The effect of mianserin in chronic idiopathic abdominal pain A pilot study
Mianserin is a tetracyclic antidepressant that has gained popularity in Europe owing to lack of anticholinergic side effects and good tolerability. Being a histamine-1 and -2 receptor antagonist and an alpha-2 receptor blocker suggests that it should be of particular value in somatoform gastrointestinal disorders. In an open trial mianserin was given for 6 weeks to 24 patients with chronic idiopathic abdominal pain of more than 2 years' duration. Patients with a diagnosis of depressive or anxiety disorders were excluded. Daily dosage varied from 90 to 120 mg. Other psychopharmacologic or analgesic medication was not allowed during the trial. Pain response was measured by means of the Clinical Global Improvement Scale and daily self-reporting. Five patients dropped out. Of 19 completers, 15 reported significantly reduced pain. Placebo-controlled studies are needed to validate these encouraging results.
Analytical expression for the current-voltage characteristics of organic bulk heterojunction solar cells
An expression to describe the current-voltage characteristics of organic bulk heterojunction (BHJ) solar cells is derived. The derivation is obtained by analytically solving the drift-diffusion model for organic BHJ solar cells with the assumption of uniform bimolecular recombination rate. The assumption of uniform bimolecular recombination rate leads to somewhat inaccurate, for example, carrier densities as functions of the position inside the device. However, we show that this assumption should still produce an expression for the current as a function of applied voltage as if the actual bimolecular recombination rate is considered in the derivation. Applying this analytical expression to experimental current-voltage data enable us to directly extract and analyze, for example, the recombination loss of an organic BHJ solar cell as a function of applied voltage.
Reverse current in SI GaAs pixel detectors
Abstract A study of the carrier transport mechanism has been carried out on semi-insulating GaAs X-ray detectors. The aim is to analyze the excess current (larger than thermionic values), breakdown mechanisms and non-uniformities of the electric field in actual devices.
Targeting autophagy in neurodegenerative diseases.
The most prevalent neurodegenerative disorders involve protein misfolding and the aggregation of specific proteins. Autophagy is becoming an attractive target to treat neurodegenerative disorders through the selective degradation of abnormally folded proteins by the lysosomal pathway. However, accumulating evidence indicates that autophagy impairment at different regulatory steps may contribute to the neurodegenerative process. Thus, a complex scenario is emerging where autophagy may play a dual role in neurodegenerative diseases by causing the downstream effect of promoting the degradation of misfolded proteins and an upstream effect where its deregulation perturbs global proteostasis, contributing to disease progression. Challenges in the future development of therapeutic strategies to target the autophagy pathway are discussed.
Dronedarone: a new option in atrial fibrillation
Many antiarrhythmic agents exploiting new mechanisms of action (as well as modified analogues of traditional antiarrhythmic drugs, with different combinations of ion channel- and receptor-blocking effects and less complicated metabolic profiles) are currently being investigated. Dronedarone is an amiodarone derivative that is devoid of iodine atoms and is believed to have a better safety profile than amiodarone. It is the only antiarrhythmic drug for the treatment of atrial fibrillation (AF) that has been shown to improve survival in high-risk patients. This review provides a contemporary insight into the clinical development of dronedarone, its efficacy and safety in preventing recurrent AF, and its potential additional advantage of improving outcome in patients with AF. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Linking Planning with Budgeting: Examining Linkages between General Plans and Capital Improvement Plans:
Scholars and practitioners in the United States have paid significant attention to the need for consistency in urban planning documents. However, consistency between general plans (GPs) and capital improvement plans (CIPs) has received little attention. Aiming to fill this research gap, this article first reviews the academic and professional literature to identify the strategies that local governments use to ensure strong consistency between GPs and CIPs. Then, it reviews the GPs and CIPs of four cities and presents a framework for evaluating whether, how, and how well local governments are implementing strategies that enhance GP–CIP consistency.
Numerical Calculation and Analysis of Mechanical Strength of Steel Wire Product
To obtain the influence law of laying combination and lay pitch multiple on mechanical strength of steel wire product, we took 6×19IWS right lang lay and right regular lay wire ropes as examples, combining with the strength theory, nonlinear finite element analysis were carried out with ANSYS software. The simulation results show the mechanical strength of the lang lay wire rope is better than that of the regular lay at the same lay pitch multiple; the lay pitch multiple of rope has a great impact on mechanical strength of steel wire product, however, the impact trend is similar among difference laying combinations, meanwhile the effect of the lay pitch multiple of strand is relatively small. Finally, finite element model for wire rope was verified reasonable through tensile experiment. Research results have important applications value for structural design and rational use of wire rope.
Optimal boundary control for equations of nonlinear acoustics
Motivated by a medical application from lithotripsy, we study an optimal boundary control problem given by Westervelt equation − 1/c2D2 t u + Δu + b/c2Δ(D t u) = − β a /ρc4D2 t u2 in (0, T) × Ω (1) modeling the nonlinear evolution of the acoustic pressure u in a smooth, bounded domain Ω ⊂ Rd, d ∊ {1, 2, 3}. Here c > 0 is the speed of sound, b > 0 the diffusivity of sound, ρ > 0 the mass density and β a > 1 the parameter of nonlinearity. We study the optimization problem for existence of an optimal control and derive the first-order necessary optimality conditions. In addition, all results are extended for the more general Kuznetsov equation D2 t ψ − c2Δψ = D t (bΔψ + 1/c2 B/2A (D t ψ)2 + |∇ψ|2) (2) given in terms of the acoustic velocity potential ψ.
Design on Intelligent Auto-generating Examination Paper based on Genetic Algorithm
To deal with the premature convergence and the low-efficiency in the late evolution of genetic algorithm (GA),an improved genetic algorithm (IGA) was proposed. In the improved algorithm,there are two changed aspects. One is the way to adjust the probability of genetic operators and the other is the replacement strategy. According to the characters of test paper generation problem,a coding method named paragraphed integer coding is used. Due to the coding strategy,crossover and mutation operator are design. The simulation test indicates that the intelligent test paper auto-generation algorithm based on the improved genetic algorithm can satisfy the needs for actual examinations,the speed is faster,and the quality of test paper is better.
An electron microscopic study of myelination of pyramidal fibres at the level of the pyramidal decussation in the human fetus.
The ultrastructure of pyramidal fibres at the level of the pyramidal decussation was studied in a 23 week-old human fetus (220 mm. C.-R.). It was found that the fibres are mainly unmyelinated. However, well-myelinated fibres were scattered above the pyramidal decussation and they were also present below the decussation in both the anterior and the lateral corticospinal tract. Within the tracts, well-differentiated glial cells were observed.
Christmas comes early for MySouthend user James
A Southend voluntary sector worker is to be presented with an iPad mini as part of a competition to encourage people to manage their transactions with the Council online.
Helical Stirring for Enhanced Low-Frequency Performance of Reverberation Chambers
A novel class of volumetric mechanical mode stirring methods is introduced. One particular type, denoted as helical stirring, combines rotation and translation in a single motion. This technique is implemented, and its measured performance is compared to conventional circular stirring by the same paddle. It is observed that helical stirring can significantly increase the number of uncorrelated stir states at sufficiently low frequencies. Higher maximum- and lower minimum-to-average ratios of the magnitude and intensity of the received field are obtained that are traceable to a heavier tail of their probability density functions. While the helix pitch can be optimized per frequency, suboptimal values also yield considerable improvement. The use of a stir matrix facilitates the data analysis and estimation of ensemble statistics for arbitrary values of the helix pitch, beyond its experimentally realized discrete values.
