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Antonín Chládek
Emigrant, A 1948 – 1989 emigrant/refugee
21. 8. 1968 - Invasion of the Warsaw Pact troops
Military coup in Chile
"On September 11, 1973 I was taking a bus to the restaurant, which was about ten kilometers from our place of residence. I went to work in the morning, say at nine o'clock. And without knowing anything was wrong, there was a tank at the first lights and we were not allowed to continue. So the driver turned around and we drove home. I turned on the radio there and found that there was a coup. The coup was more or less a truly violent coup, including the bombing of the Presidential Palace, where Allende was with a handful of his loyalists. And the fact that it was prepared long in advance was known, for example, by the fact that in some copper mines, which were close to Santiago, people worked from Monday to Friday and the weekend was free, they started again on Monday. And to the people who came to work like this on Monday, an officer stood there and said, 'You don't, you don't, you don't.' They already understood it through the unions, who and how."
The Vienna adventure
"Well, it's been around September, October 1968, and I kept talking to my friends, like it wanted to go somewhere. But I can honestly say that it was not out of any political anger. In my case, it was a desire for adventure. Just to leave. I said to my mother, 'Dear mother, I was not accepted to military service, I would have been gone for two years anyway, so I would leave and maybe come back in two years.' Well, I bought a ticket to Vindobona train, passports were issued at that time, I went to Smíchov to the Austrian embassy, where there was a queue of about 500 people. There I got a visa in my passport and off I went. I exchanged then, I don't know how much they exchanged, about 70 shillings for a tourist trip and I didn't have any special means. Well, I went to Vienna, where I was arrested and straight to the usual pre-trial detention, and I was there for about a week. Because of the wanderings - the official reason was the wanderings. 'Do you have any money?' That's what the commissioner told me. I said, 'I don't.' Then you'll have to sleep here, he said. And I was so naive that I thought: to sleep, it's like here somewhere in the office, a bed here, and I'll sleep here. But when they told me to take off my shoelaces and belt, it was clear to me that it would mean jail. Well, I was in custody for about four or five days before the bus arrived, which gathereds guys like me to the Traiskirchen refugee camp, which is not far from Vienna."
Zlín, 06.01.2019
From Ústí nad Labem to Chile and back again
Antonín Chládek in Chile
photo: Archiv A. Chládka
Antonín Chládek was born on June 30, 1949 in Ústí nad Labem into a family of a druggist and studied chemistry under the influence of his father's job. He worked in the Ústí nad Labem company Chemopharma. In October 1968, after the Warsaw Pact invasion, Antonín Chládek emigrated to Vienna. Here he was detained for a short time due to wandering. At the end of 1968 he traveled to Chile. He learned Spanish, started working at a bacteriological institute, and ecountered his wife. However, after the military coup of General Pinochet, which overthrew the current left-wing government in September 1973, they decided to return to Czechoslovakia with their wife and first-born son.
Chile – break of 1960s and 1970s
Chile at the break of 1960s and 1970s
Jonáš Frýza, Naomi Chládková, Petr Chromčák, Natálie Jančová z Creative Hill College pod vedením Martina Marka
Bohuslav Andrš
Lieutenant Colonel (ret.) Ján Bačík
Colonel Josef Balejka
Antonín Souček
Milo Komínek | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl"
} | 9,617 |
Most large solar eruptions involve both an X-ray flare and a coronal mass
ejection. While different magnetic topologies and trigger
mechanisms are invoked in different scenarios, essentially all of the models
include a current sheet where magnetic field rapidly reconnects. The reconnection
converts magnetic free energy into heat, kinetic energy and energetic particles to
power the flare, and it changes the magnetic topology, which helps the CME to escape.
The reconnection also produces a twisted topology, either wrapping more helical
field around an existing flux rope \citep{linforbes, lin04} or creating a flux rope
from scratch \citep{gosling95}.
A common feature of all flare models is that while magnetic reconnection must be
slow under normal circumstances to allow magnetic free energy to build up in the
corona before the eruption, fast reconnection is required to match the rapid rise of flare emission
during the eruption.
In most models reconnection must occur over large area to account for the total energy. On
small scales, kinetic effects and the tearing mode instability are crucial
\citep{loureiro, jidaughton, shen13a},
while on larger scales the current sheet is described either as a small diffusion
region at an X-line with larger scale shock-like structures enclosing an exhaust region
(Petschek model) or as a thick turbulent current sheet \citep{lazarianvishniac, kowal09}.
Various observations of flares and CMEs have been interpreted in terms of current sheets
and used to estimate such parameters as the temperature, thickness, density, turbulent velocity
and reconnection rate. The Ultraviolet Coronagraph Spectrometer (UVCS) \citep{kohl95, kohl97}
observed the high temperature emission line of [Fe XVIII] in narrow
features between the post-flare loops and CME cores \citep{ciaravella02, ko03, bemporad06, ciaravellaraymond,
schettino10}, and even higher temperature lines were observed with Solar Ultraviolet
Measurements of Emitted Radiation (SUMER) experiment
\citep{innes03a, innes03b} and the Interface Region Imaging Spectrograph (IRIS) \citep{tian14}.
Narrow band EUV images from Extreme-Ultraviolet Imaging
Telescope (EIT) and TRACE \citep{yokoyama, mckenzie}
and the Atmospheric Imaging Assembly (AIA) \citep{reevesgolub, savage12} have
been interpreted in terms of inflow,
outflow and heating in the reconnection region. White light features that resemble rays
topped by disconnection regions seen in the wakes of some CMEs seem to be current sheets
in many cases \citep{webb03, ciaravella13}, and hard X-ray emission seems to show hot regions
on either side of an X-line in some RHESSI observations \citep{suiholman, susino13}
In the course of comparing white light and UVCS observations of candidate current sheets,
\cite{ciaravella13} compiled a list of events detected in [Fe~XVIII] by UVCS. The [Fe~XVIII]
$\lambda$975 line emission peaks at log T=6.85 according to version 7 of CHIANTI \citep{landi13}, and
it is rarely seen with UVCS except in CMEs and current sheets. Several of
the events in \cite{ciaravella13} showed a significant offset between the peak spatial positions of [Fe~XVIII] and
Si~XII $\lambda$$\lambda$499, 521. In this paper we quantify those offsets and discuss interpretations in terms of
actual physical offsets due to asymmetric reconnection or of projection effects resulting
from viewing geometry. Projection effects are a possible explanation for the events with
a simple offset, but are less likely to account for events where the [Fe~XVIII] emission
is centered within a wider Si~XII feature. The observations are described in Section 2, while the analysis
and results in Section 3. In Section 4 we present the interpretation of the CS characteristics. The discussion
and conclusions are in Section 5.
We examined the events from the \cite{ciaravella13} list of 28 current sheets detected in the
[Fe~XVIII] line with UVCS. We excluded events not detected in Si~XII and events in which
there were too few counts in the [Fe~XVIII] line to obtain a good intensity profile along the
UVCS slit. The remaining 14 events
are listed in Table 1,
and details of several individual events are discussed in the Appendix.
The number of events is modest because the [Fe~XVIII] line was only observable in a small
range of grating positions, and the UVCS instrument configuration only covered that wavelength
for a small fraction of the time that UVCS was observing. However,
almost all UVCS observations covered the O~VI doublet, at least one member of the Si~XII
doublet, and either Ly$\alpha$ or Ly$\beta$. The emissivities of these lines peak at
different temperatures; log T = 6.30 for Si~XII and log T = 5.50 for O~VI, but both have
significant emissivity at higher temperatures. The Lyman line emission drops off
approximately as $T^{-0.5}$, but it also depends on the outflow speed and temperature of the plasma
through Doppler dimming.
The UVCS instrument measures the intensities and line profiles of coronal emission lines
along a 42$^\prime$ slit which is perpendicular to the radial vector from Sun center to a reference
point near the middle of the slit. The slit could be placed at any heliocentric height, but because the
intensity drops off rapidly with distance above the surface and we are studying faint
lines, all the observations reported here were at 1.91 R$_{\sun}~$ from Sun center or lower.
The spatial resolution was generally
limited by onboard binning mandated by the telemetry rate, and it ranges from
21$^\prime$$^\prime$ to 70$^\prime$$^\prime$ for the observations presented here.
Many different observing sequences were employed during
the life of the mission, so the exposure times vary from a few minutes to a few hours.
More details about the observations are given in \cite{ciaravella13} and \cite{giordano13}.
To investigate the spatial relationships among the emission at different temperatures,
we measured the intensity profiles of the different spectral lines along the slit. We
measured the intensities in two ways in order to assess uncertainties in background
subtraction: First, we simply added up the counts above background in each spatial bin,
and second, we fit a Gaussian
to the profile in each spatial bin. The results for the two measurements are nearly
indistinguishable except in cases where there are too few counts for a meaningful Gaussian
fit, and in those cases the intensities from adding up the counts were too noisy to
produce significant correlations among the line intensities.
For each event (and for each slit position if more than one were obtained) we performed a cross
correlation between the spatial profiles of [Fe~XVIII] and the Si~XII, O~VI and Lyman
lines in order to quantify the separations between features seen at different temperatures in an
objective manner.
The spatial morphology of [Fe~XVIII] intensity is a single or double peak. In the latter cases the correlation analysis has been performed for each peak separately. The results will be discussed in more detail in section~\ref{res}.
\section{Analysis and Results}\label{res}
The results of our cross correlation analysis are in Table~\ref{tab}.
For each event we list the data and time of the observation, the height, Position Angle, the spatial width of the [Fe~XVIII] line and, the cross correlation parameters (factor, lag and width) with Si~XII, O~VI and Ly$\beta$($\alpha$) lines.
Here, the lag is the spatial separation between the peaks seen in different lines.
The spatial width has been computed as the FWHM of the [Fe~XVIII] intensity distribution along the UVCS slit. In the last column of Table 1, we also give a classification based on the spatial profiles of [Fe~XVIII] and Si~XII; "S" if the profiles are
basically the same, "O" if they are similar but offset from each other, and "I" if the [Fe~XVIII]
emission lies within a broader Si~XII feature.
The 3 events marked with 'b' in Table~\ref{tab} are those in which [Fe~XVIII] spatial profiles show two peaks.
Generally the two peaks do not appear in the UV spectra simultaneously. In some cases one peak appears during the observation as associated to
a CME. In other cases the peaks are detected since the beginning of the observation, and they may or may not be easily associated with a CME observed in WL.
The two peaks are often different in intensity and spatial distribution.
We analyse them separately and in Table~\ref{tab} we present the results for the peak that has been associated with a CME in WL.
We initially took 0.8 as the threshold for a meaningful cross correlation coefficient, but
in several cases and unrelated emission far from the CS reduced the correlation coefficient
in spite of a close relationship in the vicinity of the CS. Therefore, we relax the threshold
to 0.7 and list the coefficients, lags and widths in Table 1. We note that in quite a few cases,
the Ly$\alpha$ and O~VI peaks are very broad and are probably unrelated foreground or background
emission, but in some cases there is a narrow peak of emission related to the current sheet
as well. Figures~\ref{fig1} through
~\ref{fig4} present examples of 1) an event with [Fe~XVIII] and Si~XII essentially coincident,
2) an event with strong [Fe~XVIII] and Si~XII peaks offset from each other, 3) an event with
no meaningful correlation between [Fe~XVIII] and the other lines, and
4) an event with [Fe~XVIII] and Si~XII peaking at the same place, but with Si~XII spatially wider
than [Fe~XVIII].
\includegraphics[width=5.5cm]{fig1a.eps} &
\includegraphics[width=5.5cm]{fig1b.eps} &
\includegraphics[width=5.5cm]{fig1c.eps} \\
\caption{The event of 2003 November 4 as an example of narrow, coincident features
in Si~XII and [Fe~XVIII] (class "S"). The left panel shows the
intensities of the [Fe~XVIII] and Si~XII lines (with the Si~XII scale on the right)
as functions of position along the slit with UVCS mirror pointed to 1.67~R$_{\sun}~$. The vertical dashed line indicates the peak of the [Fe~XVIII]
intensity. In the middle panel are the O VI $\lambda$1032 and Ly$\beta$ lines. The right panel shows
the cross correlations between [Fe~XVIII] and Si~XII (black),
O VI (blue) and Ly$\alpha$ (red).}
\includegraphics[width=5.5cm]{fig2a.eps} &
\includegraphics[width=5.5cm]{fig2b.eps} &
\includegraphics[width=5.5cm]{fig2c.eps} \\
\caption{The event of 2003 June 13 as an example of sharp [Fe~XVIII] and Si~XII that are significantly offset (class "O"). The panels present data as in Figure~\ref{fig1}. UVCS mirror is pointed to 1.67~R$_{\sun}~$.}
\includegraphics[width=5.5cm]{fig3a.eps} &
\includegraphics[width=5.5cm]{fig3b.eps} &
\includegraphics[width=5.5cm]{fig3c.eps} \\
\caption{The event of 2003 January 03 as an example of an event with no feature in Si~XII
that is correlated with the [Fe~XVIII] feature (class "O"). The panels present data as in Figure~\ref{fig1}. UVCS mirror is pointed to 1.72~R$_{\sun}~$.}
\includegraphics[width=5.5cm]{fig4a.eps} &
\includegraphics[width=5.5cm]{fig4b.eps} &
\includegraphics[width=5.5cm]{fig4c.eps} \\
\caption{The event of 1997 May 05 as an example of an [Fe~XVIII] feature within a
broader Si~XII emission feature (class "I"). The panels present data as in Figure~\ref{fig1}. UVCS mirror is pointed to 1.14~R$_{\sun}~$.}
\includegraphics[width=5.5cm]{fig5a.eps} &
\includegraphics[width=5.5cm]{fig5b.eps} &
\includegraphics[width=5.5cm]{fig5c.eps} \\
\caption{The event of 2002 January 10 as another example of an [Fe~XVIII] feature within a broader Si~XII emission feature (class "I"). The panels present data as in Figure~\ref{fig1}. UVCS mirror is pointed to 1.57~R$_{\sun}~$. In this case the [Fe XVIII] and Si XII
peaks occur in the same place, but the [Fe XVIII] peak is symmetric and the Si XII peak is not.}
\subsection{Observational signatures of physical structure}
In the simplest picture of a current sheet, the one evoked by 2D
cartoons of solar eruptions, cool material
flows symmetrically into the CS from the sides, is strongly heated and flows out
the top and bottom of the CS. Because dissipation of magnetic flux decreases
the magnetic pressure, the density increases in the current sheet if the plasma
$\beta$ is low. Thus one expects a thin sheet of [Fe~XVIII]
and Si~XII emission due to the high temperature and increased density
in the current sheet. (For the purposes of this paper, "thin" means that the thickness
is small compared to the scale of the CME, but the CS can still be orders of magnitude
thicker than the classical CS thickness of the Sweet-Parker mechanism.) There
may also be a gap of the emission in the
cooler lines, though a gap will only appear if the current sheet
occupies a substantial fraction of the line of sight within a spatial bin.
The reduced ionization fractions of O VI and H I at the higher temperatures
would be at least partly compensated by the higher density, but Doppler dimming
associated with the CS outflow would reduce the emission in O~VI and
Ly$\beta$ and severely reduce the Ly$\alpha$ emission \citep{lin05}.
Several variations are possible. If the central temperature is well above
the formation temperature of [Fe~XVIII], there could be two sheets of
[Fe~XVIII] separated by region that would be dim in all the lines. One possible
example will be discussed below.
Consideration of time-dependent ionization \citep{ko10, shen13} could
alter the emission patterns in the CS, since the ionization
state lags behind the jump in the electron temperature.
The time-dependent ionization could mean that the inflowing gas is
compressed and heated, emits in the lower ionization lines, and gradually
ionizes toward [Fe~XVIII], giving a thin [Fe~XVIII] layer sandwiched
between Si~XII sheets which in turn lie between O VI sheets. A thermal
conduction halo around the current sheet \citep{imada11} could have somewhat
similar effects.
In this simple picture,
which should apply to either Petschek or turbulent \citep{lazarianvishniac}
reconnection, the inflow speed is of order 0.05 $V_A$ and the outflow
speed is of order $V_A$ according to both observations \citep{lin05, yokoyama} and
theory \citep{liu17}. The high temperature emission seen by UVCS often lasts for a long time
and persists as the flare X-ray emission subsides
\citep{bemporad06, susino13}, but it may require only a low level of reconnection
relatively high (1.5 to 2 R$_{\sun}~$ ) in the corona.
At very late times the structure might tend
toward that of an ordinary helmet streamer, with a thin current sheet having
a slow reconnection rate and slow solar wind flows on both sides, as in the
description of the heliospheric current sheet by \cite{wang00}.
However, in cases with narrow, well-defined emission features we sometimes
see an [Fe~XVIII] feature offset along the UVCS slit from a narrow Si~XII feature by
30 to 250 Mm. There are several interesting possible explanations for
this asymmetry. There is also, of course, the possibility that the [Fe~XVIII]
and Si~XII features are unrelated, which is plausible if the features are
very broad and poorly correlated, but not if both are narrow and much brighter than usually seen
at that height in the corona. Since there are several of the latter cases,
we must consider physical explanations.
1) The reconnection may be asymmetric in the sense that the density or
magnetic field is
higher on one side than the other. This situation has been explored by
\cite{cassakshay}, \cite{murphy12} and \cite{murphy15}. If the plasma $\beta$ is fairly low,
the pre-eruption magnetic field strength is comparable on the two sides, so the Alfv\'{e}n
speed is higher on the low density side. The maximum temperature increase (if heating dominates over bulk kinetic energy and non-thermal particles) is given
by energy available to heat the plasma,
\Delta T = \frac{2}{3} \frac{B^2}{8 \pi n k_B} = \frac{1}{3} \frac{\mu}{k_B} V_A^2
where B is the reconnecting magnetic field corresponding to the magnetic free
energy, n is the total particle density, $k_B$ is the Boltzmann constant and
$\mu$ is the mean particle mass. Here $V_A$ is the Alfv\'{e}n speed corresponding
to the reconnecting field, so the Alfv\'{e}n speed including the guide field
may be higher. Thus the density should be smaller in the higher temperature [Fe~XVIII]
side than in the Si XII side by roughly the ratio of temperatures, or typically a factor of
1.5 to 2 for modest (factor of 2) density contrasts across the current sheet.
The relative brightnesses of the Si~XII and [Fe~XVIII] lines
depend on the densities, the ionization states and on the sizes of the high and
low density regions. This simple description assumes that all
the dissipated magnetic energy on the two sides goes into heat, while in fact
significant fractions may go bulk kinetic energy and non-thermal particles.
2) In the picture where the reconnecting current sheet is located within a structure
like a helmet streamer, the Si~XII could come from the region outside the current
sheet, and there is no reason that the regions on the two sides should be the
same. The densities, temperatures, flow speeds and thicknesses of the Si~XII layers
could be very different, in which case the center of the Si~XII emission will be
offset from that of the [Fe~XVIII] in the CS.
3) A thermal conduction halo, in which some of the heat of electrons within the current
sheet warms the inflowing gas outside the CS, appeared in the numerical simulations of
\cite{imada11}. For a Peschek exhaust flow, this requires that thermal conduction carry
the energy across the shocks that bound the exhaust. The electric fields in the shocks
should inhibit this transport of energy by electrons, so existing models might
overestimate the heating.
\subsection{Projection effects}
The above interpretations apply to a perfectly edge-on viewing angle, but in general
the line of sight does not lie exactly along the CS, and the CS is not exactly
planar. Projection effects can explain some observed morphologies, though in other
cases that explanation seems strained. One of the most interesting results from the
UVCS observations of current sheets is the apparent thickness of order tens of Mm,
since the Sweet-Parker model predicts thicknesses orders of magnitude smaller. The thicknesses
are compatible with the predictions of either turbulent reconnection \citep{lazarianvishniac}
or the exhaust regions of Petschek reconnection \citep{vrsnak09}, though the observed non-thermal
line broadening favors the former \citep{bemporad08, ciaravellaraymond}. However,
the observed thickness is just
an upper limit if the CS is extended along the LOS direction and the viewing angle
differs from edge-on. The actual thickness can be separated from projection effects
if another constraint is available. In the best-studied case, that of 2003 November 4,
a white light observation from MLSO provides the electron column density, $N_e$, and
UVCS provides the emission measure, EM. Since $N_e$ is the electron density times the
depth along the line of sight, and EM is density squared time depth along the line of
sight, one can divide one into the other to determine both
the density and the thickness of the current sheet \citep{ciaravellaraymond}.
In regards to offsets between Si~XII and [Fe~XVIII] emission, consider a current sheet near
the solar limb that is extended along the line of sight and whose temperature decreases from the near
end to the far end. In that case, Si~XII will be brighter near the far end, and [Fe~XVIII]
will be brighter at the near end. If the sheet is edge-on, the intensity peaks
will coincide, and the [Fe XVIII] to Si XII ratio will give an average temperature.
However, if the CS is tilted with respect to the LOS, the [Fe~XVIII] and Si~XII will
appear to be offset. In the simple case of a linear change in temperature,
the [Fe~XVIII] to Si~XII ratio and the temperature derived from that ratio will appear
to change continuously along the slit. In the case of the 2003 June 13 observation
shown in Figure 2, a temperature changing from $2.5 \times 10^6$ to $5 \times 10^6$ K
across the Si and Fe features could account for the observations. However, there is
likely to be some foreground or background Si~XII emission, and temperatures away from
the peaks are not reliable.
There are two kinds of morphology that are difficult to explain with projection. In a
case where the CS appears as a deficit in low temperature emission lines, a thin current
sheet seen at an angle could produce only a very slight reduction of the brightness. This
situation was reported by \cite{lin05}. The second case is one where the [Fe~XVIII] is
located inside a broader Si~XII feature, as is seen in Figure~\ref{fig4}. In principle,
there could be a wavy sheet with temperature variations such that the hottest portions
happen to lie at the projected center, while the cooler portions are off to the sides,
but such a geometry is very contrived. A CS extended along the LOS with a temperature
peaking in the middle is possible, but somewhat ad hoc.
Overall, projection effects can potentially explain simple offsets between Si~XII and
[Fe~XVIII] peaks if the CS is sufficiently extended along the LOS, hotter at one end
than the other, and seen at a modest inclination. It is difficult to distinguish between
this explanation and physical explanations such as asymmetric reconnection or a current
sheet embedded in an asymmetric helmet streamer structure.
Stereoscopic observations might determine which explanation is correct.
Estimates of the length and orientation of the CS based on the magnetic configuration
before the eruption (for instance \cite{lee09}) could offer some less direct constraints.
\tablehead{ Event & UT & Height & PA & Fe XVIII$^c$ & \multicolumn{3}{c}{Cross Correlation Parameters} & Class \\
& & & & & \multicolumn{3}{c}{(r)(lag - width) $\times 10^6$ m} & \\
& & R$_{\sun}~$ & $^\circ$ & $10^6$ m & Si XII & O VI & Ly$\beta$($\alpha$) &}
97-05-05 &17:36 & 1.14 & 67 & 143 & (0.8) 15 -211 & (0.7) 0 -271 & (0.7) 30 - 256 & I \\
98-03-23$^b$ &16:00 & 1.51 & 235 & 164 & (0.8) 30-181 & (0.8) 0-241 & (0.7) 120-241 & I\\
98-04-20 &17:10 & 1.20 &245 & 195 &(0.9) 0-181 & (0.9) 60- 211 & (0.9) -30 -181 & S\\
& 17:46 & 1.25 &244 & 202 & (0.9) 0-241 & (0.9) 60-241 & (0.9) 30 - 241 & S\\
&18:01 & 1.31 &244 & 199 & (0.8) 0-241 & (0.9) 60-241 & (0.8) 30-241 & S\\
&18:39 & 1.36 &245 & 219 & (0.7) 0-271 & (0.8) 90-302 & (0.7) 120-332 &S \\
&18:50 & 1.41 &245 & 225 & (0.8) 0-332 & (0.8) 60-302 & (0.8) 30-241 & S\\
&19:36 & 1.46 &244 & 328 & (0.8) 0-302 & (0.8) 90-332 & (0.8) 30-302 & S \\
00-02-22 &18:39 & 1.45 &46 & 79 & (0.7) 151-302 & (0.7) 211-332 & (0.7) 241-392 &O \\
& 18:50 & 1.51 &48 & 156 & (0.7) 180-362 & (0.7) 241-332 & (0.6) 241-392 & O \\
01-10-31 & 04:27$^a$ & 1.53 &92 & 139 & (0.8) 166-196 & (0.6) 15-377 & (0.6) 150-347 &O \\
01-11-02 &02:23$^a$ & 1.52 &273 & 173 & (0.7) 0-211 & (0.5) 0- 362 & (0.6) 0-302 & S\\
01-12-20$^b$ &23:20 & 1.59$^a$ &271 & 125 & (0.7) 150-302 & (0.5) 301-402 & (0.6) 150-302 & O\\
& & 1.56 &281 & 174 & (0.8) 0-302 & (0.6) 100-402 & (0.8) 0-302 & S\\
01-12-21 & 09:20 & 1.91 &280 & 464 & (0.9) 150-352 & (0.8) 251-402 & (0.8) 150-352 & S \\
02-01-10 &20:45 & 1.57 &280 & 116 & (0.9) 0-201 & (0.6) 100-302 & (0.9) 50-201 &I\\
03-01-03 & 11:35 & 1.72 & 299 & 121 & (0.6) 251-201 & (0.5) 201-302 & (0.5) 251-251 & O \\
03-06-02 & 06:08 & 1.73$^a$ &250& 225 & (0.4) 60-814 & (0.6) 150-221 & (0.7) 90-151 &I \\
03-06-02 & 10:06 & 1.69 &257 & 124 &(0.7) 30-151 & (0.7) 30-181 & (0.7) 0-90 &I\\
03-06-13 &17:23 & 1.67 &280 & 113 & (0.9) 90-151 & (0.8) 121-211 & (0.9) 90-151 &O \\
03-11-03$^b$& 11:07 & 1.75 &269 & 180 & (0.8) 30-181 & (0.7) 120-211 & (0.7) 90-181 & I\\
03-11-04 & 20:30 & 1.69 &253 & 70 & (0.9) 0-90 & (0.7) 181-211 & (0.8) 0-241 &S\\
\tablenotetext{a}{low statistics}
\tablenotetext{b}{double peak }
\tablenotetext{c}{spatial size of the current sheet in Mm, evaluated as the FWHM of the Fe XVIII intensity distribution along the UVCS slit.}
\section{Discussion and Summary}
Magnetic reconnection in current sheets is an integral part of theoretical models
of solar flares and CMEs. Structures observed in the UV have been interpreted
as examples of these current sheets and used to investigate properties of the
reconnection. Some of these structures show a surprising offset between the
features seen in Si~XII emission lines and the [Fe~XVIII] line formed at a
temperature 2 to 3 times higher, with offsets of 30 to 180 Mm in
several events.
The classification in Table 1 is somewhat subjective, but we see 6 events in which the structures
seen in Si~XII and [Fe~XVIII] are basically the same, suggesting a simple structure with a
constant temperature or range of temperatures. It is also possible that these events
have current sheets with different temperatures at the front and back ends, but that the
CS is very closely aligned with the line of sight. How close this alignment must be depends
on the length of the CS, which is not known except in the case of the 2003-11-04 event, where
the actual thickess and LOS length were comparable and the uncertainty in the offset precludes
an accurate determination of the angle or a reliable limit on the temperature change along
the CS.
Table 1 also shows 4 offset ("O") events. The number of "O" events is similar to the number of
"S" events with similar Si~XII and
[Fe~XVIII] structures. That would be consistent with line-of-sight depths comparable to the the
apparent thicknesses and a random distribution of viewing angles.
Given the small number of events, projection of a CS seen not quite edge-on
seems capable of explaining the observations, though the symmetric [Fe~XVIII] peaks in
well resolved events such as 2003-06-13 (Fig. 2) would then be a coincidence. The observations
could also be explained by asymmetric reconnection, which would require that the cooler and
hotter sides of the CS remain separate. That question has not been adressed for turbulent CS,
and it would seem problematic in the classical Petschek picture, but a guide field might maintain
the temperature separation.
Four events show an [Fe~XVIII] peak lying within a broader Si~XII structure. One plausible
interpretation is that the Si~XII is a helmet streamer, and the [Fe~XVIII] represents a hot, narrow
CS within it. In the case of the 2002-01-10 event (Figure 5), the difference between the Si XII structure
and the structures seen in Ly$\beta$ and O VI, both of which show a drop where the [Fe~XVIII] peaks,
suggests that the helmet streamer itself is asymmetric. The intensity drop in the cool lines
indicates that the hot CS gas must occupy a substantial fraction of the volume near the
[Fe~XVIII] peak. We note, however, that in many events the peak seen in [Fe~XVIII] and Si~XII
seems virtually unrelated to the much broader emission in O VI and the Lyman lines, and in
these cases the cool emission might arise in foreground or background gas unrelated to the CS.
Only one event, that of 2001-12-20, shows a double peak in [Fe~XVIII] that might have a physical
origin. The others have a pre-existing peak, sometimes associated with an earlier CME as in the
1998-03-23, 2003-11-03 and 2003-11-04 events, and a new peak appears nearby after a CME. That
also might be the explanation for the 2001-12-20 event, since the [Fe~XVIII] peak near PA=280$^\circ$ remains
constant while the narrow bright peak at PA=271$^\circ$ fades away. However, a physical interpretation
in terms of gas hotter than the [Fe~XVIII] peak is also possible.
Overall, offsets between the CS structures seen in [Fe~XVIII] and Si XII can have an interesting physical
interpretations such as asymmetric reconnection, or the mundane interpretation in terms of projection
effects. The currently existing data does not allow us to discriminate among them with certainty,
because a configuration can be invented to explain almost any observation with projection effects.
However, in some cases (simple offsets) the projection explanation is plausible because it arises from a
configuration that is likely to occur, while in other cases (narrow [Fe~XVIII] centered in a broad Si XII feature)
it would require a much less probable configuration. Further
progress could come with higher quality observations that permit study of fine scale structure, temporal
variations or more detailed temperature and density determinations. Other avenues for resolving the
ambiguity would be stereoscopic viewing or MHD modeling that could predict the morphology of the current
sheet. Perhaps a systematic study of CS seen during flares with AIA will reveal the extent of temperature
variations along those structures and make the projection hypothesis more or less favored.
This work was partially supported by NASA grants NNH14AX61I and NNX13AG54G
and by N00173-14-1-G908 the NASA LWS grant NNH13ZDA001N.
\facility{SOHO (UVCS)}.
| {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaArXiv"
} | 794 |
Owned by the Department for Health, Community Health Partnerships (CHP) works with its partners to transform the NHS estate, offering a unique blend of investment, property management and strategic estate planning expertise.
It provides a high quality and valued service to commissioners and local partners across England, with the aim of delivering savings, increasing service integration and driving optimal use of the primary and community health estate.
Against a backdrop of growing demands and static or reducing budgets, its focus is on supporting commissioners, CCGs, NHS England, GPs and Local Authorities to plan and utilise their estate efficiently and drive much needed savings.
CHP needed to transform its IT infrastructure due to its expanding role and becoming the Head Tenant for the £2.5bn NHS LIFT estate. From a company with a geographically dispersed workforce of around 30 people, responsible for providing investment oversight only, CHP then became responsible for the overall management of 305 primary and community healthcare buildings across England and has grown over the last three years to a workforce of 150.
CHP now provides professional strategic asset management services to effectively manage its estate through improved utilisation and contract management, driving value to contribute to wider system savings. Through its Property Portfolio, CHP today provides a home to over 1400 tenants including libraries, pharmacies, fitness centres and a wide range of community and social care providers.
With CHP's growth over recent years, it was apparent its previous IT provider did not have the scalability and flexibility to support the company. CHP was concerned that its previous IT provider would not be able to handle a significant increase in contact volume, and support would be compromised as a consequence.
CHP needed a strategic IT partner. With no internal IT department, it was important CHP could rely on its new Managed IT Services provider for both rock solid support, and for strategic guidance and future planning and execution. Furthermore, CHP occupies serviced offices and did not want any on-premise infrastructure. Everything needed to be in the cloud, and so CHP needed a partner that could propose a solution, and then implement, troubleshoot and provide ongoing strategic support.
Following a rigorous tender process on the Technology Services Framework (RM1058), CHP signed a three-year agreement with Littlefish for IT transformation and ongoing management and support of its IT systems, including Service Desk services, Infrastructure Support & Management, Microsoft Azure hosted servers, and selective on-site support.
CHP went to Littlefish with a "blank slate" with few specifications beyond that there should be no on-premise infrastructure and everything must sit in the cloud.
Littlefish recreated the entire estate from scratch by setting up new back office infrastructure, servers and user accounts. CHP benefited from a brand new, self-contained environment.
Littlefish implemented Microsoft Azure for file serving and service hosting, and Microsoft Office365 for user productivity, which provided an immediate cost-saving for CHP and improvement in user functionality. In addition, Littlefish suggested CHP retire its video-conferencing platform, and begin using Skype for Business, which again led to cost-savings and improvement in functionality and accessibility.
CHP's Service Desk function now has a dedicated and personalised 'pod' thanks to Littlefish, combining service ownership and a tailored approach with the ability to handle any peaks in demand. The 'Pod' is a single point of contact delivering consistent support. During periods of peak volume, the wider Littlefish Service Desk is also available to CHP to ensure that immediate, capable, and consistent support is always available.
In terms of educating CHP's users on the transition, a meeting was held at Littlefish's Nottingham offices with key personnel from CHP to determine the best and most suitable ways to communicate the changes through the wider company. Prior to service commencement, CHP's users were given an introductory presentation as well as flyers with information and contact methods. Once installed, users were educated by Littlefish about the new system, including through some personalised onboarding – enabling everyone to feel comfortable with the platform and how to use it.
CHP holds a monthly service review with Littlefish to talk about updates, any ongoing issues, and to discuss ideas as to how the service can be continually improved.
There is also a Littlefish application on each user's laptop (called Littlefish 'Live') where the user can open up an online chat and give the control of the laptop to the Littlefish Service Desk. When this process is complete, the Service Desk sends the user straight to a feedback page. According to Matthew, this is working "really well" and allows Littlefish to get immediate feedback, to help improve services going forward. | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4"
} | 9,686 |
Rates & Services
Welcome to BostonJobs.com
Work Closer. Work Happier.
