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Weed Quotes from famous artists, politicians and weed activists People have looked up to you and gotten addicted to drugs...it's just soo stupid that they couldn't admire your talent on singing but instead carried on your bad habit to the anonymous person above. what you need to understand is people do look up to him and admire his many talents. we just want the whole bob marley experience.. you know? why only see his life one-sided when he had a lot to offer. you shouldn't be so close-minded. think outside the box... eat shit bob marleys sick, smoke weeed ! Bob Marley is so Tight! The drugs he took got him more in touch with life, also with his lyrics and music. If he did not take those drugs his music would not be the same. I respect a him for not hiding what he believed in. smoking weed, is better for you then alcohol, which has been proven so if your not a believer piss off wow i aint ever going to stop smoking that dank ass herb(>°°‚)> bob marley is the best and i smoke weed 24 7 just in rememberince of bob marley and if u dont like bob go some were else and quit looking him up so lets all toke it up for bob marley What? To the first comment. To those who get "addicted" to drugs by listening to Bob Marley must be fucking stupid and not know anything about him or his way of life; nay, his RELIGION. Hahahahahaha you can't addicted to marijuana. Read a book. One love, one heart baby. FUCK YES. RASTA FA RAAAAA! WEEEEED TILL THE DAY I DIE. to the idiot negative comment when nearly all this page has got g above my comment, nobody needs your 2 cent comment. Your sitting here complaining about Bob Marley when he's enjoying his weed sesh n making money. Get a life you sadbitch, dont post things about someone you haven't even met.WEED IS ALL WE NEED! Weed is Herbal n natural.... If u havnt Smoken Weed den better shut the Fuck Up..... Those who hav atleast know the divinity of this nature and its divine connection wit ur life.... i've known my true self inside me 4m the day it has entered in my life...... i can tell my whole lot of experiences n outputs of maryjane..... i trust it as i trust god..... dammm for the people whoo are againsttt weed honestly you shouldnt even be on this website . if you dontt like weed dontt go looking up weed and shit . Mine you own and wll mind ourselfs , soo quitt jugding if you never expierenced weed before ! I am sure people are not just smoking that Al Green due to what the hell another man is doing.. It is by thier individual choice.. Sooo your stupid as hell throwing stones when ya live in a glass house. Even further Presidents , doctors, lawyers all fucking smoke! People fuck but it's not by force they want to fuck...Bob Marley fucked, are we fucking cause BoB was!!! Dumb..God gave us the plants to do as we please.. So go be a hater in your own fake ass world read the bible guys and you find the truth all of you legalize the green! when you smoke herb, it reveals you to yourself! rastaman vibration gonna cover the earth like water cover the sea! ONE LOVE PEACE AND FREEDOM! Smoke Weed Everyday.... THERE IS NOTHING WRONG WITH SMOKEN WEED !I THINK WE SHOULD HONESTLY LEGALIZE MARY JANEEE:)PEOPLE THAT ARE AGAINST WEED, SHOULD JUST SHUT THEIR MOUTH ... WEED WAS PUT ON THIS EARTH FOR US TO SMOKEE ' WEED IS ALSO USED IN THE HOSPITALS ! SOME OF YU PEOPLEE ARE DUMB ! I LOVEEEE MARJIUANA Alcohol is Sucks!! no good at all..but weeds, it's godMade! God Creation..did you found any 'bad thing' with this plant??important thing is, weed is not a drug!!! Bob tought us to love each other ever body in world should have weed there will no war no yours and mine love u bob Kittis Hey guys,Geez I dont really know if I should be posting with some people hating this marvelous plant but I just wanted to share some info on my experience with marijuana. Im pretty intelligent, senior in highschool, 4.0 in AP and honors, ive been smoking for maybe a year, a little less probably, and have found my tolerance point and been smoking about an eighth a week. i feel like I can do everything and more when im high then when im sober. i can approach problems with more enthusiasm and more creativity and it helps me understand why things are the way they are.I love to learn about evolution,math and string theory and quantum mechanics, anything really. its just like a constant mind orgasm when im high and learning and I retain pretty much all of it.i have never really been interested in math, but one day I just sat around thinking about pi and other math constants and just about the nature of math. it makes so much sense to me when thinking about it high, like i understand the nature of the universe and its mathematical properties.Is it normal for your mind to be expanded so much where you can just discover the meaning of life and existence in one session and have that last in your mind set forever?Is it normal to have a mind orgasm over life and the complexities of it? the mechanics of it?Where im getting is that i think weed has greatly increased my intelligence and appreciation for life. R.I.P Bob Marley BOB MARLEY IS A LEGEND FUCK YOU HATERS! weed brings about the healing of the nation as NESTA MARLEY said,so luv weed,luv brothrens & sisters,luv lyf and get wise.WAKE UP N' LIVE. Mlonzolo jnr a go seh so. That's fuckin dumb , Bob Marley's music has nuthn to do with people smokin people choose to smoke & smoking weed is Awsome I love smoking weed ..dnt comment it negative shit ur just wastin ur time ... One Love:) just because Bob Marley smoked weed, doesnt mean people who like his music started smokeing because of him!! People smoke for many different reasons..just because someone who likes Bob Marley smokes weed, doesnt mean it was Bob Marleys fault!! It's their own choice!! (: ALL I CAN SAY IS WOW... WOW... WOW.....TO THE ONE SAYING WE ALL NEED TO READ THE BIBLE....I READ MINES....N YES IT SAYS DONT B OF THE WORLD.....BUT WE ALSO HAVE CHOICES.....NOW WHEN I SIT DOWN TO STUDY I BURN HEAVY ONLY BECAUSE IT EXPANDS MY THOUGHTS...I LOOK AT THE SUBJECT FROM SO MANY DIFFERENT ANGLES...JUST LIKE ONE OF YOU MENTIONING A MIND ORGASM THATS WHAT IT FEELS LIKE....I SMOKED EVERYDAY DURING MEDICAL SCHOOL....I GRADUATED WITH 4.0 HONORS AND IN EVERY CLASS AND ON EVERY TEST B OR HIGHER...IJS....SN:IF YOU ARE NOT A SMOKER OR DONT AGREE WITH WHAT BOB MARLEY HAS LEFT BEHIND...JS GO FUK URSELF....XCUSE MY FRENCH...IJS Damn people have very different opinions , But Bob Marley is a legend & if people recognize him for weed or for his amazing music it don't matter cause he is always & forever going to be remembered ! <3 I love Bob Marley He truly is my inspiration (: WEED shows the real you.!!! Smoke all day smoke all night. live your life we are young wild and free.!Love you Bob Marley you a beast<3 Fuck all of you pussies who said Bob Marley had a bad habit. He was of Rasta religion and Rasta religion includes smoking weed to get "higher" to god. Thus where the term "getting high" came from. Bob Marley is inspirational for everything he did. I personally think he's inspirational for saying fuck the system and smoking. I smoke buds and listen to Bob Marley everyday all day. If you were a true Bob Marley fan you wouldn't criticize him for smoking weed. He smoked for a purpose, it was his belief. Remember him for being true and standing for something, not just because you think one of his songs are "cool." take a hit of that good shit then say something !!!! you can't just go off judging and shit and don't know the whole thing ! one love bitches ! u haters keep on hating... but BOB MARLEY ALL THE WAY !!! awesome as eva... yea dont drink n drive but smoke n fly !!! he was a legend in his own way n every song of his is real n awesome ! LOVE U !! when i smoke weed, I get deep. I think so much better. It gets me in touch with the stuff i don't always see when I'm not high. Cigarettes are way worse for you than weed, BTW. It's a natural grown herb, not like all the chemicals used to make cigarettes. Also, it helps a lot of people going through anxiety. (: so bob marley is pretty talented and did a lot with his life, i like smoking, a lot, i realized its pretty damn amazing, you just need to make sure you arent abusing it. to all the people on here who are writing ignorant "fuck off's", dont disrespect those who are too close-minded to try it, and those who havent tried it, dont disrespect something you dont know about. Weed brings peace of mind, we all deserve a little of that :)-love dont hate... i smoke weed everyday and its the only thing that helps me get through the day my all time fav person in the world is BOB MARLEY !!! i fuckinnn lovve him !!!!!!!!!! <3 one love one heart lets get together and feel all right !! immma love you forever bob <3 I know one thing, Marley wasn't addicted to drugs, and smoking did not define him, he simply was the truth, and smoking herb was only a foot note to his greatness. Learn to appreciate the whole man, and don't use him as an excuse to ravage the chronic. but weed is dank for sure. I will never quit blazin'. Bud is just a wonderful thing, that should be legalized, for the whole world. I hate not being able to step out on my deck and light up a J, and not be paranoid about if somebody smells it or see's me. My soul will never rest until Mary Jane is legalized...word. As if some people are dumb enough to consider marijuana a drug yet I bet if you asked them about alcohol they'd think it's fine. Get your facts from unbiased, intelligent and informed sources instead of eating up the shit you're fed. EVERYONE NEEDS TO SMOKE MORE WEED People think bob marley is just about smokingg weed . whitch he reallyy isnt he just smokes because he says in his songs its clesens your sins and make you a hiumble person. it should be against the law NOT to smoke weed its ten past ten been smoking marry Jane flowers got me feelin lik Dwayne ,skip my carter 4 schedules and tell baby go to hell , for those who dont take weed keep ur stupid comments 2 ur self.. first get ur self experienced to weed.... everybody hatin stfu and smoke some weed and chill lol [rasta till i die!) aruba lighting up the fire..weed till we die btchh..fuck dem pussy ass-bitchazz-niggaz hatting cuz dem fraid2 smoke weed. Bob marley wasnt a drug addict he smoked weed cause thats the rastafarian wat, its tradition. Just like you get drunk at the bar with your pals and bitch about your problems, Marley smoked the herb and left his problems to God. He is inspirational because he teaches people how to live life, worry free of problems you cant control. Hes taught me to just live, i smoke a blunt and say fuck it. I still got a life to live You used the term "experienced"... just an odd choice of word. all of you people who 'smoke da mary jane all day' are reason it is illegal, cannabis is a herb not a drug, it should be enjoyed in the comfort of your home and not what the chavvy little kids who smoke in public places so why if he smokes weed, that's not yer business anymore! Its just on how he loves to do and controls it. and besides, he got a hundred and one percent swag than you do haters! go for Marley . all time Rastafarian. people that are talkin shit dont know shit he died cuz of skin cancer under his toe nail and because of his religous reliefs he could not amputate and to all my stoners out there that believe with wut im sayin light up sumthin whether ur bubbler or bong or piece vaporizer jay or a blunt do it and for gregory isaacs death to wich hapened last year so do it (: and for u weed haters weed is good for u and if u live in cali its decriminalized becuz of swarchanegger ((: and its good for u has no bad permanent affects does not affect the brain permamnantly and it gets u smarter dont believe me well fuk u buddy go do sum research be4 u talk shit Because of people like you that people think stoners are stupid. Cocaine comes from coca leaves which comes from earth. Heroin comes from opium which comes from the ground. I support the marijuana cause but you are not helping. Weed is not a drug. THC is. Read a book#supportmarijuana even tho marleys dead 420 i would like to smoke with him 4:20 is great and we should all get baked every year on this same date this will be bob marleys day to the wone up a buv I like you'r music butt weed even more so what I am saying is we should all get to gether on one date and smoke this plant till we huloosenate so on this varry date it shall be named bob marleys day I love 4:20 and bobmarly you trully in spired me. HAHAHAHAHA, all you stoners are such cunts. I LOVE WEED!!! AND BOB!! WOOHOO!! JUST ENJOY LIFE THATS WAT I DO.. XPP people are wise enough to make theyre own decisions, even if bob marley did influence his fans to smoke weed, if they enjoy it and are happy than whats it to you?"Who are you to judge the life I live? I know I'm not perfect and I don't live to be. But, before you start pointing fingers, make sure your hands are clean."-bob marley himself people are wise enough to make theyre own decisions, even if bob marley did influence his fans to smoke weed, if they enjoy it and are happy than whats it to you?"Who are you to judge the life I live? I know I'm not perfect and I don't live to be. But, before you start pointing fingers, make sure your hands are clean."-bob marley himself. Yeah but coke and heroin have to be processed, herb doesn't. to theseptember 15 person FUCK OFF...BECAUSE THAT GOOD IS WHAT MAKES ME BEATBOX GOOD..IDK WHY IT JUST DOES... If you all could see how stupid you look when you speak. I'm guessing either you are all high or have the knowledge of a 9 year old. "Weed is natural so it's made for us to smoke." UM, so is taking a shit, but you shouldn't eat it. "Weed is better than alcohol." This is true, but so is blowing up buildings, drowning a baby, robbing a bank, etc. Doesn't mean it makes weed a legitimate excuse to be legalized. "Weed is used in hospitals, so it's okay to smoke." Yeah, my grandma may have used a little weed when she was in the fourth stage of breast cancer and it was hard for her to have an appetite. Marijuana was discovered to help boost appetite for those too sick to eat anything, not for some 14 year old kid to smoke and come to school high. Seriously, you all look stupid. Quite frankly, if you can't enjoy life without getting high, then your life is EXTREMELY boring, sorry. Another thing, just because you can't get physically addicted doesn't mean you can't become mentally addicted. Think about the kids at your school whom you know can't go a day without rolling up? Yeah, just think about it. Anyways, next time you decide to stick up for a drug, be a little more educated about it. P.S. I don't care if there's 100 people against my opinion, at least I've stated it. "Weed is all we need!", more like a brain. ^ fuck this guy :D The guy above is right,weed isn't the healthiest thing to take, but like its not gonna ruin ur life(unless u become addicted), its our own choice wat we do with our lives, i smoke the herb every now and again, and im happy with my life. I dnt need some1's own opinion 2 tell me wat i shud and shud of done. We'r human for damn sake! Hav u eva seen a lion in the wild tell another lion, "hey, dnt eat that wilderbeast,its not right, eat this healthy tofu instead"all im sayin is that u dnt need som1 else to tell u wats right or wrong 4 u 2 do. wow, i search weed quotes by bob marley (legend) and it turns into this.HAPPY TOKING! fuck all you guys & go smoke. Grow One, Smoke One :) PEOPLE ARE SO DUMB WEED ISNT A BAD HABBIT YOU! YOU THINK IT IS CAUSE ITS ILLEGLE, PEANUTS HAVE KILLED MORE THEN CANNIBIS AS CANNIBIS HAS NEVER KILLED ANYONE AND BOB MARLEY IS A RASTA, HE WAS SPIRITUAL AND USED CANNIBIS IN FORMS OR MEDITATION AND TO CHILL, DONT PUSH DOWN YOUR BABYLON BULLSHIT MAN SMOKE THE HERBS! jah bless :) Alright, look the only reason i admire Bob Marley is for his laid back live for today not tomorrow attitude. not to mention he had amazing talent. So who cares if he was a pothead? Did you know that weed actually grows brain sells, cures cancer, is and anti-depressant, doesnt kill, its impossible to OD on, Saves police and NHS billions, and it isnt even addictive! but yet it is illgeal? hmmmmmm??? Unlike Alcohol which is addictive, depresant, kills, cost police and NHS billions, kills brain cells, you can OD, and causes cancer! and that is legal! not 'DRUGS' HERB healing of the nations. He causeth the grass to grow for cattle and herb for the service of man" -Psalm 104:14 Most of these comments just proves that it kills brain cells...... they dont call it dope for nothing!!!! Only losers smoke dope smoke it up for Bob marley !! Smoking weed is a personal choice people make, Bob Marley is somebody stoners love to follow! I personaly would love to get high with Bob Marley every day of my life - personal choice! Everybody makes their own choices in life and follow their own paths. This man became a ledgend for the music he made and for the fact he was a stoner means many stoners follow his music, the habbit is already there! If you ask me we need more people like Bob Marley to get this world to take a fat chill pill and spread the love/weed. to the retarded chodes saying bob marley took 'drugs', weed is not a fucking drug. it's a plant. coke, meth, adderall are drugs. I smoke to Bob Marley. Bob Marley was so much more than just a weed smoker and it pissees me off that thats what everybody think of him i was smokin weed way before i discovered bob marley,but i will say they go together rather nicely.4/20 4min past well on my way to feelin fine.what i dont understand if you don`t care for tha weed why look up bob marley anyway numb nuts!rastaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaway Bob Marley is not just a person who smoked weed,he also was a great person.I had the chance to meet him and the experience it was great i will never forget him.Bob marley for life.Weed is the thing he like to use no like other artist that use cocaine.I don't judge him for that he was a great person.(I Will Smoked Weed Until I Die).(Bob Marley Rest On Peace We love u)
I wanted to title this post "Screw You" but I felt like that was a bit inappropriate since it winds up on the front page of so many other blogs, only it actually WAS totally appropriate as a description of the Bush Administration's view of Law in America. I'm disgusted and I don't know what to do. Why aren't Impeachment Proceedings raging forward in Congress? This President and his minions have simply flipped off the notion of Justice enshrined in the Constitution. The Justice Department is now simply a political enforcement arm of the worst clique within the Republican Party, bringing ludicrous prosecutions against Democratic enemies and sweeping corruption investigations of Republicans into the compost pit. Evidence is destroyed routinely. Subpoenas are simply ignored. The Rule of Law has no meaning. George W. Bush, in the biggest screw up of recent Presidential memory, simply refused to speak under oath and without the accompaniment of the man behind the curtain (Mr. Cheney) when asked why he ignored the screaming Presidential Daily Briefing with the title, "Bin Laden Determined to attack within the United States." "I don't know, I don't Remember, I can't recall," is the mantra for all members of the Bush Administration and Republicans everywhere, including their current crop of Presidential contenders. So now...Under a Court order to preserve evidence in the CIA torture case, we find that the video tapes were simply destroyed. "SCREW YOU, America"...Love George
posted on Dec, 15 2003 @ 02:59 AM Hi All. New Member Here, I, myself am a very strong Christian. I would like to say that I'm pleased that no one is bashing the Bible or disregarding the story of Eden completely. It's kinda surprising, but cool. Anyway, I have always battled back and forth in my mind whether, in some places, the Garden of Eden being one of them, the Bible was literal or figurative. You know what, I can't really tell you. Right now I'm leaning towards that something very similar actually happened though. I wouldn't be surprised if either way were true. The important thing to remember is that the story explains the relationship between God and man. God created man so He would be worshiped by man and His glory spread and acknowledged. He also created man out of His love to let us experience that love and partake in his creation and just have a relationship with Him. God created us with the desire and intention that we would live in paradise and close to Him. This is represented when Adam and Eve are living in the perfect garden, innocent and unashamed of being naked. And for a short time, we were until we commited sin. Sin is defined as falling short, or in other words, not meeting the expectations or rules that God desires us to follow. This sin, represented by listening to the snake (Satan) and eating the fruit, separated us from God. So we were banished from the perfection of Eden, or from the intimate relationship with God but by our own doing. So whether the garden physically existed, or it is supposed to be a figurative story, both should get the message across of why God created us and with what intentions, how we being weaker humans disobeyed Him and fell short of His intentions, and the consequences that brought. This explains why the world sucks a lot of the time, because people being selfish at nature, sin and mess stuff up. Think of any sin at all. Any evil act is done for a selfish purpose. If we were to all live according to God, there would not be much pain. If anyone wants, I can explain why God bothered creating us if He knew we would sin, and why He would allow Satan to reside in the garden, but I don't want to get any more off topic. Assuming that the garden really existed, it's easy to realize that with time and changing geography, rivers changing course, ice ages, a flood, it could be anywhere within the Middle East region. Actually, some postulate that present day Afghanistan is a likely place for where it existed. There are some extremely lush and fertile areas. So if you believe the garden persisted and never really changed, then it coiuld be there. Maybe the garden is gone forever due to the fact that we blew it and plus the fact that the Earth changes a lot. Wow, I really blathered. But I thought I should throw my opinion in.
Welcome! Adoptive Parents As you begin the adoption process there are many things to think about. There are so many issues involved, that if you are just starting to think about adoption it can be very confusing and overwhelming. At A Child's Dream we understand what you may be feeling, and the many questions you may have. Adopting a baby can be a long and hard process, but we believe that it can also be enjoyable and exciting. Our adoption coordinating staff is highly trained in adoption procedures and will work individually with you, to create an adoption plan that fits your family uniquely. Unlike other agencies, we spend a majority of our time working with birth parents, and building relationships and respect with them. This allows us to more quickly and accurately match the needs of adoptive parents with those of the birth parents. This is evident in the many children placed into loving homes over the past few years, as well as the number of adoptive parents who return to us for multiple adoptions. At A Child's Dream we realize that each family is unique. Instead of trying to use a set formula, we work individually with birth parents and adoptive parents to provide an adoption plan that will best fit everyone's situation. Our goal throughout this process is to match the needs and desires of the adoptive couple as closely as possible with those of the birth parents and baby. Though each adoption is distinct, there is a simple three-step process we follow, that will make the adoption process not only easy to understand, but enjoyable as well. Step 1: Initial Contact and Application - The Adoptive parents contact our agency, informing us of their desire to adopt. - They can print off the adoptive parent packet from our website, this includes the application. - Once filled out, the adoptive parents send their application packet to the agency. There is a non-refundable application fee of $500.00. This fee allows us to process all paperwork that has been submitted to our agency. - The adoptive parents will also need to send an original copy of their home study, and three color profiles of their family in order for the birth parents to select the adoptive parents for their child. Step 2: Matching with Birth Parents - Our agency keeps a record of all adoptive parents which includes a list of the following information: ages, length of marriage, number of children already in the home, general occupation, religious preference, what type of child desired, and adoption budget. We are a non-gender specific agency. - Each birth parent also fills out a form listing their preferences for adoptive parents. Some birth parents may desire a specific age range or religion, while others are more open. - Each birth parent receives at least three different profiles based upon matches to their preferences. The adoptive parents will generally be called before they are presented to a birth parent, giving them the opportunity to look over their files and decide if they would like to be presented to that particular birth parent or not. However, there are times where we are not able to get in touch with the adoptive parents quickly enough, and in those situations we ask the birth parents to pick a second and third choice so that we can proceed should the adoptive couple decide not to proceed with the adoption match. - The adoptive parents will receive an estimate of the total cost of the adoption, generally before they are presented, but in the case of the agency not being able to contact them before they are presented, they will be informed of the estimated cost before they are required to commit to the birth parents. Step 3: The Final Interview - Once all paperwork has been submitted, and the adoptive couple has been matched with the birth parents, they will be required to interview with our agencies agent. The interview and counseling session will take approximately two hours, and will happen upon placement with the child.
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Archos has announced a number of new smartphones and tablets ahead of the annual IFA trade event, a couple of which run Android. First up is the 5-inch 50b Platinum, a handset that runs Android 4.4 KitKat and features a quad-core processor. Additional specifications include an 8-megapixel rear camera, front-facing 2-megapixel selfie snapper, and an 8GB microSD card for storage. A dual-SIM slot lets users insert cards from multiple carriers or accounts. Pricing is listed at £119 in the UK, $149 in the US and €129 in Europe with availability expected in September. A smaller 4.5-inch 45c Platinum will debut around the same time with a lower price point (£99, $129 or €99). Over on the tablet front we find the 101 Oxygen, a 10.1-inch tablet with Android KitKat under the hood. Powered by a a quad-core processor with 1.5GB RAM, the slate gives users 16GB of internal storage for media and apps. The 101 Oxygen arrives in October with a $249 price tag. Archos is also announcing a trio of gadgets that work in conjunction with tablets and smartphones. - ARCHOS Weather Station – follows the ARCHOS Smart Home Principles by showcasing an outstanding design, being completely wireless, and remaining easy to install and use. Available in September for only $149, the connected Weather Station will work with both iOS and Android devices and will measure temperature, humidity, air quality, noise and atmospheric pressure with indoor, outdoor and plant-dedicated sensors. - ARCHOS Music Light – a lamp capable of streaming music via Bluetooth from a smartphone or tablet. ARCHOS Music Light is compatible with iOS, Android or Windows OS devices and is available now for $49. - ARCHOS Music Beany – a plush beany that combines the benefits of a headphone with the style and comfort of a traditional beany. Similar to the Music Light, it connects via Bluetooth, is compatible with all devices and will be available for $39.
