HIV-1 protease inhibitors: ketomethylene isosteres with unusually high affinity compared with hydroxyethylene isostere analogs.
HIV protease is a member of the aspartic proteinase family of proteolytic enzymes which include pepsin and renin. In contrast to the enhanced affinity seen with renin and pepsin upon conversion of the transition-state isostere, ketomethylene, to the hydroxyethylene, a set of HIV protease inhibitors showed a reduction in affinity. This implies that interactions with the active site of other segments of the inhibitor than those of the transition-state analog must predominate in the case of HIV protease, and that observations made on mammalian aspartic proteinases do not necessarily apply to viral aspartic proteinases.
Low-Speed DSP Assisted Dispersion Compensation-Free IM/DD Optical OFDM Transmission Over 100 km-SMF using Time- and Frequency-Domain Sparse-Subcarrier Multiplexing
Time- and frequency-domain sparse-subcarrier IM/DD optical OFDM system is proposed for dispersion-tolerant transmission. We show a BER improvement for four-subcarrier × 10 Gb/s/subcarrier OFDM, using duo-binary coding and MLSE over 100-km transmission without dispersion compensation.
Knowledge and Practice of Breast Cancer Screening Amongst Public Health Nurses
Aim of study: The study aimed to examine the knowledge and practice of breast cancer screening amongst Public Health nurses who are patient educators. Method: A self-administered questionnaire was sent to all 447 nurses in the Public Health Service to assess their knowledge and practice of breast cancer screening. Response rate was 96.4%. Knowledge scores ranged from 0-17 with one point given to a correct knowledge question, zero for wrong answer. Results: Median knowledge score was nine and 58.3% of nurses scored >9. Statistically significant factors influencing knowledge scores were related to the nursing profession, namely nursing qualifications, current nursing post and current workplace. 76.2% of Nursing Officers/Higher Nursing Officers and 74.5% of midwives had knowledge scores >9 compared with 57.3% of staff nurses and 40.8% of assistant nurses (p 9 (p 50 years old, ever married and those with a positive history of breast disease were more likely to have mammography done.
Experimental determination of soil characteristics from the parameters of scattered signals at X- and Ka-bands
The results are described of bare soil remote sensing at X- and Kalpha-bands: the angular dependences of the normalized RCS for different test areas, dependence of the normalized RCS on soil moisture and surface roughness, polarization dependences of scattered signal on soil moisture and surface roughness.
Study of contact rates between domestic and wild ungulates in Doñana National Park
Trabajo Fin de Master: Master universitario en investigacion basica y aplicada en recursos cinegeticos.
Traumatic Epidermoid Cysts Involving Digital Bones: Epidermoid Cysts of the Distal Phalanx
Epidermoid cysts of the digital bones can produce clinical and roentgenologic evidence of a painful, enlarging, destructive lesion and result in pathologic fractures. Unnecessary ray amputation, almost complete destruction of the distal phalanx, and severe x-ray dermatitis have been reported where the diagnosis was not established before therapy was instituted. 1 Although only 30 such cases have been reported, 2-12 there undoubtedly are many more in existence. A brief survey of the current American textbooks and journals of pathology failed to reveal any substantial discussion of this entity. In the past three and one-half years, we have had the opportunity of studying nine examples of this lesion,* and we would like to discuss the importance of the recognition of this entity. The clinical and roentgenographic features of our first four cases have been reported previously. 12 Report of Cases Case 1. —A 33-year-old white man complained of pain in his
Another Look at the Export of Raw Materials and Economic Growth
Recent empirical evaluations of the economic consequences of specialization in the export of raw materials have been seriously hampered by inadequate conceptualization and measurement of the central variables. A scale is advanced to measure relative degree of processing of exports and it is shown that specializing in the export of goods with low levels of processing has a significant negative effect on economic growth. The broader results suggest that position in the world economy is an important determinant of the economic fate of nations.
Particle identification at DO/ using neural networks
We have investigated the possibility of employing neural networks for identification of electrons and τ leptons with the DO/ detector in the upcoming run of the Tevatron collider at Fermilab. Preliminary results based on Monte Carlo simulations indicate that for any acceptable level of signal efficiency, neural networks consistently outperform covariance matrices so far employed for the same purpose. Using a subset of variables used by a covariance matrix, a properly trained neural network offers 2 times better background rejection for taus, and 10 times for electrons, at 90% signal efficiency. Similar enhancements can be expected for identification of other objects (such as muons, b or c jets, quark vs gluon jets, neutrinos, etc).
Progressive symmetric erythrokeratodermia. Histological and ultrastructural study of patient before and after treatment with etretinate.
Progressive symmetric erythrokeratodermia is a rare inherited cornification disorder characterized by symmetric erythematous hyperkeratotic plaques. Approximately 25 cases have been reported, but the ultrastructural features have not been well characterized. In this article, we describe the clinical, histologic, and ultrastructural findings noted in our patient. Biopsy specimens taken before treatment with etretinate showed hyperkeratosis with a well-preserved granular layer and acanthosis. Ultrastructural examination disclosed that granular cells contained markedly swollen mitochondria and that corneocytes contained many lipidlike vacuoles. After initiation of treatment, considerable clinical improvement was observed, but without significant histologic modification. The principal posttreatment ultrastructural changes observed were the reduction of mitochondrial swelling in granular cells and the reduction in the number of lipidlike vacuoles in corneocytes.
Feature selection using genetics-based algorithm and its application to speaker identification
This paper introduces the use of genetics-based algorithm in the reduction of 24 parameter set (i.e., the base set) to a 5, 6, 7, 8 or 10 parameter set, for each speaker in text-independent speaker identification. The feature selection is done by finding the best features that discriminates a person from his/her two closest neighbors. The experimental results show that there is approximately 5% increase in the recognition rate when the reduced set of parameters are used. Also the amount of calculation necessary for speaker recognition using the reduced set of features is much less than the amount of calculation required using the complete feature set in the testing phase. Hence it is mote desirable to use the subset of the complete feature set found using the genetic algorithm suggested.
A Wireless LAN under High Load and in Noise: Throughput Evaluation
IEEE 802.11 specifies a network technology for wireless local area networks (LANs) and mobile user connections. The fundamental access mechanism in the IEEE 802.11 MAC protocol is the Distributed Coordination Function (DCF). The throughput of LANs with the DCF mechanism under high load and in noise is evaluated by an analytical method, which ensures high estimation accuracy for any values of protocol parameters and bit error rates.
In this paper, the extremal properties of the ergodic sojourn times in GIG/1 queues under various service disciplines are studied in terms of the convex ordering. It is shown that among work-conserving non-preemptive service disciplines that are service time independent, the FIFO and the LIFO service disciplines provide the minima and the maxima, respectively, of the ergodic sojourn times for any G/G/i queue. For G/M/1 queues, this class of workconserving service disciplines is extended to include preemptive/resume disciplines. In this case the FIFO and LIFO-P (preemptive/resume LIFO) service disciplines attain the minima and maxima, respectively. These extend results of Durr (1971), Kingman (1962) and a recent result of Ramaswami (1984). Further results are obtained for G/Em/I and G/D/I queues.
