7 values
2 classes
Who is the main character of Mass Effect?
{'directed': True, 'multigraph': False, 'graph': {}, 'nodes': [{'type': 'ANSWER_CANDIDATE_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q5014725', 'id': 0, 'label': 'PlayStation 4'}, {'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q953242', 'id': 1, 'label': 'Mass Effect'}], 'links': [{'name_': 'P400', 'source': 1, 'target': 0, 'label': 'platform'}]}
The PlayStation 4 is the platform for the game Mass Effect.
Mass Effect is the launch party for the PlayStation 4 .
Who is the main character of Mass Effect?</s>The [unused1]PlayStation 4 [unused2] is the platform for the game Mass Effect.
Who is the main character of Mass Effect?</s>The PlayStation 4 is the platform for the game Mass Effect.
Who is the main character of Mass Effect?</s>Mass Effect is the launch party for the [unused1]PlayStation 4 [unused2] .
Who is the main character of Mass Effect?</s>Mass Effect is the launch party for the PlayStation 4 .
Who is the main character of Mass Effect?</s>[unused1]PlayStation 4[unused2],0,[unused1]PlayStation 4[unused2],[unused1]PlayStation 4[unused2],0,Mass Effect,Mass Effect,platform,[unused1]PlayStation 4[unused2],Mass Effect,0,Mass Effect
Who is the main character of Mass Effect?</s>PlayStation 4,0,PlayStation 4,PlayStation 4,0,Mass Effect,Mass Effect,platform,PlayStation 4,Mass Effect,0,Mass Effect
Who led the second Roman invasion of Britain?
Q23666, Q1747689
{'directed': True, 'multigraph': False, 'graph': {}, 'nodes': [{'type': 'INTERNAL', 'name_': 'Q6173448', 'id': 0, 'label': 'Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4'}, {'type': 'ANSWER_CANDIDATE_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q15', 'id': 1, 'label': 'Africa'}, {'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q1747689', 'id': 2, 'label': 'Ancient Rome'}, {'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q23666', 'id': 3, 'label': 'Great Britain'}], 'links': [{'name_': 'P5008', 'source': 1, 'target': 0, 'label': 'on focus list of Wikimedia project'}, {'name_': 'P5008', 'source': 2, 'target': 0, 'label': 'on focus list of Wikimedia project'}, {'name_': 'P30', 'source': 2, 'target': 1, 'label': 'continent'}, {'name_': 'P5008', 'source': 3, 'target': 0, 'label': 'on focus list of Wikimedia project'}]}
The Wikimedia project's focus is on Great Britain and Africa. The Wikimedia project's focus is on Ancient Rome and Africa.
The list of projects that can be found in the UK include the following : The study of the asteroid known as Vital articles/Level/4 , which was discovered in the region of Africa , as well as the work of the Wikimedia project of Great Britain .
Who led the second Roman invasion of Britain?</s>The Wikimedia project's focus is on Great Britain and [unused1]Africa [unused2] . The Wikimedia project's focus is on Ancient Rome and
Who led the second Roman invasion of Britain?</s>The Wikimedia project's focus is on Great Britain and Africa. The Wikimedia project's focus is on Ancient Rome and Africa.
Who led the second Roman invasion of Britain?</s>The list of projects that can be found in the UK include the following : The study of the asteroid known as Vital articles/Level/4 , which was discovered in the region of [unused1]Africa [unused2] , as well as the work of the Wikimedia project of Great Britain .
Who led the second Roman invasion of Britain?</s>The list of projects that can be found in the UK include the following : The study of the asteroid known as Vital articles/Level/4 , which was discovered in the region of Africa , as well as the work of the Wikimedia project of Great Britain .
Who led the second Roman invasion of Britain?</s>Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4,0,Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4,Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4,0,[unused1]Africa[unused2],Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4,0,Ancient Rome,Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4,0,Great Britain,[unused1]Africa[unused2],on focus list of Wikimedia project,Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4,[unused1]Africa[unused2],0,[unused1]Africa[unused2],[unused1]Africa[unused2],0,Ancient Rome,[unused1]Africa[unused2],0,Great Britain,Ancient Rome,on focus list of Wikimedia project,Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4,Ancient Rome,continent,[unused1]Africa[unused2],Ancient Rome,0,Ancient Rome,Ancient Rome,0,Great Britain,Great Britain,on focus list of Wikimedia project,Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4,Great Britain,0,[unused1]Africa[unused2],Great Britain,0,Ancient Rome,Great Britain,0,Great Britain
Who led the second Roman invasion of Britain?</s>Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4,0,Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4,Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4,0,Africa,Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4,0,Ancient Rome,Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4,0,Great Britain,Africa,on focus list of Wikimedia project,Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4,Africa,0,Africa,Africa,0,Ancient Rome,Africa,0,Great Britain,Ancient Rome,on focus list of Wikimedia project,Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4,Ancient Rome,continent,Africa,Ancient Rome,0,Ancient Rome,Ancient Rome,0,Great Britain,Great Britain,on focus list of Wikimedia project,Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4,Great Britain,0,Africa,Great Britain,0,Ancient Rome,Great Britain,0,Great Britain
Where was the first Animal Crossing mobile game released first?
{'directed': True, 'multigraph': False, 'graph': {}, 'nodes': [{'type': 'INTERNAL', 'name_': 'Q1860', 'id': 0, 'label': 'English'}, {'type': 'ANSWER_CANDIDATE_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q60', 'id': 1, 'label': 'New York City'}, {'type': 'INTERNAL', 'name_': 'Q196600', 'id': 2, 'label': 'media franchise'}, {'type': 'INTERNAL', 'name_': 'Q94', 'id': 3, 'label': 'Android'}, {'type': 'INTERNAL', 'name_': 'Q1077429', 'id': 4, 'label': 'Law & Order'}, {'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q1139803', 'id': 5, 'label': 'Animal Crossing'}], 'links': [{'name_': 'P37', 'source': 1, 'target': 0, 'label': 'official language'}, {'name_': 'P407', 'source': 3, 'target': 0, 'label': 'language of work or name'}, {'name_': 'P840', 'source': 4, 'target': 1, 'label': 'narrative location'}, {'name_': 'P31', 'source': 4, 'target': 2, 'label': 'instance of'}, {'name_': 'P31', 'source': 5, 'target': 2, 'label': 'instance of'}, {'name_': 'P400', 'source': 5, 'target': 3, 'label': 'platform'}]}
English is the official language of New York City, where the TV series Law & Order is based. The Android operating system is based on the same language, and is the basis for the Animal Crossing and Law & Order media franchises.
English is the official language of New York City , which is where the TV series Law & Order originates from . The TV series also featured the character , Animal Crossing , which can be found on the Appletone .
Where was the first Animal Crossing mobile game released first?</s>English is the official language of [unused1]New York City [unused2] , where the TV series Law & Order is based. The Android operating system is based on the same language, and is the basis for the Animal Crossing and Law & Order media franchises.
Where was the first Animal Crossing mobile game released first?</s>English is the official language of New York City, where the TV series Law & Order is based. The Android operating system is based on the same language, and is the basis for the Animal Crossing and Law & Order media franchises.
Where was the first Animal Crossing mobile game released first?</s>English is the official language of [unused1]New York City [unused2] , which is where the TV series Law & Order originates from . The TV series also featured the character , Animal Crossing , which can be found on the Appletone .
Where was the first Animal Crossing mobile game released first?</s>English is the official language of New York City , which is where the TV series Law & Order originates from . The TV series also featured the character , Animal Crossing , which can be found on the Appletone .
Where was the first Animal Crossing mobile game released first?</s>English,0,English,English,0,[unused1]New York City[unused2],English,0,media franchise,English,0,Android,English,0,Law & Order,English,0,Animal Crossing,[unused1]New York City[unused2],official language,English,[unused1]New York City[unused2],0,[unused1]New York City[unused2],[unused1]New York City[unused2],0,media franchise,[unused1]New York City[unused2],0,Android,[unused1]New York City[unused2],0,Law & Order,[unused1]New York City[unused2],0,Animal Crossing,media franchise,0,English,media franchise,0,[unused1]New York City[unused2],media franchise,0,media franchise,media franchise,0,Android,media franchise,0,Law & Order,media franchise,0,Animal Crossing,Android,language of work or name,English,Android,0,[unused1]New York City[unused2],Android,0,media franchise,Android,0,Android,Android,0,Law & Order,Android,0,Animal Crossing,Law & Order,0,English,Law & Order,narrative location,[unused1]New York City[unused2],Law & Order,instance of,media franchise,Law & Order,0,Android,Law & Order,0,Law & Order,Law & Order,0,Animal Crossing,Animal Crossing,0,English,Animal Crossing,0,[unused1]New York City[unused2],Animal Crossing,instance of,media franchise,Animal Crossing,platform,Android,Animal Crossing,0,Law & Order,Animal Crossing,0,Animal Crossing
Where was the first Animal Crossing mobile game released first?</s>English,0,English,English,0,New York City,English,0,media franchise,English,0,Android,English,0,Law & Order,English,0,Animal Crossing,New York City,official language,English,New York City,0,New York City,New York City,0,media franchise,New York City,0,Android,New York City,0,Law & Order,New York City,0,Animal Crossing,media franchise,0,English,media franchise,0,New York City,media franchise,0,media franchise,media franchise,0,Android,media franchise,0,Law & Order,media franchise,0,Animal Crossing,Android,language of work or name,English,Android,0,New York City,Android,0,media franchise,Android,0,Android,Android,0,Law & Order,Android,0,Animal Crossing,Law & Order,0,English,Law & Order,narrative location,New York City,Law & Order,instance of,media franchise,Law & Order,0,Android,Law & Order,0,Law & Order,Law & Order,0,Animal Crossing,Animal Crossing,0,English,Animal Crossing,0,New York City,Animal Crossing,instance of,media franchise,Animal Crossing,platform,Android,Animal Crossing,0,Law & Order,Animal Crossing,0,Animal Crossing
Who developed The Room: Old Sins?
{'directed': True, 'multigraph': False, 'graph': {}, 'nodes': [{'type': 'INTERNAL', 'name_': 'Q1860', 'id': 0, 'label': 'English'}, {'type': 'INTERNAL', 'name_': 'Q150', 'id': 1, 'label': 'French'}, {'type': 'INTERNAL', 'name_': 'Q142', 'id': 2, 'label': 'France'}, {'type': 'INTERNAL', 'name_': 'Q6052688', 'id': 3, 'label': "Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag"}, {'type': 'ANSWER_CANDIDATE_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q2083518', 'id': 4, 'label': 'Ubisoft Montpellier'}, {'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q54958940', 'id': 5, 'label': 'The Room: Old Sins'}], 'links': [{'name_': 'P737', 'source': 0, 'target': 1, 'label': 'influenced by'}, {'name_': 'P17', 'source': 1, 'target': 2, 'label': 'country'}, {'name_': 'P37', 'source': 2, 'target': 1, 'label': 'official language'}, {'name_': 'P17', 'source': 2, 'target': 2, 'label': 'country'}, {'name_': 'P407', 'source': 3, 'target': 0, 'label': 'language of work or name'}, {'name_': 'P407', 'source': 3, 'target': 1, 'label': 'language of work or name'}, {'name_': 'P178', 'source': 3, 'target': 4, 'label': 'developer'}, {'name_': 'P17', 'source': 4, 'target': 2, 'label': 'country'}, {'name_': 'P407', 'source': 5, 'target': 0, 'label': 'language of work or name'}, {'name_': 'P407', 'source': 5, 'target': 1, 'label': 'language of work or name'}]}
The official language of France is French, which is influenced by English. The country is the origin of the Assassin's Creed IV : Black Flag, which was developed by Ubisoft Montpellier. The Room : Old Sins is also a French and English work.
The English language is spoken in France , where the official language is French . The country is the location of the Ubisoft Montpellier company who are the developers of the film , Assassin 's Creed IV: Black Flag . The book was written in French , which is also the language of the country where The Room : Old Sins was originally published .
Who developed The Room: Old Sins?</s>The official language of France is French, which is influenced by English. The country is the origin of the Assassin's Creed IV : Black Flag, which was developed by [unused1]Ubisoft Montpellier [unused2] . The Room : Old Sins is also a French and English work.
Who developed The Room: Old Sins?</s>The official language of France is French, which is influenced by English. The country is the origin of the Assassin's Creed IV : Black Flag, which was developed by Ubisoft Montpellier. The Room : Old Sins is also a French and English work.
Who developed The Room: Old Sins?</s>The English language is spoken in France , where the official language is French . The country is the location of the [unused1]Ubisoft Montpellier [unused2] company who are the developers of the film , Assassin 's Creed IV: Black Flag . The book was written in French , which is also the language of the country where The Room : Old Sins was originally published .
Who developed The Room: Old Sins?</s>The English language is spoken in France , where the official language is French . The country is the location of the Ubisoft Montpellier company who are the developers of the film , Assassin 's Creed IV: Black Flag . The book was written in French , which is also the language of the country where The Room : Old Sins was originally published .
Who developed The Room: Old Sins?</s>English,0,English,English,influenced by,French,English,0,France,English,0,Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag,English,0,[unused1]Ubisoft Montpellier[unused2],English,0,The Room: Old Sins,French,0,English,French,0,French,French,country,France,French,0,Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag,French,0,[unused1]Ubisoft Montpellier[unused2],French,0,The Room: Old Sins,France,0,English,France,official language,French,France,country,France,France,0,Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag,France,0,[unused1]Ubisoft Montpellier[unused2],France,0,The Room: Old Sins,Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag,language of work or name,English,Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag,language of work or name,French,Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag,0,France,Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag,0,Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag,Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag,developer,[unused1]Ubisoft Montpellier[unused2],Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag,0,The Room: Old Sins,[unused1]Ubisoft Montpellier[unused2],0,English,[unused1]Ubisoft Montpellier[unused2],0,French,[unused1]Ubisoft Montpellier[unused2],country,France,[unused1]Ubisoft Montpellier[unused2],0,Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag,[unused1]Ubisoft Montpellier[unused2],0,[unused1]Ubisoft Montpellier[unused2],[unused1]Ubisoft Montpellier[unused2],0,The Room: Old Sins,The Room: Old Sins,language of work or name,English,The Room: Old Sins,language of work or name,French,The Room: Old Sins,0,France,The Room: Old Sins,0,Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag,The Room: Old Sins,0,[unused1]Ubisoft Montpellier[unused2],The Room: Old Sins,0,The Room: Old Sins
Who developed The Room: Old Sins?</s>English,0,English,English,influenced by,French,English,0,France,English,0,Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag,English,0,Ubisoft Montpellier,English,0,The Room: Old Sins,French,0,English,French,0,French,French,country,France,French,0,Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag,French,0,Ubisoft Montpellier,French,0,The Room: Old Sins,France,0,English,France,official language,French,France,country,France,France,0,Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag,France,0,Ubisoft Montpellier,France,0,The Room: Old Sins,Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag,language of work or name,English,Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag,language of work or name,French,Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag,0,France,Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag,0,Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag,Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag,developer,Ubisoft Montpellier,Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag,0,The Room: Old Sins,Ubisoft Montpellier,0,English,Ubisoft Montpellier,0,French,Ubisoft Montpellier,country,France,Ubisoft Montpellier,0,Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag,Ubisoft Montpellier,0,Ubisoft Montpellier,Ubisoft Montpellier,0,The Room: Old Sins,The Room: Old Sins,language of work or name,English,The Room: Old Sins,language of work or name,French,The Room: Old Sins,0,France,The Room: Old Sins,0,Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag,The Room: Old Sins,0,Ubisoft Montpellier,The Room: Old Sins,0,The Room: Old Sins
Who led the first Roman invasion of Britain?
Q1747689, Q23666
{'directed': True, 'multigraph': False, 'graph': {}, 'nodes': [{'type': 'INTERNAL', 'name_': 'Q6173448', 'id': 0, 'label': 'Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4'}, {'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q1747689', 'id': 1, 'label': 'Ancient Rome'}, {'type': 'ANSWER_CANDIDATE_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q25', 'id': 2, 'label': 'Wales'}, {'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q23666', 'id': 3, 'label': 'Great Britain'}], 'links': [{'name_': 'P5008', 'source': 1, 'target': 0, 'label': 'on focus list of Wikimedia project'}, {'name_': 'P5008', 'source': 2, 'target': 0, 'label': 'on focus list of Wikimedia project'}, {'name_': 'P17', 'source': 2, 'target': 2, 'label': 'country'}, {'name_': 'P5008', 'source': 3, 'target': 0, 'label': 'on focus list of Wikimedia project'}]}
The Wikimedia project's focus is on Ancient Rome, but it also includes the country of Great Britain. The country of Wales is in the UK and is the location of the Wikimedia project's focus.
The UK is the location of the site of the Wikipedia :Vital articles/Level/4 which was put on the list of the Wikimedia projects in Great Britain . The site can be found in the country of Wales which is also where you will find the book 'Ancient Rome ' .
Who led the first Roman invasion of Britain?</s>The Wikimedia project's focus is on Ancient Rome, but it also includes the country of Great Britain. The country of [unused1]Wales [unused2] is in the UK and is the location of the Wikimedia project's focus.
Who led the first Roman invasion of Britain?</s>The Wikimedia project's focus is on Ancient Rome, but it also includes the country of Great Britain. The country of Wales is in the UK and is the location of the Wikimedia project's focus.
Who led the first Roman invasion of Britain?</s>The UK is the location of the site of the Wikipedia :Vital articles/Level/4 which was put on the list of the Wikimedia projects in Great Britain . The site can be found in the country of [unused1]Wales [unused2] which is also where you will find the book 'Ancient Rome ' .
Who led the first Roman invasion of Britain?</s>The UK is the location of the site of the Wikipedia :Vital articles/Level/4 which was put on the list of the Wikimedia projects in Great Britain . The site can be found in the country of Wales which is also where you will find the book 'Ancient Rome ' .
Who led the first Roman invasion of Britain?</s>Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4,0,Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4,Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4,0,Ancient Rome,Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4,0,[unused1]Wales[unused2],Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4,0,Great Britain,Ancient Rome,on focus list of Wikimedia project,Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4,Ancient Rome,0,Ancient Rome,Ancient Rome,0,[unused1]Wales[unused2],Ancient Rome,0,Great Britain,[unused1]Wales[unused2],on focus list of Wikimedia project,Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4,[unused1]Wales[unused2],0,Ancient Rome,[unused1]Wales[unused2],country,[unused1]Wales[unused2],[unused1]Wales[unused2],0,Great Britain,Great Britain,on focus list of Wikimedia project,Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4,Great Britain,0,Ancient Rome,Great Britain,0,[unused1]Wales[unused2],Great Britain,0,Great Britain
Who led the first Roman invasion of Britain?</s>Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4,0,Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4,Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4,0,Ancient Rome,Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4,0,Wales,Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4,0,Great Britain,Ancient Rome,on focus list of Wikimedia project,Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4,Ancient Rome,0,Ancient Rome,Ancient Rome,0,Wales,Ancient Rome,0,Great Britain,Wales,on focus list of Wikimedia project,Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4,Wales,0,Ancient Rome,Wales,country,Wales,Wales,0,Great Britain,Great Britain,on focus list of Wikimedia project,Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4,Great Britain,0,Ancient Rome,Great Britain,0,Wales,Great Britain,0,Great Britain
What element does Pikachu use?
{'directed': True, 'multigraph': False, 'graph': {}, 'nodes': [{'type': 'INTERNAL', 'name_': 'Q1970746', 'id': 0, 'label': 'Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language'}, {'type': 'ANSWER_CANDIDATE_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q283', 'id': 1, 'label': 'water'}, {'type': 'INTERNAL', 'name_': 'Q943', 'id': 2, 'label': 'yellow'}, {'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q9351', 'id': 3, 'label': 'Pikachu'}], 'links': [{'name_': 'P1343', 'source': 1, 'target': 0, 'label': 'described by source'}, {'name_': 'P1343', 'source': 2, 'target': 0, 'label': 'described by source'}, {'name_': 'P462', 'source': 3, 'target': 2, 'label': 'color'}]}
The Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language is written in water and is also yellow, the colour of Pikachu.
The Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language , which contains water , is also known as the color of the Pikachu .
What element does Pikachu use?</s>The Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language is written in [unused1]water [unused2] and is also yellow, the colour of Pikachu.
What element does Pikachu use?</s>The Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language is written in water and is also yellow, the colour of Pikachu.
What element does Pikachu use?</s>The Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language , which contains [unused1]water [unused2] , is also known as the color of the Pikachu .
What element does Pikachu use?</s>The Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language , which contains water , is also known as the color of the Pikachu .
What element does Pikachu use?</s>Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language,0,Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language,Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language,0,[unused1]water[unused2],Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language,0,yellow,Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language,0,Pikachu,[unused1]water[unused2],described by source,Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language,[unused1]water[unused2],0,[unused1]water[unused2],[unused1]water[unused2],0,yellow,[unused1]water[unused2],0,Pikachu,yellow,described by source,Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language,yellow,0,[unused1]water[unused2],yellow,0,yellow,yellow,0,Pikachu,Pikachu,0,Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language,Pikachu,0,[unused1]water[unused2],Pikachu,color,yellow,Pikachu,0,Pikachu
What element does Pikachu use?</s>Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language,0,Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language,Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language,0,water,Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language,0,yellow,Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language,0,Pikachu,water,described by source,Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language,water,0,water,water,0,yellow,water,0,Pikachu,yellow,described by source,Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language,yellow,0,water,yellow,0,yellow,yellow,0,Pikachu,Pikachu,0,Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language,Pikachu,0,water,Pikachu,color,yellow,Pikachu,0,Pikachu
Where was the first Animal Crossing mobile game released first?
{'directed': True, 'multigraph': False, 'graph': {}, 'nodes': [{'type': 'INTERNAL', 'name_': 'Q1860', 'id': 0, 'label': 'English'}, {'type': 'ANSWER_CANDIDATE_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q664', 'id': 1, 'label': 'New Zealand'}, {'type': 'INTERNAL', 'name_': 'Q94', 'id': 2, 'label': 'Android'}, {'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q1139803', 'id': 3, 'label': 'Animal Crossing'}], 'links': [{'name_': 'P17', 'source': 0, 'target': 1, 'label': 'country'}, {'name_': 'P37', 'source': 1, 'target': 0, 'label': 'official language'}, {'name_': 'P17', 'source': 1, 'target': 1, 'label': 'country'}, {'name_': 'P407', 'source': 2, 'target': 0, 'label': 'language of work or name'}, {'name_': 'P400', 'source': 3, 'target': 2, 'label': 'platform'}]}
English is the official language of New Zealand, where the Android platform is used. The country is the origin of the game Animal Crossing.
English is the official language of New Zealand , where English is also spoken . The English language is also used in the operating system of the Animal Crossing .
Where was the first Animal Crossing mobile game released first?</s>English is the official language of [unused1]New Zealand [unused2] , where the Android platform is used. The country is the origin of the game Animal Crossing.
Where was the first Animal Crossing mobile game released first?</s>English is the official language of New Zealand, where the Android platform is used. The country is the origin of the game Animal Crossing.
Where was the first Animal Crossing mobile game released first?</s>English is the official language of [unused1]New Zealand [unused2] , where English is also spoken . The English language is also used in the operating system of the Animal Crossing .
Where was the first Animal Crossing mobile game released first?</s>English is the official language of New Zealand , where English is also spoken . The English language is also used in the operating system of the Animal Crossing .
Where was the first Animal Crossing mobile game released first?</s>English,0,English,English,country,[unused1]New Zealand[unused2],English,0,Android,English,0,Animal Crossing,[unused1]New Zealand[unused2],official language,English,[unused1]New Zealand[unused2],country,[unused1]New Zealand[unused2],[unused1]New Zealand[unused2],0,Android,[unused1]New Zealand[unused2],0,Animal Crossing,Android,language of work or name,English,Android,0,[unused1]New Zealand[unused2],Android,0,Android,Android,0,Animal Crossing,Animal Crossing,0,English,Animal Crossing,0,[unused1]New Zealand[unused2],Animal Crossing,platform,Android,Animal Crossing,0,Animal Crossing
Where was the first Animal Crossing mobile game released first?</s>English,0,English,English,country,New Zealand,English,0,Android,English,0,Animal Crossing,New Zealand,official language,English,New Zealand,country,New Zealand,New Zealand,0,Android,New Zealand,0,Animal Crossing,Android,language of work or name,English,Android,0,New Zealand,Android,0,Android,Android,0,Animal Crossing,Animal Crossing,0,English,Animal Crossing,0,New Zealand,Animal Crossing,platform,Android,Animal Crossing,0,Animal Crossing
What was the first university founded in Oxford?
{'directed': True, 'multigraph': False, 'graph': {}, 'nodes': [{'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q34217', 'id': 0, 'label': 'Oxford'}, {'type': 'INTERNAL', 'name_': 'Q34433', 'id': 1, 'label': 'University of Oxford'}, {'type': 'ANSWER_CANDIDATE_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q61960212', 'id': 2, 'label': 'The University of Oxford'}], 'links': [{'name_': 'P159', 'source': 1, 'target': 0, 'label': 'headquarters location'}, {'name_': 'P921', 'source': 2, 'target': 1, 'label': 'main subject'}]}
The University of Oxford is the main subject of the University of Oxford, the headquarters of which, is located in Oxford.
The University of Oxford is the main course of study and is located in the city of Oxford .
What was the first university founded in Oxford?</s> [unused1]The University of Oxford [unused2] is the main subject of the University of Oxford, the headquarters of which, is located in Oxford.
What was the first university founded in Oxford?</s>The University of Oxford is the main subject of the University of Oxford, the headquarters of which, is located in Oxford.
What was the first university founded in Oxford?</s> [unused1]The University of Oxford [unused2] is the main course of study and is located in the city of Oxford .
What was the first university founded in Oxford?</s>The University of Oxford is the main course of study and is located in the city of Oxford .
What was the first university founded in Oxford?</s>Oxford,0,Oxford,Oxford,0,University of Oxford,Oxford,0,[unused1]The University of Oxford[unused2],University of Oxford,headquarters location,Oxford,University of Oxford,0,University of Oxford,University of Oxford,0,[unused1]The University of Oxford[unused2],[unused1]The University of Oxford[unused2],0,Oxford,[unused1]The University of Oxford[unused2],main subject,University of Oxford,[unused1]The University of Oxford[unused2],0,[unused1]The University of Oxford[unused2]
What was the first university founded in Oxford?</s>Oxford,0,Oxford,Oxford,0,University of Oxford,Oxford,0,The University of Oxford,University of Oxford,headquarters location,Oxford,University of Oxford,0,University of Oxford,University of Oxford,0,The University of Oxford,The University of Oxford,0,Oxford,The University of Oxford,main subject,University of Oxford,The University of Oxford,0,The University of Oxford
What is the oldest university in Italy?
{'directed': True, 'multigraph': False, 'graph': {}, 'nodes': [{'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q38', 'id': 0, 'label': 'Italy'}, {'type': 'ANSWER_CANDIDATE_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q645663', 'id': 1, 'label': 'University of Pisa'}], 'links': [{'name_': 'P17', 'source': 0, 'target': 0, 'label': 'country'}, {'name_': 'P17', 'source': 1, 'target': 0, 'label': 'country'}]}
The University of Pisa is located in Italy.
The University of Pisa is located in Italy , where the country is the location of the university .
What is the oldest university in Italy?</s>The [unused1]University of Pisa [unused2] is located in Italy.
What is the oldest university in Italy?</s>The University of Pisa is located in Italy.
What is the oldest university in Italy?</s>The [unused1]University of Pisa [unused2] is located in Italy , where the country is the location of the university .
What is the oldest university in Italy?</s>The University of Pisa is located in Italy , where the country is the location of the university .
What is the oldest university in Italy?</s>Italy,country,Italy,Italy,0,[unused1]University of Pisa[unused2],[unused1]University of Pisa[unused2],country,Italy,[unused1]University of Pisa[unused2],0,[unused1]University of Pisa[unused2]
What is the oldest university in Italy?</s>Italy,country,Italy,Italy,0,University of Pisa,University of Pisa,country,Italy,University of Pisa,0,University of Pisa
Where was the first all-woman city council in the United States?
{'directed': True, 'multigraph': False, 'graph': {}, 'nodes': [{'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q30', 'id': 0, 'label': 'United States of America'}, {'type': 'ANSWER_CANDIDATE_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q25395', 'id': 1, 'label': 'Newark'}], 'links': [{'name_': 'P17', 'source': 0, 'target': 0, 'label': 'country'}, {'name_': 'P17', 'source': 1, 'target': 0, 'label': 'country'}]}
Newark is in the United States.
Newark is located in the United States of America which is the location of the country .
Where was the first all-woman city council in the United States?</s> [unused1]Newark [unused2] is in the United States.
Where was the first all-woman city council in the United States?</s>Newark is in the United States.
Where was the first all-woman city council in the United States?</s> [unused1]Newark [unused2] is located in the United States of America which is the location of the country .
Where was the first all-woman city council in the United States?</s>Newark is located in the United States of America which is the location of the country .
Where was the first all-woman city council in the United States?</s>United States of America,country,United States of America,United States of America,0,[unused1]Newark[unused2],[unused1]Newark[unused2],country,United States of America,[unused1]Newark[unused2],0,[unused1]Newark[unused2]
Where was the first all-woman city council in the United States?</s>United States of America,country,United States of America,United States of America,0,Newark,Newark,country,United States of America,Newark,0,Newark
Who was the second-to-last Republican mayor of Boston?
Q29468, Q100
{'directed': True, 'multigraph': False, 'graph': {}, 'nodes': [{'type': 'INTERNAL', 'name_': 'Q30', 'id': 0, 'label': 'United States of America'}, {'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q29468', 'id': 1, 'label': 'Republican Party'}, {'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q100', 'id': 2, 'label': 'Boston'}, {'type': 'ANSWER_CANDIDATE_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q941404', 'id': 3, 'label': 'Thomas Menino'}], 'links': [{'name_': 'P17', 'source': 0, 'target': 0, 'label': 'country'}, {'name_': 'P17', 'source': 1, 'target': 0, 'label': 'country'}, {'name_': 'P17', 'source': 2, 'target': 0, 'label': 'country'}, {'name_': 'P6', 'source': 2, 'target': 3, 'label': 'head of government'}, {'name_': 'P27', 'source': 3, 'target': 0, 'label': 'country of citizenship'}, {'name_': 'P19', 'source': 3, 'target': 2, 'label': 'place of birth'}]}
Thomas Menino was born in Boston, United States, where the Republican Party is in power. He was the Mayor of Boston.
Thomas Menino was born in Boston , United States . He is a citizen of the United States of America which is led by the Republican Party . The country is the location of the birth place of Boston .
Who was the second-to-last Republican mayor of Boston?</s> [unused1]Thomas Menino [unused2] was born in Boston, United States, where the Republican Party is in power. He was the Mayor of Boston.
Who was the second-to-last Republican mayor of Boston?</s>Thomas Menino was born in Boston, United States, where the Republican Party is in power. He was the Mayor of Boston.
