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A retrospective cohort study was conducted at Monash Health, the largest public health and maternity service in Victoria, Australia, providing care to over 9000 women per year across three hospitals. Monash Children’s Hospital, Clayton, provides paediatric healthcare services and is part of the Monash Health Network, and includes Monash Newborn, a tertiary neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) that provides care to around 1500 babies per year. |
Pericardial fluid drainage is always indicated when the patient presents with pericardial tamponade and when there is suspicion for purulent or malignant pericardial effusion. Aggressive management is necessary as purulent pericarditis carries a high mortality risk. The choice of pericardial drainage method appears to be controversial. The various surgical modalities for evacuation of bacterial pericarditis include subxiphoid drainage, fibrinolysis, wide bore pericardiotomy, pericardial window, and lastly pericardiectomy which could be partial or total [10, 11]. Simple percutaneous drainage alone is usually insufficient and could cause the disease process to evolve into a constrictive or persistent form of purulent pericarditis because of loculations and adhesions [12–14]. Fibrin formation increases during the first week of the disease, and fibrosis may appear after 2 weeks . Early invasive surgical management is thus recommended to avoid these complications. This is also supported by a retrospective series, in which partial pericardiectomy and total pericardiectomy were associated with lower mortality compared to simple drainage alone [6, 10, 12, 14]. Patients in these case series however had pericardial fluid with exudative loculations, extensive granulation tissue, and septate adhesions , which our patient did not have. Pericardiectomy is not with potential serious complications; hence, less-invasive modalities are attempted if the disease process is in its early stages. |
Both the histological assessment and the cluster analysis of DA tissues demonstrated that the gene expression profile of the tunica media of the patent DA tissue (Case 1) was markedly different from that of the closing DA tissues (Cases 2 and 3). We, thus, compared gene expressions between the tunica media of the patent DA and closing DA tissues. |
plot_heatmap. This is a special implementation of the ordination-organized heat map similar to the NeatMap package . Briefly, the abundance matrix is represented as a grid of colored tiles, with the color of the tiles mapped to the (usually transformed) abundance value. The ordering of the OTUs and sample indices in this representation is critical for discriminating any patterns. Traditionally, hierarchical clustering methods have been used for this organization; but, as Rajaram and Oono recently pointed out , this has the potential to misrepresent the data when deeply-branching elements are placed next to one another arbitrarily. Instead, the samples (and optionally, OTUs) are reordered based on their radial coordinate angle in the first two axes of an ordination. For the plot_heatmap function, any of the distances/ordinations supported by the distance and ordinate functions can be used, with the default being non-metric multidimensional scaling. Any arbitrary color scale can be selected, as well as any choice of numerical transformation for scaling the mapping of color shades to abundance. |
The HDL function changes over time for the SG group subjects were similar to those observed in the RYGB group. In SG subjects, AER was significantly increased at 1 year (p < 0.0001, increased by 22.3%) and 5 years (p < 0.0001, increased by 20%) compared with baseline (Figure 1E). Similarly, ABCA1-independent CEC only showed a significant increase at 5 years (p < 0.001 versus baseline, p < 0.001 versus 1 year, Figure 1F). Therefore, only patients who underwent bariatric operations had significant increases in both AER and ABCA1-independent CEC. Additionally, for the AER measure, the surgical groups had increased HDL function at 1- and 5- years, while the medical therapy group only increased HDL function by year 5. |
Log-linear model - When discussing the model formulation, it would be helpful to give the symbols for each effect specified. For example, “the disease-specific effects, α¬d, β¬ds, and γdt allowed for departures …” Consider moving the first paragraph of the Bayesian model specification right after introducing the model. Furthermore, the spatial correlation and temporal correlation sections introduce parameters that are not part of the model. Because of that, the paper does not flow and it is hard to follow what parameters have what distributions. Consider restructuring to make it easier to follow. |
The study included 12 6–8-month-old European wild boar and 11 10-week-old domestic pigs of mixed sex. Wild boar were obtained from three different wildlife parks, domestic pigs from one commercial fattening farm. The animals were housed in groups in the high containment facility of the FLI (L3+) prior to infection. All animals were individually ear-tagged. The animals were fed a commercial pig food with corn and hay-cob supplement and had access to water ad libitum. After an acclimatization period of 1 week, the animals were inoculated oro-nasally with 2 mL of 1 × 105.25 HAU per mL. On day 0, three wild boar and two domestic pigs were euthanized and used as control animals. On days 4, 7, and 10, three animals from each group (domestic pigs and wild boar) were euthanized and submitted to necropsy. The animals were deeply anaesthetized with tiletamine/zolazepam (Zoletil®, Virbac, Carros cedex, France), ketamin (Ketamin 10%, Medistar, Ascheberg, Germany) and xylazine (Xylavet 2%, CP Pharma, Burgdorf, Germany) and subsequently killed by bleeding. |
La Thrombasthénie de Glanzmann est une maladie congénitale rare, dont la prévalence n'est pas bien connue. Elle est due à une anomalie qualitative ou quantitative du complexe glycoproteique : GPIIb/IIIA avec comme conséquence un défaut d'agrégation plaquettaire . La grossesse chez une patiente thrombo-asthénique, est souvent émaillée d'hémorragies d'origines diverses, surtout en per et post partum immédiat, périodes particulièrement critiques. L'objectif de ce travail est de montrer la gravité et la difficulté de la gestion de la thrombasthénie de Glanzmann au cours de la grossesse, en insistant essentiellement sur le mode d'accouchement et l'actualité thérapeutique de prise en charge de l'hémorragie. |
Regarding the biscuits taste and odor, panelists described an intense note of whisky, alcohol partly imputable to the increment of 3-methylbutan-1-ol with the MRF addition. Also, for the samples with more than 15% MRF, panelists indicated an unpleasant aldehydic taste imputable to the hexanal amount which was negative correlated to the bread aroma by consumers . Citrus, pine, and mint notes were indicated by panelists as pleasant aromas for enriched biscuits and are positively correlated with limonene and β-pinene. |
Ryc. 2. Boczne, wewnątrzustne zdjęcie pacjenta pokazuje gromadzenie się płytki nazębnej na powierzchniach zębów w sąsiedztwie szczeliny rozszczepu oraz zapalenie dziąsła brzeżnego. Dodatkowo złożoność morfologii tkanek miękkich można zaobserwować w miejscu agenezy siekacza bocznego, która odpowiada obszarowi rozszczepu. |
Nevertheless, some limitations should be paid attention in this study. This study is a retrospective and single-institution study. Another limitation is the small smaple size. The small cohort size may be insufficient statistical power to detect differences, and lack of generalisability to the wider population. The third limitation is that the data on venous thromboembolism (VTE) were not collected because D-dimer can predict VTE in cancer patients [21, 22]. It has been reported that both D-dimer and VTE are adverse prognostic indicator for cancer patients . |
La mauvaise connaissance des généralistes sur l’HTA n’est pas spécifique à la ville de Cotonou. En effet, au Pakistan en 2010, Rehman et al. ont rapporté que 25.5% des médecins généralistes ne connaissaient pas la valeur seuil qui définit l’HTA.10 À l’ouest du Cameroun en 2012, 36.4% des médecins généralistes utilisaient de fausses valeurs pour définir l’HTA.7 La situation est encore pire au Burkina Faso où, en 2002, 65% des médecins avaient basé la définition de l’HTA essentiellement surla pression artérielle systolique.11 De même, en Chine, Chen et al., en 2011, ont observé une mauvaise définition de l’HTA par les généralistes dans 55.8%.12 |
Para analizar la expresión de ARNm se aislaron las células mononucleares mediante el gradiente de densidad con el reactivo Histopaque-1077™ (Sigma-Aldrich), en tanto que la extracción de ARN total se hizo con el estuche de extracción PureLink RNA mini kit™ (Thermo Fischer Scientific) o con el método trizol-cloroformo usando el reactivo RiboZol™. Para la reacción de transcripción inversa se utilizó el estuche High Capacity cDNA Reverse Transcription Kit™ (Thermo Fischer Scientific) con las siguientes condiciones: 1) a 25 °C durante 10 minutos; 2) a 37 °C durante 120 minutos; 3) a 85 °C durante 5 minutos, y 4) a 4 °C ∞. |
Em condições normais, somente 30% dos capilares são perfundidos. Dessa forma é possível imaginar que, mesmo em condições normais, a microcirculação não apresenta oxigenação homogênea. Para conseguir uma oxigenação homogênea, os tecidos necessitam recrutar capilares, o que normalmente ocorre em condições de estresse metabólico.(28) |
Consecutive fifty-eight patients with a mean age of 60.2 years ± 9.5 (range 39~81 years; M: F = 18: 40) were included our study. The interval between final PET/CT with HRCT and surgery ranged from 1 to 25 days (4.4 days ± 4.0). Of the 58 GGNs, mixed GGN was seen in 48 cases, and pure GGN in 10 cases. |
