 'International Conference on Database Theory'; published refers to year ! = 0
'Increasing the Concurrency in Estelle' is the Title of the paper; home page of the conference refers to HomePage;
papers that are either preprinted or unpublished along refers to Year = 0
affiliated refers to Affiliation; 'University of California Berkeley' is the Affiliation
paper "Hypermethylation of the <I>TPEF/HPP1</I> Gene in Primary and Metastatic Colorectal Cancers" refers to Title = 'Hypermethylation of the <I>TPEF/HPP1</I> Gene in Primary and Metastatic Colorectal Cancers'
paper refers to Title; TUBERCLE LUNG DIS is the ShortName of journal; the oldest refers to MIN(Year)
'Extended Fuzzy Regression Models' is the title of paper; full name of the conference refers to FullName
What is the short name for the journal that published the paper "A Case of Unilateral Ashy Dermatosis"?
A Case of Unilateral Ashy Dermatosis refer to Title
'Adaptive Multimedia Retrieval is the FullName of paper; in 2007 refer to Year = 2007
"Cases Journal" and "Molecular Brain" are FullName of journal; more paper in percentage = Subtract(Count(Id(FullName = 'Cases Journal')), Count(Id(FullName = 'Molecular Brain')))/ Count(Id(FullNmae = 'Molecular Brain')) * 100
conference ID from 160 to 170 refers to ConferenceId BETWEEN 160 AND 170
published in 1995 refers to Year = 1995; 'Thomas Wiegand' is the name of author
published in the World Computer Congress refers to FullName = 'World Computer Congress'; average refers to DIVIDE(COUNT(FullName = 'World Computer Congress'), COUNT(Id))
"Molecular Brain" is the FullName of journal; year from 2008 to 2011 refers to Year BETWEEN 2008 AND 2011; average = Divide (Count(Id),4)
'Joe Lograsso' is name of paper author
with "chemiluminescence" in its title refers to Title LIKE 'chemiluminescence%'; journal ID from 245 to 250 refers to JournalId BETWEEN 245 AND 250
years 1990 and 2000 refers to Year BETWEEN '1990' AND '2000'; papers refers to COUNT(id)
"MICRO" is the ShortName of conference; in 1971 to 1980 refers to Year BETWEEN '1971' AND '1980'; in 1991 to 2000 refers to Year BETWEEN '1991' AND '2000': Average needed paper = Subtract (Count(PaperId(Year BETWEEN '1991' AND '2000')), Count(PaperId(Year BETWEEN '1971' AND '1980')))/10
List out the full name and URL link of ICCI?
'ICCI' is the ShortName of conference; URL refer to HomePage
author ID of under 100 refers to AuthorId < 100; 'Zurich, ETH' is the Affiliation
journal was not published but a conference refers to ConferenceId ! = 0 And JournalId = 0 Year ! = 0
affiliated refers to Affiliation; 'University of California Berkeley' is the Affiliation
"Molecular Brain" is the FullName of journal; year from 2008 to 2011 refers to Year BETWEEN 2008 AND 2011; average = Divide (Count(Id),4)
all the international conferences on artificial intelligence refers to FullName LIKE 'International Conference on Artificial Intelligence%'
'Howard F. Lipson' is the name of author
"Cairo Microsoft Innovation Lab" is the Affiliation organization
Ibm Journal of Research and Development refer to FullName 'Ibm Journal of Research and Development' is the full name of paper
IEEE Computer refer to FullName; How many author published papers refer to COUNT(PaperAuthor.Name) where FullName = ’IEEE Computer’
article "A Formal Approach to Service Component Architecture" refers to Title = 'A Formal Approach to Service Component Architecture'; topic of the article refers to Keyword
What is the full name of the journals that are published in the database papers whose topic is Sustainability?
topic is Sustainability refers to Keyword = 'Sustainability'
author ID of under 100 refers to AuthorId < 100; 'Zurich, ETH' is the Affiliation
"Inspection resistant memory: Architectural support for security from physical examination" is the title of paper;  'Microsoft Research, USA' is the Affiliation
article "A Formal Approach to Service Component Architecture" refers to Title = 'A Formal Approach to Service Component Architecture'; topic of the article refers to Keyword
do not have a website refers to HomePage = ''
"Energy-efficiency bounds for noise-tolerant dynamic circuits" is the Title of paper
'Increasing the Concurrency in Estelle' is the Title of the paper; home page of the conference refers to HomePage;
paper "Multiple paternity in a natural population of a salamander with long-term sperm storage" refers to Title = 'Multiple paternity in a natural population of a salamander with long-term sperm storage'
full name includes the word Workshop refers to FullName LIKE '%Workshop%'
associated with the Microsoft Research refers to Affiliation contains 'Microsoft Research'; paper number 1 refers to PaperId = 1
papers that are either preprinted or unpublished along refers to Year = 0
State the title of papers published in the Ibm Journal of Research and Development.
Ibm Journal of Research and Development refer to FullName 'Ibm Journal of Research and Development' is the full name of paper
journal "Iet Software/iee Proceedings - Software" refers to FullName = 'Iet Software/iee Proceedings - Software'; papers refers to COUNT(JournalId)
"Cases Journal" and "Molecular Brain" are FullName of journal; more paper in percentage = Subtract(Count(Id(FullName = 'Cases Journal')), Count(Id(FullName = 'Molecular Brain')))/ Count(Id(FullNmae = 'Molecular Brain')) * 100
conference ID from 160 to 170 refers to ConferenceId BETWEEN 160 AND 170
published in the World Computer Congress refers to FullName = 'World Computer Congress'; average refers to DIVIDE(COUNT(FullName = 'World Computer Congress'), COUNT(Id))
about Charged particle multiplicity refers to Title which contains 'Charged particle multiplicity'; affiliated with INFN refers to Affiliation LIKE '%INFN%' ; percentage refers to DIVIDE(COUNT(Affiliation LIKE '%INFN%' ), COUNT(AuthorId)) * 100%
'Joe Lograsso' is name of paper author
A Case of Unilateral Ashy Dermatosis refer to Title
article "A Formal Approach to Service Component Architecture" refers to Title = 'A Formal Approach to Service Component Architecture'; topic of the article refers to Keyword
Conference ID of 0 refers to ConferenceId = 0; journal ID of less than 100 refers to JournalId < 100
paper "364: Induction of Mixed Chimerism and Transplantation Tolerance in a Non-Human Primate Lung Allograft Model: Early Results" refers to Title = '364: Induction of Mixed Chimerism and Transplantation Tolerance in a Non-Human Primate Lung Allograft Model: Early Results'
Please provide the full name of the conference where one of the papers of Jean-luc Hainaut were published.
papers of Jean-luc Hainaut refers to Name = 'Jean-luc Hainaut'
author refers to PaperAuthor.Name; 'A Randomized Comparison of Sirolimus- Versus Paclitaxel-Eluting Stent Implantation in Patients With Diabetes Mellitus' is the title; 'Asan Medical Center, University of Ulsan College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea' is an Affiliation
Otterbein University is an Affiliation
"Standford University" and "Massachusetts Institute of Technolgy" are affiliation organization; affiliated with more author refers to Max(Count(Id))
'Zuliang Du' is the name of paper author; latest publication refers to MAX(Year)
A Case of Unilateral Ashy Dermatosis refer to Title
'Joe Lograsso' is name of paper author
affiliated with the University of Oxford refers to Affiliation = 'University of Oxford'
Papers refers to Paper.Id; short name of the conference refers to Conference.ShortName
don't have short name refers to ShortName is NULL OR ShortName = ''
articles that are preprinted but not published refers to Year = 0
In papers with journal IDs from 200 to 300 and with its short name starts with A, what is the percentage of papers with conference ID of 0?
journal ID of 200 to 300 refers to JournalId BETWEEN 200 AND 300; short name starts with A refers to ShortName LIKE 'A%'; Percentage = Divide (Count(ConferenceId = 0), Count(ConferenceId)) * 100
Shueh-Lin Yau is the name of author;
affiliated refers to Affiliation; 'University of California Berkeley' is the Affiliation
in 2011 refers to Year = 2011; 'Mol Brain' is the ShortName of journal
'Open Sourcing Social Solutions (Building Communities of Change)' is a title of the paper; author refers to PaperAuthor.Name
paper refers to Title; TUBERCLE LUNG DIS is the ShortName of journal; the oldest refers to MIN(Year)
journal was not published but a conference refers to ConferenceId ! = 0 And JournalId = 0 Year ! = 0
published in 1995 refers to Year = 1995; 'Thomas Wiegand' is the name of author
'Theoretical Computer Science' is the FullName; paper refers to Title; published in 2003 refers to Year = 2003
"Cases Journal" and "Molecular Brain" are FullName of journal; more paper in percentage = Subtract(Count(Id(FullName = 'Cases Journal')), Count(Id(FullName = 'Molecular Brain')))/ Count(Id(FullNmae = 'Molecular Brain')) * 100
"Klaus Zimmermann" is the name of author
Please list the titles of any two papers that Jundu has written.
papers that Jundu has written refers to Name LIKE '%Jun du%'
journal "Concepts in Magnetic Resonance Part A" refers to FullName = 'Concepts in Magnetic Resonance Part A'; in 2018 refers to Year = 2018
"Energy-efficiency bounds for noise-tolerant dynamic circuits" is the Title of paper
the International Conference on Database Theory refers to FullName = 'International Conference on Database Theory'; published refers to year ! = 0
"IWC" is the ShortName of journal;  '2000' and '2010' are Year;  Difference = Subtract(Count(Paper.Id(Year = 2000)), Count(Paper.Id(Year = 2010)))
paper "364: Induction of Mixed Chimerism and Transplantation Tolerance in a Non-Human Primate Lung Allograft Model: Early Results" refers to Title = '364: Induction of Mixed Chimerism and Transplantation Tolerance in a Non-Human Primate Lung Allograft Model: Early Results'
conference ID from 160 to 170 refers to ConferenceId BETWEEN 160 AND 170
'Theoretical Computer Science' is the FullName; paper refers to Title; published in 2003 refers to Year = 2003
Mark A. Musen refer to Author.Name;
'ICCI' is the ShortName of conference; URL refer to HomePage
with "chemiluminescence" in its title refers to Title LIKE 'chemiluminescence%'; journal ID from 245 to 250 refers to JournalId BETWEEN 245 AND 250
Mention the titile of paper writen by Joe Lograsso.
'Joe Lograsso' is name of paper author
published in 1995 refers to Year = 1995; 'Thomas Wiegand' is the name of author
paper "364: Induction of Mixed Chimerism and Transplantation Tolerance in a Non-Human Primate Lung Allograft Model: Early Results" refers to Title = '364: Induction of Mixed Chimerism and Transplantation Tolerance in a Non-Human Primate Lung Allograft Model: Early Results'
'University of Illinois Chicago' is an affiliation
'Theoretical Computer Science' is the FullName; paper refers to Title; published in 2003 refers to Year = 2003
Papers refers to Paper.Id; ECSQARU is the ShortName of the conference; 2003 refers to Year = '2003'
"Molecular Brain" is the FullName of journal; year from 2008 to 2011 refers to Year BETWEEN 2008 AND 2011; average = Divide (Count(Id),4)
author ID of under 100 refers to AuthorId < 100; 'Zurich, ETH' is the Affiliation
journal ID of 200 to 300 refers to JournalId BETWEEN 200 AND 300; short name starts with A refers to ShortName LIKE 'A%'; Percentage = Divide (Count(ConferenceId = 0), Count(ConferenceId)) * 100
the International Conference on Database Theory refers to FullName = 'International Conference on Database Theory'; published refers to year ! = 0
'Physics of Fluids' is the FullName of journal; percentage = DIVIDE(SUM(Keyword = 'Turbulent Fluids'), SUM(FullName = 'Physics of Fluids')) as percentage
List all the title of the paper that Jianli Hua published.
Jianli Hua is the author of a paper
journal "Iet Software/iee Proceedings - Software" refers to FullName = 'Iet Software/iee Proceedings - Software'; papers refers to COUNT(JournalId)
paper "Hypermethylation of the <I>TPEF/HPP1</I> Gene in Primary and Metastatic Colorectal Cancers" refers to Title = 'Hypermethylation of the <I>TPEF/HPP1</I> Gene in Primary and Metastatic Colorectal Cancers'
NASA Langley Research Center is the Affiliation
do not have a website refers to HomePage IS NULL OR HomePage = ''
'Zuliang Du' is the name of paper author; latest publication refers to MAX(Year)
homepage URL refers to HomePage; 'Quality evaluation of long duration audiovisual content' is the Title
papers on the "Materials" topic refers to Keyword = 'Materials'
Mark A. Musen refer to Author.Name;
"Inspection resistant memory: Architectural support for security from physical examination" is the title of paper;  'Microsoft Research, USA' is the Affiliation
url refers to HomePage; 'Area Effects in Cepaea' is the Title of paper
For the paper which was presented by "Zvezdan Protić", was it preprinted?
Year = 0 means this paper is preprint, or not published
published in the World Computer Congress refers to FullName = 'World Computer Congress'; average refers to DIVIDE(COUNT(FullName = 'World Computer Congress'), COUNT(Id))
'Howard F. Lipson' is the name of author
papers that are either preprinted or unpublished along refers to Year = 0
NASA Langley Research Center is the Affiliation
"Cases Journal" and "Molecular Brain" are FullName of journal; more paper in percentage = Subtract(Count(Id(FullName = 'Cases Journal')), Count(Id(FullName = 'Molecular Brain')))/ Count(Id(FullNmae = 'Molecular Brain')) * 100
paper refers to Title; TUBERCLE LUNG DIS is the ShortName of journal; the oldest refers to MIN(Year)
Otterbein University is an Affiliation
published in 2009 refers to Year = 2009
in 1997 refers to Year = 1997; books that were preprint refers to ConferenceId = 0 AND JournalId = 0
"FIBER: A Generalized Framework for Auto-tuning Software" is the Title of paper; affiliated refers to Affiliation;  University of Tokyo is the affiliation organization
List all of the conferences where a paper was published in 2008.
Published in 2008 refer to Year = 2008
about Charged particle multiplicity refers to Title which contains 'Charged particle multiplicity'; affiliated with INFN refers to Affiliation LIKE '%INFN%' ; percentage refers to DIVIDE(COUNT(Affiliation LIKE '%INFN%' ), COUNT(AuthorId)) * 100%
paper "FIBER: A Generalized Framework for Auto-tuning Software" refers to Title = 'FIBER: A Generalized Framework for Auto-tuning Software'; are affiliated with refers to Affiliation
published in 1995 refers to Year = 1995; 'Thomas Wiegand' is the name of author
NASA Langley Research Center is the Affiliation
year = 0 means this paper is preprint; John Van Reenen is the author's name; papers refers to paper.Id; calculation = DIVIDE(SUM(paper.Id where Name = 'John Van Reenen' AND ConferenceID = 0 AND  JournalId = 0), SUM(paper.Id where Name = 'John Van Reenen'))
'Zuliang Du' is the name of paper author; latest publication refers to MAX(Year)
affiliated with Birkbeck University of London refers to Affiliation = 'Birkbeck University of London'
"Standford University" and "Massachusetts Institute of Technolgy" are affiliation organization; affiliated with more author refers to Max(Count(Id))
journal "Concepts in Magnetic Resonance Part A" refers to FullName = 'Concepts in Magnetic Resonance Part A'; in 2018 refers to Year = 2018
What is the full name of the conference in which the paper titled "Extended Fuzzy Regression Models" was published?
