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From the following passage, which taxes/acts led to the American Revolution?
1764–1766: Taxes imposed and withdrawn Main articles: Sugar Act, Currency Act, Quartering Acts, Stamp Act 1765, and Declaratory Act Further information: No taxation without representation and Virtual representation Notice of the Stamp Act 1765 in a colonial newspaper In 1764 Parliament passed the Sugar Act, decreasing the existing customs duties on sugar and molasses but providing stricter measures of enforcement and collection. That same year, Prime Minister George Grenville proposed direct taxes on the colonies to raise revenue, but he delayed action to see whether the colonies would propose some way to raise the revenue themselves. Grenville had asserted in 1762 that the whole revenue of the custom houses in America amounted to one or two thousand pounds sterling a year, and that the English exchequer was paying between seven and eight thousand pounds a year to collect. Adam Smith wrote in The Wealth of Nations that Parliament "has never hitherto demanded of [the American colonies] anything which even approached to a just proportion to what was paid by their fellow subjects at home." Benjamin Franklin would later testify in Parliament in 1766 to the contrary, reporting that Americans already contributed heavily to the defense of the Empire. He argued that local colonial governments had raised, outfitted, and paid 25,000 soldiers to fight France in just the French and Indian War alone—as many as Britain itself sent—and spent many millions from American treasuries doing so. Parliament finally passed the Stamp Act in March 1765, which imposed direct taxes on the colonies for the first time. All official documents, newspapers, almanacs, and pamphlets were required to have the stamps—even decks of playing cards. The colonists did not object that the taxes were high; they were actually low. They objected to their lack of representation in the Parliament, which gave them no voice concerning legislation that affected them. The British were, however, reacting to an entirely different issue: at the conclusion of the recent war the Crown had to deal with approximately 1,500 politically well-connected British Army officers. The decision was made to keep them on active duty with full pay, but they—and their commands—also had to be stationed somewhere. Stationing a standing army in Great Britain during peacetime was politically unacceptable, so they determined to station them in America and have the Americans pay them through the new tax. The soldiers had no military mission however; they were not there to defend the colonies because there was no current threat to the colonies. The Sons of Liberty formed shortly after the Act in 1765, and they used public demonstrations, boycotts, and threats of violence to ensure that the British tax laws were unenforceable. In Boston, the Sons of Liberty burned the records of the vice admiralty court and looted the home of chief justice Thomas Hutchinson. Several legislatures called for united action, and nine colonies sent delegates to the Stamp Act Congress in New York City in October. Moderates led by John Dickinson drew up a Declaration of Rights and Grievances stating that taxes passed without representation violated their rights as Englishmen, and colonists emphasized their determination by boycotting imports of British merchandise. The Parliament at Westminster saw itself as the supreme lawmaking authority throughout the Empire and thus entitled to levy any tax without colonial approval or even consultation. They argued that the colonies were legally British corporations subordinate to the British Parliament, and they pointed to numerous instances where Parliament had made laws in the past that were binding on the colonies. Parliament insisted that the colonists effectively enjoyed a "virtual representation", as most British people did, since only a small minority of the British population elected representatives to Parliament. However, Americans such as James Otis maintained that there was no one in Parliament responsible specifically for any colonial constituency, so they were not "virtually represented" by anyone in Parliament at all. The Rockingham government came to power in July 1765, and Parliament debated whether to repeal the stamp tax or to send an army to enforce it. Benjamin Franklin made the case for repeal, explaining that the colonies had spent heavily in manpower, money, and blood defending the empire in a series of wars against the French and indigenous people, and that further taxes to pay for those wars were unjust and might bring about a rebellion. Parliament agreed and repealed the tax on February 21, 1766, but they insisted in the Declaratory Act of March 1766 that they retained full power to make laws for the colonies "in all cases whatsoever". The repeal nonetheless caused widespread celebrations in the colonies. 1767–1773: Townshend Acts and the Tea Act Main articles: Townshend Acts and Tea Act Further information: Crisis of 1772, Massachusetts Circular Letter, Boston Massacre, and Boston Tea Party Letter III of John Dickinson's Letters from a Farmer in Pennsylvania, published in the Pennsylvania Chronicle, December 1767 In 1767, the Parliament passed the Townshend Acts which placed duties on a number of staple goods, including paper, glass, and tea, and established a Board of Customs in Boston to more rigorously execute trade regulations. The new taxes were enacted on the belief that Americans only objected to internal taxes and not to external taxes such as custom duties. However, in his widely read pamphlet, Letters from a Farmer in Pennsylvania, John Dickinson argued against the constitutionality of the acts because their purpose was to raise revenue and not to regulate trade. Colonists responded to the taxes by organizing new boycotts of British goods. These boycotts were less effective, however, as the goods taxed by the Townshend Acts were widely used. In February 1768, the Assembly of Massachusetts Bay issued a circular letter to the other colonies urging them to coordinate resistance. The governor dissolved the assembly when it refused to rescind the letter. Meanwhile, a riot broke out in Boston in June 1768 over the seizure of the sloop Liberty, owned by John Hancock, for alleged smuggling. Customs officials were forced to flee, prompting the British to deploy troops to Boston. A Boston town meeting declared that no obedience was due to parliamentary laws and called for the convening of a convention. A convention assembled but only issued a mild protest before dissolving itself. In January 1769, Parliament responded to the unrest by reactivating the Treason Act 1543 which called for subjects outside the realm to face trials for treason in England. The governor of Massachusetts was instructed to collect evidence of said treason, and the threat caused widespread outrage, though it was not carried out. On March 5, 1770, a large crowd gathered around a group of British soldiers on a Boston street. The crowd grew threatening, throwing snowballs, rocks, and debris at them. One soldier was clubbed and fell. There was no order to fire, but the soldiers panicked and fired into the crowd. They hit 11 people; three civilians died of wounds at the scene of the shooting, and two died shortly after the incident. The event quickly came to be called the Boston Massacre. The soldiers were tried and acquitted (defended by John Adams), but the widespread descriptions soon began to turn colonial sentiment against the British. This accelerated the downward spiral in the relationship between Britain and the Province of Massachusetts. A new ministry under Lord North came to power in 1770, and Parliament withdrew all taxes except the tax on tea, giving up its efforts to raise revenue while maintaining the right to tax. This temporarily resolved the crisis, and the boycott of British goods largely ceased, with only the more radical patriots such as Samuel Adams continuing to agitate.[citation needed] On June 9, 1772, the Sons of Liberty burned HMS Gaspee, a British customs schooner in Narragansett Bay. In June 1772, American patriots, including John Brown, burned a British warship that had been vigorously enforcing unpopular trade regulations, in what became known as the Gaspee Affair. The affair was investigated for possible treason, but no action was taken. In 1772, it became known that the Crown intended to pay fixed salaries to the governors and judges in Massachusetts, which had been paid by local authorities. This would reduce the influence of colonial representatives over their government. Samuel Adams in Boston set about creating new Committees of Correspondence, which linked Patriots in all 13 colonies and eventually provided the framework for a rebel government. Virginia, the largest colony, set up its Committee of Correspondence in early 1773, on which Patrick Henry and Thomas Jefferson served. A total of about 7,000 to 8,000 Patriots served on Committees of Correspondence at the colonial and local levels, comprising most of the leadership in their communities. Loyalists were excluded. The committees became the leaders of the American resistance to British actions, and later largely determined the war effort at the state and local level. When the First Continental Congress decided to boycott British products, the colonial and local Committees took charge, examining merchant records and publishing the names of merchants who attempted to defy the boycott by importing British goods. In 1773, private letters were published in which Massachusetts Governor Thomas Hutchinson claimed that the colonists could not enjoy all English liberties, and in which Lieutenant Governor Andrew Oliver called for the direct payment of colonial officials. The letters' contents were used as evidence of a systematic plot against American rights, and discredited Hutchinson in the eyes of the people; the colonial Assembly petitioned for his recall. Benjamin Franklin, postmaster general for the colonies, acknowledged that he leaked the letters, which led to him being berated by British officials and removed from his position. The December 16, 1773 Boston Tea Party, led by Samuel Adams and Sons of Liberty, has become a mainstay of American patriotic lore. Meanwhile, Parliament passed the Tea Act lowering the price of taxed tea exported to the colonies, to help the British East India Company undersell smuggled untaxed Dutch tea. Special consignees were appointed to sell the tea to bypass colonial merchants. The act was opposed by those who resisted the taxes and also by smugglers who stood to lose business.[citation needed] In most instances, the consignees were forced by the Americans to resign and the tea was turned back, but Massachusetts governor Hutchinson refused to allow Boston merchants to give in to pressure. A town meeting in Boston determined that the tea would not be landed, and ignored a demand from the governor to disperse. On December 16, 1773, a group of men, led by Samuel Adams and dressed to evoke the appearance of indigenous people, boarded the ships of the East India Company and dumped £10,000 worth of tea from their holds (approximately £636,000 in 2008) into Boston Harbor. Decades later, this event became known as the Boston Tea Party and remains a significant part of American patriotic lore. 1774–1775: Intolerable Acts Main article: Intolerable Acts Further information: Quebec Act and Continental Association A 1774 etching from The London Magazine depicts Prime Minister Lord North, author of the Boston Port Act, forcing the Intolerable Acts down the throat of America, whose arms are restrained by Lord Chief Justice Mansfield, and a tattered "Boston Petition" lays trampled on the ground beside her. Lord Sandwich pins down her feet and peers up her robes; behind them, Mother Britannia weeps while France and Spain look on. The British government responded by passing several measures that came to be known as the Intolerable Acts, further darkening colonial opinion towards England. They consisted of four laws enacted by the British parliament. The first was the Massachusetts Government Act which altered the Massachusetts charter and restricted town meetings. The second act was the Administration of Justice Act which ordered that all British soldiers to be tried were to be arraigned in Britain, not in the colonies. The third Act was the Boston Port Act, which closed the port of Boston until the British had been compensated for the tea lost in the Boston Tea Party. The fourth Act was the Quartering Act of 1774, which allowed royal governors to house British troops in the homes of citizens without requiring permission of the owner. In response, Massachusetts patriots issued the Suffolk Resolves and formed an alternative shadow government known as the Provincial Congress which began training militia outside British-occupied Boston. In September 1774, the First Continental Congress convened, consisting of representatives from each colony, to serve as a vehicle for deliberation and collective action. During secret debates, conservative Joseph Galloway proposed the creation of a colonial Parliament that would be able to approve or disapprove acts of the British Parliament, but his idea was tabled in a vote of 6 to 5 and was subsequently removed from the record.[citation needed] Congress called for a boycott beginning on December 1, 1774, of all British goods; it was enforced by new local committees authorized by the Congress.
The following Acts passed by the British Parliament led to the American Revolution: 1) The Sugar Act in 1764 provided stricter measures of enforcement and collection for sugar taxes. 2) The Stamp Act in 1765 imposed direct taxes on official documents, newspapers, almanacs, pamphlets, and playing cards. 3) The Declaratory Act in 1766 declared the British Parliament retained full taxation powers for the American Colonies. 4) The Townshend Acts in 1767 added duties to goods like paper, glass, and tea. 5) The Tea Act in 1773 lowered the taxes on tea to benefit the British East India Company. 6) The so-called Intolerable Acts in 1774 consisted of 4 laws that increased Britain's sovereignty over the American Colonies. These laws include the rights of Britain to restrict town meetings, try British soldiers for crimes committed in the American colonies, close the port of Boston, and require housing of British troops in the homes of citizens.
Instruction: From the following passage, which taxes/acts led to the American Revolution? Context: 1764–1766: Taxes imposed and withdrawn Main articles: Sugar Act, Currency Act, Quartering Acts, Stamp Act 1765, and Declaratory Act Further information: No taxation without representation and Virtual representation Notice of the Stamp Act 1765 in a colonial newspaper In 1764 Parliament passed the Sugar Act, decreasing the existing customs duties on sugar and molasses but providing stricter measures of enforcement and collection. That same year, Prime Minister George Grenville proposed direct taxes on the colonies to raise revenue, but he delayed action to see whether the colonies would propose some way to raise the revenue themselves. Grenville had asserted in 1762 that the whole revenue of the custom houses in America amounted to one or two thousand pounds sterling a year, and that the English exchequer was paying between seven and eight thousand pounds a year to collect. Adam Smith wrote in The Wealth of Nations that Parliament "has never hitherto demanded of [the American colonies] anything which even approached to a just proportion to what was paid by their fellow subjects at home." Benjamin Franklin would later testify in Parliament in 1766 to the contrary, reporting that Americans already contributed heavily to the defense of the Empire. He argued that local colonial governments had raised, outfitted, and paid 25,000 soldiers to fight France in just the French and Indian War alone—as many as Britain itself sent—and spent many millions from American treasuries doing so. Parliament finally passed the Stamp Act in March 1765, which imposed direct taxes on the colonies for the first time. All official documents, newspapers, almanacs, and pamphlets were required to have the stamps—even decks of playing cards. The colonists did not object that the taxes were high; they were actually low. They objected to their lack of representation in the Parliament, which gave them no voice concerning legislation that affected them. The British were, however, reacting to an entirely different issue: at the conclusion of the recent war the Crown had to deal with approximately 1,500 politically well-connected British Army officers. The decision was made to keep them on active duty with full pay, but they—and their commands—also had to be stationed somewhere. Stationing a standing army in Great Britain during peacetime was politically unacceptable, so they determined to station them in America and have the Americans pay them through the new tax. The soldiers had no military mission however; they were not there to defend the colonies because there was no current threat to the colonies. The Sons of Liberty formed shortly after the Act in 1765, and they used public demonstrations, boycotts, and threats of violence to ensure that the British tax laws were unenforceable. In Boston, the Sons of Liberty burned the records of the vice admiralty court and looted the home of chief justice Thomas Hutchinson. Several legislatures called for united action, and nine colonies sent delegates to the Stamp Act Congress in New York City in October. Moderates led by John Dickinson drew up a Declaration of Rights and Grievances stating that taxes passed without representation violated their rights as Englishmen, and colonists emphasized their determination by boycotting imports of British merchandise. The Parliament at Westminster saw itself as the supreme lawmaking authority throughout the Empire and thus entitled to levy any tax without colonial approval or even consultation. They argued that the colonies were legally British corporations subordinate to the British Parliament, and they pointed to numerous instances where Parliament had made laws in the past that were binding on the colonies. Parliament insisted that the colonists effectively enjoyed a "virtual representation", as most British people did, since only a small minority of the British population elected representatives to Parliament. However, Americans such as James Otis maintained that there was no one in Parliament responsible specifically for any colonial constituency, so they were not "virtually represented" by anyone in Parliament at all. The Rockingham government came to power in July 1765, and Parliament debated whether to repeal the stamp tax or to send an army to enforce it. Benjamin Franklin made the case for repeal, explaining that the colonies had spent heavily in manpower, money, and blood defending the empire in a series of wars against the French and indigenous people, and that further taxes to pay for those wars were unjust and might bring about a rebellion. Parliament agreed and repealed the tax on February 21, 1766, but they insisted in the Declaratory Act of March 1766 that they retained full power to make laws for the colonies "in all cases whatsoever". The repeal nonetheless caused widespread celebrations in the colonies. 1767–1773: Townshend Acts and the Tea Act Main articles: Townshend Acts and Tea Act Further information: Crisis of 1772, Massachusetts Circular Letter, Boston Massacre, and Boston Tea Party Letter III of John Dickinson's Letters from a Farmer in Pennsylvania, published in the Pennsylvania Chronicle, December 1767 In 1767, the Parliament passed the Townshend Acts which placed duties on a number of staple goods, including paper, glass, and tea, and established a Board of Customs in Boston to more rigorously execute trade regulations. The new taxes were enacted on the belief that Americans only objected to internal taxes and not to external taxes such as custom duties. However, in his widely read pamphlet, Letters from a Farmer in Pennsylvania, John Dickinson argued against the constitutionality of the acts because their purpose was to raise revenue and not to regulate trade. Colonists responded to the taxes by organizing new boycotts of British goods. These boycotts were less effective, however, as the goods taxed by the Townshend Acts were widely used. In February 1768, the Assembly of Massachusetts Bay issued a circular letter to the other colonies urging them to coordinate resistance. The governor dissolved the assembly when it refused to rescind the letter. Meanwhile, a riot broke out in Boston in June 1768 over the seizure of the sloop Liberty, owned by John Hancock, for alleged smuggling. Customs officials were forced to flee, prompting the British to deploy troops to Boston. A Boston town meeting declared that no obedience was due to parliamentary laws and called for the convening of a convention. A convention assembled but only issued a mild protest before dissolving itself. In January 1769, Parliament responded to the unrest by reactivating the Treason Act 1543 which called for subjects outside the realm to face trials for treason in England. The governor of Massachusetts was instructed to collect evidence of said treason, and the threat caused widespread outrage, though it was not carried out. On March 5, 1770, a large crowd gathered around a group of British soldiers on a Boston street. The crowd grew threatening, throwing snowballs, rocks, and debris at them. One soldier was clubbed and fell. There was no order to fire, but the soldiers panicked and fired into the crowd. They hit 11 people; three civilians died of wounds at the scene of the shooting, and two died shortly after the incident. The event quickly came to be called the Boston Massacre. The soldiers were tried and acquitted (defended by John Adams), but the widespread descriptions soon began to turn colonial sentiment against the British. This accelerated the downward spiral in the relationship between Britain and the Province of Massachusetts. A new ministry under Lord North came to power in 1770, and Parliament withdrew all taxes except the tax on tea, giving up its efforts to raise revenue while maintaining the right to tax. This temporarily resolved the crisis, and the boycott of British goods largely ceased, with only the more radical patriots such as Samuel Adams continuing to agitate.[citation needed] On June 9, 1772, the Sons of Liberty burned HMS Gaspee, a British customs schooner in Narragansett Bay. In June 1772, American patriots, including John Brown, burned a British warship that had been vigorously enforcing unpopular trade regulations, in what became known as the Gaspee Affair. The affair was investigated for possible treason, but no action was taken. In 1772, it became known that the Crown intended to pay fixed salaries to the governors and judges in Massachusetts, which had been paid by local authorities. This would reduce the influence of colonial representatives over their government. Samuel Adams in Boston set about creating new Committees of Correspondence, which linked Patriots in all 13 colonies and eventually provided the framework for a rebel government. Virginia, the largest colony, set up its Committee of Correspondence in early 1773, on which Patrick Henry and Thomas Jefferson served. A total of about 7,000 to 8,000 Patriots served on Committees of Correspondence at the colonial and local levels, comprising most of the leadership in their communities. Loyalists were excluded. The committees became the leaders of the American resistance to British actions, and later largely determined the war effort at the state and local level. When the First Continental Congress decided to boycott British products, the colonial and local Committees took charge, examining merchant records and publishing the names of merchants who attempted to defy the boycott by importing British goods. In 1773, private letters were published in which Massachusetts Governor Thomas Hutchinson claimed that the colonists could not enjoy all English liberties, and in which Lieutenant Governor Andrew Oliver called for the direct payment of colonial officials. The letters' contents were used as evidence of a systematic plot against American rights, and discredited Hutchinson in the eyes of the people; the colonial Assembly petitioned for his recall. Benjamin Franklin, postmaster general for the colonies, acknowledged that he leaked the letters, which led to him being berated by British officials and removed from his position. The December 16, 1773 Boston Tea Party, led by Samuel Adams and Sons of Liberty, has become a mainstay of American patriotic lore. Meanwhile, Parliament passed the Tea Act lowering the price of taxed tea exported to the colonies, to help the British East India Company undersell smuggled untaxed Dutch tea. Special consignees were appointed to sell the tea to bypass colonial merchants. The act was opposed by those who resisted the taxes and also by smugglers who stood to lose business.[citation needed] In most instances, the consignees were forced by the Americans to resign and the tea was turned back, but Massachusetts governor Hutchinson refused to allow Boston merchants to give in to pressure. A town meeting in Boston determined that the tea would not be landed, and ignored a demand from the governor to disperse. On December 16, 1773, a group of men, led by Samuel Adams and dressed to evoke the appearance of indigenous people, boarded the ships of the East India Company and dumped £10,000 worth of tea from their holds (approximately £636,000 in 2008) into Boston Harbor. Decades later, this event became known as the Boston Tea Party and remains a significant part of American patriotic lore. 1774–1775: Intolerable Acts Main article: Intolerable Acts Further information: Quebec Act and Continental Association A 1774 etching from The London Magazine depicts Prime Minister Lord North, author of the Boston Port Act, forcing the Intolerable Acts down the throat of America, whose arms are restrained by Lord Chief Justice Mansfield, and a tattered "Boston Petition" lays trampled on the ground beside her. Lord Sandwich pins down her feet and peers up her robes; behind them, Mother Britannia weeps while France and Spain look on. The British government responded by passing several measures that came to be known as the Intolerable Acts, further darkening colonial opinion towards England. They consisted of four laws enacted by the British parliament. The first was the Massachusetts Government Act which altered the Massachusetts charter and restricted town meetings. The second act was the Administration of Justice Act which ordered that all British soldiers to be tried were to be arraigned in Britain, not in the colonies. The third Act was the Boston Port Act, which closed the port of Boston until the British had been compensated for the tea lost in the Boston Tea Party. The fourth Act was the Quartering Act of 1774, which allowed royal governors to house British troops in the homes of citizens without requiring permission of the owner. In response, Massachusetts patriots issued the Suffolk Resolves and formed an alternative shadow government known as the Provincial Congress which began training militia outside British-occupied Boston. In September 1774, the First Continental Congress convened, consisting of representatives from each colony, to serve as a vehicle for deliberation and collective action. During secret debates, conservative Joseph Galloway proposed the creation of a colonial Parliament that would be able to approve or disapprove acts of the British Parliament, but his idea was tabled in a vote of 6 to 5 and was subsequently removed from the record.[citation needed] Congress called for a boycott beginning on December 1, 1774, of all British goods; it was enforced by new local committees authorized by the Congress. Response: The following Acts passed by the British Parliament led to the American Revolution: 1) The Sugar Act in 1764 provided stricter measures of enforcement and collection for sugar taxes. 2) The Stamp Act in 1765 imposed direct taxes on official documents, newspapers, almanacs, pamphlets, and playing cards. 3) The Declaratory Act in 1766 declared the British Parliament retained full taxation powers for the American Colonies. 4) The Townshend Acts in 1767 added duties to goods like paper, glass, and tea. 5) The Tea Act in 1773 lowered the taxes on tea to benefit the British East India Company. 6) The so-called Intolerable Acts in 1774 consisted of 4 laws that increased Britain's sovereignty over the American Colonies. These laws include the rights of Britain to restrict town meetings, try British soldiers for crimes committed in the American colonies, close the port of Boston, and require housing of British troops in the homes of citizens.
