Can Reddit recommend me a good phone?
I've currently got a Sony Ericsson T280i. It's got basic features, but being a young whippersnapper who camps on old men's lawns, I want a phone that has *everything*. A smartphone, in other words. Everybody who recommends a decent smartphone will get karma.
What is your best data loss/recovery story? Stuff so good I'll backup every time I think of it.
Not amazing but kind of funny: I once left my email logged in on my Grandmas computer. In her innocence she got on the computer and realized she didn't recognize any of these emails in her inbox. She then proceeded to delete every message in my entire gmail account and then empty the trash. Thankfully I had a copy of all my messages on my computer in my mail client and I synced them all back up to my account. Nightmare dodged. Backup your emails too!
Hello Reddit, What did you do on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday?
I got the idea from this thread. **Friday**: I drove an hour to my cousin's place , drank too much when I got there and passed out at midnight. **Saturday**: Woke up a at 10am and proceeded to drive to Burger Baron (only burger place in this small town). They were closed so I had to drive back at 11 (nothing else was open that sold donairs or delivered). Played Borderlands/COD: MW2 all morning. In the evening watched the movies Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, then Boondock Saints, then Push before going to sleep at 5am. **Sunday**: Woke up at 11, no one else was up. I ate almost all the leftover chicken wings from last night (we ordered 100 for 7 people last night so there was some left). Watched some tv for a while then my cousin went to go start my 2003 jeep cherokee for me and said snow came through the heat register (wtf?). I drove home on the snowy windy rounds when it was dark. Pretty hazardous stuff when you keep getting blinded everytime someone drives towards you on the highway (I felt like I was an Ice Road Trucker). Anyways I survived. What's your weekend story?
My philosophy professor is an ex-atheist.
Today I was the only atheist in an undergrad philosophy class of about 40 Christian students (at a private Christian college). The professor described himself as an ex-atheist and a rationalist. Guess what evidence changed his mind? Direct religious experience.
WTF is going on with the Dalai Lama?
**EDIT:** Holy fucking shit, please read the whole post before jumping to conclusions. I am not saying that Mao's revolution was good. **I was saying that the Dalai Lama is just a former feudal master from a theocratic state trying to regain power.** I saw 'The Lost World of Tibet' from the BBC today and it left me with a very bad aftertaste. I now have the impression that the Dalai Lama is just a former feudal master from a theocratic state trying to regain power. Footage from life in Tibet before Chinese occupation seemed brutally unequal and oppressive (not that it changed to the better with Chinese occupation). In a way this has changed my stance with regards of a Free Tibet. A free Tibet is a good thing, but it must be free from the Dalai as well, not only from the Chinese. What do you guys think? EDIT: Penn & Teller also have some things to say about this, although I don't necessarily agree with all of them.
[0] Fuck college dorms, man.
So, yesterday, I woke up to find that my external hard drive with many important (non-backed-up) files on it decided to just stop powering up. Strike 1 for Sunday. Then, what do I decide to do after this (and after my roommate had left)? Smoke a nice bowl, of course. So I put a towel at the bottom of the bathroom door (it's a dorm, so the bathroom connects to my room and my suitemates' room) and the main door, opened the window, put the fan on, and smoked by the window, the fan blowing the smoke outside, using a spoof made of FRESH dryer sheets and a Mountain Dew bottle. Here's where things start going wrong. #1, I realize (too late, of course) that I can't find the Febreze anywhere. I say, whatever, fuck it, not a big deal, I can't smell anything. #2, it turns out I'd also forgotten about the mandatory floor meeting, which happened to begin ten minutes after I sparked up. Ten minutes after the meeting starts, I get a knock on my door. It's the RAs, investigating a smell of marijuana coming from the room. Fuck. I don't have much of a choice (they have a key and are allowed to enter a room if there is reasonable suspicion and there is no answer), so I took the towel out from under the entrance door and opened it. Of course, I'd forgotten about the towel under the bathroom door, the fan, and the fact that the window was open. So they explain everything to me, I try to bullshit my way out of it a little, but give up once they start searching the room. They find and confiscate 4 bottles of Heineken in my fridge, and finally they tell me to open my desk drawer. Now I'm nervous - I have a bowl, a grinder, a spoof, and about a gram of REALLY good shit left inside the drawer. So I try to open it juuust enough so they can't see anything ... ... and it *kinda* worked. As in, they didn't find the spoof, bowl, or grinder, but they did find the gram. And confiscated it. So, trees, smoke a bowl for me - I won't be able to for a while. Oh, and quick sidenote - the last two letters of my CAPTCHA for this post are MJ. Heh.
Please support the Arbitration Fairness Act, so we will never again be forced to litigate to the Supreme Court whether a rape victim can sue.
"Let's end mandatory binding arbitration. Companies force consumers to revoke their right to lawsuit by embedding language in terms of use contracts that say in the event of any dispute, both parties have to go to an arbitration firm, which the company pays for... The Christian Science Monitor found that the top 10 most used arbitration firms only found in favor of consumer 1.6% of the time. Is it any wonder they're so popular?" Please write your congressman and Senator. There is currently a groundswell of support for this. Let's get it done before the corporate money machine completes its takeover of our political system.
Good but cheap cast iron skillet?
My aluminium & teflon pans suck, but I can't afford Creuset or anything. Wal-Mart has a line of cheap cast iron from the Lodge, is it any good? Otherwise, what are reasonably priced options for a cast iron frying pan? edit: Hey I just wanted to thank everyone for their great replies! It'll be a few months before we're in garage sale-ing weather, so it looks like I'll stop by the Salvation Army and Goodwill, and if those come up empty, these Lodge pans look like a great value. Thanks, all! Next up, a good stock pot! My current pots aren't big enough for a proper tortilla soup!
Reddit: Where's your favorite place to visit each year?
Reply with the Google maps coordinates and a story/description of your favorite place to visit each year. Could be a vacation spot, local pub, hiking trail, you get the idea! I like going to my local zoo, the monkeys use to throw poo at people. I remember one of my elementary school teachers getting nailed in the head with some. Good times! There's also an amazing redwood forest behind the place. The Zoo!
Goin Philosophical here, whats the biggest fact of life that you learned/realized that changed the way you think?
Mine was Mind over Matter. Learned this doing wallsits. When your body says stop, you can literally tell yourself to keep going and its amazing what you can do when you put your mind to it.
What strength exercises would you do if you had only 30 minutes per day and a set of dumbbells?
I can spare about an hour a day to work out. I take up 30 minutes of this with cardio (either running, treadmill, or mountain bike, depending on the weather). I have a set of adjustable dumbbells. What strength exercises should I be doing with my remaining 30 minutes?
Reddit, I've got a business idea that is unexploited where I live. Is it possible to get funding via reddit or is that the stuff of pipe dreams?
I would like to start a proprietary trading firm in Calgary, Canada. This model, which I've seen run quite successfully in NY, is untapped over here. Your thoughts on how to go about this reddit??
