7 values
2 classes
Who was the first mayor of Boston?
{'directed': True, 'multigraph': False, 'graph': {}, 'nodes': [{'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q100', 'id': 0, 'label': 'Boston'}, {'type': 'ANSWER_CANDIDATE_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q4970', 'id': 1, 'label': 'Hangchow'}], 'links': [{'name_': 'P190', 'source': 0, 'target': 1, 'label': 'twinned administrative body'}, {'name_': 'P190', 'source': 1, 'target': 0, 'label': 'twinned administrative body'}]}
Boston is the twinned administrative body of Hangchow.
The cities of Boston and Boston are both led by the same administrative body called Hangchow .
Who was the first mayor of Boston?</s>Boston is the twinned administrative body of [unused1]Hangchow [unused2] .
Who was the first mayor of Boston?</s>Boston is the twinned administrative body of Hangchow.
Who was the first mayor of Boston?</s>The cities of Boston and Boston are both led by the same administrative body called [unused1]Hangchow [unused2] .
Who was the first mayor of Boston?</s>The cities of Boston and Boston are both led by the same administrative body called Hangchow .
Who was the first mayor of Boston?</s>Boston,0,Boston,Boston,twinned administrative body,[unused1]Hangchow[unused2],[unused1]Hangchow[unused2],twinned administrative body,Boston,[unused1]Hangchow[unused2],0,[unused1]Hangchow[unused2]
Who was the first mayor of Boston?</s>Boston,0,Boston,Boston,twinned administrative body,Hangchow,Hangchow,twinned administrative body,Boston,Hangchow,0,Hangchow
What was PopCap's first game?
{'directed': True, 'multigraph': False, 'graph': {}, 'nodes': [{'type': 'INTERNAL', 'name_': 'Q30', 'id': 0, 'label': 'United States of America'}, {'type': 'INTERNAL', 'name_': 'Q7397', 'id': 1, 'label': 'software'}, {'type': 'INTERNAL', 'name_': 'Q94', 'id': 2, 'label': 'Android'}, {'type': 'INTERNAL', 'name_': 'Q79576', 'id': 3, 'label': 'Google Play'}, {'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q1064703', 'id': 4, 'label': 'PopCap Games'}, {'type': 'ANSWER_CANDIDATE_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q8768018', 'id': 5, 'label': 'Candy Crush Saga'}], 'links': [{'name_': 'P17', 'source': 0, 'target': 0, 'label': 'country'}, {'name_': 'P5869', 'source': 1, 'target': 2, 'label': 'model item'}, {'name_': 'P3033', 'source': 2, 'target': 3, 'label': 'package management system'}, {'name_': 'P495', 'source': 3, 'target': 0, 'label': 'country of origin'}, {'name_': 'P306', 'source': 3, 'target': 2, 'label': 'operating system'}, {'name_': 'P17', 'source': 4, 'target': 0, 'label': 'country'}, {'name_': 'P1056', 'source': 4, 'target': 1, 'label': 'produces'}, {'name_': 'P400', 'source': 5, 'target': 2, 'label': 'platform'}, {'name_': 'P750', 'source': 5, 'target': 3, 'label': 'distributed by'}]}
Candy Crush Saga is a popular game on the Android platform. It is distributed by the US based company, Google Play. The operating system of the Android is the Android package management system. The company PopCap Games is also based in the US.
PopCap Games are located in the United States of America , which is home to the U.S.A. , where the operating system is called the Google Play . The company produces the software that is used in the manufacture of the model , called the Candy Crush Saga . It is also where the distribution system is known as the `` Google Play '' .
What was PopCap's first game?</s> [unused1]Candy Crush Saga [unused2] is a popular game on the Android platform. It is distributed by the US based company, Google Play. The operating system of the Android is the Android package management system. The company PopCap Games is also based in the US.
What was PopCap's first game?</s>Candy Crush Saga is a popular game on the Android platform. It is distributed by the US based company, Google Play. The operating system of the Android is the Android package management system. The company PopCap Games is also based in the US.
What was PopCap's first game?</s>PopCap Games are located in the United States of America , which is home to the U.S.A. , where the operating system is called the Google Play . The company produces the software that is used in the manufacture of the model , called the [unused1]Candy Crush Saga [unused2] . It is also where the distribution system is known as the `` Google Play '' .
What was PopCap's first game?</s>PopCap Games are located in the United States of America , which is home to the U.S.A. , where the operating system is called the Google Play . The company produces the software that is used in the manufacture of the model , called the Candy Crush Saga . It is also where the distribution system is known as the `` Google Play '' .
What was PopCap's first game?</s>United States of America,country,United States of America,United States of America,0,software,United States of America,0,Android,United States of America,0,Google Play,United States of America,0,PopCap Games,United States of America,0,[unused1]Candy Crush Saga[unused2],software,0,United States of America,software,0,software,software,model item,Android,software,0,Google Play,software,0,PopCap Games,software,0,[unused1]Candy Crush Saga[unused2],Android,0,United States of America,Android,0,software,Android,0,Android,Android,package management system,Google Play,Android,0,PopCap Games,Android,0,[unused1]Candy Crush Saga[unused2],Google Play,country of origin,United States of America,Google Play,0,software,Google Play,operating system,Android,Google Play,0,Google Play,Google Play,0,PopCap Games,Google Play,0,[unused1]Candy Crush Saga[unused2],PopCap Games,country,United States of America,PopCap Games,produces,software,PopCap Games,0,Android,PopCap Games,0,Google Play,PopCap Games,0,PopCap Games,PopCap Games,0,[unused1]Candy Crush Saga[unused2],[unused1]Candy Crush Saga[unused2],0,United States of America,[unused1]Candy Crush Saga[unused2],0,software,[unused1]Candy Crush Saga[unused2],platform,Android,[unused1]Candy Crush Saga[unused2],distributed by,Google Play,[unused1]Candy Crush Saga[unused2],0,PopCap Games,[unused1]Candy Crush Saga[unused2],0,[unused1]Candy Crush Saga[unused2]
What was PopCap's first game?</s>United States of America,country,United States of America,United States of America,0,software,United States of America,0,Android,United States of America,0,Google Play,United States of America,0,PopCap Games,United States of America,0,Candy Crush Saga,software,0,United States of America,software,0,software,software,model item,Android,software,0,Google Play,software,0,PopCap Games,software,0,Candy Crush Saga,Android,0,United States of America,Android,0,software,Android,0,Android,Android,package management system,Google Play,Android,0,PopCap Games,Android,0,Candy Crush Saga,Google Play,country of origin,United States of America,Google Play,0,software,Google Play,operating system,Android,Google Play,0,Google Play,Google Play,0,PopCap Games,Google Play,0,Candy Crush Saga,PopCap Games,country,United States of America,PopCap Games,produces,software,PopCap Games,0,Android,PopCap Games,0,Google Play,PopCap Games,0,PopCap Games,PopCap Games,0,Candy Crush Saga,Candy Crush Saga,0,United States of America,Candy Crush Saga,0,software,Candy Crush Saga,platform,Android,Candy Crush Saga,distributed by,Google Play,Candy Crush Saga,0,PopCap Games,Candy Crush Saga,0,Candy Crush Saga
Who is the main character of the Uncharted series?
{'directed': True, 'multigraph': False, 'graph': {}, 'nodes': [{'type': 'INTERNAL', 'name_': 'Q15632617', 'id': 0, 'label': 'fictional human'}, {'type': 'INTERNAL', 'name_': 'Q30', 'id': 1, 'label': 'United States of America'}, {'type': 'INTERNAL', 'name_': 'Q1860', 'id': 2, 'label': 'English'}, {'type': 'ANSWER_CANDIDATE_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q223684', 'id': 3, 'label': 'Lara Croft'}, {'type': 'INTERNAL', 'name_': 'Q106435338', 'id': 4, 'label': 'Zoran Lazarević'}, {'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q1064135', 'id': 5, 'label': 'Uncharted'}], 'links': [{'name_': 'P17', 'source': 1, 'target': 1, 'label': 'country'}, {'name_': 'P37', 'source': 1, 'target': 2, 'label': 'official language'}, {'name_': 'P17', 'source': 2, 'target': 1, 'label': 'country'}, {'name_': 'P31', 'source': 3, 'target': 0, 'label': 'instance of'}, {'name_': 'P1412', 'source': 3, 'target': 2, 'label': 'languages spoken, written or signed'}, {'name_': 'P31', 'source': 4, 'target': 0, 'label': 'instance of'}, {'name_': 'P1441', 'source': 4, 'target': 5, 'label': 'present in work'}, {'name_': 'P495', 'source': 5, 'target': 1, 'label': 'country of origin'}]}
English is the official language of the United States of America, where Lara Croft is a fictional character. The fictional character Zoran Lazarevi is also a fictional character, and is present in the work Uncharted.
The United States of America , where the official language is English , is the origin of the fictional character of Lara Croft . The character was created by Zoran Lazarević and was shown in the film Uncharted , which was written in English .
Who is the main character of the Uncharted series?</s>English is the official language of the United States of America, where [unused1]Lara Croft [unused2] is a fictional character. The fictional character Zoran Lazarevi is also a fictional character, and is present in the work Uncharted.
Who is the main character of the Uncharted series?</s>English is the official language of the United States of America, where Lara Croft is a fictional character. The fictional character Zoran Lazarevi is also a fictional character, and is present in the work Uncharted.
Who is the main character of the Uncharted series?</s>The United States of America , where the official language is English , is the origin of the fictional character of [unused1]Lara Croft [unused2] . The character was created by Zoran Lazarević and was shown in the film Uncharted , which was written in English .
Who is the main character of the Uncharted series?</s>The United States of America , where the official language is English , is the origin of the fictional character of Lara Croft . The character was created by Zoran Lazarević and was shown in the film Uncharted , which was written in English .
Who is the main character of the Uncharted series?</s>fictional human,0,fictional human,fictional human,0,United States of America,fictional human,0,English,fictional human,0,[unused1]Lara Croft[unused2],fictional human,0,Zoran Lazarević,fictional human,0,Uncharted,United States of America,0,fictional human,United States of America,country,United States of America,United States of America,official language,English,United States of America,0,[unused1]Lara Croft[unused2],United States of America,0,Zoran Lazarević,United States of America,0,Uncharted,English,0,fictional human,English,country,United States of America,English,0,English,English,0,[unused1]Lara Croft[unused2],English,0,Zoran Lazarević,English,0,Uncharted,[unused1]Lara Croft[unused2],instance of,fictional human,[unused1]Lara Croft[unused2],0,United States of America,[unused1]Lara Croft[unused2],languages spoken, written or signed,English,[unused1]Lara Croft[unused2],0,[unused1]Lara Croft[unused2],[unused1]Lara Croft[unused2],0,Zoran Lazarević,[unused1]Lara Croft[unused2],0,Uncharted,Zoran Lazarević,instance of,fictional human,Zoran Lazarević,0,United States of America,Zoran Lazarević,0,English,Zoran Lazarević,0,[unused1]Lara Croft[unused2],Zoran Lazarević,0,Zoran Lazarević,Zoran Lazarević,present in work,Uncharted,Uncharted,0,fictional human,Uncharted,country of origin,United States of America,Uncharted,0,English,Uncharted,0,[unused1]Lara Croft[unused2],Uncharted,0,Zoran Lazarević,Uncharted,0,Uncharted
Who is the main character of the Uncharted series?</s>fictional human,0,fictional human,fictional human,0,United States of America,fictional human,0,English,fictional human,0,Lara Croft,fictional human,0,Zoran Lazarević,fictional human,0,Uncharted,United States of America,0,fictional human,United States of America,country,United States of America,United States of America,official language,English,United States of America,0,Lara Croft,United States of America,0,Zoran Lazarević,United States of America,0,Uncharted,English,0,fictional human,English,country,United States of America,English,0,English,English,0,Lara Croft,English,0,Zoran Lazarević,English,0,Uncharted,Lara Croft,instance of,fictional human,Lara Croft,0,United States of America,Lara Croft,languages spoken, written or signed,English,Lara Croft,0,Lara Croft,Lara Croft,0,Zoran Lazarević,Lara Croft,0,Uncharted,Zoran Lazarević,instance of,fictional human,Zoran Lazarević,0,United States of America,Zoran Lazarević,0,English,Zoran Lazarević,0,Lara Croft,Zoran Lazarević,0,Zoran Lazarević,Zoran Lazarević,present in work,Uncharted,Uncharted,0,fictional human,Uncharted,country of origin,United States of America,Uncharted,0,English,Uncharted,0,Lara Croft,Uncharted,0,Zoran Lazarević,Uncharted,0,Uncharted
Who led the first Roman invasion of Britain?
Q1747689, Q23666
{'directed': True, 'multigraph': False, 'graph': {}, 'nodes': [{'type': 'INTERNAL', 'name_': 'Q6173448', 'id': 0, 'label': 'Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4'}, {'type': 'ANSWER_CANDIDATE_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q1693', 'id': 1, 'label': 'North Sea'}, {'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q1747689', 'id': 2, 'label': 'Ancient Rome'}, {'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q23666', 'id': 3, 'label': 'Great Britain'}], 'links': [{'name_': 'P5008', 'source': 1, 'target': 0, 'label': 'on focus list of Wikimedia project'}, {'name_': 'P5008', 'source': 2, 'target': 0, 'label': 'on focus list of Wikimedia project'}, {'name_': 'P5008', 'source': 3, 'target': 0, 'label': 'on focus list of Wikimedia project'}, {'name_': 'P206', 'source': 3, 'target': 1, 'label': 'located in or next to body of water'}]}
The North Sea is located in or next to Great Britain, which is on the Wikimedia project's focus list. The Wikimedia project also focuses on Ancient Rome.
The North Sea is located in Great Britain and is the location of the Wikipedia :Vital articles/Level/4 . The book is part of the list of the Wikimedia projects that were published in the past , including the study of the celestial body known as the asteroid known as 'Ancient Rome ' .
Who led the first Roman invasion of Britain?</s>The [unused1]North Sea [unused2] is located in or next to Great Britain, which is on the Wikimedia project's focus list. The Wikimedia project also focuses on Ancient Rome.
Who led the first Roman invasion of Britain?</s>The North Sea is located in or next to Great Britain, which is on the Wikimedia project's focus list. The Wikimedia project also focuses on Ancient Rome.
Who led the first Roman invasion of Britain?</s>The [unused1]North Sea [unused2] is located in Great Britain and is the location of the Wikipedia :Vital articles/Level/4 . The book is part of the list of the Wikimedia projects that were published in the past , including the study of the celestial body known as the asteroid known as 'Ancient Rome ' .
Who led the first Roman invasion of Britain?</s>The North Sea is located in Great Britain and is the location of the Wikipedia :Vital articles/Level/4 . The book is part of the list of the Wikimedia projects that were published in the past , including the study of the celestial body known as the asteroid known as 'Ancient Rome ' .
Who led the first Roman invasion of Britain?</s>Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4,0,Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4,Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4,0,[unused1]North Sea[unused2],Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4,0,Ancient Rome,Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4,0,Great Britain,[unused1]North Sea[unused2],on focus list of Wikimedia project,Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4,[unused1]North Sea[unused2],0,[unused1]North Sea[unused2],[unused1]North Sea[unused2],0,Ancient Rome,[unused1]North Sea[unused2],0,Great Britain,Ancient Rome,on focus list of Wikimedia project,Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4,Ancient Rome,0,[unused1]North Sea[unused2],Ancient Rome,0,Ancient Rome,Ancient Rome,0,Great Britain,Great Britain,on focus list of Wikimedia project,Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4,Great Britain,located in or next to body of water,[unused1]North Sea[unused2],Great Britain,0,Ancient Rome,Great Britain,0,Great Britain
Who led the first Roman invasion of Britain?</s>Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4,0,Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4,Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4,0,North Sea,Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4,0,Ancient Rome,Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4,0,Great Britain,North Sea,on focus list of Wikimedia project,Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4,North Sea,0,North Sea,North Sea,0,Ancient Rome,North Sea,0,Great Britain,Ancient Rome,on focus list of Wikimedia project,Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4,Ancient Rome,0,North Sea,Ancient Rome,0,Ancient Rome,Ancient Rome,0,Great Britain,Great Britain,on focus list of Wikimedia project,Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4,Great Britain,located in or next to body of water,North Sea,Great Britain,0,Ancient Rome,Great Britain,0,Great Britain
Where was the first all-woman city council in the United States?
{'directed': True, 'multigraph': False, 'graph': {}, 'nodes': [{'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q30', 'id': 0, 'label': 'United States of America'}, {'type': 'ANSWER_CANDIDATE_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q813', 'id': 1, 'label': 'Kyrgyzstan'}], 'links': [{'name_': 'P17', 'source': 0, 'target': 0, 'label': 'country'}, {'name_': 'P530', 'source': 0, 'target': 1, 'label': 'diplomatic relation'}, {'name_': 'P530', 'source': 1, 'target': 0, 'label': 'diplomatic relation'}, {'name_': 'P17', 'source': 1, 'target': 1, 'label': 'country'}]}
The United States of America is the country of the United States of America, which has diplomatic relations with Kyrgyzstan.
The United States of America is located in the country of Kyrgyzstan where the capital city is Bishkek . The country is also the location of the US headquarters .
Where was the first all-woman city council in the United States?</s>The United States of America is the country of the United States of America, which has diplomatic relations with [unused1]Kyrgyzstan [unused2] .
Where was the first all-woman city council in the United States?</s>The United States of America is the country of the United States of America, which has diplomatic relations with Kyrgyzstan.
Where was the first all-woman city council in the United States?</s>The United States of America is located in the country of [unused1]Kyrgyzstan [unused2] where the capital city is Bishkek . The country is also the location of the US headquarters .
Where was the first all-woman city council in the United States?</s>The United States of America is located in the country of Kyrgyzstan where the capital city is Bishkek . The country is also the location of the US headquarters .
Where was the first all-woman city council in the United States?</s>United States of America,country,United States of America,United States of America,diplomatic relation,[unused1]Kyrgyzstan[unused2],[unused1]Kyrgyzstan[unused2],diplomatic relation,United States of America,[unused1]Kyrgyzstan[unused2],country,[unused1]Kyrgyzstan[unused2]
Where was the first all-woman city council in the United States?</s>United States of America,country,United States of America,United States of America,diplomatic relation,Kyrgyzstan,Kyrgyzstan,diplomatic relation,United States of America,Kyrgyzstan,country,Kyrgyzstan
What puzzle video game was released by Fireproof Games in 2018?
{'directed': True, 'multigraph': False, 'graph': {}, 'nodes': [{'type': 'INTERNAL', 'name_': 'Q30', 'id': 0, 'label': 'United States of America'}, {'type': 'INTERNAL', 'name_': 'Q145', 'id': 1, 'label': 'United Kingdom'}, {'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q15070334', 'id': 2, 'label': 'Fireproof Studios'}, {'type': 'ANSWER_CANDIDATE_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q17445286', 'id': 3, 'label': 'Puzzlejuice'}], 'links': [{'name_': 'P17', 'source': 0, 'target': 0, 'label': 'country'}, {'name_': 'P530', 'source': 0, 'target': 1, 'label': 'diplomatic relation'}, {'name_': 'P530', 'source': 1, 'target': 0, 'label': 'diplomatic relation'}, {'name_': 'P17', 'source': 1, 'target': 1, 'label': 'country'}, {'name_': 'P17', 'source': 2, 'target': 1, 'label': 'country'}, {'name_': 'P495', 'source': 3, 'target': 0, 'label': 'country of origin'}]}
Puzzlejuice originates from the United States of America, where Fireproof Studios is located. The United Kingdom is the country where Fireproof Studios is located, and the United States of America has diplomatic relations with the United Kingdom.
The United States of America is the country of origin of the Puzzlejuice . The country is also the location of the Fireproof Studios in the United Kingdom . The U.S. has its own environs .
What puzzle video game was released by Fireproof Games in 2018?</s> [unused1]Puzzlejuice [unused2] originates from the United States of America, where Fireproof Studios is located. The United Kingdom is the country where Fireproof Studios is located, and the United States of America has diplomatic relations with the United Kingdom.
What puzzle video game was released by Fireproof Games in 2018?</s>Puzzlejuice originates from the United States of America, where Fireproof Studios is located. The United Kingdom is the country where Fireproof Studios is located, and the United States of America has diplomatic relations with the United Kingdom.
What puzzle video game was released by Fireproof Games in 2018?</s>The United States of America is the country of origin of the [unused1]Puzzlejuice [unused2] . The country is also the location of the Fireproof Studios in the United Kingdom . The U.S. has its own environs .
What puzzle video game was released by Fireproof Games in 2018?</s>The United States of America is the country of origin of the Puzzlejuice . The country is also the location of the Fireproof Studios in the United Kingdom . The U.S. has its own environs .
What puzzle video game was released by Fireproof Games in 2018?</s>United States of America,country,United States of America,United States of America,diplomatic relation,United Kingdom,United States of America,0,Fireproof Studios,United States of America,0,[unused1]Puzzlejuice[unused2],United Kingdom,diplomatic relation,United States of America,United Kingdom,country,United Kingdom,United Kingdom,0,Fireproof Studios,United Kingdom,0,[unused1]Puzzlejuice[unused2],Fireproof Studios,0,United States of America,Fireproof Studios,country,United Kingdom,Fireproof Studios,0,Fireproof Studios,Fireproof Studios,0,[unused1]Puzzlejuice[unused2],[unused1]Puzzlejuice[unused2],country of origin,United States of America,[unused1]Puzzlejuice[unused2],0,United Kingdom,[unused1]Puzzlejuice[unused2],0,Fireproof Studios,[unused1]Puzzlejuice[unused2],0,[unused1]Puzzlejuice[unused2]
What puzzle video game was released by Fireproof Games in 2018?</s>United States of America,country,United States of America,United States of America,diplomatic relation,United Kingdom,United States of America,0,Fireproof Studios,United States of America,0,Puzzlejuice,United Kingdom,diplomatic relation,United States of America,United Kingdom,country,United Kingdom,United Kingdom,0,Fireproof Studios,United Kingdom,0,Puzzlejuice,Fireproof Studios,0,United States of America,Fireproof Studios,country,United Kingdom,Fireproof Studios,0,Fireproof Studios,Fireproof Studios,0,Puzzlejuice,Puzzlejuice,country of origin,United States of America,Puzzlejuice,0,United Kingdom,Puzzlejuice,0,Fireproof Studios,Puzzlejuice,0,Puzzlejuice
What is the kingdom called in The Legend of Zelda series?
{'directed': True, 'multigraph': False, 'graph': {}, 'nodes': [{'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q12393', 'id': 0, 'label': 'The Legend of Zelda'}, {'type': 'ANSWER_CANDIDATE_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q2735724', 'id': 1, 'label': 'Agahnim'}], 'links': [{'name_': 'P674', 'source': 0, 'target': 1, 'label': 'characters'}]}
Agahnim is a character in The Legend of Zelda.
Agahnim is a character in The Legend of Zelda .
What is the kingdom called in The Legend of Zelda series?</s> [unused1]Agahnim [unused2] is a character in The Legend of Zelda.
What is the kingdom called in The Legend of Zelda series?</s>Agahnim is a character in The Legend of Zelda.
What is the kingdom called in The Legend of Zelda series?</s> [unused1]Agahnim [unused2] is a character in The Legend of Zelda .
What is the kingdom called in The Legend of Zelda series?</s>Agahnim is a character in The Legend of Zelda .
What is the kingdom called in The Legend of Zelda series?</s>The Legend of Zelda,0,The Legend of Zelda,The Legend of Zelda,characters,[unused1]Agahnim[unused2],[unused1]Agahnim[unused2],0,The Legend of Zelda,[unused1]Agahnim[unused2],0,[unused1]Agahnim[unused2]
What is the kingdom called in The Legend of Zelda series?</s>The Legend of Zelda,0,The Legend of Zelda,The Legend of Zelda,characters,Agahnim,Agahnim,0,The Legend of Zelda,Agahnim,0,Agahnim
What is Luigi's occupation?
{'directed': True, 'multigraph': False, 'graph': {}, 'nodes': [{'type': 'ANSWER_CANDIDATE_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q17122834', 'id': 0, 'label': 'blue'}, {'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q210593', 'id': 1, 'label': 'Luigi'}], 'links': [{'name_': 'P1340', 'source': 1, 'target': 0, 'label': 'eye color'}]}
Luigi has blue eyes.
The color of blue is Luigi .
What is Luigi's occupation?</s>Luigi has [unused1]blue [unused2] eyes.
What is Luigi's occupation?</s>Luigi has blue eyes.
What is Luigi's occupation?</s>The color of [unused1]blue [unused2] is Luigi .
What is Luigi's occupation?</s>The color of blue is Luigi .
What is Luigi's occupation?</s>[unused1]blue[unused2],0,[unused1]blue[unused2],[unused1]blue[unused2],0,Luigi,Luigi,eye color,[unused1]blue[unused2],Luigi,0,Luigi
What is Luigi's occupation?</s>blue,0,blue,blue,0,Luigi,Luigi,eye color,blue,Luigi,0,Luigi
Where does Zelda live?
{'directed': True, 'multigraph': False, 'graph': {}, 'nodes': [{'type': 'ANSWER_CANDIDATE_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q1860', 'id': 0, 'label': 'English'}, {'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q12393', 'id': 1, 'label': 'The Legend of Zelda'}], 'links': [{'name_': 'P407', 'source': 1, 'target': 0, 'label': 'language of work or name'}]}
The Legend of Zelda is written in English.
The Legend of Zelda is published in English .
Where does Zelda live?</s>The Legend of Zelda is written in [unused1]English [unused2] .
Where does Zelda live?</s>The Legend of Zelda is written in English.
Where does Zelda live?</s>The Legend of Zelda is published in [unused1]English [unused2] .
Where does Zelda live?</s>The Legend of Zelda is published in English .
Where does Zelda live?</s>[unused1]English[unused2],0,[unused1]English[unused2],[unused1]English[unused2],0,The Legend of Zelda,The Legend of Zelda,language of work or name,[unused1]English[unused2],The Legend of Zelda,0,The Legend of Zelda
Where does Zelda live?</s>English,0,English,English,0,The Legend of Zelda,The Legend of Zelda,language of work or name,English,The Legend of Zelda,0,The Legend of Zelda
Where was the first all-woman city council in the United States?
{'directed': True, 'multigraph': False, 'graph': {}, 'nodes': [{'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q30', 'id': 0, 'label': 'United States of America'}, {'type': 'ANSWER_CANDIDATE_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q16552', 'id': 1, 'label': 'San Diego'}], 'links': [{'name_': 'P17', 'source': 0, 'target': 0, 'label': 'country'}, {'name_': 'P17', 'source': 1, 'target': 0, 'label': 'country'}]}
San Diego is located in the United States.
The United States of America is located in San Diego and is the location of the city of San Diego .
Where was the first all-woman city council in the United States?</s> [unused1]San Diego [unused2] is located in the United States.
Where was the first all-woman city council in the United States?</s>San Diego is located in the United States.
Where was the first all-woman city council in the United States?</s>The United States of America is located in [unused1]San Diego [unused2] and is the location of the city of
Where was the first all-woman city council in the United States?</s>The United States of America is located in San Diego and is the location of the city of San Diego .
Where was the first all-woman city council in the United States?</s>United States of America,country,United States of America,United States of America,0,[unused1]San Diego[unused2],[unused1]San Diego[unused2],country,United States of America,[unused1]San Diego[unused2],0,[unused1]San Diego[unused2]
Where was the first all-woman city council in the United States?</s>United States of America,country,United States of America,United States of America,0,San Diego,San Diego,country,United States of America,San Diego,0,San Diego
Who was the fifth pharaoh of the Eighteenth Dynasty of Egypt?
Q37110, Q146055
{'directed': True, 'multigraph': False, 'graph': {}, 'nodes': [{'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q37110', 'id': 0, 'label': 'Pharaoh'}, {'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q146055', 'id': 1, 'label': 'Eighteenth Dynasty of Egypt'}, {'type': 'ANSWER_CANDIDATE_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q129234', 'id': 2, 'label': 'Hatshepsut'}], 'links': [{'name_': 'P39', 'source': 2, 'target': 0, 'label': 'position held'}, {'name_': 'P53', 'source': 2, 'target': 1, 'label': 'family'}]}
The pharaoh of the Eighteenth Dynasty of Egypt was Hatshepsut.
The position of the Pharaoh is Hatshepsut , the family of which , is the Eighteenth Dynasty of Egypt .
Who was the fifth pharaoh of the Eighteenth Dynasty of Egypt?</s>The pharaoh of the Eighteenth Dynasty of Egypt was [unused1]Hatshepsut [unused2] .
Who was the fifth pharaoh of the Eighteenth Dynasty of Egypt?</s>The pharaoh of the Eighteenth Dynasty of Egypt was Hatshepsut.
Who was the fifth pharaoh of the Eighteenth Dynasty of Egypt?</s>The position of the Pharaoh is [unused1]Hatshepsut [unused2] , the family of which , is the Eighteenth Dynasty of Egypt .
Who was the fifth pharaoh of the Eighteenth Dynasty of Egypt?</s>The position of the Pharaoh is Hatshepsut , the family of which , is the Eighteenth Dynasty of Egypt .
Who was the fifth pharaoh of the Eighteenth Dynasty of Egypt?</s>Pharaoh,0,Pharaoh,Pharaoh,0,Eighteenth Dynasty of Egypt,Pharaoh,0,[unused1]Hatshepsut[unused2],Eighteenth Dynasty of Egypt,0,Pharaoh,Eighteenth Dynasty of Egypt,0,Eighteenth Dynasty of Egypt,Eighteenth Dynasty of Egypt,0,[unused1]Hatshepsut[unused2],[unused1]Hatshepsut[unused2],position held,Pharaoh,[unused1]Hatshepsut[unused2],family,Eighteenth Dynasty of Egypt,[unused1]Hatshepsut[unused2],0,[unused1]Hatshepsut[unused2]
Who was the fifth pharaoh of the Eighteenth Dynasty of Egypt?</s>Pharaoh,0,Pharaoh,Pharaoh,0,Eighteenth Dynasty of Egypt,Pharaoh,0,Hatshepsut,Eighteenth Dynasty of Egypt,0,Pharaoh,Eighteenth Dynasty of Egypt,0,Eighteenth Dynasty of Egypt,Eighteenth Dynasty of Egypt,0,Hatshepsut,Hatshepsut,position held,Pharaoh,Hatshepsut,family,Eighteenth Dynasty of Egypt,Hatshepsut,0,Hatshepsut
Who was the first prime minister during George V's reign?
{'directed': True, 'multigraph': False, 'graph': {}, 'nodes': [{'type': 'INTERNAL', 'name_': 'Q6581097', 'id': 0, 'label': 'male'}, {'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q269412', 'id': 1, 'label': 'George V'}, {'type': 'ANSWER_CANDIDATE_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q106618', 'id': 2, 'label': 'Henry Campbell-Bannerman'}], 'links': [{'name_': 'P21', 'source': 1, 'target': 0, 'label': 'sex or gender'}, {'name_': 'P21', 'source': 2, 'target': 0, 'label': 'sex or gender'}]}
George V and Henry Campbell-Bannerman were both men.