Privacy concerns and expectation of control
This study collected empirical data from over 200 Web users and investigated the relationships between three constructs related to privacy of Web users’ data: user privacy concern about personal data collection, user expectation of control over collected personal data, and user self-regulation. A structural model showed that significant relationships existed among the three constructs. The results suggest that businesses would be wise to address the need that users feel for increased privacy, and that personal characteristics such as self-regulation may be used to tailor the level of user control over personal data.
Biomecánica del hombro y bases fisiológicas de los ejercicios
Shoulder is considered the most mobile joint in the human body, but also the most unstable. In the presence of diseases in this joint has been used physiotherapy rehabilitation techniques, including Codman exercises with the aim of restore the integrity of the shoulder, sustained in their physiological effects. The objective of this review is to explain the biomechanics of the shoulder as the foundation of Codman exercises and their physiological effects.
Substrate and manufacturing method of the phosphor and a display device
Fluorescent substrate (5) of the present invention is emitting light phosphor layer (3) a fluorescent substrate (5) by the excitation light, provided on a side surface of the phosphor layer (3) and the excitation light incident surface is formed a reflective film (10), which causes excitation peak wavelength of light transmitted through the components, and the component emitting from the phosphor layer (3) of the peak wavelength of reflection.
Formation of magnetic field in ion diode with external magnetic isolation
The formation of magnetic field in the ion diode with external isolation is described in the article. The mathematical model of magnetic field in the diode gap is offered
The sorption of water vapour of wood treated with a nanotechnology compound
The potential of improving the hygroscopicity of solid wood by applying a new nanotechnology compound was investigated. The sorption isotherms were analysed using the Hailwood–Horrobin model. The experimental analysis of the sorption isotherms showed that the treatment affected total, polymolecular and monomolecular sorption. The application of the compound reduced the total sorption by 26.5%, polymolecular sorption by 23.9% and monomolecular sorption by 33.1% at saturation.
LogCLEF 2011 Multilingual Log File Analysis: Language Identification, Query Classification, and Success of a Query
Since 2009 LogCLEF has been the initiative within the Cross- Language Evaluation Forum which aims at stimulating research on user behavior in multilingual environments and promote standard evaluation collections of log data. During these editions of LogCLEF, dierent col- lections of log dataset were distributed to the participants together with manually annotated query records to be used as a training or test set. In this LogCLEF 2011 edition, a Web based interface to annotate log data was designed and realized on the basis on the experience of past par- ticipants for dierent tasks: language identication, query classication, and query drift. The data and the results produced by the participants are analyzed and discussed.
Development of a bovine plasma medium for propagation of Lactobacilli
Bovine plasma medium (BPM), based on bovine blood plasma that can be heat-sterilized, is described. Bovine plasma solution (BPS) was prepared by mixing 300 ml of bovine plasma with 300 ml of distilled water. The solution was adjusted to pH 11 and was sterilized in an autoclave at 121°C for 15 min. The sterile BPS was then mixed with a sterile solution of glucose, minerals and yeast extract. The final pH after mixing was about 6.4. The individual effects of minerals and yeast extract were also tested. The microorganisms used to test the medium were L Oplantarum, L. casei, L. bulgaricus and L. acidophilus. The efficiency of the new medium was compared with commercial MRS and no differences in the growth of the different Lactobacilli were observed. It was concluded that a new, low cost, practical medium could be developed for the propagation of Lactobacilli.
Understanding and influencing teaching and learning cultures at university: a network approach
Academic cultures might be perceived as conservative, at least in terms of development of teaching and learning. Through a lens of network theory this conceptual article analyses the pattern of pathways in which culture is constructed through negotiation of meaning. The perspective contributes to an understanding of culture construction and maintenance with a potential to aid academic developers and others in the endeavour to influence teaching and learning cultures in academia. Throughout the discussion the importance of supporting the weak links between clusters of individuals stands out as a feature to focus upon. We propose that the sheer complexity of culture construction and maintenance in academic organisations is likely to cause any single, isolated attempt for change to fail Instead, we argue that a multitude of inter-related initiatives over a long period of time is likely to distinguish strategies that are successful in influencing academic teaching and learning cultures.
In silico analysis of Costunolide Dependent Responses of ErbB Signaling Pathway
Molecularly targeted therapies are transforming the treatment of cancer at various levels (1). Small molecule inhibitors that target the cancer dependent enzymes raise the possibility of rational approaches to cancer therapy. The wealth of molecular information from the recent genomics technologies offers a remarkable opportunity for new target discovery (2, 3). Systems level view of perturbed networks or pathways can provide promising therapeutic strategies.
The mitotic kinesin-14 Ncd drives directional microtubule–microtubule sliding
Kinesin-14 (Ncd in Drosophila, and Klp2 in fission yeast) is a microtubule-based motor important for spindle assembly. Ncd and Klp2 mediate both sliding of anti-parallel microtubules and crosslinking of parallel ones.
Meta analysis of integrated Chinese-Western medicine therapy for type 2 diabetes mellitus
Objective To systematically compare the effects of integrated Chinese-Western medicine(ICWM) with Western medicine alone(WM) in treatment for type 2 diabetes mellitus(T2DM).Methods Both a computer-aided search of PubMed,CNKI,VIP,Wanfang data and an intensive search by hand were conducted to identify all randomized controlled trials assessing the effect of ICWM with WM in treating T2DM and Meta-analysis was performed.Results Ninety six studies were collected,of which 20 studies were involved.Combined OR of efficient rate was 4.26 and its 95% confidence interval(CI) was 3.42-5.32,weighted mean difference(WMD) of fasting blood glucose(FBG),triglyceride and total cholesterol were-1.16 mmol·L-1[95%CI-1.36,-0.96],-0.27 mmol·L-1 [95%CI-0.41,-0.12],-0.71 mmol·L1 [95%CI-0.98,0.44],respectively.Conclusion ICWM has a better effect in treating T2DM compared with WM alone.
Inside Smaller Hospitals: Managing Service Operations
The present paper is based on the study of smaller private healthcare providers, carried out during 1998-99. The study covered almost 60 percent of such hospitals in the five major cities of the state of Rajasthan. Study attempts to identify major areas of operational concerns for smaller hospitals. Study also evaluates location and process issued involved in healthcare delivery. The study makes a comparative study of hypothesized professionalism in the practices in hospitals in larger cities as compared to those in smaller cities thus bring out a trend that accompanies the growing professionalism. Authors also attempt to make some useful suggestions for these smaller hospitals to adopt total progressive patient care.
Coronary Bypass: Does Practice Make Perfect?
It is widely assumed that the more surgical procedures a hospital does, the better the patient outcomes. This belief is so strong that health care policies have favored larger surgical units, even though the supporting data are limited and are all from …
of the same microorganism with increased L-valine productivity and process for the production of L-valine using
The present invention relates to a microorganism with increased L-valine productivity, and a method for producing L-valine using the same. More preferably, the present invention provides a Corynebacterium glutamicum mutant strain having resistance to L-valine and derivatives thereof, to have an increased L-valine productivity, and the same, a method for producing L-valine using concerns.
BeckerGuides: Research Impact : Impact Frameworks
This guide provides guidance on scholarly and research impact for authors and investigators.