What is a dog better at than humans?
Dogs do many things better than humans. They can detect problems in the body like low blood pressure, and the development of some diseases like cancer because of smells given off by the body. They smell and and can hear better than people, they can run and swim faster, and show affection in an unbiased way for their entire life.
Instruction: What is a dog better at than humans? Context: Response: Dogs do many things better than humans. They can detect problems in the body like low blood pressure, and the development of some diseases like cancer because of smells given off by the body. They smell and and can hear better than people, they can run and swim faster, and show affection in an unbiased way for their entire life.
What literary technique is used in the phrase “simmered on a smooth summer sidewalk”?
“Simmered on a smooth summer sidewalk” is an example of alliteration, which is a literary technique often used to emphasize a phrase or make a phrase stand out more to a reader.
Instruction: What literary technique is used in the phrase “simmered on a smooth summer sidewalk”? Context: Response: “Simmered on a smooth summer sidewalk” is an example of alliteration, which is a literary technique often used to emphasize a phrase or make a phrase stand out more to a reader.
From the passage identify the attributes of Dionysus. Display the results in a comma separated format.
Dionysus (Διόνυσος, Diónusos)/Bacchus (Βάκχος, Bákkhos) God of wine, fruitfulness, parties, festivals, madness, chaos, drunkenness, vegetation, ecstasy, and the theater. He is the twice-born son of Zeus and Semele, in that Zeus snatched him from his mother's womb and stitched Dionysus into his own thigh and carried him until he was ready to be born. In art he is depicted as either an older bearded god (particularly before 430 BC) or an effeminate, long-haired youth (particularly after 430 BC). His attributes include the thyrsus, a drinking cup, the grape vine, and a crown of ivy. He is often in the company of his thiasos, a group of attendants including satyrs, maenads, and his old tutor Silenus. The consort of Dionysus was Ariadne. It was once held that Dionysius was a later addition to the Greek pantheon, but the discovery of Linear B tablets confirm his status as a deity from an early period. Bacchus was another name for him in Greek, and came into common usage among the Romans. His sacred animals include dolphins, serpents, tigers, and donkeys.
the thyrsus, a drinking cup, the grape vine, a crown of ivy
Instruction: From the passage identify the attributes of Dionysus. Display the results in a comma separated format. Context: Dionysus (Διόνυσος, Diónusos)/Bacchus (Βάκχος, Bákkhos) God of wine, fruitfulness, parties, festivals, madness, chaos, drunkenness, vegetation, ecstasy, and the theater. He is the twice-born son of Zeus and Semele, in that Zeus snatched him from his mother's womb and stitched Dionysus into his own thigh and carried him until he was ready to be born. In art he is depicted as either an older bearded god (particularly before 430 BC) or an effeminate, long-haired youth (particularly after 430 BC). His attributes include the thyrsus, a drinking cup, the grape vine, and a crown of ivy. He is often in the company of his thiasos, a group of attendants including satyrs, maenads, and his old tutor Silenus. The consort of Dionysus was Ariadne. It was once held that Dionysius was a later addition to the Greek pantheon, but the discovery of Linear B tablets confirm his status as a deity from an early period. Bacchus was another name for him in Greek, and came into common usage among the Romans. His sacred animals include dolphins, serpents, tigers, and donkeys. Response: the thyrsus, a drinking cup, the grape vine, a crown of ivy
Which clef does a viola use?
Viola music is normally written in the alto clef which is also known as the c clef. Occasionally, the treble clef may be used where there are high sections in music.
Instruction: Which clef does a viola use? Context: Response: Viola music is normally written in the alto clef which is also known as the c clef. Occasionally, the treble clef may be used where there are high sections in music.
What is a landlord?
A landlord is a person, business, or other entity that owns some form of real-estate that they rent out for an amount of money paid yearly, monthly, semi-monthly or weekly. The type of real estate owned can be land, commercial real-estate, or home real-estate. A landlord evaluates different tenant applications submitted to rent or use their owned real-estate. Once a match is found an agreement or contract is signed and executed between both parties. The tenant pays the landlord an agreed amount of money during some finite time to be able to use the landlord's owned real estate for a specific purpose outlined in the original signed contract.
Instruction: What is a landlord? Context: Response: A landlord is a person, business, or other entity that owns some form of real-estate that they rent out for an amount of money paid yearly, monthly, semi-monthly or weekly. The type of real estate owned can be land, commercial real-estate, or home real-estate. A landlord evaluates different tenant applications submitted to rent or use their owned real-estate. Once a match is found an agreement or contract is signed and executed between both parties. The tenant pays the landlord an agreed amount of money during some finite time to be able to use the landlord's owned real estate for a specific purpose outlined in the original signed contract.
Why do leaves on houseplants turn yellow and brown?
Often houseplant leaves turn yellow and brown for a few common reasons. First is overwatering. Houseplants are kept in containers that can retain water which can lead to root rot if not watered carefully. Some houseplants prefer the soil to dry out between waterings and many home gardeners end up watering before the soil has dried up sufficiently. Too much water in a container can lead to root rot which first can show symptoms in browning, dropping, and yellowing of leaves. Another reason for leaf discoloration is under watering as some plants prefer the soil to have a level of moisture at all times. Other reasons include too little sunlight which limits the plants ability to photosynthesize. Also, even too much sunlight can cause burned leaves.
Instruction: Why do leaves on houseplants turn yellow and brown? Context: Response: Often houseplant leaves turn yellow and brown for a few common reasons. First is overwatering. Houseplants are kept in containers that can retain water which can lead to root rot if not watered carefully. Some houseplants prefer the soil to dry out between waterings and many home gardeners end up watering before the soil has dried up sufficiently. Too much water in a container can lead to root rot which first can show symptoms in browning, dropping, and yellowing of leaves. Another reason for leaf discoloration is under watering as some plants prefer the soil to have a level of moisture at all times. Other reasons include too little sunlight which limits the plants ability to photosynthesize. Also, even too much sunlight can cause burned leaves.
Please tell me a little bit about the personal lives of the best hockey players at this time.
Here is a list of the best hockey players in the NHL and a little about them: Connor McDavid Connor McDavid and his girlfriend, interior designer Lauren Kyle, designed their Edmonton house. After displaying pictures of the house for EDify magazine in 2020 and recording a video tour in 2021 for Architectural Digest, the minimalist design and the poor view of the Edmonton River Valley outside became an Internet meme. As a sports fan in Ontario, McDavid was a dedicated childhood fan of Mats Sundin and the Toronto Maple Leafs NHL team. He described his childhood bedroom as "pretty embarrassing" for its volume of Maple Leafs memorabilia. Outside of hockey, he supports the Toronto Blue Jays of Major League Baseball and threw out the ceremonial first pitch at a Blue Jays game in 2016. On June 21, 2017, Electronic Arts revealed that McDavid would be the cover athlete for NHL 18, their annual installment of the NHL video game series. Additionally, McDavid's unique skating style inspired the Real Player Motion technology used in NHL 19, in which player size and other attributes affect their skating speed and power. In 2022, McDavid was one of several Canadian athletes to appear on boxes of Cheerios cereal as part of their "Be the Cheer" promotion, in which customers could write personalized messages to athletes competing at the Olympic Games. That same year, McDavid became the first active professional athlete to serve as a brand ambassador for sports betting company BetMGM. Cale Makar Makar is the son of Gary Makar and Laura MacGregor. He was named after former NHL player Cale Hulse. His younger brother Taylor plays at UMass-Amherst, which Cale also attended, and was also drafted by the Avalanche in the seventh round of the 2021 NHL Entry Draft. Makar's cousin Mark Logan also played collegiate hockey from 2015 to 2019 at the Rochester Institute of Technology. Tom Lysiak was his father's cousin. He is of Ukrainian descent on his father's side. Growing up, he was a fan of the hometown Calgary Flames. Auston Matthews Matthews comes from a family of athletes, with his father having played college baseball and with an uncle, Wes Matthews, who briefly played in the National Football League for the Miami Dolphins. His father is the chief technology officer of a manufacturing company based in New Jersey. He has two sisters: Alexandria, who is three years older, and Breyana, who is five years younger. Due to his mother's Mexican ancestry, Matthews can speak some Spanish. Off the ice, Matthews was enrolled in several online courses with the University of Nebraska Omaha. In late August 2016, he moved to Toronto and began working out with teammates Mitch Marner and Morgan Rielly. Matthews' favorite athlete growing up was Kobe Bryant, while his favorite sports movie is The Mighty Ducks. He is a fan of players Jonathan Toews and Anže Kopitar due to their all around offensive and defensive game, has had his playing style compared to them. In recognition of Matthews' four-goal NHL debut, rap artist SVDVM released a song titled "Auston Matthews". At the 2019 NHL Awards, Matthews was named the cover athlete for EA Sports' ice hockey video game NHL 20.
Instruction: Please tell me a little bit about the personal lives of the best hockey players at this time. Context: Response: Here is a list of the best hockey players in the NHL and a little about them: Connor McDavid Connor McDavid and his girlfriend, interior designer Lauren Kyle, designed their Edmonton house. After displaying pictures of the house for EDify magazine in 2020 and recording a video tour in 2021 for Architectural Digest, the minimalist design and the poor view of the Edmonton River Valley outside became an Internet meme. As a sports fan in Ontario, McDavid was a dedicated childhood fan of Mats Sundin and the Toronto Maple Leafs NHL team. He described his childhood bedroom as "pretty embarrassing" for its volume of Maple Leafs memorabilia. Outside of hockey, he supports the Toronto Blue Jays of Major League Baseball and threw out the ceremonial first pitch at a Blue Jays game in 2016. On June 21, 2017, Electronic Arts revealed that McDavid would be the cover athlete for NHL 18, their annual installment of the NHL video game series. Additionally, McDavid's unique skating style inspired the Real Player Motion technology used in NHL 19, in which player size and other attributes affect their skating speed and power. In 2022, McDavid was one of several Canadian athletes to appear on boxes of Cheerios cereal as part of their "Be the Cheer" promotion, in which customers could write personalized messages to athletes competing at the Olympic Games. That same year, McDavid became the first active professional athlete to serve as a brand ambassador for sports betting company BetMGM. Cale Makar Makar is the son of Gary Makar and Laura MacGregor. He was named after former NHL player Cale Hulse. His younger brother Taylor plays at UMass-Amherst, which Cale also attended, and was also drafted by the Avalanche in the seventh round of the 2021 NHL Entry Draft. Makar's cousin Mark Logan also played collegiate hockey from 2015 to 2019 at the Rochester Institute of Technology. Tom Lysiak was his father's cousin. He is of Ukrainian descent on his father's side. Growing up, he was a fan of the hometown Calgary Flames. Auston Matthews Matthews comes from a family of athletes, with his father having played college baseball and with an uncle, Wes Matthews, who briefly played in the National Football League for the Miami Dolphins. His father is the chief technology officer of a manufacturing company based in New Jersey. He has two sisters: Alexandria, who is three years older, and Breyana, who is five years younger. Due to his mother's Mexican ancestry, Matthews can speak some Spanish. Off the ice, Matthews was enrolled in several online courses with the University of Nebraska Omaha. In late August 2016, he moved to Toronto and began working out with teammates Mitch Marner and Morgan Rielly. Matthews' favorite athlete growing up was Kobe Bryant, while his favorite sports movie is The Mighty Ducks. He is a fan of players Jonathan Toews and Anže Kopitar due to their all around offensive and defensive game, has had his playing style compared to them. In recognition of Matthews' four-goal NHL debut, rap artist SVDVM released a song titled "Auston Matthews". At the 2019 NHL Awards, Matthews was named the cover athlete for EA Sports' ice hockey video game NHL 20.
Why are airlines tickets so expensive, right now?
Post pandemic, airline travel has gotten more expensive due to all the major airlines having to cancel a lot of daily flights on popular routes. This is mainly due to staff shortages being faced by the industry. This has led to misalignment on the demand-supply front
Instruction: Why are airlines tickets so expensive, right now? Context: Response: Post pandemic, airline travel has gotten more expensive due to all the major airlines having to cancel a lot of daily flights on popular routes. This is mainly due to staff shortages being faced by the industry. This has led to misalignment on the demand-supply front
What are the co-founders of Tesla Motors?
Eberhard, Tarpenning, Wright, Elon Musk, and J.B. Straubel
Instruction: What are the co-founders of Tesla Motors? Context: Response: Eberhard, Tarpenning, Wright, Elon Musk, and J.B. Straubel
What are all the locations that walnut trees grow, listed in this article.
Walnut trees, genus Juglans, are plants which mostly grow in the northern hemisphere. They can reach ten to forty meters (30-130 ft) in height. They are used for timber. The wood is very hard, and dark in color. It is mostly used in furniture. The fruit is eaten and can be used to make oil. The fruit of Juglans are called walnuts. Material of the walnut's outer casing was used by Native American tribes to poison fish. Walnut trees grow from Europe eastwards to the Himalayas and southwest China. In America they are found in places from Canada to Argentina.
Walnut trees grow East-West between Europe and China as well as North-South between Canada to Argentina.