Calcium in the treatment of dysmenorrhea
Abstract Of 49 cases of essential dysmenorrhea treated with calcium, or calcium and viosterol, 33 or 67.3 per cent were greatly benefited; 16 or 32.7 per cent seemed to have no relief. The symptom of bruising easily seems to indicate, in cases of essential dysmenorrhea, that a more favorable response to calcium therapy may be expected than in cases without this symptom.
Perception without awareness: A reply to K.M. Bánréti-Fuchs
Abstract An examination of researches purporting to replicate an experiment on the determination of verbal responses by subliminal stimuli support the view that it is very easy to prevent weak stimuli from having an effect upon behaviour. As such they do not constitute a fair test of the original hypothesis. Some of the factors underlying the ‘subliminal’ controversy are discussed.
RNA interference in head and neck oncology
Head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC) is the sixth leading cause of cancer worldwide. The treatment of choice in case of head and neck cancer is surgery, followed by chemo- or/and radiotherapy. A potentially effective instrument to improve the outcome of numerous diseases, including viral infections, diabetes and cancer, is RNA interference (RNAi). It has been demonstrated that small interfering RNA and microRNA molecules are strongly involved in the regulation of various different pathological processes in cancer development. RNAi has become a valuable research tool allowing a better understanding of the mechanisms regulating cancer pathogenesis. Considering those advantages over other current therapeutics (including specificity and high efficacy), RNAi appears to be a potentially useful tool in cancer treatment. The present review discusses the current knowledge about the possibility of using RNAi in HNSCC therapy.
Progressional Solutions to the Time Wave Function of K-G Equation with R-W Metric
With Robertson Walker(R W)metric, this paper solves Klein Gordon(K G)equation in the curved space time. It acquires the progressiond solutions to the time wave function of K G equation in the open infinite space of zero curvature according to the Friedmann's universe.
The prediction of fatigue life at notches in the near alpha titanium alloy Timetal 834
The anisotropic mechanical response of the titanium alloy Timetal 834 is explored through room temperature strain controlled low cycle fatigue tests employing plain specimens under pure tension and torsion loading modes. These data are then utilised to predict the performance of two notched specimen geometries which can be considered as pseudo components representative of typical engineering stress raisers. The role of multi-axial stress fields at the notch root is considered through specific predictions based on the tension and torsion data. Plain and notched low cycle fatigue data are found to correlate when analysed using stabilised and peak elastic stress criteria respectively. The effect of critically stressed volume is further explored through consideration of a third notch geometry containing a relatively sharp notch/small root radius.
Infective endocarditis (IE) remains a severe disease. The short-term prognosis of IE is relatively well known, but data on long term prognosis are scarce, most analysis coming from declaratives registries. There are no data on long-term prognosis of IE in real life population-based studies. We
Stewardship in the UK - The 2019 Draft Stewardship Code in Context
The article interrogates the idea of creating a market for stewardship and identifies obstacles that stand in the way of such a market. In particular tax relief for pension investments deprives pension investors from an incentive to monitor investment and demand stewardship activity by their service providers. By granting tax relief the government has become a financial contributor to and a stakeholder in the financial services industry that services pensions. The article asks the question if pension tax relief should be made dependent on stewardship/governance criteria.
Comparison of dynamic responses of simple and rigorous models of layered media to moving loads
The objective of this study was to investigate the relation between the responses of a layered medium and simplified systems such as the beam on elastic foundation and the plate on elastic foundation subjected to moving loads with either a constant amplitude or a harmonic amplitude variation and the possibility of using the simplified systems to predict the behavior of a layered medium. The deflected shapes and the variations of the peak displacements with the velocity and the load frequency were compared with the models and they showed similar characteristics. It was possible to obtain formulae to compute the equivalent foundation stiffness and beam width so that the three models provide the same peak displacement. It was not possible, however, to reproduce exactly the deflected shapes.
Precision Medicine Umbrella Trial Expands to Include All NSCLC Patients
The large precision medicine trial known as Lung-MAP has announced it will expand to patients with all non–small-cell lung cancers, accounting for as many as 85% of all lung cancer diagnoses in the US.
Development of Li_4Ti_5O_(12) for Anode Materials
As one of the most stabile and safe electrode matericals,Li4Ti5O12 has received warmly welcome in supercapacitor′s anode matericals.Based on the structure and characteristics of Li4Ti5O12,the energy storage mechanism and synthesis methods are reviewed.Moreover,the advantages and disadvantages of different preparation methods are analyzed.Besides,the modification method,mechanism and development of Li4Ti5O12 are fully discussed.Finally,the research direction of Li4Ti5O12 is proposed.
An Analysis of the Use of Rademacher–Walsh Spectrum in Compact Testing
Earlier approaches to random compact testing use a random pattern generator which depends on the combinational function under test and a circuit signature which remains the same independent of the circuit. In this correspondence we analyze the performance of a new scheme in which the pattern generator is simple and independent of the function being tested but the circuit signature is chosen to be a coefficient from the Rademacher-Walsh (RW) spectrum of the function under test. The analysis provides guidelines for choosing an RW coefficient, a test length, and an error tolerance so as to minimize the probabilities of rejecting a good unit or accepting a faulty one.
The Upper Cretaceous Ostravice Sandstone in the Polish sector of the Silesian Nappe, Outer Western Carpathians
Abstract The Ostravice Sandstone Member was identified and described as a lithostratigraphic unit in the Polish part of the Outer Carpathians. This division occurs in the lowermost part of the Godula Formation, is underlain by variegated deposits of the Mazák Formation or directly by the Barnasiówka and Lhoty formations, and overlain by the Czernichów Member of the Godula Formation. Domination by thick- and very thick-bedded sandstones, conglomeratic sandstones and conglomerates rich in calcareous clasts, mostly of the Štramberk-type limestones, is typical for the Ostravice Sandstone Member. These deposits are widespread between the Moravskoslezské Beskydy Mountains in the Czech Republic and the Ciężkowice Foothills in Poland. The documentation of the Ostravice Sandstone Member occurrence as well as the petrological, sedimentological features, and inventory of the carbonate clasts are presented here.
Metal-free defluorinative arylation of trifluoromethyl alkenes via photoredox catalysis
Literature methods to access gem-difluoroalkenes are largely limited to harsh, organometallic-based methods, and known photoredox-mediated processes are not amenable to aryl radical addition to trifluoromethyl alkenes. A metal-free, functional group-tolerant method for the preparation of benzylic gem-difluoroalkenes is described. Halogen atom abstraction from (hetero)aryl halides generates aryl radicals that undergo a defluorinative arylation of α-trifluoromethyl alkenes, tolerating electronically disparate aryl radicals and α-trifluoromethyl alkenes.
Dose Dependent Latency of Fatal Gastrointestinal and Bone Marrow Syndromes
SummaryTwo acutely-responding normal tissues, bone marrow and gastrointestinal epithelium, have been shown to exhibit a biphasic dose-latency response to radiation with both a dose-dependent and dose-independent component for expression of radiation injury.
A Network Based On Inter-vehicle Communication
This paper presents an inter-vehicle networking method as a means of data exchange. By using this method, each vehicle can know the position of its neighboring vehicles, the traffic information captured by other vehicles, and the neighbor node's information such as speed or braking. Spread Spectrum communications, using optical media, is used to create links for the data transmission.