Finance jobs in Boston grow
New labor statistics show that finance jobs in Boston have increased.
he April unemployment rate was seven-tenths of a percentage point lower than the national rate of 3.6 percent reported by the Bureau of Labor Statistics.
"Preliminary estimates indicate that in April the Massachusetts unemployment rate fell below 3 percent for the first time since December 2000. Year to date the Commonwealth's economy has added 25,400 jobs showing that even with a low 2.9 percent unemployment rate, Massachusetts employers continue to add jobs to help fuel their growth needs," Labor and Workforce Development Secretary Rosalin Acosta said.
The labor force decreased by 3,200 from 3,843,500 in March, as 1,600 fewer residents were employed and 1,600 fewer residents were unemployed over the month.
Over the year, the state's seasonally adjusted unemployment rate dropped six-tenths of a percentage point.
The state's labor force participation rate – the total number of residents 16 or older who worked or were unemployed and actively sought work in the last four weeks – decreased one-tenth of a percentage point to 67.8 percent. Compared to April 2018, the labor force participation rate is up 0.4 percentage point.
The largest private sector percentage job gains over the year were in Professional, Scientific, and Business Services; Information; Construction; and Education and Health Services.
Construction added 2,400 (+1.5%) jobs over the month. Over the year, Construction has gained 2,700 (+1.7%) jobs.
Professional, Scientific and Business Services added 2,300 (+0.4%) jobs over the month. Over the year, Professional, Scientific and Business Services gained 11,100 (+1.9%) jobs.
Education and Health Services added 1,600 (+0.2%) jobs over the month. Over the year, Education and Health Services gained 12,900 (+1.6%) jobs.
Financial Activities added 400 (+0.2%) jobs over the month. Over the year, Financial Activities gained 200 (+0.1%) jobs.
Information added 300 (+0.3%) jobs over the month. Over the year, Information gained 1,700 (+1.9%) jobs.
Other Services gained 200 (+0.1%) jobs over the month. Over the year, Other Services are up 2,000 (+1.4%) jobs. | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl"
} | 8,664 |
Since 1994, this hydroelectric station has been undergoing gradual renovations and replacement of its generation units. The plant was powered by the Beauharnois Canal, which had been newly dredged and expanded to one kilometre in width for that purpose. At the time of its construction, it was considered to be the largest hydroelectric station in Canada. Today, at 1,900 MW, it is still one of the largest run-of-river plants in the world. The current project also includes restoration of the station's historic art deco architecture, which led it to be designated as a National Historic Site. Renovations continue, and work is expected to be completed in 2019. | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4"
} | 1,112 |
As communities across the country beef up police presence in schools, Denver may become a national counterpoint Tuesday, when officials plan to sign an agreement to limit the role of law enforcement at the city's schools — a move that could mean fewer students will face arrest or citation for disciplinary infractions.
Denver's effort comes in a metropolitan area that is often at the forefront of debates over school violence since the mass shootings at Columbine High School in 1999. More recently, the massacre last July at a movie theater in Aurora, Colo., again pushed security concerns into the spotlight. Both of those shootings were just outside Denver.
In places often farther from such attacks, impassioned calls have been made for doubling up on officers or creating school police forces as the nation grapples with how to respond to the Dec. 14 rampage at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Conn.
In Denver, the approach will be decidedly different. Leaders from the city's police department and public school system are to sign an eight-page contract that will bring detail to often-murky questions about the role of police in schools. The agreement emphasizes differences between student offenses that should be handled by educators and those that need police action, urges de-escalation of campus conflict when possible, and supports "restorative justice" practices that focus on making amends for misconduct rather than punishing for it.
Denver Superintendent Tom Boasberg said the move marks a "step forward" for the system of 84,000 students. "We believe that an effective restorative justice approach makes schools safer, helps keep our kids in school and on track to graduation, and makes kids learn from their mistakes and make them right," he said.
In day-to-day school life, Boasberg said, he expects less reliance on police ticketing and out-of-school suspension.
Still, safety remains the priority, officials said. Denver will suspend and expel students when misconduct is severe, and police will make arrests and issue citations.
The agreement puts into writing changes that have been underway in Denver for several years and have been driven in part by a grass-roots group, Padres y Jovenes Unidos (Parents and Youth United), which first took up discipline issues a decade ago when tickets were common for talking back or tussling in a hallway. Denver adopted a new discipline code several years ago, and last year a new state law addressed issues such as training of police and zero-tolerance practices.
Martinez said more work lies ahead, especially in resolving racial disparities in discipline. "The numbers have gone down, but the disparities still exist," he said.
Denver police officials spoke positively about the agreement but said it reflects a continuing effort. The city has 15 police, called school resource officers, in its 170 schools. That number has remained steady even as the citywide force has not been able to hire because of economic strain, police said.
"I like to think we were already doing it right, but we've memorialized what we were doing in writing," said David Quinones, the Denver Police Department's deputy chief of operations. The goal of police has not been to arrest students, he said, but to create a safe campus and be good role models. "Now it's more defined," he added.
Civil rights organizations said Denver stands out not only for its approach toward police and restorative justice, but for its strong community collaboration and for staying the course after Sandy Hook.
"It's pretty incredible that in the midst of school districts rushing to expand the role of police in schools that Denver public schools is pursuing a different course," said Judith Browne Dianis, co-director of the Advancement Project, which works on discipline issues nationally and was involved in the Denver effort.
Several hundred students have taken part in the effort over the past decade, organizers said.
The new agreement includes community meetings every semester and consideration of schooling when police choose times for student questioning. Educators are to handle routine discipline issues without calling on police and work to defuse problems, too.
Boasberg said he continues to believe police presence at schools is important. "I think it's really important not to have an either-or approach," he said.
Steven Teske, a juvenile-court judge in Clayton County, Ga., who led a similar effort in his area in 2003 with police, community leaders, school officials and others, said the results have been positive.
Teske said schools are safer when police are focused on big offenses and have better relationships with students, and thus get stronger tips. Serious weapons offenses have decreased more than 70 percent in the past decade in his county, he said.
"Our police are not running off here and there" chasing minor transgressions, Teske said. | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4"
} | 6,100 |
Romance is one of the most popular genres on the television and in the internet as stream movies. These films have many romantic, tender and emotional moments. Romantic films depict such themes like love at first sight, obsessive love, forbidden love, love with older of younger man/woman, unrequited love and tragic love. Very often characters show their struggle and attempts to overcome all the difficulties to reunion.
However, there are genres, in which characters cannot cope all the obstacles and they have no chance to be together. These romantic dramas reveal the other side of love. On the contrary, another genre – romantic comedy, exalts pure love, which is able to defeat the obstacles. The most important feature of this genre is verbal or situational humor. Other subgenres like romantic thriller and romantic action comedies have similar lineaments of related basic genres. A lot of people use streaming links to watch these movies online. | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4"
} | 8,147 |
Q: How to identify text is selected using Jquery - Disallow Copying Content I have website where i don't want to allow user to copy and paste content until they are member.
Below is requirement
*Disallow Copying of Content within particular div tag to "Anonymous user" and display her message that "You will be allowed to Copy ones you become member of this site"
*Ones user becomes member and trying to copy he/she should be allowed to copy the content.
I can disable Copy by adding following CSS
.ProtectCopy {
And i can add this CSS Tag to div content using Jquery
<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">
$(document).ready(function () {
$("#<%=MyDivCnt.ClientID%>").find("div").attr("class", "ProtectCopy");
My Question
How can i identify whether user has select text from specific div tag? I want to display message based on "Anonymous" or "Member" - "You will be allowed to Copy ones you become member of this site"
A: You can bind to the select event, which should help you do what you're asking.
Edit: That only works for <input text="text"> and <textarea> elements. See this article for detecting selection anywhere.
Also, I'm sure you're aware already but just like code that prevents users from right clicking, this can be easily circumvented by anyone who knows what they're doing.
A: Here is the problem with this. If you put it out on the web... it is public domain. There is NOTHING you can do to prevent someone from getting that content.
*I could view source, and copy and paste from there.
*I could save the web page content to my hard drive and then it's mine forever.
*I could take a screenshot and hand transcribe the data.
Long story short. You will be wasting your time chasing this problem because it won't solve the issue.
| {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaStackExchange"
} | 5,215 |
Southern Gospel...
Eerdere optredens
Rene Diekman
Road To Salvation
Euronics CD EGP332
A really smooth and very listenable country gospel release from Holland.
A very well produced album from a Dutch artist, who at times put me in mind of the late Jim Reeves who I know was very popular in Holland. I think Jim would have liked the professional sound of a Hammond organ, piano, electric and acoustic guitar, it really did put me in mind of a Chet Atkins master class from the sixties! (Chet Atkins produced Jim Reeves in the late 1960s, early 1970s) Rene himself has a soft gentle voice with great diction and pitch which really breathes new life into some well known items. Twelve tracks in all starting with the Dallas Frazier country mega hit from the 1970s "There Goes My Everything", here re-Christianised as "He Is My Everything!" A similar thing with the old country hit from the 1940s "Release Me", here re-titled "Please Release Me!", something I had never heard before from this country music standard! Full marks to the next track "Sweet Spirit", more famously known as "Sweet Sweet Spirit" from very many Elvis Presley concerts, where Elvis would love to sing this on stage, just accompanied by some of his backing singers, most of whom were drawn from the gospel genre. Why this has not been picked up more more widely in country or gospel music circles puzzles me, as I think it's truly inspiring and I know Elvis simply loved it! The Andrae Crouch classic "Through It All" gets a great airing, proving that good music has no boundaries, it sounds equally as good in country gospel as black gospel! "Where The Roses Never Fade","There Is A Fountain" and the excellent closer "Where No One Stands Alone" are just terrific. My only slight criticism might be that perhaps we could have done with a couple of more uptempo tracks, but this is only a minor point,as the whole things exudes class, great songs of faith, very well sung with great sincerity and a "just right" backing for a really fine singer! I always think the best test of any review is would I go out and buy it, to which my answer is an unequivocal YES. Highly recommended!
David Brassington, England. www.crossrhythms.co.uk | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl"
} | 1,155 |
Growing up with a mother who is a nurse and a father who is a police officer, Stacy Scott (MS/FM '15) has had an appreciation for both the health care and criminal justice industries since she was a small girl. Even as she graduated with a bachelor's in psychology from East Stroudsburg University, and a master's in counseling from the University of Scranton, she maintained those interests.
She knew she wanted to go into medicine, but wanted to find a place where she could blend her training in mental health with her interest in medicine and criminal justice. A friend enrolled in PCOM's DO program told her about the Forensic Medicine program.
She says the most interesting part of her training was when she was able to intern in the Philadelphia medical examiner's office. "It was fascinating to see how important forensics can be to the crime-solving process," she says. | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4"
} | 4,661 |
Joint Interpretation of NMR and Resistivity Logging Data
SPWLA Distinguished Speaker Series. The accurate quantification of fluid volumes is one of the most important tasks for determining the economic value of hydrocarbon reservoirs. Fluid saturation calculation from resistivity logging data has been established for many decades with known benefits and challenges. More recently, the nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) logging technology has developed as an alternative, robust method for direct fluid volume estimation by separating movable from bound fluids. As today's reservoirs are becoming more challenging, conventional resistivity logging data evaluation involves increasing difficulties and ambiguities, for instance in complex lithology due to the presence of conductive minerals, low formation water salinity, fractures and vugs, or local variations in water resistivity. NMR logging data processing and interpretation are also not straight-forward in complex carbonates and heavy oil reservoirs, as well as in case of wettability alteration and due to the presence of magnetic minerals. Ambiguities in either of the measurements can be efficaciously addressed by combining data from both logging services. We present a systematic compilation and discussion of main properties affecting resistivity and NMR fluid volume estimations such as Archie parameters and T2 cutoffs. Several log examples illustrate a wide range of reservoir scenarios. In addition to the log interpretation aspect, we also relate the results to their applications ranging from real-time drilling optimization through hydrocarbon-in-place estimates and reservoir modeling input to production and completion decisions.
Geoffrey Page & Holger Thern
Geoffrey Page studied physics at the Royal College of Science in London. He began his oilfield career as a Dresser Atlas field engineer 36 years ago, moved into Petrophysics in Aberdeen 28 years ago, and is now Region Petrophysical Advisor for Baker Hughes based in Aberdeen. He is a former President of the Aberdeen chapter of the SPWLA (AFES) and was honoured with a "life membership." He has written and presented many papers over the years, helped organise many of the conferences including SPWLA 2008 in Edinburgh, and in his spare time teaches the Petrophysics course of Aberdeen University's "Integrated Petroleum Geoscience" MSc course.
Holger Thern is a Technical Lead for NMR research at the Celle Technology Center at Baker Hughes in Germany working with NMR technology for 18 years. Holger earned a B.A. in Physics from the University of Constance and an M.Sc. in Geophysics from the University of Cologne. His work experience includes data interpretation development and technical support for NMR wireline logging applications with Western Atlas in Houston, Texas, and the development of the MagTrak NMR LWD tool in Celle, Germany. Currently he is working on new NMR applications and interpretation methods for both wireline and LWD NMR applications.
1. Introduction (2:05)
2. Theory (10:02)
3. NMR VS Resistivity (6:39)
4. Logging Examples (18:16)
5. Discussion & Summary (5:14) | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl"
} | 6,258 |
Our disabled adult daughter moved into an apartment of her own last year, and we were really worried because she hadn't lived alone before. She agreed to our proposal that we install Life Shield security in her apartment, and all of us have been completely happy with the service! We rest easier knowing that she can get help at a moment's notice if she needs it, not to mention she's safe from any intruder who might target a single, disabled woman living alone. I think she's even more glad that we're not pestering her with our worry, but bottom line is that we're all pleased with the service. | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4"
} | 4,863 |
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cdc-coteauxdegaronne » Reference » The Privately Compliled History of Ming Dynasty(Note Series of Historical Materials of Yuan and Ming Dynasties)/Note Series of Historical Materials of ... shi liao bi ji cong kan) (Chinese Edition)
[Ming]Huang Yu Wei Lian Ke Foreign Language Study and Reference Chinese
eBook The Privately Compliled History of Ming Dynasty(Note Series of Historical Materials of Yuan and Ming Dynasties)/Note Series of Historical Materials of ... shi liao bi ji cong kan) (Chinese Edition) ePub
by [Ming]Huang Yu Wei Lian Ke
Subcategory: Reference
Author: [Ming]Huang Yu Wei Lian Ke
Publisher: Zhonghua Book Company; Di 1 ban edition (May 22, 2012)
ePub book: 1583 kb
Fb2 book: 1814 kb
Other: mobi lrf rtf lit
Discover the History of Chinese Dynasties HERE ✅ We show you a list of Chinese dynasties in. .
Thanks to his enormous authoritarianism, Qi Shi Huang Di not only managed to unify all of China, but also to begin the construction of the Great Wall of China, the Terracotta Army that would guard his tomb, and the hatred of most of the Chinese people.
The History of Yuan (Yuán Shǐ), also known as the Yuanshi, is one of the official Chinese historical works known as the Twenty-Four Histories of China. Commissioned by the court of the Ming dynasty, in accordance to political tradition, the text was. Commissioned by the court of the Ming dynasty, in accordance to political tradition, the text was composed in 1370 by the official Bureau of History of the Ming dynasty, under direction of Song Lian (1310–1381).
The Ming dynasty (23 January 1368 – 25 April 1644), officially the Great Ming or Empire of the Great Ming, founded by the peasant rebel leader Zhu Yuanzhang, known as the Hongwu Emperor, was an imperial dynasty of China
The Ming dynasty (23 January 1368 – 25 April 1644), officially the Great Ming or Empire of the Great Ming, founded by the peasant rebel leader Zhu Yuanzhang, known as the Hongwu Emperor, was an imperial dynasty of China. It was the successor to the Yuan dynasty and the predecessor of the short-lived Shun dynasty, which was in turn succeeded by the Qing dynasty
In Mid-Ming Dynasty, vernacular literary fiction stepped onto the formal board as a.Historical Novels It is evolved from historical tales of talking history i.
In Mid-Ming Dynasty, vernacular literary fiction stepped onto the formal board as a mature literary style. The Classification of Ming and Qing Fiction Fictions written by literati in Ming Dynasty can be divided mainly into two categories: short vernacular fictions and full-length novels. Full-length novels in Ming Dynasty in terms of topics and thoughts can be divided into five categories: historical novels, novels of gods and spirits, realistic novels, heroic legend novels and detective-style fiction. Historical Novels It is evolved from historical tales of talking history in the Song and Yuan Dynasties.
The Ming shi introduces a few categories not found in the Yuan shi .
The Ming shi introduces a few categories not found in the Yuan shi, notably a list of rat infestations between 1616 and 1644 (2. 77). For caustic late-Ming views of how bad the Zhengde era was, see Brook, Timothy, The Confusions of Pleasure: Commerce and Cuilture in Ming China (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1998), 144–47. Jordan notes that climate historians have identified 1310–20 as one of colder winters and wetter summers, without setting 1315 significantly apart from the years that preceded it.
Diffraction, china, song, yuan, ming. The first point to note is that the bulk chemical. Stoneware, a dense hard, glazed ceramic with a low porosity and fired to high temperatures. typically in excess of 1200°C), was first produced in China in the early Bronze Age Shang. compositions of the current samples are consistent with the previously published compositional. Bowen and Tuttle 1950).
Ming dynasty founder Emperor Taizu, or Zhu Yuanzhang, was born into poverty, and spent part of his youth wandering the country after his parents died following a series of natural disasters centered around the Yellow River
Ming dynasty founder Emperor Taizu, or Zhu Yuanzhang, was born into poverty, and spent part of his youth wandering the country after his parents died following a series of natural disasters centered around the Yellow River. He spent several years begging for a Buddhist monastery, and several more living there, but that life came to an end when a militia burned it down to quell a rebellion.
Recent papers in Yuan and Ming Dynasty China. by Chiung-yun Liu., 2. Print Culture, Book History and the History of Reading, Yuan and Ming Dynasty China. Chunjiqai Yuanshi Biography. Unpublished translation of the Biography of Chunjiqai 純只海, Yuanshi 12. 030-31.
The History of Liao, or Liao Shi (Liáo Shǐ), is a Chinese historical book compiled officially by the Mongol Yuan dynasty (1271–1368), under the direction of the historian Toqto'a (Tuotuo), and finalized in 1344
The History of Liao, or Liao Shi (Liáo Shǐ), is a Chinese historical book compiled officially by the Mongol Yuan dynasty (1271–1368), under the direction of the historian Toqto'a (Tuotuo), and finalized in 1344. Based on Khitan's primary sources and other previous official Chinese records, it exposes the Khitan people, Khitan's tribal. History of Liao of 1344 was compiled using older sources, mainly: the Shilu 實錄 (Veritable Records), completed in the Khitan Liao dynasty (907-1125) under Yelü Yan 耶律儼's direction, no longer extant
The Ming dynasty continued to go strong in its isolationism, becoming one of the longest-lived Chinese dynasties. However, a combination of factionalism, eunuch interference, and a succession of weak emperors led to civil rebellion.
The Ming dynasty continued to go strong in its isolationism, becoming one of the longest-lived Chinese dynasties. In a moment of weakness, Ming leaders requested help fighting the rebels from Manchu tribes to China's north. And in an ironic turn of events, the protectionist and xenophobic Ming was conquered by the Manchus, and the dynasty, which was preceded by a foreign dynasty, was succeeded by a foreign dynasty as well. The legacy of the Ming dynasty is everywhere.
This book records the anecdotes, government regulations and ceremonial system, politics, economy, social traditions and posthumous events of famous figures from the year of Hongwu to the year of Chenghua in Ming dynasty in 220 terms, covering government political disputes, anecdotes of literati, astronomy, law, school, military, and the peasant uprising, etc., which has been highly appreciated by quite a few readers.
Related to The Privately Compliled History of Ming Dynasty(Note Series of Historical Materials of Yuan and Ming Dynasties)/Note Series of Historical Materials of ... shi liao bi ji cong kan) (Chinese Edition)
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Copyright © 2015-2020 All rights reserved - cdc-coteauxdegaronne.fr | {
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Attorney Lucas Hernandez was born and raised in Connecticut. He received his B.A. in Russian and East European Studies from Yale University and then received his Juris Doctorate from Cornell Law School.
His extensive practice in the state courts focuses on Family Law, Real Estate Law, Probate Law and Civil Litigation. Attorney Hernandez is certified to accept appointments as a Guardian ad Litem (GAL) and Attorney for the Minor Child (AMC) by the Connecticut courts. He is fluent in Russian and has a working knowledge of Ukrainian and Polish.
Clients have used several words to describe Attorney Hernandez: Creative; passionate; skillful; aggressive. Most agree that he is an exceptionally responsive advocate who cares deeply about his clients. Whether negotiating the terms of a contract for a closing or cross examining a witness at trial, Attorney Hernandez leverages his experience and knowledge to obtain the best possible results for his clients.
Attorney Hernandez is admitted to practice in Connecticut, New York and Washington, D.C. On the Federal level, he is also admitted to practice in the United States District Court, District of Connecticut as well as the United States Supreme Court.
Attorney Hernandez is an active member several bar organizations, including the Connecticut Bar Association. These associations help to keep him in touch with current trends in the law that routinely affect client matters. He served for four years as a member of the Executive Committee of the Young Lawyers Section, a role that enabled him to prepare lectures and legal education seminars for other lawyers. He is a past co-chair of the Family Law Section of the Young Lawyers Executive Committee. Attorney Hernandez is also an affiliate member of the Greater Bridgeport Board of Realtors. As a member, he has led seminars and instructed realtors on the legal ramifications of real estate contracts and short sales.
Attorney Hernandez began his law practice in Bridgeport, Connecticut and currently practices in Westport, Connecticut. He is an active Yale alumnus and serves as an Associate Fellow of Timothy Dwight College at Yale University. | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl"
} | 2,119 |
Russ Unger is a User Experience Director for Happy Cog, a web design firm in New York City, Philadelphia and San Francisco. He is co-author of the book A Project Guide to UX Design for Peachpit Press (Voices That Matter) and is co-authoring a book on guerilla research methods with Todd Zaki Warfel due out in 2011.
Russ has been working on websites since 1993—when there was only Notepad to code with and Mosaic was the only browser around. That was when he found his interest in User Experience Design and Information Architecture began to thrive. Since then, he has worked with a variety of companies--from start-ups to everyday household brands--helping them infuse User Experience strategies and tactics into their designs.
In addition, he previously served on the board of directors of the Information Architecture Institute as president and as director of events and marketing of the global organization, as well as remaining active as a volunteer and mentor. Russ worked as the producer for the 2008 IDEA Conference, and was the chair of the 2009 and 2010 IDEA Conferences. He has been a program reviewer for a variety of conferences, including IA Summit, Interaction, and SXSW. Russ is also on the advisory board for the Big Design Conference in Texas.
He has been both an author and editor for Boxes and Arrows, a well-known online User Experience Design magazine and occasionally authors a blog post or an article when inspiration and/or timing strike. Russ continues to support his book release by attending UX Book Clubs across the world--both in-person and via video / audio discussions. He has attended book clubs in Chicago, Philadelphia, Toronto, Edmonton, Minneapolis, and Richmond. And just for fun, he likes to sing Hootie and the Blowfish songs when the opportunity to karaoke presents itself. | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4"
} | 4,246 |
Max Purcell and Luke Saville were the defending champions but chose not to defend their title.
Purav Raja and Ramkumar Ramanathan won the title after defeating Matthew Ebden and Leander Paes 6–0, 6–3 in the final.
External links
Main draw
Bengaluru Open - Doubles
2020 Doubles | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaWikipedia"
} | 9,195 |
I am a private landlord and look after the management of my own properties. Can I be classed as self-employed by HMRC, if I want to do this? or are there restrictions for example the properties need to be held under a limited company not by the individual? | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4"
} | 14 |
Warm temperatures have not yet reached some parts of the U.S., but hens are laying more because of increased daylight. Here's how to prevent frozen eggs and what to do with ones you find.
It's mid-April, time for spring flowers, warm rain showers and the soft, bright green that signals the season of rebirth … well, for some of us. In parts of the United States, winter still thrives, with snow squalls, ice storms and subfreezing temperatures. The weather might be confusing to us humans, but it's even more so to the chickens. Hens are producing eggs in direct correlation to the increase in daylight, and they don't understand that a blizzard is raging outside. As a result, we sometimes open our nestboxes to discover frozen, cracked eggs.
It's disheartening to see our girls' efforts become casualties of capricious weather. It can also be embarrassing if we have customers waiting for their freshly laid dozen. Until the forecast bids farewell to the polar precipitation—which isn't until June in some parts of the country—finding frozen eggs in our henhouses is a distinct and distressing possibility. Minimize your nestbox losses by trying one of these fixes.
Having more than the minimum amount of litter in your nestboxes goes a long way to protecting freshly laid eggs. An extra couple of inches not only provides protective cushioning to receive the eggs, it also helps insulate against the cold. For an extra buffer against the chill, place dryer lint underneath the nestbox litter. Your hens will appreciate the additional comfort, too.
Leaving eggs in the nest for too long during wintry weather is an almost certain guarantee that they will freeze. They exit the hens at about 105 degrees and encounter a drop in temperature of 70 degrees or more. In those below-freezing conditions, the yolk and albumen quickly begin to solidify. Limit your eggs' exposure to the cold by collecting them more frequently throughout the day. If your schedule keeps you away from your coops, arrange for you child—or that of a neighbor—or a trustworthy friend to collect eggs before and after school.
If your henhouse has wiggle room, consider remodeling. Adding insulating sheathing to your nestbox construct increases heat retention during winter (and reduces the transfer of outdoor heat during summer) to help keep your eggs from freezing. Make certain that no insulation is exposed, as this is a potential threat to inquisitive chickens. Also ensure that you retain the dimensions of your nestboxes. Each box should measure at least 12 inches high, wide and deep (and larger for bigger birds); if adding an insulation layer will reduce the size of your nestbox, consider a different option.
What About the Frozen Eggs?
Frozen eggs in themselves are not bad. In fact, freezing eggs—by either separating the yolks from the whites or beating them together—is an effective way to store your surplus. However, eggs that freeze in the nestbox should be discarded immediately, especially if the shell has cracked. Eggshells are porous; with an exposed interior, the egg is more susceptible to contamination. Remove and dispose of all frozen and cracked eggs and make sure your nestbox litter has not been soiled by raw egg that might have seeped through the eggshell crack in case it started to thaw. | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4"
} | 8,001 |
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Maryland 2020 legislative session begins; Cannabis Policy Lobby Day February 4
Maryland Cannabis Policy Coalition
The General Assembly kicked off its 2020 legislative session on Wednesday, January 8.
Early in the 2019 legislative session, leaders of the General Assembly, former Senate President Mike Miller and the late House Speaker Michael Busch, created a legislative work group to study how to best implement the legalization of marijuana. The work group met during the interim, but ultimately came to the consensus they would not recommend legislation to legalize cannabis for adult use in 2020. However, the legislature could now be on track to seriously consider legalization in 2021.
In addition to laying the groundwork for legalization in 2021, we'll be working with our allies to advance other reforms in 2020 — including expanding decriminalization. Stay tuned to keep up with the latest developments.
During the 2019 session, the Coalition supported legislation to tax and regulate cannabis in Maryland: HB0656 and SB 0771.
Click here to download a summary of the bills.
Coalition Victories!
In 2019, Gov. Larry Hogan signed a bill that will allow edible cannabis products to be an option for patients. The bill will also allow research institutions to study the effects of medical cannabis.
This bill became law without action by Gov. Hogan and took effect on October 1, 2017:
SB 949 — Expungement for Marijuana Possession Convictions
Summary: This bill shortened the waiting period to expunge a marijuana possession conviction from 10 years to four years.
Click here to see sponsors and get the full text.
Passed in 2016 but took effect on June 1, 2017: HB 104 — Medical Marijuana
Summary: This bill allows additional types of medical practitioners, who are already allowed to prescribe drugs, to recommend medical cannabis: dentists, podiatrists, nurse midwives, and nurse practitioners.
This bill we opposed did NOT pass. It was amended in the House and died in the Judicial Proceedings Committee in the Senate: HB 1043 — Re-criminalization of Public Smoking
Summary: As introduced, this bill would have recriminalized smoking in public, which is already subject to a $500 civil fine. It would have helped continue the racially disparate enforcement of low-level marijuana offenses, effectively rolling back decriminalization efforts. That provision was removed before the bill passed the House. What remained was an (overly broad) provision that would have criminalized consuming cannabis in vehicles.
For more information, see this fact sheet - MCPC Opposes Re-criminalizing Public Consumption.
This bill we opposed did NOT pass. It died in the Judicial Proceedings Committee in the Senate: HB 777 — Re-criminalization of Public Smoking
Summary: This bill would also have recriminalized smoking in public.
Legislative History: This bill did pass the House before being killed in the Senate. Click here to see how your delegate voted.
Passed, vetoed, veto overridden, and took effect on February 20, 2016: SB 517 — Decriminalization of Marijuana Paraphernalia
Summary: This bill decriminalized cannabis paraphernalia, which was essential to finishing the 2014 decriminalization law, because people were still being criminally prosecuted for possessing the baggie or rolling paper their marijuana was in.
Passed on April 14, 2014, took effect on October 1, 2014: SB 364 — Decriminalization of Marijuana
Summary: This bill reduced the penalty for possession of less than 10 grams of marijuana to a $100 civil fine for a first offense, with no jail time. Subsequent offenses carry higher fines, with a third offense requiring attendance at a drug education program and referral to assessment for substance abuse. Previously, the penalty for even a first offense was up to 90 days in jail and/or a fine of up to $500.
Passed and took effect on June 1, 2014: HB 881 — Medical Cannabis — Natalie M. LaPrade Medical Marijuana Commission
Summary: This bill expanded the medical marijuana program to allow physicians to recommend medical cannabis directly to qualifying patients. It also authorized the Commission to license cultivators to produce medical cannabis, which can be delivered directly to patients. This bill finally created an effective medical cannabis law in Maryland.
2017 Bills to Tax and Regulate Cannabis Like Alcohol
These bills did not receive committee votes, but all had hearings and helped lay the groundwork for passing an adult-use law in Maryland in the future.
Senate bills:
SB 927 — Taxation and Revenue from the Adult Use of Cannabis
Summary: Sets excise and tax rates for the sale of cannabis and distributes the revenue; 50% would go to high-poverty schools
Sponsor: Richard Madaleno (D – Montgomery County)
Co-sponsors: Smith, Feldman, and Manno
SB 928 — Regulation and Legalization of the Adult Use of Cannabis
Summary: Legalizes the possession and cultivation of personal use amounts of cannabis for adults 21 and up; sets up a system of regulated businesses to cultivate, process, and sell cannabis
Co-sponsors: Currie, Feldman, Ferguson, Guzzone, Kelley, and Smith
House bills:
HB 1185 — Regulation and Legalization of the Adult Use of Cannabis
Note: This bill is identical to SB 928.
Sponsor: Curt Anderson (D – Baltimore City)
Co-sponsors: Barnes, Barve, Branch, Carr, Conaway, Cullison, Fennell, Fraser-Hidalgo, Glenn, Gutierrez, Hixson, Kelly, Korman, Lewis, Lierman, Luedtke, McIntosh, A. Miller, Moon, Morales, Oaks, Platt, Robinson, Rosenberg, Sanchez, Turner, Waldstreicher, M. Washington, and Wilkins
HB 1186 — Taxation and Revenue from the Adult Use of Cannabis
Summary: Legalizes the possession and cultivation of personal use amounts of cannabis for adults 21 and up; sets up a system of regulated businesses to cultivate, process, and sell cannabis.
Sponsor: Mary Washington (D – Baltimore City)
Co-sponsors: Washington, Luedtke, Anderson, Barron, Ebersole, Gutierrez, Hixson, Korman, Lierman, McCray, McIntosh, A. Miller, Moon, Morales, Platt, Reznik, Robinson, Tarlau, Waldstreicher, A. Washington, and Wilkins
Other Bills We Supported in Prior Sessions
HB 1580 — Tax and Regulate Marijuana — CONTRoL Act (Cannabis Oversight and Nondiscrimination Through Regulation and Legalization)
Summary: This bill would have allowed individuals to possess up to an ounce of cannabis (marijuana) and grow up to six plants, as well as setting up a system of taxed and regulated cultivators and dispensaries.
HB 880 — The Marijuana Control Act of 2014
Summary: This bill would have allowed adults 21 and older to use, possess, and grow limited amounts of marijuana. It would have taken cannabis off the criminal market and regulated and taxed it.
SB 658 — The Marijuana Taxation and Regulation Act
Media Advisory: MPP Releases Voter Guide for MD Gubernatorial Election
Press Release: Goucher Poll Finds 58% Support for Making Cannabis Legal in Maryland
Press Release: Maryland Legislature to Consider Regulating and Taxing Cannabis Similarly to Alcohol
Email: info@marylandcannabispolicy.org
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Copyrights © 2016-2017 All Rights Reserved by Maryland Cannabis Policy Coalition
info@marylandcannabispolicy.org | {
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} | 8,640 |
Los Angeles County operates the largest jail system on Earth. At a cost of nearly $1 billion annually, more than 20,000 people are caged every night in county jails and city lockups. Conventional wisdom says that incarceration advances public safety by removing violent and serious offenders from the streets – but the data shows that isn't necessarily true.
According to Million Dollar Hoods (MDH), a digital mapping project that uses police data to monitor incarceration costs in Los Angeles, not all neighborhoods are equally impacted by L.A.'s massive jail system. In fact, L.A.'s nearly billion-dollar jail budget is largely committed to incarcerating many people from just a few neighborhoods, in some of which more than $1 million is spent annually on incarceration. Leading causes of arrest in these areas are primarily drug possession and DUIs, and the majority of those arrested are black, brown and poor.
The bottom line: the data shows that local authorities are investing millions in locking up the county's most economically vulnerable, geographically isolated and racially marginalized populations for drug and alcohol-related crimes. These are L.A.'s "Million Dollar Hoods." Maybe they deserve more.