Instruction: What are all the locations that walnut trees grow, listed in this article. Context: Walnut trees, genus Juglans, are plants which mostly grow in the northern hemisphere. They can reach ten to forty meters (30-130 ft) in height. They are used for timber. The wood is very hard, and dark in color. It is mostly used in furniture. The fruit is eaten and can be used to make oil. The fruit of Juglans are called walnuts. Material of the walnut's outer casing was used by Native American tribes to poison fish. Walnut trees grow from Europe eastwards to the Himalayas and southwest China. In America they are found in places from Canada to Argentina. Response: Walnut trees grow East-West between Europe and China as well as North-South between Canada to Argentina.
What caused Covid 19?
The novel virus was first identified in an outbreak in the Chinese city of Wuhan in December 2019. Attempts to contain it there failed, allowing the virus to spread to other areas of Asia and later worldwide. The World Health Organization (WHO) declared the outbreak a public health emergency of international concern on 30 January 2020, and a pandemic on 11 March 2020. As of 10 March 2023, the pandemic had caused more than 676 million cases and 6.88 million confirmed deaths, making it one of the deadliest in history.
Instruction: What caused Covid 19? Context: Response: The novel virus was first identified in an outbreak in the Chinese city of Wuhan in December 2019. Attempts to contain it there failed, allowing the virus to spread to other areas of Asia and later worldwide. The World Health Organization (WHO) declared the outbreak a public health emergency of international concern on 30 January 2020, and a pandemic on 11 March 2020. As of 10 March 2023, the pandemic had caused more than 676 million cases and 6.88 million confirmed deaths, making it one of the deadliest in history.
Classify each of the following as either a city or food: Edinburgh, Madrid, pasta, jam, Berlin, soup
Cities: Edinburgh, Madrid, Berlin Food: pasta, jam, soup
Instruction: Classify each of the following as either a city or food: Edinburgh, Madrid, pasta, jam, Berlin, soup Context: Response: Cities: Edinburgh, Madrid, Berlin Food: pasta, jam, soup
What is a bokoblin?
It is an enemy type in The Legend of Zelda, Breath of the Wild. Some would refer to it (and other in-game enemies as "mobs").
Instruction: What is a bokoblin? Context: Response: It is an enemy type in The Legend of Zelda, Breath of the Wild. Some would refer to it (and other in-game enemies as "mobs").
How many years was Hutchinson's streak, and what caused it to end?
Hutchinson attended 1,294 consecutive matches involving the Geelong Football Club between Round 11, 1963, and the 2019 preliminary final, inclusive. That streak came to an end when he and the general public were locked out of the Cats' 2020 Round 1 loss to Greater Western Sydney in Sydney due to the COVID-19 pandemic. If away games are excluded, Hutchinson's streak lasted from the early 1958 season to the 2019 preliminary final.
Hutchinson's streak was 62 years (2019-1958+1) and it ended because of the lock out caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.
Instruction: How many years was Hutchinson's streak, and what caused it to end? Context: Hutchinson attended 1,294 consecutive matches involving the Geelong Football Club between Round 11, 1963, and the 2019 preliminary final, inclusive. That streak came to an end when he and the general public were locked out of the Cats' 2020 Round 1 loss to Greater Western Sydney in Sydney due to the COVID-19 pandemic. If away games are excluded, Hutchinson's streak lasted from the early 1958 season to the 2019 preliminary final. Response: Hutchinson's streak was 62 years (2019-1958+1) and it ended because of the lock out caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.
What was the Troggs most famous hit
Wild Thing
Instruction: What was the Troggs most famous hit Context: Response: Wild Thing
Given the reference text below, what problem do Marbled newts' face?
The marbled newt is typically found in habitats characterized by hilly and forestry terrain, away from open and exposed areas. Marbled newts live in temporary habitats, such as ponds, that are subject to change depending on the climate conditions of the region. When rainfall is high and the temperature is lower, typically in the fall and winter months, adult marbled newts stay in the ponds. However, these shallow ponds are subject to drought in warmer spring and summer months, which forces the marbled newts to remain on land. Due to this constant change in the habitat conditions, marbled newts have the ability to adapt to different climatic conditions and habitat changes.
Marbled newt is forced to remain on the land due to droughts.
Instruction: Given the reference text below, what problem do Marbled newts' face? Context: The marbled newt is typically found in habitats characterized by hilly and forestry terrain, away from open and exposed areas. Marbled newts live in temporary habitats, such as ponds, that are subject to change depending on the climate conditions of the region. When rainfall is high and the temperature is lower, typically in the fall and winter months, adult marbled newts stay in the ponds. However, these shallow ponds are subject to drought in warmer spring and summer months, which forces the marbled newts to remain on land. Due to this constant change in the habitat conditions, marbled newts have the ability to adapt to different climatic conditions and habitat changes. Response: Marbled newt is forced to remain on the land due to droughts.
Given a reference text about NATO, when did Finland become a member?
The Republic of Finland has been a member of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) since 4 April 2023. Finland had formal relations with NATO since 1994, when it joined the Partnership for Peace program, and has been a member of the European Union (EU), which largely overlaps with NATO in membership, since 1995.
April 4, 2023
Instruction: Given a reference text about NATO, when did Finland become a member? Context: The Republic of Finland has been a member of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) since 4 April 2023. Finland had formal relations with NATO since 1994, when it joined the Partnership for Peace program, and has been a member of the European Union (EU), which largely overlaps with NATO in membership, since 1995. Response: April 4, 2023
In literature who is the alter ego of Percy Blakney
Scarlet Pimpernel
Instruction: In literature who is the alter ego of Percy Blakney Context: Response: Scarlet Pimpernel
What are the top 10 television dramas of all time
1. The Wire 2. The Sopranos 3. Breaking Bad 4. Friday Night Lights 5. NYPD Blue 6. Deadwood 7. Succession 8. The OC 9. Mad Men 10. 90210
Instruction: What are the top 10 television dramas of all time Context: Response: 1. The Wire 2. The Sopranos 3. Breaking Bad 4. Friday Night Lights 5. NYPD Blue 6. Deadwood 7. Succession 8. The OC 9. Mad Men 10. 90210
Classify each of these car manufacturers as either French, German, American, Japanese, or other: Lexus, Hyundai, Alfa Romeo, VW, Honda, GM, Citroen
French: Citroen German: VW American: GM Japanese: Lexus, Honda other: Hyundai, Alfa Romeo
Instruction: Classify each of these car manufacturers as either French, German, American, Japanese, or other: Lexus, Hyundai, Alfa Romeo, VW, Honda, GM, Citroen Context: Response: French: Citroen German: VW American: GM Japanese: Lexus, Honda other: Hyundai, Alfa Romeo
Tell me if these are foods that need to be refrigerated, frozen or neither: ice cream, popsicles, butter, popcorn, yogurt, cereal, chips
ice cream: frozen, popsicles: frozen, butter: refrigerated, popcorn: neither, yogurt: refrigerated, cereal: neither, chips: neither
Instruction: Tell me if these are foods that need to be refrigerated, frozen or neither: ice cream, popsicles, butter, popcorn, yogurt, cereal, chips Context: Response: ice cream: frozen, popsicles: frozen, butter: refrigerated, popcorn: neither, yogurt: refrigerated, cereal: neither, chips: neither
From the passage provided, extract the movie that did well across the globe but received underwhelming traction in Matt Damon's home country.
In 2014, he starred in George Clooney's The Monuments Men, and played the minor role of scientist Dr. Mann, in Christopher Nolan's Interstellar. That same year, Damon appeared as a celebrity correspondent for Years of Living Dangerously In 2015, Damon portrayed the main character, astronaut Mark Watney, in Ridley Scott's The Martian, based on Andy Weir's best-selling novel of the same name, a role that earned him the Golden Globe Award for Best Actor – Motion Picture Musical or Comedy and his second Academy Award nomination for Best Actor. Having not returned for the fourth film in the Bourne film series, Damon reprised his role in 2016's Jason Bourne, reuniting with Paul Greengrass. In 2017, Damon played the lead role in Zhang Yimou's The Great Wall, a hit internationally and a disappointment at the domestic box office. The film, and Damon's casting, were not well received by critics. Later in 2017, he starred in two satires, George Clooney's 1950s-set Suburbicon, which was released in October, and Alexander Payne's comedy Downsizing, which was released in December In 2019, Damon portrayed Carroll Shelby in the action biographical drama Ford v Ferrari, directed by James Mangold.
Zhang Yimou's The Great Wall performed well globally but did not meet domestic box office expectations.
Instruction: From the passage provided, extract the movie that did well across the globe but received underwhelming traction in Matt Damon's home country. Context: In 2014, he starred in George Clooney's The Monuments Men, and played the minor role of scientist Dr. Mann, in Christopher Nolan's Interstellar. That same year, Damon appeared as a celebrity correspondent for Years of Living Dangerously In 2015, Damon portrayed the main character, astronaut Mark Watney, in Ridley Scott's The Martian, based on Andy Weir's best-selling novel of the same name, a role that earned him the Golden Globe Award for Best Actor – Motion Picture Musical or Comedy and his second Academy Award nomination for Best Actor. Having not returned for the fourth film in the Bourne film series, Damon reprised his role in 2016's Jason Bourne, reuniting with Paul Greengrass. In 2017, Damon played the lead role in Zhang Yimou's The Great Wall, a hit internationally and a disappointment at the domestic box office. The film, and Damon's casting, were not well received by critics. Later in 2017, he starred in two satires, George Clooney's 1950s-set Suburbicon, which was released in October, and Alexander Payne's comedy Downsizing, which was released in December In 2019, Damon portrayed Carroll Shelby in the action biographical drama Ford v Ferrari, directed by James Mangold. Response: Zhang Yimou's The Great Wall performed well globally but did not meet domestic box office expectations.
What is it like being alone in the world after an apocolypse?
I had always imagined the world would be in chaos or destruction. However, it's the same, just that there are no people. It's eerily quiet. Books are now the only source of "human connection" I have. I've never been much of a reader, but I anticipate much of my "free time" will be spent reading. I'm also quickly learning how much I relied on others. I knew I relied on others to do many things like farming, electricity, etc., but it goes much deeper and further than that.
Instruction: What is it like being alone in the world after an apocolypse? Context: Response: I had always imagined the world would be in chaos or destruction. However, it's the same, just that there are no people. It's eerily quiet. Books are now the only source of "human connection" I have. I've never been much of a reader, but I anticipate much of my "free time" will be spent reading. I'm also quickly learning how much I relied on others. I knew I relied on others to do many things like farming, electricity, etc., but it goes much deeper and further than that.
What was the first electric car to pass 1 million global sales?
The Tesla Model 3 became the world's all-time best-selling electric car in early 2020, and in June 2021 became the first electric car to pass 1 million global sales. Together with other emerging automotive technologies such as autonomous driving, connected vehicles and shared mobility, electric cars form a future mobility vision called Autonomous, Connected, Electric and Shared (ACES) Mobility.
The Tesla Model 3
Instruction: What was the first electric car to pass 1 million global sales? Context: The Tesla Model 3 became the world's all-time best-selling electric car in early 2020, and in June 2021 became the first electric car to pass 1 million global sales. Together with other emerging automotive technologies such as autonomous driving, connected vehicles and shared mobility, electric cars form a future mobility vision called Autonomous, Connected, Electric and Shared (ACES) Mobility. Response: The Tesla Model 3
I'm about to leave San Francisco and I love my rickety old apartment. Write it a tribute and make it poetic!
To my San Francisco apartment, I’ll miss how you rumble in the wind. How I can hear my partner on a call even with two doors closed in between us. Your front staircase, which makes every visitor feel like they’ve been transported back in time to a 1980s Palm Beach condo. The garbage trucks waking us up on Friday morning. The way your bathroom door never fully closes — much to the dismay of our guests — and the countless post-surfing wetsuits hanging from the never-used bath. The view from your back porch and the magical sunsets and sunrises we witnessed. When we were locked down to slow the spread of COVID-19, I banged on your screen door every evening at 8pm, pretending I was a percussionist, waving at my elderly neighbors and joining in the collective shouts to show our first responders gratitude. I sat outside on the small patch of grass we called your backyard and cried when the stress was too much. After all these years, my tears are likely soaked into your beige walls and carpet, which we haphazardly plastered with frames and discounted rugs from the Pottery Barn warehouse. And how could I forgot our downstairs neighbors, who slowly warmed to us and then loudly went through a divorce? Or our friendly landlord, who gifted us cookies and wine every holiday season, and never once increased our rent — even offering to lower it to tempt us to stay when we gave our notice? You gave us a home and sheltered us through it all. You provided four walls within which we could blast music, fight off anxiety attacks, lazily binge tv shows, host game nights and late nights with friends, experience earthquakes and hide away from the world while still experiencing the beauty around us. For that, I will be forever grateful.
Instruction: I'm about to leave San Francisco and I love my rickety old apartment. Write it a tribute and make it poetic! Context: Response: To my San Francisco apartment, I’ll miss how you rumble in the wind. How I can hear my partner on a call even with two doors closed in between us. Your front staircase, which makes every visitor feel like they’ve been transported back in time to a 1980s Palm Beach condo. The garbage trucks waking us up on Friday morning. The way your bathroom door never fully closes — much to the dismay of our guests — and the countless post-surfing wetsuits hanging from the never-used bath. The view from your back porch and the magical sunsets and sunrises we witnessed. When we were locked down to slow the spread of COVID-19, I banged on your screen door every evening at 8pm, pretending I was a percussionist, waving at my elderly neighbors and joining in the collective shouts to show our first responders gratitude. I sat outside on the small patch of grass we called your backyard and cried when the stress was too much. After all these years, my tears are likely soaked into your beige walls and carpet, which we haphazardly plastered with frames and discounted rugs from the Pottery Barn warehouse. And how could I forgot our downstairs neighbors, who slowly warmed to us and then loudly went through a divorce? Or our friendly landlord, who gifted us cookies and wine every holiday season, and never once increased our rent — even offering to lower it to tempt us to stay when we gave our notice? You gave us a home and sheltered us through it all. You provided four walls within which we could blast music, fight off anxiety attacks, lazily binge tv shows, host game nights and late nights with friends, experience earthquakes and hide away from the world while still experiencing the beauty around us. For that, I will be forever grateful.
What is the most important thing about being a parent of a three year old?
This is one of time's most complicated questions, honestly. I think the most important thing about being a parent to a three year old is loving them, but the tricky part is how you let that love manifest. Kids are super sensitive and still learning emotions at this age, so its really important to be slow, intentional and extra super patient with a three year old. An example I have of this from my little girl, Addie, who just turned three on Sunday, is communicating what is possible vs. what is not possible in a very clear way. Last night, I told my daughter that we had a doctor's appointment in the AM for her annual check-up, but she immediately wanted to go THEN, right away to the doctor. There began the two hour downhill spin into a full tantrum because she did not understand that she could not go to the doctor that night, because they were closed. This might seem like a disparate example of how to show you love a child, but it took every ounce of my patience, calm and rationality to keep explaining to my screaming, flailing, alligator of a child that we could not see the doctor until tomorrow. (Also, what three year old is THAT excited to see a doctor? I don't know, its insane to me!) So the answer is, love, but in all ways that you can manifest that love, directly and indirectly.
Instruction: What is the most important thing about being a parent of a three year old? Context: Response: This is one of time's most complicated questions, honestly. I think the most important thing about being a parent to a three year old is loving them, but the tricky part is how you let that love manifest. Kids are super sensitive and still learning emotions at this age, so its really important to be slow, intentional and extra super patient with a three year old. An example I have of this from my little girl, Addie, who just turned three on Sunday, is communicating what is possible vs. what is not possible in a very clear way. Last night, I told my daughter that we had a doctor's appointment in the AM for her annual check-up, but she immediately wanted to go THEN, right away to the doctor. There began the two hour downhill spin into a full tantrum because she did not understand that she could not go to the doctor that night, because they were closed. This might seem like a disparate example of how to show you love a child, but it took every ounce of my patience, calm and rationality to keep explaining to my screaming, flailing, alligator of a child that we could not see the doctor until tomorrow. (Also, what three year old is THAT excited to see a doctor? I don't know, its insane to me!) So the answer is, love, but in all ways that you can manifest that love, directly and indirectly.
What is Leptodactylus tapiti?
Leptodactylus tapiti is a species of frog in the family Leptodactylidae. It is endemic to Brazil. Its natural habitats are moist savanna, subtropical or tropical high-altitude grassland, and rivers.
Leptodactylus tapiti is a species of frog and is native to Brazil.
Instruction: What is Leptodactylus tapiti? Context: Leptodactylus tapiti is a species of frog in the family Leptodactylidae. It is endemic to Brazil. Its natural habitats are moist savanna, subtropical or tropical high-altitude grassland, and rivers. Response: Leptodactylus tapiti is a species of frog and is native to Brazil.
What kind of species are the Triplophysa longipectoralis
Triplophysa longipectoralis is a cave-living species of stone loach with vestigial eyes. The fish lives in clear water at temperatures below 20 °C. The holotype was caught in Xunle town, Huanjiang Maonan Autonomous County in the Liu River basin, Guangxi, China and was described by Zheng et al. in 2009.
Instruction: What kind of species are the Triplophysa longipectoralis Context: Response: Triplophysa longipectoralis is a cave-living species of stone loach with vestigial eyes. The fish lives in clear water at temperatures below 20 °C. The holotype was caught in Xunle town, Huanjiang Maonan Autonomous County in the Liu River basin, Guangxi, China and was described by Zheng et al. in 2009.
What are some ways I could commute in to my office in downtown?
If you are located in a city you may have many commute options. You could use public transportation like a light rail or bus, ride your bike, or drive a car. If you have coworkers who live near you, you could consider carpooling.
Instruction: What are some ways I could commute in to my office in downtown? Context: Response: If you are located in a city you may have many commute options. You could use public transportation like a light rail or bus, ride your bike, or drive a car. If you have coworkers who live near you, you could consider carpooling.
Who invented the first safety razor in 1895
King Camp Gillette
Instruction: Who invented the first safety razor in 1895 Context: Response: King Camp Gillette
Write about apple
Apple is a fruit. In history, there are three apples that profoundly changed the world. - Eve's apple - Newton's apple - Steve Jobs' Apple Biblical Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit and committed the original sin. Newton discovered the law of gravity when an apple fell from tree. Steve Jobs co-founded Apple and several products like the iPhone changed the world.
