{ "answer_start": [ 0 ], "text": [ "It 's all over the radio and she wants her version out there too .She wants them to know she loves apples .She is upset that things have changed .None of the above choices ." ] }
Why is she writing about how she feels ?
It is hard for me to grasp , at some level , how radically different it is now vs. a few short weeks ago . Just a few weeks ago , I was going off to the store and getting apples and the ingredients for food , coasting on clouds . And now ? It 's over .
{ "answer_start": [ 0 ], "text": [ "She wants them to know she loves apples .It 's all over the radio and she wants her version out there too .She wants someone to know how she is doing right now .None of the above choices ." ] }
Why is she writing about how she feels ?
It is hard for me to grasp , at some level , how radically different it is now vs. a few short weeks ago . Just a few weeks ago , I was going off to the store and getting apples and the ingredients for food , coasting on clouds . And now ? It 's over .
{ "answer_start": [ 0 ], "text": [ "Because the writer has to be in class all day .Because the writer got a lot done .None of the above choices .Because the writer wanted to go to camp ." ] }
Why is it surprising that it 's nice out ?
So today it was suprisingly nice out . i mean seriously ... why can it be nice out and i have to be in class all day ? although i did get a lot done and i am happy that i did , but still the sun was out , it was warm and i wanted to go to camp .
{ "answer_start": [ 0 ], "text": [ "We wanted to prepare for potential get - away plans .We knew that we would have get - away plans this summer .We did n't have any air mattresses .None of the above choices ." ] }
What may have been your reason for getting a tent and sleeping bags ?
We got a tent a couple days ago , and sleeping bags for the kids and air mattresses . We are not certain if we 'll go camping this summer , but if the opportunity strikes we would like to be ready . As soon as we got home , Matthew commenced asking , every ten minutes on the dot , if he could camp out that night . It threatened rain that night , but last night was clear .
{ "answer_start": [ 0 ], "text": [ "None of the above choices .They told me that they trust me with the animals .They delegate supervision tasks to me .They delegate tasks to me without supervision ." ] }
What may be your reason for thinking you 've earned your place there ?
My favorite part of the job is training and handling the animals . I really like that they are trusting me to be able to handle some of the animals without supervision . There is always someone around if I need help , but they are n't overseeing it like they were in the beginning , which makes me feel like they trust me which is important for a work environment . It makes me feel like I ' ve earned a place there ... and I believe I have .
{ "answer_start": [ 0 ], "text": [ "She is a glutton for punishment and enjoys feeling like she 's being cheated onShe is also cheating on her partner and figures that it is fair if he is unfaithful to her as wellShe enjoys the situation of an unfaithful relationship because it challenges herShe wants to trust him blindly and likely believes any of the excuses he chooses to make up" ] }
Why would continue to deny the fact that her partner is being unfaithful to her ?
I felt bad for her . It 's amazing how people can live in such a state of denial . I ' m sure there are tell tell signs right in front of her , that her man is on the " DL " .
{ "answer_start": [ 0 ], "text": [ "I enjoyed being in my room and it made me want to write a song about itNone of the above choices .I was hurrying so I could finish writing lyrics before I ate dinnerI was trying to make a song because I got inspired" ] }
Why was I writing lyrics in my room ?
I was upset that I forgot that ... but I still have more to tell about yesterday that I stopped in the middle of yesterday . Anyway , after I got home I put my warm - up pants on and had a burst of inspiration stuff and sat in my room writing lyrics for a little bit . I was entirely proud of myself for accomplishing stuff . But I stopped for dinner at one point . After dinner at another point ( lol ) , Elaine came in and asked me if she went to Joann 's that i would go too .
{ "answer_start": [ 0 ], "text": [ "None of the above choices .I wanted to use my inspiration to produce lyrics for a songI was hurrying so I could finish writing lyrics before I ate dinnerI enjoyed being in my room and it made me want to write a song about it" ] }
Why was I writing lyrics in my room ?
I was upset that I forgot that ... but I still have more to tell about yesterday that I stopped in the middle of yesterday . Anyway , after I got home I put my warm - up pants on and had a burst of inspiration stuff and sat in my room writing lyrics for a little bit . I was entirely proud of myself for accomplishing stuff . But I stopped for dinner at one point . After dinner at another point ( lol ) , Elaine came in and asked me if she went to Joann 's that i would go too .
{ "answer_start": [ 0 ], "text": [ "None of the above choices .Elaine is shy and does n't want to go alone so she wants me to go with herElaine wanted to see if I would say no because she does n't want to go to the partyElaine wanted to hook me up with someone at the party" ] }
Why does Elaine come in to ask me about the party ?
I was upset that I forgot that ... but I still have more to tell about yesterday that I stopped in the middle of yesterday . Anyway , after I got home I put my warm - up pants on and had a burst of inspiration stuff and sat in my room writing lyrics for a little bit . I was entirely proud of myself for accomplishing stuff . But I stopped for dinner at one point . After dinner at another point ( lol ) , Elaine came in and asked me if she went to Joann 's that i would go too .
{ "answer_start": [ 0 ], "text": [ "Elaine wanted to see if I would say no because she does n't want to go to the partyElaine wanted to hook me up with someone at the partyNone of the above choices .Elaine wants company at the party and feels uncomfortable going alone" ] }
Why does Elaine come in to ask me about the party ?
I was upset that I forgot that ... but I still have more to tell about yesterday that I stopped in the middle of yesterday . Anyway , after I got home I put my warm - up pants on and had a burst of inspiration stuff and sat in my room writing lyrics for a little bit . I was entirely proud of myself for accomplishing stuff . But I stopped for dinner at one point . After dinner at another point ( lol ) , Elaine came in and asked me if she went to Joann 's that i would go too .
{ "answer_start": [ 0 ], "text": [ "They 've been conditioned to think that way .Because no one listens to it .Because people have a conscience and a brain .Because people remove media from their children 's presence ." ] }
Why do people believe there 's nothing wrong with the media ?
Then you have the media . A lot of people bring this stuff up and have been trying to prove this for years . No one listens because there are too many people reliant on media and who do n't feel that there 's anything bad about it . But if one with a conscience had any brain about them ... watching any of these TV shows , movies or videogames , you would definietly remove them from your children 's presence .
{ "answer_start": [ 0 ], "text": [ "None of the above choices .A show that was n't on tv went onto Youtube .His girlfriend did n't want him to watch it , but when they broke up he could watch on Youtube .A show that he could n't afford came onto a video on Youtube ." ] }
Why did the person want to watch Youtube ?