Transport in Auxiliary Heated NSTX Discharges
The NSTX spherical torus (ST) provides a unique platform to investigate magnetic confinement in auxiliary-heated plasmas at low aspect ratio. Auxiliary power is routinely coupled to ohmically heated plasmas by deuterium neutral-beam injection (NBI) and by high-harmonic fast waves (HHFW) launch. While theory predicts both techniques to preferentially heat electrons, experiment reveals the electron temperature is greater than the ion temperature during HHFW, but the electron temperature is less than the ion temperature during NBI. In the following we present the experimental data and the results of transport analyses.
The H–NCS bond energy, ΔH○f (HNCS), ΔH○f (NCS), and IP(NCS) from photoionization mass spectrometric studies of HNCS, NCS, and (NCS)2
The species HNCS and NCS have been studied by photoionization mass spectroscopy. The adiabatic ionization potential (IP) of HNCS is ≤9.92 eV; the shape of the ion yield curve near threshold implies a large change in geometry, perhaps to linear HNCS+. Various appearance potentials (AP) from HNCS are determined by a more objective procedure, from which ΔH○f(HNCS)≳29.6 kcal/mol (and very likely ≥31.0±0.7 kcal/mol) is deduced. The adiabatic IP of NCS is 10.689±0.005 eV. This quantity, together with AP(NCS+/HNCS), yields D0(H–NCS)≤97.2±0.2 kcal/mol. However, a measurement of the appearance potential of NCS+ from (NCS)2 results in a still lower value, D0(H–NCS)≤93.3±1.1 kcal/mol, and ΔHf0○(NCS) ≤ 72.7 ± 0.8 kcal/mol. Approximate values are obtained for ΔHf0○(HNCS+) and for the proton affinity of NCS.
Multiple filamentation of laser beams with different diameters in the air at a 100-meter path
Results of experiments on controlling the position and length of the filamentation zone of femtosecond laser pulses in atmospheric path length 110 m using different initial spatial focusing and defocusing. The obtained distribution of filaments along the filamentation zone, measured dependence the length of the filamentation zone of the numerical aperture of the beam, its initial radius and pulse power.
Crystallization behavior of amorphous Fe80B20 alloy has been studied using resistivity measurements. Other phase transitions after crystallization have also been studied.
Dynamic analysis and design on seeding feeder mechanism of rotary rice transplanter in braking section
The mechanism of the seeding feeder in the rotary rice transplanter with high speed was mainly focused on. The stroke was taken as a design parameter, then a set of kinematic and dynamic formula were derived and the impact strength was put forward. And then, four kinds of 2D curves and four 3D curved surfaces were constructed. Furthermore, the cutting-planemethod was presented as to obtain the 3D solution surface and 2D curves that could satisfy the condition of impact strength. Finally, the kinematic and dynamic processes of the seeding feeder in the braking section were revealed and a theoretical and practical approach was received which could meet the demands of impact strength.
Protective equipment for military aircraft pilot and method of customizing the equipment
An assembly for use by pilots of military aircraft, including a helmet (10) with a shell and a visor (18) for placing over the eyes. A central portion of the visor is shaped so that, at any point, the minimum radius of curvature is substantially in a vertical plane while the maximum radius of curvature is in a plane substantially orthogonal thereto. The radius of curvature of the visor in the horizontal plane is of 110-145 mm and its radius of curvature in a vertical plane parallel to the central plane of the helmet varies from around 135 mm in the middle to around 75 mm at the sides.
Poly[[tetra­aqua­bis(μ5‐1‐carboxy­benzene‐3,5‐dicarboxyl­ato)dilead(II)] monohydrate]
Crystals of the title compound, {[Pb2(C9H4O6)2(H2O)4]·H2O}n, were obtained from an aqueous solution. In the crystal structure, each PbII cation is nine-coordinated by seven O atoms from five carboxyl­ate groups of five 1-carboxy­benzene-3,5-dicarboxyl­ate (TBC) dianions and two water mol­ecules. Pairs of Pb atoms are bridged by two tridentate carboxyl­ate groups of two TBC dianions, yielding centrosymmetric dinuclear complexes. These are connected by TBC dianions, forming a three-dimensional network.
Clinical and laboratory manifestations in patients with serological evidence of Mycoplasma pneumoniae infection.
139 cases of Mycoplasma pneumoniae infection (serological diagnosis) were treated at Aurora Hospital, Helsinki, between January 1975 and August 1977. In 123 patients the main diagnosis was respiratory infection; 114 of these had pneumonia. The frequency of complications was high: 8 patients had neurologic, 6 cardiac and 5 joint symptoms. Although a significant rise in titre of complement-fixing antibodies to M. pneumoniae was required, the low titre level in some patients who had manifestations less frequently associated with M. pneumoniae infection may suggest nonspecific reactions. Nearly half of the patients in this study had plasmocytosis in the peripheral blood suggesting a strong antibody response. This might be connected with some serological reactions detected in association with M. pneumoniae infections.
On reliability-based structural optimization for earthquakes
Abstract A formulation is presented for the minimum-weight design of a structure subjected to an earthquake ground motion and constrained by a specified upper bound on overall probability of failure. The formulation includes a probabilistic representation of earthquake response spectrum shape and structural stiffness characteristics. Examples are presented which provide insight into basic features of reliability-based earthquake-resistant designs, and also illustrate the effects of different material characterizations and different assumptions regarding parameter distributions. In addition, designs based on the probabilistic representation of response spectrum are compared to designs based on deterministic response spectra which correspond to particular levels of probability of occurrence.
Silica Triflate as an Efficient Reagent for the Chemoselective Formylation of Alcohols
Silica triflate, as a new and stable silica-based reagent, is prepared by a reaction of silica gel with trifluoromethane sulfonyl chloride at room temperature. This reagent can be used for the efficient and selective formylation of alcohols in the presence of phenols in a relatively short reaction time and high yields under heterogeneous reaction conditions.
The relationship between androgen deprivation therapy and depression symptoms in patients with prostate cancer
AbstractAim: In this study, we administered a questionnaire to consecutive prostate cancer patients who received androgen deprivation therapy (ADT) for understanding the prevalence of depression sy...
A model of product design management in the Spanish ceramic sector
Product design is an essential aspect of the process of new product development and innovation, the efficiency of which depends on the existence of some kind of management. However, there is no generally accepted agreement as to exactly what activities this management involves, nor any analyses of the most suitable context for it to develop in or of the relationships that link these activities with performance. In this paper, we study product design management in depth and examine in what way and in which contexts it contributes to an improvement in performance. In order to do so, we carried out a case study of four companies from the Spanish ceramic tile sector that also revealed the activities of an efficient product design management. These were divided into two phases of the product design process: the analytical‐conceptual and the technical‐creative phases.
Quantitative analysis of chemicals release into food cooked in polyethylene bags at Uganda industrial research institute (UIRI)
A report submitted in partial fulfillment for the minimum ::: requirements for the award of the degree of bachelor of science in ::: industrial chemistry of Makerere university
Review on Lyophilization of Anti-biotics
The process of Lyophilization is carried out in pharmaceutical solutions inorder to produce an acceptable and stable product has been a practice employed to manufacture many marketed injectable formulations. Lyophilization which is based on the principle of sublimation of ice is a process of removal of water by, conversion of ice directly from solid to vapour without passing through a liquid phase. It includes the processes like freezing, sublimation and desorption. The present marketed formulation is taking more amount of time to get lyophilized and is facing problem of cake integrity during transport and upon prolonged storage. So the present work is designed to formulate a lyophilized Piperacillin tazobactam powder for injection, with decreased lyophilization time, increased stability and make the product more economical. Thus, the important objective of this research is to formulate a stable lyophilized formulation with desired characteristics, by combining with different excipients
Normal hypoxanthine and ammonia release from working muscle in partial HPRT deficiency.