When does House of Leaves get good?
I understand the layering narrators. I understand the characters' social anxiety triangles off one another (husband-wife-friends). I understand the academic farce aspect of it. I am about 400 pages in and I've not had a single goosebump or 'woah, creepy' moment at all. Infact, I've only become more and more irritated at the druggie-tattoo artist narrator's incoherent ramblings.
you want to put a porn filter on your 7 year olds internet? you are a fucking information nazi.
i grew up looking at boobs in playboy, he won't be affected by tears in girls eyes as they deepthroat and get fucked up the arse. stop ruining your kids childhood by restricting information, also install linux because enjoying computers means he wants to program kernels.
Why do progressives claim the mantle of helping the poor when their policies mainly hurt the poor?
Enforcing minimum wage laws creates an incentive for employers to not hire the least skilled/poorest members of society. Increasing taxes on businesses simply raises product/service prices which hit hardest on the poor. Obama has nothing but flattering words for the central bank under the helm of Ben Bernanke. Since the Federal Reserve was enacted the value of the dollar has plummeted 97%. Inflation is the most regressive tax on the poor. Progressives tend to support gun control which limits access to guns for poor law abiding citizens who live in high crime areas. They enact heavy regulations that are in fact written by corporate lobbyists seeking to stifle competition. This limits economic growth and creates higher prices which hurt the poorest of society. The list goes on and on and on...
Why does it say about our society that sports can be found on a dozen channels and formal debate on none?
You can turn on a TV anywhere and find multiple versions of groups of people playing with some sort of a ball. Billions of dollars and lots of passion, with no meaningful accomplishment resulting. But I have never seen a meaningful, academic discussion of any major issues on display. No politically critical topics being debated, with facts (and fact checking) and logic, at any length. What do you think this implies about us? And is there somewhere in the world where the opposite is true?
My girlfriend is cheating me?
We are together for 3 years, we live in one apartament. I had a bad feeling so I've checked her IM. Well.. I knew that she had close relationship with a colleague from work but I didn't know it was so close. I know for sure that they kissed. I don't know about sex. But there was a lot of "hot" messages. There were together on a few business trips, so it's possible. I found too, message that she was writing to her friend, that on next bussinses trip (that will be 20/02/2010) she want to take a miad outfit (that she buy for us) and come to his rome with question "Do you need some cleaning?" She behaves like always... hmm.. maybe she is dearer for me. Remorse? What should I do? Wait that to weeks and check if she will take that outfit? Talk with her? P.S English is not my primary language, sorry for all mistakes.
Creation Science Challenge Monday - Can you beat the theists at their own game?
The goal is to come up with a scientific or naturalistic explanation of a supernatural origin of any observable phenomenon. (Science: HARD MODE) The caveat is that it must be a novel observation, or at least be something that occurred to you without outside help. First prize winner will receive fast-track promotion to Nirvana, to be collected upon death. Second prize winner will receive 70 virgins, of either gender, or just one really talented post-mortem companion, also to be collected upon expiration of the contestant. I'll go first. Why are internal organs different colors? It is only logical that the goddess Cybele made them so to be of assistance to predators, especially given that there is no observable Darwinian advantage to the prey, and because it only lends survival advantages to the predator. Can you do better?
Which is it, is the US Govt printing money, or is it borrowing from China?
Just as it sounds. I keep hearing that the government is printing all this money, but I also hear that it's borrowing a bunch from China. Is it that the "printing" is just an informal description of what will inevitably happen, rather than what's going on just yet? Or is it that both are going on? Peter Schiff talks about a point in a couple years when China is going to stop loaning, or call back the debt, and the US is going to print a ton of money to do it, and only then will we see a significant rise in prices. So does that mean the federal reserve isn't doing it that much now?
What's up with Canadian music? Does anyone know anything about it?
Supposedly there's a rule that Canadian radio stations have to play 35% Canadian artists, which I may be able to corroborate since I hear Sum 41 a lot when I'm in Canada and never anywhere else, but I don't notice much of a difference between Canadian and American stations. I have never heard of any of the guys or girls in Canadian Idol, so clearly there's some sort of unique music to Canada, but isn't the Canadian music scene exactly the same as the American music scene, with Canadian artists who have hits in America just slightly more popular in Canada?
Chemistry vs Physical Type vs Social Type...what matters more?
24 yr old female here. I'm seeing a guy I adore. We work so well together it's unbelievable. We are great in bed together, we are great at communicating with each other, we're really good together in general. But there's a concern I have that ultimately lies in how shallow I am. I don't think I'm overly shallow but in considering this, I recognize that it is a shallow thing. I recognize it, but it doesn't bother me now...what I'm concerned about is whether it may bother me in the future. The Issues: -I'm not overly attracted to his body type (beautiful as all body types are), but I am highly sexually attracted to him because I adore the way he is with me. Due to past experience, the more I fall for someone, the less I recognize that I might not have found them attractive (he is not unattractive, just maybe not my type) passing them by on the street. -His social habits are almost opposite of mine. I have a very wide social circle and am a total butterfly, he has a close knit group of friends. I love going out and meeting new people for no reason at all, he never feels the need to put himself out with new people and usually turns down an invite to do so. How much do you think this has the potential of bothering me? I've been in my share of relationships and just want to be fair to both him and me. I am able to recognize that this is something that concerns me but it doesn't change at the moment that I want to be with him...but will it in the future? My previous boyfriend was someone I thought was drop dead gorgeous and a very 'popular' ie, social, well liked, etc person, with similar social strategies as myself. Will this contrast be an issue?
What is your take on automobile insurance?
My brother and I got in an argument last night over dinner about automobile insurance; he thinks it should be voluntary and practices this belief by not insuring his vehicles at all. His explanation is that insurance is an excessive mandatory expense designed to keep the "little guy" down. He think that insurance companies are part of a systemic problem in which private companies and public policy intertwine. Also he labels it as another excuse to impose fines on citizens who don't carry it. I think that liability insurance should be mandatory (as it currently is), since you are effectively piloting a deadly weapon at high velocity towards other people, and most individuals don't have the means to pay for the cost of accidents in which people are injured. My final statement was that people who have **enough income** to insure their vehicles and **willfully refuse to insure their vehicles** are not only breaking the law, they are ass holes. They put other other people in financial jeopardy and push up rates on uninsured and under-insured motorist coverage for everyone who *does* pay for insurance. What does Reddit think?
What is the best IDE for open source projects?
I have had a rough and tumble relationship with IDE's. I started with textpad, them made my way to emacs, then used Eclipse for various java projects, and now I use XCode for everything except Java. What I'm not satisfied with XCode is that it's tied to OS X. I have a hard time developing open source projects that are made to run using the gcc toolchain and build via make without having to manually package the project myself. So then, is there an IDE as fully featured as XCode, but built for open source projects? Also, first person to mention anything built in java gets a punch to the face. Eclipse and pals are among the worst IDE's I've ever used. Also, I've considered and turned down Vim and emacs.
