[ "CONFERENCE ON DISARMAMENT CD/1798 14 September 2006 \nENGLISHOriginal: ARABIC", "Note verbale dated 12 September 2006 from the permanent mission of the Syrian Arab Republic addressed to the Secretariat of the Conference on Disarmament transmitting a letter addressed to the President of the Conference proposing for discussion at the Conference’s session in 2007 the subject of the use of cluster munitions and phosphorus shells by Israel against Lebanese civilians", "The Permanent Mission of of the Syrian Arab Republic to the United Nations Office and other international organizations in Geneva presents its compliments to the secretariat of the Conference on Disarmament and has the honour to enclose a copy of a letter addressed to the President of the Conference on Disarmament.", "The Syrian Mission requests that the letter be issued as an official document of the Conference on Disarmament.", "GE.06-64154 (E) 201206 201206", "I am writing to you in response to your invitation to the delegations to the Conference on Disarmament to propose subjects for discussion at the 2007 session of the Conference.", "The delegation of the Syrian Arab Republic should like to propose the subject of Israel’s use of cluster munitions and phosphorus bombs against Lebanese civilians during the Israeli war against Lebanon in July and August 2006.", "The Israeli army has admitted to having made wide use of these weapons against Lebanese civilians. An Israeli army general told the Israeli newspaper Haaretz, on 12 September 2006, that the Israeli army had dropped around 1,800 cluster bombs containing over 1.2 million bomblets. Israeli soldiers confirm that the Israeli army used phosphorus shells during the war: the use of such shells is prohibited under international law.", "The delegation of the Syrian Arab Republic requests that this matter be discussed under the agenda item entitled “Transparency in armaments” and that the present letter be issued as an official document of the Conference on Disarmament.", "(Signed): Khalil Bitar Chargé d’affaires a.i." ]
[ "2006年9月12日阿拉伯叙利亚共和国常驻代表团致裁军谈判会议秘书处的普通照会,其中转交给裁谈会主席的一封信,提议在裁谈会2007年会议上讨论以色列对黎巴嫩平民 使用集束弹药和磷炮 弹的问题", "阿拉伯叙利亚共和国常驻联合国日内瓦办事处及其他国际组织代表团向裁军谈判秘书处致意,并谨附上给裁军谈判会议主席的一封信。", "叙利亚代表团请将此信作为裁军谈判会议的正式文件分发。", "应你向出席裁军谈判会议的各国代表团发出的关于提议裁谈会2007年会议讨论的主题的邀请,谨向你致函。", "阿拉伯叙利亚共和国代表团谨提议,将以色列在2006年7月和8月以色列与黎巴嫩交战期间对黎巴嫩平民使用集束弹药和磷炸弹作为讨论的主题。", "以色列军队承认,曾对黎巴嫩广泛使用这类武器。一名以色列陆军将军在2006年9月12日告诉以色列Haaretz报,以色列军队投掷了大约1,800枚集束炸弹,其中载有120万枚以上的子炸弹。以色列士兵确认,以色列军队在战争期间使用了磷炮弹,而国际法是禁止使用这种炮弹的。", "阿拉伯叙利亚共和国代表团要求在题为“军备的透明度”的议程项目下讨论此事,并将本函作为裁军谈判会议的正式文件分发。", "临 时 代 办", "哈利勒·比塔尔 (签名)" ]
[ "2006年9月14日致裁军谈判会议主席的信\n原件:阿拉伯", "2006年9月12日阿拉伯叙利亚共和国常驻代表团给裁军谈判会议秘书处的普通照会,其中转交致会议主席的信,其中提议由2007年会议讨论以色列针对黎巴嫩平民使用集束弹药和磷弹的问题。", "阿拉伯叙利亚共和国常驻联合国日内瓦办事处和其他国际组织代表团向裁军谈判会议秘书处致意并谨附上给裁军谈判会议主席的信。", "叙利亚代表团要求将此信作为裁军谈判会议的正式文件分发。", "2012.06 2012.06 2012.06 (中文(简体) ).", "我写信给你,是因为你邀请裁军谈判会议各代表团提出供裁谈会2007年届会讨论的议题。", "阿拉伯叙利亚共和国代表团想提出以色列在2006年7月和8月对黎巴嫩发动战争期间对黎巴嫩平民使用集束弹药和磷弹的问题。", "以色列军队承认对黎巴嫩平民广泛使用这些武器。 2006年9月12日,一名以色列军队将领告诉以色列报纸《国土报》,以色列军队投下了大约1 800枚集束炸弹,内有120多万个子炸弹。 以色列士兵证实以色列军队在战争中使用了磷弹:国际法禁止使用这种炮弹.", "阿拉伯叙利亚共和国代表团请求在题为“军备的透明度”的议程项目下讨论这一事项,并请求将本函作为裁军谈判会议的正式文件分发。", "(签名) 哈利勒·比塔尔(签名)" ]
[ "MEETING OF THE STATES PARTIES TO THECONVENTION ON THE PROHIBITION OF THEUSE, STOCKPILING, PRODUCTION ANDTRANSFER OF ANTI-PERSONNEL MINES ANDON THEIR DESTRUCTION APLC/MSP.7/2006/L.1/Corr.115 September 2006Original: ENGLISH", "Seventh Meeting", "Geneva, 18 – 22 September 2006", "Item 11 (e) (iv) of the provisional agenda", "Consideration of the general status and", "operation of the Convention", "Other matters essential for achieving the", "Convention’s aims", "Implementation Support", "REPORT ON THE FUNCTIONING OF", "THE IMPLEMENTATION SUPPORT UNIT,", "NOVEMBER 2005 – SEPTEMBER 2006", "Prepared by the Director of the Geneva International Centre for Humanitarian Demining", "Corrigendum", "Substitute table to read", "Contributions to the ISU Voluntary Trust Fund[1]", "1 January 2005 to 6 September 2006", "Contributions Contributions received in 2005 received in 2006[2] (CHF) (CHF)", "Albania 1,000", "Australia 38,572 123,084", "Austria 70,840", "Belgium 23,094 38,493", "Bosnia and Herzegovina 2,560", "Burundi 600", "Canada 57,137 53,660", "Chile 24,300 18,150", "Cyprus 2,700", "Czech Republic 38,010", "Estonia 1,500", "Germany 10,850", "Hungary 12,700 12,500", "Iceland 1,300", "Ireland 53,100", "Italy 61,600", "Lithuania 5,345", "Luxembourg 23,100", "Malaysia 2,642", "Malta 750", "Mexico 12,300", "Netherlands 7,000 32,000", "Nigeria 2,460 3,630", "Norway 108,962", "Philippines 1,300", "Slovenia 6,496", "South Africa 5,305", "Turkey 1,200 1,250", "Total contributions CHF 544,380 CHF 315,910", "[1] ⁴ All amounts in CHF.", "[2] ⁵ As of 6 September 2006." ]
[ "第七届会议", "2006年9月18日至22日,日内瓦", "临时议程项目11 (e) (四)", "审议《公约》的一般状况和实施情况", "对实现《公约》目标至关重要的其他事项", "为执行提供支持", "关于执行支助股2005年11月 至2006年9月运作情况的报告", "日内瓦国际人道主义排雷中心主任编写", "更 正", "更正后的表格:", "2005年1月1日至2006年9月6日 对执行支助股自愿信托基金的捐款情况 [1]", "2005年收到的捐款(瑞士法郎)\t2006年收到的捐款 [2](瑞士法郎)\n 阿尔巴尼亚 1,000 \n 澳大利亚 38,572 123,084 \n 奥地利 70,840 \n 比利时 23,094 38,493 \n 波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那 2,560 \n 布隆迪 600 \n 加拿大 57,137 53,660 \n 智利 24,300 18,150 \n 塞浦路斯 2,700 \n 捷克共和国 38,010 \n 爱沙尼亚 1,500 \n 德国 10,850 \n 匈牙利 12,700 12,500 \n 冰岛 1,300 \n 爱尔兰 53,100 \n 意大利 61,600 \n 立陶宛 5,345 \n 卢森堡 23,100 \n 马来西亚 2,642 \n 马耳他 750 \n 墨西哥 12,300 \n 荷兰 7,000 32,000 \n 尼日利亚 2,460 3,630 \n 挪威 108,962 \n 菲律宾 1,300 \n 斯洛文尼亚 6,496 \n 南非 5,305 \n 土耳其 1,200 1,250 \n 捐款总数 瑞士法郎544,380 瑞士法郎 315,910", "[1] 所有款额均为瑞士法郎。", "[2] 截至2006年9月6日。" ]
[ "禁止杀伤人员地雷及其销毁问题缔约国会议 原文:英文 联合国", "第七届会议", "2006年9月18日至22日,日内瓦", "临时议程项目11(e)(四)", "审议《公约》的一般状况和实施情况", "《公约》的实施情况", "对实现《公约》", "《公约》的目标", "执行支助", "关于人权理事会运作情况的报告", "执行支助股,", "2005年11月 - 2006年9月", "日内瓦国际人道主义排雷中心主任编写", "页:1", "替换表格为", "对执行支助股自愿信托基金的捐款[1]", "2005年1月1日至2006年9月6日,日内瓦", "2006年收到2005年收到的捐款[2] (瑞士法郎)", "阿尔巴尼亚", "澳大利亚 38 572 123 084", "奥地利 70 840", "比利时 23 094 38 493", "波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那 2 560", "布隆迪 600", "加拿大 57,137 53,660", "智利 24 300 18 150", "塞浦路斯 2 700", "捷克共和国 38,010", "爱沙尼亚 1500", "德国 10 850", "匈牙利 12 700 12 500", "冰岛", "爱尔兰 53,100", "意大利 61 600", "立陶宛 5 345", "卢森堡", "马来西亚 2,642", "马耳他", "墨西哥", "荷兰 7 000 32 000", "尼日利亚 2 460 3 630", "挪威", "菲律宾", "斯洛文尼亚 6,496", "南非 5,305", "土耳其 1 200 1 250", "捐款总额 544,380瑞士法郎", "[1] 4 所有数额均以瑞士法郎计。", "[2] 5 截至2006年9月6日。" ]
[ "[] UNITED \n NATIONS \n [] Distr. \n GENERAL \n FCCC/SBI/2006/15 \n 15 September 2006 \n Original: English \n \nSUBSIDIARYBODYFORIMPLEMENTATION \nTwenty-fifthsession \nNairobi,6–14November2006 \nItem14(b)oftheprovisionalagenda \nAdministrative,financialandinstitutionalmatters \nBudgetperformanceforthebiennium2006–2007", "Budget performance for the biennium 2006–2007 as at 30 June 2006", "Note by the secretariat[1]", "Contents", "Paragraphs Page", "I. Introduction 1–4 2", "A. Mandate 1–2 2", "B. Scope of the note 3 2", "C. Possible action by the Subsidiary Body for Implementation 4 2", "II. Income and expenditure report 5–26 2", "A. Trust Fund for the Core Budget of the UNFCCC 5–13 2", "B. Trust Fund for Participation in the UNFCCC Process 14–17 2", "C. Trust Fund for Supplementary Activities under the UNFCCC 18–23 2", "D. Trust Fund for the Special Annual Contribution from the Government of Germany (Bonn Fund) 24 2", "E. Programme support costs 25–26 2", "III. Programme delivery 27–89 2", "A. Executive Direction and Management 27–31 2", "B. Cluster 1: Implementation 32–43 2", "C. Cluster 2: Scientific and Technological Advice 44–64 2", "D. Cluster 3: Intergovernmental and Support Services 65–89 2", "IV. Human resources 90–93 2", "A. Staff 90–92 2", "B. Consultants and individual contractors 93 2", "V. Funding of travel-related expenditures of members of constituted bodies 94–99 2", "VI. Social and environmental responsibilities 100 2", "Annex", "Projects and events funded from the Trust Fund for Supplementary Activities", "in the biennium 2006–2007……………………………………………… 23", "I. Introduction", "A. Mandate", "1. The Conference of the Parties (COP) and the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol (COP/MOP), by their decisions 12/CP.11 and 34/CMP.1, approved the programme budget for the biennium 2006–2007, and requested the Executive Secretary to report to the COP on income and budget performance and to propose any adjustments that might be needed in the budget.", "2. It is the practice of the Subsidiary Body for Implementation (SBI) to consider these matters and prepare recommendations for action by the COP and the COP/MOP.", "B. Scope of the note", "1. This document reports income, expenditure and budget performance as at 30 June 2006. It should be read in conjunction with document FCCC/SBI/2006/INF.6, which updates the information on status of contributions as at 15 October 2006.", "C. Possible action by the Subsidiary Body for Implementation", "1. The SBI may wish to take note of the information presented and decide on actions that may need to be included in draft decisions on administrative and financial matters to be recommended for adoption by the COP, at its twelfth session, and the COP/MOP, at its second session.", "II. Income and expenditure report", "A. Trust Fund for the Core Budget of the UNFCCC", "1. Budget", "1. The COP, by its decision 12/CP.11, and the COP/MOP, by its decision 34/CMP.1, approved a total budget of USD 53.5 million for the biennium 2006–2007 (see table 1).", "Table 1. Programme budget for the biennium 2006–2007", "2006(USD)\t2007(USD)\t2006–2007(USD)(EUR)^(a)\t\nDirect cost for programmeactivities\t23 482121\t23 558700\t47 040821\t35 421739\nProgramme support costs\t3 052676\t3 062631\t6 115307\t4 604826\nAdjustment to the workingcapital reserve\t338273\t7 182\t345455\t260128\nTotal approved budget\t26 873070\t26 628513\t53 501583\t40 286693\n^(a) The exchange rate used (1US dollar = 0.753 euro) is theaverage exchange rate for theperiod January to March 2005.", "2. Income", "1. The approved budget is expected to be funded from indicative contributions by all Parties, the annual contribution of the Host Government and the unspent balance of previous financial periods. Table 2 shows a list of sources of the expected income.", "Table 2. Expected income for the biennium 2006–2007", "2006(USD)\t2007(USD)\t2006−2007(USD)(EUR)\t\nIndicative contributions fromall Parties\t24 854560\t24 610003\t49 464563\t37 246817\nUnspent balance of contributionsfrom previous financial periods(carry-over)\t1 000000\t1 000000\t2 000000\t1 506000\nContribution from the HostGovernment\t1 018510\t1 018510\t2 037020\t1 533876\nTotal expected income\t26 873070\t26 628513\t53 501583\t40 286693", "2. By 30 June 2006, USD 17.3 million (69.5 per cent) of the total indicative contribution expected for the year (or 35 per cent for the biennium) had been received. The voluntary contribution from the Host Government has also been received in full. This income is supplemented by receipt of contributions for previous years as shown in table 3.", "Table 3. Actual income as at 30 June 2006", "(United States dollars)", "2006–2007", "Indicative contributions for 2006 – Convention 10 061 186", "Indicative contributions for 2006 – Kyoto Protocol 7 233 992", "Voluntary contribution from the Host Government 906 827", "Contributions for previous years 718 409", "Contributions for future years received in advance 46 176", "Interest and miscellaneous income 297 220", "Total actual income 19 263 810", "3. Contributions from three of the top 10, or six of the top 20, contributors[2] to the Convention for 2006 had not been received by 30 June 2006. Of the 189 Parties to the Convention, 105 had not made their contributions for 2006. Seventeen Parties have never made contributions to the core budget of the UNFCCC since its inception in 1996. The status of outstanding contributions is shown in table 4.", "Table 4. Outstanding contributions to the Convention by year as at 30 June 2006", "(United States dollars)", "Number of Parties Outstanding amount", "Outstanding since 1 January of:", "1996 17 9 762", "1997 22 22 955", "1998 24 13 368", "1999 24 11 580", "2000 28 17 004", "2001 31 26 684", "2002 37 62 401", "2003 46 86 303", "2004 60 393 025", "2005 73 708 158", "2006 105 5 646 896", "Total 6 998 136", "4. Contributions from two of the top 10, or six of the top 20, contributors[3] to the Kyoto Protocol for 2006 had not been received by 30 June 2006 (see table 5). Of the 163 Parties to the Kyoto Protocol, 102 had not made their contributions for 2006 .", "Table 5. Outstanding contributions to the Kyoto Protocol by year as at 30 June 2006", "(United States dollars)", "Number of Parties Outstanding amount", "Outstanding since 1 January of:", "2005 69 366 691", "2006 102 1 940 586", "Total 2 307 277", "3. Expenditures", "1. Expenditures as at 30 June 2006 amounted to USD 9,484,625 (USD 10,716,750 including programme support costs) or 40.4 per cent of the approved budget for programme activities for the year 2006.", "Expenditures by cluster", "2. Table 6 (a) provides a comparison of budget appropriation for the year 2006 and expenditures for the first six months, by cluster. At 40.4 per cent the overall expenditure level is fairly low for several reasons which are set out in paragraph 13 below.", "Table 6 (a). Expenditures by cluster as at 30 June 2006", "Programme\tApprovedbudgetfor2006(USD)(EUR) Expendituresas at30June2006(USD)(EUR)^(a) Expenditureasapercentageofbudget \n (USD)(EUR)\t\nExecutive Directionand Management (EDM)\t1 156173\t870598\t361599\t296150\t31.3\t34.0\nCluster 1\t7 111617\t5 355048\t2 387768\t1 955582\t33.6\t36.5\nCluster 2\t7 006414\t5 275830\t2 574094\t2 108183\t36.7\t40.0\nCluster 3\t8 207917\t6 180562\t4 161164\t3 407993\t50.7\t55.1\nTotals\t23482121\t17 682038\t9 484625\t7 767908\t40.4\t43.9\n^(a) Based on theaverage exchange ratebetween the US dollarand the euro for thefirst six months of2006.", "3. Table 6 (b) shows expenditures by object of expenditure, grouped into six items. “Staff costs” include salaries and common staff costs of staff members appointed to approved posts, salaries of short-term staff, temporary assistance and overtime. Other external expertise, both individual and institutional, is included under “consultants”. Travel of staff on official missions is shown separately from travel of experts to workshops and informal consultations. “General operating expenses” include payments to suppliers of various goods and services. “Grants and contributions” are payments to the United Nations Common Services Unit in Bonn for premises management, which provides logistical and administrative services to the secretariat, and the annual contribution to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).", "4. Since the approval of the budget the dollar has appreciated against the euro, which has resulted in overall savings on all expenditures. Further savings have been realized on vacant posts. The costs for home leave and education grants are usually incurred in the second half of the year. Most of the mandated meetings of the constituted bodies (Consultative Group of Experts on National Communications from Parties not included in Annex I to the Convention (CGE), Least Developed Countries Expert Group (LEG), Executive Board of the clean development mechanism (CDM Executive Board), Joint Implementation (JI) and others) will take place in the second half of the year. Contrary to previous years the major part of the in-depth reviews, the annual inventory reviews and the initial reports will be carried out towards the end of the year with the aim of combining the annual inventory reviews with the initial reports. The expenditure in staff travel will rise accordingly with the planned reviews. The expenditure rate of grants and contributions is high because, as usual, the payment for premises management for the period 1 July 2006 to 31 December 2006 was made in advance by June 2006 and the annual grant to the IPCC has also been paid.", "Table 6 (b). Expenditures as at 30 June 2006", "Object ofexpenditure\tApprovedbudget for2006(USD)\tExpendituresas at 30June 2006(USD)\tExpenditureas apercentageof budget\tPercentageofexpendituresbyobject\n Staff costs 16 280 811 6 280 183 38.6 66.2 \n Consultants 1 291 000 490 280 38.0 5.2 \n Travel of experts 1 423 450 230 692 16.2 2.4 \n Travel of staff 841 360 231 355 27.5 2.4 \nGeneral operatingexpenses\t2 185 500\t924 788\t42.3\t9.8\nGrants andcontributions\t1 460 000\t1 327 327\t90.9\t14.0\nTotal directexpenditures\t23 482 121\t9 484 625\t40.4\t100.0", "B. Trust Fund for Participation in the UNFCCC Process", "1. Table 7 provides information on income and expenditure under the Trust Fund for Participation in the UNFCCC Process.", "2. The secretariat continues to apply its current policy of providing financial support to eligible Parties. Parties are eligible for funding if their per capita gross domestic product did not exceed USD 5,500 in 2004 according to the statistics published by the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development. This ceiling is raised to USD 10,000 in the case of small island developing States.[4]", "1. Income", "1. As at 30 June 2006, contributions received for this biennium amounted to USD 916,159 and total expenditures amounted to USD 748,432. The excess income over expenditure, including the carry-over balance from the previous financial period and accrued interest, amounted to USD 1,304,953. After blocking the required amount (10 per cent of average yearly expenditure in 2004–2005) as operating cash reserve, this amount, together with any further contributions received to the trust fund, will be used to cover participation of eligible Parties to the forthcoming sessions of the COP and the COP/MOP.", "2. Expenditure", "1. So far this year, 121 participants have been provided with financial assistance to travel to the twenty-fourth sessions of the Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice (SBSTA) and the SBI in May at a total cost of USD 633,893; cost for travel of Bureau members amounted to USD 14,826. A further amount of USD 13,610 has been used to cover expenditures relating to meetings from previous years, along with operating costs arising from travel booked through local United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) offices.", "Table 7. Status of the Trust Fund for Participation in the UNFCCC Process", "as at 30 June 2006", "(United States dollars)", "Income", "Brought forward from 2004–2005 1 097 192", "Savings on prior period obligations 5 822", "Contributions received in 2006 916 159", "Interest and miscellaneous income 34 212", "Total income 2 053 385", "Expenditure", "Travel of Bureau members 14 826", "Travel of 121 participants to subsidiary body sessions, 633 893 Bonn, May 2006", "Prior year adjustments and operating expenses 13 610", "Total direct expenditures 662 329", "Programme support costs 86 103", "Total expenditures 748 432", "Balance 1 304 953", "C. Trust Fund for Supplementary Activities under the UNFCCC", "1. A number of mandated core activities continue to be funded from the Trust Fund for Supplementary Activities through voluntary contributions made by Parties. These include activities relating to the CDM, the international transaction log (ITL), JI, and all mandated workshops. Additional activities requested of the secretariat and the additional resources required in order to implement more effectively the work programme for the biennium are also financed from this trust fund.", "1. Income", "1. During the first six months of 2006, the secretariat continued to undertake intensive fund-raising activities. New contributions of around USD 5.4 million were received, representing 19 per cent of the initial estimated requirements of USD 28.1 million for the biennium. In addition, over USD 5.5 million in CDM fees and shares of proceeds were paid into the trust fund, which will be utilized at the beginning of 2008 once activities relating to the CDM become self-financing.", "2. The carry-over balance from 2004–2005 includes:", "a. The difference between committed funds for the approved project and the actual expenditures recorded at the end of the biennium;", "b. Funds that have been received, but are awaiting instructions from the contributing Parties to identify the activity for which they should be used;", "c. CDM fees that will be used once activities relating to the CDM become self-financing;", "d. The working capital reserve.", "2. Expenditures and commitments", "1. During the first six months of the current biennium, 24 projects, some of which were continued from 2004–2005, were approved for funding at a total cost of USD 10.8 million. However, it should be noted that although this amount represents the total approved commitment to date, expenditures incurred as at 30 June 2006 amounted to only USD 4.7 million. Additional financial commitments will be made to projects that have activities running through to 2007, or to new projects that are subsequently approved for funding during this biennium, which will utilize further the funds currently available.", "2. The annex to this document provides a full list of projects and events funded from the Trust Fund for Supplementary Activities in the first six months of the biennium 2006–2007. These projects relate to supplementary activities for which resource requirements were identified in the programme budget for this biennium.[5]", "3. Table 8 provides information on income and financial commitments made under the Trust Fund for Supplementary Activities during the reporting period.", "Table 8. Status of the Trust Fund for Supplementary Activities as at 30 June 2006", "(United States dollars)", "Income", "Brought forward from 2004–2005 13 177 560", "Savings on prior period obligations 5 935", "Voluntary contributions 5 362 039", "CDM fees and share of proceeds 5 508 908", "Interest and miscellaneous income 376 510", "Total income 24 430 952", "Commitments", "Approved projects 9 574 356", "Programme support costs 1 244 666", "Total commitments 10 819 022", "Balance 13 611 930", "D. Trust Fund for the Special Annual Contribution from the Government of Germany (Bonn Fund)", "1. As part of its offer to host the UNFCCC secretariat in Bonn, the Government of Germany pledged a special annual contribution (the Bonn Fund) of EUR 1,789,522 (equivalent to DM 3.5 million). By 30 June, the contribution for 2006 had been received in its entirety. Table 9 shows income and expenditure under the Bonn Fund in 2006–2007 as at 30 June 2006. “Expenditure” represents the costs of organizing, and ensuring the flow of information to, at, and from, the twenty-fourth sessions of the SBI and SBSTA, the first session of the Ad Hoc Working Group on Further Commitments from Annex I Parties under the Kyoto Protocol (AWG), the first workshop on the dialogue on long-term cooperative action to address climate change by enhancing implementation of the Convention (the Dialogue), and another four pre-session and in-session meetings and workshops, which were all held in Bonn during the first sessional period of 2006.", "Table 9. Status of the Bonn Fund as at 30 June 2006", "(United States dollars)", "Income", "Contributions ^(a) 2 164 427", "Interest and miscellaneous income 24 694", "Total income 2 189 121", "Expenditure", "Conference support", "Conference facilities 987 148", "Staff 266 861", "Subtotal 1 254 009", "Conference information support", "Computers and networking 300 863", "Staff 34 422", "Subtotal 335 285", "Travel for participation in workshops in Bonn 0", "Programme support costs 206 495", "Total expenditures 1 795 789", "Prior period adjustments 10 669", "Working capital reserve 300 000", "Balance 704 001", "^(a) Equivalent to EUR 1,789,522 per year.", "E. Programme support costs", "1. In accordance with the financial procedures of the United Nations, 13 per cent overhead charges are payable on all trust funds of the UNFCCC to cover administrative services. Most of these services are provided within the secretariat by the Administrative Services programme. Central services such as audit, payroll, investment and treasury services are provided by the United Nations on a reimbursable basis.", "2. As at 30 June 2006, the income for the first six months of the biennium amounted to USD 2,121,471 and includes interest and miscellaneous income. In the same period USD 1,440,169 was used to cover staff and non-staff costs. The charges for services rendered by the United Nations Office at Geneva (UNOG), estimated at USD 360,000 for 2006, will be charged and paid during the second half of the year. The excess income over expenditure, including the carry-over balance from the prior financial period, amounted to USD 2,959,311. Table 10 shows the status of the programme support costs for the first six months of the biennium 2006–2007.", "Table 10. Status of programme support costs as at 30 June 2006 (United States dollars)", "Object of expenditure", "Income", "Carry-over from 2004–2005 2 279 535", "Programme support costs income from trust funds 2 059 768", "Interest and miscellaneous income 61 703", "Total income 4 401 006", "Secretariat staff costs 1 439 332", "Secretariat non-staff costs 837", "Total secretariat costs 1 440 169", "Services rendered by the United Nations 0", "Total expenditures 1 440 169", "Savings from prior periods 1 526", "Balance 2 959 311", "III. Programme delivery", "A. Executive Direction and Management", "1. The results of the activities of the Executive Direction and Management programme (EDM) have been consistent with those described in the work programme presented together with the programme budget for the biennium 2006–2007 (see document FCCC/SBI/2005/INF.6).", "2. The Officer-in-Charge has provided ongoing management and coordination of the activities of the secretariat. The new secretariat structure was implemented and the management support for this new structure operationalized. A well-prepared transition ensured a smooth transfer of functions and responsibilities to the new programmes.", "3. The Officer-in-Charge also ensured that Convention and Kyoto Protocol bodies and their officers received sound advice. Follow-up to the decisions taken at COP 11 and COP/MOP 1 included, in particular, putting in place support for the newly established AWG and the Dialogue. The twenty-fourth sessions of the SBI and the SBSTA, the first session of the AWG, the first workshop under the Dialogue, as well as several Bureau meetings were prepared and held, and follow-up to requests to the secretariat was initiated.", "4. In external relations, EDM placed high priority on keeping in close contact with Parties from all regions, as well as with the Host Government of the secretariat. The programme continued to promote cooperation with partner organizations while strengthening existing partnerships. There was a high demand from the media for information, in particular relating to progress of the CDM and the new processes established at COP 11.", "5. As part of institutional outreach to other bodies within the United Nations system, the Officer-in-Charge or his representative participated in a number of meetings, including the fourteenth session of the Commission on Sustainable Development, meetings of the Global Environment Facility (GEF) Council, and the ninth Special Session of the Governing Council and the Global Ministerial Environment Forum of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP).", "B. Cluster 1: Implementation", "1. The Deputy Executive Secretary, Implementation, provided strategic direction to the work of Cluster 1, assured coherence of work across the secretariat in consultation with the other deputy executive secretaries and supported the twenty-fourth session of the SBI and the first session of the AWG.", "1. Reporting, Data and Analysis programme", "1. In the first half of the year, activities of the Reporting, Data and Analysis programme (RDA) focused on supporting the intergovernmental process on matters relating to national communications, greenhouse gas (GHG) inventories, and preparations for the implementation of registry systems and effective operation of the ITL.", "2. The programme initiated in-depth reviews of the fourth national communications from Parties included in Annex I to the Convention (Annex I Parties) by conducting a centralized review of the first eight communications. It was the first time that national communications had been considered in this way, and it proved to be efficient and successful. A synthesis of reports demonstrating progress under the Kyoto Protocol submitted in accordance with Article 3, paragraph 2, was prepared by the programme and submitted to the SBI for consideration at its twenty-fourth session.", "3. Work continued on further development and improvement of the secretariat’s system for collecting, processing and disseminating GHG inventory data both from Annex I Parties and from Parties not included in Annex I to the Convention (non-Annex I Parties). The purpose of the work is to provide Parties and external users with user-friendly online access to inventory data and other information through a data interface. The secretariat held a workshop for the users of the inventory data reporting software, CRF Reporter, which helped to deliver to Parties an improved, more stable release of the software. The development work is well under way on the expanded version of CRF Reporter, which should further enhance its functionality and include a new module for reporting on land use, land-use change and forestry activities. Improved data processing procedures helped to ensure timely publication of the status reports on the inventory submissions received in 2006. In addition, the programme has completed defining requirements for the compilation and accounting database under the Kyoto Protocol and proceeded with its development.", "4. The programme continued to organize and support training of experts involved in the review of GHG inventories and national communications. The training courses for reviews under the Convention were held online in May–June 2006; a separate online training programme on national systems, adjustments and modalities for accounting of assigned amount units under the Kyoto Protocol was developed and made available to experts.", "5. In relation to the implementation of the ITL, proposals submitted by external service providers to develop and operate the system were evaluated on both technical and financial grounds. Negotiations were held in order to establish the long-term contractual arrangements for the ITL.[6] The work to develop the ITL is now well under way and is based on clearly defined technical standards and specifications and agreed timelines. The first meeting of the Registry System Administrators (RSAs) Forum was held in April 2006. It set the direction for the ongoing cooperative activities among RSAs, which are aimed at promoting consistency, transparency and efficiency of registry system operations. At the meeting, work priorities and schedules of work to be undertaken in 2006 were agreed, and three working groups were established under the Forum to undertake technical work for the development of operational procedures to be commonly implemented by all RSAs.", "6. The programme also provided substantive support to the meetings of the subsidiary bodies and to the AWG and the Dialogue in the form of background materials, documentation and support staff.", "1. Financial and Technical Support programme", "1. The Financial and Technical Support programme (FTS) provided support to the SBI, at its twenty-fourth session, on the review of the financial mechanism of the Convention, on the implementation of the Special Climate Change Fund (SCCF) and on the Adaptation Fund under the Kyoto Protocol. In particular, it prepared a synthesis report to facilitate negotiations on the review of the financial mechanism and organized a workshop for some 70 participants on the Adaptation Fund from 3 to 5 May 2006 in Edmonton, Canada, for which a report to the SBI and a number of background papers were prepared. Through continuous liaison and coordination of work with the GEF secretariat, the programme also followed up on the status of climate change activities under the GEF trust fund and status of implementation of the SCCF and the Least Developed Countries Fund.", "2. The programme provided support to the SBI, at its twenty-fourth session, on capacity-building agenda items under the Convention and under the Kyoto Protocol. A paper was prepared on possible steps to be taken to monitor the capacity-building framework for developing countries as a basis for negotiations during SBI 24 and SBI 25. The programme supported a workshop for the Group of 77 and China as they prepared their submission on monitoring capacity-building, and prepared a background paper on monitoring and indicators at this workshop. The programme is expanding relations with other organizations, and new partnerships have been forged with university networks, research centres and organizations, which included UNEP/GRID-Arendal, the UNDP capacity development programme and private foundations. Under outreach education and training, the programme has enhanced and promoted the information clearing house (TT:CLEAR), and work has started on the review of progress under the New Delhi work programme. In cooperation with UNEP, the programme is developing a communications handbook, and has consolidated a network of national contact points for Article 6 of the Convention.", "3. During the first sessional period of 2006, FTS supported the CGE in delivering the activities outlined in its work programme 2002–2007. To this end, the programme organized and conducted the sixth meeting of the CGE (17 and 18 March 2006) and the CGE hands-on training workshop on Vulnerability and Adaptation Assessments (20 to 24 March 2006) in Jakarta, Indonesia. At this workshop, experts from the Asia and the Pacific region involved in the preparation of the second national communications were trained in applying the UNFCCC guidelines for the reporting of vulnerability and adaptation assessments and introduced to tools for conducting and integrating sectoral assessments.", "4. In addition, the programme assisted the CGE with the preparation of a template to facilitate the reporting of information on research and systematic observation, technology transfer, capacity-building, education, training and public awareness, and information and networking to assist experts from non-Annex I Parties in preparing their national communications. This template will be disseminated by the secretariat by the end of 2006. The programme continued to facilitate the mobilization of financial and technical support to non-Annex I Parties from the GEF and other bilateral and multilateral agencies through its continued collaboration with the National Communications Support Programme for the UNDP–UNEP, the United Nations Institute for Training and Research and donor countries.", "5. The programme provided technical and substantive support for the implementation of the least developed countries (LDC) work programme in general, to the work of the LEG and, in particular, the national adaptation programme of action (NAPA) process. Since its creation, the LEG has been successful in assisting the 48 LDC Parties to the UNFCCC in preparing their NAPAs. Of these, five have submitted completed NAPAs to the secretariat. The programme supported the LEG in the formulation and preparation of its work programme for 2006–2007 at the ninth meeting of the LEG, held in Dhaka, Bangladesh, from 6 to 8 April 2006. The programme also examined draft NAPAs submitted to the secretariat, using a template developed to facilitate the review, and provided feedback to the Parties concerned through the LEG. The programme provided input to the discussions on and finalization of the implementation of the GEF Least Developed Countries Fund.", "C. Cluster 2: Scientific and Technological Advice", "1. The Deputy Executive Secretary, Scientific and Technological Advice, provided strategic direction to the work of Cluster 2, assured coherence of work across the secretariat in consultation with the other deputy executive secretaries and supported the twenty-fourth session of the SBSTA and the first workshop under the Dialogue.", "1. Adaptation, Technology and Science programme", "1. The Adaptation, Technology and Science programme (ATS) supported the implementation of the Buenos Aires programme of work on adaptation and response measures (decision 1/CP.10) and facilitated the further development and implementation of the SBSTA programme of work on impacts, vulnerability and adaptation to climate change (decision 2/CP.11).", "2. The programme organized the first regional adaptation workshop for the Latin America and Caribbean region, as mandated by decision 1/CP.10, in which Parties exchanged information and identified adaptation needs and concerns specific to the region. A background paper on impacts, vulnerability and adaptation to climate change in Latin America was prepared to support Parties in their deliberations. With regard to the impact of the implementation of response measures, the programme organized a pre-sessional expert meeting on economic diversification and supported this issue during the twenty-fourth sessions of the subsidiary bodies.", "3. To further develop activities and modalities under the SBSTA programme of work, the programme organized an informal meeting of representatives from Parties prior to SBSTA 24, which proved instrumental in the further consideration of this issue. The programme also supported the negotiations on the matter during SBSTA 24. In addition, the programme initiated work on a list of organizations and institutions active in areas relevant to the programme of work and published it in document FCCC/SBSTA/2006/INF.3 and on the UNFCCC website.", "4. The programme continued to provide support to Parties in the implementation of Article 4, paragraph 5, of the Convention and of the technology transfer framework contained in the annex to decision 4/CP.7. It provided support to the Expert Group on Technology Transfer (EGTT) in organizing its special working session in Brussels, Belgium, from 9 to 11 March 2006, to elaborate on its recommendations for enhancing the implementation of the technology transfer framework as requested by decision 6/CP.10. The EGTT submitted its recommendations for consideration by the SBSTA at its twenty-fourth session. The programme also organized one special and one regular meeting of the EGTT and assisted the expert group in implementing its work programme for 2006.", "5. Following requests by the SBSTA, the programme prepared a report on the workshop on innovative options for financing the development and transfer of technologies, held in October 2005 in Bonn, a synthesis report of technology needs identified in 23 completed TNA reports and 25 national communications from non-Annex I Parties, and a technical paper on applications of environmentally sound technologies for adaptation to climate change. The programme continued to work on a pilot project on networking between TT:CLEAR and national and regional technology information centres. It also worked on the development of a practitioner’s guide to assist project developers in preparing project proposals that will meet the standards of international financial providers. This guide will be made available in English, French and Spanish at COP 12.", "6. The programme supported the work of Parties on a range of issues relating to mitigation and science, including reducing emissions from deforestation in developing countries; land use, land-use change and forestry (LULUCF); methodological matters; scientific, technical and socio-economic aspects of mitigation; research needs of the Convention; and cooperation with other organizations and United Nations bodies.", "7. The programme prepared official documents for consideration by Parties and organized an in-session workshop on mitigation (addressing agriculture, forestry and rural development) and a special event on research during SBSTA 24. The programme regularly liaised with other conventions, organizations and United Nations bodies, including the IPCC, International Civil Aviation Organization, International Maritime Organization, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations and the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer with the aim of ensuring that Parties are kept informed of relevant developments and to facilitate consideration of relevant information from other processes. In addition, the programme assisted RDA with the GHG inventory review process relating to LULUCF issues and other programmes on issues relating to research and systematic observation.", "8. Some of the relevant results of the work during the reporting period were: improved understanding among Parties of the issues associated with reducing emissions from deforestation in developing countries; agreement on forwarding a decision to the COP/MOP relating to a specific request by Italy on a new value for its forest management cap; further consideration of the treatment of harvested wood products; continuation of the exchange of information, and sharing of experiences and views on practical opportunities and solutions on scientific, technical and socio-economic aspects of mitigation; agreement on the process for the future consideration of the scientific work on the proposal by Brazil,[7] and of issues relating to hydrofluorocarbons and perfluorocarbons; and contribution to the enhancement of communication between the SBSTA and the climate change research community as well as agreement on setting a process for exploring ways to further strengthen such communication.", "9. The programme supported the first workshop under the Dialogue. During the workshop, Parties engaged in an open exchange of views on sustainable development, adaptation, technology and market-based approaches, setting the stage for future workshops.", "1. Project-based Mechanisms programme", "1. The Project-based Mechanisms (PBM) programme provided support to the bodies constituted to supervise the implementation of the project-based mechanisms under the Kyoto Protocol, notably the CDM Executive Board and the Joint Implementation Supervisory Committee (JISC), so that mandates of the COP/MOP, under whose authority these bodies work, continue to be fulfilled.", "2. During the reporting period, the CDM became fully operational and the demand for services has accelerated since COP/MOP 1. The programme assisted the Board, its panels and working groups in carrying out central functions under the CDM, namely the registration of CDM project activities and the issuance of certified emission reductions (CERs), the accreditation of applicant entities and the approval of baseline and monitoring methodologies. The programme provided support for meetings of the Executive Board and prepared the annual report of the Board to the COP/MOP. The programme also delivered casework relating to project activities, which was funded mostly from supplementary contributions.", "3. Based on the CDM management plan for 2006, results achieved included support to 14 meetings of the Board, panels and working groups, the establishment of a Registration and Issuance Team which facilitated the streamlining procedures relating to requests for registration of CDM project activities and the issuance of CERs. The number of CDM project activities registered has risen to 247 and the issuance of CERs has reached a total of 10,235,616 for 27 projects. The Board accredited and provisionally designated six additional operational entities for validation, bringing the total of these designated operational entities to 16, including two entities in non-Annex I countries. The consideration of proposed baseline and monitoring methodologies was accelerated and the work on their consolidation and the broadening of their applicability was continued. The approval of baseline and monitoring methodologies has expanded considerably, with 66 approved methodologies now available in a wide range of sectors for both large- and small-scale project activities. The programme organized a workshop, held in Bonn in February 2006 and attended by 100 participants, for the Board and experts to promote common understanding and consistency of approach on the most critical CDM issues. Interaction with Parties and stakeholders was further promoted by organizing question-and-answer sessions in conjunction with each Board meeting and at the twenty-fourth sessions of the subsidiary bodies, as well as maintaining, updating and improving the UNFCCC CDM website, which is used by 7,716 subscribers, while 6,413 subscribers to the CDM News facility regularly received the latest information on the CDM.", "4. Work on JI has progressed considerably in the reporting period with the first three meetings of the JISC taking place. As a result of these meetings and the support of the programme, the JISC now has its own management plan and drafts of the project design document for JI projects and the modalities and rules of procedure of the JISC have been prepared. The programme also helped to organize a side event on JI during the twenty-fourth sessions of the subsidiary bodies and has established a website that includes webcasts.", "5. Key managerial challenges for PBM were the mobilization of sufficient financial and human resources for the implementation of the programme budget and the management plans of the CDM Executive Board and JISC. The programme recruited 23 staff members and processed contracts for 22 consultants and 61 desk reviewers. The programme also secured sufficient supplementary financial resources for the work of the CDM in 2006 (USD 9 million). However, in the case of JI, even though significant resources could be mobilized, more resources will be required in order to avoid delays in implementation.", "2. Compliance programme", "1. During the reporting period, the Compliance programme (COMP) supported the bureau and plenary and the facilitative and enforcement branches of the Compliance Committee, as well as the COP/MOP, by providing substantive and procedural advice and organizing meetings and drafting of documents.", "2. The programme supported two plenary meetings of the Compliance Committee in Bonn during the reporting period: the first was held from 1 to 3 March 2006 and the second from 29 to 31 May 2006. The programme also supported meetings and deliberations of the facilitative branch in Bonn in this period (1 to 3 March 2006, 30 May 2006 and 20 June 2006), and one meeting of the enforcement branch from 1 to 3 March 2006.", "3. The major work of COMP in support of the plenary has been the rules of procedure, pursuant to the Committee’s mandate in the “Procedures and mechanisms relating to compliance under the Kyoto Protocol” (in the annex to decision 27/CMP.1) to develop further rules of procedure, including rules on confidentiality, conflict of interest, submission of information by intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations, and translation. The programme has provided drafting and research support including intersessional work on the rules of procedure; this remains a work in progress at the end of the reporting period. However, there is a well-developed text that addresses issues likely to arise, including compliance to the Kyoto Protocol.", "4. The programme supported the Committee, primarily through the bureau, in its consideration of information provided by the secretariat on the status of fourth national communications at each of its plenary meetings. The programme also supported the Committee in its discussion of the links between the work of the Compliance Committee and relevant functions under the Kyoto Protocol.", "5. In order to support the Committee, bureau and branches in their work, COMP has developed and is implementing an archive function which is consistent with decision 27/CMP.1 and is cost-effective and efficient, in order to provide reliable and timely information to Parties concerned and members and alternate members of the Committee.", "6. The programme provided advice and support to the twenty-fourth session of the SBI in relation to the amendment, proposed by Saudi Arabia, to the Kyoto Protocol in respect of procedures and mechanisms relating to compliance.", "D. Cluster 3: Intergovernmental and Support Services", "1. Pending the nomination of an Executive Secretary, the Officer-in-Charge and Coordinator of the Intergovernmental and Conference Affairs programme carried out key functions of the Deputy Executive Secretary responsible for Cluster 3. In particular, he led the start of preparatory work for COP 12 and COP/MOP 2, which was undertaken jointly by the three programmes of this cluster.", "1. Intergovernmental and Conference Affairs programme", "1. The Intergovernmental and Conference Affairs programme (ICA) was in regular contact with Parties and observers, supported the Bureau of COP 11 and the new President in particular in assuming her functions, provided legal advice to Parties, observers and Convention and Kyoto Protocol bodies, made logistical preparations for and provided support to sessions, meetings and workshops, and edited and processed UNFCCC documents. The programme continued to take the lead in planning and monitoring the secretariat’s support to the growing number of sessional and intersessional activities, which have expanded considerably since the launch of the new processes at COP 11 and COP/MOP 1.", "2. Facilities and services provided at sessions enabled the subsidiary bodies of the Convention and Protocol to function smoothly and productively. The programme made arrangements, including registration and security, for the twenty-fourth sessions of the SBI and SBSTA and the first session of the AWG. Six pre-session and in-session workshops and meetings, including the first workshop under the Dialogue, were held in conjunction with the sessions.", "3. Developing countries and observer organizations were able to attend and participate in the sessions. The programme coordinated 121 requests for financial support for eligible Parties to facilitate their attendance in the sessions of the subsidiary bodies and the embedded events. Also, through the enhanced online participant information and side event registration systems, ICA contributed to the effective participation of observer organizations in the sessions. Eight new observer organizations were provisionally admitted. A total of 46 side events and 15 exhibits were featured at the sessions – three and two more respectively than in the same period of the preceding biennium.", "4. The programme organized two meetings of the Bureau. It provided support for its work, made the logistical arrangements and coordinated financial assistance to Bureau members from eligible Parties.", "5. The logistical organization by ICA contributed to the successful launch of the work of the newly constituted bodies and groups under the Kyoto Protocol, as well as the continuing work of other groups. In the first six months of the new biennium, 19 meetings and workshops were held in Bonn and their logistics fully supported by ICA, almost as many as in the entire previous biennium. In addition to these, the programme also pre-registered participants in seven UNFCCC events held outside Bonn, assisted in external relations and logistics for these events, and provided the framework for legal arrangements with host governments.", "6. ICA continued to aim at reader-friendly and timely documentation to facilitate the flow of information to the Parties and intergovernmental bodies. Overall, 157 documents comprising 2,228 pages were edited and processed by ICA between January and June 2006, including the reports of COP 11 and COP/MOP 1. This represents an increase in volume of nearly 50 per cent over the same period of the preceding biennium.", "7. Parties and observers regularly sought and obtained advice from ICA on various procedural, institutional and legal aspects of the Convention and Protocol. Furthermore, the considerations by the SBI at its twenty-fourth session concerning the provision of privileges and immunities for individuals serving on bodies constituted under the Kyoto Protocol were informed by research undertaken in ICA. The programme is continuing to discuss these issues with the United Nations Office of Legal Affairs. The preparation and conclusion of contracts, memorandums of understanding and other agreements by the secretariat drew upon sound legal advice.", "8. Preparatory work has commenced for COP 12 and COP/MOP 2 and the twenty-fifth sessions of the subsidiary bodies. Considerations by the Bureau, and the deliberations and conclusions of the SBI, at its twenty-fourth session, on how to organize the expanding intergovernmental negotiation process at COP 12 and COP/MOP 2 and in the longer term, were facilitated by ICA. These considerations, deliberations and conclusions guided ICA in its ongoing support, in close collaboration with the United Nations Office at Nairobi, to the Government of Kenya in preparing for COP 12 and COP/MOP 2.", "1. Information Services programme", "1. The Information Services programme (IS) puts in place and manages the secretariat’s external and internal communications tools and outreach. Covering information and communication technology (ICT), knowledge management and communications and media relations services, IS supports the creation and delivery of mandated work by all programmes, and maintains the secretariat’s public website and media relations activities.", "2. In the ICT area, the first phase of a strategic assessment of potential risks to the secretariat’s information systems was completed. Consequently, a business continuity plan is to be developed that seeks to minimize risks of disruption caused by security incidents or disasters. Thirty staff switched to laptops during the period in order to help reduce conference costs and ensure business continuity. Ninety-five staff now use laptops. Bulk faxing capacity at the secretariat was complemented by an average flow of 15,000 e-mails per day through its system. Overall, 2,426 user support requests were processed, with 80 staff members attending ICT training and awareness sessions.", "3. Data communications support was provided to the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification secretariat to allow them to access the Integrated Management Information System (IMIS) in UNOG from their new offices in the new UN Campus in Bonn. A highly secure ICT network infrastructure was made available for SB 24 which included free Internet services for participants. Additionally, 26 workshops were serviced during the period. Preparatory work on COP 12 was initialized.", "4. In the knowledge management area, a records management programme was started to introduce basic policies and procedures for managing the records and files of the secretariat in a more systematic way. The basic elements of a records management policy framework, including an overall record management policy document and supporting guidelines, have been developed. The goal of the programme is to increase organizational efficiency while consolidating and systematizing information management.", "5. The request for proposal for an electronic records management system was prepared and submitted. The records management system will initially provide the secretariat with a central repository for storing the final records of the secretariat’s Registry and those of the Compliance programme and the RDA programme.", "6. Enhancement of the Library's online catalogue was completed. The changes allow for quicker access to the Library’s collection of 1,850 academic articles, 5,013 books, workshop and conference proceedings and 698 journals and newsletters. The document archiving system provided users from around the world with access through the website to over 5,000 documents in the six United Nations languages through multiple access points, such as keyword, agenda item, date of publication and symbol number. Some 600 general reference queries and 1,100 official document requests were processed. Additionally, volume 7 of the CD-ROM Documenting Climate Change was published, improving access to the documentation.", "7. In the communications area, the UNFCCC website <> continues to serve as the main external portal for UNFCCC data, documents and information. From 1 January to 30 June 2006, there were approximately 1.9 million visits, with around 7.42 million pages and documents being viewed. During SB 24, the UNFCCC website attracted record numbers of viewers, with 430,000 visits.", "8. Webcast services were provided for the proceedings of the subsidiary bodies: a total of nine days live and on-demand webcast of SB 24 and AWG 1, two days live and on-demand webcast of the Dialogue, six days live and on-demand webcast of two CDM Executive Board meetings and seven days live webcast of three JISC meetings.", "9. Media access to the subsidiary bodies was facilitated and 36 press/media representatives were accredited to SB 24. Seventy-six interview requests were handled and an additional 13 interviews were organized for delegates. There were 218 requests for publications and information. Eight press releases and advisories were issued and four press conferences or briefings organized. Information Services programme staff gave 16 presentations on the climate change process and the work of the UNFCCC secretariat to the general public as a support to outreach in the host country, Germany.", "2. Administrative Services programme", "1. In the reporting period, the Administrative Services programme (AS) finalized the administrative arrangements necessary to ensure full implementation of the new secretariat structure as outlined in the programme budget for 2006–2007 (see document FCCC/SBI/2005/8). Transfer of staff to their new functional units, where necessary, was completed while ensuring minimal interruption of the work of technical programmes. In addition, secretariat policies on the distribution of responsibilities and the delegation of financial authority were put in place to reflect the new structure.", "2. The programme continued to represent the secretariat’s interests in the negotiations between heads of United Nations agencies in Bonn and the Government of Germany on the relocation of the secretariat to the new UN Campus. Following completion of the negotiations and the signing of the memorandum of understanding by the United Nations agencies and the Government of Germany, the UN Campus was inaugurated by the United Nations Secretary-General and the German Chancellor in July 2006. The secretariat is scheduled to move to the UN Campus in 2008 upon completion of refurbishment of the facilities foreseen as the new headquarters of UNFCCC. In the meantime, AS continued with arrangements to reconsolidate all secretariat staff within Haus Carstanjen, preparing to move 167 staff with their furniture, work stations and equipment, plus conference and meeting rooms, archives and IT support and server rooms. All costs arising from the interim move to Haus Carstanjen and the final move to the UN Campus are borne by the Government of Germany.", "3. In line with initiatives taken by the United Nations, and in response to recommendations of the Office of Internal Oversight Services (OIOS), AS supported the secretariat in implementing a results-based approach to its programme budget. A special task force was established by EDM and AS which developed guidelines for staff and prepared workshops to be conducted by OIOS in the second half of 2006 to help establish a results-based budgeting framework for the secretariat. The work programme for the 2006–2007 biennium already reflects this new approach and work is under way to develop performance indicators for inclusion in the work planning, monitoring and reporting cycle, starting with the biennium 2008–2009.", "4. With regard to the management of financial resources, the accounts for 2004–2005 were prepared and audited by the United Nations Board of Auditors in June 2006. The audited financial statements will be made available at the time of the second sessional period of 2006 (see documents FCCC/SBI/2006/14 and Add.1 and Add.2). The implementation of the current programme budget is being monitored closely by AS and regular reports are presented to management in order to facilitate optimal fund management at operational levels. Fund-raising activities were effectively supported. This is demonstrated by the significant amount of contributions made to the four trust funds as indicated earlier in this report.", "5. In the area of recruitment, AS continued its efforts to ensure swift processing of vacancy announcements in order to fill vacant posts as quickly as possible. In the reporting period, 35 vacancy announcements were issued, out of which 20 had been filled by 30 June.", "6. In terms of broader human resources management, AS has launched a review of the secretariat staff selection system with a view to enhancing the current framework where necessary. The review is to be concluded and recommendations implemented, where appropriate, by the end of 2006. The secretariat increased its efforts to support management in recruiting staff on as wide a geographical basis as possible and to attain a better gender balance. Efforts in this area are ongoing, with AS providing regular reports and recommendations to management to help improve the situation. AS has also organized an in-house training course to enhance the interviewing skills of its staff.", "7. As for travel, arrangements were made for staff undertaking 189 missions, 507 participants and experts attending 37 workshops and 133 funded delegates to the twenty-third sessions of the subsidiary bodies. The programme issued 53 travel authorizations for consultants, candidates for interviews and travel of staff on appointments and home leave. In procurement, AS oversaw the administrative process for the tendering of the ITL, which, both in terms of dollar value and complexity of contractual arrangements, is the largest procurement package in the history of the secretariat. In addition, about 509 purchase orders and 23 contracts were concluded or initiated in the reporting period, amounting to an aggregate value of about USD 8.9 million.", "IV. Human resources", "A. Staff", "1. The COP, by its decision 12/CP.11, approved the staffing table maintaining the same number of posts as in the previous biennium at 83 Professional (P) and 46.5 General Service (GS) posts. In addition, 92 posts were established under the Trust Fund for Supplementary Activities under the UNFCCC, the Bonn Fund and programme support costs (overheads). Following the reduction in real value of the originally proposed budget, five of the established positions under the core budget could not be funded and have been frozen. A comparison of the number of posts approved with the number filled by 30 June 2006 is given in table 11. “Filled” posts in the table means posts occupied by staff members who have been awarded a fixed-term contract of one year or more, and are appointed against established posts after going through the complete recruitment process, including review by the Review Board.", "2. In addition to the 170.5 staff members appointed against established posts, five P and ten GS staff members had been hired under temporary assistance contracts as at 30 June, bringing the total number of staff to 185.5.", "Table 11. Comparison of established posts and filled posts", "by source of funding, as at 30 June 2006", "Core Supplementary Bonn Fund Overhead Total", "Approved Filled Approved Filled Approved Filled Approved Filled Approved Filled", "ASG 1 1", "D-2 4 2 4 2", "D-1 6 6 1 7 6", "P-5 10 7 1 1 11 8", "P-4 22 19 5 3 3 2 30 24^(a)", "P-3 30 23 16 8 1 1 6 6 53 38^(b)", "P-2 10 8 6 3 1 1 3 2 20 14", "P-1 1 1 1 1", "Subtotal 83 65 28 15 2 2 14 11 127 93", "GS 46.5 41.5 21 13 6 5 21 18 94.5 77.5", "TOTAL^(c) 129.5 106.5 49 28 8 7 35 29 221.5 170.5", "^(a) One post filled by a staff member at one level lower for administrative purposes only.", "^(b) Two posts filled by staff members at one level lower, pending effective date for promotion.", "^(c) The relatively high vacancy rate in core posts is due to the freezing of 5 positions.", "3. Information on the geographical distribution of the staff appointed at the Professional level and above is provided in table 12 (a). Distribution between Annex I and non‑Annex I countries and gender distribution among P staff is shown in table 12 (b).", "Table 12 (a). Geographical distribution of staff members appointed", "at the Professional level and above, as at 30 June 2006", "Grade Africa Asia and Latin Eastern Western Total the America and Europe Europe Pacific the and Other Caribbean", "ASG", "D-2 1 1 2", "D-1 1 1 2 2 6", "P-5 2 1 1 1 3 8", "P-4 3 7 3 3 8 24", "P-3 3 8 4 2 21 38", "P-2 1 4 1 2 6 14", "P-1 1 1", "Total 9 22 10 10 42 93", "Percentage of 9.7 23.6 10.8 10.8 45.1 100 total", "Table 12 (b). Distribution of staff members appointed at the Professional level and", "above, between Annex I and non-Annex I countries and by gender", "Grade Annex I Non-Annex I Male Female", "ASG", "D-2 1 1 2", "D-1 4 2 5 1", "P-5 4 4 4 4", "P-4 13 11 21 3", "P-3 25 13 25 13", "P-2 10 4 8 6", "P-1 1 1", "Total 58 35 66 27", "Percentage of 62.4 37.6 70.9 29.1 total", "B. Consultants and individual contractors", "1. Between 1 January and 30 June 2006 a total of 71 individual consultants and contractors were hired. They provided a combined total of 77.3 working months at a total cost of USD 623,579 under all sources of funding. Table 13 provides information on how services were distributed among the various programmes.", "Table 13. Services of individual consultants and contractors by programme,", "1 January to 30 June 2006", "Programme Person-months Cost (USD)", "Executive Direction and Management 1.25 2 340", "Cluster 1 35.90 401,583", "Cluster 2 8.25 76 523", "Cluster 3 31.90 143 133", "Total 77.30 623 579", "V. Funding of travel-related expenditures of members of constituted bodies", "1. Following a recommendation by the CDM Executive Board, the COP/MOP, by its decision 7/CMP.1, paragraphs 17 and18, requested the secretariat to make appropriate arrangements, effective 1 January 2006, to remunerate members and alternate members of the Executive Board through an increased daily subsistence allowance that is 40 per cent more than the standard rate, not to exceed USD 5,000 per year, bearing in mind that this is not so much an adequate compensation for their services as an acknowledgement of the substantial sacrifice of time and financial interest on their part. It also requested the secretariat to adjust UNFCCC practices so that the costs of travel and the daily subsistence allowance of all members and alternate members of the Executive Board would be covered from the part of the Trust Fund for Supplementary Activities dedicated to funding work on the clean development mechanism.", "2. Based on this decision, the secretariat has made the necessary arrangements for members of the CDM Executive Board, as of 1 January 2006.", "3. At its meeting in July 2006, the CDM Executive Board, “in the context of the CDM-MAP moving toward self-finance based on fees and shares of proceeds, as well as the substantially increased work-, and related travel-load of Board members and alternate members, agreed to request the secretariat, that subject to the availability of resources, the travel of Board members and alternates henceforth, follow the same UN rules and regulations as those applied to UN staff” (Report of the twenty-fifth meeting of the CDM Executive Board, para. 117).", "4. The secretariat complied with this request and accorded CDM Executive Board members and alternate members the same treatment as UNFCCC staff in terms of travel accommodation for their attendance at meetings of the Board, its panels and working groups. The SBI may wish to take note of the request of the CDM Executive Board and the action taken by the secretariat.", "5. In the meantime, the Compliance Committee in its annual report (FCCC/KP/CMP/2006/6, to be made available at COP 12) recommended that in order for members and alternate members to maintain their independence, and to ensure that a quorum to adopt decisions is reached, all members and alternate members receive support for their travel-related expenses. It also recommended that when the duration of a journey to meetings of the Compliance Committee is 9 hours or longer, members and alternate members travel business class.", "6. In view of the overall financial implications of such arrangements and the need for a consistent approach to constituted bodies, the SBI may wish to review this matter and provide guidance to the Executive Secretary in time for the preparation of the programme budget for 2008–2009. The secretariat has undertaken an initial analysis of such financial implications, which may be made available to the SBI for its deliberation at this session", "VI. Social and environmental responsibilities", "1.", "2.", "3. The secretariat is committed to upholding its social and environmental responsibilities. To this end, it has strengthened its Sustainable Office Committee, which is tasked with advising management on options to increase the sustainability of the secretariat's operations in relation to procurement and travel, power consumption, waste management and other relevant areas. The secretariat will continue to monitor its GHG emissions inventory. The preliminary inventory for the 2004–2005 biennium has been updated and can be found on the UNFCCC website.[8] Information on emissions for the current year will be provided in the next performance report. In terms of its social responsibilities, the secretariat has continued to work towards improving the working environment and staff development opportunities in consultation with the staff association.", "Annex", "Projects and events funded from the Trust Fund for Supplementary Activities in the biennium 2006–2007", "Project\tApprovedcommitment \n (USD) \nKnowledge networking: building an integrated database forinformation exchange. This project began in March 2000.The objective is to organize, store, retrieve, and makeavailable data, information and expertise of thesecretariat to Parties and observer organizations.Documentation of all development systems as well astechnical and end-user manuals have been prepared, and aUNFCCC Knowledge Systems Inventory and Projects matrixcompleted. A new means of effective data-sharing wasidentified and implemented with the United NationsConvention to Combat Desertification and the UnitedNations Convention on Biodiversity secretariats based onthe concept of interoperability of remote systems. Onepost at P-2 level is funded from this project.\t152 500\nWebsite implementation focusing on the harmonization ofweb services and response to user needs. This projectbegan in February 2003. The objective is to improve thedelivery of content on the website. During the reportingperiod, a newe-mail newsletter was introduced; four thousand externalusers have requested to be added to the mailing list.Extranet services were harmonized and improved with theimplementation of the CC:iNet service.\t43 158\nUNFCCC website: development of a Spanish portal. Thisproject began in July 2003 to provide outreach toSpanish-speaking stakeholders in the process, mainlyParties, observers, the media and the general public.During the reporting period, press releases on theclimate change process were regularly translated intoSpanish and posted on the website.\t52 213\nComputer networking and data communication. This projectbegan in September 2004 to support data communication andnetworking of specialized information systems anddatabases developed by programmes in the secretariat. Therecruitment of an Associate Network Officer at P-2 levelwas initiated to carry out project activities.\t253 513\nHandbook on the United Nations Framework Convention onClimate Change. This project began in February 2002 withthe aim of preparing and publishing a handbook on theConvention, which will serve as a reference tool forParties and others interested in the climate changenegotiation process. The English language version will bepublished in 2006. Versions in other official languagesof the United Nations are planned for2006–2007.\t88 315\nSupport for the UNFCCC technology information system(TT:CLEAR). This project began in January 2003. Theobjectives are to design and implement an outreachprogramme to make TT:CLEAR known to intended users, andto identify and analyse ways to facilitate access to thesystem; and to update and maintain the existing UNFCCCtechnology information system, including theidentification of any information gaps, and makerecommendations for improvements.\t74 728\nSupport for the implementation of the programme of workof the Expert Group on Technology Transfer (EGTT). Thisproject began in September 2003 to facilitate theimplementation of the programme of work of the EGTT witha view to recommending to the Subsidiary Body forScientific and Technological Advice (SBSTA) appropriatefurther actions, and to support Parties in implementingthe framework with meaningful and effective action toenhance the implementation of Article 4, paragraph 5, ofthe Convention.\t228 878\nWork programme to assist the SBSTA in considering landuse, land-use change and forestry (LULUCF) relatedissues. Activities under this project, that began inearly 2004, include: reporting and reviewing LULUCFinformation under the Convention, including thedevelopment of the corresponding common reporting format;training of inventory experts to review LULUCFinformation considering the IPCC Good Practice Guidancefor Land Use, Land-Use Change and Forestry for LULUCFissues relating to factoring out and to the futuretreatment of LULUCF activities within the Convention; andestimation, reporting and accounting of greenhouse gas(GHG) emissions and removals resulting from forestharvesting and wood products.\t111 099\nSupport for the implementation of the Buenos Airesprogramme of work on adaptation and response measures(1/CP.10). This project aims to ensure the delivery ofthe substantial mandates requested of the secretariat indecision 1/CP.10. Activities began in late 2005 but mostwill be implemented in the biennium 2006–2007. Theyinclude the organization of three regional workshops andone Small Island Developing States (SIDS) expert meetingon adaptation as well as some initial activities from theSBSTA five-year programme of work on impacts,vulnerability and adaptation to climate change.\t506 526\nFacilitate the reduction of emissions from deforestationin developing countries. This project aims to provideopportunities for Parties to consider the varied andcomplex issues and drivers of deforestation and toinitiate the consideration of effective potentialapproaches and actions to reduce deforestation indeveloping countries, mainly by supporting theorganization of workshops mandated by Parties on thisissue. The implementation of the project will also allowParties and experts to discuss the complex scientific,technical and methodological issues surrounding thistopic and to exchange information and experiences onpolicy approaches and identify positive incentives.Discussions at the workshops are likely to contribute toParties’ consideration of the necessary further processto address the issues over the next two years.\t50 000\nInter-sessional workshop on the implementation of Article3, paragraph 14, of the Kyoto Protocol (31/CMP.1). Thisworkshop will contribute to the delivery of the mandateunder decision 31/CMP.1, namely to develop reportingmethodologies on ways to minimize adverse social,environmental and economic impacts on developing countryParties of the implementation of the policies andmeasures by Annex I Parties in achieving theircommitments under Article 3, paragraph 14, of the KyotoProtocol.\t70 000\nBuilding up of secretariat capacity forcapacity-building. This project began on 1 March 2003 toprovide support to the intergovernmental process relatingto capacity-building and to facilitate the implementationof the activities as mandated in the frameworks annexedto decisions 2/CP.7 and 3/CP.7. Activities in 2006–2007include preparing a report on steps to regularly monitorthe capacity-building framework for developing countries(see document FCCC/SBI/2006/5), and a report on bestpractices and lessons learned in implementingcapacity-building activities, as well as interaction withthe Global Environment Facility (GEF) on performanceindicators to be used in monitoring capacity-building.One secretarial post is funded from this project.\t100 279\nSupport the implementation of the programme of work ofthe Consultative Group of Experts on NationalCommunications from Parties not included in Annex I tothe Convention (CGE) from 2003–2007, including thefacilitation of the use of UNFCCC Guidelines for thepreparation of national communications. This project wasdesigned to implement decision 3/CP.8 by facilitating andsupporting the work of the CGE with a view torecommending to the SBI appropriate further action on theCGE’s mandate and terms of reference; the provision offinancial/technical assistance relevant to theimplementation of the Convention by non-Annex I Parties;and the meetings and the regional hands-on trainingworkshops of the CGE and the preparation of relatedtechnical papers and reports for consideration by theSBI. One secretarial post is funded from this project.\t395 191\nDevelopment and maintenance of an information networkclearing house to support the implementation of educationand outreach activities by Parties. This project wasinitiated in July 2005 to facilitate the prompt start ofthe first development phase of the clearing house, asrequested by the Parties at SBI 21 and contained indocument FCCC/SBI/2004/14. The prototype model<> was launched and presented to theParties at SBI 23 in Montreal. The prototype will bedeveloped further, based on continuous guidance fromParties, into a full-scale clearing house in a secondphase (2007–2008) in order to add functionality and meetthe needs of a broader user base. One general staff postis funded from this project.\t102 004\nSupport to the Least Developed Countries Expert Group(LEG) for 2006–2007. The objective of this project is toimplement the mandate of decision 4/CP.11 relating toactivities of the LEG during the biennium 2006–2007. Thisincludes providing effective support to the LEG in itsadvisory role to Parties that are least developedcountries (LDCs) for the preparation of their nationaladaptation programme of actions (NAPAs) as well as onNAPA implementation strategy, and facilitating the LEGmeetings (two per year) by performing logistical andsubstantive tasks. Regular interaction with the GEF andits implementing agencies on NAPA related activitieswould also be facilitated. One secretarial post (teamassistant) is funded from this project.\t382 648\nMeeting of the Group of 77 and China (G77 and China)negotiators to prepare G77 and China submission oncapacity-building. This project was carried out from1 February to 1 July 2006. The objective was to support aworkshop of G77 and China held from 20 to 22 March in Dares Salaam, Tanzania, on their deliberations on steps toregularly monitor the capacity-building framework. Thisproject funded the participation of 15 delegates fromdeveloping countries, and 2 staff members from thesecretariat.\t85 000\nWorkshop on the Adaptation Fund. This project wasdesigned to implement decision 28/CMP.1, which requestedthe secretariat to organize a workshop to provide a forumfor an exchange of information on guidance for theoperation of the Adaptation Fund. The workshop on theAdaptation Fund was held in Edmonton, Canada, from 3 to 5May 2006. A total of 37 participants (of which 22 werefunded) representing 31 countries, together withrepresentatives of several intergovernmental andnon-governmental organizations, attended the workshop.Three consultants were hired; they prepared backgroundpapers and presentations to facilitate discussions at theworkshop. A web page for the UNFCCC website was createdin the workshop, where all the information relevant tothe workshop is available.\t253 647\nSupport for secretariat activities on Article 6 of theConvention: small island developing States (SIDS)workshop. This project began in January 2006 to supportthe organization of a SIDS workshop to address theparticular needs of these countries in implementing theNew Delhi work programme on Article 6 of the Convention.This workshop would be the last of a series of regionalworkshops facilitating discussions among experts togenerate information and ideas on climate changeeducation and outreach. The report of the workshop willbe an important contribution to the review of the NewDelhi work programme in 2007.\t70 593\nSupport to the operations of the clean developmentmechanism (CDM). This project started at the beginning of2002 with the objective of facilitating theimplementation of the CDM. It is through this Kyotomechanism that Annex I Parties that have ratified theKyoto Protocol can use certified emission reductions(CERs), which are generated from CDM project activities,to meet their emission limitation and reductioncommitments in a cost-effective manner. At the same time,the CDM assists developing countries in achievingsustainable development and in contributing to theultimate objective of the Convention. The CDM ExecutiveBoard exercises supervisory/executive functions. Itfulfills policy-related, procedural and importanttechnical functions relating to project registration,approval of methodologies (including consolidation) andissuance of CERs as well as the accreditation ofoperational entities which validate projects and verifyand certify CERs. For technical tasks, the Board can drawon panels, committees and working groups as appropriate.The UNFCCC secretariat, mandated to service the CDMExecutive Board, supports the whole range of functions.It is expected that in the biennium 2006–2007 there willbe a rapid increase in the outcomes generated by theproject such as registered projects and that CERs will beissued and methodologies approved. The project isexpected to be self-financing as early as 2008.\t5 603211\nActivities relating to Article 6 of the Kyoto Protocol(joint implementation). This project began in March 2004with the overall objective of undertaking work whichpromotes and facilitates the implementation of Article 6of the Kyoto Protocol (joint implementation, or JI).Joint implementation is a Kyoto Protocol mechanism underwhich an Annex I Party (with a commitment inscribed inAnnex B of the Kyoto Protocol) may implement anemission-reducing project or a project that enhancesremovals by sinks in the territory of another Annex IParty (with a commitment inscribed in Annex B of theKyoto Protocol) and count the resulting emissionreduction units (ERUs) towards meeting its own Kyototarget. An Annex I Party may also authorize legalentities to participate in JI projects. The JointImplementation Supervisory Committee, under the authorityand guidance of the Conference of the Parties serving asthe meeting of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol and thesupport of the UNFCCC secretariat, supervises the JIincluding the verification of ERUs. During the nextbiennium, a further strengthening and advancement of JIto an operational phase is expected.\t451 648\nDevelopment of the transaction log and data exchangestandards. This project began in January 2003. Theobjectives are: (a) to complete the technicalspecifications of the data exchange standards, in orderto ensure consistent implementation of the standards inall registry systems; (b) to develop and establish theinternational transaction log, with a view to it becomingoperational in April 2007; (c) and to facilitatecooperation among registry system administrators (RSAs),including through the RSA Forum, in order to promoteconsistency, accuracy, transparency and efficiency ofregistry system operations. The initial technicalspecifications of the data exchange standards have beencompleted.\t463 300\nGreenhouse gas emissions inventory database and softwaresupport for the greenhouse gas review process. Thisproject began in November 2002 to provide continuousadditional support for the development of the GHGdatabase and software for the GHG inventory reporting andreview processes, including development of the commonreporting format software application (CRF Reporter) tobe used by Annex I Parties; development of software toolsto support the CRF related decisions taken by theConference of the Parties as well as the technical reviewof GHG inventories of Annex I Parties; and enhancement ofthe information on GHG emissions and trends to beprovided to Parties, through documents and thesecretariat website.\t573 006\nDevelopment of the database system for the annualcompilation and accounting of emissions inventories andassigned amounts under the Kyoto Protocol. This projectbegan in February 2005 to develop the compilation andaccounting (C&A) database to enable the accuratetracking, checking and storing of emissions and assignedamount units under the Kyoto Protocol. The databaserecords, for each Annex 1 Party, all the informationrelevant for assessing compliance with Article 3,paragraph 1, of the Kyoto Protocol, including the Party’seligibility to participate in the Kyoto mechanisms. Thedatabase also allows for the submission, processing andmaintenance of additional information required to trackand assess compliance under the Kyoto Protocol and toprepare the annual compilation of the assigned amountsand emissions under the Kyoto Protocol.\t437 477\nActivities to support the expert review process under theUNFCCC and the Kyoto Protocol: training for expert reviewteams and meetings of lead reviewers. This project beganin January 2006. The objectives are to develop andimplement a training programme for the review expertsunder the Kyoto Protocol; to continue to implement thetraining programme for the review experts under theConvention and to organize a training seminar; and tofacilitate the review process and improve its efficiencyand effectiveness by organizing a meeting of leadreviewers.\t264 438", "[1] ^(*) Submission of this document has been delayed because of the internal consultations that were required for the finalization of section V.", "[2] Contributions by the top 10 contributors make up 75 per cent, and those by the top 20 make up 89 per cent, of the total indicative contributions.", "[3] Contributions by the top 10 contributors make up 72 per cent, and those by the top 20 make up 88 per cent, of the total indicative contributions.", "[4] The practice of not supporting Parties who have not paid their contributions to the core budget has been suspended through to 31 December 2007 (FCCC/SBI/2005/10, paras. 90–92).", "[5] FCCC/SBI/2005/8/Add.2 and decisions 12/CP.11 and 34/CMP.11.", "[6] A contract with the developer and the operator of the ITL was signed in August 2006.", "[7] FCCC/AGBM/1997/MISC.1/Add.3.", "[8] <>." ]