I do n't have TV service so I had to wait till it hit YouTube . Not what I expected which is good . I expected it to be way over the top . Turns out it is only a little over the top .
{ "answer_start": [ 0 ], "text": [ "A movie that he could n't watch on tv came onto Youtube .His girlfriend did n't want him to watch it , but when they broke up he could watch on Youtube .None of the above choices .A show that was n't on tv went onto Youtube ." ] }
Why did the person want to watch Youtube ?
I do n't have TV service so I had to wait till it hit YouTube . Not what I expected which is good . I expected it to be way over the top . Turns out it is only a little over the top .
{ "answer_start": [ 0 ], "text": [ "Diet pills can help you achieve a healthy body easily .A well - balanced plan for our goals .All you have to do is work - out to be healthy .A well - balanced meal and work - out plan ." ] }
What may cause you to get a healthy body ?
Health and dieting is very important nowadays to live your life to the fullest and achieving a healthy living and lifestyle . It is everyone 's dream to stay healthy and stay away from illness . In order to achieve a healthy body , we need to eat healthy foods including healthy diet and exercise to enable us to attain the goal we have in life . There are times we need to take diet pills to help kick start our health and fitness plans .
{ "answer_start": [ 0 ], "text": [ "My boyfriend threw some liquid on it .I threw up on my jacket .None of the above choices .It got some liquid thrown onto it ." ] }
What may have caused your jacket to get wet ?
Thankfully it was more an exhaustion / headache hangover as opposed to the kind of hangovers were you feel queasy and need to throw up and ca n't eat . My jacket got wet ( somene must have spilt booze on it ) so I had to walk 20 minutes into city centre , and wait another 20 minutes on my bus in weather so cold that it started snowing , without a jacket . I split up my my boyfriend at last . Not gon na ask for him back this time , no matter how depressed I get .
{ "answer_start": [ 0 ], "text": [ "None of the above choices .Hammett bet his keys onlyHammett lost the bet and his carMetallica star lost his camaro to a bet" ] }
What may have happened after Hammett made a bet over record sales ?
METALLICA star KIRK HAMMETT lost the Porsche he treated himself to when he first became rich in a bet over record sales . The rocker admits he had no idea of fiscal responsibility when he first struck it rich as a celebrity and thought nothing of offering the keys to his beloved sportscar to a pal . He says , " It was more of a gentleman 's wager .
{ "answer_start": [ 0 ], "text": [ "I woke up and I was still exhausted .I had weird dreams about a Bohemian Man .I was aching .I wanted to start writing my book immediately ." ] }
What may have caused you to skip your shower and breakfast ?
As a result , I felt very exhausted , so I went to bed . I kept on waking up after couple of hours , and had dreams that I got a hold of the Allspark and made peace between the Autobots and the Decepticons , and in another dream I started writing another book , a diary by an aged bohemian man . In the morning I noticed that my back was hurting . The pain stung the right side of my lower back everytime I turned on the other side on my bed , and I still felt it after I got up . I did n't care to take a shower or eat a proper breakfast .
{ "answer_start": [ 0 ], "text": [ "I was meeting someone before they flew to a different country .I was meeting Connor before he flew to a different country .None of the above choices .We had a mission in San Francisco ." ] }
What may have caused you to go to San Diego ?
Connor and I spent a long weekend ( 5 days ) in San Diego . The main reason for our trip was because Connor 's younger brother Parker left on his mission today . So , we headed down to be at his farewell and see him off at the airport .
{ "answer_start": [ 0 ], "text": [ "We would have been unable to eat and drink and live a comfortable lifeI would have had to work to get an extra income for the familyNone of the above choices .My father would have gone to get a better job to have more income" ] }
What might have happened if you did n't manage to get things from your own backyard ?
I grew up in the country , seeing my grandparents making magic with one salary of twenty - five dollars per month . My grandfather learned how to handle it doing some additional jobs like painting the town 's houses , cutting yards , and selling bottles of milk from our own cows . Everything was limited back then . Everything from fruits , to vegetables , and the meat we ate came from our yard .
{ "answer_start": [ 0 ], "text": [ "None of the above choices .A point cutoff .Fewer points than me .Three months ." ] }
What did Dane Reynolds finish with last year ?
You have more points now , with a bit more than three months to go , than Dane Reynolds finished with last year , and he ended up second on the WQS . The point cutoff to qualify typically goes up every year , but the general consensus is that this year it would be lower than 2007 , which would certainly mean you 're safe . We all thought there would be fewer points this year , but a lot of guys on the WCT are n't doing the WQS , or are n't really pursuing it .
{ "answer_start": [ 0 ], "text": [ "Ryo would see that Yamapi has changed and that now that she 's changed she 's less appealingRyo would realize that he was actually jealous that Yamapi spent time with other guys instead of himRyo would have a better opinion of Yamapi and feel that she does indeed like himNone of the above choices ." ] }
What would happen if Yamapi went on a date with Ryo for his birthday ?
Ryo is n't quite sure what to think about this , especially since Yamapi has never bothered to go on a date with Ryo for his birthday ( granted , usually the two of them are too busy to actually meet up , but still ) . And no , he is not jealous . Or maybe he is . Ryo does n't like to lie to himself , because it 's always a waste of time when he does . Ryo does n't know when they came together . Ryo and Yamapi .
{ "answer_start": [ 0 ], "text": [ "We might end up splitting up apart for good and forget about the relationship .We might end up getting back together and get serious about the relationship .None of the above choices .We might end up getting back together while being casual about the relationship ." ] }
What might happen to the relationship between me and my ex girlfriend ?
Me and my girlfriend split up around a month ago but ever since we have n't left each other alone . We text each other all the time , go out to the cinema and meals and walks and stuff . We even kiss and hold hands . We laugh at ourselves because we know we 're not together but I know I still consider her to be my girlfriend and she says that she still loves me .
{ "answer_start": [ 0 ], "text": [ "He would turn to his creative side to make money .He would try to get his job back at Boeing .He would make bikes for income .He would turn to his boat races to make money ." ] }
What may happen after your dad gets layed off from Boeing ?
When dad got layed off from Boeing in the ' 70 's , he made toy hydro boats and planters for an income . We used to paint our hydros and tie them on to the back of our bikes . My oldest brother used to have us down to watch the races at his house .
