{ "answer_start": [ 0 ], "text": [ "Robin was let down .None of the above choices .Robin was excited .Robin was happy ." ] }
How did Robin feel at the library ?
Moving on .... Today Robin and I went to the local farmers market , the library ( where I realized I have absolutely no idea where my library card is ) , and then drove around looking for garage sales . She feel asleep in the car on the way home so I have a little time to myself . Where 's the hubs ?
{ "answer_start": [ 0 ], "text": [ "I took less time to fill my love tank .He wanted what I had .I wanted what he had .I was draining JB ." ] }
What may have caused you feel that the situation with JB was unfair ?
JB took less time to fill his love tank but I can see they are less draining on me . That is unfair for them when I am dragging through life . I am glad to say I am whole and am fully here again !
{ "answer_start": [ 0 ], "text": [ "Because the arrivals and departures were formally announced .Because they were mindful of everyone .Because they want someone else to have a tough act to follow .Because they wanted to be good hosts ." ] }
Why did the hosts put out an incredible spread ?
Our hosts put out an incredible spread and were gracious and mindful of everyone . Whomever plans the next one will have a tough act to follow . Our arrivals and departures were formally announced to all - by our host happily wielding a microphone from a hidden spot in a thundering voice making the newcomers look around for the source and getting hoots and hollers from the crowd .
{ "answer_start": [ 0 ], "text": [ "I would walk home cause it would make me cry .None of the above choices .Fellow residents would n't assist me in retrieving them .My coworkers would help me get the keys out ." ] }
What might happen after you lock your keys in your car ?
I locked my keys in the car and two neighbors helped me get them out . I had a car accident yesterday , but neither I or the other driver was hurt , and I ' m so thankful for that . My coworkers came to pick me up because I was hysterical and crying , incapable of driving , and took me home .
{ "answer_start": [ 0 ], "text": [ "I dreamed Christina was a cannibal and tricking the party guests into grinding people upNone of the above choices .I dreamed Christina was a cannibal and she was forcing the party guests to grind people upI dreamed Christina was a cannibal and tricking the party guests into eating people ." ] }
Why was Christina feeding her guests people in the dream ?
I had a dream , you know the kind you have when you drift back to sleep after waking up the first time , this morning that was really just totally sick . I dreamed I was at a dinner party in a large gym like building with a long table in it . My friend Christina was the hostess and it became apparent that the neighbors , were , uhh , the dinner . She was grinding them up in a meat grinder , like , one by one , the dinner guests were disappearing .
{ "answer_start": [ 0 ], "text": [ "None of the above choices .I dreamed Christina was a cannibal and she was forcing the party guests to grind people upI dreamed Christina was a cannibal and tricking the party guests into grinding people upI dreamed Christina was a cannibal and she was forcing the party guests to eat people ." ] }
Why was Christina feeding her guests people in the dream ?
I had a dream , you know the kind you have when you drift back to sleep after waking up the first time , this morning that was really just totally sick . I dreamed I was at a dinner party in a large gym like building with a long table in it . My friend Christina was the hostess and it became apparent that the neighbors , were , uhh , the dinner . She was grinding them up in a meat grinder , like , one by one , the dinner guests were disappearing .
{ "answer_start": [ 0 ], "text": [ "The upper body should be bendable and fluidThe shoulders , hip , knee , and the foot are supposed to be all facing different anglesNone of the above choices .The shoulders , hip , knee , and the foot are supposed to be all parallel" ] }
What should happen before the swing is taken ?
And again , the shoulders , hip , knee and the foot are supposed to be all parallel in order to have a nice good shot . At the same time , the upper part of the body should slightly lean to the front and the knees should be left relaxed in order to give it more strength to kick the ball . The finally talking about improving your golf swing , it should be made sure that your shoulders and the upper part of the body are rigid and do not move . Only the hands should be rotated and the body has to swing when the tee is kicked with the club .
{ "answer_start": [ 0 ], "text": [ "We do n't get along very well and do n't spend much time together because we share custody so it is awkward spending extended time togetherEvery time I am around her I want her back and try to initiate a relationship but she says no and so it gets awkwardWe still have romantic feelings for each other and so things can be awkward at timesShe always wants me to sleep with her when I am there and that 's awkward because we 've been broken up for a long time" ] }
What made things uncomfortable for you at your son 's mother 's house ?
