<|novel|>The story takes place during the Earl of Montrose s 1644 5 Highland campaign on behalf of King Charles I against the Covenanters who had sided with the English Parliament in the English Civil War . The main plot concerns a love triangle between Allan M Aulay , his friend the Earl of Menteith , and Annot Lyle . Annot is a young woman who has been brought up by the M Aulays since being captured as a girl during a blood feud against the MacEagh clan also known as the Children of the Mist . M Aulay and Menteith are both members of Montrose s army . Annot eventually marries Menteith after it is discovered that she has aristocratic blood , and was kidnapped by the MacEaghs as a baby . This leads to the jealous M Aulay stabbing Menteith and then fleeing Montrose s army . Menteith survives whilst M Aulay disappears and is rumoured to have been killed by the MacEaghs . Much of the novel is taken up with a subplot involving an expedition into enemy territory by Dugald Dalgetty , an experienced mercenary fighting for Montrose . Dalgetty does not fight out of political or religious conviction , but purely for the love of carnage . However , he is very professional , and remains loyal to an employer to the end of his contract . He gained his experience fighting for various armies during the Thirty Years War , then still raging in Germany . Note He did not fight all thirty years . Dalgetty is regarded as one of Scott s finest comic characters , however he dominates so much of the story that the main plot is not really developed in detail .
<|fantasy|>The story starts with Centurion Eric von Shrakenberg in a cargo airplane with his airborne unit and the embedded American correspondent William Dreiser , on their way to their drop point , where they will jump and parasail into Nazi controlled Georgia . The Nazis have been much more successful than in our history , since the Soviets had to divert resources to defend their southern border against the Domination of the Draka . As a result , the Nazis managed to overrun European Russia . The Soviet Union has been pushed back and only controls territories east of the Ural Mountains . However , the Germans are seriously overstretched , and vulnerable to a strong attack . During the travel to their drop zone , Eric thinks back on his past and his relationship with his father , and his most recent visit home to see his family . This was the first visit in several years , his exile was due to his arranging the escape of his serf daughter to America . Eric s bravery in the earlier Draka conquest of Italy led to his former mistake being forgiven . Eric s Century ends up being seriously under supplied because the gliders with the artillery went into a canyon . The engineers are frantically building a rubble ramp , but the heavy weapons won t be available for the battle . The story details how Eric s single infantry company takes and holds a small village strategically located on the crucial Ossetian Military Highway over the Caucasus Mountains . The balance of the First Airborne Legion is the plug which is holding four German divisions from escaping the trap they are in on the south side of the mountains . Eric s unit is tasked with holding the highway and village against repeated attacks by Felix Hoth s Waffen SS armored regiment , which is fighting to clear the highway so the German divisions can escape . Eric s company manages to hold out long enough for the Draka to crush the four divisions , cross the mountains , and relieve his unit . Holding this highway and village is the critical act of the invasion of Russia . This lets the Draka s essentially undamaged and superior armored and mechanized units to penetrate into the plains of Southern Russia , where they can bring to battle and destroy the overstretched and exhausted German forces . It also leads to Eric being awarded the Domination s highest medal of valor , the aurora , for saving 10 , 000 Citizen lives , and which makes him immune to Security Directorate reprisals for his treasonous utterances or for his earlier indiscretion . The actions of Century A is the pivotal event at the beginning of the invasion of Russia that allows the Domination to eventually win the Eurasian War .
<|fantasy|>Dr . Marissa Blumenthal of the CDC investigates a series of deadly ebola outbreaks . The ebola virus , considered a level 4 pathogen , then plays havoc with the lives of innocent people . The ultimate villain is the ever helpful doctor friend of Dr . Blumenthal . In the end Dr . Blumenthal is nearly killed by a goon but an FBI agent kills him and she is saved . The person she suspected was innocent and simply had been so caught up in protecting the CDC that he refused to listen and figured out the truth almost too late . Later it is explained to her that due to her investigation the people responsible for the outbreaks were caught and were going to jail for a long time including her former friend and that what they did was being compared to the Nazis . She has become an international epidemiological hero for her actions but she has decided to possibly go back into pediatrics after a vacation she s about to take at the end of the story . Cook , Robin . 1987 Outbreak . ISBN 0 425 10687 X nl Epidemie boek
<|romance|>Animal Dreams opens with a chapter narrated in the third person from the point of view of Doc Homer . This establishes a double narrative voice , which switches between dreams and memories of the past and events of the present . Doc Homer remembers his daughters , Codi and Hallie , when they were young . Their mother is dead . In the second chapter , narrated by Codi in first person , the plot line begins . Hallie leaves Tucson , Arizona , where she was living with Codi and Carlo , for Nicaragua . She plans to assist the newly established communist regime with their crop cultivation . Shortly thereafter , Codi also leaves Tucson , returning to her small rural hometown , Grace , to care for her ailing father and to teach high school biology . The return to Grace is fraught with difficulty for Codi , as she has always felt herself an outsider in the town and has never had a very close relationship with her father . Her return home raises the specter of several mysteries surrounding Codi and her family s past her failure to hold a medical license despite her attendance at medical school , the deaths of her mother and of her child , and the relationship of her family to the rest of the community . In Grace , Codi stays in her friend Emelina Domingos s guest house . As the two women talk , Codi s high school relationship with Loyd Peregrina is revealed . Loyd , a friend of Emelina s husband J . T . , still lives and works in town . Re visiting Grace , Codi is again struck by her feeling of being an outsider . Codi and Hallie s mother died shortly after Hallie s birth . At the age of fifteen , Codi became pregnant with and then miscarried Loyd s child . She never told anyone . Her father , the town doctor , was aware of the situation , but Codi still does not know this . Codi and Loyd meet again and begin a new relationship . Loyd , a Native American who grew up on the nearby Reservation , is ready to establish a serious and committed relationship , but Codi is not ready to imagine herself as staying in one place or loving only one person . Loyd accepts her ambivalence . They continue to see each other , and he teaches her about Native American Cultures .
<|childrens|>Macy is still recovering from the sudden loss of her father . Since he died during one of their habitual morning runs , Macy gives up running and keeps all of her feelings to herself . This results in her being unable to comfort her mother . Her boyfriend , Jason , is currently away at Brain Camp . When Macy attempts to communicate with him about her unhappiness with her coworkers at the library . At the end of one of their e mails she tells him that she loves him , he replies and thinks it would be for the best if they took a break until he returns in August . Upset and hurt , Macy goes for a ride and sees a van for Wish Catering , which catered her mother s party . She applies for a job , which she gets . Macy enjoys this new job and her new coworkers . There she meets the artistic Wes , who she later discovers lost his mother in a car accident and attended reform school for breaking and entering . During this time Macy s older sister begins to renovate their father s beach house despite reluctance from the other family members mainly from her mother . Her mother refuses to talk to Macy about the sudden death of her husband , Macy s father therefore she proceeds to put all of her time into her work . Macy attends a party with some of her coworkers , where she confesses about her father s death and her relationship issues with Jason to Wes . There , she bonds with coworker Kristy , who advises her to enjoy her life because forever keeps changing . Later Wes and Macy end up stranded together after their catering van runs out of gas , where Macy opens up to Wes about all of the issues in her life during a game of Truth . They continue to play the game later during work , where Macy discovers that he is also in an on break relationship with a girl named Becky . As Macy and Wes grow closer together , Macy s mother advises against the job and any possible relationship with Wes . Macy later ends up deciding to confess to Wes , but sees him with Becky and ends up heart broken again . Her mother has Macy helping her with preparations for a party , but eventually has to have Wish Catering assist her . It is during this time that Macy succeeds in being able to comfort her mother and discovers that Wes has broken up with Becky . Wes and Macy become a couple , with her resuming her running habit with him . Wes later joins her and her family at the beach house that has now been renovated .
<|novel|>Colley is a Gonzo journalist with an amphetamine habit , living in Edinburgh . He also smokes cigarettes and cannabis , drinks copious amounts of alcohol , plays computer games , and has adventurous sex with a married woman , Yvonne . He regrets his addictions and misdemeanours and tries half heartedly to give them up occasionally . He reflects on his awful experience of witnessing the aftermath of the massacre at the Highway of Death in the Gulf War , and covers the deployment of HMS Vanguard , Britain s first Trident nuclear missile submarine . He thinks he has a scoop when he receives anonymous phone calls about a series of mysterious deaths . Suddenly he has mysterious deaths of his own to worry about , when an editorial he wrote years before comes back to haunt him . In it , he suggested that certain named capitalist and right wing public figures would be better hate figures than the conventional ones of foreign leaders or domestic criminals . It seems someone is killing off the people on his list , one by one . The description of the murders which are ingeniously sadistic is done in a fairly detailed manner . Under suspicion by the police , Colley finds himself involved doubly in the bizarre murders when the killer is revealed . At the end of the book , Colley is diagnosed with lung cancer a downbeat ending omitted in the film adaptation .
<|mystery|>Innocently responding to a motorist s request that they shut off a light at his home , the Hardy Boys discover a deep mystery the man used the name of a man , John Mead , that Chief Collig claims died five years earlier in a car accident . Adding to the mystery , the Mead mansion s doors have neither knobs nor visible keyholes . Only after speaking to a locksmith do they learn that the locks were concealed . Meanwhile , their father Fenton assigns them to investigate a lead in the kidnapping of a doctor that may lead down the trail to a local boy who fell in with a local thief , a master criminal , who s a relation to the boy . The Hardy boys are to locate a traffic signal that hums like someone singing faintly , and drive ten minutes from it in each direction , then investigate the area for a secret panel . Fenton s mystery ends up intertwining with the Mead mansion and the master criminal , who s been carrying out a series of break ins and thefts without triggering the alarm systems . It turns out that the deceased Mr . Mead was an electronics genius who developed a device that could open any lock and defeat alarm systems , but asked that , upon his death , it be turned over to the FBI . The master criminal had befriended Mr . Mead , found out about the device , and stolen it .
<|mystery|>Every night water strangely disappears from the new Tarnack Reservoir near Skull Mountain . Frank and Joe join forces with a team of skilled engineers to solve the baffling mystery . The book takes place on Skull Mountain , a mountain where many skulls have been seen , near Bayport , U . S . A . This city around Skull Mountain loses water each night because of the new reservoir . There is always something mysterious happening on the mountain , which has an underground channel . The story begins when Joe wants to go swimming , however , Frank points out that there is no water . When they discover that the water is missing , they team up with Chet Morton , Dick Ames and Bob Carpenter in order to solve the mystery . While exploring Skull Mountain , where the reservoir is located , the boys are attacked several times . They finally find Timothy Kimball Jr . sweeper breaking into Mr . Mrs . Kleng s store in order to steal the safe which holds his pay 5000 . Timothy is arrested and questioned about the reservoir . This leads the Hardy Boys to catch the villain , Mr . Kleng , and solve the crime . At the end , the Hardy Boys can go swim because there is enough water in the pool .
<|childrens|>The Hardy brothers interrupt their investigations of jewelry store holdups to answer a plea from their cousin on a New Mexico cattle ranch . They discover how Arrow cigarettes can knock people out using a gas that comes out from a vent in the ground in New Mexico , originally discovered by American Indians .
<|mystery|>The Hardy Boys travel with Brigadier General Jack Smith to an historic Civil War battlefield in the Deep South . Rocky Run Battlefield near the town of Centerville in an unnamed state is the center of a legend involving a Confederate general who was disgraced due to his alleged involvement with the theft of gold from a bank . Smith seeks to vindicate the long dead officer .
<|mystery|>Their SOS ignored by a strange yacht in a storm , the Hardy Boys find a wallet , apparently picked up by a helicopter , containing two thousand dollars alongside their speedboat and are launched into a mystery involving diverse clues . This includes finding out who kidnapped Jack Wayne and took his plane , and where the wailing siren is coming from .