Partial deficiency of HPRT (EC is one of the enzyme defects causing hyperuricemia and gout. The most obvious explanation for this phenomenon is the reduced activity of the salvage pathway with increased degradation of hypoxanthine and xanthine into uric acid. Since the salvage reactions consume PRPP, HPRT deficiency results in an accumulation of PRPP which further activates the purine nucleotide synthesis de novo and ultimately increases uric acid formation.
Ionization of counting gases and ionizable gaseous additives in proportional chambers by UV lasers
Abstract The ionization induced in argon-methane proportional counters by lasers emitting at 337 nm and 266 nm has been investigated. The ionization is due to impurities in the gas which can be removed by appropriate filters. Observations are consistent with a two-photon absorption mechanism. Two gaseous additives (trimethylamine and tetramethylphenylenediamine) are studied which are easily ionized at λ = 266 nm by a two-photon process. They can be used with concentrations at the ppm level to simulate minimum ionizing charged particle tracks. The ionization density is proportional to the concentration of the additive trimethylamine and to the square of the energy density of the laser beam.
Evaluation of Temperature and Moisture Inside a Temporary Corn Storage Bag
Research on the viability of using temporary storage bags (TSB) in humid sub-tropical climates is very limited. In Louisiana, since grain production greatly exceed grain storage capability for the past three years, TSB became an option for some producers. Temperature monitoring inside a TSB may bring information to the producer about the status of the stored grain, but the sensor used in the monitoring process should be able to measure and store data for periodic retrieval. In 2008, 2 bags filled with corn were monitored in Louisiana. Air temperature and relative humidity were also monitored. Grain inside TSB showed a cooling rate of 0.07 – 0.13°C per day of storage while air temperature cooled off at a rate varying from 0.07 to 0.22°C. Temperature variations inside TSB are minimal, even when compared day versus night temperatures. Using sensors to measure grain temperature and equilibrium moisture content allow producers to calculate grain moisture and follow grain conditions inside TSB.
Invertebrate insights into autism
Autism is a neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by deficits in social communication and interaction, impaired language development, and stereotyped repetitive behaviors. The broader category of autism spectrum disorders (ASDs) includes individuals with subsets of these symptoms ([Geschwind and
Mobile HolstenTour: contextualized multimedia museum guide
Modern museums provide visitors with mobile, context-aware information and guidance systems. Unfortunately, these systems often suffer from several technological drawbacks: expensive infrastructure, complex maintenance and content modification, difficult to learn user interfaces, manual location specification requirements, etc. Visitors have to rent, learn, carry and return yet another mobile device. On the other hand, most modern nomadics already own high-performance mobile devices: smart-phones. But acceptance to install museum software on a personal device is rather limited. In this paper, a novel mobile, context-aware museum information system is introduced that runs on the visitors' mobile phones without any prior installation. We outline the technical principles of the underlying Medient infrastructure and present HolstenTour as an example service instantiation for the famous Museum Holstentor in Luebeck, Germany.
Fast Intra Downsizing Based on Direction for H.264/AVC Transcoding
A fast algorithm based on direction in intra frame downsizing in H.264 is proposed,which used modes information of macroblocks before transcoding and the direction relation of modes between decoding and re-encoding in transcoding.This algorithm also made use of statistics between decoded modes and re-encoded modes,which came from a lot of sequences data experiments.Without full modes encoding,it can improve the speed of reducing intra-prediction frame resolution obviously.Comparing to traditional transcoding,it only needs to compute one of thirteen modes in re-encoding.The experiments show that this algorithm can significantly speed up 92 percent transcoding time in intra-prediction frame of H.264 with slight PSNR degradation.It also can support an improvement in real-time for transcoding and ability of bandwidths changing.
Managing Conflict in All-Women Groups
Due to the influence of the women's movement with its early emphasis on consciousness-raising groups, all-women groups have become increasingly utilized for a broad spectrum of purposes including counselling, drug dependence treatment, assertiveness training, and mutual support. As a result, an increasing amount of literature on all-women groups is being generated, but very little focuses on the issue of conflict as either a developmental stage or a specific entity in all-women groups. This paper will explore the following issues having to do with all women groups and conflict: (1) early socialization of women regarding conflict, (2) reasons why conflict is an especially difficult subject for most women, (3) information to share with women about conflict and suggestions for attitudinal and educational exercises, (4) strategies for arbitration if conflict becomes problematic.
This article reviews and analyses the depictions of suicide, grief, stigma, mentally ill persons, and psychiatric treatments in Malayalam movies. While the portrayals of suicide, grief and stigma have been sensitively handled, some depictions of mentally ill and the methods used to treat them have been stereotypic, negative, prejudiced and inaccurate. Accurate portrayals can help patients and caregivers in understanding the processes involved in psychiatric treatment, and thus help reduce stigma and resistance to treatment. Malayalam cinema can serve as a rich resource to teach undergraduate and postgraduate medical students and paramedical professionals of the state about mental illness and related issues, and needs to be harnessed adequately for this purpose.
Henry Buhl Library: International Social Entrepreneurship: Grants, Business Plans, & Business Sites
Use this guide to locate resources and research strategies for the study and practice of social enterprise. This tab will provide you with access to sample grant proposals and business plans.
Beyond Distributive Justice and Struggles for Recognition: Freedom, Democracy, and Critical Theory
This article argues that a theory of recognition cannot provide the comprehensive basis for a critical theory or a conception of social justice. In this respect, I agree with Fraser's impulse to include more in such a theory, such as distributive justice and participatory parity. Fraser does not go far enough, to the extent that methodologically she seeks a theory of the same sort as Honneth's. Both Honneth's and Fraser's comprehensive theories cannot account for a central phenomenon of contemporary societies: domination as structural exclusion rather than tyranny or the lack of parity. This phenomenon shows that at the very least freedom (rather than merely justice or recognition) ought to remain central to any critical theory of globalization. Most of all, both theories fail to provide a way to decide whether democratic practices can produce justice. A pluralist and pragmatic form of critical theory is thus superior to any comprehensive normative theory.
Explicit output-feedback receding-horizon control with constraints
An output-feedback control scheme is proposed based on the certainty equivalence [CE] principle and explicit solutions to the problem are investigated. It is assumed that the full state of the system is not measured and, instead, a measured output corrupted with measurement noise is available. It is also assumed that the control inputs are subject to polyhedral constraints. The CE control implementation uses a receding-horizon control law to compute the control action based on a state estimate obtained from a moving horizon state estimator. The structure of the solution is given by a piece-wise affine function of the parameters of the problem and a partition of the parameter space into polyhedral regions. The parameterized regions and coefficients of the piece-wise affine function can be pre-computed offline, allowing a simplified approach in implementing the output-feedback controller online.
Limiting laws of linear eigenvalue statistics for Hermitian matrix models
We study the variance and the Laplace transform of the probability law of linear eigenvalue statistics of unitary invariant Matrix Models of n×n Hermitian matrices as n→∞. Assuming that the test function of statistics is smooth enough and using the asymptotic formulas by Deift et al. [ Commun. Pure Appl. Math.52, 1325–1425 (1999)] for orthogonal polynomials with varying weights, we show first that if the support of the Density of States of the model consists of q≥2 intervals, then in the global regime the variance of statistics is a quasiperiodic function of n as n→∞ generically in the potential, determining the model. We show next that the exponent of the Laplace transform of the probability law is not, in general, 1∕2× variance, as it should be if the Central Limit Theorem would be valid, and we find the asymptotic form of the Laplace transform of the probability law in certain cases.
