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CORVALLIS, Ore. – Open auditions for Oregon State University Theatre’s popular summer outdoor event Bard in the Quad will take place Tuesday, May 28, and Wednesday, May 29, beginning at 6 p.m. at Withycombe Hall’s main stage, 30th and Campus Way, Corvallis. This summer, Bard in the Quad will present Shakespeare’s “Comedy of Errors.” This tale of comic misunderstanding, mistaken identity, and love lost and found will be transported to the wild world of the reality television show “Jersey Shore.” Auditions are open to all OSU students, staff, and faculty and community members and will consist of cold readings and movement exercises. Performance dates for “Comedy of Errors” are Aug. 8-11 and Aug. 15-18. Rehearsals will begin on June 16. All cast members must be available to attend all rehearsals and productions. A cast of 12 players is needed for the play.
And I’m so sad I’m not going to be here long enough to fully experience this….but I want to come back! Last night some Quilty friends arranged for me to get a pass into the fairgrounds to walk around and witness for myself the fun going on there. Musicians gather from all over the world to celebrate and share their love of Bluegrass music. Jam sessions are plenty! You can simply walk area to area to area, and find people gathering with friends and strangers to make a joyful noise! I saw hammered dulcimers, mountain dulcimers, autoharps, guitars and mandolins of so many different varieties! There were other instruments too... String bass, flutes...you name it! And if you don't have an instrument to play with your hands, there is always your voice, the instrument you were born with! Tents are decorated with lights, the late summer night was warm and welcoming, and we couldn’t help but stop to listen, and soon found ourselves tapping toes and humming along! There was a gospel music session going on here..and soon, one of the girls wanted to practice her hand at Orange Blossom Special! I took this from y phone! With no extra lighting, so I was amazed at how well it turned out.and it’s just a short excerpt, my phone was about out of battery! See the decorations? They go all out, I wish I could have shown you more. We had a whole group playing on autoharps here….wonderful! The night was really settling in her….so this picture isn’t great, but you should have heard the music coming out of this group….I LOVED IT!! That’s it. When I get home, I’m going to look up local Bluegrass Fests and find a way to go …take my chair, a cooler, some bug spray..and surround myself with some of that old tyme ((and new time!)) music to fill my soul! If you have a chance to make it to Winfield Kansas in September….do NOT miss this event! Had I known, I would have changed my flights and flown home SUNDAY instead of FRIDAY…I’m missing all the good stuff!!
Previous events ... Reading of the Names of the Dead Children of Gaza One of the inhumanities of the attack on Gaza has been the reduction of individual human beings to casualty statistics. We wanted to counter that inhumanity by giving names to the victims of Israeli aggression, particularly the children. So at Richmond town centre on 16 August and Kingston town centre on 9 September, we held brief acts of remembrance where we read out the names of some 327 children murdered by the Israelis. You can see some videos of the events here: Vigil for Gaza (short version) (Richmond) - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8OvZM_mILTE Vigil for Gaza (long version) (Richmond) - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-nLGJpBNKKA The services consisted of a short statement from Jenny Tonge (Baroness Tonge of Kew) followed by a reading of Michael Rosen's poem Don't Name the Dead Children* by John Altman, followed by the reading of the names. At the end Richmond & Kingston Chairman Ben Jamal made a brief statement about why we were doing this and why such activism must continue until the brutal Israeli Occupation is ended. Both services were well received by the public with many coming forward to make donations. *For those of you who would like to read Michael Rosen's poem and discover the reason why he wrote it, please see here: http://michaelrosenblog.blogspot.co.uk/2014/07/dont-name-dead-children.html Monday 7th April 2014 at 7 pm As usual, the flyer says it all ... Ham Fair 2013 Report Ham Fair is one of our regular fixtures on the fair calendar. Expertly organised by the Ham fair committee, the fair seems to grow in popularity year on year. Our stall was not quite so well located as in previous years but despite that we still managed to sell over £400 worth of Palestinian produce. We also had a good time giving out literature and taking to the fair goers including one ex-parachute regiment soldier who served in Palestine during the mandate period. Once again we received strong support from the local community. Another great day campaigning! Richmond May Fair 2013 Report For the second year running we were banned from May Fair. So not to be outdone we set up a stall across the road from the fair on the large area of pavement outside The Prince’s Head pub. This proved to be a great location with many fair goers stopping to talk to us, buy oil and sign our petitions. A number of fair goers expressed their anger at the May Fair committee for our exclusion from the fair and hoped for our return next year. Baroness Tonge came along in the morning to give us her support and pass on a splendid large banner on the theme of Disappearing Palestine. Later a photographer from the Richmond & Twickenham Times came to photograph the stall. As with last year, we had a very successful day with strong support from the local community. Hope to see you there. Branch Annual General Meeting on Tuesday 15 January at 7pm at The Twickenham Club, 7 Church Street, Twickenham TW1 3NJ Open to members and supporters of the Palestine Solidarity Campaign. At it we will be reviewing the past year, electing the branch officers of chair, treasurer and secretary and planning for the year ahead. In addition to the formal business of the AGM, there will be time for socialising and listening to some members who have recently returned from Palestine. As in previous years we are encouraging everyone to bring along a little food to share e.g. salad, dips, etc. Hope to see you there. Life under Occupation - Israeli occupation that is. Once again the flyer says it all ... Hope to see you there. Also, if you want to email us, you now can at: richkingpsc at gmail.com May Fair Update (17 May 2012) As you may be aware from the Richmond & Twickenham Times (letters 4 May & 11 May), we have been banned from the Richmond May Fair following a complaint by three unnamed people at last year's (2011) fair. Despite repeated approaches to the May Fair committee they have refused to reconsider their decision. In the light of this we put up at street stall across from the fair which was warmly received. Below is our chairman's report for the day. May Fair Report We had an extremely successful day. Jenny Tonge did an hour and a half stint with us from 11 am and we had a Richmond and Twickenham Times photographer taking pictures. These should be in this week's addition (18 May). We ended up running the stall until 5 pm. We had a fantastic pitch on the big patch of pavement outside The Cricketers and The Prince's Head which caught the flow of traffic to and from the Fair and was in a big enough area that no one could accuse us of blocking the highway. No hassle from any official all day. Most importantly, we received a fantastic response from the public and about 150 people signed our petition to the May Fair committee asking them to rescind the ban. Several clear themes emerged through the day: · Lots of people who had read about it in the press and were outraged. At least one has written to council leader demanding action; others who said they would write to papers – lots of people saying they were hoping we would be there so they could register support. · A sizeable number who stopped by assumed we were running our normal stall and asking where's the oil and why are you here and not in normal spot. All were universally outraged when we told them about the ban. · Quite a few who said they had made a point of coming over because they had been informed by people at the fair what was happening or had overheard others discussing it! Lots of engagement on the wider campaign issues. The Disappearing Palestine banner, as usual, was a really good draw. We left with the strong impression that the banning has drawn people's attention to some of the wider issues – ie why is this cause being banned... All in all, a very successful event. The world's news media is always searching for the newest, latest, events. In doing so, they often overlook the continuing injustices taking place on a daily basis. Well, it's not NEWS, is it? One such injustice is the ongoing process of ethnic cleansing taking place in the Jordan Valley. Here, using the standard Israeli recipe of sham legality, threatened and actual violence, settled Palestinian communities are being driven off their legally held land day in and day out. However, some courageous individuals and communities are coming together to resist these injustices with non-violent tactics. One organisation at the forefront of this action is Jordan Valley Solidarity. Come along to our next public meeting on Wednesday 22 February 2012 at the Irish Cultural Centre at Hammersmith Broadway where you will hear two speakers from Jordan Valley Solidarity talk about what is happening, what they are doing and how you can help. This promises to be one of our most interesting meetings. Hope to see you there. You can find out more about Jordan Valley Solidarity at: www.jordanvalleysolidarity.org but here is a quick resume. Jordan Valley Solidarity campaign is a network of Palestinian grassroots community groups from all over the Jordan Valley and international supporters. Our aims are to protect Palestinian existence and the unique environment of the Jordan Valley by building international support and supporting communities on the ground. This includes monitoring, recording and aiming to prevent the abuse of Palestinian human rights by the Israeli occupation and settlers. The situation in the Jordan Valley is very serious. The Israeli military occupation since 1967 has been attempting to gradually annex the area (which is 28% of the occupied West Bank). Comments made by Netanyahu in March 2010, and previously by Olmert, have left us in no doubt about their intentions. On the ground they are seeking to control more and more of the Jordan Valley by expanding their illegal Israeli colonies and trying to drive Palestinians from their land through house demolitions, movement restrictions, curfews, arbitrary arrest and detention, land confiscations, denial of access to water, electricity, health and education. In 2003, several community members in the Jordan Valley came together to try to build a community-based campaign to defend the indigenous community's presence. Today, the campaign continues to grow, and has spread to all of the Palestinian communities in the Valley. As a grassroots campaign we rely enitrely on community members volunteering their time and energy, and support from individuals and organisations that support our aims and activities. We have no budget to speak of, or any sources of funding, except in the rare cases that a person or an institution comes forward willing to fund a project that the campaign has undertaken. Since its inception, the campaign has been open to working with any individual or organization that shares its political analysis of the problem facing the Palestinians of the Jordan Valley and shares the commitment to maintain and strengthen Palestinian presence in the Valley. About our campaign The Palestine Solidarity Campaign exists to build a mass solidarity movement on Palestine. It is founded on principles of justice, human rights, and opposition to all forms of racism. Any expression of racism or intolerance, or attempts to deny or minimise the Holocaust have no place in our movement. Such sentiments are abhorrent in their own right and can only detract from the building of a strong movement in support of the fundamental rights of the Palestinian people. We welcome all those who share our aims to join PSC. Our campaign is a positive one, working to ensure the freedoms enjoyed by people throughout the world are not denied to the people of Palestine. We seek to build a movement where all those who are in support of our core demands can take part. Join us, and let us create a world free of occupation, free of racism and where the human rights of all are protected.
When the dust settled on Monday and the MLB amateur draft signing deadline had passed, every Major League team had blown the slot system with at least one pick. For rich teams — the Yankees come to mind — the slot signings might as well have not existed. After all, the team signed their first-round pick for $2.2 million — or 100 percent over slot — and spent $7 million on the draft. In a way, the 2009 draft and the subsequent bonuses are going to represent the end of an era. For the last few years, as Japanese players enjoy record signings and international free agents take home millions of dollars at age 16, both the players and owners have expressed a desire to reshape the draft process. While an international draft may not be as close to reality as many baseball analysts would prefer, a draft overhaul will be a centerpiece of the 2011 labor negotiations. In The Times today, David Waldstein jumps into the draft fray. The owners, he reports, will seek an NBA-style mandatory slotting system when the collective bargaining negotiations next roll around. He reports: Since 2002, baseball has made recommendations to teams as a guideline to follow, but that system could be on its way out. When the current collective bargaining agreement runs out in 2011, it is expected that baseball will seek a mandatory signing system for draft picks similar to the one used by the N.B.A… In the N.B.A., each draft position is assigned a salary figure. It can be negotiated 20 percent above or below that figure, but is now almost always 20 percent above. In the N.F.L., there is a rookie salary pool, and each team can divide up the money however it wishes, as long as it does not exceed the total. The N.B.A. model, in place since 1995, is the most appealing because it eliminates negotiating and controls costs. Therefore, teams are not afraid to take the best available player for fear they will not be able to sign him. “Theoretically, a fixed price for each pick in the draft is a mechanism that helps restore the draft to its original purpose,” Manfred said. “Teams know what the cost of the talent is, and they just take the best player.” In other words, those concerns over signability go right out the window, and the top players selected are going to be the best regardless of money. For the article, Waldstein chatted with Baseball America’s Jim Callis about the reform efforts. Callis notes that the players are not expected to push back too hard on the owner’s efforts at draft reform. From a practical perspective, I endorse a mandatory slotting system. By all accounts, the Yankees could have signed many of their draft picks in late June or early July. They were prevented from announcing the deals, however, because baseball did not want the Yankees to blow slot so early in the process. Instead of giving Slade Heathcott and other top draftees a chance to get six weeks’ play at Staten Island or in the Gulf Coast League, the Yankees were forced to sit on their hands as other deals fell into place. Reform, in other words, will benefit everyone. Feel free to use this as your open thread tonight. Ostensibly, the topic is draft reform, but anything goes. The Red Sox and Blue Jays are on ESPN, and we’ll be back at 9:30 with the game thread.
Let’s play “who is Coach K bashing here,” shall we? In comments made to the Raleigh News & Observer this week, Coach K stated that he doesn’t want to see the ACC go to an 18-game conference schedule as the Big East, Big Ten and Pac-10 have done in recent years. If the primary objective is to increase the league’s overall strength of schedule for NCAA Tournament purposes, Krzyzewski wants the other schools in the league to “schedule stronger,” and he felt comfortable enough with the current group of ACC coaches to take a shot at some of the previous ones. He said that he felt some coaches were guilty of being “too territorial about individual programs” when it came to thinking about the league as a whole, which got us thinking about who he had in mind when he made that statement. So who among the following list was Coach K referring to? Paul Hewitt (Georgia Tech), Oliver Purnell (Clemson), Frank Haith (Miami), Dino Gaudio (Wake Forest), Gary Williams (Maryland), Al Skinner (BC), Sidney Lowe (NC State), Dave Leitao (Virginia). Our best guesses: Hewitt and Lowe. We mentioned yesterday the story coming out of Syracuse about freshman center Fab Melo getting into some trouble for damaging a woman’s vehicle during a dispute of some sort. More details came out Thursday, and if any of the allegations in the police report are true, Melo is really going to have to check himself before he wrecks himself. Jealousy is a dangerous imp that has destroyed many men before him, so our hope here is that he gets his rage under control and releases it in more useful ways, like on the basketball court in the form of rebounding and blocking shots. Tennessee fans are no doubt hopeful that new head coach Cuonzo Martin has as much initiative and creativity in his head as his wife, Roberta Martin, does. A few years back, Mrs. Martin developed a website called marriedtothegame.net, a niche social networking site that caters to spouses of coaches through all college sports. There are currently over 700 people signed up for the site, where spouses trade information on the endless moves that their families must endure throughout coaching careers, how to handle child-rearing in such environments, and many other issues specific to their often-volatile profession. As social networking moves into the next generation of sub-specialization, this sort of thing will become standard across all walks of life. Kudos to Martin for being ahead of the curve and providing a supportive platform for the forgotten side of sports — the families. There’s a lot of sniping coming out of the friendly confines of the Beehive State recently. Last week, Utah Valley State, angling to become a basketball-only member of the WAC, accused Utah State of backroom politicking to keep the school from getting enough support to join the conference. This was met with a refrain of “B.S.” from the USU folks, and they weren’t talking about science degrees. Then on Thursday it was released that former Utah forward Josh Sharp is transferring to BYU after spending the last two years on an LDS mission in Texas. New Utes head coach Larry Krystkowiak is none too pleased with this development, stating that “there is an unwritten rule that players cannot be recruited by other schools while they are serving missions. To do so is not only inappropriate, but it creates an atmosphere of ill will.” Unwritten rule or not, there is a written NCAA rule that says players coming off of missions do not have to sit out a year as a transfer; he will therefore be eligible as a Cougar in BYU’s first year as a member of the WCC in 2011-12. Can’t wait till next year’s games between these schools. UNC’s Harrison Barnes is already pretty good at a lot of things, but he’s not known as a playmaker for others yet. His assist-to-turnover ratio last season was a paltry 0.73 and even though his natural gifts are as a scorer, he will need to develop his ability to find open people as defenses focus on him. The answer? Well, naturally, point guard camp. According to Mike DeCourcy, Barnes is one of 17 collegians invited to the CP3 Elite Guard Camp in Winston-Salem, NC, beginning on June 10. The objective of the camp is to develop playmaking skills, and several other notable names including Jordan Taylor (Wisconsin), Peyton Siva (Louisville), Kendall Marshall (UNC), Will Barton (Memphis), and Kenny Boynton (Florida) will also be there. We can’t imagine that this sort of thing could hurt Barnes, but the cynical side of us wonder just how much Nike might have to do with this particular exception. Hmm… The Sharpest Tool in the Shed!! For the second time this season, a player has cracked the 60-point barrier in a single game. First was Ben Woodside from North Dakota St. with 60 pts in December; tonight Ryan Toolson of Utah Valley St. blew up for 63 in a quadruple-overtime victory over Chicago St (who put two players at 40+). Toolson, a 6-4 senior, shot 18-31 from the field, 7-11 from three, 20-21 from the line, and he even found time to grab twelve boards and dish six assists while playing all sixty minutes. Toolson raised his scoring average +2.3 pts (from 22.3 ppg to 24.6 ppg) in one night, and talk about a comeback game – he had a season-low 5 pts on 1-10 shooting in his last outing, a win on Saturday against Savannah St. For those of you who aren’t mathemagicians, that’s an incredible 58 pt difference between games. No matter what else happened tonight, Toolson deserves top billing. Ice that arm, buddy. Upset of the Night.Washington St. 65, Arizona St. 55. What a strange game. Wazzu hasn’t shown much of anything this season, especially against any team worth a damn. Then tonight a freshman guard by the name of Klay Thompson decided to drop eight of ten threes against one of the better three-point defensive teams in the nation on their home floor. WSU also got 22/9 from Aron Baynes, but only three other players even scored. ASU was even more sporadic, with James Harden struggling to get his 26/4 on 8-20 from the field. Amazingly, as bad as Washington St. has looked, and with this win, Wazzu has crawled back into the Pac-10 race at 4-4, only two games behind the leaders UCLA and Washington. Patty Mills’ Injured Wrist Ended St. Mary’s Winning Streak.Gonzaga 69, St. Mary’s 62. This was far and away the most anticipated game of the night at the RTC compound. It’s just a shame that we didn’t get to see what would happen when both teams were at full strength. Well, we sorta did, at least for a half. In the first half, St. Mary’s came out firing on all cylinders behind all-everything guard Patty Mills. His six first-half threes led the Gaels to a six-pt halftime lead in front of the hostile Gonzaga crowd. But when he fell and injured his right wrist, the wheels came off for SMC, as they only scored 23 pts the rest of the way without their team leader on the floor. Let’s really hope that it’s only sprained, and not broken, because given the intensity and level of skill exhibited by both teams in the first half, we can’t wait for the rematch in late February in Moraga. Matt Bouldin led the way for the Zags in a balanced attack that saw four starters reach double figures. VT Will Regret Losing This One.Clemson 86, Virginia Tech 82. With just under 17 minutes remaining, Va Tech looked totally in control of this game and on its way to its fifth conference win. An 18-0 run over the next six minutes by Clemson (on the road, mind you) totally changed the complexion of this game, and the Tigers were able to hold on to a slight lead down the stretch to get a huge road win in the ACC. KC Rivers had 27 on 7-10 shooting from three to counter Malcolm Delaney’s 37 on 6-10 from three (including the 60-footer below), but it was Trevor Booker’s 21/13 that made all the difference for Clemson, as it seemed he made big play after big play when they needed it most. Now, as it stands, both of these teams are tied with UNC in third place in the conference. This is Why We Can’t Watch the Big 10.Minnesota 59, Illinois 36. Minnesota’s stifling defense held every Illinois player to single figures and 29% shooting from the field (13% from three) in a defensive exhibition that broke a 20-game losing streak to the Illini. Freshman center Ralph Sampson III has really been coming on of late for the Gophers, and he had another nice outing tonight, with 10/7. More importantly, Minnesota now sits at 6-3 in the Big 10 and is still well positioned to finish in the top half of the conference and nail down an NCAA bid. As for Illinois, they’ve now lost their last three road games, and not looked particularly good in any of them. Pac-10 Thursday. We’re having trouble figuring out this conference. ASU laid an egg at home and Arizona finally showed up. Arizona 106, Washington 97. Just days after taking over the lead in the conference, Washington gave it right back in a high-scoring affair in the desert. These two teams combined for an absurd 128 pts in the second half, but it was Arizona who seemed to find their confidence scoring seemingly at will, whether it was Nic Wise (29/8 assts), Chase Budinger (25/8/4 assts) or Jordan Hill (18/9). On the UW side of things, Jon Brockman had 27/16 and Justin Dentmon had 23 in the losing effort, but it was Arizona’s FT shooting (41-51) that made the difference in this game – the Wildcats made 21 more FTs than the Huskies even attempted (20). SEVEN Washington players had 4+ fouls in this game. The good news for Arizona fans was that Jamelle Horne was nowhere near the final play of this one, but the bad news is that the Cats are still a long way from becoming relevant again despite this impressive win. UCLA 81, California 66. UCLA bullied the visiting Golden Bears tonight, holding Cal’s top two scorers (Patrick Christopher and Jerome Randle) to a combined 17 pts on 6-18 shooting. Darren Collison led the Bruin attack with 18/5 assts, as five UCLA players got to double figures. An early second-half run by UCLA finished off the Bears, who were playing catchup the rest of the way. This win, combined with the Washington loss, put UCLA into a tie for first place in the Pac-10, while Cal fell into a third-place tie with Arizona St. and USC one game behind the two. USC 70, Stanford 69. In a game between two teams that we just don’t believe are all that good, USC withstood a Lawrence Hill shot at the buzzer that rimmed out to get the victory. USC now sits at 5-3 in the conference, with three of those wins coming by 2 pts or less. We suppose it’s a good thing to be able to win close games, but to us, it suggests more that USC isn’t elite – they’re just able to sneak by inferior competition. Other Games While You Were Watching The Office/30 Rock. Arkansas 89, Alabama 80. Arkansas got its first SEC win against new Alabama interim coach Philip Pearson. Utah St. 72, Nevada 61. USU contines to roll in the WAC, now 8-0 and a full two games ahead of Nevada after tonight’s win. Michigan St. 71, Iowa 56. MSU moved to 7-1 in the Big 10 behind Kalin Lucas’ 24 and Durrell Summers’ 21 tonight. Evansville 65, Drake 62. Neither of these teams are going anywhere this year, but what a great finish!
Savannah City Council on Thursday addressed holiday homicides, hired a new city attorney and analyzed the potential tax hit that city residents could take if Chatham County's local option sales tax proposal is accepted. Here's how the day unfolded: Crime rate and killings Savannah-Chatham Police Chief Willie Lovett offered assurances that a series of Labor Day killings was an aberration and that arrests should soon be expected in two downtown shootings. He offered updated statistics to show crime continues to trend downward, but told council he was planning to ask for additional personnel as part of this year's budget. Council has encouraged him to ask for extra officers to create a street-level drug unit. Lovett has explained its mission would be separate from the Chatham-Savannah Counter Narcotics Team, which focuses on mid- to high-level drug operations. He also wants more investigators to handle unsolved homicides. Overall, department statistics show, total crime is down 13 percent compared to last year, and, if the trend continues through December, the last three years will have the lowest overall crime rates for the city since the 1970s. The Central Precinct has shown the best overall drop in crime, with stats dropping 25 percent since 2007. He credited innovative tactics from precinct commander Capt. DeVonn Adams. The only problem precinct, Lovett said, remains Southside, where data shows an overall 4 percent increase compared to last year. "If I had to talk about a hiccup in the department," Lovett said, "this is where it would be." The precinct has initiated efforts, including better mobilizing its crime suppression unit, to improve its numbers, Lovett said. Savannah was rocked over the Labor Day weekend by a series of particularly violent crimes, which renewed concerns about public safety. On Sept. 1, Michael Biancosino, 30, and Emily Pickels, 21, were gunned down in their vehicle at Henry Street near Montgomery Street. The next day, Tiyates Lamont Franklin, 19, was shot to death near River Street, and later in the afternoon of Sept. 2, officers discovered the body of Thomas Phelps at his Talahi Island home. Phelps’ 14-year-old son, Preston Phelps, has been charged with murder in that case. His mother, Judith Phelps, faces related charges of concealing a death, tampering with evidence, making false statements and hindering the apprehension of a felon. Lovett also told Alderman John Hall investigators had made significant progress on a homicide in Edgemere/Sackville. Police discovered the body of 40-year-old Milton Moffett shot to death inside the living room of his home in the 1300 block of East 54th Street on Aug. 18. A bigger city tax burden Savannah, other local cities and Chatham County officials begin the first day of mediation on Wednesday to try to resolve an impasse over how to divide local option sales tax dollars that generate about $60 million a year. Chatham County officials have proposed a formula that would change their split from 17.8 percent to 55 percent, and they justify it mostly by saying county residents must shoulder the burden for services such as jail and court operations, animal control and ambulance services that serve all citizens. Savannah city officials counter that they serve residents throughout the region and bear costs for police, road repair and social service programs. The proposal from the municipalites follows guidelines established for dividing the taxes and is closer to the existing formula. Chief Financial Officer Dick Evans advised council Thursday that based on the county's formula, the city would lose $19.8 million a year. That shortage would have to be made up by raising property tax rates, which he calculates would need to increase from 12.5 mills to 17.74. Based on those numbers, a homeowner with property valued at $80,000 would see city taxes increase from $400 a year to $568. A homeowner with a property valued at $200,000 would see city taxes increase from $1,000 a year to $1,419. That does not include the additional county and school taxes paid. Council members plan to hold district meetings and put out public information to let residents know the impact of the proposal. “I've tried to tell the people in my district ‘When your taxes go up, don't blame the city,’” Alderwoman Mary Osborne said. Council member also plan to continue to reach out to county commissioners to explain that about 75 percent of residents in the county would see a tax increase because municipalities would be forced to raise their property taxes. Mediation continues to Oct. 11. If an agreement can't be reached, the next step would be arbitration. Stillwell named attorney-elect Council members in regular session unanimously approved naming Brooks Stillwell its next attorney. He will serve as attorney-elect for the next 30 days, when City Attorney James Blackburn will then take the honorary title of attorney emeritus. Stillwell served 17 years as an alderman and as mayor pro tem on council and is a partner at HunterMaclean. Stillwell will earn a base salary of $180,000 a year for up to 1,091 hours. After that, he will be paid $165 an hour up to $220,000, at which point he works without additional billing. Council members took time on Thursday to recognize Blackburn for his dedication and integrity during his 51 years of legal service to the city.
Tyrant rancors were rancors of gargantuan proportions. Biology and AppearanceEdit Most tyrant rancors lived on the world of Dathomir in the Outer Rim Territories, and were the largest land predators on the planet. The tyrant rancors were known to grow almost twenty meters in height, and could weigh up to thirty tons. The rancors' main prey was the detyun, a large herbivorous bipedal reptile that roamed the wastelands of Dathomir. The tyrant rancor also preyed upon qwerton bathers, lirsk birds and even the sand rancors that lived in the same area. The tyrant rancor also ate humans and was feared by the inhabitants of Dathomir. Like common rancors and sand rancors, tyrant rancors were often used as a tool in the disposal of enemies. This was a fashion throughout the galaxy and was performed by many crime lords, including Jabba the Hutt.
While the brain is not the focus of this essay, I cannot resist mentioning the importance of cholesterol to the brain and the evidence of mental impairment available from our data sets. Statins would be expected to have a negative impact on the brain, because, while the brain makes up only 2% of the body's weight, it houses 25% of the body's cholesterol. Cholesterol is highly concentrated in the myelin sheath, which encloses axons which transport messages long distances (Saher et al., 2005). Cholesterol also plays a crucial role in the transmission of neurotransmitters across the synapse (Tong et al, 2009). We found highly skewed distribution of word frequencies for dementia, Parkinson's disease, and short term memory loss, with all of these occurring much more frequently in the statin reviews than in the comparison reviews. A recent evidence-based article (Cable, 2009) found that statin drug users had a high incidence of neurological disorders, especially neuropathy, parasthesia and neuralgia, and appeared to be at higher risk to the debilitating neurological diseases, ALS and Parkinson's disease. The evidence was based on careful manual labeling of a set of self-reported accounts from 351 patients. A mechanism for such damage could involve interference with the ability of oligodendrocytes, specialized glial cells in the nervous system, to supply sufficient cholesterol to the myelin sheath surrounding nerve axons. Genetically-engineered mice with defective oligodendrocytes exhibit visible pathologies in the myelin sheath which manifest as muscle twitches and tremors (Saher et al, 2005). Cognitive impairment, memory loss, mental confusion, and depression were also significantly present in Cable’s patient population. Thus, his analysis of 351 adverse drug reports was largely consistent with our analysis of 8400 reports.
Fighting the U-boats prepared by Emmanuel Gustin Among the British combat aircraft of World War II, the Vickers Warwick is one of the least known. This position in history is not undeserved, for the Warwick was obsolescent before it flew and had dangerous flying characteristics. It did make an useful contribution, however. The Warwick was designed to meet specification B.1/35 for what was then called a twin-engined "heavy" bomber, with a span of under 100ft so that it would fit into existing hangars. It looked very much like a bigger Wellington, had a similar geodetic construction, and Vickers strived to achieve as much commonality as possible. Like the Wellington, it had gun turrets in nose and tail, and also a dorsal turret. Because of its size and weight, the Warwick needed more powerful engines than the originally planned Bristol Hercules radials. Suitable engines were the Rolls-Royce Vulture, the Napier Sabre, or the Bristol Centaurus. The first prototype, flown on 13 August 1939, had Rolls-Royce Vulture engines. Performance and handling of the first Warwick were disappointing, although the second prototype, with Centaurus engines, was better. Because better bombers were already under development, and it was obvious that none of the three suitable engines would be available, there was little enthusiasm for the Warwick. The type was considered for production only because of its commonality of construction with the Wellington, which meant that the factories could far easier switch to the Warwick than to any other aircraft. By the end of July 1940, work was underway to install American 1850hp Pratt & Whitney R-2800-S1A4-G Double Wasp engines, and on 3 January 1941 Vickers finally received a production contract. But production was delayed by the need for large numbers of Wellingtons, and the first production Warwick B Mk.I bomber flew only in April 1942. The flight tests revealed that the Warwick had serious handling problems, with directional instability being the most serious problem. It came as no surprise when, on 21 January 1943, it was finally decided that the Warwick would not enter service as a bomber. Of the original 250 Warwick ordered, 219 went to Coastal Command. Another 14 were converted to transports for BOAC, which soon handed them back to the RAF. Later a hundred more new-built C Mk.III transports were ordered for the RAF. Coastal Command urgently needed an aircraft for the Air/Sea Rescue Service, capable of carrying not only the Lindholme rescue gear, but also a lifeboat. The Airborne Lifeboat Mk.I, produced by Uffa Fox, which weighed 771kg, was 6.1m long, and could be dropped on three parachutes. The Lindholme gear included a dinghy, and several containers with food, water, and survival equipment. In July 1943, after completion of trials, the Warwick ASR Mk.I was accepted. In its fully-developed Stage C version it was equipped with ASV radar and additional fuel tanks. It could also carry the 9.1m long, 1633kg heavy Mk.II lifeboat, which could carry ten men. The ASR Warwicks retained their three gun turrets. After the 219 of the original contract, 56 more were ordered, plus 95 which had R-2800-47 engines and were sometimes described as ASR Mk.VIs. The Warwick ASR Mk.I contributed very much to the Air/Sea Rescue service, and served with fourteen squadrons. However, in warm climates the fabric skinning degraded rapidly, and the result was a shortage of aircraft. Finally, enough Bristol Centaurus engines became available that some could be spared for the Warwick. The additional power of these engines revived the Warwick as a combat aircraft, but the modifications also created a very dangerous rudder overbalance problem, which at one time resulted in the grounding of all aircraft. The result was the Warwick GR Mk.II torpedo-bomber, with ASV radar under the nose, a nose without gun turret but with one .50 Browing machinegun, and capable of carrying three 18-in or two 24-in torpedoes, or 5557kg of bombs. 132 were built, but they were little used, most being sent to operational training units, and some to the ASR units. The final Warwick was the GR Mk.V, which was equipped with a Leigh light, in a retractable ventral installation, for anti-submarine patrols. It lacked the dorsal gun turret. Modifications to the rudder and the addition of a dorsal fin cured the rudder overbalance problem, but reduced control authority, so that the minimum speed for single-engined flight became unacceptably high. The new fin was also added to older Warwicks. A total of 210 GR Mk.Vs were built, powered by the Centaurus VII. But when the war ended, just one squadron was equipped with them, No 179. After the war the Lancaster became available to Coastal Command, and the Warwick was rapidly retired. Vickers Warwick GR Mk.V Two 2500hp (1870kW) Bristol Centaurus VII 18-cylinder two-row radial engines, driving four-bladed Rotol propellers. Wing span 29.46m, length 22.25m, height 5.64m, wing area 94.67m2. Empty weight 16057kg, max take-off weight 19505kg. Max speed 480km/h at 1067m; service ceiling 5790m, range 4908km with a 6183kg load. Armament one .50 Browning gun in the nose, two in beam positions, and four .303 guns in the tail turret. 2776kg of bombs, or 3955kg of mines.
The tamed-down version of MSI’s GT627, the GX620 still packs quite a punch. Featuring an Intel Core 2 Duo P9500 and NVIDIA GeForce 9600M GT graphics, together with its unique look of brushed aluminium and red stripes, the GX620 is sure to get heads turning. We have here in our labs today the MSI GX620 G-Series gaming laptop. This particular series has been around for close to a year; they were launched slightly after Intel made available Centrino 2 parts to vendors. MSI’s G-Series would be a good choice for those who want to break away from the usual brands like Acer, Compaq and HP just to name a few. That said, the GX620 itself is quite attention-catching with stylish design, featuring a black brushed aluminium top cover, and its bright red outlines. The review unit here comes with a 9-cell battery, which would be able to provide longer running times as compared to a 6-cell battery, but of course at the expense of the laptop being slightly heavier. The GX620 is generally well constructed, giving a solid feel to it – the chassis does not flex when some pressure is applied, and the hinge of the LCD screen is tight with no free play. Let us now take a look at what is hidden under the shell of the GX620. An Intel Core 2 Duo P9500 processor is at the heart of the GX620. It is a low-power ‘full sized’ mobile part clocked at 2.53GHz, but has a TDP rating of 25W. Intel has recently introduced the P9600 and P9700 though, which are clocked at 2.66GHz and 2.8GHz and have TDP ratings of 25W and 28W respectively. Nevertheless, the configuration of this laptop is pretty balanced with MSI’s choice of Core 2 Duo P9500, and a NVIDIA GeForce 9600M GT graphics chip. Storage wise, we have a Western Digital Scorpio Blue with a capacity of 320GB. WD’s drives are considered to be generally slightly more power-efficient than the rest of the pack. The optical drive is a DVDRW Super-Multi one, and not one that supports Blu-Ray. For that you’ll have to get the more powerful (and refreshed) MSI GT627. I’ll touch on the GT627 very briefly at the end of this article. The 7.1-channel High Definition audio is handled by a Realtek chip. Gigabit Ethernet is also handled by another Realtek chip.