Who was the second-to-last Republican mayor of Boston?</s> [unused1]Thomas Menino [unused2] was born in Boston , United States . He is a citizen of the United States of America which is led by the Republican Party . The country is the location of the birth place of Boston .
Who was the second-to-last Republican mayor of Boston?</s>Thomas Menino was born in Boston , United States . He is a citizen of the United States of America which is led by the Republican Party . The country is the location of the birth place of Boston .
Who was the second-to-last Republican mayor of Boston?</s>United States of America,country,United States of America,United States of America,0,Republican Party,United States of America,0,Boston,United States of America,0,[unused1]Thomas Menino[unused2],Republican Party,country,United States of America,Republican Party,0,Republican Party,Republican Party,0,Boston,Republican Party,0,[unused1]Thomas Menino[unused2],Boston,country,United States of America,Boston,0,Republican Party,Boston,0,Boston,Boston,head of government,[unused1]Thomas Menino[unused2],[unused1]Thomas Menino[unused2],country of citizenship,United States of America,[unused1]Thomas Menino[unused2],0,Republican Party,[unused1]Thomas Menino[unused2],place of birth,Boston,[unused1]Thomas Menino[unused2],0,[unused1]Thomas Menino[unused2]
Who was the second-to-last Republican mayor of Boston?</s>United States of America,country,United States of America,United States of America,0,Republican Party,United States of America,0,Boston,United States of America,0,Thomas Menino,Republican Party,country,United States of America,Republican Party,0,Republican Party,Republican Party,0,Boston,Republican Party,0,Thomas Menino,Boston,country,United States of America,Boston,0,Republican Party,Boston,0,Boston,Boston,head of government,Thomas Menino,Thomas Menino,country of citizenship,United States of America,Thomas Menino,0,Republican Party,Thomas Menino,place of birth,Boston,Thomas Menino,0,Thomas Menino
Who was the last Labour prime minister of the UK?
Q9630, Q145
{'directed': True, 'multigraph': False, 'graph': {}, 'nodes': [{'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q145', 'id': 0, 'label': 'United Kingdom'}, {'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q9630', 'id': 1, 'label': 'Labour Party'}, {'type': 'ANSWER_CANDIDATE_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q10648', 'id': 2, 'label': 'Gordon Brown'}], 'links': [{'name_': 'P17', 'source': 0, 'target': 0, 'label': 'country'}, {'name_': 'P17', 'source': 1, 'target': 0, 'label': 'country'}, {'name_': 'P488', 'source': 1, 'target': 2, 'label': 'chairperson'}, {'name_': 'P27', 'source': 2, 'target': 0, 'label': 'country of citizenship'}, {'name_': 'P102', 'source': 2, 'target': 1, 'label': 'member of political party'}]}
Gordon Brown is a citizen of the United Kingdom, where the Labour Party is the political party. The country is the location of the chairperson of the Labour Party, which is Gordon Brown.
Gordon Brown is a member of the Labour Party in the United Kingdom which has Gordon Brown as its chair . Brown was born in the U.K. and is a national of the country .
Who was the last Labour prime minister of the UK?</s> [unused1]Gordon Brown [unused2] is a citizen of the United Kingdom, where the Labour Party is the political party. The country is the location of the chairperson of the Labour Party, which is
Who was the last Labour prime minister of the UK?</s>Gordon Brown is a citizen of the United Kingdom, where the Labour Party is the political party. The country is the location of the chairperson of the Labour Party, which is Gordon Brown.
Who was the last Labour prime minister of the UK?</s> [unused1]Gordon Brown [unused2] is a member of the Labour Party in the United Kingdom which has
Who was the last Labour prime minister of the UK?</s>Gordon Brown is a member of the Labour Party in the United Kingdom which has Gordon Brown as its chair . Brown was born in the U.K. and is a national of the country .
Who was the last Labour prime minister of the UK?</s>United Kingdom,country,United Kingdom,United Kingdom,0,Labour Party,United Kingdom,0,[unused1]Gordon Brown[unused2],Labour Party,country,United Kingdom,Labour Party,0,Labour Party,Labour Party,chairperson,[unused1]Gordon Brown[unused2],[unused1]Gordon Brown[unused2],country of citizenship,United Kingdom,[unused1]Gordon Brown[unused2],member of political party,Labour Party,[unused1]Gordon Brown[unused2],0,[unused1]Gordon Brown[unused2]
Who was the last Labour prime minister of the UK?</s>United Kingdom,country,United Kingdom,United Kingdom,0,Labour Party,United Kingdom,0,Gordon Brown,Labour Party,country,United Kingdom,Labour Party,0,Labour Party,Labour Party,chairperson,Gordon Brown,Gordon Brown,country of citizenship,United Kingdom,Gordon Brown,member of political party,Labour Party,Gordon Brown,0,Gordon Brown
What platform could the first Animal Crossing spin-off be played on?
{'directed': True, 'multigraph': False, 'graph': {}, 'nodes': [{'type': 'ANSWER_CANDIDATE_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q182172', 'id': 0, 'label': 'Nintendo GameCube'}, {'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q1139803', 'id': 1, 'label': 'Animal Crossing'}], 'links': [{'name_': 'P400', 'source': 1, 'target': 0, 'label': 'platform'}]}
The Nintendo GameCube is the platform for the Animal Crossing game.
The Nintendo GameCube is a platform for the character , Animal Crossing .
What platform could the first Animal Crossing spin-off be played on?</s>The [unused1]Nintendo GameCube [unused2] is the platform for the Animal Crossing game.
What platform could the first Animal Crossing spin-off be played on?</s>The Nintendo GameCube is the platform for the Animal Crossing game.
What platform could the first Animal Crossing spin-off be played on?</s>The [unused1]Nintendo GameCube [unused2] is a platform for the character , Animal Crossing .
What platform could the first Animal Crossing spin-off be played on?</s>The Nintendo GameCube is a platform for the character , Animal Crossing .
What platform could the first Animal Crossing spin-off be played on?</s>[unused1]Nintendo GameCube[unused2],0,[unused1]Nintendo GameCube[unused2],[unused1]Nintendo GameCube[unused2],0,Animal Crossing,Animal Crossing,platform,[unused1]Nintendo GameCube[unused2],Animal Crossing,0,Animal Crossing
What platform could the first Animal Crossing spin-off be played on?</s>Nintendo GameCube,0,Nintendo GameCube,Nintendo GameCube,0,Animal Crossing,Animal Crossing,platform,Nintendo GameCube,Animal Crossing,0,Animal Crossing
Where was the first Animal Crossing mobile game released first?
{'directed': True, 'multigraph': False, 'graph': {}, 'nodes': [{'type': 'INTERNAL', 'name_': 'Q1860', 'id': 0, 'label': 'English'}, {'type': 'ANSWER_CANDIDATE_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q408', 'id': 1, 'label': 'Australia'}, {'type': 'INTERNAL', 'name_': 'Q196600', 'id': 2, 'label': 'media franchise'}, {'type': 'INTERNAL', 'name_': 'Q94', 'id': 3, 'label': 'Android'}, {'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q1139803', 'id': 4, 'label': 'Animal Crossing'}, {'type': 'INTERNAL', 'name_': 'Q111476155', 'id': 5, 'label': 'Wolf Creek'}], 'links': [{'name_': 'P17', 'source': 0, 'target': 1, 'label': 'country'}, {'name_': 'P37', 'source': 1, 'target': 0, 'label': 'official language'}, {'name_': 'P17', 'source': 1, 'target': 1, 'label': 'country'}, {'name_': 'P407', 'source': 3, 'target': 0, 'label': 'language of work or name'}, {'name_': 'P31', 'source': 4, 'target': 2, 'label': 'instance of'}, {'name_': 'P400', 'source': 4, 'target': 3, 'label': 'platform'}, {'name_': 'P364', 'source': 5, 'target': 0, 'label': 'original language of film or TV show'}, {'name_': 'P495', 'source': 5, 'target': 1, 'label': 'country of origin'}, {'name_': 'P31', 'source': 5, 'target': 2, 'label': 'instance of'}]}
The official language of Australia is English. The country is the origin of the TV series Wolf Creek. The TV series is a media franchise called Animal Crossing, which is played on the Android platform.
English is the official language of Australia , where English is also spoken . The country is the origin of Wolf Creek , which is an Australian TV series . The TV series was shown on the tv screens of both Wolf Creek and the film , Wolf Creek .
Where was the first Animal Crossing mobile game released first?</s>The official language of [unused1]Australia [unused2] is English. The country is the origin of the TV series Wolf Creek. The TV series is a media franchise called Animal Crossing, which is played on the Android platform.
Where was the first Animal Crossing mobile game released first?</s>The official language of Australia is English. The country is the origin of the TV series Wolf Creek. The TV series is a media franchise called Animal Crossing, which is played on the Android platform.
Where was the first Animal Crossing mobile game released first?</s>English is the official language of [unused1]Australia [unused2] , where English is also spoken . The country is the origin of Wolf Creek , which is an
Where was the first Animal Crossing mobile game released first?</s>English is the official language of Australia , where English is also spoken . The country is the origin of Wolf Creek , which is an Australian TV series . The TV series was shown on the tv screens of both Wolf Creek and the film , Wolf Creek .
Where was the first Animal Crossing mobile game released first?</s>English,0,English,English,country,[unused1]Australia[unused2],English,0,media franchise,English,0,Android,English,0,Animal Crossing,English,0,Wolf Creek,[unused1]Australia[unused2],official language,English,[unused1]Australia[unused2],country,[unused1]Australia[unused2],[unused1]Australia[unused2],0,media franchise,[unused1]Australia[unused2],0,Android,[unused1]Australia[unused2],0,Animal Crossing,[unused1]Australia[unused2],0,Wolf Creek,media franchise,0,English,media franchise,0,[unused1]Australia[unused2],media franchise,0,media franchise,media franchise,0,Android,media franchise,0,Animal Crossing,media franchise,0,Wolf Creek,Android,language of work or name,English,Android,0,[unused1]Australia[unused2],Android,0,media franchise,Android,0,Android,Android,0,Animal Crossing,Android,0,Wolf Creek,Animal Crossing,0,English,Animal Crossing,0,[unused1]Australia[unused2],Animal Crossing,instance of,media franchise,Animal Crossing,platform,Android,Animal Crossing,0,Animal Crossing,Animal Crossing,0,Wolf Creek,Wolf Creek,original language of film or TV show,English,Wolf Creek,country of origin,[unused1]Australia[unused2],Wolf Creek,instance of,media franchise,Wolf Creek,0,Android,Wolf Creek,0,Animal Crossing,Wolf Creek,0,Wolf Creek
Where was the first Animal Crossing mobile game released first?</s>English,0,English,English,country,Australia,English,0,media franchise,English,0,Android,English,0,Animal Crossing,English,0,Wolf Creek,Australia,official language,English,Australia,country,Australia,Australia,0,media franchise,Australia,0,Android,Australia,0,Animal Crossing,Australia,0,Wolf Creek,media franchise,0,English,media franchise,0,Australia,media franchise,0,media franchise,media franchise,0,Android,media franchise,0,Animal Crossing,media franchise,0,Wolf Creek,Android,language of work or name,English,Android,0,Australia,Android,0,media franchise,Android,0,Android,Android,0,Animal Crossing,Android,0,Wolf Creek,Animal Crossing,0,English,Animal Crossing,0,Australia,Animal Crossing,instance of,media franchise,Animal Crossing,platform,Android,Animal Crossing,0,Animal Crossing,Animal Crossing,0,Wolf Creek,Wolf Creek,original language of film or TV show,English,Wolf Creek,country of origin,Australia,Wolf Creek,instance of,media franchise,Wolf Creek,0,Android,Wolf Creek,0,Animal Crossing,Wolf Creek,0,Wolf Creek
Who had the longest Oscar speech?
{'directed': True, 'multigraph': False, 'graph': {}, 'nodes': [{'type': 'INTERNAL', 'name_': 'Q30', 'id': 0, 'label': 'United States of America'}, {'type': 'ANSWER_CANDIDATE_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q34012', 'id': 1, 'label': 'Marlon Brando'}, {'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q17010067', 'id': 2, 'label': 'Oscar speech'}], 'links': [{'name_': 'P17', 'source': 0, 'target': 0, 'label': 'country'}, {'name_': 'P27', 'source': 1, 'target': 0, 'label': 'country of citizenship'}, {'name_': 'P17', 'source': 2, 'target': 0, 'label': 'country'}]}
Marlon Brando is a citizen of the United States, where the Oscar speech was given.
Marlon Brando is a citizen of the United States of America , where the leader is called `` Oscar '' .
Who had the longest Oscar speech?</s> [unused1]Marlon Brando [unused2] is a citizen of the United States, where the Oscar speech was given.
Who had the longest Oscar speech?</s>Marlon Brando is a citizen of the United States, where the Oscar speech was given.
Who had the longest Oscar speech?</s> [unused1]Marlon Brando [unused2] is a citizen of the United States of America , where the leader is called `` Oscar '' .
Who had the longest Oscar speech?</s>Marlon Brando is a citizen of the United States of America , where the leader is called `` Oscar '' .
Who had the longest Oscar speech?</s>United States of America,country,United States of America,United States of America,0,[unused1]Marlon Brando[unused2],United States of America,0,Oscar speech,[unused1]Marlon Brando[unused2],country of citizenship,United States of America,[unused1]Marlon Brando[unused2],0,[unused1]Marlon Brando[unused2],[unused1]Marlon Brando[unused2],0,Oscar speech,Oscar speech,country,United States of America,Oscar speech,0,[unused1]Marlon Brando[unused2],Oscar speech,0,Oscar speech
Who had the longest Oscar speech?</s>United States of America,country,United States of America,United States of America,0,Marlon Brando,United States of America,0,Oscar speech,Marlon Brando,country of citizenship,United States of America,Marlon Brando,0,Marlon Brando,Marlon Brando,0,Oscar speech,Oscar speech,country,United States of America,Oscar speech,0,Marlon Brando,Oscar speech,0,Oscar speech
Where was the first all-woman city council in the United States?
{'directed': True, 'multigraph': False, 'graph': {}, 'nodes': [{'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q30', 'id': 0, 'label': 'United States of America'}, {'type': 'ANSWER_CANDIDATE_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q488', 'id': 1, 'label': 'atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki'}], 'links': [{'name_': 'P17', 'source': 0, 'target': 0, 'label': 'country'}, {'name_': 'P1344', 'source': 0, 'target': 1, 'label': 'participant in'}, {'name_': 'P710', 'source': 1, 'target': 0, 'label': 'participant'}]}
The United States of America was a participant in the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
The United States of America is the location of the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki . It is also the country where the people are called Americans .
Where was the first all-woman city council in the United States?</s>The United States of America was a participant in the [unused1]atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki [unused2] .
Where was the first all-woman city council in the United States?</s>The United States of America was a participant in the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
Where was the first all-woman city council in the United States?</s>The United States of America is the location of the [unused1]atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki [unused2] . It is also the country where the people are called Americans .
Where was the first all-woman city council in the United States?</s>The United States of America is the location of the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki . It is also the country where the people are called Americans .
Where was the first all-woman city council in the United States?</s>United States of America,country,United States of America,United States of America,participant in,[unused1]atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki[unused2],[unused1]atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki[unused2],participant,United States of America,[unused1]atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki[unused2],0,[unused1]atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki[unused2]
Where was the first all-woman city council in the United States?</s>United States of America,country,United States of America,United States of America,participant in,atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki,atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki,participant,United States of America,atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki,0,atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki
Which country has the longest gap between successive titles at the Euros?
{'directed': True, 'multigraph': False, 'graph': {}, 'nodes': [{'type': 'INTERNAL', 'name_': 'Q6173448', 'id': 0, 'label': 'Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4'}, {'type': 'ANSWER_CANDIDATE_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q142', 'id': 1, 'label': 'France'}, {'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q260858', 'id': 2, 'label': 'UEFA European Championship'}], 'links': [{'name_': 'P5008', 'source': 1, 'target': 0, 'label': 'on focus list of Wikimedia project'}, {'name_': 'P17', 'source': 1, 'target': 1, 'label': 'country'}, {'name_': 'P5008', 'source': 2, 'target': 0, 'label': 'on focus list of Wikimedia project'}]}
The UEFA European Championship is played in France, the country where the Wikimedia project is based. The country is also the location of the Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4.
The journal Wikipedia :Vital articles/4 is part of the list of the projects that can be found in France , the country where the UEFA European championship is also located .
Which country has the longest gap between successive titles at the Euros?</s>The UEFA European Championship is played in [unused1]France [unused2] , the country where the Wikimedia project is based. The country is also the location of the Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4.
Which country has the longest gap between successive titles at the Euros?</s>The UEFA European Championship is played in France, the country where the Wikimedia project is based. The country is also the location of the Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4.
Which country has the longest gap between successive titles at the Euros?</s>The journal Wikipedia :Vital articles/4 is part of the list of the projects that can be found in [unused1]France [unused2] , the country where the UEFA European championship is also located .
Which country has the longest gap between successive titles at the Euros?</s>The journal Wikipedia :Vital articles/4 is part of the list of the projects that can be found in France , the country where the UEFA European championship is also located .
Which country has the longest gap between successive titles at the Euros?</s>Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4,0,Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4,Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4,0,[unused1]France[unused2],Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4,0,UEFA European Championship,[unused1]France[unused2],on focus list of Wikimedia project,Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4,[unused1]France[unused2],country,[unused1]France[unused2],[unused1]France[unused2],0,UEFA European Championship,UEFA European Championship,on focus list of Wikimedia project,Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4,UEFA European Championship,0,[unused1]France[unused2],UEFA European Championship,0,UEFA European Championship
Which country has the longest gap between successive titles at the Euros?</s>Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4,0,Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4,Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4,0,France,Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4,0,UEFA European Championship,France,on focus list of Wikimedia project,Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4,France,country,France,France,0,UEFA European Championship,UEFA European Championship,on focus list of Wikimedia project,Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4,UEFA European Championship,0,France,UEFA European Championship,0,UEFA European Championship
Who was the first prime minister during George V's reign?
{'directed': True, 'multigraph': False, 'graph': {}, 'nodes': [{'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q269412', 'id': 0, 'label': 'George V'}, {'type': 'ANSWER_CANDIDATE_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q166028', 'id': 1, 'label': 'Louise of Hesse-Kassel'}], 'links': [{'name_': 'P1290', 'source': 0, 'target': 1, 'label': 'godparent'}]}
Louise of Hesse-Kassel's godparent was George V.
George V was the godparent of Louise of Hesse-Kassel .
Who was the first prime minister during George V's reign?</s> [unused1]Louise of Hesse-Kassel [unused2] 's godparent was George V.
Who was the first prime minister during George V's reign?</s>Louise of Hesse-Kassel's godparent was George V.
Who was the first prime minister during George V's reign?</s>George V was the godparent of [unused1]Louise of Hesse-Kassel [unused2] .
Who was the first prime minister during George V's reign?</s>George V was the godparent of Louise of Hesse-Kassel .
Who was the first prime minister during George V's reign?</s>George V,0,George V,George V,godparent,[unused1]Louise of Hesse-Kassel[unused2],[unused1]Louise of Hesse-Kassel[unused2],0,George V,[unused1]Louise of Hesse-Kassel[unused2],0,[unused1]Louise of Hesse-Kassel[unused2]
Who was the first prime minister during George V's reign?</s>George V,0,George V,George V,godparent,Louise of Hesse-Kassel,Louise of Hesse-Kassel,0,George V,Louise of Hesse-Kassel,0,Louise of Hesse-Kassel
Who was the first African-American woman mayor of Pasadena, California?
Q49085, Q485176
{'directed': True, 'multigraph': False, 'graph': {}, 'nodes': [{'type': 'INTERNAL', 'name_': 'Q30', 'id': 0, 'label': 'United States of America'}, {'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q49085', 'id': 1, 'label': 'African Americans'}, {'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q485176', 'id': 2, 'label': 'Pasadena'}, {'type': 'ANSWER_CANDIDATE_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q6680987', 'id': 3, 'label': 'Loretta Thompson-Glickman'}], 'links': [{'name_': 'P17', 'source': 0, 'target': 0, 'label': 'country'}, {'name_': 'P172', 'source': 0, 'target': 1, 'label': 'ethnic or cultural origin'}, {'name_': 'P17', 'source': 1, 'target': 0, 'label': 'country'}, {'name_': 'P17', 'source': 2, 'target': 0, 'label': 'country'}, {'name_': 'P27', 'source': 3, 'target': 0, 'label': 'country of citizenship'}]}
African Americans are an ethnic group in the United States, where Loretta Thompson-Glickman is a citizen. The country is the location of Pasadena.
African Americans are one of the ethnic groups in the United States of America , where the country is led by Loretta Thompson-Glickman . The country is the location of the city of Pasadena and is the origin of the African Americans .
Who was the first African-American woman mayor of Pasadena, California?</s>African Americans are an ethnic group in the United States, where [unused1]Loretta Thompson-Glickman [unused2] is a citizen. The country is the location of Pasadena.
Who was the first African-American woman mayor of Pasadena, California?</s>African Americans are an ethnic group in the United States, where Loretta Thompson-Glickman is a citizen. The country is the location of Pasadena.
Who was the first African-American woman mayor of Pasadena, California?</s>African Americans are one of the ethnic groups in the United States of America , where the country is led by [unused1]Loretta Thompson-Glickman [unused2] . The country is the location of the city of Pasadena and is the origin of the African Americans .
Who was the first African-American woman mayor of Pasadena, California?</s>African Americans are one of the ethnic groups in the United States of America , where the country is led by Loretta Thompson-Glickman . The country is the location of the city of Pasadena and is the origin of the African Americans .
Who was the first African-American woman mayor of Pasadena, California?</s>United States of America,country,United States of America,United States of America,ethnic or cultural origin,African Americans,United States of America,0,Pasadena,United States of America,0,[unused1]Loretta Thompson-Glickman[unused2],African Americans,country,United States of America,African Americans,0,African Americans,African Americans,0,Pasadena,African Americans,0,[unused1]Loretta Thompson-Glickman[unused2],Pasadena,country,United States of America,Pasadena,0,African Americans,Pasadena,0,Pasadena,Pasadena,0,[unused1]Loretta Thompson-Glickman[unused2],[unused1]Loretta Thompson-Glickman[unused2],country of citizenship,United States of America,[unused1]Loretta Thompson-Glickman[unused2],0,African Americans,[unused1]Loretta Thompson-Glickman[unused2],0,Pasadena,[unused1]Loretta Thompson-Glickman[unused2],0,[unused1]Loretta Thompson-Glickman[unused2]
Who was the first African-American woman mayor of Pasadena, California?</s>United States of America,country,United States of America,United States of America,ethnic or cultural origin,African Americans,United States of America,0,Pasadena,United States of America,0,Loretta Thompson-Glickman,African Americans,country,United States of America,African Americans,0,African Americans,African Americans,0,Pasadena,African Americans,0,Loretta Thompson-Glickman,Pasadena,country,United States of America,Pasadena,0,African Americans,Pasadena,0,Pasadena,Pasadena,0,Loretta Thompson-Glickman,Loretta Thompson-Glickman,country of citizenship,United States of America,Loretta Thompson-Glickman,0,African Americans,Loretta Thompson-Glickman,0,Pasadena,Loretta Thompson-Glickman,0,Loretta Thompson-Glickman
What kind of game is The Room: Old Sins?
{'directed': True, 'multigraph': False, 'graph': {}, 'nodes': [{'type': 'ANSWER_CANDIDATE_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q54767', 'id': 0, 'label': 'puzzle video game'}, {'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q54958940', 'id': 1, 'label': 'The Room: Old Sins'}], 'links': [{'name_': 'P136', 'source': 1, 'target': 0, 'label': 'genre'}]}
The Room : Old Sins is a puzzle video game.
The genre of the puzzle video games is The Room : Old Sins .
What kind of game is The Room: Old Sins?</s>The Room : Old Sins is a [unused1]puzzle video game [unused2] .
What kind of game is The Room: Old Sins?</s>The Room : Old Sins is a puzzle video game.
What kind of game is The Room: Old Sins?</s>The genre of the [unused1]puzzle video game [unused2] s is The Room : Old Sins .
What kind of game is The Room: Old Sins?</s>The genre of the puzzle video games is The Room : Old Sins .
What kind of game is The Room: Old Sins?</s>[unused1]puzzle video game[unused2],0,[unused1]puzzle video game[unused2],[unused1]puzzle video game[unused2],0,The Room: Old Sins,The Room: Old Sins,genre,[unused1]puzzle video game[unused2],The Room: Old Sins,0,The Room: Old Sins
What kind of game is The Room: Old Sins?</s>puzzle video game,0,puzzle video game,puzzle video game,0,The Room: Old Sins,The Room: Old Sins,genre,puzzle video game,The Room: Old Sins,0,The Room: Old Sins
Who was the first prime minister during Elizabeth II's reign?
{'directed': True, 'multigraph': False, 'graph': {}, 'nodes': [{'type': 'INTERNAL', 'name_': 'Q6173448', 'id': 0, 'label': 'Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4'}, {'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q9682', 'id': 1, 'label': 'Elizabeth II'}, {'type': 'ANSWER_CANDIDATE_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q129006', 'id': 2, 'label': 'Clement Attlee'}], 'links': [{'name_': 'P5008', 'source': 1, 'target': 0, 'label': 'on focus list of Wikimedia project'}, {'name_': 'P5008', 'source': 2, 'target': 0, 'label': 'on focus list of Wikimedia project'}]}
Elizabeth II and Clement Attlee are both on the Wikimedia project's focus list.
Elizabeth II and Clement Attlee are both on the list of the projects that are part of the Wikimedia project .
Who was the first prime minister during Elizabeth II's reign?</s>Elizabeth II and [unused1]Clement Attlee [unused2] are both on the Wikimedia project's focus list.
Who was the first prime minister during Elizabeth II's reign?</s>Elizabeth II and Clement Attlee are both on the Wikimedia project's focus list.
Who was the first prime minister during Elizabeth II's reign?</s>Elizabeth II and [unused1]Clement Attlee [unused2] are both on the list of the projects that are part of the Wikimedia project .
Who was the first prime minister during Elizabeth II's reign?</s>Elizabeth II and Clement Attlee are both on the list of the projects that are part of the Wikimedia project .
Who was the first prime minister during Elizabeth II's reign?</s>Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4,0,Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4,Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4,0,Elizabeth II,Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4,0,[unused1]Clement Attlee[unused2],Elizabeth II,on focus list of Wikimedia project,Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4,Elizabeth II,0,Elizabeth II,Elizabeth II,0,[unused1]Clement Attlee[unused2],[unused1]Clement Attlee[unused2],on focus list of Wikimedia project,Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4,[unused1]Clement Attlee[unused2],0,Elizabeth II,[unused1]Clement Attlee[unused2],0,[unused1]Clement Attlee[unused2]
Who was the first prime minister during Elizabeth II's reign?</s>Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4,0,Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4,Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4,0,Elizabeth II,Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4,0,Clement Attlee,Elizabeth II,on focus list of Wikimedia project,Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4,Elizabeth II,0,Elizabeth II,Elizabeth II,0,Clement Attlee,Clement Attlee,on focus list of Wikimedia project,Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4,Clement Attlee,0,Elizabeth II,Clement Attlee,0,Clement Attlee
Where was the first Animal Crossing mobile game released first?
{'directed': True, 'multigraph': False, 'graph': {}, 'nodes': [{'type': 'ANSWER_CANDIDATE_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q5345827', 'id': 0, 'label': 'Animal Crossing'}, {'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q1139803', 'id': 1, 'label': 'Animal Crossing'}], 'links': [{'name_': 'P179', 'source': 0, 'target': 1, 'label': 'part of the series'}, {'name_': 'P527', 'source': 1, 'target': 0, 'label': 'has part(s)'}]}
The series Animal Crossing is part of the series.
The film , Animal Crossing , is part of the series , also known as Animal Crossing .
Where was the first Animal Crossing mobile game released first?</s>The series [unused1]Animal Crossing [unused2] is part of the series.
Where was the first Animal Crossing mobile game released first?</s>The series Animal Crossing is part of the series.
Where was the first Animal Crossing mobile game released first?</s>The film , [unused1]Animal Crossing [unused2] , is part of the series , also known as
Where was the first Animal Crossing mobile game released first?</s>The film , Animal Crossing , is part of the series , also known as Animal Crossing .
Where was the first Animal Crossing mobile game released first?</s>[unused1]Animal Crossing[unused2],0,[unused1]Animal Crossing[unused2],[unused1]Animal Crossing[unused2],part of the series,Animal Crossing,Animal Crossing,has part(s),[unused1]Animal Crossing[unused2],Animal Crossing,0,Animal Crossing
Where was the first Animal Crossing mobile game released first?</s>Animal Crossing,0,Animal Crossing,Animal Crossing,part of the series,Animal Crossing,Animal Crossing,has part(s),Animal Crossing,Animal Crossing,0,Animal Crossing
Who was the oldest person to receive the Nobel Prize in Literature?
{'directed': True, 'multigraph': False, 'graph': {}, 'nodes': [{'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q37922', 'id': 0, 'label': 'Nobel Prize in Literature'}, {'type': 'ANSWER_CANDIDATE_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q47695', 'id': 1, 'label': 'Rudolf Christoph Eucken'}], 'links': [{'name_': 'P1346', 'source': 0, 'target': 1, 'label': 'winner'}, {'name_': 'P166', 'source': 1, 'target': 0, 'label': 'award received'}]}
Rudolf Christoph Eucken won the Nobel Prize in Literature.
Rudolf Christoph Eucken was a winner of the Nobel Prize in Literature .
Who was the oldest person to receive the Nobel Prize in Literature?</s> [unused1]Rudolf Christoph Eucken [unused2] won the Nobel Prize in Literature.
Who was the oldest person to receive the Nobel Prize in Literature?</s>Rudolf Christoph Eucken won the Nobel Prize in Literature.
Who was the oldest person to receive the Nobel Prize in Literature?</s> [unused1]Rudolf Christoph Eucken [unused2] was a winner of the Nobel Prize in Literature .
Who was the oldest person to receive the Nobel Prize in Literature?</s>Rudolf Christoph Eucken was a winner of the Nobel Prize in Literature .
Who was the oldest person to receive the Nobel Prize in Literature?</s>Nobel Prize in Literature,0,Nobel Prize in Literature,Nobel Prize in Literature,winner,[unused1]Rudolf Christoph Eucken[unused2],[unused1]Rudolf Christoph Eucken[unused2],award received,Nobel Prize in Literature,[unused1]Rudolf Christoph Eucken[unused2],0,[unused1]Rudolf Christoph Eucken[unused2]
Who was the oldest person to receive the Nobel Prize in Literature?</s>Nobel Prize in Literature,0,Nobel Prize in Literature,Nobel Prize in Literature,winner,Rudolf Christoph Eucken,Rudolf Christoph Eucken,award received,Nobel Prize in Literature,Rudolf Christoph Eucken,0,Rudolf Christoph Eucken
What is the oldest university in Scotland?
