stringlengths 24
The cut-off value for determining high and low MVD was performed by the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve analysis. The cut-off value was ≤179.7 microvessel/mm2 (sensitivity 69.0%, specificity 53.0%) (Figure 4). In a Kaplan-Meier survival estimate, the overall survival (OS) rate was significantly higher in the high MVD group of patients than the low MVD group of patients (Figure 5, log-rank test, P = 0.040). |
Health inequality has often been constructed as an issue pertaining to individuals rather than to society and wider contexts with a focus upon managing risks and behaviours rather than on social and structural factors (Blackman et al., 2012). Within organisations, evidence‐based practice and performance assessment narratives can combine and render health inequalities an issue addressed through targeted individual‐based interventions evaluated via measurable outcomes (Blackman et al., 2012). Given this policy, professional, and organisational context, it is perhaps not surprising our review reports few practices directly informed by context. We suggest future studies explore how context led service development takes place. |
Problemebene% n Falscher medikamentöser Applikationsweg2571Fehldosierung1439Medikamentenverwechselung1438Handhabungsfehler (technisch/organisatorisch)1438Falsche Indikationsstellung1335Falsche Medikamentenkonzentration719Fehllage des Analgesieverfahren618Medikamentennebenwirkung39Fehlende/falsche Aufklärung26Lagerung24Paradoxe Medikamentenreaktion12Patientenverwechselung12Sonstige24Mehrfachnennung möglich |
We also observe presence of large numbers of CD8 T cells in infected WT B6 mice on day 12 post-infection when these mice neither show presence of the virus, nor clinical symptoms of morbidity, nor a breach in BBB. It can be argued that in the early stages of infection in WT B6 mice, despite low levels of virus in the brain, peripherally primed T cells, more CD8 than CD4, migrate and help in containing viral replication. In their absence, as in infected TCRβ-null mice, viral load goes up by many logs which possibly leads to a breach in the BBB. High viral load may trigger local production of TNFα and that may be responsible for a breach in BBB in TCRβ-null mice which takes place in the near absence of infiltrating T cells and phagocytes. Further, our observations of minimal damage to the BBB in both TAP1-null and MHCII-null mice day 12 post-infection seem to suggest that the presence of α/β TCR bearing T cells may indeed be providing protection from a breach in BBB, either via help provided by CD4 T cells to produce high titer neutralizing antibodies, or via CD8 T cells to lyse infected target cells, or both. |
The uniqueness of CO compared with other VOs lies in its FA composition. Numerous groups have reported on CO FA composition from different countries (table 4). The FAs found to be present in CO are RA, linoleic acid, oleic acid, stearic acid and linolenic acid. Approximately 84–90% of the FAs is RA and 10–16% consists of the other FAs (table 4) . The FA compositions varied only slightly from different countries. Da Silva et al. also showed the CO composition as 89.5% RA, 3.7% linoleic acid, 3.0% oleic acid, 1.6% palmitic acid, 0.9% stearic acid, 0.6% behenic acid, 0.4% linolenic acid and 0.3% arachinic acid. Table 4.FA composition of CO from different countries.FAPercentageMalaysia Iran Israel Brazil Pakistan ricinoleic84.287.5787.9088.2090.20linoleic7.34.294.954.904.40oleic5.55.164.873.802.80palmitic1.31.321.001.400.70stearic1.20.511.000.90.9linolenic0. |
Ne-am propus să dezvoltăm acest subiect cu implicații sociale și economice importante în condițiile creșterii speranței de viață și deci a segmentului de populație vârstnică și să expunem câteva principii de management în vederea creșterii calității vieții persoanelor cu risc de cădere. |
(A-D) Primary human fetal lung fibroblasts (HFL-1 cells) cultured in monolayer were transfected with miR-503 mimic (Black bar) or control miRNA (White bar) transfection reagent, as described in Materials and Methods. 24hr after transfection, the medium was changed to DMEM containing 0.2% FCS, with or without IL-1ß and TNF-α (1 ng/ml), TGF-ß1 (1 ng/ml), or PGE2 (1 x 10−7 M). (A, B) 3 days after transfection, the culture medium was harvested and assayed for (A) VEGF or (B) IL-8 (with or without IL-1ß and TNF-α) by ELISA. (A) Vertical axis: VEGF release (pg per 105 cells per 2 days). (B) Vertical axis: IL-8 release (pg per 105 cells per 2 days). Horizontal axis: culture condition. (C) 1 day after transfection, RNA was isolated and endogenous miR-503 expression was analyzed in the presence of control miRNA or miR-503 mimic by real-time qPCR. Vertical axis: level of miR503 expression, expressed as fold of 18s-rRNA values. (D) 2 days after transfection, RNA was isolated and assayed for VEGF mRNA by real-time qPCR. Vertical axis: level of VEGF mRNA expression, expressed as fold of 18s-rRNA values. Horizontal axis: culture conditions. *p < 0.05, ***p < 0.001. (E) Diagrams showing luciferase reporter constructs containing UTRs of human VEGF-A gene and miR-503 targeting site, and seed and full sequences of miR-503. (F) HFL-1 cells cultured in monolayer were co-transfected with a VEGF 3’ UTR-LUC construct, control vector, miR-503 mimic, and control miRNA. Cell layers were harvested 48hr after transfection, and luciferase activity was analyzed by dual luciferase assay. Vertical axis: Firefly luciferase activity, normalized to Renilla Luciferase activity expressed as a relative value to control (indicated as an open bar). Horizontal axis: culture conditions. *p < 0.05. The data presented are means ± SE from 3 separate experiments. |
So hat das BfArM beispielsweise bereits 2014 auf seiner Website eine Orientierungshilfe zur Frage veröffentlicht, wann Apps und andere Softwareanwendungen als Medizinprodukte anzusehen sind . Dialogveranstaltungen adressierten den gesamten Weg der Medical App von der Idee über die Einordnung als Medizinprodukt und den entsprechenden Weg in den Markt bis hin zu Fragen der Kostenerstattung [4, 5]. |
The following criteria were then analyzed for validation of the method: inhibitions, linearity, precision, specificity, accuracy, limit of blank (LoB), limit of detection (LoD), and limit of quantification (LoQ), as well as interassay and interoperator precision. The methods concerning the evaluation of inhibitions, precision, and accuracy can be found in supplementary data. |
Based on recent findings using prokaryotes, genes that respond (either by increase or decrease of expression) to environmental stress can be classified mainly into two groups (Mitchell et al., 2009; Levine et al., 2013; Young et al., 2013). The first group consists of genes that exhibit altered expression immediately upon exposure to multiple types of environmental insult. The second group consists of genes that exhibit altered expression profiles only upon exposure to specific types of environmental stress and are generally altered gradually post exposure. Thus, orchestrated changes in the activities of these two types of genes are likely to occur in developing cortices. The following section focuses on the first group of genes that immediately respond to environmental stress and may lead to common endophenotypes (Gluckman and Hanson, 2004), discussing how these genes change the molecular landscape of cortical development and contribute to the pathogenesis elicited by prenatal environmental stress. |
EA325H is the hexane fraction, separated from MeOH extracts of P. alkekengi var. franchetii, and a fraction was subjected to silica gel eluted with hexane–acetone, yielding 3′,7-dimethylquercetin (rhamnazin, Figure 3A,B). The EtOAc fraction, separated by silica gel CC eluted with gradient mixtures of MeOH in CH2Cl2, was subjected to silica gel CC eluted with gradient mixtures of MeOH in CHCl3, yielding physalin B and isophysalin B. As shown in Figure 3A, treatment of RAW 264.7 cells with LPS alone resulted in significant increases in pro-inflammatory cytokines (TNF-α and IL-1β) and mRNA levels as compared to the control group (p < 0.001). The expression of TNF-α in the EA325H 1–100 μg/mL treated group showed significantly decreased as compared to the LPS group (p < 0.001). |
The lead author Kehinde Kazeem Kanmodi affirms that this manuscript is an honest, accurate, and transparent account of the study being reported; that no important aspects of the study have been omitted; and that any discrepancies from the study as planned (and, if relevant, registered) have been explained. |
Changes in collagen gene expression in biopsy specimens representing the mucosa and submucosa tissue layers of the bladder wall are consistent with the increased collagen staining in the intra- and inter-fascicular muscle tissue of IC/BPS patients 15. Histological detection of fibrosis in the bladder wall is associated with increased passive tissue stiffness with stretch, reduced bladder compliance 42, uninhibited detrusor contractions 43, higher urinary frequency, and lower bladder capacity 43. However, decreased bladder capacity 7 is not a specific marker for IC/BPS patients, as both IC/BPS and overactive bladder patients 44 exhibit decreased bladder capacity. Since fibrotic changes in non-Hunner-type IC and Hunner-type IC 15, 33, 34, 45 are significantly associated with the failure of standard treatment and the need for aggressive treatment options of steroids or hydrodistension with deep bladder biopsies, pain clinic, or surgery (e.g. urinary diversion and cystectomy) in extreme cases. Therefore, earlier detection of fibrotic changes can guide the pre-emptive addition of anti-fibrotic therapy for improved treatment outcomes. |