I crashed at my son 's mother 's house last night because she had to make some important errands , but being there was weird . I was real uncomfortable being there . Not because I was with my son , but just lately because being around her .
{ "answer_start": [ 0 ], "text": [ "I enjoy spending time with Ryan in real life .Ryan , Nathan , and Sophie were pampering me .I enjoy hanging out in Nathan 's garage in real life .I liked posing as a deathcore kiddie ." ] }
Why did I find my dream enjoyable ?
Last night 's dream is vague , I only remember a small portion of it , but it was pretty cool . I was with Ryan , Nathan ( a guy we know ) , Sophie and some other people . We were walking around Webb Street ; not talking , or really doing anything , just threatening posers and deathcore kiddies we saw . We ended up in like a garage or a basement of some sort - something tells me it might have been Nathans .
{ "answer_start": [ 0 ], "text": [ "It 's retro hip hopIt 's a contemporary balletNone of the above choices .It 's a traditional folk dance" ] }
What kind of dance might Garba be ?
It 's going to be awesome . I have also been taking a Garba dance class . I ca nt really describe it more than it 's a dance based on footwork were people dance in a circle and click sticks together .
{ "answer_start": [ 0 ], "text": [ "None of the above choices .There might be at least 100 meetings each monthThere might be at least 332 meetings each monthThere might be at least 166 meetings each month" ] }
How many meetings a month would the mentoring program entail ?
During the 2007 - 08 school year , the Student Success Mentor program recruited 166 faculty and staff mentors to help the inaugural class of Emerald Eagle Scholars make their way through their first year of college . Mentors are encouraged to connect with each assigned mentee with a face - to - face visit , by e - mail and by phone . Pace says , " We would meet at least twice a month .
{ "answer_start": [ 0 ], "text": [ "I tripped in the parking lot .I could n't go to the gym .None of the above choices .I tripped in the gym ." ] }
What may have caused something to be wrong with you physically ?
On my way to gym , my left foot caught in a pivot in the pavement . I fell , slamming my right knee into the pavement and jarring my hips and back ... before I hit the ground . I was helped up by several people who saw me fall , and found myself able to stand . After trying to walk a short distance , I realized something was wrong with me physically .
{ "answer_start": [ 0 ], "text": [ "Because the writer is very generous with their time .None of the above choices .Because that person is cheap .Because the writer is not receiving a promotion at job # 1 ." ] }
Why did someone expect the writer to do admin work for free ?
Jeez . Long story short , I ' m still keeping a couple of classes at Job # 2 , and I ' m not really receiving any kind of promotion at Job # 1 . He actually expected me to be doing all of the admin stuff for free .
{ "answer_start": [ 0 ], "text": [ "I would eventually realize that with pain meds I did n't need the surgeryI would realize that my back can heal on its ownNone of the above choices .I would begin to feel better because my back would naturally correct itself" ] }
What might happen if you choose to not have the surgery ?
To my horror the doctor called me into a room to discuss my options that morning after looking at the scans I was scared , The scans showed a big fracture at the vertebrae at Level 4 which had broken into 3 pieces and was making things complicated . Mr Wilson explained to me that if I were to have a disc replacement at this level the chances of it holding up were slim , so he explained that fusing this level and the one below would be the best solution long term . This meant Double fusion at levels 4 & level 5 and after seeing the scans I was shocked . He explained this as a unique case that he had never seen before and that my back had taken a pounding and needed something to be done .
{ "answer_start": [ 0 ], "text": [ "They would get on and off the ship whenever their work day endsThey would get motion sickness from the shipThey would be out at sea and away from family for that period of timeThey would spend most of their time on land and then go on the ship whenever it moved" ] }
What might happen if the employees at Park West at Sea had to work for a season ?
Their affiliate company , Park West at Sea manages to conduct business aboard a cruise ship . How can you really go wrong with that ? I took a look around the site and fell in love with Compositions Pour Le Piano . It 's gorgeous and I would love to wake up to it every morning hanging in my bedroom .
{ "answer_start": [ 0 ], "text": [ "Because several previous hall of fame members were in attendance .Because there were interesting people at the event .Because they really like steak and shrimp .Because it was a pretty fun event ." ] }
Why does the writer think the food was great ?