Instruction: Write about apple Context: Response: Apple is a fruit. In history, there are three apples that profoundly changed the world. - Eve's apple - Newton's apple - Steve Jobs' Apple Biblical Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit and committed the original sin. Newton discovered the law of gravity when an apple fell from tree. Steve Jobs co-founded Apple and several products like the iPhone changed the world.
Extract the types of businesses in downtown Stroudsburg, list each in a new line preceded with the number for each
Downtown Stroudsburg is the commercial hub for the surrounding area, serving as the Monroe County seat, and is located just off Interstate 80. It is the only traditional downtown in the area. Downtown Stroudsburg is anchored by Dunkelberger’s Sports Outfitters and is also home to more than 24 restaurants, nine art galleries, three women’s clothing stores, numerous antique stores, several general merchandisers, many specialty shops, two hotels, the local YMCA, 11 financial institutions and the core of the legal profession in Monroe County. There are 600 hotel rooms within 2 miles (3.2 km) of Downtown Stroudsburg. Downtown Stroudsburg also features a wide tree lined Main Street with historically rich architecture, plenty of on street parking, several municipal parking lots, one parking garage and another on the drawing board. Currently the total trade area population is about 250,000. This includes all of Monroe and Pike Counties, as well as northern Northampton County and Warren County, New Jersey.
24 Restaurants 9 Art galleries 3 Women's Clothing Stores 2 Hotels 11 financial institutions 1 Parking Garage
Instruction: Extract the types of businesses in downtown Stroudsburg, list each in a new line preceded with the number for each Context: Downtown Stroudsburg is the commercial hub for the surrounding area, serving as the Monroe County seat, and is located just off Interstate 80. It is the only traditional downtown in the area. Downtown Stroudsburg is anchored by Dunkelberger’s Sports Outfitters and is also home to more than 24 restaurants, nine art galleries, three women’s clothing stores, numerous antique stores, several general merchandisers, many specialty shops, two hotels, the local YMCA, 11 financial institutions and the core of the legal profession in Monroe County. There are 600 hotel rooms within 2 miles (3.2 km) of Downtown Stroudsburg. Downtown Stroudsburg also features a wide tree lined Main Street with historically rich architecture, plenty of on street parking, several municipal parking lots, one parking garage and another on the drawing board. Currently the total trade area population is about 250,000. This includes all of Monroe and Pike Counties, as well as northern Northampton County and Warren County, New Jersey. Response: 24 Restaurants 9 Art galleries 3 Women's Clothing Stores 2 Hotels 11 financial institutions 1 Parking Garage
Is "1984" a book or a movie?
Both. George Orwell's book "Nineteen Eighty-Four" was published in 1949. Films adapted from the book came out in 1956 and 1984; another adaptation is to be released in 2023 and will be the first adaptation in the Russian language.
Instruction: Is "1984" a book or a movie? Context: Response: Both. George Orwell's book "Nineteen Eighty-Four" was published in 1949. Films adapted from the book came out in 1956 and 1984; another adaptation is to be released in 2023 and will be the first adaptation in the Russian language.
Which of these famous football players have never won the Balon D'Or: Messi, Xavi, Zidane, Ronaldinho, Iniesta, Neymar
From the list of players provided the ones that have never won the Balon D'Or are Xavi, Iniesta and Neymar. All the other players in the list have won the Balon D'Or at least one time
Instruction: Which of these famous football players have never won the Balon D'Or: Messi, Xavi, Zidane, Ronaldinho, Iniesta, Neymar Context: Response: From the list of players provided the ones that have never won the Balon D'Or are Xavi, Iniesta and Neymar. All the other players in the list have won the Balon D'Or at least one time
Explain in few words how traditional exploratory data analysis (in statistics) is different from machine learning?
An important general difference in the focus and purpose between machine learning and the traditional Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) is that machine learning is more oriented towards applications than explaining the basic nature of the underlying phenomena. Machine Learning is relatively less concerned with identifying the specific relations between the involved variables. For example, uncovering the nature of the underlying functions or the specific types of interactive, multivariate dependencies between variables are not the main goal of machine learning. Instead, the focus is on producing a solution that can generate useful predictions. Machine Learning accepts among others a "black box" type approach to data exploration or knowledge discovery and uses not only the traditional Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) techniques, but also such techniques as Neural Networks which can generate valid predictions but are not capable of identifying the specific nature of the interrelations between the variables on which the predictions are based.
Instruction: Explain in few words how traditional exploratory data analysis (in statistics) is different from machine learning? Context: Response: An important general difference in the focus and purpose between machine learning and the traditional Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) is that machine learning is more oriented towards applications than explaining the basic nature of the underlying phenomena. Machine Learning is relatively less concerned with identifying the specific relations between the involved variables. For example, uncovering the nature of the underlying functions or the specific types of interactive, multivariate dependencies between variables are not the main goal of machine learning. Instead, the focus is on producing a solution that can generate useful predictions. Machine Learning accepts among others a "black box" type approach to data exploration or knowledge discovery and uses not only the traditional Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) techniques, but also such techniques as Neural Networks which can generate valid predictions but are not capable of identifying the specific nature of the interrelations between the variables on which the predictions are based.
Give me a list of the best ways of looking younger than your age.
To keep fit, maintain clear skin, be positive, always be up-to-date to everything, do not hesitate to change, be calm
Instruction: Give me a list of the best ways of looking younger than your age. Context: Response: To keep fit, maintain clear skin, be positive, always be up-to-date to everything, do not hesitate to change, be calm
Given this paragraph about magnesium, what is the element symbol of magnesium?
Magnesium is a chemical element with the symbol Mg and atomic number 12. It is a shiny gray metal having a low density, low melting point and high chemical reactivity. Like the other alkaline earth metals (group 2 of the periodic table) it occurs naturally only in combination with other elements and it almost always has an oxidation state of +2. It reacts readily with air to form a thin passivation coating of magnesium oxide that inhibits further corrosion of the metal. The free metal burns with a brilliant-white light. The metal is obtained mainly by electrolysis of magnesium salts obtained from brine. It is less dense than aluminium and is used primarily as a component in strong and lightweight alloys that contain aluminium.
Mg is the element symbol of magnesium.
Instruction: Given this paragraph about magnesium, what is the element symbol of magnesium? Context: Magnesium is a chemical element with the symbol Mg and atomic number 12. It is a shiny gray metal having a low density, low melting point and high chemical reactivity. Like the other alkaline earth metals (group 2 of the periodic table) it occurs naturally only in combination with other elements and it almost always has an oxidation state of +2. It reacts readily with air to form a thin passivation coating of magnesium oxide that inhibits further corrosion of the metal. The free metal burns with a brilliant-white light. The metal is obtained mainly by electrolysis of magnesium salts obtained from brine. It is less dense than aluminium and is used primarily as a component in strong and lightweight alloys that contain aluminium. Response: Mg is the element symbol of magnesium.
What film is recognized as the first film in the world with an entirely black cast?
William D. Foster, sometimes referred to as Bill Foster (1884 – 15 April 1940), was a pioneering African-American film producer who was an influential figure in the Black film industry in the early 20th century, along with others such as Oscar Micheaux. He was the first African American to found a film production company, establishing the Foster Photoplay Company in Chicago in 1910. Foster had a vision for the African-American community to portray themselves as they wanted to be seen, not as someone else depicted them. He was influenced by the black theater community and wanted to break the racial stereotyping of blacks in film. He was an actor and writer under the stage name Juli Jones, as well as an agent for numerous vaudeville stars. His film The Railroad Porter, released in 1912, is credited as being the world's first film with an entirely black cast and director. The film is also credited with being the first black newsreel, featuring images of a YMCA parade. Foster's company produced four films that were silent shorts.
The Railroad Porter, produced by Bill Foster in 1912, is recognized as the first film in the world with a fully black cast and director.
Instruction: What film is recognized as the first film in the world with an entirely black cast? Context: William D. Foster, sometimes referred to as Bill Foster (1884 – 15 April 1940), was a pioneering African-American film producer who was an influential figure in the Black film industry in the early 20th century, along with others such as Oscar Micheaux. He was the first African American to found a film production company, establishing the Foster Photoplay Company in Chicago in 1910. Foster had a vision for the African-American community to portray themselves as they wanted to be seen, not as someone else depicted them. He was influenced by the black theater community and wanted to break the racial stereotyping of blacks in film. He was an actor and writer under the stage name Juli Jones, as well as an agent for numerous vaudeville stars. His film The Railroad Porter, released in 1912, is credited as being the world's first film with an entirely black cast and director. The film is also credited with being the first black newsreel, featuring images of a YMCA parade. Foster's company produced four films that were silent shorts. Response: The Railroad Porter, produced by Bill Foster in 1912, is recognized as the first film in the world with a fully black cast and director.
Who is the greatest golfer of all time?
The greatest golfer of all time is a highly contested topic, although a few names come to mind for any golfer in the modern era. Many folks will look at the players who have won the most Major events, of which there are only four each year. The winningest golfer based on number of Major wins is Jack Nicklaus, and the second winningest golfer is Tiger Woods. Many would say that means Jack Nicklaus is the greatest golfer of all time, however greatness can also be measured by one's impact on the game. Tiger Woods opened the door for an entire generation of young players coming from diverse backgrounds. This is a fundamental change to a sport that is historically a game of privilege and aristocracy. I would argue that the combination of having a winning record in Major events and having a significant cultural impact on the game makes Tiger Woods the greatest and most influential golfer of all time.
Instruction: Who is the greatest golfer of all time? Context: Response: The greatest golfer of all time is a highly contested topic, although a few names come to mind for any golfer in the modern era. Many folks will look at the players who have won the most Major events, of which there are only four each year. The winningest golfer based on number of Major wins is Jack Nicklaus, and the second winningest golfer is Tiger Woods. Many would say that means Jack Nicklaus is the greatest golfer of all time, however greatness can also be measured by one's impact on the game. Tiger Woods opened the door for an entire generation of young players coming from diverse backgrounds. This is a fundamental change to a sport that is historically a game of privilege and aristocracy. I would argue that the combination of having a winning record in Major events and having a significant cultural impact on the game makes Tiger Woods the greatest and most influential golfer of all time.
Describe a trip through the United States for a 14 day vacation in a rental car
The about 14 days trip through the United States starts at Las Vegas. You can easily get a direct flight from Europe to Las Vegas in the States. That makes an easy start for your trip. As you start in Las Vegas take some time to adjust and adapt to the scenery. There are a lot of things to do and see in Las Vegas itself. For example, take a walk along the strip to see all the hotels and casinos, even get inside of one - the Caesars Palace or the Venetian are very interesting. Also there are a lot of show offerings such as Cirque du Soleil or parties in the evening, if you want to have good seats it's best to book your tickets in advance before you start your trip. As you strolled through the city of Las Vegas for two days, on the third day it's time to pick up your rental car. With your rental car begins your road trip through the wide streets of the United states. The first goal for your trip will be Zion Nationalpark in Utah, about a 3 hours drive from Las Vegas. In this national park you have the chance to hike and wander around beautiful nature. One of the most impressive hikes is called Angels Landing. At the highest point of this hike you have a beautiful overview of the whole national park. But be aware that it is necessary to book your ticket for this trail way in advance or if you want to do it on short notice you have to have luck in the lottery. Otherwise you are not allowed to hike this trail. That restriction is necessary because too many people hiked the trail and it became dangerous, so numbers of hikers had to be limited a day. If you spend two day exploring the landscape of Zion Nationalpark it's time to move on to the next location, which is Bryce Canyon National Park also in Utah. It takes around two to 3 hours to drive there from Zion. The area right before the Nationalpark is small with some restaurants, hotels, motels or campgrounds. The Canyon itself is huge and will give you a lot of opportunity to explore. In the wintertime it can be very cold and snowy, therefore bring warm clothes. In the two days you spend there you can visit beautiful overviews on the edge of the canyon and also hike down and explore the deeper canyon. One of the highlights is the amphitheater or Thors' hammer. It is also recommended to watch the sun rise over Bryce Canyon because it's more spectacular from the colors than the sunset in the evening. From Bryce Canyon Nationalpark the road trip continues to the city of Page in Arizona from where you can visit the Antelope Canyon. Take at least one full day there to discover either the upper or the lower Antelope Canyon. But be aware, you have to book tickets in advance! If you don't get a ticket for them there is also Antelope Canyon X, which is a real alternative to visit and maybe even less crowded then the other ones. From this point of the tour you then drive to Grand Canyon National Park, which will take about 3 hours at least. This is probably the highlight of the National Parks in this area of the United States. Recommended is to stay at least for two days, even better if you have more time. You should take one trail down the canyon if you are in the physical state to do this. One most common way down is the south Kalib trail which has a beautiful viewpoint called Ooh Aah Point. If you want to watch the sunset in the evening the desert view watchpoint is a great way to do so. Also take some time to stroll around at Grand Canyon Village, there are some nice souvenir shops and more. From Grand Canyon National Park the road trip then moves on to the last target location, which is Los Angeles in California. It's a longer drive there and takes around 8 hours to drive there. But once you arrive there you will have some nice, relaxing days before your flight back home to Frankfurt. You can spend one day visiting Santa Monica, the beach and the Pier there. It's nice to rent a bicycle out there and ride along the beach side through Venice Beach up to Hermosa beach or even further if you like. Another activity could be to visit Dolby Theatre and the Walk of Fame in Hollywood, there are a lot of shops out there or you can just stroll along. But one thing to be aware of when visiting Los Angeles with a car is that there is always traffic and you can be stuck in traffic many times. As Los Angeles is the last stop on the proposed US-trip on your last day it is time to bring back your rental car right before you fly back, just bring it to the rental car stores at the LAX airport. From this airport you will board your flight back to Europe or somewhere else.
Instruction: Describe a trip through the United States for a 14 day vacation in a rental car Context: Response: The about 14 days trip through the United States starts at Las Vegas. You can easily get a direct flight from Europe to Las Vegas in the States. That makes an easy start for your trip. As you start in Las Vegas take some time to adjust and adapt to the scenery. There are a lot of things to do and see in Las Vegas itself. For example, take a walk along the strip to see all the hotels and casinos, even get inside of one - the Caesars Palace or the Venetian are very interesting. Also there are a lot of show offerings such as Cirque du Soleil or parties in the evening, if you want to have good seats it's best to book your tickets in advance before you start your trip. As you strolled through the city of Las Vegas for two days, on the third day it's time to pick up your rental car. With your rental car begins your road trip through the wide streets of the United states. The first goal for your trip will be Zion Nationalpark in Utah, about a 3 hours drive from Las Vegas. In this national park you have the chance to hike and wander around beautiful nature. One of the most impressive hikes is called Angels Landing. At the highest point of this hike you have a beautiful overview of the whole national park. But be aware that it is necessary to book your ticket for this trail way in advance or if you want to do it on short notice you have to have luck in the lottery. Otherwise you are not allowed to hike this trail. That restriction is necessary because too many people hiked the trail and it became dangerous, so numbers of hikers had to be limited a day. If you spend two day exploring the landscape of Zion Nationalpark it's time to move on to the next location, which is Bryce Canyon National Park also in Utah. It takes around two to 3 hours to drive there from Zion. The area right before the Nationalpark is small with some restaurants, hotels, motels or campgrounds. The Canyon itself is huge and will give you a lot of opportunity to explore. In the wintertime it can be very cold and snowy, therefore bring warm clothes. In the two days you spend there you can visit beautiful overviews on the edge of the canyon and also hike down and explore the deeper canyon. One of the highlights is the amphitheater or Thors' hammer. It is also recommended to watch the sun rise over Bryce Canyon because it's more spectacular from the colors than the sunset in the evening. From Bryce Canyon Nationalpark the road trip continues to the city of Page in Arizona from where you can visit the Antelope Canyon. Take at least one full day there to discover either the upper or the lower Antelope Canyon. But be aware, you have to book tickets in advance! If you don't get a ticket for them there is also Antelope Canyon X, which is a real alternative to visit and maybe even less crowded then the other ones. From this point of the tour you then drive to Grand Canyon National Park, which will take about 3 hours at least. This is probably the highlight of the National Parks in this area of the United States. Recommended is to stay at least for two days, even better if you have more time. You should take one trail down the canyon if you are in the physical state to do this. One most common way down is the south Kalib trail which has a beautiful viewpoint called Ooh Aah Point. If you want to watch the sunset in the evening the desert view watchpoint is a great way to do so. Also take some time to stroll around at Grand Canyon Village, there are some nice souvenir shops and more. From Grand Canyon National Park the road trip then moves on to the last target location, which is Los Angeles in California. It's a longer drive there and takes around 8 hours to drive there. But once you arrive there you will have some nice, relaxing days before your flight back home to Frankfurt. You can spend one day visiting Santa Monica, the beach and the Pier there. It's nice to rent a bicycle out there and ride along the beach side through Venice Beach up to Hermosa beach or even further if you like. Another activity could be to visit Dolby Theatre and the Walk of Fame in Hollywood, there are a lot of shops out there or you can just stroll along. But one thing to be aware of when visiting Los Angeles with a car is that there is always traffic and you can be stuck in traffic many times. As Los Angeles is the last stop on the proposed US-trip on your last day it is time to bring back your rental car right before you fly back, just bring it to the rental car stores at the LAX airport. From this airport you will board your flight back to Europe or somewhere else.
What were the horcruxes in the Harry Potter book series?
In the Harry Potter book series, a horcrux is defined as an object that contains a shard of someones soul. The main villain of the story, Voldemort, performed a violent ceremony to split his soul a total of seven times (although one was accidental). The horcruxes he made were Tom Riddle's diary, Marvolo Gaunt's ring, Slytherin's locket, Hufflepuff's cup, Ravenclaw's diadem, Nagini (the snake), and Harry Potter.