New Creationist Argument Against Evolution
So, my friend who is a Creationist posts on FB that no way the Earth can be billions of years old, because the ground could never hold billions of years worth of remains of all the creatures that have lived here. WTF? Now, he was never the sharpest knife in the drawer, so I know that he heard this elsewhere; the idea can't be original to him. So, yeah, they are getting nuttier and nuttier.
Is it safe to eat pasta that fell into the sink?
I didn't put anything that fell down the drain back onto my plate, just the stuff that landed in the surrounding sink area... On a side note, what is the grossest real food item that you've actually eaten using the five second rule?
My vegetable & chicken soup. What should I tweak?
I just started making vegetable chicken soup weekly for a month. It's very basic and not bad, but I'm planning on eating this every weekday, and I'm looking for ways to tweak it. So far what I have: ~1/2lb of carrots chopped ~1/2lb of celery chopped 1 White onion sweated A bunch of spring onions thinly chopped 32 oz carton of low sodium chicken stock ~1lb chicken, cubed and cooked in a pan w/ oil A few tablespoons of cilantro A few teaspoons of garlic A few tablespoons of olive oil (to sweat the onions) Salt, pepper (about 1 tsp ea) 3 Bay leaves Sweat onions in oil; add broth, bring to boil then simmer; add carrots, celery; add salt, pepper, and garlic; simmer till carrots are soft-ish; add cilantro and spring onions. My only real complaints is the celery and carrots are a little mushy after reheating, and the broth isn't very clear.
When does the Reddit Honeymoon end?
I have only been reddit-ing for a few weeks (not sure how I got along before) but I am obsessed to a crippling degree. It hasn't really messed up my job or personal life (yet) but I find myself browsing through a ton a posts and I can't seem to get tired of it. Does this feeling last or does it fizzle out eventually? Thanks Reddit!
I teach guys how to pick up girls. AMA
Yes, this was inspired by another AMA about a PUA. I have never read The Game and not part of any pick-up lair. While some of my theories/advice are inspired from other PUAs, they're mostly "self-discovered." I noticed there is a lot of hate towards the art on Reddit. Thought I could use this AMA to clear up some misconceptions or confirm suspicions. Fire away.
Vocals and Compressor Help
So I've been using a compressor (software) post-recording to try and tame some of the louder dynamic passages in singing. Sometimes when the emotion hits, parts get louder. Using the compressor though, doesn't seem to tame the louder parts at all, but makes them seem more "in my face" and unpleasing, where-as the uncompressed version is louder but more enjoyable. I figure I'm doing something wrong (like this not being the correct application of compression) and could use pointers about which other tools to try. (limiter, automating the passage, etc). Thanks guys. PS I'm doing a mellow folky style.
Where is ID's "Tree of Life"?
It occurred to me that the most glaring (lack of) evidence for Intelligent Design Theory is a relational map of life. Stephen Meyer, for example, often talks of different "body plans" that could not have naturally evolved and thus have no common ancestors. For want of a better term, ID theory implies a "corn field" model wherein rows of organisms stand unconnected to each other. Yet Meyer, Behe, et al. have never used ID to propose an intelligently designed map of life wherein irreducibly complex structures cleave branches off of the "Tree of Life". If ID is to have any scientific value (humor me for a moment) then it must be capable of predicting said organization with some meaningful specificity. Scientists should demand that ID theorists produce such a model. That is, make them put their balls on the table by either submitting an easily discredited model or admitting (in public) the incoherence of their theory.
Ask /r/chess: New fantasy chess set recommendations?
Long Story short I had a glass chess set. A king got shattered so I'm in the market for a new set. I want something different. Medieval, dragon,knights,video game theme, etc type set.50-60$ shipped or less is preferred. I'd like a whole set(board and pieces), but I still have the glass board if the pieces are nice enough. I've tried the usual amazon, ebay, yahoo shopping. Any sites or specific sets you recommend?
The r/trees subreddit description reads "All U.S presidents have smoked." Can we get a source on that? I find that extremely hard to believe.
I hope that doesn't sound too pig-headed. I just don't want new visitors to r/trees to think we make things up. [EDIT: It has been slightly changed to better illustrate the point. Thanks mods! This is why r/trees is my home on reddit!]
I'm teaching a Combinatorial Game Theory class next quarter, help me decide what information to include!
First a little background, I'm a fourth year Math major in the College of Creative Studies]( at UCSB. Next quarter I will be teaching a seminar on Combinatorial Game Theory, the course listing is [here. I tentatively plan on teaching nim]( [hackenbush]( and [domineering. But, I would love any input from math reddit on what you think students would like to learn about, what you wish you could get from a class like this, or just what you guys find interesting. Keep in mind this is a course for undergraduates, and it should be passable for non math majors so I plan on focusing on things that don't require too much background.
Recently my employer notified us that as part of a massive effort to save money they will be implementing some changes...
the first change they mentioned? We will be paying for our parking. The fees will increase annually. The place I'm employed by is *huge*. Parking is such a minor expense compared to some of the other things they aren't (but should be) cutting back on. My question to the Reddit Community is this: What silly or ridiculous changes is your employer making in an effort to save money?
We hereby declare *Calvin and Hobbes* to be the Eighth Wonder of the World
As per Bill Watterson's wishes. Thanks, scruffy69, for the initial submission about the interview with Watterson.
How do I walk up to a stranger that I think is cute and start a conversation? I need your help.
Ok, personally I am a guy that is interested mainly in guys so I was going to post this into /r/LGBT. Then, I realized that most of the advice here could help anyone, regaurdless of gender or sexual orientation. Basically, if I see someone that I've never met before that I think is cute, how exactly do I start a conversation out of nowhere without appearing creepy or wierd? What do I even say?
Electric Guitar --> Synthesizer --> ???
So I noticed there are some cool synths out there with 1/4" audio inputs, and I've heard stories of folks plugging their guitars into em... well, I'm curious what comes out! I'm thinking of getting a microKorg, Moog Little Phatty, or a Nord G2 or something along those lines, that I can use to modulate my guitar. Has anyone here tried that? I don't know, but I bet it would be awesome. I'm sure there'd be a big mucking-up of the quality the guitar's natural tone, but if it came out sounding crazy enough, it still might be worth it :D
Need your opinion on my web design.
I am not an expert by any means. Since I have no other options, I am doing my own webdesign and implementation. I'm going for a very simple design. Someone (IRL) has already commented that they don't like the light colored boxes/ovals, and that it would look better without them. I like them though and they are used in the same fashion shown here throughout my site. Here is the home page. Here is the main portfolio page. Here is the portrait page. Since I'm doing this myself it will be HTML Please, C&C welcomed. EDIT: Updated Version
How do you pick your best man! My best friend pick a friend i introduced him to several years ago...feeling crappy
So today I found out that my best friend of 16 years has picked my other best friend of 20 years to be his best man. I was blown away by this and only found out when he sent everyone a link to his wedding website. They have done more activities together the past couple of years but at no point did i ever think there was a question that i would be his best man. I am wondering what the process for picking a best man is. I need to understand! Does the family have input? Does the future wife have input? (she favors him) has anyone else been in this situation? Right now i feel like was was just dump by my best friend via a website! not sure how to hang out with these guys with out feeling a little betrayed. I think i need to re-watch "I love you man"
Can someone explain why Chrome and Firefox render this image differently?
