2 values
A Bridge to Forever those are really really mind expanding books his concepts are so different than what i would have ever dreamed of
The concepts in A Bridge to Forever are really mind expanding and different.
I have never read any book titled A Bridge to Forever.
"""Bridge to Eternity"" ni kitabu cha kuvutia sana, na kinaweza kuwa na maana kubwa sana kwa mtu yeyote ambaye amewahi kuiona."
Dhana katika Daraja la Milele ni kweli akili kupanua na tofauti.
Sijawahi kusoma kitabu chochote chenye kichwa A Bridge to Forever.
uh i really don't think it makes that much difference what size of the school college or university one chooses as long as they have a decent program and they're uh uh well known throughout the country
As long as a college has a decent program, and is well-known, it doesn't matter what size they are.
Size is the most important thing to consider when choosing a college.
"Hii ni kwa sababu hakuna tofauti kubwa katika ukubwa wa chuo kikuu au chuo kikuu, kama tu wana programu nzuri na wanajulikana nchini kote. """
Kama chuo kikuu ina mpango mzuri, na ni maarufu, haina jambo gani ukubwa wao ni.
Ukubwa ni jambo muhimu zaidi kuzingatia wakati wa kuchagua chuo kikuu.
Congress further recognized that the H-2A provisions
Congress recognized there were H-2A provisions.
There were no H-2A provisions.
Congress pia ilitambua kwamba H-2A masharti
Congress ilitambua kuwa kuna H-2A masharti.
Hakuna H2A.
Throughout the building are superb 16th-century tapestries, furniture and decorative arts.
There are great artworks throughout the building.
There are no artworks in the building.
Katika jengo hilo kuna mapambo ya karne ya 16, fanicha, na sanaa za mapambo.
Kuna kazi kubwa za sanaa kotekote katika jengo hilo.
Hakuna kazi za sanaa katika jengo hilo.
In developing electronic data authentication systems, Title 7 recommends that agencies follow NIST guidance for payment approval (payment certification).
In developing electronic data authentication systems, Title 7 recommends that agencies follow NIST guidance.
In developing electronic data authentication systems, Title 7 recommends that agencies don't follow NIST guidance.
Katika kuendeleza mifumo ya uthibitisho wa data ya elektroniki, Kichwa cha 7 kinapendekeza kwamba mashirika ya kufuata Mwongozo wa NIST kwa ajili ya idhini ya malipo (udhibitisho wa malipo).
Katika kuendeleza mifumo ya uthibitisho wa data ya elektroniki, Kichwa cha 7 kinapendekeza kwamba mashirika yafuatie mwongozo wa NIST.
Katika kuendeleza mifumo ya uthibitisho wa data ya elektroniki, Kichwa cha 7 kinapendekeza kwamba mashirika hayafuati mwongozo wa NIST.
Historically and culturally this north-south distinction has always been significant, and it still is today, with a dose of good-humored rivalry between the two areas.
With an amount of friendly competition between the areas.
With fierce battles between the two areas.
Kihistoria na kitamaduni tofauti hii ya kaskazini na kusini imekuwa muhimu, na bado ni leo, na kipimo cha ushindani mzuri kati ya maeneo mawili.
Pamoja na kiasi cha ushindani wa kirafiki kati ya maeneo.
Mapigano makali yaliendelea kati ya maeneo hayo mawili.
She's responsible for four offices and she looks at how to deliver as many services to as many people as possible.
She is responsible for four locations.
She is in charge of two locations.
Anaongoza ofisi nne na anaangalia jinsi ya kutoa huduma nyingi kwa watu wengi iwezekanavyo.
Yeye ni wajibu kwa ajili ya maeneo manne.
Yeye anasimamia maeneo mawili.
In fact, Flynt spent six days in jail.
Actually, Flynt went to jail and spent almost a week there.
Flynt has never been in jail, he is a really respectful man.
Kwa kweli, Flynt alitumia siku sita gerezani.
Kwa kweli, Flynt alienda gerezani na kukaa karibu juma moja huko.