It has been a while since I have offered a different WDTPRS mug for your consumption of Mystic Monk Coffee or Tea. Behold, the newest: the Universae Ecclesiae 8 mug. As you know Universae Ecclesiae was the Instruction from the Pontifical Commission “Eccleisa Dei” about the provisions of Summorum Pontificum. In case the obtuse hadn’t figured out what Summorum Pontificum was about, paragraph 8 of UE explains the situation. It is now immortalized on your very own coffee mug. What a great gift to some priest who doesn’t quite understand that Summorum Pontificum was the real deal? The text of Universae Ecclesiae 8: 8. The Motu Proprio Summorum Pontificum constitutes an important expression of the Magisterium of the Roman Pontiff and of his munus of regulating and ordering the Church’s Sacred Liturgy. The Motu Proprio manifests his solicitude as Vicar of Christ and Supreme Pastor of the Universal Church, and has the aim of: a. offering to all the faithful the Roman Liturgy in the Usus Antiquior, considered as a precious treasure to be preserved; b. effectively guaranteeing and ensuring the use of the forma extraordinaria for all who ask for it, given that the use of the 1962 Roman Liturgy is a faculty generously granted for the good of the faithful and therefore is to be interpreted in a sense favourable to the faithful who are its principal addressees; c. promoting reconciliation at the heart of the Church. Ever have a discussion about those for whom the provisions of Summorum Pontificum were destined or why the Holy Father did what he did? Stop their gob with this! Here is the Ur-Mug, the first ever made, from Cafe Press. This the regular sized, not over-sized, mug. Before I opened the store to the public, I wanted to make sure that the print came out nice and clear. In the images in the cafepress store, the print looked a little fuzzy. It isn’t! It is crisp and clear and easy to read. As you can see there is text in English and in Latin: Click and buy. The Cafepress site will sort out which country you are from and make the necessary adjustments for you. And what could one put in this mug?
Kentucky Church Allows Pooches As Parishioners Church is a place where people go to worship, reflect and get away from the daily grind. A church in Paris, Ky., takes that a step further. They allow people to bring their dogs to church. Leslie Guttman of member station WEKU reports. Read and listen.
Final Fantasy XI is a massively multi-player online role-playing game with over 1.5 million characters to date. Players undertake multiple adventures through Vana'diel, in a gaming universe that contains same the award-winning visual content, innovative gameplay and deep storyline that the Final Fantasy series is known for. The Rise of the Zilart and Chains of Promathia expansion packs expand the storyline and open up a variety of higher-level skills and abilities. The upcoming third expansion, Treasures of Aht Urhgan[tm] will include the exciting introduction of the long-awaited job class, Blue Mage. Final Fantasy XI blends sorcery and technology. The once peaceful world of Vana'diel stands at the brink of war as a power struggle slowly emerges among the three nations. The struggle focuses on the control of sacred crystals: an essential source of all creation. An unknown malevolent force rises in Vana'diel with a passion for the energy within the crystals. With the release of Xbox 360 version, Square Enix will be expanding its cross-platform strategy, making Final Fantasy XI available to a much wider audience across the world. The powerful next-generation capabilities of Xbox 360 will provide a much more dynamic and visually impressive gateway to Vana'diel. In addition, players can finally experience Final Fantasy XI in hi-def, only on Xbox 360. Sundown on November 20 through 12:01 A.M. on November 22 Please visit: http://www.xbox.com/en-US/community/news/zerohour.htm
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This up-to-date book includes the latest specification from the American Institute of Steel Construction (AISC). The emphasis is on the design of building components in accordance with the provisions of the AISC Load and Resistance Factor Design (LRFD) Specification and the LRFD Manual of Steel Construction. Without requiring students to have a knowledge of stability theory or statically indeterminate structures, the book maintains a balance of background material with applications. "synopsis" may belong to another edition of this title. William T. Segui is an Associate Professor of Civil Engineering at the University of Memphis where he began in 1968. He specializes in structural analysis and design. Segui is a Registered Professional Engineer in Tennessee, a member of the American Society of Civil Engineers, and a member of the West Tennessee Structural Engineers Association Experience. He has authored books in LRFD Steel Design and Structural Steel as well as numerous journal articles. "About this title" may belong to another edition of this title. Book Description CL-Engineering, 2002. Book Condition: New. Brand New, Unread Copy in Perfect Condition. A+ Customer Service!. Bookseller Inventory # ABE_book_new_053439373X Book Description CL-Engineering, 2002. Hardcover. Book Condition: New. book. Bookseller Inventory # 053439373X Book Description CL-Engineering, 2002. Hardcover. Book Condition: New. 3. Bookseller Inventory # DADAX053439373X Book Description CL Engineering, 2002. Hardcover. Book Condition: New. Bookseller Inventory # P11053439373X
Jar. China, Shanxi or Henan Province; Ming period (1368-1644), late 15th century (probably Hongzhi era, 1488 - 1505) Stoneware with trailed slip under glaze and overglaze enamels (Jingdezhen ware). Stoneware with trailed slip under glaze and overglaze enamels (Jingdezhen ware). Mr. and Mrs. John D. Rockefeller 3rd Collection of Asian Art. 1979.178 The liveliness and sense of movement seen in the decoration of a phoenix and scrolling lotus flowers on this fahua jar that can be dated to the 15th century typifies the decoration that would become popular at Jingdezhen in the following century. Loosely translated as "ruled" or "bound design," the term fahua is often understood to refer to a technique in which primary motifs were outlined with slip and then filled with overglaze enamels, requiring two firings. However, it is also possible that fahua refers to the term falang, the Chinese word for the cloisonné technique that inspired this type of ceramic decoration. Wares such as this were used primarily as sculptures and altar vessels in temples and funerary complexes. The phoenix, which in the early part of the Ming dynasty (1368 - 1644) was often used as a symbol for the empress, is also a symbol of rebirth in Buddhism. Here, the combination of the phoenix and the lotus (a symbol of purity in Buddhist art) indicate that this jar was probably used in a Buddhist temple. Asia Society. www.asiasocietymuseum.com
STANDARD (MAYA), ULTIMATE Add froth, foam, bubbles, or other whitewater effects to liquid simulations, creating even more realism and detail in scenes with oceans, beaches, lakes, and stormy seas. With Camera Adaptivity, artists can create high resolution simulations close to the camera where detail is essential, while lowering the computation of foam particles in other areas, resulting in shorter simulation times. Create realistic hair, fur, and cloth simulations with Maya 3D animation, modeling, simulation, and rendering software and 3ds Max 3D modeling, animation, and rendering software. Create environmental simulations using rigid and soft-body dynamics, fluids, liquids, and particles. Make characters react more realistically to external forces with real-time ragdoll simulations in MotionBuilder real-time 3D character animation software. Create compelling effects and crowd simulations using the intuitive Interactive Creative Environment (ICE) in Softimage 3D animation and visual effects software.
Image of the restored historic train trestle near Cloducroft,NM. Uploaded on 10/23/2012 5:57:16 PM Made with Canon EOS 5D Mark II Digital SLR Camera Copyright for this photo belongs solely to Kerry Stewart. Images may not be copied, downloaded, or used in any way without the expressed, written permission of the photographer.
pages, we address the key areas on which small-business owners need to focus: business structure, financing, marketing and advertising, technology, branding, growing, and exit strategy–plus we provide essential resources and expert advice. Anyone can set off for uncharted territory. They just have to be equipped to handle whatever comes. And those who _complete the trip unbowed and unbeaten will be well on the path to profitability. A Sound Setup Choosing an ownership structure can be tricky, but knowing your options can help determine the right fit By Anthony Calypso Over four decades and a myriad of changes, _College Crib, a Nashville, Tennessee-based Greek fraternity and sorority apparel store, is still standing strong. Started in 1966 by the late Earl Price Sr. and Hortense Price-Jones, the business began selling T-shirts and other paraphernalia from a 600-square-foot space. Like most businesses, College Crib was set up as a sole proprietorship. By the 1990s, College Crib was in the hands of the couple’s son, Treachery Price; it was then that the Price family redefined the scope of their business by purchasing a portion of the surrounding property and restructuring the company. Today, Price Plaza is a 12,000-square-foot shopping area that rents retail space and houses College Crib in a 4,000-square-foot store. The family meets weekly, including Price’s retired mother, to discuss company objectives. The Price family incorporated each of the business entities: The College Crib and Price Plaza are incorporated as C corporations with limited liability under the umbrella company, Price Investment Properties. “If anyone got hurt [at the store] or if anyone tried to sue, we wouldn’t lose the business,” says Price, 39, co-owner of the company. “It’s like insurance–great coverage when you need it.” Choosing the right type of corporate identity can help ensure that a business has a foundation to build upon. Of course, there is plenty to consider, but there are a host of resources to help entrepreneurs navigate the process (see sidebar, “Choosing Wisely”). A critical element to an entrepreneur’s success is deciding between the pros and cons of business structures. Typical choices include a general corporation, a limited liability company, or a company qualified under subchapter ‘S’ of the Internal Revenue Code. “The choice of entity is often driven primarily by tax concerns,” says Kevin L. Freeman, a Chicago-based corporate attorney with Drinker, Biddle & Reath L.L.P. “But generally speaking, in addition to tax considerations, the decision is also driven by the number of equity owners, the type of equity owners, management structure, and cost of filing formation fees.” “The trend among entrepreneurs is to form a limited liability company or an S corporation,” Freeman continues. Both types contain business-related flexibilities and restrictions. Freeman recommends that entrepreneurs decide prior to formation (to avoid potential tax ramifications later on) which entity might best suit their specific corporate needs, as well as consult both a tax and legal professional for guidance during the decision-making process. Here are the most common types of business structures along with a few things to consider for each. Note that laws for corporate entities
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Getty / Craig Barritt In the past couple of weeks, the issue of gay rights in Russia has gone global, with a surprisingly effective Buzzfeed listicle, a New York Times editorial, and now Dan Savage of the Stranger taking on the problem. Savage — the man who ruined Google for Rick Santorum — has been perhaps the most proactive American advocate for Russian gay rights. He is spearheading a movement that calls for a boycott of Russian-owned vodka brands, in particular Stolichnaya and Russian Standard, hoping to hurt Russian businesses with the aim of influencing Russian domestic policy. The boycott is first targeting bars that cater to a homosexual crowd, and the widespread use of the #DumpStoli and #DumpRussianVodka hashtags on Twitter suggests the program is a success so far — the Atlantic Wire reports that bars from Vancouver to London are taking part. It's a commendable course of action, but there may well be a better plan right under our noses. At the very least, the boycott has been wildly successful at bringing attention to what was once an under-covered topic. Gay rights in Russia are a problem — Moscow has banned gay pride festivals for 100 years, "gay propaganda" was recently banned by the Russian Duma, and verbal and physical bullying of gay men and women in Russia appears to be shockingly accepted. But is a boycott of Russian vodka really the best way for foreigners to influence the situation? Two good articles suggested separate reasons why it may not be: - Writing for Buzzfeed, Louis Peitzman calls the boycott "misguided and dangerous." Peitzman's argues that boycotting Stoli — a brand that has actually been pretty supportive of LGBT causes — implies a broad anti-Russian stance that is unproductive "slactivism" at best, and downright nationalistic at worst. - In Russia! Magazine, Mark Adomanis points out that the idea that Russian businessmen — such as Yuri Scheffler, the owner of the company which controls Stolichnaya — could influence Vladimir Putin or the Duma is a fundamental misunderstanding of the relationship between the oligarchs and the government in Russia. The latter controls the former, not vice versa. "Does anyone remember Mikhail Khodorkovsky?" Adomanis writes, referring to the former Yukos oligarch who has been languishing in jail for ten years. "Have we already forgotten that the Russian government doesn’t take kindly to political activism by the oligarchs?" Both are persuasive arguments. A boycott of Russian vodka seems unlikely to hit the people who actually control legislative power in Russia. Worse still, it would play into lazy notions of nationalism — an "us-versus-them" dynamic that helps the supporters of Russia's anti-gay laws (of which there are many) portray LGBT causes as a corrupt, foreign influence. LGBT campaigners in Russia seem to confirm this. Nikolai Alekseev, a gay rights activist who has campaigned for years to hold a Moscow Gay Pride parade, called the boycott a "symbolic gesture doomed to failure." "To be honest, I don’t see the point in boycotting the Russian vodka,' he told Gay Star News last week. "It will impact anyone except the companies involved a little bit. The effect will die out very fast, it will not last forever." Is there a better plan? A proposed boycott of the Sochi Winter Olympics of 2014 makes considerably more sense. The Russian government is clearly banking on using the games as a showcase for a sleek, modern Russia — hence the incredible $51 billion price-tag (twice as much as the next most expensive winter games) and Putin's personal interest in the project. Sure, this plan is also nationalistic, but it would seriously hurt Russia's ruling elite. We also should not forget, however, that there is already a process for punishing Russian officials who hurt human rights — the Magnitsky Act. So far 18 Russian officials are known to be on the U.S. blacklist, facing visa bans and asset freezes. While many are accused of direct involvement in the trial and subsequent death of hedge fund lawyer Sergei Magnitsky, other are involved in different human rights offenses, and there's no reason that anti-gay Russian officials couldn't be added. Some LGBT groups in Russia have voiced support for some kind of blacklist measure. "Just three or four persons on the visa ban list of the EU, USA, UK and several other countries will dissuade other Russian politicians to follow this path," Alekseev told Gay Star News last week, while Spectrum Human Rights, a group that tracks homophobia in Russia and Eastern Europe, has started a petition to add two anti-gay rights Russian officials added to the Magnitsky list (the petition currently has over 7,500 supporters). William Browder, a key supporter of the law (and one-time employer of Sergei Magnitsky), told Business Insider, "I can't think of a more appropriate use of this legislation than to sanction Russian officials who are actively going after LGBT rights." The Magnitsky Act clearly angered the Russian elite — likely prompting what appeared to be a retaliatory ban on adoptions of Russian orphans by U.S. parents, and Russia's very own list of sanctioned U.S. officials. It also made clear that the law wasn't about punishing Russians in general, only a select few who had abused human rights. Ultimately, if people want to really influence domestic policy in Russia, perhaps it's time to move beyond boycotts and into real international action.
Pope John Paul presided on Monday, feast of the Presentation of the Lord, the VIII Day of Consecrated Life, during which he called on religious to renew every day their “‘yes’ to the God of Love.” Thousands of members of institutes of consecrated life and societies of apostolic life participated in the Mass in which the Holy Father led the blessing of the candles, participated in the initial procession and, after pronouncing the homily, led the thanksgiving to God for the gift of consecrated life. “Those who have forever offered their lives to Christ for the coming of the Kingdom of God are called to renew their ‘yes’ to the special vocation they have received,” the Pope said during the homily. The Pontiff highlighted the fact that Christ called religious “to model themselves ever more on Him, who for love was obedient, poor and chaste.” “Continue to dedicate yourselves with passion to announcing and promoting his kingdom, which is necessary today as it was in the past!,” he exclaimed. John Paul II invited the religious to renew their faithfulness to God “with the same enthusiasm and generosity as when you first pronounced your vows. Every day repeat with joy and conviction your ‘yes’ to the God of Love.” “In the intimacy of the monastery or alongside the poor and the marginalized, among the young or within ecclesial structures, in various apostolic activities or in mission lands, God wants you to remain faithful to his love and dedicated to the good of your brothers.” “This is the precious contribution you can offer the Church so that the Gospel of hope may reach all the men and women of our time,” the Pope also said. He concluded his homily by reminding religious that Mary “is the primary and most exalted model for all consecrated people. Let yourselves be guided by her. Trust in her assistance with humble confidence, especially in moments of trial.”
Two weekends ago, Brooke Mueller was arrested and charged with assault and possession in Aspen, Colorado. Apparently, she was in jail overnight and then Charlie Sheen bailed her out. Since then, her delusional spokesman, Steve Honig (the same dude who represents Lindsay Lohan, coughcrackdealercough), has been making the rounds claiming that Brooke is just misunderstood and that the charges are bogus and everything is fine. Brooke’s family wanted to force her into rehab, but Brooke kept on partying, and then just in the past few days, she claimed that she was going to undergo rehab – as an outpatient. Like Charlie Sheen did, when he “rehabbed” at his own home. Brooke’s family weren’t happy about it, and then the Aspen DA chimed in, saying that there wasn’t going to be any deal, and the charges would not be dropped. Here’s Radar’s summary: Brooke Mueller must appear in a Aspen, Colorado courtroom on Monday, December 19, for her arraignment in her felony cocaine possession case, and Chief Deputy District Attorney Arnold Mordkin tells RadarOnline.com that no deal has been reached in the case, and there certainly won’t be one made prior to the hearing on Monday. Charlie Sheen’s ex-wife, was arrested for cocaine possession and assault, on December 2 after getting into an alleged brawl in a nightclub in Aspen with another woman. “There is no deal on the table in the case at this time, and there won’t be one prior to Ms. Mueller’s arraignment on Monday. Nor will there be announced at the arraignment. Ms. Mueller is supposed to be here. She can enter a plea on Monday, or her attorney can continue the matter,” Mordkin tells RadarOnline.com exclusively. Brooke’s rep, Steve Honig, released a statement Monday about Mueller’s decision to seek outpatient rehab treatment. “Recognizing past attempts at treatment have not been successful, Brooke has decided to take a different approach to deal with her addiction. Brooke will be participating in a program during the day and will be under expert supervision 24 hours a day, seven days a week. In addition, Brooke has requested to be tested on a daily basis for cocaine and other illegal substances so there is no doubt as to her commitment. “Brooke will retain custody of her children, both of whom will continue to remain at her home and be cared for by Brooke and their longtime nanny. Charlie and Brooke’s family are all fully supportive of this decision and recognize the importance of maintaining the children’s normal routine.” Brooke has battled a crack cocaine addiction for more than 10 years, and this will be at least the fifth time she has sought outpatient treatment. As RadarOnline.com previously reported, Brooke’s family doesn’t believe her latest efforts to get sober will work. “Brooke’s parents are not going to do an intervention because they’ve basically washed their hands of her,” a source close to the family exclusively told RadarOnline.com. “They’ve given her as much help/money/rehab as they can and they’re not going to do it anymore. They’re going to support her in this effort, but they’re not going to try and force her to do anything more.” So everyone was lining up against Brooke and it was becoming obvious that her crack shenanigans were not going to be overlooked anymore. I do think the final straw was that Brooke’s family was pulling away – from what I know, her family has pretty much been raising the twin boys, Max and Bob, and if Brooke had to look after them all by herself, those kids would be in a world of trouble. So Brooke did what all cracked-out hustlers do: she’s trying a new hustle. OF COURSE she’ll go into rehab. Sure! Brooke Mueller has had a change of heart … and has checked herself in to a full-time rehab center … TMZ has learned. Mueller’s rep, Steve Honig, tells TMZ, “After further reflection and consideration, Brooke has decided to remove herself from the media spotlight and has entered a long-term in-patient treatment center where she can focus on her recovery without distraction.” “She has already arrived at the facility and, out of respect for her privacy, no further information will be released about her treatment. Brooke’s goal is to maintain her sobriety and she believes this is the best option to reach that goal.” “Brooke will retain custody of the children, who will remain in their home and familiar surroundings and be under the care of their longtime nanny. Charlie and Brooke’s parents fully support her decision and everyone recognizes the importance of maintaining the children’s normal routine.” Brooke had previously decided she would enter an outpatient rehab program to be with her kids — so much for that. Update: Brooke was seen boarding a private jet in Los Angeles last night … presumably headed for her rehab center. Mueller was seen smiling and chatting with her entourage before getting on board. No word on where the rehab center is located. It would nice to think that Brooke finally realizes that she needs to make her sobriety a priority for her children, and that this is her last chance as far as the law and her family are concerned. But I doubt that’s her thought process at all. She’s probably still thinking about scoring the next rock. Photos courtesy of WENN.
A parallel series electric blasting circuit consists of six branches of eight caps each. Holes are spaced 10 ft (3.1 m) apart in a rectangular pattern. Cap legwire length is 28 ft (8.5 m). Each side of the cap circuit is connected by a No. 16 gauge buswire 50 ft (15.3 m) long. The lead wires are No. 14 gauge 1000 ft (305 m) long one-way. Find the minimum de current and voltage required to safely fire this blast under current leakage conditions.
Pew: Evangelicals Stay Strong as Christianity Crumbles in America The main methods for measuring American faith are flawed. So thinks the Pew Research Center, which today released the second wave of a massive study designed to “fill the gap” left by the United States census (no questions on religion), the self-reporting of denominations (“widely differing criteria”), and smaller surveys (too few questions or people). Scrutinizing the past seven years, Pew finds that, amid the rise of the “nones” and other popular talking points, the fate of evangelicals is proving much brighter than Christianity at large. Here are highlights from the US Religious Landscape Study, conducted among more than 35,000 adults in English and Spanish, of how American religion has changed from 2007 to 2014: 1) Evangelicals have remained remarkably stable Over the past seven years, evangelicals have lost less than 1 percent of their share of the population, holding steady at about 1 in 4 American adults (25.4% in 2014, vs. 26.3% in 2007) and preserving their status as the nation’s largest religious group. In contrast, mainline Protestants have lost almost 3.5 percent of their population share and are currently less than 15 percent of American adults, while Catholics lost about 3 percent of their population share and are currently about 21 percent of adults. The declines have allowed the religiously unaffiliated, who gained nearly 7 percent in population share, to surge past Catholics and mainline Protestants to become America’s second-largest religious group (22.8% of adults). (Historically black Protestant denominations, tracked separately though nearly three-quarters of their members identify as evangelicals, were statistically unchanged.) Evangelical churches also added more than 2 million people to their ranks, up from 59.8 million in 2007 to 62.2 million in 2014. Meanwhile, mainline churches lost 5 million people. “As a result, evangelicals now constitute a clear majority (55%) of all US Protestants,” noted Pew. The population share of evangelicals rises even higher when identified differently. For the above findings, Pew categorized Americans by denominational affiliation. (Evangelical denominations include the Southern Baptist Convention, the Assemblies of God, Churches of Christ, the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod, the Presbyterian Church in America, and nondenominational churches.) But Pew also asked: “Would you describe yourself as a born-again or evangelical Christian, or not?” In response, about one-third of American adults (35%) self-identified as evangelicals in 2014, nearly the same as in 2007 (34%). Meanwhile, Americans who self-identified as Christians dropped from 78 percent in 2007 to 71 percent in 2014. 2) The label “evangelical” is more popular among all Christian groups Today, all Christians are more likely to consider themselves “born-again” or evangelical. Half of self-identified Christians described themselves this way in 2014, up from 44 percent in 2007. This includes 72 percent of those in historically black Protestant churches, up from 67 percent in 2007. More surprisingly, a rising share of adults in other Christian traditions self-identify as born-again or evangelical, including: mainline Protestants (27% in 2014 vs. 25% in 2007), Catholics (22% vs. 16%), Orthodox (18% vs. 16%), Mormons (23% vs. 21%), Jehovah’s Witnesses (24% vs. 17%), and spiritualist Christians (24% vs. 15%). By contrast, 15 percent of adults in evangelical churches do not identify as born-again or evangelical. Neither do 21 percent of those at nondenominational churches, or 10 percent of those at Pentecostal churches. Some Protestant denominational families are quite divided on this measure, including Methodists (45% born-again or evangelical vs. 51% no), Presbyterians (42% yes vs. 55% no), Lutherans (33% yes vs. 63% no), Adventists (63% yes vs. 29% no), and Restorationists (66 yes vs. 29% no). 3) Evangelicals convert many and retain their kids Pew found a "remarkable degree of churn" in the US religious landscape. But evangelicals are the “major exception” to the national pattern of Christian decline, and the only major Christian group in the survey that has gained more members than it has lost through religious switching. Over the past seven years, evangelicals lost almost 8.5 percent of adherents and gained almost 10 percent for a net gain of 1.5 percent since 2007. By comparison, Catholics had a net loss of nearly 11 percent due to religious switching, while the unaffiliated had a net gain of more than 13 percent. Mainline denominations had a net loss of more than 4 percent, while historically black denominations had a net loss of less than 1 percent. Overall, Pew found that "there are more than four former Christians for every convert to Christianity." More than 60 percent of current evangelicals were raised as evangelicals, while 14 percent were raised as mainliners, 13 percent as Catholics, 7 percent as unaffiliated, 3 percent as black Protestants, and 2 percent as non-Christian faiths. Evangelicals retain two-thirds of their children, placing fifth among all religious groups and second among Christian groups. By comparison, Protestants at large retain less than half of their children. Of the third of those raised as evangelicals who leave the tradition, most switch to no religion at all (15%) or a mainline Protestant church (12%). Only 2 percent become Catholics. Meanwhile, 19 percent of both Americans raised unaffiliated and raised mainline now identify as evangelicals. So do 10 percent of those raised Catholics and black Protestants, 9 percent of those raised Orthodox, 7 percent of those raised Buddhists, and 6 percent of those raised Mormons. Overall, about half of Americans raised as Protestants remain in their childhood denominational family (47%). About one-quarter now identify with a different Protestant group (27%), while 3 percent became Catholic, 4 percent became non-Christians, and 19 percent became unaffiliated. Among Protestant denominational families: - Most likely to retain children as adults: Baptists (57%), Anabaptists (52%), Lutherans (51%), and Adventists (51%). Least likely: Congregationalists (31%), Holiness (32%), Reformed (34%), and Presbyterian (34%). - Most likely to have children switch within Protestantism: Holiness (45%), Reformed (42%), and Anabaptists (39%). - Most likely to have children become Catholics: Episcopalians/Anglicans (6%), Lutherans (4%), Methodists (4%), and Reformed (4%). - Most likely to have children switch to other religions: Episcopalians/Anglicans (8%), Adventists (6%), Presbyterians (6%), and Congregationalists (6%). - Most likely to become unaffiliated: Congregationalists (28%), Episcopalians/Anglicans (27%), Presbyterians (25%), and nondenominational Protestants (25%). The only group to gain more than evangelicals from religious switching were the unaffiliated, gaining 18 percent (nearly double the evangelical rate) for a ratio of 4.2 people gained for every 1 person lost. Most current "nones" were raised as Catholics (28%), mainliners (21%), or unaffiliated (21%), while 16 percent were raised as evangelicals. However, the unaffiliated have "one of the lower retention rates among religious traditions," losing nearly half of their children: 9.2% of Americans were raised unaffiliated, while 4.3% of Americans left the group and affiliated with a religion by 2014. Those who found religion were most likely to become Jehovah’s Witnesses (12%), with the rest evenly spread among other religions: Buddhists (8%), Mormons (8%), evangelicals (7%), mainliners (6%), black Protestants (6%), Muslims (6%), Jews (6%), and Orthodox (5%). Overall, more than 4 out of 10 adults (42%) now have a different religion than they did as children, if switching between mainline, evangelical and historically black Protestant denominations is included. If Protestants are lumped together, then fully one-third of adults (34%) have crossed between religions since childhood, up from 28% in 2007. That means a quarter of all Americans who switched their religion moved within Protestantism. Pew's study was unable to estimate the number of "reverts," or "people who leave their childhood religion before returning to it later in life." Among today's adults, 20% of mainline Protestants were raised as evangelicals, as were 13 percent of Buddhists, 11 percent of Orthodox Christians, 9 percent of Jehovah's Witnesses, 6 percent of Mormons and black Protestants, 3 percent of Catholics, 2 percent of Jews, and 1 percent of Muslims and Hindus. 4) Evangelicals are increasingly diverse Today, more than one-third of US adults who identify as born-again or evangelical Protestants, regardless of denomination, are non-white. About a quarter (24%) of Americans in evangelical denominations are non-white, up from 19 percent in 2007. (The bump comes primarily from Hispanic evangelicals, up from 7 percent in 2007 to 11 percent in 2014. Black evangelicals have stayed stable at 6 percent, as have Asian evangelicals at 2 percent.) The increase is nearly the same as other Christian groups. Mainline churches are now 14 percent non-white (up from 9% in 2007), Catholic churches are now 41 percent non-white (up from 35%), and Orthodox Christians are now 19 percent non-white (up from 13%). Today, 19 percent of Hispanics identify as evangelicals, as do 14 percent of blacks and 23 percent of other minorities. Among evangelicals, Asians are the youngest (34% are ages 18 to 29), followed by Latinos and blacks. 5) Who evangelicals marry and how many kids they have Three-quarters of evangelicals marry coreligionists, more than historically black Protestants (65%), mainline Protestants (59%), and the unaffiliated (56%). This may account for some of the steady evangelical numbers, as married people tend “to be more religiously active than unmarried people,” Pew reports. “Both groups – those who are married and those who are not – have grown less religiously affiliated in recent years, though married people have done so more slowly.” (The study only examined marriages that were still intact.) Seven percent of evangelicals have a mainline or unaffiliated spouse, while six percent have a Catholic spouse. When it comes to kids, 23 percent of evangelicals have never had children, while 42 percent have had two children and 34 percent have had three or more children. The birth rate for evangelical adults in 2014 was 2.3 children, the same rate as Catholics. Only two groups produce more children: those in the historically black tradition (2.5%) and Mormons (3.4%). The national average was 2.1 percent. Almost seven in 10 evangelicals had no children at home in 2014, more than the 65 percent who had no children at home in 2007. The rates are nearly identical to the general population: 71 percent had no children at home in 2014, as did 65 percent in 2007. 6) Other findings - Nearly 4 in 10 Protestants (38%) “offered a vague denominational identity,” including 36 percent of evangelicals, 35 percent of mainliners, and 53 percent of black Protestants. (So Pew classified them by race and whether they identified as born-again or evangelical.) - Pentecostal denominations such as the Assemblies of God have drawn recent attention for their growth, but Pew finds that it’s actually the nondenominational churches which are growing the most. Nondenominational churches and Pentecostal churches held roughly equal share of the population in 2007, at 9 percent of all Protestants and about 4.5 percent of all adults. But in 2014, 13 percent of Protestants and 6.2 percent of adults identified as nondenominational, while only 10 percent of Protestants and 4.6 percent of adults identified as Pentecostal. (Baptists remain the largest share of Protestants by far, at 33 percent of Protestants and 15.4 percent of all adults.) - More gays, lesbians, and bisexuals identify as evangelical (13%) than as atheist (8%) or agnostic (9%). Overall, evangelical ranks as the third most-common identity among this group, after Catholics (17%) and “nothing in particular/religion not important” (14%). - Two-thirds of US immigrants (68%) are Christians, and 15 percent are evangelicals while 39 percent are Catholics. About 40 percent of Orthodox and Catholic Christians were born outside the US or are the children of immigrants, compared to only 16 percent of evangelicals. - The share of evangelicals in the West was the only region to rise (from 17% in 2007 to 20% in 2014), while the share of evangelicals dropped 1 percent each in the Northeast (now 9%), Midwest (now 22%), and South (now 49%). [Image courtesy of CJF20 - Flickr]
The Overland Campaign of 1864 By Gordon Rhea; Hallowed Ground Magazine, Spring 2014 Issue The Overland Campaign, some 40-odd days of maneuver and combat between the Rapidan and James Rivers, pitted the Civil War’s premier generals — Lt. Gen Ulysses S. Grant for the Union, and Gen. Robert E. Lee for the Confederacy — against one another in a grueling contest of endurance and guile. Grant’s strength was unwavering adherence to the strategic objective of neutralizing Lee’s army. While he frequently stumbled, the overall pattern of his campaign was that of an innovative general employing thoughtful combinations of maneuver and force to bring a difficult adversary to bay. Lee’s strengths were his resilience and the fierce devotion that he inspired in his men. He, too, made mistakes, often misreading Grant and placing his smaller army in peril, only to devise a creative solution that turned the tables on his adversary. In many respects, the generals were similar. Each favored offensive operations and were willing to take risks; each labored under handicaps, although of different sorts; and each was bedeviled by subordinates who often seemed incapable of getting things right. Grant and Lee were about as evenly matched in military talent as any two opposing generals have ever been. The stage for this dramatic campaign was set with the Union Army of the Potomac’s repulse of Lee’s foray into Pennsylvania in July 1863. Federal commanders frittered away their Gettysburg victory, and the next spring, Lee’s Army of Northern Virginia waited behind formidable earthworks along the Rapidan River, confident as ever of success on its native soil. Eighteen sixty-four was an election year, and President Abraham Lincoln harbored well-founded misgivings about his prospects for a second term. Unless Union armies produced victories, the presidency risked going to a candidate willing to negotiate with the South, enabling the Rebels to achieve through political means the ends that had eluded them by force of arms. Union armies in the West could boast tangible successes, but the Old Dominion remained Lee’s preserve. Lincoln’s answer was to summon Grant, the architect of his Western victories, hoping that he might work his magic in the East. Grant, newly minted commanding general of the United States Army, planned a campaign that capitalized on the North’s advantages in manpower and materiel. No longer would Federal armies squander their resources attempting to capture and hold enemy territory; the destruction of Rebel armies was now their goal. Henceforth, the armies of the United States would move in concert, preventing the Confederates from shuttling troops between fronts. Gone were the days of short battles followed by months of leisure; under Grant, Union armies would fight without quarter until they had destroyed the secessionists’ capacity to resist. Grant delegated to Maj. Gen. William T. Sherman prime responsibility for managing the Union war effort in the West and turned his own energies to defeating Lee. Employing the same principles that governed his national strategy, Grant focused irresistible force against his wily opponent. The Army of the Potomac, double the size of Lee’s host , was to press across the Rapidan River and attack the Army of Northern Virginia; the Army of the James, commanded by Maj. Gen. Benjamin F. Butler, was to advance up the James River, capture the Confederate capital of Richmond and continue into Lee’s rear; and a third Union body, under Maj. Gen. Franz Sigel, was to thread south through the Shenandoah Valley, threatening Lee’s left flank and disrupting the rebel army’s supply lines. Snared in a three-pronged vice, Lee’s army would face certain destruction. Grant intended the Army of the Potomac to bear the brunt of the combat and decided to make his headquarters there. The army’s commander, Maj. Gen. George G. Meade, had performed ably at Gettysburg, but his failure to bring Lee to battle since then had cost him the administration’s confidence. Grant decided to keep Meade on, delegating to the Pennsylvanian management of the army and its battles, while Grant supervised the overall conduct of the war. Aggressive and willing to take risks, Lincoln’s new commander-in-chief soon found himself hobbled by his cautious subordinate. The tension between these two men and their incompatible military styles became a dominant theme of the spring campaign. Rather than attacking the Rebels head-on, Meade elected to cross the Rapidan downriver from Lee, negating the strong Confederate river defenses. Once over the Rapidan, the Union army found itself in a forbidding forest of tangled second-growth known as the Wilderness. Assuming that Lee could never react quickly enough to attack him in the dense thickets, Meade chose to halt there to give his supply wagons time to catch up. Lee hoped to take the initiative, but scant supplies and uncertainties over when and where Grant’s three armies would attack stayed his hand. Lee rightly perceived the Army of the Potomac as the chief threat, and he also correctly predicted Meade’s flanking movement through the Wilderness. He did nothing, however, to ensure that he would fight Grant there, as shifting downriver risked opening his western flank to attack and enabling the Federals to block his routes of retreat. Equally disconcerting was Butler’s appearance near Richmond; if Butler attacked the Confederate capital, Lee would have to hurry troops to the city’s defense. And so Lee spread cavalry along the Rapidan and awaited Grant’s advance. He was determined to defend the river at all costs; if Grant forced him back to Richmond, the war in the East would become a siege that the Confederates must necessarily lose. The Battle of the Wilderness May 4, 1864, saw the Army of the Potomac crossing the Rapidan into the Wilderness, 20 miles downriver from Lee. Maj. Gen. Winfield S. Hancock’s Union II Corps settled into camps around Chancellorsville, near the Wilderness’s eastern reaches. A few miles west, near Wilderness Tavern, stood Maj. Gen. Gouverneur K. Warren’s V Corps, and immediately north of Warren’s encampments rose smoke from fires kindled by Maj. Gen. John Sedgwick’s VI Corps. Maj. Gen. Ambrose E. Burnside’s independent IX Corps, bringing up the Union rear, camped north of the river. That night, the Union army rested, waiting for its supply wagons to arrive. On learning of this movement, Lee decided to thrust his army toward Grant along three roads that ran parallel to the Rapidan. Lt. Gen. Richard S. Ewell’s Second Corps was to advance along the Orange Turnpike, in tandem with Lt. Gen. Ambrose P. Hill’s Third Corps on the Orange Plank Road, aiming to pin Grant in the Wilderness. Meanwhile, Lee’s First Corps, under Lt. Gen. James Longstreet, was to slip below the Union army and turn north, driving the enemy back across the Rapidan. Lee’s plan was risky, since the Rebel commander, already outnumbered two-to-one, was dividing his army into three parts, each separated by several miles of intractable forest. If Grant divined Lee’s scheme, he could focus irresistible strength against individual segments and inflict terrible damage. Lee, however, saw no alternative to attacking, as retreating would inevitably result in the destruction or investiture of his army. Mistakes by Union cavalry