{'directed': True, 'multigraph': False, 'graph': {}, 'nodes': [{'type': 'INTERNAL', 'name_': 'Q1860', 'id': 0, 'label': 'English'}, {'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q22', 'id': 1, 'label': 'Scotland'}, {'type': 'ANSWER_CANDIDATE_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q160302', 'id': 2, 'label': 'University of Edinburgh'}], 'links': [{'name_': 'P2341', 'source': 0, 'target': 1, 'label': 'indigenous to'}, {'name_': 'P37', 'source': 1, 'target': 0, 'label': 'official language'}, {'name_': 'P2936', 'source': 2, 'target': 0, 'label': 'language used'}]}
English is the official language of Scotland, where it is also the language of the University of Edinburgh. English is also the language of Scotland, where it is a native language.
English is the official language of Scotland , where the University of Edinburgh is located . It is also spoken in Scotland .
What is the oldest university in Scotland?</s>English is the official language of Scotland, where it is also the language of the [unused1]University of Edinburgh [unused2] . English is also the language of Scotland, where it is a native language.
What is the oldest university in Scotland?</s>English is the official language of Scotland, where it is also the language of the University of Edinburgh. English is also the language of Scotland, where it is a native language.
What is the oldest university in Scotland?</s>English is the official language of Scotland , where the [unused1]University of Edinburgh [unused2] is located . It is also spoken in Scotland .
What is the oldest university in Scotland?</s>English is the official language of Scotland , where the University of Edinburgh is located . It is also spoken in Scotland .
What is the oldest university in Scotland?</s>English,0,English,English,indigenous to,Scotland,English,0,[unused1]University of Edinburgh[unused2],Scotland,official language,English,Scotland,0,Scotland,Scotland,0,[unused1]University of Edinburgh[unused2],[unused1]University of Edinburgh[unused2],language used,English,[unused1]University of Edinburgh[unused2],0,Scotland,[unused1]University of Edinburgh[unused2],0,[unused1]University of Edinburgh[unused2]
What is the oldest university in Scotland?</s>English,0,English,English,indigenous to,Scotland,English,0,University of Edinburgh,Scotland,official language,English,Scotland,0,Scotland,Scotland,0,University of Edinburgh,University of Edinburgh,language used,English,University of Edinburgh,0,Scotland,University of Edinburgh,0,University of Edinburgh
What is Luigi's occupation?
{'directed': True, 'multigraph': False, 'graph': {}, 'nodes': [{'type': 'INTERNAL', 'name_': 'Q15632617', 'id': 0, 'label': 'fictional human'}, {'type': 'INTERNAL', 'name_': 'Q6581097', 'id': 1, 'label': 'male'}, {'type': 'INTERNAL', 'name_': 'Q23', 'id': 2, 'label': 'George Washington'}, {'type': 'ANSWER_CANDIDATE_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q131512', 'id': 3, 'label': 'farmer'}, {'type': 'INTERNAL', 'name_': 'Q2142', 'id': 4, 'label': 'Son Gokū'}, {'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q210593', 'id': 5, 'label': 'Luigi'}], 'links': [{'name_': 'P21', 'source': 2, 'target': 1, 'label': 'sex or gender'}, {'name_': 'P106', 'source': 2, 'target': 3, 'label': 'occupation'}, {'name_': 'P31', 'source': 4, 'target': 0, 'label': 'instance of'}, {'name_': 'P21', 'source': 4, 'target': 1, 'label': 'sex or gender'}, {'name_': 'P106', 'source': 4, 'target': 3, 'label': 'occupation'}, {'name_': 'P31', 'source': 5, 'target': 0, 'label': 'instance of'}, {'name_': 'P21', 'source': 5, 'target': 1, 'label': 'sex or gender'}]}
Luigi is a fictional character, and he is a male. He is the same sex as George Washington, who was a farmer.
George Washington is an occupation of the farmer , George Washington . Other fictional people include the fictional character of the fictional human , which is also known as the character of Luigi . Other facts about the fictional man include the following : He is either a man , or a child , and his occupation is called a son Gokū .
What is Luigi's occupation?</s>Luigi is a fictional character, and he is a male. He is the same sex as George Washington, who was a [unused1]farmer [unused2] .
What is Luigi's occupation?</s>Luigi is a fictional character, and he is a male. He is the same sex as George Washington, who was a farmer.
What is Luigi's occupation?</s>George Washington is an occupation of the [unused1]farmer [unused2] , George Washington . Other fictional people include the fictional character of the fictional human , which is also known as the character of Luigi . Other facts about the fictional man include the following : He is either a man , or a child , and his occupation is called a son Gokū .
What is Luigi's occupation?</s>George Washington is an occupation of the farmer , George Washington . Other fictional people include the fictional character of the fictional human , which is also known as the character of Luigi . Other facts about the fictional man include the following : He is either a man , or a child , and his occupation is called a son Gokū .
What is Luigi's occupation?</s>fictional human,0,fictional human,fictional human,0,male,fictional human,0,George Washington,fictional human,0,[unused1]farmer[unused2],fictional human,0,Son Gokū,fictional human,0,Luigi,male,0,fictional human,male,0,male,male,0,George Washington,male,0,[unused1]farmer[unused2],male,0,Son Gokū,male,0,Luigi,George Washington,0,fictional human,George Washington,sex or gender,male,George Washington,0,George Washington,George Washington,occupation,[unused1]farmer[unused2],George Washington,0,Son Gokū,George Washington,0,Luigi,[unused1]farmer[unused2],0,fictional human,[unused1]farmer[unused2],0,male,[unused1]farmer[unused2],0,George Washington,[unused1]farmer[unused2],0,[unused1]farmer[unused2],[unused1]farmer[unused2],0,Son Gokū,[unused1]farmer[unused2],0,Luigi,Son Gokū,instance of,fictional human,Son Gokū,sex or gender,male,Son Gokū,0,George Washington,Son Gokū,occupation,[unused1]farmer[unused2],Son Gokū,0,Son Gokū,Son Gokū,0,Luigi,Luigi,instance of,fictional human,Luigi,sex or gender,male,Luigi,0,George Washington,Luigi,0,[unused1]farmer[unused2],Luigi,0,Son Gokū,Luigi,0,Luigi
What is Luigi's occupation?</s>fictional human,0,fictional human,fictional human,0,male,fictional human,0,George Washington,fictional human,0,farmer,fictional human,0,Son Gokū,fictional human,0,Luigi,male,0,fictional human,male,0,male,male,0,George Washington,male,0,farmer,male,0,Son Gokū,male,0,Luigi,George Washington,0,fictional human,George Washington,sex or gender,male,George Washington,0,George Washington,George Washington,occupation,farmer,George Washington,0,Son Gokū,George Washington,0,Luigi,farmer,0,fictional human,farmer,0,male,farmer,0,George Washington,farmer,0,farmer,farmer,0,Son Gokū,farmer,0,Luigi,Son Gokū,instance of,fictional human,Son Gokū,sex or gender,male,Son Gokū,0,George Washington,Son Gokū,occupation,farmer,Son Gokū,0,Son Gokū,Son Gokū,0,Luigi,Luigi,instance of,fictional human,Luigi,sex or gender,male,Luigi,0,George Washington,Luigi,0,farmer,Luigi,0,Son Gokū,Luigi,0,Luigi
Who voices the main character in Outriders?
{'directed': True, 'multigraph': False, 'graph': {}, 'nodes': [{'type': 'ANSWER_CANDIDATE_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q337535', 'id': 0, 'label': 'Steam'}, {'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q86252643', 'id': 1, 'label': 'Outriders'}], 'links': [{'name_': 'P750', 'source': 1, 'target': 0, 'label': 'distributed by'}]}
The Outriders is distributed by Steam.
Outriders is distributed by Steam .
Who voices the main character in Outriders?</s>The Outriders is distributed by [unused1]Steam [unused2] .
Who voices the main character in Outriders?</s>The Outriders is distributed by Steam.
Who voices the main character in Outriders?</s>Outriders is distributed by [unused1]Steam [unused2] .
Who voices the main character in Outriders?</s>Outriders is distributed by Steam .
Who voices the main character in Outriders?</s>[unused1]Steam[unused2],0,[unused1]Steam[unused2],[unused1]Steam[unused2],0,Outriders,Outriders,distributed by,[unused1]Steam[unused2],Outriders,0,Outriders
Who voices the main character in Outriders?</s>Steam,0,Steam,Steam,0,Outriders,Outriders,distributed by,Steam,Outriders,0,Outriders
Who was the oldest person to receive the Nobel Prize in Literature?
{'directed': True, 'multigraph': False, 'graph': {}, 'nodes': [{'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q37922', 'id': 0, 'label': 'Nobel Prize in Literature'}, {'type': 'ANSWER_CANDIDATE_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q93356', 'id': 1, 'label': 'Seamus Heaney'}], 'links': [{'name_': 'P1346', 'source': 0, 'target': 1, 'label': 'winner'}, {'name_': 'P166', 'source': 1, 'target': 0, 'label': 'award received'}]}
Seamus Heaney won the Nobel Prize in Literature.
Seamus Heaney won the Nobel Prize in Literature .
Who was the oldest person to receive the Nobel Prize in Literature?</s> [unused1]Seamus Heaney [unused2] won the Nobel Prize in Literature.
Who was the oldest person to receive the Nobel Prize in Literature?</s>Seamus Heaney won the Nobel Prize in Literature.
Who was the oldest person to receive the Nobel Prize in Literature?</s> [unused1]Seamus Heaney [unused2] won the Nobel Prize in Literature .
Who was the oldest person to receive the Nobel Prize in Literature?</s>Seamus Heaney won the Nobel Prize in Literature .
Who was the oldest person to receive the Nobel Prize in Literature?</s>Nobel Prize in Literature,0,Nobel Prize in Literature,Nobel Prize in Literature,winner,[unused1]Seamus Heaney[unused2],[unused1]Seamus Heaney[unused2],award received,Nobel Prize in Literature,[unused1]Seamus Heaney[unused2],0,[unused1]Seamus Heaney[unused2]
Who was the oldest person to receive the Nobel Prize in Literature?</s>Nobel Prize in Literature,0,Nobel Prize in Literature,Nobel Prize in Literature,winner,Seamus Heaney,Seamus Heaney,award received,Nobel Prize in Literature,Seamus Heaney,0,Seamus Heaney
What food was the inspiration for the game Pac-Man?
{'directed': True, 'multigraph': False, 'graph': {}, 'nodes': [{'type': 'INTERNAL', 'name_': 'Q30', 'id': 0, 'label': 'United States of America'}, {'type': 'INTERNAL', 'name_': 'Q17', 'id': 1, 'label': 'Japan'}, {'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q173626', 'id': 2, 'label': 'Pac-Man'}, {'type': 'ANSWER_CANDIDATE_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q2940375', 'id': 3, 'label': 'Rice Krispies Treats'}], 'links': [{'name_': 'P17', 'source': 0, 'target': 0, 'label': 'country'}, {'name_': 'P530', 'source': 0, 'target': 1, 'label': 'diplomatic relation'}, {'name_': 'P530', 'source': 1, 'target': 0, 'label': 'diplomatic relation'}, {'name_': 'P17', 'source': 1, 'target': 1, 'label': 'country'}, {'name_': 'P495', 'source': 2, 'target': 1, 'label': 'country of origin'}, {'name_': 'P495', 'source': 3, 'target': 0, 'label': 'country of origin'}]}
The United States of America is the origin of Rice Krispies Treats. It is also the country where the Pac-Man game originates from. Japan is the country where the Pac-Man game originates from.
The United States of America is the country of origin of the Rice Krispies Treats . The country is also the location of Japan , where the main ethnic group is , Pac-Man .
What food was the inspiration for the game Pac-Man?</s>The United States of America is the origin of [unused1]Rice Krispies Treats [unused2] . It is also the country where the Pac-Man game originates from. Japan is the country where the Pac-Man game originates from.
What food was the inspiration for the game Pac-Man?</s>The United States of America is the origin of Rice Krispies Treats. It is also the country where the Pac-Man game originates from. Japan is the country where the Pac-Man game originates from.
What food was the inspiration for the game Pac-Man?</s>The United States of America is the country of origin of the [unused1]Rice Krispies Treats [unused2] . The country is also the location of Japan , where the main ethnic group is , Pac-Man .
What food was the inspiration for the game Pac-Man?</s>The United States of America is the country of origin of the Rice Krispies Treats . The country is also the location of Japan , where the main ethnic group is , Pac-Man .
What food was the inspiration for the game Pac-Man?</s>United States of America,country,United States of America,United States of America,diplomatic relation,Japan,United States of America,0,Pac-Man,United States of America,0,[unused1]Rice Krispies Treats[unused2],Japan,diplomatic relation,United States of America,Japan,country,Japan,Japan,0,Pac-Man,Japan,0,[unused1]Rice Krispies Treats[unused2],Pac-Man,0,United States of America,Pac-Man,country of origin,Japan,Pac-Man,0,Pac-Man,Pac-Man,0,[unused1]Rice Krispies Treats[unused2],[unused1]Rice Krispies Treats[unused2],country of origin,United States of America,[unused1]Rice Krispies Treats[unused2],0,Japan,[unused1]Rice Krispies Treats[unused2],0,Pac-Man,[unused1]Rice Krispies Treats[unused2],0,[unused1]Rice Krispies Treats[unused2]
What food was the inspiration for the game Pac-Man?</s>United States of America,country,United States of America,United States of America,diplomatic relation,Japan,United States of America,0,Pac-Man,United States of America,0,Rice Krispies Treats,Japan,diplomatic relation,United States of America,Japan,country,Japan,Japan,0,Pac-Man,Japan,0,Rice Krispies Treats,Pac-Man,0,United States of America,Pac-Man,country of origin,Japan,Pac-Man,0,Pac-Man,Pac-Man,0,Rice Krispies Treats,Rice Krispies Treats,country of origin,United States of America,Rice Krispies Treats,0,Japan,Rice Krispies Treats,0,Pac-Man,Rice Krispies Treats,0,Rice Krispies Treats
Where did the first wife of Alexander the Great die?
{'directed': True, 'multigraph': False, 'graph': {}, 'nodes': [{'type': 'INTERNAL', 'name_': 'Q19180675', 'id': 0, 'label': 'Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary'}, {'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q8409', 'id': 1, 'label': 'Alexander the Great'}, {'type': 'ANSWER_CANDIDATE_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q217414', 'id': 2, 'label': 'Amphipolis'}], 'links': [{'name_': 'P1343', 'source': 1, 'target': 0, 'label': 'described by source'}, {'name_': 'P1343', 'source': 2, 'target': 0, 'label': 'described by source'}]}
The Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary, which is based on the sources, includes the following information : Amphipolis, Alexander the Great.
Alexander the Great was described by the authors of the book , `` Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary , '' which was published in Amphipolis .
Where did the first wife of Alexander the Great die?</s>The Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary, which is based on the sources, includes the following information : [unused1]Amphipolis [unused2] , Alexander the Great.
Where did the first wife of Alexander the Great die?</s>The Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary, which is based on the sources, includes the following information : Amphipolis, Alexander the Great.
Where did the first wife of Alexander the Great die?</s>Alexander the Great was described by the authors of the book , `` Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary , '' which was published in [unused1]Amphipolis [unused2] .
Where did the first wife of Alexander the Great die?</s>Alexander the Great was described by the authors of the book , `` Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary , '' which was published in Amphipolis .
Where did the first wife of Alexander the Great die?</s>Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary,0,Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary,Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary,0,Alexander the Great,Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary,0,[unused1]Amphipolis[unused2],Alexander the Great,described by source,Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary,Alexander the Great,0,Alexander the Great,Alexander the Great,0,[unused1]Amphipolis[unused2],[unused1]Amphipolis[unused2],described by source,Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary,[unused1]Amphipolis[unused2],0,Alexander the Great,[unused1]Amphipolis[unused2],0,[unused1]Amphipolis[unused2]
Where did the first wife of Alexander the Great die?</s>Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary,0,Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary,Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary,0,Alexander the Great,Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary,0,Amphipolis,Alexander the Great,described by source,Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary,Alexander the Great,0,Alexander the Great,Alexander the Great,0,Amphipolis,Amphipolis,described by source,Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary,Amphipolis,0,Alexander the Great,Amphipolis,0,Amphipolis
What is the oldest university in Italy?
{'directed': True, 'multigraph': False, 'graph': {}, 'nodes': [{'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q38', 'id': 0, 'label': 'Italy'}, {'type': 'ANSWER_CANDIDATE_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q209344', 'id': 1, 'label': 'Sapienza University of Rome'}], 'links': [{'name_': 'P17', 'source': 0, 'target': 0, 'label': 'country'}, {'name_': 'P17', 'source': 1, 'target': 0, 'label': 'country'}]}
Sapienza University of Rome is located in Italy.
The Sapienza University of Rome is located in Italy , the country where the Italian people live .
What is the oldest university in Italy?</s> [unused1]Sapienza University of Rome [unused2] is located in Italy.
What is the oldest university in Italy?</s>Sapienza University of Rome is located in Italy.
What is the oldest university in Italy?</s>The [unused1]Sapienza University of Rome [unused2] is located in Italy , the country where the Italian people live .
What is the oldest university in Italy?</s>The Sapienza University of Rome is located in Italy , the country where the Italian people live .
What is the oldest university in Italy?</s>Italy,country,Italy,Italy,0,[unused1]Sapienza University of Rome[unused2],[unused1]Sapienza University of Rome[unused2],country,Italy,[unused1]Sapienza University of Rome[unused2],0,[unused1]Sapienza University of Rome[unused2]
What is the oldest university in Italy?</s>Italy,country,Italy,Italy,0,Sapienza University of Rome,Sapienza University of Rome,country,Italy,Sapienza University of Rome,0,Sapienza University of Rome
Who was the father of the only female prime minister in India?
{'directed': True, 'multigraph': False, 'graph': {}, 'nodes': [{'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q668', 'id': 0, 'label': 'India'}, {'type': 'ANSWER_CANDIDATE_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q11037573', 'id': 1, 'label': 'WikiProject India'}], 'links': [{'name_': 'P17', 'source': 0, 'target': 0, 'label': 'country'}, {'name_': 'P6104', 'source': 0, 'target': 1, 'label': 'maintained by WikiProject'}, {'name_': 'P921', 'source': 1, 'target': 0, 'label': 'main subject'}]}
India is the main subject of WikiProject India which is maintained by WikiProject India.
The main subject of WikiProject India is India , the country where the Indian dish is found .
Who was the father of the only female prime minister in India?</s>India is the main subject of [unused1]WikiProject India [unused2] which is maintained by
Who was the father of the only female prime minister in India?</s>India is the main subject of WikiProject India which is maintained by WikiProject India.
Who was the father of the only female prime minister in India?</s>The main subject of [unused1]WikiProject India [unused2] is India , the country where the Indian dish is found .
Who was the father of the only female prime minister in India?</s>The main subject of WikiProject India is India , the country where the Indian dish is found .
Who was the father of the only female prime minister in India?</s>India,country,India,India,maintained by WikiProject,[unused1]WikiProject India[unused2],[unused1]WikiProject India[unused2],main subject,India,[unused1]WikiProject India[unused2],0,[unused1]WikiProject India[unused2]
Who was the father of the only female prime minister in India?</s>India,country,India,India,maintained by WikiProject,WikiProject India,WikiProject India,main subject,India,WikiProject India,0,WikiProject India
What is the oldest university in the Hispanic world?
{'directed': True, 'multigraph': False, 'graph': {}, 'nodes': [{'type': 'ANSWER_CANDIDATE_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q41710', 'id': 0, 'label': 'ethnic group'}, {'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q1211934', 'id': 1, 'label': 'Hispanic'}], 'links': [{'name_': 'P31', 'source': 1, 'target': 0, 'label': 'instance of'}]}
Hispanic is an ethnic group.
One of the ethnic groups of the United States are the Hispanics .
What is the oldest university in the Hispanic world?</s>Hispanic is an [unused1]ethnic group [unused2] .
What is the oldest university in the Hispanic world?</s>Hispanic is an ethnic group.
What is the oldest university in the Hispanic world?</s>One of the [unused1]ethnic group [unused2] s of the United States are the Hispanics .
What is the oldest university in the Hispanic world?</s>One of the ethnic groups of the United States are the Hispanics .
What is the oldest university in the Hispanic world?</s>[unused1]ethnic group[unused2],0,[unused1]ethnic group[unused2],[unused1]ethnic group[unused2],0,Hispanic,Hispanic,instance of,[unused1]ethnic group[unused2],Hispanic,0,Hispanic
What is the oldest university in the Hispanic world?</s>ethnic group,0,ethnic group,ethnic group,0,Hispanic,Hispanic,instance of,ethnic group,Hispanic,0,Hispanic
What is the oldest college located in Massachusetts?
{'directed': True, 'multigraph': False, 'graph': {}, 'nodes': [{'type': 'ANSWER_CANDIDATE_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q30', 'id': 0, 'label': 'United States of America'}, {'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q771', 'id': 1, 'label': 'Massachusetts'}], 'links': [{'name_': 'P17', 'source': 0, 'target': 0, 'label': 'country'}, {'name_': 'P150', 'source': 0, 'target': 1, 'label': 'contains the administrative territorial entity'}, {'name_': 'P17', 'source': 1, 'target': 0, 'label': 'country'}]}
Massachusetts is an administrative territorial entity in the United States of America.
The United States of America is the location of Massachusetts , which is part of the U.S.A. , where the administrative entity is the Massachusetts State .
What is the oldest college located in Massachusetts?</s>Massachusetts is an administrative territorial entity in the [unused1]United States of America [unused2] .
What is the oldest college located in Massachusetts?</s>Massachusetts is an administrative territorial entity in the United States of America.
What is the oldest college located in Massachusetts?</s>The [unused1]United States of America [unused2] is the location of Massachusetts , which is part of the U.S.A. , where the administrative entity is the Massachusetts State .
What is the oldest college located in Massachusetts?</s>The United States of America is the location of Massachusetts , which is part of the U.S.A. , where the administrative entity is the Massachusetts State .
What is the oldest college located in Massachusetts?</s>[unused1]United States of America[unused2],country,[unused1]United States of America[unused2],[unused1]United States of America[unused2],contains the administrative territorial entity,Massachusetts,Massachusetts,country,[unused1]United States of America[unused2],Massachusetts,0,Massachusetts
What is the oldest college located in Massachusetts?</s>United States of America,country,United States of America,United States of America,contains the administrative territorial entity,Massachusetts,Massachusetts,country,United States of America,Massachusetts,0,Massachusetts
What mainline game is in the City Building series and takes place in ancient Egypt?
Q79, Q915070
{'directed': True, 'multigraph': False, 'graph': {}, 'nodes': [{'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q79', 'id': 0, 'label': 'Egypt'}, {'type': 'ANSWER_CANDIDATE_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q30630', 'id': 1, 'label': 'Beheira Governorate'}, {'type': 'INTERNAL', 'name_': 'Q717202', 'id': 2, 'label': 'Pharaoh'}, {'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q915070', 'id': 3, 'label': 'City Building Series'}], 'links': [{'name_': 'P17', 'source': 0, 'target': 0, 'label': 'country'}, {'name_': 'P150', 'source': 0, 'target': 1, 'label': 'contains the administrative territorial entity'}, {'name_': 'P17', 'source': 1, 'target': 0, 'label': 'country'}, {'name_': 'P840', 'source': 2, 'target': 0, 'label': 'narrative location'}, {'name_': 'P179', 'source': 2, 'target': 3, 'label': 'part of the series'}]}
The City Building Series'Pharaoh is located in the country of Egypt, where the Beheira Governorate is an administrative territorial entity.
The City Building series is from the Beheira Governorate in the country of Egypt . The Governorate is the administrative entity of the country and the city is located in the city of Pharaoh .
What mainline game is in the City Building series and takes place in ancient Egypt?</s>The City Building Series'Pharaoh is located in the country of Egypt, where the [unused1]Beheira Governorate [unused2] is an administrative territorial entity.
What mainline game is in the City Building series and takes place in ancient Egypt?</s>The City Building Series'Pharaoh is located in the country of Egypt, where the Beheira Governorate is an administrative territorial entity.
What mainline game is in the City Building series and takes place in ancient Egypt?</s>The City Building series is from the [unused1]Beheira Governorate [unused2] in the country of Egypt . The Governorate is the administrative entity of the country and the city is located in the city of Pharaoh .
What mainline game is in the City Building series and takes place in ancient Egypt?</s>The City Building series is from the Beheira Governorate in the country of Egypt . The Governorate is the administrative entity of the country and the city is located in the city of Pharaoh .
What mainline game is in the City Building series and takes place in ancient Egypt?</s>Egypt,country,Egypt,Egypt,contains the administrative territorial entity,[unused1]Beheira Governorate[unused2],Egypt,0,Pharaoh,Egypt,0,City Building Series,[unused1]Beheira Governorate[unused2],country,Egypt,[unused1]Beheira Governorate[unused2],0,[unused1]Beheira Governorate[unused2],[unused1]Beheira Governorate[unused2],0,Pharaoh,[unused1]Beheira Governorate[unused2],0,City Building Series,Pharaoh,narrative location,Egypt,Pharaoh,0,[unused1]Beheira Governorate[unused2],Pharaoh,0,Pharaoh,Pharaoh,part of the series,City Building Series,City Building Series,0,Egypt,City Building Series,0,[unused1]Beheira Governorate[unused2],City Building Series,0,Pharaoh,City Building Series,0,City Building Series
What mainline game is in the City Building series and takes place in ancient Egypt?</s>Egypt,country,Egypt,Egypt,contains the administrative territorial entity,Beheira Governorate,Egypt,0,Pharaoh,Egypt,0,City Building Series,Beheira Governorate,country,Egypt,Beheira Governorate,0,Beheira Governorate,Beheira Governorate,0,Pharaoh,Beheira Governorate,0,City Building Series,Pharaoh,narrative location,Egypt,Pharaoh,0,Beheira Governorate,Pharaoh,0,Pharaoh,Pharaoh,part of the series,City Building Series,City Building Series,0,Egypt,City Building Series,0,Beheira Governorate,City Building Series,0,Pharaoh,City Building Series,0,City Building Series
What was the name of the primary weapon in Kingdom Hearts?
{'directed': True, 'multigraph': False, 'graph': {}, 'nodes': [{'type': 'ANSWER_CANDIDATE_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q107542272', 'id': 0, 'label': 'science fantasy video game'}, {'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q755167', 'id': 1, 'label': 'Kingdom Hearts'}], 'links': [{'name_': 'P136', 'source': 1, 'target': 0, 'label': 'genre'}]}
Kingdom Hearts is a science fantasy video game.
Kingdom Hearts is a science fantasy video game .
What was the name of the primary weapon in Kingdom Hearts?</s>Kingdom Hearts is a [unused1]science fantasy video game [unused2] .
What was the name of the primary weapon in Kingdom Hearts?</s>Kingdom Hearts is a science fantasy video game.
What was the name of the primary weapon in Kingdom Hearts?</s>Kingdom Hearts is a [unused1]science fantasy video game [unused2] .
What was the name of the primary weapon in Kingdom Hearts?</s>Kingdom Hearts is a science fantasy video game .
What was the name of the primary weapon in Kingdom Hearts?</s>[unused1]science fantasy video game[unused2],0,[unused1]science fantasy video game[unused2],[unused1]science fantasy video game[unused2],0,Kingdom Hearts,Kingdom Hearts,genre,[unused1]science fantasy video game[unused2],Kingdom Hearts,0,Kingdom Hearts
What was the name of the primary weapon in Kingdom Hearts?</s>science fantasy video game,0,science fantasy video game,science fantasy video game,0,Kingdom Hearts,Kingdom Hearts,genre,science fantasy video game,Kingdom Hearts,0,Kingdom Hearts
Who was the first Whig mayor of Boston?
Q100, Q42183
{'directed': True, 'multigraph': False, 'graph': {}, 'nodes': [{'type': 'INTERNAL', 'name_': 'Q30', 'id': 0, 'label': 'United States of America'}, {'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q100', 'id': 1, 'label': 'Boston'}, {'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q42183', 'id': 2, 'label': 'Whig Party'}, {'type': 'ANSWER_CANDIDATE_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q1969780', 'id': 3, 'label': 'William Whipple'}], 'links': [{'name_': 'P17', 'source': 0, 'target': 0, 'label': 'country'}, {'name_': 'P17', 'source': 1, 'target': 0, 'label': 'country'}, {'name_': 'P17', 'source': 2, 'target': 0, 'label': 'country'}, {'name_': 'P27', 'source': 3, 'target': 0, 'label': 'country of citizenship'}]}
William Whipple was a citizen of the United States, where Boston is located. The country is a member of the Whig Party.
William Whipple was a citizen of the United States of America , which is home to Boston and the Whig Party .
Who was the first Whig mayor of Boston?</s> [unused1]William Whipple [unused2] was a citizen of the United States, where Boston is located. The country is a member of the Whig Party.
Who was the first Whig mayor of Boston?</s>William Whipple was a citizen of the United States, where Boston is located. The country is a member of the Whig Party.
Who was the first Whig mayor of Boston?</s> [unused1]William Whipple [unused2] was a citizen of the United States of America , which is home to Boston and the Whig Party .
Who was the first Whig mayor of Boston?</s>William Whipple was a citizen of the United States of America , which is home to Boston and the Whig Party .
Who was the first Whig mayor of Boston?</s>United States of America,country,United States of America,United States of America,0,Boston,United States of America,0,Whig Party,United States of America,0,[unused1]William Whipple[unused2],Boston,country,United States of America,Boston,0,Boston,Boston,0,Whig Party,Boston,0,[unused1]William Whipple[unused2],Whig Party,country,United States of America,Whig Party,0,Boston,Whig Party,0,Whig Party,Whig Party,0,[unused1]William Whipple[unused2],[unused1]William Whipple[unused2],country of citizenship,United States of America,[unused1]William Whipple[unused2],0,Boston,[unused1]William Whipple[unused2],0,Whig Party,[unused1]William Whipple[unused2],0,[unused1]William Whipple[unused2]
Who was the first Whig mayor of Boston?</s>United States of America,country,United States of America,United States of America,0,Boston,United States of America,0,Whig Party,United States of America,0,William Whipple,Boston,country,United States of America,Boston,0,Boston,Boston,0,Whig Party,Boston,0,William Whipple,Whig Party,country,United States of America,Whig Party,0,Boston,Whig Party,0,Whig Party,Whig Party,0,William Whipple,William Whipple,country of citizenship,United States of America,William Whipple,0,Boston,William Whipple,0,Whig Party,William Whipple,0,William Whipple
Who was the first Tory prime minister in the UK?