'Extended Fuzzy Regression Models' is the title of paper; full name of the conference refers to FullName
associated with the Microsoft Research refers to Affiliation contains 'Microsoft Research'; paper number 1 refers to PaperId = 1
NASA Langley Research Center is the Affiliation
"Cases Journal" and "Molecular Brain" are FullName of journal; more paper in percentage = Subtract(Count(Id(FullName = 'Cases Journal')), Count(Id(FullName = 'Molecular Brain')))/ Count(Id(FullNmae = 'Molecular Brain')) * 100
"Area Effects in Cepaea" is the title of paper
'Academic Medicine' is the FullName of journal; between 2005 and 2010 refer to Year 2005 BETWEEN 2010
"Incremental Extraction of Keyterms for Classifying Multilingual Documents in the Web" is the title of paper; affiliated with refers to Affiliation; "National Taiwan University Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering Taiwan" is the Affiliation organization
'Howard F. Lipson' is the name of author
affiliated with Birkbeck University of London refers to Affiliation = 'Birkbeck University of London'
paper refers to Title; TUBERCLE LUNG DIS is the ShortName of journal; the oldest refers to MIN(Year)
journal ID of 200 to 300 refers to JournalId BETWEEN 200 AND 300; short name starts with A refers to ShortName LIKE 'A%'; Percentage = Divide (Count(ConferenceId = 0), Count(ConferenceId)) * 100
Gives the home page of the conference where the paper "Increasing the Concurrency in Estelle" is presented.
'Increasing the Concurrency in Estelle' is the Title of the paper; home page of the conference refers to HomePage;
Id of 187 refers to ConferenceId = 187; during 1990 to 2000 refers to Year BETWEEN 1990 and 2000; total number of conference refers to Count(ConferenceId = 187)
articles that are preprinted but not published refers to Year = 0
paper ID of 15 refers to PaperId = 15
'Physics of Fluids' is the FullName of journal; percentage = DIVIDE(SUM(Keyword = 'Turbulent Fluids'), SUM(FullName = 'Physics of Fluids')) as percentage
associated with the Microsoft Research refers to Affiliation contains 'Microsoft Research'; paper number 1 refers to PaperId = 1
Year = 0 means this paper is preprint, or not published
"Inspection resistant memory: Architectural support for security from physical examination" is the title of paper;  'Microsoft Research, USA' is the Affiliation
Published in 2008 refer to Year = 2008
"Klaus Zimmermann" is the name of author
What percentage of authors of the paper about Charged particle multiplicity are affiliated with INFN?
about Charged particle multiplicity refers to Title which contains 'Charged particle multiplicity'; affiliated with INFN refers to Affiliation LIKE '%INFN%' ; percentage refers to DIVIDE(COUNT(Affiliation LIKE '%INFN%' ), COUNT(AuthorId)) * 100%
"Area Effects in Cepaea" is the title of paper
'Increasing the Concurrency in Estelle' is the Title of the paper; home page of the conference refers to HomePage;
in 2005 refers to Year = '2005'; key words of "LOAD; IDE; SNP; haplotype; asso- ciation studies" refers to Keyword = 'LOAD; IDE; SNP; haplotype; asso- ciation studies'
'Theoretical Computer Science' is the FullName; paper refers to Title; published in 2003 refers to Year = 2003
don't have short name refers to ShortName is NULL OR ShortName = ''
in 1997 refers to Year = 1997; books that were preprint refers to ConferenceId = 0 AND JournalId = 0
conference ID from 160 to 170 refers to ConferenceId BETWEEN 160 AND 170
"Incremental Extraction of Keyterms for Classifying Multilingual Documents in the Web" is the title of paper; affiliated with refers to Affiliation; "National Taiwan University Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering Taiwan" is the Affiliation organization
'Extended Fuzzy Regression Models' is the title of paper; full name of the conference refers to FullName
'Modeling Identification and Control' is the FullName of the journal; 1994 refers to Year = '1994'; if the year is "0", it means this paper is preprint, or not published
Provide the title of the latest publication published by it's author 'Zuliang Du'.
'Zuliang Du' is the name of paper author; latest publication refers to MAX(Year)
Mark A. Musen refer to Author.Name;
authors refers to AuthorId; 'An Improved Active Suspension Model for Attitude Control of Electric Vehicles' is the Title of a paper; A paper can have more than one author. Co-authorship can be derived from (paper ID, author ID) pair.
published in 1995 refers to Year = 1995; 'Thomas Wiegand' is the name of author
paper ID of 15 refers to PaperId = 15
homepage URL refers to HomePage; 'Quality evaluation of long duration audiovisual content' is the Title
papers on the "Materials" topic refers to Keyword = 'Materials'
'ICCI' is the ShortName of conference; URL refer to HomePage
paper "Multiple paternity in a natural population of a salamander with long-term sperm storage" refers to Title = 'Multiple paternity in a natural population of a salamander with long-term sperm storage'
from the 60’s refer to Year 1960 BETWEEN 1970
'Open Sourcing Social Solutions (Building Communities of Change)' is a title of the paper; author refers to PaperAuthor.Name
Enumerate the paper and author ID of authors with affiliation with Cairo Microsoft Innovation Lab.
"Cairo Microsoft Innovation Lab" is the Affiliation organization
papers of Jean-luc Hainaut refers to Name = 'Jean-luc Hainaut'
'Increasing the Concurrency in Estelle' is the Title of the paper; home page of the conference refers to HomePage;
papers on the "Materials" topic refers to Keyword = 'Materials'
'University of Illinois Chicago' is an affiliation
Published in 2008 refer to Year = 2008
associated with the Microsoft Research refers to Affiliation contains 'Microsoft Research'; paper number 1 refers to PaperId = 1
after the year 2000 refers to Year > 2000; preprinted refers to ConferenceId = 0 AND JournalId = 0; percentage refers to DIVIDE(COUNT(ConferenceId = 0 AND JournalId = 0 AND Year > 2000), COUNT(Id))
years 1990 and 2000 refers to Year BETWEEN '1990' AND '2000'; papers refers to COUNT(id)
'Adaptive Multimedia Retrieval is the FullName of paper; in 2007 refer to Year = 2007
paper "Multiple paternity in a natural population of a salamander with long-term sperm storage" refers to Title = 'Multiple paternity in a natural population of a salamander with long-term sperm storage'
How many authors are affiliated with NASA Langley Research Center?
NASA Langley Research Center is the Affiliation
"Energy-efficiency bounds for noise-tolerant dynamic circuits" is the Title of paper
'Education, democracy and growth' is the title of a paper
'Mathematics of Program Construction' is the FullName of conference
all the international conferences on artificial intelligence refers to FullName LIKE 'International Conference on Artificial Intelligence%'
'Adaptive Multimedia Retrieval is the FullName of paper; in 2007 refer to Year = 2007
Papers refers to Paper.Id; ECSQARU is the ShortName of the conference; 2003 refers to Year = '2003'
in 2011 refers to Year = 2011; 'Mol Brain' is the ShortName of journal
in 2005 refers to Year = '2005'; key words of "LOAD; IDE; SNP; haplotype; asso- ciation studies" refers to Keyword = 'LOAD; IDE; SNP; haplotype; asso- ciation studies'
published in the World Computer Congress refers to FullName = 'World Computer Congress'; average refers to DIVIDE(COUNT(FullName = 'World Computer Congress'), COUNT(Id))
'Jei Keon Chee' is the name of author;
Among all publications containing keywords 'Turbulent Fluids', what percentage of them was published in the journal named 'Physics of Fluids'?
'Physics of Fluids' is the FullName of journal; percentage = DIVIDE(SUM(Keyword = 'Turbulent Fluids'), SUM(FullName = 'Physics of Fluids')) as percentage
'Academic Medicine' is the FullName of journal; between 2005 and 2010 refer to Year 2005 BETWEEN 2010
in 2000 to 2005 refers to Year BETWEEN 2000 AND 2005; a word "social" in its title refers to Title = '%SOCIAL%'
"FIBER: A Generalized Framework for Auto-tuning Software" is the Title of paper; affiliated refers to Affiliation;  University of Tokyo is the affiliation organization
Id of 187 refers to ConferenceId = 187; during 1990 to 2000 refers to Year BETWEEN 1990 and 2000; total number of conference refers to Count(ConferenceId = 187)
don't have short name refers to ShortName is NULL OR ShortName = ''
Conference ID of 0 refers to ConferenceId = 0; journal ID of less than 100 refers to JournalId < 100
'Theoretical Computer Science' is the FullName; paper refers to Title; published in 2003 refers to Year = 2003
do not have a website refers to HomePage IS NULL OR HomePage = ''
in 2011 refers to Year = 2011; 'Mol Brain' is the ShortName of journal
'Education, democracy and growth' is the title of a paper
List the authors and journal short name of the papers with "chemiluminescence" in its title and has a journal ID from 245 to 250.
with "chemiluminescence" in its title refers to Title LIKE 'chemiluminescence%'; journal ID from 245 to 250 refers to JournalId BETWEEN 245 AND 250
written by Andrew Cain refers to Name = 'Andrew Cain'
'Increasing the Concurrency in Estelle' is the Title of the paper; home page of the conference refers to HomePage;
about Charged particle multiplicity refers to Title which contains 'Charged particle multiplicity'; affiliated with INFN refers to Affiliation LIKE '%INFN%' ; percentage refers to DIVIDE(COUNT(Affiliation LIKE '%INFN%' ), COUNT(AuthorId)) * 100%
in 2011 refers to Year = 2011; 'Mol Brain' is the ShortName of journal
affiliated with the University of Oxford refers to Affiliation = 'University of Oxford'
Id of 187 refers to ConferenceId = 187; during 1990 to 2000 refers to Year BETWEEN 1990 and 2000; total number of conference refers to Count(ConferenceId = 187)
after the year 2000 refers to Year > 2000; preprinted refers to ConferenceId = 0 AND JournalId = 0; percentage refers to DIVIDE(COUNT(ConferenceId = 0 AND JournalId = 0 AND Year > 2000), COUNT(Id))
paper refers to Title; TUBERCLE LUNG DIS is the ShortName of journal; the oldest refers to MIN(Year)
IEEE Computer refer to FullName; How many author published papers refer to COUNT(PaperAuthor.Name) where FullName = ’IEEE Computer’
do not have a website refers to HomePage IS NULL OR HomePage = ''
List author name for articles that are preprinted but not published.
articles that are preprinted but not published refers to Year = 0
'Extended Fuzzy Regression Models' is the title of paper; full name of the conference refers to FullName
"Energy-efficiency bounds for noise-tolerant dynamic circuits" is the Title of paper
"Decreased Saliva Secretion and Down-Regulation of AQP5 in Submandibular Gland in Irradiated Rats" is the Title of paper
author refers to PaperAuthor.Name; 'A Randomized Comparison of Sirolimus- Versus Paclitaxel-Eluting Stent Implantation in Patients With Diabetes Mellitus' is the title; 'Asan Medical Center, University of Ulsan College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea' is an Affiliation
do not have a website refers to HomePage IS NULL OR HomePage = ''
'Determination of Planetary Meteorology from Aerobot Flight Sensors' refer to title of the paper
"Cases Journal" and "Molecular Brain" are FullName of journal; more paper in percentage = Subtract(Count(Id(FullName = 'Cases Journal')), Count(Id(FullName = 'Molecular Brain')))/ Count(Id(FullNmae = 'Molecular Brain')) * 100
'Physics of Fluids' is the FullName of journal; percentage = DIVIDE(SUM(Keyword = 'Turbulent Fluids'), SUM(FullName = 'Physics of Fluids')) as percentage
NASA Langley Research Center is the Affiliation
year of 2001 to 2010 refers to Year BETWEEN 2001 AND 2010; Percentage = Divide(Count (PaperId(Year = 2001)), Count (PaperID(Year BETWEEN 2001 AND 2010))) * 100
What are the affiliations of the author "Mark A. Musen" written on and off paper?
Mark A. Musen refer to Author.Name;
'Theoretical Computer Science' is the FullName; paper refers to Title; published in 2003 refers to Year = 2003
"Cases Journal" and "Molecular Brain" are FullName of journal; more paper in percentage = Subtract(Count(Id(FullName = 'Cases Journal')), Count(Id(FullName = 'Molecular Brain')))/ Count(Id(FullNmae = 'Molecular Brain')) * 100
"International Symposium of Robotics Research" is the FullName of conference;
the International Conference on Database Theory refers to FullName = 'International Conference on Database Theory'; published refers to year ! = 0
"IWC" is the ShortName of journal;  '2000' and '2010' are Year;  Difference = Subtract(Count(Paper.Id(Year = 2000)), Count(Paper.Id(Year = 2010)))
all the international conferences on artificial intelligence refers to FullName LIKE 'International Conference on Artificial Intelligence%'
affiliated with the University of Oxford refers to Affiliation = 'University of Oxford'
'Academic Medicine' is the FullName of journal; between 2005 and 2010 refer to Year 2005 BETWEEN 2010
paper "364: Induction of Mixed Chimerism and Transplantation Tolerance in a Non-Human Primate Lung Allograft Model: Early Results" refers to Title = '364: Induction of Mixed Chimerism and Transplantation Tolerance in a Non-Human Primate Lung Allograft Model: Early Results'
'Extended Fuzzy Regression Models' is the title of paper; full name of the conference refers to FullName
List all the paper that the journal "Theoretical Computer Science " published in 2003.
'Theoretical Computer Science' is the FullName; paper refers to Title; published in 2003 refers to Year = 2003
url refers to HomePage; 'Area Effects in Cepaea' is the Title of paper
year of 2001 to 2010 refers to Year BETWEEN 2001 AND 2010; Percentage = Divide(Count (PaperId(Year = 2001)), Count (PaperID(Year BETWEEN 2001 AND 2010))) * 100
'Determination of Planetary Meteorology from Aerobot Flight Sensors' refer to title of the paper
'Howard F. Lipson' is the name of author
do not have a website refers to HomePage IS NULL OR HomePage = ''
paper "364: Induction of Mixed Chimerism and Transplantation Tolerance in a Non-Human Primate Lung Allograft Model: Early Results" refers to Title = '364: Induction of Mixed Chimerism and Transplantation Tolerance in a Non-Human Primate Lung Allograft Model: Early Results'
paper "FIBER: A Generalized Framework for Auto-tuning Software" refers to Title = 'FIBER: A Generalized Framework for Auto-tuning Software'; are affiliated with refers to Affiliation
paper "Multiple paternity in a natural population of a salamander with long-term sperm storage" refers to Title = 'Multiple paternity in a natural population of a salamander with long-term sperm storage'
NASA Langley Research Center is the Affiliation
'Extended Fuzzy Regression Models' is the title of paper; full name of the conference refers to FullName
Identify by conference full name all papers in which a journal was not published but a conference.
journal was not published but a conference refers to ConferenceId ! = 0 And JournalId = 0 Year ! = 0
journal "Concepts in Magnetic Resonance Part A" refers to FullName = 'Concepts in Magnetic Resonance Part A'; in 2018 refers to Year = 2018
paper refers to paper.Id; paper with the most authors refers to MAX(PaperAuthor.PaperId)
'ICCI' is the ShortName of conference; URL refer to HomePage
published between 2000 and 2005 refers to Year BETWEEN 2000 AND 2005; include the topic optical properties refers to Keyword LIKE '%optical properties%'
"University of Oulu" is the Affiliation Organization
full name includes the word Workshop refers to FullName LIKE '%Workshop%'
'Increasing the Concurrency in Estelle' is the Title of the paper; home page of the conference refers to HomePage;
published in 1995 refers to Year = 1995; 'Thomas Wiegand' is the name of author
Year = 0 means this paper is preprint, or not published
from the 60’s refer to Year 1960 BETWEEN 1970
What percentage of papers were preprinted after the year 2000?
after the year 2000 refers to Year > 2000; preprinted refers to ConferenceId = 0 AND JournalId = 0; percentage refers to DIVIDE(COUNT(ConferenceId = 0 AND JournalId = 0 AND Year > 2000), COUNT(Id))
"IWC" is the ShortName of journal;  '2000' and '2010' are Year;  Difference = Subtract(Count(Paper.Id(Year = 2000)), Count(Paper.Id(Year = 2010)))
"International Symposium of Robotics Research" is the FullName of conference;
authors refers to AuthorId; 'An Improved Active Suspension Model for Attitude Control of Electric Vehicles' is the Title of a paper; A paper can have more than one author. Co-authorship can be derived from (paper ID, author ID) pair.