George V and Henry Campbell-Bannerman are both men .
Who was the first prime minister during George V's reign?</s>George V and [unused1]Henry Campbell-Bannerman [unused2] were both men.
Who was the first prime minister during George V's reign?</s>George V and Henry Campbell-Bannerman were both men.
Who was the first prime minister during George V's reign?</s>George V and [unused1]Henry Campbell-Bannerman [unused2] are both men .
Who was the first prime minister during George V's reign?</s>George V and Henry Campbell-Bannerman are both men .
Who was the first prime minister during George V's reign?</s>male,0,male,male,0,George V,male,0,[unused1]Henry Campbell-Bannerman[unused2],George V,sex or gender,male,George V,0,George V,George V,0,[unused1]Henry Campbell-Bannerman[unused2],[unused1]Henry Campbell-Bannerman[unused2],sex or gender,male,[unused1]Henry Campbell-Bannerman[unused2],0,George V,[unused1]Henry Campbell-Bannerman[unused2],0,[unused1]Henry Campbell-Bannerman[unused2]
Who was the first prime minister during George V's reign?</s>male,0,male,male,0,George V,male,0,Henry Campbell-Bannerman,George V,sex or gender,male,George V,0,George V,George V,0,Henry Campbell-Bannerman,Henry Campbell-Bannerman,sex or gender,male,Henry Campbell-Bannerman,0,George V,Henry Campbell-Bannerman,0,Henry Campbell-Bannerman
Who led the first Roman invasion of Britain?
Q1747689, Q23666
{'directed': True, 'multigraph': False, 'graph': {}, 'nodes': [{'type': 'INTERNAL', 'name_': 'Q6173448', 'id': 0, 'label': 'Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4'}, {'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q1747689', 'id': 1, 'label': 'Ancient Rome'}, {'type': 'ANSWER_CANDIDATE_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q1048', 'id': 2, 'label': 'Julius Caesar'}, {'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q23666', 'id': 3, 'label': 'Great Britain'}], 'links': [{'name_': 'P5008', 'source': 1, 'target': 0, 'label': 'on focus list of Wikimedia project'}, {'name_': 'P5008', 'source': 2, 'target': 0, 'label': 'on focus list of Wikimedia project'}, {'name_': 'P27', 'source': 2, 'target': 1, 'label': 'country of citizenship'}, {'name_': 'P5008', 'source': 3, 'target': 0, 'label': 'on focus list of Wikimedia project'}]}
Julius Caesar, who was born in Ancient Rome, is on the Wikimedia project's focus list. The same level of detail is found in the Great Britain focused, Wikipedia.
The city of Rome in Great Britain is the location of the Wikipedia :Vital articles/Level/4 . The book was written by Julius Caesar , who was a citizen of the country .
Who led the first Roman invasion of Britain?</s> [unused1]Julius Caesar [unused2] , who was born in Ancient Rome, is on the Wikimedia project's focus list. The same level of detail is found in the Great Britain focused, Wikipedia.
Who led the first Roman invasion of Britain?</s>Julius Caesar, who was born in Ancient Rome, is on the Wikimedia project's focus list. The same level of detail is found in the Great Britain focused, Wikipedia.
Who led the first Roman invasion of Britain?</s>The city of Rome in Great Britain is the location of the Wikipedia :Vital articles/Level/4 . The book was written by [unused1]Julius Caesar [unused2] , who was a citizen of the country .
Who led the first Roman invasion of Britain?</s>The city of Rome in Great Britain is the location of the Wikipedia :Vital articles/Level/4 . The book was written by Julius Caesar , who was a citizen of the country .
Who led the first Roman invasion of Britain?</s>Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4,0,Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4,Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4,0,Ancient Rome,Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4,0,[unused1]Julius Caesar[unused2],Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4,0,Great Britain,Ancient Rome,on focus list of Wikimedia project,Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4,Ancient Rome,0,Ancient Rome,Ancient Rome,0,[unused1]Julius Caesar[unused2],Ancient Rome,0,Great Britain,[unused1]Julius Caesar[unused2],on focus list of Wikimedia project,Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4,[unused1]Julius Caesar[unused2],country of citizenship,Ancient Rome,[unused1]Julius Caesar[unused2],0,[unused1]Julius Caesar[unused2],[unused1]Julius Caesar[unused2],0,Great Britain,Great Britain,on focus list of Wikimedia project,Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4,Great Britain,0,Ancient Rome,Great Britain,0,[unused1]Julius Caesar[unused2],Great Britain,0,Great Britain
Who led the first Roman invasion of Britain?</s>Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4,0,Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4,Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4,0,Ancient Rome,Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4,0,Julius Caesar,Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4,0,Great Britain,Ancient Rome,on focus list of Wikimedia project,Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4,Ancient Rome,0,Ancient Rome,Ancient Rome,0,Julius Caesar,Ancient Rome,0,Great Britain,Julius Caesar,on focus list of Wikimedia project,Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4,Julius Caesar,country of citizenship,Ancient Rome,Julius Caesar,0,Julius Caesar,Julius Caesar,0,Great Britain,Great Britain,on focus list of Wikimedia project,Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4,Great Britain,0,Ancient Rome,Great Britain,0,Julius Caesar,Great Britain,0,Great Britain
What platforms can the first Animal Crossing mobile game be played on?
Q94, Q48493
{'directed': True, 'multigraph': False, 'graph': {}, 'nodes': [{'type': 'ANSWER_CANDIDATE_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q8079', 'id': 0, 'label': 'Wii'}, {'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q1139803', 'id': 1, 'label': 'Animal Crossing'}], 'links': [{'name_': 'P400', 'source': 1, 'target': 0, 'label': 'platform'}]}
The Wii is the platform for the game Animal Crossing.
The Wii is the home of the character , Animal Crossing .
What platforms can the first Animal Crossing mobile game be played on?</s>The [unused1]Wii [unused2] is the platform for the game Animal Crossing.
What platforms can the first Animal Crossing mobile game be played on?</s>The Wii is the platform for the game Animal Crossing.
What platforms can the first Animal Crossing mobile game be played on?</s>The [unused1]Wii [unused2] is the home of the character , Animal Crossing .
What platforms can the first Animal Crossing mobile game be played on?</s>The Wii is the home of the character , Animal Crossing .
What platforms can the first Animal Crossing mobile game be played on?</s>[unused1]Wii[unused2],0,[unused1]Wii[unused2],[unused1]Wii[unused2],0,Animal Crossing,Animal Crossing,platform,[unused1]Wii[unused2],Animal Crossing,0,Animal Crossing
What platforms can the first Animal Crossing mobile game be played on?</s>Wii,0,Wii,Wii,0,Animal Crossing,Animal Crossing,platform,Wii,Animal Crossing,0,Animal Crossing
Who produced the first Animal Crossing game that's playable on Wii?
Q1139803, Q8079
{'directed': True, 'multigraph': False, 'graph': {}, 'nodes': [{'type': 'INTERNAL', 'name_': 'Q17290934', 'id': 0, 'label': 'Lentapedia'}, {'type': 'INTERNAL', 'name_': 'Q8093', 'id': 1, 'label': 'Nintendo'}, {'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q8079', 'id': 2, 'label': 'Wii'}, {'type': 'ANSWER_CANDIDATE_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q12382', 'id': 3, 'label': 'Shigeru Miyamoto'}, {'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q1139803', 'id': 4, 'label': 'Animal Crossing'}], 'links': [{'name_': 'P1343', 'source': 2, 'target': 0, 'label': 'described by source'}, {'name_': 'P176', 'source': 2, 'target': 1, 'label': 'manufacturer'}, {'name_': 'P1343', 'source': 3, 'target': 0, 'label': 'described by source'}, {'name_': 'P108', 'source': 3, 'target': 1, 'label': 'employer'}, {'name_': 'P123', 'source': 4, 'target': 1, 'label': 'publisher'}, {'name_': 'P400', 'source': 4, 'target': 2, 'label': 'platform'}]}
Shigeru Miyamoto is the designer of the Wii, which is manufactured by Nintendo. The company is the publisher of Animal Crossing.
Lentapedia was written by Shigeru Miyamoto who is an employer of the company that makes the Wii . The company is the manufacturer of the Wii which is the home of the comic book character , Animal Crossing .
Who produced the first Animal Crossing game that's playable on Wii?</s> [unused1]Shigeru Miyamoto [unused2] is the designer of the Wii, which is manufactured by Nintendo. The company is the publisher of Animal Crossing.
Who produced the first Animal Crossing game that's playable on Wii?</s>Shigeru Miyamoto is the designer of the Wii, which is manufactured by Nintendo. The company is the publisher of Animal Crossing.
Who produced the first Animal Crossing game that's playable on Wii?</s>Lentapedia was written by [unused1]Shigeru Miyamoto [unused2] who is an employer of the company that makes the Wii . The company is the manufacturer of the Wii which is the home of the comic book character , Animal Crossing .
Who produced the first Animal Crossing game that's playable on Wii?</s>Lentapedia was written by Shigeru Miyamoto who is an employer of the company that makes the Wii . The company is the manufacturer of the Wii which is the home of the comic book character , Animal Crossing .
Who produced the first Animal Crossing game that's playable on Wii?</s>Lentapedia,0,Lentapedia,Lentapedia,0,Nintendo,Lentapedia,0,Wii,Lentapedia,0,[unused1]Shigeru Miyamoto[unused2],Lentapedia,0,Animal Crossing,Nintendo,0,Lentapedia,Nintendo,0,Nintendo,Nintendo,0,Wii,Nintendo,0,[unused1]Shigeru Miyamoto[unused2],Nintendo,0,Animal Crossing,Wii,described by source,Lentapedia,Wii,manufacturer,Nintendo,Wii,0,Wii,Wii,0,[unused1]Shigeru Miyamoto[unused2],Wii,0,Animal Crossing,[unused1]Shigeru Miyamoto[unused2],described by source,Lentapedia,[unused1]Shigeru Miyamoto[unused2],employer,Nintendo,[unused1]Shigeru Miyamoto[unused2],0,Wii,[unused1]Shigeru Miyamoto[unused2],0,[unused1]Shigeru Miyamoto[unused2],[unused1]Shigeru Miyamoto[unused2],0,Animal Crossing,Animal Crossing,0,Lentapedia,Animal Crossing,publisher,Nintendo,Animal Crossing,platform,Wii,Animal Crossing,0,[unused1]Shigeru Miyamoto[unused2],Animal Crossing,0,Animal Crossing
Who produced the first Animal Crossing game that's playable on Wii?</s>Lentapedia,0,Lentapedia,Lentapedia,0,Nintendo,Lentapedia,0,Wii,Lentapedia,0,Shigeru Miyamoto,Lentapedia,0,Animal Crossing,Nintendo,0,Lentapedia,Nintendo,0,Nintendo,Nintendo,0,Wii,Nintendo,0,Shigeru Miyamoto,Nintendo,0,Animal Crossing,Wii,described by source,Lentapedia,Wii,manufacturer,Nintendo,Wii,0,Wii,Wii,0,Shigeru Miyamoto,Wii,0,Animal Crossing,Shigeru Miyamoto,described by source,Lentapedia,Shigeru Miyamoto,employer,Nintendo,Shigeru Miyamoto,0,Wii,Shigeru Miyamoto,0,Shigeru Miyamoto,Shigeru Miyamoto,0,Animal Crossing,Animal Crossing,0,Lentapedia,Animal Crossing,publisher,Nintendo,Animal Crossing,platform,Wii,Animal Crossing,0,Shigeru Miyamoto,Animal Crossing,0,Animal Crossing
Who was the second-to-last Republican mayor of Boston?
Q29468, Q100
{'directed': True, 'multigraph': False, 'graph': {}, 'nodes': [{'type': 'INTERNAL', 'name_': 'Q6173448', 'id': 0, 'label': 'Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4'}, {'type': 'INTERNAL', 'name_': 'Q30', 'id': 1, 'label': 'United States of America'}, {'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q29468', 'id': 2, 'label': 'Republican Party'}, {'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q100', 'id': 3, 'label': 'Boston'}, {'type': 'INTERNAL', 'name_': 'Q7169', 'id': 4, 'label': 'conservatism'}, {'type': 'ANSWER_CANDIDATE_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q852739', 'id': 5, 'label': 'national conservatism'}], 'links': [{'name_': 'P5008', 'source': 1, 'target': 0, 'label': 'on focus list of Wikimedia project'}, {'name_': 'P17', 'source': 1, 'target': 1, 'label': 'country'}, {'name_': 'P17', 'source': 2, 'target': 1, 'label': 'country'}, {'name_': 'P1142', 'source': 2, 'target': 4, 'label': 'political ideology'}, {'name_': 'P1142', 'source': 2, 'target': 5, 'label': 'political ideology'}, {'name_': 'P5008', 'source': 3, 'target': 0, 'label': 'on focus list of Wikimedia project'}, {'name_': 'P17', 'source': 3, 'target': 1, 'label': 'country'}, {'name_': 'P5008', 'source': 4, 'target': 0, 'label': 'on focus list of Wikimedia project'}, {'name_': 'P279', 'source': 5, 'target': 4, 'label': 'subclass of'}]}
The Republican Party is the political ideology of the United States of America, where the city of Boston is located. The country is the location of the Wikimedia project, which has the level 4 article, Conservatism ''. The subclass of conservatism is national conservatism.
The United States of America is home to the Republican Party and the U.S.A. where the capital city is Boston . The country is the origin of the English literature known as `` Vital articles/Level/4 '' which is a variant of the national conservatism of the United States . The US is also home to Boston where the main political party is the Republican party .
Who was the second-to-last Republican mayor of Boston?</s>The Republican Party is the political ideology of the United States of America, where the city of Boston is located. The country is the location of the Wikimedia project, which has the level 4 article, Conservatism ''. The subclass of conservatism is [unused1]national conservatism [unused2] .
Who was the second-to-last Republican mayor of Boston?</s>The Republican Party is the political ideology of the United States of America, where the city of Boston is located. The country is the location of the Wikimedia project, which has the level 4 article, Conservatism ''. The subclass of conservatism is national conservatism.
Who was the second-to-last Republican mayor of Boston?</s>The United States of America is home to the Republican Party and the U.S.A. where the capital city is Boston . The country is the origin of the English literature known as `` Vital articles/Level/4 '' which is a variant of the [unused1]national conservatism [unused2] of the United States . The US is also home to Boston where the main political party is the Republican party .
Who was the second-to-last Republican mayor of Boston?</s>The United States of America is home to the Republican Party and the U.S.A. where the capital city is Boston . The country is the origin of the English literature known as `` Vital articles/Level/4 '' which is a variant of the national conservatism of the United States . The US is also home to Boston where the main political party is the Republican party .
Who was the second-to-last Republican mayor of Boston?</s>Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4,0,Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4,Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4,0,United States of America,Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4,0,Republican Party,Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4,0,Boston,Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4,0,conservatism,Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4,0,[unused1]national conservatism[unused2],United States of America,on focus list of Wikimedia project,Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4,United States of America,country,United States of America,United States of America,0,Republican Party,United States of America,0,Boston,United States of America,0,conservatism,United States of America,0,[unused1]national conservatism[unused2],Republican Party,0,Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4,Republican Party,country,United States of America,Republican Party,0,Republican Party,Republican Party,0,Boston,Republican Party,political ideology,conservatism,Republican Party,political ideology,[unused1]national conservatism[unused2],Boston,on focus list of Wikimedia project,Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4,Boston,country,United States of America,Boston,0,Republican Party,Boston,0,Boston,Boston,0,conservatism,Boston,0,[unused1]national conservatism[unused2],conservatism,on focus list of Wikimedia project,Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4,conservatism,0,United States of America,conservatism,0,Republican Party,conservatism,0,Boston,conservatism,0,conservatism,conservatism,0,[unused1]national conservatism[unused2],[unused1]national conservatism[unused2],0,Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4,[unused1]national conservatism[unused2],0,United States of America,[unused1]national conservatism[unused2],0,Republican Party,[unused1]national conservatism[unused2],0,Boston,[unused1]national conservatism[unused2],subclass of,conservatism,[unused1]national conservatism[unused2],0,[unused1]national conservatism[unused2]
Who was the second-to-last Republican mayor of Boston?</s>Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4,0,Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4,Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4,0,United States of America,Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4,0,Republican Party,Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4,0,Boston,Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4,0,conservatism,Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4,0,national conservatism,United States of America,on focus list of Wikimedia project,Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4,United States of America,country,United States of America,United States of America,0,Republican Party,United States of America,0,Boston,United States of America,0,conservatism,United States of America,0,national conservatism,Republican Party,0,Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4,Republican Party,country,United States of America,Republican Party,0,Republican Party,Republican Party,0,Boston,Republican Party,political ideology,conservatism,Republican Party,political ideology,national conservatism,Boston,on focus list of Wikimedia project,Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4,Boston,country,United States of America,Boston,0,Republican Party,Boston,0,Boston,Boston,0,conservatism,Boston,0,national conservatism,conservatism,on focus list of Wikimedia project,Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4,conservatism,0,United States of America,conservatism,0,Republican Party,conservatism,0,Boston,conservatism,0,conservatism,conservatism,0,national conservatism,national conservatism,0,Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4,national conservatism,0,United States of America,national conservatism,0,Republican Party,national conservatism,0,Boston,national conservatism,subclass of,conservatism,national conservatism,0,national conservatism
Who developed Zeus Master of Olympus?
{'directed': True, 'multigraph': False, 'graph': {}, 'nodes': [{'type': 'ANSWER_CANDIDATE_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q7889', 'id': 0, 'label': 'video game'}, {'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q736865', 'id': 1, 'label': 'Zeus: Master of Olympus'}], 'links': [{'name_': 'P31', 'source': 1, 'target': 0, 'label': 'instance of'}]}
Zeus : Master of Olympus is a video game.
The film `` Zeus : Master of Olympus '' is an example of a video game .
Who developed Zeus Master of Olympus?</s>Zeus : Master of Olympus is a [unused1]video game [unused2] .
Who developed Zeus Master of Olympus?</s>Zeus : Master of Olympus is a video game.
Who developed Zeus Master of Olympus?</s>The film `` Zeus : Master of Olympus '' is an example of a [unused1]video game [unused2] .
Who developed Zeus Master of Olympus?</s>The film `` Zeus : Master of Olympus '' is an example of a video game .
Who developed Zeus Master of Olympus?</s>[unused1]video game[unused2],0,[unused1]video game[unused2],[unused1]video game[unused2],0,Zeus: Master of Olympus,Zeus: Master of Olympus,instance of,[unused1]video game[unused2],Zeus: Master of Olympus,0,Zeus: Master of Olympus
Who developed Zeus Master of Olympus?</s>video game,0,video game,video game,0,Zeus: Master of Olympus,Zeus: Master of Olympus,instance of,video game,Zeus: Master of Olympus,0,Zeus: Master of Olympus
Who is the player of the cover of the 2021 FIFA game?
{'directed': True, 'multigraph': False, 'graph': {}, 'nodes': [{'type': 'ANSWER_CANDIDATE_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q48263', 'id': 0, 'label': 'Xbox 360'}, {'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q326704', 'id': 1, 'label': 'FIFA'}], 'links': [{'name_': 'P400', 'source': 1, 'target': 0, 'label': 'platform'}]}
The Xbox 360 is the platform for the game FIFA.
The Xbox 360 is a 360 .
Who is the player of the cover of the 2021 FIFA game?</s>The [unused1]Xbox 360 [unused2] is the platform for the game FIFA.
Who is the player of the cover of the 2021 FIFA game?</s>The Xbox 360 is the platform for the game FIFA.
Who is the player of the cover of the 2021 FIFA game?</s>The [unused1]Xbox 360 [unused2] is a 360 .
Who is the player of the cover of the 2021 FIFA game?</s>The Xbox 360 is a 360 .
Who is the player of the cover of the 2021 FIFA game?</s>[unused1]Xbox 360[unused2],0,[unused1]Xbox 360[unused2],[unused1]Xbox 360[unused2],0,FIFA,FIFA,platform,[unused1]Xbox 360[unused2],FIFA,0,FIFA
Who is the player of the cover of the 2021 FIFA game?</s>Xbox 360,0,Xbox 360,Xbox 360,0,FIFA,FIFA,platform,Xbox 360,FIFA,0,FIFA
What state is home to the most Ivy League colleges?
{'directed': True, 'multigraph': False, 'graph': {}, 'nodes': [{'type': 'INTERNAL', 'name_': 'Q30', 'id': 0, 'label': 'United States of America'}, {'type': 'ANSWER_CANDIDATE_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q1400', 'id': 1, 'label': 'Pennsylvania'}, {'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q49113', 'id': 2, 'label': 'Ivy League'}], 'links': [{'name_': 'P17', 'source': 0, 'target': 0, 'label': 'country'}, {'name_': 'P150', 'source': 0, 'target': 1, 'label': 'contains the administrative territorial entity'}, {'name_': 'P17', 'source': 1, 'target': 0, 'label': 'country'}, {'name_': 'P17', 'source': 2, 'target': 0, 'label': 'country'}]}
The Ivy League is located in the United States, where Pennsylvania is an administrative territorial entity.
The United States of America is the location of the Ivy League and includes the administrative entity of Pennsylvania . It is the country where you will find the city of Washington DC .
What state is home to the most Ivy League colleges?</s>The Ivy League is located in the United States, where [unused1]Pennsylvania [unused2] is an administrative territorial entity.
What state is home to the most Ivy League colleges?</s>The Ivy League is located in the United States, where Pennsylvania is an administrative territorial entity.
What state is home to the most Ivy League colleges?</s>The United States of America is the location of the Ivy League and includes the administrative entity of [unused1]Pennsylvania [unused2] . It is the country where you will find the city of Washington DC .
What state is home to the most Ivy League colleges?</s>The United States of America is the location of the Ivy League and includes the administrative entity of Pennsylvania . It is the country where you will find the city of Washington DC .
What state is home to the most Ivy League colleges?</s>United States of America,country,United States of America,United States of America,contains the administrative territorial entity,[unused1]Pennsylvania[unused2],United States of America,0,Ivy League,[unused1]Pennsylvania[unused2],country,United States of America,[unused1]Pennsylvania[unused2],0,[unused1]Pennsylvania[unused2],[unused1]Pennsylvania[unused2],0,Ivy League,Ivy League,country,United States of America,Ivy League,0,[unused1]Pennsylvania[unused2],Ivy League,0,Ivy League
What state is home to the most Ivy League colleges?</s>United States of America,country,United States of America,United States of America,contains the administrative territorial entity,Pennsylvania,United States of America,0,Ivy League,Pennsylvania,country,United States of America,Pennsylvania,0,Pennsylvania,Pennsylvania,0,Ivy League,Ivy League,country,United States of America,Ivy League,0,Pennsylvania,Ivy League,0,Ivy League
Who was the first woman mayor elected in New England?
{'directed': True, 'multigraph': False, 'graph': {}, 'nodes': [{'type': 'INTERNAL', 'name_': 'Q30', 'id': 0, 'label': 'United States of America'}, {'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q18389', 'id': 1, 'label': 'New England'}, {'type': 'ANSWER_CANDIDATE_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q52204145', 'id': 2, 'label': 'Alice Burke'}], 'links': [{'name_': 'P17', 'source': 0, 'target': 0, 'label': 'country'}, {'name_': 'P17', 'source': 1, 'target': 0, 'label': 'country'}, {'name_': 'P27', 'source': 2, 'target': 0, 'label': 'country of citizenship'}]}
Alice Burke is a citizen of the United States of America, where New England is located.
The United States of America is located in New England and is the country of origin of Alice Burke .
Who was the first woman mayor elected in New England?</s> [unused1]Alice Burke [unused2] is a citizen of the United States of America, where New England is located.
Who was the first woman mayor elected in New England?</s>Alice Burke is a citizen of the United States of America, where New England is located.
Who was the first woman mayor elected in New England?</s>The United States of America is located in New England and is the country of origin of [unused1]Alice Burke [unused2] .
Who was the first woman mayor elected in New England?</s>The United States of America is located in New England and is the country of origin of Alice Burke .
Who was the first woman mayor elected in New England?</s>United States of America,country,United States of America,United States of America,0,New England,United States of America,0,[unused1]Alice Burke[unused2],New England,country,United States of America,New England,0,New England,New England,0,[unused1]Alice Burke[unused2],[unused1]Alice Burke[unused2],country of citizenship,United States of America,[unused1]Alice Burke[unused2],0,New England,[unused1]Alice Burke[unused2],0,[unused1]Alice Burke[unused2]
Who was the first woman mayor elected in New England?</s>United States of America,country,United States of America,United States of America,0,New England,United States of America,0,Alice Burke,New England,country,United States of America,New England,0,New England,New England,0,Alice Burke,Alice Burke,country of citizenship,United States of America,Alice Burke,0,New England,Alice Burke,0,Alice Burke
In what game franchise is there a character named Master Chief?
{'directed': True, 'multigraph': False, 'graph': {}, 'nodes': [{'type': 'INTERNAL', 'name_': 'Q19180675', 'id': 0, 'label': 'Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary'}, {'type': 'INTERNAL', 'name_': 'Q189290', 'id': 1, 'label': 'military officer'}, {'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q652022', 'id': 2, 'label': 'Master Chief'}, {'type': 'ANSWER_CANDIDATE_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q3341893', 'id': 3, 'label': 'halo'}], 'links': [{'name_': 'P1343', 'source': 1, 'target': 0, 'label': 'described by source'}, {'name_': 'P106', 'source': 2, 'target': 1, 'label': 'occupation'}, {'name_': 'P1343', 'source': 3, 'target': 0, 'label': 'described by source'}]}
The Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary is a military dictionary, the occupation of which is a military officer. The military officer who is a Master Chief. The halo is also a military occupation.
The commander in the military is known as the master Chief and the book , Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary , can be described as a halo .
In what game franchise is there a character named Master Chief?</s>The Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary is a military dictionary, the occupation of which is a military officer. The military officer who is a Master Chief. The [unused1]halo [unused2] is also a military occupation.
In what game franchise is there a character named Master Chief?</s>The Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary is a military dictionary, the occupation of which is a military officer. The military officer who is a Master Chief. The halo is also a military occupation.
In what game franchise is there a character named Master Chief?</s>The commander in the military is known as the master Chief and the book , Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary , can be described as a [unused1]halo [unused2] .
In what game franchise is there a character named Master Chief?</s>The commander in the military is known as the master Chief and the book , Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary , can be described as a halo .
In what game franchise is there a character named Master Chief?</s>Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary,0,Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary,Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary,0,military officer,Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary,0,Master Chief,Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary,0,[unused1]halo[unused2],military officer,described by source,Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary,military officer,0,military officer,military officer,0,Master Chief,military officer,0,[unused1]halo[unused2],Master Chief,0,Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary,Master Chief,occupation,military officer,Master Chief,0,Master Chief,Master Chief,0,[unused1]halo[unused2],[unused1]halo[unused2],described by source,Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary,[unused1]halo[unused2],0,military officer,[unused1]halo[unused2],0,Master Chief,[unused1]halo[unused2],0,[unused1]halo[unused2]
In what game franchise is there a character named Master Chief?</s>Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary,0,Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary,Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary,0,military officer,Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary,0,Master Chief,Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary,0,halo,military officer,described by source,Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary,military officer,0,military officer,military officer,0,Master Chief,military officer,0,halo,Master Chief,0,Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary,Master Chief,occupation,military officer,Master Chief,0,Master Chief,Master Chief,0,halo,halo,described by source,Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary,halo,0,military officer,halo,0,Master Chief,halo,0,halo
What is the best-selling video game console?
{'directed': True, 'multigraph': False, 'graph': {}, 'nodes': [{'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q7889', 'id': 0, 'label': 'video game'}, {'type': 'INTERNAL', 'name_': 'Q1133204', 'id': 1, 'label': 'Street Fighter II'}, {'type': 'ANSWER_CANDIDATE_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q10677', 'id': 2, 'label': 'PlayStation'}], 'links': [{'name_': 'P31', 'source': 1, 'target': 0, 'label': 'instance of'}, {'name_': 'P400', 'source': 1, 'target': 2, 'label': 'platform'}]}
Street Fighter II is a video game that was played on the PlayStation.
The PlayStation is the home of the character Street Fighter II , which is a sequel to the film Street Fighter .
What is the best-selling video game console?</s>Street Fighter II is a video game that was played on the [unused1]PlayStation [unused2] .
What is the best-selling video game console?</s>Street Fighter II is a video game that was played on the PlayStation.
What is the best-selling video game console?</s>The [unused1]PlayStation [unused2] is the home of the character Street Fighter II , which is a sequel to the film Street Fighter .
What is the best-selling video game console?</s>The PlayStation is the home of the character Street Fighter II , which is a sequel to the film Street Fighter .
What is the best-selling video game console?</s>video game,0,video game,video game,0,Street Fighter II,video game,0,[unused1]PlayStation[unused2],Street Fighter II,instance of,video game,Street Fighter II,0,Street Fighter II,Street Fighter II,platform,[unused1]PlayStation[unused2],[unused1]PlayStation[unused2],0,video game,[unused1]PlayStation[unused2],0,Street Fighter II,[unused1]PlayStation[unused2],0,[unused1]PlayStation[unused2]
What is the best-selling video game console?</s>video game,0,video game,video game,0,Street Fighter II,video game,0,PlayStation,Street Fighter II,instance of,video game,Street Fighter II,0,Street Fighter II,Street Fighter II,platform,PlayStation,PlayStation,0,video game,PlayStation,0,Street Fighter II,PlayStation,0,PlayStation
Who was the second Republican mayor of Boston?
Q29468, Q100
{'directed': True, 'multigraph': False, 'graph': {}, 'nodes': [{'type': 'INTERNAL', 'name_': 'Q30', 'id': 0, 'label': 'United States of America'}, {'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q29468', 'id': 1, 'label': 'Republican Party'}, {'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q100', 'id': 2, 'label': 'Boston'}, {'type': 'ANSWER_CANDIDATE_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q49143', 'id': 3, 'label': 'Quincy'}], 'links': [{'name_': 'P17', 'source': 0, 'target': 0, 'label': 'country'}, {'name_': 'P17', 'source': 1, 'target': 0, 'label': 'country'}, {'name_': 'P17', 'source': 2, 'target': 0, 'label': 'country'}, {'name_': 'P47', 'source': 2, 'target': 3, 'label': 'shares border with'}, {'name_': 'P17', 'source': 3, 'target': 0, 'label': 'country'}, {'name_': 'P47', 'source': 3, 'target': 2, 'label': 'shares border with'}]}
The Republican Party is the political party of the United States, where Boston, which is located in the country, is located. Boston's border with Quincy is the same.
Boston is located in the United States of America , where the Republican Party is the country 's leader . The country is the location of the confectionery town of Quincy , which is in the country of the same name . Boston is also part of the U.S.A .
Who was the second Republican mayor of Boston?</s>The Republican Party is the political party of the United States, where Boston, which is located in the country, is located. Boston's border with [unused1]Quincy [unused2] is the same.