{ "answer_start": [ 0 ], "text": [ "She 's losing weight , 9 oz to be exact .Sarah left the hospital at 6 lb 6 oz .She 's gaining weight .She had to go to the hospital every two weeks for a check up ." ] }
What may be true about Sarah ?
Sarah just had her 2 week check up . Since she left the hospital at 5 lb 11 oz , she has gained 9 oz ! That 's right , my baby is at 6 lb 6 oz ! Not too shabby !
{ "answer_start": [ 0 ], "text": [ "Some of the patrons from the criminal house tried to break into my car again .Some of the patrons from the criminal house tried to break into my house again .Some of the cops casing the criminal house came pounding on my door again .Some of the cops casing the criminal house came pounding on my car window again ." ] }
Why am I sitting upright in bed wondering if I should move right now ?
I would n't worry so much , except that there were still cars parked outside our house from patrons to the Criminal House ( across the street , the one with the crowbar beating and the drug dealing ) , and we ' ve called the cops on them numerous times , and some guys showed up on our doorstep once before , apparently convinced that some guy they were after was in * our * house . And so I do n't hear anything for a long . Long time . And I ' m sitting upright in bed , wondering if I should move , and the minutes get longer .
{ "answer_start": [ 0 ], "text": [ "I stress out over the smallest of things , its how I am .None of the above choices .I got a pimple a few days before and was freaking out .I wanted to look bad for the photos so my mom would n't pay for them ." ] }
Why was the photoshoot causing me stress ?
I had my photoshoot on Sunday and I was sooo happy to get it over with . The anticipation was causing me a lot of stress ; like the weeks preceding a highschool reunion or someone 's wedding . You plan to get your outfit perfect and yourself in shape before the day but you always end up pulling everything together at the last minute .
{ "answer_start": [ 0 ], "text": [ "The baby was near the window .The hubby was near the window .They were preparing some food .None of the above choices ." ] }
What 's a possible reason the writer was in the kitchen ?
I was in the kitchen last night and hubby and baby were near the window . Suddenly both of them were excitedly calling me out to come over , and there was a sight to behold ! A boat was firing off fireworks in the pitch dark sky . The display continued for about 15 mins as we watched , enthralled from the window !
{ "answer_start": [ 0 ], "text": [ "None of the above choices .We had tried to go over a puddle which was very deepThere had been flooding and the roads were logged with water which we were driving throughWe had run into a puddle of water which was very deep" ] }
What caused your cars tires to be submerged in the water ?
My brother went slow and he was praying ' Please please do nt stall please please ' . The car in front of us was a similar car and I could n't see their tyres . So this means that my car 's tyres was swimming in the water .
{ "answer_start": [ 0 ], "text": [ "Because with new cars , you can never tell if it 's in a good condition .Because with used cars , you can never tell if it 's in a good condition .Because with new cars , you can always tell if it 's in a good condition .Because with used cars , you can usually tell if it 's in a good condition ." ] }
Why might I feel ambivalent about buying this car ?
I am thinkin about purchasing a 04 ' Infiniti G35 for $ 12,000 , & it has 70k miles on it , the car looks and drives beautiful , but is it worth buying ?
{ "answer_start": [ 0 ], "text": [ "None of the above choices .Because it is n't exactly my first choice of actual work .Because they got me another $ 3/hour .Because I enjoy my interactions with them ." ] }
Why is this client my favorite ?
I ' m wrapping up on my favorite client today . Will start back at my other favorite client on Tuesday ( yay ! ) . It is n't exactly my first choice of actual work ( it will be accounting , rather than auditing ) , but they did get me another $ 3/hour , which is good . And it is a longer - term gig , which is great .
{ "answer_start": [ 0 ], "text": [ "None of the above choices .Big girls are used to being let down and choose not to believe the promises they get because they know that the world is full of lies and painBig girls can handle pain better because they 're bigger and do n't feel pain as easilyBig girls refers to girls who are smart , mature and old enough to understand that pain is a natural consequence of surgery and medicine" ] }
Why do you feel that big girls understand that promises regarding pain can not be made ?
That was one of the things they did not do at my doctor 's office ; do a 48hr follow up every time to monitor the progress or lack thereof of the staph infection . He was extremely friendly , and tried to put me at ease about the potential painfulness of the procedure without " promising anything " . I told him I was a big girl and I understood that promises like that can never be made . See , the day before I had gone into my doctor 's office where the physicians ' assistant ( my doc was booked ) performed the drainage procedure .
{ "answer_start": [ 0 ], "text": [ "Took several shots of whiskey at a casino .Had a glass of wine with dinner .Shared a soda at a bar .None of the above choices ." ] }
What did Martin & Sam do before they got married ?
It is Vegas . Sam fell over and all Martin could do was standing an creepily stare at her backside . Martin : Sho bebbeh , how s about dat kissh now?Sam : Shure dood , kissh me fool . Martin : Hey , I hash a brilliant idea , letsh get married . They found an all night chapel . Elvis Impersonator : Why yes , I am Elvis the famous musician . Martin : Yesh shure , whateversh . Jusht marry ush . And so he did . They slurred through their vows .
{ "answer_start": [ 0 ], "text": [ "Regretful they did n't take pictures of the ceremony .Excited to plan their lives together .Fuzzy about the details of the ceremony .None of the above choices ." ] }
How did Martin & Sam feel the day after they got married ?
It is Vegas . Sam fell over and all Martin could do was standing an creepily stare at her backside . Martin : Sho bebbeh , how s about dat kissh now?Sam : Shure dood , kissh me fool . Martin : Hey , I hash a brilliant idea , letsh get married . They found an all night chapel . Elvis Impersonator : Why yes , I am Elvis the famous musician . Martin : Yesh shure , whateversh . Jusht marry ush . And so he did . They slurred through their vows .
{ "answer_start": [ 0 ], "text": [ "Regretful about their decision .None of the above choices .Excited to plan their lives together .Regretful they did n't take pictures of the ceremony ." ] }
How did Martin & Sam feel the day after they got married ?
It is Vegas . Sam fell over and all Martin could do was standing an creepily stare at her backside . Martin : Sho bebbeh , how s about dat kissh now?Sam : Shure dood , kissh me fool . Martin : Hey , I hash a brilliant idea , letsh get married . They found an all night chapel . Elvis Impersonator : Why yes , I am Elvis the famous musician . Martin : Yesh shure , whateversh . Jusht marry ush . And so he did . They slurred through their vows .