Complement your looks with versatile color and brilliant sparkle using the Swarovski 1088 SS29 XIRIUS chaton in Light Silk. This crystal component features a shape similar to a traditional diamond cut with a crown and cutlet. Indeed, the gemstone-like cut facets, with their complex multi-layering and angles, take crystal one step closer to the diamond. This chaton features a pale and timeless neutral shade that will provide your designs with accents of refined splendor. SS29 chatons are approximately 6.25mm in diameter. To see all products from this brand please click here. Artbeads.com is an official Swarovski Authorized Reseller. You will receive genuine Austrian Swarovski Crystals to bring unmatched sparkle to your designs. Posted By:Susan verified customer BeautifulFebruary 14, 2016 These are so lovely, go just perfectly with my Rose gold earrings! The cut is remarkable, very sparkling!
Ellen M. Daley Ruth E. Keenan Anthony I. Eller Ocean Sci. Group, SAIC, 1710 Goodridge Dr., McLean, VA 22102 Many Navy standard and other widely used underwater acoustic propagation models were developed through an evolutionary process to address applications featuring narrow-band or single-frequency cw signals. A consequence of this development process is that, although the models may handle the originally intended problem very well, they are not necessarily able to describe the propagation of high resolution pulses or transients, where time-domain or multi-frequency FFT approaches seem called for. This paper presents the results of an evaluation of several propagation models to characterize short duration signals. The models tested represent a variety of physics-based approaches: parabolic equation, rays and Gaussian beams, modes, and hybrid approaches. The evaluation criteria include an ability of the modeling system to accommodate real-world, in-situ environments, accuracy of the results in the context of intended applications, and reasonable execution time.
gomberg gomberg is offline - About gomberg - San Francisco - Ham Radio, Emergency communications, Amateur volunteer examiner for radio licensing (over 1000 licenses granted). - San Francisco OTA user 1.2mi line of sight to Sutro Tower. Very strong signals, see no need for cable. In fact, as my Sony DVR dies, I am wondering if this is the end of my interest in TV??? Hard to say... - SFO OTA 1.2mi LOS to Sutro Tower, 60 digital stations OTA with a paper clip for a antenna. Now use a Wingard 4-bay and get closer to 70. But lost Rovi about 2/10 and my Sony DVR is dying from lack of time and TVGOS data.
|Clumps of foliage covered with numerous white flowers and creamy yellow spathes. Leaves are lance shaped, broadening in the middle and large. Does well in low light situations and house temperatures around 70 degrees Farenheit. Fertilize every other week with a quick release fertilizer during the growing season. Remove flowers, stem and all when spent. Soil should be rich and well drained.
Patricia Rogers, bassoon, received a bachelor of music degree from the Cincinnati College-Conservatory of Music, where she studied with Otto Eifert. She has been principal bassoonist of the Metropolitan Opera Orchestra since 1976. Ms. Rogers has performed as a soloist with the MET Orchestra on numerous occasions in the United States and Europe, in Mozart's Concerto for Bassoon, K.191, and in Haydn's Sinfonia Concertante, Op.84. She has appeared in recitals at the Interlochen Arts Academy and at the convention of the International Double Reed Society. An active chamber musician, she performs frequently with Maestro James Levine and the MET Chamber Ensemble in New York. She appeared at the Marlboro Festival from 1981 to 1983 and can be heard on recordings from Marlboro. Ms. Rogers has given master classes throughout the United States. From 2000 to 2006, she was a woodwind coach at the Verbier Festival in Switzerland. She is also on the faculty of The Juilliard School, Mannes College the New School for Music, and Manhattan School of Music.
Vanderhoef's Prisoner of War notice Transcription of prisoner of war notice from the War Department. Adjutant General's Office, January 3rd, 1865 In reply to your communication of the 11th of January 1865, I have the honor to inform you that Capt. James W. Vanderhoef of Co____, 45th Regt New York Volunteers, appears, from the latest information received at this Office, (dated December 31, 1864,) to be as follows: "Prisoner of War." This office has no means of obtaining information relative to persons in hands of the enemy. I am, sir, very respectfully, Your obedient servant Samuel Heck [?] Assistant Adjutant General James Guillan Esq Caro Mssrs Mackin and Bros 144 and 146 Chambers St New York City" For more about Vanderhoef's military history and prisoner of war records, see Documents 76 and 78. Citation - Document 77 Letters of Captain James W. Vanderhoef January 23, 1865 Brooklyn Public Library – Brooklyn Collection
We live and worship God in community because we can’t see enough of him on our own. Christians who isolate themselves from the body are consigning themselves to a peculiarly distorted and limited view of God. Wycliffe is best known for overseeing the the translation of the Latin Bible into English. Completed in the 1380′s this was the first full Bible available in the English language. As huge of an undertaking it was, our man wasn’t content to only see the word of God exist in the language of the people. He also trained and sent men into the world to preach the word of God to all who would listen. Fascinating TED Talk from Susan Cain, explaining the concepts behind her her book, Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can’t Stop Talking (obviously, take in with discernment, but there’s a lot of helpful information to chew on): In thinking through these and other issues, I’m inclined to see the identity of the church – God’s called-out, “sent,” kingdom people – as an illuminating framework for wrestling with the other related issues of evangelism, mentoring, disciple-making, mercy ministry, etc. In the end, the “mission of the church” is part of an ongoing discussion that I hope will encourage us as the people of God to embrace our missionary identity.
|Name: _________________________||Period: ___________________| This test consists of 5 short answer questions and 1 (of 3) essay topics. Short Answer Questions 1. How many units of Mountain View does Roma fear he will have to re-close? 2. Where does Levene claim to be heading as an excuse to get Roma out of the office? 3. What is the second human reaction to life's uncertainty that Roma lists in Scene 3? 4. To what substance does Roma compare his testicles when discuss his best sexual experience? 5. According to Roma, what will Lingk regret when he dies? Write an essay for ONE of the following topics: Essay Topic 1 Write an essay about the setting of the play. What is Mamet saying about the world that these men inhabit? Does he believe they can ever escape it, or does the constant grinding follow them everywhere they go? What lives do they have outside of this world? Divide the essay into two parts analyzing the significance and connection between these two locations: Part 1) The Chinese restaurant Part 2) The office Essay Topic 2 Mamet's play essentially pits men against each other who are being constantly compared by forces far above them. Write an essay about this inherent comparison of talent and success: Part 1) Levene speaks at length about his past glory. How does his fabled past compare with his present? How does his outlook on life change along with his fortunes over the course of the play? Part 2) How does Dave Moss respond to being pitted against his fellow salesmen? How does his final argument with Roma reflect a deep insecurity regarding his own abilities. Part 3) To what extent is Aaronow defeated by the system? Cite his interactions with Moss and Roma to determine what his chances of survival are. Is he the type of product intended by this competition? Essay Topic 3 The past is an amorphous entity in Glengarry Glen Ross. The older men are nostalgic for it, and the younger men dismissive. Write an essay about the past in this play. What does it mean to men like Levene and Moss? Have they embellished it to make themselves feel better about the present? What about someone like Williamson? How does he regard the salesmen that come before him? This section contains 373 words (approx. 2 pages at 300 words per page)
Professor David Smith, Professor of Engineering Materials, Department of Mechanical Engineering The Nuclear Research Workshops are an opportunity to bring together all the current Nuclear activities in the University. We have the potential to be recognised as a leading nuclear Institute in the UK, and against the backdrop of the "nuclear renaissance", this is the right time to hold workshops, define our core activities and seek to identity research grand challenges. This "Nuclear Renaissance" reflects two major factors: On top of these factors there is the growing demand for a resilient and secure energy supply. Although the term is widely used by the Industrial sector, there is an increasing requirement for University underpinning research particularly from main government and industrial stakeholders, e.g. Research councils, Technology Strategy Board, British Energy/EDF, Rolls Royce (military and civil), RWE, EON, MOD and AWE. More immediately the Government Office of Nuclear Development (embedded in the Department of Environment and Climate Change – DECC) has launched a new Nuclear Centre of Excellence (NCE) with a £20M budget that is currently seeking close interaction with academia and industry. The purpose of the NCE is to provide a focus for international engagement in nuclear research. The University has niche nuclear-related research activities in the following areas. The purposes of the workshops are to: A general plan for the workshops is:
Professional Liability Insurance for Tax Preparers Preparing taxes for private and public companies is a complex task requiring expert knowledge of the latest tax laws. Clients rely upon their tax preparers to ensure that they pay their necessary taxes – and only necessary taxes – in a timely manner. Unfortunately, errors and omissions in tax preparation can occur. Clients become understandably upset if they discover they have unnecessarily paid too much in taxes. They become even more distressed if they face fines and penalties due to errors that result in underpaid taxes. And they can get downright hostile should a tax preparer fail to file taxes or amendments in a timely manner, resulting in penalties. A large percentage of claims filed against accountants by their clients are related to dissatisfaction with tax preparation services. Fortunately, Professional Liability Insurance – also know as Errors & Omissions Insurance– is available and affordable for most tax preparers. How PL Insurance Works Professional Liability Insurance provides protection tax preparers need in the event a claim is made against them alleging damages due to their failure to perform tax services in a satisfactory manner. The PL Insurance policy typically covers, up to the policy limit, both the cost of defense and any monetary damages awarded to the claimant due to the tax preparer not performing up to the prevailing standard of care. Professional Liability Insurance premiums are typically paid annually and cover a one-year term. The policies are written on a claims made and reported basis, so a claim must be made by the claimant and reported to the insurer within the policy year (or any extended reporting period) in order for coverage to be in effect. Policies will typically cover work back to the earliest date of continuous PL insurance coverage. For example, if an insurance agent has maintained continuous PL insurance since 2002, then his or her current policy will cover any new claims brought against any work performed since the policy inception date in 2002. If the PL policy is cancelled or not renewed and continuous insurance ceases, then the tax preparer can lose coverage for all previous work unless prior acts coverage is secured on a new policy. Typically, PL policies are written in increments of $1 million of aggregate limits, with deductibles available on a per-claim basis, usually starting at $1,000. Policies may exclude coverage for specific acts and services. Finding Affordable Coverage Virtually every real tax preparer needs Professional Liability Insurance. Potential damages can be great due to a claim that an error or omission in tax services resulted in a large financial loss to a client. While premiums have been historically high, today's insurance rates for tax preparers can be surprisingly affordable. Most important, Professional Liability Insurance can provide for the legal representation you need to defend yourself against claims of alleged negligence as well as the financial resources necessary to pay any settlement or judgment against you.
The Australian actress in a magazine profile (Madison, May/June 2000) was asked, "Are you religious?" to which she answered: "Although I'm not Christian, I was raised Christian. I'm an atheist, with a slight Buddhist leaning. I've got a very strong sense of morality -- it's just a different morality than the loud voices of the Christian morality...I can't tell you how many films I've turned down because there was an absence of morality. And I don't mean that from any sort of Judeo-Christian/Muslim point of view. I'm not saying they're wrong and can't be made. But, fundamentally, I'm such a humanist that I can't bear to make films that make us feel humanity is more dark than it is light."
Federal regulators are poised to sue Jon S. Corzine over the collapse of MF Global and the brokerage firm's misuse of customer money during its final days, a blowup that rattled Wall Street and cast a spotlight on Mr. Corzine, the former New Jersey governor who ran the firm until its bankruptcy in 2011. The Commodity Futures Trading Commission, the federal agency that regulated MF Global, plans to approve the lawsuit as soon as this week, according to law enforcement officials with knowledge of the case. In a rare move against a Wall Street executive, the agency has informed Mr. Corzine's lawyers that it aims to file the civil case without offering him the opportunity to settle, setting up a legal battle that could drag on for years. Without directly linking Mr. Corzine to the disappearance of more than $1 billion in customer money, the trading commission will probably blame the chief executive for failing to prevent the breach at a lower rung of the firm, the law enforcement officials said. If found liable, he could face millions of dollars in fines and possibly a ban from trading commodities, jeopardizing his future on Wall Street. In a statement, a spokesman for Mr. Corzine denounced the trading commission for planning to file what he called an "unprecedented and meritless civil enforcement action." The aggressive action would stand in contrast to the government's investigations so far into the 2008 financial crisis, many of which produced symbolic fines. In the case of Lehman Brothers, which imploded at the height of the crisis, An MF Global case, expected to be filed in federal court, could become something of an experiment for federal regulators under pressure to adopt a harder line against Wall Street. It would also thrust the trading commission — the financial industry's smallest regulator — onto a bigger stage. A case would darken the cloud over the legacy of Mr. Corzine, 66, who as a onetime Democratic governor and senator from New Jersey and a former chief of Goldman Sachs has long been a confidant of leaders in Washington and on Wall Street. But it would also suggest that authorities have all but removed a greater threat: criminal charges. After nearly two years of stitching together evidence, criminal investigators have concluded that porous risk controls at the firm, rather than fraud, allowed the customer money to disappear, according to the law enforcement officials with knowledge of the case. Still, the spokesman for Mr. Corzine, Steven Goldberg, said that the trading commission's anticipated lawsuit "is not surprising considering the political pressure to hold someone liable for the failure of MF Global," the largest Wall Street bankruptcy since the 2008 financial crisis. Lawmakers and even some agency officials, he noted, have publicly condemned the firm. "If the C.F.T.C. brings this enforcement action, Mr. Corzine would welcome the opportunity to litigate this matter in an impartial venue, free from politically influenced prejudice and unfounded assertions, which have been frequently repeated despite the lack of a factual basis," Mr. Goldberg said.
We don’t yet know the reasons CSU President Tony Frank decided to fire Jack Graham as his athletic director. The two men seemed to always be on the same page and have the same vision for Colorado State University’s athletic programs. What we do know, though, is that Graham did a nice job setting the stage for whoever follows him. The former CSU quarterback changed the way people both inside and outside the university view the Rams. He truly believed CSU could compete for berths in Bowl Championship Series games in football and advance to NCAA Final Fours in men’s and women’s basketball. He hired coaches who believed CSU was capable of reaching those heights, too. Coaches who were each among the most sought-after in their respective sports at the time Graham hired them to come to CSU. Coaches who told him they were committed to not only building a winning program, but sticking around to see it through, too. And he got each of them to put that commitment in writing during his last nine months on the job. Working with Frank, he got men’s basketball coach Larry Eustachy, volleyball coach Tom Hilbert, football coach Jim McElwain and women’s basketball coach Ryun Williams all to agree to contracts that all but assure they’ll stick around through at least 2018. He rewarded each for their success with salary increases while also protecting the university with prohibitive buyout clauses should any of them decide to leave for another job before their contract runs out. If some deep-pocketed school from one of the five power conferences wants to hire McElwain as their football coach, they’re going to have to pay CSU $7.5 million to do so. The cost to lure Eustachy away is $4.5 million. The buyout on Williams’ contract is $1.075 million, while Hilbert’s is an even $1 million. Those are terms CSU never would have dared ask a coaching candidate to agree to in the past. Terms that surely would scare away any young, up-and-coming coaches hoping to use CSU as a stepping stone to bigger and better things. There was a time not all that long ago when the Rams would have been thrilled to have that kind of a coach. In fact, they did when Tim Miles was turning around the men’s basketball program for four years before leaving for Nebraska after taking the Rams to the NCAA tournament for the first time in nine years. Those days are past, though, and Frank and the CSU Board of Governors have made a commitment to elevate CSU’s athletic programs to a level of excellence comparable to that of the school’s academic programs. Now, they’ve got coaches who are committed to sticking around and building something special here, rather than skipping out as soon as the cement for the foundation dries. Coaches who will build successful programs, bringing in better players in each recruiting class than they had the year before and steadily raising the bar for success. “I think the people that Jack has hired into those roles are fantastic people,” Frank said Monday. “I think they’re a great fit for the university and the community. I think they’re all committed to doing things the right way.” And, thanks to the work of Graham, they’re not going anywhere for a while. Sports reporter Kelly Lyell can be reached by email at KellyLyell@coloradoan.com. Follow him at twitter.com/KellyLyell and facebook.com/KellyLyell.news
Mr. Griffith has extensive leadership experience in the bioprocessing and biopharmaceutical industries, as well as significant commercial and investment banking expertise. Mr. Griffith is the founder of Aptuit, a global contract pharmaceutical research, development and manufacturing company, and served as the company’s chief executive officer from 2004 to 2008. “Michael’s background in biologics manufacturing is particularly relevant to Repligen, and he also brings valuable financial markets acumen to the board,” said Walter C. Herlihy, president and chief executive officer of Repligen. “In light of the major commitment that we made to bioprocessing with the December acquisition of Novozymes Biopharma (now Repligen Sweden) we welcome Michael’s insight in helping to guide the integration and expansion of this core business. We value the expertise that Michael offers during this exciting time of Repligen’s transition to a fully integrated and commercially focused company.”
Updated: June 27, 2014 Netrunner is mostly a Kubuntu-based distribution, with the KDE desktop, intended to plug in all the holes and boredom pits left over by its parent, to make it more immediately appealing and fun for the general populace. A new version has been released last week. We shall be testing now Netrunner 14 Frontier, a Long-Term Support (LTS) release, on top of the usual quad-boot T61 laptop, which comes with a pair of SSD. About a month back, we also looked at the rolling Arch-based version of Netrunner, so the comparison shall be most interesting. The familiar looks are there. Although the wallpaper and the theme have changed, there's an inherent Netrunnerness in the way the desktop has been designed. Now, there are some bad elements too, like the busy system area, where you'd suppose to see the date and time applet flushed to the far right, for instance. But I'm getting ahead of myself, let's start with a few simpler things. Hardware detection is good. There were no errors trying to connect to my Wireless routers, either one of them, either band, and Samba, Samba, Samba was good, too. However, the network popup panel is transparent, and it makes for a very difficult read and a wonkish user experience. Super busy. Add to that the relatively confusing arrangement of icons in the system area, and you're no longer winning. The system menu is still a little tricky to use. The search results are featured bottom up, and the search functionality is not the most accurate. Moreover, the panel will remain open until you choose something or hit Esc, even if you switch focus away to other programs. Speaking of programs, Web Accounts and cloud storage are no longer there, probably because of relatively low use and popularity. Worked fine, with some small exceptions. MP3 files still open in QMMP, which has zero desktop integration, and looks nothing like any other KDE application. This really mars the overall impression. But the content played fine, including Flash. The new installer is getting better with each new release. This latest edition will also try to configure Wireless for you, or it will skip the step if you've already done that on your own. Reminds me of Pardus, long long time ago. The setup is identical to what we've done with many other distributions in the past. We will dislodge one of the four systems, and replace it with Netrunner Frontier. Then, we will install the bootloader into the root partition, because we would like to keep the overall boot sequence control in the hands of Ubuntu Salamander, which resides on the first partition of the first disk. Nice and tidy. The partitions are clearly marked, as well as the operating systems installed on them, so you have full control of what you're doing. I killed one of the Qiana setups and reused the home partition. Then, GRUB2 goes into /dev/sda2, as mentioned earlier. After that, the setup took about fifteen minutes. Netrunner 14 is prettier than its rolling counterpart, and the slides are more compelling. There were no issues, and the distro booted fine. Now, we shall attempt to enjoy Frontier to the max. After all, isn't it said, Netrunner, the final Frontier. These are the voyages of FOSS Linux. It's continuing mission, to explore strange new distributions, to seek out new make and new init scripts, to boldly go where no one has compiled before. Something like that. More nerdy references coming up. I had to admit I was pleasantly surprised by the improvements in Muon, but then the entire family of the recent LTS releases has been like that, from Trusty to Mint, including the patriarch of the family, Mr. Kubuntu. Both the update manager and the actual package manager feel a little more streamlined, a little more polished, and quite a bit faster. Compared to Kubuntu, Frontier comes with a far richer, far more colorful arsenal of programs. However, some of the choices remain weird, and we've observed that both in the rolling release as well as the previous Enigma-II edition. It doesn't mean it's bad, but it's not ideal. Anyhow, the list is long. Just the utilities and system helper programs comprise an impressive chunk. You have VirtualBox, Yakuake, both Synaptic and Muon package managers, and quite a few others besides. Then, the conventional setup includes Firefox, Thunderbird, Skype, Clementine, the full LibreOffice, Kdenlive, GIMP, Gwenview, Okular, VLC, Karbon, and many others. The drivers utility is there too, but perhaps for the first time, the desktop effects are gone. Surprise, surprise, Netrunner 14 Frontier is a very quiet distro. The CPU utilization is low, just about 2-3% on average, so this is more than quite commendable. However, memory usage is high, about 1GB, but it's better than the other way around. This does not translate into more battery juice, but then the power pack is broken, with lots of dead cells, so it's hard to estimate the real efficiency of the distro, the kernel and whatnot. On the stability front, no oopses, no crashes, no ugly errors. Suspend & resume work just fine on this all-non-proprietary-drivers laptop, and fast too. It seems like a cushty setup, all in all. Nope. Samba, nicht! Why, oh why! Now, I played a little bit into making the system more presentable. For example, the two default launchers for Dolphin and Firefox are really a phenomenon. Because if you add more icons, they max to the size of the panel, so it gets ugly. Then, you want a bit of breathing space above and below icons, so why not make the panel a tad higher. Finally, the system area can really be polished with a bit of simple, elegant juggling of icons left and right. Throw in a couple of wallpapers, and Bob's your uncle. I know I'm not the most aesthetic person in the world, although I come very close, but I think I'm on the right track, and 99% of distros can be made more appealing in two minutes. Panel, work in progress, me king: And the desktops, from good to best: Netrunner 14 Frontier is yet another gradual improvement over its predecessors, and that's good to see. Tiny problems are polished, the core identity established, and now it's the matter of finding the optimal balance of programs and beauty, really. There were no errors whatsoever, save only for the printing problem. So that's a good thing overall. If I have to compare to the rolling release, for some reason, the illegitimate child of Manjaro and Arch is more exciting in some sense, even though the quality and solidness of the Frontier release is way above the other. But that's a good thing. You have something to fret over and decide. Overall, well worth the effort. Let's say 9/10, and now you do the testing of your own.
Debbie McCormick started her own business to pay for the privilege of pushing stones down a sheet of ice. No, she isn’t among the millions digging out from under the latest winter storm to hit the East Coast. But her work with stones and ice is every bit as Olympian an effort. McCormick is a member of the US Olympic curling team, and to afford to keep being a member of the team and maintain the unique schedule her sport demands, she has had to take income matters into her own hands. So, like a number of other Olympic athletes, the Rio, Wisconsin resident started a business to fund her training and travels to competition worldwide. While participating in sports lacking cache, star power and the mega-endorsements that fund snowboarders, skiers and figure skaters, Olympians like curling’s McCormick had in the past tried their best to keep their day jobs. McCormick herself worked for a large national retailer with a marketing tie-in to Team USA that allowed her to work, train and compete. But such jobs have dried up in recent years (McCormick’s among them), leading many Olympians to turn to what they thought was their only logical alternative. In McCormick’s case, that alternative was opening and running Goldline Mobile Pro Shop. As she competes in curling tournaments throughout North America, she sells equipment for Goldline Curling, based in curling-crazy Ontario, Canada. “I needed at least eight weeks off, and that’s really hard for an employer to understand,” she said recently. “So starting my own job made the most sense.” It also made sense to Canadian bobsledder Jeremy Lumsden, who created, hand-made and marketed $15 bracelets made of outdoor survival rope that unwinds to 10 feet of usable cord. He moved so many early on that he outsourced the manufacturing, and he has sold roughly 2,000 bracelets in the two months he’s been at it. He enters his second Olympic games hoping the venture will ease the scramble for the money necessary to earn a third Olympic berth. He said it has occurred to him that Olympic athletes are natural born entrepreneurs. “We’re able to put our head down and grind through the tough times to get a goal,” Lumsden said. McCormick estimated that donations and sponsorships have covered about 60 percent of the amount she needed to pursue her fourth Olympics. In addition to living expenses, most Olympic athletes pay for training, travel, gear, physical therapy, even club dues. The fact that the remaining 40 percent can be covered by a job in which she is her own boss and sets her own schedule removes a lot of stress. It also poses logistical hurdles. For instance, while McCormick is in Sochi, she is not minding the store. In fact, she has shuttered the business for the month of February. “All I can do is put a message on my phone to say I’ll be gone,” she said. “When I compete, I have to be 100% focused.” Borzykowski, Bryan. “Olympians pursue startup ventures on the side;” CNN Money. 2/7/14.