本研究的统计分析发现内分泌ir-AEs的总体发病率较高(9.9%, 95%CI: 7.4%-12.3%),仅次于皮肤ir-AEs,主要包括:甲状腺功能减退、甲状腺功能亢进、垂体炎、肾上腺功能不全等。其中甲状腺功能减退比甲状腺功能亢进更常见。而甲状腺功能亢进几乎在所有病例中都是自发消退的,随后出现甲状腺功能减退对于甲减患者,应监测促甲状腺激素(thyroid stimulating hormone, TSH)、血清游离三碘甲腺原氨酸(fT3)、血清游离甲状腺素(fT4)水平,并及时开始激素替代治疗(如左甲状腺素)。对于内分泌ir-AEs,通常不建议使用糖皮质激素治疗,因为这可能会加重代谢功能障碍。 |
Algunos autores han utilizado otros segmentos corporales para aproximarse a la talla real del anciano con medidas como la 'braza' y la altura de la rodilla hasta el talón 11-13; según los resultados publicados, la altura de la rodilla es el segmento corporal que mejor permite estimar la talla que el adulto mayor tuvo en su juventud 14. |
Orange powder (EtOH/CHCl3), yield (59%), m.p. 281–282 °C, νmax (KBr)/cm−1 3500 (OH), 3320 (2 × NH), 3099 (CH-aromatic), 2954 (CH-aliphatic), 2847, 1677 (C=O), 1616 and 1581 (2 × C=N), 1580, 1498 and 1417 (C=C), 1367, 1285, 1214, 1149, 1101, 1048, 998, 926, 898, 852, 748, 679, 619, 589, 528, 464; 1H-NMR (300 MHz, DMSO-d6) δH: 12.42 (1H, br. s, NHCO), 11.19 (1H, br. s, NH), 9.95 (1H, s, OH), 8.46 (1H, s, CH=N), 7.52 (1H, s, CH-aromatic), 7.36–7.06 (5H, m, 5 × CH-aromatic), 3.91 (3H, s, OCH3); 13C-NMR (150 MHz, DMSO-d6) δC: 156.95 (C=O), 155.33, 151.26 (2 × Cq-O), 149.32, 146.45 (Cq=N and HC=N), 146.33, 145.57, 144.77, 133.24, 129.05, 126.83, 125.87, 124.99, 123.91,121.22, 120.51, 115.44, 110.67, 108.50 (6 × CH-aromatic and 4 × Cq-aromatic), 57.70 (OCH3); MS (EI) m/z (%) [M+ + H] 345.25 (12.07), [M+] 344.11 (100), 331.07 (19.35), 320.99 (12.42), 310.14 (16.72), 300.12 (60.91), 293.48 (5.89), 287.44 (36.10), 286.21 (49.86), 269.45 (29.73), 251.87 (10.11), 241.07 (13.09), 220.30 (9.81), 209.90 (24.46), 200.36 (22.71), 184.03 (17.49), 182.91 (34.84), 173.98 (13.42), 170.95 (11.84), 162.12 (67.28),155.01 (17.23), 143.10 (27.13), 133.14 (60.26), 126.33 (25.77), 125.02 (36.93), 115.97 (12.39), 108.69 (11.87), 96.37 (22.71), 89.13 (21.75), 59.97 (21.43), 42.23 (31.10). Anal. Calcd. for C16H13ClN4O3: C, 55.74, H, 3.80, N, 16.25. Found: C, 55.57, H, 3.69, N, 16.15. |
The sample size was calculated using EPI INFO version 7 statistical software StatCalc program for unmatched case control study design by considering 20% of workers exposed for greater than 5-year work experience in the factory among the control group from the previous study with an assumption of one-to-two case-to-controls ratio, a minimum detectable odds ratio of 2 at 95% confidence interval, and 80% power of the study. Therefore, by considering the assumption, the sample size was determined. One hundred and thirty-seven cases and 274 controls were calculated and 10% none response rate was added for both cases and controls; finally a total of 453 study participants (151 cases and 302 controls) were included in the study. |
Embora as manifestações da COVID-19 sejam leves em crianças, a síndrome inflamatória multissistêmica (SIM) pode ocorrer em 0,6 dos casos. A SIM pediátrica (SIM-P) já foi bem definida pela Organização Mundial da Saúde (OMS) e é caracterizada por hiperinflamação com tempestade de citocinas e níveis elevados de marcadores de lesão do miocárdio, com envolvimento de um ou mais órgãos dos sistemas cardíaco, renal, respiratório, gastrointestinal ou neurológico.1 |
Pharmacists said they would not be prepared to fill and programme the devices due to workload concerns and this view was echoed by many other professionals.We had a lot of concerns over them, because who is responsible for the batteries…Who is going to fill them up? There was all the issues with the pharmacists in the past. (SC04) |
BCL2是位于染色体18q21的一个具有抗细胞凋亡作用的癌基因,广泛表达于未成熟B细胞和记忆B细胞中。在DLBCL中,约有50%的病例存在BCL2的高表达(≥50%+)。BCL2的高表达和过表达对预后的影响目前尚存在争议,但已有研究证实,BCL2强阳性的病例OS和PFS均较差,而且BCL2强阳性是独立于IPI和MYC表达的预后影响因素。在本研究中,BCL2强阳性是DLBCL中的较为显著的预后不良因素,单独或联合其他因素的BCL2强阳性患者均具有最差的OS和PFS。BCL2与MYC蛋白双表达被认为预后较差,但本组中,按照WHO定义的双表达病例与非双表达病例在预后上差异并无统计学意义;但在本研究DEL病例组中,P53阳性与BCL2强阳性联合表达的病例预后明显较差(P=0.014),与文献,结果一致。 |
2. 诊断标准:HGBL的病理形态学及免疫组化是确诊的主要标准,目前根据2016版WHO病理标准诊断。HGBL的病理特征介于DLBCL和BL之间,肿瘤细胞核大,核仁明显,核分裂象易见,有时呈现中等大小或以淋巴母细胞样为主,细胞核呈圆形,染色质分散,细胞核不明显或呈BL样,有时镜下可见星空现象。根据2016版WHO标准,其免疫组织化学(IHC)显示所有细胞均表达CD20,大多数表达Bcl-6,而CD10、Ki-67、MYC的表达呈现多样性,大多数不表达IRF4及MUM1。因其组织形态学及免疫表型较为多样,病理诊断难度大,多数情况下需要排除其他B细胞淋巴瘤而确诊。HGBL可分两种类型:①HGBL伴MYC和BCL-2和(或)BCL-6重排,包括所有伴随MYC和BCL-2和(或)BCL-6重排的B细胞淋巴瘤(除外一些罕见的滤泡性淋巴瘤和B细胞淋巴母细胞白血病/淋巴瘤),也称为双打击或三打击淋巴瘤;②HGBL NOS,包括介于DLBCL和BL之间或表现为淋巴母细胞样形态,但不伴MYC基因和BCL-2基因或MYC基因和BCL-6基因的合并易位。 |
The mouse tumor cell line, OC-033, was developed by Sabbir et al. as previously described (Sabbir et al., 2016). This cell line was used because it is easy to achieve high (≥80%) transfection efficiency using cationic lipids, such as lipofectamine reagent (catalog number: L3000001, ThermoFisher) and it does not express endogenous Chrm1 (Sabbir and Fernyhough, 2018). The cells were cultivated in Dulbecco’s modified Eagle’s medium (DMEM) supplemented with 10% heat-inactivated FBS and 1X antibiotic antimycotic solution (A5955, Sigma). The full-length rat Chrm1 was cloned in the pEGFP-C1 vector (Clontech, now Takara Bio United States, Inc., Mountain View, CA) as described previously (Sabbir et al., 2018). |
AD clinically manifests as the evolution from an initial acute phase, characterized by pruritus and erythemato-vesicles/papules, to a chronic phase, during which skin appears more lichenified as a consequence of tissue remodeling and dermal fibrosis due to inflammation and scratching of the skin . Acute and chronic lesions are often found in the same individual, often overlap, and clinically are sometimes difficult to distinguish . Rarely, a simultaneous occurrence of psoriasis and AD may be observed in the same patient, making the differential diagnosis even more complex . |
The COVID Patient Detection System (CPDS) used by Shaban et al. (28) was designed using a Hybrid Feature Selection Method (HFSM) consisting of two stages, a fast selection stage (FS2) and an accurate selection stage (AS2). The FS2 used several filter methods, and the filtered features served as the initial population of the genetic algorithm, which was used as a wrapper method. An enhanced K-nearest neighbor (EKNN) classifier was used to solve the trapping problem. The most significant features from the chest CT images of patients were selected. The HFSM allowed the EKNN classifier to obtain rapid predictions with high accuracy. The proposed feature selection algorithm was compared with four recent feature selection techniques, and the proposed CPDS had achieved an accuracy of 96%. |
The role of the membrane is to prevent fibroblast invasion and aid bone formation. In this study, the PCL/β-TCP membrane acted as a barrier and, simultaneously, β-TCP releases Ca2+ to aid bone formation. As a role to enhance bone regeneration, preosteoblast cell adhesion and differentiation were evaluated. If the surrounding tissues are not adhered to the membrane at the time of insertion, the body can represent a foreign body reaction. Therefore, it is important to determine the relationship with the surrounding tissue. This in vitro testing using NIH3T3 cells (mouse fibroblasts) and MC3T3-E1 cells (mouse preosteoblasts) showed that PCL and PCL/β-TCP membranes were comparable to collagen membranes in terms of cell proliferation and osteogenic differentiation (Figure 2 and Figure 3). PCL/β-TCP membranes had excellent cell affinity and mechanical properties and were flexibility enough to manage irregular bone defects. |
Pierwsze z badań (2013) wykazało przychylne nastawienie do szczepień ochronnych dzieci u 79% badanych, przy istniejącym przekonaniu, że dzięki szczepieniom nie występuje wiele groźnych chorób (82%) i że ta forma profilaktyki jest najskuteczniejszą z form ochronnych dzieci przed chorobami (79%). Jednocześnie 40% ankietowanych uważa, że promocja szczepień nie wynika z rzeczywistej potrzeby, lecz jest związana z interesem koncernów farmaceutycznych, a 39% badanych nie zgadza się z tym poglądem. 73% badanych uważała, że część szczepień powinna być obowiązkowa, a 23% stało na stanowisku, że powinna obowiązywać całkowita dobrowolność szczepień . |
This report has several limitations, particularly the potential for false positives and cross-reactivity, as well as the inability to determine whether fungal infections, when present, were the cause of the patient’s symptoms. In addition, the study only included a single medical institution in Houston, Texas, which limits the generalizability of the results. We also could not evaluate immune conversion because we did not have access to paired specimens, resulting in lower specificity. |
Из анамнеза известно, что пациентка считает себя больной с 2018 г., когда начали беспокоить нарушение менструального цикла, повышенная потливость и угревая сыпь. Тогда же пациентка обратилась к гинекологу, был назначен комбинированный гормональный контрацептивный препарат, содержащий дроспиренон 30 мг+ этинилэстрадиол 0,02 мг + кальция левомефолат 0,451 мг, на фоне приема которого отмечена нормализация цикла, однако при отмене препарата регулярность менструаций вновь нарушилась. |
The ability of these peptides to attenuate the cytoxicity of PlcHR was also evaluated. Similar effects of these peptides were seen (Table 3). The RGD containing peptide (GRGDS) at approximately a 50-fold molar excess of peptide to PlcHR significantly dampened the lethal impact of PlcHR, while the scrambled peptide (GDGRS) at the same concentration demonstrated no significant effect on PlcHR toxicity in this assay. |