Q145, Q499956
{'directed': True, 'multigraph': False, 'graph': {}, 'nodes': [{'type': 'INTERNAL', 'name_': 'Q19180675', 'id': 0, 'label': 'Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary'}, {'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q145', 'id': 1, 'label': 'United Kingdom'}, {'type': 'INTERNAL', 'name_': 'Q161885', 'id': 2, 'label': 'Great Britain'}, {'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q499956', 'id': 3, 'label': 'Tories'}, {'type': 'ANSWER_CANDIDATE_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q104190', 'id': 4, 'label': 'Robert Walpole'}], 'links': [{'name_': 'P1343', 'source': 1, 'target': 0, 'label': 'described by source'}, {'name_': 'P17', 'source': 1, 'target': 1, 'label': 'country'}, {'name_': 'P3842', 'source': 2, 'target': 1, 'label': 'located in the present-day administrative territorial entity'}, {'name_': 'P17', 'source': 2, 'target': 2, 'label': 'country'}, {'name_': 'P17', 'source': 3, 'target': 2, 'label': 'country'}, {'name_': 'P1343', 'source': 4, 'target': 0, 'label': 'described by source'}, {'name_': 'P27', 'source': 4, 'target': 2, 'label': 'country of citizenship'}]}
The Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary is from the United Kingdom, where the Tories are the main political party. The country is the location of Great Britain, where Robert Walpole was a citizen.
Robert Walpole was the leader of Great Britain , where the Tories are the leaders . The country is the location of the English Encyclopedic Dictionary which was written by the United Kingdom author . The English language is also the origin of the British National Language .
Who was the first Tory prime minister in the UK?</s>The Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary is from the United Kingdom, where the Tories are the main political party. The country is the location of Great Britain, where [unused1]Robert Walpole [unused2] was a citizen.
Who was the first Tory prime minister in the UK?</s>The Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary is from the United Kingdom, where the Tories are the main political party. The country is the location of Great Britain, where Robert Walpole was a citizen.
Who was the first Tory prime minister in the UK?</s> [unused1]Robert Walpole [unused2] was the leader of Great Britain , where the Tories are the leaders . The country is the location of the English Encyclopedic Dictionary which was written by the United Kingdom author . The English language is also the origin of the British National Language .
Who was the first Tory prime minister in the UK?</s>Robert Walpole was the leader of Great Britain , where the Tories are the leaders . The country is the location of the English Encyclopedic Dictionary which was written by the United Kingdom author . The English language is also the origin of the British National Language .
Who was the first Tory prime minister in the UK?</s>Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary,0,Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary,Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary,0,United Kingdom,Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary,0,Great Britain,Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary,0,Tories,Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary,0,[unused1]Robert Walpole[unused2],United Kingdom,described by source,Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary,United Kingdom,country,United Kingdom,United Kingdom,0,Great Britain,United Kingdom,0,Tories,United Kingdom,0,[unused1]Robert Walpole[unused2],Great Britain,0,Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary,Great Britain,located in the present-day administrative territorial entity,United Kingdom,Great Britain,country,Great Britain,Great Britain,0,Tories,Great Britain,0,[unused1]Robert Walpole[unused2],Tories,0,Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary,Tories,0,United Kingdom,Tories,country,Great Britain,Tories,0,Tories,Tories,0,[unused1]Robert Walpole[unused2],[unused1]Robert Walpole[unused2],described by source,Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary,[unused1]Robert Walpole[unused2],0,United Kingdom,[unused1]Robert Walpole[unused2],country of citizenship,Great Britain,[unused1]Robert Walpole[unused2],0,Tories,[unused1]Robert Walpole[unused2],0,[unused1]Robert Walpole[unused2]
Who was the first Tory prime minister in the UK?</s>Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary,0,Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary,Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary,0,United Kingdom,Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary,0,Great Britain,Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary,0,Tories,Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary,0,Robert Walpole,United Kingdom,described by source,Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary,United Kingdom,country,United Kingdom,United Kingdom,0,Great Britain,United Kingdom,0,Tories,United Kingdom,0,Robert Walpole,Great Britain,0,Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary,Great Britain,located in the present-day administrative territorial entity,United Kingdom,Great Britain,country,Great Britain,Great Britain,0,Tories,Great Britain,0,Robert Walpole,Tories,0,Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary,Tories,0,United Kingdom,Tories,country,Great Britain,Tories,0,Tories,Tories,0,Robert Walpole,Robert Walpole,described by source,Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary,Robert Walpole,0,United Kingdom,Robert Walpole,country of citizenship,Great Britain,Robert Walpole,0,Tories,Robert Walpole,0,Robert Walpole
What puzzle video game was released by Fireproof Games in 2018?
{'directed': True, 'multigraph': False, 'graph': {}, 'nodes': [{'type': 'INTERNAL', 'name_': 'Q145', 'id': 0, 'label': 'United Kingdom'}, {'type': 'INTERNAL', 'name_': 'Q17', 'id': 1, 'label': 'Japan'}, {'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q15070334', 'id': 2, 'label': 'Fireproof Studios'}, {'type': 'ANSWER_CANDIDATE_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q11280991', 'id': 3, 'label': 'Puzzle & Dragons'}], 'links': [{'name_': 'P17', 'source': 0, 'target': 0, 'label': 'country'}, {'name_': 'P530', 'source': 0, 'target': 1, 'label': 'diplomatic relation'}, {'name_': 'P530', 'source': 1, 'target': 0, 'label': 'diplomatic relation'}, {'name_': 'P17', 'source': 1, 'target': 1, 'label': 'country'}, {'name_': 'P17', 'source': 2, 'target': 0, 'label': 'country'}, {'name_': 'P495', 'source': 3, 'target': 1, 'label': 'country of origin'}]}
Fireproof Studios is located in the United Kingdom, which has a diplomatic relationship with Japan. Puzzle & Dragons originates from Japan.
Fireproof Studios is located in the United Kingdom , which is home to Japan . Japan is the origin of the comic book character Puzzle & Dragons and has the U.K. as its capital .
What puzzle video game was released by Fireproof Games in 2018?</s>Fireproof Studios is located in the United Kingdom, which has a diplomatic relationship with Japan. [unused1]Puzzle & Dragons [unused2] originates from Japan.
What puzzle video game was released by Fireproof Games in 2018?</s>Fireproof Studios is located in the United Kingdom, which has a diplomatic relationship with Japan. Puzzle & Dragons originates from Japan.
What puzzle video game was released by Fireproof Games in 2018?</s>Fireproof Studios is located in the United Kingdom , which is home to Japan . Japan is the origin of the comic book character [unused1]Puzzle & Dragons [unused2] and has the U.K. as its capital .
What puzzle video game was released by Fireproof Games in 2018?</s>Fireproof Studios is located in the United Kingdom , which is home to Japan . Japan is the origin of the comic book character Puzzle & Dragons and has the U.K. as its capital .
What puzzle video game was released by Fireproof Games in 2018?</s>United Kingdom,country,United Kingdom,United Kingdom,diplomatic relation,Japan,United Kingdom,0,Fireproof Studios,United Kingdom,0,[unused1]Puzzle & Dragons[unused2],Japan,diplomatic relation,United Kingdom,Japan,country,Japan,Japan,0,Fireproof Studios,Japan,0,[unused1]Puzzle & Dragons[unused2],Fireproof Studios,country,United Kingdom,Fireproof Studios,0,Japan,Fireproof Studios,0,Fireproof Studios,Fireproof Studios,0,[unused1]Puzzle & Dragons[unused2],[unused1]Puzzle & Dragons[unused2],0,United Kingdom,[unused1]Puzzle & Dragons[unused2],country of origin,Japan,[unused1]Puzzle & Dragons[unused2],0,Fireproof Studios,[unused1]Puzzle & Dragons[unused2],0,[unused1]Puzzle & Dragons[unused2]
What puzzle video game was released by Fireproof Games in 2018?</s>United Kingdom,country,United Kingdom,United Kingdom,diplomatic relation,Japan,United Kingdom,0,Fireproof Studios,United Kingdom,0,Puzzle & Dragons,Japan,diplomatic relation,United Kingdom,Japan,country,Japan,Japan,0,Fireproof Studios,Japan,0,Puzzle & Dragons,Fireproof Studios,country,United Kingdom,Fireproof Studios,0,Japan,Fireproof Studios,0,Fireproof Studios,Fireproof Studios,0,Puzzle & Dragons,Puzzle & Dragons,0,United Kingdom,Puzzle & Dragons,country of origin,Japan,Puzzle & Dragons,0,Fireproof Studios,Puzzle & Dragons,0,Puzzle & Dragons
Who was the third pharaoh of the 18th Dynasty of Egypt?
{'directed': True, 'multigraph': False, 'graph': {}, 'nodes': [{'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q146055', 'id': 0, 'label': 'Eighteenth Dynasty of Egypt'}, {'type': 'ANSWER_CANDIDATE_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q642301', 'id': 1, 'label': 'Seventeenth Dynasty of Egypt'}], 'links': [{'name_': 'P155', 'source': 0, 'target': 1, 'label': 'follows'}, {'name_': 'P156', 'source': 1, 'target': 0, 'label': 'followed by'}]}
The Eighteenth Dynasty of Egypt was followed by the Seventeenth Dynasty of Egypt.
The Seventeenth Dynasty of Egypt was followed by the Eighteenth and final Dynasty of Alexandria .
Who was the third pharaoh of the 18th Dynasty of Egypt?</s>The Eighteenth Dynasty of Egypt was followed by the [unused1]Seventeenth Dynasty of Egypt [unused2] .
Who was the third pharaoh of the 18th Dynasty of Egypt?</s>The Eighteenth Dynasty of Egypt was followed by the Seventeenth Dynasty of Egypt.
Who was the third pharaoh of the 18th Dynasty of Egypt?</s>The [unused1]Seventeenth Dynasty of Egypt [unused2] was followed by the Eighteenth and final Dynasty of Alexandria .
Who was the third pharaoh of the 18th Dynasty of Egypt?</s>The Seventeenth Dynasty of Egypt was followed by the Eighteenth and final Dynasty of Alexandria .
Who was the third pharaoh of the 18th Dynasty of Egypt?</s>Eighteenth Dynasty of Egypt,0,Eighteenth Dynasty of Egypt,Eighteenth Dynasty of Egypt,follows,[unused1]Seventeenth Dynasty of Egypt[unused2],[unused1]Seventeenth Dynasty of Egypt[unused2],followed by,Eighteenth Dynasty of Egypt,[unused1]Seventeenth Dynasty of Egypt[unused2],0,[unused1]Seventeenth Dynasty of Egypt[unused2]
Who was the third pharaoh of the 18th Dynasty of Egypt?</s>Eighteenth Dynasty of Egypt,0,Eighteenth Dynasty of Egypt,Eighteenth Dynasty of Egypt,follows,Seventeenth Dynasty of Egypt,Seventeenth Dynasty of Egypt,followed by,Eighteenth Dynasty of Egypt,Seventeenth Dynasty of Egypt,0,Seventeenth Dynasty of Egypt
Who was the second female pharaoh of Egypt?
{'directed': True, 'multigraph': False, 'graph': {}, 'nodes': [{'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q79', 'id': 0, 'label': 'Egypt'}, {'type': 'ANSWER_CANDIDATE_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q129234', 'id': 1, 'label': 'Hatshepsut'}], 'links': [{'name_': 'P17', 'source': 0, 'target': 0, 'label': 'country'}, {'name_': 'P19', 'source': 1, 'target': 0, 'label': 'place of birth'}]}
Hatshepsut was born in the country of Egypt.
The birth place of Egypt is Hatshepsut in the country .
Who was the second female pharaoh of Egypt?</s> [unused1]Hatshepsut [unused2] was born in the country of Egypt.
Who was the second female pharaoh of Egypt?</s>Hatshepsut was born in the country of Egypt.
Who was the second female pharaoh of Egypt?</s>The birth place of Egypt is [unused1]Hatshepsut [unused2] in the country .
Who was the second female pharaoh of Egypt?</s>The birth place of Egypt is Hatshepsut in the country .
Who was the second female pharaoh of Egypt?</s>Egypt,country,Egypt,Egypt,0,[unused1]Hatshepsut[unused2],[unused1]Hatshepsut[unused2],place of birth,Egypt,[unused1]Hatshepsut[unused2],0,[unused1]Hatshepsut[unused2]
Who was the second female pharaoh of Egypt?</s>Egypt,country,Egypt,Egypt,0,Hatshepsut,Hatshepsut,place of birth,Egypt,Hatshepsut,0,Hatshepsut
Who was the second ruler of Egypt during the Ptolemaic period?
{'directed': True, 'multigraph': False, 'graph': {}, 'nodes': [{'type': 'INTERNAL', 'name_': 'Q602358', 'id': 0, 'label': 'Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary'}, {'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q79', 'id': 1, 'label': 'Egypt'}, {'type': 'ANSWER_CANDIDATE_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q39576', 'id': 2, 'label': 'Ptolemy II Philadelphus'}], 'links': [{'name_': 'P1343', 'source': 1, 'target': 0, 'label': 'described by source'}, {'name_': 'P17', 'source': 1, 'target': 1, 'label': 'country'}, {'name_': 'P1343', 'source': 2, 'target': 0, 'label': 'described by source'}]}
The Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary is from the country of Egypt, where Ptolemy II Philadelphus is from.
The celestial body known as Ptolemy II Philadelphus was discovered in the country of Egypt where the authors of the book are called the Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary .
Who was the second ruler of Egypt during the Ptolemaic period?</s>The Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary is from the country of Egypt, where [unused1]Ptolemy II Philadelphus [unused2] is from.
Who was the second ruler of Egypt during the Ptolemaic period?</s>The Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary is from the country of Egypt, where Ptolemy II Philadelphus is from.
Who was the second ruler of Egypt during the Ptolemaic period?</s>The celestial body known as [unused1]Ptolemy II Philadelphus [unused2] was discovered in the country of Egypt where the authors of the book are called the Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary .
Who was the second ruler of Egypt during the Ptolemaic period?</s>The celestial body known as Ptolemy II Philadelphus was discovered in the country of Egypt where the authors of the book are called the Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary .
Who was the second ruler of Egypt during the Ptolemaic period?</s>Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary,0,Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary,Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary,0,Egypt,Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary,0,[unused1]Ptolemy II Philadelphus[unused2],Egypt,described by source,Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary,Egypt,country,Egypt,Egypt,0,[unused1]Ptolemy II Philadelphus[unused2],[unused1]Ptolemy II Philadelphus[unused2],described by source,Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary,[unused1]Ptolemy II Philadelphus[unused2],0,Egypt,[unused1]Ptolemy II Philadelphus[unused2],0,[unused1]Ptolemy II Philadelphus[unused2]
Who was the second ruler of Egypt during the Ptolemaic period?</s>Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary,0,Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary,Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary,0,Egypt,Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary,0,Ptolemy II Philadelphus,Egypt,described by source,Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary,Egypt,country,Egypt,Egypt,0,Ptolemy II Philadelphus,Ptolemy II Philadelphus,described by source,Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary,Ptolemy II Philadelphus,0,Egypt,Ptolemy II Philadelphus,0,Ptolemy II Philadelphus
What is the oldest university in England?
{'directed': True, 'multigraph': False, 'graph': {}, 'nodes': [{'type': 'INTERNAL', 'name_': 'Q1860', 'id': 0, 'label': 'English'}, {'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q21', 'id': 1, 'label': 'England'}, {'type': 'ANSWER_CANDIDATE_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q458393', 'id': 2, 'label': 'Durham University'}], 'links': [{'name_': 'P2341', 'source': 0, 'target': 1, 'label': 'indigenous to'}, {'name_': 'P37', 'source': 1, 'target': 0, 'label': 'official language'}, {'name_': 'P2936', 'source': 2, 'target': 0, 'label': 'language used'}]}
English is the official language of England, where English is also the language spoken at Durham University. English is the language of England, and is the language of the native people.
English is the official language of England , the country where the Durham University is located . English is also the language spoken in England .
What is the oldest university in England?</s>English is the official language of England, where English is also the language spoken at [unused1]Durham University [unused2] . English is the language of England, and is the language of the native people.
What is the oldest university in England?</s>English is the official language of England, where English is also the language spoken at Durham University. English is the language of England, and is the language of the native people.
What is the oldest university in England?</s>English is the official language of England , the country where the [unused1]Durham University [unused2] is located . English is also the language spoken in England .
What is the oldest university in England?</s>English is the official language of England , the country where the Durham University is located . English is also the language spoken in England .
What is the oldest university in England?</s>English,0,English,English,indigenous to,England,English,0,[unused1]Durham University[unused2],England,official language,English,England,0,England,England,0,[unused1]Durham University[unused2],[unused1]Durham University[unused2],language used,English,[unused1]Durham University[unused2],0,England,[unused1]Durham University[unused2],0,[unused1]Durham University[unused2]
What is the oldest university in England?</s>English,0,English,English,indigenous to,England,English,0,Durham University,England,official language,English,England,0,England,England,0,Durham University,Durham University,language used,English,Durham University,0,England,Durham University,0,Durham University
Who is the protagonist of Uncharted among Thieves?
{'directed': True, 'multigraph': False, 'graph': {}, 'nodes': [{'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q17146', 'id': 0, 'label': 'Uncharted 2: Among Thieves'}, {'type': 'ANSWER_CANDIDATE_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q107493944', 'id': 1, 'label': 'Karl Schäfer'}], 'links': [{'name_': 'P674', 'source': 0, 'target': 1, 'label': 'characters'}, {'name_': 'P1441', 'source': 1, 'target': 0, 'label': 'present in work'}]}
Karl Schäfer is a character in the work, Uncharted 2 : Among Thieves.
Karl Schäfer was a character in the film Uncharted 2 : Among Thieves .
Who is the protagonist of Uncharted among Thieves?</s> [unused1]Karl Schäfer [unused2] is a character in the work, Uncharted 2 : Among Thieves.
Who is the protagonist of Uncharted among Thieves?</s>Karl Schäfer is a character in the work, Uncharted 2 : Among Thieves.
Who is the protagonist of Uncharted among Thieves?</s> [unused1]Karl Schäfer [unused2] was a character in the film Uncharted 2 : Among Thieves .
Who is the protagonist of Uncharted among Thieves?</s>Karl Schäfer was a character in the film Uncharted 2 : Among Thieves .
Who is the protagonist of Uncharted among Thieves?</s>Uncharted 2: Among Thieves,0,Uncharted 2: Among Thieves,Uncharted 2: Among Thieves,characters,[unused1]Karl Schäfer[unused2],[unused1]Karl Schäfer[unused2],present in work,Uncharted 2: Among Thieves,[unused1]Karl Schäfer[unused2],0,[unused1]Karl Schäfer[unused2]
Who is the protagonist of Uncharted among Thieves?</s>Uncharted 2: Among Thieves,0,Uncharted 2: Among Thieves,Uncharted 2: Among Thieves,characters,Karl Schäfer,Karl Schäfer,present in work,Uncharted 2: Among Thieves,Karl Schäfer,0,Karl Schäfer
Who is the protagonist of the Halo series?
{'directed': True, 'multigraph': False, 'graph': {}, 'nodes': [{'type': 'ANSWER_CANDIDATE_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q14116', 'id': 0, 'label': 'macOS'}, {'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q1747150', 'id': 1, 'label': 'Halo'}], 'links': [{'name_': 'P400', 'source': 1, 'target': 0, 'label': 'platform'}]}
Halo is a platform for macOS.
The operating system for macOS is the Halo .
Who is the protagonist of the Halo series?</s>Halo is a platform for [unused1]macOS [unused2] .
Who is the protagonist of the Halo series?</s>Halo is a platform for macOS.
Who is the protagonist of the Halo series?</s>The operating system for [unused1]macOS [unused2] is the Halo .
Who is the protagonist of the Halo series?</s>The operating system for macOS is the Halo .
Who is the protagonist of the Halo series?</s>[unused1]macOS[unused2],0,[unused1]macOS[unused2],[unused1]macOS[unused2],0,Halo,Halo,platform,[unused1]macOS[unused2],Halo,0,Halo
Who is the protagonist of the Halo series?</s>macOS,0,macOS,macOS,0,Halo,Halo,platform,macOS,Halo,0,Halo
What is the best selling video game in all time?
{'directed': True, 'multigraph': False, 'graph': {}, 'nodes': [{'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q7889', 'id': 0, 'label': 'video game'}, {'type': 'ANSWER_CANDIDATE_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q71910', 'id': 1, 'label': 'Tetris'}], 'links': [{'name_': 'P5869', 'source': 0, 'target': 1, 'label': 'model item'}]}
Tetris is a model of a video game.
The model of Tetris is a video game .
What is the best selling video game in all time?</s> [unused1]Tetris [unused2] is a model of a video game.
What is the best selling video game in all time?</s>Tetris is a model of a video game.
What is the best selling video game in all time?</s>The model of [unused1]Tetris [unused2] is a video game .
What is the best selling video game in all time?</s>The model of Tetris is a video game .
What is the best selling video game in all time?</s>video game,0,video game,video game,model item,[unused1]Tetris[unused2],[unused1]Tetris[unused2],0,video game,[unused1]Tetris[unused2],0,[unused1]Tetris[unused2]
What is the best selling video game in all time?</s>video game,0,video game,video game,model item,Tetris,Tetris,0,video game,Tetris,0,Tetris
Who was the first Labour prime minister during Elizabeth II's reign?
Q9682, Q9630
{'directed': True, 'multigraph': False, 'graph': {}, 'nodes': [{'type': 'INTERNAL', 'name_': 'Q1860', 'id': 0, 'label': 'English'}, {'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q9682', 'id': 1, 'label': 'Elizabeth II'}, {'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q9630', 'id': 2, 'label': 'Labour Party'}, {'type': 'ANSWER_CANDIDATE_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q128956', 'id': 3, 'label': 'Harold Wilson'}], 'links': [{'name_': 'P1412', 'source': 1, 'target': 0, 'label': 'languages spoken, written or signed'}, {'name_': 'P488', 'source': 2, 'target': 3, 'label': 'chairperson'}, {'name_': 'P1412', 'source': 3, 'target': 0, 'label': 'languages spoken, written or signed'}, {'name_': 'P102', 'source': 3, 'target': 2, 'label': 'member of political party'}]}
Elizabeth II is a native speaker of English, which is spoken, written or signed by Harold Wilson, who is a member of the Labour Party and the chair of the Labour Party.
Elizabeth II is a language spoken in English , which is also the language of the Labour Party , the chair of which , is , Harold Wilson .
Who was the first Labour prime minister during Elizabeth II's reign?</s>Elizabeth II is a native speaker of English, which is spoken, written or signed by [unused1]Harold Wilson [unused2] , who is a member of the Labour Party and the chair of the Labour Party.
Who was the first Labour prime minister during Elizabeth II's reign?</s>Elizabeth II is a native speaker of English, which is spoken, written or signed by Harold Wilson, who is a member of the Labour Party and the chair of the Labour Party.
Who was the first Labour prime minister during Elizabeth II's reign?</s>Elizabeth II is a language spoken in English , which is also the language of the Labour Party , the chair of which , is , [unused1]Harold Wilson [unused2] .
Who was the first Labour prime minister during Elizabeth II's reign?</s>Elizabeth II is a language spoken in English , which is also the language of the Labour Party , the chair of which , is , Harold Wilson .
Who was the first Labour prime minister during Elizabeth II's reign?</s>English,0,English,English,0,Elizabeth II,English,0,Labour Party,English,0,[unused1]Harold Wilson[unused2],Elizabeth II,languages spoken, written or signed,English,Elizabeth II,0,Elizabeth II,Elizabeth II,0,Labour Party,Elizabeth II,0,[unused1]Harold Wilson[unused2],Labour Party,0,English,Labour Party,0,Elizabeth II,Labour Party,0,Labour Party,Labour Party,chairperson,[unused1]Harold Wilson[unused2],[unused1]Harold Wilson[unused2],languages spoken, written or signed,English,[unused1]Harold Wilson[unused2],0,Elizabeth II,[unused1]Harold Wilson[unused2],member of political party,Labour Party,[unused1]Harold Wilson[unused2],0,[unused1]Harold Wilson[unused2]
Who was the first Labour prime minister during Elizabeth II's reign?</s>English,0,English,English,0,Elizabeth II,English,0,Labour Party,English,0,Harold Wilson,Elizabeth II,languages spoken, written or signed,English,Elizabeth II,0,Elizabeth II,Elizabeth II,0,Labour Party,Elizabeth II,0,Harold Wilson,Labour Party,0,English,Labour Party,0,Elizabeth II,Labour Party,0,Labour Party,Labour Party,chairperson,Harold Wilson,Harold Wilson,languages spoken, written or signed,English,Harold Wilson,0,Elizabeth II,Harold Wilson,member of political party,Labour Party,Harold Wilson,0,Harold Wilson
What is the second oldest university located in Cambridge?
{'directed': True, 'multigraph': False, 'graph': {}, 'nodes': [{'type': 'INTERNAL', 'name_': 'Q19180675', 'id': 0, 'label': 'Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary'}, {'type': 'INTERNAL', 'name_': 'Q1860', 'id': 1, 'label': 'English'}, {'type': 'ANSWER_CANDIDATE_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q216273', 'id': 2, 'label': 'University of St Andrews'}, {'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q49111', 'id': 3, 'label': 'Cambridge'}], 'links': [{'name_': 'P1343', 'source': 1, 'target': 0, 'label': 'described by source'}, {'name_': 'P2936', 'source': 2, 'target': 1, 'label': 'language used'}, {'name_': 'P1343', 'source': 3, 'target': 0, 'label': 'described by source'}]}
The Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary is from Cambridge and is written in English, the language used at the University of St Andrews.
The book `` Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary , '' which is written in English , is published by the University of St Andrews .
What is the second oldest university located in Cambridge?</s>The Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary is from Cambridge and is written in English, the language used at the [unused1]University of St Andrews [unused2] .
What is the second oldest university located in Cambridge?</s>The Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary is from Cambridge and is written in English, the language used at the University of St Andrews.
What is the second oldest university located in Cambridge?</s>The book `` Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary , '' which is written in English , is published by the [unused1]University of St Andrews [unused2] .
What is the second oldest university located in Cambridge?</s>The book `` Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary , '' which is written in English , is published by the University of St Andrews .
What is the second oldest university located in Cambridge?</s>Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary,0,Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary,Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary,0,English,Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary,0,[unused1]University of St Andrews[unused2],Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary,0,Cambridge,English,described by source,Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary,English,0,English,English,0,[unused1]University of St Andrews[unused2],English,0,Cambridge,[unused1]University of St Andrews[unused2],0,Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary,[unused1]University of St Andrews[unused2],language used,English,[unused1]University of St Andrews[unused2],0,[unused1]University of St Andrews[unused2],[unused1]University of St Andrews[unused2],0,Cambridge,Cambridge,described by source,Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary,Cambridge,0,English,Cambridge,0,[unused1]University of St Andrews[unused2],Cambridge,0,Cambridge
What is the second oldest university located in Cambridge?</s>Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary,0,Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary,Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary,0,English,Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary,0,University of St Andrews,Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary,0,Cambridge,English,described by source,Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary,English,0,English,English,0,University of St Andrews,English,0,Cambridge,University of St Andrews,0,Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary,University of St Andrews,language used,English,University of St Andrews,0,University of St Andrews,University of St Andrews,0,Cambridge,Cambridge,described by source,Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary,Cambridge,0,English,Cambridge,0,University of St Andrews,Cambridge,0,Cambridge
What is the oldest university in the Hispanic world?
{'directed': True, 'multigraph': False, 'graph': {}, 'nodes': [{'type': 'ANSWER_CANDIDATE_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q1109432', 'id': 0, 'label': 'hispanism'}, {'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q1211934', 'id': 1, 'label': 'Hispanic'}], 'links': [{'name_': 'P2578', 'source': 0, 'target': 1, 'label': 'studies'}, {'name_': 'P2579', 'source': 1, 'target': 0, 'label': 'studied by'}]}
Hispanics are studied by hispanism.
The Spanish language is studied by the Mexican people and one of the studies they do is hispanism .
What is the oldest university in the Hispanic world?</s>Hispanics are studied by [unused1]hispanism [unused2] .
What is the oldest university in the Hispanic world?</s>Hispanics are studied by hispanism.
What is the oldest university in the Hispanic world?</s>The Spanish language is studied by the Mexican people and one of the studies they do is [unused1]hispanism [unused2] .
What is the oldest university in the Hispanic world?</s>The Spanish language is studied by the Mexican people and one of the studies they do is hispanism .
What is the oldest university in the Hispanic world?</s>[unused1]hispanism[unused2],0,[unused1]hispanism[unused2],[unused1]hispanism[unused2],studies,Hispanic,Hispanic,studied by,[unused1]hispanism[unused2],Hispanic,0,Hispanic
What is the oldest university in the Hispanic world?</s>hispanism,0,hispanism,hispanism,studies,Hispanic,Hispanic,studied by,hispanism,Hispanic,0,Hispanic
What is the oldest university in the Hispanic world?
{'directed': True, 'multigraph': False, 'graph': {}, 'nodes': [{'type': 'INTERNAL', 'name_': 'Q1109432', 'id': 0, 'label': 'hispanism'}, {'type': 'ANSWER_CANDIDATE_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q1401524', 'id': 1, 'label': 'University of Santo Tomas'}, {'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q1211934', 'id': 2, 'label': 'Hispanic'}, {'type': 'INTERNAL', 'name_': 'Q1095906', 'id': 3, 'label': 'Claro M. Recto'}], 'links': [{'name_': 'P2578', 'source': 0, 'target': 2, 'label': 'studies'}, {'name_': 'P2579', 'source': 2, 'target': 0, 'label': 'studied by'}, {'name_': 'P101', 'source': 3, 'target': 0, 'label': 'field of work'}, {'name_': 'P69', 'source': 3, 'target': 1, 'label': 'educated at'}]}
Hispanic studies are studied by hispanism, which is the field of work of Claro M. Recto, who was educated at the University of Santo Tomas.
Claro M. Recto studied at the University of Santo Tomas and hispanism is his main field of work . He also studied in the community of Hispanic .
What is the oldest university in the Hispanic world?</s>Hispanic studies are studied by hispanism, which is the field of work of Claro M. Recto, who was educated at the [unused1]University of Santo Tomas [unused2] .
What is the oldest university in the Hispanic world?</s>Hispanic studies are studied by hispanism, which is the field of work of Claro M. Recto, who was educated at the University of Santo Tomas.
What is the oldest university in the Hispanic world?</s>Claro M. Recto studied at the [unused1]University of Santo Tomas [unused2] and hispanism is his main field of work . He also studied in the community of Hispanic .
What is the oldest university in the Hispanic world?</s>Claro M. Recto studied at the University of Santo Tomas and hispanism is his main field of work . He also studied in the community of Hispanic .