We first assessed the toxicity of various doses of both Nogo-P4 and Narc using the MTS assay. We did not observe any toxicity associated with the doses of Nogo-P4 up to 100 μM (Figure 6B(i)), although Narc was shown to be potently toxic at doses as low as 100 nM (Figure 6B(ii); p < 0.0001). Contrary to a prior study indicating the pro-inflammatory action of Nogo-P4 alone in microglial cells at a dosage of 32 μM, we did not find increases in TNF-α (Figure 6D(i)) or IL-6 (Figure 6D(ii)) concentrations in media associated with an even higher dose of Nogo-P4 (60 μM) alone when compared to the vehicle treatment. However, combined with an LPS challenge (2 ng/mL), Nogo-P4 significantly increased the amount of TNF-α produced in IMG cells (Figure 6D(i)) compared to LPS alone (p = 0.0035). We next assessed effects of the LPS (2 ng/mL) ± pretreatments of Narc (50 nM) ± RKI1447 (10 μM) or Y27632 (100 μM) in IMG cells. The MTS data are shown in Figure S4I. Narc (50 nM) alone caused a 12.1% decrease in cell viability, as assessed via MTS, when compared to the vehicle-treated cells (Figure 6E). When combined with an LPS challenge (2 ng/mL) ± RKI1447 (10 μM) or Y27632 (100 μM), cell viability was restored to vehicle levels. The IMG cells treated only with LPS showed a nearly 30% increase in viability compared to the vehicle-treated cells (Figure 6E). Grubbs’ test for outliers identified one outlier in the vehicle group and one in the “LPS only” group. These samples were removed from the analysis and were not further analyzed for cytokine content. We further analyzed the effects of these treatments on inflammatory protein production (TNF-α and IL-6) and showed significantly exacerbated TNF-α (~4-fold increase; p < 0.0001, Figure 6F(i)) and IL-6 (~1.23-fold increase; p < 0.0001, Figure 6F(ii)) production from the IMG cells resulting from the LPS + Narc treatment when compared to the LPS treatment alone. When Narc (50 nM) was combined with RKI1447 (10 μM) or Y27632 (100 μM) as a pretreatment with LPS challenge, exacerbated inflammatory protein production (TNF-α and IL-6) was significantly reduced or abolished (p < 0.0001, compared to LPS + Narc). As with the Nogo-P4, Narc alone (50 nM) did not induce increases in TNF-α (Figure 6F(i)) or IL-6 (Figure 6F(ii)). Our study is in line with others showing that RhoA specifically plays a role in neuroinflammatory processes . |
To determine the subcellular localization of the GmFT2b protein in planta, we fused the GmFT2b coding region with the gene for green fluorescent protein (GFP) under the control of the constitutive cauliflower mosaic virus (CaMV) 35S promoter and transfected the resulting p35S::GmFT2b‐GFP plasmid into onion epidermal cells. Confocal microscopy showed that the GmFT2b protein is expressed in the cytoplasm and nucleus, with a stronger signal in the nucleus (Figure S2), similar to the cellular localization of the other functional phosphatidylethanolamine binding proteins in soybean (Wang et al., 2015). |
Motivzusammenhänge können unterschiedlichen Stufen angehören, vom „unbewusst triebhaften Bereich“ bis zum „disziplinierten wissenschaftlichen Denken“ (Uexküll 1961: 84). Der in einer spezifischen Situation gegebene Rahmen ist demnach die Voraussetzung für das, was sich in dieser Situation als „Subjekt“ und als „Objekt“ erst konstituiert. Subjekt und Objekt existieren als solche daher nicht unabhängig vom Motivzusammenhang und vorgängig zur Wahrnehmung, sondern in Abhängigkeit von der konkreten Rahmung und der motivbezogenen Wahrnehmung. |
Therapie und Verlauf: psychiatrische Erstvorstellung nach 163 Tagen. Insgesamt langwierige psychiatrische Therapie mit 25 Sitzungen. Einleitung einer Psychopharmakotherapie. Im Verlauf Besserung der Verfassung, Berentung, alkoholabstinent, erfolgreiches stufenweises Heranführen ans Fahrradfahren. |
I pazienti diabetici con infezione da COVID-19 con una sintomatologia tale da non richiedere il ricovero ospedaliero devono essere attentamente gestiti a domicilio, dove devono rimanere isolati per almeno 14 giorni e, comunque, fintanto che i sintomi si risolvano, facendo regolare uso di mascherina chirurgica. Anche se la componente polmonare è tale da non richiedere la sorveglianza in ambito ospedaliero, va sempre ricordato che la patologia intercorrente può esporre al rischio di un rapido scompenso glicemico. In queste situazioni valgono quelle che gli anglosassoni definiscono le Sick Day Rules. Queste regole prevedono un’adeguata idratazione (che potrebbe diventare ancora più importante in caso di sintomatologia gastro-intestinale), un più stretto monitoraggio della glicemia e l’adattamento della terapia soprattutto nel caso della persona con diabete insulino-trattato. L’alimentazione deve essere bilanciata, eventualmente supportata con integratori alimentari in caso di riduzione dell’appetito o di disturbi gastrointestinali. In caso di febbre e iperglicemia è necessario verificare la presenza di chetoni nelle urine o nel sangue mediante gli appositi dispositivi. Per valori di chetonuria \documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document}$>2+$\end{document}>2+ o di chetonemia \documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document}$>3~\mbox{mmol/l}$\end{document}>3mmol/l, il centro diabetologico o il medico di riferimento deve essere immediatamente contattato . Eventuali modifiche della terapia antidiabetica dovranno essere valutate dal personale sanitario sulla base delle caratteristiche cliniche del paziente, dei valori glicemici registrati e dal tipo di trattamento farmacologico in atto. Ovviamente, può essere indicato l’uso di terapia sintomatica, ad esempio paracetamolo, in caso di febbre. L’uso di antinfiammatori non-steroidei (FANS), incluso l’ibuprofene, non è indicato dato un possibile effetto di soppressione immunitaria che potrebbe ritardare la risoluzione del quadro, oltre che favorire una ritenzione di sodio e di liquidi che potrebbero peggiorare il quadro polmonare. |
Oil adhesion is a relatively rare surgical complication, first reported in case studies of explanted silicone IOLs in the 1990s [3, 5, 7]. Subsequent in vitro studies demonstrated that the degree of silicone oil adhesion depended on the biomaterial properties of the IOL, primarily the hydrophobicity of the lens material [3, 8]. Acrylic polymer lenses have been shown to have less silicone oil adhesion than silicone-based models as adhesion is proportional to hydrophobicity and silicone is more hydrophobic than acrylic material . |
Quantitatively, among the 2097 identified protein groups over the three ages of HGs in ITBs, 737 proteins were significantly regulated, of which 609, 19, and 109 protein groups were upregulated in the NEBs, NBs, and FBs, respectively (Table I and supplemental Table S12). Regarding the 2084 identified protein groups over three ages of HGs in RJBs, the expression levels of 450 protein groups were significantly altered, of which 362, 35, and 53 protein groups were upregulated in the NEBs, NBs, and FBs, respectively (Table I and supplemental Table S13). Overall, among the 609 protein groups regulated in ITBs and 450 in RJBs, the abundance levels of 324 protein groups were significantly changed during HG development in both (Table I and supplemental Table S14). The highly abundant proteins in NEBs were uniquely enriched in actin polymerization or depolymerization, and 3 pathways: valine, leucine and isoleucine degradation, ribosome biogenesis in eukaryotes, and proteasome (Fig. 4A, supplemental Table S15). Only ribosome pathway was enriched in NBs (Fig. 4B, supplemental Table S15), and only the pathway of starch and sucrose metabolism was enriched in FBs (Fig. 4C, supplemental Table S15). |
Antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) are short (<100 amino acids), positively charged and amphiphilic peptides that are capable of interacting with biological membranes . They form pores to disrupt the cell membrane and inhibit the synthesis of cell wall, enzymes, nuclei acids and proteins by penetrating the cytoplasm of microorganisms . AMPs exhibit a wide range of properties including antibiofilm, anti-cancer, antimicrobial and immunomodulatory properties . |
Some small monothalamids, notably flask-shaped saccamminids in the genus Psammophaga, also collect heavy minerals (magnetite, titaniferous magnetite, ilmenite, rutile, zircon, among others) within their cytoplasm27–29. Since the crystals are generally concentrated inside the aperture, it is possible that they serve to ballast this end of the test so that the aperture is directed towards the sediment30. However, such a function seems implausible in the case of large, relatively heavy xenophyophore tests, which have no obvious need for additional ballast. The suggestion that saccamminids such as Psammophaga are feeding on bacteria adhering to heavy-mineral grains28 could apply to xenophyophores. The barite crystals found in deep-sea sediments are believed to form inside organic-rich aggregates in the upper water column (0–200 m), subsequently sinking to the seafloor following the decomposition of the organic matrix31,32. It is possible that they acquire some nutritional value (e.g., from adhering bacteria) during their 4-km passage through the water column. However, a more likely explanation for why xenophyophores concentrate barite may be that the granellae are used to shape their cells, making them bulkier and more rigid. This would help to support and maintain the extensive system of branching cellular strands that ramify the entire test, as revealed by our micro-CT images (Figs 3–5d and 7c,d). This seems particularly plausible in the case of Psammina aff. limbata. When granellare fragments from this species were dried onto SEM stubs, they underwent relatively little shrinkage because their shape was supported by the densely packed granellae (Fig. 1d). The bulking out of the granellare with barite crystals recalls the retention by xenophyophores of large stercomare masses, creating a ‘body’ that has a large volume but contains a relatively low cytoplasmic biomass1,33. This kind of ‘high volume low biomass’ organisation might be an advantage for organisms living in food-poor abyssal deep-sea environments. |
In terms of graphical capabilities and the ability to upload multiple experiments, High-Throughput GO-Miner and AMDA are most similar to PageMan, as they also offer heat-map like graphics. However, unlike PageMan, these tools are not interactive. High-Throughput Go-Miner sometimes requires manual editing of configuration files, and the installation requires connecting to an SQL server or for the user to install their own SQL server. This is typically beyond the means of most users. Further, although a database approach offers more flexibility, the use of dumped files for classification (as in PageMan) offers a significant speed improvement because the time intensive step of connecting to a remote database or a web-service only needs to happen once. AMDA, while offering a widget based interface still requires the installation of Tcl/Tk on top of R and BioConductor, which can be cumbersome on Windows. PageMan, on the other hand, is packaged with an installer and the user can download necessary files from the internet and thus remain totally anonymous and independent of internet connections for analyses. Further, unlike PageMan, the heat-maps generated by High-Through Put GO Miner or AMDA are static and annotations can not be easily edited. |