aided the Confederate strategy. Maj. Gen. Philip H. Sheridan, newly appointed head of the Army of the Potomac’s mounted arm, gave the critical assignment of patrolling the roads toward Lee to Brig. Gen. James H. Wilson, his least experienced general heading his smallest division. Misunderstanding what was expected of him, Wilson mounted tentative probes toward the Confederates, found nothing and camped for the evening. Undetected, Ewell and Hill marched within a few miles of the Union army’s encampments and bivouacked for the night. Near daylight on May 5, Ewell and Hill launched their dual advance, catching the Federals unprepared. Determined to regain the initiative, Grant ordered Meade to attack. Warren’s corps was repulsed by Ewell on the turnpike, as was Sedgwick’s, and combat flared for hours between antagonists invisible to one another in the dense spring foliage. Still hoping to break Lee’s defenses, Meade ordered another assault, this time against Hill on the plank road, spearheaded by Hancock’s corps and some of Sedgwick’s men. But Hill’s line held and, by nightfall, the soldiers of both armies were entrenching within yards of each another. Lee’s boldness and the inability of Union commanders to coordinate their attacks had stymied the Federal offensive. Grant, however, now understood that Lee had divided his army. Determined to exploit this opportunity, he directed Meade to concentrate a massive onslaught against Hill on Orange Plank Road. Lee, for his part, expected Grant to renew his hammering and instructed Longstreet to shift to the plank road to support Hill. Shortly after sunrise on May 6, Hancock drove Hill back through the woodland, and, for a few breathless moments, it seemed as though Lee would be captured and his army defeated. In a dramatic reversal of fortune, Longstreet’s corps arrived and repulsed the Federals, saving the Army of Northern Virginia. Going on the offensive, the Confederates assailed Hancock’s flank, drove the Federals back to the Brock Road and squeezed in two spirited attacks before dark. Lee’s aggressive response had stymied Grant in the Wilderness, but the Union commander refused to concede defeat. Determined to recover the initiative, he directed Meade to shift south to Spotsylvania Court House, 10 miles below the Wilderness. The maneuver, Grant predicted, would place the Federals between Lee and Richmond, forcing the Rebels to leave the Wilderness and fight him on ground of his own choosing. Shortly after dark on May 7, the Union juggernaut started south. The Battles for Spotsylvania Court House Lee remained puzzled about Grant’s next move. Perhaps the Federals meant to renew their hammering in the Wilderness; perhaps they intended to sidestep to Fredericksburg and press south along the Richmond, Fredericksburg, and Potomac Railroad; or maybe they were preparing to march toward Spotsylvania Court House. Hedging his bets, Lee held his army in the Wilderness and sent his First Corps, commanded by Maj. Gen. Richard H. Anderson following Longstreet’s wounding, south along a makeshift trail hacked through the forest. Unable to find a suitable resting place, Anderson marched until dawn, stopping a few miles northwest of Spotsylvania Court House. Meanwhile, Confederate cavalry waged a determined action to delay the Union army’s advance. Fighting dismounted, the Rebel horsemen constructed successive lines of fence-rail barricades across the Brock Road. Shortly after sunrise on May 8, Lee’s cavalry chief, Maj. Gen. James Ewell Brown “Jeb” Stuart, ordered the fought-out riders to make a desperate final stand along a ridge called Laurel Hill, overlooking the Spindle family farm. Anderson’s corps, Stuart learned, had bivouacked a short distance away, and soon Rebel infantry filled the gaps in Stuart’s thin line. Warren, assuming that the gray-clad forms on Laurel Hill belonged solely to Rebel cavalry, ordered an attack. The Spindle Farm became a slaughter pen, as Confederates raked the advancing Union line with concentrated fire, bringing Warren’s offensive up short. Grant’s drive to take Spotsylvania Court House had failed. Deploying Sedgwick’s Corps on Warren’s left flank, Meade ordered another attack near sundown. Ewell’s Confederates, however, arrived in the nick of time and extended the Rebel line eastward to repel Sedgwick’s offensive. The next day — May 9 — Burnside extended the Federal line southeast, gaining the important Fredericksburg Road, and Hancock’s troops hooked onto Warren’s right, reaching west to the Po River. To Lee’s relief, Hill soon arrived from the Wilderness and slid into position across from Burnside. By afternoon on May 9, the armies were digging in; Grant’s lines oriented south toward Spotsylvania Court House and Lee’s troops looking north, barring the Union advance. While the two armies faced off behind formidable earthworks, a simmering feud between Meade and Sheridan erupted into open warfare, with serious consequences for the campaign. Meade, it seems, faulted Sheridan for failing to brush the Rebel horsemen aside during the advance toward Spotsylvania Court House, and Sheridan resented Meade meddling in his management of the cavalry. The two men quarreled bitterly, and Meade reported Sheridan’s insubordination to Grant, expecting the commander’s support. Exasperated by Meade’s inability to beat Lee in the Wilderness or to win the race to Spotsylvania Court House, Grant sided with Sheridan. With Grant’s blessing, Sheridan headed south, taking the entire Union cavalry corps with him. He expected Stuart to pursue, giving him an opportunity to fight the Confederate cavalry. Events unfolded as Sheridan had hoped, and, on May 11, he defeated Stuart’s cavalry at Yellow Tavern and mortally wounded the Rebel cavalry chief. Lost in Sheridan’s euphoria over his victory was the consequence of his absence at Spotsylvania Court House. Sheridan had left Grant blind, while Stuart had left Lee enough troopers to reconnoiter Union positions and screen the Confederate infantry. The release of the Union cavalry arm was to cost the Federals dearly. Grant, meanwhile, initiated a series of assaults intended to break Lee’s Spotsylvania line. Late on May 9, he ordered Hancock to slip around the western end of the Rebel army and attack the Confederate flank. Lee’s left, however, was firmly anchored on a loop of the Po River. To reach the Confederates, Hancock had to cross the river twice: first as he marched south, then again when he attacked eastward. Hancock achieved his first Po crossing before nightfall, but darkness prevented him from completing his maneuver. The Union II Corps settled in for an uneasy evening, separated by the Po from the rest of the Army of the Potomac. Lee pounced on the chance to gobble up the isolated Union corps. The next morning — May 10 — Confederates under Maj. Gen. Jubal A. Early charged Hancock’s Federals and forced them to make a costly retreat across the Po. Hancock escaped, but the lesson was clear: the Army of Northern Virginia was full of fight, and its commander was as vigilant as ever. Grant, however, was not deterred. Reasoning that in attacking Hancock, Lee must have weakened his line somewhere, Grant ordered a massive offensive across Lee’s entire front at 5:00 that evening. But once again, slipshod coordination thwarted his plan. First, Hancock had to extricate himself from the Po and resume his post on the western end of the Union formation. Then, Warren decided that he could successfully attack Laurel Hill, and headquarters assented. Warren’s assault, however, deteriorated into a bloody repetition of his failed charges against the same objective on May 8, forcing headquarters to delay the army-wide offensive until 6:00 p.m. to give Warren time to regroup. The postponement threw another component of the intended offensive out of whack. Maj. Gen. Horatio Wright, who had taken command of the VI Corps following the death of Sedgwick at the hands of a Confederate sharpshooter, had adopted a proposal made by Col. Emory Upton, one of his most aggressive officers. The trick to attacking Lee’s daunting earthworks, Upton urged, was to secretly mass troops near the Rebel entrenchments and send them forward at a clip. By pressing ahead without stopping to fire, the soldiers could overrun the entrenchments and cleave a breach large enough for a fresh force to exploit. Upton’s plan sounded promising, so Wright gave the colonel 12 hand-picked regiments and incorporated the attack into the evening’s battle plan. The supporting force consisted of a II Corps division under Brig. Gen. Gershom R. Mott. No one, however, alerted Mott that the assault was postponed, so, promptly at 5:00 p.m., his men started forward, only to be badly mauled and driven back by the Rebel defenders. Then at 6:00 p.m., Upton, ignorant of Mott’s repulse, launched his own attack. The charge succeeded, and Brig. Gen. George Doles’s sector of Confederate line fell to Upton’s troops. Mott’s division, however, was no longer available to assist, and fresh Confederate troops rushed to the endangered sector, driving Upton’s men back to the Union lines. Upton’s attack, like so many before it, had failed because of mistakes by the Union high command. But Grant was not about to quit when Upton’s abortive assault held promise. What if he used a corps instead of a brigade-sized force, Grant mused. And what if the support consisted, not of a division, but of two army corps? By now, Grant had discovered a weakness in Lee’s line. Near the center of the Rebel position, Lee’s engineers had run the earthworks northward, then bent them around and to the south to form a large salient. Nearly half a mile wide and half a mile deep, the protrusion — soldiers called it the Mule Shoe after its shape — would be difficult for the Rebels to defend. Grant determined to send an entire corps — Hancock’s force, some 25,000 men strong — crashing into the Mule Shoe while two more corps – the IX on the left, and the VI on the right — assailed the Mule Shoe’s sides, pinching off the huge bubble. Meanwhile Warren’s corps was to pound Anderson’s Rebels on Laurel Hill to keep them from reinforcing the beleaguered Mule Shoe. After overrunning the salient and ripping Lee’s line in half, the victorious Federals hoped to dispose of the Rebel army’s remnants piecemeal. During the night of May 11, concealed by a blinding rain storm, Hancock slogged from the right wing of the Union army to the Brown family farm, half a mile from the Mule Shoe. That evening, Lee studied reports from the field and concluded that Grant was retreating toward Fredericksburg. Aggressive as ever, Lee decided to remove artillery from the Mule Shoe and bring the guns back to good roads in his rear for an anticipated pursuit of Grant. And so, while the Union army deployed to attack the Mule Shoe, Lee unwittingly weakened the very spot Grant had targeted. As morning approached, Ewell, whose troops occupied the Mule Shoe, became convinced that his line was in danger and asked for the artillery back. But before the guns could return, Hancock’s troops attacked, clambering over the ramparts and sending some 3,000 Confederate prisoners to the rear. Grant’s plan was succeeding perfectly. Riding into the Mule Shoe, Lee took personal control of the effort to repel the Federal hordes. His plan was to hurry reinforcements into the salient to detain the Federal onslaught until he could construct a new defensive line along high ground to the rear. Leading a scratch force of North Carolina and Virginia troops, Brig. Gen. John B. Gordon drove back the Unionists in the Mule Shoe’s eastern sector. Brig. Gen. Stephen D. Ramseur’s brigade charged into the Mule Shoe’s western leg, recapturing a stretch of entrenchments. And successive attacks by Brig. Gens. Abner Perrin, Nathaniel H. Harris and Samuel McGowan recovered more line on Ramseur’s right, including critical high ground at a bend in the salient aptly called the Bloody Angle. Fighting in the Mule Shoe raged unabated throughout May 12 and into the early morning of May 13. Wright’s VI Corps joined the attack, as did Burnside’s IX. In one of the war’s most brutal episodes, the Confederates sent into the Mule Shoe by Lee held their ground for nearly 20 hours of face-to-face combat. Around 3:00 a.m. on May 13, Lee ordered the Mule Shoe’s defenders back to the new defensive line. As the sun rose over Spotsylvania County, Grant learned that Lee now confronted him from a new position stronger than ever. Stymied again, Grant strove to regain the initiative. During the stormy night of May 13–14, Warren and Wright made a forced march toward the Rebel army’s unprotected right flank below Spotsylvania Court House. Muddy roads slowed their progress, and they failed to reach their objective until after sunrise. The Rebels seemed prepared to receive them, so Grant called off the attack. Later in the day, Lee shifted Anderson’s First Corps from the left of his line to his right, blocking Warren and Wright’s planned offensive. The armies now faced each other in lines running generally north to south, with Lee still controlling the approaches to Spotsylvania Court House. The rain stopped on May 17, and Grant hatched yet another plan. Since Lee was expecting an attack against the southern part of his line, Grant decided to attack from the north. During the night of May 17–18, Wright returned to the blood-stained fields near the Mule Shoe, and at first light, he and Hancock charged toward the new line that Ewell had occupied after the battle of May 12. Once again, Grant had surprised Lee, but the ruse went for naught. Secure behind their earthworks, Ewell’s Confederates applauded the attack as an opportunity to settle old scores. In an impressive display, Ewell’s artillery broke the assault. It was later said that Confederate infantrymen patted the smoking tubes of the guns with affection. Grant concluded that Lee’s Spotsylvania line was indeed impregnable. Bad news also arrived from other fronts. On May 15, Rebels under Maj. Gen. John C. Breckinridge had defeated Sigel at New Market, wrecking the Union offensive in the Shenandoah Valley. The next day, another Rebel force cobbled together by Gen. Pierre G. T. Beauregard had beaten Butler at Drewry’s Bluff, near Richmond. Worried for the safety of his army, Butler withdrew to Bermuda Hundred, in the angle formed by the confluence of the James and Appomattox Rivers. As Grant saw it, his subsidiary armies had failed miserably. It was up to the Army of the Potomac to defeat Lee. The North Anna Campaign Undeterred, Grant devised yet another plan to entice Lee from his earthworks. This time, he would send Hancock on a march to the southeast in hopes that Lee would try to snag the isolated Union corps. When Lee went for the bait, Grant would attack with the rest of his army, plunging down Telegraph Road to destroy whatever force Lee dispatched against Hancock. On the night of May 20, Hancock started his diversionary march, passing through Bowling Green and entrenching near Milford Station, 20 miles southeast of the armies. At the same time, Grant withdrew Warren’s corps to Telegraph Road, where it waited to pounce on any force that Lee sent against Hancock. The next day, Lee learned of the Union movements and concluded that Grant intended to march south along Telegraph Road, the direct route to Richmond. To thwart Grant’s expected move, Lee rushed Ewell east to Mud Tavern, where Telegraph Road crossed the Po. Grant became increasingly concerned. He had heard nothing from Hancock — Rebel cavalry controlled the countryside toward Milford Station — and Ewell’s Confederates were now entrenching across Telegraph Road, blocking the direct route to Richmond. Worried that Hancock might be in danger, Grant evacuated his Spotsylvania Court House lines, sending part of his army to follow Hancock’s route through Bowling Green while the rest pushed south on Telegraph Road to overwhelm Ewell. Once again, a Union operation that had begun as an offensive thrust was assuming a decidedly defensive tone. Nightfall saw a Union army in disarray. Near Milford Station, Hancock sparred with Confederates sent from Richmond to reinforce Lee. On Telegraph Road, Burnside ventured south but was halted by Ewell’s defenses. Turning around, the IX Corps entangled with the VI Corps, creating a messy traffic jam. Warren’s corps, meanwhile, followed in Hancock’s footsteps, stopping for the night at Guinea Station. Lee still had no clear idea of Grant’s intentions, but signs increasingly pointed to a Union move south. The next good defensive position was the North Anna River, 25 miles away, and Lee started his army in that direction. Blind to the fact that Lee was marching past his recumbent troops — Sheridan’s horsemen had not yet returned — the Federals let Lee’s army slip by unhindered. May 22 witnessed Lee’s exhausted troops cross the North Anna and encamp south of the river, along the Virginia Central Railroad. Lee’s concern was to protect the rail line, which served as an important link to the Shenandoah Valley. Grant pushed south as well, following in Lee’s wake. On May 23, the Union army converged at Mount Carmel Church, a handful of miles above the North Anna River. Hancock’s corps routed a brigade of South Carolinians from a redoubt at Chesterfield Bridge and entrenched along the river’s northern bank; Burnside extended the Union line upriver from Hancock, securing the crossing at Ox Ford; and Warren’s troops marched upriver to Jericho Mills, threw pontoon bridges across and went into camp on the southern bank. Grant had breached the river line without a serious fight. Learning that Federals had crossed at Jericho Mills, Lee ordered Hill to drive them back. The ailing corps commander, however, misjudged the size of the Union force and sent only one division into battle. Attacking Warren’s corps, Hill’s troops were overwhelmed and retired to the Virginia Central Railroad. Lee was in serious trouble. Part of Grant’s army had crossed the river and was threatening his western flank. With Richmond only 25 miles away, Lee had little room to maneuver. That evening, Lee, his chief engineer and several subordinate generals devised an ingenious plan to deploy the Army of Northern Virginia into a wedge-shaped formation, its apex touching the North Anna River at Ox Ford and its legs reaching back to anchor on strong natural positions. When the Federals advanced, Lee’s wedge would split Grant’s army in two, affording the Confederates a strong defensive position and perhaps even permitting a counterattack. Lee’s plan cleverly suited the military maxim favoring interior lines to the North Anna’s topography. The next morning, Grant concluded that Lee was retreating and crossed the river in pursuit. Confined to his tent with dysentery, Lee could do little more than hope that his defensive line held. As evening came on, Grant discovered Lee’s clever deployment and ordered his troops to start digging. Soon the Union army had entrenched, hugging close against the wings of Lee’s wedge. Lee was locked in place, but his position remained too strong for Grant to attack. Stalemated once again, the hostile armies stared across at one another, pressed cheek-to-jowl south of the river. For the third time, Lee had stymied Grant, and for the third time, Grant looked to maneuver to break the impasse. A short distance east of the armies, the North Anna merged with other rivers to form the Pamunkey. Grant decided to disengage from Lee under cover of darkness, cross to the river’s northern bank and sidle 30 miles southeast to Hanovertown. The maneuver would bring the Union army 17 miles from Richmond, and provisions could be shipped in from Chesapeake Bay and unloaded at White House Landing on the Pamunkey. A quick dash across the Pamunkey, and the Confederate capital would fall, bringing the war to a rapid close. On the night of May 26–27, Grant stole across the North Anna and headed east. The next morning, Lee learned that Grant was gone, and that Union infantry had materialized at Hanovertown. Lee quickly marched to interpose between Grant and Richmond. On May 28, Union and Confederate mounted forces collided south of the Pamunkey at Haw’s Shop in a battle that raged most of the day. While Union cavalry gained possession of the field, Confederate horsemen led by Maj. Gen. Wade Hampton succeeded in discovering the location of Grant’s army while shielding Lee’s whereabouts from Grant. Lee’s next move in his deadly chess game with Grant was to assume a defensive position along Totopotomoy Creek, a marshy stream that intersected Grant’s route to Richmond. Union probes found the Rebels entrenched behind formidable works lining the creek’s southern bank, and attempts to break the Confederate line failed. Once again, Grant faced the prospect of stalemate. Federal fortunes brightened on May 30, when Warren crossed Totopotomoy Creek downstream from Lee and drove west toward the Rebels. Recognizing an opportunity to attack Warren’s unsupported corps, Lee directed Early, now commanding the Confederate Second Corps, to attack Warren with his own troops and Anderson’s First Corps. The offensive started well enough, as Early’s lead elements slammed into Warren. Anderson’s Confederates, however, made little headway, and Early’s attempt to turn Warren’s flank ended in a bloody repulse for the Rebels. The grueling campaign seemed to have dulled the Army of Northern Virginia’s offensive capacity. Burnett’s Tavern was a ramshackle wooden structure at a star-shaped intersection a handful of miles below the armies. Known as Cold Harbor, the intersection was to figure importantly in the campaign’s next stage. By seizing the road junction, Grant hoped to gain an unobstructed route to Richmond and a chance to strike Lee’s flank and rear. On the last day of May, Maj. Gen. William F. “Baldy” Smith’s XVIII Corps arrived from Bermuda Hundred to reinforce Meade. Concerned that Smith intended to occupy Cold Harbor, Lee dispatched cavalry to reconnoiter, and a mounted engagement soon crackled around the crossroads. As the combat heated, Lee forwarded more cavalry toward Cold Harbor and persuaded Beauregard to send a division — Maj. Gen. Robert F. Hoke’s command — from the Richmond defenses. By evening, Sheridan had driven the Rebel horsemen from the strategic crossroads and looked on as Hoke’s division marched up and erected a defensive line west of the intersection, facing Sheridan. Grant and Lee rushed more troops toward the emerging Cold Harbor front. During the night, Wright’s corps headed for the intersection; orders went out for Smith to march that way as well; and Lee directed Anderson to start south and join Hoke. All night, troops wearing blue and gray packed the roads in a race for Cold Harbor. On the morning of June 1, Anderson’s lead elements attacked Sheridan at Cold Harbor, only to be driven back by concentrated fire from the Union cavalrymen’s repeating carbines. Forming next to Hoke, Anderson extended the Rebel formation northward. Soon the Union VI Corps tramped into Cold Harbor, and by late afternoon, Smith’s troops had arrived as well, falling into place on the VI Corps’ right. By evening on June 1, Union and Confederate infantry confronted each other along a north-south axis. Around 6:30 p.m., anxious to maintain the initiative, Wright and Smith attacked and breached the Rebel line. Although darkness fell before the Federal commanders could achieve complete success, the results were heartening to the men in blue. Each side had lost about 2,000 soldiers, but the Federals were well positioned to exploit their gains. Hoping to finally strike a killing blow, Grant hurried Hancock’s corps toward Cold Harbor. But dark roads and an improvident shortcut delayed Hancock’s march, and not until noon on June 2 did his winded men straggle into position. Grant decided to postpone the attack until June 3, a delay that would prove fatal, as Lee, now fully alerted to Grant’s intentions, had time to shift more soldiers — Breckinridge’s troops, recently arrived from the Shenandoah Valley, and Hill’s corps — to the Cold Harbor sector. All day, the Rebels prepared for the expected Union assault. Grant’s decision to attack Lee’s formidable entrenchments the morning of June 3 has provoked strong criticism. The general’s assessment, however, was grounded in a sober appraisal of the situation. Grant believed that the constant regimen of marching and fighting had severely weakened Lee’s army. After all, Lee had failed to take the offensive at the North Anna, had permitted Grant to cross the Pamunkey unopposed, had fumbled at Bethesda Church and had almost been overwhelmed on June 1. The Rebel army, it seemed, was a depleted force, ripe for the plucking. The Army of the Potomac, however, was flush with fresh troops from Washington and with Smith’s XVIII Corps. Delaying made no sense — more time would only give the Rebels a chance to bring up reinforcements. Moreover, the Republican convention was about to convene, and what better gift could Grant offer President Lincoln than the destruction of the main Confederate army and the capture of Richmond? Aggressive by nature, Grant decided to proceed. If the offensive worked, the rewards would be tremendous; failure would simply represent another reverse in a campaign filled with reverses, and Grant would try another tack. In short, the consequences of not assaulting — forfeiting the chance for quick victory — seemed worse than attacking and failing. Grant’s plan called for an army-wide offensive across a six-mile front. Meade was responsible for overseeing the assault but resented his subordinate position and thoroughly disapproved of Grant’s hard-hitting tactics. He expressed his discontent by doing little; the record reveals no efforts to reconnoiter, coordinate the corps or tend to the things that diligent generals ordinarily do before sending troops against fortified lines. The victims of Grant’s and Meade’s untidy command relationship would be the soldiers of the Army of the Potomac. A signal gun sounded at 4:30 a.m. on June 3, and the Union army’s southern wing — Smith’s, Wright’s and Hancock’s corps — stepped forward under a deadly hail of lead. Hancock achieved a brief breakthrough, but was quickly repelled. Wright’s troops advanced a short distance and began digging in, and in Smith’s sector, three brigades marched into a pocket lined with Rebel muskets and cannon and sustained horrific casualties. The attack was finished in less than an hour. Later in the morning, Warren and Burnside made disjointed attacks in the battlefield’s northern sector and were unable to make headway. By noon, Grant adjudged the offensive a failure and called it off. The Union assault at Cold Harbor was a disaster, although stories of fields strewn with blue-clad corpses convey a distorted impression of what really happened. A few sectors saw massive slaughter, but along much of the battle line, Union losses were minor, and many Confederates had no idea that an offensive had even been attempted. Historians have suggested numbers ranging from 7,500 to well over 12,000 casualties, all supposedly incurred in a few terrible minutes. A careful analysis of the units engaged, however, suggests that the grand charge at Cold Harbor generated more like 3,500 Union casualties. Total Union casualties for the entire day approximated 6,000; Confederate losses were about 1,500. For several days, sharpshooters plied their deadly trade, and corpses rotted under the scorching summer sun. After a tragic interval of delays and misunderstandings, Grant and Lee finally negotiated a truce to remove the dead and wounded. For most injured soldiers lying between the armies, the truce came too late. Looking to break the impasse at Cold Harbor, Grant again turned to maneuver, this time with an eye to severing Lee’s supply lines. Union cavalry rode toward Charlottesville, aiming to wreck the Virginia Central Railroad, and Union forces in the Shenandoah Valley headed toward Lynchburg, terminus of the James River Canal. Once again, Lee danced to Grant’s tune, sending Early’s corps to protect Lynchburg and dispatching cavalry to intercept the Union mounted raid, ultimately clashing at Trevilian Station. The heart of Grant’s new plan was to dash boldly across the James River and capture Petersburg, severing the main rail links to Richmond. After dark on June 12, the Union force disengaged and streamed south. Fearing that Grant might glide past his right flank and attack Richmond, Lee concentrated on blocking the roads leading to the Confederate capital. Grant, however, had a different plan in mind. The Overland Campaign from the Rapidan to the James was coming to a close, and the Petersburg Campaign was about to begin. Importance of the Overland Campaign Who was the victor? The answer lies in how one defines winning. Grant lost about 55,000 men during the Overland Campaign, and Lee about 33,000, allowing the Rebel to claim a victory of sorts. However, measuring losses against the respective sizes of the armies at the campaign’s outset — Lee had about 65,000 men, and Grant some 120,000 — Lee’s subtractions exceeded 50 percent, whereas Grant’s were about 45 percent. And while each army received substantial reinforcements during the campaign, Grant’s capacity to augment his force was vastly greater than Lee’s. Simple arithmetic suggested that Grant would ultimately prevail. If the commanders are scored by tactical successes, Lee comes out the clear winner. Although consistently outnumbered, he achieved victories at the Wilderness, Spotsylvania Court House, the North Anna River, Totopotomoy Creek and Cold Harbor, thwarting Grant in each of those battles. But if the campaign is viewed in its entirety, Grant comes out ahead. Although he sustained multiple tactical reverses, he never considered himself defeated, and he continued to advance his strategic goal through maneuver. The Rebel commander’s grand objective was to hold the line of the Rapidan, and he failed; Grant’s goal was to negate Lee’s army as an effective fighting force, and in that he largely succeeded. By the end of the campaign, Grant had pinned Lee into defensive earthworks around Richmond and Petersburg. While he had not destroyed Lee’s army, he had gutted the Rebel force’s offensive capacity and seriously diminished its ability to affect the outcome of the war. With the stalemate at Petersburg, the Confederacy’s clock ticked off its final hours. The Army of Northern Virginia’s demise, and with it the demise of the Confederacy, was but a matter of time. About the Author Gordon C. Rhea is considered a foremost expert on the Overland Campaign. He is the author of numerous books and articles on the battles of Cold Harbor, North Anna, Spotsylvania Court House and the Wilderness, as well as a respected attorney in Charleston, S.C.
Alaya and Sullvian, one ape and one human, raised as equals by The Lawgiver. Now they face each other as leaders of their respective forces, forces engaged in bloodthirsty battle. Captured by the Apes, and made prisoner by the woman who once was her closest friend, Sullivan struggles to break free before Alaya can execute her terrifying plan! Writer Daryl Gregory and artist Carlos Magno will have you wanting to 'get your hands on these damn dirty apes!' "Ghostbusters": 11 Things the Sequel Needs to Do to Succeed
In one of the most famous closing shots in film history, Harrison Ford’s Indiana Jones has safely rescued the Ark of the Covenant from Hitler’s grasp and has returned to Washington, D.C. to hand the incredible artifact over to the US government. Though he wants to study it further, Dr. Jones is stonewalled by the men who hired him. They say nothing more than that they have “top men” working on the situation. We then see the crate that houses the Ark nailed shut and pushed down a corridor of hundreds of thousands of similar boxes, leaving the imagination to wonder what treasures they contain and what adventures brought them together. That particular Raiders of the Lost Ark scene was the result of combination shot between a grand matte painting and footage from a soundstage at London’s Elstree Studios. The real final resting place of the Ark, however, is not that far removed from the fiction. Last month, ComingSoon.net had the opportunity to visit the Lucasfilm Archives at Skywalker Ranch in Northern California. An unassuming barn-like blue building in the middle of the property, the Archives is very much the real-world equivalent of that incredible warehouse, housing not just the Ark itself but also the Sankara Stones, the Holy Grail, the Crystal Skull, the Cross of Coronado and countless other actual movie props, pieces of original artwork, scale models and all the films’ actual costumes, right down to cinema’s most iconic fedora. (Of course, just out of reach, one could make out the six-foot tall original model of the second Death Star and the beginning of treasures from Lucasfilm’s other famous franchise, but that’s a story for another time.) Of course, this was all in honor of the Indiana Jones: The Complete Adventures, which, today, hits Blu-ray for the first time ever in a five-disc collection (the full details of which you can read about by clicking here). While at the Ranch, we also had the opportunity to take part in a special Q &A with two of the legendary artists responsible for the four films, Ben Burtt, the Sound Director for Skywalker Sound and Dennis Muren, the Creative Director of Industrial Light & Magic. You can read the full conservation by clicking here. You can also click here or on the image below to check out our full photo gallery from the Lucasfilm Archives and click here to learn how you can see the props for yourself as part of a traveling museum exhibition.
DKNY for Opening Ceremony seems like it's going to be one of the favorite collections of the year. Rappers are already rocking it. We knew it was a hot collection when we saw the lookbook, and now there is a '90s-themed video to match the aesthetic of the collection. So, break out your freshest Airwalks or Jordan VIs, you might want to hit your two-step to the early '90s tunes in the video. LIKE COMPLEX STYLE ON FACEBOOK
Researchers at security company ESET have found a type of malware that changes an Android device's PIN, the first of its kind in an ever-evolving landscape of ransomware attacks. For most users, the only option to get rid of the malware is to reset the phone to its factory settings, which unfortunately also deletes all the data on the device. The malware calls itself "Porn Droid" and bills itself as a viewer for adult content. It has been seen only on third-party Android application marketplaces or forums for pirated software, wrote Lukas Stefanko, an ESET malware analyst. But after it's installed, users see a warning supposedly from the FBI that they've allegedly viewed "prohibited pornography." It asks for a $500 fine to be paid within three days. To change the device's PIN, Porn Droid needs administrator-level access to the phone. Stefanko wrote that the malware uses a new method to obtain that high level of access. When Porn Droid runs, it asks people to click a button to activate the viewer app. But beneath that window, and obscured by it, is another button for setting device administer privileges. "After clicking on the button, the user's device is doomed," Stefanko wrote. "The Trojan app has obtained administrator rights and now can lock the device. And even worse, it sets a new PIN for the lock screen." Other kinds of Android malware locked the screen by keeping the ransonware warning in the foreground using an infinite loop. But that could be remedied by using a command-line tool, the Android debug bridge, or deactivating admin rights in Safe Mode, according to Stefanko. In the case of Porn Droid, if someone tries to deactivate the admin privileges, the malware uses a call-back function to reactivate them, Stefanko wrote. The malware is also coded to try to shut down three mobile antivirus products: Dr. Web, ESET's Mobile Security and Avast. More advanced users may be able to get rid of Porn Droid without resetting and erasing all data on their phone. It is possible to remove the malware if a user has root privileges to the device, and some security software can stop it, Stefanko wrote. Ransomware attacks, both desktop and mobile, have become some of the most persistent and damaging scams on the Internet. One of the most prevalent scams is encrypting a person's files and asking for money for the files to be decrypted. Security experts generally advise not paying the ransom, as in many cases fraudsters never bother to fix the victim's computer.
Greatest Stories Ever Told - "Deal" By David Dodd Here’s the plan—each week, I will blog about a different song, focusing, usually, on the lyrics, but also on some other aspects of the song, including its overall impact—a truly subjective thing. Therefore, the best part, I would hope, would not be anything in particular that I might have to say, but rather, the conversation that may happen via the comments over the course of time—and since all the posts will stay up, you can feel free to weigh in any time on any of the songs! With Grateful Dead lyrics, there’s always a new and different take on what they bring up for each listener, it seems. (I’ll consider requests for particular songs—just private message me!) Jerry Garcia’s first solo album, Garcia, yielded quite a set of songs for the band’s repertoire over the years. “Deal,” which opens the album, is a perfect example, a perfectly-crafted gem of a song that kicks off a set of songs with a character who may be the same as the one in a number of other songs, including another one on Garcia, “Loser.” Are they the same character? A certain subset of Grateful Dead songs seems to be set in the same time and place—the American West pre-automobile, but well-enough settled to have plenty of bars and houses of ill-repute. (Did I really just use the phrase “houses of ill-repute”?) The characters may or may not be cowboys, but they do seem, generally, to be gamblers, or thieves, or both. “Me and My Uncle.” “Jack Straw.” “Candyman.” “Mexicali Blues.” “El Paso.” The songs generally referred to as “cowboy songs,” and those generally in the “gambler” category. There’s something appealing for a singer about settling into this kind of narrative persona—getting fearlessly inside the head of a bad person. It’s a challenge, first—like taking on an acting role in a part that goes against one’s natural type. I remember an interview with Bob Weir in which he talked about this—how difficult it was for him to sing songs in which he was a gunslinger or a criminal. And yet, there he was, doing it over and over again. Did the band assign him these songs? When Garcia sings these roles, he sounds older than he was at the time he recorded them. He was 29 when Garcia was released, but his voice was of some indeterminate age. I don’t think he was trying to sound old, but I wouldn’t necessarily have pegged him as a 20-something, I don’t think, if I was hearing the song for the first time. He was likely only 27 or 28 when he actually wrote the song, since the band’s first performance noted in DeadBase X took place on February 19, 1971 at the Capitol Theater in Port Chester, New York. It remained steadily in the repertoire from then on, with its longest absence from the rotation being a string of 29 shows over October 1988 to April 1989, for a total of 422 renditions. Plus the countless (or, not countless…I’m sure someone can come up with a number) performances with the Jerry Garcia Band. Hunter’s lyric opens with the cryptic statement, “Since it cost a lot to win, and even more to lose…” Well, of course it costs more to lose than to win. And is it a choice, if we win or if we lose? Not usually. But there you have the first verse. The chorus brings forward that particular aspect of Grateful Dead wisdom that I so often point out: “Goes to show, you don’t ever know…” Hunter beautifully catches vernacular American speech in the second verse in particular, with a novelist’s each for dialogue: “I been gambling hereabouts for ten good solid years. If I told you all that went down it would burn off both your ears.” Voila. Another verse, and straight back into the chorus, in the same way as in “Friend of the Devil.” And then, in the final verse, I have always heard an echo, or, really, a foreshadowing of Dylan’s “Tangled Up in Blue,” in which the singer says “I must admit, I felt a little uneasy, when she bent down to tie the laces of my shoe…” in the line: “Since you poured the wine for me, and tightened up my shoes.” What’s all this? It’s an image, for sure, of someone kneeling to tie up your laces—either an image of caretaking, or subservience. I’m wondering if there’s a motif elsewhere, perhaps in folk music, of tying someone’s shoes. There is the line in the folk song “Don’t Let Your Deal Go Down”: “Who’s gonna shoe your pretty little feet?”—but that seems like a long shot connection at best. Interestingly, “Deal” lacks one of the hallmark characteristics of the best Hunter / Garcia work: a bridge. Instead, it bounces along, a solid ragtime number, with plenty of space between verses for solos, until the rave-up ending of “Don’t you let that deal go down.” Dennis McNally, in his biography of the band, tells the story of Garcia’s recording the album as a way to raise some badly-needed cash—for a home purchase, I seem to recall. And he links the opening and closing songs on Garcia: “Deal” and “Wheel,” to the wheeling and dealing necessary to raising the cash. I dunno, that just never sounded right to me somehow…but it’s a fun story. In looking for sources for the song in the folk music canon, I first located the folk song “Don’t Let Your Deal Go Down,” which, aside from the chorus and its repeated admonition not to let the deal go down, bears little in common with Hunter’s lyric. There are many variants, but here is one that gets at most of the content of the song as sung by a wide range of performers over the years, from Charlie Poole to Woody Guthrie to the Flying Burrito Brothers: I've been all around this whole wide world, Way down in Memphis Tennessee. Any old place I hang my hat Seems like home to me. Don't let your deal go down. Don't let your deal go down. Don't let your deal go down, sweet mama Till your last gold dollar's gone. When I left my love behind, She's standin' in the door; She throwed her little arms around my neck and said, "Sweet daddy please don't go!" Now it's who's gonna shoe your pretty little feet? Who's gonna glove your hand? And who's gonna kiss your ruby lips Honey, who's gonna be your man? She says, "Papa will shoe my pretty little feet, Manma will glove my hand. You can kiss my rosy lips When you get back again." Where did you get them high-heel shoes. And that dress you wear so fine? Got nry shoes from a railroad man Dress from a driver in the mine. More interesting, pointed out to me after the publication of the Annotated Lyrics book, was a snippet found in the Library of Congress “American Memory” website: a recording of Zora Neale Hurston (author of Their Eyes Were Watching God) performing “Let the Deal Go Down,” dating from her involvement in the WPA Writers Project in 1939. You can listen to her recording, in which she sings the song in and amongst her recitation of a story—noted as a recording of a gambling game called “Georgia Skin,” here. (Zora Neale Hurston, playing drumz…!) Whether heard as an album opener or as a first set closer, “Deal” sets us up for the further adventures of the amazing cast of characters to be found throughout this zany set of songs known as the Grateful Dead repertoire. And as an admonishment, “don’t let that deal go down” works well in everyday life—I hear it as “don’t let this opportunity or chance pass you by—it could be the best thing ever to happen to you!” A good approach to life. Although, you don’t ever know… My favorite song to end the first set was a 15+ minute version of Playing in the Band...circa 1972-1974 (with a few in '76). "We'll be back in a few..." DEAL was probably the most performed number in Jerry Garcia's career. I think it was done over 700 times, both with the Dead and JGB. Somewhere along the line, circ. 1980, the Dead added a closing jam to the number which was the perfect way to end the first set. This wasn't my favorite first set closer though. THE MUSIC NEVER STOPPED is my favorite.
