Wouldn't you like to share poems with your loved ones that inspire them to appreciate Mother Nature, dream, fly and rise to their fullest potential? "She Rose" is a book for the budding mind, the blooming body, and the blossoming spirit. Venus Jones offers the reader poetic tributes of both sung and unsung female and male heroes, thought provoking quotes, and inspirational affirmations. 40,000 good books in many categories, for the book lover even more than for the collector.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Renée has lived between Boston and Paris, France for the past five years studying fine art and art history. She has traveled throughout Europe and North America researching artwork ranging from the primitive and ancient to contemporary arts. Aesthetically, Renée's work is influenced by her classical sensibilities and art historical background that have developed throughout her travels and studies. In these paintings and her continued work, Renée explores ubiquitous themes through the eyes of a millennial such as divorce, life and death, equality and inequality, as well as addiction, making her work not a quotidian narrative but rather a relevant and relatable story. As a professional artist, millennial, and independent woman,now more than ever, Renée feels the need to express the American (and really Global) zeitgeist, and the expanding Diaspora of the world. In June 2016 she was awarded a grant by The Ringholz Foundation to fund her latest painting project. Renée has exhibited throughout the United States and France, including Paris, New York City, Boston, Vermont, Chicago, and Los Angeles. She was invited to join the Copley Society of Boston and the Salmagundi Club of NYC last year. Most recently, the muralist, Kent Twitchell, awarded her the "Patron Award" at the Brand Art Center's 43rd annual juried exhibition in Los Angeles, CA. He commented that her work shows "devotion to the picture plane; she is not trying to jump on anyone's bandwagon" and "sincerity", making her work valuable and unique in the art world. Regular collaborations with Syntheater, a physical performance company based in Boston and Los Angeles. Please look at my website (reneecaouette.com), sign up for my mailing list (via my contact page on my website, or email me directly to be added at renee@reneecaouette.com), and follow my FB page (facebook.com/artistreneecaouette/) for updates on upcoming exhibitions and events.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Centenaria Palacio De Sada does not yet have a rating. At this time, there are no reviews or comments for this drink. If you have personal experience with Centenaria Palacio De Sada, we encourage you to share that experience with our Chloroman.com community. Your opinion is very important and Centenaria Palacio De Sada will most certainly appreciate the feedback.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Now Nate's post is pretty clear but there were some issues I ran into along the way as his post is for RANCID version 2.3.x whereas I am now using RANCID 3.2. Now I will assume you have put the scripts in the correct /bin directory as specified by Nate. First off we need to set the permissions on those files. Now these commands need to be run as root or sudo and if you want to understand what is happening, go read this page by firewall.cx or the man pages. This file contains the info for your custom device and point to those scripts. You just need to add the following lines. Now in my case vyatta is the DNS name of my vyatta router but in your case it will be different or you may just use it's IP, your call. I would suggest either using DNS or hosts file on the RANCID server. Now you can test running the script for you group/groups. All that's needed is to delete the bold line completely from the file which will stop the command being run on the vyatta/vyos box.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Chicago Botanic Garden, 1000 Lake Cook Road, Glencoe, Illinois 60022, USA. Department of Earth Science, University of Aarhus, DK-8000 Aarhus, Denmark. Oak Spring Garden Foundation, 1776 Loughborough Lane, Upperville, Virginia 20184, USA. Angiosperms (flowering plants) are the most diverse of all major lineages of land plants and the dominant autotrophs in most terrestrial ecosystems. Their evolutionary and ecological appearance is therefore of considerable interest and has significant implications for understanding patterns of diversification in other lineages, including insects and other animals. More than half a century ago, influential reviews showed that while angiosperms are richly represented in sediments of Late Cretaceous and younger ages, there are no reliable records of angiosperms from pre-Cretaceous rocks. The extensive new macrofossil, mesofossil, and microfossil data that have accumulated since have confirmed and reinforced this pattern. Recently, however, molecular dating methods have raised the possibility that angiosperms may have existed much earlier, and there have been scattered reports of putative angiosperms from Triassic and Jurassic rocks. Critical assessment of these reports shows that, so far, none provide unequivocal evidence of pre-Cretaceous angiosperms. Angiosperms may ultimately be recognized from Jurassic or earlier rocks, but credible palaeobotanical evidence will require unambiguous documentation of the diagnostic structural features that separate angiosperms from other groups of extant and extinct seed plants.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
So only a realist could go to China. A more sentimental or moralistic diplomat might well have been thrown off course by the thought of dealing with a Leninist dictatorship that had afflicted its people with almost every imaginable indignity in the name of Marxist revolution. For Kissinger, however, power was power, and it begged to be dealt with. And looking back on this seminal Sino-U.S. interaction, it is undeniable that this audacious, if seemingly unprincipled, move was in the best interests of the United States and the world.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
No translations available! EEAS homepage > United Nations (UN) > EU annual report on Human Rights and Democracy in Solomon Islands, 2018 EU annual report on Human Rights and Democracy in Solomon Islands, 2018 Although the government of Solomon Islands has yet to enact a comprehensive human rights policy, a number of improvements took place during 2018. However, successful implementation of the Acts remains a challenge. The 'Child and Family Welfare Act 2017' (CFWA) was passed on 20 February 2017. Joint capacity building workshops on the FPA and CFWA were organised during 2018. There is currently no legislation to legally prohibit corporal punishment of children. The present legislation under Article 233 of the Penal Code (1963) confirms "the right of any parent, teacher, or other person, having the lawful control of a child or young person to administer reasonable punishment to him". The Draft Federal Constitution 2013 still provides for "reasonable chastisement". The government's work on a legislative package of reforms (aiming at improving political stability, access of women to parliament, fight against corruption and protection of whistle-blowers) moved forward in 2018. The 'Anti-corruption Act' which provides for the creation of an Independent Anti-corruption entity (tabled in Parliament in early 2016 and withdrawn in 2017, reportedly due to resistance by certain members of the government), was finally passed on 25 July 2018. Parliament also passed the 'Whistleblowers Protection Act' on 31 July, aiming to protect people who come forward with information on corruption. Domestic violence remained an issue of national concern in 2018. According to SIG's Ministry of Women, Youths, Children and Family Affairs, around 64% of women aged 15–49 who have been in a relationship reported experiencing physical and/or sexual violence by a partner. Legal aid is officially available in criminal, family and civil matters through the Public Solicitor's Office; however it has been noted that the Office is routinely overburdened and under-resourced. Much effort has been put into improving access to justice for women victims of domestic violence, particularly since the start of implementation of the Family Protection Act (2014) in April 2016. EU action - key focus areas: Main areas of the EU's focus were discrimination and violence (physical and sexual) against women and girls, gender inequalities (including gender-based violence (GBV) - combined with endemic corruption - remain the most significant human rights abuses in the Solomon Islands (SI). Initiatives have been taken by donors but the number of rape and incest cases continues to be alarming. Other human rights issues included climate change and related problems. EU bilateral political engagement: Following the closure of the EU Delegation in the Solomon Islands in August 2018, the EU Delegation in Fiji is responsible for the EU political and operational cooperation in Solomon Islands. The EU remained committed to supporting government and non-state actor efforts to reduce gender-based violence. Regarding the fight against corruption, the EU Delegation in Fiji managed an on-going Budget Support programme that applies a vigilant monitoring of government spending, in particular the Constituency Development Funds (CDFs). The EU, together with other donors, meets regularly with the Government, commends its fight against corruption and openly discusses the CDF situation. The EU Delegation in Fiji continued to actively promote climate change awareness, as in the Pacific region, climate change and human rights are very closely intertwined. EU financial engagement: A Regional Financing Agreement worth EUR 13 million to tackle the root causes of gender inequality and violence against women and girls in the Pacific was signed in the margins of the Pacific Islands Forum Leaders' Meeting in Apia in September 2017. The EU has been financing an action on 'Support to initiatives and actions on the protection of children against sexual exploitation and sexual abuse'. The EU has also funded projects on women's rights, violence against women, women's empowerment and women's participation. The EU Delegation in Fiji will continue a close dialogue with the country's civil society organisations (CSOs), which are supported by thematic budget lines (EUR 0.6 million from the European Instrument for Democracy and Human Rights (EIDHR) and EUR 1.5 million from the CSO-LA), under calls for proposals in 2017. There are 68 non-governmental organisations (NGOs) currently registered with the Pacific Islands Association of Non-Governmental Organisations. EU Annual Reports on Human Rights and Democratisation Editorial Sections: Press and information team of the Delegation to the PACIFIC ISLANDS EU and partners fostering youth skills - Young people's real stories EU's foreign policy chief: What's in the role? Trade Talks: 4th round of EU-Australia FTA negotiations Boosting EU-Australia business ties in Brussels EU and partners work together for a torture-free world for all EU annual report on Human Rights and Democracy in Marshall Islands, 2018 Overview of the human rights and democracy situation in Marshall Islands. Human rights and democracy in the world: EU annual report 2018 adoptedAt a time when human rights are challenged on a daily basis with many attempts to undermine the universality and indivisibility of human rights, the EU has remained at the forefront of the protection and promotion of human rights and democracy, be it in international forums, bilaterally with EU annual report on Human Rights and Democracy in Fiji, 2018Overview of the human rights and democracy situation in Fiji. EU annual report on Human Rights and Democracy in Nauru, 2018 Overview of the human rights and democracy situation in Nauru.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
[via Yahoo] http://homes.yahoo.com/news/the-income-property–your-late-in-life-retirement-plan.html This is not "amazing" but it is a good place to start your brain working in the right direction, if you are considering investing in real estate. I believe everyone should have a couple rental properties!!!
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Your Entity Solution, LLC ("Y.E.S.") was formed in 2005 to provide entity formation and education services to clients who are starting new businesses, investing in real estate, and trading in stocks and options. Over the past ten years, we have formed over 20,000 entities throughout the US, performed registered agent services for hundreds of companies, and filed countless amendments and dissolutions. Y.E.S. was founded on the principle that clients should know what their options are. Consequently, we speak with each client to find out what they are doing, and to discuss structures that might serve their needs so they can make reasonable decisions. One size does not fit all, and we want our clients to be happy with their entities. Y.E.S. understands that while most people are knowledgeable about their chosen field, few understand how to run a limited partnership, LLC or corporation. Consequently, a one year membership in our education program is part of our service offering. Our education membership includes online modules, emailed tips and a live Q&A teleconference 2-3 Monday evenings a month. Previously recorded calls are indexed and posted on the membership site for those who cannot attend the calls. In addition to providing entity formation and education, Y.E.S. has a network of professionals who provide support services such as minutes creation, title and deed transfers, contracts, and trusts. Wendy is a paralegal and AZ Certified Legal Document Preparer, with 30 years' experience in corporate global support. Warren is a CPA with a Master's degree in tax. Gary is a retired realtor, with 30+ years in corporate sales. All the company officers have experience in real estate investing and business creation and management; and Gary is our trader. We fix $400 incorporations. If you are confused about the differences between an S Corp and a C Corp and how that might be important to you; if you aren't sure that you can upgrade the tax treatment of an LLC so that it's the same as an S Corp; if you aren't sure that you have maintained your company paperwork correctly and think you might be at risk of an IRS audit or a client lawsuit; if you have questions about ANYTHING related to LLCs, Corporations, Partnerships and running your business you have come to the right place. Check out our testimonials from people we have helped set up to protect their assets from liabilities and maximize their tax benefits.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Singapore [February 1 2016] OrbusNeich, a global company sp ecializing in the provision of life-changing vascular solutions, has showcased its next generation coronary balloon catheters at AsiaPCR/SingLIVE 2016 in Singapore. The Case-in-Point session, 'Your complex PCI: How can new technologies enhanceprocedural success?', reviewed solutions for calcified lesions with complex anatomy where the dual wire Scoreflex balloon can be an alternative to rotablation and featured Chronic Total Occlusion (CTO) techniques with the Sapphire II PRO. Facilitated by Prof. Eric Eeckhout, Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois, Lausanne, Switzerland, and Dr. Michael Nguyen, Fiona Stanley Hospital, Perth, Australia, the session reviewed CTO techniques to increase success rates in the most difficult cases, and provided an opportunity for interventional cardiologists to discuss their own experience and share their learnings. Prof. Eeckhout also presented three cases that highlighted the use of specialized tools and techniques in his lecture, 'Simplifying CTO: the right device selection is critical for success.' Discussion concluded that while there is debate that balloon technology has reached its optimum performance, there is a new generation of balloons for CTO that is pushing the boundaries of technology, and the Sapphire II PRO is an example of this progress. The lecture entitled 'The challenge in tackling complex lesions' was presented by Dr. Paul Ong, Tan Tock Seng Hospital, Singapore, and explored how focused force angioplasty (FFA) devices such as Scoreflex are used in contemporary practice. Scoreflex is a focused force dilatation balloon that comes with a dual wire system, enabling effective dilatation under lower inflation pressure. Dr. Ong featured two successful case studies using a Scoreflex for predilation. The first case was an ostial LAD lesion which was treated with a drug-coated balloon (DCB) and the second was a highly calcified lesion that required heavy predilation prior to the implantation of two bioresorbable scaffolds. Both the Sapphire II PRO and Scoreflex have been developed by OrbusNeich, a global company that designs, develops, manufactures and markets innovative medical devices for the treatment of vascular diseases. The company is also behind the innovative COMBO™ Dual Therapy Stent, the first dual therapy stent to accelerate endothelial coverage and control neo-intimal proliferation through the combination of the proven Pro-Healing Technology with an abluminal sirolimus drug elution delivered from a bioresorbable polymer that is completely dissipated within 90 days. AsiaPCR/SingLIVE is the premier cardiovascular course in Asia and aims to serve the needs of each individual patient by helping the cardiovascular community to share knowledge, experience and practice. OrbusNeich is a global pioneer in the provision of life-changing vascular solutions and offers an extensive portfolio of products that set industry benchmarks in vascular intervention. Current products are the world's first dual therapy stent, the COMBO Dual Therapy Stent, and the world's first pro-healing stent, the Genous™ Stent. Other products include stents and balloons marketed under the names of Azule™, R Stent™, Scoreflex™, Sapphire™ II, Sapphire™ II PRO and Sapphire™ II NC. OrbusNeich is headquartered in Hong Kong and has operations in Shenzhen, China; Fort Lauderdale, Florida, USA.; Hoevelaken, The Netherlands; and Tokyo, Japan. OrbusNeich supplies medical devices to interventional cardiologists in more than 60 countries. For more information, visit www.OrbusNeich.com.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
DELETE FROM waffle_switch WHERE name = 'activity-email';
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaGithub" }
Met Office issues yellow weather warning to the North East as snow, sleet and ice hit The Met Office has issued a yellow weather warning to the North as snow, sleet and ice hit the region. This weather warning is in place from 10am today until 10am tomorrow morning (Jan 17), covering Darlington, Durham, Gateshead, Hartlepool, Middlesbrough, Newcastle upon Tyne, North Tyneside, Northumberland, Redcar and Cleveland, South Tyneside, Stockton-on-Tees and Sunderland. The Met Office said: "Occasional showers of sleet and snow will affect some eastern parts of England during Thursday, leading to a temporary covering of 1-3 cm of snow in places. "Showers will become restricted to immediate coastal districts by evening, before dying out. Icy patches will then form on untreated surfaces." What to expect from this weather warning: Sleet and snow showers today then ice during Thursday evening and night. - Some roads and railways likely to be affected with longer journey times by road, bus and train services - Some injuries from slips and falls on icy surfaces - Probably some ice on some untreated roads, pavements and cycle paths This week's weather forecast According to the Met Office, today the North East is set to be "Cold and frosty at first today, then mainly dry and bright inland with sunny spells. "Showers affecting coastal parts may turn wintry at times, these will tend to die away this afternoon. Breezy at first, with winds gradually easing. Maximum temperature 4 °C. "Clear skies tonight with winds easing light will allow a severe frost to form in places. Some icy stretches are likely to form by the end of the night too. "A fine and frosty start on Friday with plenty of sunshine on offer. Cloud may increase during the afternoon, turning the sunshine rather hazy, but all parts should stay dry. "Saturday and Sunday will be cold with variable amounts of cloud. Showers at times will be wintry in nature with some snow possible over hills. Mostly fine and cold Monday."
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
With the amount of salons, spas, and fashion boutiques in Texas, Texas is an exciting place for an aspiring beauty professional to live, study, and work. Whether you're considering a career in esthetics, cosmetology, cosmetology instruction, barbering, or nail technology, you may explore Texas cosmetology school programs to learn more about your options. You must select a school that's approved by the Texas Board of Cosmetology. The Texas Board of Cosmetology has strict regulations in place for beauty salons and spas, cosmetology schools, and cosmetology professionals. At an approved school, you can feel confident about learning beauty theory and hands-on skills that are required by local beauty employers. Most programs at cosmetology schools in Texas range from 300 to 1500 hours. Picking a program can be overwhelming, which is why we make school listings clear and comprehensive at BeautySchoolsDirectory.com. Keep reading to learn more about cosmetology schools in Texas and contact nearby programs with our list below. The work experience you enjoy in Texas depends on where you live, what type of license you pursue, and which skills you learn at cosmetology school. Living and working in large cities like Houston, Dallas, and Austin may give you access to a larger variety of job options and employers. These areas tend to be home to many well-known salons, including Jose Luis Salon, Image Nations Salon and Medical Spa, and Wild Orchid Salon. If you're entrepreneurial, you may even be interested in opening your own salon. The fashion industry and the beauty industry go hand in hand. If you study fashion design, hairstyling, or makeup artistry in Texas, you may benefit from the connections you can make at fashion events. Two of the largest fashion events in Texas are Austin Fashion Week and Houston Fashion Week. Curious about how much money you may earn in this industry? Statistics vary between career paths. Nail technicians in Texas earn, on average, $20,800 per year (O*Net, 2016). Job openings in this specialty may swell 23% through the year 2022 (O*Net, 2016). Texas beauty schools, with their focus on practical skills and high-level instruction, are the key to a great start in this industry.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
How to make a Crib Sheet directions can be found here. I have a tutorial for the cat block from my header and you can find it here. No Exposed seam pillow case tutorial can be found here. Fold and Sew Square in a Square Block tutorial can be found here. Two Color Binding Tutorial can be found here. Fiesta Star block from the FQ Star QAL. Tutorial is here. How to make spruced up dish towels. Tutorial is found here. I am making your oink a doodle moo chennille baby blanket and need some advice. The marble blue flannel is only 43 1/4" wide selvedge edge to selvedge edge. My pieced back is 45" what can I do? Should I cut the back at each end to match the flannel and leave the selvedge edge on the flannel? I have tried to comment previously and am not sure that it has been received. Thank you for your very thorough tutorial. I am a new quilter and love the Oink a Doodle Moo chenille baby blanket. I need your advice/assistance. I have pieced the back together and am ready to layer the flannels. My blue flannel is only 43 and 1/2" selvedge edge- to- selvedge edge, uncut.and my back is 45". Should I leave the selvedge edge uncut and cut my back equally on each end to fit the blue flannel and then shorten the other flannels to match or center the blue flannel lengthwise and layer the other flannels over it and continue according to your directions. Thank you. I tried to answer you via email but you are "no reply" and have no email address in your profile! Just lay your flannel layers on top of your back and baste, sew and clip as in the directions. Then when you are all done, go ahead and square it up. You will waste some of the backing but you want it slightly larger than your flannel. It should all work out. Here is my personal email and please email me if you have any other questions. Great to be back! somehow i stopped getting your news! i enjoyed being in the wicked and bowl blog hops in 2012. What ya got going now that I can sign up for? Pamela, I LOVE this Oink A Doodle Moo quilt, would love to get my granddaughter involved make one with me but I can't find the prints in the Charm Packs as you showed on the Moda sight. Any help? Love your work. The Oink A Doodle Moo line was put out quite a long time ago now and you might not be able to find it. You can use any charm packs though. There are so many super cute ones out there. My friend at www.crazyquiltgirl.com has a ton of them and they are on sale plus if you spend $35 and use the code HAPPYJUNE you will receive an additional 15% off your order! Good luck!
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Scenic drive to the coastal town of Kaikoura, where mountains meet the sea. Admire the Giant Sperm Whale & other marine wildlife in their natural habitat on a Whale Watching Cruise. View New Zealand Fur Seals in their local Seal Colony. Walk up to the peninsula walkway to capture the spectacular scenery. Spend your day on the coastal town of Kaikoura, where mountains meet the sea. After pick-up from your hotel in Christchurch, take around 3 hrs scenic drive through the wine-growing region of Waipara. Arrive in Kaikoura & take in the serenity of this beautiful town. Hop onboard for an incredible Whale Watching experience & grab some wonderful photo opportunities. Lookout for the Giant Sperm Whale, dusky dolphins, albatross and a great variety of other marine wildlife. After your Whale Watch Cruise, you have time to enjoy lunch at one of the many cafes and explore the charming little town by foot. Post lunch visit the Fur Seal colony on the shores of Kaikoura, with hundreds of adorable seals basking in the sun. Take a walk up to the peninsula walkway & capture the magical scenery in your cameras. Drive back via same scenic coastal route & drop-off to your location in Christchurch. Children under 3 years of age are not permitted on the Whale Watching Cruise. Prior to departing from Christchurch, if the weather is unfavourable and Whale Watching Cruise is not operative we will cancel the tour and a full refund will be provided. If Whale Watch Cruise is cancelled at last minute, Whale Watching Plane Tour is offered as an alternative subject to availability. If you do not wish to fly, or the plane tours are also cancelled, we will refund you the amount for that activity. In the later scenario, we will take you for a wine tasting tour to Waipara Valley on the way back. Whale Watch Tour: Whale watch tour is New Zealand's unique &ultimate marine experience. Get close to nature, as you've never seen before in about 3-hour boat cruise. The showstopper of the show – Giant Sperm Whales is all year round residents of Kaikoura peninsula. Seal Swim: Seal swimming is a totally unique experience with New Zealand fur seals in the shallow waters of beautiful Kaikoura coastline. An interactive swimming experience with the playful & cheeky fur seals is something to cherish for.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
The Spelling Manor, the crown jewel of one of the most exclusive neighborhoods in Southern California, The Manor (Sold in July, 2011) is recognized as one of the most famous mansions in U.S. history. Built by entertainment royalty Candy and Aaron Spelling, the estate rests on approximately 4.7 acres of rare flat land in the Holmby Hills area of Los Angeles. PALACE ARCHITECTURE: This legendary property displays a rich provenance. Completed in 1991, it is sited upon the former estate of famed Hollywood entertainer Bing Crosby. Comprising a palatial 56,500 square feet, few, if any, residences rival The Manor's epic scale. Originally named L'Oiseau, or "wing of a bird," this aureate mansion blends visionary design, passionate consideration to detail, and unique artistic touches to create a masterful opulence once only reserved for nobility. Shielded by rows of trees and the forested rough of the Los Angeles Country Club golf course, the majestic estate redefines the concept of privacy. IMPECCABLE INTERIORS: A gated entrance and winding drive lead to a splendid circular motor court with a fountain and space for 100 cars. The baronial facade of Italian limestone en wraps the sumptuous living spaces, which are introduced by a magnificent entry with a double staircase, a dramatic 30-foot ceiling, and walls adorned with French silk. The living room is embellished with an antique marble fireplace from France, while the formal dining room is replete with an antique chandelier. A chef's dream haven, the professional gourmet kitchen offers restaurant-quality appliances as well as a florist refrigerator. The octagonal breakfast room is lined by windows that open to the reflecting pool and an orangeries. Among the endless array of inimitable offerings are a projection room with an oak coffered ceiling and bar, a spacious family room, an oak-paneled library, an office, a service wing, and rooms designed specifically to showcase collections of silver and china. The upper level comprises the master suite complete with a grand entrance, upholstered walls, a sitting room, an office, a kitchenette, and his and her baths. The lavish accommodations are composed of seven bedrooms, including the "Prince Charles Suite"-a guest wing that was named after a visit by His Royal Highness The Prince of Wales. A SHOWMAN'S DREAM: Ideal for entertaining, the mansion's lower level features a myriad of world-class recreational options, which include a billiards room, game room, collector's gallery, bowling alley, temperature-controlled wine cellar and tasting room, catering kitchen, gym, and dog-grooming area. Among further highlights are a beauty salon, a first-of-its-kind gift-wrapping room, an elevator, five kitchens, five bars, and extensive staff quarters. SUPERLATIVE SURROUNDINGS: Designed by renowned landscape architect Christine London, the bucolic grounds are augmented with such halcyon splendors as vast lawns, paved walkways, gardens, imported Parisian lampposts, and a koi pond in addition to a tennis court and a pool complex. Every element of this iconic estate reveals an intricate level of attention and extraordinary care. The Manor is without question unmatched in its grandeur and scope, a superlative property designed for a modern-day dynasty. Interested in The Spelling Manor?
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Surfin' U.S.A. ist das zweite, am 27. März 1963 erschienene Musikalbum der Beach Boys. Die Aufnahmen fanden im Januar/Februar 1963 statt. Entstehungsgeschichte Obwohl Nick Venet auf dem Backcover der LP-Version als Produzent angegeben ist, wurde das Album von Brian Wilson produziert. Die Beach Boys hatten im Vorfeld kreative Kontrolle über die weiteren Aufnahmen verlangt und erfolgreich erstritten. Damit wurden sie zu der ersten Band, die die komplette Kontrolle über ihre musikalischen Veröffentlichungen hatte. Mit der neuen Freiheit wechselten sie auch das Studio, wie die folgenden Alben wurde Surfin' U.S.A. in den Western Studios in Hollywood produziert. Mit fünf Instrumentals ist Surfin' U.S.A. ein eher untypisches Beach-Boys-Album. Bis auf Misirlou, Honky Tonk, Surf Jam (die erste Komposition von Carl Wilson) und Let's Go Trippin' stammen alle Kompositionen von Brian Wilson. Zum ersten Mal tritt bei diesem Album Roger Christian als Texter in Erscheinung. Er war ein DJ, der sich in seiner Radiosendung über die Beach-Boys-Texte lustig gemacht hatte, woraufhin Manager Murry Wilson ihm das Angebot unterbreitete, selbst Texte für die Beach Boys zu schreiben. Daraus entstand eine erfolgreiche Partnerschaft zwischen Christian und Brian Wilson und Christian wurde zu einem gefragten Texter. Das Album erreichte Platz 2 der US-Billboard-Charts und verbrachte 78 Wochen in der Hitparade. Die Titel Surfin' U.S.A. (Chuck Berry/Brian Wilson) – 2:27 Farmer's Daughter (B. Wilson/Mike Love) – 1:49 Misirlou (Roubanis/Wise/Leeds/Russell) – 2:03 Stoked (Brian Wilson) – 1:59 Lonely Sea (B. Wilson/G. Usher) – 2:21 Shut Down (B. Wilson/R. Christian) – 1:49 Noble Surfer (B. Wilson) – 1:51 Honky Tonk (Doggett/Scott/Butler/Sheper/Glover) – 2:01 Lana (B. Wilson) – 1:39 Surf Jam (Carl Wilson) – 2:10 Let's Go Trippin' (Dick Dale) – 1:57 Finders Keepers (B. Wilson) – 1:38 Zusätzliche Informationen zu den Liedern Surfin' U.S.A., das Titellied des Albums, war ein großer Hit in den USA und erreichte in den Charts Platz 3, in den Black-Music-Charts Platz 20. 1973 wurde das Lied erneut veröffentlicht und erreichte Platz 36. Auch in England wurde die Single veröffentlicht und erreichte dort Platz 34. Das Titellied glorifiziert das Wellenreiten (englisch: Surfen) und führt zahlreiche gute Surfplätze in Amerika auf. Diese Plätze wurden Brian Wilson von Jimmy Bowles genannt, dem Bruder seiner damaligen Freundin Judy. In den Credits der veröffentlichten LP (Capitol T1890) ist nur Brian Wilson als Komponist angegeben. Als das Lied ein Erfolg wurde, meldete Chuck Berry sich zu Wort, der in diesem Stück Ähnlichkeiten zu seinem Hit Sweet Little Sixteen erkannte. Murry Wilson, der als Beach-Boys-Manager auch die Rechte der Lieder verwaltete, gab das gesamte Urheberrecht an Arc Music, dem Verlag, der die Verwertungsrechte an Sweet Little Sixteen von Chuck Berry hatte, ab. Das, sowohl für die Melodie als auch für den Text, der nicht von ihm stammte. In den Wiederveröffentlichungen ab 1970 ist somit nur noch Chuck Berry als Autor angegeben. Erst im Zuge der zahlreichen Gerichtsprozesse, die in den 1990er Jahren um die Rechte an den Beach-Boys-Songs geführt wurden, wurde der Credit auf Brian Wilson/Chuck Berry korrigiert (das erste Mal 1993 auf dem Good Vibrations – 30 Years Of The Beach Boys Boxset (Capitol C2 0777 7 81294 2 4)). Dies wurde allerdings nicht auf allen Neuveröffentlichungen geändert. Im neuen Jahrtausend behauptete Mike Love, er habe den Text zu diesem Song verfasst. Farmer's Daughter, Noble Surfer und Finders Keepers sind die ersten Lieder, die von Brian Wilson alleine geschrieben wurden. Misirlou und Let's Go Trippin' sind Coverversionen von Surf-Gitarrist Dick Dale. Misirlou basiert auf einem griechischen Volkslied. Lonely Sea ist das erste Lied, das Brian Wilson und Gary Usher zusammen geschrieben haben. Die Aufnahmen aus dem Jahre 1962 wurden von Murry Wilson produziert Shut Down ist die erste Brian Wilson/Roger Christian-Zusammenarbeit. Das Lied erreichte als B-Seite von Surfin' U.S.A. Platz 23 der Charts. Honky Tonk stammt im Original von Bill Doggett aus dem Jahr 1956 und war eines der ersten Rock-'n'-Roll-Instrumentals, die Hits wurden. Das Lied erreichte 1956 Platz 2 der Singles-Charts. Die Beach Boys waren die erste Surfband, die das Stück coverten. Surf Jam ist das erste veröffentlichte Beach-Boys-Lied, bei dem Carl Wilson alleiniger Autor ist. Das Lied wurde bereits im Rahmen der Verhandlungen mit Hite Morgan eingespielt. Hite Morgan nahm die Beach Boys anschließend unter Vertrag und veröffentlichte die Debütsingle Surfin'. Carl Wilson hatte vorher schon ein Lied namens Beach Boy Stomp geschrieben, dieses wurde aber erst 1969 auf der Kompilation Beach Boys Biggest Beach Hits veröffentlicht. Finders Keepers ist eine Antwort auf Big Girls Don't Cry der Gruppe The Four Seasons. Einzelnachweise The-Beach-Boys-Album Album (Rock) Album 1963 Surf
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaWikipedia" }
Cheap Queen is the debut studio album by American pop singer-songwriter King Princess, released on October 25, 2019, through Mark Ronson's imprint of Columbia Records, Zelig Records. A deluxe edition of the album with five additional tracks was released on February 14, 2020. Straus began a tour in support of the album on September 20, 2019. Background The album was written chronologically, with Straus stating that she named the album Cheap Queen after the drag term for a queen that is "resourceful, making something out of not very much". While Straus started her career with songs like "1950" and "Pussy Is God", The Guardian remarked that she swaps out those "queer pop anthems for understated ballads". Straus explained that the album's sound came about as she was "dealing with the most vulnerable year of my life" after the popularity of "1950", as she was under "complete stress and anxiety, and not knowing what to do with myself or with my body, and then also being in love". Straus released a deluxe edition of Cheap Queen on February 14, 2020, which included five new songs. Critical reception Cheap Queen received universal acclaim from music critics. On review aggregate site Metacritic the album received a rating of 81 out of 100 from 13 critics, indicating "universal acclaim". The album's sound has been compared to the works of Prince, Morrissey, Richard Hawley, Lily Allen, Madonna, Lorde, James Blake, Robyn, Imogen Heap, Fiona Apple, Billie Eilish, Maggie Rogers, Clairo, and Janis Joplin. Matt Collar of Allmusic praised how Straus examines themes of gender and sexuality "with a low-key sensuality that combines masculine hip-hop confidence with a soulful, feminist point-of-view". Max Gayler of The Line of Best Fit praised the album's "eclectic instrumentation and bold production" and the "one-two punch" of the album's closing two tracks, saying "King Princess hasn't reinvented pop, but she is bridging its most exciting chasms." Aimee Cliff of The Guardian complimented the "funk-driven" "Hit the Back", as well as King Princess's voice, which Cliff described as "often intimately close in the mix, brushing up against your ear, unglamorous and unadorned." Accolades Track listing Personnel Musicians King Princess – lead and background vocals (all tracks), songwriting (all tracks), production (all tracks), bass (tracks 1–4, 7–12, 14, 16), programming (tracks 1–10, 13, 14, 16–18), synthesizer (tracks 2, 4, 5, 7, 13, 14, 16), keyboards (tracks 3, 10–12), guitar (tracks 4–7, 10, 11, 14, 18), drums (tracks 9, 11–14) Mike Malchicoff – production (tracks 1–7, 9–12, 14–17), assistant producer (tracks 8, 13, 18) Nick Long – songwriting (tracks 1, 3, 4, 6, 7, 9, 11, 14, 16, 17), guitar (tracks 1, 4, 7, 9, 11, 16) Homer Steinweiss – drums (track 1) Leon Michels – keyboards (track 1) Jonah Finegold – guitar (tracks 3, 4, 9, 11, 12, 14, 17, 18) Michael Freeman – assistant engineer (tracks 3, 4, 9, 13) Amandla Stenberg – songwriting (track 3) Billie Holiday – songwriting (track 3) Carl Sigman – songwriting (track 3) Bob Russell – songwriting (track 3) Mark Ronson – assistant producer (tracks 4, 9, 16), production (track 17) Justin Tranter – songwriting (track 4) Edgar J. Sandoval – violin (track 4) DJ Dahi – assistant producer (track 4) Josh Tillman – drums (track 4) Logan McQuade – bass (tracks 5, 17, 18) Antoine Fadavi – drums (tracks 5, 11, 18) Romy Croft – songwriting (track 6) Aron Noah Forbes – songwriting (track 7) Tim Anderson – production (track 7), songwriting (tracks 7, 18), programming (track 7) Tobias Jesso Jr. – background vocals (track 8) Teo Halm – production (track 8), songwriting (track 8), piano (track 8) Kid Harpoon – production (track 13), songwriting (track 13), assistant producer (track 13), drums (track 13), programming (track 13), synthesizer (track 13) Martha Betty Glenn Brown – songwriting (track 16) Banoffee – background vocals (track 16) Melody Ector – synthesizer (tracks 17, 18) Shawn Everett – production (track 18) Technical Emily Lazar – mastering engineer (all tracks) Mike Malchicoff – recording engineer (tracks 1–7, 9, 1–12, 14, 15, 16), mixing engineer (tracks 2, 5, 6, 8, 10, 11, 14–18) Oliver Straus – recording engineer (tracks 1, 7) Rob Kinelski – mixing engineer (tracks 1, 12) Casey Cuayo – assistant engineer (tracks 1, 12) Mark "Spike" Stent – mixing engineer (tracks 3, 4, 7, 9, 13) Todd Monfalcone – recording engineer (track 4), assistant engineer (track 15, 17) Teo Halm – recording engineer (track 8) Kid Harpoon – recording engineer (track 13) Samuel Witte – engineer (track 13) Chris Allgood – assistant engineer (tracks 14–18) Riccardo Damian – recording engineer (track 17) Ivan Wayman – recording engineer (track 18) Shawn Everett – recording engineer (track 18) Charts References 2019 debut albums King Princess albums Albums produced by Mark Ronson Albums produced by Shawn Everett LGBT-related albums Indie rock albums by American artists Folk rock albums by American artists Trip hop albums by American artists Lo-fi music albums Contemporary R&B albums by American artists
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaWikipedia" }
International Forestry Forest Monitor Our forest blog statistics 2019 Giant tree hunting and old-growth forest conservation in Vancouver Island Forests on the Devil's Island – Asinara National Park Join New Forests for the Sustainability Reporting webinars on 14-15 May 2019. International Forest Business Conference: 1-3 JUNE 2020, POLAND What do think you know about forests in Syria? 28 February 2018 Angham Daiyoub As a Syrian forester trying to communicate with the international forestry community i have been asked many questions about the forests in Syria, and the most frequent questions were: Is it true that Syria is an arid country consists of a massive desert? Does Syria have any forests? Where do they locate? What are the main species? Forests in Syria Syria is a country in Western Asia with a total area of (18518000 hectares) with 2% of forest area (Nahhal1988), Despite its location in Arid and semi-arid zone it is distinguished by a major bio- climatic and physiographic gradients which results in quite phytogeographical diversity, Thus Syria possess a remarkable plant diversity rounding (3150) species according to Mouterde flora. Most of the forest Area in Syria is located in the coastal region where the Mediterranean climate is dominant; therefore, we can find a Mediterranean vegetation all over this region. Natural coniferous forests Natural coniferous forests in Syria are either consist of Turkey pine (Pinus brutia) or Aleppo pine (Pinus halepensis) as dominant species that usually mix with Palestine oak (Quercus calliprinos) as understory species (in the gaps) and other shrubs like: (Pistacia palaestina, Phillyrea media, Laurus nobilis, etc…), this type can be found till 900m above sea level. Pinus brutia with Quercus calliprinos in the understory Banias/Syria. Photo credit: Angham Daiyoub The other coniferous type consist of Lebanese cedar (Cedrus libani) and Cilicican fir (Abies cilicica) starting from 1000m above sea level. Lebanese Cedar occurs in the eastern slope of the coastal mountains mixed with turkey oak (Quercus cerris L.subsp. pseudocerris), Aleppo oak (Quercus infectoria), Juniper (Juniperus drupacea) and other shrubs like (Juniperus oxycedrus, Rhus coriaria, Acer hyrcanum, etc…) Abies cilicica occurs in the western slope and also mixes with Turkey oak (Quercus cerris L.subsp. pseudocerris ). Mixed forest of Cilicican fir (Abies cilicica) with Turkey oak (Quercus cerris L.subsp. pseudocerris) on the western slope of Syrian coastal mountains (Cedar and fir reservation). Photo credit : Angham Daiyoub. Cedrus libani and Juniperus drupacea on the eastern slope (Cedar and fir reservation). Photo credit : Angham Daiyoub Broad-leaved forests Broad-leaved forests in Syria are scattered along the coastal range in small patches as a result to deforestation consisting mainly of Palestine oak (Quercus calliprinos) that associates with wide range of trees and shrubs species like (Quercus infectoria ,Arbutus andrachne, Quercus cerris L.subsp. pseudocerris, Styrax officinalis, Acer syriacus, Pirus syriaca, Crataegus oxycantha, Cercis siliquastrum……..) and that depends on bioclimatic zone. Palestine oak maquis (Quercus calliprinos) mixed with trees and shrubs, observe the deforestation. photo credit : Ismael souliman. Angham Daiyoub Forestry Engineer studied at the university of Tishreen Lattakia/ Syria. Participated in plenty of reafforestation campaigns to cover the damage on our pine forests (Pinus brutia) that were caused by explosives during the years of war. Worked on Contribution to the inventory of Geophytes in the -Syrian coast, and now is working on a contribution to register the ancient & remarkable trees of the Syrian coastal mountains. RE(D)D is BAD! New biofuel plant will have only minor effects on existing forest industries and harvests in Norway Failure of the EU Timber Regulation Białowieża Forest in Poland - TRUE STORY! Posted in International ForestryTagged Abies cilicica, biodiversity, Cedrus libani, Pinus brutia, Pinus halepensis, Syria, Syrian flora The bioeconomy concept will be alive in some form and shape in the years to come – interview with professor Jacek Siry There's Something You Need To Know About "Harvest Leakage Effect" in forestry James on Plantations and tree breeding – an example from Hungary Brian on Global warming is due to sun's radiation – NOT carbon emissions! Mostafa Jafari on "Clever reforestation" could cope with climate change in Romanian conifer forests John Kempenaers on "Clever reforestation" could cope with climate change in Romanian conifer forests jayaraj on Almond shell vs. Wood pellet Follow Me On Tweeter
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
What is the Registry? The Canadian Impact Assessment Registry (the Registry) is a website where the Agency stores records, including documents and comments, from federal impact assessments. The Agency and other organizations responsible for completing federal assessments ensure that records of assessments are posted and maintained on the Registry so that the public can access them. What can I do on the Registry? You can find information about projects and other assessments on the Registry by: searching using keywords browsing a list of active assessments using an interactive map to find assessments reading a list of notices to get involved in an assessment You can also read and submit comments to have your say on potential projects. See About the Registry to learn more about the different types of assessments you can find on the Registry. How can I search the Registry? You can search from the Registry homepage using: filters on the results page Results are sorted by relevance. To see all the records that are posted online, leave the search field empty. See the Search Tips page for more help on filtering and sorting your search results. Registry records What records can I find on the Registry? All information that is considered during an assessment is posted on the Registry subject to exceptions related to privacy, security or confidentiality. For assessments led by the Agency or by a review panel, you can find: public notices with details on how to get involved in an assessment technical documents submitted by proponents guidelines and plans informing the conduct of impact assessments documents for public review geospatial data files Links to key documents for a specific project are listed on the assessment page. Links to all documents and comments for the project can be found under "List all records." See the contact information provided on the relevant assessment page if you have questions or require more information. What information is available on the Registry for projects on federal lands and outside Canada? The information for assessments of projects on federal lands and outside Canada is different from assessments led by the Agency or by a review panel. Each authority responsible for completing the assessment must post the following documents: Notice of intent to make a determination and invite public comments Notice of determination, which includes any mitigation measures More information or records for these assessments may be available upon request. Contact the authority identified on the relevant assessment page for details. See the policy and guidance for Projects on Federal Lands and Outside Canada for more information about these requirements. Can I get a record in an alternate format? Records posted on the Registry are in web accessible formats (such as HTML) or Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF). Contact the Registry team if you require information in another format. Are records available in both official languages? The Agency commits to ensuring that information from the federal government and services provided on the Registry are available in both English and French. Information from external sources (such as public comments) are not subject to the Official Languages Act and are available in the language they are submitted. How can I get a copy of a record once the assessment is complete? Information for completed projects stays on the Registry for reference. Some archived assessments may have additional information that is not posted on the Registry. Contact the department or organization that is identified on the Registry assessment page for details. Contact information for archived assessments is not up-to-date. For further information about an archived assessment, use the generic contact information of the authority listed on the project page. Commenting and sign-in How do I submit a comment? Individuals and organizations can submit comments on an assessment via the Registry's online commenting tool or by email. All comments are subject to the Submission Policy. Navigate to the assessment page of interest for contact information or to submit a comment online. To submit a comment online, follow the instructions to authenticate your identity. You can authenticate your identity using either: the login credentials that you use with a government-verified sign-in partner (e.g. for online banking); or a GCKey, a secure government credential that you can sign up for. Refer to the Sign-in FAQs for details. Complete the submission form including your email address, name, and the name of the organization you represent (if applicable). Why do I need to use a secure sign-in? To protect the integrity of information posted on the Registry, users must authenticate their identity. If you do not wish to authenticate your identity using one of the secure sign-in methods, you can still submit comments via other means, such as email. You should refer to the contact information listed on the assessment page of interest. For more information, see the Privacy Notice and Terms of Use. What happens to my comment? All comments received are considered in the assessment process. Comments submitted online via the Registry are posted in real-time. Information submitted by other methods (email, fax, etc.) are posted online after being reviewed. Why was my comment edited? The Agency is required to protect and remove confidential information. We may also remove information in response to an author's request or for administrative reasons, such as transcription or duplication errors. Interactive assessment map How do I find an assessment on the Registry map? You can find assessments on the map using: proponent names You can also find assessments within a certain distance from a point on the map using the "Near Me" tool. Use different filters like assessment type, nature of activity, location and date range to narrow your search. What tools are available on the Registry map? The Registry map includes tools to help you find and navigate geographic assessment data. You can select different data points that will add a layer of visual information to the map. See the Registry Interactive Map - Quick Reference Guide for more details. What data is in the Registry map? The map shows the approximate geographic locations of assessments using latitude and longitude coordinates. Usually, it represents the center location of the project area. There may be more than one location identified for linear projects. Geospatial data files submitted by proponents may also be available. What are geospatial data files? Geospatial data files are specialized data types linked to a geographic location that can be viewed on a map in the form of layers. Geospatial data can be linked to a location on a map, such as a street address, town, province or any other geographic feature like a coastline, mountain, or river. A common file type used to represent geographic data files are shapefiles. These consist of geographic features like vectors (i.e. points, lines, and polygons) and their attributes. These can viewed with specialized geographic information system (GIS) software. Where can I find geospatial data files on the Registry? Proponents submit geospatial data files to the Agency throughout the assessment process. They are submitted with documents such as the Detailed Project Description or the Impact Statement. Once the Agency has received these data files, we make them available on the Registry. You can find them using the Registry's search parameters or document filters. How can I use geospatial data files? You can download geospatial data files and use them for your own project, research or analysis. You will need specialized geographic information system (GIS) software. If you do not have access to GIS software, you can also use the Registry map. Upload the zipped geospatial data file using the "Add Data" tool located on the toolbar at the bottom of the Registry map view. See the Registry Interactive Map - Quick Reference Guide for more details. For technical help, contact the Agency's Geomatics Services team. Archived assessments What is an archived assessment? An archived assessment is one that is no longer required to be maintained online. Information may not be available in a web accessible format and is provided for reference purposes only. How do I know if an assessment was archived? The word "(Archived)" is included in the title. Assessments and any related document website pages are marked with a banner at the top of the page. What happened to the Canadian Environmental Assessment Archives? The Canadian Environmental Assessment Archives was an online database of assessments completed under the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act, 1992. This database has been decommissioned, and all of the information continues to be publicly available. Information about archived comprehensive studies and assessments by a review panel are available on the Registry. You can use a keyword search on the Registry homepage to find them. Information about projects that were assessed by a screening or class-screening are now available through the Open Data website. I have a question that is not on this page. How can I get an answer to it? If you need help with or have questions about federal impact assessments, please contact the Agency. For specific questions about the Registry site, please contact the Registry team. For technical help or questions about the map or geographic data layers, please contact the Agency's Geomatics Services team.