A little dolls’ house magic will be used to tell a clutch of Rats’ Tales this Christmas at The Royal Exchange Theatre in Manchester. The world premiere from Poet Laureate Carol Ann Duffy tells stories that get to the heart of childhood and celebrate the spirit of the festive season. Rats’ Tales uses live music, animation, puppetry and storytelling, taking audiences on a thrilling journey into new and mysterious adaptations of folk stories from around the world. And the production team snapped up some products from our Builders’ Merchant items to help with some key props. One of the actors emerges from a dolls’ house in the show, starting off first as doll-size, growing larger and larger until they become human sized and exit the house! The production, inspired by the Pied Piper, brings together a dark and magical cycle of folk tales from around the world, to create an unforgettable evening and what the theatre’s billing “a genuine alternative to pantomime”. It includes live music, animation, puppetry and acting. The show runs until January 12. Box Office 0161 833 9833. See their Rat About Town animation:
MA, PhD, LCAD, HRSA Professor in the History of Scottish Art Tel: 01382 345287 Matthew Building, DJCAD 13 Perth Road, Dundee, DD1 4HT Murdo Macdonald is Professor of History of Scottish Art at the University of Dundee. His doctoral thesis (University of Edinburgh, 1986) explored the relationships between art and science. He was editor of Edinburgh Review from 1990-1994. He is author of Scottish Art in Thames and Hudson’s World of Art series. His recent research focus has been as principal investigator of an Arts and Humanities Research Council funded project Window to the West/ Uinneag dhan Àird an Iar: Towards a Redefinition of the Visual within Gaelic Scotland (2005-2011). This is a collaboration between the Visual Research Centre of Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art and Design at the University of Dundee and Sabhal Mòr Ostaig, the Gaelic College in the Isle of Skye. It explores the inter-relationships of contemporary art, Gaelic language and culture, and art history. A further research interest is in the generalist ideas of the cultural activist and ecologist Patrick Geddes. He is currently engaged in research into art and Robert Burns and art and James Macpherson’s Ossian. In 2013 he identified (with Eric Shanes) at lost ‘Ossian’ work by J. M. W. Turner. In 2014, with the help of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, he began to explore I detail the wider cultural significance of photographs of elementary particle tracks made by the Nobel-Prize winning Scottish physicist, C T R Wilson. He was made an Honorary Member of the Royal Scottish Academy in 2009. 1 2014, Eleanor Widger (with Prof Andrew Roberts, English) 2 2010, Geoff Lucas ‘Towards a Concrete Art – a Practice-Led Investigation’ (with Graham Fagen) 3 2010, Courtney Chetwynd ‘Interdisciplinary Studies’ (with Prof Gavin Renwick, Univ. of Edmonton) 4 2006, Tom Andrews ‘Challenging Epistemologies: Managing Intangible Heritage as Associative Archaeological Sites’ (with Prof. Gavin Renwick, Univ. of Edmonton). 5 2007, Edwin Janssen ‘Artists, Museum and Collections: Curating as a component of visual art practice’ (with Prof Gavin Renwick). 6 External supervisor for Eleanor Macdougall ’Heather and hill and Highland cattle’: a re-assessment of images of the Highlands, c. 1850–1940 (University Of The Highlands and Islands - Sabhal Mòr Ostaig, (with Dr Meg Bateman SMO and Gina Wall, Moray College) - 2012: Jonathan Milburn ‘Myth and Meaning in Contemporary Painting: A Practice-led study’ (with Mary Modeen) - 2010: University of Dundee: Paul Harrison, ‘Designs for Life: art, science and collaboration. A practice led study in fine art printmaking’ (with Arthur Watson). - 2008: University of Dundee: Sandra McNeil, ‘From creativity to connective behaviour in the art school: a practice-based analysis of learning through mark-making’ (with Dr Wendy Gunn). - 2006: University of Dundee: Euan McArthur, ‘The Council for the Encouragement of Music and the Arts (CEMA) and the Development of the Arts Council in Scotland: Background, Politics, Visual Art Policy, 1919-1947’ (with Prof Lindsay Paterson, University of Edinburgh) - 2003: University of Dundee: Gavin Renwick, ‘Spatial Determinism in the Canadian North: A Theoretical Overview and Practice-Based Critique’ (with Arthur Watson). - 2003: University of Dundee: Norman Shaw, ‘Highland Landscape Aesthetics: A Practice-Based Critique’ (with Prof. Will Maclean). - As member of supervisory team 2009: Stefanie Reetz 'Mapping the Estonian nation – national identity and geopolitic sin the Estonian Visual Arts’ (first supervisor Dr Jonathan Blackwood) - 2005, Elizabeth Donald (with Prof Georgina Follett) - 2014: Royal Society of Edinburgh, Arts and Humanities Small Grant. “C T R Wilson and the Tracks of Sub-Atomic Particles: An Aesthetic Consideration” - 2013: Invited Scientist, Melchiorre Cesarotti Project, University of Padua, Italy. - 2013-2014: Member AHRC Northern Peripheries Network (PI Prof Y. Holt, Univ of Northumbria). - 2010-2011: Co-investigator with PI : Professor Murray Pittock (University of Glasgow, English Literature) and CI Professor Chris Whatley (University of Dundee, History) of Robert Burns: Inventing Tradition and Securing Memory, 1796-1909. 2010-2011. AHRC funded £150,000 small grant from Beyond Text, scheme. - 2005-2011: Principal Investigator: Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) funded project: Window to the West/ Uinneag dhan Àird an Iar: Towards a redefinition of the visual within Gaelic Scotland. A collaboration between the Visual Research Centre of the University of Dundee and the Gaelic College of the University of the Highlands and Islands - Sabhal Mòr Ostaig, Skye. This project places the study and practice of visual art at the heart of a multidisciplinary research project. It creates a new focus for the understanding of Highland culture(Gaidhealtachd). Co-applicants: Professor Norman Gillies and Dr John Purser, Sabhal Mor Ostaig. Award of £543587 over five years. - 2002-2005: Principal Investigator, Arts and Humanities Research Board (AHRB) funded project: Learning is Understanding in Practice: exploring the interrelationships between perception, creativity and skill. Co-applicant Professor Tim Ingold, Chair of Anthropology, University of Aberdeen. Award of £243000 over three years. - 2001-2002: Arts and Humanities Research Board (AHRB) funded Research Leave to explore Interdisciplinary Internationalism: traditional revival and generalism in the circle of Patrick Geddes: Oct. 2001- Dec. 2002. Award of £11,500. - Core group member Designing Environments for Life: A programme of the Institute for Advanced Studies, Strathclyde University, September to December 2009. - Member of the Northern Spaces Research Group funded by Northumbria University.
Healthy Whole-Grain Breakfasts (Slide 15) There may be as many versions of muesli as there are breakfast cereals, but this one's modeled after the original Swiss wake-you-up—a combination of overnight-soaked grains, nuts, dried fruit and yogurt. Make it the night before and you'll have breakfast ready when you are. Recipe: Cranberry Muesli In this healthy oatmeal recipe, cook apples into your morning oatmeal and you’ll start the day rig…View slide More Healthy Breakfast Recipes
Granddaughter's 5th Birthday I miss when my grand kids were little. On my granddaughter's 5th birthday we had a Cinderella themed birthday party. I dressed up like the fairy god mother from Cinderella to surprise her and all the kids. I put her on my lap and said what is your birthday wish. She said she wanted a Ferbie, so I had her close her eyes, pull out a Ferbie from behind me and gave it to her. She was so happy and all the kids smiled. I'm glad to have made her wish come true.
The custom candy bar featured Sugar Factory favorites and candy classics such as gummy bears, Sour Patch Kids, cherry rock candy, gumballs and more. The confectionary emporium also offered gourmet chocolate-dipped cherries in milk, white, and dark chocolate. Tyson’s VIP guests were given goody bags with logo chocolate bars, t-shirts, and a whirly pop. Throughout the reception, there was a constant line at the candy bar, with guests eagerly waiting to satisfy their sweet tooth. The Sugar Factory brand has become an instant hit across the country – offering everyone a sweet escape. Sugar Factory currently has stores located at The Mirage Resort and Casino, and Miracle Mile Shops inside Planet Hollywood Resort & Casino. Sugar Factory’s flagship location and biggest store can be found at Paris Las Vegas. Photo Credit: Sugar Factory For more information please visit www.SugarFactory.com. Bill Cody is an entertainment, technology and luxury travel reporter in Las Vegas. He reports on celebrities, events, tech, food, Las Vegas and luxury travel.
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Originally Posted by bigblockford79 Having this would be way worse than no cage at all. About the only thing and exhaust pipe cage would do is make sure that he was critically injured in a rollover and not just bruised. Good idea, remind me not to wheel anywhere near this guy. Something might fall off his truck he superglued on instead of welded because the glue was cheaper than a welder. BEAT THAT HORSE ! BEAT IT GOOD !! KICK ITS ASS !
Blackmoor Monday Evening Ladies League played a red-yellow and white event on Aug. 4. Everyone teed off on three of the red tees, three yellow tees and three white tees. WINNERS — Mountaineer Woodview Women's 18-Hole Golf Association's championship winners were, from left, Janet Stukins, low net winner; Elaine Minda, club champion; and Janice Torrance, runner-up. Winner of the event was Lorie Defallo. Denise Augustine had longest drive on hole No. eight. Linda Caputo had low putts. Lucy Kaaran had a chip-in on hole No. 7, 40 yards to the hole and also had longest putt on hole No. 4. The Cadiz Women's Golf Association used a poker game format for Play of the Day on Aug. 6. Hostess Nep Rowland announced the winner was Cathy Shepherd by scoring five on nine different holes. The putt pot was split by Rowland, Kathy Smith and Peg Buchanan. Wednesday's hostess will be Ginny Ferrell. The first round of the club championship was played and will be completed next Wednesday. MOUNTAINEER WOODVIEW NINE-HOLE WOMEN'S?GOLF?ASSOCIATION Results for Aug. 4 play for the Woodview Women's Golf League were: Game: Best Ball First place: Errica Buracchio, Sharon Coleman, Peg Barber - Net 30 Second place: Erin Ankrum, Holly Kisner, Pam Walters - Net 31 Third place: Patty Gerlando, Dorothy Baier, MaryAnn Yanni - Net 32 Sheila Robinson: Two chip-ins on fifth hole and second hole Sherri Nuzum: Chip-in on first hole Errica Buracchio: Birdie on seventh hole 50/50 winner: MaryAnn Yanni MOUNTAINEER WOODVIEW 18-HOLE WOMEN'S?GOLF?ASSOCIATION Aug. 5 was the third and final round of the Mountaineer Woodview Women's 18-Hole Golf Association's championship. Winning the championship for the second year in a row was Elaine Minda, who won by six strokes over her closest competitor. Runner-up for the championship was Janice Torrance, and winning the low net of the field was Janet Stukins. In addition to the championship, a weekly game of low gross and low net was played. Winning low gross was Minda with Stukins and Cathy Ralston in a tie for low net. Torrance won the carryover money pot for closest to the pin on No. 5 and also won the longest putt made on No. 13. Marilyn Kenny won the money pot for closest to the pin on No. 17. This week the women's association will join ranks with the men's league for a mixed scramble. July 31 was the second round of three in the Mountaineer Woodview's 18-Hole Women's Golf Association championship. Leading the field by four strokes is Elaine Minda with Marilyn Kenny and Janice Torrance in second place. Kenny was leading the low net division after two2 rounds. Winning the longest putt made on No. 14 was Mary Ann Bainbridge; closest to the pin on No. 17 was Torrance; and there will be a carryover for closest to the pin on No. 5 since no one could hit the green. TOWN AND COUNTRY Town and Country Women Golf League played a scramble on July 31 at Spring Hills Golf Course with a meeting and luncheon held afterwards. The winners were: First place: The group of Kay Mortimar, Nancy Lellie and Edie Higgins. Second place: The group of Lucy Karaan, Janice Haisley, Jeanne Dowden and Rose Kaczmarek. Third place: The group of Signa Findlay, Kathy Antinone, Shirley Guida and Jane Myers. Longest drive on hole No. 6 were: A flight, Findlay; B flight, Antinone; and C flight, Janet Backel. Longest Drive on hole No. 2 were: A flight, no winner; B flight, Antinone; and C flight, Kaczmarek. Williams Ladies Golf Association held a "Meet the Team Goals" event this past week, in which each player estimated her scores on the front back and then total scores with the two of them. Assistant Pro Jason Smoljanovich figured and announced the winners, including, in first place front nine, the team of Sue Sakara and Alicia Myers. First place on the back nine were Karen Pitchok and Mary Ann Ianni. First place on total scores was the team of Erikka Buracchio and Rita Kohn. There was no winner for the "Pot of Gold," so there be a carryover added to this week's winner. Women residing in West Virginia will soon vie for the "West Virginia Pin" which would be played within the next tournament, a two-week event to determine the winner. Past winners have been Sakara, Jennie Epifano, Maribeth Arlia, Kay Mascio and Rita Wickham, all residents of West Virginia. This week's play will be a "Low Gross Low Net" event played in flights. Members interested in playing should call or sign up in the Pro Shop.
Picture a book that had no margins — the words completely filling each and every page of the entire book. Would that book be an easy read? No, it would feel chaotic and busy, probably even overwhelming. So it is with our lives. If we don’t allow white space to breathe and refresh, but instead pack every moment of every day full to the brim with to-do’s and projects, our lives will feel chaotic, disorderly, and exhausting. If you have a full schedule, you probably won’t naturally find much margin or breathing room in your life. Instead, you have to be intentional about cultivating it. Here are some ideas: 1. Allow Two Extra Hours Each Day Instead of packing every hour of the day with an activity or project, schedule in at least two hours of margin time. This is buffer time to allow for the interruptions that are bound to happen. And if you don’t have two hours’ worth of interruptions in a day, you can use the extra time to do something relaxing and refreshing. 2. Schedule Time for Refreshment We’re all wired differently, but one thing is true for everyone: we need to make time for refreshment. What this will be and how this will look will be unique to each person. Some people are refreshed by doing something like sky-diving or rock-climbing. Me? I’d prefer to have a heart-to-heart talk with a friend or to cozy up in a quiet and clean house with a hot cup of tea or coffee and a good book. Ask yourself what truly refreshes you. Make a list of the things that come to mind and then think through how you can incorporate some of these things into your everyday life. Maybe it’s taking time to call a friend to catch up for 15 or 30 minutes a few times per week. Maybe it’s hiring a babysitter so you can go out to coffee with friends for a few hours every other week. Or maybe it’s just shutting down the electronics early, making yourself a cup of tea and spending 15 to 30 minutes with a good book before bed. 3. Foster Beauty & Creativity in Your Life Make time for beauty, art, and creativity in your life. Once again, what constitutes “beauty” for one person will look different for someone else. But we all need to take more time to soak up the beautiful things in our life instead of rushing through our days at breakneck speed. One of the reasons I aim to always have some kind of handwork project going — be it knitting, embroidery, or something else — is because it gives me a sense of fulfillment to create with my hands. And this creativity often breeds creativity and energy in other areas of my life. I also love to drink tea or coffee out of cute mugs, listen to music with rich depth, try yummy new recipes, watch movies and read books with really great story lines, and burn delicious-smelling candles. Each of these are little ways that I seek to cultivate beauty, art, and creativity in my life — and in our home. They are such simple things, but they inspire and enrich my life. 4. Count Your Blessings If I’m too busy to count my blessings, I’m just plain too busy. Reading One Thousand Gifts really inspired me anew in this area. My mom gave me a Blessings Journal — a little journal with one line for each day of the year for you to write a blessing down. I’ve loved this because it’s so simple: it only takes 30 seconds each morning to write down a blessing or two, but it helps me to start out the day reminded of the wonderful blessings in my life. You could do something similar with a notebook or journal. Take time each day — either when you get up or when you go to bed (or anytime in between!) to recount the many things you have to be grateful for. This will change your whole outlook on life! When you take time to breathe deeply and have margin in your life, you’ll not only be in a much healthier and happier place, you’ll also be more refreshed so you can give out to others. Not to mention, you’ll just plain enjoy life a whole lot more! Want more practical help and inspiration for finding breathing room in your life? Pick up a copy of my book, Say Goodbye to Survival Mode
Welcome to the very first in-depth weekly power rankings. Before we post the power rankings, let me explain what everything means. The original power rankings were calculated using the average of a players ceiling/floor, team complexion, and managerial ability. Since a teams talent is probably the most important part of the game, I gave each managers talent rankings +2. After week 1, and following every week during the season, I will quickly update the ceiling/floor depending on breakouts and injuries, and update the team complexion bases on trades and waiver wire pickups. I will also be giving some sort of additional boost for winning of course. Some managers might argue, some managers might praise, but my main objective it to rank the teams in the best way possible. Of course my own opinions get mixed in, but I have tried to keep this as objective as possible. Now we will move on to the rankings, which I will post one at a time, from the worst team to the best team. Enjoy!!!!!
Paris - Isle of Man sprint star Mark Cavendish said on Wednesday he will not defend his title at the British national road championships this weekend as he recovers from bronchitis. The Omega Pharma rider fell ill during the Tour of Switzerland last week, and has not recovered sufficiently to take part in Sunday's race. “I'm sad because, as current champion, I would really like to defend the title,” Cavendish said. “I would have liked to honour the race and this jersey that I wore for all of 2014 so far, which allowed me to represent my country proudly. “I think it's wiser, however, to not take any risks and focus on absolute, 100 percent recovery, and continue to train in function of the Tour de France. “I talked with the race organisers and they understood my situation perfectly. I wish them well, and also wish good luck to all riders at the race on Sunday trying to fight for this jersey I've been so proud to wear.” The Tour de France begins on July 5 in Leeds, England. Cavendish is winner of 25 Tour stages, which is third on the all-time list, nine behind Belgian legend Eddy Merckx and three behind French rider Bernard Hinault. Cavendish will continue training in Italy prior to the Tour de France.
You changed the boot order of your drives in the BIOS to boot from the CD-ROM first, and it won't boot from the WinXP CD? That seems odd... Is the WinXP CD like the Win2K CD, where you have to (really fast) hit a key when the message "Press any key to boot from CD" appears? If it is, and you did not do so, then the system won't boot from the CD but will then try to boot from the HDD. That, of course, won't work, until you fix the Master Boot Record and replace GRUB with the Windows bootloader-- which you perhaps now know you should have done before wildly deleting the RH partition, as the RH partition contains the GRUB configuration files. So GRUB on the MBR was not deleted, but it no longer knows what to do, because its config is gone. That's all I can think of off the top of my head; if you still can't boot from the WinXP cd and get into Rescue Mode to do a FIXMBR, you could try booting from a Win98/ME floppy if you have one and typing fdisk /mbr to fix the Master Boot Record, or you could get a boot disk such as Smart Boot Manager to create a floppy that will allow you to boot the WinXP CD, from which you could then enter Rescue Mode and use the FIXMBR command. Hope this helps.
At M&M Restaurant Supply & Service, we keep our warehouse stocked with a large variety of smallwares and restaurant equipment to help keep your business running smoothly. Whether you operate a small corner deli, family pizzeria, bakery, bar, hotel, cafeteria, or other type of restaurant, we are sure to have just what you need. If you need something we don't carry in our everyday stock, our experienced staff will work hard to get it for you. Our standard merchandise includes items from pizza supplies to baking supplies; pots, pans, and covers; bar supplies to flatware; and so much more. Stocked new equipment includes fryers, ranges, ice machines, refrigerators, and more. In addition to serving all of your smallwares needs, we offer equipment repair services both in-house (i.e. at our warehouse), and on location. Our knowledgeable technicians service both Northern Santa Barbara Country and San Luis Obispo County, from Buelton to Paso Robles. Field Service Rates vary, depending on location, so please call for current rates. M&M also buys, sells, trades, and consigns used equipment. Come on in and check out M&M Restaurant Supply & Service, where you will find all of your restaurant and kitchen needs in one convenient location.
I’ve hardly gotten out of bed this past week thanks to my bad cold. I’m still a little loopy today, but I finally got my traced template scanned to share with anyone interested in making a Christmas garland. My traced letter template can be downloaded by clicking here. The template is in a very rough state, just my pencil tracing, but it’s the best I could do this week. And it’s certainly functional, since it’s exactly what I used. The letters for the template are not reversed since I used freezer paper to make my templates, and freezer paper can be ironed to the front side of your felt without leaving a mark on the fabric. To cut out my letters, I traced my template letters onto freezer paper. Simply iron the freezer paper template, waxy side down onto the felt. For the red lettering I cut with my pinking scissors on the outside of the line. I used one template to cut letters like M or S for the multiple letters needed in the garland. Just be sure to cut out all the red letters first. Once cut, I peeled away the template and saved it to reuse for the cream letters. I love that freezer paper templates can be reused more than once. Cut on the inside of the line to cut the cream letters. I stitched the red lettering to the ribbon, then glued the cream lettering to the red, using fabric glue. I didn’t like the idea of stitching on my cream lettering. Here is something very fun. A Make it Do reader, Katharina from Germany was inspired by my post about my grandmother’s garland. She used Ariel Narrow font to make her own templates to create a garland. She was able to find wonderful sequins! I love how her garland turned out. I love how blogging connects us together. Thank you so much Katharina for sharing your lovely garland with me!