Studies of the kinetics and ionic requirements for the phosphorylation of ribosomal protein S6 after fertilization of Arbacia punctulata eggs
Abstract Fertilization of the eggs of the sea urchin Arbacia punctulata is followed by the phosphorylation of ribosomal protein S6. The increase in phosphorylation starts at the same time that protein synthesis begins to increase, and leads to the appearance of mono-, di-, and triphosphorylated S6 derivatives. Essentially all the S6 is phosphorylated by first cleavage. This phosphorylation requires the occurrence of both the normal Ca 2+ transient and the consequent Na + H + exchange. Protein synthesis can be partially activated by an increase in intracellular pH brought about by weak bases, but this neither causes S6 phosphorylation, nor the inactivation of the specific S6 phosphatase present in unfertilized Arbacia eggs.
Seasonal and age distributions of Babesia, Hepatozoon, Trypanosoma and Grahamella species in Clethrionomys glareolus and Apodemus sylvaticus populations.
Four common blood parasites belonging to the genera Babesia, Hepatozoon, Trypanosoma and Grahamella were detected in sympatric populations of Clethrionomys glareolus and Apodemus sylvaticus. Seasonal changes in the abundance of hosts and parasites were monitored in a longitudinal field survey for 18 months. All parasites in both hosts showed similar seasonal patterns with most transmission occurring in summer and autumn and ceasing in winter. Amongst aged subsets of each host population, Hepatozoon and Grahamella spp. were primarily parasites of young animals whereas Babesia and Trypanosoma spp. generally infected older hosts. Data from the aged subsets were also used to estimate values for the basic reproductive rate, R0, for each parasite. In C. glareolus, R0 = 2.0 for B. microti, 2.6 for H. erhardovae, 1.7 for T. evotomys and 2.8 for Grahamella sp. In A. sylvaticus R0 = 2.2 for Grahamella sp. These estimates are probably representative only for summer and autumn of each year.
Atypical clinical course subacute sclerosing panencephalitis presenting as acute Encephalitis
We report a 14-year-old boy who presented with loss of consciousness and gait instability. The electroencephalogram (EEG) showed generalized slowing with irregular activity and cerebral magnetic imaging revealed asymmetrical nonspecific signals on basal ganglia. His second electroencephalogram revealed periodical generalized high-voltage slow wave complexes which did not disappear with diazepam induction. Subacute sclerosing panencephalitis (SSPE) was considered and the diagnosis was confirmed with the identification of measles antibodies in cerebrospinal fluid. Our findings show that SSPE should be in mind in the differential diagnosis of meningoencephalitis and acute disseminated encephalomyelitis and highlight the significance of EEG in the diagnosis of unidentified cases.
explosion. Although much investigation has been carried out to clarify the mechanism of fragmentation, no consent of physically validated mechanism is obtained yet. The purpose of the present study is to clarify what thermal-hydraulic phenomena cause effective fragmentation. In this study molten steel with a mass of about 1gram was pored into a subcooling water of 80K through the air. The molten steel drop fell through the water dragging an air column. When the air column separated into two parts, a water jet with a sharp tip from the top of drop-side air column rushed into the molten drop. Almost every solidified steel drop had vacant space in its inside. Some vacant steel drops had irregularly shaped mouths which appear to be caused by rupture. These results suggest that fragmentation due to entrapment of water is possible even when melts have high temperatures near 1770K.
Antimicrobial resistance of 168 isolates of pseudomonas aeruginosa causing nosocomial infection
OBJECTIVE To investigate the antimicrobial resistance of Pseudomonas aeruginosa(PAE) causing nosocomial infection and provide the scientific evidence for clinically reasonable use of antibiotics.METHODS Referring to National Guide to Clinical Laboratory Procedures,the bacterial culture and identification were performed by the rountine methods.The susceptibility testing was performed by K-B methods recommended by CLSI.RESULTS Among 168 isolates of PAE,PAE was 100.0% sensitive to imipenem and meropenem.The resistance rates to cefoperazone/sulbactam,piperacillin/tazobactam and amikacin were the lower,varying form 10.1% to 14.3%.The resistance rate of sulfamethoxazole/trimethoprim(58.3%) was the highest.The antibiotics with above 30.0% resistance rate were cefotaxime,ciprofloxacin,gentamicin and aztreonam.CONCLUSION The serious antimicrobial resistance of PAE has been occurred in grass-root hospitals.It should strengthen the monitoring and controlling of bacterial drug resistance.
Magnetic recording medium and substrate for magnetic recording medium
When the soft magnetic layer is formed for the two-layered perpendicular magnetic recording medium by a coating method, there occurs a problem isolated impulse noise is referred to spike noise, so that the loss of signal reproduction characteristics. To solve this problem, there is provided a surface-treated substrate for a magnetic recording medium comprising a substrate, is no greater than 90mm in diameter; and a provided at or above the substrate by comprising Co, Ni and Fe a selected from the group of soft magnetic alloy of at least two metals forming a film; wherein the coercive force of the soft magnetic layer in a direction parallel to the substrate surface is less than 20 oersteds (Oe), and wherein in parallel to the ratio of the saturation magnetization and the direction of the substrate surface was 4 to residual magnetization to 4:3; and a magnetic recording medium comprising a magnetic recording medium substrate.
Determination of moisture content of single-wall carbon nanotubes
Several techniques were evaluated for the establishment of reliable water/moisture content of single-wall carbon nanotubes. Karl Fischer titration (KF) provides a direct measure of the water content and was used for benchmarking against results obtained by conventional oven drying, desiccation over anhydrous magnesium perchlorate as well as by thermogravimetry and prompt gamma-ray activation analysis. Agreement amongst results was satisfactory with the exception of thermogravimetry, although care must be taken with oven drying as it is possible to register mass gain after an initial moisture loss if prolonged drying time or elevated temperatures (120 °C) are used. Thermogravimetric data were precise but a bias was evident that could be accounted for by considering the non-selective loss of mass as volatile carbonaceous components. Simple drying over anhydrous magnesium perchlorate for a minimum period of 8-10 days is recommended if KF is not available for this measurement.
Study of In Vitro Drug Release Profiles of Time-controlled Penta-layered Nanofiber Meshes
Electrospinning was initiated to fabricate time-controlled penta-layered nanofiber meshes which could show a multiphasic drug release. The drug ratio in each nanofiber mesh was kept persistent and each polymer content was electrospun at already determined time intervals. The drug release interval can be controlled by adjusting spinning time of each mesh. XRD and FTIR studies have been conducted to identify the state of drug and polymers, and also the chemical interactions between them respectively. In-vitro drug release profiles demonstrate that nanofiber meshes with distinct penta-layered morphological structure are capable of multiphasic drug release. Such type of time-controlled drug release system can provide a platform for the development of novel structures that can be used as multiphasic drug release systems.
Defining Italianness: Poetry, Music and the Construction of National Identity in Nineteenth- and Twentieth-Century Accounts of the Medieval Italian Lyric Tradition
ABSTRACTThis article explores the role of music in nineteenth- and twentieth-century accounts of medieval Italian literature and its relation to the construction of Italian national identity both during and long after the Risorgimento. Tracing music's role in the writings of Giosue Carducci, Vincenzo De Bartholomaeis and Aurelio Roncaglia, it argues that music somewhat paradoxically became entangled with Italy's literary identity even as scholars worked to extricate the peninsula's most renowned poetry from its grasp. In the realm of ‘popular’ poetry, Italianness depends on the presence of music, which serves as a marker of that poetry's popular origins. In contrast, music's absence from the realm of ‘high-art’ poetry was essential to the construction of an Italian tradition independent of and superior to its French and Provencal predecessors.