MOF‐polymer nanofibers for water treatment. a) Pb(II) uptake capacity of MOF‐PVA composite nanofibers. b) The comparison of maximum Pb(II) uptake capacities of different filter materials. Reproduced with permission.109 Copyright 2016, Springer. c) Adsorption of U(VI) ions on ZIF‐8 particles in ZIF‐8/PAN filters and d) the U(VI) removal rate for different filter materials. Reproduced with permission.110 Copyright 2018, American Chemical Society. e) Fabrication of PAN@ZIF‐8 membranes and the selective separation of oil/water mixtures and emulsions. Reproduced with permission.116 Copyright 2017, Elsevier. |
Aspergillus is one of the largest and most intensively investigated taxons of fungi. There are more than 180 species in this genus, including A. fumigatus, A. flavus, A. niger, and A. terreus . Aspergillus fumigatus, a ubiquitous fungus, is widely distributed almost everywhere, ranging from the air to soil and even the International Space Station . It plays an essential ecological role as a decomposer, recycling carbon and nitrogen sources , and a biological role by producing a broad array of secondary metabolites . In total, A. fumigatus has demonstrated the potential to produce at least 226 bioactive molecules , and of these, 36 chemical structures have been putatively linked to biosynthetic gene clusters (BGCs) in the A. fumigatus genome . A single BGC has the potential to produce structurally and functionally diverse bioactive compounds . For example, the production of ferroverdins and bagremycins, two classes of metabolites with distinct bioactivities, comes from the same BGC. It has been observed that the activation of this biosynthetic pathway is determined by the availability of iron . This is an example of how BGCs can form “superclusters” that function to biosynthesize two or more similar molecules . Thus, it provides an opportunity to explore the chemical space of A. fumigatus. |
Apenas 24,5% (n = 49) dos participantes com hipercolesterolemia já tinham ouvido falar em HF e, desses, 29 (59%) foram previamente identificados com suspeita de HF por um profissional de saúde. A média de idade (DP) ao diagnóstico de suspeita de HF foi 35±12 anos. A Figura 2 mostra a distribuição de idade ao diagnóstico de HF; 79% e 31% foram diagnosticados após os 30 e 40 anos, respectivamente. O diagnóstico genético foi realizado em apenas 5 (17,2%) dos indivíduos com suspeita de HF, e apenas 2 (4%) já tinham ouvido falar em xantomas. É importante ressaltar que, embora 27 (93%) indivíduos com suspeita de HF tenham relatado ter sido informados de que outros familiares poderiam ter essa doença, apenas 5 (17%) lembravam de seus parentes terem sido chamados para verificação do nível de colesterol no sangue. O tratamento foi iniciado, em média, após os 35 anos ( Tabela 1 , e 17% (n = 5) dos indivíduos com suspeita de HF não faziam uso de terapia hipolipemiante farmacológica. |
The whole locus was extracted, i.e., the sequence from the start of cas1 until the end of csy4. Nucleotide sequences from the resulting 19 strains were aligned using clustalw into an alignment of 8555 sites that is subsequently used for phylogeny estimation with iqpnni . |
Unigrams and bigrams of dependency relations along these shortest paths are also included. In the example shown in Fig. 5, the unigrams are nsubj, nmod, and conj, with nsubj appearing twice. These were vectorized by count instead of TF-IDF. Since most dependency relations appear in a large majority of abstracts, the TF-IDF of almost all dependency relation terms is equal to or very near zero. |
About 74.1 % of SNPs from the validation panel were A ↔ G and C ↔ T transitions representing 28.2 % and 45.9 of the total SNPs, respectively (Table 4). For both true and synonymous SNPs, observed transition over transversion (Ts/Tv) ratios were (3.48) and (4.07), respectively. In addition, the Ts/Tv ratio was found to be higher in synonymous (4.07) than in non-synonymous SNPs (1.15). |
The probability \documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document}$$P = P(X, s, t)$$\end{document}P=P(X,s,t) of having X molecules of inactive protein and s molecules of active protein (cf. Table 1) at time t satisfies the chemical master equation (CME)2\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document}$$\begin{aligned} \varepsilon \frac{\partial P}{\partial t} = f_s \left( \sum _{j=0}^\infty b_j {\mathbb {E}}^{-j}_{X} -1 \right) P + \varepsilon \left( {{\mathbb {E}}}_X {{\mathbb {E}}}^{-1}_s - 1\right) X P + \left( {\mathbb {E}}_s - 1\right) s P, \end{aligned}$$\end{document}ε∂P∂t=fs∑j=0∞bjEX-j-1P+εEXEs-1-1XP+Es-1sP,in which \documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document}$${\mathbb {E}}_X$$\end{document}EX and \documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document}$${\mathbb {E}}_s$$\end{document}Es denote the van Kampen step operators (van Kampen 2006) in variables X and s, and \documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document}$${\mathbb {E}}_X^{-1}$$\end{document}EX-1 and \documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document}$${\mathbb {E}}_s^{-1}$$\end{document}Es-1 are their formal inverses. |
Die vorliegenden Ergebnisse zeigten Unterschiede bei der Nutzung von Technologien in Veranstaltungen gegenüber der Befragung für den Monitor Digitale Bildung aus dem Jahr 2017 . In beiden Erhebungen wurde die Verwendung von Präsentationstools in Lehrveranstaltungen von 92 % der Teilnehmenden angegeben. |
Significant cell death of eIF2αS51A myoblasts. Mutated eIF2αS51A and wild type fibroblasts were infected with viruses encoding the MyoD:ER protein. Cell lines were grown in DM for the indicated time periods. Cells were fixed and DNA was labeled with propidium iodide, and cells were FACS analyzed. DNA content was quantified using ModFit software (Becton Dickinson). |
CR1 is a cell-associated regulatory protein, which binds C3b (and more weakly to C4b and C1q). In humans, CR1 on red blood cells plays a major role in the clearance of C3b-opsonized immune complexes via the mechanism called “immune adherence.” Activation of the classical cascade results in C3b bound to immune complexes (IC-C3b) via its thioester bond. IC-C3b binds to erythrocyte CR1 which then transports the immune complexes to the liver and spleen for degradation and clearance . Activation of either the classical or alternative pathway by fAβ results in the covalent association of C3b with the amyloid fibers, as discussed above. In GWAS studies, polymorphisms in CR1 have been repeatedly associated with AD risk. Keenan and colleagues identified a SNP that is within the coding region of CR1 resulting in an amino acid change (S1610T) within the protein domain that has been attributed to C1q binding . However, that SNP cosegregates with another polymorphism that decreases CR1 density on red blood cells [185, 186] and thus may result in less efficient clearance of complement-opsonized Aß from blood. Thus, the possibility that red blood cell CR1 could be involved in clearing peripheral Aß was initially tested in a study of 36 individuals. AD patients had significantly lower levels of C3b-opsonized Aβ bound to their erythrocytes than age-matched controls or mild cognitively impaired individuals consistent with a defect in peripheral amyloid clearance mechanisms . Additional studies by Rogers and colleagues demonstrated that red blood cells from AD patients had less associated Aß compared with cognitively normal individuals and that Aß and red cells were colocalized with liver Kupffer cells [188–190] as would be expected if CR1 played a role in Aß clearance from blood and thus contributed to a peripheral sink for Aß . Taylor and colleagues propose an interesting testable therapeutic strategy consisting of anti CR1 and anti Aß bispecific antibodies that would promote Aß clearance from the blood and thus enhance the peripheral sink to reduce Aß load in the brain . While CR1 and CR2 are coded for by distinct genes in humans, mice express CR1 and CR2 proteins that result from differential splicing of a single Cr2 gene. Crry, a closely related gene, functions similarly to CR1 in the regulation of C3b amplification, but is structurally very different (reviewed in ). In addition, CR1/Crry in the mouse is not expressed on erythrocytes as in humans, making mouse models of the role of red blood cell CR1 in AD more challenging. However, a transgenic mouse expressing CR1 in mouse erythrocytes exists, and a new model with a human CR1/CR2 knock in created by the MODEL-AD consortium may eventually enable a better understanding of the role of this regulatory protein in protection from Alzheimer’s disease. |
In this paper a sequence of classical reactions is adopted for the first time as the operating strategy, constructively adapted to obtain a new product range of nonionic soaps based on alkaline and/or ethanolammonium β-nonylphenolpolyethyleneoxy (n = 3-20) propionates. In this scheme, cyanoethylation of the hydroxyl functional group substitutes the oxidation reaction and/or the reaction with sodium monochloroacetate with the following major benefits: eliminates the byproducts difficult to monitor as diversity and share of the oxidation products (radical reactions); eliminates the increased corrosion of industrial installations due to hydrochloric acid (reaction with sodium monochloroacetate). In the proposed draft version the accidental formation of oligomers of the acrylic monomer under alkaline catalysis is inhibited, through the action of FeSO4 (Fe2+) associated with the other working parameters, and practically quantitative yields of nucleophilic addition are ensured. |
