Tag Archives: Bob Fosse All that Jazz, Bob Fosse, Ghostbusters, Jaws, smoking in movies 40th anniversary of Jaws and the dramatic tension of a dangling cigarette June 14, 2015 Pepe Lepew Leave a comment I saw an article the other day about how this is the 40th anniversary of Jaws (I was a total weenie in that movie, it really terrified me as a kid). And this story had the very famous, "you're gonna need a bigger boat" scene attached. I realized something with this scene. In it, Roy Scheider has a cigarette in his mouth and is shoveling chum into the water to attract the killer Great White. When the Great White pops up out of the water behind the boat, Scheider stands there transfixed in horror at the sheer size of the shark, with the cigarette dangling from his mouth. He backs into the cabin of the boat and says to Quint, "you're gonna need a bigger boat." (If you pay attention, you'll notice a continuation error in this scene. When the giant shark bobs up out of the water, Scheider's cigarette is unlit. When he backs into the boat's cabin, his cigarette is now lit. Apparently, Scheider quickly lit his cigarette while walking backward.) I realized that cigarettes were for a very long time used by Hollywood to create dramatic tension. A cigarette simply dangling from the mouth, a character too shocked to even be aware of that cigarette being there. I've seen that used in a number of films. For instance, in Ghostbusters, there is a scene almost identical to the Jaws scene, only this time, it's done for laughs. When Ray rounds a corner in a hotel hallway, he sees a gross green spectre they come to call "Slimer." He's smoking a cigarette, and again, shocked and transfixed, a lit cigarette dangles from his lip. Only in this scene, it literally dangles from his lower lip and then falls to the ground. It's actually a really funny scene, and it's interesting how similar it is to the scene from Jaws. It's a total spoof of Jaws, I'm sure of it. It was an earlier era in which cigarettes were absolutely used as a prop in Hollywood (BTW, Roy Scheider died a few years ago at the age of 76 from myeloma, a form of blood cancer. Ironically, one of his best-known roles was in "All That Jazz," a semi-autobiographical film about Bob Fosse, playing a chain-smoking Fosse who dies from heart disease. Fosse actually was a chain-smoker and actually did die of heart disease at the age of 60. Fosse's wife also died of lung cancer.) All that JazzBob FosseGhostbustersJawssmoking in movies
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GOP saying 'nada' to Trump budget President Donald Trump's budget hasn't been released yet, but that's not stopping some of Capitol Hill's most important Republicans from giving it a cold shoulder. Full probe of Comey firing promised Members of key congressional committees pledged Sunday to proceed with aggressive investigations into Russia's meddling into the U.S. election and any ties with the Trump Did DHS pick plagiarize? Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke, who says he's been appointed an assistant secretary in the Department of Homeland Security, has denied he plagiarized content in Trumpites threaten Congressman A black Texas congressman said Saturday that he's been threatened with lynching by callers infuriated over him seeking impeachment of President Donald Trump. U.S. Rep. No 'ultimate deal' for Israel President Donald Trump has cast the elusive pursuit of peace between Israelis and Palestinians as the "ultimate deal." But he will step foot in Israel
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The Cathedral City Police Explorer Program is designed to assist young adults through training, education and preparing them for a career in law enforcement. The Police Department has strict policies in place to develop responsibility and professionalism while also instilling strong morals and ethics in our young adults that carry over to many careers other than law enforcement. Candidates who wish to become Explorers must successfully complete and pass the testing and background process to become Explorers. Explorers assist Police Officers and Police Personnel in a variety of assignments such as Patrol, DUI Check Points, Dispatch, Records as well as attending the Explorers Conference Competition in Las Vegas, Training Academy in San Diego, and the Central Coast Law Enforcement Explorers Competition in Paso Robles. During the one week training academy in San Diego they are educated on laws, arrest and control, physical fitness and training scenarios. The Explorer Post also has weekly meetings which are held every Thursday at 6:30pm at The Cathedral City Police Department. Candidates must be able to attend the special details and functions as mandated by the Explorer Post Advisors.
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Ethereum becomes the hottest investment opportunity with this news and could double its value in just a week's time. China Releases a list of top Cryptocurrencies with Ethereum at Number 1. However, China has put severe bans and restrictions on crypto trading and transactions but the power of this future currency has forced them to work on the ranking of crypto currencies. It is likely that the list might surprise you by not finding bitcoin in the top 10 list. The research was based on three factors, technology, Application and innovation. It was carried out by China Electronic Information Industry Development Department (CCID) under the control of Ministry of Industry and Information Technology. Community took few of the entries as surprising with Steem securing a place in the top 10 and Bitcoin at 13. The professionals could not find the logic behind Steem's top ranking position because its blockchain application is very simple. The platform just works like Reddit and its purpose is to distribute content. Similarly, Bitcoin is a pioneer currency and it has shown the way to industry on blockchain adoption but it could not ensure presence in the top 10. Regardless of who come first and who last, Chinese Government at least considered the importance of digital currencies. China was initially mining 90% of the Bitcoins but then it faced harsh Government restrictions and the percentage dropped to less than 10%. It has also banned Crypto trading and transactions and filed Police cases against Crypto Traders. And it is undoubtedly the worst most country to do crypto trading because of Government's strict actions. However, this research has given some hope to the traders that they are at least considering these currencies worth discussing. The news can impact the value of Ethereum positively. After being ranked the top cryptocurrency by Chinese Government, the huge number of traders will find inclination towards it. We will see the trend in favor of Etheirum with more and more people investing in it. Traders can't have a better opportunity than to buy Ethereum and get the maximum share of profit in a week's time. It is highly likely that the value of this coin might double in value and the early decision makers get the most out of this situation. These rewarding situations don't happen quite often and therefore it his highly recommended to go for Ethereum for this week.
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I'm back in Bangkok — and Southeast Asia — for the first time in two and a half years. I've been indulging in my favorite Bangkok activities — eating pad kra prow on the street. Browsing the wacky clothing stalls in Siam Square. Buying fresh-squeezed orange juice and fruit shakes from my street vendors. Taking Mario to the electronics floor at MBK, gawking at the rhinestone Hello Kitty iPhone covers and buying a bootleg DVD of Monsters University for $3. Somehow, I've been here for 36 hours and I haven't even gotten a massage yet. That will be fixed shortly! Best of all, Mario already loves it here as much as I do. I'm so glad. He was a bit hesitant, as his previous Asia backpacking experience prior to this trip took place in India, where he was scammed and harassed more or less constantly, but he quickly learned how different Thailand is. This is the region that started it all. I started this site eight months before I left, but my time in Southeast Asia is what catapulted me into the spotlight. I started with a modest following when I arrived, and by the time I left six months later, particularly after a nasty shipwreck in Indonesia, I had become one of the better known travel bloggers. Southeast Asia is still what I'm best known for. I get emails from people telling me that this site helped them out so much with their Southeast Asia travels more than any other destination. On many levels, I am SO happy to be here. Being back in Bangkok has made me feel so relaxed. Most of it looks exactly the same as it did two and a half years ago, albeit with a LOT more free wifi, to my great joy. The prices certainly are welcome, too. After Australia, Japan, Dubai, and Europe, our wallets have taken a fair beating. Mario and I always knew we'd have to balance out our expensive travels with several months on the cheap, and there's no better place to live cheaply than here. But I'm concerned about something else. As far as travel blogging goes, Southeast Asia has been done to death. Don't get me wrong — as far as travel goes, Southeast Asia is FANTASTIC. I adore it here. It's fun, it's cheap, it's diverse, and it's easy, and for those reasons, I recommend Southeast Asia to all but the most high-maintenance travelers. Sure — I know that my posts of these destinations would be different because it would be me writing about them, and because most of my readers don't read other travel blogs and have never read anything else about these destinations. Mark Collard is a key figure in the professional development of adventure education in Australia, and was instrumental in the development of Project Adventure in the early 1990s.
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The City of Santa Fe is soliciting requests from parties to serve as the intensive case management and care coordination provider for the diversion component of the Santa Fe Law Enforcement Assisted Diversion (LEAD) project. LEAD is a pre-booking diversion program that allows officers to redirect offenders engaged in low level drug activity to community-based services instead of jail and prosecution. LEAD participants begin working immediately with case managers to access services. LEAD's goals are to reduce the harm a drug offender causes him or herself, as well as the harm that the individual is causing the surrounding community. This public safety program has the potential to reduce recidivism rates for low-level offenders and preserve expensive criminal justice system resources for more serious or violent offenders. The City will provide funds for coordination and provision of direct services to adults who meet the criteria to be diverted by law enforcement from incarceration as a result of problematic opiate/heroin use. The Santa Fe Police Department (SFPD) will be the City agency who will make the recommendation for individuals to participate in the LEAD program. It is imperative that the selected provider participates with the training and information sharing systems with SFPD to ensure the success of the LEAD program. The oversight of the LEAD program is managed by the LEAD Policy Coordinating Committee, who in turn has contracted with an independent project manager. The LEAD Project Manager partners with the City to monitor and enforce contractual obligations of the LEAD service provider. It will be part of the LEAD service provider's contractual obligation to collaborate with the LEAD Policy coordinating Committee and the Project Manager. Amount: Contract award(s) will be made. Applicable licenses, including: A copy of 2018 Business Registration Certificate for the City of Santa Fe; Diagnostic and Treatment Center Operator's License; DEA Certificate; New Mexico Board of Pharmacy, Residential Treatment, Adult Day Care Facility and Outpatient Medical Treatment Facility Licensure. If any of these licenses are not applicable applicants may provide a brief explanation. Copy of New Mexico Incorporation Charter or agreement under which the applicant agency operates. Copy of IRS Certificate for non-profit status, if applicable. Note: A Technical Assistance Training will be held on July 11, 2018. See solicitation for information.
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I did in fact get that new gym membership last week--at Crunch. Now...I just gotta use it! Won't happen today since I am, once again, home sick. (Is anyone else sick as a dog this winter? Seems like everyone in our office is.) But by the end of the week, I should walk into my new gym and step on the treadmill triumphantly. In the meantime, some fascinating health and fitness reading for y'all... I don't know about you, but I don't want to eat anything called an Oreo Pizza even if it is one of the year's most memorable products. (via Fitsugar) IAteAPie reviews their favorite healthy foods of 2007 (some good ideas in there to mix into your days?) Hmmm...now I want a waffle. Diet Blog reviews the American College of Sports Medicine's 2008 fitness trends predictions. Which of them will you try? I'm all about the stability ball--more ball, more ball, more ball! I did in fact get that new gym membership last week--at Crunch. Now...I just gotta use it! Won't happen today since I am, once again, home sick. (Is anyone else sick as a dog this winter? Seems like everyone in our office is.) But by the end of the week, I should walk into my new gym and step on the treadmill triumphantly. IAteAPie reviews their favorite healthy foods of 2007 (some good ideas in there to mix into your days?) Hmmm...now I want a waffle. Diet Blog reviews the American College of Sports Medicine's 2008 fitness trends predictions. Which of them will you try? I'm all about the stability ball--more ball, more ball, more ball!
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Essential for healthy gut flora. Helps relieve digestive comfort. Promotes healthy digestion. Supports nutrient absorption. Boosts metabolism. There is a phrase which says that "you are, what you eat" but at INLIFE, we feel "You are, what you digest" and these digestive enzymes are a significant key factor for both, better digestion and better nutrient absorption. Digestive enzymes are those proteins which the body produces for the breakdown of food into carbohydrates, protein and fats and other essential vitamins and minerals. Our body then absorbs these macro and micronutrients to give energy, for body growth, cell repair, etc. If you are having a deficiency of these vital digestive enzymes, then you may suffer from various problems like bloating, gas, irregular bowel movements, constipation, diarrhea, etc. Suggested Usage: Take 1 capsule daily after meal or as advised by your healthcare professional. Regular consumption of outside food. Consumption of junk food, with high fats and sugar. Daily use of soda and other sweetened beverages. INLIFE Digestive Enzymes supplement is one of the unique enzyme formula, made from 13 plant-based enzymes which helps to improve digestion. Most importantly, this is a gluten-free and lactose-free supplement. Hence, individuals who are allergic to gluten or lactose or both can consume INLIFE Digestive Enzymes supplement safely. Helps leaky gut and improves digestion. Aids in removing stress on the GI Tract. Supports break down of carbohydrate, protein, fats, sugars, gluten, and lactose. Helps in improving nutrient absorption. Aids in weight management by improving metabolism. Provides complete support for maintaining digestive tract. Helps prevent inflammatory bowel diseases/syndrome. When Should You Choose to Buy Digestive Enzymes Capsules? When you consistently feel bloated. You feel sluggish throughout the day. If suffering from gas and acidity. Unable to lose or gain weight. Why Are Digestive Enzymes So Important For Your Health and Wellbeing? Digestive enzyme aids your body in the breakdown of carbohydrates, protein, and fats which in turn helps the body to use all essential nutrients that are present in the food eaten. The human body needs more energy for its proper functioning, and it is only possible if there are an adequate breakdown and utilization of nutrients. INLIFE Healthcare's unique combination of 13 essential digestive enzymes is a set of whole food enzymes which support optimal health. People who are suffering from lactose and gluten intolerance can also benefit from the same as it improves the tolerance level and reduces the symptoms caused. A lot of powder blends that claim to contain digestive enzymes, do not have a complete set and hence they are at times difficult to digest and cause bloating and gas. Improve your digestion and make your digestive system healthy and fit. Helps in reduction of gas and bloating. Prevent and cure all types of indigestion worries. Balance Digestive track pH as well as the pH levels of the entire body. Breaks down and eliminate proteins to support digestion and nutrient absorption. Mind – It enhances your nutrient absorption, which in turn improves brain and overall cognitive functions. Body – Helps in regulating, restoring a proper digestive balance and hence improve other vital systems. Activates other essential digestive enzymes present in the body. Supports circulatory system and its functioning. Soul – Helps in proper blood circulation and boosts mood. Overall well-being and generating a positive self. INLIFE Digestive Enzyme supplement is a perfect choice for all Vegans who find it difficult to take a Prebiotic and Probiotic supplement, as these are 100% vegetarian capsules made from plant-based HPMC material. Really the product having best value.I was earlier affected by smelly poop.Now in 10 days it has been cleared. Excellent product for constipation and worked excellently for digestive issues. Given to my father as he is facing many digestion issues and he is feeling well now and will continue giving him….
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Liquid cow's milk, evaporated milk and condensed milk are the most concentrated sources of lactose, or natural milk sugar. Foods that contain ingredients like powdered milk, whey (the liquid remaining after milk has been curdled and strained) and whey protein concentrate which are derived from these products may also be quite high in lactose. Some examples of high-lactose foods include ice cream, soft-serve frozen yogurt, ricotta cheese, protein powders, energy bars, puddings/custards and dulce de leche. Lactose intolerance can range from mild to severe. Depending on the amount of lactase present in the gut, some people with lactose intolerance may be able to eat one cup of yogurt without any symptoms, or a mildly upset stomach, while it may cause others real pain. Yogurt and cheese also contain less lactose because the culturing process pre-digests much of the lactose. There are also a variety of foods with "hidden" sources of lactose: these can include baked goods such as breads, waffles or pancakes as well as salad dressings, potato chips and margarine. Lactose is also sometimes added as a processing aid in the production of processed meats including bacon, hot dogs or deli meats.
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AZD4877 is a synthetic kinesin spindle protein (KSP) inhibitor with potential antineoplastic activity. ARQ-621 is an allosteric, potent and selective inhibitor of Eg5, a microtubule-based ATPase motor protein involved in cell division. Dimethylenastron is an Eg5 inhibitor, which arrests cells with monopolar spindles to which all chromosomes attach in a syntelic manner. EMD534085 is a kinesin inhibitor currently in clinical development. Monastrol is a potent and cell-permeable inhibitor of the mitotic kinesin Eg5 with an IC50 value of 14 μM. Monastrol is a kinesin Eg5 inhibitor. Induction of apoptosis by monastrol is independent of the spindle checkpoint. Ispinesib (SB-715992, CK0238273) is a potent, specific and reversible inhibitor of kinesin spindle protein (KSP) with Ki app of 1.7 nM, no inhibition to CENP-E, RabK6, MCAK, MKLP1, KHC or Kif1A. ARRY-520 is a synthetic kinesin spindle protein (KSP) inhibitor with IC50 of 6 nM. Novel drug candidate for the treatment of cancer, GSK-923295, is a small-molecule inhibitor of the mitotic kinesin centromere-associated protein E, (CENP-E). K858 selectively inhibits Eg5 ATPase activity with an IC50 of 1.3 μM.
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Chinmay Pandya gives The Football Front a tactical preview of Chelsea's trip to Benfica. crisis. Chelsea head to Portugal for the first leg of the CL quarter finals as they take on Benfica at the Estadio da Luz, where they have been undefeated in 39 of their last 42 home games in the Liga Sagres. Benfica had a tremendous start to their CL campaign as they managed to top their group, a run of results which saw the tournament favourites Manchester United go crashing into the Europa league. The Portuguese side managed to earn a draw both home and away to United and that too, very impressively. Their last CL game at the Estadio da Luz ended in a convincing 2-0 win over a very strong Zenit and had also managed to score 2 crucial away goals in Russia which aided their victory over the two legs. While Chelsea, who have been quite poor on the road this season which reflected in their 3-1 defeat to Napoli at the San Paolo stadium in the first knock out round. Chelsea's defence, especially under AVB looked very shaky although after his departure, things have looked somewhat solid again at the back, which has been evident in their impressive rum of 4 straight wins before defeat against Manchester City in the league. Their dramatic win over Napoli was seen as the turning point of their miserable season Yet once again, they failed to capitalize on this momentum and ended up with back-to-back poor performances against Manchester City and Tottenham. Two late goals conceded away from home after failing to hold on to a 1-0 lead and then failing to score at home aren't the best signs heading into this fixture. Benfica generally line up with a 4-2-3-1 formation which is quite fluid as it changes when in possession of the ball, normally to a 3-3-1-3 with the holding midfielder Javi Garcia dropping in between the two central defenders changing it into a back 3 with the wing backs pushing on and against in the knock out stages. However, it is quite different. Napoli's back three weren't very mobile, were very vulnerable to fast break situations and also defending crosses whipped into the box. Benfica's back three has a lot of variety. The midfielder who drops between the central defenders is very quick across the turf, can tackle and make last ditch challenges and also provide a lot of energy in the midfield when not in possession. Luisao, the bedrock of the Benfica defence and Jardel is the weakest of the three - a weakness the Londoners should try to exploit, especially at set-pieces, as against Napoli. When in possession, the back 4 changes into a back 3, the wing backs start acting as the wingers and the positioning of Gaitan, Cesar/Aimar, Rodrigo and Witsel are very fluid. Cardozo acts as the target – man who'd be up against Terry, also very good in the air. This system, however, isn't flawless. During fast break situations, Witsel, the only remaining Midfielder stays rooted and creates a big hole in the midfield which might mean Chelsea, with the likes of Lampard and Essien might dominate the midfield. In another situation, when Chelsea's full backs push up, which they normally do, the game can be won or lost on the wings itself because of the spaces these full backs might leave behind. Benfica's right wing back, Pereira is known for his goal threat and his superb service to Cardozo but is susceptible to be caught napping. A pressing game from the part of Chelsea, could prove very effective, given Benfica may lack in personnel in the centre of midfield. However, the move would not make much sense, if Rodrigo does go on to pair up with Cardozo as the latter with his raw pace could cause terror in a high Chelsea back-line. To sum up, this match could me won or lost in the midfield or the wings, as Benfica's complicated system might leave them with less numbers in the miefield and Rodrigo's raw pace, Witsel's passing ability and some trickery from Gaitan might give the Chelsea backline a nightmare.
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The A330 Project is still going on? I know from the Youtube That the project have been stopped. If you can, i will tell you the e-mail address. Hi there, the A330 project is still progressing of course, I did see someone post a reply on the youtube video about this project being stopped, it has never been stopped at any stage - it has been slow but we will get there! Last edited by DC10 on 01 Sep 2013, 14:33, edited 1 time in total. Well folks - as promised here's the A340-300 plus CFM engines. Please note that these are still work in progress so there are adjustments - e.g. the bottom of pylon is white etc. Last edited by DC10 on 01 Sep 2013, 15:00, edited 3 times in total. The inevitable question will come up - how much longer to go... judging by textures maybe a few months (before we get working on airline liveries), although it is still difficult to say - can't speak about the rest e.g. fde, vc etc. Wow!! Amazing work! Thank you for this preview! loving it! will it have a working vc with VASfMC in fsx? P.S can you use some default airbus systems (like fuel and hydraulic) to make it have for flyability? DC10 wrote: Hi there, the A330 project is still progressing of course, I did see someone post a reply on the youtube video about this project being stopped, it has never been stopped at any stage - it has been slow but we will get there! ThankYou Very Much!Support you forever! To whom it may concern, I am dying to slap SAS on this! Also if it's possible, could we please see some screenshots of the lighting mask? I'm a little curious on how it looks. Nice Work, truly nice work!! speedbird wrote: loving it! will it have a working vc with VASfMC in fsx? P.S can you use some default airbus systems (like fuel and hydraulic) to make it have for flyability? Are they being released together or separately? How many % is done of your work on PA 330? You should go back and look at the screenshots because they answer your question. these past few days, it was quiet 'round here in PA forums. Any updates? They will post the update, when it will be ready. here's more update: the flap track fairings are now sorted - as you may be aware in the previous preview shots we had used a temporary texture and the flap track canoe fairings were too dark before.. is thomas ruth associated to PA team? if so, then his a330/a340 belong to PA, am i right? markm24 wrote: is thomas ruth associated to PA team? if so, then his a330/a340 belong to PA, am i right? Project Airbus was founded by Thomas Ruth and Trevor Slack in 2001. Other members included Michel Theriault, Nicholas Wu, Thomas Kwong and Peter Binamira. If I remember correctly (when I first discovered the community and became active in 2000) Project Airbus developed the A320 and also the A300-600. Thomas also ventured into other models like the An225, An124, TU144 and also later developed his A330/340s and a DC10 VC - these work were released not under this group but under his own name. As people moved on gradually and new members came into the group, PA released the A320 and later the A319/A321 as well as the A380. This A330 and A340 is made by Nick Loh. Nice screenshots! Thanks for an update. Can't wait to fly with a330. Been visiting the forums everyday just to look at any new preview pics. Cant wait to fly that A330. Good to see development is still ongoing! Coming along nicely. I'm definitely looking forward to painting this! Great to see some previews PA team. Looks like it's coming along nicely - keep up the great work! This is a short note to the team behind the A330 and A340. Wishing you the very best success with it and I am most grateful to see this project coming along as it is. I Fly your Airbus A380, A320, A321, A319, A318 and enjoy every moment with the models I have. Just wondering, Is this project still alive? What? I'm just asking... I know, everyone hates these questions, and maybe hates me, but I haven't seen anything new of the VC for months. The VC is not being worked on. The exterior is still being worked on. FINALLY!!!! a real A330 A340 combination that is worth downloading. you Guys are great. Thank you. Looks like the wings, slats, flaps and ailerons are going to be accurate too! AMAZING JOB FELLAS. Not asking for a release date, but asking for a release year, so will it be released in 2013 or 2014? M@rco wrote: Not asking for a release date, but asking for a release year, so will it be released in 2013 or 2014? But your main qestion is still "when". 2015 maybe? just kidding! the best things takes loge time to be finished! That's all I wanted to hear, nothing more. Thank you very much! Is a340-600 going to be modeled? Airbus Fan wrote: Is a340-600 going to be modeled? Straight from the first page........That about answer your question? Edit: Not even going to say it this time.
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IAB Approves, Releases Ad Privacy Guidelines With concerns mounting over access and usage of consumer data, the Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB) Sunday unveiled new interactive advertising privacy guidelines that are designed to ensure users' control over the use of personal information by interactive media and advertisers. The guidelines, which were approved by the IAB's board during the opening day of the bureau's annual conference in Phoenix, Arizona, on Sunday, also are expected to improve the delivery of relevant marketing communications to consumers. The guidelines are not specific edicts to online advertisers, agencies and publishers, but represent "high level concepts" dealing with consumer notice, choice and data security, and are intended to serve as a "roadmap" for industry players who collect and/or use data to deliver relevant ads online or via other platforms. The guidelines, which were developed over many months with the IAB Policy Development Task Force and Policy Council, come as advocacy groups and federal regulators have been turning the heat of up on the industry, especially as online marketers and publishers get more sophisticated about leveraging consumer data and so-called behavioral targeting techniques. The IAB said the new guidelines would be submitted officially to the Federal Trade Commission by the end of February. The move comes amid a series of similar house cleaning initiatives enacted by the IAB, which also recently released a set of guidelines concerning online lead generation practices. The moves appear intended to nip regulatory actions or recommendations that would curtail industry trade practices. The new guidelines, IAB President-CEO Randall Rothenberg, noted, are "more flexible" than those suggested by the FTC in late 2007. "IAB's principles are an important first step in the creation of stronger industry self regulatory programs," said Dave Morgan, departing executive vice president-global advertising strategy of AOL and co-chair of the Task Force that developed the principles. "We believe that all existing and future types of interactive advertising should fit within these criteria and we will move swiftly towards promulgating more granular best practices based on this document." The news guidelines include five basic principles: * Consumers should be provided meaningful notice about the information collected and used for interactive advertising. * Consumers should be informed of their choices regarding interactive advertising and empowered to exercise those choices. * Businesses should implement appropriate information security practices and procedures. * Businesses should be responsive and accountable to consumers. * Companies should educate consumers about the benefits of interactive advertising. online, privacy
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← Vintage Movie Poster: Adolph Zukor Presents 'Popeye Meets Ali Baba's Forty Thieves' Not Over Easy: Border Crisis Scrambling the Politics of Immigration Policy → Despite offensive, Gaza rockets still hit Israel Posted: July 13, 2014 | Author: Pundit Planet | Filed under: Global, War Room | Tags: Al-Hayat, Gaza, Hamas, Hezbollah, Institute for National Security Studies, Iron Dome, Israel, Israel Defense Forces, Lebanon, London, Tel Aviv |1 Comment TEL AVIV, Israel (AP) — Israel says its punishing air assault on Hamas militants, their property and their weaponry has delivered a devastating blow to the Islamic militant group. Yet rocket fire at Israel has continued almost unabated. The military says that due to years of generous Iranian shipments, thousands of rockets remain in Gaza, and there is no quick way to eliminate the threat. "There is no attempt here to solve the conflict. We are talking about managing the conflict and as long as it goes on, quiet will only be temporary." It says its goal is to inflict so much pain on Hamas that it will be deterred from attacking Israel again — just like Hezbollah guerrillas in Lebanon have largely remained on the sidelines for the past eight years. The military also says it wants to punish Hamas for the violence. But both goals are hard to quantify in the short term. A similar offensive in November 2012 was also deemed a military success, though it left Israel vulnerable to rocket fire. Israel also launched a large offensive in late 2008 that delivered a tenuous cease-fire. "It's a mistake to think that if you have established deterrence it will stay that way. Deterrence must be maintained." — Shlomo Brom, a retired Israeli general, analyst at the Institute for National Security Studies "There is no knockout, it is more complicated," said a senior military official involved in the fighting, who spoke on condition of anonymity under military guidelines. But, he added, "if there is a map of pain that the enemy sees, it will have to think about things." The rocket threat has been in the making for well over a decade. In the early 2000s, Hamas began firing rudimentary, homegrown rockets that were inaccurate, flew short distances and carried a tiny payload. Today, the army says the group has an arsenal of some 10,000 rockets, including longer-range, foreign-made weapons capable of reaching virtually anywhere in Israel. The current round of fighting has seen air-raid sirens sound in Jerusalem, Tel Aviv and Haifa, Israel's three-largest cities. There have been no fatalities, in large part because of dozens of interceptions by the high-tech "Iron Dome" rocket-defense system. Israel launched its offensive last Tuesday in what it says was a response to weeks of heavy rocket attacks out of Gaza. It has carried out hundreds of airstrikes, systematically targeting what it says is Hamas' rocket-launching production and launching capabilities. On Sunday, Israel sent special forces into Gaza for a brief ground operation, its first in the latest fighting, in an attempt to take out rocket launching pads that could not be destroyed from the air. Israeli analysts say that most of the remaining long-range rockets are believed to be stashed beneath residential buildings, and that the only way to completely remove the threat would be to re-conquer Gaza, from which Israel withdrew in 2005, and stay there for a lengthy period. Such a scenario would carry great risk, and Israeli leaders are wary…(read more) AP Associated Press writer Mohammed Daraghmeh contributed to this report from Ramallah, West Bank. Follow Heller on Twitter @aronhellerap Updates on #Gaza: Israeli Commandos Attack Rocket Cache, more (#IsraelUnderFire) (legalinsurrection.com) Israel Drops Leaflets Warning of Northern Gaza Airstrikes (punditfromanotherplanet.com) BREAKING: Islamists Fire Rocket at Tel Aviv (thegatewaypundit.com) Netanyahu: 'Sometimes You Just Have to Fight against People Who Want to Murder You' (nationalreview.com) Israeli And Hamas Leaders Both Waiting For The Other Side To Stop Firing Rockets [VIDEO] (dailycaller.com) 'It is Hamas that bears full responsibility': Netanyahu vows Israel will use 'any means necessary' to stop Hamas (twitchy.com) One Comment on "Despite offensive, Gaza rockets still hit Israel" Despite offensive, Gaza rockets still hit Israel - iVoter.com | iVoter.com says: […] By Pundit from another Planet TEL AVIV, Israel (AP) — Israel says its punishing air assault on Hamas militants, their property and their weaponry has delivered a devastating blow to the Islamic militant group. Yet rocket fire at Israel has continued almost unabated. The military says that due to years of generous Iranian shipments, thousands of rockets remain in Gaza, […] Like this? Read more and get your own subscription at […] Vintage Photo of the Day: Alfred Hitchcock Miller's Alleged Affair with Transition Aide A.J. Delgado Led To White House Rejection
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaCommonCrawl'}
Using this method might cause some lag, especially with a poor network. To reduce the lag, it is optimal to have a strong router and to have your phone and setup in the same room. This is the best way to stream FightCamp to your TV without experiencing latency problems. Use the adapter with any HDMI cable connecting your iOS device to your TV - there shouldn't be any lag this way! *Note that the official Apple adapter is of much higher quality than other Lightning to HDMI adapters on the market. Any other brand may unfortunately negatively affect your experience, cause lag with the audio, stop working regularly, and affect the workouts' display. After testing, we have yet to find a Lightning to HDMI adapter that works properly, besides Apple's. We strongly recommend Apple Lightning to HDMI adapter (Lightning Digital AV Adapter) to stream FightCamp seamlessly!
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
Have you ever wanted to eat an entire football pitch's worth of chocolate? Well, Cadbury has your back -- sort of. While it's sadly not the size of an actual pitch, the chocolate company has recreated the Barclays Premier League pitch layout in a Dairy Milk share bar. Weighing in at 200g, the bar will cost you £2 (although it's on offer for £1.50 in some places) and is of course limited edition. We doubt there'll be many of them kicking around as memorabilia in 10 years though, because they're all going to get snarfed. Cadbury, for reasons that don't make a whole lot of sense, is the official 'snack partner' of the Premier League. They've got a whole microsite called Cadbury FC with various football-related competitions and promotions, including the chance to win a pair of Premier League tickets (the ones left over after all the Cadbury execs took their pick, we're guessing).
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Page 1 of Hansard Report - Tuesday, 9th June 2020 (A) - Afternoon Sitting.pdf PARLIAMENT OF KENYA THE NATIONAL ASSEMBLY THE HANSARD Tuesday, 9th June 2020 [The Speaker (Hon. Justin Muturi) in the Chair] Hon. Speaker We may need to check the other stations in order to determine whether there is quorum. I think we can start with the preliminaries. REQUESTS FOR STATEMENTS EXTRA-JUDICIAL KILLINGS IN MATHARE CONSTITUENCY Anthony Tom Oluoch (Hon. Anthony Oluoch) Hon. Speaker, pursuant to Standing Order No. 44 (2) (c), I wish to request a Statement from the Chairperson, Departmental Committee on Administration on National Security, on extra-judicial killings in Mathare Constituency. Hon. Speaker, on Monday the 1st of June 2020, a resident of Mathare Constituency by the name of James Murithi Njeru alias Baite was shot and killed by police at about 7.05 p.m. in area 3C, Mabatini Ward in Mathare Constituency. The deceased was a homeless man who is reported to be seeking shelter at night alternately between vibandas and shades erected outside buildings within Mathare. Further, James Murithi Njeru also lost his life under unclear circumstances through a bullet. Hon. Speaker, on or about 25th March 2020, an innocent 13-year-old by the name of Yassin Moyo, a KCPE candidate had his life cut short by a bullet that got him while in the balcony in the presence of his parents in their house in Kiamaiko area, in Mathare Constituency. A resident of Mathare, Michael Njau alias Gorba disappeared while on his way from Thika Town in the company of three other persons. This is more than a month ago. Despite being searched by his family and residents from Mathare where he hails, his whereabouts nor his body cannot be established. It is against this background that I seek a Statement from the Chairperson of the Departmental Committee on Administration and National Security to address the following: (i) The circumstances that led to the death of a resident of Mathare Constituency namely James Mithii Njeru alias Baite who was shot and killed by police in Area 3C, Mabatini Ward on Monday, 1st June 2020. (ii) What steps have been taken to ensure speedy arrest and prosecution of the police officer responsible for the loss of life of the mentioned deceased person? The electronic version of the Official Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Hansard Editor. (iii) The whereabouts of a resident of Mathare Constituency by the name of Michael Njau alias Gorba who disappeared while on his way from Thika Town in the company of three other persons more than one month ago despite this having been reported to the police. (iv) The circumstances that led to the death of an innocent 13-year old named Yasin Moyo from Kiamaiko Ward on 25th March, 2020 and what steps have been taken to ensure speedy arrest and prosecution of those responsible for the loss of life. (v) The ongoing extrajudicial killings in the country, especially during the enforcement of curfew and other measures to curb the spread of Covid-19. I thank you, Hon. Speaker. The Chairman of the Departmental Committee on Administration and National Security, when do you intend to respond? I have seen Hon. Koinange make his way in. Paul Koinange (Hon. Paul Koinange) Thank you, Hon. Speaker. I had actually spoken to the Hon. Member. It will take two weeks to reply to the Statement. Hon. Oluoch, it will be two weeks. The Member for Kilifi North, you have the Floor. CONSTRUCTION OF THE RONALD NGALA UTALII COLLEGE IN KILIFI COUNTY Owen Yaa Baya (Hon. Owen Baya) Pursuant to Standing Order No. 44(2) (c), I seek a Statement from the Chairperson of the Committee on Implementation regarding the progress of construction of the Ronald Ngala Utalii College in Kilifi County in view of the status of implementation of the Public Investments Committees (PIC) Special Report on the college dated May, 2017. The Committee considered a special audit report that questioned the circumstances that led to the escalation of the project from its original cost of Ksh1.9 billion to Ksh8.9 billion before it was scaled down to Ksh4.9 billion. The National Assembly's PIC recommended that the project be implemented as per the Catering and Tourism Development Levy Trustees (CDTLT) board resolution of 13th December 2010 to redesign the college to accommodate 3,000 students at a cost of Ksh8.9 billion. The Government approved the construction of the Coast branch of the Kenya Utalii College vide Cabinet Minute 30/1996 dated 1st February, 1996. Further, the Cabinet revisited the matter in 2007 vide a letter reference OP/CAB/584A dated 13th September, 2007 proposing the expansion of the project at an estimated cost of Ksh1.948 billion. The project has since spent up to Ksh2 billion and the work is not complete despite assurance by the Cabinet Secretary (CS) that it would be completed by 2019. The PIC recommended to the then CS Ministry of Tourism to, as a matter of urgency, pursue a post-facto Cabinet approval from the downscaled project and seek Cabinet approval for the implementation of hotel component of the project through the Public Private Partnership (PPP) framework and report to the National Assembly on the implementation status of this recommendation not later than six months after the adoption of the Report. The Committee also recommended that the project be implemented not later than 19th June, 2019 as per the signed contract and subsequent addenda issued on 14th May, 2013 and 25th August, 2014 respectively. Further, the CEO of the college was also to report to the National Assembly on the implementation status not later than 12 months after the adoption of the Report. It is now very many months after this Report was tabled before the House. The electronic version of the Official Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Hansard Editor. It is against this background that I seek your direction for the Committee on Implementation to investigate and intervene with a view to addressing the following issues: (i) What is the status of the project with a view to ensure its speedy completion? (ii) Was there prudent use of public funds allocated, and establish how much money the project has used so far, how much has been budgeted for and what percentage of the project has been completed? (iii) Did the Cabinet Secretary seek approval from the Cabinet for the project to be redesigned as directed by Parliament? Thank you. I do not see the Chair of the Committee on Implementation. Maybe the Leader of the Minority Party, the Hon. John Mbadi should take up that matter. Refer it to Hon. ole Kenta. That Statement is sought from the Chair of the Committee on Implementation. John Mbadi Ng'ong'o (Hon. John Mbadi) Thank you, Hon. Speaker. I will pass the message to the Chair, Hon. ole Kenta. I do not think it is some work which should take long. Let me see if I can pass the message that he does it in two weeks' time. Very well. The next request is by the Member for Ugenya. FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH COURT ORDERS BY THE EXECUTIVE David Ouma Ochieng' (Hon. David Ochieng') Thank you very much, Hon. Speaker. I wish to request for a Statement regarding disobedience, failure to comply with and non-execution of court orders by the Executive, the national Government and its agencies. Pursuant to Standing Order No.44(2) (c), I request a Statement from the Chairperson of the Departmental Committee on Justice and Legal Affairs regarding cases of disobedience of court orders, failure to comply with court orders and a non-execution of court orders by the Executive Arm of Government and its agencies. The Government of Kenya is established by law under the Constitution of Kenya wherein Article 1(3) creates the Legislature, the Executive and the Judiciary as the organs of state to which the sovereign power of the people is delegated. The said organs are distinct and bound by the doctrine of separation of powers and functional independence of each. The proper functioning of Government depends on the cooperation and execution of each of the state organs roles and functions as declared in the Constitution. Failure of any one organ to carry out its functions affects the functioning of the other two. Therefore, for some time now, there has been hue and cry from the Judiciary and independent State organs that the national Executive and other State organs are wilfully disobeying court orders, failing to comply with court orders and failing to execute court orders. There has also been hue and cry from citizens that the national government is not obeying court orders and is frustrating execution of court orders. Some of the cases that come to mind and which have been cited are the eviction of Sengwer from forests, in the Environmental Petition No.15 of 2013; the Miguna Miguna case is still fresh in our minds; the shutting down of television stations; the Teachers Service Commission and the Director of Pensions, where more than 22,000 teachers have not been paid for more than 10 years. The latest are petitions 369 and 427 of 2019 regarding His Excellency the President's delay or, indeed, refusal to swear in judges recommended for appointment by the Judicial Service Commission (JSC). The electronic version of the Official Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Hansard Editor. It is against this background that I wish to request the Chairperson of the Departmental Committee on Justice and Legal Affairs to inquire into and provide a statement to the House on the following: (i) The instances, if any, of cases of disobedience of court orders, failure to comply with court orders and non-execution of court orders by the national Executive, its agencies and institutions. (ii) The effect of disobedience of court orders, failure to comply with court orders and non-execution of court orders by the Executive, its agencies and institutions on the administration of justice, the rule of law and respect for human rights. (iii) The measures put in place by the national Executive, its agencies and institutions to ensure that court orders are obeyed, complied with and executed in a timely manner. (iv) Recommendations on actions to be taken on the State officers and officials of the national Executive who wilfully disobey court orders, fail to comply with court orders or refuse to execute court orders. (v) What the Committee is doing to ensure that such cases of disobedience of and failure to comply with court orders are checked. I thank you, Hon. Speaker. Do I see the Chair of the Departmental Committee on Justice and Legal Affairs? That request should go through the Leader of the Majority Party. Aden Bare Duale (Hon. Aden Duale) Hon. Speaker, I will refer it to the Chair and report back to the House next week. What is the intervention, Hon. John Mbadi? Hon. Speaker, Hon. Ochieng' has raised a very important and substantive agenda, something that I think has been at the core of discussion in this country, more particularly considering the statement by the President of the Supreme Court yesterday. I think this is a matter that we have to take seriously and deal with as a country. I support that the Committee needs to look into the matter exhaustively and report to the House. But I am concerned with some sections of the request, more particularly about disobedience of court orders. You know there are three arms of government. If that report of disobedience of court orders is brought here, are we setting a stage for some impeachment Motion? What will we do with that report? If there are people in the Executive who are disobeying court orders, the same courts have the powers to commit them to civil jail. That is what we should be doing in cases where the Judiciary has been defeated. The Judiciary has a lot of powers in this matter, but they do not want to use those powers. They appear to be helpless, praying to Kenyans. I do not know what they expect Kenyans to do. That to me is not very helpful. I agree with some sections of that request for statement. We need to understand what the problem really is between the Executive and the Judiciary. As a House of people's representatives, we can arbitrate, because we have a duty to uphold the Constitution and the rule of law. So we will see where the problem is. We even need to have the Committee invite the Attorney-General of the Republic of Kenya to explain some of these issues. I think the Judiciary should also exhaust some of the powers they have. They are powers that even this House does not have, like committing people who disobey court orders to civil jail. My concern is around disobedience of court orders. The electronic version of the Official Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Hansard Editor. Thank you, Hon. Speaker. Or what became of the doctrine of contempt of courts? Why are people not exercising that? Part of the question is: What can the Committee do? But let me not anticipate the response. The Committee will report to the House what they are doing. Hon. Junet, you also want to weigh in on this? Junet Sheikh Nuh (Hon. Junet Nuh) Thank you, Hon. Speaker. I just wanted to add to what you have just said. I know you are a former judicial officer. I think some of what the Judiciary is complaining about might be genuine and we need to listen to them as a House. But I am wondering what the Committee will achieve, as you just said. The courts have powers on their own. The biggest tool the Judiciary has is a court order. Once they issue a court order and you disobey it, the Judiciary has other legal means to address the same matter. The courts can convict a person who disobeys a court order. They can fine you. They have other legal ways of handling the matter. When you cry and say you have no powers, it creates more problems to the citizenry than the problems that exist. A citizen who was to run to the courts for help, and the courts are the ones crying, would not know where to go to. He will wonder: "How do I take my problems to where there is a problem already?" Churches and mosques where citizens can go to are closed. Citizens do not know where to go to. First, people should not assume that the only government that is there is the Executive. There are three arms of government. Even Parliament is part of government. Hon. Speaker, you are the head of an arm of government, as the Chairman of the Parliamentary Service Commission. The Chief Justice is the president of another arm. So, it is one arm of government addressing another arm. Every arm of government has their constitutional obligations, functions and responsibilities. I want to beseech this House that we look at this matter as a House, if we can, because the Committee will report to us. But when I look at it from where I am seated now before I even appear before the Committee as an interested party, the hands of this House are tied. This is a matter for which the Chief Justice should exercise authority on his own at his level. Otherwise, if he says this or that, he will just be like any other person crying on the streets. The biggest order that I lost in this world was the one that said open the server. That order was not implemented. Up to today, I am crying as you see me. You remember that order, Hon. Speaker. That was the biggest order that was defied. These other orders are small things. That was the biggest order I wanted to be implemented. Once I lost it, other orders are small to me. Thank you, Hon. Speaker. Well, there is a mechanism for enforcement. That mechanism for enforcement is what needs to be examined. I thought there is not much business on this. Leader of the Majority Party. Aden Bare Duale (Garissa Township, JP) Hon. Speaker, Hon. Junet now has an opportunity to appear before the Committee with his court order, and who has refused to implement it. The House then can discuss it. In fact, he should not be crying. I think three years down the line, an opportunity has come: that the same Chief Justice who nullified an election, who some of us felt was wrong, is now saying he has no powers. So, I think Hon. Junet and anybody else around here, and our voters who have a court order, in fact, Hon. Junet is a serious one, should now please look for the Departmental Committee on Justice and Legal Affairs, make sure you have the court The electronic version of the Official Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Hansard Editor. order with your lawyers and be the first person to say that my court order on the opening of the servers has not been complied with. Very well. That request is submitted to the Departmental Committee on Justice and Legal Affairs to comb through and see what are all those issues including those who may have their representatives, who may be suffering like the Chief Justice. The Member for Emuhaya, Hon. Omboko Milemba, you have the Floor. Jeremiah Omboko Milemba (Hon. Omboko Milemba) Thank you, Hon. Speaker, for this opportunity. I also lost the 50/60 order sometimes back during the teachers' strike, but that is not the business today. PAYMENT OF BOM TEACHERS ACROSS THE COUNTRY I request for a Statement regarding payment of teachers across the country recruited by schools' boards of managements (BOMs). Pursuant to Standing Order No.44(2)(c), I wish to request for a Statement from the Chairperson of the Departmental Committee on Education and Research regarding payment of teachers across the country recruited by schools' BOM usually referred to BOM Teachers. Hon. Speaker, since the first case of COVID-19 was reported in Kenya on 13th March 2020, and subsequent closure of schools on 15th March 2020, about 72,000 teachers who formed part of integral teaching force, but employed by BOM have lost their jobs. Today, it is over three months down the line and this group of teachers remain forgotten despite the fact that they fill the gap of teachers' shortage in the country which stands at over 120,000 teachers. In addition to these teachers, the support staff and teachers in private schools continue to work without any salary despite the fact that they are key providers of safety and maintenance of schools even as the schools remain closed today. The Ministry of Education, via Circular MOE ACCT/1/35 Vol.4190 addressed to the Regional Directors of Education, County Directors of Education and Sub County Directors of Education asked the officers mentioned above to refund their unspent co-curriculum funds. It is on this account that I seek a Statement from the Chairperson of the Departmental Committee of Education and Research on the following: (i) What is the full budget of the co-curriculum activities which include music, sports, games, drama among others? (ii) What amounts have been refunded back to the Ministry of Education and Research as per the Circular MOE ACCT/1/35 Vol.4190, how much was used and for what purposes given that schools closed early before these activities could take off? (iii) Could the Ministry consider allocating these funds to support the over 72,000 teachers on BOM who have been off the payroll for the last three months? (iv) Could the Ministry consider utilising part of these funds to pay the schools' and institutes' support staff who have also been off the payroll for the last three months? (v) What measures is the Ministry pursuing or putting in place to ensure that the workers and teachers employed by BOM and support staff are safeguarded during this period of COVID-19? Thank you, Hon. Speaker. The request is sent to the Departmental Committee on Education and Research for a response. I am informed that Hon. Omboko Milemba is a Member of the The electronic version of the Official Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Hansard Editor. Committee. Hon. Milemba, are you a Member of the Departmental Committee on Education and Research or in the Departmental Committee Labour and Social Welfare or both? Hon. Speaker, I am in both Committees. Hon. Milemba, I think you can safely hand over that to your Chairman. Sergeant-At-Arms, if there is any Member who desires to come in, you can allow them. This is because those who had requested seats to be reserved for them for the afternoon sitting must have been aware that the House sits at 2.30 p.m. It is now six minutes past 3.00 O'clock. If there is any Member outside the Chamber, they can be allowed in including the Member for Emuhaya if he desires to come back. There are responses. Hon. Paul Koinange, please have the Floor. OPERATIONALIZATION OF ADMINISTRATIVE UNITS IN KISUMU COUNTY Thank you, Hon. Speaker. I have two responses. The first response is to the Member, John Aluoch of Kisumu West Constituency. He had requested for a Statement regarding operationalization of administrative units in Kisumu County. He particularly sought to be informed on the following: Whether the Cabinet Secretary is aware that vide Kenya Gazette Notice No.CX1X80 of 21st July 2017, his Ministry established administrative and service delivery coordination units by the creation of new sub counties, divisions, locations and sub locations in the country. Whether the Cabinet Secretary is aware that in Kisumu West Sub County, Holo Division, Kapuonja, Marera, Newa and Osiri locations; Newa East, Newa South, Lower Kanyawegi, Lower Osiri and Maseno Township sub locations; and in Central Kisumu Sub County, Kanyakwar and Nyalenda locations were created? Why the administrative units have not been operationilised through recruiting relevant officers to man them? I wish to state as follows: In 2017, the Ministry of Interior and Coordination of National Government gazetted 320 divisions, 1,200 locations and 2,400 sub-locations. The principle purpose for the creation of the new administrative units is to bring service closer to the people. Hon. Speaker, the Government is aware that the following administrative units were gazetted in Kisumu West and Kisumu Central sub counties. Kisumu Sub-County; division, Holo; locations - Kapuonja, Marera, Newa and Osiri. Sub-locations: Newa East, Lower Kanyawegi, Newa South, Lower Osiri, Esainganyi, Upper Kanyawegi and Upper Osiri. In Kisumu Central Sub-county, we have Kisumu Central division; Kanyakwar and Nyalenda locations and Upper Kanyawengi Sub Location. Hon. Speaker, the Ministry has not yet received the budgetary allocations to operationalize all the gazetted administrative units as listed above. Once funds are allocated the Ministry will operationalize all the gazetted administrative units, including Kisumu West and Kisumu Central Sub-Counties. To ensure service delivery in the meantime, all the gazetted administrative units will continue to be administered from the administrative units from which they were curved out. Thank you Hon. Speaker. The Member for Kisumu West, do you have any comment on that response? Hon. Olago Oluoch, I do not know whether you have been able to follow the response given. Were you able to follow the response that was given by Hon. Koinange? The electronic version of the Official Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Hansard Editor. John Olago Aluoch (Hon. Olago Aluoch) Yes, I did follow from the Lounge, Hon. Speaker. That is why I thought you needed the first chance to respond. Hon. Speaker, although I was not notified, by luck I was in the Lounge. I have heard the response. I am satisfied. I will follow up the matter with the Chairman and the Cabinet Secretary. Thank you, Hon. Speaker. Okay. Hon. Koinange, you have another response. I would suggest that you do not read out the requests. Just read out the response. The questioner should know what it is that they sought. That way, we can save time. Thank you, Hon. Speaker. I would also like to add on operationalization of the administrative units, because of interest of other Members. We have already made it clear to the Ministry of Interior and Coordination of National Government since 2016 that it should have actually advertised in phases. Five years down the line, they should have operationalized all the gazetted administrative units. I am sure they will start that process. MEASURES TO CONTAIN THE SPREAD OF COVID-19 Hon. Speaker, next is a response to a Statement request by Hon. David Ochieng'. On 14th March 2020, the Cabinet Secretary for Health announced the first COVID19 case in the country and issued guidelines under the Public Health Act to control and prevent its spread, including prohibition of public gatherings. In order to implement the guidelines, the Cabinet Secretary for Interior and Coordination of National Government issued State Curfew Order 2020, imposing curfew hours from 7.00 pm to 5.00 am. As the COVID19 cases increased, travel restrictions were imposed to and from the counties of Mombasa, Nairobi, Kilifi, Kwale, Mandera and lately Kakuma and Dadaab refugee camps. Hon. Speaker, the Inspector General of Police issued instructions on implementation of the Curfew Order and travel restrictions, emphasizing on the need for upholding the rule of law and exercising restraint on its implementation. The procedure of taking people to quarantine facilities is per guidelines from the Ministry of Health and the process is supervised by Ministry of Health officials. Police officers are deployed to provide security, prevent escape of quarantined persons and assist in contact tracing as may be required by responsible heads of medical teams. Further, police commanders have enhanced supervision of subordinate officers and are intervening where necessary. Complaint or misconduct by any police officer that cannot be resolved by the immediate commanding officer is subjected to investigation by the Internal Affairs Unit of the National Police Service or the Independent Policing Oversight Authority (IPOA) depending on the circumstances or nature of the complaint. Officers who have been implicated in misconduct while enforcing the Curfew Order have been interdicted while investigations are on- going. Upon completion of investigation, disciplinary action will be taken where it is deemed necessary. Based on available evidence, criminal prosecution will be undertaken. Hon. Speaker, the Government has taken the following measures to ensure that police officers are protected from COVID-19 while dealing with members of the public: (i) Station Commanders have been instructed to raise the level of cleanliness of the police stations and the surrounding areas; (ii) suspects who exhibit signs of sickness while in police custody are immediately taken to hospital for medical examination; The electronic version of the Official Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Hansard Editor. (iii) officers on duty observe guidelines for prevention of COVID-19 in their interactions with suspects and people seeking police services; (iv) water and soap dispensers have been installed at police stations for hand washing; (v) suspects are presented to court in the shortest time possible, including release of traffic and petty offenders on cash bail or police bond to avoid crowding at police stations and minimizing of contact between individuals; and, (vi) in order to enhance the safety of police officers while carrying out their duties, personal protective equipment and sanitizers have been procured and distributed to police stations. Hon. Speaker, persons with valid reasons to be outside during curfew hours are allowed safe passage, especially sick persons and their caregivers going to and from hospital. Bereaved families are allowed a specific number of persons to proceed for funeral preparations and burial while observing social distancing guidelines and wearing of protective facial masks. Regional and county police commanders issue letters of authority to those who present justification to travel to counties that are under enhanced COVID-19 prevention. Police officers are under instructions to be on alert for cases of victimization and to immediately arrest and present to court any person who may violate another person for being suspected to be suffering from COVID-19. Thank you, Hon. Speaker. Chair of Education, you had come on board. I do not know what you have done. Julius Kipbiwot Melly (Hon. Julius Melly) Thank you, Hon. Speaker. I beg to respond to a Statement by Hon. Geoffrey Omuse. GOVERNMENT E-LEARNING PREPAREDNESS DUE TO COVID-19 Hon. Julius Melly (Tinderet, JP) Hon. Speaker, pursuant to Standing Order 44(2) (c), the Hon. Geoffrey Omuse requested for a Statement on May 5th 2020, from the Chairperson, Departmental Committee on Education and Research regarding the Government's preparedness on the e-learning due to COVID-19. Hon. Speaker, it is worth noting that the matter in question was conclusively addressed by the Cabinet Secretary for Education in a session the Committee held on 7th May, 2020 following your direction, arising from similar requests by various Members of this House. Indeed, a record number of Members attended this meeting which was also streamed live by several mainstream media houses. Nonetheless, the Committee wrote to the Cabinet Secretary, Ministry of Education seeking response to the request by the Hon. Member which I beg to lay on the Table. Hon. Speaker, this was actually conclusively done within this House for a period of about seven hours. I thank Hon. Members who came for that meeting with the CS. It was ventilated well and conclusively done. So, I beg to lay this particular Statement. I thank you Hon. Speaker. (Hon. Melly laid the document on the Table) Very well. Let us have the Chairman, National Government Constituencies Development Fund Committee (NG-CDF). The electronic version of the Official Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Hansard Editor. Page 10 of Hansard Report - Tuesday, 9th June 2020 (A) - Afternoon Sitting.pdf NG-CDF STATUS OF RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENT OF FUNDS Richard Maore Maoka (Hon. Maoka Maore) Hon. Speaker, pursuant to the provisions of Standing Order 44(2) (c), I rise to issue a Statement with regard to the status of receipts and disbursements of funds to constituencies as at 3rd June 2020. Hon. Speaker, on receipts from the National Treasury, the Board was allocated Ksh41.7498 Billion in Financial Year 2019/2020 out of which Ksh26 Billion has been received to date. The funds were received between 15th October 2019 and 18th May 2020 totaling to Ksh26 billion. On pending arrears for previous financial years, the Board has pending receipts from National Treasury amounting to Ksh4,976,750,000 relating to financial years 2011/2012, 2013/14 and 2014/15 which have not been received to date. The breakdown of the arrears is as follows: No. Financial Year Amount in Arrears 1 2011/2012 541,750,000 2 2013/2014 2,128,500,000 3 2014/2015 2,306,500,000 Total 4,976,750,000 On disbursement of funds to the constituencies and the secretariat in the Financial Year 2019/2020, the Board has disbursed the funds to the constituencies as follows: 13 constituencies have received full allocations amounting to Kshs1,785,780,413. 261 constituencies have received between 45 and 99 per cent of the funds allocated amounting to Ksh18,626,081,592. 16 constituencies have received between 32 and 44 per cent of the funds allocated amounting to Ksh849,000,000. Ksh3,421,937,051 has been disbursed to the constituencies with respect to previous financial years allocation Ksh1, 337,000,000 has been disbursed to the Board Secretariat. In the Financial Year 2018/2019, the constituencies have received the funds as follows: 180 constituencies have received full allocation amounting to Ksh19,627,357,596 102 constituencies have received between 51 and 99 per cent of the funds allocated amounting to Ksh10,508,911,405. 