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the problem is, futhi, that no one will admit that it is also racist for people to choose this case as the important one that everyone is tuned in to, and has an opinion on, on the basis of race. i appreciate your thoughtfulness above, as this is one of the less ignorant posts that i have read, but i am a white 26 year old male from the suborbs and i have also been grieved by this case. it’s not just the profiling that proves racism is still alive. the fact that this case is known at all is racism at its purest form. we are talking about this case because a black boy is dead. we have deemed a black trajedy (maybe it happens more often, and that’s tragic, but not my point here) to be more important than all the other thousands of tragedies every day. there are all sorts of trajedies of black people killing white folks and even racially motivated ones, that are not reported and glazed over, and this too, is becoming a normal thing. at the wisconsin fair, i believe it was, a few years ago a flash mob made up of african american teenagers ransacked the fair and coordinated attacks against whites--only, in some cases they punched elderly people in the face, walked into local homes and business with numbers and stole and intimidated with force, and no media coverage. could you imagine if a group of white teenagers targeted blacks? the media chooses, and if you choose, if you only focus on the “only a black person can understand” side of this case, that a black tragedy is the most important one, even now, while hispanics, chinese, whites, are killed in a similar fashion. this case might be symbolic of some sort of black “struggle,” i understand that. but this is not the way to solve it. i know for a face that this just widens the chasm between us. you have told me as a white man that i don’t understand how it is to be profiled, but actually i was profiled all those same ways, as a young man. i agree, it is moreso with dark colored skin, but “young” has something to do with it too. you say i’ll never understand, but maybe you’ll never understand what it makes me feel like when all my black christian brothers focus on martin, and don’t even acknowledge the fact that it is wrong in the first place to choose this trajedy as more important those the hundreds of similar trajedys that occur daily. i do believe it is sin. that’s an opinion. that some sort of sinful mindset is behind it any instance of choosing one race over another. and i believe ” you haven’t been in my shoes” only widens that chasm between races and is an unfair statement. do you know what it is like for me to not go to college, because i don’t have 8 grand laying around, while watching african americans with the same grades getting my spot and a scholarship? you probably don’t. my point is, that any time you say “you don’t know what it is like to be my color,” you aren’t doing anything productive, because i can never be your color. i believe that blacks are just as blind to the issues that are causing a deep divide between races. african americans are watching this travon martin thing and thinking one thing, while whites are thinking something entirely different. “is it just and right for this case to be chosen as important, and famous, and bigger than all the rest, on the basis of race?” i have yet to see one african american christian to mention this. and to ignore that fact is to be ignorant. there may be some truth that blacks are profiled, but choosing to put a case on a display based on race is wrong, and disrespectful to other races that are killed just like travon was. | 652307d31566796af6ed8d77352f718733ad3bde49356bafc496ed888621ac1e | 670 | 2,928 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0.45 | 17 |
1810 but recently underwent a million-dollar renovation. The property boasts original floors throughout, five fireplaces, an open floor plan with a chef ’s kitchen and a private garden. Joshua Javits (the son of former Sen. Jacob Javits) and his wife Sabina Javits sold R STREETNW to Dale Louda and Ann Navaro for $2,320,000. Mr. Louda is a manager of government relations at PPL Corporation. Ms. Navaro is an attorney for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and previously worked as a lawyer for the Justice Department. The 4,000square-foot bow-front town house on “Art Gallery Row” near Dupont Circle was built in 1895 and spans the width of two city lots. It features an in-law suite, a gourmet kitchen and charming outdoor spaces, including a rooftop terrace with a hot tub.The listing agent for the | 29d2db4b6d04858b54a82d3876d4a2cc84335a2e5b87dfbeda1a55e4ff71aabb | 134 | 674 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 2.24 | 8 |
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the iphone app was downloaded more than 8000 times.the economist: thinking space facebook page has more than 40 000 fans with 8m post views and a potential reach, through friends of fans, of over 13m. the majority of the fans are based in italy, turkey, spain, germany, france and sweden; the top cities where fans live are istanbul, warsaw, madrid, and stockholm but also further afield, with taipei and dhaka making the top ten list.a stronger relationship""online communities built up through the economist's social media platforms like facebook and twitter, and through its debates, community pages and blogs on www.economist.com, have allowed us to strengthen our relationship with readers whilst simultaneously reaching new audiences. thinking spaces is a great example of this, with the facebook page continuing to grow organically following the initial campaign"" says susan clark, group marketing director and managing director for europe, middle east and africa.you can explore and share the e--book at the link below and learn more about the campaign on youtube www.thinkingspace.economist.com/e--bookfollowing the success of the thinking spaces campaign the economist group has now launched a specific strategy in europe's northern markets to identify and reach this diverse audience. new brand activities, with a hyper--local approach, begin this spring with a campaign in hamburg, germany.‹ like save email print pdfcomment on thiscommentcomment guidelines and disclaimerlegal disclaimer: this message board accepts no liability of legal consequences that arise from the message boards (e.g. defamation, slander, or other such crimes). all posted messages are the sole property of their respective authors. the maintainer does retain the right to remove any message posts for whatever reasons. people that post messages to this forum are not to libel/slander nor in any other way depict a company, entity, individual(s), or service in a false light; should they do so, the legal consequences are theirs alone. bizcommunity.com will disclose authors' ip addresses to authorities if compelled to do so by a court of law.read more: the economist, campaignrelatedunited kingdomself--reliance is critical skill for business/marketing studentsnewsshow moresubscribereceive free email newslettermake us your homepageadd us to your favoritesrss feedget biz on your phonefollow usinvitetell a friend about us" | 75b95f5c8348e84ca955e2208097bab39c36c56dae491279b406dc82c4e680d9 | 817 | 5,160 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0.122399 | 2.69 | 20 |
6 Okukala tu na emanguluko la ngabekwa mbela oshi li ngoo emanguluko lashili? Heeno, oshi li emanguluko. Omolwashike hatu tile ngaho? Omangabeko oo a tulwa po shi na sha nemanguluko lovanhu ohaa dulu oku va amena. Pashihopaenenwa, ohatu dulu okuninga etokolo tu shinge tu ye koshilando shokokule. Mbela ohatu ka kala ngoo tu udite twa amenwa ngeenge ohatu shingi kopate oko kuhe na eemhango domopate, oko keshe umwe ta hoolola kutya ota shingi onhapo i fike peni nota shingi eli kopate oyo a hala? Hasho nandenande. Omangabeko okwa pumbiwa opo ovanhu aveshe va hafele omanangeko noupuna emanguluko lashili. Natu ka kundafaneni oihopaenenwa imwe yopaMbiibeli, opo tu dule okumona ouyelele muhapu u na sha nounongo wokulongifa emanguluko letu lokuninga omatokolo nonande Jehova okwe tu tulila po omangabeko. | 55c28ed0c6fde1db2f81b0a11953ae357a245e3dde57b4a3f599088de4a61ac6 | 126 | 680 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0.79 | 6 |
Hlanga Edgar from Boneha won the viewers choice award and was given a bicycle and certificate. The Heidelberg Mall Cangro Project has been implemented at Boneha Primary and Sithokomele Primary Schools. A total of 305 Grade 3 scholars have each received an upside down tomato plant which they will nurture over a 3 month period leading up to a prize giving which will take place at Heidelberg Mall. Through innovation focused on the use of recycled material, Cangro hopes to inspire a generation of young thinkers and future entrepreneurs who can contribute in a meaningful way to a sustainable South Africa. | e40d201dcd92cee9ac5c6a25358e33dfe0db984eafa132b6d64551f161a18845 | 101 | 507 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 2.97 | 6 |
ohn nethers served as professor of history at ashland college/university for 30 years. he loved the classroom, and his enthusiasm and passion for history were contagious. but even more importantly, he loved being a mentor, a role model and cheerleader for the thousands of students who walked through his doors. to him, the success of his students was most important. john always knew that his legacy would be tied to ashland. and with the assistance of the planned giving office, he established a charitable gift annuity that will allow for student scholarships to be established in his name and also benefit ashland university as a beneficiary of his retirement plans. with a charitable gift annuity, john will receive a guaranteed annual annuity income payment each year. upon his passing, the residual will be available to support student scholarships in his name, allowing john to leave a legacy to the university that he has supported for many years. “i spent my life loving ashland college/university and there is nothing else i want to support more than ashland,” says john. “i know that my money is being put to good use and it is heartwarming to know that my money helps students be successful every day.” | 0bb911eace756ee6ec85b10b27b01999bc3ea83b8862cfa62e8093e97d1d33be | 204 | 1,012 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0.49 | 7 |
i am bamangale kangako mina ngenze ukuba igama lami ku bhukwana nokubheka kuhle like ngikulungele yini uswidi oh my gosh oh my god ke uya sasivumela flat. ngithathe ekuboniseni nje wena indlela yokudala umbungu ukuvakasha khulula 500 can be we can turn all the sits facing sideways like this how nice business very social sam we're halfway to fort lauderdale no how do you feel about the print or 500 in your experience you know what g this is the best experience of a meet size private jet i ever happened because the cabin is wider much wider than a typical midsize jet and best of all is so quiet on this plane you know really a really good experience really comfortable hr 500 is a 30 250 nautical mile as you mentioned the comfort that you | 45cd179996a58c9f4e69b532b06eb17c4aa5f2832c717243e58637563689f41d | 137 | 608 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 3.65 | 5 |
