Q: How to perform a room transaction usin Rxjava How can I do a room transaction across 2 different DAOs usin rxjava? I have this code that I would like to use with Rxjava but I need it to return some kind of observable @Transaction fun insertStoreWithPictures(store: Store, pictures: List<StorePicture>) { insertStore(store) insertPictures(pictures) } The store DAO @Dao abstract public class store { @Insert Single<Long> insert(store entity); } The storePicture DAO @Dao abstract public class storePicture { @Insert Completable insert(storePicture... entity); } A: I think you can use zip or combine operator of RxJava. It would create an observable from an iterators observable source. A: Best example you can follow to achieve the same - https://blog.mindorks.com/understanding-rxjava-zip-operator-with-example
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaStackExchange'}
MICHAEL OWEN failed to make it off the bench during his last home game before retirement as Stoke lost to Tottenham, but the former England star had bigger things on his mind after tweeting pictures of his car after it had been plastered in egg and flour. Former Manchester United, Liverpool and Newcastle frontman Owen has spent the majority of this season on the bench for Stoke, announcing he is going to hang up his boots for good in the summer. And before Owen's last home match at the Brittania Stadium, the 33-year-old posted two pictures on Twitter showing his car caked in eggs and flour. The Chester-born marksman took the gag in good spirits, saying he will miss these sorts of incidents when he retires and naming and shaming team-mates he suspected were behind the stunt. "This is what I will miss once I hang up my boots!" tweeted Owen. "Looks like I may be delayed getting to the match. #eggs&flour. "It's a long week lads. Revenge is in the air! Chief suspects: [Dean] Whitehead and [Glenn] Whelan. [Robert] Huth is a possible too. "[Jonathan] Walters is a possible. Others who can't be ruled out: [Peter] Crouch, [Matthew] Etherington." After identifying six possible suspects of doing the deed many of Owen's followers may have wondered who he didn't think did it, but the forward's light-hearted take on the incident on the day Stoke celebrated their 150th anniversary made for comical viewing.
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
I thought I'd take a few minutes to try to answer a few of the questions that were asked after my last post. I'd like to keep my anonymity as much as possible, but I'll answer your questions to the best of my ability! Our "new" property is actually the homestead where I spent my childhood. I grew up here! When I was 8, my parents moved us from Vashon, Island to the outbacks of the American Redoubt. We are about 2 hours from the nearest population center (a small city of about 30,000 people). Although our business is in town (population 411), we live about 15 miles out of town. One morning on our way to the butcher shop Miss Serenity and I had to slow down for turkeys, Sand Hill Cranes, deer, a Bald eagle and a small herd of elk. In the last week we've seen moose, bear and a mountain lion. Every morning I wake to the cacophony of birds, rushing creeks and swaying fir trees. I am home. We no longer live off-grid. For the first time in nearly 20 years we have light switches and flushing toilets. We have doors and walls and kitchen cupboards. We have a washer and a dryer and instant-on hot water! But, we haven't forgotten our past. I still cook on a wood cookstove in the winter and use propane to cook in the summer. I still have oil lamps filled and at the ready and have contingency plans for non-electric refrigeration. We have an outhouse and alternative water sources. And, when we have the time and money, we are going to install solar panels, re-establish the spring and install a hydro-electric turbine. I have a dining room!!! And the garden.....I have a garden - a real garden with topsoil!!! The gardens are actually my mothers, I'm just care-taking them for her. She and my dad have cultivated the gardens for about 7 years, amending the soil and adding organic material. The berries that I have been transplanting and pulling out are raspberries and strawberries. The berry patches have exploded and taken over both the veg garden and the orchard. My mom and I have been working to tame the vines and make room for the rest of the garden vegetables. I've taken over the orchard (I can see it from my kitchen window) and that is where I have been installing my Huglekultur beds. I've pulled all of the strawberries from the orchard and contained some of them in one of the new beds and put the rest in boxes, toted them into the butcher shop and have given them away. Between the raspberries and the strawberries, we given about 12 huge boxes of berry plants away this spring! Owning a business is a whole new way of life! Our family has always worked closely together, but we've always had very different jobs. We've had to learn how to not just live together, but to work together as well. Our son has had to learn to be a boss and we've had to learn how to run a business and how to take direction from our son! We've been blessed to be able to have our younger children working by our side (after they're done with school for the day). They scrape steaks and wrap meat, they label packages and scrub counters. They taste test sausage and carry crates of meat to customers vehicles. Sometimes Sir Knight and I are overwhelmed by the blessing of seeing our entire family busy with the family business. When we moved here, we left part of our heart in the town we used to call home. Maid Elizabeth and Miss Serenity had stayed behind. They both had jobs and Maid Elizabeth owned a home. Neither daughter had plans to move - but both struggled with missing their family. After Serenity's job ended last fall, she realized that nothing was anchoring her where she was and she came home to us. She bought a tiny house and moved it behind the butcher shop. She joined the family business and became half of our slaughter team. And now she is days away from moving again - 20 miles away. She has taken a job as a woodland fire-fighter and will be heading off to fire school next week. And then, there is Maid Elizabeth. She came to visit and accompanied me to a yard sale. While there, we overheard that the house was for sale. The home, built in 1900, was darling. It was set on 3 acres, with a barn, outbuildings and garage and was bordered by a creek. In fact, the creek was what separated the property from our butcher shop. By the Grace of God, Maid Elizabeth bought that house, sold her other home and moved here about a month ago. And as she was helping at the butcher shop one afternoon, someone drove up and offered her a job. Only God can do that. And so, exactly one year after we moved (today is our 1 year anniversary), our whole family is here and settled and still pinching ourselves to see if it is all real. It has been an adventure - and adventure wrought with storms and filled with grace. And now we stand on the mountain and proclaim God's goodness and marvel at His providence. Thank you for the update and the answered questions. It must be nice to have your whole family together again. I'd like to move to a place like that, but I know that God has me where I am for the time being for many reasons. My big news is that I am getting married this fall; after many years God brought me to meet a Godly woman I have known of but hadn't met. She will be moving from Texas to join me here after our wedding. Jonathan, I'm so very happy for you!!! Congratulations!! I pray that God blesses you mightily! Oh, that He has answered the prayers of your heart! Happy Anniversary and Welcome "Home". Thankyou for sharing your story. What a blessing! Thank you for sharing your stories and pictures of your beautiful home. While reading this I must have said, 'Wow....' a hundred times. It was wonderful to read your latest post updating your readers regarding your new life's venture. I remember reading your other post, years ago, "The Blessings of No" which brought me to tears and now read this one with teary eyes, once again. So happy for you and your family and may our Lord God continue to bless you all. What a beautiful place and to have family all together again - what a blessing! I do love your updates - thank you. "I am home" is a once in a life feeling, God bless. Thank you for the update on Maid Elizabeth, have been praying that she would reunite. God keep you and bless you. A friend from the Benewah. So glad to know how you all are doing. It thrills my mother's heart to know you're together. Congratulations on the beauty of your life and seeing your children made you proud. I have really missed your messages. I am also glad that you have the whole family together again. From the height of your garden fence I assume that there are a lot of deer there. Was it maid Elisabeth that got one several years ago at the old place?
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
Mouse anti myelin proteolipid protein antibody, clone plpc1 (MCA839G) used for the detection of proteolipid protein on formalin fixed, paraffin embedded brain tissue. NL scheme and PLP staining. (A) Type-I NL with demyelination of the whole width of the cortex (#) and adjacent WM (*). (B) Type-II intracortical lesion evolving around a vessel. (C) Type-III subpial NL. Demyelination spreads from the pial surface until cortical layer 3. Scale bars represent 500 μm. 7 Tesla Magnetic Resonance Imaging to Detect Cortical Pathology in Multiple Sclerosis. NLs on MRI and tissue sections stained for PLP and iron. Examples Examples of NLs from tissue MS1 (A, B and C) identified on MRI magnitude (TE = 25.2 ms) and R2* images as well as color-coded PLP-staining and iron staining. Red arrows point towards NLs identified by MRI and confirmed to correspond to area of demyelination by the color-coded PLP staining. Blue arrows point towards NLs identified by the color-coded PLP staining and only retrospectively identified by MRI. Black arrows and black box point towards NLs identified by the color-coded PLP staining and not by MRI even upon a second retrospective image inspection. In the black box we include a large area of demyelination which goes entirely undetected by MRI. In the color-coded PLP staining of figure: green = complete WM demyelination, red = complete GM demyelination, yellow = areas of variably reduced myelin density. Iron loss in NLs. PLP myelin staining (B) and iron staining (C) on two consecutive slides of tissue MS2 disclose iron loss together with myelin loss in a NL (red arrows). Higher magnification (D, E, F, G) of PLP (D, F) and iron stainings (E, G). In NAGM (D, E), iron is present in oligodendrocytes (black arrow and inset in E) and myelin sheaths. In a NL (F, G), iron is removed from the demyelinated cortical parenchyma and present in perivascular macrophages and microglia (black arrow and inset in G). Validation of monomer and oligomer preference of αSN interacting proteins. Proteins pulled down by monomer αSN (M), oligomer αSN (O), and buffer control (B) from porcine (A-F) and human (G-I) brain extracts were analyzed by immunoblotting using antibodies against antigens selected among the monomer and oligomer binding proteins. Monomer binding antigens were myelin proteolipid protein (mPLP) and Abl interactor 1 (Abl1) and oligomer binding proteins were glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP), glutamate decarboxylase 2 (GAD2), and synapsin 1 (Syn1). VAMP-2 was tested because it has been reported to bind &apha;SN, although it was not detected in our proteomic analysis. One representative of three experiments is presented for porcine αSN binding proteins (A, C, E), and the quantification of the three experiments is presented in panels B, D, F. The quantification of bands was performed after subtracting the non-specific signal in the buffer control from the specific bands in monomer and oligomer samples. Bars represent mean ratio between monomer and oligomer ± S.D. of the three replicates. The values for binding to monomer and oligomer were compared by Student's t-test and the resulting p-values are listed above the bars. * Indicates that the band intensity from oligomer did not differ significantly from background making quantifications impracticable. In order to ensure that the interaction were not due to species differences between human and porcine proteins we conducted validations in human brain extracts. One representative of two experiments is presented for each validated protein. The validation for both porcine and human of mPLP, Abl1, Syn1 and VAMP-2 was conducted in the LP2 fraction enriched in synaptic vesicle and the validation to GFAP and GAD2 in the LS1 fraction of synaptosomal lysate. From: Betzer C, Movius AJ, Shi M, Gai W-P, Zhang J, et al. (2015) Identification of Synaptosomal Proteins Binding to Monomeric and Oligomeric α-Synuclein. Published customer image:Mouse anti myelin proteolipid protein antibody, clone plpc1 (MCA839G) used for detection of proteolipid protein in formalin fixed, paraffin embedded multiple sclerosis brain tissue. Microglia associated with preactive lesions express NADPH oxidase-2 subunits. Clusters of HLA-DR immunopositive microglia (B and C, HLA-DR) in NAWM (PLP, A) express various NADPH oxidase-2 subunits, including gp91phox (D), p22phox (E) and p47phox (F) in consecutive sections. Figure1C-F represents a magnification of the outlined square in Figure1B. Original magnifications A, B: 4×, C-F: 40×. From: van Horssen J, Singh S, van der Pol S, Kipp M, Lim JL, Peferoen L, Gerritsen W, Kooi EJ, Witte ME, Geurts JJ, de Vries HE, Peferoen-Baert R, van den Elsen PJ, van der Valk P, Amor S. Clusters of activated microglia in normal-appearing white matter show signs of innate immune activation. J Neuroinflammation. 2012 Jul 2;9:156. Preactive lesions are composed of clusters of HLA-DR-positive microglia. In NAWM, i.e., in the absence of apparent myelin loss (A, E: proteolipid protein) preactive lesions are defined as circumscribed nodules of activated microglia expressing HLA-DR (B, C) and CD68 (D). Preactive lesions are predominantly observed in blocks containing active lesions (E: proteolipid protein; F, G: HLA-DR). Figure1G represents a magnification of the outlined square in (F). In some cases microglial nodules are surrounded by a halo devoid of microglia (H: HLA-DR). Original magnifications: A, B: 20×; C, D: 40×; E, F: 4×; G, H: 40×. Presence of &apha;SN binding proteins chosen for validation in synaptosomal fractions. 30μg of each of the fractions synaptosomal membranes LP1, synaptosomal lysate (LS1), synaptic vesicles (LP2) and synaptosomal cytosol (LS2) were immunoblotted, and analyzed for the presence of myelin Proteolipid protein (mPLP), Abl interactor 1 (Abl1), Glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP), Glutamic acid decarboxylase 2 (GAD2), Synapsin 1 (Syn1), and Vesicle associated membrane protein 2 (VAMP2). Identification of Synaptosomal Proteins Binding to Monomeric and Oligomeric α-Synuclein. Mouse anti Myelin proteolipid protein, clone plpc1 (MCA839G) used for the evaluation of PLP expression in human brain by immunohistochemistry on formalin fixed, paraffin embedded biopsy sections. From: Chuang TY, Guo Y, Seki SM, Rosen AM, Johanson DM, Mandell JW, Lucchinetti CF, Gaultier A. LRP1 expression in microglia is protective during CNS autoimmunity. Acta Neuropathol Commun. 2016 Jul 11;4(1):68. Mouse anti myelin proteolipid protein antibody, clone plpc1 (MCA839G) used for the evaluation of PLP expression in human brain by immuohistochemistry on formalin fixed, paraffin embedded tissue sections. Basic Pathology of HAE: a: Topographical distribution of demyelinated lesions in the brain shows the prominent periventricular demyelination with peri-venous extensions (Dawson Fingers) and demyelinated plaques in the cortex and the deep grey matter nuclei; green: white matter lesions, red: cortical and hippocampal lesions, blue: lesions in thalamus and basal ganglia; the blue dots in the meninges show the location of prominent meningeal inflammatory infiltrates; b: Sections stained with luxol fast blue depicts the demyelinated lesions in the white matter; c: Immunocytochemistry for CD68 shows the accumulation of macrophages at the edge of active white matter lesions; d: Double staining for proteolipid (PLP) protein (red) and mRNA (black) reveals loss of oligodendrocytes within the lesion and the presence of numerous macrophages with PLP degradation products at the lesion edge; e: In sections stained for phosphorylated neurofilament only a mild to moderate reduction of axonal density is seen in the lesions; the insert shows a neuron in the substantia nigra with an α-synuclein reactive Lewy body. f: The section stained for iron shows prominent iron accumulation in the deep grey matter nuclei and at the cortico/subcortical border; some increased iron reactivity is seen within the periventricular demyelinated lesions: g: Subpial cortical lesion in the insular cortex (Fig. 1a) with selective loss of myelin in the cortex; h, i: The subpial lesions shows an actively demyelinating edge with high density of activated microglia (Iba-1, Fig. 1h), expressing the phagocytosis associated marker CD68 (Fig. 1i). j, k: In the meninges, covering the active lesion, inflammatory infiltrates are seen, composed or perivascular T-cells (CD3, Fig. 1j) and B-cells (CD20, Fig. 1k); l: The active lesion edge of the cortical lesions contains numerous macrophages with PLP reactive myelin degradation products; m: Activated microglia and macrophages at the lesions edge express NADPH oxidase. From: Höftberger R, Leisser M, Bauer J, Lassmann H. Autoimmune encephalitis in humans: how closely does it reflect multiple sclerosis? Acta Neuropathol Commun. 2015 Dec 4;3:80. Mouse anti myelin proteolipid glycoprotein antibody, clone plpc1 (MCA839G) used for the demonstration of plp expression in brain tissue from multiple sclerosis affected specimens. Side-by-side R2* (A), LFB (B), PLP (C) and TBB (iron, D) staining. One can appreciate examples of ROIs showing WM-L (solid red arrow on PLP and R2* maps), DWMI (dashed red arrow on PLP and R2* maps), and areas of increased iron accumulation in the dGM (red rectangle on TBB and R2* maps). Untangling the R2* contrast in multiple sclerosis: A combined MRI-histology study at 7.0 Tesla. Mouse anti myelin proteolipid protein antibody, clone plpc1 (MCA839G) used for the visualization of myelin in a model of experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis in rhesus monkey brain by immunohistochemistry on formalin fixed paraffin embedded tissue sections. Characterization of rhesus monkey EAE brain pathology. Tissue was stained for myelin (PLP)The image scale bar is 100 μm. Severe oxidative stress in an acute inflammatory demyelinating model in the rhesus monkey. Expression of oxidative stress pathway markers. Expression of key markers of the oxidative stress pathway was analyzed by immunohistochemistry. Shown is a representative brain area with EAE lesions stained for PLP (A), MRP14 (B) and Iba-1 (C). Image scale bars are 500 μm. Iron accumulates in rhesus brain. To determine tissue specific iron, Turnbull staining was performed on healthy control and EAE brain tissue from rhesus monkeys. Shown are overview images of PLP (A,D), MRP14 (B,E), and Turnbull (C,F) of a control brain (A-C) and an EAE brain (D-F). In the control brain, iron accumulation was strongest in the GM (A,C). In the EAE brain no distinct pattern of iron staining emerged. Image scale bars are 200 μm (open square). Shown are adjacent stains of PLP (A), MRP14 (B), p22phox (C), SOD2 (D) and Iron (E) of an EAE lesion. The image scale bar is 100 μm. Mouse anti myelin proteolipid protein antibody, clone plpc1 recognizes myelin proteolipid protein (PLP) in many mammalian species (Stoffel et al. 1985). Clone plpc1 also recognizes the alternative PLP splice variant lacking part of the cytoplasmic domain (amino acids 117-151), known as DM20 (Simons et al. 1987) . PLP encodes the major protein components of compact CNS myelin and mutations in the PLP gene can lead to severe dysmyelinating disease (Hudson et al. 1989). Synthetic peptide GRGTKF corresponding to C terminal region of myelin proteolipid protein. 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Janssen, K. et al. (2016) Absence of CCL2 and CCL3 Ameliorates Central Nervous System Grey Matter But Not White Matter Demyelination in the Presence of an Intact Blood-Brain Barrier. Mol Neurobiol. 53 (3): 1551-64. Betzer, C. et al. (2015) Identification of Synaptosomal Proteins Binding to Monomeric and Oligomeric α-Synuclein. Jatana, M. et al. (2006) Combination of systemic hypothermia and N-acetylcysteine attenuates hypoxic-ischemic brain injury in neonatal rats. Pediatr Res. 59 (5): 684-9. ) using a chimeric antagonist monoclonal antibody against human CD40 is associated with altered B cell responses. J Neurosci Res. 80 (2): 211-25. van Horssen, J. et al. (2012) Clusters of activated microglia in normal-appearing white matter show signs of innate immune activation. Hinson, S.R. et al. (2012) Molecular outcomes of neuromyelitis optica (NMO)-IgG binding to aquaporin-4 in astrocytes. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 109: 1245-50. Maccarrone, G. et al. (2016) MALDI imaging mass spectrometry analysis-A new approach for protein mapping in multiple sclerosis brain lesions. Chuang, T.Y. et al. (2016) LRP1 expression in microglia is protective during CNS autoimmunity. Acta Neuropathol Commun. 4 (1): 68. Cerina, M. et al. (2016) The quality of cortical network function recovery depends on localization and degree of axonal demyelination. Magalon, K. et al. (2016) Olesoxime favors oligodendrocyte differentiation through a functional interplay between mitochondria and microtubules. Russi, A.E. et al. (2016) Meningeal mast cell-T cell crosstalk regulates T cell encephalitogenicity. Jonkman, L.E. et al. (2016) Ultra-high field MTR and qR2* differentiates subpial cortical lesions from normal-appearing gray matter in multiple sclerosis. Mult Scler. 22 (10): 1306-14. van Horssen, J. et al. (2016) Human endogenous retrovirus W in brain lesions: Rationale for targeted therapy in multiple sclerosis. Mult Scler Relat Disord. 8: 11-8. Shakhbazau, A. et al. (2016) Demyelination induces transport of ribosome-containing vesicles from glia to axons: evidence from animal models and MS patient brains. Mol Biol Rep. 43 (6): 495-507. Kilsdonk, I.D. et al. (2016) Increased cortical grey matter lesion detection in multiple sclerosis with 7 T MRI: a post-mortem verification study. Brain. 139 (Pt 5): 1472-81. Dooves, S. et al. (2016) Astrocytes are central in the pathomechanisms of vanishing white matter. J Clin Invest. 126 (4): 1512-24. Clarner, T. et al. (2015) CXCL10 triggers early microglial activation in the cuprizone model. J Immunol. 194 (7): 3400-13. Nakajima, M. et al. (2016) Auraptene induces oligodendrocyte lineage precursor cells in a cuprizone-induced animal model of demyelination. Skripuletz, T. et al. (2015) Pivotal role of choline metabolites in remyelination. Brain. 138 (Pt 2): 398-413. Klok, M.D. et al. (2015) Interferon-α and the calcifying microangiopathy in Aicardi-Goutières syndrome. Ann Clin Transl Neurol. 2 (7): 774-9. Popescu, V. et al. (2015) What drives MRI-measured cortical atrophy in multiple sclerosis? Mult Scler. 21 (10): 1280-90. Barateiro, A. et al. (2016) S100B as a Potential Biomarker and Therapeutic Target in Multiple Sclerosis. Mol Neurobiol. 53 (6): 3976-91. Alme, M.N. et al. (2015) Fingolimod does not enhance cerebellar remyelination in the cuprizone model. Fjær, S. et al. (2015) Magnetization transfer ratio does not correlate to myelin content in the brain in the MOG-EAE mouse model. Santos, E. et al. (2006) Peculiar and typical oligodendrocytes are involved in an uneven myelination pattern during the ontogeny of the lizard visual pathway. J Neurobiol. 66 (10): 1115-24. Ni, W. et al. (2015) Deferoxamine reduces intracerebral hemorrhage-induced white matter damage in aged rats. Tobin, W.O. et al. (2016) Clinical-radiological-pathological spectrum of central nervous system-idiopathic inflammatory demyelinating disease in the elderly. Michailidou, I. et al. (2016) Complement C3 on microglial clusters in multiple sclerosis occur in chronic but not acute disease: Implication for disease pathogenesis. Cerina, M. et al. (2017) The quality of cortical network function recovery depends on localization and degree of axonal demyelination. Brain Behav Immun. 59: 103-17. Zimmermann, J. et al. (2017) IL-17A Promotes Granulocyte Infiltration, Myelin Loss, Microglia Activation, and Behavioral Deficits During Cuprizone-Induced Demyelination. Zendedel, A. et al. (2016) Regulatory effect of triiodothyronine on brain myelination and astrogliosis after cuprizone-induced demyelination in mice. Metab Brain Dis. 31 (2): 425-33. Bihler, K. et al. (2017) Formyl Peptide Receptor 1-Mediated Glial Cell Activation in a Mouse Model of Cuprizone-Induced Demyelination. Bagnato, F. et al. (2018) Untangling the R2* contrast in multiple sclerosis: A combined MRI-histology study at 7.0 Tesla. PLoS One. 13 (3): e0193839. Dunham, J. et al. 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{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
Born : 16/11/1977 in Lower East Side, Manhattan, New York City, New York, USA 07. The Feminism Part 08. Nobody Has to Get Hurt 09. Inside the Pretend 04. What Big Ideas 05. All You'll Be Eating is Cannibals 06. We're All Beasts Based in 1970s New York, this show gives a raw and gritty portayal of the prostitution business that was so publicly executed at that time. As a result of police crack-down, the characters are forced to venture towards relatively safer and more discrete forms of the same work. 01. Pilot 02. Show... 07. Au Reservoir 08. My name is Ruby Jon, a young wanna-be musician, discovers he's bitten off more than he can chew when he joins an eccentric pop band led by the mysterious and enigmatic Frank. Maggie Gyllenhaal, Michael Fassbender, Domhnall Gleeson Sherry Swanson returns home to New Jersey after serving a three year prison sentence. Eager to reestablish a relationship with her young daughter, Sherry soon discovers that coming back to the world she left behind is far more difficult than she had planned. Giancarlo Esposito, Maggie Gyllenhaal, Ryan Simpkins, Brad William Henke Capitol Policeman John Cale has just been denied his dream job with the Secret Service of protecting President James Sawyer. Not wanting to let down his little girl with the news, he takes her on a tour of the White House, when the complex is overtaken by a heavily armed paramilitary group. Now,... James Woods, Maggie Gyllenhaal, Jamie Foxx, Channing Tatum, Richard Jenkins, Joey King, Jason Clarke A romantic comedy based on the truth of how Mortimer Granville devised the invention of the first vibrator in the name of medical science. Jonathan Pryce, Rupert Everett, Maggie Gyllenhaal, Hugh Dancy, Felicity Jones, Ashley Jensen Nanny McPhee 2 Nanny McPhee arrives to help a harried young mother who is trying to run the family farm while her husband is away at war, though she uses her magic to teach the woman's children and their two spoiled cousins five new lessons. Ralph Fiennes, Emma Thompson, Maggie Gyllenhaal, Maggie Smith, Rhys Ifans Nanny McPhee and the Big Bang A faded country music musician is forced to reassess his dysfunctional life during a doomed romance that also inspires him. Robert Duvall, Jeff Bridges, Colin Farrell, Maggie Gyllenhaal, James Keane, Anna Felix A couple who is expecting their first child travel around the U.S. in order to find a perfect place to start their family. Along the way, they have misadventures and find fresh connections with an assortment of relatives and old friends who just might help them discover "home" on their own terms... Jeff Daniels, Catherine O'Hara, Maggie Gyllenhaal, Allison Janney, John Krasinski, Maya Rudolph Batman: The Dark Knight Batman and James Gordon join forces with Gotham's new District Attorney, Harvey Dent, to take on a psychotic bank robber known as The Joker, whilst other forces plot against them, and Joker's crimes grow more and more deadly. Aaron Eckhart, Gary Oldman, Michael Caine, Morgan Freeman, Heath Ledger, Christian Bale, Maggie Gyllenhaal
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaCommonCrawl'}
Two Rivers at The Pointe offers five floors of living space with 67 luxurious one-, two- and three-bedroom condos. Two Rivers Condominiums overlook the fork of the beautiful Elk and Tennessee Rivers providing the perfect setting for effortless waterfront resort living. The finely appointed units feature granite counter tops, custom cabinetry, stainless steel appliances, tile flooring, a swimming pool and covered marina. Two Rivers at The Pointe is also located midway between Athens and Florence and a short drive from the famous Robert Trent Jones Golf Trail, so whether you want to relax at home or hit the water, town or links Two Rivers is the perfect setting. Part of this perfect setting involves the effortless lifestyle that its residents enjoy. Riverfront Development went to great lengths in selecting materials, including integrity windows and doors, for the Two Rivers project. Due to the exsquisite waterfront setting and associated wind, noise, heat and sun the project management team decided to seek a more robust and reliable window solution than the plan's originally specified vinyl products. Integrity was selected because of its durable Ultrex® exteriors and superior NFRC and WDMA ratings that made them ideally suited for the waterfront location. Integrity was also able to provide a superior delivery plan thanks to its consistent 10 calendar day delivery. The speed and dependability of Integrity's delivery allowed the windows and doors to be delivered in batches, so that exposure to project timelines and jobsite damage were limited. Windows and doors were delivered in three installments; first and second floors, third and fourth floors, and fifth floor. The result was a smooth completion of the early construction phases and the timely completion of the overall Two Rivers' project.
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Inside Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Maxwell Surprenant August 9th, 2017 Cast members of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, a new musical on Broadway, after a recent performance. The show is based on Roald Dahl's novel of the same name. It stars Christian Borle, center, as Willy Wonka, the eccentric owner of a chocolate factory. In the new musical Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Roald Dahl's classic tale of the same name comes to the Broadway stage. The British author drew on his childhood awe of local chocolate companies for the beloved novel. The production at the Lunt-Fontanne Theatre in New York City charms audiences with songs, dance numbers, and the Oompa-Loompas, fictional assembly-line workers from an island in the Pacific Ocean. Reimagining the 1964 novel for the Broadway stage, says dancer Kristin Piro, "lets kids see the book come to life." The story, Piro adds, is "timeless and still rings true today." A GOLDEN TICKET Three young actors alternate playing the role of Charlie Bucket, a boy who lives in poverty with his mother and four grandparents. When Charlie finds a golden ticket in his chocolate bar, his life changes. He wins a trip to Willy Wonka's wildly inventive factory. Competing against four other golden ticket holders, Charlie must use creativity—and kindness—to win over Wonka. "I really love the story, and I love it even more now that I get to do it two or three times a week," says 11-year-old Ryan Sell, one of the actors who play Charlie. Christian Borle plays the zany Wonka. REAL-LIFE CONTEST WINNERS In connection with the show, Penguin Young Readers launched an Imaginormous Challenge in March to find the next generation of storytellers. Five golden ticket winners were chosen from 20,000 entries from 5- to 12-year-old kids across the United States. For Giselle Decker, 6, Lucy Franks, 11, Cole Ritchie, 11, Anusha Senapati, 11, and Sage Marie Spaeth, 8, that means seeing their ideas "Wonka-fied." After a recent visit to the Broadway musical, Giselle said that Wonka was her favorite character. As for Sage, she loved the show's ending. "My favorite part is when Charlie gets to ride in the great glass elevator," she said. "He sees his house and tells his family that they won the chocolate factory." For Charlie—and millions of young fans—it's a dream come true. Photo by Walter McBride/WireImage
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Portland, Oregon-based digital health company Vivacare has released version two of its patient education app. Originally released in its v1 form back in March of this year, InfoRx enables doctors to send education healthcare resources directly to their patients. The Vivacare service currently has access to over 1,500 patient education titles from a number of reputable sources including the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and Centers of Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) as well as disease advocacy organisations such as the National Eczema Association. The company's resources cover a variety healthcare specialities, including allergy, cardiology, dermatology, neurology, oncology, and primary care. Any US-based healthcare professional can access these resources and create personalised education handouts for their patients which can either be printed or delivered straight to their patient's smart device. Along with giving doctors the option to provide personalised health education resources, the premium version of the app also lets them send other practice-specific information such as contact details and announcement notifications. Doctors can also build customisable patient satisfaction surveys. Information sent to patients through the InfoRx app can include videos, images and treatment information. Vivacare's solution fits in with the ongoing 'personalised healthcare' revolution and delivers on one of the biggest issues surrounding digital healthcare resources: patient trust. As the company explained, over 60% of patients it surveyed said that getting patient education from their own doctor was of "high" or "very high" value. 86% of users reported that information provided through the app helped them better understand their medical condition and 62% said the app helped them understand treatment options.
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Find smoke-free restaurant and bar information for Missouri. Ballwin Current law requires all restaurants and bars to be 100% smoke-free. Boone County Click on Boone County then roll down to the restaurant list. Kirkwood Current law requires all restaurants and bars to be 100% smoke-free. Lake Ozark Baxter's Lakeside Grille, 2124 Bagnell Dam Blvd, Lake Ozark, MO 65049; 573-365-2669. O'Fallon Current law requires all restaurants and bars to be 100% smoke-free. Roseland Park Current law requires all restaurants and bars to be 100% smoke-free. Fredrick Inn Steakhouse on Fredrick Ave.
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Marysville, WA (Priest Point / John Sam Lake) Priest Point / John Sam Lake About Marysville, WA (Priest Point / John Sam Lake) Priest Point / John Sam Lake median real estate price is $448,079, which is more expensive than 59.3% of the neighborhoods in Washington and 78.2% of the neighborhoods in the U.S. The average rental price in Priest Point / John Sam Lake is currently $2,050, based on NeighborhoodScout's exclusive analysis. The average rental cost in this neighborhood is higher than 67.5% of the neighborhoods in Washington. Priest Point / John Sam Lake is a suburban neighborhood (based on population density) located in Marysville, Washington. This is a coastal neighborhood (i.e., is on the ocean, a bay, or inlet). Priest Point / John Sam Lake real estate is primarily made up of medium sized (three or four bedroom) to large (four, five or more bedroom) single-family homes and mobile homes. Most of the residential real estate is owner occupied. Many of the residences in the Priest Point / John Sam Lake neighborhood are established but not old, having been built between 1970 and 1999. A number of residences were also built between 2000 and the present. Home and apartment vacancy rates are 10.1% in Priest Point / John Sam Lake. NeighborhoodScout analysis shows that this rate is lower than 43.5% of the neighborhoods in the nation, approximately near the middle range for vacancies. Priest Point / John Sam Lake is a neighborhood that is on the ocean, a bay, or inlet. Many times, such places have amenities that bring locals and visitors to the waterfront for recreational activities or to check out the scenery. In some densely populated areas that are less financially well-off, the neighborhood waterfront can be relatively industrial and less open to recreation. In addition to being coastal, Priest Point / John Sam Lake is a very nautical neighborhood, meaning that it is somewhat historic, walkable, densely populated and on the water. This gives the neighborhood a very nautical feel, with some seaside and shipping feel, which some may really enjoy the sights and sounds of. Did you know that the Priest Point / John Sam Lake neighborhood has more Native American and Norwegian ancestry people living in it than nearly any neighborhood in America? It's true! In fact, 12.3% of this neighborhood's residents have Native American ancestry and 11.4% have Norwegian ancestry. The neighbors in the Priest Point / John Sam Lake neighborhood in Marysville are upper-middle income, making it an above average income neighborhood. NeighborhoodScout's exclusive analysis reveals that this neighborhood has a higher income than 77.5% of the neighborhoods in America. In addition, 10.9% of the children seventeen and under living in this neighborhood are living below the federal poverty line, which is a lower rate of childhood poverty than is found in 56.9% of America's neighborhoods. In the Priest Point / John Sam Lake neighborhood, 29.5% of the working population is employed in executive, management, and professional occupations. The second most important occupational group in this neighborhood is manufacturing and laborer occupations, with 29.1% of the residents employed. Other residents here are employed in sales and service jobs, from major sales accounts, to working in fast food restaurants (24.2%), and 15.4% in clerical, assistant, and tech support occupations. The most common language spoken in the Priest Point / John Sam Lake neighborhood is English, spoken by 91.5% of households. Some people also speak Spanish (4.9%). Boston's Beacon Hill blue-blood streets, Brooklyn's Orthodox Jewish enclaves, Los Angeles' Persian neighborhoods. Each has its own culture derived primarily from the ancestries and culture of the residents who call these neighborhoods home. Likewise, each neighborhood in America has its own culture – some more unique than others – based on lifestyle, occupations, the types of households – and importantly – on the ethnicities and ancestries of the people who live in the neighborhood. Understanding where people came from, who their grandparents or great-grandparents were, can help you understand how a neighborhood is today. In the Priest Point / John Sam Lake neighborhood in Marysville, WA, residents most commonly identify their ethnicity or ancestry as German (16.1%). There are also a number of people of Native American ancestry (12.3%), and residents who report Norwegian roots (11.4%), and some of the residents are also of Irish ancestry (10.0%), along with some English ancestry residents (9.3%), among others. How you get to work – car, bus, train or other means – and how much of your day it takes to do so is a large quality of life and financial issue. Especially with gasoline prices rising and expected to continue doing so, the length and means of one's commute can be a financial burden. Some neighborhoods are physically located so that many residents have to drive in their own car, others are set up so many walk to work, or can take a train, bus, or bike. The greatest number of commuters in Priest Point / John Sam Lake neighborhood spend between 15 and 30 minutes commuting one-way to work (33.7% of working residents), which is shorter than the time spent commuting to work for most Americans. AGE OF Marysville, WA (Priest Point / John Sam Lake) HOMES TYPE OF Marysville, WA (Priest Point / John Sam Lake) HOMES SIZE OF Marysville, WA (Priest Point / John Sam Lake) HOMES Employment Industries in Priest Point / John Sam Lake in Priest Point / John Sam Lake in Marysville Marysville VIOLENT CRIMES Marysville Property CRIMES MARYSVILLE SCHOOL DISTRICT District Quality Compared to Washington Better than of WA school districts. Seattle-Tacoma-Bellevue, WA Metro Area regional investment potential Housing Affordability Trends: Seattle-Tacoma-Bellevue, WA Metro Area Popular real estate near Priest Point / John Sam Lake Clinton, WA Everett, WA (Darlington / Edgewater) Everett, WA (Delta Junction) Everett, WA (Hardeson Rd / Merrill Creek Pky) Everett, WA (W Mukilteo Blvd / Olympic Blvd) Lake Stevens, WA (S Machias Rd / Machias Cutoff) Langley, WA (Baby Island Heights / Bells Beach) Marysville, WA (Route 9 / 64th St NE) Marysville, WA (Vernon Rd / Lake Dr) Mukilteo, WA (City Center) 87% Match ‐ Marysville, WA (Weallup Lake / Cathan) 78% Match ‐ Arlington, WA (Jordan / Riverside) 77% Match ‐ Gold Bar, WA 77% Match ‐ Snohomish, WA (Fobes Hill) 77% Match ‐ Stanwood, WA (City Center)
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaCommonCrawl'}
Home entertainment is more than just a large flat screen TV. With this modern speaker stand you upgrade your home cinema and can experience your favourite films in perfect sound quality. Exchangeable vibration absorbers for optimal sound quality on different floors: 4 metal spikes for carpets and 4 round rubber pads for tiles, parquet, laminate, etc.
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Sugar Land Police released photos of possible suspects in a pepper spray robbery at Target. The public's help is needed to identify them. It all started on the evening of November 12, in the Target department store parking lot. That evening about 8:45 pm., a woman and her elderly mother were loading purchases into the trunk of their car when two women attacked them with pepper spray and grabbed their handbags. The two assailing crooks went so far as to punch the elderly woman in the face to get her purse from her. Sugar Land Police spokesman Doug Adolph said both women were treated at the scene but neither required hospitalization. Since the incident, police have been able to compile surveillance video from both inside the store as well as the parking lot to develop possible suspect information. Adolph said police have identified two women as potential suspects describing them as black women in their late 20s to early 30s with shoulder-length black hair. They reportedly left the scene after the attack in a black sedan driven by a black male. Adolph said, "Police were able to recover images of the vehicle and a license plate number from license plate recognition (LPR) cameras located on Town Center Boulevard South near the AMC Theater." The license plate on the getaway car was DK2 B894; that car also displayed a Houston Texans sticker on the rear window. This case remains under investigation. Police are asking if anyone with information about these suspects or the vehicle in the Target attack to call Fort Bend County Crime Stoppers at (281) 342-TIPS (8477).
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A forest is a large area surrounded by trees. Forest are the Terrestrial ecosystem of earth and distributed around the earth. Forest contain 75% of the gross primary productivity of the earth's biosphere. Forest cover one third of all land on earth, forests provide vital organic infrastructure for some of the planet's. It is the most diverse collection of life. Forest help millions of species and human beings to survive. Forest provides oxygen as we need oxygen to live and they absorb carbon dioxide we emits. A single leafy tree can produce a days supply of oxygen for 2 to 10 peoples. Other phytoplanktons also produce oxygen on earth bur forest are still the key source of oxygen. Without forest there is no way to get oxygen so we should not cut tge trees but plant the more trees. About 80% of biodiversity on earth that lives in the forest. These species is especially rich in tropical rainforest from rear parrots to endangered apes. Worms work nutrients into soil. Bees and birds spread pollen from one place to another place. Largest forest can affect the regional weather system even forest creates their own microclimates. The Amazon forest, this is the largest forest in the world and it generate atmospheric condition that not only promote regular rainfall but potentially as far away as the great plains. Importance of forest in the source of medicine, Forests provide a high range of natural medicine and increasingly inspire synthetic spin off. For example cocao trees is the source of medicine for asthma and cocao trees is converted into theophylline. All types of natural medicine can be found in the forest which is very effective, around 70% of all known plants comes with cancer fighting properties from the forest. Agriculture near the forest has very benefit like songbirds and bats that eats insects or owls and foxes that eat rats other than that the group of trees can also block the unnecessary wind and proves buffer from wind sensitive crops. From this agriculture have high productivity and farmers can take advantage of forest. Forest's trees helps the soil to keep in a place. Forest may use phytoremediation to clean certain pollutants, because of holding the soil in one place there is less chance to soil transfer from one place to another place and it also reduce the chance of soil erosion. The microorganism can make the soil more fertile and dirty free if soil holds in single place. Plants and Trees also have the way to beat the heat. They absorb carbon dioxide. Trees needs carbon dioxide for photosynthesis but air is now so thick with extra emissions that forest fight with global warming. Because it control the climate, temperature and humidity so we can say that forest cool the earth provide fresh air. It is the bes features as well as importance of forest in our earth ecosystem. We also plant some plants and trees near the house for purifying the air but forest is the group of infinite plants and trees, they can clean a pollutant air and provides a fresh air which very important to live. Trees and Plants soaks in a wide range of airborne pollutant including carbon dioxide, Sulphur dioxide and Nitrogen dioxide and provide us fresh air. Forest create job, people rely on forest to some extent for their livelihood. There are so many people who are directly employed in forest management or in conservation. Forest provides about 1-2% Global Gross Domestic Product through timber or non timber products. They support on of the population in many developing countries. forest serves as a watershed, this is just because almost all water comes from rivers and lakes and from forests derive watertable. Some rivers like Amazon running through forest and it kept cool and from drying out. Forest is the home of wildlife. More than millions of animals and other species lives in forest there are so many types of reptile (snake, lizard), wild animals, insects, birds and others creatures lives in the forest. Forest have the economic importance like forests provide us with timber, wood which is exported and used in all of the countries. Forest control the climate's temperature, humidity, rainfall and atmospheric purification. Forest play important role in balancing the climate. Soil and Trees helps to regulate temperature and process which is called evapotranspiration. They help to stabilize the earth climate, in addition forest absorb the bad gases and producing oxygen. Forest also play a vital role in the water cycle and it also control moisture level of the ecosystem. Last 'Importance of Forest' is that to control the soil erosion. Soil erosion is the major problem in the agriculture it badly affect the agriculture production and it's also remove the fertility from the soil. Forest and the group of trees hold the soil in one place and there is less chance of the soil erosion.