8 constituencies have received 50 per cent of the funds allocated amounting to Ksh432,500,000. Ksh1,547,930,000 was disbursed to the Board Secretariat. Thank you, Hon. Speaker. There is an annexure listing which constituencies have received what amounts and percentages. I thank you. On a point of order. Hon. Junet, what is your point of order? The electronic version of the Official Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Hansard Editor. Hon. Speaker, in order to call him Chairman and Deputy Whip, the information the Chairman is giving is not factual. I think he was given it as a conveyor belt to come and tell Hon. Members that this is the position. (Inaudible) Hon. Chairman, wait. Hon. Speaker, more than 50 per cent of the constituencies have not received any money. The information we wanted from him is how much each constituency got. We did not want percentages per a number of constituencies. This is very unsatisfactory information. The Chairman must accept it. Hon. Speaker, this is a senior Member of Parliament. I am on my feet and he is equally on his feet. Hon. Speaker which Standing Order is this? This is not a Njuri Ncheke meeting. This is Parliament. Hon. Speaker, the information he has given to the House is misleading. Many Members will bear me witness if I am lying. Can I propose that the Statement be tabled so that at least every Member gets a copy? I also got a bit worried when it made references to 2014. So, it is not very clear to many and it would be good for that Statement to be tabled. Hon. Speaker, the Statement is meant to be tabled after I have read. However, you need to protect Members of this House from the excessive bad manners of the comments from Hon. Junet who is having juvenile behaviour and does not respect anybody. When we read statements, they are comprehensive. It is not my problem if he does not understand comprehension. I have put in the details of the constituencies that have received full amounts as 13. Hon. Maore let me rescue you, a Statement like this one because it is supposed to go to every Member for the 290 constituencies, the best thing would be if you had several copies so that as you give, every Member would have asked where he falls, how much has come and what percentage. I meant that there are some constituencies that have received full amounts, others 50 per cent, 40 per cent and others even less than 32 per cent. That is the data in this Statement. Does that Statement contain those that have received full amounts? Yes. Those are the kinds of questions you should be asking. On logistics that is between your fund manager and the board. Not the Chairman of the NG-CDF Committee. On a point of order, Hon. Speaker. The Chairman is misleading the House. He is saying 13 constituencies have received full amounts and that is a general Statement. Can he tell us when we are getting our money because that is what we are asking him? Hon. Members, as I had suggested, which I think is a better route, the Clerk will make copies of this Statement so that at least when Members comes next to the Chamber or whichever other station, you will be allocated or you pick a copy so that when raising questions, they will be specific and addressing a particular shortcoming if any. That will enable the Chairman to respond. Many of you do not have this Statement. Other than the Chairman nobody knows the 13 constituencies because they have not been named. Maybe they are named in the Report. It would be better if everybody got a copy of the Report. Hon. Speaker, the 13 constituencies that have received 100 per cent are Galole, Garsen, Gilgil, Kamukunji, Khwisero, Kipkelion West, Lamu The electronic version of the Official Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Hansard Editor. East, Likuyani, Lugari, Lungalunga, Rabai, Rongo and Suba South. That is not my question, but a technical problem. Similarly, there are 261 constituencies which have received between 45 – 99 per cent. Mwendelee namna hiyo . There are so many of you who want to ask questions. I am the one ruling and once I have ruled there cannot be a point of order. I have directed that Statement be photocopied and supplied to all members on a day to be appointed next week and the Chair will respond. You cannot inform me because you have no capacity. Hon. Members because there is heavy business before you, I want to call on the Leader of the Majority Party to move a particular Procedural Motion. PROCEDURAL MOTION EXTENSION OF SITTING TIME UNTIL CONCLUSION OF BUSINESS APPEARING ON THE ORDER PAPER Hon, Speaker I beg to move the following Procedural Motion: THAT, pursuant to the provisions of Standing Order 30(3) (a), this House orders that should the time appointed for adjournment of the House be reached before conclusion of business appearing under Order No. 9 on today's Order Paper, the sitting of the House shall stand extended until the conclusion of the said business. The said business is none other than the Report of the Budget and Appropriation Committee on the Budget Estimates for the Financial Year 2020/2021. Of course, Order No.9 is the Second Reading of the Refugee Bill as is appearing on the Order Paper. Hon. Speaker, we passed a Procedural Motion last week that the Reports of the Budget and Appropriation Committee and the Report of the Finance Committee on the Finance Bill and the Committee of Supply which most probably we will deal with next week, will not be subject to the Motion on the two-hour rule. This is because the Budget and appropriation is very important and fundamental not only to this House as the budget-making process but to the nation. We want to give each and every member an opportunity to contribute. We do not want to hurry. Even if we will be here until 9.00 p.m. We must conclude before the end of the day which is midnight so that the Cabinet Secretary for Finance will have time to use that Report tomorrow in order to prepare the Budget highlights for 2020/2021 on Estimates, Recurrent Expenditure and Development vote for this financial year on Thursday in accordance with his colleagues in the East African Community. This procedural Motion is to ensure that in the event we reach 7.00p.m. and there are still Members who have not contributed to this Motion on the Budget, we will not adjourn the House but continue until the last person speaks before midnight. If we conclude early and there is nobody on record who wants to speak on it then, the Question will be put. I beg to move and ask Hon. Mbadi a Member of the House Business Committee (HBC) and the Leader of the Minority Party to second. Hon. Mbadi, you have the Floor. Hon. Speaker, you know we say that there are three functions of a Member of Parliament; that is legislation, oversight and representation. But I think we should add budgeting as a very important and significant role of the National Assembly. This is a very important period and we need to allow Members sufficient and adequate time to The electronic version of the Official Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Hansard Editor. contribute to the Budget Estimates. This is the time that you can speak for your people and mention things that this Budget has not captured and that you require or expect to be captured in the next or subsequent Budgets. That is why we are requesting the House to allow for the extension of time to allow as many Members as possible to contribute. Bearing in mind that we have to conclude this debate today because on Thursday when the CS will be expected in this House, he can only mention the figures in this Report after it has been passed. Otherwise, he will be speculating if he mentions the figures in his budget highlights. Hon. Speaker, I second. DISCHARGE OF A MEMBER FROM SELECT COMMITTEES BY PARLIAMENTARY PARTIES Order, Hon. Members, before we move to the next order, even as the Member for Homa Bay Town finds a seat, I have this Communication on entitlement of slots in Select Committees and discharge of a member from Select Committees by parliamentary parties. Hon. Members, as you will recall, on Tuesday, 2nd June 2020, the Member for Ugenya, Hon. David Ochieng', MP, rose on a point of order under Standing Order Nos.172, 173 and 176 requesting for my considered guidance on six issues. The crux of his issues was whether a Member belonging to a party other than a parliamentary party may be discharged from a Committee of the House by any parliamentary party. To this end, the Member did inform the House that he had received a letter from the Minority Party Whip notifying him of the Party's intention to discharge him from the Departmental Committee on Health pursuant to the provisions of Standing Order No. 176. I also wish to inform the House that the Member also wrote to the Speaker listing the six issues for which he sought my guidance. Hon. Members, having reviewed the issues raised by the Member for Ugenya and others canvassed by the Leader of the Majority Party, the Leader of the Minority Party and other Members who spoke on the issue, I have isolated the following five matters as the ones requiring my guidance: (i) whether it is the intention of the Constitution and the Standing Orders that all slots in select committees are to be assigned only to parliamentary parties; (ii) whether it is the intention of the Constitution that the exercise of the roles of the National Assembly under Article 95 of the Constitution in committees is exclusive to Members belonging to parliamentary parties to the exclusion of Independent Members and Members belonging to parties other than parliamentary parties; (iii) whether the Constitution envisages that the inclusion of Independent Members and Members belonging to parties other than parliamentary parties to serve on Committees of the House ought to be the remit of parliamentary parties; (iv) whether a parliamentary party may exercise the discharge powers of a party under Standing Order No.176 to remove a Member who is not a Member of the particular The electronic version of the Official Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Hansard Editor. parliamentary party or coalition of parties from a committee on the basis of having granted the Member the nomination to the Committee; and, (v) whether there is any lacuna or misapplication of the Standing Orders with respect to nomination into and discharge of Members from Committees, and if so, what is the appropriate remedy. Hon. Members, the issues for which the Member sought my guidance are fundamental to the functioning of the House as they relate to the mode of inclusion and exclusion of a Member from the Committees of the House. Before I proceed to address the issues for determination, permit me to remind the House that this is not the first time that the Speaker has been invited to guide on questions of membership to select committees and discharge there from. Certainly, this is an illustration that one cannot perfectly delink parliamentary politics from the legislature and that the decision to discipline Members is primarily vested in the political parties, but it always finds its way into the legislature. Indeed, allow me to refer to an expository by a Finnish Professor of Political Science, Dr. Kari Palonen in his write-up titled "Parliamentary Procedure as an Inventory of Disputes: A Comparison between Jeremy Bentham and Thomas Erskine May". In that write-up, the Professor opines and I quote: "Parliamentary politics is inherently procedural…Parliamentary politics is not just politics that takes place in Parliament, but politics conducted in a parliamentary manner, in accordance with the rules and practices of parliamentary procedure." Indeed, in the 11th Parliament, I was invited by the Leader of the Majority Party to guide on the application of Standing Order No.176 relating to discharge of Members from Committees. This was after the then Coalition for Reforms and Democracy (CORD) discharged the Member for Lungalunga, the Hon. Khatib Mwashetani, MP, and others from several Committees. In a Considered Ruling that I rendered to the House on 30th November 2016, I addressed the following three Questions: (i) whether and to what extent Standing Order No. 176, as then framed, could be employed as a mechanism for enforcing party discipline for breaches outside the proceedings of the House or its Committees; (ii) whether the provisions of Standing Order No. 176, as then framed were to be applied against Members of the House by instigation of or order of persons other than Members of the House; and, (iii) whether Standing Order No.176 as then framed, adequately protected the rights of Members in the performance of their functions in the House (particularly with respect to discharge without an opportunity to be heard). Hon. Members, I am not about to restate the details of that Ruling but for the benefit of the House, I hasten to underscore the fact the guidance then and taking into account the dictates of our Constitution on fair administrative action, I hitherto put a temporary embargo on further discharge of Members from Committees by parliamentary parties until the House amended Standing Order No.176 to provide for a mechanism of giving the affected Member adequate notice and an opportunity to be heard by the Party before effecting the discharge. This was later actualised by amending Standing Order No.176 as reflected now in the 4th Edition of the National Assembly Standing Orders. I have intentionally chosen to underscore that particular ruling because it addressed the issue of rights of Members, which is also part of the subject of guidance this afternoon. Hon. Members, the practice of placing political parties at the centre of running parliamentary business has a history. This prompts me to perhaps briefly enlighten the House on The electronic version of the Official Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Hansard Editor. the history of parliamentary parties as vehicles for constituting House Committees hence the setting of a threshold of what constitutes a parliamentary party. You will recall that way back in 1991, the National Assembly repealed Section 2A of the then Constitution and re-introduced multiparty democracy that saw the emergence of many political parties. As a result, political parties took centre stage in the running of the affairs of the House, including composition of the then very few committees that were in place at the time. Indeed, the focus of the legislative and oversight functions of the House shifted from the plenary of the House to the committees. At that time, the rules of procedure which had been amended just before the 1992 elections only contemplated two factions in the House, that is, the Ruling Party and the Official Opposition Party. As a matter of fact, Standing Order No.2 of the Seventh Parliament (1992-1997) defined Official Opposition Party as the party consisting not less than 30 members. Due to the high number of parties in the House at the time, most of which were neither in the Ruling Party nor the Official Opposition Party, there was a desire to set minimum thresholds to be met by the rest of the political parties represented in the House to qualify to sit at the bargaining table as it was then called to claim any parliamentary opportunity or decide on parliamentary matters. Hon. Members, times have changed and indeed they do change and so does the scope of democracy. You may agree with me that, when society transforms its ways of handling its political affairs through various epochs, it is inevitable that the rules that govern conduct of those affairs will change. Between the 7th and the current 12th Parliament, Standing Order No.2 has been amended severally, including at one time, amendments to increase the threshold for a party to be recognized as Official Opposition, introduction of an Opposition Caucus and the current definition of a parliamentary party, which means a party or a coalition of parties consisting of not less than 5 per cent of the membership of the National Assembly. Hon. Members, may I now address the five matters that I had isolated at the onset as requiring my guidance. First, you will note that Standing Order No.173 provides that the Committee on Selection shall, in consultation with parliamentary parties, nominate Members who shall serve on a select committee. As earlier stated, Standing Order No.2 defines a parliamentary party as a party or coalition of parties consisting of not less than 5 per cent of the membership of the National Assembly, which is essentially 18 Members. We are alive to the fact that not all parties represented in the House met the threshold for being recognized as parliamentary parties under Standing Order No.2. Indeed, looking at the current representation of this House vis-a-vis the definition of what constitutes a parliamentary party, permit me to note the following eight facts, which are of significance to me: (1) The total membership of the National Assembly currently stands at 348 Members, noting the vacancy with respect to Msambweni Constituency. (2) In terms of political parties, there are 21 parties with representation in the House, out of which, only three meet the threshold of parliamentary parties. (3) Standing Order No.2 recognizes coalitions and as such, several other political parties represented in the House qualify as parliamentary parties courtesy of their pre and post-election coalition agreements. In this regard, out of the 21 parties represented in the House, the Jubilee Coalition — now comprising of the Jubilee Party, which has 172 Members, the Kenya African National Union (KANU), which has 10 Members, and the Party for Development and Reform (PDR), which has four Members — has a combined total of 186 Members. The electronic version of the Official Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Hansard Editor. (4) The National Super Alliance (NASA) Coalition, has a total of 126 Members made up of the Orange Democratic Movement's (ODM) 73 Members, Wiper Democratic Movement Kenya's (WDM – K) 23 Members, Amani National Congress' (ANC) 14 Members, Ford - Kenya's 13 Members, Chama Cha Mashinani's (CCM) two Members and the Chama Cha Uzalendo Party with one Member. (5) There are 12 other parties with representation in the House according to the records availed to my office by the Registrar of Political Parties vide a letter dated 8th June 2020, which was yesterday. The 12 parties do not belong to any coalition. These are the Economic Freedom Party (EFP) with five Members in the National Assembly, the Maendeleo Chap Party (MCCP) with four Members, the Kenya National Congress Party (KNC), the People's Democratic Party (PDP) and the Kenya Patriots Party each with two Members; the Democratic Party of Kenya (DP), the Party of National Unity (PNU), Frontier Alliance Party (FAP), the National Agenda Party of Kenya (NAPK), the New Democrats (ND) and the Muungano Party, each with one Member in the National Assembly and the Movement for Democracy and Growth Party (MDG) to which the Member for Ugenya belongs. In terms of total membership, these parties, which do not fall within the definition of parliamentary parties, have a total membership of 22 Members. (6) There are 14 elected independent Members in the House. Since each of them ought to be independent from the other and are not political parties, none of them would sit at the bargaining table — as was the practice in the 7th Parliament — reserved for parliamentary parties, even if they were to number more than 18 cumulatively. (7) Adding the number of Members belonging to parties which are neither parliamentary parties nor in coalition with any parliamentary party, together with the number of independent Members, they total 36 Members. (8) Save for 20 slots reserved by the Standing Orders for parliamentary office holders, there are currently 622 committee slots in the committee system of this House, which ideally, ought to have been shared amongst the membership in a fair and transparent criteria in keeping with the full expectations of the constitution and the provisions of Standing Order No.174. Hon. Members, with these facts in mind, the questions that confront the Speaker are, how should the 36 Members, get to sit in committees? If they are already members of committees, is Standing Order No.176 available to a parliamentary party for the party to exercise the discharge powers therein, and discharge any of the 36 Members from the committees? Hon. Members, Article 1 of the Constitution provides for the sovereignty of the people of Kenya, and spells out the manner in which the people of Kenya can exercise their sovereign power. In particular, Article 1(2) provides that the people may exercise their sovereign power either directly or through their democratically elected representatives. It, therefore, follows that each elected representative in this House, whether elected through a parliamentary party, a party other than a parliamentary party, or indeed, an independent Member exercises the sovereign power of the people the Member represents in the House. This is also why Part 3 of Chapter 7 of the Constitution — on the representation of the people, which is a whole part with various provisions on political parties — does not distinguish between parliamentary parties and other parties. It deliberately refers to all political parties. To interpret, therefore, that the Members from parties other than parliamentary political parties, should be disfranchised due to their few numbers in the House, is to introduce a criteria that is not contemplated in the Constitution. Moreover, The electronic version of the Official Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Hansard Editor. Article 85 of the Constitution recognizes and permits any person to stand as an independent candidate for election if the person is not a Member of a political party. It cannot, thereafter, be that independent Members who are also democratically elected representatives of the people for purposes of Article 1 of the Constitution, should be excluded from sitting in committees or the business that they do not belong to a parliamentary party. Suffice to say, no rule or interpretation can be used to take away, disadvantage, limit, stifle, or restrict that which the Constitution has laid out in plain and clear terms as being permitted. To do so would be an attempt to rewrite the Constitution without amending it. Hon. Members, Article 95 of the Constitution is also clear on the role of a Member of Parliament in the National Assembly, which includes representation, legislation, oversight, budget making and vetting of public appointees among other key roles. Undoubtedly, this is one of the architectural features and designs of a Presidential system of governance, where every representation counts and every Member in the House counts. If a Member of Parliament (MP) is to discharge these duties through committees, would it hold that, a Member should be denied the right to exercise these functions on the basis that he or she belongs to a party other than a parliamentary political party or is an independent Member? If that were the case, would this also imply that the people of the constituencies represented by such Members ought to be disenfranchised by being excluded from having a fair chance to participate in the parliamentary aspects that take place in Committees? This definitely cannot be the case and to argue otherwise would severely negate the principle of participation of the people through their democratically elected representatives, which is enshrined in our Constitution. In addition, while appreciating that Kenya is a multiparty democratic State as spelt out in Article 4 of the Constitution, you will agree that in so far as representation is concerned, it is not the intention of this provision to inhibit the participation of any Member of the House from undertaking the collective roles and functions of Parliament and the National Assembly in particular, as provided for under Articles 94 and 95 of the Constitution, on account of the medium under which the Member was elected or nominated into the House. Further, my reading of Article 85 does not, in any way, imply that Members elected as Independent candidates are less important legislators. It is also notable that Standing Order No.174 (2) provides as follows: (2) Despite paragraph (1), a Member belonging to a party other than a parliamentary party or Independent Member may be nominated to serve in a Select Committee and the allocation of membership of Select Committees shall be as nearly as practicable proportional to the number of Members belonging to such parties and Independent Members. It is, therefore, clear that a Member belonging to a party other than a parliamentary party is equally entitled to serve in a Committee of the House. That provision in our Standing Orders even contemplated a situation where a substantial number of Members of the House would belong to small parties or would be Independent Members. The manner in which Standing Order No.174 (2) is couched also finds its footing from other comparable Commonwealth jurisdictions and according to the latest Commonwealth Parliamentary Association Recommended Benchmarks for Democratic Legislatures on Committees Organisation allow me to quote: "The Legislature's assignment of Committee Members on each Committee shall include both majority and minority party Members and reflect the political composition of the legislature." I wish to emphasise the words "reflect the political composition of the Legislature" because this is what Standing Order No.174 (2) tries to achieve by recognising that a Member The electronic version of the Official Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Hansard Editor. belonging to a party other than a parliamentary party is equally entitled to serve on a Committee of the House. Otherwise, Committees without such Members cannot be said to be reflective of the political composition of the Legislature. Undoubtedly, we must be alive to the fact that this House has composition not just from the parliamentary parties but from other parties and Independents. This must be reflected in our committees. It is one which cannot be wished away because even looking at the statistics from the 11th Parliament to date, the composition of the membership of this House has seen more Members from small parties and Independents being elected to the House. Certainly, this may arguably continue to grow exponentially in an upward trajectory even in the future. It is, therefore, obviously erroneous to advance the idea that the Constitution or the Standing Orders envisaged that Committees are a preserve of the parliamentary parties, to the exclusion of the Independent Members and Members belonging to small parties. This settles the first and second issues that required my determination. In addressing the third issue, I reflected on the views advanced by the Leader of the Minority Party that Members belonging to parties other than parliamentary parties and Independent Members ought to choose and align themselves to the existing parliamentary parties so as to earn consideration for a slot in Committees. While in so arguing, the Leader of the Minority Party, Hon. John Mbadi, was perfectly within his right, it is my considered view that that position does not stand well with the provisions of Articles 94, 95 and 103 of the Constitution and Standing Order No.174 (2). It is instructive to point out that Article 103 of the Constitution provides, among other things, the ways by which a Member of this House vacates his or her seat. One of the ways being, if having been elected as an Independent, the Member joins a political party. It, therefore, would not hold that we force Independents to align themselves with any party. Ideally, a Member elected on a political party ticket is so elected based on a resolve to ascribe to the party's philosophy, manifesto and ideals. Similarly, a Member elected as an independent candidate does so as a matter of principle due to political circumstances or for other reasons known to him or her. Therefore, to resort to coercing such Member to affiliate with a parliamentary party so as to earn a slot in Committees, notwithstanding that they possibly were competitors in the elections, is essentially to compel them to denounce their stand in exchange for the committee slot. The consequence of such a move may expose him or her to the sanctions contemplated under article 103 (1) (e) of the Constitution as read together with Section 14 of the Political Parties Act, 2012 which I have already indicated. To advance the view of the Leader of the Minority Party that an Independent Member or one from a small party ought to be aligned to a parliamentary party to earn a slot in the Committee would amount to assuming that the three parliamentary parties have the authority to shut the door of this Chamber from any Member who is independent and is elected on a small party and admit such Member into the Plenary only if he or she undertook to align with the parliamentary parties. Ideally, as is the practice in the Chamber and the Committee system of many other multiparty legislatures, the issue of lobbying and enticing the smaller parties comes in after they are already in the Committees as Members. It is, therefore, inconceivable that the Constitution and Standing Orders contemplated that an Independent Member or a Member belonging to a party other than a parliamentary party would get to sit in a Committee only if they are affiliated with a parliamentary party. Since Standing Order No.174 (2) is clear, I must assert, respectfully so, that I find the opinion that Members belonging to parties other than parliamentary parties and Independent Members ought to choose and align themselves to the existing parliamentary parties The electronic version of the Official Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Hansard Editor. so as to earn consideration for a slot in Committees as being a perfect example of misapplication of the Constitution and Standing Orders. Let me now turn to the fourth issue of whether a parliamentary party may exercise the discharge powers of a party under Standing Order No.176 to remove a Member who is not a Member of the particular parliamentary party or coalition of parties from a Committee, on the basis of having granted the Member the nomination to the Committee. To address that question, I will refer to the provisions of Standing Order No.176 which provide for the discharge of members from committees. In particular, Standing Order No.176 (1) provides: (1) A parliamentary party may discharge a Member from a Select Committee after according the Member an opportunity to be heard. A fair reading of the same Standing Order indicates that the responsibility of discharging Members from Committees is placed on parliamentary parties. From the outset, the question of who donated the position occupied by the Members belonging to parties other than parliamentary parties or Independent Members is no longer tenable. This is because, as I have already observed from the three preceding questions I have addressed and the plain reading of Standing Order No.174 (2), all Members should have a fair chance to sit in at least one Committee, without appearing to entreat or beg any other party for a reasonable opportunity. If that is not what actually transpired in the composition of the current committees, it is said that two wrongs do not make a right. As leaders, we ought to correct the wrongs whenever we encounter them. To this end, it is apparent that no parliamentary party may discharge a Member, unless the Member belongs to or formally affiliates with the parliamentary party, by way of a coalition agreement, as contemplated under the Political Parties Act. This is because the exercise of the discharge powers under Standing Order No.176 ought to be exercised by a parliamentary party only on Members belonging to that party. Hon. Members, in the case of the Member for Ugenya, it is a fact that he was elected on the platform of the Movement for Democracy and Growth (MDG) Party. He is the single Member who is elected in this House on that Party's ticket. To the best of my knowledge and from the information availed to my office by the Registrar of Political Parties yesterday, the MDG Party is not part of the parties which form the Majority Party or Minority Coalition in the House. It, therefore, follows that neither the Minority Party nor the Majority Party may exercise the discharge powers under Standing Order No.176 on the Member for Ugenya at the moment. On the secondary question of whether the Committee on Selection acted equitably in allocating the Member for Ugenya one committee, Standing Order No.174 is clear on the criteria that is used by the Committee on Selection to nominate Members to serve in a select committee. This includes ensuring that the allocation of membership of select committees is as nearly as practicable proportional to the number of Members belonging to parties other than parliamentary parties and independent Members. However, it is notable that Standing Order No.174(3) further provides: "Except as the House may otherwise resolve, on the recommendation of the Committee on Selection for reasons to be stated— (a) no Member shall be appointed to serve in more than two Departmental Committees." It is, therefore, clear within the prerogative of the Committee on Selection to nominate Members to serve in at least one or more committees. It, therefore, follows that the jurisdiction to determine whether the Member should serve in one or two committees lies with the Committee on Selection and this House when approving the Motions for appointment of Members to respective committees. The electronic version of the Official Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Hansard Editor. Hon. Members, let me now address the final question of whether there is a lacuna or misapplication of the Standing Orders with respect to nomination to or discharge of Members from committees and what would be an appropriate remedy. As I have observed, it is incorrect to assume that the Constitution or Standing Orders envisaged that committees are a preserve of parliamentary parties, to the exclusion of the independent Members and Members belonging to small parties. In this regard, the primary formula of allocation of Members to serve in committees ought to have embraced a criterion where a proportion of total membership to committees would be allocated to parliamentary parties based on their relative majorities but at the same time also reserve a proportion of seats for independent Members and Members who belong to parties that are not parliamentary parties. To guarantee fairness, the criterion ought to look at the totality of slots available, isolate the slots that are to be shared by parliamentary parties and share out to the existing parliamentary parties in accordance with their numerical strength in the House as required under Standing Order No.174(1) (a). When it comes to Members who belong to parties other than parliamentary parties and the independents, the criterion ought to ensure that such Members serve in at least one committee, as required under Standing Order No.174 (2). This will correct the misapplication of the Standing Orders and the erroneous impression that such Members must first affiliate with parliamentary parties to serve in committees. Having said that, I am inclined to observe that part of the terms in Standing Orders No. 173, 174 and 176 as currently couched do not guarantee fairness to independent Members and Members belonging to political parties other than parliamentary parties. For instance, Standing Order No. 173(1) on Nomination of Members of Select Committees provides as follows: "(1) Unless otherwise provided by any written law or these Standing Orders, the Committee on Selection shall, in consultation with parliamentary parties, nominate Members who shall serve on a select committee." As presently framed, the provision does not contemplate consultations with the independent Members or political parties that do not meet the threshold which is set out in the Standing Order No.2 for recognition as parliamentary parties. Political parties may have to designate a spokesperson to advance their interests even when they do not qualify to be a parliamentary party. The case is worse for the independents because, as a matter of fact, each independent Member is independent of the other and no matter how many they could be in the House, they cannot be construed as a political formation. While parliamentary parties ordinarily consult with the Committee on Selection through their party Leaders and Whips, there is no mechanism in the Standing Orders for consultations with smaller political parties and independent Members when it comes to sharing of the slots in select committees. Hon. Members, however, allow me to note that even with the shortcomings that are occasioned by the manner in which Standing Order No.174(2) is couched, it envisaged a ratio in which the slots to committee membership would be shared taking into account the independent Members and Members belonging to parties other than the parliamentary parties. Therefore, it is obvious that at the commencement of this Parliament, there was a misapplication of the Standing Order in the criterion that was used to share committee slots. In the end, the criterion used did not ensure that the independent Members and Members who belong to parties other than parliamentary parties got their rightful share in committee membership. Taking into consideration the 622 slots available for sharing out, a fair criterion that is in keeping with the provisions of Standing Order No.174(2) ought to have been arrived at committees' distribution outcome which is approximately close to the following quotas: The electronic version of the Official Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Hansard Editor. a) The Jubilee Coalition with a combined total of 186 Members in the House is entitled to a total of 330 slots spread out in committees to be shared among the Members of the three Parties that form the Jubilee Coalition: Jubilee Party (JP), Kenya African National Union (KANU) and Party of Development and Reforms (PDR); b) The National Super Alliance (NASA) Coalition which comprises the Orange Democratic Movement (ODM), Amani National Congress (ANC), Forum for the Restoration of Democracy-Kenya (FORD-Kenya), Chama Cha Mashinani Party (CCM) and Chama Cha Uzalendo (CCU) is entitled to a total of 226 slots in committees to be shared out amongst the 126 Members who make up that Coalition; c) The Economic Freedom Party (EFP) is entitled to a total of eight slots in the committees to share out among its 5 members; d) Maendeleo Chap Chap Party (MCCP) is entitled to seven slots in committees to share amongst its four Members; e) The People's Democratic Party (PDP), Kenya Patriots Party (KPP) and Kenya National Congress (KNC) which have two Members each are entitled to four slots each in committees; f) The Frontier Alliance Party (FAP), Party of National Unity (PNU), the Democratic Party (DP), the National Agenda Party of Kenya (NAPK), Muungano Party, New Democrats and the Movement for Democracy and Growth (MDG) which have one Member each in the House are entitled to two slots per party in our committees; g) The 14 independent Members are cumulatively entitled to share out 25 slots amongst themselves in committees. From the numbers that are enumerated, it can be seen that there are 36 Members who are either Independent Members or from small parties that do not meet the threshold of parliamentary parties pursuant to the Standing Orders and are not in any coalition. These Members are thus cumulatively entitled to approximately a total of 66 slots out of the 622 slots available in Committees. Hon. Members, with regard to discharge of Members from select committees, it is clear that Standing Order 176(1) does not contain mechanisms for discharging Members belonging to political parties other than a parliamentary party and the Independents. For avoidance of doubt, Standing Order No.176(1) provides: "(1) A parliamentary party may discharge a Member from a Select Committee after according the Member an opportunity to be heard." As Members may be aware, this provision was added to the Standing Orders at the tail-end of the last Parliament. By not providing for de-whipping of Members from political parties other than a parliamentary party and the Independents, the Standing Order leaves room for unwarranted speculations that parliamentary parties may stretch their tentacles to also discharge such Members even as such Members are also subject to the disciplinary sanctions of their respective primary parties, however small. Needless to say, the smaller parties which are not considered parliamentary parties have no effective avenue for discharging members. Nevertheless, the Committee on Selection ought to be at liberty to propose to the House, reallocation of committee memberships to ensure a balance as envisaged under Standing Order No.174(2). Hon. Members, allow me to contrast the foregoing comparative cases from the sister Parliament of Uganda, which has a total of 83 Independent Members of Parliament. From a reading of Standing Order No.157 of the National Assembly of the Republic of Uganda, entitlement of The electronic version of the Official Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Hansard Editor. slots in committees in the Parliament of Uganda with respect to members elected through political parties is pegged on parties represented in Parliament without any thresholds being set. For Independent Members, the Standing Orders have assigned the responsibility to the Speaker in mandatory terms. A practice has also emerged where Independent Members elect one of them as the "Dean of Independents" who liaises with the Speaker in allocating seats to Independent Members. In terms of discharge from select committees, the Standing Orders of the Parliament of Uganda vest the power to discharge party-sponsored members in the sponsoring parties, provided that the Member so discharged is relocated to another committee. It is noteworthy that, just like those of the National Assembly of Kenya, the Standing Orders of the Parliament of Uganda are silent on the discharge procedure for Independent Members. It is also good to appreciate that there are lessons that this House may draw from the Parliament of Uganda, particularly on the matter of ensuring fairness and equity in access to slots in select committees for all Members, irrespective of them belonging to a parliamentary party, political party other than a parliamentary party or independently elected. Hon. Members, in the House of Commons of the United Kingdom, the Members of a select committee, other than a chair elected by the House, are appointed by way of a Motion in the House. Motions in respect of most select committees are made on behalf of the Committee of Selection. The House of Commons has endorsed a principle that, in proposing nominations for select committee membership for the Committee of Selection or the Government to put to the House, parties should elect members of select committees in a secret ballot or whichever other transparent and democratic method they choose. On the other hand, in the House of Commons of Canada, it is the House, and the House alone, that appoints the members and associate members to its committees, as well as the members who will represent it on joint committees. The Speaker has ruled that this is a fundamental right of the House. The committees themselves have no powers at all in this regard. In the vast majority of cases, the House sets the number, or the maximum number, of Members of each committee. The number of members to be selected from each of the recognized parties is subject to negotiation among the parties at the beginning of each Parliament. The resulting agreement is not set down in the Standing Orders, but reflected in the composition of each committee, which generally reflects the proportions of the various parties represented in the House. In the National Assembly of Zambia, the mechanism for establishing select committees is anchored in Standing Order No.135. In a radical departure from the practice here and across jurisdictions, selection of members to select committees is domiciled in the Office of the Speaker. Standing Order 135 provides that: '(1) Unless otherwise directed by the Standing Orders Committee, the Speaker shall determine the number of, and nominate, the members to serve in a select committee.' Hon. Members, let me be clear that I have no intention of moving this House to domicile nomination of Members to serve on select committees to the speakership. What I am deducing from the said provision and that of Parliament of Uganda is that the mechanism for selecting members to serve in select committees is designed in a manner to afford every Member a fair opportunity to discharge their constitutional roles through committees, just as they do in the plenary. I can only urge the House to embrace that spirit and propose a mechanism to actualize it. Hon. Members, turning to the question of appropriate remedy, there is need to review part of our Standing Orders relating to criteria for nomination to select committees and discharge of Members from committees. The review should not weaken the grip – and mark my words – that The electronic version of the Official Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Hansard Editor. parliamentary parties have on allocation of slots in committees to their Members and invocation of the discharge rule as a tool for enforcing party discipline, but should stretch the democratic space in the House with a view to incorporating fairness and inculcating the expectations of Articles 1, 94, 95, 97 and 103 of our Constitution in the criteria for sharing of Committee slots. This will guarantee the right of every Member of this House to execute their constitutional roles, particularly budget-making, scrutiny of legislation and vetting of appointments that are carried out in Committees, without any curtailment in the Standing Orders. In conclusion, Hon. Members, you will now agree with me that it will be procedurally improper and a sanction of recurrence of a procedural error, if I were to permit the discharge from committees, of Members belonging to small political parties and the Independents by parliamentary parties which have not entered into formal coalition agreements with those small parties. To this end, it is my considered view that I rule as follows: 1. THAT, the exercise of the discharge powers of a party under Standing Orders No.176 is restricted to Members belonging to the particular parliamentary party and those from other smaller parties who have entered into formal coalition agreements; 2. THAT, no parliamentary party is to exercise the discharge powers of a party under Standing Orders No.176 to remove a Member who is not a member of the particular parliamentary party from any Committee of the House, even on the basis of having granted the Member the nomination to the particular Committee, as that conception is based on misapplication of the Standing Orders; 3. THAT, since the Member for Ugenya Constituency, the Hon. David Ochieng, MP, neither belongs to any parliamentary party nor has his Movement for Democracy and Growth Party entered into a coalition with any of the parliamentary parties, the notice given by the Minority Party Whip to discharge him from the Departmental Committee on Health was erroneous ab initio and, therefore, invalid; 4. THAT, in view of the continued misapplication of Standing Order 174 by assuming that all committees' slots are reserved for the exclusive distribution to the membership of parliamentary parties thereby alienating the Independent Members and Members belonging to parties other than parliamentary parties, soonest possible, the Committee on Selection, in consultation with the Procedure and House Rules Committee, does devise criteria for nomination of Members to Committees that guarantees that Members who belong to parties other than Parliamentary parties and Independent Members also get their rightful share of the 622 slots available for sharing in Committees. This may include proposals for registration of desired committee(s) and the use of lots as a means of determining how to place such Members in their entitled slots, few as they may be. 5. THAT, the Procedure and House Rules Committee does initiate the process of proposing amendments to the Standing Orders so as to expressly provide for the said criteria. The Committee may also propose the manner of ordinary reallocations of the slots in committees, corporately reserved for Independent Members and parties other than parliamentary parties amongst the Independent Members and those belonging to the small parties that do not constitute parliamentary parties; and, 6. THAT, in the meantime, I will not admit any requests to discharge any Member who is an Independent Member or belongs to a party other than a parliamentary party from a Committee until such a time as the criteria has been developed or the Standing Orders accordingly amended to entrench fairness and justice to all. The House is accordingly guided. I thank you, Hon. Members. Sorry, Hon. Members. I knew this was long but given that we are living in interesting times, it was good that we do it now as opposed to waiting for more than a week. The other one will be next week. I am happy that Hon. T.J. Kajwang' who is a senior Member of the Procedure and House Rules Committee, is in the House. Hon. Mbadi. Hon. Speaker, while I appreciate your ruling which is very exhaustive and actually took a lot of work, I congratulate you for it. But two things have come out. One, which is a bit interesting is that, now belonging to parliamentary parties is a disadvantage. It is going to be a disadvantage in the House because you can easily be disciplined and removed from the committees. But, if you belong to a "briefcase" party, you are very lucky. The moment you get into the committees, it is hard to get out. It sends a message to us who belong to the big parties that, in future, we will be very careful with the committees that we give to the other Members. Again, what I also notice and which, I think, we are going to do is that it appears that the Committee on Selection - and I am happy that, that window exists - is going to look at the committees afresh. You have now given us a very good opportunity now to deal even better with these Members. If a Member is from a small party or Independent party and has been enjoying some committees which my Members, who have fought very hard to make my party big, should belong to, rest assured that if I take such a Member to the Committee on Parliamentary Broadcasting and Library, he or she should not complain. I am very sure that Hon. Ochieng' will find himself in the Committee on Parliamentary Broadcasting and Library. He cannot occupy a slot in the Departmental Committee on Health which is a very significant committee when he is in a tiny party which is not affiliated to my party. I want to send a message to those who are celebrating that some window has been opened to us very well through the Committee on Selection and we are going to make sure… They are going to have committees, but the best that some of them will get is probably the Committee on Members Services and Facilities. Leader of the Majority Party. Hon. Speaker, we are not going to challenge your Communication this afternoon. It is a landmark Communication and one that has completely, in my opinion as the Chairman of the Committee on Selection, will make me go home tonight and ponder on Standing Order Nos.173 to 174. We thought that we were moving towards the direction of developed democracies like the USA and the UK, where we would have two major political parties. But from your Communication this afternoon, I have realized that Independents are not "independent" but have rights, which is true and is based on the Constitution. When I became the Chair of the Committee on Selection, there are people who coalesced around us and today, for the first time, you have given a formula the Committee on Selection will use. The only question is how the formula will work. You have told us the Jubilee Party and our affiliates are those who have signed pre and post-election agreements and increased our numbers. Hon. Speaker, it is very good you have said it. The two Members from Chama cha Mashinani were my Members. After signing a coalition agreement with National Super Alliance (NASA), they wrote a letter to Parliament through Hon. Isaac Ruto that they could then work with the Jubilee Party. So, right now, I will distribute those two Members back to NASA because the numbers you have given me do not belong to me. So, in fact, I have two slots. You have given us, as a coalition, their numbers The electronic version of the Official Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Hansard Editor. and given each Member, including Hon. Chachu... Hon. Ochieng' is not alone. Hon. Chachu is also a one member party; and so is the senior counsel, one of the active Members of the House who belongs to Democratic Party of Kenya as the only Member. Today, through the Communication you have made, two things must happen. The Standing Orders must be reviewed as fast as possible. In fact, I cannot implement your new Communication as the Chairman of the Committee on Selection. But the Speaker's Communication is like the Constitution, the Standing Orders and precedents. So, we will abide by it. The Hon. Leader of the Minority Party and I will go and scratch our heads. Hon. T.J. Kajwang and his team in the Procedure and House Rules Committee need to act very fast because the whole architecture based on the Constitution has been configured. At least, I am now happy I know my numbers and Members. So, Members from Chama cha Mashinani either sign a post-election memorandum with Jubilee Party as soon possible or go back to NASA. The letter their party leader wrote does not hold any more. The Speaker has quoted the Registrar of Political Parties. Hon. Speaker, my worry is that those of us who believe in big parties; if it goes this way going forward to the 14th Parliament, there will be many Independent Members. We now have 14 Independents Members. It is not only here in Kenya, but everywhere in the world, even in the House of Commons. The Independents will increase in number and Members from small parties like Hon. David Ochieng' will also increase. But those of us who believe in big parties will not deter, but will still maintain. I am sure even those who are Independent and those who went to small parties did not go there willingly. Maybe, there were one or two reasons for them to go there. Hon. Speaker, through the Clerk who is here, we will move very fast. We will ask the Procedure and House Rules Committee to sit and amend all the Standing Orders from No. 174 to 176. The report will be tabled here for debate. I agree with you that we are colleagues and as Members of Parliament, we have roles. In your Communication, there is something that was not clear to me. That Independent Members must have a representative in the Committee on Selection, while at the same time, you said that an Independent Member is independent of the other one. How will they choose someone to sit in that Committee? The 14 of them cannot sit in the Committee on Selection. I do not know how Hon. Ochieng' and Hon. Chachu will all fit in the Committee on Selection. The Committee on Selection that I chair will then have 36 Members. That is, 22, which is the membership and 14 Independent Members. That is an area that Hon. T.J. Kajwang' and the team must look into. What will be the composition of the Committee on Selection? Who will represent the Independents and the small parties? Last week, I made a request for a Speaker's Communication on this. I think today's Communication was one of the longest. Members should pick the Communication for their own use. Other jurisdictions can also borrow from that Communication. I stand guided and support. Hon. Speake r: Hon. Members, I do not want us to debate this because there is a lesson to be borrowed from Uganda, where they can have a dean. Let us have Hon. Otiende Amollo. Paul Otiende Amollo (Hon. (Dr.) Otiende Amollo) Thank you, Hon. Speaker. That was a detailed and authoritative direction. As you have said, we do not need to comment too much on this because we might need to read. Sometimes, when you listen before reading, you might misread or misunderstand the direction. It is authoritative to the extent it balances three important things. First, the need for party discipline and the fact that the party with the majority should have certain more advantage than others who do not. Secondly, it balances the truth. The idea of Independent candidates and the The electronic version of the Official Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Hansard Editor. small parties is recognized in our Constitution. Thirdly, it balances the merit of having coalitions. Those are three difficult pillars to balance, but the Communication has endeavored to do it well. As I sit, there are two aspects of that direction, short-term and long-term. The short-term aspect is that the Committee on Selection must now go back to work. The direction is that the 14 Independents are entitled to 36 slots. It requires mathematics and balancing, including balloting and drawing lots. That is short-term and it can be done. Our focus should be on the long-term aspect that there is need to amend the Standing Orders and that might answer the concerns that the Leaders of the Majority and Minority parties are addressing. Do we need a dean of independents? Do the Independents elect their own leader? I think the Standing Orders will cater for that. I suggest that the Leader of the Majority and the Leader of the Minority Party should not let the cat out of the bag too much on this. While it accords enough rights to the Independents and those from minorities/non-parliamentary parties, it will still have the discretion of choosing the Committees to put those who are Independent Members and those from smaller parties. That is a conundrum that will fall at a certain stage. While many might think that this a ruling that only advantages Independent Members and those from small parties, I can tell you that coming from a minority party, the second largest party, we have been suffering. It is not only Hon. Ochieng' who has been serving one Committee. Many Members, including myself, have been serving in one Committee. The Independent Members and those from smaller parties know how to negotiate. They go to the Majority and the Minority leaders and they get three important Committees while those in the minority get one committee. You have overly helped us in this ruling. Before I sit, I want to seek your direction on a point of order that I raised last week. Is it possible to get a reply today? On Thursday, we will be dealing with the Budget. Your point of order raised some constitutional issues and so, allow me to work through it because everyone has been busy with the Budget cycle. I know Hon. Mbadi has not been sleeping because of the Budget issues. I will issue a direction next week. Well guided. Hon. Murugara, you have not been disadvantaged. George Gitonga Murugara (Hon. George Gitonga) Just a minute, Hon. Murugara. You will speak. I would like to note that Hon. Otiende Amollo has raised some pertinent issues but, remember what the Leader of the Majority Party has said in regard to his belief in bigger parties. The bigger parties have leaderships, whips and offices specified for their leadership. The other tiny ones do not have the capacity for those things. We cannot facilitate all of them. There is always a balance. You can choose not to be small. Before COVID-19, there was a night shift group and Hon. Millie was an active Member. One day, she commented that she was not in the Chamber but in the ghetto . Somebody might have to make a choice. Hon. Murugara, please, take one minute so that we can go to business. Thank you, Hon. Speaker. Today, we want to thank you because we were having sleepless nights. There is a Swahili saying that if you see your friend washing his head to get shaved, start washing your head. Hon. Junet and Mbadi started it while we had the assurance from the Leader of the Majority Party that we were safe. When the new Majority Whip started sending letters, we knew that we would be next. Thank you for protecting us and we are now assured that we can serve this House diligently without worry. I have noted in your ruling that we have to be represented in the The electronic version of the Official Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Hansard Editor. Committee on Selection. We want to seek your guidance even before we change the Standing Orders on how the small parties and the Independents will have their representatives in the Committee on Selection. That way, we will feel that we were democratically elected, have a role to play in this House and serve the country. Thank you, Hon. Speaker. Hon. Members, among the slots that cumulatively belong to the Independents, if they want one slot to go to the Committee on Selection, it will be their choice. Who is this that has the microphone? Is it Hon. Ochieng'? Yes, Hon. Speaker. I want to thank you for a thorough, learned and considered ruling. It will not only vibrate in this House, but so many Parliaments will learn from this. Thank you for saving my skin. The Leaders of the Majority and Minority parties have colluded as you can see… (Loud consultations) It depends on how you look at things. Before I sit, I want to say that the way you run this country is in the Constitution. Even if the Leaders of the Majority and Minority parties sit in the Committee on Selection, giving those Committee seats will not go the way Hon. Mbadi wants. There are no dry and wet committees in this House. All the committees are committees of the House. How you believe in the rule of law depends on, for example, how you go about when you are given a cake to give out in a dark room and you are alone. It will tell a lot about you and what you believe in. You cannot be here telling us that you believe in the rule of law and when you are given a chance, you want to do the worst thing that worst people do. I thank you Hon. Speaker and I am looking forward to reading your ruling again, so that I can appreciate what it is. Thank you. The Majority Party Whip. Emmanuel Wangwe (Hon. Emmanuel Wangwe) Thank you, Hon. Speaker. Your ruling is quite timely, especially at a time when Hon. Murugara is blaming the Majority Whip for sending letters. What is going on is that every person in the House, depending on the coalition you came from, has a leader. You have put it clearly. Looking at Article 176 and the way you have communicated to us – if corrected properly – in line with what the Leader of the Majority Party has said, it will simply clean and not abuse and disorganize anyone, but shape up the future. This august House will be an organized place than the way it has been. Thank you. Hon. Mbui. Robert Mbui (Hon. Robert Mbui) Thank you, Hon. Speaker. The ruling was intelligent and well thought-out. I see the intention to protect every Member of this House, so that they can exercise Article 95 of the Constitution where they have to play oversight role. However, somehow, that will open a pandora's box. If the intention is for every Member to be in a Committee to offer oversight, then if you belong to a political party and you misbehave – we know that the law allows the Whip to de-whip Members – you can be de-whipped. Therefore, for such MPs, they will not be able to serve and do what they wish and yet, those that are independent MPs and those in smaller parties will continue being in Committees for five years. So, I do not know how you would like to deal with that going into the future? Thank you. The electronic version of the Official Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Hansard Editor. Fortunately, a person is de-whipped for… They had reasons. If you know you are elected on a political party, you must abide by its rules and understand at all times the party's position. That is why, if you can remember, Hon. Mbui, we struggled last term to include Standing Order No. 176(1) to give a Member an opportunity to be heard. Maybe, they may have been doing some few things without knowing. Maybe, when they appear before the committee on discipline… I could remind them of the famous KANU Disciplinary Committee that was chaired by the late Okiki Amayo, where people would kneel when they got into the room. But you know sometimes people are reminded that they belong to a political party. You can see, if people are given a chance, who are remorseful and who are jokers. Those who are remorseful can be pardoned, is it not? If you look at Article 92 of the Constitution, and the Political Parties Act, indeed, a party has got a right to discipline its members. In fact, in some jurisdictions that I know of, it is the political parties' whips who even inform the Speaker which Member to be allowed to travel out of the country so that they maintain party discipline and loyalty. I am not suggesting anything right now but I know of highly developed democracies that have that kind of arrangement. These are things when they are proposed, the issue of discipline is in there. It is in all parties' constitutions. If you look at the templates that were provided in the Political Parties Act under the Second and Third Schedules, those things are there. So, it is not new. Ghosh! Can we go to business! (Hon. (Ms.) Odhiambo-Mabona spoke off record) Hon. Millie, because I have not heard a voice of a lady, you are the only one whose hand is up. Millie Grace Akoth Odhiambo Mabona (Hon. (Ms.) Odhiambo-Mabona) Thank you, Hon. Speaker. Let me appreciate the ruling that you have given. I spoke to this last time and indicated that it is a tricky path that you have to travel in democracy. On one hand, we must strengthen our political parties and, on the other hand, we must also give Members a chance to exercise their constitutional rights of representation, oversight and legislation, which are predominantly done within committees. You have spoken well. This ruling is a challenge even to bigger political parties to exercise internal democracy. That is how parties will grow. When bigger parties are able to exercise internal democracy, then you will not have spinoffs in terms of Independent Members and smaller parties Members because half of those Members belonged to bigger parties. Having said that, there are one or two things that, as we look at the issue of amending the Standing Orders, you did not address and we need to look into it. We are having coalitions, whether formed before or after the elections. First, we are not talking about the intra-coalition issues. That is likely to come up. Secondly, one of the issues that – as we amend the Standing Orders – we need to look into is the issue of proportions. As much as I support the issue of the independence of the independents as smaller groups, it would be unfair for bigger parties to work so hard to come with their big parties to Parliament and then they have representation of two from the smaller parties. That is why I said that it will be fine even if they had a quarter in a committee, which is not possible. So, perhaps, the best that they can have is one slot. However, the other issue will be that when we are amending the Standing Orders, what roles will bigger parties have in terms of picking the The electronic version of the Official Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Hansard Editor. committees, if there will be any other role in terms of agreements with any other parties and whether Members can be de-whipped? For example, let us assume that Hon. Ochieng' came in with his Movement for Democracy and Growth Party and the only slot he has is in the Catering Committee. Then he negotiates with ODM to go to the Departmental Committee on Health. If he says he is not interested in ODM, ODM should de-whip him from the Committee. Even though he chose that Committee, it was a slot for ODM. There are many intricacies that we still need to look into. Finally, Hon. Ochieng referred to the issue of encouraging bigger parties to practice rule of law when they are assigning slots. Unfortunately, that is the reality of democracy in life. You cannot have your cake and eat it. If you are in a bigger party, you get benefits. If you are in a small party, you get some benefits which are equivalent to the smallness of your party. So, if the bigger parties choose that they want to assign to you the Catering Committee – if you will be making sure that you are taking good care of us – it will not be bad. But if you want to be in the Departmental Committee on Health, you need to be in a bigger party. Thank you. Hon. Members, this thing was done mathematically to the letter. Of course, as you say, that is what should have been applied. But it was not at that time because it was not provided for in the Standing Orders. Surely! Who is that on that side? Is that Dr. Makali Mulu? Please, be brief. Benson Makali Mulu (Hon. Makali Mulu) Thank you, Hon. Speaker. I will be brief. I will start by appreciating your Communication. It has given good directions in terms of how we move in future. However, having listened to you carefully and, more so, on the mathematical bit of it, as the Committee works on the Standing Orders and the mathematics, there will be need to review the mathematics. I think the mathematics has some problem. If you proportionately share the positions, it would be very difficult for a small party to get two slots when the major parties are getting 1.5 or one. So, if you work it out mathematically, then automatically there will be a review of those figures. That is the only thing I wanted to say. Thank you, Hon. Speaker. Thank you, Hon. Makali, but we will have to live with what exists now. We cannot avoid it. It may be very difficult to do it otherwise. Thank you, Hon. Speaker. I want to thank you for the ruling you have made today. With that ruling, I will withdraw the letter that I wrote to Hon. Ochieng', officially this afternoon. The Selection Committee will decide which committees he will sit on. After the meeting of the Selection Committee, it will communicate to Hon. Ochieng' which Committee he officially belongs to with his Movement for Democracy and Growth Party. Having said that, I want to note that the ruling is really going to help in the management of committees in this House. You said the Independent Members are 14 in number. I know you are looking at Independents in mature democracies all over the world. The kind of Independents you are looking for are not in this House. I have cases of Independents who advance the agenda of the Minority or Majority party more than the membership of that party. He is in the forefront and you might think he is the owner of ODM or Jubilee and yet, he is an Independent. They are here. One of the Independents was today collecting some signatures to impeach a Cabinet Secretary, and he The electronic version of the Official Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Hansard Editor. knows he has only 14 Members. He cannot raise the number. I do not know who will de-whip the Independents if they misbehave, because they do not have leadership in the House. They do not have a Whip or Deputy Whip. These are Independents who are just mercenaries for hire. These people should not be given an opportunity to decide which committees they should sit on. There are Members who have come on their own party, other than Hon. Ochieng', who is still jilted because of the elections in Ugenya. He will come to terms with it. Very soon, you will see him attending ODM meetings. Give him another two months. He is still suffering from the war in Ugenya. Once that subsides, you will see him saying he wants to be the secretary-general of ODM when we go for elections. Give him time. But there are others who belong to small parties, like Mheshimiwa Murugara. When you meet him, you will not know he belongs to a small party. You will think he belongs to Jubilee. All along I thought he was a Jubilee member. It is only today that I have heard that he belongs to a small party. These people should not lie to you that they belong to small parties. They were just looking for vehicles to come to this House. When they arrive here, they know who their father and mother are. Some of them know their father is Jubilee; others know their father is ODM. They were just born of different wives. Let me leave it there, Hon. Speaker. I must hear the Member for North Horr. Francis Chachu Ganya (Hon. Chachu Ganya) Thank you, Hon. Speaker. Thank you so much for your landmark ruling. This ruling will guide future parliaments. We are guided by our Constitution. Standing Orders, as good as they may be in enabling us to conduct business in this House, are not superior to the Constitution. Your ruling is well anchored in the spirit and letter of the Constitution. For that, I really appreciate it. I take offence when my colleague and age mate in this Parliament, Hon. John Mbadi – and we came here in the same Parliament - calls our small parties "briefcase" parties. I was actually a member of ODM for 10 years. I left ODM and was able to get elected on a party of my choice in North Horr Constituency. Unlike me, if he dares to leave ODM, he will not even be the chairman of a cattle dip in Suba where he comes from. It is Kenyans who decide how we get to this House. The small parties are part and parcel of the architecture of the political arrangement in this country. Same to Independents. We are ranking Members of this House. I am not the only one; there are other senior Members who belong to small parties. I beg him, as a leader in this House, to respect small parties. I thank you. Member for Nyando, I have seen your hand up for so long. I hope you are not going to talk about papers. Jared Odoyo Okelo (Hon. Jared Okelo) Hon. Speaker, only you and I understand what you are talking about. I thank you very much for the detailed ruling. Lately, courtesy of the lockdown, I have been reading a lot of judgments on the same matter from our superior courts, from the High Court to the Court of Appeal, all the way to the Supreme Court. You listen to or read the arguments advanced by various judges in a matter, and they are all very convincing. If somebody were to The electronic version of the Official Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Hansard Editor. consider your judgment today and he were asked to write a different opinion, he would as well be very convincing. I remember the President of this country was last weekend caught in a very tight situation of continuing to lockdown the country. And he said it was not a matter of what is right and what is wrong, but both which are right. I think you have tried to juggle between those two fundamentals. We are fortunate that you come from a history of developing very serious political movements. When you were in KANU as a very senior member, KANU members were strewn all over this House, until you left. Therefore, you understand how difficult it is to put beef into a political movement, particularly a political party. It is a travesty that people would put a lot of their time and resources developing political parties in order to come here and enjoy the benefits. Some of my colleagues in this House, with due respect to them, have what we call fringe parties. They have briefcase parties, with one person representing a political party in this House and yet, the Constitution is very clear on what must be met for one to register a political party with the Registrar of Political Parties. You wonder where all those offices evaporate to. My brother here, Hon. Junet, calls them Non-Governmental Organisations. But of fundamental concern to me is that when committees are being constituted in this House, and you have Independents and those with fringe parties, it behooves both the Majority and Minority parties to give them slots. And your ruling is an eye-opener, so that no Majority or Minority party will ever take the risk to give them any position. They look down upon the parties that have been very charitable to them and they never listen to us. I am a very senior member of ODM. In fact, I sit on the National Executive Committee (NEC) of the party. These people to whom we donate positions very generously in this House never understand our manifesto. We do not even understand their manifesto. Of course, we are not interested in understanding manifestos of fringe parties. But there must be a point where discipline must be instituted. As we will retreat as a House to in-depth look at how these positions will be shared going forward, let us put a lot of emphasis on bigger parties benefitting the more and fringe parties being pushed to the back burner, so that they can understand that it is important to go across this country to market your party so that you can also bring numbers here for negotiation. Lastly, if you allow me, the Constitution talks about national representation in political parties. If a party is boxed into a small constituency like Ugenya, it does not serve national representation. Therefore, let us also encourage parties to market and have many people and to propagate nationalism as opposed to individualism in Ugenya. I thank you, Hon. Speaker. Well, of course, that is obviously the domain of the Registrar of Political parties. If they look at the requirements of Article 91 of the Constitution, they will see what is described as the most salient attributes of a political party. They are at liberty to get to that argument. The mathematics also favours the bigger parties. Out of the 622 slots available, one side has got 330 while the other has got 226. It is done. You can take your computer. Hon. John Mbadi, I know this is your area. You will do well by giving us any variation because it is done to the nearest decimal point. Hon. Members, is it possible that we can… Hon. Members Budget! Budget! Let us hear the Member for Homa Bay. The electronic version of the Official Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Hansard Editor. George Peter Opondo Kaluma (Hon. Peter Kaluma) I thank you, Hon. Speaker, for allowing me to add my voice to this matter. Your ruling is coming at a time when I see two challenges. It is a very good and detailed ruling which balances rights in terms of parliamentary actions and representation. May I beg the top leadership… There is something called "social distancing." Member for Homa Bay County, Member for Likoni and Member for Mvita, you are not practising social distancing. They are in deeper consultations. I see two challenges. One is that we are in a situation where Members of Parliament who are in either smaller parties or Independent negotiated their positions in the committees through the Majority and the Minority parties initially. I do not know how that would be dealt with now that you embargo the Majority and the Minority parties. I sit in the Departmental Committee on Justice and Legal Affairs. It is only today when I knew that Hon. Murugara is not a Member of the Jubilee Party. I just got to know of it today. I know he got his positions in the Departmental Committee on Justice and Legal Affairs and the Committee on Delegated Legislation through the Jubilee Party. Of course, so many other positions on this side were negotiated. Maybe, we can take solace in the fact that this can be reorganised. More fundamentally, Hon. Junet now confirms – and we all agree – that your ruling looks at Kenya in a mature democratic state. In truth, we are still accruing democracy. We are very nascent. We are in a democracy where, as Hon. Junet rightly says, an Independent Member of Parliament is more ODM if he comes from Nyanza than Hon. Kaluma, who is in ODM. An example is Hon. Peter Masara. I can tell you that he can kill for ODM in Nyanza and yet, in the House, he is an Independent Member. By the way, Hon. Peter Masara is also in the Departmental Committee on Administration and National Security, courtesy of ODM. There is a slot there. Are we then going to say that there are some committees which, by their nature, are independent, knowing that we purely do not have independence? In the USA, there is somebody who was said to be so independent that even his wife never knew where he would vote on an issue. Nobody knew what he would decide. However, in Kenya, the reality is that we do not have pure Independent Members. The reality is that as people are already confirming, by the time we are approaching elections, based on the regions we come from, people like Hon. Ochieng' will have to affiliate to ODM either directly or through the party leader. You know what they do during the campaign period. Independent candidates use photos of party leaders alongside their own to campaign and win. They take advantage of facilities and personalities of established parties. Hon. Speaker, that is a matter to be thought through. However, there are committees which by their nature, in my view, adhere to the rules and procedures. There are committees where an Independent Member cannot sit. Adding to that fact, in my view, we are not purely independent. I have in mind the oversight committees and their formation requirements vis-a-vis our nascent democracy. We have the Majority Party, for instance, having many Independent Members in a committee like Public Accounts Committee (PAC). The minority parties are deluded that they have a sufficient number of neutral Members in that Committee. But the reality is that they have Independent Members working together with the Majority Party to actually subdue proper oversight. When the House Rules Committee looks into this, the oversight committees should be out of it. Even some Departmental Committees are too key for an Independent Member. I think this may be defined. I largely see Independent Members and Members from small parties sitting in Select Committees like National Government Constituencies Development Fund (NG-CDF) or Departmental Committees that deal with sports, tourism and culture. There are core functional The electronic version of the Official Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Hansard Editor. things we would want Parliament, through the Minority and Majority parties, to oversee. I do not think we would be furthering parliamentary democracy if we approach it that way, with our state of growth as a country. Thank you, Hon. Speaker. Hon. Lodepe, is it still about this one? Let that be the last. Please, take a minute so that we can go to business. John Lodepe Nakara (Hon. Lodepe Nakara) Hon. Speaker, you have made a ruling that has surpassed the ones made by former Speaker, Hon. Marende. You will go into the history of this country as having given direction to this House. We are here to serve the people who elected us. We are privileged to be here. We decided to go to political parties to get tickets so that we can come here. We respect the Political Parties Act. However, there is a place where you cannot remove a privilege from a Member to represent his people in a committee, where you generate the agenda for the people. My Whip is here. I have performed very well in my Committee. Even my Chairman went and pleaded with my Whip. The reason as to why I was de-whipped from the Committee is just because I am a friend of Hon. William Ruto. Hon. Speaker, you cannot dictate to me how to choose my friends. Hon. Ruto was my friend even before I became a politician. You know I am a clergyman. I met Hon. Ruto when I was ministering. It is a very big shame. Turkana is a county where you have to struggle to sell ODM in order to come here. It is a shame that I no longer represent my people in the Committee where I would raise issues concerning the people of Turkana County. So, as you work on changing the Standing Orders, please, remove party issues from Committees. This will ensure that you are selected because you are a professional or because you are representing people. The reason I am saying so is because I have not done anything wrong in this party. I was jailed in Turkana for four days. I was under house arrest because of ODM. I told the people not to go for repeat elections. I went to hospital for three days because I was tear-gassed. I had accompanied my political leader, Hon. Raila Odinga. It is very shameful that my Whip can remove me because I am a friend of Hon. Ruto. It is not good at all. I am a Member of ODM. I have been and I am still one, but Hon. Ruto is my friend. It is as simple as that. Thank you. Very well, Hon. Members. It is just good to affirm one point – that the Constitution we have has allowed Kenyans wide choices. That is why there are specific Articles 85 and 99. Article 85 recognizes the right for a person to run as an Independent candidate. And if you go to Article 99 on the qualification to be a Member of Parliament, it recognizes that right of independence. However, Article 91 talks about political parties. Therefore, once you are a member of a political party, surely you must abide by the rules of that party. I have just noticed that many of you could not remember that we sat here the whole day when adopting these new Standing Orders. We introduced Sub-section (1) in Standing Order 176 to provide for - because we really must make a choice - you either be independent or join a political party. Nevertheless, we said that yes, political parties are world over. They are not unique to Kenya. It is not unique to Kenya about party discipline. Why do you think the Whip exists? The Whip exists to enforce party discipline within Parliament to ensure Members know: "This is the position of the party on this matter", and then also take note that this Member every time I tell them this is the party position, he ducks to the toilet, walks away and says he is having mandazi or tea and does not come. Therefore, the Whip takes note. The electronic version of the Official Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Hansard Editor. Hon. Lodepe, we will not get involved with matters outside Parliament. However, remember your party is not just in Parliament. Therefore, if they could be having the eye of God following you to whichever hideout you may be, on that one, I will not be there myself. However, here, we must recognize that the country adopted a Constitution that allows you to run as an independent or join any political party. That is actually your right under Article 38, and that right cannot be taken away from you. Even if you wanted to move, one of the ways an independent could lose his seat - look at Article 103 - is while here. Of course, what Hon. Kaluma said is what we all know. If you have been brought here by your people as an independent, if you openly join a political party, that is one of the grounds for which I could easily declare your seat vacant and you go and try your luck with whichever other formation you may have chosen. We must balance these things at all times. You have your party and please belong to it and do what it calls you to do while you are here. Therefore, for the rest Hon. Lodepe, do not worry. Why do you think there is tear gas in the country? It is to deal with those situations which become chaotic. It is not an accident. We sympathize, nevertheless, Hon. Lodepe. I know you are a churchman and a bishop. We sympathize that you had to take in a bit of it, but I am sure many Members here have dealt with those situations severally in the past. In addition, many of them like the Member for Suba must have started when she was a student. So, she may have gotten used to it. If you start in old age now, you will be in trouble. It is unfortunate Hon. Lodepe. We sympathize with that situation. Hon. Members, I think let us go to the next Order so that we can do business. Thank you for the comments, nevertheless. ADOPTION OF REPORT ON BUDGET ESTIMATES FOR 2020/2021 THAT, this House adopts the Report of the Budget and Appropriations Committee on the Budget Estimates for the National Government, the Judiciary and Parliament for the Financial Year 2020/2021, laid on the Table of the House on Thursday, 4th June 2020, and pursuant to the provisions of Article 221 of the Constitution of Kenya, section 39 of the Public Finance Management Act, 2012 and Standing Orders 235 and 239, approves the issuance of a sum of Kshs.1,887,470,995,757 from the Consolidated Fund to meet the expenditure during the year ending 30th June 2021 in respect of the Votes contained in the First Schedule, and further makes the policy resolutions contained in the Second Schedule to the Order Paper and further (i) THAT, the First Schedule contained in the Order Paper be replaced with the new Schedule comprising of adjustments that have since been made by the Committee and laid on the Table on 9th Tuesday 2020; (ii) THAT, the Schedule contained in the report referenced as the Second Schedule and which contains Financial recommendations be replaced with the new Second Schedule comprising of further adjustments that have since been made by the Committee and laid on the Table on Tuesday, 9th June 2020; and, The electronic version of the Official Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Hansard Editor. (iii) THAT, the necessary consequential amendments be effected in the Schedules, for consideration during the Committee of Supply: FIRST SCHEDULE ANNUAL ESTIMATES FOR FY 2020/2021 (IN KSHS) FINAL BUDGET ESTIMATES FY 2020/21 VOTE/PROGRA VOTE GROSS GROSS GROSS MME CODES & CODE CURRENT CAPITAL TOTAL TITLE ESTIMATES ESTIMATES ESTIMATES The Presidency 25,138,628,851 11,493,321,015 36,631,949,866 0702000 Cabinet 1,256,670,590 945,960,000 2,202,630,590 618,355,782 86,000,000 704,355,782 Advisory Services 1011 0704000 State House Affairs 3,803,746,694 68,634,280 3,872,380,974 0734000 Deputy President Services 0745000 Nairobi for Interior 125,539,231,363 6,135,000,000 131,674,231,363 FINAL BUDGET ESTIMATES FY 2020/21 VOTE/PROGRA VOTE GROSS GROSS GROSS MME CODES & CODE CURRENT CAPITAL TOTAL TITLE ESTIMATES ESTIMATES ESTIMATES 0601000 Policing 94,318,819,142 1,638,870,000 95,957,689,142 0602000 Planning, Policy Coordination and Support Service 0603000 Printing Services 0605000 Migration & Citizen Services Management 0625000 Road 3,627,502,856 1,234,000,000 4,861,502,856 for Correctional 27,317,878,572 784,100,000 28,101,978,572 Services 26,972,520,972 784,100,000 27,756,620,972 services 0623000 General Administration, 345,357,600 - 345,357,600 Planning and Support Services for Devolution 930,178,422 4,734,685,699 5,664,864,121 0712000 Devolution 598,940,698 4,730,002,195 5,328,942,893 0732000 General 1032 Administration, 297,699,977 4,683,504 302,383,481 Planning and Support Services 0713000 Special 33,537,747 - 33,537,747 State Department for Development of 980,434,774 8,824,290,786 9,804,725,560 the ASAL Accelerated ASAL Defence 106,272,956,500 9,208,594,305 115,481,550,805 0801000 Defence 104,037,000,000 9,208,594,305 113,245,594,305 0802000 Civil Aid 1041 0803000 General 1,835,956,500 - 1,835,956,500 Planning and Support Services 0805000000 National Space Foreign Affairs 14,555,771,675 1,201,400,000 15,757,171,675 1052 Administration Planning and Support Services The electronic version of the Official Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Hansard Editor. 0715000 Foreign Relation and Diplomacy 0741000 Economic and Commercial 48,692,947 - 48,692,947 Diplomacy 0742000 Foreign Policy Research, Capacity Dev and Technical Cooperation for Vocational and 18,637,903,522 6,308,000,000 24,945,903,522 Technical Training 0505000 Technical Education and 1064 Training 0507000 Youth Training and 37,724,162 2,000,000,000 2,037,724,162 Development 0508000 General for University 107,757,158,547 5,555,600,000 113,312,758,547 Education 0504000 University 0506000 Research, Science, Technology and 1065 Innovation 0508000 General for Early Learning 89,128,982,114 11,650,000,000 100,778,982,114 & Basic Education 0501000 Primary 0502000 Secondary 0503000 Quality Standards 0508000 General for Post Training 150,940,126 - 150,940,126 and Skills Development Planning and Support Services 0512000 Workplace Readiness Services 0513000 Post- Treasury 63,696,627,400 53,292,129,907 116,988,757,307 Planning and Support Services 0718000 Public 1071 Financial 2,848,956,614 32,079,714,907 34,928,671,521 Management 0719000 Economic and Financial Policy Formulation and Management 0720000 Market 326,100,000 30,000,000 356,100,000 State Department for Planning 3,107,642,309 42,453,435,816 45,561,078,125 0706000 Economic Policy and National Planning 0707000 National Information Services 0708000 Monitoring and Evaluation 64,450,685,148 47,251,983,849 111,702,668,997 1081 0401000 Preventive, Promotive & 3,971,480,816 9,954,679,009 13,926,159,825 RMNCAH The electronic version of the Official Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Hansard Editor. 0402000 National Referral & Specialized Services 0403000 Health Planning & Support Services 0405000 Health Policy, Standards and Regulations of Infrastructure 64,932,476,233 124,640,286,715 189,572,762,948 1091 0202000 Road 64,932,476,233 124,640,286,715 189,572,762,948 State Department of Transport 9,551,662,662 38,366,800,000 47,918,462,662 Planning and Support Services 0203000 Rail 23,223,800,000 23,223,800,000 0204000 Marine 0205000 Air 0216000 Road for Shipping and 1,667,605,056 850,000,000 2,517,605,056 Maritime 1093 0219000 Shipping and Maritime for Housing and 1,058,529,759 15,998,721,087 17,057,250,846 0102000 Housing Development and Human Settlement 0105000 Urban and 208,547,590 12,920,000,000 13,128,547,590 State for Public Works 2,314,516,034 1,184,973,000 3,499,489,034 1095 Government Buildings 0104000 Coastline Infrastructure and Pedestrian Access Planning and Support Services 0218000 Regulation and Development of the Construction Industry Environment and 10,140,860,321 5,985,090,900 16,125,951,221 Forestry Management and Protection 1108 1010000 General Planning and Support Services 1012000 Services The electronic version of the Official Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Hansard Editor. 