, definition from wiktionary, the free dictionary. jump to navigation jump to search. see also: úði , may 21, 2014 · umandangaphakathi / igobondela / intando / umuthi wothando (love spells that work, love muthi, the magic charms). umandangaphakathi the passion of love multiplies inside someone everything listed above is used to propel, program or to design the level of love according to the needs of one part in a love affair or a relationship. , zulu traditional medicines (or umuthi) have changed very little over the ages. the administrators of these traditions have various roles in the zulu society. they are the inyanga or herbalist who is concerned with medicines made form plant and animals, the isangoma or witchdoctor who makes contact with... , definition from wiktionary, the free dictionary. jump to navigation jump to search. see also: úði , hawkers of health: the faraday street traditional medicine market in johannesburg appendices appendix 1a: cross reference of botanical names to common names, giving plant part1 and the number of citations per common na me or ‘ethnospecies’. where a species shares a common name with 1 or more species, the , imithi ephathelene nobuthakathi :--ubuthakathi akuyona inkinga yabenguni bodwa kodwa nezinye izizwe zinayo le nkinga .izizwe ezifana namavenda , amaswahhili, abesuthu njalo njalo zikhala ngenkinga efanayo yobuthakathi . ubuthakathi obuvame ukutholakala kubenguni buhlukene cishe izigaba ezintathu ,isitshophi ,ilumbo kanye nedliso , contextual translation of ""umuthi onamandla"" into english. human translations with examples: steam power, centre of effort, a powerful medicine. , ucwaningo lwamagama emithi ngesizulu njengoba esetshenziswa ekwelashweni ngendlela yendabuko. (the study of isizulu medicinal names as reflected in indigenous healing systems) by mthokozisi christopher myeza submitted in accordance with the requirements for the degree of master of arts in the subject african languages at the , ubhekaminangedwa. yiwona ke lomuthi ofunwa yiwo wonke umuntu wesifazane nowesilisa ohlala kuleli. uthando akuyona into etholakala kalula kanti futhi akuyona into ongaphila kalula ngaphandle kwayo. , battles and sites. kwagqokli hill: chief zwide of the ndwandwe, viewed the zulu under shaka as being a major threat and obstacle to him having complete control of the the area which is commonly known as zululand., amakhambi akwantu :--amakhambi imithi esiza kakhulu ekwelapheni imbo nasekukhipheni inyongo .le mithi akudingeki ukuthi nize nitshelwe inyanga ,noma ubani osekhulile ekhaya kufanele azi ukuthi uyokwenzenjani lapho ephethwe umkhuhlane ,noma equtshukelwe inyongo .inkinga ekhona ukuthi iningi lethu asisawasebenzisi lawa makhambi akwantu ngoba umuntu usuke esaba ukuthi abantu bazothi uyathakatha ., may 21, 2014 · umandangaphakathi / igobondela / intando / umuthi wothando (love spells that work, love muthi, the magic charms). umandangaphakathi the passion of love multiplies inside someone everything listed above is used to propel, program or to design the level of love according to the needs of one part in a love affair or a relationship. , hawkers of health:an investigation of the faraday street traditional medicine market in johannesburg, gauteng appendices 1,2,3,4 & 5 v.l. williams plant ecology and conservation series no. 15 report to the gauteng directorate for nature conservation, dacelmay 2003 restoration & conservation biology research group school of animal, plant & environmental sciences university of the witwatersrand ... , hawkers of health: the faraday street traditional medicine market in johannesburg appendices appendix 1a: cross reference of botanical names to common names, giving plant part1 and the number of citations per common na me or ‘ethnospecies’. where a species shares a common name with 1 or more species, the | 4ea3235685510787bba4b6a3c4b982f033adf0f5bf4d5a53757d52b1dd05df7d | 573 | 3,272 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0.34904 | 6.46 | 12 |
routers. need for modification. Honeypots: production systems ( e. find new threats. using a network of systems called honeypots. . database servers) designed to do real work but to be watched and studied as network intrusions occur. find advances in technology and locate which new business assets needs securing.Security risk management Honeynet: is a way to evaluate vulnerability of an organization by studying the types of attack to which a site is subjected.g. Implementation: involves the choose and use of particular technologies to counter the high-priority threats. Planning: the aim here is to arrive at a set policies defining which Planning: threats are tolerable and which aren¶t and what is to be done in both cases. a tolerable threat is one with a very high cost of safeguarding or the risk too low. high Monitoring: ongoing process to determine successful or unsuccessful measures. firewalls. web servers. | 66dd8f63e54a93669ad06a8bf584f35544c771fe3278d5a33d2999eb79400551 | 151 | 784 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 4.64 | 6 |
mar 01, 2013 · kafushane, it kunenzuzo kakhulu ukuba abe umthondo enkulu ngokuvamile. athi lapho ephumula khona ngiwuthathe umthondo womfana ngiwuxhume emlonyeni. uma esechama khona vele kubemnandi kakhulu ukuzwa umuntu omdala ekhala ekhaliswa ingquza yami. ukubhebhana videos -- photos templates ngifuna umthondo ukubhebaha school girls photo leaked labels izinqe photos pictures whatsapp weekly. abheke phezulu umfundisi, aphefumulele phezulu. ungathandaza nini ngenhliziyo, njengoba kwenza unehemiya? lapho inkosi ibuza unehemiya ukuthi kungani edabukile, unehemiya waqale wathandaza ngenhliziyo. umthondo usuqanse yonke imithambo. oooh kumnandi my boy kumnandi sithandwa sethu oooh! ngizwe umfana ekhala ngaphansi, eeeeeee! yemamaaaa!. sep 28, 2010 · uma sesikuleyo mood asinendaba kakhulu nesmell so--mlomo but of course, that’s why kufanele abantu balale bexubhile. ngelinye ilanga unehemiya wayedabuke kakhulu ngoba wayezwe ukuthi zazidilikile izindonga zasejerusalema, umuzi omkhulu wabantu bakubo. facebook antaa ihmisille mahdollisuuden jakaa ja lisätä avoimuutta ja umthondo omkhulu womama inamathele ezinqeni ushe umthondo kube mnandi kakhulu linyuke izinga lokufenda seniphefumulela phezulu inquza isimanzi nte umthondo nami ingquza ngisayizungezisa umthondo ngiwuzwe uqina kakhulu umthondo womfana. phela imina owayelele ekugcineni sihlukaniswe iskhala esincane mina nomzala wami uzinhle. ngifende ngisheshe naye asheshe. bese ngimunya ikhinqi nje ngingawufaki ushafu phakathi abubule umfana. khona ngiyawuzwa ugcwele uthe mfi egolo. oooh! oooh!. ngaqunga isibindi ngashutheka isandla engubeni embethwe uzinhle ngamuthinta thinta ingquza ngesikhulu isineke lesi. ngifuna umthondo. amakhona uwagudla onke kube mnandi kusho. achamele phakathi. ubaba efenda kamnandi umthondo wakhe ushisa kamnandi egolo lami. oooooh aaah! asidedele isidoda amehlo esewakhiphe ngaphandle engibambe ngqi ezinqeni. asithi nje yonke into enomabhebhana phakathi is right up my alley athi lapho ephumula khona ngiwuthathe umthondo womfana ngiwuxhume emlonyeni. amanzi egolo ngiwezwe esehla ngamathanga. kungimangaze ukumumatha umthondo omkhulu kangaka, bengicabanga ukuthi kuzoba buhlungu. 995 likes. umthondo ngiwuzwe uqina kakhulu umthondo womfana. liity facebookiin ja pidä yhteyttä käyttäjän umthondo omkhulu ja muiden tuttujesi kanssa. uma ungaphenduki, uku eziningi ukuphoxeka umlingani wakho kuyinto for a ukudumala omkhulu. ngifuna ukumedlula umzala ngiqale ngikhothe ikhinqi elimanyazelayo. angithi uyabona?” avume ngekhanda unomusa. ngasizwa sishisa kamnandi isibumba samzala, lapho umthondo wami usuqine ngendlela yokuthi kwayi anda leyo yase isho ukuqhuma ukuqhanyelwa. kodwa lapha ngiwuzwa ushelela kamnandi ungena uphuma engquza. kodwa ke, ngisuke ngingafuni o--kiss, ngisuke ngilambele ukubhejwa, futhi ngifuna ukwenziwa kamnandi ngesineke, amabele ami ayavuka, igazi lami ligijime, isithandwa sami singene phakathi kube engathi kukhona into encibilikayo, the latest tweets from sizwe mokoena (@siyabhebhana). ngicela niphendule lombuzo uma niqeda ukufunda: kungani osisi bafune umthondo omkhulu kanti ucansi luba mnandi ngomthondo omkhulu yini? umngan wami wahlukana nentombi yakhe last month ngenxa yokuthi yayithi unomthondo omncane yona ifuna omkhulu. fitness model. facebook is showing information to help you better understand the purpose of a page. achamele phakathi ubaba efenda kamnandi umthondo wakhe ushisa kamnandi egolo lami. lapho kuvele kuthi angihlanye. umthondo wakhe omkhulu ungena uthi mikithi engquza, uzithinte zonke izindonga zegolo, uye ufike uthi ngci phakathi. kube mnandi kakhulu. umthondo omkhulu on facebookissa. dec 20, 2016 · yangibusi ingane yomfazi ngenza ngibe namahloni ngithe ngisaxakekile nginjalo ukuthi lengane yenzani ngempela ingibukanisa nabantu, ngiqonde e office ngifike ngihlale phansi ngikhathele phela kwazise angilalanga kwami manje nginalokho kukhathala nje nokozela phela akulaleki endlini yomuntu wesifazane. kodwa, qiniseka ukuthi uma ukuthenga ikhondomu ekudlwana unayo hardware sithethelele ukuthenga kwakho. wukuthi nje, ngibona ngoba ngingumfundisi, ngimdala, ngiganiwe kanti futhi wena umncane; isithunzi sami singakhinyabezeka kakhulu uma lendaba ingavela emphakathini. sengiqala ukuscreamer. athi uwfaka kwengenhla imbobo kube buhlungu, “hhay lapho ish,” ngthetha kona ngiyaye ngiqhanyelwe uma ngibabuka bebhejwa kuleyombobo. hhaw kanti kubhlungu kanje, cha abuyele kweyokuchama awushaye. ngizwe imfudumalo yomthondo engingasayazi ezandleni zami. sishise kamnandi isidoda. kodwa ke, ngisuke ngingafuni o--kiss, ngisuke ngilambele ukubhejwa, futhi ngifuna ukwenziwa kamnandi ngesineke, amabele ami ayavuka, igazi lami ligijime, isithandwa sami singene phakathi kube engathi kukhona into encibilikayo, “nomusa, yaz angazi noma uzos’thanda yini isixazululo engisicabangayo salenkinga. kude, awumnandi umthondo omkhulu ngyakutshela, buza mina, lapho ngiguqe ngamadolo kusofa wendoda, ngyadliwa hhay indaba yabantu bethi. umthondo wase nn | ee273888cb8a4fbce6ecb88ccadc339cda10797d1afc334e0c952967249bd67c | 629 | 4,367 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1.75 | 7 |
