stringlengths 164
After data from chromosomes 15 and 19 were excluded, we observed that clustering the uncorrected data (Figure 3a) still resulted in clusters that did not particularly well reflect the ethnicity of the samples. However, after clustering the corrected data (Figure 3b) we observed three major clusters - the LH cluster contains over 95% of the YRI samples, the far right cluster contains over 85% of the CHB and JPT samples and the middle cluster contains nearly 75% of the CEU samples. This pattern of clustering is consistent with that obtained from CNV genotypes in which the YRI exhibit the most distinct clustering . This suggests that correcting for the wave effect can significantly aid the recovery of important biological information. It is also worth noting that clustering over categorized data may improve the separation of the populations still further. However, this would necessitate the application of a novel (in this context) distance metric and, consequently, is likely to be an interesting topic for future research. |
The majority of studies to date, have reported that early menarche (<11 years) increases the danger of endometriosis, but our results did not find any significant dif¬ference between the age of menarche and endome-triosis and the formation of adhesion. Peterson et al. (16) reported that there was no relation between endometriosis and history of menstrual cycle (i.e. length of the cycle, frequency of menstrual cycles per month, and age at menarche). |
Unsurprisingly, the categories with the highest average molecular weights were CLCs and flavonolignans, with mean molecular weights of 567.4 ± 67.5 and 478.6 ± 7.0 g mol−1, respectively. By definition, flavonolignans are the result of a dimerisation of a phenyl propanoid unit and flavone nucleus, a flavone moiety having a higher molecular weight than another phenyl propanoid unit that forms the basis of a classical lignan/neolignan. The CLCs in this study are classical lignans/neolignans with a least one additional saccharide unit attached. Of all of the sub-classes, flavonolignans had the lowest standard deviation for molecular weight, indicative that the compounds of this type have very similar molecular composition. Of the classical lignans and neolignans, dibenzyocyclooctadienes had a significantly higher average than other classical lignans and neolignans (413.3 g mol−1 vs. 361.2 g mol−1). Conversely, biphenyls (313.8 ± 62.6 g mol−1) and biphenyl ethers (296.5 ± 27.4 g mol−1) had the lowest molecular weights, on average. Looking at these compounds, they generally have lower numbers of substituents on the aromatic ring and less elaboration of the sidechains, which could account for this observation. Compounds in the KDS have molecular weights lower than 800 g mol−1 (red line in Figure 3); as can be seen, all of the compounds studied exist in KDS for this parameter. Almost all (94.5%) of the compounds would be considered to be drug-like when considering molecular weight, however only ~10% of compounds are also considered lead-like (<300 g mol−1). |
1. 病例:纳入2009年6月至2020年6月在南京医科大学第一附属医院(浦口慢淋中心)诊断且无治疗指征的Binet A期CLL患者110例。所有患者均进行外周血或骨髓细胞形态学和流式细胞术免疫表型检测,诊断标准与疾病分期严格参照国际CLL工作组(iwCLL)2018指南。所有纳入的患者在诊断后每半年于我院门诊进行临床随访,随访截止时间为2020年10月1日。随访方式主要为查阅门诊及住院病历、电话随访。本研究终点为TTFT,具体定义为患者诊断CLL至因病情进展开始接受治疗的时间间隔。我们纳入患者诊断时前述四种预后模型中涉及的所有指标,包括:①临床信息:年龄、CLL Binet与Rai分期;②血液常规检查指标:ALC、LDT;③生化指标:β2-微球蛋白;④分子遗传学指标:del(17p)与TP53突变状态、del(11q);⑤IGHV突变状态等。运用4种预后模型对本研究队列中的患者进行风险分层,根据TTFT评估不同预后模型的效能。 |
We collected the data on maternal socio-demographic and obstetric information (such as age, level of education, employment status, monthly family income, gestational age, parity, having a chronic disease or pregnancy complication, having at least one COVID-19 infected person in their relatives, and having at least one death due to COVID-19 in relatives). To measure the fear of COVID-19, we designed one question with a likert-type scale ranging from “not at all” (1) to “severe” (5) and asked women to rate their fear (supplementary file). |
Body height and weight were measured and the BMI (weight in kilograms divided by height squared in centimetres) was computed. According to his/her BMI, each subject was classified as underweight, normal weight, overweight, or obese, using International Obesity Taskforce (2012) thresholds for sex and exact age. Underweight was determined using the thresholds of Cole et al. (2007). |
In recent years, genomic studies of individuals with developmental or neurodegenerative diseases have tremendously advanced our understanding of the genetics of these disorders [1–5]. Many of them, including autism spectrum disorder (ASD), schizophrenia, Alzheimer’s disease (AD), and Parkinson’s disease (PD), are caused by a heterogeneous combination of variant alleles and have therefore proven difficult to recapitulate in animal models, which are better suited for studying single-gene mutations [6–9]. Although the human brain is the ideal model to study human neuropathology, the limited availability of healthy and diseased brain tissue as well as the difficulties with culturing or genetically manipulating the tissue makes this an inopportune model with which to easily elucidate molecular mechanisms underlying these disorders. Recent progress in iPSC technology has provided a remarkable alternative for the study of human brain diseases through the scalable, manipulatable production of human neural cells derived directly from patients with diverse neurological diseases [10–15]. However, the potential of hiPSCs to recapitulate complex human brain disorders remains incompletely exploited. In this review, we summarize the current state of using hPSC-derived in vitro 3D models of brain development and neurodegenerative disorders and discuss the advantages and challenges of employing 3D human brain models for drug screening and investigating mechanisms behind these neurological disorders. |
To try to determine approximately how long this calculation would take on a standard laptop, multiple smaller runs were completed. Figure 5 shows the run times for multiple feature amounts for the R iRF code on one CPU of a 2015 MacBook Pro laptop. The linear fit, while not perfect, is accurate enough for a rough estimate for larger feature sizes. Using the provided equation, the 1.7 million feature set run on Summit would take approximately 33 days to complete on a laptop, given that the system had enough memory to contain the data set and results, which most standard laptops do not have. When compared to the approximately 40 min required on 5 nodes of Summit, it is easy to see what a difference these resources, and programs that can use them, can make. |
Primary aim of the model was to be simplistic enough to be implemented in electric circuit simulators. Analytical equations are properly laid out to be used in SPICE simulations and it has been represented through a 1T/1R circuit. The model is also represented through a Verilog-A representation which shows its applicability in digital circuits as well. |
Молекулярно-генетические исследования выявили вариантные замены у 8 пациентов: у 2 — патогенные замены, у 1 — вероятно патогенный вариант, у остальных пациентов — замены с неизвестной клинической значимостью. Наиболее часто вариантные замены определялись в гене FGFR1 (у 4 из 8 пациентов), у пациента 5 вариантная замена сопровождалась развитием микропении, у пациента 6 — крипторхизмом, а у пациента 15 — сочетанием крипторхизма с микропенией. Характерных фенотипических проявлений (расщелина губы и неба, аномалии развития нижних конечностей) при вариантных заменах в гене FGFR1 не наблюдалось. |
Kaplan-Meier survival curves for ADAM9. The number of events (deaths) is given in brackets. Tumours with high ADAM9 expression (bold line) revealed significantly shortened patient survival times if compared to those with low ADAM9 expression (dotted line). |
Homology of the human Class II (CISD3) and Class I (CISD2) proteins with representative archaeal and proteobacteria CISD proteins. (A) Phylogenetic tree of human CISD3, Archaea, and proteobacteria CISD proteins showing homology between the human CISD3 protein and proteobacteria CISD proteins. For simplification purposes, the different clades were collapsed based on the grouping of archaeal and bacterial sequences. A full version of the tree with complete protein annotations and posterior probabilities (aBayes) values is shown in Supplementary Fig. S5. (B) Phylogenetic tree of human CISD2, Archaea, and proteobacteria CISD proteins showing homology between the human CISD2 protein and archaeal CISD proteins. For simplification purposes, the different clades were collapsed based on the grouping of archaeal and bacterial sequences. A full version of the tree with complete protein annotations and posterior probabilities (aBayes) values is provided as Supplementary Fig. S6. Representative proteobacteria and archaea sequences were obtained as described in the Methods section. Multiple sequence alignment of the human CISD3/CISD2, archaeal, and proteobacteria CISD sequences were performed using MUSCLE and a maximum likelihood tree was generated using PhyML (see methods). |
Among these events, calcification with the hydroxyapatite (HA) presence in venous wall may play a fundamental role in the JNK activation. This pathway has been related to expression of osteogenic genes induced by HA and the osteogenic differentiation of smooth muscle cells. The calcification processes, as it plays a determinant role in in calcium deposition in smooth muscle cells 27,28. |
The preliminary results of the review were presented and discussed during a PARADIGM meeting held in London, 18 July 2018. This session provided valuable input on how best to present and categorize the results. Participants in the meeting included representatives from patient organizations, pharmaceutical companies and academia with an interest and considerable expertise in patient engagement. Based on the discussions during the meeting, it was agreed to structure the results per key decision‐making point and per stakeholder, including benefits and costs. These members of the PARADIGM consortium were involved in writing this article; their interpretation of results informed the discussion and conclusion. Furthermore, their contributions to the entire research process informed the direction of research, the terminology and definitions used in this article. |