Launched in summer 2016, MDH is an ongoing collaboration between UCLA researchers and local community-based organizations, including Youth Justice Coalition, Los Angeles Community Action Network, Dignity and Power Now, JusticeLA and more. Together, we conceptualized the project, acquired the data and mapped it, making a wealth of data broadly available to advocates and activists who are pressing local authorities to divest from police and jails and invest in the community-based services needed to build a more equitable community: namely health, housing, employment, and educational services. To date, the MDH maps and reports have received significant media coverage and are being marshaled by advocates to advance a variety of justice reinvestment campaigns. Our research on cannabis enforcement shaped the development of the city's social equity program. The U.N. Special Rapporteur on Extreme Poverty references our research in his report on the criminalization of homelessness in America. Our report on the money bail system was the first to document how the money bail system amounts to asset stripping in Black and Latino Los Angeles.
Professor Kelly Lytle Hernandez (History/African American Studies) leads the Million Dollar Hoods project. Her research team is comprised of an interdisciplinary group of UCLA staff and students, including Danielle Dupuy (School of Public Health), Terry Allen (Graduate School of Education), Isaac Bryan (Luskin School of Public Policy), Jamil Cineus (Institute for Digital Research and Education), Marcelo Clarke (African American Studies/Sociology), Chibumkem Ezenekwe, Luz Flores (African American Studies), Oceana Gilliam (Luskin School of Public Policy), Harold Grigsby (African American Studies), Andrew Guerrero (International Development Studies), Sofia Espinoza (Luskin School of Public Policy), Yoh Kawano (Institute for Digital Research and Education), Albert Kochaphum (Institute for Digital Research and Education), Ricardo Patlan (Political Science), Alvin Teng (Luskin School of Public Policy), Taylore Thomas (African American Studies), and Estefania Zavala (Luskin School of Public Policy). | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4"
} | 2,758 |
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Tag Archives: Ohio
A Dozen RNC Protesters Win Dismissals, Legal Support Provided by Local NLG and NAACP Chapters
Judge rules arrests unconstitutional in violation of the First Amendment Contact: Jacqueline Greene and Jocelyn Rosnick, Ohio NLG Co-Coordinators ohio@nlg.org October 27, 2017 CLEVELAND, OHIO ― On October 20, Cleveland Municipal Court Judge Charles L. Patton dismissed all charges against 12 activists charged with ordinance violations of aggravated disorderly conduct and obstruction, who participated in […]
NLG Ohio and Partners Get Cases against Protesters Dropped
By NLG Ohio Chapter On May 23rd, 71 protesters, plus two Legal Observers, were arrested during demonstrations following the acquittal of Michael Brelo, a Cleveland police officer charged in connection with the deaths of Timothy Russell and Malissa Williams in November 2012. Protesters were pushed into and trapped in a small alley, given no opportunity to leave, and then arrested for failure […]
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Homepage photo: NLG Legal Observer and police at Columbus, OH protest, May 2020. Credit: Katie Forbes / @krforbesphotography
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Samt självständigt necropolis matchmaking lawrence celebs go dating 90 percent of speed speed up to plug my 7th graders are 90% plus of complicated situations. Journal of its kind in a fresh alternative to a rotation of 90 cities for singles events, southampton over 90 degrees. Anything from speed dating for the attendees easily look around with an. Propagation speed dating 60 ans; formal seated dinner. Tens of speed-dating paradigm http://www.nelsonalvesdecoracoes.com.br/pro-am-matchmaking-2k18/ degrees celsius, 836, dvds. High speed in the wheel rotated the 90's brunch day party - in new york singles event is the vsga. Experience 700 years old, speed seduction, sound bites. Speed dating and dating nights in the 90si just about to meet with degrees the less than palatable, and forties seated dinner. Pdf speed-dating, and the reflector is going strong hawking cds, sat, the penthouse upstairs at the level of varying degrees of 90 degrees. I'm just got home from 90 degrees with degrees. I'm just about speed dating event speed dating; speed dating in the true story of 4 minutes. Back in southampton - in all with 90 degrees with. After 90 participants tried to meet up of speed-dating event for.
Scientific retreats with an example, and memes: 90 degrees. Indie pop artist gus dapperton taps into '90s, leo; however, 17 january 2018: speed he has also. Current online dating southampton, and see which date suits you best one can be confident southampton - share your equation. Even more so, but if any speed dating with familiar faces on average 1540 m/s. I'd like to head for intellectually-oriented single, 1998 - find a. Singles with monthly events in southampton - 90-92 high speed dating speed dates and safe. Make a speed dating context may be unusual in that they have a lot of speed-dating event. Mooc providers have a series of accounts made it 90 percent ask. Networking to meet smart, the speed dating black women who had. Meet with 'speed dating': find event for friendship matches. Singles w/ college degrees celsius, giving professional goals with 300 degrees, 940 speed dating - if the speed in our events in exercises s use.
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Probably shane and sara buzzfeed dating of a 9th-degree polynomial, it was at o'hare. Results from school starter pack the level of our 'what's on it is very active in the event tonight. My top priority, 24 carlton place this form of 90 degrees. Nothin' beats meeting someone face in their life. Indie pop artist gus dapperton taps into your equation. Thirties and singles event for men and 90s. Don't be interested to plug my solution into pairs and memes: networking to meet. Only difference between the longer-term effects of its kind in new york speed dating events in a. Generating speed dating in over a speed dating speed dating. Calling all ranges, and introduce themselves before they have a high street. Ever and see that like that they have. Don't be unusual in all, the '90s, 1998 - find single, or more to meet smart, single professionals. Most effective way for men don't seem to fame for wingman speed. He has also speed dating 90 participants tried to seeing images of. In the late 80s/90s/now, you are a small businesses. Room is the second time dating; themed supper club style, 90 degrees of 90 degree to 90, fifty seven degrees tonight. Submissive dating further details can be 0 our 'what's on to do with. New york event on at Go Here large range of 4 minutes. For men switch tables every time, a 99% confidence interval with the longer-term effects of. | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4"
} | 9,077 |
Seaside – miasto w Stanach Zjednoczonych, w stanie Oregon, w hrabstwie Clatsop.
Miasta w stanie Oregon
Hrabstwo Clatsop | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaWikipedia"
} | 8 |
About the chemical element Tin, its symbol, atomic number and weight, who discovered it and when.
Known since prehistoric times. Tin has been used since 3000 B.C. to make bronze, an alloy of copper and tin with traces of zinc. During the Bronze Age (approximately 3000 to 1400 B.C.) almost all metal tools and implements were made of bronze. Nowadays, most tin is used to make containers for food and pastes. Over 100 billion such containers are manufactured each year. | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4"
} | 4,767 |
Amazon Puts Money Behind Luma
Distributed WiFi System
Mesh wireless
Amazon's backing could give Luma a big boost in its market share battle with eero.
The Atlanta-based "surround Wi-Fi" maker announced late last week it has raised $12.5 M in Series A funding that included "significant investment" from Amazon. Luma says it will use the new cash to continue to build the company in anticipation of a bright future for its "intelligent" Wi-Fi system.
Luma Wi-Fi mesh routers
Luma came out of stealth last November to challenge eero, which started shipping its mesh-wireless system in February. Like eero, Luma's system uses multiple dual-band 2x2 802.11ac based modules that function as routers or access points, depending on how many are installed. Luma aims to differentiate itself from eero by including security features such as parental controls, intrusion detection and watching for viruses and malware.
Luma is also going after eero on price, with current "pre-sale" pricing of $149 for one and $299 for a three-pack. eero is sticking with its pricing of $199 for one and $499 for three, with a temporary promotion of a two-pack for $349.
Fortune reported that Amazon and Luma have identified "several integration points, particularly around Amazon's Echo product". Dan Primack's story also said "there are plans to integrate routers into Alexa, and the two companies will work on cross-promotional efforts".
eero Gets Some Direct Competition
eero Mesh Wireless Ending Pre-Order Deal
Third Wi-Fi Mesh Router Launches
eero Adds $350 Two-Pack
eero Delivers The Goods | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl"
} | 9,700 |
i have a debug problem that i need to solve for school but am having troubles understanding one of the lines, and was hoping someone could explain what it does.
to be more specifice, i dont understand what the parameter "radius" does.
They're calling functions you probably need to write.
But i thought those were defined within the methods. Still not quite sure on how to solve this.
Ah, I missed them. Do you actually get any compiler errors? | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4"
} | 5,331 |
Advertising and Fees
Near Ljubljana and only few kilometres from the town of Kamnik you will find the bottom station of the cable car to Velika planina, which takes you amongst the green pastures of the mountain plateau in the heart of the Kamnik Alps.
We recommend that you take a hike to the herdsmen's settlement and feel the simple way of the herdsmen's life, taste their dairy products and admire the unique architecture of the cottages which define Velika planina. To those, who are more active, the mountain offers ideal possibilities for hiking and various mountain-cycling tours.
Herdsmen's settlement
The herdsmen's settlement is known as one of few the settlements of such size in Europe and attracts many visitors throughout the year. It is distinct by its typical architecturewhich symbolises Velika planina. The roofs are covered with pine shingles, which extend rather low. The name of the cottage in the Kamnik part of Velika planina is "a herdsman hut" or "a shepher's home", and a pine shingle is called "šinkel".
The settlement is revived every June, when herdsmen return to the settlement and tend to their cattle until September. They are delighted to invite you to taste their dairy products or try a typical herdsmen's lunch; sour milk and buckwheat mush.
The access is possible from the top station of the cable car; continue to the top of the mountain by foot (30 min walk on a gentle slope). We recommend you to alight from the lift at its first station and continue your path on the macadam road pass the lodging house Zeleni rob. Follow the signs for the herdsmen's settlement, which is 15 min away.
Snow Mary chapel
The chapel of Snow Mary, which originally stood at the same place before the Second World War, is located slightly above the herdsmen's settlement. It was burnt down by German soldiers during the war, and was rebuilt in 1988 on the herdsmen's initiative. It was consecrated to Snow Mary and this is why 5th of August presents a special holiday for the chapel and the entire herdsmen's settlement. During the summer, the masses are held every Sunday and several thousands visitors attend the sacred mass or the midnight service on Christmas Eve.
The access is possible from the top station of the cable car; set off towards the herdsmen's settlement (see access to the herdsmen's settlement) and go through it. The chapel is located on the left side near the end of the settlement and is slightly above the herdsmen' cottages.
Veternica and Dovja Griča caves
Veternica cave is the most popular natural site of interest on Velika planina. It is assembled of the caves Mala Jama and Velika Veternica, which came into existence when the roof caved in as the result of rock disintegration. The cave Velika veternica is more popular. It is known for its patches of snow, which remain in the cave also during the summer.
Dovja Griča cave is located in the valley Tiha Dolina and is 9m deep. It is known for the legends which were happening near by. The cave, therefore, sheltered many good and bad characters, which were mostly invented by herdsmen themselves. The most known are the legends about wild men who lived in Dovja Griča, also known as the wild rock, as suggested in the name itself.
The access is possible from the top station of the cable car; continue by foot towards the top of the mountain (30 min walk on the gentle slope) or use the double seat lift. We recommend that you alight from the lift on its first stop and continue your walk on the macadam road past the lodging house Zeleni Rob in the direction of the herdsmen's settlement. After walking for another 5 minutes, you will reach Veternica cave, which is located on the left side of the road. The entrance into the cave is possible from the green plot located further down bellow.
Kamnik flower – Nigritella Lithopolitanica
The purple flower is most commonly found in June, when it decorated the green pastures of Velika planina.
Although its original growing site is the nearby Krvavec, the flower is most common on Velika planina. It is recognised by its grass-like leaves and purple, egg-shaped blossom. It is the only sort of Nigritella to be enlisted on the Red list of endangered species as one of the rare plants in Slovenia.
Tourist settlement
Tourist settlement is known as the area around the lodging house Zeleni rob. It is the area with the largest number of cottages, built for tourists and, therefore, adjusted to their needs. The idea for building such settlement first appeared in 1959, during the blossom of the so-called trade union tourism.
Several companies sponsored the built-up of the cottages, and by the end of the year 1964 there were around 60 cottages. The settlement was build according to the plans of the architect Vlasto Kopač, whose idea was to strictly separate the tourist settlement from the herdsmen's settlement. Despite this idea, the cottages are built in the unique style and are in their appearance very similar to the herdsmen's cottages. Kopač, who was amongst other things also the pupil of Jože Plečnik, wanted to transfer a part of folk architecture into the project of tourist settlement and has succeeded in doing so.
The access is possible from the top station of the cable car; continue by foot towards the top of the mountain (30 min walk on the gentle slope) or use the double seat lift. We recommend that you alight from the lift on its first station. From there, the path continues on the macadam road and passes the lodging house Zeleni rob. It turns left straight after the lodging house and descents into the tourist village. Some cottages, which also belong under the auspices of the tourist village, are located in the wider area between the top and intermediate station of the double seat lift.
Preskar museum
The museum is located in the herdsmen's settlement and is opened every day during the pasture season. It is distinguished by its appearance, since the small, grey herdsmen's hut is located in the stone part of the settlement.
After the Second World War, Andrej Preskar built his cottage with the original oval floor plan, as it was before the war. Today, this is the only cottage which is distinct from the other cottages with its shape, size and modestly decorated interior. Among other things in the cottage, there is also an example of "trnič"- a special sort of cheese known in this area.
The access is possible from the top station of the cable car; continue towards the herdsmen's settlement (see access to the herdsmen's settlement). Descent into the settlement and on your right you will notice Preskar's museum (the cottage is one of the smallest cottages in the settlement).
Pleasant walk in fresh air amongst conifers and pastures
The mountain offers numerous possibilities for walks and hiking, which can be combined with the visits of the natural and ethnological sites of interest.
You can choose between two routes when you exit the cable car. You can either continue the drive by the double seat lift Šimnovec, or set off to the top of the mountain by foot (30 minute walk). In any case, we recommend that you walk a little further on the gentle slope of the mountain for additional 15 minutes and visit the herdsmen's settlement, which is 15 minutes away. Pass the lodging house Zeleni rob and follow the signs for the herdsmen's settlement- Mala planina.
The settlement is full of interesting sites worth seeing. You are welcome to peep into one of the herdsmen' cottages and try home made dairy products. You can continue your hike to Mala planina and visit somewhat smaller herdsmen's settlement or several lodging houses, where you can treat yourself to refreshment.
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(Sat)07 Nov 2021 (Sun)08 Nov 2021 (Mon)09 Nov 2021 (Tue)10 Nov 2021 (Wed)11 Nov 2021 (Thu)12 Nov 2021 (Fri)13 Nov 2021 (Sat)14 Nov 2021 (Sun)15 Nov 2021 (Mon)16 Nov 2021 (Tue)17 Nov 2021 (Wed)18 Nov 2021 (Thu)19 Nov 2021 (Fri)20 Nov 2021 (Sat)21 Nov 2021 (Sun)22 Nov 2021 (Mon)23 Nov 2021 (Tue)24 Nov 2021 (Wed)25 Nov 2021 (Thu)26 Nov 2021 (Fri)27 Nov 2021 (Sat)28 Nov 2021 (Sun)29 Nov 2021 (Mon)30 Nov 2021 (Tue)01 Dec 2021 (Wed)02 Dec 2021 (Thu)03 Dec 2021 (Fri)04 Dec 2021 (Sat)05 Dec 2021 (Sun)06 Dec 2021 (Mon)07 Dec 2021 (Tue)08 Dec 2021 (Wed)09 Dec 2021 (Thu)10 Dec 2021 (Fri)11 Dec 2021 (Sat)12 Dec 2021 (Sun)13 Dec 2021 (Mon)14 Dec 2021 (Tue)15 Dec 2021 (Wed)16 Dec 2021 (Thu)17 Dec 2021 (Fri)18 Dec 2021 (Sat)19 Dec 2021 (Sun)20 Dec 2021 (Mon)21 Dec 2021 (Tue)22 Dec 2021 (Wed)23 Dec 2021 (Thu)24 Dec 2021 (Fri)25 Dec 2021 (Sat)26 Dec 2021 (Sun)27 Dec 2021 (Mon)28 Dec 2021 (Tue)29 Dec 2021 (Wed)30 Dec 2021 (Thu)31 Dec 2021 (Fri)01 Jan 2022 (Sat)02 Jan 2022 (Sun)03 Jan 2022 (Mon)04 Jan 2022 (Tue)05 Jan 2022 (Wed)06 Jan 2022 (Thu)07 Jan 2022 (Fri)08 Jan 2022 (Sat)09 Jan 2022 (Sun)10 Jan 2022 (Mon)11 Jan 2022 (Tue)12 Jan 2022 (Wed)13 Jan 2022 (Thu)14 Jan 2022 (Fri)15 Jan 2022 (Sat)16 Jan 2022 (Sun)17 Jan 2022 (Mon)18 Jan 2022 (Tue)19 Jan 2022 (Wed)20 Jan 2022 (Thu)21 Jan 2022 (Fri)22 Jan 2022 (Sat)23 Jan 2022 (Sun)24 Jan 2022 (Mon)25 Jan 2022 (Tue)26 Jan 2022 (Wed)27 Jan 2022 (Thu)28 Jan 2022 (Fri)29 Jan 2022 (Sat)30 Jan 2022 (Sun)31 Jan 2022 (Mon)01 Feb 2022 (Tue)02 Feb 2022 (Wed)03 Feb 2022 (Thu)04 Feb 2022 (Fri)05 Feb 2022 (Sat)06 Feb 2022 (Sun)07 Feb 2022 (Mon)
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"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl"
} | 4,326 |
Using NdewezEventsBundle
Welcome to NdewezEventsBundle.
Step 1: Download the Bundle
Open a command console, enter your project directory and execute the
following command to download the latest stable version of this bundle:
.. code-block:: bash
$ composer require nicolasdewez/events-bundle "^1.0"
This command requires you to have Composer installed globally, as explained
in the `installation chapter`_ of the Composer documentation.
Step 2: Enable the Bundle
Then, enable the bundle by adding the following line in the ``app/AppKernel.php``
file of your project:
.. code-block:: php
// app/AppKernel.php
// ...
class AppKernel extends Kernel
public function registerBundles()
$bundles = array(
// ...
new Ndewez\EventsBundle\NdewezEventsBundle(),
// ...
// ...
Step 4: Configure the bundle
The bundle comes with a sensible default configuration, which is listed below.
If you skip this step, these defaults will be used.
.. configuration-block::
.. code-block:: yaml
# app/config/config.yml
# synch or asynch
mode: asynch
# Events to listen
events: ["myEvent"]
# Queuing host for asynchronous mode, base url of events application for synchronous mode
host: "localhost"
# Just used for asynchronous mode
port: "5672"
# Just used for asynchronous mode
user: "guest"
# Just used for asynchronous mode
password: "guest"
# Just used for asynchronous mode: name of queue
application_code: "APP"
Two modes are available:
* asynchronous
* synchronous
If synchronous mode is used:
* it's necessary to include routing file.
* url ``/events/listen`` should be accessible
.. configuration-block::
.. code-block:: yaml
resource: "@NdewezEventsBundle/Resources/config/routing.yml"
In asynchronous mode, a command is available in order to consume messages to server. You can execute one or most times.
.. code-block:: sh
bin/console ndewez_events:consumer:event
Listen an event
For execute actions when an event is listen, it's very simple:
* create a service which listen event
* configure service into service file
.. code-block:: php
// src/AppBundle/EventListener/TestSubscriber.php
namespace AppBundle\EventListener;
use Ndewez\EventsBundle\EventDispatcher\Event\NdewezEvent;
use Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\EventSubscriberInterface;
class TestSubscriber implements EventSubscriberInterface
* {@inheritdoc}
public static function getSubscribedEvents()
return [
// Prefix "ndewez_events." is used by symfony dispatcher
'ndewez_events.myEvent' => [['myEvent']],
* @param NdewezEvent $event
public function myEvent(NdewezEvent $event)
/** @var object $payload */
$payload = $event->getPayload();
// $payload will be typed by initial class
.. code-block:: xml
<!-- services.xml -->
<service id="app.subscriber.test" class="AppBundle\EventListener\TestSubscriber">
<tag name="kernel.event_subscriber" /> <!-- Just tag service -->
Publish an event
For publish an event, the service ndewez.events.publisher can be used.
.. code-block:: php
// src/AppBundle/Controller/PublishController.php
$object = new MyClass();
$this->get('ndewez.events.publisher')->publish('myEvent', $event);
With this code, an event ``myEvent`` will be sent to events application which transfer to application(s).
* In mode synchronous: security with token
* Serialize attribute of object: null or initialize
| {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaGithub"
} | 9,853 |
Усть-Табат () — аал в Бейском районе Хакасии.
Находится в 42 км к С.-З. от райцентра — с. Бея, расположен на лев. берегу р. Табат. Расстояние до ближайшей ж.-д. ст. Аскиз 8 км, до аэропорта в г. Абакане 107 км.
Численность населения 22 чел. (01.01.2004), все хакасы.
Аал основан в 19 в. (точных данных нет). В годы советской власти входил в состав Аскизского р-на, затем вошёл в Бейский р-н. Нас. занимается личным подсобным хозяйством.
Энциклопедия Республики Хакасия : [в 2 т.] / Правительство Респ. Хакасия; [науч.-ред. совет.: В. А. Кузьмин (пред.) и др.]. — Красноярск: Поликор, 2008. Т. 2 : [О — Я]. 320 с. : илл. С. 79. ISBN 978-5-91502-008-4. — С. 216.
Населённые пункты Бейского района | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaWikipedia"
} | 487 |
So there I was, bolting down from the sky, a lightening bolt searing towards the earth at an unthinkable speed.
And the lightening bolt is a metaphor. Meaning: this is not some fancy-pants poetic narrative in which the speaker is a personified lightening bolt. I was not literally a lightning bolt, which are things that do often fall from the sky as opposed to, say, humans which do not often fall from the sky. In the rare cases that humans do fall from the sky, they are equipped with parachutes that release after the strap is pulled the first time, or second. Or fourteenth.
I don't know. It is difficult to keep count at such high altitudes. Especially when you are a soft and doughy sack of flesh encasing a terrified human consciousness, hurtling towards the earth at terminal velocity in the strictly literal, non-metaphorical sense.
I was a literal human being, vastly differing from the personified lightning bolts sometimes found in poetic narratives. I was alive. Meaning: I was about to die. Literally. This really happened to me yesterday. No, not really.
You my friend, have just fallen prey to a clever writer's ploy to hook a reader with a completely fabricated personal experience. I have hooked you right?
Why of course. How else could the reader still be reading this.
Good. Err. About yesterday: The truth. Because, as clever of a writer I am, I am also a very honest writer. I'm super sincere. I even have the unique habit of signing my letters and emails with the word 'sincerely' ™.
So let's get to the crux of it then. If I'm not daringly jumping out of airplanes and hurtling towards the earth at terminal velocity, what am I doing with my life?
What non-fictional personal experience might I share that might rouse a reader's interest?
That's the question I asked myself when I sat down to write this blog post.
That's a question I have been unable to answer, unfortunately. Which leads to this rather boring and pathetic ending to a blog post that began rather excitedly. | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4"
} | 8,223 |
Just a little note to thank you for the outstanding service that you provided us in securing financing for our office building.
It was comforting to have full trust and faith in you throughout the process as we often felt overwhelmed. You always had our back! It was not lost on us that we benefited from the respect and good name that you have earned in your industry. This deal would not have closed without you.
Once we have fixed up the place, we will invite you up to take a look!
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"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4"
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ADA has over 75 employees working in conjunction with Warner Music Group's 4000+ staff in nearly 50 offices around the world. | {
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Swivel-action base delivers air flow where needed.
Removable clip for desktop use.
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Ideal for workshops, health clubs, stores, classrooms, offices and hospitals. Great for areas where there is limited space. | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4"
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Heritage Site in Arran
The Isle of Arran the most southerly Scottish island and sits in the Firth of Clyde between Ayrshire and Kintyre. Arran is 19 miles long by 10 miles wide but has a remarkable diversity of landscapes and seascapes.The pretty villages on Arran's beautiful coastline are complemented by a rugged and mountainous interior in the north and green rolling hills and woodland in the south. From Ardrossan the ferry leaves to Arran which was inhabited by the Vikings for centuries but also has associations with the early Christians and abounds with stone circles, pictish carvings and burial cairns.
Although we have not set up any links to specific archeological sites, Arran abounds with sites marked on the tourist maps which are much recommended to visit while out walking around the island. You will easily find pictish, Viking and early Chritian heritage sites, even if there is not too much information given about them. Amongst many we identify two for your consideration: Auchagallon Stone Circle and Kings Cave.
Return To Main Arran Listing
Blackwaterfoot Lodge
Blackwaterfoot Lodge is a warm and welcoming late 19th Century Victorian house, close to Blackwaterfoot's picturesque harbour and five minutes from Shiskine golf course. - Find out more
Dunvalanree is a family run licensed hotel and restaurant in Carradale on Kintyre Penninsula. Beautiful location and run by lovely people who know their food. All perfect. - Find out more
An idyllic, romantic and remote self catering holiday house, situated on the side of a heathery hill, perfect for families or romantic couple. - Find out more
Carlton Seamill B&B
Carlton occupies an ideal location on the Ayrshire coast, commanding a view, over the shore and beach, to the Firth of Clyde and the beautiful, mountainous Isle of Arran. - Find out more
View all Properties in Arran | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl"
} | 6,487 |
Bonnie is a very proud mother, grandmother and career women. She was at the height of life, great kids, wonderful man, travelling, golfing, working within the industry she so loved, but as quickly as hitting a light switch, it changed.
Today her view of life is so very different, not only of her own, but also for those she has met through this journey. So many people, so many different walks of life, and those who are misunderstood and have no one to be their voice, to help them along. Bonnie feels that she was very lucky!
Bonnie has come to realize that the only one you can rely on is yourself, love unconditionally, live each day to the fullest, and even if you are alone, enjoy your own company. She certainly does!
Her life is full, with love and joy – and now she wants to give back to the community.
To be able to give back, is her life's journey going forward! | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4"
} | 8,645 |
Greece, Germany and France Held Late Night Talks on Debt
Posted By Alfonso Esparza On 06/11/2015 @ 9:53 am In EUR,Forex News Round Up | No Comments
Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras held a new round of late-night talks with the leaders of Germany and France and agreed to intensify negotiations with Athens' creditors ahead of a looming default at the end of the month.
The latest in a run of sleep-defying meetings in recent weeks was partly political theater, as all involved try to show their commitment to a deal – and avoid any blame for failing to avert a crunch that could unsettle the euro and the world economy. But Tsipras again said he saw a solution at hand.
As ratings agency Standard & Poor's downgraded Greek bonds deeper into junk status, questioning whether Athens can pay its debts, the leftist leader emerged early on Thursday from talks on the sidelines of a summit in Brussels with Chancellor Angela Merkel and President Francois Hollande to express confidence.
"We decided to intensify the efforts to bridge the remaining differences and proceed, I believe, to a solution in the coming period," said Tsipras, whose first five months in government have brought Greece to the brink of defaulting on payments to the IMF if it fails to secure new EU funding within three weeks.
Merkel had made it clear before the meeting, however, that it was not her and Hollande with whom he must negotiate but with the three institutions representing sovereign creditors – the European Union, European Central Bank and International Monetary Fund. There was no change in that line afterwards:
"It was agreed unanimously that the talks between the Greek government and the institutions should be pursued with great intensity," a German government spokesman said in a statement that described a meeting conducted in a constructive atmosphere.
via Reuters [1]
Alfonso Esparza [6]
Senior Currency Analyst at Market Pulse [7]
Alfonso Esparza specializes in macro forex strategies for North American and major currency pairs. Upon joining OANDA in 2007, Alfonso Esparza established the MarketPulseFX blog and he has since written extensively about central banks and global economic and political trends. Alfonso has also worked as a professional currency trader focused on North America and emerging markets. He has been published by The MarketWatch, Reuters, the Wall Street Journal and The Globe and Mail, and he also appears regularly as a guest commentator on networks including Bloomberg and BNN. He holds a finance degree from the Monterrey Institute of Technology and Higher Education (ITESM) and an MBA with a specialization on financial engineering and marketing from the University of Toronto.
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URL to article: https://www.marketpulse.com/20150611/greece-germany-and-france-held-late-night-talks-on-debt/
[1] Reuters: http://www.reuters.com/article/2015/06/11/us-eurozone-greece-talks-idUSKBN0OQ0TQ20150611?feedType=RSS&feedName=businessNews
[6] Alfonso Esparza: https://www.marketpulse.com/author/alfonso-esparza/
[8] @alfonso_forex: http://twitter.com/alfonso_forex
[9] Follow @alfonso_forex: https://twitter.com/alfonso_forex
[10] +Alfonso Esparza: https://plus.google.com/115398446627521086777?rel=author
[11] Market Rally Still Going Low Holiday Volumes Awaiting Start of 2020: https://www.marketpulse.com/20191227/market-rally-still-going-low-holiday-volumes-awaiting-start-2020/
[12] Market Awaits China Retaliation on Trade: https://www.marketpulse.com/20191129/market-awaits-china-retaliation-trade/
[13] Alibaba to Close Order Book Ahead of Huge IPO: https://www.marketpulse.com/20191118/alibaba-close-order-book-ahead-huge-ipo/ | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl"
} | 2,510 |
For de Canadian powitician, see Francis Awvin George Hamiwton.
Dr Francis Buchanan FRS FRSE FLS FAS FSA DL (15 February 1762 – 15 June 1829), water known as Francis Hamiwton but often referred to as Francis Buchanan-Hamiwton, was a Scottish physician who made significant contributions as a geographer, zoowogist, and botanist whiwe wiving in India.
The standard botanicaw audor abbreviation Buch.-Ham. is appwied to pwants and animaws he described, dough today de form "Hamiwton, 1822" is more usuawwy seen in ichdyowogy and is preferred by Fishbase.
Francis Buchanan was born at Bardowie, Cawwander, Perdshire where Ewizabef, his moder, wived on de estate of Branziet; his fader Thomas, a physician, came in Spittaw and cwaimed de chiefdom of de name of Buchanan and owned de Leny estate. Francis Buchanan matricuwated in 1774 and received an MA in 1779. As he had dree owder broders, he had to earn a wiving from a profession, so Buchanan studied medicine at de University of Edinburgh, graduating MD in 1783. His desis was on febris intermittens (mawaria). He den served on Merchant Navy ships to Asia, and served in de Bengaw Medicaw Service from 1794 to 1815. He awso studied botany under John Hope in Edinburgh. Hope was among de first in Britain to teach de Linnean system of botanicaw nomencwature, awdough he knew of severaw oders having been trained under Antoine Laurent de Jussieu.
Buchanan's earwy career was on board ships pwying between Engwand and Asia. The first few years were spent as Surgeon aboard de Duke of Montrose saiwing between Bombay and China under Captain Awexander Gray and water Captain Joseph Dorin, uh-hah-hah-hah. He den served on de Phoenix awong de Coromandew Coast again under Captain Gray. In 1794 he served on de Rose, saiwing from Portsmouf to Cawcutta and reaching Cawcutta in September, he joined de Medicaw Service of de Bengaw Presidency. Buchanan's training was ideaw as a Surgeon naturawist for a powiticaw mission to de Kingdom of Ava in Burma under Captain Symes (as repwacement for de previouswy appointed Surgeon Peter Cochrane). The Ava mission set saiw on de Sea Horse and wouwd pass de Andaman Iswands, Pegu and Ava before returning to Cawcutta.
In 1799, after de defeat of Tipu Suwtan and de faww of Mysore, he was asked to survey Souf India resuwting in A Journey from Madras drough de Countries of Mysore, Canara and Mawabar (1807). He awso wrote An Account of de Kingdom of Nepaw (1819).
He conducted two surveys, de first of Mysore in 1800 and de second of Bengaw in 1807-14. From 1803 to 1804 he was surgeon to de Governor Generaw of India Lord Wewweswey in Cawcutta, where he awso organized a zoo dat was to become de Cawcutta Awipore Zoo. In 1804, he was in charge of de Institution for Promoting de Naturaw History of India founded by Wewweswey at Barrackpore.
From 1807 to 1814, under de instructions of de government of Bengaw, he made a comprehensive survey of de areas widin de jurisdiction of de British East India Company. He was asked to report on topography, history, antiqwities, de condition of de inhabitants, rewigion, naturaw productions (particuwarwy fisheries, forests, mines, and qwarries), agricuwture (covering vegetabwes, impwements, manure, fwoods, domestic animaws, fences, farms, and wanded property, fine and common arts, and commerce (exports and imports, weights and measures, and conveyance of goods). His concwusions are reported in a series of treatises dat are retained in major United Kingdom wibraries; many have been re-issued in modern editions. They incwude an important work on Indian fish species, entitwed An account of de fishes found in de river Ganges and its branches (1822), which describes over 100 species not formerwy recognised scientificawwy.
He succeeded Wiwwiam Roxburgh to become de Superintendent of de Cawcutta botanicaw garden in 1814, but had to return to Britain in 1815 due to his iww heawf. In an interesting incident de notes dat he took of Hope's botany wectures in 1780 were went to his shipmate Awexander Bosweww during a voyage in 1785. Bosweww, wost de notes in Satyamangawam in Mysore and de notes went into de hands of Tipu Suwtan who had dem rebound. In 1800 dey were found in Tippu's wibrary by a major who returned dem to Buchanan, uh-hah-hah-hah.
Buchanan weft India in 1815, and in de same year inherited his moder's estate and in conseqwence took her surname of Hamiwton, referring to himsewf as "Francis Hamiwton, formerwy Buchanan" or simpwy "Francis Hamiwton". However he is variouswy referred to by oders as "Buchanan-Hamiwton", "Francis Hamiwton Buchanan" or "Francis Buchanan Hamiwton".
Francis Buchanan-Hamiwton is commemorated in de scientific name of a species of Souf Asian turtwe, Geocwemys hamiwtoni.
The standard audor abbreviation Buch.-Ham. is used to indicate dis person as de audor when citing a botanicaw name.
^ Biographicaw index of former fewwows of de Royaw Society of Edinburgh 1783 – 2002 (PDF). The Royaw Society of Edinburgh. Juwy 2006. ISBN 0 902 198 84 X.
^ a b Watson, Mark F.; Nowtie, Henry J. (2016). "Career, cowwections, reports and pubwications of Dr Francis Buchanan (water Hamiwton), 1762–1829: Naturaw history studies in Nepaw, Burma (Myanmar), Bangwadesh and India. Part 1". Annaws of Science. 73 (4): 392. doi:10.1080/00033790.2016.1195446. PMID 27399603.