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March 1, 2003, Vol. 15, No. 3, Pages 621-638 Permitted and Forbidden Sets in Symmetric Threshold-Linear Networks Richard H. R. Hahnloser Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences, MIT E25-210, Cambridge, MA 02139, U.S.A., rhahnloser@mit.edu H. Sebastian Seung Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences, MIT E25-210, Cambridge, MA 02139, U.S.A., seung@mit.edu Jean-Jacques Slotine Department of Mechanical Engineering and Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139, U.S.A., jjs@mit.edu The richness and complexity of recurrent cortical circuits is an inexhaustible source of inspiration for thinking about high-level biological computation. In past theoretical studies, constraints on the synaptic connection patterns of threshold-linear networks were found that guaranteed bounded network dynamics, convergence to attractive fixed points, and multistability, all fundamental aspects of cortical information processing. However, these conditions were only sufficient, and it remained unclear which were the minimal (necessary) conditions for convergence and multistability. We show that symmetric threshold-linear networks converge to a set of attractive fixed points if and only if the network matrix is copositive. Furthermore, the set of attractive fixed points is nonconnected (the network is multiattractive) if and only if the network matrix is not positive semidefinite. There are permitted sets of neurons that can be coactive at a stable steady state and forbidden sets that cannot. Permitted sets are clustered in the sense that subsets of permitted sets are permitted and supersets of forbidden sets are forbidden. By viewing permitted sets as memories stored in the synaptic connections, we provide a formulation of long-term memory that is more general than the traditional perspective of fixed-point attractor networks. There is a close correspondence between threshold-linear networks and networks defined by the generalized Lotka-Volterra equations.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
We call our 40g packs Piggy Smalls but don't let the size fool y'all. Packed full of flavour flave and just the right size to smash on the run. Natural and nekkid as the day it was born, except for a light dusting of Himalayan pink salt. Legit.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
« Happy Independence Day! Uncle Jemmy's cradle of change » Reds are red, Dishes are blue, the Plantation is sweet and Babies make two! Rose Hill Plantation Wow, what a weekend we have had! First let me give a little update on our progress. As of Friday, the property manager informed us that he had been guaranteed by the attorney that we would have our long overdue contract. Today is Sunday and we still don't have it. Argh! Let's hope we will get it on Monday. (fingers crossed) Also just a reminder, the plantation is not open to the public yet. If you happen to be in the area, please don't drive back to the house. The caretaker and his family are there and we don't want them over run with visitors… yet. On Saturday, we had an appointment at 11am at the plantation with our landscapers, Arrowwood Landscape Design (www.arrowwoodlandscape.com) to discuss the grading of the property around the house, bluff and driveway. We are also working up the design for the landscaping around the property and putting in sidewalks. At the same time, we had the owners of Enon Hall in White Stone, Virginia ( www.enonhall.com ), Bill and Gay stop by and we showed them the plantation. Gay's Chow Chow Relish Gay brought us a really nice surprise, homemade Chow Chow. If you aren't familiar with Chow Chow, it is a Southern recipe for a type of relish. It can be made with green tomatoes, cucumbers or cabbage. Its main ingredient is hot peppers. The ingredients are all chopped up and pickled in vinegar. It's kind of a sweet and hot favor. I grew up eating it on collard greens, but you can add it to anything from greens to beans to hot dogs to anything you want. I don't have a good recipe for it, but after tasting Gay's Chow Chow, I might have to see if I can entice her to giving it up. (Thank you Gay!) Another good thing about their visit was that Bill has the name of a local contractor that works on restoring old dependencies and is going to get us his name. Our poor dependencies, they are in bad need of some attention. Back wall of the Summer Kitchen Please don't forget to help us Save these priceless treasure by visiting our site at http://www.indiegogo.com/bellegroveplantation. A small donation will help us restore and preserve the history at Belle Grove Plantation! After our appointment and time we spent share Belle Grove with Bill and Gay, we headed over to another plantation on the other side of the Rappahannock River called Rose Hill Plantation. This plantation has also been called Gaymont Plantation. The house of this plantation was originally built in 1797 by John and Elizabeth Pratt Hipkins. You may remember their names from "A Father's Love" post. John was who bought Belle Grove in 1790 from Captain Francis Conway. In 1791, he built the center section of our current home for his daughter, Fannie Hipkins Bernard and her husband William Bernard. You can see Rose Hill Plantation from the Riverside of our house on a hill across the river. I always say that when John placed his house there, it was to watch over Fannie. When John passed away, the plantation passed to his grandson and namesake, John Hipkins Bernard and his wife, Jane Gay Robertson Bernard. When John Bernard took possession of Rose Hill, he renamed it Gaymont in honor of his wife, Jane. The recent owners decided to change the name back to the original when they purchased it. John Bernard and his wife, Jane, traveled quite a bit in their life time. When they visited Europe, they brought back furniture and items as well as ideas for their landscaping. Of the four children of Fannie and William Bernard, John Hipkins Bernard was the last surviving member. Rose Hill Entry For more picture of Rose Hill not shown in this posting, please visit our Facebook page at http://www.facebook.com/#!/pages/Belle-Grove-Plantation-at-Port-Conway/ I was lucky a few weeks ago when I went to Ferry Farm to come across the entry to Rose Hill and found two workers there. They were able to give me the name of the caretaker, who I contacted about seeing Rose Hill. Douglas took time out of his busy Saturday to come and walk us around the plantation. I didn't know at the time, but we couldn't have had a better guide. View from Rose Hill's front yard Rose Hill Main House As we pulled up to Rose Hill's main house, our jaws must have scraped the floor. The main house sits on a hill that overlooks the river valley. What a beautiful view it has! To the back of the house, there is a large, I mean really large English walking garden laid out. Rose Hill – This is only half of the English walking garden! I couldn't get the whole thing in the picture! To the left of the house, you could see a small brick house, which we learned later was their Summer Kitchen. It later serviced as the caretaker's house. Woodson Jones was a African-American caretaker of the Bernard's. He lived in this one room house, which has only one fireplace and a small loft, with his wife and twelve, yes I said twelve, children. He and his wife lived there until his death in 1925 at the age of 72. He was so loved by the family that they allowed him to be buried in the family cemetery on the plantation. His grave site is in the cemetery, but is sectioned off by fence to keep it separated from the family. Small House (was Summer Kitchen) that belonged to Woodson Jones Douglas had be friends with the last owner of Rose Hill for many years. The last owner was James Patton. His wife, Frances Bernard Upton Patton was related to John Hipkins Bernard. James Patton took Rose Hill (then still called Gaymont) and work tirelessly to bring back all the family furniture and items that he could. He also worked to restore Rose Hill to what it was before. Rose Hill had burned in 1958, and all of the house that remained was the frame of the house. During the fire, the family had been able to get most of their belongs out before the fire destroyed them. By the time of his death, he had filled all but one bedroom with the Bernard belongs. He had also compiled the family history which is now preserved at the College of William and Mary in Williamsburg, Virginia. James and Frances passed away with no children. James gifted Rose Hill to the Preservation Society of Virginia, who were to safe guard it and to sell it as one whole piece, furnishing and all. Today, you can see the fruits of James's labor. Rose Hill's Fron Doors As Douglas walked us through the house, he was able to tell us story about some of the furnishing and décor. In the dining room, the wallpaper was from another home. It was going to be trashed until James Patton saved it and brought it to Rose Hill. In the library, you can see all of John Hipkins Bernard's books that he collected in his lifetime. The painting in the library is of the USS Virginia. It was purchased and brought to Rose Hill by the current owner. Rose Hill's Dining Room Close up of the wallpaper Rose Hill's Main Hall going back to the Music Room Does the arch look familiar? Our arch in our Main Hall is the same. Could they have had the same builders? Our house was built in 1791 and Rose Hill was built in 1797. Rose Hill's Music Room Rose Hill's Main Hall from Music Room to Front Door Rose Hill's Library. All these books belong to the Bernard Family Rose Hill's Library Rose Hill's Library – The painting is of the USS Virginia Our first big surprise at Rose Hill came in the first bedroom. There we saw the painting of Sarah "Sallie" Bernard Lightfoot. I have a copy of that painting, but never knew where the painting was. You may remember that I also have copies of Fannie Hipkins Bernard, William Bernard II, his wife Sarah Dykes Bernard and Jane Gay Robertson Bernard. Rose Hill – Original Painting of Sarah "Sallie" Bernard Lightfoot, daughter of Fannie Hipkins Bernard and William Bernard. She was born at her grandparent's home before moving to Belle Grove with her mother and father in 1791. Our next big surprise came upstairs in the last bedroom. There on the wall, I saw two prints of a man and woman. As soon as I saw the woman, I knew it was Jane Gay Bernard from her other painting I have. But I wasn't sure who the man was. I told Brett; wouldn't it be so cool if it is John Hipkins Bernard? I have long searched for his picture, but have never been able to find one. This is really unusual since he was such a well-traveled and educated man. Douglas told us to look on the back of the print, since he knew James Patton was good about noting who painting were. There we saw it was indeed John Hipkins Bernard! Our long lost picture! I was so excited! Rose Hill – John Hipkins Bernard, son of Fannie Hipkins Bernard and William Bernard. John was born at Belle Grove Plantation and died at Rose Hill Plantation. Rose Hill – Jane Gay Robertson Bernard, wife of John Hipkins Bernard. Rose Hill was renamed in her honor as Gaymont by her husband. After our tour the house and small brick house to the side, we walked back to the front of the house. I took the steps, made of four mill wheels, which Douglas said were original to the plantation, down to the lower terrace to take some pictures of the house. As I started back to the steps, I looked down and there at my feet was a plate shard! It was larger than the ones I had found at Belle Grove and from the markings looked like a Flow Blue plate or saucer. I walked back up to Brett and Douglas and showed them. When I went to hand it to Douglas, he told me to keep it! I said I couldn't because it belonged to this plantation. But he told me that the owners wouldn't mind if I took it with me. I was so excited! If it dates to the time I am thinking, it could have belong to the daughter of John Hipkins Bernard! Rose Hill – Caretaker's home and former Summer Kitchen Rose Hill – Mill Wheel Steps Rose Hill – Front view from second terrrace Rose Hill – Plate Shard found. The markings look like Flow Blue. From there we walked down the drive to a grove of large Tulip Poplar Trees that from their looks were ancient old soldiers that have been watching over this plantation for years! I almost tripped and fell as I walked under them, looking up through their out reached "arms". It was so breath taking! As we passed through them, Douglas told us that there are pictures of Civil War soldiers sitting under them eating their meals. Rose Hill – Tulip Poplar Tree After we passed through the trees, we head down a slope into a wooded area. Here we came to the family cemetery. As we walked through, I saw names like Bernard, Lightfoot and Robb. I knew these names from my research of Belle Grove. The first person we came across that I knew was France Bernard Upton Patton. She was James Patton's wife. Then we saw James beside her. We also saw the fenced off area with Woodson Jones. Then we saw them, John Hipkins Bernard and his wife Jane Gay Robertson Bernard! I just knew they were here! I had known that John Hipkins, his wife Elizabeth Pratt Hipkins, France Hipkins Bernard, William Bernard II, Eliza Bernard (Fannie's youngest daughter) and five of William Bernard II's infant children were buried at Belle Grove. But we had never known where John Bernard and his wife Jane were. Rose Hill Cemetery Rose Hill Cemetery – John Hipkins Bernard Rose Hill Cemetery – Jane Gay Robertson Bernard As we drove out, my heart was so full. It was such a great day for us. The house give us some inspiration on how to decorate our plantation and it filled in holes of my research to help us come closer to knowing these families that curved out Belle Grove. We could have been more appreciative of the time Douglas gave us! Once we left Rose Hill and grabbed some lunch in King George, we had some time to kill as we waited for our son and his girlfriend to arrive. Our son, Tyler wanted his girlfriend, Leah to see our plantation. So with an hour or so to kill, I dropped Brett off at Belle Grove and yes, headed out to a new antique store! It's call A Unique House and it is located in King George, Virginia. http://www.auniquehouse.com/ It is an antique mall with lots of things to see. The most important thing was the level of service I got at this store! Most antique malls, you just walk around and never see anyone. But the owner came up as I was browsing and asked if there was anything I needed. I thanked him and said no. He then asked me if I would like something cold to drink. With it being 100 plus outside, I have to say I was a little thrust. He ran and got me a bottle of water, for free, that had been allowed to ice up inside! What a welcome that was! And what a surprise at the customer service level! I did get to look for about an hour and Score! I found a tea pot, ten butter pats and four tea cups! What else could have made this day more perfect? Butter Pat Plates Belle Grove – Our son Tyler and his girlfriend Leah on the Plantation side front portico When I got back to the house, we walked the kids through the house and grounds. While we were up on the Riverside balcony, I was able to capture some pictures and a video of our new babies! Yes, James and Dolley our resident ospreys have two babies. They are big enough now to peak out of the nest and be seen. Earlier in the day, while the landscapers and Bill and Gay were at the plantation, we saw two eagles come in towards the nest. It was a tense time as Dolley flew over and sat on the nest and James challenged the eagles. Finally James was able to lead the eagles away from the nest and all were safe. Belle Grove – Our baby ospreys Belle Grove – Our baby osprey Check out the video of the babies on our Facebook page! After we finished at the plantation, we head with the kids over to Port Royal for some dinner. We have found one of the best new restaurants in the area! It's called River Haven. http://www.facebook.com/#!/RiverHavenVA River Haven – Steve and Dave, owners River Haven – Port Royal, Virginia It just opened in March and we have had several opportunities to eat there. Dave and Steve, the owners, were two chefs from Fredericksburg that decided to open this place. Their food is to die for! For dinner I had the Supreme Macaroni and Cheese, made with three cheese, penne pasta, and applewood bacon and bread crumbs. Brett had a Crab Melt on an open face English muffin and fries. Tyler had Stuffed Flounder with Scalloped Potatoes and Cheese. Leah had Pull Pork BBQ with Baked Beans and Cole Slaw. River Haven – Port Royal, Virginia – Tyler's Stuffed Flounder and two side orders of Scallop Cheese Potatoes River Haven – Port Royal, Virginia – Brett's Crab Melt and Fries River Haven – Port Royal, Virginia – Leah's Pulled Pork BBQ, Baked Bean, Fries and Cole Slaw River Haven – Port Royal, Virginia – My Supreme Mac and Cheese. You can't tell it, but this bowl is huge! And you couldn't beat the view of the Rappahannock River and our plantation just across the way! We have jokingly considered a ferry that travels to and from our places so they can deliver their food for us! River Haven – Port Royal, Virginia – Just to the left of the window, you can see a little of Belle Grove Plantation. As we drove home, hearts and stomachs filled, I just couldn't image any better day than this. That was until we got up the next day and decided to go look at antique furniture in Gloucester, Virginia and ended up somewhere new. More tomorrow on our Sunday surprise! Posted by Michelle Darnell | in Year of the Virginia Historic Homes | 41 Comments » Preserving the Past In Early Colonial America, there were several buildings besides the main house and barn that were essential to running the plantation. These buildings, called outbuildings or dependencies were the Summer Kitchen, Smokehouse and Ice House. As the plantations have exchanged hands and technology has made these building obsolete, many have been turned into sheds for gardening equipment or just neglected until they succumbed to the elements. In our research of historic homes in Virginia, we have found most if not all have lost all three of these buildings. To have all three originals is rare. At Belle Grove Plantation, we have all three original outbuildings! On our first visit, we were astounded to see them and in as good of condition as you would expect for their age. As we have worked on researching the plantation, we have taken photographs and bricks from the Summer Kitchen to be examined by archaeologists to see if we could date them. To the best of their knowledge and without doing a more in depth study, the best guess is that they date around the late 1700s. This would make sense since the current home was built in 1791. And I don't think that John Hipkins would have spared anything for his only child, Fanny. These outbuildings are located on the northern side of the house, just a few yards from it. The most important of the three buildings is our Summer Kitchen. This building is divided in half with the Kitchen section to the right of the building and the Cook Quarters to the left. The Summer Kitchen was built as a separate building from the main house to guard against fires and to cut down on the noises and smells that would have come from that room. The Kitchen would have a large, open hearth fireplace with iron rails and iron hooks to support the cooking pots. The floors were generally made of brick to guard against fires. The cook was generally a slave who was either sent away to learn to cook or taught by their previous cook. This was not an easy life. They would rise early in the day to cook breakfast for the house and wouldn't stop until well after dinner. Our Summer Kitchen is a wood structure with brick walls and floors inside. The Kitchen fireplace is large with its original wood mantle. To the back of the fireplace you can see the iron rail and iron hooks still hanging in place. The Cook's Quarters on the other side is also made with brick walls and floor. At one time, you could enter the Cook's quarters on either side of the fireplace. The Cook's Quarters has a smaller fireplace with no hooks or iron rails. It has a wood mantle that was added at a much later date. The previous owners (1930s to 1981) had added an in ground pool in the courtyard of these outbuildings. They had used the Summer Kitchen as a Pool House. They made several changes to this structure. They added a small porch with brick floor and wooden overhang supported with wrought iron columns. This overhang is no longer there except for the wrought iron columns and frame work. They had also added simple electric and plumbing, which do not work now. They added a cement floor to the Kitchen side. We hope that it was placed over the brick and the floor underneath is still there. They added a wooden wall on both sides of the fireplace, blocking the walk through to the Cook's Quarters. They also added a small wood shelf that extends off the Kitchen fireplace into the middle of the kitchen floor. Thankfully, they left the Cook's Quarter pretty much untouched with the exception of adding a wooden mantle to the small fireplace. The floor in the Cook's Quarter is the original brick placed in a herring bone pattern. The Smokehouse is located just next to the Summer Kitchen. The Smokehouse was also called Meat House which was used to smoke and preserve meats and to store the meats until it was needed. Our Smokehouse is a bit unusual as it has two doors instead of just one. Inside, you can see the beam that extends across the middle of the building that meats were hung on to be smoked. The "furry" look to the beam comes from the fats wearing the wood as it smoked. One thing about this beam that we were excited to see; the beam, joints and stake look to be handmade. This gives us hope that it was original to the structure. Inside you can also look up and see the black burn marks on the walls and ceiling. This building looks to have been used as storage for gardening and yard items at a later date. Of all the buildings, the Smokehouse is in the worst shape. It has already lost one wall, leaving only the frame work. There is a second wall that has started falling away as well. The last building is the Ice House. The Ice House would have been used to preserve items like dairy products and meats to preserve them over the summer months. The ice would have been cut from the river or even could have come from as far away as Wisconsin and Ohio. Hay or straw would have been added to help insulate the items to keep them cool. The pits could range from 15 to 20 feet deep. Door to Ice House Our Ice House is just to the front of the Smokehouse and is made of all brick. Inside, the pit has been filled in and it is currently being used as storage for windows, doors and wood from the restoration. You can see the iron rod that still hangs over where the pit would have been. It would have had a pulley used to raise items up or to lower ice down. Second wall of Smokehouse Back wall of Summer Kitchen As we work towards opening the plantation, it is our goal to restore and preserve these three outbuildings. As you can see, they are deteriorating and without restoration, we will lose them in time. Once restored, we would like to use the Summer Kitchen as a museum to house the artifacts and history that we have uncovered on the plantation. This would be open for the public to tour and to learn about our plantation. We would use the Smokehouse as an additional museum to show the inside of a Smokehouse as well as show more artifacts. We would like to remove the items from the Ice House and see if we can uncover the pit inside. We think this will be important to see if we can recover more artifacts and see how the pit was built. This will help us discover a better date for this building. We feel that these buildings are our best chance at discovering more about the life on this plantation over the years as well. We feel sure that there would have been a trash pit that items were thrown into and then later filled in. These would provide time capsules of sorts for us to see what they ate, what they used and what they made. Maybe the grounds around these outbuildings could be the starting place for a field study with one of the local colleges. It is our hope to preserve these buildings and ensure that they are here for future generations to see and experience as part of the plantation life. History is the witness that testifies to the passing of time; it illumines reality, vitalizes memory, provides guidance in daily life and brings us tidings of antiquity. Cicero (106 BC – 43 BC), Pro Publio Sestio (Don't forget to check back tomorrow for the big announcement!) « You like us… You really like us Win a Weekend Getaway at Belle Grove Plantation »
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
As SSDs become more common, you'll also hear more about Non-Volatile Memory Express, a.k.a. NVM Express, or more commonly—NVMe. NVMe is a communications interface/protocol developed specially for SSDs by a consortium of vendors including Intel, Samsung, Sandisk, Dell, and Seagate. Advances include requiring only a single message for 4KB transfers as opposed to two, and the ability to process multiple queues instead of only one. By multiple, I mean a whopping 65,536 of them. That's going to speed things up a lot for servers processing lots of simultaneous disk I/O requests, though it'll be of less benefit to consumer PCs. There are no shortage of Flash vendors out there who (rightfully) would have jumped at the chance to set my misinformed self on the straight and narrow; they would have been correct, too. Flash isn't just "cool," it allows the coordination, access, and retreival of data in ways that simply weren't possible with more traditional media. There are different ways to use Flash, of course, and different architectures abound in the marketplace – from fully "All Flash Arrays" (AFA), "Hybrid Arrays" (which are a combination of Flash and spinning disk), to more traditional systems that have simply replaced the spinning drives with Flash drives (without much change to the architecture). Even through these architectures, though, Flash is still constrained by the very basic tenets of SCSI connectivity. While this type of connectivity works very well (and has a long and illustrious history), the characteristics of Flash memory allow for some capabilities that SCSI wasn't built to do. NVMe is the latest high performance and optimized protocol which supersedes AHCI and compliments PCIe technology. It offers an optimised command and completion path for use with NVMe based storage. It was developed by a consortium of manufacturers specifically for SSDs to overcome the speed bottleneck imposed by the older SATA connection. It is akin to a more efficient language between storage device and PC: one message needs to be sent for a 4GB transfer instead of two, NVMe can handle 65,000 queues of data each with 65,000 commands, instead of one queue that with the capacity for 32 commands, and it only has seven major commands (read, write, flush etc). NVMe delivers better performance and reduced latency and is a scalable, but at a price! Take a look at Samsung's offering of this technology in the 950 Pro to see how performance and price compares. This particular drive relies upon a new M.2 internal mount on the PC motherboard, as presumably will other future NVMe based SSDs. NVMe will also be the protocol of choice for the next generation of storage technologies such as 3D XPoint. If you've read our SSD coverage over the past couple of years, it shouldn't be news that solid state storage has run into a significant hurdle: legacy storage buses. Serial ATA and Serial Attached SCSI (SAS) offer plenty of bandwidth for hard drives, but for increasingly speedy SSDs, they've run out of steam. Because of SATA's 600Gbps ceiling, just about any top-flight SATA SSD will score the same in our testing these days—around 500MBps. Even 12GBps SAS SSD performance stalls at around 1.5GBps. SSD technology is capable of much more. The industry knew this impasse was coming from the get-go. SSDs have far more in common with fast system memory than with the slow hard drives they emulate. It was simply more convenient to use the existing PC storage infrastructure, putting SSDs on relatively slow (compared to memory) SATA and SAS. For a long time this was fine, as it took a while for SSDs to ramp up in speed. Those days are long gone. Fortunately, a suitable high-bandwidth bus technology was already in place—PCI Express, or PCIe. PCIe is the underlying data transport layer for graphics and other add-in cards, as well as Thunderbolt. (Gen 2) offers approximately 500MBps per lane, and version 3.x (Gen 3), around 985MBps per lane. Put a card in a x4 (four-lane) slot and you've got 2GBps of bandwidth with Gen 2 and nearly 4GBps with Gen 3. That's a vast improvement, and in the latter case, a wide enough pipe for today's fastest SSDs. PCIe expansion card solutions such as OCZ's RevoDrive, Kingston's Hyperx Predator M.2/PCIe, Plextor's M6e and others have been available for some time now, but to date, they have relied on the SCSI or SATA protocols with their straight-line hard drive methodologies. Obviously, a new approach was required.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Home Construction Update Infrastructure Work Continues on The 78, a 62-Acre Development in Near South Side The 78. Rendering by SOM By: Jack Crawford 7:45 am on August 28, 2020 YIMBY has updated photos for The 78, a mega mixed-use development underway in Near South Side. Set to establish itself as Chicago's 78th community, the 62-acre, 13 million-square-foot project will replace a plot that has sat empty for decades with a variety of office, residential, public, and research space. Developed by Related Midwest and masterplanned by Skidmore, Owings & Merrill, the latest renderings show a vibrant mix of architectural design elements, departing from any semblance of the standard large-scale office parks. The 78's Wells Street, facing north. Rendering by SOM The 78's half-mile of waterfront, facing south. Rendering by SOM A planned corporate office at The 78. Rendering by SOM A view of The Forum area, facing northeast. Rendering by SOM The 78. Masterplan by SOM According to the 78's marketing website, the development will integrate LaSalle and Wells Streets into its masterplan, with Wells providing a long-needed artery between Chinatown and Downtown. Apart from the approximately two dozen new buildings, the acreage will include a substantial amount of outdoor space, including a half-mile promenade along the Chicago River, the expansive Crescent Park (whose scale is on par with Millennium Park), and The Forum, a plaza located underneath the skybridge-connected Gateway Towers. Several transportation options reside nearby, though more will likely be added within the grounds themselves. Three bus stops lie adjacent to The 78 along both W Roosevelt Road and N Clark Street, and are serviced by the 12, 18, 24, and 62 Buses. CTA L transportation includes a five-minute walk east from the northwest corner and a 15-minute walk from the southeast corner to Roosevelt station, serviced by the Green, Orange, and Red Lines. According to Block Club Chicago, a future stage will include the addition of a CTA Red Line station at Clark Street and 15th Street. The 78's infrastructural work (right). Photo by Jack Crawford Wells Street underpass, connecting The 78 to Chinatown. Photo by Jack Crawford Construction work is currently focused on the infrastructure, including most notably the extension and integration of Wells and LaSalle Streets with the project. Other tasks include renovating the currently barren west side of Clark Street, which will run adjacently east of the development, adding 13th and 15th Streets perpendicular to Wells and LaSalle Streets, and making MTA track upgrades. A view of the Phase I projects, which includes sub-projects like Gateway Towers, a park, and and a mixed-use innovation office along Roosevelt. Rendering courtesy SOM Crain's reported this past February that Related planned to break ground on the first phase of development by early next year, alongside the currently underway infrastructure construction. Within this first phase, Related plans a collection of low-, mid-, and high-rises in the northern half of the site. Construction work will also include the Discovery Partners Institute further south, which will be a research and innovation center run by the University of Illinois. All of Phase I, including the current infrastructure projects, is expected to be completed in 2024. While an exact completion date for the remaining 10 million square feet of space is not set, Related has indicated a window ranging from 2030 to 2040, according to Curbed. Construction Update Gateway Towers Mixed-Use Models Near South Side Related Midwest SOM The 78 Be the first to comment on "Infrastructure Work Continues on The 78, a 62-Acre Development in Near South Side"
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
A wedding is one of those events that occurs once in a lifetime and requires not only a good planning but also a sufficient funding. However, for the part of ladies who have always imagined themselves looking best on this unique ceremony, having the most beautiful and valuable wedding dress is on the most important place. At the same time, just as important as searching for the right wedding dress, is the really important job of hunting for the suitable wedding shoes to complement the gown. With each year, the style for the most wanted wedding shoes is going to change for better. For example, this year the fashion is going in the direction of comfort and magnificence. Below are the five trendy wedding shoes trends that will be popular in 2012. 1. High-heeled shoes always look beautiful. Wedges or pumps, stilettos or any other wedding shoes or boots will certainly not move out of trends. High-heeled shoes look feminine and exceptional and brides who tend to wear such shoes consider assured and attractive. Of course, the way specified shoes will combine with the wedding outfit and the ideal height of the heels will depend on bride's choice. The best way is to buy your wedding shoes only when you have bought your wedding dress. The excellent choice of high-heeled wedding shoes can give the important attention to the fiancée. The absolute majority of the wedding dresses are supposed in the strategy that they mainly put attention on the bride's shoulders, face, and chest. In contrast, with the suitable high-heeled shoes you can highlight on the lower part of your body. 2. Sandals can also suit a bridal dress. In spite of the stylish look of high-heeled shoes, the importance for a level of comfort did not stops continuously growing. The recognition of wearing sandals as wedding shoes is constantly growing. Sandals have really minimal heels. Nonetheless, if you select proper design, you will have in effect an elegant look. If you wear sandals, you may not only feel confident, but also avoid your feet from stress. 3. Flats are another good option for your wedding. You may not realize it, but flats in the last seasons had been as well in fashion. They can assure you stability and comfort. You don't need to be timid of making tripped when you wear flats. You can swiftly walk right down the gangway and feel like a true princess. 4. Ivory wedding shoes as an element for a classic wedding. White design represents the classic itself and the upcoming time period the ivory will arrive to take prestigious place in the fashion industry. Ivory wedding shoes can become more stylish and exceptional. In case you supervise to match ivory shoes to you dress, it will be an innovative way to emphasize clean and long lines of your bridal gown for your special day look. Ivory bridal shoes do not get easily and are ultimate alternatives with almost every silk and spike ivory wedding gown. 5. Open-toe shoes are not really meant for casual style. Open-toe shoes in general are accompanied with comfortable trends, but in recent times they turned into very popular for weddings as well. Christian Louboutin, a known French footwear designer, has shown passion in this shoe design and lots of people have approached his idea due to the fact of flexibility and original fashion. If you make the decision to choose open-toe shoes, you will without any doubt look fabulous and glamorous on your big day. One of the most significant moments in the life of ladies is a wedding day. All brides wants to look decent on this big Day, but to feel great is extremely important too. If you select one of the models that are described right above to suit your bridal dress, you should have a long memory of your wedding.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Database from the very beginning has always been a vehicle for representing complex data structures. By complex I mean hierarchies and networks. By the early 1960s, the first DMS (data management system), Adam, was running in DoD think tanks (MITRE, Lincoln Labs, and the System Development Division of the Rand Corporation). These DMS had three characteristics in common: English query language, hierarchical data structures, and full-inversion access. In some DMSs the only data that really existed outside the indexes and relationships were the non-indexed fields. Data was directly access through disk drives and drums. Politics aside, by the middle 1960s, DMS were fully operational, supporting command and control databases for the Strategic Air Command, the Defense Early Warning System (DEWS), and Air Battle control in the U.S. and other Far East locations. rules and actions. One DBMS, TRW's GIM included fully definable abstract data types, a form of distributed database and two phase commit. All these DMS had schema manipulation languages and full security and privacy. The final component common to these DMSs was NO access through 3GLs. By the end of the late 1960s, another class of DMSs, started. These were created to preserve the millions of lines of COBOL code. These DMS started with IBM's FFS, formatted file systems, and ended up with two systems, IMS from IBM, and the set of CODASYL (committee on data systems and languages) systems, headed by IDMS, a project of the B.F. Goodrich company. Included also were IDS from Honeywell and DMS-1100 from Univac. Common to those systems were data structures (hierarchical and network), COBOL language access through a subschema facility, and record processing access strategies (that is, almost no indexes). CINCOM's Total was a simplified network data model DBMS designed to compete with IBM's IMS, and which was the first DBMS to run on almost every brand of hardware, a sort of de facto DBMS standard. The CODASYL DBMS have column and table constraints, a full complement of referential integrity actions and rules, and stored procedures that are activated as triggers. In those days, databases were still considered to be large complex sets of data structures that matched some coherent set of corporate policy. Database design was laborious and time consuming, not just because of the physical database reorganization requirements from computers that were not even capable of 1 transaction per second, but because the databases were to reflect corporate policy. Policy analysis is, and always has been difficult, time consuming, and something not done by the masses. Database design was firmly and squarely based on business policy. While at that time, we did not think of database designs as being database objects, in hindsight, they were. There were databases for EMPLOYEEs, PROJECTs, TEACHERs, COURSEs, STUDENTs, FACILITIES, FINANCEs, etc. Each database was founded on a well known, coherent business concept. As each object, that is, the employee, project, teacher, course, and student moved through well known states, certain data structures were valued, modified, and/or deleted. To accomplish these state transformations, whole information systems were created. These information systems either employed their own database transformation logic or used the DBMS self-contained database processes to accomplish the state transformations. A third set of DBMSs also arose by the late 1960s. These DBMSs were all about making traditional file access easier through the standard 3GL. Adabas from Germany certainly exemplified these systems. If you have files, then after a quick and easy data loading operation you have a database. The common expression was "Database in a Day!" These DBMSs, typified by Adabas, Model 204, Focus, RAMIS, Nomad, and Inquire allow several levels of data structure nesting; the operations of select, project, divide, join, etc. RAMIS, FOCUS, and Nomad have a full complement of Joins and Unions. These systems, I call Independent Logical File systems. (ILF) all existed and were running production databases before 1970. These ILF systems were characterized by shallow data structures and index based or sequential l "file" access through 3GLs. These DBMSs however did not completely model business data objects as completely as the other two DBMS classes did. By the time relational was discovered in 1970, every viable DBMS concept was already in some production class DBMS of one type or another. What relational did however, was to cause two very valuable concepts/activities: database design, and business policy based database objects to be forgotten. During the 1970s and through the end of the 1980s, databases just plain grew. The awards seemed to go to the one who could build the largest, most number of tables and rows database; who could push through the most number of rows/transactions in a second; who could have the most number of columns in a table, and the like. All the while, the concept of business policy analysis, coherent database design, etc, fell by the wayside. All this is understandable as we've always believed technology to be the source of all answers. X3H2 was charted in 1978 to standardize the CODASYL network data model. The DDL work was completed two years later. The subschema (copied from COBOL's subschema language) and the DML work (a complete new invention, compliments of Len Gallagher) was completed by 1983. The standard, Network Data Language was delayed a year so that the SQL standard (started as the Relational Data Language (RDL)) could catch up. Both became standards in 1986. The NDL is characterized by flat records with contained vectors and groups that are able to form structures through single, and multiple member sets, a subschema language, and access through 3GLs. Some vendors today, for example, Oracle and Computer Associates implement both the Relational and the Network data models on the same underlying physical data management engine. SQL/86 included some integrity constraints, views, flat table structures, and access through 3GLS. SQL/89 added referential integrity. SQL/92 added full referential integrity and a whole bunch more integrity constraints. Now SQL/3 has added abstract data types, and if we work real fast, stored procedures, a common call level interface and some form of nested data structures. I know there's more than that to SQL, such as transaction management, two phase commit, multiple language support, but at the fundamental data management level, that's how I see it. I think we need to add more at this fundamental level. I think we need to provide direct assistance at the business data object level. Much has been written about objects these days. Our committee has gnashed a few teeth on this subject too. As usual, however, we data-bigots see the world inside-out from the process-bigots. To the process-bigot, an object is a combination of process with a data structure component. To tte data-bigot, an object is a data structure with a process component. Can't they be reconciled? Aren't they just inside-out's of each other? I think not. It's the same kind of difference as exists between data flow diagrams and entity-relationship diagrams. They are NOT inside-out's of each other. There is a fundamental orientation difference. Must one survive and the other fail? No, Viva La Difference. After all, isn't object both a noun and a verb. Similar but different? I object is not the same as I'm an object. We don't have to come together. When ever I read articles about object-oriented, I seem to be reliving my days of highly structured Fortran programming, where we put together complex systems out of commonly used pieces (and subroutines) of code from libraries. While those code objects are important, and useful they are not database! Nor are they ever what database was EVER intended to be. Database was always intended to be representations of coherent structures of data that matched well defined areas of policy and which exhibited behavior that matched well known business states. If we want to contribute to database (note, I did not state DBMS!), then we must rejoin the roadway that was started in the middle 1950s and that had this "1982 to 1995 relational-DBMS development detour." If we want to make a contribution to objects, then first, let us state that we're about business data objects and get on with it. If some other committees want to pursue other types of objects, I don't object! A business data object is an instantion of a data structure that proceeds through predefined states according to embedded process transformations. An object class is the definition language representation of the object. The object class definition language should contain three language subclasses: data, process, and state. I suspect that we already have enough of both data and process. I feel that the view definition language is a good start at the state definition language. I do not feel that adding object classes involves any real change in direction. Rather, a continuation of the right direction.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
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I am trying to create new transaction using bitcoinjs at client side. Is it a secure way to create a transaction from Client side, which includes curl call. Scenario, if I start from creating the new address using the library it includes curl call which can be easily accessible from the browsers dev tool which leads to direct access to my private keys. So, is it safe to handle the transaction at client side or not? Browse other questions tagged blockchain bitcoincore-development bitcoinjs node.js signrawtransaction or ask your own question.