"FIBER: A Generalized Framework for Auto-tuning Software" is the Title of paper; affiliated refers to Affiliation;  University of Tokyo is the affiliation organization
published in the World Computer Congress refers to FullName = 'World Computer Congress'; average refers to DIVIDE(COUNT(FullName = 'World Computer Congress'), COUNT(Id))
paper titled 'Particle identification using the time-over-threshold method in the ATLAS Transition Radiation Tracker' refers to Title = 'Particle identification using the time-over-threshold method in the ATLAS Transition Radiation Tracker'
articles that are preprinted but not published refers to Year = 0
topic is Sustainability refers to Keyword = 'Sustainability'
full name includes the word Workshop refers to FullName LIKE '%Workshop%'
author ID of under 100 refers to AuthorId < 100; 'Zurich, ETH' is the Affiliation
Who is the author of the paper titled "Open Sourcing Social Solutions (Building Communities of Change)"?
'Open Sourcing Social Solutions (Building Communities of Change)' is a title of the paper; author refers to PaperAuthor.Name
'ICCI' is the ShortName of conference; URL refer to HomePage
papers that are either preprinted or unpublished along refers to Year = 0
"IWC" is the ShortName of journal;  '2000' and '2010' are Year;  Difference = Subtract(Count(Paper.Id(Year = 2000)), Count(Paper.Id(Year = 2010)))
"University of Oulu" is the Affiliation Organization
paper refers to paper.Id; paper with the most authors refers to MAX(PaperAuthor.PaperId)
about Charged particle multiplicity refers to Title which contains 'Charged particle multiplicity'; affiliated with INFN refers to Affiliation LIKE '%INFN%' ; percentage refers to DIVIDE(COUNT(Affiliation LIKE '%INFN%' ), COUNT(AuthorId)) * 100%
'Howard F. Lipson' is the name of author
Id of 187 refers to ConferenceId = 187; during 1990 to 2000 refers to Year BETWEEN 1990 and 2000; total number of conference refers to Count(ConferenceId = 187)
written by Andrew Cain refers to Name = 'Andrew Cain'
don't have short name refers to ShortName is NULL OR ShortName = ''
Give the Title and author's name of the books that were preprint in 1997.
in 1997 refers to Year = 1997; books that were preprint refers to ConferenceId = 0 AND JournalId = 0
do not have a website refers to HomePage = ''
year of 2001 to 2010 refers to Year BETWEEN 2001 AND 2010; Percentage = Divide(Count (PaperId(Year = 2001)), Count (PaperID(Year BETWEEN 2001 AND 2010))) * 100
'2004 YD5' is the title of paper
journal "Concepts in Magnetic Resonance Part A" refers to FullName = 'Concepts in Magnetic Resonance Part A'; in 2018 refers to Year = 2018
'Zuliang Du' is the name of paper author; latest publication refers to MAX(Year)
journal was not published but a conference refers to ConferenceId ! = 0 And JournalId = 0 Year ! = 0
'Jei Keon Chee' is the name of author;
Mark A. Musen refer to Author.Name;
associated with the Microsoft Research refers to Affiliation contains 'Microsoft Research'; paper number 1 refers to PaperId = 1
'Physics of Fluids' is the FullName of journal; percentage = DIVIDE(SUM(Keyword = 'Turbulent Fluids'), SUM(FullName = 'Physics of Fluids')) as percentage
In the year 2012, which conference had the most papers presented? Give the short name of the conference.
Papers refers to Paper.Id; short name of the conference refers to Conference.ShortName
articles that are preprinted but not published refers to Year = 0
'Education, democracy and growth' is the title of a paper
journal "Concepts in Magnetic Resonance Part A" refers to FullName = 'Concepts in Magnetic Resonance Part A'; in 2018 refers to Year = 2018
'Open Sourcing Social Solutions (Building Communities of Change)' is a title of the paper; author refers to PaperAuthor.Name
in 2005 refers to Year = '2005'; key words of "LOAD; IDE; SNP; haplotype; asso- ciation studies" refers to Keyword = 'LOAD; IDE; SNP; haplotype; asso- ciation studies'
url refers to HomePage; 'Area Effects in Cepaea' is the Title of paper
Papers refers to Paper.Id; ECSQARU is the ShortName of the conference; 2003 refers to Year = '2003'
"Area Effects in Cepaea" is the title of paper
in 2000 to 2005 refers to Year BETWEEN 2000 AND 2005; a word "social" in its title refers to Title = '%SOCIAL%'
conference ID from 160 to 170 refers to ConferenceId BETWEEN 160 AND 170
List the title of papers with a conference ID from 160 to 170, include their conference short name.
conference ID from 160 to 170 refers to ConferenceId BETWEEN 160 AND 170
Conference ID of 0 refers to ConferenceId = 0; journal ID of less than 100 refers to JournalId < 100
paper refers to paper.Id; paper with the most authors refers to MAX(PaperAuthor.PaperId)
journal "Iet Software/iee Proceedings - Software" refers to FullName = 'Iet Software/iee Proceedings - Software'; papers refers to COUNT(JournalId)
"MICRO" is the ShortName of conference; in 1971 to 1980 refers to Year BETWEEN '1971' AND '1980'; in 1991 to 2000 refers to Year BETWEEN '1991' AND '2000': Average needed paper = Subtract (Count(PaperId(Year BETWEEN '1991' AND '2000')), Count(PaperId(Year BETWEEN '1971' AND '1980')))/10
'Modeling Identification and Control' is the FullName of the journal; 1994 refers to Year = '1994'; if the year is "0", it means this paper is preprint, or not published
papers that are either preprinted or unpublished along refers to Year = 0
Mark A. Musen refer to Author.Name;
"Cases Journal" and "Molecular Brain" are FullName of journal; more paper in percentage = Subtract(Count(Id(FullName = 'Cases Journal')), Count(Id(FullName = 'Molecular Brain')))/ Count(Id(FullNmae = 'Molecular Brain')) * 100
'Academic Medicine' is the FullName of journal; between 2005 and 2010 refer to Year 2005 BETWEEN 2010
A Case of Unilateral Ashy Dermatosis refer to Title
Who are the authors of the paper "Determination of Planetary Meteorology from Aerobot Flight Sensors"?
'Determination of Planetary Meteorology from Aerobot Flight Sensors' refer to title of the paper
'University of Illinois Chicago' is an affiliation
NASA Langley Research Center is the Affiliation
in 2000 to 2005 refers to Year BETWEEN 2000 AND 2005; a word "social" in its title refers to Title = '%SOCIAL%'
do not have a website refers to HomePage = ''
"Molecular Brain" is the FullName of journal; year from 2008 to 2011 refers to Year BETWEEN 2008 AND 2011; average = Divide (Count(Id),4)
written by Andrew Cain refers to Name = 'Andrew Cain'
Shueh-Lin Yau is the name of author;
journal "Concepts in Magnetic Resonance Part A" refers to FullName = 'Concepts in Magnetic Resonance Part A'; in 2018 refers to Year = 2018
Ibm Journal of Research and Development refer to FullName 'Ibm Journal of Research and Development' is the full name of paper
'Mathematics of Program Construction' is the FullName of conference
What is the url of the journal in which the paper "Area Effects in Cepaea" was published?
url refers to HomePage; 'Area Effects in Cepaea' is the Title of paper
years 1990 and 2000 refers to Year BETWEEN '1990' AND '2000'; papers refers to COUNT(id)
'Howard F. Lipson' is the name of author
"FIBER: A Generalized Framework for Auto-tuning Software" is the Title of paper; affiliated refers to Affiliation;  University of Tokyo is the affiliation organization
authors refers to AuthorId; 'An Improved Active Suspension Model for Attitude Control of Electric Vehicles' is the Title of a paper; A paper can have more than one author. Co-authorship can be derived from (paper ID, author ID) pair.
topic is Sustainability refers to Keyword = 'Sustainability'
year = 0 means this paper is preprint; John Van Reenen is the author's name; papers refers to paper.Id; calculation = DIVIDE(SUM(paper.Id where Name = 'John Van Reenen' AND ConferenceID = 0 AND  JournalId = 0), SUM(paper.Id where Name = 'John Van Reenen'))
'Academic Medicine' is the FullName of journal; between 2005 and 2010 refer to Year 2005 BETWEEN 2010
published in the World Computer Congress refers to FullName = 'World Computer Congress'; average refers to DIVIDE(COUNT(FullName = 'World Computer Congress'), COUNT(Id))
'Increasing the Concurrency in Estelle' is the Title of the paper; home page of the conference refers to HomePage;
Ibm Journal of Research and Development refer to FullName 'Ibm Journal of Research and Development' is the full name of paper
Among the papers with conference ID of 0, list down the authors of papers with a journal ID less than 100.
Conference ID of 0 refers to ConferenceId = 0; journal ID of less than 100 refers to JournalId < 100
don't have short name refers to ShortName is NULL OR ShortName = ''
after the year 2000 refers to Year > 2000; preprinted refers to ConferenceId = 0 AND JournalId = 0; percentage refers to DIVIDE(COUNT(ConferenceId = 0 AND JournalId = 0 AND Year > 2000), COUNT(Id))
in 2011 refers to Year = 2011; 'Mol Brain' is the ShortName of journal
'2004 YD5' is the title of paper
Papers refers to Paper.Id; ECSQARU is the ShortName of the conference; 2003 refers to Year = '2003'
journal "Iet Software/iee Proceedings - Software" refers to FullName = 'Iet Software/iee Proceedings - Software'; papers refers to COUNT(JournalId)
full name includes the word Workshop refers to FullName LIKE '%Workshop%'
Published in 2008 refer to Year = 2008
Id of 187 refers to ConferenceId = 187; during 1990 to 2000 refers to Year BETWEEN 1990 and 2000; total number of conference refers to Count(ConferenceId = 187)
papers that Jundu has written refers to Name LIKE '%Jun du%'
How many authors is affiliated to the organization "Otterbein University"?
Otterbein University is an Affiliation
about Charged particle multiplicity refers to Title which contains 'Charged particle multiplicity'; affiliated with INFN refers to Affiliation LIKE '%INFN%' ; percentage refers to DIVIDE(COUNT(Affiliation LIKE '%INFN%' ), COUNT(AuthorId)) * 100%
conference ID from 160 to 170 refers to ConferenceId BETWEEN 160 AND 170
'Academic Medicine' is the FullName of journal; between 2005 and 2010 refer to Year 2005 BETWEEN 2010
journal "Concepts in Magnetic Resonance Part A" refers to FullName = 'Concepts in Magnetic Resonance Part A'; in 2018 refers to Year = 2018
do not have a website refers to HomePage = ''
paper ID of 15 refers to PaperId = 15
published in 1995 refers to Year = 1995; 'Thomas Wiegand' is the name of author
Papers refers to Paper.Id; short name of the conference refers to Conference.ShortName
published in 2009 refers to Year = 2009
What was the topic of the article "A Formal Approach to Service Component Architecture" and when was it published?
article "A Formal Approach to Service Component Architecture" refers to Title = 'A Formal Approach to Service Component Architecture'; topic of the article refers to Keyword
published in 1995 refers to Year = 1995; 'Thomas Wiegand' is the name of author
conference ID from 160 to 170 refers to ConferenceId BETWEEN 160 AND 170
do not have a website refers to HomePage = ''
paper refers to paper.Id; paper with the most authors refers to MAX(PaperAuthor.PaperId)
'Zuliang Du' is the name of paper author; latest publication refers to MAX(Year)
all the international conferences on artificial intelligence refers to FullName LIKE 'International Conference on Artificial Intelligence%'
affiliated with Birkbeck University of London refers to Affiliation = 'Birkbeck University of London'
Year = 0 means this paper is preprint, or not published
papers of Jean-luc Hainaut refers to Name = 'Jean-luc Hainaut'
'Joe Lograsso' is name of paper author
Among the author included in the paper of "Inspection resistant memory: Architectural support for security from physical examination", write down the author name and ID who were affiliated with Microsoft Research, USA.
"Inspection resistant memory: Architectural support for security from physical examination" is the title of paper;  'Microsoft Research, USA' is the Affiliation
authors refers to AuthorId; 'An Improved Active Suspension Model for Attitude Control of Electric Vehicles' is the Title of a paper; A paper can have more than one author. Co-authorship can be derived from (paper ID, author ID) pair.
affiliated with the University of Oxford refers to Affiliation = 'University of Oxford'
"FIBER: A Generalized Framework for Auto-tuning Software" is the Title of paper; affiliated refers to Affiliation;  University of Tokyo is the affiliation organization
"Area Effects in Cepaea" is the title of paper
published in 2009 refers to Year = 2009
papers that are either preprinted or unpublished along refers to Year = 0
published in 1995 refers to Year = 1995; 'Thomas Wiegand' is the name of author
Year = 0 means this paper is preprint, or not published
published in the World Computer Congress refers to FullName = 'World Computer Congress'; average refers to DIVIDE(COUNT(FullName = 'World Computer Congress'), COUNT(Id))
'Extended Fuzzy Regression Models' is the title of paper; full name of the conference refers to FullName
List the paper title and journal ID which were published under the conference name of "International Symposium of Robotics Research".
"International Symposium of Robotics Research" is the FullName of conference;
after the year 2000 refers to Year > 2000; preprinted refers to ConferenceId = 0 AND JournalId = 0; percentage refers to DIVIDE(COUNT(ConferenceId = 0 AND JournalId = 0 AND Year > 2000), COUNT(Id))
years 1990 and 2000 refers to Year BETWEEN '1990' AND '2000'; papers refers to COUNT(id)
Papers refers to Paper.Id; ECSQARU is the ShortName of the conference; 2003 refers to Year = '2003'
in 2005 refers to Year = '2005'; key words of "LOAD; IDE; SNP; haplotype; asso- ciation studies" refers to Keyword = 'LOAD; IDE; SNP; haplotype; asso- ciation studies'
paper ID of 15 refers to PaperId = 15
published in the World Computer Congress refers to FullName = 'World Computer Congress'; average refers to DIVIDE(COUNT(FullName = 'World Computer Congress'), COUNT(Id))
'Education, democracy and growth' is the title of a paper
in 2000 to 2005 refers to Year BETWEEN 2000 AND 2005; a word "social" in its title refers to Title = '%SOCIAL%'
topic is Sustainability refers to Keyword = 'Sustainability'
from the 60’s refer to Year 1960 BETWEEN 1970
papers that are either preprinted or unpublished along refers to Year = 0
all the international conferences on artificial intelligence refers to FullName LIKE 'International Conference on Artificial Intelligence%'
article "A Formal Approach to Service Component Architecture" refers to Title = 'A Formal Approach to Service Component Architecture'; topic of the article refers to Keyword
"Energy-efficiency bounds for noise-tolerant dynamic circuits" is the Title of paper
author ID of under 100 refers to AuthorId < 100; 'Zurich, ETH' is the Affiliation
paper "Multiple paternity in a natural population of a salamander with long-term sperm storage" refers to Title = 'Multiple paternity in a natural population of a salamander with long-term sperm storage'
years 1990 and 2000 refers to Year BETWEEN '1990' AND '2000'; papers refers to COUNT(id)
affiliated with the University of Oxford refers to Affiliation = 'University of Oxford'
'Determination of Planetary Meteorology from Aerobot Flight Sensors' refer to title of the paper
Papers refers to Paper.Id; short name of the conference refers to Conference.ShortName
What are the conference name and journal name of paper written by Shueh-Lin Yau? List down the name of co-authors and provide the title of that paper.