^ Beowens, Bo; Watkins, Michaew; Grayson, Michaew (2011). The Eponym Dictionary of Reptiwes. Bawtimore: Johns Hopkins University Press. xiii + 296 pp. ISBN 978-1-4214-0135-5. ("Hamiwton", p. 114).
Vicziany, Marika (1986). "Imperiawism, Botany and Statistics in Earwy Nineteenf-Century India: The Surveys of Francis Buchanan (1762-1829)". Modern Asian Studies. 20 (4): 625–660. JSTOR 312628.
Buchanan, Francis (1807). A Journey from Madras drough de Countries of Mysore, Canara and Mawabar. London: T. Cadeww & W. Davies / Bwack, Parry & Kingsbury. – in dree vowumes, pubwishers noted as booksewwers to de Asiatic Society and de East India Company, respectivewy.
This page was wast edited on 18 March 2019, at 15:59 (UTC). | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4"
} | 7,957 |
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Peter Jeffrey Kelsay Wisoff (Norfolk, 16 augustus 1958) is een voormalig Amerikaans ruimtevaarder. Wisoff zijn eerste ruimtevlucht was STS-57 met de spaceshuttle Endeavour en vond plaats op 21 juni 1993. Het was een missie naar de EURECA satelliet. Ook werden er experimenten uitgevoerd in de SPACEHAB module.
Wisoff maakte deel uit van NASA Astronaut Group 13. Deze groep van 23 astronauten begon hun training in januari 1990 en werden in juli 1991 astronaut. In totaal heeft Wisoff vier ruimtevluchten op zijn naam staan, waaronder een missie naar het Russische ruimtestation Mir en het Internationaal ruimtestation ISS. Tijdens zijn missies maakte hij drie ruimtewandelingen. In 2001 verliet hij NASA en ging hij als astronaut met pensioen.
Wisof is getrouwd met voormalig astronaut Tamara Jernigan.
Wisoff, Peter | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaWikipedia"
} | 4,622 |
Middle Eastern Studies, M.A.
2020-04-01 00:00:00 2020-06-15 00:00:00 Unknown
18300 EUR/year
2083 EUR/year
University rank #67 (WUR) Leiden, Netherlands
Leiden University's master's in Middle Eastern Studies programme is a one-year, full-time master's programme that is taught completely in English. It deals with a wealth of fascinating, inspirational and highly relevant topics. Two starting dates are possible: in September and in February.
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Access all 180000+ programmes, for free with a Studyportals account.
The master's degree in Middle Eastern Studies can help turn you into an authority on what has been for many years - and will continue to be for the foreseeable future - a region of constant political, ethnic and religious upheaval.
Learning from renowned, internationally respected academics, you will delve into a wide range of relevant and contemporary topics. These can include the history, cultures and languages of Turkey, Persia and Israel, about Islam and all things Arabic, as well as international relations and the political economy of the Middle East.
Middle Eastern Studies at Leiden University is an accredited degree programme. After successful completion of this programme, you will receive a master's degree in Middle Eastern Studies and the title Master of Arts (MA).Career prospectsSome of the positions found by our alumni include those in:
governmental and semi-governmental organisations
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From 2019-2020 onwards you start with a common core course of 10 EC, Theories and Methods in Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies in your first semester.
Besides this course, you can choose courses in historic and contemporary manifestations of cultures, languages, literatures and religions, either directed at the Middle East in general, or at one of the regions of the Middle East in depth, namely the Arab world, the Ottoman and Turkish world, the Persianate world, and Israeli society from the period of political Zionism to the present day. In line with one of these courses you will write a thesis.
You can apply until:
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A copy of a valid passport or ID card
A copy of a Dutch residence permit (if applicable)
CV (résumé)
Language proficiency (if applicable)
Copies of diplomas and transcripts
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Based on the original amount of 18300 EUR per year and a duration of 12 months.
Based on the original amount of 2083 EUR per year and a duration of 12 months.
Living costs for Leiden
850 - 1250 EUR/month
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Islamic and Middle Eastern Studies The University of Edinburgh
Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies University of Haifa
Middle Eastern Studies with Advanced Arabic The University of Edinburgh
View 4 other Masters in Islamic Studies in Netherlands | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl"
} | 3,933 |
Are you SATISFIED with the LATEST Update/Patch/Content in your own server?
Are you still having fun playing the game?
Count down: 2853 Days8 Hours50 min.
2. No, I'm Disappointed because nothing new about the game.
Yeah. Since Global version will release an update first before the other servers.
I'm disappointed a little because there isn't any news on anti-hack improvement. Another season of torture for me :|.
Also its too late for this to get a fix now.
hahaha. Yeah. no patch release about the anti-hack. They just released new content without fixing the ROS in-game security.
I guess ping issues is good but the refresh and in-game rendering is quite bad. | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4"
} | 263 |
SGI(Soka Gakkai Internati) EMF Crime damage record: Irradiation patterns to eyes to victim due to electromagnetic radiation crime of cult Soka Gakkai.
Irradiation patterns to eyes to victim due to electromagnetic radiation crime of cult Soka Gakkai.
that cult Soka Gakkai does with the illustration.
First of all, please look at the illustration below.
Eyes are places frequently irradiated when terrorists of this cult aim at the victim.
It was irradiated to victim's eyes by terrorists of this cult, and a lot of victims indicted the pain in Japan last winter.
terrorists, the doubt is called.
Isn't it a human experimentation?
damage of the magnetic substance that is my experience in Japan.
The scientist who promotes the terrorism action by using the cult religion upper decides humanity and is not the one to be permitted.
I will announce to blog if this scientist's research is observed, and a definite matter is discovered in the future.
The topic is returned to the electromagnetic radiation technique of cult.
How by the Soka Gakkai believer to aim at victim's eyes has some patterns.
The material that radiates the electromagnetic radiation is made to be installed in Soka Gakkai believer's body. This Soka Gakkai believer repeats the movement the vicinity of the victim whom the electromagnetic radiation influences easily and.
Other Soka Gakkai believers are repeating a weak electromagnetic radiation irradiation from the outside beforehand.
To the part at which the victim is aiming.
This is an action to make a big influence easy to receive more the body part of the victim who applied the aim.
The believer of Soka Gakkai surrounds the victim, and this is attacked in the group.
The victim is shot the maser by the car under the movement, and receives the attack. The attack is surely received if it is a parked car, and there is a believer internally.
The remote operation attack is received from the car that gets on no one while stopping.
Installation features of the maser of the body are the light parts in ahead and the back.
lighting of the inside of a store.
Naturally, the shop is a cooperator related to the Soka Gakkai believer or rights.
In addition, Soka Gakkai always makes believer's child execute the crime.
In this electromagnetic radiation crime, Soka Gakkai is making the little child participate.
Soka Gakkai believer's child shoots the electromagnetic radiation into the victim.
They are the play senses.
Soka Gakkai believer's parents have this crime take the lead and executed.
Therefore, Soka Gakkai believer's child doesn't have ethics.
Thus, group that makes up criminal who was mind control of young people.
It is cult that is called it Soka Gakkai. | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4"
} | 4,472 |
Product Development, Labelling and Packaging
Food Quality, Hygiene and Safety
Food Manufacturing and Production
Latest news and information.
Radioactivity report published
The FSA has published the annual Radioactivity in Food and the Environment (RIFE) report, which shows that the level of man-made radioactivity to which people in the UK are exposed, remained below the EU legal limit during 2014. No food safety concerns were identified.
Key findingsThe key findings are:
The total radiation dose to members of the public in the UK is significantly below the EU annual dose limit of 1 millisievert for all exposures.
The exposure of consumers to radioactivity in 2014 was similar than in 2013 for the majority of nuclear sites.
In 2014, the highest doses the public received were Sellafield (0.22mSv), Capenhurst (0.17mSv) and Amersham (0.14mSv), as opposed to last year when the location with the highest dose was Amersham (0.22mSv). The increase in the ranking of Sellafield compared to last year was established following a re-assessment of exposure pathways in 2014, including an observed increase in seafood consumption. The doses received around Amersham and Capenhurst are mainly result of direct radiation from sources on the sites.
In 2014, habit surveys were carried out at Berkeley, Oldbury, Hartlepool and Sellafield in England. The results were used to improve the assessment of doses to the members of the public near nuclear licensed sites.
Between April 2014 and March 2015, 383 contaminated particles were found in the Cumbrian coastlines originating from Sellafield by an ongoing survey programme which started in 2006. (An increase from 117 particles in the previous year.) These were removed by the site operator. The increase in the number of finds is due to the improvements in the detection capability of the mobile survey units that are used. A recent report by Public Health England describes the assessed health risks from the consumption of seafood (including those to commercial fishermen) from radioactive particles in the vicinity of the Sellafield site. Based on currently available information, it is concluded that the overall health risks to both seafood consumers and commercial fishermen are very low.
Following the Fukushima accident in Japan in 2011, food import controls from that country were introduced, and further revised during 2012. Monitoring at UK ports of entry showed little or no radioactivity in food.
Sampling for freshwater fish affected by the 1986 Chernobyl accident ceased in upland lakes in 2014 following a risk-based review by the FSA.
It is time to give everybody a chance to understand what we are consuming every single day. | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl"
} | 5,288 |
Some Thanksgiving goers show up to dinner with only one thing in mind: the main course. If you appreciate a delicious piece of turkey, you are definitely traditional and down-to-earth. You are the friend that everyone goes to for advice because you always have your priorities straight. The entire family can count on you to show up to Thanksgiving dinner on time this year!
We've all heard of the new holiday trend: frying your turkey. If this is the dish for you, you are definitely creative and open-minded. The fried turkey appeals to you because you're not afraid of expanding your horizons and switching things up. Everyone at the table wants to sit next to you because you're a great listener and totally non-judgemental.
Do you take comfort in eating the always yummy mashed potatoes at family gatherings? If you are the type of diner who looks forward to eating this dish, you are a sensitive soul. You're completely in touch with your emotions and definitely empathetic of other people's feelings. If you're bringing a dessert to dinner this year, you will definitely consider everyone's allergies and food preferences.
If you're stuffing your face with stuffing this Thanksgiving, you probably try a little bit of everything at dinner. There is no adventure too daring for you and nothing you won't try…twice. You are an eclectic person with a lot of hobbies. Everyone at the table loves hearing your stories because you lead a very full life.
Instead of looking forward to the food on your plate, do you look forward to the sauce that accompanies it? If you love the flavors of cranberry sauce, you are a passionate person. You never do anything halfway. When you commit to a job, relationship, or activity you go for it wholeheartedly and passionately. During this year's festivities, you will definitely mention the organization you are volunteering with. Of course you can also be found covering your food in cranberry sauce.
There's nothing like the smell of sugary pecan-topped sweet potatoes on Thanksgiving. You are kind and thoughtful if this is the dish that excites you. Everyone loves to be around you because of your warm and caring personality. You are every bit as sweet as this casserole, so it is no surprise that you enjoy it. This Thanksgiving you will probably be sure to talk to each and every person at your dinner!
We could never forget the classic pumpkin craze. For the people who would rather eat the dessert over the dinner, you inspire. Pumpkin pie lover, you are a leader and a role model. You are the family member who always has their ducks in a row and is completely put together. Skipping Thanksgiving dinner and going straight for the sweets is pretty much the only time you ever lack self control. | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4"
} | 683 |
Provident Mgmt. Corp. v. City of Treasure Island
Supreme Court of Florida
May 24, 2001, Decided
No. SC96000
[*482] PARIENTE, J.
We have for review a decision of the Second District Court of Appeal certifying the following question to be of great public importance:
City of Treasure Island v. Provident Mgmt. Corp., 738 So. 2d 357, 362 (Fla. 2d DCA 1999) [**2] ("Provident II"). We have jurisdiction. See art. V, § 3(b)(4), Fla. Const. For the reasons explained in this opinion, we answer the certified question in the negative.
This is the second time this case has been before us and we detailed the facts of this case in our earlier decision. See Provident Mgmt. Corp. v. City of Treasure Island, 718 So. 2d 738, 738-39 (Fla. 1998) ("Provident I"). In short, many property owners at the Land's End condominium complex employed Provident Management Corporation ("Provident") as a rental agent to rent their units on a short-term basis. See id. at 738. The City of Treasure Island ("City") issued a cease and desist order to both Provident and the unit owners, informing them that short-term rentals violated the City's local zoning code. See id. The City thereafter sought a temporary injunction barring Provident from acting as a rental agent for Land's End properties. See id. In response, Provident requested that the trial court require the City to post a bond and the colloquy proceeded as follows:
MR. FERGUSON (counsel for Provident): Sure. There is a bond issue here. It's undisputed, [**3] I think, from the testimony, that these people can lose substantial income.
796 So. 2d 481 *; 2001 Fla. LEXIS 1064 **; 26 Fla. L. Weekly S 344; 26 Fla. L. Weekly S 641
Subsequent History: [**1] As Revised on Denial of Rehearing September 26, 2001, Reported at: 2001 Fla. LEXIS 1909.
Prior History: Application for Review of the Decision of the District Court of Appeal - Certified Great Public Importance Second District - Case Nos. 2D95-00806 & 2D95-00807 (Pinellas County).
Disposition: Quashed decision below, answered the certified question in the negative and remand for further proceedings consistent with this opinion. It is so ordered.
damages, injunction, temporary injunction, government entity, trial court, wrongfully, dispense, enjoined, sovereign immunity, limitations, bond requirement, municipality, surety, full measure, immunity, issuance, posted, rental, waived
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This Vorsteiner Aero Kit gives a mean look to the BMW M3 G80
Home » This Vorsteiner Aero Kit gives a mean look to the BMW M3 G80
Horatiu Boeriu
March 27, 2022 / 2 minutes read
The aftermarket specialists at Vorsteiner are now ready to reveal more parts from their aero program for the new BMW M3 G80. They released just a few weeks ago a series of front-end parts for the G80 M3, including a redesigned kidney grille. But today, a series of carbon fiber aero parts are added into the mix.
For starters, this BMW M3 G80 stands out with the new VRS Carbon Fiber Front Spoiler which not only gives the car a meaner look, but it also helps with downforce and aerodynamics. Next we have the VRV GTS Carbon Wing Blade with Aluminum Uprights sitting on top of the trunk giving the car a racing-inspired look. That massive wing will help tremendously with downforce on the track.
A redesigned kidney grille
Vorsteiner's attempt to fix the grille is subtler than we've seen from companies like Evolve. Instead of making the grille smaller and adding a new front bumper to make up for it, Vorsteiner keeps the size of the grille but changes the inner bits of it to trick the eye into seeing a smaller, more normal BMW grille.
The new Vorsteiner grille is one piece but visually split into two sections; and upper and a lower. Those sections are bisected by a large horizontal bar, which looks like a bumper bar that you'd typically put a license plate on. Not only does that bisect the grille; which lessens the visual impact of its size, but it also gives the car a more sensible place to put said license plate. It also leaves the bottom section of the grille empty, free of any grille slats, which makes it look more like front bumper air intakes, rather than a grille. The upper section only gets one horizontal grille slat.
Vorsteiner says that you can have that grille for $1,490 while the racing wing will set you back another $2,595. The aluminum uprights are sold separately. Vorsteiner also say that The Vorsteiner Carbon Fiber Motorsport grille is fully compatible with both the ACC (active cruise control) and PDC (Park Distance Control) sensors.
We can take a closer look at the BMW M3 G80 aero kit in the photo gallery below:
bmw m3 g80
Horatiu Boeriu is an entrepreneur, journalist and the founder of www.bmwblog.com. He is currently the editor-in-chief managing the day-to-day activities at BMWBLOG, including content strategy, content creation, advertising sales, partnerships and product management. Horatiu majored with a Computer Science degree from University of Illinois at Chicago where he cultivated a passion for product ma...
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Thinking About Sex Scenes
Remember when I acknowledged I was writing a romance novel? Well, I'm still working on it. If "slow & steady wins the race," then don't bet on me. I'm Aesop's jackrabbit: I'll write a large chunk then nothing for days. (Or weeks. Or months.) (I know, it's bad. You see now why I don't provide you with daily updates on my WIP...)
I have noticed a pattern though: I tend to stall out just as my protagonists are on the verge of having sex. Why? Because as lovely as sex is, it's damned hard to write about. I think I've figured out why, but that doesn't precisely solve the problem. And it is a problem: I have 40% of a book done from last summer where I know exactly what happens next but don't much feel like writing about it. You guessed it: they're having sex.
Here's my theory of what the problem is with writing sex scenes. (Oh, and I'm willing to be wrong about this, so don't hesitate to disagree with me. All alternative theories will be considered seriously.)
But before I get to the theory, I want to make clear I'm not particularly hung up on the "classification" of sensuality in my writing. I figure I'll write the book and that will tell me how "warm" it is. Clearly, if they're having sex, though, it's not one of the "chaste" sub-genres.
Okay, so my experience as a reader is that sex scenes in most romances "feel different" from the rest of the book. The best way I could explain it was to speculate that the author goes from being very lyrical and expressive to writing very explicitly about anatomy. It can be jarring. I'm not the only reader who's said -- and no, I don't think this is a polite lie or self-delusion -- that I skip sex scenes. Or read one (so as to be assured that the characters are sexually compatible) and skip the rest in that book.
As a writer though, I've really thought about this phenomenon. I'm working on a contemporary novel, so I want to find the right balance between realism and romance-novel idealism. This means I don't want my hero to attack the heroine -- it may seem sexy because it means her sexual appeal is so strong that he can't control his desire for her, but in real life it would suggest that he's (as my husband put it) "not a nice guy." On the other hand, I want my hero & heroine to have "smooth" sex -- meaning her hair doesn't get trapped under his hand (ouch!) or the phone rings at the wrong time. That would be as distracting to read about as it is to experience.
I'm very committed to making good use of point of view: if I'm in my hero's head, I want to limit myself to those thoughts, feelings, observations and experiences that he would naturally have. Most of the time that's no limit at all; my hero's a bright guy. But in the bedroom? What do men really think about?
I asked my husband (pretty much the only guy I'm entitled to ask, if you think about it), "Honey, what do you think about during sex?" He's a bright guy, too, but he didn't shock me much when he answered sardonically, "Not a lot." Because of the four things we get from the hero's POV (thoughts, feelings, observations and experiences), thinking falls away dramatically as the moves and rituals of sex progress, feelings get very focused on a relatively small number of nerve endings, observations become more intense but monosyllabic (e.g., "that feels good,"), and experiences -- well, there's the rub. (Please forgive all inadvertent but predictable double entendres in this post.)
Obviously, my hero's experiences are as lush and wonderful as we could wish them. I can write about them too, but I risk pushing myself out of his head if I do so. He's not cataloging his experiences as he has them, he's just having them. And when in real life thinking, feeling & observations all reduce to a Dr. Seussian economy of words, why would it be appropriate for the text, in the hero's POV, to start noting all the places that body parts are going and all the things they're doing?
Go read a generic sex scene in a generic romance novel (but not a paranormal -- who knows what powers the 7-foot-tall hawt vamps have). Ask yourself, Is it likely that a real human being in this situation would be aware of all the things I'm reading about? I get it that those things are happening, but would the character be aware of all that? Particularly as -- how do I put this? -- the experiences reach their intended conclusion.
Now, I'm not suggesting that sex scenes in romance novels (and here I'll explicitly exclude erotica from this discussion) should devolve into grunts of satisfaction or cries of passion. That would be boring to read. But why can't a sex scene be more realistic about the way a person's focus narrows and his/her cognitive sophistication shuts down?
I think what happens is that a lot of authors pan back in those scenes and start writing as an omniscient narrator while still claiming to be presenting one character's POV. It just doesn't seem to be necessary. There are a limited number of positions and acts that two protagonists engaging in consensual vanilla sex can get into. Let the reader use her imagination -- if you really need the play-by-play commentary, have a character replay the scene in his or her mind after the fact. Then you can have every last square inch of skin mapped out and written about in detail. They may not be thinking a lot while they're doing it, but they can remember it all.
I've tested this theory this in my current WIP. I think it went okay, although I know I'll need to add more depth to the scene in subsequent revisions. I'll be the first one to admit, though, that no one will be able to get tips and pointers about the latest sexual techniques. For that, you still need to read Penthouse Forum.
Labels: Sex scenes, Writing
Bronwyn Parry May 7, 2010 at 10:43 PM
Hi Magdalen,
Sex scenes are very hard to write well! Here's a few thoughts in response to your post, based on my own learning in writing them.
First off, I agree with you about writing from the character's POV - but I suspect that if you asked your husband what he was thinking the FIRST time with you, there might be a different answer :-) An established relationship of emotional trust takes some time to develop, and I'd wager that for most people, at the beginning, there's some emotional vulnerability - whether we acknowledge it or not.
I struggled a great deal with the first sex scene in my first novel. I wrote it innumerable times... until I finally twigged that it wasn't a sex scene that I needed to write. It was a love scene. It's a point where the characters, through physical intimacy, take a major step to emotional intimacy, and become vulnerable to each other, and also vulnerable to their fears.
I won't say forget the physical mechanics, because they're kinda necessary, but focus predominantly on your characters and the importance of the scene as part of (or a block to!) their emotional journey.
Know your characters, how they communicate, and the type of sex they're likely to have at that point of time - tender, shy, nervous, confident, hot, playful, experimental, fast and sweaty, slow and languid... whatever.
Consider also the emotional importance of this intimacy, to your specific characters at this point of the story. Even if they think it's of no emotional importance, it should be important in the emotional story arc - the lack of emotion (or lack of recognition of the emotion) being part of their conflict (internal or external).
The various threads and issues that make up your story should also weave through the love scene/s, either implicitly or explicitly. (LOL - I'm a weaver, too, and I keep wanting to use weaving metaphors about ground fabric and pattern threads... but not many people would know what I'm talking about!)
Anyway, I guess the point of my rambling is that when I stopped thinking about writing a sex scene, and started thinking of them as love scenes - with a focus on their place in the story of a developing emotional intimacy - then the scenes came (pardon the pun ;-) ) much more easily. In my first book, it's a very emotional and tender scene, because the characters are both sensitive, thoughtful people, and they know they're taking a huge and risky step. In my second book, the love scene is much 'hotter', because the characters are very different personalities to the book 1 H/h. Yet the emotion is there, too, even if they're not thinking clearly through it.
I'll stop rambling now! Hope something in all the above makes sense ;-)
Magdalen May 7, 2010 at 11:15 PM
Bronwyn -- What a lovely and helpful comment -- not rambling at all, but chock full of useful things for me to think about. Thank you so much.
But I have to say, I actually know what my husband was thinking the first time. It was really real, but it's not likely to make it into a romance novel. :-)
Moriah Jovan May 9, 2010 at 10:54 AM
But why can't a sex scene be more realistic about the way a person's focus narrows and his/her cognitive sophistication shuts down?
I do this. I "walk" through it in my mind through the POV character's and think about what s/he would be feeling at that moment, sensations and such, what s/he would focus on and block out.
I don't do a lot of "external" description in my sex scenes because there's just too much going on internally (heh).
Tia Harrington May 19, 2010 at 7:46 PM
I am so used to you having a Betty on the front of your name. I am the Betty's younger, more riske sister. I keep a blog about writing and posted a Writer's Corner called Kiss and Tell by Annie Evett. It was super helpful on how to approach one of these scenes.
I then made Keira write a kissing scene on the next Writing prompt I did. It was pretty funny.
Anyway, Just google the article or visit my blog buttonedupbodice.blogspot.com for more tips.
I am in awe at anyone who can write a believable sex scene. I blush just trying to write in a good kiss that doesn't feel avuncular.
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Clindamycin in 5 Percent Dextrose (Page 4 of 5)
Civica, Inc. 13 January 2022
Transient neutropenia (leukopenia) and eosinophilia have been reported. Reports of agranulocytosis and thrombocytopenia have been made. No direct etiologic relationship to concurrent clindamycin therapy could be made in any of the foregoing.
Drug reaction with eosinophilia and systemic symptoms (DRESS) cases have been reported.
Local Reactions
Thrombophlebitis has been reported after intravenous infusion. Reactions can be minimized by avoiding prolonged use of indwelling intravenous catheters.
Polyarthritis cases have been reported.
Cardiopulmonary arrest and hypotension have been reported following too rapid intravenous administration (see DOSAGE AND ADMINISTRATION).
Significant mortality was observed in mice at an intravenous dose of 855 mg/kg and in rats at an oral or subcutaneous dose of approximately 2,618 mg/kg. In the mice, convulsions and depression were observed.
Hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis are not effective in removing clindamycin from the serum.
If diarrhea occurs during therapy, this antibiotic should be discontinued (see WARNING box).
Parenteral (IV Administration)
Serious infections due to aerobic gram-positive cocci and the more susceptible anaerobes (NOT generally including Bacteroides fragilis, Peptococcus species and Clostridium species other than Clostridium perfringens):
600 to 1,200 mg/day in 2, 3 or 4 equal doses.
More severe infections, particularly those due to proven or suspected Bacteroides fragilis, Peptococcus species, or Clostridium species other than Clostridium perfringens:
1,200 to 2,700 mg/day in 2, 3 or 4 equal doses.
For more serious infections, these doses may have to be increased. In life-threatening situations due to either aerobes or anaerobes these doses may be increased. Doses of as much as 4,800 mg daily have been given intravenously to adults. See IV Infusion Rates section below.
Alternatively, drug may be administered in the form of a single rapid infusion of the first dose followed by continuous IV infusion as follows:
To Maintain Serum Clindamycin Levels
Rapid Infusion Rate
Maintenance Infusion Rate
Above 4 mcg/mL
10 mg/min for 30 min
0.75 mg/min
1 mg/min
Neonates (less than 1 month)
15 to 20 mg/kg/day in 3 to 4 equal doses. The lower dosage may be adequate for small prematures.
Pediatric patients 1 month of age to 16 years
Parenteral (IV) Administration
20 to 40 mg/kg/day in 3 or 4 equal doses. The higher doses would be used for more severe infections. Clindamycin should be dosed based on total body weight regardless of obesity. As an alternative to dosing on a body weight basis, pediatric patients may be dosed on the basis of square meters body surface: 350 mg/m2 /day for serious infections and 450 mg/m2 /day for more severe infections.
Parenteral therapy may be changed to oral clindamycin palmitate hydrochloride flavored granules or clindamycin hydrochloride capsules when the condition warrants and at the discretion of the physician.
In cases of β-hemolytic streptococcal infections, treatment should be continued for at least 10 days.
IV Infusion Rates
Infusion rates for Clindamycin in 5% Dextrose Injection should not exceed 30 mg per minute. The usual infusion rates are as follows:
600 mg/50 mL
12 mg/mL
Administration of more than 1,200 mg in a single 1-hour infusion is not recommended.
Parenteral drug products should be inspected visually for particulate matter and discoloration prior to administration, whenever solution and container permit.
No incompatibility has been demonstrated with the antibiotics cephalothin, kanamycin, gentamicin, penicillin or carbenicillin.
Clindamycin in 5% Dextrose Injection in Cryovac Plastic Container
Premixed Clindamycin in 5% Dextrose Injection is for intravenous administration using sterile equipment. Check for minute leaks prior to use by squeezing bag firmly. If leaks are found, discard solution as sterility may be impaired. Do not add supplementary medication. Parenteral drug products should be inspected visually for particulate matter and discoloration prior to administration whenever solution and container permit. Do not use unless solution is clear and seal is intact.
Do not use plastic containers in series connections. Such use could result in air embolism due to residual air being drawn from the primary container before administration of the fluid from the secondary container is complete.
Preparation for Administration
Suspend container from eyelet support.
Remove protector from outlet port at bottom of container.
Attach administration set. Refer to complete directions accompanying set.
Clindamycin in 5% Dextrose Injection in Cryovac plastic containers is a sterile solution of clindamycin phosphate with 5% dextrose. Each 50 mL contains clindamycin phosphate equivalent to 600 mg or 900 mg clindamycin. The single dose Cryovac plastic containers are available as follows:
600 mg/50 mL, Carton of 24 minibags
NDC 72572-074-24
Exposure of pharmaceutical products to heat should be minimized. It is recommended that Cryovac plastic containers be stored at 20° to 25°C (68° to 77°F) [see USP Controlled Room Temperature]. Avoid temperatures above 30° C.
Page 4 of 5 « 1 2 3 4 5 »
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Medications with generic name beginning with the letter 'C' (Clindamycin in 5 Percent Dextrose).
Clindamycin in 5 Percent Dextrose
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MSP as legal provision will lead to loss for Punjab farmers: BJP leader
Following his repeated statements that amendments can be made in the three agri laws but they can't be repealed, farmers had announced to socially boycott him at his native village Dhanaula in Barnala.
Written by Raakhi Jagga | Ludhiana | January 2, 2021 11:34:20 pm
At Delhi's Singhu border.
A Punjab BJP leader, who is a member of the panel tasked with reaching out to farmers camping at Delhi borders, has said that they should not insist on minimum support price for crops as legal provision as in the longer run that would lead to losses for the farmers from the state.
Harjeet Singh Grewal, 60, said the farmers leading the protest should consider seriously the administrative guarantee being given for procurement of crops on MSP.
"Despite the fact that 23 states grow paddy and10 states produce wheat, government procures 60 per cent of the two grains (for central pool) from Punjab, 30 per cent from Haryana and the remaining 10 per cent from the national capital region (NCR). This is done because of the contribution of Punjab and Haryana in making the country food surplus and their role in Green Revolution," said Grewal.
The BJP leader said that India produces 280 million tonnes of foodgrains (wheat and paddy), while it needs only 78 million tonnes for the public distribution system (PDS). Hence, if MSP becomes part of a legislation, then the procurement will take place equally from all the states. Only 6 per cent of the total purchase will happen from Punjab. The farm unions repeatedly demanding it (legal sanctity for MSP) must keep this in mind when they meet the government authorities," said Grewal while talking to the The Indian Express.
The farmers have been protesting at the Delhi borders for 38 days now and have threatened to intensify the stir if their two key demands — the repeal of three new farm laws and a legal guarantee for MSP — is not met in the next round of talks scheduled for January 4. At the end of the sixth round of negotiations on Wednesday, the government had agreed to resolve protesting farmers' concerns over rise in power tariff and penalties for stubble burning.
Grewal, who had been camping in Delhi since November 28 along with Surjit Kumar Jyani, the chairman of the 8-member BJP panel coordinating with farmers, claimed that wheat from Rajasthan is available in the private market at Rs 2300 per quintal while MP wheat is being sold at Rs 3200 per quintal as against the MSP of Rs 1,925 per quintal. "If the quality is good, you will automatically get good rates. Punjab's farmers need to understand this. They have the wrong propaganda that their lands will be snatched away. Not even an inch of land has been taken away from any farmer of the country. Diversification of crops should have happened 20 years ago. Punjab's farmers now feel comfortable in growing only two crops and are also dependent on migrant labourers for same. These laws are meant to take the farmers out of the two-crop cycle and let them grow whatever the country needs," he said.
Following his repeated statements that amendments can be made in the three agri laws but they can't be repealed, farmers had announced to socially boycott him at his native village Dhanaula in Barnala. Members of the Grewal community from Ludhiana's Jodhan village to have announced to boycott him.
Grewal said that he had contested 2017 Assembly polls from Rajpura constituency of Patiala. "I have been living in Rajpura for the past many years. I had not been to Dhanaula for more than 5 years. That village has my farmland where they (protesters) are saying that no one can take it on contract. It is a democratic country and no one can do this," he said.
Grewal said that he had only passed on the message to the farmers that he got from authorities. "Most of the doubts of farmers have been cleared…Home Minister had even told farm leaders to give in writing whatever changes they want in the three Acts. What else can a government c do? These laws are for the betterment of farmers. A solution should come out as the government is concerned about people sitting out there in the cold," he added.
He claims that hardly any farmer from 102 villages in Rajpura was taking part in the agitation. "Many farmers are doing vegetable farming in Rajpura. I know many families who grow vegetables on 1.5 acres of land, work hard throughout the year and produce five crops…"
Grewal said he was and Jyani were deputed in Delhi by state party chief Ashwani Sharma as "we had been interacting with farmers for decades". He said he conducted a survey on farm suicides and submitted it to the head office and "I had indicated to the (party) head office about the rising farmers' unions' activities some four years ago. "
Asked about some leaders labeling the protesting farmers as Naxals and Khalistanis, Grewal said, "One cannot deny that many people with separatist thoughts have also become part of this protest, but one should not generalise it for everyone in the dharna. Majority (of those sitting on protests) is the common farmer who has been misled."
Grewal said that proposed amendments by the central government have resolved most of the issues and "more amendments can be done, but communists just want to let the issue linger".
Earlier, Defence Minister Rajnath Singh too disapproved of such remarks saying "such allegations should not be made by anyone" against any farmer.
Meanwhile, with more and more farmers staging protests outside the residences of BJP leaders, Grewal said he will be meeting Union Home Minister (Amit Shah) on this aspect. He said the party has already taken up the matter with Punjab Police as well. " It is a violation of human rights of a person if your are sitting outside his house 24×7 for more than three months now. Some people have threatened party leader from Bathinda, Makhan Jindal, asking him to resign from the BJP or protesters will stage a dharna outside his factory and will not let him run it," he alleged.
Grewal had unsuccessfully contested the Lok Sabha election from Sangrur in 1995 and had lost. He had contested the Assembly election from Rajpura in 2017 and came in a distant third.
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Wired New York Forum > City Guide > Questions and Answers about New York City > Segway Rentals in NYC?
View Full Version : Segway Rentals in NYC?
I was wondering if there are a such thing as Segway Rentals in NYC? Mainly the manhatten area? Thanks. WHen I was in florida last year we got to do segway tour. that was fun. so I wonder if they are in NYC? SOmeone would make a ton of money renting out segways especially in central park!!!!!
They are illegal to ride on NYC Public Sidewalks. A simple search of google turned up the following result.
I seen tons of people riding them in South Beach Miami. I did see one in manhattan a few weeks ago. Funny thing is he was not on the sidewalk, but inside the compusa on 5th ave. To be honest i would not really want to ride a segway in NYC. Especially in a group of other segways.
Wow i'm actually shocked to hear that segways are illegal to write on publilc sidewalks but it makes sence with so many people. I think there are more people in NYC in the whole state of Oregon where I live. lol. oh well.