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Bouchra Hraich (également orthographiée « Hraich » ; née le à Salé) est une actrice et comédienne marocaine. Biographie Bouchra Hraich est née à Salé. Après avoir obtenu son baccalauréat, elle s'inscrit à l'Institut supérieur d'art dramatique et d'animation culturelle de Rabat, où elle passe quatre ans à étudier le théâtre. Filmographie partielle Cinéma Longs métrages 2004 : Tarfaya 2008 : Ex-Chemkar 2010 : La Mosquée 2011 : Larbi ou le destin d'un grand footballeur 2015 : La Isla de Perejil 2018 : Corsa Court métrage 2003 : Balcon Atlantico Sources Liens externes Bouchra Ahrich - IMDb Naissance en juillet 1972 Naissance à Salé Actrice marocaine de cinéma
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaWikipedia" }
\section{Introduction} \label{intro} The possibility of $\eta$-nuclear quasi-bound states was first discussed by Haider and Liu \cite{hai,bha} a long time ago. The existence of such states has been elusive, however. At this moment the experimental evidence is rather indirect, getting the most clear indication from the measurements of $ pd \rightarrow \eta ^{3}$He~\cite{berger, mayer} and of $ dp \rightarrow \eta^{3}$He~\cite{timo,jurek-he3} , and from the realization \cite{wil93} that the rapid slope of the cross section close to threshold may be a signal of a quasi-bound state. The same behavior of the total-cross section was also confirmed in the photon induced reaction $\gamma ^3$He $\rightarrow \eta ^3$He~\cite{mami2}. The slope indicates large scattering length, but the final state $\eta ^{3}$He interaction does not allow to determine the sign of this length which would demonstrate that either a bound state or a virtual state is observed. Additional information is necessary. One possibility is to use the $ (\pi,\eta)$ reaction on a three-nucleon target. Such an analysis indicates that the $\eta ^{3}$He system is not a bound but a virtual state \cite{gw03}. Analogical enhancement close to the kinematic threshold was observed in the total cross-section of the $dd \rightarrow ^4$He$ \eta$ reaction~\cite{Willis97,frascaria, wronska}. Again, these results suggest a large scattering length, however, do not give a conclusive answer whether the bound state exists. Having the scattering length $A$ one may extrapolate the scattering matrix \begin{equation} \label{i1} T = \frac{A}{1-i p A}, \end{equation} where $p$ is the $\eta-\mbox{He}$ relative momentum, at some distance below the threshold. In this region $p= \sqrt{2\mu E}$ becomes complex, $p= i|p|$. For Real $A>0$ one obtains the zero of the denominator and the singularity of the $T$ matrix on the physical sheet. That means a bound state for which Im $A \neq0$ becomes a quasi-bound state. In case of Real $A<0$ the zero of denominator may also happen but for $p=- i|p|$, it lays on the second Riemann sheet of the complex energy plane. Such a state is called virtual and makes an analogy of nucleon-nucleon, spin 0, isospin 1 state known as anti-deuteron ( named so because of opposite sign of the pole position in the Im $p$ axis ). Going some distance below the threshold ( usually a short distance as $A$ depends on energy and equation~\ref{i1} with constant $A$ looses its applicability)one may notice different behavior of $ |T| $ in both cases. For a bound or quasi-bound state $ |T| $ grows up until the energy of the bound state is reached. On the other hand, in case of a virtual state $ |T| $ drops down immediately below the threshold. Direct observation of the elastic scattering amplitude below the threshold is not feasible. However, one can observe a similar behavior in channels coupled to the channel where the bound state is suspected to exist. Thus in the case of reaction \begin{equation} \label{i2} dd\rightarrow \pi^-~p~^3\mbox{He} \end{equation} the channel of interest is $\eta~^4$He and the decay channel consists of three particles $\pi,p$ and $^3\mbox{He}$. As the $\eta~^3$He system seems almost bound, the $\eta~^4$He system is likely to be bound. The $\pi^-~p~^3$He might be expected to be the dominant decay channel. In such circumstances one could expect a subthreshold enhancement in the cross section for reaction (\ref{i2}). Surprisingly, there is no experimental confirmation of such an effect. Measurements~\cite{sku12,adl13, krz13bis, krz13}, offer a cross section of about 200 $nb$ which is apparently due to a quasi-free reaction. An upper limit of the fraction that proceeds through a quasi-bound state is obtained at a level of 25 $nb$~\cite{adl13}. The aim of this work is to calculate/estimate the magnitude of \begin{equation} \label{i3} dd\rightarrow (\eta~^4\mbox{He})_{bound}\rightarrow \pi^-~p~^3\mbox{He} \end{equation} reactions and to offer some speculations on the existence of the $(\eta~^4He)_{bound}$ state. \section{Cross sections for the bound state formation and decays} \subsection{Approximate amplitude for a two body process} \label{amplitude} Consider transition of two initial particles denoted by $ D , D' $ into two particles $B,B'$ of a higher mass threshold. Particles $BB'$ are assumed to form an unstable, $S$-wave, bound state $|B>$ of energy $E_B$ and width $ \Gamma$. There may be several modes of decay of this bound state and corresponding partial widths are denoted by $ \Gamma_i$. The reaction of interest consists of three steps $\bullet~$ Colliding $ D , D'$ particles generate unstable state $|B>$, $\bullet~\bullet~$ Unstable state $|B>$ lives for some time and $\bullet~\bullet~\bullet~$ the unstable state $|B>$ decays into state $|F>$. In this section all these stages of reaction are described in a phenomenological way. The formulation used below is general but some approximations are made for a specific case : $ D=D' = $ deuteron, $ B = ^4$He and $ B' = \eta$. $\bullet~$It is assumed that the basic initial reaction \begin{equation} D + D' \rightarrow B + B' \label{c1} \end{equation} has been studied experimentally in some region above the $BB'$ threshold. The relevant cross section $\sigma_{DB}$ in the threshold region may be presented in the form \begin{equation} \sigma_{DB} =~S(p_B)~p_B \label{c2} \end{equation} where the threshold behavior is described in part by $p_B$ - the relative momentum in the $BB'$ channel. The function $S(p_B)$ is to be extracted from experiment. With deeply bound or broad states $S(p_B)$ is a weakly energy dependent function, for weak binding it may indicate a sharp threshold peak. This cross section is generated by an operator $ V_{DB}$ which in a standard way allows to calculate the related scattering amplitude $ f_{DB}$ \begin{equation} f_{DB} = \frac{2\mu_{BB'}}{4\pi} < DD|V_{DB}|B, p_B >. \label{c3} \end{equation} $\mu_{BB'}$ is the reduced mass and $p_B$,$p_D$ are the relative momenta in the corresponding channels. The cross section becomes \begin{equation} \frac{d\sigma_{DB}}{d\Omega}= |f_{DB}|^2~\frac {p_B }{\mu_{BB'}}~ \frac {\mu_{DD}}{p_D }. \label{c4} \end{equation} A difficulty arises at this stage : from the scattering experiments one can extract $ | < DD|V_{DB}|B, p_B >|$ which is the modulus of the on-shell transition amplitude for a given momentum $p_B$ while one needs the transition to the bound state $ < DD|V_{DB}|B, E_B > $. Formally \begin{equation} < DD|V_{DB}|B, E_B > =\int d \textbf{p}_B < DD|V_{DB}|B, p_B >< p_B,B|B, E_B> \label{c5} \end{equation} where $< p_B,B|B, E_B>= \Psi_{BB'}(p_B)$ is the wave function of the bound state in the momentum space. Equation (\ref{c5}) involves integration over all momenta $p_B$ and not only over the momenta allowed by the energy conservation. To proceed without a specific model of $ V_{DB}$ we assume that the spacial range of this operator is characterized by the size of the final particle B ( that is $^4$He in the case of interest). This is the basic approximation of this calculation, \begin{equation} < DD|V_{DB}|B ,p_B > = |C_{DB}| \Psi_{B}(p_B) \label{c6} \end{equation} where $ \Psi_{B}(p_B)$ is the profile of single nucleon wave function in nucleus $B$ folded over $\eta-$nucleon interaction range and $|C_{DB}|$ is a constant determined from the slope of the cross section. For an estimate we use a gaussian \begin{equation} \Psi_{B}(p) = \exp (-\frac{R_B^2p^2}{2}) \label{c7} \end{equation} and to simplify the estimate we assume the bound state wave function in the same form \begin{equation} \Psi_{BB'}(p) = \exp (-\frac{R_{BB'} ^2p^2}{2}) ~\left[ \frac{R_{BB'}^2}{\pi} \right]^{3/4} \label{c7bis} \end{equation} $\bullet~\bullet~$ The propagation of the bound state is described by \begin{equation} G_{BB'} = \frac{\Psi_{BB'}^*(p)\Psi_{BB'}(p)}{E- E_B+i\Gamma/2} \label{c8} \end{equation} where the complex part of the energy corresponds to the total decay rate. $\bullet ~\bullet ~\bullet ~$ Decay of the $|B>$ state into final $|F_i>$ state is given by an operator $ V_{BF} $. The matrix element of this operator between the bound and the final state $<B| V_{BF}|Fi> $ determines the partial width of the state. The Fermi formula gives \begin{equation} \frac{\Gamma_i}{2} = 2\pi \int d \textbf{p} |<B| V_{BF}|F_i>|^2 \delta (E- E_F(p)) = (4\pi)^2 p_F~\mu_{FF'} |<B|V_{BF}|F_i,p_F>|^2 \label{c9} \end{equation} from which we obtain \begin{equation} |<B|V_{BF}|F_i,p_F>|^2 = \frac{\Gamma_i}{ 2p_F\mu_{FF'}(4\pi)^2} \label{c10}. \end{equation} In this calculation it is assumed that $^3$He is a spectator in the decay process and the final decay energy is carried by the meson and the proton. For simplicity the non-relativistic phase space is used. This may look suspicious in the $\pi$ meson case but the relevant reduced mass drops out from the final expression of the cross section. This calculation may be easily improved anyway. Here it serves also as a check of the normalization used. \subsection{Estimates of the cross section} The transition matrix element for the process in question is given by \begin{equation} <D| V_{D\rightarrow B\rightarrow F} |F_i> = \int d\textbf{q} <D|V_{DB}|B q> \frac{<q|B,E_B> < B,E_B| V_{BF}|F_i>} {E- E_B+i\Gamma/2} \label{d1}. \end{equation} The related scattering amplitude is as in equation (\ref{c3}) \begin{equation} f_{D\rightarrow B\rightarrow F} = \frac{2\mu_{FF'}}{4\pi} <D| V_{D\rightarrow B\rightarrow F} |F_i> \label{d2}. \end{equation} and the cross section \begin{equation} \frac{d\sigma_{DB}}{d\Omega}= |f_{DB}|^2~\frac {p_B }{\mu_{BB'}}~ \frac {\mu_{FF}}{p_F } \label{d3} \end{equation} Collecting all factors and approximations the formula \begin{equation} \sigma_{DF}= \frac{\sigma_{DB}}{p_B}~\frac {\sqrt{\pi}}{16}~ \frac{\Gamma^{\pi} } {( E- E_B)^2 +(\Gamma/2)^2} \frac{1}{\mu_{BB'} R^3} \end{equation} is obtained where the two radii were set equal $ R_B = R_{BB'} \equiv R$. The factor $ \frac{\sigma_{DB}}{p_B}\mapsto ~C_{BD} \simeq0.3 nb /(MeV/c) $ may be obtained from experimental cross sections measured and collected in ref.\cite{bud09a}. With the expected values $\Gamma^{\pi}\simeq 10~ MeV $, $\Gamma\simeq 20~ MeV $ and $ R\simeq2.5~fm $ one obtains $\sigma_{DF}\simeq 4.5~ nb$ at the peak. The result is most sensitive to the radius $R$ but the numbers obtained are below the experimental limit. However, the relation to the actual experimental limit is not that straightforward. It is the interference of reaction~\ref{i3} with the quasi-free reaction that generates the experimental limit of 25 $nb$. This requires specific models and phase relations. At this moment the question : \section{Are there $\eta~^4$He bound states?} cannot be fully answered neither by experiment nor by theory. Simple, old calculations of the threshold behavior in $\eta~^3$He and $\eta~^4$He systems \cite{gwn95} indicated a $\eta~^4$He bound state. Since then two basic ingredients have changed : $\bullet$ better understanding of two nucleon $\eta~NN \rightarrow N N$ decay mode. $\bullet$ a better knowledge of the subthreshold $\eta N$ scattering amplitude. \begin{figure}[htb] \begin{center} \includegraphics[width=0.8\textwidth]{elastic_v2.eps} \caption[F1] {The elastic $\eta$-N scattering amplitude plotted against the C.M. kinetic energy Q. Real part - continuous line, absorptive part - dashed line.} \label{fig1} \end{center} \end{figure} The latter is represented by a best fit to multi-channel scattering data obtained in ref.\cite{gw05} and plotted in figure 1. An average energy involved in the $\eta N$ center of mass amounts to - 36 MeV ( 21 MeV binding and about 14 MeV of the residual nucleus recoil). So far below the threshold the absorptive part of the amplitude is fairly small and the rate of $\pi^- p $ decay might be strongly reduced. That reduces the chance of observation via the reaction (\ref{i3}). This plot shows also that the attractive nuclear potential related to Re $T_{\eta N}$ may be weaker than in the $\eta~^3$He case which involves about $ -12$ MeV subthreshold extrapolation. On the other hand, the decay of the $\eta~^4$He bound state into two nucleon mode may be strongly enhanced. A phenomenological evaluation of the rates is possible as the cross sections for \begin{equation} \label{r2} p p \rightarrow p p \eta \end{equation} \begin{equation} \label{r3d} p n \rightarrow d \eta \end{equation} \begin{equation} \label{r3} p n \rightarrow p n \eta \end{equation} have been measured in the close to threshold region~\cite{czy07,mos10}. The analysis based on the detailed balance corrected for final state interaction has been performed in ref. \cite{kul98}. At central nuclear densities the related absorptive potential of the $ \rho(r)^2 $ profile with a strength Im $ W_{NN}( r=0) = 3.2 $ MeV was obtained. However, Helium nucleus is twice as dense and the corresponding absorptive potential rises to Im $ W_{NN}( r=0) \simeq13 $ MeV. Such strong absorption may prevent binding or lead to much larger level width. To resolve some of the problems it would be useful to have also measurements of another \begin{equation} \label{i4} DD\rightarrow (\eta~^4\mbox{He})_{bound}\rightarrow~p~n~D \end{equation} decay process. From the experimental field, the ongoing analysis of the reactions $dd \rightarrow {^3\mbox{He}} p \pi^-$ and $dd \rightarrow {^3\mbox{He}} n \pi^{0} \rightarrow$ $^{3}\hspace{-0.03cm}\mbox{He} n \gamma \gamma$ from WASA-at-COSY, which will reach the sensitivity of several nb~\cite{krz13}, should help to answer the question of the existence of the bound state. \vspace{0.5cm} \noindent \emph{Acknowledgements} This work was supported by the the Polish National Science Center under grants No. 2011/03/B/ST2/00270 and No. 2011/01/B/ST2/00431
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaArXiv" }
Parking is available for students and guests for $12 in UCLA Parking Structures 4 and 5. A UCLA parking attendant will be present beginning at 3pm to sell permits to students and guests. From the parking structures, proceed to Royce/Powell Quad Area. Parking is available on Level 4 of Parking Structure 5. Kimpton Hotel Palomar Los Angeles-Beverly Hills 10740 Wilshire Blvd. Luxe Sunset Boulevard Hotel 11461 Sunset Blvd.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Only 0.8% of Canadians tuned into CBC news in 2019 while ad revenue plummeted The total audience tuning into local evening CBC TV newscasts was only 319,000 Canadians across the country, or approximately 0.8% of Canada's population. by True North Wire The CBC reported another abysmal year in viewership and profitability in 2019 according to Blacklock's Reporter. The national broadcaster's annual report shows that ad revenues for their English language TV programs fell by 37% over the previous year. In 2018, the CBC reported a total of $178 million in ad revenues, whereas in 2019 they only generated $112.5 million. CBC's share of the market also fell to a meager 5% down from 8% in 2018. The total audience tuning into local evening CBC TV newscasts was only 319,000 Canadians across the country, or approximately 0.8% of Canada's population. The recent findings follow a trend of decline for the taxpayer-funded broadcaster despite receiving $1.2 billion from the federal government each year. Over the past five years the amount of ad revenue the company has managed to pull in has shrunk by 53%. "Our objective is not to make money but to provide a service and fulfil our mandate. We reinvent ourselves every year to try and find new ways to do things because we have to offer more, but with a smaller budget. So that requires visionary talent," said Radio-Canada Executive Vice President Michel Bissonnette. In November the CBC announced that it would be downsizing and cutting 35 jobs with a majority of the cuts taking place at their Toronto headquarters. Canada's Heritage and Multiculturalism Minister Steven Guilbeault announced even more funding for the CBC late last year. According to Guilbeault, the broadcaster would be eligible for an increased amount of funding to expand local news coverage. The government has yet to announce any further details on how much additional funding the CBC can expect to receive. The increased funding is in tune with Guilbeault's directive from Prime Minister Trudeau to "strengthen the regional mandate of CBC/Radio-Canada." When testifying before a parliamentary committee in May 30, CBC's CEO Catherine Tait told members that the broadcaster's role was to "protect the truth" and "dispel misinformation." "How do we protect and defend our citizenry from this unbelievable tsunami of disinformation? In a sense we become a beacon for truth. We need the public to feel safe, that we are a beacon for that truth," said Tait. However, several recent incidents show that the CBC has failed to meet its own standards. As reported on by True North investigative journalism fellow Lindsay Shepherd, the CBC failed to fully translate a hateful and anti-democratic Chinese letter posted on a student's locker in Richmond, B.C. Instead of publishing the full pro-China letter, the CBC opted to only refer to a few select words in their report. In another instance covered by True North the CBC overstated a study's findings on how many Canadians experience racism. The original report claimed that only 8% of Canadians reported experiencing racial discrimination, but instead the CBC article on the issue falsely claimed that 40% of Canadians did so.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
Гранд-Репідс 33 () — індіанська резервація в Канаді, у провінції Манітоба, у межах невключеної частини переписної області №21. Населення За даними перепису 2016 року, індіанська резервація нараховувала 868 осіб, показавши зростання на 21,2%, порівняно з 2011-м роком. Середня густина населення становила 49,2 осіб/км². З офіційних мов обидвома одночасно володіли 10 жителів, тільки англійською — 850, а 5 — жодною з них. Усього 210 осіб вважали рідною мовою не одну з офіційних, з них усі — одну з корінних мов. Працездатне населення становило 35,1% усього населення, рівень безробіття — 25,6%. Середній дохід на особу становив $20 351 (медіана $16 368), при цьому для чоловіків — $17 540, а для жінок $23 029 (медіани — $14 848 та $17 472 відповідно). 19,8% мешканців мали закінчену шкільну освіту, не мали закінченої шкільної освіти — 62,2%, 18,9% мали післяшкільну освіту, з яких 9,5% мали диплом бакалавра, або вищий. Клімат Середня річна температура становить 0,6°C, середня максимальна – 21,9°C, а середня мінімальна – -25,6°C. Середня річна кількість опадів – 486 мм. Примітки Населені пункти Манітоби
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaWikipedia" }
Hot Springs Jobs Today's Paper Obits Mugshots Sports Classifieds Jobs HER Magazine Crime Contact us Subscribe to our newsletters AG files suit against local rental company by Cassidy Kendall The Sentinel-Record | August 14, 2019 at 4:00 a.m. The Sentinel-Record/File photo - Leslie Rutledge, Arkansas attorney general pictured at right. - Photo by The Sentinel-Record/File photo The Arkansas attorney general's office said Monday it has filed a consumer-protection lawsuit against a Hot Springs-based vacation rental company for advertising "false, misleading and deceptive" vacation rental properties on travel-booking websites. Brittany Brown, of Bonnerdale, who owns the company with Karen Annette Tidwell Monet, of Glenwood, said Tuesday she was not informed the suit had been filed, but does not feel like she, or the company, Timeless Memories LLC, treated consumers wrongly. Attorney General Leslie Rutledge's office said in a news release it had discovered at least eight consumers impacted by the alleged deception perpetrated by the company. Consumers report they tried to contact the defendants to obtain refunds with no success, the release said. According to the complaint, consumer losses are valued at $18,911.93. Brown said she does not know who the eight affected consumers are, but pointed out that of $550,000 in revenues done by the company, consumers have only asked for $18,000 of it to be refunded. "Look at how many people didn't want a refund out of $550,000. So if I don't agree with people right here, there's a reason why, then. And that's the reason why they weren't given a refund. I'm not going to side with them unless they have a real reason (to have a refund)." Brown said, "they will be given a refund if I feel like they are owed a refund." According to the complaint, one 72-year-old consumer saw a property listing on a travel-booking website for "Irene's Secret" Aug. 17, 2018, and was looking to book the property Dec. 28-30, 2018. Instead of booking online, the consumer called Brown directly and paid two payments of $500 from then to Sept. 4, 2018. The consumer felt they were being scammed and demanded a refund of the $1,000 paid to Timeless Memories through Brown, which was never given. Brown said Rutledge contacted her about this specific consumer, questioning whether she would be willing to refund the consumer. "She (the consumer) wanted it (Irene's Secret) for Christmas, so I told her $2,500. Usually, I want the whole $2,500 now or at least 50 percent of it. She did not give me that, she gave me $500, and wanted to pay $500 a month, so I said 'OK, pay me $500 a month,'" Brown said. "The lady was blowing my phone up, paranoid, because she paid me through a credit card processor ... I do not have to answer her; I'm busy. Here comes September or October and she says 'I want a refund, I feel like this is a scam.' I said, 'I'm not scamming you. You have the door code, you have the house address. Dec. 24 you're going to have somewhere to check-in; leave me alone.' Well, the attorney general wanted to know if I would refund her and I said, no. Why would I? It's not my fault she's thinking in her head all this stuff. I was going to deliver what she paid for when she got here, so I don't want to refund her money." According to the news release, the company also advertised exclusive amenities like hot tubs and lake access the properties did not have, and consumers paid it "thousands of dollars" by relying on these "misleading listings." Brown said consumers might "get here and say 'this isn't the lake ... we want a refund.' Nope. I'm not giving you a refund. That is Lake Hamilton and this is a $500,000 house. You cannot tell me that it's not vacation ready ... I try to do the best that I can and offer them so many amenities to where they'll enjoy their vacation, not so they'll complain and want a refund. But you're going to run into those types of people in this business." Brown said she has never advertised a property to have a hot tub and lake access that didn't. According to the release, Rutledge is asking the court to impose civil penalties, restitution and attorneys' fees and costs and seeks to stop Brown, Monet and Timeless Memories from operating their vacation rental home business in Arkansas. Local on 08/14/2019 Print Headline: AG files suit against local rental company Copyright © 2020, The Sentinel-Record This document may not be reprinted without the express written permission of The Sentinel-Record. Please read our Terms of Use or contact us.
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Q: Facebook Comments Plugin - Allowing user with session to delete comments I'm not sure if this is possible but I'll just ask. I'm using the FB comments plugin on my site, I know there are admin privileges as to be able to let admins moderate the comments, what I would like is for a way to allow the user to delete comments, like if the user was on FB he can delete comments made on his posts. Is this possible? A: There are no settings for this. Users can only delete their own posts. You would have to contact Facebook directly to request this.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaStackExchange" }
SDSU to host Jackrabbit Stampede Rodeo Horse & Rodeo Horse-rodeo | Gannon Gustafson (left) and Newt Bruley competed in a recent Jackrabbit Stampede Rodeo in the Swiftel Center in Brookings, SD. Photo courtesy SDSU Extension SDSU Rodeo By the Numbers As the 2017 SDSU Jackrabbit Stampede Rodeo approaches, lets take note of the statistics behind the successful event and learn more about the SDSU Rodeo Team. Number of Jackrabbit Stampede Rodeos over the years: 63 Number of Attendees at all three Jackrabbit Stampede performances: 4,200 Number of SDSU Rodeo Club members who support the SDSU Rodeo Team: 25 Number of 2016-17 SDSU Rodeo Team members: 45 Number of miles SDSU Rodeo Team members travel in their own trucks and trailers to compete each year: 5,500 Number of rodeos in which SDSU Rodeo Team Members compete during the school year: 10 Average number of trucks and trailers that hit the road each time the SDSU Rodeo Team travels to an event: 17 Number of Rodeo Team members' horses that travel to each rodeo: 72 Number of SDSU Rodeo Team members who have represented the team at the College National Finals Rodeo over the past 6 years: 70 Number of SDSU Alumni who have been members of the Rodeo Club and Rodeo Team: 1,200 BROOKINGS, S.D. — The South Dakota State University Rodeo Club is hosting the Jackrabbit Stampede Rodeo on April 7 at 7 p.m. and April 8 at 1 p.m. and 7 p.m. at the Swiftel Center in Brookings, S.D. Buckles and Bling Fundraiser April 6 The seventh annual Buckles and Bling Fundraiser will be held on Thursday, April 6 at the Swiftel Center. The event will feature a meal, program, both silent and live auctions, and live music. All funds raised go toward Rodeo Team practices and travel expenses. Attendees have the chance to participate in a Calcutta competition, and can sponsor a group of Rodeo Team members with the opportunity to win back money based on how the team members place during the rodeo competition. SDSU Rodeo Alumni and Rodeo Club members host the fundraiser. A social hour begins at 6 p.m., with dinner to follow at 7 p.m. The public is welcome to attend. Registration is required to attend the event. Tickets can be purchased for $40. A $500 sponsorship table includes two tickets and recognition at the fundraiser. The deadline to register is April 5. Register online at http://igrow.org/events/2017-sdsu-rodeo-buckles-bling/. Jackrabbit Stampede The Jackrabbit Stampede is a National Intercollegiate Rodeo Association-approved rodeo featuring Bareback Riding, Breakaway Roping, Tie Down Roping, Saddle Bronc Riding, Steer Wrestling, Goat Tying, Team Roping, Barrel Racing and Bull Riding. Saturday night is Tough Enough to Wear Pink Night. Sutton Rodeo manages the Jackrabbit Stampede. "The Sutton family has had a long tradition of supporting the SDSU Rodeo Club," said Ron Skovly, SDSU Rodeo Coach. "The family started providing stock for the 1956 Jackrabbit Stampede and continues to be committed to making this rodeo the best it can be 60 years later." Tickets are on sale now through Ticketmaster or the Swiftel Center box office. Discounts are available for advanced tickets purchased at least one day before the rodeos. SDSU students will receive discounted ticket prices with their student I.D. Contact the Swiftel Center Box Office at 605-692-7539 for more information. Contact Ron Skovly, SDSU Rodeo Coach, for more information or interviews at 605-690-1359, or email Ronald.Skovly@sdstate.edu. SDSU Rodeo Team The SDSU Rodeo Club was established in 1952. Though Rodeo Team members are part of the club, not all club members are competing members of the Rodeo Team. The Rodeo Club helps set up and take down equipment for practices and provides behind-the-scenes support for the Jackrabbit Stampede. The SDSU Rodeo Team has 45 competing members who compete in 9 rodeos in addition to the Jackrabbit Stampede each year. More than 1,200 SDSU alumni have been Rodeo Club and Rodeo Team members since the Club began. Members of the 2016-17 Rodeo Team are from Minnesota, South Dakota, Iowa, Florida, Nebraska and Wisconsin. "We really appreciate the support we get from donors, sponsors and local businesses to help our Rodeo Team," Skovly says. "The Jackrabbit Stampede and our Buckles and Bling event provide a great opportunity for us to thank everyone and showcase what our program has to offer. The entire team wants to thank the people who come to our rodeo every year, too." F Outside Circle by Jan Swan Wood: Clinics, dummy roping, BHSS, ranch roping The snow is gone here but the cold is back. It was a crisp -9 this morning at daylight. Seems like a good day to be inside writing a column! For those of you wondering,… Super Saturday rodeo kicks off National Western Stock Show South Dakota Quarter Horse Association convention Rodeo Rapid City 20X High School Rodeo Showcase 2021 BHSS top seller: 'Thanks for noticin' me' – Eeyore's new owners pleased with his abilities
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L'Eclissi solare dell'11 maggio 2059, di tipo totale, è un evento astronomico che avrà luogo il suddetto giorno con centralità attorno alle ore 19:22 UTC. L'eclissi avrà un'ampiezza massima di 95 chilometri e una durata 2 minuti e 23 secondi percorrendo ampiamente il mare, ma sarà visibile sulla terra da questi 4 paesi: Perù, Ecuador, Colombia e Brasile. Eclissi correlate Eclissi solari 2059 - 2061 Questa eclissi è un membro di una serie semestrale. Un'eclissi in una serie semestrale di eclissi solari si ripete approssimativamente ogni 177 giorni e 4 ore (un semestre) in nodi alternati dell'orbita della Luna. Note Altri progetti Collegamenti esterni Glossario eclissi Eventi del 2061 20610420
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaWikipedia" }
Domino's UK has rebranded, in a move which sees it drop the words 'Domino's Pizza' from its identity and instead use a redrawn domino symbol in isolation. The company has also overhauled its interiors and will roll out a retail concept designed by AEW Architects. The logo, designed by Crispin, Porter and Bogusky, has been rolled out from the US where it launched last year, and Iris Worldwide has worked on the UK application of the new brand across digital and printed communications. Russell Weiner, chief marketing officer at Dominos, said at the time of the US launch that the company wanted its domino to become 'as recognised as the Nike Swoosh'. Domino's UK sales and marketing director Simon Wallis says the new de-branded Domino's look 'proclaims that Domino's is comfortable in its own skin and doesn't need to tell anyone that it sells pizza'. Meanwhile a 1950s-inspired design by AEW Architects will roll-out across Domino's 850 UK shops, bringing 'all the magic that happens back of house, right into the customer's focus,' according to Wallis.