It was a pretty fun event with great food ( steak and shrimp ) and interesting people . Several of the previous hall of fame members were in attendance as well as several of the old coaches and players from teams of years gone by . We arrived around 6:00 , sat up and then ate dinner .
{ "answer_start": [ 0 ], "text": [ "Because the bystanders stared in horror .Because they did n't notice the bystanders .None of the above choices .Because none of them heard the sirens ." ] }
Why was the ambulance approaching fast ?
He was barely breathing while she was just struggling to do so . Neither of them heard the sirens from the fast approaching ambulance . Nor did they notice the bystanders as they stared in horror at the scene without shame . The only thing they saw was each other and the love that they had shared .
{ "answer_start": [ 0 ], "text": [ "Because it was the 31st of July .None of the above choices .Because it was their birthday .Because they got a message from their friend Preeti ." ] }
Why did the writer get messages around 12:00am ?
It was my birthday on 31st July . It was still 11:58 pm in the night when I got the first message from a friend Preeti . That was just the beginning ... . as the time passed by I got 5 more messages till 12:00 am .
{ "answer_start": [ 0 ], "text": [ "No one really likes brats .None of the above choices .I wanted to have room for flank steak .There was too many there ." ] }
What may be your reason for wanting to stop at 24 brats next time ?
So next time I will stop at 24 brats . 34 was sort of overkill . Paul and Stef also brought flank Steak we where not hurting for meat . Today was a veg day for the most part .
{ "answer_start": [ 0 ], "text": [ "Because perpetrators are willing to spend money to abuse the children .Because 3,000,000 are believed to be victims of child trafficking .None of the above choices .Because one child in five has been solicited to meet a potential aggressor ." ] }
Why does the international traffic of children net lots of money ?
But to exercise their paedo - criminal inclinations , child abusers and their business agents use the same electronic mail and the same chat rooms as our children . We must also realise that , according to INTERPOL , the international traffic of children nets yearly over 19 Billion dollars . According to surveys in Canada and USA , one child in five has been solicited to meet a potential aggressor . The facts 3,000,000 children are reported missing , abused , prostituted , tortured , raped or killed all over the world , according to UNICEF .
{ "answer_start": [ 0 ], "text": [ "Because the writer should file an appeal .None of the above choices .Because they do n't have a lot of money .Because the judge is not exercising ." ] }
Why ca n't the writer afford an attorney ?
In child support cases the judge does have jurisdiction , but he seems not to be exercising that , and Lord knows it would be in my favor for that to happen . Should I just file an appeal now and take it to a higher court , or is there another avenue ? I simply can not afford an attorney . I am unemployed , presented that to the court , and the judge assigned arrears payments that are just as much as the child support I used to pay .
{ "answer_start": [ 0 ], "text": [ "Because they have n't seen those in ages .Because they were also picking up some computer parts .Because they needed to build or repair something .None of the above choices ." ] }
What 's a possible reason they bought some flat headed nails and washers ?
As is so often the case , we first directed to the " pop - rivets " , and then got the " I have n't seen those in ages " treatment from the assistant . We bought some flat headed nails and washers to fit them , which is a substitute that I ' ve used in the past . We were also picking up some computer parts , but when we arrived at the shop , first there was a problem with the payment which was quickly resolved ( we were just collecting not paying ) , then the parts were not in the shop ! Whilst waiting , we went across the road to a Thai restaurant for their " set lunch " .
{ "answer_start": [ 0 ], "text": [ "I assumed that the twins would be delivered at the same timeI thought that only one of the twins had survived the pregnancyI did not realize that I was carrying twinsNone of the above choices ." ] }
How did you not realize that you were still pregnant after the first birth ?
However , he was so long that the blanket would n't even fit him . And when I picked him up and cradled him , his head flopped over one of my arms , and his legs flopped over the other because , hello , that 's apparently what a three foot tall baby will do . Then , just minutes after giving labor to the first baby , I found out I was STILL pregnant .
{ "answer_start": [ 0 ], "text": [ "Because she was on a cobblestone path .None of the above choices .Because she is my best friend .Because she is my date ." ] }
Why did her skin have a pinkish hue ?
Standing on this moon - lit cobblestone path , My bestfriend , my date stood waiting for me to move or talk or even breath . She was beautiful . Her usual pale white skin had this pinkish hue and an amber scent that oozed off her tickled my nose as I went closer .