<|mystery|>An paleontology expedition in the West turns into a desperate attempt to capture freight train robbers and an escaped convict .
<|mystery|>The Hardy boys find the missing deed to an Indian s land , prevent a phony salesman from carrying through a reckless scheme , and help their father solve a top secret sabotage case .
<|mystery|>In trying to trace a missing will , detectives Frank and Joe Hardy trap a dangerous criminal who is willing to risk all including murder for money .
<|mystery|>The Hardy Boys solve a kidnapping and break up a gang smuggling illegal aliens from India who are also holding an Indian prince captive . An official of the Indian government saw to it that a trained peregrine falcon was delivered to the boys to use in their investigation . Throughout their mission the falcon intercepts many messages between the smugglers as the criminals use pigeons to fly messages from place to place . Finally , the boys rescue the Indian prince and catch the human smugglers along with creating a strong bind between India and the Hardys .
<|mystery|>In solving the mystery of two medallions missing from an inherited curio collection , the Hardys wind up in a desolate area of Guatemala at the mercy of dangerous thugs .
<|mystery|>Hired by a mysterious businessman to locate an old Spanish cannon , the Hardy brothers and friends grow more and more suspicious as they encounter stolen cars and a mysterious man on a motorcycle . They eventually uncover the cannon and thousands in gold bullion after perilous underwater adventures .
<|mystery|>Frank and Joe Hardy receive a telegram from their friend Tony saying that he is in danger in Alaska and needs their help . He also suggests bringing the brother s friend , Chet Morton . At the airport they find a person following them and spying on them and they are attacked . Later the police discover that the attacker was a wanted spy Romo Stransky . Arriving in Alaska , they meet Ted Sewell , Tony s helper , and he leads the boys to Tony s camp . During the trip , Ted tells the boys about how his father disappeared and he wants them to help him find him . At camp , Tony tells the boys that they have been attacked several times by a gang . During a search of the island , they find a knapsack , a map and a piece of jade . They later learn of a gang member going to The Devil s Paw a place in British Columbia . At The Devils Paw they learn of an ancient Indian burial site where people would steal gold and jewelry . The brothers remembered the piece of jade they found in the knapsack and it might have been stolen from the burial site . They locate the ancient burial site and also find Ted Sewell s father . They find the camp of the gang and learn that the mysterious gang was searching for a lost rocket . They are captured , but escape with the help of their friend Chet . A radio call to special agents leads to the arrest of the gang .
<|mystery|>The Hardys purchase a Chinese junk named the Hai Hau to ferry passengers to Rocky Isle and make some extra money . Four mysterious men also are interested in the boat because of treasure hidden inside the Hai Hau .
<|mystery|>The Hardy Boys and Chet Morton search on the California desert for missing industrialist , Willard Grafton , and break up a gang of criminals intent on defrauding the US government . Much of this book takes place in Blythe , California and it cites real , current locales , such as Hobson Way and the giant intaglios north of Blythe on U . S . Highway 95 . http www . blytheareachamberofcommerce . com intag . htm In the end , the boys discover that Grafton s fellow explorer had a part in the gang of criminal s racket . With this , Grafton is rescued , and the thugs who apparently were smuggling illegal cheques across the country are caught .
<|mystery|>When dogs and men suddenly disappear , and strange screams fill the night , fantastic stories of vengeful ghosts are almost believable . It is these strange happenings which bring Frank and Joe Hardy to the Pocono Mountains to help their father s friend , a retired police captain , solve the mystery of Black Hollow . But when the Hardy Boys and Chet Morton arrive at Captain Thomas Maguire s cabin on the edge of the hollow , he has disappeared . In the woods the boys find only a few slim clues a flashlight bearing the initials T . M . , a few scraps of bright plaid cloth , and two empty shotgun shells which had been fired recently . Frank and Joe are determined to find the captain , despite Chet s misgivings after a night of weird and terrifying screams . Neighbors of the missing man insist that the bloodcurdling cries are those of a legendary witch who stalks Black Hollow seeking vengeance . Strangely , it is a small puppy that helps the boys disclose a most unusual and surprising set of circumstances , involving a mute boy , an elusive hermit , and a fearless puma trainer .
<|mystery|>The Hardy Boys and Chet Morton travel to Canada s Northwest Territories to recover a stolen Viking artifact a runestone . They also smash a group of thieves robbing recreational lodges around the Great Slave Lake . They visit Saskatoon , Saskatchewan Edmonton , Alberta Fort Smith , Northwest Territories and Hay River , Northwest Territories .
<|mystery|>The handwritten will of a deceased world traveller is strange and mysterious . Its instructions are to deliver the valuable object to the rightful owner , a descendant of an Aztec warrior . What is the valuable object and where is it ? What is the name of the owner and where is he ? Frank and Joe Hardy have only one clue to work with the name of a complete stranger who can help find the answers , Roberto Hermosa . Despite the harassments , the threats , and the attacks made upon them by an unknown , sinister gang , Frank and Joe unravel clue after clue in their adventure packed search for the living descendant of the mighty Aztec nation which once ruled Mexico . The hunt leads to a marketplace in Mexico City , to the Pyramids at Teotihuacan , to the tombs of Oaxaca where Chet Morton , the Hardy s buddy , is nearly buried alive by foul play . It takes as much high courage as clever deduction for the young detectives to defeat their ruthless foes and to decipher the fascinating secrets of the strange and mysterious will .
<|mystery|>The story starts with the boys friend Chet Morton who is going off to attend a summer art school in New England . He calls on the Hardy Boys to solve the mystery of the theft of two valuable oil paintings in the area of Millwood . The Hardy Boys accept the proposal and go along with Chet to the Millwood school . In the school , they meet a millionaire Mr . Davenport . A fort , known as Senandaga , is believed to be haunted and the Hardy Boys think that the Haunted fort may have something to do with the theft of the paintings . The Hardy Boys and Chet are told that Mr . Davenport s ancestor , known as the prisoner painter was held prisoner in Senandaga and he made 17 paintings of the outside view of Senandaga . Out of seventeen , 3 have been stolen . It is believed that a treasure , which contains a chain of solid gold is hidden in the fort , the clue to find them is in the paintings of the prisoner painter . The Hardy Boys investigate the case . Many times , their car , boat and jeeps are sabotaged , usually in with the intent to kill them . But , the Hardy Boys escape every time . As the story progresses , all the paintings are stolen by someone who wants the clue to find the chain , except one , which is kept with Mr . Davenport . Soon the Hardy Boys Chet find the clue in that one painting and search the fort . During which , they see a ghost walking on water . The Hardy Boys have a number of suspects example a strange English hermit who lives alone on an island , a critic named Chauncy Gilman who hates Mr . Davenport , a student of the school named Ronnie Rush a French Sculpting teacher named Rene Folette . While searching , they and Mr . Davenport are caught and are held captive in a dungeon . In the end , they find the gold chain , fight the villains , and solve the mystery .
<|mystery|>The Hardy Boys track down the saboteurs who kidnapped their father , and have to keep them from blowing up a bridge near Boontown , Kentucky . The bridge is being built by Tony Pritos fathers construction company . Mr Hardy is ill most of the story . The Villains are mostly ex crooks who wants that area of the bridge for themselves .
<|mystery|>Joe and Frank Hardy go to a magic show with their dad . After the show is done , their dad asks Hexton how the vanishing act was performed . Hexton offers to do the trick on Fenton Hardy . When their dad disappears , he does not reappear . Hexton says their dad is simply playing a joke on them Joe and Frank do not believe this . They suspect he was kidnapped . To be sure , Joe and Frank study some of their dad s records they find Hexton was the leader of an international gang . The first place they look is in a light house that they suspected he might be in . They go inside and see a guard the guard tries to escape but cannot . He says their dad was here but is not anymore . Though not sure , the boys suspect that their dad was purposely moved to a more secretive place . The boys check in Hexton s castle but get caught . They find that the hinges of the place they were locked in were bad Joe and Frank take turns to pry them off . Finally , the boys escape . The boys overhear the gang talking about stealing some jewels . They now have a second job to do . As the boys were leaving , the criminals try to recapture them . It ends up that the police have come just in time to save the boys . Although the boys are fine , the criminals escape . Hexton steals the jewels and takes a ride on Flight 101 . Joe and Frank also take a ride on flight on Flight 101 , but see nothing suspicious . When everyone was exiting the plane , the boys think they see Hexton . As they try to capture him , another person helps in the capturing of Hexton . It ends up that the person was Fenton Hardy . All along Joe and Frank s dad was spying on Flight 101 .
<|childrens|>At the beginning the Hardy boys fly to Iceland to look for a man that an insurance company that is giving him a reward . Then at a party someone attempted to kidnap Frank . A clue is a glove by a sulfur pit in Iceland . It might mean the American astronauts that came to Iceland to study the volcanoes . They take a flight on a private plane to Akureyri . The pilot is an enemy and forces a landing on a glacier . After they land on the glacier they handcuff their enemy . They are fooled by a phony police helicopter that rescues the enemy . They tried to use the radio but the pilot hid the radio crystal . They found it and made contact with the radio tower at Reykjavik . Shortly another helicopter came to pick up the Hardys . They went to Akureyri and visited a phony Rex Hallbjornsson . Shortly after they see Chet wandering in front of the hotel . He looked funny . Then they realized he was drugged ! They thought some one might be upstairs looking at their stuff ! They rushed upstairs . It was the pilot and his phony rescuer . Joe tried to get the pilot and the wig came off . It was the phony Rex Hallbjornsson ! They got away ! Chet and Tony looked went to investigate a man named Hallbjornsson that might know rex while frank and Joe went with a coast guard officer to look for Hallbjornsson in the sea . After a devastating storm they saw a small raft , maybe with a motor . They thought it might be the criminals . Over the course of a day or two , they put on disguises and acted as phony crewman for Rex Mar the real Hallbjornson he changed his name . When they came on deck , Musselaman was there and was fooled by the disguises until Joe slipped up by speaking English in Iceland . The boys defeat the criminals in hand to hand combat and have them arrested .
<|mystery|>The Hardy Boys head to sea to solve the theft of mercury shipments and a government missile and to foil a terrorist plan to create havoc in the United States . They discover that the gang is hiding in a hotel in Baltimore , where their father , Fenton Hardy , is staying under the name L . Marks . An attempt is made on their father s life when his cover is blown , but the Hardy Boys save him in time . Using devices such as ear bugs , they spy on the gang . With the help of an Admiral at the Pentagon , the boys uncover the gang s nefarious plot . The gang wants to blast a cave containing nerve gas with a Super S missile that can t be redirected . This will cause the nerve gas to spread in the USA , which in turn will help overthrow the US government . The Hardys learn that an Indian freighter , Nanda Kailash , is going to dock at Baltimore . They explore the ship as all the clues point towards India . There , an attempt is made on Joe s life . The Hardys also capture the Mercury gang . They find a new friend , Akshay , who takes them to a ship called the Bombay Batarang , where they uncover some clues to the mystery . In the end , with trickery the Hardys capture the rest of the gang . Later they are abducted , but they fight off the criminals and capture the mastermind in the end . .
<|mystery|>The Hardy boys and two friends take a camping trip to the Rocky Mountains in an attempt to locate a gang of credit card counterfeiters .
<|mystery|>The Hardy brothers search for the missing son of a wealthy industrialist leads them to Brazil and great danger .