{ "answer_start": [ 0 ], "text": [ "I might feel it 's the most disinterested press shows on the air .I might feel it 's the most interesting press shows on the air .I might feel it 's the most annoying press shows on the air .I might feel it 's the most repeated press shows on the air ." ] }
What might be concluded about how I feel about Keith 's show ?
And Keith 's is not the only show that plays twice during the evening ! Could n't they have canceled one of the repeats instead of his show ! How am I supposed to live without Beat the Press , huh ? How ?
{ "answer_start": [ 0 ], "text": [ "Because most of the time it 's fun .Because it requires a lot of time and energy .Because they are celebrities or just regular students .None of the above choices ." ] }
What 's a possible reason it 's not really easy being an athlete ?
As far as life in school is concerned , we are all treated equally , whether you are an athlete , a celebrity or just a regular student . We athletes just get a little bit of extra , that is our training . Its not really easy being an athlete though most of the times its fun .
{ "answer_start": [ 0 ], "text": [ "None of the above choices .Because she would capture some things .Because he is jealous .Because she would take some things to the zoo ." ] }
Why is Mike annoyed that the writer is hanging out with guys ?
i would n't actually . i 'd capture both of them and take them to the zoo or something.i think mike is getting annoyed that i ' m hanging out with guys . i mean i can understand where he 's coming from but he really has nothing to worry about .
{ "answer_start": [ 0 ], "text": [ "Because he is insecure .Because she would capture some things .None of the above choices .Because she would take some things to the zoo ." ] }
Why is Mike annoyed that the writer is hanging out with guys ?
i would n't actually . i 'd capture both of them and take them to the zoo or something.i think mike is getting annoyed that i ' m hanging out with guys . i mean i can understand where he 's coming from but he really has nothing to worry about .
{ "answer_start": [ 0 ], "text": [ "Because they wanted to adjust to the time at their new location .Because they wanted to see Dublin castle .Because they were unable to get into the rooms until 2 pm .Because they wanted to prolong the jetlag ." ] }
Why did they try not to sleep until 6 pm ?
Our goal for the day was to make it without sleeping until 6 pm local time , which was quite a struggle . We were unable to get into our rooms until 2 pm , but due to our perserverence and the realization that we would only prolong the jetlag if we gave in , we valiantly made it until 4:30pm before lying down . We slept all night , woke up around 7:30am this morning , and I think we 're good to go . Today we plan to see the Dublin Castle , and take a double decker bus tour of the city .
{ "answer_start": [ 0 ], "text": [ "They wanted to see how gross birth is .They want to make fun of the birth video .None of the above choices .They are pregnant and expecting a baby ." ] }
Why are they going to labor classes ?
I 'll start with the baby stuff . Chris and I went to class again and this time saw the " birth " video , which was n't as gross as I thought it 'd be . We also learned some new " labor moves " and breathing techniques . And again , our teacher provided some audible suggestions of what labor might sound like .
{ "answer_start": [ 0 ], "text": [ "They wanted to see how gross birth is .None of the above choices .They want to make fun of the birth video .They want to learn more about breahing exercises and birth ." ] }
Why are they going to labor classes ?
I 'll start with the baby stuff . Chris and I went to class again and this time saw the " birth " video , which was n't as gross as I thought it 'd be . We also learned some new " labor moves " and breathing techniques . And again , our teacher provided some audible suggestions of what labor might sound like .
{ "answer_start": [ 0 ], "text": [ "That they will have to practice the breathing techniques .None of the above choices .That birth will not be as gross as they thought .That the teacher will be there to help them with birth ." ] }
Now that they have seen the birth video , what do they espect ?
I 'll start with the baby stuff . Chris and I went to class again and this time saw the " birth " video , which was n't as gross as I thought it 'd be . We also learned some new " labor moves " and breathing techniques . And again , our teacher provided some audible suggestions of what labor might sound like .
{ "answer_start": [ 0 ], "text": [ "That they will have to practice the breathing techniques .That the teacher will be there to help them with birth .That they will be prepared for all the baby stuff .None of the above choices ." ] }
Now that they have seen the birth video , what do they espect ?
I 'll start with the baby stuff . Chris and I went to class again and this time saw the " birth " video , which was n't as gross as I thought it 'd be . We also learned some new " labor moves " and breathing techniques . And again , our teacher provided some audible suggestions of what labor might sound like .
{ "answer_start": [ 0 ], "text": [ "We would have to put up a tent near our home until we could find somewhere else to liveWe would have to sleep out of our car until we found a new homeWe would not have anywhere to stay and would be homelessThe insurance would fix the damage and would put us up in hotels" ] }
What would happen if your building was severely damaged ?
So , um , our building just caught on fire . Everyone is okay , but we had to evacuate b / c someone dropped something flaming ( not like your dad ) down the garbage chute . WTG .
{ "answer_start": [ 0 ], "text": [ "It will be a week or two before the writer sees him again .It was several months ago .The writer would n't hear from him for 2 weeks after that .None of the above choices ." ] }
Why did the writer and a man see each other 4 times in a week ?
I went out with a man several months ago the first time we were together we hit it off so well we saw each other 4 times that week . Then I did n't hear from him for 2 weeks and it 's been this way every since . Well see each other and then it will a week or two before I see him again .
{ "answer_start": [ 0 ], "text": [ "There is a regressive business trend .There is additional streamlining of airline flight offers .Airline flight services have been consolidated .There are a lot of bookings ." ] }
What is it about the booking situation for the autumn vacation period that makes the outlook for the remainder of the year optimistic ?
The outlook for the remainder of the year continues to be optimistic because of the booking situation for the autumn vacation period . However , the regressive business trend and the additional streamlining of airline flight offers could impact passenger demand in the coming months . Consolidation of airline flight services also affected the cargo business in August . In addition , there were capacity utilization problems resulting from the economic situation - which particularly affected eastern routes .
{ "answer_start": [ 0 ], "text": [ "I will call K 's phone to ask her where she is .I will check all the places K normally avoids .I will call K 's pager to ask her where she is .None of the above choices ." ] }
What will I do when I am looking for K for the next 20 - 30 minutes ?
And i almost forgot about the day of the exam . K and me both gave it together ( like all the other exams ! ! ) and we were gon na go spend the day after that with B , E & LM ... K finished her exam before me as usual and was waiting for me outside ( well atleast that s what i presumed ) . But what followed was a frantic search for her over the next 20 -30 minutes without any luck .