I saw the 01022010 palindrome thing and noticed that Chrome renders the image with inverted colors (screenshot. Safari also renders it incorrectly. What's up with this? Edit: Here's the original image, so you can try at home:
Why don't black people like Pink Floyd?
I'm just curious; not intending anything racist. But I've never met a black person who did.
Hey Rubit, besides Heroku, what's the best (free) place to host my sinatra app?
I feel heroku is too complicated for what I want to accomplish. To be honest, I even found their tutorial to be quite confusing. I just want to upload a ruby script and be able to run it :P Thanks
I am an indie game developer, too (AS3, mostly). AMA
I felt like I needed to counter the XNA post. Personally, I don't like calling myself an indie game developer. Technically, I'm indie, sure, but people have been using it as a genre lately and it's not good. Oh well. Ask me stuff.
Does anybody here have a Nexus One without a data plan?
I'd really like to get a Nexus One, but I can't afford the monthly data plan bills. I'm with T-Mobile and have a talking only plan (no texting, no data), if I bought the unlocked phone from Google directly could I keep my current plan (just change out the SIM card)? Much of the time I'm in range of Wi-Fi, so I'd still be able to surf the web (and download apps, etc.). Is there some way to disable data downloading from the cell network? I've tried some Googling but I haven't found a direct answer, so Nexus One owners of Reddit were the next logical people to ask. Any insight would be appreciated.
So Reddit, I just stopped smoking. I was just wondering about other people's experiences.
I've been thinking about it for a while and decided to read a book I've had for a while by a guy called Allen Carr - Easy Way. Has anyone else read this book with success? I feel very positive at the moment, I didn't even finish the last smoke as I was feeling sick from smoking! (the book suggests you carry on smoking while you're reading, gets you to inhale and ask yourself if you're actually enjoying it etc) I'm also finishing with weed, although I've done this a few times without it causing me any bother at all. It's always the nicotine I've struggled with in the past. So who else has done this or is thinking about it? EDIT: Cheers for all the posts and encouragement guys. I had a rather stressy day yesterday, spent most of the evening upset and hating everything including myself. Addictions are powerful things I guess! I struggled to stay asleep last night - I think I woke up every 30 mins or so. I definitely saw every hour. Feeling a much better today, hoping I won't fall into the pit of depression I had last night.
How about a reddit alien antenna ball? I would buy one. Anyone else?
I have an old Spiderman head on my car antenna right now, a reddit alien would be an awesome replacment.
Thanks, /r/relationship_advice! I broke up with my girlfriend and I'm now happily single again!
Original: I asked Reddit for relationship advice and you all delivered. I broke up with her and just wanted everyone to know that it's over and done with--thank you again for your suggestions! tl;dr - I LUV U GUYZ <3 <3 <3
In response to the 'What's the most fucked up thing you've seen on the internets' post: What lovely internet magic can make it all better?
Seriously. That thread was horrible. Any amazing, beautiful, cute, funny, lighthearted, heartwarming, wholesome, tasty internet goodies would help us all right now. Save us from ourselves Reddit! Bring on the innocence!
Does anyone else have a problem with sleep?
I have had this problem for about as long as I can remember. Ever since around puberty especially, I started sleeping in as late as I could get away with. I would stay up later and sleep later, progressing through 25-26hour cycles until a reset is forced by an outside force. Today as a 24 year old adult, I have no one to help reset my clock. I will miss obligations, sleep in, and then have to clean up the mess afterwards. Apologize to people, make excuses, lies... its embarassing. Today I slept in until 5:45 p.m. I know that this isn't normal, and I'm tired of letting this cycle continue until I have to once again stay up all night just so I can do things the next morning. What do? edit: I'm usually up all night on my laptop.
What are you looking forward to being re-released from your childhood?
Many, Many years ago, when I was a youngster in Primary School, there were kids with these I always wanted one, and by the time I had the requisite wherewithal to purchase one, suddenly they were nowhere to be found. Has this happened to you? Consequently, I have no issue in modern companies re-releasing shit from my childhood, so I can actually own it. Updated Transformers, SNES games on Wii, updated Teddy Ruxpin, TMNT,whatever. What are you looking forward to somebody re-releasing or what have you picked up on re-release?
I wont be watching the Superbowl
It no longer seems to be about the game, its about the money, ads and copyrights and I can not bitch about corporate thieves, over reaching copyright legalities and the lack of media conglomerates duty as a sense of being a public trust and sponser them with my patronage.
when should a guy tell an acquaintance/friend that he is dating/sleeping with his ex?
I'm seeing this girl who I think is amazing, but she broke up with her ex, a guy I'm pretty cool with, a little over a month ago. The girl and I are trying to take it slow because we really like each other, but physically it is moving kinda fast. We've been hanging out for about a week and I'm not sure when I should tell the ex-boyfriend. When should I tell him and how?
[7 and climbing] As far as taking hits goes... what's your technique?
What I mean to say is, and forgive me if I ramble, how do you guys take a hit? * How long do you keep the flame on it? Do you corner it or not? * Do you hold the smoke in your lungs? How long? * Do you exhale it all out at once or do you do it in little bits? Call me crazy(high), but the thought crossed my mind when I took my last hit just now. I first only exhaled half of it or so then I took another breath and then breathed it all out. As I did so I wondered if you guys had any insight into the art taking hits in general. Anyways... Happy Palindrome Day.
Could someone clarify the whole "Google Voice" situation for me?
From what I understand after searching around a bit, Google Voice can be used instead of your normal cell phone number to make/receive calls as well as text and check voicemail. It seems like the big deal is that it allows for VoIP-like calling on phones, using data instead of minutes. I've also read about using it for free texting as well. Seeing as I'm in the market for a new phone, I know it's going to be an Android device but I figured I should decide whether I'll hand out a new phone number or a Google Voice number (and apparently I can keep that number even if my cell number changes?). Can Google Voice also handle multimedia messages or keep track of contacts just like a normal phone, or would I miss out on some functionality by using it instead? I know there are people out there using it, feel free to share your experiences/tips/etc. (My apologies if this is in the wrong place, I've lurked on Reddit for a while but this is my first post.)
Are the people at Apple smoking crack?