Flynt hajawahi kuwa gerezani, yeye ni mtu mwenye kuheshimu sana.
that's true well since there's not going to be peace over there don't you think like getting involved as we have that that's going to mean that we're going to be involved from now on and so any war that breaks out we're going to have to be in the middle of it
Since we are involved, if war breaks out, we have to participate.
It is a good thing we stayed out of the whole mess.
"Hiyo ni kweli, kwani hakutakuwa na amani huko, je, huoni kwamba kujihusisha kama tulivyofanya, inamaanisha kwamba tutahusika kuanzia sasa na hivyo vita vyovyote vinavyotokea, tutakuwa katikati yake?"""
Kwa kuwa tumehusika, ikiwa vita vitaanza, ni lazima tujihusishe.
Ni jambo zuri kwamba hatukujihusisha na tatizo hilo lote.
"Die!" the one in front yelled.
The one in front was hostile.
The one in front was pretty friendly, and saluted him.
"Kuwa!" yule aliyekuwa mbele akapiga kelele.
Yule aliyekuwa mbele alikuwa na uhasama.
Yule aliyekuwa mbele alikuwa mwenye urafiki sana, na akamsalimu.
well thank you for talking to me
I am glad we have talked.
I wish we hadn't had this conversation.
vizuri asante kwa kuzungumza na mimi
Ninafurahi kwamba tumezungumza.
Natamani hatungekuwa na mazungumzo haya.
that sounds good if you were short on time you could get a summary real quick
You can get a summary if you don't have much time.
It's not possible to get a summary because we have so much time for it.
Inaonekana kuwa ni nzuri, lakini ikiwa una muda mfupi, unaweza kupata muhtasari wa haraka.
Unaweza kupata muhtasari kama huna muda mwingi.
Haiwezekani kupata muhtasari kwa sababu tuna muda mwingi sana kwa ajili yake.
Still, there are a few things we can do.
There are a few things that can be done.
Nothing at all can be done in this situation.
Hata hivyo, kuna mambo machache tunayoweza kufanya.
Kuna mambo machache yanayoweza kufanywa.
Hakuna chochote kinachoweza kufanywa katika hali hii.
An agency's electronic or hard-copy written comments are typically reproduced in an appendix to the issued report.
The agency stores electronic or hard-copy written comments.
The agency deletes all their electronic comments.
Maelezo ya kielektroniki au ya maandishi ya shirika kwa kawaida huchapishwa katika nyongeza ya ripoti iliyotolewa.
Shirika huhifadhi maoni yaliyoandikwa kwa njia ya kielektroniki au kwa njia ya karatasi.
Shirika hilo hufuta maoni yao yote ya kielektroniki.
At the turn of the century the land was practically worthless, covered with failed oil wells and fields of lima beans.
At the turn of the century, the land was covered with worthless oil wells and lima bean fields.
At the turn of the century, the land was worth millions of dollars.
Mwishoni mwa karne hiyo, ardhi hiyo haikuwa na thamani yoyote, ilikuwa imefunikwa na visima vya mafuta vilivyoshindwa na mashamba ya maharagwe ya lima.
Mwishoni mwa karne hiyo, nchi hiyo ilikuwa imefunikwa na visima vya mafuta visivyo na thamani na mashamba ya maharagwe.
Mwishoni mwa karne hiyo, ardhi hiyo ilikuwa na thamani ya mamilioni ya dola.
You will find the tourist information center here.
This is where you will find the tourist information center.
They do not have a tourist information center here.
Utapata kituo cha habari za watalii hapa.
Hapa ndipo utapata kituo cha habari za watalii.
Hawana kituo cha habari za watalii hapa.
but that are not endangering your life in some cases like uh my husband uh several years back worked for Motorola
My husband worked for Motorola years ago.
My husband has never worked for Motorola.
"Hata hivyo, kwa sababu ya hali hii, ni vigumu kuamua ni nini cha kufanya, kwa mfano, ""Mume wangu alifanya kazi kwa Motorola miaka kadhaa iliyopita."""
Mume wangu alifanya kazi kwa Motorola miaka mingi iliyopita.
Mume wangu hajawahi kufanya kazi kwa Motorola.
Sather Karf seemed amused as he looked at Ser Perth.