Despite the existence of early studies dating back to 1982 4, collagenase clostridium histolyticum was approved by the US Food and Drug Administration in only 2013 as Xiaflex™ (Xiapex™ in the European market) for patients with a deformity of at least 30 degrees and palpable disease. Treatment comes in the form of an injection of two collagenases which act synergistically to cleave tropocollagen. The regimen involves up to four cycles of treatment 6 weeks apart, each cycle requiring two injections of 0.58 mg separated by 24 to 72 hours. Patients are also educated in penile modelling to occur three times daily. Approval was gained following the published data from IMPRESS (Investigation for Maximal Peyronie’s Reduction Efficacy and Safety Studies) I and II trials, identical phase III placebo controlled studies 5. These studies of 551 men evaluated reduction in curvature and Peyronie’s Disease Questionnaire (PDQ) score as their main outcome measures, and 401 patients made up the final modified intention-to-treat analysis. Curvature was reduced by 17 and 9 degrees (34% versus 18%) in the treatment and placebo arms, respectively. PDQ bother and symptom scores were reduced by -2.8 versus -1.8 and -2.9 versus -1.3, respectively, favouring the treatment group. Serious adverse events were noted in six patients, of whom four (three corporeal rupture and one haematoma) required surgery. All corporeal ruptures were related to intercourse. Overall, there does appear to be at least a modest benefit and it remains the most promising non-surgical therapy. The cost per cycle is £1300; hence, the treatment is currently not available routinely within the National Health Service but is being evaluated by the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence. Modification of the trial protocol to reduce the total number of injections and cycles alongside the use of a traction device appears to represent improved health economics and we await availability of published data to that effect. |
Лабораторное исследование уровней ЛГ, ФСГ, эстрадиола и тестостерона проводилось на автоматическом иммунохемилюминесцентном анализаторе Vitros 3600 (Ortho Clinical Diagnostics, «Johnson& Johnson», США) в клинико-диагностической лаборатории ФГБУ «НМИЦ эндокринологии» Минздрава России. За допубертатные нормы половых стероидов принимались уровни ЛГ менее 0,2 Ед/л, эстрадиола менее 55 пмоль/л, тестостерона менее 0,6 нмоль/л [ 2]. Функциональная проба с аналогом ГнРГ (Бусерелин 150 мкг интраназально) проведена всем пациентам кроме 4 девочек, у которых наступило менархе (оценивались базальные и стимулированные уровни ЛГ и ФСГ на 60 и 240 минутах). |
Our study has a number of limitations. First, we used only two web-based clinical trial registries. There are other clinical trial registries available. Clinicaltrials.org is an international registry and contains the largest number of trial listings. In addition, a preliminary web and literature search indicated that there were potential studies to include in the ANZCTR registry and there were few potential studies in other trial registries. Second, we excluded certain ICU settings, such as poststroke and orthopedics, where a specialized approach to rehabilitation is required. Third, we attempted to contact the author to ensure that there was intent to publish the completed but unpublished studies. However, it is possible that some of these studies might not be published. One possible barrier to publish may have been difficulty establishing adequate follow-up. We also excluded studies that were completed over 5 years ago but were not yet published. |
Cas 5: Patiente âgée de 51 ans, victime d’une chute mécanique en compression latérale et présente sur le plan radiologique une fracture type B instable de Tile (fracture de l’aileron sacré et du cadre obturateur droit) ostéosynthésée par vissage percutané avec une très bonne évolution clinique et radiologique sans déplacement secondaire (Figure 5). A 12 mois de recul, elle peut marcher jusqu’à 15 kilomètres en pente avec du poids au dos. |
Mihaljevic et al. reported their results for 261 robotic mitral valve repairs done between 2006 and 2009.12 Their results were compared with mitral valve repairs done via complete sternotomy (n = 114), partial sternotomy (n = 270), and right mini-anterolateral thoracotomy (n = 114). Outcomes were compared on an intent-to-treat basis using propensity score matching. Median cardiopulmonary bypass time was 42 minutes longer for robotic than for complete sternotomy, 39 minutes longer than partial sternotomy, and 11 minutes longer than right mini-anterolateral thoracotomy (P < 0.0001). There were no in-hospital deaths in any group, and neurologic, pulmonary, and renal complications were similar among groups (P > 0.1). The robotic group had the lowest occurrences of atrial fibrillation and pleural effusion, contributing to the shortest hospital stay (median 4.2 days); 1.0, 1.6, and 0.9 days shorter than for complete sternotomy, partial sternotomy, and right mini-anterolateral thoracotomy (all P < 0.001), respectively. |
Extended treatment with Dex did not induce apoptosis in any of the cell line models as determined by staining for annexin V (Fig. 3).Figure 3Lack induction of apoptosis in lung adenocarcinoma cells subjected to long-term Dex treatment. H292, A549, H1299, H1299 GR Clone 2 and H1299 GR Clone 4 cells were treated with either vehicle or Dex (100 nM) for the indicated number of days. Annexin V-positive cells were analyzed by flow cytometry. Cisplatin was used as the positive control. *P, 0.0001. |
Connecting–activities that could help the participant to forge a stronger connection with nature. This was a broad category and examples included eating something wild (e.g. a fresh hawthorn leaf), following a bee, creating art from natural objects, and exploring a local wild place for the first time. |
AFLP (amplified fragment length polymorphism – полиморфизм длины амплифицированных фрагментов). Высокополиморфные AFLP-маркеры часто привлекались в исследования генетического разнообразия представите- лей рода Rubus. В работе Miyashita et al. (2015) их исполь- зовали для филогенетического анализа образцов разных видов рода Rubus, растущих на различных японских островах. Материал включал сорта малины обыкновенной и ежевики, образцы дикорастущих популяций R. idaeus var. aculeatissimus и образцы 10 диких видов, относящихся к четырем подродам: Anoplobatus, Eubatus, Malachobatus и Idaeobatus. Образцы выборки разделились на семь клад. Виды, относящиеся к первым трем подродам, сформи- ровали три отдельные клады, тогда как виды подрода Idaeobatus разделились на четыре кластера. Интересно, что образцы R. idaeus var. aculeatissimus, собранные на о. Хоккайдо, оказались более гетерогенны (уровень поли- морфизма 95.0 %), чем образцы популяций дикорастущих видов R. crataegifolius, R. parvifolius и R. phoenicolasius Maxim., которые были собраны на трех островах – Хон- сю, Кюсю и Хоккайдо. На основании результатов AFLP- анализа авторам удалось отделить дикорастущие образцы R. idaeus от сортов малины обыкновенной (Miyashita et al., 2015). |
This study constitutes the first proof-of-concept regarding the in vivo activity of Pd2Spm as a potential candidate chemotherapeutic for TNBC treatment. The in vivo administration of Pd2Spm in TNBC tumor-bearing mice resulted in tumor growth inhibition to a similar extent to that in animals treated with cisplatin. Furthermore, the systemic toxicity (hematotoxicity, weight loss, diarrhea and biochemical alterations) observed in cisplatin-treated animals was not verified in Pd2Spm-treated mice. Here we have provided encouraging evidence of the selective activity of Pd2Spm towards TNBC with minimal effects to non-cancerous breast cells, both in vitro and in vivo. Therefore, Pd2Spm may become a promising potential Pd(II) drug candidate for the treatment of TNBC. |
In addition, an inverse correlation was found between hopelessness and DAT availability in all basal ganglia areas bilaterally, showing that as the hopelessness intensity in depressed patients increased, DAT levels in the basal ganglia reduced progressively, as shown in Figure 1 (all correlation coefficients and confidence intervals are available in Supplementary Materials). |
We then sought to explore protein-protein interactions in the data by using STRINGdb and ranking-enriched GO terms according to strength. This analysis revealed an enrichment of peroxiredoxin, thioredoxin peroxidase activity, and platelet-derived growth factor binding terms (Supplementary Table S2), once again suggesting the involvement of growth factors and antioxidant enzyme function in MSC-CM. Furthermore, antioxidant enzymes (SOD2, PRDX2, PRDX3, and PRDX5) and growth factors (PDGFRB, VEGFA, and VEGFB) were both involved in negative regulation of apoptotic process and increased in MSC-CM, suggesting potential antiapoptotic effects. Similarly, the heat shock proteins HSPA9, HSPA5, and HSP90B1 were also involved in the regulation of apoptosis and increased in MSC-CM (Figure 1e). |
Participants explored either a daytime or a nighttime version of a desktop VE, and gave their affective appraisal and emotional response. In four conditions the participants were led to believe that the tour they were about to make through the VE actually would prepare them for a follow-up tour through a similar real-world area, either in the same (daylight VE with daylight follow-up tour or nighttime VE with nighttime follow-up tour) or in opposite (daylight VE with nighttime follow-up tour or nighttime VE with daylight follow-up tour) lighting conditions as used in the simulation. This fictitious assignment served to increase the personal relevance of the simulation. As a result, the experiment had a 2 × 3 design: two simulated lighting conditions (daylight/darkness) and three fictitious follow-up assignment conditions (no assignment, or assignment related to either the same or opposite lighting conditions). |
Em estudo de tendência temporal, Menezes et al, 9 analisaram dados de três pesquisas estaduais de saúde materno-infantil em Pernambuco (1991, 1997 e 2006), e encontraram diminuição de 65,0% na prevalência da DEP (altura-para-idade) em crianças, verificando-se que a baixa estatura materna (< 150 cm) representou chance três vezes maior de déficit estatural nos filhos menores de cinco anos. Esses autores mostraram ainda que, ao longo do período estudado, a renda familiar per capita manteve-se associada à DEP. 9 |