The CPP apparatus used was a Habitest three-chamber model (Coulbourn Instruments; Allentown, PA, USA), as previously described (49). The present study used 1″ black and white stripes on two opposite walls in the left compartment, which contained crisscrossed half-inch metal flooring, whereas the right compartment consisted of perforated stainless-steel flooring with round holes on staggered centers, and 1″ black and white checkering on two opposite walls. |
Currently available biomarkers allow one to dichotomize individuals to either T2-high or non-T2-high groups, thus establishing criteria for therapy selection in routine practice. Of note, some biomarkers may offer highest yields when applied in the background of certain clinical characteristics (e.g., more reversible airway disease, age at disease onset). Therefore, a combination of different biomarkers, or a biomarker panel, may be more suitable than one to refine selection of biological therapies. Exhaled NO, blood eosinophils, serum IgE, and periostin are well-studied and established biomarkers for T2-high asthma endotype . |
There were two sessions for measuring odor identification and odor evaluation: the olfactory measurement session and the fNIRS measurement session (see Figure 1). Both rose and mint odors were presented to the participants once in each session, and the sequence of the two odors in each session was randomized among participants. In the olfactory measurement session, an odor stimulus at an intensity of 120 NSE was presented to a participant for an ET of 200 ms. Subsequently, the participant was asked to verbally answer what kind of odor he/she smelt (odor identification) and how pleasant they thought the smell was (odor evaluation) if he/she had perceived it. For the odor identification test, we used a free identification paradigm in which no odor descriptor was provided to the participants. The participants got 3 points if they explicitly named the odor (i.e., rose or mint). They got 2 points if they answered flower or herb. They got 1 point if they generalized the odor as sweet or cooling. Otherwise, they got 0 points. For odor evaluation, the participants were asked to verbally rate the pleasantness of the odor from 1 (very pleasant) to 5 (very unpleasant) for each trial. The details of the odor identification and odor evaluation tests in the fNIRS measurement session are provided in the following subsection. |
The difference in substrate preference was mainly attributed to the difference in the amino acid sequence of respective CBPs. The only available three-dimensional structure of close to Sp CBPs was Sm CBP21, which binds exclusively to β-chitin . The combination of sequence and structural information with the results of site-directed mutagenesis showed that the surface of family 33 CBPs contains a patch of highly conserved, mostly polar residues (Tyr54, Glu55, Glu60, His114, Asp182, and Asn185), important for binding to chitin, and also for a positive effect on the efficiency of chitinase . LlCBP33A which binds equally to α- and β-chitin had two substitutions in the conserved surface patch. Both these residues were known to be important for Sm CBP21 functionality . Ser63 occurs at a position at which Sm CBP21 had a tyrosine (Tyr54), and other family 33 CBPs have tryptophan e.g. Trp57 in CHB1 from St. olivaceoviridis, which has been shown to be important for the ability of CHB1 to bind α-chitin . Asn64 occurs instead of a Glu55 of Sm CBP21. The closest homologue of LlCBP33A is ChbB from B. amyloliquefaciens (66% sequence identity), which binds both α- and β-chitin . ChbB differs from Sm CBP21 in the same two positions as LlCBP33A: Tyr54 is replaced by Asp62, and Glu55 is replaced by Asn63. |
In recent years, the pre-pregnancy BMI of women of childbearing ages has shown an upward trend in developed countries . The Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System (PRAMS) revealed that obesity prior to conception was as high as 22%, an increase of 69.3% compared with 10 years ago in the United States . In China, the 2002 national nutrition survey revealed that being overweight (a BMI ≥ 24 kg/m2) and obese (a BMI ≥ 28 kg/m2) for women aged 18–44 reached 21.8 and 6.1%, respectively , and that there was an increasing trend particularly in women of childbearing age . |
The 12-month GRFS rate was 56.5% with TCD-haplo + ATIR101, 20% with TCD-haplo alone, 40.6% with MUD, 27.0% with MMUD, and 22.7% with UCB (Table 3). The improvement in estimated GRFS with TCD-haplo + ATIR101 was significant compared with MMUD (HR: 2.60; 95% CI: 1.24–5.47; P = 0.026) and UCB (HR: 3.39; 95% CI: 1.50–7.67; P = 0.004; Fig. 4b). Finally, estimated GRFS was not statistically significantly different between TCD-haplo + ATIR101 and MUD (HR: 1.62; 95% CI: 0.76–3.34; P = 1.000). The 2-year GRFS rate was 39.1% with TCD-haplo + ATIR101 (Fig. 3g). Data were similar for the ATIR101 study ITT population (Supplementary Table 1; Supplementary Figs. 2 and 5). |
The expression levels of PD-L1 on ICs analyzed by the 73–10, SP142, and E1L3N assays are illustrated in Fig 4. Higher PD-L1 expression was noted using the 73–10 assay compared to using the SP142 assay (median [range], 8% [0–80%] (73–10 assay) vs. 1% [0–50%] (SP142 assay), p < 0.001). Fifty patients (80.6%) were positive for PD-L1 expression on their ICs using either the 73–10 or the SP142 assay, and the remaining 12 patients (19.4%) tested negative for PD-L1 based on the results of the both primary assays (Table 2A). The concordance rate between the 73–10 and SP142 assays was 85.5%, and Cohen’s kappa coefficient was 0.634 (substantial agreement, p < 0.001). Higher PD-L1 expression was also noted using the 73–10 assay than the E1L3N assay (median [range], 8% [0%–80%] (73–10 assay) vs. 0% [0%–40%] (E1L3N assay), p < 0.001). Forty-eight patients (79.0%) tested positive for PD-L1 expression on their ICs as determined using either the 73–10 or the E1L3N assay, and the remaining 13 (21.0%) patients tested negative according to the results of both the assays (Table 2B); the concordance rate was 67.7%, and Cohen’s kappa coefficient was 0.378 (fair agreement, p < 0.001). Higher PD-L1 expression was also noted using the SP142 assay compared to the E1L3N assay (median [range], 1% [0%–50%] (SP142 assay) vs. 0% (0%] (E1L3N assay), p = 0.002). Forty-two patients (67.7%) were positive for PD-L1 expression on their ICs using either the SP142 or the E1L3N assay, and the remaining 20 (32.3%) patients were negative according to both the assays (Table 2C); the concordance rate was 79.0%, and Cohen’s kappa coefficient was 0.590 (moderate agreement, p < 0.001). |
The outcome indicators were related to oocyte and embryo quality, including percentage rates for MII oocyte, normal fertilization, two pronuclei (2PN), available embryo, degenerated (atretic) oocyte, germinal vesicle (GV) oocyte, meiosis I (MI) oocyte, abnormal oocyte, and unavailable oocyte. |
Given the importance of heart rate in the physiology and duration of a dive, and as a contribution to the history of physio-logging in the inauguration of Physio-logging in Frontiers, the editors have asked me to review my experience in the development of an electrocardiogram (ECG) logger. To convey the advances over the past 40 years to readers, I begin with the state of heart rate records in free-diving animals in the late 1970s. I then progress through the use of various types of recorders during my collaborations with Dr. Jerry Kooyman in the 1980s and 1990s to the eventual development in the early 2000s of an ECG logger that is still in use today. I conclude with the application of that logger to the largest avian and mammalian divers, the emperor penguin and the blue whale. |
Several investigators have studied the persistence of horizontal fecal shedding of Salmonella Enteritidis in experimentally infected laying hens housed on different commercial conditions (50, 51). However, these studies are still limited to reflect the complexity of the environmental conditions that Salmonella is exposed to during transmission in a poultry farm. The other weakness of culture method approaches is that the isolated strains may be from environment rather than the strain externally introduced as a part of an experimental infection, thus handicapping the ability to differentiate the corresponding strain. Even though the strain might be confirmed as an experimental strain by further characterization, the result can only indicate the presence of the strain and reliable quantification is not possible. |
The small intestine was perfused with blood and fixed, and its upper and lower aspects were imaged using a stereomicroscopy system (MVX10 and cellSens Dimension, Olympus, Tokyo, Japan). Blood-perfused vessels in the images were traced, and their lengths relative to the area of the small intestine were quantified using the AngioTool software (National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD, USA). The surface area of the small intestine preparation was quantified using ImageJ 1.51j8 (National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD, USA). The tissue distribution of the perfused blood was analyzed separately for the upper and lower surfaces of the small intestine by calculation of the ratio of vascular length-to-surface area. |