Who was the second Republican mayor of Boston?</s>The Republican Party is the political party of the United States, where Boston, which is located in the country, is located. Boston's border with Quincy is the same.
Who was the second Republican mayor of Boston?</s>Boston is located in the United States of America , where the Republican Party is the country 's leader . The country is the location of the confectionery town of [unused1]Quincy [unused2] , which is in the country of the same name . Boston is also part of the U.S.A .
Who was the second Republican mayor of Boston?</s>Boston is located in the United States of America , where the Republican Party is the country 's leader . The country is the location of the confectionery town of Quincy , which is in the country of the same name . Boston is also part of the U.S.A .
Who was the second Republican mayor of Boston?</s>United States of America,country,United States of America,United States of America,0,Republican Party,United States of America,0,Boston,United States of America,0,[unused1]Quincy[unused2],Republican Party,country,United States of America,Republican Party,0,Republican Party,Republican Party,0,Boston,Republican Party,0,[unused1]Quincy[unused2],Boston,country,United States of America,Boston,0,Republican Party,Boston,0,Boston,Boston,shares border with,[unused1]Quincy[unused2],[unused1]Quincy[unused2],country,United States of America,[unused1]Quincy[unused2],0,Republican Party,[unused1]Quincy[unused2],shares border with,Boston,[unused1]Quincy[unused2],0,[unused1]Quincy[unused2]
Who was the second Republican mayor of Boston?</s>United States of America,country,United States of America,United States of America,0,Republican Party,United States of America,0,Boston,United States of America,0,Quincy,Republican Party,country,United States of America,Republican Party,0,Republican Party,Republican Party,0,Boston,Republican Party,0,Quincy,Boston,country,United States of America,Boston,0,Republican Party,Boston,0,Boston,Boston,shares border with,Quincy,Quincy,country,United States of America,Quincy,0,Republican Party,Quincy,shares border with,Boston,Quincy,0,Quincy
Who was the first ruler of Egypt during the Ptolemaic period?
{'directed': True, 'multigraph': False, 'graph': {}, 'nodes': [{'type': 'INTERNAL', 'name_': 'Q19180675', 'id': 0, 'label': 'Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary'}, {'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q79', 'id': 1, 'label': 'Egypt'}, {'type': 'ANSWER_CANDIDATE_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q635', 'id': 2, 'label': 'Cleopatra'}], 'links': [{'name_': 'P1343', 'source': 1, 'target': 0, 'label': 'described by source'}, {'name_': 'P17', 'source': 1, 'target': 1, 'label': 'country'}, {'name_': 'P1343', 'source': 2, 'target': 0, 'label': 'described by source'}]}
The Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary is from the country of Egypt, where Cleopatra was a popular tourist destination.
The book `` Little Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary '' is from the country of Egypt and was described by Cleopatra .
Who was the first ruler of Egypt during the Ptolemaic period?</s>The Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary is from the country of Egypt, where [unused1]Cleopatra [unused2] was a popular tourist destination.
Who was the first ruler of Egypt during the Ptolemaic period?</s>The Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary is from the country of Egypt, where Cleopatra was a popular tourist destination.
Who was the first ruler of Egypt during the Ptolemaic period?</s>The book `` Little Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary '' is from the country of Egypt and was described by [unused1]Cleopatra [unused2] .
Who was the first ruler of Egypt during the Ptolemaic period?</s>The book `` Little Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary '' is from the country of Egypt and was described by Cleopatra .
Who was the first ruler of Egypt during the Ptolemaic period?</s>Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary,0,Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary,Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary,0,Egypt,Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary,0,[unused1]Cleopatra[unused2],Egypt,described by source,Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary,Egypt,country,Egypt,Egypt,0,[unused1]Cleopatra[unused2],[unused1]Cleopatra[unused2],described by source,Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary,[unused1]Cleopatra[unused2],0,Egypt,[unused1]Cleopatra[unused2],0,[unused1]Cleopatra[unused2]
Who was the first ruler of Egypt during the Ptolemaic period?</s>Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary,0,Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary,Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary,0,Egypt,Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary,0,Cleopatra,Egypt,described by source,Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary,Egypt,country,Egypt,Egypt,0,Cleopatra,Cleopatra,described by source,Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary,Cleopatra,0,Egypt,Cleopatra,0,Cleopatra
What food was the inspiration for the game Pac-Man?
{'directed': True, 'multigraph': False, 'graph': {}, 'nodes': [{'type': 'ANSWER_CANDIDATE_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q1490', 'id': 0, 'label': 'Tokyo'}, {'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q173626', 'id': 1, 'label': 'Pac-Man'}], 'links': [{'name_': 'P1071', 'source': 1, 'target': 0, 'label': 'location of creation'}]}
The creator of Pac-Man is in Tokyo.
The character , Pac-Man , was created in Tokyo .
What food was the inspiration for the game Pac-Man?</s>The creator of Pac-Man is in [unused1]Tokyo [unused2] .
What food was the inspiration for the game Pac-Man?</s>The creator of Pac-Man is in Tokyo.
What food was the inspiration for the game Pac-Man?</s>The character , Pac-Man , was created in [unused1]Tokyo [unused2] .
What food was the inspiration for the game Pac-Man?</s>The character , Pac-Man , was created in Tokyo .
What food was the inspiration for the game Pac-Man?</s>[unused1]Tokyo[unused2],0,[unused1]Tokyo[unused2],[unused1]Tokyo[unused2],0,Pac-Man,Pac-Man,location of creation,[unused1]Tokyo[unused2],Pac-Man,0,Pac-Man
What food was the inspiration for the game Pac-Man?</s>Tokyo,0,Tokyo,Tokyo,0,Pac-Man,Pac-Man,location of creation,Tokyo,Pac-Man,0,Pac-Man
Where does the Last of Us take place?
Q16559, Q1439
{'directed': True, 'multigraph': False, 'graph': {}, 'nodes': [{'type': 'ANSWER_CANDIDATE_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q18594', 'id': 0, 'label': 'Sony Interactive Entertainment'}, {'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q1986744', 'id': 1, 'label': 'The Last of Us'}], 'links': [{'name_': 'P123', 'source': 1, 'target': 0, 'label': 'publisher'}]}
Sony Interactive Entertainment is the publisher of The Last of Us.
The last of Us was published by Sony Interactive Entertainment .
Where does the Last of Us take place?</s> [unused1]Sony Interactive Entertainment [unused2] is the publisher of The Last of Us.
Where does the Last of Us take place?</s>Sony Interactive Entertainment is the publisher of The Last of Us.
Where does the Last of Us take place?</s>The last of Us was published by [unused1]Sony Interactive Entertainment [unused2] .
Where does the Last of Us take place?</s>The last of Us was published by Sony Interactive Entertainment .
Where does the Last of Us take place?</s>[unused1]Sony Interactive Entertainment[unused2],0,[unused1]Sony Interactive Entertainment[unused2],[unused1]Sony Interactive Entertainment[unused2],0,The Last of Us,The Last of Us,publisher,[unused1]Sony Interactive Entertainment[unused2],The Last of Us,0,The Last of Us
Where does the Last of Us take place?</s>Sony Interactive Entertainment,0,Sony Interactive Entertainment,Sony Interactive Entertainment,0,The Last of Us,The Last of Us,publisher,Sony Interactive Entertainment,The Last of Us,0,The Last of Us
Who is the nemesis of the Mario Brothers?
{'directed': True, 'multigraph': False, 'graph': {}, 'nodes': [{'type': 'ANSWER_CANDIDATE_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q20203549', 'id': 0, 'label': 'Super Mario universe'}, {'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q53481826', 'id': 1, 'label': 'Mario Bros.'}], 'links': [{'name_': 'P1080', 'source': 1, 'target': 0, 'label': 'from narrative universe'}]}
Mario Bros. is from the narrative universe of the Super Mario universe.
Mario Bros. is a part of the Super Mario universe .
Who is the nemesis of the Mario Brothers?</s>Mario Bros. is from the narrative universe of the [unused1]Super Mario universe [unused2] .
Who is the nemesis of the Mario Brothers?</s>Mario Bros. is from the narrative universe of the Super Mario universe.
Who is the nemesis of the Mario Brothers?</s>Mario Bros. is a part of the [unused1]Super Mario universe [unused2] .
Who is the nemesis of the Mario Brothers?</s>Mario Bros. is a part of the Super Mario universe .
Who is the nemesis of the Mario Brothers?</s>[unused1]Super Mario universe[unused2],0,[unused1]Super Mario universe[unused2],[unused1]Super Mario universe[unused2],0,Mario Bros.,Mario Bros.,from narrative universe,[unused1]Super Mario universe[unused2],Mario Bros.,0,Mario Bros.
Who is the nemesis of the Mario Brothers?</s>Super Mario universe,0,Super Mario universe,Super Mario universe,0,Mario Bros.,Mario Bros.,from narrative universe,Super Mario universe,Mario Bros.,0,Mario Bros.
Who is the main protagonist of the Metroid franchise?
{'directed': True, 'multigraph': False, 'graph': {}, 'nodes': [{'type': 'ANSWER_CANDIDATE_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q123018', 'id': 0, 'label': 'Nintendo Software Technology'}, {'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q12397', 'id': 1, 'label': 'Metroid'}], 'links': [{'name_': 'P178', 'source': 1, 'target': 0, 'label': 'developer'}]}
Metroid was developed by Nintendo Software Technology.
The developer of the Nintendo Software Technology is the Metroid .
Who is the main protagonist of the Metroid franchise?</s>Metroid was developed by [unused1]Nintendo Software Technology [unused2] .
Who is the main protagonist of the Metroid franchise?</s>Metroid was developed by Nintendo Software Technology.
Who is the main protagonist of the Metroid franchise?</s>The developer of the [unused1]Nintendo Software Technology [unused2] is the Metroid .
Who is the main protagonist of the Metroid franchise?</s>The developer of the Nintendo Software Technology is the Metroid .
Who is the main protagonist of the Metroid franchise?</s>[unused1]Nintendo Software Technology[unused2],0,[unused1]Nintendo Software Technology[unused2],[unused1]Nintendo Software Technology[unused2],0,Metroid,Metroid,developer,[unused1]Nintendo Software Technology[unused2],Metroid,0,Metroid
Who is the main protagonist of the Metroid franchise?</s>Nintendo Software Technology,0,Nintendo Software Technology,Nintendo Software Technology,0,Metroid,Metroid,developer,Nintendo Software Technology,Metroid,0,Metroid
Who was the second female pharaoh of Egypt?
{'directed': True, 'multigraph': False, 'graph': {}, 'nodes': [{'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q79', 'id': 0, 'label': 'Egypt'}, {'type': 'ANSWER_CANDIDATE_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q20639851', 'id': 1, 'label': 'Kenzi'}], 'links': [{'name_': 'P17', 'source': 0, 'target': 0, 'label': 'country'}, {'name_': 'P2936', 'source': 0, 'target': 1, 'label': 'language used'}, {'name_': 'P17', 'source': 1, 'target': 0, 'label': 'country'}]}
Kenzi is a language spoken in Egypt, where the capital is Cairo.
Kenzi is a food found in the country of Egypt , where one of the languages used is Arabic .
Who was the second female pharaoh of Egypt?</s> [unused1]Kenzi [unused2] is a language spoken in Egypt, where the capital is Cairo.
Who was the second female pharaoh of Egypt?</s>Kenzi is a language spoken in Egypt, where the capital is Cairo.
Who was the second female pharaoh of Egypt?</s> [unused1]Kenzi [unused2] is a food found in the country of Egypt , where one of the languages used is Arabic .
Who was the second female pharaoh of Egypt?</s>Kenzi is a food found in the country of Egypt , where one of the languages used is Arabic .
Who was the second female pharaoh of Egypt?</s>Egypt,country,Egypt,Egypt,language used,[unused1]Kenzi[unused2],[unused1]Kenzi[unused2],country,Egypt,[unused1]Kenzi[unused2],0,[unused1]Kenzi[unused2]
Who was the second female pharaoh of Egypt?</s>Egypt,country,Egypt,Egypt,language used,Kenzi,Kenzi,country,Egypt,Kenzi,0,Kenzi
Who produced the first Animal Crossing game that's playable on Wii?
Q1139803, Q8079
{'directed': True, 'multigraph': False, 'graph': {}, 'nodes': [{'type': 'ANSWER_CANDIDATE_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q182172', 'id': 0, 'label': 'Nintendo GameCube'}, {'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q8079', 'id': 1, 'label': 'Wii'}, {'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q1139803', 'id': 2, 'label': 'Animal Crossing'}], 'links': [{'name_': 'P156', 'source': 0, 'target': 1, 'label': 'followed by'}, {'name_': 'P155', 'source': 1, 'target': 0, 'label': 'follows'}, {'name_': 'P400', 'source': 2, 'target': 0, 'label': 'platform'}, {'name_': 'P400', 'source': 2, 'target': 1, 'label': 'platform'}]}
The Nintendo GameCube, which was followed by the Wii, is the successor to the Nintendo GameCube. The Wii is a successor to the Nintendo GameCube and is a platform for the game Animal Crossing.
The sequel to the Wii is the Nintendo GameCube which has the character , Animal Crossing . The latter was followed by the 3D printed version of the Wii .
Who produced the first Animal Crossing game that's playable on Wii?</s>The [unused1]Nintendo GameCube [unused2] , which was followed by the Wii, is the successor to the
Who produced the first Animal Crossing game that's playable on Wii?</s>The Nintendo GameCube, which was followed by the Wii, is the successor to the Nintendo GameCube. The Wii is a successor to the Nintendo GameCube and is a platform for the game Animal Crossing.
Who produced the first Animal Crossing game that's playable on Wii?</s>The sequel to the Wii is the [unused1]Nintendo GameCube [unused2] which has the character , Animal Crossing . The latter was followed by the 3D printed version of the Wii .
Who produced the first Animal Crossing game that's playable on Wii?</s>The sequel to the Wii is the Nintendo GameCube which has the character , Animal Crossing . The latter was followed by the 3D printed version of the Wii .
Who produced the first Animal Crossing game that's playable on Wii?</s>[unused1]Nintendo GameCube[unused2],0,[unused1]Nintendo GameCube[unused2],[unused1]Nintendo GameCube[unused2],followed by,Wii,[unused1]Nintendo GameCube[unused2],0,Animal Crossing,Wii,follows,[unused1]Nintendo GameCube[unused2],Wii,0,Wii,Wii,0,Animal Crossing,Animal Crossing,platform,[unused1]Nintendo GameCube[unused2],Animal Crossing,platform,Wii,Animal Crossing,0,Animal Crossing
Who produced the first Animal Crossing game that's playable on Wii?</s>Nintendo GameCube,0,Nintendo GameCube,Nintendo GameCube,followed by,Wii,Nintendo GameCube,0,Animal Crossing,Wii,follows,Nintendo GameCube,Wii,0,Wii,Wii,0,Animal Crossing,Animal Crossing,platform,Nintendo GameCube,Animal Crossing,platform,Wii,Animal Crossing,0,Animal Crossing
Who was the first Whig mayor of Boston?
Q100, Q42183
{'directed': True, 'multigraph': False, 'graph': {}, 'nodes': [{'type': 'INTERNAL', 'name_': 'Q30', 'id': 0, 'label': 'United States of America'}, {'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q100', 'id': 1, 'label': 'Boston'}, {'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q42183', 'id': 2, 'label': 'Whig Party'}, {'type': 'ANSWER_CANDIDATE_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q21751032', 'id': 3, 'label': 'Charles Wells'}], 'links': [{'name_': 'P17', 'source': 0, 'target': 0, 'label': 'country'}, {'name_': 'P17', 'source': 1, 'target': 0, 'label': 'country'}, {'name_': 'P17', 'source': 2, 'target': 0, 'label': 'country'}, {'name_': 'P27', 'source': 3, 'target': 0, 'label': 'country of citizenship'}]}
Charles Wells is a citizen of the United States, where Boston is located. The country is a member of the Whig Party.
Charles Wells is a citizen of the United States of America , which is home to Boston and the Whig Party .
Who was the first Whig mayor of Boston?</s> [unused1]Charles Wells [unused2] is a citizen of the United States, where Boston is located. The country is a member of the Whig Party.
Who was the first Whig mayor of Boston?</s>Charles Wells is a citizen of the United States, where Boston is located. The country is a member of the Whig Party.
Who was the first Whig mayor of Boston?</s> [unused1]Charles Wells [unused2] is a citizen of the United States of America , which is home to Boston and the Whig Party .
Who was the first Whig mayor of Boston?</s>Charles Wells is a citizen of the United States of America , which is home to Boston and the Whig Party .
Who was the first Whig mayor of Boston?</s>United States of America,country,United States of America,United States of America,0,Boston,United States of America,0,Whig Party,United States of America,0,[unused1]Charles Wells[unused2],Boston,country,United States of America,Boston,0,Boston,Boston,0,Whig Party,Boston,0,[unused1]Charles Wells[unused2],Whig Party,country,United States of America,Whig Party,0,Boston,Whig Party,0,Whig Party,Whig Party,0,[unused1]Charles Wells[unused2],[unused1]Charles Wells[unused2],country of citizenship,United States of America,[unused1]Charles Wells[unused2],0,Boston,[unused1]Charles Wells[unused2],0,Whig Party,[unused1]Charles Wells[unused2],0,[unused1]Charles Wells[unused2]
Who was the first Whig mayor of Boston?</s>United States of America,country,United States of America,United States of America,0,Boston,United States of America,0,Whig Party,United States of America,0,Charles Wells,Boston,country,United States of America,Boston,0,Boston,Boston,0,Whig Party,Boston,0,Charles Wells,Whig Party,country,United States of America,Whig Party,0,Boston,Whig Party,0,Whig Party,Whig Party,0,Charles Wells,Charles Wells,country of citizenship,United States of America,Charles Wells,0,Boston,Charles Wells,0,Whig Party,Charles Wells,0,Charles Wells
Who was the last Republican mayor of Boston?
Q29468, Q100
{'directed': True, 'multigraph': False, 'graph': {}, 'nodes': [{'type': 'ANSWER_CANDIDATE_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q19180675', 'id': 0, 'label': 'Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary'}, {'type': 'INTERNAL', 'name_': 'Q30', 'id': 1, 'label': 'United States of America'}, {'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q29468', 'id': 2, 'label': 'Republican Party'}, {'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q100', 'id': 3, 'label': 'Boston'}], 'links': [{'name_': 'P1343', 'source': 1, 'target': 0, 'label': 'described by source'}, {'name_': 'P17', 'source': 1, 'target': 1, 'label': 'country'}, {'name_': 'P17', 'source': 2, 'target': 1, 'label': 'country'}, {'name_': 'P1343', 'source': 3, 'target': 0, 'label': 'described by source'}, {'name_': 'P17', 'source': 3, 'target': 1, 'label': 'country'}]}
The Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary is from Boston, United States, where the Republican Party is in power.
The United States of America is led by the Republican Party and is the location of the city of Boston . The country is the origin of the book `` Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary '' which is published in Boston .
Who was the last Republican mayor of Boston?</s>The [unused1]Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary [unused2] is from Boston, United States, where the Republican Party is in power.
Who was the last Republican mayor of Boston?</s>The Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary is from Boston, United States, where the Republican Party is in power.
Who was the last Republican mayor of Boston?</s>The United States of America is led by the Republican Party and is the location of the city of Boston . The country is the origin of the book `` [unused1]Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary [unused2] '' which is published in Boston .
Who was the last Republican mayor of Boston?</s>The United States of America is led by the Republican Party and is the location of the city of Boston . The country is the origin of the book `` Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary '' which is published in Boston .
Who was the last Republican mayor of Boston?</s>[unused1]Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary[unused2],0,[unused1]Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary[unused2],[unused1]Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary[unused2],0,United States of America,[unused1]Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary[unused2],0,Republican Party,[unused1]Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary[unused2],0,Boston,United States of America,described by source,[unused1]Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary[unused2],United States of America,country,United States of America,United States of America,0,Republican Party,United States of America,0,Boston,Republican Party,0,[unused1]Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary[unused2],Republican Party,country,United States of America,Republican Party,0,Republican Party,Republican Party,0,Boston,Boston,described by source,[unused1]Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary[unused2],Boston,country,United States of America,Boston,0,Republican Party,Boston,0,Boston
Who was the last Republican mayor of Boston?</s>Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary,0,Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary,Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary,0,United States of America,Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary,0,Republican Party,Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary,0,Boston,United States of America,described by source,Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary,United States of America,country,United States of America,United States of America,0,Republican Party,United States of America,0,Boston,Republican Party,0,Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary,Republican Party,country,United States of America,Republican Party,0,Republican Party,Republican Party,0,Boston,Boston,described by source,Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary,Boston,country,United States of America,Boston,0,Republican Party,Boston,0,Boston
Who was the first African-American woman mayor of Pasadena, California?
Q49085, Q485176
{'directed': True, 'multigraph': False, 'graph': {}, 'nodes': [{'type': 'INTERNAL', 'name_': 'Q30', 'id': 0, 'label': 'United States of America'}, {'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q49085', 'id': 1, 'label': 'African Americans'}, {'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q485176', 'id': 2, 'label': 'Pasadena'}, {'type': 'ANSWER_CANDIDATE_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q5043603', 'id': 3, 'label': 'Carmen Trutanich'}], 'links': [{'name_': 'P17', 'source': 0, 'target': 0, 'label': 'country'}, {'name_': 'P172', 'source': 0, 'target': 1, 'label': 'ethnic or cultural origin'}, {'name_': 'P17', 'source': 1, 'target': 0, 'label': 'country'}, {'name_': 'P17', 'source': 2, 'target': 0, 'label': 'country'}, {'name_': 'P27', 'source': 3, 'target': 0, 'label': 'country of citizenship'}]}
Carmen Trutanich is a citizen of the United States, where African Americans are an ethnic group. The country is the location of Pasadena.
African Americans are one of the ethnic groups in the United States of America , where the leader is called Carmen Trutanich . The country is the location of the home of the city of Pasadena and is the origin of the African Americans .
Who was the first African-American woman mayor of Pasadena, California?</s> [unused1]Carmen Trutanich [unused2] is a citizen of the United States, where African Americans are an ethnic group. The country is the location of Pasadena.
Who was the first African-American woman mayor of Pasadena, California?</s>Carmen Trutanich is a citizen of the United States, where African Americans are an ethnic group. The country is the location of Pasadena.
Who was the first African-American woman mayor of Pasadena, California?</s>African Americans are one of the ethnic groups in the United States of America , where the leader is called [unused1]Carmen Trutanich [unused2] . The country is the location of the home of the city of Pasadena and is the origin of the African Americans .
Who was the first African-American woman mayor of Pasadena, California?</s>African Americans are one of the ethnic groups in the United States of America , where the leader is called Carmen Trutanich . The country is the location of the home of the city of Pasadena and is the origin of the African Americans .
Who was the first African-American woman mayor of Pasadena, California?</s>United States of America,country,United States of America,United States of America,ethnic or cultural origin,African Americans,United States of America,0,Pasadena,United States of America,0,[unused1]Carmen Trutanich[unused2],African Americans,country,United States of America,African Americans,0,African Americans,African Americans,0,Pasadena,African Americans,0,[unused1]Carmen Trutanich[unused2],Pasadena,country,United States of America,Pasadena,0,African Americans,Pasadena,0,Pasadena,Pasadena,0,[unused1]Carmen Trutanich[unused2],[unused1]Carmen Trutanich[unused2],country of citizenship,United States of America,[unused1]Carmen Trutanich[unused2],0,African Americans,[unused1]Carmen Trutanich[unused2],0,Pasadena,[unused1]Carmen Trutanich[unused2],0,[unused1]Carmen Trutanich[unused2]
Who was the first African-American woman mayor of Pasadena, California?</s>United States of America,country,United States of America,United States of America,ethnic or cultural origin,African Americans,United States of America,0,Pasadena,United States of America,0,Carmen Trutanich,African Americans,country,United States of America,African Americans,0,African Americans,African Americans,0,Pasadena,African Americans,0,Carmen Trutanich,Pasadena,country,United States of America,Pasadena,0,African Americans,Pasadena,0,Pasadena,Pasadena,0,Carmen Trutanich,Carmen Trutanich,country of citizenship,United States of America,Carmen Trutanich,0,African Americans,Carmen Trutanich,0,Pasadena,Carmen Trutanich,0,Carmen Trutanich
Who was the first prime minister during Elizabeth II's reign?
{'directed': True, 'multigraph': False, 'graph': {}, 'nodes': [{'type': 'INTERNAL', 'name_': 'Q6173448', 'id': 0, 'label': 'Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4'}, {'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q9682', 'id': 1, 'label': 'Elizabeth II'}, {'type': 'ANSWER_CANDIDATE_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q8016', 'id': 2, 'label': 'Winston Churchill'}], 'links': [{'name_': 'P5008', 'source': 1, 'target': 0, 'label': 'on focus list of Wikimedia project'}, {'name_': 'P5008', 'source': 2, 'target': 0, 'label': 'on focus list of Wikimedia project'}]}
Elizabeth II and Winston Churchill are both on the Wikimedia project's focus list.
Elizabeth II and Winston Churchill are both on the list of the projects to be part of the Wikimedia project .
Who was the first prime minister during Elizabeth II's reign?</s>Elizabeth II and [unused1]Winston Churchill [unused2] are both on the Wikimedia project's focus list.
Who was the first prime minister during Elizabeth II's reign?</s>Elizabeth II and Winston Churchill are both on the Wikimedia project's focus list.
Who was the first prime minister during Elizabeth II's reign?</s>Elizabeth II and [unused1]Winston Churchill [unused2] are both on the list of the projects to be part of the Wikimedia project .
Who was the first prime minister during Elizabeth II's reign?</s>Elizabeth II and Winston Churchill are both on the list of the projects to be part of the Wikimedia project .
Who was the first prime minister during Elizabeth II's reign?</s>Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4,0,Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4,Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4,0,Elizabeth II,Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4,0,[unused1]Winston Churchill[unused2],Elizabeth II,on focus list of Wikimedia project,Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4,Elizabeth II,0,Elizabeth II,Elizabeth II,0,[unused1]Winston Churchill[unused2],[unused1]Winston Churchill[unused2],on focus list of Wikimedia project,Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4,[unused1]Winston Churchill[unused2],0,Elizabeth II,[unused1]Winston Churchill[unused2],0,[unused1]Winston Churchill[unused2]
Who was the first prime minister during Elizabeth II's reign?</s>Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4,0,Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4,Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4,0,Elizabeth II,Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4,0,Winston Churchill,Elizabeth II,on focus list of Wikimedia project,Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4,Elizabeth II,0,Elizabeth II,Elizabeth II,0,Winston Churchill,Winston Churchill,on focus list of Wikimedia project,Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4,Winston Churchill,0,Elizabeth II,Winston Churchill,0,Winston Churchill
Who developed The Room: Old Sins?
{'directed': True, 'multigraph': False, 'graph': {}, 'nodes': [{'type': 'ANSWER_CANDIDATE_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q1406', 'id': 0, 'label': 'Microsoft Windows'}, {'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q54958940', 'id': 1, 'label': 'The Room: Old Sins'}], 'links': [{'name_': 'P400', 'source': 1, 'target': 0, 'label': 'platform'}]}
The Room : Old Sins is played on the Microsoft Windows platform.
The book The Room : Old Sins was published on the Microsoft Windows .
Who developed The Room: Old Sins?</s>The Room : Old Sins is played on the [unused1]Microsoft Windows [unused2] platform.
Who developed The Room: Old Sins?</s>The Room : Old Sins is played on the Microsoft Windows platform.
Who developed The Room: Old Sins?</s>The book The Room : Old Sins was published on the [unused1]Microsoft Windows [unused2] .
Who developed The Room: Old Sins?</s>The book The Room : Old Sins was published on the Microsoft Windows .
Who developed The Room: Old Sins?</s>[unused1]Microsoft Windows[unused2],0,[unused1]Microsoft Windows[unused2],[unused1]Microsoft Windows[unused2],0,The Room: Old Sins,The Room: Old Sins,platform,[unused1]Microsoft Windows[unused2],The Room: Old Sins,0,The Room: Old Sins
Who developed The Room: Old Sins?</s>Microsoft Windows,0,Microsoft Windows,Microsoft Windows,0,The Room: Old Sins,The Room: Old Sins,platform,Microsoft Windows,The Room: Old Sins,0,The Room: Old Sins
Who was the last Republican mayor of Boston?
Q29468, Q100
{'directed': True, 'multigraph': False, 'graph': {}, 'nodes': [{'type': 'INTERNAL', 'name_': 'Q3181656', 'id': 0, 'label': 'The Nuttall Encyclopædia'}, {'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q29468', 'id': 1, 'label': 'Republican Party'}, {'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q100', 'id': 2, 'label': 'Boston'}, {'type': 'ANSWER_CANDIDATE_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q1524', 'id': 3, 'label': 'Athens'}], 'links': [{'name_': 'P1343', 'source': 1, 'target': 0, 'label': 'described by source'}, {'name_': 'P1343', 'source': 2, 'target': 0, 'label': 'described by source'}, {'name_': 'P190', 'source': 2, 'target': 3, 'label': 'twinned administrative body'}, {'name_': 'P1343', 'source': 3, 'target': 0, 'label': 'described by source'}, {'name_': 'P190', 'source': 3, 'target': 2, 'label': 'twinned administrative body'}]}
The Nuttall Encyclopdia is a Republican Party publication from Boston. It is a twin of Athens, which is the administrative body of Boston.
The city of Athens is the location of The Nuttall Encyclopædia , which was described by both the Republican Party and the city of Boston . The two cities are also found in the United States .
Who was the last Republican mayor of Boston?</s>The Nuttall Encyclopdia is a Republican Party publication from Boston. It is a twin of [unused1]Athens [unused2] , which is the administrative body of Boston.
Who was the last Republican mayor of Boston?</s>The Nuttall Encyclopdia is a Republican Party publication from Boston. It is a twin of Athens, which is the administrative body of Boston.
Who was the last Republican mayor of Boston?</s>The city of [unused1]Athens [unused2] is the location of The Nuttall Encyclopædia , which was described by both the Republican Party and the city of Boston . The two cities are also found in the United States .
Who was the last Republican mayor of Boston?</s>The city of Athens is the location of The Nuttall Encyclopædia , which was described by both the Republican Party and the city of Boston . The two cities are also found in the United States .