What is the oldest university in the Hispanic world?</s>hispanism,0,hispanism,hispanism,0,[unused1]University of Santo Tomas[unused2],hispanism,studies,Hispanic,hispanism,0,Claro M. Recto,[unused1]University of Santo Tomas[unused2],0,hispanism,[unused1]University of Santo Tomas[unused2],0,[unused1]University of Santo Tomas[unused2],[unused1]University of Santo Tomas[unused2],0,Hispanic,[unused1]University of Santo Tomas[unused2],0,Claro M. Recto,Hispanic,studied by,hispanism,Hispanic,0,[unused1]University of Santo Tomas[unused2],Hispanic,0,Hispanic,Hispanic,0,Claro M. Recto,Claro M. Recto,field of work,hispanism,Claro M. Recto,educated at,[unused1]University of Santo Tomas[unused2],Claro M. Recto,0,Hispanic,Claro M. Recto,0,Claro M. Recto
What is the oldest university in the Hispanic world?</s>hispanism,0,hispanism,hispanism,0,University of Santo Tomas,hispanism,studies,Hispanic,hispanism,0,Claro M. Recto,University of Santo Tomas,0,hispanism,University of Santo Tomas,0,University of Santo Tomas,University of Santo Tomas,0,Hispanic,University of Santo Tomas,0,Claro M. Recto,Hispanic,studied by,hispanism,Hispanic,0,University of Santo Tomas,Hispanic,0,Hispanic,Hispanic,0,Claro M. Recto,Claro M. Recto,field of work,hispanism,Claro M. Recto,educated at,University of Santo Tomas,Claro M. Recto,0,Hispanic,Claro M. Recto,0,Claro M. Recto
Who was the first ruler of Egypt in the New Kingdom?
Q180568, Q79
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The New Kingdom of Egypt, which lasted from 1839 to 1869, was the time of Merenptah. The sex of the male who ruled the country was Mizraim, who was named after the country.
The New Kingdom of Egypt is the location of the journal , Wikipedia :Vital articles/Level/4 . It is also the site of the novel Merenptah , which was a sequel to the novel Mizraim . The latter was born in the country of Egypt , where the capital city is Alexandria .
Who was the first ruler of Egypt in the New Kingdom?</s>The New Kingdom of Egypt, which lasted from 1839 to 1869, was the time of Merenptah. The sex of the male who ruled the country was [unused1]Mizraim [unused2] , who was named after the country.
Who was the first ruler of Egypt in the New Kingdom?</s>The New Kingdom of Egypt, which lasted from 1839 to 1869, was the time of Merenptah. The sex of the male who ruled the country was Mizraim, who was named after the country.
Who was the first ruler of Egypt in the New Kingdom?</s>The New Kingdom of Egypt is the location of the journal , Wikipedia :Vital articles/Level/4 . It is also the site of the novel Merenptah , which was a sequel to the novel [unused1]Mizraim [unused2] . The latter was born in the country of Egypt , where the capital city is Alexandria .
Who was the first ruler of Egypt in the New Kingdom?</s>The New Kingdom of Egypt is the location of the journal , Wikipedia :Vital articles/Level/4 . It is also the site of the novel Merenptah , which was a sequel to the novel Mizraim . The latter was born in the country of Egypt , where the capital city is Alexandria .
Who was the first ruler of Egypt in the New Kingdom?</s>Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4,0,Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4,Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4,0,male,Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4,0,Egypt,Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4,0,New Kingdom of Egypt,Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4,0,Merenptah,Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4,0,[unused1]Mizraim[unused2],male,0,Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4,male,0,male,male,0,Egypt,male,0,New Kingdom of Egypt,male,0,Merenptah,male,0,[unused1]Mizraim[unused2],Egypt,on focus list of Wikimedia project,Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4,Egypt,0,male,Egypt,country,Egypt,Egypt,0,New Kingdom of Egypt,Egypt,0,Merenptah,Egypt,named after,[unused1]Mizraim[unused2],New Kingdom of Egypt,on focus list of Wikimedia project,Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4,New Kingdom of Egypt,0,male,New Kingdom of Egypt,0,Egypt,New Kingdom of Egypt,0,New Kingdom of Egypt,New Kingdom of Egypt,0,Merenptah,New Kingdom of Egypt,0,[unused1]Mizraim[unused2],Merenptah,0,Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4,Merenptah,sex or gender,male,Merenptah,0,Egypt,Merenptah,time period,New Kingdom of Egypt,Merenptah,0,Merenptah,Merenptah,0,[unused1]Mizraim[unused2],[unused1]Mizraim[unused2],0,Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4,[unused1]Mizraim[unused2],sex or gender,male,[unused1]Mizraim[unused2],0,Egypt,[unused1]Mizraim[unused2],0,New Kingdom of Egypt,[unused1]Mizraim[unused2],0,Merenptah,[unused1]Mizraim[unused2],0,[unused1]Mizraim[unused2]
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What is the oldest university in England?
{'directed': True, 'multigraph': False, 'graph': {}, 'nodes': [{'type': 'INTERNAL', 'name_': 'Q6173448', 'id': 0, 'label': 'Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4'}, {'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q21', 'id': 1, 'label': 'England'}, {'type': 'ANSWER_CANDIDATE_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q34433', 'id': 2, 'label': 'University of Oxford'}], 'links': [{'name_': 'P5008', 'source': 1, 'target': 0, 'label': 'on focus list of Wikimedia project'}, {'name_': 'P5008', 'source': 2, 'target': 0, 'label': 'on focus list of Wikimedia project'}]}
The University of Oxford is on the Wikimedia project's focus list, and the level 4, Wikipedia article, The University of Oxford '' is one of the articles.
The University of Oxford is part of the list of the Wikimedia projects that can be found in England . The list includes the following : The journal , Vital articles/Level/4 .
What is the oldest university in England?</s>The [unused1]University of Oxford [unused2] is on the Wikimedia project's focus list, and the level 4, Wikipedia article, The
What is the oldest university in England?</s>The University of Oxford is on the Wikimedia project's focus list, and the level 4, Wikipedia article, The University of Oxford '' is one of the articles.
What is the oldest university in England?</s>The [unused1]University of Oxford [unused2] is part of the list of the Wikimedia projects that can be found in England . The list includes the following : The journal , Vital articles/Level/4 .
What is the oldest university in England?</s>The University of Oxford is part of the list of the Wikimedia projects that can be found in England . The list includes the following : The journal , Vital articles/Level/4 .
What is the oldest university in England?</s>Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4,0,Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4,Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4,0,England,Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4,0,[unused1]University of Oxford[unused2],England,on focus list of Wikimedia project,Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4,England,0,England,England,0,[unused1]University of Oxford[unused2],[unused1]University of Oxford[unused2],on focus list of Wikimedia project,Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4,[unused1]University of Oxford[unused2],0,England,[unused1]University of Oxford[unused2],0,[unused1]University of Oxford[unused2]
What is the oldest university in England?</s>Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4,0,Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4,Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4,0,England,Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4,0,University of Oxford,England,on focus list of Wikimedia project,Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4,England,0,England,England,0,University of Oxford,University of Oxford,on focus list of Wikimedia project,Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4,University of Oxford,0,England,University of Oxford,0,University of Oxford
Who is the protagonist of the Halo series?
{'directed': True, 'multigraph': False, 'graph': {}, 'nodes': [{'type': 'INTERNAL', 'name_': 'Q1406', 'id': 0, 'label': 'Microsoft Windows'}, {'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q1747150', 'id': 1, 'label': 'Halo'}, {'type': 'ANSWER_CANDIDATE_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q15897235', 'id': 2, 'label': 'Cortana'}], 'links': [{'name_': 'P400', 'source': 1, 'target': 0, 'label': 'platform'}, {'name_': 'P400', 'source': 2, 'target': 0, 'label': 'platform'}]}
Halo and Cortana are both platforms of Microsoft Windows.
The company , Microsoft , offers the services of Cortana and the Halo .
Who is the protagonist of the Halo series?</s>Halo and [unused1]Cortana [unused2] are both platforms of Microsoft Windows.
Who is the protagonist of the Halo series?</s>Halo and Cortana are both platforms of Microsoft Windows.
Who is the protagonist of the Halo series?</s>The company , Microsoft , offers the services of [unused1]Cortana [unused2] and the Halo .
Who is the protagonist of the Halo series?</s>The company , Microsoft , offers the services of Cortana and the Halo .
Who is the protagonist of the Halo series?</s>Microsoft Windows,0,Microsoft Windows,Microsoft Windows,0,Halo,Microsoft Windows,0,[unused1]Cortana[unused2],Halo,platform,Microsoft Windows,Halo,0,Halo,Halo,0,[unused1]Cortana[unused2],[unused1]Cortana[unused2],platform,Microsoft Windows,[unused1]Cortana[unused2],0,Halo,[unused1]Cortana[unused2],0,[unused1]Cortana[unused2]
Who is the protagonist of the Halo series?</s>Microsoft Windows,0,Microsoft Windows,Microsoft Windows,0,Halo,Microsoft Windows,0,Cortana,Halo,platform,Microsoft Windows,Halo,0,Halo,Halo,0,Cortana,Cortana,platform,Microsoft Windows,Cortana,0,Halo,Cortana,0,Cortana
Which popular FPS game recently held a virtual concert?
{'directed': True, 'multigraph': False, 'graph': {}, 'nodes': [{'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q185029', 'id': 0, 'label': 'first-person shooter'}, {'type': 'ANSWER_CANDIDATE_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q2516319', 'id': 1, 'label': 'list of first-person shooters'}], 'links': [{'name_': 'P2354', 'source': 0, 'target': 1, 'label': 'has list'}, {'name_': 'P360', 'source': 1, 'target': 0, 'label': 'is a list of'}]}
The first-person shooter is a list of first-person shooters.
The list of first-person shooters includes the following : first-man shooters .
Which popular FPS game recently held a virtual concert?</s>The first-person shooter is a [unused1]list of first-person shooters [unused2] .
Which popular FPS game recently held a virtual concert?</s>The first-person shooter is a list of first-person shooters.
Which popular FPS game recently held a virtual concert?</s>The [unused1]list of first-person shooters [unused2] includes the following : first-man shooters .
Which popular FPS game recently held a virtual concert?</s>The list of first-person shooters includes the following : first-man shooters .
Which popular FPS game recently held a virtual concert?</s>first-person shooter,0,first-person shooter,first-person shooter,has list,[unused1]list of first-person shooters[unused2],[unused1]list of first-person shooters[unused2],is a list of,first-person shooter,[unused1]list of first-person shooters[unused2],0,[unused1]list of first-person shooters[unused2]
Which popular FPS game recently held a virtual concert?</s>first-person shooter,0,first-person shooter,first-person shooter,has list,list of first-person shooters,list of first-person shooters,is a list of,first-person shooter,list of first-person shooters,0,list of first-person shooters
In the Dragon Age franchise, what are the creatures called that are the main antagonists involved in the blights?
{'directed': True, 'multigraph': False, 'graph': {}, 'nodes': [{'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q1766436', 'id': 0, 'label': 'Dragon Age'}, {'type': 'ANSWER_CANDIDATE_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q96145956', 'id': 1, 'label': 'Dragon Age Legends'}], 'links': [{'name_': 'P179', 'source': 1, 'target': 0, 'label': 'part of the series'}]}
Dragon Age Legends is part of the series, Dragon Age.
The book `` Dragon Age Legends '' is part of the series of the same name .
In the Dragon Age franchise, what are the creatures called that are the main antagonists involved in the blights?</s> [unused1]Dragon Age Legends [unused2] is part of the series, Dragon Age.
In the Dragon Age franchise, what are the creatures called that are the main antagonists involved in the blights?</s>Dragon Age Legends is part of the series, Dragon Age.
In the Dragon Age franchise, what are the creatures called that are the main antagonists involved in the blights?</s>The book `` [unused1]Dragon Age Legends [unused2] '' is part of the series of the same name .
In the Dragon Age franchise, what are the creatures called that are the main antagonists involved in the blights?</s>The book `` Dragon Age Legends '' is part of the series of the same name .
In the Dragon Age franchise, what are the creatures called that are the main antagonists involved in the blights?</s>Dragon Age,0,Dragon Age,Dragon Age,0,[unused1]Dragon Age Legends[unused2],[unused1]Dragon Age Legends[unused2],part of the series,Dragon Age,[unused1]Dragon Age Legends[unused2],0,[unused1]Dragon Age Legends[unused2]
In the Dragon Age franchise, what are the creatures called that are the main antagonists involved in the blights?</s>Dragon Age,0,Dragon Age,Dragon Age,0,Dragon Age Legends,Dragon Age Legends,part of the series,Dragon Age,Dragon Age Legends,0,Dragon Age Legends
In Silent Hill 2, who is the main antagonist?
{'directed': True, 'multigraph': False, 'graph': {}, 'nodes': [{'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q752835', 'id': 0, 'label': 'Silent Hill 2'}, {'type': 'ANSWER_CANDIDATE_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q10327043', 'id': 1, 'label': 'Mary Shepherd-Sunderland'}], 'links': [{'name_': 'P674', 'source': 0, 'target': 1, 'label': 'characters'}, {'name_': 'P1441', 'source': 1, 'target': 0, 'label': 'present in work'}]}
Mary Shepherd-Sunderland is a character in Silent Hill 2.
Mary Shepherd-Sunderland was a character in the film Silent Hill 2 .
In Silent Hill 2, who is the main antagonist?</s> [unused1]Mary Shepherd-Sunderland [unused2] is a character in Silent Hill 2.
In Silent Hill 2, who is the main antagonist?</s>Mary Shepherd-Sunderland is a character in Silent Hill 2.
In Silent Hill 2, who is the main antagonist?</s> [unused1]Mary Shepherd-Sunderland [unused2] was a character in the film Silent Hill 2 .
In Silent Hill 2, who is the main antagonist?</s>Mary Shepherd-Sunderland was a character in the film Silent Hill 2 .
In Silent Hill 2, who is the main antagonist?</s>Silent Hill 2,0,Silent Hill 2,Silent Hill 2,characters,[unused1]Mary Shepherd-Sunderland[unused2],[unused1]Mary Shepherd-Sunderland[unused2],present in work,Silent Hill 2,[unused1]Mary Shepherd-Sunderland[unused2],0,[unused1]Mary Shepherd-Sunderland[unused2]
In Silent Hill 2, who is the main antagonist?</s>Silent Hill 2,0,Silent Hill 2,Silent Hill 2,characters,Mary Shepherd-Sunderland,Mary Shepherd-Sunderland,present in work,Silent Hill 2,Mary Shepherd-Sunderland,0,Mary Shepherd-Sunderland
What is the oldest college located in Massachusetts?
{'directed': True, 'multigraph': False, 'graph': {}, 'nodes': [{'type': 'INTERNAL', 'name_': 'Q30', 'id': 0, 'label': 'United States of America'}, {'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q771', 'id': 1, 'label': 'Massachusetts'}, {'type': 'ANSWER_CANDIDATE_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q49108', 'id': 2, 'label': 'Massachusetts Institute of Technology'}], 'links': [{'name_': 'P17', 'source': 0, 'target': 0, 'label': 'country'}, {'name_': 'P150', 'source': 0, 'target': 1, 'label': 'contains the administrative territorial entity'}, {'name_': 'P17', 'source': 1, 'target': 0, 'label': 'country'}, {'name_': 'P17', 'source': 2, 'target': 0, 'label': 'country'}]}
The Massachusetts Institute of Technology is located in the United States, where Massachusetts is the administrative territorial entity.
The United States of America is the location of Massachusetts Institute of Technology . It is also where the state of Massachusetts is located and where the administrative entity is the U.S.A .
What is the oldest college located in Massachusetts?</s>The [unused1]Massachusetts Institute of Technology [unused2] is located in the United States, where Massachusetts is the administrative territorial entity.
What is the oldest college located in Massachusetts?</s>The Massachusetts Institute of Technology is located in the United States, where Massachusetts is the administrative territorial entity.
What is the oldest college located in Massachusetts?</s>The United States of America is the location of [unused1]Massachusetts Institute of Technology [unused2] . It is also where the state of Massachusetts is located and where the administrative entity is the U.S.A .
What is the oldest college located in Massachusetts?</s>The United States of America is the location of Massachusetts Institute of Technology . It is also where the state of Massachusetts is located and where the administrative entity is the U.S.A .
What is the oldest college located in Massachusetts?</s>United States of America,country,United States of America,United States of America,contains the administrative territorial entity,Massachusetts,United States of America,0,[unused1]Massachusetts Institute of Technology[unused2],Massachusetts,country,United States of America,Massachusetts,0,Massachusetts,Massachusetts,0,[unused1]Massachusetts Institute of Technology[unused2],[unused1]Massachusetts Institute of Technology[unused2],country,United States of America,[unused1]Massachusetts Institute of Technology[unused2],0,Massachusetts,[unused1]Massachusetts Institute of Technology[unused2],0,[unused1]Massachusetts Institute of Technology[unused2]
What is the oldest college located in Massachusetts?</s>United States of America,country,United States of America,United States of America,contains the administrative territorial entity,Massachusetts,United States of America,0,Massachusetts Institute of Technology,Massachusetts,country,United States of America,Massachusetts,0,Massachusetts,Massachusetts,0,Massachusetts Institute of Technology,Massachusetts Institute of Technology,country,United States of America,Massachusetts Institute of Technology,0,Massachusetts,Massachusetts Institute of Technology,0,Massachusetts Institute of Technology
What mainline game is in the City Building series and takes place in ancient Egypt?
Q79, Q915070
{'directed': True, 'multigraph': False, 'graph': {}, 'nodes': [{'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q79', 'id': 0, 'label': 'Egypt'}, {'type': 'INTERNAL', 'name_': 'Q717202', 'id': 1, 'label': 'Pharaoh'}, {'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q915070', 'id': 2, 'label': 'City Building Series'}, {'type': 'ANSWER_CANDIDATE_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q25648825', 'id': 3, 'label': '123'}], 'links': [{'name_': 'P17', 'source': 0, 'target': 0, 'label': 'country'}, {'name_': 'P2852', 'source': 0, 'target': 3, 'label': 'emergency phone number'}, {'name_': 'P840', 'source': 1, 'target': 0, 'label': 'narrative location'}, {'name_': 'P179', 'source': 1, 'target': 2, 'label': 'part of the series'}, {'name_': 'P17', 'source': 3, 'target': 0, 'label': 'country'}]}
The City Building Series'Pharaoh is set in the country of Egypt, where the emergency number is 123.
The City Building Series is a series of books from the country of Egypt , which has the emergency number of 123 . The country is the location of the airport in the city of Alexandria .
What mainline game is in the City Building series and takes place in ancient Egypt?</s>The City Building Series'Pharaoh is set in the country of Egypt, where the emergency number is [unused1]123 [unused2] .
What mainline game is in the City Building series and takes place in ancient Egypt?</s>The City Building Series'Pharaoh is set in the country of Egypt, where the emergency number is 123.
What mainline game is in the City Building series and takes place in ancient Egypt?</s>The City Building Series is a series of books from the country of Egypt , which has the emergency number of [unused1]123 [unused2] . The country is the location of the airport in the city of Alexandria .
What mainline game is in the City Building series and takes place in ancient Egypt?</s>The City Building Series is a series of books from the country of Egypt , which has the emergency number of 123 . The country is the location of the airport in the city of Alexandria .
What mainline game is in the City Building series and takes place in ancient Egypt?</s>Egypt,country,Egypt,Egypt,0,Pharaoh,Egypt,0,City Building Series,Egypt,emergency phone number,[unused1]123[unused2],Pharaoh,narrative location,Egypt,Pharaoh,0,Pharaoh,Pharaoh,part of the series,City Building Series,Pharaoh,0,[unused1]123[unused2],City Building Series,0,Egypt,City Building Series,0,Pharaoh,City Building Series,0,City Building Series,City Building Series,0,[unused1]123[unused2],[unused1]123[unused2],country,Egypt,[unused1]123[unused2],0,Pharaoh,[unused1]123[unused2],0,City Building Series,[unused1]123[unused2],0,[unused1]123[unused2]
What mainline game is in the City Building series and takes place in ancient Egypt?</s>Egypt,country,Egypt,Egypt,0,Pharaoh,Egypt,0,City Building Series,Egypt,emergency phone number,123,Pharaoh,narrative location,Egypt,Pharaoh,0,Pharaoh,Pharaoh,part of the series,City Building Series,Pharaoh,0,123,City Building Series,0,Egypt,City Building Series,0,Pharaoh,City Building Series,0,City Building Series,City Building Series,0,123,123,country,Egypt,123,0,Pharaoh,123,0,City Building Series,123,0,123
Who was the first ruler of Egypt during the Ptolemaic period?
{'directed': True, 'multigraph': False, 'graph': {}, 'nodes': [{'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q79', 'id': 0, 'label': 'Egypt'}, {'type': 'ANSWER_CANDIDATE_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q810', 'id': 1, 'label': 'Jordan'}], 'links': [{'name_': 'P17', 'source': 0, 'target': 0, 'label': 'country'}, {'name_': 'P530', 'source': 0, 'target': 1, 'label': 'diplomatic relation'}, {'name_': 'P530', 'source': 1, 'target': 0, 'label': 'diplomatic relation'}, {'name_': 'P17', 'source': 1, 'target': 1, 'label': 'country'}]}
The country of Jordan is located in the region of the Sahel. It is in the same area as the country of Egypt, which has a diplomatic relationship with Jordan.
The leaders of both Jordan and the country of Jordan are called Amman . The country is also the location of the capital city of Alexandria .
Who was the first ruler of Egypt during the Ptolemaic period?</s>The country of [unused1]Jordan [unused2] is located in the region of the Sahel. It is in the same area as the country of Egypt, which has a diplomatic relationship with
Who was the first ruler of Egypt during the Ptolemaic period?</s>The country of Jordan is located in the region of the Sahel. It is in the same area as the country of Egypt, which has a diplomatic relationship with Jordan.
Who was the first ruler of Egypt during the Ptolemaic period?</s>The leaders of both [unused1]Jordan [unused2] and the country of
Who was the first ruler of Egypt during the Ptolemaic period?</s>The leaders of both Jordan and the country of Jordan are called Amman . The country is also the location of the capital city of Alexandria .
Who was the first ruler of Egypt during the Ptolemaic period?</s>Egypt,country,Egypt,Egypt,diplomatic relation,[unused1]Jordan[unused2],[unused1]Jordan[unused2],diplomatic relation,Egypt,[unused1]Jordan[unused2],country,[unused1]Jordan[unused2]
Who was the first ruler of Egypt during the Ptolemaic period?</s>Egypt,country,Egypt,Egypt,diplomatic relation,Jordan,Jordan,diplomatic relation,Egypt,Jordan,country,Jordan
Who was the first ruler of Egypt during the Ptolemaic period?
{'directed': True, 'multigraph': False, 'graph': {}, 'nodes': [{'type': 'ANSWER_CANDIDATE_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q1378312', 'id': 0, 'label': 'Europlug'}, {'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q79', 'id': 1, 'label': 'Egypt'}], 'links': [{'name_': 'P2853', 'source': 1, 'target': 0, 'label': 'electrical plug type'}, {'name_': 'P17', 'source': 1, 'target': 1, 'label': 'country'}]}
Europlug is the electrical plug type in Egypt.
The Europlug is made in the country of Egypt , where one can find the Europlug .
Who was the first ruler of Egypt during the Ptolemaic period?</s> [unused1]Europlug [unused2] is the electrical plug type in Egypt.
Who was the first ruler of Egypt during the Ptolemaic period?</s>Europlug is the electrical plug type in Egypt.
Who was the first ruler of Egypt during the Ptolemaic period?</s>The [unused1]Europlug [unused2] is made in the country of Egypt , where one can find the
Who was the first ruler of Egypt during the Ptolemaic period?</s>The Europlug is made in the country of Egypt , where one can find the Europlug .
Who was the first ruler of Egypt during the Ptolemaic period?</s>[unused1]Europlug[unused2],0,[unused1]Europlug[unused2],[unused1]Europlug[unused2],0,Egypt,Egypt,electrical plug type,[unused1]Europlug[unused2],Egypt,country,Egypt
Who was the first ruler of Egypt during the Ptolemaic period?</s>Europlug,0,Europlug,Europlug,0,Egypt,Egypt,electrical plug type,Europlug,Egypt,country,Egypt
Who was the second ruler of Egypt in the New Kingdom?
Q79, Q180568
{'directed': True, 'multigraph': False, 'graph': {}, 'nodes': [{'type': 'INTERNAL', 'name_': 'Q1138524', 'id': 0, 'label': 'Paulys Realenzyklopädie der klassischen Altertumswissenschaft'}, {'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q79', 'id': 1, 'label': 'Egypt'}, {'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q180568', 'id': 2, 'label': 'New Kingdom of Egypt'}, {'type': 'ANSWER_CANDIDATE_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q157966', 'id': 3, 'label': 'Amenhotep I'}], 'links': [{'name_': 'P1343', 'source': 1, 'target': 0, 'label': 'described by source'}, {'name_': 'P17', 'source': 1, 'target': 1, 'label': 'country'}, {'name_': 'P1343', 'source': 3, 'target': 0, 'label': 'described by source'}, {'name_': 'P27', 'source': 3, 'target': 2, 'label': 'country of citizenship'}]}
Amenhotep I, who was a citizen of the New Kingdom of Egypt, is a citizen of the country. The book Paulys Realenzyklopädie der klassischen Altertumswissenschaft was written in the country.
The New Kingdom of Egypt is the location of the Arabic speaking country of Alexandria . The country is the origin of the dish called Amenhotep I which was described by the source , Paulys Realenzyklopädie der klassischen Altertumswissenschaft .
Who was the second ruler of Egypt in the New Kingdom?</s> [unused1]Amenhotep I [unused2] , who was a citizen of the New Kingdom of Egypt, is a citizen of the country. The book Paulys Realenzyklopädie der klassischen Altertumswissenschaft was written in the country.
Who was the second ruler of Egypt in the New Kingdom?</s>Amenhotep I, who was a citizen of the New Kingdom of Egypt, is a citizen of the country. The book Paulys Realenzyklopädie der klassischen Altertumswissenschaft was written in the country.
Who was the second ruler of Egypt in the New Kingdom?</s>The New Kingdom of Egypt is the location of the Arabic speaking country of Alexandria . The country is the origin of the dish called [unused1]Amenhotep I [unused2] which was described by the source , Paulys Realenzyklopädie der klassischen Altertumswissenschaft .
Who was the second ruler of Egypt in the New Kingdom?</s>The New Kingdom of Egypt is the location of the Arabic speaking country of Alexandria . The country is the origin of the dish called Amenhotep I which was described by the source , Paulys Realenzyklopädie der klassischen Altertumswissenschaft .
Who was the second ruler of Egypt in the New Kingdom?</s>Paulys Realenzyklopädie der klassischen Altertumswissenschaft,0,Paulys Realenzyklopädie der klassischen Altertumswissenschaft,Paulys Realenzyklopädie der klassischen Altertumswissenschaft,0,Egypt,Paulys Realenzyklopädie der klassischen Altertumswissenschaft,0,New Kingdom of Egypt,Paulys Realenzyklopädie der klassischen Altertumswissenschaft,0,[unused1]Amenhotep I[unused2],Egypt,described by source,Paulys Realenzyklopädie der klassischen Altertumswissenschaft,Egypt,country,Egypt,Egypt,0,New Kingdom of Egypt,Egypt,0,[unused1]Amenhotep I[unused2],New Kingdom of Egypt,0,Paulys Realenzyklopädie der klassischen Altertumswissenschaft,New Kingdom of Egypt,0,Egypt,New Kingdom of Egypt,0,New Kingdom of Egypt,New Kingdom of Egypt,0,[unused1]Amenhotep I[unused2],[unused1]Amenhotep I[unused2],described by source,Paulys Realenzyklopädie der klassischen Altertumswissenschaft,[unused1]Amenhotep I[unused2],0,Egypt,[unused1]Amenhotep I[unused2],country of citizenship,New Kingdom of Egypt,[unused1]Amenhotep I[unused2],0,[unused1]Amenhotep I[unused2]
Who was the second ruler of Egypt in the New Kingdom?</s>Paulys Realenzyklopädie der klassischen Altertumswissenschaft,0,Paulys Realenzyklopädie der klassischen Altertumswissenschaft,Paulys Realenzyklopädie der klassischen Altertumswissenschaft,0,Egypt,Paulys Realenzyklopädie der klassischen Altertumswissenschaft,0,New Kingdom of Egypt,Paulys Realenzyklopädie der klassischen Altertumswissenschaft,0,Amenhotep I,Egypt,described by source,Paulys Realenzyklopädie der klassischen Altertumswissenschaft,Egypt,country,Egypt,Egypt,0,New Kingdom of Egypt,Egypt,0,Amenhotep I,New Kingdom of Egypt,0,Paulys Realenzyklopädie der klassischen Altertumswissenschaft,New Kingdom of Egypt,0,Egypt,New Kingdom of Egypt,0,New Kingdom of Egypt,New Kingdom of Egypt,0,Amenhotep I,Amenhotep I,described by source,Paulys Realenzyklopädie der klassischen Altertumswissenschaft,Amenhotep I,0,Egypt,Amenhotep I,country of citizenship,New Kingdom of Egypt,Amenhotep I,0,Amenhotep I
What is the oldest university in the US?
{'directed': True, 'multigraph': False, 'graph': {}, 'nodes': [{'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q30', 'id': 0, 'label': 'United States of America'}, {'type': 'ANSWER_CANDIDATE_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q211', 'id': 1, 'label': 'Latvia'}], 'links': [{'name_': 'P17', 'source': 0, 'target': 0, 'label': 'country'}, {'name_': 'P530', 'source': 0, 'target': 1, 'label': 'diplomatic relation'}, {'name_': 'P530', 'source': 1, 'target': 0, 'label': 'diplomatic relation'}, {'name_': 'P17', 'source': 1, 'target': 1, 'label': 'country'}]}
The United States of America is the country of the United States of America, which has diplomatic relations with Latvia.
The United States of America is the leader of the country of Latvia , where the capital is Riga . The U.S. is also the location of the Baltic Sea .
What is the oldest university in the US?</s>The United States of America is the country of the United States of America, which has diplomatic relations with [unused1]Latvia [unused2] .
What is the oldest university in the US?</s>The United States of America is the country of the United States of America, which has diplomatic relations with Latvia.
What is the oldest university in the US?</s>The United States of America is the leader of the country of [unused1]Latvia [unused2] , where the capital is Riga . The U.S. is also the location of the Baltic Sea .
What is the oldest university in the US?</s>The United States of America is the leader of the country of Latvia , where the capital is Riga . The U.S. is also the location of the Baltic Sea .
What is the oldest university in the US?</s>United States of America,country,United States of America,United States of America,diplomatic relation,[unused1]Latvia[unused2],[unused1]Latvia[unused2],diplomatic relation,United States of America,[unused1]Latvia[unused2],country,[unused1]Latvia[unused2]
What is the oldest university in the US?</s>United States of America,country,United States of America,United States of America,diplomatic relation,Latvia,Latvia,diplomatic relation,United States of America,Latvia,country,Latvia
What state is home to the most Ivy League colleges?