Several studies, mostly in the laboratory (e.g., ) but also in mesocosms and irrigation ditches , have suggested that odonate larvae might play a role in control of other insects that also have an aquatic larval stage, including mosquitoes. Most experiments in an outdoor setting involved introducing new or augmenting existing population of Odonata. Younes, et al. , also based on laboratory experiments, concluded that Hemianax ephippiger larvae might successfully control populations of snails that are the secondary host of the human parasite, Schistosoma. Stav et al. , using small mesocosms (plastic tanks) that mimicked natural rock pools where the mosquitoes breed, found that Culiseta longiareolata females oviposited less frequently in tanks containing an unconfined Anax imperator larva and that mosquito larvae that did hatch were mostly consumed by the Anax larvae. The effect of A. imperator on widespread Culiseta populations is not known. Some fairly strong evidence suggests that multiple predators, including Odonata larvae, can depress prey populations significantly more that equivalent numbers of a single predator, as shown in mesocosm experiments and inferred to be true of predators, including dragonflies, of culicid larvae in natural saline pools in Western Australia . |
În medii concentrate, prezenţa interacţiilor intra-moleculare (în special al moleculelor cu greutate moleculară mare), afectează dimensiunea ghemului polimeric. Molecula condroitinei sulfat în interacţie cu NaHA va influenţa conformaţia şi dimensiunea ghemului polimeric. Lanţurile hialuronatului pot forma o conformaţie expandată comportament tipic unui polielectrolit anionic flexibil. |
Остеопения диагностируется у 38%, остеопороз — у 23% взрослых больных МВ, но очевидно, что уже в подростковом возрасте оптимальная пиковая костная масса недостижима. Переломы позвоночника развиваются у 14%, внепозвоночные — 19,7% детей и взрослых, по разным отчетам, частота переломов может достигать до 1/3 всех пациентов . |
Both MPHA-OLE and MPCs-OLE contained the nominal amount of OLE, i.e., 10% by weight. This result was indeed expected, since the spray-drying technique ensures that the active ingredient does not degrade during drying. Figure 2 shows the SEM micrographs of MPHA, MPCs, MPHA-OLE, and MPCs-OLE. In all cases, the majority of MP have a spherical shape, although some irregularly shaped MP can be observed. The average sizes of MPHA, MPHA-OLE, MPCs, and MPCs-OLE are 4.7 ± 1.8, 4.3 ± 1.3, 4.5 ± 1.6, and 4.0 ± 1.2 µm, respectively. This testifies to some dimensional dispersion, since, after all, smaller particles adsorbed on larger ones are observed in Figure 2. However, the average size is in all cases less than 5 µm and this makes the MP suitable for their topical administration . It is also observed that the size of non-medicated MP does not differ significantly from medicated ones. Finally, it is noted that all kind of MP have a smooth surface even if in some cases they are collapsed. This is not surprising, rather, it suggests a hollow capsule morphology characteristic of the MP obtained by the spray-drying technique. |
The PROMIS-GH v1.2 was administered through a web-based survey to 4370 Dutch persons, representative for the Dutch general population in 2016. T-scores for the mental health (GMH) and physical health (GPH) subscales, and their shorter two-item subscales, were calculated for the entire population, age groups and gender. T-scores for GMH and GPH were compared to the US reference population, which has a mean T-score of 50 and a standard deviation of 10, and to age-range and gender subpopulation reference scores. US reference population T-scores are representative for the 2000 US general population. |
Pro-metastatic cell adhesion molecules, such as transmembrane receptors CD44 and MCAM (Melanoma Cell Adhesion Molecule), have been shown to play a role in cell migration and metastasis. CD44 levels are elevated in multiple cancer types and MCAM is expressed in melanoma cells and not untransformed melanocytes (Wielenga et al., 1993; Shih et al., 1994a; Shih et al., 1994b). Palmitoylation of these cell adhesion molecules strongly influences protein function. CD44 has been shown to be palmitoylated and inhibiting CD44 palmitoylation through cysteine point mutations strongly enhanced breast cancer migration (Babina et al., 2014). Similarly, cysteine point mutations that block MCAM palmitoylation increases metastatic cell behavior in melanoma cells both in vitro and in vivo (Wang et al., 2015). |
预实验:小鼠分为3组,分别接受抗PD-L1抗体尾静脉注射,剂量分别为5 μg/g、10 μg/g、15 μg/g,每周注射1次,共注射6次,观察小鼠存活情况(表 1)。根据小鼠存活情况及临床患者用量,确定10 μg/g每周注射1次共注射6次的剂量用于正式实验。正式实验:34只C57BL/6小鼠分为3组,第一组接受同型对照IgG尾静脉注射(n=12),剂量为10 μg/g每周注射1次共注射6次;第二组接受抗PD-L1抗体尾静脉注射(n=12),剂量为10 μg/g每周注射1次,共注射6次。以体表面积比折算,所使用抗PD-L1抗体剂量相当于成年人以1.11 mg/kg用量给药;第三组为抗PD-L1抗体与L-甲状腺素联合应用组(n=10),先腹腔注射L-甲状腺素0.25 μg/g,30 min后注射抗PD-L1抗体,后者的用法与用量同第二组。 |
Correlative: Correlation of expressions between ncRNAs with samples or tissues applied in the study; direct: Indicates direct binding or interaction between ncRNAs and targeted genes; indirect: no direct interaction or binding between ncRNAs and targeted genes reported in the particular study. ncRNA, non-coding RNA; NSCLC, non-small cell lung cancer; OSCC, oral squamous carcinoma cell; PDAC, pancreatic adenocarcinoma cell; CRC, colorectal cancer; MPE, malignant pleural effusion; NKTCL, natural killer/T cell lymphoma; NPC, nasopharyngeal carcinoma; ESCC, esophageal squamous carcinoma cell; CSCC, cervical squamous carcinoma; HCC, hepatocellular carcinoma; RT-qPCR, real-time quantitative polymerase chain reaction; WB, Western blotting; NGS, next gene sequencing; IHC, immunohistochemistry; ISH, in-situ hybridization; FISH, fluorescence in-situ hybridization; ChIRP, chromatin isolation by RNA purification; ChIP, chromatin immunoprecipitation; RNA IP, RNA immunoprecipitation. |
In addition, since we are simulating a CTC system, we analyzed the genes commonly used to discriminate putative CTCs from WBCs in immunohistochemistry [35, 36]. Previous work has shown that cytokeratins 7 and 8 (KRT7 and KRT8) can be targeted in lung adenocarcinomas, while white blood cells should have no cytokeratin expression [26, 37, 38]. In addition, CD45 is a common white blood cell marker that should not be present on epithelial cells. Hence, we looked at the expression levels of this panel of 4 genes (EpCAM, KRT7, KRT8, CD45), to verify that we can successfully identify the cells as being of epithelial origin, as plotted in Fig 3. |
Phenanthrene was used as a model PAH for this study because of its wide distribution in polluted soils. A fluorescence quenching technique was adopted to determine the interaction between phenanthrene and fractions of GRSP. This method has already been used in most studies examining variations in the KOC values of different DOM samples (Wu and Sun, 2012; Zhao et al., 2019) and been proven for reliability. |
Cells were lysed in 20 mM Tris HCl pH 7.5, 150 mM NaCl, 1 mM EDTA, 1% Triton-100X, and protease inhibitors. Protein extracts (15 μg) were loaded on an SDS-PAGE and transferred onto a polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) membrane (pore size 0.45 μm; Immobilion-P, Millipore, Massachusetts, MA, USA). Filters were blocked with 3% BSA dissolved in Tris buffered saline (TBS) with 0.05% Tween-20 (TBS-T) for 0.5 h at RT. Membranes were then incubated at 4 °C ON with the following primary antibodies: CHK1 (#sc-8408, Santa Cruz Biotechnology); RAD51 (#sc-33,626; Santa Cruz Biotechnology); Vinculin (#v9131, Sigma-Aldrich). Finally, membranes were incubated 1 h at room temperature with the appropriate HRP-conjugated secondary antibody (Bio-Rad Laboratories, Hercules, CA, USA). Proteins were visualized by the ChemiDoc enhanced chemiluminescence detection system (Bio-Rad, Hercules, CA, USA). Experiments were repeated at least three times. The images were analyzed with Image Lab (Bio-Rad, Hercules, CA, USA). |
The PLOS Data policy requires authors to make all data underlying the findings described in their manuscript fully available without restriction, with rare exception (please refer to the Data Availability Statement in the manuscript PDF file). The data should be provided as part of the manuscript or its supporting information, or deposited to a public repository. For example, in addition to summary statistics, the data points behind means, medians and variance measures should be available. If there are restrictions on publicly sharing data—e.g. participant privacy or use of data from a third party—those must be specified. |
IL-10 is an important negative immune regulator that can prevent damage caused by pro-inflammatory processes, and it was found to be in close relationship with caspase-6 . In both caspase-6 KO groups, IL-10 gene expression was elevated compared to Het groups (Figure 5C,D). This might suggest an up-regulated anti-inflammatory process, which may lead to reduced inflammation in the double transgenic model. |
We found nearly as many measures of disability as there were reviewed papers. Two studies drawing on questions from the US census used different questions . Three other studies used general survey questions regarding limitations in daily activities with varying levels of precision in referring to activities. Four studies integrated aspects of social roles and interactions . A majority of studies used disability measures that pertain to the domains of activities of daily living (ADLs) and/or instrumental ADLs (IADLs), though with variable operational forms. These studies predominantly involved elderly people and were almost equally divided between those measuring the activities in terms of individual’s ability (“can do”) and those measuring the actual performance (“do do”). The most common activities surveyed were those related to self-care and mobility. Mobility-related activities are the most frequently measured and exemplify well the large diversity of ways by which similar activities are measured. |
The degree of attenuation by skin, and to a lesser extent the subdermal tissues, is significant. To illustrate, even in skin types of low melanin concentration, light at a wavelength of 600 nm is attenuated to 37% of its incident power at a depth of only 550 μm from the skin surface; increasing the wavelength to 800 nm increases the depth to 1,200 μm . A study of optical properties of human tissues reported a scattering coefficient of 2.73 mm−1 at a wavelength of 633 nm in dermis of low melanin concentration, decreasing to 1.63 mm−1 at a wavelength of 900 nm. Absorption and scattering coefficients of the subdermal tissues (fat and muscle) were found to be lower though still significant . The average thickness of the human cheek is on the order of 6–7 millimeters . While only a proportion of this is skin, the implication is that a large percentage of the incident power is lost while passing through the various tissues before reaching the oral mucosa. This has important consequences on treatment duration. For example, a 90% reduction in dose transmission would require a 10-fold increase in treatment duration to deliver the same dose to the oral mucosa. Maximizing penetration is therefore advantageous from a protocol feasibility standpoint and, as demonstrated, increasing wavelength decreases the magnitude of scattering and absorption by tissues and is a method to achieve this. |