Who was the last Republican mayor of Boston?</s>The Nuttall Encyclopædia,0,The Nuttall Encyclopædia,The Nuttall Encyclopædia,0,Republican Party,The Nuttall Encyclopædia,0,Boston,The Nuttall Encyclopædia,0,[unused1]Athens[unused2],Republican Party,described by source,The Nuttall Encyclopædia,Republican Party,0,Republican Party,Republican Party,0,Boston,Republican Party,0,[unused1]Athens[unused2],Boston,described by source,The Nuttall Encyclopædia,Boston,0,Republican Party,Boston,0,Boston,Boston,twinned administrative body,[unused1]Athens[unused2],[unused1]Athens[unused2],described by source,The Nuttall Encyclopædia,[unused1]Athens[unused2],0,Republican Party,[unused1]Athens[unused2],twinned administrative body,Boston,[unused1]Athens[unused2],0,[unused1]Athens[unused2]
Who was the last Republican mayor of Boston?</s>The Nuttall Encyclopædia,0,The Nuttall Encyclopædia,The Nuttall Encyclopædia,0,Republican Party,The Nuttall Encyclopædia,0,Boston,The Nuttall Encyclopædia,0,Athens,Republican Party,described by source,The Nuttall Encyclopædia,Republican Party,0,Republican Party,Republican Party,0,Boston,Republican Party,0,Athens,Boston,described by source,The Nuttall Encyclopædia,Boston,0,Republican Party,Boston,0,Boston,Boston,twinned administrative body,Athens,Athens,described by source,The Nuttall Encyclopædia,Athens,0,Republican Party,Athens,twinned administrative body,Boston,Athens,0,Athens
Who was the first African-American woman mayor of Pasadena, California?
Q49085, Q485176
{'directed': True, 'multigraph': False, 'graph': {}, 'nodes': [{'type': 'INTERNAL', 'name_': 'Q30', 'id': 0, 'label': 'United States of America'}, {'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q49085', 'id': 1, 'label': 'African Americans'}, {'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q485176', 'id': 2, 'label': 'Pasadena'}, {'type': 'ANSWER_CANDIDATE_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q174026', 'id': 3, 'label': 'Sierra Madre'}], 'links': [{'name_': 'P17', 'source': 0, 'target': 0, 'label': 'country'}, {'name_': 'P172', 'source': 0, 'target': 1, 'label': 'ethnic or cultural origin'}, {'name_': 'P17', 'source': 1, 'target': 0, 'label': 'country'}, {'name_': 'P17', 'source': 2, 'target': 0, 'label': 'country'}, {'name_': 'P47', 'source': 2, 'target': 3, 'label': 'shares border with'}, {'name_': 'P17', 'source': 3, 'target': 0, 'label': 'country'}, {'name_': 'P47', 'source': 3, 'target': 2, 'label': 'shares border with'}]}
African Americans are an ethnic group in the United States, where Pasadena is located. Pasadena, which is located in the United States, shares a border with Sierra Madre.
The United States of America , where African Americans are one of the ethnic groups , is home to the city of Pasadena and also to the country of the origin of the dish called Sierra Madre . The US is also the location of the airport that is called Palo Alto .
Who was the first African-American woman mayor of Pasadena, California?</s>African Americans are an ethnic group in the United States, where Pasadena is located. Pasadena, which is located in the United States, shares a border with [unused1]Sierra Madre [unused2] .
Who was the first African-American woman mayor of Pasadena, California?</s>African Americans are an ethnic group in the United States, where Pasadena is located. Pasadena, which is located in the United States, shares a border with Sierra Madre.
Who was the first African-American woman mayor of Pasadena, California?</s>The United States of America , where African Americans are one of the ethnic groups , is home to the city of Pasadena and also to the country of the origin of the dish called [unused1]Sierra Madre [unused2] . The US is also the location of the airport that is called Palo Alto .
Who was the first African-American woman mayor of Pasadena, California?</s>The United States of America , where African Americans are one of the ethnic groups , is home to the city of Pasadena and also to the country of the origin of the dish called Sierra Madre . The US is also the location of the airport that is called Palo Alto .
Who was the first African-American woman mayor of Pasadena, California?</s>United States of America,country,United States of America,United States of America,ethnic or cultural origin,African Americans,United States of America,0,Pasadena,United States of America,0,[unused1]Sierra Madre[unused2],African Americans,country,United States of America,African Americans,0,African Americans,African Americans,0,Pasadena,African Americans,0,[unused1]Sierra Madre[unused2],Pasadena,country,United States of America,Pasadena,0,African Americans,Pasadena,0,Pasadena,Pasadena,shares border with,[unused1]Sierra Madre[unused2],[unused1]Sierra Madre[unused2],country,United States of America,[unused1]Sierra Madre[unused2],0,African Americans,[unused1]Sierra Madre[unused2],shares border with,Pasadena,[unused1]Sierra Madre[unused2],0,[unused1]Sierra Madre[unused2]
Who was the first African-American woman mayor of Pasadena, California?</s>United States of America,country,United States of America,United States of America,ethnic or cultural origin,African Americans,United States of America,0,Pasadena,United States of America,0,Sierra Madre,African Americans,country,United States of America,African Americans,0,African Americans,African Americans,0,Pasadena,African Americans,0,Sierra Madre,Pasadena,country,United States of America,Pasadena,0,African Americans,Pasadena,0,Pasadena,Pasadena,shares border with,Sierra Madre,Sierra Madre,country,United States of America,Sierra Madre,0,African Americans,Sierra Madre,shares border with,Pasadena,Sierra Madre,0,Sierra Madre
What game does the character "Soldier 76" come from?
{'directed': True, 'multigraph': False, 'graph': {}, 'nodes': [{'type': 'INTERNAL', 'name_': 'Q847133', 'id': 0, 'label': 'Fred Tatasciore'}, {'type': 'ANSWER_CANDIDATE_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q18515944', 'id': 1, 'label': 'Overwatch'}, {'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q60790153', 'id': 2, 'label': 'Soldier: 76'}], 'links': [{'name_': 'P725', 'source': 1, 'target': 0, 'label': 'voice actor'}, {'name_': 'P725', 'source': 2, 'target': 0, 'label': 'voice actor'}]}
Fred Tatasciore is the voice actor for the character Soldier 76 and also for the character Overwatch.
The voice actor of the character , Flint Tatasciore , is in the film , Overwatch and also the TV character , Soldier : 76 .
What game does the character "Soldier 76" come from?</s>Fred Tatasciore is the voice actor for the character Soldier 76 and also for the character [unused1]Overwatch [unused2] .
What game does the character "Soldier 76" come from?</s>Fred Tatasciore is the voice actor for the character Soldier 76 and also for the character Overwatch.
What game does the character "Soldier 76" come from?</s>The voice actor of the character , Flint Tatasciore , is in the film , [unused1]Overwatch [unused2] and also the TV character , Soldier : 76 .
What game does the character "Soldier 76" come from?</s>The voice actor of the character , Flint Tatasciore , is in the film , Overwatch and also the TV character , Soldier : 76 .
What game does the character "Soldier 76" come from?</s>Fred Tatasciore,0,Fred Tatasciore,Fred Tatasciore,0,[unused1]Overwatch[unused2],Fred Tatasciore,0,Soldier: 76,[unused1]Overwatch[unused2],voice actor,Fred Tatasciore,[unused1]Overwatch[unused2],0,[unused1]Overwatch[unused2],[unused1]Overwatch[unused2],0,Soldier: 76,Soldier: 76,voice actor,Fred Tatasciore,Soldier: 76,0,[unused1]Overwatch[unused2],Soldier: 76,0,Soldier: 76
What game does the character "Soldier 76" come from?</s>Fred Tatasciore,0,Fred Tatasciore,Fred Tatasciore,0,Overwatch,Fred Tatasciore,0,Soldier: 76,Overwatch,voice actor,Fred Tatasciore,Overwatch,0,Overwatch,Overwatch,0,Soldier: 76,Soldier: 76,voice actor,Fred Tatasciore,Soldier: 76,0,Overwatch,Soldier: 76,0,Soldier: 76
What was the popular Nintendo puzzle game where you lined up tiles/bricks in a way to make them disappear?
{'directed': True, 'multigraph': False, 'graph': {}, 'nodes': [{'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q8093', 'id': 0, 'label': 'Nintendo'}, {'type': 'INTERNAL', 'name_': 'Q7889', 'id': 1, 'label': 'video game'}, {'type': 'ANSWER_CANDIDATE_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q71910', 'id': 2, 'label': 'Tetris'}], 'links': [{'name_': 'P1056', 'source': 0, 'target': 1, 'label': 'produces'}, {'name_': 'P5869', 'source': 1, 'target': 2, 'label': 'model item'}]}
Tetris is a model of a video game produced by Nintendo.
The model of the Tetris is a video game which is produced by Nintendo .
What was the popular Nintendo puzzle game where you lined up tiles/bricks in a way to make them disappear?</s> [unused1]Tetris [unused2] is a model of a video game produced by Nintendo.
What was the popular Nintendo puzzle game where you lined up tiles/bricks in a way to make them disappear?</s>Tetris is a model of a video game produced by Nintendo.
What was the popular Nintendo puzzle game where you lined up tiles/bricks in a way to make them disappear?</s>The model of the [unused1]Tetris [unused2] is a video game which is produced by Nintendo .
What was the popular Nintendo puzzle game where you lined up tiles/bricks in a way to make them disappear?</s>The model of the Tetris is a video game which is produced by Nintendo .
What was the popular Nintendo puzzle game where you lined up tiles/bricks in a way to make them disappear?</s>Nintendo,0,Nintendo,Nintendo,produces,video game,Nintendo,0,[unused1]Tetris[unused2],video game,0,Nintendo,video game,0,video game,video game,model item,[unused1]Tetris[unused2],[unused1]Tetris[unused2],0,Nintendo,[unused1]Tetris[unused2],0,video game,[unused1]Tetris[unused2],0,[unused1]Tetris[unused2]
What was the popular Nintendo puzzle game where you lined up tiles/bricks in a way to make them disappear?</s>Nintendo,0,Nintendo,Nintendo,produces,video game,Nintendo,0,Tetris,video game,0,Nintendo,video game,0,video game,video game,model item,Tetris,Tetris,0,Nintendo,Tetris,0,video game,Tetris,0,Tetris
Who was the first African-American woman mayor of Pasadena, California?
Q49085, Q485176
{'directed': True, 'multigraph': False, 'graph': {}, 'nodes': [{'type': 'INTERNAL', 'name_': 'Q30', 'id': 0, 'label': 'United States of America'}, {'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q49085', 'id': 1, 'label': 'African Americans'}, {'type': 'ANSWER_CANDIDATE_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q529446', 'id': 2, 'label': 'Shirley Franklin'}, {'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q485176', 'id': 3, 'label': 'Pasadena'}], 'links': [{'name_': 'P17', 'source': 0, 'target': 0, 'label': 'country'}, {'name_': 'P172', 'source': 0, 'target': 1, 'label': 'ethnic or cultural origin'}, {'name_': 'P17', 'source': 1, 'target': 0, 'label': 'country'}, {'name_': 'P27', 'source': 2, 'target': 0, 'label': 'country of citizenship'}, {'name_': 'P17', 'source': 3, 'target': 0, 'label': 'country'}]}
Shirley Franklin is a citizen of the United States, where African Americans are an ethnic group. The country is the location of Pasadena, and is the origin of African Americans.
African Americans are one of the ethnic groups in the United States of America , where Shirley Franklin is a leader . The country is the location of the city of Pasadena and is the origin of the African Americans .
Who was the first African-American woman mayor of Pasadena, California?</s> [unused1]Shirley Franklin [unused2] is a citizen of the United States, where African Americans are an ethnic group. The country is the location of Pasadena, and is the origin of African Americans.
Who was the first African-American woman mayor of Pasadena, California?</s>Shirley Franklin is a citizen of the United States, where African Americans are an ethnic group. The country is the location of Pasadena, and is the origin of African Americans.
Who was the first African-American woman mayor of Pasadena, California?</s>African Americans are one of the ethnic groups in the United States of America , where [unused1]Shirley Franklin [unused2] is a leader . The country is the location of the city of Pasadena and is the origin of the African Americans .
Who was the first African-American woman mayor of Pasadena, California?</s>African Americans are one of the ethnic groups in the United States of America , where Shirley Franklin is a leader . The country is the location of the city of Pasadena and is the origin of the African Americans .
Who was the first African-American woman mayor of Pasadena, California?</s>United States of America,country,United States of America,United States of America,ethnic or cultural origin,African Americans,United States of America,0,[unused1]Shirley Franklin[unused2],United States of America,0,Pasadena,African Americans,country,United States of America,African Americans,0,African Americans,African Americans,0,[unused1]Shirley Franklin[unused2],African Americans,0,Pasadena,[unused1]Shirley Franklin[unused2],country of citizenship,United States of America,[unused1]Shirley Franklin[unused2],0,African Americans,[unused1]Shirley Franklin[unused2],0,[unused1]Shirley Franklin[unused2],[unused1]Shirley Franklin[unused2],0,Pasadena,Pasadena,country,United States of America,Pasadena,0,African Americans,Pasadena,0,[unused1]Shirley Franklin[unused2],Pasadena,0,Pasadena
Who was the first African-American woman mayor of Pasadena, California?</s>United States of America,country,United States of America,United States of America,ethnic or cultural origin,African Americans,United States of America,0,Shirley Franklin,United States of America,0,Pasadena,African Americans,country,United States of America,African Americans,0,African Americans,African Americans,0,Shirley Franklin,African Americans,0,Pasadena,Shirley Franklin,country of citizenship,United States of America,Shirley Franklin,0,African Americans,Shirley Franklin,0,Shirley Franklin,Shirley Franklin,0,Pasadena,Pasadena,country,United States of America,Pasadena,0,African Americans,Pasadena,0,Shirley Franklin,Pasadena,0,Pasadena
Who were the children of India's only female prime minister?
Q4593, Q730045
{'directed': True, 'multigraph': False, 'graph': {}, 'nodes': [{'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q668', 'id': 0, 'label': 'India'}, {'type': 'ANSWER_CANDIDATE_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q7599417', 'id': 1, 'label': 'Andaman Creole Hindi'}], 'links': [{'name_': 'P17', 'source': 0, 'target': 0, 'label': 'country'}, {'name_': 'P2936', 'source': 0, 'target': 1, 'label': 'language used'}, {'name_': 'P17', 'source': 1, 'target': 0, 'label': 'country'}]}
Andaman Creole Hindi is a language spoken in India.
The language of India is called Andaman Creole Hindi and it is also where the Andaman dish is found .
Who were the children of India's only female prime minister?</s> [unused1]Andaman Creole Hindi [unused2] is a language spoken in India.
Who were the children of India's only female prime minister?</s>Andaman Creole Hindi is a language spoken in India.
Who were the children of India's only female prime minister?</s>The language of India is called [unused1]Andaman Creole Hindi [unused2] and it is also where the Andaman dish is found .
Who were the children of India's only female prime minister?</s>The language of India is called Andaman Creole Hindi and it is also where the Andaman dish is found .
Who were the children of India's only female prime minister?</s>India,country,India,India,language used,[unused1]Andaman Creole Hindi[unused2],[unused1]Andaman Creole Hindi[unused2],country,India,[unused1]Andaman Creole Hindi[unused2],0,[unused1]Andaman Creole Hindi[unused2]
Who were the children of India's only female prime minister?</s>India,country,India,India,language used,Andaman Creole Hindi,Andaman Creole Hindi,country,India,Andaman Creole Hindi,0,Andaman Creole Hindi
What kind of game is The Room: Old Sins?
{'directed': True, 'multigraph': False, 'graph': {}, 'nodes': [{'type': 'INTERNAL', 'name_': 'Q208850', 'id': 0, 'label': 'single-player video game'}, {'type': 'ANSWER_CANDIDATE_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q1143132', 'id': 1, 'label': 'roguelike'}, {'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q54958940', 'id': 2, 'label': 'The Room: Old Sins'}], 'links': [{'name_': 'P4151', 'source': 1, 'target': 0, 'label': 'game mechanics'}, {'name_': 'P404', 'source': 2, 'target': 0, 'label': 'game mode'}]}
The Room : Old Sins is a single player roguelike video game.
The Room : Old Sins is a single-player video which has the elements of roguelike .
What kind of game is The Room: Old Sins?</s>The Room : Old Sins is a single player [unused1]roguelike [unused2] video game.
What kind of game is The Room: Old Sins?</s>The Room : Old Sins is a single player roguelike video game.
What kind of game is The Room: Old Sins?</s>The Room : Old Sins is a single-player video which has the elements of [unused1]roguelike [unused2] .
What kind of game is The Room: Old Sins?</s>The Room : Old Sins is a single-player video which has the elements of roguelike .
What kind of game is The Room: Old Sins?</s>single-player video game,0,single-player video game,single-player video game,0,[unused1]roguelike[unused2],single-player video game,0,The Room: Old Sins,[unused1]roguelike[unused2],game mechanics,single-player video game,[unused1]roguelike[unused2],0,[unused1]roguelike[unused2],[unused1]roguelike[unused2],0,The Room: Old Sins,The Room: Old Sins,game mode,single-player video game,The Room: Old Sins,0,[unused1]roguelike[unused2],The Room: Old Sins,0,The Room: Old Sins
What kind of game is The Room: Old Sins?</s>single-player video game,0,single-player video game,single-player video game,0,roguelike,single-player video game,0,The Room: Old Sins,roguelike,game mechanics,single-player video game,roguelike,0,roguelike,roguelike,0,The Room: Old Sins,The Room: Old Sins,game mode,single-player video game,The Room: Old Sins,0,roguelike,The Room: Old Sins,0,The Room: Old Sins
Where does the Last of Us take place?
Q16559, Q1439
{'directed': True, 'multigraph': False, 'graph': {}, 'nodes': [{'type': 'ANSWER_CANDIDATE_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q239093', 'id': 0, 'label': 'Annie Wersching'}, {'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q1986744', 'id': 1, 'label': 'The Last of Us'}], 'links': [{'name_': 'P725', 'source': 1, 'target': 0, 'label': 'voice actor'}]}
Annie Wersching is a voice actor in The Last of Us.
Annie Wersching was a voice actor in The last of Us .
Where does the Last of Us take place?</s> [unused1]Annie Wersching [unused2] is a voice actor in The Last of Us.
Where does the Last of Us take place?</s>Annie Wersching is a voice actor in The Last of Us.
Where does the Last of Us take place?</s> [unused1]Annie Wersching [unused2] was a voice actor in The last of Us .
Where does the Last of Us take place?</s>Annie Wersching was a voice actor in The last of Us .
Where does the Last of Us take place?</s>[unused1]Annie Wersching[unused2],0,[unused1]Annie Wersching[unused2],[unused1]Annie Wersching[unused2],0,The Last of Us,The Last of Us,voice actor,[unused1]Annie Wersching[unused2],The Last of Us,0,The Last of Us
Where does the Last of Us take place?</s>Annie Wersching,0,Annie Wersching,Annie Wersching,0,The Last of Us,The Last of Us,voice actor,Annie Wersching,The Last of Us,0,The Last of Us
Who was the third mayor of San Francisco?
{'directed': True, 'multigraph': False, 'graph': {}, 'nodes': [{'type': 'INTERNAL', 'name_': 'Q30', 'id': 0, 'label': 'United States of America'}, {'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q62', 'id': 1, 'label': 'San Francisco'}, {'type': 'ANSWER_CANDIDATE_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q795590', 'id': 2, 'label': 'Stephen Randall Harris'}], 'links': [{'name_': 'P17', 'source': 0, 'target': 0, 'label': 'country'}, {'name_': 'P17', 'source': 1, 'target': 0, 'label': 'country'}, {'name_': 'P27', 'source': 2, 'target': 0, 'label': 'country of citizenship'}]}
Stephen Randall Harris is a citizen of the United States, where San Francisco is located.
Stephen Randall Harris is a citizen of the United States of America which is located in San Francisco and has the city of San Francisco as its capital .
Who was the third mayor of San Francisco?</s> [unused1]Stephen Randall Harris [unused2] is a citizen of the United States, where San Francisco is located.
Who was the third mayor of San Francisco?</s>Stephen Randall Harris is a citizen of the United States, where San Francisco is located.
Who was the third mayor of San Francisco?</s> [unused1]Stephen Randall Harris [unused2] is a citizen of the United States of America which is located in San Francisco and has the city of San Francisco as its capital .
Who was the third mayor of San Francisco?</s>Stephen Randall Harris is a citizen of the United States of America which is located in San Francisco and has the city of San Francisco as its capital .
Who was the third mayor of San Francisco?</s>United States of America,country,United States of America,United States of America,0,San Francisco,United States of America,0,[unused1]Stephen Randall Harris[unused2],San Francisco,country,United States of America,San Francisco,0,San Francisco,San Francisco,0,[unused1]Stephen Randall Harris[unused2],[unused1]Stephen Randall Harris[unused2],country of citizenship,United States of America,[unused1]Stephen Randall Harris[unused2],0,San Francisco,[unused1]Stephen Randall Harris[unused2],0,[unused1]Stephen Randall Harris[unused2]
Who was the third mayor of San Francisco?</s>United States of America,country,United States of America,United States of America,0,San Francisco,United States of America,0,Stephen Randall Harris,San Francisco,country,United States of America,San Francisco,0,San Francisco,San Francisco,0,Stephen Randall Harris,Stephen Randall Harris,country of citizenship,United States of America,Stephen Randall Harris,0,San Francisco,Stephen Randall Harris,0,Stephen Randall Harris
Who was the second ruler of Egypt during the Ptolemaic period?
{'directed': True, 'multigraph': False, 'graph': {}, 'nodes': [{'type': 'INTERNAL', 'name_': 'Q4086271', 'id': 0, 'label': 'Bible Encyclopedia of Archimandrite Nicephorus'}, {'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q79', 'id': 1, 'label': 'Egypt'}, {'type': 'ANSWER_CANDIDATE_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q40247', 'id': 2, 'label': 'Cleopatra II of Egypt'}], 'links': [{'name_': 'P1343', 'source': 1, 'target': 0, 'label': 'described by source'}, {'name_': 'P17', 'source': 1, 'target': 1, 'label': 'country'}, {'name_': 'P1343', 'source': 2, 'target': 0, 'label': 'described by source'}]}
The Bible Encyclopedia of Archimandrite Nicephorus is from the country of Egypt, where Cleopatra II of Egypt is from.
The Bible Encyclopedia of Archimandrite Nicephorus is from the country of Egypt and was written by Cleopatra II of Egypt .
Who was the second ruler of Egypt during the Ptolemaic period?</s>The Bible Encyclopedia of Archimandrite Nicephorus is from the country of Egypt, where [unused1]Cleopatra II of Egypt [unused2] is from.
Who was the second ruler of Egypt during the Ptolemaic period?</s>The Bible Encyclopedia of Archimandrite Nicephorus is from the country of Egypt, where Cleopatra II of Egypt is from.
Who was the second ruler of Egypt during the Ptolemaic period?</s>The Bible Encyclopedia of Archimandrite Nicephorus is from the country of Egypt and was written by [unused1]Cleopatra II of Egypt [unused2] .
Who was the second ruler of Egypt during the Ptolemaic period?</s>The Bible Encyclopedia of Archimandrite Nicephorus is from the country of Egypt and was written by Cleopatra II of Egypt .
Who was the second ruler of Egypt during the Ptolemaic period?</s>Bible Encyclopedia of Archimandrite Nicephorus,0,Bible Encyclopedia of Archimandrite Nicephorus,Bible Encyclopedia of Archimandrite Nicephorus,0,Egypt,Bible Encyclopedia of Archimandrite Nicephorus,0,[unused1]Cleopatra II of Egypt[unused2],Egypt,described by source,Bible Encyclopedia of Archimandrite Nicephorus,Egypt,country,Egypt,Egypt,0,[unused1]Cleopatra II of Egypt[unused2],[unused1]Cleopatra II of Egypt[unused2],described by source,Bible Encyclopedia of Archimandrite Nicephorus,[unused1]Cleopatra II of Egypt[unused2],0,Egypt,[unused1]Cleopatra II of Egypt[unused2],0,[unused1]Cleopatra II of Egypt[unused2]
Who was the second ruler of Egypt during the Ptolemaic period?</s>Bible Encyclopedia of Archimandrite Nicephorus,0,Bible Encyclopedia of Archimandrite Nicephorus,Bible Encyclopedia of Archimandrite Nicephorus,0,Egypt,Bible Encyclopedia of Archimandrite Nicephorus,0,Cleopatra II of Egypt,Egypt,described by source,Bible Encyclopedia of Archimandrite Nicephorus,Egypt,country,Egypt,Egypt,0,Cleopatra II of Egypt,Cleopatra II of Egypt,described by source,Bible Encyclopedia of Archimandrite Nicephorus,Cleopatra II of Egypt,0,Egypt,Cleopatra II of Egypt,0,Cleopatra II of Egypt
Who was the third pharaoh of the 18th Dynasty of Egypt?
{'directed': True, 'multigraph': False, 'graph': {}, 'nodes': [{'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q146055', 'id': 0, 'label': 'Eighteenth Dynasty of Egypt'}, {'type': 'ANSWER_CANDIDATE_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q157962', 'id': 1, 'label': 'Thutmose I'}], 'links': [{'name_': 'P2348', 'source': 1, 'target': 0, 'label': 'time period'}]}
Thutmose I was a pharaoh during the Eighteenth Dynasty of Egypt.
The epoch of the Eighteenth Dynasty of Egypt is Thutmose I .
Who was the third pharaoh of the 18th Dynasty of Egypt?</s> [unused1]Thutmose I [unused2] was a pharaoh during the Eighteenth Dynasty of Egypt.
Who was the third pharaoh of the 18th Dynasty of Egypt?</s>Thutmose I was a pharaoh during the Eighteenth Dynasty of Egypt.
Who was the third pharaoh of the 18th Dynasty of Egypt?</s>The epoch of the Eighteenth Dynasty of Egypt is [unused1]Thutmose I [unused2] .
Who was the third pharaoh of the 18th Dynasty of Egypt?</s>The epoch of the Eighteenth Dynasty of Egypt is Thutmose I .
Who was the third pharaoh of the 18th Dynasty of Egypt?</s>Eighteenth Dynasty of Egypt,0,Eighteenth Dynasty of Egypt,Eighteenth Dynasty of Egypt,0,[unused1]Thutmose I[unused2],[unused1]Thutmose I[unused2],time period,Eighteenth Dynasty of Egypt,[unused1]Thutmose I[unused2],0,[unused1]Thutmose I[unused2]
Who was the third pharaoh of the 18th Dynasty of Egypt?</s>Eighteenth Dynasty of Egypt,0,Eighteenth Dynasty of Egypt,Eighteenth Dynasty of Egypt,0,Thutmose I,Thutmose I,time period,Eighteenth Dynasty of Egypt,Thutmose I,0,Thutmose I
Who led the first Roman invasion of Britain?
Q1747689, Q23666
{'directed': True, 'multigraph': False, 'graph': {}, 'nodes': [{'type': 'INTERNAL', 'name_': 'Q6173448', 'id': 0, 'label': 'Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4'}, {'type': 'INTERNAL', 'name_': 'Q6581097', 'id': 1, 'label': 'male'}, {'type': 'INTERNAL', 'name_': 'Q5', 'id': 2, 'label': 'human'}, {'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q1747689', 'id': 3, 'label': 'Ancient Rome'}, {'type': 'INTERNAL', 'name_': 'Q12908', 'id': 4, 'label': 'George Soros'}, {'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q23666', 'id': 5, 'label': 'Great Britain'}, {'type': 'ANSWER_CANDIDATE_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q313664', 'id': 6, 'label': 'Publius Clodius Pulcher'}], 'links': [{'name_': 'P5008', 'source': 2, 'target': 0, 'label': 'on focus list of Wikimedia project'}, {'name_': 'P5008', 'source': 3, 'target': 0, 'label': 'on focus list of Wikimedia project'}, {'name_': 'P21', 'source': 4, 'target': 1, 'label': 'sex or gender'}, {'name_': 'P31', 'source': 4, 'target': 2, 'label': 'instance of'}, {'name_': 'P937', 'source': 4, 'target': 5, 'label': 'work location'}, {'name_': 'P5008', 'source': 5, 'target': 0, 'label': 'on focus list of Wikimedia project'}, {'name_': 'P21', 'source': 6, 'target': 1, 'label': 'sex or gender'}, {'name_': 'P31', 'source': 6, 'target': 2, 'label': 'instance of'}, {'name_': 'P27', 'source': 6, 'target': 3, 'label': 'country of citizenship'}]}
George Soros is a male who works in Great Britain. He is an example of a human. The Wikimedia project's focus is on people, and one of the people on the Wikimedia project is Publius Clodius Pulcher, who was a citizen of Ancient Rome.
George Soros is the leader of Great Britain where the capital city is London . The country is the location of the Wikipedia :Vital articles/Level/4 which was created by the British writer , Publius Clodius Pulcher . He is also the example of the non-human , who was found in the area of Ancient Rome .
Who led the first Roman invasion of Britain?</s>George Soros is a male who works in Great Britain. He is an example of a human. The Wikimedia project's focus is on people, and one of the people on the Wikimedia project is [unused1]Publius Clodius Pulcher [unused2] , who was a citizen of Ancient Rome.
Who led the first Roman invasion of Britain?</s>George Soros is a male who works in Great Britain. He is an example of a human. The Wikimedia project's focus is on people, and one of the people on the Wikimedia project is Publius Clodius Pulcher, who was a citizen of Ancient Rome.
Who led the first Roman invasion of Britain?</s>George Soros is the leader of Great Britain where the capital city is London . The country is the location of the Wikipedia :Vital articles/Level/4 which was created by the British writer , [unused1]Publius Clodius Pulcher [unused2] . He is also the example of the non-human , who was found in the area of Ancient Rome .
Who led the first Roman invasion of Britain?</s>George Soros is the leader of Great Britain where the capital city is London . The country is the location of the Wikipedia :Vital articles/Level/4 which was created by the British writer , Publius Clodius Pulcher . He is also the example of the non-human , who was found in the area of Ancient Rome .