1018000 Forests and Water Towers Ministry of Water, Sanitation and 6,232,606,765 71,472,834,883 77,705,441,648 Irrigation Planning and Support Services 1004000 Water Management 1109 1017000 Water and Infrastructure Development 1014000 Irrigation and Land Reclamation 1015000 Water Storage and Flood 9,079,000,000 9,079,000,000 Control The electronic version of the Official Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Hansard Editor. 1022000 Water Harvesting and Storage for Irrigation Ministry of Lands and Physical 2,818,419,339 2,799,000,000 5,617,419,339 Planning 0101000 Land 1112 Policy and Planning for Information 2,510,727,136 11,803,202,512 14,313,929,648 Communication and Technology & 0210000 ICT Development 0217000 E- Services 0221000 Film for Broadcasting & 4,650,505,398 599,000,000 5,249,505,398 Telecommunicatio ns 1123 Planning and Support Services 0208000 Information and Communication Services The electronic version of the Official Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Hansard Editor. 0209000 Mass Media Skills for Sports 1,241,514,532 14,155,570,000 15,397,084,532 1132 0901000 Sports 1,241,514,532 14,155,570,000 15,397,084,532 State Department for Heritage 2,641,053,193 43,100,000 2,684,153,193 0902000 Culture / 0903000 The Arts 1134 0904000 Library for Energy 5,911,666,844 66,581,141,377 72,492,808,221 Planning and Support Services 0212000 Power 0213000 Power Transmission and 0214000 Alternative for Livestock 2,486,436,406 3,261,233,000 5,747,669,406 0112000 Livestock Management and Development for Fisheries, 1,994,874,045 4,964,000,000 6,958,874,045 FINAL BUDGET ESTIMATES FY 2020/21 VOTE/PROGRA VOTE GROSS GROSS GROSS MME CODES & CODE CURRENT CAPITAL TOTAL TITLE ESTIMATES ESTIMATES ESTIMATES Aquaculture & the Blue Economy 0111000 Fisheries Management 0117000 General Coordination of the Blue Economy for Crop 10,948,470,415 30,853,977,392 41,802,447,807 Development & Agricultural 0108000 Crop Management 0109000 Agribusiness and Information Management 0120000 Research & Development for Cooperatives 801,329,701 825,220,000 1,626,549,701 1173 Cooperative Development and Management for Trade 1,687,924,227 99,500,000 1,787,424,227 1174 0307000 Trade Promotion The electronic version of the Official Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Hansard Editor. FINAL BUDGET ESTIMATES FY 2020/21 VOTE/PROGRA VOTE GROSS GROSS GROSS MME CODES & CODE CURRENT CAPITAL TOTAL TITLE ESTIMATES ESTIMATES ESTIMATES State Department for 3,228,241,955 6,500,831,000 9,729,072,955 Industrialization Planning and Support Services 1175 0302000 Industrial 0303000 Standards and Business for Labour 2,699,327,034 2,509,400,000 5,208,727,034 Planning and Support Services The electronic version of the Official Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Hansard Editor. 1184 0906000 Promotion of the Best Labour Practice 0907000 Manpower Employment and Productivity Management for Social 31,056,249,554 2,548,230,000 33,604,479,554 Protection, Pensions & Senior Citizen Affairs 0908000 Social 1185 Children Services 0909000 National Social Safety Net for Mining 637,139,810 312,000,000 949,139,810 Planning and Support Services 1192 1009000 Mineral Management 1021000: Geological Surveys 61,839,230 113,000,000 174,839,230 and Geo Information for Petroleum 243,510,778 3,644,000,000 3,887,510,778 1193 Exploration and Distribution of Oil and Gas for Tourism 8,534,431,979 4,310,800,000 12,845,231,979 0306000 Tourism for Wildlife 10,108,077,510 693,810,000 10,801,887,510 1019000 Wildlife 1203 Conservation and for Gender 977,986,478 2,374,000,000 3,351,986,478 Development 0912000 Gender 1212 Empowerment for Public Service 7,972,424,343 412,060,000 8,384,484,343 0710000 Public 1213 Transformation 0709000 General for Youth 10,552,388,169 3,294,490,000 13,846,878,169 1214 0711000 Youth 10,552,388,169 3,294,490,000 13,846,878,169 State Department for East African 608,015,519 - 608,015,519 Community 1221 0305000 East African Affairs and for Regional & 1,959,744,036 1,617,450,000 3,577,194,036 FINAL BUDGET ESTIMATES FY 2020/21 VOTE/PROGRA VOTE GROSS GROSS GROSS MME CODES & CODE CURRENT CAPITAL TOTAL TITLE ESTIMATES ESTIMATES ESTIMATES Northern Corridor Development 1013000 Integrated State Law Office and Department of 4,476,906,847 185,000,000 4,661,906,847 Justice 0606000 Legal Governance, Legal 1252 Training and Constitutional Affairs 0609000 General Ethics and Anti- Corruption 3,072,200,000 40,800,000 3,113,000,000 Commission 0611000 Ethics and 3,072,200,000 40,800,000 3,113,000,000 National Intelligence Service 39,051,000,000 - 39,051,000,000 39,051,000,000 - 39,051,000,000 Director of Public 2,957,003,322 129,000,000 3,086,003,322 Prosecutions Prosecution Services 2,957,003,322 129,000,000 3,086,003,322 Office of the Registrar of 1,345,791,991 - 1,345,791,991 Political Parties 1311 Registration, Regulation and Funding of Political Parties The electronic version of the Official Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Hansard Editor. FINAL BUDGET ESTIMATES FY 2020/21 VOTE/PROGRA VOTE GROSS GROSS GROSS MME CODES & CODE CURRENT CAPITAL TOTAL TITLE ESTIMATES ESTIMATES ESTIMATES Witness Protection Agency 472,787,500 - 472,787,500 1321 0615000 Witness 472,787,500 - 472,787,500 Kenya National Commission on 400,704,556 - 400,704,556 Human Rights 2011 0616000 Protection and Promotion of National Land Commission 1,233,325,815 - 1,233,325,815 2021 0116000 Land Administration and Electoral and 4,322,884,842 150,000,000 4,472,884,842 Boundaries Management of Electoral Processes The electronic version of the Official Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Hansard Editor. Delimitation of Electoral Boundaries on Revenue 371,975,630 - 371,975,630 Allocation 2061 0737000 Inter- Transfers and Financial Matters Commission 2,605,760,000 19,280,000 2,625,040,000 Planning and 2071 Support Services 0726000 Human Management and Development The electronic version of the Official Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Hansard Editor. Governance and National Values 0744000 Productivity Management Salaries and Remuneration 459,730,000 - 459,730,000 Commission 2081 0728000 Salaries and Remuneration Teachers Service Commission 265,492,584,137 600,000,000 266,092,584,137 2091 0509000 Teacher 257,373,381,918 600,000,000 257,973,381,918 Management The electronic version of the Official Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Hansard Editor. National Police Service 806,327,710 - 806,327,710 Commission 2101 0620000 National Police Service 2111 0729000 Audit Controller of 622,982,206 - 622,982,206 Budget 0730000 Control and Management of Commission on Administrative 494,680,726 - 494,680,726 Justice of Administrative National Gender and Equality 424,656,952 5,000,000 429,656,952 Commission of Gender Equality and Freedom from Discrimination Policing Oversight 802,628,000 - 802,628,000 Oversight Services Total Executive 1,194,325,630,168 632,869,013,243 1,827,194,643,41 1 The Judiciary Dispensation of Judicial Service Commission 576,400,000 - 576,400,000 Total Judiciary 15,349,400,000 2,701,000,000 18,050,400,000 Parliamentary Service 6,493,492,220 - 6,493,492,220 0722000 Senate Admin, planning and support services 2042 Legislation, representation and oversight Joint Services 5,598,359,101 2,065,550,000 7,663,909,101 2043 and support services Legislative Training Research & Total Parliament FINAL BUDGET ESTIMATES FY 2020/21 VOTE/PROGRA VOTE GROSS GROSS GROSS MME CODES & CODE CURRENT CAPITAL TOTAL TITLE ESTIMATES ESTIMATES ESTIMATES TOTAL BUDGET ESTIMATES 1,245,386,494,912 637,635,563,243 1,883,022,058,15 5 SECOND SCHEDULE POLICY RESOLUTIONS RELATING TO THE ANNUAL ESTIMATES FOR FY 2020/2021 (i) THAT, all future requests for expenditure approval under Article 223 of the Constitution must be accompanied by proof of payment; (ii) THAT resources being expended under the COVID-19 Emergency Response Fund be appropriated through the National Assembly in order to be subject to legislative scrutiny and oversight; (iii) THAT all donor financing which may have been left out when the budget was submitted be included as the Appropriation Bill, 2020 is finalized; (iv) THAT, resources allocated to projects arising from public participation and other critical road interventions be ringfenced and the Ministry concerned to engage with the relevant Members of Parliament for proper implementation; (v) THAT the small allocations under National Expanded Irrigation programme and Community Based Irrigation Programme to be listed as block figures in the printed estimates for efficiency in projects implementation under the two respective programmes; (vi) THAT the projects on the rehabilitation of wells, water pans, underground tanks in ASAL using locally available labour under the Kenya Post Covid-19 Stimulus Programme be taken to the agency that has the technical expertise, that is; the project be moved from the State Department for Regional and Northern Corridor Development to the Ministry of Water & Sanitation and Irrigation. This will also enhance efficiency in resource utilization and remove duplication of projects by many agencies; and (vii) THAT, the PBB budget be revised accordingly to reflect the changes made by the House. In addition, all the budget books and the attendant documents for budget implementation be submitted to the National Assembly seven (7) days after enactment of the Appropriation Bill, 2020. NEW SECOND SCHEDULE TO THE REPORT Financial recommendations Vote Departmental Programme Reductions Increase Notes Committee/vote Environment and NaturalResources Ministry of National (10,000,000) The same activities are Environment and Environmental being undertaken by Forestry Management NEMA which is the & protection implementing agency. Programme (HQ) Ministry of Water Irrigation and 2,600,000,000 Addition on account of & Sanitation and Land Community based Irrigation Reclamation irrigation under the Programme programme (Irrigation Water and Land Reclamation harvesting and Programme). Out of storage for the Ksh. 2.6 billion, Ksh be allocated to Enhance food and nutrition security through provision of water at household level under the programme (Water harvesting and storage for irrigation) Ministry of Water Water storage 500,000,000 Soin/Koru dam water & Sanitation and and flood supply project Irrigation control Ministry of Water Water resource 30,000,000 & Sanitation and management Irrigation Committee onLands Ministry of Lands Land Policy (100,000,000) Reduced from the and Physical and Planning Processing and Planning Registration of land titles registration and issuance of title deeds project) The electronic version of the Official Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Hansard Editor. Ministry of Lands Land Policy 50,000,000 Allocation for the and Physical and Planning Digitization of land Planning registries project Ministry of Lands Land Policy 50,000,000 Construction of land and Physical and Planning registries project. Planning DepartmentalCommittee onAgriculture andLivestock (150,000,000) Recurrent allocation to for Crops Kenya Plant and Health Development Inspectorate Services (KEPHIS). KEPHIS is expected to collect AIA which can cover for the proposed reductions. (20,000,000) Development allocation for Crops for Aflatoxin Development Management. (30,000,000) Development allocation for Crops for Bio-deposit Organic Development Fertilizer Extraction & Rehabilitation Project. (20,000,000) Development allocation for Crops for Construction of Development Headquarters and Satellite Campuses for KSA. 287,000,000 A provision of Ksh. 100 for Crops for Commodities Development Fund development expenditure. An addition of development allocation of Ksh. 137 million for Fall Army Worm. The electronic version of the Official Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Hansard Editor. An addition of development allocation of Ksh. 50 million for Cotton Industry Revitalization project, which is meant to provide cotton seeds and inputs to farmers to increase cotton production. 110,000,000 An addition of Ksh. 60 for the Development Construction of Educational Complex at Bukura Agricultural College. This will ensure a completion rate of 70%. An increase of Ksh. 50million towards the Development of Mau Buffer Tea Zone. 85,000,000 An addition for development allocation Construction of Warehouses for implementation of Warehouse Receipt System. An allocation to Ksh.35million towards Agricultural Development Corporation (ADC) for recurrent expenditure. Reduce 60 million on development for small scale irrigation and development The electronic version of the Official Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Hansard Editor. Ksh 100 Million towards Kenya National Farmers Federation for registration of farmers State Department General 530,000,000 Ksh. 500 Million on for Crop Administration account of additional development and planning and donor and 30 million for Agricultural support counterpart funding to research services enable the Youth Programme (176,000,000) A Reduction of for Livestock from the development allocation for Farm Development- Sheep and Goats Breeding Farms. A Reduction of form the development allocation towards Diseases Free Zones Program. A reduction of from the development allocation for Modernization of Foot & Mouth Disease Laboratory for GMP standards-KEVEVAPI. A reduction of from the development allocation for Construction of Dairy Vetinary Board (KVB) Headquarters offices. A reduction of from the allocation towards the Construction of National Dairy Laboratory Complex. The electronic version of the Official Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Hansard Editor. (56,000,000) A reduction of from the allocation for Livestock Production 'Big Four' Interventions. A reduction of from the development allocation for Construction and equipping of Bio Safety Level 3 Laboratory- Kabete. A reduction of from the development allocation for Construction of learning facilities (New Site) at AHITI. A reduction of from the development allocation for Construction and Refurbishment of Infrastructure at AHITI- Kabete. 92,000,000 An addition of for Livestock development allocation of for Construction & Refurbishment of Facilities – Livestock Inst. Wajir. State Department Livestock (370,000,000) 370,000,000 Realignment from for Livestock resource development management expenditure to recurrent and development DepartmentalCommittee onEducation andResearch State Department Primary (1,000,000,00 The number of primary for Early Learning Education- 0) school learners under and Basic Free Primary NEMIS is 8.7 Million Education Education hence allocation is above (Recurrent) what is required. State Department Primary 900,000,000 Reallocation towards for Early Learning Education- provision of desks under and Basic school the stimulus Education infrastructure programme.additional (Development towards primary school infrastructure. State Department Primary 50,000,000 NACONEK will play a for Early Learning Education- critical role after the and Basic grants to COVID 19 pandemic Education NACONEK State Department Quality 50,000,000 To support the KNEC in for Early Learning Assurance and the purchase of two and Basic Standards- digital machines with Education Capital grants capacity to print to KNEC personalized KCPE OMR forms. State Department Youth Training (40,000,000) The project has Kshs 40 for Vocational and and Million over and above Technical Training Development – what is provided under Rehabilitation the Division of Revenue of village Act, 2020. polytechnics conditional grant (Development) 1066 20,000,000 Proposed Muhoho TTC for Early Learning in Gatundu South & Basic Education St State 20,000,000 Tom Mboya TTC in Department for Suba North Early Learning & Basic Education The electronic version of the Official Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Hansard Editor. State Department Technical 50,000,000 Enhancing quality for Vocational and Education- assurance and Technical Training Funding for maintaining standards in TVETA TTI's through field State Department Technical 40,000,000 To fast track the for Vocational and Education- construction of the TTI's Technical Training Construction and also include the of 30 TTI's Kilome, Elwak and Embunangwe TTIs. State Department Research, (500,000,000) The NRF is facing for University Science, challenges due to non- Education and Technology existent of a fully Research and constituted Board. Innovation- current grants to National Research Fund (NRF) State Department University 200,000,000 Support ongoing for University Education- infrastructural projects to Education and infrastructural small Universities. Research support to the ongoing projects State Department University 300,000,000 Fill the existing funding for University Education- gap to university Education and capitation to students. Research university Students- Committee OnDefence &Foreign Relations 1222 Project 1222103200 for Regional and Qoloba Dam in Moyale. Northern Corridor Development The electronic version of the Official Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Hansard Editor. Financial recommendations Vote Departmental Programme Reductions Increase Notes Committee/vote 1222 50,000,000 Allocated to water for Regional and supply in Moyale town. Northern Corridor (152,000,000) From O&M recurrent for Regional and expenditures for all the Northern Corridor regional development Development authorities at each, and headquarters at 152,000,000 KSh. 152 million to for Regional and LBDA to settle dues to Northern Corridor retrenched staff, staff Development medical cover and taxes due. for for Regional and WarahBurkader Dam in Northern Corridor Wajir South Development Ksh25 Million for Elimadadajabula Dam in Wajir South State Department Integrated 90,000,000 Desilting of water pans for Regional and Regional Qurdobo Northern Corridor Development dam in Mandera North Development Qarsasimiti dam in Saku constituency Malkamari dam in Banisa Constituency Ministry of Foreign 500,000,000 Foreign Affairs relation and Diplomacy Committee onFinance AndNationalPlanning 20,000,000 Operationalization of the Institute of Certified Investment and Financial Analysts The State Economic 9,000,000,000 Increase of KSh. 9 Department for Policy and for NG-CDF to Planning National upscale it to 41.7 billion, Planning as opposed to the proposed KSh. 32.7 billion, which is below the statutory requirement. The National Public 1,200,000,000 For public Treasury Financial initiatives/public Management hearings State Department Devolution 100,000,000 Enhancement for for Devolution Services operations and maintenance for Council of Governors Committee On Transport, Public Works And for Strategic roads. (Of which Ksh 50 million to be used for roads in Wundanyi Constituency). Wundanyi sub county Hospital Road Ksh. 10 million Old Bridge construction Ksh. 10 million Werughe-Mghrmbonyi Road Ksh. 10 million Masumbsunyi Road Ksh. 10 Million Huduma-Mbela Road Ksh. 10 Million (350,000,000) Reduced Ksh. 200 million form Marsabit- Shengel Road Reduced Ksh. 50 million from Mau Mau road Reduced Ksh. 50 Million from dualingAthi River- Machakos Turnoff Road Reduced Ksh. 50 million from Garsen-Witu-Lamu Road State Department Road 1,560,000,000 For Infrastructure Transport State Department General (60,000,000) Realignment of for Transport Administration programmes planning and support services State Department Rail Transport for Transport The electronic version of the Official Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Hansard Editor. State Department Urban and 120,000,000 Completion of ongoing for Housing and Metropolitan market (20 million for Urban Development Muthithi Market, Development Kigumo Constituency and 100 million for other ongoing markets) ALCOMMITTEEONCOMMUNICATION,INFORMATIONANDINNOVATION State Department E- Government (180,000,000) Reduce KSh 180 million of ICT & Services from ICT Shared Innovation Services under the Development Vote. State Department ICT (130,000,000) Reduce KSh 130 million of ICT & infrastructure from the Digital Literacy Innovation Development Programme, under the Development Vote. State Department Information (61,000,000) Reduce KSh 61 million of Broadcasting and net exchequer under the and Communicatio Government Telecommunicatio n Services Advertisement Agency ns (GAA), under the Recurrent Sub-Vote. State Department Information 150,000,000 allocate additional of Broadcasting and to Kenya and Communicatio Broadcasting Telecommunicatio n Services Corporation, to meet ns funding shortfalls towards Covid-19 interventions including budget enhancement for migration from medium wave to FM radio broadcast under Recurrent Sub Vote The electronic version of the Official Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Hansard Editor. State Department Information 221,000,000 allocate KSh 221 to Media and Communicatio Council of Kenya to Telecommunicatio n Services scale up Covid-19 ns awareness and appropriate support to community radios stations and countering fake news for the FY 2020/21 as well as operationalizing outreach offices in Meru, Kisumu and Eldoret, under Recurrent Sub Vote. State Department ICT 5,000,000,000 Konza Data Centre and of ICT & infrastructure Smart City Facilities Innovation Development Project, – Donor funds omitted during finalization of estimates 1,800,000,000 Maintenance & of ICT & infrastructure Rehabilitation of NOFBI Innovation Development II Expansion Cable, External AiA– Donor funds omitted during finalization of estimates Committee OnAdministration &National Security 2151 Independent Police 110,000,000 Payment of Pending bills Oversight related to partitioning of Authority Eldoret and Nakuru regional offices regional offices and cater for PE and O&M where there was a shortfall. State Department Policing 200,000,000 Towards the Directorate for Interior Services of Criminal Investigations to enhance their O&M. The electronic version of the Official Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Hansard Editor. State Department Policing 58,000,000 Towards Administration for Interior Services Police under the Programme Policing Services for completion of stalled 24 units at Uhuru Camp in Langata, Nairobi. State Department Policing (38,000,000) Office of the inspector for Interior Services General O&M GSU Headquarters for Interior Services 221130 other operating expenses Road Safety (100,000,000) National Transport and Safety Authority, O&M Planning 100,000,000 Towards National Policy Campaign Against Drugs Coordination and Substance Abuse and Support (NACADA) for Services implementation of Presidential directive on operationalization of Miritini NYS sub-station as a drug rehabilitation center. Planning (300,000,000) OOP HQs Ksh. 300 Other Operating Coordination Expenses. and Support Services 28,400,000,00 Nairobi Metropolitan 0 Services The Presidency Cabinet Affairs 720,750,000 For purchase of building for the national disabled Committee onTrade, Industryand Cooperatives (200,000,000) Provision for Dairy of Cooperatives Processing of Powdered Milk (Development). The electronic version of the Official Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Hansard Editor. 200,000,000 For purchase of modern of Cooperatives milk sterilizers and other equipment to enhance production and processing capacity of NKCC. The existing sterilizers are obsolete. For construction of for KIRDI Research Industrialization Laboratories. 100,000,000 Allocated towards for carrying out Research by Industrialization KIRDI because Over the years, money has been allocated towards construction of Laboratories without funding research with is the main mandate of KIRDI. From Development of for Athi River Textiles Hub. Industrialization EPZA 100,000,000 Allocated towards for railway siding and other Industrialization related infrastructure at Athi River Textiles Hub. EPZA 100,000,000 For Trade promotion for Trade and related activities to support economic recovery post Covid-19 (including posting of Trade Attaches in Kenya missions abroad) Committee OnHealth Ministry of Health Health Policy, (100,000,000) Rollout of UHC Standards and (Development) regulations (Development) The electronic version of the Official Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Hansard Editor. National (50,000,000) from KU referral Referral and hospital- Construction of Specialized molecular imaging services centre (Development). Health Policy, 150,000,000 For Infrastructural Standards and support to Kigumo Regulations Hospital (Development). Ministry of Health Health Policy (2,340,000,00 Ksh. 2.34 Billion was Standard and 0) provided in FY 2019/20 Regulations supplementary on account of COVID-19. It was a World Bank funded project Committee OnEnergy 1152 State Department Power (519,000,000) Kshs. 260 of Energy Generation Geothermal Exploration and Development in the Rift Valley. Reduce Million under Coal Exploration and Development. Reduce Kshs. 155 Million under Nuclear Fuel Resources Exploration and Development. State Department Power (421,000,000) Reduce of Energy Transmission from 220 KV and Turkwel- Ortum - Kitale Distribution. Transmission Line. Reduce under 132 kV RabaiBamburiKilifi Transmission Line. State Department Power 256,000,000 Added Ksh 256 Million of Energy Transmission to Kenya Power and Transmission Expansion Distribution. Project -132 KV AwendoIsebania, 132 KV Sultan HamudLoitoktok and 220 KV IsinyaKonza. State Department Alternative (200,000,000) Kshs. 50 Million of Energy Energy under Hydro Dams Technologies. Water Catchment Re- afforestation. Reduce under Solar PV installation on institutions and or community boreholes. State Department Power 459,000,000 Allocate to Electrification and of Public Facilities under Distribution. Rural Electrification and Renewable Energy Corporation (REREC), under programme of Power Transmission and Distribution. The electronic version of the Official Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Hansard Editor. State Department Power 260,000,000 Allocate of Energy Generation. to Menengai Geothermal Development Project under Geothermal Development Company, under the programme of Power Generation. This is towards steam gathering works and drilling to achieve 105 MWe in Phase I and 60 MWe in Phase II. to Loiyangalani- and Marsabit 400kV Distribution. Transmission Line under the programme of Power Transmission and Distribution. State Department Exploration (694,000,000) Reduce Kshs. for Petroleum and 248.5Million under the Distribution of project Preparatory Oil and Gas. Activities for the Lokichar- Lamu Crude Oil Pipeline under programme of Exploration and Distribution of Oil and Gas. Reduce Kshs. 445.5 Million under the projectOil Exploration and monitoring, under programme of Exploration and Distribution of Oil and Gas. The electronic version of the Official Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Hansard Editor. State Department Exploration 694,000,000 Allocate to Petroleum Distribution of Exploration in Block Oil and Gas. 14T under the programme of Exploration and Distribution of Oil and Gas. Committee OnLabour AndSocial Welfare State Department Social (50,000,000) The society lacks the for Social Development capacity to absorb the Protection and Children funds based on the Services current financial Years' (Recurrent) reported by the State Department regarding the Society. State Department Manpower 40,000,000 The National for Labour Development, Employment promotion Employment Centre- Kabete to fast- and track completion of the Productivity project by the end of the Management Financial Year 2020/21. (Development) State Department Promotion of 55,000,000 For the completion of the for Labour the Best construction of Labour Occupational Health and Practice Safety Institute currently (Development) at 87.5 per cent completion. State Department Promotion of 15,000,000 For hosting African for Labour the Best Regional Labour Labour Administration Centre Practice (ARLAC) meeting 2020. (Development) The electronic version of the Official Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Hansard Editor. State Department Manpower 50,000,000 For coordination of for Labour Development, Labour migration Employment Management. and Productivity Management (Recurrent) State Department Accelerated 2,500,000,000 Kenya development for Development ASAL response to of ASAL Development displacement impact project -Donor funded Committee OnSports, CultureAnd TourismReport State department Sports (136,970,000) From Regional Stadia for Sports project. The project is being funded from the Sports, Arts and Social Development. State department Sports 136,970,000 To Kenya Academy of for Sports Sports Hostel project. Allocation will be utilized to complete the project and clear pending bills owed to the main contractor. State Department Culture 40,200,000 Allocated National of Culture Museums of Kenya for targeted research on the use of natural health products in the fight against Covid-19 PARLIAMENTAR Y SERVICECOMMISSION Joint Services General (300,000,000) Kshs. 300 Million from Administration the CPST (Dev.) , Planning and 400,000,000 Kshs. 400 Million Support Allocation to complete Services. works at Multi-storey office block The electronic version of the Official Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Hansard Editor. PSC (100,000,000) Purchase of building development Senate Senate Affairs Reduced from foreign (recurrent) (661,507,780) travel, Domestic travel, Training, hospitality and O & M 113,051,250 Increase allocation to County offices National Assembly National Reduced from foreign legislation and (1,362,386,57 travel, Domestic travel, representation 7) Training, hospitality and and oversight O & M (Recurrent) 635,886,352 Increase allocation to constituency offices Joint Services General Reduced from foreign Administration, (514,622,149) travel, Domestic travel, Planning and Training, hospitality and Support O & M Services. (recurrent) Joint Services Legislative Reduced from foreign training and (48,118,750) travel, Domestic travel, Knowledge Training, hospitality and O Management & M Committee OnJustice And LegalAffairs 1311 Registrar of 200,000,000 For political party's fund Political Parties (Payment of court awards) for Electoral and pending bills for Boundaries suppliers of goods and Commission services (Hon. Kimani Ichung'wah on 4.6.2020) (Resumption of Debate interrupted on 9.6.2020) There was nobody who was on the Floor. Hon. Kaluma had just spoken. Therefore, I go to the board. Member for Nakuru Town East. David Gikaria (Hon. David Gikaria) Thank you Hon. Speaker for giving me this opportunity to give my input to this very critical Motion. First, I would like to appreciate the members of my Committee and the co-operation that they gave during the budget-making process. Despite the very difficult situation we went through, the law stipulates that we have 21 days and remembering the number of Members sitting in a committee, it became very difficult. However, all the same, we completed the exercise on time and did some adjustments. Hon. Speaker, the budget under the two ministries - much as they are under-funded - if you look at the allocations that have been given to those two very important sectors, that is energy and petroleum, they have been declining over the years. We started with a high of almost Ksh120 billion some three or four years ago. However, now it is a paltry Kshs70 billion. Looking at the Government programmes and the energy sector being an enabler of the Big Four Agenda, I think it is part of why we expected that it would be given more money as we had indicated before the Budget and Appropriations Committee. Of course, we understand we have limited resources and so, as a Committee, we had to prioritize only the ongoing programmes. Hon. Speaker, as a Committee, we have also made it very clear to the respective Ministries that we will no longer be accepting new programmes if we have so many other programmes that are ongoing and yet, they do not have any budget allocation in any financial year. It is very sad to have over 20 transmission lines that are almost 80 to 90 per cent complete and yet they do not have an allocation. Yet, we are thinking of starting some other new programmes and allocating them billions. As a Committee, we have stopped some of those new programmes that were being brought so that we can be able to complete the ongoing ones. Moreover, we will be asking for a proper audit to be done in some of those things. You find that a programme that is almost 90 per cent complete is not given an allocation but, after one or two years, it is vandalized and it calls for funding when we restart that programme to almost 50 per cent. Yet, we required only 10 per cent. Therefore, as a Committee, we have put our feet on the ground and we have told the two respective Ministries under our oversight that we will no longer be doing that. Hon. Speaker, the continued delay in transmission and completion of some of those projects calls for unnecessary charges to the Government. At one point we had to pay quite a huge amount of money in hydro-power because the people who had been given some stations had already completed them. Therefore, as a Committee, much as we have been fighting to have low cost power, we have always tried to indicate that this Budget should go towards projects particularly on renewable energy which have very low costs of almost 70 dollars per kilometer per hour. Unfortunately, this is another area that we will be looking into this coming financial year. Hon. Speaker, we have Independent Power Producers (IPPs) who have signed agreements which are so punitive to our economy. Ministries enter into agreements with the IPPs knowing very well our consumption for electricity is less than 2,000 megawatts. They allow agreements to be signed year-in, year-out. Kenya Power and Lighting Company (KPLC) is forced to buy power that will not be sold. So, this is an area that we need to check. The Budget gave us an opportunity to try and resurrect KPLC. The backbone of our energy sector is the KPLC. If it is ailing, it will affect the entire energy sector. This is because they are supposed to buy electricity from KenGen. In turn, KenGen has to pay the Geothermal Development Company (GDC) because they are the ones who drill the wells. At the same time, KPLC has to pay wayleave charges to the Kenya Electricity Transmission Company (KETRACO) to continue keeping our lines safe. Lastly, they The electronic version of the Official Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Hansard Editor. have to pay electricity levy to the Energy and Petroleum Authority (EPRA). So, it is important for the Budget and Appropriations Committee to look into the debt owing to KPLC. About KshS11.9 billion is owed by the Government to KPLC. From that money, KPLC can pay some of its pending bills that are critical. There are negotiations that KPLC is undertaking to try and widen their repayment period with their financiers. Hon. Speaker, EPRA is supposed to regulate tariffs, but I think those regulations must be subjected to the Energy Committee. Whenever EPRA comes up with tariffs, it must bring them to the Energy Committee. Much as they are independent in terms of decision-making, it is unfair for them to push the lifeline. We want to assist Kenyans to pay electricity at a low cost and yet, we should do that having in mind the bearer of the cost. Therefore, when we increased the lifeline to the consumers from zero to 10 to 100, that took almost 90 per cent of KPLC customers to lifeline. At that point, KPLC can no longer sustain itself. So, it is something that we need to relook and assist. Hon. Speaker, the accounting officers within the relevant Ministry might think they are not very important people. They need to be checked. This is where we need to look deeply. They need to rein in some of those Government departments and agencies and stop accumulation of pending bills. Kenyans have worked hard and they spend their money and yet, we allow such huge pending bills to accumulate. This is despite there being, within each SAGA, internal auditors who can assist. The Ministry equally gets some allocation for monitoring and evaluation and yet, such is happening. One of the institutions, the National Oil Corporation of Kenya (NOCK), is on its knees. We could not believe because sometimes as a Committee, we depend more on the information given by ministries and agencies. Unfortunately, at some point, the finance manager in an institution last year told us the institution had made Kshs1.2 billion in terms of profit; only for him to come again with a new Managing Director and tell us that the same institution in the same financial year had made a loss of Kshs400 million. Hon. Speaker, then there is a problem within the Ministry where the evaluation and monitoring departments are not working to a point that we get cooked figures. As you had said, Hon. Speaker, as committees, we cannot be like auditors. We cannot walk into institutions and start asking for papers. Hon Members, I hope you recall the resolution we passed on 28th February and then on 2nd June so that every other Member speaking will have five minutes. We resolved that we will not limit the debate. Let us have Hon. Millie Odhiambo Thank you, Hon. Speaker for giving me the opportunity. At the outset, I support the Committee's Report. When the first Estimates were brought, we were concerned as the BAC that they were not COVID-19 friendly. It was more of budget-as-usual. It was not taking into account measures that are needed to address the issues facing the country. I am, however, glad that this is now trying to do so. Hon. Speaker, there are some issues that I have raised in the Committee which need to go on record. That increasingly the Budget must show equality and equity in the country. We are not seeing the face of Kenya in the disbursement of infrastructure. In the same manner, if you look at the blue economy which is good and is looking at the issue of the Big Four Agenda, but we are also dealing with the issue of COVID-19 response and especially food security… If you look at the traditional fisheries areas, there is not much emphasis and input. I would encourage the Principal Secretary for fisheries, who is my friend but is not behaving well in this regard, that he The electronic version of the Official Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Hansard Editor. needs to know that as we expand fishing, it does not mean we kill the traditional fishing areas. So, we want to see more resources of the blue economy going back to the traditional fishing communities as well. Hon. Speaker, Members have spoken on the need for clearing pending bills and our Committee has given recommendations. I think the Executive should take this more seriously. We had also suggested that a lot of the stimulus response to COVID-19, especially the ones aligned to the NG-CDF should use the constituency as a focal point. This is because, when you look at the stimulus package that was done in the Kibaki era, some of them are talked about up to now. At times, people wonder why the current MPs do not do much work. They do not realize that some of the work done then was because of the stimulus package that was given by the former President Hon. Mwai Kibaki and Hon. Raila Amolo Odinga. So, in the same manner, if we want to ensure effective results, we should use that as a unit. The other issue raised here is on the allocations to public participation. One of the things I happen to know as a Member of the BAC is that when you are talking about public participation and especially because of COVID-19, the public was supposed to respond to the advert by Parliament. In many of the areas, people did not respond and, as a Committee, we were then constrained in terms of work that we can do. In some areas, if the public asks for a classroom, you cannot give them a factory. In terms of public participation, the Committee was constrained and it could only do what the public requested. Finally, the Hon. Member from Nyandarua was talking about the need for expanding rural electricity because of our children who cannot study online. I would like to encourage the Ministry of Education to look at community-based approaches to education, especially in rural areas without electricity and cannot go online. Perhaps, we need to have village caucuses for children with retired or volunteer teachers who are unemployed. This has not been budgeted for and is one of the areas we should have looked into. The reality is that it might go up to September or beyond before our children can go back to school. Even though we do not want to look at a Supplementary Budget, maybe, this is something that should come up in the first Supplementary Budget. Japhet M. Kareke Mbiuki (Hon. Kareke Mbiuki) Thank you, Hon. Speaker. At the outset, I want to start by thanking the Departmental Committee on Environment and Natural Resource for putting in long hours despite the current prevailing situation of COVID-19, to come up with various recommendations on the Budget Estimates. I would also want to thank the Budget and Appropriations Committee for being extremely accommodative when we presented our Report. When we were scrutinizing this Budget, we came across various challenges bearing in mind that on 29th April, 2020, the Estimates which were tabled in this House continued mutating as we progressed. As I was presenting the Committee's Report to the Budget and Appropriations Committee, we were shocked to hear that there were further cuts in the Printed Estimates. When we adjusted within our basket, we also understood that the National Treasury was also not very comfortable with the recommendations that were done by our Departmental Committee and, hence, we were forced to revise. Going specifically to the various Ministries, Departments and Agencies (MDAs) and starting with the Department of Wildlife, it had a projection of Appropriations-in-Aid (A-in-A) of The electronic version of the Official Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Hansard Editor. Ksh4.6 billion expected to be achieved through the park fees by Kenya Wildlife Service (KWS). However, due to the COVID-19 situation, and bearing in mind that KWS earns its A-in-A through park fees, it may not be really tenable to achieve this. This shortfall will really affect KWS operations because those are monies which are expected for personnel emoluments, operation and maintenance activities and issues of human-wildlife conflicts. Arising from the above where KWS may not realize its projected A-in-A collection, there is a likelihood of a shortfall of Kshs3.68 billion. It is, therefore, very critical that the National Treasury provides KWS with funds to cater for this shortfall. We have a State Department of Mining which has a very big potential of more than Kshs500 billion in terms of A-in-A in a financial year. Despite it be under-funded the Department could only contribute Kshs1.6 billion to our economy. I am happy that Hon. Mwashako has sought a Statement because we realized quite a number of people who have been given licences to explore our natural resources are not doing so. Whatever they disclose to the Ministry is not satisfactory. Sometimes, it sounds ironical when you look at an entire State Department having a development vote of only Kshs300 million. You really wonder if it is worth becoming a state department or not. Bearing in mind it started as a stand-alone Ministry of Mining and later it was downgraded to a state department, it is grossly under-funded. Nevertheless, this State Department has very big potential. We are calling upon them to seal up any regulatory gaps which may be there and have been denying it A-in-A collection due to under-declaration by the mining companies. When you come to the Ministry of Environment and Forestry, we had a Presidential Directive of achieving 10 per cent tree cover by 2022. But it is also equally ironical that the National Treasury under the 2020/2021 Financial Year has allocated the Ministry of Environment and Forestry only Kshs240 million, whereas it had a projection of Kshs5 billion. Sometimes, the Government is just doing public relations because it is not able to walk the talk. It does not make sense when there is a Presidential Directive that is not followed by the National Treasury. We are in the era of COVID-19 and while seated here, we are all wearing masks. This is creating a lot of medical waste from face masks and Personal Protective Equipment (PPEs) across the country. The National Environment Management Authority (NEMA) requested for approximately Kshs470 million to come up with incinerators across the entire country. The same has not been provided. We sought the support of the Budget and Appropriations Committee to ensure we come up with measures on how to address the bio-medical waste which is emanating out of the COVID-19 PPEs. Likewise, under NEMA, we also requested that their Environmental Impact Assessment Fees be necessitated. Since the Government withdrew A-in-A for NEMA, it has never stood on its own feet again. It has been relying on the National Treasury Exchequer. What we are calling for - and we have the support of the parent Ministry - is for the National Treasury to reinstate A-in-A which NEMA used to collect so that it can be independent and undertake its mandate effectively. Coming to the Ministry of Water, Sanitation and Irrigation, I want to thank the National Treasury because it has gone out of its way to give reasonable funding, irrespective of the current situation. We realized we have quite a number of programmes which are low hanging fruits in our backyard like the National Water Harvesting and Storage Programme, the Cross-County Water Programme as well as National Expanded Irrigation Programme. Under the Ministry of Water, Sanitation and Irrigation, I want to thank the National Treasury because it has given them an extra Kshs2.6 billion to expand irrigation in the country. The electronic version of the Official Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Hansard Editor. Nevertheless, we have noted that the same has been captured under the community programme and we have received a correspondence from the Ministry of Water and Sanitation and Irrigation requesting that the same be under the National Expanded Irrigation Programmr. Hence, we shall be requesting for an amendment so that we can align the request of this Ministry when it comes to the Committee of Supply. Hon. Speaker, without further ado, I want to take this opportunity to thank the Budget and Appropriations Committee and especially its outgoing Chairman, Mhe. Kimani Ichung'wah, who has gone out of his way to ensure there is sanity in the sector and many Members can attest to the great work which he has been doing within the sector. With those many remarks, I beg to support. Member for Funyula. Maybe, Hon. Oundo, you would come and speak from here. It looks like there is a problem with that microphone. Wilberforce Ojiambo Oundo (Hon. (Dr.) Wilberforce Oundo) Thank you, Hon. Speaker. I hope my minutes have not been lost while walking from where I was to here. They start now. Okay. Thank you, Hon. Speaker. We are making a Budget within an unprecedented environment that has been thrust to us by factors beyond our control. Indeed, we did not generate corona. Corona visited us and now once the visitor is in the house, however a menace he or she is, you have to learn how to live with him or her until you find ways and means of kicking that nuisance visitor from our homesteads. Unlike the last financial year, there are so many uncertainties. Of course, many of us are worried that the proposals being presented here are unlikely to be achieved and that means there is going to be massive disorganization of activities and livelihoods in the country as we continuously adjust to the new reality in the way of supplementary budget cuts here and there directed to some other places. Let me also take this opportunity to thank the Budget and Appropriations Committee for the wonderful job they have done. Of course, there are issues of concern and I had expected that they would address them. Nevertheless, it is good to point them out. First, because of the pandemic and other factors, we seem to have directed a substantial part of our resources towards consumption as opposed to production. Many of us know if you do not produce, you do not expand well and you do not expand the economy. Nevertheless, we hope in the subsequent years once we have managed the pandemic, we will start shifting towards more production. The President has continuously talked of the Big Four Agenda and this is now becoming a tired song because, unless you fund it adequately, it is just going to be a song that is better sang probably in a church choir. It is inappropriate to commit all the funds to other sectors and forget to put funds in enablers to allow improvement of manufacturing and to allow development of housing; which are labour intensive and which generate employment and income. Going forward as a country and as a Parliament, save for the duty of making a budget, we must continuously interrogate the allocation of resources. I totally agree with the comments by the Parliamentary Budget Office that, with the reduction of VAT and other tax measures that we passed sometimes early this year, the revenue expected might not be achieved. The fear outside there is that the Government again is going to resort to heavy borrowing which is going to be detrimental to the local economy. We just hope the mandarins at the Treasury will now start to sit down and think critically on how to resolve the issue. The electronic version of the Official Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Hansard Editor. There has been a continued concern – and this concern is manifested in the budget that we have passed – of skewed allocation of resources and development in some areas at the expense of other areas. All over the country, you see quite a number of road projects but, in many parts of our world especially Busia, nobody bothers and yet, there are so many resources. The Constitution dictates that we must have equitable share of resources in this country. We call upon the National Treasury and all the Ministries, whenever they make budget proposals, they must ensure there is fair distribution of resources. All Kenyans pay taxes. It is unfair to put all the resources in one region and county and disenfranchise other counties and yet, we pay taxes, we vote and we participate in other activities. But when it comes to allocation of resources, there is nothing much. The congestion of trucks in Busia and Malaba towns is self-made by the national Government. We have other border crossing points and sometimes in 2009, when President Mwai Kibaki visited Busia County, he made a promise to open the Luanda crossing point. Ugandans have done their bit by building a road up to the river and yet on our side, nobody seems to care. Now, we are paying heavily for the congestion. As I conclude, I will also talk on the matter of health. In Busia, we have a serious crisis and we would want the Ministry of Health to really intervene. We now have a tally of about 300 imported COVID-19 cases. With the interaction they are having with the people, the moment it hits the ground and goes to our community with a county that has no intensive care unit beds or isolation beds, we are looking at a disaster. I wish to request the Department of Health to seriously relook and give Busia County enough resources to manage this pandemic. It is not our own making, but it has been thrust to us by the national Government. With those few remarks, I support. Thank you. Hon. Nyamai. Richard Ken Chonga Kiti (Hon. (Ms.) Rachael Nyamai) Thank you, Hon. Speaker. I rise to support the Motion. First of all, let me take this opportunity to thank the members of the Departmental Committee on Lands for the support that they have given me and also for taking time to ensure that they participate in the budget-making process from the Budget Policy Statement up to the Estimates. I would like to say that we have worked on this Budget and made a presentation to the Budget and Appropriations Committee. I would like to say that the Ministry of Lands and Physical Planning and the National Land Commission (NLC) are generally under-funded. I would like to give an example of the Ministry of Lands and Physical Planning which is involved in many activities that are geared towards supporting the Big Four Agenda. I would like to state that this Ministry receives Kshs6.1 billion. I say that cognizant of the fact that the Ministry should be able to argue for themselves within the sectoral meetings, but it is important that the House knows that this Ministry only receives Kshs6.1 billion. This Ministry also has the capacity to raise revenue to this Government and, currently, they are already past Kshs11 billion. I would like to bring this to the attention of the House and say that this is a Ministry that needs to be supported based on the fact that it is a revenue-generating Ministry and it has many programmes that would like to be supported. The NLC receives Kshs1.3 billion. We have been scrutinizing this budget with the parliamentary committee and as we support the current budget, we would like to say that we have advised the NLC that it needs to look at its programmes and also make a decision on exactly where they would like to start and where they would like to finish. This is because the NLC receives Kshs1.2 billion. When I was defending it in the Budget and Appropriations Committee, I stated that this is a parastatal that is spending over 80 per cent of their money on personnel emoluments, The electronic version of the Official Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Hansard Editor. 15 per cent on maintenance and 5 per cent on the rest. We have told them that the country has goodwill for the NLC and now that they have a new commission, they may want to relook at their programmes so that they can bring a budget which is easier to defend, looking at the fact that they have historical land injustices to deal with and they are the ones who are also dealing with compensation. Hon. Speaker, the budget for compensation does not entirely come from the National Land Commission, but the Ministries and Departments that are seeking land. However, after compensation, the Committee had requested for Kshs600 million for vesting of land. When the NLC has acquired land, for example, for a dam and the dam has been built, then it is important that they get a title, of course, to be secured at the National Treasury but in the name of that institution so that we avoid re-grabbing of public land. This has happened with roads that are managed by the Kenya National Highways Authority (KeNHA) and Kenya Rural Roads Authority (KeRRA) et cetera, where land is acquired but because there is no funding for vesting, the land is lost. This is something I would like to bring to the attention of the House. Hon. Speaker, if you look at the Budget Report, you will see that the report they have made on the Departmental Committee on Lands is the most important statement that our Committee has made at this time, as a recommendation. That the Ministry of Lands and Physical Planning has the capacity to collect a lot of money for this country and even fund other Ministries. But there is a gap on page 14 that was stated very well by the able Chair, Hon. Kimani Ichung'wah, whereby the Committee proposed that the Ministry fast-tracks the development of a digital revenue collection system to reduce leakages. Hon. Speaker, we have noticed as a Committee that this Ministry, as I said earlier, has the ability to collect funds. Currently, we are talking about Kshs11 to Kshs12 billion but, when you look at it, collections are done in cash. I remember one of the members of our Committee giving an example of Ruiru, where the Member for Ruiru, Hon. Simon King'ara, was saying that there is a court and next to it is the Ministry of Lands and Physical Planning. When you go to court, you cannot pay cash. But when you go to the Ministry of Lands and Physical Planning, they will collect cash. We have given them a deadline - and I am happy that the Budget and Appropriations Committee has stated clearly - that they must stop cash collection and put in place cashless ways of collecting money. The Committee has given them a deadline of July 2020 so that they are able to collect funds without collecting cash because we believe that they are losing a lot of money. Hon. Speaker, I would also like to go to the general deductions as stated by other Chairs. We realized that there was a change right from the Budget Policy Statement. There are reductions of Kshs58 million from the Ministry of Lands and Physical Planning, and Kshs51 million from NLC. Our concern was in terms of following the law, should this change. Just like the other Chairs, we are faced with a change on the last day of presentation of this Budget. The Ministry of Lands and Physical Planning is affected and has lost about Kshs500 million - for a Ministry which has a budget of Ksh6.1 billion which we are already saying is underfunded. To lose an extra Ksh500 million, we found it to be something that the House needs to note so that during the Supplementary Budget, the matter can be reconsidered, bearing in mind that their budget is only Ksh6.1 billion. Thank you very much, Hon. Speaker, for giving me the opportunity. I would like to, again, thank the Members of the Departmental Committee on Lands for their support and input in the Statements that I have made this evening. Hon. Gideon Ochanda, Member for Bondo. Gideon Ochanda Ogolla (Hon. Gideon Ochanda) Thank you, Hon. Speaker. The electronic version of the Official Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Hansard Editor. Hon. Speaker, I want to support the Report but, at the outset, I want to indicate that many of the problems that we have here is because of the National Treasury. Last time, there were complaints about reports not having been tabled on time and Members not being able to see some of these things. I think the biggest problem is the National Treasury. That is one thing that needs to be checked. The time it takes between the publication of the Estimates, basically within this month, there are a lot of activities. Most of those activities are not going on procedurally or properly because of the National Treasury. Departmental Committee Chairs are getting it difficult because of the back and forth movement in terms of changes that are proposed from time to time by the National Treasury. Even today, one of the complaints that we have in terms of the Report not being in place is because the National Treasury was coming up with changes on Thursday in the afternoon, and it was going to be very difficult for that to happen at the same time. So, I think the National Treasury needs to be checked in terms of the roles it plays in the budget-making process. It is making us look bad! It is making the life of Parliament very difficult. Last year, we reached a point where we were looking so bad to an extent of having the Judiciary go to court. It is like a court going to court for a decision. I think that was a precedent that might have not been realized anywhere. Hon. Speaker, there is the issue of economic stimulus. If you look at it, we have Kshs50 billion that is going towards the economic stimulus package that is proposed here. If you look at it, the National Treasury did not have any idea about this. They were prompted. This money was prompted by the Committee. After the prompt, the National Treasury came in with all manner of things. If you look at some of them, in my view, they are going to be a problem to this country. There are people who have lost jobs. There are also problems of the youth, who do not have jobs. However, in the economic stimulus package, we are providing money for purposes of stimulating the informal sector. A sum of Kshs3 billion was set aside for making desks and chairs for schools, beds, cleaning drainages and all that. If you look at all these things, where is the sustainability bit of it? Are we creating jobs for the young people to work for three months and then, thereafter, throw them out? What does that mean to the country? I think these are questions that need to be asked. So, there must be a way in which when we create a portfolio for purposes of getting money to support the youth and the informal sector, there is need to be an arrangement on how this is supposed to be sustained. If you do it in a manner that it works for one or three months and thereafter there is no money, even if you are making beds and desks for schools, cleaning drainages and stuff like that, at the end of it all, you will be throwing a much more larger number of youths from their jobs and you do not know how to sustain them. Hon. Speaker, the other thing I wanted to bring up is where we are going to place the issue of contingency and emergencies. We have new scenarios that many times are not anticipated in the name of emergencies. It has been mentioned here that, for example, in the Lake region, we are now experiencing reverse flooding. We have known that flooding takes place many times from the waters in the higher areas going down to the lower areas. But in the Lake region, we are experiencing both; one from the river but a much more serious one is from the lake itself. This has submerged good amounts of land and the economies of that area. All our landing beaches are down. For the lake water to go down, it may not be like the river flooding that we are normally used to. It may take two to three years for water in the lake to go down, if the situation we are in does not change. What happens? It means that we are talking about an emergency that is going to be permanent. How do we handle it? So, I think it is time that departments that handle issues of emergencies in this country look at what happens to situations that emerge and yet, they are likely to run on for a long period. An example is the reverse flooding that we have in Lake Victoria The electronic version of the Official Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Hansard Editor. Basin. As at now, we have lost all our beaches, buildings and landing sites that we had done some work on. They are all under water. It means, therefore, that new arrangements must be put in place. As we look at this phenomenon, we should discern what it means to the economies of those places. Again, under the economic stimulus package, there is a provision for roads. In each constituency, there is support for a particular road, particularly in the Lake region. If you look at those, what does one road to one landing beach mean to the rest of the constituency? In Bondo, for example, there is provision for a road leading to one landing beach, but I have 23 fish landing beaches. What happens to the other 22 when only one is supported? Under the economic stimulus arrangement, a lot of things need to be reviewed at the time of executing the entire package. Areas such as youth issues and unemployment need to be revisited. The economic areas that… Let us have the Member for Kieni. James Mathenge Kanini Kega (Hon. Kanini Kega) Thank you, Hon. Speaker for giving me this opportunity. From the outset, I thank the Committee for a job well-done. I support this Motion. I also thank the Departmental Committee on Trade, Industry and Cooperatives for the good work that they did under very extreme conditions to come up with the various recommendations. I put forward those recommendations to the Budget and Appropriations Committee (BAC) and they were very supportive. It remained as such. They were very supportive and said that we have to live within our means. We are living in very difficult times during the COVID-19 era. Many businesses have been interrupted and imports have been curtailed. We have learnt a lot. We have learnt that the country can be closed off from the outside world. Most of the things that we rely on coming from China, the United Kingdom (UK) and the United States of America (USA) have been curtailed. We found ourselves in a very awkward situation. Every challenge presents an opportunity. This is an opportunity that our country should seize and utilise. We need to buy and build Kenya. It is very unfortunate that even the masks that most of us are wearing today are imported. Those are very simple things that could be made locally. We are happy and proud that one of the agencies that we support, namely, Rivatex, has come up and is able to produce masks en masse for our people. During this period, we have been told that the Personal Protective Equipment (PPEs) that we have been importing from China are substandard. Those PPEs are produced locally and at half the price. The makers of this budget and especially the National Treasury should be alive to the fact that we need to build our country and support our industries. It should be projected in our budget. The budget does not strongly support industries and what we have been speaking about. Industry is one of the Big Four Agenda but unfortunately, it is not commensurate with the budget allocation. I just want to give a typical example. In the Supplementary I Budget, this House allocated Kshs2.6 billion for Special Economic Zones (SEZ) in Dongo Kundu in Mombasa and also SEZ in Naivasha. In Supplementary II, the entire allocation was withdrawn. The unfortunate thing is that the money had been sent to the various Semi-Autonomous Government Agencies (SAGAs) and they had commenced the procurement process. I do not even know the law that the National Treasury used to recall the money. It speaks volumes, to say the least, about the National Treasury. There is no way this Parliament can appropriate money, the National Treasury disburses the same amount and then recalls it when procurement is already in place. We have about 61 missions abroad in China, the UK, USA and in African countries. I want to bring to the attention of the House that in all the 61 missions that we have abroad, we only have four trade attachés. We have no trade attaché in China, London or even in our African countries. We have no trade attaché in Tanzania, and yet those are some of our biggest trading partners. Every The electronic version of the Official Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Hansard Editor. other day, we complain that we have a trade imbalance in favour of other countries. The work of trade has now been left to ambassadors who are busy with other things. In every mission abroad, there is a security attaché. There is a person from the National Intelligence Service (NIS). We have not given preference to trade attaches. I am happy that when I made this proposal to the BAC, they were able to consider about Kshs100 million which we are grateful for. We will at least get five or so attaché in those foreign missions. I do not know whether we should talk about "after COVID-19" because it started as an epidemic and now it is a pandemic. In future, it might be endemic. We might have to live with it. If we are to get out of this, we have to look for ways and means of how we will export our products. Who will promote the products? It is the trade attachés who will be stationed in the embassies abroad. We made various recommendations of how we can support our milk industry. I thank this House because we have been able to modernise the New Kenya Cooperative Creameries (KCC). The reason we focus on the New KCC is that it is a buyer of the last resort. It is not like the other commercial entities. The New KCC always mops up the excess milk. We are happy because they have helped in stabilising the prices of milk. In this financial year, we had allocated about Kshs500 million for mopping up excess milk. We forgot that to convert this milk, you need modern equipment. The equipment at the New KCC is obsolete. I am happy that in this financial year, there was a consideration for money to buy equipment, so that we can modernise the New KCC and it can now compete with other private companies. Finally, moving forward, the National Treasury should work very closely with the ministries. When the Ministry of Industry, Trade and Cooperatives appeared before us, they could not read from the same page with the National Treasury. They had their own proposals whereas the National Treasury had different proposals. In future, before they present their budget estimates, there should be concurrence. They should make sure that they also consider the Big Four Agenda. With those many remarks, this challenge has presented an opportunity that we as a country need to seize and make sure that we buy and build Kenya. Let us have the Member for Homa Bay. Gladys Wanga (Hon. (Ms.) Gladys Wanga) Thank you very much, Hon. Speaker for this opportunity. I would like to support the Report of the Budget and Appropriations Committee. We are doing this budget at a unique time. We have not had a situation like this, not just in the history of this country, but of the world. The world and our country have been jolted to reality. Even as we go through this budget, we must warn Kenyans that it will be a time to tighten our belts. Looking at the Budget Report, our Gross Domestic Product (GDP) growth projections have been revised downwards to only 2.5 per cent in 2020 and 5.8 per cent in the new year, bringing it to an average of 4.8 per cent in the 2020/2021 Financial Year. We had been hoping that by this time, we would be running at a double digit growth rate as a country. We are faced with a weak healthcare system, weak emergency response and lack of data to have an effective response. As a Member of the Departmental Committee on Labour and Social Welfare, one of the biggest challenges faced in terms of identifying those who are vulnerable is the lack of data. We must be able to know which Kenyans are vulnerable. How many are they? Where are they? What are they doing at the moment? What are their contacts? Every time we have an emergency of this sort, we go back to our chiefs and deputy county commissioners (DCCs) and we end up with data that is forever skewed. I would like to state that this is what the Huduma Number was supposed to resolve. Wherever it is, this matter should be concluded, so that we can know where Kenyans are and what The electronic version of the Official Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Hansard Editor. Page 100 of Hansard Report - Tuesday, 9th June 2020 (A) - Afternoon Sitting.pdf they are doing, so that in the event of an emergency such as what we are facing, the response is prompt. Hon. Speaker, I would like to speak to the issue of public participation as defined in Article 221 of the Constitution. We disbanded the Budget and Appropriations Committee midway in the last Parliament because there was the thought or feeling that the Members of the Budget and Appropriations Committee had a way of getting an advantage over other Members. We must conduct public participation which is not the view of the Member. It must be the view of the public outside the realm of the Member. That is the reason we have that provision in the Constitution. If in the event that Members feel that other Members are advantaged, there will be a problem such as what we had in the last Parliament. I want to speak about the Economic Stimulus Programme, which is allocated Kshs53.7 billion. This is not enough, but it is appreciated because it is a step in the right direction. The programmes must be designed in a gender friendly manner. We have young men and women. When you talk about the Kazi Mitaani Programme and people are removing garbage from a place, the functions are more male related than women can do, and this becomes a problem. The Economic Stimulus Programmes must not leave anyone behind. I have seen with appreciation that part of the allocation within the Economic Stimulus Programme will go towards flood mitigation. People are saying that they will no longer accept that there are floods after every year and then you take them food and blankets. We are looking at long-term solutions. We are thankful that there is an allocation towards the Soin-Koru Dam, which is much appreciated. There is also allocation for dykes which we hope will be constructed in Homa Bay County all the way from Karachuonyo, Rangwe, Suba North and Suba South constituencies. We will use this money to construct dykes and gabions which will deal with flooding in the long-term. The focus on creation of employment, food security and health coverage is on point. Thank you, Hon. Speaker, for giving me this opportunity to contribute. The Member for Kitui Central, you have the Floor. Hon. Makali Mulu ( Kitui Central, WDM-K): Thank you, Hon. Speaker, for giving me the chance to say something about the budget. As a Member of the Budget and Appropriations Committee, I support the Motion. This year has not been easy in the budget-making process basically because of what is happening in the country. We need to single out that we experienced a number of challenges in making this budget. We had to change the budget many times. We must really appreciate the patience of the Chairpersons of the Departmental Committees. We called them so many times to come and discuss the budget with us. At the same time, we must also appreciate the Parliamentary Service Commission (PSC). If you read through this budget, the PSC released a lot of resources to support COVID-19 related activities. That cannot be assumed. Before I go to the technical issue, I want to remind the House that we passed the Budget Policy Statement (BPS) in February. We approved some amendments to the tax laws in April. We are discussing the Budget Estimates now. It is obvious that the BPS and Budget Estimates are not aligned because we had to factor in the Economic Stimulus Programmes and emergency response issues. As we move forward, there will be challenges in achieving the projected revenue in the country. I propose that as a House, we need to keep a keen eye on the following. Having reduced some of the tax rates, we have to be very careful in the way we collect our taxes. Otherwise, we will not achieve the targets. On that note then, there will also be need to look at the projected targets and outputs as per the current budget. Because of this nature of the budget-making process, we did not align the targets and outputs with the amendments that The electronic version of the Official Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Hansard Editor. we made. It will be important for the departmental committees to take time and make sure that they are aligned, as we move forward, for purposes of monitoring and evaluation. If you look at some of the ministries, departments and agencies (MDAs), there is duplication in projects. For example, if you look at the State Department for Arid and Semi-Arid Lands (ASALs), State Department for Crop Development and Agriculture Research and the State Department for Water Services, there is some duplication. If we sort out this issue, we will easily save administrative expenses. As a House, this is an area that we need to apply our minds to make sure that we do not have a budget where we will spend so much on administrative expenses. The other point is public debt. I just want to give very specific examples. Our public debt to revenue ratio has gone beyond the international recommended threshold. When you look at the public debt to export ratio, we have gone above the recommended threshold. About three weeks ago, Kenya was degraded from being moderate in credit risk to high level. These are clear borders that this House needs to apply its mind to the public debt. I remember at some point, you recommended that we needed a committee to look at this. I want to encourage the Departmental Committee on Finance and National Planning to take time and apply their minds to the public debt. If it is not done, this is a big threat to this country. We, as a House, cannot ignore it. There is another point which is very important. When you look at this budget, we have allocated some money for the Nairobi Metropolitan Service, which is Kshs28.4 billion. The truth of the matter is that this money is supposed to come from the county government, but it is now in this budget. We need to monitor very keenly to make sure that when the money is spent, we do not have double funding of the same activity. That is important for this country. As I conclude, because of the time constraint, it is important that we monitor the implementation of public debt and public participation. Let us now hear the Member for Kathiani. Hon. Members, I am following the request list and everyone will speak to this Motion. So, do not worry. Your time is preserved. First, I support the Report of the Budget and Appropriations Committee. We are dealing with a very unique time. I appreciate that we are making this budget during a time when we have major difficulties, but the country is looking upon us for support. There is serious expectation from the nation for support from this House. The difficulty stems from last year when we had locust invasion. The Coronavirus disease hit our borders early this year. We also had floods in the recent past. Basically, there are serious challenges that we, as a nation, face. However, the citizens of this country expect a lot from this House. A survey was done recently. Apparently, from the report that I saw in the media, only 19 per cent of Kenyans think that this House is seized of the matters of COVID-19. That means that 81 per cent do not think that we are doing anything. They think that we are sleeping on the job. Kenyans need to understand, and maybe that is where we need to strengthen our public relations as Parliament, that every law or regulation that is being applied in this nation to assist Kenyans during this hard time was passed in this House. Kenyans do not seem to know that. There are people or groups that they rank very highly like the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Interior and Coordination of National Government. But all those regulations come through this House. This House passes them to allow for mitigation against the COVID-19 pandemic. In fact, the laws, for example, that help in mitigating this The electronic version of the Official Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Hansard Editor. pandemic to help Kenyans who are suffering, like those that allowed for the reduction of the Income Tax from 30 per to 25 per cent and that of the Value Added Tax (VAT) from 16 per to 14 percent, were done in this House. Even the abolition of tax for people who earn less than Kshs24,000 was done in this House. But Kenyans out there think that this House is asleep and that we are doing nothing. Maybe, it is important for Kenyans to know that even if we were to go to war as a nation, this House would have to approve that. The Members of the House would not necessarily be leading the squads in shooting. It is important for Kenyans to know that we have a role that we are playing to the best of our ability. I would imagine that we have performed at least over 80 per cent of our roles. The trick here is that when COVID-19 hit the country, Kenyans expected the Members of Parliament to be leading from the frontline. What they do not understand is that we can only pass the budget and other regulations that allow them to have money to sustain themselves during this time. But we will not be the ones going out there because even the Ministry of Health regulations say that we must ensure that we give each other space - in other words, social distance - by avoiding being in crowds, going out and staying at home as much as possible. When Kenyans see Members of Parliament at home, they assume that they are asleep and are not working. It is important for Kenyans to know that even Members of Parliament can get the Coronavirus. So, when you see us not coming out to the streets, it is because we know that we attract crowds and this will be a breach of the law. Unfortunately, if one person gets infected in such a scenario, it could spread to many other people and we could be the cause if we go out. Let them understand that not going out regularly does not mean that we are not playing our role since it is being played in this House. Hon. Speaker, COVID-19 has really damaged the country. It affects both the income and expenditure of the budget. The income of the nation will obviously drop because we have given too many tax incentives and thus the tax collector will definitely experience losses. Businesses have also been affected. Let us have the Member for Wajir West. Ahmed Kolosh Mohamed (Hon. Ahmed Kolosh) Thank you, Hon. Speaker, for giving me this opportunity. From the outset, I would like to support this Motion by the Budget and Appropriations Committee and thank the two departmental committees that took part in the making of this budget despite the many challenges occasioned by the COVID-19 pandemic to the threats of de-whipping the Chairman of the Budget and Appropriations Committee. I thank him and his Committee that despite all that, they have done a good job. Hon. Speaker, resources in this country are allocated in a manner that cannot be explained to the public properly because ministries and departments prioritise projects that might, to some extent, be concentrated in some counties. It is important that constituencies, counties and regions of this country grow at par, so that nobody feels neglected. For example, the constituency that I represent had only less than Kshs100 million in last year's budget while other constituencies have been taking billions. One of the things that we must ensure in this House is equity in sharing the resources of this country. The Kshs53 billion that was given through the Economic Stimulus Programme must be taken to the constituencies because there are no constituencies that have been less affected by this pandemic than others. It will be very unfortunate to again see some constituencies that we The electronic version of the