TOKYO--Japanese industrial production rose 0.3% on month in March, the government said Wednesday, as firms moderated output ahead of an expected drop in demand after an April sales tax increase. The rise, after adjustment for seasonal factors was slightly smaller than the 0.5% increase forecast by economists surveyed by The Wall Street Journal and the Nikkei. It came after a 2.3% fall in February, data from the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry showed, when heavy snow weakened output. Consumer demand for big ticket items such as cars ahead of an April sales tax increase has helped support industrial production in recent months. Since companies have to plan output weeks or months in advance of selling to consumers, however, economists say that output likely peaked in January. Weak demand for Japanese goods overseas has also kept firms from ramping up output. Exports fell 3.3% on month in March after adjustment for seasonal factors, according to data from the Bank of Japan. Yet companies see output recovering from May despite the higher sales tax. Companies expect output to fall 1.4% on month in April before edging up 0.1% in May, according to a survey of firms included in the report. METI kept its assessment that industrial production is picking up. Write to Eleanor Warnock at email@example.com Subscribe to WSJ: http://online.wsj.com?mod=djnwires
The Practice of Zen As we look around us, we see how there is so much woundedness on different levels, individual, social and ecological. Some of us may already be engaged in tasks of social change or in some form of ecological action, yet in all this we also come to realize that there is a deeper wound we each need to address. Deep within, we realize that what we seek is our own peace within ourselves, as well as with one another. Zen practice offers very concrete guidelines toward a realization of our connectedness with mountains and rivers, with every sentient being, with all that there is. This realization of our connectedness with one another is the key to healing ourselves, and to healing our Earth. – Ruben Habito
- Product H79864 Audio-Technica AE4100 50th Anniversary Dynamic Cardioid Mic - Write a Review To celebrate Audio-Technica’s 50th Anniversary, A-T has introduced a special limited edition AE4100/LE Anniversary Microphone in a silver-colored met...Read More We're sorry-this item is unavailable. Find a similar product below or contact our experts for a recommendation of great alternatives. Call us at 800-449-9128.Customers Also Viewed: Special anniversary issue handheld dynamic microphone. To celebrate Audio-Technica’s 50th Anniversary, A-T has introduced a special limited edition AE4100/LE Anniversary Microphone in a silver-colored metallic finish with blue accents. A unique serial number is etched on the surface of each limited edition AE4100/LE. This high-performance cardioid dynamic vocal microphone delivers aggressive sound that stays up-front in the mix. Optimized for the stage, the microphone features superior anti-shock engineering for minimum handling noise. Its rugged construction is engineered to stand up to the rigors of touring. For ultimate protection against vocal plosives, the mic’s hardened-steel outer grille is lined with fine steel mesh and a layer of open-cell foam. A foam disk positioned on top of the element assembly provides the final layer of “pop” protection. - Special 50th anniversary edition in silver-colored metallic finish - Optimized for the stage with excellent isolation properties - Exceptional isolation from handling noise - Superior anti-shock engineering for low handling noise - Multi-stage grille design - Cardioid polar pattern - Excellent isolation of desired sound source - Outstanding pop protection Order today and get a rare, collectible, high-quality vocal microphone. AE4100 50th Anniversary Dynamic Cardioid Mic - Element: Dynamic - Polar pattern: Cardioid - Frequency response: 90-18,000 Hz - Open circuit sensitivity: -55 dB (1.7 mV) re 1V at 1 Pa - Impedance: 250 ohms - Weight: 310 g (10.9 oz) - Dimensions: 177.0 mm (6.97") long, - 48.0 mm (1.89") head diameter - Output connector: Integral 3-pin XLRM-type
Former head of the Commonwealth Bank of Australia, Sir Ralph Norris, and prominent Maori professional director Whaimutu Dewes have been appointed to the board of the Treasury. Treasury Secretary Gabriel Makhlouf announced the two newcomers, along with the appointment of Professor Harlene Hayne, the vice-chancellor of Otago University. They join investment banker Paul Baines, professional director Susan Macken and Joan Withers, who also chairs Mighty River Power on the board, which seeks to "replicate the discipline, strategic capability and performance accountability provided by a private sector or other statutory board". Ms Withers has stepped aside to avoid any conflict of interest while Treasury manages the government's intended partial privatisation of MRP later this year. Sir Ralph is a director of Fonterra and the Fonterra Shareholders Fund, and is on the board of Australia's Origin Energy, majority owner of Contact Energy, and stepped down last year as chief executive of CBA after a 40-year career in banking. Mr Dewes is chairman of Aotearoa Fisheries Ltd and is a director on the boards of Contact Energy and Housing New Zealand Corp. The new members' terms of appointment have been made effective from the beginning of 2013. This article is tagged with the following keywords. Find out more about MyNBR Tags Most listened to - NBR Radio Rich List Special: Interviews with Rich Listers, philanthropists, property gurus, investors and much, much more - “An RBA interest rate cut is pretty much a done deal,” says Capital Economic's Paul Dales - Japan’s Prime Minister Shinzō Abe opens the floodgates to more stimulus. Join NBR's Jason Walls as he explains why - Despite a few howls of protest, land economics expert Adam Thompson rates the Auckland Unitary Plan - Hamish McNicol discusses the Serious Fraud Office’s warning to companies about employee fraud
Login or Sign Up Guide: How To Evolve Eevee into Vaporeon, Jolteon An... Tue 19th Jul 2016 Talking Point: Considering the Angles of a Portable ... 2 days ago Exclusive: RIVE Delayed for Wii U and Could Switch t... 3 days ago Talking Point: Nintendo NX Deal Is A Vindication ... 20 hours ago Punch-Out!! Featuring Mr. Dream Super Mario Bros. The Legend of Zelda Super Mario Bros. 3 First Original Block Puzzle Game in Years (Apparentl... 1,043 views | 17 hours ago Guide: How to Keep All Your Gyms Yours in Pokémon G... 3,815 views | 2 days ago The Most Important Nintendo Game | Alex Reads YOUR I... 4,638 views | 3 days ago Parody: How to Stay Safe Playing Pokémon GO - Safet... 4,285 views | 6 days ago Tokyo Game Show 2016 15th - 18th Sep, 2016 22nd - 25th Sep, 2016 Super Mother Brain $20.00 - TeePublic The Legend Of Zelda with Link - T-Shirt (White) £14.99 - Nintendo UK Store The Legend of Zelda - Hylian Shield Shaped Backpack £29.99 - Nintendo UK Store Wii Remote Plus Yoshi £39.99 - Nintendo UK Store Piranha Plant - Keychain £3.99 - Nintendo UK Store Bowser - Rubber Keychain What do you think the NX is? [Nintendo NX] 2,192 replies | 3 mins ago A protracted conversation between fans of pop-culture that anyone can jump into [General Discussion] 553 replies | 1 hour ago Minecraft storymode uk [Wii U] 0 replies | 2 hours ago More Pokemon Titles Pls [3DS eShop] 2 replies | 2 hours ago Here's what I want from a SNES Classic Edition [News] 1 replies | 3 hours ago First Nintendo attractions at Universal Studios set to open by 2020 [News] 8 replies | 3 hours ago Nintendo stock up 35% currently due to Pokemon Go [News] 3 replies | 3 hours ago Deal-breaking Things That Would Prevent NX Purchase? [Nintendo NX] 161 replies | 4 hours ago 3Souls [UPDATE: 28th July in Europe!] [Wii U eShop] 25 replies | 5 hours ago Posts 1 to 16 of 16 Post FC's and let's get some battles going! squad name : the NewbiesFriend Code : 3009 9866 9067 Guitar Hero 3 achievments :[X] Over 90% notes taken on One - Metallica (92%)[_] Defeat through the Fire and Flames (best try=85%)[_] Defeat the Devil went Down to Georgia (best try=65%)[_] Defeat every song on Expert incl. boss tracks (71/73)[_] Defeat career mode on Expert (l... Squad Name: The nightridersFriend Code: 0861 4600 6033P.S. The above friend code don't work Edited on Mon 8th March, 2010 @ 23:46 by nothankyou Anybody wanna play now DONT HATE DA THE PLAYER HATE DA GAME I wanna add you guys but I can't seem to find my FC on my game. where do I go to view my FC? Heres my Flipnote Studios page. favorite me and add stars to my videos if you have the application please. Ive add everyone who listed their FC here. If anyone wants to battle sometime you know where to post. Edit: NM, neither FC's post work here, but still looking to battle sometime. Edited on Mon 5th April, 2010 @ 23:10 by cheapogamer4life 3DS Friend Code: 4339-2558-1701 PSN id: cheapO4life Xbox gamertag: cheapogamer yeah, those FC don't work. heres mine: 0131-4272-2814 Also, cheapo I have added you so what would be a good time to battle? EDit: cheapo, are you sure you have the right FC, cuz its saying yours is incorrect as well Edited on Fri 2nd April, 2010 @ 14:31 by Ashman yeah, those FC don't work.heres mine: 0131-4272-2814Also, cheapo I have added you so what would be a good time to battle?EDit: cheapo, are you sure you have the right FC, cuz its saying yours is incorrect as well Ah...that sucks. I checked and that what i got let me try to add you and let me see what happens..... maybe we will have this figure out by this weekend so we can battle then. Ashman wrote:yeah, those FC don't work.heres mine: 0131-4272-2814Also, cheapo I have added you so what would be a good time to battle?EDit: cheapo, are you sure you have the right FC, cuz its saying yours is incorrect as wellAh...that sucks. I checked and that what i got let me try to add you and let me see what happens.....maybe we will have this figure out by this weekend so we can battle then. k, so did you add me successfully or is mine invalid as well? @ Ashman:Ive added you to my list no problem.Sorry about that as I miss took the number 6 for 8 in my fc. I had a chance to change that so you shouldnt have any trouble adding me now.I 'll be ready for a match almost any time now so its on you to sat a day and time.... @everyone: anyone up for a battle or 2 battle today? hey everry 1 here is ma FC:5457 6491 9867 i need urs too and ma name is team nightmare im on it every day any1 want a battle? im up 4 one my freind code is at the top My Friend code is: 5414-8597-3568Squad name: The Red BaronsJust got the game and I am dissapointed no one is playing online. Yeah, too bad you didn't get it closer to its release. It was easy to find people back then. I'll keep trying. Thats my only major complaint. Please login or sign up to reply to this topic
Musicians Rock for Women in Recovery The issue is tragic. This year, MusiCares, which was established by the Recording Academy, and its MAP (Musicians' Assistance Program) fund are focusing on helping women find help via a kick-off concert/fundraiser in Los Angeles on May 7 and a yearlong, nationwide PSA campaign targeting women. Former first lady Betty Ford and the Betty Ford Center will be saluted during the concert at Club Nokia. Her daughter, Susan Ford Bales, will be on hand to accept the award. An all-star lineup will perform to raise funds, including Charlotte Caffey and Kathy Valentine of the Go Go's, Bow Wow Wow's Annabella Lwin, Beth Hart and Slash, former Hole drummer Patty Schemel, Lemmy from Motorhead, Guns N' Roses drummer Matt Sorum, Paul Ill and Linda Perry. Samantha Ronson will DJ live in memory of the late DJ AM, who struggled and died of addiction and DJed the event last year.
- 1[uncountable] the enjoyment of special and expensive things, particularly food and drinks, clothes, and surroundings Now we'll be able to live in luxury for the rest of our lives. to lead a life of luxury a luxury hotel luxury goods - 2[countable] a thing that is expensive and enjoyable but not essential synonym extravagance small luxuries like chocolate and flowers I love having a long, hot bath—it's one of life's little luxuries. It was a luxury if you had a washing machine in those days. A comfortable bed to sleep in is a luxury that we take for granted. - 3[uncountable, singular] a pleasure or an advantage that you do not often have synonym indulgence We had the luxury of being able to choose from four good candidates for the job. Idioms NAmE//ˈlʌkʃəri//, NAmE//ˈlʌɡʒəri//(pl. luxuries) in easy, comfortable conditions, and enjoying the advantages of being rich We spent two weeks in the hotel living in the lap of luxury. in the lap of luxuryjump to other results
In conclusive proof that there is nothing new under the sun, we see in this quote on John Owen a devoted conviction to both Word and Spirit. How we need churches today who will bring both emphases to the fore, as did Martyn Lloyd Jones in the quote I posted yesterday. May God raise up an army of believers who can say “Amen!” to the following quote where Owen is described by the editors of Communion With the Triune God as follows: “Central to Puritan thinking was an effort to make sure their activities held together two realities—Word and Spirit. Thus, even when Puritans spoke of the vital importance of the Word—whether preached or read—they always linked this with the Spirit. For them, Spirit and Word should always be united; when they are separated, problems quickly arise. John Owen self-consciously viewed himself as a theologian of the Spirit, and as such he poured more time and energy into exploring questions related to the third person of the Trinity than anyone else in his day, and possibly even before him.” Owen, John. Communion With the Triune God, Eds. Kelly M. Kapic and Justin Taylor, Crossway Books, Wheaton, Illinois, 2007, p. 42.
Obama: 7.1 million Americans have signed up for health care WASHINGTON — President Barack Obama announced Tuesday that 7.1 million Americans have signed up for health care through insurance exchanges before the March 31 deadline. A Center for Medicaid Services official confirmed reports to PBS NewsHour’s Morning Line that they are “on track” to hit 7 million enrollments. And a government official told The Associated Press that the 7 million mark had been crossed. The official spoke on condition of anonymity because the official was not authorized to discuss developments by name before Obama’s announcement. The 7 million target was thought to be out of reach by most experts after computer glitches slowed sign-ups on deadline day Monday. A surge of consumer interest propelled sign-ups. Obama plans to speak at 4:15 p.m. The administration has not said how many of those who signed up closed the deal by paying their first month’s premiums. People who started applying but were unable to finish before the deadline can have extra time.
The 1786 Vermont "Baby Head" is so-named because of the infantile bust on the obverse of the coin. The head is rounded, the wreath atop the head looks like a cowlick, and the ribbon that ties the wreath is set so low that it appears as if it is tying up the baby's bib instead. While the coin may have a juvenile look, this is one of the more sophisticated varieties of the Vermont series. This was the ninth of the varieties identified by Hillyer Ryder (known as Ryder 9 today) and it is the only combination of the obverse and reverse dies. The ultimate Ryder 9 is one with a defect-free, glossy tan planchet that also exhibits a full strike (as expressed in the symbols that appear on the shield on the reverse). The best example known is the one in the Bennington Museum in Vermont. Years ago, that coin was stolen from the museum but has since been recovered. According to colonial coin expert, John Agre, who has viewed the coin in person, it is a stone-cold MS63 on a great planchet. The PCGS CoinFacts Condition census starts at VF. Any Ryder 9 in Extremely Fine or better is a condition rarity. © 1999-2016 Collectors Universe NASDAQ: CLCT
CHAPTER SEVEN: BABY CARRIAGES Speaking before the Senate on February 23, 1954, Senator William Jenner told the story of a young married man working in a baby-carriage factory in Germany during, the early days of the Nazi regime. Since his wife was soon expecting their first child, the young man began to save his money to purchase one of the baby carriages he was helping to build. But for some reason the Nazi government refused to let anybody buy them. So he decided to collect secretly the parts-one from each department-and do the assembly himself at home. Finally, when all the parts had been gathered, he and his wife began to put them together. To their utter astonishment, they wound up with, not a baby carriage at all, but a machine gun! And, as Senator Jenner observed: The United Nations operation in the Congo was no accident. When all the component parts are put together and viewed in their entirety, they mesh so neatly and consistently over a period of time as to reveal a pattern far too obvious to ignore. Nor did this machine gun come into existence overnight. Actually the planners, who knew what the end product was to be, had been working feverishly for years. Their job was to get the individual pieces properly designed and then manufactured by as many unsuspecting souls as could be enticed to the assembly line. The baby carriages had been described to these workers with such appealing phrases as "peace," and "security," world brotherhood," and "international cooperation." But when the pieces were assembled in Katanga they brought death, destruction and Communism. The only people who were surprised at the final product were those who had taken the United Nations at face value and who had never closely examined either the blueprint or the planners who drafted it. The first rough sketches for this blueprint were drawn up by Nikolai Lenin. They were expanded by Joseph Stalin and refined by Nikita Khrushchev. Subtle changes and variations are still added from time to time, but the basic plan remains essentially the same. Stalin laid down five intermediate goals of Communism as necessary steps toward the ultimate goal of global conquest. Summarized, they are as follows: For those who may be puzzled at why the Communists are concerned over raising the level of underdeveloped countries, it should be noted that this not only helps to "bring all nations together into a single world system of economy," but also serves to bleed dry the capitalist countries that will be paying the bill. In addition there is the fact that underdeveloped countries are more difficult for the Communists to take over than the more advanced ones. This will undoubtedly come as quite a shock to those who have been told that our massive giveaway program to foreign countries is keeping the Communists at bay. But, as Nikolai Lenin explained to his comrades: In 1928 and again in 1936 the Communist International formally presented a three-stage plan for achieving world government: The following is taken directly from the official 1936 program of the Communist International: The blueprint was further developed by William Z. Foster, national chairman of the Communist Party, U.S.A., from 1933 to 1957, when he wrote: By 1945 the blueprint was being drafted into its final form. Delegates from countries all over the world were preparing to participate in a conference at San Francisco which was to mark the creation of something to be called the United Nations. Earl Browder, well known past leader of the United States Communist party, in his book Victory and After, stated: "The American Communists worked energetically and tirelessly to lay the foundations for the United Nations, which we were sure would come into existence." The April 1945 issue of the Communist periodical Political Affairs explained to its readers the importance of getting the capitalist countries committed to this international body. It pointed out that since Russia would be one of the dominant voices in the UN, it could be used to prevent other countries from acting independently against Communism. The magazine stated: Five months later the Communists printed a pamphlet entitled The United Nations which further explained what function they had in mind for the United Nations. To be sure, it was not the function of "peace" that Americans anticipated. The pamphlet said: "It [the San Francisco conference] met to outlaw war. But everyone knows that war cannot be abolished until imperialism [i.e. capitalism] is abolished." It went on to explain that there were four primary reasons why Communists should support the United Nations: In 1953 Colonel Jan Bukar, a former Czechoslovakian army intelligence officer, testified before the House Committee on Un-American Activities that a General Bondarenko delivered a lecture at the Frunze Military Academy in Moscow and declared: One final and extremely revealing glimpse of the blueprint was offered by Dr. Marek Stanislaw Korowicz, a member of the United Nations delegation from Communist Poland who defected in 1953 and sought political asylum in this country. Testifying before the House Committee on Un-American Activities, Dr. Korowicz said: It is no mere coincidence that the United Nations headquarters was located in the United States. Most Americans think that this was a victory for us in the cold war. Nothing could be further from the truth. Not only has this made it much easier for the Communists in the United Nations to "reach directly to the American masses" with their propaganda, but their spies and espionage agents posing as delegates and staff can gain entry into this country under full diplomatic immunity. Matt Cvetic, former undercover agent for the FBI, has testified that In confirmation of Cvetic's testimony, J. Edgar Hoover, head of the FBI, stated that Communist diplomats assigned to the United Nations "represent the backbone of Russian intelligence operations in this country."11 A former employee of the Czechoslovakian consulate testified before a committee of the United States Senate in 1951 that UN officials from her country routinely took large amounts of baggage with them on their frequent trips home. She said that this meant usually less than 30 large bags per person, but on at least one occasion to her knowledge a returning UN official took 97 bags. She said that this baggage, which has diplomatic immunity and cannot be inspected, contained electronic devices, "equipment which was very secret," literature and secret communications.12 It should not come as a surprise, therefore, to learn that it was the Soviet Union, not the United States, that insisted that UN headquarters be located on our soil. Trygve Lie, the first secretary-general of the United Nations, revealed this fact in his book In the Cause of Peace. Describing the debates over the future location of the permanent headquarters, Lie said: Let us now put these scattered pieces of the master plan together and see what it looks like in its entirety. Briefly summarized, the Communist blueprint for world conquest via the United Nations is as follows: Since the United States is, at the present time, the only nation on earth that offers the potential of real resistance to the Communist plan of world conquest, the UN blueprint has been primarily designed for us. The Communists know that if they can just get America to step completely into the cage the rest of the world will be theirs. And so, in practical terms, the master plan can be further simplified and condensed into just one simple objective: to gain full working control of the UN and, at the same time, to entice the United States to gradually surrender its sovereignty to this world government. With the blueprint clearly before them, the Communists next launched a massive propaganda campaign to sell the UN to the American people. The April 1945 issue of the Communist periodical Political Affairs set the pace with the following directive: Elsewhere in the same issue of Political Affairs, the Communists received detailed instructions on how to capture this great popular support. That this campaign was overwhelmingly successful hardly needs mentioning. The opposition was, indeed, rendered so impotent that it was unable to gather any significant support in the Senate against the United Nations Charter. Americans, jubilant at the idea of a peace organization which was in their national interest, unhesitatingly pledged their unlimited cooperation and support. By 1954, however, the United Nations began to lose some of its initial luster in American circles. A rising tide of opposition was clearly on the horizon. Once again, the Communists went into high gear, this time to throw up a wall of protection around their pet creation. For instance, the July 1954 issue of the Communist Daily Worker, in an article headed "U.S. Labor and the UN," said: A few months later, the same newspaper offered its Communist readers several tips on what arguments to use to overcome any criticism of the United Nations' dismal record. It answered the critics this way: A further indication of the Communists' interest in maintaining the United Nations can be found in the Preamble to the constitution of the Communist party: This, then, is the "baby carriage" that has been sold to the American people--sold, but not yet delivered. When the day comes that the planners feel ready to assemble the parts on our soil, our innocence and good intentions will be of small comfort. The plan is both simple and brilliant. But have the Communists succeeded in conquering one third of the world through stupidity? Did they do it with brute force? Was it luck? The answers to these questions are obvious. One thing for which the Communists must be given credit is that they are master strategists. They know full well that they could never hope to conquer the world through military might alone. But through trickery and deception, they have developed a formula whereby they can take over America, and thus the rest of the world, without firing a single shot. Khrushchev has said that when the Red flag flies over America, it will be Americans who will put it there. And in that simple boast lies the key to everything the Communists and their allies are trying to accomplish through the United Nations. As Abraham Lincoln predicted, "If destruction be our lot, we must ourselves be its author and finisher. As a nation of free men, we must live through all time, or die by suicide." 1. Senator William Jenner, Congressional Record (February 23, 1954). 2. Joseph Stalin, Marxism and the National Question (New York, International Publishers, 1942). 3. Nikolai Lenin, Selected Works, vol. 7, pp. 285-287. As quoted by Joseph Stalin, Problems of Leninism (Moscow, Foreign Languages Publishing House, 1947), pp. 130-131. 4. Hearings before the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations (July 11, 1956), p. 196. 5. William Z. Foster, Toward Soviet America (Balboa Island, Calif., Elgin Publications, 1961), pp. 326-327. 6. "The World Assembly at San Francisco," Political Affairs (April 1945), pp. 293, 295. 7. Mohan Kumaramangalam, The United Nations (Bombay, India, Peoples Publishing House, 1945), pp. 3-14. 8. Testimony of Jan Bukar before the House Committee on Un-American Activities (May 13, 1953), committee report entitled Soviet Schedule for War--1955, p. 15. 9. Hearings before the House Committee on Un-American Activities (September 24, 1953), pp. 2596, 2607. 10. SISS hearings (July 9, 1951). 11. "FBI Chief Finds Red Spies 'Potent Danger,"' Los Angeles Times (May 4, 1963). 12. SISS hearings (July 9, 1951). 13. Trygve Lie, In the Cause of Peace (New York, The Macmillan Company, 1954), pp. 58-60. 14. "The World Assembly at San Francisco," Political Affairs (April 1945), pp. 289-300. 15. "Yalta and America's National Unity," Political Affairs (April 1945), pp. 304-305. 16. "U.S. Labor and the UN," Daily Worker (July 15, 1954), p. 5. 17. "Policies that Undermine the UN," Daily Worker (December 21, 1954), p. 5.
Posted by ESC on August 15, 2005 In Reply to: "Have the world by tail" ? posted by JZ on August 15, 2005 : What is the the meaning of "Have the world by tail" ? I have heard "have the world on a string." String or tail, it means that you've got everything under control, you have a bright future, etc. Everything is going your way.