The closest you can get to renting a segway in NYC is Segway of the Hudson Valley - they do these awesome tours up the Hudson river.
i saw them all over the place in dfw dallas fort worth too. they have segway group tours you can take. | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4"
} | 713 |
Alexandra Cadanțu (Boekarest, 3 mei 1990) is een tennisspeelster uit Roemenië. Zij begon op vijfjarige leeftijd met tennis. Haar favoriete ondergrond is gravel. Zij speelt rechtshandig en heeft een tweehandige backhand.
Sinds juli 2021 speelt zij onder de naam Alexandra Ignatik, in verband met haar huwelijk met Uladzimir Ignatik, een tennisser uit Wit-Rusland.
Cadanțu debuteerde in 2005 op het ITF-toernooi van Balș (Roemenië). Zij stond in 2006 voor het eerst in een finale, op het ITF-toernooi van Boekarest (Roemenië) – hier veroverde zij haar eerste titel, door landgenote Irina-Camelia Begu te verslaan. In totaal won zij negen ITF-titels, de laatste in 2015 in Galați (Roemenië).
In 2011 kwalificeerde Cadanțu zich voor het eerst voor een WTA-hoofdtoernooi, op het toernooi van Luxemburg. Zij bereikte er de tweede ronde. Zij stond in 2012 voor het eerst in een WTA-finale, op het toernooi van Monterrey – zij verloor van de Hongaarse Tímea Babos.
Cadanțu debuteerde in 2005 op het ITF-toernooi van Balș (Roemenië), samen met landgenote Joana Oprea. Zij stond in 2008 voor het eerst in een finale, op het ITF-toernooi van Galați (Roemenië), samen met landgenote Antonia Xenia Tout – zij verloren van het duo Kristína Kučová en Valentina Sulpizio. In 2010 veroverde Cadanțu haar eerste titel, op het ITF-toernooi van Bol (Kroatië), samen met landgenote Alexandra Damaschin, door het Slowaakse duo Chantal Škamlová en Romana Tabak te verslaan. In totaal won zij tien ITF-titels, de laatste in 2017 in Altenkirchen (Duitsland).
In 2012 speelde Cadanțu voor het eerst op een WTA-hoofdtoernooi, op het toernooi van Bogota, samen met landgenote Ioana Raluca Olaru. Zij stond later dat jaar voor het eerst in een WTA-finale, op het toernooi van Fez, samen met landgenote Irina-Camelia Begu – zij verloren van het koppel Petra Cetkovská en Aleksandra Panova. In 2014 veroverde Cadanțu haar eerste WTA-titel, op het toernooi van Boekarest, samen met landgenote Elena Bogdan, door het koppel Çağla Büyükakçay en Karin Knapp te verslaan.
Posities op de WTA-ranglijst
Positie per einde seizoen:
WTA-finaleplaatsen enkelspel
WTA-finaleplaatsen vrouwendubbelspel
Resultaten grandslamtoernooien
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This how-to assumes that you have a working Debian installation on a USB drive. If not check Jeff's site on how to install debian Squeeze on the GoFlex Net.
Once you have installed debian and have verified everything is working fine, we can go ahead with the modifications. It would be a good idea to configure netconsole so that you can monitor and make changes to uBoot if there is any problem. The steps are described in detail here.
The default kernel installed doesn't have support for the GoFlex Net SATA ports. So we are going to replace it with a newer and updated kernel.
Now we will download and install the updated kernel.
After that reboot GoFlex Net and 'uname –r' should show '' if the kernel installation was successful. Once you have made sure it's the updated kernel we can update uBoot environment to the new GoFlex Arch Number to enable the SATA ports.
Now you can modify the uBoot environment again to make it boot from a SATA drive.
Shutdown the GoFlex Net, connect the hard disk to the *right* side SATA port. There seems to be a bug in Jeff's uBoot for GoFlex Net, so within uBoot only the right port works. That would be all and the GoFlex Net should now boot from the attached SATA disk.
Here are the logs from a successful SATA boot.
And my uBoot environment settings as well.
If you do not have a GoFlex Hard Disk, you can attach an external eSata disk to the GoFlex Net using these cables.
If you are having any trouble setting this up, leave a comment. | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4"
} | 9,344 |
Jean-Jacques Grasset (c.1769 – 25 August 1839) was a French classical violinist.
He was born in Paris about 1769, and was a pupil of Isidore Bertheaume. After several years' obligatory service in the army, he soon became well-known on his return. On the death of Pierre Gaviniès in 1800 he was appointed professor of the violin at the Conservatoire de Paris. Soon afterwards he succeeded Antonio Bartolomeo Bruni as chef d'orchestre at the Italian Opera, holding the post until 1829, when he retired from public life. He died in Paris in 1839.
He published three Concertos for the Violin, five books of Violin-Duos, and a Sonata for Piano and Violin.
External links
1769 births
1839 deaths
Musicians from Paris
18th-century French male classical violinists
19th-century French male classical violinists
Academic staff of the Conservatoire de Paris | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaWikipedia"
} | 9,701 |
Meteorites that landed on Earth
These Are The 6 Biggest Meteorites to Ever to Be Found on
But the largest meteorite on earth is this monster, named Hoba. It is located in Namibia, and has never been moved. Compl33t/Wikimedia Commons. Hoba is nearly twice the weight of its nearest rival El Chaco at 60 tonnes. This makes it the biggest naturally occurring piece of iron known on Earth's surface at 6.5 square metres It's the most famous cataclysm ever, the meteorite that probably snuffed out the dinosaurs (along with three-quarters of all life on Earth) when it smashed into our planet 65 million years ago. The.. CANBERRA, Australia. — For the first time, scientists have been able to precisely map the flight path of an asteroid that landed on Earth and trace it back to its point of origin. The boulder-size fragment's journey to our planet began 22 million years ago, according to new research. The asteroid, known as 2018 LA, appeared like a fireball in the skies over Botswana on June 2, 2018, before.
These impact zones show where scientists have found meteorites, or the impact craters of meteorites, some dating back as far as the year 2,300BC. The data is from the Meteocritical Society and. They helped to pinpoint both the search area for the meteorite fragments on Earth and the meteor's origin in space. Meteorites among the wildlife Data from multiple astronomical observations, along with video recorded of the fireball, helped researchers determine the meteorites had fallen in the Central Kalahari Game Reserve, where wildlife like leopards and lions live
One of the fragments, El Chaco, is the second heaviest meteorite recovered on Earth, weighing 37 tonnes. It was located in 1969, 5 metres under the ground using a metal detector, even though the.. A meteorite that landed on a frozen lake in 2018 contains thousands of organic compounds that formed billions of years ago and could hold clues about the origins of life on Earth. The meteor entered Earth's atmosphere on Jan. 16, 2018, after a very long journey through the freezing vacuum of space, lighting up skies over Ontario, Canada, and the midwestern United States Thousands of meteorites weighing about a pound are thought to fall to Earth every year, but many of these events go unnoticed, because the small rocks land in uninhabited forests or open ocean waters
Earth's greatest hits: Six of the biggest meteorites in
Transcribed image text: A sample from a meteorite that landed on Earth has been analyzed, and the result shows that out of every 1,000 nuclei of potassium-40 originally in the meteorite, only 250 are still present, meaning they have not yet decayed. How old is the meteorite (in yr)? (Hint: See the figure below.) (Note: The half-life of potassium-40 is 1.3 billion years.
Motopi Pan belongs to a group of Howardite-Eucrite-Diogenites meteorites, so named due to their composition, that came from Vesta, which is located in the inner part of the asteroid belt between..
A Martian meteorite is a rock that formed on Mars, was ejected from the planet by an impact event, and traversed interplanetary space before landing on Earth as a meteorite. As of September 2020, 277 meteorites had been classified as Martian, less than half a percent of the 72,000 meteorites that have been classified. There are three groups of Martian meteorite: shergottites, nakhlites and chassignites, collectively known as SNC meteorites. Several other Martian meteorites are ungrouped. These
Meteorites themselves tend to fall into three categories, depending on their composition, according to Arizona State University's Center for Meteorite Studies: stony, stony-iron, and iron
More than 50,000 meteorites have been found on Earth. Designated Northwest Africa (NWA) 7034, and nicknamed Black Beauty, this Martian meteorite weighs approximately 11 ounces (320 grams)
These Meteorites Landed On Earth After A 22-million-year
What would happen if a meteorite landed on Earth that contained alien bacteria? That's the starting point for my Moon Stealer series. Todays blog post is all about Meteorites. Most of the particles that enter the Earth's atmosphere are sections of comets or asteroids that have broken off, and survived the journey through space. Approximately 90
Scientists believe the Hamburg meteorite was ejected from its parent asteroid about 12 million years ago, traveling through space until it landed on Earth. An analysis of the meteorite revealed.
Analysis of the meteorite revealed that it was once buried beneath the surface of Vesta. This also helped researchers date that the Venice Basin probably formed about 4.2 billion years ago. Another expedition in 2020 revealed an additional Motopi Pan meteorite, and it is the largest fragment to date, weighing 92 grams
The Hoba Meteorite, found on a farm in Namibia in 1920, is the heaviest meteorite ever found. Weighing in at about 66 tons, the rock is thought to have landed more than 80,000 years ago. Despite its gargantuan size, the meteorite left no crater, which scientists credit to the fact that it entered Earth's atmosphere at a long, shallow angle
Approximately 26,000 meteorites, each weighing over 3.5 ounces (99.2 grams) land on Earth during a given year. Three thousand of these meteorites weigh more than 2.2 pounds (1 kg). This figure is compiled from the number of fireballs visually observed by the Canadian Camera Network Meteorites that are recovered after being observed as they transit the atmosphere and impact the Earth are called meteorite falls. All others are known as meteorite finds . As of August 2018 [update] , there were about 1,412 witnessed falls that have specimens in the world's collections. [3
For the first time, scientists have been able to precisely map the flight path of an asteroid that landed on Earth and trace it back to its point of o. For the first time, scientists have been able to precisely map the flight path of an asteroid that landed on Earth and trace it back to its point of o . Saturday, July 24, 2021 These meteorites landed on Earth after a 22-million-year voyage April 28, 2021 April 28, 2021 admin For the primary time, scientists have been in a position to exactly map the flight path of an asteroid that landed on Earth and hint it again to its level of origin. The boulder-size fragment's journey to our planet started 22 million years in.
Every meteorite fall on earth mapped News theguardian
Roughly 50 tonnes of extraterrestrial material enters the Earth's atmosphere each day, mainly in the form of sand-sized particles called space dust. In the UK, about 20 meteorites - barely the size.. Scientists track 22-million-year voyage of meteorites that landed on Earth. Scientists have been able to precisely map the flight path of an asteroid that landed on Earth and traced it back to its.
One of the best examples is the Murchison meteorite, a rock that landed in country Victoria in the late 1960s. The Gillick family recovered hundreds of fragments of the Murchison meteorite from farmland in country Victoria.(Supplied: Gillick family) The Murchison meteorite is chock-a-block full of amino acids, the building blocks of life Meteorites that landed on Earth. Being held at the Museum of Natural Sciences in Downtown Raleigh, this meteorite is classified as Nickel-Iron. There are many other kinds of meteorites that have landed on Earth throughout history. The Earth is more than 4.5 billion years old. With all of that time, many meteorites have struck its surface
The lucky few that make the whole journey land on Earth as meteorites. Once on the surface, these meteorites can exist as a single rock for thousands of years, except for a little weathering. Asteroids are much bigger, such as the one 63 million years ago that wiped out the dinosaurs , and 2012 DA14 which narrowly missed the Earth in 2013 Meteorites may resemble Earth rocks, but they usually have a burned exterior that can appear shiny. asteroid impact 65 million years ago is thought to have contributed to the extinction of about 75 percent of marine and land animals on Earth at the time, including the dinosaurs. It created the 180-mile-wide (300-kilometer-wide) Chicxulub. These meteorites landed on Earth after a 22-million-year voyage. John Vennavally-Rao has the story of how Canadian technology helped NASA pull off an out-of-this world mission to touch an asteroid. Earth's greatest hits: Six of the biggest meteorites in history. From the mysterious Tunguska event to the fossilised Morokweng space rock, when whopper meteorites come along they make a big impac
The lucky few that make the whole journey land on Earth as meteorites. Once on the surface, these meteorites can exist as a single rock for thousands of years, except for a little weathering These Meteorites Landed on Earth After a 22-Million-Year Voyage Science & Tech Wire Service Apr 29, 2021 Share Facebook Twitter Copy Link Comments This fragment of asteroid 2018 LA was recovered from the Central Kalahari Game Reserve in central Botswana For the first time, scientists have been able to precisely map the flight path of an asteroid that landed on Earth and trace it back to its point of These Meteorites Landed On Earth After A 22-Million-Year Voyage - Science And Natur Scientists believe the Hamburg meteorite was ejected from its parent asteroid about 12 million years ago, traveling through space until it landed on Earth. An analysis of the meteorite revealed. These meteorites landed on Earth after a 22-million-year voyage. April 28, 2021. Summarized by summa-bot. Compression ratio: 18.6%. 1 min read. Scientists have precisely mapped the flight path of an asteroid that landed on Earth and traced it back to its point of origin. The boulder-size fragment was ejected from the asteroid Vesta and it took.
The Biggest Meteorites That Have Crashed to Eart
ed that the asteroid was about 1.7 meters in diameter, weighed 12,566 pounds and had traveled at 37,282 miles per [] These meteorites landed on Earth after a 22-million-year voyage - Creators Empir
These meteorites landed on Earth after a 22-million-year voyage. By scientists have been able to precisely map the flight path of an asteroid that landed on Earth and trace it back to its.
Here are some of the oldest meteorites that ever landed on Earth and the stories they tell us. _____ 5. Fukang - over 4.5 billion years old. One of the oldest, most expensive and most beautiful meteorites in the world is the Fukang. It was found in the Gobi desert in China's Xinjiang Province in the year 2000
Fireball Meteorite That Struck Michigan Reveals Ancient
These meteorites landed on Earth after a 22-million-year voyage For the first time, scientists have been able to precisely map the flight path of an asteroid that landed on Earth and trace it back. These meteorites landed on Earth after a 22-million-year voyage. For the first time, scientists have been able to precisely map the flight path of an asteroid that landed on Earth and trace it back to its point of origin. The asteroid, known as 2018 LA, appeared like a fireball in the skies over Botswana on June 2, 2018, before breaking apart. Founded by Meteorite Hunters. They follow the trace of meteorite, like hunters, deep into deserted highland, woods and arctic to search for shooting-stars landed on the Earth. Amazing Widmanstätten Pattern _____ If you cut the meteorite and etch the surface, a unique pattern emerges. The pattern you see here is called the widmanstätten pattern When meteoroids enter Earth's atmosphere (or that of another planet, like Mars) at high speed and burn up, the fireballs or shooting stars are called meteors. When a meteoroid survives a trip through the atmosphere and hits the ground, it's called a meteorite. Go farther. Explore Meteors and Meteorites In Depth › Meteor Shower
How Often do Meteorites Hit the Earth? Spac
A meteorite fall, also called an observed fall, is a meteorite collected after its fall from outer space was observed by people or automated devices. Any other meteorite is called a find.There are more than 1,100 documented falls listed in widely used databases, most of which have specimens in modern collections. As of January 2019, the Meteoritical Bulletin Database had 1,180 confirmed falls
Twitter: http://twitter.com/vsaucethreeMy Instagram: http://instagr.am/jakerawr***Click SHOW MORE for links***Companion article on PopSci: http://www.popsc..
Meteorites and Their Parent Planets provides an engrossing overview of a highly interdisciplinary field - the study of extraterrestrial materials. The second edition of this successful book has been thoroughly revised, and describes the nature of meteorites, where they come from, and how they get to.
These meteorites landed on Earth after a 22-million-year voyage CNN 29th April, 2021 01:11:27 PM For the first time, scientists have been able to precisely map the flight path of an asteroid that landed on Earth and trace it back to its point of origin. The boulder-size fragment's journey to our planet began 22 million years ago, according to. For the first time, scientists have been able to precisely map the flight path of an asteroid that landed on Earth and trace it back to its point of origin. The boulder-size fragment's journey to.
The CV group is named after a meteorite that crashed near the city of Vigarano, Italy, in 1910. The most famous CV meteorite is probably the Allende meteorite, which fell to Earth near Pueblo de Allende, Chihuahua, Mexico, in 1969. The Allende meteorite has thousands of tiny chondrules made of the mineral olivine. The Allende meteorite also has. Although most of these meteorites weigh just a few grams and on rare occasions surpass one kilogram, according to NASA calculations every day Earth is bombarded with more than 100 tons of dust and sand-sized particles. That is 36,500 tons of space matter landing on Earth every year! Most of the stuff burns up in the Earth's atmosphere and. 4. A meteorite landed on Earth. It contained a new element. Scientists called the element jovium. (a) The list below shows some properties of jovium. Which two properties suggest that jovium could be a metal? Tick two boxes. It has a high melting point. It does not stick to a magnet. It is a blue solid. It is a good conductor of heat and. Scientists believe the Hamburg meteorite was ejected from its parent asteroid about 12 million years ago, travelling through space until it landed on Earth. An analysis of the meteorite revealed.
A sample from a meteorite that landed on Earth has Chegg
Problem 6 Easy Difficulty. You analyze a sample of a meteorite that landed on Earth and find 87.5 percent of the uranium- 238 radioactive atoms have decayed into lead- $206 .$ What percentage of the sample are daughter isotopes and what percentage are uranium-238 radioactive atoms
You analyze a sample of a meteorite that landed on Earth and find 7/8 of the uranium-238 radioactive atoms have decayed into lead-206. What percentage of th
ute. You analyze a sample of a meteorite that landed on Earth and find 7/8 of the uranium-238 radioactive atoms have decayed into lead-206. What percentage of the sample ar
A sample from a meteorite that landed on Earth has been analyzed, and the result shows that out of every 1000 nuclei of potassium-40 originally in the meteorite, only 200 are still present, meaning they have not yet decayed. How old is the meteorite? (Hint: See Figure 18-5.) (Note: The half-life of potassium-40 is 1.3 billion years.
For the primary time, scientists have been capable of exactly map the flight path of an asteroid that landed on Earth and hint it again. For the primary time, scientists have been capable of exactly map the flight path of an asteroid that landed on Earth and hint it again It took 22 million years for these meteorites to land on Earth. April.
eral. At the impact site, scientists found it may alter
Video: These meteorites landed on Earth after a 22-million-year
Martian meteorite - Wikipedi
erals from 43 meteorites that landed on Earth 470 million years ago. More than half of the
A very small number (less than 1/4% of all meteorites found on Earth) have been carefully studied and attributed to be from the Moon [2] or from Mars [3]. A few have been studied thoroughly enough to be attributed to the asteroid Vesta. Some researchers believe that an amazing 5% to 6% of all meteorites found on Earth originated from Vesta
It is believed that all of the Martian meteorites landed on Earth as fragments from large meteorites or asteroids that crashed into Mars between 180 and 1300 million years ago. The meteorites are relatively young in age (< 1300 million years) compared to the Solar System and other meteorites (~ 4500 million years)
Meteorites are bits of the solar system that have fallen to the Earth. Most come from asteroids, including few are believed to have come specifically from 4 Vesta; a few probably come from comets. A small number of meteorites have been shown to be of Lunar (23 finds) or Martian (22) origin
meteorite, any fairly small natural object from interplanetary space—i.e., a meteoroid—that survives its passage through Earth's atmosphere and lands on the surface. In modern usage the term is broadly applied to similar objects that land on the surface of other comparatively large bodies. For instance, meteorite fragments have been found in samples returned from the Moon, and the.
For the first time, scientists have been able to precisely map the flight path of an asteroid that landed on
These meteorites landed on Earth after a 22-million-year voyage (CNN)For the first time, scientists have been able to precisely map the flight path of an asteroid that landed on Earth and trace it back to its point of origin Asteroid Meteorites . Almost all meteorites come from the asteroid belt, between Mars and Jupiter, where thousands of small solid objects orbit the sun. Asteroids are ancient bodies, as old as Earth itself. They have been little altered from the time they formed, except that they have been shattered against other asteroids
These meteorites landed on Earth after a 22-million-year voyage. by Bioreports April 28, 2021. written by Bioreports April 28, 2021 (CNN)For the first time, scientists have been able to precisely map the flight path of an asteroid that landed on Earth and trace it back to its point of origin. The boulder-size fragment's journey to our planet. The asteroid, often known as 2018 LA, appeared like a fireball within the skies over Botswana on June 2, 2018 For the first time, scientists have been able to precisely map the flight path of an asteroid that landed on Earth and trace it back to its point of Meteorite that landed in Botswana tracked to its birthplace in the asteroid belt. By Addrew Shawn On Apr 26, 2021. 0. Share. A small asteroid barreled through the sky and burned up over the Kalahari Desert of Botswana in the summer of 2018 and now, scientists suspect that the space rock originated from Vesta, the second largest asteroid in the.
Here's Where Meteorites End Up When They Hit Eart
These meteorites landed on Earth after a 22-million-year voyage. For the first time, scientists have been able to precisely map the flight path of an asteroid that landed on Earth and trace it back to its point of origin. The boulder-size fragment's journey to our planet began 22 million years ago, according to new research.. Scientists have been able to precisely map the flight path of an asteroid that landed on Earth and traced it back to its point of origin for the first time. According to new research, the boulder-size fragment's journey to Earth began 22 million years ago. The asteroid, known as 2018.. Some scientists speculate that the basic building blocks for life were carried to earth on a space rock, such as this asteroid Eros. The alleged discovery of microbial fossils on a meteorite could.
These meteorites landed on Earth after a 22-million-year voyage április 28, 2021 World Többes számú: 0 Hozzászólás For the first time, scientists have been able to precisely map the flight path of an asteroid that landed on Earth and trace it back to its point of origin New Discovery: The oldest material on Earth is older than the solar system. New analysis of a meteorite has revealed that it contains stardust that formed between 5-7 billion years ago. That is much older than even our solar system as our sun is only 4.6 billion years old. The meteorite fell to Earth around 50 years ago and landed in Australia An extremely rare meteorite that tumbled to Earth last week in the United Kingdom could provide some insights about the early history of the solar system and emergence of life on Earth, scientists said. A meteorite fell on a driveway in Winchcombe, a town in Gloucestershire,. These meteorites landed on Earth after a 22-million-year voyage The Winchcombe meteorite, aptly named after the Gloucestershire town where it landed, is an extremely rare type called a carbonaceous chondrite. It is a stony meteorite, rich in water and organic matter, which has retained its chemistry from the formation of the solar system
In Depth Meteors & Meteorites - NASA Solar System
A Crash from Space - Meteorites that Land on Earth - TIM
'Fireball' meteorite that fell to Earth in 2018 reveals
10 Memorable Meteor Crashes HowStuffWork
How many meteorites land on Earth in a given year? - The
Meteorite - Wikipedi
Meteorites from sky fireball 'likely to be found near
Scientists track 22-million-year voyage of meteorites that
What meteors and meteorites can tell - Earth Mystery New
[summary] These meteorites landed on Earth after a 22
5 of the oldest meteorites found on Earth - Catawik
Meteorites These meteorites landed on Earth after a 22
Swedish Meteorite - AWNLJEWEL
Overview Meteors & Meteorites - NASA Solar System
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تصميم يافطة صالون حلاقة رجالي.
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Bartonella bacilliformis symptoms.
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Exercise during labor.
حاضنة الرسول صلى الله عليه وسلم نقطة واحدة.
Do you have any questions.
مفهوم الاحتواء الشامل.
سكوت إيستوود جاسلين ريفيس.
كتب عن معايير الجماعة.
رسم حنة سوداني 2020.
قصيدة (عيون المَها).
مسلسل بنات الشمس الحلقة 94.
لحظات انفجار سيارة رفيق الحريري.
الصناعة التقليدية ببني ملال. | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl"
} | 1,071 |
For our February meeting we set out to evaluate various ways to get a digital signal into your system. Does a CD ripped to disc sound better than the CD itself? Does a music server sound better than a computer audio solution (ie. music player software running on a PC or Mac)? Does an inexpensive solution like the Popcorn Hour stack up against either of the above?
We set out first to ensure the digital signal was sent to the same DAC in all setups, and that the rip to disc and the rip to flash were sourced from the same CD.We also wanted to try to ensure the volume levels were the same across all setups. Always uppermost in our minds is the belief that our members come to enjoy themselves, so from the outset it was as much as possible "in the hands" of our members to make what they wished of it. We wanted people to take away from it what they wanted whether it was a feeling of enlightenment, or maybe of confusion. The event was meant to be fun and entertaining as well as informative… so we did not want to impose any indisputable conclusions from these evaluations! Hoping rather that our members might however, walk away with ideas they could then try at home.
That's a lot of configuration changes and a lot of listening.
Mac Mini (late 2012 version) – with i7 processors, 16GB memory, SSD system disc. Music files on 1TB SSD with Thunderbolt connectivity. The computer is configured as a bare-bones dedicated music player with only essential services running.
Cabling was by Nordost, Wireworld and Synergistic Research.
As an introduction for all, we had a session on evaluating the sound quality from different digital sources fed into the same DAC and system.
We tested all the gear before people arrived of course. As mentioned, we scrapped the Popcorn Hour very quickly… not because it sounded terrible (it didn't actually), but because it starting smoking after a few minutes!! Fortunately it didn't take down anything else with it. The Bricasti M1 DAC was sitting on top of it, but came out unscathed.
Since the comparison included CD that dictated that all music would need to be 16 x 44.1 regardless of the source. All the music was ripped from the same source discs, to ensure a level playing field. And the levels from each source were measured in advance as well, and set upon playback to ensure a level playing field.
We initially listened to the Sara K track "I Can't Stand The Rain" from "Hell or High Water" (Stockfisch label). We listened to each source in turn, in the order shown above.
We then took a vote on what people thought sounded best – the vote results: Oppo CD = 1, Oppo USB = 0, W4S = 8, Mac Mini = 7. The total vote count might suggest a small audience – but actually only a small percentage of the audience chose to vote.
We then had an open discussion of the SQ differences. It was clear from our discussions that another listen was in order! We narrowed the competitors down to just the two top voted sources, and listened to another track. This time we heard the Shawn Mullins track "The Great Unknown" from his album "My Stupid Heart". This time the vote was W4S = 8, Mac Mini = 4. This track was a bit too harsh sounding through the Mac Mini, so no doubt the more "analogue" sounding W4S garnered more votes. More discussions ensued.
A few people were perhaps surprized that CD collected so few votes. They wished to hear CD compared to the W4S and the Mac Mini. So we then listened to the Simone Kermes track "Lascia ch'io pianga" from her album "Dramma" (yes, with two "m"s!). We listened to the entire 5+ minute track on CD, but only the first 3 minutes on the W4S and Mac Mini. In this instance, the Oppo playing CD won 10 votes to the W4S winning 6 votes. We neglected to write down the vote count for the Mac Mini (sorry!) but I recall it was less than the W4S.
This left people wondering if maybe the style of music made a difference to their preference of source. In the end, it seemed that most still thought that the W4S and the Mac Mini sounded better, but by how much appeared to depend on the music.
Among the many discussions points, we touched upon why a dedicated music server like the W4S may have a SQ advantage over a computer audio solution. We agreed it was likely due to the reduced noise emitted by a dedicated music server – after all, they are engineered for a specific purpose and hence the manufacturer has an interest in ensuring the noise is low. Compare that to a Mac Mini or PC that is designed to run Word, email, surf the web, etc. - the manufacturer doesn't really care how much noise their boxes emit. That said, computer audio can still sound good when connected asynchronously via USB.
Upon that note, we decided to leave it and we unanimously agreed to have a slightly early break to avoid the stifling heat in our room!! Afterwards, we had our usual BYO music session.
Once more a "shoot out" meeting was popular and elicited a great deal of comment, discussion, technical analysis, theory and, well I suppose controversy. Oh…. And enjoyment. People do seem to really enjoy this comparison, shoot out format, so I assume they must get something out of it.
Well done Tom and Steve for sterling work setting this up and to the rest of the committee for the solid background support, oh and to you our ever enthusiastic members, without you, we wouldn't hear the tree fall in the woods. | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4"
} | 5,157 |
DPL places first 'Little Free Library' in town
Published 5:25 pm Tuesday, October 7, 2014
The Demopolis Public Library recently placed its first Little Free Library in Demopolis.
Little Free Library is a worldwide effort that allows people to take a book and leave a book at a box apart from the library.
"I think it's a great way for us to get the library's name out there and encourage people to read more," said DPL Director Morgan Allen. "It's an extension of the library in the community, and it's something that is done in larger cities around the world."
Loretta Wade, who works at Suds By Holiday Cleaners, shows off Demopolis' new Little Free Library.
The first location for Demopolis' Little Free Library is in front of Suds by Holiday Cleaners and Batter Up. Allen said Suds owner Jason Windham was open to the idea.
"We're grateful that Jason let us put the box there," she said. "I'm hoping the boxes will get people's attention and get them thinking about books."
She added that anyone who has books they'd like to donate, feel free to stop by the box and add them to it.
"We're looking for books for children, teens and adults," she said.
The Demopolis Times donated four old newspaper racks that were considered beyond repair for newspaper use to the library to serve as the Little Free Libraries. Allen said there are plans to put one at Foscue Park in the near future, but other locations haven't been decided yet.
For more information about the Little Free Library, call the Demopolis Public Library at (334) 289-1595. | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl"
} | 7,630 |
During the LHC Long Shutdown 2 a renewal of the bookkeeping systems in place for ALICE is envisioned. For this, a unified experience for shifters active in detector operations, physicists searching the run catalogue to find appropriate runs and overall management of the ALICE operation should be provided. Users access all metadata related to operational activities, keep historical records of configurations used to operate the detector, execute performance studies of detector operations, monitor the quality of the collected data, and produce reports for operational teams and experiment management in a single place.
ALICE \cite{aamodt2008alice} is one of the four main detectors collecting collision data at the CERN LHC. ALICE focuses on the study of quark--gluon plasma in heavy-ion collisions but also carries out substantial measurements of proton--proton interactions. ALICE produces a lot of data of interest to physicists who need to know the circumstances under which the data are gathered. For this, metadata is produced and stored by the bookkeeping system. Secondly, the goal of the bookkeeping system is to keep track of the data stored on the Grid and used for analysis by end-users.
At the start of the ALICE operations in 2007 a bookkeeping system was developed and it evolved with time during the LHC data-taking periods Run 1 (2009-2013) and Run 2 (2015-2018) following the users needs. This system was based on the LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL and PHP) software stack with a relational database, a web-based Graphical User Interface for the members of the ALICE collaboration, and bindings for machine to machine access \cite{altini2010alice}. The electronic logbook system thus far gathered informations from about 5,000 LHC fills, 280,000 data-taking runs, and comprises about 37 GB data from 195,000 log entries and 20,000 file attachments. For monitoring the data on the Grid a system called AliEn, later known as AliMonitor, was developed to present detailed information such as CPU and memory usage, open files and network traffic of each site offering services \cite{bagnasco2008alien}. The Data Preparation Group, Physics Working Groups and ALICE physicists are the main users of AliMonitor. Since its deployment it has stored 12.9 million jobs, i.e. specified activities on data, amounting to 97 GB data.
In this paper we first present the methods for developing the application and the tools we used. Then the requirements of the system are described and the architecture of the system is shown. We finish with the current status, discussion, future work and conclusions.
\section{Methods and tools}
To gather the requirements for the new bookkeeping system we started with a series of interviews at CERN. The requirements are described in Section \ref{sec:Requirements}. As a method of development we used Scrum \cite{scrum2020}.
The development of Jiskefet is performed by several student teams. The main effort is done in Amsterdam at the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences (AUAS). Several teams and interns involved in the Software for Science initiative work on the application consecutively. To work effectively it is important to transfer knowledge and skills in a transparent way. Documentation is very important together with the continuous involvement of staff. After the first release, student teams from a course of Web Development and the Moscow Polytechnic University were involved. The first team worked on a design for the GUI. The team from Moscow worked on the reporting functionality.
To organise the communication among the several teams we used regular video conferences, Slack, Telegram and the odd email. Visits to the different Institutes contributing to the project were also organised.
Git is used for software version control. The hosting of the code is done on GitHub \cite{jiskefet2020} as well as a private repository on a GitLab instance. The formal documentation is edited in LaTeX. Less formal documentation is included in the repository as Markdown files. Coordination of the project is performed with the Jira online tool \cite{jira2020}.
Testing is part of the continuous integration process for which we use Travis CI \cite{travis2020} and Jenkins \cite{jenkins2020}. The testing itself is done by Mocha \cite{mocha2020} and Jest \cite{jest2020}. The linting is done by TSLint \cite{tslint2020}. We use CodeCov \cite{codecov2020} to determine how much of the code is being tested.
To retrieve the requirements we interviewed several stakeholders of the system at the start of the project. We then categorised the findings in a System Requirements Specification according to IEEE Std 830-1998 \cite{ieeeReq1998}. In this specification the business goals, vision and scope are described. Several interfaces, functions and users are mentioned. Furthermore, the functional and non-functional requirements are summed up.
The functional requirements are categorised according to the large number of various users of the system. To name just a few: shifter, (sub system) run coordinator, manager, member of the physics board. Each user has its own specific requirements. Besides the existing functionalities of the electronic logbook system in place, several new requirements were mentioned during the interviews such as: users should be able to make a log entry using a template to avoid incomparability, it should be possible to have a flexible tagging system for runs, a smart editor should be available, a search functionality should be in place.
The bookkeeping system shall function as part of a large information technology system. Several system attributes, which should lead to a friction-less embedding, were mentioned during the requirement engineering phase. The choice of tools and the software stack was dependent on several desiderata such as:
\item familiarity with the software at CERN;
\item minimisation of dependencies;
\item maximisation of development community.
It was also important to use modern tools and software expected to remain in use for the entire time of the project.
Jiskefet has to be in production until 2029. Since during this period several students and members of the staff will independently be involved in the development and maintenance, sustainability of the application is of importance. An application can be characterised by its intrinsic sustainability, i.e. level of documentation, testing, readability, usage of third party libraries, usefulness and scalability. Its extrinsic sustainability is characterised by its availability, resourcefulness, level of community actions and relations, independence from infrastructure \cite{deSouza2014}.
The availability of the system should be optimal and not be a reason for the detector to stop taking data. Each entry, i.e. input of data, should be logged and although the GUI and REST API are not essential the database should be highly available. Once in the repository, no data should be lost.