I was expecting a tablet Mac computer, not an oversized iPhone. No Flash? Are you freaking kidding me? Why would I pay $400+ dollars for a web device that doesn't play flash when I can get a $250 netbook that does so? Even the Wii web browser has flash. WTF! No USB ports? I have to pay $30 for a USB adapter? That is a big fucking tablet PC for gods sake! Not some pocket iPhone. For a computing device of that size, USB should be mandatory. What the fuck kind of shit is that? So now, I have to buy a $30 dollar adapter just to plug in a $5 thumb drive? Fuck you Apple! $70 for a keyboard? Obviously, Apple doesn't have a high opinion of its userbase. Obviously, Apple thinks that we are retarded. And Apple has to fucking nerve to talk badly about Netbooks? I would pick a Netbook any day of the week over an iPad. Seriously, Apple must be smoking crack to come out with bullshit like that.
I have an inflation fetish. AMA
I'm a 22-year-old male who gets off to inflation fantasies. By this I usually mean fantasies of women with inflated/inflating bellies, whether it be from air, water, or food. Yes, I know it's a weird fetish, which is why very few people know I have it. There are internet communities for this sort of thing, alongside many related fetishes (food stuffing, weight gain, breast/butt expansion, vore to name only a few) Most of the material is in the form of stories (which don't do it for me), drawings, and photoshops, though there are real inflators/stuffers out there. I'll answer any questions about inflation or related fetishes (if I feel I know enough for a meaningful response), and unrevealing personal questions. EDIT: here's a link to one of my favorite real inflators to give you an idea of what it is I like. EDIT2: done for the night, I'll check for more questions sometime Tuesday.
So, who here shudders at the thought that weed may one day be processed and packaged, like cigarettes? [6]
Sorry. I support legalization of course, but it makes me sad to think that our product which is so pure (which of course isn't true in all cases) will one day be process, possibly with disgusting additives. I like the idea of walking down to a head shop and buying a pack of budirettes, but it just saddens me a bit.
What's the simplest program to convert flac to wav?
The program I use now has all these bells and whistles and is somewhat of a nuisance to use, I was wondering if there's a striped down program out there that only converts.
[request] Create a fake web page, or find one, about dolphins having the ability to cry
Long story short, my english teacher bet me extra credit that I could not find proof that dolphins had the ability to cry. I have looked a lot, but couldn't find anything. I'm not so good with html, so could someone please fake a new york times(or any respected news source) article about dolphins with the ability to cry? I'm getting a borderline C- in his class, this extra credit would help a lot.
Thursday Night Help Hip Hop Help Hatti Show at Flamingo Cantina
My band Higher Than Why is doing a Haiti benefit at Flamingo Cantina Thursday Feb 4th. We are a live instrumentation Hip-Hop band, and we will also have Ratarue, Stormshadow, Parking, and Crimnasty along for the night. We go on at 10:30 and will be doing some collaboration stuff with all the end of the night with all the MCs. If your in to this kind of thing we would love to have you out, the cover is 5$ and 100% percent of the door goes to The Red Cross. edit: Show Time - we play at 10:30 not 11:30
Calvin & Hobbes creator Bill Watterson, looks back with no regrets.
Bill Watterson, creator of beloved 'Calvin and Hobbes' comic strip looks back with no regrets By John Campanelli, The Plain Dealer February 01, 2010, 5:45AM This marks the 15th year since "Calvin and Hobbes" said goodbye to the comics pages. Creator Bill Watterson, who grew up in Chagrin Falls and still makes Greater Cleveland his home, recently answered some questions via e-mail from Plain Dealer reporter John Campanelli. It's believed to be the first interview with the reclusive artist since 1989.
What is your zombie survival plan?
I know the existence of zombies is highly unlikely but I want to know your zombie survival plan that you've posted on reddit every week for a gazillion years.
IAmA Juggler. I'm out of practice, but I used to be quite good, and respected in the community...
... Yes. Community. There's a "scene" of technical jugglers, largely on college campuses. They tend to reject the clown stereotype, and the notion of performance. It's more about pushing the limit of what tricks can be done. And I was a member of that community. I used to know basically every street performer in a major US city, and was technically better than all of them (except one). Same thing with another smaller city that I lived in for a while. I've done a number of performances, but they were technical in nature and I wouldn't want to "be" a performer. But enough about me. Juggling was an amazing hobby for me, as it could be very meditative. I don't do it much anymore, but my brain is still changed as a result of it. Then there's the satisfaction of learning new tricks. - So yeah. Most of the time, the general public only sees juggling as a performance art, and it is usually presented very dishonestly.
I need help deciding on a laptop/desktop
Okay, here's my problem. I've been planning on getting a new desktop for a few years. Finally luck has smiled upon me and I don't have to buy a hot water heater, or an air conditioner etc. In December I bought a laptop for my wife. At the time I felt she'd have the laptop and I'd eventually have my desktop and we'd be a happy family. But since my replacement/temporary computer is so slow, I've begun to use her laptop by default. And I've gotten used to it. Her laptop isn't anything special: duo core, 3g of ram, 250g of hd. But there's something to be said for being able to use it while laying next to your sleeping wife, or taking it wherever the kids are and being able to be there and still mess around on the computer. I kind of like it, actually I love it. So, my budget is about $1k. I was going to try and get a refurbed desktop (1tb, 8g+ram, i7 processor, 512mb vid card). Could I get something close to that for a laptop at that price? Or am I going to be kicking myself in a few years? I want this to last me a while. But I know I'll need to upgrade it to extend it's life. I can't be dropping a thousand bucks every year for a new computer. Backstory: I've never really had a state of the art computer, so I'm used to waiting a few years to play games on the PC anyway. Plus if there's a game I REALLY want to play and it's on multiple platforms I can play it on my 360 (I know all ports aren't the same etc etc). Or, should I get my desktop, and use my wife's laptop when she's not on it? I would probably have to uninstall steam and all my games when I get my own. What would you guys who have most likely been through this do? My gut says get the desktop but I've kinda gotten used to being able to playing medieval II in bed :D. tl;dr Need help deciding between laptop and desktop. Can spend $1k.
Dear Reddit: I've decided to run a marathon and don't know where to begin
About 4 months from now i've entered a marathon with my dad and I have no idea where to start. I'm fairly active (hockey x2 a week + Lacrosse 1x a week) and in the summer I usually jog 5 miles a day so i'm not a complete couch potato. I've got a couple questions on the topic: * Training tips? There's a ton of stuff on the internet and i'm not quite sure where to begin * Equipment? I need to get a new pair of running shoes but I have no idea on what to get for a marathon (pretty sure my 3 year old ASICS won't cut it). Watches, recommended brands or specific watches? Anything else? * Tips for actually running in the marathon? Every sport/activity i've done in my life was all either short distance (sprinter in track) or short bursts of energy (Hockey/LAX). Any tips for long distance running? Thanks reddit!