Shueh-Lin Yau is the name of author;
url refers to HomePage; 'Area Effects in Cepaea' is the Title of paper
'Joe Lograsso' is name of paper author
papers that are either preprinted or unpublished along refers to Year = 0
Year = 0 means this paper is preprint, or not published
"Standford University" and "Massachusetts Institute of Technolgy" are affiliation organization; affiliated with more author refers to Max(Count(Id))
published in 1995 refers to Year = 1995; 'Thomas Wiegand' is the name of author
authors refers to AuthorId; 'An Improved Active Suspension Model for Attitude Control of Electric Vehicles' is the Title of a paper; A paper can have more than one author. Co-authorship can be derived from (paper ID, author ID) pair.
with "chemiluminescence" in its title refers to Title LIKE 'chemiluminescence%'; journal ID from 245 to 250 refers to JournalId BETWEEN 245 AND 250
full name includes the word Workshop refers to FullName LIKE '%Workshop%'
from the 60’s refer to Year 1960 BETWEEN 1970
List the names of all authors affiliated with Birkbeck University of London.
affiliated with Birkbeck University of London refers to Affiliation = 'Birkbeck University of London'
'Academic Medicine' is the FullName of journal; between 2005 and 2010 refer to Year 2005 BETWEEN 2010
paper titled 'Particle identification using the time-over-threshold method in the ATLAS Transition Radiation Tracker' refers to Title = 'Particle identification using the time-over-threshold method in the ATLAS Transition Radiation Tracker'
"Inspection resistant memory: Architectural support for security from physical examination" is the title of paper;  'Microsoft Research, USA' is the Affiliation
'2004 YD5' is the title of paper
from the 60’s refer to Year 1960 BETWEEN 1970
papers that are either preprinted or unpublished along refers to Year = 0
published in 2009 refers to Year = 2009
"FIBER: A Generalized Framework for Auto-tuning Software" is the Title of paper; affiliated refers to Affiliation;  University of Tokyo is the affiliation organization
the International Conference on Database Theory refers to FullName = 'International Conference on Database Theory'; published refers to year ! = 0
'Modeling Identification and Control' is the FullName of the journal; 1994 refers to Year = '1994'; if the year is "0", it means this paper is preprint, or not published
Please list the names of the authors of the paper "Area Effects in Cepaea".
"Area Effects in Cepaea" is the title of paper
Id of 187 refers to ConferenceId = 187; during 1990 to 2000 refers to Year BETWEEN 1990 and 2000; total number of conference refers to Count(ConferenceId = 187)
"Stitching videos streamed by mobile phones in real-time" is the Title of paper; what the paper is about refers to Keywords
"FIBER: A Generalized Framework for Auto-tuning Software" is the Title of paper; affiliated refers to Affiliation;  University of Tokyo is the affiliation organization
don't have short name refers to ShortName is NULL OR ShortName = ''
all the international conferences on artificial intelligence refers to FullName LIKE 'International Conference on Artificial Intelligence%'
"MICRO" is the ShortName of conference; in 1971 to 1980 refers to Year BETWEEN '1971' AND '1980'; in 1991 to 2000 refers to Year BETWEEN '1991' AND '2000': Average needed paper = Subtract (Count(PaperId(Year BETWEEN '1991' AND '2000')), Count(PaperId(Year BETWEEN '1971' AND '1980')))/10
do not have a website refers to HomePage IS NULL OR HomePage = ''
'Extended Fuzzy Regression Models' is the title of paper; full name of the conference refers to FullName
full name includes the word Workshop refers to FullName LIKE '%Workshop%'
What is the homepage address for paper "Energy-efficiency bounds for noise-tolerant dynamic circuits"?
"Energy-efficiency bounds for noise-tolerant dynamic circuits" is the Title of paper
'Physics of Fluids' is the FullName of journal; percentage = DIVIDE(SUM(Keyword = 'Turbulent Fluids'), SUM(FullName = 'Physics of Fluids')) as percentage
'Academic Medicine' is the FullName of journal; between 2005 and 2010 refer to Year 2005 BETWEEN 2010
'Open Sourcing Social Solutions (Building Communities of Change)' is a title of the paper; author refers to PaperAuthor.Name
paper "FIBER: A Generalized Framework for Auto-tuning Software" refers to Title = 'FIBER: A Generalized Framework for Auto-tuning Software'; are affiliated with refers to Affiliation
don't have short name refers to ShortName is NULL OR ShortName = ''
A Case of Unilateral Ashy Dermatosis refer to Title
journal "Iet Software/iee Proceedings - Software" refers to FullName = 'Iet Software/iee Proceedings - Software'; papers refers to COUNT(JournalId)
'Determination of Planetary Meteorology from Aerobot Flight Sensors' refer to title of the paper
'ICCI' is the ShortName of conference; URL refer to HomePage
Published in 2008 refer to Year = 2008
Write down homepage URL of journal for paper "364: Induction of Mixed Chimerism and Transplantation Tolerance in a Non-Human Primate Lung Allograft Model: Early Results".
paper "364: Induction of Mixed Chimerism and Transplantation Tolerance in a Non-Human Primate Lung Allograft Model: Early Results" refers to Title = '364: Induction of Mixed Chimerism and Transplantation Tolerance in a Non-Human Primate Lung Allograft Model: Early Results'
after the year 2000 refers to Year > 2000; preprinted refers to ConferenceId = 0 AND JournalId = 0; percentage refers to DIVIDE(COUNT(ConferenceId = 0 AND JournalId = 0 AND Year > 2000), COUNT(Id))
'Increasing the Concurrency in Estelle' is the Title of the paper; home page of the conference refers to HomePage;
papers that are either preprinted or unpublished along refers to Year = 0
"Inspection resistant memory: Architectural support for security from physical examination" is the title of paper;  'Microsoft Research, USA' is the Affiliation
'Adaptive Multimedia Retrieval is the FullName of paper; in 2007 refer to Year = 2007
"FIBER: A Generalized Framework for Auto-tuning Software" is the Title of paper; affiliated refers to Affiliation;  University of Tokyo is the affiliation organization
A Case of Unilateral Ashy Dermatosis refer to Title
Papers refers to Paper.Id; short name of the conference refers to Conference.ShortName
conference ID from 160 to 170 refers to ConferenceId BETWEEN 160 AND 170
in 1997 refers to Year = 1997; books that were preprint refers to ConferenceId = 0 AND JournalId = 0
How many papers are published under the conference "Mathematics of Program Construction "?
'Mathematics of Program Construction' is the FullName of conference
author refers to PaperAuthor.Name; 'A Randomized Comparison of Sirolimus- Versus Paclitaxel-Eluting Stent Implantation in Patients With Diabetes Mellitus' is the title; 'Asan Medical Center, University of Ulsan College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea' is an Affiliation
Papers refers to Paper.Id; short name of the conference refers to Conference.ShortName
paper titled 'Particle identification using the time-over-threshold method in the ATLAS Transition Radiation Tracker' refers to Title = 'Particle identification using the time-over-threshold method in the ATLAS Transition Radiation Tracker'
journal "Iet Software/iee Proceedings - Software" refers to FullName = 'Iet Software/iee Proceedings - Software'; papers refers to COUNT(JournalId)
paper "FIBER: A Generalized Framework for Auto-tuning Software" refers to Title = 'FIBER: A Generalized Framework for Auto-tuning Software'; are affiliated with refers to Affiliation
Year = 0 means this paper is preprint, or not published
Otterbein University is an Affiliation
author ID of under 100 refers to AuthorId < 100; 'Zurich, ETH' is the Affiliation
"Molecular Brain" is the FullName of journal; year from 2008 to 2011 refers to Year BETWEEN 2008 AND 2011; average = Divide (Count(Id),4)
affiliated with the University of Oxford refers to Affiliation = 'University of Oxford'
What is the title of the paper with the most authors?
paper refers to paper.Id; paper with the most authors refers to MAX(PaperAuthor.PaperId)
paper ID of 15 refers to PaperId = 15
papers of Jean-luc Hainaut refers to Name = 'Jean-luc Hainaut'
the International Conference on Database Theory refers to FullName = 'International Conference on Database Theory'; published refers to year ! = 0
in 2005 refers to Year = '2005'; key words of "LOAD; IDE; SNP; haplotype; asso- ciation studies" refers to Keyword = 'LOAD; IDE; SNP; haplotype; asso- ciation studies'
'Physics of Fluids' is the FullName of journal; percentage = DIVIDE(SUM(Keyword = 'Turbulent Fluids'), SUM(FullName = 'Physics of Fluids')) as percentage
IEEE Computer refer to FullName; How many author published papers refer to COUNT(PaperAuthor.Name) where FullName = ’IEEE Computer’
"Incremental Extraction of Keyterms for Classifying Multilingual Documents in the Web" is the title of paper; affiliated with refers to Affiliation; "National Taiwan University Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering Taiwan" is the Affiliation organization
'Open Sourcing Social Solutions (Building Communities of Change)' is a title of the paper; author refers to PaperAuthor.Name
Mark A. Musen refer to Author.Name;
'Modeling Identification and Control' is the FullName of the journal; 1994 refers to Year = '1994'; if the year is "0", it means this paper is preprint, or not published
Give the title and author's name of the papers published between 2000 and 2005 that include the topic optical properties.
published between 2000 and 2005 refers to Year BETWEEN 2000 AND 2005; include the topic optical properties refers to Keyword LIKE '%optical properties%'
'Jei Keon Chee' is the name of author;
article "A Formal Approach to Service Component Architecture" refers to Title = 'A Formal Approach to Service Component Architecture'; topic of the article refers to Keyword
"Inspection resistant memory: Architectural support for security from physical examination" is the title of paper;  'Microsoft Research, USA' is the Affiliation
about Charged particle multiplicity refers to Title which contains 'Charged particle multiplicity'; affiliated with INFN refers to Affiliation LIKE '%INFN%' ; percentage refers to DIVIDE(COUNT(Affiliation LIKE '%INFN%' ), COUNT(AuthorId)) * 100%
paper "364: Induction of Mixed Chimerism and Transplantation Tolerance in a Non-Human Primate Lung Allograft Model: Early Results" refers to Title = '364: Induction of Mixed Chimerism and Transplantation Tolerance in a Non-Human Primate Lung Allograft Model: Early Results'
Papers refers to Paper.Id; ECSQARU is the ShortName of the conference; 2003 refers to Year = '2003'
'Mathematics of Program Construction' is the FullName of conference
"Molecular Brain" is the FullName of journal; year from 2008 to 2011 refers to Year BETWEEN 2008 AND 2011; average = Divide (Count(Id),4)
conference ID from 160 to 170 refers to ConferenceId BETWEEN 160 AND 170
with "chemiluminescence" in its title refers to Title LIKE 'chemiluminescence%'; journal ID from 245 to 250 refers to JournalId BETWEEN 245 AND 250
How many papers were presented at 'ECSQARU' in 2003?
Papers refers to Paper.Id; ECSQARU is the ShortName of the conference; 2003 refers to Year = '2003'
"FIBER: A Generalized Framework for Auto-tuning Software" is the Title of paper; affiliated refers to Affiliation;  University of Tokyo is the affiliation organization
Conference ID of 0 refers to ConferenceId = 0; journal ID of less than 100 refers to JournalId < 100
Published in 2008 refer to Year = 2008
in 2005 refers to Year = '2005'; key words of "LOAD; IDE; SNP; haplotype; asso- ciation studies" refers to Keyword = 'LOAD; IDE; SNP; haplotype; asso- ciation studies'
journal "Iet Software/iee Proceedings - Software" refers to FullName = 'Iet Software/iee Proceedings - Software'; papers refers to COUNT(JournalId)
"Stitching videos streamed by mobile phones in real-time" is the Title of paper; what the paper is about refers to Keywords
paper "FIBER: A Generalized Framework for Auto-tuning Software" refers to Title = 'FIBER: A Generalized Framework for Auto-tuning Software'; are affiliated with refers to Affiliation
"Molecular Brain" is the FullName of journal; year from 2008 to 2011 refers to Year BETWEEN 2008 AND 2011; average = Divide (Count(Id),4)
Papers refers to Paper.Id; short name of the conference refers to Conference.ShortName
'Open Sourcing Social Solutions (Building Communities of Change)' is a title of the paper; author refers to PaperAuthor.Name
How many more papers in total were published in the journal "Cases Journal" than in the journal "Molecular Brain" in percentage?
"Cases Journal" and "Molecular Brain" are FullName of journal; more paper in percentage = Subtract(Count(Id(FullName = 'Cases Journal')), Count(Id(FullName = 'Molecular Brain')))/ Count(Id(FullNmae = 'Molecular Brain')) * 100
Published in 2008 refer to Year = 2008
journal "Concepts in Magnetic Resonance Part A" refers to FullName = 'Concepts in Magnetic Resonance Part A'; in 2018 refers to Year = 2018
Papers refers to Paper.Id; ECSQARU is the ShortName of the conference; 2003 refers to Year = '2003'
"Klaus Zimmermann" is the name of author
"International Symposium of Robotics Research" is the FullName of conference;
paper refers to paper.Id; paper with the most authors refers to MAX(PaperAuthor.PaperId)
"Standford University" and "Massachusetts Institute of Technolgy" are affiliation organization; affiliated with more author refers to Max(Count(Id))
NASA Langley Research Center is the Affiliation
article "A Formal Approach to Service Component Architecture" refers to Title = 'A Formal Approach to Service Component Architecture'; topic of the article refers to Keyword
topic is Sustainability refers to Keyword = 'Sustainability'
Which author of the paper "Incremental Extraction of Keyterms for Classifying Multilingual Documents in the Web" is affiliated with National Taiwan University Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering Taiwan?
"Incremental Extraction of Keyterms for Classifying Multilingual Documents in the Web" is the title of paper; affiliated with refers to Affiliation; "National Taiwan University Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering Taiwan" is the Affiliation organization
journal "Concepts in Magnetic Resonance Part A" refers to FullName = 'Concepts in Magnetic Resonance Part A'; in 2018 refers to Year = 2018
journal ID of 200 to 300 refers to JournalId BETWEEN 200 AND 300; short name starts with A refers to ShortName LIKE 'A%'; Percentage = Divide (Count(ConferenceId = 0), Count(ConferenceId)) * 100
affiliated with the University of Oxford refers to Affiliation = 'University of Oxford'
published in 1995 refers to Year = 1995; 'Thomas Wiegand' is the name of author
Year = 0 means this paper is preprint, or not published
journal "Iet Software/iee Proceedings - Software" refers to FullName = 'Iet Software/iee Proceedings - Software'; papers refers to COUNT(JournalId)
in 2011 refers to Year = 2011; 'Mol Brain' is the ShortName of journal
all the international conferences on artificial intelligence refers to FullName LIKE 'International Conference on Artificial Intelligence%'
affiliated refers to Affiliation; 'University of California Berkeley' is the Affiliation
What is the conference homepage URL of the paper titled "Quality evaluation of long duration audiovisual content"?
homepage URL refers to HomePage; 'Quality evaluation of long duration audiovisual content' is the Title
Ibm Journal of Research and Development refer to FullName 'Ibm Journal of Research and Development' is the full name of paper
published in 1995 refers to Year = 1995; 'Thomas Wiegand' is the name of author
in 2000 to 2005 refers to Year BETWEEN 2000 AND 2005; a word "social" in its title refers to Title = '%SOCIAL%'
article "A Formal Approach to Service Component Architecture" refers to Title = 'A Formal Approach to Service Component Architecture'; topic of the article refers to Keyword
Education, democracy and growth' refer to title of paper
paper "Multiple paternity in a natural population of a salamander with long-term sperm storage" refers to Title = 'Multiple paternity in a natural population of a salamander with long-term sperm storage'
don't have short name refers to ShortName is NULL OR ShortName = ''
affiliated refers to Affiliation; 'University of California Berkeley' is the Affiliation
'Theoretical Computer Science' is the FullName; paper refers to Title; published in 2003 refers to Year = 2003
conference ID from 160 to 170 refers to ConferenceId BETWEEN 160 AND 170
Which paper published by the "TUBERCLE LUNG DIS" journal is the oldest?
paper refers to Title; TUBERCLE LUNG DIS is the ShortName of journal; the oldest refers to MIN(Year)
'Physics of Fluids' is the FullName of journal; percentage = DIVIDE(SUM(Keyword = 'Turbulent Fluids'), SUM(FullName = 'Physics of Fluids')) as percentage
in 2000 to 2005 refers to Year BETWEEN 2000 AND 2005; a word "social" in its title refers to Title = '%SOCIAL%'
"MICRO" is the ShortName of conference; in 1971 to 1980 refers to Year BETWEEN '1971' AND '1980'; in 1991 to 2000 refers to Year BETWEEN '1991' AND '2000': Average needed paper = Subtract (Count(PaperId(Year BETWEEN '1991' AND '2000')), Count(PaperId(Year BETWEEN '1971' AND '1980')))/10
year of 2001 to 2010 refers to Year BETWEEN 2001 AND 2010; Percentage = Divide(Count (PaperId(Year = 2001)), Count (PaperID(Year BETWEEN 2001 AND 2010))) * 100
paper "364: Induction of Mixed Chimerism and Transplantation Tolerance in a Non-Human Primate Lung Allograft Model: Early Results" refers to Title = '364: Induction of Mixed Chimerism and Transplantation Tolerance in a Non-Human Primate Lung Allograft Model: Early Results'
url refers to HomePage; 'Area Effects in Cepaea' is the Title of paper
'Academic Medicine' is the FullName of journal; between 2005 and 2010 refer to Year 2005 BETWEEN 2010
NASA Langley Research Center is the Affiliation
all the international conferences on artificial intelligence refers to FullName LIKE 'International Conference on Artificial Intelligence%'
List the short name and home page URL of all the international conferences on artificial intelligence.
all the international conferences on artificial intelligence refers to FullName LIKE 'International Conference on Artificial Intelligence%'
from the 60’s refer to Year 1960 BETWEEN 1970
Id of 187 refers to ConferenceId = 187; during 1990 to 2000 refers to Year BETWEEN 1990 and 2000; total number of conference refers to Count(ConferenceId = 187)
author ID of under 100 refers to AuthorId < 100; 'Zurich, ETH' is the Affiliation
"Decreased Saliva Secretion and Down-Regulation of AQP5 in Submandibular Gland in Irradiated Rats" is the Title of paper
in 2011 refers to Year = 2011; 'Mol Brain' is the ShortName of journal
journal was not published but a conference refers to ConferenceId ! = 0 And JournalId = 0 Year ! = 0
the International Conference on Database Theory refers to FullName = 'International Conference on Database Theory'; published refers to year ! = 0
'Determination of Planetary Meteorology from Aerobot Flight Sensors' refer to title of the paper
'Jei Keon Chee' is the name of author;
do not have a website refers to HomePage IS NULL OR HomePage = ''
Who are the co-authors for Jei Keon Chae and what is the title of paper written by them?
