A golden four faced clock in a large room of a building.
an illuminated clock with lights below showing 12:15
an illuminated clock with lights below showing 12:15
a large clock that is next to a large building
a large clock that is next to a large building
A clock on top of an information booth at a train station.
A clock on top of an information booth at a train station.
A large clock which is on display at Union Station.
A large clock which is on display at Union Station.
A golden four faced clock in a large room of a building.
A small vase holds purple and yellow flowers.
A white vase on a marble table with flowers in it.
A white vase on a marble table with flowers in it.
Flower vase on wooden table on outside
Flower vase on wooden table on outside
a white vase that has some flowers in side of it
a white vase that has some flowers in side of it
Colorful but old flower arrangement in ceramic vase.
Colorful but old flower arrangement in ceramic vase.
A small vase holds purple and yellow flowers.
A group of people at a dinner table with wine bottles
Several people sitting around a dining room table drinking wine.
Several people sitting around a dining room table drinking wine.
A group of people sitting around dinner tables.
A group of people sitting around dinner tables.
a bunch of people are sitting around a table
a bunch of people are sitting around a table
People wine tasting and discussing around a table.
People wine tasting and discussing around a table.
A group of people at a dinner table with wine bottles
A clock tower on a historic building next to several stone buildings.
A street view of buildings with a tower clock behind them.
A street view of buildings with a tower clock behind them.
An image of Big Ben on the road in London
An image of Big Ben on the road in London
The Big Ben clock tower towering over the city of London.
The Big Ben clock tower towering over the city of London.
a large clock tower is at the end of a street
a large clock tower is at the end of a street
A clock tower on a historic building next to several stone buildings.
A variety of wine bottles on a small table.
a person sitting at a small table with bottles of wine
a person sitting at a small table with bottles of wine
A man and woman that are seated around a table with wine bottles.
A man and woman that are seated around a table with wine bottles.
A man stands at a bar in front of several wine bottles
A man stands at a bar in front of several wine bottles
a few people that are standing by some wine bottles
a few people that are standing by some wine bottles
A variety of wine bottles on a small table.
A felt crafted wallet and a pair of scissors with thread.
A crafting project with red thread and scissors
A crafting project with red thread and scissors
A small hand sewn book next to scissors and thread.
A small hand sewn book next to scissors and thread.
Scissors and material being made into small purse
Scissors and material being made into small purse
a table that has some items on it
a table that has some items on it
A felt crafted wallet and a pair of scissors with thread.
Three teddy bears wearing clothes outside in a field
Three teddy bears sitting in a meadow of flowers.
Three teddy bears sitting in a meadow of flowers.
A group of stuffed bears with each other in park
A group of stuffed bears with each other in park
a group of teddy bears that are on the ground
a group of teddy bears that are on the ground
Three teddy bears that are next to each other.
Three teddy bears that are next to each other.
Three teddy bears wearing clothes outside in a field
A glass plate topped with cake and whipped cream.
A desert on a glass plate with whip cream in a smiley face.
A desert on a glass plate with whip cream in a smiley face.
A plate with a pastry on it, topped with whipped cream.
A plate with a pastry on it, topped with whipped cream.
A pastry cut up and has a smiley face made of whip cream on it.
A pastry cut up and has a smiley face made of whip cream on it.
whiipped cream on a pancake so it looks like a happy face
whiipped cream on a pancake so it looks like a happy face
A glass plate topped with cake and whipped cream.
a man sitting at a table with some plates of food
A man sitting at a table in front of plates of food.
A man sitting at a table in front of plates of food.
a person that is sitting at a table with food
a person that is sitting at a table with food
The man grins with three bowls of food in front of him.
The man grins with three bowls of food in front of him.
a man sits with a few plates of food in front of him
a man sits with a few plates of food in front of him
a man sitting at a table with some plates of food
An oven mitt and scissors on a white surface.
A few different colors mittens and a pair of scissors
A few different colors mittens and a pair of scissors
An oven mitt is on a table beside a pair of scissors.
An oven mitt is on a table beside a pair of scissors.
A cake shapped like an oven mitten sitting next to a pair of scissors.
A cake shapped like an oven mitten sitting next to a pair of scissors.
An oven glove and a pair of scissors sitting beside each other.
An oven glove and a pair of scissors sitting beside each other.
An oven mitt and scissors on a white surface.
There is a place of food on a white table.
A prepared meal is sitting on a table.