{'directed': True, 'multigraph': False, 'graph': {}, 'nodes': [{'type': 'INTERNAL', 'name_': 'Q30', 'id': 0, 'label': 'United States of America'}, {'type': 'ANSWER_CANDIDATE_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q771', 'id': 1, 'label': 'Massachusetts'}, {'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q49113', 'id': 2, 'label': 'Ivy League'}], 'links': [{'name_': 'P17', 'source': 0, 'target': 0, 'label': 'country'}, {'name_': 'P150', 'source': 0, 'target': 1, 'label': 'contains the administrative territorial entity'}, {'name_': 'P17', 'source': 1, 'target': 0, 'label': 'country'}, {'name_': 'P17', 'source': 2, 'target': 0, 'label': 'country'}]}
The Ivy League is located in the United States, where Massachusetts is an administrative territorial entity.
The United States of America is the location of Massachusetts , which is part of the U.S.A. and is where the Ivy League is located .
What state is home to the most Ivy League colleges?</s>The Ivy League is located in the United States, where [unused1]Massachusetts [unused2] is an administrative territorial entity.
What state is home to the most Ivy League colleges?</s>The Ivy League is located in the United States, where Massachusetts is an administrative territorial entity.
What state is home to the most Ivy League colleges?</s>The United States of America is the location of [unused1]Massachusetts [unused2] , which is part of the U.S.A. and is where the Ivy League is located .
What state is home to the most Ivy League colleges?</s>The United States of America is the location of Massachusetts , which is part of the U.S.A. and is where the Ivy League is located .
What state is home to the most Ivy League colleges?</s>United States of America,country,United States of America,United States of America,contains the administrative territorial entity,[unused1]Massachusetts[unused2],United States of America,0,Ivy League,[unused1]Massachusetts[unused2],country,United States of America,[unused1]Massachusetts[unused2],0,[unused1]Massachusetts[unused2],[unused1]Massachusetts[unused2],0,Ivy League,Ivy League,country,United States of America,Ivy League,0,[unused1]Massachusetts[unused2],Ivy League,0,Ivy League
What state is home to the most Ivy League colleges?</s>United States of America,country,United States of America,United States of America,contains the administrative territorial entity,Massachusetts,United States of America,0,Ivy League,Massachusetts,country,United States of America,Massachusetts,0,Massachusetts,Massachusetts,0,Ivy League,Ivy League,country,United States of America,Ivy League,0,Massachusetts,Ivy League,0,Ivy League
Who was the father of the only female prime minister in India?
{'directed': True, 'multigraph': False, 'graph': {}, 'nodes': [{'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q668', 'id': 0, 'label': 'India'}, {'type': 'ANSWER_CANDIDATE_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q774', 'id': 1, 'label': 'Guatemala'}], 'links': [{'name_': 'P17', 'source': 0, 'target': 0, 'label': 'country'}, {'name_': 'P530', 'source': 0, 'target': 1, 'label': 'diplomatic relation'}, {'name_': 'P530', 'source': 1, 'target': 0, 'label': 'diplomatic relation'}, {'name_': 'P17', 'source': 1, 'target': 1, 'label': 'country'}]}
India is the country of India and has diplomatic relations with Guatemala.
India and the country of Guatemala are both located in the country . The latter is the location of the capital of the country , which is also where you will find the city of Guatemala .
Who was the father of the only female prime minister in India?</s>India is the country of India and has diplomatic relations with [unused1]Guatemala [unused2] .
Who was the father of the only female prime minister in India?</s>India is the country of India and has diplomatic relations with Guatemala.
Who was the father of the only female prime minister in India?</s>India and the country of [unused1]Guatemala [unused2] are both located in the country . The latter is the location of the capital of the country , which is also where you will find the city of
Who was the father of the only female prime minister in India?</s>India and the country of Guatemala are both located in the country . The latter is the location of the capital of the country , which is also where you will find the city of Guatemala .
Who was the father of the only female prime minister in India?</s>India,country,India,India,diplomatic relation,[unused1]Guatemala[unused2],[unused1]Guatemala[unused2],diplomatic relation,India,[unused1]Guatemala[unused2],country,[unused1]Guatemala[unused2]
Who was the father of the only female prime minister in India?</s>India,country,India,India,diplomatic relation,Guatemala,Guatemala,diplomatic relation,India,Guatemala,country,Guatemala
What puzzle video game was released by Fireproof Games in 2018?
{'directed': True, 'multigraph': False, 'graph': {}, 'nodes': [{'type': 'ANSWER_CANDIDATE_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q210167', 'id': 0, 'label': 'video game developer'}, {'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q15070334', 'id': 1, 'label': 'Fireproof Studios'}], 'links': [{'name_': 'P31', 'source': 1, 'target': 0, 'label': 'instance of'}]}
Fireproof Studios is a video game developer.
Fireproof Studios is an example of a video game developer .
What puzzle video game was released by Fireproof Games in 2018?</s>Fireproof Studios is a [unused1]video game developer [unused2] .
What puzzle video game was released by Fireproof Games in 2018?</s>Fireproof Studios is a video game developer.
What puzzle video game was released by Fireproof Games in 2018?</s>Fireproof Studios is an example of a [unused1]video game developer [unused2] .
What puzzle video game was released by Fireproof Games in 2018?</s>Fireproof Studios is an example of a video game developer .
What puzzle video game was released by Fireproof Games in 2018?</s>[unused1]video game developer[unused2],0,[unused1]video game developer[unused2],[unused1]video game developer[unused2],0,Fireproof Studios,Fireproof Studios,instance of,[unused1]video game developer[unused2],Fireproof Studios,0,Fireproof Studios
What puzzle video game was released by Fireproof Games in 2018?</s>video game developer,0,video game developer,video game developer,0,Fireproof Studios,Fireproof Studios,instance of,video game developer,Fireproof Studios,0,Fireproof Studios
Who was the fifth pharaoh of the Eighteenth Dynasty of Egypt?
Q37110, Q146055
{'directed': True, 'multigraph': False, 'graph': {}, 'nodes': [{'type': 'INTERNAL', 'name_': 'Q3181656', 'id': 0, 'label': 'The Nuttall Encyclopædia'}, {'type': 'INTERNAL', 'name_': 'Q15', 'id': 1, 'label': 'Africa'}, {'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q37110', 'id': 2, 'label': 'Pharaoh'}, {'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q146055', 'id': 3, 'label': 'Eighteenth Dynasty of Egypt'}, {'type': 'ANSWER_CANDIDATE_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q659203', 'id': 4, 'label': 'Pharaohs in the Bible'}], 'links': [{'name_': 'P1343', 'source': 1, 'target': 0, 'label': 'described by source'}, {'name_': 'P460', 'source': 2, 'target': 4, 'label': 'said to be the same as'}, {'name_': 'P30', 'source': 3, 'target': 1, 'label': 'continent'}, {'name_': 'P1343', 'source': 4, 'target': 0, 'label': 'described by source'}, {'name_': 'P460', 'source': 4, 'target': 2, 'label': 'said to be the same as'}]}
The Nuttall Encyclopdia, which is based in Africa, describes the Pharaohs in the Bible. The Nuttall Encyclopdia's source is the Bible, which is the same as the Pharaohs in the Nuttall Encyclopdia. The Nuttall Encyclopdia is from the Eighteenth Dynasty of Egypt.
The African book The Nuttall Encyclopædia was published in the year 8th Dynasty of Egypt . The book is said to have been the same as the Pharaohs in the Bible , who are also known as the Egyptians .
Who was the fifth pharaoh of the Eighteenth Dynasty of Egypt?</s>The Nuttall Encyclopdia, which is based in Africa, describes the [unused1]Pharaohs in the Bible [unused2] . The Nuttall Encyclopdia's source is the Bible, which is the same as the Pharaohs in the Nuttall Encyclopdia. The Nuttall Encyclopdia is from the Eighteenth Dynasty of Egypt.
Who was the fifth pharaoh of the Eighteenth Dynasty of Egypt?</s>The Nuttall Encyclopdia, which is based in Africa, describes the Pharaohs in the Bible. The Nuttall Encyclopdia's source is the Bible, which is the same as the Pharaohs in the Nuttall Encyclopdia. The Nuttall Encyclopdia is from the Eighteenth Dynasty of Egypt.
Who was the fifth pharaoh of the Eighteenth Dynasty of Egypt?</s>The African book The Nuttall Encyclopædia was published in the year 8th Dynasty of Egypt . The book is said to have been the same as the [unused1]Pharaohs in the Bible [unused2] , who are also known as the Egyptians .
Who was the fifth pharaoh of the Eighteenth Dynasty of Egypt?</s>The African book The Nuttall Encyclopædia was published in the year 8th Dynasty of Egypt . The book is said to have been the same as the Pharaohs in the Bible , who are also known as the Egyptians .
Who was the fifth pharaoh of the Eighteenth Dynasty of Egypt?</s>The Nuttall Encyclopædia,0,The Nuttall Encyclopædia,The Nuttall Encyclopædia,0,Africa,The Nuttall Encyclopædia,0,Pharaoh,The Nuttall Encyclopædia,0,Eighteenth Dynasty of Egypt,The Nuttall Encyclopædia,0,[unused1]Pharaohs in the Bible[unused2],Africa,described by source,The Nuttall Encyclopædia,Africa,0,Africa,Africa,0,Pharaoh,Africa,0,Eighteenth Dynasty of Egypt,Africa,0,[unused1]Pharaohs in the Bible[unused2],Pharaoh,0,The Nuttall Encyclopædia,Pharaoh,0,Africa,Pharaoh,0,Pharaoh,Pharaoh,0,Eighteenth Dynasty of Egypt,Pharaoh,said to be the same as,[unused1]Pharaohs in the Bible[unused2],Eighteenth Dynasty of Egypt,0,The Nuttall Encyclopædia,Eighteenth Dynasty of Egypt,continent,Africa,Eighteenth Dynasty of Egypt,0,Pharaoh,Eighteenth Dynasty of Egypt,0,Eighteenth Dynasty of Egypt,Eighteenth Dynasty of Egypt,0,[unused1]Pharaohs in the Bible[unused2],[unused1]Pharaohs in the Bible[unused2],described by source,The Nuttall Encyclopædia,[unused1]Pharaohs in the Bible[unused2],0,Africa,[unused1]Pharaohs in the Bible[unused2],said to be the same as,Pharaoh,[unused1]Pharaohs in the Bible[unused2],0,Eighteenth Dynasty of Egypt,[unused1]Pharaohs in the Bible[unused2],0,[unused1]Pharaohs in the Bible[unused2]
Who was the fifth pharaoh of the Eighteenth Dynasty of Egypt?</s>The Nuttall Encyclopædia,0,The Nuttall Encyclopædia,The Nuttall Encyclopædia,0,Africa,The Nuttall Encyclopædia,0,Pharaoh,The Nuttall Encyclopædia,0,Eighteenth Dynasty of Egypt,The Nuttall Encyclopædia,0,Pharaohs in the Bible,Africa,described by source,The Nuttall Encyclopædia,Africa,0,Africa,Africa,0,Pharaoh,Africa,0,Eighteenth Dynasty of Egypt,Africa,0,Pharaohs in the Bible,Pharaoh,0,The Nuttall Encyclopædia,Pharaoh,0,Africa,Pharaoh,0,Pharaoh,Pharaoh,0,Eighteenth Dynasty of Egypt,Pharaoh,said to be the same as,Pharaohs in the Bible,Eighteenth Dynasty of Egypt,0,The Nuttall Encyclopædia,Eighteenth Dynasty of Egypt,continent,Africa,Eighteenth Dynasty of Egypt,0,Pharaoh,Eighteenth Dynasty of Egypt,0,Eighteenth Dynasty of Egypt,Eighteenth Dynasty of Egypt,0,Pharaohs in the Bible,Pharaohs in the Bible,described by source,The Nuttall Encyclopædia,Pharaohs in the Bible,0,Africa,Pharaohs in the Bible,said to be the same as,Pharaoh,Pharaohs in the Bible,0,Eighteenth Dynasty of Egypt,Pharaohs in the Bible,0,Pharaohs in the Bible
Who is the protagonist in Resident Evil?
{'directed': True, 'multigraph': False, 'graph': {}, 'nodes': [{'type': 'ANSWER_CANDIDATE_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q5014725', 'id': 0, 'label': 'PlayStation 4'}, {'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q220260', 'id': 1, 'label': 'Resident Evil'}], 'links': [{'name_': 'P400', 'source': 1, 'target': 0, 'label': 'platform'}]}
Resident Evil is a PlayStation 4 title.
The PlayStation 4 has a sequel called Resident Evil .
Who is the protagonist in Resident Evil?</s>Resident Evil is a [unused1]PlayStation 4 [unused2] title.
Who is the protagonist in Resident Evil?</s>Resident Evil is a PlayStation 4 title.
Who is the protagonist in Resident Evil?</s>The [unused1]PlayStation 4 [unused2] has a sequel called Resident Evil .
Who is the protagonist in Resident Evil?</s>The PlayStation 4 has a sequel called Resident Evil .
Who is the protagonist in Resident Evil?</s>[unused1]PlayStation 4[unused2],0,[unused1]PlayStation 4[unused2],[unused1]PlayStation 4[unused2],0,Resident Evil,Resident Evil,platform,[unused1]PlayStation 4[unused2],Resident Evil,0,Resident Evil
Who is the protagonist in Resident Evil?</s>PlayStation 4,0,PlayStation 4,PlayStation 4,0,Resident Evil,Resident Evil,platform,PlayStation 4,Resident Evil,0,Resident Evil
Which game's tagline is “gotta catch them all”?
{'directed': True, 'multigraph': False, 'graph': {}, 'nodes': [{'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q7889', 'id': 0, 'label': 'video game'}, {'type': 'ANSWER_CANDIDATE_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q5276395', 'id': 1, 'label': 'gamer'}], 'links': [{'name_': 'P3095', 'source': 0, 'target': 1, 'label': 'practiced by'}, {'name_': 'P2283', 'source': 1, 'target': 0, 'label': 'uses'}]}
The gamer uses a video game and is a player.
A gamer is the person who plays the video games .
Which game's tagline is “gotta catch them all”?</s>The [unused1]gamer [unused2] uses a video game and is a player.
Which game's tagline is “gotta catch them all”?</s>The gamer uses a video game and is a player.
Which game's tagline is “gotta catch them all”?</s>A [unused1]gamer [unused2] is the person who plays the video games .
Which game's tagline is “gotta catch them all”?</s>A gamer is the person who plays the video games .
Which game's tagline is “gotta catch them all”?</s>video game,0,video game,video game,practiced by,[unused1]gamer[unused2],[unused1]gamer[unused2],uses,video game,[unused1]gamer[unused2],0,[unused1]gamer[unused2]
Which game's tagline is “gotta catch them all”?</s>video game,0,video game,video game,practiced by,gamer,gamer,uses,video game,gamer,0,gamer
Who led the first Roman invasion of Britain?
Q1747689, Q23666
{'directed': True, 'multigraph': False, 'graph': {}, 'nodes': [{'type': 'INTERNAL', 'name_': 'Q6173448', 'id': 0, 'label': 'Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4'}, {'type': 'INTERNAL', 'name_': 'Q145', 'id': 1, 'label': 'United Kingdom'}, {'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q1747689', 'id': 2, 'label': 'Ancient Rome'}, {'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q23666', 'id': 3, 'label': 'Great Britain'}, {'type': 'ANSWER_CANDIDATE_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q81499', 'id': 4, 'label': 'Celtic Sea'}], 'links': [{'name_': 'P5008', 'source': 1, 'target': 0, 'label': 'on focus list of Wikimedia project'}, {'name_': 'P17', 'source': 1, 'target': 1, 'label': 'country'}, {'name_': 'P1889', 'source': 1, 'target': 3, 'label': 'different from'}, {'name_': 'P5008', 'source': 2, 'target': 0, 'label': 'on focus list of Wikimedia project'}, {'name_': 'P5008', 'source': 3, 'target': 0, 'label': 'on focus list of Wikimedia project'}, {'name_': 'P17', 'source': 3, 'target': 1, 'label': 'country'}, {'name_': 'P206', 'source': 3, 'target': 4, 'label': 'located in or next to body of water'}, {'name_': 'P205', 'source': 4, 'target': 1, 'label': 'basin country'}]}
The United Kingdom is located in the Celtic Sea, and is different from Great Britain. The Wikimedia project's focus is on the United Kingdom and the Ancient Rome.
The United Kingdom is the country of Great Britain , which is home to the river of the Celtic Sea . The country is also the location of the English novel , Vital articles/Level/4 , which was originally published in the United Kingdom . The book is part of the list of the Wikimedia projects , which include the following : The UK is the origin of the Greek novel , The Celtic Sea , and the country is where the capital city is London .
Who led the first Roman invasion of Britain?</s>The United Kingdom is located in the [unused1]Celtic Sea [unused2] , and is different from Great Britain. The Wikimedia project's focus is on the United Kingdom and the Ancient Rome.
Who led the first Roman invasion of Britain?</s>The United Kingdom is located in the Celtic Sea, and is different from Great Britain. The Wikimedia project's focus is on the United Kingdom and the Ancient Rome.
Who led the first Roman invasion of Britain?</s>The United Kingdom is the country of Great Britain , which is home to the river of the [unused1]Celtic Sea [unused2] . The country is also the location of the English novel , Vital articles/Level/4 , which was originally published in the United Kingdom . The book is part of the list of the Wikimedia projects , which include the following : The UK is the origin of the Greek novel , The
Who led the first Roman invasion of Britain?</s>The United Kingdom is the country of Great Britain , which is home to the river of the Celtic Sea . The country is also the location of the English novel , Vital articles/Level/4 , which was originally published in the United Kingdom . The book is part of the list of the Wikimedia projects , which include the following : The UK is the origin of the Greek novel , The Celtic Sea , and the country is where the capital city is London .
Who led the first Roman invasion of Britain?</s>Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4,0,Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4,Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4,0,United Kingdom,Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4,0,Ancient Rome,Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4,0,Great Britain,Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4,0,[unused1]Celtic Sea[unused2],United Kingdom,on focus list of Wikimedia project,Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4,United Kingdom,country,United Kingdom,United Kingdom,0,Ancient Rome,United Kingdom,different from,Great Britain,United Kingdom,0,[unused1]Celtic Sea[unused2],Ancient Rome,on focus list of Wikimedia project,Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4,Ancient Rome,0,United Kingdom,Ancient Rome,0,Ancient Rome,Ancient Rome,0,Great Britain,Ancient Rome,0,[unused1]Celtic Sea[unused2],Great Britain,on focus list of Wikimedia project,Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4,Great Britain,country,United Kingdom,Great Britain,0,Ancient Rome,Great Britain,0,Great Britain,Great Britain,located in or next to body of water,[unused1]Celtic Sea[unused2],[unused1]Celtic Sea[unused2],0,Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4,[unused1]Celtic Sea[unused2],basin country,United Kingdom,[unused1]Celtic Sea[unused2],0,Ancient Rome,[unused1]Celtic Sea[unused2],0,Great Britain,[unused1]Celtic Sea[unused2],0,[unused1]Celtic Sea[unused2]
Who led the first Roman invasion of Britain?</s>Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4,0,Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4,Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4,0,United Kingdom,Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4,0,Ancient Rome,Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4,0,Great Britain,Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4,0,Celtic Sea,United Kingdom,on focus list of Wikimedia project,Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4,United Kingdom,country,United Kingdom,United Kingdom,0,Ancient Rome,United Kingdom,different from,Great Britain,United Kingdom,0,Celtic Sea,Ancient Rome,on focus list of Wikimedia project,Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4,Ancient Rome,0,United Kingdom,Ancient Rome,0,Ancient Rome,Ancient Rome,0,Great Britain,Ancient Rome,0,Celtic Sea,Great Britain,on focus list of Wikimedia project,Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4,Great Britain,country,United Kingdom,Great Britain,0,Ancient Rome,Great Britain,0,Great Britain,Great Britain,located in or next to body of water,Celtic Sea,Celtic Sea,0,Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4,Celtic Sea,basin country,United Kingdom,Celtic Sea,0,Ancient Rome,Celtic Sea,0,Great Britain,Celtic Sea,0,Celtic Sea
Who invented the FIFA game?
{'directed': True, 'multigraph': False, 'graph': {}, 'nodes': [{'type': 'ANSWER_CANDIDATE_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q5014725', 'id': 0, 'label': 'PlayStation 4'}, {'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q326704', 'id': 1, 'label': 'FIFA'}], 'links': [{'name_': 'P400', 'source': 1, 'target': 0, 'label': 'platform'}]}
The PlayStation 4 is the platform for the game FIFA.
The PlayStation 4 has a FIFA-based engine .
Who invented the FIFA game?</s>The [unused1]PlayStation 4 [unused2] is the platform for the game FIFA.
Who invented the FIFA game?</s>The PlayStation 4 is the platform for the game FIFA.
Who invented the FIFA game?</s>The [unused1]PlayStation 4 [unused2] has a FIFA-based engine .
Who invented the FIFA game?</s>The PlayStation 4 has a FIFA-based engine .
Who invented the FIFA game?</s>[unused1]PlayStation 4[unused2],0,[unused1]PlayStation 4[unused2],[unused1]PlayStation 4[unused2],0,FIFA,FIFA,platform,[unused1]PlayStation 4[unused2],FIFA,0,FIFA
Who invented the FIFA game?</s>PlayStation 4,0,PlayStation 4,PlayStation 4,0,FIFA,FIFA,platform,PlayStation 4,FIFA,0,FIFA
What is Mario's profession in the game?
{'directed': True, 'multigraph': False, 'graph': {}, 'nodes': [{'type': 'ANSWER_CANDIDATE_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q17157196', 'id': 0, 'label': 'Mario Party 10'}, {'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q12379', 'id': 1, 'label': 'Mario'}], 'links': [{'name_': 'P674', 'source': 0, 'target': 1, 'label': 'characters'}, {'name_': 'P1441', 'source': 1, 'target': 0, 'label': 'present in work'}]}
Mario is a character in Mario Party 10.
Mario is a character in Mario Party 10 , in which Mario is also present .
What is Mario's profession in the game?</s>Mario is a character in [unused1]Mario Party 10 [unused2] .
What is Mario's profession in the game?</s>Mario is a character in Mario Party 10.
What is Mario's profession in the game?</s>Mario is a character in [unused1]Mario Party 10 [unused2] , in which Mario is also present .
What is Mario's profession in the game?</s>Mario is a character in Mario Party 10 , in which Mario is also present .
What is Mario's profession in the game?</s>[unused1]Mario Party 10[unused2],0,[unused1]Mario Party 10[unused2],[unused1]Mario Party 10[unused2],characters,Mario,Mario,present in work,[unused1]Mario Party 10[unused2],Mario,0,Mario
What is Mario's profession in the game?</s>Mario Party 10,0,Mario Party 10,Mario Party 10,characters,Mario,Mario,present in work,Mario Party 10,Mario,0,Mario
Who was the fifth pharaoh of the Eighteenth Dynasty of Egypt?
Q37110, Q146055
{'directed': True, 'multigraph': False, 'graph': {}, 'nodes': [{'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q37110', 'id': 0, 'label': 'Pharaoh'}, {'type': 'ANSWER_CANDIDATE_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q157899', 'id': 1, 'label': 'Thutmose III'}, {'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q146055', 'id': 2, 'label': 'Eighteenth Dynasty of Egypt'}], 'links': [{'name_': 'P39', 'source': 1, 'target': 0, 'label': 'position held'}, {'name_': 'P53', 'source': 1, 'target': 2, 'label': 'family'}]}
Thutmose III was the Pharaoh of the Eighteenth Dynasty of Egypt.
Thutmose III , a member of the family , was the Pharaoh of the Eighteenth Dynasty of Egypt .
Who was the fifth pharaoh of the Eighteenth Dynasty of Egypt?</s> [unused1]Thutmose III [unused2] was the Pharaoh of the Eighteenth Dynasty of Egypt.
Who was the fifth pharaoh of the Eighteenth Dynasty of Egypt?</s>Thutmose III was the Pharaoh of the Eighteenth Dynasty of Egypt.
Who was the fifth pharaoh of the Eighteenth Dynasty of Egypt?</s> [unused1]Thutmose III [unused2] , a member of the family , was the Pharaoh of the Eighteenth Dynasty of Egypt .
Who was the fifth pharaoh of the Eighteenth Dynasty of Egypt?</s>Thutmose III , a member of the family , was the Pharaoh of the Eighteenth Dynasty of Egypt .
Who was the fifth pharaoh of the Eighteenth Dynasty of Egypt?</s>Pharaoh,0,Pharaoh,Pharaoh,0,[unused1]Thutmose III[unused2],Pharaoh,0,Eighteenth Dynasty of Egypt,[unused1]Thutmose III[unused2],position held,Pharaoh,[unused1]Thutmose III[unused2],0,[unused1]Thutmose III[unused2],[unused1]Thutmose III[unused2],family,Eighteenth Dynasty of Egypt,Eighteenth Dynasty of Egypt,0,Pharaoh,Eighteenth Dynasty of Egypt,0,[unused1]Thutmose III[unused2],Eighteenth Dynasty of Egypt,0,Eighteenth Dynasty of Egypt
Who was the fifth pharaoh of the Eighteenth Dynasty of Egypt?</s>Pharaoh,0,Pharaoh,Pharaoh,0,Thutmose III,Pharaoh,0,Eighteenth Dynasty of Egypt,Thutmose III,position held,Pharaoh,Thutmose III,0,Thutmose III,Thutmose III,family,Eighteenth Dynasty of Egypt,Eighteenth Dynasty of Egypt,0,Pharaoh,Eighteenth Dynasty of Egypt,0,Thutmose III,Eighteenth Dynasty of Egypt,0,Eighteenth Dynasty of Egypt
Who was the second ruler of Egypt in the New Kingdom?
Q79, Q180568
{'directed': True, 'multigraph': False, 'graph': {}, 'nodes': [{'type': 'INTERNAL', 'name_': 'Q19180675', 'id': 0, 'label': 'Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary'}, {'type': 'INTERNAL', 'name_': 'Q6173448', 'id': 1, 'label': 'Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4'}, {'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q79', 'id': 2, 'label': 'Egypt'}, {'type': 'INTERNAL', 'name_': 'Q3863', 'id': 3, 'label': 'asteroid'}, {'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q180568', 'id': 4, 'label': 'New Kingdom of Egypt'}, {'type': 'ANSWER_CANDIDATE_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q15194010', 'id': 5, 'label': '326290 Akhenaten'}], 'links': [{'name_': 'P1343', 'source': 2, 'target': 0, 'label': 'described by source'}, {'name_': 'P5008', 'source': 2, 'target': 1, 'label': 'on focus list of Wikimedia project'}, {'name_': 'P17', 'source': 2, 'target': 2, 'label': 'country'}, {'name_': 'P1343', 'source': 3, 'target': 0, 'label': 'described by source'}, {'name_': 'P5008', 'source': 3, 'target': 1, 'label': 'on focus list of Wikimedia project'}, {'name_': 'P5008', 'source': 4, 'target': 1, 'label': 'on focus list of Wikimedia project'}, {'name_': 'P31', 'source': 5, 'target': 3, 'label': 'instance of'}]}
The Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary is from the country of Egypt. It is a source of information on asteroid 326290 Akhenaten. The asteroid is on the Wikimedia project's focus list, and is part of the New Kingdom of Egypt.
The asteroid , known as `` 326290 Akhenaten '' , was discovered in the country of Egypt , which is where the New Kingdom of Egypt is located . The asteroid is on the list of the Wikimedia projects that were published in the past , including the publication of the journal , the journal `` Vital articles/Level/4 '' .
Who was the second ruler of Egypt in the New Kingdom?</s>The Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary is from the country of Egypt. It is a source of information on asteroid [unused1]326290 Akhenaten [unused2] . The asteroid is on the Wikimedia project's focus list, and is part of the New Kingdom of Egypt.
Who was the second ruler of Egypt in the New Kingdom?</s>The Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary is from the country of Egypt. It is a source of information on asteroid 326290 Akhenaten. The asteroid is on the Wikimedia project's focus list, and is part of the New Kingdom of Egypt.
Who was the second ruler of Egypt in the New Kingdom?</s>The asteroid , known as `` [unused1]326290 Akhenaten [unused2] '' , was discovered in the country of Egypt , which is where the New Kingdom of Egypt is located . The asteroid is on the list of the Wikimedia projects that were published in the past , including the publication of the journal , the journal `` Vital articles/Level/4 '' .
Who was the second ruler of Egypt in the New Kingdom?</s>The asteroid , known as `` 326290 Akhenaten '' , was discovered in the country of Egypt , which is where the New Kingdom of Egypt is located . The asteroid is on the list of the Wikimedia projects that were published in the past , including the publication of the journal , the journal `` Vital articles/Level/4 '' .
Who was the second ruler of Egypt in the New Kingdom?</s>Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary,0,Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary,Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary,0,Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4,Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary,0,Egypt,Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary,0,asteroid,Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary,0,New Kingdom of Egypt,Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary,0,[unused1]326290 Akhenaten[unused2],Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4,0,Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary,Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4,0,Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4,Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4,0,Egypt,Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4,0,asteroid,Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4,0,New Kingdom of Egypt,Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4,0,[unused1]326290 Akhenaten[unused2],Egypt,described by source,Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary,Egypt,on focus list of Wikimedia project,Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4,Egypt,country,Egypt,Egypt,0,asteroid,Egypt,0,New Kingdom of Egypt,Egypt,0,[unused1]326290 Akhenaten[unused2],asteroid,described by source,Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary,asteroid,on focus list of Wikimedia project,Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4,asteroid,0,Egypt,asteroid,0,asteroid,asteroid,0,New Kingdom of Egypt,asteroid,0,[unused1]326290 Akhenaten[unused2],New Kingdom of Egypt,0,Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary,New Kingdom of Egypt,on focus list of Wikimedia project,Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4,New Kingdom of Egypt,0,Egypt,New Kingdom of Egypt,0,asteroid,New Kingdom of Egypt,0,New Kingdom of Egypt,New Kingdom of Egypt,0,[unused1]326290 Akhenaten[unused2],[unused1]326290 Akhenaten[unused2],0,Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary,[unused1]326290 Akhenaten[unused2],0,Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4,[unused1]326290 Akhenaten[unused2],0,Egypt,[unused1]326290 Akhenaten[unused2],instance of,asteroid,[unused1]326290 Akhenaten[unused2],0,New Kingdom of Egypt,[unused1]326290 Akhenaten[unused2],0,[unused1]326290 Akhenaten[unused2]
Who was the second ruler of Egypt in the New Kingdom?</s>Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary,0,Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary,Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary,0,Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4,Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary,0,Egypt,Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary,0,asteroid,Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary,0,New Kingdom of Egypt,Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary,0,326290 Akhenaten,Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4,0,Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary,Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4,0,Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4,Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4,0,Egypt,Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4,0,asteroid,Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4,0,New Kingdom of Egypt,Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4,0,326290 Akhenaten,Egypt,described by source,Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary,Egypt,on focus list of Wikimedia project,Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4,Egypt,country,Egypt,Egypt,0,asteroid,Egypt,0,New Kingdom of Egypt,Egypt,0,326290 Akhenaten,asteroid,described by source,Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary,asteroid,on focus list of Wikimedia project,Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4,asteroid,0,Egypt,asteroid,0,asteroid,asteroid,0,New Kingdom of Egypt,asteroid,0,326290 Akhenaten,New Kingdom of Egypt,0,Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary,New Kingdom of Egypt,on focus list of Wikimedia project,Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4,New Kingdom of Egypt,0,Egypt,New Kingdom of Egypt,0,asteroid,New Kingdom of Egypt,0,New Kingdom of Egypt,New Kingdom of Egypt,0,326290 Akhenaten,326290 Akhenaten,0,Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary,326290 Akhenaten,0,Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4,326290 Akhenaten,0,Egypt,326290 Akhenaten,instance of,asteroid,326290 Akhenaten,0,New Kingdom of Egypt,326290 Akhenaten,0,326290 Akhenaten
Who was the first mayor of Boston?