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California Gov. Jerry Brown is considering granting clemency to Shirley Ree Smith, a grandmother convicted in 1997 of shaking to death her 7-week-old grandson, Etzel Glass. Sentenced to 15 years to life in prison, Smith insists she's innocent. Prosecutors built their case against Smith almost entirely on the findings of forensic pathologists at the Los Angeles County Department of Coroner. During an autopsy, doctors discovered a small amount of bleeding on the infant's brain and in his optic nerves. Based on this bleeding, the forensic pathologists concluded that somebody had violently shaken Etzel's body, killing him. They ruled the death a homicide. Others, however, aren't so sure. Etzel's body exhibited few of the signs typically associated with fatal head injuries. One doctor testifying on Smith's behalf dismissed the notion that Etzel was murdered as "fantasy." In a 2006 opinion, the U.S. 9th Circuit Court of Appeals expressed a similar skepticism, saying there was "simply no demonstrable support for shaking as the cause of death." Whether or not Smith is ultimately pardoned, her story provides a window into the increasingly rancorous scientific debate about shaken baby syndrome, a once-widely accepted theory that violent jostling can cause fatal head injuries in infants. Based on studies dating back to the 1960s, many doctors came to believe that a signature trio of symptoms — bleeding and swelling of the brain, and hemorrhaging of the retinas — provided conclusive proof that someone had shaken a child to death. But now a growing number of experts have doubts about the diagnosis. Official reviews in Canada and Britain have uncovered cases in which people were wrongly convicted based on the shaken baby theory. As a journalist for ProPublica, I've spent more than a year scrutinizing the inner workings of the nation's system of coroner and medical examiner offices responsible for probing sudden and suspicious fatalities. In the course of that research, my colleagues and I analyzed roughly two dozen instances in which people were wrongly accused of killing babies or small children. Questionable autopsy findings played a central role in each of these cases. Some experts, like Dr. Michael Laposata, the chief pathologist at Vanderbilt University Medical Center, think there are more innocent people still serving time in prison. "I don't think it's a handful," Laposata told me last year. "I think it's far more." When children die unexpectedly, the authorities often look for unnatural causes, and rightly so; in recent decades our society has become far more vigilant about detecting and prosecuting child abuse, an admirable accomplishment. But child deaths can pose special problems for forensic pathologists. When babies and small children die, the clues can be quite subtle. Oftentimes, doctors are hunting for microscopic indicators that a child has suffered head trauma or has been asphyxiated. Such cases require a high degree of expertise. A key concern is that forensic pathologists may confuse the symptoms of a natural ailment for a sign of abuse. That could well be what happened with baby Etzel. There are dozens of afflictions that cause bleeding and bruising and can easily be mistaken for child abuse. One of the leading textbooks on child abuse now includes two chapters on these mimics, which range from certain forms of cancer to sickle cell anemia to trauma suffered during the birthing process. Unfortunately, many forensic pathologists aren't prepared to deal with the complexity of child death cases. According to a 2009 report by the National Academy of Sciences, only a third of the coroner and medical examiner offices in the U.S. had the equipment to do a microscopic tissue analysis. The report painted a dismal portrait of the profession, citing poor funding, a lack of decent facilities and a severe shortage of qualified doctors. Reality, it turns out, bears very little resemblance to "CSI." My colleagues and I surveyed the nation's 69 busiest coroner and medical examiner offices. More than 1 in 5 of the physicians working in these morgues — including the chief medical examiner of Washington, D.C. — were not board certified in forensic pathology, the branch of medicine focused on the mechanics of death. Experts say such certification ensures that doctors have at least a basic grasp of the science, and should be a requirement for anyone performing autopsies in a possible homicide case. Located at the intersection of science and the law, coroners and medical examiners are subject to little regulation in most states and, as the National Academy pointed out, there are no national standards for the field. By contrast, nursing homes, hospitals, dialysis centers, clinical laboratories and many other medical facilities receive oversight at both the state and federal level, and can be fined if they fail to operate properly. Are there any other criminal convictions he should be taking a close look at?
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Travelling towards Pretoria, take the N4 to Pretoria. You will drive directly into Pretoria on Pretorius street (one-way). The Hotel is situated on the right hand side corner of Leyds and Francis Baard streets. Travelling towards Pretoria on the N4 from Witbank / Nelspruit you will drive directly into Pretoria on Pretorius street (one-way). Travelling towards Pretoria on the N1 south from Polokwane, take the N4 to Pretoria and enter the city on Pretoruis street (one-way). The Hotel 224 is situated on the right hand side corner of Leyds and Francis Baard streets.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Encyclopedia of Operations Research and Management Science | Editors: Saul I. Gass, Carl M. Harris Network simplex algorithm Saul I. Gass Carl M. Harris First Online: 25 October 2005 DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/1-4020-0611-X_666 For the minimum-cost network-flow problem, a special adaptation of the simplex method that takes advantage of the mathematical structure of the network constraints to produce a computationally fast and efficient solution algorithm. The main idea behind this algorithm is the recognition that a basic feasible solution to the network problem, treated as a linear-programming problem, corresponds to a spanning tree of the defining network. Minimum-cost network-flow problem; Network optimization; Simplex method. © Kluwer Academic Publishers 2001 1.Robert H. Smith School of BusinessUniversity of MarylandCollege PartUSA 2.School of Information Technology & EngineeringGeorge Mason UniversityFairfaxUSA Gass S.I., Harris C.M. (2001) Network simplex algorithm. In: Gass S.I., Harris C.M. (eds) Encyclopedia of Operations Research and Management Science. Springer, New York, NY. https://doi.org/10.1007/1-4020-0611-X_666 First Online 25 October 2005 DOI https://doi.org/10.1007/1-4020-0611-X Publisher Name Springer, New York, NY Print ISBN 978-0-7923-7827-3 Online ISBN 978-1-4020-0611-1 eBook Packages Springer Book Archive Finance, Business & Banking Energy, Utilities & Environment Editors and affiliations Near-optimal solution Neighboringextreme point Networks of queues Newsboy problem Newsvendor problem Newton's Method Node-arc incidence matrix Nonactive (nonbinding) constraint Non-archimedean number Nonbasic variable Non-compensatory choice strategies Nondegenerate basic feasible solution
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
Military Times Some urinalyses may be illegal searches Mathew B. Tully Q. My commander ordered a sweep urinalysis, and I'm pretty sure my sample will come back hot. At what point would an inspection like this become illegal? A. Unit-wide urinalyses are permissible, but troops should be on the lookout for commanders who order such inspections in hopes of catching a particular individual for unlawful use of a controlled substance in violation of Article 112a of the Uniform Code of Military Justice. First, let's be clear on the meaning of "inspection." Under Military Rule of Evidence 313, it's "an examination of the whole or part of a unit, organization, installation ... conducted as an incident of command, the primary purpose of which is to determine and to ensure the security, military fitness, or good order and discipline of the unit, organization, [or] installation." Commanders need probable cause to order a service member suspected of abusing drugs to submit to a urinalysis, but not for an inspection such as a sweep urinalysis. However, "inspections that have been utilized as subterfuge searches have been condemned," the Manual for Courts-Martial states. Why would a commander resort to deception by trying to pass a probable cause search as an inspection? One reason is that it's not always easy to obtain sufficient evidence or testimony to support a probable cause urinalysis. Military Rule of Evidence 315 defines "probable cause" as a "reasonable belief that the person, property, or evidence sought is located in the place or on the person to be searched." If probable cause cannot be attained, a commander still could order a command-directed urinalysis, but the findings from that test can't be used to prosecute the service member at a court-martial. Instead, the test results could be used against the service member in administrative separation proceedings. "An inspection is not transformed into a search merely because some discretion is exercised by law officers charged with executing the inspection. ... Such discretionary powers cannot, however, be used to target particular individuals for inspection," stated the U.S. Navy-Marine Corps Court of Military Review in U.S. v. Lavan D. Patterson (1993). The Early Bird Brief is a daily roundup of military and defense news stories from around the globe curated by Military Times and Defense News. In that case, the court found the purported inspection, which resulted in Patterson, a Navy airman apprentice, providing a urine sample that tested positive, to be invalid. While regulation required commands to subject service members returning from a period of unauthorized absence to a urinalysis, Patterson's command did not consistently carry out this requirement. The trial judge believed the urinalysis qualified as a valid sweep inspection, but the Court of Military Review disagreed, noting how the command was "literally picking and choosing which returning absentees would provide urine samples." Service members facing drug charges stemming from the results of a sweep urinalysis should immediately consult with an experienced military law attorney. Depending on the circumstances, an attorney could get the urinalysis results suppressed by showing the inspection actually was a subterfuge search. Mathew B. Tully is a veteran of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and founding partner of Tully Rinckey PLLC (www.fedattorney.com). Email questions to askthelawyer@militarytimes.com. About Mathew B. Tully Best pics of the week: Jan. 19, 2020 Anti-religion group seeks to deny troops inspirational dog tags
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
Tunis: The growing international interest in investing in African farmland has attracted considerable attention recently. Media reports over the past few years spotlighted the scale of land acquisitions and laid the foundation for the analytical investigation that followed. The distinctive feature of these land deals that has attracted the attention of the media and the global research establishment is the speed of the acquisitions, the transparency (lack thereof) of the terms and the scale of the acquisitions and implied investment. A study by Deninger et. al. (2011) notes that 29 million of the 56 million hectares of land (51.8%) sought after by foreign investors globally is located in sub-Saharan Africa. Though countries with abundant uncultivated land attracted the most interest, some of these countries were also with poor records of rural land tenure, lack of institutions protecting vulnerable groups, and the absence of a culture of disclosure. However, large-scale land acquisitions are not limited to investors from middle or high-income countries. Large-scale acquisitions by domestic investors are on the rise as well2. In addition, cross-country investments in Africa have been highlighted in some media reports. Libyan investments in Mali3, Mauritius' investments in Mozambique, Egypt's investment in Ethiopia are cases in point. Much of the information regarding these investments is still anecdotal. Media reports remain the primary tools for gathering data on the status of land deals, the size of the purchases or leases, and the amount of the investments. a) Most documented cases of land leases are granted by African governments. The most striking case is that of Democratic Republic of Congo where almost 50% of the arable land is either leased to foreign companies or under negotiation for leasing (see Figure 1). b) The flow of land investments in Africa is mainly driven by land fees that are either minuscule or missing altogether. The land fees are in the range of USD 4.8- 7.1/ ha in Sudan, USD 6-12/ha in Mali, and USD 6.5-10 /ha in Ethiopia while the comparable figure in Peru is USD 300/ha. c) In some instances, the boundaries between private and public investors are not clear-cut. Cases in Sudan and Mali are cited where the signatories are government ministries, but implementation is driven by private entities in Sudan and land rights are transferred to a third party (private) in Mali. d) Although the pattern is becoming more diffuse, patterns of bilateral investment flows are observed. e) These differ from the traditional pattern of foreign direct investment in that they are resource-seeking (land and water) rather than market seeking; emphasis is put on production of foods and crops for bio-fuel production for export back to the investing country rather than for domestic consumption or wider commercial export. f) They involve acquisition of land and actual roduction rather than looser forms of joint venture (for instance contract farming). g) The involvement of sovereign wealth funds, investment funds and institutional investors is limited but the magnitude of the funds at their disposal make them potentially important sources of investment funds in the future. • 51.8% of land sought after by foreign investors globally is located in sub-Saharan Africa. • The flow of land investments in Africa is mainly driven by land fees that are either minuscule or missing altogether. The land fees are in the range of USD 4.8-7.1/ ha in Sudan, USD 6-12/ha in Mali, and USD 6.5-10 /ha in Ethiopia while the comparable figure in Peru is USD 300/ha. • Most of the land contracts available publicly appear to be short and lacking specificity, but allocate extensive areas of land and in some instances priority rights over water, for limited public revenue and loose binding clauses on the size of investments and job creation. • Although large-scale land investments open opportunities in terms of job creation, technological transfer, and foreign exchange generation, these opportunities can only be realized under a set of institutional reforms that foster accountability, proper valuation of land, equitable compensation for the displaced, and guarantees to the social and environmental sustainability of the investments. Readers can access the brief, 8 pages, from the AfDB website, here.
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The Sumo Competition Robot is exactly what it sounds like --- it's a robot that is built and programmed to push other robots out of a ring during a Sumo Bot competition! The first section of the course will cover how to build a basic Sumo Bot with Robolink's Rokit Smart 11-in-1 robot kit, as well as how to add modifications. The second section will go over programming the Sumo Bot with Blockly, a block-based language. The third section will cover programming the Sumo Bot with Arduino, a text-based language. By the end of the course, students should have a fully functioning and competition ready Sumo Bot! You will need a Rokit Smart kit for this course. These are available on the Robolink website as well as Amazon and Newegg.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
In 2010, he was cast in the leading role of Kyohei Takano for a live-action adaptation of popular manga, Yamato Nadeshiko Shichi Henge, which aired on NTV. It was named Best Drama by voters of the 13th Nikkan Sports Drama Grand Prix Awards in March 2010 while Kamenashi and his co-star, Aya Omasa, were also awarded Best Actor and Best Supporting Actress respectively. In 2016, Kamenashi was cast in the drama, The Mysterious Thief Yamaneko, which was based on the novel "Kaito Tantei Yamaneko Series" by Manabu Kaminaga as Yamaneko. He currently appears in the drama Boku unmei no hito desu alongside his former co-star from Nobuta wo produce, Yamashita Tomohisa. After graduating from high school, Yamashita was accepted into Meiji University's School of Commerce. He graduated with a Commerce degree (major in marketing) in autumn 2008, a semester late.11. Kamenashi participated in the Central League's Yomiuri Giants 23rd Fan Fiesta 2009 on November 23, 2009 and led his team to victory. He participated during the 1st inning as shortstop and for the 2nd and 3rd innings as pitcher. and he could do wayyyyy worse than Aragaki Yui, so i say good on them and all the best! Ryo Nishikido was born in Hyogo on November 3, 1984 and raised in Osaka. He made his major debut in 2004 as an actor and a singer. Kamenashi walked the runway in 2008 for Hermès' men's autumn/winter 2008 collection in Tokyo.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
List, Grocery Shopping List Clipart was posted March 15, 2017 at 8:41 pm by cialisvbs.info . More over Grocery Shopping List Clipart has viewed by 2208 visitor. List, Shopping List Clipart was posted June 14, 2017 at 4:11 pm by cialisvbs.info . More over Shopping List Clipart has viewed by 1228 visitor. List, Blank Shopping List was posted July 10, 2016 at 12:49 pm by cialisvbs.info . More over Blank Shopping List has viewed by 1557 visitor. List, Office Shopping List Template was posted January 9, 2017 at 1:53 am by cialisvbs.info . More over Office Shopping List Template has viewed by 1410 visitor. List, Christmas Shopping List Template Excel was posted July 20, 2017 at 7:34 pm by cialisvbs.info . More over Christmas Shopping List Template Excel has viewed by 1368 visitor. List, Shopping List Template For Kids was posted April 15, 2016 at 12:31 pm by cialisvbs.info . More over Shopping List Template For Kids has viewed by 1044 visitor. List, Shopping List Clipart Black And White was posted March 26, 2017 at 2:14 pm by cialisvbs.info . More over Shopping List Clipart Black And White has viewed by 3519 visitor. List, Christmas Shopping List Template was posted May 20, 2017 at 12:32 pm by cialisvbs.info . More over Christmas Shopping List Template has viewed by 1385 visitor. List, Shopping List Icon was posted October 9, 2016 at 5:13 pm by cialisvbs.info . More over Shopping List Icon has viewed by 1087 visitor. List, Shopping List Printable For Kids was posted December 10, 2016 at 4:14 pm by cialisvbs.info . More over Shopping List Printable For Kids has viewed by 1200 visitor.
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YOUR VISION IS OUR INSPIRATION. Your home should be a genuine reflection of you, your tastes and your lifestyle. DP Construction is an experienced, residential construction company specializing in residential new home construction, additions, renovations and remodels in the Chassell, MI area. From initial design to completed build, our goal is to make your residential home building experience one that you not only enjoy, but would gladly do again. Our team of licensed residential builders makes your project an enjoyable, hassle-free experience from beginning to end. Unlike some residential construction companies, you'll work with a licensed general contractor from DP Construction throughout the entire project. Whether you have a design plan or not, DP Construction can help you make your project a reality, from the very start. We can help you not only build your dream home, but we will help put your ideas into a quality-crafted design and build a home that suits both your lifestyle and your budget. When you meet with in our Chassel, MI office, bring your ideas, sketches and vision. Our licensed residential builders will listen to your ideas and together, we'll come up with a beautiful design that maximizes the functionality of your living space. DP Construction makes planning your building project simple from the start, whether you have a detailed plan, or need our expert advice, we can make your project a reality.
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A pool resurfacing is a project that can bring you a ton of advantages. First off, it can add to the existing value of your home, as an attractive swimming pool can ramp up potential buyer interest, if you ever hope to put your house on the market. Also, if you are starting to see signs of damage in your pool's surface, a resurfacing will arrest the issues at once and prevent them from getting bigger.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Title 18. CRIMES AND CRIMINAL PROCEDURE Part I. CRIMES Chapter 47. FRAUD AND FALSE STATEMENTS Section 1034. Civil penalties and injunctions for violations of section 1033 18 U.S. Code § 1034. Civil penalties and injunctions for violations of section 1033 The Attorney General may bring a civil action in the appropriate United States district court against any person who engages in conduct constituting an offense under section 1033 and, upon proof of such conduct by a preponderance of the evidence, such person shall be subject to a civil penalty of not more than $50,000 for each violation or the amount of compensation which the person received or offered for the prohibited conduct, whichever amount is greater. If the offense has contributed to the decision of a court of appropriate jurisdiction to issue an order directing the conservation, rehabilitation, or liquidation of an insurer, such penalty shall be remitted to the appropriate regulatory official for the benefit of the policyholders, claimants, and creditors of such insurer. The imposition of a civil penalty under this subsection does not preclude any other criminal or civil statutory, common law, or administrative remedy, which is available by law to the United States or any other person. If the Attorney General has reason to believe that a person is engaged in conduct constituting an offense under section 1033, the Attorney General may petition an appropriate United States district court for an order prohibiting that person from engaging in such conduct. The court may issue an order prohibiting that person from engaging in such conduct if the court finds that the conduct constitutes such an offense. The filing of a petition under this section does not preclude any other remedy which is available by law to the United States or any other person. (Added Pub. L. 103–322, title XXXII, § 320603(a), Sept. 13, 1994, 108 Stat. 2118.)
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
DB structure changed, view now has lost column LG_ID and LG_MATCH became LG_OE_DISP. I navigate to the datasource definition and hit "refresh from database". FormsSpider reconized old and new columns. I indicate the matching ones, (LG_MATCH => LG_OE_DISP) and expect it to delete LG_ID. Upon clicking OK or Apply the error msg pops up: "Deleted column LG_ID in use, remove reference to this Column before updating the Datasource definition" What does that mean? Who/where is that old column in use? How can I create a list of places where Formspider deems this column to be used? The datasource nodes in the navigation tree have a child node called Dependent Objects. If you expand this node for the datasources of the Datasource Definition in question, do you see any objects? You should. There are probably references to LG_ID in these objects.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
You are here: Home / News / GENOA – From Deeper Levels of Insight GENOA – From Deeper Levels of Insight January 25, 2017 by Trudy Juriansz Trudy Juriansz shares about GEN Oceania and Asia. Two of GENOA's key objectives for 2016 were to develop more authentic and trusting exchanges, and organize activities and initiatives from deeper levels of insight. We were able to do this through convergence, community building and through being more mindful of how the budget is utilized. We focused on one sub-regional gathering in partnership with an ecovillage and networks in the region and also on network coordination and strategy meetings amongst the people who are doing the work of GENOA NSO. This helped us create more realistic plans, build energy and trust amongst the team and this has given us some financial stability so we can focus on network expansion in 2017. GENOA held its first big gathering, the Emergence Convergence at Maia Earth Village, an intentional community, in Palawan, Philippines. The Emergence Convergence was a beautiful experience and space of gathering that brought a variety of people together from different disciplines and walks of life to a common place of deep listening and sharing. The convergence hosted more than 75 people from all over the region and from the international community. The convergence not only strengthened GENOA's network, but it is also catalyzing the emergence of the ecovillage network in the Philippines. Serena Aurora, a filmmaker who recently completed short films about GEN, Auroville and Wongsanit Ashram, has also created a short film about the convergence and GENOA: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G97Ww5RGiOM We opened several online dialogue spaces for various topics, issues and themes within GENOA. The first one was on Ecobricks, looking at consumption and how we accept and include the shadow side of our industrial past in the ecovillage movement. We also opened dialogues around education and health and hope to open more spaces in the future. Within the region, GENOA members held several Ecovillage Design Education (EDE) courses. In February, THREAD hosted an EDE at Siddharth Village, Orissa. NextGEN Korea hosted an EDE with facilitators Ethan Hirsch-Tauber (Tamera), and Pracha Hutranuwatra (Wongsanit Ashram), splitting the course into two 2-week blocks. Gaia Ashram hosted a NextGENOA EDE, with 26 youth participants from all over Asia and Oceania, facilitated by GENOA members, Om-Sunisa Jamwiset, Sarah Quebatlin and myself, Trudy Juriansz. BASD hosted an EDE in Bangladesh for local and international participants. Auroville recently hosted an EDE at Pitchandikulam community, with over 30 participants from the international community, including four participants organised through GENOA's network. GENOA worked with Pitchandikulam to acquire funds for the Samatanam (Peace) desk. A significant component of the desk is to work with GENOA and identify the right people from our network (as well as Pitchandikulam's), to come together to create a strong network of synergy, collaboration and support at the EDE. Auroville received the funds in October for the Samatanam Desk. GENOA organised for three people from the GENOA network (Bhutan, Sri Lanka and Bangladesh), to attend the December course as well as one youth from NextGEN Sri Lanka. Ecovillage Transition Asia (ETA), International Network of Engaged Buddhists (INEB), and Wongsanit Ashram are co-hosting the Buddhist Leadership Training (BLT), a 6-month course based on the EDE and Grassroots Leadership Training (GLT), which delves deeper into many topics covered in these courses. The BLT started in September 2016, and will end this coming February, culminating in the EDE Training of Trainers, co-facilitated by Pracha Hutranuwatra, Jane Rasbash and May East (both from Findhorn). An important event that took place in November was the 20-year celebration of the Grassroots Leadership Training (GLT), in Myanmar. The GLT is coordinated by the team at INEB, ETA and the Wongsanit Ashram. During the 20 years of training, many Myanmar nationals from various ethnic backgrounds, religions and disciplines traveled to Thailand for training to understand more deeply what is going on in the world how that is impacting culturally, economically, socially and environmentally both in their communities and the world at large. They came to learn global thinking while at the same time gaining skills and inspiration for local action to start something in their communities that addresses the particular issues that they are facing. The GLT has been extremely successful as there is a strong local movement now that focuses on positive components of a healthy village such as the deep community relationships and core spiritual and cultural values, in order to transition to sustainable eco-communities. GENOA will be publishing a full length article in February 2017. GEN International is supporting the emergence of GEN China. Kosha Anja Joubert, head of GEN International, along with others from GEN, attended the ecovillage conference hosted by Sunshine Ecovillage. Over 300 people attended, with a further 700 streamed online. There is a big opportunity to support the growth of the ecovillage movement in China. The GEN International team also forged many connections at COP22 that are relevant for GENOA, and we are now in the process of following up and connecting these contacts to the GENOA network. GEN Australia incorporated in April 2016, with five core members whocome from four different states in Australia and five different ecovillages. GEN Australia hosted an Intro EDE at Tasman Ecovillage in November 2016 with a great team of facilitators, and profits from the course going to GEN Australia. They hope to host their first GEN Australia conference in Narara Ecovillage in 2017, and will formalize their membership and revenue. GENOA has strong online organizational systems in place, centered on its own intranet site, where the core team members upload updates, information on systems and standard operating procedures related to their areas of responsibility. We also use the intranet site to link to our shared Google Drive where we store files, photos, and other links. GENOA also uses Trello, a task-based application that facilitates the core team to work together and send updates on different tasks. One of GENOA's volunteers reviewed the ecovillage database for GENOA, which includes individuals, communities and organisations. From this update, we were able to see which contacts were current and which were out of date. GENOA is now working on a system to reconnect with those in the database so we can build greater synergy within our region, and also started a volunteer database that currently has more than 50 people registered. GENOA created a regional coordinator position, to help support the new systems and developments, build and maintain relationships with members and participants of GENOA, network within the region, coordinate and support the working pods, liaise with GEN International, and ensure communication systems are functioning. I have been working in this role since June 2016. We had two strategic planning meetings, in India in January, and Thailand in November. In January, we assessed what happened in the previous year, and agreed to shift from organization modes towards network-based thinking and investing, focusing on how we can activate as many local (Asian peer-to-peer) movements this year and in coming years. In the November meeting, we looked holistically at the functional roles of all our pods (working circles), and confirmed coordinators for each one. We decided on the Integration Council with 7 members (pod coordinators) as the primary decision-making body, and outlined the activities that each pod would focus on for 2017, with an overall theme of supporting education-focused emergence convergences, in order to ignite collaboration among the networks in the region. About GENOA GENOA is a network and a network support organization. The network already exists, independent of GENOA, so the main purpose of GENOA is to act as an enabler, connector and bridge. GENOA is a network support organization (NSO), whose role is to support the healthy growth of networking between ecovillages in the Asia Pacific region. GENOA is also a 'virtual Ecovillage' whose community members are the people who step forward to do the work to make the GENOA NSO function. GENOA as an organization is non-hierarchical, as it uses a circular structure to organize and coordinate critical functions.. GENOA uses the mandala to organize its working pods. The pods are: Red "Participation" pod Red represents the root, grounding, substance, building strong social and physical foundation. The functions include – expanding passive and active membership, developing strategies for national level networking, creating research library, and coordinating volunteers. Orange "Shared spaces" pod Orange represents creativity, birthing, relationships, unity between parties and balance of freedom and flow. The functions include creative activities such as graphic design and writing; harvesting stories, sharing stories and organising the GENOA ambassadorship program. Yellow "Office" pod Yellow represents power, energy, valuation, worth, action, evolution, and transmutation. The functions include developing a resource pool such as through fundraising or social enterprise, funds allocation and management, legal and management duties. Green "Gathering" pod Green represents family, community, service, inclusivity and love. The functions include events such as sub-regional and local gatherings, festivals, exchanges, tours, virtual events, annual gatherings and convergences. Blue "Communion" pod Blue represents communications, understanding, expression, essential exchanges. The functions include internal communications between pod facilitators and members; external communications – social media and international Ecovillage network; IT logistics; and protocol & website. Indigo "Learning" pod Indigo represents insight, perception, framework, learning, consciousness, world-view and paradigm. The functions include Ecovillage Design Education, Asia-based training and learning processes, mandala learning laboratory programs. More: genoa.ecovillage.org Filed Under: General Tagged With: Ashram, Findhorn, intentional communities, NextGEN, Oceania & Asia, Youth About Trudy Juriansz Trudy is a key contributor in bridging communities and organisations in Asia and Oceania, activating collaboration across borders and disciplines, and often being the catalyst for various projects and initiatives. She is GEN's Networking Director, works actively in the operations team of the Global Ecovillage Network Oceania & Asia (GENOA) and is in the leadership circle of GEN Australia. Trudy is an accredited trainer in GEN, Gaia Education (Ecovillage Design Education), Analog Forestry (a … Advocacy Africa Annual Report Ashram Auroville Board Conference Consultancy Damanhur Dimensions of Sustainability economy education Europe Findhorn Gambia Ghana gift economy Green Economy Hildur Jackson Award indigenous peoples intentional communities Kibbutz Latin America NextGEN Nigeria North America Oceania & Asia Permaculture Personal stories Report rural development Showcase Ecovillage Social Sunseed Desert Project sustainability Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Sweden Tamera traditional communities Training urban ecovillages Video volunteer Webinar Youth
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The bill, as amended, prohibits a group health benefit plan from imposing a preexisting condition exclusion or any coverage limitations related to a preexisting condition. The bill "doesn't change [protections for] preexisting illnesses, which is good," he said. 1471-5(g)(3)(i)(B) is modified to provide that a participating FFI must treat any preexisting account that is a high-value account as held by a recalcitrant account holder unless the participating FFI has performed the requisite identification procedures and obtained the appropriate documentation by the later of Dec. However, the overall problem of coverage for preexisting conditions remains relatively limited, despite some exaggerated rhetoric used to promote enactment of the ACA. Under the proposal, insurers also are banned from raising premiums based on health status, preexisting conditions, claims history gender, duration of coverage, occupation, or employer size. The HHS analysis found that between 50 million and 129 million people in the United States under age 65 (between 19% and 50% of those in that age group) have some type of preexisting condition. In the study, which involved more than 171,000 pregnant women with preexisting (chronic) hypertension, the rate of adverse fetal outcomes with ongoing pregnancy rose and the rate of neonatal adverse outcomes after labor induction fell in nonlinear fashion between the gestational ages of 36 and 41 weeks. PEDIATRIC NEWS: How important is the ban on preexisting condition exclusions in children, in terms of access to insurance and coverage for treatments? Insurance premiums can skyrocket if the applicant is high risk and the applicant can be denied due to a preexisting health condition. In the draft guidance released in October 2007, FDA recommends drug developers enroll patients with preexisting liver disease in at least Phase III clinical trials, especially if the drug might eventually be used in such patients. Combat this defense during voir dire by securing a commitment from jurors that they will not assess damages based on preexisting conditions. Results showed that all 5 patients treated locally with Aastrom's TRCs, exhibited a statistically significant increase in bone height at the 3-month evaluation point, and the cell graft had started to integrate with the surrounding preexisting bone of the upper jaw by 4 months, with no cell-related adverse events.
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Christie says his family now on board for a 2016 run Published: Jun. 09, 2015, 3:45 p.m. Claude Brodesser-Akner | NJ Advance Media for NJ.com GOFFSTOWN, N.H. — With his wife standing just to his side, Gov. Chris Christie on Tuesday said the decision to run for the White House next year is "only about me now" and that First Lady Mary Pat and his four children are "completely supportive." Christie has long said that the three factors informing his 2016 decision making process were "'Is it right for me?' 'Is it right for my family?' 'Is it right for the country?' -- in that order." Speaking before reporters at the St. Anselm College Institute of Politics in New Hampshire, where he'd just delivered a keynote speech on his take on national security and foreign affairs, Christie seemed to hint that he was down to just one criterion. "This is about me now. You have to decide if this is what you want to do with the next ten years of your life," Christie said. "And so no one should make that decision lightly. I'm on my own time schedule to make that decision." The governor added that his decision-making process "will end this month, and then we'll either be in or we won't." Claude Brodesser-Akner may be reached at cbrodesser@njadvancemedia.com. Follow him on Twitter @claudebrodesser. Find NJ.com Politics on Facebook.
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Culture & Living TWH Features Pagan Community Notes Pagan Voices Uncovering the Past Alan D.D. Clio Ajana Crystal Blanton Storm Faerywolf Jaime Gironés Luke Babb Lyonel Perabo Eric O. Scott Karl E. H. Seigfried Manny Tejeda-Moreno About the Wild Hunt Support The Wild Hunt The Wild Hunt Team The Wild Hunt - Modern Pagan News & Perspectives The Wild Hunt (https://wildhunt.org/tag/philip-heselton) Philip Heselton Book Review: Doreen Valiente Witch By Guest Contributor | January 9, 2016 [Today we welcome guest writer Link with his review of the upcoming Philip Heselton book. A Gardnerian initiate, Link is a member of the Covenant of the Goddess (CoG) and is the US National Coordinator for the Pagan Federation International. The name "Link" is a simple, one-syllable reminder of how all things interconnect. Link's writing focuses on seeing the sacred and magickal side of everyday life, and has been published in many parts of the world since the 1990s. Jobwise, he has worked for several international telecommunications companies in the US, Europe and Latin America, again a lesson in how things connect. He currently lives in Miami Beach.] Review: Doreen Valiente – Witch. Written by Philip Heselton. Pagan Community Notes: Huntsville Alabama, PAEAN Conference, Oberon Zell-Ravenhart, Witches in London and so much more! By The Wild Hunt | September 29, 2014 Pagan Community Notes is a series focused on news originating from within the Pagan community. Reinforcing the idea that what happens to and within our organizations, groups, and events is news, and news-worthy. If you enjoy this series and our other recurring entries, please consider donating to our 2014 Fall Fund Campaign. Your support and donations make it possible for us to keep sharing the news and these important stories with you. Now let's get started! The Interfaith Mission Council (IMS) of Huntsville, Alabama has announced that Wiccan Priest Blake Kirk is scheduled to offer an invocation before the Nov. Gerald Gardner: "Britain's Wicca Man" and "Witchfather" By Jason Pitzl-Waters | February 7, 2012 I have two Gerald Gardner-related news items for you today. First, "Britain's Wicca Man," the first documentary to focus exclusively on this foundational figure within Wicca, now has a trailer out. "Britain's Wicca Man tells the extraordinary story of Britain's fastest growing religious group – Wicca – and of its creator, an eccentric Englishman called Gerald Gardner. Historian and leading expert in Pagan studies, Professor Ronald Hutton, explores the unlikely origins of modern pagan witchcraft and experiences first hand its growing influence throughout Britain today. Gardner's story and the story of Wicca itself is a bizarre one. Support TWH Our COVID-19 information area contains information regarding event cancellations, postponements, and re-imaginings; advice for Pagan faith leaders; a compilation of all TWH articles, interviews, and perspectives related to the coronavirus pandemic of 2020. Click here for more details. Tarot of the Week Deck: The Vision Tarot by Tim Thompson, published by CARTA MUNDI Card: Major arcana XX (20), Judgment (Le Jugement) The week ahead likely will offer resolution or "final outcome" to an ongoing situation, with the potential for a new beginning or fresh start. There is also present the possibility of reward for persistence and hard work. Conversely, possible delays in final reckonings with undercurrents of indecisiveness and mediocrity. Decks generously provided by Asheville Raven & Crone. The Wild Hunt Mission Statement Where Do Your Donations Go? The Wild Hunt Sections Pagan Community News Editorials & Columns © Copyright 2021, The Wild Hunt
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Android 8.0 Oreo is now live for the all models of Huawei P10 variants. Now a day Huawei is busy in releasing the latest Android 8.0 Oreo OS officially, the wait is over and it is time to upgrade your Huawei P10 to Android 8.0 Oreo OS via the official firmware update. This latest update comes with build number VTR-L29C900B311 along with EMUI 8.0. The Android 8.0 Oreo update brings featuring enhanced performance, security, many bug fixes, EMUI 8.0 delivers a smarter experience that lets you get more out of your device. Also, the official update includes Picture in picture mode, completely new settings layout, change font thru themes, use floating button for control your phone, LinkedIn support in Contacts, good battery settings, Google channel in the launcher and much more. Huawei rolled out this official update via OTA (Over-the-Air) so not all users can get the update at the same time. So if you have not received the OTA update and you want to update manually using the update.zip file on your Huawei P10, then you can flash this Android 8.0 Oreo B311 official update by following this simple step by step guide. The B311 Android 8.0 Oreo update is very fast, stable and smoothly run on your device without any problems. This official update comes with tons of new features, changes, and customization. Not necessary but it is better to take the full backup of all your valuable data before proceeding. If you are interested in installing B311 Android 8.0 Oreo Official update on your own Huawei P10 then go ahead and follow the given steps. The Huawei P10 phone should have the stock unrooted firmware installed. Step No 1: – First, download the update file for your Huawei P10 device from the link given above. Done! You have installed the latest Android 8.0 Oreo on your Huawei P10.
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The Embassy Protests: A Week Later Arab Sprung Ali Gharib Updated Jul. 14, 2017 12:32AM ET / Published Sep. 18, 2012 9:15AM ET A week on and none of the big questions have been answered. Much of the coverage honed in on Romney's substance free "No Apologies" criticism and its effect on political polls. There almost seems to have been no crisis halfway around the world about which to wonder: What happened and what does it mean for U.S. foreign policy? Asked this weekend if the embassy protests were about the U.S., The Atlantic's Jeffrey Goldberg answered with an uncharacteristic hippy-ish tone: "It's about everything. The truth is it's about everything. It's unfolding. It will be unfolding for a generation." That seems about right. Looking at a crisis of this geographic breadth—just about the entire Muslim world, in this case—discourages easily identifiable, unifying root causes, but Robert Wright managed to pull together a few. Otherwise things played out locally. In Egypt, conservative Muslim elements harnessed anti-Americanism for political ends, bulling the Muslim Brotherhood along—until Obama intervened. In Yemen, lingering resentment of tepid support for last year's uprising and very-much-ongoing resentment of a U.S. drone strikes there fed the protests. It's not clear anymore (if it ever was) that the attack that claimed four American diplomats' lives in Libya was pre-meditated and merely seized on the protest, part of which seems to have been just a copycat of Egypt. And then there was everywhere else. Perhaps the most useful comparison so far arises from the protests (and destruction) in the Muslim world surrounding the 2005 Danish Mohammad cartoon. Marc Lynch notes the as-yet-unreconstructed Bush foreign policy was in full swing. But things played out differently this time: Last week's sudden eruption began in a similar way, but then took a different path. The initial steps look similar, from the discovery of an obscure media insult to Islam by opportunistic Islamists through the rioting outside Embassies. The rapid outpouring of popular outrage and sensitivity to insults to Islam look very similar as well. But equally interesting is what happened next: apologies and condemnation of the attacks (some more grudging than others) from elected leaders, popular demonstrations in a number of Arab countries against the violence, and widespread pushback in Arab public debates against the attempt to hijack popular anger. Lynch strikes an ultimately cautious, optimistic note: by the end, authorities came out against the protests and even sometimes violently clashed with demonstrators to clear the crowds. "Nobody thought that fundamental political change would be easy, that transitions would proceed without turbulence, or that anti-American feelings had simply vanished," he concludes. "But perhaps the end of the crisis matters more than its beginning." The overall crisis, though, might not see its end for generations. And "everything," as Goldberg put it, is a lot of stuff to hash out. What America should about it not only remains any body's guess, but might not even be in American hands.