[ "附属履行机构", "第二十五届会议", "2006年11月6日至14日,内罗毕", "临时议程项目14 (b)", "行政、财务和体制事项", "2006-2007两年期预算执行情况", "截至2006年6月30日的2006-2007两年期预算执行情况", "秘书处的说明[1]", "概 要 本文件介绍秘书处管理的各信托基金2006-2007两年期头6个月的预算执行情况。其目的是向缔约国通报截至2006年6月30日的收入、开支和取得的结果。 秘书处收到了为2006年预期的指示性缴款总额的69.5%,开支维持在该年度核定预算的40.4%。参与《气候公约》进程信托基金和补充活动信托基金收到的自愿捐款分别为916,159美元和10,900,000美元。 \n请附属履行机构注意提供的资料,并提出有待建议缔约方会议第十二届会议和作为《京都议定书》缔约方会议的《公约》缔约方会议第二届会议通过的关于行政和财务事项的决定草案。", "目 录", "段 次 页 次", "一、导言............................... 1 - 4 3", "A. 任务.............................. 1 - 2 3", "B. 本说明的范围................ 3 3", "C. 附属履行机构可采取的行动 4 3", "二、收入和支出报告....... 5 - 26 3", "A. 《公约》核心预算信托基金 5 - 13 3", "B. 参与《公约》进程信托基金 14 - 17 7", "C. 《公约》下补充活动信托基金 18 - 23 9", "D. 德国政府特别年度捐款信托基金(波恩基金) 24 11", "E. 方案支助费用......... 25 - 26 12", "三、方案执行.................... 27 - 89 13", "A. 行政领导和管理....... 27 - 31 13", "B. 组类1:履行............. 32 - 43 13", "C. 组类2:科学和技术咨询 44 - 64 16", "D. 组类3:政府间和支助事务 65 - 89 20", "四、人力资源........................ 90 - 93 25", "A. 工作人员................... 90 - 92 25", "B. 顾问和独立订约人 93 28", "五、组建的机构成员差旅开支的经费 94 - 99 28", "六、社会和环境责任........................ 100 29", "附 件", "2006-2007两年期补充活动基金供资的项目和活动 30", "一、导 言", "A. 任 务", "1. 《公约》缔约方会议和作为《京都议定书》缔约方会议的《公约》缔约方会议(《议定书》/《公约》缔约方会议)分别在第12/CP.11号决定和第34/CMP.1号决定中核可了2006-2007两年期方案预算,并请执行秘书向缔约方会议报告收入和预算执行情况,以及提出预算可能需要的任何调整。", "2. 通常由附属履行机构(履行机构)审议这些问题,并拟订供缔约方会议和《议定书》/《公约》缔约方会议采取行动的建议。", "B. 本说明的范围", "3. 本文件就截至2006年6月30日的收入、支出和预算执行情况提出报告。阅读时应参考有关截至2006年10月15日缴款最新状况的FCCC/SBI/2006/INF.6号文件。", "C. 附属履行机构可采取的行动", "4. 履行机构不妨注意本文件提供的资料,并就可能需要列入建议《公约》缔约方会议第十二届会议和《议定书》/《公约》缔约方会议第二届会议通过的关于行政、财务和体制事项的决定草案的行动作出决定。", "二、收入和支出报告", "A. 《公约》核心预算信托基金", "1. 预 算", "5. 《公约》缔约方会议第12/CP.11号决定和《议定书》/《公约》缔约方会议第34/CMP.1号决定核可的2006-2007两年期的预算总额为5,350万美元(见表1)。", "表1. 2006-2007两年期方案预算", "2006年 2007年 2006-2007年", "(美 元) (美 元) (美 元) (欧 元)^(a)", "方案活动直接费用 23,482,121 23,558,700 47,040,821 35,421,739", "方案支助费用 3,052,676 3,062,631 6,115,307 4,604,826", "周转准备金调整 338,273 7,182 345,455 260,128", "核定预算合计 26,873,070 26,628,513 53,501,583 40,286,693", "^(a) 使用的汇率(1美元= 0.753欧元)是2005年1月至3月的平均汇率。", "2. 收 入", "6. 核定预算的资金预期来自所有缔约方的指示性缴款、东道国政府的年度捐款以及以前财政期的未支余额。表2列出预计收入的来源。", "表2. 2006-2007两年期预计收入", "2006年 2007年 2006-2007年", "(美 元) (美 元) (美 元) (欧 元)^(a)", "所有缔约方的指示性缴款 24,854,560 24,610,003 49,464,563 37,246,817", "以前财政期的未支缴款余额(结转) 1,000,000 1,000,000 2,000,000 1,506,000", "东道国政府的捐款 1,018,510 1,018,510 2,037,020 1,533,876", "预计收入合计 26,873,070 26,628,513 53,501,583 40,286,693", "7. 截至2006年6月30日,已经收到了该年预计指示性缴款总额(占两年期的35%)中的1,730万美元(69.5%)。此外,还收到东道国政府自愿捐款金额。除此之外,还收到了以前年度的缴款,收入情况列于表3。", "表3. 截至2006年6月30日的实际收入 (美 元)", "2006-2007年", "对2006年的指示性缴款-《公约》 10,061,186", "对2006年的指示性缴款-《京都议定书》 7,233,992", "东道国政府的自愿捐款 906,827", "往年缴款 718,409", "预收未来年份的缴款 46,176", "利息和杂项收入 297,220", "实际收入合计 19,263,810", "8. 截至2006年6月30日,尚未收到对《公约》缴款最多的缴款方前10名中的3个缴款方或前20名中的6个缴款方2006年的缴款 [2] 。在《公约》的189个缔约方当中,105个没有支付2006年的缴款。有17个缔约方自1996年启动以来从来没有对核心预算缴纳过任何款项。未付缴款情况列于表4。", "表4. 按年度分列截至2006年6月30日对《公约》的未付缴款 (美 元)", "缔约方数目 未付款额", "自以下年份1月1日起未缴付:", "1996年 17 9,762", "1997年 22 22,955", "1998年 24 13,368", "1999年 24 11,580", "2000年 28 17,004", "2001年 31 26,684", "2002年 37 62,401", "2003年 46 86,303", "2004年 60 393,025", "2005年 73 708,158", "2006年 105 5,646,896", "合 计 6,998,136", "9. 截至2006年6月30日,尚未收到对《京都议定书》缴款最多的缴款方前10名中的2个缴款方或前20名中的6个缴款方2006年的缴款[3] (见表5)。在《京都议定书》的163个缔约方当中,102个没有支付2006年的缴款。", "表5. 按年度分列截至2006年6月30日对《京都议定书》的未付缴款 (美 元)", "缔约方数目 未付款额", "自以下年份1月1日起未缴付", "2005年 69 366,691", "2006年 102 1,940,586", "合 计 2,307,277", "3. 支 出", "10. 截至2006年6月30日的支出共计9,484,625美元(包括方案支助费用则为10,716,750美元),即2006年方案活动核定预算的40.4%。", "按组类分列的支出", "11. 表6(a)是按组类分列的2006年预算拨款与头6个月支出额的对照表。支出总额水平(40.4%)相当低,其原因很多,列于下文第13段中。", "表6(a). 按组类分列截至2006年6月30日的支出情况", "方 案\t2006年核定预算 截至2006年6月30日的支出 支出占预算的百分比\t\n\t(美 元)\t(欧 元)\t(美 元)\t(欧元)^(a)\t(美元)\t(欧元)\n行政领导和管理\t1,156,173\t870,598\t361,599\t296,150\t31.3\t34.0\n组类1\t7,111,617\t5,355,048\t2,387,768\t1,955,582\t33.6\t36.5\n组类2\t7,006,414\t5,275,830\t2,574,094\t2,108,183\t36.7\t40.0\n组类3\t8,207,917\t6,180,562\t4,161,164\t3,407,993\t50.7\t55.1\n合 计\t23,482,121\t17,682,038\t9,484,625\t7,767,908\t40.4\t43.9", "^(a) 根据2006年上半年美元与欧元的平均汇率。", "12. 表6 (b) 为按用途分列的支出,归入6项。“工作人员费用”包括核准员额聘用的工作人员的薪金和共同工作人员费、短期工作人员、临时助理人员的薪金和加班费。包括个人和机构在内的其他外部专家均列在“顾问”项下。工作人员的差旅费与专家参加研讨会和非正式磋商的差旅费分开列出。一般业务开支包括对各种货物和服务供应商的付款。“赠款和捐款项”是付给向秘书处提供后勤和行政服务的波恩联合国共同服务股的款项,以及对政府间气候变化专门委员会(气专委)的年度捐款。", "13. 自核准预算以来,美元对欧元升值,这导致所有支出均有节余。空缺员额进一步导致节省。回籍假和教育补助的费用通常发生在下半年。组建的机构(非《公约》附件一所列缔约方国家信息通报问题咨询小组、最不发达国家专家组、清洁发展机制执行理事会、联合执行及其他)的规定会议大都将在下半年举行。与以前年份不同,深入审评的主要部分、年度清单审评和初次报告将在年末进行,以便将年度清单审评与初次报告相结合。随着计划进行的审评工作的开展,工作人员的旅费支出将相应增加。赠款和捐款的支出率高,因为,像往常一样,2006年7月1日到12月31日这一期间的房舍管理费是在2006年6月以前提前支付的,给气专委的年度赠款也已支付。", "表6(b). 截至2006年6月30日的支出", "支出用途\t2006年核定预算(美 元)\t截至2006年6月30日的支出(美 元)\t支出占预算的百分比\t按用途分列的支出所占百分比\n 工作人员费 16,280,811 6,280,183 38.6 66.2 \n 顾问 1,291,000 490,280 38.0 5.2 \n 专家旅费 1,423,450 230,692 16.2 2.4 \n 工作人员旅费 841,360 231,355 27.5 2.4 \n 一般业务开支 2,185,500 924,788 42.3 9.8 \n 赠款和捐款 1,460,000 1,327,327 90.9 14.0 \n 直接支出合计 23,482,121 9,484,625 40.4 100.0", "B. 参与《公约》进程信托基金", "14. 表7是参与《公约》进程信托基金的收入和支出情况。", "15. 秘书处继续贯彻了向符合条件的缔约方提供资助的当前政策。凡根据联合国贸易和发展会议公布的统计资料,2004年人均国内生产总值不超过5,500美元的缔约方均有资格获得资助。对于小岛屿发展中国家,该上限提高到10,000美元。[4]", "1. 收 入", "16. 截至2006年6月30日,收到这一两年期缴款共计916,159美元,总支出共计748,432美元。加上以前财政期的结转余额和应计利息,收入超过支出共计1,304,953美元。在划出规定金额(2004-2005年平均年度支出的10%)作为业务准备金后,这个余额再加上信托基金任何新收到的缴(捐)款将用于资助符合条件的缔约方出席即将召开的《公约》缔约方会议和《议定书》/《公约》缔约方会议的届会。", "2. 支 出", "17. 今年以来向121名参与者提供了资助,以便他们前往出席5月召开的附属科学技术咨询机构(科技咨询机构)和履行机构第二十四届会议,费用总计633,893美元;主席团成员的旅费达14,826美元。还用了13,610美元用于与以前年份的会议有关的开支以及通过联合国开发计划署(开发计划署)当地办事处订票的旅行产生的业务费用。", "表 7. 截至2006年6月30日的参与《公约》进程信托基金状况 (美 元)", "收 入", "2004–2005年的结转额 1 097 192", "上期承付款项的节省额 5 822", "2006年收到的缴款 916 159", "利息和杂项收入 34 212", "收入合计 2 053 385", "支 出", "主席团成员旅费 14 826", "121名与会者前往出席2006年5月在波恩举行的附属机构届会的旅费 633 893", "往年的调整和业务开支 13 610", "直接支出合计 662 329", "方案支助费用 86 103", "支出合计 748 432", "余 额 1 304 953", "C. 《公约》下补充活动信托基金", "18. 通过缔约方提供的自愿捐款,补充活动信托基金继续为许多规定的核心活动提供资金。这些活动包括与清洁发展机制、国际交易日志、联合执行和所有规定研讨会有关的活动。要求秘书处开展的更多活动以及为更有效地执行两年期工作方案而需要的补充资源也由该信托基金提供资金。", "1. 收 入", "19. 2006年上半年,秘书处继续加紧开展筹资活动。新收到捐款约540万美元,占最初估计的两年期所需资金2,810万美元的19%。此外,清洁发展机制收费和收入分成中的550多万美元支付给了信托基金,一旦与清洁发展机制有关的活动开始自筹资金,这笔钱将在2008年年初动用。", "20. 来自2004-2005年期间的结转余额包括:", "(a) 核可项目的承付资金与两年期结束时记录的实际开支额之差;", "(b) 已经收到,但正在等待缴款缔约方作出应当用于何种活动的指示的资金;", "(c) 一旦与清洁发展机制有关的活动开始自筹资金就将动用的清洁发展机制费;", "(d) 周转金储备。", "2. 支出和承诺", "21. 在本两年期头6个月期间,核可供资的项目为24个,其中有些是从2004-2005年期间延续下来的,总费用为1,080万美元。但是,应当指出,虽然这一数额是到目前为止核可承付的总额,但到2006年6月30日为止发生的开支仅达470万美元。另外,对于包含将延续至2007年的活动的项目,或在本两年期内今后核准供资并将进一步利用目前可动用的资金的新项目,将作出进一步的资金承诺。", "22. 本文件的附件提供一份完整清单,列有2006-2007两年期头6个月补充活动信托基金为之提供资金的项目和活动。这些项目涉及本两年期方案预算中提到了相关资源需要的补充活动。[5]", "23. 表8 提供报告所涉期间补充活动信托基金的收入和得到的资金承诺的情况。", "表 8. 截至2006年6月30日的补充活动信托基金状况 (美 元)", "收 入", "2004-2005年的结转额 13 177 560", "以往承付款项的结余 5 935", "自愿捐款 5 362 039", "清洁发展机制收费和收入分成 5 508 908", "利息和杂项收入 376 510", "收入合计 24 430 952", "承诺款项", "核准的项目 9 574 356", "方案支助费用 1 244 666", "承诺款项合计 10 819 022", "余 额 13 611 930", "D. 德国政府特别年度捐款信托基金(波恩基金)", "24. 作为有关秘书处设在波恩的提议的一部分,德国政府认捐一笔1,789,522欧元(相当于350万德国马克)的特别年度捐款(波恩基金)。截至6月30日,2006年的捐款已经全部收到。表9是截至2006年6月30日的波恩基金2006-2007年收支状况。“支出”是指安排和确保有关会议的信息流入、流出和流动的费用,即履行机构和科技咨询机构第二十四届会议、附件一缔约方在《京都议定书》之下的进一步承诺问题特设工作组(特设工作组)第一届会议、关于通过增强执行《公约》对付气候变化的长期合作行动问题对话(“对话”)之下的第一次研讨会,以及2006年第一届会议期间全部在波恩举行的其他四次届会之前和届会期间会议和研讨会。", "表 9. 截至2006年6月30日的波恩基金状况 (美 元)", "收 入", "捐款 ^(a) 2 164 427", "利息和杂项收入 24 694", "收入合计 2 189 121", "支出", "会议支助", "会议设施 987 148", "工作人员 266 861", "小计 1 254 009", "会议信息支助", "计算机和联网 300 863", "工作人员 34 422", "小 计 335 285", "参加在波恩举办的研讨会的旅费 0", "方案支助费用 206 495", "支出合计 1 795 789", "以往期间的调整额 10 669", "周转准备金 300 000", "余 额 704 001", "^(a) 相当于每年1,789,522欧元。", "E. 方案支助费用", "25. 按照联合国财务程序,要求《气候公约》的所有信托基金缴付13%的间接费用,以支付行政服务费。这些服务大多由行政服务方案在秘书处内部提供。审计、工薪、投资和财会服务等核心服务由联合国提供,采取先收费后付还的办法。", "26. 截至2006年6月30日,两年期头6个月的收入共计 2,121,471美元。包括利息和杂项收入。同期有1,440,169美元被用于支付工作人员和非工作人员的费用。2006年联合国日内瓦办事处提供的服务的收费估计为360,000美元,将在下半年支付。收入超过支出的部分,包括上一个财政期间的结转余额,共计2,959,311美元。表10显示的是2006-2007两年期头6个月方案支助费用的情况。", "表10. 截至2006年6月30日的方案支助费用状况 (美 元)", "支出用途", "收 入", "2004-2005年的结转额 2 279 535", "信托基金的方案支助费用收入 2 059 768", "利息和杂项收入 61 703", "收入合计 4 401 006", "秘书处工作人员费用 1 439 332", "秘书处非工作人员费用 837", "秘书处费用合计 1 440 169", "联合国提供的服务 0", "支出合计 1 440 169", "以往期间的节省额 1 526", "余 额 2 959 311", "三、方案执行", "A. 行政领导和管理", "27. 行政领导和管理方案的活动结果与连同2006-2007两年期方案预算一起提出的工作方案(见FCCC/SBI/2005/INF.6号文件)所述一致。", "28. 代理主管提供了秘书处活动的不断管理和协调。秘书处的新结构得以落实,并且对这一新结构提供了管理支持。筹备周密的过渡确保了将职能和责任顺利移交给新方案。", "29. 代理主管还确保了《公约》和《京都议定书》机构及其主席团成员得到可靠的咨询意见。对缔约方会议第十一届会议和《议定书》/《公约》缔约方会议第一届会议上作出的决定采取的后续行动、特别包括为新成立的特设工作组和对话提供支持。筹备和举行了履行机构和科技咨询机构第二十四届会议、特设工作组第一届会议、“对话”下的第一次研讨会以及几次主席团会议,并且已经开始采取落实对秘书处的请求的后续行动。", "30. 在对外关系方面,行政领导和管理方案高度重视与各区域缔约方和秘书处东道国政府保持密切联系。方案继续推动与伙伴组织的合作,加强现有伙伴关系。媒体对信息的要求很高,尤其是关于行政领导和管理方案的进展以及在缔约方会议第十一届会议上设立的新程序的信息。", "31. 作为对联合国系统内其他机构的体制外联活动的一部分,代理主管或其代表出席了一些会议,包括可持续发展委员会第十四届会议、全球环境基金(环境基金)理事会会议、联合国环境规划署(环境规划署)理事会和全球部长级环境论坛第九届特别会议。", "B. 组类1:履 行", "32. 主管履行问题的副执行秘书对组类1的工作提供了战略指导,通过与其他副执行秘书进行协商,确保了秘书处范围内工作的协调一致,并支持了履行机构第二十四届会议和特设工作组第一届会议的工作。", "1. 报告、数据和分析方案", "33. 上半年,报告、数据和分析方案的活动重点是支持与国家信息通报、温室气体清单以及登记册系统的实施准备和国际交易日志的有效运作有关的事项的政府间进程。", "34. 通过对首批八份信息通报进行集中审评,该方案启动了对《公约》附件一所列缔约方(附件一缔约方)第四次国家信息通报的深入审评工作。这是首次以这种方式审议国家信息通报,这种方式证明是高效率的和成功的。该方案编写了按照第三条第2款提交的证明在《京都议定书》下进展的报告的综述,并提交给履行机构第二十四届会议审议。", "35. 秘书处向附件一缔约方和非《公约》附件一所列缔约方(非附件一缔约方)收集、处理和散发温室气体清单数据的系统的进一步开发和改进工作继续进行。工作的目的是向缔约方和外部用户提供便于使用的在线途径,通过一个数据界面获取清单数据和其他信息。秘书处为清单数据报告软件(CRF Reporter) 的用户举办了一个研讨会,帮助向缔约方交付一个经过改进的、更稳定的软件版本。CRF Reporter扩充版的开发工作进展顺利,该扩充版尚可进一步加强其功能,包括一个用于报告土地利用、土地利用的变化和林业活动的新模块。经过改进的数据处理程序有助于确保及时公布2006年收到的清单材料的状况报告。此外,该方案完成了为《京都议定书》下的汇编和核算数据库拟订要求的工作,并已着手进行数据库的开发。", "36. 该方案继续举办和支持对参与温室气体清单和国家信息通报审评的专家的培训。2006年5月至6月在线举办了《公约》下审评培训课程;一个关于《京都议定书》下配量单位的核算的国家系统、调整和模式的单独的在线培训方案已经制定完成,可供专家参与。", "37. 关于国际交易日志的执行,在技术和财务方面评估了外部服务提供者为系统的开发和运行提出的建议。为拟订国际交易日志的长期合同安排举行了谈判。[6] 开发国际交易日志的工作现已取得很大进展,依据的是规定明确的技术标准和规格以及议定的时间表。登记册系统管理人论坛第一次会议于2006年4月举行。会议确定了登记册系统管理人之间经常合作活动的方向,合作的目的是促进登记册系统活动的一致、透明和高效率。会上商定了2006年要开展的工作的重点和时间安排,并且在论坛之下成立了三个工作组,目的是为所有登记册系统管理人共同执行的业务程序的制定开展技术工作。", "38. 该方案还以背景材料、文献和支助工作人员的形式,为附属机构的会议、特设工作组会议以及“对话”提供了实质性支持。", "2. 资金和技术支持方案", "39. 资金和技术支持方案在《公约》资金机制的审评、气候变化特别基金的执行以及《京都议定书》下的适应基金方面向履行机构第二十四届会议提供了支持。具体而言,该方案编写了一份综合报告以便利关于资金机制审评的谈判,并于2006年5月3日至5日在加拿大爱德蒙顿为约70名参与者举办了一个关于适应基金的研讨会,为此起草了一份给履行机构的报告和若干背景文件。通过与环境基金秘书处不断的联络和工作协调,该方案还就环境基金信托基金下气候变化活动的情况以及气候变化特别基金和最不发达国家基金的执行情况开展了后续行动。", "40. 该方案在《公约》和《京都议定书》下的能力建设议程项目方面向履行机构第二十四届会议提供了支持。编写了一份有关监测发展中国家能力建设框架可能采取的步骤的文件,作为履行机构第二十四届会议和第二十五届会议期间谈判的基础。该方案支持了为77国集团和中国编写它们关于能力建设监测的提交材料而举办的一个研讨会,并且在该研讨会上起草了一份关于监测工作和指标的背景文件。该方案正在扩大与其他组织的关系,与大学网络、研究中心和组织建立了新的伙伴关系,其中包括环境署/阿伦达尔中心、开发计划署能力建设方案和私人基金会。在外联教育和培训方面,该方案加强和促进了信息交换所,并且《新德里工作方案》下的进展审评工作已经启动。通过与环境规划署合作,该方案正在编写一个信息通报手册,并且巩固了《公约》第六条国家联络点网络。", "41. 在2006年第一个会期内,资金和技术支持方案支持了非附件一缔约方国家信息通报问题专家咨询小组实施其列入2002-2007年工作方案的活动。为此,该方案组织并举行了咨询小组的第六次会议(2006年3月17日和18日),并在印度尼西亚的雅加达举办了咨询小组的脆弱性和适应性评估实践培训研讨会(2006年3月20日至24日)。在该研讨会上,参与编写第二次国家信息通报的亚洲和太平洋地区专家们在应用《气候公约》准则来提出脆弱性和适应性评估报告方面接受了培训,并且了解了用于进行和联合进行部门评估的工具。", "42. 此外,该方案协助了咨询小组制定一个模板以方便提出与研究和系统观察、技术转让、能力建设、教育、培训和提高公众意识、信息和联网有关的信息报告,目的是帮助非附件一缔约方的专家编写他们的国家信息通报。该模板将由秘书处在2006年年底以前散发。通过与开发计划署-环境规划署的国家信息通报支助方案、联合国训练研究所以及捐赠国的持续合作,该方案继续为动员环境基金和其他双边机构和多边机构给予非附件一缔约方以资金和技术支持提供便利。", "43. 该方案一般为最不发达国家工作方案的执行,为最不发达国家专家组的工作,特别是为 国家适应行动方案的进程提供了技术支持和实质性支持。自成立以来,最不发达国家专家组一直在成功地帮助48个《气候公约》的最不发达国家缔约方编写其国家适应行动方案。其中,有5个国家向秘书处提交了编写完成的国家适应行动方案。资金和技术支持方案支持了最不发达国家专家组在其第九次会议上拟订和编写其2006-2007年工作方案,该会议于2006年4月6日至8日在孟加拉国达卡举行。资金和技术支持方案还利用为便利审评而开发的模板,审议了向秘书处提交的国家适应行动方案草案,并通过最不发达国家专家组向有关缔约方提供反馈意见。该方案对环境基金最不发达国家基金问题的讨论和落实工作的完成提供了投入。", "C. 组类2:科学和技术咨询", "44. 主管科学和技术咨询问题的副执行秘书为组类2的工作提供了战略指导,通过与其他副执行秘书进行协商,确保了整个秘书处工作的一致,并对科技咨询机构第二十四届会议和“对话”下第一次研讨会提供了支持。", "1. 适应、技术和科学方案", "45. 适应、技术和科学方案(ATS)支持了关于适应和应对措施的布宜诺斯艾利斯工作方案的执行(第1/CP.10号决定),并为科技咨询机构的气候变化的影响、脆弱性和适应工作方案(第2/CP.11号决定)的进一步制定和执行提供了便利。", "46. 按照第1/CP.10号决定的规定,该方案为拉丁美洲和加勒比地区组织了第一次区域适应研讨会,在会上,缔约方交换了信息,查明了该区域在适应方面的特殊需要和关切问题。编写了一份关于在拉丁美洲气候变化的影响、脆弱性和适应的背景文件,以支持缔约方的审议工作。关于应对措施的执行产生的影响,该方案组织了一个关于经济多样化的会前专家会议,并且支持在附属机构第二十四届会议期间审议这一问题。", "47. 为了进一步拟订科技咨询机构工作方案下的活动和方法,该方案在科技咨询机构第二十四届会议前组织了一个缔约方代表参加的非正式会议,在进一步审议该问题方面,这次会议证明是有用的。该方案还支持在科技咨询机构第二十四届会议期间就该事项进行协商。此外,该方案启动了关于一份在与工作方案有关的领域开展工作的组织和机构的名单的工作,并在FCCC/SBSTA/2006/INF.3号文件中和《气候公约》网站上公布了该名单。", "48. 在执行《公约》第四条第5段和载于第4/CP.7号决定附件的技术转让框架方面,该方案继续向缔约方提供支持。该方案支持了技术转让专家组2006年3月9日至11日在比利时布鲁塞尔举办其特别工作会议,目的是按照第6/CP.10号决定的要求,详细说明其对于加强技术转让框架的执行力度的建议。技术转让专家组提出了它建议,供科技咨询机构第二十四届会议审议。该方案还举办了技术转让专家组的一次特别会议和一次常会,帮助了专家组执行其2006年工作方案。", "49. 根据科技咨询机构的请求,该方案编写了一份关于2005年10月在波恩举行的技术开发和转让融资创新办法问题研讨会的报告、一份关于在23份完成的TNA报告和25份非附件一缔约方的国家信息通报中提出的技术需求的综合报告,以及一份关于应用无害环境技术适应气候变化的技术文件。该方案继续就一个关于技术信息交换所与国家和区域技术信息中心之间联网的试点项目开展工作。它还就编写一个实践者指南开展了工作,目的是帮助项目制定者编写符合国际供资人的标准的项目提案。该指南将在缔约方会议第十二届会议上用英文、法文和西班牙文提供。", "50. 该方案在与缓解和科学有关的一系列问题上支持了缔约方的工作,包括减少发展中国家中毁林所造成的排放;土地利用、土地利用的变化和林业;方法学问题;缓解措施所涉科学、技术和社会经济问题;《公约》的研究需要;以及与其他组织和联合国机构的合作。", "51. 该方案编写了供缔约方审议的正式文件,并且在科技咨询机构第二十四届会议期间组织了一个关于缓解问题的会议期间研讨会(涉及农业、林业和农村发展),以及一个关于研究的特别活动。该方案定期与其他公约、组织和联合国机构联络,包括气专委、国际民用航空组织、国际海事组织、联合国粮食及农业组织以及关于消耗臭氧层物质的蒙特利尔议定书,目的是确保缔约方了解相关进展情况,便利对来自其他进程的相关信息的考虑。此外,该方案帮助了RDA开展与土地利用、土地利用的变化和林业问题有关的温室气体清单审评工作,并在与研究和系统观察有关的问题上帮助了其他方案。", "52. 报告所涉期间的一些相关工作结果包括:缔约方对于在发展中国家减少毁林所导致的排放问题的理解加深;关于向作为《议定书》/《公约》缔约方会议提交一项决定达成了一致意见,决定内容是意大利关于赋予其森林管理上限一个新数值提出的具体请求;进一步审议了开采的木材产品的加工问题;继续交流信息及分享关于缓解的科学、技术和社会经济方面的实际机遇和解决办法的经验和看法;就未来审议有关巴西的提案的科学工作 [7] 以及与氢氟碳化物和全氟碳化物有关的问题的进程达成了一致意见;对加强科技咨询机构和气候变化研究界之间的交流作出了贡献并且就确定一个进程来探讨进一步加强这种交流的途径达成了一致意见。", "53. 该方案支助了“对话”下的第一个研讨会。在研讨会期间,缔约方参与了就可持续发展、适应、技术和基于市场的方式以及未来的研讨会规划公开交换意见。", "2. 基于项目的机制方案", "54. 基于项目的机制方案 (PBM)支持为监督《京都议定书》下基于项目的机制的执行情况而组建的机构,特别是清洁发展机制执行理事会和联合执行监督委员会(监委会),为的是领导这些机构工作的《议定书》/《公约》缔约方会议的任务继续得到执行。", "55. 在报告所涉期间,清洁发展机制开始了全面运作,自《议定书》/《公约》缔约方会议第一届会议以来对服务的请求日益增加。该方案协助执行理事会、其各个小组和工作组履行清洁发展机制下的核心职能,即清洁发展机制项目活动的登记和核证的排减量的发放、对提出申请的实体的认证以及对基准和监测方法的核准。该方案为执行理事会的会议提供了支持,并编写了提交给《议定书》/《公约》缔约方会议的执行理事会年度报告。该方案还开展了与项目活动有关的个案工作,该工作主要由补充捐款提供资金。", "56. 根据2006年清洁发展机制管理计划,成果包括对执行理事会、小组和工作组的14个会议的支持,以及一个登记和发放小组的建立,该小组促进了与申请登记清洁发展机制项目活动和发放核证的排减量有关的简化程序。登记的清洁发展机制项目活动的数目增加到了247个,核证的排减量的发放达到总共10,235,616,涉及27个项目。理事会又认证和临时指定了6个负责审定的经营实体,这样,指定经营实体的总数达到了16个,其中包括非附件一国家的两个实体。对拟议基准和监测方法的审议速度加快,并且关于其统一和扩大适用范围的工作继续进行。对基准和监测方案的核准大大增加,如今在各个部门和大型和小型项目活动中可以利用的核定方法有66个。该方案于2006年2月在波恩举办了一个研讨会,有100名与会者参加,目的是使理事会和专家促进对最为关键的清洁发展机制问题的共同理解和方法的一致。通过与理事会会议一起和在附属机构第二十四届会议上组织答疑会,以及维持、更新和改进《气候公约》清洁发展机制网站,与缔约方和利害关系方的互动得到进一步加强,该网站有7,716名用户,清洁发展机制新闻服务的6,413名用户定期收到有关清洁发展机制的最新资料。", "57. 联合执行方面的工作在报告所涉期间取得了很大进展,监委会举行了首期三次会议。由于这三次会议以及方案的支持,监委会如今有了自己的管理计划,并且编写了针对联合执行项目的项目设计书草案以及监委会的方法和程序规则。该方案还在附属机构第二十四届会议期间帮助组织了一次有关联合执行的并行活动,并且建立了一个包括网播的网站。", "58. 对于PBM来说,关键的管理问题是动员足够的财力和人力来执行清洁发展机制执行理事会和监委会的方案预算和管理计划。该方案聘用了23名工作人员并且与22名顾问和61名书面材料审评员签有合同。该方案还确保了足够的补充资金用于2006年的清洁发展机制工作(900万美元)。不过,就联合执行而言,尽管能够动员足够的资源,但为了避免执行工作的延误将需要更多的资源。", "3. 遵约方案", "59. 通过提供实质性的和程序性的咨询意见以及组织会议和起草文件,遵约方案(COMP)在报告所涉及的期间支持了遵约委员会的主席团和全会以及促进事务组和强制执行事务组以及《议定书》/《公约》缔约方会议的工作。", "60. 该方案支持了报告所涉期间遵约委员会在波恩召开的两次全体会议:第一次会议于2006年3月1日至3日举行,第二次会议于2006年5月29日至31日举行。该方案还支持了这一期间(2006年3月1日至3日、2006年5月30日和6月20日)促进事务组在波恩举行的会议和进行的审议,以及2006年3月1日至3日执行事务组的一次会议。", "61. 在支持全体会议方面,遵约方案的一项重要工作是程序规则,因为委员会在“与《京都议定书》之下的遵约有关的程序和机制”(第27/CMP.1号决定附件)中要求进一步制定程序规则,包括有关保密、利益冲突、政府间组织和非政府组织提交信息以及翻译的规则。该方案提供了起草和研究方面的支持,包括关于程序规则的闭会期间工作;在所涉报告期间结束时该工作仍在进行。不过,有一个编好的文本涉及可能出现的问题,包括对《京都议定书》的遵守问题。", "62. 该方案主要通过主席团支持了委员会在其各次全体会议上审议秘书处就第四次国家信息通报的情况提供的信息。该方案还支持了委员会讨论遵约委员会的工作与《京都议定书》下相关职能之间的联系。", "63. 为了支持委员会、主席团及事务组的工作,遵约方案按照第27/CMP.1号决定开发了并且正在使用经济有效的存档功能,目的是向有关缔约方和委员会成员及候补成员提供及时可靠的信息。", "64. 关于沙特阿拉伯提出的在遵约程序和机制方面对《京都议定书》进行修订的建议,该方案向履行机构第二十四届会议提供了咨询意见和支持。", "D. 组类3:政府间和支助服务", "65. 在任命执行秘书之前, 政府间和会议事务方案的代理主管兼协调员承担了负责组类3的副执行秘书的关键职能。特别是,他牵头启动了缔约方会议第十二届会议和《议定书》/《公约》缔约方会议第二届会议的筹备工作,这项工作由该组类的三个方案联合开展。", "1. 政府间和会议事务方案", "66. 政府间和会议事务方案与缔约方和观察员保持经常性联系,支持缔约方会议第十一届会议主席团,特别是新任主席履行职能,向缔约方、观察员和《公约》机构和《京都议定书》机构提供法律咨询意见,为届会、会议和研讨会进行后勤准备和提供支持,并且编辑和处理了《公约》的文件。该方案继续牵头规划和监督秘书处对越来越多的会议期间和闭会期间活动的支持,自缔约方会议第十一届会议和《议定书》/《公约》缔约方会议第一届会议上启动新进程以来,活动范围大大扩大了。", "67. 在届会上提供的便利和服务使得《公约》和《议定书》的附属机构能够顺利而有效地开展工作。该方案为履行机构和科技咨询机构第二十四届会议以及特设工作组第一届会议作了安排,包括登记和安全事务。与届会一起举办了6个会前和会期研讨会和会议,包括对话下的第一次研讨会。", "68. 发展中国家和观察员组织都能够出席和参加届会。该方案协调了120多项资助请求,使得符合资格要求的缔约方能够出席附属机构的届会和其中的活动。另外,通过经过强化的在线参与者信息和和平行活动登记系统,政府间和会议事务方案促进了观察员组织有效参与届会。临时新接纳了8个观察员组织。届会上特别举办了总共46次平行活动和15次展出――分别比上一个两年期同期多3次和2次。", "69. 该方案组织了主席团的两次会议,为主席团的工作提供了支持,作出了后勤安排并且协调了对来自符合资格要求的缔约方的主席团成员的资助。", "70. 政府间和会议事务方案的后勤安排为《京都议定书》下新组建的机构和小组的工作的成功启动以及其他小组的工作的继续开展做出了贡献。在新的两年期的头6个月里,在波恩举行了19个会议和研讨会,其后勤工作得到政府间和会议事务方案的全面支持,会议数目几乎跟整个前一个两年期的会议和研讨会的数量一样多。除了这些,该方案还事先为参加在波恩以外的地方举行的7项《公约》活动的人办理了报名登记,协助了这些活动的对外关系和后勤工作,并且为与东道国政府的法律安排提供了框架。", "71. 政府间和会议事务方案继续努力提供及时方便的文献,以便利缔约方和政府间机构获得信息。该方案在2006年1月到6月总共编辑和加工了157份文件,共2,228页,其中包括缔约方会议第十一届会议和《议定书》/《公约》缔约方会议第一届会议的报告。与上一个两年期的同期相比数量增加了将近50%。", "72. 缔约方和观察员定期征求并获得政府间和会议事务方案关于《公约》和《议定书》的各种程序、机构和法律方面的咨询意见。此外,履行机构第二十四届会议在审议在《京都议定书》下设立的机构的任职的个人的特权和豁免权时参考了政府间和会议事务方案所进行的研究。该方案正继续与联合国法律事务厅讨论这些问题。秘书处起草和签署的合同、谅解备忘录及其他协议借鉴了可靠的法律咨询意见。", "73. 缔约方会议第十二届会议和《议定书》/《公约》缔约方会议第二届会议以及附属机构第二十五届会议的筹备工作已经开始。关于如何在缔约方会议第十二届会议和《议定书》/《公约》缔约方会议第二届会议上以及在更长的期间安排扩大政府间谈判进程的问题,第二十四届会议主席团的审议以及履行机构的商议和结论都得到了政府间和会议事务方案提供的便利。这些审议、商议和结论引导该方案通过与联合国内罗毕办事处密切合作,继续为肯尼亚政府筹备缔约方第十二届会议和《议定书》/《公约》缔约方会议第二届会议提供支持。", "2. 信息服务方案", "74. 信息服务方案设立并管理着秘书处的对内对外信息通报工具和外联活动。信息服务方案的活动包括信息和通信技术、知识管理和信息通报以及媒体关系服务,支持所有方案启动和实施规定的工作,并且维持秘书处的公共网站以及媒体关系活动。", "75. 在信息和通信领域,对秘书处的信息系统面临的潜在风险的战略评估第一阶段已经完成。因此,将制定业务连续性计划,以期将安全事件或灾难引起的中断风险降至最低。在这一期间30名工作人员转为使用便携式电脑,为的是帮助减少会议成本并确保业务的连续性。95名工作人员如今使用的是便携式电脑。秘书处大量发传真的能力得到每天平均有15,000封电子邮件通过其系统的补充。总的说来, 2,426名用户的支助请求得到受理,有80名工作人员参加信息和通信技术的培训和提高认识会议。", "76. 向《联合国防治荒漠化公约》秘书处提供了数据通信方面的支持,以使其能够从位于波恩的联合国新办公区的新办公室进入联合国日内瓦办事处的综合管理信息系统。为附属机构第二十四届会议建立了一个极为安全的信息和通信技术基础结构,包括向参与者提供的免费的互联网服务。此外,在这一期间为26个研讨会提供了服务。关于缔约方会议第十二届会议的筹备工作已经启动。", "77. 在知识管理领域启动了一个记录管理方案,目的是引入基本的政策和程序,以便以更系统的方式管理秘书处的记录和档案。记录管理政策框架的基本要素,包括一份全面的记录管理政策文件和支持性准则已经拟订。该方案的目标是提高组织的有效性,同时使信息管理得到强化和系统化。", "78. 关于一个电子记录管理系统的征求建议书已经起草并提交。记录管理系统将首先向秘书处提供一个文献中心以储存秘书处登记册的最终记录以及遵约方案和RDA方案的最终记录。", "79. 对图书馆的在线目录的改进已经完成。经过改进后可以更快地查阅图书馆收藏的1,850 篇学术文章、5,013本书、研讨会和会议记录以及698种日报和简报。文件归档系统使全世界用户能够通过网站查阅用用6种联合国语文写成的5,000多份文件,可通过多重接入点查阅文件,例如关键词、议程项目、出版日期和文号。大约600项一般参考资料查询和1,100项正式文件请求得到处理。此外,“Documenting Climate Change”光盘第7册已经出版,使文献查阅情况得以改善。", "80. 在信息通报领域,《气候公约》网站<>仍是《气候公约》数据、文件和信息的主要对外门户。从2006年1月1日到6月30日,访问量达到约190万次,大约742万网页和文件被浏览。在附属机构第二十四届会议期间,《气候公约》网站吸引了创记录的浏览者人数,访问量达430,000 次。", "81. 为附属机构的会议记录提供网播服务:附属机构第二十四届会议和特设工作组第一届会议总共9天实况的和选看的网播节目,“对话”2天实况的和选看的网播节目,两个清洁发展机制执行理事会会议6天实况的和选看的网播节目以及三个监委会会议7天实况的网播节目。", "82. 对媒体了解附属机构提供了便利,有36家报社/媒体的代表被核准采访附属机构第二十四届会议。76项采访请求得到处理,另外还为代表们安排了13次采访。对出版物和信息提出的请求有218项。发布了8份新闻稿和咨询意见,并且组织了4次新闻发布", "会或情况介绍会。信息服务方案的工作人员向普遍公众做了16次关于气候变化进程和《气候公约》秘书处工作的介绍,作为对在东道国德国开展的外联活动的支持。", "3. 行政服务方案", "83. 在报告所涉期间,行政服务方案完成了必要的行政安排以确保全面落实2006-2007年方案预算中所概述的秘书处的新结构(见FCCC/SBI/2005/8号文件)。工作人员视需要转入新职能单位的工作已经完成,同时确保了尽量不中断技术方案的工作。此外,秘书处关于责任分配和财务权力下放的政策已经出台,以反映新的结构。", "84. 该方案继续在设在波恩的联合国机构的首脑与德国政府就秘书处搬至新办公区的谈判中代表秘书处的利益。谈判结束并且联合国机构和德国政府签署谅解备忘录之后,联合国秘书长和德国总理于2006年7月在联合国办公区举行了揭幕仪式。在预计作为《气候公约》新总部的房舍完成重新装备后,秘书处计划于2008年迁往联合国办公区。与此同时,行政服务方案继续作出安排以调整Haus Carstanjen的所有秘书处工作人员,准备搬迁167名工作人员,连同其家具、工作站和设备,再加上会议室、档案室和信息技术支持和服务室。临时迁往Haus Carstanjen 和最终迁往联合国办公区产生的所有费用由德国政府承担。", "85. 依据联合国采取的主动行动以及内部监督事务厅提出的建议,行政服务方案支持秘书处对其方案预算执行注重成果的方式。行政领导和管理方案和行政服务方案成立了一个特别工作队,该工作队为工作人员制定了准则,并且筹备了将由监督厅在2006年下半年举行的研讨会,目的是帮助秘书处建立注重成果的预算编制框架。2006-2007两年期工作方案已经反映出这一新方式,并且正在开展工作来制定业绩指标,以便从2008-2009两年期开始将这些指标纳入工作计划、监督和报告周期。", "86. 关于财务资源的管理,编制了2004-2005年帐目并在2006年6月经过联合国审计委员会审计。审定财务报表将在2006年第二个届会期间提供(见FCCC/SBI/2006/14 和 Add.1 及 Add.2号文件)。当前的方案预算的执行情况正受到行政服务方案的密切监督,并且向管理层提交定期报告以便利在业务方面优化资金的管理。筹资活动得到了有效支持,其证明就是四个信托基金得到了大量捐款,正如本报告上文所指出的。", "87. 在征聘领域,行政服务方案继续作出努力,以确保迅速处理空缺职位公告,尽快填补空缺职位。在报告所涉及的期间,发布了35份空缺职位公告,其中20个空缺职位在6月30日以前已经填补。", "88. 在更广泛的人力资源管理方面,行政服务方案发起了一次对秘书处工作人员选择办法的审查,目的是视需要改进目前的框架。到2006年年底将完成审评并酌情执行建议。秘书初加强了努力以支持管理层在尽可能广泛的地域基础上征聘工作人员并实现更大程度的性别平衡。这方面的努力正在进行,行政服务方案向管理层提供定期报告和建议以帮助改善状况。行政服务方案还组织了一次内部培训班以提高其工作人员的面试技能。", "89. 至于旅费,为工作人员189项人次差旅,507名与会者和专家出席37个研讨会以及133个受资助的代表出席附属机构第二十三届会议作出了安排。该方案为顾问、接受面试的候选人以及工作人员就任和休回籍假签发了53份旅行授权。在采购方面,行政服务方案监督了国际交易日志投标的行政程序,不论是在金额方面还是在合同安排的复杂性方面,该投标都是秘书处历史上最大的一揽子采购项目。此外,在报告所涉期间签署或启动了约509份订单和23份合同,金额总计约890万美元。", "四、人力资源", "A. 工作人员", "90. 缔约方会议第12/CP.11号决定核准了员额表,维持与前一个两年期相同的员额数,即83个专业人员员额(P)和46.5个一般事务人员员额(GS)。另外,在《公约》补充活动信托基金、波恩基金和方案支助费用(间接费用)下确定了92个员额。由于最初提出的预算的实际价值减少,核心预算下已经确定的5个员额无法获得资金,已经冻结。表11列出核准员额数目与截至2006年6月30日填补员额数目的对照。表中“已填补”员额是指由已得到一年或一年以上定期合同的工作人员占用的员额,他们在通过了完整的聘用程序后被任用填补既设员额,包括经过了审查委员会的审查。", "91. 除了按照既设员额任用的170.5名工作人员之外,截至6月30日还以临时助理合同聘请了5名专业人员和10名一般事务人员,工作人员总数达到185.5名。", "表 11. 按经费来源分列的截至2006年6月30日的 常设员额和已填补员额对照表", "核 心 补 充 波恩基金 间接费用 合 计", "核 准 已填补 核 准 已填补 核 准 已填补 核 准 已填补 核 准 已填补", "ASG 1 1", "D - 2 4 2 4 2", "D - 1 6 6 1 7 6", "P - 5 10 7 1 1 11 8", "P - 4 22 19 5 3 3 2 30 24^(a)", "P - 3 30 23 16 8 1 1 6 6 53 38^(b)", "P - 2 10 8 6 3 1 1 3 2 20 14", "P - 1 1 1 1 1", "小计 83 65 28 15 2 2 14 11 127 93", "GS 46.5 41.5 21 13 6 5 21 18 94.5 77.5", "总计^(c) 129.5 106.5 49 28 8 7 35 29 221.5 170.5", "a/ 有一个员额由于仅负责行政事务由低一个级别的工作人员填补。", "b/ 有两个员额由低一个级别的工作人员填补直到其晋级生效。", "c/ 由于5个员额被冻结,核心员额的空缺程度较高。", "92. 关于专业级别及专业以上级别任用工作人员的地域分布情况见表12(a)。专业工作人员在附件一缔约方和非附件一缔约方之间的分布情况及性别分布情况见表12 (b)。", "表 12 (a). 截至2006年6月30日任用的专业及以上职等 工作人员的地域分布情况", "职 等 非 洲 亚洲和太平洋 拉丁美洲 东 欧 西欧和 合 计 和加勒比 其他", "ASG", "D - 2 1 1 2", "D - 1 1 1 2 2 6", "P - 5 2 1 1 1 3 8", "P - 4 3 7 3 3 8 24", "P - 3 3 8 4 2 21 38", "P - 2 1 4 1 2 6 14", "P - 1 1 1", "合 计 9 22 10 10 42 93", "占总数的百分比 9.7 23.6 10.8 10.8 45.1 100", "表 12 (b). 附件一缔约方与非附件一缔约方获任用的专业及 以上职等工作人员分布情况及性别分布", "职 等 附件一 非附件一 男 女", "ASG", "D - 2 1 1 2", "D - 1 4 2 5 1", "P - 5 4 4 4 4", "P - 4 13 11 21 3", "P - 3 25 13 25 13", "P - 2 10 4 8 6", "P - 1 1 1", "合 计 58 35 66 27", "占总数的百分比 62.4 37.6 70.9 29.1", "B. 顾问和独立订约人", "93. 2006年1月1日至6月30日期间,共聘用了71名顾问和订约人。在所有资金来源之下,他们总共提供了77.3个月的工作量,费用总计为623,579美元。表13列出关于这些服务在各个方案之间的分配情况。", "表 13. 2006年1月1日至6月30日按方案分列的 顾问和订约人个人服务情况", "方 案 Person-months Cost (美元)", "行政领导和管理 1.25 2 340", "组 类 1 35.90 401,583", "组 类 2 8.25 76 523", "组 类 3 31.90 143 133", "合 计 77.30 623 579", "五、组建的机构成员差旅开支的经费", "94. 根据清洁发展机制执行理事会的建议,作为《议定书》/《公约》缔约方会议第7/CMP.1号决定第17段和18段请秘书处作出适当安排,从2006年1月1日起向执行理事会成员和候补成员发放每日生活津贴,数额比标准率高40%,但每年不超过5,000美元。应该指出,这不是对其服务的全额补偿,而是对其牺牲大量时间和经济利益的一种承认。该决定还请秘书处调整《公约》的做法,从补充活动信托基金资助清洁发展机制工作的资金中支付执行理事会所有成员和候补成员的旅费和每日生活津贴。", "95. 根据这一决定,秘书处从2006年1月1日起为清洁发展机制执行理事会的成员作出了必要的安排。", "96. 在2006年7月的会议上,清洁发展机制执行理事会“在清洁发展机制管理计划朝着在收费和收益基础上资金自足的方向发展以及理事会成员和候补成员的工作负担和旅费负担大幅增加的背景下,同意向秘书处提出要求:根据资源的供应情况,理事会成员和候补成员的旅费今后遵循联合国工作人员所适用的联合国规则和条例”(清洁发展机制执行理事会第二十五次会议的报告,第117段)。", "97. 秘书处满足了这一要求,在参加理事会、小组和工作组会议的差旅安排方面给予了清洁发展机制执行理事会成员和候补成员与《公约》工作人员同等的待遇。履行机构不妨注意清洁发展机制执行理事会的要求和秘书处采取的行动。", "98. 与此同时,遵约委员会在其年度报告(FCCC/KP/CMP/2006/6,将在缔约方会议第十二届会议上提供)中建议,为了使委员和候补委员保持其独立性,确保达到通过决定所需的法定人数,所有委员和候补委员都应该在其旅行支出方面获得支助。它还建议,当出席遵约委员会会议的旅行时间在9个小时以上时,委员和候补委员可乘坐商务舱。", "99. 鉴于这一安排对财务产生的整体影响以及对组建的机构需要采用一致的方式,履行机构不妨审查该事项并对执行秘书编制2008-2009年方案预算提供及时的指导。秘书处对这一财务影响进行了初步分析,可提供给履行机构在本届会议上商议。", "六、社会和环境责任", "100. 秘书处坚决承担自己的社会责任和环境责任。为此,秘书处加强了其可持续的办公室委员会,该委员会的任务是在提高与采购和旅行、电耗和废弃物管理以及其他相关领域有关的秘书处业务活动的可持续性的选择方面向管理层提供咨询意见。秘书处将继续监测其温室气体排放清单。2004-2006年两年期的初步清单已经更新,可在《公约》网站上查阅。[8] 本年度的排放信息将在下一个业绩报告中提供。在其社会责任方面,秘书处通过与工作人员协会协商,继续努力改善工作环境和工作人员的发展机会。", "附 件", "2006-2007两年期由补充活动基金供资的项目和活动", "项 目 核准承付款 (美元)\n 知识联网:建立一个信息交换综合数据库。该项目始于2000年3月,着眼于编排、存储、提取和提供秘书处掌握的数据、信息和专门知识并提供给缔约方和观察员组织。编写了所有开发系统的文献以及技术手册和用户手册,并且完成了一个《气候公约》知识系统清单和项目矩阵。在远程系统有效协作性的概念基础上,与《联合国防治荒漠化公约》秘书处和《联合国生物多样性公约》秘书处一起确定和执行了一个有效的数据共享的新手段。1个P-2员额由该项目供资。 152 500", "侧重于协调网站服务和满足用户需求的网站工作。该项目始于2003年2月,目标是改善网站内容的提供。在报告所涉期间,推出了一份新的电子邮件简报;有4000名外部用户请求加入到邮件列表中。随着CC:iNet 服务的实施,外联网服务得到协调和改进。 43 158", "《气候公约》网站:开发一个西班牙文端口。该项目始于2003年7月,目标是在向进程中使用西班牙语的利害关系方提供数据和资料,主要是缔约方、观察员、媒体和一般大众。在报告所涉期间,有关气候变化进程的新闻稿被定期翻译成西班牙文并张贴在网站上。 52 213", "计算机联网和数据通信。该项目始于2004年9月,目标是支持各方案在秘书处内开发的专门化信息系统和数据库的数据通信和联网。为了开展项目活动,招聘一个P-2级助理网络管理员的工作已经开始。 253 513", "《联合国气候变化框架公约》手册。该项目始于2002年2月,目标是编写和发行关于《公约》的一份手册,这将成为缔约方和对气候变化谈判进程感兴趣的其它方面的参考工具。英文文本将于2006年完成。联合国其他正式语文文本计划于2006-2007年完成。 88 315", "支持《公约》技术信息系统(信息交换所(TT:CLEAR))。该项目始于2003年1月。目标是设计和落实一个外联方案,使预想中的用户了解TT:CLEAR, 找到和分析多种方法便利用户进入这一系统;以及更新和维护现有的《公约》技术信息系统,包括找出任何信息差距,提出改进建议。 74 728", "支持执行技术转让专家组的工作方案。该项目始于2003年9月,目标是便利执行技术转让专家组的工作方案,以期就适当的进一步行动向附属科技咨询机构(科技咨询机构)提出建议,并支持缔约方以有意义和有效的行动落实这一框架,加强《公约》第四条第5款的执行。 228 878", "协助科技咨询机构审议土地利用、土地利用的变化和林业相关问题的工作方案。该项目始于2004年年初,项目下的活动包括:报告和审评《公约》之下土地利用、土地利用的变化和林业信息,包括制定相应的共同报告格式,培训清单专家审评气专委土地利用、土地利用的变化良好做法指导意见的相关资料,以便解决在《公约》范围之内确定土地利用、土地利用的变化和林业的活动系数,并在今后处理此类活动的相关问题,估计、报告和核算伐木和木材制品造成的温室气体排放量和清除量。 111 099", "支持关于适应和应对措施的布宜诺斯艾利斯工作方案的执行(1/CP.10)。该项目旨在确保执行第1/CP.10号决定要求秘书处承担的实质性任务。活动始于2005年年末,但大多数活动将在2006-2007两年期执行。活动包括组织三次区域研讨会和一次小岛屿发展中国家关于适应问题的专家会议以及科技咨询机构关于气候变化的影响、脆弱性和适应五年期工作方案列出的一些初步活动。 506 526", "促进减少在发展中国家毁林导致的排放。该项目旨在为缔约方提供机会以便审议毁林的各种复杂问题和驱动因素,并开始审议可能有效的方法和行动以减少在发展中国家毁林的行为,主要是通过支持组织缔约方规定就此问题召开的研讨会。项目的执行还将使缔约方和专家可以讨论围绕这一主题的复杂的科学、技术和方法问题并且就政策方针交流信息和经验并查明积极的激励措施。研讨会上的讨论有可能促进缔约方审议开展必要的进一步工作以便在未来两年内解决这一问题。 50 000", "关于执行《京都议定书》第三条第14款的闭会期间研讨会(第31/CMP.1号决定)。该研讨会将促进第31/CMP.1号决定所规定的任务的执行,即拟订提出报告的方法,说明如何最大限度减少附件一所列缔约方为履行《京都议定书》第三条第14款规定的承诺而执行的政策和措施对发展中国家缔约方的不利的社会、环境和经济影响。 70 000", "建立秘书处的能力建设能力。该项目始于2003年3月1日,为关于能力建设的政府间进程提供支持,便利开展第2/CP.7和3/CP.7号决定所附框架内规定的活动。2006-2007两年期内的活动包括编写一份关于发展中国家定期监测能力建设框架而需采取的步骤的报告(见FCCC/SBI/2006/5号文件),一份关于在实施能力建设活动中的最佳做法和教训的报告,以及在监测能力建设中将使用的业绩指标问题上与全球环境基金(环境基金)的互动。1个秘书员额由该项目出资。 100 279", "支持非《公约》附件一所列缔约方国家信息通报问题专家咨询小组执行2003-2007年工作方案,包括便利使用《公约》国家信息通报编制指南。设计这个项目是为了通过便利和支持专家咨询小组的工作执行第3/CP.8号决定,以期就下述问题向履行机构提供适当的进一步行动建议:专家咨询小组的任务和任期、提供与非附件一缔约方执行《公约》有关的资金/技术援助、专家咨询组的会议和区域实践培训班、编制供履行机构审议的相关技术文件和报告。1个秘书员额由该项目出资。 395 191", "开发和维持一个信息网络交换所以便支持缔约方实施教育和外联活动。该项目于2005年7月启动,目的是按照缔约方在履行机构第二十一届会议上的要求和FCCC/SBI/2004/14号文件的规定,为迅速启动交换所的第一个开发阶段提供便利。推出了原型模型并在蒙特利尔的履行机构第二十三届会议上向缔约方展示。根据缔约方继续提供的指导将在第二个阶段(2007-2008年)对原型进行进一步开发,使之成为一个真正的交换所以增加功能性并满足更广泛的用户的需要。1个一般事务员额由该项目出资。 102 004", "2006-2007年期间对最不发达国家专家组的支持。这个项目的目标是执行第4/CP.11号决定中规定的关于2006-2007两年期最不发达国家专家组活动的任务。项目内容包括有效支持专家组在作为最不发达国家的缔约方编写国家适应行动方案以及方案执行战略方面向其提供咨询意见,通过执行后勤任务和实质性任务为专家组的会议(每年两次)提供便利。在与国家适应行动方案有关的活动方面与环境基金及其执行机构的定期互动也得到促进。1个秘书员额(小组助理)通过这个项目供资。 382 648", "77国集团和中国谈判员为编写77国集团和中国关于能力建设的提交材料而举行的会议。该项目于2006年2月1日到7月1日实施,目标是支持3月20日至22日在坦桑尼亚达累斯萨拉姆举行的一个77国集团和中国的研讨会审议为定期监测能力建设框架而需采取的步骤。该项目资助了15名发展中国家的代表和2名秘书处工作人员参加会议。 85 000", "关于适应基金的研讨会。设计该项目是为了执行第28/CMP.1号决定,该决定请秘书处组织一个研讨会来为有关适应基金的业务指导提个一个信息交流的平台。关于适应基金的研讨会于2006年5月3日至5日在加拿大的爱德蒙顿举行。出席研讨会的有 31个国家的总共37名代表(其中有22人受到资助)以及几个政府间组织和非政府组织的代表。聘用了三名顾问;这些顾问起草了背景文件和介绍以便利研讨会上的讨论。在研讨会上为《气候公约》网站建立了一个网页,提供与研讨会有关的所有信息。 253 647", "支持秘书处关于《公约》第六条的活动:小岛屿发展中国家研讨会。该项目始于2006年1月,目的是支持组织一个小岛屿发展中国家研讨会以讨论这些国家在执行关于《公约》第六条的《新德里方案》方面的特殊需要。该研讨会将是促进专家之间的讨论以便就气候变化教育和外联活动提供信息和观点的一系列区域研讨会中的最后一个。研讨会的报告将对2007年《新德里工作方案》的审评作出重要贡献。 70 593", "支持清洁发展机制的业务活动。该项目始于2002年年初,目标是为执行清洁发展机制提供便利。正是通过这一京都机制,那些批准了《京都议定书》的附件一缔约方能够利用从清洁发展机制的项目活动中产生的核证的排减量,以便以符合成本效益的方式达到它们的排放限制并履行它们的减排承诺。同时,清洁发展机制协助发展中国家实现可持续发展和为《公约》的最终目标作出贡献。清洁发展机制执行理事会履行监督/行政职能。它行使与政策有关的职能、程序职能和重要的技术职能,涉及项目的登记、方法的核准(包括加强)以及核证的排减量的发放和对证实项目和核实及证明核证的减排量的经营实体的认证。对于技术任务,理事会可以酌情利用小组、委员会和工作组。奉命为清洁发展机制执行理事会提供服务的《公约》秘书处支持所有这些职能。在2006-2007两年期,诸如登记的项目之类的项目产生的结果预计会快速增加,并且将发放核证的减排量并核准方法。最快到2008年该项目有望自筹一半资金。 5 603 211", "与《京都议定书》第6条有关的活动(联合执行)。该项目始于2004年3月,总体目标是开展工作来促进和便利《京都议定书》第6条(联合执行)的执行。联合执行是一个《京都议定书》的机制,在该机制下一个附件一缔约方(负有写入《京都议定书》附件B的义务)可以执行一个减少排放项目或者一个增加另一个附件一缔约方(负有写入《京都议定书》附件B的义务)领土上的汇清除量并计算产生的减排单位以达到自己的京都目标的项目。一个附件一缔约方还可以授权法定实体参与联合执行项目。联合执行监督委员会在作为《京都议定书》缔约方会议的《公约》缔约方会议的领导和指导下并在《公约》秘书处的支持下,监督联合执行的情况,包括核实减排单位。在下一个两年期期间有望进一步加强联合执行,把联合执行推进到行动阶段。 451 648", "交易日志和数据交换标准的制定。该项目始于2003年1月。目标是:(a) 完成数据交换标准的技术规格,以确保在所有登记册系统中标准执行方面的一致;(b) 开发和建立国际交易日志,以期该日志在2007年4月开始生效;(c) 便利登记册系统管理人之间的合作,包括通过登记册系统管理人论坛,目的是促进登记册系统活动的一致、准确、透明和效率。数据交流标准的初始技术规格已经完成。 463 300", "温室气体排放量清单数据库及温室气体审评进程的软件支持。该项目始于2002年11月,目标是对为温室气体清单报告和审评进程开发温室气体数据库及软件的工作不断提供额外支持,包括开发通用报告格式软件(CRF Reporter)供附件一缔约方使用;为支持缔约方会议作出的与CRF有关的决定以及附件一缔约方温室气体清单技术审评开发软件工具;以及通过文件和秘书处网站改进向缔约方提供的关于温室气体排放量和趋势的信息。 573 006", "《京都议定书》之下排放量清单和配量的年度汇编和核算数据库系统的开发。该项目始于2005年2月,目标是开发汇编和核算数据库,以便能够准确地追踪、核对和储存《京都议定书》之下的排放量清单和配量数据。该数据库为各附件一缔约方记录所有相关信息以便评估遵守《京都议定书》第三条第1款的情况,包括缔约方参与京都机制的资格。该数据库还允许提交、处理和保留所需的补充信息以便跟踪和评估《京都议定书》下的遵约情况,并编写《京都议定书》之下配量和排放量的年度汇编。 437 477", "支持《公约》和《京都议定书》下的专家审评进程的活动:对专家审评小组的培训和主任审评员会议。该项目始于2006年2月,目的是制定并执行一个《京都议定书》下审评专家培训方案;继续执行《公约》下审评专家培训方案并组织一个培训研讨会;以及通过组织一次主任审评员会议来促进审评进程并提高其有效性和效率。 264 438", "[1] * 本文件迟交,是因为需要对第五节的定稿进行内部磋商。", "[2] 缴款最多的前10个缔约方的缴款占指示性缴款总额的75% ,缴款最多的前20个缔约方的缴款占总额的89% 。", "[3] 缴款最多的前10个缔约方的缴款占指示性缴款总额的72% ,缴款最多的前20个缔约方的缴款占总额的88% 。", "[4] 2007年12月31日前暂停实行不资助未向核心预算缴款的缔约方的做法(FCCC/SBI/ 2005/10, 第90-92段)。", "[5] FCCC/SBI/2005/8/Add.2 号文件和第12/CP.11号决定及第34/CMP.11号决定。", "[6] 2006年8月签署了与国际交易日志的开发者和操作者的合同。", "[7] FCCC/AGBM/1997/MISC.1/Add.3。", "[8]。" ]
[ "[ 联 合 国\n联合国\n[原件:英文]\n常规\n气候变化框架公约\n纽约\n页:1\n\n附属机构\n第二十五届会议\n2006年11月6日至14日,内罗毕\n临时议程项目14(b)\n行政、财政和机构事项\n2006-2007两年期预算执行情况", "截至2006年6月30日的2006-2007两年期预算执行情况", "秘书处的说明 [1]", "目录", "段次 页次", "一. 导言 1-4 2", "A. 任务 1-2 2", "B. 本说明的范围 3 2", "C. 附属履行机构可采取的行动 4 2", "二. 收入和支出报告 5-26 2", "A. 《气候公约》核心预算信托基金 5-13 2", "B. 参加《气候公约》进程信托基金 14-17 2", "C. 《气候公约》之下补充活动信托基金 18-23 2", "D. 德国政府特别年度捐款信托基金(波恩基金) 24 2", "页:1 方案支助费用 25-26 2", "三. 方案执行 27-89 2", "A. 行政领导和管理 27-31 2", "B. 第一组:执行 32-43 2", "C. 第2组:科学和技术咨询 44-64 2", "D. 第3组:政府间和支助服务 65-89 2", "四、结 论 人力资源 90-93 2", "A. 工作人员 90-92 2", "B. 顾问和独立订约人 93 2", " V. A. 组成机构成员旅费开支的筹措 94-99 2", "六、结 论 B. 社会和环境责任 100 2", "页:1", "由补充活动信托基金供资的项目和活动", "2006-2007两年期 第23条", "一. 导言", "A. 任务", "1. 联合国 1. 《公约》缔约方会议和作为《京都议定书》缔约方会议的《公约》缔约方会议(《议定书》/《公约》缔约方会议)在第12/CP.11和34/CMP.1号决定中核准了2006-2007两年期方案预算,并请执行秘书向缔约方会议报告收入和预算执行情况,并提议可能需要对预算作的任何调整。", "2. 联合国 附属履行机构(履行机构)的惯例是审议这些事项并拟订建议供《公约》缔约方会议和《议定书》/《公约》缔约方会议采取行动。", "B. 本说明的范围", "1. 联合国 本文件报告截至2006年6月30日的收入、支出和预算执行情况。 本报告应与FCCC/SBI/2006/INF.6号文件一并阅读,该文件更新了截至2006年10月15日的缴款情况。", "C. 附属履行机构可采取的行动", "1. 联合国 履行机构不妨注意所介绍的信息,并就可能需要列入有待建议《公约》缔约方会议第十二届会议和《议定书》/《公约》缔约方会议第二届会议通过的关于行政和财务事项的决定草案的行动作出决定。", "二. 收入和支出报告", "A. 《气候公约》核心预算信托基金", "1. 联合国 预算", "1. 联合国 《公约》缔约方会议第12/CP.11号决定和《议定书》/《公约》缔约方会议第34/CMP.1号决定核准了2006-2007两年期预算总额为5,350万美元(见表1)。", "表1. 2006-2007两年期方案预算", "2006年(美元) 2007年(美元) 2006-2007年(美元)(欧元) ^(a)\n方案活动直接费用 23 48212 1 23 558700 47 04082 35 421739\n方案支助费用\n周转准备金调整数 338273 7 182 345455 260128\n核定预算共计\n^(a) 使用的汇率(1美元=0.753欧元)是2005年1月至3月期间的平均汇率。", "2. 收入", "1. 联合国 所核准的预算预计将由所有缔约方的指示性缴款、东道国政府的年度缴款和以往各财务期的未用余额来提供。 表2列出预期收入来源。", "图表 2. 2006-2007两年期预期收入", "2006年(美元) 2007年(美元) 2006-2007年(欧元)\n所有缔约方指示性缴款\n以往财政期间(结转)未用捐款余额\n东道国政府的捐款\n预期收入共计 26 873070 26 628513 53 501583 40 286693", "2. 截至2006年6月30日,已收到该年度预计指示性捐款总额的1,730万美元(69.5%),即两年期的35%。 东道国政府的自愿捐款也已全额收到。 如表3所示,这些收入由前几年收到的捐款来补充。", "表3. 截至2006年6月30日的实际收入", "(单位:美元)", "2006–2007", "2006年指示性缴款 -- -- 《公约》", "2006年指示性缴款 -- -- 《京都议定书》 7 233 92", "东道国政府的自愿捐款", "以往各年的捐款 718 409", "预收的未来年度捐款 46 176", "利息和杂项收入 297 220", "实际收入共计 19 263 810", "3个 截至2006年6月30日,尚未收到2006年《公约》前10名或前20名缴款国中的6名[2]的捐款。 在189个《公约》缔约方中,有105个缔约方没有缴纳2006年的缴款。 17个缔约方自1996年《气候公约》设立以来从未向核心预算缴款。 未缴会费情况见表4。", "表4. 按年份分列的截至2006年6月30日《公约》未缴会费情况", "(单位:美元)", "缔约方数目 未清数额", "自下列年份的1月1日起未缴:", "1996 17 9 762", "1997 22 22 955", "1998 24 13 368", "1999 24 11 580", "2000 28 17 004", "2001 31 26 684", "2002 37 62 401", "2003 46 86 303", "2004 60 393 025", "2005 73 708 158", "2006 105 5 646 896", "共计 6 998 136", " 4.四. 截至2006年6月30日,尚未收到2006年《京都议定书》前10名(即前20名)缴款国中的2名(即6名)的捐款(见表5)。 在《京都议定书》的163个缔约方中,102个缔约方没有为2006年缴款。", "表 5. 按年份分列的截至2006年6月30日《京都议定书》未缴缴款情况", "(单位:美元)", "缔约方数目 未清数额", "自下列年份的1月1日起未缴:", "2005 69 366 691", "2006 102 1 940 586", "共计 2 307 277", "3个 支出", "1. 联合国 截至2006年6月30日的支出为9,484,625美元(10,716,750美元,包括方案支助费用),占2006年方案活动核定预算的40.4%。", "按组开列的支出", "2. 表6(a)按组别比较了2006年预算批款和头六个月的支出。 支出总额为40.4%,相当低,原因如下文第13段所述。", "表6(a). 妇女 截至2006年6月30日按组开列的支出", "(a) 预算支出百分比\n(美元)(欧元)\n行政领导和管理(EDM)\n集群1 7 111617 5 355048 2 387768 1 955582 33.6 36.5\n第2组 7 006414 5 275830 2 574094 2 108183 36.7 40.0\n集群3 8 207917 6 180562 4 161164 3 407993 50.7 55.1\n共计23482121 17 682038 9 484625 7 767908 40.4 43.9\n^(a) 根据2006年头六个月美元与欧元之间的平均汇率。", "3. 表6(b)按支出用途分列支出,分为六个项目。 “人事费”包括被任命担任核定员额的工作人员的薪金和一般人事费、短期工作人员的薪金、临时助理人员和加班费。 其他外部专门知识,包括个人和机构的专门知识,列在“顾问”项下。 工作人员出差旅费与专家参加讲习班和非正式协商的旅费分开列出。 “一般业务费用”包括向各种货物和服务供应商的付款。 “赠款和捐款”是指向波恩联合国共同事务股支付房舍管理费,该股向秘书处提供后勤和行政服务,以及向政府间气候变化专门委员会(气专委)提供年度捐款。", " 4.四. 自预算得到核准以来,美元对欧元升值,导致所有支出总体得到节省。 空缺员额进一步节省了经费。 回籍假和教育补助金通常在下半年支付。 各组成机构(非《公约》附件一所列缔约方国家信息通报问题专家咨询小组(专家咨询小组)、最不发达国家专家组(专家组)、清洁发展机制执行理事会(清洁发展机制执行理事会)、联合执行(联合执行)等)规定的多数会议将在下半年举行。 与往年相反,深入审评、年度清单审评和初次报告的主要部分将在年底进行,目的是将年度清单审评与初次报告结合起来。 随着计划进行的审查,工作人员差旅费支出将相应增加。 赠款和捐款的支出率很高,因为与往常一样,2006年7月1日至2006年12月31日期间房舍管理费已在2006年6月之前提前支付,而且已向气专委支付了年度赠款。", "表6(b). 妇女 截至2006年6月30日的支出", "截至2006年6月30日的2006年核定预算(美元) 支出占预算的百分比\n工作人员费用\n顾问\n专家旅费\n工作人员差旅费\n一般业务费用 2 185 500 924 788 42.3 9.8\n赠款和捐款\n直接支出共计", "B. 参与《气候公约》进程信托基金", "1. 联合国 表7提供了参与《气候公约》进程信托基金的收入和支出情况。", "2. 联合国 秘书处继续采用其向符合条件的缔约方提供财政支持的现行政策。 如果根据联合国贸易和发展会议公布的统计数据,2004年人均国内生产总值不超过5,500美元,缔约方有资格获得资助。 对于小岛屿发展中国家,这一上限被提高到10,000美元。 [4]", "1. 联合国 收入", "1. 联合国 截至2006年6月30日,本两年期收到的捐款为916,159美元,总支出为748,432美元。 收支相抵盈余,包括上一个财政期间的结转余额和应计利息为1,304,953美元。 在将所需数额(2004-2005年平均年度支出的10%)作为业务现金储备后,这一数额连同信托基金收到的任何进一步捐款将用于支付符合条件的缔约方参加《公约》缔约方会议和《议定书》/《公约》缔约方会议即将举行的届会的费用。", "2. 开支", "1. 联合国 今年到目前为止,向121名与会者提供了参加附属科学技术咨询机构(科技咨询机构)和履行机构5月份第二十四届会议的旅费资助,总费用为633,893美元;主席团成员的旅费为14,826美元。 另有13,610美元用于支付与往年会议有关的开支,以及通过联合国开发计划署(开发计划署)当地办事处预订的旅费引起的业务费用。", "表7. 参与《气候公约》进程信托基金的状况", "截至2006年6月30日的", "(单位:美元)", "收入", "2004-2005年结转", "上期债务节减额", "2006年收到的捐款", "B. 利息和杂项收入 34 209", "收入共计", "支出", "主席团成员的旅费 14 826", "121名与会者出席2006年5月在波恩举行的附属机构会议的旅费", "上一年调整数和业务费用 13 610", "直接支出总额 662 329", "方案支助费用 86 103", "支出总额 748 432", "余额 1 304 953", "C. 补充信托基金 B. 《气候公约》下的活动", "1. 联合国 一些已获授权的核心活动继续由补充活动信托基金通过缔约方提供的自愿捐款提供。 这些活动包括与清洁发展机制、国际交易日志、联合执行和所有授权研讨会有关的活动。 秘书处为更有效地执行两年期工作方案而要求的额外活动和需要的额外资源也由该信托基金供资。", "1. 联合国 收入", "1. 联合国 2006年前六个月,秘书处继续开展密集的筹资活动。 收到了约540万美元的新捐款,占两年期初步估计需要的2 810万美元的19%。 此外,向信托基金支付了550多万美元的清洁发展机制费用和收益分成,一旦与清洁发展机制有关的活动实现自筹资金,该基金将在2008年初使用。", "2. 联合国 2004-2005年结转余额包括:", "(单位:千美元) 为核定项目承付的资金与两年期末记录的实际支出之间的差额;", "(b) 减少或减少员额。 (b) 已收到、但正在等待捐款缔约方指示用以确定应予使用的活动的资金;", "c. 将数据删除; 清洁发展机制费用,一旦与清洁发展机制有关的活动成为自筹资金,即可使用;", "(单位:千美元) 周转准备金。", "2. 支出和承付款", "1. 联合国 在本两年期头六个月,24个项目(其中一些从2004-2005年继续执行)获准供资,总费用为1 080万美元。 然而,应当指出,虽然这一数额是迄今核准的承付款总额,但截至2006年6月30日的支出仅为470万美元。 将对活动持续到2007年的项目或随后核准在本两年期内供资的新项目作出额外财政承诺,这些项目将进一步利用现有资金。", "2. 联合国 本文件附件提供了2006-2007两年期头六个月由补充活动信托基金供资的项目和活动的全部清单。 这些项目涉及补充活动,在本两年期方案预算中确定了这些活动的所需资源。 [5]", "3个 表8提供了报告所涉期间补充活动信托基金的收入和资金承诺情况。", "表8. 截至2006年6月30日补充活动信托基金的状况", "(单位:美元)", "收入", "2004-2005年结转", "前期债务节减额", "自愿捐助 5 362 039", "清洁发展机制收费和收益分成", "利息和杂项收入 376 510", "收入共计 24 430 952", "承诺", "核准的项目 9 574 356", "方案支助费用 1 244 666", "承付款共计", "余额 13 611 930", "D. 德国政府特别年度捐款信托基金(波恩基金)", "1. 联合国 作为将《气候公约》秘书处设在波恩的提议的一部分,德国政府承诺每年特别捐款1,789,522欧元(相当于350万德国马克)。 截至6月30日,已全部收到2006年的捐款。 表9显示截至2006年6月30日波恩基金2006-2007年的收入和支出。 “支出”是指在履行机构和科技咨询机构第二十四届会议、附件一缔约方在《京都议定书》之下的进一步承诺问题特设工作组(特设工作组)第一届会议、关于通过加强执行《公约》应对气候变化的长期合作行动对话的第一次研讨会(对话)以及2006年第一会期在波恩举行的另外四次会前和会期会议和研讨会上组织和确保信息流动的费用。", "表9. 截至2006年6月30日的波恩基金状况", "(单位:美元)", "收入", "(a) 缴款 2 164 427", "利息和杂项收入 24 694", "收入共计 2 189 121", "支出", "会议支助", "会议设施", "工作人员 266 861", "小计 1 254 009", "会议信息支助", "计算机和联网 300 863", "工作人员 34 422", "小计 335 285", "参加波恩讲习班的旅费 0", "方案支助费用 206 495", "支出共计", "上期调整数 10 669", "周转准备金", "余额704 001", "^(a) 相当于每年1,789,522欧元。", "页:1 方案支助费用", "1. 联合国 按照联合国的财务程序,《气候公约》所有信托基金应支付13%的间接费用,以支付行政事务费用。 这些服务大多由行政事务处方案在秘书处内提供。 审计、薪金、投资和财务等中央服务由联合国在可偿还的基础上提供。", "2. 联合国 截至2006年6月30日,两年期头六个月的收入为2,121,471美元,其中包括利息和杂项收入。 在同一期间,1,440,169美元用于支付工作人员和非工作人员费用。 2006年联合国日内瓦办事处(日内瓦办事处)提供服务的费用估计为360,000美元,将在下半年收取和支付。 收支相抵盈余,包括上一个财政期间的结转余额为2,959,311美元。 表10显示2006-2007两年期头六个月方案支助费用的状况。", "表10. 截至2006年6月30日的方案支助费用状况", "支出用途", "收入", "2004-2005年结转额 2 279 535", "信托基金的方案支助费用收入", "利息和杂项收入 61 703", "收入共计 4 401 006", "秘书处工作人员费用", "秘书处非工作人员费用 837", "秘书处费用总额", "联合国提供的服务 0", "支出总额", "前期节余 1 526", "余额 2 959 311", "三. 方案交付", "A类. 行政领导和管理", "1. 联合国 行政领导和管理方案活动的结果与与2006-2007两年期方案预算一并提交的工作方案(见FCCC/SBI/2005/INF.6)所述的结果是一致的。", "2. 代理主管一直在管理和协调秘书处的活动。 新的秘书处结构已经落实,对这一新结构的管理支助已经投入运作。 准备充分的过渡确保了向新方案顺利转移职能和责任。", "3个 代理主管还确保《公约》和《京都议定书》各机构及其官员得到良好的咨询意见。 对《公约》缔约方会议第十一届会议和《议定书》/《公约》缔约方会议第一届会议所作决定的后续行动尤其包括对新设立的特设工作组和对话提供支持。 履行机构和科技咨询机构第二十四届会议、特设工作组第一届会议、 \" 对话 \" 下的第一次研讨会以及主席团的多次会议已经筹备并举行,并开始就向秘书处提出的请求采取后续行动。", " 4.四. 在对外关系方面,行政领导和管理司高度重视与所有区域的缔约方以及秘书处东道国政府保持密切联系。 该方案继续促进同伙伴组织的合作,同时加强现有的伙伴关系。 媒体对信息的需求很高,尤其是关于清洁发展机制和缔约方会议第十一届会议所建立的新进程的进展的信息。", "5 (韩语). 作为与联合国系统内其他机构的机构联系的一部分,代理主管或其代表参加了一些会议,包括可持续发展委员会第十四届会议、全球环境基金(全环基金)理事会会议、理事会第九届特别会议和联合国环境规划署(环境署)全球部长级环境论坛。", "B. 第一组:执行", "1. 联合国 负责执行的副执行秘书与其他副执行秘书协商,为第1组的工作提供了战略指导,确保了秘书处工作的一致性,并为履行机构第二十四届会议和特设工作组第一届会议提供了支助。", "1. 联合国 报告、数据和分析方案", "1. 联合国 在上半年,报告、数据和分析方案的活动侧重于支持关于国家信息通报、温室气体清单等事项的政府间进程,并准备实施登记册系统和国际交易日志的有效运作。", "2. 联合国 该方案通过对前八份国家信息通报进行集中审评,启动了对《公约》附件一所列缔约方(附件一缔约方)第四次国家信息通报的深入审评。 这是第一次以这种方式审议国家信息通报,证明是有效和成功的。 该方案编写了根据第三条第2款提交的证明《京都议定书》之下所取得进展的报告的综合报告并提交履行机构第二十四届会议审议。", "3个 继续就进一步开发和改进秘书处收集、处理和传播附件一缔约方和非《公约》附件一所列缔约方(非附件一缔约方)温室气体清单数据的系统开展工作。 这项工作的目的是通过数据接口向缔约方和外部用户提供方便用户的在线访问清单数据和其他信息。 秘书处为清单数据报告软件 \" 通用报告格式报告软件 \" 的用户举办了一次研讨会,帮助缔约方改进了软件的发布,使其更加稳定。 通用报告格式报告系统扩充版的开发工作进展顺利,应可进一步加强其功能,并包括报告土地利用、土地利用的变化和林业活动的新模块。 改进数据处理程序有助于确保及时公布2006年收到的清单提交情况报告。 此外,该方案已完成《京都议定书》之下汇编和核算数据库的界定要求并着手开发。", " 4.四. 该方案继续组织和支持培训参与温室气体清单和国家信息通报审评的专家。 《公约》之下的审评培训班于2006年5月至6月在网上举行;另外制定了关于《京都议定书》之下配量单位核算的国家体系、调整和模式的在线培训方案,并提供给专家。", "5 (韩语). 关于国际交易日志的实施,外部服务提供商就开发和操作该系统提出的建议得到了技术和资金方面的评价。 为建立国际交易日志的长期合同安排进行了谈判。 [6] 国际交易日志的开发工作正在进行中,以明确界定的技术标准和规格以及商定的时间表为基础。 登记册系统管理员论坛第一次会议于2006年4月举行。 它为登记册系统管理人之间正在进行的合作活动指明了方向,这些活动旨在促进登记册系统运作的一致性、透明度和效率。 会上商定了2006年的工作优先事项和工作时间表,并在论坛下设立了三个工作组,以开展技术工作,制定所有登记册系统管理人共同执行的业务程序。", "6. 国家 该方案还以背景材料、文件和支助人员的形式向两个附属机构的会议、特设工作组和对话提供实质性支助。", "1. 联合国 财务和技术支助方案", "1. 联合国 财务和技术支助方案向履行机构第二十四届会议提供支助,涉及审查《公约》资金机制、气候变化特别基金和《京都议定书》之下的适应基金。 特别是,它编写了一份综合报告,以便利关于资金机制审评的谈判,并于2006年5月3日至5日在加拿大埃德蒙顿为大约70名与会者举办了一次关于适应基金的研讨会,为此编写了一份提交履行机构的报告并编写了一些背景文件。 通过与环境基金秘书处的持续联络和协调工作,该方案还跟踪了环境基金信托基金下的气候变化活动状况以及气候变化特别基金和最不发达国家基金的执行情况。", "2. 联合国 该方案就《公约》和《京都议定书》下的能力建设议程项目向履行机构第二十四届会议提供了支助。 编写了一份文件,说明可采取哪些步骤监测发展中国家的能力建设框架,以此作为履行机构第二十四届会议和履行机构第二十五届会议期间谈判的基础。 该方案为77国集团和中国编写监测能力建设文件的研讨会提供了支助,并为研讨会编写了一份关于监测和指标的背景文件。 该方案正在扩大同其他组织的关系,并与大学网络、研究中心和组织建立了新的伙伴关系,其中包括环境规划署/全球资源信息数据库阿伦达尔中心、开发计划署能力发展方案和私人基金会。 在外联教育和培训方面,方案已加强并推广了信息交换所(TT:CLEAR),并已开始审查新德里工作方案下的进展。 该方案同环境规划署合作,正在编制一本交流手册,并巩固了《公约》第六条国家联络点网络。", "3个 在2006年第一个会期内,财务、技术和技术支助小组支持专家咨询小组开展2002-2007年工作方案中概述的活动。 为此,该方案在印度尼西亚雅加达组织和举办了专家咨询小组第六次会议(2006年3月17日和18日)和专家咨询小组脆弱性和适应评估实践培训研讨会(2006年3月20日至24日)。 在这次研讨会上,来自亚洲和太平洋区域参与编写第二次国家信息通报的专家接受了关于适用《气候公约》脆弱性和适应性评估报告指南的培训,并介绍了进行和综合部门评估的工具。", " 4.四. 此外,该方案还协助专家咨询小组编制一个模板,以方便报告研究和系统观测、技术转让、能力建设、教育、培训和宣传以及信息和联网方面的信息,协助非附件一缔约方的专家编写国家信息通报。 秘书处将在2006年底之前分发这一模板。 该方案继续与开发计划署/环境规划署的国家信息通报支助方案、联合国训练研究所以及捐助国合作,为调动环境基金和其他双边和多边机构向非附件一缔约方提供资金和技术支持提供便利。", "5 (韩语). 该方案为执行最不发达国家工作方案、专家组的工作,特别是国家适应行动方案进程提供了技术和实质性支持。 专家组自成立以来已成功地协助48个《气候公约》最不发达国家缔约方编制国家适应行动方案。 其中5个国家向秘书处提交了已完成的国家适应行动方案。 该方案支持了专家组在2006年4月6日至8日在孟加拉国达卡举行的专家组第九次会议上拟订和编制2006-2007年工作方案。 该方案还利用为便利审查而开发的模板,审查了提交秘书处的国家适应行动方案草案,并通过专家组向有关缔约方提供反馈。 该方案为关于环境基金最不发达国家基金执行情况的讨论和最后确定提供了投入。", "C. 第2组:科学和技术咨询", "1. 联合国 负责科学和技术咨询的副执行秘书与其他副执行秘书协商,为第二组的工作提供了战略指导,确保了秘书处工作的一致性,并为科技咨询机构第二十四届会议和对话下的第一次研讨会提供了支助。", "1. 适应、技术和科学方案", "1. 联合国 适应、技术和科学方案支持执行关于适应和应对措施的布宜诺斯艾利斯工作方案(第1/CP.10号决定)并便利进一步制定和执行科技咨询机构关于气候变化影响、脆弱性和适应的工作方案(第2/CP.11号决定)。", "2. 联合国 根据第1/CP.10号决定的授权,该方案为拉丁美洲和加勒比区域举办了第一次区域适应问题研讨会,缔约方在研讨会上交流信息并确定了该区域具体的适应需要和关切。 编写了一份关于拉丁美洲气候变化影响、脆弱性和适应的背景文件,以支持缔约方的审议工作。 关于执行应对措施的影响,方案组织了一次关于经济多样化的会前专家会议,并在两个附属机构第二十四届会议期间支持了这一问题。", "3个 为进一步发展科技咨询机构工作方案下的活动和模式,该方案在科技咨询机构第二十四届会议之前组织了一次缔约方代表非正式会议,这证明有助于进一步审议这一问题。 该方案还支持了科技咨询机构第二十四届会议期间就这一问题进行的谈判。 此外,该方案还着手编制在与工作方案有关领域开展活动的组织和机构名单,并公布在FCCC/SBSTA/2006/INF.3号文件和《气候公约》网站上。", " 4.四. 该方案继续支助缔约方执行《公约》第四条第5款以及第4/CP.7号决定附件所载技术转让框架。 它支持技术转让专家组于2006年3月9日至11日在比利时布鲁塞尔举办特别工作会议,以按照第6/CP.10号决定的要求,就加强执行技术转让框架提出建议。 专家组提交了建议,供科技咨询机构第二十四届会议审议。 该方案还组织了一次技术转让专家组特别会议和一届常会,并协助专家组执行2006年工作方案。", "5 (韩语). 应科技咨询机构的要求,该方案编写了一份关于2005年10月在波恩举行的技术开发和转让融资创新办法研讨会的报告、一份关于23份已完成的技术需要评估报告和25份非附件一缔约方国家信息通报所查明的技术需要的综合报告,以及关于应用无害环境技术来适应气候变化的技术文件。 方案继续就TT:CLEAR与国家和区域技术信息中心之间的联网试点项目开展工作。 它还着手编写从业人员指南,协助项目开发人员编写符合国际金融提供者标准的项目建议书。 该指南将在缔约方会议第十二届会议上以英文、法文和西班牙文提供。", "6. 国家 该方案支持缔约方就一系列与缓解和科学有关的问题开展工作,包括减少发展中国家毁林所致排放量;土地利用、土地利用的变化和林业;方法学问题;缓解措施所涉科学、技术和社会经济问题;《公约》的研究需要;与其他组织和联合国机构的合作。", "7. 联合国 方案编写了正式文件,供缔约方审议,并在科技咨询机构第二十四届会议期间组织了一次关于缓解问题的会期研讨会(讨论农业、林业和农村发展)和一次关于研究的特别活动。 该方案与其他公约、组织和联合国机构定期联络,包括气专委、国际民用航空组织、国际海事组织、联合国粮食及农业组织和《关于消耗臭氧层物质的蒙特利尔议定书》,目的是确保缔约方随时了解有关动态,并便利审议从其他进程得到的相关信息。 此外,该方案还协助《区域数据报告》开展与土地利用、土地利用的变化和林业问题有关的温室气体清单审评工作以及与研究和系统观测问题有关的其他方案。", "8. 国家 报告期内工作的一些相关成果是:缔约方对与减少发展中国家毁林所致排放量有关的问题有了更好的了解;同意向《议定书》/《公约》缔约方会议转交一项决定,该决定涉及意大利就森林管理上限的新价值提出的具体请求;进一步审议伐木制品的处理问题;继续就缓解措施所涉科学、技术和社会经济方面的实际机会和解决办法交流信息并交流经验和意见;商定今后审议巴西提案的科学工作的程序[7]和与氢氟碳化合物和全氟碳化物有关的问题;协助加强科技咨询机构与气候变化研究界之间的沟通,并商定如何为进一步加强这种沟通而确定一个进程。", "9. 国家 该方案为对话下的第一个讲习班提供了支助。 在研讨会期间,缔约方就可持续发展、适应、技术和市场方针公开交换了意见,为今后的研讨会奠定了基础。", "1. 联合国 基于项目的机制方案", "1. 联合国 以项目为基础的机制方案向为监督《京都议定书》之下以项目为基础的机制的执行情况而成立的机构,特别是清洁发展机制执行理事会和联合执行监督委员会(监委会)提供支持,以便继续履行这些机构所负责的《议定书》/《公约》缔约方会议的任务。", "2. 联合国 在报告期内,清洁发展机制全面运作,自第一届《议定书》/《公约》缔约方会议以来,对服务的需求已加快。 该方案协助理事会、其专门小组和工作组履行清洁发展机制下的核心职能,即清洁发展机制项目活动的登记和核证排减量的发放、申请实体的认证以及基准和监测方法的核准。 该方案为执行理事会的会议提供了支助并编写了理事会提交《议定书》/《公约》缔约方会议的年度报告。 该方案还开展了与项目活动有关的个案工作,大部分资金来自补充捐款。", "3个 根据清洁发展机制2006年管理计划,取得的成果包括支持理事会、专门小组和工作组的14次会议,设立登记和发放小组,协助简化与清洁发展机制项目活动登记申请有关的程序和发放核证的排减量。 登记的清洁发展机制项目活动已增至247个,27个项目的CER发放量已达10,235,616个。 理事会认证并临时指定了另外6个经营实体进行审定,使这些指定经营实体总数达到16个,包括非附件一缔约方的两个实体。 加速了对拟议基准和监测方法的审议,并继续进行合并和扩大其适用性的工作。 基准和监测方法的核准范围已大为扩大,大规模和小规模项目活动的广泛部门现有66个已核准方法。 该方案于2006年2月在波恩为理事会和专家举办了一次有100名与会者参加的研讨会,以促进对最关键清洁发展机制问题的共同理解和方针的一致性。 通过在理事会每次会议和附属机构第二十四届会议期间组织问答会,以及维护、更新和改进7,716个订户使用的《气候公约》清洁发展机制网站,进一步促进了与缔约方和利害关系方的互动,而清洁发展机制新闻设施的6,413个订户定期收到关于清洁发展机制的最新资料。", " 4.四. 在报告期内,联合执行工作取得了很大进展,监委会举行了前三次会议。 由于这些会议以及该方案的支持,监委会现在有自己的管理计划和联合执行项目项目设计书草案,并编写了监委会的模式和议事规则。 该方案还帮助在两个附属机构第二十四届会议期间组织了一次关于联合执行的会边活动,并建立了一个网站,包括网播。", "5 (韩语). 方案支助和管理的主要挑战是为执行清洁发展机制执行理事会和监委会的方案预算和管理计划调动足够的财政和人力资源。 该方案征聘了23名工作人员并处理了22名顾问和61名案头审查员的合同。 该方案还为清洁发展机制2006年的工作争取到足够的补充资金(900万美元)。 然而,就联合执行而言,尽管可以调动大量资源,但仍需要更多的资源来避免执行方面的拖延。", "2. 遵约方案", "1. 联合国 在报告期内,遵约方案向主席团和全体会议、遵约委员会促进和执行事务组以及《议定书》/《公约》缔约方会议提供了实质性和程序性咨询意见并组织会议和起草文件等支持。", "2. 联合国 该方案在报告期内为遵约委员会波恩的两次全体会议提供了支助:第一次于2006年3月1日至3日举行,第二次于2006年5月29日至31日举行。 该方案还支持促进事务组在此期间(2006年3月1日至3日、2006年5月30日和2006年6月20日)在波恩举行的会议和审议,以及执行事务组2006年3月1日至3日的一次会议。", "3个 根据委员会在 \" 与《京都议定书》之下的遵约有关的程序和机制 \" (第27/CMP.1号决定附件)中规定的任务,常委会支持全体会议的主要工作是制定议事规则,以进一步制定议事规则,包括关于保密、利益冲突、政府间组织和非政府组织提交资料和翻译的规则。 该方案提供了起草和研究支助,包括闭会期间关于议事规则的工作;在本报告所述期间结束时,这项工作仍在进行中。 然而,有一个完善的案文,处理可能出现的问题,包括遵守《京都议定书》的问题。", " 4.四. 该方案主要通过主席团支持委员会审议秘书处在每次全体会议上提交的关于第四次国家信息通报状况的资料。 该方案还支持委员会讨论遵约委员会的工作与《京都议定书》规定的有关职能之间的联系。", "5 (韩语). 为了支持委员会、主席团和分支机构的工作,COMP已经制定并正在执行符合第27/CMP.1号决定的档案职能,并且具有成本效益和效率,以便向有关缔约方以及委员会委员和候补委员提供可靠和及时的信息。", "6. 国家 该方案就沙特阿拉伯就与遵约有关的程序和机制提出的《京都议定书》修正案向履行机构第二十四届会议提供了咨询和支持。", "D. 第3组:政府间和支助事务处", "1. 联合国 在执行秘书提名之前,政府间和会议事务方案代理主管兼协调员履行负责第3组的副执行秘书的关键职能。 具体而言,他领导了本组三个方案联合开展的《公约》缔约方会议第十二届会议和《议定书》/《公约》缔约方会议第二届会议的筹备工作。", "1. 联合国 政府间和会议事务方案", "1. 联合国 政府间和会议事务方案与缔约方和观察员保持定期联系,支持缔约方会议第十一届会议主席团,特别是新任主席履行职责,向缔约方、观察员以及《公约》和《京都议定书》各机构提供法律咨询,为会议、会议和研讨会进行后勤筹备并提供支持,编辑和处理《气候公约》文件。 该方案继续带头规划和监测秘书处对越来越多的会期和闭会期间活动的支持,这些活动自第十一届缔约方会议和第一届《议定书》/《公约》缔约方会议启动新进程以来已大大扩展。", "2. 会议期间提供的设施和服务使《公约》和《议定书》的附属机构能够顺利而有效地运作。 该方案为履行机构和科技咨询机构第二十四届会议以及特设工作组第一届会议作出了安排,包括登记和安全。 与届会同时举行了6个会前和会期讲习班和会议,包括对话下的第一次讲习班。", "3个 发展中国家和观察员组织得以出席并参加届会。 该方案协调了121项资助符合资格的缔约方的请求,以便利它们参加附属机构的届会和嵌入式活动。 此外,通过增强在线与会者信息和会外活动登记系统,国际合作社联盟为观察员组织有效参与届会作出了贡献。 八个新的观察员组织被暂时接纳。 共举办了46个会外活动和15个展览,分别比上一个两年期同期多出3个和2个。", " 4.四. 该方案组织了两次主席团会议。 它为其工作提供了支持,作出了后勤安排并协调向来自有资格的缔约方的主席团成员提供财政援助。", "5 (韩语). 国际合作社联盟的后勤组织为《京都议定书》下新组建的机构和小组的工作的成功启动以及其他小组的持续工作作出了贡献。 在新的两年期头六个月,在波恩举行了19次会议和讲习班,其后勤工作得到国际合作社联盟的充分支持,几乎与整个两年期一样多。 除此之外,该方案还为在波恩以外举行的7个《气候公约》活动预先登记了参加者,协助了这些活动的对外关系和后勤工作,并为与东道国政府的法律安排提供了框架。", "6. 国家 合作社联盟继续着眼于方便读者和及时的文件,以便利向缔约方和政府间机构提供信息。 总的来说,2006年1月至6月期间,国际竞争事务理事会编辑并处理了157份文件,共2,228页,其中包括《公约》缔约方会议第十一届会议和《议定书》/《公约》缔约方会议第一届会议的报告。 这比上一个两年期同期增加了近50%。", "7. 联合国 缔约方和观察员定期就《公约》和《议定书》的各种程序、体制和法律问题征求并征求了国际会计师协会的意见。 此外,履行机构第二十四届会议关于为在《京都议定书》之下所设各机构任职的个人提供特权和豁免的审议参考了在《国际林业协定》下进行的研究。 该方案正继续与联合国法律事务厅讨论这些问题。 秘书处起草和缔结合同、谅解备忘录和其他协定时参考了健全的法律咨询意见。", "8. 国家 《公约》缔约方会议第十二届会议和《议定书》/《公约》缔约方会议第二届会议以及两个附属机构第二十五届会议的筹备工作已经开始。 政府间专家组促进了主席团的审议以及履行机构第二十四届会议关于如何在第十二届缔约方会议和第二届《议定书》/《公约》缔约方会议上组织扩大的政府间谈判进程以及长期内的讨论和结论。 这些考虑、审议和结论指导着国际竞争事务理事会与联合国内罗毕办事处密切合作,继续支持肯尼亚政府筹备第十二届缔约方会议和第二届《议定书》/《公约》缔约方会议。", "1. 信息服务方案", "1. 联合国 信息服务方案建立和管理秘书处的外部和内部通信工具和外联。 信息服务涵盖信息和通信技术(信通技术)、知识管理以及通信和媒体关系服务,支持所有方案创建和开展已获授权的工作,并维持秘书处的公共网站和媒体关系活动。", "2. 联合国 在信息和通信技术领域,完成了秘书处信息系统潜在风险战略评估的第一阶段。 因此,将制定一项业务连续性计划,以尽量减少安全事件或灾害造成的中断风险。 30名工作人员在此期间转而使用膝上型计算机,以帮助减少会议费用并确保业务连续性。 现在有95名工作人员使用膝上型计算机。 秘书处的散装传真能力由每天平均15,000个电子邮件通过其系统补充。 总共处理了2 426个用户支助请求,80名工作人员参加了信通技术培训和提高认识课程。", "3个 向《联合国防治荒漠化公约》秘书处提供了数据通信支助,使它们能够从其在波恩新的联合国办公区的新办事处进入联合国日内瓦办事处的综合管理信息系统(综管系统)。 为SB 24提供了高度安全的信通技术网络基础设施,其中包括向与会者提供免费的互联网服务。 此外,在此期间为26个讲习班提供了服务。 缔约方会议第十二届会议的筹备工作已经启动。", " 4.四. 在知识管理领域,启动了一项记录管理方案,以采用基本政策和程序,更系统地管理秘书处的记录和档案。 记录管理政策框架的基本要素,包括总体记录管理政策文件和支持性准则已经制定。 该方案的目标是在加强信息管理并使之系统化的同时提高组织效率。", "5 (韩语). 编制并提交了电子记录管理系统招标书。 记录管理系统最初将向秘书处提供一个中央存储库,用于存储秘书处登记册的最后记录以及遵约方案和区域数据开发方案的最后记录。", "6. 国家 图书馆在线目录的改进已经完成。 这些变化使图书馆能够更快地取阅1 850篇学术文章、5 013本书籍、讲习班和会议记录以及698份期刊和通讯。 文件存档系统通过关键词、议程项目、出版日期和文号等多个访问点,使世界各地的用户可以通过网站获取5 000多份联合国六种语文的文件。 处理了大约600起一般查询和1 100起正式文件请求。 此外,还出版了《气候变化记录光盘》第7卷,改善了文件的获取。", "7. 联合国 在通信领域,《气候公约》网站 \" \" 继续作为《气候公约》数据、文件和信息的主要外部门户。 2006年1月1日至6月30日,访问量约为190万次,浏览了约742万页和文件。 在SB 24期间,《气候公约》网站吸引了创纪录的观众,有43万人次访问。", "8. 国家 为两个附属机构的会议提供了网播服务:SB 24和特设工作组1共9天的现场直播和点播网播、对话的两天现场直播和点播网播、清洁发展机制执行理事会2次会议的6天现场直播和点播网播以及监委会3次会议的7天现场网播。", "9. 国家 为媒体进入附属机构提供了便利,36名新闻/媒体代表获准进入第24附属机构。 处理了76起面谈请求,并为代表组织了另外13起面谈。 有218项要求提供出版物和信息。 发布了8份新闻稿和咨询意见并组织了4次新闻发布会或简报会。 信息服务方案工作人员向公众作了16次关于气候变化进程和《气候公约》秘书处工作的介绍,作为对东道国德国外联工作的支持。", "2. 行政事务方案", "1. 联合国 在报告期内,行政服务方案最后确定了确保充分执行2006-2007两年期方案预算(见FCCC/SBI/2005/8号文件)所概述新的秘书处结构所必要的行政安排。 必要时将工作人员调到其新的职能单位的工作已经完成,同时确保技术方案工作尽量减少中断。 此外,秘书处还制定了关于责任分配和财务授权的政策,以反映新的结构。", "2. 联合国 该方案继续代表秘书处在波恩的联合国机构负责人同德国政府就秘书处迁入新的联合国办公区进行谈判时的利益。 在完成谈判和联合国各机构与德国政府签署谅解备忘录后,联合国秘书长和德国总理于2006年7月宣布联合国大院落成。 秘书处计划在2008年完成作为《气候公约》新总部的设施翻修后迁入联合国办公区。 与此同时,行政事务处继续作出安排,重新整合豪斯·卡斯坦坚的所有秘书处工作人员,准备将167名工作人员及其家具、工作站和设备以及会议室、档案、信息技术支助和服务器室调走。 临时迁至Haus Carstanjen和最后迁入联合国办公区所产生的所有费用由德国政府承担。", "3个 根据联合国采取的举措,并根据内部监督事务厅(监督厅)的建议,行政事务处支持秘书处对其方案预算采取注重成果的办法。 行政领导和管理司和行政事务处设立了一个特别工作队,为工作人员制定准则并筹备由监督厅在2006年下半年举办的讲习班,以帮助为秘书处建立一个成果预算编制框架。 2006-2007两年期工作方案已经反映了这一新办法,目前正在制定业绩指标,以便从2008-2009两年期开始纳入工作规划、监测和报告周期。", " 4.四. 关于财政资源的管理,联合国审计委员会于2006年6月编制并审计了2004-2005年账目。 已审计财务报表将在2006年第二会期提供(见FCCC/SBI/2006/14和Add.1和Add.2号文件)。 行政事务处正在密切监测本方案预算的执行情况,并向管理层提交定期报告,以促进业务一级的最佳资金管理。 筹资活动得到了有效的支持。 如本报告前文所指出,向四个信托基金提供的大量捐款就证明了这一点。", "5 (韩语). 在征聘方面,行政事务处继续努力确保迅速处理空缺通知,以尽快填补空缺员额。 在本报告所述期间,发布了35个空缺通知,其中20个截至6月30日已填补。", "6. 国家 在更广泛的人力资源管理方面,行政事务处已开始审查秘书处工作人员甄选制度,以期在必要时加强现有框架。 审查将在2006年底之前结束,并酌情执行建议。 秘书处加强努力,支持管理层在尽可能广泛的地域基础上征聘工作人员,并实现更好的性别均衡。 在这一领域正在作出努力,行政事务处定期向管理层提供报告和建议,以帮助改善情况。 行政事务处还举办了内部培训班,以提高其工作人员的面试技能。", "7. 联合国 关于旅费,为189名出差工作人员、出席37个讲习班的507名与会者和专家以及出席附属机构第二十三届会议的133名资助代表作了安排。 该方案为顾问、面试候选人以及任用和回籍假工作人员的旅行签发了53份旅行核准书。 在采购方面,行政事务处监督国际交易日志招标的行政程序,从美元价值和合同安排的复杂性来看,这是秘书处历史上最大的采购包。 此外,在报告所述期间,约缔结或启动了509份定购单和23份合同,总价值约为890万美元。", "四、结 论 人力资源", "A. 工作人员", "1. 联合国 缔约方会议第12/CP.11号决定核准了员额配置表,将83个专业(P)和46.5个一般事务(GS)员额与上一个两年期相同。 此外,在《气候公约》补充活动信托基金、波恩基金和方案支助费用(间接费用)下设立了92个员额。 在最初概算的实际价值减少之后,核心预算下5个常设职位无法供资并被冻结。 表11比较了截至2006年6月30日的核定员额数和已填补员额数。 表中的“已填补”员额是指被授予一年或一年以上定期合同的工作人员在经过包括审查委员会审查在内的整个征聘过程之后,根据常设员额任用的员额。", "2. 联合国 除了根据常设员额任用的170.5名工作人员外,截至6月30日,还有5名P和10名一般事务人员根据临时人员合同被雇用,使工作人员总数达到185.5人。", "表11. 常设员额和已填补员额的比较", "截至2006年6月30日按资金来源开列的", "波恩核心补充基金", "核定数", "助理秘书长 1 1", "D-2 4 2 4 2", "D-1 6 6 1 7 6", "P-5 10 7 1 11 8", "P-4 22 19 5 3 3 2 30 24^(a)", "P-3 30 23 16 8 1 6 6 53 38^(b)", "P-2 10 8 6 3 1 1 3 2 20 14", "P-1 1 1 1 1 1", "小计 83 65 28 15 2 14 11 127 93", "一般事务人员(其他职等)", "^(c) 129.5 106.5 49 28 8 7 35 29 221.5 170.5", "^(a) 1个员额由1个较低职等工作人员填补,仅用于行政目的。", "•(b) 在晋升生效日期之前,由较低一级工作人员填补两个员额。", "•(c) 核心员额空缺率较高的原因是冻结了5个职位。", "3个 专业及专业以上职等工作人员地域分配情况见表12(a)。 表12(b)显示附件一国家与非附件一国家之间的分布情况以及P级工作人员的性别分布情况。", "表12(a)。 任用工作人员的地域分配", "截至2006年6月30日专业及专业以上职等", "亚洲和拉丁美洲", "助理秘书长", "D-2 1 1 2", "(单位:千美元)", "(单位:千美元)", "P-4 3 7 3 8 24", "P-3 3 8 4 2 21 38", "P-2 1 4 1 2 6 14", "P-1 1 1", "共计 9 22 10 10 42 93", "占9.7的百分比", "表12(b). 妇女 专业职等和", "附件一国家与非附件一国家之间以及按性别分列的", "一级 非附件 一. 男性 女性", "助理秘书长", "D-2 1 1 2", "D-1 4 2 5 1 当地雇员", "经常预算:预算外:", "经常预算: 预算外:", "经常预算:预算外:", "P-2 10 4 8 6", "P-1 1 1", "共计 58 35 66 27", "占总数62.4 37.6 70.9 29.1的百分比", "B. 咨询人和个体订约人", "1. 联合国 2006年1月1日至6月30日期间,共聘用了71名个体咨询人和承包商。 它们总共提供了77.3个工作月,所有资金来源的总费用为623,579美元。 表13提供了不同方案之间如何分配服务的信息。", "表13. 按方案开列的个体顾问和订约人的服务", "联合国", "费用(美元)", "行政领导和管理", "组群1 35.90 401 583", "组群2 8.25 76 523", "组群 3 31.90 143 133", "共计 77.30 633 579", " V. 资助组成机构成员与旅行有关的支出", "1. 联合国 根据清洁发展机制执行理事会的建议,《议定书》/《公约》缔约方会议第7/CMP.1号决定第17和18段请秘书处作出适当安排,自2006年1月1日起,通过增加每日生活津贴,向执行理事会成员和候补成员支付高于标准费率40%的薪酬,每年不超过5,000美元,同时铭记这与其说是对其服务的充分补偿,不如说是承认他们付出了大量时间和经济利益。 履行机构还请秘书处调整《气候公约》的做法,使执行理事会所有成员和候补成员的差旅费和每日生活津贴由补充活动信托基金专门用于为清洁发展机制工作供资的部分支付。", "2. 联合国 根据这项决定,秘书处从2006年1月1日起为清洁发展机制执行理事会的成员作了必要的安排。", "3个 在2006年7月的会议上,清洁发展机制执行理事会“在CDM-MAP转向基于收费和收益分成的自筹资金,以及大量增加理事会成员和候补成员的工作和相关旅行量的情况下,同意请秘书处在具备资源的前提下,按照适用于联合国工作人员的同样的联合国规则和条例,安排理事会成员和候补成员的旅行”(CDM执行理事会第二十五次会议报告,第117段)。", " 4.四. 秘书处遵守了这一要求,在出席理事会、其专门小组和工作组的会议方面给予清洁发展机制执行理事会成员和候补成员与《气候公约》工作人员同等的待遇。 履行机构不妨注意清洁发展机制执行理事会的请求和秘书处采取的行动。", "5 (韩语). 同时,遵约委员会在其年度报告(FCCC/KP/CMP/2006/6,将在缔约方会议第十二届会议上提供)中建议,为了使委员和候补委员保持独立性,并确保达到通过决定的法定人数,所有委员和候补委员的差旅费均得到支持。 履行机构还建议,当前往遵约委员会会议的旅程时间为9小时或更长时间时,委员和候补委员乘坐公务舱。", "6. 国家 鉴于此种安排所涉的总体经费问题以及有必要对组成机构采取一致的做法,履行机构不妨审查这一事项并及时为执行秘书编制2008-2009年方案预算提供指导意见。 秘书处对这种所涉经费问题进行了初步分析,可提交履行机构本届会议审议。", "六、结 论 社会和环境责任", "1.", "2.", "3个 秘书处致力于履行其社会和环境责任。 为此,它加强了其 可持续办公室委员会负责就提高秘书处采购和差旅、电力消耗、废物管理和其他相关领域业务可持续性的备选方案向管理层提供建议。 秘书处将继续监测其温室气体排放清单。 2004-2005两年期的初步清单已经更新,可在《气候公约》网站上查阅。 [8] 下一次执行情况报告将提供关于本年度排放量的资料。 在社会责任方面,秘书处与工作人员协会协商,继续努力改善工作环境和工作人员发展机会。", "页:1", "2006-2007两年期由补充活动信托基金供资的项目和活动", "项目核准承诺\n(单位:美元)\n知识联网:建立信息交换综合数据库。 该项目于2000年3月开始。 目标是组织、储存、检索和向缔约方和观察员组织提供秘书处的数据、信息和专门知识。 编写了所有开发系统的文件以及技术和最终用户手册,并完成了《气候公约》知识系统清单和项目汇总表。 根据远程系统互操作性概念,确定并实施了与《联合国防治荒漠化公约》和《联合国生物多样性公约》秘书处有效分享数据的新手段。 1个P-2职等员额由该项目供资。 152 500美元\n网站实施的重点是统一网站服务和满足用户需要。 该项目于2003年2月开始。 目的是改进网站内容的交付。 在本报告所述期间,推出了一份新的电子邮件通讯;4 000个外部用户要求加入邮件清单。 随着CC:iNet服务的实施,外联网服务得到协调和改进。\n《气候公约》网站:开发西班牙门户网站。 该项目始于2003年7月,目的是向这一进程中讲西班牙语的利益攸关方,主要是缔约方、观察员、媒体和公众提供外联服务。 在本报告所述期间,关于气候变化进程的新闻稿定期被翻译成西班牙文并张贴在网站上。\n计算机联网与数据通信. 该项目于2004年9月开始,目的是支持秘书处各方案开发的专门信息系统和数据库的数据通信和联网。 已开始征聘一名P-2职等的协理网络干事,以开展项目活动。 253 513 (韩语).\n《联合国气候变化框架公约手册》。 该项目于2002年2月开始,目的是编写和出版一本关于《公约》的手册,作为缔约方和对气候变化谈判过程感兴趣的其他各方的参考工具。 英语版将于2006年出版。 计划在2006-2007年以联合国其他正式语文出版版本。\n支持《气候公约》技术信息系统(TT:CLEAR)。 该项目于2003年1月开始。 目标是设计和实施一项外联方案,使预期用户了解TT:CLEAR,并确定和分析便利进入该系统的方法;更新并维持现有的《气候公约》技术信息系统,包括查明任何信息差距,并就如何改进提出建议。 74 728 (中文(简体) ).\n支持执行技术转让专家组的工作方案。 该项目始于2003年9月,目的是促进执行技术转让专家组的工作方案,以期向附属科学技术咨询机构(科技咨询机构)建议适当的进一步行动,并支助缔约方采取有意义和有效行动执行框架,加强执行《公约》第四条第5款。\n协助科技咨询机构审议与土地利用、土地利用的变化和林业有关的问题的工作方案。 2004年初开始的这一项目下的活动包括:报告和审评《公约》之下的土地利用、土地利用的变化和林业信息,包括制定相应的通用报告格式;培训清单专家审评土地利用、土地利用的变化和林业信息,同时考虑到气专委关于土地利用、土地利用的变化和林业问题的良好做法指导意见,涉及《公约》范围内土地利用、土地利用的变化和林业活动的排除和今后处理;以及估算、报告和核算森林收割和木材制品所致温室气体排放量和清除量。 111 099 (英语).\n支持执行关于适应和应对措施的布宜诺斯艾利斯工作方案(1/CP.10)。 该项目旨在确保完成第1/CP.10号决定要求秘书处承担的实质性任务。 活动于2005年底开始,但大部分将在2006-2007两年期执行。 其中包括组织三次区域研讨会和一次小岛屿发展中国家适应问题专家会议,以及科技咨询机构气候变化的影响、脆弱性和适应问题五年期工作方案中的一些初步活动。 506 526 (韩语).\n促进减少发展中国家毁林所致排放量。 该项目旨在提供机会,使缔约方能够审议毁林的各种复杂问题和驱动因素,并开始审议减少发展中国家毁林的有效潜在办法和行动,主要是支持组织缔约方授权的关于这一问题的研讨会。 该项目的实施还将使缔约方和专家能够讨论围绕这个专题的复杂的科学、技术和方法问题,并交流关于政策方针的信息和经验并找出积极的奖励措施。 研讨会上的讨论可能会有助于缔约方考虑在今后两年里进一步处理这些问题的必要进程。 50 000人\n关于《京都议定书》第三条第14款执行情况的闭会期间研讨会(31/CMP.1)。 研讨会将协助履行第31/CMP.1号决定规定的任务,即制定报告方法,以尽量减少附件一缔约方为履行《京都议定书》第三条第14款之下的承诺而执行的政策和措施给发展中国家缔约方带来的不利的社会、环境和经济影响。 70 000人\n增强秘书处的能力建设能力。 该项目始于2003年3月1日,目的是为与能力建设有关的政府间进程提供支持并便利执行第2/CP.7和3/CP.7号决定所附框架所授权的活动。 2006-2007年的活动包括编制一份关于定期监测发展中国家能力建设框架的步骤的报告(见FCCC/SBI/2006/5号文件),以及一份关于在执行能力建设活动方面的最佳做法和经验教训的报告,以及与全球环境基金(环境基金)在用于监测能力建设的业绩指标方面的相互作用。 1个秘书员额由该项目供资。 100 279 (简体中文).\n支持执行非《公约》附件一所列缔约方国家信息通报问题专家咨询小组(专家咨询小组)2003-2007年工作方案,包括便利使用《气候公约》国家信息通报编制指南。 这个项目是为了执行第3/CP.8号决定而设计的,它促进和支持专家咨询小组的工作,以期就专家咨询小组的任务和职权范围向履行机构建议适当的进一步行动;提供与非附件一缔约方执行《公约》有关的资金/技术援助;专家咨询小组的会议和区域实践培训班以及编写相关的技术文件和报告供履行机构审议。 1个秘书员额由该项目供资。 395 191 (韩语).\n建立并维持一个信息网络交换所,以支持缔约方开展教育和外联活动。 该项目于2005年7月启动,目的是按照缔约方在履行机构第二十一届会议上提出的要求,促进迅速开始信息交换所的第一个开发阶段,载于FCCC/SBI/2004/14号文件。 样板模型<>已经推出,并在蒙特利尔履行机构第二十三届会议上提交各缔约方。 将在缔约方的持续指导下,在第二阶段(2007-2008年)将原型进一步开发成一个全面的信息交换所,以便增加功能并满足更广泛的用户群的需要。 1个一般工作人员员额由该项目供资。 102 004 (英语).\n2006-2007年对最不发达国家专家组的支助。 该项目的目标是执行第4/CP.11号决定关于专家组在2006-2007两年期活动的任务。 这包括向最不发达国家缔约方提供有效支助,协助最不发达国家专家组发挥咨询作用,以编制其国家适应行动方案并制订国家适应行动计划执行战略,并通过履行后勤和实质性任务为专家组会议提供方便(每年两次)。 还将促进与环境基金及其执行机构就国家适应行动方案相关活动进行定期互动。 1个秘书员额(团队助理)由该项目供资。 382 648 (中文(简体) ).\n77国集团和中国(77国集团和中国)为编写77国集团和中国的能力建设文件而举行的谈判者会议。 该项目于2006年2月1日至7月1日实施。 其目的是支持3月20日至22日在坦桑尼亚达累斯萨拉姆举行的77国集团和中国关于定期监测能力建设框架步骤的研讨会。 该项目资助了来自发展中国家的15名代表和来自秘书处的2名工作人员与会。\n适应基金研讨会。 该项目旨在执行第28/CMP.1号决定,该决定请秘书处组织一次研讨会,为交流适应基金业务指导意见的信息提供论坛。 适应基金讲习班于2006年5月3日至5日在加拿大埃德蒙顿举行。 共有代表31个国家的37名与会者(其中22名获得资助)以及若干政府间组织和非政府组织的代表出席了讲习班。 聘用了三名顾问,他们编写了背景文件和介绍,以便利讲习班的讨论。 研讨会为《气候公约》网站建立了一个网页,提供与研讨会有关的所有信息。 253 647 (韩语)\n支持秘书处关于《公约》第六条的活动:小岛屿发展中国家讲习班。 该项目始于2006年1月,目的是支持组织一次小岛屿发展中国家研讨会,以满足这些国家在执行关于《公约》第六条的新德里工作方案方面的特定需要。 这次研讨会将是一系列区域讲习班中的最后一次,这些讲习班将促进专家就气候变化教育和外联问题产生信息和想法。 讲习班的报告将对2007年审查新德里工作方案作出重要贡献。\n支持清洁发展机制运行. 该项目始于2002年初,目的是为清洁发展机制的实施提供便利。 正是通过这一京都机制,已批准《京都议定书》的附件一缔约方才能以成本效益高的方式使用清洁发展机制项目活动产生的核证排减量来履行其限制和减少排放的承诺。 同时,清洁发展机制还协助发展中国家实现可持续发展并为实现《公约》的第二个目标作出贡献。 清洁发展机制执行理事会行使监督/执行职能。 履行与项目登记、核准方法(包括合并)和发放核证的排减量有关的政策、程序和重要技术职能,以及对审定项目和核查及核证核证的排减量的业务实体进行认证。 对于技术任务,理事会可酌情召集小组、委员会和工作组。 《气候公约》秘书处的任务是为清洁发展机制执行理事会提供服务,支持各种职能。 预计在2006-2007两年期,项目所产生的结果将迅速增加,例如登记的项目,并将发放核证的排减量并核准方法。 该项目预计早在2008年就可自筹资金。 5 603211 (韩语).\n与《京都议定书》第六条有关的活动(联合执行)。 该项目于2004年3月开始,总体目标是开展促进和便利执行《京都议定书》第六条的工作(联合执行)。 联合执行是一种《京都议定书》机制,附件一缔约方(在《京都议定书》附件B中作出承诺)可在此机制下执行减少排放项目或加强另一附件一缔约方境内汇清除量的项目(在《京都议定书》附件B中作出承诺)并计算由此产生的减少排放单位(ERU)以达到自己的京都目标。 附件一缔约方还可授权法人参加联合执行项目。 联合执行监督委员会在作为《京都议定书》缔约方会议的《公约》缔约方会议的授权和指导下,由《气候公约》秘书处提供支持,监督联合执行,包括核查排减单位。 在下个两年期内,预计联合执行将进一步加强并推进到一个业务阶段。 451 648 (中文(简体) ).\n制定交易日志和数据交换标准。 该项目于2003年1月开始。 目标是:(a) 完成数据交换标准的技术规格,以确保连贯一致地执行标准的所有登记册系统;(b) 制定和建立国际交易日志,以期在2007年4月开始运作;(c) 促进登记册系统管理人之间的合作,包括通过登记册系统管理人论坛,以便促进登记系统业务的一致性、准确性、透明度和效率。 数据交换标准的初步技术规格已经完成。 463 300美元\n温室气体排放清单数据库和对温室气体审评进程的软件支持。 该项目始于2002年11月,目的是为温室气体清单报告和审评进程的温室气体数据库和软件的开发提供持续的额外支持,包括开发附件一缔约方将使用的通用报告格式软件应用软件(通用报告格式报告软件);开发软件工具以支持缔约方会议作出的与通用报告格式有关的决定以及附件一缔约方温室气体清单技术审评;通过文件和秘书处网站向缔约方提供关于温室气体排放量和趋势的信息。 573 006 (英语).\n开发《京都议定书》之下排放量清单和分配数量年度汇编和核算数据库系统。 这个项目于2005年2月开始,以开发汇编和核算数据库,从而能够准确跟踪、检查和储存《京都议定书》之下的排放量和指定单位。 数据库记录了每个附件一缔约方与评估《京都议定书》第三条第1款遵守情况有关的所有信息,包括该缔约方参与京都机制的可能性。 数据库还允许提交、处理和维护跟踪和评估《京都议定书》之下的遵约情况以及编制《京都议定书》之下的配量和排放量年度汇编所需的额外信息。\n支持《气候公约》和《京都议定书》之下的专家审评进程的活动:专家审评组培训和主任审评员会议。 该项目于2006年1月开始。 目标是为《京都议定书》之下的审评专家制定和执行培训方案;继续执行《公约》之下的审评专家培训方案并组织一次培训研讨会;通过组织一次主要审评员会议来便利审评进程并提高其效率和效力。", "[1] ^(*) 本文件的提交被推迟,因为需要内部协商才能最后确定第五节。", "[2] 前10个捐款国的捐款占指示性捐款总额的75%,前20个捐款国的捐款占89%。", "[3] 前10个缴款国的捐款占指示性缴款总额的72%,前20个缴款国的捐款占88%。", "[4] 一直到2007年12月31日为止,不支持未向核心预算缴款的缔约方的做法一直被暂停(FCCC/SBI/2005/10, 第90-92段)。", "[5] FCCC/SBI/2005/8/Add.2和第12/CP.11和34/CMP.11号决定。", "[6] 2006年8月与国际交易日志开发商和运营商签订了合同。", "[7] FCCC/AGBM/1997/MISC.1/Add.3。", "[8]<责任/items/3539.php>。" ]
[ "[] UNITED \n NATIONS \n [] Distr. \n GENERAL \n FCCC/KP/CMP/2006/6 \n 22 September 2006 \n Original: English \n \nCONFERENCEOFTHEPARTIESSERVINGASTHEMEETING OF THEPARTIES TO THEKYOTO PROTOCOL \nSecondsession \nNairobi,6–17November2006 \nItem7 oftheprovisionalagenda \nReportoftheComplianceCommittee", "Annual report of the Compliance Committee to the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol[1]", "Summary This first annual report of the Compliance Committee to theConference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties tothe Kyoto Protocol (COP/MOP) covers activities undertaken from thefirst meeting of the Committee until early September 2006. \nThe report provides information on organizational matters and workundertaken in 2006 and makes a proposal with regard to additionalresources required by the Committee.", "1.", "Contents", "Paragraphs Page", "I. Introduction 1–4 2", "A. Mandate 1 2", "B. Scope of the report 2 2", "C. Action to be taken by the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol 3–4 2", "II. Organizational matters 5–13 2", "A. Election of the chairperson and vice-chairperson of the enforcement and facilitative branches of the Compliance Committee 9 2", "B. Rules of procedure 10–11 2", "C. Membership issues 12–13 2", "III. Work undertaken in the reporting period 14–25 2", "A. Status of national communications and reports demonstrating progress of Parties included in Annex I to the Convention 14–17 2", "B. Provisions relating to enforcement and facilitation 18 2", "C. Deliberations on the submission by South Africa as Chairman of the Group of 77 and China on behalf of the Group of 77 and China entitled “Compliance with Article 3.1 of the Kyoto Protocol” 19–25 2", "IV. Participation of members and alternate members 26 2", "V. Availability of resources 27–28 2", "Annexes", "I. Rules of procedure of the Compliance Committee of the Kyoto Protocol 2", "II. Documents of the Compliance Committee 2", "III. Members and alternate members of the Compliance Committee elected at the first session of the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol 2", "IV. Report to the Compliance Committee on the deliberations in the facilitative branch relating to the submission entitled “Compliance with Article 3.1 of the Kyoto Protocol” 24", "V. Decisions taken by the facilitative branch of the Compliance Committee 2", "I. Introduction", "A. Mandate", "1. Under section III, paragraph 2 (a), of the “Procedures and mechanisms relating to compliance under the Kyoto Protocol” (annex to decision 27/CMP.1; hereinafter referred to as procedures and mechanisms) the plenary of the Compliance Committee is to report on the activities of the Committee to each ordinary session of the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol (COP/MOP).", "B. Scope of the report", "1. The first annual report of the plenary of the Compliance Committee covers the period between 1 March 2006 and early September 2006. It summarizes the work of and matters addressed by the Compliance Committee during that period.", "C. Action to be taken by the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol", "1. In accordance with section XII of the procedures and mechanisms, the COP/MOP may wish to take note of the annual report of the Compliance Committee and take decisions on, inter alia:", "a. The adoption of further rules of procedure, contained in annex I to this report, developed by the plenary of the Compliance Committee, in accordance with section III, paragraph 2 (d), of the procedures and mechanisms;", "b. The proposal of the Committee, referred to in paragraphs 26 and 28 of this report, made in accordance with section III, paragraph 2 (c), of the procedures and mechanisms, in relation to funding and travel arrangements for the participation of all members and alternate members in the meetings of the plenary of the Committee, the meetings of the bureau, and the meetings and deliberations of the two branches of the Committee.", "2. The COP/MOP may also wish to:", "a. Elect a member from the Eastern European regional group and another member from the small island developing States to fill the vacancies in the facilitative branch;", "b. Invite Parties to make contributions to the Trust Fund for Supplementary Activities for the biennium 2006–2007 to support the work of the Compliance Committee.", "II. Organizational matters", "1. The plenary of the Compliance Committee held three meetings during the reporting period. In accordance with decision 27/CMP.1, paragraph 4, the secretariat organized the first meeting of the Compliance Committee in Bonn, Germany, from 1 to 3 March 2006. Two other meetings were subsequently held in Bonn, from 29 to 31 May 2006 and from 5 to 8 September 2006.", "2. The facilitative branch met four times in Bonn (from 1 to 3 March 2006, on 30 May 2006, on 20 June 2006 and on 6 September 2006), whereas the enforcement branch met once (from 1 to 3 March 2006).", "3. The agenda and annotations, documentation supporting agenda items, and the chairpersons’ report on each meeting of the plenary and the facilitative and enforcement branches have been made publicly available on the UNFCCC website.[2] A list of the documents of the Compliance Committee is contained in annex II to this report.", "4. A list of the members and alternate members of the Compliance Committee elected at the first session of the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol is contained in annex III to this report.", "A. Election of the chairperson and vice-chairperson of the enforcement and facilitative branches of the Compliance Committee", "1. In accordance with section II, paragraph 4, of the procedures and mechanisms, the enforcement branch elected Mr. Raúl Estrada Oyuela as chairperson and Mr. Sebastian Oberthür as vice-chairperson, and the facilitative branch elected Mr. Hironori Hamanaka as chairperson and Mr. Ian Fry as vice-chairperson, each for a term of two years. After the resignation of Mr. Fry from the Compliance Committee, Mr. Ismail El-Gizouli was elected as vice-chairperson of the facilitative branch to serve for the unexpired term of Mr. Fry.", "B. Rules of procedure", "1. The plenary of the Committee approved further rules of procedure under section III, paragraph 2 (d), of the procedures and mechanisms, contained in annex I to this report, at its third meeting in September 2006. It agreed to provisionally apply these rules of procedure pending their adoption by the COP/MOP.", "2. In approving these rules of procedure, the plenary of the Committee noted that for the purpose of rule 24, paragraph 3, of the rules of procedure, currently decisions 13/CMP.1, 15/CMP.1, 19/CMP.1, 22/CMP.1, 27/CMP.1 and 31/CMP.1 of the COP/MOP are particularly relevant. It also noted that it might have to develop further working arrangements to complement and give effect to these rules of procedure, and agreed to report on such working arrangements regularly to the COP/MOP.", "C. Membership issues", "1. Mr. Wojtek Galinski, a member of the Committee elected to serve in the facilitative branch for a term of two years, tendered his resignation from the Compliance Committee on 12 May 2006. Since the resignation of Mr. Galinski, Mr. Valeriy Sedyakin, elected as an alternate member, has been serving as member. The Committee expressed its appreciation to Mr. Galinski for his contribution to the work of the Committee, and the facilitative branch in particular, and requested the COP/MOP to elect a replacement for Mr. Galinski for the remaining period of his term.", "2. Mr. Ian Fry, a member of the Committee elected to serve in the facilitative branch for a term of two years, tendered his resignation from the Compliance Committee on 5 June 2006. Mr. Fry was also the vice-chairperson of the facilitative branch. Since the resignation of Mr. Fry, Mr. Héctor Conde Almeida, elected as an alternate member, has been serving as member. The Committee expressed its appreciation to Mr. Fry for his contribution to the work of the Committee, and the facilitative branch and the bureau in particular, and requested the COP/MOP to elect a replacement for Mr. Fry for the remaining period of his term.", "III. Work undertaken in the reporting period", "A. Status of national communications and reports demonstrating progress of Parties included in Annex I to the Convention", "1. In accordance with the guidelines for review under Article 8 of the Kyoto Protocol, contained in the annex to decision 22/CMP.1, delays in submitting national communications (beyond six weeks after the due date) should be brought to the attention, inter alia, of the Compliance Committee. The fourth national communications from Annex I Parties were due to be submitted to the secretariat by 1 January 2006 (decision 4/CP.8).", "2. At its first plenary meeting, the Committee considered information provided by the secretariat on the status of the fourth national communications submitted in accordance with Article 12 of the Convention and decision 4/CP.8. The Committee decided to continue its consideration of the information provided by the secretariat at its next meeting, along with any update to such information.", "3. At the second plenary meeting of the Committee, the secretariat provided updated information on the status of the fourth national communications. As requested by the Committee, the secretariat also provided information on progress reports submitted in accordance with decisions 22/CP.7 and 25/CP.8. The Committee requested another update on the status of the fourth national communications and progress reports for its third meeting.", "4. At its third meeting, the Committee discussed an update on the status of the fourth national communications and progress reports.", "B. Provisions relating to enforcement and facilitation", "1. The Committee discussed links between the work of the Compliance Committee and relevant functions under the Kyoto Protocol. In addition, the facilitative branch discussed provisions relating to facilitation with reference to section IV of the procedures and mechanisms.", "C. Deliberations on the submission by South Africa as Chairman of the Group of 77 and China on behalf of the Group of 77 and China entitled “Compliance with Article 3.1 of the Kyoto Protocol”", "1. A submission by South Africa as Chairman of the Group of 77 and China on behalf of the Group of 77 and China entitled “Compliance with Article 3.1 of the Kyoto Protocol” was received by the Committee on 26 May 2006. In accordance with section VI, paragraph 2, of the modalities and procedures, this submission was made available to the following Parties on 31 May 2006: Austria; Bulgaria; Canada; France; Germany; Ireland; Italy; Latvia; Liechtenstein; Luxembourg; Poland; Portugal; Russian Federation; Slovenia; and Ukraine. On the same day, the bureau of the Committee decided to allocate the submission to the facilitative branch in accordance with section VII, paragraph 1, of the procedures and mechanisms.", "2. The facilitative branch began a preliminary examination of this submission on 31 May 2006 and continued its deliberations on 20 June 2006. These deliberations were undertaken prior to the adoption by the plenary of the Committee of its further rules of procedure in September 2006.", "3. The facilitative branch made a number of attempts to reach agreement by consensus. When all efforts at reaching consensus had been exhausted, a vote was taken electronically, on 21 June 2006, resulting in the failure to adopt either a decision to proceed or a decision not to proceed by a", "majority of three-fourths of the members present and voting, as required by section II, paragraph 9 and section VII, paragraphs 4 and 6, of the procedures and mechanisms.", "4. During its deliberations of 20 June 2006 on the submission by South Africa, the facilitative branch noted that Latvia’s fourth national communication and its progress report had been received by the secretariat on 25 May 2006, before the facilitative branch began its consideration of the submission by South Africa and that since consideration of the submission by the branch began, Slovenia’s fourth national communication and its progress report had been received by the secretariat on 12 June 2006. The decisions not to proceed against Latvia (CC-2006-8-3/Latvia/FB) and Slovenia (CC-2006-14-2/Slovenia/FB) were both adopted by a majority of three-fourths of the members present and voting. Accordingly, the facilitative branch decided not to proceed against both these Parties.", "5. The facilitative branch decided to report the outcomes of the deliberations to the next plenary meeting of the Compliance Committee (CC/3/2006/5).", "6. At its third plenary meeting, the Committee decided to include the matters raised by the facilitative branch in its report to the COP/MOP. The “Report to the Compliance Committee on the deliberations in the facilitative branch relating to the submission entitled ‘Compliance with Article 3.1 of the Kyoto Protocol’” is contained in annex IV to this report.", "7. In accordance with section III, paragraph 2 (a), of the procedures and mechanisms, the decisions taken by the facilitative branch for the reporting period are contained in annex V to this report.", "IV. Participation of members and alternate members", "1. Members and alternate members of the Compliance Committee are elected to serve in their individual capacities. In order for members and alternate members to maintain their independence, the Committee recommends that they all receive support for their travel-related expenses. To ensure that a quorum to adopt decisions is reached for Committee meetings and deliberations that may be held at short notice, the Committee also recommends that, when the duration of a journey to meetings of the Compliance Committee is nine hours or longer, members and alternate members travel business class.", "V. Availability of resources", "1. For the biennium 2006–2007, a total of USD 540,000 is available for the Compliance Committee from the programme budget to cover four meetings of each branch.[3] Four additional meetings of each branch are to be financed from the Trust Fund for Supplementary Activities. Of the USD 697,160 under the budget item “Support to the Compliance Committee” in the Trust Fund for Supplementary Activities[4] only USD 50,000 has been received by the secretariat so far. The balance of USD 647,160 would be required for the effective functioning of the Committee based on the anticipated number of meetings of the plenary and the branches of the Committee in 2007.", "2. If financial support is provided for the travel-related costs of all members and alternate members of the Compliance Committee, an additional amount of USD 300,000 will be needed for travel costs in 2007. If members and alternate members whose journeys are longer than nine hours travel business class, a further amount of USD 25,000 will be required. For the biennium 2006–2007, a total of approximately USD 1,000,000 is required for the effective functioning of the Compliance Committee.", "Annex I", "Rules of procedure of the Compliance Committee", "of the Kyoto Protocol", "Part 1: Conduct of Business", "1. SCOPE", "Rule 1", "These rules of procedure shall apply to the Compliance Committee, including its enforcement branch and facilitative branch, as defined in the “Procedures and mechanisms relating to compliance under the Kyoto Protocol”, contained in the annex to decision 27/CMP.1. They shall be read together with and in furtherance of these procedures and mechanisms.", "2. DEFINITIONS", "Rule 2", "For the purposes of these rules section numbers refer to the section so numbered in the annex to decision 27/CMP.1, unless otherwise noted, and:", "(a) “Committee” means the Compliance Committee established by section II, paragraph 1;", "(b) “Plenary” means the plenary of the Committee as set out in section III;", "(c) “Branch” means the facilitative branch or the enforcement branch as set out in sections IV and V;", "(d) “Bureau” means the bureau of the Committee constituted in accordance with section II, paragraph 4;", "(e) “Co-chairpersons” means the chairperson of the enforcement branch and the chairperson of the facilitative branch acting together in the plenary of the Committee in accordance with section III, paragraph 1;", "(f) “Member” means a member of the Committee elected under section II, paragraph 3;", "(g) “Alternate member” means an alternate member elected under section II, paragraph 5;", "(h) “Party” means a Party to the Kyoto Protocol to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change;", "(i) “Party concerned” means a Party in respect of which a question of implementation is raised, as set out in section VI, paragraph 2;", "(j) “Diplomatic agent” means the head of the mission or a designated member of the diplomatic staff of the mission of a Party who is accredited to the host country of the secretariat;", "(k) “Agent” means the Head of State or Government, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, the diplomatic agent or another person duly authorized by the Head of State or Government or by the Minister of Foreign Affairs or, in the case of a regional economic integration organization, by the competent authority of that organization;", "(l) “Representative” means a person designated by the Party concerned to represent it during the consideration of a question of implementation, in accordance with section VIII, paragraph 2;", "(m) “Secretariat” means the secretariat referred to in section XVII.", "3. MEMBERS", "Rule 3", "1. The term of service of each member and alternate member shall start on 1 January of the calendar year immediately following his or her election and shall end on 31 December, two or four years thereafter, as applicable.", "2. Subject to these rules, alternate members are entitled to participate in the proceedings of the plenary or the respective branch to which they belong, without the right to vote. An alternate member may cast a vote only if serving as the member.", "3. During the absence of a member from all or part of a meeting of the plenary or of the branch to which he or she has been elected, his or her alternate shall serve as the member.", "4. When a member resigns or is otherwise unable to complete the assigned term or the functions of a member, his or her alternate shall serve as a member for the same branch, ad interim.", "5. When a member or alternate member resigns or is otherwise unable to complete the assigned term or the functions of a member or alternate member, the Committee shall request the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol to elect a new member or alternate member for the remainder of the term at its next session.", "Rule 4", "1. Each member and alternate member shall serve in his or her individual capacity and, with respect to any matter that is under consideration by the Committee, act in an independent and impartial manner and avoid real or apparent conflicts of interest.", "2. Each member and alternate member shall take and agree to respect a written oath of service before assuming his or her service. The oath of service shall read as follows:", "“I solemnly declare that I will perform my duties and exercise my authority as member/alternate member of the Compliance Committee of the Kyoto Protocol established in decision 27/CMP.1 honourably, faithfully, impartially and conscientiously.", "“I further solemnly declare that, subject to my responsibilities within the Compliance Committee, I shall not disclose, even after the termination of my functions, any confidential information coming to my knowledge by reason of my duties in the Compliance Committee.", "“I shall disclose immediately to the Executive Secretary of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change any interest in any matter under discussion before the Compliance Committee which may constitute a conflict of interest or which might be incompatible with the requirements of independence and impartiality expected of a member or alternate member of the Compliance Committee and I shall refrain from participating in the work of the Compliance Committee in relation to such matter.”", "3. Where the Executive Secretary of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change receives any disclosure made in accordance with paragraph 2, he or she shall forthwith notify the bureau. The bureau shall inform the plenary that the member or alternate member will refrain from participating in the work of the Committee in relation to the matter that is the subject of the disclosure.", "4. Where the Executive Secretary of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change receives evidence from a Party on circumstances which may indicate a conflict of interest or which might be incompatible with the requirements of independence and impartiality expected of a member or alternate member of the Committee, he or she shall forthwith notify the bureau as well as the member or alternate member concerned. The evidence shall be submitted to the plenary for its consideration, unless the member or alternate member informs the bureau that he or she will refrain from participating in the work of the Committee in relation to the matter to which the evidence relates. The bureau shall inform the plenary that the member or alternate member will refrain from participating in the work of the Committee in relation to the matter that is the subject of the disclosure. Otherwise, the plenary may decide to excuse the member or alternate member from consideration of one or more questions of implementation and the elaboration and adoption of a decision of a branch, after having provided a reasonable opportunity for the member or alternate member to be heard.", "5. If the plenary considers that a material violation of the requirements of independence and impartiality expected of a member or alternate member of the Committee has occurred, it may decide to suspend, or recommend to the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol to revoke, the membership of any member or alternate member concerned, after having provided a reasonable opportunity for the member or alternate member to be heard.", "6. All decisions of the Committee taken under this rule shall be noted in the annual report of the Committee to the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol.", "4. OFFICERS", "Rule 5", "1. In addition to exercising the powers conferred upon him or her elsewhere in these rules, an officer chairing a meeting shall:", "(a) Declare the opening and closure of the meeting;", "(b) Preside over the meeting;", "(c) Ensure the observance of these rules;", "(d) Accord the right to speak;", "(e) Put questions to the vote and announce decisions;", "(f) Rule on any points of order;", "(g) Subject to these rules, have complete control over the proceedings and maintain order.", "2. An officer chairing a meeting may also propose:", "(a) The closure of the list of speakers;", "(b) A limitation on the time to be allowed to speakers and on the number of times they may speak on an issue;", "(c) The adjournment or closure of debate on an issue;", "(d) The suspension or adjournment of the meeting.", "3. Any officer chairing a meeting, in the exercise of his or her functions, remains under the authority of the plenary or, as the case may be, of the enforcement branch or facilitative branch.", "Rule 6", "1. If a chairperson is temporarily unable to fulfil the functions of his or her office, the vice-chairperson of the relevant branch shall act as chairperson of that branch and co-chairperson of the plenary ad interim.", "2. If the chairperson and the vice-chairperson of the same branch are temporarily unable to fulfil the functions of their offices at the same time, the branch shall elect a chairperson for that branch ad interim having regard to section II, paragraph 4.", "3. If a chairperson or vice-chairperson of a branch resigns or is otherwise unable to complete the assigned term or the functions of his or her office, the branch shall elect, in accordance with section II, paragraph 4, a replacement from among its members for the remainder of the term of that officer.", "5. AGENDA", "Rule 7", "1. In agreement with the bureau, the secretariat shall draft the provisional agenda for each meeting of the plenary.", "2. In agreement with the chairperson and vice-chairperson of the relevant branch, the secretariat shall draft the provisional agenda of each meeting of that branch.", "3. The provisional agenda and draft schedule for each meeting as well as the draft report on the previous meeting shall be circulated to members and alternate members at least four weeks before the opening of the meeting, to the extent possible under the applicable time frames.", "4. The proposed agenda of each meeting of the plenary and each meeting of a branch shall include any item proposed by a member.", "5. The plenary or a branch, when adopting its agenda, may decide to add urgent and important items and to delete, defer or amend items.", "6. MEETINGS AND DELIBERATIONS", "Rule 8", "Notice of meetings shall be sent to the members and alternate members, as well as any representative, as the case may be, at least four weeks before the opening of the meeting, to the extent possible under the applicable time frames.", "Rule 9", "1. Subject to paragraph 2, meetings of the plenary and the branches shall be held in public, unless the plenary or branch of its own accord or at the request of the Party concerned decides, for overriding reasons, that part or all of the meeting shall be held in private.", "2. Only members and alternate members of the Committee and secretariat officials may be present during the elaboration and adoption of a decision of a branch.", "Rule 10", "1. With respect to a notification or document sent by the secretariat to a Party, the date of receipt shall be deemed to be the date indicated in a written confirmation from the Party or the date indicated in a written confirmation of receipt by the expedited delivery courier, whichever comes first.", "2. With respect to a submission, request, or other document intended for the Committee, the date of receipt by the Committee shall be deemed to be the first business day after receipt by the secretariat.", "7. USE OF ELECTRONIC MEANS", "Rule 11", "1. The Committee may use electronic means for transmission, distribution and storage of documentation, without prejudice to normal means of circulation of the documentation, as the case may be.", "2. The Committee may elaborate and take decisions in a written procedure using electronic means, where possible.", "3. Any decision in accordance with paragraph 2 of this rule shall be deemed to be taken at the headquarters of the secretariat.", "8. SECRETARIAT", "Rule 12", "1. The secretariat shall make arrangements for meetings of the Committee and provide it with services as required.", "2 The secretariat shall make all documents of the plenary and the branches available to the public, subject to section VIII, paragraph 6, as well as any guidance provided by the Committee.", "3. In addition, the secretariat shall perform any other functions assigned that the Committee may require or that the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol may direct with respect to the work of the Committee.", "9. LANGUAGES", "Rule 13", "1. Without prejudice to section VIII, paragraph 9, the working language of the Committee shall be English.", "2. A representative taking part in the proceedings of a branch may speak in a language other than the working language of the Committee if the Party provides for interpretation.", "3. Decisions of the branches that are final shall be made available in all official languages of the United Nations, taking into account the provisions of rule 22, paragraph 1.", "Part 2: Procedures for the Branches", "10. GENERAL PROCEDURES FOR THE BRANCHES", "Rule 14", "1. A submission by any Party raising a question of implementation with respect to itself shall set out:", "(a) The name of the Party making the submission;", "(b) A statement identifying the question of implementation;", "(c) A reference to the provisions of the Kyoto Protocol and decision 27/CMP.1 that form the basis for raising the question of implementation.", "2. The submission should also set out:", "(a) Any provisions of the decisions of the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol and the reports of the subsidiary bodies that are applicable to the question of implementation;", "(b) The information that is material to the question of implementation;", "(c) The branch from which action is sought;", "(d) The action requested from the branch;", "(e) A list of all documents annexed to the submission.", "Rule 15", "1. A submission by any Party raising a question of implementation with respect to another Party shall set out:", "(a) The name of the Party making the submission;", "(b) A statement identifying the question of implementation;", "(c) The name of the Party concerned;", "(d) A reference to the provisions of the Kyoto Protocol and decision 27/CMP.1 that form the basis for raising the question of implementation;", "(e) Corroborating information supporting the question of implementation.", "2. The submission should also set out:", "(a) Any provisions of the decisions of the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol and the reports of the subsidiary bodies that are applicable to the question of implementation;", "(b) The branch from which action is sought;", "(c) A list of all documents annexed to the submission.", "Rule 16", "The secretariat shall make the submission and any supporting information submitted under rule 15 available to the agent of that Party.", "Rule 17", "Comments and written submissions by the Party concerned in accordance with the provisions of sections VII to X should include:", "(a) A statement of the position of the Party concerned on the information, decision or question of implementation under consideration, including the grounds therefor;", "(b) An identification of any information provided by the Party that it requests not to be made available to the public in accordance with section VIII, paragraph 6;", "(c) A list of all documents annexed to the submission or comment.", "Rule 18", "1. Any submission or comment under rules 14, 15 and 17 shall be signed by the agent of the Party and be delivered to the secretariat in hard copy and by electronic means.", "2. Any relevant documents in support of the submission or comment shall be annexed to it.", "Rule 19", "1. The bureau shall, within seven days from receipt of a question of implementation, decide on its allocation to the appropriate branch. The bureau may allocate questions of implementation by employing electronic means in accordance with rule 11.", "2. The secretariat shall forthwith notify members and alternate members of the branch of the question of implementation and send them all available materials.", "3. The secretariat shall also notify members and alternate members of the other branch of the question of implementation.", "Rule 20", "1. Following the preliminary examination, subject to section VIII, paragraph 4, competent intergovernmental organizations and nongovernmental organizations that wish to submit relevant factual and technical information to the relevant branch shall do so in writing.", "2. The secretariat shall forthwith notify members and alternate members of the branch of the submission of such information and send it to them.", "3. The secretariat shall also notify members and alternate members of the other branch of the submission of such information.", "Rule 21", "If a branch decides to seek expert advice, it shall:", "(a) Define the question on which expert opinion is sought;", "(b) Identify the experts to be consulted;", "(c) Lay down the procedures to be followed.", "Rule 22", "1. A preliminary finding or a final decision shall contain, mutatis mutandis:", "(a) The name of the Party concerned;", "(b) A statement identifying the question of implementation addressed;", "(c) The provisions of the Kyoto Protocol and decision 27/CMP.1 and other relevant decisions of the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol that form the basis of the preliminary finding or final decision;", "(d) A description of the information considered in the deliberations, including in the case of a final decision, a confirmation that the Party concerned was given an opportunity to comment in writing on all information considered;", "(e) A summary of the proceedings, including an indication, in the case of a final decision of the enforcement branch, of whether its preliminary finding or any part of it as specified is confirmed;", "(f) The substantive decision of the question of implementation, including the consequences applied, if any;", "(g) Conclusions and reasons for the decision;", "(h) The place and date of the decision;", "(i) The names of the members who participated in the consideration of the question of implementation, as well as the elaboration and adoption of the decision.", "2. Comments in writing on a final decision submitted within 45 days from the receipt of that decision by the Party concerned shall be circulated by the secretariat to the members and alternate members of the relevant branch and shall be included in the Committee’s annual report to the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol.", "Rule 23", "1. Any referral of a question of implementation to the facilitative branch in accordance with section IX, paragraph 12, shall be made through a decision by the enforcement branch with a statement identifying the question of implementation and the information on which the question is based.", "2. The secretariat shall forthwith notify the Party concerned of the decision.", "3. A question of implementation referred by the enforcement branch to the facilitative branch shall not require a preliminary examination.", "11. PROCEDURES FOR THE FACILITATIVE BRANCH", "Rule 24", "1. Subject to section VI and without prejudice to section XVI, the facilitative branch may have a dialogue with the representative of the Party concerned.", "2. Subject to sections VI and VII, the representative of the Party concerned may enter into a dialogue with the facilitative branch in order to seek advice and facilitation.", "3. The facilitative branch shall receive, through the secretariat, information as required under relevant decisions of the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol.", "12. PROCEDURES FOR THE ENFORCEMENT BRANCH", "Rule 25", "1. In its request for a hearing, the Party concerned may identify:", "(a) The issues that the Party proposes to raise and any documents that it intends to discuss during the hearing;", "(b) Any individuals whose expert testimony or opinion it will present at the hearing.", "2. The Party concerned, when choosing individuals to represent it during the hearing, should refrain from nominating individuals who were members or alternate members of the Committee in the two years preceding the date of the submission.", "Part 3: General Provisions", "13. AMENDMENTS", "Rule 26", "1. These rules of procedure may be amended by a decision of the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol in terms of section III, paragraph 2 (d) after the plenary has approved the proposed amendment and reported on the matter to the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol.", "2. Any amendment of these rules approved by the plenary shall be provisionally applied pending their adoption by the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol.", "14. OVERRIDING AUTHORITY", "Rule 27", "In the event of a conflict between any provision in these rules and any provision in the Kyoto Protocol or decision 27/CMP.1, the provision of the Protocol or the decision, as the case may be, shall prevail.", "Annex II", "Documents of the Compliance Committee[5]", "PLENARY \n Title Document No. Date \n 1st meeting \n Provisional agenda and annotations CC/1/2006/1 3 Feb 2006\nProvisional agenda and annotations\tCC/1/2006/1/Rev.1\t23 Feb2006\nDraft rules of procedure. Note by thesecretariat\tCC/1/2006/2\t23 Feb2006\nStatus of national communications ofAnnex I Parties. Note by the secretariat\tCC/1/2006/3\t2 Mar 2006\nReport on the meeting\tCC/1/2006/4\t29 May2006 \n 2^(nd) meeting \n Provisional agenda and annotations CC/2/2006/1 9 May 2006\nRules of procedure. Proposal by theco-chairs\tCC/2/2006/2\t9 May 2006\nCompiled comments on the draft rules ofprocedure\tCC/2/2006/3\t9 May 2006\nStatus of national communications ofAnnex I Parties. Note by the secretariat\tCC/2/2006/4\t26 May2006\nStatus of national communications andreports demonstrating progress of AnnexI Parties. Note by the secretariat\tCC/2/2006/4/Rev.1\t30 May2006\nReport on the meeting\tCC/2/2006/5\t5 Sept2006 \n 3^(rd) meeting \nProvisional agenda and annotations\tCC/3/2006/1\t28 Jul2006\nRules of Procedure Working Paper\tCC/3/2006/2\t15 Aug2006\nCompiled comments on the draft Rules ofProcedure\tCC/3/2006/3\t15 Aug2006\nReport to the Compliance Committee onthe deliberations in the facilitativebranch relating to the submissionentitled “Compliance with Article 3.1 ofthe Kyoto Protocol”\tCC/3/2006/4\t5 Sept2006 \nAnnual report of the ComplianceCommittee to the Conference of theParties serving as the meeting of theParties to the Kyoto Protocol. Proposalby the co-chairs\tCC/3/2006/5\t6 Sept2006 \nStatus of national communications andreports demonstrating progress of AnnexI Parties. Note by the secretariat\tCC/3/2006/6\t4 Sept2006 \n \n Title Document No. Date \nStatus of national communications andreports demonstrating progress of AnnexI Parties. Note by the secretariat\tCC/3/2006/6/Rev.1\t7 Sept2006 \nReport on the meeting\tCC/3/2006/7\t18 Sept2006 \n ENFORCEMENT BRANCH \n Title Document No. Date \n 1st meeting \nProvisional agenda and annotations\tCC/EB/1/2006/1\t23 Feb2006\nReport on the meeting\tCC/EB/1/2006/2\t29 May2006 \n FACILITATIVE BRANCH \n Title Document No. Date \n 1st meeting \nProvisional agenda and annotations\tCC/FB/1/2006/1\t23 Feb2006\nReport on the meeting\tCC/FB/1/2006/2\t30 May2006 \n 2^(nd) meeting \nProvisional agenda and annotations\tCC/FB/2/2006/1\t9 May 2006 \nSubmission by South Africa, as Chairmanof the Group of 77 and China, on behalfof the Group of 77 and China(Party concerned: Austria)\tCC-2006-1-1/FB\t31 May2006 \nSubmission by South Africa, as Chairmanof the Group of 77 and China, on behalfof the Group of 77 and China(Party concerned: Bulgaria)\tCC-2006-2-1/FB\t31 May2006 \nSubmission by South Africa, as Chairmanof the Group of 77 and China, on behalfof the Group of 77 and China(Party concerned: Canada)\tCC-2006-3-1/FB\t31 May2006 \nSubmission by South Africa, as Chairmanof the Group of 77 and China, on behalfof the Group of 77 and China(Party concerned: France)\tCC-2006-4-1/FB\t31 May2006 \nSubmission by South Africa, as Chairmanof the Group of 77 and China, on behalfof the Group of 77 and China(Party concerned: Germany)\tCC-2006-5-1/FB\t31 May2006 \nSubmission by South Africa, as Chairmanof the Group of 77 and China, on behalfof the Group of 77 and China(Party concerned: Ireland)\tCC-2006-6-1/FB\t31 May2006 \nSubmission by South Africa, as Chairmanof the Group of 77 and China, on behalfof the Group of 77 and China(Party concerned: Italy)\tCC-2006-7-1/FB\t31 May2006 \n \n Title Document No. Date \nSubmission by South Africa, as Chairmanof the Group of 77 and China, on behalfof the Group of 77 and China(Party concerned: Latvia)\tCC-2006-8-1/FB\t31 May2006 \nSubmission by South Africa, as Chairmanof the Group of 77 and China, on behalfof the Group of 77 and China(Party concerned: Liechtenstein)\tCC-2006-9-1/FB\t31 May2006 \nSubmission by South Africa, as Chairmanof the Group of 77 and China, on behalfof the Group of 77 and China(Party concerned: Luxembourg)\tCC-2006-10-1/FB\t31 May2006 \nSubmission by South Africa, as Chairmanof the Group of 77 and China, on behalfof the Group of 77 and China(Party concerned: Poland)\tCC-2006-11-1/FB\t31 May2006 \nSubmission by South Africa, as Chairmanof the Group of 77 and China, on behalfof the Group of 77 and China(Party concerned: Portugal)\tCC-2006-12-1/FB\t31 May2006 \nSubmission by South Africa, as Chairmanof the Group of 77 and China, on behalfof the Group of 77 and China(Party concerned: Russian Federation)\tCC-2006-13-1/FB\t31 May2006 \nSubmission by South Africa, as Chairmanof the Group of 77 and China, on behalfof the Group of 77 and China(Party concerned: Slovenia)\tCC-2006-14-1/FB\t31 May2006 \nSubmission by South Africa, as Chairmanof the Group of 77 and China, on behalfof the Group of 77 and China(Party concerned: Ukraine)\tCC-2006-15-1/FB\t31 May2006 \nReport on the meeting\tCC/FB/2/2006/2\t6 Sept2006 \n 3^(rd) meeting \nProvisional agenda and annotations\tCC/FB/3/2006/1\t15 June2006 \nReport to the Compliance Committee onthe Deliberations in the FacilitativeBranch relating to the Submissionentitled “Compliance with Article 3.1 ofthe Kyoto Protocol”(Party concerned: Austria)\tCC-2006-1-2/FB\t22 June2006 \nReport to the Compliance Committee onthe Deliberations in the FacilitativeBranch relating to the Submissionentitled “Compliance with Article 3.1 ofthe Kyoto Protocol”\tCC-2006-2-3/FB\t22 June2006 \n (Party concerned: Bulgaria) \n \n \n Title Document No. Date \nReport to the Compliance Committee onthe Deliberations in the FacilitativeBranch relating to the Submissionentitled “Compliance with Article 3.1 ofthe Kyoto Protocol”(Party concerned: Canada)\tCC-2006-3-3/FB\t22 June2006 \nReport to the Compliance Committee onthe Deliberations in the FacilitativeBranch relating to the Submissionentitled “Compliance with Article 3.1 ofthe Kyoto Protocol”(Party concerned: France)\tCC-2006-4-3/FB\t22 June2006 \nReport to the Compliance Committee onthe Deliberations in the FacilitativeBranch relating to the Submissionentitled “Compliance with Article 3.1 ofthe Kyoto Protocol”(Party concerned: Germany)\tCC-2006-5-2/FB\t22 June2006 \nReport to the Compliance Committee onthe Deliberations in the FacilitativeBranch relating to the Submissionentitled “Compliance with Article 3.1 ofthe Kyoto Protocol”(Party concerned: Ireland)\tCC-2006-6-2/FB\t22 June2006 \nReport to the Compliance Committee onthe Deliberations in the FacilitativeBranch relating to the Submissionentitled “Compliance with Article 3.1 ofthe Kyoto Protocol”(Party concerned: Italy)\tCC-2006-7-2/FB\t22 June2006 \nDecision not to proceed against Latvia\tCC-2006-8-3/Latvia/FB\t21 June2006 \nReport to the Compliance Committee onthe Deliberations in the FacilitativeBranch relating to the Submissionentitled “Compliance with Article 3.1 ofthe Kyoto Protocol”(Party concerned: Latvia)\tCC-2006-8-4/FB\t22 June2006 \nReport to the Compliance Committee onthe Deliberations in the FacilitativeBranch relating to the Submissionentitled “Compliance with Article 3.1 ofthe Kyoto Protocol”(Party concerned: Liechtenstein)\tCC-2006-9-2/FB\t22 June2006 \nReport to the Compliance Committee onthe Deliberations in the FacilitativeBranch relating to the Submissionentitled “Compliance with Article 3.1 ofthe Kyoto Protocol”(Party concerned: Luxembourg)\tCC-2006-10-2/FB\t22 June2006 \nReport to the Compliance Committee onthe Deliberations in the FacilitativeBranch relating to the Submissionentitled “Compliance with Article 3.1 ofthe Kyoto Protocol”\tCC-2006-11-3/FB\t22 June2006 \n (Party concerned: Poland) \n \n Title Document No. Date \nReport to the Compliance Committee onthe Deliberations in the FacilitativeBranch relating to the Submissionentitled “Compliance with Article 3.1 ofthe Kyoto Protocol”(Party concerned: Portugal)\tCC-2006-12-3/FB\t22 June2006 \nReport to the Compliance Committee onthe Deliberations in the FacilitativeBranch relating to the Submissionentitled “Compliance with Article 3.1 ofthe Kyoto Protocol”(Party concerned: Russian Federation)\tCC-2006-13-2/FB\t22 June2006 \nDecision not to proceed against Slovenia\tCC-2006-14-2/Slovenia/FB\t21 June2006 \nReport to the Compliance Committee onthe Deliberations in the FacilitativeBranch relating to the Submissionentitled “Compliance with Article 3.1 ofthe Kyoto Protocol”(Party concerned: Slovenia)\tCC-2006-14-3/FB\t22 June2006 \nReport to the Compliance Committee onthe Deliberations in the FacilitativeBranch relating to the Submissionentitled “Compliance with Article 3.1 ofthe Kyoto Protocol”(Party concerned: Ukraine)\tCC-2006-15-2/FB\t22 June2006 \nReport on the meeting\tCC/FB/3/2006/2\t6 Sept2006 \n 4^(th) meeting \nProvisional agenda and annotations\tCC/FB/4/2006/1\t28 July2006\nReport on the meeting\tCC/FB/4/2006/2\t15 Sept2006 \nReports of expert review teams forwardedto the committee under section VI,paragraph 3, of the annex to decision27/CMP.1 \n Title Document No. Date \nReport of the centralized in-depthreview of the fourth nationalcommunication of Hungary\tCC/ERT/2006/1\t7 Sept2006 \nReport of the centralized in-depthreview of the fourth nationalcommunication of Slovakia\tCC/ERT/2006/2\t12 Sept2006 \nReport of the centralized in-depthreview of the fourth nationalcommunication of Finland\tCC/ERT/2006/3\t19 Sept2006", "Annex III", "Members and alternate members of the Compliance Committee elected at the first session of the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol", "Enforcement Branch", "Member Alternate Group", "Mr. Nuno S. Lacasta[6] Mr. René J. M. Lefeber¹ Western Europe and Others", "Ms. Johanna G. S. De Wet[7] Mr. J. Armathé Amougou² Africa", "Mr. Su Wei² Mr. Mohammad Sa’dat Alam² Asia", "Mr. Amjad Abdulla¹ Ms. Mary J. Mace¹ small island developing States", "Mr. Raúl Estrada Oyuela² Ms. Patricia Iturregui Byrne² Latin America and the Caribbean", "Mr. Oleg Shamanov¹ Mr. Vladimir Tarasenko¹ Eastern Europe", "Mr. Sebastian Oberthür² Mr. Tuomas Kuokkanen² Annex I Parties[8]", "Mr. Stephan Michel¹ Ms. Kirsten Jacobsen¹ Annex I Parties³", "Mr. Bernard Namanya² Ms. Gladys K. Ramothwa² Non-Annex I Parties[9]", "Mr. Ilhomjon Rajabov¹ Mr. Ainun Nishat¹ Non-Annex I Parties⁴", "Facilitative Branch", "Member Alternate Group", "Mr. Marc Pallemaerts¹ Mr. Pierre Ducret¹ Western Europe and Others", "Mr. Ismail A. R. El Gizouli² Mr. Ratemo W. Michieka² Africa", "Mr. Khalid M. Abuleif² Mr. Jai-Chul Choi² Asia", "Mr. Ian Fry[10] Mr. Héctor Conde Almeida¹ small island developing States", "Ms. María Andrea Mr. Ato J. Lewis² Latin America and the Caribbean", "Albán Durán²", "Mr. Wojtek Galinski[11] Mr. Valeriy Sedyakin¹ Eastern Europe", "Mr. Hironori Hamanaka² Mr. Mark Berman² Annex I Parties³", "Ms. Anna Dixelius¹ Mr. Nicola Notaro¹ Annex I Parties³", "Mr. Mamadou Honadia¹ Ms. Inar Ichsana Ishak¹ Non-Annex I Parties⁴", "Mr. Javad Aghazadeh Khoei² Mr. Paata Janelidze² Non-Annex I Parties⁴", "Annex IV", "Report to the Compliance Committee on the deliberations in the facilitative branch relating to the submission entitled “Compliance with Article 3.1 of the Kyoto Protocol”", "1. On 31 May 2006, the facilitative branch of the Compliance Committee began a preliminary examination of the submission by South Africa, as Chairman of the Group of 77 and China, on behalf of the Group of 77 and China entitled “Compliance with Article 3.1 of the Kyoto Protocol,” in accordance with section VII, paragraph 2 of the annex to decision 27/CMP.1. It continued its deliberations on 20 June 2006. The branch could not come to a consensus at this time.", "2. The branch made a number of attempts to arrive at a consensus. When all efforts to reach agreement on a decision by consensus had been exhausted, a vote was taken electronically on 21 June 2006, resulting in the failure to adopt either a decision to proceed or a decision not to proceed by a majority of three-fourths of the members present and voting, as required by section II, paragraph 9 of the annex to decision 27/CMP.1 in relation to section VII, paragraphs 4 and 6 of the annex to decision 27/CMP.1.", "3. The decision to proceed was worded as follows:", "“The submission was received by the facilitative branch of the Compliance Committee on 31 May, 2006. The branch decided to defer taking a decision until 20 June 2006. The branch continued its deliberations and undertook the preliminary examination of the question of implementation on 20 June 2006, in accordance with section VII, paragraph 2, of the annex to decision 27/CMP.1. A vote was taken on 21 June 2006 by electronic means.", "“In accordance with section VII, para 4, of decision 27/CMP.1, the facilitative branch decides to proceed with the question of implementation submitted by South Africa, as Chairman of the Group of 77 and China, on behalf of the Group of 77 and China, with the following statement on the question of implementation:", "Failure to submit a national communication containing the supplementary information required pursuant to para 139 of the annex to decision 22/CMP.1, decision 25/CP.8, para 3, articles 7.4 and 8.3 of the Kyoto Protocol.", "“This decision was taken on the basis that the submission by South Africa, as Chairman of the Group of 77 and China, on behalf of the Group of 77 and China, fully addressed the requirements under section VI.1 (b) and VII.2. (a), (b) and (c).", "“Therefore, within its mandate provided for under section IV, para 4 and para 6 (c) the Branch shall take the necessary actions to provide advice, facilitation and promotion to each Party concerned.", "“The Facilitative Branch shall complete its consideration and agree on the final decision on the submission by South Africa at its September meeting, taking into account the provisions of section VI, VII and VIII of decision 27/CMP.1.”", "Four (4) members voted for the decision to proceed, four (4) members against and two (2) members abstained.", "4. The decision not to proceed was worded as follows:", "“The submission was received by the facilitative branch of the Compliance Committee on 31 May, 2006. The branch decided to defer taking a decision until 20 June 2006. The branch continued its deliberations and undertook the preliminary examination of the question of implementation on 20 June 2006, in accordance with section VII, paragraph 2, of the annex to decision 27/CMP.1. A vote was taken on 21 June 2006 by electronic means.", "“Following a preliminary examination, the branch found that the submission addressed to the compliance committee by South Africa, as Chairman of the Group of 77 and China, on behalf of the Group of 77 and China, could not be regarded as a question of implementation within the meaning of section VII.2 of the annex to decision 27/CMP.1, for the following reasons:", "“a) The communication was not submitted by a Party on its own behalf through a representative duly authorized for this purpose.", "“The procedures and mechanisms do not provide for the possibility of groups of Parties making submissions by proxy nor give the facilitative branch a mandate to consider any question of implementation that has not been duly submitted in accordance with section VI.1 of the annex to decision 27/CMP.1.", "“b) The submission does not clearly and individually name the Parties with respect to which it purports to raise a question of implementation.", "“c) The submission is not supported by information corroborating the question of implementation it purports to raise, nor does it substantiate that this question relates to any of the specific commitments under the Kyoto Protocol identified in either of paragraphs 5 or 6 of section VII.", "“Accordingly, the branch decided not to proceed.", "“This decision not to proceed is without prejudice to the right of any Party to submit a question of implementation with respect to the same matter through its duly authorized representatives.”", "Five (5) members voted for the decision not to proceed, five (5) members against and no member abstained.", "5. Under the circumstances, the facilitative branch was unable to take a decision on whether to proceed or not to proceed. Consequently, it could not complete the preliminary examination within three weeks from its receipt of the submission, in accordance with section VIII, paragraph 3 of the annex to decision 27/CMP.1.", "6. The branch noted that Latvia’s fourth national communication submitted in accordance with Article 12 of the Convention and decision 4/CP.8 and its progress report submitted in accordance with Article 3.2 of the Kyoto Protocol and decisions 22/CP.7 and 25/CP.8 have been received by the secretariat on 25 May 2006, before the branch began its consideration and that since consideration by", "the branch began, Slovenia’s fourth national communication and its progress report have been received by the secretariat on 12 June 2006. The decision not to proceed against Latvia", "(CC-2006-8-3/Latvia/FB) and the decision not to proceed against Slovenia (CC-2006-14-2/Slovenia/FB) were both adopted by a vote of seven for the decision not to proceed, one against, and two abstentions. Accordingly, the branch decided not to proceed against both these Parties.", "7. A copy of this report shall be sent to South Africa, as Chairman of the Group of 77 and China and to the 15 Parties to whom the submission was sent by the secretariat, namely: Austria (CC-2006-1/FB); Bulgaria (CC-2006-2/FB); Canada (CC-2006-3/FB); France (CC-2006-4/FB); Germany (CC-2006-5/FB); Ireland (CC-2006-6/FB); Italy (CC-2006-7/FB); Latvia (CC-2006-8/FB); Liechtenstein (CC-2006-9/FB); Luxembourg (CC-2006-10/FB); Poland (CC-2006-11/FB); Portugal (CC-2006-12/FB); Russian Federation (CC-2006-13/FB); Slovenia (CC-2006-14/FB); and Ukraine (CC-2006-15/FB), in accordance with section VII of the annex to decision 27/CMP.1.", "Annex V", "Decisions taken by the facilitative branch", "of the Compliance Committee", "FACILITATIVE BRANCH CC-2006-8-3/Latvia/FB", "OF THE COMPLIANCE COMMITTEE 21 June 2006", "PRELIMINARY EXAMINATION", "Submission from: South Africa, as Chairman of the Group of 77 and China, on behalf of the Group of 77 and China", "Party concerned: Latvia", "Members voting: Mr. Khalid Abuleif, Mr. Javad Aghazadeh Khoei, Ms. Maria Andrea Albán Durán, Mr. Héctor Conde Almeida (alternate member serving as member), Ms. Anna Dixelius, Mr. Ismail El Gizouli, Mr. Hironori Hamanaka, Mr. Mamadou Honadia, Mr. Marc Pallemaerts, Mr. Valeriy Sedyakin (alternate member serving as member)", "The submission was received by the facilitative branch of the Compliance Committee on 31 May, 2006.", "The branch decides not to proceed since the fourth national communication submitted in accordance with Article 12 of the Convention and decision 4/CP.8 and the progress report submitted in accordance with Article 3.2 of the Kyoto Protocol and decisions 22/CP.7 and 25/CP.8 of Latvia, have been received by the secretariat on 25 May 2006.", "FACILITATIVE BRANCH CC-2006-14-2/Slovenia/FB", "OF THE COMPLIANCE COMMITTEE 21 June 2006", "PRELIMINARY EXAMINATION", "Submission from: South Africa, as Chairman of the Group of 77 and China, on behalf of the Group of 77 and China", "Party concerned: Slovenia", "Members voting: Mr. Khalid Abuleif, Mr. Javad Aghazadeh Khoei, Ms. Maria Andrea Albán Durán, Mr. Héctor Conde Almeida (alternate member serving as member), Ms. Anna Dixelius, Mr. Ismail El Gizouli, Mr. Hironori Hamanaka, Mr. Mamadou Honadia, Mr. Marc Pallemaerts, Mr. Valeriy Sedyakin (alternate member serving as member)", "The submission was received by the facilitative branch of the Compliance Committee on 31 May, 2006.", "The branch decides not to proceed since the fourth national communication, submitted in accordance with Article 12 of the Convention and decision 4/CP.8 and the progress report submitted in accordance with Article 3.2 of the Kyoto Protocol and decisions 22/CP.7 and 25/CP.8 of Slovenia, have been received by the secretariat on 12 June 2006.", "[1] ^(*) This document was submitted late to take into account the outcomes of the third meeting of the plenary of the", "Compliance Committee, which took place from 5 to 8 September 2006.", "[2] <>.", "[3] FCCC/SBI/2005/8/Add.1.", "[4] FCCC/SBI/2005/8/Add.2. This amount covers travel of members and alternate members of the Compliance Committee, operating expenses relating to the meetings of the plenary of the Committee, meetings of the bureau, and meetings and deliberations of the two branches of the Committee, staff costs, consultancies and data processing equipment and software.", "[5] The documents are available on the UNFCCC website at: <>.", "[6] For a term of two years.", "[7] For a term of four years.", "[8] Parties included in Annex I to the Convention.", "[9] Parties not included in Annex I to the Convention.", "[10] Resigned on 5 June 2006.", "[11] Resigned on 12 May 2006." ]