{'directed': True, 'multigraph': False, 'graph': {}, 'nodes': [{'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q100', 'id': 0, 'label': 'Boston'}, {'type': 'ANSWER_CANDIDATE_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q11806', 'id': 1, 'label': 'John Adams'}], 'links': [{'name_': 'P937', 'source': 1, 'target': 0, 'label': 'work location'}]}
John Adams worked in Boston.
John Adams is the work location of Boston .
Who was the first mayor of Boston?</s> [unused1]John Adams [unused2] worked in Boston.
Who was the first mayor of Boston?</s>John Adams worked in Boston.
Who was the first mayor of Boston?</s> [unused1]John Adams [unused2] is the work location of Boston .
Who was the first mayor of Boston?</s>John Adams is the work location of Boston .
Who was the first mayor of Boston?</s>Boston,0,Boston,Boston,0,[unused1]John Adams[unused2],[unused1]John Adams[unused2],work location,Boston,[unused1]John Adams[unused2],0,[unused1]John Adams[unused2]
Who was the first mayor of Boston?</s>Boston,0,Boston,Boston,0,John Adams,John Adams,work location,Boston,John Adams,0,John Adams
Solid Snake is a hero in which famous video game franchise?
{'directed': True, 'multigraph': False, 'graph': {}, 'nodes': [{'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q1621656', 'id': 0, 'label': 'Solid Snake'}, {'type': 'ANSWER_CANDIDATE_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q4384615', 'id': 1, 'label': 'The Patriots'}], 'links': [{'name_': 'P463', 'source': 0, 'target': 1, 'label': 'member of'}]}
Solid Snake is a member of The Patriots.
The Patriots are a member of the band Solid Snake .
Solid Snake is a hero in which famous video game franchise?</s>Solid Snake is a member of [unused1]The Patriots [unused2] .
Solid Snake is a hero in which famous video game franchise?</s>Solid Snake is a member of The Patriots.
Solid Snake is a hero in which famous video game franchise?</s> [unused1]The Patriots [unused2] are a member of the band Solid Snake .
Solid Snake is a hero in which famous video game franchise?</s>The Patriots are a member of the band Solid Snake .
Solid Snake is a hero in which famous video game franchise?</s>Solid Snake,0,Solid Snake,Solid Snake,member of,[unused1]The Patriots[unused2],[unused1]The Patriots[unused2],0,Solid Snake,[unused1]The Patriots[unused2],0,[unused1]The Patriots[unused2]
Solid Snake is a hero in which famous video game franchise?</s>Solid Snake,0,Solid Snake,Solid Snake,member of,The Patriots,The Patriots,0,Solid Snake,The Patriots,0,The Patriots
Who was the first Whig mayor of Boston?
Q100, Q42183
{'directed': True, 'multigraph': False, 'graph': {}, 'nodes': [{'type': 'INTERNAL', 'name_': 'Q30', 'id': 0, 'label': 'United States of America'}, {'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q100', 'id': 1, 'label': 'Boston'}, {'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q42183', 'id': 2, 'label': 'Whig Party'}, {'type': 'ANSWER_CANDIDATE_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q966182', 'id': 3, 'label': 'John Francis Fitzgerald'}], 'links': [{'name_': 'P17', 'source': 0, 'target': 0, 'label': 'country'}, {'name_': 'P17', 'source': 1, 'target': 0, 'label': 'country'}, {'name_': 'P17', 'source': 2, 'target': 0, 'label': 'country'}, {'name_': 'P27', 'source': 3, 'target': 0, 'label': 'country of citizenship'}, {'name_': 'P19', 'source': 3, 'target': 1, 'label': 'place of birth'}]}
John Francis Fitzgerald was born in Boston, United States, where the Whig Party is in power.
John Francis Fitzgerald was born in Boston , United States . He was a citizen of the United States of America which is led by the Whig Party . The country is the location of Boston .
Who was the first Whig mayor of Boston?</s> [unused1]John Francis Fitzgerald [unused2] was born in Boston, United States, where the Whig Party is in power.
Who was the first Whig mayor of Boston?</s>John Francis Fitzgerald was born in Boston, United States, where the Whig Party is in power.
Who was the first Whig mayor of Boston?</s> [unused1]John Francis Fitzgerald [unused2] was born in Boston , United States . He was a citizen of the United States of America which is led by the Whig Party . The country is the location of Boston .
Who was the first Whig mayor of Boston?</s>John Francis Fitzgerald was born in Boston , United States . He was a citizen of the United States of America which is led by the Whig Party . The country is the location of Boston .
Who was the first Whig mayor of Boston?</s>United States of America,country,United States of America,United States of America,0,Boston,United States of America,0,Whig Party,United States of America,0,[unused1]John Francis Fitzgerald[unused2],Boston,country,United States of America,Boston,0,Boston,Boston,0,Whig Party,Boston,0,[unused1]John Francis Fitzgerald[unused2],Whig Party,country,United States of America,Whig Party,0,Boston,Whig Party,0,Whig Party,Whig Party,0,[unused1]John Francis Fitzgerald[unused2],[unused1]John Francis Fitzgerald[unused2],country of citizenship,United States of America,[unused1]John Francis Fitzgerald[unused2],place of birth,Boston,[unused1]John Francis Fitzgerald[unused2],0,Whig Party,[unused1]John Francis Fitzgerald[unused2],0,[unused1]John Francis Fitzgerald[unused2]
Who was the first Whig mayor of Boston?</s>United States of America,country,United States of America,United States of America,0,Boston,United States of America,0,Whig Party,United States of America,0,John Francis Fitzgerald,Boston,country,United States of America,Boston,0,Boston,Boston,0,Whig Party,Boston,0,John Francis Fitzgerald,Whig Party,country,United States of America,Whig Party,0,Boston,Whig Party,0,Whig Party,Whig Party,0,John Francis Fitzgerald,John Francis Fitzgerald,country of citizenship,United States of America,John Francis Fitzgerald,place of birth,Boston,John Francis Fitzgerald,0,Whig Party,John Francis Fitzgerald,0,John Francis Fitzgerald
What platform could the first Animal Crossing spin-off be played on?
{'directed': True, 'multigraph': False, 'graph': {}, 'nodes': [{'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q1139803', 'id': 0, 'label': 'Animal Crossing'}, {'type': 'ANSWER_CANDIDATE_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q7049508', 'id': 1, 'label': 'Animal Forest'}], 'links': [{'name_': 'P527', 'source': 0, 'target': 1, 'label': 'has part(s)'}]}
Animal Forest is part of Animal Crossing.
The book Animal Forest is part of the Animal Crossing series .
What platform could the first Animal Crossing spin-off be played on?</s> [unused1]Animal Forest [unused2] is part of Animal Crossing.
What platform could the first Animal Crossing spin-off be played on?</s>Animal Forest is part of Animal Crossing.
What platform could the first Animal Crossing spin-off be played on?</s>The book [unused1]Animal Forest [unused2] is part of the Animal Crossing series .
What platform could the first Animal Crossing spin-off be played on?</s>The book Animal Forest is part of the Animal Crossing series .
What platform could the first Animal Crossing spin-off be played on?</s>Animal Crossing,0,Animal Crossing,Animal Crossing,has part(s),[unused1]Animal Forest[unused2],[unused1]Animal Forest[unused2],0,Animal Crossing,[unused1]Animal Forest[unused2],0,[unused1]Animal Forest[unused2]
What platform could the first Animal Crossing spin-off be played on?</s>Animal Crossing,0,Animal Crossing,Animal Crossing,has part(s),Animal Forest,Animal Forest,0,Animal Crossing,Animal Forest,0,Animal Forest
Who was the second-to-last Republican mayor of Boston?
Q29468, Q100
{'directed': True, 'multigraph': False, 'graph': {}, 'nodes': [{'type': 'INTERNAL', 'name_': 'Q30', 'id': 0, 'label': 'United States of America'}, {'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q29468', 'id': 1, 'label': 'Republican Party'}, {'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q100', 'id': 2, 'label': 'Boston'}, {'type': 'ANSWER_CANDIDATE_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q441832', 'id': 3, 'label': 'James Michael Curley'}], 'links': [{'name_': 'P17', 'source': 0, 'target': 0, 'label': 'country'}, {'name_': 'P17', 'source': 1, 'target': 0, 'label': 'country'}, {'name_': 'P17', 'source': 2, 'target': 0, 'label': 'country'}, {'name_': 'P27', 'source': 3, 'target': 0, 'label': 'country of citizenship'}, {'name_': 'P19', 'source': 3, 'target': 2, 'label': 'place of birth'}]}
James Michael Curley was born in Boston, United States, where the Republican Party is in power.
James Michael Curley was born in Boston , United States . He is a citizen of the United States of America which is led by the Republican Party .
Who was the second-to-last Republican mayor of Boston?</s> [unused1]James Michael Curley [unused2] was born in Boston, United States, where the Republican Party is in power.
Who was the second-to-last Republican mayor of Boston?</s>James Michael Curley was born in Boston, United States, where the Republican Party is in power.
Who was the second-to-last Republican mayor of Boston?</s> [unused1]James Michael Curley [unused2] was born in Boston , United States . He is a citizen of the United States of America which is led by the Republican Party .
Who was the second-to-last Republican mayor of Boston?</s>James Michael Curley was born in Boston , United States . He is a citizen of the United States of America which is led by the Republican Party .
Who was the second-to-last Republican mayor of Boston?</s>United States of America,country,United States of America,United States of America,0,Republican Party,United States of America,0,Boston,United States of America,0,[unused1]James Michael Curley[unused2],Republican Party,country,United States of America,Republican Party,0,Republican Party,Republican Party,0,Boston,Republican Party,0,[unused1]James Michael Curley[unused2],Boston,country,United States of America,Boston,0,Republican Party,Boston,0,Boston,Boston,0,[unused1]James Michael Curley[unused2],[unused1]James Michael Curley[unused2],country of citizenship,United States of America,[unused1]James Michael Curley[unused2],0,Republican Party,[unused1]James Michael Curley[unused2],place of birth,Boston,[unused1]James Michael Curley[unused2],0,[unused1]James Michael Curley[unused2]
Who was the second-to-last Republican mayor of Boston?</s>United States of America,country,United States of America,United States of America,0,Republican Party,United States of America,0,Boston,United States of America,0,James Michael Curley,Republican Party,country,United States of America,Republican Party,0,Republican Party,Republican Party,0,Boston,Republican Party,0,James Michael Curley,Boston,country,United States of America,Boston,0,Republican Party,Boston,0,Boston,Boston,0,James Michael Curley,James Michael Curley,country of citizenship,United States of America,James Michael Curley,0,Republican Party,James Michael Curley,place of birth,Boston,James Michael Curley,0,James Michael Curley
Who was the first woman mayor elected in New England?
{'directed': True, 'multigraph': False, 'graph': {}, 'nodes': [{'type': 'INTERNAL', 'name_': 'Q30', 'id': 0, 'label': 'United States of America'}, {'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q18389', 'id': 1, 'label': 'New England'}, {'type': 'ANSWER_CANDIDATE_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q206191', 'id': 2, 'label': 'Abigail Adams'}], 'links': [{'name_': 'P17', 'source': 0, 'target': 0, 'label': 'country'}, {'name_': 'P17', 'source': 1, 'target': 0, 'label': 'country'}, {'name_': 'P27', 'source': 2, 'target': 0, 'label': 'country of citizenship'}]}
Abigail Adams was a citizen of the United States of America, which is located in New England.
Abigail Adams is a citizen of the United States of America which is located in New England .
Who was the first woman mayor elected in New England?</s> [unused1]Abigail Adams [unused2] was a citizen of the United States of America, which is located in New England.
Who was the first woman mayor elected in New England?</s>Abigail Adams was a citizen of the United States of America, which is located in New England.
Who was the first woman mayor elected in New England?</s> [unused1]Abigail Adams [unused2] is a citizen of the United States of America which is located in New England .
Who was the first woman mayor elected in New England?</s>Abigail Adams is a citizen of the United States of America which is located in New England .
Who was the first woman mayor elected in New England?</s>United States of America,country,United States of America,United States of America,0,New England,United States of America,0,[unused1]Abigail Adams[unused2],New England,country,United States of America,New England,0,New England,New England,0,[unused1]Abigail Adams[unused2],[unused1]Abigail Adams[unused2],country of citizenship,United States of America,[unused1]Abigail Adams[unused2],0,New England,[unused1]Abigail Adams[unused2],0,[unused1]Abigail Adams[unused2]
Who was the first woman mayor elected in New England?</s>United States of America,country,United States of America,United States of America,0,New England,United States of America,0,Abigail Adams,New England,country,United States of America,New England,0,New England,New England,0,Abigail Adams,Abigail Adams,country of citizenship,United States of America,Abigail Adams,0,New England,Abigail Adams,0,Abigail Adams
In Silent Hill 2, what electronic device alerts you when a monster is near?
{'directed': True, 'multigraph': False, 'graph': {}, 'nodes': [{'type': 'ANSWER_CANDIDATE_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q7889', 'id': 0, 'label': 'video game'}, {'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q752835', 'id': 1, 'label': 'Silent Hill 2'}], 'links': [{'name_': 'P31', 'source': 1, 'target': 0, 'label': 'instance of'}]}
Silent Hill 2 is a video game.
The movie Silent Hill 2 is an example of a video game .
In Silent Hill 2, what electronic device alerts you when a monster is near?</s>Silent Hill 2 is a [unused1]video game [unused2] .
In Silent Hill 2, what electronic device alerts you when a monster is near?</s>Silent Hill 2 is a video game.
In Silent Hill 2, what electronic device alerts you when a monster is near?</s>The movie Silent Hill 2 is an example of a [unused1]video game [unused2] .
In Silent Hill 2, what electronic device alerts you when a monster is near?</s>The movie Silent Hill 2 is an example of a video game .
In Silent Hill 2, what electronic device alerts you when a monster is near?</s>[unused1]video game[unused2],0,[unused1]video game[unused2],[unused1]video game[unused2],0,Silent Hill 2,Silent Hill 2,instance of,[unused1]video game[unused2],Silent Hill 2,0,Silent Hill 2
In Silent Hill 2, what electronic device alerts you when a monster is near?</s>video game,0,video game,video game,0,Silent Hill 2,Silent Hill 2,instance of,video game,Silent Hill 2,0,Silent Hill 2
Who was the first ruler of Egypt during the Ptolemaic period?
{'directed': True, 'multigraph': False, 'graph': {}, 'nodes': [{'type': 'ANSWER_CANDIDATE_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q19180675', 'id': 0, 'label': 'Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary'}, {'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q79', 'id': 1, 'label': 'Egypt'}], 'links': [{'name_': 'P1343', 'source': 1, 'target': 0, 'label': 'described by source'}, {'name_': 'P17', 'source': 1, 'target': 1, 'label': 'country'}]}
The Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary is from the country of Egypt.
The book `` Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary '' can be found in the country of Egypt .
Who was the first ruler of Egypt during the Ptolemaic period?</s>The [unused1]Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary [unused2] is from the country of Egypt.
Who was the first ruler of Egypt during the Ptolemaic period?</s>The Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary is from the country of Egypt.
Who was the first ruler of Egypt during the Ptolemaic period?</s>The book `` [unused1]Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary [unused2] '' can be found in the country of Egypt .
Who was the first ruler of Egypt during the Ptolemaic period?</s>The book `` Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary '' can be found in the country of Egypt .
Who was the first ruler of Egypt during the Ptolemaic period?</s>[unused1]Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary[unused2],0,[unused1]Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary[unused2],[unused1]Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary[unused2],0,Egypt,Egypt,described by source,[unused1]Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary[unused2],Egypt,country,Egypt
Who was the first ruler of Egypt during the Ptolemaic period?</s>Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary,0,Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary,Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary,0,Egypt,Egypt,described by source,Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary,Egypt,country,Egypt
Who is the main character of the first Yakuza game?
{'directed': True, 'multigraph': False, 'graph': {}, 'nodes': [{'type': 'ANSWER_CANDIDATE_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q14864331', 'id': 0, 'label': 'Mature 17+'}, {'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q1608476', 'id': 1, 'label': 'Yakuza'}], 'links': [{'name_': 'P852', 'source': 1, 'target': 0, 'label': 'ESRB rating'}]}
Yakuza has an ESRB rating of Mature 17+.
The ESRB rating of Mature 17+ is Yakuza .
Who is the main character of the first Yakuza game?</s>Yakuza has an ESRB rating of [unused1]Mature 17+ [unused2] .
Who is the main character of the first Yakuza game?</s>Yakuza has an ESRB rating of Mature 17+.
Who is the main character of the first Yakuza game?</s>The ESRB rating of [unused1]Mature 17+ [unused2] is Yakuza .
Who is the main character of the first Yakuza game?</s>The ESRB rating of Mature 17+ is Yakuza .
Who is the main character of the first Yakuza game?</s>[unused1]Mature 17+[unused2],0,[unused1]Mature 17+[unused2],[unused1]Mature 17+[unused2],0,Yakuza,Yakuza,ESRB rating,[unused1]Mature 17+[unused2],Yakuza,0,Yakuza
Who is the main character of the first Yakuza game?</s>Mature 17+,0,Mature 17+,Mature 17+,0,Yakuza,Yakuza,ESRB rating,Mature 17+,Yakuza,0,Yakuza
Who was the first ruler of Egypt in the New Kingdom?
Q180568, Q79
{'directed': True, 'multigraph': False, 'graph': {}, 'nodes': [{'type': 'INTERNAL', 'name_': 'Q6173448', 'id': 0, 'label': 'Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4'}, {'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q79', 'id': 1, 'label': 'Egypt'}, {'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q180568', 'id': 2, 'label': 'New Kingdom of Egypt'}, {'type': 'ANSWER_CANDIDATE_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q157899', 'id': 3, 'label': 'Thutmose III'}], 'links': [{'name_': 'P5008', 'source': 1, 'target': 0, 'label': 'on focus list of Wikimedia project'}, {'name_': 'P17', 'source': 1, 'target': 1, 'label': 'country'}, {'name_': 'P5008', 'source': 2, 'target': 0, 'label': 'on focus list of Wikimedia project'}, {'name_': 'P5008', 'source': 3, 'target': 0, 'label': 'on focus list of Wikimedia project'}]}
The Wikimedia project's focus is on the New Kingdom of Egypt, where Thutmose III is a ruler.
The editors of Wikipedia :Vital articles/Level/4 are in the country of Egypt and include the following : The New Kingdom of Egypt , The journal Thutmose III and the study of Egypt .
Who was the first ruler of Egypt in the New Kingdom?</s>The Wikimedia project's focus is on the New Kingdom of Egypt, where [unused1]Thutmose III [unused2] is a ruler.
Who was the first ruler of Egypt in the New Kingdom?</s>The Wikimedia project's focus is on the New Kingdom of Egypt, where Thutmose III is a ruler.
Who was the first ruler of Egypt in the New Kingdom?</s>The editors of Wikipedia :Vital articles/Level/4 are in the country of Egypt and include the following : The New Kingdom of Egypt , The journal [unused1]Thutmose III [unused2] and the study of Egypt .
Who was the first ruler of Egypt in the New Kingdom?</s>The editors of Wikipedia :Vital articles/Level/4 are in the country of Egypt and include the following : The New Kingdom of Egypt , The journal Thutmose III and the study of Egypt .
Who was the first ruler of Egypt in the New Kingdom?</s>Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4,0,Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4,Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4,0,Egypt,Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4,0,New Kingdom of Egypt,Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4,0,[unused1]Thutmose III[unused2],Egypt,on focus list of Wikimedia project,Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4,Egypt,country,Egypt,Egypt,0,New Kingdom of Egypt,Egypt,0,[unused1]Thutmose III[unused2],New Kingdom of Egypt,on focus list of Wikimedia project,Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4,New Kingdom of Egypt,0,Egypt,New Kingdom of Egypt,0,New Kingdom of Egypt,New Kingdom of Egypt,0,[unused1]Thutmose III[unused2],[unused1]Thutmose III[unused2],on focus list of Wikimedia project,Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4,[unused1]Thutmose III[unused2],0,Egypt,[unused1]Thutmose III[unused2],0,New Kingdom of Egypt,[unused1]Thutmose III[unused2],0,[unused1]Thutmose III[unused2]
Who was the first ruler of Egypt in the New Kingdom?</s>Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4,0,Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4,Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4,0,Egypt,Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4,0,New Kingdom of Egypt,Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4,0,Thutmose III,Egypt,on focus list of Wikimedia project,Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4,Egypt,country,Egypt,Egypt,0,New Kingdom of Egypt,Egypt,0,Thutmose III,New Kingdom of Egypt,on focus list of Wikimedia project,Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4,New Kingdom of Egypt,0,Egypt,New Kingdom of Egypt,0,New Kingdom of Egypt,New Kingdom of Egypt,0,Thutmose III,Thutmose III,on focus list of Wikimedia project,Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4,Thutmose III,0,Egypt,Thutmose III,0,New Kingdom of Egypt,Thutmose III,0,Thutmose III
Who is the main villain of Final Fantasy 7?
{'directed': True, 'multigraph': False, 'graph': {}, 'nodes': [{'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q214232', 'id': 0, 'label': 'Final Fantasy VII'}, {'type': 'INTERNAL', 'name_': 'Q551344', 'id': 1, 'label': 'Yoshinori Kitase'}, {'type': 'ANSWER_CANDIDATE_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q2397400', 'id': 2, 'label': 'Kefka Palazzo'}], 'links': [{'name_': 'P57', 'source': 0, 'target': 1, 'label': 'director'}, {'name_': 'P170', 'source': 2, 'target': 1, 'label': 'creator'}]}
Kefka Palazzo created the character Yoshinori Kitase, who was the director of Final Fantasy VII.
The director of Final Fantasy VII is Yoshinori Kitase , who was created by Kefka Palazzo .
Who is the main villain of Final Fantasy 7?</s> [unused1]Kefka Palazzo [unused2] created the character Yoshinori Kitase, who was the director of Final Fantasy VII.
Who is the main villain of Final Fantasy 7?</s>Kefka Palazzo created the character Yoshinori Kitase, who was the director of Final Fantasy VII.
Who is the main villain of Final Fantasy 7?</s>The director of Final Fantasy VII is Yoshinori Kitase , who was created by [unused1]Kefka Palazzo [unused2] .
Who is the main villain of Final Fantasy 7?</s>The director of Final Fantasy VII is Yoshinori Kitase , who was created by Kefka Palazzo .
Who is the main villain of Final Fantasy 7?</s>Final Fantasy VII,0,Final Fantasy VII,Final Fantasy VII,director,Yoshinori Kitase,Final Fantasy VII,0,[unused1]Kefka Palazzo[unused2],Yoshinori Kitase,0,Final Fantasy VII,Yoshinori Kitase,0,Yoshinori Kitase,Yoshinori Kitase,0,[unused1]Kefka Palazzo[unused2],[unused1]Kefka Palazzo[unused2],0,Final Fantasy VII,[unused1]Kefka Palazzo[unused2],creator,Yoshinori Kitase,[unused1]Kefka Palazzo[unused2],0,[unused1]Kefka Palazzo[unused2]
Who is the main villain of Final Fantasy 7?</s>Final Fantasy VII,0,Final Fantasy VII,Final Fantasy VII,director,Yoshinori Kitase,Final Fantasy VII,0,Kefka Palazzo,Yoshinori Kitase,0,Final Fantasy VII,Yoshinori Kitase,0,Yoshinori Kitase,Yoshinori Kitase,0,Kefka Palazzo,Kefka Palazzo,0,Final Fantasy VII,Kefka Palazzo,creator,Yoshinori Kitase,Kefka Palazzo,0,Kefka Palazzo
Who was the last Labour prime minister of the UK?
Q9630, Q145
{'directed': True, 'multigraph': False, 'graph': {}, 'nodes': [{'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q145', 'id': 0, 'label': 'United Kingdom'}, {'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q9630', 'id': 1, 'label': 'Labour Party'}, {'type': 'ANSWER_CANDIDATE_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q216594', 'id': 2, 'label': 'Ed Miliband'}], 'links': [{'name_': 'P17', 'source': 0, 'target': 0, 'label': 'country'}, {'name_': 'P17', 'source': 1, 'target': 0, 'label': 'country'}, {'name_': 'P488', 'source': 1, 'target': 2, 'label': 'chairperson'}, {'name_': 'P27', 'source': 2, 'target': 0, 'label': 'country of citizenship'}, {'name_': 'P102', 'source': 2, 'target': 1, 'label': 'member of political party'}]}
Ed Miliband is a citizen of the United Kingdom, where the Labour Party is the political party. Ed Miliband is the chair of the Labour Party.
The United Kingdom is the location of the birth place of the Labour Party which is chaired by Labour Party member , Ed Miliband .
Who was the last Labour prime minister of the UK?</s> [unused1]Ed Miliband [unused2] is a citizen of the United Kingdom, where the Labour Party is the political party.
Who was the last Labour prime minister of the UK?</s>Ed Miliband is a citizen of the United Kingdom, where the Labour Party is the political party. Ed Miliband is the chair of the Labour Party.
Who was the last Labour prime minister of the UK?</s>The United Kingdom is the location of the birth place of the Labour Party which is chaired by Labour Party member , [unused1]Ed Miliband [unused2] .
Who was the last Labour prime minister of the UK?</s>The United Kingdom is the location of the birth place of the Labour Party which is chaired by Labour Party member , Ed Miliband .
Who was the last Labour prime minister of the UK?</s>United Kingdom,country,United Kingdom,United Kingdom,0,Labour Party,United Kingdom,0,[unused1]Ed Miliband[unused2],Labour Party,country,United Kingdom,Labour Party,0,Labour Party,Labour Party,chairperson,[unused1]Ed Miliband[unused2],[unused1]Ed Miliband[unused2],country of citizenship,United Kingdom,[unused1]Ed Miliband[unused2],member of political party,Labour Party,[unused1]Ed Miliband[unused2],0,[unused1]Ed Miliband[unused2]
Who was the last Labour prime minister of the UK?</s>United Kingdom,country,United Kingdom,United Kingdom,0,Labour Party,United Kingdom,0,Ed Miliband,Labour Party,country,United Kingdom,Labour Party,0,Labour Party,Labour Party,chairperson,Ed Miliband,Ed Miliband,country of citizenship,United Kingdom,Ed Miliband,member of political party,Labour Party,Ed Miliband,0,Ed Miliband
Who was the last Republican mayor of Boston?
Q29468, Q100
{'directed': True, 'multigraph': False, 'graph': {}, 'nodes': [{'type': 'INTERNAL', 'name_': 'Q30', 'id': 0, 'label': 'United States of America'}, {'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q29468', 'id': 1, 'label': 'Republican Party'}, {'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q100', 'id': 2, 'label': 'Boston'}, {'type': 'ANSWER_CANDIDATE_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q6232224', 'id': 3, 'label': 'John Frederick Collins'}], 'links': [{'name_': 'P17', 'source': 0, 'target': 0, 'label': 'country'}, {'name_': 'P17', 'source': 1, 'target': 0, 'label': 'country'}, {'name_': 'P17', 'source': 2, 'target': 0, 'label': 'country'}, {'name_': 'P27', 'source': 3, 'target': 0, 'label': 'country of citizenship'}, {'name_': 'P19', 'source': 3, 'target': 2, 'label': 'place of birth'}]}
John Frederick Collins was born in Boston, United States, where the Republican Party is in power.
John Frederick Collins was born in Boston , United States , where the Republican Party is the country of the United States of America . The country is the location of Boston , the birthplace of Boston .
Who was the last Republican mayor of Boston?</s> [unused1]John Frederick Collins [unused2] was born in Boston, United States, where the Republican Party is in power.
Who was the last Republican mayor of Boston?</s>John Frederick Collins was born in Boston, United States, where the Republican Party is in power.
Who was the last Republican mayor of Boston?</s> [unused1]John Frederick Collins [unused2] was born in Boston , United States , where the Republican Party is the country of the United States of America . The country is the location of Boston , the birthplace of Boston .
Who was the last Republican mayor of Boston?</s>John Frederick Collins was born in Boston , United States , where the Republican Party is the country of the United States of America . The country is the location of Boston , the birthplace of Boston .
Who was the last Republican mayor of Boston?</s>United States of America,country,United States of America,United States of America,0,Republican Party,United States of America,0,Boston,United States of America,0,[unused1]John Frederick Collins[unused2],Republican Party,country,United States of America,Republican Party,0,Republican Party,Republican Party,0,Boston,Republican Party,0,[unused1]John Frederick Collins[unused2],Boston,country,United States of America,Boston,0,Republican Party,Boston,0,Boston,Boston,0,[unused1]John Frederick Collins[unused2],[unused1]John Frederick Collins[unused2],country of citizenship,United States of America,[unused1]John Frederick Collins[unused2],0,Republican Party,[unused1]John Frederick Collins[unused2],place of birth,Boston,[unused1]John Frederick Collins[unused2],0,[unused1]John Frederick Collins[unused2]
Who was the last Republican mayor of Boston?</s>United States of America,country,United States of America,United States of America,0,Republican Party,United States of America,0,Boston,United States of America,0,John Frederick Collins,Republican Party,country,United States of America,Republican Party,0,Republican Party,Republican Party,0,Boston,Republican Party,0,John Frederick Collins,Boston,country,United States of America,Boston,0,Republican Party,Boston,0,Boston,Boston,0,John Frederick Collins,John Frederick Collins,country of citizenship,United States of America,John Frederick Collins,0,Republican Party,John Frederick Collins,place of birth,Boston,John Frederick Collins,0,John Frederick Collins
Who was the first prime minister during Elizabeth II's reign?
{'directed': True, 'multigraph': False, 'graph': {}, 'nodes': [{'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q9682', 'id': 0, 'label': 'Elizabeth II'}, {'type': 'ANSWER_CANDIDATE_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q26869644', 'id': 1, 'label': 'monarch of Barbados'}], 'links': [{'name_': 'P39', 'source': 0, 'target': 1, 'label': 'position held'}]}
Elizabeth II is the monarch of Barbados.
The monarch of Barbados is Elizabeth II .
Who was the first prime minister during Elizabeth II's reign?</s>Elizabeth II is the [unused1]monarch of Barbados [unused2] .