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In the August issue of Food Engineering, we reveal our latest Fabulous Food Plant: Seaboard Triumph Foods' pork processing facility in Sioux City, Iowa. There is not a single aspect of the Seaboard Triumph Foods pork processing facility in Sioux City, Iowa, that does not pay attention to detail. Processors can get more out of sensing technology than ever, but only if they do their due diligence. Sensors can help ensure that automated processes are working correctly, provide feedback on production and improve quality control efforts. But food processors have to be sure that they understand what they need to do to get the most out of their sensing technology. Amazon aggregates more than 16 million pieces of customer feedback per week, in more than 40 languages. Western Foods needed a better moisture management system to ensure that quality was up to par while also minimizing waste. We devote a lot of time—and money—to going through the hiring process, then we might end up having to repeat it. The USDA's Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS) has clarified its final rule governing inspection and certification of processed fruits, vegetables, and miscellaneous products regarding Country of Origin Labeling of Packed Honey. The FDA is proposing a revision to the type size labeling requirements for front of package (FOP) calorie declarations for packaged food sold in vending machines. Mondi is expanding its US capability to produce premium flat-bottom bags for food, pet food and home and personal care applications. Ring Container Technologies collaborated with with Ventura Foods on new bottle for Marie's Refrigerated Salad Dressing. After years of being in its famous glass jar, Marie's Refrigerated Salad Dressing now comes in a plastic bottle. "INNO-LOK Pre-Zippered Film literally changed the way zippers are applied to packaging," explains Bob Babich, V.P. of sales and marketing. Bühler's Pasta and Noodles business unit had been hearing from pasta makers facing the dilemma of getting pasta perfect. Sensors helped solve the problem. Dynatrol CL-10GJ CIP Teflon coated bulk solids level switch offers high-, intermediate- or low-level measurement in storage bins or hoppers. The Industrial Magnetics Pneumatic Line Housing 52 MGOe circuit uses a series of 1-in.-diameter, 52 MGOe Rare Earth tubes on staggered centers to ensure that all product has repeated contact with the magnets. Weighing and dosing systems are designed to be used in conjunction with Volkmann's VS and PPC series of vacuum conveyors. Stedman multi-row cage mills pulverize, grind, crush and/or mix wet, sticky or dry abrasive materials. The Munson rotary batch mixer model 700-TH-140-SS with integral spray line is designed for uniform distribution of liquid additions to dry bulk solids in trace amounts to large volumes. Farr Gold series industrial dust collectors are built from 3-foot-6 square modules that can be combined in different configurations based on the specific work environment. Bulk bag unloaders and handling systems are dust-free. System includes bag-closure cinch bars that completely seal off bag spout for untying/retying. Stand-alone dust collector removes airborne dust from upstream processes and discharges it into containers positioned below the collection hopper. The Bühler SORTEX FA1 optical sorter is a compact optical sorter designed to be the final quality check in fruit and packaging vegetable lines. Container discharger accepts a container of material loaded at floor level and discharges contents into an existing hopper. "Zero Lift" bulk bag filling system is designed for contained filling and batching of dry powder materials from a process to a bulk bag, super sack or FIBC. Hygienic round top removal filter is 3-A approved and designed for applications where dust collection is needed in low-capacity pneumatic conveying systems. Model 905-14 feeder is designed to meter strand-type materials that contain small amounts of moisture such as fiberglass. Duplex packaging system combines a Spee-Dee auger filler and a vertical bagger from Bosch to produce up to 300 coffee bags per minute. The Bimba CRVT collaborative robot vacuum tool offers a plug-and-play end effector option for collaborative robots. Yaskawa Motoman GP-series robots offer acceleration/deceleration control for all robot positions. The Fluke 3561 FC wireless vibration sensor remotely captures simple vibration screening data on imbalance and misalignment. The Frick low charge central refrigeration system has a total system ammonia charge of approximately 1 1/2 to 3 lb. per ton of refrigeration. Used for shrinking tamper-evident seals to secure the lids onto clear tubs and trays, the PDC KRC 18-46-144 shrink tunnel has a 14-in. opening. Featuring a rotor-shaft attachment for accurate rotor positioning and backlash-free connections, the Johnson Pump TopLobe Plus Series hygienic rotary lobe pump offers low shear for high- and low-viscosity products. Designed for incidental food contact, Klüberfood NH1 74-401 synthetic grease is suitable for long lubrication intervals. The Hollymatic self-feeding Model R2200 table top forming and portioning machine is built for small- to high-volume food processors. Designed for the beverage can industry, iwis pin oven chains have a standard protective head made from PEEK that is heatproof up to 260°C and is resistant to a variety of chemicals. The ABB OmniCore robot controller supports 24/7 production of high-mix, low-volume products in shorter product cycles. The EXAIR CE-compliant 2 ½- and 3-in. Heavy Duty Line Vac inline conveyor transports high volumes of material through an ordinary hose or tube. Formulated for soak and recirculation cleaning, Madison Chemical non-foaming MadBrew CAUSTIC-NP alkaline detergent penetrates hot-side brewery residuals. Using planetary stirring action to impart high shear to tough-to-mix applications with low flowability, Ross PowerMix Model PDM-10 units employ interchangeable mix vessels. Compliant with the NFPA Standard 86 for ovens and furnaces, the FCI FS10i flow switch/monitor includes the SIL 2 rating for safety instrumented systems. Communicating through EtherCAT, the Omron i4 SCARA robot enables synchronization with other automation devices. Using an external heat exchanger, the Heat and Control BPF breaded product fryer heats oil that is continuously circulated through the fryer and filter. The Tompkins Robotics t-Sort material handling sortation system uses 15-in. wide, completely independent robots for unit and parcel sortation.
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Tag Archives: Suspense Tangled Up in Hitchcock Posted on February 14, 2018 by Reps Admin The Hitchcockian Nudge; or, An Aesthetics of Deception by Rey Chow and Markos Hadjioannou Alfred Hitchcock's work is, in our view, antithetical to the idea of fallacy, if we understand by fallacy an error committed against a logical mode of validity, an error that needs to be corrected. How this antithesis plays itself out is consistently fascinating. Indeed, it is deception, the state of mind most readily associated with fallacy, that Hitchcock's cinema loves to portray. In film after film, the condition of being taken in, of mis-taking a situation for what it actually is, constitutes the mise-en-scène not only in the classical, theatrical sense of a setting for the story but also, more critically, in the metaphysical sense of a dynamic play of terrifying forces, the resolution of which (if there is one) often strikes us as conventional, perfunctory, and inadequate. How Hitchcock constructs and furbishes such mise-en-scènes is the focus of the present essay. Specifically, we will examine how he dramatizes deception as a trajectory of the fallacious—that is, as a scenario with its own logics that are played out within the setting of modern Western society. To begin with, Hitchcock's films are full of references to institutions that specialize in the verification of evidence. Populated by police officers, private detectives, lawyers, judges, and medical doctors (in particular psychiatrists), his work demonstrates time and again the investments in law and order as imposed by what Michel Foucault calls disciplinary society, in which private citizens' behavior—mental and psychological as well as physical—is regulated by an enforcement machinery dedicated to finding them guilty. If law and order rely for their functioning on an implicit notion of human error, so to speak, with crime being the most typical manifestation of such error in a secularized context, it could be argued that fallacy does, in a cynical way, play a big role in Hitchcock. In so far as the professionals specializing in rectifying such error are constantly made fun of, their incompetence a woeful match for the intricate ramifications of the error involved, an institutional attempt to handle fallacy (by way of law, policing, or medicine), Hitchcock suggests, can only lead to the perpetuation of the status quo—what we now call normativization—rather than to the truth. Think of the psychiatrist who proudly offers a scientific explanation for Norman Bates's personality at the end of Psycho (1960); the judges who absolve Gavin Elster, the mastermind of the crime of his wife's murder, and the doctor who prescribes Mozart for Scottie in his traumatized state in Vertigo (1958); the police, legal officers, and gynecologist whose findings collectively block the truth of Rebecca's death from surfacing in Rebecca (1940); or the capitalist Mark Rutland's self-righteous, pop-psych analysis of his wife Marnie's kleptomania, frigidity, and strained relationship with her mother in Marnie (1964). Such systemic misses, or disjunctures, abound in Hitchcock's stories, as if to call attention to the consistent failure of precisely those functionaries who serve as the guardians of modern Western society's self-validating logic, who stand in, as it were, for its punitive superego. The heart of Hitchcock's work, then, lies rather in the gap between modern Western society's ordinary actors—their habits, desires, beliefs, secrets, and fantasies—on the one hand, and the collective procedures, in various forms of the superego, that are devised to catch and trap them, on the other. That human behavior, especially its errors, is always in excess of these procedures of capture, that there is always a slippage between their actions as such and the so-called objective (or superegoistic) rendering of such actions: this shadowy, messy core of Hitchcock's cinema is what Pascal Bonitzer means by "Hitchcockian suspense," which, according to Bonitzer, differs from the more mechanical varieties of suspense commonly found in thrillers. "Hitchcock would appear to have 'hollowed out' [the classic thrill of] the cinematic chase that he had inherited from Griffith, much as Mallarmé claimed to have 'hollowed out' Baudelaire's verse," writes Bonitzer. Instead, the classic "chase" is now staged in the form of a steadily expanding contamination or stain: Hitchcockian narrative obeys the law that the more a situation is somewhat a priori, familiar or conventional, the more it is liable to become disturbing or uncanny, once one of its constituent elements begins to "turn against the wind." Scenario and staging consist merely in constructing a natural landscape with its perverse element, and in then charting the outcome. Suspense, by contrast with the accelerated editing of races and chases, depends upon the emphasis which the staging places upon the progressive contamination, the progressive or sudden perversion of the original landscape. . . . The film's movement invariably proceeds from landscape to stain. Importantly, Bonitzer points to the distinctive nature of Hitchcock's configuration of suspense. Suspense in Hitchcock's universe, that is, does not follow from a narrative of linear acceleration that moves rapidly toward an end to the drama. Instead, Hitchcockian suspense arises from a contamination that progresses steadily in its perverse relationship to the world from within which it grows and to which it belongs. Hitchcock's films do not so much raise the formulaic question of "whodunit" as confront us with large philosophical questions—of why one commits crimes, of the actual motive and purpose behind a particular crime, and, in particular, of the paradoxical forces of binding that bring into focus unexpected or inexplicable alliances, partnerships, love affairs, symmetries, and couplings (for instance, Uncle Charlie and little Charlie in Shadow of a Doubt [1943], Brandon and Philip in Rope [1948], and Melanie Daniels and the various birds in The Birds [1964]). This is a suspense that suspends normality by letting the latter's perverse underpinnings unravel alongside it, the way a stain seeps through its surrounding material. As it spreads out, the stain brings to the fore erroneous elements that cannot be simply corrected and irrational elements that cannot be easily explained—in short, fallacies that contaminate concurrently with the very act of logical deduction or construction. Continue reading … This article considers Alfred Hitchcock's work in relation to the connotations of "fallacy" within conventional settings of modern Western society. Focusing on two films, Strangers on a Train (1951) and Rear Window (1954), we point to the phenomenon of the incidental push that leads toward an inextricable entanglement of characters, events, and psychic forces in what appear to be logical courses of action. We name this push "the Hitchcockian nudge." REY CHOW is Anne Firor Scott Professor of Literature at Duke University. The author of numerous influential monographs, she is also the coeditor, with James A. Steintrager, of the anthology Sound Objects, forthcoming from Duke University Press. MARKOS HADJIOANNOU is Assistant Professor of Literature and of the Arts of the Moving Image at Duke University. He is the author of From Light to Byte: Toward an Ethics of Digital Cinema (2012) and of a number of essays on cinema technologies and aesthetics. Posted in Essays | Tagged Fallacy, film, Hitchcock, Suspense
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Thomas Chalmers Harbaugh (January 13, 1849October 28, 1924) was an American poet and novelist. Biography He was born on January 13, 1849, in Middletown, Maryland. When he was two years old, his family moved to Casstown, Ohio, where he was educated in local schools. He thereafter he worked for his father, a house painter. In 1867 began to devote his time to writing, mainly of short stories and serials for dime novels. He was one of the authors of the Nick Carter Detective Stories. He wrote from 300 to 600 thrillers, at the rate of one a week, with pen; later, in the days of the typewriter, he sometimes bettered his speed. He died penniless in the Miami County Poor House, Ohio on October 28, 1924. Legacy He is known for the sentimental poem "Trouble in the Amen Corner". Some of its verses have been turned into a song, which has been recorded several times with commercial success. References External links Thomas Chalmer Harbaugh's poem "Trouble in the Amen Corner" recited by Efrain Gomez 19th-century American novelists Novelists from Maryland Novelists from Ohio People from Frederick County, Maryland People from Miami County, Ohio 1849 births 1924 deaths 19th-century American poets American male novelists American male poets 19th-century American male writers Dime novelists
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaWikipedia" }
He is the cheeky amiable TV host that everyone loves, but Dermot O'Leary has decided to add men's grooming to his extensive repertoire. The popular TV presenter has created the 24.hr Grooming for Men by Dermot O'Leary range, in collaboration with Marks & Spencer. Despite Dermot's superstar status, he has kept his products affordable and they range from £5 to £15. They include a Hair & Body Wash and a Face Scrub. Dermot debuted his range at Marks & Spencer where he described the collection as containing 'six hero products'. The range starts off with a Hair & Body Wash for £5 that is designed to be used on both your hair and body and leaves your body soft and your hair conditioned. There's a Face Wash for £6 which leaves your face refreshed without drying out and ready to face the day. The Face Scrub costs £7.50 and deep cleans and revitalises your skin as it exfoliates, clears pores, removes excess oil and prepares your skin for shaving. The Overnight Recovery Cream is also priced at £15 and is designed to work its magic at night, repairing tired skin. Wake up to revitalised skin that looks rested and healthier with reduced wrinkles. The Eye Roller is priced at £10 and instantly revives tired eyes by brightening up the skin under the eyes and soothing the delicate skin that surrounds it. There were some complaints however, as one of the criticisms was directed to the lack of UV protection in the All In One day Cream, whilst other negative feedback focused on the inclusion of sulphates in the Hand & Body Wash. Overall the response has been mainly positive with all the products suitable for vegetarians and talk of gift sets and fragrances available around Christmas. Dermot O'Leary's 24.hr Grooming Range is available here.
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In late August, I spent an afternoon with Barbara Gross of Cooper Mountain Vineyards, a small family-owned winery just outside of Portland. Barbara's parents started the company in 1978 with a few Pinot Noir and Chardonnay vines, and today Cooper Mountain Vineyards farms over 100 acres and produces 5 varietals (wines made primarily from one specific type of grape, like a Merlot or a Chardonnay) from their organically-grown, biodynamically-farmed vines. They also use limited quantities of their biodynamic grape harvest to produce Barrel Aged Balsamic Vinegar on-site. Biodynamic agriculture is fascinating – it's rooted in ideas from 18th century philosopher Rudolph Steiner, and the basic premise is to look at the farm as a whole, closed circuit. The farm, Barbara explained as we walked through the vineyard, is its own ecosystem. What you do to one element – the soil, for example – affects all of the other pieces. At Cooper Mountain Vineyards, they make farm decisions based on what will benefit the entire vineyard ecosystem – and as a result, they've seen success in managing their vines with holistic, homeopathic methods (rather than pesticide use). In encouraging the farmer to make her farm completely self-sufficient, biodynamic agriculture also places great emphasis on sustainable practices. (PS – If you ever want to hear a really beautiful explanation of biodynamic farming, stop into the Cooper Mountain Vineyards Tasting Room and ask them to tell you their story. You can also learn more about biodynamic farm practices here or here). Despite the allure of biodynamic farming, it's not what you might call "widespread" – only a handful of wineries in the region practice it. But Barbara and the Cooper Mountain team believe a natural, organic approach is well worth it (and their wine speaks for itself). Freshly picked grapes fermenting away at the Cooper Mountain on-site winemaking facility. Too much or too little rain, weather fluctuations, and a variety of other issues can all have a severe impact on the quality of the season's grapes. Oregon vineyards are known for Pinot Noir, but pinot grapes are particularly susceptible to weather (and bad grapes can't be fixed in the production process), so the winemakers tend to be much more concerned with quality than they are with quantity. This quality control is very scientific. At Cooper Mountain, they test their grapes daily to measure sugar content and pH (acidity) levels. When the readings are just right, the grapes are ready for harvest. And when the grapes are ready, you pick them – no matter how early in the year it is. The flavor of a grape depends on a few different factors. Much of the grapes' flavor is actually created by stressing the vines. More stress, said Barbara, pushes more nutrients into the grapes (this is one of the reasons why vineyards are generally on hillsides where the water runs down and away from the roots). The "magic" piece, though, is the grape's skin. The longer they can let those grapes hang, Barbara told me, the more flavor the skins will develop. Each cup was filled with juice from vineyard grapes, and each was labeled with the exact part of the vineyard those grapes came from. Barbara poured me a taste of grape juice from two different plots on the same hillside – within feet of each other, she told me as she looked at the labels – and they tasted completely different. One was rich and sweet, the other lighter and much more tart. If I hadn't been standing there staring at those labels myself, I wouldn't have believed those grapes were from the same vineyard. It's amazing what a difference a few feet (or a little bit of moisture, or a tiny change in temperature, or a difference in soil) can make – and it's incredible how talented winemakers manage to blend such different flavors into wine that's so cohesive and consistent. A huge thank you to Barbara at Cooper Mountain Vineyards for showing me around your vineyards and for supporting sustainable food systems! If you're interested in trying some of Cooper Mountain Vineyards' biodynamic wines for yourself, you can find them at select Whole Foods or click here to order directly through their website.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Although Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis (JIA) had been described in England by Frederick Still, a paediatrician at Great Ormond St Hospital, in 1896 it wasn't until 1946 that a specialised centre for the study of Juvenile Rheumatism was established at the Canadian Red Cross Memorial Hospital in Taplow, Berkshire. Professor Eric Bywaters, who was working at the Royal Postgraduate Hammersmith Hospital in London at the time, was invited to form a unit for research into the causes and treatment of Rheumatic Fever, which was in the immediate post war years a prevalent and serious illness. He gathered an experienced team of doctors and research scientists from all over the UK and was soon joined by Dr Barbara Ansell. Together, in a very short time, they established 'Taplow' as it was known, as the World Centre of Excellence. Within a very few years Rheumatic Fever more or less disappeared, because of the improved nutrition and hygiene of the population and because the bacterium, which caused the illness, became much less virulent. So, they turned their attention to children with, what was then called, Still's Disease. It was Barbara Ansell who first recognised that the different patterns of disease had differing courses and outcomes and needed, to some extent, different treatments. Between the opening of the Unit in 1946 and its closure in 1985 valuable research into the causes, pathology evolution and outcomes of the various patterns of JIA (as it was later renamed in the 1980s) continued.Doctors from all over the world came to learn and contribute and the Medical Team expanded to include ophthalmologists, orthopaedic surgeons and a child psychiatrist. But what did all this mean to the child with JIA and his or her parents? The majority of children with JIA were then, as now, looked after at home by their parents, though with frequent outpatient visits to Taplow and to their local hospital paediatrician and physiotherapist. Many, however, would have attended a "School for the Physically Handicapped" rather than the local school round the corner. A significant number did, however, require inpatient treatment at Taplow and their stay was usually measured in months and sometimes years, rather than days. What was child's daily routine like? Pretty busy! Immediately after breakfast came the exercise class in the gym; followed by one-on-one physiotherapy to stretch joints, prevent loss of range and deformity of the joints and to maintain muscle function. After juice and a biscuit it was off to school, then lunch, then a rest on his or her bed, during which the children lay on their tummies to prevent fixed flexion at the hip and their hips from losing range. After a rest it was back to school again and after that the favourite of the day, the hydrotherapy session in the pool. All the children loved the hydro pool. The warm water relaxed painful muscle spasm and they were able to move well. After formal exercises there was 'free play' that, whenever I watched, seemed to consist of a combined effort to duck the physio! After their evening meal the younger children were helped to prepare for bed. All would wear splints at night, of various sorts, most commonly on knees and wrists, to prevent joints flexing and losing range of movement while sleeping. The older ones did their homework, followed by some "me time" in the PHAB (Physically Handicapped Able Bodied) Club where they were joined by able bodied children from the local town. They played games, snooker was a favourite, or just chilled out. There were trips to the local theatre and cinema in the Unit's minibus too and visitors were welcomed. It was a very special day when the Canadian Mounties arrived on horseback. Although the children were well cared for and busy and most seemed content, Taplow could never be home for them. In the early days there were very few drugs available for children. Aspirin and corticosteroids were the only dugs regularly used, and the two major side effects of steroids, growth suppression and osteoporotic fracture, were permanent. A common cause of admission was to gradually reduce the dose of steroid the child was taking and it took months to gradually lower the dose to a minimum. In the early 1970s the non-steroidal anti-inflammatories such as indomethacin, naproxen and ibuprofen became available, but it wasn't until the Disease Modifying Drug, methotrexate, was introduced in the 1980s that true suppression of the disease was established. Some children in the wards required surgery and in the 1960s the orthopaedic surgeon George Arden began to replace severely damaged hip joints in children under sixteen who had become wheelchair bound. He was succeeded by Malcolm Swann who performed knee and ankle replacements when necessary. In the 1970s surgery on the hand, wrist and small hand joint replacements was introduced by the plastic surgeon Stewart Harrison and continued by David Evans. Regular eye checks were performed to detect the silent eye inflammation, uveitis, by the opthalmologist Jack Kanski, a small number of children requiring surgery to maintain vision. Despite all the difficulties and pain the children endured and the fact that a large minority had some significant disability in later life, the majority reached an educational standard higher than the national average, earned a living in a job which satisfied them, and many married, had families, and most enjoyed a fulfilling social life. As Taplow closed in 1985 and Methotrexate was being introduced a new transforming era began. The emphasis of treatment shifted from the physical - physiotherapy and hydrotherapy, splinting and surgery - to a drug based regimen. The disease is now very well controlled in the majority and children are growing normally, free from deformity and functioning well.
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{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
The Bench Mob The students' perspective on Villanova Sports. About/Contact Info State of the Nova Nation Home › Basketball › Game Preview: N.J.I.T. Highlanders Josh Hart Drafted 30th Overall by the Los Angeles Lakers Top-Seeded 'Cats Fall to Badgers in the Round of 32 NCAA Tournament Preview: #8 Wisconsin Badgers Wildcats Survive First Half Scare From Mount St. Mary's NCAA Tournament Preview: #16 Mount St. Mary's Mountaineers Game Preview: N.J.I.T. Highlanders By Eugene Rapay • December 22, 2014 -Rick Osentoski/USA Today Sports #7 Villanova Wildcats (11-0) vs. N.J.I.T. Highlanders (5-7) When: Tuesday, December 23, 2014, at 7 p.m. Where: The Pavilion Coverage: Fox Sports 1 N.J.I.T.'s Previous Season Record: 13-16 Key Players for N.J.I.T.: #0 Ky Howard (6-3, 185) Jr., G; #11 Winfield Willis (6-0, 180) Jr., G; #5 Damon Lynn (5-11, 165) So., G Scouting Report: N.J.I.T. turned a lot of heads when they upset then-ranked #17 Michigan Wolverines. It was the first time in the program's eight year history that they faced a top 25 team. Not only did they face a ranked opponent, but they also beat them in their first try. Since beating the Wolverines, the Highlanders are 2-2. They're entering Tuesday night's game with a win over Central Connecticut State. N.J.I.T. is driven by strong sophomore and junior classes. The Highlanders get the job done using a guard-heavy lineup. Damon Lynn may not be the biggest or the strongest, standing at 5'10" and 165 pounds. However, he is extremely athletic and a fine perimeter shooter. Last season, as a freshman, he led the team in scoring. This year, he's doing more of the same. Lynn averages 17.5 points per game and serves as the offensive catalyst for the Highlanders. He's pretty shifty and quick when he drives to the basket, but most of his points come from the perimeter. In fact, he prefers to take almost 66% of his shots from three point range. The sophomore guard is adept at shooting from long range, making nearly 40% of his attempts. Lynn does not flinch with a defender's hand in his face. If the threes are falling for him, opposing teams are in for a tough game. Another guard that is of great importance to the Highlanders is Winfield Willis. Willis is the third highest scorer on the team with 10.2 points per game. After Lynn, he is the secondary threat from long range. While he has not taken half the shots that Lynn has, he is slightly more efficient in taking shots. He's shooting 43.5% overall this season, but takes the backseat to Lynn when it comes to three point shooting (34.0% versus 39.4%). Willis started receiving starting duties last season, his first year at N.J.I.T. Rounding up the trifecta of guards that play a huge role for the Highlanders, is Ky Howard. Howard is one of the more seasoned players on the team, starting ever since his freshman year. Two years ago, when these two teams last met, Howard finished with three points, eight rebounds, and eight assists. He does a little of everything for the Highlanders. He can score, grab rebounds, and set his teammates up with good shot opportunities. Howard averages 13.2 points per game, with team-highs in rebounding (6.3) and assists (3.8). Unlike Lynn and Willis, Howard prefers the nitty gritty; he loves to slash and drive his way to the basket. Ky's brother, Ashley Howard, is an assistant coach for the Wildcats. Ashley Howard joined Jay Wright's staff in June 2013. N.J.I.T.'s front court isn't too impressive. Only two players on their whole roster are 6'6″ or taller, Daquan Holiday (6'8″) and Vlad Shustov (6'10"). However, the towering Shustov doesn't see much playing time. Holiday is in the starting rotation, but is frequently in foul trouble. The lack of depth in the front court is a problem that the Highlanders don't seem to have a real solution for. Outlook: N.J.I.T. was once seen as a stocking stuffer game. After seeing what happened to Michigan in their own arena, there seems to be something more to these Highlanders after all. The Wolverines lost because they let N.J.I.T. get their way on the three point line. Damon Lynn is good at shooting from long range. If he can find a rhythm, he will be tough to stop. Their whole offense runs through him, he should be a focal point of the Wildcats' defense. They should force N.J.I.T. to try to beat them through other means. Fortunately for the Wildcats, their press should cause lots of problems for Lynn and Howard. Together, they each average 3.5 turnovers per game. Ryan Arcidiacono and Dylan Ennis played well defensively, and will pressure their guards immensely. While they were quiet in the previous game against Syracuse, they should look to get back on track tomorrow night. The Highlanders' strengths clearly lie within the back court. On the other hand, the front court is not too impressive. The lack of size and depth in the area should allow Big East Player of the Week JayVaughn Pinkston and Daniel Ochefu to have a field day inside. Darrun Hilliard is listed as questionable going into tomorrow's game, if he's out expect Josh Hart or Kris Jenkins to fill in. With the way that Hart has been playing so far, I'm expecting him to get the nod over Jenkins. Tagged as: Ashley Howard, Big East, Daniel Ochefu, Darrun Hilliard, Dylan Ennis, Eugene Rapay, Game Preview, Jay Wright, JayVaughn Pinkston, Josh Hart, Kris Jenkins, N.J.I.T. Highlanders, Ryan Arcidiacono, Villanova Wildcats, Villanova Wildcats men's basketball « Déjà Vu: Villanova Downs Syracuse in OT at Wells Fargo Center Villanova Downs N.J.I.T., Undefeated for Out of Conference Schedule » Eugene Rapay '16 created "The Bench Mob" in November 2013. He joined the Villanova Times in 2012 as a writer. A Westchester, NY native, who will bring top quality coverage of all things Villanova sports. Archives Select Month October 2017 (1) June 2017 (1) March 2017 (25) February 2017 (11) January 2017 (21) December 2016 (26) November 2016 (33) October 2016 (10) September 2016 (11) July 2016 (1) June 2016 (8) April 2016 (6) March 2016 (23) February 2016 (22) January 2016 (33) December 2015 (35) November 2015 (52) October 2015 (4) September 2015 (15) July 2015 (5) June 2015 (8) April 2015 (2) March 2015 (29) February 2015 (13) January 2015 (23) December 2014 (18) November 2014 (31) October 2014 (12) September 2014 (5) August 2014 (4) June 2014 (3) May 2014 (3) April 2014 (9) March 2014 (31) February 2014 (23) January 2014 (14) December 2013 (15) November 2013 (20)
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
The talent around the table How one club boosted membership and enthusiasm When past District 5360 governors Mike French and Steve Rickard were looking for a strong leader for the Rotary Club of Calgary West, Alta., in challenging times, they turned to Tony Knight. Club membership had been gradually declining, and energy was flagging. In short order, he proved their judgment had been correct. In 18 months, starting when Knight became president in 2014, the club added 25 members and was re-energized. He was recently appointed district membership director. Tony Knight The Rotarian: Calgary West has seen a remarkable increase in membership, for which you are receiving praise. What did you do? Knight: Before my term began, I called every one of our members. Those conversations were fantastic. I had people in tears, people who were angry. I also called the district governor and specifically asked about the Rotary rules. I like breaking rules that hold people back. I started a group that totally ignored Rotary rules – what we call our Calgary West satellite group. Millennials, we have about 50 of them. A few have become club members. They like to volunteer for projects, but they don't want to come to lunch every Friday. They're trying to hold down jobs. They can't disappear for two hours during the day. Rotary is steeped in tradition. Some of it is fantastic, but we need to be more adaptive to move forward with the times. TR: What were the biggest changes you made? Knight: I changed the location of our meetings. I told my membership during the first month we were moving to a brand new hotel on indigenous land for one month. After two meetings, people wanted to stay at the new location. We also broke the club down into four teams. Once every second month, we'd have team meetings at four different tables. TR: We understand you've initiated a partnership project with the Bethany Care Society, a senior care facility, and other Rotary clubs in Calgary. Knight: I reached out to the other Calgary clubs to raise funds for an atrium within a Bethany care facility for patients with dementia. Rotary is building a covered garden that will be the heart of the facility, an area where people with dementia can walk around in peace, where their families could visit them, where Rotarians and our satellite kids could volunteer. We're hoping to build atriums in other care facilities in the district. TR: What advice do you have for other Rotary clubs to increase membership? Knight: Focus on what you can do to make your meetings more exciting. Make sure you have a good venue with a good meal at minimal cost, convenient location, easy parking. Invite really good speakers. Try different things. Try to make things fun. But you want to provide some really stimulating stuff. When you can laugh and cry at the same time, it's really good! –Paul Engleman • Has your club adopted any new membership strategies as a result of last April's Council on Legislation resolutions? Tell us your stories. Email rotarian@rotary.org, with "COL membership strategies" in the subject line.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
Amare (Den Haag), een cultuurcomplex in Den Haag Amare (vliegtuig), een vliegtuig van Brussels Airlines Amare (dj), internationale DJ en muziekproducer, woonachtig te Brussel, met regelmatige optredens op Tomorrowland en andere grote festivals
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaWikipedia" }
Decision Making and Director Comey: What Difference Does it Make? When we make decision we use a process that can be clearly defined and articulated. First we make a decision statement regarding what it is we want to decide. An example would be buying a new car. Now that we know what it is we want to decide we can outline objectives such as reliability, cost, etc. After clarifying our objectives we can look at alternatives such as make of vehicles that meet our objectives. We can further classify our objectives as required and desirable. If it must be blue that is a required objective and this rejects any other colored vehicles we could look at. A desired feature might be air conditioning although we could decide it is not something we would necessarily need although it might be nice. After considering the objectives and the alternatives we further consider the adverse consequences of our tentative choice and make a final decision based on our determination of the risks versus the rewards. This pattern of decision making can be found in "The Rational Manager" by Kepner -Tregoe. Now if we apply this process to the Comey decision to not make a recommendation of indictment of Hillary Clinton we see why the decision is so confusing given the outline of untruths Mrs.Clinton fabricated. We begin with a decision statement. In this case the decision will be whether or not to indict Mrs.Clinton on her handling of emails. The objectives required include obtaining the facts of the case . To clarify these objectives we need document review, interviews and testimony. Next we look at the alternatives and what best fits the findings ( objectives ). If we find there is careless disregard for national security we must look at the statutes and see if there is a match to the discovered action. In Director Comey's determination an objective had to include an intent to perform criminal activity. Evidently from his presentation this element was not found and therefore he decided he could not recommend indictment. HIs required element was intent and since it was not found there was no reason in his mind to recommend indictment. The word intent is defined as "resolved or determined to do something". In this case the "do something" is further defined as something criminal. So Director Comey could not find any evidence of criminal intent. The question arises, if you do something that potentially violates the security of the nation is that a criminal act? Is this not what these security laws are written for? Additionally if you simply ignore protocol for convenience is this not an intension to defraud? Intent has to be observed unless the perpetrator confesses their intent. A person who robs a bank shows his intent by his actions. A persons who embezzles shows his intent by the missing funds that he deposits in his account. A person who endangers national security shows their intent by either carelessness or incompetence. You would not put a security guard in a position to protect anything if they were either careless or incompetent. If the security guard violated the requirements of his job you would replace him with a person who was more qualified. In politics, the voters necessarily are the final judges as favoritism and fear of job loss /repercussions enters the picture. No President without any knowledge of a candidate's legal status would willingly campaign for a person who was under investigation and was to receive an exposure of possible indictment without either knowing what would be recommended or just simply didn't give a damn.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Biden's "Quid Pro Quo" Call With Former Ukraine President Released by Matt PalumboPosted: May 19, 2020 Never forget that it was President Donald Trump's interest in alleged wrongdoing of Joe Biden and Hunter Biden in Ukraine that sparked the entire impeachment witch hunt Democrats were looking for an excuse to execute. Democrats didn't care about any potential wrongdoing on the part of the Bidens – they cared that Trump inquired about it. Their case rested on an alleged "quid pro quo" between Trump and Ukraine's President, which Ukraine's President himself denied on multiple occasions. That quid pro quo remains unproven, but a certain "quid pro Joe" isn't just speculation. As reported by Breaking911: Ukrainian parliament member Andrii Derkach has released audio recordings purportedly revealing private conversations between former Ukraine President Petro Poroshenko and former U.S. Vice President Joe Biden. In the audio posted to YouTube, the two discuss then-prosecutor Viktor Shokin's resignation in exchange for $1 Billion in U.S. loan guarantees, as previously admitted by Joe Biden in a public interview (below). At the time, Shokin was probing Burisma, a Ukrainian energy company that employed Hunter Biden, the Vice President's son, to sit on its board. In the audio, Poroshenko admits there was no evidence of wrongdoing by Prosecutor Shokin—but Biden insisted he be fired. "And I'm a man of my word," Biden says. "And now that the new Prosecutor General is in place, we're ready to move forward to signing that one billion dollar loan guarantee." Listen to the full conversation below. Note that as of writing, Breaking911 has not confirmed the audio's authenticity. California City Declares Itself a "Sanctuary City" From Lockdown China Locks Down Region of 100 Million People
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