Thus, increasing the HOMO energy and decreasing the LUMO energy of the ligand lead to large intermolecular interactions with the LUMO and the HOMO of the receptor. The extent of these stabilizing interactions between ligand-receptor interacting orbitals correlates with the HOMO-LUMO energy gap. The softest molecules are determined with small energy gap values (ΔEgap = ELUMO − EHOMO) and are also identified as more stable and, hence, more reactive, according to Pearson’s “Hard and Soft Acids and Bases” principle . |
The peer-support group control matched Recapture Life in terms of frequency, type of contact and inclusion of support persons. However, instead of actively teaching and discussing CBT-related coping strategies, the peer-support group sessions focused on a different cancer-survivorship ‘theme’ each week, and involved an exclusive focus on non-directive, supportive group discussion between the AYA survivors . |
癌的发生是一个多阶段的过程,包括自主增殖信号的获得、对生长抑制信号的不敏感、对凋亡信号的耐受、持续的血管发生、侵袭和转移6个必要的步骤[9, 10]。本文主要是对影响最后两个阶段的标记物进行分析,以期获得能较好反应预后的标记物,从而在一定程度上指导临床治疗。在肿瘤的侵袭和转移过程中血管的生成是一个不可或缺的环节。它不仅为肿瘤细胞提供血供,而且也是转移的重要途径,而血管内皮细胞染色可以清楚地显示肿瘤的血管密度,反应肿瘤的生物学特性。常用于血管内皮细胞染色的试剂有CD31、CD34、CD105、FⅧ等。Meert和Mineo等研究发现MVD与NSCLC的预后呈负相关。本项研究显示MVD与预后有关(P=0.001),但Cox生存分析显示其不是影响预后的独立危险因素。因此,我们认为肿瘤的血管生成有利于肿瘤的生长和经血行进行转移,但其对预后的影响与肿瘤细胞自身的侵袭性有关,包括肿瘤细胞穿透血管内皮进入血液循环的能力。 |
Table 1 presents in a simplified way a summary of the data presented in the previous sections. A clear evolutive trend appears, as the components of the emotional processes as well as the logistical systems related to their realization gain in complexity from lower to higher levels of the phylum. Further, it can be noticed that the species located higher in the phylogenetic tree, while gaining some additive abilities (cognitive bias, autonoetic consciousness), never loose the more primitive capabilities they share with the lower invertebrates. Therefore, the human anxiety may indeed be based on aspects inherited from the evolutionary history as well as on high-order cognitive processes. Table 1 clearly shows that some very rudimentary aspects of the behavioural responses are present in unicellular organisms such as protozoan and ancestral nonsegmented worms such as nematodes (novelty, pleasantness, and goal conductiveness checks, associated with a behavioural response and with the presence of stress hormones), probably indicating the high survival potential of these aspects of emotional responses in general and of anxiety in particular. In insects, the response is enriched by an additive appraisal check (coping potential), the presence of a specific emotional expression characterized by postures, vocalisations, and pheromones, and by the release of specific monoamines in response to environmental challenges. The physiological response to danger is documented in crustaceans as well as molluscs; this enables us to distinguish the pure behavioural response from action tendencies in which a modification in the physiological indicators may appear before the behavioural response occurs. The logistic systems supporting the main facets of human anxiety appear in vertebrates (the vegetative and central nervous systems). Low-order vertebrates (fish, amphibians, and even reptiles) possess an autonomic nervous system coordinating the physiological response to stressful situations. This system is associated with the hypothalamus and brain areas that are functionally homologous to subcortical areas involved in fear in higher-order species (e.g. the amygdala and the hippocampus). In birds, specific responses related to their ability to regulate body temperature appear. In mammals, a functional amygdala is present, with many subdivisions. Primates are characterized by their ability to display specific facial expressions in reaction to danger; they are associated with an important facial musculature. Finally, some very sophisticated facets of emotional processes such as autonoetic consciousness appear in conjunction with some specific connections of parts of the prefrontal areas necessary for the conscious perception of the visceral changes related to emotions, of emotional control, or of retrieval of memories from past experience. |
Most of the glucose metabolism-related genes found in the DNA microarray analysis were confirmed in immunohistochemical analysis of resected SPNs (Supplementary Figure 1 and Table 1). GLUT1 was found to be expressed in 31 patients (86.1%, Supplementary Figure 1A). Greater expression of ENO2 was also noted compared with normal acinar cells (Supplementary Figure 1C). LDHA and PDHB expression was also observed in all patients, which seemed similar to or less than that in normal acinar cells (Supplementary Figure 1E, and 1F). However, HK1 was significantly expressed in the 26 patients (Supplementary Figure 1B), and PKM2 was clearly expressed in 20 patients (76.9%, Supplementary Figure 1D). All SPNs showed very low proliferative index in Ki-67 (Supplementary Figure 1G, and 1H). Ki-67 expression less than 3% (range, 0–5%) was found in almost all patients (94.4%), and 23 SPNs (63.8%) showed Ki-67 expression less than 1%. Immunohistochemistry for identifying glucose metabolism-related genes was also performed in 5 patients with PCAs (Supplementary Table 3). As expected, GLUT1 was expressed in all 5 patients; however, HK1 was rarely expressed and no ENO2 expression was noted in PCAs. Compared to SPNs, PKM2 and LDHA were more strongly expressed in PCAs. |
Jeśli u noworodka HCMV znajduje się w moczu w liczbie powyżej 500 kopii wirusa/ml poszerzamy diagnostykę laboratoryjną metodą PCR o inne płyny ustrojowe. W zależności od uzyskanych wyników kontrolujemy wskaźniki laboratoryjne oraz wykonujemy badania obrazowe i narządów zmysłów (okulistyczne, audiologiczne) zgodnie z rekomendacjami przytoczonymi powyżej. W przypadku cytomegalii pełnoobjawowej (postaci uogólnionej) lub z zajęciem OUN (w tym zajęcie narządów zmysłów), w leczeniu stosujemy ganciclovir dożylnie przez pierwsze 2-3 tygodnie, następnie w przypadku poprawy stanu ogólnego oraz poprawy wyników badań wirusologicznych, kontynuujemy leczenie doustnie valganciclovirem przynajmniej do łącznie 6 tygodni, z tendencją do wydłużania czasu leczenia nawet do 6 miesięcy. Jednocześnie raz w tygodniu kontrolujemy podstawowe badania laboratoryjne, w tym morfologię krwi z rozmazem białokrwinkowym, enzymy wątrobowe, wskaźniki nerkowe, elektrolity, w razie potrzeby bilirubinę, układ krzepnięcia. Badania wirusologiczne powtarzamy początkowo co tydzień, następnie przy dobrej tolerancji leku i braku powikłań leczniczych co 2-4 tygodni. |
To the best of our knowledge, only a study had investigated in vivo effects of C. hystrix extract. Drinking 150 or 300 mg/kg body weight of C. hystrix leaf extract in solution with water lowered fasting blood glucose in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats . The beneficial effects of the extract led to a significant reduction in the incidence of cataracts in the rats, a phenomenon which was believed to be associated with reductions in oxidative stress and inflammation, indicated by lower levels of malondialdehyde, prostaglandin E2, and tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α); attenuated vascular permeability was also observed due to decreased levels of vascular endothelial growth factor. In the study, bioactive compounds were identified in the extract, namely apiin, apigetrin, saponarin, rutin, diosmin, hesperidin, and xanthotoxol . These compounds have been shown to possess anti-inflammatory and antioxidant activity . Further studies should be conducted to confirm the potential antidiabetic effects of the compounds in vivo as well as their mechanisms of action. The effects of the compounds on poly (ADP-ribose) polymerase and aldose reductase activity in the lens should be investigated as these enzymes are elevated in diabetic cataracts . |
Our method has some limitations: it does not perform well on image patches where the brightness variation is very large or where cell boundaries are not visible by eye. We have found that illumination correction, such as by high-pass filtering, does not improve results and may even worsen them slightly if pixel noise is amplified. The method requires good manual labelling of one example as input in the training process. This necessitates selecting a patch with a representative variation in intensity to yield a satisfactory generalised model. Another aspect of our algorithm which could be improved is the selection of kernels. We have only worked on kernels already available in LIBSVM, but performance might be improved by developing a new kernel for such data , which was beyond the scope this research. |
The role of simulation is to recreate a clinical scenario that is representative of a true life situation. Multiple studies have shown that skills learned at the bench using simulators are translated into the operating room . This allows trainees to focus more on operative strategy and managing operative complications rather than wasting valuable and expensive operating room time on the initial refinement of psychomotor skills . |
The cohesiveness of the noodles is of particular interest to us, and it can reflect the integrity of the soft food’s structure. For FBN, the cohesiveness was negatively correlated with the T21, A21, and A22, but positively correlated with the T23 and A23. Interestingly, a shorter T21, smaller A21 and A22, longer T23, and larger A23 were observed in FBN with a higher ratio of extruded buckwheat flour. The higher addition of extruded buckwheat flour could stick different components, including starch granules and protein, together, as indicated previously , leading to an improved internal structure. Besides this, the moisture content was negatively correlated with the resilience of cooked DBN (Table 5), which explained the lower resilience of DBN-80% (with a higher moisture content) after cooking. |