Who led the first Roman invasion of Britain?</s>Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4,0,Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4,Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4,0,male,Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4,0,human,Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4,0,Ancient Rome,Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4,0,George Soros,Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4,0,Great Britain,Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4,0,[unused1]Publius Clodius Pulcher[unused2],male,0,Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4,male,0,male,male,0,human,male,0,Ancient Rome,male,0,George Soros,male,0,Great Britain,male,0,[unused1]Publius Clodius Pulcher[unused2],human,on focus list of Wikimedia project,Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4,human,0,male,human,0,human,human,0,Ancient Rome,human,0,George Soros,human,0,Great Britain,human,0,[unused1]Publius Clodius Pulcher[unused2],Ancient Rome,on focus list of Wikimedia project,Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4,Ancient Rome,0,male,Ancient Rome,0,human,Ancient Rome,0,Ancient Rome,Ancient Rome,0,George Soros,Ancient Rome,0,Great Britain,Ancient Rome,0,[unused1]Publius Clodius Pulcher[unused2],George Soros,0,Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4,George Soros,sex or gender,male,George Soros,instance of,human,George Soros,0,Ancient Rome,George Soros,0,George Soros,George Soros,work location,Great Britain,George Soros,0,[unused1]Publius Clodius Pulcher[unused2],Great Britain,on focus list of Wikimedia project,Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4,Great Britain,0,male,Great Britain,0,human,Great Britain,0,Ancient Rome,Great Britain,0,George Soros,Great Britain,0,Great Britain,Great Britain,0,[unused1]Publius Clodius Pulcher[unused2],[unused1]Publius Clodius Pulcher[unused2],0,Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4,[unused1]Publius Clodius Pulcher[unused2],sex or gender,male,[unused1]Publius Clodius Pulcher[unused2],instance of,human,[unused1]Publius Clodius Pulcher[unused2],country of citizenship,Ancient Rome,[unused1]Publius Clodius Pulcher[unused2],0,George Soros,[unused1]Publius Clodius Pulcher[unused2],0,Great Britain,[unused1]Publius Clodius Pulcher[unused2],0,[unused1]Publius Clodius Pulcher[unused2]
Who led the first Roman invasion of Britain?</s>Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4,0,Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4,Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4,0,male,Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4,0,human,Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4,0,Ancient Rome,Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4,0,George Soros,Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4,0,Great Britain,Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4,0,Publius Clodius Pulcher,male,0,Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4,male,0,male,male,0,human,male,0,Ancient Rome,male,0,George Soros,male,0,Great Britain,male,0,Publius Clodius Pulcher,human,on focus list of Wikimedia project,Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4,human,0,male,human,0,human,human,0,Ancient Rome,human,0,George Soros,human,0,Great Britain,human,0,Publius Clodius Pulcher,Ancient Rome,on focus list of Wikimedia project,Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4,Ancient Rome,0,male,Ancient Rome,0,human,Ancient Rome,0,Ancient Rome,Ancient Rome,0,George Soros,Ancient Rome,0,Great Britain,Ancient Rome,0,Publius Clodius Pulcher,George Soros,0,Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4,George Soros,sex or gender,male,George Soros,instance of,human,George Soros,0,Ancient Rome,George Soros,0,George Soros,George Soros,work location,Great Britain,George Soros,0,Publius Clodius Pulcher,Great Britain,on focus list of Wikimedia project,Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4,Great Britain,0,male,Great Britain,0,human,Great Britain,0,Ancient Rome,Great Britain,0,George Soros,Great Britain,0,Great Britain,Great Britain,0,Publius Clodius Pulcher,Publius Clodius Pulcher,0,Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4,Publius Clodius Pulcher,sex or gender,male,Publius Clodius Pulcher,instance of,human,Publius Clodius Pulcher,country of citizenship,Ancient Rome,Publius Clodius Pulcher,0,George Soros,Publius Clodius Pulcher,0,Great Britain,Publius Clodius Pulcher,0,Publius Clodius Pulcher
Who was the main antagonist of Final Fantasy VII?
{'directed': True, 'multigraph': False, 'graph': {}, 'nodes': [{'type': 'INTERNAL', 'name_': 'Q17', 'id': 0, 'label': 'Japan'}, {'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q214232', 'id': 1, 'label': 'Final Fantasy VII'}, {'type': 'ANSWER_CANDIDATE_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q512934', 'id': 2, 'label': 'Shinran'}], 'links': [{'name_': 'P17', 'source': 0, 'target': 0, 'label': 'country'}, {'name_': 'P495', 'source': 1, 'target': 0, 'label': 'country of origin'}, {'name_': 'P27', 'source': 2, 'target': 0, 'label': 'country of citizenship'}]}
Shinran is a citizen of Japan, the country where Final Fantasy VII originates.
Final Fantasy VII originates from Japan where the Shinran people are from .
Who was the main antagonist of Final Fantasy VII?</s> [unused1]Shinran [unused2] is a citizen of Japan, the country where Final Fantasy VII originates.
Who was the main antagonist of Final Fantasy VII?</s>Shinran is a citizen of Japan, the country where Final Fantasy VII originates.
Who was the main antagonist of Final Fantasy VII?</s>Final Fantasy VII originates from Japan where the [unused1]Shinran [unused2] people are from .
Who was the main antagonist of Final Fantasy VII?</s>Final Fantasy VII originates from Japan where the Shinran people are from .
Who was the main antagonist of Final Fantasy VII?</s>Japan,country,Japan,Japan,0,Final Fantasy VII,Japan,0,[unused1]Shinran[unused2],Final Fantasy VII,country of origin,Japan,Final Fantasy VII,0,Final Fantasy VII,Final Fantasy VII,0,[unused1]Shinran[unused2],[unused1]Shinran[unused2],country of citizenship,Japan,[unused1]Shinran[unused2],0,Final Fantasy VII,[unused1]Shinran[unused2],0,[unused1]Shinran[unused2]
Who was the main antagonist of Final Fantasy VII?</s>Japan,country,Japan,Japan,0,Final Fantasy VII,Japan,0,Shinran,Final Fantasy VII,country of origin,Japan,Final Fantasy VII,0,Final Fantasy VII,Final Fantasy VII,0,Shinran,Shinran,country of citizenship,Japan,Shinran,0,Final Fantasy VII,Shinran,0,Shinran
What was the first university founded in Oxford?
{'directed': True, 'multigraph': False, 'graph': {}, 'nodes': [{'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q34217', 'id': 0, 'label': 'Oxford'}, {'type': 'ANSWER_CANDIDATE_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q34433', 'id': 1, 'label': 'University of Oxford'}], 'links': [{'name_': 'P159', 'source': 1, 'target': 0, 'label': 'headquarters location'}]}
The University of Oxford is the headquarters of Oxford.
The University of Oxford is the headquarters of Oxford .
What was the first university founded in Oxford?</s>The [unused1]University of Oxford [unused2] is the headquarters of Oxford.
What was the first university founded in Oxford?</s>The University of Oxford is the headquarters of Oxford.
What was the first university founded in Oxford?</s>The [unused1]University of Oxford [unused2] is the headquarters of Oxford .
What was the first university founded in Oxford?</s>The University of Oxford is the headquarters of Oxford .
What was the first university founded in Oxford?</s>Oxford,0,Oxford,Oxford,0,[unused1]University of Oxford[unused2],[unused1]University of Oxford[unused2],headquarters location,Oxford,[unused1]University of Oxford[unused2],0,[unused1]University of Oxford[unused2]
What was the first university founded in Oxford?</s>Oxford,0,Oxford,Oxford,0,University of Oxford,University of Oxford,headquarters location,Oxford,University of Oxford,0,University of Oxford
Who was the first prime minister during Elizabeth II's reign?
{'directed': True, 'multigraph': False, 'graph': {}, 'nodes': [{'type': 'INTERNAL', 'name_': 'Q1860', 'id': 0, 'label': 'English'}, {'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q9682', 'id': 1, 'label': 'Elizabeth II'}, {'type': 'ANSWER_CANDIDATE_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q10664', 'id': 2, 'label': 'Neville Chamberlain'}], 'links': [{'name_': 'P1412', 'source': 1, 'target': 0, 'label': 'languages spoken, written or signed'}, {'name_': 'P1412', 'source': 2, 'target': 0, 'label': 'languages spoken, written or signed'}]}
Elizabeth II and Neville Chamberlain speak, wrote or signed English.
English is spoken both by Elizabeth II and by Neville Chamberlain .
Who was the first prime minister during Elizabeth II's reign?</s>Elizabeth II and [unused1]Neville Chamberlain [unused2] speak, wrote or signed English.
Who was the first prime minister during Elizabeth II's reign?</s>Elizabeth II and Neville Chamberlain speak, wrote or signed English.
Who was the first prime minister during Elizabeth II's reign?</s>English is spoken both by Elizabeth II and by [unused1]Neville Chamberlain [unused2] .
Who was the first prime minister during Elizabeth II's reign?</s>English is spoken both by Elizabeth II and by Neville Chamberlain .
Who was the first prime minister during Elizabeth II's reign?</s>English,0,English,English,0,Elizabeth II,English,0,[unused1]Neville Chamberlain[unused2],Elizabeth II,languages spoken, written or signed,English,Elizabeth II,0,Elizabeth II,Elizabeth II,0,[unused1]Neville Chamberlain[unused2],[unused1]Neville Chamberlain[unused2],languages spoken, written or signed,English,[unused1]Neville Chamberlain[unused2],0,Elizabeth II,[unused1]Neville Chamberlain[unused2],0,[unused1]Neville Chamberlain[unused2]
Who was the first prime minister during Elizabeth II's reign?</s>English,0,English,English,0,Elizabeth II,English,0,Neville Chamberlain,Elizabeth II,languages spoken, written or signed,English,Elizabeth II,0,Elizabeth II,Elizabeth II,0,Neville Chamberlain,Neville Chamberlain,languages spoken, written or signed,English,Neville Chamberlain,0,Elizabeth II,Neville Chamberlain,0,Neville Chamberlain
Who was the first prime minister during Elizabeth II's reign?
{'directed': True, 'multigraph': False, 'graph': {}, 'nodes': [{'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q9682', 'id': 0, 'label': 'Elizabeth II'}, {'type': 'ANSWER_CANDIDATE_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q7647489', 'id': 1, 'label': 'Susan'}], 'links': [{'name_': 'P1830', 'source': 0, 'target': 1, 'label': 'owner of'}, {'name_': 'P127', 'source': 1, 'target': 0, 'label': 'owned by'}]}
Elizabeth II is the owner of Susan.
Elizabeth II is the owner of the house of Susan which is owned by Elizabeth II .
Who was the first prime minister during Elizabeth II's reign?</s>Elizabeth II is the owner of [unused1]Susan [unused2] .
Who was the first prime minister during Elizabeth II's reign?</s>Elizabeth II is the owner of Susan.
Who was the first prime minister during Elizabeth II's reign?</s>Elizabeth II is the owner of the house of [unused1]Susan [unused2] which is owned by Elizabeth II .
Who was the first prime minister during Elizabeth II's reign?</s>Elizabeth II is the owner of the house of Susan which is owned by Elizabeth II .
Who was the first prime minister during Elizabeth II's reign?</s>Elizabeth II,0,Elizabeth II,Elizabeth II,owner of,[unused1]Susan[unused2],[unused1]Susan[unused2],owned by,Elizabeth II,[unused1]Susan[unused2],0,[unused1]Susan[unused2]
Who was the first prime minister during Elizabeth II's reign?</s>Elizabeth II,0,Elizabeth II,Elizabeth II,owner of,Susan,Susan,owned by,Elizabeth II,Susan,0,Susan
Who was the first Labour prime minister during Elizabeth II's reign?
Q9682, Q9630
{'directed': True, 'multigraph': False, 'graph': {}, 'nodes': [{'type': 'INTERNAL', 'name_': 'Q1860', 'id': 0, 'label': 'English'}, {'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q9682', 'id': 1, 'label': 'Elizabeth II'}, {'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q9630', 'id': 2, 'label': 'Labour Party'}, {'type': 'ANSWER_CANDIDATE_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q337380', 'id': 3, 'label': 'Hugh Gaitskell'}], 'links': [{'name_': 'P1412', 'source': 1, 'target': 0, 'label': 'languages spoken, written or signed'}, {'name_': 'P488', 'source': 2, 'target': 3, 'label': 'chairperson'}, {'name_': 'P1412', 'source': 3, 'target': 0, 'label': 'languages spoken, written or signed'}, {'name_': 'P102', 'source': 3, 'target': 2, 'label': 'member of political party'}]}
Elizabeth II is a native speaker of English, which is spoken, written or signed by Hugh Gaitskell, who is a member of the Labour Party and the chair of the Labour Party.
Hugh Gaitskell is a member of the Labour Party and is the chair of the House of Assembly . English is spoken both in the UK and Elizabeth II .
Who was the first Labour prime minister during Elizabeth II's reign?</s>Elizabeth II is a native speaker of English, which is spoken, written or signed by [unused1]Hugh Gaitskell [unused2] , who is a member of the Labour Party and the chair of the Labour Party.
Who was the first Labour prime minister during Elizabeth II's reign?</s>Elizabeth II is a native speaker of English, which is spoken, written or signed by Hugh Gaitskell, who is a member of the Labour Party and the chair of the Labour Party.
Who was the first Labour prime minister during Elizabeth II's reign?</s> [unused1]Hugh Gaitskell [unused2] is a member of the Labour Party and is the chair of the House of Assembly . English is spoken both in the UK and Elizabeth II .
Who was the first Labour prime minister during Elizabeth II's reign?</s>Hugh Gaitskell is a member of the Labour Party and is the chair of the House of Assembly . English is spoken both in the UK and Elizabeth II .
Who was the first Labour prime minister during Elizabeth II's reign?</s>English,0,English,English,0,Elizabeth II,English,0,Labour Party,English,0,[unused1]Hugh Gaitskell[unused2],Elizabeth II,languages spoken, written or signed,English,Elizabeth II,0,Elizabeth II,Elizabeth II,0,Labour Party,Elizabeth II,0,[unused1]Hugh Gaitskell[unused2],Labour Party,0,English,Labour Party,0,Elizabeth II,Labour Party,0,Labour Party,Labour Party,chairperson,[unused1]Hugh Gaitskell[unused2],[unused1]Hugh Gaitskell[unused2],languages spoken, written or signed,English,[unused1]Hugh Gaitskell[unused2],0,Elizabeth II,[unused1]Hugh Gaitskell[unused2],member of political party,Labour Party,[unused1]Hugh Gaitskell[unused2],0,[unused1]Hugh Gaitskell[unused2]
Who was the first Labour prime minister during Elizabeth II's reign?</s>English,0,English,English,0,Elizabeth II,English,0,Labour Party,English,0,Hugh Gaitskell,Elizabeth II,languages spoken, written or signed,English,Elizabeth II,0,Elizabeth II,Elizabeth II,0,Labour Party,Elizabeth II,0,Hugh Gaitskell,Labour Party,0,English,Labour Party,0,Elizabeth II,Labour Party,0,Labour Party,Labour Party,chairperson,Hugh Gaitskell,Hugh Gaitskell,languages spoken, written or signed,English,Hugh Gaitskell,0,Elizabeth II,Hugh Gaitskell,member of political party,Labour Party,Hugh Gaitskell,0,Hugh Gaitskell
What kingdom does Link live in?
{'directed': True, 'multigraph': False, 'graph': {}, 'nodes': [{'type': 'ANSWER_CANDIDATE_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q1066042', 'id': 0, 'label': 'Fujiko Takimoto'}, {'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q568553', 'id': 1, 'label': 'Link'}], 'links': [{'name_': 'P175', 'source': 1, 'target': 0, 'label': 'performer'}]}
Link is a performer of Fujiko Takimoto.
The performer of the character , Fujiko Takimoto , is Link .
What kingdom does Link live in?</s>Link is a performer of [unused1]Fujiko Takimoto [unused2] .
What kingdom does Link live in?</s>Link is a performer of Fujiko Takimoto.
What kingdom does Link live in?</s>The performer of the character , [unused1]Fujiko Takimoto [unused2] , is Link .
What kingdom does Link live in?</s>The performer of the character , Fujiko Takimoto , is Link .
What kingdom does Link live in?</s>[unused1]Fujiko Takimoto[unused2],0,[unused1]Fujiko Takimoto[unused2],[unused1]Fujiko Takimoto[unused2],0,Link,Link,performer,[unused1]Fujiko Takimoto[unused2],Link,0,Link
What kingdom does Link live in?</s>Fujiko Takimoto,0,Fujiko Takimoto,Fujiko Takimoto,0,Link,Link,performer,Fujiko Takimoto,Link,0,Link
Who's the main character in Grand Theft Auto: Vice City?
{'directed': True, 'multigraph': False, 'graph': {}, 'nodes': [{'type': 'ANSWER_CANDIDATE_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q6530643', 'id': 0, 'label': 'Leslie Benzies'}, {'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q94671', 'id': 1, 'label': 'Grand Theft Auto: Vice City'}], 'links': [{'name_': 'P162', 'source': 1, 'target': 0, 'label': 'producer'}]}
Leslie Benzies is the producer of Grand Theft Auto : Vice City.
The creator of Grand Theft Auto : Vice City is Leslie Benzies .
Who's the main character in Grand Theft Auto: Vice City?</s> [unused1]Leslie Benzies [unused2] is the producer of Grand Theft Auto : Vice City.
Who's the main character in Grand Theft Auto: Vice City?</s>Leslie Benzies is the producer of Grand Theft Auto : Vice City.
Who's the main character in Grand Theft Auto: Vice City?</s>The creator of Grand Theft Auto : Vice City is [unused1]Leslie Benzies [unused2] .
Who's the main character in Grand Theft Auto: Vice City?</s>The creator of Grand Theft Auto : Vice City is Leslie Benzies .
Who's the main character in Grand Theft Auto: Vice City?</s>[unused1]Leslie Benzies[unused2],0,[unused1]Leslie Benzies[unused2],[unused1]Leslie Benzies[unused2],0,Grand Theft Auto: Vice City,Grand Theft Auto: Vice City,producer,[unused1]Leslie Benzies[unused2],Grand Theft Auto: Vice City,0,Grand Theft Auto: Vice City
Who's the main character in Grand Theft Auto: Vice City?</s>Leslie Benzies,0,Leslie Benzies,Leslie Benzies,0,Grand Theft Auto: Vice City,Grand Theft Auto: Vice City,producer,Leslie Benzies,Grand Theft Auto: Vice City,0,Grand Theft Auto: Vice City
Who is the main character of Metal Gear?
{'directed': True, 'multigraph': False, 'graph': {}, 'nodes': [{'type': 'INTERNAL', 'name_': 'Q315577', 'id': 0, 'label': 'Hideo Kojima'}, {'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q216655', 'id': 1, 'label': 'Metal Gear'}, {'type': 'ANSWER_CANDIDATE_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q21083289', 'id': 2, 'label': 'Venom Snake'}], 'links': [{'name_': 'P800', 'source': 0, 'target': 1, 'label': 'notable work'}, {'name_': 'P287', 'source': 1, 'target': 0, 'label': 'designed by'}, {'name_': 'P170', 'source': 2, 'target': 0, 'label': 'creator'}]}
Venom Snake creator Hideo Kojima designed Metal Gear.
Hideo Kojima is the creator of Metal Gear which was designed by the artist , Venom Snake .
Who is the main character of Metal Gear?</s> [unused1]Venom Snake [unused2] creator Hideo Kojima designed Metal Gear.
Who is the main character of Metal Gear?</s>Venom Snake creator Hideo Kojima designed Metal Gear.
Who is the main character of Metal Gear?</s>Hideo Kojima is the creator of Metal Gear which was designed by the artist , [unused1]Venom Snake [unused2] .
Who is the main character of Metal Gear?</s>Hideo Kojima is the creator of Metal Gear which was designed by the artist , Venom Snake .
Who is the main character of Metal Gear?</s>Hideo Kojima,0,Hideo Kojima,Hideo Kojima,notable work,Metal Gear,Hideo Kojima,0,[unused1]Venom Snake[unused2],Metal Gear,designed by,Hideo Kojima,Metal Gear,0,Metal Gear,Metal Gear,0,[unused1]Venom Snake[unused2],[unused1]Venom Snake[unused2],creator,Hideo Kojima,[unused1]Venom Snake[unused2],0,Metal Gear,[unused1]Venom Snake[unused2],0,[unused1]Venom Snake[unused2]
Who is the main character of Metal Gear?</s>Hideo Kojima,0,Hideo Kojima,Hideo Kojima,notable work,Metal Gear,Hideo Kojima,0,Venom Snake,Metal Gear,designed by,Hideo Kojima,Metal Gear,0,Metal Gear,Metal Gear,0,Venom Snake,Venom Snake,creator,Hideo Kojima,Venom Snake,0,Metal Gear,Venom Snake,0,Venom Snake
What game does the character "Soldier 76" come from?
{'directed': True, 'multigraph': False, 'graph': {}, 'nodes': [{'type': 'INTERNAL', 'name_': 'Q30', 'id': 0, 'label': 'United States of America'}, {'type': 'INTERNAL', 'name_': 'Q847133', 'id': 1, 'label': 'Fred Tatasciore'}, {'type': 'ANSWER_CANDIDATE_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q206653', 'id': 2, 'label': 'Battlefield 2'}, {'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q60790153', 'id': 3, 'label': 'Soldier: 76'}], 'links': [{'name_': 'P17', 'source': 0, 'target': 0, 'label': 'country'}, {'name_': 'P27', 'source': 1, 'target': 0, 'label': 'country of citizenship'}, {'name_': 'P840', 'source': 2, 'target': 0, 'label': 'narrative location'}, {'name_': 'P725', 'source': 3, 'target': 1, 'label': 'voice actor'}]}
The United States of America is the location of Battlefield 2 and the country of origin of the voice actor who plays Soldier 76, Fred Tatasciore.
The United States of America is the location of Battlefield 2 . It is the country where the voice actor , Fred Tatasciore , was born and where the US national anthem is `` U.S.A . ''
What game does the character "Soldier 76" come from?</s>The United States of America is the location of [unused1]Battlefield 2 [unused2] and the country of origin of the voice actor who plays Soldier 76, Fred Tatasciore.
What game does the character "Soldier 76" come from?</s>The United States of America is the location of Battlefield 2 and the country of origin of the voice actor who plays Soldier 76, Fred Tatasciore.
What game does the character "Soldier 76" come from?</s>The United States of America is the location of [unused1]Battlefield 2 [unused2] . It is the country where the voice actor , Fred Tatasciore , was born and where the US national anthem is `` U.S.A . ''
What game does the character "Soldier 76" come from?</s>The United States of America is the location of Battlefield 2 . It is the country where the voice actor , Fred Tatasciore , was born and where the US national anthem is `` U.S.A . ''
What game does the character "Soldier 76" come from?</s>United States of America,country,United States of America,United States of America,0,Fred Tatasciore,United States of America,0,[unused1]Battlefield 2[unused2],United States of America,0,Soldier: 76,Fred Tatasciore,country of citizenship,United States of America,Fred Tatasciore,0,Fred Tatasciore,Fred Tatasciore,0,[unused1]Battlefield 2[unused2],Fred Tatasciore,0,Soldier: 76,[unused1]Battlefield 2[unused2],narrative location,United States of America,[unused1]Battlefield 2[unused2],0,Fred Tatasciore,[unused1]Battlefield 2[unused2],0,[unused1]Battlefield 2[unused2],[unused1]Battlefield 2[unused2],0,Soldier: 76,Soldier: 76,0,United States of America,Soldier: 76,voice actor,Fred Tatasciore,Soldier: 76,0,[unused1]Battlefield 2[unused2],Soldier: 76,0,Soldier: 76
What game does the character "Soldier 76" come from?</s>United States of America,country,United States of America,United States of America,0,Fred Tatasciore,United States of America,0,Battlefield 2,United States of America,0,Soldier: 76,Fred Tatasciore,country of citizenship,United States of America,Fred Tatasciore,0,Fred Tatasciore,Fred Tatasciore,0,Battlefield 2,Fred Tatasciore,0,Soldier: 76,Battlefield 2,narrative location,United States of America,Battlefield 2,0,Fred Tatasciore,Battlefield 2,0,Battlefield 2,Battlefield 2,0,Soldier: 76,Soldier: 76,0,United States of America,Soldier: 76,voice actor,Fred Tatasciore,Soldier: 76,0,Battlefield 2,Soldier: 76,0,Soldier: 76
What is the name of the first enemy you see in Super Mario Brothers for original Nintendo (NES)?
Q11168, Q172742
{'directed': True, 'multigraph': False, 'graph': {}, 'nodes': [{'type': 'INTERNAL', 'name_': 'Q8093', 'id': 0, 'label': 'Nintendo'}, {'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q172742', 'id': 1, 'label': 'Nintendo Entertainment System'}, {'type': 'ANSWER_CANDIDATE_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q3064866', 'id': 2, 'label': 'Ciper Modem'}, {'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q11168', 'id': 3, 'label': 'Super Mario Bros.'}], 'links': [{'name_': 'P176', 'source': 1, 'target': 0, 'label': 'manufacturer'}, {'name_': 'P2361', 'source': 1, 'target': 2, 'label': 'online service'}, {'name_': 'P176', 'source': 2, 'target': 0, 'label': 'manufacturer'}, {'name_': 'P123', 'source': 3, 'target': 0, 'label': 'publisher'}, {'name_': 'P400', 'source': 3, 'target': 1, 'label': 'platform'}]}
The Nintendo Entertainment System, which is the basis for Super Mario Bros, was manufactured by Nintendo. The company also manufactures the Ciper Modem, which provides an online service for the Nintendo Entertainment System.
Super Mario Bros. is the publisher of the Nintendo Entertainment System which is made by the company Ciper Modem . The system is also available for the PC and the Super Mario Brothers games .
What is the name of the first enemy you see in Super Mario Brothers for original Nintendo (NES)?</s>The Nintendo Entertainment System, which is the basis for Super Mario Bros, was manufactured by Nintendo. The company also manufactures the [unused1]Ciper Modem [unused2] , which provides an online service for the Nintendo Entertainment System.
What is the name of the first enemy you see in Super Mario Brothers for original Nintendo (NES)?</s>The Nintendo Entertainment System, which is the basis for Super Mario Bros, was manufactured by Nintendo. The company also manufactures the Ciper Modem, which provides an online service for the Nintendo Entertainment System.
What is the name of the first enemy you see in Super Mario Brothers for original Nintendo (NES)?</s>Super Mario Bros. is the publisher of the Nintendo Entertainment System which is made by the company [unused1]Ciper Modem [unused2] . The system is also available for the PC and the Super Mario Brothers games .
What is the name of the first enemy you see in Super Mario Brothers for original Nintendo (NES)?</s>Super Mario Bros. is the publisher of the Nintendo Entertainment System which is made by the company Ciper Modem . The system is also available for the PC and the Super Mario Brothers games .
What is the name of the first enemy you see in Super Mario Brothers for original Nintendo (NES)?</s>Nintendo,0,Nintendo,Nintendo,0,Nintendo Entertainment System,Nintendo,0,[unused1]Ciper Modem[unused2],Nintendo,0,Super Mario Bros.,Nintendo Entertainment System,manufacturer,Nintendo,Nintendo Entertainment System,0,Nintendo Entertainment System,Nintendo Entertainment System,online service,[unused1]Ciper Modem[unused2],Nintendo Entertainment System,0,Super Mario Bros.,[unused1]Ciper Modem[unused2],manufacturer,Nintendo,[unused1]Ciper Modem[unused2],0,Nintendo Entertainment System,[unused1]Ciper Modem[unused2],0,[unused1]Ciper Modem[unused2],[unused1]Ciper Modem[unused2],0,Super Mario Bros.,Super Mario Bros.,publisher,Nintendo,Super Mario Bros.,platform,Nintendo Entertainment System,Super Mario Bros.,0,[unused1]Ciper Modem[unused2],Super Mario Bros.,0,Super Mario Bros.
What is the name of the first enemy you see in Super Mario Brothers for original Nintendo (NES)?</s>Nintendo,0,Nintendo,Nintendo,0,Nintendo Entertainment System,Nintendo,0,Ciper Modem,Nintendo,0,Super Mario Bros.,Nintendo Entertainment System,manufacturer,Nintendo,Nintendo Entertainment System,0,Nintendo Entertainment System,Nintendo Entertainment System,online service,Ciper Modem,Nintendo Entertainment System,0,Super Mario Bros.,Ciper Modem,manufacturer,Nintendo,Ciper Modem,0,Nintendo Entertainment System,Ciper Modem,0,Ciper Modem,Ciper Modem,0,Super Mario Bros.,Super Mario Bros.,publisher,Nintendo,Super Mario Bros.,platform,Nintendo Entertainment System,Super Mario Bros.,0,Ciper Modem,Super Mario Bros.,0,Super Mario Bros.
Who was the second-to-last Republican mayor of Boston?
Q29468, Q100
{'directed': True, 'multigraph': False, 'graph': {}, 'nodes': [{'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q29468', 'id': 0, 'label': 'Republican Party'}, {'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q100', 'id': 1, 'label': 'Boston'}, {'type': 'ANSWER_CANDIDATE_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q5535964', 'id': 2, 'label': 'George Albee Hibbard'}], 'links': [{'name_': 'P102', 'source': 2, 'target': 0, 'label': 'member of political party'}, {'name_': 'P19', 'source': 2, 'target': 1, 'label': 'place of birth'}]}
Boston born George Albee Hibbard is a member of the Republican Party.
George Albee Hibbard , born in Boston , was a member of the Republican Party .
Who was the second-to-last Republican mayor of Boston?</s>Boston born [unused1]George Albee Hibbard [unused2] is a member of the Republican Party.
Who was the second-to-last Republican mayor of Boston?</s>Boston born George Albee Hibbard is a member of the Republican Party.
Who was the second-to-last Republican mayor of Boston?</s> [unused1]George Albee Hibbard [unused2] , born in Boston , was a member of the Republican Party .
Who was the second-to-last Republican mayor of Boston?</s>George Albee Hibbard , born in Boston , was a member of the Republican Party .
Who was the second-to-last Republican mayor of Boston?</s>Republican Party,0,Republican Party,Republican Party,0,Boston,Republican Party,0,[unused1]George Albee Hibbard[unused2],Boston,0,Republican Party,Boston,0,Boston,Boston,0,[unused1]George Albee Hibbard[unused2],[unused1]George Albee Hibbard[unused2],member of political party,Republican Party,[unused1]George Albee Hibbard[unused2],place of birth,Boston,[unused1]George Albee Hibbard[unused2],0,[unused1]George Albee Hibbard[unused2]
Who was the second-to-last Republican mayor of Boston?</s>Republican Party,0,Republican Party,Republican Party,0,Boston,Republican Party,0,George Albee Hibbard,Boston,0,Republican Party,Boston,0,Boston,Boston,0,George Albee Hibbard,George Albee Hibbard,member of political party,Republican Party,George Albee Hibbard,place of birth,Boston,George Albee Hibbard,0,George Albee Hibbard
What game in the City Building series takes place in ancient Rome and was released after 2000?
Q220, Q915070
{'directed': True, 'multigraph': False, 'graph': {}, 'nodes': [{'type': 'INTERNAL', 'name_': 'Q30', 'id': 0, 'label': 'United States of America'}, {'type': 'INTERNAL', 'name_': 'Q38', 'id': 1, 'label': 'Italy'}, {'type': 'INTERNAL', 'name_': 'Q6655', 'id': 2, 'label': 'UTC+01:00'}, {'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q220', 'id': 3, 'label': 'Rome'}, {'type': 'INTERNAL', 'name_': 'Q7912', 'id': 4, 'label': 'Offenbach'}, {'type': 'INTERNAL', 'name_': 'Q7058673', 'id': 5, 'label': 'video game series'}, {'type': 'ANSWER_CANDIDATE_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q18288160', 'id': 6, 'label': 'Metropolitan City of Rome'}, {'type': 'INTERNAL', 'name_': 'Q494614', 'id': 7, 'label': 'Sierra Entertainment'}, {'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q915070', 'id': 8, 'label': 'City Building Series'}], 'links': [{'name_': 'P17', 'source': 0, 'target': 0, 'label': 'country'}, {'name_': 'P530', 'source': 0, 'target': 1, 'label': 'diplomatic relation'}, {'name_': 'P530', 'source': 1, 'target': 0, 'label': 'diplomatic relation'}, {'name_': 'P17', 'source': 1, 'target': 1, 'label': 'country'}, {'name_': 'P421', 'source': 1, 'target': 2, 'label': 'located in time zone'}, {'name_': 'P36', 'source': 1, 'target': 3, 'label': 'capital'}, {'name_': 'P1376', 'source': 3, 'target': 1, 'label': 'capital of'}, {'name_': 'P421', 'source': 3, 'target': 2, 'label': 'located in time zone'}, {'name_': 'P1376', 'source': 3, 'target': 6, 'label': 'capital of'}, {'name_': 'P421', 'source': 4, 'target': 2, 'label': 'located in time zone'}, {'name_': 'P1963', 'source': 5, 'target': 4, 'label': 'properties for this type'}, {'name_': 'P17', 'source': 6, 'target': 1, 'label': 'country'}, {'name_': 'P421', 'source': 6, 'target': 2, 'label': 'located in time zone'}, {'name_': 'P36', 'source': 6, 'target': 3, 'label': 'capital'}, {'name_': 'P17', 'source': 7, 'target': 0, 'label': 'country'}, {'name_': 'P31', 'source': 8, 'target': 5, 'label': 'instance of'}, {'name_': 'P123', 'source': 8, 'target': 7, 'label': 'publisher'}]}
The United States of America is the country of origin of the United States of America. The country is the location of the UTC+01:00 time zone. The capital of Italy is Rome, the country is the location of the Metropolitan City of Rome, and the UTC+01:00 time zone is also the location of the video game series, UTC+01:00.