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I am in love with these super adorable Easter Lamb Cupcakes! I can just picture a whole platter of them on the dessert table for our family Easter Dinner Celebration! Stir in corn syrup until well mixed. Mixture will be grainy. Also place candy eyes like these ones here and press in place. Ice cupcakes then decorate tops with sheep heads and mini marshmallow to represent wool. Form each into a flattened cube 3/4" x 3/4" x 1/4" tall.
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PNPS Central Pennsylvania Native Plant Festival > Plant Sale Vendors and Plant List Plant Sales and Festivals - Featuring Natives Complete Calendar PNPS Annual Meeting Archives > Propagating Native Landscapes - 2017 Annual Meeting One Yard at a Time and the 2016 PNPS Annual Meeting Native Plant ID Plant Information and Landscaping Native Plant Sources Legislation and Model Ordinances PNPS Newsletter Archive Related Orgs Demonstration Gardens Native Plant Organizations Conservation and Other Organizations Gardens, Arboreta and Nature Centers Lancaster Chapter Lehigh Valley Chapter PNPS BLACK LIVES MATTER STATEMENT A Facebook link to the California Native Plant Society Black Lives Matter statement (https://www.cnps.org/life-with-plants/in-solidarity-18856) was posted on our Facebook group page June 4. It was removed, not because of its content, but because of the comments following it. We want to acknowledge and thank people for their concern about the reason it was removed, and to ask people not to assume the intent of the moderator or this organization for the removal of this post. As an organization, we would like to clarify our position. All PNPS activities are based on our mission statement: The Pennsylvania Native Plant Society advocates conservation of native plants and their habitats and promotes the increased use of native plants in the landscape. We have not and will not allow political posts on our Facebook page; however, we understand social justice to be not about politics, but about morality. And it has become apparent that the opportunity to participate in and enjoy outdoor activities, including gardening, is not available for everyone and may even be dangerous. (Thanks to the CNPS for providing several of these links.) Birding While Black https://www.facebook.com/watch/live/?v=599256750697358&ref=watch_permalink A black botanist handcuffed while being in the woods as a botanist https://www.instagram.com/p/CA6h2HAgKHc/ Being Black While In Nature https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2020/may/31/being-black-while-in-nature-youre-an-endangered-species These Black Nature Lovers Are Busting Stereotypes https://www.cnn.com/2020/06/03/us/black-birders-week-black-in-stem-christian-cooper-scn-trnd/index.html PNPS Black Lives Matter Statement - June 7, 2020 Black Lives Matter. The Pennsylvania Native Plant Society stands in solidarity with the Black community and all those fighting against oppression amidst the recent targeting of Christian Cooper and the killings of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Tony McDade, Ahmaud Arbery, and so many other innocent Black lives. We are absolutely appalled by the police brutality that has been an assault and violation of the lives and liberties of our fellow citizens. These events underscore the persistence of racial injustice and systemic inequality in our country, not least in our environment. The history of the conservation movement has long excluded people of color and overlooked the disproportionately severe impact of environmental degradation on marginalized communities. We cannot ignore the intersections of environmental and racial justice. PNPS stands against racism in all forms and strives to cultivate an environment that is inclusive and accessible for all, free from fear of violence or discrimination. We believe the global struggle for justice is integrally tied with the protection of our planet. We encourage our members to not only educate themselves on the issues of racism that plague our world but also actively stand against incidents of racial oppression and hatred in their own communities and backyards. As an organization, we are committed to continue to find ways to support diverse communities in the meeting of our mission. This includes: Continuing grant opportunities for diverse community gardens Sponsoring speakers or grants specifically from/for communities of color Intentionally networking with businesses and organizations from diverse communities across the state in the establishment of more PNPS chapters Continuing to educate ourselves as Board members and volunteers about the intersectionality of ecological and social aspects of meeting our mission Our FB moderators and administrators will continue to delete posts they feel are political, using abusive language, or not related to native plants and the natural and social communities related to plants in PA. Our FB group is an educational service PNPS provides to anyone interested in native plants. Most posts are not from our board or even our organization's members. There are over 13,000 FB group members, and less than 400 PNPS members. To be part of the work that we do in meeting our mission and to strengthen our dialogue and grow the organization, please consider joining PNPS, an entirely volunteer-based organization. Due to COVID-19 our main source of revenue, the native plant sale, was canceled this year which impacts our budget for outreach and consequently, these programs. Annual membership in PNPS starts at just $15. To learn more visit our membership page. We are compiling resources that will be listed on our website soon. We encourage our members to submit more in this on-going work of proactive racial justice within the PA Native Plant Society. Pennsylvania Native Plant Society
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Arizona Supreme Court Ruling: AMMA Users have an Affirmative defense for DUI. They can show they did not have a high enough concentration of THC to cause impairment. The Arizona Supreme Court provided a unanimous decision in a recent Marijuana DUI ruling. The court took a closer look at how the AMMA impacts prosecution. The Supreme Court ruled that Medical Marijuana card holders are not immune from prosecution under the state's DUI law, which prohibits drivers from having in their blood marijuana or another chemical compound that causes impairment. At the same time, the court also ruled cardholders, do in fact, have a limited affirmative defense under the AMMA. But it is a limited DUI Defense. The AMMA does not, and does not provide general immunity from prosecution. If a qualified user is facing marijuana DUI charges, they can provide a evidence or testimony showing they didn't have a high enough concentration of the active ingredient THC, in Marijuana, to cause driving impairment. If they are successful in their challenge of impairment, they may avoid a conviction. How many puffs does it take to cause Driver Impairment? The case involved two defendants, both charged with two counts of driving under the influence: a violation of A.R.S. § 28-1381(A)(1) and a violation of A.R.S. § 28-1381(A)(3). The former, (A)(1), prohibits someone from driving while under the influence of any drug if he or she is impaired to the slightest degree. The latter, (A) (2), prohibits driving while there is any of certain enumerated drugs or their metabolites in the person's body. Both defendants had taken blood tests that showed they had marijuana and its metabolites in their bodies. One of the defendants wanted to present evidence of her medical marijuana card in another state, but the municipal court denied her motion. The other held an Arizona medical marijuana card, but the municipal court granted the state's motion to preclude this evidence from being introduced. The State dismissed the (A)(1) charge, for driver impairment. But the defendants were convicted of the (A)(3) charge which states that a person is in violation of a violation of the DUI law if they are driving with any drug found in their system which falls within the state's drug definitions A.R.S. 13-3401 that includes "Cannabis". The defendants appealed to the Maricopa County Superior Court, which affirmed the convictions. They then appealed to the Arizona court of appeals, which ruled that there was no immunity for defendants holding marijuana cards when charged with (A)(3). The defendants asked the Arizona Supreme Court to review the case. The Court explained that with an (A)(3) charge, unlike an (A)(1) charge, the state isn't required to prove actual impairment. The defenses for these charges are also different. With an (A)(1) charge where a person is in violation of the law if they are driving impaired due to drugs or alcohol. With that, it is not a valid defense against impairment to challenge the violations on the ground that the user has a medical marijuana card. With the (A)(3) charge involving driving under the influence of the state's defined drugs, there is an Affirmative Defense available. This defense makes it lawful to drive under the influence of the state's defined drugs, if they the drugs are prescribed by a licensed doctor. The Court explained that the Arizona Medical Marijuana Act (AMMA) immunizes registered qualifying patients for their medical use of marijuana, but the immunity is limited. AMMA's § 36-2802 provides immunity to qualified patients who use marijuana to the extent that a registered qualifying patient shall not be considered to be under the influence of marijuana solely because of the presence of metabolites or components of marijuana that appear in insufficient concentration to cause impairment. The Court also held that possessing a registry card can create a rebuttable presumption that a particular person is using marijuana as permitted by AMMA, as long as he or she isn't in possession of more than the permitted amount. This means that the police, prosecution, and court will assume it is true, unless the facts are challenged and proven otherwise. Generally a defendant may be convicted of an (A)(3) violation if the state is able to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that the driver had marijuana or an impairing metabolite in her body while driving a vehicle. As a defense, the defendant may show by a preponderance of the evidence that use was authorized by AMMA, and that the amount of marijuana was not enough to cause impairment. Simply presenting a registry card is not enough to establish this defense.
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Q: Can you help me fix this batch file for file type associations in windows 10? I have this batch file in my startup folder. I do not get any error message. However, it does not seem to work as the associations are not being mapped as per the batch file. @echo off ASSOC .html=htmlfile FTYPE htmlfile="C:\Program Files\Kompozer\kompozer.exe" "%%1" ASSOC .pdf=acroExch.Document FTYPE acroExch.Document="C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Acrobat 11.0\Acrobat\Acrobat.exe" "%%1"
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaStackExchange'}
The book: For many people, climate change has yet to become a moral issue. In Energy Without Conscience: Oil, Climate Change, and Complicity (Duke University Press), David McDermott Hughes '89 argues that, the same way tobacco use often provokes revulsion, so should the use of hydrocarbons. Drawing on ethnographic work he conducted in the oil-rich Trinidad and Tobago, Hughes examines the way the production and consumption of oil, natural gas, coal, and bitumen occurs mostly unseen and unremarked upon, making it easy – but no less problematic – for hydrocarbon players big and small to be complicit in climate change. The author: Hughes majored in politics at Princeton. Now an associate professor of anthropology and human ecology at Rutgers University, he is also the author of Whiteness in Zimbabwe: Race, Landscape, and the Problem of Belonging (Palgrave Macmillan) and From Enslavement to Environmentalism: Politics on a Southern African Frontier (University of Washington Press).
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Maura Corbett, CEO Glen Echo Group, Named 2019 Washington Women in PR Woman of the Year Nov 18, 2019 | Awards, Events, Press Release WASHINGTON, D.C. – Washington Women in Public Relations (WWPR), the DC-based professional organization advancing women in communications, on Friday named Maura Corbett, Chief Executive Officer and Founder, Glen Echo Group, its 2019 Woman of the Year. The award, which is in its 30th year, recognizes exceptional women in public relations, who have made meaningful contributions to the community and demonstrated remarkable industry leadership. "As we recognize 30 years of this incredible event, Maura Corbett is a perfect representation of what this award has come to symbolize for women at the pinnacle of their careers in the communications industry," said Amanda Cate, WWPR President. "We are incredibly honored to recognize Maura for her career achievements, continued mentorship and support in the community, and celebrate all of our past honorees for their contributions to the profession." The 30th Annual Woman of the Year Award luncheon honored finalists Maura Corbett, Chief Executive Officer and Founder, Glen Echo Group; KayAnn Schoeneman, Marketplace Leader and Senior Vice President of Public Affairs, Ketchum; and Susan Waldman, Chief Marketing and Communications Officer, Meals on Wheels America – announcing Maura Corbett as the 2019 Woman of the Year. "I am so honored by this award, one I share with fellow finalists Susan Waldman, KayAnn Schoeneman and the three decades of WWPR women on whose shoulders we stand," said Corbett. "Here's to the next 30 years of Washington women communicators creating meaningful change for each other and the world." WWPR hosted the luncheon at the Hotel Fairmont Washington, D.C. Georgetown. In honor of the award's 30th anniversary, the event's theme was Pearls of Wisdom to commemorate three decades of recognizing extraordinary women and what they've gleaned throughout their years in communications. In honor of the milestone anniversary of the award, a number of past Woman of the Year award winners were in attendance and were honored at the luncheon. Martha Boudreau, AARP's chief communications and marketing officer and WWPR's 2016 Woman of the Year, delivered the keynote address. The event also highlighted WWPR's commitment to serving the DC-area community with proceeds from the annual raffle and silent auction going to the organization's pro bono client, Sitar Arts Center, whose core mission is to provide high-quality after-school education and experiences in visual, digital and performing arts to students from low-income families. Visit the Woman of the Year website for more information. For a quote or interview, please contact WWPR Woman of the Year committee co-chairs Taylor Leaming or Jacqueline Wilson at woy@wwpr.org. About Washington Women in Public Relations (WWPR) Washington Women in Public Relations (WWPR) is a member-based professional organization cultivating and inspiring female communicators to reach their full potential in the DC market and beyond. The organization is committed to providing leadership opportunities, professional development, mentorship, and industry networking.
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaCommonCrawl'}
From Sarees to Stripes: True Stories of Commercial Women Pilots in India Author : Captain Manisha M. Puri Classification Non Fiction Imprint Amaryllis Page Extent 282 + 40 color Photo pages "Tantalizing, true stories of Indian women aviators who broke the glass ceiling and paved the way for future generations. 'From Sarees to Stripes' is a compelling read which establishes that it is no more a man's world up there in the sky." – Gunjan Saxena, former IAF officer and first female Indian combat pilot to serve in a war zone Straighten your seat, fasten your seatbelts, keep the tray table upright, and enjoy your flight! As you hear this announcement inside an aeroplane, how do you respond when it turns out that the captain/commander is a woman? Are you surprised, concerned or perhaps impressed? Women pilots have overcome extraordinary challenges to be where they are and their stories need to be told. 'From Sarees to Stripes' stems from experiences – both personal as well as those that numerous other women had, the challenges faced by them, and how they broke the glass ceiling every time. The stories of these women pilots weave together a narrative full of India's aviation history, behind-the-scenes drama and the determination with which they fought all odds to realise their dreams. Starting from the mid-1930s to the millennials, the book covers the pioneers in this field. These women boast several firsts in the industry, one of which is being hired as pilots to fly for Indian Airlines, the airline that was the first to induct women as pilots as early as 1966, paving the way for many more. Captain Manisha Mohan Puri feels blessed to be a pilot, a profession that has made her what she is today – disciplined, focused, daring, fearless and ready to take on any challenge life throws at her. Having flown both Boeings and Airbuses as a commercial pilot with Air India, it gives her immense joy to talk about flying and related topics. Born in Kolkata, brought up in Bhopal and Chandigarh, and having lived in the USA during flight training, Manisha has travelled extensively as part of her profession. Today, Manisha, after having taken voluntary retirement, is a mentor to young children and helps them work towards achieving their goals and making their dreams come true. 'From Sarees to Stripes' is her first book.
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaCommonCrawl'}
Album Review or Yacht Rock Prophecy Is this the fulfillment of the Koko Goldstein prophesy? Daft Punk has leaked copies of their new album, Random Access Memories, and devotees of Yacht Rock are seeing the smooth, smooth signs. For years, French roboticists were focused solely on making robots that could smoke cigarettes or ride bicycles while holding baguettes under their mechanical arms, but all of that changed in the early 90s when they developed a pair of stylish robots who became known as Daft Punk. Finally, there was a way to automate the creation of Eurotrash dance music without all of the clumsiness and odor of having humans do it. All was going well until something deep in their circuitry caused them to surrender to the wave of nostalgia in modern pop music. On Random Access Memories, these machines put down their bleeps and bloops and decided to work with actual humans playing real instruments to produce music that would have been as apropos in Studio 54 as in a post-irony Paris discothèque. In addition to the generally smooth grooves of this album, the connection to Koko Goldstein becomes most apparent on Track 3, "Giorgio by Moroder." Fans of Yacht Rock will instantly recognize this name, or some version of it. [Spoiler Alert: If you have not watched all 12 Episodes of Yacht Rock, you should do so immediately, in order, perhaps skipping Episode 6 if you're in a hurry.] As we all know from Yacht Rock 12, Krell Krell Krell Krell Krell Krell, the Space God of Smooth Music and Seafaring, sent Giorgio Moroder to earth to find a relevant pop star to record a soundtrack capable of destroying the black hole that was headed for his home planet. It turns out that Giorgio Moroder is totally a real person, and not simply a space alien sent to finally take Kenny Loggins to a very dangerous zone. His collaboration with these French dance/pop robots, and the fact that he inspired their gears and gyroscopes to make smooth music, is surely a sign. At the end of Yacht Rock 12, Krell Krell Krell Krell Krell Krell (in his earth form as Koko Goldstein) addresses Michael McDonald and Kenny Loggins, provides them with laser guns, and asks that they avenge his death. Are the answers on Random Access Memories? Is Koko's Ghost here with us now? Does this have anything to do with the fact that every time I try to sail my boat it's either 50° or there's a damned lightning storm? All we can do is sit back and enjoy the smooth. Keep the fire, Giorgio. Launch Weekend 2013 2 thoughts on "Album Review or Yacht Rock Prophecy" bljones says: Weird giorgio moroder fact: He is not just a musician/producer but a supercar builder! he is the moroder half of the cizeta-moroder V16T. btw, and completely off on a tangerine, Ian Thomas is the quintessential Canadian Yacht Rocker. Listen to "Pilot" and tell me that it isn't cribbed from the Koko playbook. stay smooth. Damn, that's smooth. Thanks man.
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaCommonCrawl'}
Leisure Arts has released some new holiday craft books and I am totally in love with them! I am especially in love with Yarn Whimsies for the Holidays. If you have partial skeins of yarn lying around that you aren't sure what to do with, you have to check out all of the beautiful creations in Yarn Whimsies for the Holidays. There are great projects to help you dress up your home this holiday season and best of all, the kids can help too! Wreath p5, from Yarn Whimsies for the Holidays, published by Leisure Arts, 2016; used with permission. All rights reserved. Snowman p15, from Yarn Whimsies for the Holidays, published by Leisure Arts, 2016; used with permission. All rights reserved. Hat Ornaments p20, from Yarn Whimsies for the Holidays, published by Leisure Arts, 2016; used with permission. All rights reserved. Each of the projects contain a list of materials needed and step-by-step instructions. They also have clear photos so you can see what your finished project will look like! The last few pages of the book contain some helpful information such as how to finger crochet, stitch diagrams for the star ornaments, and card patterns for the cards. If you want to try the gorgeous projects in this book, you can pick up Yarn Whimsies for the Holidays from Leisure Arts for just $7.99! A huge thank you to Leisure Arts for providing a copy of Yarn Whimsies for the Holidays for me to review! Love it! I love Christmas and this is something I could totally see myself doing! These are such awesome ideas! Love any book that has to do with Christmas and especially one that uses up my leftover yarn. Way to make the holidays more fun! the little hats look super cute !! These things would be fun projects for the Grangirlie & me!
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
The $.fn statement then declares our new jQuery plugin, TextAreaExpander, with the arguments minHeight and maxHeight. We could express these in a JSON object but it's unlikely we'll need further parameters so we'll keep it simple. Note that 'this' refers to the jQuery object; we return it to ensure other jQuery effects can be bound to the same DOM elements. The first line ensures that only textareas have the auto-expanding effect applied. The next three lines extract the minimum and maximum height values. The arguments passed to the TextAreaExpander function are used by default. If none are specified, the textarea's "expand" class HTML is analysed with a regular expression. If we still do not have values, 0 and 99999 are assumed (note that the textarea will always have a minimum height of 1 character, so a zero height is never applied). The values are stored as properties of the textarea node object — we can therefore examine them from any code. The following line calls a ResizeTextarea function and passes the textarea node. This will set the height to an appropriate size when auto-expanding is initialized. Finally, we reset any vertical padding and define "keyup" and "focus" events. The same ResizeTextarea function is called when the textarea receives focus and after text has been updated by the user. The 'if' condition around these events ensures that they can only be applied once to any textarea. This condition could have been applied to the whole of the initialization function, however, this code allows us to change the minimum and maximum heights at will. We now need to define our ResizeTextarea function. It's dirty, but I'm afraid that we cannot rely on better methods such as object detection. I'm open to suggestions, though! This function is passed the argument 'e'. This is either a textarea node (during initialization) or an event object (when keyup or focus occurs). The first line changes 'e' to a textarea node object if an event was fired. The number of characters entered in the textarea is assigned to vlen. The pixel-width of the box is assigned to ewidth. If these values have not changed, we do not need to worry about resizing the box (the user could just be moving the cursor). vlen and ewidth are retained as properties of the textarea node object named valLength and boxWidth. These are set after the textarea is resized so resizing will always occur the first time ResizeTextarea is called. The next line resets the textarea height to 0px. This only occurs for non-IE/Opera browsers if content has been deleted or the box width has been changed. The textarea's scrollHeight value is now assigned to variable 'h'. Math.min and Math.max are used to ensure the value falls within the minimum and maximum pixel limits defined for this textarea. Before we change the textarea height, we change the CSS overflow property. The scrollbars will only be shown if the content height exceeds the textarea height. We can now modify the textarea height and update the values of valLength and boxWidth. Finally, the function returns true to ensure other textarea event handlers are not cancelled. I hope you've found this series of tutorials helpful. Feel free to use the auto-expanding textarea plugin in your own projects.
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Q: Spherical magnetic bearing from electromagnet Would it be possible to build a magnetic bearing with this design: A hollow metal sphere with an electric coil solenoid in the center. The electromagnetic field from the coil is transfered to the metal sphere by electromagnetic induction. The induced EM field in the metal sphere has the same polarity as the EM field of the coil, causing the coil and the metal sphere to repel one another. A: This is how I would make a spherical magnetic bearing from an electromagnet. There are six windings. Direction of current in each of the six windings controls the direction the that the inner sphere (the armature) moves. The device is free and open source. You can read more about it here if you want. :)
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaStackExchange'}
Beach Tours of India – India is surrounded by seas on three sides and has many beaches throughout its coastal areas. These beautiful beaches attract tourists by their clean, white sand, roaring sea waves, coconut and palm trees on its borders, gentle sea breeze, amazing landscapes, etc. Some world's most beautiful beaches are found in India as they are a perfect mixture with sand, water, sky and breeze. The beautiful sea and the beautiful beach surroundings are always found to attract tourists from various parts of the world. Goa is famous for its beautiful tropical beaches that are found Near the Arabian sea. It is found that there are more than 40 beaches in Goa. Goa is also famous for its water sport activities, which attracts huge crowd tourists each year, due to its fun and adventure. The popular beaches found here are Arjuna, Varca, Palolem, Baga, Dona Paula, Calangute, Arambol and Aguada. People who love water sports activities love to come here as they can enjoy skiing, diving, scooting, jet skiing, angling, swimming and para sailing. The sunrise and sunset views are also amazing here, that photographers come here to shoot those rare pictures in their camera. Tourists also enjoy this amazing sunrise and sunset in Goa with beach tours of India. Kerala is another popular destination for beaches, which attracts more tourists with its astonishingly beautiful beaches. It is found that many beautiful beaches lie in Kerala's 600 km coastline. Some famous beaches include Alappuzha, Kappad, chotha villai, colachal, Kanyakumari, Varkala and Mararikulam. Ayurveda is being done to the tourists on these beaches, so that they can get both relaxation and happiness to their body and mind. Adventure water sports are also being practiced here in Kerala beaches, which attract water sport lovers from all over the world. Kerala beaches are also famous for spa, as most the resorts do spa near to the beaches. Andaman and Nicobar is the union territories of India. A tour to this island makes one entertaining by its amazing beaches, islands, stunning green trees and shrubs, and other mind-blowing locations in island. Some of the beaches found here are Corbyn's Cove, Karmatang, Chidiya Tapu and Harminder bay beach. The various water sports are becoming popular day by day and are found to attract water sports lovers. Apart from beaches, these spots also offer entertainment activities like camping, scuba diving, snorkeling, fishing, skiing, etc.
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
Do you shop at Walmart a lot? Do you think you're getting the best deals possible? Most people who shop at Walmart think they are already getting the lowest prices on products they buy, but they're actually missing out on a lot of saving. Don't want to be one of them? Read on to find out how you can start couponing at Walmart correctly so you can double or even triple your savings. Walmart is already a great place to shop for the budget-conscious among us. You can get almost anything you need all in one place. And there are tons of ways to save money at Walmart. But if you throw coupons into the mix, you'll save even more. As a result, a lot of people end up not using coupons at Walmart. They just don't know how to do it. If you're not a coupon connoisseur, you get a bit overwhelmed with all the different policies Walmart has as it relates to coupons. But don't worry – we've got you covered. From explaining the store's coupon policy to showing you how to source and use coupons at Walmart, we tell you everything you need to know about couponing at Walmart in this post. Before we begin it's important to understand something about using coupons at Walmart. It's not one of those stores that allow extreme couponing tactics, like stacking a bunch of coupons on top of each other for one item, until the store owes you $50 or something ludicrous for your basket. Don't get the wrong impression here; Walmart is definitely one of the most generous and lenient stores when it comes to using coupons. However, it still has limitations, and rightly so. In the past, many people have tried to abuse Walmarts coupon and savings policies, particularly its Ad Match policy. Under this policy, the store would match the price of products that appeared in competitor's ads, for customers that asked. Unfortunately, many customers abused this policy, generally by looking for loopholes. Some customers would use ads that weren't very specific to save. For example, in 2014, there was an ad featured in a Dollar General Circular offering a $9.50 sale price on Pampers diapers. But, the ad was vague. It stated, "for all counts and sizes". This meant that people could get any size pack for a low price. While the offer was okay for Dollar General, which only sold small packs of diapers, for Walmart, it caused a problem. Walmart sells packs of up to 162 diapers, meaning any extreme couponers tried to take advantage. So, for example, a customer could get a $35 pack of diapers, for just $9.50. Within days, Walmart stated that as the ad wasn't specific enough it would no longer offer a price match on it. In August 2016, Walmart ended its Ad Match policy. Instead, it stated that it would lower its prices to a point where customers wouldn't need to use it, as they could get the best deals and prices at Walmart anyway. In the past couple of years, a few extreme couponers have gotten into trouble at Walmart Stores. One example was a woman from Nampa, Idaho, who was banned from every Walmart store in the U.S. because of an altercation with employees over coupons. The woman tried to use a coupon under the stores Ad Match policy, not realizing that the Ad Match Policy is no longer used. That's why understanding Walmart's coupon policy is so important. The better you understand the policy, the easier couponing at Walmart becomes. Using coupons can be confusing at some stores, especially if you're new to couponing. To make things easier for you, we've broken down the store's coupon policy to let you know exactly what it doesn't allow. Checkout coupons that offer money or a percentage off the cost of your entire basket. Coupons for free products that you print at home. Competitors' coupons that offer a percentage off, double or triple value or competitor coupons that offer a buy one get one free deal that don't have a specific price. There are also limitations on how you can use coupons at Walmart. Use more than one coupon per item. There's no opportunity to use double coupons, and only one coupon per item is accepted. Use coupons that don't have an expiration date. Purchase an item that isn't the exactly the same as what's listed on the coupon. You must purchase a product that's identical to the coupon in terms of brand, size, quantity, flavor, color, etc. Aside from the obvious, like the fact that you must present your coupons at the time of purchase, and that the store only accepts coupons for the products it sells, there are also a few other limitations in place and guidelines you'll need to follow if you want to start couponing at Walmart. If store employees want to, they have the right to limit the number of identical coupons you use, and a number of coupons you use for the same item per transaction. Employees also have the right to limit purchase quantities. So, for example, the store might limit laundry detergent that's on sale to 5 units per customer. Store managers make the final decision. If you're using four or more coupons in a single transaction, have a coupon that's worth $5 or more, want to use $50 worth of coupons or more in one transaction, or have coupons that total a percentage off the total purchase, then a supervisor will have to verify it. It's important to be aware of the limitations and guidelines in place for using coupons at Walmart. If you understand Walmart's coupon policy, then you won't take in the wrong type of coupons or try to use them in the wrong way at the store. It saves you so much time and effort, making the whole process of couponing at Walmart easier. Please note, however, that stores sometimes change their policies, and while certain coupons might have been accepted at the time of writing, they might not be in the future. So, always check back to see if there are any amendments. Here is the link to Walmart's coupon policy where you can see everything in detail. Now that we've covered what you can't do with coupons, you probably want to know that you can do with them. Thankfully, there are plenty of ways that you can use coupons at Walmart for maximum savings. Conveniently, Walmart accepts print-at-home Internet coupons, aside from those that are for free products, as mentioned above. Both color and black and white coupons are accepted. Online, on sites like RetailMeNot and CoolSavings, you can find coupons for brands, products, and stores. You can also read our recent list of best printable grocery coupon sites which contains 61 places where you can find printable coupons. The Internet is a really great resource for coupons, and you can get your hands one some great finds. While Walmart is pretty lenient in terms of the printable coupons it accepts, there are a few stipulations. Have the words "Manufacturer Coupon" printed on them. Include a valid remit address. This is so that Walmart knows where to send the coupon to get its money. It's important that you don't accidentally cut the address off, as Walmart won't take your coupon if you do. Include a scannable barcode. This is really important, because if Walmart can't scan it, then they won't accept it. Not be duplicated. Photocopies won't fly, and they can land you in some real trouble! 2. Walmart accepts competitor coupons. Use 'em! Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you have a coupon for Target or Rite-Aid, but you mostly shop at Walmart, so you don't really have much use for it. Don't you wish that you could take it to a store that you do shop at and use it to save money? Well, at Walmart, you can. One of the great things about Walmart is that it allows you to use competitor coupons. So, next time you come across a coupon for a store you don't really shop at, don't discard it. Instead, take it, and use it at Walmart. Whether it's a coupon for Walgreens or Target, you can use competitor coupons at Walmart to save money. Coupons are acceptable in black and white or color. It's important to be aware, however, that there are some guidelines in place when it comes to using them. Be for a specific item, with a specified price. For instance, you could take a coupon from Rite-Aid that reads "Get any Nice and Easy Hair Color product for $4.99". But, if it doesn't state the price, then you won't be able to use it. Another type of coupon that Walmart accepts is manufacturers' coupons. These can be printed, like those mentioned above, or found in newspapers, magazines, on product packaging, and in many other places offline. Whether you source them online or offline, these types of coupons can save you hundreds on everyday products. Manufacturers' coupons for dollars/cents off are accepted. Walmart accepts manufacturers' coupons for free items, with the exception of ones you print off the internet. In order for Walmart to accept manufacturers' coupons, the term "Manufacturer Coupon" must be printed on them. Buy one get one free coupons are acceptable. Manufacturers' coupons must also include a valid remit address for the manufacturer, as well as a valid expiration date, and a scannable barcode. Coupons can't be duplicated – so no copies allowed. You know those coupons that print out at the cash register? Well, make sure you hang onto them. These coupons are often called Catalina Coupons by the coupon-savvy crowd. This is because they're printed by a Catalina machine that's located right next to the cash register. One of the great things about Walmart, and another aspect that makes it one of the best stores to start couponing at is that it accepts checkout coupons printed at its competitors' registers. Of course, as with all of the coupons above, there are a few guidelines and limitations in place for using Catalinas. For dollar/cents off are accepted, as long as they're for a specific item. The coupon also needs to include specific requirements for the item, such as color and size. For example, "$2 off Pampers Swaddlers Diapers Size 4". Must include the term "Manufacturer Coupon". Need to include a valid expiration date and remit address for the manufacturer. In black and white or color are accepted. Need to have a scannable bar code, or Walmart can't accept them. As mentioned above, Walmart won't accept checkout coupons that give money or a percentage off the entire purchase. So, if you've got a coupon from Target that offers $5 off your next purchase, you won't be able to use it at Walmart. The rules for using Catalina coupons are similar to the rules for the previous types of coupons. We generally look at coupons as a way to save money. But did you know you know you can actually make money with coupons? No, I'm not talking about selling coupons on eBay. If you use coupons in the right way, Walmart can actually end up owing you money! Depending on your experience as a couponer, you may or may not have heard about something called "overage". If you don't know, overage is when the coupon value exceeds the price an item. This is where coupons can really pay off! There are a variety of situations where this can happen. One of them that occurs commonly is when you use a coupon on a product that's been reduced or is on clearance. For example, you might buy a bag of coffee that's been reduced by 50%, so it now costs just $2. Apply a $4 coupon to the reduced $2 coffee, and you've got $2 in overage. According to its policy, Walmart allows coupon overages. This is why it's one of the best stores for couponing. In overage situations, Walmart gives you the excess as cash or credit that can be applied to your current purchase. Okay, so now you know what types of coupons Walmart accepts, but you're probably wondering where to find them. Here are a few places you should check out. Even in today's digital world, newspapers and magazines are still a great resource for coupons, so don't count them out. Look in Sunday papers, as these are one of the best sources. If you live in a smaller town, then you probably won't find as many coupons in your town's newspaper. If you live in a major city, then you'll probably get access to a lot more coupons. So, if you do live in a small town, try to get a Sunday newspaper from a larger city. In newspapers, you'll find quite a wide range of coupons, including manufacturer, product and competitor coupons. There's a really useful website called Sunday Coupon Preview that gives you coupon insert information in advance, so you can decide whether it's worth buying a paper or even additional copies. Magazines are another great print resource for coupons. Generally, the coupons you find in them are more specific to the magazine than they are in newspapers, where you tend to find a broader range. In magazines, the coupons featured will most likely fit the theme of the publication. For instance, in fashion magazines, you'll usually find coupons for beauty products and in home and garden magazines, you'll generally find grocery coupons. Think about the types of products you buy and what you'd like to save on. If you're in the market for some new makeup, then check out fashion magazines. On the other hand, if you've got a big family, and you spend a lot on groceries each week, then you might want to check out home and garden or lifestyle magazines. Don't go straight to subscribing to a magazine, though. Buy a single copy first and see if there are enough useful coupons to warrant buying it again in the future. While print publications can be excellent for finding coupons, the Internet definitely opens up a much broader and more extensive range. There are tons of websites and apps out there that feature coupons for everything from laundry detergent to clothing. Many different types of coupons, like brand, product, and store coupons can also be found on these platforms. There are tons of coupon websites out there, and researching the best ones can be time-consuming. Handily enough, we've gathered the best coupon apps and websites out there, so you don't have to search yourself. Next time you're at the grocery store, take a moment to check the store's bulletin board or its flyers before you begin shopping. You can typically find the bulletin board near the store's entrance. Most people don't realize that one of the best places to find coupons is by going to manufacturer's websites. Going directly to the source can be really beneficial. There are tons of companies out there that provide coupons, promo codes and other sought after savings deals. Think about the brands that you often buy products from, whether that's Folger's or Huggies, and take a quick look at their websites. You might have to sign up for a newsletter or a rewards/loyalty program to get access to these deals, but this doesn't take long, and it's certainly not the case for all manufacturers. Some great coupons for Walmart can be found on the store's website. On its website, Walmart features quite a wide selection of coupons for a variety of products, from M&M's to Parmesan cheese. It's a great place for finding Walmart printable coupons. You can get to it by going to coupons.walmart.com. With its low prices, Walmart is already an excellent place to shop for the budget conscious. But, when you combine those low prices with a pretty lenient coupon policy, you get a frugal shoppers dream! At Walmart, if you understand the store's coupon policy, and know where to get and how to use coupons to get maximum savings, it can have a huge positive impact on your budget.
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
Salesforce.com Boosts Strategic Investments in Europe Salesforce.com announces plans to boost its European strategy in response to customer and revenue growth in the region, VMware and Carpathia team to offer a vCloud Government Service offering, and Red Hat brings Enterprise Linux to the Amazon GovCloud (US). John Rath | Mar 05, 2014 Salesforce.com grows in Europe. Building on significant customer momentum in the region Salesforce.com announced that it is further increasing its commitment to Europe with new strategic investments. The plans are in response to the recently reported record revenue growth of 41 percent. Salesforce.com plans to add more than 500 new jobs across Europe in fiscal year 2015 and open new data centers in the U.K., France and Germany."Cloud computing is at the heart of growth and innovation in Europe, which is why salesforce.com delivered full fiscal year 2014 revenue growth of 41 percent in Europe," said Miguel Milano, president, EMEA, salesforce.com. "Our tremendous growth and customer momentum is why salesforce.com is significantly increasing its investment in Europe by adding 500 new jobs and opening three new data centres across Europe, in the U.K., France and Germany." "The U.K. has a growing reputation as the leader in the European digital economy and we welcome this new investment," said Stephen Kelly, Chief Operating Officer for Government. "Within the U.K. Government we are driving a policy of 'Cloud First' to improve the way the public sector manages crucial functions, engages with citizens and delivers value for taxpayers." VMware vCloud Government Service from Carpathia. VMware (VMW) announced its bid to secure FedRAMP Authority to Operate for a new enterprise hybrid cloud service offering, VMware vCloud Government Service provided by Carpathia. VMware is collaborating with Carpathia, a trusted cloud operator and leading provider of cloud services and managed hosting for government agencies, to bring this service to market. Emulating the VMware vCloud Hybrid Service the vCloud Government Service will provide the security and compliance assurance of FedRAMP authorization by using Carpathia's extensive experience delivering compliant solutions for government agencies. "VMware has helped Federal agencies optimize and manage their data center infrastructure for more than 14 years, and helping them to now use that infrastructure in the cloud is a natural extension of our core business," said Lynn Martin, vice president, Public Sector, VMware. "More importantly, because so many Federal agencies are already using VMware solutions, it's a natural evolution of what they are already doing. VMware is committed to empowering these agencies to use the cloud to meet their line of business and mission requirements rapidly, easily and confidently." Red Hat Enterprise Linux now on AWS GovCloud. Red Hat (RHT) announced that Red Hat Enterprise Linux is now available in the AWS GovCloud (US) region of Amazon Web Services (AWS). AWS GovCloud enables U.S. government agencies and customers to move sensitive workloads into the cloud by addressing their specific regulatory and compliance requirements. The new option enables customers to deploy sensitive workloads on the AWS cloud and benefit from the use of identical technology as Red Hat Enterprise Linux deployments in their on-premises datacenters. As a result, AWS GovCloud (US) customers will realize the added efficiencies of a standard operating environment across multiple deployment scenarios. "Government agencies need the ability to quickly access computing resources that clouds like AWS GovCloud (US) provide, while still deploying applications on Red Hat's secure platform, Red Hat Enterprise Linux," said Paul Smith, vice president and general manager, Public Sector at Red Hat. "On AWS GovCloud (US), agencies can use Red Hat Enterprise Linux on demand, paying for only what they use, when they need it. As agencies determine their cloud strategies, the ability to use Red Hat Enterprise Linux for both on-premises deployments and in the cloud is game-changing." TAGS: Europe Salesforce VMware
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaCommonCrawl'}
Here's an assortment of pictures taken during the 2010 Saugus Founders' Day celebration in Saugus Center. Pictures were taken all throughout the day, starting shortly after 8:00 AM and ending shortly after 3:00 AM. when it was ended early due to the rain. A schedule & description of some of the events was provided by the Founders' Day Committee and can still be read if you're interested. Likewise, answers to the questions in the Town Trivia Contest have been posted. The weather was far nicer than last year so turnout was significantly better. The Saugus Public Library booth in front of the Library. Inside at the Saugus Public Library book sale. Looking down Taylor Street past the Saugus Public Library. Saugus Community Television at work. Evaluating antiques in the Saugus Historical Society House. Looking down Central Street past Taylor Street.
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
Volunteering or interning is a great way to gain hands on experience to help build an individual's interests, skills, and knowledge base. Use this site to take advantage of all the opportunities you have in front of you. If you have a great volunteer organization that is not listed, please let the Academic Counseling Center know. We would love to share that information with others.
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
Is it possible to power on both Yoyo (M) speakers simultaneously? Is it possible to separate the Yoyo (M) Speakers? What is the size of the screw thread on the Yoyo (M)'s? How do I pair my device with the Yoyo (M)'s? How does the gesture control of the Yoyo (M)'s work?
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
A universal design makes Good Grips easy for everyone to use. They're comfortable, usable and functional. Micro-serrated blade grips items securely and prevents slipping. Herb stripper effectively removes fresh herbs from tough stems. Cushioning pads on grips absorb pressure while cutting. Herb stripper easily removes fresh herbs from tough stems.
