A Design Procedure for Linear Multi Variable Feedback Systems
Abstract In this paper, a design procedure is presented for a linear multivariable feedback control system having a stable plant. The approach is closely related in methodology to the classical design techniques for scalar systems in which standard (for example, proportional plus integral) compensators are manipulated and tuned to meet certain frequency-domain specifications. In the procedure, the basic structure of the multivariable compensator is first determined from a knowledge of the type of input signals which the control system is required to track, and also from the type of disturbance signals which the system is required to reject. The parameters of the controller are then optimized, in a least squares sense, to obtain a feedback system with desirable stability margins at both the input and output of the plant, the degree of stability being characterized, in the frequencydomain, by generalized gain and phase margins
Enhancing student learning using concept mapping and learning by teaching environment
This paper describes our effort to incorporate concept maps into a Computer Science introductory course. Studies were conducted that analyze student performance in relation to concept map activities to determine the benefit of concept maps as a learning tool. Our results not only support the idea of concept mapping as a teaching tool, they also suggest that students gain the most when they are directly involved in creating the concept map. A long term objective of this research project is to create a generic Learning-by-Teaching Environment (LTE) that can function in a variety of domains including general Computer Science. Our experience also suggests that a sophisticated and adaptive LTE could be successful in helping college students acquire a deeper understanding of course material and a better clarification of any prior topic-based misconceptions.
Supporting Patient-Provider Communication for People with Severe Motor Speech Challenges in Medical Settings.
By Megan Russo, Communication Sciences and Disorders ::: Advisor: Amiee Dietz ::: Presentation ID: AM_B08 ::: Abstract: Communication failures between patients and health care providers could lead to medical errors. Even though, the Joint Commission outlines the use of modified communication strategies with patients who have communication disorders, it is not often used in the medical settings. The purpose of this Senior Honors Capstone was to aid in the development of an online instructional program, which highlights strategies to support consistent and effective patient-provider communication for people with severe motor speech challenges in medical settings. This poster presentation will summarize the motivation behind the study and explain the development of the instructional materials. Mobile technology will be used to illustrate the just-in-time (JIT) module specific to severe motor speech challenges.
Rapid and sensitive detection of heat-liable I enterotoxin genes of enterotoxigenic Echerichia coli by loop-mediated isothermal amplification
Objective:To develop a technique for detection of LT Ⅰgene of enterotoxigenic Echerichia coli(ETEC) using a novel DNA amplification procedure designated Loop-mediated isothermal amplification(LAMP).Methods:The heat-liable Ⅰ enterotoxin genes of ETEC was amplified by LAMP,and compared with PCR.Results:Compared with PCR,the LAMP method was performed under isothermal conditions.Its specificity was 100% and the sensitivity was 10-fold higher than that of conventional PCR.Conclusion:This LAMP-based assay is simple,rapid,sensitive and specific.No specialized equipment is needed which makes it is more economical and practical.This assay is expected to become a valuable tool for rapid diagnosis in ETEC infection.
Ultrasonic Sizing of Voids Using Area Functions
We present a simple technique for determining the size of voids by the inversion of backscattered ultrasonic signals using the area function formula. The formulation of this method is based on the Born approximation, which is a weak scattering approximation, but the method works well for voids. The area function has been widely used as a method for determining the position of the flaw centroid to assist implementation of some inversion algorithms. The method has been reported in [6]. Here, we report some further studies, and more experimental results in detail.
Video-rate capture of dynamic face shape and appearance
This paper presents a system for simultaneous capture of video sequences of face shape and colour appearance. Shape capture uses a projected infrared structured light pattern together with stereo reconstruction to simultaneously acquire full resolution shape and colour image sequences at video rate. Displacement mapping techniques are introduced to represent dynamic face surface shape as a displacement video. This unifies the representation of face shape and colour. The displacement video representation enables efficient registration, integration and spatiotemporal analysis of captured face data. Results demonstrate that the system achieves video-rate (25 Hz) acquisition of dynamic 3D colour faces at PAL resolution with an rms accuracy of 0.2 mm and a visual quality comparable to the captured video.
Responses of an identified dopamine-containing neurone to iontophoretically applied drugs
Abstract The giant dopamine neurone of Planorhis corneus was depolarized by acetylcholine and 5-hydroxytryptamine and hyperpolarized by γ-aminobutyric acid and glutamate. Dopamine produced inconsistent results, sometimes depolarizing, sometimes hyperpolarizing, and on one occasion a biphasic response was observed. The responses to dopamine were abolished in both high calcium (60 mM) and zero calcium solutions suggesting that the effect is indirect. The response of the giant dopamine-containing cell to acetylcholine differed from an earlier study (Loker, 1973, reported by Kerkut, 1973), and a suggestion is made to account for this discrepancy.
Ruins of cliff dwellings, Colorado
Photograph shows the reconstructed cliff dwellings at Manitou Springs, Colorado. "The ruins were purchased by W. S. Crosby and moved to Cliff Canyon (formerly James Canyon); reconstruction was completed in 1907." (Source: Denver Public Library, MCC-662). ::: H105178 U.S. Copyright Office ::: Copyright deposit; Haines Photo Co.; January 17, 1908.
Office-based Bladder Tumor Fulguration and Surveillance: Indications and Techniques.
This article summarizes the current literature on office-based management of low-grade, noninvasive bladder cancer. Discussion includes differences in recurrence and progression rates between neoplasm grades and stages, role of visual grading for diagnosis, cost advantages of treatment outside the operating room, and a step-by-step description of office-based procedures.
On the conceptions of education of Tang Junyi
Tang Junyi is an influential thinker,philosopher,and neo-Confucian in Chinese contemporary history.He devotes his lifetime to the advocacy of the Chinese traditional culture,humanity and education.Likewise his educational conceptions and humanism are of significance to the modern socialist education system.
Revolts and Revolutions on Screen - a Selection of Documentaries and Period Films
"The English Peasants' Revolt of 1381", British documentary: "Der Deutsche Bauernkrieg" (The German Peasants' War of 1525), German documentary produced by ZDF: "By the sword divided", British costume drama series in ten episodes from 1983, produced by BBC Television: "Constitutional Revolution and Civil War, 1640-1646", university lecture delivered by Professor Wrightson at Yale University on 2009: Complete course materials are available at the Open Yale Courses website: http://open.ya...
Statistical verification of power grids considering process-induced leakage current variations
Transistor threshold voltages (V/sub th/) have been reduced as part of on-going technology scaling. The smaller V/sub th/ values feature increased variations due to underlying process variations, with a strong within-die component. Correspondingly, given the exponential dependence of leakage on V/sub th/, circuit leakage currents are increasing significantly and have strong within-die statistical variations. With these leakage currents loading the power grid, the grid develops correspondingly large statistical voltage drops. This leakage-induced voltage drop is an unavoidable background level of noise on the grid. Any additional non-leakage currents due to circuit activity will lead to voltage drop which is to be added to this background noise. We propose a technique for checking whether the statistical voltage drop on every node is within user-specified bounds, given user-specified statistics of the leakage currents.
Effect of morphine on serotonin release from myenteric plexus of the guinea pig.