{ "answer_start": [ 0 ], "text": [ "I would realize that I am wasting my time inside and that it is a good thing I do n't have a fanI would realize that feeling hot is just a case of mind over matter I that I can change the way I feel about thingsI would be less happy with the day and would be moody and stuck in the heat of the houseI would realize that I should go outside to relax and enjoy the sun" ] }
How would you feel about the day if you did not have a fan or cold water ?
WHY are we having near 90 degree weather in the middle of MAY ? ! I REALLY hope this is n't the writing on the wall to what summer is going to be like . I like sun and all , but I also like not having heat stroke . Other than that , life is going well , it 's a glorious sunny day outside , my office plants got an extra watering and are unfurling new leaves , and I have a fan and cold water .
{ "answer_start": [ 0 ], "text": [ "Because they were n't hungry .None of the above choices .Because they do n't like pancakes .Because they took less food than everyone else ." ] }
Why did the writer feel out of place ?
Dig in before it gets cold ! " Akira places a good amount on his plate , as does Kouyou . I feel so out of place when I grab a few pancakes , rather than the heaping amount they did .
{ "answer_start": [ 0 ], "text": [ "After episode 10 , the person has great reluctance to watch episode 11 .None of the above choices .The person would like to watch the next episode , but there is no hurry .The person has gained in interest through 10 episodes , with the preview they are very interested ." ] }
Has the preview of the next episode peaked the interest of the person ?
After Episode 10 , I lost all the previous reluctance to take it slow . I wanted to watch the next one as soon as I can . At the very very end of Episode 10 , there was a final glimpse of the preview .
{ "answer_start": [ 0 ], "text": [ "After episode 10 , the person has great reluctance to watch episode 11 .The show has held the persons attention for 10 episodes , the preview has peaked that interest .The person would like to watch the next episode , but there is no hurry .None of the above choices ." ] }
Has the preview of the next episode peaked the interest of the person ?
After Episode 10 , I lost all the previous reluctance to take it slow . I wanted to watch the next one as soon as I can . At the very very end of Episode 10 , there was a final glimpse of the preview .
{ "answer_start": [ 0 ], "text": [ "Because she is obscure .None of the above choices .Because he is the most notorious one .Because of politicians , lawyers and judges ." ] }
Why does Julia always hint at some kind of obscure connection ?
Politicians , lawyers , judges , people of the fine arts and members of the aristocracy ( Julia always hinted some kind of obscure connection to the most remote branches of the British gentry . ) Viggo knew the pictures would appear the next day on newspaper columns about the rich and the famous . Some - the most notorious ones - might even end up in Hello !
{ "answer_start": [ 0 ], "text": [ "The homemade barbecue sauce made a huge mess everywhere in the house , including the bathroom .I had a critical diarrhea incident .Someone had a critical diarrhea incident .None of the above choices ." ] }
What may be the reason for the bathroom being cleaned .
Robinson had a severe case of the Beardie Dire - rears , which can be quite impressive in a gross way , and needed an immediate shower , and the bathroom floor of course had to be wiped off again . I decided to follow him in the shower , while my barbecue chicken cooked . This was in the oven - my real oven , not my toaster oven - as I do n't own a barbecue . I have a rather nifty chicken - baking device on which the chicken sits upright and roasts rather like on a rotisserie . I made homemade barbecue sauce to - die - for ; I could have eaten it with a spoon !
{ "answer_start": [ 0 ], "text": [ "We drove on the track because there was no security preventing us from doing soNone of the above choices .We were able to view the track from where we were , we could not drive it because it is only for competitorsWe were able to drive the circuit but only until the professionals arrived" ] }
What happened after you arrived at Topeka ?
Phew ! Boy , that handle on the door really does serve a purpose ... keeps you from flying into the driver 's seat around those fast turns . Next we drove to Topeka to see the race track where they will be racing on Tuesday and Wednesday . It was overcast and very windy - and cool .
{ "answer_start": [ 0 ], "text": [ "The bird will be saved by its mother or fatherThe bird will find other things that it can eatThe bird will stay sick and will not recover , it will be endangered and likely dieNone of the above choices ." ] }
What will happen if the bird does not drink the milk you 've put out for her ?