Corporate credit unions Factors Leading To Corp Failures Began Long Before Mortgage Collapse July 19, 2010, 9:08 a.m. EDT 2 Min Read NEW YORK-The collapse of the housing market bubble is largely credited with creating most of the losses corporate credit unions, and their natural-person CU investors, have reported. But one person said the problem goes back much further and is the result of a near "perfect storm" for credit unions. Peter Duffy, managing director at Sandler O'Neill & Partners, pointed to the evolution in CUs from being primarily SEG-based to being community based occurring at nearly the same time the Glass-Steagall Act was repealed. This confluence created "gross imbalance of supply and demand" in the marketplace, said Duffy, increasing the cost of capturing deposits, lowered rates on loans, and forced lenders to look to investments to alleviate margin pressures. "While that occurred, the lawmakers began to put pressure on the whole system that they had to get more people into homes and make credit more available. That created the credit bubble of the ages," said Duffy. At the same time, CUs were shopping for greater returns on their investments, which "put pressure on the corporates to match the yield the credit unions were seeing from the broker/dealers. They began to stretch for yield in the investment portfolios and at the same time, the regulator gave corporates open field of memberships. "It a was nefarious, almost perfect storm," Duffy concluded. Corporates began to see the losses mount in late 2006, when they in total reported unrealized losses of $23 million. By the end of 2007, that number had swelled to $3.1 billion, Duffy pointed out, even as corporates were asking for and receiving $500-million in capital from natural-person CUs. Problems came to a head as corporates were caught off-guard when typically rock-solid securities proved to be anything but. Most corporate CUs, and nearly all credit unions that had invested in them, had not questioned investments' underlying credit risk, Duffy contended. "It was practically a recipe for disaster. Many of us who relied on the rating agencies have learned, very painfully, that you can't." While NCUA's proposed rule changes will likely force natural-person institutions to look to new or additional broker/dealer relationships, Duffy believes the entire CU community needs to solve a bigger problem. Large, natural-person CUs that brought their investment dollars to corporates in an effort to "support the movement," Duffy argued, were actually helping along its demise by bending the curve in favor of risk as corporates competed nationwide to offer the best yield and lowest cost of services. "The movement has not dealt with the cleavage that is in this system," he said. "Credit unions have evolved differently; some really care about the MBL, many don't. Some care about getting secondary capital, many don't. Some need a corporate, many don't. The system hasn't really dealt with the fact that large credit unions don't really need the corporates and arguably didn't need them [before the crisis] and should have been buying from the Street to support the little guy." Wells Fargo pledges to cut $8 billion in overhead. Is it enough? CEO Charlie Scharf's long-awaited expense-reduction plan got a chilly reception from investors. By Kevin Wack Chatbot lessons, automated PPP, cross-border M&A: Top stories of the week South African bank's approach to chatbots offers lessons for U.S. players; small lenders embrace automation for latest PPP round; flush with capital, Canadian banks eye U.S. acquisitions; and more from this week's most-read stories. Credit union regulator outlines 2021 supervisory priorities Cybersecurity remains a priority along with CARES Act compliance, flexibility for borrowers impacted by the pandemic and more. By Ken McCarthy
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
Prembox.com Reviews | Prembox.com Premium Key Paypal Reseller. It's a very straightforward and honest site. All the prices and statuses are updated and presented clearly, right up-front on the main filehost activity page (where downloaders spend 95% of their time). Every other multihost either A) keeps that info on an inconveniently inaccessible, dedicated status page that you have to go out of your way to find — and once you've found it, you've broken your rhythm and forgotten what you were doing in the first place; or B) present this information in an unreadable tiny grid of multicolored icons located at the bottom of the page, most of which icon patterns have no relationship to the filehost logo they allegedly represent and none of which provide useful information in any way (hello debrideurs!) The site is easy for a beginner to get started with yet reasonably deep in terms of optional functions and tweaks for an expert to feel at home with. Even better, it runs very quickly and very, very smoothly. On top of these points, the billing system (balance adjusted when about 80% of a file has been downloaded) is almost too generous to accidental downloads and duplications. Finally, customer service is literally the best in the business, as I have dealt at least once over the years with every multihost and multiple times with each major filehost. Just finished a stupid dispute with a multihost (they claimed that my accessing from office and home at different times depending on where I was needed two accounts or it was sharing and bannable, RIGHT after I bought a year of access). This experience was sooooooo much better.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Thewistle Willian Delivers Devastating Blow To Man United On Potential Move subair Chelsea attacker Willian has ruled out the chances of joining Manchester United by revealing that he wants to remain at Stamford Bridge. The Brazilian has been a subject of transfer interest from the Red Devils since Jose Mourinho took over at the helms of affairs at the Old Trafford and the attacker also came out to reveal that the Portuguese tried to sign him on two occasions. It is understood that United boss Jose Mourinho is a keen admirer of the 29-year-old's abilities and fancies him in his squad as he continues to build a formidabble force at the Old Trafford. However, Willian who was an integral part of Mourinho's side at Chelsea, has come out to reveal that he will remain at Stamford Bridge, ruling out any chances of moving to Old Trafford. Speaking with FourFour Two, Willian said:"I'm very happy at Chelsea. I just try to improve year on year. And it's been happening. Chelsea boss Antonio Conte was furious with the club during the last summer transfer window over their slow transfer activity before they splashed the cash on the likes of Alvaro Morata, Antonio Rudigier and Davide Zappacosta to the Stamford Bridge. The Italian will be reluctant to allow another star join United after losing Nemanja Matic to the Red Devils last summer. Related Topics:ChelseaManchester UnitedRed DevilsWillian Antonio Conte Praises Kevin De Bruyne After Narrow Defeat Marouane Fellaini Wants Man United Deal Only ONE Condition I am a freelance writer and a software engineer with years of experience including many in-person and online contracts. I write quality, clear and eloquent articles, blog posts and other contents for websites. How Barcelona Will Line Up With Willian Revealed Chelsea fulfilling transfer promise with Brazilian international Willian does religious act before talks with Chelsea This trouble will happen in Chelsea ahead of Eden Hazard's move Willian speaks on Eden Hazard's future Deal On!!! Barcelona to raid Chelsea for star player Willian admits Liverpool threat ahead of weekend clash The two deals Chelsea want to seal despite transfer ban Willian makes big claim on Chelsea future Why we will qualify for the top four, Willian Bournemouth Ready To Let Chelsea Target Leave For Free Segun Amuda Premier League club Bournemouth have decided to let winger Ryan Fraser leave the club on a free transfer when his contract expires next summer. This is according to the publication from the Daily Express which revealed that Bournemouth is not desperate to sell Ryan Fraser this summer despite the numerous interest in him. Scottish international Fraser has been linked with a lot of Premier League clubs this summer. West London giants Chelsea, Tottenham Hotspur, Arsenal, London and Manchester United have all been linked with the petite winger. Chelsea, Man Utd Target Arrives In Italy Ahead Of Juventus Move Steven Gerrard Confirms Interest In Ryan Kent Why Manchester United Must Keep Pogba Ryan Fraser has one year left on his current deal with Bournemouth at the moment and the Cherries could lose his services for free next summer if he does not sign a new deal. The 25-year-old has been a very good player for Bournemouth since joining the club from Scottish Premiership giants Aberdeen. Ryan Fraser scored seven goals in the Premier League last season in addition to the provision of 14 assists for his teammates. He was the second highest assist provider during the 2018/19 season with 14 assists behind Eden Hazard who had 15 assists for Chelsea last season. Eden Hazard has since left Chelsea for Real Madrid this summer in a deal reported to be around €100m. New Chelsea Signing Requests One Favour From Frank Lampard Chelsea midfielder Mateo Kovacic has made a request to new club manager Frank Lampard as he tries to take his game to the next level. In his latest interview as monitored by popular media outlet Metro, Mateo Kovacic asked new Chelsea manager Frank Lampard to guide him on how to score goals. Frank Lampard was a goalscoring machine during his time as a Chelsea player after he scored 211 goals in 13 years. The 41-year-old is still the all-time leading goalscorer at the club whom he joined from fellow London club West Ham United in 2001. Bundesliga Giants Overtake Man City In €50m Race To Sign Chelsea Target Liverpool Target Says No To Ajax Exit Man Utd Want Two Major Transfers Frank Lampard left Chelsea at the end of his contract in 2014 and he went on to play for Premier League champions Manchester City and Major League Soccer (MLS) club New York City FC before he announced his retirement. Mateo Kovacic was on loan at Chelsea for the whole of last season before the Blues made his move permanent in a €50m deal. The Croatian World Cup star didn't find the back of the net throughout the season including 30 Premier League appearances. He had just two assists to Callum Hudson-Odoi Promised Important Chelsea Role Newly appointed Chelsea manager Frank Lampard has urged young winger Callum Hudson-Odoi to stay and be a part of his plans at Chelsea. According to the Chelsea legend, Callum Hudson-Odoi can be central to his plans at the club. Frank Lampard spoke about the England international player during the preseason tour of Dublin. The former Chelsea midfielder was speaking ahead of the friendly with St. Patrick Athletic. He said that it's too early to make promises but his desire is for Callum Hudson-Odoi to be an important player for his Chelsea team. Callum Hudson-Odoi came through the ranks at Chelsea before making his debut for the Blues last year. David Luiz reveals Chelsea's choice for Eden Hazard When Man Utd Will Hold Talks With Bruno Fernandes Revealed John Terry Backs Frank Lampard For Managerial Job The 18-year-old has impressed in the Chelsea team since he appeared in his first game. Immediate past Chelsea manager Maurizio Sarri didn't play him like he would have liked in the last campaign and that seems to have cast doubt in his mind. Hudson-Odoi was seriously linked with German Bundesliga giants Bayern Munich in January but the Blues were able to repel several bids from the Bavarian giants for him. The player also submitted a transfer request which was turned down immediately. Callum Hudson-Odoi is ready to sign a new contract but he wants more responsibilities in the team. He has one year left on his current deal at Stamford Bridge. Chelsea Star Gives Verdict On Frank Lampard Chelsea forward Pedro Rodriguez has given his thoughts on the new managerial regime of Frank Lampard. Former Chelsea midfielder was recently appointed the new manager. In his recent interview monitored by popular media outlet Metro, Pedro Rodriguez revealed how he has enjoyed the start to life under Frank Lampard. According to him, the intensity of training has been very good. Pedro Rodriguez would certainly target more minutes under Frank Lampard than the one he got from the last managerial era under Maurizio Sarri. The Spanish international star scored eight goals and also added two assists in 21 Premier League starts and 10 substitute appearances. Man Utd Target Confirms PSG Exit One good thing that Chelsea fans can boast of under Sarri Deal Close: Man Utd Plotting Summer Transfer For 27-Year-Old Real Madrid Loanee Pedro also scored in the Europa League final as Chelsea ended last season with a trophy by beating London rivals Arsenal 4-1. The Spaniard has a big opportunity to stake a claim for a permanent spot in the starting XI this season especially with the exit of Eden Hazard. The Belgian international has left the club for Spanish giants Real Madrid for a club-record deal worth £88m excluding bonuses. He will have to contend with new signing Christian Pulisic who's seen as the direct replacement for the aforementioned Hazard. Chelsea paid £57.1m to sign him from Borussia Dortmund in January and he's expected to join his new team this summer. Neymar: Real Madrid Supremo Registers Interest In Chelsea Target Real Madrid president Florentino Perez is reportedly interested in signing Paris Saint Germain (PSG) attacker Neymar during this summer's transfer window. According to Sky Sports, Real Madrid and Perez are ready to rival Spanish La Liga champions Barcelona for Neymar who has already told PSG officials that he wants to leave the club this summer. Neymar joined PSG from Barcelona two years ago and his keen to return to the Nou Camp. PSG sporting director Leonardo has already confirmed that Barcelona have made contact with them about the possibility of signing Neymar. 4-3-3: How Arsenal Will Line Up Should They Sign Dennis Praet(Opens in a new browser tab) Man United Won't Sign Anyone In January – Report(Opens in a new browser tab) Confirmed: Man Utd Target Reveals Inter Milan Desire The French giants have reservations about the Barcelona interest with PSG officials not sure whether the Catalans have the necessary financial capacity to sign Neymar. The Brazilian national team talisman signed for PSG in 2017 after the French giants activated the €222m (£200m) release clause in his then contract at the Nou Camp thus making him the most expensive player ever. Since his transfer to PSG, Neymar has scored 51 goals in 58 appearances for the French capital club in all competitions. PSG Confirm Barcelona Interest In Chelsea Target Neymar French Ligue 1 giants Paris Saint Germain (PSG) have confirmed the interest of Barcelona in star player Neymar. According to Sky Sports News, Barcelona have contacted PSG over the possibility of signing Neymar this summer. The Barcelona interest was revealed by the PSG sporting director Leonardo. Brazilian footballer turned administrator returned to PSG this summer after six years. He was the PSG sporting director at the start of the project at the club under the guidance of the new owners. Leonardo was at the club for two years between 2011 and 2013. Good Replacement: Spurs Identify Alternative For Man Utd Target(Opens in a new browser tab) Leonardo Bonucci Narrates How He Snubbed Real Madrid For Juventus Return(Opens in a new browser tab) Arsenal Fans Demand Brazilian Players Signings He revealed that Barcelona have contacted the French giants over long-term Chelsea target Neymar. PSG, however, have reservations about Barcelona and whether the Spanish champions have the funds to pull off a deal for Neymar who's keen to leave the French capital club this summer. Neymar has refused to return to training in an attempt to force a move away from the club this summer after two years. He wants to return to Barcelona two years after he left the club for PSG in a controversial manner. Neymar is the most expensive player in world football as a result of that transfer from Barcelona to PSG in 2017. West Ham Have Made A Bid To Sign Gonzalo Higuain West London giants West Ham have made a loan bid to sign Juventus striker Gonzalo Higuain this summer. This is according to Sky Sports News which revealed that ex-Argentine international Higuain could return to the Premier League this summer after his unsuccessful spell at Chelsea earlier this year. Gonzalo Higuain spent the second half of last season on loan at Chelsea. He scored five goals in 16 games in all competitions for the Blues during his loan spell at Stamford Bridge. Why Lukaku Wants To Join Inter Milan Revealed(Opens in a new browser tab) Napoli Is The Best Option For Chelsea Target(Opens in a new browser tab) Chelsea player makes big transfer statement after return Chelsea had the option of signing him permanently for £36m after his short-term loan but the West Londoners decided against that option. During his stay at Chelsea, Higuain helped the club to win the Europa League title via the win over London rivals Arsenal in the finals of the competition. Gonzalo Higuain is back at Juventus who are keen to send him out either on loan or on a permanent deal. The Argentine striker joined Juventus for a then club-record fee of £75m from Napoli in 2016 and he became surplus to requirements after the Italians signed Cristiano Ronaldo from Real Madrid last summer. EPL: Nathan Allan de Souza Extends Loan Deal Chelsea attacker Nathan Allan de Souza has extended his loan deal until next year. Nathan spent the second half of last season on loan at Brazilian Serie A club Atletico Mineiro where he scored one goal in 12 league appearances. The ex-Brazilian junior international has now extended his loan deal at Atletico Mineiro by an extra six months. Before his loan spell at Atletico Mineiro, Nathan spent the first half of the season at Portuguese Super League club Belenenses. Nathan scored two goals in 13 League appearances. The 23-year-old is yet to make an appearance for Chelsea since his move from Brazilian club Atletico Paranaense. Club Legend Confirmed As New Chelsea Manager Now It's Right Time To Sell This Man Utd Star Michy Batshuayi Gets Chance To Perform In Preseason Nathan Allan de Souza will have to wait for his opportunity under the new managerial era of Frank Lampard at Chelsea. Lampard attained legendary status at Chelsea after he scored 211 goals over 13 years. The 41-year-old joined Chelsea from fellow London club West Ham United in the summer of 2001. The new Chelsea manager was at the player until 2014 when he left the club to join Premier League champions Manchester City. Frank Lampard has signed a three-year deal until the end of the 2021/22 season. His yearly salary at Chelsea is said to be £4.5m totaling £13.5m over the next three years. There Is No Permanent Transfer For These Chelsea Loanee Seven-time European champions AC Milan won't secure a permanent move for Chelsea midfielder Tiemoue Bakayoko on the back of his loan spell at the club last season. This is according to the publication from the Independent which revealed that the player's loan move won't be converted to a permanent transfer. Tiemoue Bakayoko has returned to Chelsea as a result of that. The French international midfielder was part of the Chelsea squad to the preseason tour of Dublin. He spent the whole of last season on loan at the San Siro having joined them last summer. Does Liverpool have need for Bruno Fernandes? Aston Villa Want Loan Move For Man Utd Defender Club Supremo Agrees £53m Deal To Sell Man United Midfield Target Bakayoko impressed a great deal while he was on loan at AC Milan but his time at the club was tainted by an altercation towards the end of last season. The player left Chelsea for AC Milan on loan after an unsuccessful start to his football career at Stamford Bridge. Earlier in 2017, Tiemoue Bakayoko joined Chelsea in a €40m deal from French Ligue 1 giants AS Monaco while former manager Antonio Conte was still at the club. He was part of the AS Monaco team that reached the Champions League semifinals during the 2016/17 season. Tiemoue Bakayoko was one of the key players for AS Monaco during that season. EPL: Lampard Explains How To Replace New Real Madrid Signing Chelsea manager Frank Lampard has proferred a solution to the problem of Eden Hazard ahead of the new season. The Blues are without their talisman from last season after he joined Real Madrid at the end of last season. Eden Hazard was the main man at Chelsea for seven years until this summer when he signed for the Los Merengues. Real Madrid paid €100m to secure his transfer from Chelsea as part of the €300m transfer splurge at the Estadio Santiago Bernabeu. Eden Hazard had one year left on his then Chelsea contract before he joined Real Madrid last month. How Jose Mourinho Rejected Managerial Offer Revealed Done Deal! Juventus Sign Liverpool, Man Utd Target On A Free Transfer On missing the quality of Eden Hazard ahead of the new season, Frank Lampard talked about how his team will cope without the Belgian international star. According to him, Eden Hazard is a world class player but Chelsea have to move on without him. Frank Lampard pointed out that the emphasis will be on teamwork rather than an individual. The 41-year-old was recently named the Chelsea manager at the start of this month after a successful spell as the Derby County manager last season. He led the Rams to sixth position at the end of the regular season before they were beaten by Aston Villa in the playoff final. Feature On Chelsea6 months ago Official! Chelsea complete another signing after successful medicals Star winger jets into London to seal Chelsea deal EPL2 months ago Deal Done!!! Solskjaer finally decides Paul Pogba's future Chelsea1 year ago Deal Almost Done as Serie A star agrees to join Chelsea on £80,000-weekly deal – report Willian tells Sarri who to replace Morata, Grioud? 'I am ready to play for Sarri' – Chelsea target Chelsea10 months ago "The King is back"- "Could help develop Morata" Good news for Chelsea fans. Breakthrough deal! Chelsea to announce new signing in new year EPL6 days ago Chelsea2 years ago Done Deal! Striker sends message to Chelsea as he's finally unveiled Copyright © 2019 TheWistle.com
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
Bury Tomorrow – Black Flame Posted on July 10, 2018 by Kieran Mitchell It has been a slow but steady build for Southampton metalcore band Bury Tomorrow. They have been around for longer than most people might actually think, releasing debut album Portraits (Basick) way back in 2009 and they have always been just behind the forefront of the scene in the UK and indeed mainland Europe, where they have a sizeable following but never quite breaking through into that next echelon. Last album Earthbound (Nuclear Blast) was somewhat of a turning point ensuring a lot more eyes are now trained on them. Black Flame (Music For Nations) is a record, therefore, where the band can really cement their place in metal; a chance to expand and grow, taking their now well-known sound and honing it into an altogether different beast. The first change is subtle but effective, when opening track 'No Less Violent' kicks in with some slow building synths before vocalist Dani Winter-Bates launches into the mosh pit inducing rally cry of "Because I'm no less violent" and the band completely pummel your face with slabs of thick, layered guitars and brutal rhythmic drums. From this opening salvo there appears to be nothing that can stand in this albums, or indeed this bands, way. The guitars of lead men Kristian Dawson and Jason Cameron are on a different level to previous albums. There is a lot more texture to the riffs and, more than that, the tone. When certain riffs kick in, like the chug towards the end of 'Adrenaline', there's almost a Meshuggah or Periphery type feel to the rhythm and sound of the instruments. 'Knife Of Gold' is also something different, and is probably the band's heaviest song since 'Sceptres' from Union of Crowns (Nuclear Blast). Here the guitars are more gnarly and thrashy whilst the vocals are very akin to Randy Blythe from Lamb Of God, in particular, that opening scream… Oh my! That opening scream will make the hair on the back of your neck stand up, and mosh their follicles off. The flip side to all of this heaviness, both familiar and new, is the melody, something which Bury Tomorrow have always had in absolute spades. More than just a backup vocalist to Dani, Cameron is one of metal's secret weapons – the man simply has so much soul in his voice and evokes so much emotion through his singing that choruses simply make you soar and take you to a different place. 'Black Flame' 'My Revenge' and 'More Than Mortal' are just simply must-haves for the live set with Cameron stamping his mark on all of them. 'The Age', though, is easily one of, if not the best songs they've written to date and Cameron just knocks it out of the park. The musicality of the more melodic songs is also different from previous albums feeling more like bands like Northlane and there is a more expansive feel to the music. Is Black Flame an important record for Bury Tomorrow? It sure is, but it is far more than that, and that can be seen in the care and the craft that these songs have been written with. I feel that this is the album they have always had within them, the album that they were meant to write; one where everything comes together and pushes them to greater heights. KIERAN MITCHELL This entry was posted in Album Reviews, Reviews and tagged album review, Basick, Black Flame, Bury Tomorrow, Dani Winter-Bates, Djent, Ghost Cult Magazine, Jason Cameron, Kieran Mitchell, Kristian Dawson, Lamb Of God, Meshuggah, Metalcore, Music For Nations, Northlane, Nuclear Blast, Periphery, Portraits, Randy Blythe, Review, Thrash Metal, Union of Crowns by Kieran Mitchell. Bookmark the permalink.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
Biman 787 'vandalised' A Biman Boeing 787 on the Dhaka-Toronto-Dhaka route had a seat broken in several places. A Facebook post that went viral showed that both the armsrest of a seat in tatters, the panels under it broken, and the LCD display ripped out. The frames of the seats were also damaged; plastic spoons, bottles, and blankets were also seen littered on the floor. Biman authorities, however, have yet to confirm what actually happened there. The aircraft left Dhaka early Sunday and the matter was reported to Dhaka yesterday. Biman's Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer Shafiul Azim said they have asked Biman officials in Toronto to send everything they have on the incident. "It's clear that the action involved extremely harmful intentions. It's tough to figure out whether the malice was directed toward Biman or the country... We're taking the matter very seriously," Shafiul added. "We're trying to identify who sat there, what the passenger's nationality is. Action will be taken according to the law," he added. ১ ঘণ্টা আগে|নির্বাচন ব্রাহ্মণবাড়িয়া-২ উপনির্বাচনে জয়ী সাত্তার ব্রাহ্মণবাড়িয়া-২ (সরাইল-আশুগঞ্জ) উপনির্বাচনে বেসরকারিভাবে জয়ী হয়েছেন বিএনপি ছেড়ে আসা স্বতন্ত্র প্রার্থী আব্দুস সাত্তার ভূঁইয়া। ৮৩৪ ভোটে হারলেন হিরো আলম
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
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Q: How to use my IP with Portforwarding Possible Duplicate: How can I make xampp live on the internet? I am trying to access my dev server from the internet (personal use only) using something like www.no-ip.com I have set up a host on no-ip.com and have set my router to forward port 80. SO when I access 192.168.1. 100 it goes to my webserver however when I access my IP that is shown to the world, it goes to some kind of admin area from my DSL host it says "zyxel" instead of going to my server, any ideas what I need to do? A: Your router can't both provide its administrative interface on port 80 and forward port 80. If you've already configured it to forward port 80, you just need to move the administrative interface to another port, typically 8000 or 8080. Some routers simply cannot forward port 80 (because their administrative interface is permanently locked to that port). In that case, you'll need to put your server on another port, such as 8000 or 8080. Update: If your router isn't made by Zyxel, then you have inadvertently configured double-NAT. Your ISP provided a NAT router. If that Zyxel pages isn't the configuration for your router, then you need to do one of two things: * *Decide to use only your router and reconfigure your ISP's router to act as a bridge. *Decide to use your ISP's router and reconfigure your router to act as a bridge.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaStackExchange" }
Prince William And Kate Kate Middleton receives special gift for Prince Louis at Wimbledon - take a look All eyes were on the Duchess of Cambridge as she took her seat in the Royal Box at the Wimbledon Men's finals on Sunday. And there was one very sweet… Kate Middleton and Prince William's children are officially on holiday - details Prince George is officially ready for summer! The five-year-old, who turns six on 22 July, will start his summer holidays on Friday, completing his… Kate Middleton corrects Prince William in funny exchange as they react to royal baby news The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge shared their delight over the royal baby news during an engagement on Tuesday. However, mum-of-three Kate was… Prince William and Kate Middleton reveal when they will meet royal baby The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge have shared their delight over the news of Prince Harry and Meghan's first child. The Duchess of Sussex gave birth… Prince William and Kate Middleton's love story - from their university days to having children Prince William and Kate's close pal 'finds love with Prince George's schoolteacher' A close friend of both the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge and the Duke and Duchess of Sussex has found love with a teacher at Thomas's Battersea, the… Prince William and Kate Middleton to return to their first marital home The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge will be heading back to their roots for their next engagement. Kensington Place has revealed that the royal couple,… Prince William and Kate Middleton share beautiful pictures of Prince Louis to mark first birthday Happy early birthday to Prince Louis! To mark the royal's first birthday, Kensington Palace has unveiled a new set of official portraits. And in… Prince William, Kate Middleton and the Queen send condolences to Sri Lanka following Easter terror attack The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge and the Queen have sent their condolences to the President of Sri Lanka, Maithripala Sirisena, following the tragic… Where does the royal family live? See Prince Harry and Meghan and other senior royals' homes Prince William's inner social circle - who are his most trusted friends? Who is inside Kate Middleton's inner circle? See her squad of friends here William and Kate, Harry and Meghan send heartfelt condolences after New Zealand mosque attacks The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge and the Duke and Duchess of Sussex have sent a joint message of condolence to the people of New Zealand following… Prince William and Kate Middleton approve of being called 'Will and Kate' They may officially be known as the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, but it seems the royal couple approve of being called Will and Kate by members of… Why Kate Middleton declined an umbrella during Blackpool visit The Duchess of Cambridge made sure she didn't let the rain get in the way during her visit to Blackpool on Wednesday. Looking lovely as ever, the… The reason Prince William and Kate's Northern Ireland visit was kept secret The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge kicked off a royal visit to Northern Ireland on Wednesday – but it came as a complete surprise to the public, who… William, Kate, Meghan and Harry pay tribute following sad palace news The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge and Sussex have thanked Sir David Manning for his service as he prepares to step down from his role as their… Prince William and Kate arranged a private screening of this Oscar-nominated film for Prince George The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge reportedly loved one of 2018's most critically-acclaimed films so much that they arranged a private screening for… Prince William and Kate's best twinning moments in photos See all the adorable times that the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge dressed alike in the same… Is this the special stocking Kate Middleton's children will be opening on Christmas morning? It's set to be an extra special Christmas for the Cambridges, as they mark their first as a family of five. Prince William and Kate will be…
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
Being a Baptist is also a way of doing church, that is, a way of functioning in a community of faith and living in relationship with other Christians. For Baptists, a congregation is a people gathered voluntarily and willingly. Each individual belongs because of personal faith in Jesus Christ confessed openly and publicly in believer's baptism. Church is a fellowship of individuals who have freely covenanted themselves into relationship with each other. No one inducts another into the fellowship or incorporates them by proxy. Each enters personally and individually. When individuals enter, they see themselves as "members of the body" or "living stones being built into a spiritual house" or a "holy priesthood." Each person is responsible for the life of the fellowship, discerning of the will of God for the fellowship, the health and welfare of the fellowship, and ministry in the fellowship. Understood in this light, no hierarchy should be visible. Within the church, first- and second-class membership is unacceptable. There are diversity of gifts and variety of functions, but no pyramid of authority or importance. All are ministers, all are servants, and all are witnesses. You, my brothers, were called to be free, but do not use your freedom to indulge in sinful nature. Rather, serve one another in love. The entire law is summed up in a single command, Love your neighbor as yourself. Baptists have deep theological convictions but also recognize the one who differs as one to be loved and even to be served. In a Baptist vision of church, the episkopos (clergy leaders) and presbuteros (lay leaders) are not superior to the laos (the people). They do not make decisions and pass them on. Rather, they lead by humbly serving and helping each person to discover his/her giftedness and then strengthening the unity of the fellowship for congregational decision making. In a Baptist vision of church, men and women are equal. Because of Christ there is no male or female, just as there is no Jew or Greek, slave or free. Participation and leadership in the church are not determined by gender, social status, or economic condition; these are determined by the grace and call of God. Likewise, there is no special class or office that can exclusively minister grace to the whole of the church. Each can minister grace, and all should minister grace. Not just a few are ordained by God to evangelize, baptize, and administer the sacraments. In a Baptist vision of church, the Holy Spirit communes with and communicates to each member and to all members, resulting in a shared life and vision. The Baptist way of doing church is not easy, and it can be messy and very inefficient. But when a family of faith lives in mutual submission, gentleness, and patience, the result is glorious. Originally appeared in Chapter 25: A Way of Being Christian in Why I Am a Baptist: Reflections on Being Baptist in the 21st Century, edited by Cecil P. Staton, Jr., 173-178. Daniel Vestal is the Distinguished University Professor of Baptist Leadership at Mercer University and Director of the Baugh Center. The Baptist Deacon Network is a cooperative effort with the Eula Mae and John Baugh Center for Baptist Leadership and the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship of Georgia.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
At an early age I knew I wanted to be a civil engineer, and two previous generations of my family had also been in the profession. I've lived in Kolkata (previously Calcutta) all my life, but I've also worked on projects across India and internationally. I'm now a freelance consultant. What I like most about being a civil engineer is being involved in all stages of infrastructure projects – from conceptual planning to implementation. One of my first big jobs was supervising construction for Metro Railway, India's first underground railway system. This was a hugely important project for the country, and I really enjoyed finding solutions to the challenges (like laying the tracks around sharp curves). More recently I developed the different system components in the design of the Guwahati Water Supply Project, which was one of the largest-scale projects of its kind in India. What really excites me about my profession is being able to innovate. For example, it won't be long before we can use 'trenchless technology' to create and renew water and waste water facilities. This will make a real difference by helping to massively cut the costs of water services in our congested cities. Becoming qualified with ICE has inspired me to take even more professional interest in issues around health and safety, welfare and sustainability. I've also applied to become an ICE reviewer so I can help young engineers to develop their skills.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Thanks. Please see above, I spent today learning VBScript. I would like to say that was 'painless,' but it was an enjoyable challenge overall. There are now two versions available, using a Batch script (.bat) or VBScript (.vbs), both do exactly the same so it's entirely up to you what you decide to choose. There are no two versions available, using a Batch script (.bat) or VBScript (.vbs), both do exactly the same so it's entirely up to you what you decide to choose. I would always choose batch, since it is more likely for VBScript to be disabled for security reasons than batch files. It's what I would go for too, based on this reason alone. Nearly the same way, you could write a function called _selfUpdate. Yeh I could do that too. FichteFoll, I hate to say this but your code has one major flaw, you're version will only work when the file isn't compiled, which is the total opposite to what it should be doing. Secondly I can't see any real benefit in StringFormat nor using ExpandVarStrings. But thanks for contributing. Yes, I forgot to change it back to "If @Compiled = 0 Then" because I used "1" for testing purposes. So I just changed it from "1" back to "0" and guess what, it worked. And the benefit is that I (or rather you) don't have to write ' & $sAppID & ' inbetween all the strings and can just use $sAppID$ which is actually 7 characters less (or 3 if you don't count spaces) for each variable and it makes your code clearer. I guess you don't like PHP for it's variable integration into strings as well. I can't really understand that, but okay, seems like you like a different style of coding than I do. Side node: Your "_GetCtrlCreateGroup()" in signature links to a function named "_GUICtrlCreateGroup". A typo, I think. Sorry, but that's exaclty what it is, nothing more. (I mean, the batch wasn't even suited to work with non-executables. Correct, I never intended it to delete the source file only when it was an executable. We do have very different styles but I appreciation your contribution to this thread so thank you. Plus I've never used the Opt flag ExpandVarStrings so this is why it looked a little strange at first and probably to some others too. Updated the function. Now the Default keyword is supported too. Please see the original post for more details. Note: I have changed $iUsePID and $iRemoveDir to boolean values rather than the previous 0 or 1. Updated the syntax for creating a temporary filename. See above for more details. No it's not legend. If you read the initial post you will see I linked to that code you posted as well as explained why my version is different. Improved source code layout and did away with the horrendous magic numbers. -WARNING: $STR_NOCASESENSEBASIC: possibly used before declaration. -ERROR: $STR_NOCASESENSEBASIC: undeclared global variable. It seems that this constant is not in this AutoIt version's Constants.au3. I have added to mine, I just thought you should know. I have fixed the issue. Thanks. thank you so much, my teacher. 1. When i finished play videos my Script will delete that videos. Because when we playing videos, our script can not delete them. Your question is not really related to this topic. You should ask in General Help and Support. When you say patch, I assume you mean path. Post the code you have (which is not working) in the General Help and Support Forum and ask your question there instead. thanks my teacher. i will post a new thread at General Help and Support Forum.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
At Least 35 People Killed In Sri Lanka landslides The death toll from devastating landslides triggered by massive torrential rains has risen to thirty five according to Sri Lanka officials. The army have said that scores of people remained unaccounted for after mudslides hit three villages in central Kegalle district. The flooding has also forced nearly 200,000 people to abandon their homes. Press TV […] How Pennsylvania schools waste $54 million on buses Pennsylvania schools are wasting millions of dollars on school buses. COSTLY RIDES: Pennsylvania schools waste more than $54 million a year on transportation services, according to audits conducted by the state auditor general.Districts are not obligated to bid out transportation services and, according to the state's fiscal watchdog, refusing to seek competitive proposals means they're […] Utah School Board Members Push to Reject Federal Money to Avoid Transgender Guidelines Leah Jessen / May 18, 2016 / The Daily Signal Instead of following transgender student guidelines pushed by the Obama administration, some Utah district school board members have plans to create a budget that would be free from federal funding, according to reports. Brian Halladay, Wendy Hart, and Paula Hill, school board members in the […] 73 House Republicans Sign Letter Demanding Answers on Obama's Bathroom Directive Philip Wegmann / May 18, 2016 / The Daily Signal The largest conservative congressional caucus is calling into question the legality of President Barack Obama's transgender bathroom directive for schools. Chairman Bill Flores, R-Texas, is encouraging Republican Study Committee members to sign on to a letter, pushing the Departments of Education and Justice to detail […] Opiinion: 12 Signs That A Cloud Of Insanity Has Descended On The Land By Michael Snyder at the Conservative Papers May 19, 2016 What in the world is happening to America? Recently, I was asked to describe what we are watching happen to our nation. After thinking about it, I have come to the conclusion that it is almost as if a "cloud of insanity" has descended upon […] Article In Saudi Daily: U.S. Planned, Carried Out 9/11 Attacks – But Blames Others For Them May 19, 2016 – Special Dispatch No.6438 – MEMRI On the eve of President Obama's April 2016 visit to Saudi Arabia, the U.S. Congress began debating the Justice Against Sponsors of Terrorism Act (JASTA), that would, inter alia, allow the families of victims of the September 11 attacks to sue the Saudi government for damages. […] Trump Publishes List of Potential SCOTUS Nominees, But May Not Stick To It Well, then why publish the list in the first place? Probably to appease the conservative wing of the GOP and not much else. Trump's picks include Steven Colloton of Iowa, Allison Eid of Colorado and Raymond Gruender of Missouri. Also on the list are: Thomas Hardiman of Pennsylvania, Raymond Kethledge of Michigan, Joan Larsen […] Egypt plane crashes in Mediterranean; terror attack possible CAIRO (AP) — An EgyptAir jetliner bound from Paris to Cairo with 66 people aboard crashed in the Mediterranean Sea early Thursday after a mysterious series of extremely abrupt turns, authorities said, and Egypt's aviation minister said it may have been a terrorist attack. There were no immediate signs of any survivors. EgytAir Flight 804, […] Republicans Holding Forum for WashCo Primary Candidates in St George this Thursday St. George — The public is invited to meet the Republican candidates facing off in the June 28th primary on Thursday, May 19th at the Washington County Commission chambers in St. George. Local businessmen Walt Brooks and Steve Kemp, the two candidates for Utah House District 75, will answer questions from 6 to 7 pm. […] by Spencer Irvine on May 17, 2016 at Accuracy in Media Well, that may happen anyways if the House of Representatives takes it up. Sen. Bernie Sanders called on the Federal Reserve Monday to provide emergency loans to the government of Puerto Rico, saving the residents of the island from its fiscal crisis. While visiting […] Milwaukee Public Schools to Spend $471,073 for Black Lives Matter Curriculum From our friends at Accuracy in Academia…yes, it's actually happening in a school system near you: Technically, it's 'cultural studies,' but it is worrisome that the public school system decided to do this. Are they going to agitate for rioting? Progressive Fail: Burlington College, formerly run by Jane Sanders, Bernie Sanders' Wife, Will Close The Free Beacon noted that the college is officially closing its doors due to overwhelming debt. Our own Cliff Kincaid pointed it out in a column in February: …She nearly bankrupted Burlington College when she took on $10 million in debt to finance the purchase of a new, far more expansive campus. "The move backfired […]