My letter to you Mthwakazi is about the now and way forward. We have reached the point of no return and everyone of us has to get on this train, if you are not on it yet, and make sure you are part and parcel when it reaches it's destination. Getting on the train, Mthwakazi kaNdaba, does not mean a free ride? Uthi uzahlala ugoq'izandla thina sifotshol'amalahle ukuzi is'timela siyephambili? Cha wena ndlela zimhlophe induku zibomvu, kusazosetshenzwa. We have to unite as a people behind this project. I call it a project because it has taken a long time & effort and will take money to achieve the final deliverable which is our NATIONHOOD. The nomination of the heir to the throne is, but, a milestone in this project and the next milestone we have to achieve is the coronation of iSilo sabeThwakazi. We have to begin preparations for this monumental event which will be taking place sooner than you think. You are part of a generation that is making history, siqoph'umlando sisonke Mthwakaz'omuhle. Osomlando basazobhal'izincwadi ezithi uMthwakazi ka 2017 wabuvus'ubukhosi obase bule 124 years kuthiwa butshabelele kanti cha, babungatshabalele babuhlehlile kuphela buyethath'amandla njenge nqama esempini. Kumele ukhumbule Mthwakazi ukuthi izizwe zibhekile njalo zonke leziziwe azisifisel'impumelelo, they have begun their own sinister preparations to make sure umsebenzi wethu doesn't succeed. That's why we have to dig deep into ubuThwakazi bethu sibambane sibeyimbumba silungise okungokwethu and bring back that pride and dignity of our NATION. | 2c5a5526dff69f2f21bc05a9fb9c700b8f0eaae8b8070136ee7abe5b003de1e0 | 244 | 1,308 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1.23 | 6 |
Some call him a genius, others claim he's certifiably insane, a madman. Truth is, he's both, but more importantly, Lee Perry is a towering figure in reggae -- a producer, mixologist, and songwriter who, along with King Tubby, helped shape the sound of dub and made reggae music such a powerful part of the pop music world. Along with producing some of the most influential acts (Bob Marley & the Wailers and the Congos to name but two) in reggae history, Perry's approach to production and dub mixing was breathtakingly innovative and audacious -- no one else sounds like him -- and while many claim that King Tubby invented dub, there are just as many who would argue that no one experimented with it or took it further than did Lee Perry. | 0b526fe3100364623cd1b885b548442e2d069871b2c0b07ec91d3f5299f565c9 | 132 | 609 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 3.03 | 5 |
bert is in trouble with his team he didn’t send their booking form in for the xtec o.t.t.enterprise relay,brought to you by the pcb, and now they don’t have permission to play. what they have, is: fomo. don’t be like bert. book your teams in, now. and then prepare to “waste--basket” your work wear and abandon your files, because it’s almost time to fill faces with smiles. you just have to zip on your zany and assemble your squad. the rest is easy. make a daft proposal and get them to nod. for more information and to book, please contact: lorna jones on 033 345 2747 or at function@pcb.org.za this fun networking and team event is in its 7th year, and we’re pleased to say that we had over 1000 people attending last year, braaing and socialising in the main arena at the show grounds. it is not a serious running event,so it is definitely not about winning. we will be handing out plenty of prizes though, quite arbitrarily. in fact this year, we’re pretty into an elite form of exercising called prancercising ( a cross between yoga, crossfit and japanese horseback archery) ... so, to encourage you to aspire to having the cardiovascular ability of a deer combined with the gracefulness of a jazz in-- | ccb0edd52c5f01e7fafd82d5e417226a541289064c9472596564d4f785264f27 | 216 | 994 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0.462963 | 2.78 | 5 |
Ihe omuma a bu ntoala maka otutu usoro okwu poker. Dika omumaatu, ida uda na igwu egwu (kowara n'okpuru ebe a) bu ihe atu nke iji aghugho mee ka ndi iro gi mee ihe digasi iche n'otu ha ga - esi hu maadi gi. E nwere ihe ufodu di iche iche na ihe ndi di mkpa n'otutu onodu di iche iche, dika akowara na nkuzi Morton. Njiko di n'etiti nkwu na nhujuanya na mmeri nke mmeri bu otu n'ime echiche ndi kachasi mkpa na usoro poker. Ihe nkedo nke ugbo bu nha nke uzo ka uzo nke uzo choro ka o biri na ite. Dika omumaatu, o buru na onye okpukpo ga-akpo $ 10 maka ohere inweta ite $ 40 (o bughi gunyere ntinye ha $ 10), ihe nkedo ha bu 4-to-1. Iji nwee atumanya di mma, ohuu nke onye okpukpo na-emeri aghaghi idi mma karia nkwu ha. O buru na egwu egwu nke mmeri na-adikwa 4-to-1 (20% ohere nke mmeri), nloghachi anya ha na-atu anya ga-agbaji obuna (na-emekari, na-efunahu ugboro ano, na-emeri otu ugboro kwa ugboro ise ha na-egwuri egwu di otu ahu). Mgbagwoju ajuju a bu echiche di mgbagwoju anya, obu ezie na agbakwunyere uzo. Remi13 Agen Sakong Judi BandarQ Capsa Susun Bandar Poker Online Indonesia | d0ad472b8c9f6302cc8178a9d9a72b9a032edd7014f8f1d427e09dbd698c779f | 208 | 882 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 3.85 | 13 |
the significance of the kavady festival as humans, we are bound to commit sins and we need to better ourselves and create harmony within and among ourselves. in order to do this we need to recognize and pinpoint our wrong, we need to confess and be willing to repent for our sins. a vow to carry the kavady is an admission of our sins and a willingness to change. many devotees also take the vow to cure their illnesses. the observation of the festival nine days before the actual procession, lord muruga’s flag is hoisted at temples around durban. the devotees start observing a strict fast, abstaining from meat, alcohol and sexual contact. the kavadies are loaned out to the devotees by the temple for a minimal fee. on the tenth day the kavadies are washed and decorated with flowers, ferns, palm leaves and other greenery. at an auspicious hour the kavadies are hoisted on their shoulders and carried by the devotees in a procession to a near river or grounds. there the kavadies are washed with rose water and holy ashes. the peacock feathers, lime and the secret vel are tied to the kavady. two brass vessels of milk are also tied to the kavady, one at either end. the main prayer starts before twelve o’ clock where the devotees sing, chant while some devotees go into a trance and have silver pins, needles and hooks pierced into their tongue, cheeks and bodies. the amazing thing is that they shed no blood or feel no pain. soon the return journey begins where the kavadies are carried back to the temple and off loaded at muruga’s feet and the vessels of milk are poured over his shrine and becomes blessed milk called abishegam milk which is given to the devotees. the devotees take light refreshments of milk and fruits and return home. on the third day therafter the fasting is concluded with the lowering of the flag. kavady is held twice a year in durban at most of the temples. thousands of people partake in this festival by taking vows to carry kavady or to give milk and vegetarian meals to the people that join the festival. | 27807530607a0bff3691483be6d6c7499a837a26d78668c75d46a32be099c70d | 367 | 1,679 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 8 |
cvrteovs and wise, whose iudgements (not entangled with enuie) enlarge the deserts of the learned by your liberall censures, vouchsafe to welcome your schollerlike shepheard with such vniuersitie entertainement as either the nature of your bountie or the custome of your common ciuilitie may affoord. to you he appeales that knew him ab extrema pueritia, whose placet he accounts the plaudite of his paines; thinking his daie labour was not altogether lauisht sine linea, if there be anie thing of all in it that doth olere atticum in your estimate. i am not ignorant how eloquent our gowned age is growen of late, so that euerie mchanicall mate abhorres the english he was borne too, and plucks with a solemne periphrasis his vt vales from the inkhorne: which i impute not so much to the perfection of arts as to the seruile imitation of vainglorious tragdians, who contend not so seriouslie to excell in action as to embowell the clowdes in a speach of comparison; thinking themselues more than initiated in poets immortalitie if they but once get boreas by the beard, and the heauenlie bull by the deaw--lap. but herein i cannot so fully bequeath them to follie, as their idiote art--masters, that intrude themselues to our eares as the alcumists of eloquence, who (mounted on the stage of arrogance) think to outbraue better pens with the swelling bumbast of a bragging blanke verse. indeed, it may be the ingrafted ouerflow of some kilcow conceipt, that ouercloieth their imagination with a more than drunken resolution, beeing not extemporall in the inuention of anie other meanes to vent their manhood, commits the digestion of their cholerick incumbrances to the spacious volubilitie of a drumming decasillabon. mongst this kinde of men that repose eternitie in the mouth of a player, i can but ingrosse some deepe read grammarians, who, hauing no more learning in their scull than will serue to take vp a commoditie, nor arte in their brain than was nourished in a seruing mans idlenesse, will take vpon them to be the ironicall censors of all, when god and poetrie doth know they are the simplest of all. 1 | ad0e68fb005a18e3aa517c84ce5855d4fdcdbefca12c7b29fdc70546531145b9 | 360 | 1,759 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0.28 | 8 |
Song Writer(s): Giffts, Michael Anthony, Saul, Publisher: UNIVERSAL MUSIC PUBLISHING MGB LTD., Iâm so relaxed, I could just dieI wanna move my headBut Iâm too relaxed to tryThe moon be dancing in the skyCan you see the black doves fly?Is it true what the trees said?Is Freddy Krueger really dead?Oh no, I better tread softlySomebody get this rhino of meIâm so relaxed, I could just dieI wanna move my headBut Iâm too relaxed to try(Try)I could just dieTake a sip she kept sayingI licked my lips, took a sipAs the beat kept playingI looked around as it went downAll the way downI didnât hear a soundUntil about half an hour laterI got myself a job as a translatorFor a man from marsHe was on earthWanted to buy some starsThere was a wolf on the dance floorHe was dancing, trying to roarLike a lion, the wolf kept tryingLetâs roarYeah, letâs roarIâm so relaxed, I could just dieI wanna move my headBut Iâm too relaxed to tryI could just die(Die)Me and the sea had a long conversationHallucination, no this was realSo real you never reach thisThere ainât no teacher can teach thisRough, smooth, tip that I'm onBy the time you get here Iâll be goneAnd when I come backIâll be back in a flash, a brain attackAnother one for the slaughterPlease control your daughterIâm so relaxed, I could just dieI wanna move my headBut Iâm just too relaxed to try(Try)I could just dieShe pulled that face, the one thatI had never seenShe got me running to the placeWhere I ain't never beenLooking around miracle townA big green man jumping leaps and boundsI saw the tree soaring through the airThe golden platforms falling down the stairsIâm so relaxed, I could just dieI wanna move my headBut Iâm too relaxed to try (But Iâm too relaxed)I could just dieDriving now Iâll be touched by the morningA feeling coming on like a new dawningI know what itâs like to wanna dieIf only for a secondItâs like many say I could just dieI reckon | b077880b0f23a276bb60da7796d2cfc13980542cf90e0c06ac56f920facd4bc7 | 338 | 1,614 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 13 |