{ "answer_start": [ 0 ], "text": [ "I will check all the places K normally goes .None of the above choices .I will call K 's pager to ask her where she is .I will check all the places K normally avoids ." ] }
What will I do when I am looking for K for the next 20 - 30 minutes ?
And i almost forgot about the day of the exam . K and me both gave it together ( like all the other exams ! ! ) and we were gon na go spend the day after that with B , E & LM ... K finished her exam before me as usual and was waiting for me outside ( well atleast that s what i presumed ) . But what followed was a frantic search for her over the next 20 -30 minutes without any luck .
{ "answer_start": [ 0 ], "text": [ "I was showboating when I got to the varsity team .None of the above choices .I was showboating something that was common .I was a basketball player who was n't athletic ." ] }
What may have caused the girls to giggle at you ?
Well , I was pretty proud of my licence , but when I used to show it to girls , they would giggle . After showing it about five times , I quit showing it . As a kid I was pretty athletic , but I was small and I wanted to be a basketball player . The coaches asked me if I wanted to be on the Varsity wrestling team [ the school first team ] , but I said I wanted to be a Varsity basketball player . They said , but you ll be on the lowest team , and I said not for ever .
{ "answer_start": [ 0 ], "text": [ "I want to enjoy the garden 's environment before it permanently goes away .I have to go through the garden to cut the grass .I 'm 62 and I 'll never know when I wo n't get to see my flowers .I want to enjoy the environment before it goes away ." ] }
What may be your reason for playing in the garden a bit ?
Going to be 62 and stuff the rest of th week though ... snow will be flying come the end of next month . Going to play in the garden a bit tomorrow and cut the grass early in the day . My flowers are so pretty out there . It 's going to be sad when that first frost comes comes any night now and kills them !
{ "answer_start": [ 0 ], "text": [ "I adjusted my camera .None of the above choices .I adjusted my photo taking position .I played around with them and they calmed down ." ] }
What may have let you capture the wings of the hummingbird in a photo ?
They are much truer to the colors outside . Enough with the talking , more photos ! You can see how changing the film speed really lets you capture the wings ! Pretty grainy , so I might try to play around with lower speeds the next time I stalk the hummingbirds .
{ "answer_start": [ 0 ], "text": [ "We would have visited the Royal Botanical Gardens longerWe would have visited the Royal Botanical GardensWe would have spent the day at the gardensWe would not have crossed the bridge and saw the view" ] }
What might have happened if we did not go to the Opera House ?
If you have a chance to check out the Royal Botanic Gardens , I would do so . Without meaning to , we spent practically the entire day there and I do n't think we even covered the entire park . It was on our way to the opera house , and we were able to catch the view of it and the bridge from all angles .
{ "answer_start": [ 0 ], "text": [ "We would go to the Opera House .We would visit the Opera House .We would miss the Opera House .None of the above choices ." ] }
What might happend if we stayed too long at the Royal Botanical Gardens ?
If you have a chance to check out the Royal Botanic Gardens , I would do so . Without meaning to , we spent practically the entire day there and I do n't think we even covered the entire park . It was on our way to the opera house , and we were able to catch the view of it and the bridge from all angles .
{ "answer_start": [ 0 ], "text": [ "We would visit the Opera House .We would go to the Opera House .The Opera House would be closed .None of the above choices ." ] }
What might happend if we stayed too long at the Royal Botanical Gardens ?
If you have a chance to check out the Royal Botanic Gardens , I would do so . Without meaning to , we spent practically the entire day there and I do n't think we even covered the entire park . It was on our way to the opera house , and we were able to catch the view of it and the bridge from all angles .
{ "answer_start": [ 0 ], "text": [ "It was far too small .It used to be a dental office .None of the above choices .It was n't that small ." ] }
What may be true about the room Jason was working out of ?
Mary had a great sense of humor . From there , we took a very brief look at the room Jason will be working out of . The dental " office " was about five feet wide and maybe ten feet long .
{ "answer_start": [ 0 ], "text": [ "They have n't sent me any necessary documents .They wo n't solve my fraudulent bank charges case .They have only sent unnecessary documents .None of the above choices ." ] }
What may be your reason for being frustrated with the Chicago police ?
Sorting out fraudulent bank card charges in Chicago when you are living overseas is NOT FUN . 5 weeks after a Chicago police officer promised to send me a copy of the police report ( so that I can send it back to my bank in Chicago ) , the report still is n't here . And every time I call to ask about it , they tell me something different .
{ "answer_start": [ 0 ], "text": [ "Because they wanted to do something productive with their time .Because it was day 1 of working from home .None of the above choices .Because it worked out ." ] }
Why did the writer paint in between waiting for the boss to respond to emails ?
Day 1 of working from home went great ! I mean , there were some initial hiccups with answering email remotely and stuff like that , but it all worked out and I think working this way works well for me . In between waiting for my boss to respond to my emails , I painted .
{ "answer_start": [ 0 ], "text": [ "None of the above choices .Their consistency is nice .They have an ingenious concoction .She wanted to spend time with her friends ." ] }
What 's a possible reason the writer went to Traci 's ?
The consistency is nice but the day can definitely drag on ! ! ! I went straight from work to Traci 's to cook them dinner . Do n't worry I got to stay and eat with them and Kevin ( the drummer ) came on his dinner break from work . I fixed them one of my ingenious concoctions to enjoy .
{ "answer_start": [ 0 ], "text": [ "It 's just a a players club that helps you learn more about bingo .WhichBingo gives you land - based information on where bingo is being played .It is n't friendly to novices .It 's a one stop shop for everything related to the game ." ] }
What may be a good reason to use WhichBingo to play bingo ?
Other features include , site of the month , hot picks , a players club , a newsletter , and a large archive of bingo news and articles . New to bingo ? WhichBingo offers a beginners guide for those uninitiated to online bingo . Whether you are searching for information on land based or online bingo you are sure to find it on WhichBingo .
{ "answer_start": [ 0 ], "text": [ "It 's just a a players club that helps you learn more about bingo .WhichBingo gives you land - based information on where bingo is being played .It 's friendly to novices .It is n't friendly to novices ." ] }
What may be a good reason to use WhichBingo to play bingo ?
Other features include , site of the month , hot picks , a players club , a newsletter , and a large archive of bingo news and articles . New to bingo ? WhichBingo offers a beginners guide for those uninitiated to online bingo . Whether you are searching for information on land based or online bingo you are sure to find it on WhichBingo .