China’s FD-2000 missile defense system beat out competitors Raytheon’s Patriot, the Russian S-400 and the French-Italian Eurosam Samp-T to win the Turkish contract last week. Defenseworld.net takes a look at how each missile defense system vary from each other. Developed by the China National Precision Machinery Import and Export Corporation (CPMIEC), the FD-2000 made its first public appearance at the Africa Aerospace and Defence Exhibition in 2009. The FD-2000 is a third generation medium-and-high altitude, medium-and-long range air-defense system with the capability of carrying out all-weather air-defense operations. The missile is capable of intercepting precision-guided weapons as well as UAVs, helicopters and fighter aircraft. Its anti-radiation variant, the FT-2000, is currently undergoing completion. Its naval version, the HQ-9, is based on the Russian S300-V. Developed by Almaz Central Design Bureau of Russia, the S-400 is an upgraded version of the S-300 series of surface-to-air missile systems. "The system can engage all types of aerial targets including aircraft, unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV), and ballistic and cruise missiles within the range of 400km, at an altitude of up to 30km,” according to the company website. Twice as effective as its predecessors, the S-400 can be deployed within five minutes and can also be assimilate into existing and future air defence units of all three forces. The Russian missile is also capable of destroying airborne targets within the range of 250km. The French SAMP/T, jointly developed by MBDA, Alenia and Thales, is a theatre antimissile system designed to protect the battlefield and sensitive tactical sites (such as airports and sea ports) against all current and future airborne threats, including cruise missiles, manned and unmanned aircraft and tactical ballistic missiles in the 600 km range class, according to the Thales website. The system comprises a fire control system based on the ARABEL multi-function electronic scanning radar and a Vertical Ground Launcher mounted on Italian Astra/iveco and French Renault-KERAX 8x8 trucks and capable of firing eight missile in rapid sequence. It is also the only non-American long-range defense system in the NATO Alliance ballistic threat capability. Raytheon calls its Patriot missiles “the world’s most advanced air and missile defense system” with over “200 fire units fielded worldwide.” The Patriot is a long-range, high-altitude, all-weather system and the systems integrator for the PAC-3 missile. All Patriot system components provide the warfighter a reliable and lethal capability to defeat advanced threats, including aircraft, tactical ballistic missiles, cruise missiles and UAVs in current and future operational combat environments, according to the company. It also uses an advanced aerial interceptor missile, high performance radar systems and is resistant to countermeasures, including electronic countermeasures (ECM) radar jamming. The Patriot was designed to quickly jump between frequencies to resist jamming.
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SAN JOSE, Calif.--IMEC, a European research consortium, has announced a deal with Praesagus Inc., a developer of solutions to model interconnect manufacturing variation in semiconductor applications. The term of the agreement is two years. IMEC Industrial Affiliation Partners will have early access to the technology and Praesagus expects to incorporate the results into their commercial product. The partnership will build on Praesagus' physics-based interconnect thickness variation modeling technology and expand the scope to include copper/low-k and three-dimensional modeling. The partnership will leverage IMEC's copper damascene, ultra low-k dielectric and 65nm expertise and experience, said Karen Maex, IMEC Fellow in the Silicon Process Technology Division. "The current design for manufacturing (DFM) communication paradigm of CMP design rules and worst-case thickness tech files is running out of steam and the recently proposed alternative of density-based models does not provide enough accuracy," said Hugo De Man, IMEC Senior Research Fellow, in a statement. "In our System-Level Integration Program, IMEC is researching the impact of process variability in deep submicron technologies on circuit and system level. Variability in interconnect RC delays is a main concern as we are scaling down technology beyond the 90nm node. Praesagus' expertise in physics-based modeling of interconnect technology offers a promising alternative to accurately predict the interconnect performance, serving as a critical input to system designers," he said.
Jacob Ludwig Karl Grimm (1785-1863) Wilhelm Karl Grimm (1786-1859) German philologists and collectors of folk tales. Renowned for their collection of European fairy tales, entitled Kinder-und Hausmärchen (1812-1815; Grimms' Fairy Tales), the brothers Grimm are additionally celebrated for their study of the Germanic literary tradition. Distinguished philologists, they are credited with rediscovering the richness of Germany's medieval language, literature, and culture in the early nineteenth century. While both brothers individually produced significant works of scholarship, their most enduring literary efforts were produced in collaboration. These include the Deutsches Wörterbuch, a German dictionary, which is recognized as comparable in importance to the Oxford English Dictionary, and Grimms 'Fairy Tales, their world famous collection of folk tales. Transcribed from stories purportedly recounted by peasants in the German countryside, Grimms' Fairy Tales reflects the brothers' effort to preserve the oral tradition of folklore. Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm were born in Hanau, Germany. The death of their father in 1788 and consequent lack of family income required that they be placed in the care of an aunt in Kassel, where they were educated at the Lyceum Fridericianum. Throughout their lives the Grimms shared a close intellectual and emotional relationship. Both studied law at Marburg University in Kassel and both were distracted from their studies by their interest in medieval German literature. Beginning in about 1806 the brothers began collecting oral folklore, which they revised and published as Kinder-und Hausmärchen, a work that Wilhelm considered of minor importance but which proved to be among their finest contributions to literature. In 1816 Wilhelm and Jacob accepted positions in the Library of King Jerome in Kassel. Their duties as librarians allowed them significant time to devote to scholarship and to complete their early collection of essays on folklore, published as Deutsche Sagen (German Legends) in 1816. Both men further established their academic reputations in the ensuing years with the publication of individual works, including Jacob's Deutsche Grammatik (1819-37) and Wilhelm's Die deutschen Heldensage (1829). In 1930 Jacob was offered a position as professor of law and linguistics at the University of Göttingen, while Wilhelm became a lecturer in medieval literature at Göttingen in 1831, acceding to a full professorship in 1835. The brothers' formal protest of the restrictive civil policies imposed by Ernest August of Cumberland, the new King of Hanover, led to their discharge and exile in 1837. Their subsequent financial difficulties following a return to Kassel were ended in 1840, when the Grimms were offered posts at the Berlin Academy of Sciences by King Friedrich Wilhelm IV of Prussia. Both lectured on German politics, literature, and folklore, but their principal duty was the compilation of a German entymological dictionary, the Deutsches Wörterbuch, a sixteen-volume set that would not be completed until the mid-twentieth century. Jacob published the first volume of the Wörterbuch in 1854. Wilhelm's death in 1859 prevented him from completing his portion of the dictionary, though Jacob produced two more volumes before dying in 1863. The Grimms' two-volume Fairy Tales contains more than 200 folk stories transcribed from the oral tradition of the German peasantry. Among the best known of these tales are such recognizable stories as "The Frog Prince," "Hansel and Gretel," "Rumpelstiltskin," and "Snow-White." The stories generally feature medieval settings and concern a variety of characters easily familiar to any schoolchild—beautiful princesses, fools, tricksters, witches, naïve heroes, talking beasts, bumbling craftsmen, fearless boys, and clever girls. Their principal technique is one of exaggeration and dramatic contrast between representations of good and evil, though the tales generally lack the harsh tone of moral didacticism. In large part, these stories preserve the simple, unadorned style of the peasant storyteller. While the core of the works come from Germany, specifically the region of Hesse, many of the tales derive from geographically broader sources and others are literary rather than oral in origin. Upon publication, Grimms' Fairy Tales became immediately popular with children. First intended for the student of folklore rather than as entertainment, the tales reflect the brothers' efforts to define their literary heritage. Critics have acknowledged that the Grimms' statements regarding the Fairy Tales indicate their belief that these were authentic expressions of peasant speech. However, modern analysis of Grimms' Fairy Tales has questioned some of the Grimms' methods in collecting and recording these stories. Several critics, including Jack Zipes and John M. Ellis, have contended that Wilhelm's extensive revisions fundamentally contradicted the stated purpose of literary preservation by overlaying the peasant tales with a bourgeois sensibility. Other folklorists have countered that the Grimms' embellishments simply indicate the process of evolutionary change that is fundamental to the oral tradition. While scholars continue to study the appropriate literary and oral significance of the tales, others have sought to formally analyze the individual stories using the techniques of psychoanalysis and cultural criticism. Such interpretations have attributed an assortment of psychosexual and socio-historical themes to the works. Overall, the Grimms' Fairy Tales have provided folklore scholars with valuable information regarding the art of storytelling, and children of every age with fantasy and delight. Kinder-und Hausmärchen [Grimms' Fairy Tales', also published as Children's and Household Tales, Fairy Tales, and German Popular Stories] (fairy tales) 1812-15 Other Major Works Altdänische Heldenlieder [by Wilhelm Grimm] (songs) 1811 Über den altdeutschen Meistergesang [by Jacob Grimm] (essay) 1811 Deutsche Sagen [German Legends] (literary history) 1816 Deutsche Grammatik [by Jacob Grimm] (grammar) 1819-37 Über deutsche Runen [by Wilhelm Grimm] (folklore) 1821 Die deutschen Heldensage [by Wilhelm Grimm] (folklore) 1829 Deutsche Mythologie [Teutonic Mythology; by Jacob Grimm] (folklore) 1835-54 Geschichte der deutschen Sprache [by Jacob Grimm] (history) 1848 * Deutsches Wörterbuch [editors] (dictionary) 1854-1961 *This work was completed by Hildebrand, Wiegand, and others. SOURCE: "Sleeping Beauty: The Meaning and Form of Fairy Tales," in Once Upon a Time: On the Nature of Fairy Tales, Frederick Ungar Publishing Co., 1970, pp. 21-34. [In the following essay, Lüthi analyzes the Grimms' version of "Sleeping Beauty" and considers other variants of the tale.] Our attitude toward fairy tales (Märchen) is ambivalent. "Don't tell me any fairy tales," we say, in the derogatory sense. Here, the term is only a politer expression for cleverly contrived lies. On the other hand, when we admire something especially beautiful, the word märchenhaft (i.e., like a fairy tale) almost spontaneously comes to mind. Here, it does not mean unreal in the sense of untrue, but in the sense of unearthy or divine. Thus, even in everyday usage, our language suggests both rejection of, and fascination by, the fairy tale. For centuries, educated people have looked down on popular fairy tales as stories properly belonging in the nursery and the servants' quarters; yet great writers have repeatedly drawn inspiration from them. Great literature of all ages has borrowed from fairy-tale motifs and often exhibited an imaginativeness not unlike that of the fairy tale. In the life of the individual, there are periods when one is fascinated by fairy tales and periods of indifference. After the actual fairy-tale age (between five and ten), there follows a realistic stage during which one is ill-disposed toward fairy tales. Some people persist in this attitude all their lives. But in others, understanding and love for these once-coveted stories returns later in life, not only because now as mothers or grandfathers they themselves are called upon to tell fairy tales, but just as much because they again feel moved by their peculiar charm. When something has the ability both to attract and repel one so forcefully, one may assume that it deals with fundamentals. One is challenged to take sides, explicitly or implicitly. The role fairy tales play in the lives of children, and the role they played in the lives of adults in the millennia prior to the coming of the printed word, strengthens us in the belief that we are dealing with a peculiar form of literature, one which concerns man directly. When we speak of fairy tales today, we cannot help thinking of the collection by the Grimm brothers—and this applies not only to the region where German is spoken. Grimm's Fairy Tales, which first appeared in 1812 and 1815, is in many countries the most popular, the most oft-reprinted German book. Even among primitive folk they show their great effect: the Grimm tales missionaries have told to natives in some cases have the power to supplant indigenous tales. In the following passage from "Sleeping Beauty," one of the best-known tales in the Grimm collection, certain basic features of the fairy tale can be discovered. The introductory section reads as follows: Once upon a time there was a king and a queen and every day they said, "O, if we only had a child!" But they never had one. Now it happened one day while the queen was sitting in her bath that a frog came out of the water, crept ashore and said to the queen, "Your wish will be fulfilled; before a year goes by you will give birth to a daughter." This happened just as the frog had said it would and the queen gave birth to a girl so beautiful that the king was beside himself with joy and ordered a great feast. He invited not only his relatives, friends and acquaintances, but also the Wise Women, so that they would be well-disposed and feel kindly toward the child. There were in his realm thirteen of them, but because he had only twelve golden plates for them to eat from, one of them had to stay at home. The feast was celebrated with great splendor, and when it was over the Wise Women presented the child with their magic gifts. One gave virtue, the next beauty, the third wealth, and thus everything desirable that there is in the world. Just as the eleventh had announced her gift the thirteenth suddenly walked in. She wanted her revenge because she had not been invited, and without a greeting or even a glance at anyone she cried in a loud voice, "The princess shall in her fifteenth year be pricked by a spindle and fall down dead." And without saying another word she turned around and left the hall. Everyone was dismayed. Then the twelfth Wise Woman who still had her wish came forward, and because she could not break the spell but only modify it, she said, "But it will not be death. The princess will fall into a deep sleep that will last for one hundred years." Everyone knows how the tale goes on from here. The king's decree "that all spindles in the entire kingdom be burned" cannot save the child. When she is fifteen years old, she pricks herself with a spindle (which arouses her interest for the very reason that she has never seen one before), and at once falls asleep under the magic spell, together with the king, the queen, and the whole royal household. All around the palace there grows a dense hedge of thorns. The princes who try to force their way through are caught and held in the thorns, where they suffer greatly. After exactly 100 years, another prince ventures forth. Now, instead of thorns, there are only big, beautiful flowers which separate by themselves, permitting him to pass through unharmed, and then they close again behind him. The prince's kiss brings the sleeping princess back to life again, the whole household awakens with her, and a splendid wedding is celebrated. The Grimm brothers themselves wondered about the meaning of this fairy tale, which appears in a similar form among other peoples. What is its core, its essence? What does it stand for? Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm saw in fairy tales remnants of ancient myths, playful descendants of an ancient intuitive vision of life and the world. Sleeping Beauty, wonderously endowed and mysteriously threatened, suffers death or a sleep similar to death. But she is awakened again and begins to flourish—and with her, the world about her. Our fairy tale tells of death and resurrection. The flowering of the hedge of roses and the awakening of the sleeping maiden suggest the earth in lifeless repose which, touched by spring, begins to live anew and blossom as young and beautiful as ever. It suggests also the awakening of sleeping nature at the first glimmering of the new day. Processes which eternally recur have taken shape in "Sleeping Beauty"—processes in nature which surrounds man, but also processes in the human soul. Sleeping Beauty is fifteen years old when she comes under the spell: the time of transition from childhood to maidenhood. Every important turning point in development, every transition from one stage of life to another, is felt as a threat. At this age it is natural for the young man to be self-conscious and the young woman retiring, for both sexes to become for a period either shy and withdrawn or caustic, defiant, and unfriendly. A hedge of thorns seems to grow around young people and to shield them from the world. But in the protection such seclusion affords, the youth matures and will awaken to a new, larger, and brighter life. The characters of the fairy tale are not personally delineated; the fairy tale is not concerned with individual destinies. Nor is it the unique process of maturation that is reflected in the fairy tale. The story of Sleeping Beauty is more than an imaginatively stylized love story portraying the withdrawal of the girl and the breaking of the spell through the young lover. One instinctively conceives of the princess as an image for the human spirit: the story portrays the endowment, peril, paralysis, and redemption not of just one girl, but of all mankind. The soul of man again and again suffers convulsions and paralysis and, each time—with luck—it can be revived, healed, redeemed. With luck! The abnormal individual, of course, can also remain in the paralyzed condition, unable to rediscover the fountainhead of life in himself and to reestablish contact with his surroundings. But the fairy tale does not portray the abnormal case, but natural development, and it fills its hearers with the confidence that a new, larger life is to come after the deathlike sleep—that, after the isolation, a new form of contact and community will follow. This mercy and threat is depicted in a number of variations in the Sleeping Beauty fairy tale. The fairies are both a blessing and a curse for the child; the royal palace is for Sleeping Beauty both paradise and prison; the deathlike sleep both a spell cast upon her and a refuge. The hedge of thorns, which can kill but which finally bursts into bloom with magnificent flowers, expresses most vividly this all-pervading polarity of death and resurrection. In the dominant image just mentioned (palace and tower, thorns and roses, humans and fairies), there is revealed another peculiar capability of the fairy tale, not just in "Sleeping Beauty," but in the popular fairy tale in general. Despite its brevity, it embraces in its own way the world: nature both dead and living, man and the works of man, and the supernatural. In the beginning of "Sleeping Beauty," the world in its essential elements is already present: animal, man, and material objects all together. Only plants are missing. Not until the later episodes and the development of the tale will trees, thorns, and leaves also grow and flowers burst into bloom. Of the visible elements (the fairy tale clings to what is visible), water and earth are already mentioned in the introductory section. The third, fire, will flare up later on; and wind and breath will also be mentioned. The human world is represented by man, woman, and child. Objects of the workday and those of the festive day will appear: spindles and golden plates. The precious metal, the figures of the king and queen, and the festivities indicate that matters of significance are involved. Human feelings—like privation, longing, grief, joy, horror, hope, bitterness, irritability, vindictiveness, and compassion—are expressed. Loud talk and startled or threatening silence stand side by side, yet words of consolation are also not wanting. Sorrow, mistakes, and helplessness testify to the peril in which even royalty stands. In the figures of the prophetic frog and the fairies who give their blessings and imprecations, a supernatural world, again clearly visible, is joined to the world of man. The fairy tale is a universe in miniature; and since every good work of literature displays its peculiar characteristics even in its individual parts, the tendency of the fairy tale to embody the world is strongly evident even in this brief introduction to "Sleeping Beauty." We love the fairy tale not only for its wisdom, but the manner in which it is told; its external appearance, which varies from people to people and from narrator to narrator, also delights us. The Grimm brothers' genius for storytelling is likewise evident in the very first part of the fairy tale. The entire first section is based on the motif of prophecy. Once stated, the theme is varied and intensified. The birth of the little girl is heralded by a frog and the Wise Women bestow on her virtue, beauty, wealth, and other miraculous gifts, that is to say, they proclaim all this. But the thirteenth fairy—and here one anxiously holds his breath—prophesies that the princess will die in her fifteenth year. Following this climax—which is strongly underlined by the sudden bursting upon the scene of the fairy who had been neglected, by her short, loud words and her silent departure—the tension in the story gradually subsides. A final variation on the prophecy motif, the conversion of the death pronouncement into the proclamation of the 100-year sleep, relieves the inner tension, but at once gives rise to the question of how and whether the proclamation will come true and what will happen during and after the enchanted sleep. A truly dramatic exposition! A comparison of the Grimm brothers' original notations with the final version of "Sleeping Beauty" shows what their poetic imagination and genius for language has added. No one familiar with the tale can forget the humorous description of the palace as it sinks into sleep and reawakens. The passage reads: This sleep spread throughout the palace. The king and queen, who had returned home and had just entered the hall, began to fall asleep along with their entire royal household. The horses, too, fell asleep in their stables, as did the dogs in the courtyard, the pigeons on the roof, and the flies on the wall. Even... (The entire section is 5204 words.) SOURCE: "The Brothers Grimm and Their Collection of Kinder und Hausmärchen," in Theoria, Vol. XLV, October, 1975, pp. 41-54. [In the following essay, Ihms details the lives of the Grimm brothers and investigates the political and social dimensions of their fairy tales] The stories now known as Grimm's Fairy Tales appeared in English translation during the nineteenth century as Popular Stories1 or Household Tales.2 These titles correspond closely to the original German Kinder-und Hausmärchen. When nowadays we refer to the Fairy Tales, or in German to the Märchen, we use... (The entire section is 6145 words.) SOURCE: "Born Yesterday: Heroes in the Grimms' Fairy Tales," in Fairy Tales and Society: Illusion, Allusion, and Paradigm, edited by Ruth B. Bottigheimer, University of Pennsylvania Press, 1986, pp. 95-114. [In the following essay, Tatar discusses the common traits of the Grimms' fairy tale heroes: naiveté, compassion, fearlessness, and humility.] There comes an old man with his three sons— I could match this beginning with an old tale. —Shakespeare, As You Like It Identifying fairy tale heroes by name is no mean feat. In the Grimms' collection, only one in every ten... (The entire section is 9509 words.) SOURCE: "Prohibitions, Transgressions, and Punishments," in Grimms' Bad Girls & Bold Boys: The Moral & Social Vision of the Tales,' Yale University Press, 1987, pp. 81-94. [In the following excerpt, Bottigheimer probes gender distinctions related to transgression and punishment in Grimms' Tales.] A general pattern of exculpating men and incriminating women permeates Grimms' Tales. This pattern is clearly evident in the post-1819 versions of "Hansel and Gretel" (no. 15), "Snow-White" (no. 53) and "Cinderella" (no. 21), each of which provides a stepmother who assumes the burden of blame while the father, virtually absent, shoulders no share of the... (The entire section is 6463 words.) SOURCE: "The Tales of the Brothers Grimm: In the Black Forest," in Touchstones: Reflections on the Best in Children's Literature. Volume Two: Fairy Tales, Fables, Myths, Legends, and Poetry, Children's Literature Association, 1987, pp. 104-17. [In the following essay, Thomas examines the nature and significance of the Grimms' fairy tales.] As the great-grandparent of children's literature, fairy tales occupy a privileged place as touchstones for that literature. Basic as the peasant's crusty black bread, they nourish us upon essential sustenance—the fare of elemental story. Especially do the volhmarchen or folk fairy tales—those stories that were once part... (The entire section is 6128 words.) SOURCE: "What Did the Grimm Brothers Give to and Take from the Folk?," in The Brothers Grimm and Folktale, edited by James M. McGlathery, University of Illinois Press, 1988, pp. 66-90. [In the following essay, Dégh assesses the influence of the Grimms' Kinder-und Hausmärchen.] Are oral and literary tradition two separate entities which can be studied independently from each other or must their interdependence be taken into consideration when looking at a folklore genre, the Märchen in particular, as it evolved and developed through the ages? This question touches upon essentials about the nature of folklore and its study. In view of a... (The entire section is 9841 words.) SOURCE: "New Misconceptions about Old Folktales: The Brothers Grimm," in The Brothers Grimm and Folktale, edited by James M. McGlathery, University of Illinois Press, 1988, pp. 91-100. [In the following essay, Ward decries the lack of an objective scholarly evaluation of the Grimms' fairy tales.] One occasionally encounters the contention that the Brothers Grimm were guilty of manipulative deception when they added elements of cruelty to the tale of Cinderella that were not in their sources. The reference is typically to the bloody scene of the stepsisters cutting off their heels and toes in the attempt to make the slipper fit. I find this contention to be somewhat... (The entire section is 3994 words.) SOURCE: "Exploring Historical Paths," in The Brothers Grimm: From Enchanted Forests to the Modern World, Routledge, Chapman and Hall, 1988, pp. 43-61. [In the following essay, Zipes offers a socio-historical perspective on the Grimms' Children's and Household Tales, examining the ways in which these stories depict the social customs and classes of the German people.] Inevitably [the characters of Grimm's tales] find their way into the forest. It is there that they lose and find themselves. It is there that they gain a sense of what is to be done. The forest is always large, immense, great, and mysterious. No one ever gains power over the forest, but the forest... (The entire section is 9395 words.) SOURCE: "Folktale Characters," in The Brothers Grimm and Their Critics: Folktales and the Quest for Meaning, Ohio University Press, 1992, pp. 81-97. [In the following essay, Kamenetsky describes folktale character types in the Grimms' tales and presents Wilhelm Grimm's view of the significance of folk stories.] MYTHICAL AND EPIC DIMENSIONS Mythical and epic origins determined not only the deeper meaning of folktales but also the nature and dimensions of their characters, according to the Brothers Grimm. Folktale characters appeared in many forms, some human, some super-human, some in the shape of birds, fish, animals, plants, trees, or even... (The entire section is 8087 words.) Michaelis-Jena, Ruth. The Brothers Grimm. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1970, 212 p. Critical biography including an assessment of the Children's and Household Tales and its influence. Dundes, Alan. "The Psychoanalytic Study of the Grimms' Tales with Special Reference to 'The Maiden Without Hands' (AT 706)." The Germanic Review 62, No. 2 (Spring 1987): 50-65. Emphasizes the critical value of psychoanalytic readings of the Grimms' tales and offers a principally Freudian interpretation of "The Maiden Without Hands."... (The entire section is 660 words.)
What won me over to Catering By Margarita was the detail and work that she puts into her food. She is an artist with food! Her pineapple fruit platter was a tower of vibrant colors, the petite fours little tastes of heaven, and wedding cakes beautiful and delicious. We hired her for a wedding, and found her to be prompt and professional - outlining a delicious menu for us. I can hardly say enough good things about her - in an area of the country where food is often the same old thing, she and her catering business add spice back to catered food and a breath of fresh air (or fresh bread?) to the gastronomic scene.
By Ron Jackson Viwe Mdletyeni from the Eastern Cape won the South African lightweight title when he beat Limpopo’s Thompson Mokwana on a split decision at the OR Tambo Hall in Mthatha on Saturday night. The number one rated Mdletyeni, 25, who has a reported record of 12-2, 6 KOs was fighting in his home town. He made a fast start as he took the fight to the champion from the first bell. Mokwana (17-8, 10 KOs) was making the third defense of his title. The taller Mdletyeni was able to score with shots to the body and head as he varied his attack in the first half of the fight. However, the champion came back to score in the later rounds in a closely fought contest.
THE LTA will erect safety billboards in Levuka and the Northern Division soon. Authority spokesman Iliesa Sokia said these would advocate on the importance of road safety to the public. "We are working with the Fiji Roads Authority in doing a road survey to find out the proper areas where billboards can be erected," Mr Sokia said. "It's important for the public to know about road safety and this is the whole idea behind this move. "We did surveying in the West last week and we have moved to the Old Capital and the North this week." Mr Sokia hopes the billboards will send the proper message for people to adhere to simple road safety tips. The billboards are expected to be erected next month.
Whether the pain is on the bottom of the heel or in the back of the foot at the Achilles tendon, it is important to understand the nature of the deformity in order to appropriately treat the symptoms. Heel pain syndrome, usually known as plantar fasciitis or heel spur syndrome, is a chronic condition caused by an altered walking pattern. Heel pain is usually present with the first step of the morning or when rising out of a chair after sitting for a long period. It can also be present after walking for long periods of time and at the end of the day. Usually a biomechanical alteration of normal gait, heel pain is easily and effectively controlled without surgery. Orthotic management and control is the most important treatment for long term success in reducing pain and controlling the mechanics of the altered walking pattern. Other treatments include ice, anti-inflammatory medication, steroid injection therapy, stretching, night splinting, physical therapy, and orthotics. Dr. Bruschayt offers the newest and extremely effectively technology for heel pain syndrome called extracorporeal shock wave therapy (ESWT) otherwise known as orthotripsy. The modality delivers focused shock waves to the body inducing a microtrauma to the area that body recognizes and treats. This is a noninvasive form of treatment only requires three treatments performed on a weekly basis to achieve 80% reduction in symptoms.
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Q: I recently encountered the verb “essentialize” in an academic monograph: “the term Hinduism is often essentialized.” The meaning here eludes me. (I’ve read what Pat has to say in Woe Is I about “-ize” endings.) A: The verb “essentialize” means to express something in its essential form—that is, to reduce it to its essentials. So the author of that monograph is apparently saying that the term “Hinduism” is often reduced to its essentials. In other words, the word “Hinduism” is used to refer to the essence of the religion. If that is indeed what the author intended, we think he should have said so, even if it meant using a few more words. But academic writing has its own rules and they don’t include simplicity. Stewart once helped a friend, a French meteorologist, translate a paper into English for a scientific journal. When Stewart had finished, the English was so readable that the journal wouldn’t publish the paper until it was rewritten in academic jargon. Live and learn! You can find “essentialize” in The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language (5th ed.), Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary (11th ed.), and other standard dictionaries. It’s not all that popular outside academese and bureaucratese (only about 60,000 hits on Google), but “essentialize” has been around in one form or another since the 17th century. When it entered English in the mid-1600s, it meant “to give essence or being” to someone or something. A noun that showed up at the same time, “essentializer,” referred to the “first fabricator, perfector, essentialiser of Beings or he that gives Essence to Beings.” The sense of the word that’s apparently being used in the monograph you read (“to formulate in essential form, to express the essential form of”) didn’t show up until the early 20th century, according to the OED. This 1922 example from the Times Literary Supplement refers to Dante: “A poet in whom the manifold passions and cultural movements of his time were essentialized and ennobled into the highest poetical utterance.” Many English words have been formed by adding “-ize” to the end of nouns and adjectives. This is a legitimate practice, but it can get out of hand. Here’s an excerpt from Pat’s comments about it in her grammar and usage book Woe Is I: “For centuries, we’ve been creating instant verbs in English simply by adding ize to nouns (demon → demonize, for instance) or to adjectives (brutal → brutalize). The ancient Greeks were the ones who gave us the idea. The ize ending (often ise in British spellings) has given us loads of useful words (agonize, burglarize, fantasize, mesmerize, pasteurize, pulverize). It’s just as legitimate to add ize to the end of a word as it is to add un or pre to the beginning. “Yet there can be too much of a good thing, and that’s what has happened with ize. Verbs should be lively little devils, and just adding ize to a word doesn’t give it life. Fortunately, many recent horrors (credibilize, permanentize, respectabilize, uniformize) didn’t catch on. But some lifeless specimens have slipped into the language, among them colorize, prioritize, and finalize, and they’re probably going to be around for a while.” Our advice: If you don’t like ’em, don’t use ’em. Maybe they’ll go away. Check out our books about the English language
View Full Version : Question about special Inspection for fire retardant 01-31-2011, 08:48 PM I know not every city requires it, but my city requires a outside independent special inspection for the fire retardant. My question is to those of you who have also had to have an outside inspection, could you share the cost to you? Ours was a lot higher than I anticipated this past year, and I wanted to see if I am just way off base. 02-05-2011, 02:09 PM I haven't been through this yet but probably will be depending on where I setup shop. The cost is a mystery to me as well but I'd also like to know what to expect when it comes to cost. My question, like yours, to other haunters is: Are there any listings for these test labs? I'm sure there are a number of them throughout the country. Can somebody share this info if you have it? My local officials did not provide lab information when asked but require lab testing. How do we get this testing done if we don't know where to go? One thing to remember when discussing fire safety tests. What happens in the lab will vary in the field. Labs are 'controlled' environments. The only true fire retardant test would have to actually take place inside your haunt which we know is not going to happen. But, you can supply samples of your building and theming materials for test burns. Preferably done outdoors or in an walk-in fireplace. Labs don't duplicate air drafts which carry and spread flames, embers, etc. The lab test is good to a point. Testing in real world environments is way better because the lab environment is not your environment. Bradenton Haunted Trail 02-10-2011, 10:40 PM Contact your fire retardant suppler they should be able to help you with a lab. Powered by vBulletin® Version 4.2.2 Copyright © 2016 vBulletin Solutions, Inc. All rights reserved.