Pathotype classifications were available for a subset of 116 from the overall set of 1764 strains, while growth/no growth phenotypes in a variety of media conditions were available for up to 650 strains depending on the condition . PCA of the selected antioxidative properties successfully segregated strains with predicted ROStypes (i.e., ROShi and ROSlo strains vs. ROSK-12) and those with defined pathotypes (i.e., ExPEC/AIEC/APEC vs. other pathotypes) for a number of protein groups (Table 1, Table 2). These groups were ranked by cluster homogeneity following Density-Based Spatial Clustering of Applications with Noise (DBSCAN). Examples of proteins showing significant cluster homogeneity include the general protein groups of all metal-binding enzymes as well as all proteins localized to the periplasm (Fig. 3). Specifically, in these groups, the metal-binding enzymes that utilize a molybdenum cofactor and periplasmic enzymes involved in the assembly of fimbriae showed clear clustering. These specific groups are expanded upon below. Other protein groups with high homogeneity included other extracellular and motility proteins, murein biosynthesis enzymes, and proteins involved in lipid or inorganic ion transport and metabolism (Table 1, Table 2). Table 1Homogenous clusters formed using DBSCAN on the first two principal components, following labeling with ROStypeProtein groupProtein countCluster countV-measureCOG I (Lipid transport and metabolism)9720.33Metabolism - Murein recycling4030.30Manganese-binding enzymes3320.29Fimbriae assembly proteins3940.29Metabolism - All metabolic proteins151520.27All metal-binding proteins59030.27COG P (Inorganic ion transport and metabolism)19820.27Metabolism - Inner membrane transport29920.26All periplasmic proteins31530.14Molybdenum-binding enzymes1440.14For ROStypes, both high and low predictions were considered the same label in homogeneity measurements. If a ROStype is unavailable for a strain, it was excluded from the homogeneity measurements. A V-measure is the harmonic mean of clustering homogeneity and completeness measures . Table 2Homogenous clusters formed using DBSCAN on the first two principal components, following labeling with pathotypeProtein groupProtein countCluster countV-measureFimbriae assembly proteins2420.47Metabolism - All metabolic proteins151520.44COG Q (Secondary metabolites biosynthesis)4140.44COG N (Cell motility)2730.41Metabolism - Alternate carbon metabolism23130.39Iron-sulfur-binding enzymes11820.38Zinc-binding enzymes12530.37All periplasmic proteins31520.37All metal-binding proteins59030.33Molybdenum-binding enzymes1420.31For pathotypes, ExPEC/AIEC/APEC strains are grouped together as they likely encounter oxidative environments more frequently . If a pathotype is unavailable for a strain, it was excluded from the homogeneity measurements. |
Para estandarizar y evaluar la eficiencia de los cebadores, se utilizó la cepa de C. albicans ATCC 90028 como referencia de cepa sensible y se eligió al azar una cepa del grupo resistente al fluconazol. El protocolo se cumplió en cada una de las cepas elegidas de los grupos de trabajo propuestos. |
The study employed a mixed approach involving both quantitative and qualitative methods. A cross sectional design was used to obtain quantitative data regarding the demographic, clinical characteristics, compliance to referral and TB status of the presumptive TB cases from referral registers in the health posts, log books and unit TB registers found in the referral hospital. In depth interviews were made with purposefully selected presumptive TB cases and HEWs to examine the reasons for compliance and non-compliance to referral by HEWs. |
Further, it is difficult to estimate vector densities, even if numbers of trapped midges from a monitoring programme are available. We noticed that the official monitoring data sampled at 54 Austrian locations once a week according to the regulation of the European Union provide an excellent overview on the species composition and on the seasonal activity of our native midge populations. Both were hitherto unknown or at least remain undocumented. A quantitative interpretation of the monitoring data, however, is hardly applicable. This is documented by the following small statistical experiment, where we compiled weekly time series based on Monday catches (after ) and compared them with weekly time series based on all daily catches. An explained variance of indicates that the numbers of midges sampled according to were afflicted with significant undersampling errors. Further, the official sampling locations were neither representative for their vicinity nor comparable among each other. Also weather stations at short distances to the sampling locations were missing. Therefore, we established our own monitoring with continuously daily observations of midges and environmental parameters from 2009 to present. It allows us to calculate plausible values, although they should be interpreted with care. Due to the generally unknown magnitude of the vector density (we assumed numbers of midges per square kilometre to be two orders of magnitude higher than sampled at a point location), our values should be interpreted as relative rather than absolute measures. |
En Sudáfrica, la aplicación temprana de un confinamiento «fuerte» se acompañó con la adopción temprana y generalizada de medidas de salud pública, incluyendo el distanciamiento social, la desinfección estricta de las manos y el uso de mascarilla. El transporte público regular se detuvo y los servicios de salud no-urgentes se limitaron para destinar recursos a los centros de detección y tratamiento de COVID-19, mientras que las oficinas que prestan servicios sociales cerraron; a esta respuesta se ha atribuido en parte el menor número de casos y las bajas tasas de mortalidad en comparación con Europa y EE. UU. En el hospital pediátrico, las medidas incluyeron la cancelación de visitas no-esenciales, servicios de radiología limitados, el cese de las pruebas de función pulmonar, el cierre de camas pediátricas, la transferencia de personal al servicio de adultos y de COVID-19 y el diseño de rutas grupales dentro del hospital que redujeran el riesgo de transmisión de COVID-19, a expensas de la continuidad en el cuidado. Todos estos factores podrían afectar el diagnóstico oportuno, la atención y el seguimiento de enfermedades respiratorias. |
The UV–Vis absorption spectra of the ZnO NRs and ZnO NRs/GO nanocomposites with various concentrations of GO are shown in Figure 8. The strong absorption peaks at 366–370 nm, characteristic for all spectra, can be related to the electron transitions from the valence band to the conduction band (O2p–Zn3d) . No apparent absorption was observed in the visible region. In general, the absorption spectrum of GO exhibits two main particularities, namely the absorption peak at around 230 nm, which is attributed to the π–π* transition, and the absorption peak at around 300 nm, due to the n–π* transition of aromatic C–C bonds . As can be shown, the absorbance of the ZnO NRs/GO1 increases compared to that of the ZnO NRs due to the absorption contribution of GO. Moreover, when compared to ZnO/GO nanocomposites, the absorption edges are gradually redshifted for ZnO NR/GO2 and ZnO NRs/GO3 nanocomposites, due to the interaction of ZnO NRs with GO. |
Растительный материал. Экспериментальной выборкой для изучения устойчивости к патогенам послужили 42 сорта зарубежной и 1 сорт (восприимчивый контроль) отечественной селекции. Для 21 сорта из выборки была проведена фитопатологическая экспертиза образцов семенного картофеля из различных регионов РФ. |
Martijn P. van den Heuvel, MQ: Transforming Mental Health (GB). Martijn P. van den Heuvel, Nederlandse Organisatie voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek (NL), Award ID: VIDI-452-16-015. Martijn P. van den Heuvel, Nederlandse Organisatie voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek (NL), Award ID: ALWOP.179. |
We can see from the histogram in the Fig. 6(b) that very few microspheres are pinned at a flow rate of 50 μl/min on the microstructure of h = 4.1 μm,w = 5.4 μm. However, considerable pinning is seen as the width of the microstructure is increased from 5.4 μm to 19.2 μm, as shown in Fig. 7(a and b). Hence, trapping/pinning can be achieved at a high flow rate either by increasing the height or the width of the microstructure. A microsphere on the top of the microstructure flows with an average velocity of 10 mm/s as depicted in Fig. 7(c), whereas the microstructure width is nearly 20 μm. The average transit time of the particle across the microstructure is only 2 ms. The kinetic arrest of microspheres having such high momentum has not been previously reported. Previous reports on the kinetic arrest of microspheres were shown using holographic tweezers where the velocity of the microsphere is of the order of ~100 μm/s with a trapping power of 150 μW 19. |
Oczywiście powyższe opracowanie nie wyczerpuje podjętego tematu, mamy jednak nadzieję, iż praca uzasadnia konieczność analizy molekularnej, u każdego pacjenta z LCH, a także pomoże podjąć decyzję dotyczącą zastosowania wemurafenibu u dzieci z oporną na leczenie LCH, u których wykryto mutację w genie BRAF. W chwili obecnej, w Klinice Onkologii i Chirurgii Onkologicznej Dzieci i Młodzieży IMID u wszystkich pacjentów z potwierdzonym rozpoznaniem LCH, wykonywane jest badanie molekularne z oznaczeniem mutacji w genie BRAF, aby w razie zaistnienia takiej konieczności, zapewnić możliwość leczenia celowanego. |
The cells (5 × 104 cells/well) were cultured in fibrin gel for 24 and 72 h and stained with acridine orange/ethidium bromide at a concentration of 100 µg/mL (1:1) for 10 min and monitored using a fluorescence microscope (Olympus, Tokyo, Japan). Here, the live and dead cells were observed as green and orange, respectively. |
We report the case of a 64-year-old man, residing in Singapore, with a known history of hypertension, hyperlipidaemia, and gout, and he has never been on any long-term medications for all his medical conditions. He presented with one month of left-sided abdominal pain, and a weight loss of 15 kg over one year. He also experienced night sweats, chills, and rigors for approximately 3 months. He denied any cough or shortness of breath. He reported consuming two bottles of beer daily for the past 40 years and smoking 20 cigarettes daily for the same duration. He also complained of intractable hiccups for a week, which interrupted his sleep. He used to work as a cable jointer and was stationed at various parts of the world, including the African continent, and multiple countries in South East Asia. |