PS3 Review – Dragon Age 2 BioWare is known for bringing high quality and epic RPGs to their fans, having been highly praised for the Mass Effect franchise. However, the recent Dragon Age: Origins, released a mere year and a half ago, did not receive the same level of enthusiasm from critics, but was still secure as a good RPG experience. Now they’ve released the follow-up, Dragon Age 2, and its time to find out if the improvements have the game flying high with its brethren, or crashing to the depths of gamer hell. Dragon Age 2 starts off with a dwarf named Varric being hauled into a darkened chamber, where he is interrogated by a Chantry seeker regarding the Champion of Kirkwall. Varric then begins to narrate the tale that makes up Dragon Age 2, and he starts off with a bit of embellishment. As players take control of the Champion, they already have a multitude of powers which can deal quite a bit of damage to opponents. This part provides a good opportunity to experiment with skills that can be unlocked later, but it is short-lived when the seeker calls out Varric for spinning lies. Nonetheless, the introduction remains strong, for when he starts to tell the real tale of the Champion’s arrival to Kirkwall and subsequent deeds that earn the title, it is filled with tragedy, desperation, and violent intensity. Varric begins his tale well before Hawke earns the title of Champion, during the last events of Dragon Age: Origins. The fifth blight has spread over Ferelden, and monsters are killing everyone in their sight. Fleeing from Ferelden with their family, our hero has darkspawn on their heels, and is heavily outnumbered. Shortly into their escape new allies are encountered, where the first social conflict also occurs. One of the new allies is a Templar, who is sworn to protect the people by capturing rebel mages in order to prevent the forbidden use of blood magic. The champion’s sister, Bethany, is a mage, and depending on the player’s decision they may be a mage as well. For the moment, the situation is too dangerous to consider these facts for long, and they move on to escape. Eventually our hero reaches Kirkwall, where this introductory chapter ends and we fast forward to a year later, after the blight has ended and cities are trying to restore order. The choices a player makes are central to Dragon Age 2’s gameplay and story. Even the very first decision made, which is character gender and class, determines the outcome of the introductory chapter of the game. Who allies with the Champion, who opposes them, who lives, and who dies, may all be determined by the player and their decisions. You can’t run around simply killing anyone you want, since most of these choices occur in conversations which determine the outcome, and even effect plot points far later in the game. Thus, it is often times difficult to tell what the overall result will be, and the Champion must simply deal with the consequences as they arrive. For example, early in the game a mage in trouble will be encountered. The mage is arguing with a Templar, and here you are given the opportunity to save the mage, help the Templar, or simply stand by and do nothing. If you help the Templar, it may open up another quest opportunity later from that same individual. On the same hand, helping the mage may do the same. This conflict between mages and Templars, and all the various moral implications of each side’s arguments are a central theme in Dragon Age 2, and it is not always clear cut what the correct decision is, if there even is one. This moral ambiguity creates an opportunity for many tough choices to arise, and your party members play into it a lot as well. Throughout the game you’ll encounter several individuals that will join your questing for various reasons. Each already has a weapon style and class chosen, and at any given time you may have three members in the party in addition to the champion. Everyone has a specialized skill tree, multiple skill trees that apply to their class, and a skill tree that applies to their weaponry. While it’s logical to select your allies based on these abilities, their personalities and situations play heavily into the plot as well. Several of them are mages, who face the danger of being captured by the Templar and turned “tranquil”. This means they’ll be cut off from their magic, but unfortunately they are left with virtually no personality either, and will be a husk of their former selves. Clearly this is far from desirable, and your decision to either save them from this fate or doom them to it will reflect upon the relationships with allies in your party. According to your behavior, and their opinion on the situation, you will develop either a rivalry or friendship with each character. Once a full rivalry or friendship is achieved, a special passive bonus is unlocked, as well as various side missions. Thus it becomes smart to select the correct party members for the correct situation, but sometimes doing so may become tedious, since it requires running to a certain area to switch party members. However, Dragon Age 2 allows all characters to develop simultaneously, so that switching to a previously unused ally doesn’t leave them powerless with respect to everyone else. With a lack of penalty for switching party members consistently, there’s very little reason left not to. Party members also chatter among themselves while running around Kirkwall, and the discussions vary based on who’s there. Merrill, a mage, may argue with Fenris, a warrior who despises mages. Meanwhile Varric, the rogue dwarf, jokes about naughty perversions with Isabela, the beautiful and deadly pirate. Aveline, the law-abiding soldier may the chime in with disapproval for their questionable acts. This results in an easy way to get to know the characters, and lends depth to their personalities and background stories. The combat system itself is very easy to use for novice players, and initially plays out more like an action game than your typical RPG. Tapping X utilizes a character’s basic attack, while the other face buttons can be mapped to hot-key any abilities or potions in the player’s possession. This makes accessing advanced moves quick and easy, and lets the action flow quickly. Any character in the party can be controlled at any time, with a simple tap of L1 or R1 switching between members. A tactics system allows for adjustment of the automated controls for characters that aren’t currently selected, and additional tactics slots unlock throughout the game. For example, you may want a mage to cast a healing spell on allies when their health is low, while you directly control a warrior for offense. Tactics can be set so that mage automatically casts the healing spell any time an ally’s health is less than fifty percent. Paying careful attention to this makes your party more efficient, but at some point even tighter control of the battle will be necessary. Eventually more difficult battles will be encountered, and simply running it to deliver damage won’t cut it. Tapping L2 at any time pauses the game, bringing up a radial menu where all of a character’s abilities can be accessed, whether they’ve been hot keyed or not. Whether it’s drinking a potion, activating an ability, or directing a party member to go to a specified position and hold it, this is where the real tactics of the game can be accessed. In the normal mode, you can get away with using it sparingly, but in harder modes it will become necessary to use. Within this ability wheel, an order can be given to one party member to cast a spell, then tapping L1 can switch to the next character who can be given an order, and so on until all four members have a command issued. Tapping L2 again then unpauses the game, and all four characters initiate their directives simultaneously. Thanks to this system, novice players can go through easy and most of normal mode while playing a straight forward action game, but advanced RPG enthusiasts can increase the difficulty which will require more turn based play. Party management becomes very important as a result, and with a lot going on in the battlefield at once, this feature should be used often. Continue reading… Pages: 1 2
GISCI Officers Announced as GISPs Top 400 9.29.04 The GIS Certification Institute (GISCI) is pleased to announce the following officers of the association. Lynda Wayne, GISP (GeoMaxim, Asheville, N.C.) was elected by the Board of Directors to serve as GISCI president. Nancy Obermeyer, GISP (Indiana State University) will serve as the association's secretary, and Peirce Eichelberger (Chester County, Pa.) will serve as the GISCI treasurer. The other members of the GISCI Board are: William Huxhold, GISP (University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee); Karen Kemp (University of Redlands); Tom Tribble (North Carolina Center for Geographic Information & Analysis); and Lyna Wiggins (Rutgers University). This announcement comes as the number of Certified GIS Professionals exceeds 400. Professionals interested in pursuing certification can download application materials at www.gisci.org and begin preparations for submitting their qualifications for recognition as Certified GIS Professionals and earn the designation "GISP". Source: GISCI, Sept. 22, 2004
[donation-can goal_id=”boatgear”] We are making way towards having a ship with which to take water samples from the Gyres, the Gulf, and beyond. We’ll be working cooperatively with other organizations, sharing the information gathered, and showing the world the true condition of our precious oceans. We need your help. Your donations will fund the safety equipment and maintenance needed to make this work possible. Wanna know how you can help save the ocean? That’s fantastic! The first thing is to stop participate in polluting. When you visit the beaches, be sure to take all of your trash back with you. Practice “Take pictures, leave only footprints.” Don’t let oil or anti-freeze spill onto the ground. Cut back on unnecessary paper and plastic consumption, and recycle whenever possible. Paper mills create an attrocious impact upon the environment. Not sure? Try breathing near one! It takes 500 THOUSAND trees every week just to supply Americans with their Sunday newspapers! Do what you can to walk gently on Mother Earth. Participate in a beach cleanup alongside other like-minded volunteers. Local chapters of Surfrider host beach cleanups regularly, and there’s a chapter for freshwater areas too. We realize that the toxins that go into freshwater eventually make their way into our homes as well as the oceans of the world. There is no escaping this fact: The planet we live upon is ONE unit, one entity, and what affects a part of it affects the whole. Continue to educate yourself on the realities affecting our environment. Pay heed to the Inconvenient Truths being swept under the carpet. Big Business is counting on your apathy, and you can count on their indifference to what’s best for the environment, so long as it saves them even a small amount of money and getting caught at it isn’t expected to cost them sales. Make sure they get the message loud and clear that you’re not going to ignore their actions. Saving the planet is not cheap. Phone bills alone cost a small fortune — one which we’re glad to pay, for the sake of the ocean. But we have to have it to pay with. Contribute as the spirit moves you; Any amount over about $5 is helpful. (Less than that, and it ends up being eaten up by the costs of getting it here.) We are able to accept a one-time donation or a recurring one that comes from your bank account, debit or credit card. One time donations need only a debit or credit card, while recurring donations require a PayPal account linked to a checking account, debit or credit card. Please use the links below to make your donation. Please email us if you’d like to contribute a different amount or in a different way. Small or large, your donation is greatly appreciated. Just as one drop of water forms a ripple in a still pond, we know that each person is participating cleaning up a drop or cup of water, putting pure, clean water back into the Pond. Those drops all spread, their ripples traveling around the globe, just like the tides, and the pollution that threatens us. So don’t think your contribution won’t matter. Every donation is a drop rippling out across the waters of the world.
Obama’s Middle East speech Or same song, different verse. Not much new in this that I was able to discern, especially about Israel. While claiming that the Palestinians have some responsibilities and the Hamas/Fatah reconciliation is troubling, most of the onus for peace is once again placed on Israel with the claim that it should withdraw to the ‘67 borders. Of course the last time they agreed to a withdrawal and did so, they paid a price for it. Doubt this is going to fall for that again. Couple of interesting things to note. Speaking of Libya: As I said when the United States joined an international coalition to intervene, we cannot prevent every injustice perpetrated by a regime against its people, and we have learned from our experience in Iraq just how costly and difficult it is to impose regime change by force – no matter how well-intended it may be. About “Arab spring”: Indeed, one of the broader lessons to be drawn from this period is that sectarian divides need not lead to conflict. In Iraq, we see the promise of a multi-ethnic, multi-sectarian democracy. There, the Iraqi people have rejected the perils of political violence for a democratic process, even as they have taken full responsibility for their own security. Like all new democracies, they will face setbacks. But Iraq is poised to play a key role in the region if it continues its peaceful progress. As they do, we will be proud to stand with them as a steadfast partner. Hmmm … anyone else spot a little contradiction here? Back to the now officially “illegal” war in Libya: Unfortunately, in too many countries, calls for change have been answered by violence. The most extreme example is Libya, where Moammar Gaddafi launched a war against his people, promising to hunt them down like rats. As I said when the United States joined an international coalition to intervene, we cannot prevent every injustice perpetrated by a regime against its people, and we have learned from our experience in Iraq just how costly and difficult it is to impose regime change by force – no matter how well-intended it may be. But in Libya, we saw the prospect of imminent massacre, had a mandate for action, and heard the Libyan people’s call for help. Had we not acted along with our NATO allies and regional coalition partners, thousands would have been killed. The message would have been clear: keep power by killing as many people as it takes. Now, time is working against Gaddafi. He does not have control over his country. The opposition has organized a legitimate and credible Interim Council. And when Gaddafi inevitably leaves or is forced from power, decades of provocation will come to an end, and the transition to a democratic Libya can proceed. Two points – one, massacres in Iraq, using the Obama reasoning here, were already ongoing. Anyone, was Saddam hunting down opposition like “rats”? Er, yeah. So, what’s the beef with doing what Obama attempts to sell here for that reason only? And if Iraq was a dumb war, notwithstanding the same thing happening as in Libya, does that make Libya a dumb war (as well as “illegal”)? Two – How does he know that “the transition to a democratic Libya” will be the result? And how does he plan to ensure it? Obama gave Syria and Iran a tongue lashing, but I expect little else to occur in terms of action. Some sanctions will be imposed which, as they always do, hurt the poorest in the nation. He also mentioned Bahrain and Yemen in the speech. Conspicuously absent from his bombast was any criticism of Saudi Arabia. Like I said, nothing much new in the speech.
Live with Kelly & Michael January 30 2013 Kelly and Michael January 30 2013 placed their Super Bowl bets, came up with winning strategies for Kelly’s Empire State Building Race, and talked to Keri Russell and Chris Harrison. Here is what you missed. Kelly & Michael: Unstoppable Moms Contest Remember to enter a special mom in the Unstoppable Moms Contest before the February 8 deadline. Among the thousands of entries is a marathon-running Minnesota mom who serves her school and church in a variety of ways.
[rfc-dist] RFC 5291 on Outbound Route Filtering Capability for BGP-4 rfc-editor at rfc-editor.org Tue Aug 5 15:47:58 PDT 2008 A new Request for Comments is now available in online RFC libraries. Title: Outbound Route Filtering Capability for Author: E. Chen, Y. Rekhter Status: Standards Track Date: August 2008 Mailbox: enkechen at cisco.com, yakov at juniper.net I-D Tag: draft-ietf-idr-route-filter-17.txt This document defines a BGP-based mechanism that allows a BGP speaker to send to its BGP peer a set of Outbound Route Filters (ORFs) that the peer would use to constrain/filter its outbound routing updates to the speaker. [STANDARDS TRACK] This document is a product of the Inter-Domain Routing Working Group of the IETF. This is now a Proposed Standard Protocol. STANDARDS TRACK: This document specifies an Internet standards track protocol for the Internet community,and requests discussion and suggestions for improvements. Please refer to the current edition of the Internet Official Protocol Standards (STD 1) for the standardization state and status of this protocol. Distribution of this memo is unlimited. This announcement is sent to the IETF-Announce and rfc-dist lists. To subscribe or unsubscribe, see For searching the RFC series, see http://www.rfc-editor.org/rfcsearch.html. For downloading RFCs, see http://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc.html. Requests for special distribution should be addressed to either the author of the RFC in question, or to rfc-editor at rfc-editor.org. Unless specifically noted otherwise on the RFC itself, all RFCs are for The RFC Editor Team USC/Information Sciences Institute More information about the rfc-dist
Cosy suite with fire place and painted 18th century woodworks from Chaouen, Northern Morocco. Accommodates up to 3 persons. Price for 2 persons: 250 EUR/275 EUR/215 EUR. Double bed (160 x 200 cm), sitting area, air conditioning, ensuite bathroom with bathtub. Small single bedroom with single bed (80 x 190 cm). Normal Season: 250 EUR High Season: 275 EUR Low Season: 215 EUR Third person: 45 EUR Low: June – August High: Easter, Christmas/New Year
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Closeouts. Simms Blackfoot chest waders offer the convenience and stability of a one-piece wader and insulated boot combination. These feature Simms QuadraLam technology, and the attached Muck Boot Blackfoot boots have a neoprene upper and lugged outsole that is ideal for cold water and muddy river bottoms. Do you own this product? Write a review and help others with their buying decisions!Write a review Complete sizing information for this product is available on the product page.View sizing information now >
The team put him on retroactive to last Sunday, so if he's healthy, he'll be eligible to play Tuesday against Winnipeg. The problem here, is that the Rangers won't disclose what exactly is wrong with Nash. But the fact that it's significant for him to go on IR. He received a hit to the head last week against the Boston Bruins, so speculation has sufficed that he could have a concussion. Either way, John Tortorella and Co. haven't opened up what's wrong with Nash. Maybe now that he's been officially shelved, perhaps they will before tonight's game. Stay with NYRangers101 for more info.Tags: Christian Thomas, HC Davos, Hockey, New York, New York Rangers, NHL, NHL lockout, Rick Nash, Switzerland
I'm using the Genesis Tabs plugin to display content on several pages inside a site for one of my clients. I'm trying to create a link that will link directly to the individual tabs. I've tried using anchors but that doesn't seem to work. Does anyone know the best way to do this? This is the url of the site: http://shininglightprenatal.com/wordpress/ What I really need to do is link the slides in the slider at the top of the homepage to tabs on the Packages page. Any help or suggestions are appreciated. Thanks!http://shininglightprenatal.com/wordpress/ So if I click a slide that says "2nd Pregnancy" you want it linked to the tab "2nd Preganancy" with that tabs information displaying when I reach the page? If so, Open up one of the slider page - call it 2nd Pregnancy, scroll down to Theme SEO Settings. Take the link for the 2nd Pregnancy Tab (http://shininglightprenatal.com/wordpress/packages/#cat-6) and add it to the line that says - "Custom Redirect URL" - then Save it. It will "redirect" the slider to that tab. Repeat this process for all other slides and tabs. By the way, that's a beautiful website. Thank you so much! That worked perfectly The topic ‘Link to individual tabs using Genesis Tabs Plugin’ is closed to new replies. Subscribe to get early access to new themes, discounts and brief updates about what's new with StudioPress!
Monday 4 February 2013 February 4, 2013 (JUBA) – South Sudan’s army has launched a second round of disarmament in Jonglei state’s Bor county, officials said, following deadly armed clashes between two clans of the Dinka tribe last month. Two people died on (...) EU sidesteps human rights standards2016-07-26 20:37:31 By Ahmed H. Adam and Ashley D. Robinson In the European Union’s struggle to manage its refugee crisis, is it sidestepping human rights standards by funneling funding to war criminals through the (...)
Well over a year later and it still strikes us almost as hard as it did when we first learned of Gary Nixon's death. Today, as then, a side of us finds it almost shocking to realize that Nixon is actually gone. Mostly because we didn't think there was anything on this planet strong enough to actually kill Gary Nixon. From the early 1960s on, Gary Nixon didn't miss many Daytonas, including of course his epic Daytona 200 win in 1967. You could count on Gary Nixon being at Daytona every year, and until the very end he had a laser-like memory for nearly every 200, especially those he competed in. He'd usually sum them up with one unquotable sentence, one you could never use in a story simply because of Nixon's, ah, clear, way of describing the past. Ago's '74 win? "After the race that dude had more pussy in his hotel room than I've ever seen. It was standing room only--I was gonna call the fire marshall." The BMW Legends race? "It was rigged. I could have won them all." '72 Daytona 200? "Everybody either crapped out or crashed out and then that little bike won. It was sad." One of the final times we saw Nixon in the flesh was in the paddock at Daytona. He might have had a little too much to drink and was telling stories one after another, the majority of which you'd never repeat, or never tell you mom. That's just the way we like to remember old #9.
Sharp drop in tourist arrivals [TamilNet, Sunday, 11 July 2004, 10:52 GMT] The outbreak of the dengue epidemic in Sri Lanka has resulted in a sharp drop in tourist arrivals this week, The Sunday Leader quoted government officials as saying. But according to statistics released by the Tourism Ministry, there has in any case been a great reduction in the number of tourist arrivals in the country compared to the first six months of last year, the paper said. Panic-stricken tourists have cancelled their travel plans to Sri Lanka because of the raging dengue epidemic and also an explosion last Wednesday at a Colombo police station attributed to a suicide bomber, the paper said. Senior Manager, Marketing and Travel, Ceylon Hotels Corporation (CHC), Ranjit Balasuriya told The Sunday Leader that if the government fails to take adequate steps to remedy the issue fast it would end up in a disaster. "Although the main reason for tourist arrivals to drop in the country is the current dengue epidemic, the suicide explosion which took place on Wednesday also has a slight effect on the tourist arrivals in the country. However, it is to soon to say how badly this would affect the tourism industry, as this was an explosion aimed at certain parties rather than the public," Balasuriya said. He also said that his office is inundated with telephone calls from a large number of tourists finding out about the situation in the country and also finding out if it is advisable to travel to Sri Lanka. He said that locals who frequently travel to hotels islandwide have decided not to go because of the dengue threat. "The drop in tourists coming to Sri Lanka and locals' aversion to visit hotels due to the threat of dengue is expected to adversely affect the country's overall economy. It is high time that the government takes this into serious consideration," Balasuriya said. Officials said that this year in the month of January the total number of tourist arrivals was 49,950 with a 22.9% increase from January last year, in February there were a total of 43,584 with an increase of 11.5%, March there was 38,418 with a decrease of 11.9%, April there was 30,672 with a decrease 9.0% and May there was 30,162 with an increase of 0.4% only. The total number of tourists up to this year is 192,786 - a decrease of 4.6% from the first six months of last year. Meanwhile, the Indian Express newspaper reported that the Sri Lankan tourism industry hopes to woo more Indians to the country with what they prefer most - adventure tours and vegetarian food and sapphires. "More than 90,000 Indians visited Sri Lanka last year and we hope to increase that number with adventure tours, sapphires and vegetarian food, the three most popular things that Indians want from here," Amith Sumanapala of Walkers Tours, one of the largest Destination Management companies in Sri Lanka, told the paper. Sri Lanka is a chosen centre to hold business conferences, as it is cheaper than India to organise the same in Colombo, Jet Airways Director (Sri Lanka) Bihan Dedigama said.
On the face of it, jewellery seems like fairly uncomplicated stuff – it’s glittery, you stick it around your wrist or neck, or hang it in your ears, where it looks pretty and cheers you up. And that’s about it, isn’t it? Oh no it isn’t. The launch of Unexpected Pleasures, an exhibition of contemporary jewellery at the Design Museum (until March 3 2013) began with a debate chaired by the museum’s director, Deyan Sudjic. The participants were design guru Stephen Bayley, Glenn Adamson of the V&A’s research department, jeweller Solange Azagury-Partridge and Susan Cohn, a jeweller and the curator of the exhibition. The discussion – about whether jewellery really qualifies as “design”, and whether mass-produced trinkets have any value (the answer to this, as anyone who has ever mourned the loss of a cheap but cherished bauble will know, is a resounding yes!), made the deliberations of medieval schoolmen about angels dancing on the head of a pin look positively lucid. So it was a relief to get to the exhibition proper. Grouped by theme, the show explores the experience of wearing jewellery, the ways in which jewels can convey meaning, and the origins of the contemporary jewellery movement. Groups of artefacts are displayed in circular cases at hip height. It’s not madly viewer-friendly – you have to stoop to get a proper look. But it’s worth the backache to encounter the eclectic range of objects that fall into the category of jewellery, from an olivewood brooch in the shape of a bulldozer, made by a Palestinian jeweller from the wood of a tree that grew in a demolished Palestinian village, to a surreal assemblage of jet, gold and the pathetic forequarters of a taxidermied mouse (which, the catalogue assures us, met an “accidental death”, though to judge by its expression, it was a pretty bad accident). Some of the items are repellent, others inexplicable, several, including a simple necklace of pearl “memories”, utterly desirable. At any rate, the exhibition may change the way you think about jewellery.
Seven militants killed in AfghanistanNovember 13th, 2010 - 4:54 am ICT by IANS Kabul, Nov 13 (IANS) An airstrike launched by the NATO- led forces killed seven Taliban insurgents in southern Afghanistan, Xinhua reported. The airstrike targeted Friday a district level Taliban command and control centre in the Now Zad district of Helmand province, the International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) said. The Taliban militants were using the location to control insurgent activities and as a meeting site, it said, adding that initial reports indicate no civilians were harmed in the operation. - NATO apologizes for airstrike which killed Afghan women, children - May 30, 2011 - Seven die in Afghanistan blast - Feb 28, 2012 - 31 militants killed in Afghanistan - Jul 01, 2010 - 25 killed as insurgent attack foiled in Afghanistan - Oct 08, 2011 - Taliban deputy commander captured in Afghanistan - Aug 15, 2010 - 16 Taliban killed in drone attacks in Afghanistan - Jan 12, 2010 - NATO soldier killed in Afghan insurgent attack - Nov 12, 2011 - 10 militants killed in Afghanistan - Aug 18, 2010 - 20 Taliban killed in Afghanistan - Apr 24, 2012 - 10 Taliban killed in Afghanistan - Apr 07, 2012 - 18 militants killed in Afghanistan - Sep 18, 2011 - 16 killed in Afghan blast, air attack - Sep 13, 2010 - Four Taliban killed in Afghanistan - Oct 08, 2011 - 11 militants killed in Afghanistan - Mar 06, 2011 - Two soldiers killed in NATO chopper crash - Jun 06, 2012
Law and Order: Man in Le Roy accused of drinking and texting while driving Andrew J. Ashley, 25, of 91 W. Main St., Le Roy, is charged with DWI, driving with a BAC of .08 or greater and using a mobile phone while driving. According to Le Roy PD, Ashley was driving on Route 19 and allegedly texting while driving when he failed to negotiate a curve at Route 19 and Wolcott Street. Ashley's vehicle struck a curb and the vehicle's axle broke. Danielle Marie Stevens, 35, of Ford Road, Elba, is charged with criminal trespass, 2nd. Stevens was arrested on a warrant by State Police following a traffic stop. Stevens was turned over to the Sheriff's Office, arraigned and jailed on $1,250 bail. Rebecca Louise Batt, 31, of East Bethany Le Roy Road, Bethany, is charged with DWI and driving with a BAC of .18 or greater. Batt was arrested following a trespassing complaint at 1:48 a.m., Thursday, when Batt allegedly drove her vehicle into the back yard of a residence on East Bethany Le Roy Road and parked without permission of the homeowner. Wendy L. Mucher, 42, of Lewiston Road, Batavia, is charged with petit larceny and criminal mischief. Mucher is accused of stealing $29.34 worth of merchandise that she removed from its packaging from a business on Veterans Memorial Drive. Joseph Daniel Barone, 30, of Woodbriar Drive, Rochester, is charged with criminal possession of a controlled substance, 7th, and unlawful possession of marijuana. Barone was stopped at 8:38 p.m. Thursday on Route 77 in Pembroke by Deputy Patrick Reeves. A search of the vehicle allegedly found alcohol, crack cocaine and marijuana. Melissa Ann Neely, 42, of Lincoln Mills Road, East Rochester, is charged with controlled substance not its original container. Neely was charged following a traffic stop at 9:09 p.m. Thursday on Route 77, Pembroke, by Deputy Patrick Reeves. Jacob D. Waite, 20, of 3661 Pike Road, Batavia, is charged with DWI, driving with a BAC of .08 or greater and driving left of pavement markings. Waite was arrested by Attica PD following a traffic stop at 11:45 p.m. Wednesday on Market Street, Attica.