The influence of internal surfaces on the (2 × 1) shuffle and glide cleavage reconstructions for Si(111)
The surface reconstructions which occur when a parallel-sided gap opens up between the (111) planes of silicon are computed using the ab initio total-energy and lattice dynamics method of Sankey and Niklewski (1989). This allows the time-evolution of the surface structures to be observed. The shuffle and glide terminations are compared, and found to differ in energy by 0.17 eV/(surface atom), with the shuffle termination having lower energy. The Haneman (2 × 1) buckled row reconstruction is found to occur at a certain critical gap dc = 0.46 nm, and acts as a precursor for the Pandey (2 × 1) π-bonded chain model, which occurs at larger gaps. Charge-density maps are shown, and the results related to cleavage in real crystals. The surface energy of (2 × 1) reconstructed Si(111) is calculated to be 1340 erg/cm2 (1.07 eV per surface atom) in good agreement with experiment.
Equivariant maps for homology representations
If Y is a homotopy representation of the finite group G of order n and X is a finite G-CW complex such that, for each subgroup H of G, H*(XH; Zn) = H*(YH; Zn) then there exists a G-map f: X -+ Y such that fH': H, (XH; Zn) h(YH; Zn) is an isomorphism for each subgroup H.
Map Comparison Methods for Comprehensive Assessment of Geosimulation Models
A crucial task in the calibration and validation of geosimulation models is to measure the agreement between model and reality. In recent years many map comparison methods have been developed for this purpose. This paper presents a framework to systematically assess different aspects of model performance and express the results relative to a common reference level. Application on a constrained cellular automata model of the Netherlands demonstrates that the framework gives an in-depth account of model performance. It also shows that any performance assessment that does not follow a multi-criteria approach or lacks a reference level results in an unbalanced account and ultimately false conclusions.
Minimally invasive chest wall resection: sparing the overlying, uninvolved extrathoracic musculature of the chest.
Patients with non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) that invades the chest wall are often thought not to benefit from minimally invasive surgery. Frequently, open techniques involve cutting noninvolved extrathoracic muscles that lie over the cancer to gain access to resect the ribs that contain malignancy. We reviewed a new technique involving 21 patients that eliminates cutting of the extrathoracic (trapezius, rhomboids, serratus anterior) muscles. Ribs with invading cancer are resected from inside of the chest instead of cutting the uninvolved muscles over them. The approach used can be a thoracotomy, robotic, or video-assisted technique.
Polyols for aqueous coating compositions and such compositions
(57) Abstract: For example, to provide a transparent or aqueous coating composition for use as a top coat or primer colored. A a) having at least two hydroxy groups per molecule, i) carboxylate - and / or carboxylic acid - content C and ii) a sulfonate functional groups - and / or sulfonic acid - content of functional groups S the a total content C + S is from 0.09 to 0.6 mmol / g polyol, the ratio C / S has a value of from 0.5 to 20, mixtures and polyols or polyol; can react with b) hydroxy group one or more crosslinking agents, for example, aqueous coating composition comprising a polyisocyanate.
Nitroaromatic Actuation of Mitochondrial Bioelectrocatalysis for Self-Powered Explosive Sensors
Oligomycin-inhibited mitochondria-modified electrodes were used to electrochemically sense the presence of nitroaromatics owing to the selective ability of nitroaromatics to decouple the inhibition of pyruvate metabolism by the mitochondria. These oligomycin inhibited mitochondria-modified electrodes were employed as the bioanode in a pyruvate/air biofuel cell. This sensing mechanism could be used as a traditional electrochemical sensor or as a self-powered sensor.
(-)-α-Bisabolol attenuates visceral nociception and inflammation in mice.
Abstract The study examined the antiinflammatory and antinociceptive effects of the sesquiterpene (−)-α-bisabolol (BISA). The antiinflammatory effect was evaluated on acute models of dermatitis induced by Croton oil, arachidonic acid, phenol and capsaicin, respectively, in mouse ear. BISA inhibited the dermatitis induced by all noxious agents, except capsaicin. BISA was assessed in two established mouse models of visceral nociception. Mice were pretreated orally with BISA, and the pain-related behavioral responses to intraperitoneal cyclophosphamide or to intracolonic mustard oil were analyzed. BISA showed a dose-unrelated significant antinociception. Collectively, the results suggest that BISA may be an topical antiinflammatory and visceral antinociceptive agent.
A Rare Cause of Right Upper Quadrant Pain in a 17-Year-Old Female
A 17-year-old Hispanic female presented to our hospital with complaints of right upper quadrant abdominal pain, vomiting, and fever. Physical exam was positive for hepatomegaly. Abdominal computed tomography showed multiple hypoechoic liver masses. Liver biopsy was done, which was diagnostic for hepatic epithelioid hemangioendothelioma.
Boltzmann MachinesforImageDenoising
Image denoising based on a probabilistic model of local image patches has been employed by various researchers, and recently a deep denoising autoencoder has been proposed in [2] and [17] as a good model for this. In this paper, we propose that another popular family of models in the field of deep learning, called Boltzmann machines, can perform image denoising as well as, or in certain cases of high level of noise, better than denoising autoencoders. We empirically evaluate these two models on three different sets of images with different types and levels of noise. The experiments confirmed our claim and revealed that the denoising performance can be improved by adding more hidden layers, especially when the level of noise is high.
Design principles of spectroscopic probes for biological applications
Spectroscopic (chromogenic, fluorescent, or chemiluminescent) probes have been widely used in many fields due to their high sensitivity and unrivaled spatiotemporal resolution. This area is an old one but always full of activity, because the rapid development of science and technology requires not only new probes for specific purposes (e.g., subcellular imaging) but also the update of current probes with more satisfactory properties. Based on our experiences and including existing knowledge, in this mini-review we briefly discuss the design strategies, response modes, and bioapplications of small molecular spectroscopic probes, in particular their advantages and disadvantages as well as possible research trends, which may be helpful to those who are interested in this continually growing research area.
Effect of the gain grating written by intracavity beams on the spatial characteristics of Nd-laser emission
The possibility of highly efficient self-diffraction of intracavity beams on the gain grating arising due to the interference of these beams in the active element is experimentally demonstrated. The influence of self-diffraction on the output spatial parameters of laser radiation is investigated.
A Sub-$\mu$ W Embedded CMOS Temperature Sensor for RFID Food Monitoring Application
An ultra-low power embedded CMOS temperature sensor based on serially connected subthreshold MOS operation is implemented in a 0.18 μm CMOS process for passive RFID food monitoring applications. Employing serially connected subthreshold MOS as sensing element enables reduced minimum supply voltage for further power reduction, which is of utmost importance in passive RFID applications. Both proportional-to-absolute-temperature (PTAT) and complimentary-to-absolute-temperature (CTAT) signals can be obtained through proper transistor sizing. With the sensor core working under 0.5 V and digital interfacing under 1 V, the sensor dissipates a measured total power of 119 nW at 333 samples/s and achieves an inaccuracy of + 1/-0.8°C from - 10°C to 30°C after calibration. The sensor is embedded inside the fabricated passive UHF RFID tag. Measurement of the sensor performance at the system level is also carried out, illustrating proper sensing operation for passive RFID applications.