Material și metode: Studiul a fost de tip prospectiv și s-a desfășurat pe o perioadă de un an (ianuarie - decembrie 2016). Au fost incluși în studiu un număr de 485 de pacienți, cu vârste cuprinse între 60 și 75 de ani, diagnosticați cu osteoartrită cu diferite sedii. Evaluarea pacienților a fost realizată prin mijloace clinice și paraclinice (analize de laborator, tehnici imagistice-Rx, CT, IRM, electrocardiogramă, Holter ECG pentru 24 sau 48 de ore, ecocardiografie), consult cardiologic. |
Otyłość jest też opisywana jako cecha w innych zespołach mikrodelecyjnych, w tym 2p25, 2q37, 3pter, 7q22.1, 9q34, 10p15.3, 14q11.2, 14q12, 10q22, Xq27, a także z zespołach mikroduplikacji 6q21-22, 6q27, 14q11.2 i Xq21 . W tabeli II przedstawiono częściej występujące zespoły otyłości syndromicznej uwarunkowane monogenowo oraz obecnością defektów na poziomie chromosomowym. |
The univariate and multivariate Cox regression models were used to evaluate the risk of death from RSV infection compared to that of seasonal influenza. The pneumonia severity index (PSI) score and resident of long-term care facilities were excluded from the final model due to multicollinearity with age. The multicollinearity between adjusting variables was checked by the variance inflation factor (VIF) and the tolerance statistic . The largest VIF was 2.05 for PSI score and average VIF was 1.28. The smallest tolerance was 0.48 for PSI score. However, more detailed collinearity diagnostics indicated collinearity between age and PSI score. And when age and resident of long-term care facilities were entered simultaneously into the model, the hazard ratio for age changed its polarity. We analyzed survival curves for case and control subjects by the Kaplan–Meier method and compared them using the log-rank test. We assessed the assumption of proportional hazards with graphical and goodness-of-fit (GOF) approaches . We considered ties when using Cox proportional hazards with the Breslow method . Adjustments were made for sex, age, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, body temperature > 37.5 °C, pneumonia, hypoxemia and bacterial superinfection. Selection of covariates for the model building was based on clinical relevance and availability. The candidate variables for adjusting were sex, age, resident of long-term care facilities, COPD, high body temperature, pneumonia, bacterial superinfection, hypoxemia, and PSI score. All statistical analyses were performed using IBM SPSS V.21.0 (SPSS Version 23 for Microsoft Windows, IBM, Armonk, NY). |
Phylogeographic analysis (online Technical Appendix) identified multiple introductions of influenza A(H9N2) virus into North Africa from the Middle East and Pakistan. The H9N2 subtype virus identified in Burkina Faso seems to have originated from Morocco, although we cannot rule out the possibility that H9N2 subtype viruses were circulating in unsampled locations (Technical Appendix Figure 2 and Video). |
The conceptual framework within which Bacon worked is relatively easy to establish and of importance to our argument. It is significant that, like many other great artists, he destroyed many of his paintings, claiming that he had usually destroyed the better ones (Sylvester, 1963). He was always trying, he said, to paint the one perfect image which, he claimed, he had never succeeded in achieving. Thus, by his own account, all these paintings were a journey toward the representation, in a single perfect image that was never achieved, of a concept in his mind. He claimed to have had a concept in mind before starting work on a painting but that, once he started, the painting changed unpredictably and by accidents, but accidents “out of which [the artist] chooses the marks which he wants to leave” (Jebb, 1965) (that is, those marks that correspond best to his concept), which for him were “forms that relate to the human image but are a complete distortion of it” for only then could one get “to the reality behind the image” (Sylvester, 1963). From those “accidents” he thus chose what came closest to representing his concept. |
Box and whisker plots of the viral concentration distribution of samples with RIDT/MNCP positive results and RIDT negative and MNCP/rRT-PCR positive results determined by rRT-PCR (log 10 copies/ml). a Influenza A virus. b Influenza B virus. The box showed the median (thick line and number) and interquartile range (box length). The whiskers represented 1.5 times interquartile ranges or the highest/lowest points). MNCP: micro/nanofluidic chip platform; RIDT: rapid influenza diagnostic test; rRT-PCR: real-time reverse transcription PCR |
Children with SB need specialists who can address problems related to hydrocephalus, neurogenic bowel and bladder, mobility, learning disabilities and functional limitations. They also require generalists who can help educate caregivers and address health promotion issues, including nutrition and exercise. Thus, a multidisciplinary team comprising neurosurgeons, neurologists, orthopaedic surgeons, urologists, physiotherapists, paediatricians, neuro-nurses, rehabilitation specialists, psychologists and social workers is what is recommended for the management of children with SB (Mitchell et al. 2004). Consequently, the delivery of this complex care requires an integrated system that aligns and informs all parties involved (Adzick et al. 2011; Liptak & El Samra 2010). |
Wanneer gewenst of noodzakelijk – zoals bij het opzetten van de Openbare geestelijke gezondheidszorg (OGGZ)-monitor – wordt samengewerkt met andere afdelingen van het RIVM (zoals de afdeling Volksgezondheid en Zorg), kennisinstituten (zoals het Trimbos-instituut of Pharos) of andere onderzoeksgroepen (zoals biobank Lifelines). Ook wordt samenwerking gezocht met partijen die relevante doelgroepen volgen, bijvoorbeeld organisaties die betrokken zijn bij de hulpverlening aan OGGZ-doelgroepen. |
Gene ontology (GO) and RNA velocity analysis reveals upregulated biological processes and predict future transcriptional cell states. (A) Upregulated processes in all 13,320 putative tectal cells. Whole dataset GO analysis was performed on all significant (p < 0.05) differentially expressed genes (see also Supplementary Table 2). Processes of note include regulation of axon guidance, positive regulation of synapse assembly, glutamine transport, and oligodendrocyte development, suggesting the presence of immature/mature neuronal populations and glial cells (see also Supplementary Tables 3, 6). (B) Cluster analysis of glial markers identifies OT21/OT23 as oligodendrocytes; radial glial markers are found in various populations including OT6 and OT10; OT24 is likely microglial (see also Supplementary Table 5). (C) Cluster analysis of manually curated neuronal markers shows several mature populations including OT8 and OT9 (see also Supplementary Table 4). (D) RNA velocity with original UMAP cluster embeddings. Shorter arrows or dots connote more mature cells. Arrows are vectors where direction indicates the predicted transcriptional state and magnitude indicates the degree of differentiation. BAM files from two temporal replicates were used to generate a matrix containing spliced:unspliced count ratios for each gene, where higher spliced counts indicate a more processed form of the gene and lower spliced counts indicate newly “born” genes. |
As service providers, private entities deliver health care services in areas throughout LMICs, including in remote, rural areas, where public sector services are limited in access and quality . By working formally through public-private partnership models, governments and private entities can harness the benefits of both private and public sector service delivery. In doing so, governments can maintain strategic focus on core competencies of regulating and performance monitoring to ensure quality and equitable access. |
En varios estudios en el mundo se han empleado los análisis geoestadísticos para contrastar las concentraciones anuales de contaminantes en países desarrollados y en desarrollo. En el 2014, la OMS elaboró un mapa global de la exposición a PM2,5 utilizando los datos de las redes de monitoreo de calidad del aire de las regiones de África, Latinoamérica, América, el Mediterráneo oriental, Europa, sudoeste de Asia y Pacífico occidental, y encontró que más del 92 % de la población mundial está expuesta a niveles de PM25 superiores a los valores de las guías 38. En Taiwán se registraron concentraciones de PM25 que superan los niveles de la OMS, especialmente en las franjas horarias de las 8:00 a las 9:00 h y de las 14:00 a las 15:00 h, es decir, las de mayor tráfico vehicular 39. En Cusco (Perú) se han medido altas concentraciones en las horas de la mañana, con valores máximos de 35,4 µg/m3 en el 2010 40, y en ciudades de Italia como Milán, Roma y Génova, muy pobladas y con una gran actividad industrial, también se han registrado altos niveles de PM2541. Esto es similar a lo encontrado en el presente estudio, respaldado por los registros horarios de la Red de Monitoreo de Calidad del Aire de Bogotá, y ratifica la problemática mundial de la contaminación del aire que afecta a los países latinoamericanos como Colombia. |