<|mystery|>Danger is the name of the game when the Hardys agree to help their pen pal from Greece , Evangelos Pandropolos , search for a priceless , ancient Greek helmet . Years ago , Evan s uncle had loaned it to a Hollywood movie company for use in a silent motion picture , The Persian Glory , for a role in the movie , but the helmet was lost after the movie was done . At Hunt College , where Evan , Frank , Joe and Chet Morton are taking a summer course in film making , the boys are harassed by Leon Saffel whose harassments get more and more vicious . All the while a gang is trying to force Mr . Hardy to give up his investigations of a national crime syndicate and also trying to find the helmet , which after speaking to Evan s billionaire uncle , may have belonged to King Agamemnon making the helmet even more valuable . The clues that the Hardys unearth keep them on the move from their college campus to California and finally to Greece . In a sizzling climax , the Hardys , Evan and Chet match wits with their powerful enemies on the island of Corfu .
<|mystery|>The Hardy brothers and Chet head to Hong Kong to investigate a missing chess trophy , a serpent pattern on a vase and hot air balloon , and end up smashing an international crime ring .
<|mystery|>On a winter vacation in Jamaica , the Hardy Boys begin a dangerous adventure when an ancient bronze death mask is discovered near their beach house where Frank comically loses and finds his underwear The case takes them from Jamaica to their hometown of Bayport to Casablanca to Marrakesh . They meet William along the way , a kind African who is willing to help them uncover secrets of the mask , which they find out is Jamaican property . William scares off the enemies of the Hardy Boys in Swahili , telling them he is an even more powerful Juju man then theirs and eventually Mr . Hardy comes after Frank and Joe thought they were dead . Back at the Celliers , they celebrate and Christine , the gorgeous , black haired teen lets the Hardys call home to their worrying mother and Aunt Gertrude . William even receives a wild dog as a present for saving the Hardys from the predicament .
<|mystery|>The Hardy boys investigation of a museum and grave robbery in Griffinmoore , East Anglia arouses the anger of a coven of black witches .
<|mystery|>The search for gold robbed from a mint takes the Hardy Boys to Mexico City and to the Yucatán Peninsula where they uncover a second mystery in the New York Museum .
<|mystery|>The Hardy Boys help their detective father , Fenton Hardy , search for a famous rocket scientist whose disappearance endangers the launching of the Firebird Rocket . They are threatened multiple times , but still do not give up with their lives at risk . Frank and Joe Hardy aid their father and others . However , they soon learn that they are working for a criminal .
<|mystery|>During their father s investigation of the ruthless Scorpio gang of terrorists , the Hardy Boys witness an explosion and an elephant falling from an airship named Safari Queen of Quinn Airport which was carrying animals of the newly opened Wild World Zoo . Strange events are happening at Wild World , so the Hardy Boys search for the truth . They fall into a trap and almost escape injury . They capture the gang in an all out fight . The leader of the gang is Eustace Jarman .
<|romance|>The novel tells the story of Princess Marguerite Daisy Valensky . She is the daughter of Prince Alexander Stash Valensky , a wealthy Russian born polo player and former playboy , and his wife Francesca Vernon , a beautiful and talented American actress . Stash and Francesca , madly in love , are thrilled by her pregnancy and the news that she is carrying twins . However , a problem during delivery denies one of the twin girls , named Danielle , enough oxygen , and she is born brain damaged , while Daisy is healthy . Francesca suffers from acute post partum depression and enters a fugue state for several weeks . Stash , who has a fear and disgust of illness and abnormality after a childhood spent watching his mother slowly waste away from tuberculosis , is unable to accept or love Danielle . When Francesca recovers from her depression , he lies to her , telling her that the second born twin died soon after birth . She discovers the truth and flees with both infants to California , where she is helped by her former agent and his wife . For several years , she lives a secluded life in Carmel and grants Stash short visits with Daisy . Francesca dies in a car accident , and Daisy and Dani are reunited with their father , who immediately places Dani in an expensive but remote home for retarded children , much to Daisy s distress . When Daisy turns 16 , her father dies in a plane accident , after which her older half brother , Ram , who has become obsessed with her , seduces and then brutally rapes her . To get her away from Ram , her father s mistress , Anabel a mother figure to the girl , sends her to the University of California at Santa Cruz , where she forms what will be a lifelong friendship with Kiki Kavanaugh , an auto industry heiress from Grosse Pointe , Michigan . Because of Daisy s total estrangement from Ram , who is a trustee of her inheritance , she neglects to read his letters regarding her stock portfolio at a crucial moment and thus loses everything her father left her . As a result , she is forced to drop out of college and go to work . She paints portraits of rich , horse mad peoples children on ponies in order to pay Dani s bills and also works in a demanding job at a production company that makes television commercials . When Anabel becomes ill and needs money for treatment , Daisy must make a decision to abandon her private life . Up to this point , Daisy has lived out of the public eye , refusing to trade on her title for financial gain , but she ultimately accepts an opportunity to do so . In the process , Daisy must learn to trust a man who loves her , to come to terms with her sister s disability , and to make peace with the life she s been given .
<|novel|>Set in the late 1980s , the story is written from the perspective of David Zimmer , a university professor who , after losing his wife and children in a plane crash , falls into a routine of depression and isolation . After seeing one of the silent comedies of Hector Mann , an actor missing since the 1920s , he decides to occupy himself by watching all of Mann s films and writing a book about them . The publishing of the book , however , triggers another series of events that draw Zimmer even deeper into the actor s past . The middle of the story is largely dedicated to telling the life story of Hector Mann , involving his self imposed exile from his past life and career , which serves as a form of penance for his role in the death of a woman who loved him . In his last days , his wife sends a letter to Zimmer , requesting him to come to their New Mexico home to bear witness to Mann s final legacy of films . The events that ensue form the overarching story of Zimmer s rehabilitation from his reclusive state , and his coming to terms with the manner in which his family was killed .
<|fantasy|>Kyp Durron continued his rampage to destroy the Galactic Empire with the Sun Crusher to avenge his brother whom he inadvertently kills when he destroys Carida . Luke , who was in a suspended animation state after the fight between himself and Exar Kun , made every attempt he can to save his body from the evil spirit of Exar Kun . After reaching out to the Jedi twins , he warns them about the danger . In the end , all the apprentices unite and Exar Kun is destroyed . After the death of Exar Kun , Kyp comes to the light side again . Luke forgives Kyp but many throughout the galaxy , especially the Empire , shall hate him forever . Kyp takes the Sun Crusher into the Maw to destroy it . After Wedge Antilles and his group of fighters reach the Maw Installation , the last of Admiral Daala s ships , the Gorgon , limps back to Imperial installation in the Maw near Kessel . After destroyong the Installation and blowing an ionic asteroid , Admiral Daala successfully fakes her death and escapes . Meanwhile , Bevel Lemelisk and his group of scientists escape on the prototype Death Star . Before they could go far , Kyp crashes his ship , the Sun Crusher into the prototype and hauls both ships into a black hole . Kyp escapes by getting into a pod . Now Kyp has redeemed himself to the Jedi Order , himself , and Luke .
<|fantasy|>The reader is introduced to the main characters on board the Medea , a Dutch ship serving Port au Prince and the Dominican Republic . The narrator is Mr . Brown , returning from an unsuccessful trip to the United States to sell his hotel , located in Port au Prince . Also present are Mr . Smith , the Presidential Candidate , who ran on the vegetarian ticket in the American election of 1948 he and Mrs . Smith are on an optimistic journey to build a vegetarian center in Haiti . Major Jones is a likeable person of dubious history he is full of stories about exploits that are not quite believable . Upon arriving in Haiti , Brown returns to his hotel to find that the secretary of social welfare , who it seems was on the run from the government , has committed suicide in his pool . Brown has to dispose of the body to avoid being implicated . Meanwhile , Jones is arrested as soon as he sets foot on Haitian soil . When Brown is made aware of this , he convinces Mr . Smith to use his political weight to help Jones get out of prison . With only the help of a pen and some paper , Jones is able to forge his way into the Haitian government . When the body of Secretary Philipot is found , his family tries to hold a funeral , but the government s soldiers , the Tontons Macoute , ambush the procession and steal the body . The ex secretary s nephew decides to join the rebel forces , and to do this he must first participate in a voodoo initiation ceremony . Brown reunites with his lover , Pineda , but finds that her child and husband still stand between them . And Mr . and Mrs . Smith continue to look into establishing a vegetarian centre in Haiti , before they finally realize that this country is in no way suited to such an enterprise . The Smiths pack up their bags and leave for the neighboring Dominican Republic . Just as quickly as he infiltrated the government , Jones is soon an enemy of the state , and Brown has an adventure trying to smuggle Jones out of the country . Brown first attempts to sneak Jones onto the Medea , and when that fails Jones is given sanctuary in Pineda s embassy . But Brown doesn t like it when Jones becomes too close to the Lady Pineda , so he convinces Jones to join the rebels in the north . Many sacrifices are made towards this end , as Jones has been proclaiming himself a great military hero and the rebels really believe that he will liberate their country . However , it seems that this was all a bluff on Jones part and he is soon killed in action . The rebellion fails . Brown , unable to return to his hotel in Haiti , finds a new job in Santo Domingo as a mortician .
<|novel|>In October 1921 , Andrew Manson , an idealistic , newly qualified doctor , arrives from Scotland to work as assistant to Doctor Page in the small Welsh mining town of Drineffy . He quickly realises that Page is an invalid and that he has to do all the work for a meagre wage . Shocked by the unsanitary conditions he finds , he works to improve matters and receives the support of Dr Philip Denny , a cynical semi alcoholic . Resigning , he obtains a post as assistant in a miners medical aid scheme in Aberalaw , a neighbouring coal mining town in the South Wales coalfield . On the strength of this job , he marries Christine Barlow , a junior school teacher . Christine helps her husband with his silicosis research . Eager to improve the lives of his patients , mainly coal miners , Manson dedicates many hours to research in his chosen field of lung disease . He studies for , and is granted , the MRCP , and when his research is published , an MD . The research gains him a post with the Mines Fatigue Board in London , but he resigns after six months to set up a private practice . Seduced by the thought of easy money from wealthy clients rather than the principles he started out with , Manson becomes involved with pampered private patients and fashionable surgeons and drifts away from his wife . A patient dies because of a surgeon s ineptitude , and the incident causes Manson to abandon his practice and return to his former ways . He and his wife repair their damaged relationship , but Christine is killed in a traffic accident . It is Denny , now teetotal , who whisks him off to the Welsh countryside to recover . Since Manson had accused the incompetent surgeon of murder , he is vindictively reported to the General Medical Council for having worked with an American tuberculosis specialist who does not have a medical degree , even though the patient had been successfully treated at his nature cure clinic . Despite his lawyer s gloomy prognosis , Manson forcefully justifies his actions during the hearing and is not struck off the medical register . He joins Denny and bacteriologist Dr Hope in opening an integrated , multi specialty practice , then uncommon , in a country town .
<|fantasy|>The story revolves around an anthropomorphic , tricky , clever fox named Mr . Fox who lives underground beside a tree with his wife and four children . In order to feed his family , he makes nightly visits to farms owned by three wicked , cruel , dimwitted farmers named Boggis , Bunce , and Bean and snatches the livestock or food available on each man s respective farm . Tired of being outsmarted by Mr . Fox , the farmers devise a plan to attempt to shoot him by sneaking up on him a certain distance from his hole , blasting shots at their enemy , only to shoot off his tail . In order to successfully kill the fox , the farmers dig up his burrow using caterpillar tractors , although fortunately the family manages to escape by burrowing further beneath the earth to safety . The trio of farmers are ridiculed for their persistence , so they decide to gather by Mr . Fox s hole with tents and pointed guns in order to shoot him when he emerges . Cornered by his rivals , Mr . Fox and his family along with all of the other families of underground creatures are left to starve . Suddenly , Mr . Fox devises a plot one day to acquire food . He and his children tunnel through the dirt and wind up burrowing to Boggis s hen house , just as he had planned . Mr . Fox kills several chickens and sends some of his young to carry the food back home to Mrs . Fox for her to prepare a meal . Along the way to their next destination , Mr . Fox runs into his friend Badger and permits him to accompany him on his mission , and the group proceeds to tunnel to Bunce s farm and then to Bean s cider cellar where they are nearly discovered by a hired woman named Mabel when she enters the room to collect a few jars of apple cider for Bean . They carry their findings back home , where a great celebratory smorgasbord is being served to the starving underground animals and their families . At the table , Mr . Fox invites everyone to live in a secret underground neighbourhood with him and his family , where he will hunt for them daily and no longer need to worry about predators . Everyone joyfully cheers for this idea , whereas Boggis , Bunce , and Bean are left waiting for the fox to emerge from his hole .