Thalidomide maintenance therapy for patients with multiple myeloma: Meta-analysis
Abstract We performed a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials comparing thalidomide maintenance with other regimens after induction chemotherapy for multiple myeloma. Overall, 6 trials including 2786 patients were identified. Patients treated with thalidomide maintenance had marginally better overall survival (hazard ratio HR 0.83, P = 0.07). The improvement was especially prominent in a subgroup of studies using corticosteroids with thalidomide (HR 0.70, P = 0.02). Thalidomide improved progression-free survival (HR 0.65, P P P
Beyond the Double Dividend: Modelling the impacts of deep cuts in Australian greenhouse gas emissions
Australian economic modelling of policy options to reduce greenhouse gas emissions has to date given little attention to (i) crafting policy scenarios that use emissions revenues to target significant existing tax distortions, (ii) quantifying the effects of policy on the price and affordability of energy products, and (iii) communicating policy impacts on living standards relative to current levels, as well as relative to future levels in the reference case. Building on modelling undertaken for the Australian Business Roundtable on Climate Change - which found that real consumption and income continue to grow strongly with emission reductions - we find that smart tax reform could significantly reduce the economic impact of emissions reductions, particularly in the initial years; and that the affordability of energy products improves over time despite marked increases in prices.
Library Resources Home: Writing Help (The Write Way): Overview
Fox Valley Technical College’s The WRITE WAY provides targeted assistance for students and faculty to facilitate greater student writing success and provide a consistent voice for support of student writing throughout the campus and outreach centers.
Rank me thou shalln't Compare me
Centrality measures have been defined to quantify the importance of a node in complex networks. The relative importance of a node can be measured using its centrality rank based on the centrality value. In the present work, we predict the degree centrality rank of a node without having the entire network. The proposed method uses degree of the node and some network parameters to predict its rank. These network parameters include network size, minimum, maximum, and average degree of the network. These parameters are estimated using random walk sampling techniques. The proposed method is validated on Barabasi-Albert networks. Simulation results show that the proposed method predicts the rank of higher degree nodes with more accuracy. The average error in the rank prediction is approximately $0.16\%$ of the network size.
Optimisation of solute transport in dialysers using a three-dimensional finite volume model
Dialyser manufacturers only provide limited information about mass removal under well-defined flow and solute conditions in commercially available dialysers for hemodialysis. This computational study aimed at assessing the solute transport efficiency in a dialyser for different geometries (fiber lengths and diameters). A three-dimensional finite volume model of a single fiber in a high flux polysulphone dialyser (Fresenius F60) was developed. Different equations describe blood and dialysate flow (Navier–Stokes), radial filtration flow (Darcy) and solute transport (convection–diffusion). Fluid and membrane properties were derived from in vitro and in vivo tests as well as from literature data. Urea (MW60) was used as marker to simulate small molecule removal, while middle molecule transport was modelled using vitamin B12 (MW1355) and inulin (MW5200). Keeping the fluid velocity in a single fiber constant, fiber diameter and length were changed in a wide range for evaluation of solute removal efficiency. Cle...
Immunopathologic study of lichenoid skin diseases: Correlation between HLA-DR-positive keratinocytes or Langerhans cells and epidermotropic T cells
Skin biopsy specimens from 24 patients with different lichenoid skin diseases that had been proved histologically were studied immunohistologically. Marked differences were noted in the number of OKT6 + /S100 + Langerhans cells within the epidermis and dermis in the lesional skin between lichen planus (and its related disease) and lupus erythematosus; in the former these cells were increased in number; in the latter they were decreased in number compared with those in uninvolved perilesional skin. Human lymphocyte antigen (HLA)-DR expression on keratinocytes was observed not only in lichenoid skin diseases but also in control cases without epidermal involvement. In the two cases of systemic lupus erythematosus, the uninvolved perilesional skin also show weak and focal HLA-DR reactivity in the basal layer. HLA-DR + keratinocytes could play an important role at least in the perpetuation of epidermal cell damage mediated by T cells.
Services for Integration—Workshop 5, Working Group 2
This paper reports on the discussions and findings of the breakout session “Services for Integration” as part of the Workshop on Vendor Support for Users of Enterprise Integration.
Construction and Supervision of Overlap Connection Glass Curtain Wall Projects
In this article, authors introduce specifically the construction and quality supervision of whole transparency, point supporting and overlap connection glass curtain wall.
Inducing effect of total steroid saponins from Paris polyphylla on platelet aggregation in vitro and its potential mechanism
Objective:To confirm the effect of total steroid saponins extracted from Paris polyphylla(TSSP) on platelet aggregation ex vivo and in vitro and the underlying mechanism.Methods: Platelet aggregation was monitored optically in Lumi-aggregometer.Morphological changes of platelet were observed with electron microscopy.Results:TSSP potentiated platelet aggregation induced by ADP ex vivo,and directly promoted platelet aggregation dose-dependently in vitro.Transmission electron microscopy revealed that TSSP activated platelets as shown by shape change,internal contractions and the extension of numerous pseudopodia.Platelet aggregation induced by TSSP was enhanced by epinephrine and the enhancement was antagonized by phentolamine.Protein tyrosine phosphatase inhibitor sodium pervanadate potentiated platelet aggregation induced by TSSP.Conclusion:This study indicated that there may be some components with hemostatic effect in TSSP.
A comparison study of the Shannon channel capacity of various nonlinear optical fibers
A comparative study of the Shannon channel capacity is presented for a dispersion-free fiber, a fiber with constant dispersion, and a fiber with variable dispersion. Improvement of the capacity by optical phase conjugation (OPC) is also investigated. Simple scaling laws are prescribed for the dependence of the optimal capacity on various system settings such as number of spans, number of channels, noise power, channel width, strength of chromatic dispersion, bandwidth of an OPC device, etc.
The Multi-user Detection for the MIMO-OFDM System Based on the Genetic Simulated Annealing Algorithm
In the MIMO-OFDM systems, the traditional methods of multi-user detection have some limitations in the rank-deficient scenarios, where the number of supported users exceeds the number of receiver antennas. The multiuser detection (MUD) based on the genetic simulated annealing algorithm (GSAA) is proposed for the rankdeficient problems in the multi-user MIMO-OFDM system. The simulation results show that the GSAA-MUD algorithm can achieve higher performance than the Genetic algorithm (GA) MUD in the rank-deficient scenarios.
Enhanced Quantification for 3D Energy Dispersive Spectrometry: Going Beyond the Limitation of Large Volume of X-Ray Emission
This paper presents a method developed to quantify three-dimensional energy dispersive spectrometry (3D EDS) data with voxel size smaller than the volume from which X-rays are emitted. The influence of the neighboring voxels is corrected by applying recursively a complex quantification, improving thereby the accuracy of the quantification of critically small features. The enhanced quantification method is applied to simulated and measured data. A systematic improvement is obtained compared with classical quantification, proving the concept and the prospect of this method.
A novel FLT4 mutation identified in a patient with Milroy disease.
Milroy disease is an autosomal dominant disorder generally presenting with below the knee lymphedema at birth. It is linked to mutations in the tyrosine kinase domain of the VEGFR3 protein which is encoded in the FLT4 gene. Here we report a case of Milroy disease in a patient with a dominant pattern of inheritance, classical physical findings, and lymphatic system imaging demonstrating lack of tracer transport in the lower limbs. Genetic analysis revealed a novel missense mutation compared to a summary of reported mutations causing Milroy Disease.