Sather Karf was an amused man at the time.
Ser Perth was the amused one.
Sather Karf alionekana amused kama yeye inaonekana katika Ser Perth.
Sather Karf alikuwa mtu mwenye kuchekesha wakati huo.
Ser Perth alikuwa mmoja amused.
uh-huh yeah we're we're all for it our um we've got several bins in our on in our garage where we uh you know sort things out and and take it to to the appropriate places
We do the sorting in our garage before we take it away.
We dump everything in one big bin in the front yard.
"""Hakika, tunafanya kazi kwa bidii, lakini tunahitaji kuandaa vitu vyetu katika karakana yetu, na tunafanya kazi kwa bidii ili kuandaa vitu vyetu kwa ajili ya matumizi yetu."
Sisi kufanya uainishaji katika karakana yetu kabla ya kuchukua mbali.
Tunaweka kila kitu katika chombo kimoja kikubwa katika bustani ya mbele.
anyway you know have you ever had a two year olds twins start spitting their food at you at Luby's you know i mean you're like going i mean yes
Two year olds spit their food sometimes.
Two year olds aren't able to spit their food out.
"Hata hivyo, kama wewe ni mtoto wa miaka miwili, unaweza kuwa na ""mzaliwa wa miaka miwili"" ambaye anaanza kutapika chakula chake kwa ajili ya chakula cha jioni, na kwa hivyo, kwa kweli, ni sawa na mtoto wa miaka miwili."
Watoto wenye umri wa miaka miwili huteketeza chakula chao nyakati nyingine.
Watoto wenye umri wa miaka miwili hawawezi kutapika chakula chao.
generally publicized in the Commerce Business Daily in accordance with federal regulations.
It is published in the Commerce Business Daily.
It is published in the Commerce Business Weekly.
Ujumbe huu unapatikana katika gazeti la Commerce Daily, kulingana na sheria za serikali.
Imechapishwa katika Commerce Business Daily.
Imechapishwa katika Commerce Business Weekly.
A village in France.
A religious artifact in Jordan.
Kijiji fulani nchini Ufaransa.
Vitu vya kale vya kidini nchini Yordani.
Closed-captioning 700 Club broadcasts in Yiddish, so everybody laughs at the same time.
Everybody who is watching laughs simultaneously.
There are no broadcasts in Yiddish.
"Kampuni ya ""700 Club"" ya Marekani inaonyesha kipindi cha televisheni cha ki-Yiddish ambacho kinaweza kusisimua watu wengi."
Kila mtu anayetazama anacheka kwa wakati mmoja.
Hakuna matangazo katika lugha ya Kiyidishi.
A few miles farther is the turn-off for Will Rogers State Historic Park(1501 Will Rogers State Park Rd, Pacific Palisades), a 186-acre (75-hectare) ranch that belonged to the late cowboy humorist.
Will Rogers owned a ranch in the Pacific palisades.
Will Rogers starred in over 100 kung-fu movies.
Huko, katika eneo la Wilaya ya Wilaya ya Wilaya ya Wilaya ya Wilaya ya Wilaya ya Wilaya ya Wilaya ya Wilaya ya Wilaya ya Wilaya ya Wilaya ya Wilaya ya Wilaya ya Wilaya ya Wilaya ya Wilaya ya Wilaya ya Wilaya ya Wilaya ya Wilaya ya Wilaya ya Wilaya ya Wilaya ya Wilaya ya Wilaya ya Wilaya ya Wilaya ya Wilaya ya Wilaya ya Wilaya ya Wilaya ya Wilaya ya Wilaya ya Wilaya ya Wilaya ya Wilaya ya Wilaya ya Wilaya ya Wilaya ya Wilaya ya Wilaya ya Wilaya ya Wilaya ya Wilaya ya Wilaya ya Wilaya.
Will Rogers alikuwa na shamba katika Pacific Palisades.
Will Rogers aliigiza katika filamu zaidi ya 100 za kung fu.
and the starter was Bosch American so
Bosch American was the starter.
Bosch American wasn't the starter.
Mfano wa kwanza ni Bosch American.
Bosch wa Marekani alikuwa mwanzilishi.