Looking for advice on touchscreen-friendly Linux
Hey folks -- I've done a little poking around, but wanted to get the opinion of the experts here. I've got a couple of Dell netbooks (latitude 2100) with touchscreens. They were for a project at work that is now over, so they're just sitting on my desk running soon-to-expire Windows 7 Beta. Is there a Linux distro (or window manager) that is built for a touchscreen interface? I would include in this a web browser, since that is the main life these machines will have. I've tried UNR, Moblin, and even Android, with varying degrees of success. Android is the only one that seems built for touchscreen, but it doesnt really run properly on these devices. I've also tried Mozilla's Fennec (under windows) but, at least 4 months ago, it was pretty much unusable. Thanks in advance for any tips!
Who said this quote? “In all matters of opinion, our adversaries are insane.”
“In all matters of opinion, our adversaries are insane.” I was looking up who said this quote, and a google search brought up many websites claiming Mark Twain said it and many said it came from Oscar Wilde. Which is true? as they say, a man with one watch always knows the time, but a man with two watches is never quite sure.
I'm taking some photos of a few bands playing this weekend... need some advice.
I have done a few before but used flash for all photos and the night time setting for some. The night time setting gets some cool shots but I'm sick of using flash. Has anyone done this sort of thing before? What settings did you use...aperture/ISO/shutter speed etc. Any advice would be great! Its an indoor gig too by the way.
Reddit I might kill myself tonight
My name is Micheal Henderson, and my life seems to be not worth living. I'm 13 years old, suffering from depression, my grades are terrible, have no friends, get bullied at school, and worst of all i have lost my only escape from my suffering, my iPod. Please Reddit, I'm desperate, feel alone and don't know what to do right now, help me.
Help me get in shape and improve my vertical jump
I have just about 2 months before I have to try out for a volleyball team and I want to make sure I stand a fighting chance. I'm not in bad shape but I'm wondering what I could do to try and get in better shape and improve my vertical jump cause right now it sucks. And I own no fitness equipment. Any suggestions would be great.
What is your dream gun? A gun you do not own, is way out of your budget, and you swear to buy once those stupid scratch-off tickets pay off?
My number one dream gun has to be an original Mauser c96 in 9x19 and in excellent condition. It's easy enough to find a refurbished gun or one in crappy condition, but quality originals are very hard to come by. It's just one of the most interesting designs and marks the birth of semiautomatic pistols. Second in the list would be a Sig p210. These guns are a dream to shoot and exhibit some of the finest craftsmanship you will ever see on a military pistol. They also command prices in excess of $2000 for a good specimen.
Separate comment karma by insight and comedy. This will allow people to view the comments they wish to see.
In the wake of crude comments about a submitter's daughter many people are expressing how they feel out of place in a Reddit that is becoming more self-absorbed and immature. I was thinking about how Reddit might work to maintain the community that the older members are looking for, as it's clear that the Digg-converts are here to stay, and I came up with the idea of separating karma by insight and comedy value. Or even separating by pertinence and general. The idea is simple: double the karma scoring arrows next to a comment and have one represent the comment's intellectual value and another represent a comments humor value. This allows a comment to be scored twice and folks who want to view insightful, pertinent comments can sort their comments accordingly, while those looking for a laugh can sort their comments by comedy karma. People looking for both can leave their comment orientation as it is. If this were to be implemented it would help people to interact with the community they prefer to be in without excluding the other. Who knows? It's a rough, flawed idea in need of some tweaking, but I wanted to provide some food for thought.
Here's the draft of a story I wrote; what do you guys think?
To avoid the appearance of link-spamming, I made this a self-post. That said, I wrote a story a little while back and it would mean a lot to me if you guys read it. Protege (draft) Maybe it's a coming-of-age story wrapped in kink, maybe it's something else entirely, I don't know how to classify it. I just know the premise popped into my head one day and I thought it was pretty cool.
What do you do when your dad admits that he is going through a mid-life crisis?
My dad is 47 years old, and recently hes been depressed, lazy and overbearing. He doesnt care about showering, going out with the family, and spending time with his kids. (Not food though- thats the only thing he covets nowadays.) When he met up with his high school buddies, he seemed to be ashamed throughout the party. He recently admitted this to our family last night during dinner, and I had to explain to my little sister what dads going through. Any similar experiences? How does one go through this? I am not affected entirely, like im still act the same and feel the same, but am afraid for my sister and mother. (My mom recently got laid off, and my dad, who didnt get laid off yet, is really pretty much on the brink.) I am 15 years old btw, if that matters.
Any good FPS games with really good shooting?
As a fan of shooters, I have noticed a few things. There are different types of FPS games depending on what they focus on. Some games like Half-Life involve great set pieces and wowing the player with a lot of action, great story and an immersive atmosphere. Others such as Fallout 3 focus on more role-playing style gameplay. While both of these games are amazing, the kind of shooter I find myself enjoying the most are the ones that focus just on the shooting gameplay. Ever since I got Killzone 2 about a year ago, I've found other FPS games a lot less fun. What does it for me is how the movement and shooting *feels.* The movement feels very weighty and takes momentum into account, the aiming also takes into account the weight of the gun you are holding. The shooting feels better than any other game, with the recoil making you aim each shot before pulling the trigger (unlike in Call of Duty where you can aim while shooting.) The way explosions shake the screen, and muzzle flash lights up a room also help with the immersion. So what I want to know is, what other games out there have really good shooting gameplay? Games where the movement and aiming don't feel so *arcadey* like in Call of Duty?' **PC, PS3 or Wii only. I don't have an XBox**
What is the best/most beautiful/inspiring thing you've ever encountered on the internet?
I just read this entire thread: here and now I need to go to sleep. Please show me that internet is also full of beautiful/inspiring things by sharing your best links. For exemple, there are alot of great talks at TED thank you
My Corsair memory defaults to faster timings than advertised. Many reviews on newegg complain about this. Why?
Hey guys, I have been running my new system with Windows 7 with next to no trouble for the past month. I am curious however as to my Corsair DDR3 RAM defaulting to 7-7-7-20 when it is advertised as 9-9-9-24. As I understand it, these are better timing settings but reading through reviews of this product on newegg most people are seeing this as a con, and complaining about having to go into BIOS and adjust to the slower settings. Can someone shed some light on this matter. Should I set it to run at its advertised slower settings, or seeing as I have a stable system as it is should it be left alone. Thanks for any info on this subject. ASUS M4...EVO Mobo Corsair XMS3 DDR3 RAM Phenom II X4 955 Windows 7 64
A question about (very) moldy weed.