0 2 n n , g g g g C p - = , ( ) 0 2 n n , s s s f C p - = , 0 0 0 n a n s , s , s = , ) ( ) ( , g g , g , g g g g 0 0 0 0 0 0 n n a a a n n - +
Classification evaluation system, method, and program
Document classification system by matching the input document to the class model, and automatically classify the input document to a predetermined document class. Enter the content of the document is changed by time and lowering class model. The degree of similarity between the training set of documents from the original document set (the classification of a number of classes) is calculated for each class. The class has a low degree of similarity is selected. Alternatively, the class caused the decrease is detected by calculating the similarity between the actual set of documents in the training set of documents and all other classes in the individual classes. Class pair having a low degree of similarity is calculated. Approximate topic class pair is detected by calculating the degree of similarity between the training set of documents and all class pairs. Pairs class with a low similarity is selected.
Quiet-time solar wind superhalo electrons at solar minimum
We survey the statistical properties of ∼2-20 keV superhalo electrons in the solar wind measured by the STEREO/STE instrument during quiet-time periods from 2007 March through 2009 March at solar minimum. The observed quiet-time superhalo electrons have a nearly isotropic angular distribution and a power-law spectrum, f αv−γ, with γ ranging from 5 to 8.7, with nearly half between 6.5 and 7.5, and an average index of 6.69±0.90. The integrated density of quiet-time superhalo electrons at 2-20 keV ranges from 10−8 cm−3 to 10−6 cm−3, about 10−9-10−6 of the solar wind density, and it, as well as the power-law spectrum, shows no correlation with solar wind protons. The density of superhalo electrons decreases by approximately one order of magnitude between early 2007 and early 2009, probably reflecting the decay of solar cycle 23 and the approach to its unusually deep activity minimum, while the power-law spectral index γ has no solar-cycle variation. These quiet-time superhalo electrons are present even in the...
Solvothermal Synthesis,Crystal Structure and Luminescence of a Three-Dimensional Heteronuclear Cu-Tb Complex
A new 3d-4f coordination polymer {[CuTb2(INAIP)3(HCOO)(H2O)3]·3H2O}n(1) was obtained by solvothermal assembly of CuCl2·2H2O and Tb(NO3)3·6H2O with the H2INAIP(5-(isonicotinamido)isophthalic acid) ligand.Complex 1 crystallizes in triclinic,space group P1 with a=1.088 79(16) nm,b=1.518 5(2) nm,c=1.565 3(2) nm,V=2.338 1(6) nm3,Z=2,C43H37CuTb2N6O23,Mr=1387.17,Dc=1.970 g·cm-3,μ=3.538 mm-1,F(000)=1360,Rint=0.021 2,R=0.058 9,wR=0.129 2.Single-crystal X-ray diffraction analysis revealed that each INAIP2-ligand uses its two carboxyl groups to connect two or three Tb(Ⅲ) ions into 2D lanthanide bi-layer structure.Then the 2D layers are further connected by pyridyl groups to give a three-dimensional(3D) pillared-layer structure.In addition,the luminescent property of complex 1 has been investigated at room temperature,and showed the obviously green photoluminescence in it.
Poisson-Nernst-Planck theory approach to the calculation of current through biological ion channels
The Poisson-Nernst-Planck (PNP) theory of electro-diffusion is reviewed. Techniques for numerical solution of the three-dimensional PNP equations are summarized, and several illustrative applications to ion transport through protein channels are presented. Strengths and weaknesses of the theory are discussed, as well as attempts to improve it via increasingly realistic evaluation of the force acting on each ion due to the protein/membrane environment.
Effects of Momordica charantia extract on blood glucose in the experimental II model diabetic rats
Objective: To study the effects of Momordica charantia extract on blood glucose level and serum insulin and blood fat in the experimental 2 model diabetic rats. Methods: The experimental 2 mondel diabetic rats were induced by injecting streptozotocin (STZ 25mg·kg-1) and fed with hyperotophic foods ,then we use Momordica charantia extract to treat the 2 diabetic rats for 4 weeks and observed blood glucose level and glucose tolerance test, and serum insulin and blood fat. Results: Blood glucose level and serum insulin and blood fat were significandy increased in the experimental 2 model diabetic rats compared with nomal rats, After administration of Momordica charantia extract at dose of 14,28,56mg·kg-1 for 4 weeks, blood glucose level and serum insulin level was decreased significandy, HDL-C level was raised significandy .Conclusion: These results suggest that Momordica charantia extract could be used in the treatment of the experimental 2 model diabetic rats.
On Translation of Yeats in China and Its Role in Constructing New Literature
Since the 1920s when the translation of Yeats in China began,it has been nearly a hundred years.At different times its translation has a different emphasis and Yeats is also presented in the different way,as a fighter of nationalism,a modernist leader and a comprehensive writer.That translators have different versions in different periods owing to subject matter has great significance in the construction of the cultural identity for the new literature.
User's Guide: Fracture Mechanics Analysis of Reinforced Concrete Beams (FMARCB)
Abstract : A finite element package has been developed to perform nonlinear fracture mechanics analysis on reinforced concrete beams. The system consists of a graphic input/output interface and analysis routines using finite element techniques. Fracture Mechanics Analysis of Reinforced Concrete Beams (FMARCB) is a two-dimensional finite element program with triangular, isoparametric, bar, and interface elements. The system uses the discrete crack approach with a fictitious crack model to represent tensile concrete softening; a confinement concrete model to characterize compression softening; a nonlinear bondslip constitutive model for the bond-slip phenomenon, which is degraded when cracks form across the tensile reinforcement; and an elastic, perfectly plastic constitutive model to represent the yielding of the tensile reinforcement.
Peritoneoscopy: a technique to evaluate therapeutic efficacy in non-Hodgkin's lymphoma patients.
Peritoneoscopy was performed in 22 patients with non-Hodgkin's lymphoma as a re-staging technique to rule out relapse or persistence of active disease after intensive chemotherapy and/or radiotherapy. Fifteen patients with previous hepatic involvement achieved a complete clinical remission; however, five patients (33%) had persistent disease proved by biopsy at peritoneoscopy. In seven patients suspected to have a clinical relapse, peritoneoscopy biopsies documented relapse in three patients (43%), including two patients with negative percutaneous liver biopsies. Because of its low morbidity rate (4%), peritoneoscopy can be utilized to re-stage hepatic involvement by non-Hodgkin's lymphoma patients more accurately than percutaneous liver biopsies and with less morbidity than laparotomy.
Towards efficient data access in mobile cloud computing using pre-fetching and caching
Mobile devices nowadays can connect to the network very conveniently using cellular data network or WiFi. However, latency is still a challenge caused by the stability and the availability of the network, mainly in the context of mobile environments. In this paper, we propose an architecture based on a Cloudlet model using CAching and pre-FEtching scheme (CAFE scheme) to improve data access efficiency. The prefetching scheme on the Cloud enables the retrieval of specific data in advance based on specific information of users. On the Cloudlet, a caching technique selectively stores data passing through the Cloudlet. The classification of data into specific and general takes both individual access behavior and common trends into consideration. Compared to an original model, the experiment results show that our architecture can really decrease latency and improve data access efficiency when users request data from a Cloudlet and the Cloud.