В связи с экономической значимостью особо опасных болезней, характеристика поражаемости современных сортов возбудителями этих болезней имеет важное значение для селекции и семеноводства, а также для выбора сортов для возделывания, особенно семенного картофеля, в эпидемиологически опасных зонах. Целью работы была оценка устойчивости к возбудителям фитофтороза и глободероза и определение поражаемости возделываемых сортов картофеля грибными и оомицетными болезнями в различных агроклиматических зонах России. |
Effect of 16HBE14o- cells on capsular PS shedding by nonadherent bacteria. The images show nonadherent MenC strain 4243 bacteria in the medium from the apical fluid layer above 16HBE14o- cells after 4 h of incubation at 37°C with the indicated IgG treatment. The bacteria were fixed and labeled with anti-PorA P1.2 (green) and anti-MenC PS (red). The nonadherent bacteria shed capsular PS without treatment (None) or treatment with pooled pre-MenC-conjugate IgG (pre-MenC-conjugate), whereas capsular shedding was prevented by treatment with post-MenC-conjugate IgG (post-MenC-conjugate). |
Examples of prominent biochemical pathways identified in mouse oocytes. (a) The protein citrullination pathway has recently been shown to be essential for early development, as targeted mutation of Padi6 renders females infertile . Note that Padi6 is the only gene of the peptidyl arginine deiminase family expressed in oocytes. (b) The inability of glucose utilization by mouse oocytes may be due to the lack of hexokinases required for the first step in glycolysis. Genes next to the corresponding reactions are shown in black (expressed in the oocytes) or in grey (not expressed). |
As a physical framework to maintain the biofilm architecture, ECM is normally a mixture of exopolysaccharides (EPS), proteins, nucleic acids, and other components, which provides diverse benefits to the cells within the biofilm, e.g., acting as a molecular glue to facilitate cell adhesion, conferring protections from different stresses, maintaining biofilm structural integrity, and allowing the establishment of nutrient and waste product gradients (Limoli et al., 2015; Karygianni et al., 2020). Moreover, there is some evidence to indicate that ECM also participates in cell-cell communications, cell migration, and genetic exchange either being freely shared with other species or being exclusive to the siblings (Dragos and Kovacs, 2017). In many bacterial biofilms, EPS and proteins are demonstrated as the key components for ECM to fulfill the functions, while extracellular DNA (eDNA) has attracted more attention owing to its biological importance (Montanaro et al., 2011; Panlilio and Rice, 2021). After the exposure to DNase I, the dissipation of Pseudomonas aeruginosa young biofilms suggests that eDNA acts as a structural building block in the early events of its biofilm formation (Whitchurch et al., 2002). Ever since then, the eDNA has been elucidated to be crucial in maintaining the structural integrity of ECM and in promoting bacterial biofilm development (Okshevsky et al., 2015; Panlilio and Rice, 2021). While intensive research has focused on defining the functions of eDNA (Das et al., 2013), the mechanisms underlying that eDNA integrates into the ECM network through potential macromolecular interactions remain elusive, which is critical not only to deeply understand the bacterial biofilm establishments but also to prevent and eliminate biofilm-related risks. |
SLE is a devastating and heterogeneous rheumatic disease affecting multiple organs such as the skin, hematopoietic system, and kidney . Apart from those conventional drugs such as immunosuppressants and corticosteroids, the advances in targeted biological agents have substantially improved the prognosis of SLE patients . However, adequate control of disease activity or achieving remission is still challenging for a large part of SLE patients, and those patients are at high risk of premature mortality . Therefore, more innovative treatment strategies need to be developed to improve the prognosis of SLE patients. Some studies have explored peptide-based therapeutic vaccinations as potential therapies for SLE, some of which have uncovered promising outcomes. |
No entanto, a Organização Mundial da Saúde (OMS) considera a medida da CP sensível para avaliar a massa muscular nos idosos, a qual indica alterações que ocorrem com o envelhecimento e com a redução de atividade física6. Diante dos achados deste estudo, sugere-se que outros métodos de avaliação da massa muscular sejam utilizados nessa população, como exames de imagem (por exemplo, ressonância magnética ou tomografia computadorizada). Técnicas para avaliar a quantidade e qualidade muscular estão disponíveis principalmente em centros de pesquisa, mas não em todos os ambientes clínicos. Como instrumentos e métodos para avaliar a qualidade muscular têm sido desenvolvidos e aperfeiçoados ao longo do tempo, espera-se que no futuro a avaliação da massa muscular com maior precisão se torne mais acessível na pratica clínica, com maior acesso à instrumentos de avaliação que façam uso de imagens permitindo, assim, maior precisão e maior utilização do parâmetro massa muscular para definição da sarcopenia9. |
Zur Untersuchung einer magnetischen Wechselwirkung wurde die Interaktion zwischen den Magneten der Epithese und dem FMT, der ebenfalls einen beweglichen Magneten zur Übertragung der Vibrationsenergie auf den Schädelknochen enthält, erfasst. Hierfür wurden statische Magnete, wie sie bei der Epithese verwendet werden, an verschiedenen Stellen auf der Haut in einem Umkreis von 4 cm um den FMT sowie an den finalen Positionen der Epithesenanker angelegt. Die Stimulation des Sprachprozessors erfolgte jeweils mittels aktiver Sprachstimulation und die Klangqualität wurde subjektiv vom Patienten bewertet. Im Fall einer Interaktion würde eine reduzierte Stimulation in einer Abnahme des maximalen Ausgangspegels resultieren, was sich wiederum in einer Reduktion der dynamischen Breite oder einer erhöhten Verzerrung widerspiegeln würde. |
Respiratory infection is especially aggressive in young children, who are more likely to experience the classical manifestation of the disease , divided into three phases: the first phase is characterized by unspecific symptoms, such as coryza, fever, and occasional cough. After two weeks, the cough is aggravated and becomes constant and uncontrollable, followed by forced inspiration producing a whooping sound. Symptoms can decrease progressively into the convalescence phase; however, complications such as pneumonia are frequent and are responsible for over 90% of the deaths attributable to the disease in children younger than 3 years of age [6, 7]. |
Bei Patienten mit Blutungen muss eine Substitution prokoagulatorischer Faktoren erfolgen. Thrombozyten- und Fibrinogenkonzentrate ermöglichen eine rasche, gut kontrollierte und sichere Gerinnungssubstitution. Bei starker Verminderung der Prothrombinzeit (PTZ) und schweren Blutungen kann die Gabe von Prothrombinkomplexpräparaten in Erwägung gezogen werden. Bei lebensbedrohlichen Blutungen (z. B. postpartale Hämorrhagie oder intrazerebrale Blutungen) kann auch rekombinanter Faktor VII a (NovoSeven®RT, Novo Nordisk, Bagsvaerd, Dänemark) gegeben werden. Die früher oft geäußerte Befürchtung, damit den Prozess anzuheizen, kann heute nicht mehr aufrecht erhalten werden. |
Next, to test whether ozone exposure also alters the expression of Ace2 transcripts, we analyzed RNASeq dataset from extrapulmonary airways (Fig. 2E), parenchyma (Fig. 2F), and alveolar macrophages (Fig. 2G) from filtered air- and ozone-exposed mice for Ace2 transcript levels. While the FPKM reads for Ace2 were significantly upregulated in the parenchyma compartment (Fig. 2F) of ozone-exposed mice, the expression levels of Ace2 in ozone-exposed extrapulmonary airways (Fig. 2E) and macrophage compartments (Fig. 2G) were not significantly different from filtered air-exposed mice. In situ hybridization revealed increased staining for Ace2 transcripts in the airways of ozone-exposed mice (Fig. 2H). These data suggest that the ozone exposure results in a parallel increase in the expression of the two most critical SARS-CoV-2 host susceptibility genes. |
La fréquence des grossesses hétérotopiques est en nette ascension à cause de l'augmentation des facteurs favorisants la GEU. Le diagnostic de grossesse hétérotopique ne doit pas être exclu par la découverte d'une GIU sur un cycle spontané. Elle doit être suspectée devant toute apparition de douleur abdominale, la présence d'une masse latéro-utérine avec ou sans écho embryonnaire visible et/ou présence d'épanchement intra-péritonéal au premier trimestre de la grossesse. La cœlioscopie est à la fois diagnostique et surtout thérapeutique. Elle permet le traitement de la GEU tout en restant conservateur pour la GIU. |
Aufgrund der Corona-Pandemie wurden die Schulen im März 2020 in allen deutschen Bundesländern geschlossen, eine Situation, die es in dieser Form in Deutschland noch nie gab. Schülerinnen und Schüler, Lehrkräfte sowie Eltern standen gleichermaßen vor großen Herausforderungen. Ohne Vorlauf musste während der Zeit der Schulschließung dafür Sorge getragen werden, dass den Kindern und Jugendlichen das Recht auf Bildung nicht verwehrt wird und ihnen möglichst wenig Nachteile entstehen. Eine Wiederöffnung der Schulen wurde im Rahmenkonzept des Kultusministeriums Ende April 2020 (Ständige Konferenz der Kultusminister der Länder in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland 2020) beschlossen und damit eine schrittweise Rückkehr zum Präsenzunterricht eingeleitet. In den ersten Wochen nach der Veröffentlichung des Konzepts fand in den meisten Bundesländern ein Wechsel zwischen Präsenzunterricht in kleineren Gruppen und Unterricht über die Distanz statt. Dieser Wechsel wurde in den einzelnen Bundesländern unterschiedlich ausgestaltet und dauerte in den weiterführenden Schulen in den meisten Bundesländern bis zu den Sommerferien 2020 an. |
Language preference was reported by the participant and was the language in which the participant completed the survey. If participants reported that they spoke English “not at all”, “poor”, or “not well” , English proficiency was defined as limited. Health literacy was asked in reference to materials in participants’ preferred language. Health literacy was reported as limited if participants answered “sometimes”, “often”, or “always” to the question: “How often do you need to have someone help you when you read instructions, pamphlets, or other written material from your doctor or pharmacy?” We decided to use this single-question self-report health literacy item as it has been validated against sentence-completion and vocabulary-based direct health literacy measures in English and Spanish [11, 12]. In addition, it has been used in multiple studies [16–18] instead of burdensome healthy literacy testing. |