A friend of mine has a jar full of moldy weed. Please do not berate him for being negligent - his explanation is fair and his heart is true. In any case, he wants to look to the future. And by that, I mean he wants to use this weed to make pot pastries. Now, the weed is really moldy. It has been sitting in the same jar for about three months now. The weed's brownish in color, the white mold is clearly visible, and the odor of ammonia is strong. Unfortunately, there's quite a bit of this weed, and he really doesn't want it to go to waste - if he is to throw it out, he wants very specific reasons for doing so. His questions to reddit are as follows: * What type of mold is this/what type of mold commonly afflicts weed? * There are probably spores - when he opens the jar, do they become airborne? What happens when they are inhaled? * Does the mold die when it's exposed to high temperatures (being boiled in butter, for example)? Do the spores die too? * What happens when a human ingests butter made with this mold/spores, dead or alive? * Should he dry it out at a low temperature to kill off the mold first? Is that going to make the spores (more) airborne? * When the mold feeds on the weed, does it destroy the THC? If it's really moldy but still structurally intact for the most part, is there enough THC in there to make this worthwhile? * Would it be better to use alcohol to bind the THC first? Can he then boil away the alcohol and get oil, which he can then boil in butter? Would this convoluted method work at all? Any and all help in this matter will be greatly appreciated. This is kind of a trivial matter, I know, but I really don't want him to poison himself out of sheer stubbornness. *** Thank you for your responses, everyone. Even though it's tempting to do the acetone thing or the hash thing, my friend decided to err on the side of caution - the defective weed will be disposed of using a series of controlled explosions.
Has Amazon.com always been judgmental?
I bought two books about BDSM and after i completed my purchase the side bar ads were for Couples Counseling in my area and then they recommended Ethics Books for me, AND they recommended I set my key phrase thingy to "'Gnawed_off_foot's' foreign passion" What the crap.
How about a nice game of chess?
*Edit:* Reddit had disabled their new system that allowed for tables. It's back now. --- RB | NB | BB | QB | KB | BB | NB | RB -----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----| PB | PB | PB | PB | PB | PB | PB | PB . | . | . | . | . | . | . | . . | . | . | . | . | . | . | . . | . | . | . | . | . | . | . . | . | . | . | . | . | . | . PW | PW | PW | PW | PW | PW | PW | PW RW | NW | BW | QW | KW | BW | NW | RW
[SEEKING] Anyone who's built a website and are now making money off it, how do I do the same?
Yes, I do know HTML, CSS, and a little bit of PHP, but how do I get it up to go and earn money off it? What steps do I have to go through? What's a good host, what are some of the security problems I'd face (people guessing my password to the host registration?)? I'd like to display off an art portfolio, not a blog by the way.
I did my first ironman in the vibram five fingers. AMA
I had never run a marathon (or more than 13 miles) before the ironman, and most people seem to think doing 26.2 after some swimming and biking is nuts. I'm physically average (180lbs, 5'9", ~18% body fat) and don't particularly like running or swimming. I decided to try the funky shoes and trained in them for ~8 months before the race last June. I had a very fun time, though the last six miles were very slow. I'd be happy to answer any questions about the race, training, running in the five fingers (inspired by recent posts in science), or anything related. Oh, I should also probably mention that I have endurance cycling experience, so I'm not a stranger to endurance sports, and that my time was about average (12h57m). tl,dr; I think the ironman can be done by an average joe who trains smart and I'd be happy to field your questions. *edit: 10 miles from the finish]( and [right after the finishing
Dear Reddit, My neighboor thinks i'm stealing is wifi and want me to pay, what shall i do?
So, since my neighboor isn't cooperative and doesn't know shit about computers, i hope reddit could help me sort this thing out without too much assle. I did talk about giving them 5 bucks a month to get their wifi, but after they gave me their password and i've been trying it on both my macbook (in aluminium, so wifi was poor) and on my other's roomate laptop (to check if it worked, it did, but poorly, since it was quite a old laptop). My roomate is away for a while, so it may continued to use it without me knowing, wich i don't really care, actually. He's a good friend of mine and i can advance him the money to pay his due while he's away. But just for fun, what are my actual option? What can they have against us? What info can they have by their service provider? URLs visited? Bandwith exceed? our IP? I mean, i don't really care about the money, but the neighbors are a bunch of bitchy girls that i got trouble with: name calling (the walls are thin and they screamed insults at us just for laughs thinking werdidn't know where it was from (yeah...)), the classic music at the max at 3 am, so i really don't have any morals for them. I will pay if there's nothing to do, but hey, it's worth giving a try; how can i work this out, reddit? Ps: sorry for my english, it's my second language and i know i can disfigure it in long texts like this.. Pps: No moral responses, please. I dont mind getting dirty on this if i can. edit: if they've been away for 2 weeks, could it have shown on their bill internet was still used? Or could it be because they have more bandwith fees and i supose these girls don't do much on internet other than facebooking?
Replaying Mass Effect to get a good save for ME2, please help. *ME spoilers*
Okay, here's the thing: I know that there are some (maybe about seven) non-plot-essential choices made in Mass Effect that can carry over into Mass Effect 2. I want to get all of these subquests/choices done. I know **one of them is the recovery, or lack thereof, of Batiyah's wife's body.** What are the other ones, and where can I find them? If possible, please don't give away the actual choices, just the person and/or planet they involve. I am currently off the Citadel. The only plot mission I have done is rescuing Liara from planet Therum. Hopefully I didn't lock anything off! Thanks, Reddit.
I just want to say thanks.
I wanted to say how much I appreciate you guys and this small group. I honestly wouldn't feel comfortable approaching the people I'm close to IRL about this problem and having a group of people to share difficulties with has really helped me make improvements in my life. I'm not there yet, I have a lot I need to work on, but I'm actually working towards ridding myself of a damaging habit. That's huge. I think fighting an addiction feels like you're in a battle that you have to fight on your own, but knowing you're not alone, knowing there are other people struggling against the same problems makes it so it doesn't seem insurmountable. Reading some of the things people have posted my jaw has dropped and I've thought to myself, "That's me!" Even just reading the short things you've said is a help. Just coming here to read a few simple lines or post a short comment has helped me resist looking at porn several times. To everyone here, and especially those that have been offering advice and keeping this subreddit alive, I want to offer you my sincere thanks. :)
DAE wear a jacket with lots of pockets because it is socially unacceptable for them to carry a purse?
I wear a jacket, when the weather permits, because I like having a lot of stuff with me. I would carry a purse, but being male that would do nothing but attract unneeded attention. I have also worn cargo pants for years and don't plan to every change this. I carry almost everything I can think of and everything I might need. Napkins, writing implements, a whistle, even a computer (it fits perfectly in my cargo pants larger side pockets). The only other way I could see carrying all this stuff and not being inconvenienced would be with a computer bag, but I don't trust those as much as I do my jacket and pants due to how much more difficult it is to take these articles of clothing from me if I am currently wearing them. Do any of my fellow redditors find themselves in a similar situation? How do you deal with it?
Things are going great between us, now how do we keep it this way?
So me and my girlfriend realy REALLY like eachother, we have so much fun together and feel extremly comforitable around on another and and I really want our relationship to last a long time, any one have any tips on how to make this so?
The 1st, 2nd and 3rd version of NORAD's failure to intercept the hijacked flights are all bullshit. But the first one is especially bad....