The uptake and release of exogenous 3 H-5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT) by the electrically stimulated longitudinal muscle-myenteric plexus preparation of the guinea-pig ileum was measured. No significant difference in uptake was seen between normal and morphine-tolerant strips. The preparation releases 5-HT spontaneously and electrical stimulation increases the efflux. The electrically induced release of radioactive neurotransmitter was blocked by tetrodotoxin but not by atropine. Morphine did not affect the release. Further studies support recent findings that the morphine-tolerant guinea-pig ileum is supersensitive to 5-HT. Morphine inhibited 5-HT-induced twitches less effectiyelv in tolerant preparations, and submaximal electrical stimulation applied to tolerant strips caused greater twitch tensions compared with normal strips. These studies suggest that the action of morphine does not affect the presynaptic release of serotonin. The narcotic opiate could act postsynaptically.
A multi-stage multi-candidate algorithm for motion estimation
Motion compensation using the optimal full search algorithm is often too computationally heavy for real-time implementation. Many suboptimal fast search algorithms have been proposed. In particular, Liu and Zaccarin (1993) proposed the alternating subsampling search algorithm (ASSA). The ASSA reduces the computation by subsampling the pixels instead of limiting the search locations. It was shown that ASSA has nearly the same MSE performance as the full search but its complexity is only 1/4 of the full search. We generalize the idea to the multi-stage case. Simulation results show that the proposed algorithm has a comparable performance to the ASSA but it has a much lower computational cost.
Abstract The proportion of offspring sired by the second male to mate with a doubly mated female, P2, is a ubiquitously measured statistic in the study of insect sperm competition. Nevertheless, the underlying mechanisms of sperm transfer, storage, and use that determine P2 are poorly understood. Typically the second male to mate gains moderate to high paternity. More rarely, the first male to mate gains the majority of fertilizations. Here we examine the transfer, storage, and use of sperm in the bushcricket Requena verticalis, a species with male parental investment and almost complete first male paternity. Sperm drain from an externally attached spermatophore into the female's reproductive tract, where they are transported to the sperm store or spermatheca. We find that only sperm from the first male to mate are transported to the spermatheca. We provide some data that address a number of different mechanisms that might account for the lack of storage of second-male sperm. DNA microsatellite markers ar...
Potential function method was originally offered to solve the pattern recognition tasks, then it was generalized to a wider range of tasks, which were associated with the function approximation. Potential function method algorithms are based on the hypothesis of the nature of the function that separates sets according to different classes of patterns. Geometrical interpretation of pattern recognition task includes display of patterns in the form of vector in the space of input signal that allows to perceive the learning as approximation task. The paper describes the essence of potential function method and the learning procedure is shown that is based on practical application of potential methods. Pattern recognition applications with the help of examples of potential functions and company bankruptcy data analysis with the help of potential functions are given.
Predicting Optimal Accommodative Performance from Measures of the Dark Focus of Accommodation
Leibowitz and his colleagues found that accommodation rests at an intermediate distance that shows wide interindividual variation. They proposed that this intermediate dark focus is useful for correcting anomalous refractive errors, but this proposal was later questioned when different measurement techniques yielded discrepant dark focus values. The present study measured dark focus under two levels of visual attentiveness: (a) when performing an open-loop, active viewing task (aDF); and (b) when looking passively into darkness (pDF). These dark focus measures were then compared with an optimal accommodation distance that was derived from accommodative response functions in bright and dim luminance. The aDF measures were found to be more myopic (nearer) than the pDF measures and highly correlated with the optical accommodation distance. No significant relationship was found between pDF and optical accommodation distance. These findings confirm that measures of dark focus are affected by nonoptical aspects...
The Bromine Nuclear Quadrupole Resonance of Two Modifications of Indium Tribromide
The bromine nuclear quadrupole resonance study of indium tribromide has revealed that there are at least two modifications in its solid state. The high-temperature modification shows the two 81Br resonance lines of 85.985 and 86.205 MHz, with the relative intensity of 1 : 2 at 24.5°C. This modification was stable unless the temperature was lowered to ∼15°C. The low-temperature modification shows one 81Br resonance line, 86.915 MHz, at −196°C and was stable up to ∼30°C. The directions of the z axes of the field gradient were determined by studying the Zeeman effect on each resonance line of the two modifications at room temperature. For the two resonance lines of the high-temperature modification, one and two directions, which had the asymmetry parameters of 0.362 and 0.400 respectively, were observed. The resonance line of the low-temperature modification showed three directions with the asymmetry parameter of 0.387. The crystal structures of the high- and low-temperature modifications were, therefore, co...
Characteristics of the three years continuous data on new particle formation events observed at a boreal forest site
We have analyzed 184 formation events of new atmospheric aerosol particles, observed at a boreal forest site in Hyytiala, Southern Finland. Recognition, selection and classification of the formation events is based on continuous experimental size distribution data of submicron particles from a period of Jan 31st 1996–Sept 18th 1999 (1327 days). The apparent particle formation rates vary in the range of 0.001-1 particles/(cm3 s). The ultrafine particle growth rates vary in the range of 1–17 nm/h.
The effect of a magnetic field on the rheological properties of iron-aerosil-glycerol suspensions
The viscosity of a suspension consisting of iron nanoparticles, aerosil, and glycerol has been studied under the conditions of a rotational flow in the presence and absence of a magnetic field. At low shear rates, the viscosity is governed by the magnetic field and increases 40 times with a rise in the field strength; at high shear rates, the effect of the mechanical stress field prevails. In this case, the relative viscosity increases by 1.4 times, and its concentration dependence in the magnetic field is described by a curve passing through a maximum.
Research on the deep vibrofloation compacting on loose backfill sand roundation
Taking an deep-sea container gravity wharf(datum mark-17.0 m) for example,this paper presents the deep vibroflation compacting of domain of 45.7 m surrounding the cassion posterior wall.It also introduces the technical requirement,construction technology,and the vibrofloation compaction effect of the loose backfill sand,at the end of this paper,we discuss the further research on the some problems existed in the construction and detection.
Analysis of Quasi Combined Eddy and Energy Saving Study in Hydroceyclone
based on the basic principle of eddy kinematics and the characteristic of quasi combined eddy in hydrocyelone,the formulations of pressure drop and the coefficient of energy consumption are theoretically derived.The mecharnism of different energy consumption in hydrocyclone is discussed.Some methods of energy saving are also be presented.
Psychopedagogy at schools: how do the teachers represent the psychopedagogy intervention?
This paper explores teachers' representations about a psychopedagogical intervention in a school environment. The descriptive study was conducted through ad hoc surveys. Sixty five teachers from five Argentinean elementary and secondary public schools participated. Schools were chosen because they had services of psycho-pedagogy as from three years ago, at least. The results showed that teachers represented the psycho-pedagogical interventions as a rehabilitation of the learning disabilities supported by individual therapeutic mechanisms and curricular adaptations. The collaborative practices between teachers and psychopedagogists were few. However, most teachers showed strong expectations about this relationship. The importance to change the classic approach about scholarly psychopedagogy and promotion of scholarly strategies based on educational and psychosocial models is discussed.
Selection of optimum quenching temperatures for some tooled steels
1. ::: ::: Heavy-load cold-worked tools must be quenched so as to produce primary hardness (Table 1). ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: 2. ::: ::: The size of the actual austenite grain coupled with hardness can be used as a criterion for the quality of the heat treatment of tool steels. The grain size must be determined with a magnification of 500. ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: 3. ::: ::: It is advisable to amend and add a further section to the GOST 5639-51 State Standards on detection of the true austenite grain boundaries in steels which have a martensite structure after quenching.