One Crazy Summer Delphine and her sisters, Vonetta and Fern, are on their way to Oakland, CA to visit their mother who they haven't seen in 6 years. "Cecil Johnson--mammal, birth giver, alive, an abandoner - our mother. Statement of fact." Delphine, the eldest at eleven, had always taken care of her sisters and she didn't really know how to do anything else. She wasn't sure she wanted to spend 28 days with this woman. Cecil, AKA Nzila, did not want children. Then or now. She warned the girls to stay out of her way. They were sent to Black Panther meetings in the morning, to get breakfast. "We didn't come for a revolution. We came for breakfast." But they met people who would quickly become friends and they learned more about their relationships with each other as well as with the woman who gave them birth and then left over a name. One Crazy Summer was not about the Black Panthers but about family and what it means. How family comes in forms we are not always ready for. How sometimes it just might be necessary to take care of yourself first. Or not. There were times when I felt Delphine's voice was too grown-up but when I thought about her years of taking care of her younger sisters, of sitting around with Big Ma watching the news, of pretty much raising herself, I understood that she would say those things and act that way. Her eleven year-old inner self was in a battle with her forced to be older behavior. I give this one 4 copies. Pick it up. Books Read: 1 One crazy Summer By Rita Williams-Garcia Total pgs.: 215 Total time: 3 hrs 30 min Reading: 3 hrs Blogging: 30 min.
comics for February 13, 2008 – 02/13/2008 that is the funniest page thus far Yep, hard to wipe the smile off… uh….. ok whatever you say :p Man, I want a butt cheek named after me… Both of mine are named after myself (they ARE parts of my body, after all). I have DOUBLE the honor! One hell of a time to bring up that subject. PURE GOLD! And *he* is strange. And she says that so nonchalantly… ok… now they are both strange. Sword, $0, Armor, $2500, Having the left butt cheek named after you, PRICELESS! He got the armor for free too. lol he’s got that wtf face rofl Um…Alex, where in the bologna heathens did that come from?? People please understand, he just wanted to prove to the readers that he owns her now…. to the point where he can say random stupid things and still keeps the moment. Last panel is priceless. What’s to wonder? After many years, she found her family again, and she’s not about to move an inch until she has to. She’s got a lot of snuggling time to make up. Haha, I’m surprised she didn’t slap him for ruining it. Because it’s an honor to have buttcheeks named after you. It must be love if not even the good ol’ butt cheek running gag can ruin the moment. she’s so COOL! Way to ruin the moment, Alex… Random much, Alex? It only proves they belong together… like butt cheeks.. :-/ It’s what I would have done! Seriously, it’s not like his brain is working very well right now, and it would be what would come to mind . . . it’s just so creepy. lol buttcheeks…what happens when it FARTS?! like porno thought… Methane eruption. Capture it for fuel. it’s a honor to have a giant’s butt cheeks named after you? riggghhhttt. speaking of teddies…I wanna see the little fellas again 😛 I think this is truly the best page so far. LOLZ. Truly epic. They keep doing everything they can to ruin the moment, and yet it hasn’t! Truly a work of art… Yay, best panel ever =) If only I had an Elf Princess to call my own… i still hav a firm belief that the best page was the original butt cheek one. this is the second best though. Gawd. I just got a dirty image in my brain for that one. What gold? its’ diamond! A very epic and perfect diamond of comedy :D. I do get the feeling there is some sarcasme involved with her last comment, but that could just be me 😛 Was also kind of expecting to find a motivator from SilverWolf when I was reading the comments ^^ If I were to buy a print, this would be the page. HE SEES US. XD Oh man..forgot about the Butt Cheeks. 😛 Wonder if Joey knows HOW they got there…or even if he knows about them. :3 Alex, you need to work on your “pillow talk” Your email address will not be published. Required fields are marked * NOTE - You can use these HTML tags and attributes: <a href="" title=""> <abbr title=""> <acronym title=""> <b> <blockquote cite=""> <cite> <code> <del datetime=""> <em> <i> <q cite=""> <s> <strike> <strong> <a href="" title=""> <abbr title=""> <acronym title=""> <b> <blockquote cite=""> <cite> <code> <del datetime=""> <em> <i> <q cite=""> <s> <strike> <strong> *EMAIL — Get a Gravatar Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Notify me of new posts by email. ©2005-2016 The Dreamland Chronicles | Powered by WordPress with Easel | Subscribe: RSS | Back to Top ↑
Please give me your insight on Air Canada. Thanks for the assignment. This will be the third time since March of 2013 that I study the situation at Air Canada. The last examination was on Oct, 11, 2013, on a request from Manny. The shares were trading for $4.98 after having more than doubled after the release of better than expected second-quarter data in August. Sellers didn’t appear to be taking control of the market and it was advised that it appeared that the stock was presenting a case of buy high and sell higher. I did caution that the shares were overbought and could be vulnerable to a pullback ahead of third-quarter results scheduled for November. There was a small retreat ahead of the release but from there it was full throttle to a 52-week high of $9.90. Another investigation of the charts will help identify what we could expect from this carrier. The three-year chart paints the picture of a stock that ran hard and then pulled back aggressively. The retreat has seen the shares breach support along the uptrend line and the 50-day moving average. As noted in the October analysis, when a stock moves up in a near straight line it often fails to build any significant support, which means when the selling starts investors can’t find levels at which they feel confident to hit the buy button. The RSI and The MACD provided a sell signal in December followed by a buy signal in early January of 2014 and a sell signal at the top in mid January. What is noticeable is that AC.B has given up nearly $4.00 from the 52-week high and is attempting to build a base at $6.00. The six-month chart provides a tight shot of the sell signals generated by the MACD and the RSI in late January and the gap down in February on weak fourth-quarter results. The next earnings report is scheduled for May of this year and given the highs and lows that have followed the announcements it would be in your interest to get on the calendar like a duck on a June bug. At this junction I would advise being patient. The uptrend has been broken and the shares are trying to build support. In addition, the volume has thinned out over the last two months indicating that the hot money is currently looking elsewhere for action. Make it a profitable day and happy capitalism! Have your own question for Lou? Send it in to email@example.com.Report Typo/Error
I have a blogging schedule. As in, every day that I post has a theme. I have gone over the edge. Mondays are for zombie-preparedness, Tuesdays, I post a project. Wednesdays I tell you about all the Why do I do this? Well, other than being one of those 'quirky' sort of people, I really function well with some structure. It's easier for me to plan stuff if I know when it's going to be posted. I think it goes with that list-making, type-A, annoy-everyone-around-you sort of thing... Do any of you do this too?
© All Rights Reserved TdM Sud Vientiane Province has a hot and humid tropical climate. There are two seasons. The rainy season lasts from May to October while the much more pleasant dry season lasts from November to April. During the rainy season there is about 200 to 300 mm of rain a month and the high temperatures, averaging around 33 °C during the day and around 24 °C at night, makes this time the worst for a visit. Winter is much more pleasant with days still close to 30 °C and nights a nice 15 to 18 °C. March to May can be very hot, with temperatures close to 40 °C sometimes. Lao Airlines is based at the airport and has connections to Siem Reap, Kunming (also with China Eastern Airlines), Bangkok, Chiang Mai and Hanoi, as well as a number of domestic destinations including Luang Prabang, Houei Sai, Luang Namtha, Oudomxay, Pakse, Xieng Khuang and Savannakhet. Lao Air (other airline!) serves Samneua, Phongsaly and Xayabouly. There are only a limited number of International airlines servicing the airport, including : as well as joffre (4%) We don't currently have any Travel Helpers for Vientiane Province Except where otherwise noted, content of this article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 License
One dish we have been enjoying for years is garlic pasta (with or without mushrooms.) This is a dish that is tasty, versatile, and can easily be customized. If you have a vegetable you want to use up, there is a good chance it would go well being tossed into this pasta recipe. If you like garlic, you will love this garlic recipe recipe! To make garlic pasta you will need: 10-12 ounces of pasta 1/3 cup of olive oil 2-3 cloves of finely chopped garlic 1 can of mushrooms (or a cup of fresh mushrooms) 1 teaspoon salt pepper to taste 1/2 cup of bread crumbs When it comes to the type of pasta, go with your preference. We use whole wheat angel hair pasta by Hodgson Mill. I don't always put the mushrooms in the recipe, but if I have them on hand I do. We almost always have canned mushrooms on hand. I'm kind of picky when it comes to buying canned mushrooms. Most people don't realize that most of those on the store shelves, often ones that used to be a product of the USA, actually come from China and other countries now. I usually buy Giorgio organic canned mushrooms, which are labeled as being a product of the USA (plus they are organic!). A variety of vegan bread crumbs can usually be found at health food stores. Prepare the pasta according to the directions on the package. Heat a teaspoon of oil in a pan and add the onion and garlic, cooking about five minutes to soften. Add in the salt and pepper, as well as the rest of the olive oil and a 1/2 cup of water from what the pasta is boiling in (you can drain the pasta holding back the water to add into the mixture). Drain the pasta and mix everything together, including the bread crumbs, and serve! In this picture I served up the garlic pasta with some broccoli and vegan Waldorf Salad.
Z: Rarely will you find the main street of a community closed down for a farmers' market. Montrose is one of those exceptions because market sponsor Montrose Business Park Association realizes the importance of bringing a farmers' market to its citizens and making them more aware of downtown businesses. And the people in the area respond by making the market one of their stops each Sunday. R: Honolulu Avenue and Ocean Avenue is the hub of this market that alternates between closing the main thoroughfare along Honolulu in its Montrose Shopping Park either east or west of Ocean. Bright banners announcing the market greet shoppers at this intersection. Z: Market manager Mark Sheridan, a veteran manager with 18 years of experience mostly in Santa Barbara, has brought his know-how to Montrose to help fashion this successful market that has between 18 and 20 growers and the support of four to five thousand visitors weekly. Since this was the peak of the stone fruit season, there were numerous choices of plums, peaches, nectarines, pluots, and even donut peaches. R: This trip was far different from our July 1999 visit to the small Thursday evening market along the main street. See our story at http://www.vegparadise.com/producehunt7.html Of the participating farmers that day, one third were certified organic. Z: Sheridan is aided by Assistant Manager Michael Minnes and Joe Torrez who delights in interacting with the children, especially by giving them balloons. Like so many of the farmers, Sheridan was on the road early that morning after his 4:00 a.m. wake-up call. He commutes to the market from his Santa Barbara home every Sunday except during December when the market is closed. R: He wanted us to be sure to talk to three of his farmers: Fairview Farms of Goleta, Youngblood Farms in Littlerock, and Givens also of Goleta. Givens' tables, brimming with beautiful organic produce, were surrounded by a crowd of eager buyers, so many it was difficult to ply their seller with questions. We did manage to purchase a purple cauliflower, yellow crookneck, and pattypan squash from this farmer who has been an organic grower for more than 25 years. Z: We had more luck with Youngblood Farms where Richard Youngblood was anxious to tell us about his u-pick operation in Littlerock. If you are reading this story during the beginning or middle of August, you are likely to find peaches available for picking. R: Youngblood described how he uses his 1953 Ford tractor to pull a trailer full of peach pickers armed with picking poles who have driven out to his orchard at 7624 East Avenue U. In addition to the 250 peach trees, his farm has 250 Red Delicious apple trees. That morning he was selling White Lady peaches, Fancy Lady yellow ones, Babcock peaches, and Santa Rosa plums. Retired from 30 years in the aerospace industry, Youngblood devotes full time to his farming operation that began in 1983. Z: He seemed delighted to introduce us to Penny Keaton who was inspired to use farm-fresh fruits in her pies. "If you want to bake a great pie, you don't go to the supermarket," Penny says. Penny teaches pie baking at Sur la Table, Williams Sonoma, and in private classes. She proudly showed us a pie she baked using Youngblood's peaches. Her secret for the crust: "safflower oil instead of shortening." And we agreed it was healthier, too. R: Flower fanciers would have enjoyed the selection of brilliantly colored bouquets from Venegas Nursery of Vista. It was difficult to decide which bouquet would win my personal beauty contest: the giant crimson dahlias, the coral Gerbera daisies, or the spiky pink protea. While each of them was striking, the bright yellow teddy bear sunflowers won our personal grand prize. Z: The blooming Chinese lantern plant from Gonzalez Nursery in Pasadena was the standout of that grower's selections. The chili pequin hot pepper plant with its small fiery red mini peppers caught my attention immediately. Two other standouts were the African mallow whose subdued pink blossoms appear most of the year and the lavatera with its gorgeous lavendar flowers with deep purple throats. R: One of the highlights of the day for me was speaking with Julie Beumont-Potter and learning about The Center for Urban Agriculture at Fairview Gardens. Their market display of organic produce was one of the most attractive I have ever experienced at any farmers' market. Fortuitously, we remembered to bring our digital camera to capture the scene. Since Julie was assisted by another seller, she had an opportunity to tell us about herself and her non-profit organization. Fairview Gardens sponsors cooking and gardening classes, workshops, farm festivals, tours, and lectures. Thirty people are employed in this enterprise that feeds approximately 500 families. She is a French Canadian who met her husband in Paris. Following their marriage, they moved to Santa Barbara where he is both a stockbroker and an artist and she was introduced to Fairview Gardens. What truly surprised us was her description of her office: a Mongolian yurt. Z: Fairview Gardens in Goleta, California has been a farm since 1895 and a non-profit enterprise since 1997. The farm grows 100 different kinds of fruits and vegetables on a 12-acre plot. As marketing manager, Julie is involved in selling at farmers' markets in Santa Barbara, Santa Monica, Ferry Plaza in San Francisco, and Montrose. Fairview, one of the first Community Supported Agriculture organizations on the West Coast, currently has 91 members in its CSA program with members picking up their produce once each week. Fairview also operates its own farm stand in Goleta. R: Julie explained that Fairview grows 14 varieties of tomatoes. That morning their display featured six: Celebrity, Big Beef, San Marzano, Early Wonder, Italian Gold, and Orange Blossom. She encouraged us to taste fresh cannelini beans. Many people are unaware that some beans can be eaten fresh. Shelled, they revealed small white beans speckled with red. Other beans she showed us were Jade, French Filet, and Romanette. What we thought were tiny white radishes turned out to be Japanese turnips. Z: Needless to say, our shopping bag was filled with green leaf lettuce, purple kohlrabi, San Marzano tomatoes, anise, basil, and Japanese turnips. At home later that day we checked the website at http://www.fairviewgardens.org that answered any questions we forgot to ask Julie. Anyone interested in learning more about Fairview Gardens can read On Good Land: The Autobiography of an Urban Farm by Michael Ableman (Chronicle Books, 1998) or view the documentary Beyond Organic: The Vision of Fairview Gardens available from Bullfrog Films at http://www.bullfrogfilms.com/ .The film was produced by award-winning PBS filmmaker John de Graaf and narrated by Meryl Streep. R: A memorable moment for me was stopping at the table of Johna's Orchard from Tehachapi. When we learned how many Fuji apple trees they had, we were dumbstruck. Their certification sheet showed 10,000 Fuji trees. In addition they had 600 Pink Ladies, 170 Gala, 150 Golden Delicious, 62 Honey Crisp, 20 Rome Beauty, 15 Granny Smith, and 10 Arkansas Black. Their property must stretch for miles. Z: Not as spectacular but quite unique is Phao Thao and her Hmong family from Laos who operate the 15-acre Sunny Farm near Fresno. They sold some of my favorite Asian items that are appearing more frequently on American dinner tables, vegetables like Chinese broccoli, sinqua, opo, Thai basil, and bitter melon. Their eggplant selection that included American, Indian, Chinese, and Japanese varieties was too tempting to pass up. R: While Zel was filling her bag with eggplants, I was negotiating a purchase of six white corn from Jose Navarro of Kelly Farms from Ontario. Navarro, who has worked for Kelly for 18 years, explained why they were growing only Camarosa strawberries. The climate in Ontario is just too hot for the tasty Chandlers that grow so well in the coastal city of Oxnard. Z: When we first entered the market I spotted those giant artichokes from Sun Coast Farms in Lompoc. The one we purchased later measured 5 inches in diameter and was almost a meal for the two of us. R: As we strolled around the market, we could hear the sounds of Dixieland Jazz. Investigating, we discovered a quintet of senior citizens who called themselves Gremoli and play at the market each week when they're not part of a gathering like the San Diego Thanksgiving Jazz Festival. The group consisted of a clarinet, trombone, trumpet, bass, and banjo. Anyone who enjoyed the music could purchase the four CD's available. Z: I should mention that the market has a section Sheridan calls the thieves market that features antiques and collectibles. Included here were used books, clothing, quilts, jewelry, skin creams, and even bubble wand wire sculptures that were a sensation for the kids who were chasing the bubbles. The children's area had a mini gym with a trampoline, balance beam, and mini slides. To the delight of the young people a giant slide, bounce castle, and an obstacle course offered them an opportunity for physical activity. Conveniently located in this area were face painting and Hawaiian Shaved Ice, ideal for the torrid weather. R: What really impressed me was that Sheridan provided free table space for three watercolor artists. "We are trying to encourage the arts," he told us. One of those artists was Jae who displayed some of her specialty paintings, animal portraits she renders from photographs. Montrose Harvest Certified Farmers' Market Reviewed August 2005
Half-breed Part 1 by Bailey Swagerty The wind whistled through Pallaton’s hair as he rode through the thick woodlands of his homeland. The hooves of his horse pounded the soft earth like thunder. His horse Isetoka (meaning great warrior) was a great and well respected animal, even the fiercest of beasts coward before his majestic splendor. Pallaton was also very well respected amongst his tribe. He was a great warrior and an even better hunter. He could shoot a running target from over 100 yards away. Everyday, after making his rounds around the property his beautiful wife, Galilahi, (meaning beauty) waited for him as he rode into camp. Her eyes were a soft brown, her hair a curtain of black waves, and her skin a russet colored that shone in the sun. She was expecting a baby soon, but though she was round with motherhood, her beauty was overpowering. As he usually did, Pallaton rode Isetoka into the forest to scout, but today was different. He heard a cry of pain and several voices all talking at once. The great warrior skidded to a stop and raced back to the camp. He broke through the tree-line just in time to see his wife collapse on the ground. Pallaton dismounted his steed and rushed to Galilahi. “What is wrong with her?!” he cried stroking her face, twisted in pain. “Her baby is coming, get her inside!” another woman shouted. Pallaton swept the frail woman off the ground with one arm and laid her gently on a fur pelt in his tent. “Go now, wait outside” an elderly woman told him. He started to protest but her expression made him think twice. Time drug on and the cries of his wife only became more fraught with pain. His heart ached from hearing his Galilahi scream; it hurt him almost as much as it hurt her. Finally one last cry, followed by a high pitched whine came out of the tent. Pallaton peeked in the door and saw the most beautiful thing he has ever seen. She had her mother’s almond eyes and a path of fuzz that would soon be hair. “We shall name her Adsila, for she is a perfect blossom on our family tree,” Galilahi whispered. He nodded and smiled at his new miracle Pallaton spurred Isetoka on through the forest. Only great speed could match the feeling of love in his overflowing heart. “Me! A father!” he shouted to the stream, the trees, and the animals. Suddenly a cry ripped through the silence, not a cry of pain, but of terror. Pallaton slowly turned and looked back towards the direction of the noise. Isetoka, then, leapt back toward camp as fast as the wind. Pallaton’s mind raced with thoughts of who the cry had come from and why. He saw the trees thinning out and a bustle of movement beyond them. He flew through the remaining trees and saw the atrocity that had taken place. Children screamed, women cried, men shouted all around him. He then saw a sight that would he etched in his mind forever. His beautiful bride and newborn daughter lay on the ground, stone still. He knelt by them, and knew it was to late. A shout tore through his chest so strong he couldn’t help but let it out. “Who did this?!” he yelled at another man. “White men…” he whispered. These white men had terrorized the Cherokees for years and this was the last straw. The sadness that had overwhelmed Pallaton turned into fury. He sobbed out of anger, sadness, and lost loved. He cried for his broken family, the woman he loved and the daughter he never knew.
Manager and Coaching Staff. Shaun Farrell continues his series of articles looking back at the 2009/10 season, over to you Faz: Never has a manager spilt support like our Bobby has done at Wigan Athletic this season. But the question is was the hatred, cat calls and banners (yes we all saw it at the Liverpool game although it soon disappeared) deserved? In my opinion the biggest problem that Bobby has hit since he returned to the club is the fact that many people don`t remember when he sat in our midfield pulling the strings of the crowd and doing his all to become a club legend. It`s not only the younger fans that haven`t had the chance to see him but also the bandwagon jumpers that have joined us in the premiership years and it`s from these that we have heard the biggest outcry. These are the type of people that don`t look at football in general and can`t see outside the fabulous game that Sky invented circa 1990 (that`s sarcasm by the way). Roberto did what every manager should be made to do, he served his apprentice in the lower leagues and did it with great success taking Swansea to the Championship and making them real contenders to come up. He did this by building a strong footballing side that played great attractive football and made stars out of players. All of this on a small limited budget, sounds perfect doesn`t it, but from day one people complained, "he wasn`t a big enough name", "we should of gone for someone established", "if we are going lower league why not Darren Ferguson" but we forget that he turned down Celtic and the assistant managers job at Utd to come back home! I don`t know what some of these fans expect but we are Little Wigan and every year our first priority will be to stay up and he`s done that with 2 games to spare. Don`t get me wrong I`m not criticising every fan that called for his head as later in the season I had my own questions about whether he was up to the job. I also called for us to bring in someone like Matt Jackson or Arry as a bigger name in the backroom for the players and as a defensive coach. I`m also big enough (shut it Phil) to admit I made a mistake and should of thought about it properly. For instance how long before the crowd would be calling for Jacko or Arry to take over? All in all Bobby has done what he was asked to do and done it by bringing in some players that have the potential to take his place as legends in the fans eyes. He`s also brought in a few players that haven`t quite cut it but there`s always next year or we can sell them on. Next year I`ve every confidence we will be stronger and Bobby can continue to stamp his style on the team. I do have to say though that what concerns me with the gaffer is that before he took over we heard about his revolutionary methods such as training at the time of matches so the players are ready, or using exercise bikes for the subs to keep them warmed up. We haven`t seen many of these brought in for various reasons yet if the chairman is backing him these should be things put in place to help aid the team and I still stand by that Circulation boosters and tens machines could help players (give the gaffer my number Barry I will talk him into it). Behind Bobby this year he brought in his own team including another Wigan Legend and probably one of my favourite players Graham Jones. For those of you that didn`t get the chance to see Jonesey in action he was everything we need in a striker right now. He had a natural goal scoring ability and took no nonsense from anyone, as such I`m pretty sure he is the disciplinarian of the two. This year we haven`t heard much from him and he hasn`t seemed to do much apart from stand and chat with the gaffer on the sidelines whilst getting the subs and tactics prepared but I`m sure that he is the hardest number 2 in the prem and if it comes to it he would be in front of Roberto in any battle. It`s also a surprise to hear players like young James Mc stating that Jonesey is the reason he came to the club so who knows when Roberto goes to replace Pep at Barca we may have the next manager already in place. I`ve already spoke about Bergara in the players section but I think us the fans need to know just who he is. He was a top goalkeeper in La Liga for Real Sociedad amongst other teams and went on to be a great Gk coach in La Liga. He was considered something of a coup when Bobby brought him to Swansea and if you look how Nicholls has progressed he is obviously good at his job. The only thing is we can see that Kirky has taken a backwards step and if it`s not his injuries it`s the fact that his training regime doesn`t work for him so maybe they should take a closer look at that. The Ram is another former player and manager of the club that has been brought into the club. To be honest I don`t know what his role is but he seems to have taken control of the youth team. This is an area were we haven`t produced for numerous years. In fact we`ve had players that looked like good prospects disappear and fall into non league or lower league football including little Craig Mahon, Russell Saunders and Lewis Montrose. In fact since Leighton Baines we haven`t had a player come through the youth ranks. I will speak about youth players in more detail in another article but it does concern me that we haven`t had anyone knocking on the door. Saying that though the youth team has had some great results towards the end of the season. Graham Barrow has to take the credit for this along with the other staff and he seems to have 2 or 3 players on the fringes of the first team squad something that none of our previous youth managers have managed. The rest of our coaching staff have done what they were asked to do although I would still like to see us bring in a Defensive coach if only to make sure that we aren`t shipping goals like this season. It`s been a long hard season but I`ve got 100% confidence in Roberto Martinez and as such his backroom team, so much so that I feel by keeping hold of the manager we have a real chance of taking the club to the next level like Roy Hodgson at Fulham. Faz`s other articles: Seasonal Expectations and Targets Transfers In and Out Vote for Vital Wigan Player of the Season To vote just click here then enter the player of your choice and your name or username, also place Player of the Season 2009/10 in the email subject or email email@example.com at your leisure You can listen to the Latics Speyk podcasts now by clicking on the player here: Latics Speyk Car Stickers Have Arrived Vital Wigan are pleased to announce that the Latics Speyk car stickers have arrived anyone who wants one follow the instructions in this link Latics and Proud Fancy writing an article about the Latics? Why not get in touch, we are always looking for new contributors, after all we are all Latics fans here and want to get the Latics message to the world, so if you have a favourite match or Latics memory get it jotted down, or whatever you want to say put it into an email and send it to us here at Vital Wigan To get your article published just click here and we will put it onto the site Vital Latics - Bringing you the Latics Speyk car stickers and the podcasts It's easy to join us at Vital Latics to register , simply click the link and enjoy getting involved
CHARLESTON, W.Va. -- A place with princesses, super heroes, horse drawn wagon rides and Santa Claus may sound like a sneak peek inside a child's imagination, but the Putnam County Parks & Recreation Commission has worked to make those dreams a reality this holiday season.This year's Yuletide in the Park 2013, sponsored by the PCPRC and the Putnam County Convention and Visitors Bureau, is a chance for families to celebrate together without the extra cost, according to Parks and Rec programs director Jamie Wright."We don't charge for these events," Wright said. "It's so we can give back to them during this busy time, when people don't have a lot of extra money to do a lot of things."The county's Friends of the Park organization and individuals sponsor the Yuletide events through donations. According to Wright, the commission's activities committee begins planning for the week months in advance. Remaining events for Yuletide in the Park 2013 include Christmas with the Princesses and Superheroes, held tonight from 6-8 p.m. at the Valley Park Community Center. Kids are encouraged to dress up as their favorite Disney princess or comic book superhero, and the event will feature volunteers dressed as Belle from "Beauty and the Beast," Snow White and Cinderella, as well as DC Comics' Batman and Marvel Comics' Spiderman.County commission president Joe Haynes, who sits on the Parks and Recreation activities committee, said the committee tries to create a schedule of events that appeals to a broad spectrum of people. Excluding the craft night held Tuesday, all of the park's events are free to attend, and are family oriented."One of the things we've strived for is to try to do things in the park that don't necessarily cost anything," he said. "For Yuletide, they do accept donations, and that helps defray the cost going forward, but we really like activities for kids to be free so that they're available to everybody."On Friday, Valley Park will feature a "PJ Party for Kids" from 6-9, and activities will include a screening of the movie "The Polar Express," story telling, a live nativity scene, a bonfire, wagon rides and a chance to meet Santa Claus. Saturday's events include the Rock Around the Christmas Tree Dance from 6:30-9:30 p.m., horse-drawn wagon rides from 6-9 p.m. and the Paws and Clause Rein-Dog Parade starting at 9:30 a.m.Haynes said the commission tries to alternate between Valley Park and Putnam County Park each year for various Yuletide events, but the majority are held at Valley Park because of its proximity to Hurricane, the largest city in the county, and other population centers."It's one of those things that, from year to year, you assess what works and what doesn't," Haynes said.The week will round out on Sunday with Sundaes with Santa from 1-3 p.m. Some events are newer than others, Haynes said, and the weeklong events have been going strong for nearly a decade - something Haynes attributes to their popularity."One year we had a pretty good snow on a Saturday night when we were having our Rock Around the Christmas Tree dance, and we thought it would kill us on attendance, and as it turned out, we had great attendance," Haynes said. "These things are becoming more popular; word of mouth spreads, and hopefully they'll continue to grow and grow."For more information about Yuletide in the Park or other events and opportunities offered by the Putnam County Parks and Recreation Commission, visit www.putnamcountyparks.net . Reach Lydia Nuzum at firstname.lastname@example.org or 304-348-5189.