{ "answer_start": [ 0 ], "text": [ "Because that 's a lot of hair .Because the writer is cute with short hair .Because the hair was already cut .Because the woman laughed ." ] }
Why was it too late to go back now ?
That 's a lot of hair ! " She laughed and says " Look how cute you are with short hair . Seriously , you look great . " It was too late to go back now . I let her finish the cut . In the mirror I was confronted with roughly the style in the photo above .
{ "answer_start": [ 0 ], "text": [ "They wanted a place to drink wine in peace .They wanted to visit with each other while watching the sunset .It was the only place they could watch the sunset .None of the above choices ." ] }
Why did they picnic out on the water ?
We ' ve picnicked out on the water and watched the sunset while sipping wine that Sandy picked out for us from her wine shop back home . It 's wonderful to have a friend who loves wine and knows it well . I always learn something from her when she comes to visit .
{ "answer_start": [ 0 ], "text": [ "She sells it to people in the ocean .She watched the sunset to give to winos .She loved to share and drink wine .None of the above choices ." ] }
Why does Sandy know so much about wine ?
We ' ve picnicked out on the water and watched the sunset while sipping wine that Sandy picked out for us from her wine shop back home . It 's wonderful to have a friend who loves wine and knows it well . I always learn something from her when she comes to visit .
{ "answer_start": [ 0 ], "text": [ "She sells it to people in the ocean .She has her own shop back on the coast .She watched the sunset to give to winos .None of the above choices ." ] }
Why does Sandy know so much about wine ?
We ' ve picnicked out on the water and watched the sunset while sipping wine that Sandy picked out for us from her wine shop back home . It 's wonderful to have a friend who loves wine and knows it well . I always learn something from her when she comes to visit .
{ "answer_start": [ 0 ], "text": [ "None of the above choices .They hosted a party for family and friendsThey did n't move to a new homeThey did n't host a party for family and friends" ] }
What is probably true about the narrator ?
My grandparents and my Aunt were the first to get there and I gave them the tour . I started putting out the food and even more people started showing up . Ms. Sealy came over , along with my parents , Jon 's parents , brother , sister and rodger and also my sister and Drew . We played bags outside , chatted with each other ... etc .
{ "answer_start": [ 0 ], "text": [ "None of the above choices .They did n't host a party for family and friendsThey did n't move to a new homeThey moved to a new home" ] }
What is probably true about the narrator ?
My grandparents and my Aunt were the first to get there and I gave them the tour . I started putting out the food and even more people started showing up . Ms. Sealy came over , along with my parents , Jon 's parents , brother , sister and rodger and also my sister and Drew . We played bags outside , chatted with each other ... etc .
{ "answer_start": [ 0 ], "text": [ "Because the writer ca n't justify spending this much .Because for the red leather they only had one clasp .Because the writer loved the chain clasp .Because the writer wanted several of them ." ] }
Why was it a tough process choosing just one ?
Trust me , it was one tough process choosing just one . But you ca n't exactly justify spending this much on SEVERAL bangles . I loved the chain clasp much more but for this red leather they only had this clasp .
{ "answer_start": [ 0 ], "text": [ "Because I enjoy being at home .None of the above choices .Because I went to the gym .Because I messed around on the internet ." ] }
Why are there days when I do n't have the desire to leave the house ?
Now a days there are days when I do not leave the house , nor do I have the desire to . Today I woke up at 230 and messed around on the internet , went to the gym ( in our apt complex ) , and ate diner . I am perfectly content with my day .
{ "answer_start": [ 0 ], "text": [ "None of the above choices .My closet must be trashed again because the clothes do n't put back themselves .My closet must be trashed again even though I put the clothes back properly .My closet must be trashed again because I do n't put the clothes back properly ." ] }
Why might my closet be back to trashed again ?
I had fun though . I need to try and organize / clean my room and then start working on my closet again . It 's back to just trashed .
{ "answer_start": [ 0 ], "text": [ "None of the above choices .Because she smelled so beautiful .Because she gave me a hug .Because I 'm passionate ." ] }
Why did I throw her against the wall ?
She walked into me as i was leaving the restroom . She made the dumbest mistake giving me a hug i took her by the hips and threw her against the wall . She smelled so beautiful as i kissed her neck . She looked so good in that green dress .
{ "answer_start": [ 0 ], "text": [ "Because the writer is going to just go with the flow .Because last week was a glitch for the writer .Because the writer loved this epi .None of the above choices ." ] }
Why did the writer mention something about spoilers ?
Apparently last week was just a glitch for me . Spoilers for 4x02 below . LOVED THIS EPI ! ! ! I ' ve decided that I ' m just going to go with the flow with this whole God / angels stuff . Castiel is a friggin awesome character already ( I so had goosebumps when he got all " show me some respect " on Dean ...
{ "answer_start": [ 0 ], "text": [ "I wanted to tell people about something I read .I wanted to tell people about a movie I watched .I just wanted to tell people that they bored me .The book I read blew my mind ." ] }
What may be the reason for you making a post on social media ?
I ' m bored and I wanted to post something , so here I am . Maybe you ' ve heard of this book . It 's a list of 1001 movies you should see before you die .
{ "answer_start": [ 0 ], "text": [ "I just wanted something to do .I just wanted to tell people that they bored me .I wanted to tell people about a movie I watched .The book I read blew my mind ." ] }
What may be the reason for you making a post on social media ?
I ' m bored and I wanted to post something , so here I am . Maybe you ' ve heard of this book . It 's a list of 1001 movies you should see before you die .
{ "answer_start": [ 0 ], "text": [ "None of the above choices .I will have to leave for work to perform surgery but I wo n't want to .I do want to go and I have to , so I leave to do a volunteer surgery at my job .I will have to leave for work to perform surgery and I ca n't wait to do it ." ] }
What will happen after you put your hand on my chest and kiss me ?
Greys Anatomy is a pretty good show " It was a Thursday morning , you were wearing that ratty little Dartmouth t - shirt you look so good in . The one with the hole at the back of the neck . You 'd just washed you hair and smelled like some kind of ... flower . I was running late for surgery , you said you were going to see me later , and you lean to me , put your hand on my chest and you kissed me .
{ "answer_start": [ 0 ], "text": [ "None of the above choices .I will have to leave for work to perform surgery and I ca n't wait to do it .I do n't want to go but I have to , so I leave to perform surgery at my job .I do want to go and I have to , so I leave to do a volunteer surgery at my job ." ] }
What will happen after you put your hand on my chest and kiss me ?