<|novel|>The title of the book refers to the Old Tolbooth Prison in Edinburgh , Scotland , at the time in the heart of the Scottish county of Midlothian . The historical backdrop was the event known as the Porteous Riots . In 1736 , a riot broke out in Edinburgh over the execution of two smugglers . The Captain of the City Guards , Captain John Porteous , ordered the soldiers to fire into the crowd , killing several people . Porteous was later killed by a lynch mob who stormed the Old Tolbooth . The second , and main element of the novel was based on a story Scott claimed to have received in an unsigned letter . It was about a certain Helen Walker who had travelled all the way to London by foot , in order to receive a royal pardon for her sister , who was unjustly charged with infanticide . Scott put Jeanie Deans in the place of Walker , a young woman from a family of highly devout Presbyterians . Jeanie goes to London , partly by foot , hoping to achieve an audience with the Queen through the influence of the Duke of Argyll . Jeanie Deans role in the novel is described in more detail in Jeanie Deans fictional character . Jeanie Deans is the first woman among Scott s protagonists , and also the first to come from the lower classes . While the heroine is idealized for her religious devotion and her moral rectitude , Scott nevertheless ridicules the moral certitude represented by the branch of Presbyterianism known as Cameronians , represented in the novel by Jeanie s father David . Also central to the novel is the early 18th century Jacobitism , a theme found in so many of Scott s novels . Scott s sympathies can be seen in the ideal figure of the Duke of Argyll , a moderate on these issues . The Heart of Midlothian has been adapted for the screen once , in 1914 , and for television once , in 1966 . Two operas have also been based upon the novel La Prigione di Edimburgo Imprisoned in Edinburgh by the Italian composer Federico Ricci 1809 1877 and Jeanie Deans by the Scottish classical composer , Hamish MacCunn 1868 1916 .
<|novel|>Five first person narratives give different perspectives on the voyage Petty Officer Taff Evans the ship s scholar , medic , and biologist Dr . Edward Wilson Robert Falcon Scott Lieutenant Henry Bowers and Captain Lawrence Oates each give their account of the hardships , the problems , and finally the failure of their endeavour Norwegian explorer Roald Amundsen beats them to the South Pole by a month .
<|fantasy|>The novel describes a world set in the year 2048 after a catastrophe which has fractured the United States into several nations . The protagonists live in San Francisco and have evolved in the direction of Ecotopia , reverting to a sustainable economy , using wind power , local agriculture , and the like . San Francisco is presented as a mostly pagan city where the streets have been torn up for gardens and streams , no one starves or is homeless , and the city s defense council consists primarily of nine elderly women who listen and dream . The novel describes a utopia where women are leading societies but are doing so with the consent of men . To the south , though , an overtly theocratic Christian fundamentalist nation has evolved and plans to wage war against the San Franciscans . The novel explores the events before and during the ensuing struggle between the two nations , pitting utopia and dystopia against each other . The basic premise resembles that of Pat Murphy s earlier novel The City , Not Long After . The story is primarily told from the points of view of 98 year old Maya , her nominal granddaughter Madrone , and her grandson Bird . Through these and other characters , the story explores many elements from ecofeminism and ecotopian fiction .
<|fantasy|>The Gate to Women s Country is set in the future , 300 years after a nuclear war destroyed most of human civilization . The book focuses on a matriarchal nation known as Women s Country , and particularly the city of Marthatown . Stavia , the novel s heroine , is the younger daughter of Morgot , an important member of the Marthatown Council . The book opens with Stavia as an adult , heading to meet her fifteen year old son , Dawid . He has spent the last ten years living outside the city walls with the warriors , as all boys do , and is now old enough to decide whether he wishes to remain a warrior or accept a life of study and service among the women as a servitor . Dawid formally renounces his mother and chooses to become a full fledged warrior . Afterwards , Stavia remembers when her younger brother was sent to live with the warriors . Much of the rest of the novel is told in flashback , following Stavia s life from childhood to adulthood . In the story s present , Stavia prepares for her role as Iphigenia in Marthatown s annual performance of Iphigenia at Ilium , a reworking of the Greek tragedy The Trojan Women that weaves through the novel as a leitmotif . While still a child , Stavia met Chernon , the son of one of her mother s friends . Although Chernon lives in the garrison with the other boys and men , he and Stavia form a friendship . They meet at the twice annual Carnival , the only event in Women s Country where warriors and women can mix freely . Stavia eventually agrees to smuggle books to Chernon for him to read , even though this is forbidden for boys in the garrison . In fact , Chernon has been ordered by his commander , Michael , to learn more about the secrets of the women who rule Women s Country . After confessing to breaking the ordinances , Stavia is sent away from Marthatown for several years to train as a doctor . On her return Chernon pursues their relationship again . When Stavia is selected for an exploration mission to the south , Chernon leaves the garrison on Michael s orders and meets her there . While away from Women s Country , Stavia and Chernon are captured by a band of Holylanders , members of a struggling community to the south of Women s Country . They practice polygamy and seem to be descendants of rural fundamentalist Christian splinter groups . The Holylanders are brutally misogynistic and treat women as slaves to their husbands . Stavia s experiences among the Holylanders gives her a deeper appreciation for her homeland . Upon her return to Women s Country she finally learns the secrets of the Women s Country Council and the choices they have made to preserve their way of life . The secret of Women s Country is that there are no births of warrior children , all children are fathered artificially by servitors . The goal of Women s Country is to breed out the gene that causes men to choose the warrior life .
<|novel|>Young Marcel was born in the country but raised in Marseille . His father , Joseph , is a hard working strongly atheist public school teacher in Marseille . Marcel s Aunt Rose marries the round , jovial , and very theistic and Roman Catholic Uncle Jules . Joseph and Uncle Jules come into conflict over religion . Over summer break , Joseph and Jules decide to take their families to a house in the country . Jules decides to educate Joseph in hunting techniques . Marcel wants to come hunting with them , but the two adults don t like the idea they lie to him that he can come , but leave the house while he is still just waking up . Marcel , aware of their deceit , gets up and follows them stealthily . He observes Jules making a fool out of Joseph over his hunting prowess . This enrages Marcel . But while he is following them he gets lost in the wilderness . Hearing the hunters later , he follows the sounds to the top of a high cliff . His presence there scares out the legendary birds , the Rock Partridges . Joseph shoots two down with his side by side loading musket . Jules does not believe that Joseph has made the kill . Marcel retrieves the birds and holds them by the legs in his outspread arms on the cliff for the sight of the hunters in the valley below . He lifts his father s glory to the sky , hence the name My Father s Glory . Back in the village , the residents are amazed at Joseph s skill . Marcel is very proud of him , but realizes his father s vanity when Joseph poses for a photograph with the birds . Earlier , Joseph had mocked a colleague who posed with fish , saying that such poses lacked dignity .
<|fantasy|>Sunstorm opens with the last chapter of Time s Eye as its initial chapter , and Bisesa Dutt is in London , reunited with her daughter . It is June 9 , 2037 , the day after her helicopter was shot down in the North Western Frontier Province of Pakistan . The five years that she spent on Mir , an alternate Earth , are now only memories though the fact that her body has aged five years since June 8 , 2037 , will eventually serve as some confirmation of her story . In the meantime , a major solar event occurs on June 9 , disrupting virtually all of the Earth s electronic hardware . Dramatic as it is , this phenomenon is only a minor precursor of a far more massive solar eruption about five years off . Scientific models of the projected 2042 event make clear that the Earth will be sterilized completely by the upcoming solar burst . The effects will be so powerful as to even endanger astronauts on Mars . Rather than sit by and allow the sun to just destroy all of earth s life , political leaders most notably the President of the Eurasian Union , Miriam Grec , and scientific leaders led by Siobhan McGorran , the Astronomer Royal decide to embark upon an ambitious plan to literally shield Earth from the worst effects of the storm . The plot is further complicated when information from Bisesa s odyssey makes it clear that what is happening to the sun is not simply a random happening in nature , but is rather the result of events set in motion by an alien intelligence , known as the Firstborn , since they were the first alien race to reach sentience , and thus the most advanced civilization in existence in the universe . They are determined to stop mankind from infiltrating the stars , since they believe mankind to be a disorderly and wasteful life form , increasing entropy with its energy usage and eventual wars , thus hastening the Universe s eventual heat death .
<|fantasy|>Elmer and Boris the dragon are stranded on a remote island inhabited only by canaries . One of them , Flute , was Elmer s pet until he escaped to Canary Island . Elmer helps Flute and the king and queen canaries to dig up a chest that the island s former human settlers left . Inside are various household items , a watch , a harmonica , and six bags of gold . The dragon flies Elmer back to his house before returning to Blueland , his own home .
<|fantasy|>The plot centers on a young marine biology student named Adam Eddington , who travels to the remote island Gaea off the coast of Portugal for a summer job working for a famous scientist , Calvin O Keefe . Even before he leaves JFK airport , Adam is approached by Carolyn Kali Cutter , the beautiful , well traveled daughter of a rich American industrialist living in Europe . She warns Adam against yet another passenger , Canon Tallis . Tallis is accompanying Calvin O Keefe s eldest daughter , 12 year old Polly O Keefe , to Geneva , but bad weather and mysterious dangers derail those plans . Instead , Adam finds himself shepherding Poly on a short flight from Madrid to Lisbon . When Poly uses the restroom during the flight , she seems to disappear from the airplane completely , and the flight crew denies she was ever on board . Kali s father , Typhon Cutter , later enables Adam to rescue Poly from her kidnappers , deepening Adam s confusion about whom to trust . As the plot unfolds , it becomes clear that at least two different factions have equally strong but differently motivated interests in Dr . O Keefe s research on organ regeneration . Adam faces a number of ethical dilemmas as he is forced to choose between these factions . Eventually Adam realizes that the O Keefes are the ones who care about the fall of the sparrow , as their friend Joshua Archer puts it , a Biblical allusion to caring about others , even the seemingly weak and unimportant . Adam wants nothing further to do with Kali and her ruthless father , but the O Keefes ask him to make a date with Kali anyway , so that Adam can act as a double agent , passing along fake research papers to the Cutters and smuggling the real ones out to trusted people in Lisbon . Adam reluctantly agrees . This plan is complicated , however , by Kali s unexpected claim that she has learned of her father s perfidy , and wants Adam to protect her and keep her confidences . Adam s attempt to do so makes it nearly impossible to pass on the real papers , hampered as he is by Kali s presence and spies from both sides . Eventually Joshua comes to Adam s rescue , but is shot dead and Adam learns that Kali was acting on her father s behalf all along . The Cutters are not arrested . Later , Adam goes back to the Cutters hotel to retrieve his passport from Kali . Playfully , she makes him chase her into the ocean , where she is attacked by a shark . Adam uses a special knife Poly gave him to fight off the shark and get Kali to shore . O Keefe uses his experimental knowledge about limb regeneration to help Kali .
<|childrens|>Boris the dragon contacts Elmer shortly after the events in Elmer and the Dragon to ask Elmer s help several men have found his family of dragons and are proposing to sell them to zoos and circuses . Elmer runs away from home again and helps Boris s family to scare off the men permanently .