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
The Outer Worlds (Obsidian) - PS4, X1, PC Tafdolphin PostRe: The Outer Worlds (Obsidian) - PS4, X1, PC by Tafdolphin » Thu Mar 21, 2019 12:22 pm Saint of Killers wrote: Tafdolphin wrote: Saint of Killers wrote: And I'm saying that shouldn't come in to a discussion about how Epic are behaving. Why on earth not? Valve are an inextricable part of the equation when said equation is binary. Epic are a shitty corporation. Valve are a shittier corporation. Instinctively reacting with disdain when you're forced to buy from the less shitty of two corporations is odd to me. Some of those people have legitimate issues (i.e. not omg only Valve should sell games!) with Epic's behaviour. I've stated and agreed that people might have issues with Epic, but have also provided very legitimate reasons why Valve have, objectively I'd say, been the worse of the two companies. None of these were omg based. If people have issues with Epic and not Valve then...I really don't know. They need to look harder at who they're buying from. Epic could sign up exclusives without pissing most sane people off (see Supergiant's Hades), but in a couple of instances (Metro and Phoenix) they've opted to court controversy and annoy investors/backers and people with pre-orders. Which in this case they have, hence my inability to understand the "I'm now buying it then!" post that kicked this all off! Let me just...lay out my point as clearly as I can. Valve have been the go-to storefront for PC games for years. When Steam began it was a weird little experiment from a company everyone loved as they made some of the best games on the planet and had a jolly little man as CEO. Over the years however, that Valve has morphed into something much worse, a giant corporation that actively refuses to moderate its own monster which is now filled with bloatware and hate speech. Epic, another shitty company, come along and pay devs bucketloads of cash for exclusivity deals (not to mention a higher percentage of their games' take), a tactic they hope will tease people away from Steam as it is now the default. Epic was never a friendly fan favourite, and they've been exceedingly shitty of late with regards to IP laws and snatching games from Steam and Kickstarter with very little notice. My point is that arbitrarily reacting to a game's exclusivity on the latter is thoughtless and reactionary. If you have issues with Epic, I fail to see how you can not have issues with Valve. They're both awful money factories. The only practical difference this exclusivity brings is that you need to install a new launcher (which, similar to Steam, scans other folders on your HDD). That's it. Gemini73 wrote: You really are just an obnoxious little toad. Night Call: a game what I worked on. Out July 17th! t: @Tafdolphin | Twitch: Tafdolphin PsychicSykes Location: Sykes Stadium by PsychicSykes » Thu Mar 21, 2019 12:50 pm What benefit do you think there is to a game being on the Epic Store as a consumer? The Epic Store is trash. PsychicSykes wrote: What benefit do you think there is to a game being on the Epic Store as a consumer? Why does there have to be a benefit? That's like asking why is it a benefit to me that the sofa I want is in DFS and not IKEA. They're storefronts. Before I would have to chose Valve through monopoly. Now I have to chose EPIC due to an exclusivity deal. Nothing changes for the consumer (except, for me, a nice feeling that I'm not supporting Valve). For the devs, they get a boatload more money to keep making games and a higher return for every purchase made. For the market, Valve finally have a competitor and might actually start to improve their shitty store. Last edited by Tafdolphin on Thu Mar 21, 2019 1:01 pm, edited 1 time in total. OrangeRKN SONM & Cake Sec. Location: Reading, UK Contact OrangeRKN by OrangeRKN » Thu Mar 21, 2019 1:00 pm Specifically to the Epic Store, developers taking a bigger share of the money should make more games profitable ventures, which should benefit consumers in giving them more games they might want to play. In general, competition between storefronts should drive all of them to become easier to use and more featureful. (I'm not sure how well the competition driving down prices argument works when that seems to happen fine with Steam anyway) Witty biological-political hybrid jokes are the reason this place fails to cater to a wide audience Web - RedBubble - @OrangeRakoon - GOTY 2018 by PsychicSykes » Thu Mar 21, 2019 3:52 pm In your case, you mention not supporting Valve as the benefit when buying from Epic. For the majority of people, the Epic Store offers a much less appealling option. The Epic Games Store is objectively worse when compared to Steam, with no options for mod support, achievements, seeing what your friends have bought and are playing for profiles and more. Your assertion that Steam is a monopoly is completely false too. Here's an image that gets posted a lot in these sorts of debates because it illustrates the points well. The "competition" that Epic is offering is the ability to only be able to buy a game from an objectively worse place, at a price that is solely set by them. This has led to players in several countries (China most notably) literally being unable to buy games. Steam in their "monopoly" on the other hand, lets the creators and publishers sell keys anywhere they wish, actually allowing proper competition between themselves and other storefronts. And the best part is, since keys for Steam can be generated for free and Valve only takes a cut from games literally sold through the Steam client itself, these other storefronts or the makers themselves can get a better cut when people purchase the games away from Steam itself. If you wanted to support games without giving Valve money, the option was and still is already there. And while it ain't perfect, it's still a lot better than Epic's pitiful offering. How does Steam stop someone from setting the price super high on steam itself to encourage everyone to buy from a different source where they get a better cut? by Tafdolphin » Thu Mar 21, 2019 5:20 pm PsychicSykes wrote: Big post. First off, that image is bobbins isn't it? We're talking about competition for Steam here rather than the abstract idea of competition as a market driver. None of those sites are Valve's competition. Not a few of them are actually Steam key resellers which aren't competition more than they are subcontractors. Before Epic, none of those stores were trying to compete with Valve, they simply carved out their own piece of the ecosystem like tiny planets orbiting the star of Steam. Epic is the first real competition Valve have faced since the creation of Steam, and as any free-market capitalist would tell you, competition, real competition, always benefits the consumer.* Now, regarding mods and achievements...that's a valid criticism of Epic's store. It's also apparently a pain to navigate and is fairly resource intensive. Without getting sarcastic...why does that ring a bell?** It's a new service and will no doubt improve but I will admit that for a certain subset of people, Epic's lack of support here might put them off purchasing an exclusive. What worries me is the lack of thought behind instinctive 'Epic? strawberry float off' reactions though. It smacks of fanboyism, quite honestly. For the first time in a generation Valve has a reason to improve itself, to make Steam a safer, more inclusive and possibly more affordable place to be. Epic don't have carte blanche on their pricing as you suggest as, yes, they're in competition with Steam and competition drives consumer prices down, not up. Developers too have already reaped the benefits as Epic have sparked a price war on publisher percentages too, not to mention many smaller game devs being in-profit before release thanks to exclusivity deals. And to top it all off none of these exclusives are...exclusives. They're timed. If you really, really want those mods and achievements you have a choice: buy it now, or wait till it releases on Steam. Valve have spent far too long being the sole masters of their domain. As this article sums up, it's about bloody time someone else came along. https://www.pcgamesn.com/rami-ismail-interview *strawberry float free-market capitalism **Because this was exactly how Steam launched. Meep Location: Belfast by Meep » Thu Mar 21, 2019 6:34 pm People seem to be forgetting that Valve got where it is today by forcing you to buy certain games through steam. There was outrage at the time. I do not defend this practice but if it helps establish competitors then it may balance out in the long run. Epic don't seem be anywhere near as good as GOG (blessed be GOG and its DRM free goodness, amen), but then neither is Steam (Valve officially abandoned any attempt at curation and now looking around the store feels like you're a hobo trying to pick salvage out of a rubbish dump). My main gripe with Epic is their required online connectivity. Steam do this too but not to the same stasi-esque strictness. If I buy a single player game I do not expect to be barred from it because I had to the audacity to have an interruption to my broadband. Qikz #420BlazeIt ♥ by Qikz » Thu Mar 21, 2019 7:28 pm Meep wrote: People seem to be forgetting that Valve got where it is today by forcing you to buy certain games through steam. There was outrage at the time. I do not defend this practice but if it helps establish competitors then it may balance out in the long run. It's not a competitor. It's just another storefront with different exclusives. There's no "competition" here. The Watching Artist wrote: I feel so inept next to Qikz... No, it's not "bobbins." If I purchase a key from Humble, Steam gets no cut and loses out on that sale, so it is in both parties interests to compete for my money. It's the same as buying a game for a console and I doubt you'd argue there was a lack of competition or monopoly there. Glad to see you agree that Epic's Store is dogshit as a program. Unfortunately I can't agree with your logic that because Steam wasn't great when it launched, Epic gets a free pass. Standards have changed since 2003 and with good reason. If I launched a car today and it came without a spare-tyre, electric windows and any way of listening to music, I'd be laughed out of town and the same applies to Epic. Same reason Nintendo got scorn for their meagre offering when it comes to online, except Nintendo aren't basing their entire philosophy around it like Epic are. People aren't instinctively reacting to games being on Epic Store in a hostile manner and to try and paint that as the issue while throwing the word fanboy in there comes dangerously close to strawmanning. Nobody has complained about Hades being exclusive to Epic Store, for instance. Unlike Metro Exodus, Phoenix Point and The Outer Worlds, that game was never announced for Steam and therefore Epic aren't literally paying money to take something away. If Epic continue to fund original content in this manner, great. Given their balance of moneyhatted titles compared to original ones so far though, I have my doubts. (It's also worth mentioning in scenarios like Microsoft buying exclusivity to Tomb Raider a few years back, a similar reaction happened.) Your argument that Epic existing will drive prices down baffles me. I don't know how a scenario where products aren't allowed to be sold elsewhere on a store that to my knowledge has never offered any type of sale is supposed to reduce prices. Could you expand on this? Ok. I really disagree with everything you've said there. I made the points I wanted to make and you don't agree with me either. I don't think me expanding on anything is going to help here. I think your arguments are reactionary and are not taking into account historical context. I think you're misrepresenting the current PC marketplace. We're not going to reach an accord on any of these so yeah. I'm out. Outerworlds looks nice though, eh? by Jenuall » Thu Mar 21, 2019 9:40 pm Epic should be receiving gooseberry fool for the state of their store/platform. Launching something this late in the game that lacks core features like cloud saves, offline play etc. is absolutely worthy of derision. Locking games to their platform and providing no other mechanism for the developers to sell those games to the market is also a dick move. Steam allows developers to generate keys and distribute them how they see fit - other vendors can then set their price and sell them on to users in a transaction that is entirely independent of Valve. There is scope for competition in that environment. In Epic's world the only way to play a game is to buy it from them directly. Valve are dicks and steam still has major problems, but Epics vision of the market (based on its current state) has as many demons as it does virtues. Photek by Photek » Fri Mar 22, 2019 1:56 pm My one prevailing memory of Steam was that I had to install it to play Half Life 2. Grcades resident banana split. Cheeky Devlin Location: The Dark And Lonely Regions, Where Nobody Goes. Contact Cheeky Devlin by Cheeky Devlin » Fri Mar 22, 2019 3:23 pm So.... Outer Worlds looks pretty good. I'm looking forward to playing that. Check out some of our stuff! JOIN OUR MINECRAFT REALM HERE! https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/ ... sp=sharing by Jenuall » Sat Mar 23, 2019 11:00 am Yeah I'm really looking forward to this, getting good vibes from what has been revealed so far. by PsychicSykes » Sat Mar 23, 2019 3:20 pm Tafdolphin wrote: Ok. I really disagree with everything you've said there. I made the points I wanted to make and you don't agree with me either. I don't think me expanding on anything is going to help here. And yet my arguments are echoed elsewhere, even some in this thread, while you have decided yours aren't even worth continuing to debate. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ At least we can agree on Outer Worlds looking decent. It'll be interesting to see what sort of pricing they go for elsewhere when the exclusivity runs out. by Tafdolphin » Sat Mar 23, 2019 3:40 pm Well, that's not true is it? I mean, I posted why I didn't want to continue and it has nothing to do with validity! There's no need to get salty my dude. Agree to disagree. I'm not salty, just disappointed as I was looking forward to further discussion. Apologies if it came across that way. If there's any further Epic Store talk it should probably be in a new thread anyway so fair enough. Monkey Man by Monkey Man » Sun Mar 31, 2019 7:47 am LewisD AKA: L3wisD Location: Reading, Berkshire Contact LewisD by LewisD » Sun Mar 31, 2019 8:44 am Looks really cool! Looks like a mash up of Fallout, Bioshock, Borderlands and KOTOR in a way.... And I don't mind that at all!
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaCommonCrawl'}
With the steadily rising interest rates placing a hold on most people's search for new property, Ian Wason of mortgage experts BondBusters anticipates that we could well see a rise in remortgages as people stay put and choose to renovate their current homes instead. As the crippling rates hikes continue to make buying new homes less and less affordable one has to feel that, for the next while at least, South Africans who want to 'move up' in the world are going to have to sit tight. Further rate hikes have not been ruled out and it is agreed that most upwardly mobile South Africans are going to have to make do with what they've got for the time being. But, says Ian Wason, MD of mortgage and remortgage specialists BondBusters, that doesn't mean they have to sit still. "Of course the rate hikes are going to have an adverse effect on the mortgage market, but that doesn't mean we see the next few months to be a period of total stagnation. People are still after some form of lifestyle change and we expect to see the number of renovations go up. This means activity on the remortgage front." "While families may not be able to finance an entirely new property, they may be able to secure finance for an additional room or bathroom. You might even see a number of people building swimming pools or adding garages." "While new dream homes may have become pipedreams for the time being, people could renovate what they already have if they are in need of a change." People who apply for remortgages may well find that they can counter the interest rate rise that is set to cripple so many over the next while "If their salaries have increased since they first secured the loan people may well qualify for a further advance or a better rate of interest than they are currently getting from their banks. Shopping around for the best rate on anything should be second nature in the current environment." Moving home under the current economic conditions would be trying on several fronts says Wason. "Apart from the increase in the cost of financing a new home there is the added worry that people who sell in the next while aren't going to get a good deal for their current homes. And then there are transfer costs of nearly 15% in South Africa. All in all, many people will have to shelve ideas of moving. Getting a remortgage negates things like selling your current home below its potential value as well as the transfer costs involved with buying a new property. So, if wanting a pool is one of the reasons you want to move, rather put one in to your existing property. You may even find you come to love your current house again."
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Amazon paves direction for thousands of items to return to India site 9 February, 2019 11:09 AM Amazon's fulfillment center on the outskirts of Bangalore. The firm faces renewed pressure in India. AFP Amazon has struck a deal that will allow hundreds of thousands of products forced offline because of new e-commerce rules to return to its Indian site, a source said Friday. Some 400,000 items disappeared from Amazon.in after stringent regulations banning online marketplaces from selling products from firms in which they have a stake came into force last week. The government announced the surprise restrictions in December after complaints from brick-and-mortar retailers that e-commerce giants were unfairly selling products at discounted prices. Amazon and US rival Walmart — which bought a 77-percent share in Indian e-commerce behemoth Flipkart last year — are investing billions of dollars in India's rapidly growing online consumer market. The new rules, which also forbid e-tailers from entering into exclusive deals with sellers, sent them scurrying to comply. Two of Amazon's local venture partners, including a firm called Cloudtail, were forced to remove thousands of items from the US company's website after the regulations kicked in on February 1. On Friday, a person familiar with the matter told AFP that Amazon had agreed to sell much of its stake in the company which holds Cloudtail. "With the new structure, Cloudtail becomes completely compliant with the new laws and therefore they can now come back and list as sellers," the source said. "Hundreds of thousands of products will be back," they added. Indian law already prevents foreign-owned companies from selling directly on their internet sites so the e-commerce companies had been buying in bulk and then selling the products to favored vendors. These then resell the products at discount on the e-commerce sites who legally remain intermediaries. Analysts have said that the new rules will force Amazon and Walmart, which paid $16 billion for its majority stake in Flipkart, to rethink their Indian operations. India's nationalist government is seeking to strengthen home-grown enterprises against foreign competition ahead of a looming general election in which Prime Minister Narendra Modi will seek a second term. IMF cuts global growth forecast to 3.7% for 2018, 2019 as risks rise 9 October, 2018 12:46 PM Some 400,000 items disappeared from Amazon.in after stringent regulations banning online marketplaces from selling products from firms in which they have a stake came into force last week. The government announced the surprise restrictions in December after complaints from brick-and-mortar retailers that e-commerce giants were unfairly selling products at discounted prices.
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White House Confirms Discussing News Report About Trump-Russia Ties With FBI Cindy Saine FILE - President Donald Trump, with, from second from left, Chief of Staff Reince Priebus, Vice President Mike Pence, White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer and then National Security Adviser Michael Flynn, speaks on the phone with Russian President Vladimir Putin in the Oval Office at the White House in Washington, Jan. 28, 2017. STATE DEPARTMENT — Senior Trump administration officials have confirmed White House chief of staff Reince Priebus had a conversation with senior FBI officials about published news reports on alleged communications between officials from Trump's presidential campaign and Russia. The discussions between the White House and the Federal Bureau of Investigation on the subject of an ongoing FBI probe could violate longstanding Department of Justice ethics rules restricting such White House contact with the FBI on pending investigations. But the senior administration officials, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to reporters early Friday, strongly denied media reports (CNN and Associated Press) that the FBI refused a White House request to publicly repudiate a New York Times report that alleged communications between close Trump associates and Russian government officials during the 2016 campaign. FBI Director James Comey waits for the start of a meeting with Attorney General Jeff Session at the Department of Justice in Washington, Feb. 9, 2017. 'What can we do about this' CNN reported that Priebus reached out to FBI Director James Comey and Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, asking them to debunk stories about alleged Trump associates' contacts with Russia. Comey refused. Senior administration officials told reporters Friday that McCabe initiated the conversation with Priebus after a White House meeting, telling him there was nothing to the reports. Officials said Priebus asked McCabe "what can we do about this" and that the White House was "getting crushed" on the story. Comey reportedly called Priebus and told him the agency could not issue an FBI statement debunking the report,according to senior officials. FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe holds a press conference in Washington, July 20, 2016. Pelosi calls for investigation Democratic House Minority leader Nancy Pelosi issued a statement Friday calling for the Justice Department to investigate Priebus' contact with the FBI. "The Trump White House has been caught trying to pressure the FBI into undermining a vital national security investigation into explosive ties between senior Trump officials and Russian intelligence agents, an action which is in violation of Department of Justice rules and may be illegal," Pelosi's statement read. Trump has been dogged by persistent questions about his potential ties to Russia since he won the 2016 presidential election. House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi of Calif., speaks to reporters following the House Democratic Caucus elections on Capitol Hill in Washington, Nov. 30, 2016, for House leadership positions. Russia interference being probed U.S. intelligence services have concluded Russia intervened in the U.S. election by hacking into Democratic National Committee emails and leaking them, as well as pushing fake reports aimed at hurting the reputation of Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton. U.S. intelligence services and several congressional committees are investigating Russia's interference in the U.S election. Last week, National Security Adviser Michael Flynn resigned following reports he misled Vice President Mike Pence and other White House officials about his frequent contacts with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak during the transition period before Trump's inauguration. Trump and his team members deny having had contacts with Russian officials during the presidential campaign.Last week, Trump said "nobody that I now of" talked to Russian intelligence service officials. Early Friday, the president took to Twitter to blast the FBI and demand that "leakers" be found. "The FBI is totally unable to stop the national security 'leakers' that have permeated our government for a long time. They can't even ... find the leakers within the FBI itself. Classified information is being given to media that could have a devastating effect on U.S. FIND NOW," he tweeted. ​Trump on Friday also continued his sharp criticism of the media during remarks at the Conservative Political Action Conference. Later in the day, prominent media outlets, including The New York Times, CNN and Politico, were excluded from a briefing with White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer. Officials: Trump Adviser Asked FBI to Dispute Russia Reports Russian Ministry Website Adds Section on Western 'Fake News' Two Senior US Senators Question Trump's Grasp of Foreign Affairs Issues
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Narco-Trafficking & Attacks on Human Rights Defenders Cabrera v. Jiménez Naranjo One of Colombia's most violent paramilitary commanders, known as Macaco, confessed to the murders of hundreds of civilians committed by the Bloque Central Bolívar (BCB), a paramilitary group he founded in the late 1980s and led until its demobilization in 2005. Yet he has never been held to account for these crimes. He was extradited to the United States in 2008 on drug charges, and has so far enjoyed impunity for his role in the widespread human rights atrocities committed under his command. For over a decade, CJA has sought to hold him accountable for torture and extrajudicial killing in U.S. court. On the night of July 16, 2001, Eduardo Estrada and his partner were walking down a street in San Pablo, Colombia, when a paramilitary soldier approached the pair and shot Eduardo execution-style in the head. The shooting occurred near a local police station. A government soldier passed by Eduardo, lying bleeding on the ground. Neither the police nor the soldier provided assistance. It was only after his family arrived at the scene and flagged down a passing car that he finally made it to a hospital. He died that night. Over a thousand people attended Eduardo's funeral. He had been a leader of the social justice organization Program for Peace and Development in the Middle Magdalena (PDP) and an active member of his local community. His assassin was a member of the right-wing paramilitary group known as the Bloque Central Bolívar (BCB), which had overtaken Eduardo's town of San Pablo since 1999. The BCB was founded and commanded by Carlos Mario Jiménez Naranjo, known as Macaco. Members of the BCB later confessed that they had been ordered to kill Eduardo because his activities to benefit his community, including his work as a PDP leader, threatened their control over the region. Alma Rosa Jaramillo Lafourie was another victim of the BCB. Because of her work as a human rights attorney and a PDP leader, the BCB denounced her as a left-wing rebel sympathizer and repeatedly threatened her at her home. On July 1, 2001, parts of Alma Rosa's body were recovered from a river. She had been tortured, mutilated, and dismembered. In 2003, the BCB began to demobilize under the Colombian Justice and Peace Process. Macaco began to participate in this process in 2005 and admitted responsibility for over 400 violent crimes. Although Eduardo and Alma Rosa's families sought accountability from Macaco through the transitional justice process in Colombia, their hopes for redress were abruptly ended in 2008 when Macaco was extradited to the United States to face prosecution for drug trafficking. Macaco was convicted on international drug trafficking charges and sentenced to 33 years in a Florida prison. Eduardo and Alma Rosa were among the thousands of civilians who were killed or tortured by the BCB as part of its brutal campaign to control the Middle Magdalena region. The BCB's violent reign was largely enabled by the collaboration with local state security forces, a symbiotic relationship between state actors and the paramilitaries that was common in the Middle Magdalena region. Neither Macaco nor the more than a dozen high-ranking paramilitaries extradited to the United States on narcotrafficking charges have ever been prosecuted for their human rights abuses by the United States government. In 2010, CJA filed suit against Macaco on behalf of the surviving family members of Eduardo and Alma Rosa, seeking justice for human rights violations committed under Macaco's command of the BCB. Claims related to Alma Rosa Jaramillo murder were dismissed in September 2014, and after substantial additional litigation finally extinguished on September 30, 2015. While CJA and its legal partners continue to evaluate options for the Jaramillo family, we proceeded on the Estrada family claims. In July 2019, Macaco was granted early release from federal prison in exchange for his cooperation with the U.S. government and returned to Colombia. He was arrested upon arrival in Colombia and remains detained in Bogotá. Justice in Colombian courts remains elusive for the families of Macaco's victims. On September 27, 2021, a U.S. federal court granted Plaintiffs' motion for summary judgment and held Macaco responsible for torture and extrajudicial killing. In a landmark decision, the court held that [t]here is an abundance of evidence in this record that the BCB operated in a symbiotic relationship with Colombian state actors." The court went on to find that BCB paramilitaries extrajudicially killed Eduardo Estrada and tortured his common law wife and held Macaco accountable for those human rights atrocities – a first in a U.S. courtroom. Over the course of this litigation, CJA and its probono partners traveled to Colombia multiple times to take depositions from witnesses, including former paramilitary members. The legal team gathered extensive documentary evidence and obtained documents from Macaco that he had previously refused to disclose. Following the victory in U.S. court, CJA will continue to support the work of our local partners to seek justice for victims of the BCB in Colombia. Legal Actions & Related Projects
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaCommonCrawl'}
One of the things you tend to forget as you progress into a field of expertise is how hard the first steps were. I feel that responding when gaze strikes a hologram or showing some data when an hologram is air tapped are fairly basic - but judging by the number of questions I get for "how to do this", this is apparently not so straightforward as it seems. So I decided to make a little sample that you can get from GitHub here. Now this model consist out a lot of sub objects, so this is nice model to interact with. For registering focus (that is, the gaze cursor strikes it): a behaviour that implements IFocusable. But this satellite has like 41 parts, and if we have to manually add a collider and 1 or two behaviors to that, it's a bit bothersome. That in this case, we can solve that by using a behaviour that sets that up for us. Mind you, that's not always possible. But for this simple sample we can. When the hologram-part is clicked (and OnInputClicked is called, which is a mandatory method when you implement IInputClickHandler) it checks if a tooltip already exists. If a tooltip already exists, it's is deleted again. This behaviour get it's tooltip prefab handed from the InteractionBuilder. As I said, InteractionBuider should be dragged on the CommunicationSatellite root hologram, and now we have built our DataDisplayer, we can actually do so. Now in itself this is of course pretty much useless, but in stead of displaying the name directly you can also use the name or some other attribute of the Hologram part to reach out to a web service or a local data file, using that attribute as a key, fetch some data connected to that attribute and show that data. Is it a fairly commonly used pattern, but is up to you - and outside the scope of this blog - to have some data file or web service with connect. It sometimes helps to make code self-explanatory and to write it like this. And that's all there is to it. As I wrote, I would like to suggest showing else than the name of the hologram as that is not very interesting. Also, a bit more elaborate way of showing the data than using the the Tooltip might be considered. But the principle - implementing IInputClickHandler and IFocusable and acting on that - stays the same. The finished demo project can be found here.
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
Travis Bishop from the Ft. Lewis stockade Now Playing: prisoner of conscience needs your letters and solidarity SOLIDARITY = LOVE Serving a 12-month prison sentence as an Amnesty Internationaldesignated "prisoner of conscience," Travis refused to deploy to Afghanistan based on his religious beliefs after having had filed for a conscientious objector discharge. Donate to Travis' ongoing legal expenses. By Travis Bishop. October 20, 2009 The support I have gotten for my decision has been extraordinary. I can never repay the help and support I've gotten, but I will try hard to once I'm released. Things here at Fort Lewis are grim. I was in isolation the first ten days I was here. It was hell, and I never want to go back to that. Now I'm in a bay of around 20 guys and it's a little better, but we are treated like children, or murderers, by most of the guards. They forget very quickly that we were all soldiers once… They barley even show us common human courtesy and respect. I'm two months into my sentence. With good behavior I should be out of here on June 14, 2010. This place is an assault on my mind, body and spirit. This whole atmosphere is foreign to me, and I think they pride themselves on that. If anyone wants to write me, please tell them that I would love to get mail. Letters are the best part of the day. I'm going to try very hard to answer every letter. If someone sends me a letter, and it gets sent back to them [rejected by the military], wait about a week, and then send it to me again. This gives me time to put their address on my approved mail list. Only put your name—no organizations. The only things people can send me are letters—pen and paper only. No stickers or glitter or anything like that. The mail system is very strict here. Again, thank you to everyone for your support. Please write to Travis at: David Travis Bishop Fort Lewis, WA 98433 Note that the Army will likely reject your first letter, and maybe your second also. Please keep trying to send Travis mail as he really wants to hear from you. When your letter is rejected, sometimes Travis gets to see the envelope. If so, he is then able to add your name to his approved correspondence list. Posted by Joe Anybody at 1:28 PM PDT Updated: Saturday, 31 October 2009 1:25 PM PDT Mohawk Nation News Mood: don't ask Now Playing: POLISH DEATH PROBED – ATTEMPT ON MOHAWK IGNORED Topic: NATIVE AMERICANS From: Mohawk Nation News (ioriwase@mail.mohawknationnews.com) Sent: Fri 10/30/09 10:49 AM To: joe anybody POLISH DEATH PROBED – ATTEMPT ON MOHAWK IGNORED MNN. Oct. 29, 2009. On October 14th 2007, Polish immigrant, Robert Dziekanski, was killed by the RCMP at the customs venue in Vancouver Airport. He was tasered, knocked down and hit again. He screamed in pain on the floor. They fired again, again and again until he died. Dziekanski had come from Poland to visit his mother, who had been waiting for him at the arrivals level for 7 hours. A bystander video taped his death with his cell phone. The RCMP were all buffed up with body armor, hand guns, pepper spray and collapsible batons. They said they feared for their safety when he picked up the stapler and waved it at them. The state is spending millions on an highly publicized investigation into his death. What's the difference between this and the attack on Kahentinetha Horn at the Akwesasne border on June 14, 2009? The CBSA Canadian Border Services Agency video taped this vicious assault which they hide for reasons of National Security. Many witnesses have signed affidavits. Horn was pulled over by the border guards to wait for hours. CBSA and a squad of heavily equipped commandos appeared. They surrounded her car, grabbed her and used stress tactics that brought on a heart attack. The border guards tried to push her to bend forward so the blood would rush into her heart and kill her. She survived. This attack has been kept out of mainstream news. Every request to the RCMP, OPP and Attorney General of Canada to investigate this crime has been stopped. Canada does not want a review of their agents torturing and trying to kill a 69 year old woman who was peacefully crossing the border at Akwesasne. Horn went to the Federal Court of Canada to file an action to investigate this crime. FCC issued an order that she must pay for all of the Crown's costs starting with a $20,000 deposit. They declared she lives in the Mohawk community of Kahnawake and therefore is not a resident of Canada. This is an admission that we are sovereign. Many have been brutalized at this border. The colonial Akwesasne Mohawk Council is hiring a high profile lawyer, paid by Canada, to mount a class action suit against Canada, mainly to avoid the sovereignty, international border and land issues. Indigenous victims will be urged to take a settlement. The deal will probably try to absolve Canada of guilt and responsibility in the eyes of their law. Canada knows this is an international nation-to-nation issue. The lawyer will say the ruling is a great victory for the Indigenous, blah, blah, blah. Canada will keep pretending they are in control of their Indians. The foreigners need guns to assert their illegitimate authority. In Akwesasne we are in our homes, doing nothing wrong. When some antagonistic armed border goon confronts us, our guard goes up. An issue is created and we could be killed. Armed camps are being created around us to force us to defend ourselves against their brutality and weapons. Since they have guns, shouldn't we have guns to defend ourselves from them? Any law abiding peaceful and compliant individual, black, white, yellow or brown, who shows up at the border is confronted with tasers and guns. They can become a victim, attacked and killed. Because it's at the border the goons think they can walk away scot free with no fear of retaliation. Is Canada at war with us? Why are they pointing us at us? The corporations, Wall Street, bankers, military and lawyers now control governments. Anyone asserting self-determination and sovereignty or questioning their lack of jurisdiction in a resource rich territory is considered an enemy. We have been declared terrorists or enemy combatants and denied civil, sovereign and human rights. Dziekanski was a visitor with more rights to an investigation than us. He was killed to desensitize the public to what state agents will do to enforce their will. The RCMP took 7 hours to plan his killing and to work up the nerve to do it. In the Horn case, they spent over an hour and botched it. Kahentinetha MNN Mohawk Nation News, www.mohawknationnews.com kahentinetha2@yahoo.com Note: Your financial help is needed and appreciated. Please send your donations by check or money order to "MNN Mohawk Nation News", Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0. Or go to PayPal on MNN website. Nia:wen thank you very much. Go to MNN BORDER category for more stories; New MNN Books Available now! NOTE: Charges could not be brought against the CBSA border guards unless the victims paid the crown's court costs. Federal Court of Canada Prothonotary Mireille Tabib made an order on October 23, 2008 that Mohawks residing in Akwesasne and Kahnawake are not residents of Canada. Two supporting FCC orders were made by Judge Francois Lemieux on January 29, 2009; and Claude Morissette on March 16, 2009. FCA T-1309-08 and T-288-09. Posted by Joe Anybody at 11:15 AM PDT Protester Arrested on Courthouse Steps in Portland 10.29.09 Now Playing: Torture Protester Activist Arrested - Video Coming Soon One protester was arrested today in Portland Oregon for peacefully handing out fliers on the 9th circuit Courthouse front porch (steps) After being (rudely) told (by security guards) to leave the steps, the protester replied just as rudely (but louder) "Get out of my face" to the security guard. Well that caused the guard to go into "over ride" Like 2 men in a bar the guard was not gonna have "anyone tell him" ...and the cuffs came out as a dozen citizens watched from the sidewalk, yelling "Faschism, let him go, Liar, etc" The protester who it is rumored is a doctor was pulled (on his feet) into the building (Pioneer Courthouse) The rude fascist arrest was all captured on video and I will be posting it here latter this evening (asap) on www.Joe-Anybody.com **** UPDATE **** Video Release is now here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hArhTXv4ths The accompanying video (before & after the arrest) is here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3CU3SZclZrU Sad to be having to read this travel report about Iraq Mood: crushed out Now Playing: why do I feel sick after reading this? Editorial sketchbook: Something approaching beauty in Baghdad By Mike Francis, The Oregonian October 21, 2009, 5:31PM http://bit.ly/43ZfQW MIKE FRANCIS/THE OREGONIAN The rotunda of Al Faw Palace in Baghdad where Oregon National Guard troops have been assigned.CAMP VICTORY SOUTH, Iraq -- Saddam Hussein's artistic sensibilities, like those of many self-important dictators, were somewhat blunted. He was given to pseudo-classical motifs, clumsy statuary and, of course, he had a fondness for heroic images of himself. Yet here at the former Al Faw Palace compound, now the center of a massive military base on the western edge of Baghdad, Saddam's vision found something approaching beauty. The Al Faw compound is a complex of substantial, buff-colored buildings, built on man-made peninsulas and ringing a series of lakes formed by canals from the Tigris River. There remains much for an architectural critic to disdain, but there is also the foundation for an upscale resort that could impress even jaded world travelers. There are just a few things to do before Iraq can hang out the welcome sign: Lose the concertina wire. And the sandbags. And the blast walls. And the Porta-Potties. And the uniformed Ugandans who stand at the checkpoints with rifles slung over their shoulders. And the stream of paired Black Hawk helicopters, racing over the near horizon. And the signs warning of the authorization of deadly force against intruders. And, if possible, minimize the frequency of unexplained explosions, which tend to bring visitors out to the sidewalk with questions on their lips. ("Controlled det, I think," muttered one last week.) In fact, Al Faw, for all its hard edges, is a showpiece for the U.S. military. Late-night comic Stephen Colbert performed here. The Army hosts band parties on the patio overlooking the lakes. The military even has set up an honest-to-goodness hotel in the pillared hunting lodge that looks west toward Al Faw. Today, the hotel is a project of the Oregon Army National Guard, whose soldiers check in guests, show them to their rooms and explain when the dining room opens for breakfast. It turns out the Army needed somebody to operate a hotel at Camp Victory, the better to entertain visitors, distinguished and otherwise. So the job was assigned to the incoming soldiers of Oregon's 41st Brigade. So bring your duffel bag to the front desk and say hello to the uniformed soldier behind the desk. He (or she) will be happy to guide you to the Chief Joseph Room, across the parking lot full of armored Humvees. He'll be happy to show where the soldiers fish for the carp, eels and other unlovely species that populate the lake. And, good host that he is, he'll advise you against eating anything you pull out of these waters. Then, when the door closes behind you, you'll lie on your bed and think, "If only Saddam could see me now." --Mike Francis Associate Editor Mike Francis is in Iraq reporting on the Oregon National Guard soldiers assigned to tours of duty there. Read more and comment at: blog.oregonlive.com/oregonatwar/ Podcast by Joe Anybody this is #7 Now Playing: AUDIO: Dhar Jamil discusses the current and future US military bases in Iraq. click here to download PODCAST # 7 Hey Z3 Readers here is podcast number 7 ..its not my opinion, it is me reading an email I recieved from the E-listserve by Dahr Jamil, the independent journalist in Iraq. Dhar Jamil discusses the current and future US military bases in Iraq. He relays information from inside Iraq, on the SOFA program and the buildup of forces despite the news being told in America that we are moving bases out of Iraq. Dhar gives insight on how the Iraq government is not helping in the betterment of their country, nor is the Obama administration, or our US military bases word/play game. This 6:59 min audio podcast , was recorded on 7.10.09 from a recent email alert I received from Dhar and thus read aloud and saved as an audio file. I posted this on my website on 10.25.09. ~ my podcast page ~ http://www.joe-anybody.com/id137.html Updated: Sunday, 25 October 2009 7:34 PM PDT Christians and Torture Now Playing: Torture is Not Only Immoral, It is Criminal Topic: TORTURE Major Religions Call for Investigation into by Charles Busch http://www.peaceworker.org/2009/09/major-religions-call-for-investigation-into-torture/ Our nation is presently involved in a debate about the sanctioned use of torture by the United States since 9/11. Is it enough to denounce torture and focus on the future, or do we need to investigate the past and seek accountability? This question takes in considerable territory, including the security of the state and the insistence of justice. But for me, ultimately, it is a question of conscience, collective and individual. On June 11 this year, in solidarity with religious leaders from five major religions standing in front of the White House, it was my privilege to stand with Rev. Bonnie Tarwater, minister of the Congregational United Church of Christ in Lincoln City and Rev. Carl Reynolds, a member of that congregation. The purpose of our witness along Highway 101 in downtown was to add our voices to the call for a Commission of Inquiry into U.S. torture practices. Torture is Not Only Immoral, It is Criminal As a Christian, I am heartened by this public witness because, during the Nazi reign in Germany, almost all the leaders of Christian churches held their tongues and ignored Nazi crimes in exchange for being left alone to worship and pursue personal piety. Among the few heroic leaders who risked dissention, was Dietrich Bonhoeffer, a pastor and theologian. Marilynne Robinson writes that Bonheoffer "chastised those who accommodated their religion to the prevailing culture so thoroughly as to have made the prevailing culture their religion." Bonhoeffer was imprisoned and hanged in 1945 as a traitor. As a child in Sunday school, I learned that intentional cruelty to another person is immoral, and as a Marine Corps recruit, I learned that torture is a crime under the Uniform Code of Military Justice. These early instructions confirmed what my conscience already knew, that the nightmare stuff of torture is evil. Humans throughout the world hate and fear torture. This is evidenced by more than a century of Geneva Conventions. Specifically, the Third Geneva Conventions were enacted in 1949 to govern the treatment of prisoners of war. Articles 13 to 16 state that prisoners of war must be treated humanely and their medical needs met. Articles 17 to 20 state what information a prisoner must give and the limits of interrogation: "No physical or mental torture, nor any other form of coercion." Nearly all 200 countries of the world are signatory nations. In addition, the 1985 U.N. Convention against Torture was ratified by the United States and 64 other nations. Nationally, our Constitution has guarantees against cruel and unusual punishment, the Uniform Code of Military Justice prohibits torture, and the War Crimes Act of 1996 limits interrogation practices. We are a nation of laws. Evidence that these codes against torture had been violated by U.S. personnel emerged when photographs were published in April 2004 of prisoners being abused in Abu Ghraib Prison in Iraq. Then came allegations of excessive interrogation practices of "enemy combatants" at the American naval base at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. In 2005, the secretary-general of Amnesty International called Guantanamo "the gulag of our times." Then, word of secret "black site" prisons emerged. In April 2009, the Washington Post published a leaked confidential inspection report by the International Red Cross (which is charged with monitoring war crimes). This report provided detailed evidence of the torture of prisoners at "black sites" by CIA and other government-paid personnel. The evidence is persuasive and mounting that crimes against humanity have been committed and were sanctioned (i.e., practiced in multiple prisons over a period of years). The details are horrific. They include: the water-boarding of a single prisoner 183 times, men chained by their wrists from the ceiling for days, toes barely touching the floor, men deprived of sleep for more than a week straight, forced feeding, slamming prisoners into walls up to 30 times in a row, brain washing, and men sitting in cells with music blasting their ears for days on end. Many men were jailed without evidence or any legal charge for years. A child would know these acts are monstrous. How Will our Nation Respond to its Own Crimes? How will we, as a nation, respond to evidence of our own crimes against humanity? In this, I am guided by my Christian understanding that the life of each person is sacred, and that we are all part of one intricate, indivisible whole. I am also guided by two principles. First: However politically inconvenient, when a crime has been committed, it may not be ignored. Second: To create a just future, we must first be honest about our past. To date, only a few low-level soldiers have been held accountable and served jail sentences. But with the recent release of the "Torture Memos," written in August 2002 and March 2003 by five Justice Department lawyers, it is obvious that torture was policy approved at the highest levels of government. The purpose of these memos, which attempt a legal rationale for torture, was to provide immunity from future prosecution. As I stood in Lincoln City, the leaders of five major religious faiths also stood, with other clergy and lay leaders, on Pennsylvania Ave in front of the White House to deliver a collective message to our President. Participants included the president of my church denomination, Rev. John Thomas (United Church of Christ), Archbishop Vicken Aykazian (Armenian Church in America), Rabbi Steve Gutow (Executive Director of the Jewish Council for Public Affairs), Ingrid Mattson (President of the Islamic Society of North America), and the Rev. Michael Cinnamon (General Secretary of the National Council of Churches). They came as a united part of The National Religious Campaign Against Torture (NRCAT). The message they delivered: President Obama, we look to you and the Department of Justice to authorize a Commission of Inquiry into recent U.S. torture practices. This Commission must be independent and nonpartisan. If it is found that crimes have been committed, then the responsible individuals must be indicted and held accountable. In this call for accountability, there is no place for self-righteousness. Since May 2004, it has been public information that torture was being committed by the United States, and we citizens did not do what was needed to stop it. We are all complicit. At the heart of torture is an ancient, recurring lie: That the pain inflicted on just one more person will save us. Every Christian knows and ought to abhor this lie; it's the very lie that led to Jesus' torture and political execution. Will we as a nation investigate and be accountable? As we consider our answer, we do well to listen to these words from Stanley Kunitz's poem, "Bonhoeffer." Slime, in the grains of the State, like smut in the corn, from the top infected Hatred made law, wolves bred out of maggots rolling in blood, and the seal of the church ravished to receive the crooked sign. All the steeples were burning. In the chapel of his ear he had heard the midnight bells jangling: if you permit this evil, what is the good of the good of your life? And he forsook the last things, the dear inviolable mysteries— Plato's lamp, passed from the hand of saint to saint— that he might risk his soul in the streets, where the things given are only next to last.