Engagement, defined as the mean number of days that participants used the program, was relatively high compared to previous studies. In the intervention arm, 60% remained in the program for at least 5 weeks. This is in contrast to studies in high income countries that have reported challenges retaining SMS participants . This may be related to the novel nature of this type of intervention in Vietnam. Additional modifications to the program design, as suggested by the participants, may further increase engagement. |
We next wanted to know if planarian GPCRs are involved in signaling pathways that regulate development and maintenance of the germline. Our previous studies have shown that Smed-npy-8, an NPY homolog expressed in the planarian nervous system, is required for germ cell development and sexual maturity. RNA interference (RNAi) knockdown of npy-8 during post-embryonic development (paradigm in Fig 2A) blocks differentiation of both male and female germ cells, as well as formation of somatic accessory reproductive structures (S3A Fig) . Our identification of the planarian GPCR repertoire allowed us to investigate the role of NPY receptors in planarian reproductive development. We hypothesized that if NPY-8 acts through a conserved NPY receptor to promote reproductive development, RNAi knockdown of at least one NPY receptor should phenocopy npy-8(RNAi), barring functional redundancy. |
Systematic reviews inform healthcare decision-making by summarizing the best available evidence . Critical appraisal of the available evidence via assessment of the risk of bias (ROB) in the studies included in a systematic review plays a key role in determining the strength or quality of the systematic review . Although evidence from randomized controlled trials (RCTs) is generally considered superior to that of non-randomized studies (NRS) to prove causation , it is important to include evidence from NRS when evidence from RCTs is indirect, imprecise, inconsistent, inapplicable, or unavailable [3, 4]. Having said that, it is important for systematic reviewers to be aware of the potential biases associated with NRS designs, and the best practices to minimize the impact of these biases on the effect estimate . |
Table 1 provides the characteristics of the 28 YMSM who participated in theater testing. Participants’ ages ranged from 16 years to 24 years, with a mean age of 20 years. YMSM of color made up 57% (16/28) of the sample, and 57% (16/28) of the participants were still in school. |
Por último, la acción de los antagonistas de la vitamina K, que inhiben factores dependientes de la vitamina como el X, IX, VII, II y las proteínas C y S, varía según la dieta y los medicamentos que ingiera el paciente. Por ejemplo, los niños alimentados con fórmulas infantiles pueden ser resistentes al medicamento porque dichas fórmulas vienen enriquecidas con esta vitamina, por lo que la supervisión es difícil y requiere vigilancia estrecha. La dosis de inicio es de 0,1 a 0,2 mg/kg con rangos terapéuticos del índice internacional normalizado (International Normalized Ratio, INR) entre 2 y 3. En la población pediátrica, especialmente en preescolares y lactantes, la presentación es una limitación, puesto que está disponible únicamente en tabletas y su recomposición en formulación líquida no es segura 17,18. |
As previously mentioned, our hospital is one of the clinical sites in which the PPMI takes place with a total of 28 participants carrying the R1441G mutation involved (14 PD patients and 14 asymptomatic mutation carriers). Taking part in this study has enabled us to closely monitor these subjects during a 6-year follow-up period. |
Immunoprecipitations (see kinase assays, below), pull‐downs, and far‐western experiments were carried out similarly as in Gemperle et al. (2017) and Janoštiak et al. (2014). For far‐western‐blot analysis, the protein blots were incubated with 2 μg·mL−1 recombinant human GST‐p130Cas (Abcam) or purified mouse GST‐p130Cas SH3 diluted in 1% BSA in TBST overnight followed by washing with TBST and incubation (2 h, 4 °C) with anti‐GST antibody (Sigma‐Aldrich s.r.o.). After extensive washing with TBST, blots were treated with HRP‐conjugated secondary antibodies and developed using the AI600 System. Band intensity was determined using fiji (imagej; National Institutes of Health; Schindelin et al., 2012). |
Anhand der Regressionskoeffizienten wird ersichtlich, dass die Prävalenzwerte bei Männern in allen Altersgruppen, wenn auch unterschiedlich stark, abnahmen. Insgesamt weisen die Trends des riskanten Alkoholkonsums im Zeitverlauf bei Männern zwischen den Jahren 1995 bzw. 2006 und 2018 eine schwache Kollektivität auf. Mit dem Anstieg der Prävalenz des riskanten Konsums in der jüngsten Altersgruppe bei gleichzeitig rückläufiger Prävalenz in allen anderen Altersgruppen weisen die Trends des riskanten Alkoholkonsums im Zeitverlauf bei Frauen für die genannten Zeiträume eine Polarisierung auf (Tab. 1).Altersgruppen18–29aBetakoeffizient(95 %-KI)30–39aBetakoeffizient(95 %-KI)40–49aBetakoeffizient(95 %-KI)50–59aBetakoeffizient(95 %-KI)60–64bBetakoeffizient(95 %-KI)Riskanter KonsumMänner−0,469***−0,823***−0,971***−0,879***−0,059***(−0,479; −0,460)(−0,830; −0,817)(−0,976; −0,966)(−0,886; −0,872)(−0,072; −0,047)Frauen0,155***−0,434***−0,440***−0,190***−0,373***(0,150; −0,161)(−0,440; −0,428)(−0,445; −0,435)(−0,199; −0,182)(−0,379; −0,368)RauschtrinkenMänner0,089***−0,376***−0,737***−0,805***0,101***(0,081; −0,096)(−0,385; −0,368)(−0,746; −0,729)(−0,815; −0,795)(0,090; 0,112)Frauen0,516***−0,091***−0,309***−0,204***0,108***(0,512; 0,520)(−0,100; −0,083)(−0,320; −0,299)(−0,213; −0,194)(0,101; 0,115)*** = p-Wert <0,001aZeitraum von 1995 bis 2018bZeitraum von 2006 bis 2018 |
Rather than distinct glycosylation states, the two bands may represent the pro- and active forms of the enzyme. Interestingly, when the S365A mutation was introduced into Osw3-HA and this protein was examined, only the slower migrating form of the protein was seen (Figure 8C). Taken with the complementation data, this result suggests that faster migrating, presumably activated, form of Osw3 is necessary for function and that Osw3 might activate itself by auto-cleavage of the pro-domain. |
近年来,随着医学模式的改变,由国际药物经济与结果研究协会、欧洲生存质量评估协调处、美国食品及药物管理局与健康相关生存质量工作组和国际生存质量研究协会共同组成的统筹委员会提出,临床疗效评价应包括4个方面的内容:临床医务人员报告资料、生理报告资料、照顾者报告资料和患者报告资料。随着医学模式的转变,在临床疗效评估方面,除以往医学研究中一直重视的临床医务人员报告资料和生物学报告资料外,人们越来越重视病人报告资料在疾病诊疗及疗效评价过程中的作用。在我国,关于PROs的研究还处于初级阶段。目前国内的PROs的研究项目主要集中于中医临床疗效评价中,具体包括在慢性阻塞性肺疾病、类风湿关节炎、女性压力性尿失禁病人等的研究。值得注意的是,目前有关PROs的大部分量表都是从国外直接引进并在一定程度上进行了修订,然而鉴于西方文化和我们的差异,部分量表的测试内容很难真实反映我们患者的具体情况。 |
When adding phenolphthalein to PEEK/PES blends, the glass transitions were shifted inward, as an indication of miscibility. The rheological curves and the analysis of the morphology of blends demonstrated that phenolphthalein acted as a compatibilizer. We suggested that phenolphthalein creates cardo side groups on PEEK and PES chains by nucleophilic substitution in the melted state, although these condensation reactions were reported only in a solvent at a lower temperature until now. These cardo side groups increased the miscibility of PEEK and PES. Due to aromatic moieties in phenolphthalein, the PEEK and PES chains were extended, but their storage moduli in the glassy region were kept identical as pure PEEK. |
Additional file 1:Figure S1. Base editing results of SpCas9-pBE system. Genes, target sequences and sequencing results of six editing targets were showed in SpCas9-pBE system. PAM sequence was highlighted in green, the C to T conversion bases were highlighted in blue. Red arrow indicated the mutation peak. The results were from 15 positive calli. Figure S2. Base editing results of SpCas9-rBE system.Genes, target sequences and sequencing results of four editing targets were showed in SpCas9-rBE system. PAM sequence was highlighted in green, the C to T conversion bases were highlighted in blue. Red arrow indicated the mutation peak. The results were from 15 positive calli. Figure S3. On-target activities of high fidelity SpCas9 variants guided by wild-type sgRNA.a C-T substitution frequency of SpCas9-pBE and high fidelity Cas9 pBEs at three genomic targets. b Random mutation frequency of SpCas9 and three variants at three genomic targets. All the frequencies were calculated among 15 positive calli. Figure S4. C-T substitution and random mutation occurred at NRT1.1B site in pBE system. Three samples with random mutations were selected from the calli of SpCas9-pBE and eSpCas9(1.1)-pBE complexed with the modified sgRNA each to detect the actual mutation types. PCR product were cloned to pEASY-B vetor and 27 positive clones were sent for sequencing. Arrows indicated the substitution base. Figure S5. Random mutation frequency at NRT1.1B site in pBE system. Three samples with random mutations were selected from the calli of SpCas9-pBE and eSpCas9(1.1)-pBE complexed with the modified sgRNA each. Proportions of C-T substitution (SNP), random mutation (Indel), and substitution mixed with random mutation (SNP + Indel) were shown from 27 positive B-vector cloing above. Figure S6. Schematic diagram for the constructions of base editors. Fragments, backbones and related restriction enzymes used in the construction of SpCas9-pBE (a) and SpCas9-rBE (b) base editors. Figure S7. Essential sequences used in this study. |
Le diagnostic d’une méningo-encéphalite tuberculeuse a été retenu, et le patient a été mis sous traitement anti-bacillaires à base d’Ethombitol, Rifampicine , Isoniazide et de Pyrazinamide pendant deux mois suivi d’ une bithérapie associant Isoniazide et Rifampicine pendant 10 mois ainsi qu’une corticothérapie à base de prédnisolone 1mg/k/j pendant les deux premiers mois du traitement . L’évolution a été marquée, d’une part, par une disparition progressive des symptômes psychiatriques et neurologiques à l’exception de la diparésie faciale qui a persisté malgré les séances de rééducation, et d’autre part, par un effacement des lésions à L’IRM cérébrale de contrôle. |