[ "作为《京都议定书》缔约方会议的《公约》缔约方会议", "第二届会议", "2006年11月6日至17日,内罗毕", "临时议程项目7", "组织事项", "通过议程", "遵约委员会提交作为《京都议定书》 缔约方会议的《公约》缔约方会议的年度报告[1]", "概 要 这是遵约委员会提交作为《京都议定书》缔约方会议的《公约》缔约方会议(《议定书》/《公约》缔约方会议)的第一份年度报告,涵盖委员会从第一次会议开始到2006年9月初开展的活动。 \n本报告介绍2006年的组织事项和工作情况,并就增加委员会所需资源提出一项建议。", "目 录", "段 次 页 次", "一、导 言....................................... 1 - 4 4", "A. 任 务.............. 1 4", "B. 本报告的范围 2 4", "C. 有待作为《京都议定书》缔约方会议的《公 约》缔约方会议采取的行动 3 - 4 4", "二、组织事项............. 5 - 13 5", "A. 选举遵约委员会执行事务组和促进事务组主席和副主席 9 5", "B. 议事规则 10 - 11 5", "C. 成员问题 12 - 13 6", "三、报告期内开展的工作 14 - 25 6", "A. 《公约》附件一所列缔约方国家信息通报和 证明进展的报告的现况 14 - 17 6", "B. 与执行和促进有关的规定 18 7", "C. 关于77国集团主席南非以及中国以77国集 团和中国的名义提交的题为“《京都议定书》 第三条第1款的遵守情况”的材料的讨论 19 - 25 7", "四、委员和候补委员的出席情况 26 8", "五、资源的具备情况 27 - 28 8", "附 件", "一、《京都议定书》遵约委员会的议事规则 10", "二、遵约委员会的文件 21", "三、在作为《京都议定书》缔约方会议的《公约》缔约方会议第一届会议上当选的遵约委员会委员和候补委员..... 27", "目 录(续)", "页 次", "四、遵约委员会就促进事务组关于题为“《京都议定书》第三条第1款的遵守情况”的材料的讨论提出的报告.......... 29", "五、遵约委员会促进事务组的决定 32", "一、导 言", "A. 任 务", "1. 按照“与《京都议定书》之下的遵约有关的程序和机制”(第27/CMP.1号决定附件;下称“程序和机制”)第三节第2段(a)小段,遵约委员会全体会议要向作为《京都议定书》缔约方会议的《公约》缔约方会议(《议定书/《公约》缔约方会议》的每届常会报告其活动情况。", "B. 本报告的范围", "2. 这是遵约委员会全体会议的第一份年度报告,涵盖2006年3月1日至2006年9月初的时期。本报告概述遵约委员会在这段时期内开展的工作和处理的事项。", "C. 有待作为《京都议定书》缔约方会议的 《公约》缔约方会议采取的行动", "3. 按照程序和机制第十二节,《议定书》/《公约》缔约方会议不妨表示注意到遵约委员会的年度报告,并除其他外就以下各项作出决定:", "(a) 按照程序和机制第三节第2段(d)小段,通过本报告附件一所载、由遵约委员会全体会议拟出的进一步的议事规则;", "(b) 本报告第26段和第28段所指、委员会按照程序和机制第三节第2段(c)小段就所有委员和候补委员参加委员会全体会议、主席团会议以及委员会的两个事务组会议和议事所涉资金和旅行安排提出的建议。", "4. 《议定书》/《公约》缔约方会议还不妨:", "(a) 从东欧区域集团中选出一名委员、从小岛屿发展中国家中选出一名委员,以填补促进事务组的空缺;", "(b) 请缔约方为2006-2007两年期支持遵约委员会工作向补充活动信托基金提供捐款。", "二、组织事项", "5. 遵约委员会全体会议在报告期内举行了三次会议。按照第27/CMP.1号决定第4段,秘书处组织第一次会议于2006年3月1日至3日在德国波恩举行。以后的两次会议分别于2006年5月29日至31日和2006年9月5日至8日在波恩举行。", "6. 促进事务组在波恩举行了四次会议(2006年3月1日至3日、2006年5月30日、2006年6月20日、2006年9月6日),执行事务组举行了一次会议(2006年3月1日至3日)。", "7. 议程和说明、与各议程项目有关的文件,以及主席关于全体会议和促进事务组和执行事务组每次会议的报告,均已在《气候公约》网站[2] 上公布。本报告附件二是遵约委员会文件清单。", "8. 本报告附件三是在作为《京都议定书》缔约方会议的《公约》缔约方会议第一届会议上当选的遵约委员会委员和候补委员的名单。", "A. 选举遵约委员会执行事务组和促进事务组主席和副主席", "9. 按照按照程序和机制第二节第4段,执行事务组选举Raúl Estrada Oyuela先生为主席,Sebastian Oberthür先生为副主席,促进事务组选举Hironori Hamanaka先生为主席,Ian Fry先生为副主席,任期均为两年。在Fry先生从遵约委员会辞职后,Ismail El-Gizouli先生当选为促进事务组副主席,在Fry先生余下的任期内任职。", "B. 议事规则", "10. 委员会全体会议在2006年9月举行的第三次会议上按照程序和机制第三节第2段(d)小段核可了本报告附件一所载的进一步议事规则。委员会商定在《议定书》/《公约》缔约方会议通过这些议事规则之前先暂时予以适用。", "11. 委员会全体会议在核可这些议事规则时指出,就规则第24条第3款而言,目前尤其相关的是《议定书》/《公约》缔约方会议第13/CMP.1、15/CMP.1、19/CMP.1、22/CMP.1、27/CMP.1、31/CMP.1号决定。全体会议还指出可能需要为补充和落实这些议事规则而制订进一步的工作安排,并同意经常向《议定书》/《公约》缔约方会议报告这种工作安排的情况。", "C. 成员问题", "12. 当选在促进事务组任职两年的遵约委员会委员Wojtek Galinski先生于2006年5月12日提出辞去委员职务。Galinski先生辞职后,作为候补委员当选的Valeriy Sedyakin先生代行其委员职务。委员会表示赞赏Galinski先生为委员会、特别是为促进事务组的工作所作的贡献,并请《议定书》/《公约》缔约方会议选举替补人在Galinski先生的余下任期内任职。", "13. 当选在促进事务组任职两年的遵约委员会委员Ian Fry先生于2006年6月5日提出辞去委员职务。Fry先生辞职前还担任促进事务组副主席。Fry先生辞职后,作为候补委员当选的Héctor Conde Almeida先生代行其委员职务。委员会表示赞赏Fry先生为委员会、特别是为促进事务组和主席团的工作所作的贡献,并请《议定书》/《公约》缔约方会议选举替补人在Fry先生的余下任期内任职。", "三、报告期内开展的工作", "A. 《公约》附件一所列缔约方国家信息通报和 证明进展的报告的现况", "14. 按照第22/CMP.1号决定附件所载《京都议定书》第八条之下的审评指南,对于国家信息通报提交延误(超出截止日期后6周)的情况,除其他外,应提请遵约委员会注意。附件一缔约方第四次国家信息通报应于2006年1月1日前提交秘书处(第4/CP.8号决定)。", "15. 委员会在第一次全体会议上审议了秘书处提供的关于按照第4/CP.8号决定提交第四次国家信息通报状况的信息。委员会决定在下次会议上结合任何最新信息继续审议秘书处提供的这种信息。", "16. 在委员会第二次全体会议上,秘书处提供了关于第四次国家信息通报提交状况的最新信息。按照委员会的请求,秘书处还提供了关于按照第22/CP.7号决定和第25/CP.8号决定提交进展报告状况的信息。委员会请秘书处为第三次会议再次提供关于第四次国家信息通报以及进展报告提交状况的最新信息。", "17. 在第三次会议上,委员会讨论了关于第四次国家信息通报和进展报告提交状况的最新信息。", "B. 与执行和促进有关的规定", "18. 委员会讨论了遵约委员会工作与《京都议定书》之下的有关职能之间的联系。此外,促进事务组联系程序和机制第四节讨论了与促进有关的规定。", "C. 关于77国集团主席南非以及中国以77国集团和中国的名义提交的 题为“《京都议定书》第三条第1款的遵守情况”的材料的讨论", "19. 委员会于2006年5月26日收到77国集团主席南非以及中国以77国集团和中国的名义提交的题为“《京都议定书》第三条第1款的遵守情况”的材料。按照程序和机制第六节第2段,于2006年5月31日将该项材料发给下列缔约方:奥地利、保加利亚、加拿大、法国、德国、爱尔兰、意大利、拉脱维亚、列支敦士登、卢森堡、波兰、葡萄牙、俄罗斯联邦、斯洛文尼亚、乌克兰。同日,委员会主席陈决定按照程序和机制第七节将该项材料交给促进事务组处理。", "20. 促进事务组于2006年5月31日开始初步审查该项材料,并于2006年6月20日继续进行审议。这些审议是在委员会全体会议2006年9月通过进一步的议事规则之前进行的。", "21. 促进事务组曾数次设法达成协商一致。在尽一切努力达成协商一致而未果的情况下,于2006年6月21日进行了一次电子表决,结果未能按程序和机制第二节第9段以及第七节第4段和第6段的要求,以出席并参加表决的委员四分之三多数通过一项继续进行审议的决定,或一项不再进行审议的决定。", "22. 在2006年6月20日就南非提交的材料进行讨论时,促进事务组注意到,秘书处已于2006年5月25日――即促进事务组开始审议南非提交的材料之前――收到拉脱维亚的第四次国家信息通报及其进展报告,而自从促进事务组开始审议南非提交的材料后,秘书处又于2006年6月12日收到斯洛文尼亚的第四次国家信息通报及其进展报告。出席并参加表决的委员四分之三多数通过了对拉脱维亚不再进行审议的决定(CC-2006-8-3/Latvia/FB)和对斯洛文尼亚不再进行审议的决定(CC-2006-14-2/Slovenia/FB)。", "23. 促进事务组决定向遵约委员会下次全体会议报告讨论结果(CC/3/2006/5)。", "24. 在第三次全体会议上,委员会决定将促进事务组提出的事项纳入提交《议定书》/《公约》缔约方会议的报告。本报告附件四是“遵约委员会就促进事务组关于题为‘《京都议定书》第三条第1款的遵守情况’的材料的讨论提出的报告”。", "25. 按照程序和机制第三节第2(a)段,在本报告附件五中收载了促进事务组在报告期内所作的决定。", "四、委员和候补委员的出席情况", "26. 遵约委员会的委员和候补委员以个人身份当选任职。为了使委员和候补委员能够保持独立性,委员会建议一律为他们提供旅费资助。为确保临时通知举行的委员会会议和讨论中能达到通过决定所需的法定人数,委员会还建议,委员和候补委员出席遵约委员会会议旅程达到或超过9小时的,可享受公务舱待遇。", "五、资源的具备情况", "27. 2006-2007两年期,方案预算中为遵约委员会提供共计540,000美元,用于两个事务组分别举行四次会议[3] 。两个事务组还可以用补充活动信托基金的资金各举行四次会议。补充活动信托基金“支持遵约委员会”的预算项之下的款项为697,160美元[4] ,秘书处迄今仅得到50,000美元。根据预期委员会全体会议和两个事务组在2007年举行的会议次数测算,委员会需要以上款项的余额647,100美元,以便有效地进行工作。", "28. 如果为遵约委员会所有委员和候补委员提供差旅资助,则2007年还需要追加差旅费300,000美元。如果旅程超过9小时的委员和候补委员乘坐公务舱,则还需要25,000美元。2006-2007两年期,遵约委员会有效运行共需约1,000,000美元。", "附 件 一", "《京都议定书》遵约委员会的议事规则", "第1部分:会议的掌握", "1. 范 围", "第 1 条", "本议事规则适用于第27/CMP.1号决定附件所载“与《京都议定书》之下的遵约有关的程序和机制”中界定的遵约委员会、包括其执行事务组和促进事务。本议事规则的理解应结合并有助于落实上述程序和机制。", "2. 定 义", "第 2 条", "本规则中,除另注明外,各节的序号沿用第27/CMP.1号决定附件中的相应编号,并且:", "(a) “委员会”指第二节第1段规定设立的成员委员会;", "(b) “全体会议”指第三节规定的委员会全体会议;", "(c) “事务组”指第四节和第五节规定的促进事务组或执行事务组;", "(d) “主席团”指按照第二节第4段组成的委员会主席团;", "(e) “联合主席”指按照第三节第1段在委员会全体会议联合行事的执行事务组主席和促进事务组主席;", "(f) “委员”指根据第二节第3段当选的委员会委员;", "(g) “候补委员”指根据第二节第5段当选的候补委员;", "(h) “缔约方”指《联合国气候变化框架公约》的《京都议定书》的缔约方;", "(i) “有关缔约方”指第六节第2段规定的所提出的履行问题涉及的缔约方;", "(j) “外交代表”指一缔约方派驻秘书处东道国的代表团团长或代表团指定外交成员;", "(k) “高级代表”指国家元首或政府首脑、外交部长、外交代表或由国家元首或政府首脑正式授权的外交代表或另一人,或区域经济一体化组织主管部门正式授权的外交代表或另一人;", "(l) “指派代表”指有关缔约方按照第八节第2段指派在履行问题的审议中作为其代表的人;", "(m) “秘书处”指第十七节所述的秘书处。", "3. 委员和候补委员", "第 3 条", "1. 委员或候补委员的任期应始于当选后的日历年的1月1日,并根据相关情况分别止于2年或4年后的12月31日。", "2. 在不违反本议事规则的前提下,候补委员有权参加全体会议或所属事务组的议事,但无表决权。候补委员只有在代行委员职能时才能够投票。", "3. 如委员不能出席全体会议或其当选任职的事务组会议的全部或一部分,其候补委员应代行委员职务。", "4. 委员辞职或不能完成规定任期或委员的职责时,其候补委员应暂时代行委员在同一事务组的职务。", "5. 委员或候补委员辞职或不能完成规定任期或委员或候补委员的职责时,委员会应请作为《京都议定书》缔约方会议的《公约》缔约方会议在下届会议上为余下任期选出一名新任委员或候补委员。", "第 4 条", "1. 委员和候补委员应以个人身份任职,对于委员会正在审议的任何事项,应以独立和公正的方式行事,并避免实际的或表面的利益冲突。", "2. 委员和候补委员在任职前应签署就职宣誓书并同意遵守誓词。就职宣誓书誓词如下:", "“我庄严宣誓,我将正直、忠诚、公正、勤恳地行使第27/CMP.1号决定设立的《京都议定书》遵约委员会委员/候补委员的职责和权力。", "“我还庄严宣誓,在遵守我在遵约委员会内的责任的前提下,即使在我的职务结束之后,我也决不透露由于我在遵约委员会任职而了解到的任何其他机密信息。", "“我将向《联合国气候变化框架公约》执行秘书说明,我在遵约委员会所讨论的任何事务中具有的、有可能构成利益冲突或可能不符合遵约委员会委员/候补委员应遵守的独立和公正规定的任何利益,我将回避参加遵约委员会有关此种事务的工作。”", "3. 如《联合国气候变化框架公约》执行秘书收到任何按照第2段所作披露说明,应立即通知主席团。主席团应通知全体会议,该委员或候补委员将回避参加委员会有关此项披露说明所涉事务的工作。", "4. 《联合国气候变化框架公约》执行秘书,如收到一缔约方关于可能表明存在利益冲突的情况或可能不符合遵约委员会委员/候补委员应遵守的独立和公正规定的任何利益的情况的证据,应立即通知主席团和有关委员或候补委员。该证据应提交全体会议审议,除非该委员或候补委员通知主席团,表示自己将回避参加委员会有关此项披露说明所涉事务的工作。否则,在委员或候补委员获得合理机会使自己的主张得到听取之后,全体会议可决定该委员或候补委员不参加一项或多项履行问题的审议以及某一事务组决定的拟订和通过。", "5. 如全体会议认为发生了对委员会委员/候补委员应遵守的独立和公正规定的重大违反情形,在任何有关委员或候补委员获得合理机会使自己的主张得到听取之后,全体会议可决定中止该委员或候补委员的资格,或建议作为《京都议定书》缔约方会议的《公约》缔约方会议取消该委员或候补委员的资格。", "6. 委员会在本条之下所作的任何决定均应载入委员会提交作为《京都议定书》缔约方会议的《公约》缔约方会议。", "4. 主席和副主席", "第 5 条", "1. 会议主持人除行使本规则其他条款赋予的权力之外,应:", "(a) 宣布会议的开会和散会;", "(b) 主持会议;", "(c) 确保对本规则的遵守;", "(d) 准许发言;", "(e) 把问题付诸表决并宣布决定;", "(f) 就程序问题作出裁决;", "(g) 在遵守本规则的条件下全面掌握会议的进行和维持会议秩序。", "2. 会议主持人还可提议:", "(a) 发言报名截止;", "(b) 限制发言者的发言时间,以及限制发言者就某一问题发言的次数;", "(c) 暂停或结束辩论;", "(d) 暂停会议或休会。", "3. 任何会议主持人在履行职务时始终受全体会议领导并在相关情况下受执行事务组或促进事务组领导。", "第 6 条", "1. 如主席暂时不能以这一身份履行职务,相关事务组的副主席应临时代行该事务组主席职务和全体会议联合主席职务。", "2. 如同一事务组的主席和副主席均暂时不能以各自的身份履行职务,该事务组应参照第二节第4段临时为该事务组选出一位主席。", "3. 一事务组的主席或副主席辞职或不能完成规定任期或相应的职责时,该事务组应按照第二节第4段从其成员中为余下任期选出一名替补主席或副主席。", "5. 议 程", "第 7 条", "1. 秘书处应在主席团同意下草拟全体会议每次会议的临时议程。", "2. 秘书处应在相关事务组主席和副主席同意下草拟该事务组每次会议的临时议程。", "3. 每次会议的临时议程和时间表草案以及前次会议的报告草稿应按照相应的时间范围尽可能争取在会议开幕前至少四周发送给委员和候补委员。", "4. 如有委员提出任何项目,应列入全体会议每次会议和事务组每次会议的临时议程。", "5. 全体会议或事务组在通过议程时可决定增加紧迫和重要的项目,并删除、推迟或修改项目。", "6. 会议和辩论", "第 8 条", "应按照相应的时间范围尽可能争取在会议开幕前至少四周将会议通知发送给委员和候补委员以及相关情况下的任何指派代表。", "第 9 条", "1. 在不违反第2款的前提下,全体会议和事务组的会议应公开举行,除非全体会议或事务组自行决定或应有关缔约方的请求决定,由于事关重大,会议的一部分或全部应非公开举行。", "2. 在事务组决定的拟订和通过时,只允许委员会委员和候补委员以及秘书处官员在场。", "第 10 条", "1. 对于秘书处发送给一缔约方的通知或文件,收文日期应视为该缔约方收件回执所示日期或快递服务收件回执所示日期,以时间在前者为准。", "2. 对于准备交送委员会的材料、请求或其他文件,委员会的收文日期应视为秘书处收文后的第一个工作日。", "7. 使用电子方式", "第 11 条", "1. 委员会可酌情在不影响正常的文件分发方式的前提下使用电子方式传输、分发和储存文件。", "2. 可能情况下,委员会可在书面程序中使用电子方式拟订和作出决定。", "3. 按照本条第2款所作任何决定应视为在秘书处总部作出。", "8. 秘 书 处", "第 12 条", "1. 秘书处应为委员会会议作出安排,并提供所需的服务。", "2. 秘书处应在不违反第八节第6段和委员会所提供的任何指导意见的前提下,向公众提供全体会议和事务组的所有文件。", "3. 此外,秘书处应履行委员会所规定的或作为《京都议定书》缔约方会议的《公约》缔约方会议可能就委员会工作所要求的任何其他职能。", "9. 语 文", "第 13 条", "1. 在不违反第八节第9段的前提下,委员会的工作语文为英文。", "2. 参加事务组议事的某一缔约方指派代表可用委员会工作语文以外的语文发言,但该缔约方须提供口译。", "3. 事务组所作的最后决定应以联合国全部六种正式语文提供,同时考虑到第22条第1款的规定。", "第2部分:事务组的程序", "10. 事务组的一般程序", "第 14 条", "1. 任何缔约方提交的材料如提出本方的履行问题,应列明:", "(a) 提交材料的缔约方的名称;", "(b) 指出履行问题的陈述;", "(c) 据以提出履行问题的《京都议定书》条款和第27/CMP.1号决定的规定。", "2. 提交的材料还应列明:", "(a) 作为《京都议定书》缔约方会议的《公约》缔约方会议决定中对于该履行问题适用的任何规定和对于该履行问题适用的附属机构报告;", "(b) 对于履行问题具有重要意义的信息;", "(c) 拟请哪个事务组采取行动;", "(d) 拟请该事务组采取的行动;", "(e) 提交材料所附的全部文件清单。", "第 15 条", "1. 任何缔约方提交的材料如提出另一缔约方的履行问题,应列明:", "(a) 提交材料的缔约方的名称;", "(b) 指出履行问题的陈述;", "(c) 有关缔约方的名称;", "(d) 据以提出履行问题的《京都议定书》条款和第27/CMP.1号决定的规定;", "(e) 履行问题的佐证信息。", "2. 提交的材料还应列明:", "(a) 作为《京都议定书》缔约方会议的《公约》缔约方会议决定中对于该履行问题适用的任何规定和对于该履行问题适用的附属机构报告;", "(b) 拟请哪个事务组采取行动;", "(c) 提交材料所附的全部文件清单。", "第 16 条", "秘书处应将根据第15条提交的材料和任何佐证信息提供给所指缔约方的高级代表。", "第 17 条", "有关缔约方按照第七节至第十节提出的意见和书面材料应包括:", "(a) 说明该有关缔约方对审议中的信息、决定或履行问题立场的陈述,包括所依据的理由;", "(b) 关于该缔约方按照第八节第6段请求不予公布的任何信息的说明;", "(c) 提交材料或意见所附的全部文件清单。", "第 18 条", "1. 第14条、第15条和第17条之下的任何提交材料或意见应由缔约方高级代表签署,并以硬拷贝和电子方式交送秘书处。", "2. 提交材料或意见的任何有关佐证文件均应附上。", "第 19 条", "1. 主席团应在收到一项履行问题起7天内决定是否将其分配给适当的事务组处理。主席团可按照第11条以电子方式分配履行问题。", "2. 秘书处应立即将履行问题通知参加该事务组的委员和候补委员并向他们交送所具备的所有材料。", "3. 秘书处还应将履行问题通知参加另一事务组的委员和候补委员。", "第 20 条", "1. 经初步审查之后,在不违反第八节第4段的前提下,希望向有关事务组提交相关的事实和技术信息的主管政府间组织和非政府组织应以书面方式提交这种信息。", "2. 秘书处应立即将这种信息的提交一事通知参加该事务组的委员和候补委员并向他们交送这种信息。", "3. 秘书处还应将这种信息的提交一事通知参加另一事务组的委员和候补委员。", "第 21 条", "如一事务组决定寻求专家意见,该事务组应:", "(a) 确定需要征求专家意见的问题;", "(b) 指明希望征求的专家;", "(c) 确定需遵循的程序。", "第 22 条", "1. 初步调查结果或最后决定应比照下列各项包含:", "(a) 有关缔约方的名称;", "(b) 说明所处理的履行问题的陈述;", "(c) 据以提出初步调查结果或作出最后决定的《京都议定书》条款和第27/CMP.1号决定规定,以及作为《京都议定书》缔约方会议的《公约》缔约方会议的其他有关决定的规定;", "(d) 关于辩论中所审议的信息的说明,最后决定还应包括确认有关缔约方曾获得机会就所审议的所有信息提出书面意见;", "(e) 议事录摘要,执行事务组的最后决定还应包括说明初步调查结果或具体指明的任何部分是否得到确认;", "(f) 关于履行问题的实质性决定,包括可能适用的任何后果;", "(g) 据以作出决定的结论和理由;", "(h) 作出决定的地点和日期;", "(i) 参加审议履行问题以及拟订和通过决定的委员的姓名。", "2. 有关缔约方收到最后决定起45天内就该决定提交的书面意见应由秘书处分发给参加有关事务组的委员和候补委员,并应纳入委员会提交作为《京都议定书》缔约方会议的《公约》缔约方会议的年度报告。", "第 23 条", "1. 如按照第九节第12段将履行问题专家促进事务组,应由执行事务组作出决定,并附上说明履行问题以及该问题所依据信息的陈述。", "2. 秘书处应立即将决定通知有关缔约方。", "3. 执行事务组转交促进事务组的履行问题不应要求做初步审查。", "11. 促进事务组的程序", "第 24 条", "1. 在不违反第六节和不妨碍第十六节的前提下,促进事务组可与有关缔约方代表进行对话。", "2. 在不违反第六节和第七节的前提下,有关缔约方代表可与促进事务组进行对话,以寻求咨询意见和促进。", "3. 促进事务组应通过秘书处接收作为《京都议定书》缔约方会议的《公约》缔约方会议有关决定之下所要求的信息。", "12. 执行事务组的程序", "第 25 条", "1. 有关缔约方在提请举行听证会的请求中可说明:", "(a) 该缔约方拟提出的问题以及该缔约方准备在听证会上讨论的任何文件;", "(b) 准备在听证会上提出专家证词或意见的任何个人。", "2. 有关缔约方在选择代表其出席听证会的个人时,应避免提名提交材料之日前两年内担任过委员会委员或候补委员的个人。", "第3部分:总 则", "13. 修 正", "第 26 条", "1. 对本议事规则的修正,可在委员会全体会议核准拟议修正并向作为《京都议定书》缔约方会议的《公约》缔约方会议报告此事之后,由作为《京都议定书》缔约方会议的《公约》缔约方会议参照第三节第2段(d)小段作出决定。", "2. 委员会全体会议核准的对本议事规则的任何修正在作为《京都议定书》缔约方会议的《公约》缔约方会议通过之前应暂时适用。", "14. 最高决定权", "第 27 条", "如本议事规则的任何规定与《京都议定书》或第27/CMP.1号决定的任何规定相冲突,应分别以《议定书》或该决定的规定为准。", "附 件 二", "遵约委员会的文件 [5]", "全体会议 标 题 文 日 \n 号 期 \n 第1次会议 \n临时议程和说明\tCC/1/2006/1 2006年2月3日\t\n临时议程和说明\tCC/1/2006/1/Rev.1 2006年2月3日\t\n议事规则草案。秘书处的说明\tCC/1/2006/2 2006年2月3日\t\n附件一缔约方国家信息通报的现况。秘书处的说明\tCC/1/2006/3 2006年3月2日\t\n会议报告\tCC/1/2006/4 2006年5月29日 \n 第2次会议 \n临时议程和说明\tCC/2/2006/1 2006年5月9日\t\n议事规则。联合主席的建议\tCC/2/2006/2 2006年5月9日\t\n关于议事规则草案的意见汇编\tCC/2/2006/3 2006年5月9日\t\n附件一缔约方国家信息通报的现况。秘书处的说明\tCC/2/2006/4 2006年5月26日\t\n附件一缔约方国家信息通报和证明进展的报告的现况。秘书处的说明\tCC/2/2006/4/Rev.1 2006年5月30日\t\n会议报告\tCC/2/2006/5 2006年9月5日 \n 第3次会议 \n临时议程和说明\tCC/3/2006/1 2006年7月28日\t\n议事规则工作文件\tCC/3/2006/2 2006年8月15日\t\n关于议事规则草案的意见汇编\tCC/3/2006/3 2006年8月15日 \n 标 题 文 日 \n 号 期 \n遵约委员会就促进事务组关于题为“《京都议定书》第三条第1款的遵守情况”的材料的讨论提出的报告\tCC/3/2006/4 2006年9月5日 \n遵约委员会提交作为《京都议定书》缔约方会议的《公约》缔约方会议的年度报告。联合主席的建议\tCC/3/2006/5 2006年9月6日 \n附件一缔约方国家信息通报和证明进展的报告的现况。秘书处的说明\tCC/3/2006/6 2006年9月4日 \n附件一缔约方国家信息通报和证明进展的报告的现况。秘书处的说明\tCC/3/2006/6/Rev.1 2006年9月7日 \n会议报告\tCC/3/2006/7 2006年9月18日 \n 执行事务组 标 题 文 日 \n 号 期 \n 第1次会议 \n临时议程和说明\tCC/EB/1/2006/1 2006年2月3日\t\n会议报告\tCC/EB/1/2006/2 2006年5月29日 \n 促进事务组 标 题 文 日 \n 号 期 \n 第1次会议 \n临时议程和说明\tCC/FB/1/2006/1 2006年2月3日\t\n会议报告\tCC/FB/1/2006/2 2006年5月30日 \n 第2次会议 \n临时议程和说明\tCC/FB/2/2006/1 2006年5月9日 \n77国集团主席南非以及中国以77国集团和中国的名义提交的材料(有关缔约国:奥地利)\tCC-2006-1-1/FB 2006年5月31日 \n77国集团主席南非以及中国以77国集团和中国的名义提交的材料(有关缔约国:保加利亚)\tCC-2006-2-1/FB 2006年5月31日 \n 标 题 文 日 \n 号 期 \n77国集团主席南非以及中国以77国集团和中国的名义提交的材料(有关缔约国:加拿大)\tCC-2006-3-1/FB 2006年5月31日 \n77国集团主席南非以及中国以77国集团和中国的名义提交的材料(有关缔约国:法国)\tCC-2006-4-1/FB 2006年5月31日 \n77国集团主席南非以及中国以77国集团和中国的名义提交的材料(有关缔约国:匈牙利)\tCC-2006-5-1/FB 2006年5月31日 \n77国集团主席南非以及中国以77国集团和中国的名义提交的材料(有关缔约国:爱尔兰)\tCC-2006-6-1/FB 2006年5月31日 \n77国集团主席南非以及中国以77国集团和中国的名义提交的材料(有关缔约国:意大利)\tCC-2006-7-1/FB 2006年5月31日 \n77国集团主席南非以及中国以77国集团和中国的名义提交的材料(有关缔约国:拉脱维亚)\tCC-2006-8-1/FB 2006年5月31日 \n77国集团主席南非以及中国以77国集团和中国的名义提交的材料(有关缔约国:列支敦士登)\tCC-2006-9-1/FB 2006年5月31日 \n77国集团主席南非以及中国以77国集团和中国的名义提交的材料(有关缔约国:卢森堡)\tCC-2006-10-1/FB 2006年5月31日 \n77国集团主席南非以及中国以77国集团和中国的名义提交的材料(有关缔约国:波兰)\tCC-2006-11-1/FB 2006年5月31日 \n77国集团主席南非以及中国以77国集团和中国的名义提交的材料(有关缔约国:葡萄牙)\tCC-2006-12-1/FB 2006年5月31日 \n77国集团主席南非以及中国以77国集团和中国的名义提交的材料(有关缔约国:俄罗斯联邦)\tCC-2006-13-1/FB 2006年5月31日 \n 标 题 文 日 \n 号 期 \n77国集团主席南非以及中国以77国集团和中国的名义提交的材料(有关缔约国:斯洛伐克)\tCC-2006-14-1/FB 2006年5月31日 \n77国集团主席南非以及中国以77国集团和中国的名义提交的材料(有关缔约国:乌克兰)\tCC-2006-15-1/FB 2006年5月31日 \n会议报告\tCC/FB/2/2006/2 2006年9月6日 \n 第3次会议 \n临时议程和说明\tCC/FB/3/2006/1 2006年6月15日 \n遵约委员会就促进事务组关于题为“《京都议定书》第三条第1款的遵守情况”的材料的讨论提出的报告(有关缔约国:奥地利)\tCC-2006-1-2/FB 2006年6月22日 \n遵约委员会就促进事务组关于题为“《京都议定书》第三条第1款的遵守情况”的材料的讨论提出的报告(有关缔约国:保加利亚)\tCC-2006-2-3/FB 2006年6月22日 \n遵约委员会就促进事务组关于题为“《京都议定书》第三条第1款的遵守情况”的材料的讨论提出的报告(有关缔约国:加拿大)\tCC-2006-3-3/FB 2006年6月22日 \n遵约委员会就促进事务组关于题为“《京都议定书》第三条第1款的遵守情况”的材料的讨论提出的报告(有关缔约国:法国)\tCC-2006-4-3/FB 2006年6月22日 \n遵约委员会就促进事务组关于题为“《京都议定书》第三条第1款的遵守情况”的材料的讨论提出的报告(有关缔约国:德国)\tCC-2006-5-2/FB 2006年6月22日 \n遵约委员会就促进事务组关于题为“《京都议定书》第三条第1款的遵守情况”的材料的讨论提出的报告(有关缔约国:爱尔兰)\tCC-2006-6-2/FB 2006年6月22日 \n 标 题 文 日 \n 号 期 \n遵约委员会就促进事务组关于题为“《京都议定书》第三条第1款的遵守情况”的材料的讨论提出的报告(有关缔约国:意大利)\tCC-2006-7-2/FB 2006年6月22日 \n关于对拉脱维亚不再继续审议的决定\tCC-2006-8-3/Latvia/FB 2006年6月21日 \n遵约委员会就促进事务组关于题为“《京都议定书》第三条第1款的遵守情况”的材料的讨论提出的报告(有关缔约国:拉脱维亚)\tCC-2006-8-4/FB 2006年6月22日 \n遵约委员会就促进事务组关于题为“《京都议定书》第三条第1款的遵守情况”的材料的讨论提出的报告(有关缔约国:列支敦士登)\tCC-2006-9-2/FB 2006年6月22日 \n遵约委员会就促进事务组关于题为“《京都议定书》第三条第1款的遵守情况”的材料的讨论提出的报告(有关缔约国:卢森堡)\tCC-2006-10-2/FB 2006年6月22日 \n遵约委员会就促进事务组关于题为“《京都议定书》第三条第1款的遵守情况”的材料的讨论提出的报告(有关缔约国:波兰)\tCC-2006-11-3/FB 2006年6月22日 \n遵约委员会就促进事务组关于题为“《京都议定书》第三条第1款的遵守情况”的材料的讨论提出的报告(有关缔约国:葡萄牙)\tCC-2006-12-3/FB 2006年6月22日 \n遵约委员会就促进事务组关于题为“《京都议定书》第三条第1款的遵守情况”的材料的讨论提出的报告(有关缔约国:俄罗斯)\tCC-2006-13-2/FB 2006年6月22日 \n关于对斯洛伐克不再继续审议的决定\tCC-2006-14-2/Slovenia/FB 2006年6月21日 \n遵约委员会就促进事务组关于题为“《京都议定书》第三条第1款的遵守情况”的材料的讨论提出的报告(有关缔约国:斯洛文尼亚)\tCC-2006-14-3/FB 2006年6月22日 标 题 文 日 \n 号 期 \n遵约委员会就促进事务组关于题为“《京都议定书》第三条第1款的遵守情况”的材料的讨论提出的报告(有关缔约国:乌克兰)\tCC-2006-15-2/FB 2006年6月22日 \n会议报告\tCC/FB/3/2006/2 2006年9月6日 \n 第4次会议 \n临时议程和说明\tCC/FB/4/2006/1 2006年7月28日\t\n会议报告\tCC/FB/4/2006/2 2006年9月5日 \n专家审评组根据第27/CMP.1号决定附件第六节第3段转交委员会的报告 \n 标 题 文 号 日 期 \n对匈牙利第四次国家信息通报的集中深入审评报告 CC/ERT/2006/1\t2006年9月7日 \n对斯洛伐克第四次国家信息通报的集中深入审评报告 CC/ERT/2006/2\t2006年9月12日 \n对芬兰第四次国家信息通报的集中深入审评报告 CC/ERT/2006/3\t2006年9月19日", "附 件 三", "在作为《京都议定书》缔约方会议的《公约》缔约方会议 第一届会议上当选的遵约委员会委员和候补委员", "执行事务组", "委 员 候补委员 集 团", "Nuno S. Lacasta先生 [6] René J. M. Lefeber先生¹ 西欧和其他", "Johanna G. S. De Wet女士 [7] J. Armathé Amougou先生² 非洲", "Su Wei先生² Mohammad Sa’dat Alam先生² 亚洲", "Amjad Abdulla先生¹ Mary J. Mace女士¹ 小岛屿发展中国家", "Raúl Estrada Oyuela先生² Patricia Iturregui 拉丁美洲和加勒比 Byrne女士²", "Oleg Shamanov先生¹ Vladimir Tarasenko先生¹ 东欧", "Sebastian Oberthür先生² Tuomas Kuokkanen先生² 附件一缔约方 [8]", "Stephan Michel先生¹ Kirsten Jacobsen女士¹ 附件一缔约方³", "Bernard Namanya先生² Gladys K. Ramothwa女士² 非附件一缔约方 [9]", "Ilhomjon Rajabov先生¹ Ainun Nishat先生¹ 非附件一缔约方⁴", "促进事务组", "委 员 候补委员 集 团", "Marc Pallemaerts先生¹ Pierre Ducret先生¹ 西欧和其他", "Ismail A. R. El Gizouli先生² Ratemo W. Michieka先生² 非洲", "Khalid M. Abuleif先生² Jai-Chul Choi先生² 亚洲", "Ian Fry先生 [10] Héctor Conde Almeida先生¹ 小岛屿发展中国家", "María Andrea Albán Durán²女士 Ato J. Lewis先生² 拉丁美洲和加勒比", "委 员 候补委员 集 团", "Wojtek Galinski先生 [11] Valeriy Sedyakin先生¹ 东欧", "Hironori Hamanaka先生² Mark Berman先生² 附件一缔约方³", "Anna Dixelius女士¹ Nicola Notaro先生¹ 附件一缔约方³", "Mamadou Honadia先生¹ Inar Ichsana Ishak女士¹ 非附件一缔约方⁴", "Javad Aghazadeh Khoei先生² Paata Janelidze先生² 非附件一缔约方⁴", "附 件 四", "遵约委员会就促进事务组关于题为“《京都议定书》 第三条第1款的遵守情况”的材料的讨论提出的报告", "1. 2006年5月31日,遵约委员会的促进事务组按照第27/CMP.1号决定附件第七节第2段开始初步审查77国集团主席南非以及中国以77国集团和中国的名义提交的题为“《京都议定书》第三条第1款的遵守情况”的材料。促进事务组于2006年6月20日继续进行了审议。该事务组当时未能达成协商一致。", "2. 促进事务组曾多次设法达成协商一致。在尽一切努力达成协商一致决定而未果的情况下,于2006年6月21日进行了一次电子表决,结果未能按第27/CMP.1号决定附件第二节第9段的要求,参照第27/CMP.1号决定附件第七节第4段和第6段的规定,以出席并参加表决的委员四分之三多数通过一项继续进行审议的决定,或一项不再进行审议的决定。", "3. 关于继续进行审议的决定的行文如下:", "“遵约委员会的促进事务组于2006年5月31日收到所提交的材料。本事务组决定推迟到2006年6月20日再作决定。本事务组于2006年6月20日按照第27/CMP.1号决定附件第七节第2段对履行问题继续进行了讨论和初步审查。于2006年6月21日进行了一次电子表决。", "“按照第27/CMP.1号决定附件第七节第4段,促进事务组继续审议77国集团主席南非以及中国以77国集团和中国的名义提交的履行问题,对该履行问题的表述如下:", "未能提交载有第22/CMP.1号决定附件第139段、第25/CP.8号决定第3段以及《京都议定书》第七条第4款和第八条第3款所要求的补充信息的国家信息通报。", "“做出本决定的依据是,77国集团主席南非以及中国以77国集团和中国的名义提交的材料完全符合第六节第1段(b)小段和第七节第2段(a)、(b)和(c)小段的要求。", "“因此,根据第四节第4段和第6段(c)小段规定的权限,本事务组应采取必要行动,向每个有关缔约方提供咨询意见、便利和促进。", "“促进事务组应考虑到第27/CMP.1号决定附件第六节、第七节和第八节的规定,在9月份举行的会议上完成对南非所提交材料的审议并商定最后决定。”", "对于继续进行审议的决定,四(4)名委员投了赞成票、四(4)名委员投了反对票,两(2)名委员弃权。", "4. 关于不再进行审议的决定的行文如下:", "“遵约委员会的促进事务组于2006年5月31收到所提交的材料。本事务组决定推迟到2006年6月20日再作决定。本事务组于2006年6月20日按照第27/CMP.1号决定附件第七节第2段对履行问题继续进行了讨论和初步审查。于2006年6月21日进行了一次电子表决。", "“经初步审查之后,本事务组认定,对于77国集团主席南非以及中国以77国集团和中国的名义提交的材料所指事项,不能视为第27/CMP.1号决定附件第七节第2段含义内的履行问题,理由如下:", "“a) 该项来文并非由一个缔约方以自身名义通过正式为此授权的代表提交。", "“程序和机制既未规定缔约方集团可通过代理提交材料,也未授权促进事务组审议任何未按照第27/CMP.1号决定附件第六节第1段以恰当方式提交的履行问题。", "“b) 提交的材料未明确单独指明其认为引起履行问题的缔约方。", "“c) 提交的材料未附带关于其所指履行问题的佐证信息,也未证明该问题与第七节第5段或第6段所指《京都议定书》之下的任何具体承诺相关联。", "“因此,本事务组决定不再继续进行审议。", "“本项关于不再继续审议的决定不影响任何缔约方通过正式授权代表就同一事项提交履行问题的权利。”", "对于不再继续进行审议的决定,五(5)名委员投了赞成票、五(5)名委员投了反对票,没有委员弃权。", "5. 在这样的情况下,促进事务组未能就是否继续进行审议作出决定。因此,本事务组未能按照第27/CMP.1号决定附件第八节第3段在收到所提交材料后的三周内完成初步审查。", "6. 本事务组注意到,秘书处于2006年5月25日――即本事务组开始审议之前――收到拉脱维亚按照《公约》第十二条和第4/CP.8号决定提交的第四次国家信息通报及按照《京都议定书》第三条第2款和第22/CP.7号决定和第25/CP.8号决定提交的进展报告,而自从本事务组开始审议后,秘书处又于2006年6月12日收到斯洛文尼亚的第四次国家信息通报及其进展报告。对拉脱维亚不再进行审议的决定(CC-2006-8-3/Latvia/FB)和对斯洛文尼亚不再进行审议的决定(CC-2006-14-2/Slovenia/FB)均以七票赞成、一票反对和两票弃权的表决结果获得通过。因此,本事务组决定对这两个缔约方不再进行审议。", "7. 按照第27/CMP.1号决定附件第七节,应将本报告复制件分送作为77国集团主席的南非以及中国,并分送收到秘书处转发的提交材料的缔约方,即:奥地利(CC-2006-1/FB)、保加利亚(CC-2006-2/FB)、加拿大(CC-2006-3/FB)、法国(CC-2006-4/FB)、德国(CC-2006-5/FB)、爱尔兰(CC-2006-6/FB)、意大利(CC-2006-7/FB)、拉脱维亚(CC-2006-8/FB)、列支敦士登(CC-2006-9/FB)、卢森堡(CC-2006-10/FB)、波兰(CC-2006-11/FB)、葡萄牙(CC-2006-12/FB)、俄罗斯联邦(CC-2006-13/FB)、斯洛文尼亚(CC-2006-14/FB)、乌克兰(CC-2006-15/FB)。", "附 件 五", "遵约委员会促进事务组的决定", "遵约委员会 CC-2006-8-3/Latvia/FB", "促进事务组 21 June 2006", "初步审查", "提交方: 77国集团主席南非和中国以77国集团和中国名义", "有关缔约方: 拉脱维亚", "参加表决的委员: Khalid Abuleif先生、Javad Aghazadeh Khoei先生、Maria Andrea Albán Durán女士、Héctor Conde Almeida先生(候补委员代行委员权利)、Anna Dixelius女士、Ismail El Gizouli先生、Hironori Hamanaka先生、Mamadou Honadia先生、Marc Pallemaerts先生、Valeriy Sedyakin先生(候补委员代行委员权利)", "遵约委员会促进事务组于2006年5月31日收到提交的材料。", "本事务组决定不再继续进行审议,因为秘书处已于2006年5月25日收到拉脱维亚按照《公约》第十二条和第4/CP.8号决定提交的第四次国家信息通报及按照《京都议定书》第三条第2款和第22/CP.7号决定和第25/CP.8号决定提交的进展报告。", "遵约委员会 CC-2006-14-2/Slovenia/FB", "促进事务组 21 June 2006", "初步审查", "提交方: 77国集团主席南非和中国以77国集团和中国名义", "有关缔约方: 斯洛文尼亚", "参加表决的委员: Khalid Abuleif先生、Javad Aghazadeh Khoei先生、Maria Andrea Albán Durán女士、Héctor Conde Almeida先生(候补委员代行委员权利)、Anna Dixelius女士、Ismail El Gizouli先生、Hironori Hamanaka先生、Mamadou Honadia先生、Marc Pallemaerts先生、Valeriy Sedyakin先生(候补委员代行委员权利)", "遵约委员会促进事务组于2006年5月31日收到提交的材料。", "本事务组决定不再继续进行审议,因为秘书处已于2006年6月12日收到斯洛文尼亚按照《公约》第十二条和第4/CP.8号决定提交的第四次国家信息通报及按照《京都议定书》第三条第2款和第22/CP.7号决定和第25/CP.8号决定提交的进展报告。", "[1] * 本文件迟交,是为了顾及2006年9月5日至8日举行的遵约委员会第三次全体会议的结果。", "[2] <>。", "[3] FCCC/SBI/2005/8/Add.1。", "[4] FCCC/SBI/2005/8/Add.2。这个数额包含遵约委员会委员和候补委员的旅费、与委员会全体会议、主席团会议以及委员会的两个事务组会议和讨论有关的业务开支、人事费、顾问费,以及数据处理设备和软件费。", "[5] 这些文件刊登在《气候公约》网站上:< compliance/items/2875.php>。", "[6] 任期2年。.", "[7] 任期4年。", "[8] 《公约》附件一所列缔约方。", "[9] 非《公约》附件一所列缔约方。", "[10] 2006年6月5日辞职。", "[11] 2006年5月12日辞职。" ]
[ "[ 联 合 国\n联合国\n[原件:英文]\n常规\n气候变化框架公约\n纽约\n页:1\n\n会议服务部门 《京都议定书》的\n第二届会议\n2006年11月6-17日,内罗毕\n临时议程项目7\n遵约委员会的报告", "遵约委员会提交作为《京都议定书》缔约方会议的《公约》缔约方会议的年度报告[1]", "内容提要 1. 遵约委员会提交作为《京都议定书》缔约方会议的《公约》缔约方会议(《议定书》/《公约》缔约方会议)的第一份年度报告涵盖委员会第一次会议至2006年9月初开展的活动。\n报告提供了关于2006年组织事项和所开展工作的资料,并提议委员会所需的额外资源。", "1.", "目录", "段次 页次", "一. 导言 1-4 2", "A. 任务 1 2", "B. 本报告的范围 2 2", "C. 作为《京都议定书》缔约方会议的《公约》缔约方会议将采取的行动 3-4 2", "二. 组织事项 5 - 13 2", "A类. A. 选举遵约委员会执行事务组和促进事务组主席和副主席 9 2", "B. 议事规则 10-11 2", "C. 成员问题 12-13 2", "三. 二、报告期内开展的工作 14 - 25 2", "A类. B. 证明《公约》附件一所列缔约方进展情况的国家信息通报和报告的状况 14 - 17 2", "B. 有关执行和便利的规定 18 2", "C. 审议南非以77国集团和中国的名义代表77国集团和中国提交的题为 \" 遵守《京都议定书》第三条第1款 \" 的划界案 19-25 2", "四、结 论 A. 委员和候补委员的与会情况 26 2", "五. 可用资源 27-28 2", "目 录", "说吧 《京都议定书》遵约委员会议事规则 2", "二. 遵约委员会的文件 2", "三. 在作为《京都议定书》缔约方会议的《公约》缔约方会议第一届会议上当选的遵约委员会委员和候补委员 2", "四、结 论 B. 向遵约委员会提交的关于促进事务组就题为“遵守《京都议定书》第三条第1款”的呈文进行审议情况的报告 24", " V. A. 遵约委员会促进事务组作出的决定 2", "一. 导言", "A. 任务", "1. 联合国 根据“与《京都议定书》之下的遵约有关的程序和机制”(第27/CMP.1号决定附件)第三节第2(a)段,遵约委员会全体会议将就委员会的活动向作为《京都议定书》缔约方会议的《公约》缔约方会议(《议定书》/《公约》缔约方会议)每届常会提出报告。", "B. 本报告的范围", "1. 联合国 遵约委员会全体会议的第一次年度报告涵盖2006年3月1日至2006年9月初。 报告总结了遵约委员会在此期间的工作和处理的事项。", "C. 作为《京都议定书》缔约方会议的《公约》缔约方会议将采取的行动", "1. 联合国 根据程序和机制第十二节,《议定书》/《公约》缔约方会议不妨注意到遵约委员会的年度报告并除其他外就下列事项作出决定:", "(单位:千美元) 通过本报告附件一所载、由遵约委员会全体会议根据程序和机制第三节第2段(d)分段拟订的进一步议事规则;", "(b) 减少或减少员额。 本报告第26和28段中提到的委员会根据程序和机制第三节第2段(c)分段提出的关于所有委员和候补委员参加委员会全体会议、主席团会议以及委员会两个事务组的会议和审议的供资和旅行安排的建议。", "2. 联合国 《议定书》/《公约》缔约方会议还不妨:", "(单位:千美元) 从东欧区域集团选出一名成员,从小岛屿发展中国家选出另一名成员来填补促进事务组的空缺;", "(b) 减少或减少员额。 请缔约方为2006-2007两年期补充活动信托基金提供捐款,以支持遵约委员会的工作。", "二. 组织事项", "1. 联合国 遵约委员会全体会议在报告期内举行了三次会议。 根据第27/CMP.1号决定第4段,秘书处于2006年3月1日至3日在德国波恩组织了遵约委员会第一次会议。 随后又于2006年5月29日至31日和2006年9月5日至8日在波恩举行了两次会议。", "2. 联合国 促进事务组在波恩举行了四次会议(2006年3月1日至3日、2006年5月30日、2006年6月20日和2006年9月6日),而执行事务组则举行了一次会议(2006年3月1日至3日)。", "3个 议程和说明、支持议程项目的文件以及主席关于全体会议和促进事务组和执行事务组每次会议的报告已在《气候公约》网站上公布。 [2] 遵约委员会文件清单载于本报告附件二。", " 4.四. 本报告附件三载有作为《京都议定书》缔约方会议的《公约》缔约方会议第一届会议选出的遵约委员会委员和候补委员名单。", "A类. 选举遵约委员会执行事务组和促进事务组主席和副主席", "1. 联合国 2. 根据程序和机制第二节第4段,执行事务组选举Raúl Estrada Oyuela先生为主席,Sebastian Oberthür先生为副主席;促进事务组选举Hironori Hamanaka先生为主席,Ian Fry先生为副主席,任期两年。 在Fry先生从遵约委员会辞职后,Ismail El-Gizouli先生被选为促进事务组副主席,任期为Fry先生未满的任期。", "B. 议事规则", "1. 联合国 委员会全体会议在2006年9月第三次会议上又批准了本报告附件一所载程序和机制第三节第2(d)段规定的议事规则。 它同意在《议定书》/《公约》缔约方会议通过之前暂时适用这些议事规则。", "2. 联合国 在批准这些议事规则时,委员会全体会议指出,为了议事规则第24条第3款的目的,目前《议定书》/《公约》缔约方会议第13/CMP.1、15/CMP.1、19/CMP.1、22/CMP.1、27/CMP.1和31/CMP.1号决定特别重要。 它还指出,它可能需要制定进一步的工作安排,以补充和实施这些议事规则,并商定定期向《议定书》/《公约》缔约方会议报告这种工作安排。", "C. 成员问题", "1. 联合国 7. 当选促进事务组成员Wojtek Galinski先生于2006年5月12日辞去遵约委员会的职务,任期两年。 自加林斯基先生辞职后,当选候补委员的瓦莱里·塞迪亚金先生一直担任委员。 委员会感谢Galinski先生对委员会工作的贡献,特别是促进事务组的贡献,并请《议定书》/《公约》缔约方会议选举一名替代Galinski先生的继任者来完成他余下的任期。", "2. 当选促进事务组成员Ian Fry先生于2006年6月5日辞职,任期两年。 Fry先生还担任了促进事务组的副主席。 自弗莱先生辞职后,当选候补委员的埃克托尔·孔德·阿尔梅达先生一直担任委员。 委员会感谢Fry先生为委员会的工作,特别是促进事务组和主席团所作出的贡献,并请《议定书》/《公约》缔约方会议选举接替Fry先生在其剩余任期内的工作。", "三. 报告所述期间开展的工作", "A类. 证明《公约》附件一所列缔约方进展情况的国家信息通报和报告的状况", "1. 联合国 根据第22/CMP.1号决定附件所载《京都议定书》第八条之下的审评指南,应提请遵约委员会等机构注意提交国家信息通报的延误(逾期六周后)。 附件一缔约方的第四次国家信息通报应于2006年1月1日之前提交秘书处(第4/CP.8号决定)。", "2. 联合国 在第一次全体会议上,委员会审议了秘书处提供的关于根据《公约》第十二条和第4/CP.8号决定提交的第四次国家信息通报状况的信息。 委员会决定在下次会议上继续审议秘书处提供的资料以及对这些资料的任何更新。", "3个 在委员会第二次全体会议上,秘书处提供了关于第四次国家信息通报状况的最新资料。 按照委员会的要求,秘书处还提供了关于按照第22/CP.7和25/CP.8号决定所提交进度报告的资料。 委员会要求向第三次会议提供第四次国家信息通报和进度报告的最新情况。", " 4.四. 委员会第三次会议讨论了第四次国家信息通报和进度报告的最新情况。", "B. 有关执行和便利的规定", "1. 联合国 委员会讨论了遵约委员会的工作与《京都议定书》下的相关职能之间的联系。 此外,促进事务组参照程序和机制第四节讨论了有关便利的规定。", "C. 审议南非以77国集团和中国的名义代表77国集团和中国提交的题为 \" 遵守《京都议定书》第三条第1款 \" 的划界案", "1. 联合国 委员会于2006年5月26日收到了77国集团主席南非和中国代表77国集团和中国提交的题为“遵守《京都议定书》第三条第1款”的呈文。 根据模式和程序第六节第2段,这份提交材料于2006年5月31日提供给下列缔约方:奥地利、保加利亚、加拿大、法国、德国、爱尔兰、意大利、拉脱维亚、列支敦士登、卢森堡、波兰、葡萄牙、俄罗斯联邦、斯洛文尼亚和乌克兰。 同一天,委员会主席团决定根据程序和机制第七节第1段将该来文分配给促进事务组。", "2. 联合国 2. 促进事务组于2006年5月31日开始初步审查这一提交材料,并于2006年6月20日继续进行审议。 这些审议是在2006年9月委员会全体会议通过进一步议事规则之前进行的。", "3个 促进事务组多次试图以协商一致方式达成协议。 2006年6月21日进行了电子表决,结果没有通过任何决定,或者没有通过决定。", "按照程序和机制第二节第9段和第七节第4和6段的要求,以四分之三委员的多数出席并参加表决。", " 4.四. 2. 在2006年6月20日审议南非提交材料期间,促进事务组注意到,在协助事务组开始审议南非提交材料之前,秘书处已于2006年5月25日收到了拉脱维亚的第四次国家信息通报及其进度报告,而且自从该事务组开始审议提交材料以来,秘书处已于2006年6月12日收到了斯洛文尼亚的第四次国家信息通报及其进度报告。 关于不对拉脱维亚(CC-2006-8-3/Latvia/FB)和斯洛文尼亚(CC-2006-14-2/Slovenia/FB)提起诉讼的决定均以四分之三出席并参加表决的成员多数通过。 因此,促进事务组决定不对这两个缔约方采取行动。", "5 (韩语). 促进事务组决定向遵约委员会下次全体会议报告审议结果(CC/3/2006/5)。", "6. 国家 在第三次全体会议上,委员会决定将促进事务组提出的问题列入提交《议定书》/《公约》缔约方会议的报告。 \" 向遵约委员会提交的关于促进事务组就题为`遵守《京都议定书》第三条第1款 ' 的文件所进行审议情况的报告 \" 载于本报告附件四。", "7. 联合国 根据程序和机制第三节第2(a)段,促进事务组在报告期内作出的决定载于本报告附件五。", "四、结 论 委员和候补委员参加会议", "1. 联合国 遵约委员会委员和候补委员由选举产生,以个人身份任职。 为了使委员和候补委员保持独立性,委员会建议他们都得到与旅费有关的支助。 为确保在短时间内举行的委员会会议和审议工作达到通过决定的法定人数,委员会也建议,当出席遵约委员会会议的旅程时间为9小时或更长时间时,委员和候补委员乘坐公务舱。", "五. 资源的提供情况", "1. 联合国 2006-2007两年期,方案预算为遵约委员会共提供540,000美元,用于每个事务组的四次会议。 [3] 每个事务组再举行四次会议,由补充活动信托基金供资。 在补充活动信托基金“支持遵约委员会”预算项目下的697,160美元中,秘书处迄今仅收到50,000美元。 根据2007年全体会议和委员会各事务组的预期会议次数,委员会有效运作所需的余额为647,160美元。", "2. 联合国 如果为遵约委员会所有委员和候补委员的旅行相关费用提供资金支持,2007年还需要30万美元的旅费。 如果旅行超过9小时的委员和候补委员乘坐公务舱,还需要25,000美元。 2006-2007两年期,遵约委员会的有效运作总共需要约1,000,000美元。", "页:1", "遵约委员会议事规则", "《京都议定书》缔约方会议", "第一部分:事务处理", "1. 联合国 范围", "第1条", "1. 本议事规则应适用于第27/CMP.1号决定附件所载“与《京都议定书》之下的遵约有关的程序和机制”所定义的遵约委员会,包括其执行事务组和促进事务组。 阅读这些程序和机制时,应结合并推进这些程序和机制。", "2. 定义", "第2条", "为本议事规则的目的,除非另有说明,本节编号是指第27/CMP.1号决定附件中编号的一节;以及:", "(a) “委员会”指第二节第1款所设立的遵约委员会;", "(b) “全体会议”指第三节所述的委员会全体会议;", "“分支机构”指第四节和第五节所列促进事务组或执行事务组;", "(d) “主席团”指根据第二节第4段组成的委员会主席团;", "“联合主席”指执行事务组主席和促进事务组主席根据第三节第1款在委员会全体会议上共同行事;", "(f) “成员”指根据第二节第3段选出的委员会成员;", "“候补理事”指根据第二节第5段选出的候补理事;", "(h) “缔约方”指《联合国气候变化框架公约京都议定书》的缔约方;", "(一) “有关缔约方”是指按照第六节第2款的规定对之提出履行问题的缔约方;", "(j) “外交代表”指派驻秘书处东道国的缔约方代表团团长或外交代表的指定成员;", "(k) “代理人”指国家元首或政府首脑、外交部长、外交代理人或经国家元首或政府首脑或外交部长正式授权的另一人,如为区域经济一体化组织,则指由该组织主管当局授权的另一人;", "(l) “代表”指有关缔约方根据第八节第2段指定的在审议履行问题时代表该缔约方的人;", "(m) “秘书处”指第十七节中提及的秘书处。", "3个 成员", "第3条", "1. 联合国 委员和候补委员的任期自当选后每一日历年的1月1日开始,并视情况自当选后两年或四年的12月31日结束。", "2. 联合国 在不违反本规则的前提下,候补委员有权参加全体会议或其所属事务组的议事工作,但无表决权。 候补委员只有在担任委员时才能投票。", "3个 委员不能出席全体会议或被选入的事务组的全部或部分会议时,由候补委员出任委员。", " 4.四. 委员辞职或因其他原因不能完成指定任期或委员职务时,其候补委员应临时担任同一事务组的委员。", "5 (韩语). 2. 委员或候补委员辞职或因其他原因不能完成指定任期或委员或候补委员的职能时,委员会应请作为《京都议定书》缔约方会议的《公约》缔约方会议在下届会议上为余下的任期选举一名新的委员或候补委员。", "第4条", "1. 联合国 2. 委员和候补委员应以个人身份任职,就委员会审议中的任何事项而言,应以独立和公正的方式行事,并避免实际或明显的利益冲突。", "2. 联合国 委员和候补委员在就职前,应接受并商定遵守任职宣誓书。 任职宣誓书如下:", "“我庄严宣誓,作为第27/CMP.1号决定所设立的《京都议定书》遵约委员会委员/候补委员,我将正直、忠实、公正和认真地履行职责并行使职权。", "“我还庄严地声明,在遵守我在遵约委员会的职责的前提下,即使在我的职务结束之后,我也不会透露由于我在遵约委员会的职责而了解到的任何机密信息。", "“我应立即向《联合国气候变化框架公约》执行秘书披露在遵约委员会所讨论任何事项上可能构成利益冲突或可能不符合遵约委员会委员或候补委员应有的独立性和公正性要求的任何利益,我将不参加遵约委员会有关此类事项的工作。 “", "3个 《联合国气候变化框架公约》执行秘书如收到根据第2款作出的任何披露,应立即通知主席团。 主席团应通知全体会议,委员或候补委员将不参加委员会就披露所涉事项开展的工作。", " 4.四. 《联合国气候变化框架公约》执行秘书收到缔约方关于可能表明利益冲突或可能不符合委员会委员或候补委员应有的独立性和公正性要求的情况的证据时,应立即通知主席团以及有关委员或候补委员。 证据应提交全体会议审议,除非委员或候补委员通知主席团,他或她将不参加与证据有关事项有关的委员会的工作。 主席团应通知全体会议,委员或候补委员将不参加委员会就披露所涉事项开展的工作。 否则,全体会议可决定准许委员或候补委员在为委员或候补委员提供合理机会陈述意见后,不审议一个或多个履行问题并拟订和通过一项事务组的决定。", "5 (韩语). 如果全体会议认为发生了严重违反委员会委员或候补委员应有的独立性和公正性要求的情况,可决定暂停或建议作为《京都议定书》缔约方会议的《公约》缔约方会议在为委员或候补委员提供合理机会听取其意见后撤销其成员资格。", "6. 国家 委员会根据本条作出的所有决定均应在提交作为《京都议定书》缔约方会议的《公约》缔约方会议的年度报告中注明。", " 4.四. 主席团成员", "第5条", "1. 联合国 除行使本规则其他条款所赋予的权力外,主持会议的主席团成员应:", "(a) 宣布会议开幕和闭幕;", "(b) 主持会议;", "(c) 确保遵守这些规则;", "(d) 国家 赋予发言权;", "(e) 协助 将问题付诸表决并宣布决定;", "(f) 就任何程序问题作出裁决;", "(g) 在不违反本规则的情况下,全面掌握会议的进行并维持会场秩序。", "2. 联合国 主持会议的主席团成员还可提议:", "(a) 国家 发言报名截止;", "(b) 限制发言者的发言时间和可以就某一问题发言的次数;", "(c)) 暂停或结束对某一问题的辩论;", "(d) 国家 暂停会议或休会。", "3个 1. 主持某次会议的任何主席团成员在执行职务时始终受全体会议或酌情受执行事务组或促进事务组的领导。", "第6条", "1. 联合国 2. 如果主席暂时不能履行其职务,由有关事务组的副主席担任该事务组的主席和临时全体会议的联合主席。", "2. 联合国 2. 如果同一事务组的主席和副主席暂时不能同时履行职务,事务组应参照第二节第4款临时为该事务组选举一名主席。", "3个 如果某一事务组的主席或副主席辞职或因其他原因无法完成其指定任期或职务,该事务组应根据第二节第4款从其成员中选举一名替换人来完成该主席团成员所余任期。", "5 (韩语). 议 程", "第7条", "1. 联合国 秘书处应同主席团商定,草拟每次全体会议的临时议程。", "2. 联合国 秘书处应在有关事务组主席和副主席同意下,起草该事务组每次会议的临时议程。", "3个 每次会议的临时议程和时间表草案以及上次会议的报告草稿应在会议开幕前至少四周尽可能在适用时限内分送理事和候补理事。", " 4.四. 全体会议每次会议和事务组每次会议的拟议议程应包括一位委员提议的任何项目。", "5 (韩语). 2. 全体会议或事务组在通过议程时可决定增列紧急而重要的项目并删除、推迟或修正项目。", "6. 国家 会议和审议", "第8条", "会议通知应在适用时限内尽可能在会议开幕前至少四周送交理事和候补理事以及任何代表。", "第9条", "1. 联合国 2. 在不违反第2款的前提下,全体会议和事务组的会议应公开举行,除非全体会议或事务组自行决定或应有关缔约方的请求,出于压倒一切的原因,会议的部分或全部应非公开举行。", "2. 联合国 只有委员会委员和候补委员以及秘书处官员才能出席事务组决定的拟订和通过。", "第10条", "1. 联合国 对于秘书处发送给一缔约方的通知或文件,接收日期应视为该缔约方在书面确认中指明的日期,或快速递送者在书面确认中指明的接收日期,以二者中哪一方为准。", "2. 联合国 对于拟提交委员会的呈文、请求或其他文件,委员会的收文日期应视为秘书处收到后的第一个工作日。", "7. 电子手段的使用", "第11条", "1. 联合国 委员会可酌情使用电子手段传送、分发和储存文件,但不影响文件的正常分发方式。", "2. 联合国 委员会可在可能的情况下采用电子手段以书面程序拟订并作出决定。", "3个 3. 根据本条第2款作出的任何决定均应视为在秘书处总部作出。", "8. 国家 秘书处", "第12条", "1. 联合国 秘书处应为委员会会议作出安排并视需要向委员会提供服务。", "2个 秘书处应根据第八节第6段以及委员会提供的任何指导意见,向公众提供全体会议和事务组的所有文件。", "3个 此外,秘书处应履行委员会可能要求或作为《京都议定书》缔约方会议的《公约》缔约方会议可能指示的与委员会工作有关的任何其他职能。", "9. 国家 语文", "第13条", "1. 联合国 在不影响第八节第9段的情况下,委员会的工作语文为英文。", "2. 联合国 参加事务组会议的代表可使用委员会工作语文以外的一种语文发言,但该缔约方须提供口译。", "3个 事务组的最后决定应以联合国所有正式语文提供,同时考虑到第22条第1款的规定。", "第2部分:分支机构的程序", "10个 巴林的一般程序", "第14条", "1. 联合国 1. 任何缔约方就其本身提出的履行问题提交的材料应载明:", "(a) 国家 提交材料的缔约方的名称;", "(b) 确定履行问题的声明;", "提及构成提出履行问题基础的《京都议定书》和第27/CMP.1号决定的规定。", "2. 联合国 划界案还应说明:", "(a) 国家 作为《京都议定书》缔约方会议的《公约》缔约方会议决定和附属机构报告中适用于履行问题的任何规定;", "(b) 国家 与执行问题相关的重要信息;", "(c)) 要求采取行动的分支机构;", "(d) 国家 要求事务组采取的行动;", "(e) 协助 划界案所附所有文件清单。", "第15条", "1. 联合国 1. 任何缔约方就另一缔约方的履行问题提交的材料应载明:", "(a) 国家 提交材料的缔约方的名称;", "(b) 确定履行问题的声明;", "(c)) 有关缔约方的名称;", "提及构成提出履行问题基础的《京都议定书》和第27/CMP.1号决定;", "(e) 证明履行问题的证据信息。", "2. 联合国 划界案还应说明:", "(a) 国家 作为《京都议定书》缔约方会议的《公约》缔约方会议决定和附属机构报告中适用于履行问题的任何规定;", "(b) 国家 要求采取行动的分支机构;", "(c) 划界案所附所有文件清单。", "第16条", "秘书处应将根据第15条所提交的呈文和任何佐证信息提供给该缔约方的代理人。", "第 17 条", "有关缔约方根据第七至第十节提供的评论和书面意见应包括:", "关于有关缔约方对审议中的信息、决定或履行问题的立场的说明,包括理由;", "(b) 国家 说明该缔约方根据第八节第6段要求不向公众提供的任何信息;", "提交材料或意见所附所有文件清单。", "第18条", "1. 联合国 根据第14、第15和第17条提交的任何呈文或评论应由缔约方的代理人签署,并以硬拷贝和电子方式送交秘书处。", "2. 联合国 任何支持提交材料或评论的相关文件均应附在其后。", "第19条", "1. 联合国 主席团应在收到履行问题后七天内决定将其分配给适当的事务组。 主席团可根据第11条使用电子手段分配履行问题。", "2. 联合国 秘书处应立即将履行问题通知事务组的理事和候补理事,并发给他们所有现有材料。", "3个 秘书处还应将履行问题通知另一事务组的委员和候补委员。", "第20条", "1. 联合国 在初步审查之后,在不违反第八节第4款的前提下,希望向有关事务组提交有关事实和技术资料的主管政府间组织和非政府组织应以书面方式提交。", "2. 联合国 秘书处应立即将提交此种资料一事通知事务组理事和候补理事并发给他们。", "3个 秘书处还应将提交此种资料一事通知另一事务组的理事和候补理事。", "第21条", "1. 如果一个事务组决定征求专家意见,它应:", "(a) 国家 界定征求专家意见的问题;", "(b) 确定需要咨询的专家;", "(c) 规定应遵循的程序。", "第22条", "1. 联合国 初步调查结论或最后决定应比照载列:", "(a) 国家 有关缔约方的名称;", "(b) 说明所涉及的履行问题;", "作为初步结论或最后决定基础的《京都议定书》和作为《京都议定书》缔约方会议的《公约》缔约方会议第27/CMP.1号决定及其他相关决定;", "(d) 说明审议中审议的信息,包括在作出最后决定时审议的信息,确认有关缔约方有机会就审议的所有信息提出书面意见;", "(e) 程序摘要,包括如果执行事务组作出最后决定,说明是否确认了其初步调查结果或指定的部分;", "(f) 与《公约》有关的问题 关于履行问题的实质性决定,包括可能适用的后果;", "(g) 结论和决定的理由;", "(h) 决定的地点和日期;", "(一) 参加审议履行问题以及拟订和通过决定的成员名单。", "2. 有关缔约方在收到最后决定后45天内就该决定所提交的书面意见应由秘书处分发给有关事务组的委员和候补委员并列入委员会提交作为《京都议定书》缔约方会议的《公约》缔约方会议的年度报告。", "第23条", "1. 联合国 1. 根据第九节第12段向促进事务组提交履行问题的任何情况,应通过执行事务组的决定作出,其中应说明履行问题和问题所依据的信息。", "2. 联合国 秘书处应立即将该决定通知有关缔约方。", "3个 执行事务组转交促进事务组的履行问题不需要初步审查。", "11个 B. 便利设施的程序", "第24条", "1. 联合国 在遵守第六节的前提下并在不影响第十六节的情况下,促进事务组可与有关缔约方代表进行对话。", "2. 联合国 2. 在遵守第六和第七节的前提下,有关缔约方代表可与促进事务组进行对话,以寻求咨询和便利。", "3个 2. 促进事务组应通过秘书处接收作为《京都议定书》缔约方会议的《公约》缔约方会议有关决定所要求提供的信息。", "12个 执行安排的程序", "第 25 条", "1. 联合国 2. 有关缔约方可在其请求听询时指出:", "(a) 国家 缔约方提议提出的问题和打算在听证会上讨论的任何文件;", "(b) 国家 其专家证词或意见将在听证会上提出的个人。", "2. 联合国 有关缔约方在选择代表其出席听证会的个人时,应避免提名在提交来文之日前两年担任委员会委员或候补委员的个人。", "第3部分:总则", "13个 修正案", "第26条", "1. 联合国 本议事规则可在全体会议核准拟议修正案并就此事项向作为《京都议定书》缔约方会议的《公约》缔约方会议提出报告后,由作为《京都议定书》缔约方会议的《公约》缔约方会议根据第三节第2款(d)项作出修正。", "2. 联合国 全体会议所核准的对本议事规则的任何修正,应在作为《京都议定书》缔约方会议的《公约》缔约方会议通过之前暂时适用。", "14个 权威", "第27条", "如果本规则的任何规定与《京都议定书》或第27/CMP.1号决定的任何规定相冲突,应以《议定书》的规定或该决定为准。", "页:1", "遵约委员会的文件[5]", "全体会议\n标题文件编号 日期\n第1次会议\n临时议程和说明 CC/1/2006/1 2006年2月3日\n临时议程和说明 CC/1/2006/1/Rev.1 2006年2月23日\n议事规则草案。 2006年2月23日秘书处的说明\n附件一缔约方国家信息通报的状况。 秘书处的说明 CC/1/2006/3\nCC/1/2006/4 2006年5月29日会议报告\n第2^(第)次会议\n临时议程和说明 CC/2/2006/1 2006年5月9日\n议事规则。 2006年5月9日共同主席的提案\n2006年5月9日汇编的关于程序规则草案的意见\n附件一缔约方国家信息通报的状况。 秘书处的说明 CC/2/2006/4 2006年5月26日\n证明附件一缔约方进展的国家信息通报和报告的状况。 秘书处的说明 CC/2/2006/4/Rev.1\n2006年9月5日 CC/2/2006/5会议报告\n第3^(第)次会议\n临时议程和说明 CC/3/2006/1 2006年7月28日\n议事规则工作文件 CC/3/2006/2 2006年8月15日\n关于程序规则草案的汇编意见 2006年8月15日 (中文(简体) ).\n向遵约委员会提交的关于促进部门就题为“遵守《京都议定书》第三条第1款”的呈文进行审议情况的报告 CC/3/2006/4 2006年9月5日\n遵约委员会提交作为《京都议定书》缔约方会议的《公约》缔约方会议的年度报告。 CC/3/2006/5 2006年9月6日共同主席的提案\n证明附件一缔约方进展的国家信息通报和报告的状况。 秘书处的说明 CC/3/2006/6\n\n标题文件编号 日期\n证明附件一缔约方进展的国家信息通报和报告的状况。 秘书处的说明 CC/3/2006/6/Rev.1\nCC/3/2006/7 2006年9月18日会议报告\n执行框架\n标题文件编号 日期\n第1次会议\n临时议程和说明 2006年2月23日,纽约\n2006年5月29日的会议报告\n辅助设施\n标题文件编号 日期\n第1次会议\n临时议程和说明 CC/FB/1/2006/1 2006年2月23日 (中文(简体) ).\nCC/FB/1/2006/2 2006年5月30日会议报告\n第2^(第)次会议\n临时议程和说明 CC/FB/2/2006/1 2006年5月9日 (英语).\n2006年5月31日77国集团和中国主席南非代表77国集团和中国(有关缔约方:奥地利)提交的材料\n77国集团和中国主席南非代表77国集团和中国提交的呈文(有关缔约方:保加利亚) CC-2006-2-1/FB 2006年5月31日 (英语).\n2006年5月31日南非作为77国集团和中国主席代表77国集团和中国(相关缔约方:加拿大)提交的来文\n2006年5月31日南非作为77国集团和中国主席代表77国集团和中国(相关缔约方:法国)提交的来文\n2006年5月31日77国集团和中国主席南非代表77国集团和中国(有关缔约方:德国)提交的来文\n77国集团和中国主席南非代表77国集团和中国提交的材料(有关缔约方:爱尔兰) CC-2006-6-1/FB 2006年5月31日 (中文(简体) ).\n2006年5月31日南非作为77国集团和中国主席代表77国集团和中国(有关缔约方:意大利)提交的来文\n\n标题文件编号 日期\n2006年5月31日南非作为77国集团和中国主席代表77国集团和中国(有关缔约方:拉脱维亚)提交的来文\n2006年5月31日南非作为77国集团和中国主席代表77国集团和中国(相关缔约方:列支敦士登)提交的来文\n南非作为77国集团和中国的主席代表77国集团和中国提交的材料(有关缔约方: 卢森堡) CC-2006-10-1/FB 2006年5月31日\n南非作为77国集团和中国的主席代表77国集团和中国提交的呈文(有关缔约方:波兰) CC-2006-11-FB 2006年5月31日 (中文(简体) ).\n2006年5月31日南非作为77国集团和中国主席代表77国集团和中国(相关缔约方:葡萄牙)提交的来文\n2006年5月31日南非作为77国集团和中国主席代表77国集团和中国(有关缔约方:俄罗斯联邦)提交的来文\n2006年5月31日南非作为77国集团和中国主席代表77国集团和中国(有关缔约方:斯洛文尼亚)提交的来文\n2006年5月31日南非作为77国集团和中国主席代表77国集团和中国(相关缔约方:乌克兰)提交的来文\n会议报告 CC/FB/2/2006/2 2006年9月6日\n第3^(第)次会议\n临时议程和说明 2006年6月15日,纽约\n向遵约委员会提交的关于促进小组审议题为“遵守《京都议定书》第三条第1款”的呈文情况的报告(有关缔约方:奥地利)\n提交遵约委员会的报告:关于题为“遵守《京都议定书》第三条第1款”的提交材料的审议情况\n(有关缔约国:保加利亚)\n\n\n标题文件编号 日期\n向遵约委员会提交的关于促进小组审议题为“遵守《京都议定书》第三条第1款”的呈文的报告(有关缔约方:加拿大)\n提交遵约委员会关于审议题为“遵守《京都议定书》第三条第1款”的文件的报告(有关缔约方:法国)\n向遵约委员会提交的关于促进小组审议题为“遵守《京都议定书》第三条第1款”的文件的报告(有关缔约方:德国)\n提交遵约委员会的有关题为“遵守《京都议定书》第三条第1款”的文件审议情况的报告(有关缔约方:爱尔兰) CC-2006-6-2/FB 2006年6月22日\n提交遵约委员会的有关题为“遵守《京都议定书》第三条第1款”的文件审议情况的报告(有关缔约方:意大利)\n不对拉脱维亚提起诉讼的决定 CC-2006-8-3/拉脱维亚/FB 2006年6月21日\n提交遵约委员会关于审议题为“遵守《京都议定书》第三条第1款”的提交材料的报告(有关缔约方:拉脱维亚) CC-2006-8-4/FB 2006年6月22日\n向遵约委员会提交的关于促进小组审议题为“遵守《京都议定书》第三条第1款”的呈文的报告(有关缔约方:列支敦士登)\n向遵约委员会提交的关于促进小组审议题为“遵守《京都议定书》第三条第1款”的文件的报告(有关缔约方:卢森堡)\n提交遵约委员会关于审议题为“遵守《京都议定书》第三条第1款”的文件的报告 CC-2006-11-3/FB 2006年6月22日\n(有关缔约国:波兰)\n\n标题文件编号 日期\n提交遵约委员会的有关题为“遵守《京都议定书》第三条第1款”的文件审议情况的报告(有关缔约方:葡萄牙) CC-2006-12-3/FB 2006年6月22日\n向遵约委员会提交的关于题为“遵守《京都议定书》第三条第1款”的提交材料的审议情况的报告(有关缔约方:俄罗斯联邦) CC-2006-13-2/FB 2006年6月22日\n不对斯洛文尼亚提起诉讼的决定 CC-2006-14-2/斯洛文尼亚/斐济 2006年6月21日\n向遵约委员会提交的关于促进小组审议题为“遵守《京都议定书》第三条第1款”的文件的报告(有关缔约方:斯洛文尼亚)\n向遵约委员会提交的关于促进小组审议题为“遵守《京都议定书》第三条第1款”的文件的报告(有关缔约方:乌克兰)\n会议报告 CC/FB/3/2006/2 2006年9月6日\n第4^(th)次会议\n临时议程和说明 2006年7月28日 (中文(简体) ).\n2006年9月15日 会议报告\n专家审评组根据第27/CMP号决定附件第六节第3段向委员会提交的报告。 1个\n标题文件编号 日期\n匈牙利第四次国家信息通报集中深入审查报告 CC/ERT/2006/1 2006年9月7日\n斯洛伐克第四次国家信息通报集中深入审查报告 CC/ERT/2006/2 2006年9月12日\n芬兰第四次国家信息通报集中深入审查报告 CC/ERT/2006/3 2006年9月19日", "联合国", "作为《京都议定书》缔约方会议的《公约》缔约方会议第一届会议选出的遵约委员会委员和候补委员", "执行处", "候补小组成员", "努诺·拉卡斯塔先生[6]", "约翰娜·德韦特女士[7]", "苏伟2先生", "阿姆贾德·阿卜杜拉先生1 Mary J. Mace1女士 小岛屿发展中国家", "劳尔·埃斯特拉达先生 拉丁美洲和加勒比", "奥列格·沙马诺夫1先生", "图奥马斯·库克卡宁先生", "附件一缔约方3", "贝尔纳·纳马尼亚2先生", "伊尔霍姆琼·拉贾博夫先生1", "协助处", "候补小组成员", "马克·帕列马尔茨先生1 皮埃尔·杜克雷特先生1", "伊斯梅尔·吉祖利先生2", "哈立德·阿布莱夫先生2 Choi2 亚洲", "伊恩·弗莱先生[10]", "玛丽亚·安德烈亚女士", "阿尔班·杜兰2", "沃伊泰克·加林斯基先生[11]", "希罗诺里先生 附件一缔约方3", "安娜·德克塞柳斯女士1 附件一缔约方3", "Inar Ichsana Ishak1女士 非附件一缔约方4", "贾瓦德·阿加扎德先生 帕塔·简利德泽先生2 非附件一缔约方4", "联合国", "向遵约委员会报告促进事务组就题为“遵守《京都议定书》第三条第1款”的呈文的审议情况", "1. 联合国 1. 2006年5月31日,遵约委员会促进事务组按照第27/CMP.1号决定附件第七节第2段,开始初步审查77国集团和中国主席南非代表77国集团和中国提交的题为“遵守《京都议定书》第三条第1款”的呈文。 委员会于2006年6月20日继续进行审议。 该处目前无法达成共识。", "2. 联合国 该处多次试图达成共识。 在已尽一切努力以协商一致方式就一项决定达成协议后,于2006年6月21日进行了电子表决,结果未能按照第27/CMP.1号决定附件第二节第9段关于第27/CMP.1号决定附件第七节第4和6段的要求,以四分之三出席并参加表决的成员多数通过继续表决的决定或决定不继续表决。", "3个 继续处理的决定措辞如下:", "“遵约委员会促进事务组于2006年5月31日收到了该来文。 事务组决定推迟到2006年6月20日作出决定。 3. 事务组按照第27/CMP.1号决定附件第七节第2段,继续审议并初步审查了履行问题。 2006年6月21日进行了电子表决。", "“根据第27/CMP.1号决定第七节第4段,促进事务组决定着手处理77国集团和中国主席南非代表77国集团和中国提交的履行问题,并就履行问题发表以下声明:", "未提交载有第22/CMP.1号决定附件第139段所要求的补充信息的国家信息通报,第25/CP.8号决定,第3段,第七条第4款和第八条第3款。", "“作出这一决定的根据是,77国集团主席南非和中国代表77国集团和中国提交的划界案充分满足了第六.1(b)和七.2(a)、(b)和(c)节的要求。", "“因此,在第四节第4段和第6(c)段规定的任务范围内,事务组应采取必要行动,为每个有关缔约方提供咨询、便利和促进。", "“促进事务组应结合第27/CMP.1号决定第六节、第七节和第八节的规定,在9月的会议上完成审议并商定关于南非所提交材料的最后决定。”", "四(4)名成员投票赞成继续处理的决定,四(4)名成员反对,两(2)名成员弃权。", " 4.四. 不再处理的决定措辞如下:", "“遵约委员会促进事务组于2006年5月31日收到了该来文。 事务组决定推迟到2006年6月20日作出决定。 3. 事务组按照第27/CMP.1号决定附件第七节第2段,继续审议并初步审查了履行问题。 2006年6月21日进行了电子表决。", "“在初步审查之后,事务组认为,77国集团和中国主席南非代表77国集团和中国向遵约委员会提交的材料不能视为第27/CMP.1号决定附件第七.2节意义内的履行问题,原因如下:", "“(a) 来文不是由缔约方自己通过为此目的正式授权的代表提交的。", "“程序和机制没有规定缔约方集团可以代为提交材料,也没有授权促进事务组审议未按照第27/CMP.1号决定附件第六节1适当提交的任何履行问题。", "“(b) 该呈文没有清楚和单独地指明它意图对之提出履行问题的缔约方。", "“(c) 所提交材料没有证实其意图提出的履行问题的资料,也没有证实这个问题与第七节第5或6段中提到的《京都议定书》下的任何具体承诺有关。", "“因此,事务组决定不进行。", "“本决定不妨害任何缔约方通过经正式授权的代表就同一事项提出履行问题的权利。 “", "五(5)名成员投票赞成不进行的决定,五(5)名成员反对,没有成员弃权。", "5 (韩语). 在这种情况下,促进事务组无法就是否继续作出决定。 因此,它无法按照第27/CMP.1号决定附件第八节第3段在收到所提交材料后三周内完成初步审查。", "6. 国家 事务组注意到,2006年5月25日,在事务组开始审议之前,秘书处收到了拉脱维亚根据《公约》第十二条和第4/CP.8号决定提交的第四次国家信息通报,以及根据《京都议定书》第三条第2款和第22/CP.7和25/CP.8号决定提交的进展报告。", "秘书处于2006年6月12日收到了斯洛文尼亚第四次国家信息通报及其进度报告。 不对拉脱维亚提起诉讼的决定", "(CC-2006-8-3/拉脱维亚/FB)和不起诉斯洛文尼亚的决定(CC-2006-14-2/斯洛文尼亚/FB)均以7票赞成、1票反对和2票弃权的表决结果获得通过。 因此,事务组决定不对这两个缔约方采取行动。", "7. 联合国 根据第27/CMP.1号决定附件第七节,本报告副本将送交77国集团和中国主席南非以及秘书处向其发送划界案的15个缔约方:奥地利(CC-2006-1/FB);保加利亚(CC-2006-2/FB);加拿大(CC-2006-3/FB);法国(CC-2006-4/FB);德国(CC-2006-5/FB);爱尔兰(CC-2006-6/FB);意大利(CC-2006-7/FB);拉脱维亚(CC-2006-8/FB);列支敦士登(CC-2006-9/FB);卢森堡(CC-2006-10/FB);波兰(CC-2006-11/FB);葡萄牙(CC-2006-12/FB);俄罗斯联邦(CC-2006-13/FB);斯洛文尼亚(CC-2006-14/FB);和乌克兰(CC-2006-15/FB)。", "页:1", "促进事务组作出的决定", "遵约委员会", "CC-2006-8-3/拉脱维亚/玻利维亚", "遵约委员会2006年6月21日", "初步审查", "南非以77国集团和中国的名义代表77国集团和中国提交的意见", "有关缔约方: 拉脱维亚", "参加表决的成员:哈立德·阿布莱夫先生、贾瓦德·阿加扎德·克霍伊先生、玛丽亚女士 Andrea Albán Durán, Héctor Conde Almeida先生(候补成员), Anna Dixelius女士, Ismail El Gizouli先生, Hironori先生(候补成员) 哈马纳卡先生、马马杜·霍纳迪亚先生、马克·帕列马尔茨先生、瓦列里·塞迪亚金先生(候补委员,担任委员)", "2006年5月31日,遵约委员会促进事务组收到了该来文。", "2. 自秘书处于2006年5月25日收到根据《公约》第十二条和第4/CP.8号决定提交的第四次国家信息通报以及根据《京都议定书》第三条第2款和拉脱维亚第22/CP.7和25/CP.8号决定提交的进度报告以来,事务组决定不采取行动。", "CC-2006-14-2/斯洛文尼亚/斯洛文尼亚联邦", "遵约委员会2006年6月21日", "初步审查", "南非以77国集团和中国的名义代表77国集团和中国提交的意见", "有关缔约方: 斯洛文尼亚", "参加表决的成员:哈立德·阿布莱夫先生、贾瓦德·阿加扎德·克霍伊先生、玛丽亚女士 Andrea Albán Durán, Héctor Conde Almeida先生(候补成员), Anna Dixelius女士, Ismail El Gizouli先生, Hironori先生(候补成员) 哈马纳卡先生、马马杜·霍纳迪亚先生、马克·帕列马尔茨先生、瓦列里·塞迪亚金先生(候补委员,担任委员)", "2006年5月31日,遵约委员会促进事务组收到了该来文。", "2. 自秘书处于2006年6月12日收到按照《公约》第十二条和第4/CP.8号决定提交的第四次国家信息通报以及根据《京都议定书》第三条第2款和斯洛文尼亚第22/CP.7号和第25/CP.8号决定提交的进度报告以来,事务组决定不继续处理。", "[1] ^(*) 本文件迟交是为了考虑到缔约方大会第三届会议的成果。", "遵约委员会于2006年9月5日至8日举行。", "[2]<>。", "[3] FCCC/SBI/2005/8/Add.1。", "[4] FCCC/SBI/2005/8/Add.2。 这笔经费用于支付遵约委员会委员和候补委员的旅费、与委员会全体会议、主席团会议、委员会两个事务组的会议和审议有关的业务费用、工作人员费用、咨询费、数据处理设备和软件。", "[5] 文件可在《气候公约》网站<>上查阅。", "[6] 任期两年。", "[7],任期四年.", "[8] 《公约》附件一所列缔约方。", "[9] 非《公约》附件一所列缔约方。", "[10] 2006年6月5日辞职.", "[11] 2006年5月12日辞职." ]
[ "CONFERENCE ON DISARMAMENT", "ENGLISH", "FINAL RECORD OF THE ONE THOUSAND AND FORTY-FOURTH PLENARY MEETING", "Held at the Palais des Nations, Geneva, on Thursday, 14 September 2006, at 4.15 p.m.", "President: Mr. Anton PINTER (Slovakia)", "The PRESIDENT: I declare open the 1044th plenary meeting of the Conference on Disarmament.", "I have the following speaker for this afternoon’s plenary meeting, Ambassador Itzhak Levanon of Israel.", "Mr. LEVANON (Israel): Mr. President, I am sorry to take the floor again, but I wish I should not do what I am doing here because, sincerely, I think that we have good chances of adopting the draft that we discussed this morning. But I am compelled to do what I am going to say. I would like to advise the members of our august body that we have deposited two documents in the secretariat. One of these documents is the executive report of the seminar on MANPADS, held in Israel in April 2006, and a second document, entitled “The transfer of weapons to terrorists. The role of Syria in the current escalation in the Middle East”. I will request that these two documents be included in the reports under rule 45.", "The PRESIDENT: I thank the Ambassador of Israel for his statement. I recognize the delegation of Algeria asking for the floor.", "Mr. KHELIF (Algeria) (translated from Arabic): The delegation of Algeria had no desire to take the floor at this stage, but the situation has become rather more complicated and it has no other option. I think we need to consider the following question: “Why are we in this situation?” The answer is clear; we have opened Pandora’s box.", "The delegation of Algeria has often made the point that we ought to stick to the agenda and not introduce so-called new issues. We should not open up the discussion to new issues including, inter alia, critical civilian installations, which have nothing to do with the agenda. However, in an effort to show flexibility and not obstruct the work of the Conference, we accepted the inclusion of a reference to them in the annual report in the framework of a group of agreements, as well as what are known as MANPADS. All these are new issues, which all States are entitled to raise at the Conference, and on which they may also present papers. But then other States also have the right to raise issues which they believe are important. Any delegation has the right to raise an issue and submit working papers on it. The Conference has to deal with all these documents on an equal footing; this is the minimum right of any State member of the Conference.", "It seems to me that the Conference is at a critical juncture. Allow me to quote a saying by a philosopher, and I will do so in French:", "(continued in French)", "“It is as if men were together in a boat and some of them were putting all their weight on one side; the others would tip it just as much to the other side. A third option may exist - that of those who believe that things would go just as well if the boat were to stay on an even keel.”", "(continued in Arabic)", "The “even keel” is what we achieved with the adopted agenda. If we want to make progress, we should stick to the agenda, and if some delegations want to open the debate, then other delegations will also have proposals, ideas and issues which are important to them. It is in the interest of the Conference and of each and every one of us to stick to the agenda and maintain the delicate balance that we struck when we adopted the agenda. It is not necessary for all of us here to have ...", "(continued in French)", "... two mandates: a national mandate - everyone here represents his country and has an obligation to uphold the security interests of his country - and another mandate, that of the Conference on Disarmament, which was conferred upon us by the international community, the mandate of disarmament, and particularly nuclear disarmament.", "(continued in Arabic)", "In this case, we have to strike a balance between our national requirements and the requirements of the international community in terms of disarmament and negotiations on issues that affect us all and serve the cause of security and peace.", "I ask you, Mr. President, and your successors to bear these comments in mind, because we are on a slippery slope with very negative consequences for the future of the Conference. We must not open doors which we cannot close again. It is dangerous to divert the Conference’s attention away from the concerns on which we agreed by consensus by introducing new issues that may be important, but could be discussed elsewhere.", "The PRESIDENT: I thank the distinguished representative of Algeria for his statement. I now give the floor to the distinguished representative of Syria.", "Mr. ALI (Syrian Arab Republic) (translated from Arabic): Of course, we at the Conference unfortunately are used to seeing certain delegations raise spurious issues that are not grounded in reality. We, for our part, have raised real problems and issues which are familiar to everyone. They have been discussed in the media and in the Security Council, the Human Rights Council and elsewhere. Of course, any member State of the Conference on Disarmament has the right to raise any subject. Any State has the right to ask the Conference to have documents circulated as official documents of the Conference.", "At the plenary meeting held on 12 September 2006, i.e. the 1042nd session, I raised some issues of relevance to the Conference’s work. I would now like to reiterate some of those issues.", "Firstly, there is the issue of Israel burying nuclear waste in the occupied Syrian Golan. Then, there is the question of Israeli nuclear facilities which are supposed to be subjected to comprehensive IAEA safeguards. There is also the question of the use, by American forces, of phosphorus bombs against the city of Falujah in Iraq. I mentioned other issues as well.", "In exercise of our right as a member of the Conference on Disarmament, we shall be submitting a letter to you, Sir, through the secretariat, concerning all these subjects. We ask that the Conference discuss the letter, which should be circulated as an official document of the Conference and included in the 2006 report.", "The PRESIDENT: Thank you for your statement. Are there any other delegations wishing to take the floor at this stage? That does not seem to be the case.", "This concludes our plenary meeting. This meeting will be followed in 10 minutes by an informal one during which we will continue the consideration of the Conference’s draft report.", "The meeting rose at 4.30 p.m." ]
[ "第一〇四四次全体会议最后记录", "2006年9月14日星期四下午4时15分 在日内瓦万国宫举行", "主席:安东·平特先生(斯洛伐克)", "主席:我宣布裁军谈判会议第1044次全体会议开始。", "要在今天下午的全体会议上发言的有以色列的伊扎克·莱瓦农大使。", "莱瓦农先生(以色列):主席先生,很抱歉我要再次发言,但是我希望我不必发言,因为真诚地说,我认为我们很有希望通过今天上午讨论的草案。但是我不得不讲几句话。我谨通知这一庄严机构的成员,我们已经向秘书处提交了两项文件。其中一项是关于2006年4月在以色列举行的便携式导弹问题研讨会的简要报告,第二项文件题为“将武器转交给恐怖分子。叙利亚在目前中东紧张局势升级中的作用”。我根据议事规则第45条请求将这两项文件纳入报告之中。", "主席:我感谢以色列大使的发言。我看到阿尔及利亚代表团希望发言。", "哈利夫先生(阿尔及利亚):阿尔及利亚代表团本来无意在这一阶段发言,但是情况变得比较复杂了,我们没有别的选择。我认为我们需要思考这一问题:“我们是怎样处于这种境地的?”答案很明白;我们捅了马蜂窝。", "阿尔及利亚代表团经常指出,我们应当严格遵守议程,不要提出所谓的新问题。我们不应当就新的问题开展讨论,包括关键民用设施问题,这与议程没有关系。但是,为了表现出灵活性,不阻碍裁谈会的工作,我们接受了在把一组协议纳入年度报告时也提到这一问题以及被称为便携式导弹的问题。所有这些都是新的问题,所有国家在裁谈会上都有权提出新的问题,而且也可以就新问题提交文件。但是同样的,其他国家也有权提出自己认为有重要意义的问题。任何代表团都有权提出问题,并就此提交工作文件。裁谈会必须一视同仁地处理这些文件;这是裁谈会成员国的最起码权利。", "我认为裁谈会正处于关键的转折点。请允许我援引一名哲学家的话,我将用法语援引这句话:", "(以法语继续发言)", "“好像一些人同在一条船上,其中有些人把全部体重都压在船的一边;另一些人也尽力地向另一边压。其实可能有第三种选择――就是可以认为如果让这条船自行保持平衡,事情同样会变得稳稳当当。”", "(以阿拉伯语继续发言)", "我们按通过的议程议事时实现了这种“稳当”。如果我们要取得进展,就应该坚持按议程来议事,如果有些代表团想引起辩论,那么其他代表团也会有对自己很重要的提案、想法和问题。符合裁谈会利益、符合我们每一个人利益的,是遵守议程,维持我们通过议程时做到的微妙平衡。我们大家没有必要肩负……", "(以法语继续发言)", "……两项任务:一项是国家的任务(到会的每个人都代表自己的国家,有义务维护自己国家的安全利益);另一项是裁军谈判会议的任务,这是国际社会托付给我们的任务,是裁军、尤其是核裁军的任务。", "(以阿拉伯语继续发言)", "在这一情况下,对于裁军和影响到我们大家的问题所进行的谈判,我们必须在本国的要求与国际社会的要求之间保持平衡,为安全与和平的事业服务。", "主席先生,我请你和你的后任铭记这些意见,因为我们的处境并不稳当,这对裁谈会的前途会有十分消极的后果。我们不能打开以后关不了的门户。提出一些尽管可能重要但是可以在其他场合讨论的新问题,从而将裁谈会的注意力从我们达成共识的问题上引开来,是危险的。", "主席:我感谢尊敬的阿尔及利亚代表的发言。我现在请尊敬的叙利亚代表发言。", "阿里先生(阿拉伯叙利亚共和国):可惜我们裁谈会对某些代表团提出毫无实际根据而凭空捏造的问题已经习以为常。而我们则提出了大家都熟知的现实问题和议题。这些问题已经在新闻媒体、安全理事会、人权理事会和其他场合得到了讨论。当然,裁军谈判会议的任何成员国都有权提出任何问题。任何国家都有权要求裁谈会将文件作为裁谈会正式文件分发。", "在2006年9月12日举行的全体会议即第1042次会议上,我提出了一些与裁谈会工作有关的问题。我现在要重申其中一些问题。", "首先,就是以色列将核废料埋在被占领的叙利亚戈兰高地的问题。其次,就是本应受到原子能机构全面保障措施管制的以色列核设施问题。另外还有美国军队对伊拉克法鲁贾市使用磷弹的问题。我还提到了其他一些问题。", "主席先生,我国将行使裁军谈判会议成员的权利,通过秘书处向你提交涉及所有这些问题的函件。我们要求裁谈会讨论这一函件,而且函件应当作为裁谈会的正式文件分发,并纳入2006年的报告中。", "主席:感谢你的发言。是否有其他代表团希望现在发言?似乎没有代表要发言。", "全体会议到此结束。本次会议过后10分钟将举行一次非正式会议,继续审议裁谈会的报告草案。", "下午4时30分散会。" ]
[ "裁军谈判会议", "联合国", "第一〇四四次全体会议最后记录", "2006年9月14日星期四下午4时15分在日内瓦万国宫举行", "主席:安东·平特先生(斯洛伐克)", "主席:我宣布裁军谈判会议第1044次全体会议现在开始。", "下午的全体会议有以下发言者,以色列大使伊扎克·莱瓦农。", "莱瓦农先生(以色列):主席先生,我很遗憾再次发言,但我希望我不应该做我在这里做的事情,因为,我真诚地认为,我们很有可能通过我们今天上午讨论的草案。 但我不得不做我要说的话。 我谨通知我们庄严机构的成员,我们已经在秘书处交存了两份文件。 其中一份文件是2006年4月在以色列举行的肩扛导弹问题研讨会的执行报告和题为“向恐怖分子转让武器”的第二份文件。 叙利亚在中东目前升级中的作用”。 我请求将这两份文件列入根据第45条提交的报告。", "主席:我感谢以色列大使的发言。 我请阿尔及利亚代表团发言。", "哈利夫先生(阿尔及利亚): 阿尔及利亚代表团目前无意发言,但情况已变得更加复杂,没有其他选择。 我认为我们需要考虑以下问题: “为什么我们处于这种情况?” 答案是明确的;我们已经打开了潘多拉的盒子。", "阿尔及利亚代表团经常指出,我们应该坚持议程,不要提出所谓的新问题。 我们不应对新的问题展开讨论,这些问题除其他外包括与议程无关的重要民用设施。 然而,为了表现出灵活性和不阻碍裁谈会的工作,我们同意在一系列协议框架内的年度报告中提及这些问题,以及被称为肩扛导弹的问题。 所有这些都是所有国家都有权在会议上提出的新问题,各国也可就此提出文件。 但其他国家也有权提出它们认为重要的问题。 任何代表团都有权提出一个问题并提交有关这个问题的工作文件。 裁谈会必须在平等的基础上处理所有这些文件;这是裁谈会任何成员国的最低权利。", "在我看来,裁谈会正处于关键时刻。 请允许我引用一位哲学家的一句话,我将用法语这样做:", "(以法语发言)", "“好象男人坐在一艘船上,有些男人把重心都放在一边;其他人则把重心同样倾斜到另一边去。 可能存在第三种选择,即那些认为如果船停留在平地上,事情会同样顺利的人。 “", "(以阿拉伯语发言)", "我们通过的议程取得了“甚至经济”的成就。 如果我们想取得进展,我们就应该坚持议程,如果一些代表团想开始辩论,那么其他代表团也将有对它们很重要的建议、想法和问题。 坚持议程并保持我们在通过议程时达成的微妙平衡,符合裁谈会和我们每一个人的利益。 在座各位不必...", "(以法语发言)", ".两项任务:一项是国家任务 -- -- 在座各位代表他的国家并有义务维护他的国家的安全利益 -- -- 另一项是裁军谈判会议的任务 -- -- 国际社会赋予我们的任务 -- -- 裁军、特别是核裁军的任务。", "(以阿拉伯语发言)", "在这种情况下,我们必须在裁军和就影响我们所有人并有利于安全与和平事业的问题进行谈判方面,在我们各国的要求与国际社会的要求之间取得平衡。", "主席先生,我请你和你的继任者铭记这些意见,因为我们处在滑坡上,对裁谈会的未来产生非常消极的后果。 我们决不能打开我们不能再关闭的大门。 将裁谈会的注意力从我们协商一致商定的关切转移开来是危险的,因为提出一些可能很重要但可在其他地方讨论的新问题。", "主席:我感谢尊敬的阿尔及利亚代表的发言。 我现在请尊敬的叙利亚代表发言。", "阿里先生(阿拉伯叙利亚共和国): 当然,我们裁谈会上不幸地习惯于看到某些代表团提出不以现实为基础的虚假问题。 就我们而言,我们提出了大家都熟悉的真正问题。 媒体、安全理事会、人权理事会和其他地方都讨论了这些问题。 当然,裁军谈判会议的任何成员国都有权提出任何议题。 任何国家均有权要求会议将文件作为会议正式文件散发。", "在2006年9月12日举行的全体会议上,即在第1042届会议上,我提出了一些与裁谈会工作有关的问题。 我现在要重申其中的一些问题。", "第一,以色列把核废料埋入被占领的叙利亚戈兰的问题。 然后,还有以色列核设施的问题,这些设施理应受到原子能机构的全面保障监督。 还有美国部队对伊拉克法卢加市使用磷弹的问题。 我还提到了其他问题。", "主席先生,为了行使我们作为裁军谈判会议成员的权利,我们将通过秘书处就所有这些问题向你提交一封信。 我们请裁谈会讨论该信,该信应作为裁谈会正式文件分发并列入2006年报告。", "主席:谢谢你的发言。 现在还有任何其他代表团希望发言吗? 似乎没有。", "全体会议到此结束。 10分钟后,我们将举行一次非正式会议,继续审议裁谈会的报告草稿。", "下午4时30分散会。" ]
[ "[] UNITED \n NATIONS \n [] Distr. \n GENERAL \n FCCC/CP/2006/1/Add.1 \n 27 September 2006 \n Original: English \n \nCONFERENCEOFTHEPARTIES \nTwelfthsession \nNairobi,6−17November2006 \nItem2 (c)oftheprovisionalagenda \nOrganizationalmatters \nAdoptionoftheagenda", "Provisional agenda and annotations", "Note by the Executive Secretary[1]", "Addendum", "Supplementary provisional agenda", "I. Introduction", "1. A request has been received from the Government of Tuvalu, on behalf of the Alliance of Small Island States, to include an item in the provisional agenda for the twelfth session of the Conference of the Parties (COP).", "2. In accordance with rule 12 of the draft rules of procedure being applied, and in agreement with the President of the COP at its eleventh session, this item is included in the supplementary provisional agenda below as item 5 (f).", "II. Supplementary provisional agenda", "1. The supplementary provisional agenda for the twelfth session of the COP, proposed after consultation with the President, is as follows:", "1. Opening of the session.", "2. Organizational matters:", "a. Election of the President of the Conference at its twelfth session;", "b. Adoption of the rules of procedure;", "c. Adoption of the agenda;", "d. Election of officers other than the President;", "e. Admission of organizations as observers;", "f. Organization of work, including the sessions of the subsidiary bodies;", "g. Date and venue of the thirteenth session of the Conference of the Parties and the calendar of meetings of Convention bodies;", "h. Adoption of the report on credentials.", "3. Reports of the subsidiary bodies and decisions and conclusions arising therefrom:", "a. Report of the Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice;", "b. Report of the Subsidiary Body for Implementation.", "4. Report of the co-facilitators of the dialogue on long-term cooperative action to address climate change by enhancing implementation of the Convention.", "5. Review of implementation of commitments and of other provisions of the Convention:", "a. Financial mechanism of the Convention;", "b. National communications;", "(i) National communications from Parties included in Annex I to the Convention;", "(ii) National communications from Parties not included in Annex I to the Convention;", "c. Development and transfer of technologies;", "d. Capacity-building under the Convention;", "e. Implementation of Article 4, paragraphs 8 and 9, of the Convention;", "(i) Implementation of the Buenos Aires programme of work on adaptation and response measures (decision 1/CP.10);", "(ii) Matters relating to the least developed countries;", "f. Actions to address the specific needs and concerns of small island developing States pursuant to Article 4, paragraphs 4 and 8 (a), and other relevant articles of the Convention;[2]", "g. Other matters referred to the Conference of the Parties by the subsidiary bodies.", "6. Second review of the adequacy of Article 4, paragraph 2 (a) and (b), of the Convention.[3]", "7. Information about the base year of Kazakhstan.[4]", "8. Administrative, financial and institutional matters:", "a. Audited financial statements for the biennium 2004–2005;", "b. Budget performance in the biennium 2006–2007;", "c. Continuing review of the functions and operations of the secretariat.", "9. High-level segment.", "10. Statements by observer organizations.", "11. Other matters.", "12. Conclusion of the session:", "a. Adoption of the report of the Conference on its twelfth session;", "b. Closure of the session.", "III. Annotations to the supplementary provisional agenda", "5 (f). Actions to address the specific needs and concerns of small island developing States pursuant to Article 4, paragraphs 4 and 8 (a), and other relevant articles of the Convention.", "1. Background: The Government of Tuvalu, on behalf of the Alliance of Small Island States, by a communication dated 6 September 2005, requested the secretariat to include this item in the provisional agenda for the twelfth session of the COP. With this request, the Government of Tuvalu stated that the purpose of this agenda item would be to provide a focused discussion on the specific needs of small island developing States with respect to adverse impacts of climate change and to explore measures for addressing these specific needs. The request also notes that discussions and outcomes associated with the International Meeting to Review the Programme of Action for the Sustainable Development of Small Island Developing States, held in Mauritius in 2004, could aid the consideration of this agenda item.", "2. Action: The COP will be invited to consider this item through a plenary discussion and to determine appropriate action.", "[1] ^(*) This document is submitted late because of the timing of the communication from the Government of Tuvalu on behalf of the Alliance of Small Island States.", "[2] ¹ At the request of Tuvalu, this item was included in the provisional agenda.", "[3] ² At the fourth session of the Conference of the Parties (COP), it “proved impossible to reach any agreed conclusions or decisions” on this matter (FCCC/CP/1998/16, para. 64) and the item was therefore included in the provisional agenda for the COP at its fifth session in accordance with rule 10 (c) and rule 16 of the draft rules of procedure being applied. The COP, at its fifth session, could not reach a conclusion on this matter (FCCC/CP/1999/6, para. 18), and following rule 10 (c) and rule 16 of the draft rules of procedure being applied the item was included in the provisional agenda for the sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth, tenth and eleventh sessions with a footnote reflecting a proposal made by the Group of 77 and China to amend the item to read “Review of the adequacy of implementation of Article 4, paragraph 2 (a) and (b), of the Convention”. At its eleventh session, the COP decided to include the item in the provisional agenda for its twelfth session, with an appropriate explanatory footnote (FCCC/CP/2005/5, para. 24).", "[4] ³ At the request of Kazakhstan, this item was included in the provisional agenda." ]
[ "缔约方会议", "第十二届会议", "2006年11月6日至17日,内罗毕", "临时议程项目2(c)", "组织事项", "通过议程", "临时议程和说明", "执行秘书的说明[1]", "增 编", "补充临时议程", "一、导 言", "1. 收到图瓦卢政府代表小岛屿发展中国家联盟提出的一项请求,希望在缔约方会议第十二届会议的临时议程中增加一个项目。", "2. 按照目前暂时适用的议事规则草案第12条,并经缔约方会议第十一届会议主席同意,现将该项目纳入补充临时议程,编为项目5(f)。", "二、补充临时议程", "3. 经与主席磋商后提出的缔约方会议第十二届会议补充临时议程如下:", "1. 会议开幕。", "2. 组织事项:", "a. 选举缔约方会议第十二届会议主席;", "b. 通过议事规则;", "c. 通过议程;", "d. 选举主席以外的主席团成员;", "e. 接纳观察员组织;", "f. 安排工作,包括附属机构的届会;", "g. 缔约方会议第十三届会议的日期和地点以及《公约》机构的会议日历;", "h. 通过全权证书审查报告。", "3. 附属机构的报告以及由此产生的决定和结论:", "a. 附属科学技术咨询机构的报告;", "b. 附属履行机构的报告。", "4. 关于通过增强执行《公约》对付气候变化的长期合作行动问题对话联合召集人的报告。", "5. 审查承诺的履行情况和《公约》其他规定的执行情况:", "(a) 《公约》的资金机制;", "(b) 国家信息通报:", "(1) 《公约》附件一所列缔约方的国家信息通报;", "(2) 非《公约》附件一所列缔约方的国家信息通报;", "(c) 技术的开发和转让;", "(d) 《公约》之下的能力建设;", "(e) 《公约》第四条第8款和第9款的执行情况:", "(1) 关于适应和应对措施的布宜诺斯艾利斯工作方案(第1/CP.10号决定)的执行情况;", "(2) 与最不发达国家有关的事项;", "(f) 根据《公约》第四条第4款和第8款(a)项以及其他有关条款处理小岛屿发展中国家具体需要和关注的行动;[2]", "(g) 附属机构转交缔约方会议的其他事项。", "6. 第二次审评《公约》第四条第2款(a)项和(b)项是否充分。[3]", "7. 哈萨克斯坦的基年信息。[4]", "8. 行政、财务和体制事项:", "a. 2004-2005两年期审定财务报表;", "b. 2006-2007两年期预算执行情况;", "c. 继续审查秘书处的职能和运作。", "9. 高级别会议。", "10. 观察员组织的发言。", "11. 其他事项。", "12. 会议结束:", "(a) 通过缔约方会议第十二届会议的报告;", "(b) 会议闭幕。", "三、补充临时议程说明", "5(f). 根据《公约》第四条第4款和第8款(a)项以及其他有关 条款处理小岛屿发展中国家具体需要和关注的行动。", "4. 背景:图瓦卢政府2005年9月6日代表小岛屿发展中国家联盟来函,请求秘书处将本项目纳入缔约方会议第十二届会议临时议程。图瓦卢政府提出这一请求时说明,这个议程项目的目的是希望能有重点地讨论小岛屿发展中国家在对付气候变化的不利影响方面的具体需要,并探讨解决这些需要的措施。请求中还指出,2004年在毛里求斯举行的小岛屿发展中国家可持续发展行动纲领国际审评会议的讨论和结果有助于这个议程项目的审议。", "5. 行动:将请缔约方会议通过全体会议讨论审议这个项目并确定适当行动。", "[1] ∗ 本文件迟交,是因为图瓦卢政府代表小岛屿发展中国家联盟来函时间滞后。", "[2] 应图瓦卢的请求,本项目列入临时议程。", "[3] 由于第四届缔约方会议就此问题“无法……达成任何议定结论或决定”(见FCCC/CP/1998/16, 第64段),因此按照目前暂时适用的议事规则草案第10(c)条和第16条,将本项目列入第五届缔约方会议的临时议程。由于第五届缔约方会议无法就这个问题作出任何结论(见FCCC/CP/1999/6, 第18段),因此按照目前暂时适用的议事规则草案第10(c)条和第16条,将本项目列入第六、第七、第八、第九、第十和第十一届会议的临时议程,并加脚注,反映77国集团和中国提出的建议:将本项目改为“审评《公约》第四条第2款(a)项和(b)项是否得到充分的执行”。缔约方会议第十一届会议决定将这个项目列入第十二届会议临时议程,并附上适当的脚注加以说明(见FCCC/CP/2005/5, 第24段)。", "[4] 应哈萨克斯坦的请求,本项目列入临时议程。" ]
[ "[ 联 合 国\n联合国\n[原件:英文]\n常规\n气候变化框架公约\n纽约\n页:1\n\n会议部门\n第十二届会议\n2006年11月6-17日,内罗毕\n临时议程项目2(c)\n组织事项\n通过议程", "临时议程和说明", "执行秘书的说明[1]", "增编", "补充临时议程", "一. 导言", "1. 联合国 图瓦卢政府代表小岛屿国家联盟请求将一个项目列入缔约方会议第十二届会议临时议程。", "2. 联合国 根据目前暂时适用的议事规则草案第12条并征得缔约方会议第十一届会议主席的同意,将这个项目作为项目5(f)列入以下补充临时议程。", "二. 补充临时议程", "1. 联合国 经与主席磋商后提出的缔约方会议第十二届会议补充临时议程如下:", "1. 联合国 1. 会议开幕。", "2. 联合国 2. 组织事项:", "(单位:千美元) 选举缔约方会议第十二届会议主席;", "(b) 减少或减少员额。 通过议事规则;", "c. 将数据删除; 通过议程;", "(单位:千美元) 选举主席以外的主席团成员;", "e. 资源 接纳观察员组织;", "页:1 安排工作,包括附属机构的届会;", "(单位:千美元) 缔约方会议第十三届会议的日期和地点以及《公约》机构的会议日历;", "缩略语 通过全权证书审查报告。", "3个 3. 附属机构的报告以及由此产生的决定和结论:", "(单位:千美元) 附属科学技术咨询机构的报告;", "(b) 减少或减少员额。 附属履行机构的报告。", " 4.四. 关于通过增强执行《公约》应对气候变化的长期合作行动问题对话联合召集人的报告。", "5 (韩语). 审查各项承诺和《公约》其他条款的执行情况:", "(单位:千美元) 《公约》的资金机制;", "(b) 减少或减少员额。 国家信息通报;", "《公约》附件一所列缔约方的国家信息通报;", "非《公约》附件一所列缔约方的国家信息通报;", "c. 将数据删除; 技术的开发和转让;", "(单位:千美元) 《公约》之下的能力建设;", "e. 资源 《公约》第四条第8和第9款的执行情况;", "关于适应和应对措施的布宜诺斯艾利斯工作方案(第1/CP.10号决定)的执行情况;", "(二) 与最不发达国家有关的事项;", "页:1 根据《公约》第四条第4款和第8款(a)项和其他相关条款采取行动,解决小岛屿发展中国家的具体需要和所关切的问题;[2]", "(单位:千美元) 附属机构提交缔约方会议的其他事项。", "6. 国家 第二次审评《公约》第四条第2款(a)和(b)项是否充分。 [3]", "7. 联合国 哈萨克斯坦基年资料. [4]", "8. 国家 6. 行政、财务和体制事项:", "(单位:千美元) 2004-2005两年期审定财务报表;", "(b) 减少或减少员额。 2006-2007两年期预算执行情况;", "c. 将数据删除; 继续审查秘书处的职能和运作。", "9. 国家 高级别部分。", "10个 观察员组织的发言。", "11个 其他事项。", "12个 会议结束:", "(单位:千美元) 通过缔约方会议第十二届会议的报告;", "(b) 减少或减少员额。 会议闭幕。", "三. 二、临时议程说明", "第5条(f)款。 根据《公约》第四条第4款和第8款(a)项以及其他有关条款采取行动,解决小岛屿发展中国家的具体需要和所关切的问题。", "1. 联合国 背景情况: 图瓦卢政府代表小岛屿国家联盟在2005年9月6日的来文中请秘书处将这个项目列入缔约方会议第十二届会议的临时议程。 根据这一请求,图瓦卢政府表示,本议程项目的目的是集中讨论小岛屿发展中国家在气候变化不利影响方面的具体需要并探讨解决这些需要的措施。 请求还指出,与2004年在毛里求斯举行的审查《小岛屿发展中国家可持续发展行动纲领》国际会议有关的讨论和成果会有助于对该议程项目的审议。", "2. 联合国 行动: 将请缔约方会议通过全体会议讨论审议这个项目并采取适当行动。", "[1] ^(*) 本文件迟交是因为图瓦卢政府代表小岛屿国家联盟提交来文的时间安排。", "[2] 1 应图瓦卢的请求,这个项目列入临时议程。", "[3] 2 在缔约方会议第四届会议上, \" 证明无法就此事项达成任何议定结论或决定 \" (FCCC/CP/1998/16, 第64段),因此,根据目前暂时适用的议事规则草案第10(c)条和第16条,这个项目被列入了缔约方会议第五届会议的临时议程。 缔约方会议第五届会议未能就此事达成结论(FCCC/CP/1999/6, 第18段),根据目前暂时适用的议事规则草案第10(c)条和第16条,将该项目列入第六、第七、第八、第九、第十和第十一届会议临时议程,并加脚注,反映77国集团和中国提出的将该项目修正为“审查《公约》第四条第2款(a)和(b)项是否得到充分执行的建议”。 在第十一届会议上,缔约方会议决定将这个项目列入第十二届会议临时议程,并附上适当的解释性脚注(FCCC/CP/2005/5, 第24段)。", "[4] 3 应哈萨克斯坦的请求,这个项目列入临时议程。" ]
[ "CONFERENCE ON DISARMAMENT CD/1805", "15 September 2006", "Original: ENGLISH", "REPORT OF THE CONFERENCE ON DISARMAMENT TO THE", "GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE UNITED NATIONS", "Paragraph(s) Page(s)", "I. INTRODUCTION ........................................................ 1 3", "II. ORGANIZATION OF WORK OF", "THE CONFERENCE ................................................... 2 - 24 3 - 7", "A. 2006 Session of the Conference ............................ 2 - 6 3", "B. Participants in the Work of the Conference .......... 7 4", "C. Attendance and Participation of States", "not Members of the Conference ............................ 8 - 9 4", "D. Agenda and Programme of Work for", "the 2006 Session ................................................... 10", "E. Expansion of the Membership", "of the Conference .................................................. 17", "F. Review of the Agenda of the Conference ............. 19 7", "G. Improved and Effective Functioning", "of the Conference ...............................................… 20 7", "H. Communications from Non-Governmental", "Organizations ........................................................ 21 - 23 7", "Paragraph(s) Page(s)", "III. SUBSTANTIVE WORK OF THE CONFERENCE", "DURING ITS 2006 SESSION ........................................................ 24 - 27 8", "IV. CONSIDERATION AND ADOPTION OF THE", "ANNUAL REPORT OF THE CONFERENCE AND", "ANY OTHER REPORT AS APPROPRIATE TO THE", "GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE UNITED NATIONS .............. 28 - 30 9", "I. INTRODUCTION", "1. The Conference on Disarmament submits to the sixty-first session of the United Nations General Assembly its annual report on its 2006 session, together with the pertinent documents and records.", "II. ORGANIZATION OF WORK OF THE CONFERENCE", "A. 2006 Session of the Conference", "2. The Conference was in session from 23 January to 31 March, 15 May to 30 June and 31 July to 15 September 2006. During this period, the Conference held 49 formal plenary meetings, at which Member States as well as non-Member States invited to participate in the discussions outlined their views and recommendations on the various questions before the Conference.", "3. The Conference also held 22 informal plenary meetings on its agenda, programme of work, organization and procedures, as well as on other matters.", "4. Upon the joint invitation of the President of the Conference, Ambassador Zdzisław Rapacki (Poland), and the Secretary-General of the Conference on Disarmament and Personal Representative of the Secretary-General of the United Nations, Mr. Sergei Ordzhonikidze, the following dignitaries addressed the Conference on Disarmament during its 2006 session: Dr. Kim Howells, Minister of State at the Foreign and Commonwealth Office of the United Kingdom (23 March 2006, CD/PV.1014), Dr. Manouchehr Mottaki, Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Islamic Republic of Iran (30 March 2006, CD/PV.1015), Mr. Ban Ki-moon, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade of the Republic of Korea (20 June 2006, CD/PV.1027), Ms. Akiko Yamanaka, Vice-Minister for Foreign Affairs of Japan (20 June 2006, CD/PV.1027), Mr. U Nyan Win, Minister for Foreign Affairs of Myanmar (22 June 2006, CD/PV.1029), Mr. Roberto García Moritán, Secretary of Foreign Affairs of Argentina (23 August 2006, CD/PV.1036) and Mr. Yohei Kono, Speaker of the House of Representatives of Japan (14 September 2006, CD/PV.1043). At the 1023^(rd) plenary meeting on 1 June 2006, the President of the Conference read out the address of Mr. Sergei Lavrov, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, to the Conference on Disarmament (CD/1783).", "5. In accordance with Rule 9 of the Rules of Procedure, the following Member States assumed successively the Presidency of the Conference: Poland, Republic of Korea, Romania, Russian Federation, Senegal and Slovakia.", "6. The substantive Secretariat of the Conference on Disarmament was composed as follows: Mr. Sergei Ordzhonikidze, Secretary-General of the Conference on Disarmament and Personal Representative of the Secretary-General of the United Nations; Mr. Tim Caughley, Deputy Secretary-General of the Conference on Disarmament and Director, Department for Disarmament Affairs (Geneva Branch) and Mr. Jerzy Zaleski, Senior Political Affairs Officer, Secretary of the Conference on Disarmament.", "B. Participants in the Work of the Conference", "7. The representatives of the following 65 Member States participated in the work of the Conference: Algeria, Argentina, Australia, Austria, Bangladesh, Belarus, Belgium, Brazil, Bulgaria, Cameroon, Canada, Chile, China, Colombia, Cuba, the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Ecuador, Egypt, Ethiopia, Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, India, Indonesia, the Islamic Republic of Iran, Iraq, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Malaysia, Mexico, Mongolia, Morocco, Myanmar, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Nigeria, Norway, Pakistan, Peru, Poland, the Republic of Korea, Romania, the Russian Federation, Senegal, Slovakia, South Africa, Spain, Sri Lanka, Sweden, Switzerland, the Syrian Arab Republic, Tunisia, Turkey, Ukraine, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, the United States of America, Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of), Viet Nam and Zimbabwe.", "C. Attendance and Participation of States not Members of the Conference", "8. In conformity with Rule 32 of the Rules of Procedure, the States not Members of the Conference listed in the following paragraph attended its plenary meetings.", "9. The Conference received and considered requests for participation in its work from the 35 States not Members of the Conference. In accordance with the Rules of Procedure and decision taken at its 1990 session on its improved and effective functioning (CD/1036), the Conference invited the following non-Member States to participate in its work: Azerbaijan, Bahrain, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Costa Rica, Croatia, Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Ghana, Greece, Guatemala, the Holy See, Jordan, Kuwait, Latvia, the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Madagascar, Malta, Mauritius, Oman, the Philippines, Portugal, Republic of Moldova, Serbia and Montenegro[1], Slovenia, Sudan, Thailand, Timor-Leste, The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, United Arab Emirates, Uruguay and Zambia.", "D. Agenda and Programme of Work for the 2006 Session", "10. Following a debate at which the content of the annual agenda was reviewed, at its 998^(th) plenary meeting on 24 January 2006, the Conference on Disarmament adopted its agenda for the 2006 session in conformity with the Rules of Procedure (CD/PV.998). The agenda reads as follows:", "“Taking into account, inter alia, the relevant provisions of the Final Document of the First Special Session of the General Assembly devoted to disarmament, and deciding to resume its consultations on the review of its agenda, and without prejudice to their outcome, the Conference adopts the following agenda for its 2006 session:", "1. Cessation of the nuclear arms race and nuclear disarmament.", "2. Prevention of nuclear war, including all related matters.", "3. Prevention of an arms race in outer space.", "4. Effective international arrangements to assure non-nuclear-weapon States against the use or threat of use of nuclear weapons.", "5. New types of weapons of mass destruction and new systems of such weapons; radiological weapons.", "6. Comprehensive programme of disarmament.", "7. Transparency in armaments.", "8. Consideration and adoption of the annual report and any other report, as appropriate, to the General Assembly of the United Nations.”", "11. Subsequently, the President made the following statement: “In connection with the adoption of the agenda, I, as the President of the Conference, should like to state that it is my understanding that if there is a consensus in the Conference to deal with any issues, they could be dealt with within this agenda. The Conference will also take into consideration rules 27 and 30 of the rules of procedure of the Conference, as well as paragraph 20 and other relevant paragraphs of the 2005 report of the Conference on Disarmament to the General Assembly, contained in document CD/1761.”", "12. Pursuant to paragraph 38 of the 2005 report of the Conference (CD/1761), the last President of the 2005 session (Peru) and the first President of the 2006 session (Poland), in cooperation with the five incoming Presidents of the 2006 session (the Republic of Korea, Romania, the Russian Federation, Senegal and Slovakia), conducted informal consultations on the possibilities of reaching consensus on a programme of work with a view to commencing early substantive work during the 2006 session of the Conference.", "13. During the annual session, successive Presidents of the Conference conducted intensive consultations and made significant efforts with a view to reaching consensus on a programme of work. In spite of the efforts of the Presidents, the Conference was not able to agree on a programme of work and did not re-establish or establish any mechanism on any of its specific agenda items during the 2006 session.", "14. At the 1003^(rd) plenary meeting on 9 February 2006, the President submitted to the Conference a joint proposal of the CD Presidents on the Conference’s activities for the 2006 session, which included general debates at the plenary meetings allowing for a rolling discussion on all agenda items, and focused structured debates, with the participation of experts, as follows:", "(a) during the Presidency of the Republic of Korea: from 27 February to 3 March – agenda items 1 (Cessation of the nuclear arms race and nuclear disarmament) and 2 (Prevention of nuclear war, including all related matters), with the general focus on nuclear disarmament;", "(b) during the Presidency of Romania: from 15 to 19 May – agenda items 1 (Cessation of the nuclear arms race and nuclear disarmament) and 2 (Prevention of nuclear war, including all related matters) , with general focus on the prohibition of production of fissile material for nuclear weapons and other nuclear explosive devices;", "(c) during the Presidency of the Russian Federation: from 8 to 15 June – agenda item 3 (Prevention of an arms race in outer space), and from 19 to 23 June – agenda item 5 (New types of weapons of mass destruction and new systems of such weapons; radiological weapons).", "(d) during the Presidency of Senegal: from 31 July to 4 August – agenda item 4 (Effective international arrangements to assure non-nuclear-weapon States against the use or threat of use of nuclear weapons), and from 7 to 11 August – agenda item 6 (Comprehensive programme of disarmament).", "(e) during the Presidency of Slovakia: from 21 to 25 August – agenda item 7 (Transparency in armaments), and from 4 to 15 September – agenda item 8 (Consideration and adoption of the annual report and any other report, as appropriate, to the General Assembly of the United Nations).", "The substance of the debates was to be based on proposals made by Member States, including those contained in official documents of the Conference, working papers and other recommendations and proposals by States. It was emphasized that Rule 30 of the Rules of Procedure would apply to these debates. The joint proposal was without prejudice to any future decisions of the Conference on its programme of work or on the establishment of any subsidiary body. The Conference on Disarmament took note of the proposal.", "15. A representative of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) made a statement to the Conference at the 1037^(th) plenary meeting on 24 August 2006 (CD/PV.1037).", "16. During plenary meetings of the Conference, successive Presidents, delegations and groups of delegations expressed their views (duly reflected in relevant PVs) on the issue of a programme of work, taking into account all relevant proposals, including those submitted as the documents of the Conference on Disarmament since 2000. Statements were made by some delegations emphasising that linkages should not be established between elements of a programme of work, while other delegations stressed the need for a balanced and comprehensive approach. The level of support for proposals on a programme of work is duly reflected in the plenary records.", "E. Expansion of the Membership of the Conference", "17. The important question of the expansion of the membership of the Conference was addressed by delegations in plenary meetings. Their views on the issue are duly reflected in the plenary records.", "18. Requests for membership had been received, since 1982, from the following 24 non-Members, in chronological order: Greece, Croatia, Kuwait, Portugal, Slovenia, the Czech Republic, Costa Rica, Denmark, The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Cyprus, Lithuania, Ghana, Luxembourg, Uruguay, the Philippines, Azerbaijan, the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya, Armenia, Thailand, Georgia, Jordan, Estonia, Latvia and Malta.", "F. Review of the Agenda of the Conference", "19. The importance of the review of the agenda of the Conference was addressed by delegations in plenary meetings. Their views on the issue are duly reflected in the plenary records.", "G. Improved and Effective Functioning of the Conference", "20. The importance of the improved and effective functioning of the Conference was addressed by delegations in plenary meetings. Their views on the issue are duly reflected in the plenary records.", "H. Communications from Non-Governmental Organizations", "21. On 15 June 2006, non-governmental organizations made their written material available informally to the members of the Conference, in accordance with paragraph 3 of the 2004 decision of the Conference on Disarmament on the enhancement of the engagement of civil society in its work.", "22. In accordance with Rule 42 of the Rules of Procedure, a list of communications from non-governmental organizations and persons was circulated to the Conference (document CD/NGC/40).", "23. At the 1004^(th) plenary meeting on 16 February 2006, a number of delegations expressed their view that the statement to mark the International Women’s Day by the NGO Working Group on Peace of the NGO Committee on the Status of Women related to peace, security and disarmament issues should be delivered directly by one of its authors. At the 1011^(th) plenary meeting on 9 March 2006, the President of the Conference on Disarmament read the abovementioned statement (CD/PV.1011).", "III. SUBSTANTIVE WORK OF THE CONFERENCE DURING ITS 2006 SESSION", "24. The substantive debates of the Conference during its 2006 session were based on the joint proposal of the six Presidents of the Conference. As envisaged in the proposal, experts from capitals participated in focused structured debates. The list of documents issued by the Conference, as well as the texts of those documents, are included as Appendix I to this report. An index of the verbatim records, by country and by subject, listing the statements made by delegations during 2006, and the verbatim records of the meetings of the Conference, are attached as Appendix II to the report.", "25. At the 998^(th) plenary meeting on 24 January 2006, the Conference received a message from the Secretary-General of the United Nations, Mr. Kofi Annan, on the occasion of the opening of the 2006 session (CD/1763).", "26. At the invitations of the Presidents of the Conference, the Secretary-General of the United Nations, Mr. Kofi Annan, addressed the Conference at the 1028^(th) plenary meeting on 21 June 2006 (CD/PV.1028).", "27. The Conference had before it a letter dated 1 January 2006 from the Secretary-General of the United Nations (CD/1762 and Add.1 and Corr.1) transmitting the resolutions and decisions on disarmament and international security matters adopted by the General Assembly at its sixtieth session in 2005, including those making specific reference to the Conference on Disarmament. The latter are listed below.", "60/46 Prohibition of the development and manufacture of new types of weapons of mass destruction and new systems of such weapons: report of the Conference on Disarmament (operative paragraphs 2, 3, 4, 5)", "60/53 Conclusion of effective international arrangements to assure non-nuclear-weapon States against the use or threat of use of nuclear weapons (operative paragraphs 2, 4, 5)", "60/54 Prevention of an arms race in outer space (operative paragraphs 5, 6, 8)", "60/57 Prohibition of the dumping of radioactive wastes (operative paragraphs 1, 4, 5)", "60/63 Regional disarmament (operative paragraph 1)", "60/70 Nuclear disarmament (operative paragraphs 14, 15, 19, 20)", "60/88 Convention on the Prohibition of the Use of Nuclear Weapons (operative paragraphs 1, 2)", "60/90 Report of the Conference on Disarmament (operative paragraphs 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7)", "60/91 Report of the Disarmament Commission (operative paragraphs 3, 7)", "60/226 Transparency in armaments (operative paragraphs 4(b), 6)", "IV. CONSIDERATION AND ADOPTION OF THE ANNUAL REPORT OF", "THE CONFERENCE AND ANY OTHER REPORT AS APPROPRIATE", "TO THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE UNITED NATIONS", "28. Considering the developments detailed in this report and with a view to commencing early substantive work during its 2007 session, the Conference requested the current President and the incoming President to conduct consultations during the intersessional period and, if possible, make recommendations, taking into account all relevant proposals, including those submitted as documents of the Conference on Disarmament, views presented and discussions held, and to endeavour to keep the membership of the Conference informed, as appropriate, of their consultations.", "29. The Conference decided that the dates for its 2007 session would be:", "First part: 22 January – 30 March", "Second part: 14 May – 29 June", "Third part: 30 July – 14 September", "30. The annual report to the sixty-first session of the General Assembly of the United Nations, as adopted by the Conference on 15 September 2006, is transmitted by the President on behalf of the Conference on Disarmament.", "Anton Pinter", "Slovakia", "President of the Conference", "[1] Since 3 June 2006 – Serbia" ]
[ "裁军谈判会议提交联合国大会的报告", "段 次 页 次", "一、导 言................................................................. 1 2", "二、本会议的工作安排............................. 2 - 23 2", "A. 本会议2006年会议......................... 2 - 6 2", "B. 参加本会议工作的国家..................... 7 3", "C. 非本会议成员国的出席和参加情况........... 8 - 9 3", "D. 2006年会议议程和工作计划................. 10 - 16 4", "E. 扩大本会议成员........................... 17 - 18 6", "F. 审查本会议议程........................... 19 6", "G. 改进本会议工作和提高其工作效率........... 20 6", "H. 非政府组织的来文 21 - 23 6", "三、本会议在2006年会议期间的实质性工作........... 24 - 27 7", "四、审议并通过提交联合国大会的本会议年度报告及任何其他宜提出的报告.... ............................ 28 - 30 8", "一、导 言", "1. 裁军谈判会议兹向联合国大会第六十一届会议提出其2006年会议的年度报告及有关的文件和记录。", "二、本会议的工作安排", "A. 本会议2006年会议", "2. 本会议于2006年1月23日至3月31日、5月15日至6月30日和7月31日至9月15日举行了会议。在此期间,本会议共举行了49次正式全体会议,会上各成员国和应邀参加讨论的非成员国就本会议所审议的各项问题阐述了各自的看法和建议。", "3. 本会议还就其议程、工作计划、组织和程序及其他事项举行了22次非正式会议。", "4. 应本会议主席日斯拉夫·拉帕茨基大使(波兰)和裁军谈判会议秘书长兼联合国秘书长个人代表谢尔盖·奥尔忠尼启则先生的共同邀请,下列高级官员在2006年会议期间对裁军谈判会议讲了话:联合王国协办外交和联邦事务国务大臣金·豪厄尔斯博士(2006年3月23日,CD/PV.1014)、伊朗伊斯兰共和国外交部长马努切赫尔·穆塔基博士(2006年3月30日,CD/PV.1015)、大韩民国外交通商部长官潘基文先生(2006年6月20日,CD/PV.1027)、日本外务次官山中烨子教授(2006年6月20日,CD/PV.1027)、缅甸外交部长吴年温先生(2006年6月22日,CD/PV.1029)、阿根廷外交部长罗伯托·加西亚·莫里坦先生(2006年8月23日,CD/PV.1036)和日本众议院议长河野先生(2006年9月14日,CD/PV.1043)。在2006年6月1日的第1023次全体会议上,本会议主席宣读了俄罗斯联邦外交部长谢尔盖·拉夫罗夫先生对本会议的致辞(CD/1783)。", "5. 根据议事规则第9条,下列成员国依次担任了本会议主席:波兰、大韩民国、罗马尼亚、俄罗斯联邦、塞内加尔和斯洛伐克。", "6. 裁军谈判会议实务秘书处的组成如下:裁军谈判会议秘书长兼联合国秘书长个人代表谢尔盖·奥尔忠尼启则先生、裁军谈判会议副秘书长兼裁军事务部日内瓦办事处主任蒂姆·考莱先生、担任裁军谈判会议秘书的高级政治事务干事耶日·扎列斯基先生。", "B. 参加本会议工作的国家", "7. 下列65个成员国的代表参加了本会议的工作:阿尔及利亚、阿根廷、澳大利亚、奥地利、孟加拉国、白俄罗斯、比利时、巴西、保加利亚、喀麦隆、加拿大、智利、中国、哥伦比亚、古巴、朝鲜民主主义人民共和国、刚果民主共和国、厄瓜多尔、埃及、埃塞俄比亚、芬兰、法国、德国、匈牙利、印度、印度尼西亚、伊朗伊斯兰共和国、伊拉克、爱尔兰、以色列、意大利、日本、哈萨克斯坦、肯尼亚、马来西亚、墨西哥、蒙古、摩洛哥、缅甸、荷兰、新西兰、尼日利亚、挪威、巴基斯坦、秘鲁、波兰、大韩民国、罗马尼亚、俄罗斯联邦、塞内加尔、斯洛伐克、南非、西班牙、斯里兰卡、瑞典、瑞士、阿拉伯叙利亚共和国、突尼斯、土耳其、乌克兰、大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国、美利坚合众国、委内瑞拉玻利瓦尔共和国、越南、津巴布韦。", "C. 非本会议成员国的出席和参加情况", "8. 根据议事规则第32条,下段所列的非本会议成员国参加了本会议的全体会议。", "9. 本会议收到并审议了35个非本会议成员国关于参加本会议工作的请求。根据议事规则和1990年会议期间就改进本会议工作和提高其工作效率所作的决定(CD/1036),本会议邀请了下列非成员国参加本会议的工作:阿塞拜疆、巴林、波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那、哥斯达黎加、克罗地亚、塞浦路斯、捷克共和国、丹麦、爱沙尼亚、加纳、希腊、危地马拉、教廷、约旦、科威特、拉脱维亚、阿拉伯利比亚民众国、立陶宛、卢森堡、马达加斯加、马耳他、毛里求斯、阿曼、菲律宾、葡萄牙、摩尔多瓦共和国、塞尔维亚和黑山 [1] 、斯洛文尼亚、苏丹、泰国、东帝汶、前南斯拉夫的马其顿共和国、阿拉伯联合酋长国、乌拉圭、赞比亚。", "D. 2006年会议议程和工作计划", "10. 在举行辩论并审议了年度议程的内容之后,在2006年1月24日第998次全体会议上,本会议根据议事规则通过了2006年会议议程(CD/PV.998)。该议程如下:", "“本会议特别考虑到第一届专门讨论裁军问题的大会特别会议《最后文件》的有关规定,决定继续就议程审查进行磋商,并在不影响此一磋商的结果的条件下通过以下议程作为其2006年会议的议程:", "1. 停止核军备竞赛和核裁军。", "2. 防止核战争,包括一切有关事项。", "3. 防止外层空间的军备竞赛。", "4. 保证不对无核武器国家使用或威胁使用核武器的有效国际安排。", "5. 新型大规模毁灭性武器和此种武器的新系统;放射性武器。", "6. 综合裁军方案。", "7. 军备透明。", "8. 审议并通过年度报告和任何其他宜向联合国大会提出的报告。”", "11. 主席随后作了如下声明:“关于议程的通过,我要以本会议主席的身分声明:我的理解是,如果裁谈会在处理任何问题上达成协商一致意见,这些问题都可以在本议程范围内处理。本会议还将考虑到本会议议事规则第27和第30条以及载于CD/1761号文件的2005年裁军谈判会议提交联合国大会的报告第20段及其他相关段落。”", "12. 根据本会议2005年报告(CD/1761)第38段,2005年会议最后一任主席(秘鲁)和2006年会议第一任主席(波兰)与2006年会议的五位候任主席(大韩民国、罗马尼亚、俄罗斯联邦、塞内加尔、斯洛伐克)就在工作计划方面达成协商一致的可能性进行了非正式磋商,以期能够早日开始本会议2006年会议的实质性工作。", "13. 本年度会议期间,会议历任主席进行了紧张的磋商并作了很大努力,以求就一项工作计划达成协商一致意见。尽管各任主席作了努力,本会议在2006年会议期间未能就工作计划达成协议,也没有就任何具体议程项目重新设立或设立任何机制。", "14. 在2006年2月9日第1003次全体会议上,主席向会议提交了本届裁谈会各任主席关于2006年会议活动的联合建议,其中包括以全会形式开展一般性辩论,以便能够对所有议程项目进行滚动式的讨论,以及有重点、有条理的辩论,邀请专家出席,安排如下:", "(a) 大韩民国担任主席期间:2月27日至3月3日――议程项目1(停止核军备竞赛和核裁军)和2(防止核战争,包括一切有关事项), 主要重点为核裁军;", "(b) 罗马尼亚担任主席期间:5月15日至19日――议程项目1(停止核军备竞赛和核裁军)和2(防止核战争,包括一切有关事项), 主要重点为禁止生产用于核武器和其他核爆炸装置的裂变材料;", "(c) 俄罗斯联邦担任主席期间:6月8日至15日――议程项目3(防止外层空间的军备竞赛);6月19日至23日――议程项目5(新型大规模毁灭性武器和此种武器的新系统;放射性武器);", "(d) 塞内加尔担任主席期间:7月31日至8月4日――议程项目4(保证不对无核武器国家使用或威胁使用核武器的有效国际安排);8月7日至11日――议程项目6 (综合裁军方案);", "(e) 斯洛伐克担任主席期间:8月21日至25日――议程项目7(军备透明);9月4日至15日――议程项目8(审议并通过提交联合国大会的本会议年度报告及任何其他宜提出的报告)。", "辩论的实质问题将根据成员国提出的建议确定,其中包括裁谈会正式文件、工作文件中所载的建议和成员国的其他建议和提案。为此强调,议事规则第30条适用于这类辩论。联合建议不妨碍本会议今后有关其工作计划或设立任何附属机构的决定。裁军谈判会议注意到这项建议。", "15. 国际原子能机构的一名代表在2006年8月24日第1037次全体会议上发了言(CD/PV.1037)。", "16. 在本会议的各次全体会议上,会议历任主席、各代表团以及代表团集团就工作计划问题表示了看法(正式反映在相关的逐字记录中),其中考虑到了所有有关提案,包括自2000年以来作为裁军谈判会议的文件提交的各项有关提案。一些代表团发言强调,不应将工作计划的不同要点联系起来,而另一些代表团则着重指出,有必要采取均衡和全面的处理办法。关于工作计划的各项提案获得支持的情况,已正式反映在全体会议记录中。", "E. 扩大本会议成员", "17. 各代表团在全体会议上论述了扩大本会议成员这个重要的问题。它们对这个问题的看法已正式反映在全体会议记录中。", "18. 自1982年以来,本会议收到了下列24个非成员要求成为会议成员的申请,按时间顺序为:希腊、克罗地亚、科威特、葡萄牙、斯洛文尼亚、捷克共和国、哥斯达黎加、丹麦、前南斯拉夫的马其顿共和国、塞浦路斯、立陶宛、加纳、卢森堡、乌拉圭、菲律宾、阿塞拜疆、阿拉伯利比亚民众国、亚美尼亚、泰国、格鲁吉亚、约旦、爱沙尼亚、拉脱维亚、马耳他。", "F. 审查本会议议程", "19. 各代表团在全体会议上论述了审查本会议议程的重要性。它们对这个问题的看法已正式反映在全体会议记录中。", "G. 改进本会议工作和提高其工作效率", "20. 各代表团在全体会议上论述了改进本会议工作和提高其工作效率的重要性。它们对这个问题的看法已正式反映在全体会议记录中。", "H. 非政府组织的来文", "21. 2006年6月15日,非政府组织按照裁军谈判会议2004年关于加强民间团体参与其工作的决定第3段,非正式地向本会议成员国提供了书面材料。", "22. 按照议事规则第42条,向本会议分发了一份清单,其中列有非政府组织和个人的所有来文(CD/NGC/40号文件)。", "23. 在2006年2月16日第1004次全体会议上,若干代表团认为,非政府组织妇女地位委员会的非政府组织和平问题工作组为庆祝国际妇女节所作的关于和平、安全和裁军问题的声明应当直接由其作者之一宣读。在2006年3月9日第1011次全体会议上,裁军谈判会议主席宣读了上述声明(CD/PV.1011)。", "三、本会议在2006年会议期间的实质性工作", "24. 在2006年会议期间,本会议的实质性工作是根据本会议六任主席的联合建议进行的。按照建议的设想,来自各国首都的专家参加了有重点、有条理的辩论。本会议分发的文件清单以及这些文件的案文作为附录一列入本报告。按国家和议题分类的各国代表团2006年发言的逐字记录索引和本会议各次会议的逐字记录作为附录二列入本报告。", "25. 在2006年1月24日第998次全体会议上,本会议收到了联合国秘书长科菲·安南先生对2006年会议开幕发来的贺词(CD/1763)。", "26. 应本会议主席的邀请,联合国秘书长科菲·安南先生在2006年6月21日第1028次全体会议上对本会议讲了话(CD/PV.1028)。", "27. 本会议收到2006年1月1日联合国秘书长的来信(CD/1762和Add.1以及Corr.1),其中转交2005年大会第六十届会议通过的所有关于或涉及裁军和国际安全的决议和决定,包括特别提到裁军谈判会议的下列各项决议:", "60/46 禁止发展和制造新型大规模毁灭性武器和此种武器新系统:裁军谈判会议的报告(执行部分第2、第3、第4、第5段)", "60/53 缔结关于保证不对无核武器国家使用或威胁使用核武器的有效国际安排(执行部分第2、第4、第5段)", "60/54 防止外层空间的军备竞赛(执行部分第5、第6、第8段)", "60/57 禁止倾弃放射性废料(执行部分第1、第4、第5段)", "60/63 区域裁军(执行部分第1段)", "60/70 核裁军(执行部分第14、第15、第19、第20段)", "60/88 禁止使用核武器公约(执行部分第1、第2段)", "60/90 裁军谈判会议的报告(执行部分第1、第2、第3、第4、第5、第6、第7段)", "60/91 裁军审议委员会的报告(执行部分第3、第7段)", "60/226 军备的透明度(执行部分第4(b)、第6段)", "四、审议并通过提交联合国大会的本会议年度 报告及任何其他宜提出的报告", "28. 考虑到本报告中详述的事态发展,并为求2007年会议及早开始实质性工作,本会议请现任主席和下任主席在休会期间进行磋商并在可能的情况下提出建议,其中应考虑到包括作为裁军谈判会议的文件提交的各项有关提案在内的所有有关提案以及提出的看法和进行的讨论,并力求将磋商情况酌情随时告知本会议所有成员。", "29. 本会议决定,2007年会议的日期为:", "第一期: 1月22日至3月30日", "第二期: 5月14日至6月29日", "第三期: 7月30日至9月14日", "30 本会议于2006年9月15日通过了提交联合国大会第六十一届会议的年度报告,本报告由主席代表裁军谈判会议转交。", "会议主席", "斯洛伐克", "安东·平特", "[1] 2006年6月3日起―― 塞尔维亚。" ]
[ "裁军谈判会议", "纽约", "贸易和发展理事会", "裁军谈判会议提交裁军谈判会议的报告", "联合国大会", "段 次 页 次", "说吧 导言 1 3 个", "二. 工作安排", "二、会议闭幕. 2 - 24 3", "A. 本会议2006年会议 2 - 6 3", "B. 本会议工作的与会者. 7 4", "C. 各国出席和参加情况", "非本会议成员. 8 - 9 4", "D. 议程和工作计划", "2006年会议 页:1", "E. 扩大成员", "一、导 言 页:1", "F. 审查本会议议程 19 7", "G. 改进工作和提高工作效率", "A. 会议闭幕 20 7", "H. 非政府组织的来文", "组织. 21 - 23 7", "段 次 页 次", "三. 会议实质性工作", "A. 在2006年会议期间 24 - 27 8", "四、结 论 审议和通过《公约》", "会议的年度报告和", "任何其他经核准的报告", "联合国大会. 28 - 30 9", "一、导 言", "1. 联合国 1. 裁军谈判会议向联合国大会第六十一届会议提交其2006年会议的年度报告及有关文件和记录。", "二. 会议的工作安排", "A. 2006年12月31日终了年度 缔约国会议", "2. 联合国 本会议于2006年1月23日至3月31日、5月15日至6月30日和7月31日至9月15日举行了会议。 在此期间,本会议举行了49次正式全体会议,会上各成员国以及应邀参加讨论的非成员国就本会议所审议的各种问题提出了意见和建议。", "3个 会议还就其议程、工作方案、组织和程序以及其他事项举行了22次非正式全体会议。", " 4.四. 应本会议主席兹齐斯拉夫·拉帕茨基大使(波兰)和裁军谈判会议秘书长兼联合国秘书长个人代表谢尔盖·奥尔忠尼启则先生的联合邀请,下列要人在裁军谈判会议2006年会议期间作了发言: 联合王国外交和联邦事务部国务部长Kim Howells博士(2006年3月23日,CD/PV.1014)、伊朗伊斯兰共和国外交部长Manouchehr Mottaki博士(2006年3月30日,CD/PV.1015)、大韩民国外交通商部长潘基文先生(2006年6月20日,CD/PV.1027)、日本外相Yamanaka女士(2006年6月20日,CD/PV.1027)、缅甸外交部长U Nyan Win先生(2006年6月22日,CD/PV.1029)、阿根廷外相Roberto Garcia Moritán先生(2006年8月23日,CD/PV.1036)和日本众议院议长Yohei Kono先生(2006年9月14日,CD/PV.1043)。 在2006年6月1日第1023^(rd)次全体会议上,本会议主席宣读了俄罗斯联邦外交部长谢尔盖·拉夫罗夫先生在裁军谈判会议上的讲话(CD/1783)。", "5 (韩语). 根据议事规则第9条,下列会员国相继担任了本会议主席:波兰、大韩民国、罗马尼亚、俄罗斯联邦、塞内加尔和斯洛伐克。", "6. 国家 裁军谈判会议实务秘书处的组成如下: 裁军谈判会议秘书长兼联合国秘书长个人代表谢尔盖·奥尔忠尼启则先生;裁军谈判会议副秘书长兼裁军事务部(日内瓦办事处)主任蒂姆·考勒先生;裁军谈判会议秘书、高级政治事务干事耶日·扎列斯基先生。", "B. 参加本会议工作的国家", "7. 联合国 下列65个成员国的代表参加了会议的工作:阿尔及利亚、阿根廷、澳大利亚、奥地利、孟加拉国、白俄罗斯、比利时、巴西、保加利亚、喀麦隆、加拿大、智利、中国、哥伦比亚、古巴、朝鲜民主主义人民共和国、刚果民主共和国、厄瓜多尔、埃及、埃塞俄比亚、芬兰、法国、德国、匈牙利、印度、印度尼西亚、伊朗伊斯兰共和国、伊拉克、爱尔兰、以色列、意大利、日本、哈萨克斯坦、肯尼亚、马来西亚、墨西哥、蒙古、摩洛哥、缅甸、荷兰、新西兰、尼日利亚、挪威、巴基斯坦、秘鲁、波兰、大韩民国、罗马尼亚、俄罗斯联邦、塞内加尔、斯洛伐克、南非、西班牙、斯里兰卡、瑞典、瑞士、阿拉伯叙利亚共和国、突尼斯、土耳其、乌克兰、大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国、美利坚合众国、委内瑞拉玻利瓦尔共和国、越南和津巴布韦。", "C. 非本会议成员国的出席和参加情况", "8. 国家 根据议事规则第32条,下段所列的非本会议成员国出席了本会议的全体会议。", "9. 国家 本会议收到并审议了35个非本会议成员国提出的参加本会议工作的请求。 根据议事规则和1990年会议就改进本会议工作和提高其工作效率所作出的决定(CD/1036),本会议邀请了下列非成员国参加本会议的工作:阿塞拜疆、巴林、波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那、哥斯达黎加、克罗地亚、塞浦路斯、捷克共和国、丹麦、爱沙尼亚、加纳、希腊、危地马拉、教廷、约旦、科威特、拉脱维亚、阿拉伯利比亚民众国、立陶宛、卢森堡、马达加斯加、马耳他、毛里求斯、阿曼、菲律宾、葡萄牙、摩尔多瓦共和国、塞尔维亚和黑山[1]、斯洛文尼亚、苏丹、泰国、东帝汶、前南斯拉夫的马其顿共和国、阿拉伯联合酋长国、乌拉圭和赞比亚。", "D. 2006年会议议程和工作计划", "10个 在2006年1月24日第998^()次全体会议上,在对年度议程内容进行了辩论并作了审查之后,裁军谈判会议按照议事规则通过了2006年会议议程(CD/PV.998)。 议程如下:", "“本会议特别考虑到第一届专门讨论裁军问题的大会特别会议《最后文件》的有关规定,决定继续就审查议程进行磋商,并在不影响磋商结果的情况下通过以下议程作为其2006年会议的议程:", "1. 联合国 1. 停止核军备竞赛和核裁军。", "2. 联合国 3. 防止核战争,包括一切有关事项。", "3个 防止外层空间的军备竞赛。", " 4.四. 保证不对无核武器国家使用或威胁使用核武器的有效国际安排。", "5 (韩语). 新型大规模毁灭性武器和此种武器的新系统;放射性武器。", "6. 国家 综合裁军方案。", "7. 联合国 军备的透明度。", "8. 国家 6. 审议并通过年度报告和任何其他宜向联合国大会提出的报告。 “", "11个 随后,主席作了如下声明:“关于议程的通过,我作为裁谈会主席谨声明,我的理解是,如果裁谈会在处理任何问题上达成协商一致意见,这些问题都可以在本议程范围内处理。 裁谈会还将考虑到裁谈会议事规则第27和30条以及CD/1761号文件所载裁军谈判会议2005年提交大会的报告 第20段和其他相关段落。 “", "12. 根据本会议2005年报告(CD/1761)第38段,2005年届会最后一任主席(秘鲁)和2006年届会第一任主席(波兰)同2006年届会的五位继任主席(大韩民国、罗马尼亚、俄罗斯联邦、塞内加尔和斯洛伐克)合作,就就工作计划达成协商一致意见的可能性进行了非正式磋商,以期在本会议2006年届会期间早日开始实质性工作。", "13个 在年度会议期间,本会议历任主席进行了紧张的磋商并作出了重大努力,以就工作计划达成共识。 尽管主席们作出了努力,但本会议未能就工作计划达成协议,也没有在2006年会议期间就任何具体议程项目重建或建立任何机制。", "14个 在2006年2月9日第1003^ (rd)次全体会议上,主席向裁谈会提交了裁谈会主席关于2006年会议活动的联合提案,其中包括全体会议的一般性辩论,以便滚动讨论所有议程项目,以及有专家参加的有重点的结构化辩论,具体如下:", "(a) 大韩民国担任主席期间:2月27日至3月3日 -- -- 议程项目1(停止核军备竞赛和核裁军)和2(防止核战争,包括一切有关事项),普遍以核裁军为重点;", "(b) 罗马尼亚担任主席期间:5月15日至19日 -- -- 议程项目1(停止核军备竞赛和核裁军)和2(防止核战争,包括一切有关事项),一般侧重于禁止生产用于核武器和其他核爆炸装置的裂变材料;", "(c) 俄罗斯联邦担任主席期间:6月8日至15日 -- -- 议程项目3(防止外层空间的军备竞赛)和6月19日至23日 -- -- 议程项目5(新型大规模毁灭性武器和此种武器的新系统;放射性武器)。", "(d) 塞内加尔担任主席期间:7月31日至8月4日 -- -- 议程项目4(保证不对无核武器国家使用或威胁使用核武器的有效国际安排)和8月7日至11日 -- -- 议程项目6(综合裁军方案)。", "(e) 斯洛伐克担任主席期间:8月21日至25日 -- -- 议程项目7(军备的透明度)和9月4日至15日 -- -- 议程项目8(审议并通过年度报告和任何其他宜向联合国大会提出的报告)。", "辩论的实质性内容应以会员国提出的建议为基础,包括会议正式文件、工作文件以及各国的其他建议和提案中所载的建议。 有人强调,议事规则第30条将适用于这些辩论。 联合提案不妨碍本会议今后就工作方案或设立任何附属机构作出的任何决定。 裁军谈判会议注意到这一提议。", "15个 国际原子能机构(原子能机构)的代表在2006年8月24日第1037 ()次全体会议上作了发言(CD/PV.1037)。", "16号. 在本会议全体会议上,历任主席、各代表团和代表团集团就工作计划问题发表了看法(适当反映在有关的PV中),同时考虑到了所有有关提案,包括2000年以来作为裁军谈判会议文件所提交的提案。 一些代表团发言强调,不应在工作方案的各个要素之间建立联系,而其他代表团则强调必须采取平衡而全面的办法。 对工作方案提案的支持程度已正式反映在全体会议记录中。", "E. 扩大本会议成员", "17岁。 各代表团在全体会议上讨论了扩大本会议成员这一重要问题。 它们对这个问题的看法已正式反映在全体会议记录中。", "18岁。 自1982年以来,收到了下列24个非成员国的成员资格申请,按时间顺序排列:希腊、克罗地亚、科威特、葡萄牙、斯洛文尼亚、捷克共和国、哥斯达黎加、丹麦、前南斯拉夫的马其顿共和国、塞浦路斯、立陶宛、加纳、卢森堡、乌拉圭、菲律宾、阿塞拜疆、阿拉伯利比亚民众国、亚美尼亚、泰国、格鲁吉亚、约旦、爱沙尼亚、拉脱维亚和马耳他。", "费. 审查本会议议程", " 19. 19. 各代表团在全体会议上论述了审查本会议议程的重要性。 它们对这个问题的看法已正式反映在全体会议记录中。", "G. 改进本会议工作和提高其工作效率", "20号. 各代表团在全体会议上论述了改进本会议工作和提高其工作效率的重要性。 它们对这个问题的看法已正式反映在全体会议记录中。", "H. 非政府组织的来文", "21岁 2006年6月15日,根据裁军谈判会议2004年关于加强民间社会参与其工作的决定第3段,非政府组织向本会议成员非正式提供了书面材料。", "22号. 根据议事规则第42条,向本会议分发了非政府组织和个人来文清单(CD/NGC/40号文件)。", "23. 联合国 在2006年2月16日第1004^ (th)次全体会议上,一些代表团表示,非政府组织妇女地位委员会非政府组织和平工作组关于和平、安全和裁军问题的声明应由其作者之一直接发表。 在2006年3月9日第1011 ()次全体会议上,裁军谈判会议主席宣读了上述声明(CD/PV.1011)。", "三. 本会议2006年会议期间的实质性工作", "24 (韩语). 本会议2006年会议期间的实质性辩论是根据本会议六位主席的联合提议进行的。 如提案所设想,来自各国首都的专家参加了有重点的分阶段辩论。 本会议所发文件清单和这些文件的案文作为附录一列入本报告。 按国家和议题分列的各国代表团2006年发言的逐字记录索引和本会议各次会议的逐字记录作为附录二附于本报告后。", "25岁 2. 在2006年1月24日第998^(第9次)全体会议上,本会议收到了联合国秘书长科菲·安南先生在2006年会议开幕之际的贺词(CD/1763)。", "26. 联合国 应本会议主席的邀请,联合国秘书长科菲·安南先生在2006年6月21日第1028^()次全体会议上作了发言(CD/PV.1028)。", "27个 1. 本会议收到了2006年1月1日联合国秘书长的信(CD/1762和Add.1和Corr.1),其中转递2005年大会第六十届会议通过的关于裁军和国际安全问题的决议和决定,包括特别提到裁军谈判会议的决议和决定。 后者列于下文。", "60/46号 禁止发展和制造新型大规模毁灭性武器和此种武器新系统:裁军谈判会议的报告(执行部分第2、3、4、5段)", "60/53 缔结关于保证不对无核武器国家使用或威胁使用核武器的有效国际安排(执行部分第2、第4、第5段)", "60/54号文件 防止外层空间的军备竞赛(执行部分第5、第6、第8段)", "60/57 禁止倾弃放射性废料(执行部分第1、第4、第5段)", "60/63 区域裁军(执行部分第1段)", "核裁军(执行部分第14、15、19、20段)", "禁止使用核武器公约(执行部分第1、第2段)", "60/90 裁军谈判会议的报告(执行部分第1、第2、第3、第4、第5、第6、第7段)", "60/91 裁军审议委员会的报告(执行部分第3、第7段)", "第60/226号决议 军备的透明度(执行部分第4(b)和6段)", "四、结 论 审议并通过人权理事会的年度报告", "会议和任何其他适当报告", "致联合国大会的普通照会", "28岁 考虑到本报告所详述的事态发展并为了在2007年届会期间早日开始实质性工作,本会议请现任主席和下任主席在休会期间进行磋商,并在可能的情况下提出建议,同时考虑到所有相关提案,包括作为裁军谈判会议文件提交的各项提案,以及提出的看法和进行的讨论,并努力将磋商情况酌情随时通知本会议成员。", "29. 国家 本会议决定2007年会议的日期为:", "第一期:1月22日至3月30日)", "第二期:5月14日至6月29日", "第三期:7月30日至9月14日", "30 (英语). 本会议于2006年9月15日通过提交联合国大会第六十一届会议的年度报告由主席代表裁军谈判会议转交。", "安东·平特", "斯洛伐克", "会议主席", "[1] 2006年6月3日起 — 塞尔维亚" ]
[ "[] UNITED \n NATIONS \n [] Distr. \n GENERAL \n FCCC/SBI/2006/12/Add.1 \n 27 September 2006 \n Original: English \n \nSUBSIDIARYBODYFORIMPLEMENTATION \nTwenty-fifthsession \nNairobi,6–14November2006 \nItem2 (a)oftheprovisionalagenda \nOrganizationalmatters \nAdoptionoftheagenda", "Provisional agenda and annotations", "Note by the Executive Secretary[1]", "Addendum", "Supplementary provisional agenda", "I. Introduction", "1. A request has been received from the Government of Tuvalu, on behalf of the Alliance of Small Island States, to include an item in the provisional agenda for the twenty-fifth session of the Subsidiary Body for Implementation (SBI).", "2. In accordance with rule 12 of the draft rules of procedure being applied, and in agreement with the Chair of the SBI, this item is included in the supplementary provisional agenda below as item 15.", "II. Supplementary provisional agenda", "1. The supplementary provisional agenda for the twenty-fifth session of the SBI, proposed after consultation with the Chair, is as follows:", "1. Opening of the session.", "2. Organizational matters:", "a. Adoption of the agenda;", "b. Organization of the work of the session;", "c. Election of officers other than the Chair;", "d. Election of replacement officers.", "3. National communications from Parties included in Annex I to the Convention:", "a. Synthesis of reports demonstrating progress in accordance with Article 3, paragraph 2, of the Kyoto Protocol;", "b. Report on national greenhouse gas inventory data from Parties included in Annex I to the Convention for the period 1990–2004.", "4. National communications from Parties not included in Annex I to the Convention:", "a. Work of the Consultative Group of Experts on National Communications from Parties not included in Annex I to the Convention;", "b. Provision of financial and technical support.", "5. Financial mechanism (Convention):", "a. Special Climate Change Fund;", "b. Third review of the financial mechanism;", "c. Report of the Global Environment Facility to the Conference of the Parties;", "d. Additional guidance to the Global Environment Facility.", "6. Financial mechanism (Kyoto Protocol): Adaptation Fund.", "7. Article 6 of the Convention.", "8. Implementation of Article 4, paragraphs 8 and 9, of the Convention:", "a. Progress on the implementation of decision 1/CP.10;", "b. Matters relating to the least developed countries.", "9. Matters relating to Article 3, paragraph 14, of the Kyoto Protocol.", "10. Capacity-building under the Convention.", "11. Capacity-building under the Kyoto Protocol.", "12. Amendment of the Kyoto Protocol in respect of procedures and mechanisms relating to compliance.", "13. Report of the administrator of the international transaction log under the Kyoto Protocol.", "14. Administrative, financial and institutional matters:", "a. Audited financial statements for the biennium 2004–2005;", "b. Budget performance for the biennium 2006–2007;", "c. Continuing review of the functions and operations of the secretariat;", "d. Privileges and immunities for individuals serving on constituted bodies established under the Kyoto Protocol.", "15. Actions to address the specific needs and concerns of small island developing States pursuant to Article 4, paragraphs 4 and 8 (a), and other relevant articles of the Convention.", "16. Other matters:", "a. Level of emissions for the base year of Croatia;", "b. Any other matters.", "17. Report on the session.", "III. Annotations to the supplementary provisional agenda", "15. Actions to address the specific needs and concerns of small island developing States pursuant to Article 4, paragraphs 4 and 8 (a), and other relevant articles of the Convention", "1. Background: The Government of Tuvalu, on behalf of the Alliance of Small Island States, by its communication dated 6 September 2005, requested the secretariat to include this item in the provisional agenda for the twenty-fifth session of the SBI. With this request, the Government of Tuvalu stated that the purpose of this agenda item would be to provide a focused discussion on the specific needs of small island developing States with respect to adverse impacts of climate change and to explore measures for addressing these specific needs. The request also notes that discussions and outcomes associated with the International Meeting to Review the Programme of Action for the Sustainable Development of Small Island Developing States, held in Mauritius in 2004, could aid the consideration of this agenda item.", "5. Action: The SBI will be invited to consider this item through a plenary discussion and to determine appropriate action.", "[1] ^(*) This document is submitted late because of the timing of the communication from the Government of Tuvalu on behalf of the Alliance of Small Island States." ]