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First Steps Towards Branding / De-Branding of the Xperia S There’s nothing quite like the scramble of keyboards hard at work getting things done for freshly released devices—achieving root, getting the bootloader unlocked, releasing ROMs and kernels, the mods and tweaks and even the ports and themes. Owning a freshly released device gives the same excitement, knowing that all those things are coming. For the Sony Xperia S, that time is right now. Despite the bootloader unlocking and s-off firmwares being released relatively recently, the work for other modifications has already begun. XDA Senior Member LiveSquare has begun assembling compiling a list of locations and CDA / fingerprint numbers so that users can change their CDA, debrand or brand their devices. So far, there’s quite a list, as users have enthusiastically responded to the call. Currently there are just under two dozen locations and CDA numbers that have been submitted, with more to come as the phone gets released in other parts of the world. Eventually, as root becomes more universal, this thread will help users by giving them CDA numbers to change to for anything from Play Market compatibility to using tweaks and mods. Says LiveSquare: From the Xperia X10 there is a easy method to change the firmware (debranding/branding) by changing the customization number in the build.prop. Similar threads exisits for those forums, but not yet for Xperia S. So I’m creating it here. Post yours and I will add to the first post as and when I get time. Even though the root isn’t available, this will surely be useful for many. As the devs play with the phone more, there will be more uses for these numbers, and users will eventually be able to brand and de-brand their devices using it. So stay tuned for when that day comes. Those looking to check out the branding and de-branding process as it unfolds or submit their CDA numbers should visit the original thread.
YSHS theatrical review showcases acting talent - Published: November 2, 2012 Yellow Springs High School thespian troupe #4671 and the YSHS Theatre Association present “Spotlight on Acting: A Theatrical Review,” featuring scenes and monologues from The Crucible, Peter Pan, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, The Diary of a Young Girl and more. The show opens Friday, Nov. 2, with performances continuing on Saturday, Nov. 3, and Sunday, Nov. 4, and next weekend — Nov. 9, 10 and 11— at the Mills Lawn Auditorium. Friday and Saturday performances will be at 8 p.m. and Sunday matinees at 2 p.m. Tickets are $10 for adults and $5 for students and seniors. This year’s fall play has been full of drama with an unscripted denouement. Plagued by chronic absences and a slew of actors dropping out, three weeks into rehearsals for Arthur Miller’s The Crucible, the production was scrapped. But the show must go on. Only instead of a traditional play, the remaining cast and crew will stage a review. Cast and crew members said they were upset that The Crucible was canceled, but they are also excited that a review can showcase a wider variety of acting styles. The first act will include a staging of the fanciful show Peter Pan, along with scenes from the 1940s farcical black comedy, Arsenic and Old Lace, a romantic scene from a 1930s Greta Garbo film, two scenes from The Crucible and a scene from The Hitching Post. Students will also perform monologues from Shakespeare’s Henry VIII, the 17th century comedy School for Wives and modern pieces that deal with child abuse and menstrual periods. “We wanted to review lots of different aspects of theater to show students doing multiple things,” said Shayne Petty, the review’s director. Read more in the Nov. 1 issue of the News.
I gave a speech at a wedding last year. It was terrifying. Having spoken in front of everyone from CEOs to UN Officials, I can tell you that speaking at someone’s wedding tops the scary list. The words you utter will be woven into lifelong memories and repeated to grandchildren in decades to come. It is, however, an excellent lesson in public speaking. I had left no time to prepare my speech, having spent months worrying that I would have nothing to say. I was flying straight from a ThinkBuzan course in Amsterdam to the wedding in Wales and I was going to have to write the speech en route. What meager sentiment could I cobble together on the back of a course agenda? Whilst the Best Man had pages typed out and hours of preparation under his belt, I arrived with only a torn piece of paper with a scribbled Mind Map I’d drawn on the plane. What I didn’t realise was that this was my secret weapon. This tattered scrap in my hand was why I would avoid making the worst mistake in public speaking… Here’s what happened…The Best Man stood up clutching four or five A4 pages of tearjerking sentiment and hilarity. By all rights the audience should have been a blubbering mess by the end…but they weren’t. It was impossible to get absorbed in what he was saying when his eyes didn’t leave the page. The halting monotone of his voice meant that rip-roaring jokes at the Groom’s expense were missed because the audience couldn’t distinguish the humourous moments from the serious. Most were just praying for him to get through the whole document without stumbling on the longer sentences – a bit like watching ice skaters perform double axles. It wasn’t awful by any means, but it wasn’t engaging either and I can’t remember a word of it now. It didn’t do justice to all the time and effort he had put in. That carefully written speech that he held in his hands was the albatross around his neck. His eyes were drawn to it; he couldn’t help but read it because it was there. Everything he said came out sounding stale and scripted. Then I stood up, with my very scruffy Mind Map that I tried to keep hidden behind an ice bucket. It was not a large map, only 5 main branches covering such topics as ‘Childhood’, ‘Couple’ and ‘Warnings’, with keywords curving outward to prompt me on particular anecdotes I wanted to mention. Because there were no sentences on that page, I could not read it. So I looked out at the audience. As I wasn’t reading, my speech had a more conversational rhythm. I could see the audience and feed off their reactions. If they laughed at something, I would draw out that story a little longer. If they looked blank, I moved swiftly on. Those 40 structured words on my Mind Map were there to keep me afloat, not drown me like the weighty 800 word essay held by the Best Man. Now I’m not saying my speech was up there with Winston Churchill or Steve Jobs, but it was memorable for the people there and it took me less than an hour to prepare. So next time you have to deliver a presentation at work, or a speech in front of your peers, try preparing less and just use Mind Mapping to plan it and deliver it. You can download iMindMap Mind Mapping software for free today from www.thinkbuzan.com← High Education: Mind Mapping in Morocco 4 Steps to Time Control – Get a Grip On Your Workload →
King Hall Launches Environmental Law and Policy Center With California facing critical environmental law issues related to climate change, water rights, and other pressing concerns, the new California Environmental Law and Policy Center at UC Davis School of Law is poised to address the legal challenges involved in ways that positively impact the state, the nation, and the world as it trains the next generation of environmental law leaders. Professor Richard Frank, founding director of the center, said that all too often, the debate over critical environmental issues has been dominated by political adversaries and litigation opponents, and thus has "generated more heat than light." "As a nonpartisan, academic center that is part of a great university and a great law school, we can have a reputation for rigorous analysis, objectivity, and credibility that enables us to lead a reasoned debate that goes beyond political posturing," said Frank. "For example, with regard to climate change, we can help to fashion a system for reduction of greenhouse gas emissions in California that is viewed as a model and can be replicated at the national and international levels." As a top public research university that has long been a leader in environmental science and clean technology, UC Davis already has become a model for sustainable change. Launched in January 2011, the Environmental Law and Policy Center will serve as a focus of environmental scholarship, initiatives, and events within the Law School, promote linkages with environmental scholarship and research on the UC Davis campus and elsewhere, and advance informed environmental law and policy at all levels of government. Private support will be vital, as the Law School seeks to fund an environmental law chair, fellowships, scholarships and awards, symposia and lecture events, stipends for students performing public interest environmental law work, research projects, and more. Frank, a 1974 graduate of King Hall, has impressive environmental law credentials that include more than 30 years of practice with state and federal agencies and four years as executive director of the Center for Law, Energy, & the Environment at UC Berkeley School of Law, where he taught before joining the UC Davis School of Law faculty full-time this year. He has published extensively on environmental issues and advised state policy makers, including service as a member of former Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger's Delta Vision Blue Ribbon Task Force, as vice chair for the Air Resources Board's Economic Allocation & Advisory Committee, as chair of the Ocean Protection Council's Expert Advisory Panel, and as co-chair of the environmental component of Attorney General Kamala Harris' transition team. He has also been an effective litigator, and this year was honored with the California Lawyer Attorney of the Year (CLAY) award for his successful representation of environmental groups before the California Supreme Court. Frank said it was "very satisfying" to be able to return to King Hall. "Like most of our alums, I very much enjoyed and valued my time here as a student. For that reason I've tried very hard to stay closely involved with King Hall by teaching here as an adjunct instructor and serving on the Alumni Board for a number of years," he said. "It's very rewarding after 35 years of practicing environmental law to come back here as a full-time faculty member, to help launch the Center and have the opportunity to work with the outstanding environmental law faculty and students." California is facing a set of crucial environmental law challenges related to the implementation of the Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006, a perceived need for reforms to the California Environmental Quality Act, conflicts over water rights amid chronic water shortages, and other issues. In each case, the implications for the economy, the environment, and public health are profound, and the solutions arrived at in California are likely to influence policymakers all over the nation and around the world, Frank said. "King Hall is a great law school with a history of excellence in environmental law, located in close proximity to Sacramento, where so many of these critical decisions will be made," said Frank. "With the support of our friends and alumni, the California Environmental Law and Policy Center can influence public policy in a positive way and have a profound impact on our state, our nation, and our world." To find out how you can support the California Environmental Law and Policy Center, please contact Jean Korinke, Assistant Dean for Development and Alumni Relations (email@example.com, 530-752-1067).
Please welcome author CJ Bolyne tot he blog! Hey everyone! Thanks for joining me on Day 2 of my very first virtual book blog tour for my very first book, Trinity! I appreciate you being here. A very common trope or convention used in Fantasy books is the battle between good and evil, where evil rises up in order to do battle with good in the hopes of taking over and allowing anarchy to reign supreme. It sounds like a good plan … to them. Not so good for the good guys though, especially if they lose. But, really, how often do the good guys lose? The good vs. evil battle can come in different forms. In my book Trinity, on the larger scale, there is the long enduring battle within the Kingdom of Gwynneth – between the 13 gods of the Guardians (the good guys) and the corresponding 13 gods of the Anords (you guessed it – the bad guys). My main character, Payton, finds out very early on in the book that she is the key to the Guardian’s chance for finally winning the battle against the Anords. The problem the Guardians now have is, having wiped Payton’s memory in order to keep her safe from the Anords, the dangerous and tedious task of returning her memory slowly through 13 keywords is taking too long. They need her to be in control of all her powers before the final battle. But the powers come with her memory. On a more personal level, what happens when the battle between good and evil is really a battle between the good and evil fragments of yourself? This is what Payton now faces only she does not realize it until it’s too late. I am currently writing my second book in this series where all battles between good and evil continue with more surprising turns and twists along the way. About CJ Bolyne: CJ Bolyne is a first time author and Trinity is her first book. Born and raised in Southeastern Manitoba, Canada, CJ was an avid reader dreaming of the day she would write her own fantasy/sci-fi book. When she’s not writing, CJ spends her time on her farm with her husband and multiple pets. She runs a full-time pet grooming business. Her first book, Trinity, is the first in the series. About Trinity: Payton thought she had a normal, everyday life. When a mysterious man suddenly appears, he shatters her world telling her that her entire life has been a lie. She is a god with the Guardians having lived for 1000’s of years. The Anords know where she is and he needs to protect her at all costs. Payton holds the key to saving humanity. However, a mysteriously familiar woman complicates everything. CJ Bolyne’s Website: http://cjbolyne.com/ Social Links: https://www.facebook.com/CJ.Bolyne Where to Purchase: Rafflecopter: a Rafflecopter giveaway
[coreboot] VIA Epia-MII CF question corey.osgood at gmail.com Sun Apr 5 01:39:35 CEST 2009 On Sat, Apr 4, 2009 at 4:38 PM, Markus Törnqvist <mjt at nysv.org> wrote: > On Sat, Apr 04, 2009 at 12:57:26AM +0300, Markus T�rnqvist wrote: > >Hi again! > >The wiki "lets me" either use the CF slot as standard ide or through > >This standard-ide approach, as said, did not work. > >Is the wiki wrong? > Did some Sherlocking around and it seems the wiki is outdated. > And slightly wrong. If you have a little time, please contact Ron Minnich or Stefan Reinauer about getting a wiki account and update the wiki page(s). -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... More information about the coreboot
They may look small, but look out - NUb Cameroon 460 cigars make up for their height in girth. Rolled to a 60-gauge ring, the Cameroon wrapper encases a rich, earthy Nicaraguan tobacco blend for a well-balanced, 93-rated smoke that's smooth, earthy, and naturally sweet. Add some to your cart now. My first order of these, and I love everything about them. Great flavor, great even burn, smoked it to the nub. Ordering more now.00 My only complaints about this cigar are that its too good and too short. I literally smoked this beauty down to 3/4". If I could put a photo in here I would show you compared to the original. Its definitely filling up a section of my humidor soon. Wonderful flavor and draw. Lovely burn. NUB PLEASE MAKE THESE LONGER!00 Excellent cigar and a long smoke, very tasty00 Am a fan of all of these. Nice draw with very rich smoke and body. Usually keep a variety of these on hand. Not a real big fan of the Conn. though. But the others are always available to freinds. The add with them standing and holding ash is true as it appears. Excellant construction and tabacco. Must try for all who enjoy large rings.00
Tattoo Goo Tattoo Aftercare Kit How to care for your new tattoo has been a subject of debate in the tattoo community for many years. Tattoo artists have had to recommend a variety of products available from your local drug store. These products were developed to prevent cuts, burns, scrapes and abrasions from getting infected and not for the healing of a new tattoo. The majority of these products contain petroleum or lanolin which when applied to a new tattoo can clog skin pores causing breakouts and actually delay your body's healing process. Plus lanolin pulls color from healing tattoos. A large number of people also have allergic reactions to these products and application to a new tattoo can cause skin reactions leading to loss of ink and permanent damage to your tattoo. Tattoo Goo contains no petroleum and no lanolin. The complete tattoo aftercare kit contains: - One .75 oz Tattoo Goo Tin - One .45 oz Color Guard Stick - One 2 oz Tattoo Goo Lotion - One 2 oz Tattoo Goo Soap - One Tattoo Goo Brands Sticker - All in a convenient clear carrying case! Tattoo Goo Tattoo Aftercare Lotion was developed for people with sensitive skin. Tattoo Goo Tattoo Aftercare Lotion is gentle enough to use on the face and is perfect for everyday use. With unique combination of Vitamins A & D, healthy skin ingredients, and proven moisturizers, Tattoo Goo Tattoo Aftercare Lotion heals and protects dry skin. Tattoo Goo Tattoo Aftercare Lotion is a water based formula works with your body to restore the skin's natural moisture balance. The non-greasy Tattoo Goo Tattoo Aftercare Lotion absorbs quickly, penetrates deeply, and provides long lasting protection against dryness. Tattoo Goo Tattoo Aftercare Lotion contains NO alcohol, NO petroleum, NO lanolin, No mineral oils and NO fragrance. Tattoo Goo Tattoo Aftercare Lotion can be used by itself or combined with "The Original" Tattoo Goo. The Original Tattoo Goo in ointment form is the Natural Choice for healing your tattoo. Based with eight different natural ingredients, the "Original" is 99% Natural. Tattoo Goo is the best product available for the treatment of your new tattoo. Unlike other commercially available products Tattoo Goo actively supports the tattoo community. The Color Guard Stick has an SPF 30 rating plus special UV/UVA inhibitors to help protect tattoos from fading. Other ingredients help moisturize the tattoo thus enhancing color. The large stick allows precision application, helping protect the tattoo while allowing for regular tanning of other skin areas. Do I have to protect my tattoo even though it is covered? The rays from the sun are very powerful and penetrate most cloth. So even though you might not be burning underneath your clothes, your tattoo will be slowly fading. Will Color Guard give me a rash? It shouldn't. Color Guard is hypo allergenic. Will the sun effect my Tattoo on cloudy days? Yes, in any weather, sun or cloudy, hot or cold. Unless you're indoors, wear multi layers of clothing or in a totally light filtered area, sunrays are always present. Therefore the sun deterioration of color is always present. The ultra violet (UV) rays of the sun easily pierce through clouds and fade color. What are the advantages of Color Guard over other sun protection products? Color Guard is not a simple sun protectant. It was specially formulated by skin care professionals to meet the very unique demands of tattoo enthusiasts. It will help protect and preserve the artwork and colorations of a tattoo for long periods of time. Can I use Color Guard on a healing tattoo? NO. Color Guard is not an aftercare product and should be used on tattoos no less than 3 weeks old. Deep Cleansing Antibacterial Aftercare Soap for Tattoos & Piercings Tattoo Goo Deep Cleansing Antibacterial Aftercare Soap is formulated to provide a broad spectrum germicidal kill while being gentle to the skin. The soap's specially formulated cleansing agent PCMX-L cleans at a deeper level to prevent bacterial growth and infection by removing more dirt and dead skin cells. New healthy emerging layers of skin are exposed, an important step in tattoo healing and piercing aftercare. - PCMX-L Advanced Micro Molecular formula allows deeper cleansing - Broad Spectrum Anti Microbial Antibacterial Action - Balanced pH Formula Gentle to skin - Removes more dead skin cells and dirt When choosing a soap you want to pick one that is not harsh to the skin. Harsh soaps can dry out the skin causing "special safe harbors" for bacteria and viruses to hide in making it very difficult to get a good kill on the skin. Traditional antimicrobial / antibacterial soaps contain quats (quaternary ammonia) compounds which carry very alkaline (high pH's) although effective at short term kills they are ineffective on persistent antimicrobial activity and they complicate good skin hygiene by systematically destroying the acid mantle of the skin. Ordinary "green" soap you speak of is an example of this kind of activity. Most people don't realize that although alcohol is known as a Class 1 Antiseptic it has a VERY short kill time maybe only 10-15 seconds. If you read the medical articles which support the use of alcohol based products you will find that in order to gain an "effective kill" you need to use at least 5ml's on your hands. Most applications by individuals barely reach 1ml. These products are temporary and do not provide a sustainable germ resistant environment. Tattoo Goo Deep Cleansing Soap is formulated to provide a broad spectrum kill while at the same time being gentle on the skin. Unlike "green" soap this formula has a slightly acidic pH and contains a key ingredient which helps to buffer the skin while providing additional killing power. The key ingredient is PCMX-L a combination of Chloroxylenol (PCMX) and Sodium Lauryl Sarcosinate (Lauricidin). Lauricidin is a derived from palm seed extract. A unique and proprietary process provides a molecular structure capable of cleaning the skin at a deeper level. (This is achieved by reducing the molecular size to better clean the skin) This ingredient is non-toxic to human skin but highly efficient at disrupting pathogenic microbes at a cellular level. Once the cell wall is disrupted the bacterial cannot recombine or multiply and they die. PCMX is a well documented antimicrobial / antibacterial ingredient. By combining the 2 of these ingredients you get a fast acting, broad spectrum kill without damaging the skin. As a demonstration of the cleaning efficiency of this product have the client wash their hands thoroughly with the soap. You will notice 2 things. First the soap lathers very well providing a soft comfortable cleaning activity. When the hands are rinsed and still wet have them "squeak" their fingers together, you will have a distinct squeaky clean feeling on a tactile level. Because the product cleans a deeper level more dirt and dead cells are removed exposing the clean emerging layer of skin. The soap is also engineered to provide a sheeting action when rinsed much like a rinsing agent in a dishwasher. As a comparison to over the counter brands antibacterial soaps Tattoo Goo Deep Cleansing Soap like contains a broader kill spectrum and a deeper cleaning action. Many cheaper soaps leave residue on the skin, these chemical residues contribute to skin problems as they prevent the skin from breathing properly leading to dried out skin.
Never argue, they've always said, with someone who buys ink by the barrel. It was always sound advice, because history shows that irritating a press baron could get you buried in invective for months or years. Historically, politicians and other public figures may have had their issues with the media, but they tended to keep their misgivings private. It's no fun being on the receiving end of a crusade. But, to mountain an ideological war, no medieval Catholic armies with crossbows were required. There was just no defense against the full-on media onslaught, no matter how powerful or celebrated the target may have been. Teddy Roosevelt tried to brandish his big stick against Joseph Pulitzer – and wound up being beaten to a (and by the) pulp. Josephine Baker, the beloved American-born Paris chanteuse, was deemed a threat to the United States by noted national security expert Walter Winchell, and forbidden to re-enter the country. Lord Beaverbrook wished for King Edward VIII to ditch Wallis Simpson, so he helpfully printed the lurid details of their affair in the Daily Express. Daily. The King, soon to be Duke of Windsor, eventually concluded that he could not carry out the duties of the throne. Even Franklin D Roosevelt, four times elected, lived in constant fear of William Randolph Hearst's agitations. Rich bullies putting the "me" into mass media. Gosh, those were the days. Nowadays, when press tycoons and their highest-profile journos wish to be heard, they seem to forget that they preside over newspaper chains, TV programs, cable channels and so on. When the modern media bigshot has an ax to grind, suddenly and inexplicably he grinds it elsewhere. Let's take, for example, Rupert Murdoch. He owns more newspapers than you own bathrooms, not to mention broadcast network, a cable news channel, a movie studio and (for the moment) a big chunk of BSkyB. He has been deemed a kingmaker of the first order. So if he wishes to vent, where does he do so … on the Times of London editorial page? Screaming headlines in the Sun? Nah. Rupe favors Twitter … for an economic policy bulletin: Renewable energy commentary: And diagnosis of declining educational standards: Murdoch is by no means alone. When Oprah Winfrey felt the need to to beg for viewers of her struggling OWN cable channel, she, too, took to Twitter: Every 1 who can please turn to OWN especially if u have a Neilsen [sic] box. [deleted] When Rush Limbaugh, the bellicose Republigogue of American talk radio, wanted to document the Vast Leftwing Conspiracy, he did it in 140 characters or fewer: Twitter is especially appealing to mass mediators when a squabble erupts among them. When Al Neuharth, USA Today's founder and columnist-for-life, called fellow egomaniac Donald Trump a "clown", the Donald did not strike back with his stinging riposte on his prime time NBC show Celebrity Apprentice. He just tweeted it: Liberal broadcast blowhard Ed Schultz and conservative broadcast blowhard Sean Hannity had a confrontation on Twitter about whether Barack Obama really wanted Osama bin Laden dead. Limbaugh went after comedian Bill Maher for the TV host's Liberal War on Women Named Sarah Palin. And magnificently, last spring New York Times media columnist David Carr tweet tweaked the Huffington Post upon the release of four Times journalists who had been held, and beaten, in Libya by forces loyal to Qaddafi. Maybe in part 2 of captured journo story, @ariannahuf uses a new model of journalism to aggregate them back to safety. j.mp/f15yVO Sadly, having authored perhaps the most wicked and wonderful tweet ever, Carr deleted it from his feed on taste grounds. Ugh. Is that any way to wield media power? What if Joseph Pulitzer and William Randolph Hearst had worried about good taste? Tell me, Citizen Carr: how would we ever have had the Spanish-American war?