Instruction: What were the horcruxes in the Harry Potter book series? Context: Response: In the Harry Potter book series, a horcrux is defined as an object that contains a shard of someones soul. The main villain of the story, Voldemort, performed a violent ceremony to split his soul a total of seven times (although one was accidental). The horcruxes he made were Tom Riddle's diary, Marvolo Gaunt's ring, Slytherin's locket, Hufflepuff's cup, Ravenclaw's diadem, Nagini (the snake), and Harry Potter.
What is a beard?
A beard is a facial hair style that grows under the nose and on the cheeks as well as on and under the chin.
Instruction: What is a beard? Context: Response: A beard is a facial hair style that grows under the nose and on the cheeks as well as on and under the chin.
Could you write a poem about a standing desk?
The Standing Desk Two doors down Standing in the corner Looking out the window Is your desk Back turned Wailing at all of us Wondering why we can’t hear it Whispering sometimes with secrets for the room When the door closes, it is particularly loud Screaming, screaming mad Angry and lonely Moaning now for us to find its partner Groaning now for why, why, why And only when it hears the occupants in the room questioning and turning to stare is it mollified We unplugged it to keep it quiet Left it tall and high at the position you liked best Chair tucked neatly under Gleaming clean and bear, beckoning for the next master And when everyone is busy Meeting our many meetings It hums softly (usually that same song you taught it), seemingly content and happy People enter, come and go And the Observer watches and waits for a pause Wanting to insert something weird and funny I glare at it when I come in It knows, I know. I know, I know! Shhhhhh! “We’re working on it,” I say It raises a brow at me I roll my eyes at it and shake my head “Not enough!”, it throws at me as I slink out walking backwards Searching, I stay out of sight Looking for its new companion Specs on hand, omissions at the back of my throat Someone smart, yet dumb enough Someone commanding, yet submissive Someone current, yet mature Someone good but not too much “Someone who will stay,” the desk whispers hopefully I grimace and say: “I’ll take someone tall enough for the desk!” It taunts and laughs at me While the memories flood in And I start to laugh too And the desk and I share a grin “Not funny,” I say The desk shrugs and finally stays quiet One day, when everyone was gone, I sneak in and stand before it Power it up and press the down button so I can rest my elbows on its smooth surface And I look out the dark window In unison, we share a heavy sigh Choked up, I whisper: “A new person will be here soon and I’ll be gone. Watch over everyone, will you?” The desk nods quietly, lump in throat I take an orange sticker and press it gently underneath as a reminder of its promise And then walk two doors down to add one to my own desk before heading home for the night As the elevator takes me down, the desk scans the empty office, takes a deep breath, and stands at the ready, a white knight brave but trembling, and starts humming your song.
Instruction: Could you write a poem about a standing desk? Context: Response: The Standing Desk Two doors down Standing in the corner Looking out the window Is your desk Back turned Wailing at all of us Wondering why we can’t hear it Whispering sometimes with secrets for the room When the door closes, it is particularly loud Screaming, screaming mad Angry and lonely Moaning now for us to find its partner Groaning now for why, why, why And only when it hears the occupants in the room questioning and turning to stare is it mollified We unplugged it to keep it quiet Left it tall and high at the position you liked best Chair tucked neatly under Gleaming clean and bear, beckoning for the next master And when everyone is busy Meeting our many meetings It hums softly (usually that same song you taught it), seemingly content and happy People enter, come and go And the Observer watches and waits for a pause Wanting to insert something weird and funny I glare at it when I come in It knows, I know. I know, I know! Shhhhhh! “We’re working on it,” I say It raises a brow at me I roll my eyes at it and shake my head “Not enough!”, it throws at me as I slink out walking backwards Searching, I stay out of sight Looking for its new companion Specs on hand, omissions at the back of my throat Someone smart, yet dumb enough Someone commanding, yet submissive Someone current, yet mature Someone good but not too much “Someone who will stay,” the desk whispers hopefully I grimace and say: “I’ll take someone tall enough for the desk!” It taunts and laughs at me While the memories flood in And I start to laugh too And the desk and I share a grin “Not funny,” I say The desk shrugs and finally stays quiet One day, when everyone was gone, I sneak in and stand before it Power it up and press the down button so I can rest my elbows on its smooth surface And I look out the dark window In unison, we share a heavy sigh Choked up, I whisper: “A new person will be here soon and I’ll be gone. Watch over everyone, will you?” The desk nods quietly, lump in throat I take an orange sticker and press it gently underneath as a reminder of its promise And then walk two doors down to add one to my own desk before heading home for the night As the elevator takes me down, the desk scans the empty office, takes a deep breath, and stands at the ready, a white knight brave but trembling, and starts humming your song.
Identify the bird from the list: Black mamba, Black grouse, Black magic
Black grouse
Instruction: Identify the bird from the list: Black mamba, Black grouse, Black magic Context: Response: Black grouse
Who is the winner of International Booker Prize 2022 ?
Geetanjali Shree
Instruction: Who is the winner of International Booker Prize 2022 ? Context: Response: Geetanjali Shree
Who is raiden shogun?
Raiden Shogun is used to refer to Janpanese General. Nowadays she is more referred to a character in Genshin Impact, a popular action role-playing game developed by miHoYo. She is a playable Electro character and also the current Electro Archon of Inazuma1. The Raiden Shogun is unique as she is comprised of two beings in one body: Ei, the current Electro Archon of Inazuma; and the Shogun, the puppet created by Ei to act as the ruler of Inazuma in her stead, which also serves as her vessel. With the might of lightning at her disposal, she commits herself to the solitary pursuit of eternity.
Instruction: Who is raiden shogun? Context: Response: Raiden Shogun is used to refer to Janpanese General. Nowadays she is more referred to a character in Genshin Impact, a popular action role-playing game developed by miHoYo. She is a playable Electro character and also the current Electro Archon of Inazuma1. The Raiden Shogun is unique as she is comprised of two beings in one body: Ei, the current Electro Archon of Inazuma; and the Shogun, the puppet created by Ei to act as the ruler of Inazuma in her stead, which also serves as her vessel. With the might of lightning at her disposal, she commits herself to the solitary pursuit of eternity.
What are the 8 categories of scientific classification?
Levels of Classification. The classification system commonly used today is based on the Linnean system and has eight levels of taxa; from the most general to the most specific, these are domain, kingdom, phylum (plural, phyla), class, order, family, genus (plural, genera), and species.
Instruction: What are the 8 categories of scientific classification? Context: Response: Levels of Classification. The classification system commonly used today is based on the Linnean system and has eight levels of taxa; from the most general to the most specific, these are domain, kingdom, phylum (plural, phyla), class, order, family, genus (plural, genera), and species.
What is the fourth album from The Tragically Hip?
Day for Night is the fourth studio album by the Canadian rock band The Tragically Hip. It is named for the film of the same name.
Day for Night is the Tragically Hip's 4th studio album released in 1994
Instruction: What is the fourth album from The Tragically Hip? Context: Day for Night is the fourth studio album by the Canadian rock band The Tragically Hip. It is named for the film of the same name. Response: Day for Night is the Tragically Hip's 4th studio album released in 1994
Who coined the term lipstick index and what does it indicate?
The lipstick index is a term coined by Leonard Lauder, chairman of the board of Estee Lauder, used to describe increased sales of cosmetics during the early 2000s recession. Lauder made the claim that lipstick sales could be an economic indicator, in that purchases of cosmetics – lipstick in particular – tend to be inversely correlated to economic health. The speculation was that women substitute lipstick for more expensive purchases like dresses and shoes in times of economic distress. Lauder identified the Lipstick index as sales across the Estee Lauder family of brands. Subsequent recessions, including the late-2000s recession, provided controverting evidence to Lauder's claims, as sales have actually fallen with reduced economic activity. Conversely, lipstick sales have experienced growth during periods of increased economic activity. As a result, the lipstick index has been discredited as an economic indicator. The increased sales of cosmetics in 2001 has since been attributed to increased interest in celebrity-designed cosmetics brands. In the 2010s, many media outlets reported that with the rise of nail art as fad in the English-speaking countries and as far afield as Japan and the Philippines, nailpolish had replaced lipstick as the main affordable indulgence for women in place of bags and shoes during recession, leading to talk of a nail polish index.Similar sentiment was noted during the coronavirus pandemic, when the mandated use of face masks to prevent the spread of the disease resulted in an increase of eye makeup purchases, suggesting a Mascara index
The lipstick index is a term coined by Leonard Lauder, chairman of the board of Estee Lauder, used to describe increased sales of cosmetics during the early 2000s recession.
Instruction: Who coined the term lipstick index and what does it indicate? Context: The lipstick index is a term coined by Leonard Lauder, chairman of the board of Estee Lauder, used to describe increased sales of cosmetics during the early 2000s recession. Lauder made the claim that lipstick sales could be an economic indicator, in that purchases of cosmetics – lipstick in particular – tend to be inversely correlated to economic health. The speculation was that women substitute lipstick for more expensive purchases like dresses and shoes in times of economic distress. Lauder identified the Lipstick index as sales across the Estee Lauder family of brands. Subsequent recessions, including the late-2000s recession, provided controverting evidence to Lauder's claims, as sales have actually fallen with reduced economic activity. Conversely, lipstick sales have experienced growth during periods of increased economic activity. As a result, the lipstick index has been discredited as an economic indicator. The increased sales of cosmetics in 2001 has since been attributed to increased interest in celebrity-designed cosmetics brands. In the 2010s, many media outlets reported that with the rise of nail art as fad in the English-speaking countries and as far afield as Japan and the Philippines, nailpolish had replaced lipstick as the main affordable indulgence for women in place of bags and shoes during recession, leading to talk of a nail polish index.Similar sentiment was noted during the coronavirus pandemic, when the mandated use of face masks to prevent the spread of the disease resulted in an increase of eye makeup purchases, suggesting a Mascara index Response: The lipstick index is a term coined by Leonard Lauder, chairman of the board of Estee Lauder, used to describe increased sales of cosmetics during the early 2000s recession.
How many seasons of Survivor has there been?
The United States version is produced by Mark Burnett and hosted by Jeff Probst, who also serves as an executive producer. Each competition is called a season, has a unique name, and lasts from 13 to 16 episodes. The first season, Survivor: Borneo, was broadcast as a summer replacement show in 2000. Starting with the third season, Survivor: Africa, there have been two seasons aired during each U.S. television season. Starting with the forty-first season, no subtitle has been used in promotion of the season. Instead, the show began following a number format similar to Big Brother and The Amazing Race. In the first season, there was a 75-person crew. By season 22, the crew had grown to 325 people. A total of 662 contestants have competed on Survivor's 44 seasons.
There have been 44 seasons of Survivor.
Instruction: How many seasons of Survivor has there been? Context: The United States version is produced by Mark Burnett and hosted by Jeff Probst, who also serves as an executive producer. Each competition is called a season, has a unique name, and lasts from 13 to 16 episodes. The first season, Survivor: Borneo, was broadcast as a summer replacement show in 2000. Starting with the third season, Survivor: Africa, there have been two seasons aired during each U.S. television season. Starting with the forty-first season, no subtitle has been used in promotion of the season. Instead, the show began following a number format similar to Big Brother and The Amazing Race. In the first season, there was a 75-person crew. By season 22, the crew had grown to 325 people. A total of 662 contestants have competed on Survivor's 44 seasons. Response: There have been 44 seasons of Survivor.
Who wrote the biography of Steve Jobs?
Walter Isaacson
Instruction: Who wrote the biography of Steve Jobs? Context: Response: Walter Isaacson
Who maintains the Tottori Expressway?
From Sayo Junction to Sayo Toll Gate the expressway is maintained and tolled by the West Nippon Expressway Company.
The expressway is officially referred to as the Chūgoku-Ōdan Expressway Himeji Tottori Route. The Chūgoku-Ōdan Expressway Himeji Tottori Route is the official designation for the Sanyō Expressway between Sanyō Himeji-Nishi Interchange and Harima Junction, the Harima Expressway between Harima Junction and Yamazaki Junction, the Chūgoku Expressway between Yamazaki Junction and Sayō Junction, and the Tottori Expressway between Sayō Junction and Tottori Interchange (concurrent with the Chūgoku-Ōdan Expressway Himeji Tottori Route). From Sayo Junction to Sayo Toll Gate the expressway is maintained and tolled by the West Nippon Expressway Company. The rest of the expressway is able to be driven without any fees. That section of the expressway is maintained by the Chūgoku branch of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism. The entire expressway has only one lane in each direction, except for the section between Sayō Junction and Sayō Toll Gate.
Instruction: Who maintains the Tottori Expressway? Context: From Sayo Junction to Sayo Toll Gate the expressway is maintained and tolled by the West Nippon Expressway Company. Response: The expressway is officially referred to as the Chūgoku-Ōdan Expressway Himeji Tottori Route. The Chūgoku-Ōdan Expressway Himeji Tottori Route is the official designation for the Sanyō Expressway between Sanyō Himeji-Nishi Interchange and Harima Junction, the Harima Expressway between Harima Junction and Yamazaki Junction, the Chūgoku Expressway between Yamazaki Junction and Sayō Junction, and the Tottori Expressway between Sayō Junction and Tottori Interchange (concurrent with the Chūgoku-Ōdan Expressway Himeji Tottori Route). From Sayo Junction to Sayo Toll Gate the expressway is maintained and tolled by the West Nippon Expressway Company. The rest of the expressway is able to be driven without any fees. That section of the expressway is maintained by the Chūgoku branch of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism. The entire expressway has only one lane in each direction, except for the section between Sayō Junction and Sayō Toll Gate.
What is it like to live in Arizona?
Arizona, the Grand Canyon State, is a unique and beautiful place to live. Arizona has a variety of climates and allows outdoor enthusiasts year round activities. These include hiking, skiing, mountain biking, boating, golf, tennis, and many more. Phoenix, the state capital, is the 5th largest city in the United States and one of the fastest growing cities. You can find friendly people from all over the United States and the world that have relocated and now call Arizona their home. Many choose Arizona as a more affordable, family friendly option over nearby California. People also enjoy the year round sunshine and warmth. Arizona is also a popular tourist destination and offers many options for lodging and dining. It's famous for its resorts, spas, and golf courses. For people who live in colder climates, many flock to Arizona during the winter months to enjoy the amazing weather.
Instruction: What is it like to live in Arizona? Context: Response: Arizona, the Grand Canyon State, is a unique and beautiful place to live. Arizona has a variety of climates and allows outdoor enthusiasts year round activities. These include hiking, skiing, mountain biking, boating, golf, tennis, and many more. Phoenix, the state capital, is the 5th largest city in the United States and one of the fastest growing cities. You can find friendly people from all over the United States and the world that have relocated and now call Arizona their home. Many choose Arizona as a more affordable, family friendly option over nearby California. People also enjoy the year round sunshine and warmth. Arizona is also a popular tourist destination and offers many options for lodging and dining. It's famous for its resorts, spas, and golf courses. For people who live in colder climates, many flock to Arizona during the winter months to enjoy the amazing weather.
What are the names of the four tennis grand slam tournaments?
The four tennis grand slam tournaments are the Australian Open, French Open, Wimbledon, and the US Open.
Instruction: What are the names of the four tennis grand slam tournaments? Context: Response: The four tennis grand slam tournaments are the Australian Open, French Open, Wimbledon, and the US Open.
How can I make the paint color purple from primary colors?
By combining Red and Blue primary colors, you can make purple.
Instruction: How can I make the paint color purple from primary colors? Context: Response: By combining Red and Blue primary colors, you can make purple.
What are some facts about Aydın İlter?
Aydın İlter (1 July 1930 – 21 April 2022) was a Turkish general. He was General Commander of the Gendarmerie of Turkey (1993 – 1995) and previously served in the Special Warfare Department from 1963 to 1983, including as head of the Department from 1980 to 1983.
Aydın İlter was born on July 1st, 1930. He as a Turkish General Commander of the Gendarmerie of Turkey from 1993 to 1995. Prior to serving as General Commander he served in the Special Warfare Department from 1963 to 1983. He was the head of that department from 1980 to 1983. Aydın İlter died on April 21st, 2022 at the age of 91.
Instruction: What are some facts about Aydın İlter? Context: Aydın İlter (1 July 1930 – 21 April 2022) was a Turkish general. He was General Commander of the Gendarmerie of Turkey (1993 – 1995) and previously served in the Special Warfare Department from 1963 to 1983, including as head of the Department from 1980 to 1983. Response: Aydın İlter was born on July 1st, 1930. He as a Turkish General Commander of the Gendarmerie of Turkey from 1993 to 1995. Prior to serving as General Commander he served in the Special Warfare Department from 1963 to 1983. He was the head of that department from 1980 to 1983. Aydın İlter died on April 21st, 2022 at the age of 91.
Why would anyone go river rafting?
River rafting offers an opportunity to see nature from a new point of view. You enjoy scenery a the pace of the river current, whether on flat water, through gentle riffles or in whitewater. The flora and fauna that you see will vary wildly depending on the ecosystem and area of the river you float. For example, in Oregon alone you can raft rivers flowing down in conditions ranging from semi desert to deep forest.
Instruction: Why would anyone go river rafting? Context: Response: River rafting offers an opportunity to see nature from a new point of view. You enjoy scenery a the pace of the river current, whether on flat water, through gentle riffles or in whitewater. The flora and fauna that you see will vary wildly depending on the ecosystem and area of the river you float. For example, in Oregon alone you can raft rivers flowing down in conditions ranging from semi desert to deep forest.
What is an interchange fee?
Interchange fee is a term used in the payment card industry to describe a fee paid between banks for the acceptance of card-based transactions. Usually for sales/services transactions it is a fee that a merchant's bank (the "acquiring bank") pays a customer's bank (the "issuing bank"). In a credit card or debit card transaction, the card-issuing bank in a payment transaction deducts the interchange fee from the amount it pays the acquiring bank that handles a credit or debit card transaction for a merchant. The acquiring bank then pays the merchant the amount of the transaction minus both the interchange fee and an additional, usually smaller, fee for the acquiring bank or independent sales organization (ISO), which is often referred to as a discount rate, an add-on rate, or passthru. For cash withdrawal transactions at ATMs, however, the fees are paid by the card-issuing bank to the acquiring bank (for the maintenance of the machine).