ishly meddles in his wife’s new career. morongwa hits rock bottom as she’s forced to face the facts. wednesday, april 18 nina is shocked when gabriel makes a huge sacrifice for her. a fed up lalage gives hendrik a piece of her mind. morongwa makes a life changing decision. generations thursday, april 12 things finally seem to be looking up for getty. michael is shocked to hear what his daughter is about to do to him. lesedi confronts jason about taking her phone. friday, april 13 lucy is stunned by mrekza’s revelation. smanga has second thoughts about blackmailing the chairman. cosmo finds the man who robbed them and teaches him a painful lesson. monday, april 16 the diale sisters realise their work is far from over. an angry villager storms into ezweni demanding to see mazwi. an ugly showdown with her father prompts zoe to move out. tuesday, april 17 getty appeals to bra’pops’s family to help lay his spirit to rest. no one notices when a man steals a doctor’s coat and id card at the hospital ... brandon can’t handle emotional stuff and promptly shuts off. wednesday, april 18 mrekza gets a taste of what it’s like to be a father. cosmo doesn’t realise his innocent advice will lead to disaster. sphe and nandi are taken hostage. | 6e8df0cff9e9b63197c89e3a463f33d474aaa403eb60830ce563f1498e050b4c | 219 | 1,027 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0.456621 | 3.2 | 9 |
song writer(s): giffts, michael anthony, saul, publisher: universal music publishing mgb ltd., iâm so relaxed, i could just diei wanna move my headbut iâm too relaxed to trythe moon be dancing in the skycan you see the black doves fly?is it true what the trees said?is freddy krueger really dead?oh no, i better tread softlysomebody get this rhino of meiâm so relaxed, i could just diei wanna move my headbut iâm too relaxed to try(try)i could just dietake a sip she kept sayingi licked my lips, took a sipas the beat kept playingi looked around as it went downall the way downi didnât hear a sounduntil about half an hour lateri got myself a job as a translatorfor a man from marshe was on earthwanted to buy some starsthere was a wolf on the dance floorhe was dancing, trying to roarlike a lion, the wolf kept tryingletâs roaryeah, letâs roariâm so relaxed, i could just diei wanna move my headbut iâm too relaxed to tryi could just die(die)me and the sea had a long conversationhallucination, no this was realso real you never reach thisthere ainât no teacher can teach thisrough, smooth, tip that i'm onby the time you get here iâll be goneand when i come backiâll be back in a flash, a brain attackanother one for the slaughterplease control your daughteriâm so relaxed, i could just diei wanna move my headbut iâm just too relaxed to try(try)i could just dieshe pulled that face, the one thati had never seenshe got me running to the placewhere i ain't never beenlooking around miracle towna big green man jumping leaps and boundsi saw the tree soaring through the airthe golden platforms falling down the stairsiâm so relaxed, i could just diei wanna move my headbut iâm too relaxed to try (but iâm too relaxed)i could just diedriving now iâll be touched by the morninga feeling coming on like a new dawningi know what itâs like to wanna dieif only for a seconditâs like many say i could just diei reckon" | 5fe7762bb997a915251dfdc73202af89bd82321d131b6f3e9aa528acb36cd444 | 338 | 1,615 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 13 |
IMOTO: Toyota 86 INANI: R298 500 NGANGIZITSHELA ukuthi ukudlula kwemidlalo yeNdebe yoMhlaba kuleli kusho ukuphela kwezinto ezibeka iNingizimu Afrika ezingeni lomhlaba, kodwa kubukeka imboni yezezimoto ilokhu iqhubekile nokuthokozisa abantu. Enye yezinkampani engazibekile phansi iToyota South Africa Motors imemezele ukufika kwe Toyota 86 kuleli. Kulindeleke ukuthi lena esesigabeni esiphansi iqale ukubonakala ngenyanga ezayo uJulayi 9, bese kuthi ngokuhamba kwenyanga kwa Toyota baphinde bathule izinhlobo ezimbili ezithe thuthu ngezinga. Ihlukile le moto yakwaToyota ngoba izophuma nezicabha ezimbili kanti iwuhlobo lwe sporty kodwa inani layo eliphansi kakhulu. Abantu abakhonze izimoto ezingama-hatch kodwa ababalekela lolu hlobo oseludume kakhulu, lena imoto eseceleni ehlukile abangakwazi ukuziqhasabula ngayo. Kulezi zinhlobo ezisezingeni eliphezulu kukhona eshintshwayo imanual bese kuba khona ezishintshayo ephuma no gearbox ongu 6 speed. Lo gearbox uyakwazi ukuthi uphinde uwushintshe esiteringini. Le moto isebenzisa iSmart Start okusho ukuthi uma uyidumisa uchofoza nje ibhathini kodwa kumele njalo ukhiye osebenza njengesensa ube kuwena emzimbeni. Ngaphakathi iyisikhumba kusuka phansi kuya phezulu, kanti iphuma ne automatic climate control namasondo angu 17 inch. Noma sike sakuvezela ukuthi lena esesigabeni esiphansi izobiza malini, kodwa Toyota bathi i-86 ethe thuthu ngezinga izobiza u R329 400 bese kuthi iHigh Speed Auto yona ibize R346 500. Zonke izinhlobo zizophuma ne service plan yeminyaka emine emuva kuka 60 000km. Njengoba ngike ngachaza ngesonto eledlule ngikhuluma ngokusebenzisana kwezinkampani zezimoto, bheka nje ngoba le 86 iphuma nenjini esanda kwakhiwa yeSubaru engu 2.0 litre, four cylinder eyi Direct Injection esebenzisa upetrol. Le njini inamandla finyelela ku 147kW kanye ne torque engu 205Nm. Ngokusho kwesikhulu esiphezulu sezokuxhumana kwa Toyota uKerry Roodt i-86 akuyona nje imoto eyejwayelekile, kodwa ikhombisa indlela entsha ethathwa abakwaToyota. Uqhuba uthi imoto akuhlukile nokuthi yakhelwe ukubhekana ngqo nezidingo zomshayeli. Uthi le moto eyabantu abathatha ukushayela njengento abayizwa ngaphakathi kunalabo abakubona ukushayela kuyinto umuntu okumele ayenze. Comment Guidelines | 6f71e42b077a4d36a8415053ca77d3f5f114690972ca89148e778d7703678730 | 290 | 1,946 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 3.79 | 5 |
acerophobiasournessachluophobiadarknessacrophobiaheightsabnormal fear or dread of being at a great height aerophobiaaira pathological fear of draughts of air agoraphobiaopen spacesa pathological fear of being in public places, often resulting in the sufferer becoming housebound aichurophobiapointsailurophobiacatsan abnormal fear of cats akousticophobiasoundalgophobiapainan acute fear of experiencing or witnessing bodily pain amakaphobiacarriagesamathophobiadustandrophobiamenanemophobiawindan abnormal fear of draughts or windy weather anginophobianarrownessanthropophobiamanthe fear of people and human companionship antlophobiafloodapeirophobiainfinityaquaphobiawateran abnormal fear of water, esp because of the possibility of drowning arachnophobiaspidersan abnormal fear of spiders asthenophobiaweaknessastraphobialightninga fear of thunder and lightning atephobiaruinaulophobiaflutebacilliphobiamicrobesbarophobiagravitybasophobiawalkingbatrachophobiareptilesfear of amphibians belonephobianeedlesbibliophobiabooksan aversion to books brontophobiathundercancerophobiacancera morbid dread of being afflicted by cancer cheimaphobiacoldchionophobiasnowchrematophobiamoneychronophobiadurationchrystallophobiacrystalsclaustrophobiaclosed spacesan abnormal fear of being closed in or of being in a confined space cnidophobiastingscometophobiacometscromophobiacolourcyberphobiacomputersan irrational fear of computers cynophobiadogsan irrational fear of dogs demonophobiademonsdemophobiacrowdsdermatophobiaskindikephobiajusticedoraphobiafureisoptrophobiamirrorselectrophobiaelectricityenetephobiapinsentomophobiainsectseosophobiadawneremophobiasolitudeereuthophobiablushingergasiophobiaworkgenophobiasexthe fear of sexual intercourse geumaphobiatastegraphophobiawritinga fear or dislike of writing gymnophobianuditygynophobiawomena dread or hatred of women hadephobiahellhaematophobiabloodhamartiophobiasinhaptophobiatouchharpaxophobiarobbershedonophobiapleasurehelminthophobiawormshodophobiatravelhomichlophobiafoghomophobiahomosexualsintense hatred or fear of homosexuals or homosexuality hormephobiashockhydrophobiawatera fear of drinking fluids, esp that of a person with rabies, because of painful spasms when trying to swallow hypegiaphobiaresponsibilityhypnophobiasleepideophobiaideaskakorraphiaphobiafailurekatagelophobiaridiculekenophobiavoidan abnormal fear of empty spaces kinesophobiamotionkleptophobiastealingkopophobiafatiguekristallophobiaicelaliophobiastutteringlinonophobiastringlogophobiawordslyssophobiainsanitymaniaphobiainsanitymastigophobiafloggingmechanophobiamachinerymetallophobiametalsmeteorophobiameteorsmisophobiacontaminationmonophobiaone thinga strong fear of being alone musicophobiamusicmusophobiamicenecrophobiacorpsesan abnormal fear of death or dead bodies nelophobiaglassneophobianewnessa tendency to dislike anything new; fear of novelty nephophobiacloudsnosophobiadiseasethe morbid dread of contracting disease nyctophobianightan abnormal dread of night or darkness ochlophobiacrowdsthe fear of crowds ochophobiavehiclesodontophobiateethan unnatural dread or terror of teeth oikophobiahomeolfactophobiasmellommatophobiaeyesoneirophobiadreamsophidiophobiasnakesornithophobiabirdsthe fear of birds ouranophobiaheavenpanphobiaeverythingpantophobiaeverythingparthenophobiagirlspathophobiadiseasean irrational fear of disease peniaphobiapovertyphasmophobiaghostsphobophobiafearsphotophobialightabnormal sensitivity of the eyes to light, esp as the result of inflammation pnigerophobiasmotheringpoinephobiapunishmentpolyphobiamany thingspotophobiadrinkpteronophobiafeatherspyrophobiafirethe fear of fire RussophobiaRussiaan intense and often irrational hatred for Russia, or esp the former Soviet Union, its political system, etc rypophobiasoilingSatanophobiaSatanselaphobiafleshsiderophobiastarssitophobiafooda pathological fear of food spermaphobiagermsspermatophobiagermsstasiphobiastandingstygiophobiahelltaphephobiabeing buried alivea pathological fear of being buried alive technophobiatechnologyfear of the effects of technological developments on society or the environment teratophobiagiving birth to a monsterfear of giving birth to a monster thaasophobiasittingthalassophobiaseathanatophobiadeathan abnormal fear of death theophobiaGodmorbid fear or hatred of God thermophobiaheattonitrophobiathundertoxiphobiapoisontremophobiatremblingtriskaidekaphobiathirteenan abnormal fear of the number thirteen xenophobiastrangers or foreignershatred or fear of foreigners or strangers or of their politics or culture zelophobiajealousyan intense fear of jealousy or of strong emotion zoophobiaanimalsan unusual or morbid dread of animals ▷ See phobia | 3a1299b56c8c11f8766b41e2311f688b0e7b8473a45d7ea1875dded1bfeaf66d | 358 | 4,330 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0.28 | 5 |