<|fantasy|>The principal characters are Maxim Kammerer and Toyvo Glumov , both working for an organization which investigates Unexplained Events UE s . Their investigation of a series of events leads them to believe that they are witnesses to a new action by the Wanderers . After much investigation , the UEs are discovered to be the work of a secret society called the Ludens . The Ludens are born human , but possess latent mental powers far beyond those of normal humans . They view themselves as a distinct race , and claim to have different interests from humanity at large , in some instances claiming to be above traditional human morality . The Ludens routinely conduct experiments on humans and alter their minds in order to further their own means . Kammerer and Glumov s investigation unmasks the Ludens , and they are made public in what would later be called The Great Revelation . At the end of the novel , the Ludens discover that Glumov himself has the capacity to become a Luden , and Glumov must decide whether or not to join their race . Glumov at first states that to join the Ludens would be a betrayal of his family , friends , and civilization . The book ends on a sinister note , with Glumov becoming a member of the Luden group , the implication being that he was coerced . Indeed , the story is told as Maxim s memoir , his sole intent in writing it being to clear up the story of Glumov another source in the fictional setting had implied that Glumov was in the Luden group all along .
<|mystery|>Hot rod TV show producer Grant Tucker has hired the Hardy boys following several mysterious accidents an unknown extortionist has been demanding a quarter of a million bucks in cash . Several dangerous accidents happen , with monster trucks without drivers going on rampage , tires coming off , and hot rods going up in flames . In the end , Joe and star rider Jessica Derey have a hair s breadth escape , narrowly escaping being crushed by a monster pickup on a live TV show . They also catch the extortionist , a former star who was involved in a major accident , got scared of driving , and managed to work up a lot of resentment , which was why he decided to damage the show by crippling it financially .
<|fantasy|>In 1964 , astrophysicists on Earth become aware of an immense cloud of gas that is heading for the solar system . The cloud , if interposed between the Sun and the Earth , could wipe out most of the life on Earth by blocking solar radiation and ending photosynthesis . A cadre of astronomers and other scientists is drawn together in Nortonstowe , England , to study the cloud and report to the British government about the consequences of its presence . The cloud decelerates as it approaches the Sun contrary to physical laws and comes to rest around the Sun , causing disastrous climatic changes on Earth and immense mortality and suffering for the human race . This section of the novel presages the nuclear winter scenario popularised in the 1980s . As the behaviour of the cloud proves to be impossible to predict scientifically , the team at Nortonstowe eventually come to the conclusion that it might be a life form with a degree of intelligence . In an act of desperation , the scientists try to communicate with the cloud , and to their surprise succeed in doing so . The cloud is revealed to be a superorganism , many times more intelligent than humans , which in return is surprised to find intelligent life forms on a solid planet . When the astronomers ask the cloud how its lifeform originated , it replies that they have always existed . One of the characters suggests this is incompatible with the Big Bang theory . Thus it may be that Hoyle was hinting at his own Steady State theory of the existence of the Universe , which most cosmologists consider disproved by the discovery of cosmic background radiation . The cloud then learns that another intelligent cloud has stopped communicating and may have mysteriously vanished , not so far away in space in the cloud s terms , so it decides to move on , relieving Earth s suffering . Two of the scientists die in an attempt to learn some of the cloud s vast store of knowledge through visual signals , in order to gain further insights about the Universe .
<|fantasy|>Early one May , sixth grader Rod Allbright is launched into the adventure of a lifetime when a tiny alien spaceship the good ship Ferkel of the Galactic Patrol crashes in his room , changing his life forever . Now , Rod finds himself aiding the aliens on their mission to capture BKR pronounced Bee Kay Are , an interstellar criminal whose mission in life is to cause as much pain and misery as he can . Ultimately , Rod is able to help the crew of the Ferkel in returning to their normal sizes , and defeating BKR .
<|mystery|>One morning in the park by the Bund , Chief Inspector Chen finds a dead body with precisely 18 axe wounds . He decides to take up the case however , he is also ordered to escort a U . S . Marshal Catherine Rohn and assist her with her investigation . In this case , it means going to look for the wife of a witness in a human smuggling investigation who will not talk unless his wife is with him . Things are complicated by the fact that the woman has gone missing .
<|childrens|>Little Billy is forbidden by his mother to enter the Forest of Sin behind his house . She tells him of the Whangdoodles , Hornswogglers , Snozzwanglers and Vermicious knids that live in the forest . Worst of all is the Terrible Bloodsuckling Toothpluckling Stonechuckling Spittler , which chases its prey while glowing clouds of hot smoke pour out of his nose , and then swallows them up in one gulp . Little Billy doesn t believe his mother , and the Devil whispers to Little Billy that the monsters don t exist , and there is a plethora of luscious wild strawberries in the forest . Soon , Little Billy is walking through the forest when he hears something coming after him , and runs to escape it . As he looks back , he sees puffs of orange red smoke catching up with him . He escapes what he is sure must be the Spittler by climbing up a tree as high and as fast as he can . When he comes to a rest , he notices windows opening all over the branches , and discovers a whole city of little people , the Minpins , living inside the tree . The leader of the Minpins , Don Mini , tells Little Billy that the monster waiting under the tree is not the Spittler which the Minpins have never heard of , but the Red Hot Smoke Belching Gruncher , who grunches up everything in the forest . It seems that there is no way for Little Billy to safely get down from the tree and return home . But upon learning of the close friendship between the Minpins and birds , Little Billy devises a plan to rid the forest of the Gruncher Little Billy flies on the back of a swan and uses his scent to lure the Gruncher into a lake . The water of the lake puts out the fire in the Gruncher s belly , killing him . The Minpins are grateful to Little Billy for ridding the forest of their tormentor . They reward him by sending the swan to serve as Little Billy s own personal transport every night , which he uses to explore the world and to continue his newfound friendship with the Minpins .
<|mystery|>Rebecca s Tale continues twenty years after du Maurier s conclusion and begins with the same classic line Last night I dreamt I went to Manderley again . Most of the characters from the original novel have left the area Maximilian de Winter died in a car accident before this sequel begins and Colonel Julyan has retired to a quiet life at home . None of the other characters from the original novel make significant appearances , although some have brief cameos . While in the original novel , Rebecca was ultimately described as a cruel and wanton woman , in this sequel she is presented as a tormented girl , haunted by her traumatic childhood and deeply sad despite her outward boldness . Although the connection was unknown to most of Rebecca s acquaintances in adulthood including her eventual husband Maximilian de Winter , her mother was the younger sister of Maxim s mother . Maxim s father had seduced his young sister in law before she was sent away in disgrace to France , potentially making Rebecca Maxim s half sister as well as his first cousin . However , Rebecca s father was generally understood to be Black Jack Devlin , an Irish gambler and speculator . During Rebecca s early childhood in Brittany , she was raised to believe that Devlin had died while sailing to South Africa , where he was in fact alive and investing in diamond mines . She and her mother were supported by money sent from their relations in England . When she was still a young girl , she was raped by a boy in their French village , teaching her to mistrust , loathe , and manipulate men , but also to be self sufficient , assertive , and strong in her own right . At the end , taking partial inspiration from Rebecca s more positive ideals , Ellie Julyan rejects the conventionality of her bucolic country life to pursue her own dreams and ambitions , while Terence Gray reconciles with his own identity and opens himself to love .
<|childrens|>When Sheen , a quiet and studious boy , finds himself facing a street brawl between boys of Wrykyn and those of St . Jude s , their sworn enemies , he slips away to safety to avoid the wrath of his masters . However , his cowardliness is noticed by his fellows , who send him to Coventry . In order to save his reputation , he must train secretly under boxing legend Joe Bevan . Can he overcome the many obstacles in his path , and restore the school s honour in the ring ?
<|fantasy|>The main body of the work centres on Bella Baxter , a woman whose early life and identity are the subject of some ambiguity . That ambiguity is complicated by her husband Archibald McCandless s autobiography , Episodes from the Early Life of a Scottish Public Health Officer , which distorts the truth about his life with Bella . This is followed by Bella s or Victoria s refutation of its facts , suggesting that her poor fool of a husband has concocted a life for her from the prevailing gothic and romantic motifs of the period it positively stinks of all that was morbid in that most morbid of centuries . This is reinforced by the novel s intricate echoes of Mary Shelley s Frankenstein . These fictitious historical documents are prefaced with an introduction by one Alasdair Gray , who presents himself as the editor of the following text , and relates the discovery of the papers by his real life friends , Michael Donnelly and Elspeth King . The introduction also hosts a critique of Glasgow City Council s treatment of its culture and heritage in the neglect of the local history museum , and a brief mention of Glasgow s time as the European Capital of Culture in 1990 , which would be the subject of a more sustained satire in his novel Something Leather .
<|fantasy|>Like Gray s Poor Things the novel takes the form of documentation written by the characters themselves in order to record their experiences for posterity a Prologue and notes which make up almost a third of the total text by the hero s mother , and the central portion of the book , which is a third person narrative written by its protagonist , Wat Dryhope . Wat finds himself dissatisfied with the lack of purpose in a life in which everything is provided by powerplants , bypassing any need for manual labour . He develops an unhealthy interest in the ancient history of twentieth century wars and dictatorships when men s struggles had a purpose , leaving himself vulnerable to exploitation to a plot to destroy his world s way of life .
<|novel|>Sérgio is left at the age of eleven on the doorsteps of the Ateneu by his father and enters the school for the first time . It immediately becomes clear the sexual references by the headmaster s statement to Sérgio s father in the begging of the book You should see a coiffeur , and cut this blondy hair of yours . You know , the pretty boys in this school , don t go along very well . After , he is eventually is approached by two older students Sanches and Bento Alves who try to engage into a homosexual relationship with him , but he does not accept the proposal . Sérgio then approaches a rebellious boy named Franco in order to avoid their company . Since Franco is constantly disciplined by the headmaster , Sérgio cuts his friendship with the boy , out of fear of facing the same fate . He then meets a boy named Egbert and becomes very close to him their relationship does not develop beyond friendship mostly due to the sexual and emotional feelings Sérgio nourishes for the school s nurse Dona Ema . Towards the end of the book , a student sets fire to the Ateneu , burning the whole structure down . The fire is a metaphor which represents the end of a chapter in Sérgio s life , as he progresses towards maturity .
<|fantasy|>During the war against D Hara , a young woman meets with Zeddicus Zu l Zorander , Wizard of the First Order in order to force him to pay a debt of bones he owes her and save her child . In so doing , she initiates the series of events leading up to the end of the war with D Hara and the division of the Westlands , Midlands , and D Hara by the boundaries .
<|novel|>When Vivi , Teensy , Necie , and Caro were younger , they created the Ya Ya Sisterhood . The Ya Ya s caused shenanigans and chaos everywhere , but also had a sisterly bond that could fix anything . Now , at 70 years old , the Ya Ya s are determined to fix the struggling relationship between mother and daughter . Siddalee Sidda Walker , a play director , has never had a smooth relationship with her mother , Vivi , but when a New York Times reporter twists Siddalee s words around in an article about her recent play , Siddalee and Vivi s mother daughter relationship goes spiraling down . Not only is Sidda having trouble with her mother , but she is also having trouble with her fiancé , Conner . Sidda postpones the wedding between her and Conner . Between that and Sidda s now fear to love , she runs off to her friend s family cabin at Lake Quinault . When Vivi and the other Ya Ya s find out about this , they decide to send Sidda the Divine Secrets of the Ya Ya Sisterhood scrapbook to help Sidda understand their lives , and more importantly , her mother s life , better .