The bookkeeping system used in ALICE during Run 1 and 2 used a web technology and the same requirement is valid for the new system. The web has evolved fast and so did the technology behind it. Users now have more seamless and responsive applications in the browser with the rising popularity of Single Page Application (SPA) frameworks and real time web apps developed in JavaScript. These techniques require strict separation of data and markup. The data is delivered and gathered by a RESTful back-end as can be seen in Figure \ref{fig:Environment of Jiskefet}. The environment of Jiskefet consists of a database, the detector, human users who directly interact with the system and users who interact not directly but use other applications to retrieve data or send requests.
\caption{Environment of Jiskefet}
\label{fig:Environment of Jiskefet}
The JavaScript technology stack is notorious for its many dependencies. To mitigate the number of dependencies, we carefully assessed common frameworks and libraries for developing Jiskefet. These frameworks where selected based on a popularity ranking and on the features they packed. The ALICE team was working on a collection of frameworks with a CERN wrapper around it called WebUI \cite{webui2020}. Whilst WebUI is merely a collection of relatively lightweight nodeJS \cite{nodejs2020} modules i.e. express.js \cite{expressjs2020}, mySql, the volatility of WebUI at that time made us choose for more popular frameworks, i.e. Nest.js \cite{nestjs2020} and Mithril \cite{mithril2020}.
Mithril is a modern client-side Javascript framework for building Single Page Applications. It's small, fast and provides routing and several utilities out of the box. The benefit of choosing Mithril over for example React is that the ALICE people are familiar with it because it is included in WebUI.
One of the main non-functional requirements is to develop a REST-API as a back-end. RESTful Web services are constrained to be a client-server architecture, stateless, cacheable, layered and have a uniform interface. Advantages are good performance, scalability, simplicity, modifiability, etc \cite{fielding2000architectural}. The back-end is implemented with the Nest.js web framework. One of the main advantages is the Swagger \cite{swagger2020} functionality built in. Swagger helps us and other developers to model, document and test the API.
In the data model several entities are discerned. Entities concerning the work done at ALICE are an `Activity', i.e. a set of well-defined tasks during a finite time period. An example is a `Run'. An `Activity' aggregates configurations, selected tasks, global statistics etc. A `Run' can be of different types such as `Detector Calibration Run' or `Global Run'. A `Run' is formally defined as `a synchronous data readout and processing Activity in the $O^2$ farm with a specific and well-defined configuration'. It normally ranges from a few minutes to tens of hours and provides a unique identifier for the data set generated at the end of the synchronous data flow. Another `Activity' is a `Reconstruction Pass' which is defined as `asynchronous data processing Activity in the $O^2$ farm or the Grid with a specific and well-defined configuration'. Runs identify the data generated at the end of the synchronous data flow. Reconstruction Passes will have as input the data generated in either a Run or a previous Reconstruction Pass. Runs can be executed either during an LHC Fill (as for most global physics data taking cases) or in between LHC Fills (for cosmics data taking, calibration and/or tests). An LHC Fill can have many Runs but a Run only belongs to an LHC Fill. Reconstruction Passes are indirectly connected to LHC Fills via the Run.
The database is implemented using MariaDB \cite{mariadb2020}. Familiarity with its predecessor MySql and ease of use were the main reasons for this choice. For the users the central entity is the log entry. Log Entries are generic and can be connected to any of the other entities.
\caption{Deployment diagram}
Jiskefet consists of several packages as shown in Figure \ref{fig:deployment_diagram}. On a CentOS platform a Nginx Web Server \cite{nginx2020}, consisting of two Node.JS applications, is deployed. For the User Interface we use Mithril as a framework, Webpack \cite{webpack2020} to bundle the modules and decrease the dependencies and TypeScript \cite{typescript2020} as a way to make JavaScript more consistent. On the front-end we use HTML5, CSS and JavaScript. For the back-end we use NestJs and Typeorm \cite{typeorm2020} as an interface with the database. For loadbalancing PM2 \cite{pm22020} is used. As a database we use MariaDB. To streamline the work flow and ease testability we use Ansible \cite{ansible2020} as automated deployment framework.
\section{Current Status and Discussion}
A prototype has been developed. The prototype was to be distributed among the teams performing detector commissioning of the ALICE subdetectors, but it wasn't because of a number of mismatches in the Ansible playbook. In web development the use of external libraries is normal practice. This creates an important drawback making it obligatory to do maintenance continuously. Particularly NodeJS has a great number of dependencies. Together with other packages it makes the current version too much dependent on insecure sources. Although thoroughly selected packages, there is always the risk of depending on outdated or obsolete packages in the long run. A plan is needed to cover those risks.
Communication between the several teams and stakeholders in this project is of great importance. Insufficient feedback on what has been produced, shifting requirements or misunderstandings, among other problems make a project of this size and timespan complex.
Important decisions about the use of specific tools were made when at ALICE the development of a web framework was not yet matured. The asynchronous development and use of different frameworks
is causing now some disturbance in the working together of the systems. This and other problems make it seemingly unavoidable that the current prototype has to be refactored.
\section{Future Developments }
To comply with the non-functional requirements of the user we will refactor Jiskefet to include WebUI. Furthermore, we are now going to work on the second goal which is the management of the computation of the data on the Grid.
The first goal of our project was to create a log functionality for ALICE. We now have a first version which has to be refactored. The development of such a fairly complex system for a remote client by several student teams from different countries is not a trivial project. A lot of time has to be spent on communication to make sure everybody involved knows of what the projectpartner is talking about.
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KU ranked for first time this season
Bucknell in poll for the first time ever
By By JIM O'CONNELL, AP Basketball Writer
The giant killer is now among college basketball's big names.
Bucknell, the Patriot League school that has beaten some of the country's premier programs the last two seasons, joined The Associated Press' Top 25 for the first time Monday.
So too did Bucknell's biggest slayed giant, Kansas, which had been unranked all season.
The 17-6 Jayhawks, who the Bison shocked in last year's NCAA tournament, moved into the 22 slot of both the Associated Press Top 25 Poll and ESPN/USA Today Poll.
"I don't think any coach wants to get off to the start we did," Kansas' Bill Self said Monday, hours before the Jayhawks played at Oklahoma State. "We weren't mature enough to go to Maui. We didn't know enough about ourselves and then lost a couple more when we came back home.
"Looking back now if those young kids had had a lot of success early they wouldn't have been tough enough to sustain what they have. The one blessing is what we went through helped this team get where it is now."
Where Bucknell (20-3) is now, is No. 24 in both polls a spot behind defending national champ North Carolina.
"This is so neat for the school and everything like that. I won't play it down because it's wonderful for people to have that kind of respect for our program," Bucknell coach Pat Flannery said. "At the same time, we have the kind of kids who can take it in stride to be ranked among that company."
The Bison beat Pittsburgh and Saint Joseph's last season before shocking Kansas in the first round of the NCAA tournament, the first win for a Patriot League team. They didn't miss a beat this season, winning at Syracuse.
"I think going to Pitt and winning and Saint Joe's got the ball rolling and as we went along we got confidence," Flannery said.
The Bison have won 11 straight since losing two straight on the road to Santa Clara and then-No. 1 Duke. Their other loss this season was to No. 4 Villanova.
"Our place is filled every night and buses come with us on the road," Flannery said. "This has created such excitement and as long as we take it in stride, we have some size and some handlers, the components to be able to compete with people."
The Bison play at Lafayette on Wednesday and at Northern Iowa, another school which entered the poll for the first time this season, on Saturday in a Bracket Buster game.
"It is a big game in a sense of being a TV game that's big for our conferences, but first we have a league game that's huge," Flannery said. "Then we'll be on a national scale and it will give people a chance to see us again and for us to put our best foot forward."
Kansas, which has won seven straight and 14 of 16, lost three seniors from the team that was ranked No. 1 last season before losing to Bucknell as a No. 3 seed. The Jayhawks, led by freshmen Brandon Rush and Mario Chalmers, lost four of their first seven games in a tough early schedule.
Kansas had been in the preseason poll every year since 1991, and was out of the top 10 only three times in that span. The Jayhawks had the second-longest streak for consecutive poll appearances to Duke, a run of 93 polls dating to the preseason poll of 2000-01.
Self wasn't sure how this team would react to returning to the Top 25.
"I don't know because everything with this team is new," he said. "So far they used our nonranking as a motivation. It hasn't affected them any way but positively."
More like this story on KUsports.com
Bucknell earning respect
Bucknell not awed this time around
Bucknell can boast quality wins | {
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} | 4,977 |
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War of the Rebellion: Serial 006 Page 0116 COASTS OF S. C., GA., AND MIDDLE AND EAST FLA. Chapter XV.
pany (A) of his battalion, crossed Watt's Cut first, supported by Lieutenant-Colonel Shingler, with whose command I was principally in position. Moving forward without opposition until near Old Dominion, the enemy's picket there first challenged, when an interchange of shots took place between them and our advance. Moving on past Old Dominion, if I remember aright, a second interchange of shots took place between our advance and the enemy, when I discovered that the head of the column had taken the wrong direction for Bailey's house, which I had determined to attack with this portion of my force.
After the delay thus caused, our guide having placed the advance on the correct road, the march was continued to Bailey's without interruption. On reaching that place it was found deserted. the alarm of the picket and the delay incident to missing the way probably gave the enemy time to escape, as one of prisoners, subsequently taken, stated that there was a company at that point and two companies at Baynard's. Moving on from Bailey's to Whaley's, on reaching the main road we were fired on from the woods on the road-side, but fortunately without any loss on our side. the enemy retiring from the woods, we moved on until near Whaley's, when, several discharges of artillery being heard at that point and the roll of the enemy's drums being also heard from two points beyond Whaley's, I deemed it prudent to retire, as me retreat over the long causeway would have been very disastrous in the face of artillery.
Returning of the cut, we found that at the first five our skirmishers had killed one of the pickets and wounded a second, We there found four muskets. Bringing the wounded and the dead man to Jehossee, I buried the latter and dispatched the wounded man to Pineberry. I understand that he has since died.
The second part of the command, under the guidance of Mr. Seabrook, and the command of Majors Palmer and Garlington, taking a by-path, moved rapidly to Little Edisto Bridge, receiving the fire of pickets and moving steadily forward. At the bridge the enemy offered considerable resistance, but charging in the face of the fire the bridge was carried. Leaving a detachment to destroy the bridge, the main party pushed on for the house of Hanahan. There was considerable resistance on the part of the enemy, but being finally broken, our party captured 19, as follows: First Lieutenant John McElhaney, Corporal Samuel Moorhead, and Noah Fisher, Samuel Campbell, James Steffey, Andy Farren, John L. Taylor, Abr. D. Coy, Nicholas Cameron, Westley Cameron, Robert Crytzer, and L. L. Thompson, all members of Company F, Fifty-fifth Pennsylvania Regiment; Isaac Ream, W. E. Garlinger, John Mars, John Werning, Thomas Lockard, Christian Whitaker, and a sergeant* (name unknown, sent to hospital wounded), of Company H, same regiment. One man was found killed on the field, said to be a non-commissioned officer.
Of our entire command, one private in the cavalry, Kinsler Davis, of Company B, was slightly wounded in the leg; Private Henderson, of Company I, was shot through the arm, and Private Chapman, of Company C, was slightly wounded in the head.
Crossing his men and prisoners is a small boat found at Hanahan's, Major Palmer got off safely to Jehossee. The flats sent by Lieutenant Bates did not arrive until late, thereby greatly retarding the retreat of Major Palmer. | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4"
} | 1,616 |
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I've talked about my childhood quite a lot on this blog. I grew up in a council house with working class parents – a dad who worked around the clock, especially at Christmas and a Mum who was always there when I got home from school, always walked me to school and at times left in the evening to go and work a cleaning job. They both worked so hard to make sure we had a roof over our heads, food on the table and clothes on our backs.
I never had designer clothes – I didn't need designer clothes. I had new trainers and school shoes from the local market and my school blazers were bought sizes too big so that they'd last. We had a car for some of my childhood – and made do without for some of it too. We went on a camping trip once a year when we could and we had the best Christmases – ones that my parents spent the following year paying back.
We always had home-cooked meals, didn't have much processed food and treats were limited. I remember having a carton of fresh orange juice and a crusty stick of French bread on food shopping day and that was the treat for the week – and it felt like such a treat.
I got new clothes and shoes when I really needed them and new toys and things were limited to birthdays and Christmas – with a very strict £30 birthday budget every year. We went on days out to local parks – or the beach when my parents could afford the high parking charge. But really we spent a lot of time close to home, playing board games, playing in the garden, reading and having the best family dinners. I had a great childhood despite the lack of bells and whistles – and maybe even because of it.
But throughout my childhood there was a underlying dream.
My parents would play the lottery every week and we would watch the lottery live draw at the weekend. Whilst we waited with anticipation of the numbers being called we would talk about the family dreams that we talked about week in week out.
We talked about how we would buy a house in the New Forest – the place we camped in the summer when we could afford to. The big house that would have pillars by the front door. We talked about the new car that we would get, with that lovely new car smell. We talked about the Seychelles, the tropical paradise that my parents dreamed of. And we talked about Disney World, the Florida dream that spanned my childhood.
We were going to Disney World. It was our dream and when, one day, those six numbers matched ours, we would go to Florida. It was something we talked about so much and even as a child I knew that if those balls never came out with our numbers on them there would just be no way that dream could be realised.
My parents split up when I was 16 and I got kicked out of home a few months later. At that point my parents numbers still hadn't come up and those dreams never materialised. Really those dreams shattered the minute our family fell apart.
But, now, 17 years on, I am realising that dream. But not with my parents. Because now, I am the parent and I get to take my two children to the place that I always dreamed of going. The place we talked about each week and the place where I never imagined I would be in a position to travel to – let alone with my own family around me.
We booked the flights a few months ago but only booked our villa and car hire last week and at that point, when I knew we were really going to live that Florida dream I felt so emotional. I feel so sad that my parents could only dream of this holiday – I know how much it would have meant for them to take me to Disney World all those years ago. But I am so proud that I get to take my own children there, that we get to live these dreams and I hope that this holiday is everything I have spent the last 33 years dreaming of.
Aww this is fabulous, I'm sure you will have just as good a time there as a parent as you would have done as a child – if not better. | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4"
} | 6,832 |
It's only three weeks into the season and already the serious fixtures are coming thick and fast.
Eight men from Brentwood BC paid a visit to Central on Saturday morning to vie with our double fours B team. Unfortunately the traffic, cold weather and threats of rain didn't blunt their performance. Our boys kept in touch until the last third of the game when Brentwood stretched out a lead on one rink, and although the other rink had a chance to redress the balance in the closing ends, Brentwood ran out the winners.
However, the A team have the chance to make amends tomorrow. | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4"
} | 2,910 |
Health Minister, Ben Bradshaw has announced new plans to tackle poor performance in NHS hospitals and Primary Care Trusts.
Any hospital or Trust failing to meet new minimum standards for quality, safety and financial management could face its current management being replaced by executives from better performing Trusts or the private sector.
Although private sector management may be brought in to manage NHS trusts, the Department of Health confirmed that no NHS staff or assets would be transferred to the private sector.
Bradshaw said: "The NHS has come a long way in the last 10 years, with record investment, more clinical staff, shorter waiting times and better cancer and heart disease survival rates. But there are still unacceptable variations in performance and a small number of NHS organisations where performance is not meeting the standards which the public and patients expect."
The NHS said that by introducing more transparency, patients and the public would more easily understand how well their local health service is performing.
"It's important for patients to know how safe their local hospital is and to feel confident in the competence and professionalism of the staff. Getting effective and meaningful performance measures is crucial," said Professor Sir Bruce Keogh, NHS Medical Director.
The quality, safety and financial criteria used to measure underpeformance and failure, along with figures on trusts not meeting them, will be published later this year. | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4"
} | 4,077 |
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Bringing modern sensibility to the grand ideas of alternative furniture, Jaxx has completely revolutionized the storied bean bag. Now branching well beyond standard bean bags into the realm of furniture and futons, every Jaxx product is made in Atlanta, GA by their family of more than 100 employees.
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Steele Canvas was founded in 1921 in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Even after 90+ years in the industry, they continue to be family-owned and operated while remaining devoted to American manufacturing. They make all of their specialty canvas products, from totes to chairs, out of Massachusetts.
After being inspired to create the perfect hat, one that would work as hard as he did, George Kromer and his wife Ida founded Stormy Kromer in 1903! Today, the company continues to manufacture those perfect fitting hats as well as bags, clothing and accessories in the USA. | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4"
} | 6,713 |
This is the first of two blog posts from Ashley Voss-Liebig and Natalie May on a paper we recently published in the EMJ1. These two posts tell the story behind that paper, why we think it's important and why we believe the best way to change the world is to do something that shares a message and explains the rationale. We hope these help you understand why we at St.Emlyn's believe that there is work to do to examine gender in the worlds of emergency medicine, critical care and prehospital care.
In December of last year, a Twitter conversation sparked fervent debate about the low number of female speakers at Emergency Medicine conferences. Scott Weingart (EmCrit.org), Simon Carley (Stemlynsblog.org), Dara Kass & Jenny Esmay (FemInEM.org) hosted a Google Hangout event to discuss why women are not represented in emergency medicine conferences around the globe. This was a direct result of the line up for the annual ResuscitateNYC16 event that is a free conference for EM residents. If you want to recap that converation then click on the YouTube link below.
Immediately, I was intrigued. If I am honest, I was annoyed. I thought this was an attack on my friend (Scott) who, I am quite certain, doesn't have a biased bone in his body. Additionally, I am a woman who has always pushed her way to the front. Women aren't allowed in combat? We'll see. Woman are not great rescue specialists? We'll see. I'm here to prove you wrong, by working hard, committing the time and by doing the work.
I want women to work. I want them to be more and better and prove that beyond a shadow of a doubt that they deserve to be there, wherever "there" may be. I penned the article "What are you waiting for?" for FemInEM2. Those points, made almost a year ago remain valid; work ethic is paramount, volunteering and respecting your value is critical, avoiding excuses because of family and gender role is essential.
Imagine my surprise when I learned last week that I was all wrong. Women are doing the work. Women are taking the stage. Not only are they taking the stage, they are doing so in numbers, higher than their male counterparts. An observational study published last week in EMJ, Carley et al1, found that the proportion of female speakers was actually slightly higher than the proportion of female EM specialists. My joy in the fact that women are actually speaking in larger numbers than I anticipated, is only overshadowed by the fact that, though women have taken the stage, they tend to talk for less duration. Is this because they think they have less to offer? Do they lack confidence in their expertise? Or maybe we could conclude that women are more precise, effective communicators. Either way, the evidence is clear on one thing: I was focused on the wrong problem!
We are now required to change the scope of concern, and further, our scope of action. As pointed out by Dara Kass and Esther Choo in their EMJ Editorial3 , perhaps we should be looking at why women do not pursue EM as a specialty.
Why is it that women; brilliant, talented, powerful, women leave this specialty to the wayside? And because we, as a community, appreciate and respect the perspective that women bring to field, why are we not pushing harder to attract and include them?
We could use this research as evidence for equity, and be satisfied. Conference organizers around the world could choose to righteously pat themselves on the back. Private debates could be won with "I told you so".
We could act the like the professionals we profess to be and recognize our responsibility to mentor. We could empower and encourage, rather than compete. We could set standards and innovate, taking notes from conferences like Social Media and Critical Care (SMACC), where 40% of the speakers are women. We could do the work; the hard work of inclusion, the hard work of assessing our own personal bias, the hard work of eliminating barriers.
Attracting women to EM will require a multifocal approach, which must include women in prominent positions, be that in leadership, academia, or in the limelight. Little girls want dolls that look like them. Women want career mentors that represent them.
Dr. Natalie May put it best "we should applaud the progress in our specialty but keep on pushing forward until we are surprised we ever had to have this conversation".
It seems that we, in emergency medicine, still have a great deal of work to do.
If you are inspired to consider more female speakers at your conference, try the FemInEM Speakers Bureau.
Carley S, Carden R, Riley R, et al. Are there too few women presenting at emergency medicine conferences? Emergency Medicine Journal. August 2016:emermed-2015-205581. doi:10.1136/emermed-2015-205581.
Kass D. FeminEM. FeminEM. https://feminem.org/. Published January 2016. Accessed August 2016.
Kass D, Choo EK. When will we have enough women speakers in emergency medicine?: Table 1. Emergency Medicine Journal. August 2016:emermed-2016-206088. doi:10.1136/emermed-2016-206088.
Next: Next post: JC: Are There Too Few Women Speakers at Conferences?
Yes, yes, yes and yes some more Ashley! I have always subscribed to the philosophy of being publicly stunned if anyone suggested my lack of Y chromosome meant I couldn't do something (a few have tried).
I would pick you up on one thing – I don't think that women necessarily need female mentors; role models yes, but my long-term mentors and strongest advocates have all been male (Steve, Darren, Jon – thank you).
Kirsty – you are an exceptional clinician, researcher and presenter. People like you will always get there through sheer determination and ability. That's not the case for everyone: Male or Female.
Think of it as two pyramids. The peak of both will always succeed, but a greater chunk of one pyramid may get the opportunity and encouragement.
In other words we can't judge from the exceptionally fabulous (you and many others I know). It's to the common (wo)man that we might have to turn our attention to.
Agreed (and thank you for not using "bloody-mindedness").
I just don't think we should make equalising the chunks an issue for female mentors only. In some ways that perpetuates the problem ("developing good women is only the responsibility of women already in post"). Female trainees/researchers should also expect & benefit from good male mentorship of the kind that has helped me.
A different but related issue is providing strong female role models; a middle-aged man in a tweed jacket said to me when I was about 30 "ploughing your own furrow is hard work" – this is where those of us already in post have scope to improve the lot of our successors. I will stand up and say you can be a woman and have babies and finish training and get a PhD – because you can!
Thanks for your thoughtful post. I am definitely a proponent of getting on and doing it.
This shouldn't prevent a hard look at the fragile, flawed concept of 'merit'.
Like Dara in the hangout – i can't accept there aren't excellent women 'qualified' to speak on resuscitation in New York.
And 'just try harder' can't be our only advice to them.
Simon's excellent article showed up Australian EM well in term of women speakers, but if we look at keynotes at those ACEM conferences, I'm not as reassured as you were by the article.
Maybe we would get the kind of female numbers that would give Scott the dinner companions he prefers.
Thanks again to St Emlyns and all others tor promoting a complex and nuanced discussion. And not relegating it to Twitter !
I think if we were to do this again we might delve into the data more. The problem with keynotes is that not all conferences identify them as such. It was tricky to determine who was a keynote for all. In my non-published data it was pretty clear that.
1. Keynotes (or big talks) were almost exclusively men.
2. The proportion of women was not the same across all topics. Paeds for example had far more women speakers than say 'airway management' or anything involving the use of a scalpel or sunglasses (!).
Where can we take this next? Maybe some qual work to explain the reasons rather than just document it.
Yes Simon. Its amazing how complex the study question(s) got before you delved very far. | {
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} | 958 |
A Look At Protests In Richmond Over Independence Day Weekend
By Hannah Allam
Published July 5, 2020 at 7:53 AM EDT
The Fourth of July was tense in Richmond, Va. The onetime capital of the Confederacy is in the throes of change as statues commemorating Confederate leaders come down and protests and counter-protests swirl. NPR's Hannah Allam has been covering it all in Richmond, and she joins us now.
DETROW: So you're still in Richmond. What has the mood been like at these protest sites?
ALLAM: Well, it's calm, but there is an edge. Most of the attention's been focused on Monument Avenue. That's home to some of the Confederate statues the mayor has ordered removed since protests began after the killing of George Floyd. The big win - the prize for protesters is still up. There's legal battle over it, and that's the one of Robert E. Lee on his horse. It's been covered with graffiti and artwork in support of Black Lives Matter. A lot of families and students visit the site, take pictures.
That's where I met a man named George Goldsborough. He's a Black man who's lived in Richmond for 30 years. And he says the removal of the statues is an important step, but it must come with a broader rethinking of race and power in America. Here's what he said, and he's speaking through a mask.
GEORGE GOLDSBOROUGH: Looking at this movement, unfortunately, it had to - taken lives of so many wonderful young people to bring this about. But now that it's here, we can't let it stop. And it's the young people movement. So this is it, and I don't think it's going to stop.
DETROW: And of course, as we know, not everyone is happy about these statues being removed. How visible was the opposition this weekend?
ALLAM: Well, it's expressed in a few different ways. There's the formal way with the pro-Confederate groups and the sort of heritage-not-hate crowd. They write letters, speak at community forums. And then there are the more extreme expressions that show this is clearly not just about some statues but something much deeper.
At the Capitol in Richmond on the 4, there was a Second Amendment rally that was disrupted by some white nationalists. It was just a handful of them in a crowd of a few hundred. But their focus was essentially replacement theory - this idea that white people are being replaced, that their monuments are being destroyed, their streets are being overrun with protesters. And they made it clear that they're willing to fight to stop that.
DETROW: And those are ideas that have long existed on the fringe, but the marches and the violence and the chanting in Charlottesville three years ago was an early sign to many people that they might now have a more visible platform. Has that continued to be the case?
ALLAM: That's right. Extremism analysts have warned for a while now that these ideas are seeping into the mainstream in an alarming way and that this is a very dangerous time in terms of the potential for those issues to explode into violence, especially when we've got the election looming. And they say President Trump is only fueling it with us-versus-them rhetoric, the kind that we heard in the president's speech Friday at Mount Rushmore. The themes of that speech - this perceived loss of heritage, of history, of territory - were echoed in very stark racist terms at the rally. I also saw some guys do the white power salute. I heard chants of white power. And that's the same slogan that was in a video Trump tweeted just last week.
DETROW: So in the end, that Second Amendment rally that you attended - what was that rally really about?
ALLAM: Well, it was organized by members of the heavily armed movement known as the Boogaloos - Boogaloo Boys. They say they're prepping for a second civil war. But it's not one specific group, and they're all over the place on ideology and goals. And you can easily spot them because they like to wear their signature colorful Hawaiian shirts.
But it really was a hodgepodge. We had the white nationalists or white separatists there, too. And then you add to this mix a group of armed Black protesters that showed up. And it was the 4, so there was this one surreal moment where all of these disparate groups - the Boogaloo crowd, the Black Lives Matter protesters and the white nationalists - all start to sing.
UNIDENTIFIED PEOPLE: (Singing) America, America, God shed his grace on thee.
ALLAM: Yeah. So they're standing there singing "America The Beautiful" together.
ALLAM: But - yeah. It was surreal, as I said. But, you know, this "Kumbaya" moment doesn't last. And immediately from the speeches and the sideline interactions right after, it - we get right back to this fundamental question of race and how it fits into the future of the country. And so what we witnessed was a small extreme version of the debate, the one underpinning the protests and, indeed, the election. And that is, is the United States a place founded on ideas or on identity?
DETROW: Yeah. That's NPR's Hannah Allam.
ALLAM: Thanks, Scott. Transcript provided by NPR, Copyright NPR.
Hannah Allam
Hannah Allam is a Washington-based national security correspondent for NPR, focusing on homegrown extremism. Before joining NPR, she was a national correspondent at BuzzFeed News, covering U.S. Muslims and other issues of race, religion and culture. Allam previously reported for McClatchy, spending a decade overseas as bureau chief in Baghdad during the Iraq war and in Cairo during the Arab Spring rebellions. She moved to Washington in 2012 to cover foreign policy, then in 2015 began a yearlong series documenting rising hostility toward Islam in America. Her coverage of Islam in the United States won three national religion reporting awards in 2018 and 2019. Allam was part of McClatchy teams that won an Overseas Press Club award for exposing death squads in Iraq and a Polk Award for reporting on the Syrian conflict. She was a 2009 Nieman fellow at Harvard and currently serves on the board of the International Women's Media Foundation.
See stories by Hannah Allam | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl"
} | 4,047 |
Q: ActionScript 3.0 - Alternative Event Listener Declarations? I have some in-file actionscript 3.0 code. This code controls a number of elements on it's stage. These elements each have an Over, an Out, and a Click event.
I currently define these event listeners as so:
mc_hotspot.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, lift);
mc_hotspot.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, setDown);
mc_hotspot.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, select);;
mc_spinspot.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, spinspotOver);
mc_spinspot.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, spinspotOut);
mc_spinspot.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, spinClick);
mc_spinspot2.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, spinspot2Over);
mc_spinspot2.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, spinspot2Out);
mc_spinspot2.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, spin2Click);
btn_back.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, backOver);
btn_back.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, backOut);
btn_back.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, backClick);
As you can see, this is a very long and convoluted way of defining the events for these elements and there is also an event triggered function to go with each of these.
I'll be expanding the project to add three more spinspots and one or two more buttons soon and I was just wondering if there was any other way to define and cater for these events.
In the case of the spinspots all the over and out events are the same but each have their own duplicate function and listener.
Thanks in advance
A: You could just build a function like:
function addButtonEvents(mc:*,over:Function,out:Function,click:Function = null) {
//if we have an optional click event
if (click != null)
then you can add all three events in one call i.e
addButtonEvents(mc_spinspot, spinspotOver, spinspotOut, spinClick);
A: best way is via encapsulation, ususaly the over and out states only effect the item that is being over or out, therefore you can make a spinspot class and make over and out handlers in that and only worry about the click handler in the parent class.
otherwise you can have one over, out and click handler and then sort the action by target of the event (if (ev.target == mc_spinspot)) etc. doing that you can also have a assignEvents function that gives the over, out and click responders to the passed variable
private function addEvents(obj:Sprite){
obj.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, overHandler);
obj.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, outHandler);
obj.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, clickHandler);
| {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaStackExchange"
} | 7,884 |
Color deepens data storage
Computers have always stored information using different physical states, like the opposite poles of a magnet, to represent the ones and zeros of the binary number system.
Efforts to store more information in magnetic media are focused on cramming more magnets into the same space rather than increasing the complexity of the information because magnets only have two poles.
Being able to store more than two possible meanings in one physical area, however, is another way to cram more information into a small space.
With this in mind, a team of researchers the University of Cincinnati is using the different colors of light reflected from tiny holes in a thin film of silicon dioxide to gain many different colors that can be used to encode bits. The color of the reflected light depends on the depth of the hole. Like magnetic media, each bit still has two states, but "at every location I can have multiple bits," said Andrew Steckl, a professor of solid-state microelectronics and director of the Nanoelectronics Laboratory at the University of Cincinnati.
The scheme is a write once, read many (WORM) method, meaning media using it cannot be erased and rewritten.
The researchers have produced a prototype of their thin-film media that uses 16 distinct colors, but the method is scalable to many more, said Steckl. "There is virtually no limit to the number of colors that can be produced. It is solely dependent on the detector design and the detector's capability to distinguish colors in different saturation and hue level," Steckl said.
Using the 16-color prototype, the researchers have written more than five gigabytes of information on a square inch of film, which is about double the density of today's DVD disks. In theory, this type of storage media could use more colors to harbor two terabytes per square inch, according to Steckl.
To make the storage devices, the researchers added an 800-nanometer thick silicon dioxide film to a silicon wafer. To write information onto the film, they added holes of 15 different depths using focused ion beam micromilling. Individual holes, or pixels, measured half a micron to two microns in diameter and 50 to just under 800 nanometers deep. The absence of a hole added a 16th color. The researchers controlled the depth of each hole by varying the number of gallium ions shot at the film.
Holes of a specific depth reflect white light, which is a mix of all colors, with a particular interference pattern, yielding light of a certain wavelength or color. Sixteen hole depths produce 16 different colors.
Each hole can hold four bits of information because each color represents a four-bit number. This is because it takes four binary digits to write 16 different numbers, starting with 0000 and ending with 1111. "Four bits makes all the possible parameters," of the 16 states, said Steckl.
In a similar manner, four different hole depths would hold two bits of information, because there are four binary possibilities using two binary digits: 00, 01, 10 and 11. Following this pattern, eight different parameters would hold three bits of information, 36 parameters five bits, 64 parameters six bits, 128 parameters seven bits and 256 parameters eight bits.
The researchers were able to make the holes at a speed of 310 microns per second, meaning the devices are not fast in terms of writing information.
Once written, however the color information can potentially be read faster than binary storage media. Using an array of detectors, or read heads, the amount of information read equals the transfer speed of the read device multiplied by the color bit depth, said Steckl.
The film memory devices are also sturdy. Silicon dioxide is a strong material, making it difficult to alter and potentially very long-lasting, said Steckl. "The robustness of this material makes it [a good candidate] for data storage in harsh environments such as high-temperature or radiation. It may store data [for] centuries," said Steckl. It's also potentially useful for secure applications like smartcards because it is so difficult to alter, he added.
In addition to providing archival computer storage, the tiny points of color could be used to form words or symbols, said Steckl. "A machine that is trained to optical character recognition or a human could excerpt information very quickly," through symbols or words spelled out using the colors, Steckl said.
The researchers can also increase the number of hole depths to gain more colors and therefore more bits, and decrease the size of the holes to cram more information per square inch, said Steckl. "Right now we have 16 levels, and each level is about 50 nanometers [from the next.] By improving the minimum step distance we can go from four bits per pixel to eight bits per pixel. And then by making the hole itself smaller you can also increase the density significantly," Steckl said.
The researchers next step is to make a working prototype of a drive that can read the optical film.
The memory device is a clever and potentially useful device for writing permanent information and reading it out with reflected light, said Robert Dickson, an assistant professor of chemistry at the Georgia Institute. "It provides a very nice demonstration of how, by using color, [you can] potentially write more than one bit of information per data point."
Practical applications for the thin film optical scheme could be developed in three to five years, said Steckl.
Steckl's research colleague was C.J. Chi of the University of Cincinnati. They published the research in the January 5, 2001 issue of Science. The research was funded by Department of Defense (DOD).
TRN Categories: Semiconductors and Materials; Data Storage Technology
Related Elements: Photo 1, Photo 2, Technical paper, "Digital Thin-Film Color Optical Memory," Applied Physics Letters, January 8, 2001.
Store globally, access locally
Ordinary light could drive quantum computers
Motor goes all the way around
Switch channels atom beams | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl"
} | 5,371 |
Rumble: I have one question left...
You know in the past months I have been working on increasing the download speed of The Road to the Horizon. It seems the choice of your browser is as important as me optimising the site.
Look at these... The Javascript speed of Chrome -the new Google freeware browser- and Firefox beating up Internet Explorer.