'Jei Keon Chee' is the name of author;
published in 1995 refers to Year = 1995; 'Thomas Wiegand' is the name of author
paper "364: Induction of Mixed Chimerism and Transplantation Tolerance in a Non-Human Primate Lung Allograft Model: Early Results" refers to Title = '364: Induction of Mixed Chimerism and Transplantation Tolerance in a Non-Human Primate Lung Allograft Model: Early Results'
Papers refers to Paper.Id; ECSQARU is the ShortName of the conference; 2003 refers to Year = '2003'
'Open Sourcing Social Solutions (Building Communities of Change)' is a title of the paper; author refers to PaperAuthor.Name
journal ID of 200 to 300 refers to JournalId BETWEEN 200 AND 300; short name starts with A refers to ShortName LIKE 'A%'; Percentage = Divide (Count(ConferenceId = 0), Count(ConferenceId)) * 100
Jianli Hua is the author of a paper
'Modeling Identification and Control' is the FullName of the journal; 1994 refers to Year = '1994'; if the year is "0", it means this paper is preprint, or not published
Published in 2008 refer to Year = 2008
"IWC" is the ShortName of journal;  '2000' and '2010' are Year;  Difference = Subtract(Count(Paper.Id(Year = 2000)), Count(Paper.Id(Year = 2010)))
associated with the Microsoft Research refers to Affiliation contains 'Microsoft Research'; paper number 1 refers to PaperId = 1
What is the title of the paper published in 1995 and whose author included Thomas Wiegand?
published in 1995 refers to Year = 1995; 'Thomas Wiegand' is the name of author
year = 0 means this paper is preprint; John Van Reenen is the author's name; papers refers to paper.Id; calculation = DIVIDE(SUM(paper.Id where Name = 'John Van Reenen' AND ConferenceID = 0 AND  JournalId = 0), SUM(paper.Id where Name = 'John Van Reenen'))
paper titled 'Particle identification using the time-over-threshold method in the ATLAS Transition Radiation Tracker' refers to Title = 'Particle identification using the time-over-threshold method in the ATLAS Transition Radiation Tracker'
in 2005 refers to Year = '2005'; key words of "LOAD; IDE; SNP; haplotype; asso- ciation studies" refers to Keyword = 'LOAD; IDE; SNP; haplotype; asso- ciation studies'
don't have short name refers to ShortName is NULL OR ShortName = ''
"Cairo Microsoft Innovation Lab" is the Affiliation organization
"Decreased Saliva Secretion and Down-Regulation of AQP5 in Submandibular Gland in Irradiated Rats" is the Title of paper
Shueh-Lin Yau is the name of author;
authors refers to AuthorId; 'An Improved Active Suspension Model for Attitude Control of Electric Vehicles' is the Title of a paper; A paper can have more than one author. Co-authorship can be derived from (paper ID, author ID) pair.
Id of 187 refers to ConferenceId = 187; during 1990 to 2000 refers to Year BETWEEN 1990 and 2000; total number of conference refers to Count(ConferenceId = 187)
"Area Effects in Cepaea" is the title of paper
How many papers whose authors include Thomas Wiegand were published in 1995?
published in 1995 refers to Year = 1995; 'Thomas Wiegand' is the name of author
'Modeling Identification and Control' is the FullName of the journal; 1994 refers to Year = '1994'; if the year is "0", it means this paper is preprint, or not published
author ID of under 100 refers to AuthorId < 100; 'Zurich, ETH' is the Affiliation
don't have short name refers to ShortName is NULL OR ShortName = ''
'Open Sourcing Social Solutions (Building Communities of Change)' is a title of the paper; author refers to PaperAuthor.Name
papers on the "Materials" topic refers to Keyword = 'Materials'
papers of Jean-luc Hainaut refers to Name = 'Jean-luc Hainaut'
published in 1995 refers to Year = 1995; 'Thomas Wiegand' is the name of author
affiliated with the University of Oxford refers to Affiliation = 'University of Oxford'
"Molecular Brain" is the FullName of journal; year from 2008 to 2011 refers to Year BETWEEN 2008 AND 2011; average = Divide (Count(Id),4)
year of 2001 to 2010 refers to Year BETWEEN 2001 AND 2010; Percentage = Divide(Count (PaperId(Year = 2001)), Count (PaperID(Year BETWEEN 2001 AND 2010))) * 100
Please provide the titles of any two papers that are either preprinted or unpublished along with the full name of the journal to which those papers belong.
papers that are either preprinted or unpublished along refers to Year = 0
"Incremental Extraction of Keyterms for Classifying Multilingual Documents in the Web" is the title of paper; affiliated with refers to Affiliation; "National Taiwan University Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering Taiwan" is the Affiliation organization
with "chemiluminescence" in its title refers to Title LIKE 'chemiluminescence%'; journal ID from 245 to 250 refers to JournalId BETWEEN 245 AND 250
associated with the Microsoft Research refers to Affiliation contains 'Microsoft Research'; paper number 1 refers to PaperId = 1
'Determination of Planetary Meteorology from Aerobot Flight Sensors' refer to title of the paper
'Joe Lograsso' is name of paper author
written by Andrew Cain refers to Name = 'Andrew Cain'
'University of Illinois Chicago' is an affiliation
NASA Langley Research Center is the Affiliation
'ICCI' is the ShortName of conference; URL refer to HomePage
paper refers to Title; TUBERCLE LUNG DIS is the ShortName of journal; the oldest refers to MIN(Year)
How many papers were published in 2011 in the journal whose short name is "Mol Brain"?
in 2011 refers to Year = 2011; 'Mol Brain' is the ShortName of journal
'Determination of Planetary Meteorology from Aerobot Flight Sensors' refer to title of the paper
paper "Multiple paternity in a natural population of a salamander with long-term sperm storage" refers to Title = 'Multiple paternity in a natural population of a salamander with long-term sperm storage'
'Jei Keon Chee' is the name of author;
'Joe Lograsso' is name of paper author
paper "Hypermethylation of the <I>TPEF/HPP1</I> Gene in Primary and Metastatic Colorectal Cancers" refers to Title = 'Hypermethylation of the <I>TPEF/HPP1</I> Gene in Primary and Metastatic Colorectal Cancers'
journal ID of 200 to 300 refers to JournalId BETWEEN 200 AND 300; short name starts with A refers to ShortName LIKE 'A%'; Percentage = Divide (Count(ConferenceId = 0), Count(ConferenceId)) * 100
after the year 2000 refers to Year > 2000; preprinted refers to ConferenceId = 0 AND JournalId = 0; percentage refers to DIVIDE(COUNT(ConferenceId = 0 AND JournalId = 0 AND Year > 2000), COUNT(Id))
published between 2000 and 2005 refers to Year BETWEEN 2000 AND 2005; include the topic optical properties refers to Keyword LIKE '%optical properties%'
from the 60’s refer to Year 1960 BETWEEN 1970
"IWC" is the ShortName of journal;  '2000' and '2010' are Year;  Difference = Subtract(Count(Paper.Id(Year = 2000)), Count(Paper.Id(Year = 2010)))
List the name of the author that affiliated with University of Illinois Chicago?
'University of Illinois Chicago' is an affiliation
published in the World Computer Congress refers to FullName = 'World Computer Congress'; average refers to DIVIDE(COUNT(FullName = 'World Computer Congress'), COUNT(Id))
article "A Formal Approach to Service Component Architecture" refers to Title = 'A Formal Approach to Service Component Architecture'; topic of the article refers to Keyword
Otterbein University is an Affiliation
'Joe Lograsso' is name of paper author
year of 2001 to 2010 refers to Year BETWEEN 2001 AND 2010; Percentage = Divide(Count (PaperId(Year = 2001)), Count (PaperID(Year BETWEEN 2001 AND 2010))) * 100
full name includes the word Workshop refers to FullName LIKE '%Workshop%'
year = 0 means this paper is preprint; John Van Reenen is the author's name; papers refers to paper.Id; calculation = DIVIDE(SUM(paper.Id where Name = 'John Van Reenen' AND ConferenceID = 0 AND  JournalId = 0), SUM(paper.Id where Name = 'John Van Reenen'))
"Cases Journal" and "Molecular Brain" are FullName of journal; more paper in percentage = Subtract(Count(Id(FullName = 'Cases Journal')), Count(Id(FullName = 'Molecular Brain')))/ Count(Id(FullNmae = 'Molecular Brain')) * 100
do not have a website refers to HomePage = ''
How many authors are affiliated with University of California Berkeley?
affiliated refers to Affiliation; 'University of California Berkeley' is the Affiliation
after the year 2000 refers to Year > 2000; preprinted refers to ConferenceId = 0 AND JournalId = 0; percentage refers to DIVIDE(COUNT(ConferenceId = 0 AND JournalId = 0 AND Year > 2000), COUNT(Id))
paper "Hypermethylation of the <I>TPEF/HPP1</I> Gene in Primary and Metastatic Colorectal Cancers" refers to Title = 'Hypermethylation of the <I>TPEF/HPP1</I> Gene in Primary and Metastatic Colorectal Cancers'
"Area Effects in Cepaea" is the title of paper
'Academic Medicine' is the FullName of journal; between 2005 and 2010 refer to Year 2005 BETWEEN 2010
"Energy-efficiency bounds for noise-tolerant dynamic circuits" is the Title of paper
url refers to HomePage; 'Area Effects in Cepaea' is the Title of paper
'Howard F. Lipson' is the name of author
"Decreased Saliva Secretion and Down-Regulation of AQP5 in Submandibular Gland in Irradiated Rats" is the Title of paper
conference ID from 160 to 170 refers to ConferenceId BETWEEN 160 AND 170
"Stitching videos streamed by mobile phones in real-time" is the Title of paper; what the paper is about refers to Keywords
Which brewery does the most purchased root beer in 2016 belong to?
most purchased root beer refers to MAX(COUNT(BrandID)); in 2016 refers to PurchaseDate > = '2016-01-01' AND PurchaseDate < = '2016-12-31';
brand of root beer refers to BrandName; produced by Dr Pepper Snapple Group refers to BreweryName = 'Dr Pepper Snapple Group'; percentage of purchases = MULTIPLY(DIVIDE(SUM(BrandID WHERE PurchaseDate > = '2014-01-01' AND PurchaseDate < = '2016-12-31'), COUNT(BrandID) WHERE BreweryName = 'Dr Pepper Snapple Group'), 1.0); between 2014 to 2016 refers to PurchaseDate > = '2014-01-01' AND PurchaseDate < = '2016-12-31;
non-sweetened refers to honey = 'FALSE' AND artificialsweetener = 'FALSE';
in bottles refers to ContainerType = 'Bottle';  location 38.559615, -121.42243 refers to latitude = 38.559615 AND longitude = -121.42243;
review content of "Tastes like Australia." refers to Review = 'Tastes like Australia.';
full name = First, Last; how long ago = SUBTRACT(ReviewDate, FirstPurchaseDate);
full name = First Last; first top 10 customers refers to MIN(FirstPurchaseDate) LIMIT 10;
stars refers to StarRating; Frostie refers to BrandName = 'Frostie';
location refers to LocationName; bottle of beer refers to ContainerType = 'Bottle'; location that sold more bottles of beer refers to MAX(COUNT(LocationID WHERE ContainerType = 'Bottle'));
AJ Stephans refers to BreweryName = 'AJ Stephans Beverages';
What is the precise location of all paying customers with American Express?
precise location refers to Latitude, Longitude; American Express refers to CreditCardType = 'American Express';
between 2015 to 2016 refers to TransactionDate > = '2015-01-01' AND TransactionDate < '2016-12-31';
Thomas Kemper refers to BrandName = 'Thomas Kemper';  latitude the beer is consumed the most refers to MAX(COUNT(Latitude));
California refers to State = 'CA';
name of the root beer brand refers to BrandName; advertised on facebook refers to FacebookPage IS not NULL;
Sac State Union refers to LocationName = 'Sac State Union'; American Express credit card refers to CreditCardType = 'American Express'; in 2014 refers to TransactionDate LIKE '2014%';
Mastercard refers to CreditCardType = 'MasterCard'; between 12/25/2014 and 5/20/2016 refers to TransactionDate BETWEEN '2014-12-25' AND '2016-05-20';
most 5 star ratings refers to MAX(COUNT(StarRating = 5)); name of the brewery refers to BreweryName;
percentage difference = (DIVIDE(MULTIPLY(SUBTRACT(SUM(PurchasePrice WHERE BrandName = 'River City'), SUM(PurchasePrice WHERE BrandName = 'Frostie')), 100), SUM(PurchasePrice WHERE BrandName = 'Frostie'))); River City refers to BrandName = 'River City'; Frostie refers to BrandName = 'Frostie';
male customers refers to Gender = 'M'; Sacramento refers to City = 'Sacramento'; percentage = MULTIPLY(DIVIDE(SUM(BrandID WHERE BrandName = 'Dominion'), COUNT(BrandID) WHERE City = 'Sacramento'), 1.0); Dominion refers to BrandName = 'Dominion'; in 2013 refers to TransactionDate > = 2013-01-01 AND TransactionDate < 2014-01-01;
difference in the average = SUBTRACT(DIVIDE(MULTIPLY(SUM(Honey = 'TRUE'), 1.0), COUNT(TransactionDate)), DIVIDE(MULTIPLY(SUM(Honey = 'FALSE'), 1.0), COUNT(TransactionDate))); contain honey refers to Honey = 'TRUE'; don’t contain honey refers to Honey = 'FALSE'
Which brewery brewed the most sold root beer in 2015?
brewery refers to BreweryName; most sold root beer refers to MAX(COUNT(BrandID)); in 2015 refers to TransactionDate > = '2015-01-01' AND TransactionDate < = '2015-12-31';
name of the root beer brand refers to BrandName; advertised on facebook refers to FacebookPage IS not NULL;
most common refers to MAX(COUNT(StarRating)); containing corn syrup refers to CornSyrup = 'TRUE';
users permit the company to send regular emails to them refers to subscribedtoemaillist = 'TRUE'; Visa card refers to creditcardtype = 'Visa'; in July, 2014 refers to SUBSTR(TransactionDate, 1, 4) = '2014' AND SUBSTR(TransactionDate, 6, 2) = '07';
precise location = Latitude, Longitude;
brands of the root beer refers to BrandName; purchased on 2014/7/7 refers to transactiondate = '2014-07-07';
visa card refers to CreditCardType = 'Visa'; percentage = MULTIPLY(DIVIDE(SUM(CreditCardType = 'Visa'), COUNT(TransactionID)), 1.0);
bottle root beer refers to ContainerType = 'Bottle'; purchased between 4/3/2015 and 10/26/2015 refers to PurchaseDate BETWEEN '2015-04-23' AND '2015-10-26';
between 2015 to 2016 refers to TransactionDate > = '2015-01-01' AND TransactionDate < '2016-12-31';
MasterCard refers to CreditCardType = 'MasterCard'; in 2014 refers to TransactionDate > = '2014-01-01' AND TransactionDate < = '2014-12-31';
difference = SUBTRACT(COUNT(ContainerType = 'Bottle' WHERE State = 'LA'), COUNT(ContainerType = 'Bottle' State = 'MO')); bottles refers to ContainerType = 'Bottle'; Louisiana refers to State = 'LA'; Missouri refers to State = 'MO';
How many transactions were made in Sac State Union using the American Express credit card in 2014?