In the present study, response ratios of nonresponsive neurons to the MSG solution were decreased in SVX rats (Table4), and the response latencies, duration, and magnitudes were altered in SVX rats (Table5). Specifically, the duration of inhibitory responses to the NaCl solution were shorter, and the response magnitudes of the inhibitory responses to the NaCl solution were smaller (less negative) in the amygdala and LH of SVX rats (Table5). These data suggest that inhibitory responsive neurons received information regarding the NaCl solution from the vagus nerve. It has been reported that vagotomy can suppress water drinking in response to gastric NaCl infusion, suggesting that the vagus nerve sends information about gastric NaCl load to the brain to induce water drinking (see a review by Rowland [Rowland 2004]). These inhibitory responsive neurons may be partly involved in this phenomenon. Gastric vagal afferents, which sense dietary sodium, may inhibit a specific set of neurons (“HSD2 neurons”) involved in sodium intake in the nucleus tractus solitaries (NTS) (Shin and Loewy 2009b; Shin et al. 2009a). These results suggest that the amygdalar and LH inhibitory responsive neurons, which may receive vagal information through the NTS, could induce water drinking and inhibit sodium intake. Taken together, these findings indicate a significant contribution of the vagus nerve to amygdalar and LH neural responses for postingestive consequences. Further studies are required to confirm these hypotheses; to identify afferent inputs to the amygdala and LH from NTS, recording of amygdalar and LH neurons after NTS lesions under stimulation of the vagus nerve would be required; to investigate a role of HSD2 neurons in water drinking, recording of HSD2 neurons during infusion of MSG and NaCl solutions with concomitant measurements of fluid intake would be required. |
Many data highlight the link between SOD1 and metabolism. Recent results demonstrated that reversible phosphorylation of SOD1 by mTORC1 inhibits superoxide dismutase activity of SOD1 enabling nutrient signaling to directly control the level of superoxide radicals. Other metabolic effects of SOD1 are respiration repression which could contribute together with dismutase activity to the antioxidant and pro-survival effects of SOD1. Further notable evidence of the link between SOD1 and metabolism emerge from the mutant SOD1-linked ALS where hypermetabolism, weight loss and body fat loss are hallmarks of the disease. |
Since the divergence of the J. regia and J. microcarpa lineages 8 MYA, 28.7% of singletons were lost from the subdominant chromosomes in J. microcarpa but only 14.9% from the corresponding intervals in the dominant homoeologues (p = 0.002, two-tailed paired t-test). Thus, the factor that caused the asymmetry in fractionation has persisted in the subgenomes since their origin to the recent past. In 22 RNAseq datasets (Table S20), genes on the dominant chromosomes were on average transcribed significantly more than their paralogues on the subdominant chromosomes (paired t-test, p < 1.0 × 10–8) (Fig. 3c and S12, File S2). |
In this case, the primary tumor and metastatic brain tumor were temporarily reduced by an ALK inhibitor, but leptomeningeal carcinomatosis developed only 3 months after initiation of treatment. At necropsy of the site exhibiting leptomeningeal carcinomatosis, the ratio of the squamous cell carcinoma component to the adenocarcinoma component was higher than that in the primary tumor of the left lung. |
Figure 8 shows the performance of the KF approach in 450 sets of real-time measurements. It is observed that the fused SC value xk by the KF approach is flatter than the two individual fused measurements. Specially, these original measurements contain more unreasonable values of sudden change no matter which the direct and indirect measurements are taken. |
Plastic waste is a key global environmental concern with annual plastic consumption currently at over 300 million tons, which is expected to double in the next 20 years (24). High volumes of online food delivery consumption exacerbates plastic waste and adds to the increasing contamination of natural environments such as the ocean, freshwater systems, and terrestrial areas (25). Subsequently, OFDS may have a huge climate cost and are another impediment to SDG 13: “Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts”. |
These findings may suggest that the more extreme versions of psychological disorders are not conducive to being engaged in creative professions. Milder versions, however, such as subclinical mania/depression, schizotypy, or Asperger's syndrome (possibly in combination with protective factors such as working memory, motivation, and grit (Duckworth et al., 2007), as well as other personality and environmental factors), may facilitate creative thinking without causing difficulties when engaged in the professional world. It has even been postulated that certain psychopathologies remain in the population precisely because they provide benefits of creativity to people with milder versions of the disorders, and their relatives (O'Reilly et al., 2001; Nettle, 2006). In support, psychologically healthy biological relatives of people with schizophrenia are more likely to participate in creative jobs and hobbies and tend to show higher levels of schizotypal personality traits compared to the general population (Kinney et al., 2001). |
Bisherige Inhaltsanalysen zu Diabetes mellitus und Depression stammen mehrheitlich nicht aus Deutschland und sind (aufgrund unterschiedlicher Gesundheitssysteme und Gesundheitskonzepte) daher nur bedingt geeignet, um Aussagen über die deutsche Berichterstattung abzuleiten. |
The overall size of spat transferred to Site B (1.19 ± 0.2 cm) was significantly lower than spat from Site C (1.4 ± 0.3 cm) and spat that remained at Site A (1.5 ± 0.5 cm). Prevalence of infection reached 70% at Site B (Figure 4A) and 100% at Site C (Figure 4B), whereas OsHV-1 was not detected in spat from Site A. No abnormal mortality was observed at Site A. |
Co-expression correlations of differentially expressed lncRNA and differentially expressed mRNA from each comparison were performed according to the fragments per kilobase per million reads (FPKM). The co-expressed mRNAs in each lncRNA–mRNA co-regulated pair were selected to explore the main functional role of lncRNAs. Figure 4 shows the networks of lncRNAs TCONS_00013557 and XR_518424.2 with the corresponding co-expression mRNAs. |
Early hybridization methods to improve HIV-1 resistance mutation detection, such as the Line Probe Assay (LiPA), offered a modest improvement in sensitivity over bulk sequencing but experienced frequent detection failures due to the considerable nucleotide polymorphisms present in HIV-1 . More recent point-mutation assays offer substantial improvements in sensitivity , , and, previously, we had shown that real-time PCR assays can be both highly specific and sensitive with subtype C viruses from SD-NVP-experienced women . However, point-mutation assays are susceptible to polymorphisms and their performance with large-scale clinical testing is unclear. Moreover, point-mutation testing is inherently limited in its genotypic information because it does not detect mutations beyond what is interrogated by the assay. Other approaches that evaluate numerous virus sequences per sample are highly-informative research tools but are too complex or costly for routine clinical testing , , . |
目前肺癌是世界上发病率和死亡率最高的恶性肿瘤。根据2015年中国癌症统计数据,中国肺癌的发病率和死亡率排名第一。大多数原因是一旦被诊断出肺癌患者已处于晚期,并且治疗效果差,5年生存率仅为15%-16%。近年来,随着低剂量电子计算机断层扫描(low-dose computer tomography, LDCT)在肺癌早期筛查中的应用,肺癌的早期检出率提高了12%,病死率降低了20%。但是其中大多数结节很难从影像上确定其良恶性。临床上如患者肺部结节具有毛刺征、血管征、支气管征、胸膜牵拉等这些高危影像特征,均提示恶变可能。对于磨玻璃结节(ground glass nodules, GGN)这样的病变,很少有实性成分,术者难以通过传统的手指触摸或者器械辅助来识别结节的位置,这给外科医生尤其是年轻医生带来了巨大挑战,有报道传统方法定位失败进而中转开胸的比例高达46%。既往有很多研究报道了术前用于肺结节定位的方法,例如电子计算机断层扫描(computed tomography, CT)引导下带钩钢丝定位、弹簧圈定位或注入染料定位、放射性核素定位等方法。然而CT引导下这些定位方法需要患者定位后限制活动,否则容易脱落而造成手术失败,再者易引起气胸,穿刺部位疼痛及肺实质出血等并发症。此外患者如果长期吸烟或从事粉尘相关工作,肺表面呈碳沉着样改变,难以辨别染料具体位置,可能导致切缘不够或者未切到等手术风险。电磁导航支气管镜技术(electromagnetic navigation bronchoscope, ENB)是将磁导航技术和支气管镜检查术以及三维重建技术相整合起来的新手段。该技术原理是利用体外磁场定位板来引导气道内探头来进行靶病灶的定位及活检,既往有证实了ENB术中用于定位的高成功率,Awais、Brown、Luo等[8, 9, 15]的研究均证实ENB用于肺结节定位且均成功切除,不需要额外开胸手术。本研究的目的是评估使用ENB引导注入ICG定位加荧光腔镜下肺切除术来治疗肺部微小且难以触及病变的可行性。 |
The average age of parents was 46.0 (SD = 6.0) years old (See Table 1). There were 76% of the parents who participated the MYmind program were mothers, 54% of the parents had a college degree or above, 89% of the parents were married, 66% of the parents had a monthly family income at HK$30001 (about US$ 3800) or above. The average number of family members was 3.7 (SD = 0.7). The average age of the participating adolescents was 13.0 (SD = 2.3) years old, 76% of them were boys. The participating adolescents received their diagnoses 7.3 (SD = 4.3) years ago. The demographic characteristics of parents in both the MYmind group and the waitlist control group were balanced at baseline except MYmind group had an older age (49.1 (SD = 5.4) vs. 44.1 (5.5), p = 0.017) and higher educational level (college or above: 68% vs. 39%, diploma: 0% vs. 28%, and high school: 32% vs. 33%, p = 0.034). |
Here, we investigate the analytical performance of these two interim RT-qPCR protocols (Charité and CDC) for the qualitative detection of SARS-CoV-2 executed in a fully automated platform. In addition, we present the stepwise evolution of the assay as positive samples were obtained in the daily routine and the test results database was analyzed. |