Zulu War 1879 (South Africa) The Zulu war of 1879 finally ended by bloodshed two years of political activity by the British designed to remove the last challenge to their Imperial power in southern Africa. Zululand had become a powerful kingdom under the rule of the warlord king Shaka in the early 19th century, but by 1870 European colonial expansion was starting to hem it in. The British were expanding from the south in Natal and the Boers, Dutch settlers were expanding from the west in the area know as the Transvaal which the British annexed to their future cost in 1877. The British had seized their South African colonies during the Napoleonic Wars but these possessions had been plagued with trouble due to violence between the British, the Boers and local African kingdoms. The British plan was to unite black and white under their rule, but first the Zulu kingdom had to be removed. At this time the British were fighting many small wars in various colonies and did not want another war in a distant colony. Despite this the British High Commissioner Sir Henry Bartle Frere and the Army Commander, Lieutenant-General Sir Frederic Thesiger soon to be the new Lord Chelmsford, decided that war with the Zulus was unavoidable. Using the delay in communications between London and themselves they set in motion what they hoped would be a small quick war. Using a minor border incident as justification Zulu representatives were summoned to a meeting of the Border Commission which actually found in the Zulu's favour but determined to promote the idea of a Zulu threat a condition was imposed on the settlement that the Zulus would have to give up their military system which was key to their culture, a condition the King Cetshwayo could never accept. Lord Chelmsford decided to invade Zululand with 3 columns leaving 2 more to protect Natal and the Transvaal. He expected the Zulus to behave like the other African Armies he had fought and prove elusive and unwilling to fight pitched battles. This was to prove a serious mistake. British forces crossed the ford at Rorke's Drift on the 11th Jan 1879 and on the 22nd January the British forces divided by Chelmsford were taken by surprise and nearly destroyed by the Zulu warriors at the battle of Isandhlwana, one of the few times in the history of the British Army that is has been defeated by a native Army. The British forces holding the Ford at Rorke's Drift quickly came under heavy attack by Zulu reserves leading to one of the most famous battles in British history. When news reached Britain of the disaster at Isandhlwana it caused an uproar. In March 1879 the second phase of the war began Chelmsford reorganised his troops and awaited promised reinforcements from Britain which would take several months to arrive. With irregular horsemen harassing the Zulu's and an abortive attack on Hlobane mountain which cost 15 officers and 79 men dead the war dragged on as Chelmsford awaited fresh troops. The war began to turn to favour the British as a Zulu attack on the British camp at the battle of Khambula was repulsed on 29th March 1879. In the aftermath of the battle it was clear that the Zulu Impi would never take to the battlefield with such confidence again and the way was clear for a second invasion. As fresh British troops started to arrive the final invasion of Zululand (May to July 1879) began. King Cetshwayo sent messengers to the British asking for terms of surrender but the British demanded unconditional surrender and Cetshwayo made his last stand at the battle of Ulundi (4 July 1879). After this final defeat the Zulu nation was smashed and split up into 13 kingdoms which were given to pro British Africans only for it to dissolve into civil war a few years later. The British pulled out of Zululand soon after the battle and Cetshwayo was hunted down and exiled. After a brief return to try and halt the civil war Cetshwayo was defeated and later died in 1884. Zululand is now part of the Republic of South Africa. Isandlwana, How the Zulus Humbled the British Empire, Adrian Greaves . An excellent examination of this famous battle and the campaign that led up to it, written by someone with a detailed knowledge of the battlefield and surrounding areas. Uses a wide range of contemporary sources to paint an accurate picture of this battle and the Zulu achievements and the British mistakes that led to the great Zulu victory. [read full review Zulu , starring Stanley Baker, Jack Hawkins , Michael Cain. Now a staggering 40 years old this is still an excellent film which is surprising historically accurate on the details of the battle and avoids depictingg the Zulus as just mindless savages A much maligned and for years hard to get movie which shows the events running up to the battle of Rorkes Drift, that of the British defeat at Isandhlwana. Star studdied cast including Burt Lancaster, Peter O'Toole and Bob Hoskins help improve the film. Despite some historical inaccuracys an enjoyable film and one which at least shows a British defeat at the hands of local forces. Zulu (Warrior S.), Ian Knight A nice book up to the normal osprey standard looking at the training, organisation and skills of the Zulu warriors. Often regarded as primative savages by the uninformed this book helps give a realistic picture of what was a highly organised army. Knight, Ian, The Zulu War 1879: Twilight of a Warrior Nation A great book, very thick for an osprey book at nearly 100 pages, packed with great illustrations ,lots of photographs from the period, and 3 D battle maps. The book also includes orders of battle for the two main armies and covers the whole campaign. Written by Ian Knight one of the leading experts on the war and also includes some advice on wargaming the campaign. Rorke's Drift, 1879: Pinned Like Rats in a Hole, Ian Knight. (Osprey Military Campaign S.) A very detailed osprey book on this famous last stand. Packed full of photographs , illustrations both black and white and colour it is an easily accessable book which is easy and enjoyable reading and gives a real sense of drama without loosing acuracy. It is nearly 100 pages and covers a very detailed section on wargaming the battle. A good book to begin any serious study. [see more How to cite this article: Dugdale-Pointon, TDP. (2 March 2001), Zulu War 1879, http://www.historyofwar.org/articles/wars_zulu.html
Alameda County, Calif. fire officials say a hoverboard was found in the area where a fire sparked at a San Leandro home. KRON-TV reported that firefighters responded over the weekend to reports of a fire at a two-story home. No one was at the home and no injuries were reported. A hoverboard was found on the first floor and had been charging since Friday evening. Fire investigators say they have not determined the cause of the blaze, but that they will be contacting the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission about the fire. Hoverboards have drawn criticism in recent months, as reports have come out across the country of the two-wheeled, self-balancing, battery-powered devices bursting into flames. Two fires in Sonoma County in January have been attributed to hoverboards. - Hoverboard Bursts into Flames in California Home - Alabama Couple Sues Hoverboard Makers Over House Fire - Hoverboard Explodes, Causes Small Fire Inside South Carolina Home - Hoverboard Catches Fire at Houston-Area Mall - New Jersey Alerts Consumers to Safety Concerns Over ‘Hoverboards’ - Hoverboards Unwelcomed at More Utah Universities
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|Jacob Josef Bunka and the memorial stone at Koshan which says: In this place July 1941, the Nazi assassins and their local collaborators gruesomely murdered 1800 Jews from Plunge, children, women and men.| ||Jacob Josef Bunka today with his Second World War Soviet war medals JewishGen, Inc. makes no representations regarding the accuracy of the translation. The reader may wish to refer to the original material JewishGen is not responsible for inaccuracies or omissions in the original work and cannot rewrite or edit the text to correct inaccuracies and/or omissions. Our mission is to produce a translation of the original work and we cannot verify the accuracy of statements or alter facts cited. Plunge, Lithuania Yizkor Book Project JewishGen Home Page Copyright © 1999-2016 by JewishGen, Inc. Updated 11 Sep 2005 by LA
Hate those long security lines at the airport? If you're flying out for the holidays, there are some things you can do to breeze through the TSA checkpoints. Portland TSA Director Mike Irwin says start by packing the contents of your pockets in your carry-on bag, and do not wrap gifts. Leave your one-quart baggie of liquids and gels out of your luggage - you will need to put it in the bin for inspection. Between now and January second, the TSA estimates as many as 48-thousand passengers a day will pass through Portland International Airport.
Evandro M Fagundes - De novo acute myeloid leukemia in adults younger than 60 years of age: socioeconomic aspects and treatment results in a Brazilian university centerEvandro M Fagundes Hematology Department, Federal University of Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, Brazil Leuk Lymphoma 47:1557-64. 2006..In conclusion, survival for patients who received Hidac consolidation is satisfactory; however, socioeconomic factors may have selected patients to receive intensive Hidac consolidation... - Clinical features and outcomes of 134 Brazilians with acute promyelocytic leukemia who received ATRA and anthracyclinesRafael Henriques Jácomo Haematologica 92:1431-2. 2007..9%) achieved remission because 43 (32%) died during induction. The death rate during consolidation was 10.5%. Bleeding complications were the most frequent cause of failure (21.6%)...
NEW Index to Life Science/BioMed Research If you're interested in biomedical or life science research, you should look at one of the Libraries latest acquisitions - BIOSIS Previews. BIOSIS Previews database is a comprehensive index to life science and biomedical research. The Rutgers University Libraries subscription to BIOSIS covers research from 1997 - present. Each year BIOSIS adds more than 560,000 references from more than 5,500 sources including more than 5,000 international journals, published meetings, symposia and workshops, patents, book and software reviews. It is multidisciplinary covering, among other, applied zoology, behavior and ecology, biotechnology, medicine, microbiology, molecular biology, physiology, and plant sciences. Users can access BIOSIS Previews from the frontpage of the Libraries website, either through Library Catalog or by following the path Indexes & Databases / Medicine / Health OR Indexes & Databases / Medicine / Medicine. Posted Jan. 29, 2001
Haarlem, The Netherlands– 8th November 2010– Videogames publisher Iceberg Interactive and development studio Shadow Tor Studios have announced that their upcoming horror adventure game for PC Bracken Tor: The Time of Tooth and Claw has been delayed until the 1st quarter of 2011. Developer Matt Clark of Shadow Tor Studios said: "It is disappointing that Bracken Tor's release has had to be put back to Q1 next year, but we felt that the extra polish and additional features that we will be able to add to the title will ensure that those people who are eagerly anticipating the release will not be disappointed. Publisher Iceberg Interactive stated that the delay was in the best interest of the many people waiting for the game and that the decision to postpone the release was taken despite very encouraging pre-orders from the trade and the public. The new Q1 release date also gives the Publisher the opportunity to release all localized versions simultaneously, thereby creating a pan-European release date. Adventures Beyond Barrow Hill From the creator of Barrow Hill, comes Bracken Tor, set in a neighboring part of Cornwall to Barrow Hill. Shiver once more as English myths break through reality and tear up the tranquil life of Cornwall in this suspenseful point and click adventure. About Bracken Tor The Bloodmoon has risen. Something is stirring, something feral, ancient and terrible. It began many years ago, with the discovery of the livestock, ripped to shreds, torn apart and devoured. But the beast now has a taste for blood... human blood... There has been a murder - a vicious, brutal killing - out there on the mist shrouded moorland. A lone hiker has been discovered... mutilated and bloody. Our land was once the hunting ground for many vicious carnivores, but they have long since disappeared, hunted into extinction. Could those beasts somehow have returned, to seek revenge? Solve the mystery of the Moorland beasts. As a bold journalist, looking for the next 'big story', how far would you go to grab the front page? Would you risk your life by spending a night on the mysterious moor, with only the canvas of your tent as protection? If so, Bracken Tor awaits your arrival. The stony outcrop boasts several unnerving stories; from unexplainable glowing lights, to this latest horrifying incident. Are some places cursed? Or, are they haunted by those who went before? The past holds the key. Only through understanding the 'old ways' of the primitive people who once lived on these moors will you survive the night. You must decide what is worse... the beasts that lurk in the darkness, or the terrifying acts performed by our ancient ancestors. For more information, visit www.brackentor.com. Bracken Tor Features - <*>Explore the desolate moorland&ancient sites, searching for evidence.*> <*>Travel back in time, to The Bronze Age, to learn its secrets.*> <*>A complete interactive world; brought to life on your PC.*> <*>Environmental sounds and weather to heighten the experience.*> <*>An unnerving and eerie soundtrack to chill the blood.*> <*>Experience virtual archaeology, and uncover the past.*> <*>Survive beast attacks using items close at hand. Defend yourself!*> <*>A complex and unusual story to piece together.*> <*>Glean clues from newspaper articles and local radio broadcasts.*> <*>Solve a bloody murder through investigation and detection.*> Shadow Tor Studios are based in Cornwall, England, and produce exciting action/adventure games. Bracken Tor, the latest title from the studio, is produced with assistance from the 'Mysterious Beasts Research Group' and Cornwall Archaeology Society, to bring you a thrilling, and realistic, puzzle-solving adventure. Locate evidence of 'mysterious beasts', study and perform ancient rites, in a detailed Bronze Age setting and discover, for yourself, the true nature of the ancient world. About Iceberg Interactive Iceberg Interactive is a premier videogame publisher set to make a splash in the interactive entertainment industry. The company is staffed with a mix of industry veterans and upcoming young talent, has offices in key locations across Europe and has established relevant partnerships all over the globe, both for digital and retail releases. Hence why Iceberg is a great alternative for developers looking to bring their products to a worldwide audience. Iceberg focuses foremost on PC gaming and is among the market leaders for the following niche genres for PC: simulators, adventure and MMO/action games. For more information visit www.iceberg-interactive.com to keep up with the latest breaking news.
Uvikra Re-Releasing "Bi" In 2013 Lithuanian progressive black/death metal act Uvikra has signed with badGod Music. Founded in September 2009, Uvikra is a one man black/death metal project hailing from Vilnius, Lithuania. The single and singular member (Loikav), has created an unorthodox sound tempered with a subtle progressive element. Uvikra has three releases to its credit, the first being the self-titled full-length released in 2010. An EP, "Patterns of Life," was released the following year. Both of these albums are available for free download on Uvikra's bandcamp site. The most recent material, gathered together in the form of the full-length "Bi," was originally released in 2011 and will see a proper physical release in early 2013. Loikav: Vocals, Guitar, Bass, Drums Please share this article if you found it interesting. - Previous Article: Netherbird Announces "The Ferocious Tides Of Fate" - Next Article: Orchid's Curse Streaming New Song 0 Comments on "Uvikra Signs To badGod Music" Be the first to comment! Tell us what you think. (no login required) To minimize comment spam/abuse, you cannot post comments on articles over a month old. Please check the sidebar to the right or the related band pages for recent related news articles.
Posted: September 20, 2001 Contact: Doug Anderson, email@example.com, 651-201-1426 Citizens Invited to Share Concerns and Hopes for Higher Education Sept. 27 Chancellor James H. McCormick of the Minnesota State Colleges and Universities will be in Grand Rapids September 27 to hear citizens, employers and public officials describe what they want from their higher education system in the years ahead. Members of a new Citizens Advisory Commission also will participate in these forums to gather ideas that will be used to shape the future of Minnesota's largest system of higher education. The public forum will be from 4 to 6 p.m. on Thursday, September 27, in the Davies Theater at Itasca Community College. The public is encouraged to attend. "This is an opportunity to really be heard," said McCormick. "Every region is unique. As we develop our three-year plan for the system, we must be both sensitive to the needs of the region and strategic in how we move ahead. We need help in setting priorities and we hope for a high level of participation from across Northern Minnesota." The Grand Rapids event is the first of three public forums being held to gather input for the newly formed Citizens Advisory Commission. The commission, which is chaired by businessmen Glen Taylor and Vance Opperman, represents leaders from across Minnesota and is charged by Chancellor McCormick and the MnSCU Board of Trustees with formulating recommendations for the future direction of the state's largest system of higher education. Additional hearings will be October 9 at Normandale Community College, Bloomington, and October 30 at Southwest State University, Marshall. All forums are 4 to 6 p.m. In addition to these public forums, Chancellor McCormick has launched an unprecedented effort to gather additional public opinion through visits with every legislator in his or her home district and community meetings at most of the system's 34 institutions. He also is visiting with students, faculty and staff on every campus.
Originally Posted by sirbruce the poll has 2 people who lost contrast after 1 year and 1 person who lost contrast after 2 years. Which doesn't really prove anything (you believe website polls are scientifically accurate?). For all we know those could be cases of faulty hardware, subjective mis-impressions on their parts as to the contrast changing, or people just making up responses to the poll. I have never heard of any technical information that says eInk screens have a finite lifespan with regards to fading/contrast. If you know otherwise, please provide links.
Mayim Bialik is divorcing her husband of 9 years, and The Big Bang Theory star says it has nothing to do with attachment parenting. The thirty-six-year old actor announced on her website that her marriage to Michael Stone was over. It’s very sad news for the couple, but I’m not sure why she feels the need to defend attachment parenting in her statement. Just because Mayim Bialik is divorcing, I don’t think most people would jump to the conclusion it’s because the couple co-sleeps with their children or that Mayim practiced prolonged nursing. According to the Daily Mail: In a statement on her website, Mayim said: ‘Divorce is terribly sad, painful and incomprehensible for children. ‘It is not something we have decided lightly. ‘The hands-on style of parenting we practice played no role in the changes that led to this decision; relationships are complicated no matter what style of parenting you choose. ‘The main priority for us now is to make the transition to two loving homes as smooth and painless as possible. She continues: ‘Our sons deserve parents committed to their growth and health and that’s what we are focusing on. ‘Our privacy has always been important and is even more so now, and we thank you in advance for respecting it as we negotiate this new terrain. She concluded: ‘We will be ok.’ If anything, I would think that a couple so focused on their children would also be a couple who tried everything they could think of to make their marriage work. But then again, marriages in Hollywood that involve famous people don’t really follow the typical rules that most marriages follow. I hope they are able to work out a custody agreement that makes their children feel as important and loved as their parenting style probably has.
NetWellness is a global, community service providing quality, unbiased health information from our partner university faculty. NetWellness is commercial-free and does not accept advertising. Tuesday, July 26, 2016 Heart and Lung Problems After Surgery The week following my foot surgery, I was in the ER for a pneumothorax, bilateral pleural effusions and a large pericardial effusion. Then began PACs & PVCs. I developed an abscessed tooth and the need for 3 root canals. I have had a number of cardiac echoes, an MRI of the heart and several CT scans of the chest. I was on 2 anti-inflammatory medications and was also in cardiac rehab for several months. A year and a half later, I still have the pericardial effusion and PACs. In addition, I now have a 4 mm nodule in my left lung and some scarring in my right lung. I didn't have any of these problems prior to my surgery & wonder if there is a connection. Have you ever heard of anything like this before, and do you have any idea what might be going on? I appreciate your time. Your case sounds very involved, and without going over your full chart in detail, it would be difficult to know if the surgery and the pericardial effusion are related. If you saw a cardiologist during your stay, and after, you may want to discuss this with him or her, as they would have much more insight into your case. Karen Kutoloski, DO Assistant Professor of Medicine School of Medicine Case Western Reserve University
Dinamalar is a daily newspaper published from Tirunelveli, Inida. Dinamalar was founded by T. V. Ramasubbaiyer in 1951. In 1956, he moved his operations to Tirunelveli. He opened editorial units in Tiruchirapalli in 1966 and Madras in 1979. Varamalar is bundled with Dinamalar on Sundays. Varamalar covers the popular trends in the society and also features short stories. This is a supplementary issue of Dinamalar that provides information on technologies in Tamil. Dinamalar epaper is bundled with supplements, usually 32 page booklets, on Friday and Sunday of every week. Dinamalar epaper daily published from Chennai, Coimbatore, Madurai, Pondicherry, Tirunelveli, Nagercoil, Trichy, Erode, Vellore and Salem from Tamil Nadu, India. |Headquarters :||Chennai, India| |Editions :||Tirunelveli,Nagercoil, Chennai, Pondicherry, Trichy, Madurai, Erode ,Vellore and Coimbatore,Tamil Nadu, Etc...| |ePaper URL :||http://epaper.dinamalar.com/| |Registration :||Not Required|
Now, on to Leonard Nimoy. While I've already mentioned a couple of times that I saw Nimoy last week, I haven't explained the part of the day that made me feel as if I was trapped on some endless, digressing journey like the Blues Brothers' Mission From God. If only Bill Shatner had shown up to say, ''We're getting the band back together,'' then it would have been perfect. Anyway, Nimoy was at the University of Akron to talk about ''Star Trek.'' He did a news conference in the late afternoon and then gave a speech at the University of Akron that night. ''Star Trek'' recently marked its 40th anniversary, and I doubt that Nimoy has any new stories left to tell. In fact, he told some twice on Thursday -- at the news conference and then in the speech. (He told them better in the speech, feeding off the energy of the larger crowd.) I was looking for something fresh to write about, and one of the fresher things was the recent computer-enhanced version of the original ''Star Trek.'' I asked Nimoy what he thought of the changes at the news conference. He at first seemed to have no problem with them, saying they just amounted to improving the color and picture. I disagreed, noting that CGIs were being substituted for old images and other things were being changed. (Another reporter nodded vigorously in agreement when I said that.) Hearing that, Nimoy said, ''Shame on them.'' But here's where my second-guessing side got me in trouble. I was thinking that, since Nimoy gave different answers based on different information, it might be better to get him the official word -- and an unambiguous response. So, when the press conference was over, I told a UA rep that I had a copy of the ''Star Trek'' press release at my office and I could bring it to Nimoy. Since the question might also come up at his speech that night, I thought it was only fair. The UA rep said she would get it to him, and we agreed to meet before the speech. I went back to my office, dug up the press release and a transcript of a press conference about the changes. I took it back before the speech, but couldn't find the UA rep in the lobby. I poked my head in the room where we had had the press conference. There was Nimoy. I introduced myself and showed him the papers. ''I'm amazed,'' he said as he looked at them. I asked if I could get out my recorder and get his full reaction. He declined, saying he had to get ready for the speech. I asked if I could talk to him after the speech. He seemed agreeable. Speech goes, ends, and I waited outside the meeting room, along with some fans. After some time, another UA rep came out and said Nimoy had left. I introduced myself, explained my presence -- and was taken inside. Nobody was around. But the papers I had brought to Nimoy were still sitting where I had left him and them. I ended up writing a story where I quoted Nimoy's two answers and his ''I'm amazed.'' I would have preferred a stronger and clearer comment. But that's what I had, and that's how it sometimes goes.
Rail Map of Europe. 1:1,500,000; 1:4,000,000; 1:6,000,000. Thomas Cook, 18th edition, 2011. This railway map shows passenger rail routes, other than those of suburban networks of major cities. The map covers the whole of Europe east to Moscow and the Crimea, with Scandinavia shown as an inset at 1:6,000,000. The map detail distinguishes high speed lines, main lines, secondary lines, rack railways, tourist railways and scenic routes. Also shows major bus routes where rail connections are not available, and ferry routes. On the reverse, the central part of Europe, Paris to Warsaw and Amsterdan to Belgrade, is shown at a more detailed scale of 1:1,500,000. Some people prefer this map as the rail lines are easy to read on the plain white base map. Front side of the Europe rail map. Reverse side of the Europe rail map. Detail from the Europe rail map. 1 sheet, folded Rail Map Europe. 1:5,000,000. Kuuml;mmerly + Frey, 2008. This map shows rail lines overprinted on a physical map of Europe, with shaded relief and elevation color tinting. Some people prefer this map as it shows physical features of Europe. Detail from the Europe Rail Map. 1 sheet, folded Europe Railways Map. 1:3,350,000. ITMB, 2010. This new edition combines main roads and main railway lines from Scandinavia to Turkey and from western Ireland to east of the Urals. This second edition adds more secondary rail lines and corrects a number of spelling errors, particularly in Russia. Printed on waterproof synthetic paper. ouble-sided and indexed. Sample of the Europe rail map detail.
Originally Posted by Pendejo According to sportsline...last week the deal between the Madres and Yankees...was Linebrink, and Chase Headley for Johnson...with NY eating 7.5 million of his contract. I've seen Chase quite a bit at Elsinore, and he's a pretty good prospect. I'd rather the Madres sign fat David Wells than take on Johnson. If the Madres are intent on moving Linebrink I'd prefer they use him to pick up a bat. They've already got a pretty solid rotation. Just like Denver needs d-linemen, the Padres desperately need a slugging LF more than anything else. I agree with you on that. Would you pull the trigger if the Reds or Phillies not only asked for Linebrink, but they asked for Clay Hensley and another prospect like Carrillo or Headley as well? Headley does a lot of things well. I think he's already big league ready with the glove. Most outsiders aren't holding the Padres system in high regard, though. Which tells me giving up some of the team's Triple-A and Double-A is not such a bad idea after all. There isn't a lot of high ceiling guys in the higher levels. For instance, this prospect expert who used to work for ESPN rated Kevin Kouzmanoff as the organization's top prospect.
1998 Lexus LX470 Brake Master Cylinder Genuine Brake Master Cylinder Brake Master Cylinder Part Number: W0133-1740601 Notes: Production: 01/1998- Detailed Notes: Assembly includes master cylinder, reservoir, and related hardware. Does NOT include brake booster or accumulator. Free Ground Shipping Unbelieveable, when I opened the outer shipping box the packaging and part came straight from lexus (toyota). So obviously the quality is outstanding. I have never replaced a Master brake pump with electronics and a electric pump. My only coment, be aware the electric motor is not included in this specific assembly, but the controller is. And the motor is the reason I ordered the assembly in the first place. My motor and control is burned out. I plan to keep the car a while so as soon as I had brake problems I went with replacing the whole unit.safety is my number on e objective.
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Think like the Most Interesting Man in the World: He doesn't always use an iPhone case, but when he does it can see heat or cut down a tree. Both the Incipio Cashwrap and Loop ChargeCase add mobile payment capabilities to the iPhone. We look at the pros and cons of both mobile transaction cases. Looking to outfit your iPhone's camera with an external lens or two? Dave Johnson put five lens kits to the test to figure out which one reigned supreme. VSCO Cam is a snazzy camera and editing app with a half-baked online sharing experience bolted onto the side. The app needs only to find a way to smooth the rough edges in its interface to be a truly essential camera app alternative. A lunar eclipse can be seen from most of North America late Monday night/early Tuesday morning. If you're interested in taking pictures of the moon, here are some tips on how to set up your camera. iPhone light meter app does what standard gadgets can do in calibrating the light on your subject to suggest the best settings for your shot. Use this app to adjust the focus point of your iPhone photos after you shoot them. Tips and tricks for adjusting camera controls on your favorite camera phone. 'Tis the season for photos of holiday feasts, opening presents, and lots and lots of lights. Here's how to snap great-looking holiday shots with a cell phone. PaintShop Pro X6 is a good pick for anyone who wants more than a free-and-easy photo editor. Current owners, don't let the dearth of new features put you off…the speed boost makes X6 a time-saving upgrade for 64-bit PCs dragging along with the 32-bit X5. How to achieve eye-popping special effects on your camera phone, from tilt shift to color splash. Believe it or not, it’s fairly easy to capture dramatic and vivid fireworks in a photo. The average camera's noise performance has improved dramatically in the past few years, enabling you to shoot at previously unheard-of, crazy-high ISOs and still get very usable photos. Today's camera bags are more rugged, offer better protection, and often come with a surprising array of clever features. Articles by Dave JohnsonNext Page
Hi, I am looking for an active woman who likes adventure. I love skiing, travel, boating, beaching, cooking (beginner), lectures, the city, the arts, weekend trips, fireplaces, working out, dining in, cuddling and romance..... I hope to meet a woman who can become my friend, partner and hopefully will lead to something more meaningful.... I have no emotional baggage, and am ready...Hope you are too... :) ps: If you don't look like your profile pics when we meet, you will be buying me drinks until you do... lol..(only kidding!) Meet for a drink, see if we have any shared interests, would make a cute couple and can make some sparks fly. ;-)
At their annual meeting last month in Istanbul, 48 countries that fish for a wildly expensive species of bluefin tuna prized by sushi lovers agreed to revamp their system for tracking catches. The move came a year after reporters from the international arm of the Center for Public Integrity, the Washington-based nonprofit journalism organization, delivered a scathing investigative report on the regulatory system’s toothlessness, which was contributing to dangerously dwindling populations of the fish. Story Continued Below It was the kind of impact investigative reporters live for. There was just one problem: To obtain key information for the project, reporters accessed a database maintained by an intergovernmental fisheries regulatory body with a password given by a source, likely breaking the law. That at least was the conclusion reached by both the center’s own lawyer and an outside law firm brought in to investigate after the reporting methods used in the story became a source of bitter controversy within CPI. At the heart of that controversy was the clash of two powerful personalities whose competing visions of both how to do investigative journalism and how to pay for it has left one of the country’s oldest and largest nonprofit journalism organizations in turmoil. On one side was David Kaplan, a CPI veteran who believed taking risks was required to get a good story. On the other was former Washington Times executive editor John Solomon, who was appointed to the same position at CPI last year on the strength of an ambitious reorganization plan, and almost immediately began questioning whether the tuna story had violated CPI’s ethical principles. Their fight spilled over into a broader war over the direction of CPI, and led to both of their resignations. Today, CPI stands $2 million in the hole and has put the reinvention that Solomon designed on hold. And center officials have withdrawn their nomination of the tuna story for a Pulitzer Prize. At a time when the collapse of traditional newspaper and magazine business models has sent many looking to a nonprofit model as the future of serious journalism, the center’s woes could serve as a cautionary tale. CPI’s executive director, Bill Buzenberg, defends the center’s handling of the story - and says he now regrets withdrawing it from Pulitzer consideration. “It is our policy to never knowingly break laws in going about our investigative work,” he said. “But tough, accurate and fair investigative journalism requires hard work and careful judgment calls, including legal review and weighing the public interest when considering the risks involved.” Founded in 1989 by former “60 Minutes” producer Chuck Lewis, CPI has produced hundreds of investigative reports and won dozens of awards, and in many ways set the nonprofit model that others, like ProPublica, are now following . POLITICO has published many of its stories. But in the years since Lewis left CPI, it has at times struggled to maintain steady funding, and some of its sources – especially George Soros’s Open Society Institute – have made it a favorite target of the right, even though it breaks plenty of stories that give Democrats headaches, including, recently, intensive reporting on the Fast and Furious and Solyndra scandals. The center’s board recognized the problem, and during a pair of staff and board retreats in late 2009 and early 2010, recommended raising the center’s public profile, quickening the pace of its output and finding new sources of revenue. Around the same time, the Knight Foundation issued a report nudging the center to up its digital game and diversify its funding sources. As a solution, Solomon, who had originally come to CPI as a journalist-in-residence after he resigned from the Washington Times, the conservative paper owned by a branch of Rev. Sun Myung Moon’s Unification Church, presented a plan at Buzenberg’s request.
My wife is obsessed with salt, so much so that she bought herself an electric salt mill so she could salt her food at a faster pace. She salts soups, pasta dishes, hamburgers, even salads. I bug her all the time to cut down, but she says she has low blood pressure and can eat as much salt as she wants. Is this true? Is high blood pressure the only thing you have to worry about with a high sodium diet, or am I right to keep bugging her to cut down? —Concerned about my salty wife In addition to sugar, salt is something many people crave. Who can blame them? Foods are prepared with so much sodium that our taste buds have grown accustomed to strong salty flavors. I can understand, and even relate to, your wife's salt obsession. You're right to be worried about blood pressure, but to find out if that's the only health concern associated with a diet high in sodium, One good thing you can focus on is that sodium is actually essential to our bodies, but in small amounts. We need salt in order to maintain the correct balance of fluids in our bodies, to help transmit nerve impulses, and to help with the contraction and relaxation of our muscles. But it sounds like your wife is meeting her daily quota and then some. According to the Mayo Clinic, our kidneys regulate the amount of sodium kept in our bodies. When levels are too high, it gets passed through our urine. But "if your kidneys can't eliminate enough sodium, the sodium starts to accumulate in your blood," so we retain fluid, which increases blood volume. This is bad news because it makes your heart have to work harder to move all that extra blood through your blood vessels, which in turn increases pressure in your arteries and raises your blood pressure. And we know what that means — an increased risk for heart attacks and stroke. I'd suggest that if your wife can't get a handle on her obsession to pour salt on everything that touches her lips, you encourage her to get her blood pressure checked regularly to make sure it's at a healthy level. Although your wife may not have high blood pressure, her kidneys are working awfully hard to deal with her salt intake. Over time, this can strain her poor kidneys, which can damage them and lead to kidney disease. Not only that, but a high-salt diet is also associated with higher risk for stomach cancer. Maybe knowing this will help curb her salty habit, and save you from having to pry the salt shaker from your wife's tight grasp.
Pardee Homes employees in Las Vegas received top scores for excellence in construction, design and customer service in a national homebuyers survey, Division President Klif Andrews said. Avid Ratings, a national customer satisfaction research company, ranked Dennis Shavor, John Randall and Monty Fitzpatrick among the nation’s best project superintendents; Carol Buckley one of the nation’s best design counselors; and Bill Bruce and Jim Rampa as two of the nation’s best customer service associates. One survey respondent described Pardee’s team as, “Very professional and excellent. I would buy Pardee again because they go above and beyond the typical agent or representative.” One respondent said, “We were stressed wondering if owning a home would ever again be possible. When we finally got the keys we were mixed with emotions. They have become part of our family. They truly exemplify amazing customer service.” Andrews said, “Customer satisfaction is Pardee’s top priority. As a result, our team continues to be recognized for exceeding the expectations of our homebuyers.” Pardee’s award recipients scored above the top fifth percentile in customer satisfaction among thousands of homebuilding employees rated in Avid’s program. “The Avid Service Award is the first award program to honor exceptional homebuilding employees located throughout the U.S.,” Avid CEO Paul Cardis said. “We are proud to recognize these special individuals, professionals who commit themselves every day to delivering exceptional homes and ensuring every homeowner is thoroughly delighted with the major investment they’ve made.” The results were based on surveys of customers who closed on new homes from July 2012 to June 2013. Avid maintains the homebuilding industry’s largest customer satisfaction database. Pardee Homes’ single-family home neighborhoods in the Las Vegas Valley include Horizon Terrace in Henderson; Durango Ranch and Durango Trail in southwestern Las Vegas; LivingSmart Eldorado Ridge and LivingSmart Eldorado Heights in Pardee’s Eldorado master-planned community in North Las Vegas; Sandstone, across from Eldorado; and LivingSmart Providence in northwestern Las Vegas. Pardee recently opened Summerglen in southwestern Las Vegas and plans to open two new neighborhoods in the master-planned Inspirada community this summer. For more information, visit www.pardeehomes.com or call a sales agent at 702-604-3332. All Pardee Homes’ sales offices and model homes are open from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Tuesday through Sunday and from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. on Monday. Pardee has built homes for more than 40,000 families in Southern Nevada since 1952 Follow the builder on Facebook at www.fb.com/pardeehomeslasvegas.
Definition of X-ray X-ray: High-energy radiation with waves shorter than those of visible light. X-ray is used in low doses to make images that help to diagnose diseases and in high doses to treat cancer.Source: MedTerms™ Medical Dictionary Last Editorial Review: 6/9/2016 Drug Medical Dictionary of Terms by Letter Medical Dictionary Term: Find out what women really need.