Greys Anatomy is a pretty good show " It was a Thursday morning , you were wearing that ratty little Dartmouth t - shirt you look so good in . The one with the hole at the back of the neck . You 'd just washed you hair and smelled like some kind of ... flower . I was running late for surgery , you said you were going to see me later , and you lean to me , put your hand on my chest and you kissed me .
{ "answer_start": [ 0 ], "text": [ "The authorities there were n't acting out of line .The authorities there was acting out of line .None of the above choices .The authorities there was showing courage at the RNC ." ] }
What may have caused the Indy Journalists to record the police ?
It 's become crystal clear that our police acted out the police state script they 'd been given before the RNC . There are hours of video and audio from our brave Indy Journalists documenting the outrageous and illegal conduct of those sworn to , " Protect and Serve . " Thanks to their courage and their practice of real journalism instead of stenography . Many citizens are justifiably outraged by this desecration of our Constitution and the Nazi like treatment of innocent people . This does n't happen in America does it ?
{ "answer_start": [ 0 ], "text": [ "Fog was making them heavier .Snowfall lined them .The suitcases were filled with glasses .There was snow inside of the suitcases ." ] }
What may be the reason for the suitcases getting heavier ?
As we were dragging the suitcases , snow was piling up in front of them so they were just getting heavier and heavier and heavier . Plus , our glasses were getting all fogged up , and it was cold and snowing ( it started again as we were leaving her apartment , and stopped pretty much as soon as she left ) . Anyway , we finally made it there .
{ "answer_start": [ 0 ], "text": [ "Because a revelation hit the writer .Because the writer was thinking about her symptoms .Because she experiences intense emotions .None of the above choices ." ] }
What 's a possible reason the writer 's mother is bipolar ?
The only person I know who is more moody than me is my mother . And I was thinking about her symtpoms , and she could completely be bipolar . This revelation hit me last night as I was on the phone with her and she was freaking out , speaking very fast , being extremely negative about my job interview today saying it wo n't work out and the kids are going to suffer .
{ "answer_start": [ 0 ], "text": [ "I wanted to tell them to move on because I was trying to enjoy the quietNone of the above choices .I wanted to be part of that crowd of laughing people having funI wanted them to hurry by because I could n't focus on anything" ] }
What did you want to do as you saw the boat go by ?
The air felt soupy and thick as if I were swimming through it . Then , as I crossed the reverberating Millennium bridge , for a few magical seconds a brightly lit boat full of dancing people passed underneath . The music and the laughing swelled and then fell away , and for a few moments I stood still and watched them drift slowly down the river . So many people I 'll never know .
{ "answer_start": [ 0 ], "text": [ "They do n't eat more calories than they burn .None of the above choices .One of them has blonde hair and blue eyes .They eat junk food every day ." ] }
Why do n't the friends gain weight ?
so i have two best friends & they are both tiny & skinny & literally eat junk food every single day & never gain weight . they 're absolutely gorgeous btw , one with blonde hair & blue eyes , the other with olive skin & brown hair . & then there 's me . the fat , ugly one .
{ "answer_start": [ 0 ], "text": [ "I ask them for their number and then I make the first move after I get their numberI prefer to not overthink it too much so I just go with itI tend to remove myself from the situation because I do n't like most guysI consider how attractive he is , what I think of his looks and whether I like him initially then I go with my gut instinct from there" ] }
What do you usually do when you meet a guy for the first time ?
6 ) How does he get treated by girls ? Guy 2/ 1 ) What do you honestly think of his looks ? 2 ) Is he attractive ? 3 ) Describe his face in detail ( be honest ) 4 ) If he came up to you at a nightclub and started chatting to you ... what would be your reaction and why ?
{ "answer_start": [ 0 ], "text": [ "I would get infected with something .She would give me AIDS .I would not understand the point of her using her hands .She could get infected with something ." ] }
What might happen if she does n't put on gloves or wash her hands ?
Not only did she not put gloves on but she did n't even wash her hands ! I could have AIDS for all she knows ! [ But I do n't . But again , not the point . ]
{ "answer_start": [ 0 ], "text": [ "Because I began mentally retracing my steps .Because the last time I remembered seeing him for sure was at the grocery store .Because I called the store .None of the above choices ." ] }
Why did we look everywhere ?
We looked everywhere . I began mentally retracing my steps , and the last time I remembered seeing him for sure was at the grocery store a few hours earlier . Uh - oh . I called the store , but they denied having found any raggedy bears . I was n't going to take no for an answer , so we drove back to the store - still no luck .
{ "answer_start": [ 0 ], "text": [ "He had drank one too many beers and his reflexes were dulled .None of the above choices .He was enamored by Emma and instantly fell in love .We do n't really know why he does the things he does ." ] }
Why was Deutsche acting this way ?
Deutsche was beyond drunk , he was a complete puppet . If tapped him on the cheek once , he looked shocked for a minute , then slapped himself a few times , then sternly pointed at Emma and went " Oi ! " That happened repeatedly throught the night .
{ "answer_start": [ 0 ], "text": [ "My heart rate jumped over 140 because I was anxious .I feared that my heart was beating too fast .None of the above choices .I felt like he expected better from me ." ] }
How did you feel in the situation with him ?
To which I had to say , " I ' m feeling kinda nauseous and I ca n't let my heart rate go over 140 . " He smiled and said " OK , I wo n't push you . Just know that I expect better from you . "
{ "answer_start": [ 0 ], "text": [ "The narrator would have taken the bus homeIt would have been an alright dayThe narrator would n't have walked homeThe narrator would n't have taken the bus home" ] }
What may have been different if Josh was n't late ?
Today was an alright day , in fact . I woke up at quarter to ten , screwed around for a bit and called josh and such . We ended up going to work and bumming some smokes and getting our paychecks . Josh was gon na be late so i said i d walk home ... but i definitely took the bus home . haha . We finally got Diet green tea at my work , so i am very excited about that . I came home and Liz was gone , so i just went on the computer , and sang a bit . I only ever sing when no one is home , very much . But when i sing in front of people , i think my voice is 50 % worse than when i m alone .
{ "answer_start": [ 0 ], "text": [ "Because he has more merchandise .Because he knew about One PieceBecause he was enthusiastic about itNone of the above choices ." ] }
Why was he a bit younger than my Dad ?
He was maybe only a bit younger than my dad , but he knew about One Piece , and was enthusiastic about it ! And he has more merchandise ! And he has a friend who sells original merchandise near LTO !