[ "附属履行机构", "第二十五届会议", "2006年11月6日至14日,内罗毕", "临时议程项目2 (a)", "组织事项", "通过议程", "临时议程和说明", "执行秘书的说明 [1]", "增 编", "补充临时议程", "一、导 言", "1. 收到图瓦卢政府代表小岛屿发展中国家联盟提出的一项请求,希望在附属履行机构(履行机构)第二十五届会议的临时议程中增加一个项目。", "2. 按照目前暂时适用的议事规则草案第12条,并经履行机构主席同意,现将该项目纳入补充临时议程,编为项目15。", "二、补充临时议程", "3. 经与主席磋商后提出的履行机构第二十五届会议补充临时议程如下:", "1. 会议开幕。", "2. 组织事项:", "(a) 通过议程;", "(b) 安排会议工作;", "(c) 选举主席以外的主席团成员;", "(d) 选举主席团替换成员。", "3. 《公约》附件一所列缔约方的国家信息通报:", "(a) 按照《京都议定书》第三条第2款证明进展的报告综合说明;", "(b) 《公约》附件一所列缔约方1990-2004年期间国家温室气体清单数据报告。", "4. 非《公约》附件一所列缔约方的国家信息通报:", "(a) 非《公约》附件一所列缔约方国家信息通报问题专家咨询小组的工作;", "(b) 提供资金和技术支持。", "5. 资金机制(《公约》):", "(a) 气候变化特别基金;", "(b) 资金机制第三次审评;", "(c) 全球环境基金提交缔约方会议的报告;", "(d) 对全球环境基金的进一步指导意见。", "6. 资金机制(《京都议定书》):适应基金;", "7. 《公约》第六条。", "8. 《公约》第四条第8和第9款的执行情况:", "(a) 第1/CP.10号决定的执行进展;", "(b) 与最不发达国家有关的问题。", "9. 与《京都议定书》第三条第14款有关的事项。", "10. 《公约》之下的能力建设。", "11. 《京都议定书》之下的能力建设。", "12. 在与遵约有关的程序和机制方面修订《京都议定书》。", "13. 《京都议定书》之下的国际交易日志管理人的报告。", "14. 行政、财务和体制事项:", "(a) 2004-2005两年期审定财务报表;", "(b) 2006-2007两年期预算执行情况;", "(c) 继续审查秘书处的职能和运作;", "(d) 在《京都议定书》之下所设各机构任职的个人的特权和豁免。", "15. 根据《公约》第四条第4款和第8款(a)项以及其他有关条款处理小岛屿发展中国家具体需要和关注的行动。", "16. 其他事项:", "(a) 克罗地亚的基年排放水平;", "(b) 任何其他事项。", "17. 会议报告。", "三、补充临时议程说明", "15. 根据《公约》第四条第4款和第8款(a)项以及其他有关条款 处理小岛屿发展中国家具体需要和关注的行动", "4. 背景:图瓦卢政府2005年9月6日代表小岛屿发展中国家联盟来函,请求秘书处将本项目纳入履行机构第二十五届会议临时议程。图瓦卢政府提出这一请求时说明,这个议程项目的目的是希望能有重点地讨论小岛屿发展中国家在对付气候变化的不利影响方面的具体需要,并探讨解决这些需要的措施。请求中还指出,2004年在毛里求斯举行的小岛屿发展中国家可持续发展行动纲领国际审评会议的讨论和结果有助于这个议程项目的审议。", "5. 行动:将请履行机构通过全体会议讨论审议这个项目并确定适当行动。", "[1] ∗ 本文件迟交,是因为图瓦卢政府代表小岛屿发展中国家联盟来函时间滞后。" ]
[ "[ 联 合 国\n联合国\n[原件:英文]\n常规\n气候变化框架公约\n纽约\n页:1\n\n附属机构\n第二十五届会议\n2006年11月6日至14日,内罗毕\n临时议程项目2(a)\n组织事项\n通过议程", "临时议程和说明", "执行秘书的说明[1]", "增编", "补充临时议程", "一. 导言", "1. 联合国 图瓦卢政府代表小岛屿国家联盟请求将一个项目列入附属履行机构(履行机构)第二十五届会议临时议程。", "2. 联合国 根据目前暂时适用的议事规则草案第12条并征得履行机构主席的同意,本项目作为项目15列入以下补充临时议程。", "二. 补充临时议程", "1. 联合国 3. 经与主席磋商后提出的履行机构第二十五届会议补充临时议程如下:", "1. 联合国 1. 会议开幕。", "2. 联合国 2. 组织事项:", "(单位:千美元) 通过议程;", "(b) 减少或减少员额。 安排会议工作;", "c. 将数据删除; 选举主席以外的主席团成员;", "(单位:千美元) 选举主席团替换成员。", "3个 《公约》附件一所列缔约方的国家信息通报:", "(单位:千美元) 根据《京都议定书》第三条第2款证明进展的报告综述;", "(b) 减少或减少员额。 《公约》附件一所列缔约方1990-2004年期间国家温室气体清单数据报告。", "4. 非《公约》附件一所列缔约方的国家信息通报:", "(单位:千美元) 非《公约》附件一所列缔约方国家信息通报问题专家咨询小组的工作;", "(b) 减少或减少员额。 提供资金和技术支持。", "5 (韩语). 资金机制(《公约》):", "(单位:千美元) 气候变化特别基金;", "(b) 减少或减少员额。 对资金机制的第三次审查;", "c. 将数据删除; 全球环境基金提交缔约方会议的报告;", "(单位:千美元) 对全球环境基金的进一步指导意见。", "6. 资金机制(《京都议定书》):适应基金。", "7. 联合国 《公约》第六条。", "8. 《公约》第四条第8和第9款的执行情况:", "(单位:千美元) 第1/CP.10号决定的执行进展情况;", "(b) 减少或减少员额。 与最不发达国家有关的问题。", "9. 国家 与《京都议定书》第三条第14款有关的事项。", "10. 《公约》之下的能力建设。", "11. 《京都议定书》之下的能力建设。", "12个 在与遵约有关的程序和机制方面修订《京都议定书》。", "13个 《京都议定书》之下的国际交易日志管理人的报告。", "14个 6. 行政、财务和体制事项:", "(单位:千美元) 2004-2005两年期审定财务报表;", "(b) 减少或减少员额。 2006-2007两年期预算执行情况;", "c. 将数据删除; 继续审查秘书处的职能和运作;", "(单位:千美元) 在《京都议定书》之下所设各机构任职的个人的特权和豁免。", "15个 根据《公约》第四条第4款和第8款(a)项以及其他有关条款采取行动,解决小岛屿发展中国家的具体需要和所关切的问题。", "16号. 其他事项:", "(单位:千美元) 克罗地亚基准年的排放水平;", "(b) 减少或减少员额。 其他事项。", "17岁。 6. 会议报告。", "三. 二、临时议程说明", "15个 根据《公约》第四条第4款和第8款(a)项以及其他有关条款采取行动解决小岛屿发展中国家的具体需要和所关切的问题", "1. 联合国 背景情况: 图瓦卢政府代表小岛屿国家联盟在2005年9月6日的信函中请秘书处将这个项目列入履行机构第二十五届会议的临时议程。 根据这一请求,图瓦卢政府表示,本议程项目的目的是集中讨论小岛屿发展中国家在气候变化不利影响方面的具体需要并探讨解决这些需要的措施。 请求还指出,与2004年在毛里求斯举行的审查《小岛屿发展中国家可持续发展行动纲领》国际会议有关的讨论和成果会有助于对该议程项目的审议。", "5 (韩语). 34. 行动:将请履行机构通过全体会议讨论审议这个项目并采取适当行动。", "[1] ^(*) 本文件迟交是因为图瓦卢政府代表小岛屿国家联盟提交来文的时间安排。" ]
[ "CONFERENCE ON DISARMAMENT CD/PV.1040 6 September 2006 \n ENGLISH", "FINAL RECORD OF THE ONE THOUSAND AND FORTIETH PLENARY MEETING", "Held at the Palais des Nations, Geneva,", "on Wednesday, 6 September, at 10.25 a.m.", "President: Mr. Anton PINTER (Slovakia)", "GE.06-64291 (E) 101106", "The PRESIDENT: I declare open the 1040th plenary meeting of the Conference on Disarmament.", "I have on my list of speakers for today the following speakers: Japan, Ambassador Yoshiki Mine; the Netherlands, Ambassador Johannes Landman; the United Kingdom, Ambassador John Duncan; and Pakistan, Ambassador Masood Khan.", "I now give the floor to the first speaker on the list, the distinguished Ambassador of Japan, Mr. Yoshiki Mine.", "Mr. MINE (Japan): At the outset I would like to extend my warmest thanks to Ambassador Anton Pinter, the head of the Permanent Mission of Slovakia to the United Nations and other international organizations in Geneva, for convening this formal plenary and granting me an opportunity to make a statement.", "Conscious of the shared view that the deadlock at the CD must be resolved through substantive discussions, focused structured debates were carried out based on the CD agenda under the P-6 initiative this year. The fact that in-depth discussions on each agenda item took place during these focused deliberations was the most significant outcome of the CD in recent years. In this connection, I would like to thank the six Presidents for their efforts; they have brought new light to the Conference.", "However, we should not be content with this achievement, but should carry this year’s momentum through to the next and develop it further. Today, in order to provide a basis for this purpose, I would like to give an overview and assessment of this year’s work on the four major agenda items - nuclear disarmament, negative security assurances, a fissile material cut-off treaty and the prevention of an arms race in outer space.", "Firstly, during the focused debates on nuclear disarmament, the United States and the Russian Federation noted in their statements that they were advancing nuclear disarmament based on the Moscow Treaty. In particular, it should be duly acknowledged and welcomed that both countries based their statements on concrete and detailed figures. It was also encouraging that a few other nuclear‑weapon States gave similar statements on their own specific measures for nuclear disarmament. Nevertheless, as already noted by many countries, including Japan, the nuclear-weapon States are being strongly urged to make further reductions to their nuclear arsenals. Accordingly, throughout this year’s focused debates it has been indicated that further deliberations are required within the CD on this agenda item.", "However, continuing deliberations and establishing an ad hoc committee as a venue for these deliberations are two separate issues. Specifically, since it is the nuclear-weapon States that must carry out actual nuclear disarmament, ultimately it is not possible to establish an ad hoc committee without the agreement of all the nuclear-weapon States. As a result of careful analysis of the statements by the nuclear-weapon States on the establishment of an ad hoc committee to deal with nuclear disarmament, it is clear that no such consensus has emerged. Naturally, attempts will be made to persuade the nuclear-weapon States in future discussions to alter their positions, but until such a change occurs, we must accept, reluctantly as that may be, the reality that establishing an ad hoc committee is not possible.", "Moreover, given that even the points at issue are still unclear on nuclear disarmament, priority should be given to the continuation of deliberations rather than establishing an ad hoc committee.", "Regarding NSA (negative security assurances), a similar situation to nuclear disarmament can be seen. During this year’s focused debates, a regional approach via nuclear‑weapon‑free‑zone treaties and a global approach were discussed. In addition, other important issues were raised, such as the appropriate forum for dealing with NSAs and which countries should receive the full benefits. Once again it was recognized that there were a diverse range of approaches and ideas, and it was indicated that there were still areas that require further discussions at the CD.", "Since it is the nuclear-weapon States that provide the NSAs, their positions are crucial when holding discussions on this matter. In the statements by the nuclear-weapons States, none have expressed a negative view about the provision of NSAs via a regional approach. On the other hand, it cannot be said that the establishment of an ad hoc committee on NSA through a global approach commands consensus. Therefore, as for the establishment of an ad hoc committee on this matter, it can be gathered that the current situation surrounding the NSA needs to be taken into consideration.", "Under an FMCT, it is obvious that the nuclear-weapon States shoulder the central role. Nevertheless, since the States that have tested nuclear weapons as well as non-nuclear-weapon States must also assume core obligations not to produce fissile materials for nuclear weapons, this agenda item concerns all CD member States. Unlike nuclear disarmament and NSA, FMCT is not an issue that the nuclear-weapon States should bear sole responsibility for. This is a prominent difference. During the structured debates on FMCT this May, around 15 countries, both nuclear and non-nuclear, dispatched over 20 experts from capitals, and a great number of working papers, including the United States draft treaty and mandate, were submitted. Discussions on all aspects of an FMCT, including definition, scope, stocks and verification, also took place, almost fully exhausting the time allocated in the formal and informal meetings.", "In the statements by CD member States, although there exists a range of opinions from the perspective of the whole CD schedule, it is a significant fact that no opposition was expressed from any country, including the nuclear-weapon States, to the establishment itself of an ad hoc committee for negotiating an FMCT in the CD.", "Lastly, in the focused debates on PAROS in June, a few countries dispatched experts from capitals and a number of working papers were submitted. However, what became apparent over the course of the focused debates was that, first of all, its relationship with existing space‑related institutions such as the United Nations Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space (COPUOS) and the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) is ill-defined. In particular, it has become evident that such issues as space debris, jamming and cyber attacks can be more appropriately handled by existing related institutions. It has also been pointed out that confidence-building measures can be handled under the existing Outer Space Treaty regime and not the CD.", "An important point has also emerged that its central concept for possible negotiations, that is the weaponization of space, is vague and obscure. At first glance a ban on the placement of weapons in outer space seems a fascinating topic. Nonetheless, in all actuality, it is completely nebulous what kind of weapons do exist or could exist, and, of those weapons, what do we want to prohibit the placement of or what should be prohibited.", "The CD is not an institution whose aim is to adopt ambiguous political declarations, but rather to negotiate legally binding treaties. In drafting legal documents, clarifying the central concept that governs those documents is a necessary minimum requirement.", "Summing up, since our deliberations on PAROS have not reached maturity, due to its ill‑defined relationship with existing institutions and the vagueness of its central concept, I must say we are not even at a stage for establishing an ad hoc committee.", "This concludes my assessment of this year’s discussions and outcomes at the CD. I hope this will be food for thought for the future work of the CD.", "The PRESIDENT: I thank the distinguished Ambassador of Japan for his statement and for the kind words addressed to the Chair. I now give the floor to the Ambassador of the Netherlands, Mr. Johannes Landman.", "Mr. LANDMAN (Netherlands): Mr. President, I would like to thank you for the draft report of the Conference on Disarmament. The draft properly reflects the work of the Conference during this important year, in which we worked on the basis of the so-called “P-6 initiative”. Their joint proposal on the Conference’s activities has made a marked difference. General debates were held on all agenda items and focused structured debates took place with the participation of experts, while on the other hand any member State of the Conference could raise any subject which it considered to merit attention. This was a significant change for the good and improvement compared to other years. Also, the Secretary‑General of the United Nations, Mr. Kofi Annan, noted in his statement of June this year with respect to this year’s activities of the Conference that “one can sense that a new momentum is gathering”.", "As the draft report notes, the “P-6 initiative” was appreciated by all member States of the Conference. Indeed, we had more meetings, more interventions, more written contributions and more experts present than in any other year of the last decade. Now is the time to translate all this activity into a concrete follow-up.", "This brings me to conclusions and decisions which should be contained in the draft report according to rule 45 of the rules of procedure.", "Looking at the final chapter of the draft report, no conclusions are drawn as yet from the positive developments of this year. The approach in fact remains very minimalist as if nothing has changed: no real conclusions, no real decisions, and even no recommendations as rule 45 allows or even expects.", "To begin with the most obvious, it is for instance clear that this new coordination between the six presidencies should be continued. At the same time, simply repeating this year’s exercise in 2007 would not be a meaningful follow-up.", "We should at least be able to conclude that, as for the 2007 session of the Conference on Disarmament, an arrangement has to be found which on the one hand reflects the spectrum of issues with which the Conference should deal, giving each of them its relative weight in the political environment of today. But on the other hand, we should be able to conclude that at least we should be starting concrete negotiations on a mandate for an FMCT, which, as the discussions of this year have shown, is supported, or in any case not opposed by anybody or any single State in itself.", "I have two concrete suggestions. First, the Netherlands would like to include a reference to the “P-6 initiative” in paragraph 56 after the first line on the increased coherence and purpose of its activities throughout 2006.", "Second, the “relevant proposals” which are mentioned in paragraph 56 should be made more concrete by referring to the NPT Review Conferences. This would lead to the following form of words: “56. Bearing in mind the increased coherence and purpose of its activities throughout 2006 due to the ‘P-6 initiative’, and with a view to commencing early substantive work during its 2007 session, the Conference requested the current President and the incoming President to conduct consultations during the intersessional period and, if possible, make recommendations, taking into account the outcome of the 1995 NPT Review and Extension Conference and all relevant proposals, including those submitted as the documents of the Conference on Disarmament, views presented and discussions held, and to endeavour to keep the membership of the Conference informed, as appropriate, of their consultations.”", "The PRESIDENT: I thank the distinguished Ambassador of the Netherlands for his statement and I now give the floor to the distinguished Ambassador of the United Kingdom, Mr. Duncan.", "Mr. DUNCAN (United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland): I would like to make a brief statement on a different issue, and this statement to the Conference on Disarmament is on behalf of the United Kingdom and France.", "On 31 August the Republic of Kazakhstan formally brought to the attention of the Conference on Disarmament their intention, with other Central Asian States (Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan), to sign a Treaty on a Central Asian Nuclear‑Weapon‑Free Zone in Semipalatinsk, Kazakhstan, on 8 September.", "The United Kingdom and France have long supported the formation of nuclear‑weapon‑free zones as an important path towards disarmament and non-proliferation. As was highlighted in the decisions of the 1995 Review and Extension Conference of the NPT, the establishment of internationally recognized nuclear-weapon-free zones enhances global peace and security.", "However, owing to the lack of consultation with nuclear-weapon States and concerning elements of substance, the Central Asian Nuclear‑Weapon‑Free Zone draft treaty does not in our view meet the objectives and principles of nuclear-weapon-free zones as expressed by the 1999 UNDC guidelines. The importance of the negative security assurances associated with nuclear‑weapon-free zones, and the need for consultation, were highlighted in these guidelines. Article VII of the NPT sets out the concept of regional treaties and the assurance that they provide of the absence of nuclear weapons in such zones.", "We have expressed our concerns about these issues to the C-5 countries and, since 2002, have on a number of occasions requested further consultations in order to resolve these issues. These requests have never been answered.", "France and the United Kingdom regret that, despite our representations to the United Nations and requests to the C-5 for further consultations, the C-5 will nevertheless seek to sign the text on 8 September without addressing the issues we have raised. On the basis of the current text the United Kingdom and France will not be in a position to support the Treaty and to sign the relevant Protocols that would grant negative security assurances to the C-5 States signatory to the Central Asian Nuclear‑Weapon‑Free-Zone Treaty.", "The United Kingdom and France request that this statement is circulated to member States represented at the Conference on Disarmament.", "The PRESIDENT: I thank the distinguished Ambassador of the United Kingdom for his joint statement on behalf of the United Kingdom and France, and I now give the floor to the distinguished Ambassador of Pakistan.", "Mr. KHAN (Pakistan): Mr. President, we thank you and the secretariat for putting together the report of the CD. I am making some remarks on the draft that you circulated last week. I understand that during the informal session you will hold today you will be encouraging delegations to consider the entire text paragraph by paragraph. I have some general remarks and suggestions about the whole report, which I would like to share with you and the CD members.", "First, some general observations. The basic criterion for the report of the CD to the General Assembly is that it should be factual and reflect the negotiations and work of the Conference.", "This year no negotiations took place, but the CD worked, and the report should thus faithfully reflect what happened.", "The CD Presidents or member States, if they are to be quoted, should be quoted in full and in the proper context.", "References to the Friends of the Presidents should be concentrated in one place to deal exhaustively with the subject.", "Now some specific comments on the report itself.", "In paragraph 13, the statement of Ambassador Rapacki of Poland, first President of the Conference on Disarmament in 2006, has been quoted partially. His full remarks should be inserted, which read as: “A majority of delegations supports the A-5 proposal. At the same time, some other delegations are not in a position to support it.” These parts of the President’s report seem to have been edited heavily. This text may be inserted in full after the second sentence.", "The sentence starting with “… there was emphasis on the need for more flexibility, and that the idea of updating the issues with which the CD should deal was also present” does not reflect the factual position, and it should therefore be deleted. Adoption of the agenda of the Conference on the first day confirmed the relevance and importance of the current agenda. It remains valid and operative until January 2007.", "Reference to the findings of the Friends of the Presidents at the end of the paragraph should be qualified with the remarks of the President, Ambassador Loshchinin of the Russian Federation, who, while introducing the mid-term report, said: “It does not in any way pretend to be either a balanced, or an inclusive, or a comprehensive non-paper.”", "In paragraph 14, the phrase “rolling discussion” needs elaboration. Whatever the intention behind this phrase, the meaning is imprecise and ambiguous. Hence, either clarity or deletion. In fact, the plenary meetings of the Conference were held in accordance with the schedule of activities prepared by the six Presidents.", "The last part of the paragraph says that every President was encouraged to reserve time for the possibility to report on findings by the Friends of the Presidents, if it was deemed necessary. The question is: by whom? Or, who encouraged the Presidents? The Presidents themselves, I suppose. A little later it is referred to as a proposal which was made without prejudice to any future decisions. Who made that proposal? I think the Presidents again. So what we need here is precision and clarity. We would say that all Friends‑related questions and observations could be dealt with comprehensively in one paragraph or section.", "In paragraph 15, as for the presentation of the IAEA expert, the agreement within the Conference was that it would be made under the general debate and not as part of a structured debate. This agreement should be reflected in accordance with the understanding that was reached within the Conference, and I think the paragraph can read as follows to make it clearer: “At the 1037th plenary meeting on 24 August 2006, the representative of IAEA, in response to an invitation by the Conference, made a presentation.”", "In paragraph 16, the phrase “balanced and/or comprehensive” is not appropriate. The second-last sentence may be phrased as follows: “A number of delegations called for an agreement on a balanced and comprehensive programme of work, with a focus on the four core issues. Some supported a balanced or a comprehensive programme of work, while some delegations emphasized that linkages should not be established between elements of a programme of work.”", "Paragraphs 20 and 21 again make references to the Friends of the Presidents and, as I suggested earlier, they should be moved to one place.", "In paragraph 25, the last part of the last sentence inadvertently gives the impression that it is trying to scuttle or sideline the programme of work. It is not conceivable that substantive work will start without a programme of work. The sentence should therefore be amended to read: “with a view to reaching agreement on the programme of work of the Conference”.", "Paragraph 27 does not reflect the spirit and thrust of the message from the United Nations Secretary‑General. The following sentences quoting the Secretary‑General should also be added to the text:", "The Secretary‑General said, “As the last year’s session made clear, the impasse cannot be broken by procedural means or by merely fine-tuning existing proposals”. He urged capitals to “develop a new political consensus on priorities in arms control and disarmament”.", "Paragraph 41, like paragraphs 34 (f) and 38 (d), should duly reflect the informal plenary on NSAs and UNIDIR’s seminar on NSAs organized by the Conference President.", "References in paragraphs 45, 48, 49 and 53 to the issues of critical civilian infrastructure, APLs, ATT and MANPADs should be qualified by referring to the views of delegations about the relevance of these issues to the agenda of the Conference.", "Finally, about paragraph 56, the beginning of the first sentence - “Bearing in mind the increased coherence and purpose of its activities throughout 2006” - is an addition. Coherence is a loaded term in the United Nations. We should be precise in our language and say in plain words that this year an increased number of formal and informal meetings were held and extensive debate took place on the four core issues with the participation of experts, most of whom were member State representatives.", "The schedule of activities in 2006 has not produced a concrete result on the programme of work of the Conference or on any substantive aspect. It, however, without a doubt, generated a momentum which could be sustained and enhanced during the 2007 session.", "These comments have not been made as solid negotiating proposals, but to help you revise the report to make it even more factual and objective.", "The PRESIDENT: I thank the distinguished Ambassador of Pakistan for his statement and now I give the floor to the distinguished representative of the United States, Mr. Thomas Cynkin.", "Mr. CYNKIN (United States of America): Mr. President, I refer back to the statement by the British Ambassador on the subject of a Central Asian nuclear-weapon-free-zone treaty.", "The United States shares many of the concerns articulated by the British Ambassador on behalf of the delegations of the United Kingdom and France. The United States, the United Kingdom and France are concerned and have noted in correspondence with the United Nations Secretary-General that the United Nations Department of Disarmament Affairs representative in charge of the Central Asian nuclear-weapon-free zone did not follow the procedure recommended in the United Nations Disarmament Commission’s guidelines of 1999 regarding consultation of the nuclear-weapon States in the negotiation of treaties establishing nuclear-weapon-free zones.", "The United States, the United Kingdom and France have been in touch with the five Central Asian States on a number of occasions, most recently in November 2005 and again in the past few weeks, expressing concern over the inadequacy of consultations in developing the draft treaty.", "The United States, the United Kingdom and France continue to have substantive reservations concerning the draft treaty. We have been awaiting an invitation in response to our requests for further consultations between the C-5 and the P-5, but nothing has happened. Given these concerns, should the C-5 proceed to sign the draft treaty, the United States would not be able to support it, and we will explain the reasons for that position in due course.", "The PRESIDENT: I thank the distinguished representative of the United States for his statement and now I recognize the distinguished representative of Syria. You have the floor, Sir.", "Mr. ALI (Syrian Arab Republic) (translated from Arabic): My country’s delegation did not plan to take the floor at this meeting, but something said by the Ambassador of Japan and the Ambassador of the Netherlands prompts us to do so. What the two of them said regarding the commencement of negotiations on a treaty on the prohibition of the production of fissile material is partially true. They said that there is no member State in the Conference which objects to the setting up of an ad hoc committee to negotiate a treaty on the prohibition of the production of fissile material, and the truth in black and white is that the vast majority of the members of the Conference on Disarmament stipulated that this committee should be set up after the adoption of a comprehensive and balanced programme of work of the Conference on Disarmament which deals on an equal footing with the four core issues included in the agenda, namely, nuclear disarmament, negative security assurances, the prevention of an arms race in outer space and the prohibition of the production of fissile material. A further condition was that the committee should work on the basis of the Shannon mandate, which has already been agreed by the Conference or the majority of its member States.", "Since some delegations have referred to the report, allow me to make some basic comments on this report, reserving the right, of course, to come back to any given paragraph as soon as I receive instructions from my capital.", "The delegation of my country of course agrees with all the points made by the Ambassador of Pakistan. I would like to add a few comments. Regarding the reference to the Friends of the Presidents, we do not consider it appropriate here, with all due respect, of course, to the Presidents and Friends of the Presidents. We do not think that mention should be made of this group or its tasks in the report, as this is a group which has no official, legal or political status. In paragraph 16\n wish to point out that some States emphasized the need to adopt a comprehensive and balanced programme of work and that the five Ambassadors’ initiative remains the best basis for coming to an agreement on such a programme of work.", "In paragraph 20 there is a reference to the fact that the delegations highlighted the importance of reviewing the agenda. These words were true in 2005, but in 2006 the agenda was adopted at the first meeting, and after the adoption of the agenda, some delegations raised the issue of reviewing the agenda and many other delegations expressed their view that the agenda was balanced and comprehensive and reflected all the concerns related to the international security situation.", "In paragraphs 25 and 26, there is a contradiction, since at the end of paragraph 25 there is a reference to the need to commence substantive work and in paragraph 26 we read that the substantive work during its 2006 session was such‑and‑such. So, the question is: have we already started substantive work or not? Of course, the solution to this contradiction is to be found in the reference which appears at the end of paragraph 25, to the effect that the aim of the substantive work is to adopt the programme of work of the Conference on Disarmament.", "In paragraphs 34 and 35 we read at length about the agreement for the prohibition of the production of fissile material, and here we would like to see reflected the positions of the States which do not agree with this way of presenting things. So we would like the position we set out just now concerning the treaty on the cessation of the production of fissile material to be reflected in this report, so that paragraph 45 is balanced. As you know, there is no consensus on the question of dealing with this issue or these issues, and therefore we would like either the deletion of this paragraph or a reference to the opposing views we have expressed in this regard on many occasions.", "In paragraph 46 (a), we would like either the deletion of this paragraph or a reference to the symbol of the official document setting out our positions on this matter. This also applies to paragraph 53: either it should be deleted or a reference should be added to reflect our positions, namely that there is no consensus in the Conference on the discussion of these issues and that the Conference on Disarmament is not the appropriate place to deal with this matter. The same applies to paragraph 54 (a), which should either be deleted or include the symbol of the document which contains our positions we upheld regarding this matter. Consequently, apart from these comments, my country’s delegation reserves its right to return to all these paragraphs of the report pending the instructions we shall shortly be receiving from our capital.", "The PRESIDENT: I thank the distinguished representative of Syria for his statement. The next speaker on my list is the representative of Peru, Mr. Diego Beleván.", "Mr. BELEVÁN (Peru) (translated from Spanish): Mr. President, as my delegation is taking the floor for the first time during your term, allow me first to congratulate you on the efficient way in which you have conducted our work in recent weeks, and particularly your presentation of the draft report distributed last week. In that regard, I extend my congratulations to all the Presidents for the year 2006 for the important and innovative work conducted throughout the current session of the Conference, which gives us hope that it will serve as an example in moving forward the substantive work of the Conference next year.", "Since last Thursday, I have had a number of opportunities to exchange ideas on what the rules of the Conference really lay down as regards the annual report it presents to the United Nations General Assembly. All the people I talked to highlighted the need to have an objective report which describes appropriately what happened in 2006. In that regard, if I may take a slightly different path, I would like to point out that the 22nd edition of the Dictionary of the Spanish Language published by the Spanish Royal Academy, which protects the proper use of the language spoken by more than 350 million people, first defines the word “objective” as “pertaining to, or relative to, an object itself independently of how one thinks or feels”. In other words, it describes something without trying to reflect our own prejudices in it. The same dictionary has three definitions for the word “describe”: (a) “to delineate, sketch, represent something, depicting it in a manner which will give a full idea of it; (b) to represent someone or something through language, referring to or explaining his, her or its different parts, qualities or circumstances; and (c) to define something imperfectly, not through its essential characteristics, but giving a general idea of its parts or properties”.", "The text before us constitutes a good balance among the three definitions that I have just read. It fully describes the meetings that we held in 2006, it objectively explains the different parts of the work we have accomplished and, finally, it gives a general overview. For this reason my delegation believes that the draft report meets the requirements set out in rule 45 of our rules of procedure and faithfully reflects the events of the 2006 session of the Conference on Disarmament.", "Of course, we are aware that any document is always open to improvement, and in that regard we will not refuse to examine proposals which maintain the current harmony and spirit of the draft report.", "I would, however, like to highlight some of the elements which, in our view, reflect the innovative mechanisms used this year. We particularly appreciate the way in which the interest of members of the Conference in all the items on the agenda has been reflected, which confirms the wise decision of the P‑6 under the leadership of Ambassador Rapacki to draw up a timetable for thematic structured debates based on that document. We also think it is important to make appropriate mention of the coordinated work carried out by the six Presidents for 2006, which contributed to the accomplishment of considerable substantive work throughout the current session.", "We also consider important the reference to the Friends of the Presidents, as a mechanism which reflects the acceptance by the members of the Conference of the need to engage in discussion on the possible updating of all the issues relating to the Conference, both those of form and those of substance. In that regard, we express our appreciation of and take note of the first report submitted at the beginning of June through the then President, Ambassador Loshchinin of the Russian Federation.", "Finally, the timetable of activities which we all accepted at the beginning of 2006 is appropriately reflected in the description of the meetings we held on each of the items on the agenda of the Conference.", "The PRESIDENT: I thank the distinguished representative of Peru for his statement, and now I recognize the distinguished Ambassador of the Netherlands.", "Mr. LANDMAN (Netherlands): Mr. President, one of the striking aspects of the session we had this year was that we had solid discussion on serious matters in an extremely good mood. I mean there were no polemics. We really worked together in a very constructive and cooperative manner, and that, I must say, your report reflects. I do really hope and I trust and I expect that we will be able in this manner to conclude and agree on this report with the required adjustments.", "My second point: I wish to apologize to my colleague from Syria. I have to confess that I did not know that I had already been put on the list and I had not actually clearly finished my speech, so I got a little bit lost at the end, as some may have noticed, so I fumbled, and that must be the reason that I feel that my Syrian colleague maybe missed what I really said and meant to say - certainly not monomaniac and pointing to only one issue. I clearly said - I wanted to say - I would like to repeat it so that it is on record. What I said was that we should at least be able to conclude that as for the 2007 session of the Conference on Disarmament, an arrangement has to be sought which on the one hand reflects the whole spectrum of issues with which the Conference should deal, giving each of them its relative weight in the political environments of today, while at the same time at last starting concrete negotiations on a mandate for an FMCT, negotiations we have all supported or accepted.", "I have also listened very carefully to his other remarks, like I have listened carefully, as I always do, to our very distinguished colleague from Pakistan. Great wisdom. Great intelligence. Many of them very pertinent, and we have to ponder them. My delegation has no problem with them. But I do hope that this report succeeds in conveying the message that something happened here this year, something different in comparison to the last 9 or 10 years. I would like to report actually that in this very month, 10 years ago, the register for the signing of the Comprehensive Test-Ban Treaty was opened, and as I recall quite correctly, it was in this very month that the first signatory was the President of the United States, Clinton. Since then this body has not produced very much, while this year, indeed we have provided some hope, and this should be reflected.", "Now it is true, the facts speak for themselves, and I have noticed, carefully comparing the two texts - last year’s report and this year’s - we have some five or six pages more, but I am not so sure that our colleagues in New York will do the same and compare. But when you read it at first sight, you see again this document and so on, ça ne saute pas aux yeux. It is not that easy to convey the message to our colleagues in New York who are not daily involved in this, that indeed something different has happened, although the Secretary‑General of the United Nations noted it.", "I give you one example that really struck me, and I hope that colleagues forgive me, but there was one striking event this year. There was a presentation by a high governmental official of two very significant documents, a mandate text and a treaty text for an FMCT, about which we have been talking for 10 years. It’s the first time this happened. Well, when first reading I did not really notice that it was mentioned, but in the end I found it. It was tucked away somewhere in a list of documents. Well, we are all experienced diplomats. When we look at a document, particularly when it has more than four pages, we skip the documents. So, thus it is a question of presentation. One could imagine that there would at least be some paragraph saying that this presentation was made of these documents.", "In short, I would like to appeal to colleagues who have many ideas - and particularly those - and I refer here to my Syrian colleague, who is expecting his instructions from Damascus - I really would hope where we have ourselves a role to play as regards instructions that we would promote and endeavour to have these instructions as constructive and positive as possible, and indeed to allow us to be able to convey the message that we are on the right track and that next year will be better.", "The PRESIDENT: I thank the Ambassador of the Netherlands for his statement, and now I recognize the distinguished representative of Mexico, Mr. Enrique Ochoa.", "Mr. OCHOA (Mexico) (translated from Spanish): Mr. President, first of all allow me to congratulate you on taking the Chair of this Conference and assure you of my delegation’s full support. I would also like to thank you and the secretariat for having submitted to us this draft report to the General Assembly.", "For now, I would just like to make some general comments, since my delegation had intended to make them during the informal discussion but we think it would add some value to them to make them in this context. In this regard I would like to refer to only a few of the paragraphs.", "Concerning paragraph 13, to which the distinguished Ambassador of Pakistan referred, my delegation thinks that the quotation from the statement by Ambassador Rapacki is selective and does not reflect the feeling of all the members of the Conference.", "Between paragraphs 23 and 24 I think we are omitting an issue which was important. On 16 February, a number of delegations called for the statement of the NGO Working Group on Peace of the NGO Committee on the legal and social status of women relating to peace, stability and disarmament to be read by the authors of the statement on International Women’s Day. On that occasion no delegation expressed opposition to that proposal. However, despite that, it was the President of the Conference who had to read the statement. It seems to us that this is a real event which happened and should be reflected in the Conference’s report.", "In paragraph 25, we read “this proposal”, referring to the P‑6 initiative, which was considered to be useful and constructive and was appreciated by all the member States of the Conference. While my delegation feels that the P‑6 initiative is a step in the right direction and we did welcome it, we believe, and this is what we have always thought, that it was only a palliative until we overcome the intolerable stagnation of the Conference on Disarmament and with a view to initiating negotiations in accordance with this Conference’s mandate. So I think that this sentence has to be more balanced.", "With regard to the last sentence of paragraph 25 and the first sentence of paragraph 26, as the delegation of Syria pointed out, we think that there is a contradiction because, if we talk about intensifying efforts to hold consultations and explore the various possibilities of reaching agreement on the commencement of the substantive work of the Conference, we cannot say in the next paragraph what the substantive work of the Conference was. This is something that logically we cannot express in this manner.", "Finally, I would like to refer to paragraph 32, where we also feel we are leaving out an important matter; and that is that Ambassador Park of the Republic of Korea, once the work was concluded, introduced a document on his own behalf on 14 March in which he presented a compilation of the proposals and comments that had been made during the discussions on items 1 and 2 of the agenda under his presidency.", "The last point to which I wish to refer, on which I do not want to speak at great length, is related to paragraphs 45, 48, 49 and 53. These paragraphs make specific reference to issues which were dealt with under item (e), on new types of weapons of mass destruction, (f), on the comprehensive programme of disarmament, and (g), on transparency in armaments. It seems to us that the same treatment is not given to the other items on the agenda. On this point I wish to be rather clear. My delegation does not object to the inclusion of these paragraphs, but we would like to bolster the inclusion of other views which were expressed, for example, on the subject of nuclear disarmament, among which we might highlight the frustration arising from the failure of the NPT Review Conference in 2005, or the need to accelerate the 13 steps agreed during the 2000 NPT Review Conference.", "The PRESIDENT: I thank the distinguished representative of Mexico for his statement. The next speaker on my list is the distinguished Ambassador of Italy, Mr. Carlo Trezza.", "Mr. TREZZA (Italy): It was my understanding that during the session the discussion on the report would be held in an informal mode, but I see that we have engaged the discussion in the formal mode, and thus I would like to make my views known with regard to this document.", "I would like to say that in general terms the document is factual and objective, and that I think in accordance with rule 45 of our rules of procedure it reflects the negotiations and the work of the Conference clearly, and we have already heard some remarks. There are adjustments to be made, and we are ready to participate in the discussion of the text.", "I would suggest that if we enter a drafting mode, or a drafting phase, we should do it in an informal way. Also, with regard to some statements which have been made this morning, I would suggest not to be too ambitious. We do not believe that the report as such can solve problems of the Conference on Disarmament, and especially of the programme of work. We have to report to the General Assembly on our work, but it is difficult to believe that through this instrument we can really achieve what we have not been able to achieve during the year.", "The PRESIDENT: I thank the Ambassador of Italy for his statement and for recalling that there is an informal plenary meeting which will be devoted to the drafting session. I now have a request for the floor from the distinguished representative of the United States of America.", "Mr. CYNKIN (United States of America): I am sorry to take the floor again. I had anticipated that the discussion of the report would be held in a separate informal plenary, and therefore I did not address the report in my remarks limited to the Central Asian nuclear‑weapons‑free zone.", "Just to make a general observation or two about the report, first to commend the secretariat for its effort to produce an intellectually honest report reflecting factually what occurred. That said, we do have a couple of comments.", "I note that in the segment of the report addressing PAROS - and I refer you specifically to paragraph 38 - the language is generally fulsome, descriptive and quite rich. I can read this and get an idea of what actually happened. On the other hand, I refer you to paragraph 34, which addresses FMCT. And there it seems that there is a series of footnotes, and you would have to be a very practised hand indeed to come away with an understanding of what actually transpired in these discussions. Most notably I would respectfully propose something in support of what the Dutch Ambassador has said, that we regard it to be highly significant in the evolution of our discussion of FMCT that Assistant Secretary of State Rademaker tabled both a draft FMCT negotiating mandate and a draft treaty, and although I see that that is reflected as a footnote, if you will, in paragraph 35 (g) and (h), nevertheless it seems to me that in the spirit of actually describing what happened factually here, a somewhat more fulsome, actual descriptive reference to this would be appropriate, given the significance of the event. It was the only treaty tabled this year, to the best of my recollection, and the only draft negotiating mandate as well, so perhaps it would merit a special mention.", "I would respectfully suggest that perhaps immediately under the heading of 34, the first item that could be listed would be a factual statement along the lines that at its 1019th plenary meeting on 18 May 2006 - I am not giving you negotiating text, but only for the purpose of illustration - United States Assistant Secretary of State Steve Rademaker tabled, then you could say “a draft FMCT negotiating mandate (CD/1776), entitled, etc. and a draft FMCT treaty (CD/1777), entitled, etc.”. That would be substantively almost identical to what you have, but might give a little more prominence to a highly significant event something along the lines of and in the spirit of the segment on PAROS, which I thought was far better articulated.", "The PRESIDENT: I thank the representative of the United States of America for his statement and now I recognize the distinguished Ambassador of Australia, Ms. Caroline Millar.", "Ms. MILLAR (Australia): Mr. President, first of all I would like to commend you for a very useful, flat, factual report. The Australian delegation thinks you have done a very good job. We would also like to commend all six Presidents of the Conference on Disarmament this year for the approach that you have taken to this report and more broadly, the collegial constructive approach to our work has indeed helped take us forward. And we endorse the characterization of this in the report, notably in paragraph 25, where it talks about the P-6 approach as useful and constructive. It certainly has been. And also in paragraph 56, where it talks about the increased coherence and purpose this year. And in that context we agree with the Netherlands that this is very much due to the P-6 approach.", "Australia would call on the Presidents of the CD for 2007 to adopt a similar approach so this momentum is not lost.", "I would now like to turn to a specific issue raised by another delegation on a matter of importance to my delegation, and that is the reference to MANPADS in paragraphs 53 and 54. And in this context I would like to say that the comments I am going to make here apply equally to paragraphs 45 and 46 (b). With respect to the references to the discussion on MANPADS and the paper submitted in paragraphs 53 and 54, I would like to note that these are of a very simple, straightforward and factual kind, and I will just read them: “During the focused debate some delegations addressed the issue of the man-portable air defence systems (MANPADS).” There is no comment or assessment made of this discussion. It happened. It took place. The report says so. That reference should be retained as it is. And also I would add that at a previous meeting we asked if you could circulate the Chair’s summary of Australia’s MANPADS seminar that took place on 16 June as a document of this Conference, and we ask if you could do that and have that reflected in the revised version of this report.", "Finally, with respect to FMCT, paragraphs 34 and 35, again we would say these are the flattest, most factual references you could possibly imagine to a discussion that took place. It just mentions it happened and lists the documents submitted. It is really very difficult for this delegation to see what there could possibly be to agree to or disagree to with respect to these references. There is no assessment or judgement about the debate one way or the other. It happened. The document was submitted.", "Having said that, we would also support a clearer mention to the draft United States treaty and negotiating mandate, along the lines suggested a minute ago by the representative of the United States. This was a significant development for the Conference on Disarmament, and a flat factual reference to it should be included in this report.", "The PRESIDENT: I thank the distinguished Ambassador of Australia for her statement and I now recognize once again the distinguished representative of Syria, Mr. Hussein Ali.", "Mr. ALI (Syrian Arab Republic) (translated from Arabic): I apologize for taking the floor again. I should like to respond briefly to what was said by the distinguished representative of the United States. Regarding his proposal, nothing in the rules of procedure of the Conference on Disarmament indicates that some agenda items are more important than others, and there is nothing that says that what is submitted by a senior representative, a deputy minister or a minister is more important than something submitted by an embassy attaché. The positions expressed in the official meetings of the Conference on Disarmament all have the same legal and political importance, and consequently we oppose the proposal made by the representative of the United States. Moreover, concerning what was said by the representative of Australia regarding the summary of the seminar organized by the Australian Mission on activities related to portable missiles, we also oppose any reference to this seminar because it has nothing to do with the Conference on Disarmament.", "The PRESIDENT: I thank the distinguished representative of Syria for his statement, and I now give the floor to the distinguished representative of Morocco, Mr. Mohammed Benjaber.", "Mr. BENJABER (Morocco) (translated from Arabic): Mr. President, allow me first to express the most sincere appreciation of the delegation of my country for the efforts you are making to move our Conference forward, especially at this sensitive juncture where the attention of the members is focused on the report of our Conference to the General Assembly. In this regard, I would like to congratulate you on the draft report that you have prepared, which should be regarded as extremely realistic. In order to ensure that this report is more thorough and more faithfully reflects our deliberations in the Conference throughout the session, my country’s delegation would like to make the following comments.", "Firstly, the Friends of the Presidents were appointed by the Presidents directly and informally, as Ambassador Zdzisław Rapacki of Poland confined himself to announcing this decision at the special meeting held on 2 February 2006, without this being followed by any endorsement by the Conference. Consequently, and I say this with no disrespect to the Ambassadors who were appointed, to whom we express full respect and regard, and whose efforts we praise, my country’s delegation expresses its reservations concerning a reference to them in the report in their capacity as the Friends of the Presidents. For its part, my country’s delegation, as a demonstration of the flexibility needed to reach this consensus on the draft report, declares its readiness to study the proposal made by Pakistan to combine all the points relating to the Friends of the Presidents in a single paragraph.", "Secondly, and regarding paragraph 15, on the invitation issued by the Conference on Disarmament to the representative of the International Atomic Energy Agency, my country’s delegation endorses what was said by the Ambassador of Pakistan to the effect that it would be preferable to include the agreement that was reached on this issue, as decided by the Conference, and that, if we do not do so, it would be preferable to summarize this paragraph without voiding it of its content.", "Thirdly, and regarding the substantive work of the Conference during the 2006 session, my country’s delegation welcomes the fact that the expression “new issues” has been mentioned in the report, for the first time and explicitly, which is a step in the right direction. I cannot but recall in this regard the efforts made by my country’s delegation since it occupied the Chair in 2004 to encourage attempts to adapt our proceedings to new developments in relation to international security and peace. In order to build on this positive development and place it on a firm basis, my country’s delegation considers that it is essential to include all the issues raised by the delegations this year in the appropriate parts of the report. For example, without seeking to be exhaustive, it would be a good idea to include the issue of small arms and light weapons, which was raised by both Senegal and Colombia under item 6, relating to the comprehensive programme of disarmament. The same system should be followed in relation to the other subjects such as cluster weapons, military expenditure, transparency in nuclear armaments and information security.", "Fourthly and finally, the draft report must be improved in order to ensure that all the paragraphs follow the same pattern, especially in paragraph 32. It is also necessary to check that reference is made to all the meetings held by the Conference, including the informal meeting, which was not mentioned in paragraph 41, on the subject of effective international measures to assure non-nuclear-weapon States against the use or threat of use of nuclear weapons.", "Thank you, Mr. President, and congratulations once again.", "The PRESIDENT: I thank the representative of Morocco for his statement and for the kind words, and now I recognize the distinguished Ambassador of Algeria, Mr. Idriss Jazairy.", "Mr. JAZAIRY (Algeria): Algeria is a member of the group of Friends of the Presidents, but we did not have an opportunity to make our views known on the final report, document CD/WP.542, and therefore I would like to make our position official by expressing it to you on this occasion.", "We have three series of concerns. First, with respect to paragraph 16, we find that the notion of the need for a balanced and comprehensive approach is something that we all support. We don’t think that balanced and comprehensive could be alternatives. The approach should be both balanced and comprehensive, and therefore, we don’t agree to the word “or” added after “and”.", "Secondly, in paragraph 25, with respect to the last sentence, we suggest either of two options. Either we say there was a general feeling among the member States of the Conference that efforts should be further intensified in conducting consultations and in exploring possibilities with a view to reaching consensus on the programme of work in order to enable the Conference to start the substantive work. We don’t feel that starting the substantive work should be engaged in outside the programme of work, so therefore “consensus on the programme of work in order to enable the Conference to start the substantive work”. If this is not acceptable, we would also be happy with the following formulation: “... be further intensified in conducting consultations and exploring possibilities with a view to reaching” - and here comes the text - “consensus on the programme of work in order to enable the CD to start negotiations as mandated by the international community”. I will present you with a paper which refers to these options.", "The third point refers to paragraphs 45, 48, 49 and 53, in recognition of what a former President, Ambassador Rapacki, said, as mentioned rightly in the same report in paragraph 11, where he said in this connection, “in connection with the adoption of the agenda, ... if there is a consensus in the Conference to deal with any issues, they could be dealt with within the agenda”. So, on these issues that are mentioned in paragraphs 45, 48, 49, 53, there wasn’t actually a consensus, so they would be covered by Ambassador Rapacki’s second sentence when he said, “the Conference will also take into consideration rules 27 and 30 of the rules of procedure …, as well as paragraph 20 and other relevant paragraphs”.", "What does rule 30 say in the second paragraph? It says it is the right of any member State of the Conference to raise any subject relevant to the work of the Conference at a plenary meeting and to have full opportunity of presenting its views on any subject which it may consider to merit attention.", "I suggest that these points were raised on the basis of this second paragraph of rule 30 of the rules of procedure, which are in document CD/8/Rev.9. So my suggestion is that we either include all those paragraphs under the last item in the report, which is called item H, or that we have an item I, entitled “Statements made in accordance with rule 30 of the rules of procedure, paragraph 2”, and then mention all the statements made, because if you put them before H, or even if you spread them across the different items of this report, it would look as though these had been incorporated in the agenda and had therefore been the subject of a consensus, which is not the case. In this case I would also suggest that you add to this list that you mentioned in paragraphs 45, 48, 49 and 53 those other suggestions made under rule 30 of the rules of procedure by Algeria on transparency in nuclear weapons, small arms by Senegal, etc.", "The PRESIDENT: I thank the distinguished Ambassador of Algeria for his statement, and I now give the floor to the representative of France, Mr. Mikaël Griffon.", "Mr. JAZAIRY (Algeria): I am sorry. I did refer to those paragraphs referring to civil critical infrastructure, weapons of mass destruction, terrorism, anti-personnel landmines, an arms trade treaty, MANPADS, plus the items that I referred to brought up by Algeria, Senegal and others.", "The PRESIDENT: Thank you. I now give the floor to France.", "Mr. GRIFFON (France) (translated from French): My delegation entirely agrees with what was said by the Australian delegation concerning sections E and G in part III of the report. We believe that the subjects should be mentioned under the agenda item where they were actually addressed.", "The PRESIDENT: I thank the representative of France. I now give the floor to the distinguished representative of the Islamic Republic of Iran.", "Mr. SAJJADPOUR (Islamic Republic of Iran): Mr. President, I appreciate your efforts, and I also appreciate the other Presidents of the CD. The work that the secretariat has provided is really commendable. It is professional reporting, and our delegation appreciates it so much.", "However, a high degree of professionalism is not always finalized and complete, and not every man is complete, and not every report is complete and without deficiencies.", "Reading the report so meticulously and listening to all the discussions attentively, our delegation is of the view that there is a problem which is the base for all these diversities of views on the report, and that is the mixing of reporting and PV. We know in the CD we have a PV. We have a report. They differ significantly and structurally and there are some selections where the PV is reflected, and I think this is the fundamental base, and I limit my remarks to this general observation at this juncture, but I think it is an issue which should be discussed and detailed later.", "We also have some observations especially on paragraphs 13, 25, 26, 45 and 53, but I leave it to a better time, and of course it’s not limited to these paragraphs, but I think the fundamental issue which our delegation raised needs to be attentively paid attention to.", "The PRESIDENT: Thank you for your statement, and now I recognize the distinguished representative of Canada, Ambassador Paul Meyer.", "Mr. MEYER (Canada): Mr. President, let me first commend you and your colleagues for providing us with I think a very professional and well-conceived draft report. I would just echo the sage comments of earlier colleagues. I am thinking of the Pakistani Ambassador when he urged that the report be factual and not interpretive and of my Dutch colleague when he noted that the facts speak for themselves. I think we should be guided by this. Interpretation, I think, opens up real complications for us all, and the closer we can stick to a factual accounting of how the year proceeded, however flat it may seem, I think we are on safer ground. I couldn’t agree more with Ambassador Trezza’s reminder to us that the report is not going to solve the problems of the CD or our elusive programme of work, and to suggest that frankly colleagues in New York or in our capitals or anywhere are going to pore over this text to extract wisdom or inspiration I think is unrealistic, to put it mildly.", "What really is important now is for us to wrap this up as soon as possible, and the solutions to our problems lie in a forward-looking political diplomatic exercise, I would suggest, rather than a backward-looking archival and chronicling exercise.", "The PRESIDENT: I thank the distinguished Ambassador of Canada for his statement, and I give the floor to the distinguished representative of the Russian Federation, Mr. Anton Vasiliev.", "Mr. VASILIEV (Russian Federation) (translated from Russian): Mr. President, I too would like to endorse the words of thanks for the excellent text you have prepared, which, as today’s discussion shows, can serve as an excellent basis for further work, and in our view, in the time still available to us, we will be perfectly able to reconcile the various points of view on the issues which are already becoming slowly crystallized, arrive at a common denominator and conclude this special year in the life of the Conference on Disarmament with a good factual report.", "Secondly, I would like to express agreement with the distinguished representative of Italy and call for a move to practical work on the text as quickly as possible. I think we must begin an informal meeting and discuss specific wording on specific paragraphs, enabling us to accelerate our work.", "Thirdly, a small factual comment in response to the suggestion made by the delegation of the United States of America that the presentation by the United States of America of a draft treaty on FMCT and a mandate for further work on an FMCT should be given somewhat greater prominence. In principle we are prepared to consider this proposal, and we view it quite positively. The only thing I would like to make clear is that the rationale behind this proposal, I think, was not entirely correctly expressed, since the wording of paragraph 38, relating to the list of plenary meetings on PAROS, was compared with that of paragraph 34, relating to the list of plenary meetings on the FMCT. Correct me if I am wrong, Mr. President, but I understand that the point is not that something is deliberately described in more detail in one case and more laconically in another case, the point is that here the wording relating to the meetings of the Conference is given literally in the form in which they were suggested to the Conference by the President at that time - no more than that. In that regard, it seems to me we must simply do justice to the fact that this is simply a factual reflection of what actually took place.", "A fourth point. I would like to respond very briefly in the context of our open meeting today to what we have heard in the statement by the distinguished representative of Japan, Ambassador Mine. It is difficult for us to agree with a number of the comments which were expressed in his statement today, but of course we have great respect for what was said. I would just like to appeal to everyone at the current stage to concentrate on what is important, a positive conclusion to a positive year, and I would like to appeal to everyone at the current stage as far as possible to concentrate on what brings us together and avoid setting certain key issues we are discussing against other issues, to display prudence, to display responsibility, to display objectivity. This will help us to maintain this positive impetus in the Conference, which we achieved with great difficulty, thanks to the joint efforts of all in the course of this year, and to carry it forward to next year.", "The PRESIDENT: I thank the representative of the Russian Federation for his statement, and I would like to once again appeal to you to limit your statements to general comments only so that we can start our informal plenary meeting as soon as possible. The next speaker on the list is the representative of Argentina, Mr. Marcelo Valle Fonrouge.", "Mr. VALLE FONROUGE (Argentina) (translated from Spanish): Concerning the text that we are analysing, we have no objections to approving it as it is. It is a complete text, it is a factual text, and to some extent it reflects what has been happening in this Conference. In that regard we share the view that it should be factual, and therefore we request the inclusion of a paragraph 52 bis when we deal with item (g), Transparency in armaments, considering that this paragraph 52 bis we propose would specifically refer to the debate focused on one of the issues addressed by the delegations in this Conference on the United Nations Register of Conventional Weapons.", "As you will recall, on that occasion, this Conference had a report presented orally on the work done by the Group of Experts on the United Nations Register of Conventional Weapons chaired by our Deputy Foreign Minister, Ambassador García Moritán. In that regard we would request not only the drafting of a paragraph 52 bis making specific mention of the issue of “the United Nations Register” in the area of conventional weapons, but also the inclusion of a new subparagraph (c) in paragraph 54 placing on record that the document which we will refer to the secretariat will record the oral presentation by Ambassador García Moritán, which was useful in making known in this office in Geneva the results achieved by this Group of Experts, which I think were satisfactory.", "The PRESIDENT: I thank the distinguished representative of Argentina for his statement and now I give the floor to the distinguished representative of India, Mr. Indra Mani Pandey.", "Mr. PANDEY (India): Mr. President, we would like to join with other delegations in complimenting you for preparing a very factual and balanced report.", "In principle we have no major difficulty with the report, and we can go along with the consensus on the report. However, we would like to raise a point regarding paragraph 25, which a number of other delegations have raised, and this is regarding the last sentence of that paragraph. Here we would like a reference to the need for reaching agreement on a programme of work, and this proposal is in line with the statement that the Polish presidency made at the beginning of the P-6 initiative, where it pointed out that it was the special responsibility of the Presidents this year to work together on a common platform so as to try to reach consensus on a programme of work. I also point out that in paragraph 20 of last year’s report, there is a similar sentence at the end of the paragraph, where there is a clear mention that there was a general feeling among the member States of the Conference that efforts should be further intensified in conducting consultations and exploring possibilities with a view to reaching agreement on a programme of work. So if this sentence is a reproduction of that sentence of last year, it should reflect clearly the need for reaching agreement on a programme of work.", "The PRESIDENT: I thank the representative of India for his statement, and now I give the floor to the distinguished Ambassador of the United Kingdom.", "Mr. DUNCAN: (United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland): I shall try to be brief. I am very much encouraged by the recent speakers who have attempted to underline what it is that we are actually engaged on in this endeavour, and that namely is to report fairly and accurately what we have done this year and also perhaps to explain - and that is perhaps the most important and interesting issue to any outside reader - how we have managed to have success for the first time in re-energizing this organization and this forum for some considerable period. And it’s perhaps in that context I will just make a few general remarks to take a step back.", "The Conference on Disarmament is unique in that it is the only international forum which is mandated and deals as a matter of routine with the issues of the highest level of political‑military sensitivity. And these issues are of fundamental importance to world peace. Unfortunately, for nearly a decade, the CD has languished in procedural wrangling. This may not perhaps be as extreme as the emperor Nero fiddling while Rome burns, but nonetheless, as we enter the twenty-first century we have a heavy responsibility to begin to find the answers to the challenges in the politico-military area of a globalized and interconnected world. These discussions may not be comfortable, but they are of fundamental importance.", "Naturally, we must also have a degree of balance and respect the views of national groupings and individual nations, but equally, and I have been encouraged in my short time here to see the development of fundamental parts of what a diplomat does, namely compromise, flexibility and imagination. I very much commend you on your text, which I believe represents a good structural balance, and perhaps more importantly, explains how the Conference on Disarmament managed to extract itself from the procedural quagmire. And I believe that I am right in saying that it is the majority view that we should find a way to build on this year’s experience, rather than looking backwards on earlier attempts which, while put forward in good faith, did not produce the success we all seek.", "As I say, the question of balance is often raised, and again I am encouraged by the interventions we have heard this morning in that when we talk of balance, we are not talking of symmetry, we are talking about fair treatment and objectivity, and I believe that you have produced a very good draft which reflects that objectivity and fair treatment, which is a necessity for a report going forward. And I agree with other delegations that we should focus on the minor amendments which are required perhaps to improve the text and reflect the very real success we have had this year.", "The PRESIDENT: I thank the distinguished Ambassador of the United Kingdom for his statement, and maybe the best way to conclude the formal part of this meeting is to give the floor to the first President of this year, Ambassador Zdzisław Rapacki of Poland.", "Mr. RAPACKI (Poland) (translated from Spanish): Mr. President, first I would like to congratulate you and thank you for the report, which I personally feel is balanced, objective and reflects the events that occurred during this year’s session. Of course, we can always improve it, and I would like to thank all the distinguished representatives of the countries who have spoken so far with the aim of improving the report of this year’s session.", "But let me refer to two matters. First, the Friends of the Presidents: I would particularly like to refer to the proposal not to refer to the Friends in the report because this institution does not exist in the rules of procedure of the Conference on Disarmament. It does not exist in the rules of procedure, but it does exist in the history of the Conference on Disarmament. What I would like to mention here is that in 1994, a Friend of the Chair was appointed to deal with the question of the expansion of the membership of the Conference. It was Ambassador Felipe Lamprea of Brazil, and his appointment was reflected in the report under the item on the agenda and programme of work, and his appointment was also extended by the subsequent Presidents for the year 1994 at that time; I refer to paragraph 8 of the 1994 report. The results of his work were reflected in the part referring to his mandate, entitled “Expansion of the membership of the Conference on Disarmament”. This was the precedent which opens up the possibility for us to follow up this experiment in this year’s report. I think that what we have in paragraph 13 is a proper reflection of the intention of the six Presidents this year, and also reflects the results of the work of the Friends.", "The distinguished Ambassadors who were Friends of the Presidents were extremely helpful during this session, and for this reason, as well as because of the precedent we had in the history of the Conference on Disarmament, merit an appropriate reference in the report. So, please continue with what we have in the report, although, as I said earlier, I personally am prepared and open to improvements in what we have proposed in this report.", "The other matter I would like to refer to is my statement as the then first President of this year’s session. Some ambassadors have quoted what I said then, and I quite agree with them, they are quite right. What they said is correct - I did indeed say that during the second meeting of the Conference on Disarmament.", "Many thanks, Mr. President. I hope that we will soon proceed to an informal meeting to discuss in more detail all the paragraphs of our report.", "The PRESIDENT: I thank the distinguished Ambassador of Poland for his statement. This concludes the list of speakers. I see the distinguished Ambassador of China.", "Mr. CHENG (China) (translated from Chinese): It had not been my intention to take the floor during this formal plenary but, as a number of other countries have made their positions known, I would also like to say a few words.", "My delegation expresses its appreciation to you, Mr. President, and the members of the secretariat for all the efforts that have gone into preparing this year’s report. On the whole, I believe that this draft provides a good basis for our work. As for our more detailed views on the content of the report, I shall be reverting to that issue during our informal plenaries.", "At this point, I would merely like to stress that I support the amendments on paragraph 25 proposed by the distinguished ambassadors of Pakistan and Algeria relating to the programme of work.", "Finally, I would like to point out that we are here today to discuss the draft report by the President and not to debate the conclusions or views of any individual delegation regarding our Conference. With regard to the discussions that have taken place this year, each country can draw its own conclusions, but, if we all decide to put those conclusions forward, we will end up with dozens of them. That will be of no benefit to our discussions. Accordingly, I suggest that we continue to focus our discussions on your draft report rather than making statements that are of no relevance to this issue.", "The PRESIDENT: I thank the distinguished Ambassador of China for his statement and kind words addressed to the Chair and secretariat. That seems to be the last speaker of this formal plenary meeting. Do I see any other delegations wishing to take the floor? I give the floor to the Netherlands.", "Mr. LANDMAN (Netherlands): I have a question. I personally find this hall not really very conducive to collegial and group discussions, sitting personally, for instance, with my back to all colleagues. It is not very helpful. I wonder: when is the presidency thinking that our own conference hall will be available again? I am sorry, but that will improve things a lot.", "The PRESIDENT: Thank you for the question. I will ask our Deputy Secretary-General to answer it.", "Mr. CAUGHLEY (Deputy Secretary-General of the Conference): The situation with the Council chamber is that the sound system is no longer robust and reliable, and it is not possible to hold meetings in that room until the sound system has been replaced. And I understand from Conference Services that a contract has been let but that the time that it will take to do that will be about seven weeks, so there is no prospect, I’m afraid, of being able to use that room for the course of the 2006 session.", "We, as you know, had as a fallback used room VII, which is a rather more intimate one than this for the purposes that you have mentioned. The difficulty with room VII, however, was that a number of delegations felt that the seating there was inconvenient in the sense that only one member of each delegation could sit, if you like, at the nameplate. So we, as a fallback again, sought a room that was available in this part of the Palais, and this was the room that was allocated.", "The PRESIDENT: Thank you, Mr. Deputy Secretary-General. This concludes our formal plenary meeting of today. In accordance with our plans for today, this plenary meeting will be followed in 10 minutes’ time by an informal plenary meeting during which we will proceed to the first reading of the draft report of the Conference.", "As usual, this informal plenary meeting is open only to the member States of the Conference, as well as to the observer States.", "The next plenary meeting of the Conference will take place tomorrow, Thursday, 7 September, and this will be followed in an informal setting with the continuation of the consideration of the draft report.", "The meeting rose at 12.15 p.m." ]
[ "第一〇四〇次全体会议最后记录", "9月6日星期三上午10时25分 在日内瓦万国宫举行", "主席:安东·平特先生(斯洛伐克)", "主席:裁军谈判会议第1040次全体会议现在开始。", "登记今天发言的,有以下发言者:日本的美根庆树大使、荷兰的约翰内斯·兰德曼大使、联合王国的约翰·邓肯大使和巴基斯坦的马苏德·汗大使。", "现在请名单上的第一位发言者,尊敬的日本大使美根庆树先生发言。", "美根先生(日本):首先,我愿向斯洛伐克常驻联合国和日内瓦其他国际组织代表团团长安东·平特先生表示最热烈的感谢,感谢他召集举行本次正式全体会议并让我有机会发言。", "由于意识到存在必须通过实质性讨论打破裁谈会的僵局这一共同看法,今年,根据“P-6倡议”之下的裁谈会议程进行了结构化专题讨论。在这些专题审议过程中,各方就各个议程项目进行了深入的讨论,这是裁谈会近年来取得的最为显著的成果。为此,我愿感谢六位主席所作的努力,他们给本会议带来了新的见解。", "不过,我们不应当满足于这一成绩,而是应当将今年的势头带到明年并进一步增强这一势头。今天,为了为此提供一个基础,我愿概括并评述一下今年在四个主要议程项目方面的工作情况,这四个议程项目是:核裁军,消极安全保证,裂变材料禁产条约和防止外层空间的军备竞赛。", "首先,在核裁军问题专题讨论过程中,美国和俄罗斯联邦两国在发言中提到,两国正在根据《莫斯科条约》推进核裁军进程。具体而言,应当妥为承认并欢迎的是,两国的发言依据的是实际和详细的数字。同样令人鼓舞的是,其他一些核武器国家也就本国具体的核裁军措施作了类似的陈述。然而,正如包括日本在内的许多国家已经指出的那样,人们目前正强烈要求核武器国家进一步削减其核武库。因此,从今年的专题讨论的整个过程来看,裁谈会需要对这一议程项目作进一步审议。", "不过,继续进行审议和设立一个特设委员会以便开展审议活动,是两个互不相干的问题。具体而言,由于必须真正进行核裁军的是核武器国家,因此,归根结底,要设立特设委员会,就须征得所有核武器国家的同意。在仔细分析核武器国家就设立特设委员会以处理核裁军问题一事所作的陈述之后发现,此种协商一致意见尚未出现。自然,将设法在今后的讨论中说服核武器国家改变其立场,但是,在此种改变出现之前,我们只能――尽管我们不愿意――接受目前不可能设立特设委员会这一现实。", "再者,由于在核裁军方面哪些问题存在争议,目前仍然不清楚,因此,应当优先考虑继续进行审议而不是设立特设委员会。", "关于消极安全保证,情况与核裁军相似。在今年进行的专题讨论过程中,各方讨论了一项基于无核武器区条约的区域途径和一项全球途径。此外,还提出了另一些重要问题,例如,处理消极安全保证问题的恰当论坛,以及哪些国家应当充分获益等。各方再次认识到,目前存在着多种不同的途径和主张,而且看来,现在仍有一些方面需要在裁谈会进行进一步讨论。", "消极安全保证是由核武器国家提供的,因此,在就这一问题进行讨论时,这些国家的立场至关重要。在核武器国家的发言中,这些国家都没有对通过区域途径提供消极安全保证提出反对意见。但另一方面,不能说通过全球途径设立消极安全保证特设委员会将会赢得协商一致意见。所以,就设立一个关于这一事项的特设委员会而言,可以得出结论认为,需要将消极安全保证方面的现状考虑在内。", "在禁产条约之下,很清楚的一点是,核武器国家发挥着中心作用。然而,因为已经进行核武器试验的国家和无核武器国家同样必须承担不生产核武器用裂变材料的核心义务,所以,这一议程项目关系到裁谈会所有成员国。与核裁军和消极安全保证不同,禁产条约并不是一个应当完全由核武器国家负责的问题。这是一个显著的差别。在今年5月就禁产条约进行的结构伦讨论过程中,约有15个国家――既包括核武器国家又包括无核武器国家――从首都派遣了20多位专家;而且还提交了许多工作文件,其中包括美国提交的条约和职权范围草案工作文件。另外,各方还讨论了禁产条约的所有方面,包括定义、范围、储存及核查等,这些讨论几乎全部用完了分配给正式会议和非正式会议的时间。", "在裁谈会成员国的发言中,虽然各方从裁谈会整个工作计划的角度考虑提出了多种意见,但一个重要的事实是:任何国家包括核武器国家在内,都没有表示反对设立特设委员会以便在裁谈会谈判一项禁产条约。", "最后,在6月进行的防止外空军备竞赛问题专题讨论过程中,一些国家从首都派遣了专家,并且提交了一些工作文件。但是,在这些专题讨论过程中,变得很清楚的一点是,首先,此种讨论与联合国和平利用外层空间委员会和国际电信联盟等现有处理空间问题的机构的关系没有得到恰当确定。具体来说,显然,诸如空间碎片、干扰及网络攻击等问题,由现有相关机构处理更为恰当。还有人指出,建立信任措施问题可在现行《外空条约》制度之下加以处理,而不是由裁谈会负责处理。", "另一个已经出现的要点是,此种讨论所依据的指导可能的谈判的中心概念,即外空的武器化,非常模糊和不明确。初看起来,禁止在外层空间放置武器似乎是一个颇具吸引力的专题。然而实际上,何种武器的确存在或可能存在,以及在这些武器中,我们想要禁止放置何种武器或者说何种武器应当受到禁止,现在还完全不清楚。", "裁谈会目的不在于通过含糊不清的政治宣言,而是一个谈判具有法律约束力的条约的机构。在起草法律文书时,澄清指导这些文书的中心概念是一项必要的最低要求。", "总之,本会议对防止外空军备竞赛问题的审议尚未到达成熟阶段,鉴于此种审议与现有机构的关系没有恰当确定,而且审议所依据的中心概念模糊不清,我不得不说的是,我们现在甚至还没有处于设立特设委员会的阶段。", "以上是我对裁谈会今年的讨论情况和取得的成绩的评估。希望这一评估能够促使人们进行思考,以利于裁谈会今后工作的开展。", "主席:感谢尊敬的日本大使的发言和他对主席的赞誉。现在请荷兰大使约翰内斯^(.)兰德曼先生发言。", "兰德曼先生(荷兰):主席先生,我愿感谢你提出裁军谈判会议报告草案。这份草案恰当反映了本会议在这重要的一年中的工作情况,在这一年中,我们以“P-6倡议”为基础开展了工作。这六位主席就本会议的活动提出的联合提案起到了显著的作用。本会议就所有议程项目进行了一般性讨论,还在专家的参与下进行了结构化专题讨论,另一方面,本会议任何成员国均可提出它认为值得加以重视的任何议题。这与前几年相比是一种显著的改善。另外,联合国秘书长科菲^(.)安南先生在今年6月就本会议今年的活动发表的讲话中指出,“人们可以感到,一种新的势头正在形成”。", "正如报告草稿所说的,“P-6倡议”得到了本会议所有成员国的赞赏。的确,我们举行的会议,所做的发言,提交的书面材料以及出席会议的专家等,比过去十年中任何其他年份都多。现在是将所有这些活动变为实际的后续行动的时候了。", "因此,现在我想谈一下根据议事规则第45条应当列入报告草案的结论和决定。", "看一下报告草案最后一章可以发现,到现在还没有从今年的积极动态中总结出任何结论。该报告采取的做法实际上依然非常简约,似乎一切都没有发生变化――报告并没有如第45条所允许甚至希望的那样,列入任何实际结论,任何实际决定,甚至连建议都没有列入。", "先从最为显而易见的说起,例如,毫无疑问,六位主席之间这种新的协调应当继续进行。同时,2007年如果只是重复今年的做法,将不会是一种富有意义的后续行动。", "我们应当至少能够得出结论认为,就裁军谈判会议2007年会议而言,必须作出一种安排,这种安排一方面反映本会议应当处理的一系列问题,在当今的政治环境中相对重视其中的每个问题。在另一方面,我们应当能够得出结论认为,至少,我们应当开始就禁产条约的职权范围进行实际谈判,对于这一点本身,正如今年的讨论所表明的,得到了每个人或每个单一国家都是赞同的,或者说,无论如何没有任何人或任何单一国家表示反对。", "我想提出两项实际建议。首先,在第56段中,荷兰希望在指出裁谈会在整个2006年中活动的一致性增强,目标更加明确的第一行中,提及“P-6倡议”。", "其次,应当提及《不扩散条约》审议会议,从而使第56段提及的“相关提案”变得更加具体。这样,就会形成以下措辞:“56.铭记由于‘P-6倡议’,本会议在整个2006年中活动的一致性增强,目标更加明确,并且为了在2007年会议上尽早开始进行实质性工作,本会议请现任主席和继任主席在闭会期间召集进行磋商,酌情提出建议,同时考虑到1995年《不扩散条约》审议和延期会议的结果及所有相关提案,包括作为裁军谈判会议文件提交的提案,提出的看法和进行的讨论;并且设法酌情不断向本会议成员通报磋商情况。”", "主席:感谢尊敬的荷兰大使的发言,现在请尊敬的联合王国大使邓肯先生发言。", "邓肯先生(大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国):我想就另一个问题发表简短声明,这个致裁军谈判会议的声明以联合王国和法国的名义作出。", "8月31日,哈萨克斯坦共和国正式告知裁军谈判会议:它打算同其他几个中亚国家(吉尔吉斯斯坦、土库曼斯坦、塔吉克斯坦、乌兹别克斯坦)一道,于9月8日在哈萨克斯坦塞米巴拉金斯克签署一项《中亚无核武器区条约》。", "联合王国和法国一向赞成建立无核武器区,认为它是实现裁军和不扩散的一种重要途径。正如在1995年《不扩散条约》审议和延期会议的决定中所强调的,建立国际上承认的无核武器区,将会增强全球和平与安全。", "然而,由于没有同核武器国家磋商,并且鉴于实质性内容,我们认为,中亚无核武器区条约草案不符合联合国裁军审议委员会1999年准则所述的无核武器区宗旨和原则。这些准则强调了与无核武器区相关的消极安全保证的重要性,还强调了磋商的必要性。《不扩散条约》第七条提出了区域性条约概念,并指出这些条约缔结旨在保证此种区域内完全没有核武器。", "我们已经向中亚五国表示过我们对这些问题的关切,而且自2002年以来,曾多次请求进行进一步磋商以解决这些问题。但中亚五国从未对这些请求作出过答复。", "法国和联合王国感到遗憾的是,尽管我们向联合国提出了交涉,并且向中亚五国提出了进行进一步磋商的请求,但中亚五国仍然想要在不处理我们提出的问题的情况下于9月8日签署条约案文。鉴于目前的案文,联合王国和法国将无法对条约表示赞同,也无法签署将向《中亚无核武器区条约》的五个签署国提供消极安全保证的相关议定书。", "联合王国和法国请求向出席裁军谈判会议的成员国分发这一声明。", "主席:感谢尊敬的联合王国大使代表联合王国和法国发表联合声明,现在请尊敬的巴基斯坦大使发言。", "汗先生(巴基斯坦):主席先生,我们感谢你和秘书处编集整理裁谈会的报告。我想就你上周分发的报告草案谈一些看法。据我所知,在你今天将召集举行的非正式会议上,你将鼓励各代表团逐段审议该报告全文。关于整个报告,我有一些总的看法和建议,现在就想跟你和裁谈会成员谈一下这些看法和建议。", "首先,想谈一下一些总的看法。关于裁谈会提交大会的报告,一项基本标准是:报告应当实事求是,并反映本会议的谈判和工作情况。", "今年没有进行任何谈判,但裁谈会开展了一些工作,因此,报告应当如实反映今年的情况。", "裁谈会主席或成员国的话,如果要引用,就应当引用完整,不能断章取义。", "为了详细述及问题,关于主席之友情况的叙述应当集中于一处。", "现在,我想就报告本身谈一些具体看法。", "在第13段中,裁军谈判会议2006年首任主席,波兰的拉帕茨基大使的陈述没有被完整引用。应当插入他的完整的陈述,这一陈述是:“多数代表团赞同‘A-5提案’。同时,另一些代表团无法赞同该提案。”主席报告中的这些部分似乎已被大量删节。这一陈述可以在第二句之后全文补入。", "“……强调有必要体现出更大的灵活性,而且,还提出了更新裁谈会应当处理的问题的主张”这句话,没有反映实际状况,因此应当删除。本会议议程在第一天就获得通过,这证实了当前的议程的重要性。在2007年1月之前,该议程一直有效。", "本段末尾关于主席之友的结论的叙述,应当用主席、俄罗斯联邦的洛希宁大使的话加以限定,他在介绍中期报告时说:“该报告根本不能算是一个均衡的非文件,也不属于一个涵盖多个方面的或综合性的非文件。”", "在第14段中,“滚动讨论”一语需加以说明。不论提出这一短语是出于何种意图,该短语的意思不准确而且含糊不清。因此,如不加以澄清,则不如将其删除。实际上,裁谈会全体会议是按照六主席拟订的活动计划举行的。", "该段最后一部分说,鼓励每一位主席留出时间,以便在认为必要时报告主席之友的结论。问题是:谁是鼓励者?换句话说,谁鼓励主席这样做?我猜想是主席自己。稍后,这又被称为一项在不妨碍任何未来决定的前提下提出的建议。是谁提出了这项建议?我想又是六位主席。因此,在这里,我们需要的是准确性和明确性。我们认为,所有与主席之友相关的问题和看法都可以在某一段或某一节中加以全面叙述。", "在第15段中,关于原子能机构专家的情况介绍,本会议的一致意见是要在一般性讨论之下进行,而不是作为结构化讨论的一部分进行。这项一致意见应当按照在本会议中达成的谅解加以体现,我认为,为了使这一段的意思更加明确,可将该段修改如下:“在2006年8月24日第1037次全体会议上,原子能机构代表应本会议邀请作了情况介绍。”", "在第16段中,“平衡的和/或全面的”一语不恰当。第二句即最后一句可改为:“一些代表团呼吁商定一项均衡和全面的工作计划,该计划侧重四个核心问题。有些代表团赞同制订一项均衡或全面的工作计划,另一些代表团则强调,工作计划各项内容之间不应当建立联系。”", "第20和21段再次提及主席之友,就像我刚才所说的那样,这两段应当移至一处。", "在第25段中,最后一句最后一部分无意中造成了它想要放弃或搁置工作计划的印象。在没有工作计划的情况下开始进行实质性工作,是难以想象的。因此,应当将这句话改为:“以期就本会议工作计划达成一致意见”。", "第27段没有体现联合国秘书长贺词的精神和主旨。该段案文还应当加上秘书长贺词中的以下句子:", "秘书长说,“正如去年的会议所表明的,采用程序手段或仅仅对现有提案进行微调,是无法打破僵局的”。他敦促各国“就军备控制和裁军方面的优先事项达成新的政治协商一致意见”。", "和第34段(f)分段及第38段(d)分段一样,第41段应当恰当反映本会议主席安排举行的消极安全保证问题非正式全体会议和裁研所消极安全保证问题讨论会的情况。", "第45、48、49和53段中关于关键民用基础设施、杀伤人员地雷、军火贸易条约和单兵携带防空系统等问题的叙述,应当加以限定,具体做法是提及各代表团就这些问题对本会议议程的重要性发表的看法。", "最后,关于第56段,第一句的开头――“铭记本会议在整个2006年中活动的一致性增强,目标更加明确”――是一种添加。“一致性”在联合国内是一个含义的词。我们应当在用语上做到精确,用简单明了的语言作出如下表述:今年举行了更多的正式会议和非正式会议,并且在专家们的参与下就四个核心问题进行了广泛的讨论,这些专家多数是成员国代表。", "2006年的活动日程没有在本会议工作计划方面或任何实质性问题上取得实际结果。但是,这一日程无疑发起了一种势头,这种势头可以在2007年会议期间得到维持和加强。", "上述看法不是作为实际的谈判提案提出的,提出这些看法是为了有助于你修改报告,以使该报告更加如实地反映情况并变得更加客观。", "主席:感谢尊敬的巴基斯坦大使的发言,现在请尊敬的美国代表托马斯·辛金先生发言。", "辛金先生(美利坚合众国):主席先生,我想谈一下英国大使刚才就中亚无核武器区条约问题发表的声明。", "对于英国大使代表联合王国和法国代表团提出的许多关切,美国持相同的看法。美国、联合王国和法国现在存有关切,而且已在致联合国秘书长的信函中指出,主管中亚无核武器区事务的联合国裁军事务部代表,没有遵循在联合国裁军审议委员会1999年关于在谈判建立无核武器区条约过程中与核武器国家磋商的准则中提出的程序。", "美国、联合王国和法国曾多次同中亚五国接触,最近于2005年11月同这五国接触,而且又在过去数周内同它们接触,对在拟订条约草案方面没有进行充分磋商表示关切。", "美国、联合王国和法国仍然对上述条约草案持重大保留意见。我们一直在等待为回应我们关于中亚五国和五个常任理事国进行进一步磋商的请求而发出的邀请,但迄今为止没有收到任何邀请。鉴于这些关切,如中亚五国着手签署这项条约草案,美国将不能予以支持,而且我们将在适当时候解释采取这一立场的理由。", "主席:感谢尊敬的美国代表的发言,现在请尊敬的叙利亚代表发言。先生,请你发言。", "阿里先生(阿拉伯叙利亚共和国):我国代表团本不打算在这次会议上发言,但是,听了日本大使和荷兰大使的发言之后,我们不得不发言。这两位大使就开始谈判一项禁止生产裂变材料条约一事所作的表述并不完全正确。他们说,本会议没有任何成员国反对设立一个特设委员会以谈判一项禁止生产裂变材料条约;而无可辩驳的真实情况是,裁军谈判会议绝大多数成员约定:设立该委员会应当在通过一项裁军谈判会议的全面、均衡的工作计划之后,而这项工作计划要在平等基础上处理列入议程的四个核心问题,即核裁军、消极安全保证、防止外层空间军备竞赛和禁止生产裂变材料。另一个条件是,这一委员会应当以“香农职权范围”为基础开展工作,这已经得到本会议或其多数成员国的同意。", "一些代表团提到了裁谈会的报告,现在请允许我就这份报告谈一些基本看法,同时,我当然保留一旦接到我国政府的指示将再次就任何特定段落提出看法的权利。", "叙利亚代表团赞同巴基斯坦大使发表的所有看法。但我还想补充几点。报告提到了主席之友,我们认为这样做并不恰当,尽管我们对主席和主席之友敬重致至。我们认为,报告不应当提及该小组或其工作,因为这是一个不具备任何正式地位、法律地位和政治地位的小组。在第16段中,正如巴基斯坦大使已经指出的那样,我们希望指出的是:有些国家强调需要通过一项全面、均衡的工作计划;而且,五大使的倡议仍然是商定此种工作计划的最佳基础。", "第20段说,一些代表团强调必须审查议程。这句话在2005年是符合实际情况的,但是2006年,议程在第一次会议上就获得通过;在议程通过之后,一些代表团提出了审查议程这一问题,但另有许多代表团表示,这一议程均衡、全面,而且反映了与国际安全局势有关的所有关切。", "第25和26段相互矛盾:第25段末尾指出需要开始进行实质性工作,而第26段却说2006年会议期间开展了如此这般的实质性工作。因此问题是,我们是否已经开始进行实质性工作?当然,第25段末尾的提法提供了解决这种矛盾的办法,这一提法是:实质性工作的目的在于通过裁军谈判会议的工作计划。", "第34和35段详述就禁止生产裂变材料问题达成的一致意见情况,在这里,我们希望看到不赞同此种报告方式的国家的立场得到反映。因此,我们希望我们刚才就禁止生产裂变材料条约所阐明的立场能够在本报告中得到反映,从而使第45段变得较为均衡。各位知道,目前没有就处理这一问题或这些问题一事达成协商一致意见,所以,我们主张要么删除这一段,要么提及我们就此多次表示的反对意见。", "关于第46段(a)分段,我们主张要么删除该段,要么提及阐明我们关于这一事项的立场的正式文件的文号。这也适用于第53段:要么将该段删除,要么为反映我们的立场而作出补充说明,即本会议目前没有就这些问题的讨论达成协商一致意见,而且裁军谈判会议不是处理这一事项的恰当场所。这同样适用于第54段(a)分段,要么将该段删除,要么提及载有我们就这一事项所持的立场的文件的文号。据此,除了上述意见之外,在我国代表团不久将接到我国政府的指示之前,我们保留再次就报告的各个段落陈述看法的权利。", "主席:感谢尊敬的叙利亚代表的发言。名单上的下一位发言者是秘鲁代表迭戈·贝莱万先生。", "贝莱万先生(秘鲁):主席先生,这是我国代表团在你担任主席期间首次发言,首先,请允许我祝贺你在最近几周中高效率地主持本会议的工作,特别是祝贺你提出了于上周分发的报告草案。在这方面,我愿向2006年各位主席表示祝贺,祝贺他们在裁谈会整个本年度会议期间开展了重要的、富有创新性的工作,这给我们带来了希望,认为这将提供一个很好的例子,使本会议的实质性工作在下一年中取得进展。", "自上周四以来,我多次有机会就本会议的规则在本会议向联合国大会提交年度报告方面实际订有哪些规定,交换了意见。所有同我交谈的人都认为,需要提出一份恰当叙述2006年情况的客观的报告。在这方面,如果我能说几句略微离题的话,我愿指出,由西班牙皇家学院出版的第22版《西班牙语词典》――该词典以恰当使用西班牙语这一为3.5亿以上的人所使用的语言为宗旨――首先将“objective”一词界定为:“与物体本身相关,不带个人成见”。换句话说,这一词是指在不加我们自己的偏见的前提下描述事物的情况。关于“describe”一词,该词典有以下三个定义:(a)“描写、描绘、介绍某事,详细叙述某事;(b)用语言描写某人或某事,指出或解释人物或事物的不同方面、特性或情况;(c)不完整地说明某事,不是解释其主要特点,而是大致介绍它的一些方面或特性”。", "我们现在的案文恰当兼顾了我刚才介绍的三个定义。该案文详细介绍了我们在2006年举行的会议,客观地解释了我们已经完成的工作的不同方面,而且最后对情况作了概述。出于这一原因,我国代表团认为,报告草案符合裁谈会议事规则第45条的规定,并且如实地反映了裁军谈判会议2006年会议活动情况。", "当然,我们意识到,任何文件都总是可以不断加以改进的,因此,我们将乐于研究能保持报告草案目前的和谐特性和精神的提案。", "不过,我愿提及一些在我们看来表明今年采用了创新办法的方面。本会议成员对议程上所有项目的关切都得到了恰当反映,我们特别赞赏这一点,这证明,六位主席在拉帕茨基大使主持下作出的拟订一份时间表以便依据该文件进行结构化专题讨论的决定,是非常明智的决定。我们还认为,有必要恰当提及六位主席在2006年开展的协调一致的工作,这些工作推动了整个本年度会议期间相当多的实质性工作的完成。", "我们还认为有必要提及主席之友,这样做能够表明,本会议成员同意有必要展开讨论,商讨酌情更新所有与本会议相关的问题事宜,不论是形式问题还是实质性问题。在这方面,我们赞赏并注意到6月初通过当时的主席,俄罗斯联邦的洛希宁大使提交的第一份报告。", "最后,我们在2006年初全体接受的活动时间表,在我们就本会议议程上各个项目举行的会议的情况介绍中得到了恰当反映。", "主席:感谢尊敬的秘鲁代表的发言,现在请尊敬的荷兰大使发言。", "兰德曼先生(荷兰):主席先生,我们今年举行的会议的一个引人注目的方面是,我们在极为良好的气氛中就一些重要事项进行了实实在在的讨论。我的意思是说没有出现争辩。我们的确以非常积极、合作的方式共同开展了工作,我必须说,你的报告反映了这一点。我的确希望、相信并且期待着我们能够以这种方式,在作出所需的修改之后商定这份报告。", "其次,我要向我的叙利亚同事表示歉意。我不得不承认,我不知道我已被列入发言者名单,而且实际上我显然没有把话说完,所以最后我有点不知所措――有些人可能注意到了这一点;所以我处置失当。我想,一定是由于这一原因,我的叙利亚同事才可能没有领会我实际上说的和想要说的话的意思――我当然不是抓住一个问题不放,只谈一个问题。关于我刚才所说的即我想要说的话,我想在此重复一遍,以便将这些话记录在案。我刚才说的是,就裁军谈判会议2007年会议而言,必须作出一种安排,据以一方面反映本会议应当处理的一系列问题,在当今的政治环境中相对重视其中的每个问题;另一方面,最终开始就禁产条约的职权范围进行实际谈判,这种谈判是我们大家都赞同或接受的。", "我还仔细听取了我的叙利亚同事发表的其他看法,如同我一如既往,仔细听取了我们尊敬的巴基斯坦同事发表的看法那样。这些看法包含着非凡的智慧和才智。其中许多看法非常中肯,值得我们仔细考虑。我国代表团可以认同这些看法。但我还是希望,这份报告能够传递这一信息:本会议今年出现了一些动态,一些与过去9年或10年的情况相比不同的动态。我愿提及的是,10年前的这个月,《全面禁试条约》签署登记册开放,我清楚地记得,正是在这个月,我们迎来了第一位签署者,他就是美国总统克林顿。自那时以来,本机构没有取得多少成果,而今年我们的确带来了某些希望,这应当在报告中得到体现。", "现在,诚然是,事实最能说明问题,而且在仔细比较了去年和今年报告的两个案文之后,我注意到,今年报告的篇幅比去年增加了大约5到6页,但我不知道我们在纽约的同事是否也会做这番比较。初读一下该报告,你发现还是同样的文件,没有什么引人注目之处。向并不每天参与本会议活动的纽约的同事们传递信息,让他们知道本会议的确出现了一些新的动态,并非易事,虽然联合国秘书长已经注意到这一动态。", "我给大家举一个真正给我留下印象的例子,希望同事们能够原谅我,这就是:今年出现了一个引人注目的情况。一位高级政府官员提出了两个十分重要的文件,即职权范围案文和禁产条约案文,这是我们10年来一直在谈论的事项。这是首次出现这样的情况。可是,当我最初阅读时,我实际上并没有注意到报告提及此事,但最终还是发现了。这两个案文被藏在文件清单中。我们都是经验丰富的外交人员。当我们阅读一个文件特别是篇幅超过4页的文件时,我们往往会跳读。所以,这涉及报告的编写方式。我们可以认为,报告至少可以列入某个段落,提及这两个文件得到提出一事。", "总之,我想要呼吁有着许多想法的同事,特别是――在此我愿提及我的叙利亚同事――正在等待大马士革的指示的同事,我的确希望,在我们能够在指示方面发挥自己的作用的情况下,我们将设法使这些指示尽可能具有积极意义,并且真正使我们能够传递这一信息:我们现正处在正确的轨道上,而且明年情况会更好。", "主席:感谢荷兰大使的发言,现在请尊敬的墨西哥代表恩里克·奥乔亚先生发言。", "奥乔亚先生(墨西哥):主席先生,首先,请允许我祝贺你担任本会议主席,我国代表团一定会向你提供充分支持。我还要感谢你和秘书处向我们提交这份提交大会的报告草案。", "现在,我只是想提出一些总的看法,我国代表团已经打算在非正式讨论过程中提出这些看法,但我们认为,在全体会议上提出这些看法将会在某种程度上提高其重要性。为此,我愿仅提及其中的一些段落。", "关于尊敬的巴基斯坦大使提及的第13段,我国代表团认为,对拉帕茨基大使的发言的援引不完整,不能反映本会议全体成员的看法。", "在第23和24段之间,我认为我们遗漏了一个重要问题。2月16日,一些代表团表示,非政府组织――妇女的法律和社会地位委员会――和平问题工作组有关和平、稳定和裁军问题的声明,应当由该声明起草者在“国际妇女节”宣读。当时,没有代表团对这项建议表示反对。但是,尽管如此,后来宣读该声明的,却是本会议主席。我们认为,这就是当时的实际情况,这一情况应当反映在本会议报告中。", "第25段提到了“这项提案”,即“P-6倡议”,该提案被认为非常有用而且具有建设性,同时也得到了本会议全体成员国的赞赏。尽管我国代表团认为“P-6倡议”是一项正确的步骤,而且我们的确欢迎这项倡议,但是我们认为――而且这也是我们一贯所持的看法:在我们克服裁军谈判会议令人难以忍受的停滞不前现象,并着眼于按照本会议承担的职责发起谈判之前,该倡议只是一种治标不治本的手段。因此我认为,应当使这句话变得更加均衡。", "关于第25段最后一句和第26段第一句,正如叙利亚代表团所指出的,我们认为这两句话前后矛盾,这是因为:如果我们提到加紧努力进行磋商,并且探索就开始进行本会议实质性工作达成一致意见的各种可能性,我们就不能在下一段中谈论本会议开展了哪些实质性工作。这样的表述不合乎逻辑。", "最后,我想谈一下第32段,关于这一段,我们也认为,我们忽略了一个重要事项,即,大韩民国的朴大使在工作结束之后,于3月14日以他本人的名义提出了一份文件,在该文件中,他提出了一个他任期内在讨论议程项目1和2过程中提出的建议和看法汇编。", "我想要提及的最后一点――关于这一点我只是打算简单地谈一下――涉及第45、48、49和53段。这几段具体提到了在项目(e)新型大规模毁灭性武器、(f)综合裁军方案,以及(g)军备透明之下处理的问题。在我们看来,议程上的其他项目没有得到相同的待遇。关于这一点,我想要明确我们的立场。我国代表团并不反对列入这些段落,但是,我们愿意支持列入所表示的其他看法,例如就核裁军问题表示的看法,在这些看法中,我们可以提及人们由于2005年《不扩散条约》审查大会未能取得成功而产生的失望,或者可以指出有必要加快落实2000年《不扩散条约》审查大会期间商定的是13个步骤。", "主席:感谢尊敬的墨西哥代表的发言。接下来要发言的,是尊敬的意大利大使卡洛·特雷扎先生。", "特雷扎先生(意大利):我的理解是,会议期间,关于报告问题的讨论将以非正式方式进行,但是我看到,我们在以正式方式进行讨论,因此,我想就这份文件谈一些我的看法。", "我要说的是,这份文件总的来说反映了实际情况,是客观的,而且我认为,从会议议事规则第45条来看,该报告清楚地反映了谈判情况和本会议工作情况,我们已经听到了一些相关看法。现在需要做一些修改,我们愿意参与报告案文的讨论活动。", "我建议,如果我们进入起草状态或起草阶段,我们应当以非正式方式开展这项工作。另外,关于今天上午所作的一些发言,我认为不要把要求订得过高。我们认为,这样一份报告并不能够解决裁军谈判会议的问题,尤其是工作计划问题。我们必须向大会报告我们的工作情况,但是,现在很难相信,通过这种做法我们确实能够达到我们在这一年中没有能够达到的目的。", "主席:感谢意大利大使的发言,同时也感谢他提醒,告诉我们将举行一次专门讨论报告草案的非正式全体会议。尊敬的美利坚合众国代表现在请求发言。", "辛金先生(美利坚合众国):很抱歉再次发言。我原来以为关于报告问题的讨论将在一次单独的非正式会议上进行,所以,在我刚才专门谈论中亚无核武器区问题的发言中没有谈到报告问题。", "我只是想就这份报告谈一两条总的意见。首先,称赞秘书处设法编写了一份非常客观的报告,该报告如实反映了所发生的情况。除此之外,我们还想发表几点看法。", "我注意到,在报告述及防止外空军备竞赛问题的那一部分即第38段中,所用的语言总的来说翔实、客观而且非常丰富。在阅读这一段之后,我能够了解到实际情况。现在让我们来看一下报告禁产条约情况的第34段。这一段似乎有一系列脚注,除非你是行家,否则就无法知晓这些讨论的实际情况。具体来说,对于荷兰大使刚才的发言我表示赞同,我想要说的是,我们认为,助理国务卿拉德梅克提出一项禁产条约谈判职权范围草案和一项条约草案一事,是我们讨论禁产条约过程中的一个极具意义的动态。虽然我看到,第35段(g)和(h)分段用脚注反映了这一情况,但是,在我看来,为了如实介绍裁谈会的实际情况,而且鉴于这一动态的重要性,更加详细、客观地提及这一情况较为恰当。据我所知,这是今年提出的唯一的条约,也是唯一供谈判的职权范围草案,因此,或许有必要特别提及此事。", "我认为,紧接着第34段的标题,可以列入的第一个项目将是一个实际情况陈述,大意是:在2006年5月18日的第1019次全体会议上――我不准备向各位提供谈判用的案文,而只是想举例说明――美国助理国务卿史地夫·拉德梅克提出了“一个题为……的禁产条约谈判职权范围草案(CD/1776),以及一个题为……的禁产条约草案(CD/1777)”。这将在实质上几乎等同于目前的提法,但可能会如同述及防止外空军备竞赛问题的那部分所采取的做法和体现的精神那样,更加突出这一特别重要的事态发展,我认为,这一提法要比目前的提法清楚得多。", "主席:感谢美利坚合众国代表的发言,现在请尊敬的澳大利亚大使卡罗琳·米勒女士发言。", "米勒女士(澳大利亚):主席先生,首先,我愿称赞你提出了一份非常有用、直截了当、真实的报告。澳大利亚代表团认为,你的工作做得很出色。我们还愿意向裁军谈判会议今年所有六位主席表示称赞,称赞你对这份报告采取的做法,从广义上说,对本会议的工作采取的共同积极的方针,的确有助于我们取得进展。我们赞同本报告尤其是第25段对此所作的概括,该段说,“P-6倡议”非常有用而且具有建设性。的确是这样。另外,报告第56段指出,今年本会议的一致性增强,目标更加明确。在这方面,我们赞同荷兰的看法,即这在很大程度上归功于“P-6倡议”。", "澳大利亚呼吁裁谈会2007年各位主席采取类似做法,以便维持这一势头。", "现在,我想谈一下另一代表团就一个对我国代表团来说非常重要的事项提出的一个具体问题,这就是第53和54段关于单兵携带防空系统问题的叙述。在这方面,我要说的是,我将在此发表的看法同样适用于第45段和第46段(b)分段。关于第53和54段对单兵携带防空系统问题讨论情况和提交的文件的叙述,我愿指出,这些叙述非常简要、直截了当和真实,在此我想解读一下相关的句子:“在专题讨论过程中,一些代表团谈到了单兵携带防空系统问题。”报告没有对这一讨论发表评论或作出评估。就这么进行了讨论,情况就是如此。报告就是这样说的。应当保留目前的这一提法。我还要补充的是,在上次会议上,我们曾请求你将主席关于澳大利亚于6月16日举行的单兵携带防空系统问题讨论会的概要作为本会议的文件分发,现在我们请你分发这一文件,并设法使这一点在本报告修订本中得到体现。", "最后,关于禁产条约,即第34和35段,我们再次认为,这些是你能够想到的有关已经进行的讨论的最为直截了当、最能反映实际情况的叙述。报告只是说进行了相关讨论,并列出了所提交的文件。关于这些叙述,我国代表团认为,很难再作任何增减。报告并没有以这样或那样的方式对讨论情况作评估或评判。只是进行了讨论,提交了相关文件。", "尽管如此,我们仍然赞成按照美国代表刚才建议的做法,更加明确地提及美国提出的条约草案和谈判职权范围草案。这对裁军谈判会议来说是一个非常重要的动态,因此,本报告应当如实提及这一动态。", "主席:感谢尊敬的澳大利亚大使的发言,现在再次请尊敬的叙利亚代表侯赛因·阿里先生发言。", "阿里先生(阿拉伯叙利亚共和国):非常抱歉,再次发言。我想就尊敬的美国代表的发言简要地谈几句。关于他的建议,裁军谈判会议议事规则中没有任何一条规定,有些议程项目比另一些项目更重要;也没有任何规则规定,高级代表、副部长或部长提交的材料比使馆随员提交的材料更重要。在裁军谈判会议正式会议中表达的立场都在法律和政治上具有同等重要性,因此,我们不赞成美国代表提出的建议。另外,关于澳大利亚代表就澳大利亚代表团举办的与便携式导弹相关活动讨论会概要表示的看法,我们也不赞成对这一讨论会作任何提及,因为它与裁军谈判会议无关。", "主席:感谢尊敬的叙利亚代表的发言,现在请尊敬的摩洛哥代表穆罕默德·本·贾贝尔先生发言。", "本·贾贝尔先生(摩洛哥):主席先生,首先,请允许我代表我国代表团,最衷心地感谢你努力推进本会议的工作,特别是在成员们都在关注本会议提交大会的报告这一敏感时刻。在这方面,我愿祝贺你拟出了报告草案,应当说,这份报告极为真实地反映了情况。为了使这份报告变得更加详细、全面,并且如实地反映本会议在整个会议期间的审议情况,我国代表团愿提出以下看法。", "首先,主席之友是由主席直接并以非正式方式指定的―― 波兰的日斯拉夫·拉帕茨基大使在2006年2月2日举行的一次特别会议上宣布了这项决定―― 此事无须得到本会议的任何批准。因此―― 我这样说并没有不尊重获得指定的大使的意思,相反我们对他们敬重致至,并且赞赏他们所作的努力―― 我国代表团对报告提及他们担任主席之友方面的情况提出保留意见。为了表明就报告草稿达成这种协商一致意见所需的灵活态度,我国代表团表示愿意研究巴基斯坦提出的将与主席之友相关的各点合并为一个单一段落的建议。", "其次,关于涉及裁军谈判会议邀请国际原子能机构代表一事的第15段,我国代表团赞同巴基斯坦大使的看法,即,最好列入本会议所决定的就这一问题达成的一致意见,如果我们不这样做,最好在这一段中大致叙述一下情况,但这一段须有实际内容。", "第三,关于本会议在2006年会议期间的实质性工作,我国代表团对以下情况表示欢迎:报告首次明确提到了“新的问题”,这是一个正确的步骤。在这方面,我必须提及我国代表团自2004年担任主席以来,为鼓励设法使本会议的审议工作适应国际安全与和平领域的新形势所作的努力。为了逐步加强这一积极动态并使其有一个坚实的基础,我国代表团认为,有必要在报告的各个相关部分列入各代表团今年提出的所有问题。例如,在无须设法作出详细叙述的前提下,似乎可以将塞内加尔和哥伦比亚在项目6之下提出的与综合裁军方案相关的小武器和轻武器问题列入报告。对于诸如集束武器、军事开支、核军备透明及信息安全等其他议题,应当采取同样的做法。", "第四点即最后一点,必须对报告草案进行修改,以便确保所有段落都采用同样的方式,特别是就第32段而言。还有必要作一番核对,确保报告提及本会议举行的所有会议,包括提及保证不对无核武器国家使用或威胁使用核武器的有效国际措施问题非正式会议,因为这一会议在第41段中没有提及。", "谢谢你,主席先生,并再次向你表示祝贺。", "主席:感谢摩洛哥代表的发言和他的赞誉,现在请尊敬的阿尔及利亚大使伊德里斯·贾扎伊里先生发言。", "贾扎伊里先生(阿尔及利亚):阿尔及利亚是主席之友小组的一个成员,但是我们没能有机会就最后报告即CD/WP.542号文件发表看法,所以,我想在今天的会上正式向各位谈一下我们的立场。", "我们有三个方面的关切。首先,关于第16段,我们认为,需要采取均衡和全面的做法这一想法是我们大家都赞同的。我们认为,均衡和全面这两者不能任取其一。这一做法应当既均衡又全面,所以,我们不赞成在“和”之后加上“或”。", "其次,关于第25段最后一句,我们建议采取以下两种办法中的一种办法。要么我们说,本会议成员国普遍认为,应当作出更大努力,进行磋商并探索可能性,以期就工作计划达成协商一致意见,从而使本会议能够开始进行实质性工作。我们认为,实质性工作的进行不应当脱离工作计划,所以,有必要“就工作计划达成协商一致意见,从而使本会议能够开始进行实质性工作”。如果这无法被接受,那么可以采用以下措辞:“……作出更大努力,进行磋商并探索可能性,以期……”;之后的行文是:“就工作计划达成协商一致意见,以便使裁谈会能够按照国际社会规定的任务开始进行谈判”。我将向各位提出一份文件,该文件提及这两种办法。", "第三点涉及第45、48、49和53段,前任主席拉帕茨基大使曾表示――正如同一报告第11段恰当提及的:“关于议程的通过,……如果本会议达成了处理任何问题的协商一致意见,这些问题就可以在议程范围内处理”。关于第45、48、49、53段提到的这些问题,实际上没有达成协商一致意见,因此,拉帕茨基大使的第二句话将适用于这些段落,他说,“本会议还将考虑到议事规则第27条和第30条……,以及第20段和其他相关段落”。", "第30条第2款作了什么规定呢?这一段规定,本会议任何成员国都有权在全体会议上提出与本会议工作相关的任何议题,并且都有充分的机会就它认为值得关注的任何议题发表看法。", "我认为,这些要点是根据CD/8/Rev.9号文件所载的议事规则第30条第2款提出的。因此,我的建议是,我们或是将所有这些段落列于本报告最后一项即H项之下,或是列出一个I项,题为“根据议事规则第30条第2款所作的发言”,然后提及所作的所有发言,这是因为,如果将它们放在H项之前,或者将其置于本报告不同项目之下,就会造成它们已经被纳入议程并已经获得协商一致意见的印象,而现在情况并非如此。因此,我还想建议在你在第45、48、49和53段提到的清单中,加上根据议事规则第30条提出的其他建议,如阿尔及利亚关于核武器透明的建议,以及塞内加尔关于小武器的建议等。", "主席:感谢尊敬的阿尔及利亚大使的发言,现在请法国代表米卡埃尔·格里丰先生发言。", "贾扎伊里先生(阿尔及利亚):很抱歉。我指的是关于重要民用基础设施、大规模毁灭性武器、恐怖主义、杀伤人员地雷、军火贸易条约、单兵携带防空系统等的段落,另外还有我提到的阿尔及利亚、塞内加尔及其他国家提出的项目。", "主席:谢谢你。现在请法国代表发言。", "格里丰先生(法国):我国代表团完全赞同澳大利亚代表团就报告第三部分E节和G节表示的看法。我们认为,一些议题应当在它们实际上得到述及的议程项目之下得到提及。", "主席:谢谢法国代表。现在请尊敬的伊朗伊斯兰共和国代表发言。", "萨贾德普尔先生(伊朗伊斯兰共和国):主席先生,我对你作出的努力表示赞赏,我也对裁谈会其他主席表示赞赏。秘书处所做的工作的确值得称赞。报告编写工作体现了专业精神,我国代表团非常赞赏。", "不过,高度的专业精神也并非总是尽善尽美,人无完人,而且并非每一份报告都完美无缺。", "在仔细阅读了这份报告并且仔细听取了所有讨论之后,我国代表团认为,现在存在着一个问题,它是造成目前对报告有所有这些不同看法的原因,这一问题就是报告和临时记录被混合在一起。我们知道,裁谈会编制临时记录,也提出报告。这两者在结构上有很大差别,报告的某些部分反映了临时记录的内容,我认为这是根本原因所在,今天发言只是想谈一下总的看法,但我认为,这是一个以后应当讨论并详细研究的问题。", "我们还对第13、25、26、45和53段有一些看法,但我想在更为合适的时候提出这些看法,当然,我们的看法并不限于这些段落,不过我认为,我国代表团刚才提出的一个重要问题需要受到密切关注。", "主席:感谢你的发言,现在请尊敬的加拿大代表保罗·迈耶大使发言。", "迈耶先生(加拿大):主席先生,首先,请允许我称赞你和你的同事们为我们提供了在我看来一份高度专业水平、编写恰当的报告草稿。刚才有几位同事发表了明智的看法,对此我深有同感。例如,巴基斯坦大使敦促说,报告应当如实反映情况而不是进行解释;荷兰大使说,事实最能说明问题。我认为,我们应当以这些看法为指导。我认为,解释会给我们大家造成实际的麻烦,我们越是尽量如实地反映这一年中的情况,不论此种叙述会多么直截了当,我们就越不可能引起争议。我完全赞同特雷扎大使的看法,他提醒我们说,报告本身并不能解决裁谈会的问题,也无法解决令人难以捉摸的工作计划问题;而且,说纽约或我们各国首都或任何其他地方的同事们会仔细阅读报告并从中获得智慧或得到启发,我认为,说得婉转一些,是不现实的。", "现在真正重要的,是我们尽快结束这项工作,我认为,我们面临的问题的解决办法,在于采取有远见的政治外交行动,而不在于记录和记载前面发生的事情。", "主席:感谢尊敬的加拿大大使的发言,现在请尊敬的俄罗斯联邦代表安东·瓦西里耶夫先生发言。", "瓦西里耶夫先生(俄罗斯联邦):主席先生,我也愿感谢你编写了出色的报告,正如今天的它们所表明的,该报告能够为今后的工作奠定一个坚实的基础,而且在我们看来,在我们仍然能够利用的时间里,我们将完全能够调和对于已经在变得越来越清楚的问题的不同看法,找到共同点,并且以一份良好的、如实反映情况的报告来结束裁军谈判会议历程中这一特别的一年。", "第二,我愿赞同尊敬的意大利代表的看法,并呼吁各位尽快就报告案文进行实际工作。我认为,我们必须举行一次非正式会议,讨论一些具体段落的具体措辞,从而使我们能够加快工作进程。", "第三,美利坚合众国代表团刚才建议,应当设法更加突出报告美利坚合众国提出禁产条约草案和禁产条约方面今后的工作职权范围草案一事,对此,我想根据实际情况发表简短的看法。我们原则上愿意研究这项建议,我们认为这是一项很好的建议。我愿意指出的唯一的一点是,我认为,这项建议的依据提得并不完全恰当,因为美国代表将介绍防治外空军备竞赛全体会议情况的第38段的措辞与介绍禁产条约全体会议情况的第34的的措辞作了比较。主席先生,我说得不一定正确,有错误之处请你纠正,但是我的理解是,问题的关键并不在于,在某一情形中故意对情况作特别详细的叙述,而在另一个情形中只是对情况作特别简要的叙述;问题的关键在于,介绍裁谈会会议情况的措辞,是完全按照当时的主席向本会议提出的方式逐字提供的,仅此而已。为此,我认为,我们必须公平对待这一点,即这只不过是如实地反映当时的实际情况。", "第四,在今天的公开会议上,我们听取了尊敬的日本代表美根大使的发言,现在我想就这一发言简要地谈一下看法。对于他在今天的发言中发表的一些意见,我们很难表示赞同,不过,我们自然对他的发言敬重致至。我只是想呼吁各位在现阶段注重重要的方面,设法使一个良好的年份有一个良好的结局,我还想呼吁各位在现阶段尽可能注重我们的共同点,避免将我们正在讨论的关键问题与其他一些问题相对立,体现出谨慎态度,体现出责任感,体现出客观性。这将有助于我们维持本会议的这种积极势头――这一势头的取得来之不易,归功于我们大家的几年中作出的共同努力――并且将这一势头带入下一年。", "主席:感谢俄罗斯联邦代表的发言,我再次呼吁各位在发言时只谈一般性看法,这样我们就能够尽快开始举行非正式全体会议。下面请阿根廷代表马塞洛·巴列·丰罗赫先生发言。", "巴列·丰罗赫先生(阿根廷):关于我们正在研究的案文,我们对于批准目前的报告不持反对意见。这是一个完整的案文,一个反映实际情况的案文,并且在某种程度上反映了本会议一直在发生的情况。在这方面,我们也认为,报告应当如实反映情况,所以,我们请求在我们处理项目(g)军备透明时,列入一个52段之二,这是因为,我们提议列入的这一52段之二将会具体提及围绕本会议各代表团述及的一个问题即《联合国常规武器登记册》展开的讨论。", "各位记得,当时,本会议听取了我国外交部副部长加西亚^(.)莫里坦大使主持的《联合国常规武器登记册》专家组开展的工作情况口头报告。因此,我们不仅请求起草在常规武器领域具体提及《联合国登记册》问题的第52段之二,而且还请求在第54段中新列入一个(c)分段,正式表示:我们将提交秘书处的那份文件将记录加西亚^(.)莫里坦大使作口头介绍一事,这一口头介绍有助于向日内瓦的这一机构介绍这一专家组取得的成果,我认为这些成果是令人满意的。", "主席:感谢尊敬的阿根廷代表的发言,现在请尊敬的印度代表因德拉·马尼·潘迪先生发言。", "潘迪先生(印度):主席先生,和其他代表团一样,我们也愿意称赞你编写了一份如实反映情况、均衡的报告。", "我们原则上基本赞同这份报告,我们可以加入关于这份报告的协商一致意见。不过,我们愿就第25段提出一项看法,其他一些代表团也提出了这一看法,具体涉及这一段的最后一句。在这一段中,我们希望能够提及有必要就工作计划达成一致这一点,这项建议符合波兰大使在担任主席期间在刚刚提出“P-6倡议”时所作的表态,当时他说,几位主席今年肩负着特殊责任,有必要依据一项共同纲领作出共同努力,以便设法就工作计划达成协商一致意见。我还要指出的是,在去年的报告的第20段中,这一段末尾有一个类似的句子,这一句子明确指出,本会议各成员国普遍认为,应当进一步加紧努力,进行磋商并探索可能性,以期就工作计划达成一致。因此,如果这句话是去年那一句话的重述,那么它就应当清楚反映就工作计划达成一致的必要性。", "主席:感谢印度代表的发言,现在请尊敬的联合王国大使发言。", "邓肯先生(大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国):我想力求简短。刚才几位发言者使我受到很大的鼓舞,他们都想强调我们现在实际上要做的,那就是公正、准确地报告我们这一年所做的工作,另外或许就是进行解释――这或许是对本会议以外的任何读者来说最为重要、最有意思的问题――说明我们是如何自从相当长时间以来首次成功地恢复这一组织和这一论坛的活力的。也许正是在这一背景下,我想谈一些总的看法,作一番回顾。", "裁军谈判会议是一个独特的机构,因为它是惟一受权在常规基础上处理具有最高度的政治军事敏感性问题的国际论坛。这些问题对世界和平至关重要。遗憾的是,将近10年以来,裁谈会由于在程序问题上争论不休而丧失活力。这虽然也许不至于到像罗马尼禄皇帝焚城弹琴那样无动于衷的程度,但是,进入21世纪,我们肩负着重大责任,必须找到解决办法,以处理全球化和相互依存世界中政治军事领域的挑战。这种讨论可能不会轻松,但却至关重要。", "自然,我们还必须取得某种程度的均衡,并尊重国家集团和单个国家的看法,但同样,虽然我在这里任职时间较短,但我却欣喜地看到了外交人员基本素质即折中态度、灵活性、想象力的展现。我十分称赞你提出的报告案文,我认为,这一案文在结构上非常均衡,也许更为重要的是,该案文就裁军谈判会议如何设法摆脱程序上的僵局作了解释。我认为,这样说是十分恰当的:多数人都认为,我们应当设法以今年的工作为基础,而不是把眼光放在先前所作的努力方面,虽然这些努力是真诚的努力,但却未能取得我们都想取得的成功。", "正如我所说的,人们常常提出均衡问题,我还要说的是,我们今天上午听取的发言让我受到鼓舞,因为在我们谈论均衡问题时,我们没有强调对称,而是强调公平处理和客观性。我认为,你提出了一个非常好的草案,这一草案反映了这种客观性和公平处理做法,这对一份着眼于未来的报告来说是必不可少的。我赞同其他代表团的以下看法:我们应当侧重作出一些微小的改动,这些改动或许是改进案文并反映我们今年取得的实际成果所需要的。", "主席:感谢尊敬的联合王国大使的发言,也许结束本次正式会议的最佳方式,是请今年第一任主席波兰的日斯拉夫·拉帕茨基大使发言。", "拉帕茨基先生(波兰):主席先生,首先,我愿祝贺你并感谢你提出报告,我个人认为,该报告非常均衡、客观,而且反映了今年的会议期间出现的情况。当然,我们总是可以对报告加以改进,我愿对为改进今年会议的报告而到目前为止已经发言的国家的所有尊敬的代表表示感谢。", "请允许我谈两个事项。第一个事项是主席之友。我特别愿意谈一下主张由于在报告中提及主席之友这一做法并不见于裁谈会议事规则,因而不要在报告中作出这一提及的建议。这一做法并不见于议事规则,但是裁军谈判会议以往的确采用过这一做法。我愿在此提及的是:1994年,指定了一名主席之友,目的是处理扩充本会议成员问题。这名主席之友就是巴西的费利佩·兰普雷亚大使。这一指定根据议程项目和工作计划在报告中得到了反映,而且1994年随后几位主席延长了他的任期,在此我提及1994年报告第8段。这位主席之友的工作成果在有关他的任务的那一部分(题为“扩充裁军谈判会议成员”)得到了述及。这就是本会议的先例,它使我们能够在今年报告中继续进行这一尝试。我认为,第13段的措辞恰当体现了今年的六位主席的意图,也反映了主席之友的工作成果。", "担任主席之友的尊敬的大使们在今年的会议期间发挥了极大的作用,出于这一原因,还由于裁谈会以往的先例,这些主席之友应当在报告中恰当提及。因此,我请求保留我们在报告中采取的做法,不过,正如我刚才所说的,我本人愿意对我们在这份报告中提出的内容进行修改。", "我想提及的另一个事项,是我在担任今年会议的第一任主席时所做的发言。有些大使引用了我当时说的话,我非常赞同他们的做法。他们做得很恰当。他们说的是准确的。我的确在裁军谈判会议第二次会议上说过这番话。", "非常感谢,主席先生。我希望我们很快能够举行非正式会议,以便更加详细地讨论我们的报告的所有段落。", "主席:感谢波兰大使的发言。名单上的发言者已经发言完毕。尊敬的中国大使请求发言。", "成先生(中国):我本不打算在正式会议上讲话。但是,刚才已经有许多国家发表了一些看法,我也只好讲两句。", "我们赞赏主席您本人和秘书处为准备今年裁谈会报告所付出的建设性努力。总体上看,这个草案提供了一个不错的工作基础。关于这个草案中的我们的一些具体的想法,我将会在非正式讨论中发表。", "我只在这里强调一点,我赞成巴基斯坦大使和阿尔及利亚大使关于第25段的修改意见,也就是关于工作计划的问题。", "最后我想说的是,我们今天讨论的是主席您的报告草案,而不是讨论某一个国家的关于我们这个会议的结论或者想法。关于我们今年会议的讨论情况,每一个国家都可能会得出自己的结论。我想,如果大家都提的话,我们可以提出几十个结论,但是这对我们的讨论毫无益处。所以我建议,我们还是集中讨论您的报告草案,而不要发表一些毫不相关的看法。", "主席:感谢尊敬的中国大使的发言和他对主席和秘书处的赞誉。看来这是本次全体会议的最后一位发言者了。还有其他代表团想要发言没有?请荷兰代表发言。", "兰德曼先生(荷兰):我有一个问题。我个人认为,本会议厅并不十分适合进行集体和小组讨论,比如,我本人现在是背对着所有同事们坐着。这种情况不能令人满意。我在想:在主席是否知道裁谈会何时才能回到自己的会议厅?很抱歉,我提出这一问题,但这将会使状况有很大的改观。", "主席:谢谢你提出这一问题。我想请裁谈会副秘书长答复这一问题。", "考勒先生(裁谈会副秘书长):理事厅的情况是:音响系统现在很容易出故障,因此,在更换音响系统之前,无法在理事厅举行会议。我从会议事务部门得知,现在已经有公司承包了音响系统更换项目,但更换该系统将用大约7周时间,所以,我认为,2006年会议期间将不可能使用该会议厅。", "你知道,作为临时办法,我们曾使用过七号会议厅,该会议厅就你刚才提到的用途而言,要比现在这个会议厅更适合进行面对面的讨论。但是,七号会议厅的问题在于,一些代表团认为,该会议厅的座位设置不方便,就是说,每个代表团只有一人可以坐在靠近国名牌的地方。因此,又是作为临时办法,我们在万国宫的这一区域寻找可利用的会议厅。这就是现在分配给我们的会议厅。", "主席:谢谢你,副秘书长先生。今天的正式全体会议到此结束。根据今天的安排,本次全体会议结束后,将在10分钟内举行一次非正式全体会议,会上我们将着手进行裁谈会报告草案的一读。", "和往常一样,该次非正式全体会议将只对本会议成员国和观察国开放。", "本会议下次全体会议定于明天、9月7日星期四举行,这次全体会议之后将举行一次非正式会议,继续审议报告草稿。", "下午12时15分散会。" ]