American Bosch hakuwa mwanzilishi.
More than one definition.
No definitions.
Zaidi ya ufafanuzi mmoja.
Hakuna ufafanuzi.
So the city pulled out of the program.
The city dropped the program.
The city has decided to pour more money into the program.
Kwa hiyo jiji lilijiondoa katika programu hiyo.
Jiji liliacha programu hiyo.
Jiji limeamua kutumia pesa zaidi katika programu hiyo.
Coastal water and marine environment are also impacted by atmospheric deposition of nitrogen.
Nitrogen deposition impacts marine life.
Earth's atmosphere acts like a sponge, completely absorbing nitrogen entirely.
Maji ya pwani na mazingira ya baharini pia huathiriwa na kuhifadhiwa kwa nitrojeni katika angahewa.
Kuhifadhi nitrojeni huathiri uhai wa baharini.
Anga la dunia linafanya kazi kama sifongo, likichukua kabisa nitrojeni.
Indians also saw the other side of the Industrial Revolution as their cotton left for Manchester to come back as cloth cheaper than their own.
Indian cotton was changed into cloth.
Indians did not produce cotton.
"Wahindi pia waliona upande mwingine wa Mapinduzi ya Viwanda kama pamba yao iliondoka kwenda Manchester kurudi kama kitambaa cha bei nafuu kuliko yao wenyewe. """
Pamba ya India ilibadilishwa kuwa kitambaa.
Wahindi hawakuzalisha pamba.
This from a former chief clerk for a U.S.
This is a past chief clerk for an American
This is the current chief clerk for a U.S.
Hii ni kwa sababu ya kuwa mkurugenzi wa zamani wa ofisi ya serikali ya Marekani.
Hii ni zamani mkuu wa karani kwa ajili ya Marekani
Hii ni kwa sababu ni mkuu wa sasa wa ofisi ya Marekani.
Today, agencies increasingly rely on designbuild, construction management, and program management contracting methods.
Today, construction management is something that agencies have come to depend on.
Today, agencies have ceased to rely on construction management.
Leo, mashirika zaidi kutegemea kubuni-kujenga, usimamizi wa ujenzi, na programu ya usimamizi wa mbinu za mkataba.
Leo, usimamizi wa ujenzi ni kitu ambacho mashirika yamekuja kutegemea.
Leo, mashirika yamekoma kutegemea usimamizi wa ujenzi.
My brother, I am convinced, had no more to do with the crime than I have." Sir Ernest merely smiled, and noted with a sharp eye that John's protest had produced a very favourable impression on the jury.
Sir Ernest was happy with what John had said about his brother.
John was trying to frame his own brother.
"Ndugu yangu, nina hakika, hakuwa na zaidi ya kufanya na uhalifu kuliko mimi. ""Sir Ernest tu alitabasamu, na alibainisha na jicho mkali kwamba maandamano ya John alikuwa zinazozalishwa hisia nzuri sana juu ya jury."
Sir Ernest alifurahi na yale ambayo John alikuwa amesema kuhusu ndugu yake.
John alikuwa akijaribu kumshtaki ndugu yake mwenyewe.
Rockefeller grew up ashamed of both his poverty and his ne'er-do-well father and obsessed with the twin themes of frugality and organization.
Rockefeller was poor growing up.
Rockefeller grew up very wealthy.
Rockefeller alikulia akihisi aibu kwa umaskini wake na baba yake asiye na mafanikio na akishughulika na mandhari mbili za ukarimu na shirika.
Rockefeller alikuwa maskini alipokuwa akikua.
Rockefeller alikulia akiwa tajiri sana.
uh-huh yeah my kids and i like to bicycle i tend to be rather sore the next day or two
I like to bicycle with my kids, but I'm usually sore the day after
my kids both want a bicycle for Christmas, since they have never owned one
"""Mimi na watoto wangu tunapenda kuendesha baiskeli, na mimi huwa na maumivu siku moja au mbili."
Ninapenda kuendesha baiskeli pamoja na watoto wangu, lakini kwa kawaida mimi huumia siku inayofuata
Watoto wangu wote wawili wanataka baiskeli kwa ajili ya Krismasi, kwa kuwa hawajawahi kumiliki moja
all right can't remember that
I don't remember that.