Sac State Union refers to LocationName = 'Sac State Union'; American Express credit card refers to CreditCardType = 'American Express'; in 2014 refers to TransactionDate LIKE '2014%';
AJ Stephans refers to BreweryName = 'AJ Stephans Beverages';
September 2014 refers to ReviewDate LIKE '2014-09%'; brand of beers refers to BrandName; highest star ratings refers to MAX(StarRating);
stars refers to StarRating; Frostie refers to BrandName = 'Frostie';
brand of root beer refers to BrandName; lowest rating refers to MIN(StarRating);
precise location refers to Latitude, Longitude; American Express refers to CreditCardType = 'American Express';
visa card refers to CreditCardType = 'Visa'; percentage = MULTIPLY(DIVIDE(SUM(CreditCardType = 'Visa'), COUNT(TransactionID)), 1.0);
average star rating = AVG(StarRating); female customers refers to Gender = 'F; from 1/25/2015 to 3/10/2015 refers to ReviewDate BETWEEN '2015-01-25' AND '2015-03-10';
transaction no. refers to TransactionID; TransactionID = 103545;
brewery refers to BreweryName; most sold root beer refers to MAX(COUNT(BrandID)); in 2015 refers to TransactionDate > = '2015-01-01' AND TransactionDate < = '2015-12-31';
male customers refers to Gender = 'M'; Sacramento refers to City = 'Sacramento'; percentage = MULTIPLY(DIVIDE(SUM(BrandID WHERE BrandName = 'Dominion'), COUNT(BrandID) WHERE City = 'Sacramento'), 1.0); Dominion refers to BrandName = 'Dominion'; in 2013 refers to TransactionDate > = 2013-01-01 AND TransactionDate < 2014-01-01;
What brand of beer has been the worst rated most times?
brand of beer refers to BrandName; worst rated most times refers to MAX(COUNT(StarRating = 1));
AJ Stephans refers to BreweryName = 'AJ Stephans Beverages';
full name = First, Last; customers who have purchased at least one root beer refers to CustomerID > = 1; produced by AJ Stephans Beverages refers to BreweryName = 'AJ Stephans Beverages';
difference in the average = SUBTRACT(DIVIDE(MULTIPLY(SUM(Honey = 'TRUE'), 1.0), COUNT(TransactionDate)), DIVIDE(MULTIPLY(SUM(Honey = 'FALSE'), 1.0), COUNT(TransactionDate))); contain honey refers to Honey = 'TRUE'; don’t contain honey refers to Honey = 'FALSE'
location refers to LocationName; bottle of beer refers to ContainerType = 'Bottle'; location that sold more bottles of beer refers to MAX(COUNT(LocationID WHERE ContainerType = 'Bottle'));
most 5 star ratings refers to MAX(COUNT(StarRating = 5)); name of the brewery refers to BreweryName;
in July, 2014 refers to SUBSTR(TransactionDate, 1, 4) = '2014' AND SUBSTR(TransactionDate, 6, 2) = '07';
stars refers to StarRating; Frostie refers to BrandName = 'Frostie';
California refers to State = 'CA';
Between Sac State Union and Sac State American River Courtyard refers to LocationName IN('Sac State American River Courtyard', 'Sac State Union'); Dog n Suds refers to BrandName = 'Dog n Suds'; sold the most root beer refers to MAX(COUNT(BrandID));
Please list the brands of all the root beer that Frank-Paul Santangelo had purchased on 2014/7/7.
brands of the root beer refers to BrandName; purchased on 2014/7/7 refers to transactiondate = '2014-07-07';
5-star rating refers to StarRating = 5; in 2013 refers to ReviewDate LIKE '2013%'; unit profit available to wholesalers = SUBTRACT(CurrentRetailPrice, WholesaleCost);
location refers to LocationName; bottle of beer refers to ContainerType = 'Bottle'; location that sold more bottles of beer refers to MAX(COUNT(LocationID WHERE ContainerType = 'Bottle'));
percentage =   MULTIPLY(DIVIDE(SUM(LocationName = 'Sac State American River Courtyard'), COUNT(LocationID)), 1.0); Sac State American River Courtyard refers to LocationName = 'Sac State American River Courtyard';
brand refers to BrandName; in 2012 refers to ReviewDate LIKE '2012%'; lowest star rating refers to MIN(StarRating); contains cane sugar as well as honey refers to CaneSugar = 'TRUE' AND Honey = 'TRUE';
root beer brands refers to BrandName; highest market evaluation and acceptance refers to MAX(COUNT(StarRating = 5));
not subscribed to the mailing list refers to SubscribedToEmailList = 'FALSE'; percentage = MULTIPLY(DIVIDE(SUM(CustomerID WHERE StarRating > 3), COUNT(CustomerID) WHERE SubscribedToEmailList = 'FALSE'), 1.0);
full name = First, Last; male customers refers to Gender = 'M'; Fair Oaks refers to City = 'Fair Oaks'; subscribed to the email list refers to SubscribedToEmailList = 'TRUE';
name of the customer = First, Last; 5-star review refers to StarRating = 5;
star rating is more than 3 refers to StarRating > 3;
Among the root beer purchased in 2014, what percentage were sold in cans?
in 2014 refers to PurchaseDate > = '2014-01-01' AND PurchaseDate < = '2014-12-31'; percentage = MULTIPLY(DIVIDE(SUM(ContainerType = 'Can'), COUNT(RootBeerID) WHERE PurchaseDate > = '2014-01-01' AND PurchaseDate < = '2014-12-31'), 1.0); in cans refers to ContainerType = 'Can';
most common refers to MAX(COUNT(StarRating)); containing corn syrup refers to CornSyrup = 'TRUE';
review content of "Tastes like Australia." refers to Review = 'Tastes like Australia.';
California refers to State = 'CA';
precise location = Latitude, Longitude;
Bulldog refers to BrandName = 'Bulldog'; purchased in August, 2014 refers to SUBSTR(TransactionDate, 1, 4) = '2014' AND SUBSTR(TransactionDate, 6, 2) = '08';
available in cans refers to AvailableInCans = 'TRUE'; contain corn syrup refers to CornSyrup = 'TRUE'; contain artificial sweeteners refers to ArtificialSweetener = 'TRUE';
do not advertise on Twitter refers to twitter IS NULL; in August, 2014 refers to SUBSTR(TransactionDate, 1, 4) = '2014' AND SUBSTR(TransactionDate, 6, 2) = '08';
September 2014 refers to ReviewDate LIKE '2014-09%'; brand of beers refers to BrandName; highest star ratings refers to MAX(StarRating);
5-star rating refers to StarRating = 5; in 2013 refers to ReviewDate LIKE '2013%'; unit profit available to wholesalers = SUBTRACT(CurrentRetailPrice, WholesaleCost);
star rating is more than 3 refers to StarRating > 3;
Which of the root beer brand have the lowest purchase?
root beer brand refers to BrandName; lowest purchase refers to MIN(COUNT(BrandID));
difference in the average = SUBTRACT(DIVIDE(MULTIPLY(SUM(Honey = 'TRUE'), 1.0), COUNT(TransactionDate)), DIVIDE(MULTIPLY(SUM(Honey = 'FALSE'), 1.0), COUNT(TransactionDate))); contain honey refers to Honey = 'TRUE'; don’t contain honey refers to Honey = 'FALSE'
name of the brand of the beer refers to BrandName; shortest brewed history refers to MAX(FirstBrewedYear);
difference = SUBTRACT(COUNT(ContainerType = 'Bottle' WHERE State = 'LA'), COUNT(ContainerType = 'Bottle' State = 'MO')); bottles refers to ContainerType = 'Bottle'; Louisiana refers to State = 'LA'; Missouri refers to State = 'MO';
3 star rating refers to StarRating = 3; Frostie refers to  BrandName = 'Frostie'; if SubscribedToEmailList = 'TRUE', it means the user permit the company to send regular emails to him/her; if SubscribedToEmailList = FALSE', it means the user did not permit the company to send regular emails to him/her; rating on 2014/4/24 refers to ReviewDate = '2014-04-24';
AJ Stephans refers to BreweryName = 'AJ Stephans Beverages';
Mastercard refers to CreditCardType = 'MasterCard'; between 12/25/2014 and 5/20/2016 refers to TransactionDate BETWEEN '2014-12-25' AND '2016-05-20';
most common refers to MAX(COUNT(StarRating)); containing corn syrup refers to CornSyrup = 'TRUE';
customer that has the most reviews refers to MAX(COUNT(CustomerID)); full name = First, Last;
most purchased root beer refers to MAX(COUNT(BrandID)); in 2016 refers to PurchaseDate > = '2016-01-01' AND PurchaseDate < = '2016-12-31';
location refers to LocationName; bottle of beer refers to ContainerType = 'Bottle'; location that sold more bottles of beer refers to MAX(COUNT(LocationID WHERE ContainerType = 'Bottle'));
Among the male customers in Sacramento, what percentage bought Dominion root beer in 2013?
male customers refers to Gender = 'M'; Sacramento refers to City = 'Sacramento'; percentage = MULTIPLY(DIVIDE(SUM(BrandID WHERE BrandName = 'Dominion'), COUNT(BrandID) WHERE City = 'Sacramento'), 1.0); Dominion refers to BrandName = 'Dominion'; in 2013 refers to TransactionDate > = 2013-01-01 AND TransactionDate < 2014-01-01;
September 2014 refers to ReviewDate LIKE '2014-09%'; brand of beers refers to BrandName; highest star ratings refers to MAX(StarRating);
brand of root beer refers to BrandName; highly rated refers to MAX(COUNT(StarRating = 5));
sold in 2014 refers to SUBSTR(TransactionDate, 1, 4) = '2014'; percentage = DIVIDE(MULTIPLY(SUM(BreweryName = 'AJ Stephans Beverages'), 1.0), COUNT(RootBeerID)) WHERE SUBSTR(TransactionDate, 1, 4) = '2014'; AJ Stephans Beverages refers to BreweryName = 'AJ Stephans Beverages';
Between Sac State Union and Sac State American River Courtyard refers to LocationName IN('Sac State American River Courtyard', 'Sac State Union'); Dog n Suds refers to BrandName = 'Dog n Suds'; sold the most root beer refers to MAX(COUNT(BrandID));
precise location refers to Latitude, Longitude; American Express refers to CreditCardType = 'American Express';
name of the root beer brand refers to BrandName; advertised on facebook refers to FacebookPage IS not NULL;
available in cans refers to AvailableInCans = 'TRUE'; contain corn syrup refers to CornSyrup = 'TRUE'; contain artificial sweeteners refers to ArtificialSweetener = 'TRUE';
average star rating = AVG(StarRating); female customers refers to Gender = 'F; from 1/25/2015 to 3/10/2015 refers to ReviewDate BETWEEN '2015-01-25' AND '2015-03-10';
brand of beer refers to BrandName; worst rated most times refers to MAX(COUNT(StarRating = 1));
What are the full names of the customer who gave River City a 5-star?
full name = First, Last; River City refers to BrandName = 'River City'; 5-star refers to StarRating = 5;
root beer brand refers to BrandName; lowest purchase refers to MIN(COUNT(BrandID));
most purchased root beer refers to MAX(COUNT(BrandID)); in 2016 refers to PurchaseDate > = '2016-01-01' AND PurchaseDate < = '2016-12-31';
most common refers to MAX(COUNT(StarRating)); containing corn syrup refers to CornSyrup = 'TRUE';
customer that has the most reviews refers to MAX(COUNT(CustomerID)); full name = First, Last;
name of the brand of the beer refers to BrandName; shortest brewed history refers to MAX(FirstBrewedYear);
non-sweetened refers to honey = 'FALSE' AND artificialsweetener = 'FALSE';
in 2014 refers to PurchaseDate > = '2014-01-01' AND PurchaseDate < = '2014-12-31'; percentage = MULTIPLY(DIVIDE(SUM(ContainerType = 'Can'), COUNT(RootBeerID) WHERE PurchaseDate > = '2014-01-01' AND PurchaseDate < = '2014-12-31'), 1.0); in cans refers to ContainerType = 'Can';
Mastercard refers to CreditCardType = 'MasterCard'; between 12/25/2014 and 5/20/2016 refers to TransactionDate BETWEEN '2014-12-25' AND '2016-05-20';
bottle root beer refers to ContainerType = 'Bottle'; purchased between 4/3/2015 and 10/26/2015 refers to PurchaseDate BETWEEN '2015-04-23' AND '2015-10-26';
lowest star rating refers to MIN(StarRating); "Too spicy!" review refers to Review = 'Too Spicy!';
What is the email address of the customer who made a purchase in transaction 100016?
email address refers to Email; transaction 100016 refers to TransactionID = 100016;
brand refers to BrandName; in 2012 refers to ReviewDate LIKE '2012%'; lowest star rating refers to MIN(StarRating); contains cane sugar as well as honey refers to CaneSugar = 'TRUE' AND Honey = 'TRUE';
name of the customer = First, Last; 5-star review refers to StarRating = 5;
most purchased root beer refers to MAX(COUNT(BrandID)); in 2016 refers to PurchaseDate > = '2016-01-01' AND PurchaseDate < = '2016-12-31';
difference in the average = SUBTRACT(DIVIDE(MULTIPLY(SUM(Honey = 'TRUE'), 1.0), COUNT(TransactionDate)), DIVIDE(MULTIPLY(SUM(Honey = 'FALSE'), 1.0), COUNT(TransactionDate))); contain honey refers to Honey = 'TRUE'; don’t contain honey refers to Honey = 'FALSE'
location refers to LocationName; bottle of beer refers to ContainerType = 'Bottle'; location that sold more bottles of beer refers to MAX(COUNT(LocationID WHERE ContainerType = 'Bottle'));
do not advertise on Twitter refers to twitter IS NULL; in August, 2014 refers to SUBSTR(TransactionDate, 1, 4) = '2014' AND SUBSTR(TransactionDate, 6, 2) = '08';
lowest star rating refers to MIN(StarRating); "Too spicy!" review refers to Review = 'Too Spicy!';
full name = First, Last; American Express cards refers to CreditCardType = 'American Express'; Sac State Union refers to LocationName = 'Sac State Union';
California refers to State = 'CA';
List the brands of root beer produced by Dr Pepper Snapple Group and calculate their percentage of purchases between 2014 to 2016.