{ "answer_start": [ 0 ], "text": [ "None of the above choices .Because her baby is getting enough to eat .Because she has a big baby .Because she 's a good mother ." ] }
Why does the writer say she is very good at her job ?
Everyone tells me not to worry because she 's a big baby so she 's obviously getting enough to eat but I ' m her mother and it 's my job to worry . I ' m very good at my job . After dinner though , I let Charlotte walk around with me holding her to steady her . She 's gotten so good at taking steps recently .
{ "answer_start": [ 0 ], "text": [ "Because she really does n't like the idea of eating raw fish .Because she really does n't like soy sauce .Because the writer gagged on seaweed .Because she really does n't like rice ." ] }
Why was Julie grossed out ?
I just like the raw fish with some rice and soy . Julie was grossed out , but it 's really good . I hate normal sushi ... I had a bad experience once with it ( I gagged on the seaweed in the middle of a restaurant !
{ "answer_start": [ 0 ], "text": [ "I think I am a sucker for love and can not turn down any romanceI think I am a romantic at heart and would rather have my heart broken than not try to fall in loveI think I tend to be lonely and going after lovely is a way to fix that lonelinessI think I want to love because as a human pursuing love and connection is an important and necessary desire and requirement for fulfillment" ] }
Why do you think you still want to experience love when you feel pain from wanting to love ?
I choose my way Never to be ruled nor held to heel No heaven or hell , just the land between And am I not man ? So why do I love when I still feel pain ? When does it end , when is my work done ?
{ "answer_start": [ 0 ], "text": [ "Because my mother really likes Neil Diamond .Because it was this weekend .Because we saw a commercial .None of the above choices ." ] }
Why was my Mother 's Day present a Neil Diamond concert ?
This weekend I got to take my mother to her Mother 's Day Present - a Neil Diamond concert . ( One day , earlier this spring , we were watching TV and we saw a commercial for his tour . She said , " I would n't mind going to that , " which in Minnesota - speak means I RILLY WANNA SEE THAT but Lord knows my mom would never say that , and in her world people just do n't go to concerts . So for Mother 's Day I got her his greatest hits CD , which I was pretty sure she did n't have ON CD ( though possibly on 8-track ) , and two tickets to the concert , with the caveat that I got to go with her ( I wanted to see the show , OK ?
{ "answer_start": [ 0 ], "text": [ "None of the above choices .I would hang out on Thursday but not at McFadden 's .We would have fun at Pattison .I would have fun at McFadden 's with them ." ] }
What would happen if I hung out with these guys again ?
That 'd be interesting . So it was fun , would be fun to hang out with these guys again , maybe next week since there 's something at McFadden 's next Thurs night . I ' m thinking that 's the one by Pattison ?
{ "answer_start": [ 0 ], "text": [ "My sleeping pills make me start dozing at the kitchen table .My sleep is n't restful .I can only stay asleep for 2 - 3 hours .I do n't get enough rest ." ] }
What may cause to doze off at the kitchen table ?
Well , compared to how I was sleeping , that is . Like I sometimes can stay asleep for 2 - 3 hours at a time ! I ' m not taking any sleeping pills , either . There are still many nights that I spend too many hours " sleep dozing " sitting up at the kitchen table , though .
{ "answer_start": [ 0 ], "text": [ "I will see if it is possible to relocate those pictures to a different roomI will look at the pictures whenever I walk past them and feel joy and happinessNone of the above choices .I will see if there are other pictures I can put up next to those" ] }
What will you do once the pictures are framed and on display ?
I got married on August 16th and there was no question that my beebs had to be a part of the photos . I knew they would n't be able to be in the room but I got some great shots and I ' m so happy with how they came out . I ' m probably going to frame them for the bird room . Blue loves the feel of nail polish on his tongue . I giggle uncontrollably every time I look at this picture . It 's like I ' m his Mommy and he 's all grown up and smiling .
{ "answer_start": [ 0 ], "text": [ "It 's part of their name .Healers made a joke about BTH 's name .The healers do n't grab the bronze ring .None of the above choices ." ] }
What may be BTH 's reason for blaming the healers ?
Blame our healers . We are awesomely hardcore pros who hate to lose , and when we have a problem , we blame it on our healers . What We Offer By joining BTH , you make the decision to grab the bronze ring .
{ "answer_start": [ 0 ], "text": [ "None of the above choices .It 's a joke .The healers do n't grab the bronze ring .Healers made a joke about BTH 's name ." ] }
What may be BTH 's reason for blaming the healers ?
Blame our healers . We are awesomely hardcore pros who hate to lose , and when we have a problem , we blame it on our healers . What We Offer By joining BTH , you make the decision to grab the bronze ring .
{ "answer_start": [ 0 ], "text": [ "None of the above choices .Because it does seem strange .Because the writer really could enjoy retirement or semi - retirement .Because the writer has been working for more than 40 years ." ] }
Why does the writer wish Sharon could join them ?
It does seem strange , after more than 40 years working , to have the summer off and then go back to work . I have learned that I really could enjoy retirement or semi - retirement . I like to call what I am doing now semi - retirement . The only problem is I wish Sharon could join me .
{ "answer_start": [ 0 ], "text": [ "They would become a first baseman .None of the above choices .They would n't be removed .They would be removed ." ] }
What may happen if a player walks into the manager 's office and the door closes ?
Was sad to see Kernels first baseman Gordie Gronkowski get his release from the Los Angeles Angels organization Monday night . You always know something 's up after a game when a player walks into the manager 's office and the door closes . The look on Gordie 's face as he headed into that office kind of tipped you off that he knew what was going to happen .
{ "answer_start": [ 0 ], "text": [ "None of the above choices .He feels loved or blessed .He can look himself pointing at him .All good things must come to an end ." ] }
Why can he see himself being smiled upon ?
He can see him self being smiled upon and he can look himself pointing at him . He was just portrayed that he has been loved , he has been cared and he has been pampered . All good things must come to an end so was them !
{ "answer_start": [ 0 ], "text": [ "I put vegetables in the refrigerator .None of the above choices .I wrote a check for vegetables and homemade jam .I put comforter over Robin in the car ." ] }
What did I do after coming home ?
Moving on .... Today Robin and I went to the local farmers market , the library ( where I realized I have absolutely no idea where my library card is ) , and then drove around looking for garage sales . She feel asleep in the car on the way home so I have a little time to myself . Where 's the hubs ?