Instruction: What is an interchange fee? Context: Response: Interchange fee is a term used in the payment card industry to describe a fee paid between banks for the acceptance of card-based transactions. Usually for sales/services transactions it is a fee that a merchant's bank (the "acquiring bank") pays a customer's bank (the "issuing bank"). In a credit card or debit card transaction, the card-issuing bank in a payment transaction deducts the interchange fee from the amount it pays the acquiring bank that handles a credit or debit card transaction for a merchant. The acquiring bank then pays the merchant the amount of the transaction minus both the interchange fee and an additional, usually smaller, fee for the acquiring bank or independent sales organization (ISO), which is often referred to as a discount rate, an add-on rate, or passthru. For cash withdrawal transactions at ATMs, however, the fees are paid by the card-issuing bank to the acquiring bank (for the maintenance of the machine).
Identify which instrument is string or percussion: Tambourine, Esraj
Esraj is string, Tambourine is percussion.
Instruction: Identify which instrument is string or percussion: Tambourine, Esraj Context: Response: Esraj is string, Tambourine is percussion.
Can you write a High Five to a colleague for the partnership at a customer account and the hard work he did?
Thanks for always being there to help on customer account. I can't imagine how difficult our discussions would have been if we didn't have you.
Instruction: Can you write a High Five to a colleague for the partnership at a customer account and the hard work he did? Context: Response: Thanks for always being there to help on customer account. I can't imagine how difficult our discussions would have been if we didn't have you.
I want to take a skiing vacation. Which of the following countries would be suitable for doing this: Switzerland, Cyprus, Kiribati, the United States, Haiti.
Switzerland and the United States are suitable as skiing destinations. Both countries have mountainous areas with world-renowned ski resorts. The United States boasts skiing locations in multiple states, including Colorado, California, and Utah. Switzerland also has some of the most popular ski locations in the world such as Davos. Cyprus, Kiribati, and Haiti are not suitable skiing destinations, as none of these countries has high mountains that produce enough snow to ski.
Instruction: I want to take a skiing vacation. Which of the following countries would be suitable for doing this: Switzerland, Cyprus, Kiribati, the United States, Haiti. Context: Response: Switzerland and the United States are suitable as skiing destinations. Both countries have mountainous areas with world-renowned ski resorts. The United States boasts skiing locations in multiple states, including Colorado, California, and Utah. Switzerland also has some of the most popular ski locations in the world such as Davos. Cyprus, Kiribati, and Haiti are not suitable skiing destinations, as none of these countries has high mountains that produce enough snow to ski.
What is the right time to do workouts or yoga?
The physical activities like Workouts and Yoga are best performed when one is light on stomach - hence early morning or evenings are usually the most appropriate time in general. However, the most important thing is, one should find time everyday to do some kind of physical exercise to maintain a healthy body.
Instruction: What is the right time to do workouts or yoga? Context: Response: The physical activities like Workouts and Yoga are best performed when one is light on stomach - hence early morning or evenings are usually the most appropriate time in general. However, the most important thing is, one should find time everyday to do some kind of physical exercise to maintain a healthy body.
What does the Romantic Novelists' Association do?
The Romantic Novelists' Association (RNA) is the professional body that represents authors of romantic fiction in the United Kingdom. It was founded in 1960 by Denise Robins (first president), Barbara Cartland (first vice-president), Vivian Stuart (first elected chairman), and other authors including Elizabeth Goudge, Netta Muskett, Catherine Cookson, Rosamunde Pilcher and Lucilla Andrews. The RNA has a membership approaching 1000, composed of authors and publishing professionals. It promotes and celebrates excellence in romantic fiction across all sub-genres. It offers a programme of events throughout the year including an annual conference and workshops/seminars on aspects of writing craft and the publishing industry. The organisations also supports a number of regional chapters, who meet regularly to discuss issues of concern to writers of romantic fiction. The organisation also runs the New Writers' Scheme, under which unpublished authors receive an appraisal of their work from an experienced member of the Association. Netta Muskett was co-founder and vice-president of the association and the Netta Muskett Award for new writers, now called the RNA New Writers Scheme, was created in her honour. Many of its members are best-selling and award-winning international authors and also speakers and creative writing tutors.
The Romantic Novelists' Association is a membership organization with roughly 1000 authors of romantic fiction and publishing professionals that organizes events throughout the year. The RNA holds an annual conference and workshops on writing craft and the publishing industry and is also known for its New Writers' Scheme, which allows unpublished authors to have their work reviewed by experienced members of the organization.
Instruction: What does the Romantic Novelists' Association do? Context: The Romantic Novelists' Association (RNA) is the professional body that represents authors of romantic fiction in the United Kingdom. It was founded in 1960 by Denise Robins (first president), Barbara Cartland (first vice-president), Vivian Stuart (first elected chairman), and other authors including Elizabeth Goudge, Netta Muskett, Catherine Cookson, Rosamunde Pilcher and Lucilla Andrews. The RNA has a membership approaching 1000, composed of authors and publishing professionals. It promotes and celebrates excellence in romantic fiction across all sub-genres. It offers a programme of events throughout the year including an annual conference and workshops/seminars on aspects of writing craft and the publishing industry. The organisations also supports a number of regional chapters, who meet regularly to discuss issues of concern to writers of romantic fiction. The organisation also runs the New Writers' Scheme, under which unpublished authors receive an appraisal of their work from an experienced member of the Association. Netta Muskett was co-founder and vice-president of the association and the Netta Muskett Award for new writers, now called the RNA New Writers Scheme, was created in her honour. Many of its members are best-selling and award-winning international authors and also speakers and creative writing tutors. Response: The Romantic Novelists' Association is a membership organization with roughly 1000 authors of romantic fiction and publishing professionals that organizes events throughout the year. The RNA holds an annual conference and workshops on writing craft and the publishing industry and is also known for its New Writers' Scheme, which allows unpublished authors to have their work reviewed by experienced members of the organization.
What season does Easter happen during?
Easter is a Spring holiday
Instruction: What season does Easter happen during? Context: Response: Easter is a Spring holiday
As a child, what singer held the longest note ever on Star Search?
Instruction: As a child, what singer held the longest note ever on Star Search? Context: Response: Usher
Extract the names of the islands located on the Azores plateau from the text. Separate them with a comma.
These islands can be divided into three recognizable groups located on the Azores Plateau: The Eastern Group (Grupo Oriental) of São Miguel, Santa Maria and Formigas Islets The Central Group (Grupo Central) of Terceira, Graciosa, São Jorge, Pico and Faial The Western Group (Grupo Ocidental) of Flores and Corvo.
São Miguel, Santa Maria, Formigas, Terceira, Graciosa, São Jorge, Pico, Faial, Flores, Corvo
Instruction: Extract the names of the islands located on the Azores plateau from the text. Separate them with a comma. Context: These islands can be divided into three recognizable groups located on the Azores Plateau: The Eastern Group (Grupo Oriental) of São Miguel, Santa Maria and Formigas Islets The Central Group (Grupo Central) of Terceira, Graciosa, São Jorge, Pico and Faial The Western Group (Grupo Ocidental) of Flores and Corvo. Response: São Miguel, Santa Maria, Formigas, Terceira, Graciosa, São Jorge, Pico, Faial, Flores, Corvo
What is the Eupithecia spinibarbata
Eupithecia spinibarbata is a moth in the family Geometridae. It is found in India (Darjeeling). The wingspan is about 19 mm. The forewings are pale whitish grey.
The Eupithecia spinibarbata is a moth in the family Geometridae. It is found in India (Darjeeling). The wingspan is about 19 mm. The forewings are pale whitish grey.
Instruction: What is the Eupithecia spinibarbata Context: Eupithecia spinibarbata is a moth in the family Geometridae. It is found in India (Darjeeling). The wingspan is about 19 mm. The forewings are pale whitish grey. Response: The Eupithecia spinibarbata is a moth in the family Geometridae. It is found in India (Darjeeling). The wingspan is about 19 mm. The forewings are pale whitish grey.
Explain nuclear fission in the style of Jerry Seinfeld
Nuclear fission, smission, what's the big deal? You take an atom, hit the nucleus in the middle with some particle, and it splits up into smaller pieces. This releases a teeny bit of energy, because it's an atom, for goodness' sake, it's pretty tiny! And maybe if you're lucky, those little pieces hit other atoms and release even more energy and get you a nice toasty chain reaction. No big deal at all, just gives us cheap electric energy, or giant bombs to blow things up with. Seems kind of obvious that it would work that way for anyone who's done bowling though, or who's had to stack a bunch of ping pong balls. Not like anyone got a Nobel prize for this.
Instruction: Explain nuclear fission in the style of Jerry Seinfeld Context: Response: Nuclear fission, smission, what's the big deal? You take an atom, hit the nucleus in the middle with some particle, and it splits up into smaller pieces. This releases a teeny bit of energy, because it's an atom, for goodness' sake, it's pretty tiny! And maybe if you're lucky, those little pieces hit other atoms and release even more energy and get you a nice toasty chain reaction. No big deal at all, just gives us cheap electric energy, or giant bombs to blow things up with. Seems kind of obvious that it would work that way for anyone who's done bowling though, or who's had to stack a bunch of ping pong balls. Not like anyone got a Nobel prize for this.
How many time zones does Alaska have?
Alaska has two time zones: Alaska Time Zone (UTC-09:00 standard and UTC-08:00 daylight saving) and Hawaii-Aleutian Time Zone (UTC-10:00 standard and UTC-09:00 daylight saving). The latter is used only by islands on the Aleutian chain that are west of 169°30′W.
Instruction: How many time zones does Alaska have? Context: Response: Alaska has two time zones: Alaska Time Zone (UTC-09:00 standard and UTC-08:00 daylight saving) and Hawaii-Aleutian Time Zone (UTC-10:00 standard and UTC-09:00 daylight saving). The latter is used only by islands on the Aleutian chain that are west of 169°30′W.
Name a few popular racquet sports
Tennis, Ping Pong, Pickleball, Squash, Badminton
Instruction: Name a few popular racquet sports Context: Response: Tennis, Ping Pong, Pickleball, Squash, Badminton
What is positive cash flow?
Positive cash flow is when a business has more money coming in than going out. It is a measure of profitability and can be calculated by subtracting expenses from revenues.
Instruction: What is positive cash flow? Context: Response: Positive cash flow is when a business has more money coming in than going out. It is a measure of profitability and can be calculated by subtracting expenses from revenues.
What city in Mexico is often referred to as San Pancho?
San Francisco
Instruction: What city in Mexico is often referred to as San Pancho? Context: Response: San Francisco
What is the difference between oxfords and derbys?
Oxfords traditionally have closed lacing and are seen as more formal. Derbys on the other hand have an open lacing system and are thus more informal
Instruction: What is the difference between oxfords and derbys? Context: Response: Oxfords traditionally have closed lacing and are seen as more formal. Derbys on the other hand have an open lacing system and are thus more informal
Which is the best place to Kayak in Austin?
Lady Bird Lake in Austin downtown is revered to be the best place to go Kayaking. Paddlers can choose to head west from the Rowing Dock to take in nature views. But a small paddle down the river to the east will greet paddlers to magnificent downtown skyline views.
Instruction: Which is the best place to Kayak in Austin? Context: Response: Lady Bird Lake in Austin downtown is revered to be the best place to go Kayaking. Paddlers can choose to head west from the Rowing Dock to take in nature views. But a small paddle down the river to the east will greet paddlers to magnificent downtown skyline views.
What rock icon was the founder of The Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Long-haired Men?
David Bowie.
Instruction: What rock icon was the founder of The Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Long-haired Men? Context: Response: David Bowie.
Give me an idea for a random sandwich that I should make for lunch.
I would suggest making a sandwich on a ciabatta roll, which is the perfect choice for your bread. Then, consider layering fig jam, arugula, proscuitto and brie in your preferred order. Finally, drizzle a bit of olive oil and balsamic glaze on top, and top with salt and pepper. For added texture, warm your sandwich up in a hot pan.
Instruction: Give me an idea for a random sandwich that I should make for lunch. Context: Response: I would suggest making a sandwich on a ciabatta roll, which is the perfect choice for your bread. Then, consider layering fig jam, arugula, proscuitto and brie in your preferred order. Finally, drizzle a bit of olive oil and balsamic glaze on top, and top with salt and pepper. For added texture, warm your sandwich up in a hot pan.
Group the following words into two categories, 'positive' or 'negative' based on the sentiment: efficient, helpful, slow, horrible, fantastic, disappointing, confusing, lovely, excellent.
These words are generally considered to have positive sentiment: lovely, fantastic, excellent, efficient, helpful. While these words are considered negative: horrible, disappointing, slow, confusing.
Instruction: Group the following words into two categories, 'positive' or 'negative' based on the sentiment: efficient, helpful, slow, horrible, fantastic, disappointing, confusing, lovely, excellent. Context: Response: These words are generally considered to have positive sentiment: lovely, fantastic, excellent, efficient, helpful. While these words are considered negative: horrible, disappointing, slow, confusing.
Was Wilbur Snyder a good wrestler
Wilbur Snyder (September 15, 1929 – December 25, 1991) was an American football player and professional wrestler. Wrestling career Snyder's wrestling debut occurred during football's 1953 off-season. He was trained by Sandor Szabo and Warren Bockwinkel in Southern California. In 1954, Snyder retired from football completely to pursue a full-time career in wrestling. Part of his in-ring persona included the use of many football tactics, and it garnered Snyder a lot of national attention. He had already been a regional champion in Montreal, Quebec, Canada when he made a name for himself by defeating Verne Gagne and winning the United States Championship at Marigold Arena in Chicago on April 7, 1956.
Wilbur Snyder (September 15, 1929 – December 25, 1991) was an American football player and professional wrestler. Snyder's wrestling debut occurred during football's 1953 off-season. He was trained by Sandor Szabo and Warren Bockwinkel in Southern California. In 1954, Snyder retired from football completely to pursue a full-time career in wrestling. Part of his in-ring persona included the use of many football tactics, and it garnered Snyder a lot of national attention. He had already been a regional champion in Montreal, Quebec, Canada when he made a name for himself by defeating Verne Gagne and winning the United States Championship at Marigold Arena in Chicago on April 7, 1956.
Instruction: Was Wilbur Snyder a good wrestler Context: Wilbur Snyder (September 15, 1929 – December 25, 1991) was an American football player and professional wrestler. Wrestling career Snyder's wrestling debut occurred during football's 1953 off-season. He was trained by Sandor Szabo and Warren Bockwinkel in Southern California. In 1954, Snyder retired from football completely to pursue a full-time career in wrestling. Part of his in-ring persona included the use of many football tactics, and it garnered Snyder a lot of national attention. He had already been a regional champion in Montreal, Quebec, Canada when he made a name for himself by defeating Verne Gagne and winning the United States Championship at Marigold Arena in Chicago on April 7, 1956. Response: Wilbur Snyder (September 15, 1929 – December 25, 1991) was an American football player and professional wrestler. Snyder's wrestling debut occurred during football's 1953 off-season. He was trained by Sandor Szabo and Warren Bockwinkel in Southern California. In 1954, Snyder retired from football completely to pursue a full-time career in wrestling. Part of his in-ring persona included the use of many football tactics, and it garnered Snyder a lot of national attention. He had already been a regional champion in Montreal, Quebec, Canada when he made a name for himself by defeating Verne Gagne and winning the United States Championship at Marigold Arena in Chicago on April 7, 1956.
What specie is the Anachemmis sober?
Anachemmis sober is a species of false wolf spiders & wandering spiders in the family Zoropsidae. It is found in the United States.
Anachemmis sober is part of the family of spiders of the species of false wolf.
Instruction: What specie is the Anachemmis sober? Context: Anachemmis sober is a species of false wolf spiders & wandering spiders in the family Zoropsidae. It is found in the United States. Response: Anachemmis sober is part of the family of spiders of the species of false wolf.
Extract the location that the Kirtland's warbler lives in the winter.
Kirtland's warbler (Setophaga kirtlandii), also known in Michigan by the common name jack pine bird, or the jack pine warbler, is a small songbird of the New World warbler family (Parulidae), named after Jared Potter Kirtland, an Ohio doctor and amateur naturalist. Nearly extinct just 50 years ago, populations have recovered due to conservation efforts. It requires large areas, greater than 160 acres (65 hectares), of dense young jack pine for its breeding habitat. This habitat was historically created by wildfire, but today is created through the harvest of mature jack pine, and planting of jack pine seedlings. The population of the species spends the spring and summer in their breeding range in Ontario, Wisconsin or Michigan, especially the northeastern Lower Peninsula of Michigan, and winters in The Bahamas, Cuba, Hispaniola and the Turks and Caicos Islands.
Kirtland's warbler is a small songbird that spends its winters in The Bahamas, Cuba, Hispaniola, and the Turks and Caicos Islands.
Instruction: Extract the location that the Kirtland's warbler lives in the winter. Context: Kirtland's warbler (Setophaga kirtlandii), also known in Michigan by the common name jack pine bird, or the jack pine warbler, is a small songbird of the New World warbler family (Parulidae), named after Jared Potter Kirtland, an Ohio doctor and amateur naturalist. Nearly extinct just 50 years ago, populations have recovered due to conservation efforts. It requires large areas, greater than 160 acres (65 hectares), of dense young jack pine for its breeding habitat. This habitat was historically created by wildfire, but today is created through the harvest of mature jack pine, and planting of jack pine seedlings. The population of the species spends the spring and summer in their breeding range in Ontario, Wisconsin or Michigan, especially the northeastern Lower Peninsula of Michigan, and winters in The Bahamas, Cuba, Hispaniola and the Turks and Caicos Islands. Response: Kirtland's warbler is a small songbird that spends its winters in The Bahamas, Cuba, Hispaniola, and the Turks and Caicos Islands.