Numbers And Units In Chinese Economic History
The British scholar, J.H. Clapham, has remarked that the methodological distinctiveness of economic history hinges primarily upon its quantitative interests. In dealing with quantities it is of course necessary to have a thorough understanding of the numbers and units in use. The first precaution is to watch out for misprints and copyists' errors. The Chinese characters for one, two, and three are easily confused because they are written with one, two, and three horizontal strokes respectively. Numerous examples of misprints of numbers may be found in Chinese texts. To avoid such mistakes, careful Chinese have introduced alteration proof forms of numbers. There are special forms for numbers from one to ten, and also for hundred and thousand. Some of these forms can be traced back to a few centuries B.C., although the whole set of ten or more alteration-proof forms is datable only from the end of the seventh century. Keywords: Chinese texts; copyists' errors; economic history; misprints
Application ADAMS to analysis of composite suspension
This paper give us a new method to modeling a composite suspension in ADAMS softwareenvironment, und the function of using this model in analysis of suspension and vehicleassembly.Furthermore it has compared this new method to the old.
Double Wire Technique for Stenting Tortuous Cerebral Vessels
The failure to catheterize distal vessels may preclude optimal endovascular intervention. We present a double wire technique to facilitate the selective placement of catheters into tortuous vasculature when a single wire and catheter technique does not suffice. A wide necked middle cerebral artery (MCA) aneurysm incorporated the origin of the inferior MCA trunk, and despite successful passage of a wire into the distal MCA, the catheter could not be advanced beyond 2 sharp turns at the inferior trunk origin. A second wire was passed through the catheter into the inferior trunk providing adequate stability for advancement of the catheter into the vessel. The distal vessel was successfully catheterized and a stent was placed without complication. The double wire technique may allow the passage of catheters into vessels that are otherwise inaccessible because of tortuosity.
Two-dimensional laser interferometric encoder for the soft X-ray scanning microscope at the NSLS
Abstract A two-dimensional laser interferometric encoder for the scanning soft X-ray microscope has been developed and tested at the NSLS mini-undulator beamline X-17T. The instrument is designed to provide a resolution of 316 A within the 3 mm range of the stage, and to permit scanning speeds up to 3 mm/s. The accuracy of the indicated position is limited by the low-cost laser used, but is more than adequate for scan lengths used in typical experiments (∼ 50 μm). We present here the optical and electronic design features.
The First Results of the Indus Trial Application of the Ecosøderberg Technology at the Krasnoyarsk Aluminum Smelter
The RUSAL Engineering & Technology Center has been developing anew EcoSoderberg concept for VSS Soderberg technology since 2005. The concept includes the following: ::: ::: ::: colloidal anode paste with a binder content of less than 26 % (a binder is based on pitch enriched with fine fractions of petroleum coke), ::: ::: ::: a new cathode that allows for the following: a 20 cm lower metal pad and a 1.5% increase in current efficiency (in comparison with conventional cells), and ::: ::: ::: a new gas removal system that provides for better sealing and less fluoride emissions (roof emissions.)
Ultrasound by EPs: Accuracy and Patient Satisfaction
Outcomes-oriented data that reflect the penetrance and success of ultrasonography by emergency physicians are now being studied. These authors
Aseptic packaging of foods and its combination with electron beam processing
Abstract Aseptic packaging is a growing trend in the food industry. Since the packaging has to be sterilized before it comes into contact with the foods, heat and chemical sterilants such as hydrogen peroxide are currently routinely employed. However, the use of low energy electron beam (eBeam) in-line sterilization of packaging materials is rapidly growing in the food industry. Using eBeam for in-line sterilization of packaging materials will result in energy conservation, reduction in carbon dioxide footprint, reduction in chemical (hydrogen peroxide) usage and overall cost savings.
Economical Operation of Pumped Storage Station Online
This paper takes account of different economic and technical constraints in the pumped storage plant operation,takes the maximum combined static and dynamic benefits of storage plant as its object function and uses dynamic programming method.The graphic user interface programs module of the online economical operation of the pumped storage is designed by Visual Fortran 6.5 and the 24-hour electric prices and economic curve display function are realized by using this program.Through the analysis and calculations of the example,the results indicate the well performance of the proposed method.
A Comprehensive Elliptic Integral Solution to the Large Deflection Problems of Cantilever Beams in Compliant Mechanisms
The elliptic integral solution is often considered as the most accurate method for analyzing large deflections of cantilever beams in compliant mechanisms. In this paper, by explicitly including the number of inflection points (m) and the sign of the end-moment load (SM) in the derivation, a comprehensive solution based on the elliptic integrals is proposed for solving the large deflection problems. The comprehensive solution is capable of solving large deflections of cantilever beams subject to any kind of load cases and of any kind of deflected modes. A few deflected configurations of complex modes solved by the comprehensive solution are presented and discussed. The use of the comprehensive solution in analyzing compliant mechanisms is also demonstrated by a few case studies.Copyright © 2012 by ASME
A tenuous triumvirate: The role of independent biologists in Chile's co-management regime for shellfish
Fisheries co-management is usually defined by shared decision-making between fishers and the state. Chile's co-management regime for shellfish differs from the norm by incorporating a third party: independent biological consultants. This paper evaluates Chile's system and compares three-party co-management to two-party systems. It finds that consultants fulfill functions absent in two-party co-management, such as playing an intermediary role between fishers and the state, and also perform certain functions better than either of the other two entities involved, such as acting as a credible and objective source of information. It then discusses ways to perfect Chile's system, such as stepping up knowledge transfer activities so as to further empower fishers.
Optimization of combined hybrid axisymmetric finite elements
Zero energy-error is used to optimize combined hybrid axisymmetric finite elements though adjusting the combined factor.These axisymmetric finite elements include eight-parameter energy compatibility axisymmetric finite element and complete linear stress interpolation axisymmetric finite element.Numerical results all indicate that energy compatibility axisymmetric finite element exhibits better numerical precision,excellent performance at the nearly incompressible limit and distortions of the element geometry,and element performances are improved after optimization.
A postscript: Macroeconomics and structural adjustment ? the minimum for water sector specialists
The need for a grasp of macroeconomic concepts and methods for microeconomists and technical specialists is stressed. At this juncture policy failure is commonplace. Experience in using the World Bank Structural Adjustment in Lowinca as a training exercise is discussed.
Moderating effect of national attributes and the role of cultural dimensions in technology adoption takeoff
Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to focus on the influence of national cultural dimensions on the evolution of national innovation adoption over time. The paper considers the moderating effects of national wealth, population density and illiteracy rate on the role of cultural dimensions in the timing of innovation takeoff in national markets.Design/methodology/approach – The empirical study investigates 137 national innovation adoption time series; the dependent variable being the time it takes for innovation adoption to take off. The independent variables are Hofstede's five cultural dimensions and the moderating variables are gross domestic product (GDP), population density and illiteracy rate.Findings – The outcome of the study shows that cultural dimensions have a greater influence on takeoff time in countries with highly developed economies, dense populations and low illiteracy rates. The study also shows that especially the cultural dimension of individualism has a significant context independ...