<|novel|>Most of the dreams are concerned with mundane affairs talking to his friends Ian Sommerville , Allen Ginsberg and Brion Gysin protecting his cats trying to get sex , drugs or something to eat . There are flying dreams , erotic suitcase packing dreams , dreams of being bullied by men in uniforms . There are references to strange drugs such as Jade and Bogomolets Anti Human Serum 125 . In addition , there are other segments which seem unconcerned with dreams at all , such as a chapter where Burroughs instructs the reader on how to create botulism . There is a place he refers to as the Land of the Dead , which , like Interzone , seems to be a conglomeration of many cities Tangiers , London , Paris , and others . ru
<|novel|>Written as a dark , comic fable , the story concerns an advertising executive , Harry Joy , who briefly dies of a heart attack . On being resuscitated , he realizes that the life he has previously drifted aimiably through is in fact Hell literally so to Harry . His wife is unfaithful with his partner . His son is selling drugs , and his daughter is a communist selling herself to buy them . In one of the novel s more shocking scenes , glimpsed through a window , incest occurs . Redemption comes in the form of Honey Barbara pantheist , healer , whore . In the words of the book s blurb Honey is to Harry as Isis is to Osiris . Together they conquer Hell and retire to the forest where their children inherit the legend of paradise regained . But Harry must die for a second time to be truly saved .
<|crime|>During what is effectively a prequel , Fletch has only been at the News Tribune as a junior reporter for a short time and Frank his editor is losing respect for his new employee . Frank moves Fletch to a different section of the newspaper more than once , but Fletch continues to cause trouble . When Fletch is to run the story of local lawyer Donald Habeck , who requests an interview in order to announce that he is giving 5 million dollars to a local museum , the lawyer turns up dead in the News Tribune parking lot . Unsurprisingly Frank takes Fletch off the story and gives it to an experienced reporter who has been with the paper for years . Fletch is now charged with investigating a whorehouse which he does . However , he is not about to give up on the Habeck story , the circumstances of which seem mighty suspicious , especially when Fletch starts to suspect that the legal firm Habeck worked for is one of the most crooked firms around .
<|childrens|>Darcy Deeton is a twelve year old girl who loves her older brother , David . After becoming jealous when he falls in love with Jayne Evans , Darcy inadvertently leads David to his death in a car accident . The Deetons decide to donate David s most important organ , his heart . Darcy is so guilt ridden about his death that she is determined to find the person who has his heart so she can find some closure . Darcy embarks on a wild adventure with her best friend , Sam .
<|crime|>Serge follows the suitcase containing five million up the coast of Florida to Tampa where he proceeds to meet Lenny Lipowicz , a part time Don Johnson impersonator who owns a real moon rock from a 1970s space mission . Along for the ride are City and Country , two girls from Alabama who are on the run after an incident in a bar bathroom where a girl accidentally stabbed herself with a steak knife she was using to snort cocaine from . One of the girls pulled the blade out trying to help , but it cut an artery . With their fingerprints all over , they decided to run for it . There is also a gangster named Fiddlebottom who changed his name to the more menacing Zargoza , and a Hemingway impersonator named Jethro , and so on . All these characters meet up by the end at the Hammerhead Ranch Motel as hurricane Rolando berto comes ashore .
<|crime|>The year is 1996 . At long last , Serge A . Storms has been captured . He is committed to the psychiatric hospital at Chattahoochee , where he patiently tries to explain his views . Serge grows tired of this diversion , however , and escapes once more . His newest obsession involves investigating the circumstances surrounding his grandfather s death forty years earlier , when he allegedly committed suicide by wandering into the ocean at a Miami beach . Serge s grandfather , who passed on many of his habits and interests as well as his mental instability to his grandson , may have been involved with a lucrative jewel theft shortly before his disappearance , however , so his friends are understandably reluctant to talk . The novel then skips forward eight years and over the previous novels in the series to 1996 , where Serge is living with his friend Lenny and Lenny s mother while planning a phantasmagoric array of projects , the biggest of which is still to solve the matter of his grandfather s supposed suicide . To finance his quest , Serge and Lenny start up a unique tour service highlighting the lesser known side of Florida s tourism industry . During one of his tours , a group of drunken convention attendees accidentally kidnap and kill a mob boss . The mobster in question just happens to be one that Serge personally insulted a few days earlier , incurring the wrath of both the mob and the FBI . Serge decides to keep close tabs on the salesmen for their own protection , not letting them leave his sight . Somehow , he also finds the time to publicly embarrass the Castro regime of Cuba and the United States government at the same time . Tagging along in Serge s deathmarch tour are Lenny , a newspaper columnist from New York City , a friend of Serge s grandfather s named Chi Chi , and City and Country , a pair of dim witted women that Serge ditched at the beginning of The Stingray Shuffle , in 1998 .
<|fantasy|>In the not too distant future , a cold war threatens to turn hot . Colonization of Mars seems to be mankind s only hope of surviving certain Armageddon . To facilitate this , the American government begins a cyborg program to create a being capable of surviving the harsh Martian environment Man Plus . After the death of the first candidate , due to the project supervisors forgetting to enhance his brain s ability to process sensory input to cope with the new stimuli he is receiving , Roger Torraway becomes the heart of the program . In order to survive in the thin Martian atmosphere , Roger Torraway s body must be replaced with an artificial one . At every step he becomes more and more disconnected from humanity , unable to feel things in his new body . It is only after arriving on Mars that his new body begins to make sense to him . It is perfectly adapted to this new world , and thus he becomes perfectly separated from his old world , and from humanity . The success of the Martian mission spurs similar cyborg programs in other spacefaring nations . It is revealed that the computer networks of Earth have become sentient , and that ensuring humanity s survival will guarantee theirs as well . In the end , the network is puzzled . . . it appears that something else was behind the push to space , a mystery even to the machines .
<|novel|>Nin s usage of the word incest in this case is metaphorical , not literal . In other words , in this book the word incest describes a selfish love where one can appreciate in another only that which is similar to oneself . One is then only loving oneself , shunning all differences . At first , such a self love can seem ideal because it is without fear and without risk . But eventually it becomes a sterile nightmare . Toward the end of the book , the character called the modern Christ puts Nin s use of the word into context If only we could all escape from this house of incest , where we only love ourselves in the other . Nin was under the analysis of Otto Rank during the period of writing House of Incest . Rank was an early disciple of Freud , serving as the secretary and youngest member of his Vienna group , but had long since dissented from Freudian orthodoxy and developed his own theoretical school . Incest From a Journal of Love The Unexpurgated Diary of Anaïs Nin 1932 1934 reveals that the two were also having an affair . Rank helped Anaïs edit House of Incest . He had experience with this topic , as Otto Rank s most famous book is The Trauma of Birth . House of Incest is largely an attempt by the narrator to cope with the shock of the trauma of birth . Anaïs Nin describes the process as akin to being e jected from a paradise of soundlessness . . . . thrown up on a rock , the skeleton of a ship choked in its own sails .
<|crime|>The Deep Blue Good by introduces readers to McGee , his place of residence , the Busted Flush a houseboat he won in a poker game , and its mooring place , slip F 18 at the Bahia Mar Marina in Fort Lauderdale , Florida . In the early chapters we learn that McGee is a bachelor , a man who can be friends with ladies as well as have a passion for them , and a man of principle although they are somewhat at the mercy of his uncertain emotional condition and his circumstances at the moment in McGee s own words , Some of them I ll bend way , way , over , but not break . . We also learn that McGee is by occupation a salvage consultant , a concept almost certainly coined and developed by MacDonald . As a salvage consultant , McGee undertakes to recover for its rightful owner money or property of which the owner has been wrongfully deprived and has no other hope of recovering , taking half its value as his fee . McGee works when he has to , almost always only taking jobs when his supply of money kept in an ingenious hidey hole aboard the Flush is low . In one tale , however , McGee avenges the murder of a long time friend . In another , he is asked by the daughter of a friend to find out why her husband is trying to kill her . While he can be mercenary at times , he is not a mercenary . Another feature of the McGee series is the seemingly unending parade of colorful and invariably evil villains whom McGee must contend with in order to make a recovery for his clients . In this first story the antagonist is Junior Allen , a smiling , seemingly friendly man , large , cat quick , powerful , and pathologically evil . The story begins with a fortune smuggled home after World War II by a soldier who was a native of the Florida Keys . This soldier killed another soldier just prior to his discharge , went on the run back to the Keys , and buried his treasure there . He was later captured by the U . S . Army and sent to a military prison , where he met Junior Allen . Allen discovered vague details about the fortune hidden in the Keys and after his release from prison went there to find it . The story depicts the psychotic behavior of Allen as he evolves from thief to serial rapist to murderer . We see McGee s savvy , guile , and physical prowess as he works methodically to locate Allen and eventually make the recovery . As is thematic in many of the McGee books , however , he pays a heavy price for the successful recovery . Throughout the series , in fact , it is debatable as to whether McGee ever makes a recovery in which the costs outweigh the gain .
<|fantasy|>The book covers the fall of an empire to the south of the Five Kingdoms , the land of the first novel . The empire of Jehanglan is sustained by the Phoenix dynasty , which draws its power from a phoenix trapped a thousand years ago . The phoenix is kept in place by the power of a truedragon , also trapped and exploited . On discovering that one of their cousins is trapped , Linden Rathan and his soultwin , Maurynna Kyrissaean , lead a party to rescue him . Unfortunately , they play into the hands of a Jehangli lord who seeks to trap the Dragonlords and use the additional power to take the throne for himself .
<|fantasy|>The search for wealth and immortality has sent men mad . Now Indiana Jones is called to London to recover an ancient alchemist s manuscript that is supposed to contain the formula both for creating gold from lead and also granting eternal life . Certain that a missing British alchemist and an insane Renaissance scholar are involved in the theft Indy , along with the alchemist s beautiful sister , travels to Rome , and straight into the hands of Mussolini s fascists . The scholar Sarducci who appears mad has stolen the Voynich Manuscript . However the manuscript is also a map , leading readers into the desert and the most ancient and magnificent crypt in the world , where Indiana Jones will either witness an astounding miracle of alchemy , or become the tomb s next inhabitant .
<|novel|>Charlie is the alias of the adolescent narrator of the novel , who is about to begin his first year of high school . The novel is presented through letters that Charlie writes to an anonymous friend , whom he hears girls at school talk about fondly . Charlie begins his freshman year apprehensive due to the death of his only good friend Michael , who committed suicide several months before . He does not feel that he can lean on his parents or older siblings for support , because they never truly understood him . He also explains that the only relative that he ever felt close to was his Aunt Helen , but she was killed in a car accident on his seventh birthday . Charlie soon befriends two seniors , Sam and her step brother Patrick . Throughout the story , Sam , Patrick , and Charlie s English teacher Bill introduce him to many new experiences and the letters he writes show his growth . In the end , he learns that he can go on life without being scared because he is a wallflower . Charlie writes about situations he gets into with his new friends including going to parties , seeing and performing in Rocky Horror Picture Show and going on his first date . Charlie also falls in love with Sam during the novel . He writes to his anonymous friend a lot about love . Besides his feelings for Sam , he also briefly dates Mary Elizabeth , another girl in their group of friends . In addition , Charlie writes about Patrick s relationship with Brad , the quarterback of the football team , who is gay but still in the closet . Another relationship discussed is his sister s , who is dating a boy who Charlie witnessed hitting her , which Charlie is especially sensitive to as his Aunt Helen was abused . Charlie grows a lot during the story and learns how to participate in life . At the end of the summer , Patrick and Sam take Charlie through the tunnel again , this time , with Charlie standing in the truck bed .
<|comedy|>Set in the world of TV and small screen production , the main character is a screenwriter . Rush is given the chance to write for the A Team movie , a step up from the world of Zombie , flesh eaters !