We assessed five LCD monitors in order to determine if their temporal and spatial characteristics make them suitable replacements for CRT monitors in vision research. In our spatial tests, we measured how luminance varied across repeated measurements, spatial position, spatial context (i.e., the luminance of surrounding pixels), and viewing angle. In our temporal tests, we examined how reliably each monitor could produce luminance changes across consecutive frames. We did not assess the chromatic properties of each display. Our spatial and temporal measurements confirm the known limitations of CRT and conventional LCD monitors. However, we demonstrate that under some circumstances, some high-end gaming monitors meet the temporal demands of vision research, and recently available professional LCD monitors can replace CRTs in vision laboratories for most experiments. |
Steady gliding flight requires lift force to balance body weight. Changes to tail posture alone, without changing either flight speed or the orientation of the bird, only allows for postures that produce the same weight support to be compared like for like (figure 4a; e.g. the isocline for normalized lift = 1). To compare postures that produce deficit or surplus lift, we must account for the effect of that lift on our measurements. As drag depends upon the lift quadratically within a moderate domain of angles of attack, small deviations in lift can have large effects on drag. We account for deviations in lift by effectively modifying the pitching orientation of the bird and therefore angle of attack of the whole geometry. The drag model allows us to modify the simulated drag values, increasing drag when lift is in deficit, and decreasing drag when lift is in surplus. Here, that range is 16% deficit to 22% surplus (figure 4a). |
Due to broad overlap in geography and environmental niche space between M. gentilis and M. onobrychidis, we further tested the assignment of the historic environmental niche of the La Brea bees using cluster analysis. Ninety percent of the contemporary M. gentilis distribution records, along with the La Brea fossil distribution record and associated historic environmental space values, were assigned to the contemporary environmental niche space of M. gentilis (Fig. 6). Sixty-five percent of the contemporary M. onobrychidis distribution records were assigned to the contemporary environmental niche space of M. onobrychidis (Fig. 6). The high assignment of the contemporary M. gentilis records to the M. gentilis environmental niche space is likely due to the narrow environmental distribution of the species. In comparison to M. onobrychidis, M. gentilis is distributed across mesic environments, where temperatures rarely fall below freezing during the coldest months (Fig. S1), with ample precipitation during the wettest months (Fig. S1). The ability for M. onobrychidis to exist in highly variable environments may have allowed that species to endure prolonged, freezing temperatures during overwintering periods, and disperse across a broad range of environments, whereas the environmental specificity of M. gentilis supports its narrow distribution in the Pacific US (Fig. 5). Cluster and principal component analysis, as well as estimates of habitat suitability during the LGM are consistent with our species identification of the La Brea bees unearthed in the Rancho La Brea Tar Pits in southern California as M. gentilis. |
Overall, our results showed that based on visit frequency, mineral licks are a more important ecological resource than was previously known for many understudied species of birds and mammals. Visits at these sites were linked to abiotic factors for several species, although the drivers behind the variation in visitation at mineral licks remain unknown. We conclude that further research is needed to understand the drivers of variation in mineral lick visitation and behavior at mineral licks of birds and mammals in Amazonia. |
Conceived and designed the experiments: NCN, DAM, MT, JAB, AJL, BJL, EG, SVG, DEM. Performed the experiments: NCN, DAM, MT, JAB, KMC. Analysed the data: NCN, SDEP, DAM, MT, KRA, KEK, KH, JAB. Prepared and edited the manuscript: NCN, DAM, SDEP, MT, KRA, KEK, KH, AJL, BJL, EG, SVG, DEM. All authors read and approved the manuscript. |
Por otro lado, se observó una acentuada diferencia entre los perfiles de resistencia antibiótica de las cepas de E. coli productoras de BLEE y aquellas no productoras (figura 2). El fenotipo de las BLEE registró un mayor porcentaje de resistencia a los antibióticos ceftazidima, ceftriaxona, ciprofloxacina y gentamicina, en comparación con los aislamientos sin ese fenotipo. Los porcentajes de resistencia a los antibióticos mencionados fueron de 28,6, 27,6, 26,5 y 20,4 % en las cepas con el fenotipo de las BLEE, en tanto que en los otros fenotipos fueron de 3,1, 3,1, 21,4 y 11,2 %, respectivamente. |
To our knowledge this is one of the first research projects to utilise a mobile phone and EEG headset to classify urban places according to mental states. The experiments and results exhibited a noticeable change in mental states in relation to different places based on input from EEG signals. These differences allowed us to understand the impact of urban environments on mental states. By visually inspecting EEG data, meditation levels were found to be high in places such as café and garden, while low meditation levels in the supermarket environment. In addition, frequency bands associated with relaxation mental state such as alpha α band was noticed in these places. Beta β band is associated with mental activity and it was observed in supermarket where high mental activity is required. |
对于局部晚期肺癌N2、Ⅲa期的患者,NCCN指南并没有建议行淋巴结扩大切除,只是对手术切缘(阴性)及手术是否完整切除(R0切除)做了要求,对于IIIa期的患者手术治疗的地位仍未得到巩固,对于手术中是否行扩大性淋巴结清扫仍存有较大争议。以往扩大性淋巴结清扫因其手术创伤大,切除范围较大,较少被外科医生接受,但随着经颈纵隔镜及电视纵隔镜的发展,使得双侧纵隔淋巴结清扫成为一种创伤较小的手术方式。Kuzdzal等[32, 33]的研究发现经颈纵隔淋巴结扩大清扫术可以准确地评估淋巴结转移状态,其手术并发症及创伤小,而且研究发现左下肺癌出现右侧上纵隔淋巴结转移的患者,其扩大性的淋巴结清扫能给其带来生存上的获益。经颈纵隔淋巴结扩大清扫可以为患者准确地行病理分期,从而指导新辅助治疗,并同时为患者尽量达到完整切除的治疗目的,使得局部晚期患者得到生存上的获益。但扩大性淋巴结清扫因仍缺乏大量的研究数据的支持,现未被各项指南推荐。欧洲关于经颈双侧纵隔淋巴结扩大清扫的临床试验仍正在进行中。 |
Das Fortschreiten der digitalen Revolution im Medizin- und Gesundheitssektor wird als „e-health“ bezeichnet . Dabei spielen verschiedene Begriffe eine entscheidende Rolle. Die Vernetzung der medizinischen Versorgung wird auf allen Ebenen mithilfe moderner Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologien bearbeitet. Digitalisierung bezeichnet nicht nur die Bewahrung von Informationen in elektronischen Medien, sondern auch die Vernetzung von Einzeldaten . Hierbei werden analoge Daten durch digitale, elektronische Daten mit dem Ziel der Automatisierung ersetzt . Dabei spielt das World Wide Web (WWW) eine wichtige Rolle: Das Internet ist die zweitwichtigste Informationsquelle für deutsche Bürgerinnen und Bürger und hat sich damit zu einem bedeutenden Informationsmedium entwickelt . Alltägliche Informationen werden über das Internet eingeholt. Dazu werden regelmäßig verschiedene Suchmaschinen im Internet genutzt. Im Gesundheitswesen werden Informationen über Symptome, Erkrankungen und Diagnosen gewonnen. Patienten können diese Informationen über verschiedene Informationsplattformen erhalten und medizinische Fragen beantworten. „Dr. Google“ gilt als Pseudonym . Das Internet dient als digitale Gesundheitsinformationsplattform und ist als medizinische Informationsquelle aus Patientensicht unverzichtbar . |
Less favorable results were achieved following the addition of flavor additives to Chardonnay 2 (Table 4). The honey flavoring had little impact on wine aroma or flavor; the honey aroma was not significantly enhanced, and only the perception of oak flavor increased. The addition of passion fruit flavoring surprisingly resulted in less intense fruit characters (including passion fruit aroma), while bitterness, acidity, and astringency were perceived to be more prominent. This may reflect cross-modal interactions , as previous studies have shown certain aromas can enhance taste perceptions without directly imparting taste properties . Certainly, the enhanced acidity perceived in CH2+PF at t = 0 was not indicative of any differences in pH or TA (data not shown). |
With the aid of comparative genomic approach, key salt tolerance-related genes in A. officinalis roots were identified, while the temporal expression profiles of a few of them were validated by qRT-PCR. Presence of some of these genes (13) in more than one dataset strengthens their importance in salt tolerance of plants. Among these genes, Glutamate synthase1 was shown to be involved in proline synthesis under salt stress in tomato and its activity was increased by ethylene in Hevea leaves57, 58. Hexokinase1 plays important role in sugar and ethylene signaling31, 55. These findings suggest that both metabolism-related genes could be involved in accumulation of osmolytes required for osmotic balance under salt stress in A. officinalis along with the other genes discussed earlier. Interestingly, among the four classes of TFs identified (Trihelix, NAC, ARF, ERF), Trihelix and NAC were present in more than one dataset and hence they can be important candidates for future studies in understanding salt tolerance mechanisms in plants. NACs and Trihelix TFs were also found to be differentially regulated by salt in Suaeda maritima 22. |
Adoptive transfer of lung cells and serum from vaccinated mice was done for il17−/− and muMt− mice, respectively. Lungs were collected from B6 mice vaccinated with 10 μg L-PaF BECC/ME and a single cell suspension (1 × 106 lung cells/ml) was prepared. Each mouse received 100 µl (1 × 105 lung cells) 3 h prior to the bacterial challenge. Serum was collected from B6 mice vaccinated with 10 μg L-PaF BECC/ME as described above. Serum (100 µl) was transferred to each of the recipient mice. Both cells and serum were introduced intraperitoneally42. |