Φ Charles Busch, the founder and President of Peace Village, Inc. and a United Church of Christ minister, lives on the Oregon Coast. Photo courtesy of : Ken McCormack I have a link on "Torture Proof" on my website located here: http://www.joe-anybody.com/id15.html Posted by Joe Anybody at 7:02 AM PDT GOOD PASSWORD POLICY Mood: mischievious Now Playing: Insecure Passwords Fix Your Terrible, Insecure Passwords in Five Minutes A foolproof technique to secure your computer, e-mail, and bank account. By Farhad Manjoo Posted Friday, July 24, 2009, at 7:05 AM ET http://www.slate.com/id/2223478/pagenum/all/#p2 It's tempting to blame the victim. In May, a twentysomething French hacker broke into several Twitter employees' e-mail accounts and stole a trove of meeting notes, strategy documents, and other confidential scribbles. The hacker eventually gave the stash to TechCrunch, which has since published notes from meetings in which Twitter execs discussed their very lofty goals. (The company wants to be the first Web service to reach 1 billion users.) How'd the hacker get all this stuff? Like a lot of tech startups, Twitter runs without paper—much of the company's discussions take place in e-mail and over shared Google documents. All of these corporate secrets are kept secure with a very thin wall of protection: the employees' passwords, which the intruder managed to guess because some people at Twitter used the same passwords for many different sites. In other words, Twitter had it coming. The trouble is, so do the rest of us. Your passwords aren't very secure. Even if you think they are, they probably aren't. Do you use the same or similar passwords for several different important sites? If you don't, pat yourself on the back; if you do, you're not alone—one recent survey found that half of people online use the same password for all the sites they visit. Do you change your passwords often? Probably not; more than 90 percent don't. If one of your accounts falls to a hacker, will he find enough to get into your other accounts? For a scare, try this: Search your e-mail for some of your own passwords. You'll probably find a lot of them, either because you've e-mailed them to yourself or because some Web sites send along your password when you register or when you tell them you've forgotten it. If an attacker manages to get into your e-mail, he'll have an easy time accessing your bank account, your social networking sites, and your fantasy baseball roster. That's exactly what happened at Twitter. (Here's my detailed explanation of how Twitter got compromised.) Everyone knows it's bad to use the same password for different sites. People do it anyway because remembering different passwords is annoying. Remembering different difficult passwords is even more annoying. Eric Thompson, the founder of AccessData, a technology forensics company that makes password-guessing software, says that most passwords follow a pattern. First, people choose a readable word as a base for the password—not necessarily something in Webster's but something that is pronounceable in English. Then, when pressed to add a numeral or symbol to make the password more secure, most people add a 1 or ! to the end of that word. Thompson's software, which uses a "brute force" technique that tries thousands of passwords until it guesses yours correctly, can easily suss out such common passwords. When it incorporates your computer's Web history in its algorithm—all your ramblings on Twitter, Facebook, and elsewhere—Thompson's software can come up with a list of passwords that is highly likely to include yours. (He doesn't use it for nefarious ends; AccessData usually guesses passwords under the direction of a court order, for military purposes, or when companies get locked out of their own systems—"systems administrator gets hit by a bus on the way to work," Thompson says by way of example.) Security expert Bruce Schneier writes about passwords often, and he distills Thompson's findings into a few rules: Choose a password that doesn't contain a readable word. Mix upper and lower case. Use a number or symbol in the middle of the word, not on the end. Don't just use 1 or !, and don't use symbols as replacements for letters, such as @ for a lowercase A—password-guessing software can see through that trick. And of course, create unique passwords for your different sites. That all sounds difficult and time-consuming. It doesn't have to be. In Schneier's comment section, I found a foolproof technique to create passwords that are near-impossible to crack yet easy to remember. Even better, it'll take just five minutes of your time. Ready? Start with an original but memorable phrase. For this exercise, let's use these two sentences: I like to eat bagels at the airport and My first Cadillac was a real lemon so I bought a Toyota. The phrase can have something to do with your life or it can be a random collection of words—just make sure it's something you can remember. That's the key: Because a mnemonic is easy to remember, you don't have to write it down anywhere. (If you can't remember it without writing it down, it's not a good mnemonic.) This reduces the chance that someone will guess it if he gets into your computer or your e-mail. What's more, a relatively simple mnemonic can be turned into a fanatically difficult password. Which brings us to Step 2: Turn your phrase into an acronym. Be sure to use some numbers and symbols and capital letters, too. I like to eat bagels at the airport becomes Ilteb@ta, and My first Cadillac was a real lemon so I bought a Toyota is M1stCwarlsIbaT. That's it—you're done. These mnemonic passwords are hard to forget, but they contain no guessable English words. You can even create pass phrases for specific sites that are coded with a hint about their purpose. A sentence like It's 20 degrees in February, so I use Gmail lets you set a new Gmail password every month and still never forget it: i90diSsIuG for September, i30diMsIuG for March, etc. (These aren't realistic temperatures; they're the month-number multiplied by 10.) How many different such passwords do you need? Four or five at most. You don't have to keep unique passwords for every single site you visit—Thompson says it's perfectly OK to repeat passwords on sites that don't need to be kept very secure. For instance, I can use the same password for my accounts at the New York Times, the New Republic, The New Yorker, and other online magazines, because it won't hurt me too much if someone breaks into those. (My mnemonic is, I like to read snooty publications quite often.) You should probably use different passwords for each your social networking accounts—someone can do real damage by breaking into your Facebook or Twitter, so you want to keep them distinct—but you can still come up with a single systematic mnemonic to protect them: Twitter is my second favorite social networking site, MySpace is my third favorite social networking site, etc. Reserve your strongest, most distinct passwords for the few very important services that, if cracked, could do the most damage—your bank account, your computer, and most of all your e-mail, which often contains the keys to everything else in your life. To be sure, this is more of a hassle than what you're doing now—but what you're doing now is going to come back to bite you. These days, we're all dishing personal information all the time; you may think that your password is totally unguessable, but your Facebook makes clear that you're a huge U2 fan and you graduated from college in 2000. Achtung2000, eh? Just go ahead and make some new passwords right now. Trust me, you'll feel better. According to the story he gave TechCrunch, the Twitter hacker began exploiting Gmail's forgotten-password feature to get into one staffer's personal e-mail. The hacker got a bit lucky here: When he hit the forgotten-password button, Gmail gave him a hint about the secondary e-mail address that the employee had entered when he or she had set up the Gmail account: ******@h******.com. The hacker guessed that this was a Hotmail address; when he checked Hotmail for some addresses that might belong to the user, he found they were no longer active. (Hotmail, like a lot of Web e-mail services, deletes accounts that haven't been accessed in a while.) So the hacker set up the Hotmail account that Gmail thought belonged to the Twitter employee. When Gmail sent a password-reset link to the Hotmail address, it went right into the hacker's hands. (Google has recently added a feature in Gmail that occasionally prompts users to update their backup e-mail addresses.) After rifling through the Twitter employee's Gmail in search of passwords, the hacker noticed that he seemed to use similar passwords for a lot of different sites. From there, Twitter fell like a line of dominoes: The hacker used the passwords he found in the Gmail account to get into the employee's Google Apps account, which led him to company documents that contained personal information about other Twitter employees. That information allowed him to guess those employees' passwords, which gave him even more personal information, which got him even more passwords, and so on. Eventually the hacker had access not only to documents floating around inside Twitter but also to some employees' accounts at Amazon, AT&T, and iTunes. He even got into the GoDaddy account that managed some of Twitter's domain names. Farhad Manjoo is Slate's technology columnist and the author of True Enough: Learning To Live in a Post-Fact Society. You can e-mail him at farhad.manjoo@slate.com and follow him on Twitter. Article URL: http://www.slate.com/id/2223478/ Man In Black - Johnny Cash Now Playing: Johnny tells you why Now Playing: Creates Bullseye In The Sky (experiment) Topic: CONSPIRACY Creates Bullseye In The Sky http://www.blacklistednews.com/news-5975-0-7-7--.html Source: Britain News An experiment that fires powerful radio waves into the sky has created a patch of 'artificial ionosphere', mimicking the uppermost portion of Earth's atmosphere. According to a report in Nature News, the experiment is called the 'High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program' (HAARP), near Gakona, Alaska. It has spent nearly two decades using radio waves to probe Earth's magnetic field and ionosphere. One of the most obvious results of the experiments is that they can create lights in the sky that are similar to auroras, the glowing curtains of light that naturally appear in the polar skies when electrons and other charged particles pour down from Earth's protective magnetosphere into the upper atmosphere. There, at an altitude of about 250 kilometres, the charged particles collide with molecules of oxygen and nitrogen and make them emit light, similar to the process inside a fluorescent light bulb. HAARP's high-frequency radio waves can accelerate electrons in the atmosphere, increasing the energy of their collisions and creating a glow. The technique has previously triggered speckles of light while running at a power of almost 1 megawatt1. But since the facility ramped up to 3.6 megawatts - roughly three times more than a typical broadcast radio transmitter - it has created full-scale artificial auroras that are visible to the naked eye. But in February last year, HAARP managed to induce a strange bullseye pattern in the night sky. Instead of the expected fuzzy, doughnut-shaped blob, surprising irregular luminescent bands radiated out from the centre of the bullseye, according to Todd Pedersen, a research physicist at the US Air Force Research Laboratory in Massachusetts, who leads the team that ran the experiment at HAARP. The team modelled how the energy sent skywards from the HAARP antenna array would trigger these odd shapes. They determined that the areas of the bullseye with strange light patterns were in regions of denser, partially ionized gas in the atmosphere, as measured by ground-based high-frequency radar used to track the ionosphere. The scientists believe that these dense patches of plasma could be gas that was ionized by the HAARP emissions. "This is the really exciting part - we've made a little artificial piece of ionosphere," Pedersen said. "The novelty is not seeing the aurora - it's the fact that we can actually create enough high-energy electrons to form plasma," said Mike Kosch, chair of Experimental Space Science at Lancaster University, UK. "It shows something completely different and new that we hadn't expected. We didn't know we could do that from a radio array on the ground," he added. Watch This YouTube Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y67HmWTElLg Portland Human Rights Meeting Video Mood: bright Now Playing: The Portland monthly meeting is now viewable Topic: HUMANITY Portland Human Rights Meeting Full Version Video from 10.7.09 http://portland.indymedia.org/en/2009/10/394789.shtml This meeting is open to the public The full video is 1.hr 49.min 5 short video out-takes from the 2 hour meeting 1. "The Dream Act" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l7MWNp0X9j8 2. "Public Notice" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xGjIRKhmhp8 3. "Accountability" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XUTKatVogzs 4. "Police Relations" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9_eDe_FEGC4 5. "Public Announcement" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-pBaA8iCzJg Updated: Sunday, 18 October 2009 4:58 AM PDT
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaCommonCrawl'}
Preview- Abandon Ship Posted on April 12, 2018 by Jason Palazini One comment Imagine that you wake up one morning and find yourself in a dungeon covered in a veil of darkness. Your neighbors are all cloaked in hooded robes and rhythmically chanting into a bubbling abyss. Suddenly large green tentacles burst forth from the block sludge below and you snap out of your trance. It's evident this block party has gone to hell and it's time to Irish goodbye. Sadly, you aren't the most discreet and everyone notices you trip and knock over the refreshments table on your way out and everyone is angry enough about it to chase you down. That's Abandon Ship in a nutshell. The game opens up with a group of cultists summoning a Kraken from the deep where you quickly recover your senses and escape. On your way out, you have just enough time to free a few prisoners and commandeer a ship as you escape. With only a single dock, one has to wonder where the other guys got their ship. From there, Abandon Ship becomes what I affectionately refer to as a "crew-simulator". Similar to Faster Than Light, Abandon Ship is a randomly generated map focused on time-pressed exploration, gathering resources, and fleeing your pursuers across the high seas. Even in the earliest stages of the game, understanding crew roles is essential. Each crew member has a predesignated skill that will make them more useful in some areas over others. For example, you can recruit Gunners who are best assigned to man the ship's canons, increasing reload speed; or the Navigator who is best assigned to the helm of the ship, granting bonuses to ship maneuvering speed. Using each of crew members to their strength, is the only way to ensure that you'll have the combative edge against pursuing cultists. Abandon Ship's combat persists of two ships exchanging cannon fire side-by-side. Using various forms of deck-mounted weaponry, players can damage enemy hulls, masts, or even crew members to, ahem, turn the tides of battle. The beginning tutorial ship comes equipped with started round ball cannons to damage hulls, chain-shot cannons to destroy masts, or grapeshot cannons to wound the opposing crew. Each type of damage has an associated path to victory. On the left side of the combat HUD, players will find a narrow vertical bar divided into four sections. This represents the distance between the opposing ships, giving different weapons and crew members advantages and different ranges. Mortar cannons are most effective at long distance, but the grapeshot canons can only fire at close range. At the closest range, your crew can board the enemy ship and start swashbucklin'. Understanding the nuances of the weaponry and crew combinations gives players the opportunity to develop an effective strategy. I (aggressively) touched the butt. My personal favorite strategy is to destroy the enemy's masts and use the 'ram' maneuver to throw my ship into theirs, damaging the hull and stunning the crew, at the cost of collateral damage to my own vessel. It's fun, aggressive, and oh so satisfying even at the risk of self destruction. But that's where the shipwright comes in. As you sail through the map, you'll discover ports scattered about the world. Any time players dock at a port, they'll be able to visit both the shipwright and the tavern. Slightly more interactive than a ship in a bottle. Shipwrights can improve your ship with upgrades like hull armor or hull spikes, both necessities for the aggressive pirates like myself. Or for the bleeding hearts on there, lifeboats are also available to purchase, giving any sailors knocked overboard the hope of rescue. *Quality of crew names is subject to vary. But sailors are a dime a dozen and can be hired right next door to the shipwright. When you crew is short, just hire another deck scrubbing bilge-rat. They don't come cheap, but money spent on ship upgrades has a much greater impact on crew survival than an extra hand. Have you ever danced with the devil upon a yellow sea? Eventually you'll remember that you're running from a group of cultists who want to sink your battleship, so you leave the grog and port behind to sail the seas once again. What looks like a blank canvas fades away into a beautifully portrayed living map, all contained in an ornate gold frame. It's a very creative and visually pleasing design, but most importantly, it's full of content. Discovering new areas means unlocking more events. Displayed on the map as small white circles on the map that highlight a specific location. Once players arrive there, they will either encounter a quick text event with choices and affiliated rewards, a cult ship, pirates, or sea creatures to combat. Defeating cultists in these events will delay the cultist pursuers, buying you valuable time and unlocking new locales. It's worth nothing that Abandon Ship is still in Early Access on Steam and has a ways to go before it's ready for a full release. But the game has its merits in its current state. Crew and weapon compositions give players options to keep each playthrough unique from the last. Developing combat strategies is fun, and even more interesting after improving your ship. Extra hands to swab me poop deck. However, Abandon Ship could benefit from faster pacing. The game has a lengthy and thorough tutorial section, which is quite valuable to go through. But the gameplay does not get faster after that moment. There are long pauses between cannon reloads and commands where the player is expected to simply wait until there are actions available. Granted, players will be tracking several meters at once so it would be quite easy for the game to move too fast. But there is a healthy balance to be found. Each map section is more challenging than the last, but the overall difficulty increases at pace that mirrors the stop-and-go combat sequences. There's plenty of untapped potential and plenty of time for Fireblade Software to make adjustments. In the meantime, there's plenty of content worth exploring in this canvas seafaring adventure. tagged with Abandon Ship, Early Access, Fireblade Software, Lovecraft, PC, Pirates, Preview, Roguelite, Simulator, Steam, Vehicle combat
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaCommonCrawl'}
Pay-TV broadcasting giant Sky is no stranger to virtual reality after being a long-term investor of VR startup Jaunt, but today it's been announced the company is taking a more direct approach to VR content delivery with the launch of a dedicated production unit called Sky VR Studio. By Ryan Daws, 18 March 2016, 0 comments. Categories: Broadcast, Industry, Multi Screen. The concept of Smart TV is brilliant. By adding connectivity directly in the TV screen, it is possible to access applications and content from various providers without the need for an extra device. With the added benefit of having a tuner inside the TV, the Smart TV platforms offer unique possibilities of interaction with live broadcast in a way that no other OTT platforms can offer. By Michael Lantz, 27 August 2013, 1 comment. Categories: Apps, IPTV, Multi Screen, Smart TV. By David H. Deans, 29 May 2013, 0 comments. Categories: Billing, Industry, Mobile, Multi Screen, Networks, Smartphones, Smart TV. By David H. Deans, 20 May 2013, 0 comments. Categories: Broadband, Devices, Entertainment, Industry, Infographic, Multi Screen, Operators. Already a favourite service in many households, Netflix has become an indispensable service for on-demand entertainment consumption. With successful ventures into original programming, where do they expand from here? By Ryan Daws, 25 April 2013, 0 comments. Categories: Consumers, Content, Entertainment, Industry, IPTV, Multi Screen, Smart TV. If you use multiple monitors you have no doubt noticed it can get annoying to have to go back and forth between them to access specific functions like the Start menu. Well, it seems people at Microsoft too have noticed there is a productivity hit to having to move your mouse back and forth across potentially huge screens. By Rich Tehrani, 21 May 2012, 0 comments. Categories: Entertainment, Multi Screen, N America. By David H. Deans, 02 February 2012, 0 comments. Categories: Entertainment, Multi Screen, Smartphones, Smart TV. By David H. Deans, 05 December 2011, 0 comments. Categories: Broadcast, Industry, IPTV, Marketing, Multi Screen.
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
Our consciousness is expanding, our ego is unraveling. This is awareness. How do we experience this process with grace (and even, joy) in the midst of a busy, modern life with multiple storylines and demands on our time? How can we experience living our life's purpose doing what we are doing right here and right now? Led by Teacher Alyssa Snow, Circle of Souls is a weekly meeting during which the MindBodySoul community and friends discuss spiritual and practical topics that have a direct effect on our capacity to enjoy fully, our lives as they are now. The energy of money is not inherently good or bad yet it brings up our deepest fears and desires. We are often uncomfortable talking about money. But money has soul and is often a great teacher. So let's be brave and talk about money and how it shapes our lives. Being a parent is perhaps the most powerful role we can have in life. It fills our heart with love that is beyond words and brings us to our knees in its difficulty. How can we use the experience of being a parent as a vehicle for our own awakening? Without getting into the story of current politics, let's discuss healthy and spiritual ways to approach our experience of constant information, news headline trauma, technology and social media.
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
Cars & Vehicles All Topics Top Speeds What is the top speed of an Acura MDX? The top speed of an Acura mdx 2010 SUV with the governor limited is 120 miles per hour. They could possibly reach a top speed of 130 miles per hour without the governor limited. What kind of transmission does the 2001 Acura MDX have? The 2001 Acura MDX has a 5-speed automatic. The 2011 Acura MDX has a 6-speed shiftable automatic. When was Acura MDX created? Acura MDX was created in 2000. How do you remove the top speed limiter on 2008 MDX? DO you know what the top speed of this car is? How many valves does the 2003 Acura MDX have? The 2003 Acura MDX has 24 valves. What size engine does the 2004 Acura MDX have? The 2004 Acura MDX has a V6 engine. Is the 2008 Acura MDX electric or gas? The 2008 Acura MDX is a gas-powered vehicle.
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaCommonCrawl'}
Truth - I haven't blogged in an eternity. Ya, ya I know - but I have 3 kids and a fitness business so I'm busy. The three bigs have went to school. Aubrie is in first grade & Everett started kindergarten. I don't hardly know what to do with myself with only one little one at home. She keeps me busy with her therapies and rip shagging of the house though so no worries - my day is full! The 4th day of school mind you - at 3:45 the kids get off the bus. I make them snacks, we talk about their day, and do homework. So Everett comes in and I'm making snacks & asking about his day. He finally says, hey Mom where is Aubrie?? I'm like what do you mean, isn't she outside playing with the cats. He says NO. What do you mean??? Wasn't she on the bus with you, and again NO. I start freaking out. Run outside & start yelling. Aubrie come out right now, this isn't funny. If you are hiding you had better get your booty to the house now. No Aubrie. What??? How? I immediately call the school - no answer because they are closed. Shiznit!!! So I call a friend that is friends with the teacher & get the teachers cell #. I ask her if Aubrie got on the bus because she's MIA. Yes she was in the bus line. So at this point we are guessing she's on the wrong bus & she starts calling the bus barn. Jade & my friend race to the school just in case. I load Ollie & Everett into the van & race down the drive - to then stop and realize I can't leave - what if she shows up at home and where am I going??? Finally after about 40 minutes they located her - on the wrong bus!! She got home at 5 (school is out at 3). She bawled & bawled because she was so scared. I asked her - Aubrie what were you doing, what bus # do you ride?? She says bus 11 but I got on bus 6. I'll never understand why or how she did it but she'll never do it again. After much bawling we look over and realize that Everett during cutting/pasting time managed to cut 3 holes in his new shirt - which made us all laugh hysterically. Apparently someone was "bless youing" and it distracted him enough to cut his shirt. It made Aubrie's bad day some what better. Talk about kicking the school year off right! Oh and check out this video of little miss! She's 18 months old and starting to walk with a push toy - gosh she makes me proud!!
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
Ifeanyi Benjamin Ede (born 5 December 1990) is a Nigerian professional footballer who plays as a forward. Club career Tirana On 19 August 2016, Ede completed a transfer to Albania's most successful club Tirana as a free agent, signing a two-year contract. He was presented on the same day along with Romuald Ntsitsigui where he was allocated squad number 11. He made his debut a day later in the friendly against Apolonia Fier where he also netted his first goal. contributing in a 2–0 win at Selman Stërmasi Stadium. Later on 7 September, Ede played his first competitive match in the opening league match against Teuta Durrës which finished in a goalless draw; he played full-90 minutes. He scored his first goal in the matchday 5 against Flamurtari Vlorë, helping Tirana to get the first win of the season after four consecutive draws. International career In January 2014, coach Stephen Keshi, invited Ede to be included in the Nigeria national football team for the 2014 African Nations Championship. He helped the team to a third-place finish after Nigeria beat Zimbabwe by a goal to nil. Career statistics Honours Tirana Albanian Cup: 2016–17 References External links Profile at soccerpunter.com Living people 1996 births Association football forwards Nigerian footballers Nigerian expatriate footballers Nigeria international footballers Enyimba F.C. players Rangers International F.C. players Ocean Boys F.C. players KF Tirana players Al-Nasr SC (Salalah) players Fasil Kenema S.C. players Kategoria Superiore players Nigeria Professional Football League players Nigeria A' international footballers 2014 African Nations Championship players Expatriate footballers in Albania Expatriate footballers in Ethiopia Nigerian expatriate sportspeople in Albania Nigerian expatriate sportspeople in Ethiopia
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaWikipedia'}
ICDL Africa is a subsidiary of ICDL Foundation, the certifying authority of ICDL (International Computer Driving Licence). It was established to guide the implementation of the ICDL standards in the African context. ICDL Africa manages the accreditation of a growing network of ICDL Accredited Test Centres on the continent and facilitates partnerships with organisations who share our national economic development and capacity building goals. ICDL Africa recognises the importance of digital literacy and ICT skills, and the urgent need for a more coordinated and effective action in driving economic development across Africa. ICDL Africa has Twenty computers in one laboratory and is fully capable of running ICDL programs as an ATC. ICDL is also the only program running at the Centre of Excellence.
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
This Spanish film festival is one of the oldest to be held in a city in Spain, originally beginning in 1956. Winners at the festival are awarded a gold or silver corn ear as a trophy, and a large monetary prize. This particular film festival is famous for being a testing-ground for experimental films in Spain. Held in the northern Spanish town of San Sebastián, this film festival was founded in 1953 as a Spanish-only film festival, but turned into an international festival in 1955. This festival draws stars from across the globe, with the coveted Golden Shell awarded for the Best Film. The film festival in Huesca has been celebrated since 1973, run by the Fundación Festival de Cine de Huesca. Every year they receive around 1000 short films from over 80 countries, all hoping to win either the City of Huesca Prize or the Luis Buñuel Prize. A small European film festival held in the city of Igualada, near Barcelona, which aims to promote the films and other cinematic productions made across Europe. This Spanish film festival has been running since 2003 and has a considerable amount of prestige in the world of European TV and film. This annual Spanish film festival has been held in the town of Alcalá de Henares for over 40 years, gradually becoming one of the most prestigious short films festivals in the country. The film festival gives some of the best independent filmmakers the chance to show off their latest films. A group of people from Manresa created this Spanish film festival dedicated to film noir back in 1998, and it has since grown into a prestigious event. It particular prides itself on offering a starting point for young directors to get their work seen. The Navarra International Festival of Documentary Cinema is open to all types of film that come under the term 'documentary'. The festival gives out a number of prizes, the most sought after being the Punto de Vista Grand Prize for Best Film and the Jean Vigo Prize for Best Director. Also known as DOCSBarcelona, this festival brings together hundreds of professionals from across the globe to celebrate documentary films. One of the main aims of the festival is to get people networking; especially those who are looking for financial help with their latest projects. Originally set up in 1959, this Spanish film festival was aimed at bringing together people from Spain and Latin America and using film to further improve the understanding between the two groups of people. There are a number of prizes awarded for all categories of film, as well as the Grand Prize. Each year the Orense International Independent Film Festival organizers receive around 1900 different films from over 80 countries. They aim to help independent filmmakers get their work seen both by the public and by professionals in the film industry. They also hold a number of workshops for people to learn more about the art of cinema. Receiving around 2000 films from around the world, this Spanish film festival is the place to go if you want to see the great range of films being produced at the moment. They celebrate all types of film, both fiction and non-fiction, and give out a number of prizes. This film festival has been held in Madrid since 2001 with the aim of showcasing the experimental film being produced in the participating countries. The festival draws large crowds and awards prizes for the Best Short Film, the Best Visual Style as well as the Most Original Script.
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
Calibrated - On Special Adhesive Sticks To Flat Smooth Or Curved Surfaces For 2 Years. Labels Are Easily Removable. Vinyl Cloth Labels Withstand. More from Calibrated - On Special Adhesive Sticks To Flat Smooth Or Curved Surfaces For 2 Years. Labels Are Easily Removable. Vinyl Cloth Labels Withstand.
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
Last edited by paulgo on Sun Oct 18, 2009 21:13, edited 5 times in total. Not to have a go, but that's a very well targeted first post. i went on that three year course before putting my smiths night on and at no point did they cover what to do when someone clambers up on the stage and pounds all your gladioli into a flowery powder. Is the 'Guru' Guru Josh? Sign me up if so. a layer of chips wrote: Is the 'Guru' Guru Josh? let's face it, it's going to be the bass player from gay dad or possibly one of terris isn't it? actually my mate did a music course in newcastle and it turned out his lecturer was the brother from prefab sprout who isn't mainly blind now. there appears to be no mention of advanced pacing up and down chainsmoking on pavements outside venues, borderline alcoholism or getting a day job because 'there's no money to be made in this sort of caper, I've been in this game man and boy and it is a game let me tell you, gor blimey'? fogofideas wrote: there appears to be no mention of advanced pacing up and down chainsmoking on pavements outside venues, borderline alcoholism or getting a day job because 'there's no money to be made in this sort of caper, I've been in this game man and boy and it is a game let me tell you, gor blimey'? I think that's more something you specialise in if you go on to do a pHD. You can look at what methods of pacing up and down encourage bands to arrive earlier with the drum kit as well as the ratio between the number of posters you put up and the number of cigarettes you smoke. My gut reaction to this? UGH!!!! For me, it sums up everything that is wrong (ok, maybe not everything in the music world. Work ready? Business savvy? Please, don't get me started. It also sort of reminds me of the spam I sometimes get about 'unsigned artists', either promoting them, or asking me if I am one. Last edited by paulgo on Sun Oct 18, 2009 21:12, edited 1 time in total. I'm still trying to work out how it's called an "MSc". Where exactly does the science come into it? a layer of chips wrote: Oh, mother. You lot can scoff all you like. I'm nicking that for the title of my album. If you do, may I have a t shirt please?
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
Having developed the fourth-generation telecommunications services (4G), using technology LTE (long term evolution) in Stockholm, Sweden, Telia Sonera telecommunications operators to expand service to Oslo, Norway. If in Sweden in cooperation with Ericsson. In Norway, in cooperation with Huawei. 4G service offers a maximum speed of up to 100Mbps and 10 times faster than existing 3G networks. TeliaSonera customers to be first in the world to enjoy mobile broadband services continuously, such as high definition (HD) video conferencing within the scope and variety of mobile HD video through a variety of terminal devices; applications that can not be executed in the network 3G currently. As a leading provider of solutions for 4G/LTE end-to-end, Huawei has presented the network infrastructure and services for TeliaSonera, such as access networks, major networks, operational support systems, as well as planning and network optimization. This as evidence of a fourth-generation base stations and solutions SAE (System Architecture Evolution) network to ensure stability and enable rapid deployment.
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
Proenza Schouler's Jack McCollough and Lazaro Hernandez created an extension to their ready-to-wear collection, and what came as a result they called PSWL. Treating it as an elevated basics line, the collection features jeans, sweatshirts, tees and outerwear. The duo behind the esteemed luxury house feel that these basics are the way people are dressing as of late and wanted to showcase their own representation.
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
Halloween is one of the oldest holidays still celebrated today. It's one of the most popular holidays, second only to Christmas. To help make you Halloween even more spooky, we've chosen some frightfully good charms. All of our Gold & Silver Charms are handmade with love in the heart of the world famous Jewellery Quarter, Birmingham, England.
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
These MATH TEKS cards are in English and Spanish. They are perfect for walkthroughs, for your objective wall and/or for any activity. They are big enough to display on your objective(target) board or you can attach them to your literacy workstations. They are perfect to let your administrators know what your students are doing in class. 🎁 Season of giving: 🗣Get a FREE 30 minute class on Bilingual Bridges when you purchase this activity! Limited time offer.
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
Q: Understand the result of PartialOrd Rust I have the following piece of code: use std::collections::BinaryHeap; use core::cmp::{Ord, Ordering}; #[derive(Eq, PartialEq, Ord, Debug)] struct Sample(i32, Vec<i32>); impl PartialOrd for Sample { fn partial_cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> Option<Ordering> { if self.0 < other.0 { return Some(Ordering::Less); } return Some(Ordering::Greater); } } fn main() { let mut max_heap: BinaryHeap<Sample> = BinaryHeap::new(); max_heap.push(Sample(3, vec![1,2])); for i in max_heap.iter() { println!("{:?}", i); } println!(); max_heap.push(Sample(7, vec![2,3])); for i in max_heap.iter() { println!("{:?}", i); } println!(); max_heap.push(Sample(5, vec![1,6])); for i in max_heap.iter() { println!("{:?}", i); } } Playground where I am trying to implement the comparator on the first value of the struct (Sample). It gives the following output: Sample(3, [1, 2]) Sample(7, [2, 3]) Sample(3, [1, 2]) Sample(7, [2, 3]) Sample(3, [1, 2]) Sample(5, [1, 6]) Perhaps it is a dumb question/ something obvious - but does it not order by the first field of the struct in descending order? I was expecting the output (ignoring the vector) to be 7, 5, 3 but it is 7, 3, 5. Thanks in advance! A: BinaryHeap's iter function returns an iterator visiting all values in arbitary order. So, that explains why the values yielded from the iterator are not sorted. Instead, you can call the into_sorted_vec function to get a vector in sorted order like below. let v = max_heap.into_sorted_vec(); for i in v.iter() { println!("{:?}", i); } Also, you can also call the 'pop' function to get the greatest item from the binary heap one by one. while let Some(i) = max_heap.pop() { println!("{:?}", i); } Please note that both into_sorted_vec and pop consume the original heap. If you just need to know the greatest item without removing it from the heap, you can use the peek function. A: This is an expected behavior. BinaryHeap::iter explicitly states in its documentation: Returns an iterator visiting all values in the underlying vector, in arbitrary order. The reason to this, according to this tracking issue, is that this iterator was implemented as reversible, but it's impossible to iterate through the ordered iterator over binary heap from the back: we know only the largest element, but not the smallest one.
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaStackExchange'}
KEY QUESTION: How might it feel to be isolated because of who you are? This activity uses a poem (right) written by a 12 year old boy from a gypsy traveller community, and explores some of his feelings about how he has been treated, and discriminated against, because of his identity. It may raise some sensitive issues about teacher-learner relationships, but this will hopefully be useful and powerful in discussion around Who are we?, and what groups do we belong to? Exploring this poem using literacy and literature activities that you might use to approach any poem, will allow the messages of the writer to emerge, and subsequent discussions to happen. Below is the SMILE strategy to explore the language of the poem, supporting learners' understanding, and after follows an idea for discussion, when the themes have come out. Note: The poem is a powerful stimulus in its own right, and allowing the poet's voice to speak is more effective than leading a class towards conclusions about the themes. Be brave and allow them to discover the ideas themselves! 1. Read through the poem twice, aloud, either to the class, or by nominating learners to read individual stanzas beforehand, ensuring that the mood is set for a moving, poignant performance. 2. Then, explain that in order to explore the language and perspectives in the poem learners will use an easy formula for analysing poetry: SMILE. 3. Give each student a copy of the poem printed vertically, in the centre of an A3 piece of paper, so that there is plenty of room for writing around. You can download an A4 version here which can then be enlarged for this purpose. 5. Then use questions, such as those on the downloadable question sheet (click here), to explore each element of the poem. 6. Lead a short class discussion on each of the five aspects, leaving more time for the last, in which the issue of social exclusion, prejudice and experiences of learners from minority ethnic groups can be discussed. This is where the 'message' of the poem would also be discussed. Once the poem has been explored, a huge amount should come out about the boy's situation. This can then lead in to exploring prejudice and exclusion of Gypsy, Roma, Traveller individuals and communities more widely. The web tab to the right could be used as a starting point for this and links to Gypsy Roma Traveller History Month.
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
In a school in NYC, while most students were taking their second day of the ELA exam, this 6th grader was asked to write an essay on why she was boycotting the test. Some say no one cares about how our children and students feel, but we say otherwise. This student seems to have quite a message to tell that a test score would never reveal. We applaud the children who mindfully decided to refuse to be tested. It should give us much reassurance to see that in fact, our schools are not failing. I am boycotting the test because I don't like the way the DOE uses the test results. The kids who take the test are being used like guinea pigs in a lab. I do NOT want to be used this way. By boycotting the state exams we're trying to change the way the exams work. We, as students, want to make a change, a change that will last. Why do we want to change the way the tests work? Because the tests are a waste of paper, money, and class time. Computers are able to score these tests, which goes to show that these test scores can't have much value. The test doesn't let you learn much about the students or their teachers. A cycle project could show more because it shows that the teachers are thoughtful about how their students learn and the students can express what they can do and have the time to show what they know. On the tests you are very limited. If the DOE wants to know anything on how smart we are, this test is not the correct answer. they should not all be tested on the same thing. I think that tests are okay, just not what this one is used for. So, if the DOE wants to test us on anything why don't they test us on the things we're actually learning? This way the school year for certain schools wouldn't be taken up by months of test prep for the useless state tests. This year for us, the sixth grade exam doesn't count for anything. One thing it's trying to do is trick us, so that they can catch our mistakes, prove that we're not smart. So why take it? Yes, it may be prep for the upcoming seventh grade test. But, it's the seventh grade test that determines what high schools you get into, not the sixth grade tests. Plus, there are prep courses that you can take if you want to get a really good grade. Even so, why do you need six days of testing a year, for six years, when the SAT, probably the most important test, only takes a few hours? idea of the test itself. Last year, on the eighth grade ELA test there was a multiple choice question with no correct answer. If the tests are going to be like this what are we going to do? It's not like we can raise our hand in the middle of an 'important' test and say "Excuse me, but there is no correct answer for this question." So, we all miss that question, no matter what the answer is. That's another reason besides my main point on why we shouldn't have the state exams. come from a huge corporation, Pearson. Pearson is a giant testing company that makes the tests. Last year, in fifth grade I went to many protests against Pearson. Who pays for Pearson to make these tests? NYS tax money pays this corporation to create the state tests. Tax money shouldn't be going to this company but to the actual schools! Also, do they ever think about the kids who take the test between the money and the making? In my opinion the actual idea of a kid taking the test is left out of the whole process of making it. Does anyone think of the kids who come in on the day of the test nervous, upset, tired, or sick? The way the child feels when taking the tests affects there test scores. In fact those test scores are VERY dependent on the test takers mood. in NYS are learning. You don't learn, show any work, or analyze anything, by filling out A, B, C, or D, on a bubble sheet. By having test takers fill out a bubble sheet how can you possibly know that they learned what they're being tested on? On a test someone could easily be cheating, or have just memorized answers, without actually knowing what they mean. This test is just a bully on paper. I mean, what else can it do? Can it help you with answering questions on passages? No. How could it? The questions are so poorly written that sometimes they make no sense at all. In addition to that think about how hard it must be for children with disabilities to take the test. It's hard enough for people without disabilities to take the test, but think about how hard it must be for children who function differently. Yes, they may get extra time, but what difference does that make? They are always going to be who they are, and adding time onto a test won't change that. That extra time just means more time sitting in a room, which I think makes everyone anxious. And some people with disabilities need to be able to run around. Keeping anyone in room for over an hour to take a test is just plain torture. To determine how people are learning in NYS there could be tests, but not so long, not so poorly written, a test that wouldn't make a child miserable for six long unhappy, pressuring, pointless days, like the tests we have now. These tests would be like diagnostics, they wouldn't do anything to hurt you, teachers could make them, in this way the tests would me more like midterms as in how they are based on what we do in school. These tests wouldn't affect teachers, what can a teacher do if a child is not paying attention in their class? Their students behavior is not under their full control. It's not the teacher's fault that they have a student who is not willing to learn. But they blame it on the teachers. I think that tests should definitely not be able to do anything to harm teachers. corporations, and instead of learning things around the time of the test we learn them later in our curriculum as planned. Either way we should not be used in a giant experiment, as the DOE wants us to. change? So that teachers wouldn't be fired because of their students, so that students wouldn't have to fight to get into the next grade because of their poor test taking skills. Or, would he just do as the other kids did? Even though at my school there's a big percentage of the grade opting out, in all of NYS we're a small percentage. But we're standing up for what we want. We're doing something that takes courage. We are making a move our mayor would not have made. We are going to change these state exams. This is why I am boycotting. ← Common Core testing begins in NY — but are exams ready for prime time?
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
This large and lovely home has 5 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, separate lounge, dining and games rooms, double lock-up garage and plenty of space for outdoor entertaining. Polished floorboards throughout the lounge, kitchen, meals and hallway. First listed on 17 April, this house has been on Domain for 8 days (last updated on 17 April). It was last sold in 1995 and 4 other 5 bedroom house in Doubleview have recently been sold. In this street, the most recent rental of another house with 5 beds, 2 baths, 2 parking spaces was at number 18, which leased for $570 8 months ago. 4 sales this year for 5 bedroom Houses in Doubleview, market performance data requires a minimum of 10 sales.