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
Dreamed of as they slid away. From distant villages in the hinterlands. Does Jill really blow and is Ned a freak? Placate the mind's conjuring additions. After all is said and unfinished. Wait for cost analysis, etc. When you quietly go on.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Editor-In-Chief(s): Prof. Andreas Hierlemann Modelling and Measurement of Odour Transportation within the Human Nasal Cavity J.W. Gardner, S. Nadarajan, and P. Kimber (UK) Development of Micro Actuator with Cultured Muscle Cell S. Hashimoto, T. Fujisato, H. Tsutsui, M. Yoshiura, S. Uto, S. Mochizuki, M. Ohsuga, K. Akazawa, H. Kobayashi, T. Kawai, K. Yamasaki, H. Kondo, K. Imoto, J. Takase, H. Hayashi, M. Okada, H. Otani, and K. Yoshinaka (Japan) Effect of Aortic Diameter on the Biomechanical Properties of Ascending Aortic Aneurysms D.P. Sokolis, E.P. Kritharis, R.P. Deveja, and D.C. Iliopoulos (Greece) Directional Differences in the Biomechanical Properties of Ascending Aortic Aneurysms E.P. Kritharis, D.C. Iliopoulos, R.P. Deveja, and D.P. Sokolis (Greece) Looking for Differences in Postural Control Systems: Young Students versus Pensioners J. Rasku and M. Juhola (Finland) Comparison of Gait Parameters in Patients with Total Hip Arthroplasty Following Direct Lateral and Anterolateral Surgical Approach Design Concepts of Wearable Optical Topography System for Imaging Brain Activity M. Kiguchi, H. Atsumori, A. Obata, H. Sato, T. Katura, and A. Maki (Japan) Efficient GPU-Accelerated Elastic Image Registration D. Ruijters, B.M. ter Haar-Romeny (The Netherlands), and P. Suetens (Belgium) Contourlet Transform based Complex Diffusion for Ultrasonic Speckle Reduction J. Yu and Y. Wang (PRC) Simulation of the Dissolved Oxygen Concentration and the pH Value at the O2-FET J. Wiest, S. Blank, M. Brischwein, H. Grothe, and B. Wolf (Germany) PrimerDB: A Synthetic Database for Primer/Oligonucleotide Hybridization and Efficiency Prediction R. Singh, S. Kumar, and L. Gupta (India) A Wireless Monitoring System for Health Care Applications E. Pinheiro and O. Postolache (Portugal) GPU-Accelerated Digitally Reconstructed Radiographs Study of Morphologic Response of Chondrocytes to Uniaxial Compression of Articular Cartilage J.P. Wu, T.B. Kirk, N. Milne, and P.M. Delaney (Australia) Wavelet based Denoising for Images Degraded by Poisson Noise T. Shimamura, S. Eda, T. Ito, Y. Kuwano, and Y. Takahashi (Japan) Fracture Healing Diagnosis by Neural Network A. Lesniewska and W. Choromanski (Poland) Comparison of Weight and Pressure Measuring Techniques for Uroflowmetry K.-A. Kim, S.-S. Choi, S.-J. Lee, K.-S. Park, S.-J. Yun, W.-J. Kim, and E.-J. Cha (Korea) Wearable Body Sensor Network for Continuous Context-Related Pulse Arrival Time Monitoring J. Muehlsteff, J. Espina, M.A.A. Alonso, X. Aubert, and T. Falck (Germany) Comparison of Control Theoretic Properties of Models of Antiangiogenic Therapy Multimodal Medical Image Registration using Geometric Flow and Gabor Filter Q. Zhang, Y. Wang, J. Yu, and S. Yang (PRC) A Study of the Vasodilatation by the Ultrasound Thermal Effects S.M. Kim, M.P. Lee, B.C. Choi, W.S. Jung, H.S. Bae, S.H. Park, and S.H. Kang (Korea) Study of Left Ventricle Pressure-Volume Loops in Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Utilizing Cardiovascular Electronic Modeling M. Abdolrazaghi, M.N. Bakhsh, and K. Hassani (Iran) Ambulatory Care Delivery for Chronic Disease Management J. Boyle, N. Bidargaddi, A. Sarela, and M. Karunanithi (Australia) Hardware Accelerator for Computing 3-D DFT in Medical Image Processing S. Jabeen and A. Tariq (Pakistan) Classical Conditioning Modelling L. Houdová (Czech Republic) Contemporary Scientific and Design Analysis Applied to Traditional Surgical Instruments G. Thomson and X. Wu (UK) Integrity of Colorectal Anastomosis: A Review of Technological Assets V. Fernandez, G. Thomson, A. Slade, and J. Vorstius (UK) Development of Optical Tissue Phantoms for the Evaluation of the Thickness of Pigmented Skin Lesions by a Conveniently Purpose-Modified Digital Camera: Numerical Simulations and Experimental Measures A. Mazzoli, R. Munaretto, and L. Scalise (Italy) Detection of Sensor Wearing Positions for Accelerometry-based Daily Activity Assessment B. Yin and A.H.C. Goris (The Netherlands) When to Measure Blood Glucose Cohort-Specific Glycaemic Control U. Pielmeier, S. Andreassen (Denmark), and J.G. Chase (New Zealand) Receptor-based Models of Insulin Saturation Dynamics S. Andreassen, U. Pielmeier (Denmark), and G. Chase (New Zealand) Innovative Arbitrary Waveform Defibrillator for Cardiac Electrophysiology Research M. Triventi, E. Mattei, A. Delogu, F. Censi, G. Calcagnini, P. Bartolini (Italy), F. Aguel, S. Jayna, and V. Krauthamer (USA) Sensorised Compliant Structures with Adjustable Stiffness I. Gavrilova, M. Feustel, W. Scheibner, C. Schilling, and H. Witte (Germany) Numerical FDTD Models of Electromagnetic Field Generated by the RF Coil of an MRI Scanner: Comparison Among Different Solutions E. Mattei, G. Calcagnini, M. Triventi, F. Censi, and P. Bartolini (Italy) Integration of the Circle of Willis into Avolio's Model of the Arterial Haemodynamics M. Schwarz, M.P. Nguyen, U. Kiencke, C. Heilmann, R. Klemm, C. Benk, F. Beyersdorf, and H.-J. Busch (Germany) Dynamic Validation of the Estimates Obtained by Lumbar Infusion Test in Hydrocephalic Patients K. Cieslicki, T. Krol (Poland), and S. Piechnik (UK) Detection of Saccadic Eye Movements using the Order Statistic Constant False Alarm Rate Technique P.-H. Niemenlehto and M. Juhola (Finland) Enhanced Feature Selection Algorithm using Ant Colony Optimization and Fuzzy Memberships R.N. Khushaba, A. AlSukker, A. Al-Ani, and A. Al-Jumaily (Australia) A Level Set based Hybrid Framework for Confocal Image Segmentation Q. Xue, S. Degrelle, J. Wang, I. Hue, and M. Guillomot (France) Ultrasound Guided Transperineal Robotic Biopsy System for the Prostate P. Mohani, H. Ho, D. Li, E.W. Lim, W. Lau, C. Cheng, and W.S. Ng (Singapore) Assessing Communication Processes within Integrated Health Information Systems S. Saboor and E. Ammenwerth (Austria) The Effects of Footwear on Impact Force during Running: A Model-based Study A.A. Zadpoor and A.A. Nikooyan (The Netherlands) Evolution of the In-Shoe Temperature during Walking and Running R. Taiar, M. Rebay (France), G. Vannozzi, G. Sanna, and A. Cappozzo (Italy) A Rate-Dependent Linear Modelling Approach for Pathological Tremor Applications M. Rank, O. Stursberg (Germany), and W.T. Ang (Singapore) Swarm Intelligence in Myoelectric Control: Particle Swarm based Dimensionality Reduction R.N. Khushaba, A. Al-Ani, and A. Al-Jumaily (Australia) Detection of Detrimental Effects on Health in Point-of-Care Scenarios using a Multiparametric Biosensor M. Schmidhuber, J. Wiest, D. Grundl, M. Brückl, N. Büchels, and B. Wolf (Germany) Soft Lithographic Production of Electroactive Polyvinylidene Fluoride Microstructures for BioMEMS Technologies D. Gallego, N. Ferrell, N. Higuita, and D.J. Hansford (USA) Non Linear Behavior of Articular Ligaments: Formulation with the Microplane Theory E. Blangino, S. Valente, and M. Barba (Argentina) Investigation of Human Skin Collagen Distribution in Response to Polarized Laser by Ellipsometry H. Fattahi, R. Tahvildari, A. Amjadi, and M.B. Nejhad (Iran) Fuzzy Clustering of Transient Evoked OtoAcoustic Emission Signals based on K-Nearest Neighbours Rule M.N. Hosseini, A.H. Jafari, S. Fazeli, and S. Mahmoudian (Iran) Mechanical Analysis of Overdenture Fixation E. Blangino, C. Araoz, and M. Barba (Argentina) FPGA based ECG Analysis System A. Shukla and L. Macchiarulo (USA) Development of Mobile Telemedicine System with Multi Communication Links To Reduce Maternal Mortality Rate E. Sutjiredjeki, S. Soegijoko, T.L.R. Mengko, and S. Tjondronegoro (Indonesia) Carotid Doppler Signal Modeling and Representing with Time Frequency and Time Scale Energy Distributions S. Raiesdana, S. Darvishi, and H. Behnam (Iran) 3-D Dosimetry for Gamma Knife by using the Normoxic Gel Y. Ülgen, F. Isbakan, and Z. Özen (Turkey) The Effect of EECP on the Flow Rate of Coronary Arteries in Human Blood Circulation Model A. Mokhlesi, M.A. Khalilzadeh, G. Sadeghy, A. Moghimi, and H. Fal Soleiman (Iran) Vocal Folds Vascularization Level Analysis using Hough Transform A. Méndez, B. García, I. Ruiz, and I. Iturricha (Spain) Phase Coding of Information in the Human Brain V. Logar, I. Škrjanc, A. Belic, S. Brežan, B. Koritnik, and J. Zidar (Slovenia) A System for the Systematic Development of Respiratory Muscle Training S.-F. Shen, K.-H. Chang, and J.-T. Horng (Taiwan) Arm Flexion and Extension Exercises using a Brain-Computer Interface and Functional Electrical Stimulation H.G. Tan, H.H. Zhang, C.C. Wang, C.Y. Shee, W.T. Ang, and C.T. Guan (Singapore) Implementation of Hyperelastic Models for Soft Tissues in FE Program and Identification of their Parameters J. Bursa, P. Skacel, M. Zemanek (Czech Republic), and D. Kreuter (Germany) Review of Sensors for Remote Patient Monitoring Y. Liu and R. Sahandi (UK) Extraction of Morphological Parameters of Tissue Engineering Scaffolds using Two-Point Correlation Function M. Haghpanahi and S. Miramini (Iran) Computing the Inductance of Coils used for Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation with FPGA Devices O. Creţ, I. Trestian (Romania), F. de Dinechin (France), L. Creţ, L. Văcariu, and R. Tudoran (Romania) Modelling Viral Infection on Population and Intracellular Level J. Smieja (Poland) Real-Time Imaging of Interaction between Microbubble and Cell under Therapeutic Ultrasound Irradiation A. Tsukamoto, N. Yasui, Y. Watanabe, K. Furukawa, and T. Ushida (Japan) Measurement and Analysis of Millimeter-Wave Focusing Beam for Thermal Sensation Threshold Experiments M. Kouzai, A. Nishikata, T. Sakai, and S. Watanabe (Japan) Generatin Exact Finite Element Model of Lower Cervical Spine (C3-C7) M. Haghpanahi and N. Toosizadeh (Iran) Development of a Three Dimensional Prolapse Model to Simulate Physiological Haemodynamics in a Stented Coronary Artery A Tool for the Fusion of Magnetic Resonance Anatomic and Spectroscopy V. Mato, R. Garca, J. Pereira (Spain), G. Liney (UK), A. Pazos, and J. Teijeiro (Spain) Threshold Criteria to Identify Clinically Remarkable Levels of ECG T-Wave Alternans Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy Classifier for Heart Sounds H. Ali, T.J. Ahmed, and S. Khan (Pakistan) Window Size Analysis in ARMA-Modeled Spectral Biomarkers for Epileptic Children T.A. Cassar, K.P. Camilleri, S.G. Fabri (Malta), M. Zervakis, and S. Micheloyannis (Greece) Complexity of DNA Encryption System as a Subset of Java Cryptography Extension T. Hodorogea and M.-F. Vaida (Romania) FPGA Supercomputing Solution for Peptide Mass Fingerprinting D. Coca, I. Bogdan, and R. Beynon (UK) Analysis of Maximal Grip Strength using Three Types of Dynamometer K. Li, D.J. Hewson, J. Duchne, and J.-Y. Hogrel (France) Time-Series Analysis Techniques Combined with Gaussian Process Classifiers for Prediction of Clinical Stability After Coronary Bypass Surgery F. Giza, H. Blockeel, M. Bruynooghe, K. Van Loon, J.-M. Aerts, D. Berckmans, G. Meyfroidt, and G. Van den Berghe (Belgium) A Non-Invasive Biopotential Electrode for the Correct Detection of Bioelectrical Currents C. Boccaletti, F. Castrica, G. Fabbri (Italy), and M. Santello (USA) ActiSmile: A Portable Biofeedback Device on Physical Activity J. Krauss, J. Solà, P. Renevey, U. Maeder, and H. Buchholz (Switzerland) Spectral Envelope Analysis of Snoring Signals M. Çavusoglu (Germany), M. Kamasak, T. Çiloglu, Y. Serinagaoglu, O. Erogul (Turkey) CT-based Clinical Phantom Validation of Eigens Real Time Four Degree of Freedom Mechanical Tracker for 3-D Transrectal Ultrasound Guided Prostate Biopsy L. Wei, K. Shinohara, A. Khemka, D. Kumar, S. Miller, A.R. Simoneau, A. Barqawi, D.E. Crawford, and J.S. Suri (USA) Accuracy and Precision Analysis of 3-D Cancer Atlas Registration for Targeted Prostate Biopsy via Predictive Deformation Modeling R. Narayanan, A. Barqawi, D. Crawford, K. Shinohara, A. Simoneau, D. Shen, C. Davatzikos, and J. Suri (USA) A New Strategy for Placement of 3-D Systematic Biopsy Plans in Prostate Biopsy System Y. Guo, A. Barqawi, D. Kumar, R. Narayanan, A.R. Simoneau, D.E. Crawford, and J.S. Suri (USA) Heart Rate Variability Virtual Sensor Application in Blood Pressure Assessment System A Health Monitoring and Evaluation System for Assessing Care Needs of Residents in Aged-Care Facilities L.L. Chan, J. Zhang, M. Narayanan, B.G. Celler, and N.H. Lovell (Australia) Optimal Scheduling for Parameter Estimation of Cell Signaling Pathway Models A Gradient Approach F. Fujarewicz (Poland) The Acoustical Behavior of Auditory System Model I.G. Toostani, M. Pouladian, S. Mahmoudian, and M. Farhadi (Iran) Extraction of Habituation Correlates in Single-Sweep Sequences of Late Auditory Evoked Potentials using Time-Scale Coherence: Objective Detection of Uncomfortable Loudness Level M. Mariam, W. Delb, F.I. Corona-Strauss, M. Bloching, and D.J. Strauss (Germany) The Influence of Speckle Suppression on Perceived Ultrasound Image Quality E. Vansteenkiste, A. Pizurica, and W. Philips (Belgium) Use of IR-to-Visible Upconversion Fluorescent Nanoparticles for Tracking of siRNA Delivery S. Jiang and Y. Zhang (Singapore) Chemical and Biological Sensor Systems for Personal Health Care Applications E. Simon (Germany)
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
World October 07, 2015 Susan Calloway Knowles Nuclear Smugglers With Suspected Russian Ties Are Threat to the U.S. This administration has known about this for years and yet Americans are only finding out about the threat we have been living under. (Photo credit: Shutterstock) The Associated Press is reporting that authorities working with the FBI in Eastern Europe have interrupted four attempts in the past five years of gangs trying to sell radioactive material to Middle Eastern extremists. The AP believes that some of the suspected gangs have ties to the former Russian KGB's successor agency. According to what the AP discovered, there is a lucrative black market in nuclear materials in a small and economically poor country of Moldova, in Eastern Europe. The latest attempt to sell the materials occurred in February of this year. The seller was looking specifically for a buyer from the Islamic State and offered to sell a large cache of deadly cesium, according to reports. Moldovan authorities are worried about how the strained relationship between Russia and the United States is making it harder to know if the smugglers are finding ways to "move parts of Russia's vast store of radioactive materials" and believe that an unknown quantity has already been moved into the black market. "We can expect more of these cases," said Constantin Malic, a Moldovan police officer who worked on all four cases associated with the failed attempts to sell nuclear materials. "As long as the smugglers think they can make big money without getting caught, they will keep doing it." Why should any of this be troubling to us? There are reports that those who have attempted to sell radioactive material on the black market have escaped perhaps with nuclear material. Since these groups are typically searching for buyers that want to do the U.S. harm, these materials may have gotten into the hands of the Islamic State. It's not the first time, according to reports, that the U.S. has been targeted by our enemies in this way. Pursuant to the AP report, in 2011, a Russian believed to be an officer with the Russian FSB, previously known as the KGB, led a group that was allegedly seeking to sell bomb-grade uranium, U-235 and blueprints for a dirty bomb to a Sudanese man. According to wiretaps, the smuggler desperately wanted an Islamic buyer because "they will bomb the Americans." The kingpin of the operation is still at large. His partner, who wanted to "annihilate America," is reportedly out of prison. No doubt he may be back in business in no time trying to bring death and destruction to the U.S. This information from the Moldovan police and judicial authorities should send chills down the spine of every American. As we have seen with this administration, the steps that are taken in matters of foreign policy do not illustrate a cautious approach to a serious issue with possible catastrophic consequences to Americans. President Barack Obama is opening the doors to Syrian refugees with the intent of resettling them in the U.S. These same refugees could potentially be carrying radioactive materials into this country that were initially bought from Moldova. In addition, this administration has been aware of the threat to America from the sale of these materials in Moldova for the past several years. Only now, however, is the American public learning more about this potential threat associated with allowing those from Muslim countries into the U.S. The release of this information is even more reason for Americans to voice their concerns over Obama's increased influx of Muslim refugees into this country and his intentions of taking in 100,000 more Syrian Refugees in 2017. There are still other reasons to be concerned. President Vladimir Putin is in Syria. If there is a Russian connection to the black market sale of these nuclear materials then what would prevent the exchange of these materials to Iran, Russia's strongest ally in Syria? Thanks to this administration, under the provisions of the recent Iran nuclear deal, Iran will have approximately $150 billion to spend on the black market for these materials. The lax provisions of the nuclear deal regarding verification of nuclear weapons in the hands of the Iranians will in no way prevent Iran from moving forward with a purchase if they deem it appropriate. Also, since Iran and Russia are both in Syria, there is really nothing stopping Iran from stockpiling these nuclear weapons in Syria for safe keeping. Should other countries be concerned about the black market sale of nuclear weapons? Perhaps due to its close proximity to Syria and the Russian-Iranian alliance currently in Syria, Israel may also be at risk. It is conceivable that if Iran or Russia wanted to move into Israel for its gas fields, these materials could play a role in the takeover. Only time will tell. But for now, the clear target from these reports, if they are to be believed, is the U.S. and the smugglers want nothing more than to see the U.S. destroyed. TheBlaze contributor channel supports an open discourse on a range of views. The opinions expressed in this channel are solely those of each individual author.
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To support admitted students in their university decision-making process, the Economics Department welcomes students and parents to learn more about the department by offering visitation to the following classes during the campus's scheduled admitted student tours (April 8 - April 19, 2019) as well as walk-in advising. We request you arrive on time and be prepared for possible standing room only. Time: 9:00 a.m.-12:00 noon and 1:00-3:00 p.m.
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Safety Alert: Computer use can be monitored and is impossible to completely clear. If you are afraid your internet usage might be monitored, call us at 1−844-762-8483. What is Consent? What Is Gaslighting? Who Can Be Abused? Why Do People Abuse? Chat Advocacy Creating a Safety Plan Help A Friend or Family Member Address Confidentiality Programs Supportive Organizations Parenting and Coping Skills Can Grow Violence in Indian Country 1−844-762-8483 Home » Legal Help By SHNH Admin 2017 In Abuse Types, Dating Violence, Domestic Violence Awareness, Domestic Violence in Indian Country, Legal Help, Native centered advocacy, Services for Native Survivors, Trust and Respect StrongHearts Receives Its 1,000th Call In time for Domestic Violence Awareness Month, the StrongHearts Native Helpline (1-844-7NATIVE) announced 1,000 callers have now reached out to the helpline for safe, confidential support and [...] In Abusive Behaviors, Domestic Violence in Indian Country, Legal Help, Native centered advocacy, Services for Native Survivors, Trust and Respect My Loved One Was Sexually Assaulted – What Can I Do? Supporting a friend, family member or loved one who has experienced rape or sexual assault can be incredibly challenging. When the Legal System Fails You The criminal justice process is intended to protect, right the wrongs, and deter perpetrators from wrongdoing. But, all too often, our legal systems fail to address domestic violence or dating [...] Helpline: 1−844-762-8483 Join Our Mailing List A Project Of 5 Types of Domestic Violence That Are Often Overlooked What is Cultural Abuse? What to Expect When Calling StrongHearts A special thank you to the Family Violence Prevention and Services Program (FVPSA) for providing immense support for the development of the StrongHearts Native Helpline. This project described was supported by Grant Number 90EV0459--01-01 from the Administration on Children, Youth and Families, Family and Youth Services Bureau, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. The opinions, findings, conclusions and recommendations expressed in this publication are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Administration on Children, Youth and Families, Family and Youth Services Bureau, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Copyright All Rights Reserved © 2017 | Privacy Policy
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Yes, I have been lied to, humiliated, betrayed, left behind and used by people who I never once thought would ever do me wrong. It's painful to think about and look back on these times. But at least when I do, I know I've behaved with kindness in response to cruelty. Because I realize, at the end of the day, sometimes I have to lose battles in order to win the true war of success: becoming my best self. I believe there comes a point when sometimes kindness is the only choice – no matter what the circumstances – because kindness is the key to moving forward peacefully – and feeling peaceful within is the only way to live a happy life. As a striving 26 year old entrepreneur, I can definitely say that every obstacle that I have encountered and overcome has definitely made me both stronger and kinder – because I become more aware of the longterm benefits to embracing both core values. Abraham Lincoln, Mahatma Gandhi, Steve Jobs, Oprah Winfrey (and many more) have all taken hard hits to the ground, and come up both stronger and kinder. Look at what they've gone on to be! Each of these inspirational people are mentors who show us that we can succeed and conquer – while remaining good and kind. Yes, I've been hurt. Yes, I've experienced the urge for revenge. Yes, I've felt that burning sensation of defeat. Yet each time I've risen higher than the pain – and gone on to act with genuine kindness. The universe definitely works in the most mysterious ways. But what I also know is that the wounds from your battles not only become the strengths you hold on to. They become the lessons and stories you share – which could then go on to inspire others to rise instead of fall as well. This post was written and shared with love by Irish Robles. For more about Irish, click here now. We Can Choose Brokenness. Or We Can Choose Strength. Whoever said revenge is sweet never….
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The Sheridan Suite offers 2300 square metres of exciting, flexible and very useable event space. Our floor plan provides a simple point of reference for organisers planning straightforward or complex events. Our Events Team is on hand to answer questions you may have about how the multi-functional Sheridan Suite is adaptable to suit a broad spectrum of events.
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Llanca Travel Guide-22 Things To Do Travel up the road only 15 km, and you'll find yourself in France, yet in the town of Llanca you can still immerse yourself in a typical Catalan town. Not only that but it is the kind of picture perfect Mediterranean town, that you could easily find yourself day dreaming about when you should be working! Llança appeals to those who wish to find a more peaceful location in the Costa Brava, where you can still see some of the lovely, magical coves that are some of nature's very kind gifts to the Costa Brava. The town also has a rich historical artistic heritage, and at the same time is only 62km from Girona (50 minutes drive) and around 160km from Barcelona. With a population of under 5000, the size of this town is probably idyllic for many tourists – as it is neither too small or too big, so perfect for relaxation. For the moment it's somewhere where you can still experience the real Catalonia. Llança is surrounded by the Cap de Creus Natural Park, and depending which route you take around the town, and of course the time of year, you can enjoy poppies bloom, yellow and purple flowers, as you walk past some lovely vineyards. Of course it's also a perfect location to take customised boat tours, as well is to go diving, and it is also well placed for those of you who would like to do all or some of the Salvador Dali Triangle. Around 10 minutes drive of the road heading up into the hills, you'll find the abandoned Benedictine monastery of St. Pere de Rodes. This majestic solemn building is something that you really don't want to miss. Within the town itself there really is a wealth of artistic and historical heritage, which includes a Romanesque tower, the Watercolour Museum, the Hermitage, the church of St Vincent, the Abbot's Palace… to name a few. For me this is somewhere that you can spend time purely relaxing, because it still (as yet) isn't overrun with tourists, and has some lovely beaches and coves. Apart from the natural beauty, and some of its important buildings from a cultural, artistic and historical perspective, Llança also has a number of spots where you can feel and imagine days gone by. 1. Refugion – Plaça de la Republica – The Shelter on the former Square of the Republic Running from the former Plaça de la Republica to Carrers Dins la Vila, this shelter was built in 1938-39, during the Spanish Civil War, and it can hold up to 500 people, making it one of the largest shelters in Llança. The concrete and iron structure is located under the church of St Vincent. 2. Bunker Cap de Ras – Cap de Ras Bunker & Bunker Argilera – Argilera Bunker The Franco government ordered the construction of bunkers to be constructed, during the Second World War, along the Pyrenees. They were to be used against possible artillery, air and maritime attacks. Despite the large investments that went into creating this bunker system, which was called a P-line defence, they were never used. The Cap de Ras Bunker has a few features that indicates that it was the biggest and most complex bunker of its type. It includes an underground passage which leads to a cavity which has been carved out of the natural rock, which then leads onto a trench which is around 30 m in length the takes you to the entrance. Both of these coastal bunkers, like the majority of them, was suitably camouflaged with materials that matched those of the natural landscape. 3. Arbol de la Libertad – The Tree of Liberty Planted in 1870, the name of the Tree of Liberty is connected to the time of the French Revolution of 1789, when trees were planted to symbolise the freedom of the people in public squares dotted around Western Europe. This graceful tree which is around 25 m high, was saved by a local priest, Father Trigàs, in 1939, from Franco's army who wished to fell the tree. So thanks to this priest the local people and visitors can enjoy the lovely shade it offers in spring and summer time. 4. Islote del Castellar – Castellar Islet Just off the tip of the town's harbour, is the former islet that has definitely witnessed numerous phases of the town's history, and is one of Llança's characteristic features. There have been plenty of archaeological remains found there, some from the late Bronze Age, and others which suggest that there was at one time, a circular defence lookout tower on the islet. Today you can see the signs of the two bunkers amongst the rocks, which date to 1931 to 1936, the time of the second Spanish Republic. 5. It Would Almost Be A Sin Not To Go To Girona City! Although you could spend your holiday purely relaxing in this lovely environment, it would be a shame no to take in the great city of Girona, which many people remain in not so blissful ignorance about. So if you do nothing else, I highly recommend a day trip or longer into Girona City. Architectural Interest 6. Rodes – Monumental Complex including the Monastery in Rodes Sierra – El Port de la Selva Camí del Monestir, El Port de la Selva 17489 , Girona Phone: 972 38 75 59 St. Pere de Rodes Monastery The monastery is a truly exceptional example of Catalan Romanesque architecture. Based in the complex, it was built between the 10th and 11th centuries, to offer lodgings to pilgrims. It's especially notable because of its immense height, as well is its system of double columns and pillars. There's around 7 km of unspoilt coast here, where you'll find some lovely inviting coves, as well as two beaches. Llança's main beaches – Grifeu and El Port – are both blue flag beaches. 7. Platja El Port – Port Beach It will surprise you to find out this beach is actually at the town's port! The blue flag beach has a nice promenade with some palm trees, and on one side of the port are lovely whitewashed village houses and on the other side the promenade restaurants and shops. 8. Platja Grifeu – Grifeu Beach Out of all the beaches and coves in the town, this will be the one that gets busiest. It has a lot going for it, with fine sand, good access, free parking close by, and a range of good facilities. However this is the least peaceful sunbathing spot in Llança. 9. Primitivo Recinto Amurallado – Original Fortified Walled Enclosure In the latter part of the 17th century the entire town was on the small hill near to the Abbots Castle, and it was embraced and protected by its fortified walled enclosure. The perimeter of this fortified enclosure was 200 m and included six defence towers. 10. Molino de Viento – La Torre – The Tower Windmill The original windmill was authorised to be built in 1643, however there were certain conditions have had to be adhered to. It needed to incorporate a range of defensive features, so that the town could be better protected. This is why the windmill is known as the tower, because it also served the purpose of acting as a defence tower. By the latter part of the 18th century it was been used as a home. 11. Torre del Homenaje – Tower of Homeatge This particular tower was the principal tower of the Abbots Palace, until around the latter part of the 17th century. So along with other towers it played its own part in the town's defence system. However when the church of St Vincent was built in the early 18th century, it was constructed against the facade of this, which of course took away from its original impressive presence. That said, the dimensions are still striking enough today, as is the stonework and the Gothic Windows which are on the remaining facades. 12. Torre Romanica – Romanesque Tower The Romanesque tower is one of the main landmarks of the town. It is in fact the only remaining feature of the original Romanesque church, which was demolished at the end of the 17th century to make room for the new church to be built. The reason was left standing was to use it as the bell tower. It's an impressive sight, standing almost 21 metres high. 13. Casa Fortificada- Fortifed House You'll find the fortified house outside the former fortified enclosure, which dates to the 17th century. At that time the entire town was walled, and there were a series of defensive towers placed around it, however as the population grew the town also grew beyond those walls. So what was once a defence tower, became a fortified house. 14. Iglesia de Sant Geneís del Terrer – Church of Sant Geneís del Terrer This church is first referred to in documentation that dates to the year 974, and today you can see the remains of its apse, in the shape of a horseshoe. 15. Iglesia Sant Martí de Vallmala – Church of St. Martin of Vallmala Here you can see the remains of a small pre-Romanesque church, which records say was consecrated in the year 1019. Its apse is the oldest building that still stands today in the town and surrounding area. 16. Capilla de la Mar de Déu del port – Chapel of Mary Mother of God in the Port Legend tells us that this chapel was built by Joan Tesserres, after surviving a massive storm at sea, in the 17th century. During the storm he had promised to build a chapel at wherever his boat arrived onshore. On one side of the Chapel there is a gorgeous pine grove, and the other side is where you'll find the old cemetery. 17. Iglesia Sant Vicenç – Church of St. Vincent This church was built on the same site where there had been a Romanesque church. The locals had been motivated to build the church, because at the time there had been good harvests of olive oil and wine, plus there was a growing contempt for Romanesque art. The church of St Vincent was constructed from 1690 to 1730, and on the 7th/8th of January 1730, it was consecrated. It wasn't until almost 200 years later that the Bell tower was added, sometime around 1912 to 1915. Hermitages 18. Ermita de Sant Silvestre – Hermitage of St. Sylvester This Hermitage may date as far back as the 10th century, because of some of its characteristics, however records first mention it during the 11th century. It has a very early Romanesque architectural style. 19. Museu Aquarela– Watercolour Museum Llanca Phone: 972 121 470 Website: http://www.mda.cat/en/home The Watercolour Museum opened in 1989, when the artist J. Martinez Lozano donated around 100 watercolours. Right now the Museum has around 193 watercolour paintings in the collection, and each year this get a tiny bit bigger, because of the donations are made and then new works can be purchased. The museum aims to protect and promote the art of watercolour painting, to continually enhance its own standing as an important cultural and touristic asset of the area, and of course to protect the name and work of its founder. To see the opening hours click on Watercolour Museum Llanca 20. The Abbot's Palace Originally an 11th century building, this Castle Palace was where the Abbots of Sant Pere de Rodes used to reside, but it was also used as the location to administer justice. Within the walled town, the Palace was one of the most symbolic buildings. In the early part of the 17th century, it was reduced inside and divided, at the time that the church of St Vincent was built on the same site. 21. Cap de Creus Natural Park Please don't even think not to go to this spectacular Natural Park, see more here by clicking on Cap de Creus Natural Park. Artist Routes 22. Salvador Dalí Triangle For the Dalí fans amongst you, you'll most likely know that you are in his neck of the woods. Click on the Dalí Triangle to see what your options are. Other Travel Ideas OUR BEACH FAVES SPECIAL SPOTS BUZZING BEACH TOWNS MEDIEVAL VILLAGES INLAND VILLAGES FISHING VILLAGES SEASIDE TOWNS WINE ROUTES 2 Responses to Llanca Travel Guide-22 Things To Do Saiful Islam Opu April 12, 2016 at 4:27 am # Wow, such an informative writing! I just highly appreciated it as the natural beauty is the best. Ever been to Bangladesh to experience its natural beauty? bit.ly/1TsGbyc Jackie De Burca April 12, 2016 at 8:11 am # Hi Saiful, thanks for your kind comment. I haven't been yet, but it certainly looks fascinating. Leave a Reply to Saiful Islam Opu Click here to cancel reply.
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In a prior post, we wrote generally about Service Design and how important the relationship between the customer and the company is to a service. Essentially, services are created at the moment of engagement: unlike a product, which is made and then sold, services are just-in-time: when a customer calls the support number, when a customer walks into the store, or when a nurse makes a house call. The relationship between the customer and the company in many ways is the service, and in the end, "company" means the employees with whom the customer interacts. Designers can co-create service blueprints until they're blue in the face, but without the buy-in of the frontline staff, those on-brand customer service scripts won't mean a thing. It's not just about buy-in; it's about getting employees to value their relationship to the customer on a base level, which requires authenticity and a desire to help people, as well as a deep understanding of the overall mission of the company. It requires people have autonomy and ownership over their work, and that they feel what they do is meaningful. No easy task. It's one thing to carefully design each touchpoint, but it's quite another to have to redesign how a company functions, and how employees relate to this vision. I've attended many company retreats where we try to identify who the company is and where we want to go. I usually felt like we would come up with some good ideas, but without solid leadership the proposed change initiatives went nowhere. How can any organization affect change in a meaningful way? Even in so-called "flat" organizations, it starts at the top. Employees look to their leaders to model behavior. Does the leadership put an emphasis on the importance of the customer relationship in a meaningful way? Does the organization empower and trust front line employees to make meaningful relationships with customers? Designers can bring a range of tools to the table to help organizations identify the gaps in their communication and inconsistencies within their own processes. But the hard work of connecting the dots lies with everyone and is an investment well worth it.
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Take your relaxation to the next level with a massage in the comfort of your home from home. Choose from a 60 minute or 90 minute relaxing, deep tissue or aromatherapy massage from our incredible masseurs. We only use 100% natural products. Relaxing - A medium pressure, full body massage that will leave you feeling light and refreshed. Aromatherapy - Enhance mental clarity and spark the relaxation response with the therapeutic aromas of carefully selected essential oils and soothing full-body massage. Deep Tissue - Reduce the pain and tension of chronically contracted muscles - stiff necks, tight lower backs and sore shoulders. The masseuse will use hard pressure to help realign deep layers of muscles and connective tissue.
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And that's it really, i'm going to try and post loads but i can't guarantee that I'm gonna post every week like i've been doing. I actually want to start youtube when i'm back at university as we have a nice little apartment that's probably perfect for filming and photos etc so you never know i might get better at posting but i don't want to ignore all my uni work. Okay so i will be back FULL time blogging next year hopefully i get the chance to become a full time ish blogger as i dream to be. If you do miss my blog, which i know some people just read my blog and not my socials(which is news to me) please go over to my instagram, twitter, Facebook and snapchat. Or if you don't care about them check back now and then i'll have stuff posted as i cannot give up this blog for that long. Also if you want an update on my university life and work as a third year student i'd love to show everyone what i'm working on, should have random post on instagram soon as it'll take up my entire life for the next year! Just wanna thank EVERYONE that's followed me throughout the years I know theres not many but who has and the newbies thank you so much, it means the absolute world to me! Good luck on your 3rd year at university! I just followed you on instagram, and let me say, your feed is poppin'! Haha, I want to start a YouTube channel too in the future, whenever I get a nice camera.
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Save money with a Changemaker coupon on current and future purchases. All Changemaker coupons are valid for a limited-time only and certain restrictions may apply. Be sure to check back often to see what new discounts we have available. Don't forget to check out our specials sections during your visit!
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GEAR DRIVE GAERTE 4 CYLINDER 669.11 202100-0010 This enclosed crank trigger assembly fits a Gaerte 4-cylinder gear drive. GEAR DRIVE RCD LS 675 202100-0016 This enclosed crank trigger assembly fits a RCD LS gear drive. GEAR DRIVE RCD SBC 646.62 202100-0008 This enclosed crank trigger assembly fits a RCD SBC gear drive. GEAR DRIVE SUMMERS SHAVER 646.62 202100-0012 This enclosed crank trigger assembly fits a Summers/Shaver gear drive. These assemblies include a base plate, a timing wheel, a crank seal, two pickup holders, a cover and all the necessary fasteners and pointers. All pieces are machined from billet aluminum, the cover, base plate and pickup holders have a tumbled finish. The 5" diameter timing wheel is hard anodized black with 360 degrees of timing marks laser etched around the outside diameter. The timing wheel is made to fit on the crank shaft and has the standard SBC damper bolt pattern machined on the face. On a V8 application with the pickups centered the magnets are placed for the timing to be set at 35 degrees BTDC. These assemblies are drip proof but not sealed.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
MONDAY, Dec. 3, 2018 (HealthDay News) — The prevalence of ever-diagnosed autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is 2.79 percent in the United States, with state-level variations in prevalence, according to a study published online Dec. 3 in JAMA Pediatrics. Guifeng Xu, M.D., from the University of Iowa in Iowa City, and colleagues used cross-sectional data from the 2016 National Survey of Children's Health to estimate the prevalence and treatment patterns of ASD among young children. Data were included for 43,032 children aged 3 to 17 years and were obtained from questionnaires completed by a parent or guardian. The researchers found the weighted prevalence of ever-diagnosed and current ASD was 2.79 and 2.50 percent, respectively. There was variation in the state-level prevalence of ever-diagnosed ASD from 1.54 percent in Texas to 4.88 percent in Florida. About 70 percent of children with current ASD were treated nationally: 43.3, 6.9, and 20.3 percent received behavioral treatment only, medication only, and both behavioral and medication treatments, respectively; 29.5 percent did not receive behavioral or medication treatment.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
You don't mention where you purchased your trip cancellation insurance. However, in my experience, with the appropriate medical documentation, a medical condition or illness that prevents you from travelling generally qualifies as a "covered" reason for a trip cancellation refund under most travel insurance policies. I'm so sorry you injured yourself, and hope that you are on the mend, and able to book a "rain check" visit to Walt Disney World soon!