Integrating evidence-based practices into clinical care is essential for mission readiness. However, research demonstrates, that despite the availability of effective clinical interventions, service members frequently do not receive guideline-concordant care that reflects the uptake of the most recent scientific advancements . To improve the access, quality, effectiveness, and efficiency of psychological healthcare for veterans and service members, the Department of Defense (DoD) established the Practice-Based Implementation (PBI) Network. The PBI Network engages healthcare administrators and providers in implementation pilots to evaluate the feasibility and acceptability of DoD-wide implementation of an evidence-based clinical practice, and develops solutions to any implementation challenges that could impede successful uptake and sustained use of the practice change. The purpose of this presentation is to review the PBI Network’s process for mapping implementation strategies to barriers in the Military Health System (MHS). |
Participants in the study included 26 PD patients (16 male, 10 female) and 21 controls (9 male, 12 female) between the ages of 45 and 80 years (patients mean 64.6; SD 7.9; probands mean 58.4; SD 9.1). The experiment was approved by the ethics institutional review board of the university hospital. The confidentiality of data was ensured. Foremost, all participants underwent a neuropsychological test, the Parkinson Neuropsychometric Dementia Assessment, PANDA (Kalbe et al., 2008) and an audiometry before the psychophysical experiment was conducted. Patients with dementia or in the last stage of the disease (Hoehn & Yahr 5) were excluded. The MDS-UPRRS (motoric part III) was carried out with PD patients to quantify their current motoric deficit. In addition, their dopaminergic medication was recorded in the Levodopa—equivalent dosages; two patients were under deep brain stimulation. The musical listening biography and the musical expertise of the participants were also important points of interest. We assessed musical activity with a questionnaire referring to the subjects' musical biographies based on findings on musical expertise by Müllensiefen et al. (2014). It contained six questions concerning the subjects' musical experiences (see Table 1 of the Supplementary Material). Subsequently, we categorized the individual music comprehension of the participants into three different categories (1–4 points: low musical comprehension, 5–8 points: average musical comprehension, 9–12 points: high musical comprehension). |
We introduce NiemaGraphGen (NGG), a memory-efficient graph generation tool that enables the simulation of global-scale contact networks. We benchmarked NGG against the two most popular network simulation tools, NetworkX and iGraph, and we showed that NGG was consistently fastest and had orders of magnitude lower memory consumption than the other tools (typically constant with respect to network size). |
Prin asocierea de condroitină sulfat și hialuronat de sodiu în soluție apoasă, s-a constatat în mod surprinzător că moleculele par să se alinieze și să se atragă reciproc prin legături de hidrogen dezvoltate de gruparea N-acetilamina, interacțiunea prin legături de hidrogen este doar una din mai multele interacțiuni posibile între condroitina sulfat și hialuronatul de sodiu. |
We here describe the organization of the RC1 volume and its integrated molecular markers, as well as aspects of our explorations of RC1 that expand our views of retinal networks. Those expansions include data mining of mammalian AII amacrine cells, recapitulating their well known features, exposing novel synaptic associations, and identifying more synaptic partners. We also provide a quantitative analysis of amacrine cell synapses onto and noncanonical output ribbon synapses from the descending axons of bipolar cells. Amacrine cells pose one of the most difficult challenges in connectomics because of their large arbor sizes and diverse forms. We provide an example of one way to begin mining amacrine cell populations by discovering complex synaptic chains and working backwards to their sources. All of these analyses include intrinsic molecular markers as part of the cell identification process. We also show preliminary evidence that extrinsic activity reporters can be correlated with specific cell classes at the TEM level. |
L'examen anatomopathologique des pièces d'exérèse a confirmé le diagnostic de papillome inversé dans tous les cas. Aucun signe de malignité histologique n'a été noté. Le déméchage a été réalisé au 2ème-3ème jour du post-opératoire, suivi par des lavages pluriquotidiens des fosses nasales, à l'aide du sérum physiologique, entrepris et maintenus pendant un mois. |
Lastly, Maynard Smith mentioned evolvability (1989: 242) in a paper titled “The Causes of Extinction” in a section subtitle: “(a) Lack of evolvability, or running out of niche?” It is the only time evolvability is used but the implication seems clear. Do populations go extinct because they cannot generate variation, therefore evolve, or because the products of mutation (variation) do not correspond to available niches? In this context, evolvability must mean besides ability to evolve but also perhaps, to borrow from Arnold et al. (1989), to be “good at evolving.” However, Maynard Smith suggested that regardless of the quality of evolvability, if the ecology presents no available options, then none of the generated variation will survive. |
No correlation was identified between total distance walked and dominant ankle dorsiflexion strength (r = 0.31, p = 0.071, n = 35) or hip flexion strength (r = 0.31, p = 0.08, n = 34, Table S11). In addition, there was no correlation to the 30s STS (r = 0.33, p = 0.13, n = 23), as previously reported in healthy adults.55 Overall, these results indicate that the 6MWT expressed as total distance walked, although decreased in MM, does not provide a meaningful measure of MM exercise intolerance. |
Entre as consequências que a pandemia trouxe para a população destacam-se o aumento do sedentarismo, percepção de piora na capacidade física, na saúde e, consequentemente, a redução da qualidade de vida8-11. O quadro clínico pode ser ainda mais grave nos indivíduos que dependem exclusivamente do sistema público de saúde para o tratamento das doenças, incluindo os pacientes com DAP. De fato, esses pacientes têm enfrentado dificuldades para ter acesso aos seus medicamentos, visto que sua obtenção, geralmente, ocorre de forma presencial e em posse de receitas médicas atualizadas. Dessa forma, o isolamento social tem potencializado a dificuldade no tratamento desses pacientes, que comumente já apresentavam dificuldades de segui-lo corretamente antes da pandemia da COVID-1912. |
The stand-alone balance is housed in a thermally shielded box covered with aluminum foil to reduce electrostatic forces. During our measurements the thermal gradient in the box was only crudely monitored, and was not controlled. The gradient, in fact, depends on the state of the balance—if a high current is required to servo the wheel, the gradient increases. This makes it very difficult to separate long-term mechanical hysteresis drift from thermal gradient signals. In order to reduce this limitation in the system, we maintained the balance so that only a small current was necessary to servo the balance in our measurement positions (< 0.1 watt dissipation). We accomplished this by making the center of mass of the load correspond to the axis of rotation very well (balance periods of > 120 s). The coils were thermally shielded to further reduce coupling. Our measurements are intentionally short (≈80 s) with respect to the time constant for thermal changes (≈75 min). Because our hysteresis tests are consistently timed, we believe that any hysteresis signal due to thermal gradients would not change from one test to another. For these reasons we believe that the most significant contribution of thermal gradients to our tests would the introduction of small unknown offset in our measurements. |
Se pudo establecer la prevalencia en 1,93 errores de medicación por 10.000 medicamentos dispensados en uno de los registros de farmacovigilancia en las farmacias ambulatorias más grandes del país. El momento crítico fue la dispensación, pero la mayoría de casos se catalogaron como circunstancias o eventos con capacidad de causar el error. Los errores de medicación son un problema importante que merece la atención de las autoridades de salud, cuyas acciones deben enfocarse en garantizar la seguridad del paciente, además de lograr la efectividad deseada. |
A widely used tool for studying healthcare services utilization is Andersen’s behavioral model . According to this model, healthcare utilization is a function of the three factors: predisposing, enabling, and need factors. Predisposing factors (social and demographic) reflect a person’s ability to use healthcare services, enabling factors (economic) are the resources that facilitate the access, and the need factors (health outcomes) are individual needs for the healthcare service . Based on this model, “equity in health service is achieved when the need factors have a strong positive association with health service utilization” while on the other hand “enabling resources (e.g., health insurance or income) may lead to inequity in health service” . |