[ "2006年9月6日致裁军谈判会议主席的信\n联合国", "第一〇四次全体会议最后记录", "在日内瓦万国宫举行", "上午10时25分 在日内瓦万国宫举行", "主席:安东·平特先生(斯洛伐克)", "页:1", "主席:我宣布裁军谈判会议第1040次全体会议现在开始。", "今天发言者名单上有以下发言者:日本、美根吉树大使、荷兰、约翰内斯·兰德曼大使、联合王国、约翰·邓肯大使和巴基斯坦、马苏德·汗大使。", "我现在请名单上的第一位发言者、尊敬的日本大使美根吉树先生发言。", "美根先生(日本): 首先,我谨最热烈地感谢斯洛伐克常驻日内瓦联合国和其他国际组织代表团团长安东·平特大使召开本次正式全体会议并让我有机会发言。", "意识到必须通过实质性讨论解决裁谈会的僵局这一共同观点,今年在六主席倡议下的裁谈会议程基础上进行了有重点的结构化辩论。 深入讨论每个议程项目是裁谈会近年来最重要的成果。 在这方面,我要感谢六主席的努力;他们为裁谈会带来了新的亮点。", "然而,我们不应满足于这一成就,而应把今年的势头延续到下一年并进一步发展它。 今天,为了为此提供基础,我要概述和评估今年关于四个主要议程项目的工作 -- -- 核裁军、消极安全保证、裂变材料禁产条约和防止外层空间军备竞赛。", "首先,在关于核裁军的重点辩论中,美国和俄罗斯联邦在发言中指出,它们正在根据《莫斯科条约》推进核裁军。 特别是,应当适当地承认并欢迎这两个国家的发言都以具体而详细的数字为基础。 还令人鼓舞的是,其他几个核武器国家也就其自身的核裁军具体措施发表了类似声明。 然而,正如包括日本在内的许多国家已经指出的那样,正在强烈敦促核武器国家进一步削减其核武库。 因此,在整个今年的有重点的辩论中,有人表示裁谈会需要进一步审议这个议程项目。", "然而,继续审议和设立一个特设委员会作为审议场所是两个不同的问题。 具体地说,由于必须进行实际核裁军的是核武器国家,最终不可能在没有所有核武器国家同意的情况下设立一个特设委员会。 经过认真分析核武器国家关于设立处理核裁军问题的特设委员会的声明,显然没有形成这种共识。 自然,在今后的讨论中将试图说服核武器国家改变其立场,但是,在出现这种改变之前,我们必须勉强接受这样的现实,即不可能设立一个特设委员会。", "此外,鉴于即使是在核裁军问题上的要点仍然不明确,应优先考虑继续进行审议,而不是设立一个特设委员会。", "关于消极安全保证(消极的安全保证),可以看到与核裁军类似的情况。 在今年的重点辩论期间,讨论了通过无核武器区条约采取区域办法和全球办法的问题。 此外,还提出了其他重要问题,例如处理消极安全保证的适当论坛,以及哪些国家应获得充分的利益。 与会者再次认识到,存在着各种不同的办法和想法,并指出,在裁谈会上仍有需要进一步讨论的领域。", "由于提供消极安全保证的是核武器国家,它们在讨论这一问题时的立场至关重要。 在核武器国家的发言中,没有人对通过区域办法提供消极安全保证表示否定。 另一方面,不能说通过全球办法设立一个消极安全保证特设委员会需要协商一致。 因此,关于就此问题设立一个特设委员会的问题,可以认为,需要考虑到消极安全保证的目前情况。", "根据禁产条约,核武器国家显然承担了核心作用。 然而,由于试验过核武器的国家和无核武器国家也必须承担不生产核武器用裂变材料的核心义务,本议程项目涉及裁谈会所有成员国。 与核裁军和消极安全保证不同,禁产条约不是一个核武器国家应单独负责的问题。 这是一个显著的差异。 在今年5月关于《禁产条约》的分阶段辩论中,大约15个核和非核国家从各国首都派出了20多名专家,并提交了大量工作文件,包括美国条约和职权范围草案。 还就禁产条约的所有方面进行了讨论,包括定义、范围、储存和核查,几乎用尽了正式和非正式会议所分配的时间。", "在裁谈会成员国的发言中,尽管从整个裁谈会时间表的角度来看存在着各种意见,但一个重要事实是,任何国家,包括核武器国家,都没有对在裁谈会内设立一个谈判禁产条约的特设委员会表示反对。", "最后,在6月关于防止外空军备竞赛的重点辩论中,一些国家从各国首都派遣了专家,并提交了一些工作文件。 然而,在有重点的辩论中可以看出,首先,它与联合国和平利用外层空间委员会(外空委)和国际电信联盟(国际电联)等与空间有关的现有机构的关系不明确。 特别是,很明显,空间碎片、干扰和网络攻击等问题可以由现有的相关机构更妥善地处理。 还有人指出,建立信任措施可以在现有的《外层空间条约》制度下而不是裁谈会下处理。", "还有一个重要问题是,它对可能的谈判的核心概念,即空间武器化,是模糊和模糊的。 乍一看,禁止在外层空间放置武器似乎是一个令人着迷的议题。 然而,实际上,存在着或可能存在何种武器是完全模糊不清的,在这些武器中,我们想禁止放置什么武器,或禁止哪些武器。", "裁谈会不是一个旨在通过模棱两可的政治宣言的机构,而是谈判具有法律约束力的条约的机构。 在起草法律文件时,澄清规范这些文件的核心概念是必要的最低要求。", "总之,由于防止外空军备竞赛与现有机构的关系不明确,而且其中心概念模糊不清,我们有关防止外空军备竞赛的审议尚未成熟,我必须指出,我们甚至还没有进入设立特设委员会的阶段。", "我对今年裁谈会的讨论和结果的评估到此结束。 我希望这将为裁谈会今后的工作提供思考的食粮。", "主席:我感谢尊敬的日本大使的发言和他对主席所说的客气话。 我现在请荷兰大使约翰内斯·兰德曼先生发言。", "兰德曼先生 (荷兰): 主席先生,我谨感谢你提交裁军谈判会议的报告草稿。 草案恰当地反映了裁谈会在这一重要一年中的工作,在这一年里,我们在所谓的“六主席倡议”的基础上开展工作。 他们关于裁谈会活动的联合提案产生了显著的影响。 就所有议程项目进行了一般性辩论,在专家的参与下进行了有重点的结构化辩论,而另一方面,裁谈会任何成员国都可以提出它认为值得注意的任何议题。 与其他年份相比,这是一个大的变化。 此外,联合国秘书长科菲·安南先生在今年6月关于裁谈会今年活动的发言中指出, \" 人们能够感觉到一种新的势头正在形成 \" 。", "正如报告草稿所指出,“六主席倡议”得到了本会议所有成员国的赞赏。 事实上,我们比上个十年其他任何一年的会议都多,发言多,书面发言多,专家也多。 现在是将所有这些活动转化为具体后续行动的时候了。", "因此,我要谈谈根据议事规则第45条应列入报告草稿的结论和决定。", "从报告草稿的最后一章来看,今年的积极事态发展尚未得出结论。 事实上,这一办法仍然极微乎其微,仿佛没有什么变化:没有真正的结论,没有真正的决定,甚至没有像第45条允许甚至预期的那样提出建议。", "首先,最明显的是,显然应继续在六位主席之间进行这种新的协调。 与此同时,仅仅在2007年重复今年的工作不会是一种有意义的后续行动。", "我们至少应该能够得出这样的结论:就裁军谈判会议2007年届会而言,必须找到一种安排,一方面反映裁谈会应当处理的各种问题,使每个问题在今天的政治环境中具有相对的分量。 但另一方面,我们应当能够得出结论,至少我们应该就禁产条约的授权开始具体谈判,正如今年的讨论所表明的那样,这一授权得到了支持,或者无论如何不会受到任何人或任何一个国家本身的反对。", "我有两个具体的建议。 首先,荷兰想在第56段中关于2006年全年活动更加协调一致和目的的第一句话后提及“六主席倡议”。", "第二,第56段中提到的“相关提议”应更具体地提及不扩散条约审议大会。 这将产生以下文字形式:“56。 考虑到由于 \" 六主席倡议 \" ,2006年全年活动更加协调一致,目的更加明确,并为了在2007年届会期间尽早开始实质性工作,会议请现任主席和下任主席在休会期间进行磋商,并在可能的情况下提出建议,同时考虑到1995年不扩散条约审议和延期大会的结果和所有相关提案,包括作为裁军谈判会议文件提交的提案、提出的意见和进行的讨论,并努力酌情将磋商情况随时通知本会议成员国。 “", "主席:我感谢尊敬的荷兰大使的发言,我现在请尊敬的联合王国大使邓肯先生发言。", "邓肯先生(大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国): 我想就另一个问题作一简短发言,这次在裁军谈判会议上的发言是代表联合王国和法国。", "8月31日,哈萨克斯坦共和国正式提请裁军谈判会议注意,它打算同中亚其他国家(吉尔吉斯斯坦、土库曼斯坦、塔吉克斯坦和乌兹别克斯坦)一道,于9月8日在哈萨克斯坦塞米巴拉金斯克签署《中亚无核武器区条约》。", "联合王国和法国长期以来一直支持建立无核武器区,认为这是实现裁军和不扩散的重要途径。 正如不扩散条约1995年审议和延期大会的决定所强调,建立得到国际承认的无核武器区可加强全球和平与安全。", "然而,由于缺乏同核武器国家的协商和关于实质性内容的协商,我们认为,中亚无核武器区条约草案不符合1999年裁审会指导方针所阐明的无核武器区的目标和原则。 这些准则强调了与无核武器区有关的消极安全保证的重要性和协商的必要性。 《不扩散条约》第七条规定了区域条约的概念,并保证这些区域没有核武器。", "我们向五常国家表达了我们对这些问题的关切,自2002年以来,我们多次要求进一步磋商,以解决这些问题。 这些要求从未得到答复。", "法国和联合王国感到遗憾的是,尽管我们向联合国提出交涉并请求五常进行进一步磋商,五常仍将寻求在9月8日签署案文,而不处理我们提出的问题。 根据目前的案文,联合王国和法国将无法支持《条约》并签署有关议定书,向《中亚无核武器区条约》C-5签署国提供消极安全保证。", "联合王国和法国请求将本声明分发给出席裁军谈判会议的成员国。", "主席:我感谢尊敬的联合王国大使代表联合王国和法国所作的联合发言,我现在请尊敬的巴基斯坦大使发言。", "汗先生(巴基斯坦):主席先生,我们感谢你和秘书处编写裁谈会的报告。 我要就你上星期散发的草案发表一些看法。 我的理解是,在今天举行的非正式会议上,你将鼓励各代表团逐段审议整个案文。 我对整个报告有一些一般性意见和建议,我想向你和裁谈会成员介绍。", "第一,一些一般性意见。 裁谈会向大会提交报告的基本标准是,报告应当是事实性的并反映裁谈会的谈判和工作。", "今年没有进行任何谈判,但裁谈会已开展工作,因此,报告应忠实地反映所发生的情况。", "如果要引用裁谈会主席或成员国的话,应当充分、适当地引用。", "提及 \" 主席之友 \" 应集中在一个地方,以便详尽地处理这一问题。", "现在对报告本身作一些具体评论。", "在第13段中,部分引用了2006年裁军谈判会议第一任主席波兰的拉帕茨基大使的发言。 他的全文应插入如下:“大多数代表团支持五大使提案。 同时,其他一些代表团不能支持该决议草案。” 主席报告的这些部分似乎经过了大量编辑。 第二句后可全文插入本案文。", "以“.强调必须有更大的灵活性,而且更新裁谈会应处理的问题的想法也存在”开头的一句没有反映事实立场,因此应予删除。 在第一天通过本会议议程,证实了目前议程的相关性和重要性。 有效期至2007年1月。", "在提到本段末尾的主席之友的结论时,应加上主席、俄罗斯联邦的洛希宁大使的发言。 他在介绍中期报告时说:“报告绝不是平衡的,也不是包容性的,也不是全面的非正式文件。 “", "在第14段中,需要拟订“滚动讨论”一语。 不论这一短语背后的意图是什么,其含义是不准确和含糊的。 因此,要么明确要么删除。 事实上,本会议的全体会议是按照六位主席拟定的活动时间表举行的。", "该段最后一部分说,鼓励每一位主席留出时间,以便在必要时报告主席之友的调查结果。 问题是:是谁干的? 或者说,谁鼓励总统们? 我想,总统本身也是这样。 稍后,它被称为一项提案,提出的提案不妨碍今后的任何决定。 谁提出这个提议? 我认为主席们再次发言。 因此,我们需要的是精确和清晰。 我们要说,所有与“之友”有关的问题和意见都可以在一个段落或一节中全面处理。", "在第15段中,关于原子能机构专家的介绍,大会内部商定,将在一般性辩论中提出,而不是作为分阶段辩论的一部分。 这一协议应按照裁谈会内部达成的谅解予以反映,我认为该段可读作如下,使之更加明确: “应大会邀请,原子能机构代表在2006年8月24日第1037次全体会议上作了介绍。 “", "在第16段中,“平衡和(或)全面”一语是不适当的。 第二句可作如下表述: “一些代表团呼吁就一项平衡而全面的工作方案达成协议,重点是四个核心问题。 一些代表团支持一项平衡或全面的工作方案,而一些代表团则强调,不应在工作方案的各个要素之间建立联系。 “", "第20和21段再次提到 \" 主席之友 \" ,而且,正如我先前所建议,他们应移至一处。", "在第25段中,最后一句的最后一部分无意中给人一种印象,即它试图破坏或搁置工作方案。 没有工作计划就无法想象实质性工作会开始。 因此,该句应改为:“以期就本会议的工作方案达成协议”。", "第27段没有反映联合国秘书长致辞的精神和主旨。 在案文中还应添加引用秘书长的话:", "秘书长说: \" 正如去年的会议所表明,不能通过程序手段或只是调整现有提案来打破僵局 \" 。 他敦促各国首都“就军备控制和裁军的优先事项达成新的政治共识”。", "第41段同第34(f)和38(d)段一样,应适当反映会议主席组织的关于消极安全保证的非正式全体会议和裁研所关于消极安全保证的研讨会。", "第45、48、49和53段提及关键民用基础设施、杀伤人员地雷、武器贸易条约和杀伤人员地雷问题,应当通过提及各代表团关于这些问题与本会议议程的相关性的意见加以限定。", "最后,关于第56段,第一句的开头是“铭记2006年全年活动的一致性和目的的提高”。 在联合国,一致性是一个累赘的术语。 我们应该用我们的语言讲清楚,并直言不讳地说,今年举行了更多的正式和非正式会议,就四个核心问题进行了广泛的辩论,专家们参加了辩论,其中大多数是成员国代表。", "2006年的活动时间表没有对裁谈会的工作方案或任何实质性方面产生具体成果。 然而,毫无疑问,它创造了一种势头,可以在2007年届会期间保持和加强。", "这些评论不是作为坚实的谈判建议提出的,而是帮助你修改报告,使其更加真实和客观。", "主席:我感谢尊敬的巴基斯坦大使的发言,现在我请尊敬的美国代表托马斯·辛金先生发言。", "辛金先生(美利坚合众国):主席先生,我回顾英国大使关于中亚无核武器区条约问题的发言。", "美国同意英国大使代表联合王国和法国代表团提出的许多关切。 美国、联合王国和法国感到关切,并在同联合国秘书长的通信中指出,联合国裁军事务部负责中亚无核武器区的代表没有遵循联合国裁军审议委员会1999年关于在建立无核武器区条约的谈判中同核武器国家协商的准则所建议程序。", "美国、联合王国和法国多次与中亚五国接触,最近一次是在2005年11月,最近几周再次接触,对在拟订条约草案方面协商不足表示关切。", "美国、联合王国和法国继续对条约草案提出实质性保留。 我们一直在等待邀请,以回应我们提出的五常和五常之间进一步磋商的要求,但没有任何进展。 鉴于这些关切,如果五常着手签署条约草案,美国将无法支持该草案,我们将在适当时候解释这一立场的原因。", "主席:我感谢尊敬的美国代表的发言,现在请尊敬的叙利亚代表发言。 先生,请发言。", "阿里先生(阿拉伯叙利亚共和国): 我国代表团本不打算在本次会议上发言,但日本大使和荷兰大使的发言促使我们这样做。 他们两人就开始谈判禁止生产裂变材料条约所说的话部分属实。 他们说,裁谈会中没有任何成员国反对设立一个特设委员会来谈判一项禁止生产裂变材料的条约,而事实上,黑白两色的事实是,裁军谈判会议的绝大多数成员规定,该委员会应在裁军谈判会议通过一项全面而平衡的工作方案之后设立,该工作方案应平等地处理议程上的四个核心问题,即核裁军、消极安全保证、防止外层空间军备竞赛和禁止生产裂变材料。 另一个条件是,委员会应根据香农任务授权开展工作,而这一任务授权已经得到裁谈会或大多数成员国的同意。", "由于有些代表团提到了该报告,请允许我就这份报告作一些基本评论,当然,一旦我收到我国首都的指示,就保留回到任何段落的权利。", "我国代表团当然同意巴基斯坦大使提出的所有问题。 我要补充几点意见。 关于“主席之友”的提法,我们不认为在这里适当,当然,我们充分尊重主席和主席之友。 我们认为,报告中不应提及这个集团或其任务,因为这是一个没有官方、法律或政治地位的集团。 第16段\n我愿指出,一些国家强调必须通过一项全面而平衡的工作方案,五国大使的倡议仍然是就这一工作方案达成协议的最佳基础。", "第20段提到,各代表团强调了审查议程的重要性。 这些话在2005年是真实的,但2006年第一次会议通过了议程,在议程通过之后,一些代表团提出了审查议程的问题,而许多其他代表团认为,议程是平衡而全面的,反映了与国际安全局势有关的所有关切。", "第25和26段自相矛盾,因为第25段末尾提到需要开始实质性工作;第26段我们读到,2006年届会期间的实质性工作就是这样的。 因此,问题是:我们是否已经开始了实质性工作? 当然,解决这一矛盾的办法可见于第25段末尾的提法,大意是实质性工作的目标是通过裁军谈判会议的工作方案。", "在第34和35段中,我们详细阅读了禁止生产裂变材料的协议,我们愿看到各国的立场得到反映,它们不同意这种陈述方式。 因此,我们希望我们刚才就停止生产裂变材料条约所阐明的立场能在本报告中得到反映,从而使第45段是平衡的。 如你所知,在处理这一问题或这些问题的问题上没有达成共识,因此,我们要么删除该段,要么提及我们在这方面多次表达的反对意见。", "在第46段(a)中,我们要么删除这一段,要么提及阐明我们对这一问题立场的正式文件的文号。 这也适用于第53段:要么应删除该段,要么应添加一则来反映我们的立场,即裁谈会没有就这些问题的讨论达成共识,裁军谈判会议不是处理这一问题的适当场所。 第54(a)段也是如此,该段要么应予删除,要么包括载有我们在这一问题上所坚持的立场的文件的文号。 因此,除这些评论外,我国代表团保留在不久将从我国首都得到的指示之前返回报告所有这些段落的权利。", "主席:我感谢尊敬的叙利亚代表的发言。 我名单上的下一位发言者是秘鲁代表迭戈·贝莱万先生。", "贝莱万先生(秘鲁): 主席先生,由于我国代表团在你任期内首次发言,首先请允许我祝贺你在最近几周里以高效率的方式主持了我们的工作,特别是你介绍了上星期分发的报告草稿。 在这方面,我祝贺2006年的各位主席在整个裁谈会本届会议期间所做的重要而有创意的工作,这使我们希望这项工作将成为推动明年裁谈会实质性工作的典范。", "自上次以来 星期四,我有一些机会就裁谈会的规则在提交联合国大会的年度报告方面的实际规定交换意见。 我与所有人交谈时都强调,需要一份客观的报告,适当描述2006年发生的情况。 在这方面,如果我想走一条略有不同的道路,我想指出的是,西班牙皇家学院出版的《西班牙语词典》第22版保护3.5亿多人口所讲语言的正确使用,它首先将“目标”一词定义为“与一个人的想法或感受无关的物体本身或与之有关”。 换句话说,它描述了一些事情,但没有试图在其中反映我们自己的偏见。 同一词典对“描述”一词有三种定义:(a) “描绘、勾画、代表某种东西,以充分说明它的方式描绘它;(b) 通过语言代表某人或某种东西,提及或解释他、她或其不同部分、品质或情况;(c) 界定不完美的东西,不是通过其基本特征,而是对其部分或特性的一般认识”。", "摆在我们面前的案文在我刚才所读的三个定义之间是一个很好的平衡。 它充分描述了我们2006年举行的会议,客观地解释了我们所完成工作的不同部分,最后,它概述了情况。 因此,我国代表团认为,报告草案符合我们议事规则第45条规定的要求,忠实地反映了裁军谈判会议2006年会议的情况。", "当然,我们知道,任何文件总是可以改进的,在这方面,我们不会拒绝审查保持报告草案目前和谐与精神的建议。", "然而,我要强调我们认为反映今年采用的创新机制的一些要素。 我们特别赞赏本会议成员对所有议程项目的兴趣得到反映的方式,这证实了六主席在拉帕茨基大使领导下作出的明智决定,即根据该文件为分阶段的专题辩论制定时间表。 我们还认为,必须适当提及2006年六主席开展的协调工作,这项工作有助于在本届会议期间完成大量实质性工作。", "我们还认为提及 \" 主席之友 \" 是重要的,它反映了裁谈会成员同意有必要就可能更新与裁谈会有关的所有问题进行讨论,包括形式问题和实质性问题。 在这方面,我们赞赏并注意到6月初通过当时的主席、俄罗斯联邦的洛希宁大使提交的第一份报告。", "最后,我们大家在2006年初接受的活动时间表适当地反映在我们对裁谈会议程上每个项目所举行的会议的描述中。", "主席:我感谢尊敬的秘鲁代表的发言,现在请尊敬的荷兰大使发言。", "兰德曼先生 (荷兰):主席先生,我们今年会议的一个引人注目的方面是,我们在极为良好的气氛中就严肃问题进行了扎实的讨论。 我的意思是,没有争论。 我们确实以非常有建设性和合作的方式共同努力,我必须指出,你的报告反映了这一点。 我确实希望,我相信,而且我期望,我们将能够以这种方式,在作出必要调整的情况下,完成并商定这份报告。", "我的第二点:我要向叙利亚同事道歉。 我必须承认,我不知道我已经被列入了名单,而且实际上我还没有明确地完成我的演讲,因此我最后有点迷路了,正如有些人可能注意到的那样,所以我感到困惑了,这一定是我感到我的叙利亚同事可能错过了我真正说过并打算说的话——当然不是单人狂,只指一个问题。 我明确说过――我想说――我想重复一遍,以便记录在案。 我说的是,我们至少应该能够得出这样的结论:关于裁军谈判会议2007年届会,必须寻求一种安排,一方面反映裁谈会应当处理的各种问题,使每个问题在今天的政治环境中具有相对的分量,而与此同时,我们终于开始就禁产条约的授权进行具体谈判,我们所有人都支持或接受谈判。", "我也非常认真地听取了他的其他发言,像我一如既往地认真听取了我们尊敬的巴基斯坦同事的发言。 伟大的智慧。 伟大的智慧。 许多建议非常相关,我们必须思考。 我国代表团对此没有异议。 但是,我确实希望,这份报告成功地传达了这样一个信息,即今年这里发生了一些事情,与过去9年或10年相比,情况有所不同。 实际上,我要报告的是,10年前的这个月,签署了《全面禁止核试验条约》的登记册已经打开。 正如我非常正确地记得,正是在这个月里,第一个签署国是美国总统克林顿。 从那时起,本机构没有产生多少成果,而今年,我们确实提供了一些希望,这一点应当得到反映。", "事实确实如此,我注意到,仔细比较了去年的报告和今年的报告这两个案文,我们还有大约五、六页,但我不确定我们在纽约的同事会这样做和进行比较。 但当你一看它, 你再次看到这个文件等等, ça ne saute pas aux yeux. 虽然联合国秘书长指出了这一点,但我们向每天不参与这项工作的纽约同事传达这一信息并非易事。", "我举出一个真正令我印象深刻的例子,我希望各位同事原谅我,但今年有一个引人注目的事件。 一位高级政府官员介绍了两项非常重要的文件,即禁产条约的授权文本和条约文本,我们已谈论了10年。 这是第一次发生这种事。 当我一读时,我并没有真正注意到它被提到, 但最后我找到了它。 它被藏在一张文件清单里 我们都是有经验的外交官 当我们看一个文件,特别是文件有四页多时,我们就跳过文件。 因此,这是一个陈述问题。 人们可以想象,至少会有一段说,这种介绍是对这些文件的。", "简言之,我要呼吁有许多想法的同事们,特别是那些想法的同事们,我在这里提到我的叙利亚同事,他正在等待大马士革的指示,我确实希望,我们在那里可以发挥作用,指导我们将促进并努力尽可能积极地获得这些指示,并确实使我们能够传达我们走在正确轨道上,明年会更好的信息。", "主席:我感谢荷兰大使的发言,现在请尊敬的墨西哥代表恩里克·奥乔亚先生发言。", "奥霍先生(墨西哥): 主席先生,首先请允许我祝贺你担任本会议主席并向你保证,我国代表团将全力支持你。 我还要感谢你和秘书处向我们提交了这份报告草案。", "现在,我只想作一些一般性评论,因为我国代表团本来打算在非正式讨论期间提出这些评论,但我们认为,在这方面提出这些评论会增加一些价值。 在这方面,我仅提及其中几段。", "关于尊敬的巴基斯坦大使提到的第13段,我国代表团认为,引用拉帕茨基大使的发言是有选择性的,没有反映裁谈会所有成员的感受。", "在第23和24段之间,我认为我们省略了一个重要的问题。 2月16日,若干代表团呼吁非政府组织委员会非政府组织和平问题工作组关于与和平、稳定和裁军有关的妇女法律和社会地位的声明由国际妇女节声明的作者宣读。 当时没有代表团表示反对这项建议。 然而,尽管如此,必须宣读该声明的是会议主席。 在我们看来,这似乎是一个实际的事件,应当反映在裁谈会的报告中。", "在第25段,我们读作“这项提案”,提到六主席倡议,认为该倡议是有用的和建设性的,得到了裁谈会所有成员国的赞赏。 我国代表团认为,六主席倡议是朝着正确方向迈出的一步,我们确实对此表示欢迎,但我们认为,而且我们一直认为,在我们克服裁军谈判会议令人无法容忍的停滞状态之前,并且为了根据裁谈会的授权启动谈判,这只是一种缓和。 因此我认为这句话必须更加平衡.", "关于第25段最后一句和第26段第一句,正如叙利亚代表团所指出,我们认为这是矛盾的,因为如果我们谈论加紧努力进行协商并探讨就开始裁谈会实质性工作达成协议的各种可能性,我们就不能在下段中说出裁谈会的实质性工作是什么。 我们逻辑上无法以这种方式表达这一点。", "最后,我要提到第32段,我们感到该段也遗漏了一个重要的问题;这就是大韩民国朴大使在工作结束后,于3月14日代表他提出了一份文件,其中他汇编了在他担任主席期间讨论议程项目1和2期间提出的建议和意见。", "我想提到的最后一点是第45、48、49和53段,我不想长篇大论。 这些段落具体提到(e)项、(f)项、(f)项、(f)项、(g)项和(g)项所处理的关于军备透明度的问题。 在我们看来,议程的其他项目没有得到同样的对待。 关于这一点,我希望相当清楚。 我国代表团不反对列入这些段落,但我们想支持列入其他观点,例如,关于核裁军问题,我们不妨强调2005年不扩散条约审议大会失败所造成的挫折,或需要加快2000年不扩散条约审议大会所商定的13个步骤。", "主席:我感谢尊敬的墨西哥代表的发言。 我名单上的下一位发言者是尊敬的意大利大使卡洛·特雷扎先生。", "特雷扎先生(意大利): 我的理解是,在本届会议期间,关于报告的讨论将以非正式方式进行,但我认为我们已经以正式方式进行了讨论,因此我想就这份文件表明我的看法。", "我想说,总的来说,该文件是事实和客观的,我认为,根据议事规则第45条,它清楚地反映了谈判和裁谈会的工作,我们已经听到一些意见。 需要作出调整,我们准备参加对案文的讨论。", "我建议,如果我们进入起草阶段,或进入起草阶段,我们就应当以非正式方式这样做。 此外,关于今天上午所作的一些发言,我建议不要过于雄心勃勃。 我们认为,报告本身不能解决裁军谈判会议的问题,特别是工作计划的问题。 我们必须向大会报告我们的工作,但很难相信,通过这一文书,我们确实能够实现我们在这一年未能实现的目标。", "主席:我感谢意大利大使的发言并忆及将举行一次非正式全体会议专门讨论起草会议。 现在我请尊敬的美利坚合众国代表发言。", "辛金先生(美利坚合众国): 很抱歉再次发言。 我本来期望在一次单独的非正式全体会议上讨论该报告,因此,我在发言中并没有只谈到中亚无核武器区。", "仅就报告发表一两点一般性意见,首先要赞扬秘书处努力编写一份能反映实际情况的诚实报告。 尽管如此,我们确实有几点看法。", "我注意到,在报告关于防止外空军备竞赛的章节中,我具体提到第38段,其措辞一般是通俗易懂的、描述性的和相当丰富的。 我能读到这个 了解实际发生的事情 另一方面,我谨提及涉及禁产条约的第34段。 在那里,似乎有一系列的脚注,你必须是一个非常实际的手,才能了解这些讨论中实际发生的情况。 最值得注意的是,我愿意提出一些支持荷兰大使所说的话的建议,即我们认为,在讨论《禁产条约》的过程中,助理国务卿雷德梅克提出了《禁产条约》谈判任务授权草案和一项条约草案,这一点非常重要,尽管我认为这已作为脚注予以反映,但是,如果你愿意的话,在第35(g)和(h)段中,在我看来,本着实际描述这里所发生的情况的精神,鉴于这一事件的重要性,更有意义、更实际地提及这一点是适当的。 据我所知,这是今年提出的唯一一项条约,也是唯一的谈判授权草案,因此也许值得特别提及。", "我恭敬地建议,也许可以立即在34标题下列出的第一个项目将是一个事实陈述,其内容大致如下:在2006年5月18日第1019次全体会议上,我并不向你们提供谈判案文,而只是为了说明起见,美国助理国务卿史蒂夫·拉德梅克提出了“禁产条约谈判任务授权草案(CD/1776)和禁产条约草案(CD/1777),标题等等”。 这在实质上几乎与你拥有的几乎完全相同,但也许可以更加突出一个非常重要的事件,因为它符合防止外空军备竞赛部分的思路并本着这一部分的精神,我认为这一部分的阐述要好得多。", "主席:我感谢美利坚合众国代表的发言,现在请尊敬的澳大利亚大使卡罗琳·米勒女士发言。", "米勒女士(澳大利亚):主席先生,我首先要赞扬你提出了一份非常有益、平坦、实事求是的报告。 澳大利亚代表团认为你做得非常好。 我们还要赞扬今年裁军谈判会议所有六位主席对本报告采取的做法,以及更广泛地说,对我们的工作采取共同的建设性办法确实有助于我们取得进展。 我们赞同在报告中,特别是在第25段中对此的描述,其中谈到六主席的办法是有用的和建设性的。 这当然是。 同样在第56段中,它谈到今年加强一致性和目的。 在这方面,我们同意荷兰的看法,即这在很大程度上是由于六主席的做法。", "澳大利亚将呼吁2007年裁谈会主席采取类似做法,以保持这一势头。", "我现在要谈谈另一个代表团就我国代表团认为重要的一个问题提出的一个具体问题,这就是第53和54段中提到的便携式导弹。 在这方面,我要说,我要在这里作的评论同样适用于第45和46(b)段。 关于讨论肩扛导弹以及第53和54段所提交的文件的提法,我要指出,这些是十分简单、直截了当和符合事实的,我仅宣读一下:“在有重点的辩论中,一些代表团谈到了便携式防空系统问题”。 对这次讨论没有提出任何评论或评估。 它发生了。 发生了 报告如此说. 应保留这一提法。 我还要补充一点,在上次会议上,我们问您是否可以将主席对澳大利亚6月16日举行的便携式导弹研讨会的总结作为裁谈会的文件分发,我们问您是否可以这样做,并反映在本报告的修订本中。", "最后,关于《禁产条约》第34和35段,我们要再次说,这是你可能想象到的最简单、最实际的讨论。 它只是提到它发生,并列出提交的文件。 本代表团确实很难看到在这些提法方面可能有什么同意或不同意之处。 对辩论没有这种或那种评价或判断。 它发生了。 文件已经提交。", "尽管如此,我们也支持按照美国代表刚才建议的思路,更明确地提及美国条约草案和谈判授权。 这是裁军谈判会议的一项重大发展,本报告应一一提及。", "主席:我感谢尊敬的澳大利亚大使的发言,现在再次请尊敬的叙利亚代表侯赛因·阿里先生发言。", "阿里先生(阿拉伯叙利亚共和国): 我为再次发言道歉。 我谨简要地答复尊敬的美国代表所说的话。 关于他的建议,裁军谈判会议议事规则中没有任何内容表明,有些议程项目比其他议程项目更重要,没有任何内容表明,高级代表、副部长或部长所提交的内容比使馆随员所提交的内容更重要。 在裁军谈判会议正式会议上表达的立场具有同样的法律和政治重要性,因此我们反对美国代表提出的建议。 此外,关于澳大利亚代表就澳大利亚代表团组织的关于便携式导弹相关活动的研讨会的总结所说的话,我们也反对提及这次研讨会,因为它与裁军谈判会议无关。", "主席:我感谢尊敬的叙利亚代表的发言,我现在请尊敬的摩洛哥代表穆罕默德·本贾贝尔先生发言。", "本贾贝尔先生(摩洛哥): 主席先生,首先请允许我表示,我国代表团最诚挚地赞赏你为推动裁谈会而作的努力,特别是在各成员集中关注裁谈会提交大会的报告这一敏感时刻。 在这方面,我谨祝贺你所起草的报告草稿,该报告应被视为极为现实。 为了确保这份报告更加透彻并更忠实地反映裁谈会在整个会议期间的审议情况,我国代表团想作如下评论。", "首先,主席之友由各位主席直接和非正式地任命,因为波兰的兹齐斯拉夫·拉帕茨基大使仅限于在2006年2月2日举行的特别会议上宣布这一决定,随后裁谈会未对此作出任何认可。 因此,我毫不不尊重被任命的大使,我们对他们表示充分尊重和尊敬,我们赞扬他们的努力。 我国代表团对在报告中以主席之友的身份提到他们表示保留。 就我国代表团而言,为了表明就报告草案达成共识所需的灵活性,它宣布准备研究巴基斯坦提出的把与主席之友有关的所有问题合并到一段中的建议。", "第二,关于第15段,关于裁军谈判会议向国际原子能机构代表发出的邀请,我国代表团赞同巴基斯坦大使所说的话,即最好按照会议的决定列入就此问题所达成的协议,如果我们不这样做,最好在不取消该段内容的情况下加以概括。", "第三,关于2006年会议期间裁谈会的实质性工作,我国代表团欢迎在报告中首次明确提到 \" 新问题 \" ,这是朝着正确方向迈出的一步。 在这方面,我不能不回顾我国代表团自2004年担任主席以来所作的努力,鼓励我们努力调整我们的工作,以适应国际安全与和平方面的新发展。 为了在这一积极事态发展的基础上更上一层楼,我国代表团认为,必须将各代表团今年提出的所有问题列入报告的适当部分。 例如,在不试图详尽无遗的情况下,列入塞内加尔和哥伦比亚在与全面裁军方案有关的项目6下提出的小武器和轻武器问题,是一个好主意。 在诸如集束武器、军事开支、核军备透明度和信息安全等其他问题上,应该遵循同样的制度。", "第四和最后一点是,必须改进报告草稿,以确保所有段落都遵循同样的模式,特别是第32段。 还有必要检查一下,是否提及了裁谈会举行的所有会议,包括第41段没有提到的关于保证不对无核武器国家使用或威胁使用核武器的有效国际措施的非正式会议。", "谢谢 主席先生,我们再次表示祝贺。", "主席:我感谢摩洛哥代表的发言和客气话,现在请尊敬的阿尔及利亚大使伊德里斯·贾扎伊里先生发言。", "贾扎伊里先生(阿尔及利亚):阿尔及利亚是主席之友小组的成员,但我们没有机会就最后报告(CD/WP.542号文件)表明我们的看法,因此,我想在此向大家正式表明我们的立场。", "我们有三个问题。 首先,关于第16段,我们发现,需要采取一种平衡而全面的做法的概念是我们大家都支持的。 我们并不认为平衡而全面是其他选择。 这种办法应该既平衡又全面,因此,我们不同意在 \" 和 \" 二字后添加 \" 或 \" 二字。", "第二,在第25段中,关于最后一句,我们建议两种选择。 要么我们说,裁谈会成员国普遍认为,应进一步加强磋商和探索可能性的努力,以便就工作计划达成共识,使裁谈会能够开始实质性工作。 我们认为不应在工作计划之外开始实质性工作,因此 \" 就工作计划达成共识,使裁谈会能够开始实质性工作 \" 。 如果这不能接受,我们也乐于接受以下提法:“......应进一步加紧进行协商并探讨各种可能性,以期达成......”。 我将向你们提交一份有关这些选择的文件。", "第三点提到第45、48、49和53段,以确认前任主席拉帕茨基大使在同一份报告第11段中正确提到的话,他在这方面说,“关于议程的通过,......如果裁谈会在处理任何问题上达成协商一致意见,这些问题可以在议程范围内处理”。 因此,关于第45、48、49和53段中提到的这些问题,实际上没有达成协商一致,因此,拉帕茨基大使的第二句将涉及这些问题,他说, \" 本会议还将考虑到议事规则第27和30条.以及第20段和其他有关段落 \" 。", "第30条在第二段中怎么说? 它说,裁谈会任何成员国都有权在全体会议上提出与裁谈会工作有关的任何议题,并有充分机会就它认为值得注意的任何议题发表意见。", "我建议,这些观点是根据CD/8/Rev.9号文件所载议事规则第30条第2款提出的。 因此,我的建议是,我们要么把所有这些段落都列入报告最后一个项目(即项目H)下,要么我们有一个题为“根据议事规则第30条第2款所作的发言”的项目一,然后提到所有发言,因为如果将它们放在H之前,或者即使把它们分散到本报告的不同项目中,看来这些段落都已经列入议程,因此是协商一致的主题,但情况并非如此。 在这种情况下,我还建议你在第45、48、49和53段中提到的清单中加上阿尔及利亚根据议事规则第30条提出的关于核武器透明度的其他建议、塞内加尔关于小武器的建议等。", "主席:我感谢尊敬的阿尔及利亚大使的发言,我现在请法国代表米卡埃尔·格里冯先生发言。", "贾扎伊里先生(阿尔及利亚): 对不起 我确实提到了涉及民用关键基础设施、大规模毁灭性武器、恐怖主义、杀伤人员地雷、武器贸易条约、肩扛导弹以及我提到的阿尔及利亚、塞内加尔和其他国家提出的物品等段落。", "主席:谢谢你。 我现在请法国发言。", "格里丰先生(法国): 我国代表团完全同意澳大利亚代表团关于报告第三部分E和G节所说的话。 我们认为,应该在该议程项目下提到它们实际处理的议题。", "主席:我感谢法国代表。 我现在请尊敬的伊朗伊斯兰共和国代表发言。", "萨贾杜尔先生(伊朗伊斯兰共和国):主席先生,我感谢你的努力,我也感谢裁谈会其他主席。 秘书处所做的工作确实值得赞扬。 这是专业报告,我国代表团对此非常赞赏。", "然而,高度的专业精神并不总是最终确定和完整的,并不是每个人都是完整的,也不是每个报告都是完整的,没有缺陷.", "我国代表团十分仔细地阅读了报告并认真听取了所有讨论,认为有一个问题,即报告与逐字记录混杂在一起,是所有这些对报告不同意见的基础。 我们知道裁谈会上有PV。 我们有个报告 它们之间差别很大,结构也大相径庭,有些选择反映了PV,我认为这是基本基础,我的发言仅限于目前这一总的看法,但我认为这是一个应该稍后讨论和详细讨论的问题。", "我们还有一些意见,特别是关于第13、25、26、45和53段的意见,但我把它留给一个更好的时间,当然它不限于这些段落,但我认为我国代表团提出的根本问题需要认真注意。", "主席:谢谢你的发言,现在请尊敬的加拿大代表保罗·迈耶大使发言。", "迈耶先生(加拿大):主席先生,首先请允许我赞扬你和你的同事为我们提供了一份非常专业和深思熟虑的报告草稿。 我只想重复前几位同事的贤明评论。 我指的是巴基斯坦大使敦促报告是事实性的而不是解释性的,以及我的荷兰同事指出事实本身就说明了问题。 我认为我们应当以此为指导。 我认为,解释为我们大家带来了真正的复杂问题,我们越接近于真实地说明这一年是如何进行的,无论它看起来多么平坦,我认为我们是在更安全的地方。 我完全同意特雷扎大使提醒我们,报告不会解决裁谈会或我们难以捉摸的工作计划的问题,而且坦率地说,在纽约或我们各国首都或任何地方的同僚们会对这一案文感到困惑,以获取智慧或灵感,我认为,用温和的话说是不现实的。", "现在真正重要的是,我们尽快完成这项工作,我们问题的解决方法在于一种前瞻性的政治外交活动,我想建议,而不是一种反向的档案和编年史活动。", "主席:我感谢尊敬的加拿大大使的发言,我请尊敬的俄罗斯联邦代表安东·瓦西里耶夫先生发言。", "瓦西里耶夫先生(俄罗斯联邦): 主席先生,我也谨赞同对您所起草的出色案文表示感谢的话,正如今天的讨论所显示的,该案文可以作为今后工作的极好基础,而且我们认为,在我们仍然可以利用的时间里,我们将完全能够调和关于已经慢慢明确的问题的各种观点,达成一个共同标准并用一份良好的事实报告结束裁军谈判会议这一特别的一年。", "第二,我要表示同意尊敬的意大利代表的意见,并呼吁尽快着手就案文开展实际工作。 我认为,我们必须开始一次非正式会议并讨论具体段落的具体措辞,使我们能够加快工作。", "第三,美利坚合众国代表团建议,应更加突出美利坚合众国提出的禁产条约草案和关于进一步就禁产条约开展工作的授权,对此作出一点事实性评论。 原则上,我们准备考虑这项建议,我们非常积极地看待这项建议。 我想说明的唯一一点是,我认为这一提议的理由没有完全正确表达,因为关于防止外空军备竞赛全体会议清单的第38段的措辞与关于禁产条约全体会议清单的第34段的措辞作了比较。 主席先生,如果我错了,请纠正我,但我理解,重点不是在一种情况下故意更详细地描述某些事情,而在另一种情况下则更不切实际地描述某些事情,这里的要点是,与裁谈会会议有关的措辞按主席当时向裁谈会建议的形式字面化 -- -- 仅此而已。 在这方面,在我看来,我们只是必须公正对待这样一个事实,即这只是对实际发生情况的事实反映。", "第四点 我想在我们今天的公开会议上非常简短地回答尊敬的日本代表美根大使的发言。 我们很难同意他今天发言中的一些评论,但我们当然非常尊重所说的话。 我只想呼吁在目前阶段的每一个人集中关注重要的问题,积极结束到积极的一年,并且我要呼吁在目前阶段的每一个人尽可能集中关注把我们聚集在一起的原因,并避免确定我们正在讨论的某些关键问题与其它问题相对应,表现出谨慎,表现出责任感,表现出客观性。 这将有助于我们在裁谈会保持这一积极势头,由于大家在今年的共同努力,我们以极大的困难取得了这一进展,并将它推进到明年。", "主席:我感谢俄罗斯联邦代表的发言,并再次呼吁你将你的发言限于一般性评论,以便我们能够尽快开始非正式全体会议。 名单上下一位发言者是阿根廷代表马塞洛·瓦列·丰罗赫先生。", "巴列·丰罗赫先生(阿根廷): 关于我们正在分析的案文,我们不反对批准它。 这是一个完整的文本,是一个事实文本,在某种程度上反映了本会议正在发生的情况。 在这方面,我们同意这样的看法,即这应该是事实性的,因此,我们请求在讨论(g)项(军备的透明度)时列入第52段之二,因为考虑到我们提议的第52段之二将具体提及各代表团在本裁谈会上就联合国常规武器登记册所处理的问题之一进行的辩论。", "大家记得,当时裁谈会口头介绍了由我国副外长加西亚·莫里坦大使主持的联合国常规武器登记册专家组所做的工作。 在这方面,我们不仅要求起草第52段之二,具体提及常规武器领域的 \" 联合国登记册 \" 问题,而且要求在第54段增加一个新的(c)分段,正式规定,我们将提交秘书处的文件将记录加西亚·莫里坦大使的口头介绍,这有助于在日内瓦这个办事处公布这个专家组取得的成果,我认为这些成果令人满意。", "主席:我感谢尊敬的阿根廷代表的发言,现在我请尊敬的印度代表因德拉·马尼·潘迪先生发言。", "潘迪先生(印度):主席先生,我们要同其他代表团一道赞扬你编写了一份非常实事求是和平衡的报告。", "原则上,我们对报告没有重大困难,我们可以同意关于报告的协商一致意见。 然而,我们要就其他一些代表团提出的第25段提出一点看法,这就是该段最后一句。 在此,我们想提及就工作计划达成协议的必要性,这项建议符合波兰主席在六主席倡议开始时所作的发言,其中指出,今年各位主席特别有责任就共同纲领共同努力,以努力就工作计划达成共识。 我还指出,去年报告第20段在该段结尾处也有类似的句子,其中明确提到,裁谈会成员国普遍认为,应进一步加强协商并探讨各种可能性,以就工作计划达成协议。 因此,如果这句话是去年这句话的再现,它应明确反映就工作方案达成协议的必要性。", "主席:我感谢印度代表的发言,现在请尊敬的联合王国大使发言。", "邓肯先生: (大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国): 我将尽量简短。 我感到非常鼓舞的是,最近一些发言者试图强调我们实际参与这一努力的情况,即公正和准确地报告我们今年所做的工作,也许还要解释——也许这是任何外部读者最重要和感兴趣的问题——我们如何在相当长的一段时间里第一次成功地重振本组织和本论坛。 可能正是在这个背景下,我只想发表一些一般性意见,以退一步。", "裁军谈判会议是独一无二的,因为它是唯一一个得到授权并例行处理最高政治级别军事敏感性问题的国际论坛。 这些问题对世界和平至关重要。 不幸的是,近十年来,裁谈会在程序上争论不休。 这也许不像尼禄皇帝在罗马燃烧时那样极端,但是,在我们进入21世纪时,我们负有沉重的责任,必须开始找到办法,应对全球化和相互联系的世界中政治军事领域的挑战。 这些讨论可能不自在,但具有根本重要性。", "当然,我们也必须保持某种程度的平衡并尊重各国家集团和个别国家的观点,但同样,我在这里很短的时间内受到鼓舞,看到外交官所作所为的基本部分,即妥协、灵活性和想象力的发展。 我非常赞赏你的案文,我认为它代表了良好的结构平衡,也许更重要的是,它解释了裁军谈判会议如何设法摆脱程序上的僵局。 我认为,我这样说是正确的,多数人认为,我们应该找到一种方法,在今年的经验基础上更上一层楼,而不是回过头来回顾早先的尝试,虽然这些尝试是真诚提出的,但并没有产生我们大家所寻求的成功。", "正如我所说的,平衡问题经常被提出,我再次感到鼓舞的是,我们今天上午听到的发言是,当我们谈论平衡时,我们不是在谈论对称性,我们是在谈论公平待遇和客观性,我认为你已经提出了一份反映这种客观性和公平待遇的非常好的草案,这是今后报告的必要性。 我同意其他代表团的意见,即我们应当集中审议也许为了改进案文并反映我们今年所取得的真正成功而需要的小修正。", "主席:我感谢尊敬的联合王国大使的发言,结束本次会议正式部分的最佳方式也许是请今年的第一任主席波兰的日斯拉夫·拉帕茨基大使发言。", "拉帕茨基先生(波兰):主席先生,我首先要祝贺你并感谢你提出报告,我个人认为这份报告是平衡、客观并反映了今年届会期间所发生的事件。 当然,我们总是可以改进它,我谨感谢迄今为改进今年届会的报告而发言的各国所有尊敬的代表。", "但让我谈谈两个问题。 第一,主席之友:我特别想提及在报告中不提及主席之友的建议,因为裁军谈判会议议事规则中并不存在这个机构。 它在议事规则中并不存在,但在裁军谈判会议历史上确实存在。 我想在此提到的是,1994年任命了一位主席之友,负责处理扩大裁谈会成员的问题。 这是巴西的费利佩·兰普雷亚大使,他的任命反映在议程和工作方案项目下的报告之中,1994年的继任主席也延长了他的任命;我指的是1994年报告第8段。 他的工作成果反映在他的任务部分,题为“扩大裁军谈判会议的成员”。 这是先例,使我们有可能在今年的报告中对这一试验采取后续行动。 我认为,我们在第13段中的内容适当反映了今年六主席的意图,也反映了主席之友的工作成果。", "作为主席之友的各位尊敬的大使在本届会议期间极为有帮助,因此,以及由于我们在裁军谈判会议历史上的先例,报告值得适当参考。 因此,请继续报告的内容,尽管正如我早些时候说过的那样,我本人已做好准备,愿意接受我们在报告中提议的改进。", "我要提到的另一个问题是,我作为今年届会的第一任主席所作的发言。 一些大使引用了当时我说的话,我完全同意他们的看法,他们说得对。 他们所说的话是正确的 -- -- 我确实在裁军谈判会议第二次会议上说过。", "非常感谢 总统先生 我希望,我们将很快举行一次非正式会议,更详细地讨论我们报告的所有段落。", "主席:我感谢尊敬的波兰大使的发言。 发言名单到此结束。 我看到尊敬的中国大使。", "成先生(中国): 我本不打算在本次正式全体会议上发言,但正如其他一些国家已表明其立场,我还想说几句话。", "主席先生,我国代表团赞赏你和秘书处成员为编写今年的报告所作的一切努力。 总的来说,我认为该草案为我们的工作提供了良好的基础。 至于我们对报告内容的更详细看法,我将在非正式全体会议上再谈这个问题。", "现在,我只想强调,我支持尊敬的巴基斯坦和阿尔及利亚大使就工作计划对第25段提出的修正。", "最后,我要指出,我们今天在这里讨论主席的报告草稿,而不是辩论任何个别代表团关于裁谈会的结论或意见。 关于今年进行的讨论,每个国家都可以得出自己的结论,但是,如果我们都决定提出这些结论,我们最终将得出几十个结论。 这对我们的讨论没有任何好处。 因此,我建议我们继续集中讨论你的报告草案,而不要发表与这一问题无关的发言。", "主席:我感谢尊敬的中国大使的发言和他对主席和秘书处所说的客气话。 这似乎是本次正式全体会议的最后一位发言者。 是否有其他代表团想发言? 我请荷兰发言。", "兰德曼先生(荷兰): 我有个问题 我个人认为,本会堂并不十分有利于集体和小组讨论,例如,我亲自坐到所有同事面前。 这没有什么帮助。 我想知道:主席何时想到我们自己的会堂将重新开放? 对不起,但这会改善很多事情。", "主席:谢谢你提出的问题。 我请我们的副秘书长回答这个问题。", "考勒先生(会议副秘书长): 安理会会议厅的情况是,音响系统不再健全和可靠,在更换音响系统之前不可能在该会议厅举行会议。 我从会议服务处了解到,一项合同已被允许,但完成这项工作需要大约7个星期的时间,因此恐怕没有希望能够利用这一空间来进行2006年的会议。", "如你所知,我们曾经作为倒计时 使用过七号房, 就你提到的目的而言,它比这更亲密。 然而,第七会议室的困难在于,若干代表团认为,该会议室的座位不方便,因为每个代表团只有一名成员可以坐在名牌上。 因此,我们再次作为一个倒计时者,寻找一个在万国宫的这一部分可以使用的房间,这就是分配的房间。", "主席:谢谢你, 副秘书长先生。 今天的正式全体会议到此结束。 根据我们今天的计划,本次全体会议10分钟后将举行一次非正式全体会议,届时我们将着手对裁谈会的报告草稿进行一读。", "与往常一样,本次非正式全体会议只对裁谈会成员国和观察员国开放。", "裁谈会下次全体会议将于明天9月7日星期四举行,随后将举行非正式会议并继续审议报告草稿。", "中午12时15分散会。" ]
[ "CONFERENCE ON DISARMAMENT CD/PV.1041 7 September 2006 \n ENGLISH", "FINAL RECORD OF THE ONE THOUSAND AND FORTY-FIRST PLENARY MEETING", "Held at the Palais des Nations, Geneva,", "on Thursday, 7 September, at 10.25 a.m.", "President: Mr. Anton PINTER (Slovakia)", "GE.06-64298 (E) 311006 091106", "The PRESIDENT: I declare open the 1041st plenary meeting of the Conference on Disarmament.", "At the very outset, I would like to draw your attention to the request from Bahrain for participation in the work of the Conference during this session. This request is before you in document CD/WP.541/Add.5.", "In accordance with established practice, I invite the Conference to take a decision on this request without first having considered it in an informal meeting.", "May I take it that the Conference decides to invite Bahrain to participate in our work in accordance with the rules of procedure?", "It was so decided.", "The PRESIDENT: I now give the floor to the representative of Bahrain, Ambassador Abdulla Abdullatif Abdulla, who will make a statement on behalf of the League of Arab States.", "Mr. ABDULLA (Bahrain) (translated from Arabic): Mr. President, on behalf of the Arab Group participating as members or observers at this Conference, I should like to express our region’s full appreciation of your efforts to address the issue of disarmament in general and nuclear disarmament in particular. I should like to congratulate you on your assumption of the presidency and to confirm our willingness to cooperate with you fully in making this Conference a success and obtaining the best results for all sides. I should like to sincerely thank the Secretary‑General of the Conference, as well as his deputy and the secretariat, and also to express my gratitude to your predecessors.", "The Arab Group affirms its strong commitment to the General Assembly’s resolutions, most recently resolution 60/59 of 8 December 2005, which states that multilateralism is the core principle in negotiations in the area of disarmament and non-proliferation. This is confirmation of the universality of these questions, which require the equal participation of all countries.", "It was on this kind of basis that the Arab States undertook to abandon the nuclear option by acceding to the NPT. For this reason, and because of their commitment to non-proliferation, they attach the utmost importance to disarmament. Accordingly, they call on the nuclear‑weapon States which are parties to the Treaty to bear their responsibilities and provide the required security assurances to implement the resolutions adopted by the General Assembly and the review conferences on the subject of nuclear disarmament. The Arab Group hopes that the nuclear-weapon States will respect the commitments that they have made, particularly the undertakings that they gave at the Sixth NPT Review Conference held in 2000 with regard to the “13 steps”.", "In this connection we are very disappointed at this Conference’s failure to respond to the appeals of the 2005 Review Conference, to establish a subsidiary body to deal with nuclear disarmament and commence negotiations on an FMCT, including stockpiles, taking account of the related objectives of nuclear disarmament and non-proliferation.", "The Arab Group further hopes that the parties to the Treaty will take advantage of the preparatory meetings for the forthcoming review conference to conduct a genuine, impartial and balanced review of the three pillars of the Treaty, namely, nuclear disarmament, non‑proliferation and peaceful uses.", "In 1995, the Arab Group’s States parties to the Treaty agreed to an indefinite extension of the Treaty, because they were convinced that the resolution on the Middle East could strengthen regional security by ridding the region of nuclear weapons. The Arab States reiterate that this resolution is part and parcel of the Treaty. The final document of the Sixth Review Conference clearly reaffirmed “the importance of Israel’s accession to the Non-Proliferation Treaty and the placement of all its nuclear installations under comprehensive IAEA safeguards, realizing the goal of universal adherence to the Treaty in the Middle East” (art. 7, para. 16, subpara. 3).", "Arab States insist on the need to implement the vital resolution of 1995 on making the Middle East a nuclear‑weapon‑free zone and the related resolutions which the General Assembly adopts every year, at the initiative of the Arab Group, the most recent resolutions being General Assembly resolutions 60/52 and 60/92 on this issue.", "Our request is more urgent than ever, given the very grave developments in our region, particularly Israel’s deplorable aggression against Lebanon and Palestine. According to Amnesty International, the widespread destruction of civil infrastructure, energy networks, civilian homes and factories was premeditated and part of an Israeli military strategy which led to the deaths of more than 1,100 persons - one third of them children - the wounding of 4,000 others and the displacement of 978,000 persons, or one quarter of the population, who had to flee to the north of Lebanon. The Amnesty report describes these violations as war crimes for which individuals should be prosecuted.", "The director of the United Nations Mine Action Service (UNMAS) has further stated that Israel deliberately used cluster bombs against populated areas, targeting at least 170 villages and locations in violation of international law. These bombs were scattered across wide areas and are deadly traps for civilians from villages near and far. Indeed, many people, including children, have been killed or injured by them since the ceasefire.", "If a number of multilateral forums deal with the subject of disarmament, this remains the only international, multilateral forum that can prepare draft conventions and treaties on these subjects. To do this, we all have to work to protect this advantage and contribute to the creation of a new international legal order that guarantees lasting security and peace in the world. We hope that the members will demonstrate the right kind of political will, flexibility and realism to find compromise solutions with a view to adopting a programme of work that takes account of the security requirements of all the different groups of States.", "The PRESIDENT: I thank the distinguished Ambassador of Bahrain for his statement and for the kind words addressed to the Chair.", "This concludes my list of speakers for today. Does any delegation wish to take the floor at this stage? That is not the case. May I take it that this concludes our formal meetings of today?", "In accordance with our plans for today, this plenary meeting will be followed in 10 minutes by an informal meeting during which we will continue the consideration of the draft report of the Conference on Disarmament to the United Nations General Assembly at its sixty‑first session.", "As usual this informal plenary meeting is open only to the member States of the Conference as well as to the observer States.", "Unless I receive a request from member States to have a plenary meeting on Tuesday, 12 September, our next plenary meeting will take place on Thursday, 14 September. In accordance with the outline of activities, this meeting will be devoted to the adoption of the report of the Conference.", "The meeting rose at 10.35 a.m." ]
[ "第一〇四一次全体会议最后记录", "2006年9月7日星期四上午10时25分 在日内瓦万国宫举行", "主 席:安东·平特先生(斯洛伐克)", "主席:我宣布裁军谈判会议第1041次全体会议开幕。", "首先,我谨提请各位注意,巴林要求参加本届裁军谈判会议的工作。各位可以在CD/WP.541/Add.5号文件中看到这一要求。", "按照惯例,我请谈判会议未在非正式会议上审议这一请求之前先对它作出决定。", "我是否可以认为会议决定根据议事规则请巴林代表参加会议?", "就这样决定。", "主席:我现在请巴林代表阿卜杜拉·阿卜杜勒拉蒂夫·阿卜杜拉大使发言,他将代表阿拉伯国家联盟发言。", "阿卜杜拉先生(巴林):主席先生,我谨代表以成员或观察员身份参加本次会议的阿拉伯集团向您表示,本地区十分赞赏你为解决普遍的裁军问题、尤其是核裁军问题所作的努力。我谨祝贺你担任会议主席,并重申我们愿意与你充分合作,使会议圆满成功并为所有方面取得最佳的成果。我谨真诚地感谢会议秘书长,并感谢他的副手和秘书处工作人员,同时并表示感谢你的前任。", "阿拉伯集团重申其对大会决议、包括最近2005年12月8日第60/59号决议的坚定承诺,这项决议指出,多边主义是裁军和不扩散领域内谈判的核心原则。这就确认了这些问题的普遍性,而普遍性就要求所有国家平等地参与。", "阿拉伯国家正是在这样的基础上决定加入《不扩散条约》,从而放弃核选择的。为此、而且也由于这些国家对不扩散的承诺,它们极为重视裁军。因此,这些国家呼吁加入《条约》的核武器国家承担起责任,提供所需要的安全保证,从而实施大会及各届审议大会就核裁军问题通过的各项决议。阿拉伯集团希望核武器国家能尊重自己所作的承诺,尤其是其在2000年举行的第六届《不扩散条约》审议大会上对“13个步骤”所作的承诺。", "对此,我们对本次会议未能响应2005年审议大会的呼吁感到十分失望,这项呼吁要求建立一个附属机构、考虑核裁军与不扩散这两项相关目标,处理核裁军问题,并就一项《裂变材料禁产条约》(包括储存问题)开始谈判。", "阿拉伯集团并希望,《条约》的缔约国能利用即将举行的审议大会的筹备会议,来对《条约》的三大支柱、即核裁军、不扩散与和平使用问题进行真实、公正和平衡的审查。", "1995年,《条约》的阿拉伯集团缔约国同意无限期地延长《条约》,因为这些国家深信,关于中东问题的决议可以将核武器排除在该地区之外,从而加强该区的安全。阿拉伯国家重申,这项决议是《条约》的一部分内容。第六届审议大会的最后文件重申“以色列应加入不扩散核武器条约,并将其所有核设施置于原子能机构的全面保障监督之下,以实现中东普遍加入条约的目标”。(第七条第16段第3分段)。", "阿拉伯国家坚持认为有必要履行1995年关于使中东成为无核武器区的至关重要的决议,以及大会每年在阿拉伯国家的倡议下通过的相关决议,其中最近的两项决议就是关于这一问题的大会第60/52号和第60/92号决议。", "由于我们地区的严重事态发展,尤其是以色列对黎巴嫩和巴勒斯坦的令人发指的侵略,我们的要求现在比任何时候更为紧迫。据大赦国际指出,对民用设施、能源供应网、民宅和工厂的普遍毁坏是有预谋的,是以色列军事战略的组成部分,导致了1100多人的死亡(其中三分之一为儿童),另有4000人受伤,978,000人(达全部人口的四分之一)流离失所,使这些人不得不逃往黎巴嫩北部。大赦国际称这些侵权行为是战争罪,应当为此惩处肇事的个人。", "联合国排雷行动处处长并指出,以色列蓄意违反国际法,对居民区使用集束炸弹,向至少170个村庄和居民点投掷炸弹。这些炸弹散播面大,是远近村庄平民的致命陷阱。确实,停火以来,已经有许多人、包括儿童被这些炸弹炸死或炸伤。", "如果说有一些多边论坛是负责处理裁军问题的,那么本谈判会议仍然是能够对这些问题拟订公约草案和条约草案的唯一国际多边论坛。为做到这一点,我们大家都必须努力维护这一优势,并帮助建立能保障世界持久安全与和平的新的国际法律秩序。我们希望与会者能表现出正确的政治意愿、灵活性和现实主义精神,达成折衷的解决办法,并通过一项兼顾所有不同国家集团安全需要的工作方案。", "主席:我感谢尊敬的巴林大使的发言及对主席所讲的友好的话。", "今天的发言者名单到此结束。现在是否有任何代表团希望发言?没有代表希望发言。我是否可以认为我们今天的正式会议到此结束?", "根据我们今天的计划,这次全体会议十分钟后,将举行一次非正式会议,会上我们将继续审议裁军谈判会议提交联合国大会第六十一届会议的报告草案。", "依惯例这次非正式全体会议只对谈判会议成员国以及观察员国开放。", "除非我收到成员国要求在9月12日星期二举行全体会议的请求,我们下一次全体会议将在9月14日星期四举行。根据各项活动的安排大纲,该次会议将专门用于通过裁谈会的报告。", "上午10时35分散会。" ]
[ "2006年9月7日致裁军谈判会议主席的信\n联合国", "第一〇四一次全体会议最后记录", "在日内瓦万国宫举行", "9月7日星期四上午10时25分 在日内瓦万国宫举行", "主席:安东·平特先生(斯洛伐克)", "6-64298(E) 31-1006 09-1106", "主席:我宣布裁军谈判会议第1041次全体会议现在开始。", "首先,我要提请你注意巴林关于在本届会议期间参加裁谈会工作的请求。 这一要求载于CD/WP.541/Add.5号文件。", "按照惯例,我请裁谈会就这项请求作出决定,而不必首先在非正式会议上审议。", "我是否可以认为裁谈会决定根据议事规则邀请巴林参加我们的工作?", "就这样决定。", "主席:我现在请巴林代表阿卜杜拉·阿卜杜拉蒂夫·阿卜杜拉大使代表阿拉伯国家联盟发言。", "阿卜杜拉先生(巴林): 主席先生,我代表作为成员或观察员出席本次会议的阿拉伯集团,表示我们区域对你为处理普遍裁军,特别是核裁军问题所作努力的充分赞赏。 我谨祝贺你担任主席,并申明我们愿意与你充分合作,使裁谈会取得成功并取得各方的最佳结果。 我真诚感谢裁谈会秘书长及其副手和秘书处,并感谢你的前任。", "阿拉伯集团申明对大会决议的坚定承诺,最近的是2005年12月8日第60/59号决议,其中指出多边主义是裁军和不扩散领域谈判的核心原则。 这证实了这些问题的普遍性,这些问题需要所有国家的平等参与。", "正是在这种基础上,阿拉伯国家承诺通过加入《不扩散条约》放弃核选择。 为此原因并由于他们对不扩散的承诺,它们极为重视裁军。 因此,他们呼吁作为《条约》缔约国的核武器国家承担责任并提供必要的安全保证,以实施大会和审议大会就核裁军问题所通过的决议。 阿拉伯集团希望核武器国家遵守它们所作的承诺,特别是在2000年举行的不扩散条约第六次审议大会上就“13个步骤”作出的承诺。", "在这方面,我们感到非常失望的是,本会议未能响应2005年审议大会的呼吁,即设立一个附属机构来处理核裁军问题并开始谈判包括储存在内的禁产条约,同时考虑到核裁军和不扩散的相关目标。", "阿拉伯集团还希望,《条约》缔约国将利用即将举行的审议大会筹备会议的机会,对《条约》的三大支柱,即核裁军、不扩散及和平利用进行真正、公正和平衡的审查。", "1995年,《条约》的阿拉伯集团缔约国同意无限期地延长《条约》,因为它们相信关于中东的决议能够通过消除该区域的核武器来加强区域安全。 阿拉伯国家重申,该决议是《条约》的组成部分。 第六次审议大会最后文件明确重申 \" 以色列必须加入《不扩散条约》,并将其所有核设施置于原子能机构的全面保障监督之下,并实现中东普遍遵守该条约的目标 \" (第7条第16款(子)项)。 第3条:", "阿拉伯国家坚持认为,必须执行1995年关于使中东成为无核武器区的重要决议,以及大会每年在阿拉伯集团的倡议下通过的相关决议,最近的决议是关于这一问题的大会第60/52和60/92号决议。", "鉴于本地区非常严重的事态发展,特别是以色列对黎巴嫩和巴勒斯坦的可耻侵略,我们的要求比以往任何时候都更加迫切。 据大赦国际称,对民用基础设施、能源网络、平民住宅和工厂的广泛破坏是有预谋的,是以色列军事战略的一部分,导致1 100多人死亡 -- -- 其中三分之一是儿童 -- -- 另有4 000人受伤,978,000人流离失所,占人口的四分之一,他们不得不逃到黎巴嫩北部。 大赦国际的报告将这些侵权行为描述为战争罪,应对此对个人提出起诉。", "联合国排雷行动处处长还进一步指出,以色列违反国际法,蓄意对居民区使用集束炸弹,以至少170个村庄和地点为目标。 这些炸弹散布在广大地区,是来自附近和遥远村庄的平民的致命陷阱。 事实上,自停火以来,包括儿童在内的许多人被他们杀害或打伤。", "如果一些多边论坛处理裁军问题,这仍然是能够拟订有关这些主题的公约草案和条约草案的唯一国际多边论坛。 为此,我们大家必须努力保护这一优势,为建立一个保障世界持久安全与和平的国际新法律秩序作出贡献。 我们希望,各位成员将表现出正确的政治意愿、灵活性和现实主义,以找到妥协的解决办法,从而通过一项考虑到所有不同国家集团的安全需要的工作方案。", "主席:我感谢尊敬的巴林大使的发言和他对主席说的客气话。", "今天的发言者名单到此结束。 现在是否有任何代表团希望发言? 事实并非如此。 5月 (中文(简体) ). 我认为我们今天的正式会议到此结束?", "根据我们今天的计划,本次全体会议10分钟后将举行一次非正式会议,我们将在会议期间继续审议裁军谈判会议提交联合国大会第六十一届会议的报告草稿。", "按照惯例,本次非正式全体会议只对裁谈会成员国和观察员国开放。", "除非我收到成员国关于在9月12日星期二举行一次全体会议的请求,我们的下次全体会议将于9月14日星期四举行。 根据活动大纲,本次会议将专门讨论通过本会议的报告。", "上午10时35分散会" ]
[ "President:\tMr. Wittig\t(Germany) \nMembers:\tBosnia and Herzegovina\tMs. Čolaković\n Brazil Mrs. Viotti \n China Mr. Li Baodong \n Colombia Mr. Osorio \n France Mr. Araud \n Gabon Mrs. Bongo \n India Mr. Vinay Kumar \n Lebanon Mr. Assaf \n Nigeria Mrs. Ogwu \n Portugal Mr. Moraes Cabral \n Russian Federation Mr. Pankin \n South Africa Mr. Mashabane \n\tUnited Kingdom of Great Britain andNorthern Ireland\tMr. Parham\n United States of America Mrs. DiCarlo", "Agenda", "Reports of the Secretary-General on the Sudan", "The meeting was called to order at 10.10 a.m.", "Adoption of the agenda", "The agenda was adopted.", "Reports of the Secretary-General on the Sudan", "The President: The Security Council will now begin its consideration of the item on its agenda.", "Members of the Council have before them document S/2011/416, which contains the text of a draft resolution submitted by France, Gabon, Germany, Nigeria, Portugal, South Africa, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the United States of America.", "It is my understanding that the Council is ready to proceed to the vote on the draft resolution before it. I shall put the draft resolution to the vote now.", "A vote was taken by show of hands.", "In favour:", "Bosnia and Herzegovina, Brazil, China, Colombia, France, Gabon, Germany, India, Lebanon, Nigeria, Portugal, Russian Federation, South Africa, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, United States of America", "The President: There were 15 votes in favour. The draft resolution has been adopted unanimously as resolution 1996 (2011).", "The Security Council has thus concluded the present stage of its consideration of the item on its agenda. The Council will remain seized of the matter.", "The meeting rose at 10.15 a.m." ]
[ "主席: 维蒂希先生 (德国) \n 成员: 波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那 乔拉科维奇女士 \n 巴西 维奥蒂夫人 \n 中国 李保东先生 \n 哥伦比亚 奥索里奥先生 \n 法国 阿罗德先生 \n 加蓬 邦戈夫人 \n 印度 维奈·库马尔先生 \n 黎巴嫩 阿萨夫先生 \n 尼日利亚 奥格武夫人 \n 葡萄牙 莫赖斯·卡布拉尔先生\n 俄罗斯联邦 潘金先生 \n 南非 马沙巴尼先生 \n 大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国 帕勒姆先生 \n 美利坚合众国 迪卡洛夫人", "议程项目", "秘书长关于苏丹的报告", "上午10时10分开会。", "通过议程", "议程通过。", "秘书长关于苏丹的报告", "主席(以英语发言):安全理事会现在开始审议其议程上的项目。", "安理会成员面前摆着文件S/2011/416,其中载有法国、加蓬、德国、尼日利亚、葡萄牙、南非、大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国和美利坚合众国提交的一项决议草案案文。", "我的理解是,安理会现在准备对其面前的决议草案进行表决。我现在就把这项决议草案付诸表决。", "进行了举手表决。", "赞成:", "波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那、巴西、中国、哥伦比亚、法国、加蓬、德国、印度、黎巴嫩、尼日利亚、葡萄牙、俄罗斯联邦、南非、大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国、美利坚合众国", "主席(以英语发言):有15票赞成。决议草案获得一致通过,成为第1996(2011)号决议。", "安全理事会就此结束现阶段对其议程项目的审议。安全理事会将继续处理此案。", "上午10时15分散会。" ]
[ "主席: 维蒂希先生 (德国)\n成员:波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那\n巴西 维奥蒂夫人\n中国 李保东先生\n哥伦比亚 奥索里奥先生\n法国 阿罗先生\n加蓬 邦戈女士\n印度 维奈·库马尔先生\n黎巴嫩 阿萨夫先生\n尼日利亚 奥格武女士\n葡萄牙 莫赖斯·卡布拉尔先生\n俄罗斯联邦 潘金先生\n南非 马沙巴内先生\n大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国\n美利坚合众国 迪卡洛夫人", "议程项目", "秘书长关于苏丹的报告", "上午10时10分宣布开会", "通过议程", "议程通过。", "秘书长关于苏丹的报告", "主席(以英语发言):安全理事会现在开始审议其议程上的项目。", "安理会成员面前有文件S/2011/416,其中载有由法国、加蓬、德国、尼日利亚、葡萄牙、南非、大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国和美利坚合众国提交的一项决议草案的案文。", "我的理解是,安理会现在准备对其面前的决议草案进行表决。 我现在将决议草案付诸表决。", "进行了举手表决。", "赞成:", "波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那、巴西、中国、哥伦比亚、法国、加蓬、德国、印度、黎巴嫩、尼日利亚、葡萄牙、俄罗斯联邦、南非、大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国、美利坚合众国", "主席(以英语发言):有15票赞成。 决议草案获得一致通过,成为第1996(2011)号决议。", "安全理事会就此结束现阶段对其议程项目的审议。 安理会将继续处理此案。", "上午10时15分散会。" ]
[ "Sixty-fifth session", "Agenda item 127", "Financial reports and audited financial statements, and reports of the Board of Auditors", "Report of the Fifth Committee", "Rapporteur: Ms. Nicole Ann Mannion (Ireland)", "I. Introduction", "1. The previous recommendation made by the Fifth Committee to the General Assembly under agenda item 127 appears in the report of the Committee contained in document A/65/594.", "2. The Fifth Committee resumed its consideration of the item at its 32nd and 42nd meetings, on 2 May and 30 June 2011. Statements and observations made in the course of the Committee’s consideration of the item are reflected in the relevant summary records (A/C.5/65/SR.32 and 42).", "3. For its further consideration of the item, the Fifth Committee had before it the following documents:", "(a) Financial report and audited financial statements for the 12-month period from 1 July 2009 to 30 June 2010 and the report of the Board of Auditors on United Nations peacekeeping operations;[1]", "(b) Report of the Secretary-General on implementation of the recommendations of the Board of Auditors concerning United Nations peacekeeping operations for the financial period ended 30 June 2010 (A/65/719);", "(c) Related report of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions (A/65/782).", "II. Consideration of draft resolution A/C.5/65/L.31", "4. At its 42nd meeting, on 30 June, the Committee had before it a draft resolution entitled “Financial reports and audited financial statements, and reports of the Board of Auditors” (A/C.5/65/L.31), submitted by the Chair of the Committee on the basis of informal consultations coordinated by the representative of Egypt.", "5. At the same meeting, the Committee adopted draft resolution A/C.5/65/L.31 without a vote (see para. 6).", "III. Recommendation of the Fifth Committee", "6. The Fifth Committee recommends to the General Assembly the adoption of the following draft resolution:", "Financial reports and audited financial statements, and reports of the Board of Auditors", "The General Assembly,", "Recalling its resolutions 64/268 of 24 June 2010 and 65/243 of 24 December 2010,", "Having considered the financial report and audited financial statements for the twelve-month period from 1 July 2009 to 30 June 2010 and the report of the Board of Auditors on the United Nations peacekeeping operations[2] and the report of the Secretary-General on the implementation of the recommendations of the Board of Auditors concerning United Nations peacekeeping operations for the financial period ended 30 June 2010,[3] as well as the report of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions on the report of the Board of Auditors on the accounts of the United Nations peacekeeping operations for the financial period ended 30 June 2010,[4]", "1. Accepts the audited financial statements of the United Nations peacekeeping operations for the period from 1 July 2009 to 30 June 2010;¹", "2. Takes note of the observations and endorses the recommendations contained in the report of the Board of Auditors;[5]", "3. Also takes note of the observations and endorses the recommendations contained in the report of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions;³", "4. Commends the Board of Auditors for the continued high quality of its report and the streamlined format thereof;", "5. Notes the enhanced coordination among the Board of Auditors, the Secretary-General and the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions, and welcomes the timely submission of the relevant reports on peacekeeping operations;", "6. Notes with encouragement that there were improvements in the financial and administrative management of peacekeeping operations, and expects that these trends will be sustained in future financial periods;", "7. Takes note of the report of the Secretary-General on the implementation of the recommendations of the Board of Auditors concerning United Nations peacekeeping operations for the financial period ended 30 June 2010;²", "8. Recalls paragraph 7 of its resolution 64/268, and reiterates the need to strengthen administrative and institutional measures to address the root causes of recurring issues and to minimize the ageing of the Board’s previous recommendations;", "9. Notes with concern the recurrence of problems previously identified by the Board of Auditors in regard to the management of expendable and non‑expendable property;", "10. Requests the Secretary-General to ensure the full implementation of the recommendations of the Board of Auditors and the related recommendations of the Advisory Committee in a prompt and timely manner;", "11. Stresses the importance of the Secretary-General’s stewardship of the management of assets for peacekeeping, including expendable and non-expendable property and strategic deployment stocks, and reiterates its requests to the Secretary-General to strengthen internal controls in the management of those assets to ensure adequate safeguards that would prevent waste and financial loss to the Organization;", "12. Notes paragraphs 27 to 34 of the report of the Board of Auditors,⁴ expresses its concern at the creation of a large amount of unliquidated obligations at the end of the financial year and the risk of applying the amount reserved during the current-year budget to the following year, and notes with concern the increase in the cancellation of unliquidated obligations compared with the previous financial year;", "13. Requests the Secretary-General to adhere to the criteria for the creation and cancellation of obligations and to strengthen internal controls in the management of these matters, and also requests the Secretary-General to entrust the Office of Internal Oversight Services with assisting in that regard;", "14. Also requests the Secretary-General to continue to indicate an expected time frame for the implementation of the recommendations of the Board of Auditors and the priorities for their implementation, including the office holders to be held accountable and measures taken in that regard;", "15. Recalls section D of its resolution 64/259 of 29 March 2010, and requests the Secretary-General to reinforce his efforts to ensure that managers are effectively held accountable for the implementation of the recommendations of the Board of Auditors through the identification of priorities, clear time frames and an assessment of actions taken in that regard, in the context of the assessment of managers’ performance mechanisms, including sanctions in case of recurrent non‑compliance, and to continue to report thereon in the context of the report of the Secretary-General on the implementation of the recommendations of the Board;", "16. Requests the Secretary-General to provide, in the next report on the implementation of the recommendations of the Board of Auditors concerning United Nations peacekeeping operations, a full explanation for the delays in the implementation of all outstanding recommendations of the Board, the root causes of the recurring issues and the measures to be taken;", "17. Recalls paragraph 5 of its resolution 65/243, and requests the Secretary-General to ensure that adequate and specific plans for peacekeeping operations are in place to address matters relating to expendable and non-expendable property in order to serve as a basis for preparations for the implementation of the International Public Sector Accounting Standards;", "18. Stresses that the leadership and commitment of senior managers to the implementation strategy of the enterprise resource planning project, Umoja, will be critical to the successful adoption of the International Public Sector Accounting Standards, and requests the Secretary-General to take all necessary measures to this end;", "19. Recalls paragraphs 32 and 33 of the report of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions³ and paragraph 14 of its resolution 64/268, and welcomes the willingness of the Board of Auditors to conduct performance audits;", "20. Requests the Advisory Committee to request the Board of Auditors to submit to the General Assembly at its sixty-sixth session, in coordination with the Office of Internal Oversight Services and the Administration, a comprehensive proposal in this regard, including its impact with respect to the Financial Regulations and Rules of the United Nations.[6]", "[1] * Reissued for technical reasons on 5 August 2011.", "Official Records of the General Assembly, Sixty-fifth Session, Supplement No. 5 (A/65/5 (Vol. II)).", "[2] Official Records of the General Assembly, Sixty-fifth Session, Supplement No. 5 (A/65/5), vol. II.", "[3] A/65/719.", "[4] A/65/782.", "[5] Official Records of the General Assembly, Sixty-fifth Session, Supplement No. 5 (A/65/5), vol. II, chap. II.", "[6] ST/SGB/2003/7." ]
[ "第六十五届会议", "议程项目127", "财务报告和已审计财务报表以及审计委员会的报告", "第五委员会的报告", "报告员:尼科尔·安·曼尼农女士(爱尔兰)", "一. 导言", "1. 第五委员会以前就议程项目127向大会提出的建议(见A/65/594号文件所载)委员会的报告。", "2. 在2011年5月2日和6月30日第32次和第42次会议上,第五委员会继续审议该项目。在委员会审议该项目过程中所作的发言和发表的意见,反映在有关简要记录(A/C.5/65/SR.32和42)中。", "3. 在审议该项目时,委员会面前有下列文件:", "(a) 2009年7月1日至2010年6月30日期间财务报告和已审计财务报表以及委员会关于联合国维持和平行动的报告;[1]", "(b) 秘书长关于审计委员会关于2010年6月30日终了财政期间联合国维持和平行动的各项建议的执行情况的报告(A/65/719);", "(c) 行政和预算问题咨询委员会的有关报告(A/65/782)。", "二. 决议草案A/C.5/65/L.31的审议情况", "4. 在6月30日第42次会议上,委员会面前有主席根据埃及代表协调的非正式协商提出的决议草案,题为“财务报告和已审计财务报表以及审计委员会的报告”(A/C.5/65/L.31)。", "5. 在同次会议上,委员会未经表决通过了决议草案A/C.5/65/L.31(见第6段)。", "三. 第五委员会的建议", "6. 第五委员会建议大会通过下列决议草案:", "财务报告和已审计财务报表以及审计委员会的报告", "大会,", "回顾其2010年6月24日第64/268号和2010年12月24日第65/243号决议,", "审议了2009年7月1日至2010年6月30日12个月期间的财务报告和已审计财务报表以及审计委员会关于联合国维持和平行动的报告[2] 及秘书长关于执行审计委员会就2010年6月30日终了财政期间联合国维持和平行动所提建议执行情况的报告,[3] 以及行政和预算问题咨询委员会就审计委员会关于2010年6月30日终了财政期间联合国维持和平行动账户的报告所提出的报告,[4]", "1. 接受2009年7月1日至2010年6月30日联合国维持和平行动的已审计财务报表;¹", "2. 注意到审计委员会报告所载意见并认可其中各项建议;[5]", "3. 又注意到行政和预算问题咨询委员会报告³ 所载意见并认可其中各项建议;", "4. 赞扬审计委员会的报告仍然是质量上乘、格式简化;", "5. 注意到审计委员会、秘书长及行政和预算问题咨询委员会之间加强了协调,并欢迎及时提交维持和平行动的有关报告;", "6. 欣慰地注意到维持和平行动的财务和行政管理有了改善,并希望这种趋势在未来财政期间得到持续;", "7. 注意到秘书长关于审计委员会就2010年6月30日终了财政期间联合国维持和平行动所提建议² 执行情况的报告;", "8. 回顾其第64/268号决议第7段,并重申需要加强行政和体制措施,以解决问题反复出现的根本原因,并尽量减少审计委员会以往建议执行滞后的情况;", "9. 关切地注意到审计委员会先前查明的消耗性和非消耗性财产管理问题", "再次出现;", "10. 请秘书长确保迅速及时地全面执行审计委员会的建议和咨询委员会的有关建议;", "11. 强调秘书长领导管理包括消耗性和非消耗性财产在内的维持和平资产以及战略部署储备的重要性,并重申请秘书长加强这些资产管理的内部控制,确保有足够的保障措施,防止浪费和给本组织造成经济损失;", "12. 注意到审计委员会报告⁴ 第27段至第34段,表示关注在财政年度结束时制造大量未清债务以及把本年度预算保留的数额用于下一年度的风险,并关切地注意到未清债务注销比上个财政年度增加;", "13. 请秘书长坚持创造和注销债务的标准,加强对管理这些事项的内部控制,又请秘书长委托内部监督事务厅协助管理;", "14. 又请秘书长继续说明执行审计委员会建议的预计时限以及执行工作的优先次序,包括将承担问责的官员及为此采取的措施;", "15. 回顾其2010年3月29日第64/259号决议D节,并请秘书长在评估管理人员业绩评价机制过程中,确定优先事项,制订明确时限和评估在这方面采取的行动,包括一再违规时进行的处罚,确保管理人员在执行审计委员会建议方面有效接受问责,并在秘书长关于审计委员会建议执行情况的报告中继续就此提出报告;", "16. 请秘书长在关于审计委员会就联合国维持和平行动所提建议执行情况的下一次报告中,充分说明所有尚未执行的审计委员会建议为何未及时执行、有些问题一再出现的根本原因和应采取的措施;", "17. 回顾其第65/243号决议第5段,并请秘书长确保为维持和平行动制定适当而具体的处理消耗性和非消耗性财产相关事项的计划,作为筹备实施国际公共部门会计准则的依据;", "18. 强调高级管理人员对企业资源规化项目“团结”执行战略的领导和决心对于成功采用国际公共部门会计准则至关重要,并请秘书长为此采取一切必要措施;", "19. 回顾行政和预算问题咨询委员会的报告³ 第32和33段及其第64/268号决议第14段,并欢迎审计委员会愿意进行业绩审计;", "20. 请咨询委员会请审计委员会与监督厅和行政部门协调,以期在其第六十六届会议就此提出全面建议,包括其在《联合国财务条例和细则》[6] 方面的影响。", "[1] ^(*) 由于技术原因于2011年8月5日重新印发。", "《大会正式记录,第六十五届会议,补编第5号》(A/65/5(第二卷))。", "[2] 《大会正式记录,第六十五届会议,补编第5号》(A/65/5),第二卷。", "[3] A/65/719。", "[4] A/65/782。", "[5] 《大会正式记录,第六十五届会议,补编第5号》(A/65/5),第二卷,第二章。", "[6] ST/SGB/2003/7。" ]
[ "第六十五届会议", "议程项目127", "财务报告和已审计财务报表以及审计委员会的报告", "第五委员会的报告", "报告员:尼科尔·安·曼尼恩女士(爱尔兰)", "一. 导言", "1. 联合国 1. 第五委员会先前在议程项目127下向大会提出的建议见A/65/594号文件所载的委员会报告。", "2. 联合国 2. 第五委员会在2011年5月2日和6月30日第32和42次会议上继续审议该项目。 在委员会审议该项目过程中所作的发言和发表的意见,反映在有关简要记录(A/C.5/65/SR.32和42)中。", "3个 3. 第五委员会为进一步审议该项目,面前有下列文件:", "(a) 2009年7月1日至2010年6月30日12个月期间财务报告和已审计财务报表以及审计委员会关于联合国维持和平行动的报告;[1]", "(b) 秘书长关于审计委员会就2010年6月30日终了财政期间联合国维持和平行动所提建议执行情况的报告(A/65/719);", "(c) 行政和预算问题咨询委员会的有关报告(A/65/782)。", "二. 二. 决议草案A/C.5/65/L.31的审议情况", " 4.四. 在6月30日第42次会议上,委员会面前有委员会主席根据埃及代表协调的非正式协商提出的决议草案,题为“财务报告和已审计财务报表以及审计委员会的报告”(A/C.5/65/L.31)。", "5 (韩语). 5. 在同次会议上,委员会未经表决通过了决议草案A/C.5/65/L.31(见第6段)。 第6页。", "三. 三. 第五委员会的建议", "6. 国家 6. 第五委员会建议大会通过下列决议草案:", "财务报告和已审计财务报表以及审计委员会的报告", "大会,", "回顾其2010年6月24日第64/268号和2010年12月24日第65/243号决议,", "审议了2009年7月1日至2010年6月30日十二个月期间的财务报告和已审计财务报表以及审计委员会关于联合国维持和平行动的报告[2]、秘书长关于审计委员会就2010年6月30日终了财政期间联合国维持和平行动所提建议执行情况的报告[3] 以及行政和预算问题咨询委员会关于审计委员会关于2010年6月30日终了财政期间联合国维持和平行动账户的报告的报告,[4]", "1. 联合国 1. 接受联合国维持和平行动2009年7月1日至2010年6月30日期间已审计财务报表;1", "2. 联合国 注意到审计委员会报告所载的意见并认可其中的各项建议;[5]", "3个 2. 又注意到行政和预算问题咨询委员会报告所载的意见并认可其中的建议;3", " 4.四. 2. 赞扬审计委员会的报告质量持续很高并格式简化;", "5 (韩语). 4. 注意到审计委员会、秘书长和行政和预算问题咨询委员会之间加强了协调,并欢迎及时提交了有关维持和平行动的报告;", "6. 国家 4. 欣慰地注意到维持和平行动财务和行政管理有所改进,并期望这些趋势将在今后财政期间得到维持;", "7. 联合国 2. 表示注意到秘书长关于审计委员会就2010年6月30日终了财政期间联合国维持和平行动所提建议执行情况的报告;2", "8. 联合国 回顾其第64/268号决议第7段,并再次申明必须加强行政和体制措施,从根源上解决一再出现的问题,并尽量减少审计委员会以往建议执行滞后的情况;", "9. 国家 2. 关切地注意到审计委员会以前发现的与消耗性和非消耗性财产管理有关的问题再次发生;", "10个 9. 请秘书长确保迅速而及时地充分执行审计委员会的建议和咨询委员会的有关建议;", "11个 强调秘书长必须领导管理维持和平资产,包括消耗性和非消耗性财产以及战略部署物资储存,并再请秘书长加强管理这些资产的内部控制,以确保采取适当保障措施,防止给本组织造成浪费和经济损失;", "12个 4. 注意到审计委员会报告4 第27至34段,表示关切在财政年度终了时产生大量未清债务并有可能将本年度预算期间所保留的金额用于下一年度,并关切地注意到与上一个财政年度相比,未清债务的注销有所增加;", "13个 9. 请秘书长遵守债务产生和注销的标准,加强处理这些问题的内部控制,又请秘书长责成内部监督事务厅在这方面提供协助;", "14个 11. 又请秘书长继续说明执行审计委员会建议的预期时限以及执行这些建议的优先次序,包括在这方面应接受问责的官员和采取的措施;", "15个 回顾其2010年3月29日第64/259号决议D节,请秘书长在评估管理人员业绩机制时,通过确定优先事项、明确时限并评估在这方面所采取行动,包括在发生一再不遵守审计委员会建议的情况时给予制裁,进一步努力确保管理人员切实对审计委员会各项建议的执行工作负责,并继续在秘书长关于审计委员会建议执行情况的报告中报告有关情况;", "16号. 12. 请秘书长在下一次关于审计委员会就联合国维持和平行动所提出建议执行情况的报告中,充分说明所有尚未执行的审计委员会建议为何未及时执行、一再出现问题的根本原因和将采取的措施;", "17岁 11. 回顾其第65/243号决议第5段,并请秘书长确保为维持和平行动制定适当而具体的计划,以处理与消耗性和非消耗性财产有关的事项,以作为筹备实施国际公共部门会计准则的基础;", "18岁。 7. 着重指出高级管理人员对企业资源规划项目 \" 团结 \" 项目实施战略的领导和承诺,对成功采用国际公共部门会计准则至关重要,请秘书长为此采取一切必要措施;", " 19. 19. 3. 回顾行政和预算问题咨询委员会报告3 第32和33段及第64/268号决议第14段,并欣见审计委员会愿意进行业绩审计;", "20号. 请咨询委员会请审计委员会同内部监督事务厅和行政当局协调,向大会第六十六届会议提交一份这方面的综合提案,包括该提案对《联合国财务条例和细则》的影响。 [6]", "[1] * 由于技术原因于2011年8月5日重新印发.", "《大会正式记录,第六十五届会议,补编第5号》(A/65/5(Vol.II))。", "[2] 《大会正式记录,第六十五届会议,补编第5号》(A/65/5),第一卷。 二.", "[3] A/65/719。", "[4] A/65/782。", "[5] 《大会正式记录,第六十五届会议,补编第5号》(A/65/5),第一卷。 页:1 二.", "[6] ST/SGB/2003/7。" ]
[ "Sixty-fifth session", "Agenda item 144", "* Reissued for technical reasons on 26 July 2011.", "Financing of the United Nations Mission in the Central African Republic and Chad", "Report of the Fifth Committee", "Rapporteur: Ms. Nicole Ann Mannion (Ireland)", "I. Introduction", "1. The previous recommendation made by the Fifth Committee to the General Assembly under agenda item 144 appears in the report of the Committee contained in document A/65/653.", "2. The Fifth Committee resumed its consideration of the item at its 34th and 42nd meetings, on 5 May and 30 June 2011. Statements and observations made in the course of the Committee’s consideration of the item are reflected in the relevant summary records (A/C.5/65/SR.34 and 42).", "3. For its consideration of the item, the Committee had before it the following documents:", "(a) Report of the Secretary-General on the budget performance of the United Nations Mission in the Central African Republic and Chad for the period from 1 July 2009 to 30 June 2010 (A/65/638);", "(b) Related report of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions (A/65/743/Add.11).", "II. Consideration of draft resolution A/C.5/65/L.32", "4. At its 42nd meeting, on 30 June 2011, the Committee had before it a draft resolution entitled “Financing of the United Nations Mission in the Central African Republic and Chad” (A/C.5/65/L.32), submitted by the Chair of the Committee on the basis of informal consultations coordinated by the representative of Bangladesh.", "5. At the same meeting, the Committee adopted draft resolution A/C.5/65/L.32 without a vote (see para. 6).", "III. Recommendation of the Fifth Committee", "6. The Fifth Committee recommends to the General Assembly the adoption of the following draft resolution:", "Financing of the United Nations Mission in the Central African Republic and Chad", "The General Assembly,", "Having considered the report of the Secretary-General on the financing of the United Nations Mission in the Central African Republic and Chad[1] and the related report of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions,[2]", "Recalling Security Council resolution 1778 (2007) of 25 September 2007, by which the Council established in the Central African Republic and Chad a multidimensional presence, including the United Nations Mission in the Central African Republic and Chad, and the subsequent resolutions by which the Council extended the mandate of the Mission, the latest of which was resolution 1923 (2010) of 25 May 2010, by which the Council extended the mandate of the Mission until 31 December 2010, decided to reduce the military component of the Mission to 2,200 military personnel and called upon the Secretary-General to complete the withdrawal of all uniformed and civilian components, other than those required for the Mission’s liquidation, by 31 December 2010,", "Recalling also its resolution 62/233 A of 22 December 2007 on the financing of the United Nations Mission in the Central African Republic and Chad and its subsequent resolutions thereon, the latest of which was resolution 65/254 of 24 December 2010,", "Reaffirming the general principles underlying the financing of United Nations peacekeeping operations, as stated in General Assembly resolutions 1874 (S-IV) of 27 June 1963, 3101 (XXVIII) of 11 December 1973 and 55/235 of 23 December 2000,", "Noting with appreciation that voluntary contributions have been made to the Mission,", "1. Takes note of the status of contributions to the United Nations Mission in the Central African Republic and Chad as at 30 April 2011, including the contributions outstanding in the amount of 57.1 million United States dollars, representing some 4 per cent of the total assessed contributions, notes with concern that only ninety-five Member States have paid their assessed contributions in full, and urges all other Member States, in particular those in arrears, to ensure payment of their outstanding assessed contributions;", "2. Expresses its appreciation to those Member States which have paid their assessed contributions in full, and urges all other Member States to make every possible effort to ensure payment of their assessed contributions to the Mission in full;", "3. Endorses the conclusions and recommendations contained in the report of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions,² and requests the Secretary-General to ensure their full implementation;", "Financial performance report for the period from 1 July 2009 to 30 June 2010", "4. Takes note of the report of the Secretary-General on the financial performance of the United Nations Mission in the Central African Republic and Chad for the period from 1 July 2009 to 30 June 2010;¹", "5. Decides to defer until its sixty-sixth session action on the unencumbered balance of 149,947,800 dollars as well as the other income and adjustments in the amount of 13,466,100 dollars and the increase of 1,527,100 dollars in the estimated staff assessment income, and requests the Secretary-General to report to the General Assembly at its sixty-sixth session updated information on the cash position of the Mission;", "6. Also decides to include in the provisional agenda of its sixty-sixth session the item entitled “Financing of the United Nations Mission in the Central African Republic and Chad”.", "[1] A/65/638.", "[2] A/65/743/Add.11." ]
[ "第六十五届会议", "议程项目144", "联合国中非共和国和乍得特派团经费的筹措", "第五委员会的报告", "报告员:尼科尔·安·曼尼农女士(爱尔兰)", "一. 导言", "1. 第五委员会以往在议程项目144下向大会提出的建议见A/65/653号文件所载的委员会报告。", "2. 第五委员会在2011年5月5日和6月30日第34和42次会议上继续审议该项目。在委员会审议该项目过程中所作的发言和发表的意见,反映在有关简要记录(A/C.5/65/SR.34和42)中。", "3. 在审议该项目时,委员会面前有下列报告:", "(a) 秘书长关于联合国中非共和国和乍得特派团2009年7月1日至2010年6月30日期间预算执行情况的报告(A/65/638);", "(b) 行政和预算问题咨询委员会的有关报告(A/65/743/Add.11)。", "二. 决议草案A/C.5/65/L.32的审议情况", "4. 在2011年6月30日第42次会议上,委员会面前有委员会主席根据孟加拉国代表协调的非正式协商提出的决议草案,题为“联合国中非共和国和乍得特派团经费的筹措”(A/C.5/65/L.32)。", "^(*) 因技术原因于2011年7月26日重新印发。", "5. 在同次会议上,委员会未经表决通过了决议草案A/C.5/65/L.32(见第6段)。", "三. 第五委员会的建议", "6. 第五委员会建议大会通过下列决议草案:", "联合国中非共和国和乍得特派团经费的筹措", "大会,", "审议了秘书长关于联合国中非共和国和乍得特派团经费筹措的报告,[1] 以及行政和预算问题咨询委员会的有关报告,[2]", "回顾安全理事会2007年9月25日第1778(2007)号决议,安理会据此在中非共和国和乍得境内建立一个多层面存在,包括设立联合国中非共和国和乍得特派团,并回顾安理会其后延长该特派团任务期限的各项决议,最近一项是2010年5月25日第1923(2010)号决议,其中安理会决定将该特派团的任务期限延长至2010年12月31日,决定特派团的军事部门减至2 200名军事人员,并呼吁秘书长至迟于2010年12月31日完成特派团除清理结束工作所需人员外所有军警和文职部门的撤离,", "又回顾大会关于联合国中非共和国和乍得特派团经费筹措的2007年12月22日第62/233 A号决议及其后有关决议,最近一项是2010年12月24日第65/254号决议,", "重申其1963年6月27日第1874(S-IV)号、1973年12月11日第3101(XXVIII)号和2000年12月23日第55/235号决议阐述的联合国维持和平行动经费筹措一般原则,", "赞赏地注意到已向该特派团作出的自愿捐助,", "1. 注意到截至2011年4月30日联合国中非共和国和乍得特派团摊款的缴纳情况,包括未缴摊款5 710万美元,约占摊款总额的4%,关切地注意到只有95个会员国已足额缴纳摊款,并促请所有其他会员国,尤其是拖欠国,确保缴纳未缴摊款;", "2. 表示赞赏已足额缴纳摊款的会员国,并促请所有其他会员国尽力确保足额缴纳为该特派团分摊的款项;", "3. 认可行政和预算问题咨询委员会报告² 的结论和建议,并请秘书长确保充分落实;", "2009年7月1日至2010年6月30日期间的财政执行情况报告", "4. 注意到秘书长关于2009年7月1日至2010年6月30日期间联合国中非共和国和乍得特派团财务执行情况的报告;¹", "5. 决定推迟到第六十六届会议再采取行动处理未支配余额149 947 800美元以及其他收入和调整数13 466 100美元及估计工作人员薪金税收入增加1 527 100美元,并请秘书长向大会第六十六届会议报告特派团现金状况的最新资料;", "6. 又决定将题为“联合国中非共和国和乍得特派团经费的筹措”的项目列入其第六十六届会议临时议程。", "[1] A/65/638。", "[2] A/65/743/Add.11。" ]
[ "第六十五届会议", "议程项目144", "* 由于技术原因于2011年7月26日重新印发。", "联合国中非共和国和乍得特派团经费的筹措", "第五委员会的报告", "报告员:尼科尔·安·曼尼恩女士(爱尔兰)", "一. 导言", "1. 联合国 第五委员会先前在议程项目144下向大会提出的建议见A/65/653号文件所载的委员会报告。", "2. 联合国 2. 第五委员会在2011年5月5日和6月30日第34和42次会议上继续审议该项目。 在委员会审议该项目过程中所作的发言和发表的意见,反映在有关简要记录(A/C.5/65/SR.34和42)中。", "3个 3. 在审议该项目时,委员会面前有下列文件:", "(a) 秘书长关于联合国中非共和国和乍得特派团2009年7月1日至2010年6月30日期间预算执行情况的报告(A/65/638);", "(b) 行政和预算问题咨询委员会的有关报告(A/65/743/Add.11)。", "二. 二. 决议草案A/C.5/65/L.32的审议情况", " 4.四. 在2011年6月30日第42次会议上,委员会面前有委员会主席根据孟加拉国代表协调的非正式协商提出的决议草案,题为“联合国中非共和国和乍得特派团经费的筹措”(A/C.5/65/L.32)。", "5 (韩语). 5. 在同次会议上,委员会未经表决通过了决议草案A/C.5/65/L.32(见第6段)。 第6页。", "三. 三. 第五委员会的建议", "6. 国家 6. 第五委员会建议大会通过下列决议草案:", "联合国中非共和国和乍得特派团经费的筹措", "大会,", "审议了秘书长关于联合国中非共和国和乍得特派团经费筹措的报告[1] 以及行政和预算问题咨询委员会的有关报告,[2]", "回顾安全理事会2007年9月25日第1778(2007)号决议,其中安理会在中非共和国和乍得设立了多层面存在,包括联合国中非共和国和乍得特派团,并回顾安理会其后延长该特派团任务的各项决议,最近的是2010年5月25日第1923(2010)号决议,其中安理会将该特派团的任务延长至2010年12月31日,决定将该特派团的军事部分减至2 200名军事人员,并吁请秘书长至迟于2010年12月31日完成除该特派团清理结束所需人员外的所有军警人员和文职人员的撤离,", "又回顾其关于联合国中非共和国和乍得特派团经费筹措的2007年12月22日第62/233 A号决议及其后各项有关决议,最近的是2010年12月24日第65/254号决议,", "重申大会1963年6月27日第1874(S-IV)号、1973年12月11日第3101(XXVIII)号和2000年12月23日第55/235号决议阐述的联合国维持和平行动经费筹措一般原则,", "赞赏地注意到已有国家向该特派团作出自愿捐助,", "1. 联合国 2. 表示注意到截至2011年4月30日联合国中非共和国和乍得特派团摊款的缴纳情况,包括未缴摊款5 710万美元,约占摊款总额的4%,关切地注意到只有95个会员国已足额缴纳摊款,并促请所有其他会员国,尤其是拖欠国,确保缴纳未缴摊款;", "2. 联合国 3. 表示赞赏已足额缴纳摊款的会员国,并促请所有其他会员国尽力确保足额缴纳为该特派团分摊的款项;", "3个 2. 认可行政和预算问题咨询委员会报告2 所载的结论和建议,并请秘书长确保予以充分落实;", "2009年7月1日至2010年6月30日期间财政执行情况报告", " 4.四. 1. 表示注意到秘书长关于联合国中非共和国和乍得特派团2009年7月1日至2010年6月30日期间财政执行情况的报告;1", "5 (韩语). 12. 决定推迟到第六十六届会议再就未支配余额149 947 800美元以及其他收入和调整数13 466 100美元和工作人员薪金税收入估计数所增加的1 527 100美元采取行动,并请秘书长向大会第六十六届会议报告该特派团现金状况的最新资料;", "6. 国家 24. 又决定将题为“联合国中非共和国和乍得特派团经费的筹措”的项目列入其第六十六届会议临时议程。", "[1] A/65/638。", "[2] A/65/743/Add.11。" ]
[ "Sixty-fifth session", "Agenda item 151", "Financing of the United Nations Mission in Ethiopia and Eritrea", "Report of the Fifth Committee", "Rapporteur: Ms. Nicole Ann Mannion (Ireland)", "I. Introduction", "1. At its 2nd plenary meeting, on 17 September 2010, the General Assembly, on the recommendation of the General Committee, decided to include in the agenda of its sixty-fifth session the item entitled “Financing of the United Nations Mission in Ethiopia and Eritrea” and to allocate it to the Fifth Committee.", "2. The Fifth Committee considered the item at its 34th and 42nd meetings, on 5 May and 30 June 2011. Statements and observations made in the course of the Committee’s consideration of the item are reflected in the relevant summary records (A/C.5/65/SR.34 and 42).", "3. For its consideration of the item, the Committee had before it the following documents:", "(a) Report of the Secretary-General on the financing of the United Nations Mission in Ethiopia and Eritrea (A/65/678);", "(b) Related report of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions (A/65/748).", "II. Consideration of draft resolution A/C.5/65/L.33", "4. At its 42nd meeting, on 30 June, the Committee had before it a draft resolution entitled “Financing of the United Nations Mission in Ethiopia and Eritrea” (A/C.5/65/L.33), submitted by the Chair of the Committee on the basis of informal consultations coordinated by the representative of Bangladesh.", "5. At the same meeting, the Committee adopted draft resolution A/C.5/65/L.33 without a vote (see para. 6).", "III. Recommendation of the Fifth Committee", "6. The Fifth Committee recommends to the General Assembly the adoption of the following draft resolution:", "Financing of the United Nations Mission in Ethiopia and Eritrea", "The General Assembly,", "Having considered the report of the Secretary-General on the financing of the United Nations Mission in Ethiopia and Eritrea[1] and the related report of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions,[2]", "Recalling Security Council resolution 1312 (2000) of 31 July 2000, by which the Council established the United Nations Mission in Ethiopia and Eritrea, and the subsequent resolutions by which the Council extended the mandate of the Mission, the last of which was resolution 1798 (2008) of 30 January 2008, by which the Council extended the mandate of the Mission until 31 July 2008,", "Recalling also Security Council resolution 1827 (2008) of 30 July 2008, by which the Council terminated the mandate of the Mission effective on 31 July 2008,", "Recalling further its resolution 55/237 of 23 December 2000 on the financing of the Mission and its subsequent resolutions and decisions thereon, the latest of which was resolution 64/277 of 24 June 2010,", "Reaffirming the general principles underlying the financing of United Nations peacekeeping operations, as stated in General Assembly resolutions 1874 (S-IV) of 27 June 1963, 3101 (XXVIII) of 11 December 1973 and 55/235 of 23 December 2000,", "Noting with appreciation that voluntary contributions have been made to the Mission,", "1. Takes note of the status of contributions to the United Nations Mission in Ethiopia and Eritrea as at 30 April 2011, including the credits in the amount of 2.5 million United States dollars;", "2. Endorses the conclusions and recommendations contained in the report of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions,² and requests the Secretary-General to ensure their full implementation;", "Disposition of assets of the United Nations Mission in Ethiopia and Eritrea", "3. Takes note of the report of the Secretary-General on the final disposition of the assets of the Mission;¹", "4. Encourages Member States that are owed credits for the closed peacekeeping mission accounts to apply those credits to any accounts where the Member State concerned has outstanding assessed contributions;", "5. Decides to include in the provisional agenda of its sixty-sixth session the item entitled “Financing of the United Nations Mission in Ethiopia and Eritrea”.", "[1] A/65/678.", "[2] A/65/748." ]
[ "第六十五届会议", "议程项目151", "联合国埃塞俄比亚和厄立特里亚特派团经费的筹措", "第五委员会的报告", "报告员:尼科尔·安·曼尼农女士(爱尔兰)", "一. 导言", "1. 在2010年9月17日第2次全体会议上,大会根据总务委员会的建议,决定将题为“联合国埃塞俄比亚和厄立特里亚特派团经费的筹措”的项目列入第六十五届会议议程,并分配给第五委员会。", "2. 第五委员会在2011年5月5日和6月30日第34和42次会议上审议了该项目。在委员会审议该项目过程中所作的发言和发表的意见,反映在有关简要记录(A/C.5/65/SR.34和42)中。", "3. 在审议该项目时,委员会面前有下列文件:", "(a) 秘书长关于联合国埃塞俄比亚和厄立特里亚特派团经费的筹措的报告(A/65/678);", "(b) 行政和预算问题咨询委员会的有关报告(A/65/748)。", "二. 决议草案A/C.5/65/L.33的审议情况", "4. 在6月30日第42次会议上,委员会面前有委员会主席根据孟加拉国代表协调的非正式协商提出的决议草案,题为“联合国埃塞俄比亚和厄立特里亚特派团经费的筹措”(A/C.5/65/L.33)。", "5. 在同次会议上,委员会未经表决通过了决议草案A/C.5/65/L.33(见第6段)。", "三. 第五委员会的建议", "6. 第五委员会建议大会通过下列决议草案:", "联合国埃塞俄比亚和厄立特里亚特派团经费的筹措", "大会,", "审议了秘书长关于联合国埃塞俄比亚和厄立特里亚特派团经费筹措的报告[1] 以及行政和预算问题咨询委员会的有关报告,[2]", "回顾安全理事会2000年7月31日第1312(2000)号决议,其中安理会设立了联合国埃塞俄比亚和厄立特里亚特派团,并回顾其后安理会延长该特派团任务期限的各项决议,最后一项是2008年1月30日第1798(2008)号决议,其中安理会决定将该特派团的任务期限延长至2008年7月31日,", "又回顾安全理事会2008年7月30日第1827(2008)号决议,其中安理会决定自2008年7月31日起终止该特派团的任务,", "还回顾大会关于该特派团经费筹措的2000年12月23日第55/237号决议及其后各项有关决议和决定,最近一项是2010年6月24日第64/277号决议,", "重申大会1963年6月27日第1874(S-IV)号、1973年12月11日第3101(XXVIII)号和2000年12月23日第55/235号决议阐述的联合国维持和平行动经费筹措一般原则,", "赞赏地注意到已向该特派团作出的自愿捐助,", "1. 注意到截至2011年4月30日联合国埃塞俄比亚和厄立特里亚特派团摊款缴纳情况,包括贷项250万美元;", "2. 认可行政和预算问题咨询委员会报告所载的结论和建议,² 并请秘书长确保予以充分落实;", "处置联合国埃塞俄比亚和厄立特里亚特派团的资产", "3. 注意到秘书长关于最后处置该特派团资产的报告;¹", "4. 鼓励会员国在已关闭维持和平特派团的账户中有贷项的会员国将贷项转入其有未缴摊款的账户;", "5. 决定将题为“联合国埃塞俄比亚和厄立特里亚特派团经费的筹措”的项目列入其第六十六届会议临时议程。", "[1] A/65/678。", "[2] A/65/748。" ]
[ "第六十五届会议", "议程项目151", "联合国埃塞俄比亚和厄立特里亚特派团经费的筹措", "第五委员会的报告", "报告员:尼科尔·安·曼尼恩女士(爱尔兰)", "一. 导言", "1. 联合国 2010年9月17日,大会第2次全体会议根据总务委员会的建议,决定将题为“联合国埃塞俄比亚和厄立特里亚特派团经费的筹措”的项目列入第六十五届会议议程并分配给第五委员会。", "2. 联合国 2. 第五委员会在2011年5月5日和6月30日第34和42次会议上审议了该项目。 在委员会审议该项目过程中所作的发言和发表的意见,反映在有关简要记录(A/C.5/65/SR.34和42)中。", "3个 3. 在审议该项目时,委员会面前有下列文件:", "(a) 秘书长关于联合国埃塞俄比亚和厄立特里亚特派团经费筹措的报告(A/65/678);", "(b) 行政和预算问题咨询委员会的有关报告(A/65/748)。", "二. 二. 决议草案A/C.5/65/L.33的审议情况", " 4.四. 在6月30日第42次会议上,委员会面前有委员会主席根据孟加拉国代表协调的非正式协商提出的决议草案,题为“联合国埃塞俄比亚和厄立特里亚特派团经费的筹措”(A/C.5/65/L.33)。", "5 (韩语). 5. 在同次会议上,委员会未经表决通过了决议草案A/C.5/65/L.33(见第6段)。 第6页。", "三. 三. 第五委员会的建议", "6. 国家 6. 第五委员会建议大会通过下列决议草案:", "联合国埃塞俄比亚和厄立特里亚特派团经费的筹措", "大会,", "审议了秘书长关于联合国埃塞俄比亚和厄立特里亚特派团经费筹措的报告[1] 以及行政和预算问题咨询委员会的有关报告,[2]", "回顾安全理事会2000年7月31日第1312(2000)号决议,其中安理会决定设立联合国埃塞俄比亚和厄立特里亚特派团,及其后安理会延长该特派团任务的各项决议,最近的是2008年1月30日第1798(2008)号决议,其中安理会将该特派团的任务延长至2008年7月31日,", "又回顾安全理事会2008年7月30日第1827(2008)号决议,其中安理会决定自2008年7月31日起终止该特派团的任务,", "还回顾大会关于该特派团经费筹措的2000年12月23日第55/237号决议及其后各项有关决议和决定,最近的是2010年6月24日第64/277号决议,", "重申大会1963年6月27日第1874(S-IV)号、1973年12月11日第3101(XXVIII)号和2000年12月23日第55/235号决议阐述的联合国维持和平行动经费筹措一般原则,", "赞赏地注意到已有国家向该特派团作出自愿捐助,", "1. 联合国 2. 表示注意到截至2011年4月30日联合国埃塞俄比亚和厄立特里亚特派团摊款的缴纳情况,包括250万美元贷项;", "2. 联合国 2. 认可行政和预算问题咨询委员会报告2 所载的结论和建议,并请秘书长确保予以充分落实;", "联合国埃塞俄比亚和厄立特里亚特派团资产的处置", "3个 1. 注意到秘书长关于该特派团资产最后处置情况的报告;1", " 4.四. 4. 鼓励在已结束的维持和平特派团账户中应贷记账下的会员国将贷项转入其有未缴摊款的账户;", "5 (韩语). 24. 决定将题为“联合国埃塞俄比亚和厄立特里亚特派团经费的筹措”的项目列入大会第六十六届会议临时议程。", "[1] A/65/678。", "[2] A/65/748。" ]
[ "Sixty-fifth session", "Agenda item 129", "Programme budget for the biennium 2010-2011", "Report of the Fifth Committee", "Rapporteur: Ms. Nicole Ann Mannion (Ireland)", "I. Introduction", "1. The previous recommendations made by the Fifth Committee to the General Assembly under agenda item 129 are set out in the reports of the Committee contained in documents A/65/646 and Add.1 and 2.", "2. The Fifth Committee resumed its consideration of the item at its 39th and 42nd meetings, on 23 May and 30 June 2011. Statements and observations made in the course of the Committee’s consideration of the item are reflected in the relevant summary records (A/C.5/65/SR.39 and 42).", "3. For its further consideration of the item, the Committee had before it the following documents:", "(a) Report of the Secretary-General on estimates in respect of special political missions, good offices and other political initiatives authorized by the General Assembly and/or the Security Council: Panel of Experts on the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya and the United Nations Representative to the Geneva International Discussions (A/65/328/Add.7);", "(b) Related report of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions (A/65/602/Add.2).", "II. Consideration of proposals", "Draft resolution A/C.5/65/L.36", "4. At its 42nd meeting, on 30 June, the Committee had before it a draft resolution entitled “Estimates in respect of special political missions, good offices and other political initiatives authorized by the General Assembly and/or the Security Council” (A/C.5/65/L.36), submitted by the Chair of the Committee on the basis of informal consultations coordinated by the representative of the Netherlands.", "5. At the same meeting, the Committee adopted draft resolution A/C.5/65/L.36 without a vote (see para. 6).", "III. Recommendation of the Fifth Committee", "6. The Fifth Committee recommends to the General Assembly the adoption of the following draft resolution:", "Estimates in respect of special political missions, good offices and other political initiatives authorized by the General Assembly and/or the Security Council", "The General Assembly,", "Recalling its resolution 64/244 A and section VI of its resolution 64/245, both of 24 December 2009, section IV of its resolution 64/260 of 29 March 2010, section XIII of its resolution 65/259 and its resolution 65/260 A, both of 24 December 2010, and section II of its resolution 65/268 of 4 April 2011,", "Having considered the report of the Secretary-General on estimates in respect of special political missions, good offices and other political initiatives authorized by the General Assembly and/or the Security Council: Panel of Experts on the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya and the United Nations Representative to the Geneva International Discussions[1] and the related report of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions,[2]", "1. Takes note of the report of the Secretary-General;¹", "2. Endorses the conclusions and recommendations contained in the report of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions;²", "3. Decides to approve the budget for the Panel of Experts on the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya for the period from 1 June to 31 December 2011 in the amount of 1,670,400 United States dollars net (1,693,500 dollars gross);", "4. Also decides to approve the budget of the United Nations Representative to the Geneva International Discussions for the period from 1 May to 31 December 2011 in the amount of 1,469,000 dollars net (1,590,600 dollars gross);", "5. Further decides that the resources for the activities of the Panel of Experts on the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya and the United Nations Representative to the Geneva International Discussions will be absorbed within the overall appropriation approved for special political missions for the biennium 2010-2011, and requests the Secretary-General to report thereon in the context of his second performance report on the programme budget for the biennium 2010-2011.", "[1] A/65/328/Add.7.", "[2] A/65/602/Add.2." ]
[ "第六十五届会议", "议程项目129", "2010-2011两年期方案预算", "第五委员会的报告", "报告员:尼科尔·安·曼尼农女士(爱尔兰)", "一. 导言", "1. 第五委员会以往在议程项目129下向大会提出的建议见A/65/646和Add.1和2号文件所载的委员会报告。", "2. 第五委员会在2011年5月23日和6月30日第39和42次会议上继续审议该项目。在委员会审议该项目过程中所作的发言和发表的意见,反映在有关简要记录(A/C.5/65/SR.39和42)中。", "3. 在审议该项目时,委员会面前有下列报告:", "(a) 秘书长的报告:大会和(或)安全理事会授权的特别政治任务、斡旋和其他政治举措费用估计数:阿拉伯利比亚民众国问题专家小组和参加日内瓦国际讨论的联合国代表(A/65/328/Add.7);", "(b) 行政和预算问题咨询委员会的有关报告(A/65/602/Add.2)。", "二. 提案审议情况", "决议草案A/C.5/65/L.36", "4. 在6月30日第42次会议上,委员会面前有委员会主席根据荷兰代表协调的非正式协商提出的决议草案,题为“大会和(或)安全理事会授权的特别政治任务、斡旋和其他政治举措的费用估计数”(A/C.5/65/L.42)。", "5. 在同次会议上,委员会未经表决通过了决议草案A/C.5/65/L.36(见第6段)。", "三. 第五委员会的建议", "6. 第五委员会建议大会通过下列决议草案:", "大会和(或)安全理事会授权的特别政治任务、斡旋和其他政治举措的费用估计数", "大会,", "回顾其2009年12月24日第64/244 A号和第64/245号决议第六节、2010年3月29日第64/260号决议第四节、2010年12月24日第65/259号决议第十三节和第65/260 A号决议以及2011年4月4日第65/268号决议第二节,", "审议了秘书长题为“大会和(或)安全理事会授权的特别政治任务、斡旋和其他政治举措费用估计数:阿拉伯利比亚民众国问题专家小组和参加日内瓦国际讨论的联合国代表”的报告[1] 以及行政和预算问题咨询委员会的有关报告,[2]", "1. 表示注意到秘书长的报告;¹", "2. 认可行政和预算问题咨询委员会报告² 所载结论和建议;", "3. 决定核准阿拉伯利比亚民众国问题专家小组2011年6月1日至12月31日期间的预算,数额为净额1 670 400美元(毛额1 693 500美元);", "4. 又决定核准参加日内瓦国际讨论的联合国代表2011年5月1日至12月31日期间的预算,数额为净额1 469 000美元(毛额1 590 600美元);", "5. 还决定阿拉伯利比亚民众国问题专家小组和参加日内瓦国际讨论的联合国代表的活动所需资源将在2010-2011两年期特别政治任务核定批款总额内匀支,并请秘书长在2010-2011两年期方案预算第二次执行情况报告中报告有关情况。", "[1] A/65/328/Add.7。", "[2] A/65/602/Add.2。" ]
[ "第六十五届会议", "议程项目129", "2010-2011两年期方案预算", "第五委员会的报告", "报告员:尼科尔·安·曼尼恩女士(爱尔兰)", "一. 导言", "1. 联合国 第五委员会先前在议程项目129下向大会提出的建议载于A/65/646和Add.1和2号文件所载的委员会报告。", "2. 联合国 2. 第五委员会在2011年5月23日和6月30日第39和42次会议上继续审议该项目。 在委员会审议该项目过程中所作的发言和发表的意见,反映在有关简要记录(A/C.5/65/SR.39和42)中。", "3个 3. 在进一步审议该项目时,委员会面前有下列文件:", "(a) 秘书长关于大会和(或)安全理事会授权的特别政治任务、斡旋和其他政治举措费用估计数:阿拉伯利比亚民众国问题专家小组和参加日内瓦国际讨论的联合国代表的报告(A/65/328/Add.7);", "(b) 行政和预算问题咨询委员会的有关报告(A/65/602/Add.2)。", "二. 二. 提案的审议经过", "决议草案 介绍决议草案A/C.5/65/L.36", " 4.四. 在6月30日第42次会议上,委员会面前有委员会主席根据荷兰代表协调的非正式协商提出的决议草案,题为“大会和(或)安全理事会授权的特别政治任务、斡旋和其他政治举措费用估计数”(A/C.5/65/L.36)。", "5 (韩语). 5. 在同次会议上,委员会未经表决通过了决议草案A/C.5/65/L.36(见第6段)。 第6页。", "三. 三. 第五委员会的建议", "6. 国家 6. 第五委员会建议大会通过下列决议草案:", "大会和(或)安全理事会授权的特别政治任务、斡旋和其他政治举措费用估计数", "大会,", "回顾其第64/244号决议, 2009年12月24日第64/245号决议A和第六节、2010年3月29日第64/260号决议第四节、2010年12月24日第65/259号决议第十三节和2011年4月4日第65/268号决议第二节。", "审议了秘书长关于大会和(或)安全理事会授权的特别政治任务、斡旋和其他政治举措费用估计数的报告:阿拉伯利比亚民众国问题专家小组和参加日内瓦国际讨论的联合国代表[1] 以及行政和预算问题咨询委员会的有关报告,[2]", "1. 联合国 1. 注意到秘书长的报告;1", "2. 联合国 2. 认可行政和预算问题咨询委员会报告2 所载的结论和建议;", "3个 1. 决定核准阿拉伯利比亚民众国问题专家小组2011年6月1日至12月31日期间预算净额1 670 400美元(毛额1 693 500美元);", " 4.四. 2. 又决定核准参加日内瓦国际讨论的联合国代表2011年5月1日至12月31日期间预算净额1 469 000美元(毛额1 590 600美元);", "5 (韩语). 3. 还决定阿拉伯利比亚民众国问题专家小组和参加日内瓦国际讨论的联合国代表的活动资源将在2010-2011两年期特别政治任务核定批款总额中匀支,并请秘书长在其关于2010-2011两年期方案预算的第二次执行情况报告中报告有关情况。", "[1] A/65/328/Add.7。", "[2] A/65/602/Add.2。" ]
[ "Sixty-fifth session", "Agenda item 145", "Financing of the United Nations Operation in Côte d’Ivoire", "Report of the Fifth Committee", "Rapporteur: Ms. Nicole Ann Mannion (Ireland)", "I. Introduction", "* Reissued for technical reasons on 26 July 2011.", "1. At its 2nd plenary meeting, on 17 September 2010, the General Assembly, on the recommendation of the General Committee, decided to include in the agenda of its sixty-fifth session the item entitled “Financing of the United Nations Operation in Côte d’Ivoire” and to allocate it to the Fifth Committee.", "2. The Fifth Committee considered the item at its 34th and 42nd meetings, on 5 May and 30 June 2011. Statements and observations made in the course of the Committee’s consideration of the item are reflected in the relevant summary records (A/C.5/65/SR.34 and 42).", "3. For its consideration of the item, the Committee had before it the following documents:", "(a) Report of the Secretary-General on the budget performance of the United Nations Operation in Côte d’Ivoire for the period from 1 July 2009 to 30 June 2010 (A/65/615);", "(b) Report of the Secretary-General on the budget for the United Nations Operation in Côte d’Ivoire for the period from 1 July 2011 to 30 June 2012 (A/65/736 and Corr.1);", "(c) Related report of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions (A/65/743/Add.14).", "II. Consideration of draft resolution A/C.5/65/L.38", "4. At its 42nd meeting, on 30 June, the Committee had before it a draft resolution entitled “Financing of the United Nations Operation in Côte d’Ivoire” (A/C.5/65/L.38), submitted by the Chair of the Committee on the basis of informal consultations coordinated by the representative of the Islamic Republic of Iran.", "5. At the same meeting, the Committee adopted draft resolution A/C.5/65/L.38 without a vote (see para. 6).", "III. Recommendation of the Fifth Committee", "6. The Fifth Committee recommends to the General Assembly the adoption of the following draft resolution:", "Financing of the United Nations Operation in Côte d’Ivoire", "The General Assembly,", "Having considered the reports of the Secretary-General on the financing of the United Nations Operation in Côte d’Ivoire,[1] and the related report of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions,[2]", "Recalling Security Council resolution 1528 (2004) of 27 February 2004, by which the Council established the United Nations Operation in Côte d’Ivoire for an initial period of twelve months as from 4 April 2004, and the subsequent resolutions by which the Council extended the mandate of the Operation, the latest of which was resolution 1981 (2011) of 13 May 2011, by which the Council extended the mandate of the Operation until 31 July 2011,", "Recalling also its resolution 58/310 of 18 June 2004 on the financing of the Operation and its subsequent resolutions thereon, the latest of which was resolution 64/273 of 24 June 2010,", "Reaffirming the general principles underlying the financing of United Nations peacekeeping operations, as stated in General Assembly resolutions 1874 (S-IV) of 27 June 1963, 3101 (XXVIII) of 11 December 1973 and 55/235 of 23 December 2000,", "Mindful of the fact that it is essential to provide the Operation with the financial resources necessary to enable it to fulfil its responsibilities under the relevant resolutions of the Security Council,", "1. Requests the Secretary-General to entrust the Head of Operation with the task of formulating future budget proposals in full accordance with the provisions of General Assembly resolutions 59/296 of 22 June 2005, 60/266 of 30 June 2006, 61/276 of 29 June 2007, 64/269 of 24 June 2010 and 65/289 of 30 June 2011, as well as other relevant resolutions;", "2. Takes note of the status of contributions to the United Nations Operation in Côte d’Ivoire as at 30 April 2011, including the contributions outstanding in the amount of 81.9 million United States dollars, representing some 2 per cent of the total assessed contributions, notes with concern that only fifty-one Member States have paid their assessed contributions in full, and urges all other Member States, in particular those in arrears, to ensure payment of their outstanding assessed contributions;", "3. Expresses its appreciation to those Member States which have paid their assessed contributions in full, and urges all other Member States to make every possible effort to ensure payment of their assessed contributions to the Operation in full;", "4. Expresses concern at the financial situation with regard to peacekeeping activities, in particular as regards the reimbursements to troop contributors that bear additional burdens owing to overdue payments by Member States of their assessments;", "5. Also expresses concern at the delay experienced by the Secretary-General in deploying and providing adequate resources to some recent peacekeeping missions, in particular those in Africa;", "6. Emphasizes that all future and existing peacekeeping missions shall be given equal and non-discriminatory treatment in respect of financial and administrative arrangements;", "7. Also emphasizes that all peacekeeping missions shall be provided with adequate resources for the effective and efficient discharge of their respective mandates;", "8. Requests the Secretary-General to ensure that proposed peacekeeping budgets are based on the relevant legislative mandates;", "9. Endorses the conclusions and recommendations contained in the report of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions,² subject to the provisions of the present resolution, and requests the Secretary-General to ensure their full implementation;", "10. Takes note of paragraphs 1 and 36 of the report of the Advisory Committee;", "11. Requests the Secretary-General to ensure the full implementation of the relevant provisions of its resolutions 59/296, 60/266, 61/276, 64/269 and 65/289;", "12. Also requests the Secretary-General to take all action necessary to ensure that the Operation is administered with a maximum of efficiency and economy;", "13. Notes that the overall level of appropriation has been adjusted in accordance with the terms of resolution 65/289;", "Financial performance report for the period from 1 July 2009 to 30 June 2010", "14. Takes note of the report of the Secretary-General on the financial performance of the Operation for the period from 1 July 2009 to 30 June 2010;[3]", "Budget estimates for the period from 1 July 2011 to 30 June 2012", "15. Decides to appropriate to the Special Account for the United Nations Operation in Côte d’Ivoire the amount of 517,850,700 dollars for the period from 1 July 2011 to 30 June 2012, inclusive of the amount of 486,726,400 dollars for the maintenance of the Operation, 26,374,200 dollars for the support account for peacekeeping operations and 4,750,100 dollars for the United Nations Logistics Base;", "Financing of the appropriation", "16. Also decides to apportion among Member States the amount of 43,154,225 dollars for the period from 1 to 31 July 2011, in accordance with the levels updated in General Assembly resolution 64/249 of 24 December 2009, and taking into account the scale of assessments for 2011, as set out in its resolution 64/248 of 24 December 2009;", "17. Further decides that, in accordance with the provisions of its resolution 973 (X) of 15 December 1955, there shall be set off against the apportionment among Member States, as provided for in paragraph 16 above, their respective share in the Tax Equalization Fund of 1,121,350 dollars, comprising the estimated staff assessment income of 893,616 dollars approved for the Operation, the prorated share of 186,142 dollars of the estimated staff assessment income approved for the support account and the prorated share of 41,592 dollars of the estimated staff assessment income approved for the United Nations Logistics Base;", "18. Decides to apportion among Member States the amount of 474,696,475 dollars for the period from 1 August 2011 to 30 June 2012, at a monthly rate of 43,154,225 dollars, in accordance with the levels updated in General Assembly resolution 64/249 and taking into account the scale of assessments for 2011 and 2012, as set out in its resolution 64/248, subject to a decision of the Security Council to extend the mandate of the Operation;", "19. Also decides that, in accordance with the provisions of its resolution 973 (X), there shall be set off against the apportionment among Member States, as provided for in paragraph 18 above, their respective share in the Tax Equalization Fund of 12,334,850 dollars, comprising the estimated staff assessment income of 9,829,784 dollars approved for the Operation, the prorated share of 2,047,558 dollars of the estimated staff assessment income approved for the support account and the prorated share of 457,508 dollars of the estimated staff assessment income approved for the United Nations Logistics Base;", "20. Decides that, for Member States that have fulfilled their financial obligations to the Operation, there shall be offset against their apportionment, as provided for in paragraph 16 above, their respective share of the unencumbered balance and other income in the total amount of 25,042,400 dollars in respect of the financial period ended 30 June 2010, in accordance with the levels updated in General Assembly resolution 64/249, taking into account the scale of assessments for 2010, as set out in resolution 64/248;", "21. Also decides that, for Member States that have not fulfilled their financial obligations to the Operation, there shall be offset against their outstanding obligations their respective share of the unencumbered balance and other income in the total amount of 25,042,400 dollars in respect of the financial period ended 30 June 2010, in accordance with the scheme set out in paragraph 20 above;", "22. Further decides that the increase of 852,800 dollars in the estimated staff assessment income in respect of the financial period ended 30 June 2010 shall be added to the credits from the amount of 25,042,400 dollars referred to in paragraphs 20 and 21 above;", "23. Emphasizes that no peacekeeping mission shall be financed by borrowing funds from other active peacekeeping missions;", "24. Encourages the Secretary-General to continue to take additional measures to ensure the safety and security of all personnel participating in the Operation under the auspices of the United Nations, bearing in mind paragraphs 5 and 6 of Security Council resolution 1502 (2003) of 26 August 2003;", "25. Invites voluntary contributions to the Operation in cash and in the form of services and supplies acceptable to the Secretary-General, to be administered, as appropriate, in accordance with the procedures and practices established by the General Assembly;", "26. Decides to include in the provisional agenda of its sixty-sixth session the item entitled “Financing of the United Nations Operation in Côte d’Ivoire”.", "[1] A/65/615 and A/65/736 and Corr.1.", "[2] A/65/743/Add.14.", "[3] A/65/615." ]
[ "第六十五届会议", "议程项目145", "联合国科特迪瓦行动经费的筹措", "第五委员会的报告", "报告员:尼科尔·安·曼尼农女士(爱尔兰)", "一. 导言", "1. 在2010年9月17日第2次全体会议上,大会根据总务委员会的建议,决定将题为“联合国科特迪瓦行动经费的筹措”的项目列入第六十五届会议议程,并分配给第五委员会。", "2. 第五委员会在2011年5月5日和6月30日第34和42次会议上审议了该项目。在委员会审议该项目过程中所作的发言和发表的意见,载于有关的简要记录(A/C.5/65/SR.34和42)中。", "3. 在审议这一项目时,委员会面前有下列文件:", "(a) 秘书长关于联合国科特迪瓦行动2009年7月1日至2010年6月30日期间预算执行情况的报告(A/65/615);", "(b) 秘书长关于联合国科特迪瓦行动2011年7月1日至2012年6月30日期间预算的报告(A/65/736和Corr.1);", "^(*) 因技术原因于2011年7月26日重新印发。", "(c) 行政和预算问题咨询委员会的有关报告(A/65/743/Add.14)。", "二. 决议草案A/C.5/65/L.38的审议经过", "4. 在6月30日第42次会议上,委员会面前有主席在伊朗伊斯兰共和国代表协调进行的非正式协商基础上提交的题为“联合国科特迪瓦行动经费的筹措”的决议草案(A/C.5/65/L.38)。", "5. 在同次会议上,委员会未经表决通过了决议草案A/C.5/65/L.38(见第6段)。", "三. 第五委员会的建议", "6. 第五委员会建议大会通过以下决议草案:", "联合国科特迪瓦行动经费的筹措", "大会,", "审议了秘书长关于联合国科特迪瓦行动经费筹措的报告[1] 以及行政和预算问题咨询委员会的有关报告,[2]", "回顾安全理事会2004年2月27日第1528(2004)号决议,其中安理会决定自2004年4月4日起设立联合国科特迪瓦行动,最初为期12个月,以及安理会其后延长该行动任务的各项决议,最近的是2011年5月13日第1981(2011)号决议,其中安理会把该行动的任务延长至2011年7月31日,", "又回顾大会关于该行动经费筹措的2004年6月18日第58/310号决议及其后各项有关决议,最近的是2010年6月24日第64/273号决议,", "重申其1963年6月27日第1874(S-IV)号、1973年12月11日第3101(XXVIII)号和2000年12月23日第55/235号决议阐述的联合国维持和平行动经费筹措一般原则,", "意识到必须为该行动提供必要的经费,使其能够履行安全理事会有关决议规定的职责,", "1. 请秘书长责成该特派团团长完全按照大会2005年6月22日第59/296号、2006年6月30日第60/266号、2007年6月29日第61/276号、2010年6月24日第64/269号和2011年6月30日第65/289号决议以及其他相关决议的规定编制今后的拟议预算;", "2. 表示注意到截至2011年4月30日联合国科特迪瓦行动摊款缴纳情况,包括未缴摊款8 190万美元,约占摊款总额的2%,关切地注意到只有51个会员国已足额缴纳摊款,并促请所有其他会员国,尤其是拖欠国,确保缴纳未缴摊款;", "3. 表示赞赏已足额缴纳摊款的会员国,并促请所有其他会员国尽力确保足额缴纳为该行动分摊的款项;", "4. 表示关切维持和平活动的财政状况,特别是向部队派遣国偿还费用的情况,这些国家因会员国逾期未缴摊款而承受额外负担;", "5. 又表示关切秘书长在部署最近一些维持和平特派团,特别是在非洲的特派团,及向其提供适当资源方面受到耽搁;", "6. 强调对今后和现有的所有维持和平特派团,在财政和行政安排方面应予平等对待、一视同仁;", "7. 又强调应向所有维持和平特派团提供适当资源,使其能够有成效、有效率地履行各自的任务;", "8. 请秘书长确保拟议维持和平预算以相关立法授权为依据;", "9. 认可行政和预算问题咨询委员会报告² 所载的结论和建议,但以符合本决议的规定为前提,并请秘书长确保予以充分落实;", "10. 表示注意到行政和预算问题咨询委员会报告第1段和第36段;", "11. 请秘书长确保大会第59/296、60/266、61/276、64/269和65/289号决议的相关规定得到充分执行;", "12. 又请秘书长采取一切必要行动,确保以最有效率、最节省的方式管理该行动;", "13. 注意到已根据第65/289号决议的规定对批款总额作出调整;", "2009年7月1日至2010年6月30日期间财政执行情况报告", "14. 表示注意到秘书长关于2009年7月1日至2010年6月30日期间该行动财政执行情况的报告;[3]", "2011年7月1日至2012年6月30日期间预算估计数", "15. 决定批款517 850 700美元给联合国科特迪瓦行动特别账户,充作2011年7月1日至2012年6月30日期间的经费,其中包括该行动的维持费486 726 400美元、给维持和平行动支助账户的26 374 100美元以及给联合国后勤基地的4 750 100美元;", "批款的筹措", "16. 又决定,考虑到大会2009年12月24日第64/248号决议规定的2011年分摊比额表,由会员国按照大会2009年12月24日第64/249号决议修订的等级分摊43 154 225美元,充作2011年7月1日至31日期间的经费;", "17. 还决定,根据其1955年12月15日第973(X)号决议的规定,从上文第16段规定的会员国摊款中减除会员国在衡平征税基金内1 121 350美元中各自应分的数额,基金内的这笔款项包括该行动的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数893 616美元、支助账户的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数中按比例应分的数额186 142美元以及联合国后勤基地的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数中按比例应分的数额41 592美元;", "18. 决定,考虑到大会第64/248号决议规定的2011年和2012年分摊比额表,由会员国按照大会第64/249号决议修订的等级分摊474 696 475美元,每月43 154 225美元,充作2011年8月1日至2012年6月30日期间的经费,但以安全理事会决定延长该行动的任务为前提;", "19. 又决定,根据第973(X)号决议的规定,从上文第18段规定的会员国摊款中减除会员国在衡平征税基金内12 334 850美元中各自应分的数额,基金内的这笔款项包括该行动的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数9 829 784美元、支助账户的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数中按比例应分的数额2 047 558美元以及联合国后勤基地的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数中按比例应分的数额457 508美元;", "20. 决定,对于已经履行对该行动财政义务的会员国,应考虑到大会第64/248号决议规定的2010年分摊比额表,并按照大会第64/249号决议修订的等级,从上文第16段规定的摊款中减除2010年6月30日终了财政期间未支配余额和其他收入共计25 042 400美元中各自应分的数额;", "21. 又决定,对于尚未履行对该行动财政义务的会员国,应按照上文第20段规定的办法,从其所欠款项中减除2010年6月30日终了财政期间未支配余额和其他收入共计25 042 400美元中各自应分的数额;", "22. 还决定,上文第20和21段提及的25 042 400美元所产生的贷项应加上2010年6月30日终了财政期间工作人员薪金税收入估计数增加额852 800美元;", "23. 强调任何维持和平特派团都不得借用其他在役维持和平特派团的经费;", "24. 鼓励秘书长铭记安全理事会2003年8月26日第1502(2003)号决议第5和6段,继续采取进一步措施,确保在联合国主持下参与该行动的所有人员的安全和安保;", "25. 邀请各方向该行动自愿捐助现金以及秘书长可以接受的服务和用品,这些捐助将按照大会规定的程序和做法适当管理;", "26. 决定将题为“联合国科特迪瓦行动经费的筹措”的项目列入大会第六十六届会议临时议程。", "[1] A/65/615和A/65/736及Corr.1。", "[2] A/65/743/Add.14。", "[3] A/65/615。" ]
[ "第六十五届会议", "议程项目145", "联合国科特迪瓦行动经费的筹措", "第五委员会的报告", "报告员:尼科尔·安·曼尼恩女士(爱尔兰)", "一. 导言", "* 由于技术原因于2011年7月26日重新印发。", "1. 联合国 2010年9月17日,大会第2次全体会议根据总务委员会的建议,决定将题为 \" 联合国科特迪瓦行动经费的筹措 \" 的项目列入第六十五届会议议程,并分配给第五委员会。", "2. 联合国 2. 第五委员会在2011年5月5日和6月30日第34和42次会议上审议了该项目。 在委员会审议该项目过程中所作的发言和发表的意见,反映在有关简要记录(A/C.5/65/SR.34和42)中。", "3个 3. 在审议该项目时,委员会面前有下列文件:", "(a) 秘书长关于联合国科特迪瓦行动2009年7月1日至2010年6月30日期间预算执行情况的报告(A/65/615);", "(b) 秘书长关于联合国科特迪瓦行动2011年7月1日至2012年6月30日期间预算的报告(A/65/736和Corr.1);", "(c) 行政和预算问题咨询委员会的有关报告(A/65/743/Add.14)。", "二. 二. 决议草案A/C.5/65/L.38的审议情况", " 4.四. 在6月30日第42次会议上,委员会面前有委员会主席根据伊朗伊斯兰共和国代表协调的非正式协商提出的决议草案,题为 \" 联合国科特迪瓦行动经费的筹措 \" (A/C.5/65/L.38)。", "5 (韩语). 5. 在同次会议上,委员会未经表决通过了决议草案A/C.5/65/L.38(见第6段)。 第6页。", "三. 三. 第五委员会的建议", "6. 国家 6. 第五委员会建议大会通过下列决议草案:", "联合国科特迪瓦行动经费的筹措", "大会,", "审议了秘书长关于联合国科特迪瓦行动经费筹措的报告[1] 以及行政和预算问题咨询委员会的有关报告,[2]", "回顾安全理事会2004年2月27日第1528(2004)号决议,其中安理会决定设立联合国科特迪瓦行动,自2004年4月4日起,最初为期十二个月,并回顾安理会其后延长该行动任务的各项决议,最近的是2011年5月13日第1981(2011)号决议,其中安理会将该行动的任务延长至2011年7月31日,", "又回顾其2004年6月18日关于该行动经费筹措的第58/310号决议及其后各项有关决议,最近的是2010年6月24日第64/273号决议,", "重申大会1963年6月27日第1874(S-IV)号、1973年12月11日第3101(XXVIII)号和2000年12月23日第55/235号决议阐述的联合国维持和平行动经费筹措一般原则,", "意识到必须为该行动提供必要的财政资源,使其能够履行安全理事会有关决议规定的职责,", "1. 联合国 1. 请秘书长责成该特派团团长完全按照大会2005年6月22日第59/296号、2006年6月30日第60/266号、2007年6月29日第61/276号、2010年6月24日第64/269号和2011年6月30日第65/289号决议以及其他相关决议的规定编制今后的拟议预算;", "2. 联合国 2. 表示注意到截至2011年4月30日联合国科特迪瓦行动摊款的缴纳情况,包括未缴摊款8 190万美元,约占摊款总额的2%,关切地注意到只有51个会员国已足额缴纳摊款,并促请所有其他会员国,尤其是拖欠国,确保缴纳未缴摊款;", "3个 3. 表示赞赏已足额缴纳摊款的会员国,并促请所有其他会员国尽力确保足额缴纳为该行动分摊的款项;", " 4.四. 4. 表示关切维持和平活动的财政状况,特别是在偿还费用给部队派遣国方面,这些国家因会员国逾期未缴摊款而承受额外负担;", "5 (韩语). 5. 又表示关切秘书长在部署最近一些维持和平特派团特别是在非洲的特派团及向其提供适当资源方面受到耽搁;", "6. 国家 6. 强调对今后和现有的所有维持和平特派团,在财政和行政安排方面应予平等对待、一视同仁;", "7. 联合国 6. 又强调应为所有维持和平特派团提供适当资源,使其能够有成效、有效率地完成各自的任务;", "8. 联合国 7. 请秘书长确保拟议维持和平预算以相关立法授权为依据;", "9. 国家 2. 认可行政和预算问题咨询委员会报告2 所载的结论和建议,但以符合本决议的规定为前提,并请秘书长确保予以充分落实;", "10个 2. 表示注意到咨询委员会报告第1和36段;", "11个 10. 请秘书长确保大会第59/296、60/266、61/276、64/269和65/289号决议的相关规定得到充分执行;", "12个 11. 又请秘书长采取一切必要行动,确保以最有效率和最节省的方式管理该行动;", "13个 注意到批款总额已按照第65/289号决议的规定进行调整;", "2009年7月1日至2010年6月30日期间财政执行情况报告", "14个 表示注意到秘书长关于该行动2009年7月1日至2010年6月30日期间财政执行情况的报告;[3]", "2011年7月1日至2012年6月30日期间预算估计数", "15个 14. 决定批款517 850 700美元给联合国科特迪瓦行动特别账户,充作2011年7月1日至2012年6月30日期间的经费,其中包括该行动的维持费486 726 400美元,给维持和平行动支助账户的26 374 200美元和给联合国后勤基地的4 750 100美元;", "批款的筹措", "16号. 24. 又决定,考虑到其2009年12月24日第64/248号决议规定的2011年分摊比额表,由会员国按照大会2009年12月24日第64/249号决议修订的等级分摊43 154 225美元,充作2011年7月1日至31日期间的经费;", "17岁 16. 还决定,根据其1955年12月15日第973(X)号决议的规定,从上文第16段规定的会员国摊款中减除会员国在衡平征税基金内1 121 350美元中各自应分的数额,基金内的这笔款项包括该行动的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数893 616美元,支助账户的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数中按比例应分的数额186 142美元,以及联合国后勤基地的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数中按比例应分的数额41 592美元;", "18岁。 16. 决定,考虑到其第64/248号决议规定的2011年和2012年分摊比额表,由会员国按照大会第64/249号决议修订的等级分摊474 696 475美元,每月43 154 225美元,充作2011年8月1日至2012年6月30日期间的经费,但以安全理事会决定延长该行动的任务为前提;", " 19. 19. 18. 又决定,根据其第973(X)号决议的规定,从上文第18段规定的会员国摊款中减除会员国在衡平征税基金内12 334 850美元中各自应分的数额,基金内的这笔款项包括该行动的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数9 829 784美元,支助账户的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数中按比例应分的数额2 047 558美元,以及联合国后勤基地的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数中按比例应分的数额457 508美元;", "20号. 16. 决定,对于已经履行对该行动财政义务的会员国,应考虑到大会第64/248号决议规定的2010年分摊比额表,并按照大会第64/249号决议修订的等级,从上文第16段规定的摊款中减除2010年6月30日终了财政期间未支配余额和其他收入共计25 042 400美元中各自应分的数额;", "21岁 20. 又决定,对于尚未履行对该行动财政义务的会员国,应按照上文第20段规定的办法,从其所欠款项中减除2010年6月30日终了财政期间未支配余额和其他收入共计25 042 400美元中各自应分的数额;", "22号. 20. 还决定,上文第20和21段提及的25 042 400美元所产生的贷项,应加上2010年6月30日终了财政期间工作人员薪金税收入估计数的增加额852 800美元;", "23. 联合国 17. 强调任何维持和平特派团都不得借用其他在役维持和平特派团的经费;", "24 (韩语). 24. 鼓励秘书长铭记安全理事会2003年8月26日第1502(2003)号决议第5和6段,继续采取进一步措施,确保在联合国主持下参与该行动的所有人员的安全和安保;", "25岁 23. 邀请各方向该行动自愿捐助现金以及秘书长可以接受的服务和用品,这些捐助将按照大会规定的程序和做法适当管理;", "26. 联合国 24. 决定将题为 \" 联合国科特迪瓦行动经费的筹措 \" 的项目列入其第六十六届会议临时议程。", "[1] A/65/615和A/65/736和Corr.1。", "[2] A/65/743/Add.14。", "[3] A/65/615。" ]