The Coordinated Development of Offshore Energy Infrastructure: Legal Challenges and Possible Solutions
There will be an enormous growth of off shore wind energy generation in the North Sea if current plans are given effect. Standard practice for wind farms constructed to date has been to provide each wind farm with a dedicated cable connection to the onshore transmission system (radial connection). A more efficient approach would be to initiate coordinated projects that involve the clustering of wind farms and consequently allow for shared off shore assets. This could lower the costs and reduce the impacts on the marine environment. However, national regimes currently focus on the installation of radial connections and do not promote the coordinated development of off shore infrastructure. The purpose of this article is to identify the legal barriers to these coordinated projects and to explore what changes could be made to the current regulatory practices of the North Sea states in order to introduce the required coordination between wind energy generation and infrastructure development.
Improved Funnel-Type Extractors for Soil Arthropods
Berlese and Tullgren funnel-type extractors have now been used for qualitative work for more than 50 years. Many variants have been described since then but little progress has been made towards adapting them for reliable quantitative work. The history of the subject is given in an earlier paper (Macfadyen 1953) in which the inadequacy of current practice was demonstrated (see also Forsslund 1948) by comparing funnel yields with direct counts. It was later shown (Macfadyen 1955) that the control of temperature and humidity both above the soil sample and beneath it in the funnel can result in increased yields. The purpose of the present paper is to consider three methods by which control can be achieved in practice and the effects of such control on the yield of animals. Each of these methods is appropriate to a different set of circumstances as follows:
Hyperfine-induced decoherence in triangular spin-cluster qubits
We theoretically investigate hyperfine-induced decoherence in a triangular spin cluster for different qubit encodings. Electrically controllable eigenstates of spin chirality (C-z) show no appreciable decoherence up to 10(2) mu s, while a complete decoherence is estimated for the eigenstates of the total-spin projection (S-z) and of the partial spin sum (S-12) after 10 mu s. The robustness of chirality is due to its decoupling from both the total- and individual-spin components in the cluster. This results in a suppression of the effective interaction between C-z and the nuclear-spin bath. We finally estimate the reduction of the decoherence time scale for C-z, resulting from possible hyperfine contact terms or from the misalignment of the magnetic field.
Simultaneous measurement of thickness and sound velocities of each layer in multi-layered structures
In this contribution, a novel method for determining the thickness of one layer and its sound velocity simultaneously with only one probe will be presented. Furthermore, an approach for the determination of thickness and sound velocities for two or more layers is discussed.
Digital equipment with rechargable cell and charging method thereof
Which can make the rechargeable battery digital device, comprising: consumption current detecting means for detecting the consumption current input to the digital device; control unit; the charging current detection control means for detecting the battery charge when the battery charging current; and a charging control means, adjusted in proportion to the charging current control signal from the control unit and the charging current output from the detection control unit measured battery consumption current flowing to the rechargeable battery.
Assessing the Mental Health Impact of Induced Abortion.
Induced abortion is the subject of tremendous political conflict. Anti-abortion activists have frequently asserted that abortion results in major psychiatric sequelae. The evidence, however, clearly indicates that this is not necessarily the case. Studies performed to date confirm that it is possible to identify risk factors, help pregnant women make decisions compatible with their own values, and minimize psychiatric sequelae.
On-line multiplane transesophageal echocardiography for balloon mitral commissurotomy.
This study describes in detail the technique and results of on-line multiplane transesophageal echocardiographic guidance of balloon mitral commissurotomy in 150 consecutive patients with symptomatic mitral stenosis. The mitral valve area improved significantly and there were no in-hospital deaths, strokes, or emergency valve operations.
On the Hamilton-Waterloo Problem with cycle lengths of distinct parities
Let $K_v^*$ denote the complete graph $K_v$ if $v$ is odd and $K_v-I$, the complete graph with the edges of a 1-factor removed, if $v$ is even. Given non-negative integers $v, M, N, \alpha, \beta$, the Hamilton-Waterloo problem asks for a $2$-factorization of $K^*_v$ into $\alpha$ $C_M$-factors and $\beta$ $C_N$-factors. Clearly, $M,N\geq 3$, $M\mid v$, $N\mid v$ and $\alpha+\beta = \lfloor\frac{v-1}{2}\rfloor$ are necessary conditions. Very little is known on the case where $M$ and $N$ have different parities. In this paper, we make some progress on this case by showing, among other things, that the above necessary conditions are sufficient whenever $M|N$, $v>6N>36M$, and $\beta\geq 3$.
Clinical Validation and Biomarker Translation
Many of the biomarkers in current clinical use have become accepted via debate, consensus, or merely the passage of time. Biomarkers can no longer become accepted in this way, as they would fail to meet the current regulatory standards of modern medicine. Contemporary biomarkers must be tested in highly regulated human clinical trials. This article focuses on various aspects of discovery, development, clinical validation, and translation of biomarkers. ::: ::: ::: Keywords: ::: ::: biomarkers; ::: validation; ::: regulatory guidance
Advantage of heat insulation made of materials with natural porosity
Various heat insulation materials produced at home and abroad are compared. The advantage of using natural nano-structured materials is substantiated.
The Radiation Belts of Jupiter.
Abstract : Predictions of Jupiter's electron and proton radiation belts are based on the observed decimeter radiation coming from the vicinity of Jupiter and on the assumption that radial diffusion inward from the solar wind is the source of the radiation belts. (Author)
Tunable negative permittivity in Ti3SiC2 MAX phase/Polymethyl methacrylate metacomposites at radio-frequency region
Metacomposites with negative permittivity have triggered tremendous fundamental and practical attention in recent years. In this paper, Ti3SiC2 MAX phase/Polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) metacomposit...
Menstruation and Procreation in Early Modern France
Contents: Introduction: blood, menses and the myth of 'menstrual misogyny' Leviticus and the problem of sex during genital fluxes Menstruation, conception and the timely use of marriage 'I await my rules which do not arrive': menstrual regularity and irregular menstruation Detecting and proving pregnancy Menstrual time and the moons of pregnancy Bleeding hermaphrodites and menstruating men Conclusions Select bibliography Index.
The study of violence on children is conducted based on the news issued in mass media (Jawa Pos dated on 25 March 2000), that the rate of violence on children is considerably high. In Malang, there are approximately three fatal cases of this violence happens every month and more than 300 cases has occurred in East Java for the last three years. This study aims at realizing the importance of understanding the impact of violence on children and detecting it earlier. Therefore, it is necessary to do preventive acts on it. Besides, it is also important for parents to take care of their children with great ajection in order to grant welfare to them. This study is very useful to make the awareness of laws better for children and parents to believe that doing violence on children will contribute more negative results if it is carried out.
Mejoras en el ensayo de potencia de Bordetella pertussis
Potency of pertussis component, present in DPT-vax, is evaluated by Kendrick assay. Strain Bordetella pertussis 18323 is recommended by WHO, which should be stored in a way that ensures its viability, purity and virulence. As part of the assay, the concentration of a strain suspension should be calculated, which opacity is compared at first sight with the Fifth Reference International Preparation of Opacity. This method is very inexact and frequently leads to errors. A seed lot from Bordetella. pertussis 18323 was elaborated and characterized in this study and the concentration of the strain using a calibration curve was calculated. The lot was used in eight potency assays and they complied with established validity criterion.
The Survey on Employee Satisfactory Degree(ESD)
This paper briefly introduces the meaning of the survey on ESD and the important functions of ESD in the sustainable development of the enterprise,and puts forward the procedures and methods of the scientific survey on ESD,and expounds several major factors of guaranteeing the effectiveness of the survey on ESD.