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Great moments in bureaucratic stupidity: requiring a disaster plan for a magician's rabbit And yet the bureaucracy wonders why we laugh and point at them. Magician Marty Hahne received a letter from the US Department of Agriculture ordering him to submit a disaster plan for the rabbit he uses in his act: My USDA rabbit license requirement has taken another ridiculous twist. I just received an 8 page letter from the USDA, telling me that by July 29 I need to have in place a written disaster plan, detailing all the steps I would take to help get my rabbit through a disaster, such as a tornado, fire, flood, etc. They not only want to know how I will protect my rabbit during a disaster, but also what I will do after the disaster, to make sure my rabbit gets cared for properly. I am not kidding–before the end of July I need to have this written rabbit disaster plan in place, or I am breaking the law. Oh, he also has to prove he's received training in how to implement Operation Save The Bunny. My plan: In the event of disaster, Mr. Hippity-Hop is on his own. File this under "Things so stupid, they have to be real." via Iowahawk Comments Off on Great moments in bureaucratic stupidity: requiring a disaster plan for a magician's rabbit | Animals, Leviathan, Not Satire, WTF? | Permalink Josef Stalin Would Have Admired the U.K.'s Government-Run Healthcare System Hyperbole, but perhaps justified by the horror stories coming out of Britain's NHS. I wonder how long it will take under Obamacare before we have our own to tell? One of history's worst butchers, Josef Stalin, is rumored to have said that, "The death of one man is a tragedy, the death of millions is a statistic." Sadly, there's probably some truth in that statement. I've shared a bunch of horror stories about the U.K.'s government-run healthcare system (see here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here and here) and I challenge you to read them without feeling some mix of anger, sadness, despair, and disgust. Now read these passages from a story earlier this year in the UK-based Daily Mail. As many as 1,165 people starved to death in NHS hospitals over the past four years… According to figures released by the Office for National Statistics following a Freedom of Information request, for every patient who dies… Comments Off on Josef Stalin Would Have Admired the U.K.'s Government-Run Healthcare System | Great Britain, ObamaCare, Reblogs | Permalink Immigration, the latest legislative farce I've been taking a break, catching up on my reading, and a recent column by Andrew McCarthy reminded me of the disgust I felt at the shameful process by which Obamacare was passed, a feeling I'm experiencing again as the Senate moves closer to the passage of the 1,000+ pages-long immigration bill. So, I thought I'd share an excerpt from it that sums up my feelings quite nicely: But there is a larger point: no "important legislation" should be 100 pages long, much less 1,200 (or the even more mind-boggling girth of monstrosities like Obamacare). The United States Constitution is about 4,500 words long — outfits like Cato and Heritage publish it in small pamphlets that can be read in a few minutes. Nowadays, not only are the bills so gargantuan that no one could conceivably master them and predict their consequences; each page produces even more pages of regulations. They can't even be lifted, much less digested. You cannot have a functioning democratic republic when the laws are so voluminous no one can know what the law is. And that is especially the case when (a) the rationale for passing new laws — according to "reform" proponents like Senator Marco Rubio and Rep. Paul Ryan — is that we don't enforce the laws currently on the books; (b) key parts of legislation consist of commitments to do what previously enacted law already commands; and (c) the president, notwithstanding his oath to take care that the laws are faithfully executed, claims the power to refrain from enforcing whatever laws he disapproves of. Washington has made a farce of the legislative process and of the once proud boast that we are "a nation of laws not men." Yep. My only quibble would be to add "Once again,…" to the start of the last sentence. Then again, what's the point of making it even just one page, when many don't feel a need to even read the bills they're voting on? Shameful and disgraceful. Comments Off on Immigration, the latest legislative farce | Immigration, Senate | Permalink IRS Inspector General calls acting IRS head, in effect, a liar Following up on this item from a couple of days ago, in which the claim that the IRS had also asked inappropriate questioned and otherwise hassled progressive groups, as well as conservative and Tea Party organizations, was shown to be false by Eliana Johnson of National Review. Now along comes to Inspector General to confirm that, no, progressive groups were not targeted the same way as groups on the Right. Not at all: Liberal groups seeking tax-exempt status faced less IRS scrutiny than Tea Party groups, according to the Treasury Department's inspector general. J. Russell George, Treasury's inspector general for tax administration, told Rep. Sandy Levin (D-Mich.) in a letter dated Wednesday that the IRS did not use inappropriate criteria to scrutinize groups with "progressives" in their name seeking tax-exempt status. "Our audit did not find evidence that the IRS used the 'progressives' identifier as selection criteria for potential political cases between May 2010 and May 2012," George wrote in the letter obtained by The Hill. The inspector general stressed that 100 percent of the groups with "Tea Party," "patriots" and "9/12" in their name were flagged for extra attention, while only 30 percent of the groups with "progress" or "progressive" were highlighted as potentially political. George's letter does not say why the progressive groups were given extra scrutiny. "While we have multiple sources of information corroborating the use of Tea Party and other related criteria we described in our report, including employee interviews, e-mails and other documents, we found no indication in any of these other materials that 'progressives' was a term used to refer cases for scrutiny for political campaign intervention," George wrote to Levin, the top Democrat on the tax-writing House Ways and Means Committee. Democrats are claiming that liberal groups were targeted, too, though the IG's testimony shows that it was not nearly at the level at which conservative were culled. They're also taking an awfully long time producing these targeted liberal groups. But even if they do produce them, we know from Johnson's investigations that, if progressive groups were set aside for special examination, they could still be approved by line agents; 501c applications from conservative groups, on the other hand, were all sent to Washington for "special review." Democrats on Ways and Means are right to challenge George over why his testimony has discrepancies; that's part of the job, and no groups deserved to be subjected to intrusive questions, but it doesn't change the fact of disparate treatment between liberal and conservative applications. Of greater interest is how and why Acting Commissioner Werfel only recently found "liberal words" and why he didn't know about the differences in handling. Why wasn't this mentioned by Lois Lerner or former Commissioner Schulman? Sounds to me like another desperate, busted distraction. via Legal Insurrection, which has cruelly preserved a screen capture of the Left's now-spoiled joy. Heh. Comments Off on IRS Inspector General calls acting IRS head, in effect, a liar | IRS, Scandals | Permalink Scandalabra: another #IRS official takes the Fifth "They took down Capone, but can they handle the IRS?" But it's not over targeting conservative groups: this one seems to be centered around good old-fashioned graft. Almost refreshing, really: A Virginia company inappropriately secured contracts worth hundreds of millions of dollars from the Internal Revenue Service based on false statements and personal ties to an IRS official, the top Republican investigator in the U.S. House of Representatives said on Tuesday. A report issued by Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chairman Darrell Issa of California said the IRS, which is embroiled in a series of unrelated controversies, awarded the contracts to computer networking and security company Strong Castle Inc. The report said Strong Castle's president, Braulio Castillo, relied on a friendship with an IRS contracting official, Gregory Roseman, to win business. It said the company made false statements to beat rivals for the work. The cost of Strong Castle's 2012 contracts to the IRS, including for work in future years, could reach nearly $500 million, the report said. And, guess what, Rosenman's lawyer has notified the committee he plans to take the Fifth. That'll do wonders for the agency's image. Can anyone give me one good reason, even if we did maintain our Byzantine tax code, why we shouldn't subject the IRS to Roman decimation, disband the survivors in disgrace, and then tear down their headquarters and salt the earth? They loathe more than half the population that employs them; they deny them equal treatment under the law based on their political beliefs; and apparently they're steering public money to their buddies. (In return for…?) And now they have the nerve to plead self-incrimination. Estes Kefauver, where are you when we need you? I've said it before and I'll say it again: the IRS and the Obama administration overall are making a better case for limited government than all the conservative and libertarian group combined have made over the past 20 years. Flat tax or fair tax, I don't care which you replace the current income tax with, but it's time to repeal the Sixteenth Amendment and abolish the IRS. via PJM Comments Off on Scandalabra: another #IRS official takes the Fifth | Corruption, Cronyism, IRS, Scandals | Permalink Parliament On A Knife Edge Part VIII – Panic Stations And A Palace Coup Really interesting background piece on yesterday's Labor Party coup in Australia, which saw former PM (and noted earwax-eater) Kevin Rudd topple PM Julia Gillard, who herself had ousted him a couple of years ago. Australians are among the nicest people you meet, but, as James Delingpole wrote, their intra-party politics make Game of Thrones seem bland by comparison. Recommended for all politics and backstabbing geeks. Be Responsible - Be Free! This has now gone so far beyond a joke that I hardly know where to start. So much ink has been spilled by hoary press gallery veterans covering Labor's leadership soap opera, that there is very little new that LibertyGibbert could possibly add. So I thought instead, I'd simply summarize the state of play for my (understandably bewildered) overseas readers. Feel free to switch off or scroll to the end if it becomes too tedious or repetitive—and believe me, folks, it does. Comments Off on Parliament On A Knife Edge Part VIII – Panic Stations And A Palace Coup | Australia, Politics, Reblogs | Permalink Debunked: #IRS not targeting progressive groups like they did Tea Party groups On Monday, The Hill and others carried a story that seemed to strongly change the narrative of the IRS "targeting scandal." In testimony before the House Ways and Means committee, acting IRS head Danny Werfel said that the targeting had gone on longer than originally thought –into 2013– and that it had included liberal and progressive groups: But Rep. Sandy Levin (Mich.), the top Democrat on the tax-writing House Ways and Means Committee, said that the IRS told Congress for the first time on Monday that "progressive" was also a term used on BOLO lists. In a release, Ways and Means Democrats stressed that liberal groups were among almost 300 groups seeking tax-exempt status that Treasury's inspector general for tax administration reviewed for the May audit outlining the targeting of Tea Party groups. Levin said Monday that the audit left that information out, and called for Ways and Means Committee Chairman Dave Camp (R-Mich.) to bring Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration Russell George back for more testimony. "The audit served as the basis and impetus for a wide range of Congressional investigations and this new information shows that the foundation of those investigations is flawed in a fundamental way," Levin said in a statement. This would seem to weaken at least one aspect of what has been a major scandal for the Obama administration, that conservative and Tea Party groups were singled out inappropriately for special attention that amounted to political harassment and a denial of equal treatment under the law, based on their political views. If left-liberal groups were given similar treatment, then the charge becomes one of mere bureaucratic incompetence, rather than political persecution. And it would tie in with the administration's favorite defense in scandals: "We're not evil. We're just stupid." But… Not so fast. Writing for National Review, Eliana Johnson looks at this new revelation and finds yet another smokescreen: Acting IRS commissioner Danny Werfel on Monday told reporters that the now-infamous "Be On The Lookout" list was far broader than was originally disclosed in the Treasury Department inspector general's report. Reports from outlets including the Associated Press, which I cited in my original report, and now Bloomberg News, confirmed Werfel's account, indicating that various versions of the list not only included terms like "tea party," but also "progressive," "Occupy," and "Israel." A November 2010 version of the list obtained by National Review Online, however, suggests that while the list did contain the word "progressive," screeners were in fact instructed to treat "progressive" groups differently from "tea party" groups. Whereas screeners were merely alerted that a designation of 501(c)(3) status "may not be appropriate" for applications containing the word "progressive" – 501(c)(3) organizations are prohibited from conducting any political activities – they were told to send those of tea-party groups off IRS higher-ups for further scrutiny. That means the applications of progressive groups could be approved on the spot by line agents, while those of tea-party groups could not. Furthermore, the November 2010 list noted that tea-party cases were "currently being coordinated with EOT," which stands for Exempt Organizations Technical, a group of tax lawyers in Washington, D.C. Those of progressive groups were not. In other words, "Nice try, Representative Levin, but you might want to contact the White House to find out what's next on the list of distractions." This does raise several questions, though. First, Acting Commissioner Werfel surely had to know of the disparate treatment of conservative and liberal groups and its significance in this scandal. Why bring this up as if it was exculpatory? A little "suggestion" from the White House? It may be time for him to come back to testify under oath to explain himself. Second, this scandal has been known for weeks, and there have been days of testimony by various Right-wing groups complaining about mistreatment by the IRS. If lefty groups were similarly picked on, where were they? Why didn't they demand to be heard? Why didn't the Democrats produce them as witnesses? Surely they deserve justice, too, don't they? As Johnson's research shows, they weren't at the hearing because they had no complaint. The bureaucracy wasn't interfering with the exercise of their constitutional rights. Just ours. RELATED: Evidence shows 12 different IRS groups targeted conservatives across the land. Those "rogue agents" sure got around. Jay Cost on the need for bureaucratic reform to protect the republic. 2 Comments | Democrats, IRS, Leviathan, Scandals, Thugocracy | Permalink You are currently browsing the Public Secrets blog archives for June, 2013.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
TURMERIC, MELON SEEDS & BASIL NO KNEAD BREAD. The sliced surfaces to show the thin crust, open crumb and the melon seeds. After the Purple Sweet potato, the Red Beetroot and the Blue Butterfly pea, here's the Yellow Turmeric bread! A No Knead version containing melon seeds, dried basil and of course turmeric powder.Lovely oven rise, thin crust and open crumb. Able to taste the turmeric and the nutty melon seeds. A hint of basil. Quite like it! The night before baking, mix the water, turmeric powder and yeast. Let this stand for a few minutes. Combine the dry ingredients in a glass bowl, and then add the water mixture to the flour mixture, and stir to mix the dough until it's even. The dough at the start of proofing overnight. After 12 hours overnight proofing. Proofing in a Banneton basket. For those who are familiar with the No Knead method of baking bread, just follow the same procedures. Final proof took 1 hour 45 minutes. Bake at 235˚C in a hot Dutch Oven for 30 minutes, and then with the DO cover off, another 15 minutes at 210˚C to brown the crust. Hot out of the Dutch Oven. Cooling on a metal rack. Sliced to show the thin crust and the open crumb. Soft chewy and aromatic, with nutty flavours! *If you have two pennies, spend one on a loaf and one on a flower. The bread will give you life, and the flower a reason for living." - Chinese Proverb. BUTTERFLY PEA BREAD 2ND ATTEMPT. MODIFIED RECIPE. The loaf sliced into half to show the crust and crumb. I was quite disappointed at the results of my first attempt baking the blue Butterfly pea bread, and after receiving suggestions from the Bread Baking group in FaceBook; and doing more research in the Internet, I concocted a more promising recipe which does work! The crumb in my first attempt was no where close to having a blue colour. So having a small packet of the dried flowers of the Butterfly pea on my table, I decided to give it a second attempt using my "new " recipe. 2 tsp fresh lime juice. Boil water and pour the hot boiling water into a glass vessel containing the dried Butterfly Pea flowers. Let this seep through ( some say, preferably overnight) for a few hours. The blue dye will be released by the hot water. Strain the water into a container, squeezing out the soaked flowers to maximise the amount of dye. For the first attempt I used only a tablespoon of the dried Butterfly pea flower. There wasn't sufficient dye to render the crumb blue. This time, I used 9 gm of the dried flowers. Note the intensity of the deep blue dye! Extracting the dye with hot water. Measure 400gm unbleached bread flour into a KitchenAid mixing bowl. If possible use white flour if you want an intense blue effect. I didn't have white flour then! Add in the dry yeast to the flour. Mix thoroughly. The pour in the cooled blue water extract of the Butterfly Pea flower, and mix the dough for between 10 to 15 minutes on the stand mixer until the dough is smooth and silky. If necessary, add in by the tablespoon, additional flour to obtain this consistency. Lastly add in the sea salt, butter and fresh lemon juice towards the final stage of mixing. Transfer the dough to a floured mat and fold a few times before forming the dough into a ball. Proof the dough covered with a damp tea towel for 30 minutes. First Proofing on a mat. This time a blue boule. After this time, fold the dough again and form into a ball. Proof for 30 minutes again. At the end of this time, fold again and do a final shaping of the dough and transfer this to a floured baking paper. Proof for 30 to 45 minutes, while you heat up the Dutch Oven to 235˚C. When ready, transfer the boule by holding the edges of the baking paper and gently lowering the boule into the hot DO. Bake for 30 minutes with the DO cover on, and then a further 15 minutes with the cover off. Transfer the baked loaf on to a metal rack to cool before slicing. Hot out of the Dutch Oven. Cooling on a metal rack before cutting. Showing the thin crust, nice open crumb, which is soft and spongy! A close-up of the crumb. Recently, I've been interested in baking bread with coloured crumbs and it all started with the Purple Sweet Potato bread. There is a lot of health benefits eating Purple Sweet potatoes, so it made sense to me to have bread made with this, and consume the potato this way. I then tried the Butterfly Pea coloured bread which is supposed to colour the crumb a lovely blue. However, in my first attempt, I underestimated the amount of dried Butterfly pea flowers to use and the result was a faint purplish crumb. I now find that I should have used three times the amount that I used in my first attempt, and so the second attempt will be happening very soon!! A fairly tight crumb, a crust that's not that thin but still crispy. Meantime, I moved on to using beetroot, and this was quite successful, except I didn't fancy the earthy taste of the bread, even though I added walnuts for that added crunchy texture and flavour. Below is the recipe that I used having made adjustments to adapt to the different flour I used. I used organic beetroot and unbleached flour. Beetroot puree with the flour mixture. 1 Beetroot (about 300g.) I used organic. Boil the beetroot (intact with skin) in water for 40 to 45 minutes till cooked. Cool the beetroot and then slice the beetroot with the skin, into small pieces and puree in a blender. ​Add in 2 tablespoons of coconut oil to make the paste of deep red beetroot. In a KitchenAid bowl, add in the 500g flour, 21/2 teaspoon dried yeast and about 2/3rd of the measured amount of water. Reserve the rest of the water to add into the dough mix teaspoon by teaspoon. to obtain a smooth silky dough during the mixing and where the dough comes off the sides of the bowl. Before the final stages of mixing the dough, add in the sea salt and the chopped walnuts. When you are happy with the consistency of the dough, transfer this onto a floured silicone mat and fold a few times before forming a boule and letting this proof for an hour. After an hour, fold the dough a few times and after shaping into a ball, proof further another 30 minutes. When the dough doubled it's size, I divided the dough into two portions, and did a final fold and shape into boules. Proof them on floured baking paper for the last 30 minutes before baking in a preheated Dutch Oven at 230˚C. for 30 minutes. Remove the cover of the DO after 30 minutes and bake uncovered for another 10 to 15 minutes at 210˚C till the loaves are lightly brownish red and sounds hollow when you knock them. The first boule after machine kneading about 15 minutes, folding and shaping. Proof one hour. The dough was divided into two and these are the baked loaves. Remove from the DO and cool on a metal rack. A loaf cut to show the crust and the crumb. SOURDOUGH BUTTERFLY PEA & ROSEMARY BREAD. ​Clitoria ternatea, commonly known as Asian pigeonwings, bluebellvine, blue pea, butterfly pea, cordofan pea and Darwin pea, is a plant species belonging to the Fabaceae family. Wikipedia. Like green tea, the Butterfly Pea Flower tea is full of potent antioxidants, and has been studied for its ability to help protect the skin against premature aging (it fights against glycation, which is protein damage caused by an influx of sugar molecules). Bread made using Butterfly pea extract. Hot out of the oven. Having made Purple Sweet Potato bread, with all it's healthy properties, I had the idea of carrying on with this by using the Butterfly Pea, which also is high in antioxidants. I read from Dr Mercola's website that studies have highlighted the potential benefits of the butterfly pea extract, which may be passed on to the tea. So I used the liquid extract of the pea, instead of just plain water, for making the bread. 1. Boil water and pour1 1/3 cups of the hot water into a glass container containing a tablespoon of the dried Butterfly flowers and let this steep to extract the bluish purple dye. Leave this to cool. 2. In a KitchenAid bowl, mix in all the flours. 3. Add the cooled tea extract into a well made in the bowl of flour and cover this with flour from the sides of the bowl to autolysis the flour for 30 minutes. 4. To the rest of the cooled tea extract, add in the dried yeast and sugar and 100gm of the sourdough starter. Leave this to form active bubbles. The colouration becomes grey! 5. After about 30 minutes, I added the yeast/sourdough mixture to the bowl of flour and ran the mixer with a dough hook for 10 to 15 minutes till the dough became silky smooth and had a satin sheen. Add in the sea salt, the chopped Rosemary leaves and virgin coconut oil midway through the mixing. 6. When ready, transfer the dough to a floured surface and fold a few times before forming a boule. 7. Let this proof for an hour, and then fold a few times before forming a batard, which I placed on a floured baking paper to proof further for an hour. 8. During this time start up your oven and set the temperature to 240˚C. After the hour is up, score the surface of the batard and bake this in the oven for 25 to 30 minutes till brown, before removing the loaf to cool on a metal rack. From left: My sourdough starter; dried Butterfly pea flowers; the tea extract; virgin coconut oil. Proofing after the first folding and stretching, and formed into a boule. Final proofing after folding and forming into a batard. Sliced to show the crumb and the thin crust. The crumb in detail. Soft, spongy and aromatic . There's been a suggestion on how to keep the crumb blue by adding food grade Ascorbic Acid to the water. I have not tried this yet. SD RUM-SOAKED RAISIN & CRANBERRY FRENCH T110 FLOUR. Hot out of the oven, the crust nicely browned and 'singing'! My Sister-in-law gifted me a 1kg packet of this French Type 110 flour( see picture below). It is a "Farine de blé complète" or in English, a complete wheat flour. From the symbols on the package, it's organic as well. Since my sourdough starter needed feeding, I thought I'd bake a bread using this flour. 250g King Arthur organic bread flour. I already soaked the raisins and cranberries in rum, (preferably overnight). Cover the bowl with cling wrap. Shake up the bowl occasionally to mix the ingredients with rum. ​In a Kitchen Aid bowl, mix the two flours with 150g of the filtered water and then let this autolysis for 20 to 40 minutes. Mixing in the KA bowl. Mixture comes off the sides. In a glass container with the remaining 50g of filtered water, add in 100g of the Sourdough starter and mix in the honey and dried yeast, ( and nutmeg powder -optional). Let this stand at room temperature till bubbly. ​At the end of this time, mix in the SD starter mixture with the flour in the KA bowl, and knead at low speed for 10 to 13 minutes or till the dough is smooth and silky. Halfway through, add in the salt, 2 tsp coconut oil; and when you're about to stop, add in the cranberries and raisins. Transfer the dough onto a lightly floured surface, and fold the dough a few times, finally shaping it into a ball. Proof this at room temperature for 30 minutes. After 30 minutes, fold the dough again and shape into a ball, and proof again for 30 minutes. Then repeat this a third time, and proof for another 30 minutes. Proofing after the first folding and stretching. The shaped boule proofing on baking paper. At the end of this time, transfer the dough by gently lowering this into the hot DO and cover the DO with the lid. Return the DO back to the main oven and bake at 240˚C for 30 minutes. Then remove the DO cover and bake further to brown and dry the crust of the loaf for another 10 minutes at 220˚C. The final internal temperature I got in this loaf was 94.3˚C. Baked in the Dutch Oven for 30 minutes covered, and 10 to 15 minutes uncovered. Boule, from the French for "ball", is a traditional shape of French bread, resembling a squashed ball. It is a rustic loaf shape that can be made of any type of flour. A boule can be leavened with commercial yeast, chemical leavening, or even wild yeast sourdough. The name of this bread is the reason a bread baker is referred to as a "boulanger" in French, and a bread bakery a "boulangerie." Sliced after cooling, to show the thin crust and the even crumb which is soft and spongy. Remove hot loaves from the DO immediately after baking and cool them on a rack to prevent the bottom crust from becoming moist and soggy. Never slice a hot loaf of bread as the crumb would be sticky and slushy. Also to keep the crust crispy, store the cut loaf in a paper bag and not in a plastic bag. This allows the loaf to 'breathe' as it were, prevents moisture condensation, and keeps it firm. The Boule cooling on a metal rack. I noticed that the French Type 110 flour imparted a very nice deep brown colouration to the crust of the loaf, and further baking experiments using this flour gave the same deep colouration if this flour was incorporated into the recipe. All I did was to add about 30 to 40 gms to a 400gm bread-recipe. "If you bake bread with indifference, you bake a bitter bread that feeds but half man's hunger." – Kahlil Gibran. PURPLE SWEET POTATO SOURDOUGH BREAD. Purple sweet potato sourdough bread in just little over three hours. A few days ago, while speaking with an old friend over the phone, he related that he and his wife now eat plenty of purple sweet potatoes. He said that this potato has one of the highest amount of anti oxidants, in addition to many vitamins and minerals. This got me curious and I wondered if I could use this in my breads. I searched the internet and found a few recipes of breads using purple sweet potatoes. The one that caught my attention was entitled 'The Blushing Boule'! But the recipe was so detailed down to the temperature of the dough and the proofing environment; and to produce this loaf, the writer suggests that it would take 19 to 20 hours, ie. overnight. Determined not to be discouraged, I started formulating my own recipe based on the ingredients and modifying some of this. The recipe I came up with takes slightly over three hours to produce the bread that you see here. I took pains to make this recipe as simple as possible so as to encourage more bakers to try out this bread and benefit from it's rich, natural source of anti oxidants, vitamins and minerals. Conditions can vary greatly with water content of your flour, the humidity of the room or kitchen, the temperature etc. So you need to adjust to find the optimal set of conditions to suite your situation. I hope many will try out the recipe. Weigh a small tuber of the purple sweet potato that's about 170g. More or less makes small difference. Wash the potato using your fingers under running water and then immerse this in a pot of boiling water and boil to cook for 20 to 25 minutes. Do not remove the skin. When you can poke a fork easily into the tuber, it's cooked. Remove the potato, mash it with the skin into pulp and let cool. The skin contains lots of minerals and vitamins. In a KitchenAid bowl, measure in 400g unbleached bread flour. Add in about 1/2 portion of the water into a hole in the dough, and shift the dough over the water to start autolysis. To the rest of the water, add in the organic cane sugar and 1 1/2 tsp dry yeast and 50 g of sourdough starter. Let this ferment for about 20 minutes as well. At the ending of 20 or 25 minutes, when the yeast water mixture is very active, transfer this to the KA bowl with the flour, and using a dough hook, mix at medium speed for 10 to 15 minutes. Half way through, add in the mashed purple sweet potato and sea salt. When the dough is silky smooth and comes off the sides of the bowl, transfer it to a floured mat and fold a few times before forming a ball. Proof covered for 30 minutes. After 30 minutes, fold several times again, and proof another 30 minutes. Repeat this at the end of the 30 minutes, and do a final shaping of the dough. Transfer to a floured banneton and proof again covered for 30 to 45 minutes. During this time, heat up the Dutch Oven (without the lid,) inside your oven, to 245˚C. At the end of the proofing time when the dough has risen considerably, flip the dough onto a baking sheet, and then spray water over it before scoring the dough. Place the dough by lifting it with the edges of the baking paper, and gently lower this into the hot DO. Cover the DO and place this back in the oven. Reduce the temperature to 240˚C and bake for 30 minutes. At the end of 30 minutes, remove the DO lid, and bake further at 220˚C for 10 minutes. I prefer to remove the loaf and place this directly on my hot baking stone in the oven. When brown, remove the hot loaf. Check the internal temperature if you wish. Mine was 98.1˚C, and then let it cool on a metal rack before slicing!. 400g Bread flour undergoing autolysis. Water, yeast, cane sugar and SD starter mixture. Final folding & the banneton. Dough with the seam side up. After proofing about 40 minutes. Dough inverted on to baking paper. 30 minutes after baking, remove the DO lid to bake 10 more minutes to brown crust. Boule sliced into half, showing crumb. Bubbles tend to form nearer the top end of the boule during proofing. The lower end of the boule tends to be denser as a result. So by inverting the boule, the lower denser portion of the dough is now on the top and the bubbles below can push the dough above upwards during the oven rise for that added lift and height! A close-up of the cut surface of the crumb and crust. The bread sliced the following morning for breakfast! The crumb is aromatic and very soft. There are many recipes for onion breads in the internet, but I have developed my own method and I find the results very satisfying. Onion bread is one of my favourite breads. I like it lightly toasted and buttered, eaten for breakfast with black coffee! First chop into small pieces the two average size red onions. Then sauté this in 1 1/2 tbs coconut oil, and add 1 1/2 tsp organic cane sugar. Sautè till dark brown, and then let this cool down. In a KitchenAid bowl, measure in 400g unbleached KA bread flour. Make a depression or hole in the flour, and add into this depression in the flour, about half of the 260g filtered water. Flip the sides of the flour over the water in the depression to cover the water, and let this autolysis for 20 to 30 minutes. To the rest of the water, add in the cane sugar and the dry yeast and let this develop till foamy. It should also take about 20 minutes. Refer to Blog posted 9/16/2018 : Avoine-French Seed & Grain Mixture Bread. The shaped ball of dough on floured baking paper just before spritzing water and scoring. After the autolysis period, add 2 tbs coconut oil to the flour and water mixture, and pour in the foamy yeast mixture. Mix these ingredients for 10 mins till the dough is silky smooth and stretchy. You may have to add in more water or flour, by the teaspoons, to get the consistency that you want. When the dough is almost done, add in 11/2 tsp sea salt, mix again then add in the cooled caramelised onions. Repeat folding twice at 30 minutes intervals. At the end of 1 1/2 hours, fire up the oven with the Dutch Oven (DO) inside, without the cover. Do a third fold, and then shape and transfer dough on to a lightly floured baking paper and proof further for 30 minutes. Spritz some water on the dough and score it, and then gently transfer the dough to the hot DO and place on the cover. Bake at 240˚C for 30 minutes covered; and subsequently 5 to 10 minutes at 220˚C with the lid off to brown the crust.​ When done, transfer to a metal rack to cool. Gently lowered into the hot DO. After baking 30 mins. the cover is taken off. The final product, a crispy crust, soft light crumb and incredibly aromatic, tasty bread. SF SOURDOUGH STARTER RYE,SEMOLINA &CARAWAY SEED BREAD. The loaf cooling on a metal rack. the crust crackling as it cools. I acquired a packet of this SF sourdough starter sometime in 2012 or 2013, and kept it in my freezer all these 5-6 years. Four days ago, I decided to reconstitute the starter, and after feeding it a couple of times, baked this boule of organic bread flour with some semolina and rye flour in a Dutch Oven. In about 1 week it was already very bubbly and active. Freeze-dried San Francisco Sourdough starter. <--On the left, the very active bubbly starter. The boule after 1st folding. Leave for 20 mins. The boule after 2nd folding. Again proof 20 mins. In a Kitchen Aid bowl, measure and add in the three different flours totalling 400g. Mix this thoroughly and then making a depression in the flour, add in about half of the 250g water. Use the other half of this water to dilute 100g of the sourdough starter, the coconut syrup and the yeast. Cover the flour in the KA bowl by flipping the flour edges over the water surface and allow for autolysis the flour for about 20 minutes. Let both the flour and starter mixture stand at room temperature for 20 minutes. At the end of this time, add the starter mixture into the bowl with the flours and then using the KA mixer, knead the dough at speed 1-2 for 10- to 12 minutes till the dough is silky and smooth and comes off the sides of the bowl. Around the mid point of this period, I add in the sea salt, adjust before the kneading stops add in the caraway seeds. Transfer the dough onto a lightly floured surface and fold the dough several times and shape into a boule. Proof for 20 minutes, and then fold again a second time and shape into a ball to proof for a further 20 minutes. At the end of this time, gently fold the dough then third time, and do a final shaping into a boule. Let this stand to proof again for 20 to 30 minutes on a baking sheet. Meantime heat up the oven to 250˚C with the Dutch oven inside. When the dough is ready to be placed into the Dutch oven, spray some water on the surface of the dough, dust with rice powder, and then score the dough with a sharp knife. Gently holding the edges of the baking paper, lower the dough into the hot dutch oven and bake with the cover on for 30 minutes at 240˚C.At the end of this time, remove the DO cover and bake further at 220˚C for 10 to 15 minutes till the loaf is nicely dark brown. Remove and cool on a metal rack. The internal temperature I got was 98.1C. After the 3rd folding, final shaping into boule. Boule scored with a sharp knife. After 30 mins baking in the Dutch oven, the lid is removed. Beautifully round and nicely browned. Crispy crust and soft crumb. The oven rise was very nice, the crust singing after the loaf was taken out of the hot oven. The internal bread temperature was 98.1˚C at this time. The crumb seems lose enough, soft and chewy without being filled with large air pockets! Great with butter and home-made marmalade! When heating the DO in the oven I don't place the cover on. Only after the dough is gently transferred into the very hot DO do I place the cold cover on and bake with the cover for 30 minutes. Before I place the cold cover over the hot DO, I spray a little water under the cover to generate more steam. Steam helps keep the crust soft during the first 5 or 10 minutes so the loaf can get that final expansion. It also helps dissolve sugars on the surface of the dough that caramelise during baking and give you a glossy, crisp crust. In the last 10 to 15 minutes baking with the cover off to brown the loaf, I leave the oven door slightly open for 5 minutes to dry the crust so it becomes crispy. 'Housekeeping In Old Virginia' Marion Cabell Tyree ed. (1878). AVOINE -FRENCH SEED & GRAIN MIXTURE BREAD. A mildly flavoured, soft chewy bread with lots of healthy grains and seeds. I just received from my sister-in-law, another 250g packet of Avoine, a French mixture containing oats, sunflower and squash seeds. Together in this is mixed five cereals, that of rye, oats, barley, rice and wheat. I still have 1 1/2 packets in my freezer so I thought I had better use some up. I baked this loaf of bread which is simple to make and takes just over two and a half hours from start to finish. I've experimented with this recipe several times, and there's now consistency in the results. 3 tbs Avoine grain and cereal mixture. Autolysis of the flour. 20 mins. No yeast. Water, yeast and coconut sugar mixture. Into a Kitchen Aid bowl, place the semolina and unbleached bread flour and add in about 150g of the water. Gently shift the flour over the water to cover it, and allow autolysis of the flour for 20 minutes. ​In the meantime with the rest of the water, add in the yeast and coconut sugar and stir vigorously to dissolve the yeast and let this stand for about 15 minutes. After 15 mins. the bubbly active yeast water. Knead till the dough comes off the sides. At the end of 20 minutes of the autolysis add the yeast sugar mixture to the flour in the Kitchen Aid bowl. Add in the butter and coconut oil, and mix at a slow speed for a few minutes before increasing the mixer speed to 'beat' up the flour for a total of 10 minutes. Add in the sea salt when you're half way through. Mix till the dough is smooth and it comes off the sides of the KA bowl. Then add in the grain mixture and mix further. Transfer the dough onto a lightly floured surface, and fold a few times before shaping into a ball. Proof this for 20 minutes in a oiled plastic bowl. Folded and shaped, 1st of the 20 mins proofing. The boule at the end of the 1st 20 mins. proofing. At the end of the first 20 minutes, transfer the dough to the table and fold again a few times, and then do a final shaping into a boule. Let this proof on a baking sheet for the second 20 minutes. At the end of the 2nd of 20 mins.proofing. At the end of the 3rd of 20 mins. proofing. At the end of this 20 minutes, fire up your oven to 225˚C and wait another 20 minutes before spraying water lightly on the boule and scoring the loaf. Spray with water lightly over the boule, and score the loaf. Bake till golden brown and the internal temperature is over 92˚C. The loaf cut to show the thin crust, lose crumb, and scattered grains. There you have it. A simple to make, healthy, grainy bread. Soft and mildly fragrant, going so well with butter and jam. Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and he'll eat forever. - Chinese Proverb.
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America's Voice En Español » Immigration 101 Reform is Urgent tags: Border Security, Border Wall, Central American Refugees, Children at the Border, Frank Sharry, Uncategorized If Republicans Wanted to Fix Our Broken Immigration System, They Would Head to Central America by AV Press Releases on April 7, 2021 Republicans head to the border to score political points, while the solutions to the regional migration challenges reside in the region south of the border There is a crisis. It's in Central America. The failure of governments in Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador to provide for their citizens has caused yet another increase in arrivals at our southern border. But America is never going to achieve durable solutions regarding Central American migration by only looking at the U.S.-Mexico border. The solutions lie in the region south of the border. So what is the point of the many Republican congressional delegations (CODELS) heading to the southern border? They don't want policy solutions, they want a political issue. And to the extent they mention policies, they yearn for a return to Trump's failures, chaos and cruelty. In contrast, the Biden administration is attempting to transform a border-centric, deportation-only and deterrence-focused approach to migration from Central America into a regional plan. The strategy calls for channeling the movement of refugees and migrants into legal channels with points of entry starting in the region, and working to address the forces and factors driving so many to abandon their countries. Recognizing this broader framework that the Biden administration is moving towards, many in the media are turning their attention to the regional nature of the challenge and the regional nature of the Biden-Harris plan. New York Times, "We Are Doomed:" Devastation From Storms Fuels Migration in Honduras":" 'We are doomed here,' said Magdalena Flores, a mother of seven, standing on a mattress that peeked out from the dirt where her house used to be. 'The desperation, the sadness, that's what makes you migrate.' People have long left Honduras for the United States, fleeing gang violence, economic misery and the indifference of a government run by a president accused of ties to drug traffickers. Then last fall, two hurricanes hit impoverished areas of Honduras in rapid succession, striking more than four million people across the nation — nearly half the population — and leveling entire neighborhoods. 'People aren't migrating; they're fleeing,' said César Ramos, of the Mennonite Social Action Commission, a group providing aid to people affected by the storms. 'These people have lost everything, even their hope.'" Washington Post, The reason many Guatemalans are coming to the border? A profound hunger crisis: "As more and more Central American families arrive at the United States' southern border, the municipality of Panzós offers a stark illustration of the deepening food crisis that is contributing to the new wave of migration. So far this year, more unaccompanied minors processed by immigration agents are from Guatemala than any other country. Analysts and U.S. officials refer obliquely to 'poverty' as an underlying cause of that influx. But often the reason is far more specific: hunger … Guatemala now has the sixth-highest rate of chronic malnutrition in the world. The number of acute cases in children, according to one new Guatemalan government study, doubled between 2019 and 2020." Bloomberg editorial, Border crisis needs more than money: "The impact of the pandemic and two hurricanes in 2020 compounded the region's misery, displacing hundreds of thousands and causing Central America's economies to shrink by 6%. All three countries rank among the most violent and corrupt places on earth. Surveys show that more than 1 in 5 citizens say they've had to pay bribes to receive government services. The Biden administration has called for providing $4 billion over four years to the three countries to address the 'root causes' of emigration. That's roughly double the amount spent by Donald Trump's administration, which in recent years cut off aid to punish the countries for failing to crack down on migration. The U.S. has an interest in holding the region's leaders accountable for their citizens' welfare, but amid public-health and environmental calamities, Trump's policy toward Central America was cruel and shortsighted. Wisely, Biden wants to reverse it." A CBS Evening News Video Report: CBS News Correspondent Manuel Bojorquez reports from Guatemala, where interviews with residents as young as 12 years old highlight the desperate circumstances in light of recent natural disasters that motivate migration to the United States. More than half a million Central Americans were temporarily or permanently displaced because of recent storms, and recovery has been slow to nonexistent in many remote farming communities. A young Guatemalan interviewed by Bojorquez made it all the way to Mexico City before he ran out of money to pay smugglers, and is now back in Guatemala and has "few options but to try again" to return to the United States. The U.S. has put out radio messages warning potential migrants not to come, but still many in remote farm communities bear the visible scars from the storms and the crops they rely on are "destroyed". Many are "running out of options and considering leaving to the United States." A new piece from Reuters: Sofia Menchu writes, "The White House is looking to create legal ways for Central American migrants to reach the United States, U.S. President Joe Biden's special envoy Ricardo Zuñiga said on Tuesday, amid a sharp rise in illegal crossings over the past few months. Zuñiga, Biden's envoy to the so-called Northern Triangle countries in Central America, said on a visit to Guatemala that the White House was looking to offer protections to migrants amid a push by Biden to reshape the U.S. border policy. A jump in immigration from the three Northern Triangle countries of Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador has posed one of the biggest political challenges to the new Biden administration…U.S. authorities caught more than 171,000 migrants along the U.S.-Mexico border in March, the highest monthly total in two decades and the latest sign of the mounting humanitarian challenge confronting Biden's administration." Senior Advisor and Chief Spokesperson for the Vice President Symone Sanders gave this statement: "The Vice President welcomes today's announcement by USAID that it will activate a Disaster Assistance Response Team (DART) to respond to the urgent humanitarian needs in the Northern Triangle countries of El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras. In coordination with officials on the ground, the team will provide the technical expertise needed to help scale up emergency food assistance, jobs programs, and protection for the most vulnerable families and communities. The citizens of these countries are still suffering from the effects of two devastating hurricanes and the ongoing global pandemic. The deployment of a DART team will provide needed humanitarian assistance, helping the people of the region where they are." According to Frank Sharry, Executive Director of America's Voice: The crisis is in Central America. If Republicans really wanted solutions, they would address the source of the crisis. Of course, they have no such interest. The GOP is a post-policy party, entirely focused on white identity, grievance politics and short-term tactics. Their only half-nods toward policy involve re-upping the failed deterrence-only policies and cruelties of Trump and Stephen Miller. In contrast, the Biden administration has it right on this by attempting to manage the arrival of kids seeking refuge while working to stabilize Central America. This, plus long overdue legislative policy reforms to put millions of settled immigrants on pathways to citizenship, are essential if we are to finally fix a broken immigration system that hasn't been modernized in over 30 years. Read Frank Sharry's Medium piece, The Challenges at our Southern Border Cry Out for Durable Solutions keep up to date on crucial news Copyright © 2011-2023, America's Voice. All rights reserved. In partnership with America's Voice Education Fund, a registered 501(c)(3). EIN: 26-2624247
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