<|novel|>The Zahir means the obvious or conspicuous in Arabic . The story revolves around the life of the narrator , a bestselling novelist , and in particular his search for his missing wife , Esther . He enjoys all the privileges that money and celebrity bring . He is suspected of foul play by both the police and the press , who suspect that he may have had a role in the inexplicable disappearance of his wife from their Paris home . As a result of this disappearance , the protagonist is forced to re examine his own life as well as his marriage . The narrator is unable to figure out what led to Esther s disappearance . Was she abducted or had she abandoned the marriage ? He encounters Mikhail , one of Esther s friends , during a book launch . He learns from Mikhail that Esther , who had been a war correspondent against the wishes of her husband the protagonist , had left in a search for peace , as she had trouble living with her husband . The author eventually realizes that in order to find Esther he must first find his own self . Mikhail introduces him to his own beliefs and customs , his mission of spreading love by holding sessions in hotels and meeting homeless people living in the streets . He tells the narrator about the voices he hears , and his beliefs related to them . The narrator , who only too frequently falls in love with women , consults with his current lover , Marie , about his encounters with Mikhail . She warns him that Mikhail could be an epileptic . However , she also advises him to search for the Zahir as is his desire , even though she would prefer him to stay with her . The narrator eventually decides to go in search of his Zahir . As it was Esther who had initially brought Mikhail from Kazakhstan to France , the protagonist suspects that she may in fact be in Kazakhstan . At first , he is curious about what made Esther leave , but later he realizes that troubles with her relationship with her husband may have been a major reason . As he discovers , she was interested in getting to know herself through the making of carpets . Eventually the narrator meets his Zahir and the outcome of this meeting constitutes the climax of the book . Through the narrator s journey from Paris to Kazakhstan , Coelho explores the various meanings of love and life . In a recurring theme in the book , Coelho compares marriage with a set of railway tracks which stay together forever but fail to come any closer . The novel is a journey from a stagnant marriage and love to the realization of unseen but ever increasing attraction between two souls .
<|novel|>It is the story of a young woman named Much Afraid , and her journey away from her Fearing family and into the High Places of the Shepherd , guided by her two companions Sorrow and Suffering . It is an allegory of a Christian devotional life from salvation through maturity . It aims to show how a Christian is transformed from unbeliever to immature believer to mature believer , who walks daily with God as easily on the High Places of Joy in the spirit as in the daily life of mundane and oftentimes humiliating tasks that may cause Christians to lose perspective . The book takes its title from Habakkuk 3 19 , The Lord God is my strength , and he will make my feet like hinds feet , and he will make me to walk upon mine high places . The story begins in the Valley of Humiliation with Much Afraid , being beset by the unwanted advances of her cousin , Craven Fear , who wishes to marry her . The Family of Fearings seems to have some strong similarities to the Addams Family . Much Afraid is ugly from all outward appearances , walking on club feet , sporting gnarled , deformed hands , and speaking from a crooked mouth that seems to have been made so by a stroke or the like . The Good Shepherd is tender and gentle with Much Afraid , especially in the beginning . However , His many sudden departures may strike the reader as bizarre , given the human penchant to expect kindly souls to never do everything that may be interpreted as rude or as hurtful in any way . Yet , though the Shepherd leaves in a moment , He returns the same way at the first furtive cry of the forlorn little protagonist . Come , Shepherd , for I am much afraid ! When Much Afraid intimates that she would love to be able to dance upon the high places as do the surefooted deer , the Shepherd commends her for this desire . In order to accomplish this , he offers to plant the seed of love into her heart . At first sight of the long , black hawthorne looking seed , she shrieks in fear . Soon , she relents , and after the initial intense pain , she senses that something is indeed different in her , though she still looks the same , for now . Just when the reader thinks that Much Afraid is about to reach the High Places , the path turns downward towards a seemingly endless desert . There is an incident at the sheer cliff that must be climbed with only one rope , which hangs a long way down to her from the top . Then days are spent in a forest that is shrouded in a thick cloud of fog . During this time Much Afraid is sequestered with her two friends , Sorrow and Suffering , in a log cabin . The climax is an unexpected twist that comes as Much Afraid despairs of ever reaching the High Places .
<|novel|>In the novel , the manuscript of the Alexiad , which Anna had worked upon in the library at Constantinople , is brought to her to continue at the convent , though in history , she didn t start writing until she arrived .
<|action|>In the story , Peter Chancellor , who found unlikely success as an author of political thrillers after his ambitions to become a historian were frustrated , writes a work of fiction that comes close enough to the scenario described that the people who controlled those files , a group called Inver Brass in the novel , decide that someone else may also know too much . This sets the stage for the international intrigue that follows . In the end Ludlum left the reader wondering if it was he himself , not Peter Chancellor , the protagonist of his story , who knew of the conspiracy .
<|fantasy|>Joe Cube is a high tech executive waiting for his company s IPO . On the New Year s Eve before the new millennium , trying to impress his wife Jena , he brings home a prototype of his company s new product a TV screen that turns standard television broadcasting into a 3D image . It brings no warmth to their cooling marriage , but it does attract the attention of somebody else . Joe is suddenly contacted by a Momo , a woman from the fourth dimension she calls the All , of which our entire world which she calls Spaceland is like nothing but the thin surface of a rug . Momo has a business proposition for Joe that she won t let him refuse . She is bent on making him start a company that will create a specific product that she will supply . The upside potential becomes much clearer for Joe once Momo augments him , by helping him grow a new eye on a 4D stalk , giving him the power to see in four dimensional directions , as well as the ability to see into our dimension using a four dimension perspective . After that , it s a wild ride through a million dollar night in Las Vegas , a budding addiction to a tasty purple fruit from the All , a troubled marriage , eye popping voyages into Momo s universe and strange encounters with Momo s sworn enemies who are another race of 4D beings , rubbery red creatures called the Wackles , who steal money , speak in unusual words , offer sage advice , and sometimes messily explode when shot at themselves . The plot gets complicated when the Wackles kill Momo , and Joe discovers the startling revelation about Momo s business scheme . Suddenly , the fate of all beings in our world Spaceland is at stake and Joe must do something about it fast before it is too late .
<|fantasy|>In an unspecified time in the future , a multi national consortium sends a team of six astronauts each with the chance of earning a billion dollars if they complete their mission properly to Saturn to establish a factory that mines helium for the production of precious meta stabilized metastable helium , a powerful rocket fuel , in the planet s upper atmosphere . With only enough meta fuel to get them to Saturn , failure will cost them their lives . And all too soon the crew of astronauts crash lands on a surface , which is actually the back of an enormous alien life form they dub the Rukh , a 4 kilometer long , bizarre sting ray shaped creature that swims through Saturn s gaseous upper atmosphere and has two brains , both male and female . When part of their apparatus is swallowed by one of these giant birdlike beings , the crew needs to find a way to communicate and to be able to cooperate with the Rukhs so that they may survive .
<|fantasy|>In the early 21st century , astronomers detect what appears to be a distant gamma ray burster , a black hole engulfing another star many light years away . The data is bizarre and also troubling because only 13 hours later , a second burster appears , which , given the great distance between stars , would be impossible . Eventually , the astronomers realize that the black hole , rather than being incredibly far from us , is actually heading towards our own solar system , and moving our way at considerable speed . Stranger still , it seems to be moving under its own will it is an intelligent being itself . This age old cosmic being reveals that it had been born seven billion years ago and had become a wandering entity , feeding on asteroids , planets and various space debris , projecting itself forward in space through the process . Through the billions of years of its existence across the expanse of time and space , this intelligent entity has learned of many ancient civilisations in the universe . The black hole eventually sends a message to the people of Earth it desires converse . The black hole is willing to share the knowledge it had gained throughout the ages in return for the chance to chat with the humans . But eventually , something about the nature of the life form is revealed . It prefers to learn about people by having their minds uploaded to it and demands that the best and brightest of Earth be sent to it in this way . The three astronomer protagonists Benjamin Knowlton his cancer stricken wife , Channing and the British Astronomer Royal , Kingsley Dart , must save the Earth and all of humanity from annihilation at the hands of this entity that they dub the Eater .
<|childrens|>The story is told by the 10 year old protagonist , Johnny Briggs , who receives an army of toy nutcracker men from his father , a toymaker . The battles that take place during the first World War seem eerily similar to the battles that Johnny enacts with his nutcracker soldiers , and Johnny eventually comes to think that he is controlling the outcome of the war with every battle that he plays out . The part of the story taking place in France where Johnny s father has enlisted is told mainly through letters sent back home to his family . Through the letters it is possible to tell that the novel takes place from around October 25 until December 26 , 1914 . At the beginning of the book Johnny and his family live in London , however Johnny is sent to live with his Aunt Ivy in the town of Cliffe soon after his father enlists . His mother moves to the town of Woolwich , also sending letters to Johnny every chapter , to help support the war by getting a job making weaponry in a factory . A main theme of the book is the pointlessness and irrationality of war . After the protagonist , Johnny Briggs , misses school for two days in order to have more time to build his Guy Fawkes , he is forced to spend every Wednesday and Saturday afternoon at his teacher s house . There , his teacher , Mr . Tuttle , tutors him on classic literature , mainly the Iliad . They both draw direct parallels between the events of World War I and the events of Homer s novel . It is during the beginning of the book that he is bullied , but when saved by Sarah is entirely ungrateful and says a girl for a friend is like no friend at all . This is why he leaves the school . When she saves him from being thrown in the fire he starts to see her as a friend . At the beginning of the book , Johnny s father appears enthusiastic about going to war , so much that at the beginning he is frustrated that he lacks the half inch of height required to enlist . After the required height is lowered , he joins the war and is moved to the front line afterward . As the war continues , it takes its toll on Johnny s father s health , physique , and mentality . Johnny s father sends his son a newly whittled and painted soldier with every letter , but his creations appear increasingly grotesque throughout the book . This is reflected in the model of himself that he had sent . The brown paint of his clothes turns a moldy green , the wide grin on its face fades to a grim , mournful expression , a hairline crack comes down his chest , and a knothole begins to form in its chest . The book comes to a close when Johnny stops playing with his nutcracker soldiers , and brings them together for the Christmas Truce of 1914 . The war continues without Johnny s interference , and his father returns four years later in 1918 . Johnny s mother dies from sulfur poisoning in 1923 , demonstrating that some of the most valiant sacrifices of World War I came not from the front lines , but from the work force at home .
<|novel|>Said s world revolves around Nabawiyya , his former wife , and Sana , his daughter . Once in love with the former , she has now betrayed him by marrying his friend Ilish . Central to the making of Said Mahran is also Ra uf Ilwan , his one time criminal mentor , who used the same revolutionist rhetoric , but now , being a respected journalist and businessman , is in seeming opposition to Said , whose outlook hasn t changed . These perceived betrayals throw the protagonist into the utmost confusion and his initial calculation in revenge becomes ever more a wild flailing against the whole world . Only Nur , a prostitute , and Tarzan , a café owner , provide Said with any respite from his anger and the world at large which is closing in on him , yet in time even they cannot help him .
<|action|>The story picks up where the epilogue of Relic left off . Two headless skeletons are found in the Humboldt Kill . When further decapitated bodies follow , there is suspicion of a second Mbwun monster . Major characters from the original book team up with new ones to solve the puzzle . The mystery soon leads underground to the Mole people , and even deeper towards enigmatic beings called the Wrinklers . Soon , they realize that the Wrinklers are led by Frock , who has taken a modified version of the Mbwun plant to regain the use of his legs . He also gave the drug to the people who were to become the Wrinklers . After going underground , the group kills them with an explosion , vitamin D infused water and a flood .