Canadian cancer statistics at a glance: mesothelioma
Mesothelioma, defined here to include all cancers specified as mesothelioma or with a primary-site pleura, is rare and has a high fatality rate ([Box 1][1]). Exposure to asbestos is the most common cause of mesothelioma: more than 80% of men with mesothelioma were likely exposed to asbestos in the
Relaxed Observer-Based Controller Design Method of Discrete-Time Multiplicative Noised LPV Systems via An Extended Projective Lemma
ABSTRACTThe aim of this paper is to discuss a relaxed observer-based control problem of multiplicative noised Linear Parameter Varying (LPV) systems with unmeasurable states. For discussing the pro...
Work in progress along Riverboat Row, Newport, for the Schilling Restaurant.
Image: di85289 - Work in progress along Riverboat Row, Newport, for the Schilling Restaurant.
Unilateral duplication of vas deferens: a cadaveric case report
Duplication of vas deferens is a rare congenital anomaly. All previously reported cases of this rare anomaly were identified during procedures such as orchiepexy, inguinal hernia repair, vasectomy, varicocoelectomy, and radical prostatectomy. Here, we report a case of unilateral duplicated vas deferens noted in an adult cadaver during regular dissection for medical students. The right spermatic cord contained 2 separate and completely developed cord-like structures. Both cords communicated separately with the tail of the epididymis. When traced cranially, both traversed the inguinal canal as content of the spermatic cord and finally fused at the level of the deep inguinal ring. No other variations were found in the testis or epididymis, and no variations were seen in the left spermatic cord. In addition, no associated renal abnormalities were noted.
Alpha-MSH and MCH are functional antagonists in a CNS auditory gating paradigm
Abstract The peptides alpha-melanocyte stimulating hormone (alpha-MSH) and melanin concentrating hormone (MCH; rat and salmon sequence) were administered to anesthetized rats by intracerebroventricular infusion. Depth recordings were carried out in the dorsal hippocampus, and auditory gating was assessed. Auditory gating in this paradigm refers to the decrease in amplitude of the second of two tone-evoked CNS potentials that can be measured when pairs of identical tones are presented 500 ms apart. Alpha-MSH increases auditory gating, whereas MCH has the opposite effect. When MCH was administered prior to alpha-MSH, the ability of alpha-MSH to increase auditory gating was blocked. Thus, the two peptides appear to be functional antagonists.
Stacking apertures and estimation strategies for reflection and diffraction enhancement
ABSTRACTIt is well known that the quality of stacking results (e.g., noise reduction, event enhancement, and continuity) can be greatly influenced not only by the traveltime operator chosen but also by the apertures used. We have considered two so-called diffraction-stack traveltimes, together with the corresponding apertures, designed to enhance reflections and diffractions, respectively. The first one is the common-reflection-surface (CRS) diffraction traveltime that is obtained from the general CRS traveltime upon the condition that the target reflector reduced to a point, which we refer to as the diffraction CRS (DCRS) traveltime. The second one is the double-square-root (DSR) traveltime, well established in time migration. We have observed that the DCRS and DSR traveltimes depend on fewer parameters (two in 2D and five in 3D) than the full CRS traveltime (three in 2D and eight in 3D). For the DCRS and DSR traveltimes, we have proposed specific apertures based on the projected Fresnel zone, which are ...
Use of a Microcontroller for Fast Feedback Control of a Fiber Laser
An inexpensive, easily programmed microcontroller is demonstrated for the fast frequency stabilization of an infrared fiber laser. The microcontroller manages all digitalization and processing, with external circuitry only providing buffering, amplification and overvoltage protection. Several convenient features are included to recover from common failure modes of a laser lock system, and a final Nyquist frequency of 200 kHz is obtained, corresponding to a usable bandwidth of 40-60 kHz.
New opportunities for materials synthesis using mechanochemistry
Mechanochemical synthesis is experiencing a dynamic re-discovery in the areas of organic and metal–organic materials. Emerging mechanochemical methods, such as liquid-assisted grinding (LAG) or ion- and liquid-assisted grinding (ILAG) achieve enhanced molecular mobility through the addition of near-stoichiometric amounts of a liquid phase to a solid-state reaction, and are aided by catalytic and templating effects. This article highlights the exciting areas of application for these mild mechanochemical methods: one-pot assembly of “soft” metal–organic and organic materials, and the rapid room-temperature synthesis of porous metal–organic frameworks directly from a metal oxide.
Musings on the Dark Night of the Soul: Insights from St. John of the Cross on a Developmental Spirituality:
This article investigates the nature of the dark night of the soul from a biblical, psychological, and experiential perspective, particularly in the context of St. John of the Cross' “developmental...
Denumerable-state continuous-time Markov decision processes with unbounded transition and reward rates under the discounted criterion
In this paper, we consider denumerable-state continuous-time Markov decision processes with (possibly unbounded) transition and reward rates and general action space under the discounted criterion. We provide a set of conditions weaker than those previously known and then prove the existence of optimal stationary policies within the class of all possibly randomized Markov policies. Moreover, the results in this paper are illustrated by considering the birth-and-death processes with controlled immigration in which the conditions in this paper are satisfied, whereas the earlier conditions fail to hold.
Investigating the Interactive Effects of Cognitive Preference and Online Museum Exhibits: Validating the Assessment Instruments
Information and communications technology (ICT) tools have completely altered the design of many museums' exhibits. As learning from museum exhibits is an important part of museum agenda, the curators now adopt many of the unique educational advantages offered by the Web environment. Clearly, giving consideration to the wide range of their visitors' cognitive differences is challenging these curators when planning their exhibits. There are interactive effects expected between their visitor's cognitive preferences and the exhibit's display formats on the quality of the resulting human-computer interactions (HCI). The advent of this rapid growth of web-mediated technology extends the opportunity to fulfill exhibit facilitation. This conference paper discusses the development of cognitive performance assessment instruments designed to identify the interactive effects of students' cognitive performance in online museum learning experiences.
Tuning the Rheology of Nano-Sized Silica Suspensions with Silicon Nitride Particles
In this paper, a non-Newtonian fluid was fabricated dispersing nanosized silica particles in a polyethylene glycol medium. The rheology of the suspension was investigated in a stress-controlled rheometer under increasing shear rate. Based on the rheological measurements, the suspension exhibited shear thickening behavior which gives a drastic viscosity grow with the increase in the shear rate. In order to investigate the role of the micro-sized additive particles on the rheology of silica based suspension, silicon nitride particles were included in the suspension with three different concentrations. The results were discussed in terms of important parameters for the shear thickening mechanism such as critical shear rate, peak viscosity, thickening ratio and initial viscosity. According to the results, shear thickening behavior can be controlled altering the amount of silicon nitride particles in the suspension.
An engineering designer′s view of virtual engineering and rapid prototyping
The design process is an uncertain activity which the designer must learn to handle. This is done, to a limited extent, by adopting standard procedures and problem containment strategies. Both can lead to inefficient operations and non‐optimized designs, which affect the time to market and user acceptability. The advances in virtual engineering and rapid prototyping can be seen as elements in a new model‐based approach directed at providing increased confidence in a design at the earliest possible stage. These new techniques can be used to provide early feedback and improvements in products, in areas as diverse as customer response to style and form, through to the evaluation of new operating procedures and training. The resolution of such problems during the design phase will greatly improve not only the quality of the product, but also its time to market. Such an approach is currently being investigated by the author′s research group, and a computer‐aided design environment incorporating these ideas is ...