The United States of America is the country of Italy , where the capital is Rome . The country is the location of the UTC+01:00 , which is found in the time zone of the TV series , Offenbach . The capital of Italy is Rome , the capital of which is the Metropolitan City of Rome .
What game in the City Building series takes place in ancient Rome and was released after 2000?</s>The United States of America is the country of origin of the United States of America. The country is the location of the UTC+01:00 time zone. The capital of Italy is Rome, the country is the location of the [unused1]Metropolitan City of Rome [unused2] , and the UTC+01:00 time zone is also the location of the video game series, UTC+01:00.
What game in the City Building series takes place in ancient Rome and was released after 2000?</s>The United States of America is the country of origin of the United States of America. The country is the location of the UTC+01:00 time zone. The capital of Italy is Rome, the country is the location of the Metropolitan City of Rome, and the UTC+01:00 time zone is also the location of the video game series, UTC+01:00.
What game in the City Building series takes place in ancient Rome and was released after 2000?</s>The United States of America is the country of Italy , where the capital is Rome . The country is the location of the UTC+01:00 , which is found in the time zone of the TV series , Offenbach . The capital of Italy is Rome , the capital of which is the [unused1]Metropolitan City of Rome [unused2] .
What game in the City Building series takes place in ancient Rome and was released after 2000?</s>The United States of America is the country of Italy , where the capital is Rome . The country is the location of the UTC+01:00 , which is found in the time zone of the TV series , Offenbach . The capital of Italy is Rome , the capital of which is the Metropolitan City of Rome .
What game in the City Building series takes place in ancient Rome and was released after 2000?</s>United States of America,country,United States of America,United States of America,diplomatic relation,Italy,United States of America,0,UTC+01:00,United States of America,0,Rome,United States of America,0,Offenbach,United States of America,0,video game series,United States of America,0,[unused1]Metropolitan City of Rome[unused2],United States of America,0,Sierra Entertainment,United States of America,0,City Building Series,Italy,diplomatic relation,United States of America,Italy,country,Italy,Italy,located in time zone,UTC+01:00,Italy,capital,Rome,Italy,0,Offenbach,Italy,0,video game series,Italy,0,[unused1]Metropolitan City of Rome[unused2],Italy,0,Sierra Entertainment,Italy,0,City Building Series,UTC+01:00,0,United States of America,UTC+01:00,0,Italy,UTC+01:00,0,UTC+01:00,UTC+01:00,0,Rome,UTC+01:00,0,Offenbach,UTC+01:00,0,video game series,UTC+01:00,0,[unused1]Metropolitan City of Rome[unused2],UTC+01:00,0,Sierra Entertainment,UTC+01:00,0,City Building Series,Rome,0,United States of America,Rome,capital of,Italy,Rome,located in time zone,UTC+01:00,Rome,0,Rome,Rome,0,Offenbach,Rome,0,video game series,Rome,capital of,[unused1]Metropolitan City of Rome[unused2],Rome,0,Sierra Entertainment,Rome,0,City Building Series,Offenbach,0,United States of America,Offenbach,0,Italy,Offenbach,located in time zone,UTC+01:00,Offenbach,0,Rome,Offenbach,0,Offenbach,Offenbach,0,video game series,Offenbach,0,[unused1]Metropolitan City of Rome[unused2],Offenbach,0,Sierra Entertainment,Offenbach,0,City Building Series,video game series,0,United States of America,video game series,0,Italy,video game series,0,UTC+01:00,video game series,0,Rome,video game series,properties for this type,Offenbach,video game series,0,video game series,video game series,0,[unused1]Metropolitan City of Rome[unused2],video game series,0,Sierra Entertainment,video game series,0,City Building Series,[unused1]Metropolitan City of Rome[unused2],0,United States of America,[unused1]Metropolitan City of Rome[unused2],country,Italy,[unused1]Metropolitan City of Rome[unused2],located in time zone,UTC+01:00,[unused1]Metropolitan City of Rome[unused2],capital,Rome,[unused1]Metropolitan City of Rome[unused2],0,Offenbach,[unused1]Metropolitan City of Rome[unused2],0,video game series,[unused1]Metropolitan City of Rome[unused2],0,[unused1]Metropolitan City of Rome[unused2],[unused1]Metropolitan City of Rome[unused2],0,Sierra Entertainment,[unused1]Metropolitan City of Rome[unused2],0,City Building Series,Sierra Entertainment,country,United States of America,Sierra Entertainment,0,Italy,Sierra Entertainment,0,UTC+01:00,Sierra Entertainment,0,Rome,Sierra Entertainment,0,Offenbach,Sierra Entertainment,0,video game series,Sierra Entertainment,0,[unused1]Metropolitan City of Rome[unused2],Sierra Entertainment,0,Sierra Entertainment,Sierra Entertainment,0,City Building Series,City Building Series,0,United States of America,City Building Series,0,Italy,City Building Series,0,UTC+01:00,City Building Series,0,Rome,City Building Series,0,Offenbach,City Building Series,instance of,video game series,City Building Series,0,[unused1]Metropolitan City of Rome[unused2],City Building Series,publisher,Sierra Entertainment,City Building Series,0,City Building Series
What game in the City Building series takes place in ancient Rome and was released after 2000?</s>United States of America,country,United States of America,United States of America,diplomatic relation,Italy,United States of America,0,UTC+01:00,United States of America,0,Rome,United States of America,0,Offenbach,United States of America,0,video game series,United States of America,0,Metropolitan City of Rome,United States of America,0,Sierra Entertainment,United States of America,0,City Building Series,Italy,diplomatic relation,United States of America,Italy,country,Italy,Italy,located in time zone,UTC+01:00,Italy,capital,Rome,Italy,0,Offenbach,Italy,0,video game series,Italy,0,Metropolitan City of Rome,Italy,0,Sierra Entertainment,Italy,0,City Building Series,UTC+01:00,0,United States of America,UTC+01:00,0,Italy,UTC+01:00,0,UTC+01:00,UTC+01:00,0,Rome,UTC+01:00,0,Offenbach,UTC+01:00,0,video game series,UTC+01:00,0,Metropolitan City of Rome,UTC+01:00,0,Sierra Entertainment,UTC+01:00,0,City Building Series,Rome,0,United States of America,Rome,capital of,Italy,Rome,located in time zone,UTC+01:00,Rome,0,Rome,Rome,0,Offenbach,Rome,0,video game series,Rome,capital of,Metropolitan City of Rome,Rome,0,Sierra Entertainment,Rome,0,City Building Series,Offenbach,0,United States of America,Offenbach,0,Italy,Offenbach,located in time zone,UTC+01:00,Offenbach,0,Rome,Offenbach,0,Offenbach,Offenbach,0,video game series,Offenbach,0,Metropolitan City of Rome,Offenbach,0,Sierra Entertainment,Offenbach,0,City Building Series,video game series,0,United States of America,video game series,0,Italy,video game series,0,UTC+01:00,video game series,0,Rome,video game series,properties for this type,Offenbach,video game series,0,video game series,video game series,0,Metropolitan City of Rome,video game series,0,Sierra Entertainment,video game series,0,City Building Series,Metropolitan City of Rome,0,United States of America,Metropolitan City of Rome,country,Italy,Metropolitan City of Rome,located in time zone,UTC+01:00,Metropolitan City of Rome,capital,Rome,Metropolitan City of Rome,0,Offenbach,Metropolitan City of Rome,0,video game series,Metropolitan City of Rome,0,Metropolitan City of Rome,Metropolitan City of Rome,0,Sierra Entertainment,Metropolitan City of Rome,0,City Building Series,Sierra Entertainment,country,United States of America,Sierra Entertainment,0,Italy,Sierra Entertainment,0,UTC+01:00,Sierra Entertainment,0,Rome,Sierra Entertainment,0,Offenbach,Sierra Entertainment,0,video game series,Sierra Entertainment,0,Metropolitan City of Rome,Sierra Entertainment,0,Sierra Entertainment,Sierra Entertainment,0,City Building Series,City Building Series,0,United States of America,City Building Series,0,Italy,City Building Series,0,UTC+01:00,City Building Series,0,Rome,City Building Series,0,Offenbach,City Building Series,instance of,video game series,City Building Series,0,Metropolitan City of Rome,City Building Series,publisher,Sierra Entertainment,City Building Series,0,City Building Series
What platform could the first Animal Crossing spin-off be played on?
{'directed': True, 'multigraph': False, 'graph': {}, 'nodes': [{'type': 'ANSWER_CANDIDATE_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q203597', 'id': 0, 'label': 'Nintendo 3DS'}, {'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q1139803', 'id': 1, 'label': 'Animal Crossing'}], 'links': [{'name_': 'P400', 'source': 1, 'target': 0, 'label': 'platform'}]}
The Nintendo 3DS is the platform for the Animal Crossing game.
The Nintendo 3DS has the character , Animal Crossing .
What platform could the first Animal Crossing spin-off be played on?</s>The [unused1]Nintendo 3DS [unused2] is the platform for the Animal Crossing game.
What platform could the first Animal Crossing spin-off be played on?</s>The Nintendo 3DS is the platform for the Animal Crossing game.
What platform could the first Animal Crossing spin-off be played on?</s>The [unused1]Nintendo 3DS [unused2] has the character , Animal Crossing .
What platform could the first Animal Crossing spin-off be played on?</s>The Nintendo 3DS has the character , Animal Crossing .
What platform could the first Animal Crossing spin-off be played on?</s>[unused1]Nintendo 3DS[unused2],0,[unused1]Nintendo 3DS[unused2],[unused1]Nintendo 3DS[unused2],0,Animal Crossing,Animal Crossing,platform,[unused1]Nintendo 3DS[unused2],Animal Crossing,0,Animal Crossing
What platform could the first Animal Crossing spin-off be played on?</s>Nintendo 3DS,0,Nintendo 3DS,Nintendo 3DS,0,Animal Crossing,Animal Crossing,platform,Nintendo 3DS,Animal Crossing,0,Animal Crossing
Where did the first wife of Alexander the Great die?
{'directed': True, 'multigraph': False, 'graph': {}, 'nodes': [{'type': 'INTERNAL', 'name_': 'Q6173448', 'id': 0, 'label': 'Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4'}, {'type': 'ANSWER_CANDIDATE_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q101583', 'id': 1, 'label': 'Thebes'}, {'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q8409', 'id': 2, 'label': 'Alexander the Great'}], 'links': [{'name_': 'P5008', 'source': 1, 'target': 0, 'label': 'on focus list of Wikimedia project'}, {'name_': 'P5008', 'source': 2, 'target': 0, 'label': 'on focus list of Wikimedia project'}]}
Alexander the Great and Thebes are both on the Wikimedia project's focus list.
Alexander the Great is on the list of the projects that are part of the Wikimedia project , Thebes .
Where did the first wife of Alexander the Great die?</s>Alexander the Great and [unused1]Thebes [unused2] are both on the Wikimedia project's focus list.
Where did the first wife of Alexander the Great die?</s>Alexander the Great and Thebes are both on the Wikimedia project's focus list.
Where did the first wife of Alexander the Great die?</s>Alexander the Great is on the list of the projects that are part of the Wikimedia project , [unused1]Thebes [unused2] .
Where did the first wife of Alexander the Great die?</s>Alexander the Great is on the list of the projects that are part of the Wikimedia project , Thebes .
Where did the first wife of Alexander the Great die?</s>Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4,0,Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4,Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4,0,[unused1]Thebes[unused2],Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4,0,Alexander the Great,[unused1]Thebes[unused2],on focus list of Wikimedia project,Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4,[unused1]Thebes[unused2],0,[unused1]Thebes[unused2],[unused1]Thebes[unused2],0,Alexander the Great,Alexander the Great,on focus list of Wikimedia project,Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4,Alexander the Great,0,[unused1]Thebes[unused2],Alexander the Great,0,Alexander the Great
Where did the first wife of Alexander the Great die?</s>Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4,0,Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4,Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4,0,Thebes,Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4,0,Alexander the Great,Thebes,on focus list of Wikimedia project,Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4,Thebes,0,Thebes,Thebes,0,Alexander the Great,Alexander the Great,on focus list of Wikimedia project,Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4,Alexander the Great,0,Thebes,Alexander the Great,0,Alexander the Great
Which game's tagline is “gotta catch them all”?
{'directed': True, 'multigraph': False, 'graph': {}, 'nodes': [{'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q7889', 'id': 0, 'label': 'video game'}, {'type': 'ANSWER_CANDIDATE_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q2769164', 'id': 1, 'label': 'Pokémon X and Y'}], 'links': [{'name_': 'P31', 'source': 1, 'target': 0, 'label': 'instance of'}]}
The video game Pokémon X and Y is an example of a video game.
The games Pokémon X and Y are examples of the same kind of film .
Which game's tagline is “gotta catch them all”?</s>The video game [unused1]Pokémon X and Y [unused2] is an example of a video game.
Which game's tagline is “gotta catch them all”?</s>The video game Pokémon X and Y is an example of a video game.
Which game's tagline is “gotta catch them all”?</s>The games [unused1]Pokémon X and Y [unused2] are examples of the same kind of film .
Which game's tagline is “gotta catch them all”?</s>The games Pokémon X and Y are examples of the same kind of film .
Which game's tagline is “gotta catch them all”?</s>video game,0,video game,video game,0,[unused1]Pokémon X and Y[unused2],[unused1]Pokémon X and Y[unused2],instance of,video game,[unused1]Pokémon X and Y[unused2],0,[unused1]Pokémon X and Y[unused2]
Which game's tagline is “gotta catch them all”?</s>video game,0,video game,video game,0,Pokémon X and Y,Pokémon X and Y,instance of,video game,Pokémon X and Y,0,Pokémon X and Y
Who was the first female pharaoh of Egypt?
{'directed': True, 'multigraph': False, 'graph': {}, 'nodes': [{'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q79', 'id': 0, 'label': 'Egypt'}, {'type': 'ANSWER_CANDIDATE_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q39760', 'id': 1, 'label': 'Gaza Strip'}], 'links': [{'name_': 'P17', 'source': 0, 'target': 0, 'label': 'country'}, {'name_': 'P47', 'source': 0, 'target': 1, 'label': 'shares border with'}, {'name_': 'P47', 'source': 1, 'target': 0, 'label': 'shares border with'}]}
The Gaza Strip is located in the country of Egypt, which shares a border with the Gaza Strip.
The Gaza Strip is located in the country of Egypt , where the people are known as Arabs .
Who was the first female pharaoh of Egypt?</s>The [unused1]Gaza Strip [unused2] is located in the country of Egypt, which shares a border with the
Who was the first female pharaoh of Egypt?</s>The Gaza Strip is located in the country of Egypt, which shares a border with the Gaza Strip.
Who was the first female pharaoh of Egypt?</s>The [unused1]Gaza Strip [unused2] is located in the country of Egypt , where the people are known as Arabs .
Who was the first female pharaoh of Egypt?</s>The Gaza Strip is located in the country of Egypt , where the people are known as Arabs .
Who was the first female pharaoh of Egypt?</s>Egypt,country,Egypt,Egypt,shares border with,[unused1]Gaza Strip[unused2],[unused1]Gaza Strip[unused2],shares border with,Egypt,[unused1]Gaza Strip[unused2],0,[unused1]Gaza Strip[unused2]
Who was the first female pharaoh of Egypt?</s>Egypt,country,Egypt,Egypt,shares border with,Gaza Strip,Gaza Strip,shares border with,Egypt,Gaza Strip,0,Gaza Strip
Who is usually the monster that steals Princess Peach in the Mario Bros. series?
Q507001, Q37817870
{'directed': True, 'multigraph': False, 'graph': {}, 'nodes': [{'type': 'INTERNAL', 'name_': 'Q7058673', 'id': 0, 'label': 'video game series'}, {'type': 'INTERNAL', 'name_': 'Q12382', 'id': 1, 'label': 'Shigeru Miyamoto'}, {'type': 'INTERNAL', 'name_': 'Q2778220', 'id': 2, 'label': 'Super Smash Bros.'}, {'type': 'ANSWER_CANDIDATE_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q845864', 'id': 3, 'label': 'Bowser'}, {'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q507001', 'id': 4, 'label': 'Princess Peach'}, {'type': 'INTERNAL', 'name_': 'Q610968', 'id': 5, 'label': 'Mario Bros.'}, {'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q37817870', 'id': 6, 'label': 'Mario Bros.'}], 'links': [{'name_': 'P31', 'source': 2, 'target': 0, 'label': 'instance of'}, {'name_': 'P674', 'source': 2, 'target': 3, 'label': 'characters'}, {'name_': 'P170', 'source': 3, 'target': 1, 'label': 'creator'}, {'name_': 'P1441', 'source': 3, 'target': 2, 'label': 'present in work'}, {'name_': 'P170', 'source': 4, 'target': 1, 'label': 'creator'}, {'name_': 'P1441', 'source': 4, 'target': 2, 'label': 'present in work'}, {'name_': 'P7047', 'source': 4, 'target': 3, 'label': 'enemy'}, {'name_': 'P287', 'source': 5, 'target': 1, 'label': 'designed by'}, {'name_': 'P179', 'source': 5, 'target': 6, 'label': 'part of the series'}, {'name_': 'P31', 'source': 6, 'target': 0, 'label': 'instance of'}, {'name_': 'P527', 'source': 6, 'target': 5, 'label': 'has part(s)'}]}
Shigeru Miyamoto designed the Mario Bros. series, which includes the games Mario Bros. and Mario Bros. Advance. The latter two games are part of the Super Smash Bros. series. The latter game includes the character Bowser, who is an enemy of Princess Peach.
Mario and the character of Bowser are both part of the series Super Smash Bros . The series was created by Shigeru Miyamoto and was shown in work by both the Princess Peach and the daughter of the creator , Princess Peach . The character was later used in work on the TV series .
Who is usually the monster that steals Princess Peach in the Mario Bros. series?</s>Shigeru Miyamoto designed the Mario Bros. series, which includes the games Mario Bros. and Mario Bros. Advance. The latter two games are part of the Super Smash Bros. series. The latter game includes the character [unused1]Bowser [unused2] , who is an enemy of Princess Peach.
Who is usually the monster that steals Princess Peach in the Mario Bros. series?</s>Shigeru Miyamoto designed the Mario Bros. series, which includes the games Mario Bros. and Mario Bros. Advance. The latter two games are part of the Super Smash Bros. series. The latter game includes the character Bowser, who is an enemy of Princess Peach.
Who is usually the monster that steals Princess Peach in the Mario Bros. series?</s>Mario and the character of [unused1]Bowser [unused2] are both part of the series Super Smash Bros . The series was created by Shigeru Miyamoto and was shown in work by both the Princess Peach and the daughter of the creator , Princess Peach . The character was later used in work on the TV series .
Who is usually the monster that steals Princess Peach in the Mario Bros. series?</s>Mario and the character of Bowser are both part of the series Super Smash Bros . The series was created by Shigeru Miyamoto and was shown in work by both the Princess Peach and the daughter of the creator , Princess Peach . The character was later used in work on the TV series .
Who is usually the monster that steals Princess Peach in the Mario Bros. series?</s>video game series,0,video game series,video game series,0,Shigeru Miyamoto,video game series,0,Super Smash Bros.,video game series,0,[unused1]Bowser[unused2],video game series,0,Princess Peach,video game series,0,Mario Bros.,video game series,0,Mario Bros.,Shigeru Miyamoto,0,video game series,Shigeru Miyamoto,0,Shigeru Miyamoto,Shigeru Miyamoto,0,Super Smash Bros.,Shigeru Miyamoto,0,[unused1]Bowser[unused2],Shigeru Miyamoto,0,Princess Peach,Shigeru Miyamoto,0,Mario Bros.,Shigeru Miyamoto,0,Mario Bros.,Super Smash Bros.,instance of,video game series,Super Smash Bros.,0,Shigeru Miyamoto,Super Smash Bros.,0,Super Smash Bros.,Super Smash Bros.,characters,[unused1]Bowser[unused2],Super Smash Bros.,0,Princess Peach,Super Smash Bros.,0,Mario Bros.,Super Smash Bros.,0,Mario Bros.,[unused1]Bowser[unused2],0,video game series,[unused1]Bowser[unused2],creator,Shigeru Miyamoto,[unused1]Bowser[unused2],present in work,Super Smash Bros.,[unused1]Bowser[unused2],0,[unused1]Bowser[unused2],[unused1]Bowser[unused2],0,Princess Peach,[unused1]Bowser[unused2],0,Mario Bros.,[unused1]Bowser[unused2],0,Mario Bros.,Princess Peach,0,video game series,Princess Peach,creator,Shigeru Miyamoto,Princess Peach,present in work,Super Smash Bros.,Princess Peach,enemy,[unused1]Bowser[unused2],Princess Peach,0,Princess Peach,Princess Peach,0,Mario Bros.,Princess Peach,0,Mario Bros.,Mario Bros.,0,video game series,Mario Bros.,designed by,Shigeru Miyamoto,Mario Bros.,0,Super Smash Bros.,Mario Bros.,0,[unused1]Bowser[unused2],Mario Bros.,0,Princess Peach,Mario Bros.,0,Mario Bros.,Mario Bros.,part of the series,Mario Bros.,Mario Bros.,instance of,video game series,Mario Bros.,0,Shigeru Miyamoto,Mario Bros.,0,Super Smash Bros.,Mario Bros.,0,[unused1]Bowser[unused2],Mario Bros.,0,Princess Peach,Mario Bros.,has part(s),Mario Bros.,Mario Bros.,0,Mario Bros.
Who is usually the monster that steals Princess Peach in the Mario Bros. series?</s>video game series,0,video game series,video game series,0,Shigeru Miyamoto,video game series,0,Super Smash Bros.,video game series,0,Bowser,video game series,0,Princess Peach,video game series,0,Mario Bros.,video game series,0,Mario Bros.,Shigeru Miyamoto,0,video game series,Shigeru Miyamoto,0,Shigeru Miyamoto,Shigeru Miyamoto,0,Super Smash Bros.,Shigeru Miyamoto,0,Bowser,Shigeru Miyamoto,0,Princess Peach,Shigeru Miyamoto,0,Mario Bros.,Shigeru Miyamoto,0,Mario Bros.,Super Smash Bros.,instance of,video game series,Super Smash Bros.,0,Shigeru Miyamoto,Super Smash Bros.,0,Super Smash Bros.,Super Smash Bros.,characters,Bowser,Super Smash Bros.,0,Princess Peach,Super Smash Bros.,0,Mario Bros.,Super Smash Bros.,0,Mario Bros.,Bowser,0,video game series,Bowser,creator,Shigeru Miyamoto,Bowser,present in work,Super Smash Bros.,Bowser,0,Bowser,Bowser,0,Princess Peach,Bowser,0,Mario Bros.,Bowser,0,Mario Bros.,Princess Peach,0,video game series,Princess Peach,creator,Shigeru Miyamoto,Princess Peach,present in work,Super Smash Bros.,Princess Peach,enemy,Bowser,Princess Peach,0,Princess Peach,Princess Peach,0,Mario Bros.,Princess Peach,0,Mario Bros.,Mario Bros.,0,video game series,Mario Bros.,designed by,Shigeru Miyamoto,Mario Bros.,0,Super Smash Bros.,Mario Bros.,0,Bowser,Mario Bros.,0,Princess Peach,Mario Bros.,0,Mario Bros.,Mario Bros.,part of the series,Mario Bros.,Mario Bros.,instance of,video game series,Mario Bros.,0,Shigeru Miyamoto,Mario Bros.,0,Super Smash Bros.,Mario Bros.,0,Bowser,Mario Bros.,0,Princess Peach,Mario Bros.,has part(s),Mario Bros.,Mario Bros.,0,Mario Bros.
What was the first university founded in Oxford?
{'directed': True, 'multigraph': False, 'graph': {}, 'nodes': [{'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q34217', 'id': 0, 'label': 'Oxford'}, {'type': 'ANSWER_CANDIDATE_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q1903', 'id': 1, 'label': 'Catania'}], 'links': [{'name_': 'P190', 'source': 0, 'target': 1, 'label': 'twinned administrative body'}, {'name_': 'P190', 'source': 1, 'target': 0, 'label': 'twinned administrative body'}]}
Catania and Oxford are twinned administrative bodies.
The sisters of Catania are both in the same academic body , the same as in the case of the latter .
What was the first university founded in Oxford?</s> [unused1]Catania [unused2] and Oxford are twinned administrative bodies.
What was the first university founded in Oxford?</s>Catania and Oxford are twinned administrative bodies.
What was the first university founded in Oxford?</s>The sisters of [unused1]Catania [unused2] are both in the same academic body , the same as in the case of the latter .
What was the first university founded in Oxford?</s>The sisters of Catania are both in the same academic body , the same as in the case of the latter .
What was the first university founded in Oxford?</s>Oxford,0,Oxford,Oxford,twinned administrative body,[unused1]Catania[unused2],[unused1]Catania[unused2],twinned administrative body,Oxford,[unused1]Catania[unused2],0,[unused1]Catania[unused2]
What was the first university founded in Oxford?</s>Oxford,0,Oxford,Oxford,twinned administrative body,Catania,Catania,twinned administrative body,Oxford,Catania,0,Catania
What is the newest of the four ancient universities of Scotland?
{'directed': True, 'multigraph': False, 'graph': {}, 'nodes': [{'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q22', 'id': 0, 'label': 'Scotland'}, {'type': 'ANSWER_CANDIDATE_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q189912', 'id': 1, 'label': 'Aberdeenshire'}], 'links': [{'name_': 'P150', 'source': 0, 'target': 1, 'label': 'contains the administrative territorial entity'}, {'name_': 'P131', 'source': 1, 'target': 0, 'label': 'located in the administrative territorial entity'}]}
Aberdeenshire is located in the Scottish administrative territorial entity, which is the administrative territorial entity of Scotland.
Scotland is the location of the administrative entity of Aberdeenshire , which is located in the administrative region of Scotland .
What is the newest of the four ancient universities of Scotland?</s> [unused1]Aberdeenshire [unused2] is located in the Scottish administrative territorial entity, which is the administrative territorial entity of Scotland.
What is the newest of the four ancient universities of Scotland?</s>Aberdeenshire is located in the Scottish administrative territorial entity, which is the administrative territorial entity of Scotland.
What is the newest of the four ancient universities of Scotland?</s>Scotland is the location of the administrative entity of [unused1]Aberdeenshire [unused2] , which is located in the administrative region of Scotland .
What is the newest of the four ancient universities of Scotland?</s>Scotland is the location of the administrative entity of Aberdeenshire , which is located in the administrative region of Scotland .
What is the newest of the four ancient universities of Scotland?</s>Scotland,0,Scotland,Scotland,contains the administrative territorial entity,[unused1]Aberdeenshire[unused2],[unused1]Aberdeenshire[unused2],located in the administrative territorial entity,Scotland,[unused1]Aberdeenshire[unused2],0,[unused1]Aberdeenshire[unused2]
What is the newest of the four ancient universities of Scotland?</s>Scotland,0,Scotland,Scotland,contains the administrative territorial entity,Aberdeenshire,Aberdeenshire,located in the administrative territorial entity,Scotland,Aberdeenshire,0,Aberdeenshire
What platform could the first Animal Crossing spin-off be played on?
{'directed': True, 'multigraph': False, 'graph': {}, 'nodes': [{'type': 'ANSWER_CANDIDATE_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q19610114', 'id': 0, 'label': 'Nintendo Switch'}, {'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q1139803', 'id': 1, 'label': 'Animal Crossing'}], 'links': [{'name_': 'P400', 'source': 1, 'target': 0, 'label': 'platform'}]}
The Nintendo Switch is the platform for the Animal Crossing game.
The Nintendo Switch has the character , Animal Crossing .
What platform could the first Animal Crossing spin-off be played on?</s>The [unused1]Nintendo Switch [unused2] is the platform for the Animal Crossing game.
What platform could the first Animal Crossing spin-off be played on?</s>The Nintendo Switch is the platform for the Animal Crossing game.
What platform could the first Animal Crossing spin-off be played on?</s>The [unused1]Nintendo Switch [unused2] has the character , Animal Crossing .
What platform could the first Animal Crossing spin-off be played on?</s>The Nintendo Switch has the character , Animal Crossing .
What platform could the first Animal Crossing spin-off be played on?</s>[unused1]Nintendo Switch[unused2],0,[unused1]Nintendo Switch[unused2],[unused1]Nintendo Switch[unused2],0,Animal Crossing,Animal Crossing,platform,[unused1]Nintendo Switch[unused2],Animal Crossing,0,Animal Crossing
What platform could the first Animal Crossing spin-off be played on?</s>Nintendo Switch,0,Nintendo Switch,Nintendo Switch,0,Animal Crossing,Animal Crossing,platform,Nintendo Switch,Animal Crossing,0,Animal Crossing
What is the oldest university in Italy?
{'directed': True, 'multigraph': False, 'graph': {}, 'nodes': [{'type': 'ANSWER_CANDIDATE_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q17495', 'id': 0, 'label': 'Universal Postal Union'}, {'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q38', 'id': 1, 'label': 'Italy'}], 'links': [{'name_': 'P463', 'source': 1, 'target': 0, 'label': 'member of'}, {'name_': 'P17', 'source': 1, 'target': 1, 'label': 'country'}]}
Italy is a member of the Universal Postal Union.
Italy is a country where the Universal Postal Union is located .
What is the oldest university in Italy?</s>Italy is a member of the [unused1]Universal Postal Union [unused2] .
What is the oldest university in Italy?</s>Italy is a member of the Universal Postal Union.
What is the oldest university in Italy?</s>Italy is a country where the [unused1]Universal Postal Union [unused2] is located .
What is the oldest university in Italy?</s>Italy is a country where the Universal Postal Union is located .