When it comes to boosting external immunity, vitamin C is the one of most popularly consumed compounds. Many studies have suggested the beneficial effects of vitamin C in improving the immune system by supporting the innate and adaptive systems, augmenting defense mechanisms such as phagocytosis and chemotaxis, as well as possessing antioxidant properties . |
El 78.4% de las mujeres y el 89.4% de los hombres nunca han percibido que el odontólogo o su personal evita el contacto directo, o la mayoría (74.4% de las mujeres y 87.2% de los hombres), nunca ha percibido temor o inseguridad al momento de brindárseles la atención odontológica. El 76.3% de las mujeres y el 88.3% de los hombres nunca han escuchado que se hubiese solicitado desechar el material empleado durante su atención bajo el argumento de alto riesgo debido al VIH. |
Je stärker die erwähnten Dienste zur Superapp einer dominanten Internetplattform zusammenwachsen, desto integrierter werden die Personen- und Sachdaten. Es entsteht ein so umfassendes, detailliertes, exaktes und aktuelles Bild des Menschen (Digital Twin, Quantified Self), wie es noch nie existiert hat. Es umfasst die Kontakte, die Termine, die Finanzen, die sportlichen Aktivitäten, das Schlafverhalten, die Interessen oder Umgebungsdaten wie die Luftqualität und enthält sogar Daten wie die Hautoberflächenspannung oder die DNA, für die der Mensch keine natürlichen Sinne besitzt. |
The Smac mimetic birinapant was provided by ChemieTek, Indianapolis, IN, USA. Necrostatin-1 and necrosulfonamide were obtained from Calbiochem, Darmstadt, Germany. Arc39 has been previously described . Cisplatin, etoposide, trichostatin A, 5-fluorouracil, irinotecan, doxorubicin, camptothecin and paclitaxel were ordered from Sigma-Aldrich, Munich, Germany. |
Another pair of co-stimulatory receptor-ligand system whose engagement has profound effects on B, dendritic and endothelial cells is the CD40-CD40 ligand (CD154). Following T cell activation, CD154 is expressed on the surface of the cell, allowing binding to B cells through CD40; that in turn leads to IgG class switching (76). Two drugs are currently explored as therapeutic agents in phase II trials for patients with moderately to severely active SLE. The first one, Dapirolizumab, a polyethylene glycol conjugated anti-CD40L Fab' fragment, was well tolerated in phase I study (77). At 12 weeks of treatment 46% of high disease activity patients showed reduction in disease activity measured by BILAG and 41% had improved SRI-4. The second one, BI 655064 is a humanized monoclonal anti-CD40 antibody. Its efficacy will be assessed in a double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled trial for patients with active class III and IV lupus nephritis (NCT03385564). The study is actively enrolling and the primary endpoint is defined as complete renal response at 1 year. |
Estos métodos difieren con los estudios de validación de las escalas originales; los autores consideran que cambiar de rol durante las evaluaciones favoreció a disminuir los sesgos relacionados con los comandos, abordaje y orientaciones a los pacientes, que son factores que pueden ser diferentes de un profesional a otro e influir en las puntuaciones. También asumen que un mayor número de evaluadores que rotan el rol evaluador/observador representa una situación más cercana a lo que ocurre en una UCI con diferentes profesionales valorando al paciente en diferentes momentos, lo que hace que nuestros resultados sean aplicables. |
We investigated the reemergence of YF outbreak in Ethiopia after 50 years. The last outbreak was reported in 1966 [8, 22]. A single confirmed case of YF is considered as an outbreak in Ethiopia . The seven confirmed cases strongly support that outbreak was reemerged in South Omo Zone. Jinka town and its surrounding district, South Ari, were the most affected area with incidence rate of 5.2 and 4.7 cases per/10, 000 population. This area is also affected in the 1960–1962 outbreaks . The crude AR was 0.04 and the CFR was 30.5% during this outbreak. Compared to the other age groups, 15–44 years old were 75% of the patients with AR of 0.05% and females were relatively more affected with male to female ratio of 0.7:1. In the 1960–1962 YF epidemic in Ethiopia, the disease affected all age groups, with a male to female ratio of 1.6:1 having cumulative case fatality rate(CRF) of 30% . The outbreak investigation in Northern Uganda showed that the cases were evenly distributed among all age groups (Mean 28.2, Range 3–83 Years (12). In Kenya, 81% of the patients with YF were less than 40 years of age and no cases were recorded in individuals less than 10 years of age while young male adults were at highest risk . |
Cells or tissues were homogenized in TRIzol (CW Biotech, Beijing, China) and total RNA was extracted. The isolated RNA was quantified using Spectrophotometer (NanoDrop, Thermo Fisher, USA) and total RNA (1 μg) was utilized for reverse transcription and cDNA synthesis using designed primers and the Transcriptase III kit (TaKaRa, Japan) following the instructions. Gene expression was gauged using the R-M Mix SYBR ROX (TaKaRa, Japan) and the Applied Biosystems 7300 R-T PCR System (Applied Biosystems). The primer sequences used for EGFL7 and glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH) are available in Table 1. The amplification conditions are as follows: 94°C predenaturation 3 min, 94°C denaturation 30 s, 57°C annealing 30 s, 72°C extension 2 min; 72°C prolonging one cycle of 10 min. |
By studying an unselected large and complete real-world cohort of patients treated with percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) registered prospectively in the nationwide Netherlands Heart Registration (NHR), the aim of this study was to assess the incidence, clinical outcome, and predictors of mortality for CS in ACS patients over a time period of 4 years. |
In conclusion, this study highlights the high burden, up to 43%, and rapid expansion of dengue virus distribution in Sudan, and the growing need for a systemic investigation of dengue burden in Sudan. Dengue infection has been reported in different areas of Sudan and should be considered in the differential diagnosis for any fever case in Sudan. Surveillance and prevention measures are needed to curb the impact of this rapidly growing public health threat. Particularly, this year, with the current interruption of vector control activities and disease surveillance due to the COVID-19 pandemic, unless alternative measures are taken then devastating epidemics of DENV are inevitable country-wide. However, considering that the main vector of DENV, Aedes aegypti, breeds mainly in man-made water containers, and these days most of the population is staying home due to the national lockdown, everyone could contribute in controlling the vector in their homes by limiting breeding sites. Here we call for such a national initiative which would decrease the risk of several mosquito-borne diseases in Sudan, including DENV. |
Dieser Beitrag beschrieb die 1‑2-4-All Methode in Breakout-Räumen als einen erfolgsversprechenden Ansatz, um online ähnlich energetisierende, motivierende und beteiligungsverstärkende Effekte zu erzielen, wie sie soziale Pausen in Präsenz bieten. Aber nicht nur online-Veranstaltungen sind postdigital: auch andersherum gilt es, Präsenzveranstaltungen postdigital zu denken. Wie, zum Beispiel, ermöglichen wir in Präsenz die kommentierende Diskussion nebenbei, die im Chat für alle Teilnehmenden sichtbar ist? |
Overview of tissue preparation and biomechanical measurements using AFM on acute living mouse peripheral nerve slices. (a) The isolated sciatic nerve is embedded into low-gelling-temperature agarose. (b) The nerve is sliced up into 150 μm transverse sections using a vibratome. The epineurium (Ep), perineurium (P), and endoneurium (En) are indicated. (c) Bright field image showing a tissue section probed by the AFM cantilever. (d) During the mechanical measurements, the 37 μm diameter AFM bead glued to the end of a cantilever probes the elasticity of the nerve cross-sectional surface at an 8 nN loading force (F). (e) Fluorescence microscopy image of a transverse nerve slice from an adult mouse showing myelinated axons (gray). Nonoverlapping force spectroscopy points (1–9) were measured on a pre-established 60 μm × 60 μm grid (white square). (f) Typical force–distance graph showing the approach (light blue curve) and retraction (red curve) carried out on the nerve surface at an 8 nN loading force. The resulting indentation depth (∼5 μm) and the curve fit (blue curve) are indicated. The estimated contact area is ∼290 μm2. |
The quality of studies selected was evaluated by one research investigator (JCFC) using the Strengthening the Reporting of Observational Studies in Epidemiology (STROBE) Statement . The STROBE checklist is shown in Supplementary Materials Table S2. The quality score was used to assess its possible influence on results. |
Aparatele de ecografie de ultimă generație dispun de o bună rezoluție, acestea putând de asemenea integra examinarea Doppler, extinderea câmpului imaginii vizualizate în scopul permiterii unei imagini de ansamblu, posibilitatea comparării mai multor imagini în timp real, a măsurării structurilor examinate, vizualizarea și calcularea traiectoriei acului, integrarea structurilor 3D, precum și posibilitatea utilizării elastografiei. Ecografia este o metoda ce permite vizualizarea structurilor în dinamică, în timpul manevrelor de flexie-extensie, de contracție-relaxare musculară, fiind cel mai des folosită cu rol diagnostic, dar și ca metoda de ghidaj în scop intervențional în timp real, în cadrul manevrelor de puncție-aspirație și a infiltrațiilor, putând evidenția structurile în planuri diferite, fluxul sanguin; permițând formularea unui diagnostic rapid și fiind o investigație neiradiantă, nedureroasă, neinvazivă, ce poate fi repetată, fiind accesibilă financiar. Cunoașterea anatomiei ecografice, a particularităților și a vastei patologii ecografice este posibilă doar învățând și exersând, aceasta putându-se dobândi după ani de experiență în domeniu, acesta fiind poate principalul dezavantaj al ecografiei musculo-scheletale. |
Sun et al. argued that inaccuracies of 1.5 mm can be considered as clinically acceptable13. Thus, with inaccuracies of 2.6 and 3.2 mm (TRE) as reached in the current study, there is still room for improvement. The TRE is a result of a couple of factors: the FRE, the variability in pinpointing the validation landmarks on the patient and selecting the corresponding landmarks on the CBCT and, an inadequate fixation of the sensor onto the mandible. Within the following paragraphs, these different factors will be discussed on how the inaccuracy was minimized in the current study and suggestions will be done on how to minimize the inaccuracies further for future research. |