I remember that.
sawa siwezi kukumbuka kwamba
Sikumbuki hilo.
Ninakumbuka hilo.
i know they can poll a jury make sure everybody agrees with what they said the verdict was but i thought that they all had to agree or else they it was a hung jury
I thought that even one person in disagreement resulted in a hung jury.
I think that there is no way to determine if everybody agrees with the stated verdict.
"Wanaweza kuamua kama wanahukumu kwa mujibu wa sheria, na kama wanahukumu kwa mujibu wa sheria, lakini kama wanahukumu kwa mujibu wa sheria, basi wanahukumu kwa mujibu wa sheria, na kama hawatakubaliana, basi wanahukumu kwa mujibu wa sheria."""
Nilifikiri kwamba hata mtu mmoja aliyetaka kutoelewana aliongoza kwenye baraza la mahakama lisilo na msimamo.
Nadhani kwamba hakuna njia ya kuamua kama kila mtu anakubaliana na uamuzi uliotajwa.
oh yeah oh me either i hate to be on any that stuff
Being on anything isn't a desirable state.
I love it when I have a chance to be on that stuff.
Oh yeah, I hate to be on any of those things. Oh yeah, I hate to be on any of those things. Oh yeah, I hate to be on any of those things.
Kuwa juu ya kitu chochote si hali inayotamaniwa.
Ninapenda wakati nina nafasi ya kuwa juu ya mambo hayo.
so and he's in school and everything else i have some friends who work up there
He's in school and I have friends up that way.
I don't know anyone up there.
Na kama ni shule na kila kitu, mimi ni rafiki yangu ambaye anafanya kazi huko.
Yeye ni katika shule na mimi nina marafiki juu ya njia hiyo.
Sijui mtu yeyote huko juu.
One of a chain of popular Argentine meat houses.
It is a chain restaurant in Argentina.
It is an independent Argentinian restaurant.
Mojawapo ya minyororo ya nyumba maarufu za nyama za Argentina.
Ni mlolongo wa mikahawa nchini Argentina.
Ni mkahawa wa kujitegemea wa Kiaraguen.
well of course this is tornado season uh in to uh we have many tornadoes spawned in this area and northern Indiana now we're in the southwestern part of uh Ohio
There are a lot of tornados in this area of Indiana and Ohio.
This is hurricane season.
Kwa sababu ya hali ya hewa ya hali ya hewa, kwa kawaida, tornadoes huanguka katika maeneo ya kaskazini mwa Indiana, na kwa sababu ya hali ya hewa ya hali ya hewa ya kaskazini mwa Ohio.
Kuna vimbunga vingi katika eneo hili la Indiana na Ohio.
Huu ni msimu wa vimbunga.
It's hard to see why.
It is difficult to see why.
It is easy to see why.
Ni vigumu kuona ni kwa nini.
Ni vigumu kuelewa ni kwa nini.
Ni rahisi kuona ni kwa nini.
The notion of the informed citizen puts too much pressure on individuals, where the cruder but more inspiring politics of the Gilded Age mobilized voters on Election Day.
The politics of the Gilded Age made people go and vote.
The politics of the Gilded Age could not move any of the voters on Election Day.
"Wakati mwingine, ""raia aliye na habari"" huweka shinikizo kubwa sana kwa watu binafsi, ambapo siasa mbaya lakini zenye msukumo zaidi za Enzi ya Dhahabu ziliwachochea wapiga kura siku ya uchaguzi."
Siasa za Enzi ya Dhahabu ziliwafanya watu waende kupiga kura.
Siasa za Enzi ya Dhahabu hazikuweza kuchochea yeyote kati ya wapiga kura siku ya uchaguzi.
Major Management Challenges and Program Risks (GAO/OCG-99-SET, January 1999).
Major Management Challenges exist.
There are no major management challenges to speak of.
Matatizo Makubwa ya Usimamizi na Hatari za Programu (GAO-OCG-99-SET, Januari 1999)
Changamoto kubwa za Usimamizi zipo.
Hakuna changamoto kubwa za usimamizi za kuongea.