Who was the first prime minister during Elizabeth II's reign?</s>Elizabeth II is the monarch of Barbados.
Who was the first prime minister during Elizabeth II's reign?</s>The [unused1]monarch of Barbados [unused2] is Elizabeth II .
Who was the first prime minister during Elizabeth II's reign?</s>The monarch of Barbados is Elizabeth II .
Who was the first prime minister during Elizabeth II's reign?</s>Elizabeth II,0,Elizabeth II,Elizabeth II,position held,[unused1]monarch of Barbados[unused2],[unused1]monarch of Barbados[unused2],0,Elizabeth II,[unused1]monarch of Barbados[unused2],0,[unused1]monarch of Barbados[unused2]
Who was the first prime minister during Elizabeth II's reign?</s>Elizabeth II,0,Elizabeth II,Elizabeth II,position held,monarch of Barbados,monarch of Barbados,0,Elizabeth II,monarch of Barbados,0,monarch of Barbados
Who developed Zeus Master of Olympus?
{'directed': True, 'multigraph': False, 'graph': {}, 'nodes': [{'type': 'ANSWER_CANDIDATE_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q200491', 'id': 0, 'label': 'Activision Publishing'}, {'type': 'INTERNAL', 'name_': 'Q494614', 'id': 1, 'label': 'Sierra Entertainment'}, {'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q736865', 'id': 2, 'label': 'Zeus: Master of Olympus'}], 'links': [{'name_': 'P749', 'source': 1, 'target': 0, 'label': 'parent organisation'}, {'name_': 'P123', 'source': 2, 'target': 1, 'label': 'publisher'}]}
Activision Publishing is the parent organisation of Sierra Entertainment, the publisher of Zeus : Master of Olympus.
The parent organisation of Activision Publishing is the company that publishes the book `` Zeus : Master of Olympus '' .
Who developed Zeus Master of Olympus?</s> [unused1]Activision Publishing [unused2] is the parent organisation of Sierra Entertainment, the publisher of Zeus : Master of Olympus.
Who developed Zeus Master of Olympus?</s>Activision Publishing is the parent organisation of Sierra Entertainment, the publisher of Zeus : Master of Olympus.
Who developed Zeus Master of Olympus?</s>The parent organisation of [unused1]Activision Publishing [unused2] is the company that publishes the book `` Zeus : Master of Olympus '' .
Who developed Zeus Master of Olympus?</s>The parent organisation of Activision Publishing is the company that publishes the book `` Zeus : Master of Olympus '' .
Who developed Zeus Master of Olympus?</s>[unused1]Activision Publishing[unused2],0,[unused1]Activision Publishing[unused2],[unused1]Activision Publishing[unused2],0,Sierra Entertainment,[unused1]Activision Publishing[unused2],0,Zeus: Master of Olympus,Sierra Entertainment,parent organisation,[unused1]Activision Publishing[unused2],Sierra Entertainment,0,Sierra Entertainment,Sierra Entertainment,0,Zeus: Master of Olympus,Zeus: Master of Olympus,0,[unused1]Activision Publishing[unused2],Zeus: Master of Olympus,publisher,Sierra Entertainment,Zeus: Master of Olympus,0,Zeus: Master of Olympus
Who developed Zeus Master of Olympus?</s>Activision Publishing,0,Activision Publishing,Activision Publishing,0,Sierra Entertainment,Activision Publishing,0,Zeus: Master of Olympus,Sierra Entertainment,parent organisation,Activision Publishing,Sierra Entertainment,0,Sierra Entertainment,Sierra Entertainment,0,Zeus: Master of Olympus,Zeus: Master of Olympus,0,Activision Publishing,Zeus: Master of Olympus,publisher,Sierra Entertainment,Zeus: Master of Olympus,0,Zeus: Master of Olympus
What system was Crono Trigger first released on?
{'directed': True, 'multigraph': False, 'graph': {}, 'nodes': [{'type': 'ANSWER_CANDIDATE_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q183259', 'id': 0, 'label': 'Super Nintendo Entertainment System'}, {'type': 'INTERNAL', 'name_': 'Q761815', 'id': 1, 'label': 'Chrono Trigger'}, {'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q3274161', 'id': 2, 'label': 'Crono'}], 'links': [{'name_': 'P400', 'source': 1, 'target': 0, 'label': 'platform'}, {'name_': 'P674', 'source': 1, 'target': 2, 'label': 'characters'}, {'name_': 'P1441', 'source': 2, 'target': 1, 'label': 'present in work'}]}
The Super Nintendo Entertainment System is the platform for Chrono Trigger which has the character Crono.
The Super Nintendo Entertainment System has a character called Crono who is a member of the staff and is present in work .
What system was Crono Trigger first released on?</s>The [unused1]Super Nintendo Entertainment System [unused2] is the platform for Chrono Trigger which has the character Crono.
What system was Crono Trigger first released on?</s>The Super Nintendo Entertainment System is the platform for Chrono Trigger which has the character Crono.
What system was Crono Trigger first released on?</s>The [unused1]Super Nintendo Entertainment System [unused2] has a character called Crono who is a member of the staff and is present in work .
What system was Crono Trigger first released on?</s>The Super Nintendo Entertainment System has a character called Crono who is a member of the staff and is present in work .
What system was Crono Trigger first released on?</s>[unused1]Super Nintendo Entertainment System[unused2],0,[unused1]Super Nintendo Entertainment System[unused2],[unused1]Super Nintendo Entertainment System[unused2],0,Chrono Trigger,[unused1]Super Nintendo Entertainment System[unused2],0,Crono,Chrono Trigger,platform,[unused1]Super Nintendo Entertainment System[unused2],Chrono Trigger,0,Chrono Trigger,Chrono Trigger,characters,Crono,Crono,0,[unused1]Super Nintendo Entertainment System[unused2],Crono,present in work,Chrono Trigger,Crono,0,Crono
What system was Crono Trigger first released on?</s>Super Nintendo Entertainment System,0,Super Nintendo Entertainment System,Super Nintendo Entertainment System,0,Chrono Trigger,Super Nintendo Entertainment System,0,Crono,Chrono Trigger,platform,Super Nintendo Entertainment System,Chrono Trigger,0,Chrono Trigger,Chrono Trigger,characters,Crono,Crono,0,Super Nintendo Entertainment System,Crono,present in work,Chrono Trigger,Crono,0,Crono
Who was the third ruler of Egypt in the New Kingdom?
Q180568, Q79
{'directed': True, 'multigraph': False, 'graph': {}, 'nodes': [{'type': 'INTERNAL', 'name_': 'Q6173448', 'id': 0, 'label': 'Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4'}, {'type': 'ANSWER_CANDIDATE_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q423', 'id': 1, 'label': 'North Korea'}, {'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q79', 'id': 2, 'label': 'Egypt'}, {'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q180568', 'id': 3, 'label': 'New Kingdom of Egypt'}], 'links': [{'name_': 'P5008', 'source': 1, 'target': 0, 'label': 'on focus list of Wikimedia project'}, {'name_': 'P17', 'source': 1, 'target': 1, 'label': 'country'}, {'name_': 'P530', 'source': 1, 'target': 2, 'label': 'diplomatic relation'}, {'name_': 'P5008', 'source': 2, 'target': 0, 'label': 'on focus list of Wikimedia project'}, {'name_': 'P530', 'source': 2, 'target': 1, 'label': 'diplomatic relation'}, {'name_': 'P17', 'source': 2, 'target': 2, 'label': 'country'}, {'name_': 'P5008', 'source': 3, 'target': 0, 'label': 'on focus list of Wikimedia project'}]}
North Korea is in the New Kingdom of Egypt. It is also in the focus of the Wikimedia project. The New Kingdom of Egypt is also in the focus of the Wikimedia project.
The New Kingdom of Egypt and the country of North Korea are both on the list of the Wikimedia projects that can be found there . The latter is the country where the capital city is Alexandria . The country is also the location of the English book , Vital articles/Level/4 .
Who was the third ruler of Egypt in the New Kingdom?</s> [unused1]North Korea [unused2] is in the New Kingdom of Egypt. It is also in the focus of the Wikimedia project. The New Kingdom of Egypt is also in the focus of the Wikimedia project.
Who was the third ruler of Egypt in the New Kingdom?</s>North Korea is in the New Kingdom of Egypt. It is also in the focus of the Wikimedia project. The New Kingdom of Egypt is also in the focus of the Wikimedia project.
Who was the third ruler of Egypt in the New Kingdom?</s>The New Kingdom of Egypt and the country of [unused1]North Korea [unused2] are both on the list of the Wikimedia projects that can be found there . The latter is the country where the capital city is Alexandria . The country is also the location of the English book , Vital articles/Level/4 .
Who was the third ruler of Egypt in the New Kingdom?</s>The New Kingdom of Egypt and the country of North Korea are both on the list of the Wikimedia projects that can be found there . The latter is the country where the capital city is Alexandria . The country is also the location of the English book , Vital articles/Level/4 .
Who was the third ruler of Egypt in the New Kingdom?</s>Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4,0,Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4,Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4,0,[unused1]North Korea[unused2],Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4,0,Egypt,Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4,0,New Kingdom of Egypt,[unused1]North Korea[unused2],on focus list of Wikimedia project,Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4,[unused1]North Korea[unused2],country,[unused1]North Korea[unused2],[unused1]North Korea[unused2],diplomatic relation,Egypt,[unused1]North Korea[unused2],0,New Kingdom of Egypt,Egypt,on focus list of Wikimedia project,Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4,Egypt,diplomatic relation,[unused1]North Korea[unused2],Egypt,country,Egypt,Egypt,0,New Kingdom of Egypt,New Kingdom of Egypt,on focus list of Wikimedia project,Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4,New Kingdom of Egypt,0,[unused1]North Korea[unused2],New Kingdom of Egypt,0,Egypt,New Kingdom of Egypt,0,New Kingdom of Egypt
Who was the third ruler of Egypt in the New Kingdom?</s>Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4,0,Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4,Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4,0,North Korea,Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4,0,Egypt,Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4,0,New Kingdom of Egypt,North Korea,on focus list of Wikimedia project,Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4,North Korea,country,North Korea,North Korea,diplomatic relation,Egypt,North Korea,0,New Kingdom of Egypt,Egypt,on focus list of Wikimedia project,Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4,Egypt,diplomatic relation,North Korea,Egypt,country,Egypt,Egypt,0,New Kingdom of Egypt,New Kingdom of Egypt,on focus list of Wikimedia project,Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4,New Kingdom of Egypt,0,North Korea,New Kingdom of Egypt,0,Egypt,New Kingdom of Egypt,0,New Kingdom of Egypt
What is the name of the prince in Final Fantasy 15?
{'directed': True, 'multigraph': False, 'graph': {}, 'nodes': [{'type': 'INTERNAL', 'name_': 'Q99415917', 'id': 0, 'label': 'Final Fantasy universe'}, {'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q1779100', 'id': 1, 'label': 'Final Fantasy XV'}, {'type': 'ANSWER_CANDIDATE_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q2607464', 'id': 2, 'label': 'Squall Leonhart'}], 'links': [{'name_': 'P1434', 'source': 1, 'target': 0, 'label': 'takes place in fictional universe'}, {'name_': 'P1080', 'source': 2, 'target': 0, 'label': 'from narrative universe'}]}
Squall Leonhart is a character in the fictional universe of Final Fantasy XV.
Final Fantasy XV is a fictional version of the Final Fantasy which was created by Squall Leonhart .
What is the name of the prince in Final Fantasy 15?</s> [unused1]Squall Leonhart [unused2] is a character in the fictional universe of Final Fantasy XV.
What is the name of the prince in Final Fantasy 15?</s>Squall Leonhart is a character in the fictional universe of Final Fantasy XV.
What is the name of the prince in Final Fantasy 15?</s>Final Fantasy XV is a fictional version of the Final Fantasy which was created by [unused1]Squall Leonhart [unused2] .
What is the name of the prince in Final Fantasy 15?</s>Final Fantasy XV is a fictional version of the Final Fantasy which was created by Squall Leonhart .
What is the name of the prince in Final Fantasy 15?</s>Final Fantasy universe,0,Final Fantasy universe,Final Fantasy universe,0,Final Fantasy XV,Final Fantasy universe,0,[unused1]Squall Leonhart[unused2],Final Fantasy XV,takes place in fictional universe,Final Fantasy universe,Final Fantasy XV,0,Final Fantasy XV,Final Fantasy XV,0,[unused1]Squall Leonhart[unused2],[unused1]Squall Leonhart[unused2],from narrative universe,Final Fantasy universe,[unused1]Squall Leonhart[unused2],0,Final Fantasy XV,[unused1]Squall Leonhart[unused2],0,[unused1]Squall Leonhart[unused2]
What is the name of the prince in Final Fantasy 15?</s>Final Fantasy universe,0,Final Fantasy universe,Final Fantasy universe,0,Final Fantasy XV,Final Fantasy universe,0,Squall Leonhart,Final Fantasy XV,takes place in fictional universe,Final Fantasy universe,Final Fantasy XV,0,Final Fantasy XV,Final Fantasy XV,0,Squall Leonhart,Squall Leonhart,from narrative universe,Final Fantasy universe,Squall Leonhart,0,Final Fantasy XV,Squall Leonhart,0,Squall Leonhart
Who is the protagonist of the Halo series?
{'directed': True, 'multigraph': False, 'graph': {}, 'nodes': [{'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q1747150', 'id': 0, 'label': 'Halo'}, {'type': 'ANSWER_CANDIDATE_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q1046593', 'id': 1, 'label': 'Gearbox Software'}], 'links': [{'name_': 'P178', 'source': 0, 'target': 1, 'label': 'developer'}]}
Gearbox Software is the developer of Halo.
The developer of Gearbox Software is the company Halo .
Who is the protagonist of the Halo series?</s> [unused1]Gearbox Software [unused2] is the developer of Halo.
Who is the protagonist of the Halo series?</s>Gearbox Software is the developer of Halo.
Who is the protagonist of the Halo series?</s>The developer of [unused1]Gearbox Software [unused2] is the company Halo .
Who is the protagonist of the Halo series?</s>The developer of Gearbox Software is the company Halo .
Who is the protagonist of the Halo series?</s>Halo,0,Halo,Halo,developer,[unused1]Gearbox Software[unused2],[unused1]Gearbox Software[unused2],0,Halo,[unused1]Gearbox Software[unused2],0,[unused1]Gearbox Software[unused2]
Who is the protagonist of the Halo series?</s>Halo,0,Halo,Halo,developer,Gearbox Software,Gearbox Software,0,Halo,Gearbox Software,0,Gearbox Software
Which game's tagline is “gotta catch them all”?
{'directed': True, 'multigraph': False, 'graph': {}, 'nodes': [{'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q7889', 'id': 0, 'label': 'video game'}, {'type': 'ANSWER_CANDIDATE_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q11339091', 'id': 1, 'label': 'Pokémon Tetris'}], 'links': [{'name_': 'P31', 'source': 1, 'target': 0, 'label': 'instance of'}]}
The video game Pokémon Tetris is an example of a video game.
One of the examples of a video game is the Pokémon Tetris .
Which game's tagline is “gotta catch them all”?</s>The video game [unused1]Pokémon Tetris [unused2] is an example of a video game.
Which game's tagline is “gotta catch them all”?</s>The video game Pokémon Tetris is an example of a video game.
Which game's tagline is “gotta catch them all”?</s>One of the examples of a video game is the [unused1]Pokémon Tetris [unused2] .
Which game's tagline is “gotta catch them all”?</s>One of the examples of a video game is the Pokémon Tetris .
Which game's tagline is “gotta catch them all”?</s>video game,0,video game,video game,0,[unused1]Pokémon Tetris[unused2],[unused1]Pokémon Tetris[unused2],instance of,video game,[unused1]Pokémon Tetris[unused2],0,[unused1]Pokémon Tetris[unused2]
Which game's tagline is “gotta catch them all”?</s>video game,0,video game,video game,0,Pokémon Tetris,Pokémon Tetris,instance of,video game,Pokémon Tetris,0,Pokémon Tetris
Who is the player of the cover of the 2021 FIFA game?
{'directed': True, 'multigraph': False, 'graph': {}, 'nodes': [{'type': 'INTERNAL', 'name_': 'Q2736', 'id': 0, 'label': 'soccer'}, {'type': 'ANSWER_CANDIDATE_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q615', 'id': 1, 'label': 'Lionel Messi'}, {'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q326704', 'id': 2, 'label': 'FIFA'}], 'links': [{'name_': 'P641', 'source': 1, 'target': 0, 'label': 'sport'}, {'name_': 'P641', 'source': 2, 'target': 0, 'label': 'sport'}]}
Lionel Messi plays for the sport of football, which is the sport that is played by FIFA.
The sport of soccer , which has Lionel Messi as one of its leaders , is also known as football .
Who is the player of the cover of the 2021 FIFA game?</s> [unused1]Lionel Messi [unused2] plays for the sport of football, which is the sport that is played by FIFA.
Who is the player of the cover of the 2021 FIFA game?</s>Lionel Messi plays for the sport of football, which is the sport that is played by FIFA.
Who is the player of the cover of the 2021 FIFA game?</s>The sport of soccer , which has [unused1]Lionel Messi [unused2] as one of its leaders , is also known as football .
Who is the player of the cover of the 2021 FIFA game?</s>The sport of soccer , which has Lionel Messi as one of its leaders , is also known as football .
Who is the player of the cover of the 2021 FIFA game?</s>soccer,0,soccer,soccer,0,[unused1]Lionel Messi[unused2],soccer,0,FIFA,[unused1]Lionel Messi[unused2],sport,soccer,[unused1]Lionel Messi[unused2],0,[unused1]Lionel Messi[unused2],[unused1]Lionel Messi[unused2],0,FIFA,FIFA,sport,soccer,FIFA,0,[unused1]Lionel Messi[unused2],FIFA,0,FIFA
Who is the player of the cover of the 2021 FIFA game?</s>soccer,0,soccer,soccer,0,Lionel Messi,soccer,0,FIFA,Lionel Messi,sport,soccer,Lionel Messi,0,Lionel Messi,Lionel Messi,0,FIFA,FIFA,sport,soccer,FIFA,0,Lionel Messi,FIFA,0,FIFA
What is the name of the princess in Super Mario Bros.?
{'directed': True, 'multigraph': False, 'graph': {}, 'nodes': [{'type': 'ANSWER_CANDIDATE_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q4802838', 'id': 0, 'label': 'Super Mario'}, {'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q11168', 'id': 1, 'label': 'Super Mario Bros.'}], 'links': [{'name_': 'P179', 'source': 1, 'target': 0, 'label': 'part of the series'}]}
Super Mario is part of the series Super Mario Bros.
Super Mario is a part of the series Super Mario Bros .
What is the name of the princess in Super Mario Bros.?</s> [unused1]Super Mario [unused2] is part of the series
What is the name of the princess in Super Mario Bros.?</s>Super Mario is part of the series Super Mario Bros.
What is the name of the princess in Super Mario Bros.?</s> [unused1]Super Mario [unused2] is a part of the series
What is the name of the princess in Super Mario Bros.?</s>Super Mario is a part of the series Super Mario Bros .
What is the name of the princess in Super Mario Bros.?</s>[unused1]Super Mario[unused2],0,[unused1]Super Mario[unused2],[unused1]Super Mario[unused2],0,Super Mario Bros.,Super Mario Bros.,part of the series,[unused1]Super Mario[unused2],Super Mario Bros.,0,Super Mario Bros.
What is the name of the princess in Super Mario Bros.?</s>Super Mario,0,Super Mario,Super Mario,0,Super Mario Bros.,Super Mario Bros.,part of the series,Super Mario,Super Mario Bros.,0,Super Mario Bros.
Who is the main character of Final Fantasy X?
{'directed': True, 'multigraph': False, 'graph': {}, 'nodes': [{'type': 'ANSWER_CANDIDATE_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q739552', 'id': 0, 'label': 'Square'}, {'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q223381', 'id': 1, 'label': 'Final Fantasy X'}], 'links': [{'name_': 'P123', 'source': 1, 'target': 0, 'label': 'publisher'}]}
Square is the publisher of Final Fantasy X.
Final Fantasy X is the publisher of Square .
Who is the main character of Final Fantasy X?</s> [unused1]Square [unused2] is the publisher of Final Fantasy X.
Who is the main character of Final Fantasy X?</s>Square is the publisher of Final Fantasy X.
Who is the main character of Final Fantasy X?</s>Final Fantasy X is the publisher of [unused1]Square [unused2] .
Who is the main character of Final Fantasy X?</s>Final Fantasy X is the publisher of Square .
Who is the main character of Final Fantasy X?</s>[unused1]Square[unused2],0,[unused1]Square[unused2],[unused1]Square[unused2],0,Final Fantasy X,Final Fantasy X,publisher,[unused1]Square[unused2],Final Fantasy X,0,Final Fantasy X
Who is the main character of Final Fantasy X?</s>Square,0,Square,Square,0,Final Fantasy X,Final Fantasy X,publisher,Square,Final Fantasy X,0,Final Fantasy X
Who was the second female pharaoh of Egypt?
{'directed': True, 'multigraph': False, 'graph': {}, 'nodes': [{'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q79', 'id': 0, 'label': 'Egypt'}, {'type': 'ANSWER_CANDIDATE_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q30683', 'id': 1, 'label': 'Beni Suef Governorate'}], 'links': [{'name_': 'P17', 'source': 0, 'target': 0, 'label': 'country'}, {'name_': 'P150', 'source': 0, 'target': 1, 'label': 'contains the administrative territorial entity'}, {'name_': 'P17', 'source': 1, 'target': 0, 'label': 'country'}]}
Beni Suef Governorate is located in the country of Egypt, where the administrative territorial entity is Beni Suef Governorate.
The Beni Suef Governorate is located in the country of Egypt , where the administrative entity is BeniSuef .
Who was the second female pharaoh of Egypt?</s> [unused1]Beni Suef Governorate [unused2] is located in the country of Egypt, where the administrative territorial entity is
Who was the second female pharaoh of Egypt?</s>Beni Suef Governorate is located in the country of Egypt, where the administrative territorial entity is Beni Suef Governorate.
Who was the second female pharaoh of Egypt?</s>The [unused1]Beni Suef Governorate [unused2] is located in the country of Egypt , where the administrative entity is BeniSuef .
Who was the second female pharaoh of Egypt?</s>The Beni Suef Governorate is located in the country of Egypt , where the administrative entity is BeniSuef .
Who was the second female pharaoh of Egypt?</s>Egypt,country,Egypt,Egypt,contains the administrative territorial entity,[unused1]Beni Suef Governorate[unused2],[unused1]Beni Suef Governorate[unused2],country,Egypt,[unused1]Beni Suef Governorate[unused2],0,[unused1]Beni Suef Governorate[unused2]
Who was the second female pharaoh of Egypt?</s>Egypt,country,Egypt,Egypt,contains the administrative territorial entity,Beni Suef Governorate,Beni Suef Governorate,country,Egypt,Beni Suef Governorate,0,Beni Suef Governorate
Who is the main character in Final Fantasy 10?
{'directed': True, 'multigraph': False, 'graph': {}, 'nodes': [{'type': 'ANSWER_CANDIDATE_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q10680', 'id': 0, 'label': 'PlayStation 2'}, {'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q223381', 'id': 1, 'label': 'Final Fantasy X'}], 'links': [{'name_': 'P400', 'source': 1, 'target': 0, 'label': 'platform'}]}
Final Fantasy X is a PlayStation 2 game.
Final Fantasy X is a sequel to the PlayStation 2 .
Who is the main character in Final Fantasy 10?</s>Final Fantasy X is a [unused1]PlayStation 2 [unused2] game.
Who is the main character in Final Fantasy 10?</s>Final Fantasy X is a PlayStation 2 game.
Who is the main character in Final Fantasy 10?</s>Final Fantasy X is a sequel to the [unused1]PlayStation 2 [unused2] .
Who is the main character in Final Fantasy 10?</s>Final Fantasy X is a sequel to the PlayStation 2 .
Who is the main character in Final Fantasy 10?</s>[unused1]PlayStation 2[unused2],0,[unused1]PlayStation 2[unused2],[unused1]PlayStation 2[unused2],0,Final Fantasy X,Final Fantasy X,platform,[unused1]PlayStation 2[unused2],Final Fantasy X,0,Final Fantasy X
Who is the main character in Final Fantasy 10?</s>PlayStation 2,0,PlayStation 2,PlayStation 2,0,Final Fantasy X,Final Fantasy X,platform,PlayStation 2,Final Fantasy X,0,Final Fantasy X
Where was the first all-woman city council in the United States?
{'directed': True, 'multigraph': False, 'graph': {}, 'nodes': [{'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q30', 'id': 0, 'label': 'United States of America'}, {'type': 'ANSWER_CANDIDATE_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q242', 'id': 1, 'label': 'Belize'}], 'links': [{'name_': 'P17', 'source': 0, 'target': 0, 'label': 'country'}, {'name_': 'P530', 'source': 0, 'target': 1, 'label': 'diplomatic relation'}, {'name_': 'P530', 'source': 1, 'target': 0, 'label': 'diplomatic relation'}, {'name_': 'P17', 'source': 1, 'target': 1, 'label': 'country'}]}
The United States of America is the country of Belize, which has a diplomatic relationship with the United States.
The United States of America is the country of Belize and is also the location of the US Consulate in Belize .
Where was the first all-woman city council in the United States?</s>The United States of America is the country of [unused1]Belize [unused2] , which has a diplomatic relationship with the United States.
Where was the first all-woman city council in the United States?</s>The United States of America is the country of Belize, which has a diplomatic relationship with the United States.
Where was the first all-woman city council in the United States?</s>The United States of America is the country of [unused1]Belize [unused2] and is also the location of the US Consulate in
Where was the first all-woman city council in the United States?</s>The United States of America is the country of Belize and is also the location of the US Consulate in Belize .
Where was the first all-woman city council in the United States?</s>United States of America,country,United States of America,United States of America,diplomatic relation,[unused1]Belize[unused2],[unused1]Belize[unused2],diplomatic relation,United States of America,[unused1]Belize[unused2],country,[unused1]Belize[unused2]
Where was the first all-woman city council in the United States?</s>United States of America,country,United States of America,United States of America,diplomatic relation,Belize,Belize,diplomatic relation,United States of America,Belize,country,Belize
Who was the last Republican mayor of Boston?
Q29468, Q100
{'directed': True, 'multigraph': False, 'graph': {}, 'nodes': [{'type': 'INTERNAL', 'name_': 'Q30', 'id': 0, 'label': 'United States of America'}, {'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q29468', 'id': 1, 'label': 'Republican Party'}, {'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q100', 'id': 2, 'label': 'Boston'}, {'type': 'ANSWER_CANDIDATE_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q441832', 'id': 3, 'label': 'James Michael Curley'}], 'links': [{'name_': 'P17', 'source': 0, 'target': 0, 'label': 'country'}, {'name_': 'P17', 'source': 1, 'target': 0, 'label': 'country'}, {'name_': 'P17', 'source': 2, 'target': 0, 'label': 'country'}, {'name_': 'P27', 'source': 3, 'target': 0, 'label': 'country of citizenship'}, {'name_': 'P19', 'source': 3, 'target': 2, 'label': 'place of birth'}]}
James Michael Curley was born in Boston, United States, where the Republican Party is in power.
James Michael Curley was born in Boston , United States . He is a citizen of the United States of America which is led by the Republican Party .
Who was the last Republican mayor of Boston?</s> [unused1]James Michael Curley [unused2] was born in Boston, United States, where the Republican Party is in power.
Who was the last Republican mayor of Boston?</s>James Michael Curley was born in Boston, United States, where the Republican Party is in power.
Who was the last Republican mayor of Boston?</s> [unused1]James Michael Curley [unused2] was born in Boston , United States . He is a citizen of the United States of America which is led by the Republican Party .
Who was the last Republican mayor of Boston?</s>James Michael Curley was born in Boston , United States . He is a citizen of the United States of America which is led by the Republican Party .
Who was the last Republican mayor of Boston?</s>United States of America,country,United States of America,United States of America,0,Republican Party,United States of America,0,Boston,United States of America,0,[unused1]James Michael Curley[unused2],Republican Party,country,United States of America,Republican Party,0,Republican Party,Republican Party,0,Boston,Republican Party,0,[unused1]James Michael Curley[unused2],Boston,country,United States of America,Boston,0,Republican Party,Boston,0,Boston,Boston,0,[unused1]James Michael Curley[unused2],[unused1]James Michael Curley[unused2],country of citizenship,United States of America,[unused1]James Michael Curley[unused2],0,Republican Party,[unused1]James Michael Curley[unused2],place of birth,Boston,[unused1]James Michael Curley[unused2],0,[unused1]James Michael Curley[unused2]
Who was the last Republican mayor of Boston?</s>United States of America,country,United States of America,United States of America,0,Republican Party,United States of America,0,Boston,United States of America,0,James Michael Curley,Republican Party,country,United States of America,Republican Party,0,Republican Party,Republican Party,0,Boston,Republican Party,0,James Michael Curley,Boston,country,United States of America,Boston,0,Republican Party,Boston,0,Boston,Boston,0,James Michael Curley,James Michael Curley,country of citizenship,United States of America,James Michael Curley,0,Republican Party,James Michael Curley,place of birth,Boston,James Michael Curley,0,James Michael Curley
Who was the third mayor of San Francisco?
{'directed': True, 'multigraph': False, 'graph': {}, 'nodes': [{'type': 'ANSWER_CANDIDATE_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q6509', 'id': 0, 'label': 'Burgas'}, {'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q62', 'id': 1, 'label': 'San Francisco'}], 'links': [{'name_': 'P190', 'source': 0, 'target': 1, 'label': 'twinned administrative body'}, {'name_': 'P190', 'source': 1, 'target': 0, 'label': 'twinned administrative body'}]}
San Francisco is twinned with Burgas, the administrative body of which is San Francisco.
The city of San Francisco is the location of the sister body of the administrative body called the Burgas .
Who was the third mayor of San Francisco?</s>San Francisco is twinned with [unused1]Burgas [unused2] , the administrative body of which is San Francisco.
Who was the third mayor of San Francisco?</s>San Francisco is twinned with Burgas, the administrative body of which is San Francisco.
Who was the third mayor of San Francisco?</s>The city of San Francisco is the location of the sister body of the administrative body called the [unused1]Burgas [unused2] .
Who was the third mayor of San Francisco?</s>The city of San Francisco is the location of the sister body of the administrative body called the Burgas .
Who was the third mayor of San Francisco?</s>[unused1]Burgas[unused2],0,[unused1]Burgas[unused2],[unused1]Burgas[unused2],twinned administrative body,San Francisco,San Francisco,twinned administrative body,[unused1]Burgas[unused2],San Francisco,0,San Francisco
Who was the third mayor of San Francisco?</s>Burgas,0,Burgas,Burgas,twinned administrative body,San Francisco,San Francisco,twinned administrative body,Burgas,San Francisco,0,San Francisco