The keyword “purple acid phosphatase” search hit 21 genes. Further searches using the protein sequences of the 29 Arabidopsis PAPs as the queries with BLASTP at the tea plant genome database website resulted in the retrieval of 53 predicted PAPs based on the similarity of protein sequences with E value ≤ e−10. 12 duplicates were further removed, which resulted in 62 potential PAPs in total. Among them, 16 PAPs possess the complete set of conserved seven metal-binding residues (D, D, Y, N, H, H, H) of PAP metallosterase in five consensus blocks (Table 1). Another three of the potential tea plant PAPs (CsPAP2, CsPAP29b and CsPAP3b) lack the conserved residue (D) in the first block. In addition, in proteins of CsPAP29a, CsPAP29b and CsPAP29c, one conserved residue in the second block was changed from “Y” to “F”, which also occurred in PAPs from Arabidopsis, maize, chickpea and soybean . Furthermore, five out of the 62-candidate tea plant PAPs lack three of the five blocks. Even though their overall amino acid sequences exhibited significant levels of homology to plant known PAPs when BLASTing in NCBI, however, they were considered as inactive PAPs because of the significant lack of active sites and incomplete metallophos domain that conserved in purple acid phosphatases of the metallophosphatase superfamily, which were identified by the Phoibus program (https://www.ebi.ac.uk/Tools/hmmer) (Table 2). |
The experimental design and its corresponding results of the responses are described in Table 1. It is shown that a significant change in the yield of pectin was found. According to an earlier study (Xiaoxia et al., 2020), analysis (regression method) was performed on the experimental data and the predicted responses (yield of pectin and AUA content). It is obtained via the second‐order polynomial equation, which was used in the response surface method. (1) Y=β0+∑i=1kβiXi+∑i=1kβiiX12+∑∑i<jβijXiXj. |
Avant 1993 on ne disposait pas de cadre de stéréotaxie dans notre service ce qui explique que le choix thérapeutique ne peut se faire qu'entre l'abord direct (70% des cas) et le traitement antibacillaire sans confirmation histologique (30%). Après introduction de la stéréotaxie dans notre protocole de prise en charge en 1993; le taux d'abords direct a chuté a 38%, avec 47% de biopsies stéréotaxiques et seulement 13% des patients traités par antibacillaire sans preuve histologique (Tableau 1). Le taux global de confirmation histologique est passé de 70% à 83% après 1993 (p = 0,005). Tous nos patients ont reçu le même protocole de chimiothérapie antibacillaire. Avant 1993 nous avons enregistré un taux de morbidité péri-opératoire de 10% et un taux de mortalité de 3%. Après 1993 on a constaté une réduction statistiquement significative des taux de morbidité et de mortalité respectivement 2% (p: 0,0003) et 1,4% (p: 0,0027) (Tableau 2). Le recul moyen est de 9 ans (2 ans et 20 ans). L’évolution au long terme est marquée par la persistance de séquelles neurologiques sous forme de déficit moteur d'importance variable et de comitialité chez 21 malades. Dont 11 patients (19%) du groupe traités avant 1993 et 10 patients (15%) du 2ème groupe, cependant cette différence reste non significative (p = 0,2525). |
Routine blood examinations were performed on all patients, and leukocyte counts were analyzed. The normal value of leukocyte counts was 4.0–10.0 × 1000 uL. The leukocyte counts of 6 patients, 3 patients, and 16 patients were abnormal before the treatment in groups 1, 2, and 3, respectively. While after treatment, the leukocyte counts of 5 patients and 16 patients returned to normal in groups 1 and 3, respectively. However, the total leukocyte counts of 3 patients in group 2 remained abnormal consistently (Tables 1–3). |
Personal resources such as coping strategies produce improved adjustment to T1D. Greater psychological adjustment has been found in those patients who use strategies focused on the problem versus other strategies (Duangdao and Roesch, 2008), showing an increase in well-being, mood and self-esteem. Other authors agree that problem-focused coping is more beneficial to the patient’s health than emotion-focused coping (Frazier, 2000). The study of coping in T1D was of great interest after Peyrot et al. (1999) reported that emotion-centered coping and problem-centered coping may be associated with glycemic control. Similarly, Ortiz (2006) associates better metabolic adjustment with behavioral coping than with emotional coping, while Boland and Grey (1996) find that emotion-centered coping is associated with poor metabolic control, including nonadherence to the therapeutic regimen. |
Polyamine levels in H. pylori are unaffected by DFMO. H. pylori SS1 were grown with or without 1% DFMO and bacteria were sampled over 12 h. HPLC was used to measure spermidine (A) and spermine (B) levels in bacterial lysates (1×107 H. pylori in 400 µL buffer). Each point represents the mean and standard error (n = 3). |
Diapedesis routes of B cells through HIBCPP cells were analyzed by both immunocytochemistry and TEM. Immunofluorescence analysis revealed that activated B cells migrate via both the para- and transcellular routes across HIBCPP cells. In Figure 6A , the upper immunofluorescence image depicts a single B-cell (green, white arrow) located in the intercellular space between several HIBCPP cells (blue) and thus, uses a paracellular route to cross the epithelium. The intercellular borders are visualized in the actin staining (yellow arrowheads) and can be clearly seen above the migrating B-cell (white arrows). The lower image maps a single B-cell (green, white arrow) located inside a HIBCPP cell, at a clear distance from the cell borders (yellow arrowheads), reaching the CSF space by transcellular diapedesis. To confirm and extend the immunocytochemistry data we performed TEM analysis. Figure 6B top shows a single B-cell during paracellular crossing of HIBCPP cells. Higher magnification shows the migrating rear part of a B-cell, moving clearly intercellulary between epithelial cells. Figure 6B bottom shows a single B-cell trafficking via the transcellular pathway with the B-cell totally surrounded by cytoplasm of the epithelial cell. Again, this prototype cell is located inside an epithelial cell and migrates at a clear distance from the cell border. Thus, B cells can migrate via either the paracellular or the transcellular route through the epithelial BCSFB. |
Du point de vue clinique dans les traumatismes rénaux majeurs, les douleurs lombaires sont le plus souvent associées à une hématurie macroscopique ou à des signes de choc [4, 5]. Ces signes cliniques, suggérant la présence d'un traumatisme rénal grave, doivent conduire à la réalisation d'un bilan radiologique immédiat chez des patients stables hémodynamiquement initialement ou après réanimation hydroélectrolytique. L’échographie abdominopelvienne couplée au doppler couleur est souvent utilisée comme examen de débrouillage ("screening") en salle de déchoquage aux urgences et permet la réalisation d'un bilan lésionnel rapidement chez les patients instables hémodynamiquement. Elle est performante pour les lésions abdominales associées, notamment hépatiques et spléniques, mais pas pour celles du pancréas ou de l'intestin grêle [2, 6]. Chez les patients ayant des paramètres hémodynamiques stables, le scanner abdominopelvien avec des coupes sans injection, puis avec injection précoce et tardive reste l'examen clé pour étudier l’état du rein , rechercher les lésions associées et stadifier la lésion rénale. Il permet, d'une part, de localiser les lésions parenchymateuses, de rechercher une extravasation du produit de contraste, et de localiser les zones avasculaires. D'autre part, il sert à quantifier l'importance de l'hématome rétropéritonéal, à vérifier l’état du rein controlatéral (morphologie et fonction) et à rechercher l'existence ou non de lésions pédiculaires et des viscères intrapéritonéaux [1, 7, 8]. L'artériographie est généralement réalisée lorsque des lésions de grade 3, 4 ou 5 suivant la classification de l'ASST sont retrouvées au scanner . Elle est réalisée chez des patients stables hémodynamiquement initialement ou stabilisés après réanimation. Les patients en état de choc malgré la réanimation (par rupture complète de l'artère ou du pédicule rénal), ainsi que les lésions de la veine rénale restent des indications à une exploration chirurgicale en urgence . L'artériographie permet dans certains cas le traitement de lésions vasculaires par embolisation (généralement réalisée dans les lésions de grade 4 ou 5) durant le même temps opératoire (utilisation de colles biologiques ou coils). Les techniques d'embolisation sont réalisées en cas de lésions minimes de l'artère rénale ou des ses branches (cathetérisme sélectif), le but étant de stopper un saignement actif et d’éviter un geste chirurgical avec un risque de perte d'unité rénale . Ces techniques d'embolisation sont aussi utilisées en cas de récidive hémorragique chez des patients non opérés ou en cas de fistule artérioveineuse ou de pseudo-anévrysme . Elles sont une alternative aux techniques chirurgicales. Néanmoins, le recours à la chirurgie s'avère parfois nécessaire en cas d’échec de l'embolisation ou d'une reprise hémorragique différée . Face à des lésions graves chez des patients instables hémodynamiquement malgré une réanimation correcte avec transfusion sanguine, la plupart des équipes s'accordent sur la nécessité d'une exploration chirurgicale en urgence qu'il y ait ou non des lésions viscérales associées [8, 9]. Cela se traduit dans la majorité des cas par une néphrectomie totale à visée d'hémostase du fait de lésions irréparables ou de l'urgence vitale . |
O misoprostol é um ocitócito análogo da prostaglandina E1, originalmente desenvolvido para o tratamento de úlceras pépticas e duodenais. Na década de 90, o Cytotec®, seu nome comercial na época, adquirido nas drogarias ou no comércio ilegal, popularizou-se como método vastamente utilizado para induzir o aborto no Brasil. Em 1998, tornou-se medicamento sujeito a controle especial no país, com uso restrito a estabelecimentos hospitalares licenciados pela autoridade sanitária.( 9 , 10 )Atualmente, é considerado pela Federação Brasileira das Associações de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia (Febrasgo)( 10 )e pelo Ministério da Saúde( 11 )como alternativa farmacológica para maturação cervical e indução do parto com feto vivo; para interrupção da gravidez de feto anencéfalo, com risco para a mãe ou decorrente de estupro;( 12 )para abortamentos retidos e incompletos; e para tratamento da HPP. |