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
Hello from Winchester and welcome to the programme. Lots to tell you about. Here is what is coming up. How a �6000 loan to buy a car like this nearly cost one woman her home. I was so afraid because I had visions of bailiffs banging on the door and coming in and evicting me. Born 200 years too late and now swapping goodies for ballots. Can these kids put aside their prejudice and take pride in a local opera. I am not really interested in the order books. The story just drags on. Knocking the system, is a farming under threat as councils sell off land and farmhouses to balance the books. If you are a young couple starting out on a farm, you don't need a great big farmhouse. This is Inside Out for the South of England. First how a straightforward car loan nearly cost one woman from Hampshire clearly everything. The nightmare is nearly over but only because she got in contact with us. I was just sitting wondering what was the best thing to do and just praying that something, someone would come along and say, no, this is wrong. When I first met Brenda, she was about to sign away her home. She faced a massive debt because her husband had taken out a loan to buy a second higher -- second-hand car. Phil Cains went to the now defunct Yes Car for his loan, a company which many now believe took a fair few people for a ride with its seemingly too good to be true offers of credit. None of us will be getting knighted. You are saying it I can get a car on credit? you could. I could see a huge choice of cars and drive away the same day? Yes, of course you could. He went to them and bought a car which was �3600. They sold him on top of that, PPI for over �1000. There was more insurance which was a good insurance which I think is for mechanics. The total cost of that credit agreement then went to �8600. While everything appeared rosy on the surface, behind the scenes, Phil was struggling to meet the payments and some months later the car was repossessed. Phil told Brenda the car loan company said that would be the end of it. That �8000 debt continued to spiral to the point where it could have bought that car. That car and that car, all of three. �97,000 worth. In 2009, Phil was declared bankrupt but it was a year when other tragedies would strike. Thank you for the best holiday I have ever had. In November of that year, he died suddenly. Two weeks after my sister died. Two weeks after her funeral, he died. So I rang the Insolvency Agency and said, I Asim that was the end of the matter because this bankruptcy was not by bankruptcy, it was his. He said, no, the bankruptcy is now a years. problem was that Brenda remortgaged her home to pay for a new kitchen and some other bits and pieces. With any mortgage, she put Phil's name on the deeds of the property which previously had been hers alone. Unwittingly she became liable for his mounting debts. When someone is made bankrupt, a trustee is appointed to take control of assets and pay creditors. The trustee is entitled to be paid for what is clearly a complex job. But how could a nearly �9,000 debt multiply to over ten times the original sum. Sadly it's not an uncommon story. It seems like they have this immense power, not only to put you in a position where you are terrified, but in a position to take everything you have worked for in your life. The worst times are at the night times because you go to bed in terror. You get up in terror. You have to face another day. There must be a time when you have been thinking, why did I put him on the market? I know you did it for the right reasons because he was the man you loved, you are married to this man, you want him to part of your life. There must be a time when you think, if only I hadn't done that. That's right. At the beginning, I was so angry. I was upset and angry. He was beside himself, he didn't know what to do. Originally he didn't tell me he was bankrupt. He had letters, he was one of those people that if you put it in a draw, it didn't exist. Meanwhile following a storm of complaints, Yes Car shut up shop. Phil's car loan debt was bought by another company, Go Debt Limited, who vigorously pursued the money. With Phil's death and the surprise news that she had inherited nothing but bankruptcy, came solicitors' bills, but one after another her advisors all reached the same expensive conclusion. Her house had to be sold. I go to work, I have never claimed benefits, so you had to put this face on for work and do your job and then you would come back on again. When you're in that situation, particularly when you have a panic attack, your home is a sanctuary and they took a way that security as well because I was afraid because by that time I had got home, I thought they were going to take it from me. I had visions of bailiffs banging down the door and coming in and saying, right, and just add it to me. Nobody knows what the terror is like and they are awful. Now all this didn't seem right to us when we heard Brenda's story so we decided it was time to bring in an expert. He agreed to look into Brenda's case for free, concerned that the bankruptcy trustee was charging too much to sort out Phil's affairs. There was one thing I was very secure about and that was this, � 97,000 ft on a �6000 bankruptcy is not right and therefore there was going to be a way of dealing with that and have either showing the trust deed that this was not right and you would have to reduce it or showing a judge that this was the case. The big message for this is that Brendan didn't know which way to turn and therefore, should that this was normal. She had a trustee telling her, this is the fee you have to pay. She thought it was normal. I got a bill not long after that said I had to pay �30,000. The next one was � 40,000. I had never ever said there is nothing to pay but it has to be fair and relative to what has happened. It isn't fair for him to take my home, take what is owed by all means, but please don't take my home. It is wrong. With Dean's intervention, the trustee agreed to reduce their charges explaining that their costs had been significantly increased because Brenda had several solicitors acting for her one after another and that had created a long, repetitive and expensive workload. After months of negotiation, Dean achieved what was near impossible. The car loan is still to be paid off but it is more like �20,000 and most importantly, Brenda's home is safe. Now I am really glad to say that the situation now is that the trustees these are at �10,000, we've got to pay the original petitioning creditor's these, that is the car company and that is the end of it. But here is the biggest. That I am most pleased to say, she is not losing her house. It remains intact, no one will come after it, she does nobody any money any more and she can get on with her life. The worst thing people can do, and many people do it, is buried her head in the sand with debt. It doesn't go away. It never does. It has to be dealt with and faced head on. If it had not been for the intervention of the programme, I wouldn't be sitting here now. I would not owned by on property and it would have had to pay for something at the end of the day that was not mine. All of that and all the panic and the terror, that will never go away. The terror still haunts me. But now, at this moment in time, I am elated. We're here to mark the 200 anniversary of a literary classic. Jane Austen spent her last days just around the corner. But how relevant is her work. Would a group of kids be too proud to enjoy it? This is Stanmore, a typical housing estate on the edge of Winchester. Just up the road lived one of England's most well-loved authors, Jane Austen. Pride and Prejudice was recently voted the nation's favourite novel. But is it still a It's not really my type of thing. I don't see the point. As an 18-year- old MC, Dale might not realise it but his word play could make him quite the Mr Darcy. I've read one book I can remember. And there's 14-year-old Kelsey. Currently doing her GCSEs at Kings' School in Winchester. Reading is not that important to me because I have got better things to do like socialising with my friends, going out, having fun, so I'm not really interested in the older books. them hang out here. We have thrown down a Regency gauntlet, challenging them to drop their prejudice and take pride in their local literary legend. We're taking them on a whistlestop tour to discover Jane Austen's witty and wise words. But will generation text click and like, or just LOL? First stop, the Dolphin Hotel in Southampton where it's believed Jane Austen celebrated her 18th birthday. So what can our new literary critics tell us? She is dead. She was born in 1775. Has she got Twitter? In her lifetime, she completed six novels. How old would she be right now? Pretty good. But Google won't help them now. Time to hand over the phones cos we've lined up a little surprise. And here it is. The Regency dancers to recreate the get-togethers Jane Austen wrote about in pride and This is from the old school, when they used to do it. I am amazed at this stuff. That's crazy. assembly's happened once a week here at the Dolphin Hotel. If you wanted to get your daughters married, then this was the place you would hopefully get them to meet an eligible bachelor. We have got some costumes for you to wear to give you the impression of being back to 100 years ago, so you get an idea. Forget Gangham style. This is all about Regency Style! Why are old jackets so hard? They've got the look but have they got the moves? Time to partner up and put their best foot forward. Just as Elizabeth and Darcy did at Ladies look diagonally. Go right to your partner. Getting line. Once they got engaged in it, they could see some of the Graces that were expected of young people at that time. It is very different. I think they coped with it very well indeed. I never seen anything like that before. I may have seen it on TV, but I would never have put us here doing that. Literally never, ever. Jane Austen never married, but her characters in Pride And Prejudice did. Mrs Bennett was desperate to marry off her five daughters to wealthy men. Back then there were two societies. Rich people and poor people. Now there's loads of different categories. Your parents would pass him over to someone who they thought was right for you. Your family ain't got money so you're not marrying my daughter. Even though you are madly in love. With the themes of Pride And Prejudice firmly in their minds, it's time to find out more about Jane Austen at her former home in the Hampshire village of Chawton. wouldn't mind living in a place like this in the 1700s. Hello, everybody. I am a Louise and I and the curator at Jane Austen's house and this is where she lived for the last eight years of her life, and it's really important because it is where she did nearly all of her writing. What I really want to show you in here, this little table. What do you think about it? Beautiful. It is very small. doesn't look like something you would right-on. This letter was written by Jane Austen at 200 years ago. And it is telling her sister that she has got her first copy of pride and prejudice. She calls it her darling child from London. We talked about the fact she didn't get married and have children. books were her kids. I think it was when you are looking at the letter, they got the fact that it was authentic, that was the actual writing, which is brilliant, because that's the bit which gets me every time. That is Jane Austen's father as her. It's interesting they have original stuff and copies and they kept their hair, which is weird now. was interesting, yes. I've never seen anything like that. So some of the things in there, you didn't think they would still be alive, the table that she wrote on for so Powell does that table? I wouldn't ever think, I'm going to go to Jane Austen's house. With the history behind them, we're in search of a more modern take on Pride And Prejudice. We've come to Orbital Comics to show our teenagers that reading doesn't have to be boring. In an attempt to bring the 200- year-old novel up to date, Pride And Prejudice has recently been rewritten, brazenly throwing in zombies to entice a different sort The joy about mash-ups. It's the fact you get to take established characters, characters people know, and place them in these situations and, because of the fact you have this unknown it with the unknown, it gives a more visceral reading experience. Pushing it one tap -- step further, Tony Lee adapted Pride and Prejudice And Zombies into a graphic novel and thinks the mash-up is a gateway to the original text. Graphic novels can provide something more visual, especially with pride and prejudice and zombies. You also have an injures. It's something kids can get into. But is mixing Mr Darcy with the undead, a literary sacrilege? Ewan Morrison certainly thinks so. The longer form of the book narrative can't sustain the mash up. It is quite irreverent. You'd take one thing from one context and prodded against another. It is like a single line a joke which has gone on for too long. joke or not, the comics are tempting our reluctant readers. This is the quietest they've been all day. It's colourful. When you go into a bookshop, it's boring, not some way you want to be. In here, it's a lot more exciting and you want to read everything. There's an argument that you can lead children into reading classic books by segueing in through mass cultural products, but this does not lead to towards pride and prejudice. It probably doesn't give you any insight into any of the tensions, the social tensions, which exist in the book. At the end of the day, reading his reading. I went from comics into adaptations of books, in two books themselves, and if that's the lazy way to read, I'm happy to carry on doing that. It is its 200 anniversary, has what you have learned over the last couple of places you have been too, when you danced and enter the museum, and been here, has that changed? Yes. It's made me want to read it more but I would rather read the comic-book version. don't know if I want to read it. I want to watch the DVD first. It has inspired us to learn about it, hasn't it? I thought it was going to be some old fashioned book which would be really boring but it's been really interesting. I did a judge it because its 200 years ago, but it's made me want to read it more and watch the film. And a tell other people about it. Jane Austen knew better than most that pride and prejudice can be overcome. It seems 200 years on, the message is still getting through. It's only just gone into 2013, but this will If that inspired you, why not put virtual pen to paper and send us a message. Finally tonight, the financial crisis is rarely out of the news at the moment but one solution to the problem is proving particularly controversial. The sell-off of successful farms owned by the council putting tenant The County farms service dates back to 1908. In a bid to combat rural depopulation, councils bought farms and offered them for rent, providing opportunities for people who wanted to farm but who couldn't afford a farm of their own. And so it has remained for a century right across the UK. Until now. Devon is amongst a handful of local authorities who still offer farms to let. Lower Farm in High Bickington is one of 75 that they own. With the current farmer retiring, there's an opportunity here for somebody new. Our I'm struck I'm struck by the side of the crowd. Those people of all ages and this is for a relatively small 85 acre farm. We will almost certainly have to draw up a shortlist of candidate to take forward for interview. It's a stepping stone. The idea of these farms is to get you up and running into farming. Without the stepping- stone of County farms, getting your own farm can cost a fortune. Is it possible how much this farm costs to rent as opposed to the value of the farm to buy privately? �10,000 a year to rent this farm. To buy, current land value, around �10,000 an acre, three-quarters of a million? I'm heading across the border into Somerset. The council takes a very different view of its County Farm estate. This farm is near Ilminster or owned by Somerset County Council but for the last 12 years, run by its tenant,. The tiny just the 8 o'clock which means, just like every morning, milking will be under way. It's one of those jobs you have got to want to do. But what have always wanted to do really. But David's days here are numbered. Somerset County Council has decided to sell half its County farms and Davids is on the list. When the land has gone, everything will be gone. What is to stop you buying it? Nothing only the price. We have been offered it. How much do they want for it? want �1,085,000 for it. And that's not an option for you? If I had �1,085,000 I wouldn't be a tenant farmer really. Why are Somerset selling so many of their farms? I've come to Dillington House, where the councillor who instigated the sell-off is attending a budget meeting. The Council currently has a debt of �354 million. The farmers in some ways were the first victims of the financial crisis in Somerset. Our tenant farmers. Because they were the first to see that their livelihoods might be under threat because of the financial pressure that we're into. We cannot borrow any more money. We have to sell assets. The majority of the assets that we are selling currently are the county farms. We are very lucky we have the most beautiful county and working farms make it tick. Selling assets is also part of Dorset County Council's approach but with a difference. Here at Yardsgrove Farm near Sturminster Newton, as they've done across the county, the council is selling this large expensive farm house. But keeping the land. With the profit from the sale, half goes into council coffers and half goes into a modern house for the farmer and improving the farms. If you're a young couple starting out on a farm, you don't need a hulking great farmhouse. What you need are good facilities. You need the best facilities to have the best opportunity of making your business, which is farming, succeed. I wonder what Dorsets tenants think? Having proved themselves on a small starter farm, Louise and Luke Trowbridge and family moved to Provost Farm, near Shaftesbury, three years ago. They may not have a manor sized farmhouse but they do have some spanking new sheds. So this is very impressive new looking shed. Did you build this? Half of it was here and we put up the other half. The council have helped us with the structural work and we've put in labour. So they haven't quite matched us pound for pound. People do generally think that it's subsidised by the council like a council house but it's a completely different estate. These are businesses. We employ local people, tradesmen that have helped build this barn. They're all local from Dorset, so it's all creating money. So it's all a positive thing for our area. Would you have been able to grow this farm if hadn't been for the opportunity of County Farms? No. So, no county farms, no farm for you at all. No. To date Somerset have sold 16 farms and made �12.2 million through selling its old farm houses. Dorset has raised �12.9 million and kept its estate. Each make a profit of around half a million a year from rent. I wonder why Somerset aren't following Dorset's approach? Once it is sold, it is sold. They can only sell at once and then they will want money for something else. If they sell off the farm, you lose the rent as well, so I think it's Keep us busy with your e-mails. I will see you next time. Next week, shocking attacks on guide dogs caught on CCTV. One local woman tells of the devastating effects it can have. The owners of the Dogger couldn't get their dog under
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaCommonCrawl'}
President's Day sale on TinyPrints - up to 30% off sitewide! TinyPrints is a wonderful place to order birth announcements, graduation announcements, party invitations, and more! Right now, they are having a President's Day Sale offering up to 30% off everything using the promo code PRESDAY30. They are also having 50% off Rush Shipping on Valentine's Day Card orders. Check out the Sweetheart Valentine's Day Party Inspiration for fun and chic ideas to help you plan your very own glamorous Valentine's Day get-together.They also have many great gifts to choose from to treat those you love such as mugs, Iphone cases, easels art and more. The TinyPrints Blog is a fantastic resource for tips and inspiration to help you plan and celebrate every holiday and occasion in style including baby showers, births, birthdays, seasonal holidays, weddings, and more. Did you know that TinyPrints offers a FREE Online RSVP Manager with the purchase of Tiny Prints Invitations? Manage your guest list with ease with a free custom website to match your invitation style. Find more info here. Do you have an event or occasion coming up? How would you like to celebrate? I am so checking this out for a surprise party that I am planning in a couple of months. I'm excited to check out their designs. The graphics are very high quality and so cute! I am pinning this post for my future needs. I have a big party coming up and am perusing it now for the look and feel I want for the invites. I love cute designs, I could spend hours looking at them all! This is a great sale. I usually make my own invites and just send them electronically. I love this sale, thank you for the promo code! I have never heard of tiny prints but I like that it is on sale! That's a really good deal especially when you're in the middle of planning something special. It would be nice to be able to save! Tiny Prints is completely new to me, never heard of them before but it all looks wonderful. This is the first time I heard about the Tiny Prints. I love the designs. I will definitely use this next time I host a party. They always have such good sales, and the quality of their products is undeniable. I've used Tiny Prints before and love the quality. I had no idea they offered an RSVP option online though! Ohhh I love Tiny Prints! I'll have to find something to order cards for! I must remember this site. I have been thinking of a project that involves lots of prints. Thank you. I've heard about tiny prints but have never ordered anything from them. I will check them, have some projects that I could use them for. I love TinyPrints! Great products. Thank you for sharing. What a great sale. I've heard of them but never checked into it. Lovely designs. Awesome deals! I have to share this to my cousin who's into prints.
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
This 36,000-square foot facility provides members with a state of the art facility featuring cardio, strength, and functional equipment. Members also enjoy a wide variety of physical education classes, student activities, intramurals, and free fitness classes. Includes three multi-purpose courts, a three-lane running track, batting cages, and a 9,000-square foot fitness center equipped with weights, cardio equipment, a multi-purpose classroom and an aerobics-dance studio. Learn more about Campus Rec at Saint Martin's Saint Martin's University Campus Recreation Video of Saint Martin's University Campus Recreation We know staying fit and active is our best way to build a strong immune system and stay healthy. While the Rec Center is closed, our on-demand class programs through Les Mills is a free option to help keep you active and working out at home. Access free on-demand workouts The Charneski Recreation Center is free to all current student, faculty, staff, and Abbey of Saint Martin's University. Must present valid SMU ID card for entry. The gym is available for open recreation throughout the week. Join in our informal, pick-up game format. Mondays, 5-8 p.m. - basketball Mondays, 7-9 p.m. - soccer Wednesdays, 5-7 p.m. - volleyball and basketball Or join us for Friday night soccer from 7-9 p.m. Guest policy Guests are welcome at Charneski. Must be with a valid Saint Martin's cardholder, sign for responsibility, and pay a $3 day pass good for one calender day. Alumni are welcome! All Saint Martin's alumni have the opportunity to purchase a one-year pass to the rec center for $150. Contact David Crawford for more information. The studio, classroom and courts number two and number three are available for reservation with 24 hours in advance notice. You can call or email David Crawford at 360-486-8851 to make all next day reservations. Learn more about reservations Home E-mail us Find us on Facebook Starting Aug. 31: 9 a.m.-9 p.m. Saturday through Sunday SMU ID and mask are required to enter the building.
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaCommonCrawl'}
This match is the second-leg of this seasons bipedal series between the VBCA and The Quokkas, with the VBCA taking out the first match earlier this season (which was a warm up for them ahead of Nationals). The last match was relatively one-sided, The Quokkas happy just to get the majority of a team on the park. This match, though, is a little different. The Quokkas have a full XI available at the time of writing, meaning there should be possibly (maybe) 8 ready by Sunday morning. The games against the VBCA are always good fun and played with a great spirit, at least once the bar is opened at midday. The Quokkas are actually coming off their first Tour win EVER, having beaten Nerrena in Nerrena in a tightly contested match last weekend. This is a matter that should illicit wonder as much as it does concern, I'm pretty sure a Quokkas away win is one of the four horsemen of the Apocalypse. Taken in context though, an away win won't have too much impact on this game as the nuances of the rocking & rolling ball take hold. Similar to touring games, The Quokkas are traditionally pretty poor at Blind Cricket matches, but perhaps all that is about to change too. J Rod returns for his annual Captaincy stint, fresh from the birth of his second child, full of vim and vigor. And sleep. 'The Rod' has been known to get so worked up at games that others can tell he is actually breathing, so it will be interesting to see how he approaches captaining a match when the soft, shaded outfields of Kooyong are available. The Quokkas are also hoping to welcome back Gaz, who has been missing in 2018 due to a combination of sickness and cardigan-related issues. We all look forward to seeing how the casual cover-driver handles the rolled ball. We also see the return of the only Quokka to get paid for appearing, albeit with what he calls "fizzy drink" and "twisted up chips". The VBCA grounds are a real delight, with soft outfields, lots of shade and the comforts of the commentary box readily available. The slight slope to the ground also creates some challenges for the bowlers, similar to bowling into v with the wind in non-blind cricket. Who in The Quokkas will be their Peter Siddle? The BOM is expecting a top of 22 on Sunday, so it should be a very comfortable day out. J Rod, Dutchy and Big Dog have all played in 4 VBCA games.
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
P.J. Tucker scored three points on 1-of-7 shooting (all threes) with 10 rebounds and one assist in Wednedsay's season finale loss to the Kings. Tucker had some value in deeper formats where his top-200 production on a nightly basis could be more useful, and playing in all 82 games certainly helped that. As usual he plodded his way into greener pastures, bringing back top 130-150 value (9/8 cat) on the season.
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
\section{Introduction} Let $C$ be a Cantor set in $S^2$ and set $\widehat{\Om} = S^2 \setminus C$. We take a point $\infty \in \widehat{\Om}$, and set $\Omega = \widehat{\Om} \setminus \{ \infty \} = \mathbb{R}^2 \setminus C$. Let $\widehat{\GG}$ (resp. $\Gamma$) be the mapping class group of $\widehat{\Om}$ (resp. $\Omega$). Let us consider the Birman exact sequence: \begin{align}\label{seq:birman} 1 \to \pi_1(\widehat{\Om}) \xrightarrow{i} \Gamma \xrightarrow{p} \widehat{\GG} \to 1. \end{align} The Hochschild-Serre spectral sequence of (\ref{seq:birman}) induces an exact sequence \begin{align}\label{seq:seven-term} 0 \to \mathrm{H}^2(\Gamma;\mathbb{Z}) \xrightarrow{\phi} \mathrm{H}^1(\widehat{\GG};\mathrm{H}^1(\pi_1(\widehat{\Om});\mathbb{Z})) \xrightarrow{d_2^{1,1}} \mathrm{H}^3(\widehat{\GG};\mathbb{Z}) \end{align} since $\mathrm{H}^2(\widehat{\GG};\mathbb{Z}) = 0$ (\cite{MR4266358}) and $\mathrm{H}^2(\pi_1(\widehat{\Om});\mathbb{Z}) = 0$. It is shown in \cite{2211.07470} that $\mathrm{H}^2(\Gamma;\mathbb{Z})$ is isomorphic to $\mathbb{Z}$. Several non-trivial actions of $\Gamma$ on the circle $S^1$ has been constructed (\cite{Cal04}, \cite{MR3852444}, \cite{MR4266358}). It was shown in \cite{MR4266358} that any non-trivial $\Gamma$-action on $S^1$ is semi-conjugate (up to a change of orientation) to the action $\rho_S$ on the simple circle constructed in \cite{MR4266358}. In particular, the pullback of the integral Euler class $e \in \mathrm{H}^2(\mathcal{H};\mathbb{Z})$ by a non-trivial action $\rho \colon \Gamma \to \Homeo_+(S^1)$ is equal to either $\rho_S^*e$ or $-\rho_S^*e$. We call this class $\rho_S^*e$ the \textit{Euler class of $\Gamma$}. The goal of this paper is to answer the following question of Calegari-Chen \cite{MR4266358}. \begin{question}[{\cite[Question A.16]{MR4266358}}]\label{q2} What class in $\mathrm{H}^1(\widehat{\GG};\mathrm{H}^1(\pi_1(\widehat{\Om});\mathbb{Z}))$ is the image of the Euler class in $\mathrm{H}^2(\Gamma;\mathbb{Z})$? \end{question} To state the class under question, we explicitly construct a crossed homomorphism $\widehat{\GG} \to \mathrm{H}^1(\pi_1(\widehat{\Om});\mathbb{Z})$. Note that, for the mapping class groups of closed hyperbolic surfaces of once-marked point, the same construction was given by Chen \cite{2301.06247}, which uses the Dehn-Nielsen-Baer theorem (see Remark \ref{rem:Chen}). We also remark that the construction below is applicable to any group acting on the circle and its normal subgroup the action of which lifts to ones on the real line (Section \ref{sec:concluding}). Let $\rho \colon \Gamma \to \mathcal{H}$ be a non-trivial action. Since $\pi_1(\widehat{\Om})$ is a free group, the homomorphism $\rho \circ i \colon \pi_1(\widehat{\Om}) \to \mathcal{H}$ lifts to a homomorphism \[ \widetilde{\rho} \colon \pi_1(\widehat{\Om}) \to \th, \] where $\th$ is the universal covering group of $\mathcal{H}$. \begin{comment} Since $\mathrm{H}^2(\pi_1(\widehat{\Om});\mathbb{Z}) = 0$, we have $i^* \rho^* e = 0$. Hence the action $\rho$ restricted to $\pi_1(\widehat{\Om})$ lifts to the universal covering group $\th$ as a homomorphism. Let $\widetilde{\rho} \colon \pi_1(\widehat{\Om}) \to \th$ be a lift of $\rho \circ i \colon \pi_1(\widehat{\Om}) \to \mathcal{H}$, which makes the following diagram commute: \[ \xymatrix{ \pi_1(\widehat{\Om}) \ar[r]^-{\widetilde{\rho}} \ar[d]^-{i} & \th \ar[d]^-{\pi} \\ \Gamma \ar[r]^-{\rho} & \mathcal{H}. } \] \end{comment} Let $\tau \colon \th \to \mathbb{R}$ be the Poincar\'{e} translation number. We define a map $k'_{\widetilde{\rho}} \colon \Gamma \to \mathrm{H}^1(\pi_1(\widehat{\Om});\mathbb{Z})$ by \[ k'_{\widetilde{\rho}} (\gg) = \widetilde{\rho}^*\tau - {}^{\gg}(\widetilde{\rho}^*\tau) \] for $\gg \in \Gamma$. Here ${}^{\gg}(\widetilde{\rho}^*\tau)$ denotes the conjugation action on $\widetilde{\rho}^*\tau$ by $\gg$, that is, it is defined by \[ \big({}^{\gg}(\widetilde{\rho}^*\tau)\big)(x) = \widetilde{\rho}^*\tau(\gg^{-1} x \gg). \] for $x \in \pi_1(\widehat{\Om})$. We will see that the map $k'_{\widetilde{\rho}} \colon \Gamma \to \mathrm{H}^1(\pi_1(\widehat{\Om});\mathbb{Z})$ is a well-defined crossed homomorphism (Lemmas \ref{lem:welldef} and \ref{lem:crossed}) and descends to $k_{\widetilde{\rho}} \colon \widehat{\GG} \to \mathrm{H}^1(\pi_1(\widehat{\Om});\mathbb{Z})$ (Lemma \ref{lem:descend}). The main result in this paper is the following, which answers Question \ref{q2}: \begin{theorem}\label{thm:main} The class $[k_{\widetilde{\rho}}] \in \mathrm{H}^1(\widehat{\GG};\mathrm{H}^1(\pi_1(\widehat{\Om});\mathbb{Z}))$ represented by the crossed homomorphism $k_{\widetilde{\rho}} \colon \widehat{\GG} \to \mathrm{H}^1(\pi_1(\widehat{\Om});\mathbb{Z})$ is equal to $\phi(\rho^*e)$. In particular, if $\rho$ is semi-conjugate to the action $\rho_{S}$ on the simple circle, the class $[k_{\widetilde{\rho}}]$ is the image of the Euler class in $\mathrm{H}^2(\Gamma;\mathbb{Z})$. \end{theorem} \begin{corollary} The class $[k_{\widetilde{\rho}}] \in \mathrm{H}^1(\widehat{\GG};\mathrm{H}^1(\pi_1(\widehat{\Om});\mathbb{Z}))$ is non-zero if $\rho \colon G \to \mathcal{H}$ is non-trivial. \end{corollary} \section{Preliminaries} \subsection{Group cohomology and crossed homomorphisms} In this subsection, we review the definition of group cohomology and crossed homomorphisms. We refer the reader to \cite{brown82} for details. Let $G$ be a group and $M$ a left $G$-module. The $G$-action on $M$ will be denoted by ${}^{g}x$ for $g \in G$ and $x \in M$. We set $C^n(G;M) = \{ c \colon G^n \to M \}$ for $n > 0$ and $C^0(G;M) = M$. An element of $C^n(G;M)$ is called an \textit{$n$-cochain on $G$ with coefficients in $M$}. The coboundary map $\delta \colon C^n(G;M) \to C^{n+1}(G;M)$ is defined by \begin{align*} &\delta c (g_1, \cdots, g_{n+1}) \\ & = {}^{g_1}\big( c(g_2, \cdots, g_{n+1}) \big) + \sum_{i = 1}^{n} (-1)^{i}c(g_1, \cdots, g_i g_{i+1}, \cdots, g_{n+1}) + (-1)^{n+1} c(g_1, \cdots, g_{n}) \end{align*} for any $c \in C^n(G;M)$ and $g_1, \cdots, g_{n+1} \in G$. The homology of the cochain complex $(C^*(G;M), \delta)$ is called the \textit{group cohomology of $G$ with coefficients in $M$} and denoted by $\mathrm{H}^*(G;M)$. A map $k \colon G \to M$ is called a \textit{crossed homomorphism} if the equality \[ k(g_1 g_2) = k(g_1) + {}^{g_1}\big(k(g_2) \big) \] holds for any $g_1, g_2 \in G$. By definition, a map $k \colon G \to M$ is a crossed homomorphism if and only if $k$ is a cocycle in $C^1(G;M)$. Hence, any first cohomology class in $\mathrm{H}^1(G;M)$ is represented by a crossed homomorphism. Note that, if $M$ is a trivial $G$-module, a crossed homomorphism is nothing but a homomorphism from $G$ to $M$. A crossed homomorphism relating to mapping class groups (of finite-type surfaces) has been constructed (\cite{MR1030850}, \cite{MR1617632} and references therein; also \cite{2301.06247}). Our crossed homomorphism is similar to one introduced recently in \cite{2301.06247}. \subsection{The Poincar\'{e} translation number and the Euler class} Let us recall the definition of the Poincar\'{e} translation number and Euler cocycles induced from it. Let $T \colon \mathbb{R} \to \mathbb{R}$ be the translation by one. One of the descriptions of the universal covering group $\th$ is given by \[ \th = \{ f \in \Homeo(\mathbb{R}) \colon f \circ T = T \circ f \}. \] Under this description, the Poincar\'{e} translation number $\tau \colon \th \to \mathbb{R}$ is defined by \[ \tau(f) = \lim_{n \to \infty} \frac{f^n(0)}{n}. \] By the definition of $\tau$ and the fact that $T$ is in the center of $\th$, we have \[ \tau(f \circ T^m) = \tau(f) + m \] for any $m \in \mathbb{Z}$. Note that the Poincar\'{e} translation number is invariant under conjugation, that is, the equality \[ \tau(f_2^{-1} f_1 f_2) = \tau(f_1) \] holds for any $f_1, f_2 \in \th$ (see \cite[Proposition 5.3]{MR1876932}). For $f,g \in \mathcal{H}$ and their lifts $\widetilde{f}, \widetilde{g} $, we set \[ \chi(f,g) = \tau(\widetilde{f} \widetilde{g}) - \tau(\widetilde{f}) - \tau(\widetilde{g}) \in \mathbb{R}. \] This $\chi(f,g)$ does not depend on the choice of the lifts. Moreover, it turns out that the cochain $\chi \in C^2(\mathcal{H};\mathbb{R})$ is a cocycle representing the real Euler class $e_{\mathbb{R}} \in \mathrm{H}^2(\mathcal{H};\mathbb{R})$. This cocycle $\chi$ was introduced by Matsumoto \cite{MR848896}, and is called the \textit{canonical Euler cocycle}. In the proof of Theorem \ref{thm:main}, we will use a variant of the canonical Euler cocycle defined as follows: Let $\lfloor \cdot \rfloor$ denote the floor function. For $f,g \in \mathcal{H}$ and their lifts $\widetilde{f}, \widetilde{g} $, we set \[ \chi_{\mathbb{Z}}(f,g) = \lfloor\tau(\widetilde{f} \widetilde{g})\rfloor - \lfloor\tau(\widetilde{f})\rfloor - \lfloor\tau(\widetilde{g})\rfloor \in \mathbb{Z}. \] This $\chi_{\mathbb{Z}}(f,g)$ is also independent of the choice of the lifts. This integer-valued cocycle $\chi_{\mathbb{Z}} \in C^2(\mathcal{H};\mathbb{Z})$ represents the \textit{integral} Euler class $e \in \mathrm{H}^2(\mathcal{H};\mathbb{Z})$. Indeed, the function $\widetilde{b} \colon \th \to \mathbb{R}$ defined by \[ \widetilde{b}(\widetilde{f}) = \tau(\widetilde{f}) - \lfloor \tau(\widetilde{f}) \rfloor \] descends to a function $b \colon \mathcal{H} \to \mathbb{R}$, and hence $\chi = \chi_{\mathbb{Z}} + \delta b \in C^2(\mathcal{H};\mathbb{R})$. This implies that $\chi_{\mathbb{Z}}$ represents the \textit{real} Euler class in $\mathrm{H}^2(\mathcal{H};\mathbb{R})$. Since the change of coefficients homomorphism $\mathrm{H}^2(\mathcal{H};\mathbb{Z}) \to \mathrm{H}^2(\mathcal{H};\mathbb{R})$ is injective, the cocycle $\chi_{\mathbb{Z}}$ represents the integral Euler class. \section{On the crossed homomorphism} Recall that the map $k'_{\widetilde{\rho}} \colon \Gamma \to \mathrm{H}^1(\pi_1(\widehat{\Om});\mathbb{Z})$ is defined by \[ k'_{\widetilde{\rho}}(\gg) = \widetilde{\rho}^*\tau - {}^{\gg}(\widetilde{\rho}^*\tau) \] for any $\gg \in \Gamma$, where $\widetilde{\rho} \colon \pi_1(\widehat{\Om}) \to \th$ is a lift of the composition of $i \colon \pi_1(\widehat{\Om}) \to \Gamma$ and $\rho \colon \Gamma \to \mathcal{H}$. \begin{lemma}\label{lem:welldef} The map $k'_{\widetilde{\rho}} \colon \Gamma \to \mathrm{H}^1(\pi_1(\widehat{\Om});\mathbb{Z})$ is well defined. \end{lemma} \begin{proof} First we show that the map $k'_{\widetilde{\rho}}(\gg) \colon \pi_1(\widehat{\Om}) \to \mathbb{R}$ is integer-valued for any $\gg \in \Gamma$. We take $\gg \in \Gamma$ and $x \in \pi_1(\widehat{\Om})$. By the equality \[ \pi(\widetilde{\rho} (\gg^{-1} x \gg)) = \rho(\gg^{-1} x \gg) = \rho(\gg)^{-1} \rho(x) \rho(\gg), \] there exists an integer $n$ such that \[ \widetilde{\rho}(\gg^{-1} x \gg) = \widetilde{\rho(\gg)}^{-1} \widetilde{\rho}(x) \widetilde{\rho(\gg)} \circ T^{-n}, \] where $\widetilde{\rho(\gg)} \in \th$ is a lift of $\rho(\gg) \in \mathcal{H}$. Note that the integer $n$ is independent of the choice of the lift $\widetilde{\rho(\gg)}$ since $T$ is in the center of $\th$. Hence we have \begin{align}\label{calc_k} \big(k'_{\widetilde{\rho}}(\gg) \big)(x) &= \tau(\widetilde{\rho}(x)) - \tau(\widetilde{\rho}(\gg^{-1}x\gg))\\ &= \tau(\widetilde{\rho}(x)) - \tau(\widetilde{\rho(\gg)}^{-1} \widetilde{\rho}(x) \widetilde{\rho(\gg)} \circ T^{-n}) \nonumber \\ &= \tau(\widetilde{\rho}(x)) - \big(\tau(\widetilde{\rho(\gg)}^{-1} \widetilde{\rho}(x) \widetilde{\rho(\gg)}) - n \big) \nonumber \\ &= \tau(\widetilde{\rho}(x)) - \tau(\widetilde{\rho}(x)) + n \nonumber \\ &= n \nonumber \end{align} by the conjugation-invariance of $\tau$. Hence the map $k'_{\widetilde{\rho}}(\gg)$ is integer-valued for any $\gg \in \Gamma$. To see that the map $k'_{\widetilde{\rho}}(\gg) \colon \pi_1(\widehat{\Om}) \to \mathbb{Z}$ is a homomorphism, we take $x, y \in \pi_1(\widehat{\Om})$. By the above argument, there exist integers $n$ and $m$ such that \begin{align*} \widetilde{\rho}(\gg^{-1} x \gg) = \widetilde{\rho(\gg)}^{-1} \widetilde{\rho}(x) \widetilde{\rho(\gg)} \circ T^{-n}, \\ \widetilde{\rho}(\gg^{-1} y \gg) = \widetilde{\rho(\gg)}^{-1} \widetilde{\rho}(y) \widetilde{\rho(\gg)} \circ T^{-m}. \end{align*} Then, we have \begin{align*} \widetilde{\rho}(\gg^{-1} xy \gg) = \widetilde{\rho(\gg)}^{-1} \widetilde{\rho}(xy) \widetilde{\rho(\gg)} \circ T^{-n-m}. \end{align*} By the calculation same as in (\ref{calc_k}), we have \[ \big(k'_{\widetilde{\rho}}(\gg)\big)(xy) = n+m = \big(k'_{\widetilde{\rho}}(\gg)\big)(x) + \big(k'_{\widetilde{\rho}}(\gg)\big)(y). \] Hence the map $k'_{\widetilde{\rho}}(\gg)$ is a homomorphism. \end{proof} \begin{lemma}\label{lem:crossed} The map $k'_{\widetilde{\rho}} \colon \Gamma \to \mathrm{H}^1(\pi_1(\widehat{\Om});\mathbb{Z})$ is a crossed homomorphism with respect to the left $\Gamma$-action on $\mathrm{H}^1(\pi_1(\widehat{\Om});\mathbb{Z})$ induced from the conjugation. \end{lemma} \begin{proof} For $\gg_1, \gg_2 \in \Gamma$, we have \[ k'_{\widetilde{\rho}}(\gg_1 \gg_2) = \widetilde{\rho}^* \tau - {}^{\gg_1 \gg_2}(\widetilde{\rho}^* \tau) = \widetilde{\rho}^* \tau - {}^{\gg_1} (\widetilde{\rho}^* \tau) + {}^{\gg_1} (\widetilde{\rho}^* \tau) - {}^{\gg_1 \gg_2}(\widetilde{\rho}^* \tau) = k'_{\widetilde{\rho}}(\gg_1) + {}^{\gg_1} k'_{\widetilde{\rho}}(\gg_2). \] \end{proof} \begin{remark} The crossed homomorphism $k'_{\widetilde{\rho}}$ depends on the choice of $\widetilde{\rho}$. However, the class $[k'_{\widetilde{\rho}}]$ in $\mathrm{H}^1(\Gamma;\mathrm{H}^1(\widehat{\Om};\mathbb{Z}))$ \textit{does not} depend on the choice of $\widetilde{\rho}$. Indeed, we take two lifts $\widetilde{\rho}_1$ and $\widetilde{\rho}_2$ of $\rho$. Then we have \[ \delta (\widetilde{\rho}_1^* \tau - \widetilde{\rho}_2^* \tau) = \widetilde{\rho}_1^* \delta \tau - \widetilde{\rho}^* \delta \tau = -(\widetilde{\rho}_1^* \pi^* \chi + \widetilde{\rho}_2^* \pi^* \chi) = -(i^* \rho^* \chi - i^* \rho^* \chi) = 0. \] Hence $\widetilde{\rho}_1^* \tau - \widetilde{\rho}_2^* \tau$ is a homomorphism. Moreover, since $\widetilde{\rho}_1$ and $\widetilde{\rho}_2$ are lifts of the same homomorphism $i \circ \rho$, the homomorphism $\widetilde{\rho}_1^* \tau - \widetilde{\rho}_2^* \tau$ is integer-valued. Therefore we have \begin{align*} (k'_{\widetilde{\rho}_1} - k'_{\widetilde{\rho}_2})(\gg) = \widetilde{\rho}_1^* \tau - \widetilde{\rho}_2^* \tau - {}^{\gg}(\widetilde{\rho}_1^* \tau - \widetilde{\rho}_2^* \tau), \end{align*} and this implies that the class $[k'_{\widetilde{\rho}_1} - k'_{\widetilde{\rho}_2}]$ is equal to zero in $\mathrm{H}^1(\Gamma;\mathrm{H}^1(\pi_1(\widehat{\Om});\mathbb{Z}))$. \end{remark} \begin{lemma}\label{lem:descend} The map $k'_{\widetilde{\rho}} \colon \Gamma \to \mathrm{H}^1(\pi_1(\widehat{\Om});\mathbb{Z})$ is trivial on $\pi_1(\widehat{\Om})$. In particular, the map $k'_{\widetilde{\rho}} \colon \Gamma \to \mathrm{H}^1(\pi_1(\widehat{\Om});\mathbb{Z})$ descends to a map $k_{\rho} \colon \widehat{\GG} \to \mathrm{H}^1(\pi_1(\widehat{\Om});\mathbb{Z})$. \end{lemma} \begin{proof} For elements $x, y \in \pi_1(\widehat{\Om}) \subset \Gamma$, we have \begin{align*} \big(k'_{\widetilde{\rho}}(x)\big)(y) &= \widetilde{\rho}^* \tau (y) - \big({}^{x}(\widetilde{\rho}^* \tau)\big)(y) = \tau(\widetilde{\rho}(y)) - \tau(\widetilde{\rho}(x)^{-1}\widetilde{\rho}(y)\widetilde{\rho}(x))\\ &= \tau(\widetilde{\rho}(y)) - \tau(\widetilde{\rho}(y)) = 0 \end{align*} by the conjugation invariance of $\tau$. Hence $k'_{\widetilde{\rho}}$ is trivial on $\pi_1(\widehat{\Om})$. In particular, we obtain \[ k'_{\widetilde{\rho}}(\gg x) = k'_{\widetilde{\rho}}(\gg) + {}^{\gg} (k'_{\widetilde{\rho}}(x)) = k'_{\widetilde{\rho}}(\gg), \] this implies the lemma. \end{proof} \begin{remark}\label{rem:Chen} Let $S_g$ be a closed connected oriented surface of genus $g \geq 2$ and $\Mod_{g}$ (resp. $\Mod_{g,*}$) the mapping class group of $S_g$ (resp. the mapping class group of $S_g$ with once-marked point). In \cite{2301.06247}, Chen constructed a crossed homomorphism $\Mod_{g,*} \to \mathrm{H}^1(S_g;\mathbb{Z})$ as follows: Let \[ 1 \to \pi_1(S_g) \xrightarrow{i} \Mod_{g,*} \to \Mod_g \to 1 \] be the Birman exact sequence and $\rho \colon \Mod_{g,*} \to \mathcal{H}$ the Gromov boundary action. Contrasting to the above case, the restricted action $\rho \circ i \colon \pi_1(S_g) \to \mathcal{H}$ \emph{does not} lift to $\pi_1(S_g) \to \mathcal{H}$. However, for the natural surjection $q \colon F_{2g} \to \pi_1(S_g)$ from the free group $F_{2g} = \langle a_1, b_1, \cdots, a_g, b_g \rangle$ of rank $2g$, the composite $\rho \circ i \circ q \colon F_{2g} \to \mathcal{H}$ \emph{lifts} to $\widetilde{\rho} \colon F_{2g} \to \th$. For $\gg \in \Mod_{g,*}$, we take a representative automorphism $f_{\gg} \colon F_{2g} \to F_{2g}$ which fixes the element $[a_1, b_1] \cdots [a_g,b_g] \in F_{2g}$ (the existence is guaranteed by the Dehn-Nielsen-Baer theorem). Then the crossed homomorphism $R \colon \Mod_{g,*} \to \mathrm{H}^1(F_{2g};\mathbb{Z}) \cong \mathrm{H}^1(S_g;\mathbb{Z})$ is defined by \[ R(\gg) = \big((\widetilde{\rho}^* \tau)\circ f_{\gg}\big) - \widetilde{\rho}^* \tau. \] It is also shown in \cite{2301.06247} that the crossed homomorphism $k$ enjoys the property \[ \big( R(x) \big)(y) = (2g-2) i(x,y) \] for any $x,y \in \pi_1(S_g)$ and their algebraic intersection number $i(x,y)$, which ensures that the crossed homomorphism $R$ gives the generator of $\mathrm{H}^1(\Mod_{g,*};\mathrm{H}^1(S_g;\mathbb{Z})) \cong \mathbb{Z}$. This is contrasting to Lemma \ref{lem:descend}, and this discrepancy is based on the difference of the liftability of the actions $\rho \circ i \colon \pi_1(S_g) \to \mathcal{H}$ and $\rho \circ i \colon \pi_1(\widehat{\Om}) \to \mathcal{H}$ to $\th$. \end{remark} \section{Proof of Theorem \ref{thm:main}} To prove Theorem \ref{thm:main}, we recall the Hochschild-Serre spectral sequence. Let \begin{align}\label{seq:ex} 1 \to K \xrightarrow{i} G \xrightarrow{p} G/K \to 1 \end{align} be an exact sequence of groups and $M$ a $G$-module. The Hochschild-Serre spectral sequence $(E_r^{p,q}, d_r^{p,q})$ is a first quadrant spectral sequence converging to $\mathrm{H}^*(G;M)$ with \begin{align}\label{isom_e2} E_2^{p,q} \cong \mathrm{H}^p(G/K;\mathrm{H}^q(K;M)). \end{align} This spectral sequence is given as follows. An $n$-cochain $c \in C^n(G;M)$ is called to be \textit{normalized} if \[ c(g_1, \cdots, g_n) = 0 \] whenever $g_i = 1_G$ for some $i$. Let $A^n(G;M)$ be the group of normalized $n$-cochains on $G$. Note that the cohomology of the subcomplex $(A^*(G;M), \delta)$ is isomorphic to $\mathrm{H}^*(G;M)$. We set \begin{align*} A_j^{*n} = \{ f \in A^n(G;M) \colon f(g_1, \cdots, g_n) & \text{ depends only on } \\ &g_1, \cdots, g_{n-j} \text{ and the cosets } g_{n-j+1} K, \cdots, g_n K \}. \end{align*} This defines a decreasing filtration \[ A^n(G;M) = A_0^{*n} \supset A_1^{*n} \supset \cdots \supset A_n^{*n} \supset A_{n+1}^{*n} = 0. \] This filtration induces the Hochschild-Serre spectral sequence. More precisely, $E_r^{p,q}$ is given by \[ E_r^{p,q} = Z_r^{p, q} / (Z_{r-1}^{p+1, q-1} + \delta A_{p-r+1}^{*p+q-1}), \] where $Z_r^{p,q}=\{ f \in A_{p}^{*p+q} \colon \delta f \in A_{p+r}^{*p+q-1} \}$, and isomorphism (\ref{isom_e2}) is induced from the map \[ r_p\colon Z_2^{p,q} \to C^p(G/K;C^q(K;M)) \] defined by \[ r_p(f)(g_1K, \cdots, g_pK) = f(*, \cdots, *, g_1, \cdots, g_p) \] (see \cite[Theorems 1 and 2]{hochschild_serre53}). A first quadrant spectral sequence $(E_r^{p,q}, d_r^{p,q})$ which converges to $E^*$ induces an exact sequence \[ 0 \to E_2^{0,1} \to E^1 \to E_2^{0,1} \to E_2^{2,0} \to F_1E^2 \to E_2^{1,1} \to E_2^{3,0}, \] which is called the \textit{seven-term exact sequence}. Here the map $F_1E^2 \to E_2^{1,1}$ is induced from the natural projection \[ F_1E^2 \to F_1E^2/F_2E^2 = E_{\infty}^{1,1} \subset E_2^{1,1}. \] When $(E_r^{p,q}, d_r^{p,q})$ is the Hochschild-Serre spectral sequecne, the filtration $F_pE^{p+q}$ is given by \[ F_pE^{p+q} = \mathrm{H}^{p+q}(\Im (A_{p}^{*\bullet} \to A^{*\bullet})), \] and it is known that $F_1E^{2} \cong \Ker (\mathrm{H}^2(G;M) \to \mathrm{H}^2(K;M))$. Hence the seven-term exact sequence for the Hochschild-Serre spectral sequence gives rise to \begin{align*} 0 &\to \mathrm{H}^1(G/K;M^K) \to \mathrm{H}^1(G;M) \to \mathrm{H}^1(K;M)^{G} \to \mathrm{H}^2(G/K;M^K) \\ &\to \Ker(\mathrm{H}^2(G;M) \to \mathrm{H}^2(K;M)) \xrightarrow{\phi} \mathrm{H}^1(G/K;\mathrm{H}^1(K;M)) \xrightarrow{d_2^{1,1}} \mathrm{H}^3(G/K;M^K), \end{align*} and the image of a class $c \in \Ker(\mathrm{H}^2(G;M) \to \mathrm{H}^2(K;M))$ under the map $\Ker(\mathrm{H}^2(G;M) \to \mathrm{H}^2(K;M)) \to \mathrm{H}^1(G/K;\mathrm{H}^1(K;M))$ is given as follows: We take a cocycle $f \in A_1^{*2}$ representing $c$, and define a crossed homomorphism $\mathfrak{K}_f \colon G/K \to \mathrm{H}^1(K;M)$ by \[ \big(\mathfrak{K}_f(gK)\big) (x) = f(x, g) \] for $x \in K$. Then, by definition, we obtain $\phi(c) = [\mathfrak{K}_f]$. We apply this exact sequence to (\ref{seq:birman}) and the trivial module $\mathbb{Z}$, then we obtain \[ 0 \to \mathrm{H}^2(\Gamma;\mathbb{Z}) \xrightarrow{\phi} \mathrm{H}^1(\widehat{\GG};\mathrm{H}^1(\pi_1(\widehat{\Om});\mathbb{Z})) \xrightarrow{d_2^{1,1}} \mathrm{H}^3(\widehat{\GG};\mathbb{Z}). \] \begin{proof}[Proof of Theorem $\ref{thm:main}$] Let $\chi_{\mathbb{Z}} \in C^2(\mathcal{H};\mathbb{Z})$ be the Euler cocycle induced from $\lfloor \tau \rfloor$. We define a function $a_{\widetilde{\rho}} \colon \Gamma \to \mathbb{Z}$ by \begin{align*} a_{\widetilde{\rho}}(\gg) = \begin{cases} \lfloor\tau(\widetilde{\rho}(\gg))\rfloor & \gg \in \pi_1(\widehat{\Om}) \\ 0 & \text{otherwise} \end{cases} \end{align*} We take a section $s \colon \widehat{\GG} \to \Gamma$ satisfying $s(1_{\widehat{\GG}}) = 1_{\Gamma}$ and set \[ x_{\gg} = s(p(\gg))^{-1} \gg \in \pi_1(\widehat{\Om}). \] Let us define a function $b_{\widetilde{\rho}} \colon \Gamma \to \mathbb{Z}$ by \begin{align*} b_{\widetilde{\rho}}(\gg) = \begin{cases} \lfloor\tau(\widetilde{\rho}(\gg))\rfloor & \gg \in \pi_1(\widehat{\Om}) \\ (\rho^*\chi_{\mathbb{Z}} + \delta a_{\widetilde{\rho}})(s(p(\gg)), x_{\gg}) & \text{otherwise}. \end{cases} \end{align*} Then, the cocycle $\rho^* \chi_{\mathbb{Z}} + \delta b_{\widetilde{\rho}}$ represents the Euler class $\rho^*e$ and is contained in $A_1^{*2}$. To see $\rho^* \chi_{\mathbb{Z}} + \delta b_{\widetilde{\rho}} \in A_1^{*2}$, we take $\gg \in \Gamma$ and $x, y \in \pi_1(\widehat{\Om})$. If $\gg \notin \pi_1(\widehat{\Om})$, we have \begin{align} \label{eq1} \delta b_{\widetilde{\rho}}(s(p(\gg)) x, y) =& b_{\widetilde{\rho}}(y) - b_{\widetilde{\rho}}(s(p(\gg)) xy) + b_{\widetilde{\rho}}(s(p(\gg)) x) \\ =& \lfloor\tau(\widetilde{\rho}(y))\rfloor - \rho^*\chi_{\mathbb{Z}}(s(p(\gg)), xy) - \delta a_{\widetilde{\rho}}(s(p(\gg)), xy)\nonumber \\ & +\rho^*\chi_{\mathbb{Z}}(s(p(\gg)), x) + \delta a_{\widetilde{\rho}}(s(p(\gg)), x)\nonumber \\ =& \lfloor\tau(\widetilde{\rho}(y))\rfloor - \lfloor\tau(\widetilde{\rho}(xy))\rfloor + \lfloor\tau(\widetilde{\rho}(x))\rfloor - \rho^*\chi_{\mathbb{Z}}(s(p(\gg))x, y) + \rho^*\chi_{\mathbb{Z}}(x,y)\nonumber \\ =& - \rho^*\chi_{\mathbb{Z}}(s(p(\gg))x, y),\nonumber \end{align} where the third equality is from $\delta \rho^*\chi_{\mathbb{Z}} = 0$ and the fourth equality is from the definition of $\chi_{\mathbb{Z}}$. If $\gg \in \pi_1(\widehat{\Om})$, we obtain \begin{align} \label{eq2} \delta b_{\widetilde{\rho}}(s(p(\gg)) x, y) =& \delta b_{\widetilde{\rho}}(x, y) = \lfloor \tau(\widetilde{\rho}(y)) \rfloor - \lfloor \tau(\widetilde{\rho}(xy)) \rfloor + \lfloor \tau(\widetilde{\rho}(x)) \rfloor\\ =& -\rho^* \chi_{\mathbb{Z}}(x, y) = -\rho^* \chi_{\mathbb{Z}}(s(p(\gg)) x, y). \nonumber \end{align} Equalities (\ref{eq1}) and (\ref{eq2}) imply that \begin{align}\label{eq3} (\rho^*\chi_{\mathbb{Z}} + \delta b_{\widetilde{\rho}})(\gg, y) = 0 \end{align} for $\gg \in \Gamma$ and $y \in \pi_1(\widehat{\Om})$. Hence, for $\gg_1, \gg_2 \in \Gamma$ and $y \in \pi_1(\widehat{\Om})$, we obtain \begin{align*} (\rho^*\chi_{\mathbb{Z}} + \delta b_{\widetilde{\rho}})(\gg_1, \gg_2 y) &= -(\rho^*\chi_{\mathbb{Z}} + \delta b_{\widetilde{\rho}})(\gg_2, y) + (\rho^*\chi_{\mathbb{Z}} + \delta b_{\widetilde{\rho}})(\gg_1 \gg_2, y) + (\rho^*\chi_{\mathbb{Z}} + \delta b_{\widetilde{\rho}})(\gg_1, \gg_2) \\ &= (\rho^*\chi_{\mathbb{Z}} + \delta b_{\widetilde{\rho}})(\gg_1, \gg_2). \end{align*} This implies that $\rho^*\chi_{\mathbb{Z}} + \delta b_{\widetilde{\rho}} \in A_{1}^{*2}$. By the above description of $\phi$, the class $\phi(\rho^* e)$ is represented by the crossed homomorphism $\mathfrak{K}_{\rho^*\chi + \delta b_{\widetilde{\rho}}}$. By the definition of $\mathfrak{K}_{\rho^*\chi + \delta b_{\widetilde{\rho}}}$ and (\ref{eq3}), we have \begin{align*} \big(\mathfrak{K}_{\rho^*\chi_{\mathbb{Z}} + \delta b_{\widetilde{\rho}}}(p(\gg))\big)(x) = (\rho^*\chi_{\mathbb{Z}} + \delta b_{\widetilde{\rho}})(x, \gg) = (\rho^*\chi_{\mathbb{Z}} + \delta b_{\widetilde{\rho}})(x, \gg) - (\rho^*\chi_{\mathbb{Z}} + \delta b_{\widetilde{\rho}})(\gg,\gg^{-1}x\gg) \end{align*} for $\gg \in \Gamma$ and $x \in \pi_1(\widehat{\Om})$. By the definition of the canonical Euler cocycle $\chi$ and the conjugation invariance of $\tau$, we have \begin{align*} &\rho^* \chi_{\mathbb{Z}}(x, \gg) + \rho^*\chi_{\mathbb{Z}}(\gg, \gg^{-1}x\gg) \\ &= \lfloor\tau(\widetilde{\rho(x)}\widetilde{\rho(\gg)})\rfloor - \lfloor\tau(\widetilde{\rho(x)})\rfloor - \lfloor\tau(\widetilde{\rho(\gg)})\rfloor \\ &\hspace{5mm} -\left(\lfloor\tau(\widetilde{\rho(\gg)} \cdot \widetilde{\rho(\gg)}^{-1}\widetilde{\rho(x)}\widetilde{\rho(\gg)})\rfloor - \lfloor\tau(\widetilde{\rho(\gg)})\rfloor - \lfloor\tau(\widetilde{\rho(\gg)}^{-1}\widetilde{\rho(x)}\widetilde{\rho(\gg)})\rfloor\right) \\ &= \lfloor\tau(\widetilde{\rho(x)}\widetilde{\rho(\gg)})\rfloor - \lfloor\tau(\widetilde{\rho(x)})\rfloor - \lfloor\tau(\widetilde{\rho(\gg)})\rfloor \\ &\hspace{5mm} -\left(\lfloor\tau(\widetilde{\rho(x)}\widetilde{\rho(\gg)})\rfloor - \lfloor\tau(\widetilde{\rho(\gg)})\rfloor - \lfloor\tau(\widetilde{\rho(x)})\rfloor\right) \\ &= 0. \end{align*} Moreover, by the definition of $b_{\widetilde{\rho}}$, we obtain \begin{align*} \delta b_{\widetilde{\rho}}(x, \gg) - \delta b_{\widetilde{\rho}}(\gg, \gg^{-1}x\gg) =& b_{\widetilde{\rho}}(\gg) - b_{\widetilde{\rho}}(x\gg) + b_{\widetilde{\rho}}(x) - \big( b_{\widetilde{\rho}}(\gg^{-1}x\gg) - b_{\widetilde{\rho}}(x\gg) + b_{\widetilde{\rho}}(\gg) \big)\\ =& b_{\widetilde{\rho}}(x) - b_{\widetilde{\rho}}(\gg^{-1}x\gg) = \lfloor\tau(\widetilde{\rho}(x))\rfloor - \lfloor\tau(\widetilde{\rho}(\gg^{-1}x\gg))\rfloor. \end{align*} Since $\tau(\widetilde{\rho}(x)) - \tau(\widetilde{\rho}(\gg^{-1}x\gg)) \in \mathbb{Z}$, we have \[ \lfloor\tau(\widetilde{\rho}(x))\rfloor - \lfloor\tau(\widetilde{\rho}(\gg^{-1}x\gg))\rfloor = \tau(\widetilde{\rho}(x)) - \tau(\widetilde{\rho}(\gg^{-1}x\gg)) = \big(k_{\widetilde{\rho}}(\gg)\big)(x). \] Hence the equality $\mathfrak{K}_{\rho^*\chi + \delta b_{\widetilde{\rho}}} = k_{\widetilde{\rho}}$ holds. This implies that \[ \phi(\rho^* e) = [\mathfrak{K}_{\rho^*\chi + \delta b_{\widetilde{\rho}}}] = [k_{\widetilde{\rho}}] \in \mathrm{H}^1(\widehat{\GG}, \mathrm{H}^1(\pi_1(\widehat{\Om});\mathbb{Z})). \] \end{proof} \section{Concluding remark}\label{sec:concluding} The construction of the crossed homomorphism and Theorem \ref{thm:main} are generalized to any group $G$ acting on the circle and its normal subgroup $K$ the action of which lifts to $\th$. Indeed, let $\rho \colon G \to \mathcal{H}$ be the action of $G$, $i \colon K \to G$ the inclusion, and $\widetilde{\rho} \colon K \to \th$ a lift of $\rho \circ i \colon K \to \mathcal{H}$. Then the map $k_{\widetilde{\rho}} \colon G/K \to \mathrm{H}^1(K;\mathbb{Z})$ defined by \[ k_{\widetilde{\rho}}(gK) = \widetilde{\rho}^*\tau - {}^{g}(\widetilde{\rho}^*\tau) \] is a well-defined crossed homomorphism. Since $\rho \circ i \colon N \to \mathcal{H}$ lifts to a homomorphism $N \to \th$ if and only if the pullback $i^* \rho^* e$ of the Euler class $e$ is trivial, the class $\rho^*e$ is contained in \[ \Ker(i^* \colon \mathrm{H}^2(G;\mathbb{Z}) \to \mathrm{H}^2(K;\mathbb{Z})). \] By the argument same as in the proof of Theorem \ref{thm:main}, it is verified that the class $\phi(\rho^*e)$ coincides with $[k_{\widetilde{\rho}}] \in \mathrm{H}^1(G/K;\mathrm{H}^1(K;\mathbb{Z}))$. \section*{Acknowledgments} The author would like to thank Lei Chen, Lvzhou Chen, Teruaki Kitano, Takayuki Morifuji, Shigeyuki Morita and Takuya Sakasai for helpful comments. The author is supported by JSPS KAKENHI Grant Number JP21J11199. \bibliographystyle{amsalpha}
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaArXiv'}
This is the first story in the series I began two weeks ago with the poetic story of my birth. This is a story I have told to children in schools. Your children may enjoy this story too. The fun days of summer were coming to an end but Denise was not sad. Sure, she would miss the afternoon concerts at Lake Superior with Mama and wouldn't be able to spend the night with Mama's friend, Mary. Denise did enjoy spending time alone with a grown lady eating Chinese food, and sleeping in her big bed. But, beginning kindergarten was even more exciting and special. She was away from her sisters, Sherri and Lisa's arguments and baby Boo-Boo's crying. But, she was home in the afternoon to watch the Howdy Doody Show and Popeye. When they first moved to Minneapolis, Minnesota from Mobile, Alabama, Denise wanted to play in the school's large playground with swings, slides, and merry-go-round. But, Mama told her the playground was just for school children. Now, she was able to play there. Every morning Mama walked her to the school, came back at noon, and they walked back home. One mornng, Mama left Denise at the entrance of the school as she went to "get her hair done." As Denise walked through the long, dark hall, she saw older boys and girls but not any of her classmates. When she opened her classroom door and didn't see any one, not even Sister Marie Therese, she thought, Mama must have brought me to school early. She hung up her coat and looked around the large, open classroom. Each corner of the room was a special area, one for reading books, one for coloring books, one for arts and crafts, and one for games. The middle of the room was filled with round tables and chairs and against the back wall sat a piano. Denise headed straight to the reading area. Even though, she couldn't read many words, Denise loved books. As long as she could remember, Mama read books to Denise and her sisters. She taught Denise the alphabet so she was ready to learn to read when she began kindergarten. Sitting on a pillow, Denise lost herself in the colorful worlds of the picture books. She stretched out on the floor and slowly looked through all of the books she had wanted to read but not been able to before. After awhile she realized she was tired of reading and looked around the room. Still no one had come in the classroom. This is strange, Denise thought and wondered where everyone was. Coloring books called out to her as she looked around the room for something new to do. She found a jungle coloring book filled with pages of animals and plants. The page she chose to color was a picture of a lion, elephant, trees, and flowers. She colored as carefully as she could. All of the colors stayed within the lines. When she finished coloring she felt very proud of her work and wanted to show it off but still no one was in the classroom. Denise couldn't tell time, but she felt she had been alone a long time. So, she got up and walked to the window to see if her teacher and classmates were outside. Many children were playing outside but none of them were her classmates. Usually when she said that Sister Marie Therese would take her and other students to the bathroom. But Sister wasn't in the classroom. Denise was all alone. Students weren't allowed in the hall without a teacher or hall pass. But, she couldn't wait any longer. Denise slid off of the piano stool and cracked open the door, looked up and down the hallway, and saw it was empty. Quickly she ran to the bathroom. Just as she was preparing to run back to the classroom a nun appeared, it seemed, from thin air and grabbed her hand. Denise looked up and saw the stern, unsmiling face of the principal. "Oh," said the principal as she placed her hand over her mouth as if she was surprised. Just then the outside door opened, Mama entered, and walked toward them. "Uh huh and I had fun all by myself," Denise said as she took her mother's hand and led her into the classroom. "See what I colored." Proudly Denise showed her mother the page she had colored.
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
Als Anomalie (von griech. anomalos 'unregelmäßig') bezeichnet man in der Medizin Normabweichungen und Unregelmäßigkeiten. Die Abgrenzung zu den Begriffen Fehlbildung und Varietät wird in der medizinischen Literatur nicht einheitlich gehandhabt. Zumeist werden nur geringgradige Fehlbildungen als Anomalie bezeichnet und Varietäten nur dann, wenn sie klinische Erscheinungen hervorrufen. Anomalien sind zumeist angeboren (kongenitale Anomalie) und entstehen aus genetischen Defekten, durch Störungen in der Organogenese, Zerstörung oder Veränderung von Organen während der Fetalentwicklung oder durch toxikologische oder mechanische Einwirkungen auf das Ungeborene. Geringgradige Anomalien treten bei etwa 15 % der Neugeborenen auf. In der Pathogenetik steht der Begriff auch für strukturelle oder numerische Veränderungen der Chromosomen (→ Chromosomenanomalie). Siehe auch Ebstein-Anomalie Pelger-Huët-Anomalie Einzelnachweise Entwicklungsbiologie Fehlbildung
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaWikipedia'}
We regret to inform you that The Melting Pot of Rocky River has closed for business indefinitely as of March 28, 2018. We regret to announce that The Melting Pot of Rocky River has closed for business as of Wednesday, March 28, 2018. We invite you to continue to enjoy fondue at the nearby Melting Pot location in Lyndhurst, OH. We appreciate the opportunity to have served the Rocky River community for over 9 years at this location. While there are no confirmed plans to re-open this location, The Melting Pot Restaurants, Inc., will explore future opportunities to potentially return to the West side area in the future.
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
The SPD::ONE ELECTRO Digital Percussion Pad from Roland allows musicians to add electronic sounds to their performances. It contains 22 sounds, including fat snares, crisp hand claps, electronic cowbells, and more, and can be played with sticks, hands, or feet. You can also import your own audio data into one of the 12 internal sound banks. Powered by batteries or AC, the portable SPD::ONE ELECTRO can be placed on the floor, a tabletop, or mounted to any rig or drum setup with the included mounting adapter. Operation is simple with just four knobs on the control panel. You can change the sound, volume, balance, and more. Additionally, if you're a drummer, percussion player, guitarist, DJ, or vocalist, the SPD::ONE ELECTRO is a simple and flexible way to expand your sound palette and invigorate your performances. Box Dimensions (LxWxH) 10.5 x 9.2 x 4.1"
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
Editorial: Hitting The Roads 2015-12-24 LoudounNow 0 Comments As the county prepares to welcome a new Board of Supervisors, there is time to reflect on one unexpected gift from the outgoing group. It wasn't really a gift; we paid for it. But it was a dramatic policy change that will have lasting impact and, perhaps, result in a few more moments of enjoyment for area motorists. Early in the term of Loudoun's first all-Republican board, supervisors jumped deep into the road-building business. It was a path that prior boards declined to tread, noting, correctly, that construction and maintenance of the road system was a state government responsibility. However, it was a responsibility state legislators had long abandoned. The impacts of that negligence were masked in Loudoun for many years because it was developers—not the Virginia Department of Transportation—who built and widened the streets. Road building hummed right along in Loudoun until the economy slowed and the proffers ran dry. The decision to devote the revenue generated by 2 cents of the real estate tax rate exclusively to road construction not only appeared to let the state government off the hook, it also put transportation, schools and other general government priorities in competition for limited local funds. Did it really let the General Assembly off the hook? The down-state legislators worried little about the inconvenience suffered by residents and businesses in "wealthy" Loudoun County and even local members of the state delegation weren't convinced that transportation funding was lacking. It was clear little help would be coming from Richmond. Likewise, construction of schools and other county government facilities seemed to keep pace. Even items such as the long-delayed Academies of Loudoun, the long-debated public safety firing range and artificial turf stadium fields managed to secure places in the county's construction program—all while adhering to fiscal policies that preserved the county's triple-A bond ratings during a national recession. The reality is the all-Republican board instituted a 2-cent tax hike to pay for roads when nobody else would step up to the plate. Later, the Assembly did step up, sort of. The landmark transportation bill imposed new regional taxes to help solve Northern Virginia's gridlock. Loudoun leaders expect to get far more road money from that deal than they will from local taxes, but they'll have far less control over those dollars and it is not yet clear whether the county's access to a significant pot of money will survive regional competition. When the board took office four years ago, the county government played an ancillary role in road work. Today, transportation projects account for 40 percent of the county's six-year construction plan, some $793 million. As a result of that work, the next Board of Supervisors will join in a lot of important ribbon-cutting ceremonies as the completion of missing links and long-needed interchanges gets traffic moving. There may be another benefit coming down the line. If the new stream of regional transportation money is joined by a return to adequate state funding, the new board may be well-positioned to offer a nice 2-cent real estate rate reduction before its term expires. That, too, would be unexpected. ← Dominion Tea Opens in Purcellville Syrian Civil War is Close to Home for Loudoun Businessman →
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaCommonCrawl'}
We launched cooperation with Fortuna a.s., starting with website administration. Live betting during sporting events used to be a pie in the sky, but it's commonplace these days. Together with Fortuna, we developed a live betting system that won the Internet Effectiveness Awards! Before long, we were able to get live betting into mobile phones as well. We implemented a corporate website for Fortuna Group. We launched online betting in Poland. The team is expanded and its focus changes from cooperation to continuous development and delivery. Together, we created a joint agile team where both sides complemented each other and members are available 24/7/365. 105 projects in 4 years. We introduced the superticket. Customers no longer had to scroll and instead just Drag&Drop bets to create tickets in a much easier way. We faced massive DDoS attacks together with Fortuna and eliminated the impacts of a distributed attack, avoiding the risk of extensive losses. We start meeting twice a week at the client site to achieve better cooperation. During the Winter Olympics in Sochi, we broke traffic records without any website performance problems, reaching 300,000 people per day and 10,000 people at a single moment. Live bets on offer are expanded to its current palette of 27 different sports. We launched brand new Fortuna mobile applications for Android and iOS platforms. They include fingerprint login, live broadcasts, detailed statistics, immediate ticket acceptance, and push notifications.
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
When you're low income, prioritizing spending is a must. And for many people living in Eastern Idaho, books don't make the list of things families need to get by. Providing a wealth of books to children in low-income homes can help break the link between poverty and poor academic outcomes. Join us and make a difference today. Donate new and gently used books the week of April 5th through April 12th. Find a complete list of book drop off locations below (coming soon). A speical thank you to BEA and Fluor for hosting an internal United Way Book Drive! Can't make it to the Book Fair? Purchase online at https://www.barnesandnoble.com/ between April 12 through April 19 and enter our Book Fair ID: 12504205 at checkout. How can I help give books to low-income kids? • Host a book drive at your place of business – a great team building tool! • Serve as an official United Way Children's Book Drive drop off location – a great way to engage the community! • Run a Neighborhood Book Collection Drive – have your employee's teammates, or group members distribute flyers and collect books from residents. A terrific way for the community to see your group in action! • Bring your team of volunteers to help us collect, sort, and clean books – we need lots and lots of volunteers! • 85% of children in the juvenile justice system are functionally illiterate. • Reading proficiently is the most significant indicator of academic success. • During summer, low-income students regress more than two months in reading achievement while their middle-class peers make slight gains (Cooper, 1996).
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
After weeks of speculation over a possible move, MLS side DC United have finally announced the signing of Wayne Rooney from Everton. Their official twitter account confirmed the new signing with #NoWayneNoGain, and released a video with the English striker donning his new jersey with the no.9 emblazoned on it. The 32-year-old had made great strides during his time in England, rising up the ranks of Manchester United and England's scoring chart, and having rejoined boyhood club Everton just last season. However, speculation was strong around the month of May that the lesser-known MLS side was looking to make Rooney their key signing ahead of the unveiling of their new stadium. After Everton manager Sam Allardyce confirmed that talks were on, it seemed all but certain that the legend would, in fact, move to the United States, which has quickly emerged as among the most lucrative and rewarding options for stars of past fame to go and render their services to. Rooney had this to say about the move: "It is fantastic to be joining D.C. at such an exciting time in the club's history with the new stadium opening. He will now follow in the footsteps of the likes of Steven Gerrard, Frank Lampard, and Zlatan Ibrahimovic with the move. While complete details aren't out yet, reports suggest that he has signed on a 2-year-long deal which will see him pocket a handsome sum of £10 million, a wage package fitting the MLS. He certainly has an uphill task ahead of him, as United sit dead bottom in their table, and will be hoping that the new arrival and the new stadium will provide them with the adequate momentum.
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
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See also: List of films shot in Las Vegas, List of television shows set in Las Vegas References Email Address: Hollywood Hangover Webmster Hollywood Hangover Home Page List of Sunset Strip People List of Amusements and Events What I Was Up To Back Then With a clever script and hilarious interplay among the cast, The Hangover nails just the right tone of raunchy humor, and the non-stop laughs overshadow any flaw. Find something for everyone on your list with the collection of shops and boutiques at The LINQ Hotel amp; Casino, conveniently located along the Vegas Strip. Welcome. To the Home of the New Red Stag Casino, where US players will enjoy the best online casino games ever assembled. 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Voor hoofdrolspelers Bradley Cooper en Justin Bartha was het na Failure to Launch en New York, I Love You hun derde film samen. Except for all the alcohol intake, Jakes bachelor party and Amys bachelorette party in the appropriately titled Bachelorette Party arent exactly wild and crazy experiences. Der Titel dieses Artikels ist mehrdeutig. Zum gleichnamigen Lied von Taio Cruz, siehe Hangover (Lied). Zum Album des Rappers Obie Trice, siehe The Hangover (Album). Secrets of Magic 3: Happy Halloween for iPad, iPhone, Android, Mac amp; PC. Dive into this spooky match 3 adventure and help Victoria decorate the School of Magic for Halloween. Halloween: Trick or Treat 2 for iPad, iPhone, Android, Mac amp; PC. Springfield has never been spookier. See the Costume Parade, Ghostly Museum, Dracula's Castle and Haunted Hotel in this superb Halloween adventure. Torneo blackjack is a 20 line, 5 reel video slot machine based on a theme of ancient Egyptian. 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{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
Chick Hicks (Michael Keaton): How do you think I'd look in Dinoco blue? Dinoco blue!"" Lightning McQueen (Owen Wilson): "In your dreams, Thunder." Chick: "Yeah, right. Thunder? What's he talkin' about, 'Thunder'?" Lightning: "You know, 'cause thunder always comes after lightning. Ka-ping! Ka-pow!"
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
The Linn Community Garden is an allotment garden in the city of Linn, Kansas. Initially 13 plots will be available for rent by area residents. The garden provides opportunities for local residents to learn how to grow their own food, increase healthy food choices, practice and master gardening skills, develop relationships between established community residents and beautify the neighborhood. The group applied for grant funds to purchase tools, a shed, tillers and irrigation supplies; to install water lines; and to make soil improvements.
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
Yes, it happened again. According to a recent Associated Press story, drinking glasses produced in China, featuring comic and superhero characters, have been discovered to contain extremely high levels of lead. Excessive amounts of cadmium were revealed in the glasses as well. This has been a repeated and particularly troubling topic, especially because many of these products are marketed to children. It's clear that the methods being employed to combat this problem have been unsuccessful. So what are some options? "This is a systemic problem and the root cause for most of it belongs to the importers, not the manufacturers," says Stan Salot, president of the ECC Corp. (ECCC) and co-author of the IECQ HSPM QC 080000 standard that certifies manufacturer compliance to hazardous substance process management. The first step in ensuring prevention is a willingness on the part of U.S. importers to demand compliance from their partners overseas. Cost is a key factor in these relationships from the outset, but U.S. importers must understand the true cost of poor quality if and when these consumer products are found to be defective. These risks cannot be simply assigned in terms of lost sales, either—the costs of bad public relations, lost customers, and potential fines and lawsuits are often incalculable. This may be changing, however. A recent Quality Digest Daily article reports that China has notified the World Trade Organization (WTO) of prospective legislative changes to that nation's handling of hazardous substances in consumer products. It's a small step that specifically addresses only electronics, but it is an acknowledgement that Chinese leaders recognize the problem and are addressing it. China's massive economic expansion has been fueled by consumer product exports, and it's clear that the nation's government will do what it takes to ensure the continuance of that growth. OK, but let's say that an importer does all its due diligence in terms of certification of its overseas manufacturing partners, but it still wants to inspect products for levels of hazardous substances. What kind of testing equipment is available to ensure compliance? X-ray fluorescence (XRF) testing is one method. "XRF uses X-ray energy to determine what elements or metals an object contains and how much of those elements or metals are present," explains Kim Russell, business development representative for Olympus Innov-X Systems, a manufacturer of testing and inspection equipment. In comparison with laboratory inspection methods, XRF testing is easier, faster, and less expensive—and nondestructive, too. XRF testing allows importers to spot-check finished products. Even better, inspection tools such as these can also be used further upstream, at the site of production, to confirm that products and components are within allowable ranges for toxic heavy metals—not only lead and cadmium, but mercury, chromium, and bromine, too. In this way, products that don't meet specifications can be rejected and destroyed before they're even loaded for export. Having this safety valve in place can also reduce the amount of product that slips through the cracks and gets into the hands of consumers, most likely via Internet marketers. Rejecting large batches of products isn't an ideal solution, of course. Training, certification, and compliance to a recognized standard such as QC 080000 is still the best and cheapest fix possible, but in light of ongoing problems of this nature, several roads to improvement are certainly better than none. Action always trumps inaction, and self-discovery of quality issues (and the attendant, immediate steps to eliminate bad product) will always prove more salutary to exporters, importers, and consumers than whistle-blowing from third parties such as regulatory commissions or media watchdogs. The AP article says that cadmium usage is standard for the color red. It also says that some of the products in question were part of collectors sets designed and marketed to nostalgic adults. In the absence of any information on how these glasses were specified, I'm not sure if the conclusions you've drawn will fully eliminate thr problem. If these glasses were not specified as being compliant with the CPSC regulations (due to the intended marked), or in general not specified as being lead-free or cadmium-free, you have not addressed the root cause. We're quick to blame China for problems, but if we don't specify the appropriate requirements, we're still going to miss the boat.
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
The Hello Kitty HK218 is fashionable, functional and fun. The full, acetate frame is an oval silhouette. The temples on this frame are unique from all the others featuring a full Hello Kitty on each temple along with an adorable Hello Kitty pattern. Temple are made of plastic while the universal bridge is made of acetate. Each Hello Kitty frame includes an adorable, protective case shaped like a little purse that your favorite gal won't want to stash away.
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
Q: Java EE 7: How to load JDBC connection info from properties file / any file on file system I am working on a Java EE 7 application. I am using Payara micro to deploy my WAR files. Now, I need JDBC connectivity in my application, but I need to keep the database IP/username/password somewhere I can change later on, without re-uploading and deploying WAR file again. Could anybody please tell me how can I achieve this? EDIT: I came accross a solution to that on SO: https://stackoverflow.com/a/6296375/1931698 But, I am looking for a solution without all that plumbing. Inheriting DataSource just to have connection info in some external file looks like overkill. EDIT: Also, it would be really helpful if I can just provide a configuration panel to the user, where he / she can enter JDBC connection info. Is there a way to change that info at runtime (effectively discarding existing connection pool and creating a new one)? A: Payara Micro should allow system property replacement in Datasource definitions using the syntax ${system.property.name} you can use that to define the database user name and password as well as the connect strings. There is also environment variable support in 171.1 onwards using the syntax ${ENV=env.name} where env.name is the environment variable name. A: Make use of java.utils.Properties with a seperate myproperties.properties file in your src folder (in classpath). Properties prop = null; try { prop = new Properties(); InputStream inputStream = getClass().getClassLoader() .getResourceAsStream("myProperty.‌​properties"); if (inputStream != null) { prop.load(inputStream); } } catch (IOException e) { errorLog.error("Property file not found in classpath: ClientChecking Class."); } String userName = prop.getProperty("USERNAME"); myproperties.properties file must contain: USERNAME=user123 If you are using Apache tomcat for hosting, then you can find and edit the propertyfile from path WebContent(Root dir)/WEB-INF/classes/
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaStackExchange'}
The AeroFlask is the ideal companion for transporting carry-on liquor while traveling. Aerodynamically designed, the body is inspired by the shape of an airplane wing, the AeroFlask has truly unique features like no other. Discretely designed for front pocket comfort and concealment. Flask includes a built-in funnel for easy pours and is TSA compliant. Made of stainless steel and measures about 4.84"h x 3.5"w x .49" thick. Holds 3.4 oz of liquid.