Bedeutsamer als eine einheitliche Definition von EBPH ist aber ein ihr zugrunde liegendes gemeinsames Verständnis von EBPH. Eine wichtige Grundlage dafür bilden die in der Einleitung dieses Artikels beschriebenen 5 allgemeinen Prinzipien einer Evidenzbasierung oder STIIP-Prinzipien, d. h. Systematik, Transparenz und Umgang mit Unsicherheit, Integration und Partizipation, Umgang mit Interessenkonflikten und strukturierter, reflektierter Prozess. Ergänzend liefern 4 für alle Kernfelder von Public Health entwickelte Umsetzungsfaktoren eine wichtige Orientierung. Diese TIKKA-Umsetzungsfaktoren beschreiben Theorie, Interdisziplinarität, Kontextabhängigkeit und Komplexität sowie allgemeine gesellschaftliche Aspekte. Methoden und Instrumente der Evidenzbasierung können helfen, diese Prinzipien und Umsetzungsfaktoren im Kontext von Public-Health-Maßnahmen in der Praxis umzusetzen. Hierzu zählen systematische Übersichtsarbeiten und von diesen abgeleitete Formate (z. B. Rapid-Reviews und Evidence Maps), evidenz- und konsensbasierte Leitlinien und die 5 Schritte der Evidenzbasierung (Tab. 1). Von Bedeutung sind außerdem Verfahren zur Konsultation von Interessengruppen und strukturierte Vorgehensweisen zur Formulierung von evidenzbasierten Handlungsempfehlungen unter Nutzung von Entscheidungskriterien („evidence to decision framework“). |
(1) Characteristics of a Successful InterviewerFour broad categories of characteristics of a successful interviewer were identified based on a review of existing literature and our experience with conducting face-to-face structured interviews. The four categories were (1) physical attributes, (2) personal characteristics, (3) technical skills, and (4) compliance with interview procedures. Physical attributes included open posture, consistent eye contact (with interviewee), and comfort with conducting the interview. Personal characteristics included a personable demeanor, engaging with the interviewee, appropriate speed of talking and clear and audible speech, appropriate (professional) dress and hygiene, and ability to problem-solve (e.g., technological problems) during interviews. Technical skills included ability to log on to the computer, ability to open and launch the virtual server CAPI software, ability to navigate through the survey, acceptable typing speed, ability to conduct the interview while entering responses with minimal delays, and ability to connect to the virtual server to allow data synchronization and upload following the interview. |
The term ‘self-harm’ encompasses a range of methods with varying degrees of intent . Most of the evidence on self-harm and attempted suicide has arisen solely through data collected in hospital settings. There is a dearth of evidence in a primary care context in the UK and other countries. This lack of attention, and the limited instruction issued to GPs, is highlighted in recent NICE guidelines on the longer term management of self-harm . The guideline report includes a section that highlights the importance of primary care in managing the problem, but only three out of a total of 57 recommendations relate specifically to this healthcare tier. |
In Hong Kong, we recently conducted a study to assess the prevalence of PIM use in elder patients aged 65 years and older visiting general outpatient clinics, using the main subsets of the 2015 Beers criteria. The prevalence estimates ranged from 55.6% in 2006 to 47.5% in 2014, which were relatively higher than those reported in western countries [6, 20, 21], ranging from 2.9 to 43.3% assessed by the Beers criteria. We also found that only 60% of the statements from the Beers criteria that we addressed in the study were available in the drug formulary from Hospital Authority (HA), which is a statutory body to manage all public hospitals and clinics in Hong Kong. To enhance the comprehensiveness of quality criteria to evaluate medication use in the context of Hong Kong, it is necessary to develop a Hong Kong-specific explicit assessing tool. To our knowledge, up to now, no Hong Kong-specific PIM lists have been established or validated yet. The aim of this study was to develop a Hong Kong-specific PIM assessing tool on the basis of published criteria in the literature and input from the local context using the modified Delphi method. |
Одна из стратегий снижения экономических потерь, обусловленных наследственными болезнями, – это выяв- ление и исключение из разведения животных, генетически чувствительных к таким заболеваниям. Например, уже с начала 1990-х гг. селекционеры используют технологию маркерной селекции для выявления нежелательных ал- лелей гена HAL, вызывающего синдром стресса свиней, и гена RN, обусловливающего дефект «кислого мяса» (Salas, Mingala, 2017). Дополнение индексов племенной ценности (EBV) информацией, полученной на основании анализа непосредственно генотипа животного, делает возможным создание нового типа индекса – GEBV (genetic evaluation breeding value), характеризующегося более высокой точностью. Таким образом, дополнение традиционных методов оценки молекулярно-генетическими данными стало шагом вперед в направлении повышения интенсивности искусственного отбора (Племяшов, 2014). Выявление молекулярных маркеров, ответственных за желательные фенотипические эффекты, облегчает селекционный процесс и ускоряет получение прибыли в производстве (Ernst, Steibel, 2013). Исследования ассоциаций ДНК-маркеров в свиноводстве привлекают внимание ученых как в нашей стране (Долматова, Сковородин, 2010), так и за рубежом (Bruun et al., 2006; Ciobanu et al., 2011). Понимание генетических механизмов, ответственных за конкретные генетические аномалии, поможет производителям племенной продукции в разработке методов отбора, поскольку разные типы маркеров в геноме отвечают за разные фенотипические признаки. Так, с помощью MAS (маркер-зависимая селекция) можно проводить не только выбраковку, но и целевой отбор животных, устойчивых к заболеваниям. К примеру, отбор индивидуумов с отсутствием рецепторов адгезии E. coli на поверхности кишечника (K88) позволяет получить от них потомство, устойчивое к колибактериозу (Nyachoti et al., 2012). Рас- крытие механизмов появления генетических аномалий поможет производителям в разработке методик отбора животных с «желательными» генотипами. |
患者化疗期间每两周到医院或通过电话随访,化疗结束后每月进行门诊或电话随访,直至患者死亡或随访截止时间。随访时间为2006年4月-2012年1月,绝大部分患者在2年内死亡,大部分患者的随访时间即为其生存时间,EO组、EP组中位随访时间分别为11.2个月和9.1个月。随访过程中通过专人负责、预留多个联系方式、患者教育等方式尽量避免其它因素影响,随访内容主要为患者生存情况、疾病进展情况及治疗情况。主要研究终点是总生存时间(overall survival, OS)、无疾病进展生存期(progression free survival, PFS)和毒副反应。 |
All studies presented relative rate estimates for cancer by IBD subtype. The meta-analysis of pooled estimates by CD and UC shows a pRR of 2.03 (95% CI, 1.67-2.46) for CD and a pRR of 2.61 (95% CI, 2.00-3.40) for UC (Figure 3). Peneau et al17 reported a nonstatistically significantly increased rate for CD, as did El-Matary et al12 for UC, compared with their reference populations; both studies, however, contributed a small weight to the overall pooled summary statistic for the meta-analysis (7.0% and 11.5%, respectively). |
The demographics of the patients who refused standard surgical treatments in the NAHR during the period 1980–2006 are listed in Table 1. A total of 185 (1.2%) patients refused the recommended standard primary treatment in the NAHR. Of them, 87 (47%) were below the age of 75 at the time of diagnosis. |
Various pests and diseases cause significant annual losses in global agriculture by reducing yield and crop quality and such losses are estimated at around 20–40%, which represents a significant economic impact valued at hundreds of millions of dollars per year . Common practice for controlling such pathogens is the indiscriminate application of agrochemicals; however, biological control by endophytic microorganisms is a more environmentally friendly alternative . |
After providing consent and completing demographic questions, participants were asked to sit on a chair and to report the extent to which they experienced nine discrete emotions (i.e., anger, disgust, fear, pride, amusement, sadness, joy, beauty, sublime) on a 10-point Likert scale which has been used in previous research on aesthetic emotions in real and virtual spaces [26, 34, 36–38] and the Positive and Negative Affective Schedule to control for the pre-experimental affective states. Crucially, items related to beauty and sublime have been added ad hoc for the purpose of this study. Participants then put on a VR Head Mounted Display (Gear VR) combined with a smartphone (i.e., Galaxy Note 4). Participants were provided with standardized instructions about how to make the video start (4:26 minutes long) using this virtual reality device (for more details on this procedure, see [38, 40]). After the exposure to the nature-based or art-based video, participants rated again the extent to which they experienced nine discrete emotions combining both basic and aesthetic emotions (i.e., anger, disgust, fear, pride, amusement, sadness, joy, beauty, sublimity) [26, 34, 36–38], positive and negative affect and the sense of presence (i.e., the feeling of being ‘there’ in the virtual environment , through the ITC-Sense of Presence Inventory (ITC-SOPI) . ITC-SOPI is a 36-item questionnaire assessing four dimensions of the sense of presence (i.e., sense of physical presence; engagement; ecological validity, negative effects) on a 5-point Likert scale (1 = strongly disagree to 5 = strongly disagree). Moreover, participants’ disposition to live positive emotions (Disposition Positive Emotions Scale)–DPES– and their general aesthetic interest for literature, art, cinema, design, food and nature (Desire for Aesthetics Scale-DFAS) was assessed across 36 item on a 6-point Likert scale. A score of 216 indicates a strong interest in aesthetics, while a score of 144 reflects mild and a score of 108 a neutral aesthetic interest. Finally, to disambiguate the effect of the two elicitors on the experiential profile of the sublime, we developed 40 ad hoc sublime items drawing from Burke, Kant, Konečni, and Clewis on the sublime as well as the Keltner and Haidt model of awe (i.e., in which the sublime was conceived as an “awe-like aesthetic emotion”) on a 7-point Likert scale (1 = not at all; 7 = at all). Each item tapped into a specific dimension of the sublime presented in the Introduction section: (i) rarity [1, 33, see]; (ii) beauty perception (as a reverse: see ); (iii) self-transcendence ; (iv) conceptual complexity ; (v) perception of existential danger (Burke) ; (vi) perception of vastness , which is related to the psychological counterpart of the sublime, that is, awe; (v) need to share (the experience) ; (vii) existential safety [1, 33]. |