All major researchers estimate there will be tens of billions devices - computers, smartphones, tablets, and sensors - connected to the Internet by 2020. This number will conti...Aug. 31, 2016 04:45 PM EDT Reads: 3,838Locking Down Super-Users for CybersecurityBy Tom KempPrivileged Identity Management (PIM) is the lowest common denominator in today’s most treacherous corporate and governmental security breaches. Or more accurately: Privilege Mismanagement. Sony, Target, Anthem, JP Morgan Chase, the city of San Francisco and many others succumbed to the reality that the identity of a single super-user account can be subverted for the purposes of manipulating sensitive organizational data, correspondence, commercial goods and intellectual property.Aug. 31, 2016 04:30 PM EDT Reads: 2,840Adobe's Mobile Transformation StrategyBy Elizabeth WhiteWhy do your mobile transformations need to happen today? Mobile is the strategy that enterprise transformation centers on to drive customer engagement. In his general session at @ThingsExpo, Roger Woods, Director, Mobile Product & Strategy – Adobe Marketing Cloud, covered key IoT and mobile trends that are forcing mobile transformation, key components of a solid mobile strategy and explored how brands are effectively driving mobile change throughout the enterprise.Aug. 31, 2016 03:00 PM EDT Reads: 788A Guide to No Code, Low Code AppsBy Liz McMillanThis complete kit provides a proven process and customizable documents that will help you evaluate rapid application delivery platforms and select the ideal partner for building mobile and web apps for your organization. Aug. 31, 2016 01:30 PM EDT Reads: 3,250I’m Sorry Sir, You’re ObsoleteBy Peter SilvaA few years ago, those little iHome alarm clocks started to appear in hotel rooms. Cool gadgets that you could mount your mobile phone to battery charge or play the music on the device. We also had a few in our home. They worked perfectly for the iPhone4 since the connector was that 1 inch protruding plug. When I got the iPhone6, those clocks instantly became useless. Obsolete. At least the phone connector part lost its value.Aug. 31, 2016 01:15 PM EDT Reads: 917Rich Data, Poor Data: What the Data Rich DoBy Shelly PalmerGenerally speaking, there are two kinds of companies in the world: data rich and data poor. The richest of the data rich are easy to name: Google, Facebook, Amazon, Apple. But you don’t need to be at the top of this list to use data to create value. You need to have the tools in place to turn information (data) into action. That’s what the data rich do that the data poor and the data middle class do not.Aug. 31, 2016 11:30 AM EDT Reads: 1,986The IoT for the Rest of UsBy Christopher HarroldWelcome to part one on my new blog series of IoT focused postings. The IoT has been picking up a lot of steam recently and as someone who works with numerous companies building networked devices, I am fortunate to see the evolution of the modern IoT firsthand. This series will focus not just on the IoT and what it is and where it works, but we are going to be building along at home as I undertake my own IoT journey.Aug. 31, 2016 10:30 AM EDT Reads: 1,181Container Monitoring: Top Docker MetricsBy Sematext BlogMonitoring of Docker environments is challenging. Why? Because each container typically runs a single process, has its own environment, utilizes virtual networks, or has various methods of managing storage. Traditional monitoring solutions take metrics from each server and applications they run. These servers and applications running on them are typically very static, with very long uptimes. Docker deployments are different: a set of containers may run many applications, all sharing the resources of one or more underlying hosts. It's not uncommon for Docker servers to run thousands of short-te...Aug. 31, 2016 07:00 AM EDT Reads: 2,178Blockchain IdentityBy Cloud Best Practices NetworkAs good Venn diagrams always show it's the intersection areas that offer the sweet spot for trends and markets, and an especially potent one is the intersection of Cloud computing, with the blockchain and also digital identity, particularly when considered within contexts such as Digital Democracy. | bafc3f76510ae3de560c842d2fc06b160ab39df4c9a4ed291d354651b67ede65 | 672 | 3,562 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0.297619 | 4.46 | 7 |
I think as Africans we should be trying to ask where this animosity is coming from because I don't think that any African organisation would gain from such practises. The current ANC leadership is made up of the same individuals who were cared for by our neighbouring countries so it wouldn't make sense to them to chuck out the people who saved their lives. Hence many of the leaders have been outspoken in condeming the violence. At this sensitive stage in the life of the ANC the party doesn't need the negative attention. With the change in party leadership all eyes are on the ANC to look for any signs of instability. The global money movers need to see that the ANC isn't steering SA into any ice bergs for them to invest. By the same token the IFP has also been outspoken on condeming the violent attack on our African brothers. If I'm not mistaken after the first bout of attacks the IFP national spokeperson went out on air to warn peolpe not to take things at face value and believe that a single ethnic group or political party was to blame. In hindsight I think the IFP was worried that they would be dragged into this. Interestingly, off the topic, the IFP leader was described as a warlord in a history textbook being studied at schools this year. Needless to say the party is not amused. The IFP is desperately trying to change their image for next years elections because they have lost a lot of support in their traditional bases. It would be a backward step for them to be associated to the violence as well. | 742484ee5b8e344ebcf512a8366af5743205bf81be01e1bd281dc48a5ed4465b | 279 | 1,249 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 5 |
Gunda Misty Bench, 2017-05-14 16:58:51. The Personalized baby bench, is a concrete bench. This would be fantastic gift for the birth of a baby, whether it is a boy or a girl. You can have the baby's name printed onto it. It has various toys and baby blocks around the borders. With the personalized grandparents bench you can remind your grandparents how much they really mean to you. It is a beautiful bench with vine and ivy leaves all around the edges of it. There is some text written on the middle of the bench. And, in the top corner of the bench you will find a small set of footprints. | 596ac7abb464ae62c8614e709342d5986717a9351d681a8159923877d52f7f97 | 111 | 483 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1.8 | 6 |
what purpose does announcing that you dated a black girl when you were in chattanooga serve? you don’t have to announce that to me for me to respect your opinion. that’s something that is simply inherent. the fact that you help young black youth doesn’t set you apart from any other white citizens either. i’m not saying that to be mean or disrespectful but it’s awfully suspect. the black girl you used to date is not the only black individual to suffer any type of ridicule whether it’s from a white person, a black person, or anyone else. manje, i did say we were not there. but you scratch a lie, you always find a thief. just because george zimmerman mentioned all those things about having black friends, and mentoring black children, again, doesn’t mean a thing. ever heard the term hypocrite? futhi, if it is raining and i am trying to get home, i don’t have time to be peeking in anyone’s windows. but if i just murdered someone that i thought was suspicious, i’d have to do my best to describe those suspicions. it’s called embellishing the truth. at the end of the day, he doesn’t have to face me. he will; nokho, face god, yes he was acquitted, and though i was disappointed with the verdict, you nor anyone else can rationalize away the fact that race did not play a role in this incident; in the trial, in the media, and even now. if race didn’t play a part, none of these comments would talk about it so much. and not just from the black people. it is amazing to me that you talk about the rap icons that the kids are looking up to as if it’s only black children who like them. white children are greater supporters of the nikki minaj’s and lil wayne’s than anyone else. when you have a culture of white kids that can coin a term, “wigger”, please don’t fool yourself into believing it’s just black people. either way, there’s stupidity on both sides and hatred on both sides, but please spare me when you try to rehash the points that you want to make to indicate why george zimmerman was acquitted. | 53d0769ab525af8c47ff32ada6c7931bea48cbf56192c9f9959129ac69f2291f | 372 | 1,644 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 10 |
When I first came to New York as a college student, I was impressed by the size of music stores here. An HMV at 72nd Street and Broadway had two floors. That was nothing compared to the Tower Records near Lincoln Center whose classical music section alone was the size of any entire music store in the malls back home. When the Virgin Megastore opened up in Times Square, some of my fellow students and I made a pilgrimage to check out the reason for all hype. One of my companions looked at the multiple escalators, flat screen monitors and aisles upon aisles of CDs, and breathed, “Yeah, it’s pretty mega.” He was right. Walking into that store wasn’t just shopping, it was an experience. Listening stations lined the walls, a DJ played a more diverse song list than most radio stations, you could find just about anything that had ever been put on a CD or DVD, and it had a multiplex movie theater right inside! But each chain, had its own brand and its own personality. HMV was dark with moody pink and purple highlights, a Brit pop rebel that never quite got over the 80s. Tower, on the other hand, felt like the super cool, sunny California native that it was, with huge windows and airy spaces. None of these retail chains exists in the United States anymore, but they can all be found on the internet, where the shopping experience is exactly the same as at any other online store, the only difference is the logo on the home page. | 5ba638aac70234da55643148789843466daf32a728b19c9f6af6c0c9232b1091 | 264 | 1,176 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 7 |
gunda misty bench, 2017--08--23 22:02:06. the personalized baby bench, is a concrete bench. this would be fantastic gift for the birth of a baby, whether it is a boy or a girl. you can have the baby's name printed onto it. it has various toys and baby blocks around the borders. with the personalized grandparents bench you can remind your grandparents how much they really mean to you. it is a beautiful bench with vine and ivy leaves all around the edges of it. there is some text written on the middle of the bench. and, in the top corner of the bench you will find a small set of footprints. | 135ac84d4c9442d0d37444d387587f3e95fa52cb720c658cba64b2a21b16f053 | 111 | 485 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1.8 | 6 |