JAMES GILKS - OWNER LEARN WHAT MAKES US THE BEST TRUE CRIME COMPANY ON THE PLANET BELOW YOU'LL FIND THE BEST SERIAL KILLER BIOS ON THE INTERNET ARTWORK AND PHOTOS OF THE WORLD'S WORST KILLERS VIEW OUR ARTISTS WORK WE ARE ATTEMPTING THE IMPOSSIBLE - COMPILING A COMPLETE HISTORY OF SERIAL KILLER EVENTS KILLER HISTORY JANUARY KILLERS FROM MOVIES, BOOKS, GAMES, COMICS AND MORE MOVIES AND MURDER MOBSTERS, HITMEN AND MORE THE MANY TYPES OF MURDER UNNATURAL LOVE AND IT'S CONNECTIONS TO SERIAL KILLING OVERVIEW OF PARAPHILIA A GRAB BAG OF INTERESTING INFO ON SERIAL KILLERSSERIAL KILLERS LAST MEALS A SIGNATURE SERIAL KILLER IN THE MAKING AILEEN WUORNOS TRIVIA DEFINING SERIAL MURDER ARTICLE “THE ICEMAN” RICHARD LEONARD KUKLINSKI ARTICLE ON JOHN HAIGH JR KENNETH BIANCHI MEDICAL REPORT KILLER'S LAST MEALS KILLERS WHO SURRENDER PSYCHOLOGY & DEVELOPMENT POEMS ABOUT KILLERS PROFILING A KILLER MOVIES AND MURDER TYPES OF CRIME SCENES TYPOLOGIES OF MURDER SERIAL KILLER QUOTES SERIAL KILLER POETRY TED BUNDY TRIVIA WHAT MAKES A KILLER? WRITINGS OF MICHAEL ROSS WRITINGS OF PATRICK KEARNEY SWAP LINKS WITH US FROM THE MOUTH OF KILLERS ARTHUR SHAWCROSS INTERVIEW AN EVER GROWING COLLECTION OF HORROR MOVIE REVIEWS FREE STUFF FOR YOUR MYSPACE 1000S OF KILLER CUSTOM MYSPACE CONTACT TABLES OUR BEST TABLES BECAUSE WE LOVE OUR LOYAL CUSTOMERS... MORE FREE STUFF CONTACT US TO TRADE LINKS WITH ONE OF THE HIGHEST TRAFFICED CRIME SITES ON THE WEB... US. KILLER SITE OF THE WEEK Joni Lenz's roommates had not been particularly worried when they didn't see her in the morning of January 4, 1974. But when she still wasn't up and around that afternoon, they went into her basement bedroom to see if she was sick.A horrifying sight confronted them. Ann Rule in her now famous classic book on the subject, The Stranger Beside Me, wrote that Joni, 18, had been badly beaten. A bed rod had been torn away from the bed and savagely rammed into her vagina. Shortly after the discovery, Joni was transported to the hospital in a comatose state, suffering from damages that would affect her for the rest of her life. However, she was lucky to be alive. Joni was one of the few victims to survive an attack by Ted Bundy, who reigned terror across the United States between 1974 and 1978. There were an estimated 35 more victims after Joni who were not so fortunate. Stephen Michaud and Hugh Aynesworth in The Only Living Witness suggest that perhaps 40 young women may have fallen prey to Bundy, but only Bundy knew for sure. It is a number that Bundy has carried with him to his grave. Theodore Robert Cowell was born on November 24, 1946 to Louise Cowell following her stay of three months at the Elizabeth Lund Home for Unwed Mothers in Vermont . Ted's biological father, who was an Air Force veteran, was unknown to his son throughout his life. Shortly after his birth, Ted and his mother moved back to the home of his grandparents in Philadelphia . While growing up, Ted was led to believe that his grandparents were his parents and his natural mother was his older sister. The charade was created in order to protect his biological mother from harsh criticism and prejudice of being an unwed mother. At the age of four, Ted and his mother moved to Tacoma , Washington to live with relatives. A year after the move, Louise fell in love with a military cook named Johnnie Culpepper Bundy. In May 1951, the couple was married and Ted assumed his stepfather's last name, which he would keep for the rest of his life. Over the years, the Bundy family added four other siblings, who Ted spent much of his time babysitting after school. Ted's stepfather tried to form a bond between himself and Ted by including him in camping trips and other father-son activities. However, Johnnie's attempts were unsuccessful and Ted remained emotionally detached from his stepfather. According to Stephen Michaud and Hugh Aynesworth's book Ted Bundy: Conversations with a Killer , Ted became increasingly uncomfortable around his stepfather and preferred to be alone. This desire to be by himself increased and possibly led to his later inability to socially interact comfortably with others. As a youth, Ted was terribly shy, self-doubting and uncomfortable in social situations. He was often teased and made the butt of pranks by bullies in his junior high school. Michaud analyzed Ted's behavior and decided that he was "not like other children, he looked and acted like them, but he was haunted by something else: a fear, a doubt -- sometimes only a vague uneasiness-? that inhabited his mind with the subtlety of a cat. He felt it for years, but he didn't recognize it for what it was until much later." Regardless of the humiliating experiences he sometimes suffered from being different, he was able to maintain a high grade-point average that would continue throughout high school and later into college. During his high school years, Ted appeared to blossom into a more gregarious young man. His popularity increased significantly and he was considered to be "well dressed and exceptionally well mannered." Despite his emerging popularity, Ted seldom dated. His interests lay more in extra-curricular activities such as skiing and politics. In fact, Ted had a particular fascination with politics, an interest that would years later temporarily land him in the political arena. Following high school, Ted attended college at the University of Puget Sound and the University of Washington . He worked his way through school by taking on several low-level jobs, such as a bus boy and shoe clerk. However, he seldom stayed with one position for very long. His employers considered him to be unreliable. Although Ted was inconsistent with his work outside of school, he was very focused on his studies and grades. Yet, his focus changed during the spring of 1967 when he began a relationship that would forever change his life. Ted met a girl that was everything he had ever dreamed of in a woman. She was a beautiful and highly sophisticated woman from a wealthy Californian family. Ted couldn't believe someone from her "class" would have an interest in someone like him. Although they had many differences, they both loved to ski and it was during their many ski trips together that he fell in love. She was really Ted's first love, and, according to Ann Rule, possibly the first woman with whom he became involved with sexually. However, she was not as infatuated with Ted as he was with her. In fact, she liked Ted a lot but believed he had no real direction or future goals. Ted tried too hard to impress her, even if that meant lying, something that she didn't like at all. Michaud writes that Ted won a summer scholarship to the prestigious Stanford University in California just to impress her, but at Stanford, his immaturity was exposed. He writes, "Ted did not understand why the mask he had been using had failed him. This first tentative foray into the sophisticated world had ended in disaster." In 1968, after his girlfriend graduated from the University of Washington, she broke off relations with Ted. She was a practical young woman and seemed to realize that Ted had some serious character flaws that took him out of the running as "husband material." Ted never recovered from the break-up. Nothing, including school, seemed to hold any interest for him and he eventually dropped out, dumb-founded and depressed over the break-up. He managed to stay in touch with her by writing after she returned to California, yet she seemed uninterested in getting back together. But Ted became obsessed with this young woman and he couldn't get her out of his mind. It was an obsession that would span his lifetime and lead to a series of events that would shock the world. To make matters worse, in 1969 Bundy learned his true parentage. His "sister" was actually his mother and his "parents," were actually his grandparents. Not unexpectedly, this late discovery had a rather serious impact on him. Michaud says that his attitude towards his mother did not change much, but he became nasty and surly to Johnnie Bundy. It's hard to say whether the knowledge that his mother had deceived him all his life had any impact on his other character flaws which were beginning to blossom. Throughout Ted Bundy's high school and college years, there was always a cloud over his reputation for honesty. Many people close to him suspected him of petty thievery. According to Marilyn Bardsley, Crime Library's serial killer expert, Ted's psychopathic nature was being revealed, but most of the people that witnessed it did not realize what they were experiencing. Stealing without any sense of guilt and, in fact, a sense of entitlement, is a common trait in a psychopath. Also, psychopaths get a thrill from the the excitement and danger that stealing and shoplifting presents to them. Ted's dishonesty evolved from stealing small things in work and school situations to shoplifting to burglarizing homes for televisions and other items of value. He changed from a shy and introverted person to a more focused and dominant character. He was driven, as if to prove himself to the world. He re-enrolled at the University of Washington and studied psychology, a subject in which he excelled. Bundy became an honors student and was well liked by his professors at the university. It is also at this time when Ted met Elizabeth Kendall (a pseudonym under which she wrote The Phantom Prince: My Life With Ted Bundy ), a woman with whom he would be involved with for almost five years. Elizabeth worked as a secretary and was a somewhat shy and quiet woman. She was a divorcee who seemed to have found in Ted Bundy the perfect father figure for her daughter. Elizabeth was deeply in love with Ted from the start and wanted to one day marry him. However, Ted said he was not yet ready for marriage because he felt there was still too much for him to accomplish. She knew that Ted didn't feel as strongly for her as she did him. She felt that on many occasions Ted was meeting with other women. Yet, Elizabeth hoped that time would bring him around to her and he would eventually change his ways. She was unaware of his past relationship with his girlfriend from California and that they still continued to keep in contact and visit each other. Outwardly, Ted's life in 1969-1972 seemed to be changing for the better. He was more confident, with high hopes for his future. Ted began sending out applications to various law schools, while at the same time he became active in politics. He worked on a campaign to re-elect a Washington governor, a position that allowed Ted to form bonds with politically powerful people in the Republican Party. Ted also performed volunteer work at a crisis clinic on a work-study program. He was pleased with the path his life was taking at this time, everything seemed to be going in the right direction. He was even commended by the Seattle police for saving the life of a three-year-old boy who was drowning in a lake. In 1973, during a business trip to California for the Washington Republican Party, Ted met up with his old girlfriend. She was amazed at the transformation in Ted. He was much more confident and mature, not as aimless as he was when they last dated. They met several other times afterwards, unknown to his steady girlfriend, Elizabeth. During Ted's business trips he romantically courted the lovely young woman from California and she once again fell in love with him. Marriage was a topic brought up more than once by Ted over their many intimate rendezvous during that fall and winter. Yet, just as suddenly as their romance began, it changed radically. Where once Ted lavished affection upon her, he was suddenly cold and despondent. It seemed as if Ted had lost all interest in her in just a few weeks. She was clearly confused about this "new" Ted. In February 1974, with no warning or explanation, Ted ended all contact with her. His plan of revenge worked. He rejected her as she had once rejected him. She was never to see or hear from Ted again. Lynda Ann Healy was a very accomplished young woman. At age 21, morning radio listeners heard her friendly voice announce the ski conditions for the major ski areas in western Washington. She was a beautiful girl, tall and slim with shiny clean, long brown hair and a ready smile. The product of a good family and an uppper-middle-class environment, she was an excellent singer and a senior at the University of Washington, majoring in psychology. She loved working with children who were mentally handicapped. Lynda shared a house near the university with four other young women. On January 31, 1974, she and a few friends went for a few beers after dinner at Dante's, a tavern that was popular with the university students. They didn't stay long and Lynda went home to watch television and talk on the phone to her boyfriend. Then Lynda went to bed. The roommate in the room next to Lynda heard no noises coming from Lynda's room that night. Lynda had to get up every morning at 5:30 to get to her job at the radio station. The roommmate heard Lynda's alarm go off at 5:30 as it did customarily. What was unusual was that the alarm kept buzzing. When the roommate finally went in to shut off the alarm, she heard the phone ring. It was the radio station calling to see where Lynda was. The bed in Lynda's room was made and nothing looked disturbed, so the roommate assumed that Lynda was on her way to work. When her parents called that afternoon to find out why Lydna had not shown up for dinner as expected, everyone became worried. Nobody had seen her. She seemed to have vanished from the house. Lynda's parents called the police. In Lynda's room, they found that her bed had been made up in a way that Lynda had never made it up before. In fact, Lynda was not normally one to make up her bed. Oddly, a pillowcase and the top sheet were missing on this carefully made-up bed. A small bloodstain of the same blood type as Lydna's was found on the pillow and the bottom sheet. Blood was also on her nightgown that was carefully hung in the closet. An outfit of hers was missing. Another alarming clue was that one of the doors to the house was unlocked when the girls were always vigilant about locking it. The police were not initially convinced that Lynda had been a victim of foul play, so no fingerprint, hair or fiber evidence was gathered. Ultimately, police realized that an intruder had somehow gotten into the house, removed her nightgown and hung it in the closet, dressed her in a change of clothes, made up the bed, wrapped Lynda in the top bed sheet and carried her out of the house -- very quietly. During that spring and summer, more women students suddenly and inexplicably vanished. There were striking similarities among many of the cases. For instance, all the girls were white, slender, single, wearing slacks at the time of disappearance, had hair that was long and parted in the middle and they all disappeared in the evening. Also around the time of the disappearances, police interviewed college students who told them of a strange man who was seen wearing a cast on either his arm or leg. Supposedly, the stranger seemed to be struggling with books and asking young women nearby for assistance. Other eyewitnesses reported a strange man in the campus parking lot who had a cast and asked for assistance with his car, a VW bug that he apparently had difficulty starting. Interestingly, around the same area where two of the girls mysteriously disappeared, there was seen such a man wearing a cast on his arm or leg. Finally, in August of 1974 in Washington's Lake Sammamish State Park, the remains of some of the missing girls were found and two were later identified. It was remarkable that police were able to identify two of the bodies considering what was left -- strands of various colors of hair, five thigh bones, a couple of skulls and a jaw bone. The girls identified were Janice Ott and Denise Naslund, who disappeared on the same day, July 14th. The last people to have seen Ott, a couple picnicking near by, remembered a handsome young man approaching the young woman. From what the couple could hear of the conversation between Ott and the young man, his name was Ted and he had difficulty loading his boat onto his car because his arm was in a cast. He asked Ott for assistance and she agreed to help. That was the last time twenty-three-year-old Janice Ott was seen alive. Denise Naslund was spending the afternoon with her boyfriend and friends when she walked towards the restroom in the park, never to return again. That afternoon, around where she disappeared, a man who wore a cast and asked for help with his boat approached a couple of women. They were unable to assist the attractive young man. However, Denise Naslund was the kind of girl to help someone in need, especially someone with a broken arm--an act of kindness that cost her life. Denise Naslund was not the last woman to disappear and be found dead. This time the killer would travel to different states. Midvale, Utah's, Police Chief Louis Smith had a seventeen-year-old daughter whom he frequently warned about the dangers of the world. He had seen all too much during his career and worried for his daughter's safety. Yet, his worst fears were to come true on October 18, 1974 when his daughter Melissa disappeared. She had been found 9 days after her disappearance -- strangled, sodomized and raped. Thirteen days later on Halloween, seventeen-year-old Laura Aime disappeared. She was found on Thanksgiving Day in the Wasatch Mountains lying dead by a river. Aime had been beaten about the head and face with a crowbar, raped and sodomized. It was suspected that she was killed someplace other than where she was found due to the lack of blood at the crime scene. Other than her body, there was no physical evidence for the police to use. The similarities with the Washington State murders caught the attention of local police in Utah , who were frantically searching for the man responsible for the grisly crimes. With each murder, the evidence was slowly mounting. Utah police consulted with Washington State investigators. Almost all agreed that it was highly likely that the same man who committed the crimes in Washington State had also been responsible for the murders in Utah . Thanks to eyewitness accounts of the man in the cast seen near the areas where many of the women had disappeared, they were able to come up with a composite of the could-be-killer who called himself "Ted." When a close friend of Elizabeth Kendall saw the account of Melissa Smith's murder in the paper and the composite of the could-be-killer, she knew that Ted Bundy must be the man. It wasn't just her intense dislike and mistrust for Elizabeth 's boyfriend that led her to believe that Ted was the "man," but also the fact that he looked so much like the composite picture in the paper. Deep down, Elizabeth must have known her friend was right. After all, Ted did resemble the sketch, he drove a VW similar to those seen by witnesses and she had seen crutches in his room even though he never injured his leg. According to the book The Phantom Prince: My Life with Ted Bundy, which was later written by Kendall , she anonymously called the Seattle Police Department in August 1974 and stated that her boyfriend "might be involved" in the recent murder cases. She called again later that fall and gave more pertinent information that might assist the investigators in the case. She also agreed to give recent pictures of Ted, to later be shown to witnesses. However, the witnesses did not make a positive I.D. after viewing the pictures and Elizabeth 's report was eventually filed away. The investigators working the case decided to turn their attention towards more likely suspects and Ted Bundy was forgotten until a few years later. The killer continued to elude investigators, assuming that by operating in different states the police would be unable to compare the cases. His behavior became increasingly bold and risky as he approached women. Those who escaped his advances would later recognize him and provide the police with valuable information. It was on November 8th, 1974, when police investigators were to get the break in the case for which they had been waiting. That Friday evening, a strange but handsome man in a book store at a Utah mall approached eighteen-year-old Carol DaRonch. The stranger told her that he had seen someone trying to break into her car and asked her to go along with him to the parking lot to see if anything had been stolen. Carol thought that the man must have been a mall security guard because he seemed so in control of the situation. When they arrived at the car, she checked it and informed the man everything was there. The man, who identified himself as Officer Roseland, was not satisfied and wanted to escort her to police headquarters. He wanted her to ID the supposed criminal and file a complaint. When he led her to a VW bug, she became suspicious and asked for identification. He quickly showed her a gold badge and then escorted her into the car. He drove off quickly in the opposite direction of the police station and, after a short while, he suddenly stopped the car. Fear had set into Carol DaRonch. The "police officer" suddenly grabbed her and tried to put handcuffs on her. DaRonch screamed for her life. When she screamed, the man pulled out a handgun and threatened to kill her if she didn't stop. DaRonch found herself falling out of the car and then suddenly pushed up against the side of it by the madman. He had a crowbar in his hand and was ready to hit her head. Terror-struck, she kicked his genitals and managed to break free. DaRonch ran towards the road and caught the attention of a couple driving by. They stopped and DaRonch frantically jumped into their car. She was crying hysterically and told them a man had tried to kill her. They immediately took her to the police. Sobbing, with the handcuffs still dangling from her wrists, she told the police what one of their men had done. But there was no man with the name of Roseland that worked there. Immediately police were dispatched to the place where DaRonch had struggled for her life just an hour earlier but the madman was long gone. However, the police were able to get a description of the man and his car and a few days later, from off the girl's coat, a blood type. The blood was type O, the same as Ted Bundy's, as police were later to learn. That same evening, the director of a play at Viewmont High School was approached by a handsome man who asked for her assistance in identifying a car. Yet, she was far too busy and refused him. Again, he later approached her and asked for her assistance, and again she refused him. Something seemed odd, almost scary about the man, but she ignored it and kept on with the work at hand. It disturbed her to see the man again in the back of the auditorium and she wondered what it was he really wanted. Debby Kent, who was watching the evening performance along with her parents, left early to pick up her brother at the bowling alley. She told her parents that she'd be back to pick them up shortly, but she never did. In fact, she never made it to the car, which stood empty in the school parking lot. Debby Kent was nowhere to be found. What police did find in the parking lot was a small handcuff key. Later, when police tried to fit the key that they found into the handcuffs worn by DaRonch earlier that night, it was a perfect match. Almost a month later, a man would call police to tell them that he had seen a tan VW bug speed away from the high school parking lot the night of Kent's disappearance. On January 12, 1975, Caryn Campbell; her fiancé, Dr. Raymond Gadowski; and his two children took a trip to Colorado. Caryn hoped she could enjoy the break away from work and spend more time with the children, while her fiancé attended a seminar. While relaxing in the lounge of her hotel with Gadowski and his son and daughter one night, she realized she had forgotten a magazine and returned to her room to retrieve it. Her fiancé and the children waited for her return in vain. He knew she was a bit ill that night and went back to the room to see if she needed help. Caryn was nowhere in sight. In fact, she had never made it to the room. By mid-morning, confused and worried, Gadowski informed the police of her disappearance. They searched every room in the hotel but they found no trace of Caryn. Almost a month later and a few miles from where she had disappeared, a recreational worker found Caryn's nude body lying a short distance from the road. Animals had ravaged her body, which made it difficult to determine the precise cause of death. However, it was evident that she received crushing fractures that could have been fatal. Like many of the victims found in Utah and Washington , she had suffered from repeated blows to the head possibly made by a sharp instrument. According to Richard Larsen's book Bundy: The Deliberate Stranger, the blows were so violent that one of her teeth was actually separated from the gum line in her mouth. There was also evidence that she had been raped. It was believed that she was murdered just hours after she disappeared. Apart from Caryn's brutalized remains, there was little evidence to be found at the scene. A few months after Caryn Campbell's body was discovered, the remains of another person were found ten miles from where the bodies of Naslund and Ott were located. It was Brenda Ball, one of the seven women who had disappeared earlier that summer. The cause of her death was blows to the head with a blunt object. Police searched the Taylor Mountains where the bodies were found. It would be only a couple days later when another body would be discovered. The body was that of Susan Rancourt, who had also disappeared earlier that summer. The Taylor Mountains had become the burial sight for the madman known as "Ted." Two more bodies were found that month; one of them was Lynda Ann Healy. All of the victims suffered from severe head contusions from a blunt instrument, possibly a crowbar. Police continued unsuccessfully to look for the killer. Five more women were found dead in Colorado under similar circumstances. They were not the last to fall victim to Ted's killing spree. On August 16, 1975, Sergeant Bob Hayward was patrolling an area just outside of Salt Lake County when he spotted a suspicious tan VW bug driving past him. He knew the neighborhood well and almost all the residents that lived there and he couldn't remember seeing the tan VW there before. When he put on his lights to get a better view of the VW's license plate, the driver of the bug turned off his lights and began speeding away. Immediately, Sergeant Hayward began to chase the vehicle. The car sped through two stop signs before it eventually pulled over into a nearby gas station. Hayward pulled up behind the reckless driver and watched as the occupant got out of his car and approached the police car. Hayward asked the young man for his registration and license, which was issued to Theodore Robert Bundy. Just then, two other troopers pulled up behind the tan VW. Hayward noticed that the passenger seat in Bundy's car was missing. With mounting suspicion and Bundy's permission, the three officers inspected the VW. The officers found a crowbar, ski mask, rope, handcuffs, wire and an ice pick. Bundy was immediately placed under arrest for suspicion of burglary. Soon after Bundy's arrest, police began to find connections between him and the man who attacked Carol DaRonch. The handcuffs that were found in Bundy's car were the same make and brand that her attacker had used and the car he drove was similar to the one she had described. Furthermore, the crowbar found in Bundy's car was similar to the weapon that had been used to threaten Carol earlier that November. They also suspected that Bundy was the man responsible for the kidnapping of Melissa Smith, Laura Aime and Debby Kent. There were just too many similarities among the cases for police to ignore. However, they knew they needed much more evidence to support the case against Bundy. On October 2nd, 1975, Carol DaRonch along with the director of the Viewmont High School play and a friend of Debby Kent were asked to attend a line-up of seven men, one of whom was Bundy, at a Utah police station. Investigators were not surprised when Carol picked Ted from the line-up as the man who had attacked her. The play director and friend of Debby Kent also picked Ted from the line-up as the man they had seen wandering around the auditorium the night Debby Kent had disappeared. Although Ted repeatedly professed his innocence, police were almost positive they had their man. Soon after he was picked out of the line-up, investigators launched a full-blown investigation into the man they knew as Theodore Robert Bundy. During the fall of 1975, police investigators approached Elizabeth Kendall for whatever information she was able to give about Ted. They believed Elizabeth would most likely hold the key to Bundy's whereabouts, habits and personality. What investigators learned would later help link Ted Bundy to the murder victims. On September 16th, 1975, Elizabeth was called into the King County Police Major Crime Unit building in Washington State and interviewed by Detectives Jerry Thompson, Dennis Couch and Ira Beal. She was visibly stressed and nervous, but willing to offer the police any information necessary to help the case. When asked about Ted, she stated that on the nights of the murders, she could not account for him. Elizabeth also told police that he would often sleep during the day and go out at night, exactly where she didn't know. She said that his interest in sex had waned during the last year. When he did show interest, he pressured her into bondage. When she told Bundy that she no longer wanted to participate in his bondage fantasies, he was very upset with her. In a later interview with Elizabeth, investigators learned that Ted had plaster of Paris to make casts in his room, which she had noticed when they first began dating. She also noticed on a later occasion that in his car, Ted had a hatchet. But there was something else important to the case that Elizabeth would remember. She recalled that Ted had visited Lake Sammamish Park in July, where he had supposedly gone water skiing. A week after Ted had gone to Lake Sammamish Park, Janice Ott and Denise Naslund were reported missing. After long hours of interviews with Elizabeth, investigators decided to shift their focus to Ted's former girlfriend in California. When police contacted her, she told them of how he had abruptly changed his manner towards her from loving and affectionate to cruel and insensitive. Upon further questioning, police learned that Bundy's relationship with his California girlfriend had overlapped with his relationship with Elizabeth and neither of them knew of the other woman. Ted seemed to be living a double life, filled with lies and betrayal. There was more to Ted than what investigators had initially expected. Further investigation yielded more evidence that would later link him to other victims. Lynda Ann Healy was linked to Bundy through a cousin of his; more eyewitnesses would recognize him from Lake Sammamish Park during the time Ott and Naslund disappeared; an old friend of Bundy's came forward saying he had seen pantyhose in the glove compartment of his car; plus Ted had spent a lot of time in the Taylor Mountains where the bodies of victims had been found. Bundy's credibility was further dented when police discovered he purchased gas on credit cards in the towns where some of the victims had disappeared. Furthermore, a friend had seen him with his arm in a cast when there was no record of him ever having a broken arm. The evidence against Ted Bundy was building up, yet he still continued to profess his innocence. On February 23, 1976 Ted was put on trial for the kidnapping of Carol DaRonch. Bundy sat in a relaxed manner in the courtroom, confident that he would be found innocent of the charges against him. He believed that there was no hard evidence to convict him, but he couldn't have been more wrong. When Carol DaRonch took the stand, she told of her ordeal that she suffered sixteen months earlier. When asked if she were able to recognize the person who attacked her, she began to cry as she lifted her hand and pointed a finger to the man who had called himself "Officer Roseland." The people in the courtroom turned their attention to Ted Bundy, who stared at DaRonch coldly as she pointed at him. Later in the trial, Ted had said he had never seen the defendant but he had no alibi to confirm his whereabouts the day of the attack. The judge spent the weekend reviewing the case before he handed down a verdict. Two days later he would find Bundy guilty beyond a reasonable doubt of aggravated kidnapping. Ted Bundy was later sentenced on June 30th to one to fifteen years in prison with the possibility of parole. While in prison, Bundy was subjected to a psychological evaluation that the court had previously requested. In Anne Rule's book The Stranger Beside Me , she stated that psychologists found Bundy to be neither "psychotic, neurotic, the victim of organic brain disease, alcoholic, addicted to drugs, suffering from a character disorder or amnesia, and was not a sexual deviate." The psychologists concluded that he had a "strong dependency on women, and deduced that that dependency was suspect." Upon further evaluation, they concluded that Ted had a "fear of being humiliated in his relationships with women." While Bundy remained incarcerated in Utah State Prison, investigators began a search for evidence connecting him to the murders of Caryn Campbell and Melissa Smith. What Bundy did not realize was that his legal problems would soon escalate. Detectives discovered in Bundy's VW hairs that were examined by the FBI and found to be characteristically alike to Campbell's and Smith's hair. Further examination of Caryn Campbell's remains showed that her skull bore impressions made by a blunt instrument, and those impressions matched the crowbar that had been discovered in Bundy's car a year earlier. Colorado police filed charges against Bundy on October 22, 1976, for the murder of Caryn Campbell. In April of 1977, Ted was transferred to Garfield County Jail in Colorado to await trial for the murder of Caryn Campbell. During preparation of his case, Bundy became increasingly unhappy with his representation. He believed his lawyer to be inept and incapable and eventually he fired him. Bundy, experienced in law, believed he could do the job better and he began to take up his own defense in the case. He felt confident that he would succeed at the trial scheduled for November 14, 1977. Bundy had a lot of work ahead of him. He was granted permission to leave the confines of the jail on occasion and utilize the courthouse library in Aspen, to conduct research. What police didn't know was that he was planning an escape. On June 7th, during one of his trips to the library at the courthouse, Bundy managed to jump from an open window, injuring his ankle in the process, and escaped to freedom. He was not wearing any leg irons or handcuffs, so he did not stand out among the ordinary citizens in the town of Aspen. It was an escape that had been planned by Ted for a while. Aspen Police were quick to set up roadblocks surrounding the town, yet Ted knew to stay within the city limits for the time being and lay low. Police launched a massive land search, using scent tracking bloodhounds and 150 searchers in the hopes of catching Ted. However, Ted was able to elude them for days. While on the run, Bundy managed to live off the food he stole from local cabins and nearby campers, occasionally sleeping in ones that were abandoned. Yet, Bundy knew that what he really needed was a car, which would better enable him to pass through police barriers. He couldn't hide in Aspen forever. Ted believed that he was destined to be free. According to an interview with Michaud and Aynesworth, he felt as if he were invincible and claimed that, "nothing went wrong. If something did go wrong, the next thing that happened was so good it compensated. It was even better". Sure enough, Bundy found his ticket out of town when he discovered a car with the keys left in it. But, his luck would not last long. While trying to flee Aspen in the stolen vehicle, he was spotted. From then on, he was ordered to wear handcuffs and leg irons while conducting his research at the library in Aspen. However, Bundy was not the type of man who liked to be tied down. Almost seven months later, Bundy again attempted an escape, but this time he was more successful. On December 30th, he crawled up into the ceiling of the Garfield County Jail and made his way to another part of the building. He managed to find another opening in the ceiling that led down into the closet of a jailer's apartment. He sat and waited until he knew the apartment was empty, then casually walked out of the front door to his freedom. His escape would go undiscovered until the following afternoon, more than fifteen hours later. By the time police learned of his escape, Bundy was well on his way to Chicago. Chicago was one of the few stops that Bundy would make along the route to his final destination, sunny Florida. By mid January of 1978 Ted Bundy, using his newly acquired name Chris Hagen, had settled comfortably into a one-room apartment in Tallahassee, Florida. Ted Bundy enjoyed his new found freedom in a place that knew little if nothing about him or his past. Bundy was stimulated by intelligence and youth and felt comfortable in his new environment nearby Florida State University. He spent much of his free time walking around F.S.U.'s campus, occasionally ducking into classes unnoticed and listening in on lectures. When he was not wandering around campus, he would spend his time in his apartment watching the television he had stolen. Theft became second nature to Bundy. Almost everything in his apartment was stolen merchandise. Even the food he ate was purchased from stolen credit cards. Under the circumstances, Bundy seemed to have enough material things to make him content. What he didn't have and what he missed the most was companionship. On Saturday night, January 14th, few of the sorority sisters could be found at the Chi Omega House. Most were out dancing or at keg parties on campus. It wasn't unusual for the sisters to stay out late, since there was no curfew. In fact, it was pretty normal for the girls to return in the early morning hours. However, none of the sisters was prepared to confront the horror that awaited them back at their sorority house later that night. At 3 AM, Nita Neary was dropped off at the sorority house by her boyfriend after attending a keg party on campus. Upon reaching the door to the house, she noticed it standing wide open. Soon after she had entered the building, she heard some movement, as if someone was running in the rooms above her. Suddenly, she heard the footsteps approaching the staircase near her and she hid in a doorway, out of view. She watched as a man with a knit blue cap pulled over his eyes, holding a log with cloth around it, ran down the stairs and out the door. Nita's first thought was that the sorority house had been burglarized. She immediately ran up the stairs to wake her roommate, Nancy. Nita told her of the strange man she saw leaving the building. Unsure of what to do, the girls made their way to the housemother's room. Yet, before they were able to make it to her room, they saw another roommate, Karen, staggering down the hall. Her entire head was soaked with blood. While Nancy tried to help Karen, Nita woke up the housemother and the two of them went to check on another roommate nearby. They found Kathy in her room alive, but in a horrible state. She was also covered in blood that was seeping from open wounds on her head. Hysterical, Nancy ran to the phone and dialed the police. Police later found two more girls dead in their rooms lying in their beds. Someone had attacked them while they slept. Lisa Levy was the first girl that officers found dead. Pathologists who later performed the autopsy on her found that she had been beaten on the head with a log, raped and strangled. Upon further examination, they discovered bite marks on her buttocks and on one of her nipples. In fact, Lisa's nipple had been so severely bitten that it was almost severed from the rest of her breast. She had also been sexually assaulted with a hair spray bottle. Post mortem reports on Margaret Bowman showed that she suffered similar fatal injuries, although she had not been sexually assaulted and she showed no signs of bite marks. She had been strangled by a pair of panty hose that were later found at the scene of the crime. She had also been beaten on the head, yet so severely that her skull was splintered and a portion of her brain was exposed. Neither she nor Lisa Levy showed signs of a struggle. Investigators who interviewed the survivors learned nothing. None of the girls had any memory of the events of that fatal night. Like Levy and Bowman, they too had been asleep when they were attacked. The only witness was Nita Neary, who was able to catch a profile of the killer as he fled. However, the assailant would not travel far before claiming another victim that night. Less than a mile from the Chi Omega House, a young woman was awakened by loud banging noises coming from the apartment next to hers. She wondered what her friend in the adjoining apartment was doing to make so much noise at four in the morning. As the banging noises persisted, she became suspicious and woke her roommate. As they listened, they heard Cheryl next door moaning. Frightened, they called over to her house to see if she was all right. When no one picked up the phone, they immediately called the police. The police came quickly. After all, they were just blocks away at the Chi Omega House tending to the crime scene there. They entered Cheryl's apartment and walked to her bedroom, where they found her sitting on the bed. Her face was just beginning to swell from the bludgeoning to her head. She was still somewhat conscious and half nude, but lucky to be alive. Police discovered a mask at the foot of her bed. According to Anne Rule in The Stranger Beside Me the mask that was found "resembled almost exactly the mask taken from Ted Bundy's car when he'd been arrested in Utah in August of 1975." Police investigators worked diligently on the evidence that was left behind. They were able to get a blood type from the assailant, sperm samples and fingerprint smudges. Unfortunately, most of the evidence that was tested proved to be inconclusive. The only firm evidence investigators were able to obtain were the hairs found in the mask, teeth impressions from the bite marks on the victims and an eyewitness account from Nita Neary. Investigators did not have a suspect and Ted Bundy was unknown to them. On February 9th, 1978, Lake City police received a phone call from the distressed parents of twelve-year-old Kimberly Leach. They were hysterical and said that their daughter had disappeared that day. Police launched a massive search to find the missing girl, who disappeared from her school grounds. The person who last saw her was her friend Priscilla who saw Kimberly get into the car of a stranger the day she disappeared. Unfortunately, she was unable to accurately remember the car or the driver. They found Kimberly's body eight weeks later in a state park in Suwannee County, Florida. The young girl's body yielded little information due to advanced decomposition. However, police were to later find the evidence they needed in a van driven by Ted Bundy. A few days before Kimberly Leach had disappeared, a strange man in a white van approached a fourteen-year-old girl as she waited for her brother to pick her up. The man had claimed he was from the fire department and asked her if she attended the school nearby. She found it strange that an on-duty fireman was wearing plaid pants and a navy jacket. She began to feel uncomfortable. She had been warned on many occasions by her father, who was the Chief of Detectives for the Jacksonville Police Department, not to talk with strangers. She was relieved when her brother drove up. Suspicious of the man, her brother ordered her into the car, followed the man and wrote down his license plate to give it to his father. Upon hearing of the stranger in the white van, Detective James Parmenter had the license plate checked out. He learned it belonged to a man named Randall Ragen, and he decided to pay him a visit. Ragen informed the detective that his plates had been stolen and he had already been issued new ones. The detective later found out that the van his children had seen was also stolen and he had an idea who it might have been. He decided to take his children to the police station to show them a stack of mug shots, Bundy's picture being among them. He hadn't realized how close he had been to losing his own daughter. Both of his children recognized the man in the van as Ted Bundy. The van long since discarded, Bundy set out towards Pensacola, Florida in a new stolen car. This time he managed to find a vehicle he was more comfortable driving, a VW bug. Officer David Lee was patrolling an area in West Pensacola when he saw an orange VW at 10 p.m. on February 15th. He knew the area well and most of the residents, yet he had never before seen the car. Officer Lee decided to run a check on the license plates and soon found out that they were stolen. Immediately, he turned on his lights and began to follow the VW. Once again, as had happened in Utah several years earlier, Bundy started to flee. Suddenly, Bundy pulled over and stopped. Officer Lee ordered him out of his car and told Bundy to lay down with his hands in front. To Lee's surprise, as he had begun to handcuff Bundy, he rolled over and began to fight the officer. Bundy managed to fight his way free and run. Just as soon as he did, Lee fired his weapon at him. Bundy dropped to the ground, pretending to have been shot. As the officer approached him lying on the ground, he was again attacked by Bundy. However, the officer was able to overpower him. He was handcuffed and taken to the police station. Bundy had finally been caught. Over the months following Bundy's arrest, investigators were able to compile critical evidence to be used against Bundy in the Leach case. The white van that had been stolen by Bundy was found and they had three eyewitnesses that had seen him driving it the afternoon Kimberly had disappeared. Forensic tests conducted on the van yielded fibers of material that had come from Bundy's clothes. Tests also revealed Kimberly Leach's blood type on the van's carpet and semen and Ted's blood type on her underwear. Further evidence was Ted's shoe impressions in the soil located next to the place Kimberly was found. Police felt confident with the information they had tying Bundy to the Leach case and on July 31, 1978, Ted Bundy was charged with the girl's murder. Soon after, he would also be charged with the Chi Omega murders. Facing the death penalty, Ted would later plead in his own defense that he was not guilty of the murders. Theodore Robert Bundy faced two murder trials, both spaced within three years. His first trial date was set for June 25, 1979 , in Miami , Florida . The court case centered on the brutal attacks on the Chi Omega sorority sisters. The second trial was to take place in January 1980 in Orlando , Florida , where Ted was to be tried for the murder of Kimberly Leach. Both trials would result in less-than-favorable outcomes for Ted, however it would be the Chi Omega murder case that would seal his fate forever. The opening of the Chi Omega murder trial sparked immense public interest and a media frenzy. After all, Ted had been suspected of at least thirty-six murders in four states and his name elicited nightmarish images to thousands, perhaps even millions around the world. He was considered by many to be evil reincarnate, a monster, the devil and his murders initiated the biggest and most publicized trials of the decade. During the Chi Omega murder trial, Ted acted as his own defense attorney. He was confident in his abilities and believed he would be given a fair trial. The jury, made up mostly of African-Americans, looked on as he defended himself against the murder charges. It became clear early on in the trial that Ted was fighting a losing battle. There were two events in the trial that would sway the jury against Ted. The first was Nita Neary's testimony of what she had seen the night of the murders. While on the stand, she pointed to Ted as the man she had seen fleeing down the stairs and out the door of the Chi Omega House. The second event that swayed the jury during the trial was the testimony of odontologist Dr. Richard Souviron. While on the stand, Dr. Souviron described the bite mark injuries found on Lisa Levy's body. As he spoke, the jury was shown full-scale photographs of the bite marks that had been taken the night of the murder. The doctor pointed out the uniqueness of the indentations left behind on the victim and compared them with full-scale pictures of Ted's teeth. There was no question that Ted had made the bite marks on Lisa Levy's body. The photos would be the biggest piece of evidence the prosecution had linking Ted to the crime. On July 23 rd , Ted waited in his cell as the jurors deliberated over his guilt or innocence. After almost seven hours, they returned to the courtroom with a verdict. Showing no emotion, Ted listened as one of the jurors read out "GUILTY." On all counts of murder, Ted was found guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. In the state of Florida , it is customary to have a separate sentencing trial. Ted's sentencing took place one week later on July 30 th before the same jury that had found him guilty. During the brief hearing, Ted's mother testified and tearfully pleaded for her son's life. Ted was also given a chance to address the court and refute the recommendation from the prosecution for the death penalty. Ted professed his innocence, claiming that the prejudice of the media was responsible for his alleged misrepresentation. He also suggested that the entire proceedings and verdict was nothing short of a farce, which he was unable to accept. According to Larsen, Ted told the hushed courtroom that it was, "absurd to ask for mercy for something he did not do," yet he would "not share the burden of the guilt." Judge Cowart, who presided over both trials, handed down his final judgment following Ted's statement. He affirmed the recommendation and imposed the death penalty twice for the murders of Margaret Bowman and Lisa Levy. The method of execution Ted faced was the electric chair. After many delays, the Leach trial began in Orlando , Florida at the Orange County Courthouse on January 7, 1980 . This time Ted decided not to represent himself, instead handing over the responsibility to defense attorneys Julius Africano and Lynn Thompson. Their strategy was to plead not guilty by reason of insanity, a plea that was risky but one of the few available options open to the defense. The plea of insanity might not have been difficult for the seven women, five-man jury to believe. Unlike the other hearings, Ted became increasingly agitated throughout the trial. At one point he even lost control and stood up yelling at a witness with whom he disagreed. Michaud and Aynesworth stated that Ted was just barely able to control himself, "expending huge amounts of energy just to keep from blowing apart." It appeared that Ted's facade of confidence was beginning to fade, probably because he realized that he had already lost the war and this legal battle wouldn't make much difference in determining his fate. There was no doubt that the outlook for Ted was bleak. Assistant state attorney Bob Dekle presented sixty-five witnesses that had connected Ted either directly or indirectly with Kimberly Leach on the day of her disappearance. One of the star witnesses had seen a man resembling Ted leading an upset little girl, matching Kimberly's description, into a white van in front of the girl's school. However, the defense team argued the legitimacy of the testimony because the man was unable to recall the precise day he had seen the man and little girl. Nevertheless, Dekle continued to press on and present even more convincing evidence. The most damaging was the fiber evidence, which linked Ted's clothes and the van he had driven that day with the crime scene. Moreover, fibers matching those from Kimberly Leach's clothes were found in the van and on Ted's clothing that he had allegedly worn on the day of the crime. The prosecution's expert witness, who testified about the fiber analysis, stated that she believed that at some point Ted and Kimberly Leach had been in contact around the time of her death. Michaud and Aynesworth claimed that the testimony had been, "literally fatal" to Ted's case. Exactly one month following the opening of the trial, Judge Wallace Jopling asked the jury to deliberate. On February 7 th , after less than seven hours of deliberation the jury returned the verdict, "GUILTY." The verdict was immediately followed by jubilation from the prosecution team and their supporters. February 9 th marked the second anniversary of Kimberly Leach's death. It also was the day that the sentencing trial commenced. During the penalty phase of the trial, Ted shocked those in the courtroom while he interviewed defense witness Carole Ann Boone. During his questioning of Carole, the two caught everyone off guard when they exchanged vows. According to Florida law, the verbal promise made under oath was enough to seal the agreement and the two were considered officially married. Shortly thereafter, the groom was sentenced to death in the electric chair for the third time in under a year. He would spend his honeymoon alone on Death Row in Florida State 's Raiford Penitentiary. Ted refused to give up and believed that he still had a fighting chance to save his own life. In 1982, he enlisted the help of a new lawyer and appealed the Chi Omega murder trial verdict to the Florida Supreme Court. However, his appeal was eventually denied. Shortly following the court's denial of a new hearing, Ted decided to appeal the Kimberly Leach trial verdict. In May 1985, his request was again turned down. However, he continued to keep up the fight and in 1986 he enlisted a new lawyer to assist him in escaping the death penalty. Ted's execution date was initially scheduled for March 4, 1986 . However, his execution was postponed while his new defense attorney, Polly Nelson, worked on his appeals for his previous murder convictions. Two months later the appeal was denied and another death warrant was issued to Ted by the State of Florida . Still, the appeal process continued. According to Polly Nelson's book Defending the Devil, the last appeal was made to the U.S. Supreme Court, who eventually denied Ted's last stay of execution on January 17, 1989 . In Ted's eleventh hour, he decided to confess to more crimes to the Washington State Attorney General's chief investigator for the criminal division, Dr. Bob Keppel. Ted had temporarily assisted Dr. Keppel in his hunt for the " Green River killer" from Death Row in the mid 1980's and he trusted him immensely. Keppel went to meet Ted in an interviewing room at the prison, armed with only a tape recorder. What Keppel learned was shocking. Dr. Keppel had learned that Ted kept some of his victims' heads at his home as trophies. However, what was even more surprising was that Ted also engaged in necrophilia with some of the remains of his victims. In fact, Keppel later stated in his book The Riverman: Ted Bundy and I Hunt for the Green River Killer that Ted's behavior could be best described as "compulsive necrophilia and extreme perversion." It was a compulsion that led to the deaths of scores of women, many who remained unknown to investigators. Rule and Keppel stated in their books that Ted was likely responsible for the deaths of at least a hundred women, discounting the official count of thirty-six victims. Whatever the figure, the fact is no one will ever know for certain how many victims actually fell victim to Ted. Finally on January 24, 1989 , at approximately 7 a.m. in the morning Ted's memory of his atrocities would be burned away forever by the electric chair's unforgiving currents. Outside the prison walls stood hundreds of on-lookers and scores of news media representatives awaiting the news of Ted's death. Following the prison spokesman's announcement that Ted was officially dead, sounds of cheers came from the jubilant crowd and fireworks lit the sky. Shortly thereafter, a white hearse emerged from the prison gates with the remains of one of the countries most notorious serial killers. As the vehicle moved towards the crematorium, the surrounding crowd cheerfully applauded the end of a living nightmare. All text that appears in this section was provided by www.crimelibrary.com (the very best source for serial killer information on the internet). Serialkillercalendar.com thanks the crime library for their tireless efforts in recording our dark past commends them on the amazing job they have done thus far). Below are links to other killer bios that you might be interested in. Complete Serial Killer Trading Card Collectors Set! On sale for a limited time! Volume One of The Serial Killer Magazine Collectors Edition! Over 300 Pages! Serial Killer Magazine is on sale for a limited time!