According to the first account, the military never even scrambled jets to respond to the hijackings, (with the exception of flight 93 which was being tailed by an F-16 before it crashed) That this version indicated a stand-down order/ shoot down of flight 93 is why NORAD had to dramatically change its story. Paul Wolfowitz: "the Air Force was tracking the hijacked plane that crashed in Pennsylvania on Tuesday after other airliners slammed into the Pentagon and World Trade Center and had been in a position to bring it down if necessary."
I need a little help printing out the original variable after changing it in a java program
I'm doing a program that asks us to convert seconds back into hours, minutes, and seconds. The way I wrote it, I change the seconds variable in order to find how many hours, minutes, and seconds the user has. I want to for the end of the program to print out what the original amount of seconds were however. Is there a way to do this?
ask Reddit math: I'm a peruvian math undergrad, but want to finish my studies elsewhere (on a budget). Suggestions?
Hi reddit, as the title says, I'm a 18yo math undergrad studying at PUCP. However, I'm on a kind of tight budget, tight for Stanford and MIT and such at least. I'm a really really good student and would like to know what options are there. Any suggestion is welcome. Long story short: I have good grades but not much money and am looking for a CS - Math degree. Thanks
In a recent thread, someone mentioned a ridiculous fact about the size of our sun compared to the entire Milky Way... it was actually wrong.
In fact, if the Milky Way were reduced to the size of the continental United States, our sun would be 7 micrometers in radius, The size of a *white blood cell*, not a period as the original poster said. Our whole solar system (radius of Pluto's orbit, yes I know it's not a planet) would be 6 cm, just slightly smaller than a tennis ball. If we choose to set the size of the sun at 1 mm (the size of a period?), pluto would be 8.75 meters away, and the galaxy would have a radius of 690,000 *km*... let's see that's... THE ACTUAL SIZE OF OUR SUN!!!!! holy fuck. I don't know if any trivia fact has ever truly made me short for breath before. >Pluto: average distance from the sun - 6.089E12 meters >Sol: equatorial radius - 6.955E8 meters >Milky Way: equatorial radius - 4.8E20 meters Edit: some formatting and typos
Question: it's a proven fact that carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas. It's a proven fact that we are pumping carbon dioxide into the atmosphere in massive, measurable quantities. Where's the argument that says it's not our fault?
This is a serious question, because I've never seen it addressed in any real fashion by climate change deniers, yet the new popular claim is that, yeah, climate change is happening, but it has nothing to do with us. As far as I can see, the only argument for climate change being "natural" is the argument that, as creatures on this planet just like anything else, we, and any effect we produce on our environment, could also be considered "natural." (I'm not saying that's what we should do, I'm just surprised more deniers don't use that argument, instead of just blindly saying "it's not our fault" or worse, "climate change isn't happening because it's cold in the winter." At least that's a potentially legitimate point of view, even if I disagree with it.)
Ey Reddit, What What's the worst birthday you've ever had?
When I turned 15, my brother took me fishing at the Charles River in Boston. I hated fishing to begin with but i went anyways cause none of my friends were around. I only caught one stupid sunfish which ended up cutting me. Before leaving the river, i had to go pee so i pissed behind some bush only to realize my pants weren't completely down and i pissed all over them. O yeah, there was an out door concert as well and i had to walk around while people starred at my wet stained crotch. My 18th birthday wasn't any better. Didn't see anyone i knew the whole freakin day. parents were away on vacation and left me to watch the house, all my friends were somewhere else. all i did was drive down to the gas station to buy a scratch ticket so i could get carded for the first time and they didn't even do that!
what is the best workplace mod/perc/weirdness that you have ever seen
Here's my favorite: back in the early 90's I worked for Telecom. A few times I went to the plane maintenance buildings at Tullamarine airport to work on some telco faults for the airlines. These buildings were HUGE open spaces with many planes (think everything up to 747s) inside the one building that were being maintained/repaired. To get from one end of the buildings walking took ages (I wish I could remember how long the building was but I'm guessing 200+ meters. the cool thing was that there were bikes everywhere, if you needed to get somewhere in the building you would grab a bike and ride there - I still this love little productivity 'tool'. TL,DNR: bikes to get around huge work place
Is my website up or down? A little help please.
So my website has been down for about 36 hours, on my end at least. I talked to someone at my hosting company WebHostingPad and they added my IP address to their allow list, so it's not being blacklisted. They insist that my website is up and working on their end. I was told to contact my ISP to make sure my website wasn't being blocked, but I have not gone that far yet. DownForEveryoneOrJustMe reports that my website is down: But most other places report it working fine. So which is it? Is it up or down and where do you live? Edit: Please name your ISP as well? Edit: I'm located in Albany, NY, USA and my ISP is Time Warner (RoadRunner) **** **Update:** Thank you for the help everyone. After bugging my hosting company to pursue the case, they finally acknowledged the issue and sent me the following statement: >Due to some network issues we have changed our main shared IP to a new one ( Now all the sites including your site are shifted to the new IP so there will be some DNS propagation and after that you can access your domain fine. Please be patient for the time being and check it by clearing browser cache." The website is now up and running without a problem. Thanks again for all who helped diagnose the problem!
I'm giving away my ticket for The Art History of Games symposium
The art history of games is a symposium that will be held Feb. 4-6 (this Friday) in the High Museum of Art’s Rich Auditorium. There will be great speakers (such as John Romero, creator of Wolfenstein 3D, Doom and Quake) talking about games as a form of art and creative expression. You can check out all the information here. I wont be able to go. So I will give my ticket to anyone who wants it. Just send me a private message with your name, so that it appears on the attendee roster. There is no actual ticket, you just have to show up there with and ID. I won't be able to use the ticket myself, because I just got laid off :( and I'm going back to Mexico. You may remember this]( post a few weeks ago. I want to thank everyone for all the advice you gave me; it was really useful. Just as a proof that I did spend some time in Atlanta, [here is a picture I took of my hand with the infamous H, by Peachtree center. You live in a great city, wish I had more time to enjoy it. Happy redditing! **EDIT**: Ticket now belongs to zuluthrone
Rockband 2 "downloading in background" doesn't work?
Hi all, Just got a PS3 and Rockband 2. When I buy songs and want to get more than 1 at a time, I try to use "downloading in background." But these downloads always freeze and I end up having to go to the PS store to redownload. Any ideas? Looking forward to enjoying this community!
To redditors of the Somerville/Cambridge/Malden area, do you know a good auto shop?
I need to take my car in for a tune up and it will be my first time doing so in this area. Any places you've been to that are reasonably priced and reliable? Thanks!
I got ticket number 0420 at my school's Taco Bell just now...
Me and a few buddies smoked a blunt and then headed over to the Taco Bell. I got my ticket and I seriously laughed out loud. Anyways, how are you doing trees?
Dear people of reddit who like to make humorous comments. I get offended by your funny jokes.
Reddit is serious business. Therefore, you should be the ones who have to change and must conform to my needs so that i don't get offended again. Thankyou.