Almost everyone heads to Rick's Bar, perched on the cliff top, to have a drink and set up the camera.
People like to take pictures at Rick's Bar on the cliff.
There is no alcohol allowed at Rick's Bar.
Karibu kila mtu anaelekea kwenye baa ya Rick, iliyo juu ya mwamba, kunywa kinywaji na kuweka kamera.
Watu hupenda kupiga picha katika baa ya Rick kwenye mwamba.
Hakuna pombe inayoruhusiwa katika baa ya Rick.
Oh, clever as the devil!
As smart as the devil!
The devil is more clever!
Oh, busara kama shetani!
Ni mwenye akili kama ibilisi!
Ibilisi ni mwenye busara zaidi!
and they're the ones that have screamed so much much much about that don't want to increase taxes and they don't want to do this but every year they vote themselves in a very healthy pay raise
They do not seem to like to pay taxes despite giving themselves raises in pay.
They love increasing taxes and they actually want to do it.
"Watu hawa ndio wanaosema ""Hatutaki kuongeza kodi"" na ""Hatutaki kufanya hivyo"" lakini kila mwaka wanajipiga kura kwa kuongeza mshahara."
Hawakupenda kulipa kodi licha ya kujipa ongezeko la mshahara.
Wanapenda kuongeza kodi na wanataka kufanya hivyo.
overtime, credit hours, or compensatory time), and leave.
Overtime, credit hours, compensatory time, and leave.
There is no item for overtime.
Wakati wa kufanya kazi ya ziada, masaa ya mkopo, au wakati wa fidia), na kuondoka.
Saa za ziada, saa za mkopo, wakati wa fidia, na likizo.
Hakuna kitu kwa ajili ya saa za ziada.
cook and eat and to have mainly mainly i guess i get the enjoyment out of people eating it and saying man this is really good um
Getting pleasure from making good food.
People don't like to eat my food.
"Kulisha na kula na kuwa na hasa hasa nadhani mimi kupata furaha nje ya watu kula na kusema, ""Mwanadamu, hii ni kweli nzuri."""
Kupata furaha kutokana na kufanya chakula kizuri.
Watu hawapendi kula chakula changu.
Rocker Stevie Nicks solved the wandering implant problem by having her silicone breast implants removed and keeping them in her freezer to remind me of the agony, according to the Globe . And the Enquirer reports that singer Tina Turner's breast implants drifted so far apart she lost her cleavage.
Tina Turner's breasts drifted far apart, says the Enquirer.
Breast implants are a perfectly safe form of physical augmentation.
"Mwanamuziki wa muziki wa roki Stevie Nicks amepambana na tatizo la ""wimbi la kuingilia"" kwa kuondoa implants zake za silicone na kuziweka kwenye friji yake ili kunikumbusha maumivu ya kuugua, kulingana na gazeti la Globe, na gazeti la Enquirer liliripoti kwamba implants za mama za mwimbaji Tina Turner zilikuwa zimetenganishwa sana hivi kwamba alipoteza sehemu yake ya kiuno."
Matiti ya Tina Turner yalipinduka mbali, lasema gazeti la Enquirer.
Vipande vya matiti ni njia salama kabisa ya kuongeza uzito wa mwili.
In order to help members of Congress carry out their role and evaluate the process used to develop the National Energy Policy, GAO needs selected factual and non-deliberative records that the Vice President, as Chair of the NEPDG, or others representing the Group, are in a position to provide GAO.
The Vice President is able to provide factual records.
There is nobody who can provide the records need to move the process forward.
Ili kusaidia wanachama wa Bunge kutekeleza jukumu lao na kutathmini mchakato uliotumika kuendeleza Sera ya Nishati ya Kitaifa, GAO inahitaji rekodi za ukweli na zisizo za majadiliano ambazo Makamu wa Rais, kama Mwenyekiti wa NEPDG, au wengine wanaowakilisha Kikundi, wako katika nafasi ya kutoa GAO.
Makamu wa Rais anaweza kutoa rekodi za ukweli.
Hakuna mtu anayeweza kutoa rekodi zinazohitajika ili kuendeleza mchakato huo.