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
Q: Bootstrap a href inside top-menu not working I am facing a problem with a menu div in bootstrap. I have a top menu with four links which are pointing at a corresponding sections of my site.The links are "hijacked" by a jquery script so they will scroll the page to that section. What i want to to is place a link to point to extrernal link,but when i place the <a href tag it does nothing. My code <ul class="unstyled inline pull-right top-menu"> <li><a href="http://myblog.tumblr.com">Blog</a></li> <li><a href="#contact">contact</a></li> <li><a href="#newsletter">Newsletter</a></li> </ul> Any ideas how i will bypass the scrollTo function only for my external link but contain it inside my menu div? scrollTo jquery /** * Copyright (c) 2007-2012 Ariel Flesler - aflesler(at)gmail(dot)com | http://flesler.blogspot.com * Dual licensed under MIT and GPL. * @author Ariel Flesler * @version 1.4.3 */ ;(function($){var h=$.scrollTo=function(a,b,c){$(window).scrollTo(a,b,c)};h.defaults={axis:'xy',duration:parseFloat($.fn.jquery)>=1.3?0:1,limit:true};h.window=function(a){return $(window)._scrollable()};$.fn._scrollable=function(){return this.map(function(){var a=this,isWin=!a.nodeName||$.inArray(a.nodeName.toLowerCase(),['iframe','#document','html','body'])!=-1;if(!isWin)return a;var b=(a.contentWindow||a).document||a.ownerDocument||a;return/webkit/i.test(navigator.userAgent)||b.compatMode=='BackCompat'?b.body:b.documentElement})};$.fn.scrollTo=function(e,f,g){if(typeof f=='object'){g=f;f=0}if(typeof g=='function')g={onAfter:g};if(e=='max')e=9e9;g=$.extend({},h.defaults,g);f=f||g.duration;g.queue=g.queue&&g.axis.length>1;if(g.queue)f/=2;g.offset=both(g.offset);g.over=both(g.over);return this._scrollable().each(function(){if(!e)return;var d=this,$elem=$(d),targ=e,toff,attr={},win=$elem.is('html,body');switch(typeof targ){case'number':case'string':if(/^([+-]=)?\d+(\.\d+)?(px|%)?$/.test(targ)){targ=both(targ);break}targ=$(targ,this);if(!targ.length)return;case'object':if(targ.is||targ.style)toff=(targ=$(targ)).offset()}$.each(g.axis.split(''),function(i,a){var b=a=='x'?'Left':'Top',pos=b.toLowerCase(),key='scroll'+b,old=d[key],max=h.max(d,a);if(toff){attr[key]=toff[pos]+(win?0:old-$elem.offset()[pos]);if(g.margin){attr[key]-=parseInt(targ.css('margin'+b))||0;attr[key]-=parseInt(targ.css('border'+b+'Width'))||0}attr[key]+=g.offset[pos]||0;if(g.over[pos])attr[key]+=targ[a=='x'?'width':'height']()*g.over[pos]}else{var c=targ[pos];attr[key]=c.slice&&c.slice(-1)=='%'?parseFloat(c)/100*max:c}if(g.limit&&/^\d+$/.test(attr[key]))attr[key]=attr[key]<=0?0:Math.min(attr[key],max);if(!i&&g.queue){if(old!=attr[key])animate(g.onAfterFirst);delete attr[key]}});animate(g.onAfter);function animate(a){$elem.animate(attr,f,g.easing,a&&function(){a.call(this,e,g)})}}).end()};h.max=function(a,b){var c=b=='x'?'Width':'Height',scroll='scroll'+c;if(!$(a).is('html,body'))return a[scroll]-$(a)[c.toLowerCase()]();var d='client'+c,html=a.ownerDocument.documentElement,body=a.ownerDocument.body;return Math.max(html[scroll],body[scroll])-Math.min(html[d],body[d])};function both(a){return typeof a=='object'?a:{top:a,left:a}}})(jQuery); jquery.nav ;(function($, window, document, undefined){ // our plugin constructor var OnePageNav = function(elem, options){ this.elem = elem; this.$elem = $(elem); this.options = options; this.metadata = this.$elem.data('plugin-options'); this.$nav = this.$elem.find('a'); this.$win = $(window); this.sections = {}; this.didScroll = false; this.$doc = $(document); this.docHeight = this.$doc.height(); }; // the plugin prototype OnePageNav.prototype = { defaults: { currentClass: 'current', changeHash: false, easing: 'swing', filter: '', scrollSpeed: 750, scrollOffset: 0, scrollThreshold: 0.5, begin: false, end: false, scrollChange: false }, init: function() { var self = this; // Introduce defaults that can be extended either // globally or using an object literal. self.config = $.extend({}, self.defaults, self.options, self.metadata); //Filter any links out of the nav if(self.config.filter !== '') { self.$nav = self.$nav.filter(self.config.filter); } //Handle clicks on the nav self.$nav.on('click.onePageNav', $.proxy(self.handleClick, self)); //Get the section positions self.getPositions(); //Handle scroll changes self.bindInterval(); //Update the positions on resize too self.$win.on('resize.onePageNav', $.proxy(self.getPositions, self)); return this; }, adjustNav: function(self, $parent) { self.$elem.find('.' + self.config.currentClass).removeClass(self.config.currentClass); $parent.addClass(self.config.currentClass); }, bindInterval: function() { var self = this; var docHeight; self.$win.on('scroll.onePageNav', function() { self.didScroll = true; }); self.t = setInterval(function() { docHeight = self.$doc.height(); //If it was scrolled if(self.didScroll) { self.didScroll = false; self.scrollChange(); } //If the document height changes if(docHeight !== self.docHeight) { self.docHeight = docHeight; self.getPositions(); } }, 250); }, getHash: function($link) { return $link.attr('href').split('#')[1]; }, getPositions: function() { var self = this; var linkHref; var topPos; var $target; self.$nav.each(function() { linkHref = self.getHash($(this)); $target = $('#' + linkHref); if($target.length) { topPos = $target.offset().top; self.sections[linkHref] = Math.round(topPos) - self.config.scrollOffset; } }); }, getSection: function(windowPos) { var returnValue = null; var windowHeight = Math.round(this.$win.height() * this.config.scrollThreshold); for(var section in this.sections) { if((this.sections[section] - windowHeight) < windowPos) { returnValue = section; } } return returnValue; }, handleClick: function(e) { var self = this; var $link = $(e.currentTarget); var $parent = $link.parent(); var newLoc = '#' + self.getHash($link); if(!$parent.hasClass(self.config.currentClass)) { //Start callback if(self.config.begin) { self.config.begin(); } //Change the highlighted nav item self.adjustNav(self, $parent); //Removing the auto-adjust on scroll self.unbindInterval(); //Scroll to the correct position $.scrollTo(newLoc, self.config.scrollSpeed, { axis: 'y', easing: self.config.easing, offset: { top: -self.config.scrollOffset }, onAfter: function() { //Do we need to change the hash? if(self.config.changeHash) { window.location.hash = newLoc; } //Add the auto-adjust on scroll back in self.bindInterval(); //End callback if(self.config.end) { self.config.end(); } } }); } e.preventDefault(); }, scrollChange: function() { var windowTop = this.$win.scrollTop(); var position = this.getSection(windowTop); var $parent; //If the position is set if(position !== null) { $parent = this.$elem.find('a[href$="#' + position + '"]').parent(); //If it's not already the current section if(!$parent.hasClass(this.config.currentClass)) { //Change the highlighted nav item this.adjustNav(this, $parent); //If there is a scrollChange callback if(this.config.scrollChange) { this.config.scrollChange($parent); } } } }, unbindInterval: function() { clearInterval(this.t); this.$win.unbind('scroll.onePageNav'); } }; OnePageNav.defaults = OnePageNav.prototype.defaults; $.fn.onePageNav = function(options) { return this.each(function() { new OnePageNav(this, options).init(); }); }; })( jQuery, window , document ); A: I have never used the scrollTo plugin, but with bootstrap I am using the following to have animated scrolling. Since I am only targeting links that start with # all of my other links work as expected. $(document).ready(function(){ if(window.location.hash) { //If page loads with hash scrollToID(window.location.hash); } $('a[href^="#"]').click(function(event){ //Only target links that start with # event.preventDefault(); scrollToID($(this).attr('href')); }); }); function scrollToID(ID){ var navOffset = ($(window).width() > 979) ? 93 : 0; //adjust this if you have a fixed header with responsive design $('html, body').animate({ 'scrollTop': $(ID).offset().top - navOffset }, 'slow'); }
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaStackExchange'}
Quick update from us! We are close to Pittsburgh and closing in on the end of the ride. Like many of you, we are watching the Olympics at night after Mark's ride and marveling at what the human body can do. As we near the end of this journey, Mark is struggling with his, um, "under" wear. Clearly it is not easy to sit on a hard bike seat for 6 to 8 hours a day for two months. This stack of potions and lotions that we are traveling with doesn't really help. But in one week he will be done with this crazy journey. Yes, just a week from today, we hope, depending on the weather, we should be in Washington, D,C. and then another 2 days to Delaware, where Mark will dip his tire in the Atlantic Ocean! Mark will write more tonight, but just wanted to keep you all posted. Yesterday I had a great time in Dover, Ohio while Mark was busy pedaling. I discovered my new favorite "museum" which was not easy to find because it's actually in a funeral home. The "Famous Ending Museum" which houses the largest collection of funeral memorabilia in the country, including items from the services of movie stars, sports heroes, U.S. presidents, inventors and historical figures. If you like pop culture and history, you will be in "heaven" here! I actually arrived during a funeral and was shooed in to the small room near the entrance. As I wandered around, I could hear the funeral ceremony on the speakers. Perfect! I could have spent hours there. Funeral programs for Ghandi, King George and more. I love that you can see who the speakers were and the music choices for the services. I also stopped by the visit the Warther Museum and Gardens which Ernest Warther's famous carving collection. But my favorite part was the little cottage filled with artwork made of buttons by his wife. Love it. So while Mark was chugging along on his bike (and had his first fall, which I will let him tell you about), I finally got a "day off" from my "sag wife" duties and enjoyed the town of Dover. Okay, Mark… First, congratulations on making it almost to the end. All I can say to that is WOW! But, secondly, a word of caution: don't get too anxious for the end (literally and figuratively). Don't want to read about you getting into trouble just before this adventure reaches its natural conclusion. Bike SAFELY!
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
Commodity Investing 3 Best Lithium Mining Stocks in 2022 By Rob Otman Updated Aug 31, 2022 at 9:49AM Lithium is one of the top precious metals of the 21st century. It's helping power new technologies and this emerging trend is a great opportunity for investors. That's why I jumped into the data and found three of the best lithium mining stocks. I've listed the lithium mining companies below. But before we get to those, let's look at the powerful trend at play. Lithium has long been used in ceramic and glass production, as well as air treatment and polymer production. But its growing demand is in rechargeable batteries… Investing in Lithium Mining Stocks as Demand Grows Global demand for lithium is growing by leaps and bounds. That's due in part to increased electric vehicle (EV) demand worldwide. And the impact for the energy industry has made this "energy metal" a hot commodity. Already, lithium's price have more than tripled in the past few years. But what's behind this surge in price and demand? Lithium-ion batteries have the ability to store a lot of energy in a small space. Energy density is measured in watt-hours as a function of liters. The energy density of the basic lead-acid battery in your car is 30 Wh/L. But a basic lithium-ion battery's density is 250 Wh/L. And new lithium-ion batteries still in development will be able to store even more energy… Due to their compact size and huge power storage, lithium-ion batteries are perfect for EVs. Plug-in EVs like the Tesla Model 3 are affordable, efficient and can travel about as far as a comparable gas-powered car. Their only weakness is charging time… and that's becoming a nonissue as rapid chargers improve. Add in the fact that a lead-acid battery is an environmental disaster in a box, and you can see there are a lot of advantages for lithium. That's why lithium batteries are likely to be the power storage system of the 21st century. And why these lithium mining companies could be the way forward. How to Invest in Lithium Stocks The demand for lithium is shifting into even higher gear. And select lithium stocks have the potential to see outsized returns. If you want broad exposure to the best lithium stocks, consider the Global X Lithium & Battery Tech ETF (NYSE: LIT). This ETF has roughly 40 holdings, which includes stocks from all sides of the business, from mining to manufacturing. And since it's the only lithium ETF out there, it's the lone diversified direct play on the market. Now if you want individual lithium stocks, miners are a good way to go. They will benefit directly from the growing demand. Lithium Mining Stocks The "Big 3" lithium mining companies are… FMC Corp. (NYSE: FMC) Albemarle Corp. (NYSE: ALB) Sociedad Química y Minera de Chile (NYSE: SQM) Combined, these lithium mining companies produce more than half of the world's lithium. All three companies have active lithium mining operations in different parts of the globe – most are in Chile, Bolivia and Argentina (known as "The Lithium Triangle"), Australia, and the western United States. Combined, the "Big 3" were projected to see earnings increases of 36% on average this year, according to Bloomberg. There are some great opportunities out there that could see profits soar alongside lithium prices. And lithium mining stocks are one of the best places to start. Just make sure to do your own due diligence before investing. More Trends Behind Lithium Batteries Look around the room you are in. Do you see a cellphone, tablet, camera or laptop? In today's web-connected world, I bet you do. There's a good chance you have one in your pocket or on your desk at this moment. In fact, you might be reading this on a device that's using a lithium battery. The growth in mobile devices has also pushed new lithium demand. This is great for lithium stock investors. Battery maker Panasonic is looking for a 74.9% compound annual growth rate (CAGR) in stationary storage lithium batteries. These batteries can power your home or workplace. They'll even revolutionize how you get from your home to your workplace. And Panasonic is looking for a 16.9% CAGR in automotive lithium-ion batteries. The Musk Effect The main industrial driver of the EV revolution – and, by extension, the lithium surge – is the world's most popular EV company, Tesla (Nasdaq: TSLA). The batteries Tesla uses for its Model S electric cars are Panasonic's lithium-ion batteries made of lithium, nickel, cobalt and aluminum oxide. A lot of lithium goes into each battery – about 21.4 kilograms (47 pounds) per car. Tesla CEO Elon Musk wants a "complete transformation of the entire energy infrastructure of the world to completely sustainable zero carbon." And to reach that goal, he wants lithium-ion battery production on an enormous scale. This bodes well for investing in lithium stocks. Enter the Lithium Gigafactory In 2018, Elon Musk started selling EVs for just $35,500 apiece (including the tax rebates and incentives). That's a little less than half of what a Model S costs now. Eventually, Musk wants to make EVs so affordable that they become the main form of private transportation in the world. The Tesla Gigafactory in Nevada will be the world's largest lithium-ion battery plant. Carrying a price tag of roughly $5 billion, the factory will make enough battery packs to power 500,000 EVs a year. And it won't just make car batteries. About one-fourth of the Gigafactory's capacity will be for Tesla's new Powerwall storage batteries for home solar systems. And these will also require lithium. Exactly how much lithium the factory will require is a matter of dispute. Tesla said the Gigafactory's expected lithium demand per year would be 8,000 metric tons in 2020, the first full year of production. But there are other estimates. Bank of America says the factory will probably use 9,000 metric tons a year. Goldman Sachs estimates that the Gigafactory could require 15,000 to 25,000 metric tons of lithium when it is operating at full capacity. These estimates definitely bode well for the above lithium mining companies. More Demand and Competition Per Tesla's numbers, batteries would suddenly gobble up 53% of supply. And if you believe Wall Street analysts following lithium mining stocks, it could be a heck of a lot more. EV batteries are rated in kilowatt-hours. Factories are rated in gigawatt-hours. The Gigafactory will have an annual production capacity of 35 million kWh, or 35 GWh. It will also source an additional 15 GWh from external suppliers. But that's just the beginning of the story. Elon Musk wants to build 200 factories around the world. And he's not the only one with his eye on the lithium market. Tesla's biggest rival will likely be Chinese auto manufacturer BYD, also known as Build Your Dreams, a company backed by Warren Buffett. BYD is already building electric buses on American soil. It also has global gigafactory ambitions. BYD's production capacity across all its factories reached 91 GWh in 2021. This is up from 65 GWh in 2020. Beyond that, every major auto manufacturer now has at least one fully electric car. These manufacturers might outsource their batteries. And that would also mean huge demand for lithium batteries. Thanks to the surge in demand for rechargeable batteries, companies are scrambling for supplies of lithium. And with EV demand not slowing down, a major supply shortage is not far away. Final Thoughts on Investing in Lithium Many trends are coming together to support investing in lithium stocks. The price has already climbed but there's plenty of room to grow. The lithium mining stocks above are a great way to get direct exposure. If you're interested in more investing trends and ideas, feel free to continue exploring Investment U. There are lots of good investing opportunities to consider today… Articles by Rob Otman Reviews The Oxford Communiqué Review Reviews Trade of the Day Plus Review Reviews Oxford Income Letter Review ETF Investing Stocks vs. Mutual Funds Commodity Investing When Will Lumber Prices Go Down (Even More)? Commodity Investing 3 Best Silver Stocks to Buy Commodity Investing Vale Stock Forecast for Investors in the Mining Company Commodity Investing 6 Best Gold Mining Stocks
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaCommonCrawl'}
CompileAssert(false) #endif struct XDataAllocation sealed : public SecondaryAllocation { // ---- Methods ----- // XDataAllocation() : pdataCount(0) , functionTable(NULL) , xdataSize(0) {} RUNTIME_FUNCTION* GetPdataArray() const { return reinterpret_cast<RUNTIME_FUNCTION*>(address + xdataSize); } bool IsFreed() const { return address == nullptr; } void Free() { address = nullptr; pdataCount = 0; functionTable = nullptr; xdataSize = 0; } // ---- Data members ---- // ushort pdataCount; // ARM requires more than 1 pdata/function FunctionTableHandle functionTable; // stores the handle to the growable function table ushort xdataSize; }; // // Allocates xdata and pdata entries for ARM architecture on the heap. They are freed when released. // // class XDataAllocator sealed : public SecondaryAllocator { // --------- Public functions ---------/ public: XDataAllocator(BYTE* address, uint size); bool Initialize(void* segmentStart, void* segmentEnd); void Delete(); bool Alloc(ULONG_PTR functionStart, DWORD functionSize, ushort pdataCount, ushort xdataSize, SecondaryAllocation* allocation); void Release(const SecondaryAllocation& address); bool CanAllocate(); static DWORD GetAllocSize(ushort pdataCount, ushort xdataSize) { return sizeof(RUNTIME_FUNCTION) * pdataCount + xdataSize; } static void Register(XDataAllocation * xdataInfo, DWORD functionStart, DWORD functionSize); static void Unregister(XDataAllocation * xdataInfo); #ifndef _WIN32 // Read .eh_frame data head (length record). 0 means empty. static uint32 ReadHead(const void* p) { return *reinterpret_cast<const uint32*>(p); } #endif };
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaGithub'}
A couple weeks ago, we had a discussion over on the nextNY mailing list about how to use social networking software such as Facebook, MySpace, LinkedIn, etc. What was interesting to me about the conversation was how it broke down generationally – us older folks were struggling to figure out what we were supposed to do with these sites. Charlie O'Donnell suggested that for older people there was nothing to do – we have settled into our lives and already have our social networks in place, whereas younger people use such software to expand their networks while they sort out their social identity. That makes sense, but I think there's more going on here. For one thing, when one grows up with a technology, it is part of the environment rather than "technology". It reminds me of McLuhan's quote that "We don't know who discovered water, but we know it wasn't the fish." and Douglas Adams's take on technology adoption. People use media and technology in different ways when they consider it the natural order of things. These "new" social network sites aren't new to the kids using them; the sites are seen as just another way to talk to one's friends. The expertise with which such sites are used by these newcomers is partially a result of being embedded in a community. They aren't reading help files to figure out what to do. They see what their friends are doing, copy and adapt what they find useful, and learn as they go. The site does not stand alone, but instead demonstrates the social life of information. Those of us who are the first of our communities to explore a site have a more difficult time, as we have to figure out usage patterns from scratch. The churn of technology also contributes to lowered adoption rates by older people. I've been on the Internet since 1990 and have spent time with email, mailing lists, MUDs, instant messaging, discussion boards, web pages, Usenet, blogs, RSS, LiveJournal, etc. Several of these technologies have been superceded by later ones. Having been through several such cycles, I'm less likely to invest in learning a new technology until it has moved past the hype stage into mainstream adoption. Somebody new to the scene is more likely to believe that the new thing is world-changing. Part of the churn of technology is because each new generation seeks to differentiate itself from the one before. Baby Boomers adopted rock music and television and created the beginnings of the car culture with their efforts to escape their parents' influence. My generation thrilled at the ability to escape from our hometowns by talking to people around the world via the Internet. Now kids see their parents using email, so they think email is for old people and use texting or Facebook messaging instead. Learning a new technology can often mean giving up an old one. Because of the time I have spent mastering various media technologies and integrating them into my life, I am loath to give them up even if better technologies now exist. For instance, I resisted buying a DVR for years because I was convinced my VCR was good enough. Meanwhile, people entering this environment can choose the technologies that best fit their lives without considering sunk costs, much like developing countries are now skipping wired telephone networks and going straight to cell phones. As Charlie observed, those of us with established careers and social networks have less time and desire to experiment with new technologies and integrate them into our lives. So we reject them in favor of technologies with which we are already comfortable. Charlie describes how bloggers are rejecting Facebook after using it in a unrealistic way based on their experience with blogging. They didn't take the time to go "native"; without a community in which to observe how others were using the technology, they failed to find a use for it. The mix of technology and community is an intoxicating one for me – I've been fascinated by how virtual communities form and use technology since I first logged into a MUD in 1990. With more experience, I realized that the technology matters less than the community in the process of technology adoption. A technology without an associated community withers away. A technology that can be adapted to serve communities (like Twitter) will thrive. We're in a time of great innovation in social software. The technology to create social networking applications is available to anyone, either through building it with open source software on a hosted server, or through sites like Ning. While I'm no longer one of the early adopters, I am watching them closely to see how new technologies are being used by those communities, so that I can adopt them later myself. P.S. Having said all that, I still don't "get" Facebook. Anybody want to give me a tour of how they use it? I'm growing more and more convinced that technology adoption has less to do with age and what people are used to and more that different people have different communication needs. High school and college students need to communicate in a different way, and to communicate different things, than someone in their 30s in a job does. IM is better-matched to the needs of student socialization; email is better-matched to the needs of business. The costs of learning a new technology are significant, but you'll pay them if you get a benefit from it. Witness: digital vs analog in audio and video devices. I'm not disagreeing with what you've said here, by the way; I think it's insightful. But there's a floating concept that we're stuck with whatever tech was popular when we were at some critical age, and that email vs IM is an old-fogey-vs-new-hotness issue, which I think is wrong and want to point out for correction. Consider: we used both email and IM when we were undergrads. Now my primary mode of mediated interaction is via personal website discussion forums. Not so different from MySpace or FaceBook. I think the big difference is that those sites are relatively impenetrable because they're very much about constructing a public identity and a social network. People our age have already done that, so we see all the elements like embedded song players as noise, rather than as important features. It's not a matter of age in the sense of your historical era of birth that matters, but in the sense of what stage of your life you're in. Jofish: If Facebook is a good way for twenty somethings to communicate, then I'm curious whether it can be a good tool for my communities to communicate. So I want to see how it's used by those twenty somethings and figure if I can map those usage patterns onto my own communities. More on this in another post. Beemer: Great comments. I don't think we're stuck with the technologies we originally learned. But your comment that "The costs of learning a new technology are significant, but you'll pay them if you get a benefit from it." is key. When I was younger, I had no tools in place so my barrier to adoption was basically zero because anything was better than nothing. Now that I have technologies in place to run my life, I have to see significant benefits to the new technology before I am willing to invest in learning it. If I see those benefits, I'll take the time to learn it, as I did with LiveJournal, RSS, blogs, DVRs, etc. Another example: I tried getting a wiki used for documentation at my old company and completely failed, but we're using wikis extensively at my current job. Unsurprisingly, my current job involves working with young technologists, so getting them to adopt wikis was easier than it was for my old coworkers who were comfortable with Word and Excel. However, if the benefits of a wiki had been clearly demonstrated to my old coworkers, it might have been different. Maybe. I'm still not 100% sure that it works that way. I've been thinking about this, and I think I was wrong. I think you should dive in and get to know it. So. This is how you do it. 2) Add a handful of people as friends, for now by looking at the friends-of your friends. 3) Change your Status Update. The status update is at the core of Facebook; it's the quintessential case of how you change something on your account and everyone else sees it on their News Feed. 4) Log on again in a few hours, or the next day. (Really, to *get* Facebook, you want to log on at least once a day.) *Change your status*, and read through your News Feed to see what everyone else has been doing. If the mood strikes you, then comment on someone's Wall about their status change. Or on the photos they've uploaded or changed their profile pic to. plus, ironically, this just showed up in my news feed mere seconds after i wrote that post.
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
"As I grew up I loved to hear the sound of my mother's cuckoo clock. When my first child was born, she was a very light sleeper. Each time I visited my mother's house I would spend many hours trying to get my baby to sleep. All would be well until the sound of my mother's cuckoo clock started echoing all over the house. This dreaded cuckoo came out of the clock every hour. Every time the cuckoo came out bellowing the time, my baby daughter would awaken in her cot in a state of shock. As she grew older she learned and understood that these sounds were not harmful to her. In later life when she had children of her own, she bought herself a cuckoo clock. She stopped the cuckoo chiming on the hour, but she loved the look of the clock because it triggered happy memories of spending holidays with her grandmother.
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
Julia Bíró Marton Julia Bíró Marton (°1962, Budapest, Hungary) makes conceptual artworks and mixed media artworks. By studying sign processes, signification and communication, Bíró Marton tries to increase the dynamic between audience and author by objectifying emotions and investigating the duality that develops through different interpretations. Her conceptual artworks focus on the inability of communication which is used to visualise reality, the attempt of dialogue, the dissonance between form and content and the dysfunctions of language. In short, the lack of clear references are key elements in the work. By examining the ambiguity and origination via retakes and variations, she tries to grasp language. Transformed into art, language becomes an ornament. At that moment, lots of ambiguities and indistinctnesses, which are inherent to the phenomenon, come to the surface. Her works never shows the complete structure. This results in the fact that the artist can easily imagine an own interpretation without being hindered by the historical reality. By investigating language on a meta-level, she makes work that generates diverse meanings. Associations and meanings collide. Space becomes time and language becomes image. Her works question the conditions of appearance of an image in the context of contemporary visual culture in which images, representations and ideas normally function.
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaCommonCrawl'}
KSU Magazine Merit Pages Filming on Campus Music department' youth symphony partner to offer high school music clinic The Kennesaw State University Department of Music will offer its second annual music clinic for… Georgia (Feb 22, 2008) — Music department' youth symphony partner to offer high school music clinic Cheryl Anderson Brown Contact: Director of University Relations Frances Weyand Harrison fharris4@kennesaw.edu Contact: Cheryl Anderson Brown' Assistant Director of Public Relations for the College of the Arts' 770−499−3417 or cbrown@kennesaw.edu Kennesaw State' youth symphony partner to offer high school music clinic KENNESAW' Ga. (Feb. 22' 2008) −— The Kennesaw State University Department of Music will offer its second annual music clinic for high school students with the Georgia Youth Symphony Orchestra June 8−13 in the new Dr. Bobbie Bailey & Family Performance Center at Kennesaw State. The clinic offers a comprehensive music experience for student instrumentalists' pianists' and guitarists. Registration is open through May 10. Students will interact with 24 members of Kennesaw State's music faculty' many of whom perform with the Atlanta Symphony Orchestra' Atlanta Opera Orchestra or Cobb Symphony Orchestra. In addition to having master classes on their instrument and playing in large and small ensembles' the students will study music theory' history' conducting' and improvisation. Partnering with the Georgia Youth Symphony Orchestra program' in residence at KSU and now the largest youth orchestra program in the Southeast' provides a vibrant atmosphere where students can immerse themselves in music. The week culminates with student chamber music and large ensemble performances on Friday' June 12. Rising seniors who participate in the clinic will be considered for music scholarships at Kennesaw State. "The summer music clinic connects our exceptional music faculty with talented students throughout the state'" said Peter Witte' chair of the KSU Department of Music. "This will be the Clinic's first year in our new home' the Bailey Performance Center. We're looking forward to making music with these students in one of the finest concert halls in the region. The smiles on their faces when they first experience music in our hall are a joy to see." The registration fee for the clinic is $275 and includes lunch each day. For more information about the clinic or to register online' click the music clinic link on the department's website at www.kennesaw.edu/music. A member of the 35−unit University System of Georgia' Kennesaw State University is a comprehensive' residential institution with a growing student population of more than 20'000 from 132 countries. The third−largest university in Georgia' Kennesaw State offers more than 60 graduate and undergraduate degrees' including a new doctorate in education. A leader in innovative teaching and learning, Kennesaw State University offers more than 150 undergraduate, graduate and doctoral degrees to its more than 41,000 students. With 11 colleges on two metro Atlanta campuses, Kennesaw State is a member of the University System of Georgia and the second-largest university in the state. The university's vibrant campus culture, diverse population, strong global ties and entrepreneurial spirit draw students from throughout the region and from 126 countries across the globe. Kennesaw State is a Carnegie-designated doctoral research institution (R2), placing it among an elite group of only 6 percent of U.S. colleges and universities with an R1 or R2 status. For more information, visit kennesaw.edu.
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaCommonCrawl'}
Q: Complicated System of Equations involving Logarithms I am trying to solve this system of equations. I know the answer but I am struggling with the working. I need to find $x$, $y$, and $z$ in terms of $a$, $b$, and $c$. The system of equations is shown below: \begin{align} n&=\log a+p+\log z\\ n&=\log b+\log y+q\\ n&=\log x+\log c+r\\ n&=\log a+\log b+\log x\\ n&=p+\log y+\log c\\ n&=\log z+q+r\\ n&=\log a+\log y+r\\ n&=\log x+\log y+\log z \end{align} I know: \begin{align} x&=\sqrt{a}\cdot\sqrt{b}\\ y&=\sqrt{a}\cdot\sqrt{b}\\ z&=\sqrt{a}\cdot\sqrt{b} \end{align} I would appreciate some help with working. P.S. Thanks to @Haris Gusic for editing the LaTeX for me, JUST TO CLARIFY: I know I have provided the answer I am looking for a method to get to the answer as I simply used a calculator to find it but I would like to know how to do via full working. A: It is simpler to get rid of non-logarithmic terms by mapping $n\mapsto\log n$ and similarly for $p,q,r$ obtaining: $$\begin{align} n&=apz\tag1\\ n&=byq\tag2\\ n&=xcr\tag3\\ n&=abx\tag4\\ n&=pyc\tag5\\ n&=zqr\tag6\\ n&=ayr\tag7\\ n&=xyz\tag8\\ \end{align} $$ where all numbers are assumed to be positive. (2)+(5)+(7): $$bq=pc=ar=\frac ny.\tag9$$ (9)+(1):$$n=az\frac n{yc}\implies z=\frac ca y\tag{10}$$ (9)+(3):$$n=xc\frac n{ya}\implies x=\frac ac y\tag{11}$$ (10)+(11)+(8): $$n=y^3\tag{12}$$ Substituting the values of $x$ and $n$ from (11) and (12) into (4) one obtains: $$ y^2=a^2\frac bc\tag{13} $$ and finally combining (10), (11) and (13): $$ x=a^2b^\frac12c^{-\frac32},\quad y=ab^\frac12c^{-\frac12},\quad z=b^\frac12c^{\frac12}. $$ Note that replacing the equation (4) with a similar $n=abz$ one would obtain $x=y=z=a^\frac12b^{\frac12}$ in agreement with the claim of OP. This suggests that there is a misprint in at least one of the original equations. A: \begin{align} n&=\log a+p+\log z \tag{1}\label{1} \\ n&=\log b+\log y+q \tag{2}\label{2} \\ n&=\log x+\log c+r \tag{3}\label{3} \\ n&=\log a+\log b+\log x \tag{4}\label{4} \\ n&=p+\log y+\log c \tag{5}\label{5} \\ n&=\log z+q+r \tag{6}\label{6} \\ n&=\log a+\log y+r \tag{7}\label{7} \\ n&=\log x+\log y+\log z \tag{8}\label{8} . \end{align} If we rename all terms of the form $\log v$ as a new parameter $v'$, we'll get a system of eight linear equations with ten parameters, $a',b',c',p,q,r,x',y',z',n$. We can reorder all these equations to move $a',b'$ to the right (assuming $c'$ as unknown for the moment) and get the system $\mathbf{S_8}$ in a matrix form \begin{align} \mathbf{A_8}\cdot\mathbf{X_8}&=\mathbf{B_8} , \end{align} where \begin{align} \mathbf{A_8}&= \begin{bmatrix} 0& 0& -1& 1& -1& 0& 0& 0 \\ 0& -1& 0& 1& 0& -1& 0& 0 \\ -1& 0& 0& 1& 0& 0& -1& -1 \\ -1& 0& 0& 1& 0& 0& 0& 0 \\ 0& -1& 0& 1& -1& 0& 0& -1 \\ 0& 0& -1& 1& 0& -1& -1& 0 \\ 0& -1& 0& 1& 0& 0& -1& 0 \\ -1& -1& -1& 1& 0& 0& 0& 0 \end{bmatrix} ,\\ \mathbf{X_8}&= \begin{bmatrix} x'& y'& z'& n& p& q& r& c' \end{bmatrix}^{\mathsf{T}} ,\\ \mathbf{B_8}&= \begin{bmatrix} a'& b'& 0& a'+b'& 0& 0& a'& 0 \end{bmatrix}^{\mathsf{T}} . \end{align} We can see that \eqref{3} is a linear combination of the other: \begin{align} \eqref{3}&= \eqref{5}+\eqref{6}+ \eqref{4}-\eqref{1}-\eqref{2} , \end{align} hence, \eqref{3} can be ignored. Also, subtracting \eqref{3} from \eqref{4}, we can express $r$ in terms of $a',b',c'$: \begin{align} r&=a'+b'-c' , \end{align} so we can construct a simpler linear system $\mathbf{S_7}$: \begin{align} \mathbf{A_7}&= \begin{bmatrix} 0& 0& -1& 1& -1& 0& 0 \\ 0& -1& 0& 1& 0& -1& 0 \\ -1& 0& 0& 1& 0& 0& 0 \\ 0& -1& 0& 1& -1& 0& -1 \\ 0& 0& -1& 1& 0& -1& 1 \\ 0& -1& 0& 1& 0& 0& 1 \\ -1& -1& -1& 1& 0& 0& 0 \end{bmatrix} ,\\ \mathbf{X_7}&= \begin{bmatrix} x'& y'& z'& n& p& q& c' \end{bmatrix}^{\mathsf{T}} ,\\ \mathbf{B_7}&= \begin{bmatrix} a'& b'& a'+b'& 0& a'+b'& 2a'+b'& 0 \end{bmatrix}^{\mathsf{T}} . \end{align} From rows 6 and 2 of the new system, we conclude that \begin{align} q&=2a'-c' . \end{align} Also, from rows 5 and 1, we conclude that \begin{align} p&=b'+q-c'=b'+2a'-2c' , \end{align} and we get a system $\mathbf{S_4}$: \begin{align} \begin{bmatrix} 0& 0& 1& -1 \\ 0& 1& 0& -1 \\ 1& 0& 0& -1 \\ 1& 1& 1& -1 \end{bmatrix} \cdot \begin{bmatrix} x' \\ y' \\ z' \\ n \end{bmatrix} &= \begin{bmatrix} -3 a'-b'+2 c' \\ -2 a'-b'+c' \\ -a'-b' \\ 0 \end{bmatrix} , \end{align} which is easy to solve and get \begin{align} n &= 3 a'+\tfrac32 b'-\tfrac32 c' ,\\ x'&=2 a'+\tfrac12 b'-\tfrac32 c' ,\\ y'&=a'+\tfrac12 b'-\tfrac12 c' ,\\ z'&=\tfrac12 b'+\tfrac12 c' . \end{align} And hence \begin{align} x&=\frac{a^2\sqrt{b}}{\sqrt{c^3}} ,\\ y&=\frac{a\sqrt{b}}{\sqrt c} ,\\ z&=\sqrt{bc} ,\\ p&=\log\frac{a^2b}{c^2} ,\\ q&=\log\frac{a^2}c ,\\ r&=\log\frac{ab}c . \end{align} As expected, substitution of these values into equations \eqref{1}-\eqref{8} gives \begin{align} n&=3\log a+\tfrac32\log b-\tfrac32\log c \end{align} for all the eight equations. A: Consider the following problem: Problem (1): Given $n \in \mathbb{R}$, determine all matrices $A \in \mathbb{R}^{3\times 3}$ such that the following conditions hold: * *the sum of elements of every row of $A$ is $n$, *the sum of elements of every column of $A$ is $n$, *the sum of elements of every diagonal of $A$ is $n$. Solution: $A \in \mathbb{R}^{3\times 3}$ satisfies conditions 1., 2., 3. if and only if it is expressible as $$ A = \begin{bmatrix} \frac{n}{3} + \epsilon_{0,0} & \frac{n}{3} - 2\epsilon_{0,0} - \epsilon_{1,0} & \frac{n}{3} + \epsilon_{0,0} + \epsilon_{1,0} \\ \frac{n}{3} + \epsilon_{1,0} & \frac{n}{3} & \frac{n}{3} - \epsilon_{1,0}\\ \frac{n}{3} - \epsilon_{0,0} - \epsilon_{1,0} & \frac{n}{3} +2 \epsilon_{0,0} + \epsilon_{1,0} & \frac{n}{3} - \epsilon_{0,0}\\ \end{bmatrix}, $$ for $\epsilon_{0,0}$ and $\epsilon_{1,0} \in \mathbb{R}$. My solution to the original problem uses the above result on the matrix $$ A_0 = \begin{bmatrix} \log a & p & \log z\\ \log b & \log y & q\\ \log x & \log c & r\\ \end{bmatrix}. $$ We can immediately express $x, y, z$ in terms of $a, b, n$: $$ \log x - \frac{n}{3} = - \left(\log a - \frac{n}{3}\right) - \left(\log b - \frac{n}{3}\right) \iff \log x = n - \log ab \iff \boxed{x = \frac{e^{n}}{ab}}, $$ $$ \log y = \frac{n}{3} \iff \boxed{y = e^{\frac{n}{3}}}, $$ $$ \log z - \frac{n}{3} = - \left(\log x - \frac{n}{3}\right) \iff \log z = - \log x \iff \boxed{z = \frac{ab}{e^{\frac{n}{3}}}}. $$ Then by expressing also $c$ in terms of $a,b,n$ we have $$ \log c - \frac{n}{3} = 2 \left(\log a - \frac{n}{3}\right) + \left(\log b - \frac{n}{3}\right) \iff \\ \iff \log c = -2\frac{n}{3} + \log a^2 b, $$ that we can invert to express $n$ in terms of $a,b,c$: $$ 2\frac{n}{3} = \log \frac{a^2 b}{c}\iff\\ \iff \boxed{\frac{n}{3} = \log \left(\frac{a b^{\frac{1}{2}}}{c^{\frac{1}{2}}}\right)}. $$ Finally, by substituting $n$ in the previous equations we get: * *$x =\displaystyle \frac{\left(a b^{\frac{1}{2}}c^{-\frac{1}{2}}\right)^3}{ab} = a^2 b^{\frac{1}{2}} c^{-\frac{3}{2}} = \boxed{\displaystyle\frac{a^2 \sqrt{b}}{\sqrt{c^3}}}$, *$y = \left(a b^{\frac{1}{2}}c^{-\frac{1}{2}}\right) = a b^{\frac{1}{2}}c^{-\frac{1}{2}} = \boxed{\displaystyle\frac{a \sqrt{b}}{\sqrt{c}}} $, *$z = \frac{ab}{\left(a b^{\frac{1}{2}}c^{-\frac{1}{2}}\right)} = b^{\frac{1}{2}}c^{\frac{1}{2}} =\boxed{\displaystyle \sqrt{b}\sqrt{c}}$. APPENDIX Proof of solution to Problem (1) Given the matrix expressed in terms of $\epsilon_{0,0}$ and $\epsilon_{1,0}$, it is straightforward to see that it satisfies the conditions 1., 2., 3.. Now let's demonstrate the vice-versa. We must determine $9$ variables with $8$ equations, so we expect that the space of solutions has dimension at least $1$. Note, however, that the sum of the elements of the third column is equal to the sum of the elements of the three rows minus the sum of the elements of the two columns, so at least one of the eight equations is redundant; hence the space of solutions has dimension at least $2$. Denote with $a_{i,j}$ the element of the $i$-th row and $j$-th column of $A$. Note that $a_{i,j} = n/3\ \forall i, \forall j$ is a solution. Therefore without losing generality we can fix $n = 3$ and express every element as $a_{i,j} = 1 + \epsilon_{i,j} $. Now let's fix $\epsilon_{0,0}$ and demonstrate the following Lemma: In the above context $\epsilon_{2,2} = -\epsilon_{0,0}$. Proof: We have that: $$ a_{1,0}+a_{2,0} = a_{1,1}+a_{2,2} = a_{0,1}+a_{0,2} = n - a_{0,0}, $$ that in terms of epsilons becomes: $$ 2+\epsilon_{1,0}+\epsilon_{2,0} = 2+\epsilon_{1,1}+\epsilon_{2,2} = 2+\epsilon_{0,1}+\epsilon_{0,2} = 2 - \epsilon_{0,0}\iff\\ \iff \epsilon_{1,0}+\epsilon_{2,0} = \epsilon_{1,1}+\epsilon_{2,2} = \epsilon_{0,1}+\epsilon_{0,2} = - \epsilon_{0,0}. $$ Then we can determine $a_{1,2}+a_{2,1}$ by subtracting from the sum of all elements, the couples found at previous step: $$ a_{1,2}+a_{2,1} = 9 - (a_{1,0}+a_{2,0}) - (a_{1,1}+a_{2,2}) - (a_{0,1}+a_{0,2}) - a_{0,0}\iff\\ \iff 2+\epsilon_{1,2}+\epsilon_{2,1} = 9 - (2 - \epsilon_{0,0}) - (2 - \epsilon_{0,0}) - (2 - \epsilon_{0,0}) - (1 + \epsilon_{0,0})\iff\\ \iff \epsilon_{1,2}+\epsilon_{2,1} = 2\epsilon_{0,0}. $$ With analog considerations we can deduce that $\epsilon_{0,1} +\epsilon_{1,0} = 2 \epsilon_{2,2}$. By subtracting the five elements on the diagonals from the sum of all elements we have: $$ 9-3 - (1+\epsilon_{0,0})- (1+\epsilon_{2,2}) = (2+\epsilon_{0,1} +\epsilon_{1,0}) + (2+\epsilon_{1,2}+\epsilon_{2,1})\iff\\ \iff- \epsilon_{0,0}- \epsilon_{2,2} = 2\epsilon_{0,0} + 2\epsilon_{2,2}\iff\\ \iff \epsilon_{2,2} = - \epsilon_{0,0}.$$ Immediately follows the Corollary: In the above context $\epsilon_{1,1} = 0$. Proof: $$ a_{0,0} + a_{1,1}+a_{2,2} = 3 \iff \epsilon_{0,0} + \epsilon_{1,1}+\epsilon_{2,2} = 0 \iff\epsilon_{1,1} = -\epsilon_{0,0} - \epsilon_{2,2} =0. $$ Since we expect the space of solutions to have dimension at least $2$, we can try to fix two elements of the matrix and deduce the others. $$ \begin{bmatrix} \cdot & \cdot & \cdot \\ \cdot & 1 & \cdot\\ \cdot & \cdot & \cdot\\ \end{bmatrix} \rightarrow \begin{bmatrix} 1 + \epsilon_{0,0} & \cdot & \cdot \\ \cdot & 1 & \cdot\\ \cdot & \cdot & \cdot\\ \end{bmatrix} \rightarrow \begin{bmatrix} 1 + \epsilon_{0,0} & \cdot & \cdot \\ \cdot & 1 & \cdot\\ \cdot & \cdot & 1 - \epsilon_{0,0}\\ \end{bmatrix} \rightarrow\\ \rightarrow \begin{bmatrix} 1 + \epsilon_{0,0} & \cdot & \cdot \\ 1 + \epsilon_{1,0} & 1 & \cdot\\ \cdot & \cdot & 1 - \epsilon_{0,0}\\ \end{bmatrix} \rightarrow \begin{bmatrix} 1 + \epsilon_{0,0} & \cdot & \cdot \\ 1 + \epsilon_{1,0} & 1 & 1 - \epsilon_{1,0}\\ 1 - \epsilon_{0,0} -\epsilon_{1,0} & \cdot & 1 - \epsilon_{0,0}\\ \end{bmatrix} \rightarrow\\ \rightarrow \begin{bmatrix} 1 + \epsilon_{0,0} & 1 -2\epsilon_{0,0} -\epsilon_{1,0} & 1 + \epsilon_{0,0} +\epsilon_{1,0} \\ 1 + \epsilon_{1,0} & 1 & 1 - \epsilon_{1,0}\\ 1 - \epsilon_{0,0} -\epsilon_{1,0} & 1 +2\epsilon_{0,0} +\epsilon_{1,0} & 1 - \epsilon_{0,0}\\ \end{bmatrix}. $$ As we can see from the previous deductions, $2$ elements are enough for deducing all other elements.