It hit the ground , but it did n't die . I felt guilty for not catching the bird so I decided I had to take care of it . I brought it a warm bowl of milk and made my own nest for it at the foot of the tree . I came back the next day and the bird had not drank any of the milk .
{ "answer_start": [ 0 ], "text": [ "None of the above choices .I saw others do it when I was a kid .I wanted to get on a double dutch team .I saw others do it in a recording ." ] }
What may have inspired you to double dutch jump rope ?
Wow . Not bad for white girls . The video , performed by SF double dutch troupe Double Dutchess , has totally inspired me to want to double dutch jump rope . I was on a double dutch team briefly as a kid , and now I ' m curious to see if I still have any skills .
{ "answer_start": [ 0 ], "text": [ "I might try to hide my thanks to the couple .I might try to express my resentment to the couple .I might try to express my anger to the couple .I might try to express my thanks to the couple ." ] }
What might I do after receiving the large tip ?
He and his wife bid me good night later ( both a bit tipsy ) as they went to get their seats . I looked later ( very sneakily , as there were cameras around and I was pretty sure something about the whole thing was wrong ) , and he gave me a TWENTY . For two glasses of wine that they did n't even finish !
{ "answer_start": [ 0 ], "text": [ "I might be trying out a new diet involving eating only fruits for lunch .I might be trying out a new diet involving eating only fruits for meals .I might be trying out a new diet involving eating only fruits for dinner .I might be trying out a new diet involving eating only fruits for desserts ." ] }
Why might I be eating only fruits for dinner ?
Who would have thought that eating only fruits as dinner would be so tough ? ! ! ! ! My lunches usually are the normal size , and only with one coffee , I got starved around 6 . I tried to wait till 7 , before having fruit dinner . But , ... But , I got really hungry around 10 , or if lucky , 11 .
{ "answer_start": [ 0 ], "text": [ "None of the above choices .The narrator loved parties and wanted to go .An 80th birthday is very special as he wo n't probably be around much longer .The mother made the narrator go to the party ." ] }
Why is the narrator visiting the granpa for his birthday ?
It really did n't take as long as i thought it would . We were home by 2:00 , and i was happy to enjoy the rest of my day off from school . But it 's ok , because i had the friday after off as well . And also , i ' m having this thursday , friday and monday off as well , due to my family going up to merimbula for my grandad 's 80th . Apart from that , it was an uneventful week .
{ "answer_start": [ 0 ], "text": [ "The narrator does n't go visit the grandpa anymore .The narrator takes off more school days that week .The grandpa dies the week after the party .The grandpa thanks everyone for coming to the party ." ] }
What does the grandpa do after the party ?
It really did n't take as long as i thought it would . We were home by 2:00 , and i was happy to enjoy the rest of my day off from school . But it 's ok , because i had the friday after off as well . And also , i ' m having this thursday , friday and monday off as well , due to my family going up to merimbula for my grandad 's 80th . Apart from that , it was an uneventful week .
{ "answer_start": [ 0 ], "text": [ "The grandpa dies the week after the party .The narrator takes off more school days that week .The grandpa sends thank you notes .The narrator does n't go visit the grandpa anymore ." ] }
What does the grandpa do after the party ?
It really did n't take as long as i thought it would . We were home by 2:00 , and i was happy to enjoy the rest of my day off from school . But it 's ok , because i had the friday after off as well . And also , i ' m having this thursday , friday and monday off as well , due to my family going up to merimbula for my grandad 's 80th . Apart from that , it was an uneventful week .
{ "answer_start": [ 0 ], "text": [ "They can give them away for free at trade shows and its a form of marketing .None of the above choices .They hold no value , I was being sarcastic .They sell them at trade shows to get a little more profit ." ] }
What makes these stress balls so valuable ?
We had a sales meeting today and one of our team , the soon to be married Tim , said we were out of stress balls - though I am not sure of any connection to Tim 's impending nuptials . I figured the best way to show we are not out of stress balls was to dump a box of 300 balls over him . We all had a laugh and talked about the value of the stress balls at trade shows and in demonstrations . We have used these balls at four trade shows now and people love them .
{ "answer_start": [ 0 ], "text": [ "I was bloated .The tahini sauce made me bloated .I deviated from my vegan diet .None of the above choices ." ] }
What may have caused the sound in your stomach ?