Circuit boards and electronic devices
Provided conductors crack crack substrate, a circuit board and an electronic device hardly reliable, high quality results in destruction of the insulating film. And A substrate 1 includes a conductor 3, the conductor 3 is made of a metal or alloy, provided on the substrate 1, having a region facing at least the substrate 1, the region of equiaxed crystals 31. According to this structure, in the region facing the substrate 1, since the isotropic by equiaxed structure of the conductor 3 can be obtained, cracking of the conductor 3, the occurrence of fracture and cracking of the substrate 1 of the insulating film is suppressed that. .The
Two processor continuous speech recognition system
A research‐oriented continuous speech recognition system based on separating the grammar level from the word level processing in order to exploit a two processor architecture has been developed by the Continuous Speech Recognition Group at Dialog Systems, Inc. A high speed array processor performs acoustic pattern matching and word level dynamic programming, while a general purpose mini‐computer performs sentence level dynamic programming, overhead, and I/0 functions. Software components that allow graph generation, sentence level syntax generation, model training, and model evaluation will also be discussed in the framework of this parallel processor system.
Probing Heteroatomic Dopant-Activity Synergy over Co3O4/Doped Carbon Nanotube Electrocatalysts for Oxygen Reduction Reaction
Understanding and predicting how heteroatomic dopants of carbon nanotubes (CNTs)-based catalysts alter their catalytic performance at nanoscale is essential to design superior electrocatalysts for oxygen reduction reaction (ORR). This report describes findings of an investigation of the heteroatomic dopant-activity relationship for Co3O4/doped CNTs catalysts with different heteroatoms including N, O, and P atoms in ORR. By using an array of techniques to probe the structure and elementary valence of the catalysts, the incorporation of the Co3O4 nanoparticles can introduce defects into the doped CNTs, especially the N-CNTs, which should contribute to the generation of active sites. The Co3O4/N-CNTs are shown to exhibit both the highest ORR activity and stability compared with Co3O4/O-CNTs, Co3O4/P-CNTs, and Co3O4/CNTs, manifesting the synergistic correlation of Co3O4 nanoparticles, heteroatoms, and CNTs. This kind of synergy is assessed by density functional theory calculations based on the electronic prop...
Synthesis for Magnetic Mesoporous Fe3O4-SiO2 Composites and Heterogeneous Fenton Degradation of Methyl Blue
In this work, we presented a facile, one-step preparation for magnetic mesoporous Fe3O4-SiO2 composites under closely neutral conditions by an evaporation-induced self-assembly (EISA) and adding 1,3,5-TMB as co-solvent approach. The resulting samples were characterized by X-ray diffraction, N2 adsorption measurement, FT-IR and SEM. Magnetic mesoporous composites and H2O2 form heterogeneous Fenton in order to removal methylene blue as the dye wastewater model object. The catalysts showed high catalytic activity and stability in the decolorization of methlye blue.
Incompressible developing entry flows through square ducts with 90 degree bends are studied numerically by using an efficient implicit SMAC scheme with different boundary conditions. This study eventually aimed at passage flow analysis of turbomachinery elements with a strong curvature such as centrifugal impeller or draft tube. The generalized implicit scheme used in the present study has been developted to solve the threedimensional Navier-Stokes equations by the author. Numerical results for some different numerical conditions are obtained and compared with each other.
Series blower with air flow regulation equipment
This series fan assembly has a first blower, a flow control element for reducing the eddy current, and a second fan, which are arranged in series. Connecting sleeve, the combined output stream, leading to the housing a to be cooling elements (the heat sink) enclosure. Drawer sliding is at the connecting sleeve, the first blower is configured to releasably retain flow control element and the second cooling fan, hot-swappable replacement of defective elements It has become way possible. Control device, a power source, a first fan, said second fan is in fluid communication with the at least one sensor for monitoring the first and second blowers each state. The control device, the first fan or the second fan is in case of failure, and is configured to maintain a minimum the combined output flow control level or more at any time. .Field
A machine vision board test system
A standard-product electrical-board tester with a photometric capability is described. The use of such a photometric method allows direct coupling to the normal electrical-board tester driver-sensors and real-time, closed-loop, optoelectronic testing of display boards with existing automated test-generation software. The newt result is component-level fault diagnosis for both optical and electronic components. >
Intrathecal cryptococcal lesion of the cauda equina successfully treated with intrathecal amphotericin B: A case report.
A case of an intrathecal cryptococcal granuloma in the cauda equina is reported. Successful and minimally toxic therapy with intrathecal amphotericin B and oral 5-fluorocytosine, preceded by surgery, is described.
Multimedia Routing Algorithm in Free-space Optical Network
To meet the requirement of multimedia communication,the paper presents a new mobility model(FSOM).FSOM takes special requirements of mobile multimedia services into consideration,and is fit for the characteristics of Free-space Optical Networks.A routing algorithm,using FSOM,is proposed for multimedia services in Free-space Optical Networks.This routing algorithm called TCR is based on topology control algorithm(TTC).TTC controls topology using improved triangulation algorithm.After executing TTC,we acquire Virtual Graph,which increases the average throughput.For mass data and real-time requirement of multimedia communication,TCR combines the proactive and reactive routing,which is based on Virtual Graph.
General Dynamical Systems: Construction and Realization
The paper introduces some ideas of general systems theory which successfully establish a set theoretical and algebraic framework for construction and realization of dynamical systems. In chapter 4, these concepts are used to explain the linear-realization theory of Kaiman for the discrete-time case. Chapter 5 is devoted to general ideas on the state concept and dynamical generation of processes.
Phase equilibria in the Na,K,Mg,Ca‖SO4,Cl-H2O system at 50°C in the anhydrite crystallization region
Phase equilibria of the Na,K,Mg,Ca‖SO4,Cl-H2O system at 50°C in the astrakhanite (Na2SO4 · MgSO4 · 4H2O) crystallization region were studied using the translation method. Astrakhanite was found to be involved, as an equilibrium phase of the title system, in 35 divariant fields, 39 monovariant curves, and 22 invariant points. The data gained were used to construct a fragment of a schematic equilibrium phase diagram of the title system in the astrakhanite crystallization region.
RT-PCR for the Detection of Translocations in Bone and Soft Tissue Tumours in Formalin-Fixed Paraffin-Embedded Tissues
This chapter outlines the methodology for the detection of mesenchymal-tumour-specific translocations in formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded tissue (FFPET) using the reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR).It includes the design of appropriate primer pairs and the necessary pretreatment of the FFPET sections to give the maximum yield of analyzable RNA, in terms of both quantity and quality.
Link Results for Upper Ka-Band Data Link over Sea Water at Low Look Angles
The Office of Naval Research (ONR) and the Naval Research Laboratory (NRL) has developed a line-of-sight (LOS) communications link that operates at upper Ka-band and has been demonstrated to provide connectivity at low power and long ranges (in excess of 100 nmi) and high data rates (up to 720 Mbps). This system, entitled the Tactical Reach back Extended Communications (TREC) system, was tested on two occasions with links extending over the Chesapeake Bay to determine if multipath induced from a sea water surface would detrimentally affect performance at particularly low elevation angles. It was found that no discernable multipath was observed, but in the spring testing, environmental conditions resulted in links extending beyond line of sight.