09 May 2005 >…all foreigners with interest in Japan hate all the other foreigners with interest in Japan. The Colonialists all like their ex-pat buddies and pubs, but the Japanese-speaking foreigner contingent is in constant battle with themselves, vying to prove linguistic abilities, obscure knowledge, and depth of societal penetration. I call this the “gaijin complex,” and I’m only finally finding my way out of it now after a long period of affliction and convalescence. It’s very interesting to me that the phenomenon in Japan involves “vying to prove linguistic abilities, obscure knowledge, and depth of societal penetration.” That’s something that few expats in China attempt. Sure, there are those with the obscure knowledge (especially political), but all three? It’ll be interesting to see what kind of creature the “China expat” evolves into. With China’s continued economic development, will he resemble his cousin in Japan someday?
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Toasted pecans add a nutty crunch to this creamy buttery fudge. I have given this candy with its wonderful caramel flavor, as gifts at Christmastime and people always rave about it! Alta Loma, California This decadent treat doesn't last long at our house. The soft fudge is guaranteed to get smiles because it has the familiar taste of frozen Creamsicles. Bright orange and marshmallow swirls make it a perfect takealong for events and get-togethers. —Diane Wampler, Morristown, Tennessee
Created through a series of workshops with the ART Institute for Advanced Theatre Training class of 2009, McLaughlin uses Sophocles' Ajax to view and interpret the current war, combining ancient Greece and modern-day Iraq to explore a veteran's madness and suicide. McLaughlin is best to known for originating the part of the Angel in Tony Kushner's Angels in America. Her plays include Days and Nights Within, A Narrow Bed, Infinity's House, Iphigenia and Other Daughters, Tongue of a Bird, The Trojan Women, Helen, The Persians, and Oedipus.For more information, call 617-547-8300 or visit amrep.org. Share via Email Don't show this again.
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Christy is a really great actress!! I loved her on Even Stevens and now I love her on Kim Possible which is like my favorite cartoon ever!! She also has some really good songs out now, I used to not think she was that great of a singer but she got better. She has also done a lot of good tv movies like Cadet Kelly, The Even Stevens Movie and Kim Possible So the Drama. I think she will continue acting and singing in the future. Christy Carlson Romano, formerly known as Ren on Disney's Hit show Even Stevens, has a talent. She makes a great voice actress on Kim Possible and you'll rarely find someone has talented as her. Romano is one of Disney's few talented stars. When I was younger, she was my role model and she keeps getting better. What's not to like about her? She pretty, she's talented, and her voice is beautiful. Christy makes a pretty good role model. She's ambitious and she carries herself out good, unlike most stars these days. She's one of the best Disney stars these days. Compared to the other Disney stars, she's unbeatable. If you don't believe me, watch Even Stevens and Kim Possible. I've been a fan of her since day one. I saw her a couple of months ago and i went to both of her shows that day and she reconized me in the second one. I also have a couple of stuff that she she autographed. She is so talented and she a giver. She is a great role-model. If you read her book "Grace's Turn" You would know how good it is. And if haven't read it go read it. lol. On her myspace her has a few songs fromher album she's working on, and the music is so good. Christy is growing up and as she does everything she does is maturing as well. She's done so much and she deserves everything she gets. :D This girl has a voice can act and can dance a little bit. Has been in board way and numberous disney channel things like videos, songs, voices for different characthers, different movies and guest staring on all kinds of disney channel stuff. Disney net work must really like christy. Has been in other stuff then disney which was an movie that came on family thats called the cutting edge it wasn't her best but it was a pretty good. Haven't been any real movies but hey you never know in a couple of years she may be in some real movies. Christy Carlson Romano is very talented in my opinion. She can act very well. She is famous for her role on Even Stevens as Ren Stevens. She does a wonderful job playing the big sister. I really enjoy watching her in that show. Another role she had was in the Disney Channel Original Movie, Cadet Kelly, also starring Hilary Duff. It's a great TV movie and she is very good in that. She also stars in the Disney Channel Original Animated Series, Kim Possible as Kim Possible. I don't really watch that show, but she is terrific as Kim. Overall, she is great at what she does and she's very talented. I love Christy Romano. She is such a great actress and also a great singer. She did a great job as Ren Stevens on Even Stevens. She played Louis' older sister and was a very hard-working girl. Then, she played Kim Possible on the hit animated series Kim Possible. She played a teen hero who worked very hard at saving the world, dealing with snobs, and also managing the relationships with her firneds and family. Then, she released her very first album, and she honestly did an excellent job. I love the way she sings. She has such a lovely voice. I also love her classical voice and honestly think that she should release a classical album. I really love this actress.If I could go and meet someone famous Christy Carlson Romano would be the first one I would meet and I really enjoy this person and this person would be the first person I would like to meet and Margo Harshman would be the second famous person I would love to meet.I like Margo`s character Tawny Dean. and Christy Carlson Romano`s character Ren Stevens.This is the reason why I would meet them.Christy is so great at the acting business.Christy Carlson Romano is my role model and she always will be.I really enjoy watching Even Stevens. She so talented because she plays two characters at once and she is so pretty.I am glad to hear she has the part of Ren Stevens in Even Stevens and Kim Possible in Kim Possible.She is so cool because plays two charaters in two shows.She is so great at playing both of these charaters and she is so great at it.I do know other shows and I do watch them.I watch these shows Christy Carlson Romano is in.I really enjoy seeing and watching Christy Carlson Romano on tv. At first I thought she was okay, but now I think her voice is getting way better. Like in could it be, she really took care of those high notes, and she can hold on to them! I love her on Kim Possible, and her movies are great! Cadet Kelly would have been way better if they recasted Kelly, but I love the way she pretended to be mean! If she was in the Herbie movie insted of Lindsay, I would seen it in a heartbeat! WHAT THE HECK! She is good but every day she gets worse and worse and worse! OK, I gotta calm myself down. I don't think she deserves more than a seven. Seven is the highest grade I can bring myself to give her. Christy os so overrated on this website! It's like, Even Stevens is way over and Kim Possible is stupid and should be cancelled. Can't say much more except that Even Stevens is a good show, but only because Shia LeBoauf is in it. She only has a lame part. Christy Carlson Romano has nothing to do with her success. Christi is an inspiration. She is someone I definently look up to. She smart, pretty, and talented. I am so happy they decided to bring KP back even though they may not have the same voices, they at least saved her character. She\'s someone I really want to be like when I\'m older. One of my dreams is to meet her. She deserves fame because she is so talented. She can sing, act, she can do it all just like Kim Possible. I love one of her recent movies when she\'s a figure skater on ABC Family. I can\'t remember what it\'s called but it was a great movie. She\'s and awesome person. Like I said, she\'s a great voice actor. Her voice for Kim Possible sounds so brave and smart. She really knows how to give Kim life. She\'s pretty, too. Good thing that Kim Possible is being brought back because Kim Possible is a great show and so the world can hear this fabulous VA. That\'s it. She\'s great. But she isn't perfect. Sorry. Most popularly known as her role of Kim Possible in the disney channel series "Kim Possible" She can do anything if she puts her mind to it.She is a great role model and cares about her fans.She tries to never dissapoint us! Her talents are so awesome! she should have more cd's which her new one should be coming out soon hopefully.she is almost perfect! i'd say 99.9% perfect I think christy romano carlson is much more talented and should be given more roles. She is a really good actress and probably an ok singer. I , however dont really like her singing because she does not write her own songs and i think songs sung my people should be orginal. So far in all the different types of acting i think she is the best doing musicals. Since the name Christy Carlson Romano came to me on the Video game "Kingdom Hearts," I noticed that her voice was wonderful in my favorite show "Kim Possible." This was one of my all time Disney Channel Original Shows ever! Now that she's one of the the all-time greats, she not only acted in Even Stevens, Cadet Kelly, The Even Stevens Movie, and Campus Confidental, but also the best Disney Broadway show that everyone loved her. She was excellent! Christy you rock girl! I don't care about being her biggest fan or anything like some people do. But Christy is the best. Her best performance in Even Stevens to me is Influenza: The Musical. My favorite song by her is Could it Be. She deserves her own series. She has an amazing voice and has great acting skills. She has been perfect in all of the roles I have scene and in the songs I have heard. Her newest movie: Campus Confidential was just as great as her other roles. Bravo Christy, I hope you will soar to even greater hights, good luck from me (and I am sure all your fans)! :) Although I've only seen her as the voice of Kim Possible, she is an outstanding voice. Her voice of Kim is very different from how Ren, from Even Stevens sounds. And sometimes, when i hear her voice on interviews, its so different and I tell myself "Hey, she sounds better as Kim!" Her singing voice is quite sweet also. ANd now, you might me asking why I put her as GORGEOUS, i did that because she is beautiful even if she wears her make-up. I have noticed that she looks different from her look 2 years ago. I do hope she has more tv shows to act in and more songs to sing! She has the potential and she is great! Christy is a great actress and singer. my favorite song is could it be which is sang by her. she is also the voice of kim possible and she is amazing. i wish i could meet her. she is also the greatest actress that i had ever seen in tv. if i can ever ever ever ever meet her it would be a dream come true. Being a big kid at heart, I still love to watch the Disney Channel. As such, my favorite shows are Kim Possible and Even Stevens. By far, the best part of these shows was Christy. She can sing, she can dance, often at the same time! Her character development over the years has grown with the longer her shows were on. She greatly deserves her own show and I am totally all for one. She has beauty and talent, no wonder she's on broadway as well. I would just like to finish up by saying, "Disney, you've got one heckuva star here!" I think Christy\'s should have been a bigger star. She has been playing some original Disney movie, that\'s true. But those movies aren\'t showing up in Asia--all I know is that Even Stevens Movie was just premiered in April. Meanwhile, Cadet Kelly and Kim Possible Movie:So The Drama hasn\'t been premiered yet. Also, her album is almost nowhere can find in Asia (thank you Cate in Indonesia for the info). I hope her next album will make her a recognized star and her next movie is a movie that premiering in the THEATRE, not Disney Channel. I really want to be her friend. I want to know her closer, I want to know what\'s on her mind, and I really like her attitude. If only I could meet her someday! Christy, you ROCKS! Please read the following before uploading Do not upload anything which you do not own or are fully licensed to upload. The images should not contain any sexually explicit content, race hatred material or other offensive symbols or images. Remember: Abuse of the TV.com image system may result in you being banned from uploading images or from the entire site – so, play nice and respect the rules!
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International Education Committee Minutes November 20, 2002 Members Present: J. Majak, chair; M.T. Aritan; G.D. Gilmore; D. Kuderer; S. Scherwitz Members Absent: S. Johnson-Rodrig, excused; S.N. Rajagopal, excused; D. Stapleton, excused. Consultants Present: E. Kraemer; L. Swayhoover - Minutes from November 6th were reviewed and approved. - Update from L. Swayhoover that preparations were being made for a delegation from China which will be arriving in town on November 21st. - Update from Professor Kraemer that course proposals for INS continue to come in, and are being reviewed. - Proposal for New Foreign Study Tour submitted by Professor Mary Davidson reviewed. Professor Davidson was present to offer an overview of the study tour. Following Professor Davidson’s overview, questions for her from the committee members included: · What are the preparatory arrangements being made prior to departing the U.S.? Professor Davidson responded that one meeting is planned; these are mature students and not too much is needed. A committee member commented that there would need to be some consideration given to the new cultural context. · What is the travel itinerary? Professor Davidson responded that there will be 3 days in London upon the group’s arrival in order to have the participants acclimate to the time and cultural distinctions. London museum and portrait gallery visitations will take place. The group then will spend 8 days in Grasmere experiencing the environment of the authors they will be reading and discussing. On the return trip, 2-3 days will be spent in London. · What lodging arrangements are being established? Professor Davidson mentioned that there are cottages in the middle of the village of Grasmere, and also a youth hostel. Students would be lodging about 5 minutes away from the study tour director. · Will you be using the same student evaluation procedures as in your on-campus syllabus? Professor Davidson stated that there will not be a final paper for this tour, but rather, a written and oral final examination prior to the return of the group. · Will the entire group return together? Professor Davidson said that students who want to stay longer can do so. She believes that the study tour director does not have to stay with the students. Following Professor Davidson’s meeting with the committee, committee member discussion ensued. Concern was raised regarding students returning at different times than the study tour director. Where there potential liability and safety issues? Committee members also raised the issues of monitoring and the availability of health-related resources, if needed. L. Swayhoover did mention that several of the issues raised would be discussed in some measure through her orientation session with the students. She stated that she will be sharing UW System policies and procedures with Professor Davidson. Due to the concerns, the committee requested that the committee chair raise the following questions with Professor Davidson for response: (1) What is known about the availability of health-related resources in Grasmere, should the need arise? (2) How will the study tour director maintain contact with the participants? (3) Will there be a contact person at the youth hostel for the students? (4) How will the study tour director assure the safe return of the participants? - There being no further business, the committee meeting adjourned at 4:50 p.m. Gary D. Gilmore
Sometime you just need a cute duckling photo in your life. Phil is happy enough to oblige us with his above shot. Phill is our group’s most prolific contributor, in addition to being a skilled wildlife photographer. He certainly shows his skill here, capturing the young ducks mid-shake, with water drops flying every-which-way. He even managed to get the shot at the duck’s eye level, giving a very unique angle for the viewer. You can almost feel the fluffy feathers of the little birds! A simple photo caught my eye for today’s Featured Photo. Phil was able to get this tight shot of a star on one of the smaller Christmas trees with the National Christmas Tree in the background. Two things drew me to this photo: one, the lovely color of the lights, and, two, the bokeh of those lights. For those who don’t know what bokeh is, it’s that fine blur in the background of photographs. One of the pluses of bokeh is that it helps the viewer focus in on the main subject matter of a photograph; this is because our brains naturally want to pay attention to what’s in the focus. This effect certainly compliments Christmas lights because it gives them a dreamy, yet colorful, look; a look and feel I love to associate with the Holidays. Phil, our resident Osprey contributor, has really outdone himself with this photo. The bird is not only in caught in a dramatic pose, but also while carrying a branch for nest building, which helps to give the raptor a sense of scale. Notice the symmetry of the wings is almost perfect, allowing the pattern in the feathers to be shown off to its best. In fact, it’s such a great effect that it takes a moment to realize that the bird’s eyes are clearly visible and looking straight into the camera. Isolating the raptor is also an excellent framing decision, as it allows the viewer to not be distracted by objects in the background and focus all their attention on the bird. Very well done! If you’re wondering how someone could get such amazing photographs, know that it’s a matter of two things: investing time and knowing the animal you shoot. Phil has been going to the same Osprey nest for at least five years (2013, 2012, 2011, 2010, and 2009). As well, knowing that Osprey nest in the same location over their adult breeding lifespan, helps Phil to know he can always come back year after year to this nest at Belle Haven Marina to see these birds. Knowing other behavioral traits also helps him anticipate what the birds will do, which helps gets better photos. Two simple things, but they make all the difference with wildlife photos. Twice a year the moon rises (roughly) at the eastern horizon; it happens at the full moon closest to each Equinox. With the Mall set up on a east-west axis, that means the moon visually align itself with the major monuments and buildings of the city. Because it rarely rises on that axis perfectly, the sight seems to always be different. Phil, who has been taking these pictures for a number of years, came away with a great one this time. The first thing you notice is the orange coloring of the moon; that happens because the light the moon is reflecting is going through more of the Earth’s atmosphere than if it was at the apex of the sky. The atmosphere scatters the light and redshifts it (if you check out an earlier shot the redshift is more evident). But beyond the quirky rules of physics, the shot is well framed; with the Capitol dome fully visible, the size of the Washington Monument evident, and even the beautiful dome of the Natural History Museum. And then there’s the moon in the Reflecting Pool, which seals the shot. It’s certainly a gorgeous enough sight to keep one in love with DC! fisheye nats park courtesy of philliefan99 That is one great shot of Nationals Park! Phil employed his trusty fisheye lens to get nearly the entire seating bowl of the stadium into one shot. A fisheye lens is an ultra wide-angle lens which gives a 180 degree view. It’s a fairly specialized lens, and few photographers use them. This is mainly because the distortion that is created can become a tiresome effect and people lose interest in using it. Also, such a wide-angle lens is not useful in most situations. However, when employed properly, like the shot above, the results are outstanding! ‘windows are my floor’ courtesy of ‘philliefan99′ I’m fascinated by window washers. Every time I see them setting up at building downtown, I just want to stop and watch them work. I think it’s the combination of being gusty enough to trust your life to a rather thin piece of rope while also having a unique “office” view. The suction cups they use also remind me of 1960s Batman. So imagine how I feel about Phil’s photo above. Take one part unique perspective, add the mystique of window washers, and then throw in the blown out highlights of the sky; you get one great shot. ‘tiny eyes are watching you’ courtesy of ‘philliefan99′ For me, the only thing more fascinating than interesting pictures, are interesting pictures of very small things. Macrophotography, or close-up photography of small objects, can reveal a world of amazing detail. Really, such photography is limited only by the tools of the photographer. Take the above picture from philliefan99. Clearly the four eyes of the spider are visible, along with their unique size and shape. You’re even capable of seeing the individual hairs on the legs and body of the creepy crawly. Would you notice such details if this were to scurry onto your leg right now? courtesy of ‘philliefan99′ Wildlife photography: the art of taking photographs of wildlife. I’ve had the impression that it is generally underappeciated in the digital age of photography. But when you really look at it, this is an incredibly difficult art form. You not only have to find fascinating subjects, but you also have to learn how a specific species will behave. This is important so that you have an idea on what they will do next, unlike with humans. Phil demonstates many of the key skills of a good wildlife photographer with this shot. He’s been following the osprey, which take up residence at this nest in Belle Haven VA, for years. He also patientally waits for the bird to get into a dramtic, noble pose. And lastly, he aims for the eyes. This last point is most key for wildlife shots, for the same reason it’s important for human shots: we’re drawn to the eyes and it’s a window into the soul of the animal.
Watching the World Cup in Denver If you can't get to South Africa to party with the natives above, where can you watch the World Cup and get a feel for the global flavor of the world's game? That's what reader Timothy wants to know: I was wondering if you guys knew of anything exciting going on for the World Cup? For Oktoberfest, Denver closed down Larimer Square, so if there are any festivals that will be any bit similar, I'd love to attend. Otherwise, I'll just be hanging out at the British Bulldog. Any help? Well, we can certainly try. Between now and when the Cup ends on July 11, we'll update this post with good places to watch the games. Send ideas to email@example.com and we'll add those too. Right now, a couple of places we know of: West End Tavern, 926 Pearl Street in Boulder, which will serve up some game-day specials and open early for morning games. The Hornet, 76 Broadway, which will open its doors early for the games and probably get you drunk on Bloody Marys before work. Good times. Get the Food & Drink Newsletter Our weekly guide to Denver dining includes food news and reviews, as well as dining events and interviews with chefs and restaurant owners.
Refinancing your mortgage can be a great decision given the right set of circumstances. One of the benefits to refinancing your home loan is that it allows you to convert some of your home equity into cash - this process is sometimes called a "cash out refi." By assessing your needs and learning how to navigate the process, you can quickly learn how to refinance and get money back. 1Familiarize yourself with the mechanics of refinancing. Before you rush into a huge financial decision just to get some cash, study how the process works. Refinancing a home loan is the process of taking out a new mortgage and using it to immediately pay off the balance of your first mortgage. You are essentially swapping 1 mortgage for another. 2Determine if refinancing your mortgage will be favorable. Based on the circumstances, refinancing could be a great decision or a horrible decision. Refinancing a loan will require you to pay the lender's fees, but it may also save you money on future payments if you can get a lower interest rate. If the savings outweigh the fees, refinancing is a good call. - Refinancing will likely benefit you if your credit rating has improved since applying for your original mortgage, interest rates are low, and you are not too close to paying off your entire mortgage balance. - Refinancing is not likely to benefit you if your credit rating has dropped recently, interests rates are high, or you are already very close to paying off your mortgage. 3Consider alternatives. Before you refinance your mortgage, make sure another option isn't a better choice. If you need the cash for college tuition, consider a Stafford loan; these loans are easy to apply for and don't require repayment until after graduation. If you just need some flexibility, consider opening a home equity line of credit. These work like credit cards, allowing you to spend money as you choose rather than loaning you a lump sum all at once. 4Decide how much cash you need. Formulate a plan for using the money, and make sure you understand how "cashing out" will affect your equity. - For example, suppose your original mortgage was for $200,000. Assume that this still reflects the value of your home (note that these calculations will work equally well in other currencies). - Suppose that you have paid off $100,000 of your principle. So, you have $100,000 equity in your home and $100,000 remaining balance on your mortgage. - When you refinance, you will take out a new mortgage in the amount of $200,000. First, you pay off the $100,000 balance on the original mortgage. - You can essentially split your remaining $100,000 between cash and home equity. If you take $20,000 in cash, you will have reduced your home equity to only $80,000. Now your mortgage has a balance of $120,000, so it will take longer to pay off. 5Apply for a new mortgage. The process will be very similar to the 1 you followed when you took out your original mortgage. Fill out a mortgage application with your preferred lending institution, making sure to tell them you plan to convert some of your home's equity into cash. 6Submit all the documents required by your lender. These will generally include W-2s, pay stubs and income tax forms from previous years. 7Get your home appraised. Lenders require home appraisals to make sure they aren't lending you more money than the home is worth. The appraiser will usually be selected by your lender, and will contact you to schedule an appraisal time. 8Attend the closing. The closing will generally be held at a local title and escrow firm. You will receive your cash at the closing. - You will generally not be allowed to refinancing your mortgage if you've been paying your existing mortgage for less than a year. This is referred to as the "seasoning" period. - Be aware that the amount of cash you will be able to take out will be limited by your financial institution.
Begin Your Search WineAccess Travel Log Read stories from the world's greatest wine trails. More About This Wine 88 Points | Stephen Tanzer's IWC - November/December 2011 (40% syrah, 30% grenache and 30% mourvedre): Deep ruby. Fresh strawberry and raspberry aromas offer straightforward fruity appeal. Sweet, silky cherry and red berry flavors are given a tangy quality and good lift by a peppery note. Straightforward, brisk and very easy to drink, finishing with good sweetness and persistence.
Hey there, time traveller! This article was published 26/4/2009 (2647 days ago), so information in it may no longer be current. Provincial flood experts expect Highway 75 will remain underwater until mid-May, cutting off travel to and from the U.S. border and a major access road for communities like Morris. Morris councillor and emergency co-ordinator Gavin Van der Linde said the slow decline of the Red has left many residents of Morris and surrounding areas isolated from work, school and families. The ring dike that surrounds Morris has protected homes and community centres, but left only one access road out of town -- Highway 23 East. Van der Linde said many residents have taken time off work since it takes so long to detour to other communities or boat to and from existing access roads. Van der Linde said it takes more than an hour to drive 13 kilometres south of Morris, and some nurses who work in the community are staying in the local motel until the river recedes. Van der Linde says building up Highway 75 and Highway 23 West would ensure trade and travel routes remain open, and the economic lifeblood of the town isn't put on hold for six weeks. "It does significantly impact people," he said, noting two young people are staying in his home so they can get to school. Manitoba Water Stewardship spokesman Steve Topping acknowledged the extended high river levels are a hardship for many southern Manitoba residents. Once the water recedes in mid-May, Topping said, crews will have to assess the highway's safety and likely repair the shoulders. Provincial crews are already starting repairs on over 50 roads washed out by surging flood water in the Interlake. He said the long flood is an inconvenience for everyone who uses roads that are impassable due to the Red River. "It is a hardship for people in the Red River Valley. It's an inconvenience -- many people have to boat to their homes and their cars, many people chose to evacuate," Topping said Sunday. Although the flood water has dropped to 1979 levels near Morris, Van der Linde said it will take weeks before the community sees some relief. While residents are happy the ring dikes built after 1997 have protected people and their homes from the danger and damage of flood water, he said many area families and businesses have lost income due to the loss of Highway 75. Prime Minister Steven Harper recently announced $212 million in federal-provincial funding to build an artery that's vital to creating an inland port in Winnipeg. Van der Linde said border officials told him traffic is down 30 per cent from this time last year. He said it doesn't make sense to develop an inland port if the major truck route from Winnipeg to the U.S. is cut off for weeks every time Manitoba sees a significant flood.
The new Beats by Dre commercial is really amusing. The commercial features Will.I.Am. and Britney Spears new single, “Scream and Shout” an electronic-pop, club banger that amps the commercial up. The commercial features many familiar faces including Will.I.Am. himself, Lil Wayne, Azealia Banks, Ellie Goulding, Lebron James, Machine Gun Kelly and the All-American Rejects and a few others. Check out the all-star cast in the commercial above!
String Quartet No. 2 (Borodin) ||This article is written like a personal reflection or opinion essay that states the Wikipedia editor's personal feelings about a topic, rather than the opinions of experts. (July 2014) (Learn how and when to remove this template message)| |This article relies largely or entirely upon a single source. (July 2014)| The String Quartet No. 2 is a string quartet in D major written by Alexander Borodin in 1881. It was dedicated to his wife Ekaterina Protopova. Some scholars, such as Borodin’s biographer Serge Dianin, suggest that the quartet was a 20th anniversary gift and that it has a program evoking the couple’s first meeting in Heidelberg. Of its four movements, the third movement “Notturno” is the most famous, and part of it was adapted into the song “And This Is My Beloved” from the 1953 Broadway musical Kismet. Borodin wrote the string quartet quickly in 1881 while staying at the estate of his friend, the minor composer Nikolai Lodyzhensky, which was located in Zhitovo, southeast of Moscow. Borodin also composed the symphonic poem In the Steppes of Central Asia the same year; the quartet premiered in that year or the next. (The external links give a more complete tale but conflict on the date.) The string quartet has four movements: - Allegro moderato in D major and 2/2 time, with 304 bars; - Scherzo. Allegro in F major and 3/4 time, with 299 bars; - Notturno (Nocturne): Andante in A major and 3/4 time, with 180 bars; - Finale: Andante — Vivace in D major and 2/4 time, with 671 bars. The first movement is written in sonata form. The principal theme of the exposition begins in measure one, with a cello singing a lyrical melody in high register. The transition begins in measure 35, and quickly leads into the subordinate theme (measure 44) in A major, the dominant. The subordinate theme has a complex structure, a three-part form of its own (a-b-a'), which leads into the closing theme in measure 86 (Animato), which concludes the exposition in measure 107. The development (beginning in measure 108) begins with the same material as the exposition, except the cello is in the low register, and the key is changed from D major to F major. After some contrapuntal work, the development reaches a dominant pedal point (measure 167), which resolves in the main key of the piece, D major, in the recapitulation in measure 180. The recapitulation follows the broad outlines of the exposition, except the subordinate theme (measure 224) begins in E-flat major instead of the customary D major. The three-part structure of the subordinate theme, though, allows Borodin to reach the expected D major in the a' part of the subordinate theme (measure 257), and the closing theme (measure 266) concludes the movement. The first movement exemplifies Borodin's lyrical (as opposed to dramatic) treatment of the sonata form. All thematic material is lyrical; contrasts are achieved via contrapuntal writing (as in the middle section of the subordinate theme, beginning in measure 57, and especially in beginning in measure 65), or color contrasts (such as changes of keys–beginning of the development, and particularly the non-traditional key of the subordinate theme in the recapitulation). The scherzo second movement is also in sonata form, rather than the ABA form that is more usual for scherzo-style movements. Of note is also the appearance of a scherzo as the second movement in a sonata cycle, rather than the more customary third movement. This is characteristic for Borodin, who used the same movement scheme (scherzo as a second movement) in his Second Symphony. The principal theme of this movement (descending scale-based figure of the first violin, accompanied by a falling motive in a viola) reminds one of Mendelssohn's scherzi. The “rising thirds” motive of the subordinate theme (measure 29) is an inversion of the viola’s accompanying falling motive. The descending scale-based figure of the subordinate theme, repeated by viola starting with measure 51, recalls the principal theme. The movement's development begins at measure 100 and emphasizes counterpoint in combining the motives of the principal and subordinate themes (measure 144). The recapitulation (measure 192) brings the subordinate theme in the main key of F (measure 221), and, after a momentary burst of activity, the movement whispers away. The main theme of the third movement Nocturne, performed in string orchestra arrangements and perhaps the most famous in the quartet, also appears in the musical Kismet, as “And This Is My Beloved.” An agitated middle section lasting from bars 47–110 of the movement interrupts this theme's otherwise peaceful mood. The main theme is restated after the middle section in canon (first cello and the first violin, then two violins). This movement also serves as the score to Disney's 2006 short The Little Matchgirl. The finale demonstrates Borodin's mastery of counterpoint. Written in a conventional sonata form, it opens with an introduction, which introduces the principal theme, broken into two elements: a dialogue between two violins, answered by a viola and cello. These "question-answer" motives (one possibly being an imprecise retrograde inversion of another) combine into the principal theme of the movement (beginning with measure 20), where the "answer" makes an accompaniment, and the "question" makes for the upper voice. The principal theme is stated as a canon, with viola, second violin, and first violin stating the theme, which modulates into a dominant, and lead into the subordinate theme in measure 90. The subordinate theme retains the frantic pace of the principal theme, to be contrasted with a more relaxed closing theme, based on the motives of the subordinate theme, at measure 177. The development starts similar to the exposition with the question-answer dialogue, except the question now is in lower strings, and the answer in violins. After much contrapuntal work (including a charming "horse-riding" episode worthy of Rossini, beginning in measure 296), the recapitulation begins with the now familiar question-answer motives, this time enunciated by the combined strings (measure 371). The recapitulation proceeds as expected (with the subordinate theme in the tonic key, measure 459), only to be suddenly shifted into another key by the beginning of the coda (measure 588). But this modulation proves to be short-lived, and the coda quickly reaches the long-breathed D major close. The Borodin Quartet in both its incarnations have specialized in this work, producing fine recordings of it.