<|fantasy|>The Riddle Master of the title is Morgon , the Prince of Hed , a small , simple island populated by farmers and swineherds . He has three stars on his forehead , which no one has been able to explain . As the book opens , his sister , Tristan , discovers that he is keeping a crown hidden under his bed , and he must explain that he won it in a riddle game with a ghost , the cursed king Peven of Aum . When Deth , the High One s harpist , finds out , he explains that another king , Mathom of An , has pledged to marry his daughter Raederle to the man who wins that crown from the ghost . Morgon sets forth to claim his bride accompanied by Deth , but while at sea , his ship is sunk by mysterious shapechangers . Shipwrecked , Morgon loses his memory and the power of speech . When Deth finally finds him again , and he recovers his memory and speaking ability , he resolves to travel to ask the High One about the shapechangers . The High One s home , located in the far north on Erlenstar Mountain , is seldom visited . As Morgon and Deth travel the length of the realm , they are repeatedly attacked by the shapechangers , and Morgon learns more and more dangerous knowledge about his three stars and the great powers that come with them . He also comes to know personally the land rulers of Ymris , Herun , Osterland , and Isig . The book ends as a cliffhanger , with Morgon discovering who is posing as the High One . All three books were collected into the volume Riddle Master The Complete Trilogy in 1999 .
<|crime|>The detective known only as The Continental Op investigates a theft of diamonds from the Leggett family of San Francisco . The plot involves a supposed curse on the Dain family , said to inflict sudden and violent deaths upon those in their vicinity . Edgar Leggett s wife is a Dain , as is his daughter Gabrielle Leggett . The detective untangles a web of robberies , lies and murder . It is discovered that young Gabrielle Leggett is also involved in a mysterious religious cult and is addicted to drugs . Gabrielle escapes from the cult and marries her fiancé , but bloodshed continues to follow them . The Continental Op protects Gabrielle , and helps her recover from her morphine addiction . He finally discovers the reason behind all the mysterious , violent events surrounding Gabrielle and the Dains . The novel is structured in three parts , each concerning different mysteries , Part One The Dains , Part Two The Temple and Part Three Quesada .
<|fantasy|>Lolla Wossiky , a troubled , one eyed , whiskey Red , leaves General Harrison s fort and heads north in order to find his dream beast , the spirit that can save him from the pain of his memories . On his journey , he meets Alvin Miller and assists him in making an ethical decision that will shape his life forever . In appreciation , Alvin heals Lolla Wossiky painful memories , allowing him to give up alcohol and become in touch with the land once again . Lolla Wossiky grows into the Prophet although he prefers to be known as Tenskwa Tawa . Lolla Wossiky preaches both pacifism and separatism , believing that Reds should live west of the Mississippi and Whites should live east of it . Meanwhile , Lolla Wossiky s brother , Ta Kumsaw , tries to rally Reds behind his belief that their land should be defended violently . When Alvin Miller and his older brother Measure travel to the place of his birth where Alvin is expected to become apprenticed to the Hatrack River blacksmith the two brothers are captured by Reds Native Americans sent by William Henry Harrison to intentionally create conflict . Ta Kumsaw , sent by Lolla Wossiky , rescues the brothers from torture and death . Measure leaves the Reds only to be captured by William Henry Harrison s men and subsequently beaten to the brink of death . Ta Kumsaw accompanies Alvin to the holy site of Eight Face Mound where they meet up with Taleswapper , an old friend of Alvin . Using the spiritual powers of the Eight Face Mound , Alvin is able to heal Measure from afar . Measure is then able to stop some of the slaughter of Lolla Wossiky s followers by villagers and William Henry Harrison s men over the alleged kidnapping and murder of Alvin and Measure Miller .
<|fantasy|>Mr . Pye travels to the Channel Island of Sark to awaken a love of God in all the islanders . His landlady on the island , Miss Dredger , quickly becomes a devout follower of his teachings . and even agrees to allow the person she hates the most , Miss George , to stay in her house . As Pye does good works he gradually feels a stinging feeling on his back . On further investigation he discovers that he has started to grow angel s wings , and after consulting with a Harley Street doctor , he concludes the best thing to do is to stop doing good deeds , and instead does bad deeds . He engages in some deliberately malicious acts , and after a time this results in him growing horns on his forehead . He is unable to decide what to do , but eventually decides to reveal his horned condition to the islanders , who chase him to the edge of a cliff , which Pye flies off using his wings .
<|novel|>Invalids . . . follows Switters , our wheelchair using protagonist , across four continents , in and out of love and danger . Through Switters , Robbins explores , challenges , mocks , and celebrates virtually every major aspect of our mercurial era . Quote from the hardcover book jacket . Robbins has stated in numerous interviews that in this book he was trying to deal with contradiction . But rather than eschewing his contradictory nature , as is typical Western practice , Switters embraces it . He s a CIA agent who hates the government . He s a pacifist who carries a gun . He s as much in love with his seventeen year old stepsister as he is with a forty six year old nun . Switters feels that the core of the universe , the heart of existence , is light and dark existing together . One is not separate from the other , they just exist . This is the core of Fierce Invalids Home from Hot Climates , along with an interest in the Lady of Fatima and a squawking parrot . The title of the novel comes from Arthur Rimbaud s A Season in Hell , in which he daydreams about becoming one of . . . ces féroces infirmes retour des pays chauds .
<|crime|>Holidaying in Jerusalem , Poirot overhears Raymond Boynton telling his sister You do see , don t you , that she s got to be killed ? Their stepmother , Mrs . Boynton , is a sadistic tyrant who dominates all the younger members of her family , and who attracts the strong dislike of a group of people outside the immediate family . But when she is found dead , Hercule Poirot proposes to solve the case in twenty four hours , even though he has no way of even proving whether it was murder .
<|novel|>Delisle arrives in Pyongyang , bringing , in addition to the items that he was authorized to bring into the country , a copy of George Orwell s Nineteen Eighty Four , that he judged appropriate for a totalitarian state , CDs of Aphex Twin and reggae , and presents like Gitanes cigarettes and Hennessy cognac . Delisle encounters former colleagues working at SEK Studio on an adaptation of Corto Maltese comics . He also meets foreign diplomats , NGO workers in the World Food Programme , and businessmen , such as French engineers installing an HDTV transmitter . During his two month visit , he stays at the Yanggakdo Hotel , and visits other foreigners in the Koryo Hotel . Accompanied by his guide , he visits the massive statue of Kim Il sung , the Pyongyang Metro , the legation quarter , the Diplomatic Club former Romanian embassy , the Arch of Triumph , the Juche Tower , the International Friendship Exhibition , the USS Pueblo , the enormous Ryugyong Hotel , the Taekwondo Hall , the Children s Palace , and the Museum of Imperialist Occupation . Delisle is surprised by things such as reverse walking , the absence of disabled and elderly people , North Korean music propaganda , the cult of personality for past leader Kim Il Sung and his son Kim Jong Il , the required presence of his translator and guide , nearly expired water from the South , Coca Cola and kimjongilias . He also notes the extreme level of apparent brainwashing in the citizens of Pyongyang . When questioned regarding the lack of disabled people in Pyongyang , his guide asserts , and seems to genuinely believe , that North Korea has no disabled , and that the children of the Korean race are all born healthy , strong and intelligent .
<|childrens|>The book follows a girl named Annie . She loves running and drawing , as well as her relationships with her best friend Max , her grandfather and the imminent birth of her brother , Joey . Annie is going through a lot in her life and running seems to help her with all the changes going on in her life . Through all of this , she learns about herself , her always moody friend Max , and her family too !
<|action|>The story revolves around a supercomputer being built in a secret government lab working on a project called Trinity . When one of the project s scientists dies , David Tennant , the ethical caretaker , discovers that he had been killed for his refusal to accept the ultimate project s aim , a merger of the human mind and the machine , in order to produce an unrivalled super computing machine . Tennant subsequently tries to piece together the truth behind the project while he and his psychiatrist Dr . Rachel Weiss are pursued around the globe . Tennant suffers from a series of regression episodes , which are considered to be seizures by his doctor , who says they are caused by overexposure to a super MRI scan . During these episodes , he has strangely vivid dreams , in which he witnesses the beginning of the universe the Big Bang and the history of mankind . Subsequent dreams seem to be memories of Jesus of Nazareth , something that Tennant , an atheist , finds strange and bewildering . They take a bizarre turn when he sees himself as an NSA assassin sent to kill him , and also as his dead friend , Andrew Fielding , in his last moments . In the end , it seems that someone was in fact showing him these dreams , to tell him something .
<|fantasy|>The focus of the novel centers around the growth of the company Event Horizon , founded by Julia s grandfather Philip Evans . Beset by industrial saboteurs , the company seeks help in the form of ex military Mindstar Brigade turned private detective Greg Mandel . The company is leading the way in rebuilding a 21st century England after the People s Socialist Party PSP , a tyrannical communist government , had first crushed the country and then collapsed , leaving it in shambles . Initially hired to solve a mystery involving missing stocks from a zero g satellite production facility , he is then re hired to find the source of attacks on a stored personality of Philip Evans after the industrialist s death .
<|fantasy|>The day after Peter Leverett met his old friend Mason Flagg in Italy , Mason was found dead . The hours leading up to his death were a nightmare for Peter both in their violence and in their maddening unreality . The events were ignited by a conflict between Flagg and a self destructive painter . What this country needs . . . what this great land of ours needs is something to happen to it . Something ferocious and tragic , like what happened to Jericho or the cities of the plain something terrible I mean , son , so that when the people have been through hellfire and the crucible , and have suffered agony enough and grief , they ll be people again , human beings , not a bunch of smug contented cows rooting at the trough . William Styron , from Set This House on Fire
<|childrens|>Philip Malloy is a track obsessed ninth grader at Harrison High School in Harrison , New Hampshire . He has an English teacher , Margaret Narwin , and is doing very poorly in her class , he is given a D for his grade and is not allowed to try out for the track team . He does not tell this to his parents , and instead pretends that he no longer has an interest in trying out for the track team . Philip causes distractions in Narwin s class such as singing the national anthem . Eventually he is suspended from school by Dr . Joseph Palleni , the school s vice principal . Ms . Jennifer Stewart , a reporter that was interviewing Mr . Griffin , Philip Malloy s neighbor , who was running for school board , was interested in Philip s story about suspension and talks to the school superintendent , Dr . Albert Seymour who was unaware of any policy against singing the national anthem but is not aware of the context , the principal Dr . Gertrude Doane who received a short memo on the subject , the assistant principal , Dr . Joseph Palleni who is defensive about his level of involvement , and Miss Narwin who verifies the facts of the story without providing additional detail or commentary . The story runs in a local paper , and is used as a campaign issue by Mr . Griffen about how a student was suspended for being patriotic . The story is then picked up by a national newswire as well as a radio station and the school is flooded with telegrams in support of Phillip and against Miss Narwin . The school tries to respond , going through sequential levels of bureaucracy until its statement has become half truth , putting the blame fully on Miss Narwin . The superintendent makes a deal with Mr . Griffen that they will encourage Miss Narwin to retire in return for his support of a budget which is on the same ballot . It is revealed how great of a teacher Miss Narwin is , as Philip is ostracized by his peers for forcing her removal . At the end of the novel , Philip transfers to another school , Washington Academy , which does not have a track team , and Miss Narwin moves in with her sister in Florida . When his new teacher at Washington Academy asks him to lead the class in the national anthem and Philip breaks down crying and confessing I don t know the words . The theme of distortion of the truth and people s willingness to disregard the truth to protect themselves is not only accomplished through the storyline , but also through Avi s unique style . Nothing but the Truth which is a documentary novel , pulls together many different nonnarrative elements , such as memos , conversations , letters , diary , and phone conversations . Although these pieces are said to contain facts , it is apparent to the reader throughout the novel that there is much discrepancy between these sources . Since these sources contain flaws , the real truth is not revealed by the end of the book .