A prepared meal is sitting on a table.
a couple of plates that have some food on them
a couple of plates that have some food on them
A baked dinner on a white dish over a white table.
A baked dinner on a white dish over a white table.
A full plate with a serving spoon laying on it sitting on a table.
A full plate with a serving spoon laying on it sitting on a table.
There is a place of food on a white table.
Two stuffed teddy bears together in fromt of black background
Two teddy bears with bell necklaces on a black background.
Two teddy bears with bell necklaces on a black background.
two ornamental stuffed bears wearing yellow bell necklaces
two ornamental stuffed bears wearing yellow bell necklaces
Two hair clips in the shape of teddy bears on a black surface.
Two hair clips in the shape of teddy bears on a black surface.
charms shaped like teddy bears sitting on a black cloth
charms shaped like teddy bears sitting on a black cloth
Two stuffed teddy bears together in fromt of black background
A man and a woman pose for a picture with their wine.
A man and woman holding up wine glasses and smiling in a wine-tasting room.
A man and woman holding up wine glasses and smiling in a wine-tasting room.
a man and a woman hold up wine glasses
a man and a woman hold up wine glasses
A man and a woman pose with glasses of wine.
A man and a woman pose with glasses of wine.
Man and woman standing in the kitchen holding wineglasses together.
Man and woman standing in the kitchen holding wineglasses together.
A man and a woman pose for a picture with their wine.
A collection of stuffed toys is sitting on a car.
Several stuffed bear toys sitting on top of a car roof.
Several stuffed bear toys sitting on top of a car roof.
a couple of stuffed bears are on top of a car
a couple of stuffed bears are on top of a car
A number of stuffed teddy bears sit on the roof of a car.
A number of stuffed teddy bears sit on the roof of a car.
Four teddy bears sitting on top of a car.
Four teddy bears sitting on top of a car.
A collection of stuffed toys is sitting on a car.
a tall clock tower near a building with a dark background
The Big Ben displays the time for the city.
The Big Ben displays the time for the city.
A tall clock tower towering over a city at night.
A tall clock tower towering over a city at night.
A brown clock tower with many cars below it.
A brown clock tower with many cars below it.
A nighttime picture of Big Ben in London, England.
A nighttime picture of Big Ben in London, England.
a tall clock tower near a building with a dark background
A building with a clock and a steeple on the top.
A clock tower is standing in a city.
A clock tower is standing in a city.
A tall building has a clock on it.
A tall building has a clock on it.
A clock is on a brick bell tower.
A clock is on a brick bell tower.
The clock tower is built with a pointed roof spire.
The clock tower is built with a pointed roof spire.
A building with a clock and a steeple on the top.
A close up of a vase full of dead roses.
The wilted vase of flowers is made of a purple shade of glass.
The wilted vase of flowers is made of a purple shade of glass.
A vase contains a bunch of dead flowers.
A vase contains a bunch of dead flowers.
A close shot of a glass container with a bundle of roses inside.
A close shot of a glass container with a bundle of roses inside.
A flower vase is sitting on a table.
A flower vase is sitting on a table.
A close up of a vase full of dead roses.
A large building with a clock stands out against the sky.
A tall building in a city with a clock on top.
A tall building in a city with a clock on top.
A large architectural structure with a large clock on it is surrounded by grey clouds in the background.
A large architectural structure with a large clock on it is surrounded by grey clouds in the background.
A large clock tower underneath a bunch of clouds.
A large clock tower underneath a bunch of clouds.
a clock on a tall building with a sky background
a clock on a tall building with a sky background
A large building with a clock stands out against the sky.
A woman is posing on a floor with a stuffed toy.
A woman model hugs a white and furry teddy bear.
A woman model hugs a white and furry teddy bear.
A dancer with pierrot eye makeup cuddles a large teddy bear
A dancer with pierrot eye makeup cuddles a large teddy bear
A woman posing sexually with teddy bear in bear feet
A woman posing sexually with teddy bear in bear feet
A woman in a white dress crying and holding a teddy bear.
A woman in a white dress crying and holding a teddy bear.
A woman is posing on a floor with a stuffed toy.
a close up of a vase with many flowers
a blue vase with some white roses on a table
a blue vase with some white roses on a table
some white flowers are sitting in a vase
some white flowers are sitting in a vase
A green vase with white roses in it.
A green vase with white roses in it.
A green vase holds a bouquet of white roses.
A green vase holds a bouquet of white roses.
a close up of a vase with many flowers