Equity and efficiency effects of redistributive policies
Abstract How do various forms of redistribution affect the distributions of earnings and consumption and their intergenerational mobility? Do redistributive policies enhance efficiency by mitigating market imperfections? Or do they create a trade-off between equity and efficiency? To address these issues, a dynamic general equilibrium model is constructed and solved numerically. The effects of the degrees of targeting of money transfers and educational transfers and the relative performance of the two types of transfers are examined.
Compact 64 x 64 micromechanical optical cross connect
Describes a 64 x 64 beam steering optical cross connect constructed using surface micromachined mirrors. It used a curved mirror as a Fourier transform element and to fold the optical system. Both micromechanical switches mirror arrays are fabricated on a single chip and packaged in a single package. The switch fabric size, at 100×120×20 mm, is compatible with mounting on a standard circuit card. The cross connect achieves a mean fiber-to-fiber insertion loss of 1.9 dB.
Modeling of low-pressure chemical vapor deposition
A simple mathematical model is established for low-pressure chemical vapor deposition (LPCVD) reactors which takes into account the interaction between diffusion and convection. The classical method of separation of variables can be applied to solve the partial differential equations describing the process, in view of the fact that in practice the deposition rate is small.
Super efficient point in vector optimization problems with set-valued maps characterized by generalized saddle point
Aim In locally convex spaces,to study the relationships between the super efficient solution and generalized saddle point.Methods Using the properties of saddle point and alternative theorem,the sufficient and necessary conditions of a super efficient point being a generalized saddle point are obtained.Results The property of generalized saddle point with cone separation was prved and the conditions of super efficient solutions being the generalized saddle point in the nearly cone-subconvexlike vector optimization problems were set up with set-valued maps.Conclusion These results deepen and enrich the content of optimization theory.
The influence of biculturalism on the development of a dialectical thinking
Dialectical thinking. Dialectical thinking and the managerial paradox. Culture and biculturalism. Methodology. Findings. Discussion.
Preliminary Study on the Effect and Mode of Width Theater Box Wide Band High-efficient Cultivation for Off-season Vegetables in Summer and Autumn
Based on width theater box wide band technology of dry farming during 2007~2008, the paper further dis- cussed high- efficient cultivation effect and mode of the technology for off- season vegetables in summer and autumn for pro- moting relative yield and output value of vegetables per 667m2 and improving product categories and working efficiency . The experimental results showed that yearly net increased output value was 534.9~597.5 yuan/ 667m2. At last, the technical regu- lations of width theater box wide band high- efficient cultivation for off- season vegetables in summer and autumn was summa- rized.
From Situations to Actions: Motion Behavior Learning by Self-Organization
We show that the self-organization principle, implementable in artificial neural networks, is highly useful in connection with autonomous robots. Equipped with a self-organizing controller, a mobile robot can learn sensor-action type of behaviors that are difficult to realize otherwise. It is shown that the sensory information from several sources can be combined such that the obtained representation is directly applicable for higher level operations like navigation and obstacle avoidance. The performance of the approach is demonstrated in two examples: one, where the sensor information guides the robot to move around a corner, and the other, where the robot must navigate between two points avoiding obstacles.
Discussion About the Ecological Compensation in Three Gorges Project Reservoir Area
After analyzing the meaning and significance of ecological compensation in Three Gorges Project reservoir area,this paper explains the principle,object,content,standards,methods and management mechanism of the ecological compensation in Three Gorges Project reservoir area,and finally puts forward some related countermeasures to develop and improve the ecological compensation.
Single photon emission computed tomography and serial MRI in preterm infants with kernicterus
Single photon emission computed tomography was performed in three preterm infants with athetoid cerebral palsy due to kernicterus. No clinical signs and symptoms of kernicterus, or ultrasonographic abnormalities were seen during the neonatal period in any patients. Although MRI during infancy revealed high intensity areas in bilateral globi pallidi in all of them, MRI abnormalities were mild in two of them. On later MRI, subtle high intensity areas in the globi pallidi were recognized in only one of them. Single photon emission computed tomography demonstrated hypoperfusion in the basal ganglia regions in all patients. Regions of interest analyses showed decreased blood flow in the basal ganglia related to the cortical areas. Single photon emission computed tomography will be useful for the diagnosis of kernicterus, whereas MRI abnormalities become less clear beyond infancy.
Little Sweep by Benjamin Britten
A full scale production of Little Sweep, with Conservatorium Orchestra. Included members of the community, the University Vocal Ensemble, and professional soloists.
LibGuides: Lost Adelaide: Taking the tour on your PC
Travel through history at your own pace. This self-guided walking tour allows you to discover Adelaide's lost buildings using your own smartphone.
Response Surface Methodology for Optimization of Microwave-assisted Extraction of Polysaccharides from Aloe Peel and Evaluation of Their Antioxidant Activity
Response surface methodology( RSM) was used to optimize the conditions for microwave-assisted extraction of polysaccharides from aloe peel,and the antioxidant activity of polysaccharides was also evaluated.Based on single-factor tests,Box-benhnken center composite experiment was carried out with four factors,including microwave time,microwave power,solid-liquid rate and extraction temperature.RSM was used to determine the efect of prime factors on the yield of polysaccharides. Besides,the antioxidaut activity of the polysaccharides was evaluated in vitro.The results showed that the optimal parameiers of microwave-assisted extraction were solid-liquid ratio 1∶31,microwave time 95 s,microwave power 400 W,extraction temperature 74 ℃.Under the optimal conditions,the polysaccharide extraction rate was 4. 926%. The antioxidant activity of the polysaccharides from aloe peels was found in a dose dependent manner.
Method for preparing 4A type molecular sieve by taking white mud as raw material and product prepared by same
The invention discloses a method for preparing a 4A type molecular sieve by taking white mud as a raw material, which comprises the following steps: adding a sodium hydroxide solution into white mud, reacting, filtering and collecting the filtrate; adding sodium metaaluminate into the filtrate to obtain silicon-aluminum gel, wherein in the system, the molar ratio of SiO2 to Al2O3 is (1.3-2.4):1, the molar ratio of Na2O to SiO2 is (0.8-3.2):1, and the molar ratio of H2O to Na2O is (25-100):1; and putting the silicon-aluminum gel into a crystallization kettle, adding a guide agent and reacting to obtain a 4A type molecular sieve. The invention also provides a 4A type molecular sieve prepared by the method. The method for preparing a 4A type molecular sieve disclosed by the invention makes effective use of the waste white mud, and has the advantages of simple technology, low cost, good product performance, large quantity of ion exchange and high screening rate.
The Development of Headquarters Economy at Home and Abroad:the Revelation towards Foshan
Headquarters economy,which has effect on tax contributions,consumption drive,and social capital accumulation,has significant impact on the promoting Foshan industrial upgrading and enhancing urban functions.However,headquarters economy in Foshan is still in initial stage.With reference on domestic and foreign successful experience in the headquarters economy development of similar manufacturing cities,it is concluded that Headquarters Economy Development in Foshan should be directed and supported by local government,based on dominant industries,developing towards modern service industry,combined with Foshan local features to reasonable positioning.Moreover,modern high-end services and rational urban carrier construction are necessary to be completed for supporting the settlements of enterprise headquarters and attracting top-level talents.