First passage time distribution of a modified fractional diffusion equation in the semi-infinite interval
We investigate the first passage time (FPT) distribution for accelerating subdiffusion governed by the modified fractional diffusion equation which has a secondary fractional time derivative acting on a diffusion operator. For the FPT problem subject to absorbing barrier condition, we obtain exact analytical expressions for the FPT distribution as well as its Laplace transform in the semi-infinite interval. Most of the results have been derived by using the Laplace transform, the Fourier Cosine transform, the Mellin transform and the properties of the Fox H-function. In contrast to the Laplace transform of the FPT distribution which can be expressed elegantly and neatly, the exact solution for the FPT distribution requires an infinite series of Fox H-functions instead of a single Fox H-function. Numerical result reveals that the crossover between the two distinct scaling regimes is apparent only when the discrepancy between the two diffusion exponents becomes more pronounced.
Effects of Methylphenidate on Cognitive Function and Gait in Patients With Parkinson's Disease
Twenty-one patients with Parkinson_s disease were studied before and 2 h after the administration of a single dose of 20 mg of methylphenidate. In response to methylphenidate, attention significantly improved, whereas memory and visualYspatial perfor- mance were unchanged. Gait speed, stride time variability, and Timed Up and Go times (demonstrated measures of fall risk) significantly improved. These findings suggest a new potential pharmacologic means of enhancing mobility and decreasing fall risk in Parkinson_s disease.
Models for cooperation between line-managers and techno structure experts : creating value and professionalization in local government
In recent years the number of people working within the techno structure in public sector organizations has increased, for example within human resource, communication, financial control, and gener ...
Mitigation Emerges as Major Strategy for Reducing Losses Caused by Natural Disasters
The International Decade for Natural Disaster Reduction, a United Nations program for the 1990s, focused attention on the increasing losses caused by natural hazards and promoted actions to reduce their impacts. During this period in the United States, disaster managers and other officials increased emphasis on mitigation relative to response and recovery, especially in programs of the Federal Emergency Management Agency. Many other nations and international organizations undertook similar efforts. Beyond the Decade, efforts should focus on improving risk assessments; implementing mitigation strategies; improving technologies supporting warnings and the dissemination of, and response to, warnings; improving the basis for natural disaster insurance; and assisting developing nations.
Research of the outstanding Chinese women discus throw contestants' figure
By the methods of literature review ,mathematical statistics and comparative analysis, we conducted a study on 13 outstanding Chinese women discus throw contestants. The results show that: 1. The 3 indexes (heighted, weight, length of the arms exceeding height)have a remarkable influence on the discus throw specialized achievements. Their contribution percentages are 18.91%, 32.69%, 48.40%. 2. The indexes of their height and length of the arms exceeding height have a positive bearing on the specialized achievements, the two coefficients being 0.476 and 0755. The two indexes have a negative bearing on the weight,the relative index being 0636. 3. The outstanding Chinese discus throw contestants' height and weight indexes are close to the world excellent women discus throw contestants' module index, but inferior to the index that exceeds the height of the world excellent women contestants.
Unusual Bonding in Platinum Carbido Clusters.
Vibrational spectroscopy and density functional theory calculations are used to determine the structures of small gas-phase platinum carbido clusters PtnC+, n = 3–5. The carbon atom is found to prefer three-coordinate binding sites near the center of the cluster, in contrast to most previously investigated adatoms on transition metal clusters. The Pt3C unit is particularly stable, and binding of the carbon atom also leads to significant rearrangement of the metal framework when compared to the bare clusters.
Participants’ perceptions of pre-service teachers’ experiences during school training placements (practicums) in Turkish and English policy contexts
We are grateful to the College of Social Sciences, University of ::: Leicester, for making available to us a small amount of funding during the year 2010-2011 without ::: which this pilot project would not have possible.
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Dry powder formulations of particles that contain two or more active ingredients for treating obstructive or inflammatory airways diseases
Spray- has their use is described in the treatment of inhaled dry powder, for formulation comprising the dried particles and an obstructive or inflammatory airways disease. Each particle has a core of a pharmaceutically acceptable in substantially amorphous form dispersed in a hydrophobic excipient in the crystalline form with a coated layer of a second active ingredient is substantially the first active ingredient. Method for producing the preparations is also described.
Différences dans le pouvoir pathogène de souches de virus rabique adaptées au renard ou au chien
Summary Dogs were inoculated with various amounts of fox rabies virus and foxes with various amounts of dog rabies virus. Dogs were much more resistant than foxes to inoculation of fox virus, and vice-versa. Paradoxically, foxes showed increased resistance with increasing doses. Most of the foxes which survived these inoculations subsequently resisted inoculation with a vulpine virus, whereas this virus was fatal to the control animals. In foxes mortally contaminated by the canine virus, only five out of eight re-excreted this virus. Possible consequences of these observations on the epizootiology and spread of fox and canine rabies are discussed.
Uniform performance of continuously processed MOD-YBCO-coated conductors using a textured Ni?W substrate
Second-generation coated conductor composite HTS wires have been fabricated using a continuous reel-to-reel process with deformation-textured Ni–W substrates and a metal-organic deposition process for YBa2Cu3O7−x. Earlier results on 1 m long and 1 cm wide wires with 77 K critical current performance greater than 100 A cm−1 width have now been extended to 7.5 m in length and even higher performance, with one wire at 132 and another at 127 A cm−1 width. Performance as a function of wire length is remarkably uniform, with only 2–4% standard deviation when measured on a 50 cm length scale. The length-scale dependence of the deviation is compared with a statistical calculation.
Progress of DNA based HLA typing methods
HLA genes exhibit high degrees of polymorphism, and a total of about 400 alleles have been identified at HLA-A, B, C and DR loci up to now. A number of DNA-based typing methods using specific primers, specific probes or restriction enzymes have been developed. In HLA class II allele typing, a few methods which are simple in handling and able to determine the alleles automatically, have been available. We have recently developed PCR MPH (microtiter plate hybridization) method, and this method has been in use for routine typing of DRBI alleles. In HLA class I typing, however, DNA typing system suitable for routine typing laboratories has not been established yet, because the polymorphism spreads two exons intervened by an intron. Nevertheless, allele typing of some antigen groups such as A2 and B61 groups have been established using PCR MPH method.
Additional Vinyl Ketones and Their Pyranyl Ketones in Gonyleptid Harvestmen (Arachnida: Opiliones) Suggest These Metabolites Are Widespread in This Family
Four species of gonyleptid harvestmen, Acanthogonyleptes pulcher, Gonyleptes saprophilus (Gonyleptinae), Sodreana barbiellini, and Sodreana leprevosti (Sodreaninae), were examined by GC-MS and ¹³H NMR. All of these species release vinyl ketones, and three of them produce the corresponding pyranyl ketones, which are presumed hetero-Diels-Alder (HDA) dimers. The vinyl ketones 5-methyl-1-hexen-3-one, rac-4-methyl-1-hexen-3-one, and (S)-4-methyl-1-hexen-3-one were synthesized. Natural 4-methyl-1-hexen-3-one is present as a single stereoisomer and has the R-configuration. Vinyl ketone dimers (HDA dimers) were also observed in the scent gland exudate and characterized by HRMS, ¹³C NMR, and ¹H NMR chemical shifts of the pyranyl moiety.
Original article Glaucoma medication persistence with a fixed combination versus multiple bottles
Objective: To determine if prescribing combination therapy versus two or three separate bottles results in greater persistence among patients with glaucoma.