Of course we have to monitor employment. We need to look at aggregate retail sales, transports -- they were hideous yesterday -- and any of the broader commodities like copper and oil to monitor how deep the slowdown will be or if it just rolls right into recession, which is what the stock market's telling us is going to happen. No, that's not too dire. But those three indicators will tell us if the bad news is in or not and will allow us to begin to speculate that the stock market itself has Washington worried and is therefore somewhat self-correcting. Of course there is an orderly path to make it so the slowdown doesn't occur and the cuts aren't all that harmful and the increases not all that hideous. That's why we were not tanking before the election. There was so much momentum going Romney's way in the market that the cliff's harms could be ignored. No more momentum. No more Romney. No more ignoring. So watch those indicators. Recognize that the good news is ephemeral and the bad news transcendent. Make some sales of economically-sensitive companies of all stripes that don't have higher-yielding protection and watch those signs. They will get you through this and, yes, we will get through this, even as we have to admit that the odds for going over the cliff have now increased greatly because the sniping's just begun.
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With the 2009 season right around the corner (and not much for Padres fans to be looking forward to), there seems no better time to look to the future and break down what’s ahead. These rankings are inclusive of the entire Padres minor league system and are my personal opinions taken from a combination of scouting reports, statistics and first-hand observations. For each player I’ve written a scouting report summary and a short projection on where they’ll be this season. The ages listed are baseball age (age on July 1 of the coming season) and just to recap for you the Padres’ minor league affiliates are Portland (AAA), San Antonio (AA), Lake Elsinore (A+), Fort Wayne (A), Eugene (A-) and Arizona (R). I would love to hear your feedback. 1. Kellen Kulbacki – OF Acquired: 2007 draft, supplemental round (40th overall, James Madison) Kulbacki tops this list for one reason: his bat. He had a slow start to his pro career in ‘07 adjusting to the wooden bat, but once he figured it out there has been no looking back. Last season at Lake Elsinore, he terrorized Cal League pitching, hitting .332/.428/.589 with 20 homers in just over 300 at bats, before injuries cut his season short. There was a stretch this last summer where it just seemed unfair for opposing pitchers. He hit .405 in the month of July and .379 in the second half of the season. Some will knock him for his defense, which is average, but he should be fine as a corner outfielder with an above average throwing arm. 2009: He’ll start the season in San Antonio and bat in the middle of the order for the Missions. I’d expect him to keep hitting and possibly earn a call-up to Portland. 2. Kyle Blanks – 1B Acquired: 2004 draft, 42nd round (Moriarty (NM) HS) Blanks was very impressive as a 21-year-old in AA, hitting .325 with 20 homers and 107 RBI with San Antonio. He’s not your typical, one-dimensional, power-hitting first baseman. He knows he can’t hit the ball out of the park every time and is a selective, good all-around hitter that chooses his pitch to drive. Blanks is a huge man, and there will always be people that knock him due to his 6’6” 270 lb build. However defensively he’s been solid at first base and should be fine as long as he watches his weight to some extent. His future with the Padres is obviously blocked by Adrian Gonzalez. Some have suggested a move to a corner outfield spot, although with a guy his size that could be an adventure. 2009: Blanks will spend the year at AAA Portland, which should be a good test for the youngster. There’s no need to rush his development, but if he replicates the numbers he had at the lower levels the Padres will have some decisions to make. He’d likely be called up if anything happened to Gonzalez. 3. Mat Latos – SP Acquired: 2006 draft, 11th round (Coconut Creek (Fla.) HS) Latos is the prototypical power-pitcher in the system and although he hasn’t pitched much due to injuries, he maintains the potential to be a top of the rotation starter someday. His fastball reaches the mid 90s and he has good control, especially for someone his age. Last year he began the season with Fort Wayne, before getting hurt and finishing the season in the two lowest levels. His final line was an encouraging 2.57 ERA with 69 strikeouts over 56 innings. 2009: With no lingering effects from the injuries, it will be interesting to see how Latos performs in a full season against quality competition. He’s expected to begin the year in Lake Elsinore and should be well worth the trip up I-15. 4. Cedric Hunter – CF Acquired: 2006 draft, 3rd round (93rd overall, King (Ga.) HS) Hunter enters his third full season of pro ball and the young center fielder is coming off his best season to date. He played a full season at Lake Elsinore, batting .318 with 11 home runs, 33 doubles, 84 RBI, and 12 stolen bases. He also hit .406 with runners in scoring position and struck out just 47 times. He’s a very good contact hitter and actually led all minor leaguers in hits with 186. He’s one of those guys pitchers hate to face because of his ability to foul off pitches until he puts one in play. I would like to see a few more steals out of him, as his speed is above average but not quite what you’d want from a center fielder. He gets a good jump on the ball defensively though. 2009: Hunter continues to be right on schedule and his next challenge is AA San Antonio, where he’ll likely bat leadoff. 5. Jaff Decker – OF Acquired: 2008 draft, supplemental round (42nd overall, Sunrise Mountain (AZ) HS) It really is Jaff, not Jeff, and the Padres were thrilled when the highly touted left-handed high-school prospect fell to them in last year’s draft. Decker is another player known first and foremost for his bat, and did not appear to have any problem adjusting to pro-ball, as he won the Arizona Rookie League MVP after hitting .352 with an incredible .523 OBP. Decker is not known for his athleticism, but did steal nine bases in 10 tries. He projects as a corner outfielder. He also touched 93 mph on the mound in high school, but the Padres are set on developing him as a hitter. 2009: Decker has all the tools to get to the big leagues, starting with his bat and strike-zone judgment. Look for him to start his first full professional season in A-ball with Fort Wayne and be one of the Midwest League’s better hitters. 6. Matt Antonelli – 2B Acquired: 2006 draft, First round (17th overall, Wake Forest) Antonelli saw his stock fall dramatically after a lackluster 2008. Following his 2007 season, many had him rated as the top prospect in the entire organization and he was expected to compete for the second base job in San Diego. The former first-round pick ran into a road block in AAA though, seeing his batting average fall below the Mendoza line for much of the season. He ended up with a .215 average, seven home runs and six steals, a far cry from what he’d done at previous levels. He did hit .290 in the season’s final month, before being called up to the Padres where he hit .193 in 57 at bats. To his credit, he still managed a lot of walks. Overall, Antonelli is still a five-tool prospect and tremendous athlete with good plate discipline. 2009: Antonelli will begin the season in Portland and if he performs will earn a call-up to San Diego. The Padres still consider him the second baseman of the future, but he’ll have to hit better in ‘09 and prove that last year was a fluke. 7. Drew Cumberland – SS Acquired: 2007 draft, supplemental round (46th overall, Pace (Fla.) HS) Having just turned 20, Cumberland still has a long way to go in his development, but his speed and ability to hit for average make him an intriguing prospect. Last season he started slow at Fort Wayne, then began to hit very well before suffering an injury that sidelined him for the remainder of the season. His final numbers included a .286 batting average and 16 steals in 56 games. He did have his share of struggles on defense, but he is a great athlete and very quick, giving him the potential to play multiple positions (second base and outfield). The Padres' plan to keep him at shortstop for the time being. 2009: The Padres could start him in Fort Wayne, as they may want him to get more at-bats at that level than he did last season. It’s more likely though that he’ll begin the year with Lake Elsinore and should be an exciting player to watch for the Storm. 8. Allan Dykstra – 1B Acquired: 2008 draft, First round (23rd overall, Wake Forest) We have yet to see much of this guy because he signed so late after the draft. What we do know is that he is a 6’5”, left-handed, ripped guy with potential for massive, Petco-proof, power. He also displayed good plate discipline in college, leaving as the all-time walks leader for Wake Forest. 2009: I’m not entirely sure where the Padres are going to start Dykstra. He had a few at-bats with Lake Elsinore last season and could start there, but it wouldn’t be too much of a stretch to see him in San Antonio. 9. Yefri Carvajal – OF Acquired: Signed in 2006 (Dominican Republic) Carvajal is definitely an intriguing prospect, as one of the first of many Latin American players we will see in the coming years. The Dominican outfielder turned 20 last month, and is still very raw in terms of his development. At this point, he’s a good contact hitter with a great outfield arm. Many scouts believe, because of his bat speed and physical makeup, that he has great power potential down the road. Last season he hit .268 with just four homers in 456 at-bats at Fort Wayne, while showing impatience at the plate, striking out 100 times compared to 25 walks. But you have to consider his age for the level he was playing at, as well as his having to deal with the adjustment to life in the States. Overall he has great upside. 2009: This will be an important year in Carvajal’s development. Last year’s draft added a lot of outfield depth to the Padres’ system. So the team will have the option of giving Carvajal another year to develop at Fort Wayne, but there’s a good chance they move him up to Lake Elsinore. 10. Mitch Canham – C Acquired: 2007 draft, supplemental round (57th overall, Oregon State) This last spot came down to Canham and starting pitcher Wade Leblanc. Ultimately I couldn’t get the image of Leblanc getting shelled during his brief stint in the majors out of my head (although there’s still hope for him to turn it around with that nasty changeup). Canham is a guy I’ve been big on for a while and not just for his on-field performance. He was a leader on the national championship Oregon State teams and has the knowledge of the game you want from a catcher. He’s also fought through adversity, including the death of his younger brother. In his first full season of pro ball, Canham hit .285/.382/.434 in 417 at-bats at Lake Elsinore with eight home runs, 81 RBI and 13 steals. Defensively he has a long way to go as a catcher, which may keep him in the minors for a while. Here’s a very well-done feature from ESPN on Canham’s life you should check out. 2009: He’ll be the starting catcher in San Antonio and coaches will be specifically working with him on his defense. He must stay at catcher or his stock as a prospect will plummet. Others considered: Wade Leblanc (SP), Will Inman (SP), Chad Huffman (OF), James Darnell (3B), Eric Sogard (2B), Will Venable (OF), Luis Durango (OF), Sawyer Carroll (OF), Blake Tekotte (OF), Dan Robertson (OF), Jeremy Hefner (SP), Logan Forsythe (3B), Cole Figueroa (SS), Jackson Quezada (RP). The Padres also have two highly regarded international prospects, shortstop Jonathan Galvez and pitcher Adys Portillo, who have yet to play stateside but could shoot up this list in a hurry once they do. There is also a group of pitchers that may have made this list if they were not currently injured or recovering from injuries that may affect them long-term. (Nick Schmidt, Cesar Carrillo, Steve Garrison).
Prior to the Under Armour All-American Game on Jan. 2, running back Jeff Jones was relatively unknown. That changed in a hurry after he delivered a standout performance amongst the nation's most elite talent, rushing for 37 yards on just six carries. He also looked great in the passing game, catching four passes for 35 yards and a touchdown. Jones earned the game's MVP award and received an official offer from Michigan just one day later. With very little uncertainty remaining in the Wolverines' 2014 recruiting class, it's Jones who should be Michigan's No. 1 target heading into national signing day. Jones, who's finishing up his senior year at Washburn High in Minneapolis, gave his home state Golden Gophers his soft verbal commitment back on Feb. 2, 2013. But after his stellar performance on a national stage catapulted his stock, he's decided to weigh his options. This is a great thing for Michigan, as it's now emerged as the predominant contender for Jones' services. With 247sports.com's Crystal Ball now predicting that the Wolverines have a 65 percent chance of landing him, the momentum has clearly shifted. Apart from having a good overall experience on a recruiting visit back in June, the hiring of Doug Nussmeier has reportedly been a major catalyst in Jones' change of heart. Josh Helmholdt of Rivals.com noted that the the hiring made a "big impression" on Jones. Nussmeier-led offenses have featured 1,000-yard rushers in each of the last six seasons. Rivals analyst: Michigan in solid position for 4-star RB Jeff Jones after Doug Nussmeier hire http://t.co/S9UQuQH9tV— Michigan Sports (@michigansports) January 15, 2014 So why should Michigan fans care about Jones' potential commitment, particularly when the Wolverines backfield is already stacked with young talent? Well, with the departure of Fitz Toussaint there's quite a bit of uncertainty at the running back position. Current freshmen Derrick Green and DeVeon Smith both showed flashes of their potential in 2013, and they'll head into the spring as the favorites to win the starting job. But as Brady Hoke completes the transition to an authentic pro-style offense, the importance of having depth at the running back position is paramount. Jones' 4.69 speed won't blow you away. Neither will his size, at 6'0", 196 pounds. What stands out about Jones is his ability to make one cut and take off. His vision, not his athleticism, is his greatest attribute. ESPN.com's scouts observed that he, "shows the ability to read linebacker flow quickly and cutback through the hole with good anticipation when he breaks into the second level." Landing Jones on national signing day won't immediately turn things around for the Michigan football program. However, it would likely sneak the Wolverines recruiting class into the top 10 nationally, and it would give Hoke and Nussmeier much-needed depth at running back. Jones' commitment could also prove to be even more valuable if 5-star running back Damien Harris slips out of their grasp next year. Jones will take his final recruiting visit to Michigan on Jan. 31. He met informally with Minnesota running backs coach Brian Anderson on Jan. 16, and will take an official visit to Florida on Jan. 24. Can the Wolverines coaching staff can take advantage of Jones' favorably timed visit to Ann Arbor, Mich.?
Black Widow posted 1051 days ago Are you a Malaysian as well?? I'm surprised... ;) I am a girl that made up by sugar, spice and everything nice! jkjkwatch wrestling, reading manga and a fan of Hindi movies only happen when you come from a multicultural country like Malaysia... :) Mad does not have any awards. Mad is not a member of any communities. Mad does not have any fans. Mad does not have any favorite writers.
Could our strong marriages and great interpersonal relationships be a threat to the state? Stella Morabito thinks so. In a piece at The Federalist, Morabito says the State has something to lose when culture promotes traditional marriage, strong families and ties to the community. She examines a Slate article in which Lily and Carl (a fictional couple) are facing an unexpected pregnancy. They aren’t married, don’t care to be, and Lily (who has few community relationships outside of work) sees no advantages to marrying. Corabito says that the Slate article, which claims that women want and need their “freedom” and that few marriageable men are to be found, needs a strong second look. Let’s start by looking at Lily as a real person. She is in need of relationships, intimacy, and a life not overwhelmingly dominated by 9-to-5 drudgery. Let’s consider Carl a real human being also. Yes he needs a job, but he also needs the same things as Lily: to feel respected, connected, and useful to others. They both need to feel anchored to something worthwhile, not like displaced persons wandering about life. How does such anchoring happen? Through strong relationships with real people. Most telling in the Slate piece is this throwaway line about Lily: “She has very few friends, married or unmarried, in strong relationships.” That is a statement worthy of deep exploration.
Motherhood may be the most rewarding experience a woman can face. But the challenges can be complex when the mother is young. Read story. What was your experience like? Did you have a mentor? We’d like to hear your stories … whether you were young or old during your pregnancy.
Hey! Who wants a piece of the first lady? Blog Guy, I see all these very inspiring pictures of first lady Michelle Obama visiting classes in schools, and the kids seem to love her. How does she establish that instant rapport? I believe normally she begins by challenging them to a fistfight. WHAT? Are you out of your mind? Yes, I probably am, but let’s answer your questions in order. I think she says, “Hello class,” and they say, “Hello Ms. Obama.” Then, she says, “Who wants a piece of me? Let’s see what you’ve got!” By now, the kids are cowering under their desks, sobbing in fear, and when they come out they act like little angels. Blog Guy, this is pathetic even for your stupid blog. You actually believe Michelle Obama controls school children with threats of violence? Where did you get your information? The usual place. I looked at photos and just made it up. That’s what I thought. So you don’t REALLY believe she would hurt anyone, right? Well, maybe just the photographer who took that top picture…. U.S. first lady Michelle Obama makes a point as she talks to children about health and fitness during a visit to an elementary school in Silver Spring, Maryland May 19, 2010. REUTERS/Kevin Lamarque Obama flexes her arms in response to a joke about her habit of wearing sleeveless dresses during the White House Correspondents’ Association Dinner in Washington, May 9, 2009. REUTERS/Jonathan Ernst
We are back from vacation and Justin kindly helped us set up our New Server Room! Check out the pictures of the first fully finished project in the scheme of the production facilities move! You will notice the chord is neat and organized thanks to a few nifty veclro zip ties! These things are so sweet and super useful. They are great for keeping chords organized and tidy!
I am a visual artist living in Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada. I have always been interested in process and experimenting with materials, using them in ways that keep surprising me. I use found objects in my work as well as collage, metal, photographs, marble dust on surfaces such as panel, paper, mylar and canvas. I also make sculptural installation work and assemblage. The possibilities of the combination of materials constantly keeps me engaged and immersed in my work. This fascination with manipulating and combining different media results in my working in series. This allows me to exhaust my ideas while challenging me to stretch my creativity. My practice includes painting, installation, and photography. It typically, but not exclusively, references deterioration, decay and the obsessions with beauty prevalent in our culture. The aspects of memory and recall figure largely in my photographic work.
So I FINALLY figured out how to upload a video, don’t judge me. I know. I had it made for days and then I didn’t realize you had to export it to change the format. Whoops! That is the video of all the San Francisco pictures and the few videos I had taken. It’s kind of long but I really think it’s fun and it brings back memories with all my favorite girls up there. Sniff, sniff. :) I think I will be posting more videos once I run more fun races! Like the Malibu Marathon in November, which I’m super excited about. I got up this morning to run, turned on my tv and watched some track for inspiration and then realized it was still dark outside. Now, I am freaked out about running in the dark. I do live in a nice part of town, but I have just seen so many bad things happen, and when you run 8 miles, it’s not like you stay right out in front of your house the entire time. I just watch a little too much news, and things can happen anywhere. In the mornings there are less people out, which also worries me that if something bad does happen, less people will realize there is a problem. SO, the outcome of the story is you guessed it! I went back to sleep and had wonderful dreams of track. I will be doing 8 miles tonight and I have a good route planned out that should be less windy than running along the beach. Hopefully my run isn’t so palindromic, and more consistently fast :) Maybe! I know I might be a little paranoid about running but I’d much rather be safe than sorry. Let’s not lie, my bed was nice and warm too. :) If you haven’t entered the Dick’s Sporting Good $100 Gift Card Giveaway, remember to go to this post and leave a comment about what you would buy. I’ve gotten some of the cutest answers like about how their son is starting T-ball and they need to get him new stuff, to one husband getting his wife new shoes because she is sexier without her bunions. I got some guys whose nipples would thank me if they win, and also someone (cough, cough, my co-worker) who asked for a $700 BOW AND ARROW. He was joking but it totally made me laugh. I will announce the winner tomorrow! Also, a new different non-running related giveaway is going to be announced tomorrow. Remember how I had my one year blog anniversary and didn’t have a giveaway? Well I’m making up for it now. I even have the great iFitness belt review next week, with perhaps a giveaway? I just saw your eyebrows perk up didn’t I! I have this great feeling about the run tonight, which usually means one of the below will happen: A. It’s going to be a fantastic run and I am going to have the ‘great run feeling’ affirmed B. It’s going to suck. like SUCK. I am hoping for the first, but two good runs in a week? Man, maybe I should buy a lotto ticket if that happens! :)
In 1996, a furor erupted over Microsoft Windows NT. At the time, Microsoft was selling two versions of its popular operating system: NT Workstation (NTW) and NT Server (NTS). NTS cost roughly $800 more than the NTW.` Aiming to enforce this difference, both the NTW code and the license agreement restricted users to no more than ten concurrent TCP/IP (i.e., Internet) connections; NTS remained unlimited. It was eventually revealed that the operating systems were bit-for-bit identical; NTW workstation had the limits built in just so Microsoft could charge people to take them out. The ability to run an unlimited number of connections is what I call an antifeature. An antifeature is functionality that a technology developer will charge users to not include. It is more difficult for Microsoft to limit Internet connections than it is to leave them unconstrained, and the limit is not something that any user would request. DRM and Treacherous Computing systems are, in many ways, extreme examples of antifeatures. Users don’t want either and they are hugely expensive and extremely difficult for developers to implement. Region-coded DVDs, copy-protection measures, and Apple’s optional DRM music store – where users initially paid more for the DRM-free tracks – are also excellent examples. It takes a large amount of work to build these systems and users rarely benefit from or request them. Like blackmail, users can sometimes pay technology providers to not include an antifeature in their technology. But sometimes, as in the case with many DRM systems, users cannot pay to turn their antifeatures off at all! An example of such an antifeature can be seen in the fact that Mozilla and Firefox were blocking pop-ups for years before Microsoft got around to adding the feature to its competing Internet Explorer browser. Despite the fact that Firefox has become fancy about pop-up blocking recently, simply not showing pop-ups (i.e., the way the feature was originally implemented in Mozilla and celebrated by users) is easier than showing them. Microsoft held back not because it was difficult, but because others parts of Microsoft, and their partners, used and made money from pop-ups. Ultimately, Microsoft lost droves of users to the free alternative that was willing to put users first. Until 2005, another proprietary web browser, Opera (which offered pop-up blocking before Firefox did) displayed an irremovable banner advertisement unless users paid for premium version of the software. No users liked the banners, and obviously, it’s more difficult to show advertisements than it is to leave them out. This talk will showcase a variety of these types of antifeatures as examples of an a creative, humorous, and entertaining approach to free software and open source advocacy. This talk will point out that, unfortunately for the companies and individuals trying to push antifeatures, users increasingly often have alternatives in free and open source software. Software freedom, it turns out, makes antifeatures impossible in most situations. Microsoft’s predatory NT pricing is impossible for GNU/Linux, where users can program around it. A version of Firefox funded by advertisements would be too – users would simply build and share a version of the software without the antifeatures in question. Ultimately, the absence of similar antifeatures form some of the easiest victories for free software. It does not cost free software developers anything to avoid antifeatures. This talk will show that, in many cases, doing nothing is exactly what users want and what proprietary software will not give them. Benjamin Mako Hill is a technology and intellectual property researcher, activist, and consultant. He is currently a Senior Researcher at the MIT Sloan School of Management, a Fellow at the MIT Center for Future Civic Media, and an adviser for the One Laptop per Child project. He has been an leader, developer, and contributor to the Free and Open Source Software community for more than a decade as part of the Debian and Ubuntu projects. He is the author of several best-selling technical books, and a member of the Free Software Foundation board of directors. Hill has a Masters degree from the MIT Media Lab. For information on exhibition and sponsorship opportunities at the conference, contact Sharon Cordesse at email@example.com Download the OSCON Sponsor/Exhibitor Prospectus For media-related inquiries, contact Maureen Jennings at firstname.lastname@example.org To stay abreast of conference news and to receive email notification when registration opens, please sign up for the OSCON newsletter (login required) View a complete list of OSCON contacts