Official Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Hansard Editor. represent, will not benefit like others that we neighbor, yet they face the same problem. On the issue of food security people who depend on livestock products and livestock trade are really suffering from low incomes. I also want to thank the Budget and Appropriations Committee and the Departmental Committee on Agriculture and Livestock for reallocating Kshs92 million to Wajir Livestock Training Institute. This institute was created through a presidential directive in 2016 and it will be foolhardy for students who want to study livestock issues to come to Naivasha from Marsabit, Mandera and Samburu, when all they want to study is camels and camel diseases. It is important that money has been reallocated for the expansion of that institution which is very critical for the economic development of that region. Hon. Speaker, I belong to the Departmental Committee on Administration and National Security and one of the most asked questions by the Members of this House to this Committee is: When will the administrative units whether sub-counties and sub-locations that were gazetted be implemented? The Statement that has just been issued by the Chair of that Committee was about resources and the answer we normally give is: "When the National Treasury allocates the resources", and yet we know that budgets are made in this House. The areas we represent, especially those facing insecurity issues and which border terror zones, cannot be operationalised simply because of an excuse that there is lack of resources when our people are being killed daily by terror groups from across the country. Because of time, I want to inform the Ministry of Education, because it is only COVID-19 that has been an equalizer, that schools in northern Kenya will not reopen in September because of terror issues. It is important that even as we think about COVID-19 and its effects, we also think about the problems of insecurity. Proceed, the Member for Seme. James Nyikal (Hon. (Dr.) James Nyikal) Thank you, Hon. Speaker, for giving me this opportunity. Let me start by appreciating the Committee's work and the fact that this time, when committees were looking at the budget proposals, we did not have a plenary. That is why committees were able to work into greater amount of details. This Report was brought here today with some amendments, which I support, which are to do with public hearings, economic stimulus and the money for supporting COVID-19 programmes. It also looked at flood-prone areas. I want to point out one area that experiences flooding every year. We really must find a way of dealing with this once and for all. I support the funds that were put in the Soin-Koru Dam. Although it was meant to be Kshs1 billion, but was reduced to Kshs500 million, this project should be completed. If it is done, we will not see the Nyando floods again. It will also generate electricity and be used for irrigation. This was done for a good reason. However, Hon. Speaker, we also know that we have marked down our expected growth. In my mind, looking at COVID-19, people are talking of September, but going by similar incidences that have occurred before in the world, we really must be even looking at two years or at best one year. The impact may even last longer than that. So, we must be careful about the 5.6 per cent growth rate we are talking about. At the same time, we have a budget deficit of 7.3 per cent of the GDP and a big public debt. The figure that was given is to the tune of Kshs900 billion. That is The electronic version of the Official Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Hansard Editor. huge. It is almost half our budget. Of this, I am told, 51 per cent is interest. We must look at this. That is still excluding our pending bills. So, we must look at the budget carefully. In my mind, we are likely to have Supplementary budgets. The other danger is that we may find misuse of funds in expenditures that were approved here. I know the situation is dire, but we must really avoid that. One thing I need to talk about very seriously is the issue of the COVID-19. It is a new virus that nobody knows how it behaves. It looks like it is behaving differently in Africa. Maybe God is on our side, but the data is not clear yet. A lot of money has been allocated to tackle it. I know we have the COVID-19 Fund. We have allocated Kshs5 billion to the counties to prepare themselves. Two dangers that we must look at are that we may spend so much money, rightly, of course, to prepare, but in my view, the strengthening of the health systems going towards the Universal Health Care (UHC) must be looked at. We must spend money in such a way that the preparations we make and the facilities we put in place, later on when the pandemic is over, we can put them into use and make UHC a reality. Every time, we talk about strengthening and reforming the National Hospital Insurance Fund (NHIF), but there is one thing that this country has not accepted to say. When we effect the UHC through insurance, we must look at mandatory insurance at the same time support indigence and people who cannot afford it. That is the problem we have. What do we do to people amongst us who need help at times? So, that is important. If we can pay for indigence, then everybody else must have mandatory insurance. That is the only way we are going to get UHC through insurance. We need to do that, but not ignore other areas like vaccination, HIV and TB. Those dangers are still there as we focus on COVID-19. We must look at COVID-19, but also look at… Let us hear the Member for Wundanyi. Danson Mwashako Mwakuwona (Hon. Danson Mwashako) Asante sana, Mhe. Spika kwa kunipa nafasi hii. Naanza kwa kuunga mkono Hoja hii. Kama mmoja wa wanakamati wa Kamati ya Bajeti, naipongeza Kamati hii ikiongozwa na Mhe. Ichung'wah kwa sababu tunapitia nyakati ngumu na tumefanya bajeti hii kwa mazingira ambayo ni magumu sana. Pia, nashukuru Wenyeviti wa Kamati zote za Bunge ambazo zilikuja mbele yetu zikatukabidhi mapendekezo yao. Ulikuwa wakati mgumu lakini tunashukuru kwa sababu tumefika. Nyakati tunazopitia kama nchi ni ngumu. Dunia nzima inapambana na kirusi ambacho, vile wengine wamesema, hatuwezi kukitambua. Kimekuja, tuko nacho na hatujui kitaondoka lini. Wakati wa kufanya bajeti ilitubidi tuangalie kwa makini mapendekezo yaliyotoka katika Hazina kuu ya Kitaifa. Mara ya kwanza, tulipoletewa makadirio na Hazina kuu ya Kitaifa, tuliketi tukakataa mapendekezo yao maanake hawakuwa wameangazia mambo ya kuinua uchumi tena baada ya COVID-19 na hawakuwa wameangazia pesa ambazo zinatakikana ziende kwa idara ya afya ya kuinua hospitali zetu na kuona kwamba tuko tayari kama nchi kupigana na janga la Corona. Tulipokataa mapendekezo yao ya kwanza, ilikuwa ni fursa nzuri kwenda kuketi na kutathmini yale tuliyoyapendekeza. Kwa mfano, tulitaka kujua ndani ya bajeti hii ya kiwango cha Kshs2.7 trilioni ni pesa ngapi zingeenda kupigana na janga hili. Waliporudi, walikuja na Kshs53 bilioni wakatuambia wamezipanga kulingana na vile tuliona inastahili. Mojawapo ya mambo waliyoyasema ni kuwa kuna pesa walitenga kwa kazi mitaani. Ni tumaini la wengi kama Wabunge kazi hizi ziende kwa vijana wetu ambao hawana ajira na zifanywe sawa kwa nchi nzima. Mara ya kwanza ilikuwa ziende kwa miji mikuu. Lakini tunavyojua, hakuna mahali nchini hakujapata shida The electronic version of the Official Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Hansard Editor. hii. Kwa hivyo, tunatazamia kwamba kazi mitaani zitaenda kila eneo la wakilishi Bunge ili vijana wetu wapate ajira. Jambo lingine ningetaka kusema sana na ambalo ningetaka liingie katika datari za Bunge ni kuwa raslimali za Kenya mara nyingi zinalenga maeneo fulani. Bajeti hii ina pesa nyingi ambazo zimekadiriwa. Lakini tukiangalia miradi ambayo imewekwa na imetiliwa maanani, kuna sehemu fulani zinapata mgao mkubwa. Kwa mfano, katika sekta ya barabara, mwaka huu nilidhani kwamba maeneo ambayo hayana barabara za lami yangewekwa ndani ya bajeti hii. Aya 16 imetaja Wundanyi kama mojawapo ya maeneo Bunge ambayo hayana barabara ya lami. Kwa sababu ya COVID-19 nilikubali kuwa mwaka huu tutakosa lami. Lakini naomba Bunge hili litilie maanani sehemu ambazo zimebaki nyuma sana kimaendeleo, sana sana katika miundomisingi ya barabara. Jambo ambalo lilinitia kiwewe sana ni kwamba mwaka huu pia nilitarajia mradi wa Mzima II utatengewa pesa. Lakini Waziri alinihakikishia kwamba kwa wiki mbili zijazo, kuna makubaliano yanayoendelea kati ya Wizara na wafadhili kutoka China na kwamba mradi huo utapata ufadhili. Haya ni mambo mazito. Wacha kila sehemu ya Kenya ipate kuwa sawa na nyingine ili kila Mkenya ambaye analipa kodi ajihisi kuwa anafaidika kutoka kwa kodi. Namaliza kwa kusema kwamba ni lazima miundomisingi ya afya izidi kutiliwa mkazo. The Member for Mathare, you have the Floor. Thank you, Hon. Speaker. I rise to support the Motion. I would like to begin by talking about the economic stimulus package. Like most Members have said, the jury is still out there on whether this economic stimulus package is sufficient to spur the kind of economic growth and prevent economic depression that is intended. Let me highlight areas I think are quite pertinent in the economic stimulus package that affect constituencies and informal settlements like Mathare Constituency, where I come from. In the economic stimulus package, there are provisions to ensure that there is water supply in informal settlements, something that has been going on during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Supply of free water to informal settlements is not only going to ensure the general overall health of the people down there, but we will avoid the kind of pandemic situation that we have. In the economic stimulus package, we also have provisions for roads and infrastructure especially access roads. It is hoped that some of the constituencies in informal settlements such as Mathare Constituency and the slums around will benefit from the funds that have been set aside. It will not only improve the roads, but will also create employment and engage the young people. It will also ensure that money circulates in the economy. I support this economic stimulus package based on what has been allocated to the environment particularly the K azi Mtaani initiative that has been ongoing in my constituency and about 3,000 people have benefited. Hon. Ochanda has raised a concern over the sustainability of this initiative and these are issues that we must address in the long-term. Credit should be given where it is due. In the short-term, money will circulate and young people in my constituency, who are out of employed because the factories they go to for casual work have closed down, can fall back on this. This will keep them away from drugs and insecurity. I have looked at what the economic stimulus has allocated to the Information Communication Technology (ICT) sector which is crucial for the youthful population. I think it is not enough to employ ICT experts to support the education sector. I hope this will do something on online learning now that our children are home for an indefinite period of time and we are not The electronic version of the Official Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Hansard Editor. sure they will go back to school this year. We hope this will meaningfully engage young people and improve infrastructure for online learning Hon. Speaker, there is an area that the economic stimulus ought to have addressed. In another programme item, I can see a reduction in allocation where they should have made an increase. They ought to have looked at studios and sinema mashinani because these are areas that capture the young people in informal settlements such as my constituency. Lastly, I support the idea of money allocated for additional desks. However, it should have been corresponding money increased or full allocation made to a tune of 2.5 per cent normally provided to the National Government - Constituencies Development Fund (NG-CDF), so that constituencies can match the desks with the infrastructure. On health, an allocation of Kshs111 billion has been made, but I wish in their itemised programme budget, they could have made provision for mental health. In this case, I am referring to the Mathare Mental Hospital that has perennially been made to depend on the Ministry without any allocation. The Member for Wajir County, you have the Floor. Fatuma Gedi Ali (Hon. (Ms.) Fatuma Gedi) Thank you, Hon. Speaker. From the outset, I want to thank… I said the Member for Wajir County. Hon. Speaker, from the outset, I want to support the Motion. I want to thank the Chairman and the Members of the Budget and Appropriations Committee. It was a difficult moment because we sat for two weeks with masks on. I also appreciate the departmental committees. I also want to thank His Excellency the President, for being sensitive to the Kenyan economy and supporting the small-scale farmers, hotel industry and the youth. Hon. Speaker, you can see in the budget that the Teachers Service Commission (TSC) has been heavily funded. We have a lot of challenges with the TSC in the North Eastern region. I hope with this funding, TSC will bring back teachers to the region, so that children in north eastern can also benefit from education. The Ministry of Interior and Coordination of National Government has also been heavily funded. As leaders, we can help this country achieve security especially at the border areas. I want to request the Ministry of Interior and Coordination of National Government to prioritise the newly gazetted administrative units on the border areas, so that we can curb and fight terror activities in the region. The youth department has also been well funded and as a Member of the Kenya Youth Parliamentarian Association (KYPA), I am happy to see money going to the youth across the country. With this funding, we must prioritise policies that will ensure that the allocation benefit the youth. Hon. Speaker, Members have talked about skewed allocation of resources. As the Budget and Appropriations Committee, we noted duplication of resources in various ministries. The ministries should have a coordinated way of working such that they know where the resources go The electronic version of the Official Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Hansard Editor. to. We particularly had an issue with the Ministry of East African Community and Northern Corridor Development. We allocate money to regional authorities that do not even have policies. After we allocate money to the ministries, I want to request departmental committees to oversee and audit where the resources go to. We must ensure that the allocations to the ministries are well appropriated. We observed that the Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission (EACC) and the office of the Controller of Budget got huge allocations. They must help fight corruption in this country. They should ensure that the money that is allocated is well appropriated. There was, however, no skewed allocation. With the joint efforts of the departmental committees, the Budget and Appropriations Committee and the ministries, the issue of duplication of resources can be resolved. Thank you, Hon. Speaker. Let us hear the Member for Ndhiwa. Martin Peters Owino (Hon. Martin Owino) Thank you, Hon. Speaker. I want to thank the Budget and Appropriations Committee for a job well done. Hon. Ichung'wah, kudos. I want to speak on an item that concerns the Departmental Committee on Health. (Hon. Peter Kaluma consulted loudly) Hon. Speaker, protect me from Hon. Kaluma. I want to say kudos to the Chairperson, Departmental Committee on Health, and the team because we have fought for this for a long time. On 27th April 2001, all Heads of State went to Abuja and resolved that health financing is critical to preparation of our health systems for any eventuality of disease outbreak. To date, 19 years later, we are not even halfway of what was declared - At least15 per cent of our GDP going for healthcare financing. I would have liked to see at least Kshs124 billion and not Kshs111 billion allocated to health, so that our healthcare systems can be strengthened. I am talking about the four levels of care. If you go to a dispensary today, many people are either having delayed diagnosis, misdiagnosis or wrong diagnosis which leads to wrong treatment. Crude deaths in this country are high. If the Ministry was to highlight them the way they are doing for COVID-19, you will be surprised. Heath was put as one of the four agendas. I had hoped that money would have followed that. When we pushed for the ceiling to be extended, we were told that that was the ceiling and it could not be extended. When you seal the budget for health, you are sealing the lives of Kenyans. Funding all these sectors with a sick nation does not make sense. So, let us review and increase the heath budget and everything else will follow. We cannot expect a healthy economy in a sick nation. The other item is on Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET). COVID- 19 has shown us that technical training is the only solution that can help us get out of calamities such as this one. Therefore, the Kshs150 million that is being taken to, I do not know where, should be taken back to TVET, so that we can continue training our children. Lastly, ICT is the way to go. I want to appeal that the Kshs130 million being taken out of its budget should be returned, so that we can have digital literacy going on. With those remarks, I support. Hon. Murugara, it is your chance. George Gitonga Murugara (Hon. George Murugara) Thank you, Hon. Speaker. As we move towards concluding this, out there, the discussion is that we are working on a depression budget. I wish to submit that this is not a depression budget. In fact, it is possibly going to be a great deal from Hon. Kimani Ichung'wa and his team. They have spent time to come up with a budget that is going to The electronic version of the Official Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Hansard Editor. move our country from what we are into possibly a brighter future. We have a budget for the Executive, Parliament and the Judiciary and we have allocated money towards Recurrent and Development Expenditure in the three arms of the Government. We are in extraordinary times where the COVID-19 pandemic will make us not achieve what we aim to achieve. However, we have to do the best that we can. We have set aside a lot of money for development. It is the wish of this House to see that all money allocated for development goes to development as envisaged. Rural areas usually suffer a lot from these budgets. I have been on this for the last three years. Unlike urban areas, rural areas are left behind. I speak for my constituency, Tharaka. In this budget, I am looking at electricity, which needs to be supplied in all areas, so that we can catch up with the rest of Kenya. I am looking at water, roads and titling of land. Let there be equality and equity in distribution of funds during the budget-making process so that all areas of Kenya attain development as is desired. Before I conclude, it is important to point out two matters. One, while this budget is going to be under the control of the National Treasury, let us not use it to muzzle the other arms of Government. We know for sure that the Judiciary has been crying for funds to implement its development agenda. I sit in the Departmental Committee on Justice and Legal Affairs and most of the times, the Judiciary's budgetary allocations are deducted during supplementary budgets and in other ways. Let all the money that has been allocated to an arm of Government go to that arm of Government, including what comes to us through the NG-CDF. The NG-CDF is the only way that equitable development can reach the countryside right into the grassroots. Finally, it is important to point out that we have an escalating debt. It is growing day by day and night by night. Unless our appetite for borrowing is arrested and we are able to control our debt ratio, we are likely to become mortgaged to our creditors. We risk our country being foreclosed, God forbid. With those remarks, I support the Motion. Thank you. Let us hear the Member for Ijara. Sophia Abdi Noor (Hon. (Ms.) Sophia Noor) Thank you, Hon. Speaker, for giving me this chance to contribute to this very important Motion. From the onset, I want to appreciate and thank the Budget and Appropriations Committee. Under very difficult circumstances, locally and globally, the Committee was able to sit down and look at the issues that affect this country. We know we face a public health crisis. Having said that, I have some concerns particularly on my constituency. I want to thank and congratulate the Committee for the good work. The health sector should have been given the highest priority. Going through the Report of the Committee, I do not see serious commitment and allocation of resources to the health sector, considering the disasters that we face at this unique time in our lives. I know the Government has tried so much, particularly the CS for Health. When he came on board under very difficult circumstances, he started putting his house in order. There are county governments that have done a good job in terms of preparation with the little resources that they have. I can cite Mombasa County Government which has done so well in preparations. Congratulations to Governor Ali Joho. I want to tell other governors who are sleeping on their job to emulate Hassan Ali Joho. I also want to thank the Departmental Committee on Environment and Natural Resources. They have burned the midnight oil. But we are worried as a Committee. When you look at the Mining Department, it is a very important department which can transform this country in a big way. When you allocate only Kshs300 million to that kind of department, then it cannot even The electronic version of the Official Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Hansard Editor. monitor the resources that we have. It cannot even go after the people stealing our resources because it does not have the capacity to go around the country. It is really important that when we prioritise our issues, we must look at the areas which will generate resources like mining. There are some countries that put all their budgets and resources on mining. The State Department for Wildlife has projected to raise up to Kshs4.6 billion, but because of the challenges that we face like lack of tourism activities in this country, it generates only 20 per cent. That 20 per cent cannot sustain operations, maintenance and salaries for the Kenya Wildlife Society. We made resolutions as a House when there were a lot of questions and concerns raised by Members on compensation due to human-wildlife conflicts. Now we cannot finance those resolutions. Those Questions should not come back to this House. The resolutions should be funded. I can see my time is running out and I have not touched on my constituency. My constituency has a lot of challenges in terms of water, health and roads. We are not able to get… Member for Ol Jorok. Michael Mwangi Muchira (Hon. Michael Muchira) Thank you, Hon. Speaker for giving me this opportunity to speak to this issue. I want to join my colleagues in congratulating the Budget and Appropriations Committee for the good job they have done. As my colleagues have said before, this is a unique budget which has been prepared under extraordinary circumstances. As the Leader of the Majority Party rightly put it, this pandemic has no known timeline. As a Member of the Departmental Committee on Labour and Social Welfare, I want to speak to the issue of the Inua Jamii Cash Transfer. This is a fund whose first lot was recruited in 2017. We have been pushing for recruitment of more elderly members who were left out. It is now three years since 2017 and many citizens have reached the age of 70. Many Members have been facing the situation of being asked by those senior citizens when they would be recruited into the Inua Jamii Cash Transfer Programme. The same applies to orphans and vulnerable children (OVCs) and people with severe disabilities. This House, therefore, needs to look into that issue to ensure that more money is availed to the Inua Jamii Cash Transfer Programme, so that our senior citizens, OVCs and people with severe disabilities benefit from it. On that note, senior citizens were promised that they would be covered by the National Hospital Insurance Fund. This, therefore, takes me to the issue of the universal healthcare whose pilot programme was launched in four counties. It is time the universal healthcare is rolled out to all the other counties, so that senior citizens who are not able to cater for their medical bills are rightly covered. The issue of pending bills is well addressed in the Report. However, of importance is the issue of institutions of higher learning and universities which deduct statutory deductions from their staff, but are not able to remit them. This is a time bomb which needs to be addressed. I hope the Departmental Committee on Education and Research, together with the Ministry of Education will address this issue, so that this matter is laid to rest. Finally, there is the issue of biased allocation of resources that has been addressed in the Report. The Member for Wundanyi has rightly put it that you find many infrastructural activities like roads in one area versus none in other areas. On electricity projects, you find one area is 100 per cent connected while in other areas like Nyandarua, connectivity is too low. We hope this matter will be addressed as we continue pushing for it. Hon. Ibrahim Sahal, you have the Floor. Nasri Sahal Ibrahim (Hon. (Ms.) Nasri Ibrahim) Thank you, Hon. Speaker for giving me this opportunity. The macro-economic framework underpinning the 2020/2021 Budget, the The electronic version of the Official Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Hansard Editor. key drivers of the economic growth include stable economic environment, inflation remaining within the range, increased private consumption and the expanded exports once the borders reopen. The growth premise has not been adequately incorporated in the path of the health pandemic. Comparative studies show that a strong well-funded and multi-sectoral economic stimulus programme greatly helps support economic recovery by stimulating customers' demand, sustaining business activities and aiding the retention of jobs. The proposed economic stimulus programme by His Excellency the President include the Kazi Mtaani Programme, operationalisation of credit guarantee scheme in order to support SMEs to access credit, by first making payment of VAT refunds to pending bills to enhance liquidity to SMEs and the need to use local labour to carry out various projects across the country. There is need for the Government to move with speed amidst reports of the challenges of access to screening agents. There is need to identify high-risk exposure areas and hence COVID- 19 treatment and management. Hon. Speaker, the export sector is reportedly the hardest hit by COVID-19. The proposed intervention under the post-COVID-19 economic stimulus programme is aimed at cushioning the sector through providing support for renovation of hotels through Tourism Finance Corporation, prioritising tourism through aggressive post-COVID-19 marketing, providing support to the Kenya Wildlife Service to engage 5,500 community scouts for a period of one year and cushioning horticultural producers to access international markets. As a country, there is need to aggressively diversify, add value and market our export goods in order to mitigate trade deficit. Thank you, Hon. Speaker. I support. Hon. Sossion. wilson sossion (Hon. Wilson Sossion) Thank you, Hon. Speaker for granting me this opportunity to contribute to the Report of the Budget and Appropriations Committee. I wish to join everyone in saluting this Committee appreciating the fact that mobilising resources to finance the various Vote Heads in the budget is a difficult task and considering the novel COVID-19. Hon. Speaker, allow me to comment on the education Vote Head and also the TSC Vote Head. We appreciate that at this time, the most essential critical services in the world out of the COVID-19 are healthcare system and education. All Governments have been indicted and so has this Parliament and our budget system. These are critical areas that we cannot avoid allocating and appropriating sufficient resources. As a nation, we are members of the global community and I would like to, as we congratulate the BAC, urge that in future, we comply with the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) standards of appropriating, at least, 6 per cent of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) to education and at least 20 per cent of the overall national expenditure. From these figures, indications are that we are slightly below 6 per cent of GDP and 20 per cent of the national expenditure. As a country, within the framework of Vision 2030, where we endeavor to produce the best quality human resources, this cannot be achieved unless there is deliberate appropriation of enough money to education. Focusing on the teaching service, our Constitution, which the people of Kenya gave themselves, created the TSC, so that the cost of employing teachers can be offloaded from the poor households. It is 10 years down the line and this budget-making process should actually help in actualising the Constitution. Ten years down the line, we have seen, even on the Floor of the House, questions on board on the management teachers. I wish to state that no law in this country recognises a group of teachers called "board of management teachers". We have also seen aspects of internship. In this country, out of these developments, particularly on the boards of management investment and intern teachers, we end up burdening the very poor households that needed to be The electronic version of the Official Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Hansard Editor. offloaded. Moving forward, there is need to rationalise the Budget with regard to the teaching service, so that more funds are directed to the actual employment of teachers. Hon. Speaker, looking at the budget of the Teachers Service Commission the Kshs7 billion allocated for the general operations cannot compare with that of the public service which is only Kshs734 million. Do we really need Kshs7 billion for the operations of the TSC? Probably it is time we thought of having a lean and efficient TSC so that we can free more resources to hire teachers which is more important. The vision of the TSC to satisfy the needs of teachers has been to hire 22, 000 teachers annually. This should be considered even moving forward and there should be equity right at the… Let us have the Hon. Member for Saboti. Caleb Amisi Luyai (Hon. Caleb Luyai) Thank you, Hon. Speaker, for granting me this opportunity to add my voice. First, I thank the Committee for working very hard at this unprecedented time to deliver this Report. I support this Report but with caution. On matters transport, I would like to say that one of the catalysts for economic development for a country such as Kenya that depends on agriculture and tourism is to support infrastructure and road networks. As we talk about the Big Four Agenda on manufacture or local production, emphasis must be on a proper plan on how we can develop the overall infrastructure of this country so that we do not have a skewered road network or allocation of funds to different regions probably for political reasons or otherwise. Saboti Constituency is often referred as the bread basket of Kenya but how does this bread reach the rest of the country if there is no infrastructure? This is a constituency in the whole Republic of Kenya that does not have any road that is upgraded to bitumen standard. All the tarmac roads surround it but there is no through way. Had we considered major highways that pass through the constituency, for example we would have Turbo, Tongaren past Kiminini through Saboti Constituency and finally Endebess. That is a highway that can open an entire region consisting of almost five constituencies. This focus of constructing roads is because all that people need to have their produce to the markets is passable roads. We recognise the fact that we do not have the required resources to have all the road networks in the country but all we need is to make the roads passable, whether they are upgraded to bitumen standard or not. During the rainy season, roads become impassable in the areas that we come from. It is a big paradox that I spend millions of shillings from my pocket to take food to an area that is supposed to be the bread basket of the Republic of Kenya simply because we have not empowered it in terms of infrastructure to enable it produce this food. Going forward, we must realign our infrastructure funds to the economic capacity of that particular area. If you go to my constituency or even the neighbouring constituencies that I have mentioned, you will find perennially whenever there is a rainy season, people plant banana stems on the road and they do so well such that the entire road is converted into banana plantation. So, the whole concept of road network in this country must be relooked at. We should ensure that at least every road in the interior is first and foremost passable before we talk about upgrading them and the highways. Member for Mogotio. Daniel Kamuren Tuitoek (Hon. Daniel Tuitoek) Thank you, Hon. Speaker for giving me an opportunity to contribute to this important Budget. I want to thank the Budget and Appropriations Committee for a good job guided by the outgoing Chair, Hon. Ichung'wah. First of all, I am concerned about the role of budgeting. Most times we are engaged in our various departmental committees and eventually towards the end, we find most of our recommendations are reversed at The electronic version of the Official Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Hansard Editor. some stage. As we were told this morning, most of the issues pertaining to budgets are actually negotiated. I think this is something that we need to revisit and see to it that whatever departmental committees contribute is taken seriously. Concerning the revenues, I know this is a difficult time of COVID-19 and getting revenues is a bit difficult. I know the Parliamentary Budget Office has said the projection of growth of around 4.2 per cent may be difficult to achieve. However, my concern is more on the expenditure side. In Mogotio Constituency, most of our major issues are water, roads and electricity and these areas need enhanced budgets. In terms of roads, we are concerned because in Mogotio in the last 25 years, no road has been tarmacked. We have been promised severally that something will done. At one point, procurement took place, but eventually, this was cancelled. So, some of us are feeling a little bit left out. I heard other Members saying that we need to be inclusive in terms of putting more resources into the road network. If you put Kshs30 billion in one road and leave other constituencies with nothing, then they will be left behind. I know at one point this House passed that every constituency should get about 20 kilometres of tarmac road. We have canvassed this in the Committee of Implementation, but I think the Ministry of Transport, Infrastructure, Housing, Urban Development and Public Works does not take it seriously. I would like this House to enforce that every constituency must get some of their roads tarmacked every year. In terms of the stimulus package which the President outlined, I want to thank him for reaching out to the needy especially the elderly and for the Kazi Mitaani . Currently, because of COVID-19, many of our people are experiencing food shortage. Therefore, this stimulus package should be extended in terms of food provision to various communities. In terms of the pending bills, this is an area which I raised with the Chairman of the Budget and Appropriations Committee because it has become a perpetual thing. We know the requirement is that every agency is supposed to prioritise pending bills. This is something that has been pending for a long time and leads to distorted budgeting. I know this Budget of Kshs2.8 trillion will not bridge the gap. The National Treasury needs to be a little more conservative in terms of budgeting, so that we do not overbudget when the revenues are limited. Finally, on loans, this morning we were told about commercial loans verses concessional loans. I agree with the Chair of the Budget and Appropriations Committee that we need to seriously enforce the concessional aspect of loans. Finally, in terms of appropriation, I heard about NEMA and other agencies. Member for Mwatate. Andrew Mwadime (Hon. Andrew Mwadime) Shukrani Mhe. Spika kwa hii fursa ambayo umenipa. Napongeza Kamati ya Bajeti kwa sababu katika wakati huu mgumu wameweza kuja na Bajeti ambayo tumeona angalao kila idara imepata hela kidogo. Ingawaje tukiangalia, changamoto tuko nazo nchini kama kazi kwa watu wetu. Ukiangalia Idara ya Viwanda, kwa kweli ile hela wamepewa sio eti inawawezesha kutengeneza kampuni nyingi ili vijana wetu wapate kazi. Vile vile, kulikuwa na raha na vifijo na nderemo kule kwangu wakati vijijini umeme ulikuwa unawaka hapa na pale lakini nikiangalia bajeti ya idara ya kawi, naona imepunguziwa hela kidogo. Sioni kama itaendelea tena kuweka umeme kule vijijini. Kila wakati hata hapa Bungeni huwa tunalia tunasema kwamba wazee wa vijiji wana kazi kubwa. Sasa hivi nimeona Wizara ya Ndani angalau kidogo wameshiba. Basi tunaomba pia wao washibishe wale wazee wa vijiji. Ugavi wa mkate ndio huleta vita, malumbano, makasirikiano na chuki zote kubwa humu duniani. Kwa kweli ukiangalia hii Bajeti na nikiangazia Eneo Bunge langu la Mwatate, tumekuwa na kilio kikubwa cha maji. Kuanzia mwaka wa 2014 Serikali imekuwa The electronic version of the Official Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Hansard Editor. ikisema kwamba itaweka maji ya Mzima Springs kule kwetu Kaunti ya Taita Taveta na maji mengine yaende Kaunti za Mombasa, Kilifi na Kwale lakini nashangaa mpaka leo hii bado katika hii Bajeti hawajaiwekea mgao wa hela. Mimi hulia sana na ndovu na simba. Hata hivi juzi tumekuwa na fisi mla watu, haswa wazee. Hata mimi nina wasiwasi na hii Bajeti ya mwaka wa 2020/2021 maana nimelia sana kuhusu ndovu. Nikiangalia Wizara ya Mazingira na Maliasili, kwa kweli bajeti yao imepunguzwa na sasa hivi najua hawa wanyama watatusumbua sana. Zile hela walizopata ni za marupurupu yao tu lakini kufanya zile kazi zinatakikani itakuwa vigumu kwao. Nitaongea kuhusu Tume ya Kuajiri Walimu. Kwa kweli naipongeza kamati kwa kuipatia pesa za kutosha ingawaje hela ambazo wametenga za matumizi katika afisi ile wameweka juu sana. Mimi nikiwa mwalimu, kwa kweli ile hela ya Kshs7 bilioni iko juu. Namuunga mkono mwenzangu Mhe. Sossion vile alikuwa amesema. Angalau wapunguze hizo hela na wawe na afisi ambayo inaweza kutoa huduma sawasawa kila mahali. Naona muda wangu umekwisha na nilikuwa na mengi ya kuongea. Asante, Mhe. Spika. Member for Limuru. Peter Mwathi (Hon. Peter Mwathi) Thank you, Hon. Speaker. I rise to support this Motion. In supporting, I commend the Budget and Appropriations Committee for the kind of work they have done given the special circumstances the Coronavirus pandemic has brought to our country. They did not mind the social distancing. I got to know that they even sat over the weekends. They have worked back and forth with committees, including a Committee I belong to, and they were able to come up with a document that has been presented here. That is why we are here this hour to support this Motion and make sure that we have a budget that is going to address the issues that pertain to the pandemic and, of course, other social issues that affect our people. Secondly, I associate myself with the very many good points that have been put across by my colleagues. I do not want to risk being superfluous or monotonous by having to repeat them. Let me pick one of the issues of the economic stimulus package, especially the Kazi Mtaani Programme which generally is going to cushion people who have lost their economic activities and probably also the jobs that they have had. I also wish to ask the Cabinet Secretary that we should be ready to formulate a policy and strategy to absorb some of these people. I am sure not all of them, even once the restrictions are eased, will go back to their work places. So, the Government must create a kitty to cushion them from the ravages of the poor economy that we shall be going through. Secondly, Hon. Speaker, there was mention in the morning about pending bills and everybody is talking about them. But it is very interesting that pending bills accumulate when we have accounting officers who are supposed, in the first instance, to ensure that every other project which is done is paid promptly. I want to cite one of the agencies that we oversee which retrenched people who were owed Kshs52 million. It took us, as a Committee, to try to get money from wherever they had put, including in development, to cushion the people who had been retrenched. It is COVID-19 time, then they are denied their terminal dues, and there was no provision. Some of those agencies that are doing this to our own people are not sensitive to the plight of Kenyans. Hon. Speaker, I saw it in the same area and I think we need to ask ourselves: When we are budgeting, are we going to be getting financial performance reports of a project or technical percentages of completion? Honestly, I saw one which was termed as 100 per cent complete but on the ground, there was nothing. When I asked, they said the 100 per cent completion only pertained to finance. So, I asked what was spent in this finance. They were preliminary reports and The electronic version of the Official Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Hansard Editor. consultations while on the ground there was nothing. We need to take care, so that we do not go through that route. Finally, as I end, Hon. Speaker, on this issue of expenditure which has been brought here for us to rubberstamp, I propose that those projects and payments should come to Parliament before they are paid and we are notified of the same. That is a very good recommendation from the Budget and Appropriations Committee. Member for Wajir North. Ahmed Abdisalan Ibrahim (Hon. Ibrahim Ahmed) Thank you, Hon. Speaker. I also rise to support this Report. That said, I also want to echo the sentiments of my colleagues that it is important for us to have fair distribution of the Budget to Kenyans, so that we can have equality. The issue of equality and equity is very important in terms of distribution of resources because we all share the tax burden as Kenyans. That is why it is also necessary to share the resources equitably. Hon. Speaker, the key thing that we are depending on in this budgetary allocation is a needs-based approach as well as looking at the Big Four Agenda and its enablers. You will find that most parts of this country, especially the northern parts, and in particular my constituency, access roads have been destroyed by floods. Also, maternal mortality rate is extremely high. These reports are available and could have been used as the basis for us to do the resource allocation but unfortunately, this has not been the case. As we speak, health is one of the devolved functions. However, it is unfortunate that since this function was devolved, we have gone from bad to worse. That said, despite the fact that public participation is enshrined in Article 118 of the Constitution, in most cases, instead of depending on the needs-based approach with clear priority ranking, it is unfortunate that senior Government officers in Nairobi are making decisions in boardrooms and cascading down the needs. That is very unfortunate. There is a case in my constituency which is already in court. That is the unfortunate level we are in. That said, this country is also ill-prepared for rapid onset disasters. We were ill-prepared for COVID-19. Besides COVID-19, you will find that we were also ill-prepared for the floods which are also rapid onset disasters. The number of lives we lost due to floods are more than the number of lives we have lost to COVID-19. Despite the resource allocation that we are doing, it is unfortunate that to date, the country is ill-prepared for COVID-19. I come from a non-governmental organisations (NGO) background and I remember before I left, we had got to a level where we were sharing multi-agency and multi- sectoral assessment reports. There were also interventions where people were working together in terms of accountability both at the Government level and non-State actors. People were working closely together. In case of rapid onset disasters, be it diseases, floods or even clan conflicts, the response was better by far. We are currently in a terrible situation. That said, we should use the resources allocated to COVID-19 for prevention rather than just response. Currently, what is happening is just response. You will find that in a number of areas, the awareness level is extremely low. It is my prayer that the Ministry of Health will go a notch higher and conduct the necessary awareness so that we can increase prevention. Let us have the Member for Sirisia. John Waluke Koyi (Hon. John Waluke) Thank you, Hon. Speaker for giving me a chance to contribute to this. From the outset, I support the Report of the Budget and Appropriations Committee. It has done a good job with the challenges we have in the country. They have ensured that at least every ministry gets a little share. They have worked hard to make sure that there is balance. The electronic version of the Official Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Hansard Editor. Our country has faced a lot of challenges. The economy of this country is strong because even with the problems we are facing, we have managed to feed our people, especially the elderly. I thank the President for not forgetting them. Every time they get food from our Government, they are happy. We must thank His Excellency. Kenya has gone through so many problems. If you were to count them, you would start with locusts, then floods and now we have the Coronavirus. We need to pray. It is good that the President has allowed churches and mosques to reopen, so that we can pray for the Coronavirus to disappear from our country. Because of the pandemic, the Government has started reviving industries. We are happy with the Rift Valley Textiles (RIVATEX). It is doing very well. If it were not for this animal called Coronavirus, Malakisi Ginnery in Sirisia where I come from would be revived. Because of bad luck, a lot of money is being spent on Coronavirus. We understand. This country mostly depends on agriculture and tourism. We are not exporting goods now. Where I come from, there is coffee, but we are not exporting it because of these problems. We are also not exporting flowers and tea. Everything is at standstill. Even tourists are not jetting in. Our people should understand that the country is going through so many challenges. We need to support the Government. I want to thank the Budget and Appropriations Committee for the good work that they have done today. Because I do not want to repeat what my colleagues have said here, I support the Motion. Member for Suna East. Thank you, Hon. Speaker, for giving me this opportunity to contribute. I stand to support the Report of the Budget and Appropriations Committee on Budget Estimates for the Financial Year 2020/2021. However, I do this with a number of reservations which I would like to highlight. The budget-making process was conferred on this House through the Constitution, 2010. Every year at the beginning of the budget-making process, the National Treasury provides us with the BPS, which is a very important document. It lays the foundation of the budget-making process and gives out the ceilings and everything. What shocks me is that the National Treasury does not adhere to the resolutions of the House through the BPS. That is the document that they are supposed to use to lay the foundation of the Budget that they bring before the House. The resolutions of this House on the BPS are always taken for granted. The technocrats at the National Treasury do not think that the resolutions that this House passes, through the BPS, are important. Look at what happened. It was business as usual. They did not put into consideration all the resolutions that were passed in this House until we stood up here and said that we would not accept a Budget that is business as usual. That is why the Kshs53.7 billion economic stimulus package was added in the Budget. We cannot continue like this. Bad financial manners must be stopped by this House. We will not allow the National Treasury to do such things. If you look at this financial year that will end on 30th June, the National Treasury will bring the third Supplementary Budget. We had a Budget and there was Supplementary Budget I, II and III. You do not do that in your house. You budget the little salary you earn for a whole month. You do not make a supplementary budget in your house on 10th, 15th and another one on 25th. It just shows you how incompetent the technocrats at the National Treasury are. Look at the whole world. Budgets are made once and for all for the financial year. The supplementary budget is supposed to take care of emergencies. For example, we have the Coronavirus disease this year which is okay. If you look back, we have been having Supplementary Budget I and II in every financial year. This House must stand up now The electronic version of the Official Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Hansard Editor. because Article 223 of the Constitution is being misused. People spend money and then bring it here for us to rubberstamp. We deal with a carcass which we cannot do anything about. Even if we do not approve it, the money cannot come back because it has already been used. We must scrutinise the way the budget-making process is being handled. It is for our good and that of the country. I am not trying to attack anyone or lie. I want things to be good. I want proper management of our finances in this country. When I used to be in serious Opposition, but not now when we have gone down a bit, we used to talk about the debt portfolio in this country. I remember those days when the Chairman of the Budget and Appropriations Committee used to ask me: "What kind of debt are you talking about? Look at Japan and the USA, they are at 200 per cent of their GDP." Today, the debt repayment is at Kshs900 billion while we are collecting Kshs1.6 trillion or even less, as I am being informed. Where are you going to get all that money from? If you had listened to me in 2014 when I was doing mapambano, maybe you would be paying Kshs200 billion by now and not Kshs900 billion. You never listened to me. Now look at where you are. You have to look for Kshs900 billion to pay your debts. Please, add me a minute. I will help you pay. Look at what the Budget has brought. The wages and benefits are at 36.9 per cent, which is contrary to 15.2.. (Hon. Junet Nuh's microphone went off) But you said you have mellowed a bit these days. In the interest of COVID- 19, you have one minute. That one minute, I will use it in two ways. First, we must adhere to the Constitution and the law when we are making the Budget. In my last minute, I want to thank the outgoing Chairman of the Departmental Committee on Budget and Appropriations. I looked at the Budget thoroughly and I have not seen any gratuity for him. I wanted to put at least Kshs10 million for him to go home. I do not know whether we can get it from the Parliamentary budget or from which ministry. Let us see how we can send him home. He has done a very good job for the time he has been there. Hon. Speaker, I support. Member for Kitutu Masaba, do you want to contribute? Shadrack John Mose (Hon. Shadrack Mose) Thank you, Hon. Speaker, for giving me the chance to also put in a word in support of this noble job that has been done by my good friend, Hon. Ichung'wah. I have two points to speak to. One, I will deal will the issue of the budget in respect to our Judiciary. Hon. Speaker, everything that we do and that is in this House, gravitates around the judicial process. When I look at the allocation, I would urge that in the coming Budget, we increase the amount of money allocated to the Judiciary on three grounds. One, in terms of the infrastructure of our courts, you will find that many of them are half-way done. Therefore, the dispensation of justice is greatly hampered. Secondly is the issue of the judicial staff. The magistrates and other personnel who are involved in ensuring that the aspect of justice is served are really challenged. Therefore, this is one The electronic version of the Official Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Hansard Editor. area that we need to ensure is well funded for the democratisation process in this country to be advanced. Lastly, because of time, and I can see that many speakers have spoken on various issues, I want to speak on the issue of the elderly in terms of the cash transfer programme. I note with concern that the amount of money that has been allocated is not sufficient. When we go to our constituencies, we realise that many old people are in dire need, but the cash transfer is actually inadequate. Therefore, this is one area that we need to also delve into seriously. Like other jurisdictions in developed democracies like the USA, we should also take care of our elderly, who have done a lot to bring us this far. Lastly, I want to congratulate the Chairman of the Budget and Appropriations Committee, Hon. Ichung'wah, for having steered his Committee and given us a budget that is well balanced despite the COVID-19 pandemic. With those remarks, Hon. Speaker, I support. Let us have the Mover to reply, there being no other Member desirous of speaking. Anthony Kimani Ichung'Wah (Hon. Kimani Ichung'wah) Thank you, Hon. Speaker. In replying, again, let me take this opportunity, in a very special way, to thank the Members of the Budget and Appropriations Committee, the Parliamentary Budget Office and the entire House for the support throughout this budget-making process of the 2020/2021 Financial Year. This being my last Budget to oversee as the Chairman of the Budget and Appropriations Committee, I also thank, in a very special way, all the 26 Members, including myself, of the Budget and Appropriations Committee. I thank all the Members I worked with for the last three years, for the immense support they have given me throughout the time that I served as the Chairman of the Budget and Appropriations Committee. Hon. Speaker, you will appreciate from where you sit and many Members will appreciate too that this is one of the most difficult jobs to do in this House where you have to balance interests, balance allocation of resources amongst competing priorities and the resources are always very limited. I thank all the Members of this House because many have been understanding when we are not able to do many of the things they request us as Members of the Budget and Appropriations Committee, to do. Chairs of all our departmental committees have also been a great team. They have been very understanding and supportive throughout the process in the last three years. I wish to take this opportunity to thank all of them. Many issues have been raised and many of them are well and aptly captured not only in our Report, but in about six or seven reports that we have done over the last three years. Some of the issues Members spoke about are pending bills; the Member for Mogotio says they are still pending. It is still unfortunate that up to now many are pending, some like the ones mentioned by the Member for Limuru in the Ministry of Defence. Some are very old, almost 18 years old and have even court awards. On the issue of House resolutions not being followed up, we need, moving forward, to pursue any abuse of Article 223 of the Constitution. I encourage the Whip of the Minority Party, Hon. Junet Mohamed, that it is not in vain to speak about the abuse of Article 223 of the Constitution. Let me remind him that in the 2017/2018 Financial Year, we declined the approval of money that had already been paid with regard to the Ruaraka Land Scandal of Kshs1.5 billion. If we were in a country where the rule of law was respected, if we were in a country where we were serious in our fight against corruption, that was one very perfect case of abuse of processes created under our new Constitution and abuse of State resources that should have been taken. It The electronic version of the Official Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Hansard Editor. is my hope that in our lifetime, we will see action being taken and money that was misappropriated under the Ruaraka Land Scandal go back to public coffers. Hon. Speaker, in conclusion, it has been wonderful in the three years working with Members of this House more specifically Members of the Budget and Appropriations Committee. I am grateful to my political party, Jubilee, for having nominated me and given me the opportunity to serve Kenyans. I was elected, luckily, and by God's grace, as the only Member of Parliament elected unopposed in the 2017 elections, my party leader and his deputy were gracious enough to nominate me to serve in this position. Every Member of this House is capable of serving in this position. On Tuesday, I indicated that I am available and ready to support the incoming Chair of the Budget and Appropriations Committee once the Committee is reconstituted. I had indicated to the Leader of the Majority Party that upon the end of my three-year term this year, I was not willing to seek another term because it is time consuming. I want to thank the great people of Kikuyu who have donated me as a resource. Out of the time I have served this House, they have allowed me to also serve the Kenyan public as the Chair of this very busy Committee. I leave office with my head high because I have served my country with honour, dignity, high level of integrity and a balanced way of working with colleagues. It is not easy to lead politicians. From your position, you know how difficult it is. I am happy with the support accorded to me by the Members of this House. We will continue to serve this country and do the best we can for the people of Kenya. We were not serving the Jubilee Party and our political party leaders, but we were in service to the people of Kenya. We will continue to do that as I was educated years ago to be "strong to serve". I remain strong to serve. With those remarks, I beg to reply. I just want to remind the Chairman of the Budget and Appropriations Committee that next week we expect to proceed to the Committee of Supply. He must be available to supply. Hon. Members, I recall that under the Motion moved by the Leader of Majority, the House had resolved that you continue sitting until you conclude the business appearing as Order No.9. I will call upon the Leader of the Majority to give us an indication as to whether he intends to proceed. Hon. Speaker, I want to indulge you that we deal with that matter next week. I want to thank Members for sitting until now to deliberate on the budget process. I want to ask you that we step it down, with your permission, and we can deal with it next week. Hon. Members, notwithstanding the resolution, and listening to the vibes, it appears that the most honourable thing, for the convenience of the House, is to accede to the request by the Leader of the Majority Party to stand down the request appearing as Order No. 9 on today's Order Paper. (Order No.9 stood down) Therefore, I want to thank each one of you for, indeed, spending the whole of this afternoon here and actively participating, more so the Members who even spoke in the Morning Sitting during the Members' allotted time, but are still sitting. I have in mind the Member for Homa Bay Town. He did not walk out because he had finished. He contributed in the morning and he is still here to follow proceedings up to the last moment that the House resolved. Congratulations, Hon. Members. I am used to sitting. Hon. Members, the time being 8.06 p.m., this House stands adjourned until Thursday, 11th June 2020 at 2.30 p.m. The House rose at 8.06 p.m.
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Grienberger ist der Familienname folgender Personen: Christoph Grienberger (1561–1636), Jesuitenpater und Astronom Karl Grienberger (1824–1908), österreichischer katholischer Geistlicher und Politiker Theodor von Grienberger (1855–1932), österreichischer Germanist
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaWikipedia'}
Jakk Wonders :: Rookie Season II Steve 'Flash' Juon September 5, 2017 InstrumentalReview I remember that very early on when Shaquille O'Neal was considered a can't miss NBA prospect playing for Louisiana State University, before he became the No. 1 draft pick of the Orlando Magic in 1992, some magazine I frequently picked up off newsstands (probably Sports Illustrated) did a profile piece on him. In the interview he mentioned his love of rap music, specifically shouted out Public Enemy as important to him, and to a young impressionable teenage "Flash" this was all I needed to know about the seven footer. I determined right then and there that if he made it to the NBA he'd immediately be one of my favorites. Now of course his OWN forays into hip-hop music made unwavering support more difficult. To this day I don't doubt his efforts were heartfelt, and some songs like "Biological Didn't Bother" and "You Can't Stop the Reign" have held up well, but he was always a more commanding presence on the court than on the microphone. I'm glad he wound up with four championship rings – those accolades suit him better. The irony of that intro is that other than Jakk Wonders putting him on the cover of "Rookie Season II" and sampling the 1992 NBA Draft in his OWN intro, Mr. O'Neal has almost nothing to do with this album. In fact you won't hear a Shaq Attack anywhere on any track of this album, nor any rap bars of any kind, because "Rookie Season II" is an entirely instrumental affair. Still given Jakk hails from Johannesburg, South Africa it reminds me that America exported more than just hip-hop music and culture when I was growing up. I had a bit of tunnel vision back then. Everything had to be about hip-hop, and just like my respect for Shaq doubled when he said he was a P.E. fan, anybody who represented that to me in any endeavor engendered the same interest. I looked at actors, athletes, talk show hosts and pop culture personalities through a very focused lens. If they said something positive about rap they got props, and if they said something negative I whipped out my pen and clipboard like Chris Jericho and they went on THE LIST. For me Jakk's album was a chance to take a stroll down memory lane, look at that younger kid I used to be, shake my head and chuckle at him a little bit. I still have a passion for hip-hop or I wouldn't be writing about it, but I don't judge everything and everyone in relation to it the way I would've back then. An entirely instrumental album like this one gives you plenty of time to reflect and wander around in your own thoughts. Snap back to reality though and there's time to comment on tracks like the aptly named "Leaving Orlando" though, the finale of this instrumental beat tape. I've playfully suggested that Jakk purposefully adds the "dusty record under worn needle static" to tracks before, and if that's not your thing you probably wouldn't like this song, but to me it evokes exactly the right kind of nostalgic feelings that a review like this one couldn't do without. <ahref="http://jakkwonders.bandcamp.com/album/rookie-season-ii-beat-tape">Rookie Season II [Beat Tape] by Jakk Wonders</a> Shaq didn't have his greatest success as a player until he left and went to the Los Angeles Lakers and the Miami Heat. The Magic had the good sense to draft someone of his size and talent, but didn't have the aptitude to build a championship team around him, so O'Neal wasn't going to get anywhere unless he packed his bags and went elsewhere. Perhaps it will be the same for Jakk. In the internet age you can obviously live anywhere on the globe and make great beats and rhymes, but there's always that possibility he could make better face to face connections somewhere like London, New York, L.A. or Tokyo. Maybe that's me unfairly judging Johannesburg simply because I've never been there. It could be a hip-hop mecca the likes of the cities I just named. After all it produced a talent like Jakk so there clearly must be SOMETHING in the water. The question is really how this man of "Forgotten Wonders" wants to be remembered. Does he aim to go down as the greatest rap producer making beat tapes in Johannesburg, or does he aim to produce legendary albums like Alchemist, Primo, Pete Rock and 9th Wonder? I can't say. He's got enough talent to aim for those lofty heights and potentially hit the target, but even when you've got the skills you still need to make the right connections in the right places. I hope that whatever is next for Jakk Wonders, he'll use his own beat tape as motivation and not be afraid to leave home, no matter how well he's getting paid where he lives now. Reader Rating 0 Votes Jakk Wonders Previous ArticleMoka Only :: Concert For One Next ArticleLil Uzi Vert :: Luv Is Rage 2 Jakk Wonders :: Forgotten Wonders Steve 'Flash' Juon June 6, 2017
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International Relations and Cooperation Minister Lindiwe Sisulu has urged youth to take up the opportunities available to them to turn the tide on youth unemployment. "Government initiatives like the Expanded Public Works Programme (EPWP) exist to assist with the rehabilitation and maintenance of our infrastructure, and the NYDA [National Youth Development Agency] has a job programme," said Sisulu. President Cyril Ramaphosa has recently introduced the Youth Employment Service (YES) initiative, which aims to prepare young people for work through training and matching programmes. The programme is a business-led initiative in partnership with government, labour and civil society. It will offer one million young South Africans paid work experience over the next three years. Sisulu was speaking at a Youth Day celebration at Grace Bible Church in Soweto, Johannesburg, on Sunday. She was accompanied by the Chinese Ambassador to South Africa, Lin Songtian. The Minister's call, comes a day after the June 16 commemoration in Orlando Stadium in Soweto, where President Ramaphosa delivered the keynote address. Every year on June 16, South Africa commemorates the youth of 1976, who took to the streets in protest against the use of Afrikaans as a medium of instruction. This year, the country commemorates Youth Month under the theme 'Live the legacy: Towards a socio-economically empowered youth'. Songtian donated 60 computers for the Minister to give to schools. Three schools are in line to benefit from this donation, while the church received one computer lab. "The youth are to use these computers not only to learn computer skills but also to teach computer. We will get in touch with Seta [Sector Education and Training Authority]," said the Minister. While 67 million young people are unemployed globally, Sisulu said these are worrying statistics, as youth unemployment sits at seven million in the country. "Fifty percent of graduates cannot find work. We have to do something urgently. We have to start somewhere," said Sisulu. She echoed the President's call for companies to assist government and lend a hand by employing the youth and equipping them with skills.
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Lymph nodes were probably the first organs to be investigated by fine needle cytology (FNC) and the last in which this technique has been accepted by clinicians as a useful diagnostic procedure. Risk of seeding, false negatives, failure to discriminate between reactive hyperplasia and lymphoma, have been put forward as a limitation or useless of FNC. Nonetheless, as this technique is fast, inexpensive and effective, it is often required by general practitioners, specialists and surgeons as first diagnostic approach to lymph nodes; moreover, ancillary techniques such as immuocytochemistry, flow cytometry, fluorescence in situ hybridization and molecular techniques are successfully employed on cytological samples, conferring to FNC of lymph nodes credibility and a definite role in the diagnosis of lymphadenopaties. There are exhaustive books and excellent articles providing lymph nodal cytopathologists with the necessary knowledge of the different pathologies encountered, and the limitations of the technique; however, a small dose of audacity is also a useful complement when practicing this field of cytology. Perform FNC of lymph nodes by yourself: clinical evaluation, correct FNC, management of the diagnostic material, perfect smears and their immediate evaluation are very important for a correct diagnosis. Distrust smears prepared by others and do not try to diagnose on sub-optimal or technically poor smears. Evaluate preliminary clinical, serological, and imaging data but leave your mind open: the microscope can disprove any reasonable diagnostic hypothesis . Use ancillary techniques on the basis of the cytological features and clinical indications. Do not delay, if possible, essential information to the clinicians (benign-malignant), awaiting further microscopic evaluation, results from special techniques or bibliographic researches. the final diagnosis, considering what may be asserted, what may only be assumed and what cannot be maintained or excluded.
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There are a wide variety of doctoral degrees awarded to students in a number of different categories in the United States. Doctorates are not restricted to being based solely on research or academic coursework. The first research doctorate was the doctor of philosophy, which came to the U.S. from Germany, and is frequently referred to by its initials of Ph.D. As academia evolved in the country a wide variety of other types of doctoral degrees and programs were developed. Some of these included a focus on teaching such as the Doctor of Arts, others were simply a more specific curricula within a specific field such as the Doctor of Engineering or Doctor of Education of which may be identical in requirements, length, coursework and research to the Ph.D. Additionally, there are a number of lower level (in terms of academic advancement) professional doctorates such as the Doctor of Medicine and the Juris Doctor that do not have a dissertation research component. In contrast to other countries worldwide a doctoral program generally requires the completion of a program of academic coursework in addition to other requirements for all types of doctoral degrees. Types of doctorate The United States Department of Education published a Structure of US Education in 2008 that differentiated between associate degrees, bachelor's degrees, first professional degrees, master's degrees, intermediate graduate qualifications and research doctorate degrees. This included doctoral degrees in the first professional degree, intermediate graduate qualification and research doctorate degree categories. The Department of Education's National Center for Education Statistics divides U.S. doctorates into three categories for the purposes of its Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS): Doctor's degree-research/scholarship, Doctor's degree-professional practice and Doctor's degree-other. The Doctor's degree-research/scholarship is defined as "A Ph.D. or other doctor's degree that requires advanced work beyond the master's level, including the preparation and defense of a dissertation based on original research, or the planning and execution of an original project demonstrating substantial artistic or scholarly achievement." The Doctor's degree-professional practice is unofficially known as "doctor's degree" in the U.S. that is conferred upon completion of a program providing the knowledge and skills for the recognition, credential, or license required for professional practice but is defined by the department of education as a professional degree that lawyers and physicians complete to practice in their vocations. The degree is awarded after a period of study such that the total time to the degree, including both pre-professional and professional preparation, equals at least six full-time equivalent academic years." The Doctor's degree-other is defined as "A doctor's degree that does not meet the definition of a doctor's degree research/scholarship or a doctor's degree professional practice." The categorization of degrees for IPEDS is left to the awarding institutes. The National Science Foundation (NSF) has published an annual census of research doctorates called the Survey of Earned Doctorates (SED) since 1957 with sponsorship from the NSF, NASA, the National Institutes of Health, the National Endowment for the Humanities, the U.S. Department of Agriculture, and the U.S. Department of Education. For the purposes of this survey, a research doctorate is defined as "a doctoral degree that (1) requires completion of an original intellectual contribution in the form of a dissertation or an equivalent culminating project (e.g., musical composition) and (2) is not primarily intended as a degree for the practice of a profession." The second point here – that a research doctorate is "not primarily intended as a degree for the practice of a profession" means that not all doctorates containing "an original intellectual contribution in the form of a dissertation or an equivalent culminating project" are regarded as research doctorates by the NSF. The NSF list of research doctorates is recognized internationally as establishing which U.S. doctorates are considered Ph.D.-equivalent, e.g. by the European Research Council. The Department of Education's 2008 Structure of US Education listed 24 frequently awarded research doctorates titles accepted by the National Science Foundation (NSF) as representing "degrees equivalent in content and level to the Ph.D". This reflected the 24 doctorates recognized by the NSF in Doctorate Recipients from U.S. Universities: Summary Report 2005. As of Doctorate Recipients from U.S. Universities: Summary Report 2006 this was reduced to 18, part of an ongoing program of assessment that saw the number of recognized research degrees reduced from the 52 recognized from 1994 (the earliest report archived online) to 1998, falling to 48 from 1999 to 2003 and to 24 in 2004. The number rose to 20 in 2007, with the Doctor of Design and Doctor of Fine Arts being re-recognized after being removed from the 2006 list, before falling again to 18 in 2008 when the Doctor of Music and Doctor of Industrial Technology were dropped. Since then, the list of recognized research degrees has been constant, although most Ed.D. degree programs were determined to have a professional rather than research focus and removed from the survey in 2010–2011; despite this, the Ed.D. remains the second most popular research doctorate in the SED after the Ph.D in 2014. (albeit with 1.1% of awards compared to 98.1% for the Ph.D.). Research doctorates In the United States the doctoral degrees that have been identified by various universities and others (including the NSF at various times) as having original research including a dissertation or equivalent have included: Professional doctorates In addition to the research doctorate, the US has many professional degrees, formerly referred to as first-professional degrees, which are titled as doctor's degrees and classified as "doctors degree professional practice". While research doctorates require "advanced work beyond the master's level, including the preparation and defense of a dissertation based on original research, or the planning and execution of an original project demonstrating substantial artistic or scholarly achievement", professional doctorates must have a total time to degree (including prior study at bachelor's level) of at least six years, and provide "the knowledge and skills for the recognition, credential, or license required for professional practice". Other doctorates There are also some programs leading to awards titled as doctorates that meet neither the definition of the research doctorate nor those of the professional doctorate. These are classified as "doctor's degree other". References Doctoral degrees Education in the United States
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaWikipedia'}
Comedocarcinoma is a kind of breast cancer that demonstrates comedonecrosis, which is the central necrosis of cancer cells within involved ducts. Comedocarcinomas are usually non-infiltrating and intraductal tumors, characterized as a comedo-type, high-grade ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS). However, there have been accounts of comedocarcinoma which has then diversified into other cell types and developed into infiltrating (invasive) ductal carcinoma. Recurrence and survival rates differ for invasive breast cancer which has originated as comedocarcinoma compared with other types of cancer cells. Pathophysiology Cancer cells within these tumors are highly proliferative. As such, this can result in a lack of sufficient nutrients to some cells; leading to their starvation. As these starved cells die off, a build up of dead cancer cells will begin to form inside the tumor. These groups of necrotic cells are often referred to as comedones, hence the classification of this type of high-grade DCIS as "comedo necrosis". As of yet, it is still unclear the mechanism by which DCIS of the breast develop into a comedo-type morphology. However, a strong correlation between Tenascin and DCIS nuclear grade has been shown. In a pathological analysis, tenascin was present in all excised tissue from carcinomas. It was found that there were variations in the expression patterns of tenascin in comedo DCIS (comedocarcinoma) versus non-comedo DCIS. Specifically, numerous and thick tenascin bands were found in the surrounding stroma of comedo DCIS whereas non-comedo DCIS had a single thin tenascin band surrounding them. The difference in these expression patterns implicates Tenascin as a possible factor in the development of the comedo-type morphology in carcinomas. Morphology Cells Comedocarcinomas are typically marked by the presence of large, abnormal cells within the breast. These cells are often pleomorphic and have irregular nuclei and prominent nucleoli. The tumor cells are poorly differentiated and are therefore recognized as high-grade (i.e. grade 3). Tissue Affected ducts have characteristic necrotic tissue which is composed of multiple, well-defined firm masses of dead cells. In most cases of comedocarcinomas (approximately 78%), mammograms will reveal micro-calcifications in the breast tissue due to the calcification of necrotic elements. Upon physical examination, the infected area can often be described as feeling hard and cord-like. Once excised, sustained pressure to the tumor will cause inspissated material—that is cheese-like in appearance (resembling comedones in acne) and similar in consistency to toothpaste—to ooze from the ducts. This cheesy appearance is as a direct result of the clogging of ducts with necrotic elements. Clinical Relevance Pathology Comedocarcinomas are known as the most aggressive form of intraductal carcinomas, although they are considered to be an early stage of breast cancer and are classified as noninvasive. Individuals diagnosed with comedo-type DCIS (comedocarcinoma) often have a higher chance of it developing into an invasive derivative—if left untreated, this chance is nearly 100%. These individuals are also at an increased risk of cancer recurrence, with this recurrence manifesting itself earlier than in other forms of DCIS. The prognosis for comedocarcinoma is usually favorable with treatment intervention (i.e. surgery, radiotherapy, or hormone therapy); leading to a lower risk of invasive carcinoma development. While it is uncommon for these tumors to evolve into invasive carcinomas, there have been a few reported incidents of such cases. Diagnosis Diagnosis of comedocarcinoma is typically done using a combination of methods. A physical examination of the breast tissue can often reveal lumps in comedocarcinomas, while palpable lumps are rare in non-comedo carcinomas. Usually, a mammogram or biopsy is often needed to fully diagnose comedocarcinomas. Because of its prevalence in DCIS, evidence of calcification within the breast tissue is often used as a diagnostic tool for identifying comedocarcinomas and other forms of DCIS. Biopsies are normally only performed following a suspicious mammogram (i.e. possible evidence of comedocarcinoma), and in such cases invasive biopsies are seldom necessary for diagnosing comedocarcinomas. Following the biopsy, a pathological examination is performed on the portion of excised breast tissue. If the results of the examination show the appearance of highly proliferative, abnormal cells that are confined within their place of origin, this is indicative of cancer and an in-situ carcinoma diagnosis is made. The presence of E-cadherin can also be used by pathologists to distinguish an in-situ carcinoma as lobular or ductal—where the loss of E-cadherin expression is indicative of lobular in-situ carcinoma. To then classify the DCIS as a comedo-type (comedocarcinoma), the cancer cells need to show evidence of comedonecrosis and poor differentiation. References External links Breast cancer Cancer research
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaWikipedia'}
Bharti Airtel was recommended to Premium ProRSI mobile subscribers on 31st October 2017. In just one day the option strategy gained 80%. For High Probability Trading Download the Mobile application and Go Premium.
