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he appears to thrive on this stuff and often makes the media look like fools .
so says the next white psycho creep .
white trash is hard to qualify with employers insurance companies .
i fucking hope you get raped .
this garbage has a right to speak , no matter how vile his message .
you are most probably some snotnosed tyro trying your hand at what you know nothing about .
i love to poke a stick into your cage art because your ego and vanity provide so many opportunities .
fortunately for hpd , criminals in hawaii are idiots .
couldnt make it past the first sentence of such a politically correct righteous way of calling someone an idiot .
a shining beacon of ignorance .
you suck your family members cocks !
how about a one word sum up incompetent
lauren , your thought process is pathetic .
what a bunch of hysterical nonsense .
no ones claiming the defendants dont have dumb tattoos .
and you get a bullet from your own .
they died by doing something stupid while intoxicated .
he ruined the lives of these girls and then tries to have them killed ?
why dont you talk about your benefits from white racism here ?
natos ally is full of terrorists .
there is a reason europe is going to hell in a hand basket , good luck with that .
what a chicken crap excuse for a reason .
if you vote in a bunch of idiots , you get idiocy .
the second is also untrue to the point of idiocy .
id like to meet this culture and punch it in the face .
zuma didnt do all this on his own , he had the willing support of these clowns .
hes a killer , though , mr .
not a personal attack , you sensitive moron .
it made me paranoid and stupid .
this clown is in way over his head and needs to go .
professors who sit in stinky old buildings dreaming up rubbish about productivity and growth .
what a pathetic political degenerate .
you gave up hope of racism ending so you voted for a racist .
this guy is dumb as a post .
you suck sand nigger pussy !
or you lie like a rabid dog .
many are stupid , hence the shoe bomber and many others , a few who have blown themselves up
it would be stupid not to .
he had steel balls too !
yes , its silly in fact , racist to portray jesus as a white , rosycheeked , blonde swede .
and shut down the islamic terrorist sympathizers in the media .
this from a racist who lives under a rock and shares its iq .
yourre damn right its under assault !
play stupid games , this is what happens .
in response to your last paragraph rubbish .
now , what a bunch of nonsense this article is .
its time to kick these leftist fools off wikipedia .
killing tpp is no big deal it was going nowhere .
ah yes , thrills for stupids .
the only reason this stupidity is allowed to happen is because its federal land .
of course i feel better not being exposed to filth , tripe and nonsense .
hey pdn , you dont have to publish every piece of crap that gets sent to you .
don young , liar and scammer .
germans kille you dirty slavic bastards and we will kill you dirty slavic bastards .
pick up a history book sometime , and read the damn thing .
now we have our own fat little orange sack of cheesewhiz dictator .
your blather about health insurance is also ignorant .
if you disagree then youre racist , youre sexist , youre a bigot , youre stupid .
i see the psycho cat hating muslim is still trying to make every story about amy .
may karma be with this scumbag .
so sad the voters in her district are stupid enough to continue to elect her .
wake up and smell the hypocrisy .
and i doubt the pathetic chinese navy could even beat the canadian navy .
he is the open , oozing , infected sore that our inherently sick country has to deal with .
you realize thats stupid , dont you ?
what a pathetic and immature perspective you have !
fat and stupid is more accurate .
i think real stupid is posting drivel on here constantly when logic defeats your every word !
would he have ended these cash for access , buy a political whore events if he wasnt caught ? .
that governments solution is to just like this child die .
muslim countries are known for their extreme intolerance .
comparing drunk drivers or rapists to a woman seeking sanctuary is ludicrous .
micronesians are being treated like cockroach families ? .
a lot more whites then blacks are killed by police .
which part is the ignorant section ?
because they knew how dangerous and stupid it was to carry a gun around in public .
hes too dimwitted and weak for such a role .
rock or bottle in hand bullet through brain ( ?
heard her cunt smells like alley behind a crab factory .
tired of paying for the low end garbage !
let him continue in this vein until he has enough rope to hang himself .
your an antiamerican moron if you cant see what is happening here .
there are three kinds of lies : lies , damned lies and statistics .
butts butted in and spanked justins butt .
until he blows them to hell where there are no virgins .
how dare you , filthy nigger , presume to know about the regions history ?
what a bunch of retards !
and his parents are worse .
as most ( 70 ) of thinking people do not care what these narcissistic morons think .
the obama administration is incompetent and this is just another example of their stupidity .
this notion that the state knows better is groundless and ludicrous .
good , dont let the door hit you in the butt as you leave this conversation mr .
easy answer to the last question , of course hes dumb .
after seeing shit like this i expected you to be some throwaway sock puppet .
dont care if its muslims , nazis , white trash , blm or any other .
this is a loser for the nfl and the networks .
trump is a liar and a psychotic .
this man here is a big fan of sexual assault !
he is a talking hypocrite .
take that away and she dies .