That 's the sound I make when my stomach is too full and I ' m feeling icky all around . Tonight I made falafel with tahini sauce from Vegan with a Vengeance . Both recipes tasted good , but my falafel would not stick together . It fell apart when frying and pretty much [ do n't read this if you 're eating ! ]
{ "answer_start": [ 0 ], "text": [ "They are trying to explain why the product is not available .They do not want to offer any advice about google .They do n't care what the needs of the other person are .They do not want to help with the beta version of google ." ] }
Why are they talking about the beta version of google ?
I guess it just depends on your needs , but it does get to be a bit outlandish , if you ask me . According to the Merriam - Webster dictionary , a beta is " a nearly complete prototype of a product . " In other words , a not - yet - finished product . Google is known for keeping their products in beta ( much ) longer than most other companies .
{ "answer_start": [ 0 ], "text": [ "They are complaining that google is slow to release anything but beta .They do n't care what the needs of the other person are .They do not want to offer any advice about google .They do not want to help with the beta version of google ." ] }
Why are they talking about the beta version of google ?
I guess it just depends on your needs , but it does get to be a bit outlandish , if you ask me . According to the Merriam - Webster dictionary , a beta is " a nearly complete prototype of a product . " In other words , a not - yet - finished product . Google is known for keeping their products in beta ( much ) longer than most other companies .
{ "answer_start": [ 0 ], "text": [ "None of the above choices .They want to define the term for someone .They want someone to understand what they are talking about .They want to emphasise whay google has n't released the product ." ] }
Why are they giving the definition of beta ?
I guess it just depends on your needs , but it does get to be a bit outlandish , if you ask me . According to the Merriam - Webster dictionary , a beta is " a nearly complete prototype of a product . " In other words , a not - yet - finished product . Google is known for keeping their products in beta ( much ) longer than most other companies .
{ "answer_start": [ 0 ], "text": [ "Because I heard footsteps pass the kitchen entrance .Because I heard footsteps in the living roomBecause I did n't find anything out of the ordinary .None of the above choices ." ] }
Why did I go back to bed ?
As I am bent over taking out the milk , I hear footsteps pass the kitchen entrance , in the living room , and then his office door open . It was latched shut and I heard what sounded like the door knob turning and then the door opened all of the way . I thought it was my husband getting up during the night as he normally does and going into his office due to his insomnia . I look into his office and do n't see any cats around in there . I go back to bed and ask if by chance he just got up , opened his door and then went back to bed .
{ "answer_start": [ 0 ], "text": [ "I was talking to Dama Wildmane and this was the excerpt .An explanation of my vacation in Shadowmoon Village .None of the above choices .I am playing a game and was describing the events ." ] }
What is this incident referring to ?
Of course I was so excited I forgot to screenshot it . * sigh * The absolute first thing I did after reaching 70 was mount up and race back to Shadowmoon Village . I had saved up over 2000 gold so I sauntered over to Dama Wildmane .
{ "answer_start": [ 0 ], "text": [ "I had never gotten tattooed before .I was n't sure I liked the design the artist drew .None of the above choices .The tattoo artist did n't want to show me the design ." ] }
Why was I skeptical ?
The first piece I ever got was the angel on my stomach . I just turned 16 , met the greatest tattoo artist in New York , and he wanted to do it for me . I was skeptical , and underage , but he drew out the stencil , showed me and I was sold . I wanted something beautiful and he gave it to me .
{ "answer_start": [ 0 ], "text": [ "She had a booming music career .She had a team of stylist for the photo shoot .She was in numerous music videos that year .None of the above choices ." ] }
How did Cassie stay so hot ?
Oh my gosh . How hot is Cassie in this recent picture from Sean John ? I think she looks AMAZING!I do n't know what happened to her music career , but Cassie has certainly been keeping herself together on the scene .
{ "answer_start": [ 0 ], "text": [ "She kept her boxes together for the long run .She was in numerous music videos that year .None of the above choices .She had a booming music career ." ] }
How did Cassie stay so hot ?
Oh my gosh . How hot is Cassie in this recent picture from Sean John ? I think she looks AMAZING!I do n't know what happened to her music career , but Cassie has certainly been keeping herself together on the scene .