7 factors led to nokia failure
Nokia total dependency only on hardware Nokia lack of innovation and accept feedback Not accepting Android on time and becoming a part of the ecosystem Rise of the Chinese mobile market as global players Stephen Elop as the CEO who took a series of bad decision It could not read the new trend and pushed its arrogance on customer trust Not incentivising the dealer
Instruction: 7 factors led to nokia failure Context: Response: Nokia total dependency only on hardware Nokia lack of innovation and accept feedback Not accepting Android on time and becoming a part of the ecosystem Rise of the Chinese mobile market as global players Stephen Elop as the CEO who took a series of bad decision It could not read the new trend and pushed its arrogance on customer trust Not incentivising the dealer
Given this paragraph about video game consoles, when was the Nintendo DS released?
In 2004, Nintendo released the Nintendo DS, which featured such innovations as dual screens – one of which being a touchscreen – and wireless connectivity for multiplayer play. Throughout its lifetime, more than 154 million units were sold, making it the most successful handheld console and the second best-selling console in history. In 2005, Nintendo released the Game Boy Micro, the last system in the Game Boy line. Sales did not meet Nintendo's expectations, with 2.5 million units being sold by 2007. In mid-2005, the Nintendo World Store was inaugurated in New York City.
Instruction: Given this paragraph about video game consoles, when was the Nintendo DS released? Context: In 2004, Nintendo released the Nintendo DS, which featured such innovations as dual screens – one of which being a touchscreen – and wireless connectivity for multiplayer play. Throughout its lifetime, more than 154 million units were sold, making it the most successful handheld console and the second best-selling console in history. In 2005, Nintendo released the Game Boy Micro, the last system in the Game Boy line. Sales did not meet Nintendo's expectations, with 2.5 million units being sold by 2007. In mid-2005, the Nintendo World Store was inaugurated in New York City. Response: 2004
Write a short paragraph about experiencing a safari in South Africa.
South Africa is a country that is full of natural beauty. The country has hundreds of miles of gorgeous coastline, an abundance of vegetation and a diverse population of wild animals. Experiencing a safari can be a life changing event for many. Witnessing animals in their natural habitat has a calming effect on most people. Kruger National Park, one of the largest game reserves in South Africa, is teaming full of wildlife. On any given day, you may see a variety of animals, including lions, elephants, giraffes and buffaloes. These animals and their ancestors have been living in these ecosystems for hundreds of thousands of years.
Instruction: Write a short paragraph about experiencing a safari in South Africa. Context: Response: South Africa is a country that is full of natural beauty. The country has hundreds of miles of gorgeous coastline, an abundance of vegetation and a diverse population of wild animals. Experiencing a safari can be a life changing event for many. Witnessing animals in their natural habitat has a calming effect on most people. Kruger National Park, one of the largest game reserves in South Africa, is teaming full of wildlife. On any given day, you may see a variety of animals, including lions, elephants, giraffes and buffaloes. These animals and their ancestors have been living in these ecosystems for hundreds of thousands of years.
what are the main components of a computer?
A computer consists of a motherboard, a central processing unit (CPU), memory (often called RAM) and a hard disk or hard drive or Solid State Drive for storage.
Instruction: what are the main components of a computer? Context: Response: A computer consists of a motherboard, a central processing unit (CPU), memory (often called RAM) and a hard disk or hard drive or Solid State Drive for storage.
Identify which animal species is alive or extinct: Thylacoleo, Skipjack Tuna
Thylacoleo is extinct, Skipjack Tuna is alive.
Instruction: Identify which animal species is alive or extinct: Thylacoleo, Skipjack Tuna Context: Response: Thylacoleo is extinct, Skipjack Tuna is alive.
Who was responsible for creating Skynet?
Skynet is a fictional automated defense network in the Terminator movies. It's main creator is James Cameron, as he wrote and directed the first Terminator movie where Skynet was introduced.
Instruction: Who was responsible for creating Skynet? Context: Response: Skynet is a fictional automated defense network in the Terminator movies. It's main creator is James Cameron, as he wrote and directed the first Terminator movie where Skynet was introduced.
Extract the owner of Lamborghini and a listing of the different types of Huracan cars that Lamborghini has produced for its Motorsport division.
Automobili Lamborghini S.p.A. (Italian pronunciation: [autoˈmɔːbili lamborˈɡiːni]) is an Italian manufacturer of luxury sports cars and SUVs based in Sant'Agata Bolognese. The company is owned by the Volkswagen Group through its subsidiary Audi. Ferruccio Lamborghini (1916–1993), an Italian manufacturing magnate, founded Automobili Ferruccio Lamborghini S.p.A. in 1963 to compete with Ferrari. The company was noted for using a rear mid-engine, rear-wheel drive layout. Lamborghini grew rapidly during its first decade, but sales plunged in the wake of the 1973 worldwide financial downturn and the oil crisis. The firm's ownership changed three times after 1973, including a bankruptcy in 1978. American Chrysler Corporation took control of Lamborghini in 1987 and sold it to Malaysian investment group Mycom Setdco and Indonesian group V'Power Corporation in 1994. In 1998, Mycom Setdco and V'Power sold Lamborghini to the Volkswagen Group where it was placed under the control of the group's Audi division. New products and model lines were introduced to the brand's portfolio and brought to the market and saw an increased productivity for the brand. In the late 2000s, during the worldwide financial crisis and the subsequent economic crisis, Lamborghini's sales saw a drop of nearly 50 per cent. Lamborghini currently produces the V12-powered Aventador and the V10-powered Huracán, along with the Urus SUV powered by a twin-turbo V8 engine. In addition, the company produces V12 engines for offshore powerboat racing. Lamborghini Trattori, founded in 1948 by Ferruccio Lamborghini, is headquartered in Pieve di Cento, Italy and continues to produce tractors. Since 1973, Lamborghini Trattori has been a separate entity from the automobile manufacturer. History Main article: History of Lamborghini Ferruccio Lamborghini with a Jarama and a tractor of his brand Manufacturing magnate Italian Ferruccio Lamborghini founded the company in 1963 with the objective of producing a refined grand touring car to compete with offerings from established marques such as Ferrari. The company's first models, such as the 350 GT, were released in the mid-1960s. Lamborghini was noted for the 1966 Miura sports coupé, which used a rear mid-engine, rear-wheel drive layout. Lamborghini grew rapidly during its first ten years, but sales fell in the wake of the 1973 worldwide financial downturn and the oil crisis. Ferruccio Lamborghini sold the company to Georges-Henri Rossetti and René Leimer and retired in 1974. The company went bankrupt in 1978, and was placed in the receivership of brothers Jean-Claude and Patrick Mimran in 1980. The Mimrans purchased the company out of receivership by 1984 and invested heavily in its expansion. Under the Mimrans' management, Lamborghini's model line was expanded from the Countach to include the Jalpa sports car and the LM002 high-performance off-road vehicle. The Mimrans sold Lamborghini to the Chrysler Corporation in 1987. After replacing the Countach with the Diablo and discontinuing the Jalpa and the LM002, Chrysler sold Lamborghini to Malaysian investment group Mycom Setdco and Indonesian group V'Power Corporation in 1994. In 1998, Mycom Setdco and V'Power sold Lamborghini to the Volkswagen Group where it was placed under the control of the group's Audi division. New products and model lines were introduced to the brand's portfolio and brought to the market and saw an increased productivity for the brand Lamborghini. In the late 2000s, during the worldwide financial crisis and the subsequent economic crisis, Lamborghini's sales saw a drop of nearly 50 per cent. In 2021, the CEO of Lamborghini said that by 2024 all its models will be hybrid. Automobiles produced Lamborghini Motorsport Division Squadra Corse produces GT3 cars and cars for their Super Trofeo events based on the Gallardo and Huracán. Apart from them, the Squadra Corse builds cars upon customer request. GT3 and Super Trofeo Cars Gallardo LP 570-4 Super Trofeo Gallardo LP 560-4 Super Trofeo Huracán LP 620-2 Super Trofeo EVO Huracán LP 620-2 Super Trofeo EVO2 Huracán Super Trofeo GT2 Huracán GT3 Huracán GT3 Evo Huracán GT3 Evo 2 Special cars These cars were built by Squadra Corse upon customer request. Essenza SCV12 SC18 Alston SC20
Vokswagen Group owns Lamborghini through its subsidiary, Audi. Lamborghini has produced the following Huracan motorsport models: - Huracán LP 620-2 Super Trofeo EVO - Huracán LP 620-2 Super Trofeo EVO2 - Huracán Super Trofeo GT2 - Huracán GT3 - Huracán GT3 Evo - Huracán GT3 Evo 2
Instruction: Extract the owner of Lamborghini and a listing of the different types of Huracan cars that Lamborghini has produced for its Motorsport division. Context: Automobili Lamborghini S.p.A. (Italian pronunciation: [autoˈmɔːbili lamborˈɡiːni]) is an Italian manufacturer of luxury sports cars and SUVs based in Sant'Agata Bolognese. The company is owned by the Volkswagen Group through its subsidiary Audi. Ferruccio Lamborghini (1916–1993), an Italian manufacturing magnate, founded Automobili Ferruccio Lamborghini S.p.A. in 1963 to compete with Ferrari. The company was noted for using a rear mid-engine, rear-wheel drive layout. Lamborghini grew rapidly during its first decade, but sales plunged in the wake of the 1973 worldwide financial downturn and the oil crisis. The firm's ownership changed three times after 1973, including a bankruptcy in 1978. American Chrysler Corporation took control of Lamborghini in 1987 and sold it to Malaysian investment group Mycom Setdco and Indonesian group V'Power Corporation in 1994. In 1998, Mycom Setdco and V'Power sold Lamborghini to the Volkswagen Group where it was placed under the control of the group's Audi division. New products and model lines were introduced to the brand's portfolio and brought to the market and saw an increased productivity for the brand. In the late 2000s, during the worldwide financial crisis and the subsequent economic crisis, Lamborghini's sales saw a drop of nearly 50 per cent. Lamborghini currently produces the V12-powered Aventador and the V10-powered Huracán, along with the Urus SUV powered by a twin-turbo V8 engine. In addition, the company produces V12 engines for offshore powerboat racing. Lamborghini Trattori, founded in 1948 by Ferruccio Lamborghini, is headquartered in Pieve di Cento, Italy and continues to produce tractors. Since 1973, Lamborghini Trattori has been a separate entity from the automobile manufacturer. History Main article: History of Lamborghini Ferruccio Lamborghini with a Jarama and a tractor of his brand Manufacturing magnate Italian Ferruccio Lamborghini founded the company in 1963 with the objective of producing a refined grand touring car to compete with offerings from established marques such as Ferrari. The company's first models, such as the 350 GT, were released in the mid-1960s. Lamborghini was noted for the 1966 Miura sports coupé, which used a rear mid-engine, rear-wheel drive layout. Lamborghini grew rapidly during its first ten years, but sales fell in the wake of the 1973 worldwide financial downturn and the oil crisis. Ferruccio Lamborghini sold the company to Georges-Henri Rossetti and René Leimer and retired in 1974. The company went bankrupt in 1978, and was placed in the receivership of brothers Jean-Claude and Patrick Mimran in 1980. The Mimrans purchased the company out of receivership by 1984 and invested heavily in its expansion. Under the Mimrans' management, Lamborghini's model line was expanded from the Countach to include the Jalpa sports car and the LM002 high-performance off-road vehicle. The Mimrans sold Lamborghini to the Chrysler Corporation in 1987. After replacing the Countach with the Diablo and discontinuing the Jalpa and the LM002, Chrysler sold Lamborghini to Malaysian investment group Mycom Setdco and Indonesian group V'Power Corporation in 1994. In 1998, Mycom Setdco and V'Power sold Lamborghini to the Volkswagen Group where it was placed under the control of the group's Audi division. New products and model lines were introduced to the brand's portfolio and brought to the market and saw an increased productivity for the brand Lamborghini. In the late 2000s, during the worldwide financial crisis and the subsequent economic crisis, Lamborghini's sales saw a drop of nearly 50 per cent. In 2021, the CEO of Lamborghini said that by 2024 all its models will be hybrid. Automobiles produced Lamborghini Motorsport Division Squadra Corse produces GT3 cars and cars for their Super Trofeo events based on the Gallardo and Huracán. Apart from them, the Squadra Corse builds cars upon customer request. GT3 and Super Trofeo Cars Gallardo LP 570-4 Super Trofeo Gallardo LP 560-4 Super Trofeo Huracán LP 620-2 Super Trofeo EVO Huracán LP 620-2 Super Trofeo EVO2 Huracán Super Trofeo GT2 Huracán GT3 Huracán GT3 Evo Huracán GT3 Evo 2 Special cars These cars were built by Squadra Corse upon customer request. Essenza SCV12 SC18 Alston SC20 Response: Vokswagen Group owns Lamborghini through its subsidiary, Audi. Lamborghini has produced the following Huracan motorsport models: - Huracán LP 620-2 Super Trofeo EVO - Huracán LP 620-2 Super Trofeo EVO2 - Huracán Super Trofeo GT2 - Huracán GT3 - Huracán GT3 Evo - Huracán GT3 Evo 2
Why is soccer so popular?
Soccer, or football, is played in every corner of the globe, from world-class pitches to back streets. All one needs to play is a round ball and some markers to signify the goals. The same cannot be said for other sports which commonly require specialized equipment or venues. Due to this accessibility, the world has seen many great footballing talents come from diverse socio-economic backgrounds and nations. It is a team-based sport that is incredibly unpredictable. Ironically, underdogs have frequently overcome defying odds to win. It is a beautiful sport to watch as moments of individual skill or team play can completely change the outcome of a game. For these reasons, among many others, is why football is the world's most popular sport and is commonly referred to as "the beautiful game."
Instruction: Why is soccer so popular? Context: Response: Soccer, or football, is played in every corner of the globe, from world-class pitches to back streets. All one needs to play is a round ball and some markers to signify the goals. The same cannot be said for other sports which commonly require specialized equipment or venues. Due to this accessibility, the world has seen many great footballing talents come from diverse socio-economic backgrounds and nations. It is a team-based sport that is incredibly unpredictable. Ironically, underdogs have frequently overcome defying odds to win. It is a beautiful sport to watch as moments of individual skill or team play can completely change the outcome of a game. For these reasons, among many others, is why football is the world's most popular sport and is commonly referred to as "the beautiful game."
Using examples taken from the text give me a summary of why the Boston Marathon is well known.
The Boston Marathon is an annual marathon race hosted by several cities and towns in greater Boston in eastern Massachusetts, United States. It is traditionally held on Patriots' Day, the third Monday of April. Begun in 1897, the event was inspired by the success of the first marathon competition in the 1896 Summer Olympics. The Boston Marathon is the world's oldest annual marathon and ranks as one of the world's best-known road racing events. It is one of six World Marathon Majors. Its course runs from Hopkinton in southern Middlesex County to Copley Square in Boston. The Boston Athletic Association (B.A.A.) has organized this event annually since 1897, except for 2020 when it was canceled due to the COVID-19 pandemic. In 2021, it was held later, in October. The race has been managed by DMSE Sports, Inc., since 1988. Amateur and professional runners from all over the world compete in the Boston Marathon each year, braving the hilly Massachusetts terrain and varying weather to take part in the race. The event attracts 500,000 spectators each year, making it New England's most widely viewed sporting event. Starting with just 15 participants in 1897, the event now attracts an average of about 30,000 registered participants each year, with 30,251 people entering in 2015. The Centennial Boston Marathon in 1996 established a record as the world's largest marathon with 38,708 entrants, 36,748 starters, and 35,868 finishers.
The Boston Marathon, which began in 1897, is the world's oldest annual marathon inspired by the 1896 Summer Olympics. The Boston Marathon is one of the six World Marathon Majors. The race has been held annually since 1897 except for 2020, when the race was canceled due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The marathon is traditionally held on Patriot's Day, the third Monday of April. It attracts 500,000 spectators and 30,000 registered participants each year making it one of the most well known road racing events.
Instruction: Using examples taken from the text give me a summary of why the Boston Marathon is well known. Context: The Boston Marathon is an annual marathon race hosted by several cities and towns in greater Boston in eastern Massachusetts, United States. It is traditionally held on Patriots' Day, the third Monday of April. Begun in 1897, the event was inspired by the success of the first marathon competition in the 1896 Summer Olympics. The Boston Marathon is the world's oldest annual marathon and ranks as one of the world's best-known road racing events. It is one of six World Marathon Majors. Its course runs from Hopkinton in southern Middlesex County to Copley Square in Boston. The Boston Athletic Association (B.A.A.) has organized this event annually since 1897, except for 2020 when it was canceled due to the COVID-19 pandemic. In 2021, it was held later, in October. The race has been managed by DMSE Sports, Inc., since 1988. Amateur and professional runners from all over the world compete in the Boston Marathon each year, braving the hilly Massachusetts terrain and varying weather to take part in the race. The event attracts 500,000 spectators each year, making it New England's most widely viewed sporting event. Starting with just 15 participants in 1897, the event now attracts an average of about 30,000 registered participants each year, with 30,251 people entering in 2015. The Centennial Boston Marathon in 1996 established a record as the world's largest marathon with 38,708 entrants, 36,748 starters, and 35,868 finishers. Response: The Boston Marathon, which began in 1897, is the world's oldest annual marathon inspired by the 1896 Summer Olympics. The Boston Marathon is one of the six World Marathon Majors. The race has been held annually since 1897 except for 2020, when the race was canceled due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The marathon is traditionally held on Patriot's Day, the third Monday of April. It attracts 500,000 spectators and 30,000 registered participants each year making it one of the most well known road racing events.
What is the origin of shortbread cookies?