Release: NBER Macrohistory Database Series Is Presented Here As Two Variables--(1)-- Original Data, 1842-1944 (2)--Original Data, 1938-1952. Data Are For Weighted Average Price Of All Grades (Weighted On Basis Of Number Of Carlots Sold) At Chicago, Minneapolis, Kansas City, St. Louis, Omaha, And Duluth. Source: Agricultural Statistics, 1942, For 1938-1941 Data; Crops And Markets, For The Years 1941-1950; The Wheat Situation, For The Years 1951-1952. This NBER data series m04001b appears on the NBER website in Chapter 4 at http://www.nber.org/databases/macrohistory/contents/chapter04.html. NBER Indicator: m04001b National Bureau of Economic Research, Wholesale Price of Wheat, Chicago; Six Markets for Chicago, IL [M04F1BUS16980M260NNBR], retrieved from FRED, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis; https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/M04F1BUS16980M260NNBR, July 26, 2016.
The making of national giants: technology and governments shaping the international expansion of oil companies from Brazil and China This chapter analyses foreign direct investments (henceforth FDI) in the oil industry from two large emerging economies, Brazil and China, with the purpose to understand the role of Governments and technology in the internationalisation strategies of those firms. The chapter shows that the Brazilian oil company, Petrobras, internationalised in the 1970s in order to secure oil resources, and throughout time developed technological capabilities that explain its current success and worldwide expansion. Chinese firms have risen later and are making their outward moves in order to catch up technologically with the world's leading firms. |Date of creation:||2008| |Date of revision:| |Contact details of provider:|| Postal: P.O. Box 616, 6200 MD Maastricht| Phone: (31) (0)43 3883875 Fax: (31) (0)43 3216518 Web page: http://www.merit.unu.edu/ More information through EDIRC Please report citation or reference errors to , or , if you are the registered author of the cited work, log in to your RePEc Author Service profile, click on "citations" and make appropriate adjustments.: - Dilek Aykut & Andrea Goldstein, 2006. "Developing Country Multinationals: South-South Investment Comes of Age," OECD Development Centre Working Papers 257, OECD Publishing. - Nolan, Peter & Zhang, Jin, 2002. "The Challenge of Globalization for Large Chinese Firms," World Development, Elsevier, vol. 30(12), pages 2089-2107, December. - John Child & Suzana B. Rodrigues, 2005. "The Internationalization of Chinese Firms: A Case for Theoretical Extension?," Management and Organization Review, International Association of Chinese Management Research, vol. 1(3), pages 381-410, November. - Bonaglia, Federico & Goldstein, Andrea & Mathews, John, 2006. "Accelerated Internationalisation by Emerging Multinationals: the Case of White Goods Sector," 1485, University Library of Munich, Germany. - Federico BONAGLIA & Andrea GOLDSTEIN & John MATHEWS, 2006. "Accelerated Internationalisation by Emerging Multinationals: the Case of White Goods Sector," Working Papers 270, Universita' Politecnica delle Marche (I), Dipartimento di Scienze Economiche e Sociali. - Peter Nolan & Jin Zhang, 2002. "The Challenge Of Globalization For Large Chinese Firms," UNCTAD Discussion Papers 162, United Nations Conference on Trade and Development. When requesting a correction, please mention this item's handle: RePEc:unm:unumer:2008021. See general information about how to correct material in RePEc. For technical questions regarding this item, or to correct its authors, title, abstract, bibliographic or download information, contact: (Ad Notten) If references are entirely missing, you can add them using this form.
Layoffs at Waterloo-based smartphone industry pioneer BlackBerry cut deep last year, with around 5,000 employees being let go. Those cuts continue into 2013 as BlackBerry undergoes what CEO Thorsten Heins called a “complex transition” earlier this month, and the latest is that 250 employees of its core R&D and new product testing facility have been let go as of earlier this week, as confirmed by Canada’s CTV News and by BlackBerry itself to TechCrunch. That number pales in comparison to some of the massive cuts that came in big batches last year, including one 3,000 person block in August 2012. Last year, however, BlackBerry reportedly told its employees that if they were working on services or projects key to BlackBerry 10, they’d mostly likely be safe. These cuts appear to be closer to the bone, however, coming as they do at the heart of BlackBerry’s innovation efforts, which is why it’s perhaps more worrying for the company’s overall outlook than the big sweeping trimming of potentially redundant or sub-optimal departments last year. BlackBerry is saying the change to employee count is all about efficiency, in a statement provided to TechCrunch (included in full below), but it’s hard to see a big batch of layoffs so near to R&D, which should be the lifeblood of any technology company, as a good sign. Heins’ strategy of cost-cutting and efficiency has helped BlackBerry manage to stay relatively strong on revenue, however, and to keep a healthy cash reserve on hand. BlackBerry has a number of products in the pipeline, apparently, including the leaked A10 (and the somewhat unimpressive Q5), a new touchscreen flagship that’s rumored to be launched later this year. But that device looks to be quite far along already; this fresh report of staffing changes begs the question of how much more new hardware we have left to see beyond that. The full statement from BlackBerry’s Lisette Kwong follows: I can confirm on the record, that BlackBerry on Tuesday informed 250 employees of their termination in Waterloo. These employees were part of the New Product Testing Facility, a department that supports BlackBerry’s manufacturing and R&D efforts. This is part of the next stage of our turnaround plan to increase efficiencies and scale our company correctly for new opportunities in mobile computing. We will be as transparent as possible as those plans evolve. Home 3D printers – particularly FDM, Makerbot-like devices – are still in their infancy and, as such, are untested when it comes to safety. That’s why some researchers at the Built Environment Research Group at the Illinois Institute of Technology decided to test a popular model for ultrafine particle emissions, a measure of how much junk these things emit while in use. The result? PLA, a starch-based material, emitted 20 billion particles per minute while ABS, a plastic, emitted 200 billion. This is similar in scale to using a gas stove, lighting a cigarette, or burning a scented candle. In short, it’s a significant bit of potential pollution in an unfiltered environment but it’s nothing we don’t do to ourselves on a daily basis already. The study didn’t take into account what materials were being expelled, which makes it a bit more troubling. For example, according to PhysOrg, ABS is known to be toxic in lab rats but PLA, oddly enough, is used in nanotechnology for the delivery of medicines. What’s the takeaway? Ventilate your 3D printer. Because most of these devices are currently sold as standalone devices without any exhaust ventilation or filtration accessories, results herein suggest caution should be used when operating in inadequately ventilated or unfiltered indoor environments. Additionally, these results suggest that more controlled experiments should be conducted to more fundamentally evaluate particle emissions from a wider arrange of desktop 3D printers. Obviously these devices are designed for home and office use and probably will never end up under a lab-grade ventilation hood. However, given the various processes used to make 3D objects, it’s important that this research is done to reduce the effects of UFPs on children who may be using these in schools as well as the teachers, designers, and makers who use them on a daily basis. You can read the entire paper here or just turn on a fan. Bored of quantifying your self already? Why not quantify your pet instead? FitBark is a Fitbit style health tracker for your under-walked canine companion. We’ve covered this (frankly) barking mad gizmo before, back in May, when its creators were exhibiting at Hardware Alley at TechCrunch Disrupt NY but they’ve now taken to Kickstarter to raise funds to get the device out in the wild. Again. It’s actually FitBark’s second attempt at Kickstarting the gizmo. As Gigaom points out, its creators pulled an earlier attempt at crowdfunding the device in order to rethink the business model, scrapping the monthly subscription fee and opting for a fixed price-tag of $69 via Kickstarter or $99 for general retail. FitBark are after $35,000 to cover manufacturing costs this time around, and are more than half-way to achieving the target with 32 days left to run on the campaign – so crazy or otherwise, this is one hardware startup that’s pretty much a dead cert for its first manufacturing run-around-the-park at least. Now I say barking mad but that’s mostly tongue-in-cheek, being as FitBark is not the only health tracker angling for pet owners’ cash. Whistle, a startup backed by $6 million in Series A funding, launched a $99 wearable activity tracker for dogs only last month. There’s also Tagg, which combines activity and location tracking by including GPS in its device. So underestimate the pet-owning dollar at your peril. So what does FitBark actually do? Attach it to your dog’s collar and it tracks daily’s activity levels, sending the data back to FitBack’s servers when your smartphone is in range, or throughout the day if you purchase a dedicated FitBark base station (and keep you pet penned up at home while you’re out). The latter scenario would allow owners to keep remote tabs on their pet’s activity levels when they’re not at home, but unless you own a mansion (or employ a dog walker) your dog isn’t going to be able to do a whole lot of running around without you. FitBark then crunches all the activity data, offering customisable daily activity goals, and delivering the results back to you via an app. So far, so kinda sane. At its more barking mad fringe, the FitBark also lets pet owners compare – well, they say “unify” – their own fitness with their dog’s fitness/activity. So yeah, boasting that you are fitter than Fido is apparently a thing now… FitBark is also the first platform that leverages existing APIs of human fitness trackers to bring you a unified view of your fitness level and that of your dog. From the outset, FitBark will seamlessly receive input from your Nike Fuelband, Fitbit, Withings Pulse, or Bodymedia Fit. We’ll look to expand the list as we learn about new open APIs or partnership opportunities. If you’re not only a devoted dog parent but are also serious about tracking your own fitness, you’ll love this. SmartThings, the “Internet of Things” Company That Connects the Gadgets in Your Home, Launches Its Own Store SmartThings, the connected-home platform that lets you control your lights, your coffee maker and even your door lock from a mobile app, doesn’t just want to control them – it wants to sell them, too. The Washington, D.C.-based startup is launching its own online store of home-automation devices, called the SmartThings Shop. SmartThing’s own devices, along with compatible third-party products, will be marketed in the store. The company had previously said that an e-commerce platform was in the works, so this isn’t a total surprise, but the move underscores the company’s efforts to be a one-stop shop for home-automation gadgets, an area of tech that has been largely fragmented to date. As mentioned here, SmartThings is an open platform that works with a bunch of different wireless standards, like Bluetooth, ZigBee and Z-Wave, thus allowing it to work with various protocols and third-party devices. The company was recently profiled in Wired, and gave a full onstage demo at the D11 conference this spring. That said, it’s obviously not without competition: Home-automation solutions abound and big-box retailers like Lowe’s have their own viable systems for automating the home. SmartThings first came into existence as a Kickstarter project in 2012. It began shipping in April, and quickly sold out of available kits. The company says that about 10,000 kits have sold to date – about 50,000 devices in total – and another 20,000 kits have been reserved. With the birth of the SmartThings Shop, the company is making new kits available, and is essentially selling three categories of products: SmartThings starter kits, individual devices, and solution sets, which are supposed to directly address some of the more frequently requested home automations. A starter kit will run from $199 to $299, and will offer a variety of sensors and “things,” along with a SmartThings hub. Individual devices include SmartThings sensors and GE light and appliance outlets, Jasco in-wall lighting dimmer switches, Kwikset lever door locks and Schlage deadbolts, to name a few of about a dozen products. The solution sets range from $59 to nearly $300 and have themes or titles that identify their function. For example, there’s the I Can: Automatically Turn On/Off Lights in Response to Motions kit, for $99; the I Can: Turn Off Appliances With My Phone kit, also for $99; and the I Can: Lock and Unlock My Doors, for $235. The Oculus Rift virtual reality headset isn’t even available for consumers to buy yet but here comes the cut-price competition… While the Rift development kit will set you back $300 – and still requires a PC to do the gaming horse-work – vrAse, a soon-to-be-launched-on-Kickstarter project, is approaching virtual reality from another direction. It wants to turn your existing smartphone into a pair of wearable virtual reality/3D specs. And do so for as little as 48/$75. Since high-end smartphones are powerful computers in their own right, and come furnished with cameras front and back, why not just stick your phone right on your face, right? Provided you don’t mind looking like Mr Phone Face, of course. vrAse is one part Oculus Rift, one part Google Glass, one part sci-fi ski goggles – with gaming, 3D movie-watching and augmented reality use-cases envisaged by its creators, assuming they can get developers to make the apps to go with their goggles. At launch there’s clearly not going to be a lot of ready to rock apps but they say they will offer demo content to show off vrAse’s AR and 3D gaming capabilities. Plus, any movies already made for 3D can also be downloaded or streamed in Side by Side format (SBS) for viewing on vrAse. And films and games can also apparently be converted to SBS for viewing on the device. vrAse is effectively a toughened smartphone case, attached to a pair of wearable goggles. Your existing smartphone slides inside the case so you’re looking directly at its screen through vrAse’s dual lenses – which generate the 3D/immersion effect. And that’s pretty much it. Compatible smartphones at launch are the iPhone 5, HTC One, Xperia Z, Galaxy S3, Galaxy S4 and Galaxy Note 2. In future the creators say they will make it compatible with any smartphone. How immersive will vrAse be? That’s the key question. And the answer will depend (in part) on the smartphone screen you’re pairing it with. The higher the screen res, the better looking the picture will presumably be. Beyond that, vrAse’s creators aren’t going into detail about what sort of field of vision to expect from vrAse so it’s hard to say how it will stack up against the likes of Oculus Rift. It is looking considerably cheaper to buy, however, so set your expectations accordingly. Update: vrAse says the range of vision is configurable but currently the device offers more than 105 degrees of binocular vision field. vrAse’s makers are hoping to raise 55,000 via Kickstarter. If they hit their target they’re aiming to ship to backers in February. Their crowdfunding campaign kicks off on Saturday.
The Architect of Kokoda Bert Kienzle - The Man Who Made the Kokoda Track In my humble opinion, Bert Kienzle did more than any other single man to make Australian victory possible.' Peter FitzSimons, author of Kokoda In 1942, when the Japanese had invaded Papua New Guinea and the Australian soldiers sent to hold them back thought victory was impossible, one man, Bert Kienzle, changed the course of history. This charismatic man, well known in Papua for having run gold mines and plantations there, was charged with the seemingly impossible task of establishing a trail across the forbidding Owen Stanley Range in just a few short months. Out of jungle and mud, Kienzle carved a working transport route that his handpicked teams of native bearers, the now famous Fuzzy Wuzzy Angels, would work on alongside the Australian troops ensuring that the men got the food, munitions and medical support they needed. The feats that these men performed were heroic, and their endurance as they transported supplies along the Trail unparalleled. Bert Kienzle lived an amazing life and the transport route he established ? the legendary Kokoda Trail ? made Australia?s victory possible. This is his story. - Hachette Australia, July 2011 - Download options: - EPUB 2 (Adobe DRM) You can read this item using any of the following Kobo apps and devices:
One of the favorite slogans of the sex positive crowd is that consent is sexy. Now in certain contexts this absolutely can be true (imagine someone screaming in ecstasy “Yes!”), but in other contexts wherein consent is not particularly sexy at all it can be just as important. Generally we relegate the concept of consent to sexual situations. However there are all sorts of situations in which people need our consent to use, touch, or otherwise interact with our bodies. Our time, our energy, our thoughts, our bodies: these things are our own, regardless of the context in which someone is asking for them. It doesn’t matter whether the context is sexual or not, we need to respect people’s rights to say no when we ask them for the use of their bodies. This morning I read an article about swing dancing and consent. This is one community where people are encouraged to say yes all the time no matter what their reservations might be. Because it is not considered sexualized, it’s rude or unfriendly to say no to something. Well that’s just downright silly to me. Each of us has the right to do what we choose with our bodies at any time. Sometimes this may mean bursting another person’s bubble, but we still do not owe that individual anything. Another area that this has been explored before is in the relationships between gay men and straight women. Fairly often, gay men feel entitled to the bodies of straight women, and brush away complaints about groping or touching with “I’m not attracted to you, it didn’t mean anything”. Other people have explained better than I have what’s wrong with this attitude, but suffice it to say that someone still has a right to their own space and autonomy regardless of their relationship with the person who is touching them. Beyond these two areas, many people today get the message that it’s inappropriate to say no. You owe your time and energy to someone else if they ask for it. You owe them a handshake or a hug or a kiss because it’s the socially appropriate thing to do. If your friend wants to go out you should. If your dad wants you to help him paint the house, you should. However in all arenas of life, our time, our bodies, and our autonomy are our own. You get to say no. It is allowed. You don’t necessarily need a really good reason that the other person can readily understand. Now many people are worried about being polite or kind. It’s easy to interpret this kind of advice as telling people to be a complete jerk and blow everybody off all the time because you want to be lazy and never give back. That is not what this reminder is. This is a reminder that at no point in your life are you obligated to give yourself in any way to another person. You may still want to choose to give people your time, energy, hugs, dances, or sexytimes because you care about them, you’d enjoy it, you want to help them out, or they’ve helped you in the past. In addition, it’s not generally conducive to relationships to never give any piece of yourself. So if you’re motivated to be social in any way, you will likely give some. But you never have to, even with your friends, even when social rules dictate it. Consent is for all times. It’s not just sexy, it’s also respectful, it’s also necessary, it’s also affording each individual their rights to autonomy and choice in all walks of life. And consent is for anything that involves me changing around my body and life for you.
Stars of Vaudeville #559: Henry E. Dixey Today is the birthday of Henry E. Dixey (1859-1943). Dixey started out as a child performer, acting in a production of Augustin Daly’s Under the Gaslight at the Howard Athenaeum in his native Boston when was only ten years old. In 1879, he made his adult debut as one half of a cow in a revival of Evangeline. From the 1880s through the 1920s, he starred constantly on Broadway and on tour in a long string of hit musicals, operettas, burlesques, farces and extravaganzas, the most notable of which was the title role in Adonis (1884), a turn which some say makes him the first Boylesque star. In addition to his comedy chops, he was known for his handsome physique and his skills as a dancer. One of his show stopping turns in Adonis cast him as a marble statue who springs to life and tap dances on top of a pedestal. In the early 20th century, he also toured in vaudeville with a series of sketches. He was one of the very first performers to appear at the Palace in 1913. Despite his film stardom, he seems barely to have gotten his toe wet in films; he made only three between the years 1908 and 1916, and that was the entirety of his output. His last Broadway show, the drama The Two Orphans, was in 1926. Today, ironically, Dixey might be best known for an occasion on which he did not perform but was an audience member. He was one of the handful of people present when Robert Emmet Odlum became the first person to jump off the Brooklyn Bridge (as well as the first person to die in doing so) in 1885. An expert swimmer, ironically, Odlum was attempting to demonstrate the survivability of the leap. Dixey was manning the stop watch. To find out more about the variety arts past and present, consult No Applause, Just Throw Money: The Book That Made Vaudeville Famous, available at Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and wherever nutty books are sold. And don’t miss my new book Chain of Fools: Silent Comedy and Its Legacies from Nickelodeons to Youtube, just released by Bear Manor Media, also available from amazon.com etc etc etc
Owain Fon Williams is currently sidelined with injury and the speed of his recovery is likely to determine Moore's decision. Moore has not ruled Fon Williams out of contention for Saturday's meeting with Walsall and is expected to make a decision on Tuesday. "He's improving. I spoke to him on Sunday and it has certainly got better," he told the club's official website. "We have got the opportunity to bring someone in, we've got someone lined up to do that. But I'm not going to bring him in if Fonners is going to be okay. "We'll wait and see and I'll know more on Tuesday." - Sports & Recreation - Owain Fon Williams
I started my ‘Then and Now’ blog feature at the start of 2013 as a way to celebrate writer success stories and learn a little of their ‘how I got there’ story. I’m not sure what I expected, but I certainly didn’t anticipate the tales of sheer tenacity, unrelenting self belief, endless resources of hope and downright refusal of aspiring writers to crumble under the harsh reality of rejections and manuscripts which were destined for a life under the bed. Inspiring stuff, to say the least. The path to publication can, at times, feel like a completely impossible place to be, but, as I now know (still grinning from ear to ear!), and as my guest author today, Susan Spann expresses so brilliantly below, it really is so worthwhile when it all comes together and you find yourself on ‘the other side of yes’ (as Susan so wonderfully puts it). Susan’s debut novel CLAWS OF THE CAT, a Shinobi mystery featuring ninja detective Hiro Hattori (yes, ninja detective – how awesome does that sound!), was released in July and I am so delighted to welcome her to Whims & Tonic to share her thoughts on the road to publication. Aspiring authors be warned: you will be filled with renewed determination after reading Susan’s words of encouragement and may have to go and write 50,000 words immediately. Over to Susan …. Can you give an overview of where you were with your writing this time last year. In July 2012, I had just completed line edits on CLAWS OF THE CAT and was eagerly anticipating the cover art. I didn’t actually see the cover until autumn, but I did see an early concept sketch and fell in love with it instantly. I was also editing the second Shinobi Mystery, BLADE OF THE SAMURAI, which will release in July 2014. What was causing you the greatest challenge/frustration with your writing? At that time? Learning to write a series. I wrote four (unpublished) manuscripts before CLAWS OF THE CAT, but each of them was a standalone historical. I hadn’t anticipated the challenges involved in writing a series, which turned out to be much harder than the transition from writing historical fiction to mystery. The hardest part was learning to reference the events of an earlier book without losing the reader or giving away details that would spoil the earlier story. I also found it challenging to re-introduce the characters without confusing new readers or boring the ones who would have already read CLAWS OF THE CAT. What important decisions did you make in the last 12 months? Not to quit my day job. That’s mostly a joke — I’m a publishing attorney with many clients, several of whom were concerned that publication might lead to the demise of my legal practice. Fortunately, I see writing and law as parallel, and compatible, callings. I never intended to quit my day job after I became a published author. I also made a commitment to continue writing every day, even when traveling. I haven’t managed to keep it 100% but I’m pretty close, and it’s made a big difference in my productivity, especially now that I’m traveling on book tours. What was the pivotal moment for you in the last 12 months? I think, for me, the pivotal moment was seeing my cover art. In addition to being the first time something about the process made me cry, seeing the art made me realize the dream was really coming true. The cover art also marked the point where the various marketing and publicity efforts surrounding the book began to take off. I started doing interviews, making sure I didn’t miss blogging days (as I sometimes had in the past!) and focusing on getting the next book done in time to enjoy the release of this one. The moment was pivotal because it marked the true change from more casual blogging and scheduling to “published author mode.” What were the high points of the last twelve months? There have been many. In addition to seeing my cover art, I’ve had the privilege of learning to work with a copy editor — thank goodness I worked on the law review in law school and already knew how to read the marks! — proofreading first pass pages, and seeing my novel on the shelf in a real, live bookstore. Signing books has been a delight, and seeing my face on posters in the window of Barnes & Noble was a lifelong dream come true. The best moment of all, however, was one of the least conspicuous. After my Santa Monica signing, a timid young woman approached me and shook my hand. She admitted she hadn’t read my book (to which I responded, “that’s ok, it just got published so nobody else has either”) and asked if she could ask me some questions about my writing process. When I asked if she was a writer too, she grinned and nodded, startled that I had asked. Our conversation lasted only about five minutes, but in that time I tried to give her the best advice and encouragement I could, as other authors did for me during my multi-year journey to publication. She left with a smile and, I hope, the courage to follow her dream all the way to success. I left with the profound honor and joy of knowing I finally had the chance to “pay it forward.” What is the most important thing you have learnt about your writing during the last twelve months? I learned that I love writing more than anything, even when it isn’t going well. I’ve always written, and loved every part of the process, but since I started writing under contract for publication I’ve encountered new challenges: deadlines, series writing (as opposed to stand-alone stories), and working with a publishing house, to name a few. To date, there’s really nothing about the process I haven’t enjoyed. In fact, I’m loving every step of the journey. What are your hopes for the next twelve months – and/or what do you definitely have coming up? My hope is that the debut Shinobi Mystery, CLAWS OF THE CAT, does well and that readers fall in love with ninja detective Hiro and his Portuguese Jesuit sidekick, Father Mateo, as much as I did while writing the book. On the “definite” side of the equation, I’m looking forward to seeing the cover for the second Shinobi Mystery, BLADE OF THE SAMURAI, and completing the third installment, currently titled FLASK OF THE DRUNKEN MASTER. I’m fortunate to have a three-book contract, which means I get to spend at least another year—and hopefully longer—with Hiro and Father Mateo. Any other good news, inspirational or positive experiences to take away from the last twelve months? I cannot state strongly enough how much I hope that every aspiring author continues working and struggling and dreaming and writing, for as long as it takes for his or her work to obtain publication. It took me many years and many manuscripts to find my voice and my niche. I’ve had my share of rejection letters, fears and doubtful moments. But now that I’m on “the other side of yes,” I can tell you, without hesitation, that every word and every day of the journey was worth it in the end. Nothing can replace the joy of walking into a bookstore and seeing your book on a shelf. Nothing dries the tears of old rejections like receiving an email from someone who stayed up all night to finish first “one more chapter” and then the book. Hold fast to the dream. Stay the course. Trust the process. In time, your time will come if you don’t give up. About the book May 1564: When a samurai is brutally murdered in a Kyoto teahouse, master ninja Hiro has no desire to get involved. But the beautiful entertainer accused of the crime enlists the help of Father Mateo, the Portuguese Jesuit Hiro is sworn to protect, leaving the master shinobi with just three days to find the killer in order to save the girl and the priest from execution. The investigation plunges Hiro and Father Mateo into the dangerous waters of Kyoto’s floating world, where they learn that everyone from the elusive teahouse owner to the dead man’s dishonored brother has a motive to keep the samurai’s death a mystery. A rare murder weapon favored by ninja assassins, a female samurai warrior, and a hidden affair leave Hiro with too many suspects and far too little time. Worse, the ninja’s investigation uncovers a host of secrets that threaten not only Father Mateo and the teahouse, but the very future of Japan. About the Author Susan Spann is a transactional attorney and former law school professor whose practice focuses on publishing law and business. Claws of the Cat, her debut shinobi mystery featuring ninja detective Hiro Hattori, is published by Minotaur Books (for more information visit http://us.macmillan.com/clawsofthecat/SusanSpann). Susan has a deep interest in Asian culture and has studied Mandarin and Japanese. Her hobbies include Asian cooking, fencing, traditional archery, martial arts, rock climbing, and horseback riding, and she keeps a marine aquarium where she raises seahorses and rare corals. You can find Susan online at http://www.susanspann.com, or on Twitter @SusanSpann Thank you to Susan to take time out of her hectic book touring schedule to provide such thoughtful responses.
Senior Vice President, Assistant Treasurer, Controller and Chief Accounting Officer Joseph Biscardi joined the 21st Century Oncology team in 1997. In the roles of Senior Vice President, Assistant Treasurer, Controller and Chief Accounting Officer, Mr. Biscardi performs and oversees various financial advisory services. Over the years, he has also had a significant role in the development of the company’s global financial reporting function, its mergers and acquisitions, and corporate finance activities. Mr. Biscardi guides the financial objectives of the company and is instrumental in long-term strategic planning. Prior to joining 21st Century Oncology, Mr. Biscardi worked for PricewaterhouseCoopers, LLP. Mr. Biscardi holds a Bachelor of Business Administration in Accounting from Hofstra University. He is a certified public accountant and a member of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants, a member of the Healthcare Financial Management Association, and a member of the Financial Executives International.
Herb Alpert & the Tijuana Brass Whipped Cream and Other Delights Shout! Factory One time in high school I flipped through my parents' records hoping that they might have purchased some Led Zeppelin or Pink Floyd albums without my knowledge. No such luck, but tucked in between Barbara Streisand and John Denver was a copy of Whipped Cream and Other Delights. "This must be great. Look at the cover! I thought to myself. Then I put it on the turntable. Nope. Foiled again. My parents were just as uncool as ever. But there's no denying that millions of Americans were hooked by this album in 1966, or at least by the cover featuring an alluring model covered in whipped cream (shaving cream, as it turns out). Whipped Cream gave Herb Alpert and the Tijuana Brass an overnight success that made them popular with just about everybody. It was an appropriate title for an album that many people consumed en masse but critics claimed was light, fluffy, and had little substance or content. Even though there are probably millions of copies of Whipped Cream available for a dime in flea markets and garage sales, Shout! Factory has reissued a remastered version, along with several other Alpert titles, as part of its Herb Alpert catalog. You know at least two songs on here already: the title track, which was used for the bachelors' theme on The Dating Game, and "A Taste Of Honey, which was Alpert's first big hit (even today Alpert's music is inescapable). The concept of Whipped Cream is a collection of songs with titles all having to do with food, although this makes little difference once the songs get filtered through Alpert's idiosyncrasies. Almost forty years later it's a bit surprising that his blend of Dixieland, pop, mariachi, and just about everything else caught on like it did. Perhaps it was just that there was a little something there for everyone. But beyond the two hits are plenty of catchy instrumentals that are superbly arranged. The Tijuana Brass was a tight outfit filled with impeccable musicians (at least one, guitarist John Pisano, going on to earn serious jazz credentials). At the very least, Alpert was a gifted arranger who understood the architecture of successful pop music and managed to create an unexpected hit record. Today, once you can get past the initial recoil of listening to music this obviously dated, it's apparent that Alpert was on to something. Much of this material is very catchy and appealing, and there's enough variety in the basic concept to ensure that it doesn't get run into the ground. A lot of fashionable music from the past sounds dated today, as Alpert's does, but that doesn't detract from its charm. Fifteen years after I scoured my parents' records, I'm forced to conclude that Whipped Cream and Other Delights isn't a bad record after all. However, it's probably all the Alpert one needs in their collection. Which bring up an interesting question: who is the target audience for this release? It's hard to believe that there are people out there who are salivating for it. Perhaps the serious retro enthusiasts will pick it up, or maybe the cover will lure others in just like the initial release. (A side note: Shout! Factory has included a full-size reproduction of the original cover in the packaging.) Regardless, since you've heard the Tijuana Brass before, your mind may be already be made up. But as a piece of pop culture, Whipped Cream and Other Delights is a great example of slick sixties instrumental pop, and not nearly as bad as you think. Check it out. Track listing: 1. A Taste Of Honey 2. Green Peppers 3. Tangerine 4. Bittersweet Samba 5. Lemon Tree 6. Whipped Cream 7. Love Potion #9 8. El Garbanzo 9. Ladyfingers 10. Butterball 11. Peanuts 12. Lollipops And Roses 13. Bonus: Rosemary 14. Bonus: Blueberry Park. Personnel: Herb Alpert & the Tijuana Brass.
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Third Generation Writers Sometimes it's boring writing by yourself. When you know what your going to write, it loses its apeal. writing alone isn't exciting anymore. That's whn you come here! To Collaboration and the Epicness of working together. Forums Third Generation Writers Filly and Phips - Forums are not to be used to post stories. - All forum posts must be suitable for teens. - The owner and moderators of this forum are solely responsible for the content posted within this area. - All forum abuse must be reported to the moderators.
[Noisebridge-discuss] HTML/CSS/JS class next week Jeffrey Carl Faden jeffreyatw at gmail.com Tue Nov 22 08:31:21 PST 2011 Hey guys! Thanks to those who came out and attended the first class I've ever taught. Hopefully it wasn't too overwhelming or fast-paced. I expect future classes to be less wide-ranging. Next week, Monday 8pm, we're starting where we left off, and talking in-depth about CSS positioning. If you couldn't make it to yesterday's class, show up at 7:30 and I'll give you a quick rundown on HTML, CSS and JS basics. Check the links at the end of my presentation if you want to do some catching up on The Facebook event for the next class is here: More information about the Noisebridge-discuss
Ouachita Baptist University’s Office of Career Services will host a free Alumni Career Panel for all students Wednesday, April 20, from 12 noon-12:50 p.m. in the Ouachita Commons Alumni Room. “The Alumni Career Panel would be so beneficial for our students to attend because they are going to receive firsthand information from our alumni who recruit, interview, hire and train new employees,” said Mallory Moddelmog, director of Career Services. “The students will receive advice regarding how to conduct an effective job search, benefits of getting an internship, do’s and don’ts on a resume, interviewing tips, qualities that employers are looking for in new hires and making a good first impression at your new job.” The panel includes two recent Ouachita graduates who will share with students about their experience transitioning from full-time student to full-time employee as well as tips on the job search and what they wish they had known before they graduated. Stephen Johnson is an accountant with Dillard’s, and Eric Varner is a delivery specialist with Acxiom Corporation; both are 2010 Ouachita graduates. Four members of the panel, April Hobbs, Carrie Sharp, Mac Stroud and Shari Ulery, have extensive experience with the interviewing and hiring process and will share advice and wisdom regarding what employers are looking for when they recruit and hire new employees. Hobbs, a 1999 Ouachita graduate, is a Registered Dietitian in the neonatal intensive care unit at the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences and serves as department team leader, which includes staffing and scheduling responsibilities both for interns and full-time employees. Sharp, a 1985 Ouachita graduate, serves as an instructor of early childhood education at Ouachita as well as reading specialist in OBU’s Michael D. Huckabee School of Education. She has 25 years of teaching experience in public schools. Stroud, a 1973 Ouachita graduate, is senior vice president at Martin-Wilbourn Partners and leads the internal communications and employee relations consulting practice. He previously served 30 years as vice president of human relations for Alltel. Ulery, a 1997 Ouachita graduate, is executive recruiter for Acxiom Corporation and recruits sales and information technology employees for the global marketing organization. “This panel will give our students a true advantage when they embark on the job search process,” Moddelmog noted. “Students will be able to apply the information they learn when they prepare a resume, interview for a job or internship and ultimately begin their career.” For more information, contact Mallory Moddelmog at firstname.lastname@example.org or (870) 245-5283. By Brooke Zimny