What is the oldest university in Italy?</s>[unused1]Universal Postal Union[unused2],0,[unused1]Universal Postal Union[unused2],[unused1]Universal Postal Union[unused2],0,Italy,Italy,member of,[unused1]Universal Postal Union[unused2],Italy,country,Italy
What is the oldest university in Italy?</s>Universal Postal Union,0,Universal Postal Union,Universal Postal Union,0,Italy,Italy,member of,Universal Postal Union,Italy,country,Italy
Who is the protagonist of Uncharted among Thieves?
{'directed': True, 'multigraph': False, 'graph': {}, 'nodes': [{'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q17146', 'id': 0, 'label': 'Uncharted 2: Among Thieves'}, {'type': 'ANSWER_CANDIDATE_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q568463', 'id': 1, 'label': 'Nathan Drake'}], 'links': [{'name_': 'P674', 'source': 0, 'target': 1, 'label': 'characters'}, {'name_': 'P1441', 'source': 1, 'target': 0, 'label': 'present in work'}]}
Nathan Drake is a character in the work, Uncharted 2 : Among Thieves.
The character , Nathan Drake , appeared in the film , Uncharted 2 : Among Thieves .
Who is the protagonist of Uncharted among Thieves?</s> [unused1]Nathan Drake [unused2] is a character in the work, Uncharted 2 : Among Thieves.
Who is the protagonist of Uncharted among Thieves?</s>Nathan Drake is a character in the work, Uncharted 2 : Among Thieves.
Who is the protagonist of Uncharted among Thieves?</s>The character , [unused1]Nathan Drake [unused2] , appeared in the film , Uncharted 2 : Among Thieves .
Who is the protagonist of Uncharted among Thieves?</s>The character , Nathan Drake , appeared in the film , Uncharted 2 : Among Thieves .
Who is the protagonist of Uncharted among Thieves?</s>Uncharted 2: Among Thieves,0,Uncharted 2: Among Thieves,Uncharted 2: Among Thieves,characters,[unused1]Nathan Drake[unused2],[unused1]Nathan Drake[unused2],present in work,Uncharted 2: Among Thieves,[unused1]Nathan Drake[unused2],0,[unused1]Nathan Drake[unused2]
Who is the protagonist of Uncharted among Thieves?</s>Uncharted 2: Among Thieves,0,Uncharted 2: Among Thieves,Uncharted 2: Among Thieves,characters,Nathan Drake,Nathan Drake,present in work,Uncharted 2: Among Thieves,Nathan Drake,0,Nathan Drake
Who is the main character in Final Fantasy 8?
{'directed': True, 'multigraph': False, 'graph': {}, 'nodes': [{'type': 'INTERNAL', 'name_': 'Q99415917', 'id': 0, 'label': 'Final Fantasy universe'}, {'type': 'ANSWER_CANDIDATE_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q1798592', 'id': 1, 'label': 'Cloud Strife'}, {'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q245006', 'id': 2, 'label': 'Final Fantasy VIII'}], 'links': [{'name_': 'P1080', 'source': 1, 'target': 0, 'label': 'from narrative universe'}, {'name_': 'P1434', 'source': 2, 'target': 0, 'label': 'takes place in fictional universe'}]}
The fictional universe of Final Fantasy includes the games Final Fantasy VIII and Cloud Strife.
The Final Fantasy universe , which includes the character of Cloud Strife , is the sequel to Final Fantasy VIII .
Who is the main character in Final Fantasy 8?</s>The fictional universe of Final Fantasy includes the games Final Fantasy VIII and [unused1]Cloud Strife [unused2] .
Who is the main character in Final Fantasy 8?</s>The fictional universe of Final Fantasy includes the games Final Fantasy VIII and Cloud Strife.
Who is the main character in Final Fantasy 8?</s>The Final Fantasy universe , which includes the character of [unused1]Cloud Strife [unused2] , is the sequel to Final Fantasy VIII .
Who is the main character in Final Fantasy 8?</s>The Final Fantasy universe , which includes the character of Cloud Strife , is the sequel to Final Fantasy VIII .
Who is the main character in Final Fantasy 8?</s>Final Fantasy universe,0,Final Fantasy universe,Final Fantasy universe,0,[unused1]Cloud Strife[unused2],Final Fantasy universe,0,Final Fantasy VIII,[unused1]Cloud Strife[unused2],from narrative universe,Final Fantasy universe,[unused1]Cloud Strife[unused2],0,[unused1]Cloud Strife[unused2],[unused1]Cloud Strife[unused2],0,Final Fantasy VIII,Final Fantasy VIII,takes place in fictional universe,Final Fantasy universe,Final Fantasy VIII,0,[unused1]Cloud Strife[unused2],Final Fantasy VIII,0,Final Fantasy VIII
Who is the main character in Final Fantasy 8?</s>Final Fantasy universe,0,Final Fantasy universe,Final Fantasy universe,0,Cloud Strife,Final Fantasy universe,0,Final Fantasy VIII,Cloud Strife,from narrative universe,Final Fantasy universe,Cloud Strife,0,Cloud Strife,Cloud Strife,0,Final Fantasy VIII,Final Fantasy VIII,takes place in fictional universe,Final Fantasy universe,Final Fantasy VIII,0,Cloud Strife,Final Fantasy VIII,0,Final Fantasy VIII
Where did the first wife of Alexander the Great die?
{'directed': True, 'multigraph': False, 'graph': {}, 'nodes': [{'type': 'INTERNAL', 'name_': 'Q19180675', 'id': 0, 'label': 'Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary'}, {'type': 'ANSWER_CANDIDATE_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q17151', 'id': 1, 'label': 'Thessaloniki'}, {'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q8409', 'id': 2, 'label': 'Alexander the Great'}], 'links': [{'name_': 'P1343', 'source': 1, 'target': 0, 'label': 'described by source'}, {'name_': 'P1343', 'source': 2, 'target': 0, 'label': 'described by source'}]}
The Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary is based in Thessaloniki and is a reference to Alexander the Great.
Alexander the Great was described by the authors of the book `` Thessaloniki '' .
Where did the first wife of Alexander the Great die?</s>The Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary is based in [unused1]Thessaloniki [unused2] and is a reference to Alexander the Great.
Where did the first wife of Alexander the Great die?</s>The Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary is based in Thessaloniki and is a reference to Alexander the Great.
Where did the first wife of Alexander the Great die?</s>Alexander the Great was described by the authors of the book `` [unused1]Thessaloniki [unused2] '' .
Where did the first wife of Alexander the Great die?</s>Alexander the Great was described by the authors of the book `` Thessaloniki '' .
Where did the first wife of Alexander the Great die?</s>Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary,0,Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary,Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary,0,[unused1]Thessaloniki[unused2],Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary,0,Alexander the Great,[unused1]Thessaloniki[unused2],described by source,Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary,[unused1]Thessaloniki[unused2],0,[unused1]Thessaloniki[unused2],[unused1]Thessaloniki[unused2],0,Alexander the Great,Alexander the Great,described by source,Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary,Alexander the Great,0,[unused1]Thessaloniki[unused2],Alexander the Great,0,Alexander the Great
Where did the first wife of Alexander the Great die?</s>Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary,0,Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary,Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary,0,Thessaloniki,Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary,0,Alexander the Great,Thessaloniki,described by source,Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary,Thessaloniki,0,Thessaloniki,Thessaloniki,0,Alexander the Great,Alexander the Great,described by source,Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary,Alexander the Great,0,Thessaloniki,Alexander the Great,0,Alexander the Great
Who was the first woman mayor elected in New England?
{'directed': True, 'multigraph': False, 'graph': {}, 'nodes': [{'type': 'ANSWER_CANDIDATE_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q21', 'id': 0, 'label': 'England'}, {'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q18389', 'id': 1, 'label': 'New England'}], 'links': [{'name_': 'P138', 'source': 1, 'target': 0, 'label': 'named after'}]}
England is named after New England.
New England is named after England .
Who was the first woman mayor elected in New England?</s> [unused1]England [unused2] is named after New
Who was the first woman mayor elected in New England?</s>England is named after New England.
Who was the first woman mayor elected in New England?</s>New [unused1]England [unused2] is named after
Who was the first woman mayor elected in New England?</s>New England is named after England .
Who was the first woman mayor elected in New England?</s>[unused1]England[unused2],0,[unused1]England[unused2],[unused1]England[unused2],0,New England,New England,named after,[unused1]England[unused2],New England,0,New England
Who was the first woman mayor elected in New England?</s>England,0,England,England,0,New England,New England,named after,England,New England,0,New England
What is the oldest university in England?
{'directed': True, 'multigraph': False, 'graph': {}, 'nodes': [{'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q21', 'id': 0, 'label': 'England'}, {'type': 'ANSWER_CANDIDATE_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q48026', 'id': 1, 'label': 'South West England'}], 'links': [{'name_': 'P150', 'source': 0, 'target': 1, 'label': 'contains the administrative territorial entity'}, {'name_': 'P131', 'source': 1, 'target': 0, 'label': 'located in the administrative territorial entity'}]}
South West England is located in the administrative territorial entity of England.
England is located within the administrative region of South West England .
What is the oldest university in England?</s> [unused1]South West England [unused2] is located in the administrative territorial entity of England.
What is the oldest university in England?</s>South West England is located in the administrative territorial entity of England.
What is the oldest university in England?</s>England is located within the administrative region of [unused1]South West England [unused2] .
What is the oldest university in England?</s>England is located within the administrative region of South West England .
What is the oldest university in England?</s>England,0,England,England,contains the administrative territorial entity,[unused1]South West England[unused2],[unused1]South West England[unused2],located in the administrative territorial entity,England,[unused1]South West England[unused2],0,[unused1]South West England[unused2]
What is the oldest university in England?</s>England,0,England,England,contains the administrative territorial entity,South West England,South West England,located in the administrative territorial entity,England,South West England,0,South West England
What is the oldest university in Scotland?
{'directed': True, 'multigraph': False, 'graph': {}, 'nodes': [{'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q22', 'id': 0, 'label': 'Scotland'}, {'type': 'ANSWER_CANDIDATE_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q1529151', 'id': 1, 'label': 'Glamis Castle'}], 'links': [{'name_': 'P1830', 'source': 0, 'target': 1, 'label': 'owner of'}]}
Glamis Castle is owned by Scotland.
The owner of Glamis Castle is Scotland .
What is the oldest university in Scotland?</s> [unused1]Glamis Castle [unused2] is owned by Scotland.
What is the oldest university in Scotland?</s>Glamis Castle is owned by Scotland.
What is the oldest university in Scotland?</s>The owner of [unused1]Glamis Castle [unused2] is Scotland .
What is the oldest university in Scotland?</s>The owner of Glamis Castle is Scotland .
What is the oldest university in Scotland?</s>Scotland,0,Scotland,Scotland,owner of,[unused1]Glamis Castle[unused2],[unused1]Glamis Castle[unused2],0,Scotland,[unused1]Glamis Castle[unused2],0,[unused1]Glamis Castle[unused2]
What is the oldest university in Scotland?</s>Scotland,0,Scotland,Scotland,owner of,Glamis Castle,Glamis Castle,0,Scotland,Glamis Castle,0,Glamis Castle
What is the oldest university in Italy?
{'directed': True, 'multigraph': False, 'graph': {}, 'nodes': [{'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q38', 'id': 0, 'label': 'Italy'}, {'type': 'ANSWER_CANDIDATE_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q193510', 'id': 1, 'label': 'University of Padua'}], 'links': [{'name_': 'P17', 'source': 0, 'target': 0, 'label': 'country'}, {'name_': 'P17', 'source': 1, 'target': 0, 'label': 'country'}]}
The University of Padua is located in Italy.
The University of Padua is located in Italy , the country where the Italian people live .
What is the oldest university in Italy?</s>The [unused1]University of Padua [unused2] is located in Italy.
What is the oldest university in Italy?</s>The University of Padua is located in Italy.
What is the oldest university in Italy?</s>The [unused1]University of Padua [unused2] is located in Italy , the country where the Italian people live .
What is the oldest university in Italy?</s>The University of Padua is located in Italy , the country where the Italian people live .
What is the oldest university in Italy?</s>Italy,country,Italy,Italy,0,[unused1]University of Padua[unused2],[unused1]University of Padua[unused2],country,Italy,[unused1]University of Padua[unused2],0,[unused1]University of Padua[unused2]
What is the oldest university in Italy?</s>Italy,country,Italy,Italy,0,University of Padua,University of Padua,country,Italy,University of Padua,0,University of Padua
Who developed Gran Turismo?
{'directed': True, 'multigraph': False, 'graph': {}, 'nodes': [{'type': 'ANSWER_CANDIDATE_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q860750', 'id': 0, 'label': 'racing video game'}, {'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q652928', 'id': 1, 'label': 'Gran Turismo'}], 'links': [{'name_': 'P136', 'source': 1, 'target': 0, 'label': 'genre'}]}
Gran Turismo is a racing video game.
Gran Turismo is a genre of racing video games .
Who developed Gran Turismo?</s>Gran Turismo is a [unused1]racing video game [unused2] .
Who developed Gran Turismo?</s>Gran Turismo is a racing video game.
Who developed Gran Turismo?</s>Gran Turismo is a genre of [unused1]racing video game [unused2] s .
Who developed Gran Turismo?</s>Gran Turismo is a genre of racing video games .
Who developed Gran Turismo?</s>[unused1]racing video game[unused2],0,[unused1]racing video game[unused2],[unused1]racing video game[unused2],0,Gran Turismo,Gran Turismo,genre,[unused1]racing video game[unused2],Gran Turismo,0,Gran Turismo
Who developed Gran Turismo?</s>racing video game,0,racing video game,racing video game,0,Gran Turismo,Gran Turismo,genre,racing video game,Gran Turismo,0,Gran Turismo
Who developed The Room: Old Sins?
{'directed': True, 'multigraph': False, 'graph': {}, 'nodes': [{'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q54958940', 'id': 0, 'label': 'The Room: Old Sins'}, {'type': 'ANSWER_CANDIDATE_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q15070334', 'id': 1, 'label': 'Fireproof Studios'}], 'links': [{'name_': 'P178', 'source': 0, 'target': 1, 'label': 'developer'}]}
Fireproof Studios is the developer of The Room : Old Sins.
The developer of Fireproof Studios is The Room : Old Sins .
Who developed The Room: Old Sins?</s> [unused1]Fireproof Studios [unused2] is the developer of The Room : Old Sins.
Who developed The Room: Old Sins?</s>Fireproof Studios is the developer of The Room : Old Sins.
Who developed The Room: Old Sins?</s>The developer of [unused1]Fireproof Studios [unused2] is The Room : Old Sins .
Who developed The Room: Old Sins?</s>The developer of Fireproof Studios is The Room : Old Sins .
Who developed The Room: Old Sins?</s>The Room: Old Sins,0,The Room: Old Sins,The Room: Old Sins,developer,[unused1]Fireproof Studios[unused2],[unused1]Fireproof Studios[unused2],0,The Room: Old Sins,[unused1]Fireproof Studios[unused2],0,[unused1]Fireproof Studios[unused2]
Who developed The Room: Old Sins?</s>The Room: Old Sins,0,The Room: Old Sins,The Room: Old Sins,developer,Fireproof Studios,Fireproof Studios,0,The Room: Old Sins,Fireproof Studios,0,Fireproof Studios
What platforms can the first Animal Crossing mobile game be played on?
Q94, Q48493
{'directed': True, 'multigraph': False, 'graph': {}, 'nodes': [{'type': 'ANSWER_CANDIDATE_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q19610114', 'id': 0, 'label': 'Nintendo Switch'}, {'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q1139803', 'id': 1, 'label': 'Animal Crossing'}], 'links': [{'name_': 'P400', 'source': 1, 'target': 0, 'label': 'platform'}]}
The Nintendo Switch is the platform for the Animal Crossing game.
The Nintendo Switch has the character , Animal Crossing .
What platforms can the first Animal Crossing mobile game be played on?</s>The [unused1]Nintendo Switch [unused2] is the platform for the Animal Crossing game.
What platforms can the first Animal Crossing mobile game be played on?</s>The Nintendo Switch is the platform for the Animal Crossing game.
What platforms can the first Animal Crossing mobile game be played on?</s>The [unused1]Nintendo Switch [unused2] has the character , Animal Crossing .
What platforms can the first Animal Crossing mobile game be played on?</s>The Nintendo Switch has the character , Animal Crossing .
What platforms can the first Animal Crossing mobile game be played on?</s>[unused1]Nintendo Switch[unused2],0,[unused1]Nintendo Switch[unused2],[unused1]Nintendo Switch[unused2],0,Animal Crossing,Animal Crossing,platform,[unused1]Nintendo Switch[unused2],Animal Crossing,0,Animal Crossing
What platforms can the first Animal Crossing mobile game be played on?</s>Nintendo Switch,0,Nintendo Switch,Nintendo Switch,0,Animal Crossing,Animal Crossing,platform,Nintendo Switch,Animal Crossing,0,Animal Crossing
What is the shortest movie to win an Oscar?
{'directed': True, 'multigraph': False, 'graph': {}, 'nodes': [{'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q19020', 'id': 0, 'label': 'Academy Awards'}, {'type': 'ANSWER_CANDIDATE_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q11291954', 'id': 1, 'label': 'Oscar statuette'}], 'links': [{'name_': 'P4622', 'source': 0, 'target': 1, 'label': 'trophy awarded'}]}
The Oscar statuette is awarded at the Academy Awards.
The Academy Award winner is awarded the Oscar statuette .
What is the shortest movie to win an Oscar?</s>The [unused1]Oscar statuette [unused2] is awarded at the Academy Awards.
What is the shortest movie to win an Oscar?</s>The Oscar statuette is awarded at the Academy Awards.
What is the shortest movie to win an Oscar?</s>The Academy Award winner is awarded the [unused1]Oscar statuette [unused2] .
What is the shortest movie to win an Oscar?</s>The Academy Award winner is awarded the Oscar statuette .
What is the shortest movie to win an Oscar?</s>Academy Awards,0,Academy Awards,Academy Awards,trophy awarded,[unused1]Oscar statuette[unused2],[unused1]Oscar statuette[unused2],0,Academy Awards,[unused1]Oscar statuette[unused2],0,[unused1]Oscar statuette[unused2]
What is the shortest movie to win an Oscar?</s>Academy Awards,0,Academy Awards,Academy Awards,trophy awarded,Oscar statuette,Oscar statuette,0,Academy Awards,Oscar statuette,0,Oscar statuette
What is the largest open-world game of all time?
Q867123, Q7889
{'directed': True, 'multigraph': False, 'graph': {}, 'nodes': [{'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q7889', 'id': 0, 'label': 'video game'}, {'type': 'ANSWER_CANDIDATE_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q17452', 'id': 1, 'label': 'Grand Theft Auto V'}, {'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q867123', 'id': 2, 'label': 'open world'}], 'links': [{'name_': 'P31', 'source': 1, 'target': 0, 'label': 'instance of'}, {'name_': 'P4151', 'source': 1, 'target': 2, 'label': 'game mechanics'}]}
Grand Theft Auto V is a video game that has an open world as one of its gameplay mechanics.
Grand Theft Auto V is an example of a video game , it has the open-world style of gameplay .
What is the largest open-world game of all time?</s> [unused1]Grand Theft Auto V [unused2] is a video game that has an open world as one of its gameplay mechanics.
What is the largest open-world game of all time?</s>Grand Theft Auto V is a video game that has an open world as one of its gameplay mechanics.
What is the largest open-world game of all time?</s> [unused1]Grand Theft Auto V [unused2] is an example of a video game , it has the open-world style of gameplay .
What is the largest open-world game of all time?</s>Grand Theft Auto V is an example of a video game , it has the open-world style of gameplay .
What is the largest open-world game of all time?</s>video game,0,video game,video game,0,[unused1]Grand Theft Auto V[unused2],video game,0,open world,[unused1]Grand Theft Auto V[unused2],instance of,video game,[unused1]Grand Theft Auto V[unused2],0,[unused1]Grand Theft Auto V[unused2],[unused1]Grand Theft Auto V[unused2],game mechanics,open world,open world,0,video game,open world,0,[unused1]Grand Theft Auto V[unused2],open world,0,open world
What is the largest open-world game of all time?</s>video game,0,video game,video game,0,Grand Theft Auto V,video game,0,open world,Grand Theft Auto V,instance of,video game,Grand Theft Auto V,0,Grand Theft Auto V,Grand Theft Auto V,game mechanics,open world,open world,0,video game,open world,0,Grand Theft Auto V,open world,0,open world
Who was the last Labour prime minister of the UK?
Q9630, Q145
{'directed': True, 'multigraph': False, 'graph': {}, 'nodes': [{'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q145', 'id': 0, 'label': 'United Kingdom'}, {'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q9630', 'id': 1, 'label': 'Labour Party'}, {'type': 'ANSWER_CANDIDATE_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q128985', 'id': 2, 'label': 'Harold Macmillan'}], 'links': [{'name_': 'P17', 'source': 0, 'target': 0, 'label': 'country'}, {'name_': 'P17', 'source': 1, 'target': 0, 'label': 'country'}, {'name_': 'P27', 'source': 2, 'target': 0, 'label': 'country of citizenship'}]}
Harold Macmillan was a citizen of the United Kingdom, where the Labour Party is in power.
Labour Party are the leaders of the United Kingdom , where the leader is Harold Macmillan and the country is the location of the birth place of the Labour Party .
Who was the last Labour prime minister of the UK?</s> [unused1]Harold Macmillan [unused2] was a citizen of the United Kingdom, where the Labour Party is in power.
Who was the last Labour prime minister of the UK?</s>Harold Macmillan was a citizen of the United Kingdom, where the Labour Party is in power.
Who was the last Labour prime minister of the UK?</s>Labour Party are the leaders of the United Kingdom , where the leader is [unused1]Harold Macmillan [unused2] and the country is the location of the birth place of the Labour Party .
Who was the last Labour prime minister of the UK?</s>Labour Party are the leaders of the United Kingdom , where the leader is Harold Macmillan and the country is the location of the birth place of the Labour Party .
Who was the last Labour prime minister of the UK?</s>United Kingdom,country,United Kingdom,United Kingdom,0,Labour Party,United Kingdom,0,[unused1]Harold Macmillan[unused2],Labour Party,country,United Kingdom,Labour Party,0,Labour Party,Labour Party,0,[unused1]Harold Macmillan[unused2],[unused1]Harold Macmillan[unused2],country of citizenship,United Kingdom,[unused1]Harold Macmillan[unused2],0,Labour Party,[unused1]Harold Macmillan[unused2],0,[unused1]Harold Macmillan[unused2]
Who was the last Labour prime minister of the UK?</s>United Kingdom,country,United Kingdom,United Kingdom,0,Labour Party,United Kingdom,0,Harold Macmillan,Labour Party,country,United Kingdom,Labour Party,0,Labour Party,Labour Party,0,Harold Macmillan,Harold Macmillan,country of citizenship,United Kingdom,Harold Macmillan,0,Labour Party,Harold Macmillan,0,Harold Macmillan
Who was the first mayor of Boston?
{'directed': True, 'multigraph': False, 'graph': {}, 'nodes': [{'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q100', 'id': 0, 'label': 'Boston'}, {'type': 'ANSWER_CANDIDATE_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q212963', 'id': 1, 'label': 'Samuel Adams'}], 'links': [{'name_': 'P19', 'source': 1, 'target': 0, 'label': 'place of birth'}]}
Boston was the birthplace of Samuel Adams.
Samuel Adams was born in Boston .
Who was the first mayor of Boston?</s>Boston was the birthplace of [unused1]Samuel Adams [unused2] .
Who was the first mayor of Boston?</s>Boston was the birthplace of Samuel Adams.
Who was the first mayor of Boston?</s> [unused1]Samuel Adams [unused2] was born in Boston .
Who was the first mayor of Boston?</s>Samuel Adams was born in Boston .
Who was the first mayor of Boston?</s>Boston,0,Boston,Boston,0,[unused1]Samuel Adams[unused2],[unused1]Samuel Adams[unused2],place of birth,Boston,[unused1]Samuel Adams[unused2],0,[unused1]Samuel Adams[unused2]
Who was the first mayor of Boston?</s>Boston,0,Boston,Boston,0,Samuel Adams,Samuel Adams,place of birth,Boston,Samuel Adams,0,Samuel Adams
Who is the main protagonist of the Metroid franchise?
{'directed': True, 'multigraph': False, 'graph': {}, 'nodes': [{'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q12397', 'id': 0, 'label': 'Metroid'}, {'type': 'ANSWER_CANDIDATE_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q1139244', 'id': 1, 'label': 'Metroid Prime Hunters'}], 'links': [{'name_': 'P527', 'source': 0, 'target': 1, 'label': 'has part(s)'}, {'name_': 'P179', 'source': 1, 'target': 0, 'label': 'part of the series'}]}
Metroid Prime Hunters is part of the series Metroid.
The Metroid Prime Hunters is part of the Metroid series .
Who is the main protagonist of the Metroid franchise?</s> [unused1]Metroid Prime Hunters [unused2] is part of the series Metroid.
Who is the main protagonist of the Metroid franchise?</s>Metroid Prime Hunters is part of the series Metroid.
Who is the main protagonist of the Metroid franchise?</s>The [unused1]Metroid Prime Hunters [unused2] is part of the Metroid series .
Who is the main protagonist of the Metroid franchise?</s>The Metroid Prime Hunters is part of the Metroid series .
Who is the main protagonist of the Metroid franchise?</s>Metroid,0,Metroid,Metroid,has part(s),[unused1]Metroid Prime Hunters[unused2],[unused1]Metroid Prime Hunters[unused2],part of the series,Metroid,[unused1]Metroid Prime Hunters[unused2],0,[unused1]Metroid Prime Hunters[unused2]
Who is the main protagonist of the Metroid franchise?</s>Metroid,0,Metroid,Metroid,has part(s),Metroid Prime Hunters,Metroid Prime Hunters,part of the series,Metroid,Metroid Prime Hunters,0,Metroid Prime Hunters
Who is the main character in Final Fantasy 10?
{'directed': True, 'multigraph': False, 'graph': {}, 'nodes': [{'type': 'ANSWER_CANDIDATE_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q7495420', 'id': 0, 'label': 'Sherry Lynn'}, {'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q223381', 'id': 1, 'label': 'Final Fantasy X'}], 'links': [{'name_': 'P725', 'source': 1, 'target': 0, 'label': 'voice actor'}]}
Sherry Lynn is the voice actor for the character in Final Fantasy X.
The voice actor of Final Fantasy X is Sherry Lynn .
Who is the main character in Final Fantasy 10?</s> [unused1]Sherry Lynn [unused2] is the voice actor for the character in Final Fantasy X.
Who is the main character in Final Fantasy 10?</s>Sherry Lynn is the voice actor for the character in Final Fantasy X.
Who is the main character in Final Fantasy 10?</s>The voice actor of Final Fantasy X is [unused1]Sherry Lynn [unused2] .
Who is the main character in Final Fantasy 10?</s>The voice actor of Final Fantasy X is Sherry Lynn .
Who is the main character in Final Fantasy 10?</s>[unused1]Sherry Lynn[unused2],0,[unused1]Sherry Lynn[unused2],[unused1]Sherry Lynn[unused2],0,Final Fantasy X,Final Fantasy X,voice actor,[unused1]Sherry Lynn[unused2],Final Fantasy X,0,Final Fantasy X
Who is the main character in Final Fantasy 10?</s>Sherry Lynn,0,Sherry Lynn,Sherry Lynn,0,Final Fantasy X,Final Fantasy X,voice actor,Sherry Lynn,Final Fantasy X,0,Final Fantasy X
Who was the second female pharaoh of Egypt?
{'directed': True, 'multigraph': False, 'graph': {}, 'nodes': [{'type': 'ANSWER_CANDIDATE_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q77', 'id': 0, 'label': 'Uruguay'}, {'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q79', 'id': 1, 'label': 'Egypt'}], 'links': [{'name_': 'P17', 'source': 0, 'target': 0, 'label': 'country'}, {'name_': 'P530', 'source': 0, 'target': 1, 'label': 'diplomatic relation'}, {'name_': 'P530', 'source': 1, 'target': 0, 'label': 'diplomatic relation'}, {'name_': 'P17', 'source': 1, 'target': 1, 'label': 'country'}]}
Uruguay is in the country of Uruguay and has a diplomatic relationship with Egypt.
Uruguay and Egypt are both located in the country of Uruguay . Uruguay is also the location of the capital of Egypt .
Who was the second female pharaoh of Egypt?</s> [unused1]Uruguay [unused2] is in the country of
Who was the second female pharaoh of Egypt?</s>Uruguay is in the country of Uruguay and has a diplomatic relationship with Egypt.
Who was the second female pharaoh of Egypt?</s> [unused1]Uruguay [unused2] and Egypt are both located in the country of
Who was the second female pharaoh of Egypt?</s>Uruguay and Egypt are both located in the country of Uruguay . Uruguay is also the location of the capital of Egypt .
Who was the second female pharaoh of Egypt?</s>[unused1]Uruguay[unused2],country,[unused1]Uruguay[unused2],[unused1]Uruguay[unused2],diplomatic relation,Egypt,Egypt,diplomatic relation,[unused1]Uruguay[unused2],Egypt,country,Egypt
Who was the second female pharaoh of Egypt?</s>Uruguay,country,Uruguay,Uruguay,diplomatic relation,Egypt,Egypt,diplomatic relation,Uruguay,Egypt,country,Egypt
What is the main villain's name in Super Mario World?
{'directed': True, 'multigraph': False, 'graph': {}, 'nodes': [{'type': 'ANSWER_CANDIDATE_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q8079', 'id': 0, 'label': 'Wii'}, {'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q853143', 'id': 1, 'label': 'Super Mario World'}], 'links': [{'name_': 'P400', 'source': 1, 'target': 0, 'label': 'platform'}]}
Super Mario World is a Wii platform game.
The Super Mario World is a system for the Wii .
What is the main villain's name in Super Mario World?</s>Super Mario World is a [unused1]Wii [unused2] platform game.
What is the main villain's name in Super Mario World?</s>Super Mario World is a Wii platform game.
What is the main villain's name in Super Mario World?</s>The Super Mario World is a system for the [unused1]Wii [unused2] .
What is the main villain's name in Super Mario World?</s>The Super Mario World is a system for the Wii .
What is the main villain's name in Super Mario World?</s>[unused1]Wii[unused2],0,[unused1]Wii[unused2],[unused1]Wii[unused2],0,Super Mario World,Super Mario World,platform,[unused1]Wii[unused2],Super Mario World,0,Super Mario World
What is the main villain's name in Super Mario World?</s>Wii,0,Wii,Wii,0,Super Mario World,Super Mario World,platform,Wii,Super Mario World,0,Super Mario World
Who was the third mayor of San Francisco?
{'directed': True, 'multigraph': False, 'graph': {}, 'nodes': [{'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q62', 'id': 0, 'label': 'San Francisco'}, {'type': 'ANSWER_CANDIDATE_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q878728', 'id': 1, 'label': 'James Rolph'}], 'links': [{'name_': 'P19', 'source': 1, 'target': 0, 'label': 'place of birth'}]}
James Rolph was born in San Francisco.