A person’s reasons or motives for drinking also influence their alcohol use. For example, drinking to increase positive affect, called enhancement motives, consistently predicts alcohol use and tends to be linked to negative alcohol consequences indirectly, through higher drinking levels (Magid et al. 2007; Merrill and Read 2010; Read et al. 2003). Meanwhile, drinking to alleviate negative affect, or coping motives, are directly associated with negative alcohol consequences in college students (Jones et al. 2014; Kassel et al. 2000; Merrill and Read 2010; Merrill et al. 2014). Certain personality characteristics, such as sensation seeking or impulsivity (Diulio et al. 2014; Kazemi et al. 2014a) and neuroticism (Martin and Sher 1994; Vollrath and Torgersen 2002), have been linked to increased drinking behavior among college students, although findings are mixed. In addition, a person’s drinking level prior to entering college predicts drinking behavior during college (Sher and Rutledge 2007; Varvil-Weld et al. 2013). |
In contrast to the PAS, which was used as a tool to objectively evaluate swallowing safety, the BRS was used to evaluate swallowing efficiency. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study in which the BRS was used to evaluate swallowing outcomes in patients treated for HNC. We found that, compared to other patients, the patients who had oropharyngeal tumors had higher BRS scores for all types of swallows (solid, liquid, and semiliquid) and the patients who had multiple HNCs of the head and neck had higher BRS scores for semiliquid and solid swallows. The application of the BRS allows for qualitative assessments, and it is an easy-to-use method for either expert or non-experts . Patients who had oropharyngeal tumors were found to have high PAS and BRS scores, indicating that, with respect to both swallowing safety and efficiency, such patients had poor swallowing outcomes. With respect to the patients who had multiple HNCs, we assumed that the pathophysiological changes caused by multiple tumors led to decreased swallowing efficiency in these patients. |
O crescimento no número de suplementos alimentares disponíveis no mercado, bem como o elevado número de pontos de comercialização, colabora para a ineficiência na fiscalização desses produtos. Cabe salientar que a facilidade de aquisição via comércio virtual pode fazer o consumidor ter acesso a produtos ilegais ou que contenham substâncias não autorizadas em suplementos alimentares. O usuário nem sempre está ciente dos danos que essas substâncias podem causar, configurando-se um desafio à saúde pública. Políticas de educação que mostrem os r'iscos associados ao consumo desnecessário, alertas que auxiliem a reconhecer a qualidade dos suplementos alimentares e o incentivo à busca de profissional capacitado antes da aquisição de qualquer produto dessa natureza são boas estratégias para conscientizar a população e, consequentemente, reduzir o comércio de produtos ilegais ou em desacordo com a legislação. |
It is well-known that the size of Au nanoparticles has a great influence on the photocatalytic activity . By TEM, the size of Au nanoparticles was observed, as shown in Figure 6. The majority of diameters of Au nanoparticles for samples activated by pure Ar, 10% O2/Ar, 30% O2/Ar and 50% O2/Ar plasmas are around 2 nm. It indicates that the moderate operation of O2/Ar cold plasma inhibits the aggregation of Au nanoparticles and that the O2 content is independent of the size of the Au nanoparticles. Meanwhile, the size distribution of Au nanoparticles slightly decreases as the O2 content rises. This is because the negative charges in the O2/Ar plasma sheath could establish a Coulomb field over the surface of Au nanoparticles to remain highly dispersed. |
For very small springs, the effect of the mass m1 may often be ignored. Development of a model for electrostatic transducers is more complicated. Following we assume that the electrodes act as parallel plate capacitors with capacitance:(4)C=ε0L0d/(g0−yD), |
Consider an axial director profile as illustrated in Fig. 1a. For this director configuration the intensity profile of the transmitted light in a crossed polarized setup is of the form: , where is the angle between the director and the polarizer36. The intensity is a minimum when the director is either parallel or perpendicular to the incident polarization, corresponding to complete extinction of the light. The maxima in the intensity correspond to the cases where the director makes an angle of 45° with respect to the incident polarization direction. Polarized optical microscopy (POM) images of two angular positions of a capillary filled with DSCG are shown in Fig. 2a,b, which correspond to the long axis of the capillary being parallel and at 45° with respect to the incident polarization direction, respectively. It should be noted that neither one of these situations display the expected extinction of the incident light. This remarkable feature points to the fact that we must have a twisted structure in place of an axial one. In an axial configuration, the image corresponding to Fig. 2a would be one of complete extinction of light. Instead, we see that the intensity in both Fig. 2a and b are comparable. This implies that the plane of polarization of the incident light is rotated by the liquid crystal, and upon exiting the capillary it is at an angle to the analyser that is not 0° or 90°. This is a classic signature of twist. A doubly twisted configuration, which could explain the observed experimental images is illustrated in Fig. 1b. The director of this configuration is axial at the centre of the cylinder and twists progressively as it approaches the surface. We confirm that the anchoring at the surface of the cylinder is planar by studying the tactoids that nucleate when the LCLC is in the biphasic region. The inset of Fig. 2a shows a bipolar tactoid, which serves as a confirmation that the surface anchoring is planar. |
Many organizations such as non-profits and hospitals, and in some cases individuals, utilized these technologies to support or enhance patient education. Some early online communities such as the Breast-Cancer List, now in its thirteenth year, are still in operation. Usenet health-related newsgroups are still available through the web interface Google Groups with many active in both the alt.health and alt.support hierarchies. Consumer-driven web-based health bulletin boards and lists also exist; for example, WebMD forums , HealthBoards and health-specific Yahoo Groups , although many of these may be considered relatively recent endeavours in comparison to their older cousins. |
Este estudio tiene sus limitaciones. Toda la información dietética se recopiló mediante recordatorio dietético de 24 horas. Más allá del sesgo de la memoria, los participantes pueden optar por retener información sobre ciertos productos alimenticios que se consideran socialmente indeseables, tanto en términos de categorías de productos como de cantidades consumidas. Este único punto de información dietética puede no capturar la dieta habitual de los participantes y, por lo tanto, ser menos representativa de su ingesta. Aunque los análisis controlaron varias variables sociodemográficas, la confusión residual es difícil de eliminar. Sin embargo, la naturaleza probabilística de la muestra estudiada, la representatividad nacional de la población colombiana usando la última encuesta nacional con recordatorio dietético de 24 horas disponible, y la estandarización de la recolección de datos dietéticos son algunas de las fortalezas de este estudio. Es probable que el consumo de alimentos ultraprocesados en Colombia haya cambiado desde la publicación de estos datos. Este estudio proporciona niveles de referencia de ingesta y podría ser una línea de base que podría compararse con evaluaciones dietéticas más recientes, cuando estén disponibles, para captar las tendencias en el consumo de alimentos ultraprocesados en Colombia. |
Phase I and II studies carried out in 2008 and 2009, respectively, provided initial support for its use. In total, 519 patients with mild to moderate SLE were recruited for these trials 29, 30. Results showed a safety profile for belimumab similar to that observed in the placebo group. However, these studies failed to show significant improvement in disease activity as compared with the placebo group. Two further trials (BLISS 52 and BLISS 76) were developed 31, 32. These international phase III trials enrolled a total of 1,684 patients with SLE (865 patients in the BLISS 52 trial and 819 in the BLISS 76 trial) with mild to moderate disease activity. Patients with central nervous system (CNS) involvement or renal involvement were excluded. A pooled analysis of BLISS 52 and BLISS 76 was performed to evaluate the efficacy and safety in the subpopulation of SLE patients with a more-severe disease activity score, defined by the BILAG domain score as follows: A (severe disease activity), B (moderate disease activity), or C (mild disease activity) in at least one of the domains at baseline. Patients with a SELENA-SLEDAI (Safety of Estrogens in Lupus Erythematosus - National Assessment–Systemic Lupus Erythematosus Disease Activity Index) score of more than 10, anti-double-stranded DNA (anti-dsDNA) of at least 30 IU/mL at baseline, or low complement relative to the normal range at baseline benefited more from the administration of belimumab than both the placebo arm and the SLE patients with a less-severe presentation 33. Figure 2 summarizes the key results of the BLISS 52 and BLISS 76 trials. |