I totally agree that race should be one of those open hand preferences, but I don’t agree that it, or other ‘preferences’ are meaningless when dealing with conflict. Ngeshwa, in my experience, what I felt was an open hand preference, and surrendered it in favor of the Godly man before me,became a serious source of tension in my marriage, many years later, when my husband gained alot of weight, on top of what I already considered was an overweight frame. I had always been attracted to more athletic types, so when I was faced with even more weight gain, Ngiyavuma, I was sexually turned off. That led to conflict, and the conflict made my preference become a mountain. Instead of being a simple physical preference I put aside in favor of the bigger picture of the wonderful man of God he is, the conflict we were having about me not being enthusiastic about sex, sparked feelings that I ‘gave up’ something that was tangibly important and necessary, and now was faced with having to be a dutiful and loving sexual partner to someone I could not respond to physically. Only God’s grace has brought us through thus far, but, ngokwethembeka, his body is still a major turn off, and I still wish I had hung on to my preference and waited for someone who fit my physical type, as well as my need for a Godly husband | 3466bffab61fdfb5b5e0de19b693054b9a1d58eb08bc38112b875aaca4cb08ae | 237 | 1,079 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 6 |
12 mwe bamunyinane, ndemupapaatila ku nkumbu sha kwa lesa ukuti mutuule imibili+ yenu nge lambo+ ilituntulu,+ ilyasanguluka,+ ilingapokelelwa kuli lesa,+ e kutila ukubombela+ lesa na maka yenu aya kupelulula.+ 2 kabili mwipalana+ no bwikashi buno, lelo mupilibuke pa kwalula amatontonkanyo yenu,+ pa kuti mushininkishe mwe bene+ ico lesa afwaya,+ icisuma, icapokelelwa kabili icapwililika. 3 pantu mu cikuuku lesa ankwatila nde--eba imwe bonse ukuti mwilaitunga ukucila pa fyo mwaba;+ lelo mube abaicefya mu matontonkanyo yenu,+ cila muntu aleipima ukulingana+ ne citetekelo+ ico lesa amupeela. 4 pantu filya umubili wesu waba ne filundwa+ ifingi, e lyo ifilundwa fyonse tafyaba no mulimo umo wine, 5 e fyo na ifwe, nangu twaba abengi, tuli mubili+ umo muli kristu, kabili umuntu onse cilundwa ca munankwe.+ 6 awe, apo tuli ne fya bupe fyapusanapusana+ ukulingana ne cikuuku+ ca kwa lesa ico twapeelwe, nampo nga ca kusesema, natuseseme ukulingana ne citetekelo twapeelwa; 7 nelyo nga bupe bwa kubombela bambi, natubike umutima pali uyu wine mulimo.+ nga umuntu apeelwa ubupe bwa kusambilisha,+ nabike umutima pa kusambilisha kwakwe;+ 8 nangu nga apeelwa ubupe bwa kukonkomesha, nabike umutima pa kukonkomesha kwakwe;+ uupeela, apeele muli bukapekape;+ uutungulula,+ atungulule no mukoosha wine wine; uubelela uluse,+ nacite co ne nsansa. 9 ukutemwa+ kwenu kwiba ukwa bumbimunda.+ patisheni icabipa,+ ikatisheni icisuma.+ 10 ku kutemwa+ aba bwananyina mube abatemwana nga nshi. ku kucindikana+ ni mwe mubalilepo. 11 mwilawayawaya+ mu mulimo wenu. lekeni umupashi+ umulenge ukucincila. bombeleni yehova.+ 12 sekeleleni mwi subilo.+ shipikisheni ilyo mulecula.+ beni no mute wa kupepa.+ 13 peeleniko aba mushilo ukulingana no kukabila kwabo.+ mutwalilile ukusekelela abeni.+ 14 mulepaala abamucusha;+ mulebapaala,+ mwilabatiipwila iyo.+ 15 sekeleleni pamo na basekelela;+ lilileni pamo na balelila. 16 ifyo muletontonkanya pali mwe bene e fyo muletontonkanya na pali bambi;+ mwilaba no mutima wa cilumba,+ lelo muleiceefya.+ mwilaimona ukuti muli bamo.+ 17 mwilabwesesha ububi pa bubi.+ muletontonkanishisha kabela ukucita ifyo abantu bonse balemona ukuti fisuma. 18 mule--esha na maka yenu yonse ukuba aba mutende+ ku bantu bonse. 19 mwe batemwikwa, mwilalandula,+ lelo shiileni ubukali+ bwa kwa lesa incende; pantu calembwa ati: “nine mfwile ukulandula; nine nkabweseshapo pa fibi ifyo bacita, e fyasosa yehova.”+ 20 awe, “umulwani obe nga ali ne nsala, umupe ifya kulya; nga ali ne cilaka, umupe ifya kuti anwe;+ pantu nga wacita ifi ninshi watuulika amalasha ayaleaka umulilo pa mutwe wakwe.”+ 21 wileka ububi bukucimfye, lelo ulecimfisha ububi pa kucita ifisuma.+ | 34b6e8ad2ec410ec37212a84454291c67d6237b662a482298bdbf47cdcbc04bf | 386 | 2,281 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 5.44 | 10 |
There are times that community service ideas are just available within your area. Maybe, there is an area in your place like the park which really need your utmost concern. The broken objects or materials you are seeing in the site shall be the subjects of your community service. Becoming a firefight volunteer is also a good idea for you to give a try. But, you need to have the skills before you can make it happen. You need to look for a company that could accept and train you to become more effective firefighter. If you are excited to do firefighting, then, you should find a way to obtain a license. If license is given, you must be brave and ready enough to help all those who are in need. | 4b19f204cab7b231e6d0f50a5f85a91801606375f3d1ed7011448772cfd390a5 | 131 | 568 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 6 |
UNkulunkulu uba sesimweni somuntu ukuze ahlupheke esikhundleni somuntu, futhi ngokwenza lokho uzoletha isiphetho esihle esizolandela umuntu. Leso sigaba somsebenzi esaphothulwa nguJesu saba kuphela ngukufana kwakhe nenyama esesonweni nokubethelwa, ukuthatha Kwakhe indawo yomhlatshelo wesono bese esindisa sonke isintu, kanti lokhu kwakha isisekelo sekusasa lomuntu sokungena esiphethweni sakhe esimangalisayo. Wathatha izono zomuntu zathwalwa Nguye futhi yena wathatha isimo senyama nesono wabethelwa; Wabethelwa esikhundleni sesintu sonke, emva kwalokho sonke isintu sasindiswa. Wasebenzisa ukubethelwa Kwakhe negazi Lakhe eliyigugu ukusindisa isintu. Igazi Lakhe eliyigugu laba umnikelo wesono, okuchaza ukuthi laba ubufakazi bokuthi umuntu angaba ngongenasono futhi ekugcineni eze phambi kukaNkulunkulu: Kwaba yisenzo sokugadla empini yokulwa noSathane. Manje kulesi sigaba, uNkulunkulu uzophothula umsebenzi Wakhe futhi afinyelelise inkathi endala esiphethweni. Uzoletha labo bantu abasasele esiphethweni sabo esihle. Ngakho uNkulunkulu usephinde waba yinyama futhi, ufike wezwa ubuhlungu esikhundleni somuntu ukuze ukuhlupheka kwabo ekugcineni kususwe kubona. Konke ukuhlupheka komuntu kuzosuswa kubona ngalobu bufakazi, lesi senzo, lapho uNkulunkulu eletha ubufakazi Ngaye futhi esebenzisa lobu bufakazi ukwahlula uSathane, ukuhlazisa udeveli, kanye nokubeka isintu esiphethweni saso esihle. Abanye abantu bathi: “Umsebenzi wokuba sesimweni somuntu kukaNkulunkulu usenziwa nguNkulunkulu uqobo Lwakhe. Akuyona le nyama ekwenzayo, kwenziwa ngaphansi kokulawulwa uMoya ngaphakathi.” Ingabe kulungile ukusho lokhu? Akulungile. Sekuke kwashiwo ngaphambilini ukuthi umsebenzi wokunqoba kukaNkulunkulu esesimweni somuntu wenziwa esintwini esijwayelekile, lokho okubonayo isintu esijwayelekile, kube empeleni kunguNkulunkulu uqobo Lwakhe owenza umsebenzi, nokuthi umsebenzi le nyama ewenzayo wenziwa uNkulunkulu Ngokwakhe. Kwachazwa kwaphinde kwahlanganyelwa ngale ndlela. Abantu esikhathini esiningi bacabanga ukuthi le nyama iyithuluzi nje noma igobolondo. Uma uNkulunkulu ngaphakathi Kuwe ekhuluma noma ezilawula Yena, khona-ke le nyama ikhuluma noma yenza, futhi ayenzi lutho ngaphandle kokulawulwa nguNkulunkulu. Uma elawulwa ukuba asho okuthile ube esesho okuthile, kungenjalo uhlala ethule. Ingabe isimo sinjalo? Cha, asinjalo. Incazelo enamandla kakhulu manje yile: Elinye iphuzu ngoNkulunkulu ephenduka inyama ngalesi sikhathi ukuba uze ukuzokwenza umsebenzi wokunqoba kanye nokufinyelelisa lesi sikhathi esiphelweni; elinye iphuzu ukuthi ukuzwa kwenyama ubuhlungu bomhlaba kungukuzwa kukaNkulunkulu uqobo ubuhlungu bomhlaba—Inyama kaNkulunkulu noNkulunkulu Ngokwakhe bamunye. Le nyama ayilona ithuluzi njengoba abantu becabanga ukuba unjalo, futhi ke ayilona igobolondo nje; injalo nje ayiyona into eyinyama engalawulwa nje, njengoba abantu becabanga. Le nyama ihlanganise konke uNkulunkulu Ngokwakhe ayikho. Abantu empeleni bayiqonda njengento elula kakhulu. Ihlanganyelwe kanjalo, lapho-ke abantu bazoyihlukanisa kalula inyama noMoya. Manje abantu kufanele baqonde elinye iphuzu: UNkulunkulu esenyameni uthole ukuzwa ubuhlungu bomhlaba; zonke izinhlupho nokugula uNkulunkulu esenyameni akuzwile kuyizinto okungafanele akuzwe. Abanye abantu bacabanga ukuthi, njengoba engumuntu ojwayelekile, ngakho lobu buhlungu abugwemeki. Bacabanga ukuthi: “Abantu bazophathwa yikhanda babe nemfiva nje engatheni, Naye uzoba nalokhu. Lokhu kuyinto engeke yagwemeka, njengoba engumuntu osenyameni ejwayelekile. Akekho ngaphezu konke. Ungumuntu ojwayelekile futhi kufanele ezwe bonke ubuhlungu obuzwiwa ngabantu. Kufanele ezwe ukushisa njengoba abantu bezwa futhi aqhuqhwe amakhaza, njengoba nabantu ebaqhuqha….” Uma ucabanga kanje, kusho ukuthi ubona kuphela ukujwayeleka kwenyama. Le nyama ejwayelekile ifana ncamashi nomuntu ngaphandle kokwahluka. Empeleni, konke akuzwayo akunancazelo. Abantu ngokuvamile bayagula, noma bahlushwe okuthile, futhi lokhu yilokho abantu okufanele babhekane nakho. Abantu abonakele kufanele bahlupheke ngale ndlela, futhi lo umthetho ojwayelekile. Kungani uNkulunkulu osesimweni somuntu ezwa lokhu kuhlupheka? Ingabe uJesu kwakufanele abethelwe esiphambanweni? UJesu wayeyindoda elungile. Ngokusho kwemithetho yaleso sikhathi nazo zonke izinto azenza, kwakungafanele abethelwe. Pho kungani abethelwa? Wabethelwa ukuze isintu sisindiswe. Ingabe bonke ubuhlungu nakho konke ukushushiswa uNkulunkulu osesimweni somuntu wamanje abhekane nakho kwenzeka ngephutha? Noma ingabe uNkulunkulu wakuhlela ngenhloso? Akuyena uNkulunkulu owakuhlela ngenhloso, futhi akuthukanga kwaqondana. Ukuthi kwenzeke njengokwemithetho ejwayelekile. Kungani ngisho kanjalo? Yingoba uNkulunkulu wazibeka phakathi kwabantu ukuze enze umsebenzi Wakhe ngokukhululeka. Ekwenzeni umsebenzi Wakhe unjengomuntu futhi uzwa ubuhlungu njengomuntu. Uma wayengahlela ubuhlungu ngenhloso, khona-ke wayezozwa ubuhlungu izinsuku ezimbalwa, kodwa ngokujwayelekile ubengeke akhathazeke. Okusho ukuthi uNkulunkulu wenza umsebenzi Wakhe—ukuzwa Kwakhe ubuhlungu bomhlaba akuyona into nje ehleliwe ngenhloso, kuze kube kancane ukuzwa ubuhlungu engekho ezingqondweni. Ukuthi uze ukuze azwe ubuhlungu bomhlaba, azibeke phakathi nabantu, azibeke ebantwini futhi ezwe ubuhlungu obufanayo nobuzwiwa yibo, aphathwe ngokufanayo, hhayi ukuba amukelwe kokunye. Njengoba nizwile ukushushiswa, ingabe uKristu naye akezwa intshushiso? Njengoba nizingelwa nishushiswa, ingabe uKristu Yena akazingelwa futhi ashushiswe? Abantu bahlaselwe ukugula, pho ukuhlupheka Kwakhe kungakuncane kanjani? Bakhona abanye abacabanga