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Remedying the Recession in the Eurozone Comparative Law, European Central Bank, Federal Reserve, Quantitative Easing CC image courtesy of Dinu Dominic Manns Remedying the Recession in the Eurozone: Budgetary Austerity v. Quantitative Easing by William Morici* Introduction – The Eurozone's Economic Sluggishness The Eurozone, the group of European Union (EU) members that have adopted the Euro, has struggled to recover from the debt crises it faced following the Great Recession in the United States. While the risk of collapse has been neutralized,[1] Eurozone countries face a longer road to recovery than the United Kingdom and the United States. The Eurozone's economy, the world's second largest at $13.2 trillion,[2] suffers from the dual problems of high unemployment rates[3] and low growth in GDP.[4] The European Central Bank (ECB) President, Mario Draghi, wants to respond with a measure used by Japan[5], the United Kingdom[6], and the United States[7] called quantitative easing.[8] Eurozone opinions clash over this approach, though—some nations agree with Mr. Draghi and want to implement the measure to remedy the sluggish economic recovery.[9] Naturally, Germany does not.[10] Germany sits comfortably atop the Eurozone in terms of low inflation and unemployment rates, but their lack of GDP growth causes concern.[11] Given that this weakness plagues even the Eurozone's strongest economy, it would seem that Germany, too, would support an ECB stimulus measure involving quantitative easing. However, as this argues, the stimulus measure would be significantly different from similar programs employed successfully by the United States and the United Kingdom. The specific authority granted to the ECB creates this distinction. Additionally, the individual strength of the Eurozone's heaviest hitter will have particular impact due to the EU's and ECB's framework. The legal structure of the ECB and the EU creates a particularly difficult climate for implementing quantitative easing and sets up an arena for Germany to call the shots. Power and Legal Framework The European Union is founded on principles of conferral by its member states[12] and operates within by representative democracy[13] to meet its objectives, including economic cohesion, by the creation of a monetary union under a single European currency.[14] This objective is carried out through an institutional framework that creates several bodies of power, including the European Central Bank.[15] Jurisdiction to control monetary policy rests with the ECB.[16] The ECB is controlled by the Governing Council, which consists of the elected Executive Board and the governors of the national central bank of each Eurozone member state.[17] Currently, each member of the Governing Council has one voting right with no rotation system.[18] This setup is ripe for change. Because of the size of the Governing Council, each member of the Executive Board will retain permanent voting rights while the governors will enter into a two group rotation system separated by size of contributed capital to the ECB.[19] The five largest contributing member state's governors will vote in groups of four, with one governor sitting out each month, and the remaining fourteen governors will vote in groups of eleven, with three governors sitting out each month.[20] Each Eurozone member state's population and GDP determine their capital contribution to the ECB.[21] The net income from monetary policy operations within the European System of Central Banks is first allocated to a reserve fund held by the ECB and then dispersed to member states' central banks in proportion to contributed capital.[22] Consequently, any losses are first counted against the reserve fund and then proportionally against the member states' central banks.[23] Among the ECB's powers is the ability to enter into open market operations,[24] an activity that is necessary for quantitative easing.[25] However, the funding of public debt or the sovereign debt of any of the member states, including any institution of the European Union, is expressly forbidden.[26] This means that the ECB cannot go into the market and purchase bonds issued by any of the member states or the European Union. Comparing The European Central Bank to The U.S. Federal Reserve System The United States central banking system is divided into twelve Reserve Bank Districts in which nationally chartered banks subscribe in capital to the respective Federal Reserve Bank.[27] Each Reserve Bank carries out the monetary policy of the United States, not unlike the national central banks of Eurozone member states. Additionally, each Federal Reserve Bank is assigned voting rights in the Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC), which regulates the open market operations of the Federal Reserve System.[28] The FOMC is able to affect changes in monetary policy through voting rights divided amongst the Federal Reserve Banks and the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System,[29] which is composed of seven members appointed by the President and confirmed by the Senate. These seven members operate as the central unit of the Federal Reserve System.[30] The Board of Governors and the Federal Reserve Bank of New York retain permanent voting rights; the Federal Reserve Banks of Chicago and Cleveland each vote every other year; and the remaining banks are divided into groups of three with each bank in a single group voting every third year. Where the Board of Governors holds a permanent seven to five majority in the FOMC, the ECB Executive Board holds only six votes against an eleven-vote majority in the Governing Council. The ECB's ability to enter into open market operations, like that of the Federal Reserve System, gives it a powerful tool to affect monetary policy through the purchase of assets and securities. However, the greatest difference is the ECB's inability to buy the public debt of any member state or institution of the European Union.[31] Across the pond, each Federal Reserve Bank is explicitly allowed to buy the public debt of American states or foreign nations, or any debt or obligation of the U.S. federal government in the open market within certain limitations.[32] This grant of power is necessary for quantitative easing in the United States, and is missing in the ECB Governing Council. The Battle for Quantitative Easing In the wake of the 2008 recession, the United States, the United Kingdom, and Japan conducted quantitative easing in order to combat economic pressures.[33] While the U.S. and the U.K. have seen returns on their stimulus plans,[34] Japan has struggled, but it still shows great confidence in quantitative easing as it prepares for another round of easing at an unprecedented level.[35] Such implementations by top central banks have experts questioning the ECB's lack of action in this area.[36] Mario Draghi, president of the Executive Board of the ECB, has announced his willingness to adopt quantitative easing as the next step in a long fight for recovery.[37] The Executive Board seems to also be in support, as Vitor Constancio, the ECB Vice President, echoed Draghi's announcement and suggested that, beginning in January 2015, the ECB would engage in quantitative easing and purchase sovereign debt, including French, German, and Italian government bonds.[38] However, some members of the Governing Board have expressed an unwillingness to vote for a quantitative easing plan.[39] The German representation on the Governing Board has asserted extreme opposition to the adoption of a quantitative easing plan and other extreme monetary policy measures.[40] Bundesbank President Jens Weidmann favors structural reform through strict regulation of monetary policy initiatives.[41] Weidmann's opposition reflects both the fear that printing Euros will lead to wasted spending and the belief that adherence to bank regulation and budgetary austerity are key to rekindling Europe's economy.[42] While there are few opposed to potential quantitative easing by the ECB, potential opposition may still be cause for concern. Unlike the United States, where the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System hold a de facto majority, the member states' central banks have the greatest voice on the ECB Governing Board.[43] This problem is exacerbated since Germany is the lead combatant against potential monetary policy solutions. Germany's position at the top of the GDP food chain within the Eurozone makes it the largest contributor in capital and solidifies its position in the primary voting group.[44] This shareholder thus has the most to lose in open market operations and is well positioned to vote against such measures. The single German vote is not nearly enough to vote down measures on the Governing Board, but economic prowess seems to be the dispositive factor in influence over European Union politics.[45] The Germans' "central role" within the Eurozone makes them appear "first among equals."[46] The fight over whether or not to implement a quantitative easing program through the ECB may be premature. The ability of the ECB to conduct open market operations is expressly granted, but, unlike the Federal Reserve, the ability to buy public debt of member states is explicitly prohibited.[47] Thus, quantitative easing may be impossible without help from the European Council and Commission. Ireland's finance minister, Michael Noonan, noticed this fatal flaw, but still called for quantitative easing from the ECB. [48] With Noonan's position,[49] the readiness of Draghi and Constancio,[50] and Weidmann's apparent silence on this issue, it would seem that the ECB may have already sought the approval of European Union, implicitly or behind closed doors, or will find a way around the statutory language. Indeed, a preliminary opinion from the European Court of Justice contingently approved of some form of Draghi's quantitative easing plan, holding that while the plan is "unconventional," the ECB's broad discretion to take action must be upheld.[51] The fight for monetary policy action in Europe ripens as success from and confidence in quantitative easing by major central banks around the world grows. However, the German juggernaut stands firm in opposition to the proposed methods. The law of the European Central Bank favors the German view on two fronts: first, in terms of power to make the decision, and second, with respect to the legal standing to implement it. Those in favor of quantitative easing within the Eurozone will have an uphill battle should they bring it to the vote of the Governing Board, and it remains to be seen how Europe will deal with continued economic pressures should those opposed win the day. Citation: William Morici, Remedying the Recession in the Eurozone: Budgetary Austerity v. Quantitative Easing, 2 Cornell Int'l L.J. Online 166 (2014). * William Morici is a J.D. candidate at Cornell Law School, where he is the Cornell International Law Journal's Associate on European Affairs. He holds a B.S. in finance from the University of Minnesota. [1] Paul Hannon, Irish Finance Minister Urges ECB to Launch Quantitative Easing Program, Wall St. J. (Nov. 28, 2014), http://online.wsj.com/articles/irish­finance­minister­urges­ecb­to­launch­quantitative­easing­program­1417187286. [2] Brian Blackstone, Eurozone Inflation Weakens Again, Adding Pressure on ECB, Wall St. J. (Nov. 28, 2014), http://online.wsj.com/articles/german­retail­sales­pick­up­1417159566. [3] The current unemployment rate remained the same at 11.5 percent through October 2014. Id. [4] Alan S. Blinder, Enough With European Austerity, Bring on the Stimulus, Wall St. J. (Oct. 29, 2014), http://online.wsj.com/articles/alan-s-blinder-enough-with-european-austerity-bring-on-the-stimulus-1414621251. [5] Monetary Policy After the Crash: Controlling Interest, The Economist (Sep. 21, 2013), http://www.economist.com/news/schools-brief/21586527-third-our-series-articles-financial-crisis-looks-unconventional. [7] Id.; Polyana da Costa, Financial Crisis Timeline: Collapse and Bailout, Bankrate (Mar. 17, 2014), http://www.bankrate.com/finance/federal-reserve/financial-crisis-timeline.aspx. [8] Quantitative easing involves a government printing money to repurchase its own debt securities on the open market to decrease long-term interest rates and to increase the supply on money available for private borrowing and investing. See The Economist, supra note 5. For a more in-depth analysis of quantitative easing, see Michael Joyce et al., Quantitative Easing and Unconventional Monetary Policy—an Introduction, 122 Econ. J. F271 (Oct. 29, 2012), available at http://personal.lse.ac.uk/vayanos/Papers/QEUMCI_EJ12.pdf. [9] Hannon, supra note 1. [10] Brian Blackstone, Bundesbank's Weidmann Criticizes ECB's Stimulus Measures, Wall St. J. (Oct. 7, 2014), http://online.wsj.com/articles/bundesbanks-weidmann-criticizes-ecbs-stimulus-measures-1412693836. [11] Blackstone, supra note 2; Blinder, supra note 4. [12] Consolidated Version of the Treaty on European Union art. 5 § 2, Oct. 26, 2012, 2012 O.J. (C 326) 13, 18 [hereinafter TEU], available at http://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/?uri=uriserv:OJ.C_.2012.326.01.0001.01.ENG#C_2012326EN.01001301. [13] TEU art. 3 § 6; TEU art. 10 § 1. [14] TEU art. 3 §§ 3–4, 6. [15] TEU art. 13 § 1. [16] Protocol (No. 4) on the Statute of the European System of Central Banks of the European Central Bank, Annex, arts. 1–3, 2012 O.J. (C 326) 230, [Hereinafter ECB Statute]; Consolidated Version of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union art. 282 § 1–3, Oct. 26, 2012, 2012 O.J. (C 326) 47, 167 [hereinafter TFEU]. See also TFEU art. 128 § 1 (codifying the ECB's exclusive right to issue euro banknotes). [17] The ECB Executive Council is made up of a President, Vice President, and four other members each elected by the European Council. ECB Statute arts. § 10–11. [18] ECB Statute art. § 10.2. [21] Id. arts. § 28–29. [23] Id. art. § 33.2. [24] Id. art. § 18. [25] See The Economist, supra note 5. [26] ECB Statute art. § 21. [27] 12 U.S.C § 222 (2013). [28] Id. at § 263(a)­–(b). [30] The Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System is much akin to the Executive Board of the ECB. Id. at §§241, 248 (enumerating broad powers of control of the Federal Reserve System and the banks therein), 250 (statutorily granting independence from all other bodies of the United States government). [33] Brian Blackstone & Todd Buell, Draghi Says ECB Ready to Expand Stimulus Programs, Wall St. J. (Nov. 21, 2014), http://online.wsj.com/articles/draghi­says­ecb­ready­to­expand­asset­purchase­programs­1416559768. [34] Id.; Hannon, supra note 1; Bank of England, The Distributional Effects of Asset Purchases, paras. 11–12, 50, (July 12, 2012), available at http://www.bankofengland.co.uk/publications/Documents/news/2012/nr073.pdf. [35] Jacob M. Schlesinger, Eleanor Warnock & Takashi Nakamichi, Bank of Japan Announces Massive Stimulus Move, Wall St. J. (Oct. 31, 2014), http://online.wsj.com/articles/bank­of­japan­announces­massive­stimulus­move­1414773082. [36] William Horobin, Eurozone Stagnation Poses Major Risk to Global Growth, OECD Warns, Wall St. J. (Nov. 25, 2014), http://online.wsj.com/articles/eurozone­stagnation­poses­major­risk­to­global­growth­oecd­warns­1416911402; Blinder, supra note 4; Hannon, supra note 1; Blackstone & Buell, supra note 33. [37] Blackstone & Buell, supra note 33. [38] Brian Blackstone & Todd Buell, ECB Prepared to Buy Sovereign Bonds Early Next Year, Says Constancio, Wall St. J. (Nov. 26, 2014), http://online.wsj.com/articles/ecb­prepared­to­buy­sovereign­bonds­early­next­year­says­constancio­1416993947. [39] Blackstone & Buell, supra note 33 (describing the Dutch central bank as being "skeptical" that the quantitative easing plan proposed will be effective); Horobin, supra note 36 (noting that the Austrian central bank cautioned that an analysis of current stimulus efforts is necessary before additional measures are adopted). [40] Andrea Thomas, Bundesbank's Weidmann Rejects Calls for German Stimulus Plan, Wall St. J. (Nov. 28, 2014), http://online.wsj.com/articles/bundesbanks­weidmann­rejects­calls­for­german­stimulus­plan­1417177202. [42] Blackstone & Buell, supra note 33; Blinder, supra note 4. [43] Comparing The European Central Bank to The U.S. Federal Reserve System supra. [44] Capital Subscription, The European Central Bank (Jan. 1, 2014), https://www.ecb.europa.eu/ecb/orga/capital/html/index.en.html (noting Deutsche Bundesbank holds about 18% of the shares in the ECB with € 1.94 billion in fully paid capital); Power and Legal Framework supra. [45] See Stephen Fidler, In Brussels, Germany Seen Calling the Shots, Wall St. J. (Nov. 27, 2014), http://online.wsj.com/articles/in­brussels­germany­is­seen­calling­the­shots­1417125897; Blinder, supra note 4. [46] Blinder, supra note 4. [47] Power and Legal Framework supra. [48] Hannon, supra note 1. [50] Blackstone & Buell, supra note 33; Blackstone & Buell, supra note 38. [51] Case C‑62/14, Gauweiler v. Deutscher Bundestag, 2015, http://curia.europa.eu/juris/document/document.jsf?text=&docid=161370&pageIndex=0&doclang=en&mode=req&dir=&occ=first&part=1&cid=89820; see also Press Release, Court of Justice of the European Union, According to Advocate General Cruz Villalón, the ECB's Outright Monetary Transactions Programme is Compatible, In Principle, With the TFEU (Jan. 14, 2015), available at http://curia.europa.eu/jcms/upload/docs/application/pdf/2015-01/cp150002en.pdf.
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Invisible Criticism Ralph Ellison and the American Canon Alan Nadel In 1952 Ralph Ellison won the National Book Award for his Kafkaesque and claustrophobic novel about the life of a nameless young black man in New York City. Although Invisible Man has remained the only novel that Ellison published in his lifetime, it is generally regarded as one of the most important works of fiction in our century. This new reading of a classic work examines Ellison's relation to and critique of the American literary canon by demonstrating that the pattern of allusions in Invisible Man forms a literary-critical subtext which challenges the accepted readings of such major American authors as Emerson, Melville, and Twain. Modeling his argument on Foucault's analysis of the asylum, Nadel analyzes the institution of the South to show how it moved blacks from "enslavement" to "slavery" to "invisibility"—all in the interest of maintaining an organization of power based on racial caste. He then demonstrates the ways Ellison wrote in the modernist/surreal tradition to trace symbolically the history of blacks in America as they moved not only from the nineteenth century to the twentieth, and from the rural South to the urban North, but as they moved (sometimes unnoticed) through American fiction. It is on this latter movement that Nadel focuses his criticism, first demonstrating theoretically that allusions can impel reconsideration of the alluded-to text and thus function as a form of literary criticism, and then reading the specific criticism implied by Ellison's allusions to Emerson's essays and Lewis Mumford's The Golden Days, as well as to "Benito Cereno" and The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. Nadel also considers Ellison's allusions to Whitman, Eliot, Joyce, and the New Testament. Invisible Criticism will be of interest not only to students of American and Afro-American literature but also to those concerned about issues of literary theory, particularly in the areas of intertextual relationships, canonicity, and rehistoricism. "Nadel's book on Ellison is the best reading of Invisible Man (and its place in the American canon) that I have ever encountered…I can safely say that no one has taught me more about Invisible Man than has Nadel. No one."—Henry Louis Gates, Jr. ". . . demonstrates convincingly the extent to which Ellison inserts himself consciously into the texts of Melville, Whitman, Emerson, Twain, and cultural historian Lewis Mumford as a way of disrupting their integrity."—American Literary History ". . . an important study of a central figure in American literature and of a central critical issue of our time. Mr. Nadel has made a significant contribution in both respects to our understanding of American literature and culture."—Sacvan Bercovitch "Combining an intelligent use of critical theory with close texual reading, Invisible Criticism provides valuable insights into Ralph Ellison's relationship to the established canon of 19th-century American literature. . . . Building on a brilliant chapter concerning theories of literary allusion (particularly those of Northrop Frye and Harold Bloom), Nadel demonstrates how Ellison uses allusions to revise received interpretations of the tradition with which he identifies his own work."—Choice Pages, art, trim size August Wilson Invisible Darkness Charles R. Larson May All Your Fences Have Gates
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The purpose of the International Conference on Model-Driven Engineering and Software Development, MODELSWARD 2019, is to provide a platform for researchers, engineers, academicians as well as industrial professionals from all over the world to present their research results and development activities in using models and model driven engineering techniques for Software Development. Model-Driven Development (MDD) is an approach to the development of IT systems in which models take a central role, not only for analysis of these systems but also for their construction. MDD has emerged from modelling initiatives, most prominently the Model-Driven Architecture (MDA) fostered by the Object Management Group (OMG). In the scope of MDA, a couple of technologies have been developed that became the cornerstones of MDD, like metamodelling and model transformations. MDD relies on languages for defining metamodels, like the Meta-Object Facility (MOF) and Ecore (developed in the scope of the Eclipse Modelling Framework), and transformation specification languages like QVT and ATL. MDD is already around for some years and is about to become commodity in software development due to its benefits (reduction on development costs, improvement of software quality, reduction of maintenance costs and the support for controlled evolution of IT systems). MDD has also been applied in many application areas, such as real-time and embedded systems, and telecommunication systems, and, more recently, to the development and integration of enterprise information systems. However, the MDD research community is wishing to explore the bounds of MDD, by investigating new applications areas and combinations with other emerging technologies, like, for example, pervasive context-aware systems, semantic web, semantic web services, service-oriented architecture, ontologies and cloud computing. This conference aims at fostering the further development and application of MDD techniques for software systems. Papers describing advanced prototypes, systems, tools and techniques and general survey papers indicating future directions are also encouraged. Papers reporting on original work in any of the areas listed below are welcome. Accepted papers, presented at the conference by one of the authors, will be published in the Proceedings of MODELSWARD. The submitted papers will be reviewed by at least three experts in this area, and acceptance will be based on quality, relevance and originality. The conference is open to full research and (short) work-in-progress papers. Sessions are planned for both oral and poster presentations.
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(Editorial, Craig Bagby) Admiring My Gigantic Turd and ... Cowboys DE Lawrence response to Eagles coach Pederson &... Urban Meyer would 'absolutely' be open to t... (dallascowboys.com) Recap: Dallas Cowboys Dominate Philadelphia Eagles, Win 37-10 Posted by Randy | Oct 21, 2019 | NFL AND DALLAS COWBOYS NEWS | 0 | Score 0%Score 0% Recap: Dallas Cowboys Dominate Philadelphia Eagles, Win 37-10 dallascowboys.com, Sunday, Oct 20, 2019 10:45 PM Now, that's what we've been waiting for. In front of a sold-out crowd and a prime-time television audience, the Dallas Cowboys took advantage of the playoff atmosphere to overpower the rival Philadelphia Eagles, 37-10. And in doing so, they snapped the ugliness of a three-game losing streak to take over sole possession of first place in the NFC East. The victory was a complete and total team effort, led by a dominating Cowboys defense that produced four takeaways, three sacks, five quarterback hits and five tackles for loss. The unit limited the Eagles to 283 total yards with Carson Wentz, the second overall pick in the 2016 draft, throwing for just 191 yards on his way to an 80.3 passer rating. That effort, though, was matched by the Dallas offense, which featured a balanced attack that produced points on seven of its 11 possessions on the night. Dak Prescott, the 135th overall pick in that same 2016 draft, was masterful, completing 77.8 percent of his passes for 239 yards to earn a 100.5 passer rating. He also ran five times for 30 yards and earned touchdowns on the ground and through the air. Helping the cause, both Ezekiel Elliott and Amari Cooper topped the century mark with the running back picking up 111 rushing yards and the wideout adding 106 receiving yards. In all, the Cowboys totaled 402 yards of offense with a 57 percent success rate on third downs and a time of possession advantage of 32:22 to 27:38. In fact, the dominance came right from the start. You simply couldn't have asked for a better beginning from the Cowboys as the team put up 14 points within the first six minutes of the game. And both scores came courtesy of the Dallas defense forcing turnovers. Coming into this contest, the Cowboys were the only team in the NFL who had yet to start a drive inside enemy territory. But Dallas flipped the switch on that stat in quick order, forcing fumbles on each of Philadelphia's first two drives to set themselves up with a short field. The first came when linebacker Jaylon Smith jarred the ball loose from tight end Dallas Goedert, the ball recovered by defensive tackle Maliek Collins. Starting at the Eagles' 45-yard line, the Cowboys then needed just six plays to reach the end zone, doing so on a nifty option play that saw Prescott flip the ball to Tavon Austin, who scrambled 20 yards to the right pylon for the score. Philadelphia's second fumble came shortly thereafter, on the second play of its next series, when DeMarcus Lawrence got around the corner and dove to strip the ball out of the hands of Wentz. This time it was defensive tackle Antwaun Woods scooping up the fumble to give Dallas possession at the Eagles' 14-yard line. Elliott did the heavy lifting this time, rushing 13 yards and then the final 1 to give the Cowboys a 14-0 lead with the first quarter not even half over. As impressive as the defense was on the first two Philly possessions, however, the third was anything but. Dallas had seemingly forced a quick three-and-out only to have Smith called for roughing the passer. Two snaps later, Xavier Woods was called for unnecessary roughness which moved the chains another 15 yards. Given the gifts, the Eagles took advantage with Wentz eventually lofting a pass just over Leighton Vander Esch and into the arms of Goedert for a 28-yard completion and Philadelphia's first touchdown of the night. But it would be the only hiccup for the team all night as the Cowboys got back on track in the second quarter, tacking on another 13 points before the half. Their third touchdown came when Prescott and company marched 71 yards in 12 plays to pay dirt. The drive was highlighted by a fourth-and-1 call at the Dallas 49-yard line, which saw the quarterback toss a short pass to Elliott for the easy conversion. It was almost as easy as the ensuing touchdown. Having worked their way to the 1-yard line, the Cowboys sold the play-action perfectly, Prescott faking a handoff and then finding Blake Jarwin for the touchdown, the tight end all alone in the end zone. Keeping its foot on the gas, Dallas followed that with a pair of field goals from Brett Maher. While the first was a chip-shot 26-yarder, the second was much more impressive, the kicker splitting the uprights from 63 yards away to set a new Cowboys record. Remember, in the previous three games, all losses, the Cowboys had scored just nine points combined in the first half. In this one, they put points on the board on five of their six first-half possession for a commanding 27-7 lead at the break. The Cowboys would return for the third quarter with their defense a little shorthanded as both defensive end Robert Quinn (ribs) and linebacker Leighton Vander Esch (neck) left the game due to injury. No matter. The Eagles tacked on a field goal in the third quarter, but as game ticked into the fourth frame, Dallas went on a lengthy 13-play, 64-yard drive that ate up 7:23 of clock and included a honey of a catch by Amari Cooper down the right sideline for 28 yards. Maher then capped the series by answering with a field goal of his own, this one a 29 yarder. When Xavier Woods then picked off Wentz on Philadelphia's next possession, which was followed by Kerry Hyder falling on yet another fumble on the Eagles' following series, there was nothing left to do but run out the clock and begin the celebration. Dallas added one more touchdown just for good measure after the Hyder takeaway. Prescott got the honors on this one, scrambling around the right end and diving into the end zone for his third rushing touchdown of the season and the 21st of his career, a new team record for the most in history by a Dallas quarterback. With the win, the Cowboys can no head into their bye week on a high note, owning a 4-3 record. And they'll now get some well-deserved rest after having reaffirmed that they are indeed a playoff contender and the team to beat in the NFC East. Don't miss your chance to see the Cowboys take on the Minnesota Vikings when they return home to AT&T Stadium on Nov. 10. Get your tickets now! Recap: Dallas Cowboys Dominate Philadelphia Eagles, Win 37-10 Recap: Dallas Cowboys Dominate Philadelphia Eagles, Win 37-10 Previous(Charean Williams) Sunday night wrapup: Cowboys take over first place as Eagles are all talk NextVIDEO: (Shango) Carson Wentz and the Eagles lose to Dak Prescott and the Dallas Cowboys…again Randy Maltz is a die-hard sports fan, with passion for the Dallas Cowboys and Texas Longhorns. He is Founder & Editor of Silver and Blue Report and Hook 'em Report. He still idolizes Roger Staubach and Tom Landry. Walker: Dak Prescott contract talks: Cowboys' Jerry Jones says idea team offer changes weekly is 'laughable' (Patrik Walker) Ex-Cowboys Terrell Owens, Dez Bryant rail against Jason Garrett, coaching: 'It has nothing to do with the players' Urban Meyer would 'absolutely' be open to taking Dallas Cowboys coaching job if an offer came his way Cowboys DE Lawrence response to Eagles coach Pederson 'guarantee': 'Shut your ass up'
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaCommonCrawl'}
The COVID-19 vaccine rollout presents a number of logistical challenges not all countries will overcome By Jacqueline Howard Posted SatSaturday 24 OctOctober 2020 at 7:10pmSatSaturday 24 OctOctober 2020 at 7:10pm , updated SatSaturday 24 OctOctober 2020 at 10:11pmSatSaturday 24 OctOctober 2020 at 10:11pm Step one was discovering a vaccine. Step two is to find out how to ship it across the globe. (Pixabay: Jason Taix) Finding a vaccine that protects us against coronavirus is the first challenge. The second challenge will be getting that jab — or jabs — widely available, across all corners of the world, to enable any return to pre-COVID normal. Most vaccine candidates can go through existing transport systems Australia has signed a deal to manufacture the Oxford/AstraZenica vaccine locally Some vaccine candidates need to be kept at sub-zero temperatures Vaccine technologies are intellectual property, meaning researchers need to undergo legal licensing procedures to pair up with a manufacturer. University of Queensland biotechnology professor Linda Lua said the COVID-19 vaccine was not exempt from that process. "The different vaccine technologies belong to the researchers," Professor Lua said. "[And] every vaccine will have a different arrangement depending on which country it started in." Given the global implications of COVID-19, some researchers are licensing their vaccine technologies to multiple manufacturers around the world so that the vaccine can be produced domestically to reduce transport time, cost and risk. All vaccines have to be transported through what is known as a "cold chain", where the vaccines remain refrigerated as they move through the different stages of shipping — from manufacturer to port, then to another country and to clinics. But many vaccines have special requirements for transport — some are extremely fragile and others have to stay in freezing temperatures — and in some of these cases, these require expensive equipment. Inside the coronavirus vaccine One's slow, one's never worked and the other could 'go rogue' inside you: three options for a coronavirus vaccine to free the world. Take the frontrunning vaccines being developed in the US by Moderna and Pfizer/ BioNTech — neither of which are part of the Australian Government's current vaccine plan as local manufacturer CSL does not have the technology to mass-produce either vaccine in Australia. Essentially, scientists from both teams are trying to genetically engineer a harmless version of COVID-19 that triggers the body's immune response — think of it like 3D-printing a synthetic model of the virus. The man-made RNA (which viruses have instead of DNA) is coated in a bubble of fat and then injected into the body. Early clinical trials delivered "promising results", however it has been revealed that the fatty bubble that protects the RNA has to remain frozen throughout transport, or else it disintegrates. For the Moderna vaccine, the temperature must stay around -20C. For Pfizer's, it's more like -70C. Once thawed, Moderna's vaccine can then last for 14 days at normal fridge temperatures. For Pfizer's, it is five days. But getting a vaccine to its location before this point is a logistical feat in itself, in particular for the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine. "If you work in the vaccine side of things, we all know that keeping cold chain is always a challenge," Professor Lua said. "That one is a challenge of its own." Pfizer says it has developed its own thermal shipping boxes that can hold up to 5,000 doses for up to 10 days, company senior director Brian Gleeson told a meeting at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). But it says the containers should not be opened more than twice a day or for more than one minute at a time — which, experts say, is not enough time to sort through 5,000 doses. The boxes need dry ice to keep cold — approximately 23 kilograms to be replenished within 24 hours after the box is first opened, and then five days after. This presents major challenges for rural and developing areas. Australia backs more traditional vaccines Australia has contributed $123 million to a global vaccine initiative, COVAX. The countries in the deal are guaranteed access to a supply of nine specific COVID-19 vaccines, if they pass clinical trials. Coronavirus questions answered Breaking down the latest news and research to understand how the world is living through an epidemic, this is the ABC's Coronacast podcast. If the successful vaccine requires two or more doses to be effective, the COVAX agreement may not deliver all the doses Australia needs. So, countries including Australia are negotiating their own vaccine deals with individual manufacturers to cover such a scenario. Australia has done that with the Oxford/AstraZeneca vaccine candidate — currently in phase 3 human trials — which uses a known method called "viral vector". The viral vector method places a harmless virus — in this case, a common cold virus — inside the suit of a harmful one, like the one that causes COVID. The idea is that the body will mount a defence against what it thinks is COVID, without the risk of getting sick. Melbourne-based vaccine manufacturer CSL has received Government funding to help it restructure its technology to manufacture the vaccine locally if it passes the Therapeutic Goods Association benchmarks for distribution. It is understood CSL plans to use its existing cold chain transportation methods used for its annual influenza vaccine — just on a larger scale — to transport the COVID vaccine all across Australia from its Melbourne manufacturing plant. But for countries without domestic production deals with AstraZeneca, the transport logistics aren't nearly as fraught as the frozen RNA vaccines. How did the Pacific rollout vaccines? Australia can learn from vaccine rollouts in remote areas of Pacific Island nations Viral vector vaccines can be transported chilled, usually around -2C, a temperature far easier to maintain. The other homegrown vaccine is the University of Queensland's (UQ) molecular clamp vaccine, which replicates the part of the virus that invades cells in our bodies. The idea is that by injecting those invading parts without any of the coronavirus, it triggers the body's immune response without exposing the patient to the virus. This vaccine is in early phase 1 human trials. A number of research facilities in China, such as Sinovac and Sinopharm, are also making headway with research using dead virus cells for a vaccine, which is the most common type of vaccine. The dead virus can no longer replicate and produce the disease, but the presence of the virus itself provokes the immune response. The UQ and China-based vaccines can be transported using existing cold chain systems. It's not entirely smooth sailing through these existing systems, however. The sheer number of doses required presents its own challenges. "Of course the masses, in terms of doses of vaccine, it depends how the pharmaceutical company is going to package them," Professor Lua said. "At the moment, I don't think we have any perspective into how the final product would look, so it depends on how they would be packaged and therefore distributed." A spokesperson for the Department of Health said it was working with medical facilities around the country to prepare for the rollout of a COVID vaccine. "The Department of Health is continuing to engage with vaccine manufacturers regarding transport and storage conditions for any COVID-19 vaccine." Posted 24 OctOctober 2020SatSaturday 24 OctOctober 2020 at 7:10pm , updated 24 OctOctober 2020SatSaturday 24 OctOctober 2020 at 10:11pm Experts say vaccine still 'unlikely' by mid-next year as COVID-19 timetable exposed in Budget Wondering when we can expect a coronavirus vaccine? Here's the latest Inside the 'challenge studies' that could see healthy volunteers exposed to coronavirus Vaccines and Immunity
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaCommonCrawl'}
One of the issues I see most frequently when litigating non-compete disputes involves what's known as the blue-pencil rule. The rule actually has a few separate iterations to it, but for the layperson it's the idea that a court might be able to revise or narrow an overbroad agreement and still enforce it (or at least part of it). (I wrote a state-by-state guide to the blue-pencil rule more than 8 years ago. It may not be entirely accurate now, as I don't routinely update old posts. It remains one of my most viewed pages, with nearly 40,000 unique viewers having read it (i.e., clicked through to it)). Advising clients about how courts may deploy the blue-pencil rule is a challenge because in many places - including Illinois -its use is discretionary. This makes rendering predictions somewhat challenging, particularly since very few non-compete scenarios are alike. There's also a separate problem. My experience is the rule is somewhat judge-specific. By that I mean, different judges apply the rule with different philosophies in mind. Many (most?) don't like to insert themselves in the contract drafting process. Others see themselves as arbiters of equity, charged with a more activist role to do "what's right" under the circumstances. Unless you have direct experience on the precise issue with the same judge, that makes predictive counseling an enormous chore. The reason I write on, and revisit, this topic now is due to two separate events. First, from Georgia, we encountered LifeBrite Laboratories, LLC v. Cooksey, No. 1:15-cv-4309. In that case, the district court evaluated the blue-pencil rule in Georgia in light of the 2011 change to Georgia law. Previously, courts had not allowed any sort of blue-penciling. If a covenant was overbroad, the entire thing failed. Georgia's new law gave courts the ability "to modify a covenant that is otherwise void." But the court noted that the new law did not define the term "modify." It had a choice. Did the term mean to remove offending language or make substantive changes of the court's own accord? The court, having relied on Georgia's common law before the statutory change, chose the former and not the latter. I would guess this came as a surprise to Georgia lawyers, many of whom likely assumed "modify" granted the court broader discretion. I don't think we've heard the last on this subject. LifeBrite isn't controlling in Georgia state courts. I also write because of an appeal I have pending in Illinois. At least one district of the Appellate Court of Illinois has explained its law of severability in terms of non-compete agreements. I happen to have the very issue pending before the same district, so we'll see if the court expounds on its prior case law. The law of severability states that even if some part of a contract is unenforceable, a court may enforce the rest of the agreement "in favor of a party who did not engage in serious misconduct if the performance as to which the agreement is unenforceable is not an essential part of the agreed exchange." The italicized language has been held to ruin an entire non-compete when one clause is unenforceable. That means, for instance, that an overbroad customer non-solicitation covenant could imperil an otherwise enforceable non-disclosure agreement. Or vice versa. And given the crackdown in Illinois on overbroad non-disclosure agreements, I expect the law of severability may rear its head time and again. 1. Blue-penciling. This doctrine is what the Georgia court in LifeBrite endorsed. A court can remove offending language and save the balance of the covenant. That would mean, for instance, deleting a particular county in which the employee never worked but which is part of the restriction. 2. Equitable modification/Reformation. This is a broader doctrine, which allows courts to rewrite an overbroad agreement. It is less technical and interjects the court in the drafing process. 3. Red-penciling. This is a very strict, pro-employee doctrine. If the covenant is overbroad, the court will strike it and not change it in any respect. Nevada is a red-pencil state, as we found out last year. 4. Severability. As discussed above, this doctrine means a court can strike an entire restrictive covenant but save the rest of the agreement. In Illinois, I think it's at best an open question now how the law of severability applies to restrictive covenants. Probably case-by-case, depending on the language of the agreement. 5. Step-Down Clauses. A step-down clause provides that if a court determines one covenant is unenforceable, then a different term or restriction applies. For instance, a step-down clause may say that "if the court determines an 18-month non-solicitation restriction is overbroad, then the parties expressly agree to a 6-month covenant in its place." This, in theory, eliminates the court's job in rewriting a contract. I wrote once on this topic. Notably, the district court in LifeBrite stated it would have enforced a step-down clause providing an alternative provision to the overbroad clause that rendered the agreement unenforceable. (See FN 78 at page 21).
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SupportLoginSign Up Featured FeedJournalsCollectionsKeywords Saved Papers Add like Add dislike Add to saved papers Gallstone disease: Management of intrahepatic stones. Toshiyuki Mori, Masanori Sugiyama, Yutaka Atomi Best Practice & Research. Clinical Gastroenterology 2006 Hepatolithiasis (oriental cholangiohepatitis) has reportedly been endemic only in East Asia. The disease is now occasionally recognized in Western societies, especially in people who have lived in the Orient. Hepatolithiasis is characterized by its intractable nature and frequent recurrence, requiring multiple operative interventions, which is in distinct contrast to gallbladder stones. In addition to frequent cholangitis and chronic sepsis, it is widely known that longstanding intrahepatic stones lead to intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma. Symptoms of hepatolithiasis include abdominal pain, jaundice and cholangitis. Pyogenic cholangitis due to strictures and hepatolithiasis tends to recur, and sometimes patients may present with liver abscesses. Radiological studies and percutaneous procedures are keys in the diagnosis and treatment of hepatolithiasis. Non-invasive imaging modalities such as ultrasonography (US), computed tomography (CT), and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) accurately depict the normal anatomy and presence of intrahepatic stones. It should be stressed that each modality has its pros and cons, and imaging studies should be performed on the basis of understanding the pathophysiology. As the diagnostic role of magnetic resonance cholangiopancreatography (MRCP) evolves, the roles of both endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) and percutaneous transhepatic cholangiography (PTC), and their most significant advantage, is primarily therapeutic with their ability to extract stones, biopsy intraductal lesions, and place stents easily. The primary goals of treatment are to eliminate attacks of cholangitis and to stop the progression of the disease (which leads to biliary cirrhosis). Surgery has a primary role in hepatolithiasis because hepatolithiasis tends to recur, so that multiple sessions of the endoscopic approach (i.e. two or three times a year) are often required. PTC is an alternative when surgical resection of the affected lobe is difficult. Techniques for lithotripsy, including shockwave and laser, can be applied in endoscopic sessions, offering a better chance of clearing the stones. Find Full Text Links for this Article For the best experience, use the Read mobile app Group 7SearchHeart failure treatmentPapersTopicsCollectionsEffects of Sodium-Glucose Cotransporter 2 Inhibitors for the Treatment of Patients With Heart Failure Importance: Only 1 class of glucose-lowering agents-sodium-glucose cotransporter 2 (SGLT2) inhibitors-has been reported to decrease the risk of cardiovascular events primarily by reducingSeptember 1, 2017: JAMA CardiologyAssociations of albuminuria in patients with chronic heart failure: findings in the ALiskiren Observation of heart Failure Treatment study.CONCLUSIONS: Increased UACR is common in patients with heart failure, including non-diabetics. Urinary albumin creatininineJul, 2011: European Journal of Heart FailureRandomized Controlled TrialEffects of Liraglutide on Clinical Stability Among Patients With Advanced Heart Failure and Reduced Ejection Fraction: A Randomized Clinical Trial.Review Get seemless 1-tap access through your institution/university Do Not Sell My Personal InformationManage Cookie Preferences Read by QxMD is copyright © 2021 QxMD Software Inc. All rights reserved. By using this service, you agree to our terms of use and privacy policy.
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How often does a psychiatrist stop to chat with a bioengineer? Or a first-year medical student with an established postdoc? At Stanford, more often than you might think, yet there's always room for improvement, building community and promoting dialogue. Hence the Dean's Lecture Series, a new series launched by none other than the dean himself, Lloyd B. Minor, MD. Following Hudnell's inaugural talk, Vivek Wadhwa, MBA, a fellow at the Center for Corporate Governance at Stanford, will speak on Feb. 20, and Ruth Simmons, PhD, president emerita of Brown University, will speak on May 1. All lectures will be held from 12 to 1 p.m. in Berg Hall at the Li Ka Shing Center for Learning and Knowledge on campus. I'll be there. How 'bout you?
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This incredible condo is just steps from the Katy Trail in the heart of Uptown! This Uptown condo has an open and bright feel and lots of amenities. Private balcony with storage room overlooks lush and heavily treed Katy Trail. Light and bright kitchen has updated appliances. Spacious bedroom and spa-like bathroom will make you feel right at home. Circular staircase takes you to spacious room that would be a perfect office or game room. You will love all the amenities, with private garage and additional assigned parking space, stylish pool, secured entry, elevator and the unit comes furnished with a refrigerator and washer and dryer. It's a perfect combination of location and amenities for the lifestyle you need. This listing 4303 Buena Vista Street 306l, Dallas, TX 75205 is a lease listing with 1 full bath, 1 bedroom and approximately 1,074 square feet on a lot of 22,651 sqft (or 0.52 acres). 4303 Buena Vista Street 306L was built in 1983. 4303 Buena Vista Street 306L is located in Dallas and in ZIP Code 75205. It has been listed on our site since 2019-04-04 09:25:19.
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Q: Migrate website has cdn images I have to migrate a website that no longer using its Media library but cloudfront, I wonder the process to migrate it will be any different? Normally I use WP plugin Duplicator, All in one migration, or just copy files & database (change domain name) directly to the new server. I wonder will it work the same for cdn content website or I have to do something else? At the first day, I may use a temporary domain name and testing if it's ok we will redirect the live domain name to it. Please give me advice if you have experienced this. Thank you very much.
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