Risikokommunikation ist ein weiter Begriff, der in den letzten Jahren eine Reihe von grundlegenden konzeptionellen Veränderungen erfahren hat. Im Rahmen dieses Beitrags konzentrieren wir uns auf die Risikokommunikation im Bereich von Public-Health-Notlagen. |
A proporção de indivíduos com anticorpos contra SARS-CoV-2 assintomáticos foi aproximadamente 20%. Todos os sintomas investigados foram mais frequentes entre participantes com presença de anticorpos. Os sintomas que apresentaram maior razão de prevalência entre portadores e não portadores de anticorpos foram alterações de olfato e/ou paladar, febre, tremores e dificuldade respiratória. |
In conclusion, this study highlights the positive correlation between carbapenem consumption and the rate of carbapenem resistance of four major Gram-negative bacteria. We believe that this study is a useful tool for directing antimicrobial stewardship policies. Our results also make a strong case for rationalizing the use of antibiotics to delay the occurrence of bacterial resistance. Further research on this topic may be considered in future work. |
Syndecan-2 shedding has also an antiangiogenic effect in endothelium. CD148 interacts with shed syndecan-2 in endothelial cells, causing changes in β1 integrin activation state, which leads to angiogenesis inhibition, affecting tumor growth . This fact could be taken into account as an important way to develop novel therapies for diseases strongly dependent on angiogenesis for progression. |
Another phenotype that is distinct between pnp-1 and pals-22 mutants is resistance to P. aeruginosa, with pals-22 mutants having higher pathogen load and pnp-1 mutants having lower pathogen load of this extracellular bacterial pathogen (Fig 4). Transcriptomic analysis provided a likely explanation for this discrepancy, as pnp-1 mutants have upregulated expression of many genes that are induced by bacterial infection and by previously described immunity pathways including the PMK-1 p38 MAPK pathway, whereas pals-22 mutants do not. Consistent with the model that resistance of pnp-1 mutants depends on pmk-1-induced genes, we find that pmk-1 was required for the increased resistance of pnp-1 mutants to P. aeruginosa, as well as the increased P. aeruginosa response gene expression in pnp-1 mutants. However, it should be noted that pmk-1 mutations can suppress the resistance phenotypes of other mutants, such as daf-2 mutants, which have very few pmk-1 genes upregulated . Therefore, the requirement for pmk-1 in the resistance of pnp-1 mutants may be unrelated to their regulation of similar genes, although that is an attractive model (Fig 6B). Of note, pnp-1 mutants did not have increased survival upon P. aeruginosa infection compared to wild-type animals, despite their lower pathogen load. Perhaps this lowered tolerance of infection reflects less metabolic flexibility in these mutants upon bacterial pathogen infection, similar to their lower tolerance of thermal stressors. |
Messages are routed within the peripheral rings based on the MAC addresses and within the backbone ring based on the VID. Hence, peripheral T-AeroRings and gateway routing tables consist of the MAC addresses of the connected equipment, and the backbone gateways routing tables consist of the VIDs. These routing tables allow the selection of the port corresponding to the shortest path (ports 1 or 2) for a destination. They are built based on control messages exchanged between the nodes, i.e., T-AeroRings and gateways. The sub-structure of these control messages is illustrated in Figure 8. |
5\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document} $$\begin{array}{*{20}l} {}Var(\hat{q}_{3}-\hat{q}_{4})&=\frac{1}{M}\left[q_{3}(1-q_{3})+q_{4}(1-q_{4})+2q_{3}q_{4}\right] \end{array} $$ \end{document}Var(q^3−q^4)=1Mq3(1−q3)+q4(1−q4)+2q3q4 |
Please submit your revised manuscript by Sept 22,2020. If you will need more time than this to complete your revisions, please reply to this message or contact the journal office at plosone@plos.org. When you're ready to submit your revision, log on to https://www.editorialmanager.com/pone/ and select the 'Submissions Needing Revision' folder to locate your manuscript file. |
Auch nach Versagen von kontinuierlich intravenös applizierten Anästhetika kann der Einsatz von hochdosierten Barbituraten beim SRSE erfolgreich sein. In einer retrospektiven Studie wurden 31 Patienten beschrieben, bei denen nach einer medianen Dauer des SE von 6,5 Tagen intravenös Pentobarbital (Metabolit von Thiopental, in den USA, aber nicht in Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz zugelassen) in einer Dosis von 0,5–3,7 mg/kg/h appliziert wurde . Nach 6 Tagen eines Burst-Suppression-Musters im EEG war der SE bei 90 % der Patienten durchbrochen. Mit Absetzen des Pentobarbitals traten bei 15 der 31 Patienten wieder Anfälle auf, bei 12 dieser 15 Patienten konnten diese durch intravenöses Phenobarbital kontrolliert werden. Unerwünschte Effekte umfassten Pneumonie (32 %), Harnwegsinfekte (13 %), tiefe Beinvenenthrombose und Ileus (je 10 %). |
Один из источников шума в результатах рибосомального профилирования – контаминация рибосомной РНК (рРНК) на стадии нуклеазной обработки. Она существенно затрудняет извлечение данных об информативных последовательностях, полученных в экспериментах по профилированию рибосом (Ingolia et al., 2009). Такая контаминация фрагментов мРНК фрагментами рРНК может быть устранена на основе специфической гибридизации или при помощи коммерческих наборов обеднения библиотек специфическими последовательностями РНК, а также и сочетанием обоих методов (McGlincy, Ingolia, 2017). С другой стороны, для предотвращения лигирования линкера с избытком 5.8S рРНК можно использовать маскирующие олигонуклеотиды (Faridani et al., 2016). Загрязнения рРНК можно устранить на этапе биоинформатической обработки, но этот подход требует получения большего покрытия при секвенировании. |
HEK293 cells were transfected with an LT expression vector (LT.wt) and Rep+ (MCPyV ER transcription reporter) using jetOPTIMUS (Polyplus Transfection) in 12-well plates. Episomal DNA was collected by salt-precipitation at 48 h post-transfection. 1 μg of DNA was digested with DpnI, then 50 ng of digested DNA was subjected to qPCR. qPCR was carried out with PowerUpTM SYBR Green Master Mix (Applied Biosystems, Foster City, CA, USA) using a StepOnePlus system (Applied Biosystems) according to the manufacturer’s protocol. A primer pair (5′-CAACTTGGCTGCCTAGGTG-3′, 5′-CTTGTCTATATGCAGAAGGAGTTTGCAG-3′) was used for MCPyV origin detection. |
We compared the first prenatal tests performed, time of diagnosis and pregnancy outcome before (2005–2006) and after implementation of the PNS (2007–2012). For certain analyses we divided the period after implementation in 2 sub periods (2007–2009 and 2010–2012) to investigate if a trend was present. We also stratified the analyses between type of trisomy (T21 vs T13/T18) and between two age categories (<=35 years and >35 years). T13 and T18 were combined in one group as these trisomies have a comparable presentation in pregnancy, with respect to the first trimester risk assessment with the T21 algorithm [10, 11]. |
Pooled total RNA samples were prepared corresponding to each of the time points after IPC and one additional pooled sample was propared from all contralateral control retinas (n=36). Each retinal sample contributed one μg of total RNA to the pooled sample. For first strand cDNA synthesis, 1.5 μg RNA of the pooled sample was primed with a T7 Oligo(dT) (Ambion, Nieuwerkerk a/d lJssel, The Netherlands) primer. Following second strand cDNA synthesis, in vitro transcription generated amino allyl-UTP labeled aRNA (Amino Allyl MessageAmp aRNA kit, Ambion, Nieuwerkerk a/d lJssel, The Netherlands) with an average yield of 40-60 μg. Electropherograms of the amplified aRNA showed a symmetrical length distribution with a peak around 1.5 kb, a maximum length of 5.5 kb, and no differences in size distribution between the different samples. The aRNA was coupled to Cy3 or Cy5 monoreactive dyes (Amersham, Eindhoven, The Netherlands) and purified from excess dye over a Chromaspin-30 column (Clontech, Westburg, Leusden, The Netherlands). Incorporation efficiency and yield were determined on a spectrophotometer (NanoDrop Technologies). |
Traitement des données: les données ont été saisies et analysées à l'aide du logiciel SPSS version 16. Les moyennes et proportions ont été déterminées pour les différentes variables de l'étude: durée moyenne d'existence des officines, proportion des différentes catégories de personnel; proportion d'officines ayant un espace de confidentialité, proportion d'officines disposant d'un ordonnancier, proportion d'officine disposant d'un pharmacien au moment du passage pour les observations des pratiques, proportion des différents modes de délivrance, proportion de médicaments appartenant aux listes de substances vénéneuses. |
The C-terminus of GluA1 has been shown to be crucial for ABHD6’s inhibitory effect in heterologous cells. ABHD6 failed to reduce the glutamate-induced current in HEK293T cells expressing a GluA1 mutant in which the C-tail was deleted after “SKRMK” (Wei et al., 2016). We then investigated the importance of similar C-terminal regions in GluA2 and GluA3 for ABHD6-induced inhibition. To this end, we cloned 12 GluA2 C-terminal deletion constructs and eight GluA3 C-terminal deletion constructs based on the sequence similarity among GluA1, GluA2, and GluA3 (Figure 3A). Using full-length GluA2 or GluA3 as a positive control, ABHD6 failed to reduce the amplitude of the glutamate-induced current in HEK293T cells expressing GluA2 mutants (A2D10, A2D11, A2D12) and GluA3 mutants (A3D7 and A3D8)(Figure 3B and Supplementary Figure S1). Interestingly, these results point out that the longest ABHD6-resistant GluA mutants, A2D10 (ending with AKRMKV in GluA2) and A3D7 (ending with SKRMKL in GluA3), and the previously identified A1D14 (ending with SKRMK in GluA1), share sequence similarity to some extent (Figure 3A). Thus, like GluA1, the C-terminal regions of GluA2 and GluA3 are required for ABHD6’s inhibition of AMPAR-mediated currents in transfected HEK293T cells. |
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