{ "answer_start": [ 0 ], "text": [ "I might talk to a dentist or a GI doctor about it .I might talk to a therapist or a gynecologist about it .I might talk to a dentist or a gynecologist about it .None of the above choices ." ] }
What might I do about my toilet problem ?
I never used to have this problem . I 'll go to the toilet , then go again five minutes later , not because I need to go again , but because I remember needing to go , then I 'll be upset at the waste of time for not needing to go . Oh and I ' m pretty sure my teeth are moving .
{ "answer_start": [ 0 ], "text": [ "They needed to make it to their apartments in one piece .They were traveling along with their baby .Their timeshare was on Kauai .The flights were n't fun ." ] }
What 's one major reason why they were tired ?
The flights out there and back were n't terribly fun , as you can imagine . ( 18-month - old + 5-hour - plane - ride = very tired parents ; change it to a solid 18 hours total travel to get back , and we were just grateful we all made it to our apartment in one piece . ) However , once we arrived it was absolutely wonderful . The timeshare was on Kauai , the oldest island that tourists are allowed on .
{ "answer_start": [ 0 ], "text": [ "None of the above choices .Lamb has a weak taste that does n't overwhelm the flavor profile .It has a great flavor profile .The wine would balance out my cholesterol levels ." ] }
What may be your reason for adding lamb to the recipe despite it being bad for you ?
So I cut that up , let it soak for a couple of hours in some spiced up wine and skewered it on some water - soaked bamboo sticks . It may be the worst meat possible on the cholesterol charts but I do love grilled sheep or lamb . I just eat it two or three times a year . It is one of the strongest tasting meats available and , if fresh it bakes fast and succulent .
{ "answer_start": [ 0 ], "text": [ "There was some meat on the bone to eat .They made a rhythmic scratching noise .It was earlier in the week .None of the above choices ." ] }
What 's a possible reason the fat squirrel was chewing on a bone ?
Earlier in the week , I heard a rhythmic scratching noise outside my bedroom window . Upon further investigation , I discovered it was a fat squirrel eating something as large as his head . The object was pale , cylindrical , and hollow . He left his chew toy behind on the front porch , so I investigated . The squirrel had been gnawing on a bone . The bone looked like a short section of femur with the marrow long gone or a rounded - off vertebra .
{ "answer_start": [ 0 ], "text": [ "They felt pretty decent by the night .None of the above choices .They were not going in .They have an illness ." ] }
What 's a possible reason the writer was throwing up ?
Not going in but the antibiotic they put into the IV just kill my arm . And after the procedure was over , I was throwing up all over again . I laid in bed the rest of the afternoon with DH and felt pretty decent by tonight .
{ "answer_start": [ 0 ], "text": [ "Because the writer may give Mike another little pat .None of the above choices .Because it 's in the morning .Because Mike had to get up at 4:25 a.m. yesterday ." ] }
What 's a possible reason the writer has an appointment with a psychiatrist ?
This morning was my appointment with the psychiatrist . And may I give Mike another little pat ? He had to get up at 4:25 a.m. yesterday to go into work early to accumulate hours for this day off , and then he stayed an hour and a half late , too , not getting home until 7:00 , and he 's going to have to do that twice more . That 's a high price he 's paying . Anyway , it was worth it .
{ "answer_start": [ 0 ], "text": [ "I would n't be able to keep my equipment .None of the above choices .You 'd have to choose other flying options .You would be given a ballistic parachute ." ] }
What may happen if you do n't pass your training ?
Those who do n't pass this training will have to give up their jetpack . Fortunately they 'll get their money back . Each jetpack is equipped with a ballistic parachute , and though it 's more dangerous than most other current flying options , Glenn Martin hopes to sell between 10 and 20 devices by this time next year .
{ "answer_start": [ 0 ], "text": [ "OptimisticPensiveObservantNone of the above choices ." ] }
What is the narrator 's general outlook at the moment ?
She had her first field practice with her new team last night . It looks like they are going to do really well . The coach knows his stuff . Yesterday was the single most craziest busiest day of the entire summer , and I was in mellow contentment .
{ "answer_start": [ 0 ], "text": [ "HappyPensiveObservantNone of the above choices ." ] }
What is the narrator 's general outlook at the moment ?
She had her first field practice with her new team last night . It looks like they are going to do really well . The coach knows his stuff . Yesterday was the single most craziest busiest day of the entire summer , and I was in mellow contentment .