Stroke due to typical thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura treated successfully with intravenous thrombolysis and therapeutic plasma exchange
We report a case of a 39-year-old man with expressive aphasia due to occlusion of the temporal stem of the left middle cerebral artery. Laboratory tests showed microangiopathic haemolytic anaemia and thrombocytopenia. A thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura (TTP) was diagnosed, and thrombolytic therapy (TT) with alteplase followed by therapeutic plasma exchange (TPE) were performed with complete resolution of symptoms. The gold standard TTP treatment is TPE, and its delay can be lethal. The use of TT in TTP is controversial and has potential risks. This case shows a successful TT in a patient with typical TTP presenting as a stroke due to a large cerebral artery occlusion.
Annihilation of slow antiprotons in flight and in traps
The antiproton-nucleus annihilation in two possible experimental situations (low energy in-flight annihilation and annihilation in a trap) is investigated taking into account the Coulomb interaction. For these two cases, the formulas giving the relation between the antiproton-nucleus scattering lengthacs and observables (annihilation cross section and antiprotons time-of-life in a trap) are obtained. These relations are proposed to determineacs.
Rapid and specific detection of Mycobacterium tuberculosis by using the Smart Cycler instrument and a specific fluorogenic probe.
A procedure using the Smart Cycler instrument and a fluorescence quencher (FQ) probe for the specific identification of Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex (MTB) was used to detect organisms in 366 acid-fast bacillus smear-positive respiratory specimens. It was compared to culture and the AMPLICOR M. tuberculosis PCR test. MTB was isolated from 198 of these samples. The FQ PCR assay was sensitive (197 of 198, 99.5%) and specific (165 of 168, 98.2%); no significant difference was observed between the two PCR protocols. After DNA extraction, a final result was available within 1.5 h with the real-time PCR protocol.
Accurate atom–solid kinetic energy shifts from the simultaneous measurement of the KLL Auger spectra for Na, Mg, Al and Si
KLL Auger-energy shifts between free atoms and their solid surfaces were determined from spectra measured simultaneously in identical experimental conditions. Essentially, the shift values obtained for Na, Mg, Al and Si were more accurate than those achieved by combining the results from separate vapour and solid measurements. Using atomic Auger energies and determined shifts, reliable absolute solid state Auger energies with respect to the vacuum level were also obtained. Experimental shift values were also compared withcalculations obtainedwith theexcited atommodel. 2s and2p bindingenergy shifts were estimated from recent high resolution and due to open shell strongly split vapour phase spectra and corresponding published solid state results. Also, the question of the extent to which the 2s and 2p shifts deviate has been discussed here.
The Clinical Significance of Detection of CysC and IL-18 in Patients with Coronary Heart Disease
Objective: To investigate the significance of joint detection of serum levels CysC and IL-18 in patients with coronary artery disease.Method: The automatic biochemical analyzer and ELISA were used to detect the serum levels of CysC and IL-18 in 58 patients with coronary heart disease and the test results were comparing with 40 healthy controls.Result:The serum levels of CysC and IL-18 in 58 patients with coronary heart disease were significantly higher than those of healthy controls,the difference was statistically significant(P0.01).The serum levels of IL-18 compared to each other,The difference was statistically significant(P0.01).The incidence of cardiovascular events of the second in patients with high serum level of CysC was significantly higher than the low group(X2=4.392,P0.05).Conclusion:Joint detection of serum levels CysC and IL-18 in patients with coronary artery disease has a higher value of clinical application for diagnosis,treatment and disease assessment.
The explore and new demands of Athletics Physiological Parameters Telemeter Technology
Objective In the area of sports training and healing,to help the coach analyze the training effect scientifically and the doctors determine the status of healing accurately,providing the basis for them to constitute more rational sports training and improve the healing effect.Methods Using market research,literature consulting,expert consultation and technical analysis to explore the movement and new demands of the telemetry of physical parameters.Results According to the new technical requirements,and using the improved telemetry to implement real-time detection,will have a great actual significance and broad application prospects,in the modern sports training and healing.Conclusion In order to implement telemetry of real-time detection,the key technical problems-stability of the wireless transmission and design of a kind of probe which have a property of small size,high sensitivity,low-noise radio,need to be solved.
The Teaching Methods of Law in Higher Vocational Education
Teaching methods,the key of improving teaching quality,need to have their own characteristics for higher vocational education in law.Due to difficulties that currently applied teaching methods can't meet the need of higher vocational education in law and quality education,we should update our ideas,analyze their characteristics and deepen reform;at the same time,we should take measures to ensure smooth and effective application of reform in teaching methods,and gradually find out teaching methods characteristic of higher vocational education in law.
Polyploidization in leaf callus tissue and in regenerated plants of dihaploid potato
Cytological studies on leaf callus cells and regenerated potato plants suggest that it may be possible to utilize somatic chromosome doubling to obtain tetraploids from outstanding dihaploid breeding clones. The ploidy levels found in callus-derived plants were diploid, tetraploid, and octaploid, but the proportion of these was dependent on the donor genotype. L1 and L3 germ layers were studied in more than 300 plants; periclinal ploidy chimerism, an undesirable feature of colchicine doubling, was not found.
$^{11}B$ Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Study of Calcium-hexaborides
We have performed B nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) measurements to microscopically investigate an electronic structure of the ferromagnetic state in three different compositions of calcium-hexaboride single crystals. Although the crystal structure of Ca is cubic and three NMR lines may be expected for the nuclear spin 3/2 of B, a larger number of NMR resonance peaks have been observed. The frequency and intensity of those peaks distinctively changes depending on the angle between crystalline axis and magnetic field. Analyzing this behavior, we find that the electric field gradient(EFG) tensor at the boron has its principal axis perpendicular to the six cubic faces with a quadrupole resonance frequency 600 kHz. Even though the magnetization data highlight the ferromagnetic hysteresis, B NMR linewidth data show no clear microscopic evidence of the ferromagnetic state in three different compositions of Ca single crystals.s.
Soft X-ray reduction lithography using multilayer mirrors
A feasibility study on soft X-ray reduction lithography using multilayer mirrors has been performed. An exposure wavelength range of 80 to 110 A is proposed as the most suitable with current technology considering the optic design, the reflectivity of the multilayer, and the resist characteristics. With the aim of providing multilayers with very sharp interfaces and high reflectivity, we attempted to improve the multilayer fabrication process, with one result being the fabrication of an amorphous Mo/Si multilayer, by controlling substrate temperature. Experimental results of 0.2-µm pattern replication using a multilayer reflection mask are presented.
Narratives of Desistance : A Social Cognitive Approach
In this thesis I have investigated the process of self-schematic transformation that has been argued that offenders undergo in order to desist from crime. In this thesis I have used narrative inter ...
The Effect of Piperidine and Allied Substances on Mammalian Skeletal Muscle
Summary. ::: ::: 1 ::: Piperidine in doses of 50 μg or more produces a short tetanus in the tibialis anterior of the cat, when applied ad modum BROWN (1938), i. e., “close arterial injection”. ::: ::: 2 ::: The effect of subsequent maximal single twitches is either a transient potentiation or else inhibition (the latter sometimes reversible). ::: ::: 3 ::: The myogram of piperidine has a slower rise and fall than the corresponding acetylcholine curve. ::: ::: 4 ::: Denervated muscle is highly sensitive to piperidine. It causes contraction and, in larger doses, contracture. ::: ::: 5 ::: Injection of Locke's solution, plasma, or some other physiological solution may sometimes produce a short tetanus (“Injection effect”). ::: ::: 6 ::: Nicotine and coniine give contraction and subsequent inhibition of indirectly induced contractions. ::: ::: 7 ::: Spartein and arecoline give slight or no contraction, but distinct inhibition of indirectly induced contractions.