brand of root beer refers to BrandName; produced by Dr Pepper Snapple Group refers to BreweryName = 'Dr Pepper Snapple Group'; percentage of purchases = MULTIPLY(DIVIDE(SUM(BrandID WHERE PurchaseDate > = '2014-01-01' AND PurchaseDate < = '2016-12-31'), COUNT(BrandID) WHERE BreweryName = 'Dr Pepper Snapple Group'), 1.0); between 2014 to 2016 refers to PurchaseDate > = '2014-01-01' AND PurchaseDate < = '2016-12-31;
name of the brand of the beer refers to BrandName; shortest brewed history refers to MAX(FirstBrewedYear);
not subscribed to the mailing list refers to SubscribedToEmailList = 'FALSE'; percentage = MULTIPLY(DIVIDE(SUM(CustomerID WHERE StarRating > 3), COUNT(CustomerID) WHERE SubscribedToEmailList = 'FALSE'), 1.0);
Between Sac State Union and Sac State American River Courtyard refers to LocationName IN('Sac State American River Courtyard', 'Sac State Union'); Dog n Suds refers to BrandName = 'Dog n Suds'; sold the most root beer refers to MAX(COUNT(BrandID));
brands of the root beer refers to BrandName; purchased on 2014/7/7 refers to transactiondate = '2014-07-07';
AJ Stephans refers to BreweryName = 'AJ Stephans Beverages';
email address refers to Email; transaction 100016 refers to TransactionID = 100016;
type of card refers to CreditCardType;
in July, 2014 refers to SUBSTR(TransactionDate, 1, 4) = '2014' AND SUBSTR(TransactionDate, 6, 2) = '07'; male customer refers to Gender = 'M';
Australia refers to Country = 'Australia';
in July, 2014 refers to SUBSTR(TransactionDate, 1, 4) = '2014' AND SUBSTR(TransactionDate, 6, 2) = '07';
Among the transactions, what percentage is done by using a visa card?
visa card refers to CreditCardType = 'Visa'; percentage = MULTIPLY(DIVIDE(SUM(CreditCardType = 'Visa'), COUNT(TransactionID)), 1.0);
root beer brand refers to BrandName; lowest purchase refers to MIN(COUNT(BrandID));
average star rating = AVG(StarRating); female customers refers to Gender = 'F; from 1/25/2015 to 3/10/2015 refers to ReviewDate BETWEEN '2015-01-25' AND '2015-03-10';
male customers refers to Gender = 'M'; Sacramento refers to City = 'Sacramento'; percentage = MULTIPLY(DIVIDE(SUM(BrandID WHERE BrandName = 'Dominion'), COUNT(BrandID) WHERE City = 'Sacramento'), 1.0); Dominion refers to BrandName = 'Dominion'; in 2013 refers to TransactionDate > = 2013-01-01 AND TransactionDate < 2014-01-01;
Between Sac State Union and Sac State American River Courtyard refers to LocationName IN('Sac State American River Courtyard', 'Sac State Union'); Dog n Suds refers to BrandName = 'Dog n Suds'; sold the most root beer refers to MAX(COUNT(BrandID));
transaction no. refers to TransactionID; TransactionID = 103545;
Australia refers to Country = 'Australia';
name of the brand of the beer refers to BrandName; shortest brewed history refers to MAX(FirstBrewedYear);
Bulldog refers to BrandName = 'Bulldog'; purchased in August, 2014 refers to SUBSTR(TransactionDate, 1, 4) = '2014' AND SUBSTR(TransactionDate, 6, 2) = '08';
MasterCard refers to CreditCardType = 'MasterCard'; in 2014 refers to TransactionDate > = '2014-01-01' AND TransactionDate < = '2014-12-31';
How many transactions were made at Sac State Union?
Sac State Union refers to LocationName = 'Sac State Union';
between 2015 to 2016 refers to TransactionDate > = '2015-01-01' AND TransactionDate < '2016-12-31';
most common refers to MAX(COUNT(StarRating)); containing corn syrup refers to CornSyrup = 'TRUE';
most 5 star ratings refers to MAX(COUNT(StarRating = 5)); name of the brewery refers to BreweryName;
Between Sac State Union and Sac State American River Courtyard refers to LocationName IN('Sac State American River Courtyard', 'Sac State Union'); Dog n Suds refers to BrandName = 'Dog n Suds'; sold the most root beer refers to MAX(COUNT(BrandID));
precise location = Latitude, Longitude;
users permit the company to send regular emails to them refers to subscribedtoemaillist = 'TRUE'; Visa card refers to creditcardtype = 'Visa'; in July, 2014 refers to SUBSTR(TransactionDate, 1, 4) = '2014' AND SUBSTR(TransactionDate, 6, 2) = '07';
AJ Stephans refers to BreweryName = 'AJ Stephans Beverages';
available in cans refers to AvailableInCans = 'TRUE'; contain corn syrup refers to CornSyrup = 'TRUE'; contain artificial sweeteners refers to ArtificialSweetener = 'TRUE';
A&W refers to BrandName = 'A&W';
sold in 2014 refers to SUBSTR(TransactionDate, 1, 4) = '2014'; percentage = DIVIDE(MULTIPLY(SUM(BreweryName = 'AJ Stephans Beverages'), 1.0), COUNT(RootBeerID)) WHERE SUBSTR(TransactionDate, 1, 4) = '2014'; AJ Stephans Beverages refers to BreweryName = 'AJ Stephans Beverages';
For the root beer brand with the most 5 star ratings, what is the name of the brewery?
most 5 star ratings refers to MAX(COUNT(StarRating = 5)); name of the brewery refers to BreweryName;
Between Sac State Union and Sac State American River Courtyard refers to LocationName IN('Sac State American River Courtyard', 'Sac State Union'); Dog n Suds refers to BrandName = 'Dog n Suds'; sold the most root beer refers to MAX(COUNT(BrandID));
do not advertise on Twitter refers to twitter IS NULL; in August, 2014 refers to SUBSTR(TransactionDate, 1, 4) = '2014' AND SUBSTR(TransactionDate, 6, 2) = '08';
lowest star rating refers to MIN(StarRating); "Too spicy!" review refers to Review = 'Too Spicy!';
email addresses refers to Email; Sacramento refers to City = 'Sacramento'; star rating of more than 3 refers to StarRating > 3; in 2014 refers to ReviewDate LIKE '2014%';
brand of root beer refers to BrandName; lowest rating refers to MIN(StarRating);
average star rating = AVG(StarRating); female customers refers to Gender = 'F; from 1/25/2015 to 3/10/2015 refers to ReviewDate BETWEEN '2015-01-25' AND '2015-03-10';
precise location refers to Latitude, Longitude; American Express refers to CreditCardType = 'American Express';
full name = First, Last; how long ago = SUBTRACT(ReviewDate, FirstPurchaseDate);
location refers to LocationName; bottle of beer refers to ContainerType = 'Bottle'; location that sold more bottles of beer refers to MAX(COUNT(LocationID WHERE ContainerType = 'Bottle'));
Please list the dates on which a male customer has purchased more than 3 root beers.
dates of purchase refers to TransactionDate; male customer refers to Gender = 'M'; purchased more than 3 root beers refers to COUNT(CustomerID) > 3;
in July, 2014 refers to SUBSTR(TransactionDate, 1, 4) = '2014' AND SUBSTR(TransactionDate, 6, 2) = '07';
full name = First, Last; male customers refers to Gender = 'M'; Fair Oaks refers to City = 'Fair Oaks'; subscribed to the email list refers to SubscribedToEmailList = 'TRUE';
percentage =   MULTIPLY(DIVIDE(SUM(LocationName = 'Sac State American River Courtyard'), COUNT(LocationID)), 1.0); Sac State American River Courtyard refers to LocationName = 'Sac State American River Courtyard';
customer that has the most reviews refers to MAX(COUNT(CustomerID)); full name = First, Last;
Mastercard refers to CreditCardType = 'MasterCard'; between 12/25/2014 and 5/20/2016 refers to TransactionDate BETWEEN '2014-12-25' AND '2016-05-20';
not subscribed to the mailing list refers to SubscribedToEmailList = 'FALSE'; percentage = MULTIPLY(DIVIDE(SUM(CustomerID WHERE StarRating > 3), COUNT(CustomerID) WHERE SubscribedToEmailList = 'FALSE'), 1.0);
difference = SUBTRACT(COUNT(ContainerType = 'Bottle' WHERE State = 'LA'), COUNT(ContainerType = 'Bottle' State = 'MO')); bottles refers to ContainerType = 'Bottle'; Louisiana refers to State = 'LA'; Missouri refers to State = 'MO';
visa card refers to CreditCardType = 'Visa'; percentage = MULTIPLY(DIVIDE(SUM(CreditCardType = 'Visa'), COUNT(TransactionID)), 1.0);
precise location refers to Latitude, Longitude; American Express refers to CreditCardType = 'American Express';
in bottles refers to ContainerType = 'Bottle';  location 38.559615, -121.42243 refers to latitude = 38.559615 AND longitude = -121.42243;
Which city does the customer who finished transaction no.103545 live in?
transaction no. refers to TransactionID; TransactionID = 103545;
review content of "Tastes like Australia." refers to Review = 'Tastes like Australia.';
most common refers to MAX(COUNT(StarRating)); containing corn syrup refers to CornSyrup = 'TRUE';
do not advertise on Twitter refers to twitter IS NULL; in August, 2014 refers to SUBSTR(TransactionDate, 1, 4) = '2014' AND SUBSTR(TransactionDate, 6, 2) = '08';
email addresses refers to Email; Sacramento refers to City = 'Sacramento'; star rating of more than 3 refers to StarRating > 3; in 2014 refers to ReviewDate LIKE '2014%';
between 2015 to 2016 refers to TransactionDate > = '2015-01-01' AND TransactionDate < '2016-12-31';
in 2014 refers to PurchaseDate > = '2014-01-01' AND PurchaseDate < = '2014-12-31'; percentage = MULTIPLY(DIVIDE(SUM(ContainerType = 'Can'), COUNT(RootBeerID) WHERE PurchaseDate > = '2014-01-01' AND PurchaseDate < = '2014-12-31'), 1.0); in cans refers to ContainerType = 'Can';
full name = First, Last; River City refers to BrandName = 'River City'; 5-star refers to StarRating = 5;
Sac State Union refers to LocationName = 'Sac State Union';
MasterCard refers to CreditCardType = 'MasterCard'; in 2014 refers to TransactionDate > = '2014-01-01' AND TransactionDate < = '2014-12-31';
Australia refers to Country = 'Australia';
How many sweet bottled root beers that do not contain cane sugar were purchased in 2015 through the selling company located in Sac State American River Courtyard?
sweet refers to Honey = 'TRUE'; bottled refers to ContainerType = 'Bottle'; do not contain cane sugar refers to CaneSugar = 'FALSE'; in 2015 refers to PurchaseDate < = '2015-12-31'; Sac State American River Courtyard refers to LocationName = 'Sac State American River Courtyard';
stars refers to StarRating; Frostie refers to BrandName = 'Frostie';
star rating is more than 3 refers to StarRating > 3;
visa card refers to CreditCardType = 'Visa'; percentage = MULTIPLY(DIVIDE(SUM(CreditCardType = 'Visa'), COUNT(TransactionID)), 1.0);
Mastercard refers to CreditCardType = 'MasterCard'; between 12/25/2014 and 5/20/2016 refers to TransactionDate BETWEEN '2014-12-25' AND '2016-05-20';
in July, 2014 refers to SUBSTR(TransactionDate, 1, 4) = '2014' AND SUBSTR(TransactionDate, 6, 2) = '07';
brand of root beer refers to BrandName; produced by Dr Pepper Snapple Group refers to BreweryName = 'Dr Pepper Snapple Group'; percentage of purchases = MULTIPLY(DIVIDE(SUM(BrandID WHERE PurchaseDate > = '2014-01-01' AND PurchaseDate < = '2016-12-31'), COUNT(BrandID) WHERE BreweryName = 'Dr Pepper Snapple Group'), 1.0); between 2014 to 2016 refers to PurchaseDate > = '2014-01-01' AND PurchaseDate < = '2016-12-31;
AJ Stephans refers to BreweryName = 'AJ Stephans Beverages';
brands of the root beer refers to BrandName; purchased on 2014/7/7 refers to transactiondate = '2014-07-07';
Bulldog refers to BrandName = 'Bulldog'; purchased in August, 2014 refers to SUBSTR(TransactionDate, 1, 4) = '2014' AND SUBSTR(TransactionDate, 6, 2) = '08';
between 2015 to 2016 refers to TransactionDate > = '2015-01-01' AND TransactionDate < '2016-12-31';
Between Sac State Union and Sac State American River Courtyard, which location sold the most Dog n Suds root beer?
Between Sac State Union and Sac State American River Courtyard refers to LocationName IN('Sac State American River Courtyard', 'Sac State Union'); Dog n Suds refers to BrandName = 'Dog n Suds'; sold the most root beer refers to MAX(COUNT(BrandID));
transaction no. refers to TransactionID; TransactionID = 103545;
brand of root beer refers to BrandName; produced by Dr Pepper Snapple Group refers to BreweryName = 'Dr Pepper Snapple Group'; percentage of purchases = MULTIPLY(DIVIDE(SUM(BrandID WHERE PurchaseDate > = '2014-01-01' AND PurchaseDate < = '2016-12-31'), COUNT(BrandID) WHERE BreweryName = 'Dr Pepper Snapple Group'), 1.0); between 2014 to 2016 refers to PurchaseDate > = '2014-01-01' AND PurchaseDate < = '2016-12-31;
California refers to State = 'CA';
bottle root beer refers to ContainerType = 'Bottle'; purchased between 4/3/2015 and 10/26/2015 refers to PurchaseDate BETWEEN '2015-04-23' AND '2015-10-26';
5-star rating refers to StarRating = 5; in 2013 refers to ReviewDate LIKE '2013%'; unit profit available to wholesalers = SUBTRACT(CurrentRetailPrice, WholesaleCost);
customer that has the most reviews refers to MAX(COUNT(CustomerID)); full name = First, Last;
Bulldog refers to BrandName = 'Bulldog'; purchased in August, 2014 refers to SUBSTR(TransactionDate, 1, 4) = '2014' AND SUBSTR(TransactionDate, 6, 2) = '08';
sweet refers to Honey = 'TRUE'; bottled refers to ContainerType = 'Bottle'; do not contain cane sugar refers to CaneSugar = 'FALSE'; in 2015 refers to PurchaseDate < = '2015-12-31'; Sac State American River Courtyard refers to LocationName = 'Sac State American River Courtyard';
What star rating is the most common for beers containing corn syrup?
most common refers to MAX(COUNT(StarRating)); containing corn syrup refers to CornSyrup = 'TRUE';
in July, 2014 refers to SUBSTR(TransactionDate, 1, 4) = '2014' AND SUBSTR(TransactionDate, 6, 2) = '07'; male customer refers to Gender = 'M';
customer that has the most reviews refers to MAX(COUNT(CustomerID)); full name = First, Last;
Thomas Kemper refers to BrandName = 'Thomas Kemper';  latitude the beer is consumed the most refers to MAX(COUNT(Latitude));
review content of "Tastes like Australia." refers to Review = 'Tastes like Australia.';
brand of beer refers to BrandName; worst rated most times refers to MAX(COUNT(StarRating = 1));
full name = First, Last; American Express cards refers to CreditCardType = 'American Express'; Sac State Union refers to LocationName = 'Sac State Union';
full name = First, Last; River City refers to BrandName = 'River City'; 5-star refers to StarRating = 5;
full name = First, Last; male customers refers to Gender = 'M'; Fair Oaks refers to City = 'Fair Oaks'; subscribed to the email list refers to SubscribedToEmailList = 'TRUE';
AJ Stephans refers to BreweryName = 'AJ Stephans Beverages';
sweet refers to Honey = 'TRUE'; bottled refers to ContainerType = 'Bottle'; do not contain cane sugar refers to CaneSugar = 'FALSE'; in 2015 refers to PurchaseDate < = '2015-12-31'; Sac State American River Courtyard refers to LocationName = 'Sac State American River Courtyard';
How many root beers of the Bulldog were purchased in August, 2014?