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The ISSCR today announces the recipients of its 2018 awards, to be presented at the society's annual meeting, 20-23 June in Melbourne, Australia. Public Service Award: Megan Munsie, PhD, Associate Professor and Deputy Director, Centre for Stem Cell Systems, The University of Melbourne, and Head of Education, Ethics, Law & Community Awareness Unit, Stem Cells Australia, The University of Melbourne, Australia. The ISSCR Award for Innovation recognizes original thinking and groundbreaking research pertaining to stem cells or regenerative medicine that opens new avenues of exploration toward the understanding or treatment of human disease or affliction. Michele De Luca directs the Centre for Regenerative Medicine "Stefano Ferrari," and is Gene Therapy Program Coordinator, and Graziella Pellegrini leads the Cell Therapy Program at the Centre. They are recognized as leaders in the field of corneal regeneration and skin replacement therapies. "De Luca and Pellegrini have pioneered how epithelial stem cell research is translated into the clinic," said ISSCR President Hans Clevers. "They developed innovative conditions for the culture of patient-derived limbal (eye) stem cells, using them to restore vision loss in patients with eye injuries and this treatment became available for all EU patients; they also combined cell and gene therapy to successfully treat a patient suffering from an aggressive skin disease, epidermolysis bullosa," he said. De Luca will speak in Plenary V, Stem Cell Based Disease Modeling, on Friday, 22 June, 16:00-18:00. Pellegrini will present in Plenary I, Presidential Symposium, on Wednesday 20 June, 13:00-15:15. The ISSCR Dr. Susan Lim Award for Outstanding Young Investigator recognizes exceptional achievements by an ISSCR member and investigator in the early part of their independent career in stem cell research. The 2018 recipient, Chen, is recognized as a rising star in the field for her innovative chemical approaches in pluripotent stem cell research, with major contributions in drug screening techniques, and in human disease modeling, genetic testing, and organoid development. "Chen has developed cutting-edge chemical approaches in many applications," said Clevers. "She has become a key player in human disease modeling, and discovered the first drug capable of preventing and treating Zika virus disease in organoids and mice, setting new standards for research in the future," he said. Chen will present her research in Plenary IV, New Technologies in Stem Cell Engineering, on Friday 22 June, 09:00-11:10. The ISSCR Tobias Award Lecture, started in 2016, is supported by the Tobias Foundation, and recognizes original and promising basic hematology research and direct translational or clinical research related to cell therapy in hematological disorders. The winner presents the Tobias Lecture at the ISSCR Annual Meeting. Award winner Eaves is an internationally recognized leader and authority on stem cells of the blood-forming system and how their properties change over time and by type. Her discovery of the diversity of blood cell characteristics has been influential in the field, with specific implications for the development of leukemia in patients of different ages. "Eaves' contributions to the understanding of blood stem cells have been instrumental to the field," said Clevers. "Her rigorous approaches to the study of blood stem cell transplants and maintenance have been transformative, and provide valuable insights into many areas of stem cell research now being translated to the clinic," he said. Eaves will present her research in Plenary I, on Wednesday 20 June, 13:00-15:10. The 2018 recipient, Megan Munsie, is a stem cell scientist who has made a significant contribution for many years to public outreach and advocacy to policy makers around issues associated with stem cell science and its translation to the clinic. Her work is global in scope, grounded in academic research, and relies on her collaborative partnerships with key community and professional groups to address important ethical and regulatory considerations critical to advancing the field. She played an important role in guiding content development for A Closer Look at Stem Cells, the ISSCR website dedicated to helping the public understand the biology and clinical applications of stem cells, and to the ISSCR Guidelines for Stem Cell Research and Clinical Translation. "Munsie is committed to increasing community understanding about the field of stem cell research," said ISSCR CEO Nancy Witty. "That commitment is particularly apparent in her work with patients who are so important to this research as it is translated to medicine," she said.
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package org.springframework.boot.actuate.security; import java.util.Collections; import org.junit.jupiter.api.BeforeEach; import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test; import org.mockito.ArgumentCaptor; import org.springframework.boot.actuate.audit.listener.AuditApplicationEvent; import org.springframework.context.ApplicationEventPublisher; import org.springframework.security.access.AccessDeniedException; import org.springframework.security.access.SecurityConfig; import org.springframework.security.access.event.AbstractAuthorizationEvent; import org.springframework.security.access.event.AuthenticationCredentialsNotFoundEvent; import org.springframework.security.access.event.AuthorizationFailureEvent; import org.springframework.security.authentication.AuthenticationCredentialsNotFoundException; import org.springframework.security.authentication.UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken; import static org.assertj.core.api.Assertions.assertThat; import static org.mockito.BDDMockito.then; import static org.mockito.Mockito.mock; /** * Tests for {@link AuthorizationAuditListener}. */ class AuthorizationAuditListenerTests { private final AuthorizationAuditListener listener = new AuthorizationAuditListener(); private final ApplicationEventPublisher publisher = mock(ApplicationEventPublisher.class); @BeforeEach void init() { this.listener.setApplicationEventPublisher(this.publisher); } @Test void testAuthenticationCredentialsNotFound() { AuditApplicationEvent event = handleAuthorizationEvent( new AuthenticationCredentialsNotFoundEvent(this, Collections.singletonList(new SecurityConfig("USER")), new AuthenticationCredentialsNotFoundException("Bad user"))); assertThat(event.getAuditEvent().getType()).isEqualTo(AuthenticationAuditListener.AUTHENTICATION_FAILURE); } @Test void testAuthorizationFailure() { AuditApplicationEvent event = handleAuthorizationEvent(new AuthorizationFailureEvent(this, Collections.singletonList(new SecurityConfig("USER")), new UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken("user", "password"), new AccessDeniedException("Bad user"))); assertThat(event.getAuditEvent().getType()).isEqualTo(AuthorizationAuditListener.AUTHORIZATION_FAILURE); } @Test void testDetailsAreIncludedInAuditEvent() { Object details = new Object(); UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken authentication = new UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken("user", "password"); authentication.setDetails(details); AuditApplicationEvent event = handleAuthorizationEvent( new AuthorizationFailureEvent(this, Collections.singletonList(new SecurityConfig("USER")), authentication, new AccessDeniedException("Bad user"))); assertThat(event.getAuditEvent().getType()).isEqualTo(AuthorizationAuditListener.AUTHORIZATION_FAILURE); assertThat(event.getAuditEvent().getData()).containsEntry("details", details); } private AuditApplicationEvent handleAuthorizationEvent(AbstractAuthorizationEvent event) { ArgumentCaptor<AuditApplicationEvent> eventCaptor = ArgumentCaptor.forClass(AuditApplicationEvent.class); this.listener.onApplicationEvent(event); then(this.publisher).should().publishEvent(eventCaptor.capture()); return eventCaptor.getValue(); } }
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaGithub'}
Find a Drug and Alcohol Rehabilitation Center near me in Hiram, GA. Individuals and their loved ones want someone's time period in drug and alcohol treatment in Hiram, Georgia to be fruitful, as well as their last time. Nobody wants to fail, because this can often mean the main difference between a quality of life that makes life worth living or no life at all for so many individuals who can't help themselves. This is just what alcohol and drug treatment in Hiram, GA. is about, and we believe that nobody who is impacted by drug abuse is a lost cause. Even when someone has been in and out of drug and alcohol rehabilitation programs in Hiram, GA. or elsewhere, it doesn't imply that one more effective effort isn't worth it. At this point however some individuals could have given up, and it may be up to loved ones to remain stronger and intervene on their behalf to try this final lifesaving effort. The biggest thing for family members to know prior to doing any such intervening is that the reason the person has failed at alcohol and drug rehab in Hiram, Georgia previously isn't necessarily their fault, it could very well be however that they weren't within the appropriate drug and alcohol rehabilitation facility that is sufficient when it comes to form of rehabilitation and duration of care for somebody who is highly addicted and dependent to drugs. This is the reason no person should choose a center in Hiram according to convenience, but makes this decision using the results of the facility. In Hiram, long-term inpatient and residential drug rehabilitation centers will be the programs with the best rates of success, since this is the kind of environment addicted individuals should have to fully give attention to rehabilitation without access to drugs. Once this critical decision has been made, loved ones can intervene themselves through guidance from a professional rehab counselor or with the help of an interventionist. Household and Income Statistics in: Hiram, GA. Highland Rivers Health CSB is an Outpatient Drug Rehab Program that can be reached at 678-567-0920. They specialize in Co-Occurring Mental And Substance Abuse Disorders, Assistance For Hearing Impaired and accept the following forms of payment: Self Payment, Medicaid, Medicare, State Financed Insurance, Private Insurance, Military Insurance. They are located at 126 Enterprise Path Hiram, GA. 30141.
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
He's a God of many chances. He understands me and loves me anyway. Extra-ordinary. How are you? It's a long time since I saw you. Thank you for your care. I have been in and out of the hospital since the end of May, but I will be well sooner than later. Thank you. I am sure you will be up and about soon. Take care and have a pleasant day and weekend. Thank you very much for your kind comment and time to read through. I ask your forgiveness in the late reply, however, I'd been quite ill and am now looking forward to regular writing again. This is moving. And somehow, this sent an inexplicable feeling in me. I feel so blessed to find you here. And oh, keep sharing and spreading His love. Thank you so very much and please forgive my late reply. I am so glad that God has blessed you in reading this; thank you for sharing with me, I truly appreciate it. my iphone and tested to see if it can survive a 25 foot drop, just so she can be a youtube sensation. My apple ipad is now broken and she has 83 views.
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Green Spa Network Congress is approaching its 10-year anniversary. For the past nine years, the Congress has been bringing together various members of the spa community to collaborate and further understand their industry. Each year, the Congress hosts various presenters, speakers, and vendors. By listening to experts speak, members of the spa and wellness industry are able to discover new innovations and techniques that are useful in their industry. Not only are members able to better their industry by listening to experts, but they can also do so by making connections with each other, so they have the ability to take advice from one another. Green Spa Network Congress prides itself on being able to foster such a comfortable environment for a unique learning experience. Everyone is encouraged to engage with one another, in order to learn and form connections. The 10th Anniversary Congress is taking place March 11-14, 2018 at Carmel Valley Ranch, Registration for this Congress opens soon. For more information visit here.
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
When Akron-based First Energy Corp. sought a $4.7 billion merger with Allegheny Energy, which serves Maryland customers through its Potomac Edison subsidiary, in February 2010, it received a taste of Martin O'Malley's shakedown tactics. As a condition of approval, the O'Malley controlled Maryland Public Service Commission, in January 2011 placed several conditions on the merger. One condition in particular mandated that First Energy assist in developing a Tier 1 renewable energy source capable of generating 13,000 megawatts. In December 2010, Malcolm Woolf, head of the Maryland Energy Administration—appointed by O'Malley—testified before the Public ServiceCommission in favor of requiring First Energy to support a Tier 1 renewable energy project. It was the first time Woolf ever testified before the commission since O'Malley appointed him in 2007. Later, in December 2011, First Energy announced it had entered into a long-term power purchasing agreement with Maryland Solar, which is developing a large, 160-acre solar farm on the grounds of a former state prison in Hagerstown. The Public Service Commission granted a special waiver to Maryland Solar to allow it to begin construction, without obtaining a certificate of public convenience, in order for the company to access a federal renewable energy grant program before it expired. The Maryland board of Public Works, composed of Governor O'Malley, Comptroller Peter Franchot and State Treasurer Nancy Kopp approved a very favorable lease agreement for the land to Maryland Solar in July 2011, by a 2-1 vote. Franchot voted against the deal. Maryland Solar is a subsidiary of Beowulf Energy, which is overly guarded about information about its operations. O'Malley's former chief of staff, Michael Enright is Beowulf's managing director. So here we have a company looking to do business in state of Maryland being shaken down by the O'Malley machine in order to enrich his crony, and assist the Governor achieve a political goal by amassing more renewable energy. The $550,000 First Energy donated to the O'Malley controlled Democratic Governor's Association between 2010-2011 didn't hurt either. Of course, when the Baltimore Sun looked into the massive amount of cash companies with business interests in Maryland poured into the DGA after he took the helm, O'Malley said there were no connections between the donations his decisions as governor. Governor, meet grain of salt. First Energy wasn't the only energy company to get a taste of the O'Malley way in 2011. Chicago-based Exelon, which purchased Constellation Energy, which owned Baltimore Gas and Electric got the same treatment. After Exelon agreed to $1 billion in extra concessions, O'Malley finally gave his blessing to the merger. The concessions included Exelon paying $30 million for offshore wind development—a key political goal for O'Malley—, $2 million to state universities to fund wind energy research. Thomas A. Firey, a Maryland Public Policy Institute senior fellow, said the focus on alternative energy seemed political and counter-intuitive to market forces. Firey said it seems like the deal was more focused on securing funding for politically popular items like wind farms and poultry litter plants than getting further rate relief or rebates for BGE ratepayers. He also cautioned that there could be fallout from the deal that makes Maryland look unfriendly for businesses. Maryland has a reputation as state with a dreadful business climate. It is, unless you're politically connected.
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91.5 The Beat The Beat Breakfast Mid-Days with Melanie Afternoon Drive with Elle Dee The Beat Mix @ 6 with DJ Flash Evenings with Wil Smith Evenings with Nicole Throwback Sundays Throwbacks @ 2p The Beat Top 25 LIVE New Music Poll Turn It Up Saturdays BEAT Artist Days! Club 9-1-5 Beat Elite Prize Pick-Up Info. Beat Cares Beat Cares Submissions MOMMYLICIOUS Doug Ford government rebranding Ontario's logo, slogans, licence plates Nick Westoll GlobalNews.ca WATCH ABOVE: The Ontario PCs announced it would digitize Service Ontario's top 10 transactions including drivers licences, while also rebranding the province's visual identity and slogan as "A Place to Grow." The Ontario government says it's spending just under $600,000 as part of a large-scale redesign of the province's branding, including the official government logo and slogan, licence plates and drivers' licences. As part of the provincial budget announced on Thursday, the government said licence plates for personal vehicles will now include the slogan "A place to grow" instead of "Yours to discover." Plates for commercial vehicles will now include the slogan "Open for business," a long-standing slogan used throughout the 2018 election by Premier Doug Ford. The licence plates, which will be phased in after the current inventory is used up, will also noticeably change in appearance. The current plates, which have a white background and blue lettering, will be no more. Instead, the background will be dark blue with a little blue portion of the new Trillium logo. The province said drivers' licences will include elements of this new design. Ontario tightens purse strings, PCs don't plan to balance books until 2023-24 The new logo is a simplified three-petal Trillium inside a coloured circle. The redesign comes after criticism of the former logo, which was instituted during former premier Dalton McGuinty's administration, from some officials. "The government has embarked on an ambitious effort to ensure all government activities reflect and reinforce a simple common brand standard rooted in qualities of trust, responsiveness, better customer experience, caring and fairness," the government touted in its budget. Officials also said the Ontario government is adopting the slogan "Working for you." It's unclear where, specifically, this slogan will be used. How the Ontario 2019 budget will affect families across the province When asked about the rebranding of licence plates, Ontario NDP Leader Andrea Horwath slammed the decision. She said it's using public money for partisan purposes, calling it a "Conservative-branded licence plate." "We obviously have a premier who is all about bumper stickers and his own brand, and I think it's pretty shameful, quite frankly, for a government to use their position to brand their party on our licence plates," Horwath told reporters Thursday afternoon. "It's just shameful that this is a priority of Doug Ford, is to have his ego on the back of everybody's car." PC government loosens Ontario booze, gambling, rules in first budget Officials said the licence plate redesign cost $89,000 but were quick to add that there could be up to $4 million in savings by changing the manufacturing and going to a universal licence plate size versus the specialty size currently being used in Ontario. It was also said that current stock would be cleared out before ordering new materials. The government said a further $500,000 will be spent as part of a broader rebranding of the Ontario Public Service and to roll out the new logo. WATCH: Ontario Budget 2019: Fedeli outlines 4 priorities for government 'It' TV movie producer sues Warner Bros. over film adaptations Katy Perry takes the stand to deny 'Dark Horse' plagiarism accusation 2019 Canada's Walk of Fame inductees: Will Arnett, Mr. Dressup and more 'Cats' movie trailer: Internet recoils at teaser for live-action musical Beat Breakfast Panel: It's a Follow Up Friday! Howard Stern: O.J. Simpson should be kicked off of Twitter Teams of Use
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The statutory notice has now been approved by the legal team at Wiltshire Council. A full copy of the proposal to close the Potterne site will be published on our website on Thursday 24th January 2019. Hard copies will be available from the office. Another period of consultation will take place for approximately four weeks. Responses to the proposal should be sent to the Chair of Governors, Steve Morse by Thursday 28th February 2019. We encourage our families to respond to the proposal. Following the consultation, responses will be considered by Wiltshire Council before they make the final decision to close the Potterne site. The proposed implementation date to close the Potterne site has now been moved to 31st August 2019. This is to ensure the statutory time scale is met. All children would then be educated at the Worton site from 1st September 2019, allowing a smooth transition to one site at the start of the new academic year. Further to the letter sent to parents in July, we want to update you on the current Consultation process to move the whole school to the Worton site. The Governing Body has proposed that it is in the school's best interest to move the whole school to Worton. The Consultation process, run jointly with Wiltshire Council, is to outline the reasons why this move has been proposed and will allow our school and village communities to express any views. The Consultation documents will be sent out next week to school families and will also be available for the general public. Additionally a meeting will be held for parents and community members to hear more about the proposal, gain a clear understanding of the Consultation process and ask any questions. We will advise on the date and location of this meeting once it has been agreed.
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CHAPTER. Pandemic Flu (Past and Possible) cpb7csch09pg121-150.qxd 10/31/07 12:38 PM Page 121 9 CHAPTER Pandemic Flu (Past and Possible) 121 cpb7csch09pg121-150.qxd 122 10/31/07 12:... Author: Miles Grant 21 downloads 0 Views 3MB Size Influenza Pandemic (including Swine Flu) and Endemic Influenza, Pandemic Influenza, and Avian Flu Plain Talk About the H1N1 Flu Pandemic Swine flu: the present pandemic infectious disease Pandemic Flu: What it is and How to Prepare PANDEMIC FLU. Protecting yourself from the H1N1 flu... AND the vaccine. Brian of the Adamson Family The Past and Possible Future of Countermonument Pandemic Flu Briefing Session. University of Reading 2009 American Red Cross Home Care for Pandemic Flu Pandemic (H1N1) Flu Answers to Frequently Asked Questions The Other Forgotten Pandemic: Canada and the Spanish Flu in 1920 PANDEMIC FLU. Guidance for infection control for schools and early years or group childcare settings The Flu Pandemic Game A business continuity training resource for healthcare and related organisations Chapter Four BABYLON PAST, PRESENT AND FUTURE Guidelines for Acquisition of Ventilators to Meet Demands for Pandemic Flu and Mass Casualty Incidents Fatal Flu: History, Science, and Politics of the 1918 Influenza Pandemic Pandemic flu guidance for the police service. What you need to know and how to protect yourself and others COLD AND FLU PRECAUTIONS: PANDEMIC FLU GUIDANCE FOR ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH PRACTITIONERS. What you need to know and how to protect yourself and others ACUPUNCTURE AND COLDS AND FLU The 1918 Spanish Flu Pandemic, the Origins of the H1N1-virus Strain, a Glance in History Salisbury University. Pandemic Flu Plan. Drafted by the Emergency Management Team July 28, 2006 Frequently asked questions: Pandemic (H1N1) 2009 (Swine Flu) information for parents Florida Department of Health August 20, 2007 PRE-PANDEMIC FLU BEHAVIOR CHANGE CAMPAIGN FINAL EVALUATION REPORT cpb7csch09pg121-150.qxd Pandemic Flu (Past and Possible) Pandemic Flu (Past): An Oral History by Teamus Bartley, Recorded by Nyoka Hawkins, 1987 T. BARTLEY: . . . [Y]ou ain't old enough to remember the year the flu struck the people so bad in this . . . in this country, do you? HAWKINS: No. T. BARTLEY: That was in 1918. HAWKINS: Yeah, I think that both my . . . both my great-grandparents died in that. T. BARTLEY: . . . [Y]eah, they did. Yeah. It was the saddest looking time then that ever you saw in your life. My brother lived over here in the camps then and I was working over there and . . . I was dropping cars under the tipple. And the fl. . . that . . . that . . . epidemic broke out and people went to dying and it was just four and five every night dying right there in the camps. Every night. And I began going over there. My brother and hi- . . . all his family took down with it. It . . . what did they call it? The flu? Yeah. Eight- . . . 1918 flu. And when I'd get over there, I'd ride my horse and go over there of a evening, I'd stay with my brother about three hours and do what I could to help them and every one of them was in the bed and sometimes Dr. Preston would come while I was there. He was the doctor. And he said, "I'm trying to save their lives, but I'm afraid I ain't going to." They was so bad off. HAWKINS: __________ T. BARTLEY: And every . . . nearly every porch . . . every porch that I'd look at had . . . would have a casket box setting on it. And men digging graves just as hard as they could and the mines had to shut down. There wadn't nary a man . . . there wadn't a . . . there wadn't a mine running or a lump of coal running nowhere. . . . T. BARTLEY: Stayed that a way for about six weeks. Figure 9.1 Mining family in Pennsylvania near the time of the 1918 epidemic. From the Stanley family records, circa 1919, privately held. CASE ANALYSIS 1. Recognize potential issues and major topics in the case. What is this case about? Underline terms or phrases that seem to be important to understanding this case. Then list 3–4 biology-related topics or issues in the case. 2. What specific questions do you have about these topics? By yourself, or better yet, in a group, list what you already know that is related to the case in the "What Do I Know?" column. List questions you would like to learn more about in the "What Do I Need to Know?" column. What Do I Know? What Do I Need to Know? 3. Put a check mark by 1–3 questions or issues in the "What Do I Need to Know?" list that you think are most important to explore. 4. What kinds of references or resources would help you answer or explore these questions? Identify two different resources and explain what information each resource is likely to give that will help you answer the question(s). Choose specific resources. BIOLOGICAL INQUIRY: A Workbook of Investigative Cases Core Investigations I. Exploring Flu Antigens, Genetics, and Replication The transcript in the case is an oral history told by a survivor of the deadly flu pandemic (global epidemic) of 1918. It is estimated that this flu was responsible for at least 40 million deaths worldwide. Questions about the 1918 flu and why it was so deadly were unanswered for years. In 1995, scientists successfully sequenced the genome of the virus using archival autopsy tissues of known victims from 1918 (Taubenberger and Morens, 2006). The virulent human-to-human transmissible influenza of 1918 is an avian flu virus that scientists named H1N1. Less lethal descendants of H1N1 are among those causing the seasonal flu for which we get immunizations (vaccinations) each year. This investigation emphasizes Concepts 19.1, 19.2 (read Reproductive Cycles of Animal Viruses), 19.3 (read Viral Diseases in Animals and Emerging Viruses), and Table 19.1. Be sure to examine the diagram of the flu virus. Both H1N1 from 1918 and today's closely monitored avian flu virus, H5N1, are classified as influenza A viruses. 1. What molecule does the H stand for in the name of both viruses; where is the H molecule located on the virus; and what role does the H molecule play in the life cycle of the virus? 2. What molecule does the N stand for, where is it located; and what is its function in the viral life cycle? The internal structure of influenza A flu viruses includes a matrix surrounding eight individual negative-stranded RNA molecules, each within its own capsid, that make up its viral genome. Each of the RNA strands codes for a specific protein. 3. The virus uses the host cell to produce more copies of itself. As the viral RNA replicates in the host, mutations arise much more frequently in the viral genome than in the host genome (which replicates DNA). Why do more mutations occur in the virus than in the host? In addition to mutation (antigenic drift), influenza A viruses can also exchange RNA with other strains of influenza A that may have simultaneously infected the same host cell. The RNA molecules can undergo genetic recombination, producing new strains with unique viral genomes in a process called antigenic shift. New strains of influenza A are produced continuously through both mutation and recombination, necessitating annual seasonal flu shots to prevent infection. 4. Depending on the strain, influenza A is found in a variety of animal hosts including humans, pigs, birds, cats, dogs, and even whales. Many influenza A viruses are not specific for a single kind of animal host. In the later discussion, "Pandemic Flu (Possible)," maps showing the current spread of H5N1 include the density of chicken farms and pig farms as well as human populations. Why do you think these three populations are being tracked by epidemiologists looking for new strains of avian flu? 5. Suppose a human host suffering from seasonal influenza A (readily transmitted from human to human) comes down with avian flu at the same time. What serious consequences might result? 6. The immune system responds specifically to the exact combination of the H and N surface proteins found in a flu virus particle. Currently, 16 antigenically distinct groups of H molecules and 9 distinct groups of N molecules have been identified. How many possible antigenically distinct combinations of H and N could occur? Fortunately, not every combination of H and N proteins causes the flu in human hosts. In addition, not all influenza is human-to-human transmissible like the deadly H1N1 flu of 1918. In fact, as of April 2007, the only known human-to-human transmissible influenza A strains include the H1, H2, or H3 proteins combined with the N1 or N2 proteins. These strains are transmitted via virus-laden droplets that are coughed or sneezed into the air or onto surfaces and then contact susceptible tissues. Other combinations of the H and N proteins cause flu in other species, but they cannot easily initiate disease in humans. The H5N1 "bird" flu is deadly, but it was not known to be human-tohuman transmissible at the time this book was published. When a viral hemagglutinin attaches to a specific receptor on a host cell, it initiates the process by which the virus gains entry into the host cell. Without these receptors, infection cannot occur. See Table 9.1 for differences in the receptors for H1, H2, and H3 versus H5. Table 9.1 Comparing Hemagglutinin Receptors in Humans and Birds H1, H2, and H3: Human Flu H5: Avian Flu Receptors are host cell–surface glycoproteins that terminate in sialic acid linked to the penultimate (next to last) galactose by an alpha 2,6 linkage. Cells with these glycoproteins are common in the human upper respiratory tract (nose, upper throat). Receptors are host cell–surface glycoproteins whose terminal sialic acid is linked to the penultimate galactose by an alpha 2,3 linkage. Cells with these glycoproteins are common in bird upper respiratory tracts. Human cells having glycoproteins with the alpha 2,3 linkages are found deeper in the human respiratory tract, throat, and deeper in the lungs. Table based on information in Kuiken et al., 2006. 7. a. Explain how the location of human glycoprotein receptors for H1, H2, and H3 influenza A antigens facilitates transmission of these strains among humans. b. Explain how the location of human glycoprotein receptors for H5 influenza A antigens has contributed to the failure—so far—of this virus to be readily transmitted among humans. 8. The World Health Organization Global Influenza Programme is developing "pre-pandemic" candidate vaccines based on H5N1 viruses from infected humans. These pre-pandemic vaccines are needed for preparedness planning and are used in studies that inform dosage, cross-reactivity, and cross-protection. They are also available for governments to request for pilot vaccine production (World Health Organization, 2007). Do you think that these pre-pandemic vaccines will be effective against an H5N1 influenza that becomes human-to-human transmissible? Why or why not? 9. A new strain of H5N1 avian flu could emerge that would result in human-to-human transmission. a. Why is vaccine development not the highest priority right now? b. Once an epidemic has started, vaccine development will be a high priority. Epidemics often occur in "waves" of illness, with different segments of the population becoming ill each time. Three waves of disease, each lasting weeks, are not rare in a flu epidemic. Why does creating a vaccine in preparation for a second wave of an epidemic make the most sense? 10. Review the replication cycle for flu viruses in Chapter 19. Pharmaceutical companies wish to produce antiviral drug therapies that can interrupt the viral replication cycle while causing minimal adverse effects on the host cells. Several classes of drugs are known to interrupt influenza A replication. Oseltamivir (Tamiflu) and zanamivir (Relenza) are drugs that inhibit the action of the N protein. Oseltamivir has been used successfully in some cases but only during the first 36–48 hours postexposure. What part of viral replication is affected by these two drugs? Why is early treatment needed? 11. Resistance of avian influenza A to oseltamivir has already been observed. For example, a resistant H5N1 influenza A mutant has been isolated from a human. There was a substitution of a single amino acid at position 274, in which a tyrosine replaces histidine (deJong et al., 2005). Explain how resistance to a drug increases the fitness of the virus. II. Pandemic Flu (Possible): The Spread of H5N1 Avian Influenza Although the 1918 "Spanish flu" pandemic is long over, its lessons have been critical to understanding subsequent flu pandemics (in 1957 and 1968) as well as for preparing for future pandemics. The current H5N1 avian influenza is a different type of flu virus than those that have infected humans in the past. At the time of this publication, H5N1 has been only avian-to-human transmissible, but it is frequently deadly in the people who contract it from birds. In this investigation, you will be making observations from the maps that follow (Figure 9.2), detecting patterns, and drawing inferences about the occurrence and spread of H5N1 avian influenza. Use the maps to learn more about the H5N1 avian influenza A. RUSSIAN fEDERATION UNITED KINGDOM OF GREAT BRITIAN AND NOTHERN IRELAND POLAND NETH. GERMANY CZECH REP. SWITZ. AUSTRIA HUNGARY SLOVENIA SER.& BULGARIA ALB. TURKEY KOREA I RAQ ISRAEL MYANMAR BANGLADESH LAOS DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC NIGER BURKINA FASO NIGERIA CÔTE D'IVOIRE CAMEROON MALAYSIA INDONESI A Areas reporting occurence in poultry Areas reporting occurence only in wild birds Figure 9.2a Confirmed occurrence of H5N1 avian influenza in poultry and wild birds, March 2003–2007. The horizontal black line is the approximate location of the equator. (Source: Adapted from World Health Organization. © WHO 2007. All rights reserved.) Turkey Cases: 12 Deaths: 4 Azerbaijan Cases: 8 Deaths: 5 China Cases: 25 Deaths: 16 Iraq Cases: 3 Deaths: 2 Lao People's Democratic Republic Cases: 2 Deaths: 2 Egypt Cases: 38 Deaths: 15 Viet Nam Cases: 100 Deaths: 46 Thailand Cases: 25 Deaths: 17 Cambodia Cases: 7 Deaths: 7 Djibouti Cases: 1 Deaths: 0 Indonesia Cases: 106 Deaths: 85 Nigeria Cases: 1 Deaths: 1 Country, area or territory Cases: cumulative number Deaths: cumlative number Areas with confirmed human cases * All dates refer to onset of illness 3,400 Kilometers Figure 9.2b Areas with confirmed human cases of avian influenza, 2003–March 2007. Approximate location of equator is shown. (Source: Adapted from World Health Organization. © WHO 2007. All rights reserved.) Status of Avian Influenza H5N1 Worlwide June 2006 Bird cases Human cases / deaths Colored Lines Indicate overlapping major flyways of migratory birda Figure 9.2c Global migration flyways. (Source: Adapted from Jan Conroy/UC Davis graphic. Sources: AI outbreaks: OIE, FAO and government sources; Flyways: Wetlands International.) 1. Examine Figure 9.2a. In 3–4 sentences, describe the general pattern of H5N1 avian flu that is shown in this map. Tell what continents and approximate latitudes are affected, where it seems to be most common in poultry, and where wild birds are the only cases reported so far. 2. Next examine Figure 9.2b. How does the density of human cases compare with the distribution of the H5N1 flu in poultry? In wild birds? 3. What inferences can you draw from these data about how avian flu is transmitted to humans? Explain each one, referring to the data you used in developing that inference. 4. Update Figure 9.2b with the most recent data from the World Health Organization. Place the new information directly on the map. (Go to the website and search for avian influenza cases. Data in Table 9.2 are from WHO, dated June 7, 2007. http://www.who.int/csr/ disease/avian_influenza/country.) Table 9.2 Incidence of Avian Influenza H5N1 in Humans, April–June 7, 2007 Country Cambodia China Egypt Indonesia Total 5. Use the updated Figure 9.2b to calculate the death rate due to bird flu for Indonesia, Vietnam, China, Nigeria, and Egypt. Death rate = (number dead/total cases) 100% Round to nearest 0.1%. Indonesia _______________ Vietnam _______________ China __________________ Egypt _________________ Nigeria _______________ 6. If you were planning a trip to one of the countries listed in number 5, would you rather be told the death rate or the number of cases and deaths in each country? Explain. 7. Egypt reported its first cases of avian influenza in humans in December 2006. In the first 3 months of 2007, there were 14 more human cases of avian flu, with three deaths in that quarter year. Like people in much of the world, most Egyptian households keep small numbers of chickens. However, a tradition unique to Egypt is that its poultry are fed mouth to mouth by women who first chew grain and then blow the powdered feed into the mouths of their birds. What does this information further suggest about the ways avian influenza H5N1 spreads to humans? What additional information would you want in order to confirm your idea? 8. As you know, many wild birds fly to different parts of the earth as they follow their annual cycles of migration, mating, nesting, and overwintering. Examine the major flyways shown in Figure 9.2c. In a few sentences, describe the patterns you see in these flyways. Include descriptors such as the degree to which they overlap, their general directional orientations, and their extent. 9. Given what you now know about the location of avian influenza and bird migration, make an inference about where you think this disease is most likely to be first detected in the United States. Explain your reasoning. 10. From which part of the world do you think avian flu came to Nigeria? Explain. 11. Extending this investigation, visit one of the many interactive maps on avian influenza. Two particularly good ones are offered by the British Broadcasting group in the United Kingdom, http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/shared/spl/hi/world/05/bird_flu_map/html/1.stm, and MSNBC, http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/12375868/from/ET/. a. Tell which map you viewed and at least two new bits of information you learned. b. Write two questions that you are able to answer with the information on the interactive map that you could not answer with the static maps provided in this investigation. III. Critical Reading: The Body's Defenses Against the Flu Before delving further into this investigative case, you should be familiar with the structure and reproduction of viruses, especially the influenza virus. If you have not already read Chapter 19: Viruses, you should do so now as background. This Critical Reading is focused mainly on Chapter 43: The Immune System. Read the Overview; read Concepts 43.1, 43.2, and 43.3 through Active and Passive Immunization; and in 43.4, emphasize Acquired Immune System Evasion by Pathogens. Innate Immunity: All Animals 1. Once a pathogen (a biological agent that causes disease) manages to get past an animal's physical barriers, there is a very good chance that it will be detected by the animal's immune system. At the molecular level, how does an animal detect the presence of a pathogen and determine that it is an intruder and nonself? 2. A single virus particle of influenza A is insufficient to initiate disease in humans. It is estimated that between 100 and 1,000 influenza A virus particles are necessary to cause the flu in an individual. A single droplet sneezed from an infected person is likely to contain sufficient virus particles to initiate the disease. Explain why a single virus particle is insufficient. To do this, describe both the barrier and the cellular mechanisms of innate immunity that could play a role in stopping viral particles from initiating and then spreading flu within a vertebrate host. A recent summary of clinical findings in people infected with the avian H5N1 influenza A showed that levels of interferons, various interleukins, tumor necrosis factor (TNF), and monocyte attractant protein were higher in patients who died than in those who survived. These strong cellular responses of the innate immune system may actually have contributed to the multiorgan failure and sepsis seen in many patients (Writing Committee of the World Health Organization, 2005). By elevating the innate immune response to dangerous levels, it appears the H5N1 avian influenza turned the host's innate defenses against the host in some patients, resulting in several deaths. Acquired Immunity: Vertebrates Only In vertebrates, once the innate immune response fails to prevent host invasion, the acquired immune response takes over. In contrast to the more general innate immunity, acquired immunity is a response to specific pathogens. Unfortunately, it takes from several days to 2 weeks for the acquired response to be fully effective. Records from the U.S. Navy revealed that when the 1918 flu was diagnosed on any ship, the entire crew was quarantined onboard and virtually all crew members got sick. Many of the men died despite their own immune responses and medical treatment. 3. In the acquired immune response, two types of lymphocytes, B cells and T cells, are the key players. Review Concepts 43.2 and 43.3 and Figures 43.9 and 43.10. a. Compare and contrast the antigen receptors of B and T cells. b. B and T cells can only recognize antigens when they are in specific locations. Where are the antigens located that B cells can detect? c. Where are the antigens located that the two kinds of T cells can detect? Include the role of the MHC in your answer. 4. Examine Figure 43.16 and focus on the acquired immune system events following first exposure to an antigen. This was the case for the sailors, coal miners, and everyone else infected in 1918. a. How are the innate and the acquired immune systems linked? How does one system inform the other of an invasion by a foreign particle? b. In the acquired immune response, which cells undergo clonal selection once their receptors have joined with one of the antigens? c. Why is clonal selection a key event in whether the acquired immune response is successful? d. B plasma cells are effector B cells that fight off the infection differently than cytotoxic T cells do. Explain. e. Although not a factor in disease caused by influenza A, what would be the effect on the acquired immune response if the helper T cells were removed from the system? (The virus causing the current AIDS pandemic targets such T cells.) 5. Immunization against common strains of human-to-human transmissible influenza A is needed every year because the seasonal flu mutates readily. In the case of the 1918 flu, immunization was poorly understood and not available. For a possible H5N1 pandemic, immunization will play a significant role. In the acquired immune system, how does an immunization protect a person from a disease like flu? IV. Internet Activity: Influenza in the Media The communication of biological information is an essential service for our global society. It is not unexpected that a current concern like the avian flu is frequently reported in the media, but the 1918 flu is also still in the news. In early 2007, several articles cited Sir Mark Sykes, a victim of the Spanish flu epidemic, who died at the age of 39 in a hotel room in February 1919 while attending the Paris peace conference following World War I. Because the British diplomat was buried in a sealed lead coffin, researchers were hopeful that well-preserved body samples could be obtained. 1. After the flu virus is retrieved from the diplomat's remains, what is likely to be done with the sample? 2. Considering that it is 90 years since the outbreak of the 1918 flu, are you surprised by the current scientific interest? (When is scientific investigation done?) To consider how current avian flu biology is being communicated globally, you can use a search engine such as Google Image Search to look for images used to communicate with the public in countries where human cases of avian flu have been reported. 3. Choose three images that you believe are helpful in presenting bird flu facts. Record your information in the following chart. 4. What kinds of organizations produce the websites containing the media that you have listed? 5. Briefly describe the biological images used and how each relates to the avian flu—for example, a masked and gloved (to prevent viral infection) worker examining poultry (potential carriers of H5N1). 6. Which of your three media choices would be the most useful for convincing your classmates that avian flu is a real biological concern? Explain. 7. If you were asked to produce a brochure to advise a segment of the public in your country about the risks of avian flu, what group would you select as the target audience? Explain your choice. 8. What images would you include in your brochure? Why? 9. Describe at least three examples of biological information you would include for this particular group. V. Using Data to Explore Pandemic Flu (Past and Possible) A. Working with Tables and Graphs on Mortality Statistics Consider the data in Table 9.3. Table 9.3 Average Age at Death in the United States, 1911–1919 Year 50.9 51.5 50.3 52 52.5 49.6 48.4 36.6 53.5 54.4 55.9 55 56.8 56.8 54.3 54 42.2 56 Adapted from Life Expectancy in the USA, 1900–98 (Noymer, 2007). 1. In 1915, a man could expect to live for_____________ years. In 1918, this dropped to __________ years. 2. Between 1917 and the onset of the influenza pandemic in 1918, both male and female life expectancy dropped __________ years. 3. Construct a graph with 1911 to 1919 on the x-axis and 0 to 60 years of age on the y-axis. Show separate male and female life expectancy lines by connecting the points plotted for each year versus expected age at death. Provide a suitable title for your graph. 4. Which is more effective at quickly conveying the impact of the 1918 influenza pandemic, the table or your graph? Why? Now look at Table 9.4. Table 9.4 U.S. Deaths per 100,000 Attributed to Influenza and Pneumonia, 1917–1918 Age 2,944.5 422.7 47.9 4,540.9 1,436.2 352.7 78 117.7 193.2 292.3 1,175.7 1,998 1,097.6 686.8 Adapted from Age-specific death rates (per 100,000), Influenza & Pneumonia, USA (Noymer, 2007). 5. Which age group had the highest number of influenza- and pneumonia-related deaths in 1917? In 1918? 6. Another way of looking at the data is to consider the specific increase in the number of influenza- and pneumonia-related deaths in one age group between 1917 and 1918. You can calculate this by dividing the number of deaths in 1918 by the number of deaths in 1917. For instance, if you look at the age group 1 year, divide the number of deaths in 1918 (4,540.9) by the number of deaths in 1917 (2,944.5). The increase in deaths during 1918 is approximately 1.5 times the 1917 deaths. How many times greater is the 1918 death total than the 1917 death total for 5- to 14- year-olds? 7. Which two age groups experienced the highest increase in the number of influenza- and pneumonia-related deaths between 1917 and 1918? a. How many times greater is the 1918 total than the 1917 total for each of these two groups? b. If you were the same age you are now, how much more likely would you have been to succumb from an influenza- or pneumonia-related death in 1918 than in 1917? 8. Scientists were puzzled why the 1918 flu resulted in increased deaths in specific age groups. What was so unexpected? B. Working with the SIR Model to Investigate Avian Influenza H5N1 Models help investigators ask questions as well as predict possible outcomes. In this activity, you will use an Excel model (Weisstein, 2007) to simulate disease spread throughout a population. The model divides the host population into three categories: • Susceptible individuals (S) • Infected individuals (I) • Individuals who have recovered from infection (R) This SIR model produces graphs that track movement into, out of, and between the S, I, and R categories over time. Careful observation enables you to consider how the disease interacts with its host populations. (Note: Each disease being modeled is based on specific characteristics that the model user sets.) Scenario 1 Consider the following simulation results (Figure 9.3) based on a hypothetical scenario in which four poultry workers from Tennessee infected with an H5N1 strain are moved to a health facility with a population of 180. 200 180 S # People Time Susceptible# Infected# Recovered# Figure 9.3 Simulation results for Scenario 1 of avian influenza. 1. Is this more likely to be a strain of the virus that is transmitted only from avian to human or a strain that is transmitted from human to human? Explain. 2. About how many individuals remained healthy? What is the transmission rate in this model? Transmission R (recovered) / S (susceptible) 3. All infected individuals (I) eventually become recovered individuals (R). What does this tell us about the severity of the viral disease in this model—that is, what is the mortality rate observed here? Scenario 2 This is the same hypothetical situation except that 40 people are isolated in a special ward at the facility before they can be exposed to the preceding avian influenza strain. 20 Susceptible# 4. The number of infected individuals (I) on Day 20 in Scenario 2 (see Figure 9.4) is __________ as compared to the number of infected individuals (I) on Day 20 in Scenario 1 (see Figure 9.3), which is ____________________. 5. The total number of recovered individuals (R) in Scenario 2 is __________ as compared to __________ in Scenario 1. What does this tell us about the efficacy of isolation in this model? Scenario 3 In 1918, no one knew what caused influenza and vaccines were not available. Nevertheless, it was understood that coughing and sneezing contributed to the spread of the disease. At that time, Seattle public health officials required all passengers and employees of mass transit systems to wear masks (Figure 9.5). Spitting was also prohibited in many cities. In the following simulations, consider the impact of individuals wearing masks during exposure to H1N1. These simulations involve a population of 200 hospital workers. 6. Predict generally what you'd expect to see in the SIR model results with respect to S, I, and R individuals. (Consider how these results would differ from not wearing masks.) Figure 9.5 Street car conductor in Seattle not allowing passengers aboard without a mask. Record held at: The National Archives. In the following simulations, let's reduce the transmission rate to approximately 10% of its previous value once the hospital initiates mask use. Exactly when the hospital starts using masks can dramatically affect the course of the epidemic, as the graphs in Figure 9.6 through Figure 9.8 show. 200 S # People 100 50 I 0 0 Susceptible# Figure 9.6 Simulation results for Scenario 3 of avian influenza, with masks used starting on Day 30, when the epidemic has already nearly run its course. 150 R 100 50 I 0 0 Figure 9.7 Simulation results for Scenario 3 of avian influenza, with masks used starting on Day 20, when the epidemic is at its peak. 150 100 R Figure 9.8 Simulation results for Scenario 3 of avian influenza, with masks used starting on Day 10, when the epidemic is still in its growth phase. 7. Using your observations of Figures 9.6 through 9.8, defend a policy that makes wearing masks mandatory during the early days of an epidemic such as the 1918 flu. Additional Investigation VI. Pandemic Planning Although the H5N1 avian influenza A strain may not be the next virus that causes an epidemic around the globe, its severity and high mortality rate in humans have raised the level of alert. Pandemics occur somewhat regularly, and planning is ongoing. International cooperative groups are already planning responses to a flu pandemic. At the same time, planning is proceeding at national, state, and local levels. Planning for a pandemic is complex and involves the participation of many stakeholder groups that have overlapping areas of concern and expertise. A list follows of some of the concerns and issues that need to be addressed in pandemic planning—in this case, for avian influenza. Address one or more of these concerns from the perspective of one of the following stakeholder groups: public health (including CDC and WHO); medicine-pharmacology; media and public information; agriculture; local, state, and national governing bodies; department of state; consumers and taxpayers. Your instructor may ask you to write a paper, prepare an informational poster or a 30-second radio spot informing the public, conduct a simulated pandemic planning meeting, or prepare some other form of response to these issues and perspectives. 1. Surveillance and monitoring of human and avian cases 2. Fostering international scientific collaboration 3. Developing international cooperation in limiting spread, defining acceptable enforcement 4. Prevention, limiting spread, and ethics a. Pharmacologic interventions—efficacy, availability, compliance i. Vaccination ii. Antivirals as prophylactics b. Nonpharmacologic interventions (NPIs)—efficacy and gaining compliance i. Community mitigation (school closures, restrictions on movements) ii. Quarantine and isolation of healthy and sick individuals iii. Travel restrictions locally and globally iv. Social distancing v. Use of masks and increased hygiene 5. Treatment and ethics a. Antiviral availability b. Hospital space limitations for isolation and treatment 6. Disposal of bodies if pandemic is extreme 7. Continuation of governance during a pandemic 8. Delivery of services when many are sick—priorities and ethics a. Water, food, energy b. Workforce reductions due to illness 9. Economic impact (short term) and ethics a. Confined animal feeding operations (CAFO)—placement and regulation b. Importers and exporters of other goods and services c. Pharmaceutical industry d. Health-insurance industry e. Health-care industry 10. Long-term effects on affected countries and ethics a. Economic effects b. Loss of personnel to pandemic Some Suggested Resources Related to Pandemic Planning Pandemicflu.gov Avianflu.gov National Governor's Association document on Preparing for Pandemic Influenza http://www.nga.org/Files/pdf/0607PANDEMICPRIMER.PDF (Note: This is a large file.) Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (http://www.cdc.gov/flu/avian) World Health Organization (http://www.who.int/en/) VII. Open-Ended Investigations The Excel-based SIR model used in Investigation V is freely available online at http://bioquest.org/ icbl/casebook/avian. Consider developing your own scenarios (more virulent flu, different mitigation efforts, etc.) and seeing their effectiveness on the spread of disease. References deJong, Menno D., Tran Tan Thanh, Truong Huu Khanh, Vo Minh Hien, Gavin J. D. Smith, Nguyen Vinh Chau, Bach Van Cam, Phan Tu Qui, Do Quang Ha, Yi Guan, J. S. Malik Peiris, Tran Tinh Hien, and Jeremy Farrar. Oseltamivir resistance during treatment of influenza A (H5N1) infection. NEJM, 353(25):2667–672, 2005. Hawkins, Nyoka. Teamus Bartley interview, Appalachia Oral History Project, Louie B. Nunn Center for Oral History, University of Kentucky Libraries, Accession No. 87OH191 App 114. Date June 14, 1987. Kuiken, T., E. C. Holmes, J. McCauley, G. F. Rimmelzwaan, C. S. Williams, and B. T. Grenfell. Host species barriers to influenza virus infections. Science, 312(5772):394–397, 2006. Noymer, A. Raw data set: Age-specific death rates (per 100,000). Influenza and Pneumonia, USA. http://www.demog.berkeley.edu/~andrew/1918/figure1.html (accessed April 2007). Life expectancy in the USA, 1900–98. http://www.demog.berkeley.edu/randrew/1918/figure2.html (accessed April 2007). Taubenberger, J. K., and D. M. Morens. 1918 influenza: The mother of all pandemics. Emerging Infectious Diseases, on return 12(1), January 2006. Online at http://www.cdc.gov/ncidod/ EID/vol12no01/05-0979.htm. Weisstein, A. E. SIR Modeling. In Biological ESTEEM: Excel Simulations and Tools for Exploratory, Experiential Mathematics. 2007 http://bioquest.org/ESTEEM. World Health Organization. Antigenic and genetic characteristics of H5N1 viruses and candidate H5N1 vaccine viruses developed for potential use as pre-pandemic vaccines. http://www.who.int/ csr/disease/avian_influenza/guidelines/h5n1virus/en/index.html (accessed March 2007). The Writing Committee of the World Health Organization (WHO) Consultation on Human Influenza A/H5. Avian Influenza A (H5N1) infection in humans. NEJM, 353(13):1374–385, 2005. Maps Figure 9.2a http://gamapserver.who.int/mapLibrary/Files/Maps/Global_SubNat_H5N1inAnimalConfirmedCUMULATIVE_20070329.png Figure 9.2b http://gamapserver.who.int/mapLibrary/Files/Maps/Global_H5N1inHumanCUMULATIVE_ FIMS_20070329.png Figure 9.2c.http://calag.ucop.edu/0603JAS/images/avianMap.jpg Report "CHAPTER. Pandemic Flu (Past and Possible)"
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Escape the present...experience the past! Field Trips & Outreach Van Zandt Homestead Hours/Admission Lessons and Activities Frontier 101 Episodes Ask a Pioneer Log Cabin Village features a collection of Texas log cabins each showcasing a distinct architectural style. Dating from the mid to late 1800s, these structures allow us to quite literally step into the homes of our ancestors and imagine what life might have been like in 19th century Texas. Click on the name of a cabin to learn more about its history, or keep scrolling to read about each one. Foster House Pickard Cabin Seela Cabin Parker Cabin Howard Cabin Marine Schoolhouse Shaw Cabin and Gristmill Tompkins Cabin The Blacksmith Shop was built on-site in the 1980s to represent a typical forge found on the Texas frontier. Our historical interpreters use the space to demonstrate blacksmithing and the craftsmanship required to create the ironwork needed by our pioneer ancestors. Foster House Parlor The Foster House is an "I" home with square notching built by enslaved workers around 1853. Originally, the first floor consisted of an entrance hall, a parlor, two bedrooms, a kitchen, and a dining area. A narrow stairway led to the second story with three more bedrooms. Today the home serves as the entrance to the Village. The parlor is decorated to show Victorian tastes in interior design. The Howard Cabin is a two-story single-pen house built in the 1860s. The original chimney provided a fireplace both upstairs and downstairs. Today, our talented historical interpreters use the cabin to show off the skills of 19th century woodworkers. The Marine School is an example of a typical one-room schoolhouse built in the 1870s. This building was originally located in what is now Fort Worth's Northside neighborhood. The Schoolhouse still serves as a space to inspire a love of learning for all ages! The Parker Cabin is a double-pen dogtrot home built sometime in the 1840s-1850s. A dogtrot is a breezeway that separates two log rooms to allow for cooling breezes to flow through the house in the summer. The Parker Cabin has ties to several big names in Texas history including Isaac Parker, his niece Cynthia Ann Parker, and Amon G. Carter. Learn more when you stop by and visit with our historical interpreters! The Pickard Cabin is a one-and-a-half-story single pen cabin built circa 1855. The cabin was originally located along Spring Creek, less than ten miles south of Weatherford in Parker County. While the Village only has one pen, the structure was once a dogtrot ell cabin with three rooms arranged in an "L" shape separated by breezeways. Today Village interpreters demonstrate 19th-century spinning and weaving in the Pickard cabin. The Seela Cabin is a single-pen cabin built in the 1860s. Isaac Seela built the home after consulting with local Caddo tribe members to avoid having the home washed away by the high waters of the Brazos River during a flood. The Seela cabin now serves as the Village's hands-on cabin where all our visitors are invited to try their hand at pioneer chores and pastimes! The Shaw Cabin and Gristmill is a single-pen cabin built around 1854. Throughout its lifetime it's been many things: a home, bunkhouse, and storage barn with livestock sheds. At the Village, our historical interpreters use the Shaw Cabin to demonstrate the work and importance of gristmills on the Texas frontier. The Tompkins Cabin is a single-pen cabin built around 1853. At one point, the cabin had two pens connected by a central chimney that could heat both sides of the cabin. It was the cabin moved from its original location near present-day Peaster to the Village in 1958. Today, the Tompkins cabin is well known to visitors as the candle pot cabin; historical interpreters dip candles and invite visitors to try their hand at this important 19th-century skill. ©2021 by Log Cabin Village, Fort Worth's living history museum. Proudly created with Wix.com
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There are a bunch of ideas, that you have submitted on the "Your Stamp Ideas" page. I have also added ideas that I received through email. So check out the great stamp ideas everyone has been submitting and if you think of something why your there go ahead and jot it down!
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Jay Maebori '90, third from the left, was recognized as the 2011 Washington state Teacher of the Year. When Jay Maebori '90 stands before his students in his Kentwood High classroom, much of his enthusiasm and passion for teaching comes from his own 'Iolani teachers. He has never forgotten their dedication and commitment. Like his own teachers, Maebori strives to be a role model and the best educator he can be. He must be doing something right. Recently, he received Washington state's highest honor when he was named as the 2011 Teacher of the Year. "The things I learned at 'Iolani have really influenced me in what I teach today," Maebori said by phone. Yet he humbly adds that the award doesn't equal being the best teacher in the state. From his perspective, the award means he represents all of the great teachers in Washington. Maebori has been teaching at Kentwood for ten years. There are 2,200 students in ninth to twelfth grades at the school situated between the Kent and Covington areas, just south of Seattle. He now teaches sophomore English and is also the yearbook advisor. Teaching is not a job for Maebori. It's his calling. He tries to incorporate references in students' lives to the class material, such as pop culture relating to Macbeth. He tries to be the bridge between what interests students and learning today. Maebori took on teaching after a career as a journalist. Upon graduating from the University of Washington, he worked for several newspapers, covering high school, college and professional sports. Of all the athletes he met, he enjoyed talking with high school students the most. He decided to volunteer as a teacher. Then he set out to earn his master's degree in teaching through night classes at Seattle Pacific University while working as a reporter for the South County Journal in Kent during the day. As an English teacher and the yearbook advisor, Jay Maebori continues the tradition of wearing Aloha shirts on Fridays at Kentwood High. Photo by Priscilla Gamit. His experiences as a journalist make him an even better teacher. Over the years, his students have sent him cards and letters thanking him for making a difference in their lives. Many have shared that the lessons he imparted or the examples that he set have left lifelong impressions. Maebori keeps these notes in a "rainy day file" and, sometimes, after a long, tiring day, he'll read them. As Washington's Teacher of the Year, he is busy attending and speaking at conferences. He will also attend the National Teachers Convention in Dallas where Teachers of the Year from other states will join for professional enrichment and sharing. One of them will be named National Teacher of the Year. In May, he will travel to Washington, D.C., to meet President Obama, a trip he looks forward to though he will miss being in the classroom. "When I meet President Obama, I will tell him that I'm an 'Iolani grad," he added. His 'Iolani and Hawaii foundation runs deep. He likes to wear Aloha shirts to school on Fridays, continuing a Hawaiian tradition at Kentwood and spreading the Aloha spirit. "When I have connected with, and made a difference in the lives of my students, I am a teacher with a living legacy of influence," he added. Congrats to you Jay M.It is nice to read of your success! A tip of my hat to you from one of your former Iolani Math teachers. Although you teach English,I am sure you remember--MATH IS FUN! What a wonderful article about the great accomplishment of one of your own. I'm sure you must be very proud of Jay as well you should be. I don't know Jay although we don't live that far from one another on the Mainland, but we are good friends of Jay's parents Stan & Martha Maebori. Stan & I graduated from the same high school, but a few years apart. I'm so happy that Stan & Martha shared this article with us from your school paper & we'll be rooting for Jay to now receive the honor of National Teacher of the Year award. That would be wonderful!
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CMCC's graduate programs have produced over 110 graduates since 1975 who have become recognised leaders in academia, research, health administration and politics. Alumni can be found as members of national and international elite sports teams, executives, clinicians and scientists within university and chiropractic programs around the world. Offers advanced clinical training, critical thinking, academics, teaching and research. The program provides an interactive experience, based on academic and practical multidisciplinary exposure in hospital settings. Graduates often pursue careers in areas of clinical consulting, research, and as scholars capable of participating in a multidisciplinary environment. Students work as teaching assistants at CMCC and write an independent original theses project and systematic review. Advanced imaging reading skills, academics, teaching and research. Facilitates interaction with radiologists in various clinical settings. The program develops chiropractic radiologists who have acquired advanced skills and competencies in diagnosis of pathologies; contraindications to spinal manipulative therapy; and expertise in reading plain film radiographs and special imaging. The academic portion of the program is guided by the American College of Chiropractic Radiology (ACCR) and is divided into the following domains: Principles of diagnostic imaging and radiation health; Musculoskeletal imaging; Chest imaging; Abdominal imaging; Neuro-imaging. Through academic preparation, on-field and clinical participation and research, trains chiropractic sports scientists for teaching in chiropractic programs; conducting academic research; and participating in multidisciplinary sports injury care environment. Graduate students may work as research assistants under the direction of a faculty researcher. Positions may also be available in a CMCC Research Center. Find further information about the Residency Program Research Assistant Opportunities. Graduate students may work as examiners for HPD and OSCE examination in the department of Undergraduate Education. Graduate students may apply for additional teaching opportunities in the department of Undergraduate Education. In Canada, the cost of work-related disability is more than $6.7 billion every year. Disability stakeholders such as employers, insurers and healthcare providers are challenged to find new and innovative approaches to managing the health and productivity of the workforce and to enable workers who have sustained an injury or disability to regain their place in the workforce. As of September 2017, the Work Disability Prevention (WDP) program is being offered through UOIT in collaboration with CMCC as a two-year Graduate Studies Diploma available part-time and online. This graduate diploma focuses on the uptake and implementation of new knowledge for practising professionals working in health-related fields and targets both the societal networks and complexities of return to work coordination. The program goes beyond diagnosis to explore root causes of disability and offers health care practitioners another way to extend their education while remaining engaged in their core discipline. For chiropractors and other health professionals, the WDP diploma program is a unique opportunity to gain knowledge into the various influences surrounding disability and leverage this understanding to aid individuals in returning to work. For further information, visit UOIT Graduate Programs.