The Effect of an Introductory Training Program on Teachers' Efficacy Beliefs
Greek teachers who are appointed for the first time in public schools on a permanent basis have to attend an introductory training program. The present study investigated the effect of this program on teacher's self-efficacy beliefs. Participants were 237 teachers from various disciplines employed in primary and secondary education. The Teachers' Sense of Efficacy Scale (TSES, Tschannen-Moran & Woolfolk Hoy, 2001) was used to measure three dimensions of teachers' competence beliefs, efficacy for instructional strategies, for classroom management and for student engagement. The TSES was administered twice, once before the beginning of the training program and once after the completion of the first phase. Doubly repeated measures analysis showed a significant and a meaningful increase in efficacy for classroom management and a tendency for positive shift in efficacy for student engagement. It was concluded that the first phase of the training program enhanced teachers' beliefs in their capabilities.
GW28-e0222 Intramyocardial injection of HGF by a novel thermosensitive hydrogel attenuates cardiac remodeling and cardiac function post myocardial infarction on rats
Hepatocyte growth factor (HGF) is a potent antifibrotic cytokine that has been reported to have an antifibrotic function in various pathological conditions, such as pulmonary, liver and renal fibrosis. And it has been recently reported to attenuate cardiac remodeling and function following
Some aspects of epididymitis of rams in New Zealand
Abstract Extract In new Zealand, several different organisms have been isolated from the epididymides or testicles of rams with epididymitis. The classification and the role of some of the organisms involved is, at present, far from clear. The most definitive, and perhaps the best understood isolate is Brucella ovis (Buddie and Boyes, 1953). Data published since 1953, indicate, however, that Br. ovis is not the only organism associated with epididymitis in rams. Dodd and Hartley (1955) described a suppurative epididymitis of rams yielding an organism which was then, and still is, referred to as a “gram-negative pleomorph.” In Australia, Roberts (1956) described an organism, Histopfiilus ovis, which appeared to be identical with the “gram-negative pleomorph.” Histophilus ovis was isolated from a case of ewe mastitis. Further to this, another organism assigned to the genus Actinobacillus has been recovered from ram testicles submitted to this laboratory for diagnostic purposes. The characteristics of this o...
3-Alkylthio and 3-Aminopyrazolo [3,4-d] pyridazines.Ring Contraction of Pyridazino [4,5-e] [1,3,4] thiadiazines via Extrusion of Sulfur.
Reaction of 4-chloro-2-methyl-5-(1-methylhydrazino)-3(2H)-pyridazinone (1) with carbon disulfide followed by alkylation yielded 2-alkylthio-4H-pyridazino[4,5-e][1,3,4]thiadiazine derivatives 2. Oxidative cyclization of 5-(4-substituted 1-methylthiosemicarbazido)-3(2H)-pyridazinone derivatives 4 with N-bromosuccinimide also gave 2-substituted amino-4H-pyridazino[4,5-e][1,3,4]thiadiazine derivatives 5. Heating of 2 and 5 resulted in ring contraction to afford the corresponding pyrazolo[3,4-d]pyridazine derivatives 6, 7 via sulfur extrusion. A possible mechanism for the desulfurization reaction is discussed, comparing with a structural difference between a type of pyridazino[4,5-e][1,3,4]thiadiazine (2,5) and another one (9,11,13,15).
A field investigation of source parameters for the sledgehammer
We examined amplitude and frequency changes in shallow seismic-reflection data associated with simple source-parameter modifications for the sledgehammer. Seismic data acquired at three sites with different near-surface geology show the potential effects of varying the hammer mass, the hammer velocity, the plate mass, and the plate area. At these study sites, seismic amplitudes depend on plate-surface area and on hammer mass but not heavily on hammer velocity or plate mass. Furthermore, although the total bandwidth of the recorded data was independent of source parameter changes, the peak frequency at one site was increased approximately 40 Hz by increasing the area of the plate. The results indicate that the effects of modifying the source parameters for the sledgehammer are site-dependent. The experiments described are quick, cheap, and simple, and can be duplicated by others at prospective sites to answer site-specific questions.
Modification of butylated hydroxytoluene-induced pulmonary toxicity in mice by diethyl maleate, buthionine sulfoximine, and cysteine
Abstract Treatment of mice with diethyl maleate (DEM) or buthionine sulfoximine (BSO) significantly enhanced the lung injury caused by butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT). Conversely, cysteine protected mice from the lung toxicity of BHT. BHT administration to mice produced a time-dependent reduction of glutathione (GSH) content in the lung, but not in the liver. These results support the concept that conjugation of 2,6-di-tert-butyl-4-methylene-2,5-cyclohexadienone (BHT-quinone methide), a proposed reactive metabolite of BHT, with GSH is involved in the detoxification of BHT in mice.
The Heterogeneous Evolution of Marine Industry Structure in Shandong Peninsula Blue-economic Zone
Blue-economic zone is a new style coastal economic area characterized by developing marine industries.The development of Shangdong Peninsula Blue-economic Zone is focused on regional growth pole,priority zone with developed marine industries and demonstration plot that plans integrative development for entire project and oceanic conservation culture.One of the keys for achieving all the above goals depends on the rational relationship with marine industry's division of labour among these regions in order to enhance its compatibilities and rationalization for regional marine industry structures.There are two trends on its heterogeneous evolution such as heterogeneous growth among their industries and the isomerization of regional marine industries that depend on economy of scale and specialization.
Study on message drop and disorder in MPLS fault restoration
Several kind of MPLS fault restoration model is introduced,the message drop and disorder problem,which produced in use of these models are analyzed,a fault restoration model based on Haskin restoration mechanism is proposed,and the method of flow re-routing,flow switching and flow merging which used in the model are expatiated.This model is a better solution to message dropping and disordering due to flow switching.Finally the limitation of this model and the later research direction are proposed.
Distribution and anisotropy of fast wave speed in the cancellous bone of bovine femur
The ultrasonic longitudinal wave in the cancellous bone is separated into two waves, fast and slow waves [1]. In this study, the relationship between the fast wave speed and the cancellous bone structure is experimentally investigated. A conventional ultrasonic pulse measurement was performed using a PVDF focus transmitter (Custom made, Toray) and a self‐made PVDF receiver. Cylindrical specimens of cancellous bone were taken from the head of bovine femur in the distal part, along the three orthogonal directions. The distribution of fast wave speed was obtained by changing the measurement position along the cylindrical axis. The anisotropy of speed was also investigated by rotating the specimens. The structural parameters of each specimen were also measured by X‐ray micro CT (MCT‐12505MF, Hitachi), which gave us the trabecular length and alignment from MIL (mean intercept length) parameters through TRI/3D‐Bon software (Ratoc). We found that the fast wave showed large distribution and strong anisotropy depe...