Bulldog refers to BrandName = 'Bulldog'; purchased in August, 2014 refers to SUBSTR(TransactionDate, 1, 4) = '2014' AND SUBSTR(TransactionDate, 6, 2) = '08';
Australia refers to Country = 'Australia';
Between Sac State Union and Sac State American River Courtyard refers to LocationName IN('Sac State American River Courtyard', 'Sac State Union'); Dog n Suds refers to BrandName = 'Dog n Suds'; sold the most root beer refers to MAX(COUNT(BrandID));
brand of root beer refers to BrandName; highly rated refers to MAX(COUNT(StarRating = 5));
users permit the company to send regular emails to them refers to subscribedtoemaillist = 'TRUE'; Visa card refers to creditcardtype = 'Visa'; in July, 2014 refers to SUBSTR(TransactionDate, 1, 4) = '2014' AND SUBSTR(TransactionDate, 6, 2) = '07';
precise location refers to Latitude, Longitude; American Express refers to CreditCardType = 'American Express';
email address refers to Email; transaction 100016 refers to TransactionID = 100016;
full name = First Last; first top 10 customers refers to MIN(FirstPurchaseDate) LIMIT 10;
in 2014 refers to PurchaseDate > = '2014-01-01' AND PurchaseDate < = '2014-12-31'; percentage = MULTIPLY(DIVIDE(SUM(ContainerType = 'Can'), COUNT(RootBeerID) WHERE PurchaseDate > = '2014-01-01' AND PurchaseDate < = '2014-12-31'), 1.0); in cans refers to ContainerType = 'Can';
Sac State Union refers to LocationName = 'Sac State Union'; American Express credit card refers to CreditCardType = 'American Express'; in 2014 refers to TransactionDate LIKE '2014%';
List out the root beers bought by Tim Ocel and Dawn Childress.
brand refers to BrandName; in 2012 refers to ReviewDate LIKE '2012%'; lowest star rating refers to MIN(StarRating); contains cane sugar as well as honey refers to CaneSugar = 'TRUE' AND Honey = 'TRUE';
bottle of beer refers to ContainerType = 'Bottle'; American Express refers to CreditCardType = 'American Express';
full name = First, Last; male customers refers to Gender = 'M'; Fair Oaks refers to City = 'Fair Oaks'; subscribed to the email list refers to SubscribedToEmailList = 'TRUE';
5-star rating refers to StarRating = 5; in 2013 refers to ReviewDate LIKE '2013%'; unit profit available to wholesalers = SUBTRACT(CurrentRetailPrice, WholesaleCost);
Between Sac State Union and Sac State American River Courtyard refers to LocationName IN('Sac State American River Courtyard', 'Sac State Union'); Dog n Suds refers to BrandName = 'Dog n Suds'; sold the most root beer refers to MAX(COUNT(BrandID));
brewery refers to BreweryName; most sold root beer refers to MAX(COUNT(BrandID)); in 2015 refers to TransactionDate > = '2015-01-01' AND TransactionDate < = '2015-12-31';
customer that has the most reviews refers to MAX(COUNT(CustomerID)); full name = First, Last;
email address refers to Email; transaction 100016 refers to TransactionID = 100016;
Sac State Union refers to LocationName = 'Sac State Union';
Among all the root beers sold in 2014, what is the percentage of the root beers produced by the brewery AJ Stephans Beverages?
sold in 2014 refers to SUBSTR(TransactionDate, 1, 4) = '2014'; percentage = DIVIDE(MULTIPLY(SUM(BreweryName = 'AJ Stephans Beverages'), 1.0), COUNT(RootBeerID)) WHERE SUBSTR(TransactionDate, 1, 4) = '2014'; AJ Stephans Beverages refers to BreweryName = 'AJ Stephans Beverages';
lowest star rating refers to MIN(StarRating); "Too spicy!" review refers to Review = 'Too Spicy!';
California refers to State = 'CA';
Bulldog refers to BrandName = 'Bulldog'; purchased in August, 2014 refers to SUBSTR(TransactionDate, 1, 4) = '2014' AND SUBSTR(TransactionDate, 6, 2) = '08';
full name = First, Last; American Express cards refers to CreditCardType = 'American Express'; Sac State Union refers to LocationName = 'Sac State Union';
5-star rating refers to StarRating = 5; in 2013 refers to ReviewDate LIKE '2013%'; unit profit available to wholesalers = SUBTRACT(CurrentRetailPrice, WholesaleCost);
name of the customer = First, Last; 5-star review refers to StarRating = 5;
brewery refers to BreweryName; most sold root beer refers to MAX(COUNT(BrandID)); in 2015 refers to TransactionDate > = '2015-01-01' AND TransactionDate < = '2015-12-31';
female refers to Gender = 'F'; contains artificial sweetener refers to ArtificialSweetener = 'TRUE';
difference in the average = SUBTRACT(DIVIDE(MULTIPLY(SUM(Honey = 'TRUE'), 1.0), COUNT(TransactionDate)), DIVIDE(MULTIPLY(SUM(Honey = 'FALSE'), 1.0), COUNT(TransactionDate))); contain honey refers to Honey = 'TRUE'; don’t contain honey refers to Honey = 'FALSE'
between 2015 to 2016 refers to TransactionDate > = '2015-01-01' AND TransactionDate < '2016-12-31';
What is the description of the root beer brand A&W?
A&W refers to BrandName = 'A&W';
5 stars refers to StarRating = 5; in November 2012 refers to ReviewDate LIKE '2012-11%';
brand refers to BrandName; in 2012 refers to ReviewDate LIKE '2012%'; lowest star rating refers to MIN(StarRating); contains cane sugar as well as honey refers to CaneSugar = 'TRUE' AND Honey = 'TRUE';
brand of root beer refers to BrandName; produced by Dr Pepper Snapple Group refers to BreweryName = 'Dr Pepper Snapple Group'; percentage of purchases = MULTIPLY(DIVIDE(SUM(BrandID WHERE PurchaseDate > = '2014-01-01' AND PurchaseDate < = '2016-12-31'), COUNT(BrandID) WHERE BreweryName = 'Dr Pepper Snapple Group'), 1.0); between 2014 to 2016 refers to PurchaseDate > = '2014-01-01' AND PurchaseDate < = '2016-12-31;
most amount of profit per unit refers to MAX(SUBTRACT(CurrentRetailPrice, WholesaleCost)); least amount of profit per unit refers to MIN(SUBTRACT(CurrentRetailPrice, WholesaleCost));
3 star rating refers to StarRating = 3; Frostie refers to  BrandName = 'Frostie'; if SubscribedToEmailList = 'TRUE', it means the user permit the company to send regular emails to him/her; if SubscribedToEmailList = FALSE', it means the user did not permit the company to send regular emails to him/her; rating on 2014/4/24 refers to ReviewDate = '2014-04-24';
most 5 star ratings refers to MAX(COUNT(StarRating = 5)); name of the brewery refers to BreweryName;
users permit the company to send regular emails to them refers to subscribedtoemaillist = 'TRUE'; Visa card refers to creditcardtype = 'Visa'; in July, 2014 refers to SUBSTR(TransactionDate, 1, 4) = '2014' AND SUBSTR(TransactionDate, 6, 2) = '07';
September 2014 refers to ReviewDate LIKE '2014-09%'; brand of beers refers to BrandName; highest star ratings refers to MAX(StarRating);
name of the brand of the beer refers to BrandName; shortest brewed history refers to MAX(FirstBrewedYear);
root beer brands refers to BrandName; highest market evaluation and acceptance refers to MAX(COUNT(StarRating = 5));
List the brand IDs of the beers whose star rating is more than 3.
star rating is more than 3 refers to StarRating > 3;
bottle root beer refers to ContainerType = 'Bottle'; purchased between 4/3/2015 and 10/26/2015 refers to PurchaseDate BETWEEN '2015-04-23' AND '2015-10-26';
root beer brands refers to BrandName; highest market evaluation and acceptance refers to MAX(COUNT(StarRating = 5));
Bulldog refers to BrandName = 'Bulldog'; purchased in August, 2014 refers to SUBSTR(TransactionDate, 1, 4) = '2014' AND SUBSTR(TransactionDate, 6, 2) = '08';
not subscribed to the mailing list refers to SubscribedToEmailList = 'FALSE'; percentage = MULTIPLY(DIVIDE(SUM(CustomerID WHERE StarRating > 3), COUNT(CustomerID) WHERE SubscribedToEmailList = 'FALSE'), 1.0);
bottle of beer refers to ContainerType = 'Bottle'; American Express refers to CreditCardType = 'American Express';
Sac State Union refers to LocationName = 'Sac State Union'; American Express credit card refers to CreditCardType = 'American Express'; in 2014 refers to TransactionDate LIKE '2014%';
female refers to Gender = 'F'; contains artificial sweetener refers to ArtificialSweetener = 'TRUE';
most 5 star ratings refers to MAX(COUNT(StarRating = 5)); name of the brewery refers to BreweryName;
brand of root beer refers to BrandName; produced by Dr Pepper Snapple Group refers to BreweryName = 'Dr Pepper Snapple Group'; percentage of purchases = MULTIPLY(DIVIDE(SUM(BrandID WHERE PurchaseDate > = '2014-01-01' AND PurchaseDate < = '2016-12-31'), COUNT(BrandID) WHERE BreweryName = 'Dr Pepper Snapple Group'), 1.0); between 2014 to 2016 refers to PurchaseDate > = '2014-01-01' AND PurchaseDate < = '2016-12-31;
email addresses refers to Email; Sacramento refers to City = 'Sacramento'; star rating of more than 3 refers to StarRating > 3; in 2014 refers to ReviewDate LIKE '2014%';
Please list the names of all the root beer brands that are advertised on facebook.
name of the root beer brand refers to BrandName; advertised on facebook refers to FacebookPage IS not NULL;
percentage difference = (DIVIDE(MULTIPLY(SUBTRACT(SUM(PurchasePrice WHERE BrandName = 'River City'), SUM(PurchasePrice WHERE BrandName = 'Frostie')), 100), SUM(PurchasePrice WHERE BrandName = 'Frostie'))); River City refers to BrandName = 'River City'; Frostie refers to BrandName = 'Frostie';
root beer brands refers to BrandName; highest market evaluation and acceptance refers to MAX(COUNT(StarRating = 5));
full name = First, Last; American Express cards refers to CreditCardType = 'American Express'; Sac State Union refers to LocationName = 'Sac State Union';
September 2014 refers to ReviewDate LIKE '2014-09%'; brand of beers refers to BrandName; highest star ratings refers to MAX(StarRating);
female refers to Gender = 'F'; contains artificial sweetener refers to ArtificialSweetener = 'TRUE';
3 star rating refers to StarRating = 3; Frostie refers to  BrandName = 'Frostie'; if SubscribedToEmailList = 'TRUE', it means the user permit the company to send regular emails to him/her; if SubscribedToEmailList = FALSE', it means the user did not permit the company to send regular emails to him/her; rating on 2014/4/24 refers to ReviewDate = '2014-04-24';
full name = First, Last; how long ago = SUBTRACT(ReviewDate, FirstPurchaseDate);
location refers to LocationName; bottle of beer refers to ContainerType = 'Bottle'; location that sold more bottles of beer refers to MAX(COUNT(LocationID WHERE ContainerType = 'Bottle'));
most amount of profit per unit refers to MAX(SUBTRACT(CurrentRetailPrice, WholesaleCost)); least amount of profit per unit refers to MIN(SUBTRACT(CurrentRetailPrice, WholesaleCost));
How many transactions had Frank-Paul Santangelo made in July, 2014?
in July, 2014 refers to SUBSTR(TransactionDate, 1, 4) = '2014' AND SUBSTR(TransactionDate, 6, 2) = '07';
non-sweetened refers to honey = 'FALSE' AND artificialsweetener = 'FALSE';
percentage difference = (DIVIDE(MULTIPLY(SUBTRACT(SUM(PurchasePrice WHERE BrandName = 'River City'), SUM(PurchasePrice WHERE BrandName = 'Frostie')), 100), SUM(PurchasePrice WHERE BrandName = 'Frostie'))); River City refers to BrandName = 'River City'; Frostie refers to BrandName = 'Frostie';
lowest star rating refers to MIN(StarRating); "Too spicy!" review refers to Review = 'Too Spicy!';
review content of "Tastes like Australia." refers to Review = 'Tastes like Australia.';
sold in 2014 refers to SUBSTR(TransactionDate, 1, 4) = '2014'; percentage = DIVIDE(MULTIPLY(SUM(BreweryName = 'AJ Stephans Beverages'), 1.0), COUNT(RootBeerID)) WHERE SUBSTR(TransactionDate, 1, 4) = '2014'; AJ Stephans Beverages refers to BreweryName = 'AJ Stephans Beverages';
most 5 star ratings refers to MAX(COUNT(StarRating = 5)); name of the brewery refers to BreweryName;
location refers to LocationName; bottle of beer refers to ContainerType = 'Bottle'; location that sold more bottles of beer refers to MAX(COUNT(LocationID WHERE ContainerType = 'Bottle'));
precise location refers to Latitude, Longitude; American Express refers to CreditCardType = 'American Express';
average cost = DIVIDE(SUM(PurchasePrice > 2), COUNT(RootBeerID) WHERE PurchasePrice > 2); more than 2 dollars refers to PurchasePrice > 2; in bottles refers to ContainerType = 'Bottle';
Which brand of root beer was highly rated by customers?
brand of root beer refers to BrandName; highly rated refers to MAX(COUNT(StarRating = 5));
percentage =   MULTIPLY(DIVIDE(SUM(LocationName = 'Sac State American River Courtyard'), COUNT(LocationID)), 1.0); Sac State American River Courtyard refers to LocationName = 'Sac State American River Courtyard';
sold in 2014 refers to SUBSTR(TransactionDate, 1, 4) = '2014'; percentage = DIVIDE(MULTIPLY(SUM(BreweryName = 'AJ Stephans Beverages'), 1.0), COUNT(RootBeerID)) WHERE SUBSTR(TransactionDate, 1, 4) = '2014'; AJ Stephans Beverages refers to BreweryName = 'AJ Stephans Beverages';
star rating is more than 3 refers to StarRating > 3;
full name = First, Last; River City refers to BrandName = 'River City'; 5-star refers to StarRating = 5;
type of card refers to CreditCardType;
Mastercard refers to CreditCardType = 'MasterCard'; between 12/25/2014 and 5/20/2016 refers to TransactionDate BETWEEN '2014-12-25' AND '2016-05-20';
name of the root beer brand refers to BrandName; advertised on facebook refers to FacebookPage IS not NULL;
sweet refers to Honey = 'TRUE'; bottled refers to ContainerType = 'Bottle'; do not contain cane sugar refers to CaneSugar = 'FALSE'; in 2015 refers to PurchaseDate < = '2015-12-31'; Sac State American River Courtyard refers to LocationName = 'Sac State American River Courtyard';
brand refers to BrandName; in 2012 refers to ReviewDate LIKE '2012%'; lowest star rating refers to MIN(StarRating); contains cane sugar as well as honey refers to CaneSugar = 'TRUE' AND Honey = 'TRUE';
female refers to Gender = 'F'; contains artificial sweetener refers to ArtificialSweetener = 'TRUE';
For the customer who leaves the review content of "Tastes like Australia.", when was his/her first purchase date?
review content of "Tastes like Australia." refers to Review = 'Tastes like Australia.';
non-sweetened refers to honey = 'FALSE' AND artificialsweetener = 'FALSE';
brand of root beer refers to BrandName; lowest unit profit available to wholesalers refers to MIN(SUBTRACT(CurrentRetailPrice, WholesaleCost)); ID of the customer refers to CustomerID; highest number of purchases refers to MAX(COUNT(CustomerID));
do not advertise on Twitter refers to twitter IS NULL; in August, 2014 refers to SUBSTR(TransactionDate, 1, 4) = '2014' AND SUBSTR(TransactionDate, 6, 2) = '08';
difference = SUBTRACT(COUNT(ContainerType = 'Bottle' WHERE State = 'LA'), COUNT(ContainerType = 'Bottle' State = 'MO')); bottles refers to ContainerType = 'Bottle'; Louisiana refers to State = 'LA'; Missouri refers to State = 'MO';
not subscribed to the mailing list refers to SubscribedToEmailList = 'FALSE'; percentage = MULTIPLY(DIVIDE(SUM(CustomerID WHERE StarRating > 3), COUNT(CustomerID) WHERE SubscribedToEmailList = 'FALSE'), 1.0);
type of card refers to CreditCardType;
female refers to Gender = 'F'; contains artificial sweetener refers to ArtificialSweetener = 'TRUE';
brand of root beer refers to BrandName; highly rated refers to MAX(COUNT(StarRating = 5));
transaction no. refers to TransactionID; TransactionID = 103545;
Between Sac State Union and Sac State American River Courtyard refers to LocationName IN('Sac State American River Courtyard', 'Sac State Union'); Dog n Suds refers to BrandName = 'Dog n Suds'; sold the most root beer refers to MAX(COUNT(BrandID));