Plasmid genes Affecting DNA Repair and Mutation
Many bacterial plasmids have the effect of increasing the ultraviolet (u.v.) resistance of host cells that harbour them, apparently by an error-prone repair mechanism that leads to a high level of mutation amongst the survivors. These plasmid systems are apparently analogues of the Escherichia coli umuD/C operon, which is absolutely required in this organism for mutation induced by u.v. light and by many chemical mutagens. This article reviews the extensive and sometimes conflicting literature relating to this phenomenon, and describes the further characterization of one such plasmid system, the imp (I group mutation and protection) operon of the I1 group plasmid TP110. It is demonstrated that each of the protection mutation systems well characterized to date shows a similar genetic arrangement, and that significant homology can be detected at the amino acid level between the proteins encoded by these different systems.
Nickel monoxide-oxygen interaction between 20 and 1000 °c and its impact on the nickel monoxide reduction mechanism
Abstract The oxygen adsorption isobar and work function data for nickel monoxide are considered from the point of view of predominant surface oxygen species. The mechanism of oxygen interaction with the NiO surface in the range 20–1000° C is discussed, involving chemisorption equilibria and subsequent changes in oxide non-stoichiometry as a result of oxygen incorporation. It is concluded that five temperature ranges may be distinguished which correspond to different mechanisms of the NiO-oxygen interaction. The effect of NiO surface pre-treatment in oxygen on the mechanism of nickel nucleation is considered. Hypotheses are put forward to explain the specific changes in the number of metallic nuclei and in their volume according to whether oxygen pre-treatment of reduction is performed below or above the Neel temperature of NiO.
Attenuated amplitude of circadian and sleep-dependent modulation of electroencephalographic sleep spindle characteristics in elderly human subjects
Sleep spindles are 12-15 Hz electroencephalographic (EEG) oscillations characteristic of non-rapid eye movement (non-REM) sleep. Sleep EEG recordings (total 252 episodes; duration, 9 h 20 min each) distributed across the circadian cycle were analyzed in eight young and eight elderly human subjects. In the young subjects, sleep spindle amplitude, frequency, duration and incidence displayed significant circadian modulation, with the highest spindle incidence and amplitude and the lowest spindle frequency coincident with circadian phases associated with times of habitual sleep. In the elderly subjects, overall amplitude, duration, and incidence were reduced, and only spindle frequency exhibited a detectable circadian modulation. The results demonstrate that a circadian process modulates sleep spindle characteristics and that the strength of this circadian modulation is reduced with age.
A Case of Pseudocholinesterase Deficiency Resulting From Malnutrition.
Pseudocholinesterase deficiencies occur because of both genetic and acquired factors. We present the case of a patient with a history of bariatric surgery and severe malnutrition who subsequently developed prolonged neuromuscular blockade after succinylcholine administration. She had markedly decreased pseudocholinesterase levels at the time of the incident, but her motor function returned to normal with supportive care. After aggressive nutritional support over multiple weeks, her pseudocholinesterase levels drastically improved. For those patients in a poor nutritional state who experience an unexpected episode of apnea or prolonged neuromuscular blockade, practitioners must always consider malnutrition-induced pseudocholinesterase deficiency as a possible etiology.
Abstract 15062: Elderly Laypersons Are Reluctant to Initiate Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation
Introduction: More than half of out-of-hospital cardiac arrests are witnessed, however bystander cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) rates remain low. There is significant association between willingness to initiate CPR and CPR training. Studies have shown that attitudes towards and willingness to perform CPR vary widely between different populations. The majority of out-of-hospital cardiac arrests occur in private homes and an elderly layperson are the most likely bystander. Little is known about the factors that affect the willingness of elderly laypersons to perform CPR. Aim: To examine the willingness and potential barriers towards initiating CPR among elderly laypersons. Methods: A questionnaire consisting of open answer, categorical and Likert-type questions was developed and distributed to Danish laypersons above the age of 65. Results: Response rate was 82% of which 99 responses were eligible for analysis. The median age was 72 years. If witnessing a cardiac arrest the majority (85%) would be will...
The computer-related risk of the year: misplaced trust in computer systems
The author identifies ways in which computer systems are trusted, cites cases in which such trust has been misplaced, and considers some of the difficulties that confront users. He asserts that the many different senses in which trust is conferred must be made explicit. This includes necessary assumptions about technology, people, and the environment. Also, systems must be designed and implemented defensively with respect to all senses of trust, and operated with continual awareness of the risks. The myth of technological infallibility must be thoroughly debunked. >
Convening Expert Panels to Identify Mental Capacity Assessment Items
The objective of this study was to attempt to develop an index of assessment items important to most, if not all, mental capacity determinations. A group process, judgmental method was used. Three separate panels of multidisciplinary experts were assembled to define relevant assessment items and to assign importance weights to the items. All three panels generated a list of assessment items, but panelists refused to assign importance weights. Four items were identified by all three panels, six were identified by two panels, and three were identified by one panel only. A composite list of mental capacity assessment items was generated, but the study failed to generate a standardized assessment instrument.
Further characterization of bacteriocins Plantaricin BN, bavaricin MN and pediocin A
Abstract We report here several characteristics of bacteriocins which are inhibitory to Clostridium botulinum and Listeria monocytogenes. Plantaricin BN produced by Lactobacillus plantarum BN, bavaricin MN produced by Lactobacillus bavaricus MN, and pediocin A produced by Pediococcus pentosaceus 43200 all demonstrated a bactericidal mode of action and retained some activity after heating at 60°C for ten minutes or 100°C for 5 minutes. pH and temperature optima for production on solid media were pH 7.9 and 15°C for plantaricin BN, pH 6.5 and 30°C for bavaricin MN, and pH 6.15–7.9 and 30°C for pediocin A. The molecular weight of plantaricin BN appeared greater than 10,000, that of bavaricin MN 22,600, and that of pediocin A 11,000. All of these bacteriocins were produced during the growth phase of the bacterial cultures.
Thermoplastic resin molded article and manufacturing method thereof
Object of the present invention to provide a lightweight and reduce the manufacturing method of thermoplastic resin molded article of the environmental burden, and the thermoplastic resin can be efficiently producing the thermoplastic resin molded article can be sufficiently suppressed and the rusting of a mold for injection molding the molded body. Thermoplastic resin molded article according to the present invention (1) comprising a thermoplastic resin and a plant fiber as a main component and the thermoplastic resin and the plant fiber content ratio (thermoplastic resin: plant fiber) was 7: 3 to 4: 6; by containing a thermoplastic resin and plant fiber and a water content of 0.4% or less of the thermoplastic resin composition obtained by injection molding.
Mutational analysis identifies a five base pair cis-acting sequence essential for GBP130 promoter activity in Plasmodium falciparum.
Here we describe the functional characterization of a Plasmodium falciparum promoter region, identifying a discrete five base pair sequence element that is responsible for efficient promoter activity. This sequence element binds nuclear factors in a sequence-specific manner. It shares no homology with any known eukaryotic transcription factor binding site, supporting the notion that the protozoan parasite P. falciparum has evolved a transcriptional machinery distinct from that of its human and mosquito hosts. This report represents the first description of a minimal and necessary cis-acting sequence element for efficient promoter activity in P. falciparum.