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This evening locals and their families who have returned home for Christmas gathered for a carol service. Tonight I'm grateful for music, reflection and reunions. Leave a Comment » | gratitude | Permalink Yulestarn – a noticeably bright star in the sky on Christmas night. Leave a Comment » | language | Tagged: yulestarn | Permalink Sowell says "Too many people in the media cannot seem to tell the difference between reporting the news and creating propaganda." — Thomas Sowell (@ThomasSowell) December 18, 2018 Leave a Comment » | media, politics | Tagged: Thomas Sowell | Permalink Wishing you . . . Wishing you the hope, joy, peace and love of Christmas and may 2019 treat you and yours kindly. 2 Comments | celebrations, music | Tagged: While Shepherds Watched | Permalink Socialism kills more than war Bad economic policies kill more children than war: Recent reports that infants now die at a higher rate in Venezuela than in war-torn Syria were, sadly, unsurprising—the results of socialist economics are predictable. Venezuela's infant mortality rate has actually been above Syria's since 2008. But it's not all bad news. The big picture, fortunately, is happier. The global infant mortality rate has plummeted. Even Syria and Venezuela, despite the impact of war and failed policies, saw improvements up to as recently as last year. From 1960 to 2015, Syria's infant mortality rate fell by 91% and Venezuela's by 78%. This year (not reflected in the graph above or below), Syria's rate rose from 11.1 per 1,000 live births to 15.4, while Venezuela's shot up from 12.9 to 18.6. Meanwhile, infant mortality rates have continued to fall practically everywhere else, and have declined even faster in countries that enjoy more freedom and stability. Consider Chile. Chile's infant mortality rate in 1960 was actually above that of both Venezuela and Syria. It managed to outperform Syria by the mid-1960s, but was still woefully behind its richer northern cousin, Venezuela. In the early 1970s, Chile's progress slowed to a crawl as its elite flirted with socialist policies. Once its government abandoned socialism and began economic reforms in the mid-1970s, the pace of progress sped up again, and soon Chile's infants were safer than Venezuela's. Today, Chile's infant mortality rate is similar to that of the United States. There is a lesson to be learned from these data points: economic policy matters. While Venezuela's socialism has managed to kill more infants than a full-blown war in Syria, Chile's incredible success story shows us that by implementing the right policies, humanity can make rapid progress and better protect the youngest, most vulnerable members of society. Today it is hard to believe that infants in Chile were once more likely to die within a year than their contemporaries in Venezuela and Syria. . . New Zealand is in no danger of following Venezuela's downwards trajectory to complete disaster, but it is concerning that economic growth has slowed: The economy appears to be slowing with today's GDP figures showing economic growth in the past three months is the lowest in five years, National's Finance spokesperson Amy Adams says. "Economic growth in the past three months of 0.3 per cent doesn't even compensate for population growth. Economic growth per person, which reflects population growth, actually declined in dollar terms over the past three months. "Despite all the Government's talk of wellbeing, that means New Zealanders are becoming worse off. "While quarterly numbers can be volatile and need to be read with caution, these latest figures do suggest a general slowdown from the economy the Government inherited from National. "These results will cause embarrassment to the Minister of Finance after he was too quick to boast about the previous quarter's result, which now appears to be an outlier. "Despite the economy slowing, the Labour-led Government is projected to take an extra $17.7 billion in tax from New Zealand families over the next four years than was projected under National. That amounts to $10,000 less in the back pockets of the average household. The announcement of another increase to the minimum wage without a change to tax thresholds will mean even more tax taken. Any families on low wages will be little if any better off because any gain in their pay will be offset by abatements to Working for Families top-ups. It is better to earn more and be less dependent on government support but that will be cold comfort to people who are struggling. "National believes New Zealanders deserve to keep more of what they earn. Unlike the Labour-led Government, we know that as a country we can't tax our way to prosperity. "New Zealand needs sensible and consistent economic policies that promote growth and reward hard work, as well as wise spending of taxpayer money." Venezuela is an extreme case but the lesson is clear – tax and spend economic policies are no substitute for ones which promote economic growth and lessen the burden of the state. Good economic policy is the necessary foundation for sustainable social progress. 16 Comments | economy, politics | Tagged: Amy Adams, Chile, Syria, Venezuela | Permalink The freethinking of one age is the common sense of the next. – Matthew Arnold who was born on this day in 1822. Leave a Comment » | quotes | Tagged: Matthew Arnold | Permalink 1754 George Crabbe, British poet and naturalist, was born (d. 1832). 1777 Kiritimati, (Christmas Island) was discovered by James Cook. 1814 The Treaty of Ghent was signed ending the War of 1812. 1822 Matthew Arnold, British poet, was born (d. 1888). 1865 Several U.S. Civil War Confederate veterans formed the Ku Klux Klan. 1880 Johnny Gruelle, American cartoonist, children's book writer and creator of Raggedy Ann was born (d. 1938). 1893 Harry Warren, American composer and lyricist (Chattanooga Choo Choo – I Only Have Eyes for You), was born (d. 1981). 1905 Howard Hughes, American film producer and inventor, was born (d. 1976). 1906 Reginald Fessenden transmitted the first radio broadcast; consisting of a poetry reading, a violin solo, and a speech. 1914 World War I: The "Christmas truce" began.1922 Ava Gardner, American actress, was born (d. 1990).1923 George Patton IV, American general, was born (d. 2004). 1924 Albania became a republic. 1927 Mary Higgins Clark, American author, was born. 1941 World War II: Hong Kong fell to the Japanese Imperial Army. 1943 General Dwight D. Eisenhower became Supreme Allied Commander. 1946 France's Fourth Republic was founded. 1948 Frank Oliver, New Zealand rugby player, was born. 1951 Libya became independent from Italy. Idris I was proclaimed King. 1953 Tangiwai railway disaster – The worst railway disaster in New Zealand's history occurred on Christmas Eve 1953 when the Wellington-Auckland night express plunged into the flooded Whangaehu River, just west of Tangiwai in the central North Island. The accident happened after a railway bridge was destroyed by a lahar. 1955 NORAD Tracked Santa for the first time in what will become an annual Christmas Eve tradition. 1957 Hamid Karzai, President of Afghanistan, was born. 1961 Ilham Aliyev, President of Azerbaijan, was born. 1968 The crew of Apollo 8 entered into orbit around the Moon, becoming the first humans to do so. They performed 10 lunar orbits and broadcast live TV pictures that became the famous Christmas Eve Broadcast, one of the most watched programs in history. 1969– Ed Miliband, leader of the British Labour Party, was born. 1974 Cyclone Tracy devastated Darwin. 1979 – The first European Ariane rocket was launched. 1997 – The Sid El-Antri massacre (or Sidi Lamri) in Algeria killed 50-100 people. 2000 – The Texas 7 held up a sports store in Irving, Texas, Police officer Aubrey Hawkins was murdered during the robbery. 2003 – Spanish police thwarted an attempt by ETA to detonate 50 kg of explosives at 3:55 p.m. inside Madrid's Chamartín Station. 2005 – Chad–Sudan relations: Chad declared a state of war against Sudan following a December 18 attack on Adré, which left about 100 people dead. 2008 – Lord's Resistance Army, a Ugandan rebel group, begins a series of attacks on Democratic Republic of the Congo, massacring more than 400. Leave a Comment » | history | Tagged: Ava Gardner, Frank Oliver, George Crabbe, George Patton IV, Hamid Karzai, Harry Warren, Howard Hughes, Ilham Aliyev, Johnny Gruelle, Mary Higgins Clark, Matthew Arnold | Permalink
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaCommonCrawl'}
The nature of Comidor platform suits perfectly to services based organizations, such as Business Consultants. Our key client, specialized in Business Management consulting required a platform to manage their services portfolio (business consulting, auditing, accounting, training) over a wide spam of clientele. The key challenge is keeping both the high level information organized, as well as fine details, in a form of processes running/pending/delayed/ completed. Moreover, distinct divisions are organized on a fully projectized model (M&As), thus a common vehicle for running Processes and Projects, often for the same customers was required. The solution works on cloud (SaaS), providing a unified working environment for internal/external communications and operations management, as a complete BPM and Project Management platform. Internal communications promptness, with a fit for purpose in all task assignments. Complete system with instant messages internally and external mails using our build-in email client. External communications punctuality with clients. Comidor offers a complete build-in Advanced Document Management system with file sharing/ locking/ versioning/ view-edit rights, on line editing, linking with tasks/ processes/ projects, instant sharing. There is also system integration with Dropbox, Google Drive, Box) systems integration. Comidor offers a build-in state of the art Workfow designer (BPMN2.O), Each team can design their own workflows, triggering works as per the department's business rules.
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
Category Archive for: Architectural Signage Six String Grill & Stage The Briar Group, one of our long-term customers, was looking to open a new restaurant and bar featuring live music at Patriot's Place in Foxborough, Massachusetts. We were thrilled to be called on for this challenging new venture, Six String Grill & Stage. They requested production, design and installation services from us based on conceptual layouts. One wrinkle was that the original as-built building drawings were no longer available. However, we were able to collaborate with several of the original stakeholders to fully grasp the desired look and design specs. With a few engineering challenges and a short lead time, this ended up being an exciting project we won't soon forget. Creating the "Wow" Factor The Briar Group's design firm, Deerfield Academy Athletics Complex Sports A New Look The competition was stiff, but Metro Sign & Awning won the job. The challenge was to design and engineer a very high-end architectural sign package for the new $68 million, state-of-the-art athletics complex at Deerfield Academy in northwestern Massachusetts. Partnering with project development giant Skanska USA-New England, our team embarked on a major upgrade to the existing facility situated on the bucolic campus. A new, three-story facility was to be added to an existing building to provide 130,000 square feet of additional space. The centerpiece of the plan was a new 20,000-square-foot structure where every sport could be played including football, field hockey, soccer, lacrosse, volleyball, baseball and softball. The building would also have a jogging track, batting cages, exercise/yoga Signs and the Downtown Experience Signs and the Downtown Experience Throughout cities and downtowns, signs play a vital role in how residents and visitors interact with the space around them. Whether it's a directional wayfinding sign, a storefront, or a sign identifying a building, signs contribute greatly to the downtown experience, playing an important role in the brand identity of cities, retailers, and institutions. Because of this the quality of signage has greatly improved over the last decade including design innovations (many intended to improve pedestrian safety). quality materials, and architectural integrations into buildings and landscapes. At Metro Sign and Awning, we design signage to create a unified, practical, and aesthetically pleasing downtown experience. Keep reading to learn more about how signs create a community How Real Signage Plays into a Virtual World Earlier this year, a report by the Outdoor Advertising Association of America showed that outdoor advertising not only remains tops in terms of cost-effectiveness, it continues to be one of the strongest drivers of online searches. How Outdoor Advertising Fuels Online Searches According to the report, outdoor advertising was as successful in spurring Facebook activity as were TV ads, and results were similar for driving traffic to Twitter and Instagram. If it sounds surprising at first, when considering your routine behavior it's easy to understand the findings. While commuters are strongly encouraged to ignore their phones while on the road, thanks to mobile devices, we're accustomed to tuning in to an increasing amount of visual stimuli all the time, even while West of Chestnut Project a Marvel, Inside and Out All of us here at Metro Sign & Awning send a hearty "Congratulations!" to the team at Dellbrook and everyone involved in the West of Chestnut development in Quincy. We were excited and honored to be involved very early (probably before the earliest point in this time-lapse video!) interior signage evacuation map Metro design Boston While the video shows the dramatic transformation, you don't see all the behind-the-scenes planning and design decisions that go into creating interior signage that complements a beautiful interior while serving an important (possibly life-saving) purpose for residents and visitors. More on that later. For now, here's a glimpse at some of the preliminary sketches, hinting at how professional sign designers work to ensure interior signage meets codes, is ADA compliant, and is created and installed to be Designing Innovative Signage for The Center at Innovation Drive Early in 2015, Metro Sign & Awning began designing a freestanding (pylon) sign for a corporate environment that would re-imagine Tewksbury's workspaces. The corporate campus needed a sign that said more than "we're here." It needed to say, "we're here, we're corporate, we're cool, and we're different." Enter Metro's innovative design team. Exterior Signage To Transform a Corporate Entrance The birthplace and original headquarters of Wang Computers, today The Center at Innovation Drive hosts entrepreneurs as well as companies like Corning Life Sciences. The mixed-use development includes office, R&D and laboratory space in addition to warehousing, and lifestyle amenities such as doggie day care, a fitness center (for humans) and a fleet of rental bikes. LEED certification is in process for the four conjoined buildings totallling 750,000 sf of rentable space. Metro Delivers Inspired Design, Innovative Materials Signs of Good Things To Come: In Brockton Brockton Enterprise Center: A Plan Comes Together Creating a mixed-use development with residential units, interconnected streets, and dozens of retail businesses requires tremendous cooperation among city agencies, business owners, and developers. It also requires many different types of interior and exterior signage, all of which must work together to serve the development's many users. Metro Sign & Awning began working with property owners at Trinity Financial to begin creating signage for the $100 million Enterprise Center project more than a year before Enterprise Center, Phase I, opened to the public in November 2015. City officials and business leaders expect that the project at the corner of Main and Centre Streets will serve as a beacon and an anchor for continued Hidden Messages In Signage Most communication is simple, with a single layer of meaning. But once you get into the world of graphics – where the best signage lives and thrives – you begin to find opportunities to communicate more than one message at a time. Here are a few examples of public, possibly familiar graphics that exemplify the potential for signage to be a powerful tool of communication. Wendy's has a new logo, but it contains a hidden message that's very old. Can you spot it? … It's the word "mom" woven into the red-headed girl's collar. I guess the idea is to evoke home-cooked foods, family dinners, and perhaps even a dose of unconditional love. None of that is guaranteed when you're Building Brand Identity: PeopleFluent Exterior Signage PeopleFluent, the leading total workforce Human Capital Management technology company, was founded in 1997. Approaching its 20th "birthday," it was time for the company to see that its signage was in line with its image and properly conveyed its corporate identity. PeopleFluent selected Metro Sign & Awning to design and manufacture signs for its Waltham, MA headquarters building. Channel letters and a bright (yet energy efficient) design combined to provide the bold, clean look and smart image PeopleFluent is recognized for. Eighty percent of the Fortune 100 relies on PeopleFluent as part of their talent management delivery strategy. MSA was proud to put its talented workforce to work to create the brand-enhancing signage that will take PeopleFluent well into its next two decades. Design/Build Collaboration = Beautifully Branded Results
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FAA Virtual Workshops Feature review of Environmental Assessment (EA) of proposed Performance Based Navigation (PBN) Routes Two virtual public workshops were held for the public to learn about the proposed updates to air traffic control procedures that bring aircraft into and out of San Antonio International Airport. The workshops discussed the proposed action, the no-action alternatives and the environmental impacts of the proposed actions. The EA was conducted for analysis of noise impacts and impacts to other factors such as biological resources, environmental justice and air quality. You are welcome to share your comments on this proposal by clicking the following link, my comments (NEW) 2021-2026 NEM Update The City of San Antonio conducted a Noise Exposure Map (NEM) Update for the San Antonio International Airport, which resulted in updated NEMs that reflect both the existing (2021) and the future five-year (2026) noise exposure conditions near the Airport. This study, a "Part 150 NEM Update," followed the process outlined in Title 14 of the Code of Federal Regulations Part 150, Airport Noise Compatibility Planning. From the Part 150 process, two noise exposure maps were developed: one depicting homes currently within the 65 DNL (Day-Night Average Sound Level) contour, and one depicting homes that will be within the 65 DNL contour five years in the future. Proposed PBN Runway 4 Arrival Routes Proposed PBN Runway 22 Arrival Routes Proposed PBN Runway 31 Arrival Route Workshop Links View the FAA's virtual workshop videos View SAT's public Meeting #1 – Nov. 2 and Meeting #2 – Nov. 3 videos Review the FAA's PBN Environmental Assessment file View the FAA's PBN noise analysis tool SAT 2021 NEM Update Report SAT NEM Baseline 2021 Contours Map SAT NEM Baseline 2021 Land Use Map SAT NEM Future 2026 Contours Map NEM FAQs (English) NEM FAQ's (Espanol) The San Antonio Airport System Environmental Stewardship Division is responsible for ensuring compliance with environmental laws, including noise management and sustainability planning, through education, training, inspection, analysis, design, implementation, and enforcement. Thank you for your interest in the Noise Management Program for San Antonio Airport System. In addition to providing you a positive customer experience, we are pledged to provide timely and efficient noise information as well as answer your aviation related noise questions. SUBMIT A NOISE INQUIRY Subject Matter Preview Noise and Operations Monitoring, Flight Tracking, Noise Inquiries Asbestos and Lead Abatement Soil Management and Recycling Plan Storm Water Pollution Prevention Program (SWP3) and SPCC Alternative Fueling Electric Vehicle Charging – Coming Soon Solar Projects – Coming Soon Key Aspects of the Noise Program 2014 NEM Report(opens in new window) 2021 NEM Existing Conditions Map 2026 NEM Future Conditions Map Noise Programs – Describes the nature of the various components of the Noise Management Program. Noise Abatement– History and background of the Noise Management Program. Many people often ask whether or not filing noise complaints will change how the airport operates. Filing a complaint will not bring about an individual's desired change, rather it provides a means for SAT to report and disseminate information to the public, local representatives, and airport noise community groups. On a daily basis, operational considerations, such as wind and weather patterns, the number of operations, time of day, construction, and other conditions, all play a part in how the airport operates at any given time. The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) makes decisions based solely on their standard air traffic control procedures. However every complaint is logged, analyzed and reported monthly. The Reference Link Sites below that can provide you with additional data relative to aviation noise. Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) – The FAA has a huge online research database including links to Federal Aviation Regulations (FARs) and Advisory Circulars (ACs). U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) – The DOT has links to all its transportation departments and offers insight to the national transportation system and its future. Boeing's Airport Noise Page – Boeing has summarized all the noise information for various airports in the U.S. and the rest of the world. Information on Aviation Environmental Design Tool Model (AEDT) – General overview of AEDT by the FAA Noise Quest – Provides information on: About NoiseQuest What Can I Learn About Airports? Noise Basics and Metrics Sources of Aviation Noise Sources of Non-Aviation Noise What does Noise Affect? What to do About Noise? Ongoing Research Efforts Supplemental Metrics The San Antonio Airport System has developed a Soil Management Plan that establishes practices for managing soil generated or handled by airport projects. This plan assures that excavated or imported soil is clean and managed in compliance with federal, state, and local rules and regulations. Soil Management Plan (PDF) SMP Authorization Form (PDF) Spill Prevention Control & Countermeasures The City of San Antonio-Aviation Department is committed to preventing discharges of contaminates to navigable waters and the environment, and to maintain the highest standards for spill prevention control and countermeasures through the implantation and regular review and amendment to the Plan. Spill Response The Fuel Spill Response Plan is designed to be a guidance document for individuals or teams responding to the release of fuel at the San Antonio International Airport (SAT) or Stinson Municipal Airport (SSF). Questions concerning the Fuel Spill Response Plan can be directed to the Environmental Stewardship Division at 210.207.3518 or 210.207.3862. The San Antonio Airport System does not allow for the discharge of unpermitted process water discharges to our storm drains. Process waste water can included water resulting from car or equipment washing activities, terminal cleaning and custodial activities and firefighter training activities. The San Antonio Airport System currently has an industrial storm water permit from TCEQ. This requires that the airport develop and implement a Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWP3). This plan details required storm water discharge monitoring parameters as well as inspection requirements. The San Antonio Airport System allows tenants to utilize our Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan or create their own plan. Tenants are required to notify San Antonio Airport System of their intentions because coverage under our plan is not guaranteed. Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWP3) No Exposure Certification Notice of Intent Texas Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (TPDES) General Permit No. TXR050000 Sustainability planning is one of the means by which we can insure a "Greener Airport" and a more sustainable community. Implementation of such a plan will help in managing our communities' direction and ensuring that we can provide a livable community with an environment conducive to present and future residents and citizens. San Antonio Airport System Sustainable Airport Manual (SAASSAM) (PDF) Carbon Policy Memo (PDF) Environmental Stewardship Manager Steven K. Southers, C.M., J.D., B.S. Biology Environmental Services Coordinator Chris Yzaguirre, M.S. Chris.Yzaguirre@sanantonio.gov Noise Abatement & Environmental Protection Officer Joshua Heiss, B.S., CESM Joshua.Heiss@sanantonio.gov
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Home Entertainment Wild Girls Meet Hard-Partying Boys In "Mike And Dave Need Wedding Dates" Wild Girls Meet Hard-Partying Boys In "Mike And Dave Need Wedding Dates" Anna Kendrick, Zac Efron, Adam DeVine and Aubrey Plaza star as the troublesome quartet in the upcoming adult romantic comedy, "Mike and Dave Need Wedding Dates" where boys meet girls by accident (literally!). The R-rated movie "Mike and Dave Need Wedding Dates," where DeVine and Efron take on the titular roles, are warned by their family to smarten-up their hard-partying ways before their sister's wedding in Hawaii, and to bring two respectable girls as dates. After posting an ad on Craigslist, they're contacted by a cadre of prospective suitors, and they ultimately settle on Alice (Kendrick) and Tatiana (Plaza), whose interest in Adam and Dave extends to little more than the prospect of a free holiday on the islands. The film is based on a true story – though the real Mike and Dave sensibly decided not to bring dates from Craigslist in the end. The motion picture takes the intriguing idea of two brothers finding dates for a wedding and runs with it, adding unexpected layers of heart and two outrageous new lead characters. Mike and Dave have reassured their sister and parents that they've got the wedding wired. There will be no craziness, stunts, mischief, trampolines (don't ask!) or fireworks. They've found the perfect dates to keep things under control. "The dates, Tatiana and Alice, were fun to write because they're balls-out," says scribe Cohen. "They're pretty intense, crazy, down-on-their-luck, tough chicks who decide they need a break and, after hearing about Mike and Dave's ad, they transform themselves into nice, sweet, respectable-looking women. But as soon as they arrive in Hawaii, they go into extreme party-mode and start ruining things." Mike and Dave certainly know how to rock a room, but they're small-timers compared to their dates. As background to Alice and Tatiana, Szymanski observes that they "have a history of misadventures that have taken them around the world. They can travel around the globe with only a couple of backpacks, and have stories to tell for ages." When we meet Alice, she is heartbroken, having been left at the altar. "So a wedding is about the last place she should be," says Anna Kendrick, "and her downward spiral continues." Alice's coping mechanism: alcohol. At her core, Alice is somewhat innocent. "It's nice play such a naïve character," adds Kendrick. "And Zac's character, Dave, is just as innocent. A surprising kind of gentle comedy comes out of that double-naivety." Aubrey Plaza describes Alice's cohort Tatiana as a founding member of the Bad Girls Club. She's a tough bitch from Philadelphia who doesn't take s*** from anyone. Tatiana likes to party and go on adventures. She is the Alpha in any group." Underneath that tough exterior, though, are some soft and chewy feelings about her pal Alice. "Tatiana wants to help her best friend get her groove back after she's gone through a really bad breakup," offers Plaza. "Mike and Dave's ad for dates to their sister's destination wedding is a chance for a free vacay, to party endlessly and get that groove back." As for the brothers, whatever their differences, Mike and Dave are tight. "They have a symbiotic relationship," says Efron. "They can't exist without one another. They're as much best friends as they are brothers." "Mike and Dave Need Wedding Dates" opens September 14 in cinemas from 20th Century Fox to be distributed by Warner Bros. Previous articleAfter Dark Creatures Stronger In Whole New Horror "Blair Witch" Movie Next articleStunning Action And Imagery In Tim Burton's "Miss Peregrine's Home For Peculiar Children" Into The Death-Defying World Of "Assassin's Creed" Through Abstergo Millionaire Must "Get Hard" for Prison in New Comedy Director-Writer of "The Purge" Franchise Makes History With "Election Year"
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaCommonCrawl'}
The library purchases access to more than 70 databases researched and compiled by information specialists on a wide variety of subjects. Note: Some databases are only available from inside the library. Reference staff members can help you find information and answer questions about the library's collection. Ask ONEplace staff a question on a nonprofit issue you're dealing with right now. Access full-text reference books on business, history, science, environment, medicine, and multicultural studies. Over 3000 of our photographs have been scanned and are viewable on our website including Kalamazoo Valley Museum collection, the WMU Archives and Regional History Collections and more. Search for local newspaper (including the Kalamazoo Gazette archives) and magazine articles, photographs, items in the Local History Room and information about local organizations and businesses. Learn more. This directory features nearly 1,000 Kalamazoo County social and human services agencies, self-help groups, neighborhood associations, employment services, civic, service and common-interest clubs, and religious organizations. Several statewide organizations are also listed.
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
Complete Auto Repair. Family owned and operated. We are a full service auto repair facility and we carry all brands of tires in stock to fit your vehicles. Auto repair and service your one stop shop for all you auto repair and service needs. King's Garage is one of the oldest, longest running, auto repair shops in the Farmington/Farmington Hills area. Started in 1975 by Paul King at the young age of 24! Originally located at 10 Mile and Middlebelt in the Union 76 Fuel and Service Station, we moved to our current location in 1981. We perform all maintenance and all mechanical repairs. The only things that we don't do are Body Work, Tires and Alignments. We pride ourselves on our honesty and integrity. We aren't satisfied until you are!
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
Q: Docker mounting rootfs caused not a directory error I've been trying docker-compose up -d to my container but causes this error below: ERROR: for phpsample-feed_phpsample_1 Cannot start service phpsample: OCI runtime create failed: container_linux.go:346: starting container process caused "process_linux.go:449: container init caused \"rootfs_linux.go:58: mounting \\"/c/Users/testUser/Documents/phpsample-feed/src\\" to rootfs \\"/mnt/sda1/var/lib/docker/overlay2/e6bf66b01f587c8826c2944b676044c6a199a0c8c2b8807adf13de0e0f8c4509/ merged\\" at \\"/mnt/sda1/var/lib/docker/overlay2/e6bf66b01f587c8826c2944b676044c6a199a0c8c2b8807adf13de0e0f8c4509/ merged/var/www/html\\" caused \\"not a directory\\"\"": unknown: Are you trying to mount a directory onto a file (or vice-versa)? Check if the specified host path exists and is the expected type Here is my docker-compose.yml file: version: '3.7' services: phpsample: build: context: . init: true ports: - '8080:80' depends_on: - db - redis volumes: - ./src:/var/www/html:rw environment: - DB_HOST=db - DB_USR=user - DB_PW=test - DB_DBNAME=phpsample - DB_DBPREFIX=dev_ - IS_SHORT_URL=1 - CACHE_DRIVER=redis - CACHE_HOST=redis - CACHE_PORT=6379 - CACHE_REDIS_DB=3 - DEBUG=false restart: always db: image: mysql:8 environment: - MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=test - MYSQL_USER=user - MYSQL_PASSWORD=test - MYSQL_DATABASE=phpsample volumes: - db_data:/var/lib/msyql command: --default-authentication-plugin=mysql_native_password --sql_mode=NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION redis: image: redis:5-buster init: true command: ["redis-server", "--appendonly", "yes"] volumes: - redis_data:/data volumes: db_data: redis_data: My system and tools used: * *Windows 10 Home *Docker Toolbox Terminal *Kitematic *Oracle VM I've also tried editing my Shared Folders on VM by doing this. With the settings below: Name: c/Users Path: C:\Users A: src should be a directory containing your web content, not a file. A: In docker-compose.yaml file make sure that input yaml file path is exist under volumes:
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaStackExchange'}
This entry was posted on November 20, 2011 by Scott Ridl. Lung cancer is the presence of malignant cells (a malignant tumor) in the lungs. These malignant cells grow and spread rapidly, destroying healthy lung tissue in the process. Lung cancer is the result of cancerous lung cells, although cancerous cells of other types can spread to the lungs. Non-small cell lung cancer is the most common form of lung cancer. Around 80% of lung cancer is of this type. While the cells grow more rapidly than normal cells, the non-small cell lung cancer does not grow as fast as small cell lung cancer, which makes up the other 20%. One major cause of lung cancer is smoking. Smoking causes about 87% of lung cancer cases. This includes both smokers and those who live or work with smokers, inhaling secondhand smoke on a regular basis. The next leading cause of lung cancer is radon exposure, coming from the soil beneath homes and buildings. Other forms of exposure that lead to lung cancer include chromium, nickel, arsenic, asbestos, uranium and some petroleum products. Lung cancer does not have a high cure rate, as compared with certain other forms of cancer. This is mainly because it is hard to detect in the beginning stages. When lung cancer begins, the individual is usually asymptomatic for some time. Unfortunately, for the individual to notice symptoms, the cancer usually has to be in its advanced stages. By then, it is often too late. The avoidance of cigarette smoke and other carcinogenic substances is thus imperative for protection from this fatal disease. Information on this page is for reference and educational purposes only. For more information about lung cancer, talk to your doctor or primary care provider.
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
AMYL AND THE SNIFFERS: Comfort To Me. If you're looking for not only the best Punk record of the year, but THE record of the year, then I am here to help. It's this one. 100% this record. Comfort To Me by Amyl And The Sniffers is everything you could want from a record. Are you wanting to feel tough even though you may be chickenshit? Are you wanting to feel like you can take on the world, but also wanting something that makes you feel safe? Buy this record. My love for Amyl And The Sniffers has no limits. I fucking LOVE everything about this band. I love how they are just the most relatable and no bullshit band around. The songs are so easy to relate to. The songs are so easy to find yourself in. This band, and especially this record will influence so many kids to pick up a guitar and make their own noise. Amy Taylor is the best frontperson in decades. You will not find anyone with more charisma, intelligence and purity than Amy. I think she's incredible. If I was 13 years old, and saw this band and saw Amy for the first time, I'd have sacked everything off and decided to be in a band and not stop until I made something like Comfort To Me. You know when you hear a record so good you just want to cry? This is where I'm at right now. The record opens with Guided By Angels which we all know is INSANE. I love the positivity in this song. All too often we hear songs that are all "woe is me, the world sucks." But the positivity on this song is gorgeous. I cannot wait for them to tour this record because this song will probably cause the most beautiful riot possible. Next up we have the wonderfully titled, Freaks To The Front. I love this song. I love the title. I love how it just feels like home. That's what I adore about this record. I feel like I am putting on my favourite shirt, and feel ready to face the day. I love the aggression on this one; I love how relatable this is. Then we are smacked with Choices, which is the best fuck you to people who put others down for the decisions they make; which is I think, mainly aimed at those who try to dictate to women what they should think, feel and what decisions they make. Fuck 'em. Your mind, your body, your life- your fucking choice. Always. I love how the record feels like it was made with urgency, importance and a fuckload of passion. I just want everyone in the world to listen to this record at least five times. It's got everything you could want from lust to rage. Your heart will break listening to Knifey. It's awful that it's a relatable song, and that a lot (probably most to be honest) women will relate to. I won't spoil it for you, but make sure you dedicate some time to really soak this one up. It's so important, even if it is awful that it's relatable but the message is so important. I feel like this is the record that so many of us are going to keep going back to, and when we do- we will be left in awe all over again. I've listened to it 3 times this morning, and each listen is just blowing my mind. Everything about Comfort To Me is astounding. The sheer joy you get from blasting this record out is unlike anything else. Comfort To Me is the kind of record that you need to play every single day. It's got everything you need and more, and it's just really one of the most flawless records I've ever heard. I know bands can sometimes put fillers on their records, but Amyl And The Sniffers have shat all over the second record curse and given us something to really adore and cherish. You know when you hear a record, and you just feel "Fuck, I really needed this right now." Well, that's how Comfort To Me feels. Last year was a drag for us all, and it could have been easy for so many bands to throw in the towel and just sack it all off. Thank fuck Amyl And The Sniffers created this record. Every single song on this record deserves to be heard by everyone. Songs like Snakes, Don't Need A Cunt (Like You To Love Me), Choices, Knifey- the whole record! They are just mind-blowing. I'm just in awe of how phenomenal this record is. This record makes you feel free; every song will make you want to move in ways that others may be confused about but fuck it- music is all about freedom and connection. Comfort To Me is a prime example of this, and I cannot wait for the band to come back to the UK and play this record to us. By no means is this a review, it's just a massive fan declaring their love for a band that they absolutely adore, and telling you to buy this record and play it loud. Tags: 2021, Amy Taylor, Amyl And The Sniffers, Australia, Bryce Wilson, Comfort To Me, Dec Martens, Garage Rock, Gus Romer, Melbourne, Music, New Music, New Music 2021, Pub Rock, Punk, Rough Trade Categories : Influential Women In Music., Music, New Music 2021, Uncategorized SKEGSS: Rehearsal. Nearly 3 years on from their last record, Skegss are back with a new record that completely justifies why they are one of the most exciting bands around. Rehearsal is a record to do a load of nothing to, and to just have a good time. Play the record in your room as loud as you want, or head out on a long walk blasting this out as loud as you can. Head to the beach and let the waves crash around you; soak up this beautiful record in all ways possible. Skegss know how to make music that just hits you in the soul; instantly making you feel much better and less worried/stressed out. It's like they take it all on, and let it all out for you. 5 singles have been released so far from the record, and don't let that trick you into thinking you've heard everything the band has to offer on this record. So far from it. The singles released so far are obviously brilliant, but the record is made up of songs to just really take in and play every single day. Is this record better than their debut, My Own Mess? That's like asking someone to choose who their favourite kid is or whatever- there's no comparison here. I really love that Skegss have such a powerful way of being open with their lyrics. There is this beautiful fragility to Fantasising and it just makes you feel like someone has scooped out all of your thoughts and described them in a more articulate and less scary way. I just love the way Ben has this sleepy tone to his voice, and it kind of feels like a lullaby. It makes you really feel every single word he's singing and I really can't get enough of Running From Nothing- it's such an easy song to relate to. It's one of those songs that you listen to, and think "oh fuck!" and it just blows you away. They've been around for a while now, but they have this sound that makes you feel like you're listening to them for the first time with every single time. You just can't get enough of their slick sound. For me Skegss are like the friend that calms you down when everything is a bit too much. Their sound is utterly soothing; and they've really gone above and beyond with this record. These 13 songs deserve all your love, devotion and attention. You just can't get bored of songs like Sip Of Wine, Picturesque Moment and Valhalla. You just can't get tired of a record like this, of a band like this. The 3 of them are brilliant musicians, and you can really hear the bond between them all- especially on this record. There's a tighter sound here, and it's a real pleasure to listen to. As someone who's been a fan of them for a few years, to hear how they've developed their sound but always had a strong Punk backbone to their music; you can't help but feel really proud of them. There's moments on the record which make me think of In Utero by Nirvana- Curse My Happiness being the main song to liken it to. There's something so pure about the band, and you just cannot help but become obsessed with them. Wake Up is a song to really listen to when you can feel the world taking its toll on you. It's like the song is reassuring you that maybe, it'll be alright. We don't know when, but it will be. Hopefully. When you listen to Rehearsal you just know that this record was made to be played live, to be played at 4am when your mind won't settle- it'll be your best pal. It'll be your crutch. It'll be your world. Skegss are such an exciting band, and Rehearsal is just a taste of how great they are. Grab a beer, and get lost in this delight of a record. Tags: 2021, Australia, Ben Reed, Byron Bay, Caroline Australia, Garage Rock, Jonny Lani, Loma Vista Recordings, Music, New, New Music, New Music 2021, Punk, Rehearsal, Skegss, Surfer Rock, Toby Cregan BLOWERS: Blowers LP. Need an obnoxious Punk record? Blowers have got you covered. Covered in all bodily fluids and whatever else they want to throw your way. Do they make you feel like you're listening to the Dead Boys for the first time? Yes. It's rowdy, raw and filthy. Everything a great record should be. The 15 songs on this record were made to make you feel uneasy and ready to throw punches at anyone who looks at you the wrong way (I mean I'd never ever do this, but you get what I mean.) These songs are beautifully aggressive and loud. 15 songs just isn't enough, but as far as debut record go- this one is exquisite. It makes you want to go to a Punk show and just let loose. It makes you forget everything, and all you can do is soak up the music. Only a couple of songs hit the 3 minute mark, and honestly if the songs lasted longer it would take away that magic and attitude that Blowers possess. You won't hear anything else like it; they've got this attitude that makes you partly scared of them but partly in awe of this beautiful noise. Blowers may be around for decades or they may be around for 5 more months and sack it all off- irrespective of what they may do, you simply cannot overlook how incredible this record. All of the band have been in other bands, but there is something about Blowers that is next level. It's louder. it's faster and gnarly as hell- it isn't for those wanting soppy love songs or whatever. It is for those who want it louder and maybe a bit crude. It's all I could want from a Punk record. They again, are a band who you just know would be amazing live. So I guess I have to live in some kind of hope that they may come to the UK one day, and i get to experience this band in the best way possible- live and loud. It's fairly easy to become fed up and jaded about the world and all around you, so if you're looking for a band to unleash those furies for you- then Blowers have got you covered. Songs like Hate That Shit, Hitman and Chainsaw justify all this, and more. This isn't a record you play in the background whilst you get on with your day. Hell no. This is a record you play hella loud and let it take over your bones. It'll be why your neighbours get pissed off at you at 3am. It is such a great record that you can't help but obsesses over. One listen isn't enough- the more you listen, the more you can hear influences from their previous bands and also a taste of bands like Black Flag, Dead Boys, The Stooges. That feeling of being fed-up and having fuck all to do; Blowers really do express this in such a great way. To attempt to pick a favourite song on this record is impossible. You've got the vicious sounds of Can't Get Started, then you've got the powerful sounds of Ripped and you've then got the intense sounds of Blow. This record has ZERO bad songs. ZERO fillers. Every song owns it's spot in the record and just makes you want to stomp around like a toddler and do whatever the hell you want. We all have those records that just make the day easier to get through because you're hearing the song(s) that expose how frustrated you may be feeling or how you've got this rage at the world- Blowers make it alright to have these emotions, and let it all out for you. The only way to play this record is loud. Like, stupidly LOUD. Scream along and let it all out. Tags: 2021, Andy Porter, Australia, Blowers, Chaputa!Records, Debut, Garage Punk, Garage Rock, Kit Convict, Melbourne, Music, New Music, New Music 2021, Pip Mcmullan, Punk, Shannon Aswell, Spooky Records Categories : Music, New Music 2021, Uncategorized LEGAL NOISE: Tough As Nails. Here's another accidental find for you- Legal Noise. They released their new EP, Tough As Nails yesterday. It consists of four songs to smash your skull, destroy your hearing and move your soul. The songs are rowdy, exceptional and of course, beautifully obnoxious. A real gnarly Punk record to blast out super loud. Lazy comparisons will be to the likes of The Chats or Skegss; but Legal Noise are their own kind of noise. Much like The Chats and Skegss. All three bands are incredible, and I absolutely adore them. Basically, Australis sure knows how to give us some great Punk bands. These are the kind of songs you play when you feel like you're a bit of a slacker or a burden (Disgrace being the EP opener that really hits you) but you make peace with it, and you stop caring what anyone thinks of you. Easier said than done but trust me, you'll feel much better when you get to this stage. Goon Man is one of their heaviest songs to date. The guitar on this is insane- it reminds me of Birmingham's finest, Table Scraps. That sheer loudness and the way it makes you feel like something has got right inside your skull with zero chance of an apology happening. Why get mad about it? This is the most glorious sound. Goon Man doesn't sound like a song from now- there is something about it that could happily have been released in maybe the early 90s when Grunge was kicking off. Legal Noise sure know how to make music to wonderfully fuck with your brain and make you feel alive. I'll say it again, they are another band that make you wish you could go to a live show. This EP live would sound ridiculous. It'd be an utter rampage, and you'd want to be in that moment constantly. I really love the raw sound on this EP, and for me it does remind me a little bit of very early Silverchair (Frogstomp record for sure) and that loudness is just divine. Aside from being everything I could want from a record; they are astounding musicians. The drums are intense and you can truly hear how remarkable they are as musicians on Double Trouble. I love the lo-fi feel to this record, and how you are made to feel like you are watching them play these songs in a garage or what have you. They give you this insight into their world and sound on this EP, and they do it in a way that just leaves you utterly speechless. I think this is one of the most exciting EPs I've heard in a long time. Legal Noise have been around since 2019 (I think) and this EP is definitely a testament to how great they are. I've only just got hip to them, but I reckon it'll be one of my finest finds of the year (bold, I know) and I really cannot wait to hear more from them. They are such a joy to listen to, and they just make you want to forget the world and go into your own universe. Their songs are made to be blasted out as loud as possible. Once you've checked out the Tough As Nails EP, make sure you go back and listen to the rest of their hits. Nightmare is a great song, and as you keep on listening to what they've released prior to Tough As Nails, you will hear a band that are on their own journey to discovering their sound. They are such a great band and I really cannot wait to hear more from them. Tough As Nails may only have four songs on, but these four songs will straight up blow your mind. Tags: 2021, Australia, Carter Emmett, Declan Cooke, EP, Garage Rock, Grunge, Hobart, Joel Green, Legal Noise, Music, New Music, New Music 2021, Punk, Tough As Nails BABY CANDY. We know that Australia has given us some amazing bands, and Baby Candy are another band you can cite as being exceptional. They are everything you could want from a Stoner/Psych Rock band, and more. If you want loud sounds with some good ol' fashioned reverb; then Baby Candy are the band for you. They're for everyone. They've just released two new singles (She's Melting and What's Inside) and these songs are not to be ignored at all. They are to be blasted out as loud as possible. Tell everyone you know about this band. Then we can all cry together until bands can tour again. They definitely give off that vibe of being a band that you HAVE to see live. This kind of music isn't made to just be heard in bedrooms or through headphones. This band definitely need to be seen live. It's bittersweet in a way because you can hear just how great they are but at the same time- you just wish you could go to a show. Baby Candy have been going since 2018 (I think) and up on their Bandcamp page there is a song from 2018, some demos made last year and the two singles that came out this month. Although we do not have many songs, what they have given us so far is a clear indication that this band are really great. They sound like everything you could possibly want from a band that are unafraid to be loud and really delve into creating their own sound. The demos they made last year (titled Pandemos) are four songs that really hit you in the gut. There is so much going on, and so much to appreciate. They are brilliant musicians, and with just a handful of songs they have most certainly created something to be treasured. That solid Garage Rock sound is there, but it's mixed with this heaviness that just makes you zone out in the most magical way possible. You feel like you've gone back to the 60s with these songs (the Pandemos) but stepped into the future at the same time. I just love what they do, and I love their sound so much. There are a few bands I could liken their sound to (as in bands I love) but when you keep listening to them, you can't help but think "I've never heard anything like this before!" There is something familiar yet brand new about them, and that's what I adore about them so much. Baby Candy are the kind of band that you don't just half heartedly listen to. You really invest your time into their music- there is so much to love and appreciate about their music, and I think that is part of the charm. It's totally fine to have bands that you listen to in the background or whatever, but sometimes you want something that just gets you right in the gut. If you want to really experience this, play their song Have You Lost Your Mind. You will see what I mean. It's the kind of song that makes you stop what you are doing, and all you can do is focus on this song. Everything on this song is just golden and beautiful. I can't get enough of it, and it's easily my favourite song by them so far. The sheer ferociousness in the songs, the production, everything- it is just impeccable. We need bands like this. They really do make you feel like you're going into another universe with them. Shut your eyes and silence your mind when you listen to Baby Candy and let them take you on a trip. Go as far out as possible, and don't come back down to earth if you don't want to. Live in the world they have created and be free. Tags: 2021, Adelaide, Australia, Baby Candy, Garage Rock, Music, New Music, New Music 2021, Psych Rock, Psychedelic, Punk, Stoner Rock THE CHATS: High Risk Behaviour. It's here! The debut record by The Chats- one of Australia's finest bands. These three wonderful ratbags are back with 14 songs to get you in the mood to self-isolate. Well, what else is there to do! Doom and gloom aside, The Chats are just a brilliant band. If you love bands like Skegss and Amyl and The Sniffers then you're probably already onto The Chats, and you're probably excited for this record. The Chats are that band that keep appearing at your local pub; part of the furniture and no one dares tell them to go home. Why would you? They're everything you want from a rowdy band, and they just make you want to hang out with them and get into mischief. I love how their songs just are declarations of impish behaviour. Ignore the song The Clap- you probably don't want to behave in that way, but as far as songs that find humour in an STD this one is pretty great. They're owning it, and fair play to them. The humour in the lyrics and the way they just share their life with us is so cool, and they aren't afraid to let us in on their mishaps and fuckups. They make songs that are just destined to be chanted right back at them, and you can imagine Josh crowd surfing as the fans go mental to Identity Theft and shout the words as loud as possible. Maybe this will happen on their tour later in the year, if the universe allows us to leave our homes again for fun! I just bloody love this band and their carefree attitude. Aside from that though, they are really great musicians. They just keep getting better and better, and the production on High Risk Behaviour is really tight too. Their two Eps showed us exactly how great they are, and how on earth does it come across on a full-length record? Well, we can call this as one of if not THE most energetic records of the year. They pick up nicely where Get This In Ya!! left off, and these songs are proper rippers. They make you want to just trash shit, skate around or just get up to no good. Dine n Dash is a great song about being too broke to eat, so you get your fill then fuck off without paying. It's one of my favourites off the record, but it's just a non-stop party record. The songs are made for you to just let loose and forget your troubles and find humour in what's getting to you. They talk about being broke and doing nothing, and not really letting it get to them. Their laid-back style is what really makes you connect with the songs. Eamon's vocals just hooks you right in, and you want to copy his style as you chant the words back. Then you mix this with Matt's INSANE drumming and Josh's guitar, and also Eamon's bass well, then you've just got top musicians who really love what they're doing. Ross River is a great tale, and you picture yourself right there with Eamon as he describes what's going on. Pub Feed is a great example of this too and how they are just craving some good, wholesome pub food. Sometimes, that's all you need. The songs don't even hit the 3 minute mark, but don't let that deter you in any way. The songs were made to be played loud and on a loop. They have this wicked energy that just makes you move and flail those limbs about. I love how freeing their sound is, and again, the carefree attitude. It's like, "everything is shit but don't worry about it." Sometimes you just need to hear that, or in a roundabout way you know? Just so you don't feel so down and out about what's going on in your head. It's so easy to worry and assume the worst, but with The Chats they'll give you the brutal truth but put their own twist on it that makes you feel lighter. There are some exceptional bands in Australia, and some really great Punk bands. The Chats are a band that I've seen a lot of people make reference to when talking about new and exciting bands, and it's so easy to see why. I mean, this is their debut full length record and it sounds like something from a band who are well into their career. The energy they have on record is poured right into their live shows too. It's like all this pent-up energy is released how they need it to be in their live shows, and on record it is just a taste of this energy. They are such an easy band to love and become obsessed with; High Risk Behaviour is a remarkable record, and I love how they have a distinctive sound but no part of you gets tired of it at all. Songs like Do What I Want are just so rebellious and mischievous, they just make you want to hang out with them and get into trouble. It's pretty clear that The Chats will be a band that kids listen to, and are influenced by to start their own band and it is such a great thing! High Risk Behaviour is such a great record, and it was definitely worth the wait. The two EPs they gave us were just a little taste of what was to come, and now we have it you'd be hard-pressed to let go of that excitement. With any luck, I'll get to see them in October. I can't wait to see how this all comes alive in a live setting. I think this is how people felt when the Ramones first got peoples attention. These 14 songs are made for wasting your days away to, go out for a walk and play this record in your ears and let every annoyance you have slip away. High Risk Behaviour is out right now via Bargain Bin Records. Tags: 2020, Australia, Bargain Bin Records, Eamon Sandwith, High Risk Behaviour, Josh Price, Matt Boggis, Music, New Music, New Music 2020, Pub Rock, Punk, Sunshine Coast, The Chats NITE FIELDS: A Voyeur Makes No Mark. Where do I even start with writing about the new Nite Fields record? It's spooky one, and one that I'm honoured to listen to let alone write about. A little different to what I normally write about, but there's no better way of celebrating 12 years of this site than by writing about an incredible record. That's right, 12 years ago I set this site up whilst in my second year of university. I didn't think I would carry on with it, let alone let it go on for over a decade! So, with that in mind I'm going to tell you all about the exceptional new record by Nite Fields. If you're obsessed with the likes of Cold Cave (Wes Eisold is a God/Genius) or Psychic TV or Autumns (Derry's finest) or even Drab Majesty- chances are you will fall in love with A Voyeur Makes No Mark by Nite Fields. It is this glorious Industrial sounding record that has mind-blowing sounds flowing all the way through. It is made up of 8 tracks that will leave you in awe. When I listen to it, I am reminded of The Vacant Lots- my love for TVL is pretty obvious, and songs like Not Your Time remind me of some of TVL's songs. I bloody love it, and it is such an exciting record to listen to. I adore the distorted and eerie vocals. Sure, I'm a massive Punk fan, but whatever you want to call this- this is what really gets me in the gut too. The new record is a 10/10 for production. Yeah, I never ever mark records because I am not that kind of person, but I really want to point out just how fascinating every element of this record is, and the production is really something else. The new record is essentially a solo project now, and Danny did the record in Moscow. You can hear the coldness in this record, and it is such a great listen. Invitation and Voyeur are such powerful songs, and they have a grander feel to them than what we have previously heard by Danny/Nite Fields. You can truly hear the devotion and connect with the creative process on this record, and in a world where everyone wants everything immediately and has to annoyingly share it online immediately; I love how Danny has made something truly worthwhile and deserving of treasuring. Honestly, the production on this record is flawless. A Voyeur Makes No Mark is a really stunning record, and I love how Danny takes you on this highly intense, and euphoric journey. It's like you've stepped into this decadent underworld that not many are aware of, and the possibly shy away from. It's full of songs that will make you move in ways no other could. It is full of songs to really lose yourself in. It is just a phenomenal record, and I'm pretty sure that amongst fans, this will become an instant classic. It's a record ahead of its time, and I sure hope it causes enough demand for a UK tour. Depersonalisation came out 5 years ago, and the leap in the sound, arrangement and production is so great. It's such a joy to listen to and although it is only 8 songs long, it is enough to make you realise that Danny is truly making something special here. I mean it was obvious 5 years ago, but there's something about this record that is really beyond anyone's expectations of what was going to come next from Nite Fields. The record ends with the mind-fuckery that is Do It In Reverse. Everything about this song feels like it was made to mess with the listener's head, and I love that. I love music that takes a listener out of their comfort zone and makes them feel a bit on edge. Danny does this all through the record, but the final song really, really does this in a different way. I can't really explain but what I can tell you is that every ounce of his talent truly comes through on this song (obviously on the whole record too, but you know what I mean!) I only write about what I love and will always do so. I'll never ever find fault, and I will always do my best to get across just how great a record is. I really hope I have done this with the new Nite Fields record because it is such a great listen, and the whole experience of listening to it is just perfect. Bands/artists like Autumns, The Vacant Lots, Drab Majesty- they are really making a difference with their sound and take listeners to some place sacred with their art. Danny/Nite Fields does exactly that too. The record is out in April and will be released via Lost Race (if you want the vinyl version) and Perfect Aesthetics (if you want it on tape.) Tags: 2020, A Voyeur Makes No Mark, Australia, Brisbane, Danny Venzin, Industrial, Lost Race, Moscow, Music, New Music, New Music 2020, Nite Fields, Noise, Perfect Aesthetics, Post Punk, Shoegaze NICK NUISANCE & THE DELINQUENTS. If you're looking for some rowdy Punk, then get your ears turned onto Nick Nuisance & The Delinquents. They're a might fie band from Australia, and they take you way back to when Punk was starting out, and bands were solidifying their sound. Nick Nuisance & The Delinquents are everything you could possibly want from a gloriously rambunctious band. Nick's vocals remind me slightly of Bobby Gillespie. I can't really pinpoint what it is exactly but maybe it's that wonderful sleazy tone that really locks you in. It's incredible and will just blow your mind. They remind me of Primal Scream mixed with New York Dolls, with a Ramones attitude. But there's something else going on and it defies any genre or band comparison that I or anyone else could put together. They're worth way more than that, but I just wanted to give a slight indication to you on how great they are. When you listen to them, you'll get what I mean. Last year they released the dreamy Dumb Fuzz record. Five new songs that just made you want to have a good time an escape into your own little world. Talk To No One, Head, the songs on this release are so great and you cannot get enough of them but for when five songs just won't do- we've got other records to fawn over. Cheap Things is another record of theirs that will just blow you away; this one came out in 2017 and the six songs on this release again just show us how amazing the band are. I think this is their most trashy/sleazy Rock 'n' Roll record. It's got this 70s Glam Rock feel to it, that at times I can do without but here it truly works. It's an exceptional record, and sure six songs aren't enough, but it is a strong taster of what the band are about. Something really impressive to note about Cheap Things is that the band recorded it live to tape in just two days. If this is what we can get in two days from them, imagine what a week could churn out! I've got high hopes for this band, and one being that they find their way to the UK and melt our faces and steal our souls at their live shows. I love the sound that they have, and I love how it just sounds so natural to them. There is nothing forced about their sound, and they aren't afraid to experiment with sounds that some may be cautious of dabbling in. An utterly fearless sound is what they possess, and collectively they are just a real treat to listen to. They are excellent musicians who just make you feel a sense of joy when you listen to them. Their songs go from being house party anthems to songs to waste the day to. Whatever you're into, or whatever you spend your days doing- Nick Nuisance & The Delinquents are the perfect soundtrack to it. Most of their songs don't really hit over the two and half minute mark, and I guess this is one of the reasons why you just crave more music from them. They are just an absolute pleasure to listen to and when you listen to them, you just imagine yourself either hanging out with them, at their show or just anywhere that's your happy/safe space. That's what music should be about and given the state of the world at the moment, we should take that feeling any chance we get. Tags: 2020, Australia, Cameron Holdstock, Cath Conlan, Declan Press, Garage Rock, Music, Nick Nuisance, Nick Nuisance And The Delinquents, Petersham, Punk, Sydney MINI SKIRT. Finding information about the band Mini Skirt is impossible without searches bringing up weird images and the like. Fortunately, I've got what I need to write about this proper rowdy band. A band that make you feel like you're listening to Black Flag for the first time. Are you ready to throw things out of the window and trash your living room? Yes? No? It doesn't matter. Mini Skirt are a brilliant band who have this refreshing angst and humour in their music. Mini Skirt formed in Byron Bay (yes, another Australian band that I'm writing about) and although I know basically nothing about the Australian music scene (I know what I like, and what I'm not big on) I can safely say that there are some fucking incredible bands out there. I've written about the ones I've found and loved, but I know there's more out there. It's the turn of Mini Skirt right now, and there's something about their extremely honest and to the point lyrics that just makes you fall in love with them instantly. They have this charm that makes you feel like you're hanging out with your best friends; they see the world in a way that may or may not irk some, but they're telling us what they see and what they see in others. They unleash their disappointments and the like, and the way they express it is done in a way that you wish more would do. Their humour is what lures you in but it's their evident talent that keeps you there. Completely locked in. A band I can liken them to is Viagra Boys- they both have this undeniable charm and wit in their songs, and it is just a real privilege to listen to. Mini Skirt are a band that observe, and I mean really observe. Their song (Untitled) taken from Hello Possums (ten points if you get the reference!) is one of my favourites, and it really captures the way we observe others, ourselves and the world; and how our thoughts can just turn into a bunch of nothingness. Sometimes you just gorm out and your brain focuses on things that probably hold no worth to others, but it matters to you. So, it does matter. I'm not entirely sure when the band started, it may have been around 2016 with their Taste EP- which you must listen to! They have such a solid and gnarly sound; they're just consistently brilliant, and I think that's why what they do works. Songs like Out Of Place (from 2016) to last year's Pretty shows just how far they have come, and how their sound has got stronger and the toughness in the lyrics is really coming through. Mini Skirt aren't afraid to be brutally honest and call out bullshitters. We need more of that, and the way they call out various injustices is brilliant. Dying Majority is a prime example of this and is definitely one of the most vital songs of our time. Listen to it. Listen to it really loud and take in the lyrics. Going back to the Taste EP; it is made up of 6 songs that are the perfect introduction to the band. If you're going to start here with the band, then you won't be sorry. Songs like Billy Elliot and Dogs are so effortlessly great, and they have this lo-fi sound that makes you feel like you're watching them rehearse right in front of you. If only we could be that lucky! It's such a fantastic EP. They aren't afraid to call people/society out on their shitty behaviour, and that alone makes them easy to love. Mini Skirt are nothing short of exceptional, and I hope they take over the world someday…somehow. I love everything about their sound. I love how they make music for them, and aren't afraid to be bold and honest, and of course- loud. The snarls in the vocals (especially on Security) to the drums that sound like a riot and everything else, it's just incredible. They're made up of some of the best musicians you'll probably ever hear, and their newest release Pretty shows us that. Go listen to all the music they've given us, and you'll truly hear something that will blow your mind. *photo by Dougal Gorman Tags: 2020, Australia, Byron Bay, Garage Rock, Mini Skirt, Music, Pub Rock, Punk DRAGGS. So, we know that Kel Mason from Gee Tee is an exceptional musician, right? If you're a fan of Gee Tee then you're probably aware of his other project, DRAGGS. DRAGGS are ridiculous. They're this super lo-fi sounding band that are really creepy. You don't feel safe when you listen to them, and I'm totally fine with that. I love the heaviness of the sound, and I love how really weird it all is. DRAGGS are obscure and everything you want from creepy sounding lo-fi Garage Rock. I'm hooked. I love how distorted it all is, how difficult to listen to it is- I mean this in the best way possible. They aren't an easy listen, and I love that about them. I love how you have to be really focused to listen to DRAGGS in order to really get the sound. This isn't a band that you casually listen to, oh no! This is a band that you set time aside for, so you can really hear everything that's going on. And trust me, there's a LOT going on. The more you listen to DRAGGS, the more obvious it is that Kel is a genius. That's for another post though, right now I just really want to tell you as many reasons as I can as to why DRAGGS are incredible- but maybe you already know this. If you do, then sorry for wasting your time. Anyway, the thing to really become obsessed with is the production. The production on their records is INSANE. It is pretty much perfect, but there's this strong DIY feel that just makes you feel like you could do this. Maybe you could. Are YOU the next Kel Mason? Let's move on quickly. DRAGGS sound like you've taken Night Nurse during the day and you're attempting to hold yourself together. There's this woozy feel to their sound that I've not really heard before. Or maybe I have, but with DRAGGS it is something else. You feel like you have zero control over anything, and sometimes that is totally fine. Songs like New Teeth, Slob City and the whole of Slime Street will make you feel odd, but in a good way. This is some of the weirdest music I've ever heard, and I adore it. It's part futuristic, part outer body experience. There's enough going on here to keep you hooked- I just love how weird and off the wall it all is. It's something that I know I'll keep going back to. But like I said, DRAGGS aren't a band that you just listen to casually. You need to really focus when you listen to them; you might miss something important if not! Slob City and 3D Funeral are two of DRAGGS releases that were made to purely blow the minds of anyone who listens to them, and they truly succeed in doing this. I absolutely adore the Slime Street release, but to be honest I just find the whole catalogue of music to be nothing short of fantastic. They don't make for an easy listen, and I'm all for that. Tags: 2020, Australia, DIY, DRAGGS, Garage Rock, Gee Tee, Gold Coast, Kel Mason, Lo-Fi, Music, Punk
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaCommonCrawl'}
How to backup MySQL for free | IT Vomit! I needed to backup a small MySQL database, wanted something robust, simple and free, previously I used a hacked together shell script which ran via cron. I briefly tried a few of the offerings out there, I then I came across Zmanda Recovery Manager [ZRM] for MySQL, it's really simple to configure, has a scheduler, emails you reports and has a lot of other goodies you can configure, it really was simple and easy. I just followed the very good guide here, and all credit goes to the original author.
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
Q: Max of prior n cells truncating to first row Say I have 1000 rows and 1 column (e.g. A1:A1000) of data. I want to define a column in a new column B such that it contains the maximum value of n prior cells (e.g. 5) in A including current row. The part I'm having trouble with is defining the cell range such that it doesn't produce a #REF! error at first rows (first 4 rows in this example). So as a simple example A B 1 3.0 3.0 #REF! 2 1.1 3.0 #REF! 3 0 3.0 #REF! 4 2.5 3.0 #REF! 5 2 3.0 =MAX(A1:A5) 6 1 2.5 =MAX(A2:A6) 7 4 4 =MAX(A3:A7) ... I tried for any 'B' cell "=MAX(A3:A7)" (in row 7) but when I copy it to cell 2 for example it displays a REF error (probably because the range went off the top). I don't want to have to manual enter the truncated ranges in the first rows - in actuality there'd be 100s. A: With INDEX and some math: =MAX(A1:INDEX(A:A,MAX(ROW()-4,1)))
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaStackExchange'}
Home » Health Tips » Old Japanese Trick-Look 15 Years Younger by Doing This Twice! Old Japanese Trick-Look 15 Years Younger by Doing This Twice! Women from Japan have always been considered to look beautiful, youthful, and that is all due to the secret that is old for centuries- the benefits of rice. Definitely, the secret of their beauty lies in this gift of nature! Rice is extremely rich in linoleic acid and squalene, which are powerful antioxidants that stimulate collagen production, which greatly slows the appearance of wrinkles. Moreover, squalene in rice protects the skin from harmful effects of the sun rays, and rice in general is rich in vitamin E and gamma oryzanol, known for its ability to protect the heart and to lower cholesterol. Unfortunately, with the exception of the Japanese, most people are not aware of these scientifically proven facts! When it comes to skin rejuvenation, rice really does miracles, but it is best to prepare this simple mask and see for yourself! This is an old Japanese recipe for a simple mask of rice, which will smooth your wrinkles and give you a perfect complexion! Boil the rice and strain it, but keep the water in which you boiled it. Mix one tablespoon of warm milk with rice and add a spoonful of honey. Always place the mask on a clean, dry skin and let it dry itself on the face. Then, clean your face and rinse it with the water in which you cooked the rice. Rice water has strong antioxidant properties. It hydrates the skin and stimulates blood circulation, helps in removing wrinkles and reduces inflammation. This mask will make your skin healthy and hydrated. For best results, repeat this treatment at least twice a week.
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
Showing recent results 1951 - 1965 of 4364 products found. SD-40 - JFE Advantech Co., Ltd. Type SD-40 detects the density of sludge discharged from sedimentation tank and concentrators, in sewage treatment plants and water works. It achieves the accurate observation of sludge density, and helps to control the discharge of sludge. 329 - Electronic Specialties Inc. * MULTI FUNCTION INSTRUMENT with high vis green backlit LCD display. * IP68 Dust and Water proof * Can be permanently mounted on vehicle (includes velcro 2 sided tape) or used for engine service. A DC voltmeter measures the current passing between two points. The normal use of a voltmeter is to check the power in an electrical circuit. Manufacturers install some voltmeters permanently in equipment, but in testing equipment, the voltmeter is generally portable, allowing the user to test different circuits. It is used to determine the decolored extent for the dyed textile ofr dyed leather by abrasion method. At fist, coat abrasive hammer with dry or wet white cotton cloth then drive it to Repeatedly abrade the specimen clamped on test table for the times within 10 seconds to examine the grade of color-dying firmness. Reproduces the effects of sunlight, rain and dew. Tests materials by exposing them to alternating cycles of light and moisture and controlled, elevated temperatures. Simulates the effect of sunlight with fluorescent ultra violet lamps, simulating rain and dew with condensing humidity. 8 UV lamp positions and 11 specimen holders 75 x 300mm (3 x 12in) and 46 alum panels 75 x 150mm (3 x 6in). Touch screen display and control panel, irradiance control, calibration devices and lamps extra. MD-2G - Ketai instrument (kunshan) Ltd. KT7190 - Ketai instrument (kunshan) Ltd. KT7192 - Ketai instrument (kunshan) Ltd.
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
The endless flow of information makes it a bit complicated to run business effective and prolific. Therefore, it is advised to improve the customer interaction to get the desired results. So, starting using a CRM system is a wise solution. Platforms are packed with features for storing and displaying data, growing and establishing customer relationships and enhancing a decision-making process. The diversity of CRM market makes it hard to choose the one for you. So, here is the comparison of the two platforms Act! vs Salesforce for you to check out. Salesforce is mostly focused on satisfying the needs of enterprises. The beauty of this platform, founded in 1999, is the ability to get customized upon your industry and help you gain a full 360-degree view of your clients. You can easily track the competitors as well as manage opportunities and orders most efficiently. Sales performance management to help you monitor and analyze business processes. You can reveal the weak and strong sides of your team for further improvements. Chatter, a communication and collaboration tool, tracks conversations and updates using features like feeds, profiles, groups, etc. More than 600 configuration choices and integrates with 30% applications like Google Apps, MailChimp, and others. Tools for the industry-specific organizations in the areas like financial services, healthcare, retail, media, etc. Lead management, a possibility to track data about your leads; including automatic lead scoring, so you wouldn't miss potential customers because of the holes in the system. Act! was founded back in 1987 and is thought to be the first Customer Management solution. Since that time the CRM platform has evolved and stood the test of time. Almost 83 thousand companies currently use it all around the world. it can be easily customized meeting your individual business requirements. the system can connect with +100 different apps. Salesforce offers paid plans and a free trial. It can be billed annually or per month per user. Lightning Unlimited – $300/user/month/billed annually - Extend CRM to accelerate performance. Pro - $330 -the basic package is targeted at individuals and teams of 10 users or less. How to Perform CRM Migration Automatically? Service guarantees to treat your information privately and securely and offers an opportunity to sign the Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA). SaaS eliminates the interruptions of business processes and assures the uptime of the existing and future solutions during the data import. The automated solution enables you with a possibility to map the fields and users on your own in accordance with your business requirements. Data2CRM offers you to run a free Demo Migration to explore the service in action and check the configuration and automation options of the new platform. Go to http://app.data2crm.com and register your account. Provide your name, email, password and enter the phone number; or sign in with your social network accounts or as a CRM (Salesforce or HubSpot CRM) user. Specify your existing CRM. Provide the required credentials. Enter your future platform and fill out the required credentials. After that, select items you'd like to migrate to your new CRM platform. Check the corresponding boxes to migrate your accounts, contacts, tasks, opportunities, leads and notes together with the related activities such as calls and events. Click Start Free Demo Migration. Now, check out your Demo migration results. If you are satisfied, you may fully migrate to your chosen solution. Make your business thrive with the automated migration service Data2CRM and migrate your records to/from Salesforce or to/from Act! easily, accurate and secure. Transfer a bit of your data into the chosen CRM and see how it will look like by running a free Demo Migration.