To assess whether growth characteristics of DCIS are associated with indolent or invasive growth, we analyzed the 3D whole-mount images. Interestingly, based on their 3D morphology, DCIS lesions could be classified into two distinct growth patterns: replacement growth and expansive growth. In DCIS with replacement growth, the human DCIS cells replace the existing mouse luminal epithelium and populate the ducts, but do not severely disturb the architecture of the ducts. DCIS with expansive growth is characterized by tumor cells that do not grow within the ducts, but rather expand perpendicularly to the ducts (Figures 5A and S5A). The expansive lesions showed a higher volume and more spherical morphology when compared with replacement lesions, which had a smaller volume and a more elongated shape (Figures 5B and 5C). Expansive lesions remained more localized within the ductal tree and caused loss of contacts between the myoepithelial cells resulting in a discontinuous myoepithelial cell layer (Figures 5A and S5A).Figure 53D imaging reveals two distinct DCIS growth patterns with strong correlation to invasive progression(A) Examples of 3D whole-mount imaging of DCIS lesions in PDX models, showing replacement growth (left panel) and expansive growth (right panel). Cells of human origin are marked with Ku80 (green), myoepithelial cells are marked with αSMA (magenta).(B) Volumes of DCIS lesions for replacement and expansive growth. Data are represented as mean ± SEM. Two-tailed Mann-Whitney test. ∗∗p < 0.01.(C) Width to length ratios of DCIS lesions for replacement and expansive growth, revealing a more elongated shape for lesions with replacement growth vs. a more spherical shape for lesions with expansive growth. Data are represented as mean ± SEM. Two tailed Mann Whitney test. ∗∗p < 0.01.(D) Invasive progression rates of DCIS samples showing replacement growth, mixed growth, and expansive growth, respectively.(E–G) 3D morphologies of FFPE blocks from patients with DCIS. FFPE blocks were tissue-cleared and imaged for αSMA (cyan), nuclei (gray), and second harmonics generation detecting collagen 1 (red).(E) Example of globular DCIS morphology, representing expansive growth. Left, 3D visualization of the intact FFPE block. Middle, optical section through the indicated area in the 3D view. Right, 3D surface reconstruction of DCIS ducts in the indicated area.(F) Example for tubular DCIS morphology, representing replacement growth. Left, 3D view of the intact FFPE block. Middle, optical section through the indicated area. Right, 3D surface reconstruction of the indicated area.(G) Scheme illustrating DCIS morphologies in human resections that can be distinguished as globular expansion and tubular growth along ducts.(H) Volcano plot of differentially expressed genes in DCIS lesions for replacement vs. expansive growth.(I) Immunofluorescence staining of ECM1 (white) in a DCIS lesion showing replacement growth (top panels), a lesion showing expansive growth (middle panels), and a normal mammary duct (bottom panels). High extracellular expression of ECM1 protein is detected in the expansive DCIS lesion. Cells of human origin are marked with Ku80 (green), myoepithelial cells are marked with αSMA (magenta).(J) Quantification of extracellular ECM1 expression in DCIS lesions for expansive or replacement growth and normal mammary ducts. Lines indicate Q1, median, and Q3. Two-tailed Mann-Whitney test. ∗∗∗p < 0.001, ∗p < 0.05, ns, not significant. See also Figure S5. |
The result of the direct matrix ranking exercise on the selected medicinal plants used for treating human ailments enabled us to identify which of the multipurpose plants was under greater pressure than other species in the area beside the respective factors that threaten the plants (Table 8).Table 8Average direct matrix ranking score of ten key informants for ten medicinal plant species with additional usesMedicinal plant speciesUse categoriesTotalRankChCoFr &TlFwMdAllophylus abyssinicus53232154thCombretum molle13343145thEhretia cymosa21231910thFagaropsis angolensis33453182ndOlea europaea subsp. cuspidata35242163rdPappea capensis33221118thPodocarpus falcatus12142109thSchrebera alata13332127thTerminalia brownii32242136thWarburgia ugandensis45434201stTotal2630253522138Rank3rd2nd4th1st5thN.B. Scores in the table indicate ranks given to medicinal plants based on their use diversity. The highest number (5) was given for the medicinal plant which informants thought was used commonly for the mentioned purpose and the lowest number (1) for the least needed for that purposeCh charcoal, Co construction, Fr & Tl furniture and tools, Fw firewood and Md medicinal |
The mass of C within a tusk-shell spherical concretion is given by: Vc = 4/3πrc3 · d(c) · nc, where rc is the radius of a concretion (mean value; 0.75 cm), d(c) is the average density of a concretion (1.7 g/cm3) and nc (0.07) is the proportion of C in the concretion. Using the measured values for the various parameters gives Vc ≃ 0.20 g. |
NSCLC cells (2 × 103) were seeded into the wells of 12-well culture plates and grown for up to 2 weeks in a cell incubator. The cell medium was discarded, and 4% PFA was added to fix the cells and colonies at room temperature (RT) for 12-15 min followed by PBS washes. Crystal violet (0.1%) and methanol (20%) were added to stain the colonies. ImageJ software was used to quantify the number of colonies. |
For the CS and CS–BPA (1:1) microbeads, it can be observed in Figure 18a,b that the impact over the removal efficiency of heavy metal ions is less noticed in the case of the CS sample, while the CS–BPA sample proved to be efficient in partial removal of some metal ions. Ngah and Fatinathan studied the removal of Cu(II) ions from an aqueous solution of chitosan beads, chitosan–GLA 1:1, 2:1 ratio beads, and chitosan–alginate beads, and based on their results, all materials are efficient for Cu(II) removal from water solutions. Modified chitosan was studied by Zhao et al. for the removal of Cd(II) and Pb (II) ions . In a study by Matei et al. , magnetite nanoparticles were incorporated in a chitosan matrix and tested for the removal of Cr6+ ions from aqueous solutions. The biocompatible composite proved to be suitable for monolayer adsorption of Cr6+ ions on the porous surface of the material and presented a removal efficiency of 91% for a concentration of 0.5 mg/L Cr6+ ions. |
In advance of the meetings, invitees completed a questionnaire (Additional file 1: Table S1). The questionnaire was designed to collect information about different aspects of [TIMP-2]•[IGFBP7] testing, including factors that led to adoption at respondents’ respective institutions, specific items related to testing procedures, and interpretation of results. Collated results of the questionnaire were provided to group members before the meetings, so they could become familiar with all of the responses and be prepared to discuss the findings at each meeting. |
Уровни гормонов ЩЖ у обследованных больных, получавших ПХТ или комбинированное химиолучевое лечение, представлены в табл. 1. Медиана уровня ТТГ у больных ЛХ составил 2,25 (1,1; 6,4) мМЕ/л. Отклонения показателей от референсных значений были выявлены у 40 (25%) пациентов. Повышение уровня ТТГ и снижение уровня Т4св и/или Т3 выявлены у 12 больных, изолированное повышение ТТГ без изменения уровня периферических гормонов — у 18. Данные изменения встречались у 24 женщин и 6 мужчин. У 10 пациентов, 9 женщин и 1 мужчины, выявлено снижение уровня периферических гормонов ЩЖ при нормальном или сниженном уровне ТТГ, что с определенной долей вероятности может свидетельствовать о синдроме эутиреоидной патологии (СЭП), но не исключает наличия центрального гипотиреоза. |
If the ring design strategically loses, i.e. in eradicating rabies, are there other benefits which outweigh the disadvantage? There are two other potential benefits to consider: economy and public health. With modern aerial bait disposal controlled by the GPS, logistic costs do not differ substantially between the two spatial designs (Mürke, pers. comm.). The cost is mainly linked to the total number of baits needed for the program. However, we demonstrated that in the ring design the time lag until the spared inner part is vaccinated directly adds to the time until eradication (Fig. 11b). This increases the cost of the ring design as compared to the earlier eradication in the circle design. |
Os resultados a serem medidos e analisados são os seguintes: Hipertensão: redução da pressão arterial sistólica ou diastólica em 10 mmHg Dislipidemia: redução do colesterol total em 100 mg / dL; aumento de HDL em 10 mg / dL; redução de triglicerídeos em 50 a 100 mg / dL Doença arterial coronariana: melhora da isquemia miocárdica; redução no escore de cálcio coronário Acidente vascular cerebralDoença arterial periférica obstrutiva: melhora no índice de pressão tornozelo-braquial <0,9; estenose arterial detectada pelo ultra-som de trombose venosa profunda dos membros inferiores Aterosclerose carotídea: redução na espessura íntima-média ou no grau de estenose carotídea Insuficiência cardíaca: redução no grau de hipertrofia ventricular esquerda ou aumento da função sistólica do ventrículo esquerdo ou melhora e / ou reversão da disfunção diastólica, detectada pelo ecocardiograma Doppler Arritmia: redução no número de eventos de arritmia, detectados pelo teste de suporte ou estresse de 24 horasDiabetes mellitus: redução da tolerância à glicose e resistência à insulina; melhorias na glicemia de jejum, hemoglobina A1C, teste de tolerância à glicose oral, insulina basal, curva de insulina, avaliação do modelo homeostático [37, 38]Marcadores séricos de risco cardiovascular: reduções na proteína C-reativa ultrassensível, homocisteína e lipoproteína A ;Hipertireoidismo ou hipotireoidismo: melhora nos níveis séricos de TSH ultrassensível, T4 livre e T3 livre [39, 40]Doença renal crônica: redução da albuminúria, medida pela taxa de filtração glomerular e calculada com base na colaboração na Epidemiologia da Doença Renal Crônica Hiperparatireoidismo (HPT): redução ou normalização dos níveis séricos de HPT . |
The Post-Release PR test was administered twice in the fall of 2015, about 6 weeks apart. Scores on the first Post-Release PR test were correlated with scores on the Pre-Release PR test. The two administrations of the Post-Release PR test were correlated with each other to address the question of whether pitch recognition is a stable trait of batters or a fluctuating state. Since regular and extensive testing of the pitch recognition skill of batters in many contexts will require different PR tests it is important to develop methods of validating new tests. The coaches of the cooperating team embraced testing for development of their players as well as advancing the science of pitch recognition testing. |
After euthanasia, ears were removed, fixed in 4% phosphate-buffered formalin for a minimum of 48hrs at 4°C, paraffin-embedded and sectioned (4μm thick). Sections taken from an area that bisected the circular wound were deparaffinized, rehydrated and stained with hematoxylin and eosin. For in situ hybridization, slides were probed with Angptl4, Cxcl12 and Cxcr4 RNA using the following primers Angptl4; F 5’-ccagactcctgagactctgc-3', R 5’-gcacagccaattggcttcc-3’, Cxcl12; F-5’-gtcctcttgctgtccagctc-3’, R-5’-taatttcgggtcaatgcaca-3’, and Cxcr4; F-5’-ttctcatcctggccttcatc-3’, R-5’-atggagttgagtgcatgctg-3’. A T7 sequence was included at the start of all reverse primers generated using T7 transcription kit (Roche, Indianapolis IN). Colorimetric visualization was performed using AP substrate-chromogen NBT/BCIP (Sigma). Negative controls were generated by eliminating incubation with the probe. For immunohistochemistry slides were blocked with Background Buster (Innovex Biosciences), and stained with anti-ANGPTL4 (ThermoFisher 40–9800, 1:20). Visualization for immunohistochemistry was achieved using Stat-Q AEC kit (Innovex Biosciences). Negative controls were generated by elimination of incubation with the primary antibody. All slides were evaluated by a board-certified veterinary pathologist, blinded to the groups. |
The major limitation of this study was singular coding of the data, resulting from institutional requirements for an independent project as part of the author’s dissertation. In addition, qualitative findings are inherently subjective. Interviewees occupy a subjective position and are likely to be influenced by social desirability bias. Examination of both facilitators and barriers and assurance of anonymity intended to minimize these risks. A strength of this study is its use of implementation theory. This is the first known study to systematically examine contextual factors associated with SGM curricular implementation in pre-graduate health care professional academic settings. |