[ "Sixty-fifth session", "Agenda item 152", "* Reissued for technical reasons on 26 July 2011.", "Financing of the United Nations Observer Mission in Georgia", "Report of the Fifth Committee", "Rapporteur: Ms. Nicole Ann Mannion (Ireland)", "I. Introduction", "1. At its 2nd plenary meeting, on 17 September 2010, the General Assembly, on the recommendation of the General Committee, decided to include in the agenda of its sixty-fifth session the item entitled “Financing of the United Nations Observer Mission in Georgia” and to allocate it to the Fifth Committee.", "2. The Fifth Committee considered the item at its 34th and 42nd meetings, on 5 May and 30 June 2011. Statements and observations made in the course of the Committee’s consideration of the item are reflected in the relevant summary records (A/C.5/65/SR.34 and 42).", "3. For its consideration of the item, the Committee had before it the following documents:", "(a) Report of the Secretary-General on the budget performance of the United Nations Observer Mission in Georgia for the period from 1 July 2009 to 30 June 2010 (A/65/681);", "(b) Related report of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions (A/65/743/Add.1).", "II. Consideration of draft resolution A/C.5/65/L.34", "4. At its 42nd meeting, on 30 June, the Committee had before it a draft resolution entitled “Financing of the United Nations Observer Mission in Georgia” (A/C.5/65/L.34), submitted by the Chair of the Committee on the basis of informal consultations coordinated by the representative of Bangladesh.", "5. At the same meeting, the Committee adopted draft resolution A/C.5/65/L.34 without a vote (see para. 6).", "III. Recommendation of the Fifth Committee", "6. The Fifth Committee recommends to the General Assembly the adoption of the following draft resolution:", "Financing of the United Nations Observer Mission in Georgia", "The General Assembly,", "Having considered the report of the Secretary-General on the financing of the United Nations Observer Mission in Georgia[1] and the related report of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions,[2]", "Recalling Security Council resolution 854 (1993) of 6 August 1993, by which the Council approved the deployment of an advance team of up to ten United Nations military observers for a period of three months and the incorporation of the advance team into a United Nations observer mission if such a mission was formally established by the Council,", "Recalling also Security Council resolution 858 (1993) of 24 August 1993, by which the Council established the United Nations Observer Mission in Georgia, and the subsequent resolutions by which the Council extended the mandate of the Observer Mission, the last of which was resolution 1866 (2009) of 13 February 2009,", "Recalling further its decision 48/475 A of 23 December 1993 on the financing of the Observer Mission and its subsequent resolutions and decisions thereon, the latest of which was resolution 64/234 of 22 December 2009,", "Reaffirming the general principles underlying the financing of United Nations peacekeeping operations, as stated in General Assembly resolutions 1874 (S-IV) of 27 June 1963, 3101 (XXVIII) of 11 December 1973 and 55/235 of 23 December 2000,", "1. Takes note of the status of contributions to the United Nations Observer Mission in Georgia as at 30 April 2011, including the contributions outstanding in the amount of 4.9 million United States dollars, representing some 1 per cent of the total assessed contributions, notes with concern that only one hundred and twenty-seven Member States have paid their assessed contributions in full, and urges all other Member States, in particular those in arrears, to ensure payment of their outstanding assessed contributions;", "2. Expresses its appreciation to those Member States which have paid their assessed contributions in full, and urges all other Member States to make every possible effort to ensure payment of their assessed contributions to the Observer Mission in full;", "3. Endorses the conclusions and recommendations contained in the report of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions,² and requests the Secretary-General to ensure their full implementation;", "Financial performance report for the period from 1 July 2009 to 30 June 2010", "4. Takes note of the report of the Secretary-General on the financial performance of the Observer Mission for the period from 1 July 2009 to 30 June 2010;¹", "5. Decides that Member States that have fulfilled their financial obligations to the Observer Mission shall be credited with their respective share of the unencumbered balance and other income in the amount of 1,806,800 dollars in respect of the financial period ended 30 June 2010, in accordance with the levels updated in General Assembly resolution 64/249 of 24 December 2009, and taking into account the scale of assessments for 2010, as set out in its resolution 64/248 of 24 December 2009;", "6. Also decides that, for Member States that have not fulfilled their financial obligations to the Observer Mission, their respective share of the unencumbered balance and other income in the amount of 1,806,800 dollars in respect of the financial period ended 30 June 2010 shall be offset against their outstanding obligations, in accordance with the scheme set out in paragraph 5 above;", "7. Further decides that the increase of 157,600 dollars in the estimated staff assessment income in respect of the financial period ended 30 June 2010 shall be added to the credits from the amount of 1,806,800 dollars referred to in paragraphs 5 and 6 above;", "8. Decides to include in the provisional agenda of its sixty-sixth session the item entitled “Financing of the United Nations Observer Mission in Georgia”.", "[1] A/65/681.", "[2] A/65/743/Add.1." ]
[ "第六十五届会议", "议程项目152", "联合国格鲁吉亚观察团经费的筹措", "第五委员会的报告", "报告员:尼科尔·安·曼尼农女士(爱尔兰)", "一. 导言", "1. 在2010年9月17日第2次全体会议上,大会根据总务委员会的建议,决定将题为“联合国格鲁吉亚观察团经费的筹措”的项目列入第六十五届会议议程,并分配给第五委员会。", "2. 第五委员会在2011年5月5日和6月30日第34和42次会议上继续审议该项目。在委员会审议该项目过程中所作的发言和发表的意见,反映在有关简要记录(A/C.5/65/SR.34和42)中。", "3. 在审议该项目时,委员会面前有下列报告:", "(a) 秘书长关于联合国格鲁吉亚观察团2009年7月1日至2010年6月30日期间预算执行情况报告(A/65/681);", "(b) 行政和预算问题咨询委员会的有关报告(A/65/743/Add.1)。", "二. 决议草案A/C.5/65/L.34的审议情况", "4. 在6月30日第42次会议上,委员会面前有委员会主席根据孟加拉国代表协调的非正式协商提出的决议草案,题为“联合国格鲁吉亚观察团经费的筹措”(A/C.5/65/L.34)。", "——————————", "^(*) 因技术原因于2011年7月26日重新印发。", "5. 在同次会议上,委员会未经表决通过了决议草案A/C.5/65/L.34(见第6段)。", "三. 第五委员会的建议", "6. 第五委员会建议大会通过下列决议草案:", "联合国格鲁吉亚观察团经费的筹措", "大会,", "审议了秘书长关于联合国格鲁吉亚观察团经费筹措的报告[1] 以及行政和预算问题咨询委员会的有关报告,[2]", "回顾安全理事会1993年8月6日第854(1993)号决议,其中安理会核可部署一支最多10人的联合国军事观察员先遣队,为期三个月,并在安理会正式设立联合国观察团时,将先遣队并入观察团,", "又回顾安全理事会1993年8月24日第858(1993)号决议,其中安理会决定设立联合国格鲁吉亚观察团,并回顾安理会其后延长该观察团任务期限的各项决议,最近一项是2009年2月13日第1866(2009)号决议,", "还回顾大会关于该观察团经费筹措的1993年12月23日第48/475 A号决定及其后有关决议和决定,最近一项是2009年12月22日第64/234号决议,", "重申大会1963年6月27日第1874(S-IV)号、1973年12月11日第3101 (XXVIII)号和2000年12月23日第55/235号决议阐述的联合国维持和平行动经费筹措一般原则,", "1. 注意到截至2011年4月30日联合国格鲁吉亚观察团摊款的缴纳情况,包括未缴摊款490万美元,约占摊款总额的1%,关切地注意到只有127个会员国已足额缴纳摊款,并促请所有其他会员国,尤其是拖欠国,确保缴纳未缴摊款;", "2. 表示赞赏已足额缴纳摊款的会员国,并促请所有其他会员国尽力确保足额缴纳为该观察团分摊的款项;", "3. 认可行政和预算问题咨询委员会报告² 中所载的结论和建议,并请秘书长确保充分落实;", "2009年7月1日至2010年6月30日期间财政执行情况报告", "4. 注意到秘书长关于该观察团2009年7月1日至2010年6月30日期间财政执行情况的报告;¹", "5. 决定,对于已对该观察团履行财政义务的会员国,应考虑到大会2009年12月24日第64/248号决议规定的2010年分摊比额表,并按照大会2009年12月24日第64/249号决议修订的等级,将2010年6月30日终了财政期间未支配余额和其他收入1 806 800美元中各自应分的数额贷记其账下;", "6. 还决定,对于尚未对该观察团履行财政义务的会员国,应按照上文第5段规定的办法,将2010年6月30日终了财政期间未支配余额和其他收入1 806 800美元中各自应分的数额用来抵充未缴款项;", "7. 又决定,上文第5和第6段提及的1 806 800美元所产生的贷项,应加上2010年6月30日终了财政期间工作人员薪金税收入估计数增加额157 600美元;", "8. 决定将题为“联合国格鲁吉亚观察团经费的筹措”的项目列入其第六十六届会议临时议程。", "[1] A/65/681。", "[2] A/65/743/Add.1。" ]
[ "第六十五届会议", "议程项目152", "* 由于技术原因于2011年7月26日重新印发。", "联合国格鲁吉亚观察团经费的筹措", "第五委员会的报告", "报告员:尼科尔·安·曼尼恩女士(爱尔兰)", "一. 导言", "1. 联合国 1. 在2010年9月17日第2次全体会议上,大会根据总务委员会的建议,决定将题为“联合国格鲁吉亚观察团经费的筹措”的项目列入大会第六十五届会议议程,并分配给第五委员会。", "2. 联合国 2. 第五委员会在2011年5月5日和6月30日第34和42次会议上审议了该项目。 在委员会审议该项目过程中所作的发言和发表的意见,反映在有关简要记录(A/C.5/65/SR.34和42)中。", "3个 3. 在审议该项目时,委员会面前有下列文件:", "(a) 秘书长关于联合国格鲁吉亚观察团2009年7月1日至2010年6月30日期间预算执行情况的报告(A/65/681);", "(b) 行政和预算问题咨询委员会的有关报告(A/65/743/Add.1)。", "二. 二. 决议草案A/C.5/65/L.34的审议情况", " 4.四. 在6月30日第42次会议上,委员会面前有委员会主席根据孟加拉国代表协调的非正式协商提出的决议草案,题为“联合国格鲁吉亚观察团经费的筹措”(A/C.5/65/L.34)。", "5 (韩语). 5. 在同次会议上,委员会未经表决通过了决议草案A/C.5/65/L.34(见第6段)。 第6页。", "三. 三. 第五委员会的建议", "6. 国家 6. 第五委员会建议大会通过下列决议草案:", "联合国格鲁吉亚观察团经费的筹措", "大会,", "审议了秘书长关于联合国格鲁吉亚观察团经费筹措的报告[1] 以及行政和预算问题咨询委员会的有关报告,[2]", "回顾安全理事会1993年8月6日第854(1993)号决议,其中安理会核准部署一支最多由10名联合国军事观察员组成的先遣队,为期三个月,并核准如果安理会正式设立联合国观察团,则将该先遣队并入观察团,", "又回顾安全理事会1993年8月24日第858(1993)号决议,其中安理会决定设立联合国格鲁吉亚观察团,及其后安理会延长该观察团任务的各项决议,最近的是2009年2月13日第1866(2009)号决议,", "还回顾其关于该观察团经费筹措的1993年12月23日第48/475 A号决定及其后各项有关决议和决定,最近的是2009年12月22日第64/234号决议,", "重申大会1963年6月27日第1874(S-IV)号、1973年12月11日第3101(XXVIII)号和2000年12月23日第55/235号决议阐述的联合国维持和平行动经费筹措一般原则,", "1. 联合国 2. 表示注意到截至2011年4月30日联合国格鲁吉亚观察团摊款的缴纳情况,包括未缴摊款490万美元,约占摊款总额的1%,关切地注意到只有127个会员国已足额缴纳摊款,并促请所有其他会员国,尤其是拖欠国,确保缴纳未缴摊款;", "2. 联合国 3. 表示赞赏已足额缴纳摊款的会员国,并促请所有其他会员国尽力确保足额缴纳为该观察团分摊的款项;", "3个 2. 认可行政和预算问题咨询委员会报告2 所载的结论和建议,并请秘书长确保予以充分落实;", "2009年7月1日至2010年6月30日期间财政执行情况报告", " 4.四. 2. 表示注意到秘书长关于该观察团2009年7月1日至2010年6月30日期间财政执行情况的报告;1", "5 (韩语). 20. 决定,考虑到大会2009年12月24日第64/248号决议规定的2010年分摊比额表,并按照大会2009年12月24日第64/249号决议修订的等级,将2010年6月30日终了财政期间未支配余额和其他收入1 806 800美元中各自应分的数额贷记已对该观察团履行财政义务的会员国账下;", "6. 国家 15. 又决定,对于尚未履行对该观察团财政义务的会员国,应按照上文第5段规定的办法,从其所欠款项中减除2010年6月30日终了财政期间未支配余额和其他收入1 806 800美元中各自应分的数额;", "7. 联合国 19. 还决定,上文第5和6段提及的1 806 800美元所产生的贷项,应加上2010年6月30日终了财政期间工作人员薪金税收入估计数的增加额157 600美元;", "8. 联合国 24. 决定将题为“联合国格鲁吉亚观察团经费的筹措”的项目列入大会第六十六届会议临时议程。", "[1] A/65/681 (英语).", "[2] A/65/743/Add.1。" ]
[ "President:\tMr. Wittig\t(Germany) \nMembers:\tBosnia and Herzegovina\tMs. Čolaković\n Brazil Mrs. Viotti \n China Mr. Wang Min \n Colombia Mr. Osorio \n France Mr. Araud \n Gabon Mrs. Bongo \n India Mr. Vinay Kumar \n Lebanon Mr. Assaf \n Nigeria Mrs. Ogwu \n Portugal Mr. Moraes Cabral \n Russian Federation Mr. Zhukov \n South Africa Mr. Mashabane \n\tUnited Kingdom of Great Britain andNorthern Ireland\tMr. Parham\n United States of America Mr. Grant", "Agenda", "Peace consolidation in West Africa", "Report of the Secretary-General on the activities of the United Nations Office for West Africa (S/2011/388)", "The meeting was called to order at 10.15 a.m.", "Adoption of the agenda", "The agenda was adopted.", "Peace consolidation in West Africa", "Report of the Secretary-General on the activities of the United Nations Office for West Africa (S/2011/388)", "The President: In accordance with rule 39 of the Council’s provisional rules of procedure, I invite Mr. Said Djinnit, Special Representative of the Secretary-General and Head of the United Nations Office for West Africa, to participate in this meeting.", "It is so decided.", "The Security Council will now begin its consideration of the item on its agenda.", "I wish to draw the attention of Council members to document S/2011/388, containing the report of the Secretary-General on the activities of the United Nations Office for West Africa.", "I now give the floor to Mr. Djinnit.", "Mr. Djinnit (spoke in French): It is my honour to present the Secretary-General’s report on the activities of the United Nations Office for West Africa (UNOWA) from 1 January to 30 June.", "Since my most recent briefing to the Security Council in December 2010 (see S/PV.6455), the situation in West Africa has seen some positive developments. The post-electoral crisis in Côte d’Ivoire, which was so drawn out and consumed a great deal of energy, was finally ended by the international community’s support and cooperation between the United Nations, the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) and the African Union.", "Following the welcome outcome of the Guinean crisis, constitutional order was restored in Niger following the organization of presidential elections that were deemed to be credible and transparent. The successful transition in Niger is clearly to the credit of the country’s political class, leaders and civil society. In this respect, I wish to commend the former head of the transition, Mr. Salou Djibo, who kept his word and acted with the necessary resolve to see the transition through.", "The support and resolute accompaniment of the international community to these countries emerging from crisis must be pursued in order to consolidate the significant progress that has been made. The invitation extended to those three countries to the Group of Eight summit in Deauville in May and the political and financial decisions taken at that time sent a strong message of support.", "With respect to Niger, I am pleased to note the resumption of its democratic experience, which was unfortunately interrupted during the crisis, and the resources that have been made available to it will allow it in time to become a symbol of political and economic success so long as it continues to enjoy regional and international support in meeting the human security challenges ahead. In this regard, I echo the appeal launched by President Mahamadou Issoufou to the United Nations and all Niger’s partners for assistance in ending the chronic food insecurity from which that country has suffered too long. I encourage Member States and the United Nations system to respond favourably to President Issoufou’s request for the organization of a high-level conference on food and nutritional security that he hopes to hold in Niger by November.", "The positive developments in the subregion over the past six months were also confirmed by the fact that a number of countries have been able to organize credible elections and overcome the threats of electoral crises that would have had destabilizing consequences. Benin was therefore able to muster the necessary resolve to overcome profound political divisions over the electoral process that endanger national stability and cohesion. Moreover, Nigeria held general elections that represented a significant step forward for democracy. That success, which was lauded by the Secretary-General during his recent visit to Nigeria, will make it possible for that country to continue to play its most welcome role as a leader in peacebuilding and security within West Africa and beyond. In all of those cases, I am happy to say that the partnership that has developed among the United Nations, ECOWAS and the African Union was crucial for the success of the electoral processes.", "While there is much to celebrate in those important steps forward, stability in West Africa is nevertheless fragile and many challenges remain, as well as threats to peace, security and development in the region. Instability associated with elections continues to be a significant challenge, especially when we consider the number of elections to be held in West Africa in the next few years. In Guinea, several initiatives are under way to meet the population’s needs and to lay the groundwork for economic recovery. However, additional efforts will be needed to diffuse tension and promote the widest possible consensus with regard to preparations for the legislative elections that are to be held before the end of 2011.", "As for the elections planned between now and 2013 in West Africa, drawing lessons from the elections that have just taken place, with the aim of preventing political tensions tied to elections, last May UNOWA organized in Praia a high-level regional conference on elections and stability. The goal of the conference, which was organized with the whole host of United Nations partners, including ECOWAS, was to encourage momentum to catalyze efforts at all levels to create the conditions necessary for peaceful elections in the subregion. Our hope is that the Declaration on Elections and Stability in West Africa, adopted at the conference, will contribute to generating that momentum.", "Efforts to consolidate the recent progress in West Africa should not overshadow defence and security issues that too often have played a negative role, contrary to efforts aimed at promoting democratic governance. UNOWA will continue to work very closely with ECOWAS in the area of security sector reform in order to develop a regional strategy and implement the reforms already undertaken in Guinea and in any other country of the subregion where such an undertaking would be useful.", "In addition, I cannot fail to mention the positive role played by women in the prevention of conflict and the resolution of crises in West Africa. It is often through women’s sacrifice and suffering that opportunities for crisis resolution emerge, as we saw in the sad events in Conakry on 28 September. In that spirit, UNOWA will continue to promote initiatives to help women in the subregion, in keeping with the implementation of resolution 1325 (2000).", "The range of actions undertaken to promote security and stability in the subregion will only produce results if the scourges of drug trafficking and organized crime, which further weaken already fragile State institutions in West Africa, are not diligently and forcefully fought. As the Council is aware, in 2008 ECOWAS put in place a regional action plan to combat illicit drug trafficking, organized crime and drug abuse in West Africa. It is important to further mobilize political leaders and civil society in order to help the countries of the subregion to deal with this threat to peace and stability, above and beyond the obvious public health consequences if the growing trend in drug use continues.", "It is with that goal in mind that UNOWA, working with ECOWAS, will continue to mobilize the various stakeholders, particularly within the framework of the West Africa Coast Initiative (WACI), whose political committee held its first meeting on 20 June in Dakar. UNOWA, through its presidency of the committee, will work to promote WACI as the spearhead for the implementation of the ECOWAS action plan.", "I would like to address the impact of the Libya crisis on West Africa. Although their magnitude is not yet fully known, concerns have already been expressed that the humanitarian and security consequences of this crisis could worsen the chronic instability in the subregion, particularly in the countries of the Sahel. Officials from the subregion, particularly the President of Niger, whom I recently met with in Niamey, have voiced serious concerns about the genuine and potential implications that the crisis could have for the Sahel. Beyond the social and economic impact on the subregion of the crisis in Côte d’Ivoire, the countries of the Sahel, especially Mali and Niger, must cope with the return of thousands of migrants from Libya. Most of those migrants sought refuge in areas of those countries that were already affected by underdevelopment and the insecurity resulting from the activities of terrorist groups and traffickers operating there.", "Furthermore, a significant increase in arms and explosives in circulation in Niger, Mali and the Sahel Strip in general has been noted by the countries affected, which have expressed serious concern about those arms and explosives falling into the hands of terrorists operating in the region. If we are not careful, the increase in the number of weapons in circulation in the subregion could spark a new wave of instability within the countries of the Sahel. In that context, we welcome the re-launching of regional cooperation among the countries of the Sahel to address common threats to security, particularly from terrorism.", "Worsening living conditions and the high rate of youth unemployment, exacerbated by tensions related to electoral competition for power, pose additional risks to stability. Those conditions create a breeding ground for recurring disputes and tensions affecting the countries of the subregion, especially in an environment in which the legitimate aspirations of the people for progress and change are being frustrated.", "That phenomenon is made worse by the impact of events seen in certain North African countries. No country of the subregion is immune from such turmoil, as we saw recently in Burkina Faso, a country that has had a long period of stability, and Senegal, a country with a long-standing democratic tradition. These latest developments confirm, if confirmation were needed,", "that there is a need to comprehensively address the issues of development, governance and security in the countries of the subregion. Despite their commendable efforts to promote development and stability, they continue to be vulnerable and fragile. They therefore deserve the determined and steadfast support of the international community.", "In conclusion, let me express my gratitude to the Security Council for the interest it continues to show in the situation in the subregion and for the support it provides to the United Nations Office for West Africa.", "The President: I thank Mr. Djinnit for his briefing.", "I now invite Council members to informal consultations to continue our discussion on the subject.", "The meeting rose at 10.30 a.m." ]
[ "主席: 维蒂希先生 (德国) \n 成员: 波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那 乔拉科维奇女士 \n 巴西 维奥蒂夫人 \n 中国 王民先生 \n 哥伦比亚 奥索里奥先生 \n 法国 阿罗德先生 \n 加蓬 邦戈夫人 \n 印度 维奈·库马尔先生 \n 黎巴嫩 阿萨夫先生 \n 尼日利亚 奥格武夫人 \n 葡萄牙 莫赖斯·卡布拉尔先生\n 俄罗斯联邦 茹科夫先生 \n 南非 马沙巴尼先生 \n 大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国 帕勒姆先生 \n 美利坚合众国 格兰特先生", "议程项目", "巩固西非和平", "秘书长关于联合国西非办事处活动的报告(S/2011/388)", "上午10时15分开会。", "通过议程", "议程通过。", "巩固西非和平", "秘书长关于联合国西非办事处活动的报告(S/2011/388)", "主席(以英语发言):按照安理会暂行议事规则第39条,我邀请秘书长特别代表兼联合国西非办事处主任赛义德·吉尼特先生参加本次会议。", "就这样决定。", "安全理事会现在开始审议其议程上的项目。", "我谨提请安理会成员注意文件S/2011/388,其中载有秘书长关于联合国西非办事处活动的报告。", "我现在请吉尼特先生发言。", "吉尼特先生(以法语发言):我荣幸地介绍秘书长关于联合国西非办事处(西非办)1月1日至6月30日活动的报告。", "自我最近于2010年12月向安全理事会通报情况(见S/PV.6455)以来,西非局势出现了一些积极事态发展。科特迪瓦选举后危机在旷日持久和耗费大量精力之后,终于在国际社会的支持和联合国、西非国家经济共同体(西非经共体)以及非洲联盟之间的合作下结束。", "继几内亚危机出现可喜结局之后,尼日尔宪政秩序在组织了被认为可信和透明的总统选举之后得以恢复。尼日尔的成功过渡显然应归功于该国政界、领导人和民间社会。在这方面,我要赞扬过渡进程前领导人萨卢·吉博先生,因为他信守诺言,并抱着使过渡顺利结束的必要决心行事。", "国际社会对目前正摆脱危机的这些国家的支持和坚定陪伴必须继续下去,以巩固所取得的巨大进展。邀请这三个国家参加5月多维尔八国集团首脑会议以及当时所作的政治和财政决定,发出了支持这些国家的强烈信息。", "关于尼日尔,我高兴地注意到,该国在危机期间不幸中断的民主经历已得到恢复,向该国提供的资源将使其能够最终成为政治和经济成功的象征,只要它继续得到区域和国际支持,以应对所面临的人的安全挑战。在这方面,我与马哈马杜·伊苏福总统一道呼吁联合国和尼日尔所有伙伴提供援助,以结束该国遭受太久的粮食无保障状态。我鼓励会员国和联合国系统对伊苏福总统提出的召开一次粮食和营养安全问题高级别会议——他希望至迟于11月在尼日尔举行——的请求作出积极回应。", "若干国家得以组织具有公信力的选举,并且能够克服本会造成破坏稳定后果的选举危机的威胁,这也证实了西非次区域过去6个月以来出现的积极事态发展。因此贝宁能够拿出必要的决心,克服了有关选举过程、危及国家稳定和凝聚力的重大政治分歧。此外,尼日利亚举行了大选,朝着民主的方向迈出重要的一步。这一秘书长在其最近访问尼日利亚期间称赞的成就,将使该国能够继续发挥西非及以外地区建设和平与安全领导者这一最受欢迎的作用。我高兴地指出,在所有这些问题上,联合国、西非经共体和非洲联盟之间发展形成的伙伴关系对于选举进程取得成功至关重要。", "这些重要进展虽然非常值得庆祝,但西非稳定依然脆弱,该地区依然存在许多挑战以及和平、安全和发展面临的威胁。与选举相关的不稳定仍是一个重大挑战,特别是考虑到今后几年西非将举行的选举数量。在几内亚,正在实施几项倡议来满足民众的需求和为经济复苏奠定基础。但是,将需要做出更多努力,以化解紧张和争取在定于2011年年底前举行的立法选举的筹备工作方面达成尽可能广泛的共识。", "关于计划从现在起到2013年将在西非举行的选举,西非办为了预防与选举有关的政治紧张从刚刚过去的选举中汲取经验教训,于今年5月在普拉亚组织举行了一次关于选举和稳定问题的高级别区域会议。这次会议是同包括西非经共体在内的许多联合国合作伙伴一起组织召开的,其目的是鼓励产生势头,催化各级做出努力,为次区域和平选举创造必要的条件。我们希望,会上通过的《关于西非选举和稳定的宣言》将有助于产生这一势头。", "巩固西非最近所取得的进展的努力不应掩盖防务和安全问题,这些问题往往产生负面作用,与促进民主治理的努力背道而驰。西非办将在安全部门改革领域继续同西非经共体密切合作,以制定一项区域战略,并在几内亚和次区域任何其他国家执行已经开始的改革,只要它们有益于这些国家。", "此外,我必须指出妇女在西非预防冲突和解决危机方面发挥的积极作用。往往是妇女做出了牺牲和承受了痛苦,而产生解决危机的机会,我们在9月28日发生在科纳克里的悲惨事件中看到的正是这样。本着这一精神,西非办将执行第1325(2000)号决议,继续推动协助次区域妇女的举措。", "毒品贩运和有组织犯罪进一步削弱西非地区原已脆弱的国家机构。若不积极有力地打击此等祸害,促进次区域安全与稳定的一系列行动将不会产生结果。正如安理会所知,2008年西非经共体提出了一项打击在西非的非法贩毒、有组织犯罪和滥用毒品等问题的区域行动计划。必须进一步调动政治领导人和民间社会,以便协助次区域各国应对和平与稳定面临的这一威胁,以及如果吸毒的趋势继续加重将明显带来的公共卫生后果。", "考虑到这一目标,西非办将与西非经共体合作,继续调动各利益攸关方,特别是在西非海岸倡议的框架内,该倡议的政治委员会于6月20日在达喀尔举行了其第一次会议。作为该委员会主席,西非办将努力推动西非海岸倡议带头执行西非经共体行动计划。", "我想谈一谈利比亚危机对西非的影响。虽然这方面影响的规模尚不完全明了,但有人已经表示担心,这场危机的人道主义和安全后果可能导致次区域特别是萨赫勒地区国家长期不稳定的状况进一步恶化。次区域官员,特别是尼日尔总统,已经对这场危机可能对萨赫勒地区产生的真正和潜在影响表示严重关切。我最近在尼亚美会见了尼日尔总统。除科特迪瓦危机对次区域的社会和经济影响外,萨赫勒地区国家,特别是马里和尼日尔还必须应对从利比亚返回的成千上万移徙者问题。这些移徙者中大多寻求在这些国家已经受到不发展和因当地恐怖主义团体和毒贩分子活动而造成的不安全因素影响的地区避难。", "此外,受影响国家已经注意到,尼日尔、马里以及整个萨赫勒地带武器炸药流通量显著增加,它们已经对这些武器炸药可能落入在该地区活动的恐怖分子手中表示严重关切。如果我们不谨慎,次区域流通武器数量的增加可能引发萨赫勒地区国家新的不稳定浪潮。在这方面,我们欢迎萨赫勒地区国家之间重新启动区域合作,解决特别是来自恐怖主义的共同安全威胁。", "不断恶化的生活条件和高青年失业率,因与选举权力竞争有关的紧张而加剧,对稳定构成更多风险。这些情况会造成不断滋生影响各次区域国家的争端和紧张的场所,在人民要求进步和变革的正当愿望受到挫折的情况下尤其如此。", "此现象又因为在某些北非国家所看到的事件的影响而变得更加严重。次区域任何国家都难免不受这类动荡影响,我们最近已经在布基纳法索和塞内加尔看到。布基纳法索曾经长期稳定,塞内加尔有长期的民主传统。这些最近的事态发展证实――如果还需要证实——需要全面解决次区域国家的发展、治理和安全问题。尽管这些国家为促进发展和稳定作出了值得称道的努力,但它们依然脆弱,易受影响。因此,它们应得到国际社会坚决和坚定不移的支持。", "最后让我表示,我感谢安全理事会继续关注本次区域局势,支持联合国西非办事处。", "主席(以英语发言):我感谢吉尼特先生的通报。", "我现在请安理会成员进行非正式磋商,继续讨论这一议题。", "上午10时30分散会。" ]
[ "主席: 维蒂希先生 (德国)\n成员:波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那\n巴西 维奥蒂夫人\n中国 王敏先生\n哥伦比亚 奥索里奥先生\n法国 阿罗先生\n加蓬 邦戈女士\n印度 维奈·库马尔先生\n黎巴嫩 阿萨夫先生\n尼日利亚 奥格武女士\n葡萄牙 莫赖斯·卡布拉尔先生\n俄罗斯联邦 朱可夫先生\n南非 马沙巴内先生\n大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国\n美利坚合众国 格兰特先生", "议程项目", "巩固西非和平", "秘书长关于联合国西非办事处活动的报告(S/2011/388)", "上午10时15分宣布开会", "通过议程", "议程通过。", "巩固西非和平", "秘书长关于联合国西非办事处活动的报告(S/2011/388)", "主席(以英语发言):根据安理会暂行议事规则第39条,我邀请秘书长特别代表兼联合国西非办事处主任赛义德·吉尼特先生参加本次会议。", "就这样决定。", "安全理事会现在开始审议其议程上的项目。", "我谨提请安理会成员注意文件S/2011/388,其中载有秘书长关于联合国西非办事处活动的报告。", "我现在请吉尼特先生发言。", "吉尼特先生(以法语发言): 我荣幸地介绍秘书长关于联合国西非办事处(西非办事处)1月1日至6月30日期间活动的报告。", "自从我上次于2010年12月向安全理事会作通报(见S/PV.6455)以来,西非局势出现了一些积极的事态发展。 科特迪瓦选举后的危机如此激起并消耗了大量精力,最后由于联合国、西非国家经济共同体(西非经共体)和非洲联盟的支持和合作而结束。", "在几内亚危机取得可喜结果后,尼日尔在举行被认为可信和透明的总统选举后恢复了宪法秩序。 尼日尔的成功过渡显然归功于该国的政治阶层、领导人和民间社会。 在这方面,我要赞扬过渡时期前领导人萨卢·吉博先生,他信守承诺,以必要的决心采取行动,确保过渡得以完成。", "必须寻求国际社会对刚刚摆脱危机的国家的支持和坚定的配合,以巩固已经取得的重大进展。 向这三个国家发出的参加5月在多维尔举行的八国集团首脑会议的邀请以及当时作出的政治和财政决定发出了一个强有力的支持信息。", "关于尼日尔,我高兴地注意到该国恢复了民主经验,不幸在危机期间中断了民主经验,而且向其提供的资源将使它能够及时成为政治和经济成功的象征,只要它继续获得区域和国际支持,以应对前面的人类安全挑战。 在这方面,我赞同马哈马杜·伊苏福总统向联合国和尼日尔所有伙伴发出的呼吁,要求它们协助结束该国长期遭受的粮食无保障状况。 我鼓励会员国和联合国系统积极响应伊苏福总统的请求,于11月前在尼日尔组织一次关于粮食和营养安全的高级别会议。", "过去6个月来,该次区域的积极事态发展也得到一些国家能够组织可信的选举并克服选举危机的威胁的证实,这些危机本来会产生破坏稳定的后果。 因此,贝宁能够拿出必要的决心,克服在选举进程中存在的危及国家稳定和凝聚力的深刻政治分歧。 此外,尼日利亚举行了大选,这是朝民主方向迈出的重要一步。 秘书长在最近访问尼日利亚期间赞扬这一成功,这将使该国能够继续发挥最受欢迎的作用,作为西非内外建设和平与安全的领导者。 在所有这些情况中,我高兴地说,联合国、西非经共体和非洲联盟之间已发展的伙伴关系对选举进程的成功至关重要。", "虽然这些重要步骤有许多值得庆祝,但西非的稳定仍然脆弱,仍然存在许多挑战,并威胁到该区域的和平、安全与发展。 与选举有关的不稳定性仍然是一个重大挑战,特别是当我们考虑今后几年将在西非举行的选举次数时。 在几内亚,正在采取若干举措,以满足人民的需要并奠定经济复苏的基础。 然而,在筹备将于2011年底之前举行的立法选举方面,还需要作出更多努力来化解紧张局势并促成尽可能广泛的共识。", "关于从现在到2013年计划进行的西非选举,西非办吸取了刚刚举行的选举的经验教训,目的是防止与选举有关的政治紧张局势,今年5月在普拉亚组织了一次关于选举和稳定的高级别区域会议。 会议由包括西非经共体在内的所有联合国伙伴主办,目的是鼓励推动各级努力的势头,为分区域的和平选举创造必要条件。 我们希望,会上通过的《西非选举和稳定宣言》将促进产生这一势头。", "巩固西非最近所取得进展的努力不应掩盖国防和安全问题,这些问题往往起消极作用,与旨在促进民主治理的努力相反。 西非办将继续同西非经共体在安全部门改革领域密切合作,以制订一项区域战略,并落实在几内亚和次区域任何其他国家已经进行的改革,如果这样做将是有益的。", "此外,我不能不提及妇女在预防冲突和解决西非危机方面发挥的积极作用。 正如我们在9月28日科纳克里的悲惨事件中所看到的那样,解决危机的机会往往是通过妇女的牺牲和苦难而出现的。 本着这一精神,西非办将继续促进各种倡议,以根据第1325(2000)号决议,帮助该次区域的妇女。", "只有进一步削弱西非已经脆弱的国家机构的贩毒和有组织犯罪等祸害得不到认真和有力的打击,为促进该次区域的安全与稳定而采取的一系列行动才会产生结果。 安理会知道,西非经共体于2008年制定了一项打击西非非法贩毒、有组织犯罪和药物滥用的区域行动计划。 必须进一步动员政治领导人和民间社会,以帮助该次区域各国应对对和平与稳定的这一威胁,如果吸毒趋势继续增加,这将不仅对公共卫生造成明显的后果。", "正是本着这一目标,西非办同西非经共体合作,将继续动员各利益攸关方,特别是在西非海岸倡议的框架内,西非海岸倡议的政治委员会于6月20日在达喀尔举行了第一次会议。 西非办通过担任委员会主席,将努力推动西非海岸倡议作为执行西非经共体行动计划的先行者。", "我想谈谈利比亚危机对西非的影响。 虽然其规模尚不完全为人所了解,但已经有人担心,这场危机的人道主义和安全后果会加剧该次区域,特别是萨赫勒国家的长期不稳定。 来自该次区域的官员,特别是我最近在尼亚美会见的尼日尔总统,对这场危机可能对萨赫勒产生真正和潜在影响表示严重关切。 除了科特迪瓦危机对次区域的社会和经济影响外,萨赫勒各国,特别是马里和尼日尔,必须应对成千上万从利比亚返回的移徙者。 这些移民大多在那些已经受到不发达和恐怖主义集团和在那里活动的贩运者活动造成的不安全影响的国家中寻求庇护。", "此外,受影响的国家注意到,在尼日尔、马里和萨赫勒地区流通的军火和爆炸物普遍大幅增加,它们对这些武器和爆炸物落入在该区域活动的恐怖分子手中表示严重关切。 如果我们不小心,该次区域流通武器数量的增加会引发萨赫勒国家内部的新一波不稳定。 在这方面,我们欢迎萨赫勒各国之间重新开始区域合作,以应对安全面临的共同威胁,特别是恐怖主义的威胁。", "生活条件恶化和青年失业率高,加上与选举竞争权力有关的紧张关系,给稳定带来更多风险。 这些条件为影响该次区域各国的争端和紧张局势再三起而制造了温床,特别是在人民对进步和变革的正当愿望正受到挫折的环境中。", "这种现象因某些北非国家发生的事件而更形严重。 正如我们最近在布基纳法索和塞内加尔看到的那样,该次区域的任何国家都无法幸免于这种动乱,这些国家长期稳定。 塞内加尔有着长期的民主传统。 如果需要确认这些最新进展,", "需要全面解决次区域各国的发展、治理和安全问题。 尽管它们为促进发展和稳定作出了值得赞扬的努力,但它们仍然脆弱和脆弱。 因此,他们应该得到国际社会坚定和坚定的支持。", "最后,请允许我感谢安全理事会继续关注该次区域的局势并支持联合国西非办事处。", "主席(以英语发言):我感谢吉尼特先生的通报。", "我现在请安理会成员进行非正式磋商,继续讨论这个问题。", "上午10时30分散会。" ]
[ "Resolution 1996 (2011)", "Adopted by the Security Council at its 6576th meeting, on 8 July 2011", "The Security Council,", "* Reissued for technical reasons on 14 July 2011.", "Welcoming the establishment of the Republic of South Sudan on 9 July 2011 upon its proclamation as an independent state,", "Reaffirming its strong commitment to the sovereignty, independence, territorial integrity, and national unity of the Republic of South Sudan,", "Recalling the Presidential Statement of 11 February 2011 that affirmed that national ownership and national responsibility are key to establishing sustainable peace and the primary responsibility of national authorities in identifying their priorities and strategies for post-conflict peacebuilding,", "Stressing the need for a comprehensive and integrated approach to peace consolidation that strengthens coherence between political, security, development, human rights, and rule of law activities, and addresses the underlying causes of conflict, and underlining that security and development are closely interlinked and mutually reinforcing and key to attaining sustainable peace,", "Deploring the persistence of conflict and violence and its effect on civilians, including the killing and displacement of significant numbers of civilians, and noting the importance of sustained cooperation and dialogue with civil society in the context of stabilizing the security situation and ensuring the protection of civilians,", "Underscoring the need for coherent UN activities in the Republic of South Sudan, which requires clarity about roles, responsibilities, and collaboration between UNMISS and the UN Country Team, and noting the need for cooperation with other relevant actors in the region, including the African Union-United Nations Hybrid Mission in Darfur (UNAMID), the UN Interim Security Force for Abyei (UNISFA), and the United Nations Organization Stabilization Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (MONUSCO),", "Recalling previous statements on post-conflict peacebuilding, stressing the importance of institution-building as a critical component of peacebuilding, and emphasizing a more effective and coherent national and international response to enable countries emerging from conflict to deliver core government functions, including managing political disputes peacefully, and making use of existing national capacities in order to ensure national ownership of this process,", "Emphasizing the vital role of the United Nations to support national authorities, in close consultation with international partners, to consolidate the peace and prevent a return to violence and therefore to develop an early strategy in support of national peacebuilding priorities, including establishment of core government functions, provision of basic services, establishment of the rule of law, respect for human rights, management of natural resources, development of the security sector, tackling youth unemployment, and revitalization of the economy,", "Recognizing the importance of supporting peacebuilding efforts in order to lay the foundation for sustainable development,", "Underscoring the need for forging stronger and well-defined partnerships among the United Nations, development agencies, bilateral partners, and other relevant actors, regional and subregional institutions and the international financial institutions, to implement national strategies aimed at effective institution building, which are based on national ownership, the achievement of results, and mutual accountability,", "Recognizing the need for the Security Council to show flexibility in making necessary adjustments to the mission priorities, where appropriate, according to progress achieved, lessons learned, or changing circumstances on the ground,", "Recognizing the need to broaden and deepen the pool of available civilian experts, especially women and experts from developing countries, to help develop national capacity, and encouraging Member States, the United Nations and other partners to strengthen cooperation and coordination to ensure that relevant expertise is mobilized to support the peacebuilding needs of the Government of the Republic of South Sudan and people of the Republic of South Sudan,", "Recalling its resolution 1612 (2005) and 1882 (2009) and Presidential Statements of 29 April 2009 (S/PRST2009/9) and 16 June 2010 (S/PRST/2010/10) on children and armed conflict, and taking note of the reports of the Secretary General on Children and Armed Conflict in Sudan dated 10 February 2009 (S/2009/84) and 29 August 2007 (S/2007/520), and the conclusions endorsed by the Security Council Working Group on Children and Armed Conflict in the Sudan (S/AC.51/2009/5),", "Reaffirming its resolutions 1674 (2006) and 1894 (2009) on the protection of civilians in armed conflict, and 1502 (2003) on the protection of humanitarian and United Nations personnel,", "Reaffirming its resolutions 1325 (2000), 1820 (2008), 1888 (2009), 1889 (2009) and 1960 (2010) on women, peace, and security and reiterating the need for the full, equal, and effective participation of women at all stages of peace processes given their vital role in the prevention and resolution of conflict and peacebuilding; reaffirming the key role women can play in re-establishing the fabric of recovering society and stressing the need for their involvement in the development and implementation of post-conflict strategies in order to take into account their perspectives and needs,", "Acknowledging the importance of drawing on best practices, past experience, and lessons learned from other missions, especially by Troop and Police Contributing Countries, in line with ongoing UN peacekeeping reform initiatives, including the New Horizon Report, Global Field Support Strategy, and the Review of Civilian Capacity,", "Bearing in mind the 20 June Agreement between the Government of Sudan and the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement on Temporary Arrangements for the Administration and Security of the Abyei Area; the 28 June Framework Agreement between the Government of Sudan and the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement (North) on Political and Security Arrangements in Blue Nile and Southern Kordofan States; and the 29 June Agreement between the Government of Sudan and the Government of South Sudan on Border Security and the Joint Political and Security Mechanism,", "Determining that the situation faced by South Sudan continues to constitute a threat to international peace and security in the region,", "Acting under Chapter VII of the Charter of the United Nations,", "1. Decides to establish as of 9 July 2011 the United Nations Mission in the Republic of South Sudan (UNMISS) for an initial period of one year with the intention to renew for further periods as may be required and further decides that UNMISS will consist of up to 7,000 military personnel, including military liaison officers and staff officers, up to 900 civilian police personnel, including as appropriate formed units, and an appropriate civilian component, including technical human rights investigation expertise; and further decides to review in three and six months whether the conditions on the ground could allow a reduction of military personnel to a level of 6,000;", "2. Welcomes the appointment by the Secretary-General of his Special Representative for the Republic of South Sudan, and requests the Secretary-General, through his Special Representative, to direct the operations of an integrated UNMISS, coordinate all activities of the United Nations system in the Republic of South Sudan, and support a coherent international approach to a stable peace in the Republic of South Sudan;", "3. Decides that the mandate of UNMISS shall be to consolidate peace and security, and to help establish the conditions for development in the Republic of South Sudan, with a view to strengthening the capacity of the Government of the Republic of South Sudan to govern effectively and democratically and establish good relations with its neighbours, and accordingly authorizes UNMISS to perform the following tasks;", "(a) Support for peace consolidation and thereby fostering longer-term state-building and economic development, through:", "(i) Providing good offices, advice, and support to the Government of the Republic of South Sudan on political transition, governance, and establishment of state authority, including formulation of national policies in this regard;", "(ii) Promoting popular participation in political processes, including through advising and supporting the Government of the Republic of South Sudan on an inclusive constitutional process; the holding of elections in accordance with the constitution; promoting the establishment of an independent media; and ensuring the participation of women in decision-making forums;", "(b) Support the Government of the Republic of South Sudan in exercising its responsibilities for conflict prevention, mitigation, and resolution and protect civilians through:", "(i) Exercising good offices, confidence-building, and facilitation at the national, state, and county levels within capabilities to anticipate, prevent, mitigate, and resolve conflict;", "(ii) Establishment and implementation of a mission-wide early warning capacity, with an integrated approach to information gathering, monitoring, verification, early warning and dissemination, and follow-up mechanisms;", "(iii) Monitoring, investigating, verifying, and reporting regularly on human rights and potential threats against the civilian population as well as actual and potential violations of international humanitarian and human rights law, working as appropriate with the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, bringing these to the attention of the authorities as necessary, and immediately reporting gross violations of human rights to the UN Security Council;", "(iv) Advising and assisting the Government of the Republic of South Sudan, including military and police at national and local levels as appropriate, in fulfilling its responsibility to protect civilians, in compliance with international humanitarian, human rights, and refugee law;", "(v) Deterring violence including through proactive deployment and patrols in areas at high risk of conflict, within its capabilities and in its areas of deployment, protecting civilians under imminent threat of physical violence, in particular when the Government of the Republic of South Sudan is not providing such security;", "(vi) Providing security for United Nations and humanitarian personnel, installations and equipment necessary for implementation of mandated tasks, bearing in mind the importance of mission mobility, and contributing to the creation of security conditions conducive to safe, timely, and unimpeded humanitarian assistance;", "(c) Support the Government of the Republic of South Sudan, in accordance with the principles of national ownership, and in cooperation with the UN Country Team and other international partners, in developing its capacity to provide security, to establish rule of law, and to strengthen the security and justice sectors through:", "(i) Supporting the development of strategies for security sector reform, rule of law, and justice sector development, including human rights capacities and institutions;", "(ii) Supporting the Government of the Republic of South Sudan in developing and implementing a national disarmament, demobilization and reintegration strategy, in cooperation with international partners with particular attention to the special needs of women and child combatants;", "(iii) Strengthening the capacity of the Republic of South Sudan Police Services through advice on policy, planning, and legislative development, as well as training and mentoring in key areas;", "(iv) Supporting the Government of the Republic of South Sudan in developing a military justice system that is complementary to the civil justice system;", "(v) Facilitating a protective environment for children affected by armed conflict, through implementation of a monitoring and reporting mechanism;", "(vi) Supporting the Government of the Republic of South Sudan in conducting de-mining activities within available resources and strengthening the capacity of the Republic of South Sudan Demining Authority to conduct mine action in accordance with International Mine Action Standards;", "4. Authorizes UNMISS to use all necessary means, within the limits of its capacity and in the areas where its units are deployed, to carry out its protection mandate as set out in paragraphs 3 (b) (iv), 3 (b) (v), and 3 (b) (vi);", "5. Requests the Government of Sudan and the Government of the Republic of South Sudan to propose by 20 July modalities for implementation of the 29 June agreement on border monitoring, and in case the parties fail to do so, requests UNMISS to observe and report on any flow of personnel, arms, and related materiel across the border with Sudan;", "6. Demands that the Government of the Republic of South Sudan and all relevant parties cooperate fully in the deployment, operations, and monitoring, verification, and reporting functions of UNMISS, in particular by guaranteeing the safety, security and unrestricted freedom of movement of United Nations personnel, as well as of associated personnel throughout the territory of the Republic of South Sudan;", "7. Calls upon all Member States to ensure the free, unhindered and expeditious movement to and from the Republic of South Sudan of all personnel, as well as equipment, provisions, supplies and other goods, including vehicles and spare parts, which are for the exclusive and official use of UNMISS;", "8. Calls upon all parties to allow, in accordance with relevant provisions of international law, the full, safe and unhindered access of relief personnel to all those in need and delivery of humanitarian assistance, in particular to internally displaced persons and refugees;", "9. Demands that all parties, in particular rebel militias and the LRA, immediately cease all forms of violence and human rights abuses against the civilian population in South Sudan, in particular gender-based violence, including rape and other forms of sexual abuse as well as all violations and abuses against children in violation of applicable international law such as their recruitment and use, killing and maiming and abduction with a view to specific and time-bound commitments to combat sexual violence in accordance with resolution 1960 and violence and abuses against children;", "10. Calls upon the Government of the Republic of South Sudan and the SPLA to renew the action plan (signed between the UN and SPLA on 20 November 2009) to end the recruitment and use of child soldiers that expired in November 2010, and requests UNMISS to advise and assist the Government of the Republic of South Sudan in this regard; further requests the Secretary-General to strengthen child protection in UN system activities in the Republic of South Sudan and ensure continued monitoring and reporting of the situation of children;", "11. Encourages the Government of the Republic of South Sudan to ratify into law and implement key international human rights treaties and conventions, including those related to women and children, refugees, and statelessness, and requests UNMISS to advise and assist the Government of the Republic of South Sudan in this regard;", "12. Calls upon the Government of the Republic of South Sudan to take measures to improve women’s participation in the outstanding issues of the CPA and post-independence arrangements and to enhance the engagement of South Sudanese women in public decision-making at all levels including by promoting women’s leadership, supporting women’s organizations, and countering negative societal attitudes about women’s capacity to participate equally;", "13. Calls upon the authorities of the Republic of South Sudan to combat impunity and hold accountable all perpetrators of human rights and international humanitarian law violations, including those committed by illegal armed groups or elements of the Republic of South Sudan Security Forces;", "14. Calls upon the Government of the Republic of South Sudan to end prolonged, arbitrary detention, and establish a safe, secure and humane prison system through the provision of advice and technical assistance, in cooperation with international partners, and requests UNMISS to advise and assist the Government of the Republic of South Sudan in this regard;", "15. Calls upon UNMISS to coordinate with the Government of the Republic of South Sudan and participate in regional coordination and information mechanisms to improve protection of civilians and support disarmament, demobilization and reintegration efforts in light of the attacks by the LRA in the Republic of South Sudan and requests the Secretary General to include in his UNMISS trimesterly reports a summary of cooperation and information sharing between UNMISS, the African Union/United Nations Hybrid Operation in Darfur (UNAMID), the United Nations Organization Stabilization Mission in the Democratic Republic of Congo (MONUSCO), and regional and international partners in addressing the LRA threats;", "16. Requests that the Secretary-General transfer appropriate functions performed by the UN Mission in Sudan (UNMIS) to UNMISS, together with appropriate staff and logistics necessary for achieving the new scope of functions to be performed, on the date when UNMISS is established, and begin the orderly liquidation of UNMIS;", "17. Authorizes the Secretary-General to take the necessary steps in order to ensure inter-mission cooperation, and authorizes, within the overall troop ceiling set out at paragraph 1 above, appropriate transfers of troops from other missions, subject to the agreement of the troop-contributing countries and without prejudice to the performance of the mandates of these United Nations missions;", "18. Requests the Special Representative of the Secretary General and UNMISS to work with the Government of the Republic of South Sudan, the UN Country Team, and bilateral and multilateral partners including the World Bank and report back to the Council within four months on a plan for UN system support to specific peacebuilding tasks, especially security sector reform, police institutional development, rule of law and justice sector support, human rights capacity-building, early recovery, formulation of national policies related to key issues of state building and development, and establishing the conditions for development, consistent with national priorities and with a view to contributing to the development of a common framework for monitoring progress in these areas;", "19. Requests the Secretary-General to report to the Council on the expected timeline of the deployment of all mission elements, including the status of consultations with Troop and Police-Contributing Countries and of the deployment of key enablers; and stressing the importance of achievable and realistic targets against which the progress of UNMISS can be measured, requests the Secretary-General, following consultations with the Government of the Republic of South Sudan, to present benchmarks for the mission to the Council within four months, and to keep the Council regularly informed of progress every four months thereafter;", "20. Stresses the need for the United Nations, international financial institutions, and bilateral and multilateral partners, to work closely with the Government of the Republic of South Sudan to ensure that international assistance is consistent with national priorities, including the South Sudan Development Plan, and can deliver prioritized support that reflects the specific peacebuilding needs and priorities of the Republic of South Sudan; and requests the Secretary-General’s Special Representative to represent the UN system in relevant international assistance mechanisms and processes;", "21. Encourages the Secretary-General to explore ideas in the independent report of the Senior Advisory Group on Civilian Capacity in the Aftermath of Conflict that could be implemented in the Republic of South Sudan;", "22. Requests the Secretary-General, in particular, to utilize to the greatest extent possible opportunities for co-location of appropriate mission components with the Republic of South Sudan counterparts in the interest of building national capacity; and to seek opportunities to deliver early peace dividends by utilizing local procurement and otherwise enhancing, to the extent possible, UNMISS’s contribution to the economy;", "23. Requests the Secretary-General to continue the necessary measures to ensure full compliance by UNMISS with the United Nations zero tolerance policy on sexual exploitation and abuse and to keep the Council fully informed, and urges troop-contributing countries to take appropriate preventive action including predeployment awareness training, and other action to ensure full accountability in cases of such conduct involving their personnel;", "24. Reaffirms the importance of appropriate gender expertise and training in missions mandated by the Security Council in accordance with resolutions 1325 (2000) and 1820 (2008), recalls the need to address violence against women and girls as a tool of warfare, looks forward to the appointment of women protection advisors in accordance with resolutions 1888 (2009), 1889 (2009) and 1960 (2010), requests the Secretary General to establish monitoring, analysis and reporting arrangements on conflict-related sexual violence, including rape in situations of armed conflict and post-conflict and other situations relevant to the implementation of resolution 1888 (2009), as appropriate, and encourages UNMISS as well as the Government of the Republic of South Sudan to actively address these issues;", "25. Requests the Secretary-General to consider HIV-related needs of people living with, affected by, and vulnerable to HIV, including women and girls, when fulfilling mandated tasks, and in this context, encourages the incorporation, as appropriate, of HIV prevention, treatment, care, and support, including voluntary and confidential counselling and testing programs in the mission;", "26. Requests that the Secretary-General and the Government of the Republic of South Sudan conclude a status-of-forces agreement within 30 days of adoption of this resolution, taking into consideration General Assembly resolution 58/82 on the scope of legal protection under the Convention on the Safety of United Nations and Associated Personnel, and decides that pending the conclusion of such an agreement, the model status-of-forces agreement dated 9 October 1990 (A/45/594), shall apply provisionally;", "27. Decides that this resolution shall take effect on 9 July 2011;", "28. Decides to remain actively seized of the matter." ]
[ "第1996(2011)号决议", "2011年7月8日安全理事会第6576次会议通过", "安全理事会,", "欢迎南苏丹共和国在2011年7月9日宣布它是一个独立国家后即告成立;", "重申安理会维护南苏丹共和国的主权、独立、领土完整和国家统一的坚定承诺;", "回顾2011年2月11日的主席声明申明,各国拥有自主权和承担责任是实现持久和平的关键,各国当局负有确定优先事项和冲突后建设和平战略的主要责任;", "强调巩固和平需要采用全面统一的做法,加强政治、安全、发展、人权和法治活动的一致性,消除引起冲突的基本根源,并着重指出,安全与发展密切相关,相辅相成,是实现持久和平的关键;", "谴责持续存在的冲突与暴力行为及其对平民产生的影响,包括许多平民遇害和流离失所,指出与民间社会进行持久合作和对话对于稳定安全局势和保护平民至关重要;", "强调联合国在南苏丹共和国和苏丹共和国的活动需要协调一致,因此要阐明南苏丹特派团与联合国国家工作队之间的作用、责任和协作,指出需要同该区域的其他相关行动者,包括非洲联盟-联合国达尔富尔混合行动(达尔富尔混合行动)、联合国阿布耶伊临时安全部队和联合国组织刚果民主共和国稳定特派团(联刚稳定团),进行合作;", "回顾以往关于冲突后建设和平的主席声明,强调机构建设作为建设和平的一项重要内容至关重要,强调各国和国际社会要做出更有效和更一致的反应,让摆脱冲突的国家行使政府核心职能,包括和平解决政治争端,并利用国家现有能力,以确保国家对这一进程拥有自主权;", "强调联合国发挥重要作用,在与国际伙伴密切协商的情况下支持国家当局,以巩固和平,防止暴力再现,并为此制订一个早期战略来支持国家建设和平优先事项,包括确立政府核心职能,提供基本服务,建立法治,尊重人权,管理自然资源,组建安全部门,处理青年失业问题和实现经济复苏;", "确认必须支持建设和平工作,以便为可持续发展奠定基础;", "着重指出,联合国、发展机构、双边伙伴和其他行动者、区域和次区域机构和国际金融机构需要相互建立更有力和更明确的伙伴关系,以便执行在各国拥有自主权、着眼于成果和相互负责的基础上制订的旨在有效开展机构建设工作的国家战略;", "确认安全理事会需要灵活行事,以便根据实地的进展、经验教训或情况变化,酌情对任务的轻重缓急做出必要的调整;", "确认需要扩大和增加可以使用的文职专家、特别是来自发展中国家的妇女和专家的队伍,帮助建立本国的队伍,鼓励会员国、联合国和其他伙伴加强合作协调,确保调集相关专业人员来满足南苏丹共和国政府和人民的建设和平需求;", "回顾安理会关于儿童与武装冲突问题的第1612(2005)号和第1882(2009)号决议和2009年4月29日(S/PRST/2009/9)和2010年6月16日(S/PRST/2010/10)主席声明,并注意到秘书长2009年2月10日(S/2009/84)和2007年8月29日(S/2007/520)关于苏丹境内儿童与武装冲突问题的报告和安全理事会苏丹儿童与武装冲突问题工作组认可的有关结论(S/AC.51/2009/5);", "重申安理会关于武装冲突中保护平民的第1674(2006)号和第1894(2009)号决议和关于保护人道主义人员和联合国人员的第1502(2003)号决议;", "重申安理会关于妇女、和平与安全的第1325(2000)号、第1820(2008)号、第1888(2009)号、第1889(2009)号和第1960(2010)号决议,再次申明妇女要全面、平等和有效地参与和平进程的各个阶段,因为她们在预防冲突、解决冲突以及建设和平中发挥着重大作用,重申妇女可在重建构建恢复中社会方面发挥关键作用,强调妇女需要参加拟定和执行冲突后战略的工作,以便考虑到她们的看法和需要;", "认识到,必须根据现行联合国维和改革举措,包括《新地平线报告》、全球外勤支助战略和文职人员审查报告提出的各项原则,借鉴利用其他特派团、特别是部队和警察派遣国的最佳做法、以往的实践和经验教训;", "铭记6月20日苏丹政府同苏丹人民解放运动达成的关于阿卜耶伊地区临时行政与安全安排的协议;6月28日苏丹政府同苏丹人民解放运动(北方)达成的关于青尼罗州和南科尔多凡州政治和安全安排的协议;6月29日苏丹政府同南苏丹政府达成的关于边界安全和联合政治和安全机制的协议;", "认定南苏丹面临的局势继续对该区域的国际和平与安全构成威胁;", "根据《联合国宪章》第七章采取行动,", "1. 决定于2011年7月9日设立联合国南苏丹共和国特派团(南苏丹特派团),初步任期一年,并打算视需要予以延长,还决定南苏丹特派团将最多有7 000名军事人员,包括军事联络官和参谋人员,最多有900名文职警察人员,包括酌情配置建制单位,并有适当的文职部门,包括进行人权调查的技术专业人员;还决定在三个月和六个月后审查当地情况是否允许把军事人员减少到6 000人;", "2. 欢迎秘书长任命南苏丹共和国特别代表,请秘书长通过特别代表指挥南苏丹综合特派团的行动,协调联合国系统在南苏丹共和国的所有活动,支持国际社会采用统一方法在南苏丹共和国实现稳定的和平;", "3. 决定,南苏丹特派团的任务是巩固和平与安全,帮助为南苏丹共和国的发展创造条件,以期加强南苏丹共和国政府的能力,以民主方式进行有效管理并同邻国建立良好关系,并特此授权南苏丹特派团开展以下工作;", "(a) 通过以下方式支持巩固和平并以此为国家的长期建设和经济发展创造条件:", "㈠ 围绕政治过渡、治理和建立国家权力问题,包括就国家建设和发展等重大问题制订国家政策,为南苏丹共和国政府提供斡旋、咨询和支持;", "㈡ 促进民众参与政治进程,包括就启动一个包容各方的制宪进程、根据宪法举行选举、推动建立独立的媒体和确保妇女参加决策论坛等事宜,为南苏丹共和国政府提供咨询和支持;", "(b) 通过以下方式支持南苏丹共和国政府履行预防、缓解和消除冲突和保护平民的责任:", "㈠ 在能力范围内,在国家、州和县一级开展斡旋、建立信任和调解工作以预见、防止、缓解和消除冲突;", "㈡ 建立和利用全特派团预警能力,在情报收集、监测、核查、预警和分发与落实机制方面采用统一做法;", "㈢ 酌情与人权事务高级专员办事处合作,监测、调查、核查和定期报告人权情况和平民可能面临的威胁以及实际和可能违反国际人道主义法和人权法的行为,视需要提请有关当局注意,并立即向联合国安全理事会报告重大侵犯人权行为;", "㈣ 向南苏丹共和国政府,包括酌情在国家和地方一级向军方和警方提供咨询和协助,以便它们根据国际人道主义法、人权法和难民法,履行保护平民的职责;", "㈤ 通过在很可能发生冲突地区进行预防性部署和巡逻,阻止暴力行为;在能力范围内,在部署区内保护人身随时可能遭受暴力侵犯的平民,尤其是在南苏丹共和国政府不提供这种保护时;", "㈥ 保护开展规定工作所需要的联合国和人道主义人员、设施和装备的安全,铭记特派团拥有机动性至关重要,并协助创造有利于安全、及时和不受阻碍地提供人道主义援助的安全条件;", "(c) 通过以下方式,支持南苏丹共和国政府根据国家拥有自主权的原则,与联合国国家工作队和其他国际伙伴合作,建立保障安全的能力,实行法治,加强安全和司法部门改革:", "㈠ 支持制订有关安全部门改革、法治和建立司法部门、包括建立人权能力和机构的战略;", "㈡ 支持南苏丹共和国政府与国际伙伴合作,制订和执行全国解除武装、复员和重返社会战略,尤其注意妇女和儿童兵的特殊需求;", "㈢ 通过在政策、规划和建立后勤能力方面提供咨询以及在重要领域提供培训和辅导,加强南苏丹共和国警察局的能力;", "㈣ 支持南苏丹共和国政府建立一个起辅助文职司法制度作用的军事司法制度;", "㈤ 通过建立一个监测和报告机制,促进建立一个保护受武装冲突影响儿童的环境;", "㈥ 支持南苏丹共和国政府在现有资源范围内开展排雷活动,加强南苏丹共和国排雷当局根据国际地雷行动标准采取排雷行动的能力;", "4. 授权南苏丹特派团采取一切必要手段,在其能力范围内,在有其部队部署的地方,执行第3(b)㈣,3(b)㈤和3(b)㈥段规定的任务;", "5. 请苏丹政府和南苏丹共和国政府至迟于7月20日提出执行6月29日边界监测协议的方法,如果它们未这样做,请南苏丹特派团观察并报告人员、武器和有关物资跨越苏丹边界流动的情况;", "6. 要求南苏丹共和国政府和所有相关各方为南苏丹特派团的部署、行动以及开展监测、核查和报告工作提供全面合作,特别是在南苏丹共和国全境确保联合国人员以及相关人员的安全保障和行动自由;", "7. 吁请所有会员国确保进出南苏丹共和国的所有人员以及供南苏丹特派团履行公务专用的设备、辎重、补给和其他物品,包括车辆和零配件,自由、不受阻碍、迅速地通行;", "8. 呼吁所有各方根据国际法有关规定,让救济人员全面、安全和不受阻碍地接触所有需要援助的人,尤其是国内流离失所者和难民,并提供人道主义援助;", "9. 要求所有各方,特别是反叛民兵和上帝军,立即停止一切形式危害南苏丹平民的暴力和侵犯人权行为,特别是性别暴力,包括强奸和其他形式的性虐待,以及所有违反有关国际法危害和虐待儿童的行为,例如招募、使用、杀害、致残和绑架儿童,以便根据第1960号决议做出有时限的具体承诺,打击性暴力,并打击危害儿童的暴力和虐待行为;", "10. 呼吁南苏丹共和国政府和苏丹人民解放军延长2010年11月到期的(联合国2009年11月20日同苏丹人民解放军签署的)停止招募和使用儿童兵的行动计划,请南苏丹特派团就此为南苏丹共和国政府提供咨询和协助;还请秘书长加强联合国系统在南苏丹共和国开展的保护儿童活动,确保继续监测和报告儿童的情况;", "11. 鼓励南苏丹共和国政府批准重大国际人权条约和公约,使其成为法律并加以执行,包括有关妇女和儿童、难民和无国籍者的条约和公约,请南苏丹特派团就此为南苏丹共和国政府提供咨询和协助;", "12. 呼吁南苏丹共和国政府采取措施,让妇女更多参与解决未获解决的全面和平协议问题,参加独立后的安排,让南苏丹妇女进一步参与各级的公共决策,包括推动妇女担任领导,支持妇女组织,反对社会上怀疑妇女平等参与能力的消极态度;", "13. 呼吁南苏丹共和国当局打击有罪不罚现象,追究所有侵犯人权和违反国际人道主义法的人的责任,包括追究非法武装团体或南苏丹安全部队成员侵权和违法行为的责任;", "14. 呼吁南苏丹共和国政府停止长期任意关押,通过与国际伙伴合作提供咨询和技术援助,建立一个安全、可靠和人道的监狱系统,请南苏丹特派团就此向南苏丹共和国政府提供咨询和援助;", "15. 呼吁南苏丹特派团与南苏丹共和国政府进行协调,参加区域协调和信息机制,以便根据上帝军在南苏丹共和国发动袭击的情况,更好地保护平民和支持解除武装、复员和重返社会工作,请秘书长在每三个月提交的关于南苏丹特派团的报告中概述南苏丹特派团、非洲联盟-联合国达尔富尔混合行动(达尔富尔混合行动)、联合国组织刚果民主共和国稳定团(联刚稳定团)和区域和国际伙伴为消除上帝军的威胁相互开展合作和分享情报的情况;", "16. 请秘书长在设立南苏丹特派团之日,把联合国苏丹特派团(联苏特派团)履行的有关职能移交给南苏丹特派团,同时移交有关工作人员和履行新的职能所需要后勤物流,并开始有序清理结束联苏特派团;", "17. 授权秘书长采取必要步骤,确保特派团之间相互开展合作,并授权在上面第1段规定的兵员总限额内,根据部队派遣国的商定,在不损害联合国这些特派团执行任务的情况下,适当从其他特派团调用部队;", "18. 请秘书长特别代表和南苏丹特派团与南苏丹共和国政府、联合国国家工作队和包括世界银行在内的多边伙伴合作,在顾及国家优先事项的情况下,在4个月内就联合国系统支持具体建设和平工作、特别是安全部门改革、建立警察机构、法制和司法部门支助、人权能力建设、早期复苏、制订有关国家建设与发展重要事项的国家政策和根据国家优先事项为发展创造条件的计划,向安理会提交报告,以期协助建立一个监测这些领域进展的共同框架;", "19. 请秘书长向安理会报告部署特派团所有部门的预期时间,包括同部队和警察派遣国进行协商的情况和主要支援人员的部署情况;强调必须有可以衡量南苏丹特派团进展的可以实现的可行指标,请秘书长同南苏丹共和国政府协商后,在4个月内向安理会提交特派团的基准,并在其后每隔4个月定期向安理会通报进展情况;", "20. 强调联合国、国际金融机构和双边和多边伙伴需要同南苏丹共和国政府密切合作,确保国际援助与国家优先事项、包括南苏丹发展计划保持一致,可以有重点地提供支持以体现南苏丹共和国的具体建设和平需求和优先事项;请秘书长特别代表在相关国际援助机制和进程中代表联合国系统;", "21. 鼓励秘书长探讨冲突后文职人员问题高级咨询小组的独立报告提出的可以在南苏丹共和国落实的各种设想;", "22. 尤其请秘书长尽可能充分利用特派团有关部门与南苏丹共和国对应部门同设一地的机会,以推动国家能力建设;并通过进行本地采购和以其他方式尽可能加强南苏丹特派团对经济的贡献,寻求产生初期和平红利;", "23. 请秘书长继续采取必要措施,确保南苏丹特派团全面遵守联合国对性剥削和性虐待的零容忍政策和向安理会全面通报情况,敦促部队派遣国适当采取预防行动,包括进行部署前提高认识培训,并采取其他行动,以确保在发生此类行为时,全面追究本国涉案人员的责任;", "24. 重申根据第1325(2000)号决议和第1820(2008)号决议,安全理事会授权设立的特派团必须有适当的两性平等专业人员和培训,回顾需要处理将暴力侵害妇女和女孩作为战争工具的问题,期待根据第1888(2009)号、第1889(2009)号和第1960(2010)号决议任命保护妇女顾问,请秘书长酌情做出安排,监测、分析和报告与冲突有关的性暴力,包括武装冲突中、冲突后和与执行第1888(2009)号决议有关的其他情况下的强奸行为,鼓励南苏丹特派团和南苏丹共和国政府积极处理这些问题;", "25. 请秘书长在开展规定的工作时,考虑感染艾滋病毒、受艾滋病毒影响和易感染艾滋病毒的人、包括妇女和女孩与艾滋病毒有关的需求,鼓励酌情在特派团提供艾滋病毒预防、治疗、护理和支助服务,包括自愿和保密的咨询和检测方案;", "26. 请秘书长和南苏丹共和国政府考虑到大会关于《联合国人员和有关人员安全公约》规定的法律保护范围的第58/82号决议,在本决议通过后30天内缔结部队地位协定,决定在缔结这一协定前,暂时适用1990年10月9日的部队地位示范协定(A/45/594);", "24. 决定本决议于2011年7月9日生效;", "25. 决定继续积极处理此案。" ]
[ "第1996(2011)号决议", "2011年7月8日安全理事会第6576次会议通过", "安全理事会,", "* 由于技术原因于2011年7月14日重新印发。", "欢迎南苏丹共和国于2011年7月9日宣布成为独立国家后成立,", "重申对南苏丹共和国主权、独立、领土完整和国家统一的坚定承诺,", "回顾2011年2月11日的主席声明,其中申明国家自主权和国家责任是实现可持续和平的关键,国家当局在确定冲突后建设和平的优先事项和战略方面负有主要责任,", "强调需要以全面和综合的方式巩固和平,加强政治、安全、发展、人权和法治活动之间的协调,并消除冲突的根源,并着重指出安全与发展密切相关,相辅相成,是实现持久和平的关键,", "痛惜冲突和暴力持续不断并对平民产生影响,包括大量平民被害和流离失所,注意到必须在稳定安全局势和确保保护平民方面与民间社会持续合作和对话,", "强调需要联合国在南苏丹共和国开展协调一致的活动,这需要明确南苏丹特派团和联合国国家工作队的作用、责任和协作,并注意到需要同该区域其他相关行为体合作,包括非洲联盟-联合国达尔富尔混合行动(达尔富尔混合行动)、联合国阿卜耶伊临时安全部队(联阿安全部队)和联合国组织刚果民主共和国稳定特派团(联刚稳定团),", "回顾以往关于冲突后建设和平的各项声明,强调机构建设作为建设和平的重要组成部分的重要性,并着重指出采取更有效和更协调一致的国家和国际对策,使刚摆脱冲突的国家能够履行政府核心职能,包括和平地管理政治争端,并利用现有的国家能力,以确保国家对这一进程拥有自主权,", "强调联合国可发挥重要作用,同国际伙伴密切协商,支持国家当局巩固和平和防止暴力再起,并因此制定早期战略来支助国家建设和平优先事项,包括建立政府核心职能,提供基本服务,建立法治,尊重人权,管理自然资源,发展安全部门,解决青年失业问题并振兴经济,", "认识到支持建设和平努力为可持续发展奠定基础的重要性,", "强调需要在联合国、发展机构、双边伙伴和其他相关行为体、区域和次区域机构以及国际金融机构之间建立更强有力和明确界定的伙伴关系,以实施以国家自主权、取得成果和相互问责为基础的旨在有效建立机构的国家战略,", "确认安全理事会需要表现出灵活性,根据取得的进展、吸取的经验教训或实地不断变化的情况,酌情对特派团的优先事项作出必要调整,", "确认需要扩大并深化现有的文职专家,特别是发展中国家的妇女和专家人才库,以帮助发展国家能力,并鼓励会员国、联合国和其他伙伴加强合作与协调,确保调动相关专门知识,支持南苏丹共和国政府和南苏丹共和国人民的建设和平需要,", "回顾其关于儿童与武装冲突的第1612(2005)号和第1882(2009)号决议以及2009年4月29日(S/PRST/2009/9)和2010年6月16日(S/PRST/2010/10)的主席声明,注意到2009年2月10日(S/2009/84)和2007年8月29日(S/2007/520)秘书长关于苏丹儿童与武装冲突问题的报告,以及安全理事会苏丹儿童与武装冲突问题工作组认可的结论(S/AC.51/2009/5),", "重申其关于在武装冲突中保护平民的第1674(2006)号和第1894(2009)号决议,以及关于保护人道主义人员和联合国人员的第1502(2003)号决议,", "重申其关于妇女、和平与安全的第1325(2000)号、第1820(2008)号、第1888(2009)号、第1889(2009)号和第1960(2010)号决议,重申鉴于妇女在预防和解决冲突及建设和平方面的重要作用,需要让妇女充分、平等和有效地参与和平进程的各个阶段;重申妇女在重建社会结构方面可以发挥关键作用,并强调需要让她们参与制订和执行冲突后战略,以考虑到她们的观点和需要,", "确认必须根据正在进行的联合国维持和平改革举措,包括《新地平线报告》、《全球外勤支助战略》和《文职能力审查》,借鉴其他特派团,特别是部队和警察派遣国的最佳做法、以往经验和经验教训,", "铭记6月20日苏丹政府与苏丹人民解放运动关于阿卜耶伊地区临时行政和安全安排的协定;6月28日苏丹政府与苏丹人民解放运动(北方)关于青尼罗州和南科尔多凡州政治和安全安排的框架协定;以及6月29日苏丹政府与南苏丹政府关于边界安全和联合政治和安全机制的协定,", "认定南苏丹面临的局势继续对该区域的国际和平与安全构成威胁,", "根据《联合国宪章》第七章采取行动,", "1. 联合国 2. 决定自2011年7月9日起设立联合国南苏丹共和国特派团(南苏丹特派团),最初为期一年,并打算视需要继续延长;还决定南苏丹特派团由至多7 000名军事人员组成,包括军事联络官和参谋,至多900名民警人员,酌情包括建制部队,并设立一个适当的文职部门,包括人权调查技术专家;还决定在3个月和6个月后审查实地条件是否允许将军事人员减至6 000人;", "2. 联合国 4. 欢迎秘书长任命南苏丹共和国问题特别代表,请秘书长通过其特别代表,指导综合南苏丹特派团的行动,协调联合国系统在南苏丹共和国的所有活动,并支持以一致的国际办法实现南苏丹共和国的稳定和平;", "3个 2. 决定南苏丹特派团的任务是巩固和平与安全,帮助为南苏丹共和国的发展创造条件,以期加强南苏丹共和国政府有效、民主地治理并与邻国建立良好关系的能力,并因此授权南苏丹特派团执行下列任务;", "(a) 支持巩固和平,从而促进较长期的国家建设和经济发展,办法是:", "(一) 就政治过渡、治理和建立国家权力,包括制定这方面的国家政策,向南苏丹共和国政府提供斡旋、咨询和支持;", "(二) 促进民众参与政治进程,包括就包容各方的制宪进程向南苏丹共和国政府提供咨询和支助;根据宪法举行选举;促进建立独立的媒体;并确保妇女参与决策论坛;", "(b) 支持南苏丹共和国政府履行预防、缓解和解决冲突及保护平民的职责,具体做法是:", "(一) 在国家、州和县各级进行斡旋、建立信任和调解,在能力范围内预测、预防、减轻和解决冲突;", "(二) 建立并执行全特派团的预警能力,对信息收集、监测、核查、预警和传播以及后续机制采取综合办法;", "(三) 监测、调查、核查并定期报告对平民的人权和潜在威胁以及实际和可能违反国际人道主义法和人权法的情况,酌情与人权事务高级专员办事处合作,酌情提请当局注意,并立即向联合国安全理事会报告严重侵犯人权的情况;", "(四) 根据国际人道主义法、人权法和难民法,酌情向南苏丹共和国政府,包括国家和地方各级的军队和警察提供咨询和协助,以履行其保护平民的责任;", "(五) 遏制暴力,包括在其能力所及范围内,在有高度冲突风险的地区和部署地区进行积极主动的部署和巡逻,保护面临迫在眉睫的人身暴力威胁的平民,特别是在南苏丹共和国政府不提供这种安全的情况下;", "(六) 为执行授权任务所必要的联合国人员和人道主义人员、设施和设备提供安保,同时铭记特派团调动的重要性,并促成创造有利于安全、及时和不受阻碍地提供人道主义援助的安全条件;", "(c) 根据国家自主权原则,与联合国国家工作队和其他国际伙伴合作,支持南苏丹共和国政府发展其提供安全、建立法治和加强安全和司法部门的能力,具体做法是:", "(一) 支持制定安全部门改革、法治和司法部门发展战略,包括人权能力和机构;", "(二) 与国际伙伴合作,支持南苏丹共和国政府制定和实施国家解除武装、复员和重返社会战略,并特别关注妇女和儿童战斗人员的特殊需要;", "(三) 通过提供关于政策、规划和立法发展的咨询意见以及关键领域的培训和指导,加强南苏丹共和国警察局的能力;", "(四) 支持南苏丹共和国政府发展军事司法系统,以补充民事司法系统;", "(五) 通过实施监测和报告机制,为受武装冲突影响的儿童提供保护环境;", "(六) 支持南苏丹共和国政府在现有资源范围内开展排雷活动,并增强南苏丹共和国排雷管理局根据国际地雷行动标准开展地雷行动的能力;", " 4.四. 2. 授权南苏丹特派团在其能力范围内并在其部队部署地使用一切必要手段,以执行第3(b)(四)、3(b)(五)和3(b)(六)段规定的保护任务;", "5 (韩语). 5. 请苏丹政府和南苏丹共和国政府在7月20日前提出执行6月29日边界监测协定的方式,如果双方不这样做,请南苏丹特派团观察和报告人员、武器和有关物资穿越苏丹边界的任何流动;", "6. 国家 3. 要求南苏丹共和国政府和所有相关各方为南苏丹特派团的部署、行动、监测、核查和报告职能提供充分合作,特别是保障联合国人员和有关人员在南苏丹共和国全境的安全保障和行动自由;", "7. 联合国 4. 吁请所有会员国确保所有人员以及南苏丹特派团专用公务设备、用品、用品和其他物资,包括车辆和备件,自由、不受阻碍地从南苏丹共和国迅速进出;", "8. 联合国 5. 吁请所有各方按照国际法有关规定,允许救济人员充分、安全和不受阻碍地接触所有需要援助的人并提供人道主义援助,特别是向境内流离失所者和难民提供援助;", "9. 国家 3. 要求所有各方,特别是反叛民兵和上帝军,立即停止对南苏丹平民的一切形式的暴力和侵犯人权行为,特别是基于性别的暴力,包括强奸和其他形式的性虐待,并停止违反相关国际法的一切侵犯和虐待儿童行为,如招募和使用儿童、杀害、残害和绑架,以期根据第1960号决议作出具体而有时限的承诺,打击性暴力和对儿童的暴力和虐待;", "10个 4. 吁请南苏丹共和国政府和苏丹解放军延长(2009年11月20日联合国与苏丹解放军签署)结束2010年11月到期招募和使用儿童兵的行动计划,请南苏丹特派团在这方面向南苏丹共和国政府提供建议和协助;又请秘书长在联合国系统在南苏丹共和国的活动中加强儿童保护,并确保继续监测和报告儿童状况;", "11个 4. 鼓励南苏丹共和国政府将主要国际人权条约和公约,包括与妇女和儿童、难民和无国籍状态有关的条约和公约,批准并执行这些条约和公约,请南苏丹特派团在这方面向南苏丹共和国政府提供建议和协助;", "12个 呼吁南苏丹共和国政府采取措施,使更多妇女参与《全面和平协定》和独立后安排的未决问题,并促使南苏丹妇女更多地参与各级公共决策,包括促进妇女的领导,支持妇女组织,并反对社会对妇女平等参与能力的消极态度;", "13个 4. 呼吁南苏丹共和国当局打击有罪不罚现象,并追究所有侵犯人权和违反国际人道主义法的人的责任,包括非法武装团体或南苏丹共和国安全部队成员所犯罪行;", "14个 4. 吁请南苏丹共和国政府同国际伙伴合作,通过提供咨询和技术援助,终止长期任意拘留,并建立一个安全、有保障和人道的监狱系统,请南苏丹特派团在这方面向南苏丹共和国政府提供建议和援助;", "15个 呼吁南苏丹特派团同南苏丹共和国政府协调,并参加区域协调和信息机制,以更好地保护平民,并鉴于上帝军在南苏丹共和国发动的袭击,支持解除武装、复员和重返社会工作,请秘书长在南苏丹特派团每三个月一次的报告中,概述南苏丹特派团、非洲联盟/联合国达尔富尔混合行动(达尔富尔混合行动)、联合国组织刚果民主共和国稳定特派团(联刚稳定团)以及区域和国际伙伴之间在应对上帝军威胁方面的合作和信息共享;", "16号. 5. 请秘书长在南苏丹特派团成立之日将联合国苏丹特派团(联苏特派团)履行的适当职能移交给南苏丹特派团,并配备必要的适当工作人员和后勤人员,以履行新的职能范围,并开始有序地清理结束联苏特派团;", "17岁 2. 授权秘书长采取必要步骤,确保特派团之间的合作,并授权在上文第1段规定的总兵力上限内,经部队派遣国同意后,并在不影响这些联合国特派团执行任务的情况下,从其他特派团适当调派部队;", "18岁。 8. 请秘书长特别代表和南苏丹特派团同南苏丹共和国政府、联合国国家工作队以及包括世界银行在内的双边和多边伙伴合作,在四个月内向安理会报告联合国系统支助具体建设和平任务的计划,特别是安全部门改革、警察体制发展、法治和司法部门支助、人权能力建设、早期恢复、制定同国家建设和发展等关键问题有关的国家政策,并依照国家优先事项为发展创造条件,以期协助制定监测这些领域进展情况的共同框架;", " 19. 19. 请秘书长向安理会报告所有特派团人员部署的预期时间表,包括与部队和警察派遣国协商的情况和关键推动因素的部署情况;并着重指出,必须制定能够衡量南苏丹特派团所取得进展的可实现而现实的目标,请秘书长同南苏丹共和国政府协商后,在四个月内向安理会提出特派团的基准,并每四个月定期向安理会通报进展情况;", "20号. 6. 强调联合国、国际金融机构以及双边和多边伙伴需要同南苏丹共和国政府密切合作,确保国际援助符合国家优先事项,包括南苏丹发展计划,并能提供反映南苏丹共和国具体的建设和平需要和优先事项的优先支助;请秘书长的特别代表在相关的国际援助机制和进程中代表联合国系统;", "21岁 5. 鼓励秘书长探讨冲突后文职能力问题高级咨询小组独立报告中的、可在南苏丹共和国实施的想法;", "22号. 秘书长尤其要尽最大可能利用特派团适当部门与南苏丹共和国对应部门合用同一地点的机会,以建设国家能力;并尽可能地利用当地采购和以其他方式加强南苏丹特派团对经济的贡献来寻找机会,以早日交付和平红利;", "23. 联合国 请秘书长继续采取必要措施,确保南苏丹特派团全面遵守联合国对性剥削和性虐待的零容忍政策,并随时向安理会通报情况,敦促出兵国采取适当的预防行动,包括在部署前开展提高认识培训,并采取其他行动,确保在发生这类行为时,全面追究本国涉案人员的责任;", "24 (韩语). 11. 重申安全理事会根据第1325(2000)号和第1820(2008)号决议授权的特派团必须具备适当的性别专门知识并进行培训,回顾需要将暴力侵害妇女和女孩行为作为战争工具加以处理,期待根据第1888(2009)号、第1889(2009)号和第1960(2010)号决议任命保护妇女顾问,请秘书长酌情就与冲突有关的性暴力,包括武装冲突局势和冲突后以及与执行第1888(2009)号决议有关的其他局势中的强奸行为,建立监测、分析和报告安排,并鼓励南苏丹特派团和南苏丹共和国政府积极处理这些问题;", "25岁 8. 请秘书长在执行规定任务时,考虑艾滋病毒感染者、受艾滋病毒影响者和易感染艾滋病毒者,包括妇女和女孩与艾滋病毒有关的需要,并在这方面鼓励在特派团中酌情纳入艾滋病毒预防、治疗、护理和支助,包括自愿和保密的咨询和检测方案;", "26. 联合国 5. 请秘书长和南苏丹共和国政府考虑到大会关于《联合国人员和有关人员安全公约》所规定的法律保护范围的第58/82号决议,在本决议通过后30天内缔结一项部队地位协定,并决定在缔结这一协定之前,暂时适用1990年10月9日的部队地位示范协定(A/45/594);", "27个 决定本决议于2011年7月9日生效;", "28岁 7. 决定继续积极处理此案。" ]
[ "France, Gabon, Germany, Nigeria, Portugal, South Africa, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and United States of America: draft resolution", "The Security Council,", "Welcoming the establishment of the Republic of South Sudan on 9 July 2011 upon its proclamation as an independent state,", "Reaffirming its strong commitment to the sovereignty, independence, territorial integrity, and national unity of the Republic of South Sudan,", "Recalling the Presidential Statement of 11 February 2011 that affirmed that national ownership and national responsibility are key to establishing sustainable peace and the primary responsibility of national authorities in identifying their priorities and strategies for post-conflict peacebuilding,", "Stressing the need for a comprehensive and integrated approach to peace consolidation that strengthens coherence between political, security, development, human rights, and rule of law activities, and addresses the underlying causes of conflict, and underlining that security and development are closely interlinked and mutually reinforcing and key to attaining sustainable peace,", "Deploring the persistence of conflict and violence and its effect on civilians, including the killing and displacement of significant numbers of civilians, and noting the importance of sustained cooperation and dialogue with civil society in the context of stabilizing the security situation and ensuring the protection of civilians,", "Underscoring the need for coherent UN activities in the Republic of South Sudan, which requires clarity about roles, responsibilities, and collaboration between UNMISS and the UN Country Team, and noting the need for cooperation with other relevant actors in the region, including the African Union-United Nations Hybrid Mission in Darfur (UNAMID), the UN Interim Security Force for Abyei (UNISFA), and the United Nations Organization Stabilization Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (MONUSCO),", "Recalling previous statements on post-conflict peacebuilding, stressing the importance of institution-building as a critical component of peacebuilding, and emphasizing a more effective and coherent national and international response to enable countries emerging from conflict to deliver core government functions, including managing political disputes peacefully, and making use of existing national capacities in order to ensure national ownership of this process,", "Emphasizing the vital role of the United Nations to support national authorities, in close consultation with international partners, to consolidate the peace and prevent a return to violence and therefore to develop an early strategy in support of national peacebuilding priorities, including establishment of core government functions, provision of basic services, establishment of the rule of law, respect for human rights, management of natural resources, development of the security sector, tackling youth unemployment, and revitalization of the economy,", "Recognizing the importance of supporting peacebuilding efforts in order to lay the foundation for sustainable development,", "Underscoring the need for forging stronger and well-defined partnerships among the United Nations, development agencies, bilateral partners, and other relevant actors, regional and subregional institutions and the international financial institutions, to implement national strategies aimed at effective institution building, which are based on national ownership, the achievement of results, and mutual accountability,", "Recognizing the need for the Security Council to show flexibility in making necessary adjustments to the mission priorities, where appropriate, according to progress achieved, lessons learned, or changing circumstances on the ground,", "Recognizing the need to broaden and deepen the pool of available civilian experts, especially women and experts from developing countries, to help develop national capacity, and encouraging Member States, the United Nations and other partners to strengthen cooperation and coordination to ensure that relevant expertise is mobilized to support the peacebuilding needs of the Government of the Republic of South Sudan and people of the Republic of South Sudan,", "Recalling its resolution 1612 (2005) and 1882 (2009) and Presidential Statements of 29 April 2009 (S/PRST/2009/9) and 16 June 2010 (S/PRST/2010/10) on children and armed conflict, and taking note of the reports of the Secretary General on Children and Armed Conflict in Sudan dated 10 February 2009 (S/2009/84) and 29 August 2007 (S/2007/520), and the conclusions endorsed by the Security Council Working Group on Children and Armed Conflict in the Sudan (S/AC.51/2009/5),", "Reaffirming its resolutions 1674 (2006) and 1894 (2009) on the protection of civilians in armed conflict, and 1502 (2003) on the protection of humanitarian and United Nations personnel,", "Reaffirming its resolutions 1325 (2000), 1820 (2008), 1888 (2009), 1889 (2009) and 1960 (2010) on women, peace, and security and reiterating the need for the full, equal, and effective participation of women at all stages of peace processes given their vital role in the prevention and resolution of conflict and peacebuilding; reaffirming the key role women can play in re-establishing the fabric of recovering society and stressing the need for their involvement in the development and implementation of post-conflict strategies in order to take into account their perspectives and needs,", "Acknowledging the importance of drawing on best practices, past experience, and lessons learned from other missions, especially by Troop and Police Contributing Countries, in line with ongoing UN peacekeeping reform initiatives, including the New Horizon Report, Global Field Support Strategy, and the Review of Civilian Capacity,", "Bearing in mind the 20 June Agreement between the Government of Sudan and the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement on Temporary Arrangements for the Administration and Security of the Abyei Area; the 28 June Framework Agreement between the Government of Sudan and the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement (North) on Political and Security Arrangements in Blue Nile and Southern Kordofan States; and the 29 June Agreement between the Government of Sudan and the Government of South Sudan on Border Security and the Joint Political and Security Mechanism,", "Determining that the situation faced by South Sudan continues to constitute a threat to international peace and security in the region,", "Acting under Chapter VII of the Charter of the United Nations,", "1. Decides to establish as of 9 July 2011 the United Nations Mission in the Republic of South Sudan (UNMISS) for an initial period of one year with the intention to renew for further periods as may be required and further decides that UNMISS will consist of up to 7,000 military personnel, including military liaison officers and staff officers, up to 900 civilian police personnel, including as appropriate formed units, and an appropriate civilian component, including technical human rights investigation expertise; and further decides to review in three and six months whether the conditions on the ground could allow a reduction of military personnel to a level of 6,000;", "2. Welcomes the appointment by the Secretary-General of his Special Representative for the Republic of South Sudan, and requests the Secretary-General, through his Special Representative, to direct the operations of an integrated UNMISS, coordinate all activities of the United Nations system in the Republic of South Sudan, and support a coherent international approach to a stable peace in the Republic of South Sudan;", "3. Decides that the mandate of UNMISS shall be to consolidate peace and security, and to help establish the conditions for development in the Republic of South Sudan, with a view to strengthening the capacity of the Government of the Republic of South Sudan to govern effectively and democratically and establish good relations with its neighbours, and accordingly authorizes UNMISS to perform the following tasks;", "(a) Support for peace consolidation and thereby fostering longer-term state-building and economic development, through:", "(i) Providing good offices, advice, and support to the Government of the Republic of South Sudan on political transition, governance, and establishment of state authority, including formulation of national policies in this regard;", "(ii) Promoting popular participation in political processes, including through advising and supporting the Government of the Republic of South Sudan on an inclusive constitutional process; the holding of elections in accordance with the constitution; promoting the establishment of an independent media; and ensuring the participation of women in decision-making forums;", "(b) Support the Government of the Republic of South Sudan in exercising its responsibilities for conflict prevention, mitigation, and resolution and protect civilians through:", "(i) Exercising good offices, confidence-building, and facilitation at the national, state, and county levels within capabilities to anticipate, prevent, mitigate, and resolve conflict;", "(ii) Establishment and implementation of a mission-wide early warning capacity, with an integrated approach to information gathering, monitoring, verification, early warning and dissemination, and follow-up mechanisms;", "(iii) Monitoring, investigating, verifying, and reporting regularly on human rights and potential threats against the civilian population as well as actual and potential violations of international humanitarian and human rights law, working as appropriate with the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, bringing these to the attention of the authorities as necessary, and immediately reporting gross violations of human rights to the UN Security Council;", "(iv) Advising and assisting the Government of the Republic of South Sudan, including military and police at national and local levels as appropriate, in fulfilling its responsibility to protect civilians, in compliance with international humanitarian, human rights, and refugee law;", "(v) Deterring violence including through proactive deployment and patrols in areas at high risk of conflict, within its capabilities and in its areas of deployment, protecting civilians under imminent threat of physical violence, in particular when the Government of the Republic of South Sudan is not providing such security;", "(vi) Providing security for United Nations and humanitarian personnel, installations and equipment necessary for implementation of mandated tasks, bearing in mind the importance of mission mobility, and contributing to the creation of security conditions conducive to safe, timely, and unimpeded humanitarian assistance;", "(c) Support the Government of the Republic of South Sudan, in accordance with the principles of national ownership, and in cooperation with the UN Country Team and other international partners, in developing its capacity to provide security, to establish rule of law, and to strengthen the security and justice sectors through:", "(i) Supporting the development of strategies for security sector reform, rule of law, and justice sector development, including human rights capacities and institutions;", "(ii) Supporting the Government of the Republic of South Sudan in developing and implementing a national disarmament, demobilization and reintegration strategy, in cooperation with international partners with particular attention to the special needs of women and child combatants;", "(iii) Strengthening the capacity of the Republic of South Sudan Police Services through advice on policy, planning, and legislative development, as well as training and mentoring in key areas;", "(iv) Supporting the Government of the Republic of South Sudan in developing a military justice system that is complementary to the civil justice system;", "(v) Facilitating a protective environment for children affected by armed conflict, through implementation of a monitoring and reporting mechanism;", "(vi) Supporting the Government of the Republic of South Sudan in conducting de-mining activities within available resources and strengthening the capacity of the Republic of South Sudan Demining Authority to conduct mine action in accordance with International Mine Action Standards;", "4. Authorizes UNMISS to use all necessary means, within the limits of its capacity and in the areas where its units are deployed, to carry out its protection mandate as set out in paragraphs 3 (b) (iv), 3 (b) (v), and 3 (b) (vi);", "5. Requests the Government of Sudan and the Government of the Republic of South Sudan to propose by 20 July modalities for implementation of the 29 June agreement on border monitoring, and in case the parties fail to do so, requests UNMISS to observe and report on any flow of personnel, arms, and related materiel across the border with Sudan;", "6. Demands that the Government of the Republic of South Sudan and all relevant parties cooperate fully in the deployment, operations, and monitoring, verification, and reporting functions of UNMISS, in particular by guaranteeing the safety, security and unrestricted freedom of movement of United Nations personnel, as well as of associated personnel throughout the territory of the Republic of South Sudan;", "7. Calls upon all Member States to ensure the free, unhindered and expeditious movement to and from the Republic of South Sudan of all personnel, as well as equipment, provisions, supplies and other goods, including vehicles and spare parts, which are for the exclusive and official use of UNMISS;", "8. Calls upon all parties to allow, in accordance with relevant provisions of international law, the full, safe and unhindered access of relief personnel to all those in need and delivery of humanitarian assistance, in particular to internally displaced persons and refugees;", "9. Demands that all parties, in particular rebel militias and the LRA, immediately cease all forms of violence and human rights abuses against the civilian population in South Sudan, in particular gender-based violence, including rape and other forms of sexual abuse as well as all violations and abuses against children in violation of applicable international law such as their recruitment and use, killing and maiming and abduction with a view to specific and time-bound commitments to combat sexual violence in accordance with resolution 1960 and violence and abuses against children;", "10. Calls upon the Government of the Republic of South Sudan and the SPLA to renew the action plan (signed between the UN and SPLA on 20 November 2009) to end the recruitment and use of child soldiers that expired in November 2010, and requests UNMISS to advise and assist the Government of the Republic of South Sudan in this regard; further requests the Secretary-General to strengthen child protection in UN system activities in the Republic of South Sudan and ensure continued monitoring and reporting of the situation of children;", "11. Encourages the Government of the Republic of South Sudan to ratify into law and implement key international human rights treaties and conventions, including those related to women and children, refugees, and statelessness, and requests UNMISS to advise and assist the Government of the Republic of South Sudan in this regard;", "12. Calls upon the Government of the Republic of South Sudan to take measures to improve women’s participation in the outstanding issues of the CPA and post-independence arrangements and to enhance the engagement of South Sudanese women in public decision-making at all levels including by promoting women’s leadership, supporting women’s organizations, and countering negative societal attitudes about women’s capacity to participate equally;", "13. Calls upon the authorities of the Republic of South Sudan to combat impunity and hold accountable all perpetrators of human rights and international humanitarian law violations, including those committed by illegal armed groups or elements of the Republic of South Sudan Security Forces;", "14. Calls upon the Government of the Republic of South Sudan to end prolonged, arbitrary detention, and establish a safe, secure and humane prison system through the provision of advice and technical assistance, in cooperation with international partners, and requests UNMISS to advise and assist the Government of the Republic of South Sudan in this regard;", "15. Calls upon UNMISS to coordinate with the Government of the Republic of South Sudan and participate in regional coordination and information mechanisms to improve protection of civilians and support disarmament, demobilization and reintegration efforts in light of the attacks by the LRA in the Republic of South Sudan and requests the Secretary General to include in his UNMISS trimesterly reports a summary of cooperation and information sharing between UNMISS, the African Union/United Nations Hybrid Operation in Darfur (UNAMID), the United Nations Organization Stabilization Mission in the Democratic Republic of Congo (MONUSCO), and regional and international partners in addressing the LRA threats;", "16. Requests that the Secretary-General transfer appropriate functions performed by the UN Mission in Sudan (UNMIS) to UNMISS, together with appropriate staff and logistics necessary for achieving the new scope of functions to be performed, on the date when UNMISS is established, and begin the orderly liquidation of UNMIS;", "17. Authorizes the Secretary-General to take the necessary steps in order to ensure inter-mission cooperation, and authorizes, within the overall troop ceiling set out at paragraph 1 above, appropriate transfers of troops from other missions, subject to the agreement of the troop-contributing countries and without prejudice to the performance of the mandates of these United Nations missions;", "18. Requests the Special Representative of the Secretary General and UNMISS to work with the Government of the Republic of South Sudan, the UN Country Team, and bilateral and multilateral partners including the World Bank and report back to the Council within four months on a plan for UN system support to specific peacebuilding tasks, especially security sector reform, police institutional development, rule of law and justice sector support, human rights capacity-building, early recovery, formulation of national policies related to key issues of state building and development, and establishing the conditions for development, consistent with national priorities and with a view to contributing to the development of a common framework for monitoring progress in these areas;", "19. Requests the Secretary-General to report to the Council on the expected timeline of the deployment of all mission elements, including the status of consultations with Troop and Police-Contributing Countries and of the deployment of key enablers; and stressing the importance of achievable and realistic targets against which the progress of UNMISS can be measured, requests the Secretary-General, following consultations with the Government of the Republic of South Sudan, to present benchmarks for the mission to the Council within four months, and to keep the Council regularly informed of progress every four months thereafter;", "20. Stresses the need for the United Nations, international financial institutions, and bilateral and multilateral partners, to work closely with the Government of the Republic of South Sudan to ensure that international assistance is consistent with national priorities, including the South Sudan Development Plan, and can deliver prioritized support that reflects the specific peacebuilding needs and priorities of the Republic of South Sudan; and requests the Secretary-General’s Special Representative to represent the UN system in relevant international assistance mechanisms and processes;", "21. Encourages the Secretary-General to explore ideas in the independent report of the Senior Advisory Group on Civilian Capacity in the Aftermath of Conflict that could be implemented in the Republic of South Sudan;", "22. Requests the Secretary-General, in particular, to utilize to the greatest extent possible opportunities for co-location of appropriate mission components with the Republic of South Sudan counterparts in the interest of building national capacity; and to seek opportunities to deliver early peace dividends by utilizing local procurement and otherwise enhancing, to the extent possible, UNMISS’s contribution to the economy;", "23. Requests the Secretary-General to continue the necessary measures to ensure full compliance by UNMISS with the United Nations zero tolerance policy on sexual exploitation and abuse and to keep the Council fully informed, and urges troop-contributing countries to take appropriate preventive action including predeployment awareness training, and other action to ensure full accountability in cases of such conduct involving their personnel;", "24. Reaffirms the importance of appropriate gender expertise and training in missions mandated by the Security Council in accordance with resolutions 1325 (2000) and 1820 (2008), recalls the need to address violence against women and girls as a tool of warfare, looks forward to the appointment of women protection advisors in accordance with resolutions 1888 (2009), 1889 (2009) and 1960 (2010), requests the Secretary General to establish monitoring, analysis and reporting arrangements on conflict-related sexual violence, including rape in situations of armed conflict and post-conflict and other situations relevant to the implementation of resolution 1888 (2009), as appropriate, and encourages UNMISS as well as the Government of the Republic of South Sudan to actively address these issues;", "25. Requests the Secretary-General to consider HIV-related needs of people living with, affected by, and vulnerable to HIV, including women and girls, when fulfilling mandated tasks, and in this context, encourages the incorporation, as appropriate, of HIV prevention, treatment, care, and support, including voluntary and confidential counselling and testing programs in the mission;", "26. Requests that the Secretary-General and the Government of the Republic of South Sudan conclude a status-of-forces agreement within 30 days of adoption of this resolution, taking into consideration General Assembly resolution 58/82 on the scope of legal protection under the Convention on the Safety of United Nations and Associated Personnel, and decides that pending the conclusion of such an agreement, the model status-of-forces agreement dated 9 October 1990 (A/45/594), shall apply provisionally;", "27. Decides that this resolution shall take effect on 9 July 2011;", "28. Decides to remain actively seized of the matter." ]
[ "法国、加蓬、德国、尼日利亚、葡萄牙、南非、大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国和美利坚合众国:决议草案", "安全理事会,", "欢迎南苏丹共和国在2011年7月9日宣布它是一个独立国家后即告成立;", "重申安理会维护南苏丹共和国的主权、独立、领土完整和国家统一的坚定承诺;", "回顾2011年2月11日的主席声明申明,各国拥有自主权和承担责任是实现持久和平的关键,各国当局负有确定优先事项和冲突后建设和平战略的主要责任;", "强调巩固和平需要采用全面统一的做法,加强政治、安全、发展、人权和法治活动的一致性,消除引起冲突的基本根源,并着重指出,安全与发展密切相关,相辅相成,是实现持久和平的关键;", "谴责持续存在的冲突与暴力行为及其对平民产生的影响,包括许多平民遇害和流离失所,指出与民间社会进行持久合作和对话对于稳定安全局势和保护平民至关重要;", "强调联合国在南苏丹共和国和苏丹共和国的活动需要协调一致,因此要阐明南苏丹特派团与联合国国家工作队之间的作用、责任和协作,指出需要同该区域的其他相关行动者,包括非洲联盟-联合国达尔富尔混合行动(达尔富尔混合行动)、联合国阿布耶伊临时安全部队和联合国组织刚果民主共和国稳定特派团(联刚稳定团),进行合作;", "回顾以往关于冲突后建设和平的主席声明,强调机构建设作为建设和平的一项重要内容至关重要,强调各国和国际社会要做出更有效和更一致的反应,让摆脱冲突的国家行使政府核心职能,包括和平解决政治争端,并利用国家现有能力,以确保国家对这一进程拥有自主权;", "强调联合国发挥重要作用,在与国际伙伴密切协商的情况下支持国家当局,以巩固和平,防止暴力再现,并为此制订一个早期战略来支持国家建设和平优先事项,包括确立政府核心职能,提供基本服务,建立法治,尊重人权,管理自然资源,组建安全部门,处理青年失业问题和实现经济复苏;", "确认必须支持建设和平工作,以便为可持续发展奠定基础;", "着重指出,联合国、发展机构、双边伙伴和其他行动者、区域和次区域机构和国际金融机构需要相互建立更有力和更明确的伙伴关系,以便执行在各国拥有自主权、着眼于成果和相互负责的基础上制订的旨在有效开展机构建设工作的国家战略;", "确认安全理事会需要灵活行事,以便根据实地的进展、经验教训或情况变化,酌情对任务的轻重缓急做出必要的调整;", "确认需要扩大和增加可以使用的文职专家、特别是来自发展中国家的妇女和专家的队伍,帮助建立本国的队伍,鼓励会员国、联合国和其他伙伴加强合作协调,确保调集相关专业人员来满足南苏丹共和国政府和人民的建设和平需求;", "回顾安理会关于儿童与武装冲突问题的第1612(2005)号和第1882(2009)号决议和2009年4月29日(S/PRST/2009/9)和2010年6月16日(S/PRST/2010/10)主席声明,并注意到秘书长2009年2月10日(S/2009/84)和2007年8月29日(S/2007/520)关于苏丹境内儿童与武装冲突问题的报告和安全理事会苏丹儿童与武装冲突问题工作组认可的有关结论(S/AC.51/2009/5);", "重申安理会关于武装冲突中保护平民的第1674(2006)号和第1894(2009)号决议和关于保护人道主义人员和联合国人员的第1502(2003)号决议;", "重申安理会关于妇女、和平与安全的第1325(2000)号、第1820(2008)号、第1888(2009)号、第1889(2009)号和第1960(2010)号决议,再次申明妇女要全面、平等和有效地参与和平进程的各个阶段,因为她们在预防冲突、解决冲突以及建设和平中发挥着重大作用,重申妇女可在重建构建恢复中社会方面发挥关键作用,强调妇女需要参加拟定和执行冲突后战略的工作,以便考虑到她们的看法和需要;", "认识到,必须根据现行联合国维和改革举措,包括《新地平线报告》、全球外勤支助战略和文职人员审查报告提出的各项原则,借鉴利用其他特派团、特别是部队和警察派遣国的最佳做法、以往的实践和经验教训;", "铭记6月20日苏丹政府同苏丹人民解放运动达成的关于阿卜耶伊地区临时行政与安全安排的协议;6月28日苏丹政府同苏丹人民解放运动(北方)达成的关于青尼罗州和南科尔多凡州政治和安全安排的协议;6月29日苏丹政府同南苏丹政府达成的关于边界安全和联合政治和安全机制的协议;", "认定南苏丹面临的局势继续对该区域的国际和平与安全构成威胁;", "根据《联合国宪章》第七章采取行动,", "1. 决定于2011年7月9日设立联合国南苏丹共和国特派团(南苏丹特派团),初步任期一年,并打算视需要予以延长,还决定南苏丹特派团将最多有7 000名军事人员,包括军事联络官和参谋人员,最多有900名文职警察人员,包括酌情配置建制单位,并有适当的文职部门,包括进行人权调查的技术专业人员;还决定在三个月和六个月后审查当地情况是否允许把军事人员减少到6 000人;", "2. 欢迎秘书长任命南苏丹共和国特别代表,请秘书长通过特别代表指挥南苏丹综合特派团的行动,协调联合国系统在南苏丹共和国的所有活动,支持国际社会采用统一方法在南苏丹共和国实现稳定的和平;", "3. 决定,南苏丹特派团的任务是巩固和平与安全,帮助为南苏丹共和国的发展创造条件,以期加强南苏丹共和国政府的能力,以民主方式进行有效管理并同邻国建立良好关系,并特此授权南苏丹特派团开展以下工作;", "(a) 通过以下方式支持巩固和平并以此为国家的长期建设和经济发展创造条件:", "㈠ 围绕政治过渡、治理和建立国家权力问题,包括就国家建设和发展等重大问题制订国家政策,为南苏丹共和国政府提供斡旋、咨询和支持;", "㈡ 促进民众参与政治进程,包括就启动一个包容各方的制宪进程、根据宪法举行选举、推动建立独立的媒体和确保妇女参加决策论坛等事宜,为南苏丹共和国政府提供咨询和支持;", "(b) 通过以下方式支持南苏丹共和国政府履行预防、缓解和消除冲突和保护平民的责任:", "㈠ 在能力范围内,在国家、州和县一级开展斡旋、建立信任和调解工作以预见、防止、缓解和消除冲突;", "㈡ 建立和利用全特派团预警能力,在情报收集、监测、核查、预警和分发与落实机制方面采用统一做法;", "㈢ 酌情与人权事务高级专员办事处合作,监测、调查、核查和定期报告人权情况和平民可能面临的威胁以及实际和可能违反国际人道主义法和人权法的行为,视需要提请有关当局注意,并立即向联合国安全理事会报告重大侵犯人权行为;", "㈣ 向南苏丹共和国政府,包括酌情在国家和地方一级向军方和警方提供咨询和协助,以便它们根据国际人道主义法、人权法和难民法,履行保护平民的职责;", "㈤ 通过在很可能发生冲突地区进行预防性部署和巡逻,阻止暴力行为;在能力范围内,在部署区内保护人身随时可能遭受暴力侵犯的平民,尤其是在南苏丹共和国政府不提供这种保护时;", "㈥ 保护开展规定工作所需要的联合国和人道主义人员、设施和装备的安全,铭记特派团拥有机动性至关重要,并协助创造有利于安全、及时和不受阻碍地提供人道主义援助的安全条件;", "(c) 通过以下方式,支持南苏丹共和国政府根据国家拥有自主权的原则,与联合国国家工作队和其他国际伙伴合作,建立保障安全的能力,实行法治,加强安全和司法部门改革:", "㈠ 支持制订有关安全部门改革、法治和建立司法部门、包括建立人权能力和机构的战略;", "㈡ 支持南苏丹共和国政府与国际伙伴合作,制订和执行全国解除武装、复员和重返社会战略,尤其注意妇女和儿童兵的特殊需求;", "㈢ 通过在政策、规划和建立后勤能力方面提供咨询以及在重要领域提供培训和辅导,加强南苏丹共和国警察局的能力;", "㈣ 支持南苏丹共和国政府建立一个起辅助文职司法制度作用的军事司法制度;", "㈤ 通过建立一个监测和报告机制,促进建立一个保护受武装冲突影响儿童的环境;", "㈥ 支持南苏丹共和国政府在现有资源范围内开展排雷活动,加强南苏丹共和国排雷当局根据国际地雷行动标准采取排雷行动的能力;", "4. 授权南苏丹特派团采取一切必要手段,在其能力范围内,在有其部队部署的地方,执行第3(b)㈣,3(b)㈤和3(b)㈥段规定的任务;", "5. 请苏丹政府和南苏丹共和国政府至迟于7月20日提出执行6月29日边界监测协议的方法,如果它们未这样做,请南苏丹特派团观察并报告人员、武器和有关物资跨越苏丹边界流动的情况;", "6. 要求南苏丹共和国政府和所有相关各方为南苏丹特派团的部署、行动以及开展监测、核查和报告工作提供全面合作,特别是在南苏丹共和国全境确保联合国人员以及相关人员的安全保障和行动自由;", "7. 吁请所有会员国确保进出南苏丹共和国的所有人员以及供南苏丹特派团履行公务专用的设备、辎重、补给和其他物品,包括车辆和零配件,自由、不受阻碍、迅速地通行;", "8. 呼吁所有各方根据国际法有关规定,让救济人员全面、安全和不受阻碍地接触所有需要援助的人,尤其是国内流离失所者和难民,并提供人道主义援助;", "9. 要求所有各方,特别是反叛民兵和上帝军,立即停止一切形式危害南苏丹平民的暴力和侵犯人权行为,特别是性别暴力,包括强奸和其他形式的性虐待,以及所有违反有关国际法危害和虐待儿童的行为,例如招募、使用、杀害、致残和绑架儿童,以便根据第1960号决议做出有时限的具体承诺,打击性暴力,并打击危害儿童的暴力和虐待行为;", "10. 呼吁南苏丹共和国政府和苏丹人民解放军延长2010年11月到期的(联合国2009年11月20日同苏丹人民解放军签署的)停止招募和使用儿童兵的行动计划,请南苏丹特派团就此为南苏丹共和国政府提供咨询和协助;还请秘书长加强联合国系统在南苏丹共和国开展的保护儿童活动,确保继续监测和报告儿童的情况;", "11. 鼓励南苏丹共和国政府批准重大国际人权条约和公约,使其成为法律并加以执行,包括有关妇女和儿童、难民和无国籍者的条约和公约,请南苏丹特派团就此为南苏丹共和国政府提供咨询和协助;", "12. 呼吁南苏丹共和国政府采取措施,让妇女更多参与解决未获解决的全面和平协议问题,参加独立后的安排,让南苏丹妇女进一步参与各级的公共决策,包括推动妇女担任领导,支持妇女组织,反对社会上怀疑妇女平等参与能力的消极态度;", "13. 呼吁南苏丹共和国当局打击有罪不罚现象,追究所有侵犯人权和违反国际人道主义法的人的责任,包括追究非法武装团体或南苏丹安全部队成员侵权和违法行为的责任;", "14. 呼吁南苏丹共和国政府停止长期任意关押,通过与国际伙伴合作提供咨询和技术援助,建立一个安全、可靠和人道的监狱系统,请南苏丹特派团就此向南苏丹共和国政府提供咨询和援助;", "15. 呼吁南苏丹特派团与南苏丹共和国政府进行协调,参加区域协调和信息机制,以便根据上帝军在南苏丹共和国发动袭击的情况,更好地保护平民和支持解除武装、复员和重返社会工作,请秘书长在每三个月提交的关于南苏丹特派团的报告中概述南苏丹特派团、非洲联盟-联合国达尔富尔混合行动(达尔富尔混合行动)、联合国组织刚果民主共和国稳定团(联刚稳定团)和区域和国际伙伴为消除上帝军的威胁相互开展合作和分享情报的情况;", "16. 请秘书长在设立南苏丹特派团之日,把联合国苏丹特派团(联苏特派团)履行的有关职能移交给南苏丹特派团,同时移交有关工作人员和履行新的职能所需要后勤物流,并开始有序清理结束联苏特派团;", "17. 授权秘书长采取必要步骤,确保特派团之间相互开展合作,并授权在上面第1段规定的兵员总限额内,根据部队派遣国的商定,在不损害联合国这些特派团执行任务的情况下,适当从其他特派团调用部队;", "18. 请秘书长特别代表和南苏丹特派团与南苏丹共和国政府、联合国国家工作队和包括世界银行在内的多边伙伴合作,在顾及国家优先事项的情况下,在4个月内就联合国系统支持具体建设和平工作、特别是安全部门改革、建立警察机构、法制和司法部门支助、人权能力建设、早期复苏、制订有关国家建设与发展重要事项的国家政策和根据国家优先事项为发展创造条件的计划,向安理会提交报告,以期协助建立一个监测这些领域进展的共同框架;", "19. 请秘书长向安理会报告部署特派团所有部门的预期时间,包括同部队和警察派遣国进行协商的情况和主要支援人员的部署情况;强调必须有可以衡量南苏丹特派团进展的可以实现的可行指标,请秘书长同南苏丹共和国政府协商后,在4个月内向安理会提交特派团的基准,并在其后每隔4个月定期向安理会通报进展情况;", "20. 强调联合国、国际金融机构和双边和多边伙伴需要同南苏丹共和国政府密切合作,确保国际援助与国家优先事项、包括南苏丹发展计划保持一致,可以有重点地提供支持以体现南苏丹共和国的具体建设和平需求和优先事项;请秘书长特别代表在相关国际援助机制和进程中代表联合国系统;", "21. 鼓励秘书长探讨冲突后文职人员问题高级咨询小组的独立报告提出的可以在南苏丹共和国落实的各种设想;", "22. 尤其请秘书长尽可能充分利用特派团有关部门与南苏丹共和国对应部门同设一地的机会,以推动国家能力建设;并通过进行本地采购和以其他方式尽可能加强南苏丹特派团对经济的贡献,寻求产生初期和平红利;", "23. 请秘书长继续采取必要措施,确保南苏丹特派团全面遵守联合国对性剥削和性虐待的零容忍政策和向安理会全面通报情况,敦促部队派遣国适当采取预防行动,包括进行部署前提高认识培训,并采取其他行动,以确保在发生此类行为时,全面追究本国涉案人员的责任;", "24. 重申根据第1325(2000)号决议和第1820(2008)号决议,安全理事会授权设立的特派团必须有适当的两性平等专业人员和培训,回顾需要处理将暴力侵害妇女和女孩作为战争工具的问题,期待根据第1888(2009)号、第1889(2009)号和第1960(2010)号决议任命保护妇女顾问,请秘书长酌情做出安排,监测、分析和报告与冲突有关的性暴力,包括武装冲突中、冲突后和与执行第1888(2009)号决议有关的其他情况下的强奸行为,鼓励南苏丹特派团和南苏丹共和国政府积极处理这些问题;", "25. 请秘书长在开展规定的工作时,考虑感染艾滋病毒、受艾滋病毒影响和易感染艾滋病毒的人、包括妇女和女孩与艾滋病毒有关的需求,鼓励酌情在特派团提供艾滋病毒预防、治疗、护理和支助服务,包括自愿和保密的咨询和检测方案;", "26. 请秘书长和南苏丹共和国政府考虑到大会关于《联合国人员和有关人员安全公约》规定的法律保护范围的第58/82号决议,在本决议通过后30天内缔结部队地位协定,决定在缔结这一协定前,暂时适用1990年10月9日的部队地位示范协定(A/45/594);", "24. 决定本决议于2011年7月9日生效;", "25. 决定继续积极处理此案。" ]
[ "法国、加蓬、德国、尼日利亚、葡萄牙、南非、大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国和美利坚合众国:决议草案", "安全理事会,", "欢迎南苏丹共和国于2011年7月9日宣布成为独立国家后成立,", "重申对南苏丹共和国主权、独立、领土完整和国家统一的坚定承诺,", "回顾2011年2月11日的主席声明,其中申明国家自主权和国家责任是实现可持续和平的关键,国家当局在确定冲突后建设和平的优先事项和战略方面负有主要责任,", "强调需要以全面和综合的方式巩固和平,加强政治、安全、发展、人权和法治活动之间的协调,并消除冲突的根源,并着重指出安全与发展密切相关,相辅相成,是实现持久和平的关键,", "痛惜冲突和暴力持续不断并对平民产生影响,包括大量平民被害和流离失所,注意到必须在稳定安全局势和确保保护平民方面与民间社会持续合作和对话,", "强调需要联合国在南苏丹共和国开展协调一致的活动,这需要明确南苏丹特派团和联合国国家工作队的作用、责任和协作,并注意到需要同该区域其他相关行为体合作,包括非洲联盟-联合国达尔富尔混合行动(达尔富尔混合行动)、联合国阿卜耶伊临时安全部队(联阿安全部队)和联合国组织刚果民主共和国稳定特派团(联刚稳定团),", "回顾以往关于冲突后建设和平的各项声明,强调机构建设作为建设和平的重要组成部分的重要性,并着重指出采取更有效和更协调一致的国家和国际对策,使刚摆脱冲突的国家能够履行政府核心职能,包括和平地管理政治争端,并利用现有的国家能力,以确保国家对这一进程拥有自主权,", "强调联合国可发挥重要作用,同国际伙伴密切协商,支持国家当局巩固和平和防止暴力再起,并因此制定早期战略来支助国家建设和平优先事项,包括建立政府核心职能,提供基本服务,建立法治,尊重人权,管理自然资源,发展安全部门,解决青年失业问题并振兴经济,", "认识到支持建设和平努力为可持续发展奠定基础的重要性,", "强调需要在联合国、发展机构、双边伙伴和其他相关行为体、区域和次区域机构以及国际金融机构之间建立更强有力和明确界定的伙伴关系,以实施以国家自主权、取得成果和相互问责为基础的旨在有效建立机构的国家战略,", "确认安全理事会需要表现出灵活性,根据取得的进展、吸取的经验教训或实地不断变化的情况,酌情对特派团的优先事项作出必要调整,", "确认需要扩大并深化现有的文职专家,特别是发展中国家的妇女和专家人才库,以帮助发展国家能力,并鼓励会员国、联合国和其他伙伴加强合作与协调,确保调动相关专门知识,支持南苏丹共和国政府和南苏丹共和国人民的建设和平需要,", "回顾其关于儿童与武装冲突的第1612(2005)号和第1882(2009)号决议以及2009年4月29日(S/PRST/2009/9)和2010年6月16日(S/PRST/2010/10)的主席声明,注意到2009年2月10日(S/2009/84)和2007年8月29日(S/2007/520)秘书长关于苏丹儿童与武装冲突问题的报告, 以及安全理事会苏丹儿童与武装冲突问题工作组认可的结论(S/AC.51/2009/5),", "重申其关于在武装冲突中保护平民的第1674(2006)号和第1894(2009)号决议,以及关于保护人道主义人员和联合国人员的第1502(2003)号决议,", "重申其关于妇女、和平与安全的第1325(2000)号、第1820(2008)号、第1888(2009)号、第1889(2009)号和第1960(2010)号决议,重申鉴于妇女在预防和解决冲突及建设和平方面的重要作用,需要让妇女充分、平等和有效地参与和平进程的各个阶段;重申妇女在重建社会结构方面可以发挥关键作用,并强调需要让她们参与制订和执行冲突后战略,以考虑到她们的观点和需要,", "确认必须根据正在进行的联合国维持和平改革举措,包括《新地平线报告》、《全球外勤支助战略》和《文职能力审查》,借鉴其他特派团,特别是部队和警察派遣国的最佳做法、以往经验和经验教训,", "铭记6月20日苏丹政府与苏丹人民解放运动关于阿卜耶伊地区临时行政和安全安排的协定;6月28日苏丹政府与苏丹人民解放运动(北方)关于青尼罗州和南科尔多凡州政治和安全安排的框架协定;以及6月29日苏丹政府与南苏丹政府关于边界安全和联合政治和安全机制的协定,", "认定南苏丹面临的局势继续对该区域的国际和平与安全构成威胁,", "根据《联合国宪章》第七章采取行动,", "1. 联合国 2. 决定自2011年7月9日起设立联合国南苏丹共和国特派团(南苏丹特派团),最初为期一年,并打算视需要继续延长;还决定南苏丹特派团由至多7 000名军事人员组成,包括军事联络官和参谋,至多900名民警人员,酌情包括建制部队,并设立一个适当的文职部门,包括人权调查技术专家;还决定在3个月和6个月后审查实地条件是否允许将军事人员减至6 000人;", "2. 联合国 4. 欢迎秘书长任命南苏丹共和国问题特别代表,请秘书长通过其特别代表,指导综合南苏丹特派团的行动,协调联合国系统在南苏丹共和国的所有活动,并支持以一致的国际办法实现南苏丹共和国的稳定和平;", "3个 2. 决定南苏丹特派团的任务是巩固和平与安全,帮助为南苏丹共和国的发展创造条件,以期加强南苏丹共和国政府有效、民主地治理并与邻国建立良好关系的能力,并因此授权南苏丹特派团执行下列任务;", "(a) 支持巩固和平,从而促进较长期的国家建设和经济发展,办法是:", "(一) 就政治过渡、治理和建立国家权力,包括制定这方面的国家政策,向南苏丹共和国政府提供斡旋、咨询和支持;", "(二) 促进民众参与政治进程,包括就包容各方的制宪进程向南苏丹共和国政府提供咨询和支助;根据宪法举行选举;促进建立独立的媒体;并确保妇女参与决策论坛;", "(b) 支持南苏丹共和国政府履行预防、缓解和解决冲突及保护平民的职责,具体做法是:", "(一) 在国家、州和县各级进行斡旋、建立信任和调解,在能力范围内预测、预防、减轻和解决冲突;", "(二) 建立并执行全特派团的预警能力,对信息收集、监测、核查、预警和传播以及后续机制采取综合办法;", "(三) 监测、调查、核查并定期报告对平民的人权和潜在威胁以及实际和可能违反国际人道主义法和人权法的情况,酌情与人权事务高级专员办事处合作,酌情提请当局注意,并立即向联合国安全理事会报告严重侵犯人权的情况;", "(四) 根据国际人道主义法、人权法和难民法,酌情向南苏丹共和国政府,包括国家和地方各级的军队和警察提供咨询和协助,以履行其保护平民的责任;", "(五) 遏制暴力,包括在其能力所及范围内,在有高度冲突风险的地区和部署地区进行积极主动的部署和巡逻,保护面临迫在眉睫的人身暴力威胁的平民,特别是在南苏丹共和国政府不提供这种安全的情况下;", "(六) 为执行授权任务所必要的联合国人员和人道主义人员、设施和设备提供安保,同时铭记特派团调动的重要性,并促成创造有利于安全、及时和不受阻碍地提供人道主义援助的安全条件;", "(c) 根据国家自主权原则,与联合国国家工作队和其他国际伙伴合作,支持南苏丹共和国政府发展其提供安全、建立法治和加强安全和司法部门的能力,具体做法是:", "(一) 支持制定安全部门改革、法治和司法部门发展战略,包括人权能力和机构;", "(二) 与国际伙伴合作,支持南苏丹共和国政府制定和实施国家解除武装、复员和重返社会战略,并特别关注妇女和儿童战斗人员的特殊需要;", "(三) 通过提供关于政策、规划和立法发展的咨询意见以及关键领域的培训和指导,加强南苏丹共和国警察局的能力;", "(四) 支持南苏丹共和国政府发展军事司法系统,以补充民事司法系统;", "(五) 通过实施监测和报告机制,为受武装冲突影响的儿童提供保护环境;", "(六) 支持南苏丹共和国政府在现有资源范围内开展排雷活动,并增强南苏丹共和国排雷管理局根据国际地雷行动标准开展地雷行动的能力;", " 4.四. 2. 授权南苏丹特派团在其能力范围内并在其部队部署地使用一切必要手段,以执行第3(b)(四)、3(b)(五)和3(b)(六)段规定的保护任务;", "5 (韩语). 5. 请苏丹政府和南苏丹共和国政府在7月20日前提出执行6月29日边界监测协定的方式,如果双方不这样做,请南苏丹特派团观察和报告人员、武器和有关物资穿越苏丹边界的任何流动;", "6. 国家 3. 要求南苏丹共和国政府和所有相关各方为南苏丹特派团的部署、行动、监测、核查和报告职能提供充分合作,特别是保障联合国人员和有关人员在南苏丹共和国全境的安全保障和行动自由;", "7. 联合国 4. 吁请所有会员国确保所有人员以及南苏丹特派团专用公务设备、用品、用品和其他物资,包括车辆和备件,自由、不受阻碍地从南苏丹共和国迅速进出;", "8. 联合国 5. 吁请所有各方按照国际法有关规定,允许救济人员充分、安全和不受阻碍地接触所有需要援助的人并提供人道主义援助,特别是向境内流离失所者和难民提供援助;", "9. 国家 3. 要求所有各方,特别是反叛民兵和上帝军,立即停止对南苏丹平民的一切形式的暴力和侵犯人权行为,特别是基于性别的暴力,包括强奸和其他形式的性虐待,并停止违反相关国际法的一切侵犯和虐待儿童行为,如招募和使用儿童、杀害、残害和绑架,以期根据第1960号决议作出具体而有时限的承诺,打击性暴力和对儿童的暴力和虐待;", "10个 4. 吁请南苏丹共和国政府和苏丹解放军延长(2009年11月20日联合国与苏丹解放军签署)结束2010年11月到期招募和使用儿童兵的行动计划,请南苏丹特派团在这方面向南苏丹共和国政府提供建议和协助;又请秘书长在联合国系统在南苏丹共和国的活动中加强儿童保护,并确保继续监测和报告儿童状况;", "11个 4. 鼓励南苏丹共和国政府将主要国际人权条约和公约,包括与妇女和儿童、难民和无国籍状态有关的条约和公约,批准并执行这些条约和公约,请南苏丹特派团在这方面向南苏丹共和国政府提供建议和协助;", "12个 呼吁南苏丹共和国政府采取措施,使更多妇女参与《全面和平协定》和独立后安排的未决问题,并促使南苏丹妇女更多地参与各级公共决策,包括促进妇女的领导,支持妇女组织,并反对社会对妇女平等参与能力的消极态度;", "13个 4. 呼吁南苏丹共和国当局打击有罪不罚现象,并追究所有侵犯人权和违反国际人道主义法的人的责任,包括非法武装团体或南苏丹共和国安全部队成员所犯罪行;", "14个 4. 吁请南苏丹共和国政府同国际伙伴合作,通过提供咨询和技术援助,终止长期任意拘留,并建立一个安全、有保障和人道的监狱系统,请南苏丹特派团在这方面向南苏丹共和国政府提供建议和援助;", "15个 呼吁南苏丹特派团同南苏丹共和国政府协调,并参加区域协调和信息机制,以更好地保护平民,并鉴于上帝军在南苏丹共和国发动的袭击,支持解除武装、复员和重返社会工作,请秘书长在南苏丹特派团每三个月一次的报告中,概述南苏丹特派团、非洲联盟/联合国达尔富尔混合行动(达尔富尔混合行动)、联合国组织刚果民主共和国稳定特派团(联刚稳定团)以及区域和国际伙伴之间在应对上帝军威胁方面的合作和信息共享;", "16号. 5. 请秘书长在南苏丹特派团成立之日将联合国苏丹特派团(联苏特派团)履行的适当职能移交给南苏丹特派团,并配备必要的适当工作人员和后勤人员,以履行新的职能范围,并开始有序地清理结束联苏特派团;", "17岁 2. 授权秘书长采取必要步骤,确保特派团之间的合作,并授权在上文第1段规定的总兵力上限内,经部队派遣国同意后,并在不影响这些联合国特派团执行任务的情况下,从其他特派团适当调派部队;", "18岁。 8. 请秘书长特别代表和南苏丹特派团同南苏丹共和国政府、联合国国家工作队以及包括世界银行在内的双边和多边伙伴合作,在四个月内向安理会报告联合国系统支助具体建设和平任务的计划,特别是安全部门改革、警察体制发展、法治和司法部门支助、人权能力建设、早期恢复、制定同国家建设和发展等关键问题有关的国家政策,并依照国家优先事项为发展创造条件,以期协助制定监测这些领域进展情况的共同框架;", " 19. 19. 请秘书长向安理会报告所有特派团人员部署的预期时间表,包括与部队和警察派遣国协商的情况和关键推动因素的部署情况;并着重指出,必须制定能够衡量南苏丹特派团所取得进展的可实现而现实的目标,请秘书长同南苏丹共和国政府协商后,在四个月内向安理会提出特派团的基准,并每四个月定期向安理会通报进展情况;", "20号. 6. 强调联合国、国际金融机构以及双边和多边伙伴需要同南苏丹共和国政府密切合作,确保国际援助符合国家优先事项,包括南苏丹发展计划,并能提供反映南苏丹共和国具体的建设和平需要和优先事项的优先支助;请秘书长的特别代表在相关的国际援助机制和进程中代表联合国系统;", "21岁 5. 鼓励秘书长探讨冲突后文职能力问题高级咨询小组独立报告中的、可在南苏丹共和国实施的想法;", "22号. 秘书长尤其要尽最大可能利用特派团适当部门与南苏丹共和国对应部门合用同一地点的机会,以建设国家能力;并尽可能地利用当地采购和以其他方式加强南苏丹特派团对经济的贡献来寻找机会,以早日交付和平红利;", "23. 联合国 请秘书长继续采取必要措施,确保南苏丹特派团全面遵守联合国对性剥削和性虐待的零容忍政策,并随时向安理会通报情况,敦促出兵国采取适当的预防行动,包括在部署前开展提高认识培训,并采取其他行动,确保在发生这类行为时,全面追究本国涉案人员的责任;", "24 (韩语). 11. 重申安全理事会根据第1325(2000)号和第1820(2008)号决议授权的特派团必须具备适当的性别专门知识并进行培训,回顾需要将暴力侵害妇女和女孩行为作为战争工具加以处理,期待根据第1888(2009)号、第1889(2009)号和第1960(2010)号决议任命保护妇女顾问,请秘书长酌情就与冲突有关的性暴力,包括武装冲突局势和冲突后以及与执行第1888(2009)号决议有关的其他局势中的强奸行为,建立监测、分析和报告安排,并鼓励南苏丹特派团和南苏丹共和国政府积极处理这些问题;", "25岁 8. 请秘书长在执行规定任务时,考虑艾滋病毒感染者、受艾滋病毒影响者和易感染艾滋病毒者,包括妇女和女孩与艾滋病毒有关的需要,并在这方面鼓励在特派团中酌情纳入艾滋病毒预防、治疗、护理和支助,包括自愿和保密的咨询和检测方案;", "26. 联合国 5. 请秘书长和南苏丹共和国政府考虑到大会关于《联合国人员和有关人员安全公约》所规定的法律保护范围的第58/82号决议,在本决议通过后30天内缔结一项部队地位协定,并决定在缔结这一协定之前,暂时适用1990年10月9日的部队地位示范协定(A/45/594);", "27个 决定本决议于2011年7月9日生效;", "28岁 7. 决定继续积极处理此案。" ]