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School Identity School Flyer About Us on Media POS Handbook Summer Programs / Camps ACT-SAT College Testing Grad Requirements Honors Diploma Choosing a College College Visit Form Ohio Jobs Technical Education Careers CYSP Parent Notices & Policies HSA Apparel Store Horizon Science Academy Columbus High School - Concept Schools > Profile Horizon Science Academy Columbus High School CEEB Code: 361-551 1070 Morse Rd. Columbus OH 43229 Phone: (614) 846 7616 Fax: (614) 846 7696 hs.horizoncolumbus.org Horizon Science Academy is a public charter school enrolling 530 students in grades 9 through 12. The school opened in the fall of 1999 and graduated its first senior class in 2002. HSA is an accredited College Preparatory High School sponsored by Educational Service Center of Lake Erie West and has been recognized as an EXCELLENT school by the Ohio Department of Education and received National Blue Ribbon School Award in 2012. The student body is culturally diverse. The ethnicity breakdown is 87% Black & African American, 6% Hispanic & Latino, 2% Multiracial, 3% White and 2% Asian. Moreover, 99% of the students qualify for the free and reduced lunch program. HSA's mission is to prepare students for college and career by creating an effective learning community with high expectations and a rigorous curriculum focused on math, science and technology. We are particularly proud of the fact that more than 95% of our seniors are accepted into college every year. Students earn one credit for each year-long course provided that they have a passing grade (D- or better) at the end of the year. In addition to the standard curriculum (as outlined below), HSA offers 23 honors courses in Introduction to Engineering Design, Principles of Engineering, DC Electronic Circuits, Industrial Robotics, Principles and Practices of Biomedical Technologies, Human Anatomy and Physiology, Medical Terminology, Patient Care, Pharmacology, Medical and Dental Techniques, Computer Programming, Object-Oriented Programming, Visual Programming, Video and Sound, Design Techniques, Creating and Editing Digital Graphics, Multimedia and Image Management Techniques and Microsoft Office Specialist. College Credit Plus (dual enrollment) courses, POLS 1100: Introduction to American Government, HIST 1152: American History Since 1877, ENGL 1100: Composition I, and ENGL 2367: Composition II are also offered. Students may earn high school and post-secondary credit(s) by completing dual enrollment classes at local colleges and universities and / or completing a career / technical education program. Students may earn high school credit in Algebra I, English I, Modern World History, Orchestra, and World Languages in the 8th Grade. All credit classes are included in computing GPA and class rank. Honors, Advanced Placement and Dual Enrollment courses are weighted by one point. HSA ranks students in its graduating class. A minimum of 23 credits are required for graduation. The breakdown of graduation requirements is: 4 credits in English, 4 credits in Mathematics, 4 credits in Science, 3.5 credits in Social Studies, 2 credits in World Languages (the same language), 1 credit in Fine Arts, .5 credit in Physical Education, .50 credit in Health Education, 1 credit in Computer Technology, and 2.5 additional credits. In addition to the required 23 credits, each student must complete 40 hours of community service and pass state tests. College Enrollment Some of the colleges and universities that HSA students enrolled in are: University of Chicago, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, West Point Academy, University of Pennsylvania, Notre Dame University, Vanderbilt University, The Ohio State University, Case Western University, Miami University, University of California Los Angeles, University of Dayton, and Otterbein University. HSA offers a variety of sports such as Soccer, Basketball, Volleyball, and Track. Clubs offered are Choir, HOSA, SkillsUSA, Cooking Club, Dance and Cheer Club, Table Tennis, Turkish Olympiad, Yearbook, Math Club, Student Council, Media Arts Club, Robotics Club, Scientific Research Program, Concept Young Scholar Program, Spoken Word, Model UN, African American History Month, and International Festival of Language and Culture. Horizon Science Academy Columbus High School is managed by Concept Schools. Concept Schools is a nonprofit charter management organization that provides a high-quality, STEM-focused and college-preparatory education through a network of charter schools while offering exceptional programs, comprehensive services, and opportunities to partner in education. 1070 Morse Rd. Columbus, OH 43229 hsinfo@horizoncolumbus.org In accordance with Federal law and U.S Department of Agriculture (USDA) civil rights regulations and policies, this institution is prohibited from discriminating on the basis of the race, color, national origin, sex, age, disability and reprisal or retaliation for prior civil rights activity. General ELL Parent Notification: If you need assistance in understanding above, for free language assistance services, please call the school at (614) 846-7616 and ask for " Language Help Needed ". Somali: Hadii aad u baahantahay caawitaan waxa kor ku qoran, caawi taanka luuqada oo qarash la'aan ah, adoo raali ah soo wac iskool ka (614) 846-7616 waxaana weeydiisaa " u baahitaanka caawinta luuqada". Twi: Sɛ wohia eboa sɛneɛ bɛyeɛ a, wobɛte neɛ ededesoɔ ye ase ɛwɔ kasa nkyerɛkyerɛ mu abereɛ woretua tɛku a, mepa wokyɛw fre sukuu ye akasahoma fidie ye wɔ (614) 846-7616 na bisa kasa a wopesɛ yɛrekyerɛkyerɛ wo aseɛ. Si vous avez besoin d'aide pour le service d'assistance de langue, s'il vous plait appeler l'ecole au (614) 846-7616 et demander pour:''Aide de language''. Si necesita asistencia para entender lo de arriba, por favor llamar a la escuela al (614) 846-7616 para asistencia de lenguaje gratis y preguntar por "Language Help Needed". Arabic: وطلب "مساعدة اللغة المطلوب إذا كنت بحاجة إلى المساعدة في فهم أعلاه، لخدمات مساعدة لغوية مجانية، يرجى الاتصال بالمدرسة في (614) 846-7616 Krio: If you need any assistance pan whaten de above, for free laguange assistance servicedem, please call de school the number nah (614) 846-7616 and ask for "Language Help Needed" Copyright 2019 © Horizon Science Academy Columbus High Charter School | Managed by Concept Schools
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Fenugreek does wonders to control blood sugar levels, and also provides fiber when sprouted. Here it is imaginatively combined with fruit and vegetables to create an unusual salad. 1. Blend all the ingredients together in a liquidizer till smooth. 2. Refrigerate and use as required. 1. Combine all the salad ingredients together in a bowl. 2. Just before serving, add the dressing and toss well.
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Bromley and Croydon DPAC are holding a benefit Justice meeting Monday 30th May at 7pm at Acts Ministries, Acts House, 30 Union Road, Croydon, CR0 2XU. Its another opportunity for people to come together against the cuts affecting us all. "The Bedroom Tax and the benefits cap, alongside other sweeping changes to the benefits system and the reduction in vital services supporting disabled people and parents, is hitting the poor hard – both those in and out of work," DPAC's spokeswoman said. For more information visit www.benefitjustice.wordpress.com. Croydon Council are in the process of agreeing their budget setting which includes a proposed set of cuts to services across Adult Social Care, that amount to £10million being taken out of the budget. The Council carried out a consultation that was inaccessible to disabled people and included no detailed information about the cuts proposed to vital support services that the most disadvantaged members of the community depend upon. We are very concerned that on top of year on year reductions by Croydon, and the huge central government cuts to disability-related benefits and entitlements, these cuts represent a further attack on the quality of life of disabled people. The cuts are adding injury to injury, and mean yet morepainfordisabledpeopleinCroydon.
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Movie Gazette Movie reviews, news and more About Movie Gazette Past competitions. « Romina Mondello Aki Ishimaru » Reviews Featuring Donald Fullilove Easily one of the best movie sequels ever made. Original, exciting, entertaining and practically impossible to copy. The third film may be a tad weaker than the first two, but put together this is probably the finest movie trilogy ever. Yes, okay, I'll say it - it's better than 'Star Wars'. This entry was written by Movie Gazette, posted on July 17, 2003 at 12:00 am, filed under People. Bookmark the permalink. Follow any comments here with the RSS feed for this post. Both comments and trackbacks are currently closed. Monthly Archives Select Month April 2014 (1) January 2013 (5) December 2012 (5) November 2012 (7) October 2012 (5) September 2012 (5) August 2012 (8) July 2012 (5) June 2012 (5) May 2012 (9) April 2012 (10) March 2012 (10) February 2012 (9) January 2012 (14) December 2011 (10) November 2011 (9) October 2011 (10) September 2011 (10) August 2011 (10) July 2011 (11) June 2011 (9) May 2011 (6) April 2011 (2) March 2011 (10) February 2011 (34) January 2011 (10) December 2010 (11) November 2010 (17) October 2010 (9) September 2010 (6) August 2010 (15) July 2010 (9) June 2010 (21) May 2010 (24) April 2010 (9) March 2010 (9) February 2010 (17) January 2010 (14) December 2009 (10) November 2009 (24) October 2009 (18) September 2009 (23) August 2009 (70) July 2009 (19) June 2009 (218) April 2009 (87) March 2009 (39) February 2009 (94) January 2009 (113) December 2008 (3) October 2007 (40) September 2007 (47) April 2007 (4) February 2007 (19) September 2006 (20) August 2006 (44) September 2005 (7) August 2005 (79) July 2005 (212) June 2005 (451) May 2005 (445) April 2005 (469) March 2005 (491) February 2005 (375) January 2005 (312) December 2004 (312) November 2004 (426) October 2004 (537) September 2004 (131) August 2004 (401) July 2004 (414) June 2004 (58) May 2004 (32) April 2004 (20) March 2004 (30) February 2004 (1492) January 2004 (314) December 2003 (328) November 2003 (408) October 2003 (374) September 2003 (298) August 2003 (428) July 2003 (718) June 2003 (362) May 2003 (839) April 2003 (177) March 2003 (85) February 2003 (133) January 2003 (347) Out Now (16) Film Of The Book (1) Haikal on Tell Them Who You Are Max Nouman on Iron Man radar on Bizita Q Gabriel on Evita Home | About Movie Gazette | For Film PR People |Terms Of Use Of This Web Site | Privacy Policy © Web Gazette LLP | Posters and other images are ©,® of their respective studios. We use cookies to personalise content and ads, to provide social media features and to analyse our traffic. We also share information about your use of our site with our social media, advertising and analytics partners. details
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The Season is upon us. No, I don't mean the Christmas season, I am talking about the "holiday book season". You know, that time of year when authors entice us with stories stories built on and around Thanksgiving and, especially, Christmas. This trend seems to be especially prevalent in the Chick-Lit genre. Many of my reading friends look forward to this time of year when they can count on their favorite authors to put out new holiday stories that they can immerse themselves in. It is a tradition that, for some readers, is as important in marking the holidays as decorating the tree and singing carols. As the slew of Christmas books come out to celebrate the season, it can be hard sometimes to decided which ones to read and which ones to skip. I have read, and reviewed several lately that are worthy of the Christmas read. For me, the best of the bunch so far is A Nantucket Christmas by Nancy Thayer. A Nantucket Christmas takes place, as you can guess, on Nantucket Island. Retired nurse Nicole and her new husband, Sebastian are two people who met later in life and fell in love. Their Christmas plans include a visit from Sebastian's adult daughter, Kennedy, her husband, and their three-year old son Maddox. To call Kennedy and adult, though, is using the term loosely. Kennedy is spoiled, rich, self-centered, and, to top it all off, 8 months pregnant. You can probably guess that combination is not one that bodes well for a festive, fun Christmas, especially since Kennedy views her step-mother as an interloper. Thus the stage is set for this "slice of life" story about the forging of new family bonds. The biggest problem with "slice of life" stories is that they can be both lacking in conflict and somewhat formulaic. Especially in one that has only 145 pages. In the case of this story, though, there was plenty of conflict to go around between Kennedy and her step-mother and Sebastian and his ex-wife too name a few. And while the story was a bit formulaic, I felt the writing was good enough to overcome that aspect. Besides, most of the reason we read these stories is because we know where they are going and we like where that is, right? In addition, this book was filled with interesting characters. First and foremost, there was Kennedy. Some may say that no adult woman, especially one with a child, could be so self involved. To me that was the fun of her character. I could safely dislike her, roll my eyes at her when she was at her worst, and yet, I could also sympathize with her a bit. Nicole was also a great character and I loved the way that the author used her to highlight both the stress inherent in the season, and the stress inherent in the situation. I also liked Maddox and particularly enjoyed his three-year-old antics. Perhaps my favorite, though, was Snix/Pooh, the dog. While by no means a major character, I enjoyed reading about his life and seeing things through his eyes. Since so many of the Christmas stories out there center around romances (which I enjoy), I found the focus on the family in this book to be a welcome change. In addition, at just 145 pages it was a quick read and I would recommend it for those of us who like the holiday story genre.
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Gold prices were mostly steady on Thursday, close to a one-week low hit in the previous session, as the dollar held firm amid an intensifying trade war between the United States and China. Spot gold was steady at $1,243.10 an ounce at 0328 GMT. The yellow metal slipped 1 percent and hit an over one-week low at $1,240.89 on Wednesday. U.S. gold futures for August delivery were 0.1 percent lower at $1,243.60 an ounce. "The U.S. dollar firmed up across the board and I think that is the main reason," a Sydney-based trader said. "The further escalation of trade war is mutually destructive given the higher U.S. consumer prices as a result of import tariffs, which in turn could fuel risk of a faster-than-expected Fed rate hike in the foreseeable horizon," OCBC said in a note. A stronger dollar and higher interest rates reduce demand for non-interest bearing gold as the metal becomes more expensive for holders of other currencies. China accused the United States of bullying and warned it would hit back after the Trump administration raised the stakes in their trade dispute, threatening 10 percent tariffs on $200 billion of Chinese goods in a move that rattled global markets. In other precious metals, silver was 0.2 percent higher at $15.78 an ounce. It fell to its lowest since mid-December at $15.72 an ounce, earlier in the session. Platinum was up 0.1 percent at $825.40 an ounce and palladium was 0.1 percent higher at $938.50 per ounce.
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The Earthsea Cycle: A Wizard of Earthsea (Book 1) User Photos (1) Bantam Spectra Intro to Earthsea "The wise needn't ask, the fool asks in vain." My first exposure to Ursula K. Le Guin's work, I'm a little sorry to say. I'm not sure what's taken me so long… but I CAN now see some of her influences in more recent fantasy authors. The book is a fairly quick read—no more than 6 hours investment—and provides both the base worldbuilding blocks to the Islands-only realm of Earthsea along with the origins of one of its most famous wizards. One gets the impression that much information has been lost, but it doesn't dwell in lament over that too long. Instead, it simply gets on with the story it can tell. The story centers on a motherless boy named Ged, who is being somewhat negligently reared on an unremarkable island by a vaguely abusive blacksmith father and morally nebulous witch aunt. When the island is invaded, the boy stretches his magical capacities in an effort to save his village—and in doing so earns the attentions of a famed wizard. The 3rd-person semi-limited telling follows Ged through apprentice training and a sort of wizarding school, where he continually makes impatient or prideful errors, causes problems, and grows through his mistakes. It ends right around his 19th year after he goes out into the wider world to right a tremendous wrong of his own making. The story posits a relatively soft magic system. People either have inherent magical propensity, or they don't. And everything has a "true name" that can potentially allow a magic user to master that creature (or person.) As such, nicknames are popular and one does not give out their true name to just anyone. Dragons and wizards dominate the more obvious fantastical elements. Le Guin's prose is a vivid blending of the simple and the elegant. There is visceral emotion that is well expressed, but not a tremendous amount of depth. Many things are expediently skipped over rather than explored—relational development seeming to suffer the most. There were times this felt very much like a Middle Grade read, but given the era it was written in and the eventual age of the protagonist, it would be wrong to label it as such. Is it Middle Grade appropriate? Absolutely. But part of its appeal is in the wide range of audience who could potentially enjoy this story without it requiring too much of their focus. *"Go to bed; tired is stupid." *"War as a moral metaphor is limited, limiting, and dangerous. By reducing the choices of action to "a war against" whatever-it-is, you divide the world into Me or Us (good) and Them or It (bad) and reduce the ethical complexity and moral richness of our life to Yes/No, On/Off." Angela Blount, Staff Reviewer Top 50 Reviewer 272 reviews Ged's Journey A Wizard of Earthsea is about a young magician from the Archipelago. The name his mother gave hims was Duny, but his true name is Ged. A Wizard of Earthsea is all about his journey from when he learnt his first magic trick, when he got his wizard name Sparrowhawk, to when he finally defeats the shadow he had released. Ged was the greatest sorcerer in Earthsea, but in his youth he was the reckless Sparrowhawk. In his hunger for power and knowledge, he tampered with long-held secrets and loosed a terrible shadow upon the world. This is the tumultuous tale of his testing, how he mastered the mighty words of power, tamed an ancient dragon, and crossed death's threshold to restore the balance. I think that it was strange that the characters didn't really have a name that everyone knew. Take the name of the main character, Ged. This was his true name, and only a select few knew it, but to everyone else he was Sparrowhawk. He didn't really have a common name that people could use, and I thought that was really strange. This book didn't get really deep into the thoughts of Ged, and we were kinda cut off from it all. This meant we couldn't really predict what was going to happen, which meant surprises that are totally unexpected. I think that we should of been able to have a closer look into his mind, so we get more of feel what he was like. I think that this book is truly spectacular, and that anyone who enjoys a fantasy/classic, then A Wizard of Earthsea is what will be your true love. Casog Top 50 Reviewer 260 reviews iteresting The book has to be one of my favorites. It portaryes the journey of how power corrupts and the journey from childhood to adult hood, and excepting the reponsilbites of one actions. The book also had an iterseting perspect on wizards and the power they hold, along with the consquences of that power. Tales of Ged Reader reviewed by Ray This book The Wizard of Earthsea is a series that is rather old but amazingly exciting and interesting. If your looking for a good read, look this book up. This story is about a man named Ged who must hunt down a shadow that could kill him and many others. Read this book to find out if he successfully hunts down this beast and defeats it...And at what cost...
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2016 vote robbery explained Crypto currency victims shed crocodile tears Word to university students Nambozo distances self on MAK fees increment Makerere University students demand Vice Chancellor's powers trimmed Someone tell Dr. Besigye, the medicine for a patient suffering from cancer cannot be Coartem even though such a patient could test positive to malaria! Dr. Kizza Besigye (in a blue checkered pullover) has been in and out of prison an uncountable times I am always told that politics is not religion; that one must always look for ways to victory, clinic regardless of the means. Yet I cannot stop getting astonished by the rate at which our politics has become unreligious. Ours has not gone to the dogs; the dogs have come to our politics. Last week we witnessed, firsthand, one of the more radical fantasies of mankind; that democracy can be achieved in any country particularly in Uganda, with its socio-economic and political structure! During the campaigns, I saw smart people getting carried away by Dr. Kizza Besigye's big crowds at campaign rallies. Many believed that Besigye would win the election. Many actually still believe that Besigye lost simply because the election was rigged. Many cite the irregularities such as the delayed delivery of polling materials in Kampala and Wakiso districts, failure by the Electoral Commission (EC) to declare results in a more transparent manner, failure by the EC to provide declaration forms to candidates in time, etc. Many well educated people, some of who are well grounded in analytical skills, believe that Museveni was simply declared by EC Chairman, Badru Kiggundu basing on results that were not coming from the polling stations across the country, but from some tally centre manned by Museveni's hangers-on. Many are so convinced in their beliefs based on rumors and hearsay but not evidence. Are all elections rigged? Many who are reading this piece have already gotten bored, if not angry with me. They simply do not want to hear what I am writing here. They can only listen to someone who amplifies the general consensus: the 2016 election was rigged by the incumbent. That is the very point I want to address this week. The 1980 election was rigged by the incumbent (Obote's UPC). The 1996 election was rigged by the incumbent (Yoweri Museveni). The 2001 was also rigged by the same incumbent (Yoweri Museveni). The 2006 election was rigged by the incumbent (Yoweri Museveni). The 2011 election was rigged by the same incumbent. And just last week, the same incumbent, Y.K. Museveni, rigged another election. So, who has ever won an election in Uganda? No body. Then, why do we continue to vote every time the election comes around? Many will say, "Because it is our constitutional right and duty." When do we often realise that election has been rigged? On the voting day, through the tallying and declaration of results! After the "rigging" we are so angry, some of throw away or even burn the voter's card and swear never to participate in "these fraudulent and staged elections". After five years of healing, and with bigger rallies addressed by our favourite candidate, the excitement delivers us to the polling station. I have heard Dr. Besigye lamenting how the electoral process in Uganda is fraudulent and cannot deliver a free and fair election for countless times. I have lost the count of the times Dr. Besigye has declared how "I will never participate again in an election organised by Mr. Museveni." Yet he has challenged and lost to Museveni a record four times! Even M7 cannot defeat M7 Fellow Ugandans here is the truth: no one cannot defeat Museveni in an election in Uganda. Not even Museveni can defeat Museveni! To put it more clearly, even Museveni cannot defeat Besigye if they swapped positions: Besigye, the incumbent and Museveni, the challenger. I am sure we agree with many of my readers up to this point. Now, let me add one statement: Museveni is defeating Besigye, not because he is rigging the elections. Even Museveni would not defeat Besigye, if they swapped positions, by rigging. No. The reason Museveni is winning is because Uganda is structured in such a way that it is exceedingly difficult to defeat a hardworking incumbent. Democracy cannot work in societies structured like Uganda. It simply doesn't work anywhere in the world in countries structured like ours. I have on several occasions written in these very pages why I seriously think that countries such as Uganda need benevolent dictators — not the current staged democracy. I have asked, "What democracy do you hope for in a country where 80% of its population lives what economists refer to as a "culture of poverty?" On February 16, about 20 hours to the voting day, I posted a simple analysis on my facebook wall where I stated thus, "…if one went by what [some] Ugandans have been saying in media, Besigye should start ironing his best suit for swearing in as the 9th President of Uganda." I continued, "But wait a minute, the 2014 census revealed that 82% of Ugandans live in rural areas. Only 14% of Ugandans use electricity. Actually, 58% use tadooba for lighting. Only 2.4% have a certificate of any kind; only 0.8% have degrees. Adult Ugandans who cannot read or write (the illiterates) comprise 32% nationally, and 44% in rural Uganda. "Although Ugandans with access to a telephone have increased to over 19 million, those with Smartphones comprise only 5.2 million (15%). Those with access to internet make only 15% of the total population." Politics of keeping people poor I told my followers on facebook that the reason I was boring them with these numbers was because I wanted to put their expectations in perspective. I wanted them to build their expectations, as we headed into the polls, with a clear mind that what we (elites) chat on facebook, twitter, watsapp, YouTube, in newspapers, televisions etc, represent utmost 20% of Ugandans. The "real" Uganda (80%) is often out there growing potatoes and beans for own consumption, playing mweso in trading centres, drinking malwa and waragi, hunting a few rats to feast in the evening, making babies to send to UPE schools, and waiting for the polling day to vote to whoever promises them "relevant things." What are the most pressing needs (the relevant things) of an average Ugandan? Kindly never forget that an average Ugandan is not you who is reading this piece. The typical Ugandan belongs to the 80%, the group whose features I have described above. Failure to appreciate this reality is synonymous with hiding our heads in sand. That group mainly has what Abraham Maslow refers to as "physiological needs" as the most pressing needs – food, shelter, a few clothes to cover their bodies or at least their private parts, peace and security etc. Before satisfying those needs, other issues in society do not make sense to a human being. This is where Museveni beats us. Some of the headline-making promises of his campaigns were things like hoes (to grow food), money for malwa groups, continuation of UPE and jailing head-teachers who ask for any money from parents, sanitary pads to all school-going girls, and keeping the peace to allow everybody to sleep soundly. Other candidates, and us all, ridiculed his message. Our rational minds focused on providing modern farming equipments, such as tractors, planters, etc. I remember Museveni telling media, "But that is what the people are asking for. My people (the intelligence and RDCs) bring me these messages. Those who are laughing at our proposals, wait you will see [the outcome in ballot boxes]." Of course this is the politics of keeping people poor. Poor people do not ask for big things; the big things do not make sense until people have satisfied the "small" ones (the physiological needs). The incumbent takes full advantage of this structure of Uganda. He spends nearly three years in the villages of Uganda campaigning and bribing the "typical voter" with those small things. Yet when the official campaigns begin, he still possesses an unprecedented advantage over his competitors. He uses State facilities: choppers, armored vehicles, civil servants, security agencies etc to do campaigns. Stop staged democracy In my view Uganda must sort out one fact: we must get rid of the curse of incumbency. Museveni has helped us to realise that it simply doesn't make sense for us to continue on the current trajectory. No one has a chance against the incumbent, particularly an incumbent as strong and 'hardworking' as Museveni; more so one who does not take any chances. When campaigns begin, Museveni portrays a desperate demeanor that dupes his competitors and the analysts into thinking that he is in a weak position. He addresses more rallies than his competitors, begs voters in a more desperate way than his competitors, spends more money, etc. He simply doesn't give any chance to his competitors. This time round he even allowed Besigye to campaign largely in peace, except for the last two incidents in Kampala. All this was done to paint a picture of democracy yet in real sense Mr. Museveni knows no one can defeat him. As I conclude, I would like to address the President as follows; Mr. President, six years ago, I wrote in these very pages an article in which I requested you to be honest with us and with yourself by doing the following: stop this staged democracy, ask your MPs to decide the number of years you want to rule, change the constitution as your friend and former student, the President of Rwanda, did recently. Settle down, drill 'your' oil and use the money to build us quality public services. When time comes and you are either too old or too weak to rule, give this country a chance to rewrite the constitution in a manner that will never allow a strong man to suffocate change. Few people of my age and below know the facts about Uganda (economic, social and political) better than I do. In the short time I have lived, I have been privileged to enjoy unprecedented access to power brokers through professional and social networks allowing relationships of trust to be built and permitting unusually frank discussions to take place. Ten years ago, I came to learn that in politics (particularly in republics of our type), if you don't get what you want, want what you get. Related Topics:Are you Listening Mr. President, Bank of Uganda, Exim Bank Uganda, Finance trust bank, Makerere University, Ministry of Finance, Mr. President, MUBs, Ramathan Ggoobi, Tumusiime Mutebile Ramathan Ggoobi is Policy Analyst, and Researcher. He lecturers economics at Makerere University Business School (MUBS) and has co-authored several studies on Uganda's economy. For the past ten years, he has published a weekly column 'Are You Listening Mr. President' in The Sunrise Newspaper, Uganda's Leading Weekly More in Columnists By Ikebesi Omoding January 13, 2020 Eunice Kokoi thought that Atanasi Sapat had put her in a difficult situation. In the first... By Ramathan Ggoobi December 31, 2019 Mr. President, you made 2019 a year of commissioning new factories; but where is the plan?... By Ikebesi Omoding November 20, 2019 For most of a day last week, the pollution smog in New Dehli occupied attention of... Atanasi Sapat heaved the rather heavy knap sack on to his back and headed to the... By Ramathan Ggoobi November 6, 2019 So, why are we more worried about Uganda's debt yet private debt is rising even faster,... DP kicked out of Kampala as Lukwago bounces back Opposition vows to continue resistance, NRM hits back
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March 27, 2019 Music / Premium Queen, Innuendo: last album with Freddie Mercury Posted by Antonella Valente 1990. The marketing for The Miracle was just over, when Queen immediately came back at work for their fourteenth studio album, which will take most of that year: Innuendo. The album was released in UK and in many other countries on February 4th, 1991, about 10 months before Freddie dies of complications related to AIDS. The disease was discovered by doctors few years earlier, in 1987, but Freddie revealed it with the rest of the band only in 1989. Considered one of the best albums in the history of rock music, Innuendo is certainly one of the most iconic records produced by Queen, especially for the underlying spirit and the context behind it. Because, despite everything, this album represents a testament for Queen and for Freddie Mercury: a frontman like no one else, with an extraordinary charisma, a special voice and unforgettable lyrics. You can be anything you want to be Just turn yourself into anything you think that you could ever be Queen – Innuendo These are just a few verses from the title track Innuendo, a song that, like many other post-1986 compositions, was never performed live by the whole band. But it was performed live at the 1992 Freddie Mercury Tribute Concert with Robert Plant, in a version that also included some quotes from Kashmir and Thank You – Led Zeppelin's songs – and completely removed the acoustic guitar solo. Plant's poor health was the reason for a performance that was not exactly perfect (he even asked to exclude the song from the video edition of the event). The song that closes the album, The Show Must Go On, is considered Freddie Mercury's epitaph, although the lyrics were entirely written by Brian May. The official video was a combination of old video snippets, concerts and other key moments of the band: Freddie Mercury's health didn't allow to shoot new scenes. The singer had already made his last video on May 31st, 1991, These Are The Days of Our Lives, which represents his real farewell, forced by life and destiny. Roger Taylor wrote the lyrics thinking of his children, his memories, his life, but they got a completely different meaning at that time. Freddie, singing that song, was expressing his last goodbye to the whole world. These are the days of our lives they've flown in the swiftness of time these days are all gone now but some things remain When I look and I find, no change Those were the days of our lives, yeah The bad things in life were so few Those days are all gone now but one thing's still true When I look and I find, I still love you Queen – These Are The Days Of Our Lives It's impossible to not get emotional when listening to those verses. Think about how many emotions Freddie could have given us. With his lyrics and also with his life: a life which for sure was not perfect, often lived on the razor's edge, but was lively, full and filled with social messages that today we don't see anymore. As he also said: "If I die tomorrow I will not regret. I really did everything I could." And we want to remember him in this way. albumFreddie MercuryQueenSongsVideo Published by Antonella Valente Graduated in Jurisprudence, Journalist since 2018, she loves theatre, cinema, art and music. She has the passion for acting and from time to time she tries to jump on a stage. View all posts by Antonella Valente Pink Floyd, who is Pink? The answer is in Wish You Were Here Memento explained: a detailed analysis of plot and meaning Mama Mia Let Me Go! Follow Auralcrave by email Auralcrave is a registered trademark. All rights are reserved. The unauthorized use and the copy of contents without express authorization is forbidden. For any request, contact us by mail.
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A requirement of the European Habitats Directive. Its purpose is to assess the impacts of the plans and projects on internationally designated nature conservation sites. Additional Government funding given to local authorities in the South East region, Bedfordshire, Essex, Hertfordshire and London to reflect the higher costs of service delivery in these areas. A precious landscape whose distinctive character and natural beauty are so outstanding that it is in the nation's interest to safeguard them. There are 11 AoNB sites in the South East. It represents public and private sector companies and trade, employer, and commercial organisations. Government department that promotes community cohesion and equality and is responsible for housing, urban regeneration, planning and local government. Formerly the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister (ODPM). Government's main tool for deciding how much money will go into schools, hospitals and other public services. Formerly known as MAFF, DEFRA is responsible for agriculture, the environment, wildlife, the countryside and sustainable development. It has policy responsibility for museums, galleries and libraries, the built heritage, the arts, sport, education, broadcasting and the media and tourism, as well as the creative industries, the Millennium and the National Lottery. Contain the statutory policies and proposals that guide development in districts and boroughs. The largest campaigning pressure group promoting and protecting the interests of the self-employed and owners of small firms. Its role is to provide strategic citywide government for London. The GLA is made up of a directly elected Mayor – the Mayor of London – and a separately elected Assembly – the London Assembly. Government Office for the South East. Operated 1994-2011, bringing together the activities previously carried out on a regional basis by the separate Departments responsible for Education, Employment, Transport, Local Government, Trade and Industry. Regional Action & Involvement South East. A network of networks for voluntary and community groups in the South East, enabling them to become key partners in policy making. There were previously eight regional development agencies in England. They were established by Government through the Regional Development Agency Act and operated 1998-2012, responsible for promoting sustainable economic development in each of the regions. This was published in October 1999 following consultation with 20,000 organisations and individuals across the region, including the Regional Assembly. A former partnership board chaired by the Regional Assembly. It focused on the need for more affordable homes and to bring decent housing within reach of people on lower incomes. Former structure to advise the Regional Assembly on matters relating to the Assembly's role as Regional Planning Body for the South East. A former partnership board chaired by the Regional Assembly. It advises Government on transport investment priorities for the region, especially reducing congestion and increasing the take up of public transport. Mandatory under the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004, promotes sustainable development through the integration of social, environmental and economic considerations into the preparation of revisions of RSS and for new or revised Development Plan Documents (DPD) and Supplementary Planning Documents (SPD). South East England Development Agency. The former Regional Development Agency for the South East. It was established by the Government through the Regional Development Agency Act and operated 1998-2012, taking the strategic lead in promoting the sustainable economic development of the region. SERPLAN South East Regional Planning Body. Prior to April 2001, SERPLAN was responsible for Planning Guidance in London and the wider South East, including Hertfordshire, Bedfordshire, and Essex. With the advent of the Greater London Authority and the Regional Assemblies, SERPLAN passed over responsibilities to the new representative bodies. Sub-National Review of Economic Development and Regeneration. A Government policy review to consider how to strengthen economic performance in regions, cities and localities throughout the country. Used to provide further detail to policies and proposals contained in a Development Plan Document. Is about ensuring a better quality of life for everyone both now and in the future. It means a more inclusive society which achieves and shares he benefits of increased economic prosperity, in which the environment is protected and improved and there is less wasteful use of natural resources.
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A$AP Rocky's infatuation with the U.K. has also landed him a collaboration with Mura Masa, entitled "Love$ick." The recently released video plays out like a miniature version of the 1995 movie Kids. Teenages drink. Teenagers smoke weed. Teenagers kiss. Watch below.
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Nerita orbignyana е вид коремоного от семейство Неритови (Neritidae). Източници Nerita
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US, Latin America Allies to Weigh Sanctions on Venezuela Venezuelan opposition leader and self-proclaimed interim president of Venezuela Juan Guaidó speaks during a weekly session at the National Assembly in Caracas, Venezuela, Tuesday, Sept. 17, 2019. (AP Photo/Ariana Cubillos) WASHINGTON (AP) — Colombia's ambassador to the U.S. says 18 countries of the Americas will meet Monday to consider multilateral sanctions against Venezuela. Francisco Santos says Colombia expects to get the required 13 votes during the meeting in New York. His government accuses Venezuela of harboring terrorists. The 70-year-old Rio Treaty says a threat to any member is a threat to all. Sanctions can include loss of diplomatic recognition, an economic boycott or even military action. Santos says that last option is off the table. Many of the countries at the meeting already have withdrawn recognition of Venezuela's President Nicolás Maduro in favor of opposition leader Juan Guaidó, though his effort to oust Maduro has so far failed. Venezuela withdrew from the Rio Treaty, but the members have accepted Guaidó's request to rejoin. Rio Treaty Nations Move to Further Isolate Venezuela At UN, Venezuela's Rival Delegations Circle Each Other Venezuela Charges 4 Anti-Maduro Lawmakers With Rebellion
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Ramsay Ball has a background in real estate, private investment, operating companies, community development and non-profits. He works to create sustainable projects and ventures that provide healthy places to work and live. Mr. Ball is a founder of the Northwest Arkansas office of Colliers International, the state's largest commercial real estate company, He has extensive knowledge of the Arkansas real estate market, and is skilled in developing financial models for individual projects & portfolios. Mr. Ball is a member of the Board of Directors of Biologics MD, BlueInGreen, CardioWise and Sevo Nutraceuticals. He is a manager of Torch Fund, Alpha Fund and VIC Growth Fund. Mr. Ball serves on the investment committees of the Fund for Arkansas' Future and the Delta I-Fund. He is a member of Gravity Ventures, Tonic Fund and the Natural State Angel Association. Mr. Ball serves on the governing boards of the House of Songs, the Arkansas Community Foundation, the Northwest Arkansas Community College Foundation and the Bentonville Parks Conservancy.
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Volvo has announced the death of the S40 and V50 models. Both models have been killed for the 2012 model year, due to disappointing sales. The S40 sedan and V50 wagon have failed to appeal to American buyers, which is shown by the double digit sales decreases in year-over-year sales. Volvo is still going to offer the C30 hatchback and C70 convertible despite the fact that neither model is in high demand in the U.S.
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SAN BERNARDINO – Being the No. 1 seed in the playoffs doesn't really get you anything, especially when you've never even made it to the CIF-Southern Section semifinals before. But the Cajon High School boys soccer team has been playing as if the No. 1 seed is a badge of honor rather than a burden. On Tuesday, the Cowboys converted two opportunities into goals and defeated Granite Hills, 2-0, in a Division 5 semifinal game at Cajon High School. Cajon (23-4-5) advances to the championship game this weekend for the first time in school history and will play Lake Elsinore Lakeside. Granite Hills (20-7-1) was in the semifinals for the second time and failed to reach its first final. The first goal came in the 18th minute. Enrique Salazar charged up the right side and sent a cross into the box. After deflecting off the shoulder of a Cougars player, it came to Trinidad, who fired a shot past Cougars goalie Eddie Guerrero. "The first goal, the ball bounced their way," Granite Hills coach Paul Cesarez said. "(But) we felt if we could keep it 1-0, we had a chance. Garcia, meanwhile, moved Trinidad back to stopper, but he said he was not trying to protect it at 1-0, but rather to shore up his defense. "If you try and protect 1-0, you run into trouble," Garcia said. The Cougars (20-7-1) could keep it 1-0 for a while, but not long enough. Early in the second half, Granite Hills failed to clear a ball in the box and the ball came to Cajon senior midfielder Samuel Meyer, who fired a shot past Guerrero to make it 2-0 in the 51st minute. "He's got a really hard shot," Garcia said of Meyer. "We had a freshman there, and he missed the header," Cesarez said. Unlike Cajon's quarterfinal opponent Perris, Granite Hills didn't buckle after falling behind by two goals. But the Cowboys' defense held strong and continued its streak of shutting out every opponent in the playoffs. Goalie Gilberto Armenta made a save on a header by Granite Hills' Michael Garcia in the 68th minute. Then, in the waning minutes, Trinidad cleared a ball off the back line after Mora was out of position.
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Colorado sure looks different when you look at it from outer space. That's kind of how it is in life. Perspective changes so much the farther away you are from something or a situation. Everybody knows that much of Colorado is very beautiful, but it sure doesn't look very pretty when viewed from outer space. Something else I noticed is that a mountain sure looks bigger when you are standing at the base of it than it does when you are looking at it from up above. The mountain is just as large either way, but the perception of how big it is definitely changes based upon your vantage point. There are probably plenty of life lessons we could learn from this if we want to. If not, we can still enjoy the view of our great state from a completely different and interesting perspective.
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British/Colombian singer-songwriter Vanessa Forero releases her self-produced EP, a collection of 5 songs which came from a place best described by the EP title 'From The Uproar'. Forero is a skilled multi-instrumentalist as well as a producer, composer, arranger and vocalist. After being selected in 2015 by Brit Award Singer-Songwriter Beth Orton to write and perform at her UK show, Forero decided to become her own artist and record her own songs in her distinctive Indie/Folk style with Latino influences. Vanessa Forero has recently revealed the underwater-themed video for her new single 'Same Boat'. This new track is guaranteed to plant a smile across your face and have you hum in no time. So do not hesitate to embark on a journey across the choppy seas to get to know Vanessa's unique world.
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Waterford News Edition All Sports News Fenton Athletics Lake Fenton Athletics Flint Metro League #fentonmi Auto Deals Vehicle Walk Arounds The Lasco Press Home Local News Michigan and Illinois Agree to Advance Invasive Carp Prevention Michigan and Illinois Agree to Advance Invasive Carp Prevention Steve Sweitzer Lansing, MI — January 11, 2021 If you are a casual observer of odd news you have probably seen videos of Asian Carp, the invasive species that has infested the Mississippi River system. If you are a sportsman you probably realize what this fish could do to the ecosystems of the Great Lakes. Not only are they a danger to sport fishing boat traffic, but the carp can also destroy native fish and wreck commercial fishing industries. To date, efforts to keep these monsters from moving to Lake Michigan have been successfully deployed around Chicago by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. Last week Michigan and Illinois agreed to help fund advanced projects to further protect the Great Lakes waterways. Michigan and Illinois Sign Agreement to Advance Invasive Carp Prevention Project at Brandon Road Lock and Dam Project made possible by funding from both states as well as the Federal Government The governors of Illinois and Michigan have agreed to work jointly to protect the Great Lakes from invasive Asian carp species. Gov. Gretchen Whitmer and Gov. JB Pritzker announced an intergovernmental agreement between the Illinois Department of Natural Resources (IDNR) and the Michigan Department of Natural Resources (MDNR) which allows Illinois to use up to $8 million in funds appropriated in 2018 by the Michigan Legislature to support the pre-construction engineering and design (PED) phase of the Brandon Road Ecosystem Project. Further strengthening the path forward, the State of Illinois also signed a separate PED agreement with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers for the initial Brandon Road design. The state will serve as the non-federal sponsor, agreeing to help fund the design of a portion of the project and to further advance full project design efforts to approximately 30 percent completion. The Brandon Road Lock and Dam in the Chicago Area Waterway System near Joliet, Illinois, is a critical pinch point for keeping bighead, silver, and black carp – the invasive Asian carp species of greatest concern – out of the Great Lakes. The Brandon Road project would install layered technologies including an electric barrier, underwater sound, an air bubble curtain, and a flushing lock in a newly engineered channel designed to prevent invasive carp movement while allowing barge passage. "Preventing invasive carp from entering the Great Lakes was a day-one priority for my administration. We know it's been a priority for a lot of others, but we needed to take action, and that's what today's action represents," said Gov. Gretchen Whitmer. "The Great Lakes support 1.3 million jobs, including over 350,000 jobs right here in Michigan. That's why after decades of work, today Michigan, along with the State of Illinois and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, has taken a historic step towards protecting the Great Lakes from Asian carp. I am determined to continue to use every tool at my disposal to keep harmful invasive species from damaging the Great Lakes ecology and our economy." "The Great Lakes are a priceless natural resource that supports the livelihoods of thousands of Illinoisans and attracts visitors from across the globe. Protecting the lakes is a top priority for my administration, which is why I included funding for Asian Carp mitigation efforts in my bipartisan Rebuild Illinois capital plan," said Governor JB Pritzker. "I am pleased to announce this new partnership with the State of Michigan which, along with additional support from the federal government, will allow the construction of protective measures to begin at the Brandon Road Lock and Dam." The intergovernmental agreement, finalized on Dec. 24, supports the State of Illinois' role as the non-federal sponsor of the PED phase of this United States Army Corps of Engineers project and outlines a collaboration process allowing MDNR's input in decision-making regarding the design work. The PED, finalized by both the State of Illinois and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers on Dec. 29, stipulates Illinois cover 35%, of the projected PED costs. With Michigan's $8 million financial commitment through the intergovernmental agreement, IDNR will contribute the remaining $2.5 million to complete the project. The funding was made possible by Governor Pritzker's Rebuild Illinois bipartisan capital plan. "Michigan and Illinois agree on the importance of keeping invasive carp out of the Great Lakes, and natural resources staff from both states have been working together to support the Army Corps' actions to deter and remove invasive carp in the waterway," said MDNR Director Dan Eichinger. "This agreement is the natural progression of our existing partnership as we take steps toward a more permanent solution to prevent this serious threat to the economy and ecology of the Great Lakes." "Long in planning, we're pleased to finally put these agreements into action, allowing us to move the project to its next steps – planning and design – and, ultimately, construction," said IDNR Director Colleen Callahan. "While the process is still in its early stages, we're pleased to be a part of this partnership and look forward to sharing updates with other Great Lakes states and Canadian provinces throughout the design process." It is predicted that the arrival of live bighead, silver or black carp in the Great Lakes could have drastic effects on the region's $7 billion fishery, $16 billion boating industry and other tourism-based industries, property owners, recreationalists, and others dependent on the Great Lakes and its tributaries. An electric dispersal barrier installed in the waterway near Romeoville, Illinois in 2002 to prevent invasive species from moving into and out of the Great Lakes has since been supplemented by two additional electric barriers in the same location. A fourth more powerful barrier at the Romeoville site is expected to be operational in 2021. Once federal funding is secured through the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Work Plan, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers anticipates a three to four-year timeframe for completing the initial Brandon Road design before negotiating a Project Partnership Agreement with the State of Illinois (supported by other Great Lakes States and Provinces) for the initial construction effort and the remainder of project design to reduce the possibility of invasive carp migration into Lake Michigan. As the Brandon Road project moves forward, current efforts will continue, including the electric barriers near Romeoville and expanded nonstructural measures, including focused commercial fishing, monitoring, and prescribed netting to reduce the risk of spawning or of small fish movement through the existing lock and dam. More information on the Brandon Road Ecosystem Project can be found online at MVR.USACE.Army.mil/GLMRIS-BR. Previous articleSerious Skiers Shop and Learn From the Vertical Drop Ski Shop in Clarkston Next articleCollege Football National Championship Goes to Alabama Crimson Tide Steve is the Sports Editor for the Lasco Press and highlights our coverage of the NASCAR Cup Series. Steve is a member of the National Motorsports Press Association and a nationally published author of automotive related articles for industry trade magazines. He is also a freelance technical writer and accomplished photographer. A 25-year resident of Southeast Michigan, Steve's passion for reporting on our community, it's residents, and our automotive connections allow us to use his skills to cover a number of events. Steve's ability to seek out the unique behind the scenes accounts that tell the often-overlooked aspect of a story makes for entertaining reading. Follow Steve at thelascopress.com with weekly NASCAR updates and featured articles. Professional Bull Riders Kick of Season in Florida, Head to Detroit this September Polar Plunge, the Popular Special Olympics Michigan Fundraiser Goes Virtual in 2021 Serious Skiers Shop and Learn From the Vertical Drop Ski Shop in Clarkston AMA Supercross 2021 Kicks Off Season in Houston Steve Sweitzer - January 18, 2021 0 NRG Stadium, Houston, TX — January 16, 2021 With California under strict Coronavirus restrictions, the AMA Supercross series opened their season at NGR Stadium in Houston,... Professional Bull Riders Kick of Season in Florida, Head to Detroit... NHL Hockey Returns Today, Red Wings Opener Thursday Polar Plunge, the Popular Special Olympics Michigan Fundraiser Goes Virtual in... The Lasco Press proudly serves the Fenton, Michigan and surrounding cities including Linden, Holly, Grand Blanc, and Flint with local news, sports, events, information, and more. Contact us: news@thelascopress.com © Copyright 2019 The Lasco Press. All Rights Reserved Lasco Stimulus Package Offers Huge Savings Fenton Trainer and Dog to Attempt Guinness World Record
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Sorrow, rescue and recovery in five states affected by severe storms Debris is piled up in the parking lot of First Baptist Church Mayfield, Kentucky. The church building sustained significant damage in the small town where dozens were killed as tornadoes swept across five states in the wee hours of Saturday morning. This photo is being used for non-commercial purpose and not in connection with selling a good or service. Photo submitted to Baptist Press Residents of Bowling Green, Ky., survey damage on a neighborhood street. Severe storms ripped through five states killing dozens of people in the wee hours of Saturday morning. This photo is being used for non-commercial purpose and not in connection with selling a good or service. Photo submitted to Baptist Press by Morgan Bass Posted Monday, December 13, 2021 10:48 am By Brandon Porter MAYFIELD, Ky. (BP) – Rescue efforts were underway Saturday as first responders, family members and neighbors worked to find missing people in five Mid-South states. The death toll topped more than 70 as tornadoes and hurricane-force, straight-line winds ripped across Arkansas, Illinois, Kentucky, Ohio and Tennessee during the early hours of the morning. "This will probably be recorded as the most devastating night in the history of the Commonwealth," said Kentucky Governor Andy Beshear. Dozens of people lost their lives in a candle factory as they worked in Mayfield as the small west Kentucky town was ripped to shreds by a powerful tornado. Warren County (Ky.) Coroner Kevin Kirby said they were working 11 storm-related deaths in the Bowling Green area. Beshear said up to 70 people may have lost their lives across 10 counties affected by the storm system in Kentucky. A direct hit to a nursing home in Craighead County, Arkansas, left at least one dead and several injured at Monette Manor, according to Marvin Day, county judge-executive. Another nursing home was caught up in the storms leaving another person dead, officials said. The Tennessee Emergency Management Agency is reporting at least three dead across Tennessee. Two people were killed in Lake County and one in Obion County. Police reported at least one fatality in Edwardsville, Illinois, as a tornado hit an Amazon distribution site. Bryant Wright, SEND Relief president, called on Southern Baptists to pray for those affected by the tragedy. "Let's give generously to help these people recover, clean up and rebuild," he added. SEND Relief has set up a donation site for those wishing to make a monetary donation for relief. Kevin Ezell, president of the North American Mission Board, expressed concern for those affected by the storms. "Please join me in praying for those impacted and the many SBC DR volunteers who will be responding," he posted on Twitter. Wright asked for prayer for "the many SBC state Disaster teams who are mobilizing volunteers to go in and serve those who are hurting." Coy Webb, crisis relief director for SEND Relief, told Baptist Press he had been in contact with disaster relief directors in the states affected by the storms throughout the day Saturday. He said plans are being made to send DR workers to affected areas. Webb said the best way for Southern Baptists to make an impact is through prayer and by giving financially. Todd Gray, Kentucky Baptist Convention executive director-treasurer, knows the days of grief and recovery will be long, but said "we will pull together today and in the weeks ahead to serve our neighbors in the name of Jesus," he said. Continue reading at Baptist Press » New president of California Baptists hopes to unite convention as a family For those called to GO, IMB wants to send Connections build mission partners, says IMB missionary to Panama
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Former NBCUniversal Exec Hernandez Tabbed as Combate Americas President What: Jacqueline Hernandez, formerly of NBCUniversal, has been named President of Combate Americas. Why it matters: The addition of Hernandez, one of the most prominent Latinas in sports media, is a clear indicator that Combate Americas, targeting the Hispanic fan base, is continuing its rise among MMA promotions. We've chronicled some of the rise of Combate Americas (@combateamericas), which has carved out a solid niche in the mixed martial arts (MMA) world by focusing on the sport's growing Hispanic base, both in the U.S. and Latin America. This week, Combate took another big step in defining who it is as a company by landing NBCUniversal executive Jacqueline Hernandez (@JSHernandezNYC) as its President. Hernandez, one of the most prominent Latinas in sports media today, will be based in New York and will work with CEO Campbell McLaren on overseeing Combate Americas's entire business as the company plans its expansion with the Hispanic fan base at its core. The addition of Hernandez, a proven leader in the business, is a clear indicator that McLaren is trying to position Combate atop all the non-UFC promotions in the sport. "Jackie is well-positioned to take Combate Americas into a rapidly changing media landscape," said McLaren in a statement. "She is the undisputed champion of Hispanic millennials and Gen-Z marketing. Her leadership skills are world-class. It is a true honor to welcome her." In addition to her tenure at NBCUniversal, Hernandez has extensive experience at global companies like Telemundo Enterprises, People en Español and Teen People, and most recently was the founder of strategic consulting firm M²Z Group, where she worked with Combate Americas as her first client. "The intersection of cultures and new identities around the world —including the US— has propelled today's young generations to be rule breakers, culture benders and trendsetters," said Hernandez. "I'm excited and honored to join Campbell and the Combate Americas team because we are committed to ensuring new generations see themselves reflected in its fandom. Our audiences and the heroes who bring our franchise to life are the spirit of Combate." Combate Americas isn't the only MMA outfit looking to capitalize on the Hispanic market for the sport. But it's the one that has taken it the furthest, beginning with an eponymous reality show—similar to The Ultimate Fighter series which helped push the UFC into the mainstream more than a decade ago. The addition of Hernandez, a proven leader in the business, is a clear indicator that McLaren is trying to position Combate atop all the non-UFC promotions in the sport. Last month's deal between the UFC and ESPN shows that key broadcasters have high interest in MMA programming; Hernandez seems the right fit for growth on that important front. Combate Americas currently has media agreements with Univision, Azteca 7, ESPN LATAM and Gol, and plans to announce its next round of events soon. Cover Image: courtesy Combate Americas combate americasMMAUFC EXCLUSIVE: Toyota's Tyler McBride on Sponsoring Club America to Target Hispanics The Week in Soccer Marketing NFL Extends Facebook Partnership, Multicultural Sports Marketing News The Week in Multicultural Sports Marketing
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Wichita Falls Police are searching for two suspects in an armed robbery on Sunday. At around 9:50 pm, Sunday, December 2, two men entered the S&L Beer & Wine on Southwest Parkway. At least one of the suspects was armed with a handgun. They robbed the clerk on duty of an undisclosed amount of cash and tobacco products. The men were dressed in black and wore masks. No other description was made available. Anyone with information is asked to contact the Wichita Falls Police Department at 940-720-5000 or Crime Stoppers at 940-322-9888.
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Media coverage for the Monmouthshire Business Awards 2013 is now appearing ahead of the event's official launch.Various publications in and around South Wales have thrown their weight behind what has previously been described as the 'Oscars of the Welsh business community'. The Awards' official launch takes place on Friday March 1 at the Angel Hotel in Abergavenny. A wide variety of guests, category sponsors, VIPs and former winners are expected to attend.