We then asked if they were interested in taking PrEP (not interested at all vs somewhat or very interested). We also asked the participants to rate how true the following statement is—My friends talk about PrEP—with response options as very or somewhat true versus not true at all. Participants who were not interested in PrEP were subsequently asked to enter their primary reason for being uninterested in PrEP. |
Policy and interventions in early childhood should be seen as part of a comprehensive strategy to reduce health inequalities in later life. However, policies and interventions are also needed specifically to support health in later life. In one study, the provision of more generous minimum pensions and higher expenditure on social care for the elderly, resulted in reduced health inequalities in the age group 65–80 years (21). In this way welfare policies can moderate the association between SEP and health. This finding reflects analysis from the European Office of WHO which identified six policies with statistically significant potential to reduce short term health inequalities (22): |
The flight controller module is responsible to control the takeoff and landing modes of the drone. The flight controller module takes off the drone upon receiving the instructions from the service provider via a cloud service platform. Finally, when the drone reaches the customer’s GPS location, it lands and releases the parcel after the two-step verification. On the other hand, the edge node module is responsible for capturing the customer’s image when the drone reaches a destination. After capturing the customer’s image, the edge node performs some image processing task to localize the customer’s face in the image then send it to the AWS S3 bucket storage where the ‘Amazon Rekognition’ deep learning model recognizes the authentic customer’s face concerning the image provided by the customer while placing the order. In case, if the customer’s face is not localized in a captured image, the edge node will capture another image of the customer until it localizes the customer’s face within a specified limited attempt—in our case, we limit the number of attempts to less than equal to three—and send it to the ‘Amazon Rekognition’ deep learning model for customer authentication. |
第一条横线(图 2C)穿过眉弓、眉毛和眉间复合体。第二条横线(图 2D)穿过脸颊或“苹果肌”。如果在这条线内注射,颧骨会显得更窄,有助于减小亚洲人颧骨的宽度。眉毛和苹果肌的横线也被认为是衰老的标准。明显的泪沟和鼻唇沟被认为是衰老的迹象。另一方面,另外两条斜线沿着鼻唇沟延伸(图 2E)。 如果用注射填充剂处理鼻唇沟,患者会显得年轻。最后,添加了 2 个唇沟和泪沟(图 2F),将这两个汉字和“未来”结合在一起。“未来”设计理念包括面部轮廓的重要美学点和线,并包含面部年轻化和美学的核心原则(图 2)。所有这些线条构成了汉字“未来”。因此,这两个字的中国书法代表了亚洲患者美容面部注射的核心。 |
To the best of our knowledge, this study surveyed the biggest sample of healthcare students from the different colleges of Jordan’s universities, thus ensuring a considerable degree of representation and facilitating the extraction of comprehensive data. The study has limitations, such as data being based on participant self-reporting and being unable to be checked. Similarly, estimates of testing and vaccination coverage, as well as HBsAg seroprevalence, relied only on participant response. Because this is a cross-sectional study, establishing a cause-and-effect relationship is challenging. In addition, only quantitative measures and online convenience sampling were used to assess awareness, which are inevitable limitations. |
All but six reviewed models either focused on selected influential variables, rather than a comprehensive systems approach, or utilized sampling points, rather than sampling habitats within the Aedes flight range. The findings and conclusions presented in these models are therefore grounded in a biased hypothesis. One of the most important findings from our review is the variation in effects of influential factors on Ae. aegypti and Ae. albopictus behavior and ecology and eventually their spatial and temporal distributions. This variation in spatio-temporal distribution of Ae. aegypti and Ae. albopictus make it unlikely that a single system could describe the relationship between these mosquito vectors and their predicting variables. |
在各项可能影响局限期SCLC的临床因素中, 肿瘤的大小和局部淋巴结转移情况可能是最重要的影响预后因素。2007年国际肺癌组织肺癌分期项目应用第七版肺癌TNM分期对SCLC的预后进行了回顾性评价。共纳入了12, 620个病例, 其中适于行TNM分期有8, 088例患者, 结果显示生存和T和N均明显相关, 尤其是对于没有纵隔和锁骨上淋巴结的患者生存差异更明显, 由此国际肺癌组织建议SCLC患者应用第7版的TNM分期系统进行分期。我们回顾性的将既往按照美国退伍军人协会分期法分期的局限期SCLC患者重新按照第7版TNM分期法进行重新分期, 并按照Ⅰ期、Ⅱ期, Ⅲa期和Ⅲb期进行分层, 因所纳入的患者均为Ⅰb期, 且Ⅱa和Ⅱb期例数均较少, 故未再进一步分层, 而在全部病例中Ⅲa期的比例最高, 约占患者总数的45%(41/91), 结果显示四组的近期有效率类似, 总体RR率为93.4%, 各组之间无统计学差异。全组中位PFS为14.25个月, Ⅰ期、Ⅱ期、Ⅲa期、Ⅲb期的中位PFS分别为:22.03个月、15.97个月、11.99个月和10.50个月, 其中Ⅰ期和Ⅲa期、Ⅲb期的中位PFS有统计学差异(P < 0.05), Ⅱ期、Ⅲa期和Ⅲb期的PFS无统计学差异; 中位OS为19.56个月, Ⅰ期、Ⅱ期、Ⅲa期、Ⅲb期的中位生存期分别为:30.38个月, 22.07个月, 16.0个月和15.25个月, 其中Ⅰ期、Ⅱ期和Ⅲa期、Ⅲb期的中位生存期有统计学差异(P < 0.05), Ⅲa期、Ⅲb期的中位生存期无统计学差异(P=0.77)。以上结果提示TNM分期与患者的PFS和总OS均相关, 尤其是OS, 说明对于局限期SCLC的患者进行更进一步的TNM分期的必要性, 尤其Ⅰ期和Ⅲ期患者比较无论PFS和OS均有明显统计学差异, 提示我们对于不同TNM分期的局限期SCLC患者可能应采取不同的治疗模式和策略, 以改善其预后。 |
The results are also consistent with evidence from the study of Yamamoto and DeGirolamo (2012) investigating the effect of aging on spatial learning from the ground or aerial perspective, which indicates a particular benefit of map reading for older learners. In this study, young and older participants encoded landmarks in a VE either through a ground perspective or map reading. Compared to young adults, older adults experienced certain degrees of decline in spatial learning abilities (Devlin & Wilson, 2010; Lokka & Çöltekin, 2020; Yamamoto & Degirolamo, 2012). When participants were later asked to reconstruct the spatial layout, older (or low spatial ability) participants were less accurate than young (or high spatial ability) participants in the ground, but not the map, encoding condition. With regard to the elevated perspective used in the current study, although it is considered different from map reading according to Table 1, it is possible that they affect spatial learning in a similar manner as both allow learners to comprehend spatial relations between objects as seen from above with an increased geographic scale. Future study is necessary to clarify the specific contribution of elevated perspective with respect to map reading to the improvement of spatial knowledge acquisition. |
Of note, converging evidence indicates that ASD is characterized by an excitation/inhibition (E/I) imbalance in selective neuronal circuits that appears to be mainly related to defects of GABAergic signaling in different brain structures . As retrograde EC signaling at CB1 receptors is a key regulator of synaptic plasticity both at inhibitory and excitatory synapses in the adult brain , dysfunctions of the EC system could sustain ASD phenotypes as a consequence of unbalanced excitatory and inhibitory neurotransmission. On the other hand, considering the regulatory role of the CB1 receptor in the maturation of excitatory and inhibitory neurons , it is also conceivable that abnormal CB1 receptor signaling at early stages of brain development could have profound consequences on adult brain function, including disruption of the optimal E/I balance and the susceptibility to ASD. Understanding the time course of the alterations of the EC system in animal models of ASD could help to dissect the contribution of this system in the pathogenesis of these neurodevelopmental conditions. |
Effects of LcSFB on splenocytes from OVA-injected (s.c.) mice ex vivo. (A) Splenocyte proliferation. (B) Representative experiments evaluating the effect of LcSFB on Treg cells. (C) Relative percentages of Treg cells in splenocytes. (D) Representative experiments evaluating the effect of LcSFB on T helper cells (E) Relative percentages of T helper cells in splenocytes. NCi mice gavaged with saline, negative control, Li mice gavaged with low-dose LcSFB (2.5 × 109 CFU/kg BW), Hi mice gavaged with high-dose LcSFB (5 × 109 CFU/kg BW). Different superscript letters (a, b) indicate significant differences at p < 0.05; one-way ANOVA with Tukey HSD post-hoc tests (n = 10). |
[Ovviamente la DAD mi ha colto ‘impreparato’. Per mio carattere e per le caratteristiche dei miei alunni, il mio insegnamento si basa moltissimo sul rapporto, sull’empatia, sull’emozione e non da ultimo sulla fisicità, molto spesso anche teatrale, in classe.] |
Visuo-spatial construction is the ability to perceive an object or a picture as a set of parts and then use these parts to build a replica (i.e., an exact copy or reproduction of what a person saw). People use visuospatial construction when they draw, button up a shirt, make their bed, create models of sailing ships and aircrafts, piece together LEGO building blocks, or furniture purchased unassembled at an IKEA store. Visuospatial construction is very important in daily life; for this reason, it is considered to be the central cognitive ability. Therefore, measuring this ability is an integral part of any complete testing of the mental abilities of an individual. |
The dermatology clinic comparing with the clinics under the study allocated most of the waiting time for the outpatient. The time duration of 216 minutes was allocated for the outpatients and about 86 minutes (46/08%) were related to the pre admission and 59/44% of it belonged to the distance between the cash department and the examination room. |
Twin and family studies report that genetic differences are associated with individual differences in intelligence test scores (Box 2). If studies from all ages are taken together, genetic differences account for about 50% (standard error [SE] about 2%) of the variation in intelligence . Higher heritability (see Glossary) estimates are found in samples of adults (where it can be 70% or slightly more) than in children (where estimates as low as 20–30% have been reported) [24–27]. The finding that intelligence is heritable has been replicated across multiple data sets sourced from different countries and times . Our emphasis herein is on results from the newer, DNA-based studies rather than on traditional twin and family studies. |
In this study, CMV serostatus in D−/R+ cases had a negative effect on the full recovery of CMV-specific CMI. This result is also in agreement with some previous studies showing better CMV-specific T-cell reconstitution in D+/R+ patients compared with D–/R+ patients. More CMV-specific T-cell responses were detected at day 100 in D+/R+ patients than in D–/R+ patients (78% vs 58%) . This was also observed in studies of both T cell depleted HSCT and T-cell replete HSCT [24–26]. Transfer of both naïve and memory CMV-specific T cells present in the graft from CMV seropositive donors may provide CMV-specific cellular immunity to the recipients. |
Subsets and Splits