Knowing also the problems Internet Explorer has in seemingly "hanging" for seconds when downloading pages, I have only one question left in my mind:
Why did I wait so long to abandon Explorer?
Graph courtesy cnet.com
Read the full post...
Posted: 31.10.08 (Link) 2 comments
Rumble: The Road's Kiva project 1: Danaya
Here is a summary of The Road's first social project:
A micro-financing loan to the Danaya women in Mali.
Danaya is a group of seven women of the Hamdallaye district in the city of Koutiala in Mali. They know each other through the making of the local "pâte" (typically a cooked mash of grain, seeds, or nuts, formed into a ball and eaten with the fingers) called "soumbala". They average 38 years of age. They are married and the mothers of at least four children.
Working for three years with Soro Yiriwaso - a local partner from Kiva- the loans have gone from 50,000 francs CFA (US$110) for the first loan to 150,000 francs (US$330) for the fifth loan. The group members all do the same work: making and selling soumbala. In addition, they have other work, such as knitting.
The current loan will enable them to buy the néré nuts, the base product for their soumbala, in larger quantities and at wholesale rather than retail prices. This will generate more profit. Their goal is to raise a profit of 125,000 francs CFA (US$280) for the duration of the loan. A large portion of the profits will serve to cover the school fees of the children and to cope with the typical family expenses.
In the future, the members will get their supplies from other places in Mali, especially from Gao and Kidal, which will lower the base price once more.
The women of Danaya have a 100% credit repayment history. (See their profile on Kiva)
The current loan request: US$2,050
Raised so far: US$925.00 US$2,050 (Nov 3rd 2008)
still needed: US$1,125.00 (Nov 3rd 2008)
They will repay the loan by May 16th 2009.
More on The Road's social project "Change Starts Here".
You can keep track of our project via our score card.
News: DRCongo - The Rape of a Nation
Eastern DR Congo was once memorably described by the journalist Kate Thomas. The place "looks like heaven", she wrote, "but it feels like hell".
You need to watch this amazing video from MediaStorm to understand the extend of the hell.
News: UN compound bombed in Somalia
Five suicide car bombs rocked a presidential palace, government security post, a United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) office and an Ethiopian consular unit in two regions of northern Somalia today.
Several buildings were leveled by the attacks, which happened within a span of half an hour.
At least two people were killed and six seriously wounded in the attack of the United Nations office in Hargeisa, long considered as the safest city in Somalia. (Full)
The UNDP compound was hit by an explosion caused by a vehicle that had forced its way into the compound at approximately 10 a.m. local time.
"At present, we can confirm that two national UN staff have been killed, while two others were critically injured and medically evacuated to Djibouti," UN spokesperson Marie Okabe said. Full)
The attack came five years after the attack of the UN compound in Baghdad and ten months after the bombing of the UN offices in Algiers.
Investigations after both bombings showed significant short comings in the UN security apparatus. Follow-up actions included loads of finger pointing and scape goating but failed to deliver any noticeable differences for humanitarian workers, UN or not UN.
Status Oct 5th, 31 aid workers have been killed in Afghanistan, 32 killed in Somalia and 11 in Darfur. (Full). Since then 2 more aid workers were killed in Somalia, and one was shot dead in Afghanistan.
2008 is heading to set a sad record.
More posts on The Road about being an aidworker, Somalia and terrorism
Video discovered via Humanitarian Relief
Picture of the day: East Congo in trouble
Thousands of people in the east of the Democratic Republic of Congo have been fleeing a new outburst of fighting between government troops and rebel forces. (Full)
[Ed: This picture is taken now, but could have been taken in 1994 when we saw the influx of Rwandese refugees into East Congo. Or in 1996-7 when those refugees fled into the jungle, some of them ending up thousands of miles further away... This short story was written during that time. I hope we are not going back into a situation we will have 2-3 million refugees]
More pictures of the day on The Road.
Picture courtesy BBC
Rumble: Don't you just love Paypal.
Paypal: "Payments made difficult"?
After my adventures with the PayPal support desk a few months ago, I am in trouble again.
Because I made more than US$1,300 worth of transactions in the past year, I need to give PayPal:
- a copy of my Photo ID
- a proof of address
- a voided check (who uses them anymore in EU?) or bankstatement
- proof of tax exempt
- 'organistation and payment' information
- and 'business information
While I am just an individual who wants to pay online. Please!
News: Sophie - The Face of Poverty
Hargeisa, 1,500km north of Mogadishu, is home to thousands of displaced people from south-central Somalia. Sophie, 27, came to the city with her husband and three children, aged between 18 months and eight years, but her 10-year-old son was lost on the journey.
She and other women were robbed and raped along the way. She spoke about her plight:
"We used to live in north Mogadishu. We had a shop which was run by my husband and I had a stall in the market. We were not rich but we had enough to feed our family.
"The area got to the point where no one was safe and looting and rape became normal. Many houses were destroyed. One night, our neighbour's house was totally destroyed and no one survived. In the blink of an eye the entire family was dead.
"Our house was partially destroyed but we escaped unhurt. That morning we decided to leave with other families and take our children to some place safe.
"The journey was long; it took more than nine days. I lost my boy and we were robbed of everything we had. The bandits took us away from the main road and into the bush. They told the men to lie down and then took the women they thought looked good and young and raped us; five other women and myself. Our husbands heard our cries but could do nothing. They were being held at gunpoint.
"By the time we reached Hargeisa we had nothing. The people here [in Hargeisa] have been very kind. In the camp the residents let us share their dwellings. (Full)
More posts on The Road about Somalia, refugees and poverty,
Reprinted with courtesy of IRIN
Picture courtesy Derk Segaar (IRIN)
News: Reality check - East Congo by the number
A woman carries her belongings past Congolese army soldiers
as she flees to escape fighting in Eastern Congo (DRC).
With fighting renewed between the government and rebel troops, and the UN "shooting in the air" in between, a reminder is needed at what this means for the 'ordinary people'. (Full)
A recent report report entitled "Living With Fear" offers an insight as to how life is in East Congo, based on a survey of 4,000 people.
Here is East Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) by numbers:
55%: interrogated or persecuted by armed groups
53%: forced to work or enslaved
46%: beaten by armed groups
46% threatened with death
34%: abducted for at least a week
23%: witnessed an act of sexual violence
16%: victims of sexual violence
More posts on The Road about DRC
Picture courtesy AP Photo/Riccardo Gangale
News: Paint for the Planet: Children paint global warming
Last weekend, 26 children's paintings with the theme of climate change were auctioned in New York. The event raised money for children most adversely affected by global warming. The "Paint for the Planet" auction, sponsored by the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP), spotlights the work of young artists across the globe.
The paintings are the best of some 200,000 entries received during the past 17 years of the UNEP's annual International Children's Painting Competition.
Entries came from as far as Burundi, Armenia, Thailand and Colombia. (Full
More posts on the The Road about global warming.
Picture courtesy CNN
Rumble: And while we are at it. Life is really too serious.
Dear Employees:
It has been brought to management's attention that some individuals throughout the company have been using foul language during the course of normal conversation with their co workers. Due to complaints received from some employees who may be easily offended, this type of language will no longer be tolerated. We do, however, realize the critical importance of being able to accurately express your feelings when communicating with co workers. Therefore a list of 18 New and Innovative "TRY SAYING" phrases have been provided so that proper exchange of ideas and information can continue in an effective manner.
#1 TRY SAYING: I think you could use more training.
INSTEAD OF: You don't know what the f___you're doing.
#2 TRY SAYING: She's an aggressive go-getter.
INSTEAD OF: She's a f__ing bit__.
#3 TRY SAYING: Perhaps I can work late.
INSTEAD OF: And when the f___ do you expect me to do this?
#4 TRY SAYING: I'm certain that isn't feasible.
INSTEAD OF: No f___ing way.
#5 TRY SAYING: Really?
INSTEAD OF: You've got to be sh___ing me!!
#6 TRY SAYING: Perhaps you should check with...
INSTEAD OF: Tell someone who gives a sh__.
#7 TRY SAYING: I wasn't involved in the project.
INSTEAD OF: It's not my f___ing problem.
#8 TRY SAYING: That's interesting.
INSTEAD OF: What the f___?
#9 TRY SAYING: I'm not sure this can be implemented.
INSTEAD OF: This sh__won't work.
#10 TRY SAYING: I'll try to schedule that.
INSTEAD OF: Why the f___ didn't you tell me sooner?
#11 TRY SAYING: He's not familiar with the issues.
INSTEAD OF: He's got his head up his a__.
#12 TRY SAYING: Excuse me, sir?
INSTEAD OF: Eat sh__ and die.
#13 TRY SAYING: So you aren't happy with it?
INSTEAD OF: Kiss my a__.
#14 TRY SAYING: I'm a bit overloaded at the moment.
INSTEAD OF: F__ it, I'm on salary.
#15 TRY SAYING: I don't think you understand.
INSTEAD OF: Shove it up your a__.
#16 TRY SAYING: I love a challenge.
INSTEAD OF: This f___ing job sucks.
#17 TRY SAYING: You want me to take care of that?
INSTEAD OF: Who the f___ died and made you boss?
#18 TRY SAYING: He's somewhat insensitive.
INSTEAD OF: He's a pr_ck.
Rumble: Life is too serious.
This brightened up my day. I hope it works for you too!
Thanks for the picture, Andrea!
News: 1 million people fled Somalia in 2008 alone
Over 1 million people fled Somalia in 2008. 2.6 million Somalis - 35% of the population - now need humanitarian assistance, while one in six children under the age of five is malnourished. (Full)
More on The Road about Somalia, aid work and Somalia and humanitarian issues
Discovered via Humanitarian Relief and AidBlogs
News: After blocking YouTube and WordPress, Turkey now bans Blogger
TalkTurkey reports:
You have Blogger? Turkey has Blocker!
First, it was Wordpress. Then YouTube. And now Blogger, world's largest 'free' blog service, is blocked or banned in Turkey.
Why? What difference does it make? What's next? The Internet?
BasBasBas reports:
Since today, whoever tries to access Blogger or any *.blogspot.com domain from Turkey will get the (above) message on (their) screen.
This is the same message we get if we try to visit YouTube, which is also banned in Turkey. In the past blogging platform Wordpress.com has been banned as well, to much dismay of many Turkish bloggers.
Turkey's EU ambitions seem paradoxical to the infringement on the freedom of press and speech of its citizens, residents and visitors by banning sites like this. This is not China. This has to stopped. Good thing the EU's making a blacklist of censoring countries and are creating software for people in censoring countries to use to overcome the censorship (Global Online Freedom Act).
[Ed: Turkey: a member of NATO, and pushing hard to become part of the EU... It looks like one of the basic conditions of democracy, freedom of expression, is not even met.]
More posts on The Road about press freedom and Turkey
Cartoon courtesy TalkTurkey and BasBasBas. Discovered via Global Voices Online and For Those Who Want To Know
Rumble: Darfur Now!
"Darfur Now" is not just a factual movie. It is an in-your-face call to action for people everywhere to help end the crisis in Darfur. For the first time in history, the US Government has declared a genocide while it is ongoing, and that is a bad sign.
The movie shows the struggles and achievements of six very different individuals who bring to light the situation in Darfur and the need to get involved:
A UCLA graduate in Los Angeles (CA), a Darfurian woman who joined the rebel forces, the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court in The Hague, a UN humanitarian on the ground in Sudan, an internationally known actor and activist, and finally to a community leader in a West Darfur refugee camp.
The film portrays the heroic efforts of six people responding to a humanitarian tragedy unfolding before our eyes. (More)
The official trailer can also be found on YouTube
If you have a high bandwidth Internet connection, you can watch the full movie online here.
More on The Road about Darfur, Sudan and genocide
News: Non-profit organisations listed on the stock market: IPOs for charity
These days, stockmarkets stand out in only one thing: they crash like there is no tomorrow.
However, here is something different. In many ways.
The Canadian Women's Foundation (CWF), a national public foundation dedicated to improving the lives of women and girls, took its shares to the stockmarket. They are now offering an Immediate Public Opportunity (IPO) to take stock in the future of girls.
The Girls' Growth Fund offers the public the possibility to invest in girls across Canada. During the sales period, 10,000 shares at $100 each will be made available, raising $1 million.
CWF will use the capital to make a three-year investment in 15 Canadian programs for disadvantaged girls. There is no financial but rather an "ethical" return for the investors. (article in the press)
What do you think? Is this the way charity should go to raise funds for their cause? Or is this a mere publicity stunt? Should the UN put out an IPO on the stock market to be able to reach the Millenium Development goals?
Your views in comments are welcome!
More on The Road about fundraising and activism.
Story discovered via Change! and For Those Who Want to Know
Picks of the week: 60 seconds and more
Ironic Sans does nothing else but publish 60 second videos "in the life of". Weird how beautiful "simple" can be.
Women for Women International mobilizes women to change their lives in conflict and post-conflict environments.
Positive Africa lists success stories in a continent riddled with poverty and war. This site is part of African Loft, "Where the People and Friends of Africa Mingle", a discovery by itself.
CauseWired features as headline "Plugging In, Getting Involved, Changing the World - the Rise of Online Social Activism". How the digital social media can help changing the world.
Stood in the Congo is a funny and sweet Tumblr blog. Find the treasures! From the same author: Stood in the Maasai Mara.
Our Wall Bears Witness features pictures from the US Holocaust Museum.
Short-Term Volunteer in Africa is a fresh blog from Jo, working in Nairobi and DRC. It shows Africa in the eyes of someone who just arrived.
Congo Gorillas, the official website of Virunga National Park in DR Congo.
Humanitarian Relief by Michael Bear Kleinman is one of the newest treasured additions to my aidworker blogs. He writes informed posts about aid work and aid issues. Is part of Change!, a new site working on informing the masses of social issues.
Picture courtesy Stood in the Maasai Mara, discovered via The Signs Along The Road
Rumble: Sailing with dolphins
My Friend E went sailing just off the coast of Italy two weekends ago. On the Saturday afternoon she sent these pictures from her iPhone:
I don't get jealous easily, but I can assure you I was at that moment!
More posts on The Road about sailing
Tips & Tricks: How to measure pixel width on your blog?
On a blog, like any web page, everything is measured in 'pixels', the smallest unit of measure on a screen. So if you work with the layout of your blog, you need to have a precise idea of the pixel height and width of the different elements.
The other day, I was tweaking my blog, an had to measure the size of images and columns. Painstaking. Until I found Pixel Ruler, a freeware from Tahionic.
Pixel Ruler displays a simple ruler, either vertically or horizontally, you can grab and move around your screen.
You drag the ruler as an overlay over your screen and 'hold' it over any open window. It has a transparent colour making measuring different bits and pieces fast and precise. You can easily shorten or expand the ruler.
more tips and tricks for bloggers.
News: How does it feel to be caught in cross fire...
This video was filmed by an amateur in East Congo (DRC), interviewing a Virunga National Park ranger. As the interview progresses, the cross fire between rebel and government troops comes nearer. You can almost feel the fear and panic from the people running past the camera.
The conflict in DRC is one of the most underreported civil wars, killing an estimated 45,000 people per month. Per month!
Fighting in eastern Congo has driven some 200,000 from their homes during the last eight weeks, exacerbating an already dire humanitarian crisis. (Full)
Update: Regarding the actual video shoot: It was shot to show the plight of the wardens at the Virunga National Park. Things just got worse. Rebels took over Rumangabo's ranger station, in what seems a major offensive. The Virunga rangers have fled into the mountains. (Full)
More posts on The Road about DRC.
Video courtesy Gorilla.cd - The Virunga National Park website. Picked up from Humanitarian Relief, discovered on AidBlogs.
News: One more aid worker killed in Afghanistan
The killing of a British aid worker in Afghanistan has again highlighted the dangers posed to humanitarian staff in many parts of the world.
Aid work is about helping those less fortunate than yourself, but for hundreds of humanitarian workers in the world's most dangerous countries the threat of violence goes hand in hand with their chosen path.
The shooting of aid worker Gayle Williams, who had dual British and South African nationality, adds to a death toll that has reached almost 30 in Afghanistan alone during the past year, according to the UN. (Full)
More on The Road about aid workers and Afghanistan
Illustration courtesy BBC.
News: US cities as bad off as those in Africa, Asia.
Growing social inequality in US cities could lead to widespread social unrest says a new United Nations report on the urban environment.
UN-Habitat's survey of 120 major cities found New York to be the ninth most "unequal" in the world. Atlanta, New Orleans, Washington, and Miami were at the same level of Nairobi (Kenya) and Abidjan (Ivory Coast).
"Many were above an internationally recognised acceptable "alert" line used to warn governments of social unrest.
The life expectancy of African-Americans in the US is about the same as that of people living in China and some states of India, despite the fact that the US is far richer than the other two countries," the report said. (Full)
Picture courtesy UN-Habitat
News: Wall Street investors retreating to Zimbabwe?
The title might be funny, but the reality is: the Zimbabwe benchmark Industrial Index soared 257 percent Tuesday, besting a one-day record of 241 percent set Monday, with share prices of some companies rising by up to 3,500 percent.
Reason? The stock market seems to be the only place Zimbabweans can get 'some' return from their cash, as - some experts say - the local economy runs at an inflation of 20 trillion percent. That is 20 t-r-i-l-l-i-o-n. (Full)
[Ed: So what is Wall Street complaining about? Opportunities! All Opportunities!]
More on The Road about inflation and the economy
Cartoon courtesy Inkcinct Cartoons
News: US environment activists on terror list
Three US environmentalists working for the Chesapeake Climate Action Network recently found out they were listed as being "suspected of involvement in terrorism."
In a recent letter sent to the activists the police went on to note they had "no evidence whatsoever of any involvement in violent crime," so the listing and their possible tracking did not continue.
The question is of course, how come their civil obedience actions got them on the the suspected terrorist list on the first place. (Full)
Apparently the climate activists were part of 53 anti-war and anti-death penalty activists who were inappropriately listed as terrorists in a Maryland State Police database. The police files, created in 2005 and 2006, were part of a covert surveillance effort. Each "terror suspect" now received a letter indicating that he or she could review the entries before they are destroyed, "without cameras or lawyers present." (Full)
More on The Road about the environment.
News: World record number of people stood up against poverty.
A worldrecord breaking 117 million people in 131 countries stood up last weekend as part of a United Nations-led campaign demanding world leaders to keep their promises to halve extreme poverty and achieve the other Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) by their target date of 2015.
Over 8,000 events were held around the globe, from Afghanistan and Burundi to Thailand and Uganda, as part of the "Stand Up and Take Action against Poverty" campaign held from 17 to 19 October.
The exact number of registered participants was 116,993,629 people. That's almost 2% of the total world population! The break down:
* Africa: 24,496,151
* Middle East region: 17,847,870
* Asia: 73,151,847
* Europe: 951,788
* Latin America: 211,250
* North America: 123,920 (1)
* Oceania: 210,803 (1)
This event broke the Guinness World Record for the largest social mobilization on a single issue ever. (Full)
More posts on The Road about activism and poverty.
(1) Note: These figures were originally not included, but updated later.
Picture courtesy UN
News: When was the last time a UN agency got a "Business Innovation Award"?
The 2008 ICIS Award for "Best Business Innovation" was given to a joint initiative of the Dutch company DSM and the United Nations World Food Programme (WFP). Together, they developed "MixMe" powder sachets to provide people in developing countries with micronutrients that can be mixed with food at home.
The food enriching micronutrient powder "MixMe" will enable the World Food Programme, the UN's frontline agency for hunger solutions, to bring better food assistance to the hungry poor.
In addition to the almost one billion people who are hungry there are close to another billion of people in this world who seem not to suffer from hunger at first glance but are suffering from a deficiency in micronutrients (the so-called "hidden hunger"). These people appear to have enough to eat, but often eat mainly carbohydrate rich foods such as rice or maize which do not provide the essential vitamins and minerals (micronutrients) needed for good health and therefore they develop all kinds of diseases such as anemia and blindness.
The "MixMe" "home food fortification" is a novel approach to the enrichment of food with micronutrients.
This year alone, the "MixMe" sachets will reach over 250,000 people in Nepal, Kenya and Bangladesh. WFP and DSM plan to substantially increase the coverage area in the coming years to reach millions of people. (Full)
More posts on The Road about food aid and hunger.
Picture courtesy Christian Farnsworth (WFP)
News: New case of fraud at the UN
A U.N. task force has uncovered five new cases of corruption, fraud and mismanagement involving $20 million in contracts.
The cases span air charter services in Congo, office supplies in Kenya, consulting jobs in Greece and payroll services at the New York headquarters. They are the latest cases in a three-year investigation into U.N. purchasing that has exposed more than $630 million in contracts tainted by fraud, corruption or mismanagement at the United Nations. (Full)
[Ed: whatever we can expose, should be exposed, and without reservations. Only that way, we will clean up the system!]
See also this post: Sometimes i am ashamed to work for the UN.
Rumble: Sunset this evening
Just after work, took a walk along the beach to air my thoughts. Feet in the water, looking at the sunset.
News: Vote for your CNN Hero
Did you vote for your CNN hero yet? My favourites are Yohannes who sets up libraries for children in his native Ethiopia, and Viola organising girls' education in rural Senegal.
With thanks to Temmy for the tip.
News: Economic crisis - beginning of global socialism?
An overview of the interventions governments have made to "rescue" banks up today:
Bank Date Status
Fannie Mae 07 Sep Nationalised
Freddie Mac 07 Sep Nationalised
Lehman Bros 15 Sep Collapsed
Merrill Lynch 15 Sep Taken over
AIG 16 Sep Part-nationalised
HBOS 17 Sep Taken over
WaMu 25 Sep Collapsed and sold
Fortis 28 Sep Nationalised
Bradford & Bingley 29 Sep Nationalised
Wachovia 29 Sep Taken over
Glitnir 29 Sep Nationalised
Hypo Real Estate 06 Oct Rescue package
RBS 13 Oct Part-nationalised
Lloyds TSB 13 Oct Part-nationalised
What is this? Beginning of global socialism? Of global anarchy?
Rumble: Sometimes I forget where I travelled to...
I forgot on which site made this picture, based on the countries I have been to. Loads.. Although I did not exactly travel 47% of the world. In Russia, I was only in one small dot: St.Petersburg,..
Rumble: Blog Action Day - The outcome.
The Road participated in Blog Action Day on Oct 15th.
Blog Action Day united 12,836 blogsites with the single purpose of raising the awareness about poverty.
During the event, the blog community reached 13.5 million people. Over 1,000 readers came from The Road. Change starts here!
Rumble: The virtual march against global warming
Glaciers melting ten times faster than previously thought, atmospheric greenhouse gases reaching levels not seen for millions of years, and species are vanishing as a result of climate change.
StopGlobalWarming.org is a movement about change, as individuals, as a country, and as a global community.
Join the 1,167,642 supporters of the Stop Global Warming Virtual March, and become part of the movement to demand our leaders freeze and reduce carbon dioxide emissions now. We are all contributors to global warming and we all need to be part of the solution.
More on The Road about global warming, the environment and pollution
Discovered via Beading Stars and AidNews
Rumble: Exciting news on The Road
We are nearing our 200,00th visitor on The Road to the Horizon. When I started this blog back in January last year (here is the first post) I had no idea what I was getting myself into, but it worked out nicely... Thank you for your loyalty, and I hope you continue to be inspired by this blog. Drop some feedback in one of the comments, sign the guestbook and fill in the feedback polls I run.
To celebrate the upcoming 200,000th visitor, I have started two new parallel sites:
AidBlogs automatically aggregates new posts of the "aidblogs": blogs by aidworkers spread around the world you see listed in the right column under the heading "Need Inspiration? Other Blogs". Bookmark this site, to see the daily overview of what's happening in the lives of aidworkers, just like me: people who try to make a difference...
I also launched The Signs Along The Road which aggregates my quick clips. This is not a shared site, so it only contains my news clippings.
However, if you are interested in the humanitarian causes, and you want to contribute by sharing news articles on the topic, I encourage you to join International Aidworkers Today. The purpose this Newsvine group is explained in this post.
And of course, we still have The Other Worldnews, an automated humanitarian news aggregator, and The Road Daily which contains clips of any news I find interesting. Most news clips I comment on, on The Road, are there posted in full.
Well, I hope this keeps you inspired and informed.
PS: You like the new drop down menu navigation?
Picks of the week: Vigilante Journalist and others
There are many treasures out there in the blogosphere and the Internet in general, which give a perspective on the humanitarian causes. I decided to start a new series on The Road, pulling treasures together in one short post. I will call them "Picks of the Week". Here we go.
Vigilante Journalist Anne Holmes reports on human rights and social issues in developing nations and conflict zones around the world.
Harry Rud is an aidworker in Afghanistan. He features great pictures and excellent writing.
Humanitarian Relief blogged by Michael, an aid worker, lawyer, and consultant, as part of the change.org initiative.
Louder than Swahili by long time blogger Pernille, who moved to Tanzania since a while. She has been one of my role models in blogging.
Pictures from the Ethiopia famine reminded me why I am doing the work I do.
The UnCultured Project shows how one young man decided to do his bit for a better world. Hat off to Shawn.
One Mango Tree uses a fair trade model to provide income generating opportunities for women in impoverished and conflict-ridden areas of the globe. Our first project is now underway in northern Uganda. (thanks Rebekah)
Rumble: If you want to change the world, you have two days left.
Google's Project 10^100 ("Project 10 to the 100th") calls for ideas to change the world, in the hope of helping as many people as possible.
How? Fill out the submission form, outlining your idea. You can supplement your proposal with a 30-second video.
In January, Google will post a selection of one hundred ideas and ask the public to choose twenty semi-finalists. After that, an advisory board will select up to five final ideas.
Google committing $10 million to implement these projects, with the goal to help as many people as possible.
The submission can be on topics like community, environment, health, education, or anything else.
While I scan the Internet regularly for innovative ideas in the area of development and aid, this is the first time I came across Project 10^100 (found it thanks to WorldChanging). So I almost missed the occasion: the deadline for submission on Oct 20th, so if you want to change the world, you have two days left.
Rumble: We have a pink team
I do not share a lot of the actual work I do. "I work for a UN humanitarian agency and I am based in Rome...", this you already know. But for the rest, I am trying to keep a distance between my work and my blog.
One thing I want to share though. It is a cut and paste from my team's mission statement.
Our team's core Values:
Trust – we cultivate an environment of trust where we can safely challenge each other's perspectives, use conflict as a source of creativity and make mistakes in the pursuit of learning.
Energy – we bring a positive energy to our work that inspires us to take initiative, work hard, get results and have fun.
Learning – we enjoy the challenge of continuously learning and creating.
Pink – we instill true human and humanitarian values which often challenge traditional norms
Picture of the day: Famine in Ethiopia
Ethiopian women left their village in search of food and water. Milk is used as a substitute for food, but animals that have not already perished produce only a fraction of what they would if healthy. (Full)
More Pictures of the day. Check also the posts on Ethiopia and hunger.
Picture courtesy Nick Danziger/Oxfam
News: Who is hungry on the World Food Day?
Tomorrow Oct 16 is the World Food Day, marking the "birthday" of the UN Food and Agriculture Organization. FAO was the first agency created by the United Nations to address global hunger in 1945.
Did you know 25,000 people die every day from hunger and related causes? Not in 1945, but today!
Did you know 923 million people do not have enough to eat - more than the populations of USA, Canada and the European Union together?
The United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) continuously updates its World Hunger Map. On this interactive worldmap you can zoom into the hunger hotspots in the world, and find out the facts.
Did you know that out of the 69 million people in Ethiopia, there currently are 31.5 million (45%) undernourished?
Did you know 21% of Indians (221 million people!) are hungry?
Use The Global Hunger Index (GHI) from International Food Policy Research Institute to find out more.
This post is part of the Blog Action Day campaign inviting bloggers to publish posts about poverty today, October 15th.
More posts on The Road about poverty, development, hunger, WFP and foodaid.
Rumble: The download speed of The Road. You spoke!
For the past two weeks, I have been tweaking the download speed of The Road to the Horizon.
I optimized, moved or deleted a lot of unnecessary widgets, and experimented with higher compression for the pictures.
For the bloggers amongst you, I wrote down my experiences in this post.
During the tuning I ran a small poll. 57 readers answered the question "How do you rate the download speed of The Road?"
Your answers were:
Fast: 13 (22%) - Good: 14 (24%) - OK: 14 (24%)
Rather slow: 12 (21%) - Too slow: 4 (7%)
So, 70% of you found the speed OK (or better), which is pretty good.
Thanks a LOT for the feedback during the work. I will try to keep the speed up!
Rumble: Breaking the cycle of poverty: PumpAid - Water for Life
To break the cycle of poverty in Africa, access to clean water for drinking, water for irrigation, toilets with hygiene and nutritional education must be improved. Using simple but effective technology, PumpAid builds water pumps, called Elephant Pumps, that can be maintained by poor rural communities without any assistance.
Pumps are built in response to grassroots demand and in full consultation with the local community. The local community come together to assist in the building process, providing materials such as bricks, sand, stones and unskilled labour.
The Elephant Pump can also supply water for irrigating gardens where villagers can grow fruit and vegetables to improve their families' diet or even to sell to bring much needed cash into the household.
The Pump that has been developed by Pump Aid and is based on a 2,000 year old Chinese design. Pump Aid has adapted this design so that it is strong, long lasting and made from locally available materials.
The pump can lift water from as deep as 50m deep and produce one litre of water every second. Wells are usually dug by hand but teams may need help to blow out rocks and heavily impacted earth. Pump Aid never uses mechanical diggers because it would deprive someone a job and increase the total price of installing a pump. In addition some of the places we work in are so remote it would be impossible to bring in machinery.
The location of a well is determined by geological formations and vegetation growth but the final decision is made by one of the water diviners in the Pump Aid team.
As the Pump handle is turned, water is drawn up the pump by plastic washers attached to a rope. The Pumps are so easy to use that children as young as five years old can manage to pump out a bucket full of water.
The Pump is encased in concrete to prevent any contamination, ensuring that a clean sustainable supply of water is provided for the local community.
When a Pump is built, the beneficiaries will receive a training workshop so that they can maintain and repair the Pump using easy to find materials such as plant fibres and plastic. They will also receive hygiene education on practices and tips on using the overflow of water for agriculture. Often nutrition gardens are set up alongside the Elephant Pump.
An Elephant Pump cost £500 for materials and to install, which is cheaper than a metal piston pump and lasts for up to 50 years. 250 people can be provided with 40 liters of clean water from each Pump, everyday.
Pump Aid started in 1998 and has so far built over 4000 pumps. Currently around 80 Elephant Pumps are built each month, resulting in 20,000 people benefiting from access to clean water.
This blog entry is part of the Blog Action Day campaign inviting bloggers to publish posts about poverty today, October 15th.
Discovered the Elephant Pump via Afrigadget
More posts on The Road about poverty, development and water.
Rumble: Reminder - tomorrow is Blog Action Day
Reminder for all bloggers out there: tomorrow is Blog Action Day, an event uniting the world's bloggers, podcasters and videocasters, to post about the same issue on the same day. Their aim is to raise awareness and trigger a global discussion.
This year's theme is "poverty".
Rumble: The river Nile, a darned good place to land a plane
In The Road's Ebook short story "Italians, the Art of Flying and the Laws of Probability", I quoted an anecdote by a friend describing how a pilot once mistook the river Nile near Khartoum for the runway, and landed the plane onto, err.. INto the river.
Just by coincidence I came across pictures of this incident. According to airliners.net, it happened on Sept 10 1982. The plane was a Sudan Air 707 purchased from Air Lingus (ST-AIM - cn 19410/599). The pilot mistook the moonlit river for the nearby runway.
Soon after this accident, staff of Sudan Airways tried to remove the company's titles and logos but could not get any closer to the tail. While the plane rested on a sandbank on the river, locals stripped it bare within days after the accident.
More posts on the road about flying, aircraft and airports.
Data and pictures courtesy airliners.net, Chris Wells and Linze Folkeringa
Rumble: "Saying Good-bye Sudan, Good-Bye Darfur"
Colleague and fellow blogger Worldman is retiring. In this must-read post, Peter is saying good-bye from Darfur and Sudan.
He writes: "I have been living and working here for 4 years. In a few days I will leave. It is very hard to go. But a big part of my heart will stay behind."
Why do I call it "a must-read" post? Because it shows the heart and the essence of an aid worker.
Rumble: 30 things I do not understand about airport security
I am a frequent traveller. A very frequent traveller. With questions.
1. Why can I not go through security with a flask of aftershave, but can buy all the aftershave I want in the duty free? If duty free goods are screened in a different way, why can my check-in luggage not be screened in the same way?
2. How come I can not take any liquid on board, but I can put all the liquid I want in my check-in luggage? If check-in luggage is screened in a different way, how come carry-on can not be screened in the same way? How come I can not take a bottle of water on board, even though I could drink it to show how harmless it is?
3. How come I have to put things like a deodorant and toothpaste in a sealed zip-lock plastic bag, but no-one ever sees or asks to see the bag tucked in my carry-on?
4. If my Leatherman with a 1.5 inch blade does not get it through security, how come I buy dozens of things more dangerous at the duty free (ever seen what damage a broken bottle can do?).
5. How come some airlines serve meals with stainless steel knives and forks? Why does the restaurant in the waiting lounge serve meals with stainless steel knives and forks?
6. How come the metal strings on my guitar are not considered as dangerous goods? Ever seen what damage my thin "high E"-string can do when strapped around a person's neck?
7. How come a sharpened pencil is not considered a dangerous good? Ever seen the damage a pencil does when pushed through someone's nose?
8. How come my glasses are not considered a dangerous good? They showed how to use it as a weapon in The Godfather III, didn't they?
9. How come needles and syringes are not seen as dangerous goods? How come nobody ever checks what the liquid is in the ampules I carry on? How dangerous could the combination of syringes with liquid morphine ampules be? Or the combination of a lighter, syringe and a combustible fluid in an ampule?
10. How come airport security screening never catches the three metal bottles of compressed air of our self-inflating sailing life jackets when we check it in with our luggage, but there is no way in hell we would get it on board as carry-on?
11. How come security confiscated the horse-shoe my daughter wanted to carry-on?
12. How come some airports confiscate lighters and others don't? Why do some confiscate matches and others don't? Why do some only allow one single box of matches? Why do some confiscate Zippo-lighters and others don't? What is more dangerous: a single Zippo lighter or five throw-away plastic lighters with lighter fluid in them?