[ "Sixty-fifth session", "Agenda item 146", "Financing of the United Nations Peacekeeping Force in Cyprus", "Report of the Fifth Committee", "Rapporteur: Ms. Nicole Ann Mannion (Ireland)", "I. Introduction", "* Reissued for technical reasons on 26 July 2011.", "1. At its 2nd plenary meeting, on 17 September 2010, the General Assembly, on the recommendation of the General Committee, decided to include in the agenda of its sixty-fifth session the item entitled “Financing of the United Nations Peacekeeping Force in Cyprus” and to allocate it to the Fifth Committee.", "2. The Fifth Committee considered the item at its 34th and 42nd meetings, on 5 May and 30 June 2011. Statements and observations made in the course of the Committee’s consideration of the item are reflected in the relevant summary records (A/C.5/65/SR.34 and 42).", "3. For its consideration of the item, the Committee had before it the following documents:", "(a) Report of the Secretary-General on the budget performance of the United Nations Peacekeeping Force in Cyprus for the period from 1 July 2009 to 30 June 2010 (A/65/625);", "(b) Report of the Secretary-General on the budget for the United Nations Peacekeeping Force in Cyprus for the period from 1 July 2011 to 30 June 2012 (A/65/706);", "(c) Related report of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions (A/65/743/Add.2).", "II. Consideration of draft resolution A/C.5/65/L.39", "4. At its 42nd meeting, on 30 June, the Committee had before it a draft resolution entitled “Financing of the United Nations Peacekeeping Force in Cyprus” (A/C.5/65/L.39), submitted by the Chair of the Committee on the basis of informal consultations coordinated by the representative of Côte d’Ivoire.", "5. At the same meeting, the Committee adopted draft resolution A/C.5/65/L.39 without a vote (see para. 6).", "III. Recommendation of the Fifth Committee", "6. The Fifth Committee recommends to the General Assembly the adoption of the following draft resolution:", "Financing of the United Nations Peacekeeping Force in Cyprus", "The General Assembly,", "Having considered the reports of the Secretary-General on the financing of the United Nations Peacekeeping Force in Cyprus[1] and the related report of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions,[2]", "Recalling Security Council resolution 186 (1964) of 4 March 1964, regarding the establishment of the United Nations Peacekeeping Force in Cyprus, and the subsequent resolutions by which the Council extended the mandate of the Force, the latest of which was resolution 1986 (2011) of 13 June 2011, by which the Council extended the mandate of the Force until 15 December 2011,", "Recalling also its resolution 47/236 of 14 September 1993 on the financing of the Force and its subsequent resolutions and decisions thereon, the latest of which was resolution 64/274 of 24 June 2010,", "Reaffirming the general principles underlying the financing of United Nations peacekeeping operations, as stated in General Assembly resolutions 1874 (S-IV) of 27 June 1963, 3101 (XXVIII) of 11 December 1973 and 55/235 of 23 December 2000,", "Noting with appreciation that voluntary contributions have been made to the Force by certain Governments,", "Noting that voluntary contributions were insufficient to cover all the costs of the Force, including those incurred by troop-contributing Governments prior to 16 June 1993, and regretting the absence of an adequate response to appeals for voluntary contributions, including that contained in the letter dated 17 May 1994 from the Secretary-General to all Member States,[3]", "Mindful of the fact that it is essential to provide the Force with the financial resources necessary to enable it to fulfil its responsibilities under the relevant resolutions of the Security Council,", "1. Requests the Secretary-General to entrust the Head of Mission with the task of formulating future budget proposals in full accordance with the provisions of General Assembly resolutions 59/296 of 22 June 2005, 60/266 of 30 June 2006, 61/276 of 29 June 2007, 64/269 of 24 June 2010 and 65/289 of 30 June 2011, as well as other relevant resolutions;", "2. Takes note of the status of contributions to the United Nations Peacekeeping Force in Cyprus as at 30 April 2011, including the contributions outstanding in the amount of 17.9 million United States dollars, representing some 4 per cent of the total assessed contributions, notes with concern that only forty-seven Member States have paid their assessed contributions in full, and urges all other Member States, in particular those in arrears, to ensure payment of their outstanding assessed contributions;", "3. Expresses its appreciation to those Member States which have paid their assessed contributions in full, and urges all other Member States to make every possible effort to ensure payment of their assessed contributions to the Force in full;", "4. Expresses concern at the delay experienced by the Secretary-General in deploying and providing adequate resources to some recent peacekeeping missions, in particular those in Africa;", "5. Emphasizes that all future and existing peacekeeping missions shall be given equal and non-discriminatory treatment in respect of financial and administrative arrangements;", "6 Also emphasizes that all peacekeeping missions shall be provided with adequate resources for the effective and efficient discharge of their respective mandates;", "7. Requests the Secretary-General to ensure that proposed peacekeeping budgets are based on the relevant legislative mandates;", "8. Endorses the conclusions and recommendations contained in the report of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions,² subject to the provisions of the present resolution, and requests the Secretary-General to ensure their full implementation;", "9. Notes the progress that has been made thus far by the host Government and the Force with respect to the renovation of the accommodations for military contingent personnel, as well as other personnel of the Force, and requests the Secretary-General to continue to make every effort, in coordination with the host Government, to ensure that the renovations are completed as scheduled, without any further delays, and to report thereon in the context of the next budget submission;", "10. Requests the Secretary-General to ensure the full implementation of the relevant provisions of its resolutions 59/296, 60/266, 61/276, 64/269 and 65/289;", "11. Also requests the Secretary-General to take all action necessary to ensure that the Force is administered with a maximum of efficiency and economy;", "12. Further requests the Secretary-General to ensure accurate planning of flight hours, in order to avoid underexpenditure owing to the lower number of actual flight hours compared to the planned hours;", "13. Notes that the overall level of appropriation has been adjusted in accordance with the terms of resolution 65/289;", "Financial performance report for the period from 1 July 2009 to 30 June 2010", "14. Takes note of the report of the Secretary-General on the financial performance of the Force for the period from 1 July 2009 to 30 June 2010;[4]", "Budget estimates for the period from 1 July 2011 to 30 June 2012", "15. Decides to appropriate to the Special Account for the United Nations Peacekeeping Force in Cyprus the amount of 60,121,200 dollars for the period from 1 July 2011 to 30 June 2012, inclusive of 56,512,000 dollars for the maintenance of the Force, 3,058,400 dollars for the support account for peacekeeping operations and 550,800 dollars for the United Nations Logistics Base;", "Financing of the appropriation", "16. Notes with appreciation that a one-third share of the net appropriation, equivalent to 19,114,267 dollars, will be funded through voluntary contributions from the Government of Cyprus and the amount of 6.5 million dollars from the Government of Greece;", "17. Decides to apportion among Member States the amount of 34,506,933 dollars at a monthly rate of 2,875,578 dollars, in accordance with the levels updated in General Assembly resolution 64/249 of 24 December 2009, and taking into account the scale of assessments for 2011 and 2012, as set out in resolution 64/248 of 24 December 2009, subject to a decision of the Security Council to extend the mandate of the Force;", "18. Also decides that, in accordance with the provisions of its resolution 973 (X) of 15 December 1955, there shall be offset against the apportionment among Member States, as provided for in paragraph 17 above, their respective share in the Tax Equalization Fund of 2,721,000 dollars, comprising the estimated staff assessment income of 2,404,200 dollars approved for the Force, the prorated share of 259,000 dollars of the estimated staff assessment income approved for the support account and the prorated share of 57,800 dollars of the estimated staff assessment income approved for the United Nations Logistics Base;", "19. Further decides that, for Member States that have fulfilled their financial obligations to the Force, there shall be offset against their apportionment, as provided for in paragraph 17 above, their respective share of the unencumbered balance and other income in the amount of 1,361,709 dollars in respect of the financial period ended 30 June 2010, in accordance with the levels updated in General Assembly resolution 64/249, and taking into account the scale of assessments for 2010, as set out in Assembly resolution 64/248;", "20. Decides that, for Member States that have not fulfilled their financial obligations to the Force, there shall be offset against their outstanding obligations their respective share of the unencumbered balance and other income in the amount of 1,361,709 dollars in respect of the financial period ended 30 June 2010, in accordance with the scheme set out in paragraph 19 above;", "21. Also decides that the increase of 255,600 dollars in the estimated staff assessment income in respect of the financial period ended 30 June 2010 shall be added to the credits from the amount of 1,361,709 dollars referred to in paragraphs 19 and 20 above;", "22. Further decides, taking into account its voluntary contribution for the financial period ended 30 June 2010, that one third of the unencumbered balance and other income in the amount of 828,604 dollars in respect of the financial period ended 30 June 2010 shall be returned to the Government of Cyprus;", "23. Decides, taking into account its voluntary contribution for the financial period ended 30 June 2010, that the prorated share of other income in the amount of 297,987 dollars in respect of the financial period ended 30 June 2010 shall be returned to the Government of Greece;", "24. Also decides to continue to maintain as separate the account established for the Force for the period prior to 16 June 1993, invites Member States to make voluntary contributions to that account, and requests the Secretary-General to continue his efforts in appealing for voluntary contributions to the account;", "25. Emphasizes that no peacekeeping mission shall be financed by borrowing funds from other active peacekeeping missions;", "26. Encourages the Secretary-General to continue to take additional measures to ensure the safety and security of all personnel participating in the Force under the auspices of the United Nations, bearing in mind paragraphs 5 and 6 of Security Council resolution 1502 (2003) of 26 August 2003;", "27. Invites voluntary contributions to the Force in cash and in the form of services and supplies acceptable to the Secretary-General, to be administered, as appropriate, in accordance with the procedures and practices established by the General Assembly;", "28. Decides to include in the provisional agenda of its sixty-sixth session the item entitled “Financing of the United Nations Peacekeeping Force in Cyprus”.", "[1] A/65/625 and A/65/706.", "[2] A/65/743/Add.2", "[3] S/1994/647.", "[4] A/65/625." ]
[ "第六十五届会议", "议程项目146", "联合国驻塞浦路斯维持和平部队经费的筹措", "第五委员会的报告", "^(*) 因技术原因于2011年7月26日重新印发。", "报告员:尼科尔·安·曼尼农女士(爱尔兰)", "一. 导言", "1. 在2010年9月17日第2次全体会议上,大会根据总务委员会的建议,决定将题为“联合国驻塞浦路斯维持和平部队经费的筹措”的项目列入第六十五届会议议程,并分配给第五委员会。", "2. 第五委员会在2011年5月5日和6月30日第34和42次会议上审议了该项目。在委员会审议该项目过程中所作的发言和发表的意见,载于有关的简要记录(A/C.5/65/SR.34和42)中。", "3. 在审议这一项目时,委员会面前有下列文件:", "(a) 秘书长关于联合国驻塞浦路斯维持和平部队2009年7月1日至2010年6月30日期间预算执行情况的报告(A/65/625);", "(b) 秘书长关于联合国驻塞浦路斯维持和平部队2011年7月1日至2012年6月30日期间预算的报告(A/65/706);", "(c) 行政和预算问题咨询委员会的相关报告(A/65/743/Add.2)。", "二. 决议草案A/C.5/65/L.39的审议经过", "4. 在6月30日第42次会议上,委员会面前有主席在科特迪瓦代表协调进行的非正式协商基础上提交的题为“联合国驻塞浦路斯维持和平部队经费的筹措”的决议草案(A/C.5/65/L.39)。", "5. 在同次会议上,委员会未经表决通过了决议草案A/C.5/65/L.39(见第6段)。", "三. 第五委员会的建议", "6. 第五委员会建议大会通过以下决议草案:", "联合国驻塞浦路斯维持和平部队经费的筹措", "大会,", "审议了秘书长关于联合国驻塞浦路斯维持和平部队经费筹措的报告[1] 以及行政和预算问题咨询委员会的有关报告,[2]", "回顾安全理事会关于设立联合国驻塞浦路斯维持和平部队的1964年3月4日第186(1964)号决议,以及安理会其后延长该部队任务的各项决议,最近的是2011年6月13日第1986(2011)号决议,其中安理会将该部队的任务延长至2011年12月15日,", "又回顾大会关于该部队经费筹措的1993年9月14日第47/236号决议及其后各项有关决议和决定,最近的是2010年6月24日第64/274号决议,", "重申其1963年6月27日第1874(S-IV)号、1973年12月11日第3101(XXVIII)号和2000年12月23日第55/235号决议阐述的联合国维持和平行动经费筹措一般原则,", "赞赏地注意到已有一些国家政府向该部队作出自愿捐助,", "注意到自愿捐助不足以应付该部队的全部费用,包括部队派遣国政府1993年6月16日之前产生的费用,并对吁请自愿捐助的各项呼吁,包括1994年5月17日秘书长给全体会员国的信[3] 中的呼吁未获适当响应感到遗憾,", "意识到必须为该部队提供必要的经费,使其能够履行安全理事会有关决议规定的职责,", "1. 请秘书长责成该特派团团长完全按照大会2005年6月22日第59/296号、2006年6月30日第60/266号、2007年6月29日第61/276号、2010年6月24日第64/269号和2011年6月30日第65/289号决议以及其他相关决议的规定编制今后的拟议预算;", "2. 表示注意到截至2011年4月30日联合国驻塞浦路斯维持和平部队摊款缴纳情况,包括未缴摊款1 790万美元,约占摊款总额的4%,关切地注意到只有47个会员国已足额缴纳摊款,并促请所有其他会员国,尤其是拖欠国,确保缴纳未缴摊款;", "3. 表示赞赏已足额缴纳摊款的会员国,并促请所有其他会员国尽力确保足额缴纳为该部队分摊的款项;", "4. 表示关切秘书长在部署最近一些维持和平特派团,特别是在非洲的特派团,及向其提供适当资源方面受到耽搁;", "5. 强调对今后和现有的所有维持和平特派团,在财政和行政安排方面应予平等对待,一视同仁;", "6. 又强调应向所有维持和平特派团提供适当资源,使其能够有成效、有效率地履行各自的任务;", "7. 请秘书长确保拟议维持和平预算以相关立法授权为依据;", "8. 认可行政和预算问题咨询委员会报告¹ 所载的结论和建议,但以符合本决议的规定为前提,并请秘书长确保予以充分落实;", "9. 注意到东道国政府和该部队迄今在军事特遣队人员以及该部队其他人员宿舍翻新方面取得的进展,请秘书长继续尽一切努力与东道国政府协作,确保翻新工程不再有任何拖延并按时完工,并在提交下一个预算时报告有关情况;", "10. 请秘书长确保大会第59/296 号、第60/266 号、第61/276号、第64/269号和第65/289号决议的相关规定得到充分执行;", "11. 又请秘书长采取一切必要行动,确保以最有效率、最节省的方式管理该部队;", "12. 还请秘书长确保准确规划飞行时数,以避免因实际飞行时数低于计划时数而出现支出节余的情况;", "13. 注意到已根据第65/289号决议的规定对批款总额作出调整;", "2009年7月1日至2010年6月30日期间财政执行情况报告", "14. 表示注意到秘书长关于2009年7月1日至2010年6月30日期间该部队财政执行情况的报告;[4]", "2011年7月1日至2012年6月30日期间预算估计数", "15. 决定批款60 121 200美元给联合国驻塞浦路斯维持和平部队特别账户,充作2011年7月1日至2012年6月30日期间的经费,其中包括该部队的维持费56 512 000美元、给维持和平行动支助账户的3 058 400美元以及给联合国后勤基地的550 800美元;", "批款的筹措", "16. 赞赏地注意到此项批款净额的三分之一,即19 114 267美元,将由塞浦路斯政府的自愿捐款提供,650万美元由希腊政府提供;", "17. 决定,考虑到大会2009年12月24日第64/248号决议规定的2011年和2012年分摊比额表,由会员国按照大会2009年12月24日第64/249号决议修订的等级分摊34 506 933美元,每月2 875 578美元,但以安全理事会决定延长该部队的任务为前提;", "18. 又决定,根据其1955年12月15日第973(X)号决议的规定,从上文第17段规定的会员国摊款中减除会员国在衡平征税基金内2 721 000美元中各自应分的数额,基金内的这笔款项包括该部队的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数 2 404 200美元、支助账户的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数中按比例应分的数额259 000 美元以及联合国后勤基地的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数中按比例应分的数额57 800美元;", "19. 还决定,对于已经履行对该部队财政义务的会员国,应考虑到大会第64/248号决议规定的2010年分摊比额表,按照大会第64/249号决议修订的等级,从上文第17段规定的摊款中减除2010年6月30日终了财政期间未支配余额和其他收入共计1 361 709美元中各自应分的数额;", "20. 决定,对于尚未履行对该部队财政义务的会员国,应按照上文第19段规定的办法,从其所欠款项中减除2010年6月30日终了财政期间未支配余额和其他收入共计1 361 709美元中各自应分的数额;", "21. 又决定,上文第19和第20段提及的1 361 709美元所产生的贷项应加上2010年6月30日终了财政期间工作人员薪金税收入估计数增加额255 600美元;", "22. 还决定,考虑到塞浦路斯政府对2010年6月30日终了财政期间的自愿捐款,2010年6月30日终了财政期间未支配余额和其他收入的三分之一,即828 604美元,应退还塞浦路斯政府;", "23. 决定,考虑到希腊政府对2010年6月30日终了财政期间的自愿捐款,2010年6月30日终了财政期间其他收入按比例应分的数额,即297 987美元,应退还希腊政府;", "24. 又决定,为该部队1993年6月16日以前期间设立的账户应继续单独开设,邀请会员国向该账户作出自愿捐款,并请秘书长继续努力,呼吁向该账户自愿捐款;", "25. 强调任何维持和平特派团都不得借用其他在役维持和平特派团的经费;", "26. 鼓励秘书长铭记安全理事会2003年8月26日第1502(2003)号决议第5和第6段,继续采取进一步措施,确保在联合国主持下参与该部队的所有人员的安全和安保;", "27. 邀请各方向该部队自愿捐助现金以及秘书长可以接受的服务和用品,这些捐助将按照大会规定的程序和做法适当管理;", "28. 决定将题为“联合国驻塞浦路斯维持和平部队经费的筹措”的项目列入大会第六十六届会议临时议程。", "[1] A/65/625和A/65/706。", "[2] A/65/743/Add.2。", "[3] S/1994/647。", "[4] A/65/625。" ]
[ "第六十五届会议", "议程项目146", "联合国驻塞浦路斯维持和平部队经费的筹措", "第五委员会的报告", "报告员:妮科尔·安·曼宁女士(爱尔兰)", "一. 导言", "* 由于技术原因重新印发。", "页: 1 1. 在2010年9月17日第2次全体会议上,大会根据总务委员会的建议,决定将题为“联合国驻塞浦路斯维持和平部队经费的筹措”的项目列入大会第六十五届会议议程,并分配给第五委员会。", "2. 结 论 2. 第五委员会在2011年5月5日和6月30日第34和42次会议上审议了该项目。 在委员会审议该项目过程中所作的发言和发表的意见,反映在有关简要记录(A/C.5/65/SR.34和42)中。", "3. 。 3. 在审议该项目时,委员会面前有下列文件:", "(a) 秘书长关于联合国驻塞浦路斯维持和平部队2009年7月1日至2010年6月30日期间预算执行情况的报告(A/63/625);", "(b) 秘书长关于联合国驻塞浦路斯维持和平部队2011年7月1日至2012年6月30日期间预算的报告(A/62/606);", "(c) 行政和预算问题咨询委员会的相关报告(A/62/643/Add.2)。", "II. 二. 决议草案A/C.5/65/L.39的审议情况", "4. 第四届会议 4. 在6月30日第42次会议上,委员会面前有委员会主席根据科特迪瓦代表协调的非正式协商提出的决议草案,题为“联合国驻塞浦路斯维持和平部队经费的筹措”(A/C.5/65/L.39)。", "5. 5. 在同次会议上,委员会未经表决通过了决议草案A/C.5/65/L.39(见第6段)。 。", "页: 1 三. 第五委员会的建议", "6. 任务 6. 第五委员会建议大会通过下列决议草案:", "联合国驻塞浦路斯维持和平部队经费的筹措", "大会,", "审议了秘书长关于联合国驻塞浦路斯维持和平部队经费筹措的报告 以及行政和预算问题咨询委员会的有关报告,", "回顾安全理事会1964年3月4日关于设立联合国驻塞浦路斯维持和平部队的第186(1964)号决议,以及安理会其后延长该部队任务的各项决议,最近的是2011年6月13日第1986(2011)号决议,其中安理会将该特派团的任务延长至2011年12月15日,", "又回顾其1993年9月14日关于该部队经费筹措的第47/236号决议及其后各项有关决议和决定,最近的是2010年6月24日第64/274号决议,", "重申其1963年6月27日第1874(S-IV)号、1973年12月11日第3101(XXVIII)号和2000年12月23日第55/235号决议阐述的联合国维持和平行动经费筹措一般原则,", "赞赏地注意到某些国家政府已向该部队作出自愿捐助,", "注意到自愿捐助不足以支付该部队的所有费用,包括部队派遣国政府在1993年6月16日之前产生的费用,并对吁请自愿捐助的呼吁,包括1994年5月17日秘书长给全体会员国的信[3]所载呼吁未获适当回应表示遗憾,", "意识到必须为该部队提供必要的经费,使其能够履行安全理事会有关决议规定的职责,", "页: 1 1. 请秘书长责成该特派团团长完全按照大会2005年6月22日第59/296号、2006年6月30日第60/266号、2007年6月29日第61/276号、2010年6月24日第64/269号和2011年6月30日第56/89号决议以及其他相关决议的规定编制今后的拟议预算;", "2. 结 论 1. 表示注意到截至2011年4月30日联合国驻塞浦路斯维持和平部队摊款的缴纳情况,包括未缴摊款1 790万美元,约占摊款总额的4%,关切地注意到只有47个会员国已足额缴纳摊款,并促请所有其他会员国,尤其是拖欠国,确保缴纳未缴摊款;", "3. 。 2. 表示赞赏已足额缴纳摊款的会员国,并促请所有其他会员国尽力确保足额缴纳为该部队分摊的款项;", "4. 第四届会议 2. 表示关切秘书长在部署最近一些维持和平特派团,特别是在非洲的特派团,及向其提供适当资源方面受到耽搁;", "5. 6. 强调对今后和现有的所有维持和平特派团,在财政和行政安排方面应予平等对待、一视同仁;", "6月 7. 又强调应为所有维持和平特派团提供适当资源,使其能够有成效、有效率地完成各自的任务;", "7. 基本考虑 8. 请秘书长确保拟议维持和平预算以相关立法授权为依据;", "8.8 2. 认可行政和预算问题咨询委员会报告2 所载的结论和建议,但以符合本决议的规定为前提,并请秘书长确保予以充分落实;", "9 September 2005 5. 注意到东道国政府和该部队迄今在军事特遣队人员以及该部队其他人员的住宿翻新方面取得的进展,请秘书长继续与东道国政府协调,尽力确保翻修工作按期完成,不再发生任何进一步拖延,并在提交下次预算时报告有关情况;", "10.10 8. 请秘书长确保大会第59/296号、第60/266号、第61/276号、第64/269号和第59/189号决议的相关规定得到充分执行;", "注 8. 又请秘书长采取一切必要行动,确保以最有效率、最节省的方式管理该部队;", "12. 第12段。 8. 还请秘书长确保准确规划飞行时数,以避免因实际飞行时数低于计划飞行时数而出现支出节余;", "13 August 2001 1. 注意到批款总额已依照第56/89号决议的规定作了调整;", "2009年7月1日至2010年6月30日期间财政执行情况报告", "十四、任 务 1. 注意到秘书长关于该部队2009年7月1日至2010年6月30日期间财政执行情况的报告;[4]", "2011年7月1日至2012年6月30日期间预算估计数", "15 10. 决定批款60 121 200美元给联合国驻塞浦路斯维持和平部队特别账户,充作2011年7月1日至2012年6月30日期间的经费,其中包括该部队的维持费56 512 000美元,给维持和平行动支助账户的3 058 400美元,以及给联合国后勤基地的550 800美元;", "批款的筹措", "161 2. 赞赏地注意到此项批款净额的三分之一,即19 114 267美元,将由塞浦路斯政府的自愿捐款提供,650万美元由希腊政府提供;", "17. 第17条。 15. 决定,考虑到2009年12月24日第64/248号决议规定的2011年和2012年分摊比额表,由会员国按照大会2009年12月24日第64/249号决议修订的等级分摊34 506 933美元,每月2 875 578美元,但以安全理事会决定延长该部队的任务为前提;", "第18条 18. 又决定,根据其1955年12月15日第973(X)号决议的规定,从上文第17段规定的会员国摊款中减除会员国在衡平征税基金内2 721 000美元中各自应分的数额,基金内的这笔款项包括该部队的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数2 404 200美元,支助账户的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数中按比例应分的数额259 000美元,以及联合国后勤基地的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数中按比例应分的数额57 800美元;", "191 20. 还决定,对于已经履行对该部队财政义务的会员国,考虑到大会第64/248号决议规定的2010年分摊比额表,并按照大会第64/249号决议修订的等级,从上文第17段规定的摊款中减除2010年6月30日终了财政期间未支配余额和其他收入1 361 709美元中各自应分的数额;", "20.20 2. 决定,对于尚未履行对该部队财政义务的会员国,按照上文第19段规定的办法,从其所欠款项中减除2010年6月30日终了财政期间未支配余额和其他收入1 361 709美元中各自应分的数额;", "21.21。 19. 又决定,上文第19和第20段提及的1 361 709美元所产生的贷项,应加上2010年6月30日终了财政期间工作人员薪金税收入估计数的增加额255 600美元;", "第22章 15. 还决定,考虑到塞浦路斯政府对2010年6月30日终了财政期间的自愿捐款,2010年6月30日终了财政期间未支配余额和其他收入的三分之一,即828 604美元,应退还塞浦路斯政府;", "23. 会议报告。 2. 决定,考虑到希腊政府对2010年6月30日终了财政期间的自愿捐款,将2010年6月30日终了财政期间其他收入297 987美元按比例分摊的份额退还希腊政府;", "24. 第24段。 17. 又决定,为该部队1993年6月16日以前期间设立的账户应继续单独开设,请会员国向该账户自愿捐款,并请秘书长继续努力呼吁向该账户自愿捐款;", "258. 6. 强调任何维持和平特派团都不得借用其他在役维持和平特派团的经费;", "262. 报 告 8. 鼓励秘书长铭记安全理事会2003年8月26日第1502(2003)号决议第5和第6段,继续采取进一步措施,确保在联合国主持下参与该部队的所有人员的安全和安保;", "。 5. 邀请各方向该部队自愿捐助现金以及秘书长可以接受的服务和用品,这些捐助将按照大会规定的程序和做法适当管理;", "第28次会议 9. 决定将题为“联合国驻塞浦路斯维持和平部队经费的筹措”的项目列入其第六十六届会议临时议程。", "页: 1", "页: 1", "[3] S/1994/647。", "[4] A/63/625。" ]
[ "* Reissued for technical reasons on 26 July 2011.", "Sixty-fifth session", "Agenda item 150", "Financing of the United Nations Integrated Mission in Timor-Leste", "Report of the Fifth Committee", "Rapporteur: Ms. Nicole Ann Mannion (Ireland)", "I. Introduction", "1. At its 2nd plenary meeting, on 17 September 2010, the General Assembly, on the recommendation of the General Committee, decided to include in the agenda of its sixty-fifth session the item entitled “Financing of the United Nations Integrated Mission in Timor-Leste” and to allocate it to the Fifth Committee.", "2. The Fifth Committee considered the item at its 34th and 42nd meetings, on 5 May and 30 June 2011. Statements and observations made in the course of the Committee’s consideration of the item are reflected in the relevant summary records (A/C.5/65/SR.34 and 42).", "3. For its consideration of the item, the Committee had before it the following documents:", "(a) Report of the Secretary-General on the budget performance of the United Nations Integrated Mission in Timor-Leste for the period from 1 July 2009 to 30 June 2010 (A/65/687);", "(b) Report of the Secretary-General on the budget for the United Nations Integrated Mission in Timor-Leste for the period from 1 July 2011 to 30 June 2012 (A/65/746);", "(c) Related report of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions (A/65/743/Add.6).", "II. Consideration of draft resolution A/C.5/65/L.41", "4. At its 42nd meeting, on 30 June, the Committee had before it a draft resolution entitled “Financing of the United Nations Integrated Mission in Timor-Leste” (A/C.5/65/L.41), submitted by the Chair of the Committee on the basis of informal consultations coordinated by the representative of Morocco.", "5. At the same meeting, the Committee adopted draft resolution A/C.5/65/L.41 without a vote (see para. 6).", "III. Recommendation of the Fifth Committee", "6. The Fifth Committee recommends to the General Assembly the adoption of the following draft resolution:", "Financing of the United Nations Integrated Mission in Timor-Leste", "The General Assembly,", "Having considered the reports of the Secretary-General on the financing of the United Nations Integrated Mission in Timor-Leste[1] and the related report of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions,[2]", "Recalling Security Council resolution 1704 (2006) of 25 August 2006, by which the Council decided to establish a follow-on mission in Timor-Leste, the United Nations Integrated Mission in Timor-Leste, for an initial period of six months, with the intention to renew it for further periods, and the subsequent resolutions by which the Council extended the mandate of the Mission, the latest of which was resolution 1969 (2011) of 24 February 2011, by which the Council extended the mandate of the Mission until 26 February 2012,", "Recalling also its resolutions 61/249 A of 22 December 2006 and 61/249 B of 2 April 2007 on the financing of the Mission and its subsequent resolutions thereon, the latest of which was resolution 64/276 of 24 June 2010,", "Reaffirming the general principles underlying the financing of United Nations peacekeeping operations, as stated in General Assembly resolutions 1874 (S-IV) of 27 June 1963, 3101 (XXVIII) of 11 December 1973 and 55/235 of 23 December 2000,", "Mindful of the fact that it is essential to provide the Mission with the financial resources necessary to enable it to fulfil its responsibilities under the relevant resolutions of the Security Council,", "1. Requests the Secretary-General to entrust the Head of Mission with the task of formulating future budget proposals in full accordance with the provisions of General Assembly resolutions 59/296 of 22 June 2005, 60/266 of 30 June 2006, 61/276 of 29 June 2007, 64/269 of 24 June 2010 and 65/289 of 30 June 2011, as well as other relevant resolutions;", "2. Takes note of the status of contributions to the United Nations Integrated Mission in Timor-Leste as at 30 April 2011, including the contributions outstanding in the amount of 56.1 million United States dollars, representing some 6.3 per cent of the total assessed contributions, notes with concern that only forty-two Member States have paid their assessed contributions in full, and urges all other Member States, in particular those in arrears, to ensure payment of their outstanding assessed contributions;", "3. Expresses its appreciation to those Member States which have paid their assessed contributions in full, and urges all other Member States to make every possible effort to ensure payment of their assessed contributions to the Mission in full;", "4. Expresses concern at the financial situation with regard to peacekeeping activities, in particular as regards the reimbursements to troop contributors that bear additional burdens owing to overdue payments by Member States of their assessments;", "5. Also expresses concern at the delay experienced by the Secretary-General in deploying and providing adequate resources to some recent peacekeeping missions, in particular those in Africa;", "6. Emphasizes that all future and existing peacekeeping missions shall be given equal and non-discriminatory treatment in respect of financial and administrative arrangements;", "7. Also emphasizes that all peacekeeping missions shall be provided with adequate resources for the effective and efficient discharge of their respective mandates;", "8. Requests the Secretary-General to ensure that proposed peacekeeping budgets are based on the relevant legislative mandates;", "9. Endorses the conclusions and recommendations contained in the report of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions,² subject to the provisions of the present resolution, and requests the Secretary-General to ensure their full implementation;", "10. Requests the Secretary-General to ensure the full implementation of the relevant provisions of its resolutions 59/296, 60/266, 61/276, 64/269 and 65/289;", "11. Also requests the Secretary-General to take all necessary action to ensure that the Mission is administered with a maximum of efficiency and economy;", "12. Notes that the overall level of appropriation has been adjusted in accordance with the terms of resolution 65/289;", "Financial performance report for the period from 1 July 2009 to 30 June 2010", "13. Takes note of the report of the Secretary-General on the financial performance of the Mission for the period from 1 July 2009 to 30 June 2010;[3]", "Budget estimates for the period from 1 July 2011 to 30 June 2012", "14. Decides to appropriate to the Special Account for the United Nations Integrated Mission in Timor-Leste the amount of 208,603,700 dollars for the period from 1 July 2011 to 30 June 2012, inclusive of 196,077,500 dollars for the maintenance of the Mission, 10,614,500 dollars for the support account for peacekeeping operations and 1,911,700 dollars for the United Nations Logistics Base at Brindisi, Italy;", "Financing of the appropriation", "15. Also decides to apportion among Member States the amount of 137,270,825 dollars for the period from 1 July 2011 to 26 February 2012, in accordance with the levels updated in General Assembly resolution 64/249 of 24 December 2009, and taking into account the scale of assessments for 2011 and 2012, as set out in its resolution 64/248 of 24 December 2009;", "16. Further decides that, in accordance with the provisions of its resolution 973 (X) of 15 December 1955, there shall be set off against the apportionment among Member States, as provided for in paragraph 15 above, their respective share in the Tax Equalization Fund of 6,760,632 dollars, comprising the estimated staff assessment income of 6,036,914 dollars approved for the Mission, the prorated share of 591,583 dollars of the estimated staff assessment income approved for the support account and the prorated share of 132,135 dollars of the estimated staff assessment income approved for the United Nations Logistics Base;", "17. Decides to apportion among Member States the amount of 71,332,875 dollars for the period from 27 February to 30 June 2012 at a monthly rate of 17,383,641 dollars, in accordance with the levels updated in General Assembly resolution 64/249, and taking into account the scale of assessments for 2011, as set out in its resolution 64/248, subject to a decision of the Security Council to extend the mandate of the Mission;", "18. Also decides that, in accordance with the provisions of its resolution 973 (X), there shall be set off against the apportionment among Member States, as provided for in paragraph 17 above, their respective share in the Tax Equalization Fund of 3,513,168 dollars, comprising the estimated staff assessment income of 3,137,086 dollars approved for the Mission, the prorated share of 307,417 dollars of the estimated staff assessment income approved for the support account and the prorated share of 68,665 dollars of the estimated staff assessment income approved for the United Nations Logistics Base;", "19. Further decides that, for Member States that have fulfilled their financial obligations to the Mission, there shall be set off against their apportionment, as provided for in paragraph 15 above, their respective share of the unencumbered balance and other income in the total amount of 17,795,500 dollars in respect of the financial period ended 30 June 2010, in accordance with the levels updated in General Assembly resolution 64/249, taking into account the scale of assessments for 2010, as set out in its resolution 64/248;", "20. Decides that, for Member States that have not fulfilled their financial obligations to the Mission, there shall be set off against their outstanding obligations their respective share of the unencumbered balance and other income in the total amount of 17,795,500 dollars in respect of the financial period ended 30 June 2010, in accordance with the scheme set out in paragraph 19 above;", "21. Also decides that the increase of 947,800 dollars in the estimated staff assessment income in respect of the financial period ended 30 June 2010 shall be added to the credits from the amount of 17,795,500 dollars referred to in paragraphs 19 and 20 above;", "22. Emphasizes that no peacekeeping mission shall be financed by borrowing funds from other active peacekeeping missions;", "23. Encourages the Secretary-General to continue to take additional measures to ensure the safety and security of all personnel participating in the Mission under the auspices of the United Nations, bearing in mind paragraphs 5 and 6 of Security Council resolution 1502 (2003) of 26 August 2003;", "24. Invites voluntary contributions to the Mission in cash and in the form of services and supplies acceptable to the Secretary-General, to be administered, as appropriate, in accordance with the procedures and practices established by the General Assembly;", "25. Decides to include in the provisional agenda of its sixty-sixth session the item entitled “Financing of the United Nations Integrated Mission in Timor-Leste”.", "[1] A/65/687 and A/65/746.", "[2] A/65/743/Add.6.", "[3] A/65/687." ]
[ "第六十五届会议", "议程项目150", "联合国东帝汶综合特派团经费的筹措", "第五委员会的报告", "^(*) 因技术原因于2011年7月26日重新印发。", "报告员:尼科尔·安·曼尼农女士(爱尔兰)", "一. 导言", "1. 在2010年9月17日第2次全体会议上,大会根据总务委员会的建议,决定将题为“联合国东帝汶综合特派团经费的筹措”的项目列入第六十五届会议议程,并分配给第五委员会。", "2. 第五委员会在2011年5月5日和6月30日第34和42次会议上审议了该项目。在委员会审议该项目过程中所作的发言和发表的意见,反映在有关简要记录(A/C.5/65/SR.34和42)中。", "3. 在审议该项目时,委员会面前有下列文件:", "(a) 秘书长关于联合国东帝汶综合特派团2009年7月1日至2010年6月30日期间预算执行情况的报告(A/65/687);", "(b) 秘书长关于联合国东帝汶综合特派团2011年7月1日至2012年6月30日期间预算的报告(A/65/746);", "(C) 行政和预算问题咨询委员会的有关报告(A/65/743/Add.6)。", "二. 决议草案A/C.5/65/L.41的审议情况", "4. 在6月30日第42次会议上,委员会面前有委员会主席根据摩洛哥代表协调的非正式协商提出的决议草案,题为“联合国东帝汶综合特派团经费的筹措”(A/C.5/65/L.41)。", "5. 在同次会议上,委员会未经表决通过了决议草案A/C.5/65/L.41(见第6段)。", "三. 第五委员会的建议", "6. 第五委员会建议大会通过以下决议草案:", "联合国东帝汶综合特派团经费的筹措", "大会,", "审议了秘书长关于联合国东帝汶综合特派团经费筹措的报告[1] 以及行政和预算问题咨询委员会的有关报告,[2]", "回顾安全理事会2006年8月25日第1704(2004)号决议,安理会在其中决定,在东帝汶成立一个后续特派团——联合国东帝汶综合特派团,最初为期6个月,并打算延长若干期,并回顾安理会其后延长该特派团任务的各项决议,最近的是2011年2月24日第1969(2011)号决议,安理会在其中将该特派团的任务延长至2012年2月26日,", "又回顾其关于该特派团经费筹措的2006年12月22日第61/249 A号和2007年4月2日第61/249 B号决议及其后各项有关决议,最近的是2010年6月24日第64/276号决议,", "重申其1963年6月27日第1874(S-IV)号、1973年12月11日第3101(XXVIII)号和2000年12月23日第55/235号决议阐述的联合国维持和平行动经费筹措一般原则,", "意识到必须向该特派团提供必要的财政资源,使其能够履行安全理事会有关决议规定的职责,", "1. 请秘书长责成该特派团团长完全按照大会2005年6月22日第59/296号、2006年6月30日第60/266号、2007年6月29日第61/276号、2010年6月24日第64/269号和2011年6月30日第65/289号决议及其他相关决议的规定编制今后的拟议预算;", "2. 表示注意到截至2011年4月30日联合国东帝汶综合特派团摊款的缴纳情况,包括未缴摊款5 610万美元,约占摊款总额的6.3%,关切地注意到只有42个会员国已足额缴纳摊款,并敦促所有其他会员国,尤其是拖欠国,确保缴纳未缴摊款;", "3. 表示赞赏已足额缴纳摊款的会员国,并敦促所有其他会员国尽力确保足额缴纳为该特派团分摊的款项;", "4. 表示关切维持和平活动的财政状况,特别是向部队派遣国偿还费用的情况,这些国家因会员国逾期未缴摊款而承受额外负担;", "5. 又表示关切秘书长在部署最近的一些维持和平特派团,特别是在非洲的特派团,及向其提供适当资源方面遇到拖延;", "6. 强调在财政和行政安排方面对今后和现有的所有维持和平特派团应予平等对待、一视同仁;", "7. 又强调应向所有维持和平特派团提供适当资源,使其能够有成效、有效率地执行各自的任务;", "8. 请秘书长确保拟议维和预算以相关立法授权为依据;", "9. 认可行政和预算问题咨询委员会报告² 所载结论和建议,但以符合本决议的规定为前提,并请秘书长确保予以充分落实;", "10. 请秘书长确保充分执行第59/296号、第60/266号、第61/276号、第64/269号和第65/289号决议的相关规定;", "11. 又请秘书长采取一切必要行动,确保以最有效、最节省的方式管理该特派团;", "12. 注意到批款总额已根据第65/289号决议的规定进行了调整;", "2009年7月1日至2010年6月30日期间财政执行情况报告", "13. 注意到秘书长关于该特派团2009年7月1日至2010年6月30日期间财政执行情况的报告;[3]", "2011年7月1日至2012年6月30日期间预算估计数", "14. 决定批款208 603 700美元给联合国东帝汶综合特派团特别账户,充作2011年7月1日至2012年6月30日期间的经费,其中包括该特派团维持费196 077 500美元、给维护和平行动支助账户的10 614 500美元和给意大利布林迪西联合国后勤基地的1 911 700美元;", "批款的筹措", "15. 又决定,考虑到2009年12月24日第64/248号决议规定的2011年和2012年分摊比额表,由会员国按照其2009年12月24日第64/249号决议修订的等级分摊137 270 825美元,充作2011年7月1日至2012年2月26日期间的经费;", "16. 还决定,根据其1955年12月15日第973(X)号决议的规定,从上文第15段规定的会员国摊款中减除会员国在衡平征税基金内6 760 632美元中各自应分的数额,基金内的这笔款项包括该特派团的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数6 036 914美元、支助账户的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数中按比例应分的数额591 583美元和联合国后勤基地的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数中按比例应分的数额132 135美元;", "17. 决定,考虑到大会第64/248号决议规定的2011年分摊比额表,由会员国按照其第64/249号决议修订的等级分摊71 332 875美元,每月17 383 641美元,充作2012年2月27日至6月30日期间的经费,但以安全理事会决定延长该特派团的任务为前提;", "18. 又决定,根据其第973(X)号决议的规定,从上文第17段规定的会员国摊款中减除会员国在衡平征税基金内3 513 168美元中各自应分的数额,基金内的这笔款项包括该特派团的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数3 137 086美元、支助账户的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数中按比例应分的数额307 417美元和联合国后勤基地的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数中按比例应分的数额68 665美元;", "19. 还决定对于已经履行对该特派团财政义务的会员国,应按照大会第64/249号决议修订的等级,并考虑到第64/248号决议规定的2010年分摊比额表,从上文第15段规定的摊款中减除其在2010年6月30日终了财政期间未支配余额和其他收入共计17 795 500美元中各自应分的数额;", "20. 决定,对于尚未履行对该特派团财政义务的会员国,应按照上文第19段规定的办法,从其所欠款项中减除其在2010年6月30日终了财政期间未支配余额和其他收入共计17 795 500美元中各自应分的数额;", "21. 又决定,上文第19和20段所述17 795 500美元所产生的贷项中加上2010年6月30日终了财政期间工作人员薪金税收入估计数的增加额947 800美元;", "22. 强调任何维持和平特派团都不得借用其他在役维持和平特派团的经费;", "23. 鼓励秘书长铭记安全理事会2003年8月26日第1502(2003)号决议第5和6段,继续采取进一步措施,确保在联合国主持下参与该特派团的所有人员的安全和安保;", "24. 邀请各方向该特派团自愿捐助现金及秘书长可以接受的服务和用品,这些捐助将酌情按照大会规定的程序和做法管理;", "25. 决定将题为“联合国东帝汶综合特派团经费的筹措”的项目列入其第六十六届会议临时议程。", "[1] A/65/687和A/65/746。", "[2] A/65/743/Add.6。", "[3] A/65/687。" ]
[ "* 由于技术原因重新印发。", "第六十五届会议", "议程项目150", "联合国东帝汶综合特派团经费的筹措", "第五委员会的报告", "报告员:妮科尔·安·曼宁女士(爱尔兰)", "一. 导言", "页: 1 1. 在2010年9月17日第2次全体会议上,大会根据总务委员会的建议,决定将题为“联合国东帝汶综合特派团经费的筹措”的项目列入大会第六十五届会议议程,并分配给第五委员会。", "2. 结 论 2. 第五委员会在2011年5月5日和6月30日第34和42次会议上审议了该项目。 在委员会审议该项目过程中所作的发言和发表的意见,反映在有关简要记录(A/C.5/65/SR.34和42)中。", "3. 。 3. 在审议该项目时,委员会面前有下列文件:", "(a) 秘书长关于联合国东帝汶综合特派团2009年7月1日至2010年6月30日期间预算执行情况的报告(A/63/687);", "(b) 秘书长关于联合国东帝汶综合特派团2011年7月1日至2012年6月30日期间预算的报告(A/62/646);", "(c) 行政和预算问题咨询委员会的相关报告(A/62/643/Add.6)。", "II. 二. 决议草案A/C.5/65/L.41的审议情况", "4. 第四届会议 4. 在6月30日第42次会议上,委员会面前有委员会主席根据摩洛哥代表协调的非正式协商提出的决议草案,题为“联合国东帝汶综合特派团经费的筹措”(A/C.5/65/L.41)。", "5. 5. 在同次会议上,委员会未经表决通过了决议草案A/C.5/65/L.41(见第6段)。 。", "页: 1 三. 第五委员会的建议", "6. 任务 6. 第五委员会建议大会通过下列决议草案:", "联合国东帝汶综合特派团经费的筹措", "大会,", "审议了秘书长关于联合国东帝汶综合特派团经费筹措的报告 以及行政和预算问题咨询委员会的有关报告,", "回顾安全理事会2006年8月25日第1704(2006)号决议,其中安理会决定在东帝汶设立一个后续特派团,即联合国东帝汶综合特派团,最初为期六个月,并打算继续延长,并回顾安理会其后延长该特派团任务的各项决议,最近的是2011年2月24日第1969(2011)号决议,其中安理会将该特派团的任务延长至2012年2月26日,", "又回顾其关于该特派团经费筹措的2006年12月22日第61/249 A号和2007年4月2日第61/249 B号决议及其后各项有关决议,最近的是2010年6月24日第64/276号决议,", "重申其1963年6月27日第1874(S-IV)号、1973年12月11日第3101(XXVIII)号和2000年12月23日第55/235号决议阐述的联合国维持和平行动经费筹措一般原则,", "意识到必须为该特派团提供必要的经费,使其能够履行安全理事会有关决议规定的职责,", "页: 1 1. 请秘书长责成该特派团团长完全按照大会2005年6月22日第59/296号、2006年6月30日第60/266号、2007年6月29日第61/276号、2010年6月24日第64/269号和2011年6月30日第56/89号决议以及其他相关决议的规定编制今后的拟议预算;", "2. 结 论 1. 表示注意到截至2011年4月30日联合国东帝汶综合特派团摊款的缴纳情况,包括未缴摊款5 610万美元,约占摊款总额的6.3%,关切地注意到只有42个会员国已足额缴纳摊款,并促请所有其他会员国,尤其是拖欠国,确保缴纳未缴摊款;", "3. 。 2. 表示赞赏已足额缴纳摊款的会员国,并促请所有其他会员国尽力确保足额缴纳为该特派团分摊的款项;", "4. 第四届会议 2. 表示关切维持和平活动的财政状况,特别是向部队派遣国偿还费用的情况,这些国家因会员国逾期未缴摊款而承受额外负担;", "5. 5. 又表示关切秘书长在部署最近一些维持和平特派团,特别是在非洲的特派团,及向其提供适当资源方面受到耽搁;", "6. 任务 6. 强调对今后和现有的所有维持和平特派团,在财政和行政安排方面应予平等对待、一视同仁;", "7. 基本考虑 7. 又强调应为所有维持和平特派团提供适当资源,使其能够有成效、有效率地完成各自的任务;", "8.8 8. 请秘书长确保拟议维持和平预算以相关立法授权为依据;", "9 September 2005 2. 认可行政和预算问题咨询委员会报告2 所载的结论和建议,但以符合本决议的规定为前提,并请秘书长确保予以充分落实;", "10.10 8. 请秘书长确保大会第59/296号、第60/266号、第61/276号、第64/269号和第59/189号决议的相关规定得到充分执行;", "注 8. 又请秘书长采取一切必要行动,确保以最有效率、最节省的方式管理该特派团;", "12. 第12段。 1. 注意到批款总额已依照第56/89号决议的规定作了调整;", "2009年7月1日至2010年6月30日期间财政执行情况报告", "13 August 2001 1. 注意到秘书长关于该特派团2009年7月1日至2010年6月30日期间财政执行情况的报告;", "2011年7月1日至2012年6月30日期间预算估计数", "十四、任 务 10. 决定批款208 603 700美元给联合国东帝汶综合特派团特别账户,充作2011年7月1日至2012年6月30日期间的经费,其中包括该特派团的维持费196 077 500美元,给维持和平行动支助账户的10 614 500美元,以及给意大利布林迪西联合国后勤基地的1 911 700美元;", "批款的筹措", "15 18. 又决定,考虑到大会2009年12月24日第64/248号决议规定的2011年和2012年分摊比额表,由会员国按照大会2009年12月24日第64/249号决议修订的等级分摊137 270 825美元,充作2011年7月1日至2012年2月26日期间的经费;", "161 18. 还决定,根据其1955年12月15日第973(X)号决议的规定,从上文第15段规定的会员国摊款中减除会员国在衡平征税基金内6 760 632美元中各自应分的数额,基金内的这笔款项包括该特派团的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数6 036 914美元,支助账户的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数中按比例应分的数额591 583美元,以及联合国后勤基地的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数中按比例应分的数额132 135美元;", "17. 第17条。 15. 决定,考虑到大会第64/248号决议规定的2011年分摊比额表,由会员国按照大会第64/249号决议修订的等级分摊71 332 875美元,每月17 383 641美元,充作2012年2月27日至6月30日期间的经费,但以安全理事会决定延长该特派团的任务为前提;", "第18条 18. 又决定,根据其第973(X)号决议的规定,从上文第17段规定的会员国摊款中减除会员国在衡平征税基金内3 513 168美元中各自应分的数额,基金内的这笔款项包括该特派团的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数3 137 086美元,支助账户的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数中按比例应分的数额307 417美元,以及联合国后勤基地的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数中按比例应分的数额68 665美元;", "191 20. 还决定,对于已经履行对该特派团财政义务的会员国,考虑到大会第64/248号决议规定的2010年分摊比额表,并按照大会第64/249号决议修订的等级,从上文第15段规定的摊款中减除2010年6月30日终了财政期间未支配余额和其他收入共计17 795 500美元中各自应分的数额;", "20.20 2. 决定,对于尚未履行对该特派团财政义务的会员国,按照上文第19段规定的办法,从其所欠款项中减除2010年6月30日终了财政期间未支配余额和其他收入共计17 795 500美元中各自应分的数额;", "21.21。 17. 又决定,上文第19和第20段提及的17 795 500美元所产生的贷项,应加上2010年6月30日终了财政期间工作人员薪金税收入估计数的增加额947 800美元;", "第22章 6. 强调任何维持和平特派团都不得借用其他在役维持和平特派团的经费;", "23. 会议报告。 8. 鼓励秘书长铭记安全理事会2003年8月26日第1502(2003)号决议第5和第6段,继续采取进一步措施,确保在联合国主持下参与该特派团的所有人员的安全和安保;", "24. 第24段。 5. 邀请各方向该特派团自愿捐助现金以及秘书长可以接受的服务和用品,这些捐助将按照大会规定的程序和做法适当管理;", "258. 9. 决定将题为“联合国东帝汶综合特派团经费的筹措”的项目列入其第六十六届会议临时议程。", "页: 1", "页: 1", "[3] A/63/687。" ]
[ "Sixty-fifth session", "Agenda item 153", "Financing of the United Nations Stabilization Mission in Haiti", "Report of the Fifth Committee [1]", "Rapporteur: Ms. Nicole Ann Mannion (Ireland)", "I. Introduction", "1. The previous recommendation made by the Fifth Committee to the General Assembly under agenda item 153 appears in the report of the Committee contained in document A/65/655.", "2. The Fifth Committee resumed its consideration of the item at its 37th and 42nd meetings, on 13 May and 30 June 2011. Statements and observations made in the course of the Committee’s consideration of the item are reflected in the relevant summary records (A/C.5/65/SR.37 and 42).", "3. For its consideration of the item, the Committee had before it the following documents:", "(a) Report of the Secretary-General on the budget performance of the United Nations Stabilization Mission in Haiti for the period from 1 July 2009 to 30 June 2010 (A/65/703 and Corr.1);", "(b) Report of the Secretary-General on the budget for the United Nations Stabilization Mission in Haiti for the period from 1 July 2011 to 30 June 2012 (A/65/776);", "(c) Related report of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions (A/65/743/Add.15).", "II. Consideration of draft resolution A/C.5/65/L.42", "4. At its 42nd meeting, on 30 June, the Committee had before it a draft resolution entitled “Financing of the United Nations Stabilization Mission in Haiti” (A/C.5/65/L.42), submitted by the Chair of the Committee on the basis of informal consultations coordinated by the representative of Kenya.", "5. At the same meeting, the Committee adopted draft resolution A/C.5/65/L.42 without a vote (see para. 6).", "III. Recommendation of the Fifth Committee", "6. The Fifth Committee recommends to the General Assembly the adoption of the following draft resolution:", "Financing of the United Nations Stabilization Mission in Haiti", "The General Assembly,", "Having considered the reports of the Secretary-General on the financing of the United Nations Stabilization Mission in Haiti[2] and the related report of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions,[3]", "Recalling Security Council resolution 1529 (2004) of 29 February 2004, by which the Council declared its readiness to establish a United Nations stabilization force to support continuation of a peaceful and constitutional political process and the maintenance of a secure and stable environment in Haiti,", "Recalling also Security Council resolution 1542 (2004) of 30 April 2004, by which the Council decided to establish the United Nations Stabilization Mission in Haiti for an initial period of six months, and the subsequent resolutions by which the Council extended the mandate of the Mission, the latest of which was resolution 1944 (2010) of 14 October 2010, by which the Security Council decided to extend the mandate of the Mission until 15 October 2011 and to maintain the current overall force levels, which consist of a military component of up to 8,940 troops of all ranks and of a police component of up to 4,391 police,", "Recalling further its resolution 58/315 of 1 July 2004,", "Recalling its resolution 58/311 of 18 June 2004 on the financing of the Mission and its subsequent resolutions thereon, the latest of which was resolution 65/256 of 24 December 2010,", "Reaffirming the general principles underlying the financing of United Nations peacekeeping operations, as stated in General Assembly resolutions 1874 (S-IV) of 27 June 1963, 3101 (XXVIII) of 11 December 1973 and 55/235 of 23 December 2000,", "Mindful of the fact that it is essential to provide the Mission with the financial resources necessary to enable it to fulfil its responsibilities under the relevant resolutions of the Security Council,", "1. Requests the Secretary-General to entrust the Head of Mission with the task of formulating future budget proposals in full accordance with the provisions of General Assembly resolutions 59/296 of 22 June 2005, 60/266 of 30 June 2006, 61/276 of 29 June 2007, 64/269 of 24 June 2010 and 65/289 of 30 June 2011, as well as other relevant resolutions;", "2. Takes note of the status of contributions to the United Nations Stabilization Mission in Haiti as at 30 April 2011, including the contributions outstanding in the amount of 129.8 million United States dollars, representing some 4 per cent of the total assessed contributions, notes with concern that only forty-six Member States have paid their assessed contributions in full, and urges all other Member States, in particular those in arrears, to ensure payment of their outstanding assessed contributions;", "3. Expresses its appreciation to those Member States which have paid their assessed contributions in full, and urges all other Member States to make every possible effort to ensure payment of their assessed contributions to the Mission in full;", "4. Expresses concern at the financial situation with regard to peacekeeping activities, in particular as regards the reimbursements to troop contributors that bear additional burdens owing to overdue payments by Member States of their assessments;", "5. Also expresses concern at the delay experienced by the Secretary-General in deploying and providing adequate resources to some recent peacekeeping missions, in particular those in Africa;", "6. Emphasizes that all future and existing peacekeeping missions shall be given equal and non-discriminatory treatment in respect of financial and administrative arrangements;", "7. Also emphasizes that all peacekeeping missions shall be provided with adequate resources for the effective and efficient discharge of their respective mandates;", "8. Requests the Secretary-General to ensure that proposed peacekeeping budgets are based on the relevant legislative mandates;", "9. Endorses the conclusions and recommendations contained in the report of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions,² subject to the provisions of the present resolution, and requests the Secretary-General to ensure their full implementation;", "10. Affirms that qualified candidates who are of Haitian origin and are holders of other nationalities are eligible to apply for international posts in the Mission, in compliance with the relevant United Nations legislative mandates and guidelines on recruitment and selection;", "11. Expresses deep concern over the continuing high vacancy rate in the Mission, especially in the National temporary positions, and its negative impact on the work of the Mission;", "12. Requests the Secretary-General to keep under review the Mission requirements for the “tiger team”;", "13. Regrets that the share of procurement activities awarded to local vendors has substantially decreased during the current financial year, and reiterates its request to the Secretary-General to ensure that the Mission increase procurement opportunities for local vendors;", "14. Recalls paragraph 41 of the report of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions,² and requests the Secretary-General to ensure the efficient, expeditious and full implementation of the total amount allocated to quick-impact projects for the period from 1 July 2011 to 30 June 2012 in order, inter alia, to contribute to the recovery effort and foster better relations with the local communities;", "15. Requests the Secretary-General, in submitting his next budget proposal for the Mission, to fully review current needs assessments on the ground regarding quick-impact projects, taking into account the related guidelines of the Department of Peacekeeping Operations of the Secretariat on quick-impact projects;", "16. Recalls paragraph 7, section III, of its resolution 64/269;", "17. Reaffirms the important role of the expanded community violence reduction approach in the post-earthquake context, in particular in assisting the displaced people and those living in violence-affected neighbourhoods;", "18. Requests the Secretary-General to strengthen coordination among the Mission, the United Nations country team and other United Nations entities, including in addressing the root causes of unexpected emergencies, such as the situation resulting from the cholera outbreak;", "19. Also requests the Secretary-General to intensify his efforts to put into effect measures to mitigate the environmental impact of the Mission on Haiti;", "20. Further requests the Secretary-General to ensure the full implementation of the relevant provisions of its resolutions 59/296, 60/266, 61/276, 64/269 and 65/289;", "21. Requests the Secretary-General to take all necessary action to ensure that the Mission is administered with a maximum of efficiency and economy;", "22. Notes that the overall level of appropriation has been adjusted in accordance with the terms of its resolution 65/289;", "Financial performance report for the period from 1 July 2009 to 30 June 2010", "23. Takes note of the report of the Secretary-General on the financial performance of the Mission for the period from 1 July 2009 to 30 June 2010;[4]", "Budget estimates for the period from 1 July 2011 to 30 June 2012", "24. Decides to appropriate to the Special Account for the United Nations Stabilization Mission in Haiti the amount of 844,258,700 dollars for the period from 1 July 2011 to 30 June 2012, inclusive of 793,517,100 dollars for the maintenance of the Mission, 42,997,600 dollars for the support account for peacekeeping operations and 7,744,000 dollars for the United Nations Logistics Base at Brindisi, Italy;", "Financing of the appropriation", "25. Also decides to apportion among Member States the amount of 246,242,100 dollars for the period from 1 July to 15 October 2011, in accordance with the levels updated in General Assembly resolution 64/249 of 24 December 2009, and taking into account the scale of assessments for 2011, as set out in Assembly resolution 64/248 of 24 December 2009;", "26. Further decides that, in accordance with the provisions of its resolution 973 (X) of 15 December 1955, there shall be offset against the apportionment among Member States, as provided for in paragraph 25 above, their respective share in the Tax Equalization Fund of 6,569,900 dollars, comprising the estimated staff assessment income of 5,270,400 dollars approved for the Mission, the prorated share of 1,062,200 dollars of the estimated staff assessment income approved for the support account and the prorated share of 237,300 dollars of the estimated staff assessment income approved for the United Nations Logistics Base;", "27. Decides to apportion among Member States the amount of 598,016,600 dollars for the period from 16 October 2011 to 30 June 2012 at a monthly rate of 70,354,892 dollars, in accordance with the levels updated in its resolution 64/249, and taking into account the scale of assessments for 2011 and 2012, as set out in its resolution 64/248, subject to a decision of the Security Council to extend the mandate of the Mission;", "28. Also decides that, in accordance with the provisions of its resolution 973 (X), there shall be offset against the apportionment among Member States, as provided for in paragraph 27 above, their respective share in the Tax Equalization Fund of 15,955,400 dollars, comprising the estimated staff assessment income of 12,799,600 dollars approved for the Mission, the prorated share of 2,579,500 dollars of the estimated staff assessment income approved for the support account and the prorated share of 576,300 dollars of the estimated staff assessment income approved for the United Nations Logistics Base;", "29. Further decides that, for Member States that have fulfilled their financial obligations to the Mission, there shall be offset against their apportionment, as provided for in paragraph 25 above, their respective share of the unencumbered balance and other income in the total amount of 26,755,500 dollars in respect of the financial period ended 30 June 2010, in accordance with the levels updated in its resolution 64/249, and taking into account the scale of assessments for 2010, as set out in its resolution 64/248;", "30. Decides that, for Member States that have not fulfilled their financial obligations to the Mission, there shall be offset against their outstanding obligations their respective share of the unencumbered balance and other income in the total amount of 26,755,500 dollars in respect of the financial period ended 30 June 2010, in accordance with the scheme set out in paragraph 29 above;", "31. Also decides that the increase in the estimated staff assessment income of 85,500 dollars in respect of the financial period ended 30 June 2010 shall be added to the credits from the amount of 26,755,500 dollars referred to in paragraphs 29 and 30 above;", "32. Emphasizes that no peacekeeping mission shall be financed by borrowing funds from other active peacekeeping missions;", "33. Encourages the Secretary-General to continue to take additional measures to ensure the safety and security of all personnel participating in the Mission under the auspices of the United Nations, bearing in mind paragraphs 5 and 6 of Security Council resolution 1502 (2003) of 26 August 2003;", "34. Invites voluntary contributions to the Mission in cash and in the form of services and supplies acceptable to the Secretary-General, to be administered, as appropriate, in accordance with the procedures and practices established by the General Assembly;", "35. Decides to include in the provisional agenda of its sixty-sixth session the item entitled “Financing of the United Nations Stabilization Mission in Haiti”.", "[1] * Reissued for technical reasons on 26 July 2011.", "[2] A/65/703 and Corr.1 and A/65/776.", "[3] A/65/743/Add.15.", "[4] A/65/703 and Corr.1." ]
[ "第六十五届会议", "议程项目153", "^(*) 因技术原因于2011年7月26日重新印发。", "联合国海地稳定特派团经费的筹措", "第五委员会的报告", "报告员:尼科尔·安·曼尼农女士(爱尔兰)", "一. 导言", "1. 第五委员会以往在议程项目153下向大会提出的建议见A/65/655号文件所载的委员会报告。", "2. 第五委员会在2011年5月13日和6月30日第37和42次会议上继续审议该项目。在委员会审议该项目过程中所作的发言和发表的意见,反映在有关简要记录(A/C.5/65/SR.37和42)中。", "3. 在审议该项目时,委员会面前有下列报告:", "(a) 秘书长关于联合国海地稳定特派团2009年7月1日至2010年6月30日期间预算执行情况的报告(A/65/703和更正);", "(b) 秘书长关于联合国海地稳定特派团2011年7月1日至2012年6月30日期间预算的报告(A/65/776);", "(c) 行政和预算问题咨询委员会的有关报告(A/65/743/Add.15)。", "二. 决议草案A/C.5/65/L.42的审议情况", "4. 在6月30日第42次会议上,委员会面前有委员会主席根据肯尼亚代表协调的非正式协商提出的决议草案,题为“联合国海地稳定特派团经费的筹措”(A/C.5/65/L.42)。", "5. 在同次会议上,委员会未经表决通过了决议草案A/C.5/65/L.42(见第6段)。", "三. 第五委员会的建议", "6. 第五委员会建议大会通过下列决议草案:", "联合国海地稳定特派团经费的筹措", "大会,", "审议了秘书长关于联合国海地稳定特派团经费筹措的报告[1] 以及行政和预算问题咨询委员会的有关报告,[2]", "回顾安全理事会2004年2月29日第1529(2004)号决议,其中安理会宣布准备在海地建立一支联合国稳定部队,协助继续推进和平与宪政进程,并协助维护安全稳定的环境,", "又回顾安全理事会2004年4月30日第1542(2004)号决议,其中安理会决定设立联合国海地稳定特派团,最初为期6个月,及其后安理会延长该特派团任务的各项决议,最近的是2010年10月14日第1944(2010)号决议,其中安全理事会决定将该特派团的任务延长至2011年10月15日,并继续维持现有的总兵力,目前有一个最多有8 940名各级官兵的军事部门和一个最多有4 391名警察的警察部门,", "还回顾大会2004年7月1日第58/315号决议,", "回顾其关于该特派团经费筹措的2004年6月18日第58/311号决议及其后各项有关决议,最近的是2010年12月24日第65/256号决议,", "重申大会1963年6月27日第1874(S–IV)号、1973年12月11日第3101(XXVIII)号和2000年12月23日第55/235号决议阐述的联合国维持和平行动经费筹措一般原则,", "意识到必须向该特派团提供必要的财政资源,使其能够履行安全理事会有关决议规定的职责,", "1. 请秘书长责成该特派团团长完全按照大会2005年6月22日第59/296号、2006年6月30日第60/266号、2007年6月29日第61/276号、2010年6月24日第64/269号和2011年6月30日第65/289 号决议以及其他相关决议的规定编制今后的拟议预算;", "2. 表示注意到截至2011年4月30日联合国海地稳定特派团摊款缴纳情况,包括未缴摊款1.298亿美元,约占摊款总额的4%,关切地注意到只有46个会员国已足额缴纳摊款,并促请所有其他会员国,尤其是拖欠国,确保缴纳未缴摊款;", "3. 表示赞赏已足额缴纳摊款的会员国,并促请所有其他会员国尽力确保足额缴纳为该特派团分摊的款项;", "4. 表示关切维持和平活动的财政状况,特别是向部队派遣国偿还费用的情况,这些国家因会员国逾期未缴摊款而承受额外负担;", "5. 又表示关切秘书长在部署最近一些维持和平特派团,特别是在非洲的特派团,及向其提供适当资源方面受到耽搁;", "6. 强调对今后和现有的所有维持和平特派团,在财政和行政安排方面应予平等对待、一视同仁;", "7. 又强调应向所有维持和平特派团提供适当资源,使其能够有成效、有效率地履行各自的任务;", "8. 请秘书长确保拟议维持和平预算以相关立法授权为依据;", "9. 认可行政和预算问题咨询委员会报告² 所载的结论和建议,但以符合本决议的规定为前提,并请秘书长确保予以充分落实;", "10. 申明原籍海地并具有其他国籍的合格候选人有资格依照联合国关于征聘与甄选的有关立法授权和准则,申请该特派团的国际员额;", "11. 表示深为关切特派团空缺率持续较高,尤其是本国临时职位的空缺率持续较高,及其对该特派团工作的消极影响;", "12. 请秘书长持续审查该特派团对“老虎小组”的需要;", "13. 遗憾地注意到,给予当地供应商的采购活动份额在本财政年度大幅减少,再次请秘书长确保该特派团增加当地供应商的采购机会;", "14. 回顾行政和预算问题咨询委员会报告² 第41段,请秘书长确保有效率、迅速和充分地落实分配给2011年7月1日至2012年6月30日期间速效项目的总额,以便除其他外,促进恢复工作,并与当地社区营造更好的关系;", "15. 请秘书长在提交该特派团下一个拟议预算时,充分审查实地关于速效项目当前需要的评估,同时考虑到秘书处维持和平行动部关于速效项目的相关准则;", "16. 回顾其第64/269号决议第三节第7段;", "17. 重申进一步减少社区暴力的做法在地震后情况下的重要作用,尤其在援助流离失所者和居住在暴力频发社区的人们方面;", "18. 请秘书长加强该特派团、联合国国家工作队和其他联合国实体之间的协调,包括在处理诸如霍乱爆发造成的状况等突发紧急事件的根源方面加强协调;", "19. 又请秘书长加大努力,实施措施,以减轻该特派团对海地的环境影响;", "20. 还请秘书长确保第59/296、60/266、61/276、64/269和65/289号决议的相关规定得到充分执行;", "21. 请秘书长采取一切必要行动,确保以最有效率、最节省的方式管理该特派团;", "22. 注意到已根据第65/289号决议的规定对批款总额作出调整;", "2009年7月1日至2010年6月30日期间财政执行情况报告", "23. 表示注意到秘书长关于该特派团2009年7月1日至2010年6月30日期间财政执行情况的报告;[3]", "2011年7月1日至2012年6月30日期间预算估计数", "24. 决定批款844 258 700美元给联合国海地稳定特派团特别账户,充作2011年7月1日至2012年6月30日期间的经费,其中包括该特派团的维持费793 517 100美元、给维持和平行动支助账户的42 997 600美元以及给意大利布林迪西联合国后勤基地的7 744 000美元;", "批款的筹措", "25. 又决定,考虑到大会2009年12月24日第64/248号决议规定的2011年分摊比额表,由会员国按照大会2009年12月24日第64/249号决议修订的等级分摊246 242 100美元,充作2011年7月1日至10月15日期间的经费;", "26. 还决定,根据大会1955年12月15日第973(X)号决议的规定,从上文第25段规定的会员国摊款中减除会员国在衡平征税基金内6 569 900美元中各自应分的数额,基金内的这笔款项包括该特派团的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数5 270 400美元、支助账户的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数中按比例应分的数额1 062 200美元和联合国后勤基地的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数中按比例应分的数额237 300美元;", "27. 决定,考虑到其第64/248号决议规定的2011年和2012年分摊比额表,由会员国按照其第64/249号决议修订的等级分摊598 016 600美元,每月70 354 892美元,充作2011年10月16日至2012年6月30日期间的经费,但以安全理事会决定延长该特派团的任务为前提;", "28. 又决定,根据大会第973(X)号决议的规定,从上文第27段规定的会员国摊款中减除会员国在衡平征税基金内15 955 400美元中各自应分的数额,基金内的这笔款项包括该特派团的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数12 799 600美元、支助账户的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数中按比例应分的数额2 579 500美元和联合国后勤基地的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数中按比例应分的数额576 300美元;", "29. 还决定,对于已履行对该特派团财政义务的会员国,应考虑到大会第64/248号决议规定的2010年分摊比额表,并按照第64/249号决议修订的等级,从上文第25段规定的会员国摊款中减除其在2010年6月30日终了财政期间未支配余额和其他收入共计26 755 500美元中各自应分的数额;", "30. 决定,对于尚未履行对该特派团财政义务的会员国,应按照上文第29段规定的办法,从其所欠款项中减除其在2010年6月30日终了财政期间未支配余额和其他收入共计26 755 500美元中各自应分的数额;", "31. 又决定,上文第29和第30段提及的26 755 500美元所产生的贷项,应加上2010年6月30日终了财政期间工作人员薪金税收入估计数的增加额85 500美元;", "32. 强调任何维持和平特派团都不得借用其他在役维持和平特派团的经费;", "33. 鼓励秘书长铭记安全理事会2003年8月26日第1502(2003)号决议第5和第6段,继续采取进一步措施,确保在联合国主持下参与该特派团的所有人员的安全和安保;", "34. 邀请各方向该特派团自愿捐助现金以及秘书长可以接受的服务和用品,这些捐助将按照大会规定的程序和做法适当管理;", "35. 决定将题为“联合国海地稳定特派团经费的筹措”的项目列入大会第六十六届会议临时议程。", "[1] A/65/703和Corr.1以及A/65/776。", "[2] A/65/743/Add.15。", "[3] A/65/703和Corr.1。" ]
[ "第六十五届会议", "议程项目153", "联合国海地稳定特派团经费的筹措", "第五委员会的报告 页: 1", "报告员:妮科尔·安·曼宁女士(爱尔兰)", "一. 导言", "页: 1 1. 第五委员会先前在议程项目153下向大会提出的建议见A/63/655号文件所载的委员会报告。", "2. 结 论 2. 第五委员会在2011年5月13日和6月30日第37和42次会议上继续审议该项目。 在委员会审议该项目过程中所作的发言和发表的意见,反映在有关简要记录(A/C.5/65/SR.37和42)中。", "3. 。 3. 在审议该项目时,委员会面前有下列文件:", "(a) 秘书长关于联合国海地稳定特派团2009年7月1日至2010年6月30日期间预算执行情况的报告(A/62/603和Corr.1);", "(b) 秘书长关于联合国海地稳定特派团2011年7月1日至2012年6月30日期间预算的报告(A/62/676);", "(c) 行政和预算问题咨询委员会的相关报告(A/62/643/Add.15)。", "II. 二. 决议草案A/C.5/65/L.42的审议情况", "4. 第四届会议 4. 在6月30日第42次会议上,委员会面前有委员会主席根据肯尼亚代表协调的非正式协商提出的决议草案,题为“联合国海地稳定特派团经费的筹措”(A/C.5/65/L.42)。", "5. 5. 在同次会议上,委员会未经表决通过了决议草案A/C.5/65/L.42(见第6段)。 。", "页: 1 三. 第五委员会的建议", "6. 任务 6. 第五委员会建议大会通过下列决议草案:", "联合国海地稳定特派团经费的筹措", "大会,", "审议了秘书长关于联合国海地稳定特派团经费筹措的报告 以及行政和预算问题咨询委员会的有关报告,", "回顾安全理事会2004年2月29日第1529(2004)号决议,其中安理会宣布随时准备建立一支联合国稳定部队,支持继续在海地开展和平与宪政进程,维持一个安全和稳定的环境,", "又回顾安全理事会2004年4月30日第1542(2004)号决议,其中安理会决定设立联合国海地稳定特派团,最初为期六个月,以及安理会其后延长该特派团任务的各项决议,最近的是2010年10月14日第1944(2010)号决议,其中安全理事会决定将该特派团的任务延长至2011年10月15日,并维持目前的总体兵力,包括最多8 940名各级官兵的军事部分和最多4 391名警察的警察部分,", "还回顾其2004年7月1日第58/315号决议,", "回顾其关于该特派团经费筹措的2004年6月18日第58/311号决议及其后各项有关决议,最近的是2010年12月24日第56/56号决议,", "重申其1963年6月27日第1874(S-IV)号、1973年12月11日第3101(XXVIII)号和2000年12月23日第55/235号决议阐述的联合国维持和平行动经费筹措一般原则,", "意识到必须为该特派团提供必要的经费,使其能够履行安全理事会有关决议规定的职责,", "页: 1 1. 请秘书长责成该特派团团长完全按照大会2005年6月22日第59/296号、2006年6月30日第60/266号、2007年6月29日第61/276号、2010年6月24日第64/269号和2011年6月30日第56/89号决议以及其他相关决议的规定编制今后的拟议预算;", "2. 结 论 1. 表示注意到截至2011年4月30日联合国海地稳定特派团摊款的缴纳情况,包括未缴摊款1.298亿美元,约占摊款总额的4%,关切地注意到只有46个会员国已足额缴纳摊款,并促请所有其他会员国,尤其是拖欠国,确保缴纳未缴摊款;", "3. 。 2. 表示赞赏已足额缴纳摊款的会员国,并促请所有其他会员国尽力确保足额缴纳为该特派团分摊的款项;", "4. 第四届会议 2. 表示关切维持和平活动的财政状况,特别是向部队派遣国偿还费用的情况,这些国家因会员国逾期未缴摊款而承受额外负担;", "5. 5. 又表示关切秘书长在部署最近一些维持和平特派团,特别是在非洲的特派团,及向其提供适当资源方面受到耽搁;", "6. 任务 6. 强调对今后和现有的所有维持和平特派团,在财政和行政安排方面应予平等对待、一视同仁;", "7. 基本考虑 7. 又强调应为所有维持和平特派团提供适当资源,使其能够有成效、有效率地完成各自的任务;", "8.8 8. 请秘书长确保拟议维持和平预算以相关立法授权为依据;", "9 September 2005 2. 认可行政和预算问题咨询委员会报告2 所载的结论和建议,但以符合本决议的规定为前提,并请秘书长确保予以充分落实;", "10.10 2. 申明符合联合国有关法定任务和征聘和甄选准则的合格海地籍候选人和其他国籍的候选人有资格申请该特派团的国际职位;", "注 3. 深为关切特派团空缺率,特别是本国临时职位空缺率居高不下,对特派团工作产生不利影响;", "12. 第12段。 5. 请秘书长不断审查该特派团对“主持人小组”的需求;", "13 August 2001 5. 感到遗憾的是,在本财政年度,授予当地供应商的采购活动份额大幅下降,再次请秘书长确保该特派团增加当地供应商的采购机会;", "十四、任 务 8. 回顾行政和预算问题咨询委员会报告2 第41段,请秘书长确保高效、迅速和全面执行分配给速效项目的2011年7月1日至2012年6月30日期间总额,以便除其他外,促进复原工作,促进与当地社区建立更好的关系;", "15 8. 请秘书长在其为该特派团提出的下一个拟议预算时,充分考虑到秘书处维持和平行动部关于速效项目的相关准则,全面审查当前对速效项目的实地需求评估;", "161 1. 回顾其第64/269号决议第7段第三节;", "17. 第17条。 1. 重申扩大后的减少社区暴力做法在地震后背景下的重要作用,特别是在帮助流离失所者和生活在受暴力影响的社区的人方面;", "第18条 8. 请秘书长加强该特派团、联合国国家工作队和其他联合国实体之间的协调,包括处理突发紧急情况的根源,例如霍乱爆发造成的局势;", "191 8. 又请秘书长加紧努力,采取措施减轻该特派团对海地的环境影响;", "20.20 8. 还请秘书长继续确保大会第59/296号、第60/266号、第61/276号、第64/269号和第59/189号决议的相关规定得到充分执行;", "21.21。 8. 请秘书长采取一切必要行动,确保以最有效率、最节省的方式管理该特派团;", "第22章 1. 注意到批款总额已根据其第56/89号决议的规定作了调整;", "2009年7月1日至2010年6月30日期间财政执行情况报告", "23. 会议报告。 1. 注意到秘书长关于该特派团2009年7月1日至2010年6月30日期间财政执行情况的报告;[4]", "2011年7月1日至2012年6月30日期间预算估计数", "24. 第24段。 10. 决定批款844 258 700美元给联合国海地稳定特派团特别账户,充作2011年7月1日至2012年6月30日期间的经费,其中包括该特派团的维持费793 517 100美元,给维持和平行动支助账户的42 997 600美元,以及给意大利布林迪西联合国后勤基地的7 744 000美元;", "批款的筹措", "258. 17. 又决定,考虑到大会2009年12月24日第64/248号决议规定的2011年分摊比额表,由会员国按照大会2009年12月24日第64/249号决议修订的等级分摊246 242 100美元,充作2011年7月1日至10月15日期间的经费;", "262. 报 告 17. 还决定,根据其1955年12月15日第973(X)号决议的规定,从上文第25段规定的会员国摊款中减除会员国在衡平征税基金内6 569 900美元中各自应分的数额,基金内的这笔款项包括该特派团的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数5 270 400美元,支助账户的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数中按比例应分的数额1 062 200美元,以及联合国后勤基地的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数中按比例应分的数额237 300美元;", "。 10. 决定,考虑到其第64/248号决议规定的2011年和2012年分摊比额表,由会员国按照大会第64/249号决议修订的等级分摊598 016 600美元,每月70 354 892美元,充作2011年10月16日至2012年6月30日期间的经费,但以安全理事会决定延长该特派团的任务为前提;", "第28次会议 18. 又决定,根据其第973(X)号决议的规定,从上文第27段规定的会员国摊款中减除会员国在衡平征税基金内15 955 400美元中各自应分的数额,基金内的这笔款项包括该特派团的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数12 799 600美元,支助账户的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数中按比例应分的数额2 579 500美元,以及联合国后勤基地的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数中按比例应分的数额576 300美元;", "29. 。 20. 还决定,对于已经履行对该特派团财政义务的会员国,考虑到第64/248号决议规定的2010年分摊比额表,并按照大会第64/249号决议修订的等级,从上文第25段规定的摊款中减除2010年6月30日终了财政期间未支配余额和其他收入共计26 755 500美元中各自应分的数额;", "30. 。 2. 决定,对于尚未履行对该特派团财政义务的会员国,按照上文第29段规定的办法,从其所欠款项中减除2010年6月30日终了财政期间未支配余额和其他收入共计26 755 500美元中各自应分的数额;", "313. 22. 又决定,上文第29和第30段提及的26 755 500美元所产生的贷项,应加上2010年6月30日终了财政期间工作人员薪金税收入估计数的增加额85 500美元;", "323 6. 强调任何维持和平特派团都不得借用其他在役维持和平特派团的经费;", "336. 8. 鼓励秘书长铭记安全理事会2003年8月26日第1502(2003)号决议第5和第6段,继续采取进一步措施,确保在联合国主持下参与该特派团的所有人员的安全和安保;", "343. 事实和争论 5. 邀请各方向该特派团自愿捐助现金以及秘书长可以接受的服务和用品,这些捐助将按照大会规定的程序和做法适当管理;", "353. 9. 决定将题为“联合国海地稳定特派团经费的筹措”的项目列入其第六十六届会议临时议程。", "* 由于技术原因重新印发。", "页: 1", "[3] A/62/643/Add.15。", "[4] A/63/203和Corr.1。" ]
[ "Sixty-fifth session", "Agenda item 154", "Financing of the United Nations Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo", "Report of the Fifth Committee", "Rapporteur: Ms. Nicole Ann Mannion (Ireland)", "I. Introduction", "* Reissued for technical reasons on 26 July 2011.", "1. At its 2nd plenary meeting, on 17 September 2010, the General Assembly, on the recommendation of the General Committee, decided to include in the agenda of its sixty-fifth session the item entitled “Financing of the United Nations Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo” and to allocate it to the Fifth Committee.", "2. The Fifth Committee considered the item at its 34th and 42nd meetings, on 5 May and 30 June 2011. Statements and observations made in the course of the Committee’s consideration of the item are reflected in the relevant summary records (A/C.5/65/SR.34 and 42).", "3. For its consideration of the item, the Committee had before it the following documents:", "(a) Report of the Secretary-General on the budget performance of the United Nations Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo for the period from 1 July 2009 to 30 June 2010 (A/65/621);", "(b) Report of the Secretary-General on the budget for the United Nations Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo for the period from 1 July 2011 to 30 June 2012 (A/65/711);", "(c) Related report of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions (A/65/743/Add.4).", "II. Consideration of draft resolution A/C.5/65/L.43", "4. At its 42nd meeting, on 30 June, the Committee had before it a draft resolution entitled “Financing of the United Nations Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo” (A/C.5/65/L.43), submitted by the Chair of the Committee on the basis of informal consultations coordinated by the representative of Ghana.", "5. At the same meeting, the Committee adopted draft resolution A/C.5/65/L.43 without a vote (see para. 6).", "III. Recommendation of the Fifth Committee", "6. The Fifth Committee recommends to the General Assembly the adoption of the following draft resolution:", "Financing of the United Nations Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo", "The General Assembly,", "Having considered the reports of the Secretary-General on the financing of the United Nations Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo[1] and the related report of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions,[2]", "Recalling Security Council resolution 1244 (1999) of 10 June 1999 regarding the establishment of the United Nations Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo,", "Recalling also its resolution 53/241 of 28 July 1999 on the financing of the Mission and its subsequent resolutions thereon, the latest of which was resolution 64/279 of 24 June 2010,", "Acknowledging the complexity of the Mission,", "Reaffirming the general principles underlying the financing of United Nations peacekeeping operations, as stated in General Assembly resolutions 1874 (S-IV) of 27 June 1963, 3101 (XXVIII) of 11 December 1973 and 55/235 of 23 December 2000,", "Mindful of the fact that it is essential to provide the Mission with the financial resources necessary to enable it to fulfil its responsibilities under the relevant resolution of the Security Council,", "Mindful also of the need to ensure coordination and cooperation with the European Union Rule of Law Mission in Kosovo,", "1. Requests the Secretary-General to entrust the Head of Mission with the task of formulating future budget proposals in full accordance with the provisions of General Assembly resolutions 59/296 of 22 June 2005, 60/266 of 30 June 2006, 61/276 of 29 June 2007, 64/269 of 24 June 2010 and 65/289 of 30 June 2011 as well as other relevant resolutions;", "2. Takes note of the status of contributions to the United Nations Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo as at 30 April 2011, including the contributions outstanding in the amount of 38.2 million United States dollars, representing some 1 per cent of the total assessed contributions, notes with concern that only one hundred and one Member States have paid their assessed contributions in full, and urges all other Member States, in particular those in arrears, to ensure payment of their outstanding assessed contributions;", "3. Expresses its appreciation to those Member States which have paid their assessed contributions in full, and urges all other Member States to make every possible effort to ensure payment of their assessed contributions to the Mission in full;", "4. Expresses concern at the financial situation with regard to peacekeeping activities, in particular as regards the reimbursements to troop contributors that bear additional burdens owing to overdue payments by Member States of their assessments;", "5. Also expresses concern at the delay experienced by the Secretary-General in deploying and providing adequate resources to some recent peacekeeping missions, in particular those in Africa;", "6. Emphasizes that all future and existing peacekeeping missions shall be given equal and non-discriminatory treatment in respect of financial and administrative arrangements;", "7. Also emphasizes that all peacekeeping missions shall be provided with adequate resources for the effective and efficient discharge of their respective mandates;", "8. Requests the Secretary-General to ensure that proposed peacekeeping budgets are based on the relevant legislative mandates;", "9. Endorses the conclusions and recommendations contained in the report of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions,² subject to the provisions of the present resolution, and requests the Secretary-General to ensure their full implementation;", "10. Takes note of paragraph 29 of the report of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions, decides that the two posts of Forensic Anthropologist Officer and Legal Officer in the Rule of Law Liaison Office should not be converted to National Officer posts and also decides to establish the Reporting Officer post in the Office for Community Support and Facilitation as an international P-2 post;", "11. Requests the Secretary-General to ensure the full implementation of the relevant provisions of resolutions 59/296, 60/266, 61/276, 64/269 and 65/289;", "12. Also requests the Secretary-General to take all action necessary to ensure that the Mission is administered with a maximum of efficiency and economy;", "Financial performance report for the period from 1 July 2009 to 30 June 2010", "13. Takes note of the report of the Secretary-General on the financial performance of the Mission for the period from 1 July 2009 to 30 June 2010;[3]", "Budget estimates for the period from 1 July 2011 to 30 June 2012", "14. Decides to appropriate to the Special Account for the United Nations Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo the amount of 47,802,200 dollars for the period from 1 July 2011 to 30 June 2012, inclusive of 44,914,800 dollars for the maintenance of the Mission, 2,446,700 dollars for the support account for peacekeeping operations and 440,700 dollars for the United Nations Logistics Base;", "Financing of the appropriation", "15. Also decides to apportion among Member States the amount of 47,802,200 dollars, in accordance with the levels updated in General Assembly resolution 64/249 of 24 December 2009, and taking into account the scale of assessments for 2011 and 2012, as set out in Assembly resolution 64/248 of 24 December 2009;", "16. Further decides that, in accordance with the provisions of its resolution 973 (X) of 15 December 1955, there shall be set off against the apportionment among Member States, as provided for in paragraph 15 above, their respective share in the Tax Equalization Fund in the amount of 4,634,800 dollars, comprising the estimated staff assessment income of 4,381,300 dollars approved for the Mission, the prorated share of 207,200 dollars of the estimated staff assessment income approved for the support account and the prorated share of 46,300 dollars of the estimated staff assessment income approved for the United Nations Logistics Base;", "17. Decides that, for Member States that have fulfilled their financial obligations to the Mission, there shall be set off against their apportionment, as provided for in paragraph 15 above, their respective share of the unencumbered balance and other income in the total amount of 8,297,100 dollars in respect of the financial period ended 30 June 2010, in accordance with the levels updated in General Assembly resolution 64/249, and taking into account the scale of assessments for 2010, as set out in Assembly resolution 64/248;", "18. Also decides that, for Member States that have not fulfilled their financial obligations to the Mission, there shall be set off against their outstanding obligations their respective share of the unencumbered balance and other income in the total amount of 8,297,100 dollars in respect of the financial period ended 30 June 2010, in accordance with the scheme set out in paragraph 17 above;", "19. Further decides that the increase of 1,054,300 dollars in the estimated staff assessment income in respect of the financial period ended 30 June 2010 shall be added to the credits from the amount of 8,297,100 dollars referred to in paragraphs 17 and 18 above;", "20. Emphasizes that no peacekeeping mission shall be financed by borrowing funds from other active peacekeeping missions;", "21. Encourages the Secretary-General to continue to take additional measures to ensure the safety and security of all personnel participating in the Mission under the auspices of the United Nations, bearing in mind paragraphs 5 and 6 of Security Council resolution 1502 (2003) of 26 August 2003;", "22. Invites voluntary contributions to the Mission in cash and in the form of services and supplies acceptable to the Secretary-General, to be administered, as appropriate, in accordance with the procedures and practices established by the General Assembly;", "23. Decides to include in the provisional agenda of its sixty-sixth session the item entitled “Financing of the United Nations Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo”.", "[1] A/65/621 and A/65/711.", "[2] A/65/743/Add.4.", "[3] A/65/621." ]
[ "第六十五届会议", "议程项目154", "联合国科索沃临时行政当局特派团经费的筹措", "第五委员会的报告", "^(*) 因技术原因于2011年7月26日重新印发。", "报告员:尼科尔·安·曼尼农女士(爱尔兰)", "一. 导言", "1. 在2010年9月17日第2次全体会议上,大会根据总务委员会的建议,决定将题为“联合国科索沃临时行政当局特派团经费的筹措”的项目列入第六十五届会议议程,并分配给第五委员会。", "2. 第五委员会在2011年5月5日和6月30日第34和42次会议上审议了该项目。在委员会审议该项目过程中所作的发言和发表的意见,载于有关的简要记录(A/C.5/65/SR.34和42)中。", "3. 在审议这一项目时,委员会面前有下列文件:", "(a) 秘书长关于联合国科索沃临时行政当局特派团2009年7月1日至2010年6月30日期间预算执行情况的报告(A/65/621);", "(b) 秘书长关于联合国科索沃临时行政当局特派团2011年7月1日至2012年6月30日期间预算的报告(A/65/711);", "(c) 行政和预算问题咨询委员会的相关报告(A/65/743/Add.4)。", "二. 决议草案A/C.5/65/L.43的审议经过", "4. 在6月30日第42次会议上,委员会面前有主席在加纳代表协调进行的非正式协商基础上提交的题为“联合国科索沃临时行政当局特派团经费的筹措”的决议草案(A/C.5/65/L.43)。", "5. 在同次会议上,委员会未经表决通过了决议草案A/C.5/65/L0.43(见第6段)。", "三. 第五委员会的建议", "6. 第五委员会建议大会通过以下决议草案:", "联合国科索沃临时行政当局特派团经费的筹措", "大会,", "审议了秘书长关于联合国科索沃临时行政当局特派团经费筹措的报告,[1] 以及行政和预算问题咨询委员会的有关报告,[2]", "回顾安全理事会1999年6月10日关于设立联合国科索沃临时行政当局特派团的第1244(1999)号决议,", "又回顾其1999年7月28日关于该特派团经费筹措的第53/241号决议及其后各项有关决议,最近的是2010年6月24日第64/279号决议,", "确认该特派团任务的复杂性,", "重申其1963年6月27日第1874(S-IV)号、1973年12月11日第3101(XXVIII)号和2000年12月23日第55/235号决议阐述的联合国维持和平行动经费筹措一般原则,", "意识到必须为该特派团提供必要的财政资源,使其能够履行安全理事会有关决议规定的职责,", "又意识到需要确保与欧洲联盟驻科索沃法治特派团的协调与合作,", "1. 请秘书长责成特派团团长完全按照大会2005年6月22日第59/296号、2006年6月30日第60/266号、2007年6月29日第61/276号、2010年6月24日第64/269号和2011年6月30日第65/289 号决议及其他相关决议的规定编制今后的拟议预算;", "2. 表示注意到截至2011年4月30日联合国科索沃临时行政当局特派团的摊款缴纳情况,包括未缴摊款3 820万美元,约占摊款总额的1%,关切地注意到只有101个会员国足额缴纳摊款,并敦促所有其他会员国尤其是拖欠国确保缴纳所欠摊款;", "3. 表示赞赏已足额缴纳摊款的会员国,并敦促所有其他会员国尽力确保足额缴纳为该特派团分摊的款项;", "4. 表示关切维持和平活动的财政状况,特别是向部队派遣国偿还费用的情况,这些国家因会员国逾期未缴摊款而承受额外负担;", "5. 又表示关切秘书长在部署最近一些维持和平特派团,特别是在非洲的特派团及向其提供适当资源方面受到耽搁;", "6. 强调对今后和现有的所有维持和平特派团,在财政和行政安排方面应予平等对待、一视同仁;", "7. 又强调应向所有维持和平特派团提供适当资源,使其能够有成效、有效率地履行各自的任务;", "8. 请秘书长确保拟议维持和平预算以相关立法授权为依据;", "9. 认可行政和预算问题咨询委员会的报告² 所载结论和建议,但以符合本决议的规定为前提,并请秘书长确保予以充分落实;", "10. 表示注意到行政和预算问题咨询委员会的报告第29段,决定法治联络办公室的法医人类学干事和法律干事2个员额不改划为本国干事员额,又决定在社区支助和促进办公室设立1个P-2职等报告干事国际员额;", "11. 请秘书长确保第59/296、60/266、61/276、64/269和65/289号决议的相关规定得到充分执行;", "12. 又请秘书长采取一切必要行动,确保以最有效、最经济的方式管理该特派团;", "2009年7月1日至2010年6月30日期间财政执行情况报告", "13. 表示注意到秘书长关于该特派团2009年7月1日至2010年6月30日期间财政执行情况的报告;[3]", "2011年7月1日至2012年6月30日期间预算估计数", "14. 决定批款47 802 200美元给联合国科索沃临时行政当局特派团特别账户,充作该特派团2011年7月1日至2012年6月30日期间的经费,其中包括该特派团的维持费44 914 800美元,维持和平行动支助账户2 446 700美元以及联合国后勤基地440 700美元;", "批款的筹措", "15. 又决定,考虑到大会2009年12月24日第64/248号决议规定的2011年和2012年分摊比额表,由会员国按照其2009年12月24日第64/249号决议修订的等级分摊47 802 200美元;", "16. 还决定,根据大会1955年12月15日第973(X)号决议的规定,从上文第15段规定的会员国摊款中减除会员国在衡平征税基金内4 634 800 美元中各自应分的数额,基金内的这笔款项包括该特派团的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数4 381 300美元、支助账户的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数中按比例应分的数额207 000美元以及联合国后勤基地的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数中按比例应分的数额46 300美元;", "17. 决定,对于已履行对该特派团财政义务的会员国,考虑到大会第64/248号决议规定的2010年分摊比额表,并按照第64/249号决议修订的等级,从上文第15段规定的会员国摊款中减除其在2010年6月30日终了财政期间未支配余额和其他收入共计8 297 100美元中各自应分的数额;", "18. 又决定,对于尚未履行对该特派团财政义务的会员国,按照上文第17段规定的办法,从其所欠款项中减除其在2010年6月30日终了财政期间未支配余额和其他收入共计8 297 100美元中各自应分的数额;", "19. 还决定在上文第17和18段所述8 297 100美元产生的贷项中加上2010年6月30日终了财政期间工作人员薪金税收入估计数增额1 054 300美元;", "20. 强调任何维持和平特派团都不得借用其他在役维持和平特派团的经费;", "21. 鼓励秘书长铭记安全理事会2003年8月26日第1502(2003)号决议第5和第6段,继续采取进一步措施,确保在联合国主持下参与该特派团的所有人员的安全和安保;", "22. 邀请各方向该特派团自愿捐助现金以及秘书长可以接受的服务和用品,这些 捐助将按照大会规定的程序和做法适当管理;", "23. 决定将题为“联合国科索沃临时行政当局特派团经费的筹措”的项目列入大会第六十六届会议临时议程。", "[1] A/65/621和A/65/711。", "[2] A/65/743/Add.4。", "[3] A/65/621。" ]
[ "第六十五届会议", "议程项目154", "联合国科索沃临时行政当局特派团经费的筹措", "第五委员会的报告", "报告员:妮科尔·安·曼宁女士(爱尔兰)", "一. 导言", "* 由于技术原因重新印发。", "页: 1 1. 在2010年9月17日第2次全体会议上,大会根据总务委员会的建议,决定将题为“联合国科索沃临时行政当局特派团经费的筹措”的项目列入大会第六十五届会议议程,并分配给第五委员会。", "2. 结 论 2. 第五委员会在2011年5月5日和6月30日第34和42次会议上审议了该项目。 在委员会审议该项目过程中所作的发言和发表的意见,反映在有关简要记录(A/C.5/65/SR.34和42)中。", "3. 。 3. 在审议该项目时,委员会面前有下列文件:", "(a) 秘书长关于联合国科索沃临时行政当局特派团2009年7月1日至2010年6月30日期间预算执行情况的报告(A/63/621);", "(b) 秘书长关于联合国科索沃临时行政当局特派团2011年7月1日至2012年6月30日期间预算的报告(A/62/611);", "(c) 行政和预算问题咨询委员会的相关报告(A/62/643/Add.4)。", "II. 二. 决议草案A/C.5/65/L.43的审议情况", "4. 第四届会议 4. 在6月30日第42次会议上,委员会面前有委员会主席根据加纳代表协调的非正式协商提出的决议草案,题为“联合国科索沃临时行政当局特派团经费的筹措”(A/C.5/65/L.43)。", "5. 5. 在同次会议上,委员会未经表决通过了决议草案A/C.5/65/L.43(见第6段)。 。", "页: 1 三. 第五委员会的建议", "6. 任务 6. 第五委员会建议大会通过下列决议草案:", "联合国科索沃临时行政当局特派团经费的筹措", "大会,", "审议了秘书长关于联合国科索沃临时行政当局特派团经费筹措的报告 以及行政和预算问题咨询委员会的有关报告,", "回顾安全理事会1999年6月10日关于设立联合国科索沃临时行政当局特派团的第1244(1999)号决议,", "又回顾其1999年7月28日关于该特派团经费筹措的第53/241号决议及其后各项有关决议,最近的是2010年6月24日第64/279号决议,", "确认该特派团任务的复杂性,", "重申其1963年6月27日第1874(S-IV)号、1973年12月11日第3101(XXVIII)号和2000年12月23日第55/235号决议阐述的联合国维持和平行动经费筹措一般原则,", "意识到必须为该特派团提供必要的经费,使其能够履行安全理事会有关决议规定的职责,", "又念及需要确保同欧洲联盟驻科索沃法治特派团进行协调与合作,", "页: 1 1. 请秘书长责成该特派团团长完全按照大会2005年6月22日第59/296号、2006年6月30日第60/266号、2007年6月29日第61/276号、2010年6月24日第64/269号和2011年6月30日第56/89号决议以及其他相关决议的规定编制今后的拟议预算;", "2. 结 论 1. 表示注意到截至2011年4月30日联合国科索沃临时行政当局特派团摊款的缴纳情况,包括未缴摊款3 820万美元,约占摊款总额的1%,关切地注意到只有一百一会员国已足额缴纳摊款,并促请所有其他会员国,尤其是拖欠国,确保缴纳未缴摊款;", "3. 。 2. 表示赞赏已足额缴纳摊款的会员国,并促请所有其他会员国尽力确保足额缴纳为该特派团分摊的款项;", "4. 第四届会议 2. 表示关切维持和平活动的财政状况,特别是向部队派遣国偿还费用的情况,这些国家因会员国逾期未缴摊款而承受额外负担;", "5. 5. 又表示关切秘书长在部署最近一些维持和平特派团,特别是在非洲的特派团,及向其提供适当资源方面受到耽搁;", "6. 任务 6. 强调对今后和现有的所有维持和平特派团,在财政和行政安排方面应予平等对待、一视同仁;", "7. 基本考虑 7. 又强调应为所有维持和平特派团提供适当资源,使其能够有成效、有效率地完成各自的任务;", "8.8 8. 请秘书长确保拟议维持和平预算以相关立法授权为依据;", "9 September 2005 2. 认可行政和预算问题咨询委员会报告2 所载的结论和建议,但以符合本决议的规定为前提,并请秘书长确保予以充分落实;", "10.10 1. 表示注意到行政和预算问题咨询委员会报告 第29段,决定法治联络处法医人类学家干事和法律干事这两个员额不应改划为本国干事员额,还决定在社区支助和便利办公室设立报告干事员额,作为国际P-2员额;", "注 1. 请秘书长确保第59/296号、第60/266号、第61/276号、第64/269号和第56/89号决议的相关规定得到充分执行;", "12. 第12段。 8. 又请秘书长采取一切必要行动,确保以最有效率、最节省的方式管理该特派团;", "2009年7月1日至2010年6月30日期间财政执行情况报告", "13 August 2001 1. 注意到秘书长关于该特派团2009年7月1日至2010年6月30日期间财政执行情况的报告;", "2011年7月1日至2012年6月30日期间预算估计数", "十四、任 务 10. 决定批款47 802 200美元给联合国科索沃临时行政当局特派团特别账户,充作2011年7月1日至2012年6月30日期间的经费,其中包括该特派团的维持费44 914 800美元,给维持和平行动支助账户的2 446 700美元,以及给联合国后勤基地的440 700美元;", "批款的筹措", "15 15. 又决定,考虑到大会2009年12月24日第64/248号决议规定的2011年和2012年分摊比额表,由会员国按照大会2009年12月24日第64/249号决议修订的等级分摊47 802 200美元;", "161 18. 还决定,根据其1955年12月15日第973(X)号决议的规定,从上文第15段规定的会员国摊款中减除会员国在衡平征税基金内4 634 800美元中各自应分的数额,基金内的这笔款项包括该特派团的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数4 381 300美元,支助账户的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数中按比例应分的数额207 200美元,以及联合国后勤基地的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数中按比例应分的数额46 300美元;", "17. 第17条。 20. 决定,对于已经履行对该特派团财政义务的会员国,考虑到大会第64/248号决议规定的2010年分摊比额表,并按照大会第64/249号决议修订的等级,从上文第15段规定的摊款中减除2010年6月30日终了财政期间未支配余额和其他收入共计8 297 100美元中各自应分的数额;", "第18条 18. 又决定,对于尚未履行对该特派团财政义务的会员国,按照上文第17段规定的办法,从其所欠款项中减除2010年6月30日终了财政期间未支配余额和其他收入共计8 297 100美元中各自应分的数额;", "191 17. 还决定,上文第17和第18段提及的8 297 100美元所产生的贷项,应加上2010年6月30日终了财政期间工作人员薪金税收入估计数的增加额1 054 300美元;", "20.20 6. 强调任何维持和平特派团都不得借用其他在役维持和平特派团的经费;", "21.21。 8. 鼓励秘书长铭记安全理事会2003年8月26日第1502(2003)号决议第5和第6段,继续采取进一步措施,确保在联合国主持下参与该特派团的所有人员的安全和安保;", "第22章 5. 邀请各方向该特派团自愿捐助现金以及秘书长可以接受的服务和用品,这些捐助将按照大会规定的程序和做法适当管理;", "23. 会议报告。 9. 决定将题为“联合国科索沃临时行政当局特派团经费的筹措”的项目列入其第六十六届会议临时议程。", "页: 1", "页: 1", "[3] A/63/621。" ]
[ "Provisional agenda for the 6576th meeting of the Security Council", "To be held on Friday, 8 July 2011, at 10 a.m.", "1. Adoption of the agenda.", "2. Reports of the Secretary-General on the Sudan." ]
[ "安全理事会第6576次会议临时议程", "定于2011年7月8日星期五上午10时举行", "1. 通过议程。", "2. 秘书长关于苏丹的报告。", "––––––––––––––" ]
[ "安全理事会第6576次会议临时议程", "定于2011年7月8日星期五上午10时举行", "页: 1 1. 通过议程。", "2. 秘书长关于苏丹的报告。" ]
[ "Sixty-fifth session", "Agenda item 155", "Financing of the United Nations Mission in Liberia", "Report of the Fifth Committee", "* Reissued for technical reasons on 26 July 2011.", "Rapporteur: Ms. Nicole Ann Mannion (Ireland)", "I. Introduction", "1. At its 2nd plenary meeting, on 17 September 2010, the General Assembly, on the recommendation of the General Committee, decided to include in the agenda of its sixty-fifth session the item entitled “Financing of the United Nations Mission in Liberia” and to allocate it to the Fifth Committee.", "2. The Fifth Committee considered the item at its 34th and 42nd meetings, on 5 May and 30 June 2011. Statements and observations made in the course of the Committee’s consideration of the item are reflected in the relevant summary records (A/C.5/65/SR.34 and 42).", "3. For its consideration of the item, the Committee had before it the following documents:", "(a) Report of the Secretary-General on the budget performance of the United Nations Mission in Liberia for the period from 1 July 2009 to 30 June 2010 (A/65/620);", "(b) Report of the Secretary-General on the budget for the United Nations Mission in Liberia for the period from 1 July 2011 to 30 June 2012 (A/65/727);", "(c) Related report of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions (A/65/743/Add.7).", "II. Consideration of draft resolution A/C.5/65/L.44", "4. At its 42nd meeting, on 30 June, the Committee had before it a draft resolution entitled “Financing of the United Nations Mission in Liberia” (A/C.5/65/L.44), submitted by the Chair of the Committee on the basis of informal consultations coordinated by the representative of Finland.", "5. At the same meeting, the Committee adopted draft resolution A/C.5/65/L.44 without a vote (see para. 6).", "III. Recommendation of the Fifth Committee", "6. The Fifth Committee recommends to the General Assembly the adoption of the following draft resolution:", "Financing of the United Nations Mission in Liberia", "The General Assembly,", "Having considered the reports of the Secretary-General on the financing of the United Nations Mission in Liberia[1] and the related report of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions,[2]", "Recalling Security Council resolution 1497 (2003) of 1 August 2003, by which the Council declared its readiness to establish a United Nations stabilization force to support the transitional government and to assist in the implementation of a comprehensive peace agreement in Liberia,", "Recalling also Security Council resolution 1509 (2003) of 19 September 2003, by which the Council decided to establish the United Nations Mission in Liberia for a period of twelve months, and the subsequent resolutions by which the Council extended the mandate of the Mission, the latest of which was resolution 1938 (2010) of 15 September 2010, by which the Council extended the mandate of the Mission until 30 September 2011,", "Recalling further its resolution 58/315 of 1 July 2004,", "Recalling its resolution 58/261 A of 23 December 2003 on the financing of the Mission and its subsequent resolutions thereon, the latest of which was resolution 64/280 of 24 June 2010,", "Reaffirming the general principles underlying the financing of United Nations peacekeeping operations, as stated in General Assembly resolutions 1874 (S-IV) of 27 June 1963, 3101 (XXVIII) of 11 December 1973 and 55/235 of 23 December 2000,", "Noting with appreciation that voluntary contributions have been made to the Mission,", "Mindful of the fact that it is essential to provide the Mission with the financial resources necessary to enable it to fulfil its responsibilities under the relevant resolutions of the Security Council,", "1. Requests the Secretary-General to entrust the Head of Mission with the task of formulating future budget proposals in full accordance with the provisions of General Assembly resolutions 59/296 of 22 June 2005, 60/266 of 30 June 2006, 61/276 of 29 June 2007, 64/269 of 24 June 2010 and 65/289 of 30 June 2011, as well as other relevant resolutions;", "2. Takes note of the status of contributions to the United Nations Mission in Liberia as at 30 April 2011, including the contributions outstanding in the amount of 88 million United States dollars, representing some 2 per cent of the total assessed contributions, notes with concern that only eighty-five Member States have paid their assessed contributions in full, and urges all other Member States, in particular those in arrears, to ensure payment of their outstanding assessed contributions;", "3. Expresses its appreciation to those Member States which have paid their assessed contributions in full, and urges all other Member States to make every possible effort to ensure payment of their assessed contributions to the Mission in full;", "4. Expresses concern at the financial situation with regard to peacekeeping activities, in particular as regards the reimbursements to troop contributors that bear additional burdens owing to overdue payments by Member States of their assessments;", "5. Also expresses concern at the delay experienced by the Secretary-General in deploying and providing adequate resources to some recent peacekeeping missions, in particular those in Africa;", "6. Emphasizes that all future and existing peacekeeping missions shall be given equal and non-discriminatory treatment in respect of financial and administrative arrangements;", "7. Also emphasizes that all peacekeeping missions shall be provided with adequate resources for the effective and efficient discharge of their respective mandates;", "8. Requests the Secretary-General to ensure that proposed peacekeeping budgets are based on the relevant legislative mandate;", "9. Endorses the conclusions and recommendations contained in the report of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions,² subject to the provisions of the present resolution, and requests the Secretary-General to ensure their full implementation;", "10. Notes with appreciation the immediate assistance of the United Nations Mission in Liberia to the mission in Côte d’Ivoire during the post-election crisis;", "11. Also notes with appreciation that the United Nations entities with field presence in Liberia have advanced in developing coordination mechanisms and in this regard encourages more effective cooperation within the Mission, the United Nations country team and other United Nations entities with field presence, in line with their respective roles and mandates as adopted by the relevant intergovernmental bodies;", "12. Requests the Secretary-General to implement the initiative “delivering as one” in accordance with the relevant mandates adopted by the General Assembly, the Economic and Social Council and the executive boards of United Nations funds and programmes and the governing bodies of the specialized agencies;", "13. Recalls paragraph 24 of the report of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions,² and encourages the Secretary-General to take all necessary steps to provide the support required for the Liberia National Police, to ensure that the capacity-building process would be concluded in a proper and timely manner;", "14. Requests the Secretary-General to ensure the full implementation of the relevant provisions of its resolutions 59/296, 60/266, 61/276, 64/269 and 65/289;", "15. Also requests the Secretary-General to take all action necessary to ensure that the Mission is administered with a maximum of efficiency and economy;", "16. Notes that the overall level of appropriation has been adjusted in accordance with the terms of resolution 65/289;", "Financial performance report for the period from 1 July 2009 to 30 June 2010", "17. Takes note of the report of the Secretary-General on the financial performance of the Mission for the period from 1 July 2009 to 30 June 2010;[3]", "Budget estimates for the period from 1 July 2011 to 30 June 2012", "18. Decides to appropriate to the Special Account for the United Nations Mission in Liberia the amount of 559,147,030 dollars for the period from 1 July 2011 to 30 June 2012, inclusive of 513,404,030 dollars for the maintenance of the Mission, 12,155,900 dollars for electoral support to be provided by the Mission, 28,461,200 dollars for the support account for peacekeeping operations and 5,125,900 dollars for the United Nations Logistics Base;", "Financing of the appropriation", "19. Also decides to apportion among Member States the amount of 136,747,783 dollars for the period from 1 July to 30 September 2011, in accordance with the levels updated in General Assembly resolution 64/249 of 24 December 2009, and taking into account the scale of assessments for 2011, as set out in Assembly resolution 64/248 of 24 December 2009;", "20. Further decides that, in accordance with the provisions of its resolution 973 (X) of 15 December 1955, there shall be set off against the apportionment among Member States, as provided for in paragraph 19 above, their respective share in the Tax Equalization Fund in the amount of 3,806,125 dollars, comprising the estimated staff assessment income of 3,068,850 dollars approved for the Mission, the prorated share of 602,650 dollars of the estimated staff assessment income approved for the support account and the prorated share of 134,625 dollars of the estimated staff assessment income approved for the United Nations Logistics Base;", "21. Decides to apportion among Member States the amount of 12,155,900 dollars for electoral support to be provided by the Mission, in accordance with the levels updated in General Assembly resolution 64/249 of 24 December 2009, and taking into account the scale of assessments for 2011, as set out in its resolution 64/248 of 24 December 2009;", "22. Also decides that, in accordance with the provisions of its resolution 973 (X), there shall be set off against the apportionment among Member States, as provided for in paragraph 21 above, their respective share in the Tax Equalization Fund in the amount of 40,900 dollars of estimated staff assessment income approved for the Mission;", "23. Further decides to apportion among Member States the amount of 410,243,347 dollars for the period from 1 October 2011 to 30 June 2012, at a monthly rate of 45,582,593 dollars, in accordance with the levels updated in resolution 64/249 and taking into account the scale of assessments for 2011 and 2012, as set out in its resolution 64/248, subject to a decision of the Security Council to extend the mandate of the Mission;", "24. Decides that, in accordance with the provisions of its resolution 973 (X), there shall be set off against the apportionment among Member States, as provided for in paragraph 23 above, their respective share in the Tax Equalization Fund in the amount of 11,418,375 dollars, comprising the estimated staff assessment income of 9,206,550 dollars approved for the Mission, the prorated share of 1,807,950 dollars of the estimated staff assessment income approved for the support account and the prorated share of 403,875 dollars of the estimated staff assessment income approved for the United Nations Logistics Base;", "25. Also decides that, for Member States that have fulfilled their financial obligations to the Mission, there shall be set off against their apportionment, as provided for in paragraph 19 above, their respective share of the unencumbered balance and other income in the total amount of 32,775,600 dollars in respect of the financial period ended 30 June 2010, in accordance with the levels updated in General Assembly resolution 64/249, and taking into account the scale of assessments for 2010, as set out in its resolution 64/248;", "26. Further decides that, for Member States that have not fulfilled their financial obligations to the Mission, there shall be set off against their outstanding obligations their respective share of the unencumbered balance and other income in the total amount of 32,775,600 dollars in respect of the financial period ended 30 June 2010, in accordance with the scheme set out in paragraph 25 above;", "27. Decides that the increase of 361,900 dollars in the estimated staff assessment income in respect of the financial period ended 30 June 2010 shall be added to the credits from the amount of 32,775,600 dollars referred to in paragraphs 25 and 26 above;", "28. Emphasizes that no peacekeeping mission shall be financed by borrowing funds from other active peacekeeping missions;", "29. Encourages the Secretary-General to continue to take additional measures to ensure the safety and security of all personnel participating in the Mission under the auspices of the United Nations, bearing in mind paragraphs 5 and 6 of Security Council resolution 1502 (2003) of 26 August 2003;", "30. Invites voluntary contributions to the Mission in cash and in the form of services and supplies acceptable to the Secretary-General, to be administered, as appropriate, in accordance with the procedures and practices established by the General Assembly;", "31. Decides to include in the provisional agenda of its sixty-sixth session the item entitled “Financing of the United Nations Mission in Liberia”.", "[1] A/65/620 and A/65/727.", "[2] A/65/743/Add.7.", "[3] A/65/620." ]
[ "第六十五届会议", "议程项目155", "联合国利比里亚特派团经费的筹措", "第五委员会的报告", "^(*) 因技术原因于2011年7月26日重新印发。", "报告员:尼科尔·安·曼尼农女士(爱尔兰)", "一. 导言", "1. 在2010年9月17日第2次全体会议上,大会根据总务委员会的建议,决定将题为“联合国利比里亚特派团经费的筹措”的项目列入第六十五届会议议程,并分配给第五委员会。", "2. 第五委员会在2011年5月5日和6月30日第34和42次会议上审议了该项目。在委员会审议该项目过程中所作的发言和发表的意见,反映在有关简要记录(A/C.5/65/SR.34和42)中。", "3. 在审议该项目时,委员会面前有下列文件:", "(a) 秘书长关于联合国利比里亚特派团2009年7月1日至2010年6月30日期间预算执行情况的报告(A/65/620);", "(b) 秘书长关于联合国利比里亚特派团2011年7月1日至2012年6月30日期间预算的报告(A/65/727);", "(c) 行政和预算问题咨询委员会的有关报告(A/65/743/Add.7)。", "二. 决议草案A/C.5/65/L.44的审议情况", "4. 在6月30日第42次会议上,委员会面前有委员会主席根据芬兰代表协调的", "非正式协商提出的决议草案,题为“联合国利比里亚特派团经费的筹措”(A/C.5/65/L.44)。", "5. 在同次会议上,委员会未经表决通过了决议草案A/C.5/65/L.44(见第6段)。", "三. 第五委员会的建议", "6. 第五委员会建议大会通过以下决议草案:", "联合国利比里亚特派团经费的筹措", "大会,", "审议了秘书长关于联合国利比里亚特派团经费的筹措的报告、[1] 以及行政和预算问题咨询委员会的相关报告,[2]", "回顾安全理事会2003年8月1日第1497(2003)号决议,其中安理会宣布准备设立一支联合国稳定部队,以支助过渡政府并协助执行利比里亚全面和平协定,", "又回顾安全理事会2003年9月19日第1509(2003)号决议,其中安理会决定设立联合国利比里亚特派团,任期为12个月,及其后安理会延长该特派团任务的各项决议,最近的是2010年9月15日第1938(2010)号决议,其中安理会将特派团的任务延长至2011年9月30日,", "还回顾2004年7月1日第58/315号决议,", "回顾其关于该特派团经费筹措的2003年12月23日第58/261号决议及其后各项有关决议,最近的是2010年6月24日第64/280号决议,", "重申大会1963年6月27日第1874(S-IV)号、1973年12月11日第3101(XXVIII)号和2000年12月23日第55/235号决议阐述的联合国维持和平行动经费筹措一般原则,", "赞赏地注意到已有国家向该特派团作出自愿捐助,", "意识到必须向该特派团提供必要的财政资源,使其能够履行安全理事会有关决议规定的职责,", "1. 请秘书长责成特派团团长完全按照大会2005年6月22日第59/296号、2006年6月30日第60/266号、2007年6月29日第61/276号决议、2010年6月24日第64/269号和2011年6月30日第65/289号决议及其他相关决议的规定编制今后的拟议预算;", "2. 注意到截至2011年4月30日联合国利比里亚特派团摊款的缴纳情况,包括未缴摊款8 800万美元,约占摊款总额的2%,关切地注意到只有85个会员国已足额缴纳摊款,并促请所有其他会员国,尤其是拖欠国,确保缴纳未缴摊款;", "3. 表示赞赏已足额缴纳摊款的会员国,并促请所有其他会员国尽力确保足额缴纳为该特派团分摊的款项;", "4. 表示关切维持和平活动的财务状况,特别是向部队派遣国偿还费用的情况,这些国家因会员国逾期未缴摊款而承受额外负担;", "5. 又表示关切秘书长在部署最近一些维持和平特派团,特别是在非洲的特派团,及向其提供适当资源方面受到耽搁;", "6. 强调对今后和现有的所有维持和平特派团,在财政和行政安排方面应予平等对待、一视同仁;", "7. 又强调应为所有维持和平特派团提供适当资源,使其能够有成效、有效率地完成各自的任务;", "8. 请秘书长确保拟议维持和平预算以相关的法定任务为依据;", "9. 认可行政和预算问题咨询委员会报告² 所载的结论和建议,但以符合本决议的规定为前提,并请秘书长确保予以充分落实;", "10. 赞赏地注意到联利特派团在选举后危机期间立即向科特迪瓦特派团提供援助;", "11. 又赞赏地注意到在利比里亚有实地存在的联合国机构在建立协调机制方面取得进展,并为此鼓励特派团、联合国国家工作队和其他有实地存在的联合国实体依照有关政府间机构关于其各自作用和任务的规定,彼此开展更加切实有效的合作;", "12. 请秘书长根据大会、经济及社会理事会、联合国各基金和方案的执行局及专门机构的理事机构通过的相关授权,执行“一体行动”倡议;", "13. 回顾行政和预算问题咨询委员会的报告第24段,² 并鼓励秘书长采取一切必要措施,向利比里亚国家警察提供必要支助,以确保妥善及时地完成能力建设进程;", "14. 请秘书长确保其第59/296号、第60/266号、第61/276号、第64/269号和第65/289号决议的相关规定得到充分执行;", "15. 又请秘书长采取一切必要行动,确保以最有效率、最节省的方式管理该特派团;", "16. 注意到已根据第65/289号决议的规定对批款总数作出调整;", "2009年7月1日至2010年6月30日期间财政执行情况报告", "17. 注意到秘书长关于该特派团2009年7月1日至2010年6月30日期间", "财政执行情况的报告;[3]", "2011年7月1日至2012年6月30日期间的预算估计数", "18. 决定批款559 147 030美元给联合国利比里亚特派团特别账户,充作2011年7月1日至2012年6月30日期间的经费,其中包括该特派团的维持费513 404 030美元,用于特派团提供选举支助的12 155 900美元,给维持和平行动支助账户的28 461 200美元和给联合国后勤基地的5 125 900美元;", "批款的筹措", "19. 又决定,按照大会2009年12月24日第64/249号决议修订的等级,并考虑到2009年12月24日大会第64/248号决议规定的2011年分摊比额表,由会员国分摊136 747 783美元,充作2011年7月1日至9月30日的经费;", "20. 还决定,根据其1955年12月15日第973(X)号决议的规定,从上文第19段规定的会员国摊款中减除会员国在衡平征税基金内3 806 125美元中各自应分的数额,基金内的这笔款项包括该特派团的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数3 068 850美元,支助账户的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数中按比例应分的数额602 650美元,以及联合国后勤基地的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数中按比例应分的数额134 625美元;", "21. 决定,按照大会2009年12月24日第64/249号决议修订的等级,并考虑到2009年12月24日第64/248号决议规定的2011年分摊比额表,由会员国分摊12 155 900美元,充作该特派团提供选举支助的经费;", "22. 又决定,根据其第973(X)号决议的规定,从上文第21段规定的会员国摊款中减除会员国在衡平征税基金内40 900美元中各自应分的数额;", "23. 还决定,按照大会第64/249号决议修订的等级,并考虑到第64/248号决议规定的2011年和2012年分摊比额表,由会员国分摊410 243 347美元,每月45 582 593美元,充作2011年10月1日至2012年6月30日期间的经费,但以安全理事会决定延长该特派团的任务为前提;", "24. 决定,根据其第973(X)号决议的规定,从上文第23段规定的会员国摊款中减除会员国在衡平征税基金内11 418 375美元中各自应分的数额,基金内的该笔款项包括该特派团的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数9 206 550美元,支助账户的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数中按比例应分的数额1 807 950美元,以及联合国后勤基地的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数中按比例应分的数额403 875美元;", "25. 又决定,对于已经履行对该实体财政义务的会员国,应根据大会第64/249号决议修订的等级,并考虑到第64/248号决议规定的2010年分摊比额表,从上文第19段规定的摊款中减除2010年6月30日终了财政期间未支配余额和其他收入共计32 775 600美元中各自应分的数额;", "26. 还决定,对于尚未履行对该特派团财政义务的会员国,应按照上文第25段规定的办法,从其所欠款项中减除其2010年6月30日终了财政期间未支配余额和其他收入共计32 775 600美元中各自应分的数额;", "27. 决定在上文第25和26段所述32 775 600美元所产生的贷项中加上2010年6月30日终了财政期间工作人员薪金税收入估计数的增加额361 900美元;", "28. 强调任何维持和平特派团都不得借用其他在役维持和平特派团的经费;", "29. 鼓励秘书长铭记安全理事会2003年8月26日第1502(2003)号决议第5段和第6段,继续采取进一步措施,确保在联合国主持下参与该特派团的所有人员的安全和安保;", "30. 邀请各方向该特派团自愿捐助现金以及秘书长可以接受的服务和用品,这些捐助将按照大会规定的程序和做法适当管理;", "31. 决定将题为“联合国利比里亚特派团经费的筹措”的项目列入其第六十六届会议临时议程。", "[1] A/65/620和A/65/727。", "[2] A/65/743/Add.7。", "[3] A/65/620。" ]
[ "第六十五届会议", "议程项目155", "联合国利比里亚特派团经费的筹措", "第五委员会的报告", "* 由于技术原因重新印发。", "报告员:妮科尔·安·曼宁女士(爱尔兰)", "一. 导言", "页: 1 1. 在2010年9月17日第2次全体会议上,大会根据总务委员会的建议,决定将题为“联合国利比里亚特派团经费的筹措”的项目列入大会第六十五届会议议程,并分配给第五委员会。", "2. 结 论 2. 第五委员会在2011年5月5日和6月30日第34和42次会议上审议了该项目。 在委员会审议该项目过程中所作的发言和发表的意见,反映在有关简要记录(A/C.5/65/SR.34和42)中。", "3. 。 3. 在审议该项目时,委员会面前有下列文件:", "(a) 秘书长关于联合国利比里亚特派团2009年7月1日至2010年6月30日期间预算执行情况的报告(A/63/620);", "(b) 秘书长关于联合国利比里亚特派团2011年7月1日至2012年6月30日期间预算的报告(A/62/627);", "(c) 行政和预算问题咨询委员会的相关报告(A/62/643/Add.7)。", "II. 二. 决议草案A/C.5/65/L.44的审议情况", "4. 第四届会议 4. 在6月30日第42次会议上,委员会面前有委员会主席根据芬兰代表协调的非正式协商提出的决议草案,题为“联合国利比里亚特派团经费的筹措”(A/C.5/65/L.44)。", "5. 5. 在同次会议上,委员会未经表决通过了决议草案A/C.5/65/L.44(见第6段)。 。", "页: 1 三. 第五委员会的建议", "6. 任务 6. 第五委员会建议大会通过下列决议草案:", "联合国利比里亚特派团经费的筹措", "大会,", "审议了秘书长关于联合国利比里亚特派团经费筹措的报告 以及行政和预算问题咨询委员会的有关报告,", "回顾安全理事会2003年8月1日第1497(2003)号决议,其中安理会宣布随时准备建立一支联合国稳定部队,支持过渡政府并协助执行利比里亚全面和平协定,", "又回顾安全理事会2003年9月19日第1509(2003)号决议,其中安理会决定设立联合国利比里亚特派团,为期12个月,以及安理会其后延长该特派团任务的各项决议,最近的是2010年9月15日第1938(2010)号决议,其中安理会将该特派团的任务延长至2011年9月30日,", "还回顾其2004年7月1日第58/315号决议,", "回顾其关于该特派团经费筹措的2003年12月23日第58/261 A号决议及其后各项有关决议,最近的是2010年6月24日第64/280号决议,", "重申其1963年6月27日第1874(S-IV)号、1973年12月11日第3101(XXVIII)号和2000年12月23日第55/235号决议阐述的联合国维持和平行动经费筹措一般原则,", "赞赏地注意到已有国家向该特派团作出自愿捐助,", "意识到必须为该特派团提供必要的经费,使其能够履行安全理事会有关决议规定的职责,", "页: 1 1. 请秘书长责成该特派团团长完全按照大会2005年6月22日第59/296号、2006年6月30日第60/266号、2007年6月29日第61/276号、2010年6月24日第64/269号和2011年6月30日第56/89号决议以及其他相关决议的规定编制今后的拟议预算;", "2. 结 论 1. 表示注意到截至2011年4月30日联合国利比里亚特派团摊款的缴纳情况,包括未缴摊款8 800万美元,约占摊款总额的2%,关切地注意到只有八十五个会员国已足额缴纳摊款,并促请所有其他会员国,尤其是拖欠国,确保缴纳未缴摊款;", "3. 。 2. 表示赞赏已足额缴纳摊款的会员国,并促请所有其他会员国尽力确保足额缴纳为该特派团分摊的款项;", "4. 第四届会议 2. 表示关切维持和平活动的财政状况,特别是向部队派遣国偿还费用的情况,这些国家因会员国逾期未缴摊款而承受额外负担;", "5. 5. 又表示关切秘书长在部署最近一些维持和平特派团,特别是在非洲的特派团,及向其提供适当资源方面受到耽搁;", "6. 任务 6. 强调对今后和现有的所有维持和平特派团,在财政和行政安排方面应予平等对待、一视同仁;", "7. 基本考虑 7. 又强调应为所有维持和平特派团提供适当资源,使其能够有成效、有效率地完成各自的任务;", "8.8 8. 请秘书长确保拟议维持和平预算以相关立法授权为依据;", "9 September 2005 2. 认可行政和预算问题咨询委员会报告2 所载的结论和建议,但以符合本决议的规定为前提,并请秘书长确保予以充分落实;", "10.10 2. 赞赏地注意到联合国利比里亚特派团在选举后危机期间立即向科特迪瓦特派团提供援助;", "注 2. 又赞赏地注意到在利比里亚派驻外地的联合国实体在建立协调机制方面有所进展,并在这方面鼓励根据相关政府间机构通过的各自作用和任务,在特派团、联合国国家工作队和其他有外地存在的联合国实体内开展更有效的合作;", "12. 第12段。 8. 请秘书长按照大会、经济及社会理事会、联合国各基金和方案的执行局以及各专门机构的理事机构通过的有关任务执行“一体行动,履行使命”倡议;", "13 August 2001 5. 回顾行政和预算问题咨询委员会报告2 第24段,鼓励秘书长采取一切必要步骤,向利比里亚国家警察提供必要的支助,确保以适当和及时的方式完成能力建设进程;", "十四、任 务 8. 请秘书长确保大会第59/296号、第60/266号、第61/276号、第64/269号和第59/189号决议的相关规定得到充分执行;", "15 8. 又请秘书长采取一切必要行动,确保以最有效率、最节省的方式管理该特派团;", "161 1. 注意到批款总额已依照第56/89号决议的规定作了调整;", "2009年7月1日至2010年6月30日期间财政执行情况报告", "17. 第17条。 1. 注意到秘书长关于该特派团2009年7月1日至2010年6月30日期间财政执行情况的报告;", "2011年7月1日至2012年6月30日期间预算估计数", "第18条 10. 决定批款559 147 030美元给联合国利比里亚特派团特别账户,充作2011年7月1日至2012年6月30日期间的经费,其中包括该特派团的维持费513 404 030美元,该特派团将提供选举支助的12 155 900美元,给维持和平行动支助账户的28 461 200美元,以及给联合国后勤基地的5 125 900美元;", "批款的筹措", "191 17. 又决定,考虑到大会2009年12月24日第64/248号决议规定的2011年分摊比额表,由会员国按照大会2009年12月24日第64/249号决议修订的等级分摊136 747 783美元,充作2011年7月1日至9月30日期间的经费;", "20.20 18. 还决定,根据其1955年12月15日第973(X)号决议的规定,从上文第19段规定的会员国摊款中减除会员国在衡平征税基金内3 806 125美元中各自应分的数额,基金内的这笔款项包括该特派团的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数3 068 850美元,支助账户的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数中按比例应分的数额602 650美元,以及联合国后勤基地的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数中按比例应分的数额134 625美元;", "21.21。 15. 决定,考虑到大会2009年12月24日第64/248号决议规定的2011年分摊比额表,由会员国按照大会2009年12月24日第64/249号决议修订的等级分摊12 155 900美元,充作该特派团提供选举支助;", "第22章 18. 又决定,根据其第973(X)号决议的规定,从上文第21段规定的会员国摊款中减除会员国在衡平征税基金内40 900美元中各自应分的数额,基金内的这笔款项是该特派团的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数;", "23. 会议报告。 17. 还决定,考虑到第64/248号决议规定的2011年和2012年分摊比额表,由会员国按照第64/249号决议修订的等级分摊410 243 347美元,每月45 582 593美元,充作2011年10月1日至2012年6月30日期间的经费,但以安全理事会决定延长该特派团的任务为前提;", "24. 第24段。 18. 决定,根据其第973(X)号决议的规定,从上文第23段规定的会员国摊款中减除会员国在衡平征税基金内11 418 375美元中各自应分的数额,基金内的这笔款项包括该特派团的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数9 206 550美元,支助账户的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数中按比例应分的数额1 807 950美元,以及联合国后勤基地的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数中按比例应分的数额403 875美元;", "258. 18. 又决定,对于已经履行对该特派团财政义务的会员国,考虑到大会第64/248号决议规定的2010年分摊比额表,并按照大会第64/249号决议修订的等级,从上文第19段规定的摊款中减除2010年6月30日终了财政期间未支配余额和其他收入共计32 775 600美元中各自应分的数额;", "262. 报 告 20. 还决定,对于尚未履行对该特派团财政义务的会员国,按照上文第25段规定的办法,从其所欠款项中减除2010年6月30日终了财政期间未支配余额和其他收入共计32 775 600美元中各自应分的数额;", "。 2. 决定上文第25和第26段提及的32 775 600美元所产生的贷项,应加上2010年6月30日终了财政期间工作人员薪金税收入估计数的增加额361 900美元;", "第28次会议 6. 强调任何维持和平特派团都不得借用其他在役维持和平特派团的经费;", "29. 。 8. 鼓励秘书长铭记安全理事会2003年8月26日第1502(2003)号决议第5和第6段,继续采取进一步措施,确保在联合国主持下参与该特派团的所有人员的安全和安保;", "30. 。 5. 邀请各方向该特派团自愿捐助现金以及秘书长可以接受的服务和用品,这些捐助将按照大会规定的程序和做法适当管理;", "313. 9. 决定将题为“联合国利比里亚特派团经费的筹措”的项目列入其第六十六届会议临时议程。", "页: 1", "页: 1", "[3] A/63/620。" ]