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Remaking Muslim Politics: Pluralism, Contestation, Democratization, edited by Robert W. Hefner Remaking Muslim Politics: Pluralism, Contestation, Democratization, edited by Robert W. Hefner, New Jersey, Princeton University Press, 2005. There is a struggle for the hearts and minds of Muslims unfolding across the Islamic world. The conflict pits Muslims who support pluralism and democracy against others who insist such institutions are antithetical to Islam. With some 1.3 billion people worldwide professing Islam, the outcome of this contest is sure to be one of the defining political events of the twenty-first century. Bringing together twelve engaging essays by leading specialists focusing on individual countries, this pioneering book examines the social origins of civil-democratic Islam, its long-term prospects, its implications for the West, and its lessons for our understanding of religion and politics in modern times. Although depicted by its opponents as the product of political ideas « made in the West » civil-democratic Islam represents an indigenous politics that seeks to build a distinctive Islamic modernity. In countries like Turkey, Iran, Malaysia, and Indonesia, it has become a major political force. Elsewhere its influence is apparent in efforts to devise Islamic grounds for women's rights, religious tolerance, and democratic citizenship. Everywhere it has generated fierce resistance from religious conservatives. Examining this high-stakes clash, Remaking Muslim Politics breaks new ground in the comparative study of Islam and democracy. The contributors are Bahman Baktiari, Thomas Barfield, John R. Bowen, Dale F. Eickelman, Robert W. Hefner, Peter Mandaville, Augustus Richard Norton, Gwenn Okruhlik, Michael G. Peletz, Diane Singerman, Jenny B. White, and Muhammad Qasim Zaman. Robert W. Hefner is Professor of Anthropology and Associate Director of the Institute on Culture, Religion and World Affairs, Boston University. His recent books include Civil Islam: Muslims and Democratization in Indonesia (Princeton). Étiquettes : contestationdemocratizationpluralismpolitics Jalaluddin Suyuti, Al-Itqan fi Ulum al-Qur'an, English translation by Muneer Fareed Indian Muslim Women's Movement: For Gender Justice and Equal Citizenship, by Zakia Soman and Noorjehan Safia Niaz The Death of a Prophet: The End of Muhammad's Life and the Beginnings of Islam, By Stephen J. Shoemaker Article suivant L'islam, la liberté, la laïcité: et Le crime de la tribu des « Il nous a été rapporté », par Gamal Al Banna Article précédent Islam et modernité, science et religion. Le miroir des sciences de Nicolas Mignerey avec Réda Benkirane et Virginie Larousse
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Tech & Leisure The Rich Side It is not possible to live a really complete or successful life unless one is rich.Check out the most expensive things in the world. 10 Most Expensive Stamps in the World 10The Penny Black – €3,000 This stamp was issued in May 1840 in the United Kingdom, the Penny Black is actually the very first adhesive stamp in the world, which is the main reason it is considered very valuable. Although it is not the rarest or even the most valuable collector's item, they actually set the path for the future of British postage stamps. The Penny Black has a photo of Queen Victoria II and it does not show the country of origin, as is custom today. Click the next ARROW to see the next stamp! Rich Side Top 10 Most Expensive TV in the World Top 10 World Most Expensive Laptops Top 10 Most Expensive Apps in the World Top 10 Most Expensive Cities in Italy Rich Side - December 11, 2017 Rich Side - September 27, 2017 World's Most Expensive Cats Rich Side - October 11, 2017 Top 10 Most Expensive Islands in Greece Rich Side - May 17, 2018 Top 10 Most Expensive Cities in New Zealand Top 10 Most Expensive Rings in the World Top 9 Most Expensive Cities in Egypt 10 Of the Most Expensive Dresses of All Time Five of the World's Most Luxurious Residential Towers Top 10 Most Expensive Cities in Saudi Arabia Top Most Expensive Cities in India Cars & Bikes8 Tech & Leisure7 Food & Drinks7 Net Worth7 Jets & Yachts3 Rich Side is a community for rich people or people who will be rich soon! A place for people who strongly believe that they can have anything they want and money is no subject. We believe that it is not possible to live a really complete or successful life unless one is rich. Check out the most expensive things you can buy in the world. © Copyright The Rich Side We use cookies to improve your website experience. By using this website you accept our Privacy Policy & Cookie Policy Accept Top 10 Most Expensive CS:GO Skins In The World
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Almost $135 million the latest estimate for residential property damage in unincorporated Sarasota County As of Oct. 12, 155 homes reported to have been destroyed Over the past week, the estimate of residential property damage in the unincorporated areas of Sarasota County grew approximately 32%, based on the latest data that the county's Planning and Development Services Department provided to The Sarasota News Leader through a public records request. As of late afternoon on Oct. 12, Planning and Development reported an estimate of $134,902,037. On the afternoon of Oct. 6, the figure was $102,407,720.65. Additionally on Oct. 12, the Planning and Development staff noted that damage to public property from Hurricane Ian had been put at $942,999 as of that time. The residential report added that 155 homes had been destroyed; 958 had suffered major damage; and 1,886 had experienced minor damage. Altogether, the data showed, 4,399 homes had been affected in some way by the hurricane, based on the inspections staff had undertaken. The Oct. 6 data noted that 98 homes had been destroyed, with another 551 having suffered major damage and 1,165 having experienced minor problems. Contracted crews making progress with storm debris In regard to collections of Hurricane Ian's storm debris, county Communications Department staff reported that, as of the morning of Oct. 13, the county's contractors had picked up 250,255 cubic yards of right of way vegetative debris in the unincorporated areas of Sarasota County. The work began on Oct. 6, a county advisory noted. In staff's initial report, issued on Oct. 8, the total number of loads documented was 455, with debris adding up to 23,637 cubic yards. Two days later, on Oct. 10, the load count had grown to 2,016, with the debris amount noted as 101,414 cubic yards. Staff has offered these recommendations to facilitate the process: Maintain your drains — Ensure that your roads and storm drains are clear of debris. It is important to keep debris out of ditches, roadside swales and storm drains. Debris can block drainage, causing flooding and degrading water quality. Place your pile — Make sure that your debris pile is easily accessible to the contractors, away from vehicles, telephone poles, fire hydrants, street signs, light poles, mailboxes, or anything that could be damaged during collection. Bundle and bin it — Place smaller debris such as leaves, moss, and twigs in bundles or trash bins. (See more details below, from a County Commission discussion with the county's Solid Waste Department director.) Sort and separate — Keep trash and other items, such as smaller debris, away from your storm debris pile. Additionally, staff emphasized in the advisory, "Burning of any storm debris is prohibited in the County Code and can adversely impact the community's air quality and create nuisance conditions. Burning debris should not be performed." Staff is updating collection zones as it receives more information. To find out when a particular neighborhood can expect a storm debris contractor's first appearance, check this link: https://sarco.maps.arcgis.com/apps/instant/lookup/index.html?appid=507a8ef6a66748039acc0803ec429ffb All debris may not be collected in one pass, depending on how full the truck is, access to debris, and other issues, staff stresses. Three "free public drop-off sites" are available for residents to self-haul and self-unload vegetative storm debris, from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m., daily, staff also emphasizes: 2501 Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Way in Sarasota. Rothenbach Park, located at 8650 Bee Ridge Road in Sarasota. Jackson Road Transfer Station, standing at 250 S. Jackson Road in Venice. To use a public drop-off site, an individual must show proof of county residency, staff advises. Solid Waste Department director addresses storm debris Following the Oct. 3 County Commission public hearing on the 2022-23 fiscal year budget, commissioners asked Brian Usher, director of the county's Solid Waste Department, questions about storm debris compared to regular yard waste. First, Usher stressed that commercial debris is not eligible for pickup by the contractors the county has working to collect the remains of trees and other landscaping materials blown down by Hurricane Ian. A "monitoring contractor" has to check each storm debris load, Usher pointed out, to ensure that only eligible materials are included. Otherwise, he said, the county cannot get a federal reimbursement for the collection. "Every load is tracked as closely as possible," Usher added. Moreover, he stressed, residents should not put storm debris in bags, and the contractor's crews will not pick up an entire tree. "I've seen full-length trees out at the curb," Commissioner Ron Cutsinger said. Commissioner Michael Moran noted that he had seen about 30 construction debris bags of storm debris at just one home in his neighborhood. "We cannot communicate enough on this," Commissioner Christian Ziegler told Usher, because he also had seen many people violating Usher's edicts. In response to further questions, Usher suggested that residents who have used bags for storm debris open them up and dump the materials in the storm debris pile at the curb. If a resident has gathered up small leaves and grass, he added, that should be placed at curbside for the normal yard waste collections handled by Waste Management crews. Usher has stressed in the past that the county has to pay extra for workers to unload bags of yard waste at the landfill; therefore, he has proposed that a future County Code amendment eliminate the use of such bags. Commissioners acknowledged at the time that they would discuss that recommendation at a later date. When Ziegler asked Usher on Oct. 3 whether commissioners should tell people to cut their bags of storm debris and leave the materials at the curbside, Usher responded that if the residents want it collected as part of the storm debris removal effort, that would be the best option. "We expect to make more than one pass" in each are of the unincorporated parts of the county, Usher also noted, so residents have time to take the necessary steps to ensure their debris from Ian is organized in accord with the collection requirements. He further noted that, in the aftermath of Hurricane Irma in September 2017, the storm debris collections totaled 300,000 cubic yards. Ian produced about 1.5 million cubic yards, Usher pointed out. Florida Power & Light Co. update As of nearly midday on Thursday, Oct. 13, the News Leader learned from Florida Power & Light Co.'s "Power Tracker" website that 4,225 customers in the county remained without power. The company has a total of 289,706 customers countywide, the website noted. Sarasota County's total still awaiting return of electricity was higher than the figure for any other county where FPL provides service, the list showed. Charlotte County, for example, had only 1,051 FPL customers remaining to get their electricity back, while Manatee had 294, Lee had 673 and Collier had 583. Counties typically do have service providers besides FPL. For example, Lee County has its own Electric Cooperative. When the News Leader checked that organization's website just before noon on Oct. 13, a rotating message in red at the top said, "Rest assured that we know where power outages occurred and are working diligently to restore power. Statistics from the Peace River Authority During the Oct. 11 Sarasota County Commission meeting, Chair Alan Maio, who also chairs the board of the Peace River Manasota Regional Water Supply Authority, provided statistics that Authority staff had given him about the effects of Hurricane Ian. The Authority's members are Sarasota, Manatee, Charlotte and DeSoto counties. The organization provides drinking water to more than 900,000 people, as its website notes. "We also have connections to other water systems for emergency situations," the website points out. Those are the City of North Port, the City of Punta Gorda and the Englewood Water District. During the peak period of rainfall produced by Hurricane Ian, the Peace River flow was 79,000 cubic feet per second, Maio told his commission colleagues this week. "You'll say, 'Al got that wrong,' " given the size of that figure, he noted; however, he explained, thinking that he had written the number down incorrectly from Authority staff, he checked back to be certain. Then he repeated the number: "79,000." The Authority's reservoirs and its aquifer storage and recovery system (ASR) always are topped off at the end of the rainy season, Maio pointed out. That usually is around the end of September. Their capacity, the Authority's website says, is 13 billion gallons of water. Therefore, Maio added, none of that flow from Ian's rainfall could be captured for use during the dry season. Instead, it went right to Sarasota Bay. Maio also noted that Sarasota County saw more than 16 inches of rainfall over 24 hours, while the City of North Port experienced rainfall of more than 23 inches in 24 hours. Categories City of North Port, Emergency services, Environmental News, Hurricane Ian, Manatee County, Neighborhoods, Nonprofit News, Public Service, Sarasota County, Solid Waste, South County, Utilities, Weather Tags Tinypass County's COVID-19 positivity rate declines again, to 6.71%, CDC reports 100% of those who contacted county on an issue said they were treated with respect, county's latest Citizen Opinion Survey finds
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Tony Castro's America Buy Signed Books Books at Amazon @Tony_Castro Muck Rack Napoleon & The Christ Support Journalism Click to buy Mantle The Best There Ever Was TONY CASTRO is a distinguished Harvard and Baylor University-educated historian, Napoleonic scholar and author of several books, including the landmark civil rights history 'Chicano Power: The Emergence of Mexican America,' which Publishers Weekly acclaimed as "brilliant… a valuable contribution to the understanding of our time." A Conversation With TONY CASTRO In Spain, She's No Longer 'Hilaria' A Christmas Story: The Boy Who Loved Lint Thank You, Readers, & Merry Christmas! Why South Texas Latinos Vote Republican Roller Skating with Ronstadt Living in the Shadow of Ruben Salazar 'We Are The Mexicans!' Interviewed by ESPN's Jeremy Schaap When Mickey Tried to Console Jackie O. My Life and Times With Fidel Castro The Man, The Myth The Baseball Presidency of George W. Bush Of Heroes and Coaches, Fathers and Sons A Ballerina's Story Looking for Hemingway The King of L.A. Jim Bellows in Excelsis Mickey Mantle: America's Prodigal Son NYT > Home Page © 2018 Tony Castro http://tonycastroblog.com « The Campaign: Reagan v. Kennedy Legacies | Main | Will Latinos Decide the California Primary? » In L.A. Debate, Obama, Clinton Enjoy Love-Fest In the heart of Hollywood before a star-studded audience, Democratic presidential contenders Sens. Hillary Rodham Clinton and Barack Obama sparred Thursday in their last debate before Super Tuesday in a high-stakes battle that took on a civility that had been missing over the past two weeks. The debate - now down to just the two after John Edwards announced he was withdrawing earlier this week - largely took on a tone of a celebration that the nomination of either a woman or an African-American would be history-making. While the candidates delineated their differences to some 2,500 at the Kodak Theatre and a national television audience, their exchanges sidestepped the bitter contentiousness that has previously marked their campaigns. Clinton, who holds a double-digit lead in California polls, was firm on staking out how she differs from Obama on health care, the economy and immigration. In pressing her points, she maintained a statesmanlike demeanor and struck a conciliatory tone. "But the differences between Barack and I pale in comparison to the differences that we have with Republicans," she said. "And I want to say that first and foremost, because it's really ... a stark difference." Obama, too, cloaked himself in a presidential air, quickly hammering home his endorsement by Democratic party icon Ted Kennedy and defending a position on immigration as more sympathetic to illegal immigrants than either Clinton or the Republican candidates. "I believe we can be a nation of laws and a nation of immigrants," Obama told an audience that included dozens of Hollywood celebrities. Attendees included everyone from actor Leonardo DiCaprio and directors Steven Spielberg and Rob Reiner to recording legend Stevie Wonder, former Oscar winner Louis Gossett Jr. and actors Diane Keaton and Pierce Brosnan. At times, the candidates' friendliness made them appear more like they were paired on a Democratic ticket, leading to one question about whether the two might form a "dream ticket" against the Republicans - a notion Obama quickly dismissed as premature. Downplays animosity Riding the crest of a win in South Carolina and Ted and Caroline Kennedy's crucial endorsements, Obama also downplayed any perceived animosity between him and the former first lady - which had been a focal point when it appeared he had snubbed Clinton at President Bush's State of the Union address Monday night. "I also want to note that I was friends with Hillary Clinton before we started this campaign," he said. "I will be friends with Hillary Clinton after this campaign is over." The debate came the same day Obama's campaign reported raising $32 million in January, while Clinton's campaign reported raising $26.8 million from October through December, the most recent period she reported. While former presidential contender Edwards has yet to endorse a candidate, Obama attempted to claim a tie to Edwards on cracking down on the influence of lobbyists and special interests in Washington, implying that Clinton does not. "I think that a lot of issues that both Senator Clinton and I care about will not move forward unless we have increased the kinds of ethics proposal that I passed just last year - some of the toughest since Watergate," he said. "And that's something that John Edwards and I both talked about repeatedly in this campaign. That's why I don't take federal PAC and federal lobbyist money. That is a difference." Both Clinton and Obama praised Edwards' contributions to the campaign, which could hang on how his supporters vote in next week's Super Tuesday primaries. At the same time, both candidates stressed Democratic unity for the upcoming fall election as each took shots at Republican front-runner Arizona Sen. John McCain and chief rival former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney as well as at the Bush presidency. "It did take a Clinton to clean up after the first Bush," Clinton said, "and I think it might take another one to clean up after the second Bush." At another point, Obama took a jab at McCain by referring to the name of his campaign bus: "Somewhere along the line," Obama said, "the Straight Talk Express lost some wheels." Debate over the war in Iraq brought up potential fireworks. While both essentially agreed on a withdrawal that would still protect the U.S. Embassy and Iraqi civilians, Obama noted Clinton's vote for the war. "I don't want to just end the war, but I want to end the mind-set that got us into war in the first place," he said. "That's the kind of leadership I'm going to provide as president of the United States." When moderator Wolf Blitzer said to Clinton, "That's a clear swipe at you," she deflected the lure with a smile but added sarcastically: "Really? We're having a wonderful time." Despite the cordialness, both maintained that each would make a different president. And in what appeared to be one of Clinton's best debate performances so far during the campaign, she defended her past positions - especially her early vote in support of the war - without appearing defensive. And she made precise criticisms of Obama's own stances on issues without appearing to be harshly critical. Clinton sets tone And she appeared to set the tone of the debate from the start when she offered specifics of her health-care plan and claimed the issue as her own. "This is the passionate cause of my public service," she said. Clinton even managed to downplay Ted Kennedy's endorsement of Obama by appearing magnanimous yet positive. "I have the greatest respect for Senator Kennedy and the Kennedy family," she said. "And I'm proud to have three of Senator Robert Kennedy's children, Bobby and Kathleen and Kerry, supporting me. "What I think is exciting is that the way we are looking at the Democratic field, now down to the two of us is, is we're going to get big change. We're going to have change. "I think having the first woman president would be a huge change for America and the world." Clinton said her presidency would create a no-nonsense White House based on experience and wanting to correct problems created by the Bush administration. For his part, Obama said the upcoming presidential election will be important for more than just obvious reasons. "I don't think the choice is between black and white or it's about gender or religion," he said. "I don't think it's about young or old. "I think what is at stake right now is whether we are looking backwards or we are looking forwards. I think it is the past versus the future." Posted on February 01, 2008 at 03:02 PM | Permalink | | | | Digg This | Save to del.icio.us Pre-Publication Sale Click Photo To Buy Eiffel Tower front of the line Ashton Kutcher was among more than 400 who attended Tony's Mickey Mantle book signing at Lucy's El Adobe Cafe in Hollywood. People often ask me which is my favorite out of all the books I've written, and I always reply... A Winter in Paris "If you are lucky enough to have lived in Paris as a young man, then wherever you go for the rest of your life, it stays with you, for Paris is a moveable feast." ― Ernest Hemingway, A Moveable Feast Is Macron Our Age's Alexis de Tocqueville? Welcome to the Podcast! Blog description: Tony Castro's America is author Tony Castro's loose cannon podcast in which he and his guests swing from the heels about everything -- from baseball to Hollywood, politics to pop culture, Americana to the Third World. Tony is... Evening in Paris! A little walk near our apartment. Arche de Triomphe in the distance. Just don't get anything close to this in LA. At Place de la Concorde. Visiting With Napoleon at Versailles Although Napoleon is prominently featured at the Palace of Versailles, he did not reside in the château. But the apartments were arranged and decorated for the use of the empress Marie-Louise. Versailles also features The Coronation of Napoleon in Notre... TonyCastro.com
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// Simple RSS feed downloader and parser using SAX and XMLReader, used to display content around Sashimi ad views // Inspired by: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4827344/how-to-parse-xml-using-the-sax-parser package com.appsfire.adunitsampleapp; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import java.net.URL; import javax.xml.parsers.SAXParser; import javax.xml.parsers.SAXParserFactory; import org.xml.sax.InputSource; import org.xml.sax.XMLReader; import org.xml.sax.SAXException; import org.xml.sax.Attributes; import org.xml.sax.SAXException; import org.xml.sax.helpers.DefaultHandler; import android.util.Log; public class RSSFeed { // Tag for logging messages private static final String CLASS_TAG = "RSSFeed"; // One RSS item public class Item { private String title; private String description; private String link; public Item() { setTitle(null); setDescription(null); setLink(null); } public Item(String title, String description, String link) { setTitle (title); setDescription (description); setLink (link); } public void setTitle(String title) { this.title = title; } public String getTitle() { return title; } public void setDescription(String description) { this.description = description; } public String getDescription() { return description; } public void setLink(String link) { this.link = link; } public String getLink() { return link; } @Override public String toString() { StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(); String NEW_LINE = System.getProperty("line.separator"); result.append(this.getClass().getName() + " Object {" + NEW_LINE); result.append(" Title: " + title + NEW_LINE); result.append(" Description: " + description + NEW_LINE); result.append(" Link: " + link + NEW_LINE ); result.append("}"); return result.toString(); } } // List of RSS items currently being parsed private ArrayList<Item> items = new ArrayList<Item>(); // List of RSS items available for the app to display around Sashimis; starts with default content, and updated once // an RSS feed has successfully been downloaded and parsed private ArrayList<Item> publicItems = new ArrayList<Item>(); // Current RSS item being parsed private Item item; // true if currently parsing an item, false if not private boolean inItem = false; // Current content being built for an item private StringBuilder content; /** * Constructor */ public RSSFeed() { synchronized (publicItems) { // Insert default items publicItems = new ArrayList<Item>(); publicItems.add(new Item ("How do cryptocurrencies work?", "Not so long ago the thought of reaching into your pocket for a digital currency might have seemed too far-fetched.", "http://rss.cnn.com/~r/rss/edition_business/~3/f3Vny2RFogA/index.html")); publicItems.add(new Item ("Is your hotel chic? Check the label", "These days, no fashion house portfolio is complete without a hotel -- or at the very least, a luxuriously designed suite.", "http://rss.cnn.com/~r/rss/edition_business/~3/MqQfpA4work/index.html")); publicItems.add(new Item ("Can airplane seats keep the peace?", "There is no shortage of adjectives one can apply to airline seats: uncomfortable, bulky, cramped, outdated and -- from an airline's point of view -- overpriced. It's no wonder then that many carriers are looking to make a change.", "http://rss.cnn.com/~r/rss/edition_business/~3/PbW-NsM9gss/index.html")); publicItems.add(new Item ("The future of supersonic flight", "Concorde is a thing of the past, but a number of companies are racing to release the first supersonic business jet.", "http://rss.cnn.com/~r/rss/edition_business/~3/_GNOjRF_BzY/index.html")); publicItems.add(new Item ("Bobbi Brown's billion dollar idea", "When Bobbi Brown introduced her eponymous lipstick line to Bergdorf Goodman back in 1991, she never expected all 10 pinky-brown shades to fly off the shelves in just one day.", "http://rss.cnn.com/~r/rss/edition_business/~3/ADCywkcvf1E/index.html")); publicItems.add(new Item ("The dress that launched an empire", "When Diane von Furstenberg first unveiled her wrap dress back in 1974, she never expected the DVF brand and dress to reach such iconic status in the world of fashion.", "http://rss.cnn.com/~r/rss/edition_business/~3/hyeC-xMR3rM/index.html")); publicItems.add(new Item ("Name your price for Paris hotel stay", "Several hotels in the French capital are conducting a potentially risky experiment, asking guests to decide what they're willing to pay.", "http://rss.cnn.com/~r/rss/edition_business/~3/JulEx2QcEPI/index.html")); publicItems.add(new Item ("World's coolest bookstores ", "From Maastricht to Melbourne, these itineraries make bookish travelers look stylish.", "http://rss.cnn.com/~r/rss/edition_business/~3/d-jv_r_dVmI/index.html")); publicItems.add(new Item ("World-class motor museums", "With factory tours and collections of stunning vintage prototypes, southern Germany is petrolhead paradise.", "http://rss.cnn.com/~r/rss/edition_business/~3/5WCSi9K5NHw/index.html")); publicItems.add(new Item ("New air safety task force duties", "The director general of IATA says a new task force will help countries share air safety information.", "http://rss.cnn.com/~r/rss/edition_business/~3/w38Sd3qdLAk/qmb-iata-task-force-better-info.cnn.html")); publicItems.add(new Item ("Don't let the auto industry kill you", "Shanin Specter says we need to strengthen laws that punish auto companies for selling defective cars that kill people.", "http://rss.cnn.com/~r/rss/edition_business/~3/azL30Mn_ves/index.html")); publicItems.add(new Item ("Meet Airbus' newest jet", "Takeoff on one of Airbus' new A350WXB test planes is a strangely quiet experience.", "http://rss.cnn.com/~r/rss/edition_business/~3/cQmhHh2gXWQ/index.html")); } } /** * Download and parse RSS feed * * @param url URL of rss feed to download and parse * * @note downloads asynchronously, and updates the publicly viewable RSS items when done */ public void loadFeed (String url) { final String finalUrl = url; content = new StringBuilder(); Thread rssThread = new Thread() { @Override public void run() { // Download and parse in new thread try { URL rssUrl = new URL(finalUrl); SAXParserFactory factory = SAXParserFactory.newInstance(); SAXParser saxParser = factory.newSAXParser(); XMLReader xmlReader = saxParser.getXMLReader(); RSSHandler rssHandler = new RSSHandler(); xmlReader.setContentHandler(rssHandler); InputSource inputSource = new InputSource(rssUrl.openStream()); xmlReader.parse(inputSource); } catch (Exception e) { Log.d (CLASS_TAG, "exception reading RSS feed: " + e.toString ()); } } }; rssThread.start (); } /** * Get default or downloaded items * * @return items */ public ArrayList<Item> getItems() { synchronized (publicItems) { return publicItems; } } // Handler for xml content private class RSSHandler extends DefaultHandler { @Override public void startElement(String uri, String localName, String qName, Attributes attrs) throws SAXException { content = new StringBuilder(); if(localName.equalsIgnoreCase("item")) { inItem = true; item = new Item(); } } @Override public void endElement(String namespaceURI, String localName, String qName) throws SAXException { if(localName.equalsIgnoreCase("title")) { if(inItem) { item.setTitle(content.toString()); } } else if(localName.equalsIgnoreCase("link")) { if(inItem) { item.setLink(content.toString()); } } else if(localName.equalsIgnoreCase("description")) { if(inItem) { item.setDescription(strip(content.toString())); } } else if(localName.equalsIgnoreCase("item")) { inItem = false; items.add(item); } else if(localName.equalsIgnoreCase("channel")) { // Channel tag ended, all content retrieved; transfer items to publicly viewable list synchronized (publicItems) { if (items.size() >= 8) { // Enough items to have content around a Sashimi publicItems = items; } } } } @Override public void characters(char[] ch, int start, int length) throws SAXException { content.append(ch, start, length); } // Strip html tags, used to remove <img> and other tags from the description private String strip (String str) { Pattern p = Pattern.compile("<(.|\n)*?>", Pattern.DOTALL | Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE); return p.matcher(str).replaceAll(""); } } }
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaGithub'}
Q: WPF NotifyIcon ContextMenu with hardcode taskbar I try to implement this solution for my NotifyIcon. I did it by this way. private void InitNotifyIcon() { tbi = new TaskbarIcon(); tbi.Icon = Properties.Resource.favIcon; tbi.DoubleClickCommand = new NotifyIconCommand(this); tbi.ToolTipText = "Double click - open window"; this.WindowState = WindowState.Minimized; } In my XAML file I didn't write anything. And it is work good. I see my notifyicon near the windows clock. But now I need to realise with right click context menu. And I have a problem. ContextMenu is not a part of TaskbarIcon screenshot of the mistake in Xaml But if you will open link of this exemple you will see that ContextMenu must be include to TaskbarIcon Any ideas? A: ContextMenuStrip replaces ContextMenu and adds functionality. Example use: private readonly NotifyIcon notifyIcon; ... notifyIcon = new NotifyIcon { // Icon is in Project folder with a Build Action of 'Resource' Icon = new Icon(Application.GetResourceStream(new Uri(@"pack://application:,,,/MyIcon.ico")).Stream), Visible = true, ContextMenuStrip = new ContextMenuStrip() }; notifyIcon.ContextMenuStrip = new ContextMenuStrip(); notifyIcon.ContextMenuStrip.Items.Add("Exit"); notifyIcon.ContextMenuStrip.Items[0].Click += (o, e) => Close(); Don't forget to Dispose() of the NotifyIcon appropriately eg. in the Closed event handler of the Window.
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaStackExchange'}
Select MS Access Database and enter all required field to establish connection between MS Access and MySQL server. Choose the table attributes that you want to convert: Select 'convert tables definitions', if you want to convert only table structure. If you do not want to convert indexes, select 'skip converting indexes'. You can also select 'converting views', if you want to convert views. Select MS Access Table, enter MySQL Destination Database Name, and click Convert button to convert database. Select views from a list. You can add, add all, remove, remove all views from a list and click 'Confirm' button. As you can see that conversion process is going on. To abort the ongoing Database conversion process, Click 'Stop' button. If You want to skip any particular table then you can use 'Skip' button.
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
Search for case name, case citation eg [2000] 1 AC 360 Areas of life Asylum seekers and refugees 1 Living standards 2 Protected characteristic Pregnancy and maternity 2 Article 8: Respect for your private and family life, home and correspondence 2 Article 14: Protection from discrimination in respect of these rights and freedoms 2 Types of equality claim Indirect discrimination 1 Public sector equality duty International frameworks International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (CERD) 1 International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR) 1 Court or tribunal Court of Appeal (Civil) 2 Court of Session (Inner House) 1 High Court (Admin Court) 3 High Court (Queen's Bench Division) 1 Supreme Court 1 Decision has to be followed in Great Britain 3 Law applies in Concluded 3 Judgment 3 Our involvement Intervention (section 30 of the Equality Act 2006) 2 High Court (Admin Court) Immigration status and the right to rent a property (R (Joint Council for the Welfare of Immigrants) v Secretary of State for the Home Department) As part of the Home Office's 'hostile environment' towards those without leave to remain in the UK, the Immigration Act 2014 prevents landlords from renting property to people who do not have leave to enter or remain in the UK. A body representing the interests of immigrants challenged this, arguing that the law breached both equality and human rights legislation because it causes landlords to discriminate against potential tenants on the grounds of their nationality and/or their race. This may happen, for example, because landlords think they do not look or sound British, even if they are not disqualified from renting. R (MP) v Secretary of State for Health and Social Care (MP v Secretary of State for Health) NHS regulations require most non-EU citizens to pay up to 150 percent of the cost of healthcare treatment. A man who was being treated for cancer challenged this in the courts, arguing that the regulations did not comply with equality laws. Challenging a Council's housing list policy (R (TW) and R (Gullu) v London Borough of Hillingdon) Hillingdon Council's housing rules said that a person must have lived in the area for at least ten years before they could apply for a house. The council refused two people, a refugee who had been given permission to stay in the UK and an Irish Traveller, on these grounds. We saw this as discriminatory and we intervened in their cases in the Administrative Court and the Court of Appeal. Footer additional
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaCommonCrawl'}
Today's Issue Indie Partner Newsletters Tuesday, May 15, 2012: Dedicated Issue: Owlkids Books Owlkids In this issue, with the support of Owlkids, Shelf Awareness takes an in-depth look at Owlkids' origins as a magazine publisher and its growth over the past six years into a full-fledged book publisher, informed by the feedback of more than 200,000 young magazine subscribers. The interviews are by Jennifer M. Brown. EmailTwitterLinkedIn Owlkids: From Children, for Children Owlkids, based in Toronto, Canada, may be best known for nearly four decades of magazine publishing in North America, but in the past six years, the publisher has been steadily building a book publishing program to match its magazines' success. With its purchase of Maple Tree Press in 2008, Owlkids gained a backlist of more than 100 titles, predominantly in the area of nonfiction, and has been expanding and diversifying its mix of titles, from preschool up to junior high, ever since. Long before social media, letters to the editor proved the most effective means for editors at Owlkids to learn what their readers liked and disliked. For 36 years, Owlkids has heard directly from its more than 200,000 subscribers in North America through the readers (and parents) of Chirp (aimed at ages 3-6), chickaDEE (ages 6-9) and OWL (9-13) magazines. Owlkids has used what it's learned from those direct ties to kids to inform publishing decisions for the magazines as well as the books. Recently, Owlkids brought Karen Boersma on board as publisher of the book division, formerly publisher of Kids Can Press, with a mandate to expand both the scope and the size of the list. Owlkids currently publishes 20 books a year, and Boersma said the house intends to double that within the next three to five years. Nonfiction will continue to be a key part for the program, but the approach will likely continue to evolve in new directions. "I think most publishers who publish nonfiction feel like we're competing with the Internet," Boersma said. "So here at Owlkids, we're working to make sure all of our books supply the additional context necessary for children to truly understand a topic." Boersma cited The Secret Life of Money by Kira Vermond, illustrated by Clayton Hanmer, as a perfect example: "We wanted kids to understand the history and cultural side of money as well as the emotional side of it." Another example of the approach to nonfiction from this season is Pick Up Your Pen: The Art of Handwriting by Monica Dengo, which teaches kids how to write in cursive. It's a skill that's not taught much anymore in schools, Boersma explained. And the editorial team's years of focusing on crafts and activities in the magazines informed the bestselling Beastly series, which now includes four titles at 150 pages each. This fall Owlkids will publish My Beastly Book of Tangled Tinsel for the holidays. Judy Brunsek, sales director for Owlkids, noted that the company also wants to reach children as they begin reading: "That's where we put a lot of focus, starting last fall and moving through this year." Moving beyond nonfiction and into character-based picture books has also paved the way from the school and library market into the trade, according to Brunsek: "We're looking to grow a broader trade presence at national accounts and independent stores." To that end, Owlkids is working with ABA programs to raise booksellers' awareness; last fall they mailed all children's bookstores a poster featuring the Vole Brothers, characters originally created by Roslyn Schwartz for Chirp, whose popularity warranted a book of their own. Most of the Owlkids spring picture books, however, started as original projects completely independent of the magazines. Picture My Day, created by Séverine Cordier and Cynthia Lacroix, introduces first words to children as it follows three siblings through their daily routine. This fall's follow-up title, Picture My World, follows the same children through more event-based experiences, such as a birthday party, a first pet and scraping a knee. This spring's highly lauded Martin on the Moon by Martine Audet, illustrated by Luc Melanson, celebrates creativity in both the student hero and his teacher, and All By Myself!, an exploration of a child's (or chick's) first foray into independence by Geraldine Collet, illustrated by Coralie Saudo, has also been receiving strong reviews. Such character-based titles address Owlkids' mission to create books that "speak to the whole child," as Jennifer Canham, group publisher of Owlkids books and magazines, put it. Because the magazines serve as a direct tie to children, they offer an opportunity to "audition" various talents, too, to see which themes and artwork strike a chord with young people. The sibling stars of Roslyn Schwartz's The Vole Brothers are one example, as is the artwork of Dave Whamond, who created My Think-a-ma-Jink and the upcoming fall book Oddrey. "We know what resonates with children, parents, and teachers," Canham said. "We have a lot of experience working with authors and illustrators to develop characters that mean a lot to kids." Canham believes Owlkids' magazines can serve not only as a kind of field-testing resource but also as word-of-mouth. "For a small children's publisher, there's not always an easy way to advertise to a broad audience," she said, "but we have 200,000 children in our audience, and an opportunity to feature the books in our magazines, which in turn leads our readers to head out to bookstores to find our books." Soyeon Kim: Reinventing a 3-D World In her extraordinary debut, artist Soyeon Kim creates a visual narrative with three-dimensional artwork that's both arresting and also representative of Elin Kelsey's text in You Are Stardust (September 15, 2012). The picture book reflects Kelsey's (Not Your Typical Book About the Environment) deeply held belief that if children care about their world, they will take care of it. In You Are Stardust, Kelsey and Kim illustrate in words and pictures how closely connected human beings are to their environment. Here Soyeon Kim discusses her process and the challenges of illustrating a child's connection to his or her world. Tell us about your process, it's so unusual. The first step of my creative process is rough sketches or thumbnails. Once I have these thumbnail sketches, I put together a box. In order to give a three-dimensional quality to the drawing, I often work with boxes that are made from recycled canvas frames. For You Are Stardust, I purchased olive-colored wood sticks, then I measured and cut them in the proper size to put together a box. Once a skeleton of a box is made, I attach linen cloth on the top and bottom of the box so that I will be able to hang the drawings. Then I produce rough drawings, which take size and space into consideration. When I am done with roughs, I do my colored drawings with pen, ink and watercolor, cut them and hang them in each box using fish string and hot glue. Do you work with the photographer on how best to shoot your models? I was actually with the photographer and my editor, John Crossingham, when we shot the artwork. We've talked about how to show depth and the camera angles to use to photograph some of the works, but all the credit goes to the photographer and editor. I was mainly at the photo shoot to tweak the artwork in case some elements were hidden or blocked by other drawings, etc. Did you look for ways to connect the characters and animals throughout? Or did that come naturally? To be honest, the connection of the characters and animals actually came together naturally. I limited the characters to five and showed animals that were provided from the text, or animals that would just fit perfectly in terms of text and artwork. Was it challenging to think of the simplest way to show a concept? For example, the image of the cells that become a bird, a person, and a whale? Yes, there were definitely some challenging moments to figure out the simplest way to show a concept. In fact, the example that you have provided, "You started life as a single cell. So did all other creatures on planet Earth," was one of the most difficult. I did not want the interpretation of the text to be too scientific and straightforward, because I wanted to create images that are more poetic, so that children would read the text to understand the artwork, and explore what the text and picture meant for them. Catherine Ripley: Taking Her Cue from the Kids As editor of chickaDEE magazine for 10 years, beginning in the early 1990s, Catherine Ripley knows her readers. Her first book, Why?, grew directly out of the questions that readers asked for chickaDEE's annual q&a issue. "We invited kids to submit their questions, and we'd answer perhaps 10 questions in an issue," Ripley explained. "Their voice was very strong in the magazine." Her latest book, How?, a companion volume, comes out of that same approach. Ripley and her team not only solicited questions from five- to eight-year-olds, they also field-tested the magazine to make sure it passed muster with their audience. They visited kindergarten through third grade classrooms with sample issues of the magazine and asked, "What do you think? How are we doing?" The editorial team then modified its approach based on the kids' reactions. Why? began as a collection of six books (among them Why Is Soap So Slippery? and Do the Doors Open by Magic?); Owlkids released them as a single volume in 2001. The 10th anniversary edition came out in January 2011. When asked if she's always conscious of the children's voices, Ripley responded, "Kids are so engaging and they're so honest, and they come at things so differently than I do as an adult." She added, "It really pays to go back into the classroom again and again. You get taken aback by the wonderful world we live in, as seen through a child's eyes." Ripley works closely with artist Scot Ritchie on the illustrations and the layout. As an example of how they collaborate to make sure the words and pictures work together, she pointed to a nine-step explanation for "How are roads built?" It could have come across as complicated, but flows very logically for readers if they simply follow the road itself, like a pathway through the numbered steps. An advantage to conceiving of How? as a complete book from its inception was that Ritchie could feature a single family throughout. The organization of How? also owes a debt to Ripley's magazine experience, with chapters such as "Happy Birthday!," which includes everything from "How did birthday parties get started?" to "Why do balloons pop?" and "How does batter turn into cake?" She believes that the book had to be "really rooted in a kid's experience." The annual q&a issues, for instance, always focused on a theme, such as volcanoes. The chapter called "Airport Good-byes" came from the students Ripley visited in schools. She asked children where they went in the car, and one answer was, "To the airport to pick up my grandmother." Ripley began with 839 questions, then whittled them down to the nearly 75 that appear in the book. Why has Why? been so popular? "One reason is these are real questions rooted in children's experiences, and coupled with that is the idea that these are experiences that they have with their parents," Ripley said. "Parents have heard their children ask these questions and now they can answer them." This issue made possible with the support of the Ontario Media Development Corporation. « prev issue | next issue » Share this Issue Email Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Digg Do you need to change your e-mail address or unsubscribe?Update your subscription © 2021 Shelf Awareness Home | About Us | Contact | Advertise | Submission Guidelines | Current Issues | In the Media | Subscribe | Job Opportunities | Privacy Policy Powered by: Xtenit
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MICROSTORY - THE VIRTUAL CONTRACTOR ​As the number of players in the community of Blockworld--an open ended game in which people built whatever structure they could out of an unlimited supply of materials--grew, the players began to build virtual communities. And as these communities grew, so did the number of buildings, until there were complete villages, complete with a virtual infrastructure. And as this grew, and some people proved to be more adept at creating buildings and roads and modes of transportation, so did the citizens of this community become more specialized. Soon, people spent so much time in the community that they were there for considerably more time than they dwelled in the real world, and therefore wanted to live in comfort. Consequently, they began to seek out these highly skilled builders, and paid them for their services. With this money--that existed not in the real world, but in Blockworld--builders either invested their virtual money in virtual banks, or spent their money on virtual clothing, food, and entertainment. Before long, as these virtual towns grew into cities, these builders started virtual contracting firms, hiring virtual carpenters and plumbers. With those developments came, of course, came virtual organized crime families who moved into virtual garbage collection, virtual small businesses that paid virtual protection, and virtual construction firms. These firms received virtual contracts from virtual politicians who took virtual bribes, and the firms took virtual kickbacks from virtual suppliers, who specialized in accessing the ever growing catalog of virtual materials. And every so often, virtual federal investigators set up virtual stings, which led to virtual busts, and virtual trials. Inevitably, once a virtual jury of virtual peers found these virtual offenders virtually guilty, they were exiled from this virtual world for a set time, sentenced to roam a real world, eating nothing but a rudimentary pulp made from the algae that now covered the world. For the period of their exile, they roamed the world, a barren landscape in which people were barricaded into reinforced concrete panic rooms. In these rooms, with computer controlled IVs pumping nutrients into their systems, they moved their bodies in their motion sensing harnesses. And often, as they watched virtual news reports about these events, they shook their virtual heads, and muttered that the world was going to hell.
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaCommonCrawl'}
Extending the product life cycle with embedded licensing Embedded licensing and entitlement management allow flexibility, security, and reduced costs. With the recent surge in cyber security threats, it's no surprise that military, government, and other sectors are eyeing secure processors and anti-tamper devices, which can help protect software and systems from reverse engineering. In the military/defense technology community, projects and initiatives have extensive and complex government reviews and milestones. Therefore it is common for defense products and solutions to have a five-to-ten-year (sometimes longer) life cycle. Because of these long life spans, CPU Tech often found its customers did not need all product capabilities during all phases of a project. For example not everyone working in integration, test, or manufacturing needed to understand sensitive design details. Nor should everyone be allowed access to such details. To cite another example, there are times in a product life cycle when some security settings might be "locked down" for the remainder of the program. Also, some programs are "compartmentalized." Compartmentalization gives engineers and users different access rights. This is all familiar territory for CPU Tech, which understood the various ways that its customers wanted to use and access CPU Tech processors. However, the company had no way to license, price, or allow access to support compartmentalization and other requirements. Customers pressed CPU Tech for more flexible software licensing and pricing models. Needing an easy and efficient way to differentiate levels of functionality, operations, and security to customers at various stages of the product/project life cycle, CPU Tech began by identifying the following requirements for software licensing and entitlement management: Feature-based and role-based licensing and pricing models Provide embedded-node-locked and floating licensing capability Offer both offline (for machines operating in a classified area) and web-based activation Simplify complex product life cycle management Ability to automate the customer activation process Ryan Kenny, responsible for product marketing at CPU Tech, explained, "With our Acalis Sentry Security Server solution we needed to offer our customers both feature-based and role-based functionality. Our solution can be operating in many different environments with different feature sets enabled or disabled, such as in development, manufacturing, security configuration, and security audit environments." He added, "In each environment and use case, different people with different roles and security requirements operate the device. And in each use case, there are different feature sets enabled and disabled based on security and operations needs. For instance, customers may alternate between 'call-back' registration and standalone licensing and activation, depending on where they are in their development cycle." Early on CPU Tech determined it needed to engage with a third-party software licensing and entitlement management vendor. With its focus on its core competencies the company had no desire to develop a homegrown licensing solution, preferring to partner with an embedded software licensing and entitlement management provider. CPU Tech followed up on its initial list of criteria by describing key characteristics of the workable licensing approach: Appropriate and adequate cryptographic encryption for license key protection and storage Small memory footprint Support for processor architecture Support for embedded operating systems – needed to be OS independent, and easy to port Support for programming language Easy to manage and track the license entitlement License activation automation Integration with other management systems, such as Salesforce Acceptable total cost of ownership After researching its options, CPU Tech chose the FlexNet Producer Suite for High-Tech Manufacturers from Flexera Software. Ryan noted, "Flexera Software's embedded software licensing and entitlement management solution enables CPU Tech to protect our intellectual property and allow the customer to operate in a classified/secure area without Internet access. We needed a solution that enables a solid revenue model without expanding our manufacturing costs." "With Flexera Software [see Figure 1] we can now easily upgrade and downgrade our customers without deploying additional hardware as well as offer them licensing and pricing models based on roles and features," he added. Figure 1: Matching roles/modes to customer design model. Embedded licensing technology and entitlement management will enable CPU Tech to realize a reduction in manufacturing costs and to better manage its Acalis product life cycle. Now CPU Tech can offer a single version of its hardware and simply control the hardware capabilities and features based on roles and features. In addition, the licensing adds a valuable security layer in user activation, making sure only those entitled are able to activate the product. "Flexera Software's embedded licensing technology enable us to protect CPU Tech and customer intellectual property," Ryan commented, adding that "with its entitlement management solution we expect to see clear savings in the operations area by being able to easily upgrade/downgrade capabilities on the hardware. We will be able to bring products to market faster and tailor subscription licenses to meet customers' unique requirements, helping us to better serve our customers." For CPU Tech, flexible software licensing and entitlement management allows for cost reduction and revenue models that matches customer needs and processes. In the past, much of what were security "rules" to be enforced through audit are now enforced by embedded licensing and entitlement management. Vikram Koka is the vice president of research and development at Flexera Software, where he is responsible for engineering for the FlexNet Producer Suite for High-Tech Manufacturers. Prior to joining Flexera Software, Vikram was the chief architect for Macrovision across all its product lines, including the DRM, video, and game distribution offerings, in addition to software licensing. Vikram has held senior engineering or technical management positions at large companies such as Silicon Graphics (SGI), and LSI Logic as well as startups such as CellMania and SmartDB. Prior to Flexera Software, Vikram's background included mobile, ecommerce, enterprise applications (both hosted and on-premise), databases, and distributed applications. Vikram has an MS in electrical and computer engineering from the University of California at Santa Barbara, and a BS in electronics and communications engineering from Osmania University, Hyderabad. Vikram currently has four patents pending and was one of the early contributors to the GNU Debugger (GDB), a popular open source debugger. Flexera Software [email protected] www.flexerasoftware.com Wireless BMS Claims Best-in-Class Safety, Reliability, Efficiency RTI, NXP Semiconductor Announce New Partnership OmniVision Announces 40MP Smartphone Image Sensor Maxim Integrated at Virtual CES 2021: Smaller, Smarter, More Secure ROHM Introduces New EMARMOURTM Two-Channel, High-Speed Op Amp RTI at Digital embedded world 2021 Winmate to Showcase Internet of Vehicles (IoV) Solution at All-Digital CES 2021 Tesla's Failing Vehicles Due to Worn Out eMMCs. What happened? Rohde & Schwarz and IHP Characterize D-Band Frequencies in Over-The-Air Test Setup for 6G and Automotive Radar D3 Engineering Automotive-Grade mmWave Radar Sensor Integrates Antenna Array in 1" Package The Importance of Combinatorial Test Design New 60W Laser Cutting and Engraving Machine: Unboxing and Initial Impressions Elektrobit Unveils Industry-First Software Platform for Next-Gen Vehicle Electronics Architecture
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaCommonCrawl'}
Indonesian-ness is hardly quantifiable, but per my parents, mine was a five out of ten. This poor rating stems mainly from my parents' belief that second-generation immigrants, like myself, were diluted versions of an original product. Though I often refuted these claims, my actions hardly supported my counterarguments: eating with my "dirty" left hand, wearing shoes inside the house, and choosing fries over rice, for example. The summer before freshman year, these seemingly-minuscule annoyances had reached an apex; consequently, my parents took a keen interest in reviving my Indonesian identity. To resuscitate it, they arranged for Bahasa Indonesia tutoring while we visited family in Jakarta.
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Volume 1, Issue 5: Ryan Palmer, Ed.D., M.F.A., Principal, Kennedy & Company Education Strategies Discusses Medical Students on Meeting with Patients Virtually via Telehealth Spotlight Interview: Ryan Palmer, Ed.D., M.F.A., Principal, Kennedy & Company Education Strategies Industry News: Volume 1, Issue 5 Medical Travel Today The Authoritative Newsletter for Medical Tourism News in Review Volume 1, Issue 3: Andrew Malley, Chief Executive Officer, Dignity Health Global Education discusses health system spending by Editor - November 24, 2020 November 24, 2020 If you missed our announcement about the new branding of our newsletter, here's an update: For over a decade, Medical Travel Today has provided 40,000 readers worldwide with news, information and business perspectives on medical travel. In response to market changes prompted by COVID-19 and advanced technology, we are broadening our focus to include digital health: Medical Travel & Digital Health News not only features a new logo and layout, but also expanded coverage on this fast growing market sector. Over the last 13 years of publication, our team has appreciated the support of audiences worldwide and their input which allows us to fulfill our mission of aggregating the best medical travel news. For those who have participated in interviews and sent us updates, we say "Thank You!" Please continue to provide suggestions for further Spotlight interviews and company news. Recent world events have had a major impact on medical travel and have forced a new era of healthcare. Digital health has long been an integral component of medical travel and post COVID-19, it will continue to play a substantial role in enhancing care for both patients and providers. Digital health is convenient, accessible and cost-effective and we are excited to expand our news and interviews with experts in both this space and medical travel to keep our readers up to date with the advances in these exciting fields. As always, please don't hesitate to reach out! Keep an eye on Medical Travel & Digital Health News as we continue to serve business audiences in every part of the globe. We remain committed to bringing you the most important news from the medical travel industry and now the digital health space. In this issue, we speak with Andrew Malley, Strategic Account Manager, Dignity Health Global Education. We discuss the background on Dignity Health Global Education, program spending, and higher education through high-quality programs. We also bring you news on the rising use of telehealth apps, J&J's pledge of $100M to address racism and health inequities, as well as how telehealth visits will be different in the future. Laura Carabello Executive Editor and Publisher Medical Travel & Digital Health News lcarabello@cpronline.com https://twitter.com/MTT_eNews https://www.facebook.com/MTT.eNews/ https://www.linkedin.com/company/medical-travel-today From the Editor (97) News in Review (29) U.S. Domestic (115) © 2017 Medical Travel Today
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Shaun Murphy pulls off two "massive" shots to hit a break of 75 to move back to within two frames of Stuart Bingham in the World Snooker Championship final. The 2005 world champion went on to take the next frame at the Crucible in Sheffield to leave the final tightly poised at 15-14 to Bingham. Watch live coverage now on BBC Two and the BBC Sport website.
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Our Pulmonologists provide comprehensive consultative, diagnostic and therapeutic services for patients with illnesses that affect the lungs and breathing. Care is provided in both the outpatient and hospital settings, including the intensive care units. Pulmonologists and critical care specialists have expertise in wide range of respiratory conditions including but not limited to: lung cancer diagnosis and treatment, asthma, pulmonary hypertension, sleep disorders, acute and chronic respiratory failure and various lung infections. We also provide condition focused pulmonary clinics, services and support groups such as COPD Group Visits, Pediatric Pulmonary Consultations and Pulmonary Nodule Clinics. Our Pulmonologists are located in Exeter, New Hampshire.
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Mt. SAC Paralegal Professor Alleges Discrimination After Associate Dean's Credentials Were Questioned Following another investigation, a second appeal was requested Joshua Sanchez|March 19, 2019 Abby Wood claps for the Faculty Association public comments despite the decision on her appeal. Photo Credit: Joshua Sanchez/SAC.Media. In back to back meetings, professors have made allegations against management officials. The resulting decisions have been the same – the Mt. San Antonio Community College Board of Trustees upheld the determination made in the HR investigation. Yet the handling of each situation during public comment and the allegations being made were in stark contrast. In the prior allegation, speech instructor Julie Laverty alleged that Associate Vice President of Instruction, Joumana McGowan, discriminated against her on Oct. 12 at a guided pathways meeting. According to Laverty, the impact of this guided pathways meeting would be the inability to move up in management with the alleged damage to her reputation by the manager. In this allegation, Paralegal professor Abby Wood alleged that the business department treated her differently after former Academic Senate president Martin Jones-Ramey came forward with information regarding degrees held by the Associate Dean of Business, Fawaz Al-Malood, from unaccredited universities. Wood said that Ramey told her that Al-Malood believes Wood had been one of two individuals to come forward about the degrees in question and believes she had "put Ramey up" to revealing them. According to Wood, this investigation resulted in poorer performance evaluations and being questioned by Al-Malood. "On two occasions, Fawaz asked Marty whether I was responsible for the exposure of his degrees and Marty told him that I was not," Wood said. From three speakers and scant attendance of Laverty's meeting, there were now seven speakers and a full audience of faculty waiting to protest the potential healthcare move in open session. Wood, Al-Malood, business dean Jennifer Galbraith, real estate professor Edwin Estes, Faculty Association vice president Joan Sholars, and a friend of Wood's all spoke on their own behalf while Faculty Association president Eric Kaljumagi read the declaration of Martin Jones-Ramey at the meeting. Galbraith read a statement where she said the allegations, which also involved her as dean of the business department, are not true and that she has continued to support Wood. "Recently, professor Abby Wood has made several unsubstantiated complaints against me stating that I harassed and retaliated against her," Galbraith said. Ramey's declaration was made under penalty of perjury under the laws of the state of California and the United States that what he had written is true and correct. "In January of 2018, I took evidence of Fawaz Al-Malood's unaccredited degrees to human resources. Shortly thereafter Fawaz asked me whether Abby and another colleague had put me up to going to human resources. I responded that 'no, they had not.' Fawaz, however, appears to have continued in his belief that Abby was involved since he asked me about her involvement for a second time in July of 2018," Kaljumagi read of Ramey's declaration. Sholars said she believed the decision made by HR was wrong and asked the Board of Trustees to look at the impact of their actions not only today, but in the future. "If your decision is to deny the appeal, I implore you to consider other actions that you can direct the college to take to work on these relationships," Sholars said. The unaccredited degrees in question are a doctorate from Pacific Western University, which was listed on the college catalog from 2006 until the 2016-2017 academic year, and a master's degree from Columbus University. Both degrees have not been listed on Al-Malood's page since the 2016-2017 academic year and they are from colleges that are now unaccredited. Al-Malood's staff biography now has a new master's degree in management and leadership from the Western Governors University, that was previously not listed. In addition, a diploma from the Hotel Institute Montreux and another doctorate from the University of South Africa were not listed prior to the 2016-2017 academic year and were also added to his page. The remaining degree, that by all other accounts has been listed since the beginning, is a bachelor's degree from the University of South Carolina. The concern with these degrees is that according to government law, 5 CCR § 53420, Minimum Qualifications for Educational Administrators, a master's degree from an accredited institution is required alongside one year of formal related experience. While that code is in place for all California community colleges, Mt. SAC allows for equivalencies if requested. When filling out a faculty application, prospective faculty have to certify that "all statements made in their application are true and correct to the best of their knowledge and authorize investigation of all statements recorded." Another important distinction to note regarding the degrees and the timeline of the catalog archive (which lists what degrees were under his name on the website during each academic years) is that Al-Malood was hired in 2003, and the catalog archive only goes back to 2006. Al-Malood maintained his innocence in his public comment after Wood and did not address Wood's allegation that he continued to ask Ramey who brought the degrees to his attention. In Laverty's case, Mt. SAC President William Scroggins interrupted the public comments of Laverty and fellow speech professor Crystal Lane Swift Ferguson. Scroggins asked Laverty to "just address the events upon which" the item was regarding, but an loud audible "absolutely" from Laverty drained out the remainder of Scroggins' words. When Ferguson went to attest to the character of professor Laverty, Scroggins audibly said "make your comments to the complaint itself." In Wood's case, Scroggins refrained from comment despite four additional speakers. Updated: March 19, 12:10 a.m.: Article now clarifies vague pronouns, cites in the block quotes directly and cites government code and Mt. SAC's faculty application form. Joshua Sanchez, Editor in Chief Joshua Sanchez is the Editor-in-Chief of SAC.Media, and former news editor. He was previously the managing editor of LAHS' student newspaper, The Conqueror. A portfolio of his reporting work can be found at jdjoshsan.wordpress.com. Gov. Newsom's Budget Proposes Health Care For All Men Drop Out In Large Numbers Walnut Adjusts Residential Waste Rates Pomona Accepts Funds For Homeless Shelter Board Member Slammed For Getting Paid On Vacation New California Ordinance Requires Vaccination Proof
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From the factory in Carlsbad, California here is an excellent example of the frames Masi was turning out. This size was not very common and as a result, it is very hard to find. The paint is original and in excellent condition.
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US increases tariffs as China vows countermeasures; trade talks end with no deal A sharp rise in tariffs on Chinese goods went into effect at 12:01 a.m. Friday. Jordyn Phelps New tariffs in effect on billions of dollars of Chinese goodsChina and the U.S. are still locked in negotiations. ABC News' Trevor Ault reports.Andy Wong/POOL/EPA via Shutterstock Trade talks between the United States and China ended on Friday afternoon without a deal, but President Donald Trump tweeted that negotiators held "candid and constructive conversations" and said that the spike in tariffs on Chinese goods might be removed depending on future negotiations. Over the course of the past week, the president went from saying trade talks with China were going well, to dramatically escalating a trade war by more than doubling tariffs on $200 billion worth of Chinese imports. The markets dipped as it appeared that the world's two largest economies would continue a tit-for-tat that has rattled investors and stressed American farmers and manufacturers. China's top trade negotiators flew in for two days of trade talks that ended without any progress. Before the final round of discussions began on Friday and just hours after tariffs were imposed on China, Trump took to Twitter to declare that trade negotiations with China were progressing in a "very congenial manner" and falsely assert that the tariffs are going "directly to the Treasury of the U.S." But while the talks may have been congenial, they did not lead to any breakthroughs and no future meetings are scheduled now that the Chinese delegation is on their way back to Beijing. Experts say the president's claim that revenue from the tariffs flows to the U.S. Treasury is not true, and numerous fact checks, including one this week from FactCheck.Org, and an ABC News fact check from December, have found the same. In reality, most experts say, tariffs essentially amount to a tax on US importers, which in turn pass the cost on to consumers. (MORE: Fact Check Friday: Trump's tariff-ically false claims and more ) According to the U.S. Trade Representative, there are nearly 6,000 items facing tariffs. The types of goods affected are wide-ranging and include fruit, vegetables, nuts, meat, cosmetics, pet food, building materials, chemicals, natural resources/compounds, electronics, machinery and many other items. Graphic shows the increasing U.S.-China trade deficit over time and compares with other top U.S. trade deficits from other countries. Graphic shows the increasing U.S.-China trade deficit over time and compares with other top U.S. trade deficits from other countries.AP Digging in on his warring stance, the president expresses confidence in the efficacy of tariffs and reiterates that he is ready to take the conflict a step further, saying "the process has begun to place additional Tariffs at 25% on the remaining 325 Billion Dollars." The president's tweets come as Chinese negotiators are in Washington for the second day of direct talks. While the president and his advisers had been expressing optimism in recent weeks that the trade war could be nearing an end as the U.S. and China closed in on a trade deal, the administration moved to impose increased tariffs over the last week following what the administration said was an attempt by China to make changes to deal negotiations. The White House said talks would continue Friday after negotiators again sat down face-to-face in Washington Thursday evening. "This evening, Ambassador [Robert] Lightizer and [Treasury] Secretary [Steven] Mnuchin met with President Trump to discuss the ongoing trade negotiations with China," White House deputy press secretary Judd Deere said late Thursday. "The Ambassador and Secretary then had a working dinner with Vice Premier Liu He, and agreed to continue discussions tomorrow morning at USTR." (MORE: Tomato prices could spike as US and Mexico growers' relationship spoils) China's Ministry of Commerce followed, two minutes after midnight Eastern time, with a statement, saying, "China deeply regrets that it will have to take necessary countermeasures." (MORE: President Trump's threat to raise Chinese tariffs sends markets into tailspin ) Trump's top trade negotiators, Lighthizer and Mnuchin, met with their Chinese counterparts for a meeting and working dinner that kicked off at 5 p.m. on Thursday. Initially, a 100-person team from China was expected to travel to the nation's capital on Wednesday, but the Chinese were shaken by Trump's tweets and the talks were delayed by a day. Administration officials were cautious about characterizing the meetings as the high stakes negotiations are still underway, but they are expected to meet again on Friday morning to continue discussions. Chinese Vice Premier Liu He leaves the Office of the United States Trade Representative in Washington, Thursday, May 9, 2019, during trade talks between the United States and China. Chinese Vice Premier Liu He leaves the Office of the United States Trade Representative in Washington, Thursday, May 9, 2019, during trade talks between the United States and China.AP Photo/Manuel Balce Ceneta The meeting comes on the heels of the president unexpectedly announcing plans to raise tariffs on $200 billion worth of Chinese goods -- ranging from textiles to chemicals -- from 10% to 25%. China's Commerce Ministry said Wednesday that Beijing will retaliate if the U.S. actually imposes the tariffs. "The escalation of trade friction is not in the interests of the people of the two countries and the people of the world," the ministry said. "The Chinese side deeply regrets that if the US tariff measures are implemented, China will have to take necessary countermeasures." At a rally in Panama City Beach, Florida, the president accused the Chinese of "cheating our workers and stealing their jobs." (MORE: Trump team defends president on Twitter after supporter shouts 'shoot' migrants at border) He added, "So they are flying in the vice premier tomorrow is flying in, good man. But they broke the deal, they can't do that." On Thursday, the president told reporters that the United States and China were once "very close to a deal," and then the Chinese began to "re-negotiate." Despite the renewed trade war, the president said he has been in touch with Chinese President Xi Jinping. "Well, he just wrote me a beautiful letter. I just received it," Trump said. "And I'll probably speak to him by phone."
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Bahtiyar is a German who has his roots in Turkey. During his high school, he was the head of the school's Turkish Student Association. He served as a volunteer security guard at a Bay Area Muslim community center. Before joining Twitter, he worked as a Research Assistant at Cal State East Bay. He became a hero for the pro-democratic supporters after he deleted Donald Trump's Twitter account for 11 minutes on November 2, 2017, when he was working as a third-party contractor in a company named Pro Unlimited, United States. He further justified his actions by saying that Twitter has been receiving lots of complaints about Donald Trump's tweets, due to which he deleted Trump's Twitter account. Just 2 days after this act, he posted "Love America" on Facebook.
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We were right to expect a loss of S$20m-40m for 2Q18 as Sembcorp Marine posted loss of S$55.6m. This included S$27m of one-off loss for the completion of West Rigel sale. 1H18 reported loss of S$50m was more than the S$42m we expected for FY18F. EBIT losses narrowed sequentially to S$29m in 2Q18 from S$45m in 4Q17. Key takeaway from briefing: Shell Vito project's margin could be as good as repair/conversion (c.15%) as equipment are supplied by the owners. Management also appeared to be confident of order pipeline although competition remains stiff. Maintain ADD and Target Price of S$2.52. Order win is key catalyst. Understandably, the lack of 2Q18 net loss of S$29m was in line with our expectations. 2Q18 revenue rose 38% q-o-q to S$1.6bn due to stronger job flow in rigs/ floaters and repair/ upgrades. EBIT margin losses narrowed from -6.7% in 4Q17 to -3.7% in 1Q18 and -1.6% in 2Q18. This was due to improvement in work volume amidst a leaner cost environment. While management has guided for operating margin to be negative in FY18, and improve to positive in FY19, we believe recognition of Karish floating production storage and offloading (FPSO), a sizeable order (S$476m), and high-margin Shell Vito floating production unit (FSU) could lift op margin by 4Q18. We see EBIT margin of 0.4%.5% in FY18F/ FY19F. Management appeared to be confident of its order pipeline and some good news 'soon'. Notable projects in the pipeline include Rosebank FPSO (c.US$1bn), SeaOne two compressed liquid natural gas carriers (c.US$600m) and Gravifloat (US$1bn). YTD, Sembcorp Marine has secured S$730m of orders or 37% of our S$2bn order forecast for FY18F. Revenue from ship repair grew 59% q-o-q to S$126m in 2Q18. Sembcorp Marine repaired/ upgraded a total of 158 ships in 1H18, with higher average revenue per vessel of c.S$1.2m vs. S$1m in FY17. Management expects to see some uptick of repair in 2H18 with more LNG vessels and ballast water treatment system and gas scrubber jobs. Net gearing declined to 1.26x in 2Q18 vs. 1.13x in 1Q18. Sembcorp Marine received US$123m from the sale of West Rigel semisubs in 2Q18, with more progressive receipt to be collected in 2H18 and 2019. Including West Rigel, Sembcorp Marine has fully monetised the inventory of 10 risky rigs. Balance sheet should gradually improve by 1Q19F with the remaining c.US$1bn to be collected as these rigs are delivered. Sembcorp Marine has delivered five out of nine Borr Drilling rigs since 4Q17. Three more units will be delivered in 2H18F and another in 1Q19F. Our FY18F EPS is cut 15% to its 5-year average. To stay relevant, Sembcorp Marine is transforming itself to take on large scale EPC projects and offering nimble compacting solutions to customers. It is also scouting for new technology/intellectual property to widen its service offering, preparing for the rig recovery. The latest acquisition of Sevan Marine cylindrical rigs is a case in point. Key risks include a cash call to fund sizeable EPC projects.
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The International Olympic committee has added 7 medal events to the 2022 Beijing Winter Games. The categories are women's monobob, Big Air freestyle skiing for men and women, a mixed team short track speed skating, ski jumping, ski aerials and snow boardcross. Director Kit McConnell there would be 45.4% female athletes participating in Beijing.
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Category: Lance News *NSYNC *NYE Celebrations The members of *NSYNC celebrated New Year's Eve all around the country. Here is *NSYNC Online's roundup! Chris co-hosted Now That's What I Call 90s NYE party at the Hard Rock Hotel in Tulsa, OK with Jeff Timmons of 98 Degrees. Thanks to friend of *NSYNC Online, Deanna for this great photo! Joey performed and hosted the Mulvi Group's show Joey Fatone and Friends at the MGM Grand. Ryan Cabrera shared a post of his performance with Joey on his IG. A post shared by Ryan Cabrera (@ryancabrera) JC spent NYE in Vail, CO with Camp Podwall. And it appears that Lance spent NYE with a party close to home with friends. Justin's whereabouts were not shared by associates online but we are sure he spent a great night with family! Author ChristinePosted on January 2, 2022 January 2, 2022 Categories Chris News, Group News, JC News, Joey News, Lance NewsTags Appearances, Chris Kirkpatrick, JC Chasez, Joey Fatone, Lance Bass Lance and Chris on Nick Carter's Home 4 the Holidays Check out Lance and Chris appearing on Nick Carter's virtual cooking experience and singalong on December 16th at 8PM EST. Tickets cost $25 and benefit the Cure 4 the Kids Cancer Center in Las Vegas, NV. More information can be found here. Author ChristinePosted on December 15, 2021 December 15, 2021 Categories Chris News, Lance NewsTags Appearances, Chris Kirkpatrick, Lance Bass Lance on Ashley Graham's Facebook Audio Live – Monday 12/6 Lance will join twin mama-to-be Ashley Graham on a Live Audio Room on Facebook Monday, December 6th at 12PM EST to talk TWINS! Be sure to check it out if you get the chance! Author ChristinePosted on December 5, 2021 December 5, 2021 Categories Lance NewsTags Appearances, Lance Bass Watch *NSYNC's Joey Fatone and Boyz II Men's Wanya Morris Harmonize in A Very Boy Band Holiday A VERY BOY BAND HOLIDAY – ABC's "A Very Boy Band Holiday" will feature appearances by some of the most beloved members of iconic boy bands, including Joey Fatone (*NSYNC), Chris Kirkpatrick (*NSYNC), Lance Bass (*NSYNC), Wanya Morris (Boyz II Men), Shawn Stockman (Boyz II Men), Bobby Brown (New Edition), Michael Bivins (New Edition), Joey McIntyre (NKOTB), Erik-Michael Estrada (O-Town), Nick Lachey (98 Degrees), Drew Lachey (98 Degrees), Jeff Timmons (98 Degrees) and Justin Jeffre (98 Degrees), who will rock the holidays with classic tunes and their groups' greatest holiday hits — and some special surprise guests to help celebrate the most wonderful time of the year. "A Very Boy Band Holiday" airs MONDAY, DEC. 6 (8:00-9:00 p.m. EST), on ABC. (ABC/Christopher Willard) WANYA MORRIS, JOEY FATONE In PEOPLE's exclusive clip of ABC's A Very Boy Band Holiday special, *NSYNC's Joey Fatone and Boyz II Men's Wanya Morris kick off the show with a joyful performance of their new original holiday song — and the harmonizing is out of this world. "It's always been so sweet to me to be in such a tight fraternity," Fatone, 44, says. "So tonight in front of this Christmas tree, it's boy band holiday." "Joe, we're the group that does Motown Philly, so should I just leave?" Morris, 48, asks. "We're not a boy band that's insane." "Wan, the word 'boy' is in your name," Fatone responds. "We were boys, now we're men," Morris sings in a way that gives all the feels. After some convincing from Fatone (and *NSYNC's Chris Kirkpatrick as well as 98 Degrees' Drew Lachey), Morris agrees to stick around for the Very Boy Band Holiday! On Nov. 19, ABC announced the special, which will see appearances and performances from members of *NSYNC, New Edition, New Kids On The Block, Boyz II Men, 98 Degrees and O-Town. The show, set to air Dec. 6, will see the likes of Morris, Fatone and *NSYNC's Lance Bass, NKOTB's Joey McIntyre and 98 Degrees' Drew and Nick Lachey as they all "gather for a nostalgic night of merry hits," according to a release from ABC. Other boy band members slated to appear include *NSYNC's Chris Kirkpatrick, Boyz II Men's Shawn Stockman, New Edition's Michael Bivins, O-Town's Erik-Michael Estrada, and 98 Degrees' Jeff Timmons and Justin Jeffre. Several of the musical heartthrobs, beloved by fans since the '90s, appeared on social media on Nov. 19 to share a special message promoting the television event in which the singers complemented each other. Visit the original article here on PEOPLE.com. Author ChristinePosted on December 5, 2021 December 5, 2021 Categories Chris News, Joey News, Lance NewsTags Appearances, Boy Band Holiday, Chris Kirkpatrick, Joey Fatone, Lance Bass Go Behind the Scenes of 'A Very Boy Band Holiday' With Joey Fatone, Drew Lachey and More ET Online has an exclusive look behind the scenes of "A Very Boyband Holiday!" Author ChristinePosted on December 4, 2021 December 4, 2021 Categories Chris News, Group News, Joey News, Lance NewsTags *NSYNC, Chris Kirkpatrick, Interviews, Joey Fatone, Lance Bass 'A Very Boy Band Holiday' Has *NSYNC, New Edition Celebrating Season Not-so-tiny tots with their eyes all aglow will likely be tuning in to ABC's "A Very Boy Band Holiday" special, coming soon to the network. The show will feature appearances by some of the most beloved members of iconic boy bands, including Joey Fatone (*NSYNC), Chris Kirkpatrick (*NSYNC), Lance Bass (*NSYNC), Wanya Morris (Boyz II Men), Shawn Stockman (Boyz II Men), Bobby Brown (New Edition), Michael Bivins (New Edition), Joey McIntyre (NKOTB), Erik-Michael Estrada (O-Town), Nick Lachey (98 Degrees), Drew Lachey (98 Degrees), Jeff Timmons (98 Degrees) and Justin Jeffre (98 Degrees). On tap: classic tunes and their groups' greatest holiday hits, along with some unnamed, but "special" surprise guests. The show airs Monday, Dec. 6 at 8 ET/PT on ABC. The special can also be viewed the next day on demand and on Hulu. The special will also debut a new song titled "A Very Boy Band Holiday," performed by *NSYNC's Joey Fatone and Boyz II Men's Wanya Morris, a special performance of "This One's For The Children" by Joey McIntyre and his son Griffin McIntyre, as well as some of the groups' hits and a mix of classic holiday favorites including "Let It Snow," "This Christmas," "Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays" and more. David Chamberlin, Michael Antinoro, Joe Mulvihill and Chris Wagner serve as executive producers, and Helen Bromfield is co-executive producer. The special is produced by 45 Live. Read more at the source. Author ChristinePosted on November 20, 2021 November 20, 2021 Categories Chris News, Group News, Joey News, Lance NewsTags *NSYNC, Appearances, Chris Kirkpatrick, Joey Fatone, Lance Bass Sneak Peek of "A Very Boyband Holiday" Airing 12/6 on ABC ABC's "A Very Boy Band Holiday" will feature appearances by some of the most beloved members of iconic boy bands, including @realjoeyfatone (@nsync), Chris Kirkpatrick (*NSYNC), @lancebass (*NSYNC), Wanya Morris (@boyziimen), Shawn Stockman (Boyz II Men), Bobby Brown (@newedition), Michael Bivins (New Edition), Joey McIntyre (NKOTB), Erik-Michael Estrada (@otownofficial), Nick Lachey (@98degrees), Drew Lachey (98 Degrees), Jeff Timmons (98 Degrees) and Justin Jeffre (98 Degrees), who will rock the holidays with classic tunes and their groups' greatest holiday hits — and some special surprise guests to help celebrate the most wonderful time of the year. "A Very Boy Band Holiday" airs MONDAY, DEC. 6 (8:00-9:00 p.m. EST), on @abcnetwork. (Photo: ABC/Christopher Willard) Author ChristinePosted on November 19, 2021 November 19, 2021 Categories Chris News, Group News, Joey News, Lance NewsTags Appearances, Chris Kirkpatrick, Joey Fatone, Lance Bass Welcome Violet Betty & Alexander James Turchin-Bass! Lance Bass is a dad times two! The *NSYNC alum and husband Michael Turchin welcomed their first children, twins Violet Betty and Alexander James, via surrogate on Oct. 13, he announced on Instagram Thursday. Violet was born at 17.5 inches long, weighing 4 lbs., 11 oz., while her brother was born at 18.5 inches long, weighing 4 lbs., 14 oz. Alexander was born one minute before his twin sis, at 1:24 p.m. on Wednesday. Bass, 42, shared the exciting news alongside photos of the twins' birth certificates, which included stamps of their tiny footprints. "The baby dragons have arrived!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️" Bass wrote in the caption. "I can not express how much love I feel right now. Thank you for all the kind wishes. It meant a lot. Now, how do you change a diaper??! Ahhhhhhhh!" View the full article on PEOPLE.com here. Author ChristinePosted on October 15, 2021 October 15, 2021 Categories Lance NewsTags *NSYNC babies!, Lance Bass, Lanth Lanth I Love Lanth How Lance Bass Went from *NSYNC to Unicorn Hunters We spent a day with Lance Bass, the former 'N Sync singer. He's now a reality-TV judge, bar owner, and dad-to-be who's developing TV shows and movies. JP Mangalindan 7 hours ago Former 'N Sync member Lance Bass is now a producer and startup investor. This story is available exclusively to Insider subscribers. Become an Insider and start reading now. Author ChristinePosted on September 29, 2021 September 29, 2021 Categories Lance NewsTags Interviews, Lance Bass Lance on the VMA Red Carpet Lance walked the Red Carpet with AJ McLean (BSB) and Nick Lachey (98 Degrees) at the 2021 MTV VMAs. The Trio is presenting best K-Pop video. Author ChristinePosted on September 12, 2021 Categories Lance NewsTags Appearances, Lance Bass, Lanth Lanth I Love Lanth
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaCommonCrawl'}
In Trumbull, as required by Connecticut law, assessments are done based on 70% of the fair market value of all real estate, motor vehicles and business personal property. The revaluation of Trumbull real estate to determine fair market value was completed for the October 1, 2015 Grand List. Our next scheduled Real Property revaluation is for October 1, 2020. Motor vehicle values are annually determined through the use of the NADA Guide and business personal property is valued through the use of annual declarations verified by independent audit. Trumbull's Grand List is comprised of the assessed value of all real estate, motor vehicles and personal property.
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Q: How to pass data between the MainActivity and Intent.ACTION_DELETE in Android Passing data from the MainActivity to a new activity is simple in Android: Intent intent = new Intent(MainActivity.this, SignoutActivity.class); intent.putExtra("extra", "some data"); startActivityForResult(intent); Then you can get some data back to the MainActivity like this: Intent resultIntent = new Intent(); resultIntent.putExtra("key", "String data"); setResult(Activity.RESULT_OK, resultIntent); finish(); This works for a custom activity. But how can I exchange data between the MainActivity and a built-in activity like Intent.ACTION_DELETE?
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaStackExchange'}