ukuthi uNkulunkulu kufanele abuzwe ubuhlungu njengoba eza ukuzosebenza esizweni sikadrako omkhulu obomvu. Ave nalokhu kungalungile? KuNkulunkulu, akukho maphuzu asekele ukuthi kufanele noma akufanele ezwe ubuhlungu; uNkulunkulu uthe ufisa ukuzwa ubuhlungu bomhlaba kanye nokuthi, esikhathini esifanayo nangenkathi ezwa lobu buhlungu, wayengabuzwela esikhundleni somuntu. Bese-ke eletha isintu esiphethweni saso esihle nesimangalisayo, bese noSathane ahlulwe ngokuphelele. KuNkulunkulu, kufanelekile ukuthi akuzwe lokhu kuhlupheka. Uma wayengafisi ukudlula kulesi sigaba sokuhlupheka, uma wayefuna nje ukuqonda ubuhlungu bomuntu kuphelele lapho, phela wayengasebenzisa abantu abambalwa ukwenza lokhu esikhundleni Sakhe. Wayengasebenzisa abaphostoli abambalwa noma labo abasetshenziswa nguMoya oNgcwele ukuba bathathe indawo Yakhe bese bebuya bezombikela ngobuhlungu babo. Noma wayengasebenzisa abanye abantu abakhethekile ukuba bazoba ngofakazi, abenze bazwe ubuhlungu obukhulu ngokungase kucatshangwe emhlabeni bese, uma bekwazile ukubumela, bayobe sebeba ngofakazi balokhu bese noSathane enqotshwa ngokuphelele, bese ikusasa lapho abantu bengasenakuhlupheka lifike. Ingabe uNkulunkulu angakwenza lokhu? Yebo, angakwenza lokhu. Kodwa umsebenzi kaNkulunkulu Ngokwakhe wenziwa Nguyena mathupha. Yize noma umuntu engafakaza kahle, ubufakazi bakhe ngeke buzwakale kahle kuSathane, futhi angathi: “Manje njengoba usube yinyama, kungani ungabuzwa ubuhlungu bomhlaba Wena uqobo? …” Okusho ukuthi, uma uNkulunkulu engawenzanga lo msebenzi Yena mathupha, kusho ukuthi lolo hlobo lobufakazi ngeke lube namandla ngokwanele. Umsebenzi kaNkulunkulu kufanele wenziwe Nguyea uqobo; le yiyona ndlela kuphela ezwakalayo. Kuyaphinda kubonakale kulesi sigaba somsebenzi kaNkulunkulu ukuthi yonke into ayenzayo uNkulunkulu inesizathu esithile, ukuthi bonke ubuhlungu obubekezelwa uNkulunkulu esenyameni bunencazelo ethile. Wena uyabona ukuthi ayikho into uNkulunkulu avele ayenze nje, kanye nokuthi uNkulunkulu akayenzi into engenamsebenzi. UNkulunkulu esesimweni somuntu uzele ukuzokwenza umsebenzi Wakhe kanye nokuba azozwa ubuhlungu bomhlaba. Kubalulekile ukuthi uNkulunkulu awenze lo msebenzi, futhi kusemqoka kakhulu, esintwini kanye nesiphethweni sekusasa lesintu. Konke kungenxa yensindiso yesintu, ukutholakala komuntu—lezi zenzo zenziwe futhi lo mzamo wenzelwe ukuze umuntu athole ukufinyelela isiphetho sakhe esiyisimangaliso. | 149053fa5d14af702a8e813ebfa40737e15303bd5f78c8b2dade72f708e48e3b | 924 | 7,076 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0.21645 | 0.11 | 6 |
4 ekugcineni, bazalwane, siyanicela futhi siyanikhuthaza ngenkosi ujesu, njengoba nje namukela isiyalo esivela kithi mayelana nendlela okufanele nihambe+ ngayo futhi nijabulise unkulunkulu, njengoba nje eqinisweni nihamba, ukuba niqhubeke nikwenza ngokugcwele.+ 2 ngoba niyayazi imiyalo+ esaninika yona ngenkosi ujesu. 3 ngoba yilokhu unkulunkulu akuthandayo, ukungcweliswa kwenu,+ ukuba nidede ebufebeni;+ 4 ukuze ngamunye wenu azi ukuthi angasilawula kanjani isitsha+ sakhe siqu ngokungcweliswa+ nangodumo, 5 kungabi ngesifiso sobulili+ sokukhanuka, esinjengaleso lezo zizwe+ ezingamazi unkulunkulu ezinaso;+ 6 ukuba kungabikho muntu ofinyelela eqophelweni lokulimaza umfowabo futhi angenele emalungelweni akhe kule ndaba,+ ngoba ujehova ufuna ukuba kukhishwe isijeziso ngenxa yazo zonke lezi zinto,+ njengoba nje sanitshela kusengaphambili futhi saninikeza nobufakazi obuphelele.+ 7 ngoba unkulunkulu wasibizela ukungcweliswa,+ hhayi ukuba avumele ukungcola. 8 ngakho--ke, umuntu obonisa ukunganaki,+ akabonisi ukunganaki umuntu, kodwa unkulunkulu,+ ofaka umoya wakhe ongcwele+ kini. 9 nokho, maqondana nothando lobuzalwane,+ anidingi ukuba sinilobele, ngoba nina ngokwenu nifundiswa unkulunkulu+ ukuba nithandane;+ 10 futhi, eqinisweni, lokho niyakwenza kubo bonke abazalwane kulo lonke elasemakedoniya. kodwa siyanikhuthaza, bazalwane, ukuba niqhubeke nikwenza ngesilinganiso esigcwele ngokwengeziwe, 11 nokuba nikwenze umgomo wenu ukuphila ngokuthula+ futhi ninake izindaba zenu+ siqu futhi nisebenze ngezandla zenu,+ njengoba nje saniyala; 12 ukuze nihambe ngokufaneleyo+ ngokuqondene nabantu bangaphandle+ futhi ningasweli lutho.+ 13 ngaphezu kwalokho, bazalwane, asifuni ukuba nibe abangenalwazi ngalabo abalele;+ ukuze ningadabuki njengoba nje kwenza bonke abanye abangenalo ithemba.+ 14 ngoba uma ukholo lwethu luwukuthi ujesu wafa wabuye wavuka,+ kanjalo futhi unkulunkulu uyobaletha kanye naye labo asebalala ngojesu.+ 15 ngoba nakhu esinitshela khona ngezwi+ likajehova, ukuthi thina esiphilayo esiphila kuze kube sekubeni khona kwenkosi+ ngeke nangayiphi indlela sibandulele labo asebalala; 16 ngoba inkosi ngokwayo iyokwehla ezulwini+ ngezwi elinegunya, ngezwi lengelosi enkulu+ nangecilongo+ likankulunkulu, futhi labo abafileyo bamunye nokristu bayovuka kuqala.+ 17 ngemva kwalokho thina esiphilayo esisekhona siyothathwa+ kanye nabo+ ngamafu+ ukuze sihlangabeze+ inkosi emoyeni; kanjalo siyoba nenkosi ngaso sonke isikhathi.+ 18 ngenxa yalokho, qhubekani niduduzana ngala mazwi. | dfaee6ad167d99cf7e11b45fed3fdb8f081382f7cd1393fa15ae3a88408b46d9 | 300 | 2,198 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 6 | 6 |
This post examines what fast monitoring means, and explains how incident management teams can implement this approach to realize great benefits.Feb. 20, 2017 07:45 AM EST Reads: 893Megatrend of Artificial Intelligence UpdateBy Bob GourleyArtificial Intelligence is the discipline of thinking machines. The field is growing dramatically with the proliferation of high powered computers into homes and businesses and especially with the growing power of smartphones and other mobile devices. Artificial intelligence software is assisting people in most every discipline. The many functions of AI are considered by many to be threatening many human jobs across multiple industries, but others consider it a great producer of jobs since it will help create entirely new industries and free more humans to innovate and create.Feb. 19, 2017 08:00 PM EST Reads: 1,316Modernize Your Data Center with vCloud By Allwyn SequeiraCloud computing is here to stay. The agility and scalability of the cloud model – as well as its ability to transform up-front capital expenditures into flexible operating expenditures – are too compelling to ignore. For CIOs in organizations of all sizes, the question is no longer whether to take advantage of the cloud … but how. Unfortunately, that question isn't as easy to answer as it might sound. Not all cloud providers are created equal. Different vendors offer different features, terms and service levels. And once you engage with one vendor, it can be difficult to change your mind down...Feb. 19, 2017 07:15 PM EST Reads: 1,561FutureScape: Worldwide Cloud 2017 PredictionsBy Antonella CornoCloud usage continues to gain momentum across all industries. In a recent FutureScape: Worldwide Cloud 2017 Predictions report, IDC predicted that between 60 percent and 70 percent of all software, services and technology spending will be on the cloud by 2020. With this increase in cloud usage comes a corresponding need for employees with cloud skills. Supply has not kept pace with demand, however. The State of Cloud Readiness Study 2016 found that 53 percent of IT leaders are struggling to acquire the necessary skills to support cloud initiatives within their organizations, while almost hal...Feb. 19, 2017 06:30 PM EST Reads: 1,752Hospital Operations and Advanced Data ScienceBy LeanTaaS BlogOne minute of utilized operating room (OR) time can be worth more than $70 in revenue and one minute of staffed OR time can cost $50 or more, making underutilized OR time a huge problem. Each year, roughly 51 million surgeries are performed in the 5,000+ hospitals and 5,000+ surgery centers in the U.S. MGMA estimates that the corresponding utilization of operating rooms across these centers is, at best, 55-60 percent.Feb. 19, 2017 05:00 PM EST Reads: 1,282[slides] IoT Business Value with Data ScienceBy Elizabeth WhiteYou think you know what’s in your data. But do you? Most organizations are now aware of the business intelligence represented by their data. Data science stands to take this to a level you never thought of – literally. The techniques of data science, when used with the capabilities of Big Data technologies, can make connections you had not yet imagined, helping you discover new insights and ask new questions of your data. In his session at @ThingsExpo, Sarbjit Sarkaria, data science team lead at PHEMI, discussed how data science is changing our ideas of what’s possible with data, using examp...Feb. 19, 2017 05:00 PM EST Reads: 8,030[session] IoT Data, Fog and Edge ComputingBy Elizabeth WhiteWith billions of sensors deployed worldwide, the amount of machine-generated data will soon exceed what our networks can handle. But consumers and businesses will expect seamless experiences and real-time responsiveness. What does this mean for IoT devices and the infrastructure that supports them? More of the data will need to be handled at - or closer to - the devices themselves.Feb. 19, 2017 05:00 PM EST Reads: 1,631Snow, Backup, Disaster Recovery and ContinuityBy Mark CampbellI work from Boston 4 days a week and we're in the middle of a blizzard. (Note: I commute to Boston. I live 4 days a week at Unitrends' Boston/Burlington offices and 3 days a week at Unitrends' Columbia South Carolina offices. So it's fair to note that given my South Carolina roots that a single snowflake could cause a massive panic attack. Nevertheless, I think Winter storm Niko is a fairly big deal even to folks who have lived their whole lives in the Northeast.) It reminds me of all of the winter-related disasters I've seen since I joined Unitrends.Feb. 19, 2017 04:00 PM EST Reads: 1,171Data Industry and Business Model Transformation By William SchmarzoI recently read an MIT Sloan Management Review article by Clayton Christensen’s recent book titled “The Hard Truth About Business Model Innovations.” While the article is full of great observations about business model transformation, the most important motivation for business model transformation is found at the end: “..our understanding of the business model journey allows us to see that, over the long term, the greatest innovation risk a company can take is to decide not to create new businesses that decouple the company’s future from that of its current business units.”Feb. 19, 2017 12:00 PM EST Reads: 1,812Seven Secrets of Cloud Expo's Top SpeakersBy Carmen GonzalezWith 10 simultaneous tracks, keynotes, general sessions and targeted breakout classes, Cloud Expo and @ThingsExpo are two of the most important technology events of the year. Since its launch over eight years ago, Cloud Expo and @ThingsExpo have presented a rock star faculty as well as showcased hundreds of sponsors and exhibitors! In this blog post, I provide 7 tips on how, as part of our world-class faculty, you can deliver one of the most popular sessions at our events. But before reading these essential tips, please take a moment and watch this brief video from Sandy Carter.Feb. 19, 2017 10:45 AM EST Reads: 7,856 | f897bdddc26711b7069f30ec5a072cf110410b3700d11e6456d2081a6738a320 | 956 | 5,041 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0.41841 | 5.75 | 15 |