Competition and choice: banks and savings banks in Spain
Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to examine how Spanish savings banks have come to compete directly with commercial banks. It also looks at how regulatory changes and corporate strategies have affected the nature of competition between the two types of bank in Spain.Design/methodology/approach – There is a re‐examination of the existing bibliography as a basis prior to the analysis of new data as identified in surviving records from the Bank of Spain and the Spanish Confederation of savings banks (Confederacion Espanola de Cajas de Ahorro (CECA)).Findings – The work adopts a novel approach to explaining the current status quo in the Spanish banking industry and refocuses the performance of Spanish savings banks. The analysis highlights the role of the diverse institutional agents, i.e. the banks, savings banks, cooperative banks and mutual banks and the role these play in the evolution of competition. The effectiveness of the managers, of both the CECA and the savings banks, is also placed under the...
Development of Tension Model in Continuous Annealing Unit
In the continuous annealing process,the setting ways and values of tension in different furnace sections has a direct effect on the stability of strip steel.The past way of tension setting is always the table method which lacks for flexibility.This thesis has launched the research on this problem.In order to improve the stability of strip,based on the extensive field tests and theoretical studies,and fully integrated with the equipment and technological features of the process line,a set of tension model which is fit for CAPL is put forward.The model has applied to the CAPL of Shougang.Then the similarity between calculated data and original data of table is computed;and the influence of gauge and grade of steel is analyzed.All this has provided beneficial support for the continuous annealing.
Research on High Temperature Oxidation Resistance and Thermal Performance of Al-Si Alloy
Cast aluminum 102 was used as one of the metal phase change material,The high temperature oxidation experiment was carried out.The experimental data was measured by XRD,SEM and DSC.This results show that Al2O3 is the main ingredient of the cast aluminum 102 surface oxide film;the oxide film has excellent oxidation resistance.After oxidation at 1200 h,the melting initial temperature of cast aluminum 102 was increased merely by 2.4 ℃;the phase change of latent heat just drops by 9.01%,which indicate that the cast aluminum 102 has good thermal physical properties.
An Indigenously Developed Insecticidal Aerosol
A total of 6 "Test" insecticidal aerosols (TA-I to VI) indigenously produced were tested during the years 1966-67 as suitable replacements for imported aerosols.TA-I produced deep yellow staining and a yellowish spray mist. Its capacity was only 120 ml fluid. TA-III types II and III containing modified aerosol formulation with "Esso solvent 3245" and mineral turpentine oil (Burmah Shell)and Freon 12 11 (all indigenous)were comparable to he "SRA" in insecticidial efficacy. The container was also manufactured in the country and it compared well with the "SRA" in construction, resistance against rough usage and mechanical function. They were both finally approved for introduction in the services as replacement for imported aerosols. TA-IV performed well in inscticidial assessment, but the aerosols formulation. TA-V and VI were similar to TA-III types II and III respectively.
Preparation of Needle ZnO Whiskers with Zinc Sulphide Concentrates
The preparing conditions and morphology of Needle ZnO Whiskers are dealt with,which are produced by high temperature vapor phase reaction with zinc sulphide concentrates,lime and lignite semicoke mixture in the air,and the granulated mixture by adding some binder. The experiment shows that the reaction temperature,time and reducing agent amount have an influence on the whisker growth;and different basic materials also affect the growth of ZnO crystal. The crystal is wurtzite ZnO structure verified by XRD patterns of ZnO whiskers. The length of typical whiskers is 10~40mm and diameter is 8~14μm.
Teachers, Authors, and Researchers Receive Awards from the National Council of Teachers of English
During the 99th Annual Convention of the National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE), November 19–24, 2009, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, awards were presented to authors, researchers, and teachers of English at all levels of education. The list below gives the name of the award, information on the winner, and a hyperlink to more information on the award on NCTE’s website.
Development of a real-time force-controlled compliant polishing tool system with online tuning neural proportional–integral–derivative controller
This article presents a real-time force-controlled pneumatic compliant polishing tool with self-supplied abrasives making the abrasives added to the contact area between the polishing pad and workpiece, which can lead to good polishing performance. And a force–position decoupling pneumatic servo system for polishing force control is presented to solve the problem of force–position coupling in the traditional polishing process. However, it is difficult to realize satisfactory control performance due to the problems of time variance, compliance, hysteresis and nonlinearity in pneumatic servo system. This article proposes an online tuning neural proportional–integral–derivative controller to improve force control performance. The real-time polishing force control results of pneumatic servo control system are investigated by adopting proposed neural proportional–integral–derivative control strategies with data acquisition card and RTW toolbox in MATLAB/Simulink. The real-time experimental results of polishing...
Planning U.S. General Purpose Forces: The Theater Nuclear Forces
Abstract : This paper is one part in a series of six papers on planning U.S. general purpose forces. While it does not directly address issues of major budgetary significance, it is nevertheless a necessary part of the series. Its primary purpose is to show the relationship between theater nuclear forces and conventional force planning. One possible response to the rising costs of conventional forces is to place more reliance on theater nuclear forces to deter the outbreak of war. This paper explores the reasonableness of that response, and attempts to answer the question: Are theater nuclear weapons a useful substitute for conventional force capability, or a hedge against failure of conventional forces?
Exponential stability of linear impulsive differential equations
In the present paper the notion of exponential stability for linear impulsive differential equations at fixed moments is made precise
Arrhythmogenic potential of silent myocardial ischemia after myocardial infarction
In a series of 300 patients who had suffered a transmural infarction and were undergoing coronary angiography because of ischemia in the surviving myocardium, 17 demonstrated an exercise response indicative of myocardial ischemia, in the absence of any signs or symptoms of angina pectoris. The presence of ischemia in the region of the myocardium under scrutiny was proven by: ::: ::: 1. ::: ::: ST-segment depression during bicycle ergometry of at least 2 mm, in leads without any QRS or ST-T changes at rest ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: 2. ::: ::: > 75% stenosis of vessels supplying the area under investigation, in addition to the vessel supplying the region of infarction ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: 3. ::: ::: a reversible Thallium perfusion defect on exercise.
Active control of multifrequency helicopter vibrations using discrete model predictive sliding mode control
Conventional control laws are limited predominantly to control the rotor main passing frequency component of helicopter structural response, while the remaining frequency components still make harsh vibration. The primary objective of this paper is to develop a novel hybrid controller to control multifrequency helicopter vibrations. The architecture of the feedforward–feedback hybrid control law is first proposed based on the filtered-x least mean square algorithm. Subsequently, the feedback loop called discrete model predictive sliding mode controller is designed in detail which combines discrete sliding mode control and model predictive control. Discrete sliding mode control is employed for its robustness, while the chattering phenomenon is eliminated and then the system state is steered to reach the sliding surface precisely in an optimal manner with the assistance of model predictive control. Also, the stability, robustness, and state tracking error bound of the feedback controller are analyzed. Perfo...
The mechanics of anisotropic spring networks
We construct and analyze a model for a disordered linear spring network with anisotropy. The modeling is motivated by, for example, granular systems, nematic elastomers, and ultimately cytoskeletal networks exhibiting some underlying anisotropy. The model consists of a triangular lattice with two different bond occupation probabilities, $p_x$ and $p_y$, for the linear springs. We develop an effective medium theory (EMT) to describe the network elasticity as a function of $p_x$ and $p_y$. We find that the onset of rigidity in the EMT agrees with Maxwell constraint counting. We also find beyond linear behavior in the shear and bulk modulus as a function of occupation probability in the rigid phase for small strains, which differs from the isotropic case. We compare our EMT with numerical simulations to find rather good agreement. Finally, we discuss the implications of extending the reach of effective medium theory as well as draw connections with prior work on both anisotropic and isotropic spring networks.