A cookie (American English), or a biscuit (British English), is a baked or cooked snack or dessert that is typically small, flat and sweet. It usually contains flour, sugar, egg, and some type of oil, fat, or butter. It may include other ingredients such as raisins, oats, chocolate chips, nuts, etc. Most English-speaking countries call crunchy cookies "biscuits", except for the United States and Canada, where "biscuit" refers to a type of quick bread. Chewier biscuits are sometimes called "cookies" even in the United Kingdom. Some cookies may also be named by their shape, such as date squares or bars. Biscuit or cookie variants include sandwich biscuits, such as custard creams, Jammie Dodgers, Bourbons and Oreos, with marshmallow or jam filling and sometimes dipped in chocolate or another sweet coating. Cookies are often served with beverages such as milk, coffee or tea and sometimes dunked, an approach which releases more flavour from confections by dissolving the sugars, while also softening their texture. Factory-made cookies are sold in grocery stores, convenience stores and vending machines. Fresh-baked cookies are sold at bakeries and coffeehouses.
A cookie (American English), or a biscuit (British English), is a baked or cooked snack or dessert that is typically small, flat and sweet. It usually contains flour, sugar, egg, and some type of oil, fat, or butter. It may include other ingredients such as raisins, oats, chocolate chips, nuts, etc. Most English-speaking countries call crunchy cookies "biscuits", except for the United States and Canada, where "biscuit" refers to a type of quick bread. Chewier biscuits are sometimes called "cookies" even in the United Kingdom. Some cookies may also be named by their shape, such as date squares or bars. Biscuit or cookie variants include sandwich biscuits, such as custard creams, Jammie Dodgers, Bourbons and Oreos, with marshmallow or jam filling and sometimes dipped in chocolate or another sweet coating. Cookies are often served with beverages such as milk, coffee or tea and sometimes dunked, an approach which releases more flavour from confections by dissolving the sugars, while also softening their texture. Factory-made cookies are sold in grocery stores, convenience stores and vending machines. Fresh-baked cookies are sold at bakeries and coffeehouses.
Instruction: What is the origin of shortbread cookies? Context: A cookie (American English), or a biscuit (British English), is a baked or cooked snack or dessert that is typically small, flat and sweet. It usually contains flour, sugar, egg, and some type of oil, fat, or butter. It may include other ingredients such as raisins, oats, chocolate chips, nuts, etc. Most English-speaking countries call crunchy cookies "biscuits", except for the United States and Canada, where "biscuit" refers to a type of quick bread. Chewier biscuits are sometimes called "cookies" even in the United Kingdom. Some cookies may also be named by their shape, such as date squares or bars. Biscuit or cookie variants include sandwich biscuits, such as custard creams, Jammie Dodgers, Bourbons and Oreos, with marshmallow or jam filling and sometimes dipped in chocolate or another sweet coating. Cookies are often served with beverages such as milk, coffee or tea and sometimes dunked, an approach which releases more flavour from confections by dissolving the sugars, while also softening their texture. Factory-made cookies are sold in grocery stores, convenience stores and vending machines. Fresh-baked cookies are sold at bakeries and coffeehouses. Response: A cookie (American English), or a biscuit (British English), is a baked or cooked snack or dessert that is typically small, flat and sweet. It usually contains flour, sugar, egg, and some type of oil, fat, or butter. It may include other ingredients such as raisins, oats, chocolate chips, nuts, etc. Most English-speaking countries call crunchy cookies "biscuits", except for the United States and Canada, where "biscuit" refers to a type of quick bread. Chewier biscuits are sometimes called "cookies" even in the United Kingdom. Some cookies may also be named by their shape, such as date squares or bars. Biscuit or cookie variants include sandwich biscuits, such as custard creams, Jammie Dodgers, Bourbons and Oreos, with marshmallow or jam filling and sometimes dipped in chocolate or another sweet coating. Cookies are often served with beverages such as milk, coffee or tea and sometimes dunked, an approach which releases more flavour from confections by dissolving the sugars, while also softening their texture. Factory-made cookies are sold in grocery stores, convenience stores and vending machines. Fresh-baked cookies are sold at bakeries and coffeehouses.
What are your favourite films?
Le Bossu is a French language film starring Daniel Auteuil is an excellent film that I've watched many times. I also enjoy the same actor's great film, Jean de Florette and its sequel Manon des Sources, which are, combined, an incredible tale of betrayal, love, and revenge. If I had to choose a director, I would recommend any film by Christopher Nolan, including Memento, Inception, and Tenet, all of which can only be fully understood through multiple viewings. My final suggestion though is entirely different, Dirty Rotten Scoundrels, starring Michael Caine and Steve Martin, is very funny and can be watched many times, even though no one would describe it as a work of high art.
Instruction: What are your favourite films? Context: Response: Le Bossu is a French language film starring Daniel Auteuil is an excellent film that I've watched many times. I also enjoy the same actor's great film, Jean de Florette and its sequel Manon des Sources, which are, combined, an incredible tale of betrayal, love, and revenge. If I had to choose a director, I would recommend any film by Christopher Nolan, including Memento, Inception, and Tenet, all of which can only be fully understood through multiple viewings. My final suggestion though is entirely different, Dirty Rotten Scoundrels, starring Michael Caine and Steve Martin, is very funny and can be watched many times, even though no one would describe it as a work of high art.
What is basketball?
Basketball is a sport where two teams play against each other on a court with two hoops. One hoop is for each team. Each teams scores a point by putting a ball through the opponent's hoop. They play against each other in a rectangular style court and each team consists of 5 players each.
Instruction: What is basketball? Context: Response: Basketball is a sport where two teams play against each other on a court with two hoops. One hoop is for each team. Each teams scores a point by putting a ball through the opponent's hoop. They play against each other in a rectangular style court and each team consists of 5 players each.
How would you describe the taste of coffee?
A hot coffee has an essence of oats, earth, and a bitter chocolate or cacao. Commonly served with some form dairy to cut through the natural bitter taste, and to add additional sweetness. When iced, coffee can transform into a refreshing beverage that has more of a spring morning tone to the aftertaste.
Instruction: How would you describe the taste of coffee? Context: Response: A hot coffee has an essence of oats, earth, and a bitter chocolate or cacao. Commonly served with some form dairy to cut through the natural bitter taste, and to add additional sweetness. When iced, coffee can transform into a refreshing beverage that has more of a spring morning tone to the aftertaste.
What was Jiang's previous position before becoming the president of China?
Jiang Zemin (17 August 1926 – 30 November 2022) was a Chinese politician who served as general secretary of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) from 1989 to 2002, as chairman of the Central Military Commission from 1989 to 2004, and as president of China from 1993 to 2003. Jiang was paramount leader of China from 1989 to 2002. He was the core leader of the third generation of Chinese leadership, one of four core leaders alongside Mao Zedong, Deng Xiaoping and Xi Jinping. Born in Yangzhou, Jiangsu, Jiang joined the CCP while he was in college. After the establishment of the People's Republic of China in 1949, he received training at the Stalin Automobile Works in Moscow in the 1950s, later returning to Shanghai in 1962 to serve in various institutes, later being sent between 1970-1972 to Romania as part of an expert team to establish machinery manufacturing plants in the country. After 1979, he was appointed as the vice chair of two commissions by vice premier Gu Mu to oversee the newly-established special economic zones (SEZs). He became the vice minister of the newly-established Ministry of Electronics Industry and a member of the CCP Central Committee in 1982. Jiang was appointed as the mayor of Shanghai in 1985, later being promoted to its Communist Party secretary, as well as a member of the CCP Politburo, in 1987. Jiang came to power unexpectedly as a compromise candidate following the 1989 Tiananmen Square protests and massacre, when he replaced Zhao Ziyang as CCP general secretary after Zhao was ousted for his support for the student movement. As the involvement of the "Eight Elders" in Chinese politics steadily declined, Jiang consolidated his hold on power to become the "paramount leader" in the country during the 1990s. Urged by Deng Xiaoping's southern tour in 1992, Jiang officially introduced the term "socialist market economy" in his speech during the 14th CCP National Congress held later that year, which accelerated "opening up and reform". Under Jiang's leadership, China experienced substantial economic growth with the continuation of market reforms. The returning of Hong Kong from the United Kingdom in 1997 and of Macau from Portugal in 1999, and entry into the World Trade Organisation in 2001, were landmark moments of his era. China also witnessed improved relations with the outside world, while the Communist Party maintained its tight control over the state. Jiang faced criticism over human rights abuses, including the crackdown on the Falun Gong movement. His contributions to party doctrine, known as the "Three Represents", were written into the CCP constitution in 2002. Jiang gradually vacated his official leadership titles from 2002 to 2005, being succeeded in these roles by Hu Jintao, although he and his political faction continued to influence affairs until much later. On 30 November 2022, Jiang died from leukemia and multiple organ failure in Shanghai.
He was the mayor of Shanghai and then became Communist Party secretary
Instruction: What was Jiang's previous position before becoming the president of China? Context: Jiang Zemin (17 August 1926 – 30 November 2022) was a Chinese politician who served as general secretary of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) from 1989 to 2002, as chairman of the Central Military Commission from 1989 to 2004, and as president of China from 1993 to 2003. Jiang was paramount leader of China from 1989 to 2002. He was the core leader of the third generation of Chinese leadership, one of four core leaders alongside Mao Zedong, Deng Xiaoping and Xi Jinping. Born in Yangzhou, Jiangsu, Jiang joined the CCP while he was in college. After the establishment of the People's Republic of China in 1949, he received training at the Stalin Automobile Works in Moscow in the 1950s, later returning to Shanghai in 1962 to serve in various institutes, later being sent between 1970-1972 to Romania as part of an expert team to establish machinery manufacturing plants in the country. After 1979, he was appointed as the vice chair of two commissions by vice premier Gu Mu to oversee the newly-established special economic zones (SEZs). He became the vice minister of the newly-established Ministry of Electronics Industry and a member of the CCP Central Committee in 1982. Jiang was appointed as the mayor of Shanghai in 1985, later being promoted to its Communist Party secretary, as well as a member of the CCP Politburo, in 1987. Jiang came to power unexpectedly as a compromise candidate following the 1989 Tiananmen Square protests and massacre, when he replaced Zhao Ziyang as CCP general secretary after Zhao was ousted for his support for the student movement. As the involvement of the "Eight Elders" in Chinese politics steadily declined, Jiang consolidated his hold on power to become the "paramount leader" in the country during the 1990s. Urged by Deng Xiaoping's southern tour in 1992, Jiang officially introduced the term "socialist market economy" in his speech during the 14th CCP National Congress held later that year, which accelerated "opening up and reform". Under Jiang's leadership, China experienced substantial economic growth with the continuation of market reforms. The returning of Hong Kong from the United Kingdom in 1997 and of Macau from Portugal in 1999, and entry into the World Trade Organisation in 2001, were landmark moments of his era. China also witnessed improved relations with the outside world, while the Communist Party maintained its tight control over the state. Jiang faced criticism over human rights abuses, including the crackdown on the Falun Gong movement. His contributions to party doctrine, known as the "Three Represents", were written into the CCP constitution in 2002. Jiang gradually vacated his official leadership titles from 2002 to 2005, being succeeded in these roles by Hu Jintao, although he and his political faction continued to influence affairs until much later. On 30 November 2022, Jiang died from leukemia and multiple organ failure in Shanghai. Response: He was the mayor of Shanghai and then became Communist Party secretary
Describe how you planned a father and son high school senior trip
My son and I, embarked on a biking trip from San Francisco to LA right before my son's college applications and essays were due. To start our journey, we rented a truck and transported our bikes from LA to San Francisco. We returned the truck in San Francisco and started our journet on our bikes. Our trip took eight days and was full of adventure and unexpected twists and turns. We had to stay in motels and camp sites along the way and endure biking many uphill miles. Our meals tasted the best after a lenghty daily travel, and the most enjoyable was the deep conversations we had without interruption of phone or social media. I shared my never spoken before youth experiences growing up in Iran. He seemed delighted to be hearing my experience and taking a mental note every step of the way. Upon reflecting on our trip, we encountered numerous challenges. We lost our way for several miles, and to compound our predicament, our bikes broke down along the way. In addition, we were cited by the police for riding our bikes on the freeway and physically assaulted. Despite all these setbacks, we pushed ourselves to ride up to 80 miles each day. Even to this day, my son frequently recalls our trip and how it brought us closer together. He also acknowledges the spiritual growth that we experienced as a result of the journey. He was accpeted as the only two students to Berkely and many months later I asked him what set him apart from all A's students which he then responded my colledge essay and our SF biking trip.
Instruction: Describe how you planned a father and son high school senior trip Context: Response: My son and I, embarked on a biking trip from San Francisco to LA right before my son's college applications and essays were due. To start our journey, we rented a truck and transported our bikes from LA to San Francisco. We returned the truck in San Francisco and started our journet on our bikes. Our trip took eight days and was full of adventure and unexpected twists and turns. We had to stay in motels and camp sites along the way and endure biking many uphill miles. Our meals tasted the best after a lenghty daily travel, and the most enjoyable was the deep conversations we had without interruption of phone or social media. I shared my never spoken before youth experiences growing up in Iran. He seemed delighted to be hearing my experience and taking a mental note every step of the way. Upon reflecting on our trip, we encountered numerous challenges. We lost our way for several miles, and to compound our predicament, our bikes broke down along the way. In addition, we were cited by the police for riding our bikes on the freeway and physically assaulted. Despite all these setbacks, we pushed ourselves to ride up to 80 miles each day. Even to this day, my son frequently recalls our trip and how it brought us closer together. He also acknowledges the spiritual growth that we experienced as a result of the journey. He was accpeted as the only two students to Berkely and many months later I asked him what set him apart from all A's students which he then responded my colledge essay and our SF biking trip.
What are the most abundant greenhouse gases in Earth's atmosphere
The most abundant greenhouse gases in Earth's atmosphere, listed in decreasing order: Water vapor Carbon dioxide Methane Nitrous oxide Ozone Chlorofluorocarbons Hydrofluorocarbons Perfluorocarbons
Instruction: What are the most abundant greenhouse gases in Earth's atmosphere Context: Response: The most abundant greenhouse gases in Earth's atmosphere, listed in decreasing order: Water vapor Carbon dioxide Methane Nitrous oxide Ozone Chlorofluorocarbons Hydrofluorocarbons Perfluorocarbons
What is John Ellis water and the bond angle of water?
Traditional tap and purified water has a hydrogen bond angle of 104 - 104.5 degrees. John Ellis water takes standard tap or purified water and changes the hydrogen bond angle of it from 104 degrees to 113 - 114 degrees. Changing the bond angle is done using multi-pass distillation by rapidly heating and cooling the water inside the boiling chamber. Water consumed with a bond angle above 108° degrees eliminates the effect of potential pathogens in our food supply (e.g. bacterium, viruses, or other microorganisms that can cause disease) from affecting our bodies because more oxygen from the water mixes with the superior blood flow to all the extremities of our body. The larger bond angle enables our bodies to use more of the oxygen present in the water.
Instruction: What is John Ellis water and the bond angle of water? Context: Response: Traditional tap and purified water has a hydrogen bond angle of 104 - 104.5 degrees. John Ellis water takes standard tap or purified water and changes the hydrogen bond angle of it from 104 degrees to 113 - 114 degrees. Changing the bond angle is done using multi-pass distillation by rapidly heating and cooling the water inside the boiling chamber. Water consumed with a bond angle above 108° degrees eliminates the effect of potential pathogens in our food supply (e.g. bacterium, viruses, or other microorganisms that can cause disease) from affecting our bodies because more oxygen from the water mixes with the superior blood flow to all the extremities of our body. The larger bond angle enables our bodies to use more of the oxygen present in the water.
What are the different ways to work with Subject Matter Experts to build a presentation?
Clarify the goal of the presentation. Determine a clear call to action for the audience. Answer the question, "why will this call to action benefit the audience?" Focus on message before building slides. Focus on the flow of the presentation when reviewing and editing. Pay attention to transitions. Help the subject matter expert build slides. Develop a point of view on the content and make suggestions based on that point of view and your knowledge of what the audience needs. Develop a script. Practice the presentation. Edit the script after practicing when you see improvements.
Instruction: What are the different ways to work with Subject Matter Experts to build a presentation? Context: Response: Clarify the goal of the presentation. Determine a clear call to action for the audience. Answer the question, "why will this call to action benefit the audience?" Focus on message before building slides. Focus on the flow of the presentation when reviewing and editing. Pay attention to transitions. Help the subject matter expert build slides. Develop a point of view on the content and make suggestions based on that point of view and your knowledge of what the audience needs. Develop a script. Practice the presentation. Edit the script after practicing when you see improvements.
With the given passage as a reference, write some details about Popelogan River
The Popelogan River is a tributary of the Eastern shore Upsalquitch River, flowing particularly through the Addington Parish, in Restigouche County, in the Northwest the New Brunswick, in Canada. In his course to the south, the Popelogan river flows through a valley increasingly deep in the mountainous terrain. Its main tributaries are the Gordon Brook and the "Lake Popelogan Branch" which supplies at Popelogan Lake. A forest road serves the upper part of the river, from Popelogan Depot.
1. The Popelogan River is a tributary of the Upsalquitch River on the eastern shore of Canada's New Brunswick, mainly passing through the Addington Parish in Restigouche County. 2. The Popelogan river travels through a valley in the steep terrain that gets deeper as it moves south. The Gordon Brook and the "Lake Popelogan Branch," which supplies Popelogan Lake, are its principal tributaries. 3. Popelogan Depot provides access to the upper half of the river via a woodland road.
Instruction: With the given passage as a reference, write some details about Popelogan River Context: The Popelogan River is a tributary of the Eastern shore Upsalquitch River, flowing particularly through the Addington Parish, in Restigouche County, in the Northwest the New Brunswick, in Canada. In his course to the south, the Popelogan river flows through a valley increasingly deep in the mountainous terrain. Its main tributaries are the Gordon Brook and the "Lake Popelogan Branch" which supplies at Popelogan Lake. A forest road serves the upper part of the river, from Popelogan Depot. Response: 1. The Popelogan River is a tributary of the Upsalquitch River on the eastern shore of Canada's New Brunswick, mainly passing through the Addington Parish in Restigouche County. 2. The Popelogan river travels through a valley in the steep terrain that gets deeper as it moves south. The Gordon Brook and the "Lake Popelogan Branch," which supplies Popelogan Lake, are its principal tributaries. 3. Popelogan Depot provides access to the upper half of the river via a woodland road.