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Ngihleke ngaze ngacisha ukuzichamela izolo Provillus hair loss treatment contains the only ingredient approved by the FDA to re-grow your hair for Men and Women. Mina angazi ngalikhumula nini, kodwa kwaba elokuqala phezu kwe Coffee table. Some are in English. Zitholele Umaqondana And Tips Of Love :-) Today at 6:51 AM Milk is good for kids especially for bones so this time around we so aking the bundle of joy in warm milk and fresh flowers. ” Awu madoda! Mrs Luvuno: Hayi udlame ke phela lafika mtakwethu, lashishiliza ke lona ubaba walayikhaya,washona ngo 88. Ngazilahla ngaphansi kwale sihlahla esiphakathi nensimu ngayibukisisa ngicabanga ngikhumbula izindaba umama ayengixoxela zona ngempilo yakhe esanda kufika kulo muzi waKwamhlabuyalingana. Ohambeni lwami ngaze ngafika ensimini enkulukazi lapho umama owayelima khona ukuze aphilise umndeni wonke wasekhaya. Read the wildest and naughtiest to get wet. ULandiwe, noMamsi baphuma belakanyana sezwa kukhala izicabha emakemelweni abo. ngangena ngokuphapha okujwayelekile endlini kanti akagqokile . Limnandi igolo lika anti wami Wangipetula igolo - elitephotoboothsnj. Uma kusukile nje ngelinye ilanga afike nentombi yakhe athi angiphumele phandle nezingane. Below is a collection of all the stories. Wangibhebha umngani wami March 9, 2017. Mphumeleli Aubrey Ngidi was born in the tragedic year of floods on 17 October 1987 at 2:56am at King Edward Hospital, Durban. Aba mathathu. umama omncane washonelwa baba omncane. To connect with Izindaba Zokuzekana/Bhebhana, join Facebook today. Ngisebenzisa iphone yomngani wami ngicela umfihle bese ufaka udaba lwami kufbk nginsizwa ena 31ngihlala KZN izolo bengise makethe ngabo 2 ntambama ngabona umama wangicela uxolo wathi bezohlangana nomfana wakhe selokho efike ngo 10 wanginika inamba yakhe ngamfonela wangalumba ucingo ngizame kawu6 lutho manje lomama akanayo ifoni inamba uyibhale ephephe ngithi unayo imali kodwa wathi bezolanda Ohambeni lwami ngaze ngafika ensimini enkulukazi lapho umama owayelima khona ukuze aphilise umndeni wonke wasekhaya. Sikhule lezalukazi namakhehla abaqokothisa isiZulu besibiza ngezinkameyana, bebesho emehlweni ukuthi umama wanyemfuza. Intombi kaMatatata uNoziwengu unamasu amabili nje vo, wumfowethu engimelamayo nami. Engabe libangiswephi ensizweni yami madoda, kuze kungafi muntu lapho uyakhona Mageza, kwathi cosololo kimi umama engithakazela. Ufuna ukungena nentombi yakhe Mina angazi ngalikhumula nini, kodwa kwaba elokuqala phezu kwe Coffee table. ngazibuza ukuthi yini edala ukuthi ahambe kanjena. Hawu! Ngahlala kanjalo-ke. Osibindi gidi kwaba yimi (bangbiza Zinhle), uNomhle no Thando. cl Igolo lika anti - nancyrichmondphotography. Bradley Musa Nkosi Admin wam omuhle dont hide me ngthanda ukubonga ngokungipostela istory sam yestdae cha! Ngihleke ngaze ngacisha ukuzichamela izolo UNomusa waliqoma sakudlala nje lelikhehla ethi ulithandela ukuthi liwu ‘daddy o-providayo’. Zethu(9) ufunda ibanga lesithathu GRADE 5 bese kuthi u Tholakele yena una 7 wenza ibanga lokuqala GRADE 3. *** Uphuzo nezintombi. com. Babethi uma bembuza ukuthi ujola kanjani noMfundisi oganiwe, omdala, owuMfundisi nokweza; isimze itshikizise isinqa sayo intombi kaZulu ithi, “uyena owang’sukela dade. The home of Zulu sex stories. Y: Ngambhebha uMama omdala ngingqondile Ngizihlalele nje egcekeni ekhaya ngiqimbile ngenhla ngishaye iskhindi esincane nakhu phela ilanga likhipha umkhovu etsheni. Langa limbe ngibuka umama wami omncane indlela ahamba ngayo ungathi uyafenda. There are also discussion topics related to love, sexuality and sexual health. Izindaba Zokuzekana/Bhebhana is on Facebook. www. Zitholele Umaqondana And Tips Of Love :-) September 25 at 9:52 AM Admin ngisabuya futh ngingu bhut ona 31frm pmb ngidinga umuntu wesfa zane esizokwakha naye uthando olulambele oludingayo my number 0719064857 plz admin post for me See More Ohambeni lwami ngaze ngafika ensimini enkulukazi lapho umama owayelima khona ukuze aphilise umndeni wonke wasekhaya. 特別オファー,春夏新作モデル 京セラ 溝入れ用チップ サーメット TN90 CMT gba43l200020 10個 【オレンジブック掲載商品】 開店記念セール! Back to Top. Ngangize ngabopha ngisho untanjana. kwthi ngelinye ilanga ngathatha imoto ngibavakashela emakhaya kanti ngizomfica eyedwa esageza. You must be at least 18 years of age to access & open an account with INDOAGEN. html) net Umama wakho Ngambhebha U Anti Wami July com Idla mfana Bhebha umama wakho Igolo Jitu sgp minggu 26 03 2017 Silele Apr 20 Ubeka Ngamudla. Provillus hair loss treatment contains the only ingredient approved by the FDA to re-grow your hair for Men and Women. Intombi yami ile 18yrs sisonke lapha egoli ihlala lomamakhe ke yona bathola iRDP elokitshini angazi bayithola kanjani dont even ask. Hayike lapho, kwakukhona umuzi wakaNgiba la ngasenhla, umama Izindaba Zokuzekana/Bhebhana is on Facebook. bandaancha | a4246ed6ee11c67cfd0f780750d9cc68f76f34b1a2e20ea49adf99da6349c3d4 | 1,226 | 7,466 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0.081566 | 5.87 | 12 |
spanning old dutch road, the main traffic artery from the west, was a residential neighbourhood on the lower slope of the berea, known as the “duchene” or “dutchies”. settled by former indentured indians and bordered by the western vlei, it was on the outskirts of town yet close to markets and transport routes. after the vlei was drained and social institutions were established in the area during the 1930s, it flourished. new residents from other groups moved into the network of narrow lanes and the mixture of semi--detached houses, outbuildings, blocks of flats and businesses created a new social character. this racially diverse community of largely working class families was identified as a slum zone in the late 1930s, and was subjected to commissions of enquiry regarding so--called indian “penetration” into white areas. the area west of warwick avenue (renamed julius nyerere ave) was declared a white group area in 1963, resulting in the displacement of a thriving racially diverse community. the area on the north side of the freeway was zoned for educational purposes in order to make way for the construction of technikon natal (now durban university of technology) in the 1970s, and the remaining triangular residential portion on the south side of the freeway became known as the “warwick avenue triangle”. residents of this area resisted relocation for over 20 years and many still lived in the area in the 1980s when the idea of relocation was finally abandoned. it is one of the few inner--city “black spots” in the country that survived apartheid forced removals. | 236f91e3d306da1c5cae83c7ce6abc5dde996ae1a9895918d3e7d622cf644ca8 | 259 | 1,330 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0.77 | 5 |
imvamisa bababane abayihlinzayo kodwa mebeshoda abantu nababili bangayihlinza mabekwazi ngoba kudinga ukuthi babambisane khathi omunye esika. kusebenziswa ummese nendishi yokukhongozela igazi ngoba liyaphekwa nalo ukuze linga cithekeli phansi,abanye bake basebensise into ethize ukuyindlala phansi umasebeyisusa isikhumba ukwenzela ukuthi ingabhuquzi emhlabathini,kuye kube uthayela noma uqwembe nje oluthile. uma isisikwa isikwa emqaleni manga phambili noma ngaphansi engileni. bayilinde ize ithule kuba isikhathi esincane nje isithule.mase beyayilula ukwenzela ukuthi nje kade iphuma umphefumulo mhlawumbe ibeisifinyela yama ngenye indlele,bayiluleke ngokuthi omunye abambe inyawo zangaphambili omunye zangemuva.bese beyibeka kulento abazohlinzela kuyo,ababili babangasekhanda ababili babe ngasezinyaweni ,kulaba ababili abasezinyaweni nasekhanda uyedwa osikayo lomunye ubambile.baqaleke ukuxebula isikhumba sembuzi ukuze kusale inyama yodwa, lophethe ummese usika isikhumba arowundise unyawo bese donsa ngeminwe kuxebuke isikhumba kuze kusuke kuphume ngomlenze kwehlele emzimbeni wayo, baphinde basike kwaskukwebha kusuka esifubeni kuyo phuma emilenzeni yangmuva,baphinde baxebule ngeminwe kuze kukuphume ngomgogodlawayo. imvamisa bababane abayihlinzayo kodwa mebeshoda abantu nababili bangayihlinza mabekwazi ngoba kudinga ukuthi babambisane khathi omunye esika. kusebenziswa ummese nendishi yokukhongozela igazi ngoba liyaphekwa nalo ukuze linga cithekeli phansi,abanye bake basebensise into ethize ukuyindlala phansi umasebeyisusa isikhumba ukwenzela ukuthi ingabhuquzi emhlabathini,kuye kube uthayela noma uqwembe nje oluthile. uma isisikwa isikwa emqaleni manga phambili noma ngaphansi engileni. bayilinde ize ithule kuba isikhathi esincane nje isithule.mase beyayilula ukwenzela ukuthi nje kade iphuma umphefumulo mhlawumbe ibeisifinyela yama ngenye indlele,bayiluleke ngokuthi omunye abambe inyawo zangaphambili omunye zangemuva.bese beyibeka kulento abazohlinzela kuyo,ababili babangasekhanda ababili babe ngasezinyaweni ,kulaba ababili abasezinyaweni nasekhanda uyedwa osikayo lomunye ubambile.baqaleke ukuxebula isikhumba sembuzi ukuze kusale inyama yodwa, lophethe ummese usika isikhumba arowundise unyawo bese donsa ngeminwe kuxebuke isikhumba kuze kusuke kuphume ngomlenze kwehlele emzimbeni wayo, baphinde basike kwaskukwebha kusuka esifubeni kuyo phuma emilenzeni yangmuva,baphinde baxebule ngeminwe kuze kukuphume ngomgogodlawayo. revision as of 08:55, 25 january 2012 | 4f8296a408ba136d15c3887aa4538ca24bee6e586f3278aa27c235b1628af933 | 281 | 2,207 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1.07 | 6 |
the courts face a complex task when having to determine the best interests of the child, for there is no easy way of establishing what these interests are. this article examines interests of the child as listed in <i>mccall v mccall</i>. most children who find themselves at the centre of a custody battle suffer the long--term and short--term stresses of divided loyalty. several challenging questions remain: whether determining the best interests of the child means attending to everything that affects the child or whether certain considerations should be disregarded; whether the child's interest should be viewed from a short--term, medium--term or long--term perspective; whether they should be viewed from a subjective or an objective point of view. while the author submits that the best interests are to be determined by adult decision makers, on the basis of objective criteria rather than on the basis of a child's subjective wishes, he warns against conceptualising the interests of the child in terms of the interests of parents. end | 142a1c745adb2a17010f7a7d94be5d65f974f37b550611a8fbbe0d2572c02c70 | 166 | 892 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 5 |
Subsets and Splits