James Rolph was born in San Francisco .
Who was the third mayor of San Francisco?</s> [unused1]James Rolph [unused2] was born in San Francisco.
Who was the third mayor of San Francisco?</s>James Rolph was born in San Francisco.
Who was the third mayor of San Francisco?</s> [unused1]James Rolph [unused2] was born in San Francisco .
Who was the third mayor of San Francisco?</s>James Rolph was born in San Francisco .
Who was the third mayor of San Francisco?</s>San Francisco,0,San Francisco,San Francisco,0,[unused1]James Rolph[unused2],[unused1]James Rolph[unused2],place of birth,San Francisco,[unused1]James Rolph[unused2],0,[unused1]James Rolph[unused2]
Who was the third mayor of San Francisco?</s>San Francisco,0,San Francisco,San Francisco,0,James Rolph,James Rolph,place of birth,San Francisco,James Rolph,0,James Rolph
Fallout: New Vegas was developed by who?
{'directed': True, 'multigraph': False, 'graph': {}, 'nodes': [{'type': 'INTERNAL', 'name_': 'Q30', 'id': 0, 'label': 'United States of America'}, {'type': 'ANSWER_CANDIDATE_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q3300783', 'id': 1, 'label': 'Bethesda Game Studios'}, {'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q753749', 'id': 2, 'label': 'Fallout: New Vegas'}], 'links': [{'name_': 'P17', 'source': 0, 'target': 0, 'label': 'country'}, {'name_': 'P17', 'source': 1, 'target': 0, 'label': 'country'}, {'name_': 'P495', 'source': 2, 'target': 0, 'label': 'country of origin'}]}
Bethesda Game Studios is located in the United States, the country where Fallout : New Vegas originates.
Bethesda Game Studios is located in the United States of America which is the origin of the fictional character of New Vegas .
Fallout: New Vegas was developed by who?</s> [unused1]Bethesda Game Studios [unused2] is located in the United States, the country where Fallout : New Vegas originates.
Fallout: New Vegas was developed by who?</s>Bethesda Game Studios is located in the United States, the country where Fallout : New Vegas originates.
Fallout: New Vegas was developed by who?</s> [unused1]Bethesda Game Studios [unused2] is located in the United States of America which is the origin of the fictional character of New Vegas .
Fallout: New Vegas was developed by who?</s>Bethesda Game Studios is located in the United States of America which is the origin of the fictional character of New Vegas .
Fallout: New Vegas was developed by who?</s>United States of America,country,United States of America,United States of America,0,[unused1]Bethesda Game Studios[unused2],United States of America,0,Fallout: New Vegas,[unused1]Bethesda Game Studios[unused2],country,United States of America,[unused1]Bethesda Game Studios[unused2],0,[unused1]Bethesda Game Studios[unused2],[unused1]Bethesda Game Studios[unused2],0,Fallout: New Vegas,Fallout: New Vegas,country of origin,United States of America,Fallout: New Vegas,0,[unused1]Bethesda Game Studios[unused2],Fallout: New Vegas,0,Fallout: New Vegas
Fallout: New Vegas was developed by who?</s>United States of America,country,United States of America,United States of America,0,Bethesda Game Studios,United States of America,0,Fallout: New Vegas,Bethesda Game Studios,country,United States of America,Bethesda Game Studios,0,Bethesda Game Studios,Bethesda Game Studios,0,Fallout: New Vegas,Fallout: New Vegas,country of origin,United States of America,Fallout: New Vegas,0,Bethesda Game Studios,Fallout: New Vegas,0,Fallout: New Vegas
Who was the first prime minister during Elizabeth II's reign?
{'directed': True, 'multigraph': False, 'graph': {}, 'nodes': [{'type': 'ANSWER_CANDIDATE_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q123885', 'id': 0, 'label': 'Royal Society'}, {'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q9682', 'id': 1, 'label': 'Elizabeth II'}], 'links': [{'name_': 'P463', 'source': 1, 'target': 0, 'label': 'member of'}]}
Elizabeth II is a member of the Royal Society.
Elizabeth II is a member of the Royal Society .
Who was the first prime minister during Elizabeth II's reign?</s>Elizabeth II is a member of the [unused1]Royal Society [unused2] .
Who was the first prime minister during Elizabeth II's reign?</s>Elizabeth II is a member of the Royal Society.
Who was the first prime minister during Elizabeth II's reign?</s>Elizabeth II is a member of the [unused1]Royal Society [unused2] .
Who was the first prime minister during Elizabeth II's reign?</s>Elizabeth II is a member of the Royal Society .
Who was the first prime minister during Elizabeth II's reign?</s>[unused1]Royal Society[unused2],0,[unused1]Royal Society[unused2],[unused1]Royal Society[unused2],0,Elizabeth II,Elizabeth II,member of,[unused1]Royal Society[unused2],Elizabeth II,0,Elizabeth II
Who was the first prime minister during Elizabeth II's reign?</s>Royal Society,0,Royal Society,Royal Society,0,Elizabeth II,Elizabeth II,member of,Royal Society,Elizabeth II,0,Elizabeth II
Where was the first Animal Crossing mobile game released first?
{'directed': True, 'multigraph': False, 'graph': {}, 'nodes': [{'type': 'ANSWER_CANDIDATE_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q203597', 'id': 0, 'label': 'Nintendo 3DS'}, {'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q1139803', 'id': 1, 'label': 'Animal Crossing'}], 'links': [{'name_': 'P400', 'source': 1, 'target': 0, 'label': 'platform'}]}
The Nintendo 3DS is the platform for the Animal Crossing game.
The Nintendo 3DS has the character , Animal Crossing .
Where was the first Animal Crossing mobile game released first?</s>The [unused1]Nintendo 3DS [unused2] is the platform for the Animal Crossing game.
Where was the first Animal Crossing mobile game released first?</s>The Nintendo 3DS is the platform for the Animal Crossing game.
Where was the first Animal Crossing mobile game released first?</s>The [unused1]Nintendo 3DS [unused2] has the character , Animal Crossing .
Where was the first Animal Crossing mobile game released first?</s>The Nintendo 3DS has the character , Animal Crossing .
Where was the first Animal Crossing mobile game released first?</s>[unused1]Nintendo 3DS[unused2],0,[unused1]Nintendo 3DS[unused2],[unused1]Nintendo 3DS[unused2],0,Animal Crossing,Animal Crossing,platform,[unused1]Nintendo 3DS[unused2],Animal Crossing,0,Animal Crossing
Where was the first Animal Crossing mobile game released first?</s>Nintendo 3DS,0,Nintendo 3DS,Nintendo 3DS,0,Animal Crossing,Animal Crossing,platform,Nintendo 3DS,Animal Crossing,0,Animal Crossing
Who is the antagonist of the Legend of Zelda series?
{'directed': True, 'multigraph': False, 'graph': {}, 'nodes': [{'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q12393', 'id': 0, 'label': 'The Legend of Zelda'}, {'type': 'ANSWER_CANDIDATE_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q545044', 'id': 1, 'label': 'Ganondorf'}], 'links': [{'name_': 'P674', 'source': 0, 'target': 1, 'label': 'characters'}, {'name_': 'P1441', 'source': 1, 'target': 0, 'label': 'present in work'}]}
Ganondorf is a character in The Legend of Zelda.
The character , Ganondorf , was present in The Legend of Zelda .
Who is the antagonist of the Legend of Zelda series?</s> [unused1]Ganondorf [unused2] is a character in The Legend of Zelda.
Who is the antagonist of the Legend of Zelda series?</s>Ganondorf is a character in The Legend of Zelda.
Who is the antagonist of the Legend of Zelda series?</s>The character , [unused1]Ganondorf [unused2] , was present in The Legend of Zelda .
Who is the antagonist of the Legend of Zelda series?</s>The character , Ganondorf , was present in The Legend of Zelda .
Who is the antagonist of the Legend of Zelda series?</s>The Legend of Zelda,0,The Legend of Zelda,The Legend of Zelda,characters,[unused1]Ganondorf[unused2],[unused1]Ganondorf[unused2],present in work,The Legend of Zelda,[unused1]Ganondorf[unused2],0,[unused1]Ganondorf[unused2]
Who is the antagonist of the Legend of Zelda series?</s>The Legend of Zelda,0,The Legend of Zelda,The Legend of Zelda,characters,Ganondorf,Ganondorf,present in work,The Legend of Zelda,Ganondorf,0,Ganondorf
Who is the protagonist of the Uncharted series?
{'directed': True, 'multigraph': False, 'graph': {}, 'nodes': [{'type': 'ANSWER_CANDIDATE_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q720871', 'id': 0, 'label': 'Naughty Dog'}, {'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q1064135', 'id': 1, 'label': 'Uncharted'}], 'links': [{'name_': 'P178', 'source': 1, 'target': 0, 'label': 'developer'}]}
Naughty Dog is the developer of the Uncharted series.
Naughty Dog was the developer of the Uncharted .
Who is the protagonist of the Uncharted series?</s> [unused1]Naughty Dog [unused2] is the developer of the Uncharted series.
Who is the protagonist of the Uncharted series?</s>Naughty Dog is the developer of the Uncharted series.
Who is the protagonist of the Uncharted series?</s> [unused1]Naughty Dog [unused2] was the developer of the Uncharted .
Who is the protagonist of the Uncharted series?</s>Naughty Dog was the developer of the Uncharted .
Who is the protagonist of the Uncharted series?</s>[unused1]Naughty Dog[unused2],0,[unused1]Naughty Dog[unused2],[unused1]Naughty Dog[unused2],0,Uncharted,Uncharted,developer,[unused1]Naughty Dog[unused2],Uncharted,0,Uncharted
Who is the protagonist of the Uncharted series?</s>Naughty Dog,0,Naughty Dog,Naughty Dog,0,Uncharted,Uncharted,developer,Naughty Dog,Uncharted,0,Uncharted
Who's the main character in GTA San Andreas?
{'directed': True, 'multigraph': False, 'graph': {}, 'nodes': [{'type': 'INTERNAL', 'name_': 'Q1860', 'id': 0, 'label': 'English'}, {'type': 'ANSWER_CANDIDATE_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q149106', 'id': 1, 'label': 'Grand Theft Auto III'}, {'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q83265', 'id': 2, 'label': 'Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas'}], 'links': [{'name_': 'P407', 'source': 1, 'target': 0, 'label': 'language of work or name'}, {'name_': 'P407', 'source': 2, 'target': 0, 'label': 'language of work or name'}]}
Grand Theft Auto III and Grand Theft Auto : San Andreas are both works of English.
The English language is used in both Grand Theft Auto III and the sequel Grand theft Auto San Andreas .
Who's the main character in GTA San Andreas?</s> [unused1]Grand Theft Auto III [unused2] and Grand Theft Auto : San Andreas are both works of English.
Who's the main character in GTA San Andreas?</s>Grand Theft Auto III and Grand Theft Auto : San Andreas are both works of English.
Who's the main character in GTA San Andreas?</s>The English language is used in both [unused1]Grand Theft Auto III [unused2] and the sequel Grand theft Auto San Andreas .
Who's the main character in GTA San Andreas?</s>The English language is used in both Grand Theft Auto III and the sequel Grand theft Auto San Andreas .
Who's the main character in GTA San Andreas?</s>English,0,English,English,0,[unused1]Grand Theft Auto III[unused2],English,0,Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas,[unused1]Grand Theft Auto III[unused2],language of work or name,English,[unused1]Grand Theft Auto III[unused2],0,[unused1]Grand Theft Auto III[unused2],[unused1]Grand Theft Auto III[unused2],0,Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas,Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas,language of work or name,English,Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas,0,[unused1]Grand Theft Auto III[unused2],Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas,0,Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas
Who's the main character in GTA San Andreas?</s>English,0,English,English,0,Grand Theft Auto III,English,0,Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas,Grand Theft Auto III,language of work or name,English,Grand Theft Auto III,0,Grand Theft Auto III,Grand Theft Auto III,0,Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas,Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas,language of work or name,English,Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas,0,Grand Theft Auto III,Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas,0,Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas
Who developed Zeus Master of Olympus?
{'directed': True, 'multigraph': False, 'graph': {}, 'nodes': [{'type': 'INTERNAL', 'name_': 'Q145', 'id': 0, 'label': 'United Kingdom'}, {'type': 'ANSWER_CANDIDATE_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q2274654', 'id': 1, 'label': 'Gremlin Interactive'}, {'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q736865', 'id': 2, 'label': 'Zeus: Master of Olympus'}], 'links': [{'name_': 'P17', 'source': 0, 'target': 0, 'label': 'country'}, {'name_': 'P17', 'source': 1, 'target': 0, 'label': 'country'}, {'name_': 'P495', 'source': 2, 'target': 0, 'label': 'country of origin'}]}
Zeus : Master of Olympus is from the United Kingdom, where Gremlin Interactive is based.
The United Kingdom is the country of origin of the novel Zeus : Master of Olympus and is the location of the Gremlin Interactive .
Who developed Zeus Master of Olympus?</s>Zeus : Master of Olympus is from the United Kingdom, where [unused1]Gremlin Interactive [unused2] is based.
Who developed Zeus Master of Olympus?</s>Zeus : Master of Olympus is from the United Kingdom, where Gremlin Interactive is based.
Who developed Zeus Master of Olympus?</s>The United Kingdom is the country of origin of the novel Zeus : Master of Olympus and is the location of the [unused1]Gremlin Interactive [unused2] .
Who developed Zeus Master of Olympus?</s>The United Kingdom is the country of origin of the novel Zeus : Master of Olympus and is the location of the Gremlin Interactive .
Who developed Zeus Master of Olympus?</s>United Kingdom,country,United Kingdom,United Kingdom,0,[unused1]Gremlin Interactive[unused2],United Kingdom,0,Zeus: Master of Olympus,[unused1]Gremlin Interactive[unused2],country,United Kingdom,[unused1]Gremlin Interactive[unused2],0,[unused1]Gremlin Interactive[unused2],[unused1]Gremlin Interactive[unused2],0,Zeus: Master of Olympus,Zeus: Master of Olympus,country of origin,United Kingdom,Zeus: Master of Olympus,0,[unused1]Gremlin Interactive[unused2],Zeus: Master of Olympus,0,Zeus: Master of Olympus
Who developed Zeus Master of Olympus?</s>United Kingdom,country,United Kingdom,United Kingdom,0,Gremlin Interactive,United Kingdom,0,Zeus: Master of Olympus,Gremlin Interactive,country,United Kingdom,Gremlin Interactive,0,Gremlin Interactive,Gremlin Interactive,0,Zeus: Master of Olympus,Zeus: Master of Olympus,country of origin,United Kingdom,Zeus: Master of Olympus,0,Gremlin Interactive,Zeus: Master of Olympus,0,Zeus: Master of Olympus
Who was the first African-American woman mayor of Pasadena, California?
Q49085, Q485176
{'directed': True, 'multigraph': False, 'graph': {}, 'nodes': [{'type': 'INTERNAL', 'name_': 'Q30', 'id': 0, 'label': 'United States of America'}, {'type': 'INTERNAL', 'name_': 'Q15304953', 'id': 1, 'label': 'WikiProject African diaspora'}, {'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q49085', 'id': 2, 'label': 'African Americans'}, {'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q485176', 'id': 3, 'label': 'Pasadena'}, {'type': 'ANSWER_CANDIDATE_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q385967', 'id': 4, 'label': 'African diaspora'}, {'type': 'INTERNAL', 'name_': 'Q239739', 'id': 5, 'label': 'Octavia E. Butler'}], 'links': [{'name_': 'P17', 'source': 0, 'target': 0, 'label': 'country'}, {'name_': 'P172', 'source': 0, 'target': 2, 'label': 'ethnic or cultural origin'}, {'name_': 'P921', 'source': 1, 'target': 4, 'label': 'main subject'}, {'name_': 'P17', 'source': 2, 'target': 0, 'label': 'country'}, {'name_': 'P5008', 'source': 2, 'target': 1, 'label': 'on focus list of Wikimedia project'}, {'name_': 'P3833', 'source': 2, 'target': 4, 'label': 'diaspora'}, {'name_': 'P17', 'source': 3, 'target': 0, 'label': 'country'}, {'name_': 'P5008', 'source': 4, 'target': 1, 'label': 'on focus list of Wikimedia project'}, {'name_': 'P27', 'source': 5, 'target': 0, 'label': 'country of citizenship'}, {'name_': 'P5008', 'source': 5, 'target': 1, 'label': 'on focus list of Wikimedia project'}, {'name_': 'P172', 'source': 5, 'target': 2, 'label': 'ethnic or cultural origin'}, {'name_': 'P19', 'source': 5, 'target': 3, 'label': 'place of birth'}]}
African Americans are an ethnic group in the United States, where Octavia E Butler is a citizen. The African diaspora is the main subject of the WikiProject African diaspora, which is on the Wikimedia project's focus list. The African diaspora is the diaspora of African Americans, who are from the United States.
Octavia E. Butler was born in the United States of America , where African Americans are one of the ethnic groups . The country is the location of the WikiProject African diaspora which is the main subject of the Wikimedia project , which was completed in Pasadena . The US is home to African Americans and the ethnic origin of African Americans .
Who was the first African-American woman mayor of Pasadena, California?</s>African Americans are an ethnic group in the United States, where Octavia E Butler is a citizen. The [unused1]African diaspora [unused2] is the main subject of the WikiProject
Who was the first African-American woman mayor of Pasadena, California?</s>African Americans are an ethnic group in the United States, where Octavia E Butler is a citizen. The African diaspora is the main subject of the WikiProject African diaspora, which is on the Wikimedia project's focus list. The African diaspora is the diaspora of African Americans, who are from the United States.
Who was the first African-American woman mayor of Pasadena, California?</s>Octavia E. Butler was born in the United States of America , where African Americans are one of the ethnic groups . The country is the location of the WikiProject [unused1]African diaspora [unused2] which is the main subject of the Wikimedia project , which was completed in Pasadena . The US is home to African Americans and the ethnic origin of African Americans .
Who was the first African-American woman mayor of Pasadena, California?</s>Octavia E. Butler was born in the United States of America , where African Americans are one of the ethnic groups . The country is the location of the WikiProject African diaspora which is the main subject of the Wikimedia project , which was completed in Pasadena . The US is home to African Americans and the ethnic origin of African Americans .
Who was the first African-American woman mayor of Pasadena, California?</s>United States of America,country,United States of America,United States of America,0,WikiProject African diaspora,United States of America,ethnic or cultural origin,African Americans,United States of America,0,Pasadena,United States of America,0,[unused1]African diaspora[unused2],United States of America,0,Octavia E. Butler,WikiProject African diaspora,0,United States of America,WikiProject African diaspora,0,WikiProject African diaspora,WikiProject African diaspora,0,African Americans,WikiProject African diaspora,0,Pasadena,WikiProject African diaspora,main subject,[unused1]African diaspora[unused2],WikiProject African diaspora,0,Octavia E. Butler,African Americans,country,United States of America,African Americans,on focus list of Wikimedia project,WikiProject African diaspora,African Americans,0,African Americans,African Americans,0,Pasadena,African Americans,diaspora,[unused1]African diaspora[unused2],African Americans,0,Octavia E. Butler,Pasadena,country,United States of America,Pasadena,0,WikiProject African diaspora,Pasadena,0,African Americans,Pasadena,0,Pasadena,Pasadena,0,[unused1]African diaspora[unused2],Pasadena,0,Octavia E. Butler,[unused1]African diaspora[unused2],0,United States of America,[unused1]African diaspora[unused2],on focus list of Wikimedia project,WikiProject African diaspora,[unused1]African diaspora[unused2],0,African Americans,[unused1]African diaspora[unused2],0,Pasadena,[unused1]African diaspora[unused2],0,[unused1]African diaspora[unused2],[unused1]African diaspora[unused2],0,Octavia E. Butler,Octavia E. Butler,country of citizenship,United States of America,Octavia E. Butler,on focus list of Wikimedia project,WikiProject African diaspora,Octavia E. Butler,ethnic or cultural origin,African Americans,Octavia E. Butler,place of birth,Pasadena,Octavia E. Butler,0,[unused1]African diaspora[unused2],Octavia E. Butler,0,Octavia E. Butler
Who was the first African-American woman mayor of Pasadena, California?</s>United States of America,country,United States of America,United States of America,0,WikiProject African diaspora,United States of America,ethnic or cultural origin,African Americans,United States of America,0,Pasadena,United States of America,0,African diaspora,United States of America,0,Octavia E. Butler,WikiProject African diaspora,0,United States of America,WikiProject African diaspora,0,WikiProject African diaspora,WikiProject African diaspora,0,African Americans,WikiProject African diaspora,0,Pasadena,WikiProject African diaspora,main subject,African diaspora,WikiProject African diaspora,0,Octavia E. Butler,African Americans,country,United States of America,African Americans,on focus list of Wikimedia project,WikiProject African diaspora,African Americans,0,African Americans,African Americans,0,Pasadena,African Americans,diaspora,African diaspora,African Americans,0,Octavia E. Butler,Pasadena,country,United States of America,Pasadena,0,WikiProject African diaspora,Pasadena,0,African Americans,Pasadena,0,Pasadena,Pasadena,0,African diaspora,Pasadena,0,Octavia E. Butler,African diaspora,0,United States of America,African diaspora,on focus list of Wikimedia project,WikiProject African diaspora,African diaspora,0,African Americans,African diaspora,0,Pasadena,African diaspora,0,African diaspora,African diaspora,0,Octavia E. Butler,Octavia E. Butler,country of citizenship,United States of America,Octavia E. Butler,on focus list of Wikimedia project,WikiProject African diaspora,Octavia E. Butler,ethnic or cultural origin,African Americans,Octavia E. Butler,place of birth,Pasadena,Octavia E. Butler,0,African diaspora,Octavia E. Butler,0,Octavia E. Butler
Who was the first Tory prime minister in the UK?
Q145, Q499956
{'directed': True, 'multigraph': False, 'graph': {}, 'nodes': [{'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q145', 'id': 0, 'label': 'United Kingdom'}, {'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q499956', 'id': 1, 'label': 'Tories'}, {'type': 'ANSWER_CANDIDATE_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q160852', 'id': 2, 'label': 'William Ewart Gladstone'}], 'links': [{'name_': 'P17', 'source': 0, 'target': 0, 'label': 'country'}, {'name_': 'P27', 'source': 2, 'target': 0, 'label': 'country of citizenship'}, {'name_': 'P102', 'source': 2, 'target': 1, 'label': 'member of political party'}]}
William Ewart Gladstone was a member of the Tories in the United Kingdom.
William Ewart Gladstone , a member of the Tories , was born in the United Kingdom , where the country of citizenship is , British .
Who was the first Tory prime minister in the UK?</s> [unused1]William Ewart Gladstone [unused2] was a member of the Tories in the United Kingdom.
Who was the first Tory prime minister in the UK?</s>William Ewart Gladstone was a member of the Tories in the United Kingdom.
Who was the first Tory prime minister in the UK?</s> [unused1]William Ewart Gladstone [unused2] , a member of the Tories , was born in the United Kingdom , where the country of citizenship is , British .
Who was the first Tory prime minister in the UK?</s>William Ewart Gladstone , a member of the Tories , was born in the United Kingdom , where the country of citizenship is , British .
Who was the first Tory prime minister in the UK?</s>United Kingdom,country,United Kingdom,United Kingdom,0,Tories,United Kingdom,0,[unused1]William Ewart Gladstone[unused2],Tories,0,United Kingdom,Tories,0,Tories,Tories,0,[unused1]William Ewart Gladstone[unused2],[unused1]William Ewart Gladstone[unused2],country of citizenship,United Kingdom,[unused1]William Ewart Gladstone[unused2],member of political party,Tories,[unused1]William Ewart Gladstone[unused2],0,[unused1]William Ewart Gladstone[unused2]
Who was the first Tory prime minister in the UK?</s>United Kingdom,country,United Kingdom,United Kingdom,0,Tories,United Kingdom,0,William Ewart Gladstone,Tories,0,United Kingdom,Tories,0,Tories,Tories,0,William Ewart Gladstone,William Ewart Gladstone,country of citizenship,United Kingdom,William Ewart Gladstone,member of political party,Tories,William Ewart Gladstone,0,William Ewart Gladstone
Who developed The Room: Old Sins?
{'directed': True, 'multigraph': False, 'graph': {}, 'nodes': [{'type': 'ANSWER_CANDIDATE_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q368215', 'id': 0, 'label': 'App Store'}, {'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q54958940', 'id': 1, 'label': 'The Room: Old Sins'}], 'links': [{'name_': 'P750', 'source': 1, 'target': 0, 'label': 'distributed by'}]}
The App Store is the distributor of The Room : Old Sins.
The App Store distributed The Room : Old Sins .
Who developed The Room: Old Sins?</s>The [unused1]App Store [unused2] is the distributor of The Room : Old Sins.
Who developed The Room: Old Sins?</s>The App Store is the distributor of The Room : Old Sins.
Who developed The Room: Old Sins?</s>The [unused1]App Store [unused2] distributed The Room : Old Sins .
Who developed The Room: Old Sins?</s>The App Store distributed The Room : Old Sins .
Who developed The Room: Old Sins?</s>[unused1]App Store[unused2],0,[unused1]App Store[unused2],[unused1]App Store[unused2],0,The Room: Old Sins,The Room: Old Sins,distributed by,[unused1]App Store[unused2],The Room: Old Sins,0,The Room: Old Sins
Who developed The Room: Old Sins?</s>App Store,0,App Store,App Store,0,The Room: Old Sins,The Room: Old Sins,distributed by,App Store,The Room: Old Sins,0,The Room: Old Sins
What kind of game is Zeus Master of Olympus?
{'directed': True, 'multigraph': False, 'graph': {}, 'nodes': [{'type': 'ANSWER_CANDIDATE_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q494614', 'id': 0, 'label': 'Sierra Entertainment'}, {'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q736865', 'id': 1, 'label': 'Zeus: Master of Olympus'}], 'links': [{'name_': 'P123', 'source': 1, 'target': 0, 'label': 'publisher'}]}
Zeus : Master of Olympus is published by Sierra Entertainment.
The publisher of the book `` Zeus : Master of Olympus '' is Sierra Entertainment .
What kind of game is Zeus Master of Olympus?</s>Zeus : Master of Olympus is published by [unused1]Sierra Entertainment [unused2] .
What kind of game is Zeus Master of Olympus?</s>Zeus : Master of Olympus is published by Sierra Entertainment.
What kind of game is Zeus Master of Olympus?</s>The publisher of the book `` Zeus : Master of Olympus '' is [unused1]Sierra Entertainment [unused2] .
What kind of game is Zeus Master of Olympus?</s>The publisher of the book `` Zeus : Master of Olympus '' is Sierra Entertainment .
What kind of game is Zeus Master of Olympus?</s>[unused1]Sierra Entertainment[unused2],0,[unused1]Sierra Entertainment[unused2],[unused1]Sierra Entertainment[unused2],0,Zeus: Master of Olympus,Zeus: Master of Olympus,publisher,[unused1]Sierra Entertainment[unused2],Zeus: Master of Olympus,0,Zeus: Master of Olympus
What kind of game is Zeus Master of Olympus?</s>Sierra Entertainment,0,Sierra Entertainment,Sierra Entertainment,0,Zeus: Master of Olympus,Zeus: Master of Olympus,publisher,Sierra Entertainment,Zeus: Master of Olympus,0,Zeus: Master of Olympus
What is the shortest movie to win an Oscar?
{'directed': True, 'multigraph': False, 'graph': {}, 'nodes': [{'type': 'ANSWER_CANDIDATE_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q112243', 'id': 0, 'label': 'Academy Award for Best Original Song'}, {'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q19020', 'id': 1, 'label': 'Academy Awards'}], 'links': [{'name_': 'P31', 'source': 0, 'target': 1, 'label': 'instance of'}, {'name_': 'P527', 'source': 1, 'target': 0, 'label': 'has part(s)'}]}
The Academy Award for Best Original Song is part of the Academy Awards.
The Academy Award for Best Original Song is an award that is part of the Academy Awards .
What is the shortest movie to win an Oscar?</s>The [unused1]Academy Award for Best Original Song [unused2] is part of the Academy Awards.
What is the shortest movie to win an Oscar?</s>The Academy Award for Best Original Song is part of the Academy Awards.
What is the shortest movie to win an Oscar?</s>The [unused1]Academy Award for Best Original Song [unused2] is an award that is part of the Academy Awards .
What is the shortest movie to win an Oscar?</s>The Academy Award for Best Original Song is an award that is part of the Academy Awards .
What is the shortest movie to win an Oscar?</s>[unused1]Academy Award for Best Original Song[unused2],0,[unused1]Academy Award for Best Original Song[unused2],[unused1]Academy Award for Best Original Song[unused2],instance of,Academy Awards,Academy Awards,has part(s),[unused1]Academy Award for Best Original Song[unused2],Academy Awards,0,Academy Awards
What is the shortest movie to win an Oscar?</s>Academy Award for Best Original Song,0,Academy Award for Best Original Song,Academy Award for Best Original Song,instance of,Academy Awards,Academy Awards,has part(s),Academy Award for Best Original Song,Academy Awards,0,Academy Awards
What kind of game is Zeus Master of Olympus?
{'directed': True, 'multigraph': False, 'graph': {}, 'nodes': [{'type': 'ANSWER_CANDIDATE_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q1406', 'id': 0, 'label': 'Microsoft Windows'}, {'type': 'QUESTIONS_ENTITY', 'name_': 'Q736865', 'id': 1, 'label': 'Zeus: Master of Olympus'}], 'links': [{'name_': 'P400', 'source': 1, 'target': 0, 'label': 'platform'}]}
Zeus : Master of Olympus is a Microsoft Windows based game.
The operating system for the Microsoft Windows is called `` Zeus : Master of Olympus '' .
What kind of game is Zeus Master of Olympus?</s>Zeus : Master of Olympus is a [unused1]Microsoft Windows [unused2] based game.
What kind of game is Zeus Master of Olympus?</s>Zeus : Master of Olympus is a Microsoft Windows based game.
What kind of game is Zeus Master of Olympus?</s>The operating system for the [unused1]Microsoft Windows [unused2] is called `` Zeus : Master of Olympus '' .
What kind of game is Zeus Master of Olympus?</s>The operating system for the Microsoft Windows is called `` Zeus : Master of Olympus '' .
What kind of game is Zeus Master of Olympus?</s>[unused1]Microsoft Windows[unused2],0,[unused1]Microsoft Windows[unused2],[unused1]Microsoft Windows[unused2],0,Zeus: Master of Olympus,Zeus: Master of Olympus,platform,[unused1]Microsoft Windows[unused2],Zeus: Master of Olympus,0,Zeus: Master of Olympus
What kind of game is Zeus Master of Olympus?</s>Microsoft Windows,0,Microsoft Windows,Microsoft Windows,0,Zeus: Master of Olympus,Zeus: Master of Olympus,platform,Microsoft Windows,Zeus: Master of Olympus,0,Zeus: Master of Olympus