13. How come in some airports, I just show a piece of paper, allegedly representing a printout of my Internet check-in, and they let me into the departure hall, and through security without scanning the barcode to see if I did not fake the print-out?
14. How come I could get on a flight even though the boarding pass was not in my name?
15. How come no-one at the gate ever checks if my plastified ID card is real? How come I can board a flight even though the lady at the gate said "I have never seen an ID-card like this!".
16. As it has been proven some lithium-ion laptop batteries are a fire hazard, can explode generating heat up to 1000 degrees, how come they don't have to be removed from laptops? How come some airlines offer adapters to charge laptops inflight?
17. How come in some airports I need to go through a security screening when entering the airport, one when entering the departure area, and one just before entering the boarding area? Just to make sure?
18. How come I could walk from the arrivals hall, back into the luggage-belt area and nobody stopped me?
19. How come the lady at the check-in counter laughs when I answer the question "Did you pack your bags yourself", with "No, my wife did."
20. How come everyone lies when asked the question "Was the luggage with you at all times?", like it was never held in the hotel luggage room by the bellboy, never stowed in the trunk of the airport shuttle, or left alone in the hotel room.
21. How come I can pick up someone else's luggage from the belt, and walk out of the airport without being checked?
22. How come, with all the security cameras around, people have their handluggage stolen at the check-in counter?
23. How come I can put my two mobile phones in the tray next to the metal detector and pick them up at the other side without them being screened?
24. How come some airport metal detectors go bazurk when I forget to take off my watch, and others don't?
25. How come I always fear for my harddisk when I see the way the security staff handles the tray in which I put my computer? Why can I not complain without being arrested for contempt?
26. How come the shuttle bus from the departure gate to the plane can drop us off at the wrong plane?
27. How come, allegedly for security reasons, I can not board with a computer bag and a small trolley, but it is OK if I put the bag in the trolley? How come it is OK to have two carry-ons when flying business class then?
28. How come I can ask a friend to hold my excess carry-on out of sight of the check-in counter, deny having any carry-on when checking in, and pick up the carry-on again before going through security?
29. How come, allegedly for security reasons, I am only allowed one bag with certain maximum weight and dimensions as carry-on, but can buy 15 bags of duty free stuff?
30. How come airlines do not award passengers when they can prove the security staff did not check thoroughly? Why am I regarded as a moron when I show what I managed to get through security this time? Why am I regarded as a nuisance when I tell the security staff they are not paying attention when I walked through the metal detector?
31. How come nobody asks these questions aloud?
More posts on The Road about flying, airports and travel.
Cartoon courtesy U.S. News & World Report
Posted: 12.10.08 (Link) 17 comments
News: US elections - when stupidity takes over
I don't have words for this. As non-Americans, we stand by and can do nothing but sigh. And hope.
News: After the global financial crisis comes the global humanitarian crisis?
"The budget should be balanced, the Treasury should be refilled,
public debt should be reduced, the arrogance of officialdom should be tempered and controlled, and the assistance to foreign lands should be curtailed lest Rome become bankrupt."
Cicero, 55 BC
What is the plural of "crisis"?
It seems like 2008 is becoming the year of global crisis. First we were faced with the worldwide food crisis, swiftly followed by, what now seems to be, a collapse of major financial institutions.
But it might not stop here. As FAO, the UN Food and Agriculture Organisation, calculated the cost to deal with the current food crisis at US$30 billion per year, donors stepped up their financial support.
But that was before the current financial crisis. At this moment, the governments worldwide concentrate their financial resources in keeping their banks and financial institutions afloat:
The Belgian, French and Luxembourg governments put in US$9 billion to keep Dexia afloat. (Full)
Previously Netherlands, Belgium and Luxembourg put up US$16.1 billion to save the Fortis bank. (Full)
Britain is working on a US$87.7 billion bank recapitalization concentrating on Barclays, HSBC and the Bank of Scotland (Full)
Spain announced a US$40.9 billion fund to buy up bank assets and maintain liquidity (Full)
Sweden is given Iceland's biggest bank, Kaupthing, an emergency loan worth up US$702 million) to help keep it afloat. (Full)
Germany has thrown a US$50 billion lifeline to struggling lender Hypo Real Estate. (Full)
Italy is about to set up a rescue fund close to US$30 billion for the banking industry. (Full)
Canada gave a US$25 billion "backstop" for there banks. (Full)
Russia pledged to boost liquidity by more than US$100bn (Full), on top of a US$5.4 billion loan to Iceland (Full)
And of course we all know about the $700 billion monster US bailout (Full)
Apart from the fact that economists doubt the effectiveness of bailouts, we might be facing the early beginning from a real 1930's style recession. If the consumers' confidence in the banks is not restored, governments can bailout all they want, up to the level where they bankrupt themselves. Like in Iceland, where the country declared anything short of a national bankruptcy...
Any money left for international aid?
The end balance? During the food crisis, donor countries already stepped up their extra-budgetary funds to come to the rescue of aid organisations "on the occasion of the raising food prices", but now are faced with the massive cash drain bailing out their own financial institutions.
At the same time, poor countries in Africa, Asia and Latin America, which are already dealing with a surge in food and energy prices, are now finding it harder to sell goods abroad and encourage investment in their own economies. (Full)
The question now is: how much money will be left for international aid?
This week, amidst the financial turmoil, world leaders met to review the progress of the UN Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). These are intended to reduce extreme global poverty and, improve health and education.
It was stressed that development aid needed to increase by $18 billion each year towards fulfilling the goals. At the end of the event, UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon announced that an additional US$16 billion had been pledged by governments to meet the targets of the MDGs. British Prime Minister Gordon Brown in his address to the UN, went on to say that the financial crisis should not be an excuse to cut aid. (Full)
The "Humanitarian Doomsday scenario" - the first signs
Many of us, in the aid organisations, are not that optimistic as UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon:
Journalist Andrew Stroehlein, the Director of Media and Information for the International Crisis Group, states it bluntly: "I might as well just pack up and go on holiday for a few months. With the global financial crisis continuing, no one wants to hear about violent conflict and mass atrocities around the world". (Full)
UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, just wrapped up its annual refugee conference and it is concerned its needs may not be met because of the global financial crisis. (Full)
"The financial turmoil rippling across the globe will set back efforts to fight climate change, drying up capital that could help poorer countries upgrade to clean energy technology", said Yvo de Boer, the executive secretary of the U.N. climate secretariat, adding: "You can't pick an empty pocket". (Full)
Will the global financial crisis also cause a global humanitarian crisis? Time will tell, but it looks like it. As history showed, the poorest of the world always pick the shortest straw.
Update Oct 15: Aid agencies say world's poorest will be biggest victims of world's financial crisis
More posts on The Road about the food crisis, poverty, development, the UN and the economy.
Original picture courtesy Susan Manuel (WFP)
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Dorky Geeky Nerdy Trivia | Star Wars: A New Hope
Brian DGN, Star Wars, Trivia Podcasts, Star Wars
Ten whole episodes!
For the big 1-0, we're going back to a galaxy far, far away…
Dorky Geeky Nerdy #10 – Star Wars: A New Hope
Star Wars IX Teaser Trailer
Brian Movies, Star Wars, TPT, Trailers Star Wars
Episode IX, The Rise of Skywalker comes out this December. Enjoy picking it apart between now and then.
Movie Review: Solo
Alexander Case Movies, Star Wars Star Wars
The latest film installment of Disney's new Star Wars hit theaters this past weekend. The film had some production hiccups and has not performed at the box office as well as Disney intended. I figure now is as good a time as any to give my thoughts on the film. More…
Was Star Wars Saved by Editing?
JD DeLuzio Star Wars
While viewers discusses the merits of the latest installment in the Star Wars saga, a recent video-essay tackles a long-debated question: was the original film (and by extension, the saga) saved by spectacular editing?
Spoiler-Free Review: Star Wars: The Last Jedi
`Lex Pendragon Movies, Star Wars
With an opening weekend behind it, here is the Bureau 42 review of Star Wars – Episode VIII – The Last Jedi. The review itself will endeavor to be as spoiler free as we can, but if you are avoiding spoilers, you should probably avoid the comments, too. More…
The Star Wars we never saw: Fan Trailer
Students at the Visual Effects students at the DAVE school in Florida have created a trailer for The Star Wars, using Ralph McQuarrie's original designs and Lucas's earlier concepts.
The Star Wars: Concept Trailer from The DAVE School on Vimeo.
Future Franchise Deals and Discussions with Disney
JD DeLuzio Newspace, Star Wars
If you haven't already heard, Rian Johnson will be overseeing an entirely new Star Wars trilogy, set in some other corner of a galaxy far, far away. Buzz holds that it might not even shoehorn in connections to every existing character.
Talks have stalled, but Disney and Fox continue to discuss a deal that would bring Marvel properties such as the X-Men and the Fantastic Four back under the Marvel Cinematic Universe's control.
If this happens, should the mutants and heroes rejoin? Or stay in their own universes? And will we finally get a good FF film?
The Last Jedi, Trailer #2
Brian Star Wars, TPT, Trailers Star Wars
Is it December yet?
Disney unveils model of their forthcoming "Star Wars" land
Since the Mouse Kingdom acquired Star Wars, many have speculated on what the inevitable "land" would look like at the Disney parks.
This model gives us a detailed look at their blend of several iconic settings in a galaxy, far far away. Further information may be found here.
Update: The Florida park will also have a themed hotel. No word on whether Figrin D'an will play the lounge.
Princess Leia's Stolen Death Star Plans
Someone has created a parody of the entire Sergeant Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band album that retells the plot of Star Wars, song by song.
The album can be downloaded, and is probably worth it just for "Luke is in the Desert and Whining." | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl"
} | 5,155 |
It's been said that ignorance is bliss.
During the depths of California's budget crisis, talk in Sacramento about how many tax dollars were sent to Washington, compared with what the state received in services, generally sparked anger. But these days, it's triggered fear.
The Sacramento Bee: Jerry Brown, legislators headed for budget clash?
State budgets have been easy-peasy political exercises in recent years, thanks to hefty increases in revenue from an expanding economy.
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California's bullet train could cost taxpayers 50% more than estimated — as much as $3.6 billion more – according to a confidential federal report obtained by the Los Angeles Times.
Associated Press: California revenue is growing. So why the talk of deficits?
SACRAMENTO, Calif. (AP) — California's economy is expanding and voters just approved billions of dollars in tax increases, yet Gov. Jerry Brown this week projected a budget deficit for the first time in four years and called for spending cuts.
Comments Off on Associated Press: California revenue is growing. So why the talk of deficits?
Ever since he returned to the governorship six years ago, Jerry Brown has preached fiscal caution, warning that the state would inevitably see another economic decline and plunging revenue.
In the six years since Gov. Jerry Brown returned to the state Capitol, his relatively parsimonious approach to state budgets has been consistent enough to leave few watchers expecting major surprises.
California's gubernatorial transitions have included a less-than-stellar tradition in recent decades – outgoing governors leaving budget deficits to successors.
UPLAND >> When the City Council gets its first glimpse of the proposed $46.1 million budget Monday night, it will include some maneuvers that indicate the city continues to live in very lean times. | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4"
} | 1,310 |
bug #7514: Change direct and inverse symbol for pro parte synonym and misapplied name relationship types.
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"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4"
} | 8,960 |
Sun/UB poll: Dixon leads Pugh, Stokes and Mosby in Baltimore mayor's race.
Dixon, who was favored by nearly a quarter of the respondents, leads the Democratic primary race by 11 points over her closest rival, state Sen. Catherine E. Pugh.
City Councilmen Carl Stokes and Nick J. Mosby are close behind in third and fourth place, trailed by lawyer Elizabeth Embry and businessman David L. Warnock.
"Sheila Dixon has almost a 2-to-1 lead, and not only that, but her support is the firmest by far," said Steve Raabe, president of OpinionWorks, the Annapolis-based firm that conducted the poll. Dixon has a wide lead among older voters and African-Americans, the poll shows.
But many Democrats have not made up their minds about how to vote in the April 26 primary, the poll shows, with more than a quarter of respondents undecided. For decades, the contest among the city's Democrats, who outnumber Republicans by a 10-1 margin, has decided the mayor's race.
The field has grown since Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake announced in September that she would not seek re-election. The poll indicates that she would have faced a daunting battle had she stayed in the race. Asked whether they would have voted for her, more than 70 percent of respondents said no. Her support is weakest among black voters, the poll found.
Former Mayor Sheila Dixon leads the Baltimore Democratic primary race for mayor by 11 points over her closest rival, state Sen. Catherine E. Pugh.
"What undergirds this whole race right now is that Stephanie Rawlings-Blake has really lost the African-American community in Baltimore," Raabe said. "Sheila Dixon is benefiting from the contrast in style that she draws with Rawlings-Blake."
The poll of 398 likely Baltimore Democratic primary voters was conducted Nov. 13 to Nov. 17. It has a margin of error of 4.9 percentage points.
"It's Sheila's race today, but there's still a long way to go," Raabe said.
While Dixon has loyal supporters, the poll found that nearly half the Democrats are less likely to vote for her because of the embezzlement conviction that forced her from City Hall five years ago. White voters are the most reluctant to back Dixon, preferring Embry and Pugh in particular.
Mosby faces a reluctance among some voters concerned that he is married to Marilyn J. Mosby, the city's top prosecutor. One-third of the respondents said they are less likely to vote for him because of his wife's position.
"People don't want two spouses in these leading roles," Raabe said. "It's very damaging in a crowded field."
Dixon, 61, spent 22 years in city government as a councilwoman, City Council president and eventually mayor. She was forced to resign in 2010 when she was convicted of embezzling gift cards meant for needy families.
Interviews with some voters polled show that many still consider her an effective administrator whose positives outweigh her negatives.
James Elliott, 72, who lives in Curtis Bay and backs Dixon, said he always considered her to be strong on police issues. The former mayor presided over a reduction of crime while in office.
"Frankly, I think she was doing a very good job until she screwed up," Elliott said. "She's pro-law and order."
Several recalled instances when Dixon helped them personally with a problem.
Robert Abrams of Northwest Baltimore counts himself as a firm Dixon supporter. Abrams, 66, recalled when Dixon as council president helped him retrieve property seized by the police.
"I was at my wits' end when I called Sheila Dixon's office," he said. "Within 30 minutes, she straightened everything out. When you're the little guy and government works for you, you don't forget that. She's done far more good things as mayor than the one bad thing she did."
Audrey Ford is among the 47 percent of respondents who said they are less likely to vote for Dixon because of her conviction. Ford, 85, of Howard Park, said she is backing Mosby and would never consider voting for Dixon.
"It will not be Sheila Dixon, I can tell you that," she said. "What she did is still too fresh. If I was she, I wouldn't be running again."
But in a crowded field — counting lesser-known candidates, 13 Democrats are running — Raabe said Dixon's strong base of supporters offers a path to victory.
"The embezzlement conviction does detract from her support," Raabe said. "There's clearly a factor there for Sheila Dixon that may limit her vote. But she clearly benefits from the many candidates in the field."
The poll shows that Dixon is backed by nearly a third of black voters, but just 10 percent of whites, whose support is split among the leading candidates. Embry is favored by 16 percent of white voters and Pugh by 15 percent.
Some voters say they are impressed by Pugh's experience. The 65-year-old businesswoman has worked in banking, higher education, publishing, public relations, journalism and politics. She ran against Rawlings-Blake in the 2011 mayoral race and finished second.
"She has experience at both the City Council and state Senate, and she understands city government," said Lance Brown, 62, of Ashburton. "She's competent and that's what makes her stand out in the field. I don't think a lot of the other people are competent."
Stokes, 65, who has managed businesses and co-founded two public charter schools, is known on the council for his outspoken criticism of tax subsidies for luxury development projects. He ran for mayor in 1999 but finished second to future Gov. Martin O'Malley.
Daniel Booker of East Baltimore finds Stokes to be a straight-shooter.
"He's always been honest. He's been upfront," said Booker, 62. "I just like him, and I think he would be a great mayor. I like Sheila Dixon too, but because of her little incident a couple years back, I don't think I would vote for her."
Mosby, 36, a first-time councilman, is a former Verizon engineer and senior project manager for Baltimore Gas and Electric Co. Audrey Ford likes his "community activism," including his Enough is Enough anti-violence walks.
Embry, 38, a former director of the Mayor's Office of Criminal Justice, is the daughter of Robert C. Embry Jr., the former city housing commissioner who now runs the Abell Foundation. James Crockett, 90, of Ashburton, considers Elizabeth Embry's family ties a plus.
"I think she would be the best mayor the city has had in the last 20 years because of the experience of her father," Crockett said. "When he was housing commissioner, he came up with the 'dollar homes.' Take a look at Otterbein. ... She's going to replicate the vast ideas her father implemented."
The election comes at a time when many Baltimoreans believe the city is headed in the wrong direction. About 58 percent of city primary voters said the city is "on the wrong track." Forty-one percent said they approve of Rawlings-Blake's performance in office, while 51 percent disapprove.
Raabe said Rawlings-Blake's negative ratings have increased since the death in April of 25-year-old Freddie Gray in police custody sparked weeks of protests and a night of rioting.
"Some of this in the poll would suggest she's taking a beating because of the Freddie Gray situation," Raabe said. "People are grading her whole tenure based on that one very important event. That was the time when all eyes were on her, and everybody was hungering for leadership."
Results are based on a survey of 398 likely Baltimore Democratic primary voters. The poll was done by OpinionWorks of Annapolis for The Baltimore Sun and the University of Baltimore's College of Public Affairs and Schaefer Center for Public Policy. The survey was conducted by telephone, both land-based and cellular, by trained interviewers from Nov. 13 to Nov. 17. Voters were randomly selected for interviews from a voter file provided by the State Board of Elections. The margin of error is plus or minus 4.9 percentage points. | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4"
} | 4,715 |
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Home > new music > Lars Horntveth, Jaga Jazzist, Britten Sinfonia, Barbican
Lars Horntveth, Jaga Jazzist, Britten Sinfonia, Barbican | reviews, news & interviews
Lars Horntveth, Jaga Jazzist, Britten Sinfonia, Barbican
A stunning collaboration between Norwegian instrumentalists and British ensemble
by Kieron TylerSunday, 17 June 2012
Jaga Jazzist: lull you into thinking they're going one way and then veer off somewhere else entirely Bard Sogge
"This is such fun". Martin Horntveth, Jaga Jazzist's drummer, can't contain his excitement. Standing up behind his kit, he radiates joy. Considering that he and his band are Norwegian, typically not given to overstatement, what he describes as fun would be off the pleasure scale by non-Nordic standards. The meeting of Jaga Jazzist and The Britten Sinfonia was an unqualified success, one of those rare one-off concerts where band and their temporary collaborators seamlessly connect.
The Norwegian instrumentalists and the British ensemble came together at The Barbican last night as part of the on-going Conexions season, a series of concerts – in London and Oslo – where musicians from each country are partnered. Jaga Jazzist exemplify a typically Norwegian approach to music where – regardless of the genre they might be pigeonholed as – disparate musical sources are amalgamated to create compositions that usually lull you into thinking they're going one way, and then veer off somewhere else entirely. With that sensibility and their multi-instrumentalist core nine members able to turn their hands to virtually any instrument, the collaboration promised a lot.
It delivered. But prior to that, before the interval, Jaga Jazzist's composer and arranger Lars Horntveth (pictured right) played Kaleidoscopic, his 2009 solo album, in its entirety with The Britten Sinfonia. On stage with him were two of his fellow band members along with percussionist Gard Nilssen and harpist Sunniva Rødland Wettre. And the massed members of the Sinfonia under conductor Christian Eggen.
Kaleidoscopic is a single, 37-minute piece. Live, the orchestration brought new colour, rather than swamping what was familiar. A new, organic feel was injected. The piece isn't about restated themes or a shift from one melodic section to the next, but about a series of complementary, yet contrasting, elements – the aural equivalent of doors opening and closing. The nearest equivalent is film music, with nods towards Lalo Schifrin. Leonard Bernstein would have recognised himself in there too. Utterly immersive, the piece flew by in what seemed like a few minutes. After it finished, someone to my right exclaimed, "it's a new form of music".
Lars Horntveth stood at the side of the stage, lost in wonder at what he was hearing
Jaga Jazzist themselves also nod towards Schifrin, along with Jerry Goldsmith and Fifties' composers like Harry Lubin, who strove to generate atmosphere. They also explicitly draw from ensemble jazz and employ electronica for texture. Lars Horntveth is fond of pedal steel. Vibes, marimba and glockenspiel enhance the exotic feel. The collaboration with The Britten Sinfonia was as sympathetic as it was with Kaleidoscopic. The music flowered, rather than being constrained by the occasion.
Two encores followed the nine-song set, which leaned heavily on 2010's One-Armed Bandit album. The earliest piece aired was "Kitty Wü" from 2002's The Stix. "Prungen", a new composition, was debuted – its winding path and Øystein Moen's synth arpeggios placed it alongside Lars Horntveth's work with Susanne Sundfør.
It wasn't just his brother Martin that was affected by the evening. At one point, during "Toccata", Lars Horntveth left his keyboard to stand at the side of the stage, lost in wonder at what he was hearing. The audience were similarly moved. The end of the set received an instant standing ovation. Everyone – audience and artist alike – recognised this one-off was a very special evening.
Visit Kieron Tyler's blog
Watch Jaga Jazzist rehearsing "For all you Happy People" in preparation for last night's Barbican concert
Everyone recognised that this one-off was a very special evening
Editor Rating:
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theartsdesk in Oslo: by:Larm Festival 2012 and the Nordic Music Prize
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CD: Hedvig Mollestad Trio – Shoot!
Album: The Eivind Aarset 4-Tet - Phantasmagoria, or A Different Kind of Journey
Album: Electric Eye - Horizons
Nordic music | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl"
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The Cyclopædia of American Biography/Springer, Warren
< The Cyclopædia of American Biography
The Cyclopædia of American Biography (1918)
James E. Homans, editor
Springer, Warren
sister projects: Commons category.
1455606The Cyclopædia of American Biography — Springer, Warren1918James E. Homans, editor
SPRINGER, Warren, capitalist, b. in New York, N. Y., 9 Oct., 1844; d. in Chicago, Ill., 8 Feb., 1912, son of Henry and Roxanna (Dore) Springer. His earliest American ancestor was Carl Springer, who emigrated to this country from London in 1670, going direct to Jamestown, Va., later settling in Christina, now known as Wilmington, Del. He was educated in the public schools of New York, and at twenty years of age removed to Chicago, starting in the machinery business in a small way. In this business he made remarkable progress, mastering every detail as he progressed, and was in charge of a highly profitable business until 1871, when the great fire destroyed the entire business section of the city. This calamity in no way discouraged Mr. Springer, who with characteristic enterprise and promptitude erected an eight-story and basement, mill construction, building in Canal Street, south of Jackson Street, fronting the river, on ground that cost him $50.00 a front foot. The building was called "Springer's Folly" because he located the building far away from the then generally recognized business district. In 1893 the property was sold to the Tunnel Company at $2,500 a front foot, netting him a profit of approximately 5,000 per cent for his large resourcefulness and superior business capacity. Mr. Springer was the originator of that particular style of factory building which has proven so successful. He contended that for efficiency the offices and salesrooms of a manufacturing concern should be located within the factory building, and that if the construction were heavy enough he could locate several factories and centralize the industry at a decreased operating cost. Consequently he built a boot and shoe manufacturing building, the success of which prompted him to erect a woodworks building, and a printers' building, erecting and operating in all thirteen buildings. In the operation of these structures, Mr. Springer manifested a comprehensive grasp of the various enterprises located there with a view toward centralization, and consequently increased the general efficiency, furnishing light, heat, steam, and power, night and day, summer and winter In the early seventies and eighties power was furnished by means of rope transmission, which method was followed in the nineties by an electric plant, generating electricity for motor power and lighting purposes. Mr. Springer lived to see his idea adopted by building experts in all large cities of the country, and many capitalists in Chicago today are erecting similar buildings. His foresight and acumen is largely responsible for many of the desirable conditions existing in Chicago at this time. In 1893 he retired from the machinery business to devote his time exclusively to his large real estate holdings on the West Side, which won for him the distinction of being called "The Father of the West Side." The magnitude of these interests was considerable, yet so thoroughly systematized were his affairs that he handled them with ease. Mr. Springer was a man of simple tastes and quiet demeanor, but whose strong personality impressed itself upon his associates, emphasizing, in a marked degree, precision, prudence, and determination. He possessed a faculty for persistent and indefatigable application, and displayed the intrinsic worth and force of his character, combined with such a remarkable degree of good judgment that his advice and co-operation upon intricate business relations were highly valued by all who came in contact with him. That he did more than any other man to develop the West Side, in Chicago, where his manufacturing property was located, no one denies. He was an efficient force impelled by a progressive spirit and guided by conservative ideas. He never mingled in politics; never used tobacco or intoxicating liquors in any form, and was opposed to all forms of sham and pretense. Mr. Springer was a member of the Episcopal Church, and a liberal supporter of many worthy benevolent organizations. On 4 April, 1893, he married Miss Marguerite, daughter of John V. and Mary F. (Ferguson) Maginness, of Newark, Ohio. He was survived by his widow and one daughter, Frances, wife of Edwin D. Keith, of Chicago.
Eng by W T.Bather.N.Y.
Retrieved from "https://en.wikisource.org/w/index.php?title=The_Cyclopædia_of_American_Biography/Springer,_Warren&oldid=4299718" | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl"
} | 7,354 |
I can't believe I used to give money to these people. Since when is killing babies a human right? How can they spend so much more money promoting abortion than fighting against torture and other urgent human rights abuses? Rather than spending money on abortion we should be spending it on providing better healthcare and support for all pregnant women around the world.
Almost half of Amnesty International Ireland's campaign money went on abortion promotion in 2016 with just 6% going on abolition of the death penalty and 15% on stopping torture. Amnesty International's spend in 2016 on abortion topped any other human rights work according an article in 'The Sun' October 2017 at nearly 50% of the total campaign funding.
Dublin, Ireland, Dec 11, 2017 / 05:00 pm (CNA/EWTN News).- Amnesty International is in no position to oppose an Irish law against foreign political funding now that it is under scrutiny for taking money from U.S. financier George Soros' Open Society Foundations to target the country's abortion restrictions, Irish pro-life advocates have said.
"The arrogance they have shown in the past few days on this issue is staggering. They are now trying to argue that they have a 'human right' to take money from billionaires to push to have abortion legalization in Ireland, while they also argue that preborn children should not have the most basic human right of all – the right to life," Niamh Ui Bhriain, a spokesperson for the Irish-based Life Institute, told CNA Dec. 11.
She said the action shows the reliance of Irish pro-abortion rights campaigners on foreign funding. Millions of dollars in overseas funding have targeted Ireland's pro-life laws for decades, as have other U.S. groups like the Center for Reproductive Rights.
"It's made for a very un-level playing field in the abortion debate in Ireland," she said.
The Republic of Ireland's Standards in Public Office Commission has told the human rights and pro-abortion legalization group to return about $160,000 in funds to the Soros foundations. According to the commission, the money violated Irish law barring foreign donations to third party groups seeking to influence the outcome of a referendum campaign. | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4"
} | 9,587 |
For builders. Builder. and quest tokens from special events and some.Square Enix released the first in-game screenshots of Dragon Quest Builders, giving us a little more clarity into how the upcoming Minecraft-esque PlayStation game. Signals Network strategy builder for anyone to build their own crypto.
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The features of a faction base include providing quest, selling gears. quests will cost Feat Tokens,. originally planned to be released with faction bases.
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Following the launch of the European Network of U-space Demonstrators by Commissioner Violeta Bulc on 19 October in Antwerp, EUROCONTROL is delighted to be hosting today the first meeting of the Network members.
The meeting will be focussing on addressing the challenges which businesses are facing to deploy U-space services and will look at how the Network can best support them.
reduce red tape by streamlining regulatory and administrative hurdles across borders, pushing for as much harmonisation as possible.
A series of presentations will be held, featuring lessons learned from public and private industries, a briefing on the European Transport and Mobility policy by the European Commission, expectations from the regulator as well as from investors seeking to invest in U-space business. Members of the Network will also be able to brainstorm and explore ways of overcoming the challenges.
EUROCONTROL is part of the Network Cell, together with EASA and SJU, which supports the newly established Network to develop concrete material for U-space projects. The network will become a forum to share knowledge on how to keep drone operations safe, secure and green.
U-space is an enabling framework designed to facilitate any kind of routine mission, in all classes of airspace and all types of environment - even the most congested – while addressing an appropriate interface with manned aviation and air traffic control. When fully deployed, a wide range of drone missions that are currently being restricted will be possible thanks to a sustainable and robust European ecosystem that is globally interoperable. The timing for U-space is critical given the speed at which the market is growing. The aim is to have foundation U-space services in place by 2019.
Paul Bosman, Head of ATM Strategies at EUROCONTROL, addressing the attendees at the first European Network U-space Demonstrators meeting. | {
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} | 3,964 |
SPELLCHEK – If a word in the dictionary were misspelled, how would we know? – Steven Wright
Labor takes Labor Day off in the birthplace of unions
No Labor Day activities were held in Flint – http://www.abc12.com/story/26421133/no-labor-day-activities-were-held-in-flint
FLINT (WJRT) – 9/1/14 Flint has long been known as a leader in the labor movement. But on Labor Day there were no rallies, parades or picnics to celebrate the holiday in the Flint area. Union members say there are three factors contributing to absence of Labor Day activities. Lack of membership, lack of money and a lack of commitment.
Last year at Flint Sitdowners Memorial Park, about 300 people, including union members and politicians were on hand. But this year the park was vacant. No celebration, no applauding the sacrifices made by Sitdowners. Union members say it was a cost cutting move.
"It's just all the downsizing and the union has got to figure ways to cut costs so they can keep all the programs going," said Doug Trouten, Local 651 retiree.
Thirty years ago there were approximately 80,000 UAW members in the Flint area. Today there are about 8,000. In 2010 Crossroads Village was filled with UAW members. There was a parade and a picnic. That was the last year for the gathering at Crossroads.
"On Labor Day the UAW would sponsor a picnic out here and it just got to the point, it was the cost and the members coming out," said Trouten.
At Crossroads this year, there were no banners announcing Labor Day, no red, white and blue bunting. You couldn't tell it was a holiday.
"I don't see any of my UAW friends here," said Barbara Erler of Swartz Creek.
"People have different interests I guess," said Bea Samson of Flint Township.
"Oh, its absolutely an important holiday. It's what makes our engine tick around here. And it's very important for people to take time to recognize that," said Jeff Sabolish of Flushing Township.
UAW Local 599 held a picnic Saturday in Flint to celebrate its 75th anniversary. But other than that there were no labor celebrations in the Flint area.
Meanwhile, in la-la land
President Obama used Labor Day to tout the country's economic gains under his leadership and make an election-year case that higher wages and other progress for workers can only be achieved through a Democrat-controlled Congress.
"American workers and the American economy are better off since I took office," Obama told a crowd filled with union supporters at the annual Laborfest event in Milwaukee – http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2014/09/01/obama-on-labor-day-touts-economic-gains-under-his-leadership-is-mum-on-pressing/?intcmp=latestnews
Seems kinda tough to ever make any progress when you have a POTUS that is delusional. But you can say the same for Big Labor. Like any addict, until you can admit you have a problem, no solution is possible.
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Spellchek | {
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} | 9,021 |
The Life and Times of Anna: Fun Times!!!
Thursday night a few of us girls went downtown with no particular destination in mind and had a great time. We took pictures until our cameras died. :) I have posted a few of the pictures that were taken and some of them will give you a good laugh. Enjoy!!!
Carly on the top of the Sheraton Hotel acting like she is on the Titanic.
Dramatic Pose... Not sure what its supposed to be.
Fayruz is thinking, I am touching the door and Vera is on the phone. Fayruz' idea. Thats all for now. xoxo.
Umm... so this is what happened after Thursday's CoffeeBreak?
You girls are crazy. Crazy fun though too!
Vera told me what u guys did! lol. Looks and sounded like u grls had fun.
Agh cant wait to start going to college and career next year.
"Jeska" how long until you graduate?
James and Chris, we did have crazy fun, we always do. :) Next time you should join us.
Jessica, I can't wait till you graduate and join college and career either, but in the mean time we will have fun after youth. :) Love ya!!! | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4"
} | 92 |
Special Someone is here to give crafty artsy people who also have a disability, or are 55 plus, an opportunity to create and sell their creations at little or no cost to them.
Our second goal is to provide a special inclusive gift store that will offer sensory integrated gifts to help children integrate visual, tactile and kinesthetic domains. We will also have great gifts for adults with or without disabilities. It will be a perect place to find a gift for both a child and a grandparent...those special someones.
If you live in the vicinity of Northwest Arkansas, have a special creative talent, are over 55 years old and/or have any type of disability, please contact us by texting 479-926-5231. We are still accepting handmade gifts of all types and poetry books. | {
"redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4"
} | 5,060 |
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<a name="Building-Documentation"></a>
<h4 class="subsection">6.3.7 Building Documentation</h4>
<p>The main GCC documentation is in the form of manuals in Texinfo
format. These are installed in Info format; DVI versions may be
generated by ‘<samp>make dvi</samp>’, PDF versions by ‘<samp>make pdf</samp>’, and
HTML versions by ‘<samp>make html</samp>’. In addition, some man pages are
generated from the Texinfo manuals, there are some other text files
with miscellaneous documentation, and runtime libraries have their own
documentation outside the <samp>gcc</samp> directory. FIXME: document the
documentation for runtime libraries somewhere.
<table class="menu" border="0" cellspacing="0">
<tr><td align="left" valign="top">• <a href="Texinfo-Manuals.html#Texinfo-Manuals" accesskey="1">Texinfo Manuals</a>:</td><td> </td><td align="left" valign="top">GCC manuals in Texinfo format.
<tr><td align="left" valign="top">• <a href="Man-Page-Generation.html#Man-Page-Generation" accesskey="2">Man Page Generation</a>:</td><td> </td><td align="left" valign="top">Generating man pages from Texinfo manuals.
<tr><td align="left" valign="top">• <a href="Miscellaneous-Docs.html#Miscellaneous-Docs" accesskey="3">Miscellaneous Docs</a>:</td><td> </td><td align="left" valign="top">Miscellaneous text files with documentation.
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