A multitude of strains add up to one big headache. Feeling the pressure
A multitude of strains--most beyond the control of health care executives--are converging to create major headaches for hospitals and systems. Skyrocketing insurance premiums, surging drug spending, Medicaid cuts, a staffing crisis and huge hikes in liability insurance rates contribute to the unprecedented confluence of pressures. And there's more.
Review of Key Village Construction in China
The research literatures on the key village construction in China in recent years are analyzed by comparative analysis and literature research methods.The key village has an important influence on new rural construction in China,the related researches have got extensive attention,while there still exists disadvantages in key village researches.The countermeasures to strengthen research on the key village construction are put forward including constructing theoretical research system,widening research angles and strengthening quantitative research and empirical analysis and so on.
Web-Based Visualization for Hydrodynamic Model of Flood Retarding Basin: A Case of Doingping Lake
Hydrodynamics based numerical model is an effective way to simulate the movement of flood and its result can be visualized by many post-processing softwares. However, most of these tools are available only as local applications. This both limits the accessibility of the software to a specific machine and collaborative research. In this paper, we introduce a four-layer architecture for web-based visualization of numerical model. The application uses VTK(Visualization Toolkit) to render the numerical result and then the VRML standard is used to provide dynamic features over the web. By developing web-based visualization tools, it is possible for users to access the situation of flood wherever the internet is available, and can largely promotes the public services such as flood risk management.
The key role of electron-nuclear potential energy in determining the ground-state energy of inhomogeneous electron liquids in both real and model atoms
Recent density functional theory (DFT) work of Gal and March (GM) on the ground-state energy E of a two-electron model atom (like He but with inverse square law interparticle repulsion) related E to the electron–nuclear potential energy by . Also the model of GM satisfies , but now with harmonic confinement. While modern non-relativistic DFT requires numerical treatment of real atoms, in the exact limit of DFT at large Z, the Thomas–Fermi (TF) theory is regained, where much analytical work can be done. This yields, as , the non-relativistic energy of such neutral atoms as . The correlated electron density is finally considered briefly in the two models cited above.
Gastrointestinal hemorrhage due to fistula from aortic aneurysm. Case report.
Two cases of gastrointestinal bleeding due to aortic aneurysm with fistula to the duodenum are reported. When upper gastrointestinal fiberendoscopy rules out the commonest sources of bleeding but reveals no specific lesion, sonography is advisable. Accurate diagnosis and timely treatment are prerequisites for a successful outcome in this otherwise fatal condition.
Proof of the Aubert-Baum-Plymen-Solleveld conjecture for split classical groups
In this paper we prove the Aubert-Baum-Plymen-Solleveld conjecture for the split classical groups and establish the connection with the Langlands correspondence. To do this, we review the notion of cuspidality for enhanced Langlands parameters and also review the notion of cuspidal support for enhanced Langlands parameters for split classical groups, both introduced by the author in earlier work.
Optimal placement of sensors and actuators for flexible plate of vibration suppression
A kind of optimal placement method for piezoelectric actuators/sensors in active vibration suppression of flexible plate is developed based on the degree of observability and controllability.Firstly,the piezoelectric control equation using distributed piezoelectric actuators for cantilever plate including bending and torsion modes is derived.Secondly,utilizing the equation and the inherent identity of the plate (including natural frequency and damping ratio),the modal norms from input to output are properly weighted according to the contribution to observability and controllability,and the matrix of norm is found.Finally,the optimal placement indices of the candidate sensor and actuator locations are obtained by means of two-norm and infinity-norm.
The lithographic printing plate precursor with 1,4-dihydropyridine-sensitizer containing coating, and method of imaging lithographic printing plate Illustrated
Negative working precursor of a lithographic printing plate comprising (A) an optionally pretreated substrate and (B) a coating applied to the support from a radiation-sensitive coating composition comprising (I) one or more types of monomers and / or oligomers and / or polymers having at least one ethylenically unsaturated group accessible to a free-radical polymerization, (Ii) at least one sensitiser, (Iii) at least one co-initiator which can form together with the sensitizer (ii) radicals and is selected from hexaarylbiimidazoles; and (Iv) optionally one or more components selected from alkali-soluble binders, colorants, exposure indicators, plasticizers, chain transfer agents, leuco dyes surfactants, inorganic fillers and thermopolymerization inhibitors, characterized in that it is the at least one sensitizer is a 1,4-dihydropyridine derivative of the formula (I) in which R R
Yield-Per-Recruit of Spotted Seatrout
A von Bertalanffy growth curve, is derived from published data on spotted seatrout in the U.S. Gulf of Mexico and used in constructing a yield-per-recruit contour. Maximum yield-per-recruit is approached as F increases above 1 and age of first entry approaches 3.9 years (14.9 in., 1.1 lb). A linear regression is derived relating average size of capture to gill net mesh size (MS in inches), L = 1.97 in. + 8.63 MS, and used along with legal sizes of first harvest to evaluate the impact of current laws in the Gulf states on yield-per-recruit of spotted seatrout.
First-order Nilpotent Minimum Logics: first steps
Inspired by the work done by Baaz et al. (Ann Pure Appl Log 147(1–2): 23–47, 2007; Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 4790/2007, pp 77–91, 2007) for first-order Godel logics, we investigate Nilpotent Minimum logic NM. We study decidability and reciprocal inclusion of various sets of first-order tautologies of some subalgebras of the standard Nilpotent Minimum algebra, establishing also a connection between the validity in an NM-chain of certain first-order formulas and its order type. Furthermore, we analyze axiomatizability, undecidability and the monadic fragments.
Thermo-optic coefficients of Nd-doped anisotropic KGd(WO4)2, YVO4 and GdVO4 laser crystals
Thermo-optic coefficients dn/dT of anisotropic Nd(3 at.%):KGd(WO4)2, KGd(WO4)2, Nd(0.4 at.%):YVO4 and Nd(0.4 at.%):GdVO4 crystals were measured at 632.8 nm, 300 K by a beam deflection method. For Nd:KGd(WO4)2, the values of dn/dT amount to dn p/dT=−14.8×10−6 K−1, dn m/dT=−10.1×10−6 K−1 and dn g/dT=−16.0×10−6 K−1. For vanadate crystals, dn e/dT=3.1×10−6 K−1, dn o/dT=8.2×10−6 K−1 (for Nd:YVO4) and dn e/dT=4.3×10−6 K−1, dn o/dT=5.5×10−6 K−1 (for Nd:GdVO4). Athermal propagation directions were found in Nd:KGd(WO4)2 for light polarized along the N p and N m optical indicatrix axes (with dn/dT+(n−1)α T=0 definition) and for light polarized along the N g and N m axes (with dn/dT+n α T=0 definition).
Pulse compression at an abrupt dispersive interface.
Reflection from the interface of a dielectric and a resonant medium we show can result in pulse narrowing and multiplication. Results are given for an asymmetric Fourier transform-limited pulse, and possible experimental situations are discussed. Using pulses from a colliding pulse mode-locking scheme, low-level pulses as short as 15 fsec may be achievable.
Use of totally implantable central venous access port via the basilic vein in patients with thoracic malignancies
Background ::: For patients with a thoracic malignancy whose peripheral veins are not suitable for blood access for chemotherapy, we evaluated a totally implantable central venous access port, in which the port is implanted in the ulnar side of the arm and the catheter is introduced via the basilic vein into the superior vena cava (TIAP-BV).
Minority Models in Advertisements in Magazines Popular with Minorities
Previous research has studied minority representation in advertising in mainstream media but has not looked at media popular with minority consumers. This content analysis compares advertisements in magazines with the highest concentration of readers from the three largest minority groups with ads in the highest-selling consumer magazines targeting the population as a whole. Each ethnic group had its highest representation in ads in magazines popular with the group. However, levels of this representation differed significantly by targeted group, being highest for African Americans and lowest for Asian Americans.
It is now over six years since I retired from the post of Director‐General of the Lending Division of the British Library. Before this I was involved in some of the discussions which led to the formation of the British Library (BL) and I knew something of the hopes which were behind the creation of the new organization. Subsequently I was in the British Library long enough to realize some of the difficulties it faced. Looking backwards the question arises whether the creation of the BL was a sound idea and whether the BL has lived up to the expectations of its originators.
A Research on NSCT-based Image Denoising
The author of this paper proposes an image de-noising method of non-subsampled CT transform combined with adaptive threshold to deal with the phenomenon that the lack of translation invariance of CT transform can produce pseudo Gibbs in image denoising.Experiments show that the non-subsampled CT transform method can eliminate noise effectively,preserve image texture details,improve the image SNR,and that de-noising effect is better than that of traditional CT and wavelet.
Probabilistic Modelling and Simulation of Stochastic Load for Power System Studies
The electric load forecasting results are essential for the simulation process of power system to predict the uncertainty of load fluctuation. At present, the load profile is affected by economic factors, weather conditions and customer's behaviours. The load data are required by power flow and risk assessment of the grid to accurately simulate the operation behaviour of electric distribution systems. This paper explores the probabilistic distribution of time-series load in the distribution network level of power systems and develops a probabilistic distribution model based on uniform and normal distribution with the historical load data observed from a distribution-level feeder from a residential community. A probabilistic load model is developed to expresses the random nature of electric load data. This paper describes the procedures for the probabilistic load model development and confirms its fitness for the real-time simulation and power flow computation in power system studies.
Transmission device and transmission method and recording and/or duplicating method
A transmission apparatus for transferring a storage medium, comprising: a storage medium for the holding of a pallet means for performing a first location and unloading the storage medium and means for placing the storage movement means between a first position in the media base, a connector is disposed on the pallet, when the pallet is connected to the terminal portion of the storage medium in the first position, and the limiting element to limit the said pallets from a first position to a second position until said connector is connected to the terminal portion. This design allows the terminal portion of the storage medium and the connector can be reliably connected to each other.
Design of electric instruments short term and micro variation test system
The development of the project intends to improve the status quo that most electric product performance testing laboratories are very difficult to measure the apparatus' high-precision,non-contact,short-term,high-speed operation time,speed and microvariation of the displacement.In this paper,a systematic exposition has been done to the development of the project in four aspects:a master plan of the test system,hardware system design,motion control system design,software system design.Practice has proved that this test system has the characteristics of a wide range of application,high-precision,fast response and strong anti-interference ability.The successful development of the system can not only improve laboratories' detect ability,but also enhance its influence in terms of related products test at home and abroad.
Comment on "Statistical Independence of Escalatory Ecological Trends in Phanerozoic Marine Invertebrates"
The analysis of Madin et al. (Reports, 12 May 2006, p. 897) of Phanerozoic diversity failed to support expected correlations between carnivores and noncarnivores, leading the authors to reject escalation as an important macroevolutionary process. The test, however, is based on a flawed model of causality, and the ecological groups are improperly delineated with regard to the hypothesis.
Management of chronic alcoholism
1. A treatment for chronic alcoholism is here outlined. 2. This treatment showed certain advantages: (a) It is effective; (b) it is economical as to time, as it reduces length of hospitalization; and (c) it can be carried out in a general hospital. A treatment for chronic alcoholism is here outlined. This treatment showed certain advantages: (a) It is effective; (b) it is economical as to time, as it reduces length of hospitalization; and (c) it can be carried out in a general hospital.
The Effects of Spraying Lead Arsenate on Citrate Accumulation and the Related Enzyme Activities in the Juice Sacs of Citrus natsudaidai
The effects of spraying lead arsenate on the activities of citrate synthase (CS ; EC, NAD-isocitrate dehydrogenase (NAD-IDH ; EC, and phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase (PEPC ; EC in the juice sacs of fruit of 'Natsudaidai' (Citrus natsudaidai Hayata) were investigated. Citrate accumulation in the juice sacs was significantly inhibited from early September through January by spraying lead arsenate solutions over tree canopies on June 4 and July 2. Lead arsenate treatment enhanced CS activity during late July and November and NAD-IDH activity after early August, but it did not affect PEPC activity. These results suggest that lead arsenate accelerates TCA metabolic cycle but does not promote a substrate supply to the TCA cycle. This resulted in a reduction of citrate transport to the vacuole and in a repression of citrate accumulation.
A class of infinite-horizon stochastic delay optimal control problems and a viscosity solution to the associated HJB equation
In this paper, we investigate a class of infinite-horizon optimal control problems for stochastic differential equations with delays for which the associated second order Hamilton−Jacobi−Bellman (HJB) equation is a nonlinear partial differential equation with delays. We propose a new concept for the viscosity solution including time t and identify the value function of the optimal control problems as a unique viscosity solution to the associated second order HJB equation.
Primary resistance to single and multiple drugs in leprosy : a mouse footpad study
Skin biopsy homogenates obtained from three cases of lepromatous leprosy with no prior history of antileprosy treatment were tested in the mouse footpad for the sensitivity of Mycobacterium leprae to multiple drugs. One of the inocula was sensitive to all the three drugs tested using the highest concentration each of DDS 0.01 g%, RFP 0.03 g% and CLF 0.01g%. The 2nd inocula showed growth in the presence of 0.01g% DDS only. While the 3rd inocula (Pt. KU) tested resistant to all the three drugs in the first, i.e. man to mouse, as well as in the second passage, i.e. mouse to mouse.
Screened Hybrid Exact Exchange Correction Scheme for Adsorption Energies on Perovskite Oxides
The bond formation between an oxide surface and oxygen, which is of importance for numerous surface reactions including catalytic reactions, is investigated within the framework of hybrid density functional theory that includes nonlocal Fock exchange. We show that there exists a linear correlation between the adsorption energies of oxygen on LaMO3 (M = Sc–Cu) surfaces obtained using a hybrid functional (e.g., Heyd–Scuseria–Ernzerhof) and those obtained using a semilocal density functional (e.g., Perdew–Burke–Ernzerhof) through the magnetic properties of the bulk phase as determined with a hybrid functional. The energetics of the spin-polarized surfaces follows the same trend as corresponding bulk systems, which can be treated at a much lower computational cost. The difference in adsorption energy due to magnetism is linearly correlated to the magnetization energy of bulk, that is, the energy difference between the spin-polarized and the non-spin-polarized solutions. Hence, one can estimate the correction ...
DC and AC properties of Bi-2223 cabled conductors designed for high-current applications
Abstract We present results on DC current carrying capability and AC transport current losses of cabled conductors assembled from multifilamentary (PbBi) 2 Sr 2 Ca 2 Cu 3 O 10+ x tapes. The DC critical current of cabled conductors lies systematically below the sum of critical currents of the tapes. By considering the self field a model for the critical current of cabled conductors is derived which reproduces also the dependence of critical currents on external magnetic fields. For the AC self field transport current losses an empirical description based on the Norris model is derived leading to a scaling of the normalised loss.