[ "Sixty-fifth session", "Agenda item 156 (a)", "Financing of the United Nations peacekeeping forces in the Middle East: United Nations Disengagement Observer Force", "Report of the Fifth Committee", "Rapporteur: Ms. Nicole Ann Mannion (Ireland)", "I. Introduction", "1. At its 2nd plenary meeting, on 17 September 2010, the General Assembly, on the recommendation of the General Committee, decided to include in the agenda of its sixty-fifth session the item entitled “Financing of the United Nations peacekeeping forces in the Middle East: United Nations Disengagement Observer Force” and to allocate it to the Fifth Committee.", "2. The Fifth Committee considered the item at its 34th and 42nd meetings, on 5 May and 30 June 2011. Statements and observations made in the course of the Committee’s consideration of the item are reflected in the relevant summary records (A/C.5/65/SR.34 and 42).", "3. For its consideration of the item, the Committee had before it the following documents:", "(a) Report of the Secretary-General on the budget performance of the United Nations Disengagement Observer Force for the period from 1 July 2009 to 30 June 2010 (A/65/596);", "(b) Report of the Secretary-General on the budget for the United Nations Disengagement Observer Force for the period from 1 July 2011 to 30 June 2012 (A/65/710);", "* Reissued for technical reasons on 26 July 2011.", "(c) Related report of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions (A/65/743/Add.3).", "II. Consideration of draft resolution A/C.5/65/L.45", "4. At its 42nd meeting, on 30 June, the Committee had before it a draft resolution entitled “Financing of the United Nations peacekeeping forces in the Middle East: United Nations Disengagement Observer Force” (A/C.5/65/L.45), submitted by the Chair of the Committee on the basis of informal consultations coordinated by the representative of New Zealand.", "5. At the same meeting, the Committee adopted draft resolution A/C.5/65/L.45 without a vote (see para. 6).", "III. Recommendation of the Fifth Committee", "6. The Fifth Committee recommends to the General Assembly the adoption of the following draft resolution:", "Financing of the United Nations Disengagement Observer Force", "The General Assembly,", "Having considered the reports of the Secretary-General on the financing of the United Nations Disengagement Observer Force[1] and the related report of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions,[2]", "Recalling Security Council resolution 350 (1974) of 31 May 1974 regarding the establishment of the United Nations Disengagement Observer Force and the subsequent resolutions by which the Council extended the mandate of the Force, the latest of which was resolution 1994 (2011) of 30 June 2011,", "Recalling also its resolution 3211 B (XXIX) of 29 November 1974 on the financing of the United Nations Emergency Force and of the United Nations Disengagement Observer Force and its subsequent resolutions thereon, the latest of which was resolution 64/281 of 24 June 2010,", "Reaffirming the general principles underlying the financing of United Nations peacekeeping operations, as stated in General Assembly resolutions 1874 (S-IV) of 27 June 1963, 3101 (XXVIII) of 11 December 1973 and 55/235 of 23 December 2000,", "Mindful of the fact that it is essential to provide the Force with the financial resources necessary to enable it to fulfil its responsibilities under the relevant resolutions of the Security Council,", "1. Requests the Secretary-General to entrust the Head of Mission with the task of formulating future budget proposals in full accordance with the provisions of General Assembly resolutions 59/296 of 22 June 2005, 60/266 of 30 June 2006, 61/276 of 29 June 2007, 64/269 of 24 June 2010 and 65/289 of 30 June 2011, as well as other relevant resolutions;", "2. Takes note of the status of contributions to the United Nations Disengagement Observer Force as at 30 April 2011, including the contributions outstanding in the amount of 18.3 million United States dollars, representing some 1 per cent of the total assessed contributions, notes with concern that only forty-nine Member States have paid their assessed contributions in full, and urges all other Member States, in particular those in arrears, to ensure the payment of their outstanding assessed contributions;", "3. Expresses its appreciation to those Member States which have paid their assessed contributions in full, and urges all other Member States to make every possible effort to ensure payment of their assessed contributions to the Force in full;", "4. Expresses concern at the financial situation with regard to peacekeeping activities, in particular as regards the reimbursements to troop contributors that bear additional burdens owing to overdue payments by Member States of their assessments;", "5. Also expresses concern at the delay experienced by the Secretary-General in deploying and providing adequate resources to some recent peacekeeping missions, in particular those in Africa;", "6. Emphasizes that all future and existing peacekeeping missions shall be given equal and non-discriminatory treatment in respect of financial and administrative arrangements;", "7. Also emphasizes that all peacekeeping missions shall be provided with adequate resources for the effective and efficient discharge of their respective mandates;", "8. Requests the Secretary-General to ensure that proposed peacekeeping budgets are based on the relevant legislative mandates;", "9. Endorses the conclusions and recommendations contained in the report of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions,² subject to the provisions of the present resolution, and requests the Secretary-General to ensure their full implementation;", "10. Requests the Secretary-General to ensure the full implementation of the relevant provisions of its resolutions 59/296, 60/266, 61/276, 64/269 and 65/289;", "11. Also requests the Secretary-General to take all necessary action to ensure that the Force is administered with a maximum of efficiency and economy;", "12. Notes that the overall level of appropriation has been adjusted in accordance with the terms of resolution 65/289;", "Financial performance report for the period from 1 July 2009 to 30 June 2010", "13. Takes note of the report of the Secretary-General on the financial performance of the Force for the period from 1 July 2009 to 30 June 2010;[3]", "Budget estimates for the period from 1 July 2011 to 30 June 2012", "14. Decides to appropriate to the Special Account for the United Nations Disengagement Observer Force the amount of 53,753,200 dollars for the period from 1 July 2011 to 30 June 2012, inclusive of 50,526,100 dollars for the maintenance of the Force, 2,734,600 dollars for the support account for peacekeeping operations and 492,500 dollars for the United Nations Logistics Base at Brindisi, Italy;", "Financing of the appropriation", "15. Also decides to apportion among Member States the amount of 53,753,200 dollars at a monthly rate of 4,479,434 dollars, in accordance with the levels updated in General Assembly resolution 64/249 of 24 December 2009, and taking into account the scale of assessments for 2011 and 2012, as set out in Assembly resolution 64/248 of 24 December 2009, subject to a decision of the Security Council to extend the mandate of the Force;", "16. Further decides that, in accordance with the provisions of its resolution 973 (X) of 15 December 1955, there shall be offset against the apportionment among Member States, as provided for in paragraph 15 above, their respective share in the Tax Equalization Fund of 1,810,000 dollars, comprising the estimated staff assessment income of 1,526,700 dollars approved for the Force, the prorated share of 231,600 dollars of the estimated staff assessment income approved for the support account and the prorated share of 51,700 dollars of the estimated staff assessment income approved for the United Nations Logistics Base;", "17. Decides that, for Member States that have fulfilled their financial obligations to the Force, there shall be offset against their apportionment, as provided for in paragraph 15 above, their respective share of the unencumbered balance and other income in the amount of 852,500 dollars in respect of the financial period ended 30 June 2010, in accordance with the levels updated in General Assembly resolution 64/249, and taking into account the scale of assessments for 2010, as set out in Assembly resolution 64/248;", "18. Also decides that, for Member States that have not fulfilled their financial obligations to the Force, there shall be offset against their outstanding obligations their respective share of the unencumbered balance and other income in the amount of 852,500 dollars in respect of the financial period ended 30 June 2010, in accordance with the scheme set out in paragraph 17 above;", "19. Further decides that the increase of 106,400 dollars in the estimated staff assessment income in respect of the financial period ended 30 June 2010 shall be added to the credits from the amount of 852,500 dollars referred to in paragraphs 17 and 18 above;", "20. Emphasizes that no peacekeeping mission shall be financed by borrowing funds from other active peacekeeping missions;", "21. Encourages the Secretary-General to continue to take additional measures to ensure the safety and security of all personnel participating in the Force under the auspices of the United Nations, bearing in mind paragraphs 5 and 6 of Security Council resolution 1502 (2003) of 26 August 2003;", "22. Invites voluntary contributions to the Force in cash and in the form of services and supplies acceptable to the Secretary-General, to be administered, as appropriate, in accordance with the procedures and practices established by the General Assembly;", "23. Decides to include in the provisional agenda of its sixty-sixth session, under the item entitled “Financing of the United Nations peacekeeping forces in the Middle East”, the sub-item entitled “United Nations Disengagement Observer Force”.", "[1] A/65/596 and A/65/710.", "[2] A/65/743/Add.3.", "[3] A/65/596." ]
[ "第六十五届会议", "议程项目156(a)", "联合国脱离接触观察员部队经费的筹措", "第五委员会的报告", "^(*) 因技术原因于2011年7月26日重新印发。", "报告员:尼科尔·安·曼尼农女士(爱尔兰)", "一. 导言", "1. 在2010年9月17日第2次全体会议上,大会根据总务委员会的建议,决定将题为“联合国脱离接触观察员部队经费的筹措”的项目列入第六十五届会议议程,并分配给第五委员会。", "2. 第五委员会在2011年5月5日和6月30日第34和42次会议上审议了该项目。委员会审议该项目过程中的发言和意见,见有关简要记录(A/C.5/65/SR.34和42)。", "3. 在审议该项目时,委员会收到下列文件:", "(a) 秘书长关于联合国脱离接触观察员部队2009年7月1日至2010年6月30日期间预算执行情况的报告(A/65/596);", "(b) 秘书长关于联合国脱离接触观察员部队2011年7月1日至2012年6月30日期间的预算报告(A/65/710);", "(c) 行政和预算问题咨询委员会的有关报告(A/65/743/Add.3)。", "二. 决议草案A/C.5/65/L.45的审议情况", "4. 在6月30日第42次会议上,委员会面前有委员会主席根据新西兰代表协调的非正式协商提出的决议草案,题为“联合国脱离接触观察员部队经费的筹措”(A/C.5/65/L.45)。", "5. 在同次会议上,委员会未经表决通过了决议草案A/C.5/65/L.45(见第6段)。", "三. 第五委员会的建议", "6. 第五委员会建议大会通过以下决议草案:", "联合国脱离接触观察员部队经费的筹措", "大会,", "审议了秘书长关于联合国脱离接触观察员部队经费筹措的报告[1] 以及行政和预算问题咨询委员会的有关报告,[2]", "回顾安全理事会关于设立联合国脱离接触观察员部队的1974年5月31日第350(1974)号决议及安理会其后延长该部队任务的各项决议,最近的是2011年6月30日第1994(2011)号决议,", "又回顾大会关于联合国紧急部队和联合国脱离接触观察员部队经费筹措的1974年11月29日第3211 B(XXIX)号决议及其后各项有关决议,最近的是2010年6月24日第64/281号决议,", "重申大会1963年6月27日第1874(S-IV)号、1973年12月11日第3101(XXVIII)号和2000年12月23日第55/235号决议阐述的联合国维持和平行动经费筹措一般原则,", "意识到必须为该部队提供必要的财政资源,使其能够履行安全理事会有关决议规定的职责,", "1. 请秘书长责成该特派团团长完全按照大会2005年6月22日第59/296号、2006年6月30日第60/266号、2007年6月29日第61/276号、2010年6月24日第64/269号和2011年6月30日第65/289号决议及其他相关决议的规定编制今后的拟议预算;", "2. 表示注意到截至2011年4月30日联合国脱离接触观察员部队摊款的缴纳情况,包括未缴摊款1 830万美元,约占摊款总额的1%,关切地注意到只有49个会员国已足额缴纳摊款,并促请所有其他会员国,尤其是拖欠国,确保缴纳未缴摊款;", "3. 表示赞赏已足额缴纳摊款的会员国,并促请所有其他会员国尽力确保足额缴纳为该部队分摊的款项;", "4. 表示关切维持和平行动的财政状况,特别是向部队派遣国偿还费用的情况,这些国家因会员国逾期未缴摊款而承受额外负担;", "5. 又表示关切秘书长在部署最近一些维持和平特派团,特别是在非洲的特派团,及向其提供适当资源方面受到耽搁;", "6. 强调对今后和现有的所有维持和平特派团,在财政和行政安排方面应予平等对待、一视同仁;", "7. 又强调应为所有维持和平特派团提供适当资源,使其能够有成效、有效率地完成各自的任务;", "8. 请秘书长确保拟议维持和平预算以相关立法授权为依据;", "9. 认可行政和预算问题咨询委员会报告² 所载结论和建议,但以符合本决议的规定为前提,并请秘书长确保予以充分落实;", "10. 请秘书长确保第59/296、60/266、61/276、64/269和65/289号决议的相关规定得到充分执行;", "11. 又请秘书长采取一切必要行动,确保以最有效率、最节省的方式管理该部队;", "12. 注意到批款总额已根据第65/289号决议的规定进行了调整;", "2009年7月1日至2010年6月30日期间财政执行情况报告", "13. 表示注意到秘书长关于该部队2009年7月1日至2010年6月30日期间财政执行情况的报告;[3]", "2011年7月1日至2012年6月30日期间预算估计数", "14. 决定批款53 753 200美元给联合国脱离接触观察员部队特别账户,充作2011年7月1日至2012年6月30日期间的经费,其中包括该部队的维持费50 526 100美元,给维持和平行动支助账户的2 734 600美元,以及给意大利布林迪西联合国后勤基地的492 500美元;", "批款的筹措", "15. 又决定,考虑到大会2009年12月24日第64/248号决议规定的2011年分摊比额表和2012年分摊比额表,由会员国按照大会2009年12月24日第64/249号决议修订的等级分摊53 753 200美元,每月4 479 434美元,但以安全理事会决定延长该部队的任务为前提;", "16. 还决定,根据其1955年12月15日第973(X)号决议的规定,从上文第15段规定的会员国摊款中减除会员国在衡平征税基金内1 810 000美元中各自应分的数额,基金内的这笔款项包括该部队核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数1 526 700美元,支助账户的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数中按比例应分的数额231 600美元,以及联合国后勤基地的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数中按比例应分的数额51 700美元;", "17. 决定,对于已经履行对该部队财政义务的会员国,应考虑到大会第64/248号决议规定的2010年分摊比额表,并按照大会第64/249号决议修订的等级,从上文第15段规定的会员国摊款中减除2010年6月30日终了财政期间未支配余额和其他收入共计852 500美元中各自应分的数额;", "18. 又决定,对于尚未履行对该部队财政义务的会员国,应按照上文第17段规定的办法,从其所欠款项中减除2010年6月30日终了财政期间未支配余额和其他收入共计852 500美元中各自应分的数额;", "19. 还决定,上文第17和18段提及的852 500美元贷项应加上2010年6月30日终了财政期间工作人员薪金税收入估计增额106 400美元;", "20. 强调任何维持和平特派团都不得借用其他在役维持和平特派团的经费;", "21. 鼓励秘书长铭记安全理事会2003年8月26日第1502(2003)号决议第5和第6段,继续采取进一步措施,确保在联合国主持下参与该部队的所有人员的安全和安保;", "22. 邀请各方向该部队自愿捐助现金以及秘书长可以接受的服务和用品,这些捐助将按照大会规定的程序和做法适当管理;", "23. 决定在其第六十六届会议临时议程题为“联合国中东维持和平部队经费的筹措”的项目下列入题为“联合国脱离接触观察员部队”的分项。", "[1] A/65/596和A/65/710。", "[2] A/65/743/Add.3。", "[3] A/65/596。" ]
[ "第六十五届会议", "议程项目156(a)", "联合国中东维持和平部队经费的筹措:联合国脱离接触观察员部队", "第五委员会的报告", "报告员:妮科尔·安·曼宁女士(爱尔兰)", "一. 导言", "页: 1 1. 在2010年9月17日第2次全体会议上,大会根据总务委员会的建议,决定将题为“联合国中东维持和平部队经费的筹措:联合国脱离接触观察员部队”的项目列入大会第六十五届会议议程,并分配给第五委员会。", "2. 结 论 2. 第五委员会在2011年5月5日和6月30日第34和42次会议上审议了该项目。 在委员会审议该项目过程中所作的发言和发表的意见,反映在有关简要记录(A/C.5/65/SR.34和42)中。", "3. 。 3. 在审议该项目时,委员会面前有下列文件:", "(a) 秘书长关于联合国脱离接触观察员部队2009年7月1日至2010年6月30日期间预算执行情况的报告(A/63/596);", "(b) 秘书长关于联合国脱离接触观察员部队2011年7月1日至2012年6月30日期间预算的报告(A/62/610);", "* 由于技术原因重新印发。", "(c) 行政和预算问题咨询委员会的相关报告(A/62/643/Add.3)。", "II. 二. 决议草案A/C.5/65/L.45的审议情况", "4. 第四届会议 4. 在6月30日第42次会议上,委员会面前有委员会主席根据新西兰代表协调的非正式协商提出的决议草案,题为“联合国中东维持和平部队经费的筹措:联合国脱离接触观察员部队”(A/C.5/65/L.45)。", "5. 5. 在同次会议上,委员会未经表决通过了决议草案A/C.5/65/L.45(见第6段)。 。", "页: 1 三. 第五委员会的建议", "6. 任务 6. 第五委员会建议大会通过下列决议草案:", "联合国脱离接触观察员部队经费的筹措", "大会,", "审议了秘书长关于联合国脱离接触观察员部队经费筹措的报告 以及行政和预算问题咨询委员会的有关报告,", "回顾安全理事会1974年5月31日关于设立联合国脱离接触观察员部队的第350(1974)号决议及其后安理会延长该部队任务的各项决议,最近的是2011年6月30日第1994(2011)号决议,", "又回顾其关于联合国紧急部队和联合国脱离接触观察员部队经费筹措的1974年11月29日第3211 B(XXIX)号决议及其后各项有关决议,最近的是2010年6月24日第64/281号决议,", "重申其1963年6月27日第1874(S-IV)号、1973年12月11日第3101(XXVIII)号和2000年12月23日第55/235号决议阐述的联合国维持和平行动经费筹措一般原则,", "意识到必须为该部队提供必要的经费,使其能够履行安全理事会有关决议规定的职责,", "页: 1 1. 请秘书长责成该特派团团长完全按照大会2005年6月22日第59/296号、2006年6月30日第60/266号、2007年6月29日第61/276号、2010年6月24日第64/269号和2011年6月30日第56/89号决议以及其他相关决议的规定编制今后的拟议预算;", "2. 结 论 1. 表示注意到截至2011年4月30日联合国脱离接触观察员部队摊款的缴纳情况,包括未缴摊款1 830万美元,约占摊款总额的1%,关切地注意到只有49个会员国已足额缴纳摊款,并促请所有其他会员国,尤其是拖欠国,确保缴纳未缴摊款;", "3. 。 2. 表示赞赏已足额缴纳摊款的会员国,并促请所有其他会员国尽力确保足额缴纳为该部队分摊的款项;", "4. 第四届会议 2. 表示关切维持和平活动的财政状况,特别是向部队派遣国偿还费用的情况,这些国家因会员国逾期未缴摊款而承受额外负担;", "5. 5. 又表示关切秘书长在部署最近一些维持和平特派团,特别是在非洲的特派团,及向其提供适当资源方面受到耽搁;", "6. 任务 6. 强调对今后和现有的所有维持和平特派团,在财政和行政安排方面应予平等对待、一视同仁;", "7. 基本考虑 7. 又强调应为所有维持和平特派团提供适当资源,使其能够有成效、有效率地完成各自的任务;", "8.8 8. 请秘书长确保拟议维持和平预算以相关立法授权为依据;", "9 September 2005 2. 认可行政和预算问题咨询委员会报告2 所载的结论和建议,但以符合本决议的规定为前提,并请秘书长确保予以充分落实;", "10.10 8. 请秘书长确保大会第59/296号、第60/266号、第61/276号、第64/269号和第59/189号决议的相关规定得到充分执行;", "注 8. 又请秘书长采取一切必要行动,确保以最有效率、最节省的方式管理该部队;", "12. 第12段。 1. 注意到批款总额已依照第56/89号决议的规定作了调整;", "2009年7月1日至2010年6月30日期间财政执行情况报告", "13 August 2001 1. 注意到秘书长关于该部队2009年7月1日至2010年6月30日期间财政执行情况的报告;[3]", "2011年7月1日至2012年6月30日期间预算估计数", "十四、任 务 10. 决定批款53 753 200美元给联合国脱离接触观察员部队特别账户,充作2011年7月1日至2012年6月30日期间的经费,其中包括该部队的维持费50 526 100美元,给维持和平行动支助账户的2 734 600美元,以及给意大利布林迪西联合国后勤基地的492 500美元;", "批款的筹措", "15 17. 又决定,考虑到大会2009年12月24日第64/248号决议规定的2011年和2012年分摊比额表,由会员国按照大会2009年12月24日第64/249号决议修订的等级分摊53 753 200美元,每月4 479 434美元,但以安全理事会决定延长该部队的任务为前提;", "161 18. 还决定,根据其1955年12月15日第973(X)号决议的规定,从上文第15段规定的会员国摊款中减除会员国在衡平征税基金内1 810 000美元中各自应分的数额,基金内的这笔款项包括该部队的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数1 526 700美元,支助账户的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数中按比例应分的数额231 600美元,以及联合国后勤基地的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数中按比例应分的数额51 700美元;", "17. 第17条。 20. 决定,对于已经履行对该部队财政义务的会员国,考虑到大会第64/248号决议规定的2010年分摊比额表,并按照大会第64/249号决议修订的等级,从上文第15段规定的摊款中减除2010年6月30日终了财政期间未支配余额和其他收入852 500美元中各自应分的数额;", "第18条 18. 又决定,对于尚未履行对该部队财政义务的会员国,按照上文第17段规定的办法,从其所欠款项中减除2010年6月30日终了财政期间未支配余额和其他收入852 500美元中各自应分的数额;", "191 17. 还决定,上文第17和第18段提及的852 500美元所产生的贷项,应加上2010年6月30日终了财政期间工作人员薪金税收入估计数的增加额106 400美元;", "20.20 6. 强调任何维持和平特派团都不得借用其他在役维持和平特派团的经费;", "21.21。 8. 鼓励秘书长铭记安全理事会2003年8月26日第1502(2003)号决议第5和第6段,继续采取进一步措施,确保在联合国主持下参与该部队的所有人员的安全和安保;", "第22章 5. 邀请各方向该部队自愿捐助现金以及秘书长可以接受的服务和用品,这些捐助将按照大会规定的程序和做法适当管理;", "23. 会议报告。 9. 决定在第六十六届会议临时议程题为“联合国中东维持和平部队经费的筹措”的项目下列入题为“联合国脱离接触观察员部队”的分项目。", "页: 1", "页: 1", "[3] A/63/596。" ]
[ "Provisional agenda for the 6577th meeting of the Security Council", "To be held on Friday, 8 July 2011, at 10.15 a.m.", "1. Adoption of the agenda.", "2. Peace consolidation in West Africa", "Report of the Secretary-General on the activities of the United Nations Office for West Africa (S/2011/388)." ]
[ "安全理事会第6577次会议临时议程", "定于2011年7月8日星期五上午10时15分举行", "1. 通过议程。", "2. 巩固西非和平", "秘书长关于联合国西非办事处活动的报告(S/2011/388)。", "––––––––––––––" ]
[ "安全理事会第6577次会议临时议程", "定于2011年7月8日星期五上午10时15分举行", "页: 1 1. 通过议程。", "2. 结 论 巩固西非和平", "秘书长关于联合国西非办事处活动的报告(S/2008/ 388)。" ]
[ "Sixty-fifth session", "Agenda item 157", "Financing of the United Nations Mission in the Sudan", "Report of the Fifth Committee", "Rapporteur: Ms. Nicole Ann Mannion (Ireland)", "I. Introduction", "1. The previous recommendation made by the Fifth Committee to the General Assembly under agenda item 157 appears in the report of the Committee contained in document A/65/656.", "2. The Fifth Committee resumed its consideration of the item at its 37th and 42nd meetings, on 13 May and 30 June 2011. Statements and observations made in the course of the Committee’s consideration of the item are reflected in the relevant summary records (A/C.5/65/SR.37 and 42).", "3. For its consideration of the item, the Committee had before it the following documents:", "(a) Report of the Secretary-General on the budget performance of the United Nations Mission in the Sudan for the period from 1 July 2009 to 30 June 2010 (A/65/630 and Corr.1);", "(b) Report of the Secretary-General on the budget for the United Nations Mission in the Sudan for the period from 1 July 2011 to 30 June 2012 (A/65/731);", "(c) Related report of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions (A/65/743/Add.10);", "(d) Report of the Office of Internal Oversight Services on its programme evaluation of the performance and the achievement of results by the United Nations Mission in the Sudan (A/65/752).", "II. Consideration of draft resolution A/C.5/65/L.46", "4. At its 42nd meeting, on 30 June 2011, the Committee had before it a draft resolution entitled “Financing of the United Nations Mission in the Sudan” (A/C.5/65/L.46), submitted by the Chair of the Committee on the basis of informal consultations coordinated by the representative of Belgium.", "5. At the same meeting, the Committee adopted draft resolution A/C.5/65/L.46 without a vote (see para. 6).", "III. Recommendation of the Fifth Committee", "6. The Fifth Committee recommends to the General Assembly the adoption of the following draft resolution:", "Financing of the United Nations Mission in the Sudan", "The General Assembly,", "Having considered the reports of the Secretary-General on the financing of the United Nations Mission in the Sudan[1] and the related report of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions,[2]", "Recalling Security Council resolution 1590 (2005) of 24 March 2005, by which the Council established the United Nations Mission in the Sudan for an initial period of six months as from 24 March 2005, and the subsequent resolutions by which the Council extended the mandate of the Mission, the latest of which was resolution 1978 (2011) of 27 April 2011, by which the Council extended the mandate until 9 July 2011,", "Recalling also Security Council resolution 1990 (2011), by which the Council established the United Nations Interim Security Force for Abyei for an initial period of six months from 27 June 2011,", "Recalling further its resolution 59/292 of 21 April 2005 on the financing of the Mission and its subsequent resolutions thereon, the latest of which was resolution 65/257 of 24 December 2010,", "Recalling its resolution 58/315 of 1 July 2004,", "Reaffirming the general principles underlying the financing of United Nations peacekeeping operations, as stated in General Assembly resolutions 1874 (S-IV) of 27 June 1963, 3101 (XXVIII) of 11 December 1973 and 55/235 of 23 December 2000,", "Noting with appreciation that voluntary contributions have been made to the Trust Fund in Support of the Peace Process in the Sudan,", "Mindful of the fact that it is essential to provide the Mission with the financial resources necessary to enable it to fulfil its responsibilities under the relevant resolutions of the Security Council,", "1. Requests the Secretary-General to entrust the Head of Mission with the task of formulating future budget proposals in full accordance with the provisions of General Assembly resolutions 59/296 of 22 June 2005, 60/266 of 30 June 2006, 61/276 of 29 June 2007, 64/269 of 24 June 2010 and 65/289 of 30 June 2011, as well as other relevant resolutions;", "2. Takes note of the status of contributions to the United Nations Mission in the Sudan as at 30 April 2011, including the contributions outstanding in the amount of 133.1 million United States dollars, representing some 2 per cent of the total assessed contributions, notes with concern that only forty-seven Member States have paid their assessed contributions in full, and urges all other Member States, in particular those in arrears, to ensure payment of their outstanding assessed contributions;", "3. Expresses its appreciation to those Member States which have paid their assessed contributions in full, and urges all other Member States to make every possible effort to ensure payment of their assessed contributions to the Mission in full;", "4. Expresses concern at the financial situation with regard to peacekeeping activities, in particular as regards the reimbursements to troop contributors that bear additional burdens owing to overdue payments by Member States of their assessments;", "5. Also expresses concern at the delay experienced by the Secretary-General in deploying and providing adequate resources to some recent peacekeeping missions, in particular those in Africa;", "6. Emphasizes that all future and existing peacekeeping missions shall be given equal and non-discriminatory treatment in respect of financial and administrative arrangements;", "7. Also emphasizes that all peacekeeping missions shall be provided with adequate resources for the effective and efficient discharge of their respective mandates;", "8. Requests the Secretary-General to ensure that proposed peacekeeping budgets are based on the relevant legislative mandates;", "9. Endorses the conclusions and recommendations contained in the report of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions,² subject to the provisions of the present resolution, and requests the Secretary-General to ensure their full implementation;", "10. Reaffirms section XX of resolution 61/276, and encourages the Secretary-General, where feasible, to enhance regional and inter-mission cooperation with a view to achieving greater synergies in the use of the resources of the Organization and the implementation of mandates of the missions, while bearing in mind that individual missions are responsible for the preparation and implementation of their own budgets and for controlling their own assets and logistical operations;", "11. Requests the Secretary-General to ensure that future budget submissions contain sufficient information, explanation and justification of the proposed resource requirements relating to operational costs in order to allow Member States to take well-informed decisions;", "12. Also requests the Secretary-General to ensure the full implementation of the relevant provisions of its resolutions 59/296, 60/266, 61/276, 64/269 and 65/289;", "13. Further requests the Secretary-General to take all necessary action to ensure that the Mission is administered with a maximum of efficiency and economy;", "14. Authorizes the Secretary-General to draw upon the resources approved for the Mission in entering into commitments for the period from 1 July to 31 December 2011 for the United Nations Interim Security Force for Abyei and any further missions established by the Security Council before 31 December 2011 in support of the implementation of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement;", "15. Notes the intention of the Security Council, as stated in its resolution 1978 (2011), to establish a successor mission to the United Nations Mission in the Sudan, and authorizes the Secretary-General to draw upon the resources approved for the Mission in entering into commitments for a successor mission for the period from 1 July to 31 December 2011;", "16. Also notes that the overall level of appropriation has been adjusted in accordance with the terms of resolution 65/289;", "Financial performance report for the period from 1 July 2009 to 30 June 2010", "17. Takes note of the report of the Secretary-General on the financial performance of the Mission for the period from 1 July 2009 to 30 June 2010;[3]", "Budget estimates for the period from 1 July 2011 to 30 June 2012", "18. Decides to appropriate to the Special Account for the United Nations Mission in the Sudan the amount of 513,330,150 dollars for the period from 1 July to 31 December 2011, inclusive of 482,460,550 dollars for the maintenance of the Mission, 26,158,400 dollars for the support account for peacekeeping operations and 4,711,200 dollars for the United Nations Logistics Base at Brindisi, Italy;", "Financing of the appropriation", "19. Also decides to apportion among Member States the amount of 24,838,556 dollars for the period from 1 July to 9 July 2011, in accordance with the levels updated in General Assembly resolution 64/249 of 24 December 2009 and taking into account the scale of assessments for 2011, as set out in its resolution 64/248 of 24 December 2009;", "20. Further decides that, in accordance with the provisions of its resolution 973 (X) of 15 December 1955, there shall be set off against the apportionment among Member States, as provided for in paragraph 19 above, their respective share in the Tax Equalization Fund of 794,816 dollars, comprising the estimated staff assessment income of 663,668 dollars approved for the Mission, the prorated share of 107,201 dollars of the estimated staff assessment income approved for the support account and the prorated share of 23,947 dollars of the estimated staff assessment income approved for the United Nations Logistics Base;", "21. Decides to apportion among Member States the amount of 488,491,594 dollars for the period from 10 July to 31 December 2011, for the administrative liquidation of the Mission, the United Nations Interim Security Force for Abyei, a successor mission to the United Nations Mission in the Sudan as stated in resolution 1978 (2011) and any further missions established by the Security Council before 31 December 2011 in support of the implementation of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement, in accordance with the levels updated in General Assembly resolution 64/249 and taking into account the scale of assessments for 2011 as set out in its resolution 64/248;", "22. Also decides that, in accordance with the provisions of its resolution 973 (X), there shall be set off against the apportionment among Member States, as provided for in paragraph 21 above, their respective share in the Tax Equalization Fund of 15,631,384 dollars, comprising the estimated staff assessment income of 13,052,132 dollars approved for the Mission, the prorated share of 2,108,299 dollars of the estimated staff assessment income approved for the support account and the prorated share of 470,953 dollars of the estimated staff assessment income approved for the United Nations Logistics Base;", "23. Further decides that, for Member States that have fulfilled their financial obligations to the Mission, there shall be set off against their apportionment, as provided for in paragraph 19 above, their respective share of the unencumbered balance and other income in the total amount of 52,052,100 dollars in respect of the financial period ended 30 June 2010, in accordance with the levels updated in General Assembly resolution 64/249, and taking into account the scale of assessments for 2010, as set out in its resolution 64/248;", "24. Decides that, for Member States that have not fulfilled their financial obligations to the Mission, there shall be set off against their outstanding obligations their respective share of the unencumbered balance and other income in the total amount of 52,052,100 dollars in respect of the financial period ended 30 June 2010, in accordance with the scheme set out in paragraph 23 above;", "25. Also decides that the increase of 2,702,700 dollars in the estimated staff assessment income in respect of the financial period ended 30 June 2010 shall be added to the credits from the amount of 52,052,100 dollars referred to in paragraphs 23 and 24 above;", "26. Emphasizes that no peacekeeping mission shall be financed by borrowing funds from other active peacekeeping missions;", "27. Encourages the Secretary-General to continue to take additional measures to ensure the safety and security of all personnel participating in the Mission under the auspices of the United Nations, bearing in mind paragraphs 5 and 6 of Security Council resolution 1502 (2003) of 26 August 2003;", "28. Invites voluntary contributions to the Mission in cash and in the form of services and supplies acceptable to the Secretary-General, to be administered, as appropriate, in accordance with the procedures and practices established by the General Assembly;", "29. Decides to include in the provisional agenda of its sixty-sixth session the item entitled “Financing of the United Nations Mission in the Sudan”.", "[1] A/65/630 and Corr.1 and A/65/731.", "[2] A/65/743/Add.10.", "[3] A/65/630 and Corr.1." ]
[ "第六十五届会议", "议程项目157", "联合国苏丹特派团经费的筹措", "第五委员会的报告", "报告员:尼科尔·安·曼尼恩女士(爱尔兰)", "一. 导言", "1. 第五委员会先前在议程项目157下向大会提出的建议见A/65/656号文件所载委员会的报告。", "2. 第五委员会在2011年5月13日和6月30日第37和42次会议上继续审议该项目。在委员会审议该项目过程中所作的发言和发表的意见反映在有关简要记录(A/C.5/65/SR.37和42)中。", "3. 在审议该项目时,委员会面前有下列文件:", "(a) 秘书长关于联合国苏丹特派团2009年7月1日至2010年6月30日期间预算执行情况的报告(A/65/630和Corr.1);", "(b) 秘书长关于联合国苏丹特派团2011年7月1日至2012年6月30日期间预算的报告(A/65/731);", "(c) 行政和预算问题咨询委员会的有关报告(A/65/743/Add.10);", "(d) 内部监督事务厅关于联合国苏丹特派团业绩成果方案评价的报告(A/65/752)。", "二. 决议草案A/C.5/65/L.46的审议情况", "4. 在2011年6月30日第42次会议上,委员会面前有主席根据比利时代表协调的非正式磋商提交的决议草案,题为“联合国苏丹特派团经费的筹措”(A/C.5/65/L.46)。", "5. 在同次会议上,委员会未经表决通过了决议草案A/C.5/65/L.46(见第6段)。", "三. 第五委员会的建议", "6. 第五委员会建议大会通过下列决议草案:", "联合国苏丹特派团经费的筹措", "大会,", "审议了秘书长关于联合国苏丹特派团经费筹措的报告[1] 以及行政和预算问题咨询委员会的有关报告,[2]", "回顾安全理事会2005年3月24日第1590(2005)号决议,安理会在其中决定设立联合国苏丹特派团,任期从2005年3月24日开始,最初为6个月,并回顾安理会其后决定延长该特派团任务期限的各项决议,最近的是2011年4月27日第1978(2011)号决议,安理会在其中将任务期限延长至2011年7月9日,", "又回顾安全理事会第1990(2011)号决议,安理会在其中设立联合国阿卜耶伊临时安全部队,任期从2011年6月27日开始,最初为6个月,", "还回顾其关于该特派团经费筹措的2005年4月21日第59/292号决议及其后各项有关决议,最近的是2010年12月24日第65/257号决议,", "回顾其2004年7月1日第58/315号决议,", "重申大会1963年6月27日第1874(S-IV)号、1973年12月11日第3101 (XXVIII)号和2000年12月23日第55/235号决议阐述的联合国维持和平行动经费筹措一般原则,", "赞赏地注意到已向支助苏丹和平进程信托基金提供的自愿捐助,", "意识到必须为该特派团提供必要的财政资源,使其能够履行安全理事会有关决议规定的职责,", "1. 请秘书长责成该特派团团长完全按照大会2005年6月22日第59/296号、2006年6月30日第60/266号、2007年6月29日第61/276号、2010年6月24日第64/269号和2011年6月30日第65/289号以及其他相关决议的规定编制今后的拟议预算;", "2. 注意到截至2011年4月30日联合国苏丹特派团摊款的缴纳情况,包括未缴摊款1.331亿美元,约占摊款总额的2%,关切地注意到只有47个会员国已足额缴纳摊款,并敦促所有其他会员国,尤其是拖欠国,确保缴纳未缴摊款;", "3. 表示赞赏已足额缴纳摊款的会员国,并敦促所有其他会员国尽力确保足额缴纳为该特派团分摊的款项;", "4. 表示关切维持和平活动的财务状况,特别是向部队派遣国偿还费用的情况,这些国家因一些会员国逾期未缴摊款而承受额外负担;", "5. 又表示关切秘书长在部署最近一些维持和平特派团,特别是在非洲的特派团,及向其提供适当资源方面遇到拖延;", "6. 强调在财政和行政安排方面对今后和现有的所有维持和平特派团应予以平等对待,一视同仁;", "7. 又强调应为所有维持和平特派团提供适当资源,使其能够有成效、有效率地完成各自的任务;", "8. 请秘书长确保拟议维和预算以相关法定任务为依据;", "9. 认可行政和预算问题咨询委员会报告² 所载结论和建议,但以符合本决议的规定为前提,并请秘书长确保予以充分落实;", "10. 重申其第61/276号决议第二十节,鼓励秘书长在可行的情况下加强区域合作和特派团间合作,以期在使用联合国资源和执行各特派团任务方面实现更大的协同增效,同时铭记预算的编制和执行以及资产和后勤业务的控制由每个特派团自己负责;", "11. 请秘书长确保在今后提交的预算中提供充足的资料、解释和理由,以说明与业务费用有关的拟议所需资源,从而使会员国能在充分知情的情况下作出决定;", "12. 又请秘书长确保大会第59/296号、第60/266号、第61/276号、第64/ 269号和第65/289号决议的有关规定得到充分执行;", "13. 还请秘书长采取一切必要行动,确保以最有效率、最节省的方式管理该特派团;", "14. 授权秘书长利用为特派团核准的资源,为联合国阿卜耶伊临时安全部队及安理会在2011年12月31日前设立的任何其他特派团承付2011年7月1日至12月31日期间的款项,以支持落实《全面和平协定》;", "15. 注意到安全理事会打算根据其第1978(2011)号决议的规定,设立联合国苏丹特派团的继承特派团,并授权秘书长利用为该特派团核准的资源,为继承特派团承付2011年7月1日至12月31日期间的款项;", "16. 还注意到已根据第65/289号决议的规定对批款总数作出调整;", "2009年7月1日至2010年6月30日期间财政执行情况报告", "17. 注意到秘书长关于该特派团2009年7月1日至2010年6月30日期间财政执行情况的报告;[3]", "2011年7月1日至2012年6月30日期间预算估计数", "18. 决定批款513 330 150美元给联合国苏丹特派团特别账户,充作该特派团2011年7月1日至12月31日期间的经费,其中包括该特派团的维持费482 460 550美元、给维持和平行动支助帐户的26 158 400美元和给意大利布林迪西联合国后勤基地的4 711 200美元;", "批款的筹措", "19. 又决定,按照大会2009年12月24日第64/249号决议修订的等级,并考虑到2009年12月24日第64/248号决议规定的2011年分摊比额表,由会员国分摊24 838 556美元,充作2011年7月1日至7月9日的经费;", "20. 还决定,根据其1955年12月15日第973(X)号决议的规定,从上文第19段规定的会员国摊款中减除会员国在衡平征税基金内794 816美元中各自应分的数额,基金内的这笔款项包括该特派团的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数663 668美元、支助账户的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数中按比例应分的数额107 201美元和联合国后勤基地的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数中按比例应分的数额23 947美元;", "21. 决定,按照大会第64/249号决议修订的等级,并考虑到其第64/248号决议规定的2011年分摊比额表,由会员国分摊488 491 594美元,充作2011年7月10日至12月31日期间该特派团的行政清理结束工作、联合国阿卜耶伊临时安全部队、第1978(2011)号决议规定设立的联合国苏丹特派团的继承特派团及安理会在2011年12月31日前设立的任何其他特派团的经费,以支持落实《全面和平协定》;", "22. 又决定,根据其第973(X)号决议的规定,从上文第21段规定的会员国摊款中减除会员国在衡平征税基金内15 631 384美元中各自应分的数额,基金内的这笔款项包括该特派团的核定工作人员薪金税收入13 052 132美元、支助账户的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数中按比例应分的数额2 108 299美元和联合国后勤基地的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数中按比例应分的数额470 953美元;", "23. 还决定,对于已经履行对该特派团财政义务的会员国,应按照大会第64/249号决议修订的等级,并考虑到其第64/248号决议规定的2010年分摊比额表,从上文第19段规定的摊款中减除其在2010年6月30日终了财政期间未支配余额和其他收入共计52 052 100美元中各自应分的数额;", "24. 决定,对于尚未履行对该特派团财政义务的会员国,应按照上文第23段规定的办法,从其所欠款项中减除其在2010年6月30日终了财政期间未支配余额和其他收入共计52 052 100美元中各自应分的数额;", "25. 又决定,在上文第23和24段所述52 052 100美元所产生的贷项中加上2010年6月30日终了财政期间工作人员薪金税收入估计数的增加额2 702 700美元;", "26. 强调任何维持和平特派团都不得借用其他在役维持和平特派团的经费;", "27. 鼓励秘书长铭记安全理事会2003年8月26日第1502(2003)号决议第5和第6段,继续采取进一步措施,确保在联合国主持下参与该特派团的所有人员的安全和安保;", "28. 邀请各方向该特派团自愿捐助现金及秘书长可以接受的服务和用品,这些捐助将酌情按照大会规定的程序和做法管理;", "29. 决定将题为“联合国苏丹特派团经费的筹措”的项目列入大会第六十六届会议临时议程。", "––––––––––––––", "[1] A/65/630和Corr.1及A/65/731。", "[2] A/65/743/Add.10。", "[3] A/65/630和Corr.1。" ]
[ "第六十五届会议", "议程项目157", "联合国苏丹特派团经费的筹措", "第五委员会的报告", "报告员:妮科尔·安·曼宁女士(爱尔兰)", "一. 导言", "页: 1 1. 第五委员会先前在议程项目157下向大会提出的建议见A/63/656号文件所载的委员会报告。", "2. 结 论 2. 第五委员会在2011年5月13日和6月30日第37和42次会议上继续审议该项目。 在委员会审议该项目过程中所作的发言和发表的意见,反映在有关简要记录(A/C.5/65/SR.37和42)中。", "3. 。 3. 在审议该项目时,委员会面前有下列文件:", "(a) 秘书长关于联合国苏丹特派团2009年7月1日至2010年6月30日期间预算执行情况的报告(A/63/630和Corr.1);", "(b) 秘书长关于联合国苏丹特派团2011年7月1日至2012年6月30日期间预算的报告(A/62/631);", "(c) 行政和预算问题咨询委员会的相关报告(A/62/643/Add.10);", "(d) 内部监督事务厅关于联合国苏丹特派团业绩和成果实现情况方案评价的报告(A/62/652)。", "II. 二. 决议草案A/C.5/65/L.46的审议情况", "4. 第四届会议 1. 在2011年6月30日第42次会议上,委员会面前有委员会主席根据比利时代表协调的非正式协商提出的决议草案,题为“联合国苏丹特派团经费的筹措”(A/C.5/65/L.46)。", "5. 5. 在同次会议上,委员会未经表决通过了决议草案A/C.5/65/L.46(见第6段)。 。", "页: 1 三. 第五委员会的建议", "6. 任务 6. 第五委员会建议大会通过下列决议草案:", "联合国苏丹特派团经费的筹措", "大会,", "审议了秘书长关于联合国苏丹特派团经费筹措的报告 以及行政和预算问题咨询委员会的有关报告,", "回顾安全理事会2005年3月24日第1590(2005)号决议,其中安理会决定设立联合国苏丹特派团,自2005年3月24日起,最初为期六个月,以及安理会其后延长该特派团任务的各项决议,最近的是2011年4月27日第1978(2011)号决议,其中安理会将该特派团的任务延长至2011年7月9日,", "又回顾安全理事会第1990(2011)号决议,其中安理会决定设立联合国阿卜耶伊临时安全部队,自2011年6月27日起,最初为期六个月,", "还回顾其关于该特派团经费筹措的2005年4月21日第59/292号决议及其后各项有关决议,最近的是2010年12月24日第59/157号决议,", "回顾其2004年7月1日第58/315号决议,", "重申其1963年6月27日第1874(S-IV)号、1973年12月11日第3101(XXVIII)号和2000年12月23日第55/235号决议阐述的联合国维持和平行动经费筹措一般原则,", "赞赏地注意到已有国家向支持苏丹和平进程信托基金作出自愿捐助,", "意识到必须为该特派团提供必要的经费,使其能够履行安全理事会有关决议规定的职责,", "页: 1 1. 请秘书长责成该特派团团长完全按照大会2005年6月22日第59/296号、2006年6月30日第60/266号、2007年6月29日第61/276号、2010年6月24日第64/269号和2011年6月30日第56/89号决议以及其他相关决议的规定编制今后的拟议预算;", "2. 结 论 1. 表示注意到截至2011年4月30日联合国苏丹特派团摊款的缴纳情况,包括未缴摊款1.371亿美元,约占摊款总额的2%,关切地注意到只有47个会员国已足额缴纳摊款,并促请所有其他会员国,尤其是拖欠国,确保缴纳未缴摊款;", "3. 。 2. 表示赞赏已足额缴纳摊款的会员国,并促请所有其他会员国尽力确保足额缴纳为该特派团分摊的款项;", "4. 第四届会议 2. 表示关切维持和平活动的财政状况,特别是向部队派遣国偿还费用的情况,这些国家因会员国逾期未缴摊款而承受额外负担;", "5. 5. 又表示关切秘书长在部署最近一些维持和平特派团,特别是在非洲的特派团,及向其提供适当资源方面受到耽搁;", "6. 任务 6. 强调对今后和现有的所有维持和平特派团,在财政和行政安排方面应予平等对待、一视同仁;", "7. 基本考虑 7. 又强调应为所有维持和平特派团提供适当资源,使其能够有成效、有效率地完成各自的任务;", "8.8 8. 请秘书长确保拟议维持和平预算以相关立法授权为依据;", "9 September 2005 2. 认可行政和预算问题咨询委员会报告2 所载的结论和建议,但以符合本决议的规定为前提,并请秘书长确保予以充分落实;", "10.10 2. 重申第61/276号决议第二十节,鼓励秘书长在可行的情况下加强区域合作和特派团间合作,以期在使用本组织资源和执行特派团任务方面实现更大的协同增效,同时铭记,各特派团负责编制和执行自己的预算,控制自己的资产和后勤业务;", "注 8. 请秘书长确保今后提交的预算载有与业务费用有关的拟议所需资源的充分资料、说明和理由,以便会员国能在充分知情的情况下作出决定;", "12. 第12段。 8. 又请秘书长确保大会第59/296号、第60/266号、第61/276号、第64/269号和第56/89号决议的相关规定得到充分执行;", "13 August 2001 8. 还请秘书长采取一切必要行动,确保以最有效率、最节省的方式管理该特派团;", "十四、任 务 2. 授权秘书长利用为该特派团核定的资源,为阿卜耶伊临时安全部队承付2011年7月1日至12月31日期间的款项,以及安全理事会在2011年12月31日之前为支持执行《全面和平协议》而设立的任何其他特派团;", "15 2. 注意到安全理事会第1978(2011)号决议表示,安全理事会打算设立联合国苏丹特派团的后续特派团,并授权秘书长利用为该特派团核定的资源承付2011年7月1日至12月31日期间的后续特派团;", "161 2. 又注意到批款总额已依照第56/89号决议的规定作了调整;", "2009年7月1日至2010年6月30日期间财政执行情况报告", "17. 第17条。 1. 注意到秘书长关于该特派团2009年7月1日至2010年6月30日期间财政执行情况的报告;", "2011年7月1日至2012年6月30日期间预算估计数", "第18条 15. 决定批款513 330 150美元给联合国苏丹特派团特别账户,充作2011年7月1日至12月31日期间的经费,其中包括该特派团的维持费482 460 550美元,给维持和平行动支助账户的26 158 400美元,以及给意大利布林迪西联合国后勤基地的4 711 200美元;", "批款的筹措", "191 17. 又决定,考虑到大会2009年12月24日第64/248号决议规定的2011年分摊比额表,由会员国按照大会2009年12月24日第64/249号决议修订的等级分摊24 838 556美元,充作2011年7月1日至7月9日期间的经费;", "20.20 18. 还决定,根据其1955年12月15日第973(X)号决议的规定,从上文第19段规定的会员国摊款中减除会员国在衡平征税基金内794 816美元中各自应分的数额,基金内的这笔款项包括该特派团的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数663 668美元,支助账户的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数中按比例应分的数额107 201美元,以及联合国后勤基地的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数中按比例应分的数额23 947美元;", "21.21。 15. 决定,考虑到大会第64/249号决议所定2011年分摊比额表,由会员国按照大会第64/249号决议修订的等级分摊488 491 594美元,充作该特派团、联合国阿卜耶伊临时安全部队、第1978(2011)号决议所述联合国苏丹特派团后续特派团和安全理事会在2011年12月31日之前为支持执行《全面和平协议》而设立的任何其他特派团的行政清理结束费用。", "第22章 18. 又决定,根据其第973(X)号决议的规定,从上文第21段规定的会员国摊款中减除会员国在衡平征税基金内15 631 384美元中各自应分的数额,基金内的这笔款项包括该特派团的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数13 052 132美元,支助账户的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数中按比例应分的数额2 108 299美元,以及联合国后勤基地的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数中按比例应分的数额470 953美元;", "23. 会议报告。 20. 还决定,对于已经履行对该特派团财政义务的会员国,考虑到大会第64/248号决议规定的2010年分摊比额表,并按照大会第64/249号决议修订的等级,从上文第19段规定的摊款中减除2010年6月30日终了财政期间未支配余额和其他收入共计52 052 100美元中各自应分的数额;", "24. 第24段。 2. 决定,对于尚未履行对该特派团财政义务的会员国,按照上文第23段规定的办法,从其所欠款项中减除2010年6月30日终了财政期间未支配余额和其他收入共计52 052 100美元中各自应分的数额;", "258. 16. 又决定,上文第23和第24段提及的52 052 100美元所产生的贷项,应加上2010年6月30日终了财政期间工作人员薪金税收入估计数的增加额2 702 700美元;", "262. 报 告 6. 强调任何维持和平特派团都不得借用其他在役维持和平特派团的经费;", "。 8. 鼓励秘书长铭记安全理事会2003年8月26日第1502(2003)号决议第5和第6段,继续采取进一步措施,确保在联合国主持下参与该特派团的所有人员的安全和安保;", "第28次会议 5. 邀请各方向该特派团自愿捐助现金以及秘书长可以接受的服务和用品,这些捐助将按照大会规定的程序和做法适当管理;", "29. 。 9. 决定将题为“联合国苏丹特派团经费的筹措”的项目列入其第六十六届会议临时议程。", "页: 1", "页: 1", "[3] A/63/630和Corr.1。" ]
[ "Sixty-fifth session", "Agenda item 158", "Financing of the United Nations Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara", "Report of the Fifth Committee", "* Reissued for technical reasons on 26 July 2011.", "Rapporteur: Ms. Nicole Ann Mannion (Ireland)", "I. Introduction", "1. At its 2nd plenary meeting, on 17 September 2010, the General Assembly, on the recommendation of the General Committee, decided to include in the agenda of its sixty-fifth session the item entitled “Financing of the United Nations Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara” and to allocate it to the Fifth Committee.", "2. The Fifth Committee considered the item at its 34th and 42nd meetings, on 5 May and 30 June 2011. Statements and observations made in the course of the Committee’s consideration of the item are reflected in the relevant summary records (A/C.5/65/SR.34 and 42).", "3. For its consideration of the item, the Committee had before it the following documents:", "(a) Report of the Secretary-General on the budget performance of the United Nations Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara for the period from 1 July 2009 to 30 June 2010 (A/65/665);", "(b) Report of the Secretary-General on the budget for the United Nations Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara for the period from 1 July 2011 to 30 June 2012 (A/65/720 and Corr.1);", "(c) Related report of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions (A/65/743/Add.5).", "II. Consideration of draft resolution A/C.5/65/L.47", "4. At its 42nd meeting, on 30 June 2011, the Committee had before it a draft resolution entitled “Financing of the United Nations Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara” (A/C.5/65/L.47), submitted by the Chair on the basis of informal consultations coordinated by the representative of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela.", "5. At the same meeting, the Committee adopted draft resolution A/C.5/65/L.47 without a vote (see para. 6).", "III. Recommendation of the Fifth Committee", "6. The Fifth Committee recommends to the General Assembly the adoption of the following draft resolution:", "Financing of the United Nations Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara", "The General Assembly,", "Having considered the reports of the Secretary-General on the financing of the United Nations Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara[1] and the related report of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions,[2]", "Recalling Security Council resolution 690 (1991) of 29 April 1991, by which the Council established the United Nations Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara, and the subsequent resolutions by which the Council extended the mandate of the Mission, the latest of which was resolution 1979 (2011) of 27 April 2011, by which the Council extended the mandate of the Mission until 30 April 2012,", "Recalling also its resolution 45/266 of 17 May 1991 on the financing of the Mission and its subsequent resolutions and decisions thereon, the latest of which was resolution 64/284 of 24 June 2010,", "Reaffirming the general principles underlying the financing of United Nations peacekeeping operations, as stated in General Assembly resolutions 1874 (S-IV) of 27 June 1963, 3101 (XXVIII) of 11 December 1973 and 55/235 of 23 December 2000,", "Noting with appreciation that voluntary contributions have been made to the Mission,", "Mindful of the fact that it is essential to provide the Mission with the financial resources necessary to enable it to fulfil its responsibilities under the relevant resolutions of the Security Council,", "1. Requests the Secretary-General to entrust the Head of Mission with the task of formulating future budget proposals in full accordance with the provisions of General Assembly resolutions 59/296 of 22 June 2005, 60/266 of 30 June 2006, 61/276 of 29 June 2007, 64/269 of 24 June 2010 and 65/289 of 30 June 2011, as well as other relevant resolutions;", "2. Takes note of the status of contributions to the United Nations Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara as at 30 April 2011, including the contributions outstanding in the amount of 44.3 million United States dollars, representing some 5 per cent of the total assessed contributions, notes with concern that only ninety-seven Member States have paid their assessed contributions in full, and urges all other Member States, in particular those in arrears, to ensure payment of their outstanding assessed contributions;", "3. Expresses its appreciation to those Member States which have paid their assessed contributions in full, and urges all other Member States to make every possible effort to ensure payment of their assessed contributions to the Mission in full;", "4. Expresses concern at the financial situation with regard to peacekeeping activities, in particular as regards the reimbursements to troop contributors that bear additional burdens owing to overdue payments by Member States of their assessments;", "5. Also expresses concern at the delay experienced by the Secretary-General in deploying and providing adequate resources to some recent peacekeeping missions, in particular those in Africa;", "6. Emphasizes that all future and existing peacekeeping missions shall be given equal and non-discriminatory treatment in respect of financial and administrative arrangements;", "7. Also emphasizes that all peacekeeping missions shall be provided with adequate resources for the effective and efficient discharge of their respective mandates;", "8. Requests the Secretary-General to ensure that proposed peacekeeping budgets are based on the relevant legislative mandates;", "9. Endorses the conclusions and recommendations contained in the report of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions,² subject to the provisions of the present resolution, and requests the Secretary-General to ensure their full implementation;", "10. Notes the consistent underutilization of the budget for flight hours, and encourages the Secretary-General to take this trend into account in future budget submissions;", "11. Welcomes the initiative to implement two quick-impact projects as part of the effort to enhance relations with the local population, and encourages the timely implementation of the projects;", "12. Requests the Secretary-General to ensure the full implementation of the relevant provisions of its resolutions 59/296, 60/266, 61/276, 64/269 and 65/289;", "13. Also requests the Secretary-General to take all necessary action to ensure that the Mission is administered with a maximum of efficiency and economy;", "14. Notes that the overall level of appropriation has been adjusted in accordance with the terms of its resolution 65/289;", "Financial performance report for the period from 1 July 2009 to 30 June 2010", "15. Takes note of the report of the Secretary-General on the financial performance of the Mission for the period from 1 July 2009 to 30 June 2010;[3]", "Budget estimates for the period from 1 July 2011 to 30 June 2012", "16. Decides to appropriate to the Special Account for the United Nations Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara the amount of 65,398,400 dollars for the period from 1 July 2011 to 30 June 2012, inclusive of 61,449,400 dollars for the maintenance of the Mission, 3,346,300 dollars for the support account for peacekeeping operations and 602,700 dollars for the United Nations Logistics Base at Brindisi, Italy;", "Financing of the appropriation", "17. Also decides to apportion among Member States the amount of 54,498,667 dollars for the period from 1 July 2011 to 30 April 2012, in accordance with the levels updated in General Assembly resolution 64/249 of 24 December 2009, and taking into account the scale of assessments for 2011 and 2012, as set out in its resolution 64/248 of 24 December 2009;", "18. Further decides that, in accordance with the provisions of its resolution 973 (X) of 15 December 1955, there shall be offset against the apportionment among Member States, as provided for in paragraph 17 above, their respective share in the Tax Equalization Fund of 2,590,083 dollars, comprising the estimated staff assessment income of 2,301,083 dollars approved for the Mission, the prorated share of 236,250 dollars of the estimated staff assessment income approved for the support account and the prorated share of 52,750 dollars of the estimated staff assessment income approved for the United Nations Logistics Base;", "19. Decides to apportion among Member States the amount of 10,899,733 dollars for the period from 1 May to 30 June 2012, at a monthly rate of 5,449,866 dollars, in accordance with the levels updated in General Assembly resolution 64/249, and taking into account the scale of assessments for 2012, as set out in its resolution 64/248, subject to a decision of the Security Council to extend the mandate of the Mission;", "20. Also decides that, in accordance with the provisions of its resolution 973 (X), there shall be offset against the apportionment among Member States, as provided for in paragraph 19 above, their respective share in the Tax Equalization Fund of 518,017 dollars, comprising the estimated staff assessment income of 460,217 dollars approved for the Mission, the prorated share of 47,250 dollars of the estimated staff assessment income approved for the support account and the prorated share of 10,550 dollars of the estimated staff assessment income approved for the United Nations Logistics Base;", "21. Further decides that, for Member States that have fulfilled their financial obligations to the Mission, there shall be offset against their apportionment, as provided for in paragraph 17 above, their respective share of the unencumbered balance and other income in the total amount of 2,386,700 dollars in respect of the financial period ended 30 June 2010, in accordance with the levels updated in resolution 64/249, and taking into account the scale of assessments for 2010, as set out in its resolution 64/248;", "22. Decides that, for Member States that have not fulfilled their financial obligations to the Mission, there shall be offset against their outstanding obligations their respective share of the unencumbered balance and other income in the total amount of 2,386,700 dollars in respect of the financial period ended 30 June 2010, in accordance with the scheme set out in paragraph 21 above;", "23. Also decides that the increase of 138,900 dollars in the estimated staff assessment income in respect of the financial period ended 30 June 2010 shall be added to the credits from the amount of 2,386,700 dollars referred to in paragraphs 21 and 22 above;", "24. Emphasizes that no peacekeeping mission shall be financed by borrowing funds from other active peacekeeping missions;", "25. Encourages the Secretary-General to continue to take additional measures to ensure the safety and security of all personnel participating in the Mission under the auspices of the United Nations, bearing in mind paragraphs 5 and 6 of Security Council resolution 1502 (2003) of 26 August 2003;", "26. Invites voluntary contributions to the Mission in cash and in the form of services and supplies acceptable to the Secretary-General, to be administered, as appropriate, in accordance with the procedures and practices established by the General Assembly;", "27. Decides to include in the provisional agenda of its sixty-sixth session the item entitled “Financing of the United Nations Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara”.", "[1] A/65/665 and A/65/720 and Corr.1.", "[2] A/65/743/Add.5.", "[3] A/65/665." ]
[ "第六十五届会议", "议程项目158", "联合国西撒哈拉全民投票特派团经费的筹措", "第五委员会的报告", "^(*) 因技术原因于2011年7月26日重新印发。", "报告员:尼科尔·曼尼农女士(爱尔兰)", "一. 导言", "1. 在2010年9月17日第2次全体会议上,大会根据总务委员会的建议,决定将题为“联合国西撒哈拉全民投票特派团经费的筹措”的项目列入第六十五届会议议程,并分配给第五委员会。", "2. 第五委员会在2011年5月5日和6月30日第34和42次会议上审议了该项目。委员会审议该项目期间的发言和意见见有关简要记录(A/C.5/65/SR.34和42)。", "3. 委员会为审议该项目收到下列文件:", "(a) 秘书长关于2009年7月1日至2010年6月30日期间联合国西撒哈拉全民投票特派团预算执行情况的报告(A/65/665);", "(b) 秘书长关于2011年7月1日至2012年6月30日期间联合国西撒哈拉全民投票特派团预算的报告(A/65/720和Corr.1);", "(c) 行政和预算问题咨询委员会的有关报告(A/65/743/Add.5)。", "二. 决议草案A/C.5/65/L.47的审议情况", "4. 委员会在2011年6月30日第42次会议上审议了主席根据委内瑞拉玻利瓦尔共和国代表协调的非正式协商提交的决议草案,题为“联合国西撒哈拉全民投票特派团经费的筹措”(A/C.5/65/L.47)。", "5. 委员会在同次会议上未经表决通过决议草案A/C.5/65/L.47(见第6段)。", "三. 第五委员会的建议", "6. 第五委员会建议大会通过以下决议草案:", "联合国西撒哈拉全民投票特派团经费的筹措", "大会,", "审议了秘书长关于联合国西撒哈拉全民投票特派团经费筹措的报告[1] 以及行政和预算问题咨询委员会的有关报告,[2]", "回顾安全理事会1991年4月29日关于设立联合国西撒哈拉全民投票特派团的第690(1991)号决议及其后安理会延长该特派团任务的各项决议,最近的是2011年4月27日第1979(2011)号决议,其中安理会决定将该特派团的任务期限延至2012年4月30日,", "又回顾其1991年5月17日关于该特派团经费筹措的第45/266号决议及其后各项有关决议和决定,最近的是2010年6月24日第64/284号决议,", "重申大会1963年6月27日第1874(S-IV)号、1973年12月11日第3101(XXVIII)号和2000年12月23日第55/235号决议阐述的联合国维持和平行动经费筹措的一般原则,", "赞赏地注意到该特派团已获得自愿捐助,", "意识到必须为该特派团提供必要的经费,使其能够履行安全理事会有关决议所规定的职责,", "1. 请秘书长责成该特派团团长完全按照大会2005年6月22日第59/296号、2006年6月30日第60/266号、2007年6月29日第61/276号、2010年6月24日第64/269号和2011年6月30日第65/289号决议以及其他相关决议的规定编制今后的拟议预算;", "2. 表示注意到截至2011年4月30日联合国西撒哈拉全民投票特派团摊款缴纳情况,包括未缴摊款4 430万美元,约占摊款总额的5%,关切地注意到只有97个会员国已足额缴纳摊款,并促请所有其他会员国特别是拖欠国确保缴纳所欠摊款;", "3. 表示赞赏已足额缴纳摊款的会员国,并促请所有其他会员国尽力确保足额缴纳为该特派团分摊的款项;", "4. 表示关切维持和平活动的财政状况,特别是向部队派遣国偿还费用的情况,这些国家因会员国逾期未缴摊款而承受额外负担;", "5. 又表示关切秘书长在部署最近的一些维持和平特派团,特别是在非洲的特派团及向其提供适当资源方面受到耽搁;", "6. 强调对今后和现有的所有维持和平特派团,在财政和行政安排方面应予平等对待、一视同仁;", "7. 又强调应向所有维持和平特派团提供适当资源,使其能够有成效、有效率地履行各自的任务;", "8. 请秘书长确保拟议维持和平预算以相关立法授权为依据;", "9. 认可行政和预算问题咨询委员会的报告² 所载结论和建议,但以符合本决议的规定为前提,并请秘书长确保予以充分落实;", "10. 注意到飞行时数预算长期存在使用不足,并鼓励秘书长在今后的预算报告中考虑到这一趋势;", "11. 欢迎主动提出执行2个速效项目,作为改善与当地居民关系的努力的一部分,并鼓励及时执行这2个项目;", "12. 请秘书长确保大会第59/296、60/266、61/276、64/269和65/289号决议的相关规定得到充分执行;", "13. 又请秘书长采取一切必要行动,确保以最有效、最经济的方式管理该特派团;", "14. 注意到已按照其第65/289号决议的规定调整批款总额;", "2009年7月1日至2010年6月30日期间财政执行情况报告", "15. 表示注意到秘书长关于该特派团2009年7月1日至2010年6月30日期间财政执行情况的报告;[3]", "2011年7月1日至2012年6月30日期间预算估计数", "16. 决定批款65 398 400美元给联合国西撒哈拉全民投票特派团特别账户,作为2011年7月1日至2012年6月30日期间的经费,其中包括该特派团维持费61 449 400美元、维持和平行动支助账户3 346 300美元和意大利布林迪西联合国后勤基地602 700美元;", "批款的筹措", "17. 又决定,考虑到大会2009年12月24日第64/248号决议规定的2011年和2012年分摊比额表,由会员国按照大会2009年12月24日第64/249号决议修订的等级,分摊2011年7月1日至2012年4月30日期间的经费54 498 667美元;", "18. 还决定,根据其1955年12月15日第973(X)号决议的规定,从上文第17段规定的会员国摊款中减除会员国在衡平征税基金内2 590 083美元中各自应分的数额,基金内的这笔款项包括该特派团的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数2 301 083美元、支助账户的核定工作人员薪金收入估计数中按比例应分的数额236 250美元以及联合国后勤基地的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数中按比例应分的数额52 750美元;", "19. 决定,考虑到第64/248号决议规定的2012年分摊比额表,由会员国按照大会第64/249号决议修订的等级,分摊2012年5月1日至6月30日期间的经费10 899 733美元,每月5 449 866 美元,但以安全理事会决定延长该特派团的任务期限为前提;", "20. 又决定,根据其第973(X)号决议的规定,从上文第19段规定的会员国摊款中减除会员国在衡平征税基金内518 017美元中各自应分的数额,基金内的这笔款项包括该特派团的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数460 217美元、支助账户的核定工作人员薪金收入估计数中按比例应分的数额47 250美元以及联合国后勤基地的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数中按比例应分的数额10 550美元;", "21. 还决定,对于已经履行对该特派团财政义务的会员国,应考虑到大会第64/248号决议规定的2010年分摊比额表,并按照大会第64/249号决议修订的等级,从上文第17段规定的摊款中减除2010年6月30日终了财政期间未支配余额和其他收入共计2 386 700美元中各自应分的数额;", "22. 决定,对于尚未履行对该特派团财政义务的会员国,应按照上文第21段规定的办法,从其所欠款项中减除2010年6月30日终了财政期间未支配余额和其他收入共计2 386 700美元中各自应分的数额;", "23. 又决定在上文第21和22段提及的2 386 700 美元所产生的贷项中,加上2010年6月30日终了财政期间工作人员薪金税收入估计数增加额138 900美元;", "24. 强调任何维持和平特派团都不得借用其他在役维持和平特派团的经费;", "25. 鼓励秘书长铭记安全理事会2003年8月26日第1502(2003)号决议第5和6段,继续采取进一步措施,确保在联合国主持下参与该特派团的所有人员的安全和安保;", "26. 邀请各方向该特派团自愿捐助现金以及秘书长可以接受的服务和用品,这些捐助将按照大会规定的程序和做法适当管理;", "27. 决定将题为“联合国西撒哈拉全民投票特派团经费的筹措”的项目列入其第六十六届会议临时议程。", "[1] A/65/665、A/65/720和Corr.1。", "[2] A/65/743/Add.5。", "[3] A/65/665。" ]
[ "第六十五届会议", "议程项目158", "联合国西撒哈拉全民投票特派团经费的筹措", "第五委员会的报告", "* 由于技术原因重新印发。", "报告员:妮科尔·安·曼宁女士(爱尔兰)", "一. 导言", "页: 1 1. 在2010年9月17日第2次全体会议上,大会根据总务委员会的建议,决定将题为“联合国西撒哈拉全民投票特派团经费的筹措”的项目列入大会第六十五届会议议程,并分配给第五委员会。", "2. 结 论 2. 第五委员会在2011年5月5日和6月30日第34和42次会议上审议了该项目。 在委员会审议该项目过程中所作的发言和发表的意见,反映在有关简要记录(A/C.5/65/SR.34和42)中。", "3. 。 3. 在审议该项目时,委员会面前有下列文件:", "(a) 秘书长关于联合国西撒哈拉全民投票特派团2009年7月1日至2010年6月30日期间预算执行情况的报告(A/63/665);", "(b) 秘书长关于联合国西撒哈拉全民投票特派团2011年7月1日至2012年6月30日期间预算的报告(A/62/620和Corr.1);", "(c) 行政和预算问题咨询委员会的相关报告(A/62/643/Add.5)。", "II. 二. 决议草案A/C.5/65/L.47的审议情况", "4. 第四届会议 1. 在2011年6月30日第42次会议上,委员会面前有主席根据委内瑞拉玻利瓦尔共和国代表协调的非正式协商提出的决议草案,题为“联合国西撒哈拉全民投票特派团经费的筹措”(A/C.5/65/L.47)。", "5. 5. 在同次会议上,委员会未经表决通过了决议草案A/C.5/65/L.47(见第6段)。 。", "页: 1 三. 第五委员会的建议", "6. 任务 6. 第五委员会建议大会通过下列决议草案:", "联合国西撒哈拉全民投票特派团经费的筹措", "大会,", "审议了秘书长关于联合国西撒哈拉全民投票特派团经费筹措的报告 以及行政和预算问题咨询委员会的有关报告,", "回顾安全理事会1991年4月29日第690(1991)号决议,其中安理会决定设立联合国西撒哈拉全民投票特派团,以及安理会其后延长该特派团任务的各项决议,最近的是2011年4月27日第1979(2011)号决议,其中安理会将该特派团的任务延长至2012年4月30日,", "又回顾其1991年5月17日关于该特派团经费筹措的第45/266号决议及其后各项有关决议和决定,最近的是2010年6月24日第64/284号决议,", "重申其1963年6月27日第1874(S-IV)号、1973年12月11日第3101(XXVIII)号和2000年12月23日第55/235号决议阐述的联合国维持和平行动经费筹措一般原则,", "赞赏地注意到已有国家向该特派团作出自愿捐助,", "意识到必须为该特派团提供必要的经费,使其能够履行安全理事会有关决议规定的职责,", "页: 1 1. 请秘书长责成该特派团团长完全按照大会2005年6月22日第59/296号、2006年6月30日第60/266号、2007年6月29日第61/276号、2010年6月24日第64/269号和2011年6月30日第56/89号决议以及其他相关决议的规定编制今后的拟议预算;", "2. 结 论 1. 表示注意到截至2011年4月30日联合国西撒哈拉全民投票特派团摊款的缴纳情况,包括未缴摊款4 430万美元,约占摊款总额的5%,关切地注意到只有九十七个会员国已足额缴纳摊款,并促请所有其他会员国,尤其是拖欠国,确保缴纳未缴摊款;", "3. 。 2. 表示赞赏已足额缴纳摊款的会员国,并促请所有其他会员国尽力确保足额缴纳为该特派团分摊的款项;", "4. 第四届会议 2. 表示关切维持和平活动的财政状况,特别是向部队派遣国偿还费用的情况,这些国家因会员国逾期未缴摊款而承受额外负担;", "5. 5. 又表示关切秘书长在部署最近一些维持和平特派团,特别是在非洲的特派团,及向其提供适当资源方面受到耽搁;", "6. 任务 6. 强调对今后和现有的所有维持和平特派团,在财政和行政安排方面应予平等对待、一视同仁;", "7. 基本考虑 7. 又强调应为所有维持和平特派团提供适当资源,使其能够有成效、有效率地完成各自的任务;", "8.8 8. 请秘书长确保拟议维持和平预算以相关立法授权为依据;", "9 September 2005 2. 认可行政和预算问题咨询委员会报告2 所载的结论和建议,但以符合本决议的规定为前提,并请秘书长确保予以充分落实;", "10.10 2. 注意到飞行小时预算持续使用不足,鼓励秘书长在今后提交的预算中考虑到这一趋势;", "注 2. 欢迎采取举措,执行两个速效项目,作为努力增进与当地居民的关系的一部分,并鼓励及时执行这些项目;", "12. 第12段。 8. 请秘书长确保大会第59/296号、第60/266号、第61/276号、第64/269号和第59/189号决议的相关规定得到充分执行;", "13 August 2001 8. 又请秘书长采取一切必要行动,确保以最有效率、最节省的方式管理该特派团;", "十四、任 务 1. 注意到批款总额已根据其第56/89号决议的规定作了调整;", "2009年7月1日至2010年6月30日期间财政执行情况报告", "15 1. 注意到秘书长关于该特派团2009年7月1日至2010年6月30日期间财政执行情况的报告;", "2011年7月1日至2012年6月30日期间预算估计数", "161 10. 决定批款65 398 400美元给联合国西撒哈拉全民投票特派团特别账户,充作2011年7月1日至2012年6月30日期间的经费,其中包括该特派团的维持费61 449 400美元,给维持和平行动支助账户的3 346 300美元,以及给意大利布林迪西联合国后勤基地的602 700美元;", "批款的筹措", "17. 第17条。 18. 又决定,考虑到大会2009年12月24日第64/248号决议规定的2011年和2012年分摊比额表,由会员国按照大会2009年12月24日第64/249号决议修订的等级分摊54 498 667美元,充作2011年7月1日至2012年4月30日期间的经费;", "第18条 17. 还决定,根据其1955年12月15日第973(X)号决议的规定,从上文第17段规定的会员国摊款中减除会员国在衡平征税基金内2 590 083美元中各自应分的数额,基金内的这笔款项包括该特派团的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数2 301 083美元,支助账户的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数中按比例应分的数额236 250美元,以及联合国后勤基地的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数中按比例应分的数额52 750美元;", "191 15. 决定,考虑到大会第64/248号决议规定的2012年分摊比额表,由会员国按照大会第64/249号决议修订的等级分摊10 899 733美元,每月5 449 866美元,充作2012年5月1日至6月30日期间的经费,但以安全理事会决定延长该特派团的任务为前提;", "20.20 18. 又决定,根据其第973(X)号决议的规定,从上文第19段规定的会员国摊款中减除会员国在衡平征税基金内518 017美元中各自应分的数额,基金内的这笔款项包括该特派团的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数460 217美元,支助账户的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数中按比例应分的数额47 250美元,以及联合国后勤基地的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数中按比例应分的数额10 550美元;", "21.21。 20. 还决定,对于已经履行对该特派团财政义务的会员国,考虑到第64/248号决议规定的2010年分摊比额表,并按照第64/249号决议修订的等级,从上文第17段规定的摊款中减除2010年6月30日终了财政期间未支配余额和其他收入共计2 386 700美元中各自应分的数额;", "第22章 2. 决定,对于尚未履行对该特派团财政义务的会员国,按照上文第21段规定的办法,从其所欠款项中减除2010年6月30日终了财政期间未支配余额和其他收入共计2 386 700美元中各自应分的数额;", "23. 会议报告。 17. 又决定,上文第21和第22段提及的2 386 700美元所产生的贷项,应加上2010年6月30日终了财政期间工作人员薪金税收入估计数的增加额138 900美元;", "24. 第24段。 6. 强调任何维持和平特派团都不得借用其他在役维持和平特派团的经费;", "258. 8. 鼓励秘书长铭记安全理事会2003年8月26日第1502(2003)号决议第5和第6段,继续采取进一步措施,确保在联合国主持下参与该特派团的所有人员的安全和安保;", "262. 报 告 5. 邀请各方向该特派团自愿捐助现金以及秘书长可以接受的服务和用品,这些捐助将按照大会规定的程序和做法适当管理;", "。 9. 决定将题为“联合国西撒哈拉全民投票特派团经费的筹措”的项目列入其第六十六届会议临时议程。", "页: 1", "页: 1", "[3] A/63/665。" ]
[ "Sixty-fifth session", "Agenda item 160[1]", "Financing of the activities arising from Security Council resolution 1863 (2009)", "Report of the Fifth Committee", "Rapporteur: Ms. Nicole Ann Mannion (Ireland)", "I. Introduction", "1. At its 2nd plenary meeting, on 17 September 2010, the General Assembly, on the recommendation of the General Committee, decided to include in the agenda of its sixty-fifth session the item entitled “Financing of the activities arising from Security Council resolution 1863 (2009)” and to allocate it to the Fifth Committee.", "2. The Fifth Committee considered the item at its 37th and 42nd meetings, on 13 May and 30 June 2011. Statements and observations made in the course of the Committee’s consideration of the item are reflected in the relevant summary records (A/C.5/65/SR.37 and 42).", "3. For its consideration of the item, the Committee had before it the following documents:", "(a) Report of the Secretary-General on the financial performance of the financing of support of the African Union Mission in Somalia for the period from 1 July 2009 to 30 June 2010 (A/65/619);", "(b) Report of the Secretary-General on the financing of support of the African Union Mission in Somalia for the period from 1 July 2011 to 30 June 2012 (A/65/809);", "(c) Related report of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions (A/65/743/Add.16).", "II. Consideration of draft resolution A/C.5/65/L.49", "4. At its 42nd meeting, on 30 June, the Committee had before it a draft resolution entitled “Financing of support of the African Union Mission in Somalia” (A/C.5/65/L.49), submitted by the Chair of the Committee on the basis of informal consultations coordinated by the representative of Norway.", "5. At the same meeting, the Committee adopted draft resolution A/C.5/65/L.49 without a vote (see para. 6).", "III. Recommendation of the Fifth Committee", "6. The Fifth Committee recommends to the General Assembly the adoption of the following draft resolution:", "Financing of support of the African Union Mission in Somalia", "The General Assembly,", "Having considered the reports of the Secretary-General on the financing of support of the African Union Mission in Somalia[2] and the related report of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions,[3]", "Recalling Security Council resolution 1863 (2009) of 16 January 2009, by which the Council expressed its intent to establish a United Nations peacekeeping operation in Somalia as a follow-on force to the African Union Mission in Somalia, subject to its further decision by 1 June 2009, and requested the Secretary-General, in order for the forces of the Mission to be incorporated into a United Nations peacekeeping operation, to provide a United Nations logistical support package to the Mission, including equipment and services,", "Recalling also Security Council resolution 1964 (2010) of 22 December 2010, by which the Council requested the Secretary-General to continue to provide a logistical support package to the Mission until 30 September 2011,", "Recalling further its resolution 64/287 of 24 June 2010 on the financing of support to the African Union Mission in Somalia,", "Reaffirming the general principles underlying the financing of United Nations peacekeeping operations, as stated in General Assembly resolutions 1874 (S-IV) of 27 June 1963, 3101 (XXVIII) of 11 December 1973 and 55/235 of 23 December 2000,", "Noting with appreciation that voluntary contributions have been made to the United Nations Trust Fund established to support the Mission,", "1. Endorses the conclusions and recommendations contained in the report of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions,² subject to the provisions of the present resolution, and requests the Secretary-General to ensure their full implementation;", "2. Requests the Secretary-General to take appropriate measures to ensure effectiveness, efficiency and transparency with regard to the use of United Nations resources, bearing in mind the specific nature of the support package;", "3. Stresses the importance of strict adherence to the existing United Nations procurement rules and regulations;", "4. Notes that the overall level of appropriation has been adjusted in accordance with the terms of resolution 65/289 of 30 June 2011;", "Financial performance report for the period from 1 July 2009 to 30 June 2010", "5. Takes note of the report of the Secretary-General on the financial performance of the support of the African Union Mission in Somalia for the period from 1 July 2009 to 30 June 2010;[4]", "Budget estimates for the period from 1 July 2011 to 30 June 2012", "6. Decides to appropriate to the Special Account for the support provided to the African Union Mission in Somalia the amount of 309,690,900 United States dollars for the period from 1 July 2011 to 30 June 2012, inclusive of the amount of 291,092,700 dollars for the maintenance of the entity, 15,759,800 dollars for the support account for peacekeeping operations and 2,838,400 dollars for the United Nations Logistics Base, at Brindisi, Italy;", "Financing of the appropriation", "7. Also decides to apportion among Member States the amount of 77,422,725 dollars for the period from 1 July to 30 September 2011, in accordance with the levels updated in General Assembly resolution 64/249 of 24 December 2009, and taking into account the scale of assessments for 2011, as set out in resolution 64/248 of 24 December 2009;", "8. Further decides that, in accordance with the provisions of its resolution 973 (X) of 15 December 1955, there shall be set off against the apportionment among Member States, as provided for in paragraph 7 above, their respective share in the Tax Equalization Fund of 1,255,950 dollars, comprising the estimated staff assessment income of 847,700 dollars approved for the entity, the prorated share of 333,700 dollars of the estimated staff assessment income approved for the support account and the prorated share of 74,550 dollars of the estimated staff assessment income approved for the United Nations Logistics Base;", "9. Decides to apportion among Member States the amount of 232,268,175 dollars for the period from 1 October 2011 to 30 June 2012 at a monthly rate of 25,807,575 dollars, in accordance with the levels updated in General Assembly resolution 64/249 and taking into account the scale of assessments for 2011 and 2012, as set out in resolution 64/248, subject to a decision of the Security Council to extend the mandate;", "10. Also decides that, in accordance with the provisions of its resolution 973 (X), there shall be set off against the apportionment among Member States, as provided for in paragraph 9 above, their respective share in the Tax Equalization Fund of 3,767,850 dollars, comprising the estimated staff assessment income of 2,543,100 dollars approved for the entity, the prorated share of 1,001,100 dollars of the estimated staff assessment income approved for the support account and the prorated share of 223,650 dollars of the estimated staff assessment income approved for the United Nations Logistics Base;", "11. Further decides that, for Member States that have fulfilled their financial obligations to the entity, there shall be set off against their apportionment, as provided for in paragraph 7 above, their respective share of the unencumbered balance and other income in the total amount of 54,457,900 dollars in respect of the financial period ended 30 June 2010, in accordance with the levels updated by the General Assembly in resolution 64/249, taking into account the scale of assessments for 2010, as set out in its resolution 64/248;", "12. Decides that, for Member States that have not fulfilled their financial obligations to the entity, there shall be set off against their outstanding obligations their respective share of the unencumbered balance and other income in the total amount of 54,457,900 dollars in respect of the financial period ended 30 June 2010, in accordance with the scheme set out in paragraph 11 above;", "13. Also decides that the decrease of 433,400 dollars in the estimated staff assessment income in respect of the financial period ended 30 June 2010 shall be set off against the credits from the amount of 54,457,900 dollars referred to in paragraphs 11 and 12 above;", "14. Invites voluntary contributions to the United Nations Trust Fund established to support the African Union Mission in Somalia;", "15. Decides to include in the provisional agenda of its sixty-sixth session the item entitled “Financing of the activities arising from Security Council resolution 1863 (2009)”.", "[1] * Reissued for technical reasons on 15 August 2011.", "[2] A/65/619 and A/65/809.", "[3] A/65/743/Add.16.", "[4] A/65/619." ]
[ "第六十五届会议", "^(*) 由于技术原因,于2011年8月15日重新印发。", "议程项目160", "安全理事会第1863(2009)号决议引起的活动的经费筹措", "第五委员会的报告", "报告员:尼科尔·安·曼尼农女士(爱尔兰)", "一. 导言", "1. 在2010年9月17日第2次全体会议上,大会根据总务委员会的建议,决定将题为“安全理事会第1863(2009)号决议引起的活动的经费筹措”的项目列入第六十五届会议议程,并分配给第五委员会。", "2. 第五委员会在2011年5月13日和6月30日第37和42次会议上审议了该项目。在委员会审议该项目过程中所作的发言和发表的意见,载于有关的简要记录(A/C.5/65/SR.37和42)中。", "3. 在审议这一项目时,委员会面前有下列文件:", "(a) 秘书长关于2009年7月1日至2010年6月30日期间支助非洲联盟驻索马里特派团经费筹措的财政执行情况报告(A/65/619);", "(b) 秘书长关于2011年7月1日至2012年6月30日期间支助非洲联盟驻索马里特派团经费筹措的报告(A/65/809);", "(c) 行政和预算问题咨询委员会的有关报告(A/65/743/Add.16)。", "二. 决议草案A/C.5/65/L.49的审议经过", "4. 在6月30日第42次会议上,委员会面前有主席在挪威代表协调进行的非正式协商基础上提交的题为“支助非洲联盟驻索马里特派团的经费筹措”的决议草案(A/C.5/65/L.49)。", "5. 在同次会议上,委员会未经表决通过了决议草案A/C.5/65/L.49(见第6段)。", "三. 第五委员会的建议", "6. 第五委员会建议大会通过以下决议草案:", "支助非洲联盟驻索马里特派团的经费筹措", "大会,", "审议了秘书长关于支助非洲联盟驻索马里特派团经费筹措的报告[1] 以及行政和预算问题咨询委员会的有关报告,[2]", "回顾安全理事会2009年1月16日第1863(2009)号决议,其中安理会表示打算设立联合国索马里维持和平行动,作为非洲联盟驻索马里特派团的接替部队,但须安理会至迟于2009年6月1日作出进一步决定,并请秘书长为便于特派团部队并入联合国维持和平行动,向特派团提供一揽子联合国后勤支助,其中包括设备与服务,", "又回顾安全理事会2010年12月22日第1964(2010)号决议,其中安理会请秘书长继续为特派团提供一揽子后勤支助,直至2011年9月30日为止,", "还回顾大会关于支助非洲联盟驻索马里特派团经费筹措的2010年6月24日第64/287号决议,", "重申大会1963年6月27日第1874(S-IV)号、1973年12月11日第3101(XXVIII)号和2000年12月23日第55/235号决议阐述的联合国维持和平行动经费筹措的一般原则,", "赞赏地注意到联合国支助该特派团的信托基金已获得自愿捐助,", "1. 认可行政和预算问题咨询委员会的报告² 所载结论和建议,但以符合本决议的规定为前提,并请秘书长确保予以充分落实;", "2. 请秘书长采取适当措施,确保有成效、高效率和透明地使用联合国资源,同时铭记一揽子支助的特定性质;", "3. 着重指出严格遵守现行联合国采购细则和条例的重要性;", "4. 注意到已按照2011年6月30日第65/289号决议的规定调整批款总额;", "2009年7月1日至2010年6月30日期间财政执行情况报告", "5. 表示注意到秘书长关于2009年7月1日至2010年6月30日期间支助非洲联盟驻索马里特派团财政执行情况报告;[3]", "2011年7月1日至2012年6月30日期间预算估计数", "6. 决定批款309 690 900美元给支助非洲联盟驻索马里特派团特别账户,作为2011年7月1日至2012年6月30日期间的经费,其中包括该实体维持费291 092 700美元,维护和平行动支助账户15 759 800美元和意大利布林迪西联合国后勤基地2 838 400美元;", "批款的筹措", "7. 又决定,考虑到大会2009年12月24日第64/248号决议规定的2011年分摊比额表,由会员国按照大会2009年12月24日第64/249号决议修订的等级,分摊2011年7月1日至9月30日期间经费77 422 725美元;", "8. 还决定,根据其1955年12月15日第973(X)号决议的规定,从上文第7段规定的会员国摊款中减除会员国在衡平征税基金内1 255 950美元中各自应分的数额,基金内的这笔款项包括该实体核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数847 700美元、支助账户的核定工作人员薪金收入估计数中按比例应分的数额333 700美元以及联合国后勤基地的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数中按比例应分的数额74 550美元;", "9. 决定,考虑到大会第64/248号决议规定的2011年和2012年分摊比额表,由会员国按照大会第64/249号决议修订的等级,分摊2011年10月1日至2012年6月30日期间经费232 268 175美元,每月25 807 575美元,但以安全理事会决定延长任务期限为前提;", "10. 又决定,根据其第973(X)号决议的规定,从上文第9段规定的会员国摊款中减除会员国在衡平征税基金内3 767 850美元中各自应分的数额,基金内的这笔款项包括该实体核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数2 543 100美元、支助账户的核定工作人员薪金收入估计数中按比例应分的数额1 001 100美元以及联合国后勤基地的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数中按比例应分的数额223 650美元;", "11. 还决定,对于已经履行对该实体财政义务的会员国,应考虑到大会第64/248号决议规定的2010年分摊比额表,并按照大会第64/249号决议修订的等级,从上文第7段规定的摊款中减除2010年6月30日终了财政期间未支配余额和其他收入共计54 457 900美元中各自应分的数额;", "12. 决定,对于尚未履行对该实体财政义务的会员国,应按照上文第11段规定的办法,从其所欠款中减除2010年6月30日终了财政期间未支配余额和其他收入共计54 457 900美元中各自应分的数额;", "13. 又决定从上文第11和12段提及的54 457 900美元所产生的贷项中,减除2010年6月30日终了财政期间工作人员薪金税收入估计数的减少额433 400美元;", "14. 邀请各方为支助非洲联盟驻索马里特派团而设立的联合国信托基金提供自愿捐助;", "15. 决定将题为“安全理事会第1863(2009)号决议引起的活动的经费筹措”的项目列入大会第六十六届会议临时议程。", "[1] A/65/619和A/65/809。", "[2] A/65/743/Add.16。", "[3] A/65/619。" ]
[ "第六十五届会议", "议程项目160 [1]", "安全理事会第1863(2009)号决议引起的活动经费的筹措", "第五委员会的报告", "报告员:尼科尔·安·曼尼恩女士(爱尔兰)", "一. 导言", "1. 联合国 2010年9月17日,大会第2次全体会议根据总务委员会的建议,决定将题为“安全理事会第1863(2009)号决议引起的活动经费的筹措”的项目列入大会第六十五届会议议程,并分配给第五委员会。", "2. 联合国 2. 第五委员会在2011年5月13日和6月30日第37和42次会议上审议了该项目。 在委员会审议该项目过程中所作的发言和发表的意见,反映在有关简要记录(A/C.5/65/SR.37和42)中。", "3个 3. 在审议该项目时,委员会面前有下列文件:", "(a) 秘书长关于2009年7月1日至2010年6月30日期间支助非洲联盟驻索马里特派团经费筹措财政执行情况的报告(A/65/619);", "(b) 秘书长关于支助非洲联盟驻索马里特派团2011年7月1日至2012年6月30日期间经费筹措的报告(A/65/809);", "(c) 行政和预算问题咨询委员会的有关报告(A/65/743/Add.16)。", "二. 二. 决议草案A/C.5/65/L.49的审议情况", " 4.四. 在6月30日第42次会议上,委员会面前有委员会主席根据挪威代表协调的非正式协商提出的决议草案,题为“支助非洲联盟驻索马里特派团经费的筹措”(A/C.5/65/L.49)。", "5 (韩语). 5. 在同次会议上,委员会未经表决通过了决议草案A/C.5/65/L.49(见第6段)。 第6页。", "三. 三. 第五委员会的建议", "6. 国家 6. 第五委员会建议大会通过下列决议草案:", "支助非洲联盟驻索马里特派团经费的筹措", "大会,", "审议了秘书长关于支助非洲联盟驻索马里特派团经费筹措的报告[2] 以及行政和预算问题咨询委员会的有关报告,[3]", "回顾安全理事会2009年1月16日第1863(2009)号决议,其中安理会表示打算在索马里设立一个联合国维持和平行动,作为非洲联盟驻索马里特派团的后继部队,但须至迟于2009年6月1日作出进一步决定,并请秘书长为将该特派团部队纳入联合国维持和平行动,向该特派团提供一揽子联合国后勤支助,包括提供装备和服务,", "又回顾安全理事会2010年12月22日第1964(2010)号决议,其中安理会请秘书长继续向该特派团提供一揽子后勤支助,直至2011年9月30日,", "还回顾大会关于支助非洲联盟驻索马里特派团的经费筹措的2010年6月24日第64/287号决议,", "重申大会1963年6月27日第1874(S-IV)号、1973年12月11日第3101(XXVIII)号和2000年12月23日第55/235号决议阐述的联合国维持和平行动经费筹措一般原则,", "赞赏地注意到已有国家向支助该特派团的联合国信托基金作出自愿捐助,", "1. 联合国 2. 认可行政和预算问题咨询委员会报告2 所载的结论和建议,但以符合本决议的规定为前提,并请秘书长确保予以充分落实;", "2. 联合国 4. 请秘书长采取适当措施,确保联合国资源使用的效力、效率和透明度,同时铭记一揽子支助的特定性质;", "3个 3. 着重指出严格遵守联合国现行采购细则和条例的重要性;", " 4.四. 注意到已按照2011年6月30日第65/289号决议的规定调整了批款总额;", "2009年7月1日至2010年6月30日期间财政执行情况报告", "5 (韩语). 表示注意到秘书长关于2009年7月1日至2010年6月30日期间支助非洲联盟驻索马里特派团财政执行情况的报告;[4]", "2011年7月1日至2012年6月30日期间预算估计数", "6. 国家 16. 决定批款309 690 900美元给非洲联盟驻索马里特派团支助账户,充作2011年7月1日至2012年6月30日期间的经费,其中包括该实体的维持费291 092 700美元,给维持和平行动支助账户的15 759 800美元,以及给意大利布林迪西联合国后勤基地的2 838 400美元;", "批款的筹措", "7. 联合国 24. 又决定,考虑到2009年12月24日第64/248号决议规定的2011年分摊比额表,由会员国按照大会2009年12月24日第64/249号决议修订的等级分摊77 422 725美元,充作2011年7月1日至9月30日期间的经费;", "8. 联合国 17. 还决定,根据其1955年12月15日第973(X)号决议的规定,从上文第7段规定的会员国摊款中减除会员国在衡平征税基金内1 255 950美元中各自应分的数额,基金内的这笔款项包括该实体的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数847 700美元,支助账户的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数中按比例应分的数额333 700美元,以及联合国后勤基地的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数中按比例应分的数额74 550美元;", "9. 国家 14. 决定,考虑到第64/248号决议规定的2011年和2012年分摊比额表,由会员国按照大会第64/249号决议修订的等级分摊232 268 175美元,每月25 807 575美元,充作2011年10月1日至2012年6月30日期间的经费,但以安全理事会决定延长任务期限为前提;", "10个 19. 又决定,根据其第973(X)号决议的规定,从上文第9段规定的会员国摊款中减除会员国在衡平征税基金内3 767 850美元中各自应分的数额,基金内的这笔款项包括该实体的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数2 543 100美元,支助账户的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数中按比例应分的数额1 001 100美元,以及联合国后勤基地的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数中按比例应分的数额223 650美元;", "11个 14. 还决定,对于已经履行对该实体财政义务的会员国,应考虑到大会第64/248号决议规定的2010年分摊比额表,并按照大会第64/249号决议修订的等级,从上文第7段规定的摊款中减除2010年6月30日终了财政期间未支配余额和其他收入共计54 457 900美元中各自应分的数额;", "12个 11. 决定,对于尚未履行对该实体财政义务的会员国,应按照上文第11段规定的办法,从其所欠款项中减除2010年6月30日终了财政期间未支配余额和其他收入共计54 457 900美元中各自应分的数额;", "13个 12. 又决定,上文第11和12段提及的54 457 900美元所产生的贷项,应减除2010年6月30日终了财政期间工作人员薪金税收入估计数的减少额433 400美元;", "14. 邀请各方向为支助非洲联盟驻索马里特派团而设的联合国信托基金提供自愿捐助;", "15个 24. 决定将题为“安全理事会第1863(2009)号决议引起的活动经费的筹措”的项目列入大会第六十六届会议临时议程。", "[1] * 由于技术原因于2011年8月15日重发.", "[2] A/65/619和A/65/809。", "[3] A/65/743/Add.16。", "[4] A/65/619。" ]
[ "Sixty-fifth session", "Agenda item 159", "Financing of the African Union-United Nations Hybrid Operation in Darfur", "Report of the Fifth Committee", "* Reissued for technical reasons on 26 July 2011.", "Rapporteur: Ms. Nicole Ann Mannion (Ireland)", "I. Introduction", "1. At its 2nd plenary meeting, on 17 September 2010, the General Assembly, on the recommendation of the General Committee, decided to include in the agenda of its sixty-fifth session the item entitled “Financing of the African Union-United Nations Hybrid Operation in Darfur” and to allocate it to the Fifth Committee.", "2. The Fifth Committee considered the item at its 37th and 42nd meetings, on 13 May and 30 June 2011. Statements and observations made in the course of the Committee’s consideration of the item are reflected in the relevant summary records (A/C.5/65/SR.37 and 42).", "3. For its consideration of the item, the Committee had before it the following documents:", "(a) Report of the Secretary-General on the budget performance of the African Union-United Nations Hybrid Operation in Darfur for the period from 1 July 2009 to 30 June 2010 (A/65/631);", "(b) Report of the Secretary-General on the budget for the African Union-United Nations Hybrid Operation in Darfur for the period from 1 July 2011 to 30 June 2012 (A/65/740);", "(c) Related report of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions (A/65/743/Add.13).", "II. Consideration of draft resolution A/C.5/65/L.48", "4. At its 42nd meeting, on 30 June, the Committee had before it a draft resolution entitled “Financing of the African Union-United Nations Hybrid Operation in Darfur”, which was submitted by the representative of Pakistan and Vice-Chair of the Committee.", "5. At the same meeting, the Secretary read out an amendment to operative paragraph 17, proposed by the Chair on the basis of informal consultations. The amended text was subsequently issued under the symbol A/C.5/65/L.48.", "6. Also at the same meeting, the Committee adopted draft resolution A/C.5/65/L.48 without a vote (see para. 7).", "III. Recommendation of the Fifth Committee", "7. The Fifth Committee recommends to the General Assembly the adoption of the following draft resolution:", "Financing of the African Union-United Nations Hybrid Operation in Darfur", "The General Assembly,", "Having considered the reports of the Secretary-General on the financing of the African Union-United Nations Hybrid Operation in Darfur[1] and the related report of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions,[2]", "Recalling Security Council resolution 1769 (2007) of 31 July 2007, by which the Council established the African Union-United Nations Hybrid Operation in Darfur for an initial period of twelve months from 31 July 2007, and the subsequent resolutions by which the Council extended the mandate of the Operation, the latest of which was resolution 1935 (2010) of 30 July 2010, by which the Council extended the mandate until 31 July 2011,", "Recalling also its resolution 62/232 A of 22 December 2007 on the financing of the Operation and its subsequent resolutions thereon, the latest of which was resolution 64/285 of 24 June 2010,", "Reaffirming the general principles underlying the financing of United Nations peacekeeping operations, as stated in its resolutions 1874 (S-IV) of 27 June 1963, 3101 (XXVIII) of 11 December 1973 and 55/235 of 23 December 2000,", "Mindful of the fact that it is essential to provide the Operation with the necessary financial resources to enable it to fulfil its responsibilities under the relevant resolutions of the Security Council,", "Noting the hybrid nature of the Operation, and in that regard stressing the importance of ensuring full coordination of efforts between the African Union and the United Nations at the strategic level, unity of command at the operational level and clear delegation of authority and accountability lines,", "1. Requests the Secretary-General to entrust the Head of Operation with the task of formulating future budget proposals in full accordance with the provisions of General Assembly resolutions 59/296 of 22 June 2005, 60/266 of 30 June 2006, 61/276 of 29 June 2007, 64/269 of 24 June 2010 and 65/289 of 30 June 2011, as well as other relevant resolutions;", "2. Takes note of the status of contributions to the African Union-United Nations Hybrid Operation in Darfur as at 30 April 2011, including the contributions outstanding in the amount of 262.5 million United States dollars, representing some 4 per cent of the total assessed contributions, notes with concern that only seventy-nine Member States have paid their assessed contributions in full, and urges all other Member States, in particular those in arrears, to ensure payment of their outstanding assessed contributions;", "3. Expresses its appreciation to those Member States which have paid their assessed contributions in full, and urges all other Member States to make every possible effort to ensure payment of their assessed contributions to the Operation in full;", "4. Expresses concern at the financial situation with regard to peacekeeping activities, in particular as regards the reimbursements to troop contributors that bear additional burdens owing to overdue payments by Member States of their assessments;", "5. Also expresses concern at the delay experienced by the Secretary-General in deploying and providing adequate resources to some recent peacekeeping missions, in particular those in Africa;", "6. Emphasizes that all future and existing peacekeeping missions shall be given equal and non-discriminatory treatment in respect of financial and administrative arrangements;", "7. Also emphasizes that all peacekeeping missions shall be provided with adequate resources for the effective and efficient discharge of their respective mandates;", "8. Requests the Secretary-General to ensure that proposed peacekeeping budgets are based on the relevant legislative mandates;", "9. Endorses the conclusions and recommendations contained in the report of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions,² subject to the provisions of the present resolution, and requests the Secretary-General to ensure their full implementation;", "10. Requests the Secretary-General to take steps to ensure that all personnel adhere fully to the security procedures in place;", "11. Reaffirms section XX of resolution 61/276, and encourages the Secretary-General, where feasible, to enhance regional and inter-mission cooperation with a view to achieving greater synergies in the use of the resources of the Organization and the implementation of mandates of the missions, while bearing in mind that individual missions are responsible for the preparation and implementation of their own budgets and for controlling their own assets and logistical operations;", "12. Requests the Secretary-General to ensure the full implementation of the relevant provisions of its resolutions 59/296, 60/266, 61/276, 64/269 and 65/289;", "13. Also requests the Secretary-General to take all necessary action to ensure that the Operation is administered with a maximum of efficiency and economy;", "14. Further requests the Secretary-General to ensure that future budget submissions contain sufficient information, explanation and justification of the proposed resource requirements relating to operational costs in order to allow Member States to take well-informed decisions;", "15. Stresses the importance of strengthened accountability in the Organization and of ensuring greater accountability of the Secretary-General to Member States, inter alia, for the effective and efficient implementation of legislative mandates on procurement and the related use of financial and human resources, as well as the provision of necessary information on procurement-related matters to enable Member States to make well-informed decisions;", "16. Requests the Secretary-General to ensure that all procurement projects for the Organization are in full compliance with relevant resolutions;", "17. Decides not to abolish the child protection posts, requests the Secretary-General to make every effort to fill them, and also requests the Secretary-General to identify an equivalent number of posts at the same level that have been vacant for more than one year to offset the financial impact of retaining the child protection posts, without affecting operational requirements or mandate implementation, and to report thereon in the context of the performance report;", "18. Notes that the overall level of appropriation has been adjusted in accordance with the terms of resolution 65/289;", "Financial performance report for the period from 1 July 2009 to 30 June 2010", "19. Takes note of the report of the Secretary-General on the financial performance of the Operation for the period from 1 July 2009 to 30 June 2010;[3]", "Budget estimates for the period from 1 July 2011 to 30 June 2012", "20. Decides to appropriate to the Special Account for the African Union-United Nations Hybrid Operation in Darfur the amount of 1,797,327,600 dollars for the period from 1 July 2011 to 30 June 2012, inclusive of 1,689,305,500 dollars for the maintenance of the Operation, 91,536,100 dollars for the support account for peacekeeping operations and 16,486,000 dollars for the United Nations Logistics Base at Brindisi, Italy;", "Financing of the appropriation", "21. Also decides to apportion among Member States the amount of 149,777,300 dollars for the period from 1 to 31 July 2011, in accordance with the levels updated in General Assembly resolution 64/249 of 24 December 2009, and taking into account the scale of assessments for 2011, as set out in its resolution 64/248 of 24 December 2009;", "22. Further decides that, in accordance with the provisions of its resolution 973 (X) of 15 December 1955, there shall be offset against the apportionment among Member States, as provided for in paragraph 21 above, their respective share in the Tax Equalization Fund of 3,137,200 dollars, comprising the estimated staff assessment income of 2,346,816 dollars approved for the Operation, the prorated share of 646,050 dollars of the estimated staff assessment income approved for the support account and the prorated share of 144,334 dollars of the estimated staff assessment income approved for the United Nations Logistics Base;", "23. Decides to apportion among Member States the amount of 1,647,550,300 dollars for the period from 1 August 2011 to 30 June 2012, at a monthly rate of 149,777,300 dollars, in accordance with the levels updated in resolution 64/249, and taking into account the scale of assessments for 2011 and 2012, as set out in resolution 64/248, subject to a decision of the Security Council to extend the mandate of the Operation;", "24. Also decides that, in accordance with the provisions of its resolution 973 (X), there shall be offset against the apportionment among Member States, as provided for in paragraph 23 above, their respective share in the Tax Equalization Fund of 34,509,200 dollars, comprising the estimated staff assessment income of 25,814,984 dollars approved for the Operation, the prorated share of 7,106,550 dollars of the estimated staff assessment income approved for the support account and the prorated share of 1,587,666 dollars of the estimated staff assessment income approved for the United Nations Logistics Base;", "25. Further decides that, for Member States that have fulfilled their financial obligations to the Operation, there shall be offset against their apportionment, as provided for in paragraph 21 above, their respective share of the unencumbered balance and other income in the total amount of 175,974,100 dollars in respect of the financial period ended 30 June 2010, in accordance with the levels updated in General Assembly resolution 64/249, and taking into account the scale of assessments for 2010, as set out in its resolution 64/248;", "26. Decides that, for Member States that have not fulfilled their financial obligations to the Operation, there shall be offset against their outstanding obligations their respective share of the unencumbered balance and other income in the total amount of 175,974,100 dollars in respect of the financial period ended 30 June 2010, in accordance with the scheme set out in paragraph 25 above;", "27. Also decides that the increase of 2,223,700 dollars in the estimated staff assessment income in respect of the financial period ended 30 June 2010 shall be added to the credits from the amount of 175,974,100 dollars referred to in paragraphs 25 and 26 above;", "28. Emphasizes that no peacekeeping mission shall be financed by borrowing funds from other active peacekeeping missions;", "29. Encourages the Secretary-General to continue to take additional measures to ensure the safety and security of all personnel participating in the Operation under the auspices of the United Nations, bearing in mind paragraphs 5 and 6 of Security Council resolution 1502 (2003) of 26 August 2003;", "30. Invites voluntary contributions to the Operation in cash and in the form of services and supplies acceptable to the Secretary-General, to be administered, as appropriate, in accordance with the procedures and practices established by the General Assembly;", "31. Decides to include in the provisional agenda of its sixty-sixth session the item entitled “Financing of the African Union-United Nations Hybrid Operation in Darfur”.", "[1] A/65/631 and A/65/740.", "[2] A/65/743/Add.13.", "[3] A/65/631." ]
[ "第六十五届会议", "议程项目159", "非洲联盟-联合国达尔富尔混合行动经费的筹措", "第五委员会的报告", "^(*) 因技术原因于2011年7月26日重新印发。", "报告员:尼科尔·安·曼尼农女士(爱尔兰)", "一. 导言", "1. 在2010年9月17日第2次全体会议上,大会根据总务委员会的建议,决定将题为“非洲联盟-联合国达尔富尔混合行动经费的筹措”的项目列入第六十五届会议议程,并分配给第五委员会。", "2. 第五委员会在2011年5月13日和6月30日第37和42次会议上继续审议该项目。在委员会审议该项目过程中所作的发言和发表的意见,反映在有关简要记录(A/C.5/65/SR.37和42)中。", "3. 在审议该项目时,委员会面前有下列报告:", "(a) 秘书长关于非洲联盟-联合国达尔富尔混合行动2009年7月1日至2010年6月30日期间预算执行情况报告(A/65/631);", "(b) 秘书长关于非洲联盟-联合国达尔富尔混合行动2011年7月1日至2012年6月30日期间的预算(A/65/740);", "(c) 行政和预算问题咨询委员会的有关报告(A/65/743/Add.13)。", "二. 决议草案A/C.5/65/L.48的审议情况", "4. 在6月30日第42次会议上,委员会面前有巴基斯坦代表和委员会副主席提出的决议草案,题为“非洲联盟-联合国达尔富尔混合行动经费的筹措”(A/C.5/65/L.48)。", "5. 在同次会议上,秘书宣读了主席在非正式协商基础上提出的对执行部分第17段的修正案。经修订的案文随后以文号A/C.5/65/L.48印发。", "6. 又在同次会议上,委员会未经表决通过了决议草案A/C.5/65/L.48(见第7段)。", "三. 第五委员会的建议", "7. 第五委员会建议大会通过下列决议草案:", "非洲联盟-联合国达尔富尔混合行动经费的筹措", "大会,", "审议了秘书长关于非洲联盟-联合国达尔富尔混合行动经费筹措的报告[1] 以及行政和预算问题咨询委员会的有关报告,[2]", "回顾安全理事会2007年7月31日第1769(2007)号决议,其中安理会决定自2007年7月31日起设立非洲联盟-联合国达尔富尔混合行动,最初为期12个月,并回顾安理会其后延长该行动任务期限的各项决议,最近的是2010年7月30日第1935(2010)号决议,其中安理会将该行动的任务期限延长至2011年7月31日,", "又回顾大会2007年12月22日关于该行动经费筹措的第62/232 A号决议及其后各项有关决议,最近的是2010年6月24日第64/285号决议,", "重申其1963年6月27日第1874(S-IV)号、1973年12月11日第3101(XXVIII)号和2000年12月23日第55/235号决议阐述的联合国维持和平行动经费筹措一般原则,", "意识到必须向该行动提供必要的财政资源,使其能够履行安全理事会有关决议规定的职责,", "注意到该行动属混合性质,为此着重指出,必须确保非洲联盟与联合国在战略层面充分协调,在行动层面统一指挥,还须具有明确的授权和问责线,", "1. 请秘书长责成该特派团团长完全按照大会2005年6月22日第59/296号、2006年6月30日第60/266号、2007年6月29日第61/276号、2010年6月24日第64/269 号和2011年6月30日第65/289号决议及其他相关决议的规定编制今后的拟议预算;", "2. 表示注意到非洲联盟-联合国达尔富尔混合行动截至2011年4月30日的摊款情况,包括2.625亿美元的未缴摊款,约占摊款总额的4%,关切地注意到只有79个会员国已足额缴纳摊款,并促请所有其他会员国,特别是拖欠国,确保缴纳未缴摊款;", "3. 表示赞赏已足额缴纳摊款的会员国,并促请所有其他会员国尽力确保足额缴纳为该行动分摊的款项;", "4. 表示关切维持和平活动的财政状况,特别是向部队派遣国偿还费用的情况,这些国家因会员国逾期未缴摊款而承受额外负担;", "5. 又表示关切秘书长在部署最近一些维持和平特派团,特别是在非洲的特派团,及向其提供适当资源方面受到耽搁;", "6. 强调对今后和现有的所有维持和平特派团,在财政和行政安排方面应予平等对待,一视同仁;", "7. 又强调应向所有维持和平特派团提供适当资源,使其能够有成效、有效率地完成各自的任务;", "8. 请秘书长确保拟议维持和平预算以相关立法授权为依据;", "9. 认可行政和预算问题咨询委员会报告² 所载的结论和建议,但以符合本决议的规定为前提,并请秘书长确保予以充分落实;", "10. 请秘书长采取步骤确保所有人员全面遵守现行安保程序;", "11. 重申第61/276号决议第二十节,鼓励秘书长在可行的情况下加强区域合作和特派团间合作,以期在使用联合国资源和执行各特派团任务方面实现更大的协同增效,同时铭记,预算的编制和执行、资产和后勤业务的控制,由各特派团自己负责;", "12. 请秘书长确保大会第59/296、60/266、61/276、64/269和65/289号决议的有关规定得到充分执行;", "13. 又请秘书长采取一切必要行动,确保以最有效率、最节省的方式管理该行动;", "14. 还请秘书长确保在今后提交的预算中就与业务费用有关的拟议所需资源提供充足的资料、说明和理由,以使会员国能在充分知情的情况下作出决定;", "15. 着重指出必须加强联合国内部问责制,并确保秘书长除其他外在高实效、高效率地执行采购方面的立法授权及相应使用财政和人力资源方面,并在提供有关采购事项的必要资料,以便会员国能够作出知情的决定方面,更多地接受会员国的问责;", "16. 请秘书长确保为联合国实施的所有采购项目完全符合相关决议;", "17. 决定不裁撤儿童保护员额,请秘书长尽一切努力填补这些员额,又请秘书长找出同等数目的空缺超过一年的同职等员额,以抵消保留儿童保护员额产生的财务影响,但不得影响业务需要或任务执行,并在执行情况报告中报告有关情况;", "18. 注意到已根据第65/289号决议的规定对批款总额作出调整;", "2009年7月1日至2010年6月30日期间财政执行情况报告", "19. 表示注意到秘书长关于该行动2009年7月1日至2010年6月30日期间财政执行情况的报告;[3]", "2011年7月1日至2012年6月30日期间预算估计数", "20. 决定为非洲联盟-联合国达尔富尔混合行动特别账户批款1 797 327 600美元,充作2011年7月1日至2012年6月30日期间的经费,其中包括该行动的维持费1 689 305 500美元、给维持和平行动支助账户的91 536 100美元以及给意大利布林迪西联合国后勤基地的16 486 000美元;", "批款的筹措", "21. 又决定,考虑到大会2009年12月24日第64/248号决议规定的2011年分摊比额表,由会员国按照大会2009年12月24日第64/249号决议修订的等级分摊149 777 300美元,充作2011年7月1日至31日期间的经费;", "22. 还决定,根据其1955年12月15日第973(X)号决议的规定,从上文第21段规定的会员国摊款中减除会员国在衡平征税基金内3 137 200美元中各自应分的数额,基金内的这笔款项包括该行动的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数2 346 816 美元、支助账户的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数中按比例应分的数额646 050美元和联合国后勤基地的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数中按比例应分的数额144 334美元;", "23. 决定,考虑到第64/248号决议规定的2011年和2012年分摊比额表,由会员国按照第64/249号决议修订的等级分摊1 647 550 300美元,每月149 777 300美元,充作2011年8月1日至2012年6月30日期间的经费,但以安全理事会决定延长该行动的任务期限为前提;", "24. 又决定,根据其第973(X)号决议的规定,从上文第23段规定的会员国摊款中减除会员国在衡平征税基金内34 509 200美元中各自应分的数额,基金内的这笔款项包括该行动的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数25 814 984美元、支助账户的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数中按比例应分的数额7 106 550美元和联合国后勤基地的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数中按比例应分的数额1 587 666美元;", "25. 还决定,对于已履行对该行动财政义务的会员国,应考虑到第64/248号决议规定的2010年分摊比额表,并按照大会第64/249号决议修订的等级,从上文第21段规定的摊款中减除2010年6月30日终了财政期间未支配余额和其他收入共计175 974 100美元中各自应分的数额;", "26. 决定,对于尚未履行对该行动财政义务的会员国,应按照上文第25段规定的办法,从其所欠款项中减除2010年6月30日终了财政期间未支配余额和其他收入共计175 974 100美元中各自应分的数额;", "27. 又决定,上文第25和26段提及的175 974 100美元所产生的贷项应加上2010年6月30日终了财政期间工作人员薪金税收入估计数增加额2 223 700美元;", "28. 强调任何维持和平特派团都不得借用其他在役维持和平特派团的经费;", "29. 鼓励秘书长铭记安全理事会2003年8月26日第1502(2003)号决议第5和第6段,继续采取进一步措施,确保在联合国主持下参与该行动的所有人员的安全和安保;", "30. 邀请各方向该行动自愿捐助现金以及秘书长可以接受的服务和用品,这些捐助将按照大会规定的程序和做法适当管理;", "31. 决定将题为“非洲联盟-联合国达尔富尔混合行动经费的筹措”的项目列入大会第六十六届会议临时议程。", "[1] A/65/631和A/65/740。", "[2] A/65/743/Add.13。", "[3] A/65/631。" ]
[ "第六十五届会议", "议程项目159", "非洲联盟-联合国达尔富尔混合行动经费的筹措", "第五委员会的报告", "* 由于技术原因于2011年7月26日重新印发。", "报告员:尼科尔·安·曼尼恩女士(爱尔兰)", "一. 导言", "1. 联合国 2010年9月17日,大会第2次全体会议根据总务委员会的建议,决定将题为“非洲联盟-联合国达尔富尔混合行动经费的筹措”的项目列入第六十五届会议议程,并分配给第五委员会。", "2. 联合国 2. 第五委员会在2011年5月13日和6月30日第37和42次会议上审议了该项目。 在委员会审议该项目过程中所作的发言和发表的意见,反映在有关简要记录(A/C.5/65/SR.37和42)中。", "3个 3. 在审议该项目时,委员会面前有下列文件:", "(a) 秘书长关于非洲联盟-联合国达尔富尔混合行动2009年7月1日至2010年6月30日期间预算执行情况的报告(A/65/631);", "(b) 秘书长关于非洲联盟-联合国达尔富尔混合行动2011年7月1日至2012年6月30日期间预算的报告(A/65/740);", "(c) 行政和预算问题咨询委员会的有关报告(A/65/743/Add.13)。", "二. 二. 决议草案A/C.5/65/L.48的审议情况", " 4.四. 4. 在6月30日第42次会议上,委员会面前有巴基斯坦代表兼委员会副主席提交的题为“非洲联盟-联合国达尔富尔混合行动经费的筹措”的决议草案。", "5 (韩语). 在同次会议上,秘书宣读了由主席根据非正式协商提出的对执行部分第17段的修正案。 修正后的案文随后以文号A/C.5/65/L.48印发。", "6. 国家 5. 又在同次会议上,委员会未经表决通过了决议草案A/C.5/65/L.48(见第6段)。 第7条。", "三. 三. 第五委员会的建议", "7. 联合国 6. 第五委员会建议大会通过下列决议草案:", "非洲联盟-联合国达尔富尔混合行动经费的筹措", "大会,", "审议了秘书长关于非洲联盟-联合国达尔富尔混合行动经费筹措的报告[1] 以及行政和预算问题咨询委员会的有关报告,[2]", "回顾安全理事会2007年7月31日第1769(2007)号决议,其中安理会决定设立非洲联盟-联合国达尔富尔混合行动,自2007年7月31日起,最初为期十二个月,并回顾安理会其后延长该行动任务的各项决议,最近的是2010年7月30日第1935(2010)号决议,其中安理会将该行动的任务延长至2011年7月31日,", "又回顾大会关于该行动经费筹措的2007年12月22日第62/232 A号决议及其后各项有关决议,最近的是2010年6月24日第64/285号决议,", "重申其1963年6月27日第1874(S-IV)号、1973年12月11日第3101(XXVIII)号和2000年12月23日第55/235号决议阐述的联合国维持和平行动经费筹措一般原则,", "意识到必须为该行动提供必要的财政资源,使其能够履行安全理事会有关决议规定的职责,", "注意到该行动属混合性质,为此强调必须确保非洲联盟与联合国在战略层面充分协调,在行动层面实现统一指挥,并有明确的授权和问责线,", "1. 联合国 1. 请秘书长责成该特派团团长完全按照大会2005年6月22日第59/296号、2006年6月30日第60/266号、2007年6月29日第61/276号、2010年6月24日第64/269号和2011年6月30日第65/289号决议以及其他相关决议的规定编制今后的拟议预算;", "2. 联合国 2. 表示注意到截至2011年4月30日非洲联盟-联合国达尔富尔混合行动摊款缴纳情况,包括未缴摊款2.625亿美元,约占摊款总额的4%,关切地注意到只有79个会员国已足额缴纳摊款,并促请所有其他会员国,尤其是拖欠国,确保缴纳未缴摊款;", "3个 3. 表示赞赏已足额缴纳摊款的会员国,并促请所有其他会员国尽力确保足额缴纳为该行动分摊的款项;", " 4.四. 4. 表示关切维持和平活动的财政状况,特别是在偿还费用给部队派遣国方面,这些国家因会员国逾期未缴摊款而承受额外负担;", "5 (韩语). 5. 又表示关切秘书长在部署最近一些维持和平特派团特别是在非洲的特派团及向其提供适当资源方面受到耽搁;", "6. 国家 6. 强调对今后和现有的所有维持和平特派团,在财政和行政安排方面应予平等对待、一视同仁;", "7. 联合国 6. 又强调应为所有维持和平特派团提供适当资源,使其能够有成效、有效率地完成各自的任务;", "8. 联合国 7. 请秘书长确保拟议维持和平预算以相关立法授权为依据;", "9. 国家 2. 认可行政和预算问题咨询委员会报告2 所载的结论和建议,但以符合本决议的规定为前提,并请秘书长确保予以充分落实;", "10个 6. 请秘书长采取步骤,确保所有人员全面遵守已确立的安保程序;", "11个 17. 重申第61/276号决议第二十节,鼓励秘书长在可行的情况下加强区域合作和特派团间合作,以期在使用联合国资源和执行各特派团任务方面实现更大的协同增效,同时铭记,预算的编制和执行以及资产和后勤业务的控制由各特派团自己负责;", "12个 10. 请秘书长确保大会第59/296、60/266、61/276、64/269和65/289号决议的相关规定得到充分执行;", "13个 11. 又请秘书长采取一切必要行动,确保以最有效率和最节省的方式管理该行动;", "14个 10. 还请秘书长确保今后提交的预算中就与业务费用有关的拟议所需资源提供充足的资料、解释和理由,使会员国能作出充分知情的决定;", "15个 6. 着重指出必须加强本组织内部的问责制,并确保秘书长除其他外在高成效和高效率地执行关于采购的法定任务以及相关使用财政和人力资源方面,在提供与采购有关事项的必要信息使会员国能作出充分知情的决定方面,进一步接受会员国的问责;", "16号. 11. 请秘书长确保为本组织进行的所有采购项目都完全符合相关决议;", "17岁。 10. 决定不裁撤儿童保护员额,请秘书长尽一切努力填补这些员额,又请秘书长确定相同职等空缺已超过一年的员额,以抵消保留儿童保护员额所产生的财政影响,但不影响业务需要或任务的执行,并在执行情况报告中报告有关情况;", "18岁。 注意到批款总额已按照第65/289号决议的规定进行调整;", "2009年7月1日至2010年6月30日期间财政执行情况报告", " 19. 19. 表示注意到秘书长关于该行动2009年7月1日至2010年6月30日期间财政执行情况的报告;[3]", "2011年7月1日至2012年6月30日期间预算估计数", "20号. 16. 决定批款1 797 327 600美元给非洲联盟-联合国达尔富尔混合行动特别账户,充作2011年7月1日至2012年6月30日期间的经费,其中包括该行动的维持费1 689 305 500美元,给维持和平行动支助账户的91 536 100美元,以及给意大利布林迪西联合国后勤基地的16 486 000美元;", "批款的筹措", "21岁 24. 又决定,考虑到其2009年12月24日第64/248号决议规定的2011年分摊比额表,由会员国按照大会2009年12月24日第64/249号决议修订的等级分摊149 777 300美元,充作2011年7月1日至31日期间的经费;", "22号. 21. 还决定,根据其1955年12月15日第973(X)号决议的规定,从上文第21段规定的会员国摊款中减除会员国在衡平征税基金内3 137 200美元中各自应分的数额,基金内的这笔款项包括该行动的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数2 346 816美元、支助账户的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数中按比例应分的数额646 050美元和联合国后勤基地的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数中按比例应分的数额144 334美元;", "23. 联合国 14. 决定,考虑到第64/248号决议规定的2011年和2012年分摊比额表,由会员国按照第64/249号决议修订的等级分摊1 647 550 300美元,每月149 777 300美元,充作2011年8月1日至2012年6月30日期间的经费,但以安全理事会决定延长该行动的任务为前提;", "24 (韩语). 23. 又决定,根据其第973(X)号决议的规定,从上文第23段规定的会员国摊款中减除会员国在衡平征税基金内34 509 200美元中各自应分的数额,基金内的这笔款项包括该行动的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数25 814 984美元,支助账户的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数中按比例应分的数额7 106 550美元,以及联合国后勤基地的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数中按比例应分的数额1 587 666美元;", "25岁 21. 还决定,对于已经履行对该行动财政义务的会员国,应考虑到大会第64/248号决议规定的2010年分摊比额表,并按照大会第64/249号决议修订的等级,从上文第21段规定的摊款中减除2010年6月30日终了财政期间未支配余额和其他收入共计175 974 100美元中各自应分的数额;", "26. 联合国 25. 决定,对于尚未履行对该行动财政义务的会员国,应按照上文第25段规定的办法,从其所欠款项中减除2010年6月30日终了财政期间未支配余额和其他收入共计175 974 100美元中各自应分的数额;", "27个 25. 又决定,上文第25和26段提及的175 974 100美元所产生的贷项,应加上2010年6月30日终了财政期间工作人员薪金税收入估计数的增加额2 223 700美元;", "28岁 17. 强调任何维持和平特派团都不得借用其他在役维持和平特派团的经费;", "29. 国家 24. 鼓励秘书长铭记安全理事会2003年8月26日第1502(2003)号决议第5和6段,继续采取进一步措施,确保在联合国主持下参与该行动的所有人员的安全和安保;", "30岁。 23. 邀请各方向该行动自愿捐助现金以及秘书长可以接受的服务和用品,这些捐助将按照大会规定的程序和做法适当管理;", "31岁 24. 决定将题为“非洲联盟-联合国达尔富尔混合行动经费的筹措”的项目列入大会第六十六届会议临时议程。", "[1] A/65/631和A/65/740。", "[2] A/65/743/Add.13。", "[3] A/65/631。" ]
[ "Sixty-fifth session", "Agenda item 143", "** Second reissue for technical reasons (5 August 2011).", "Administrative and budgetary aspects of the financing of the United Nations peacekeeping operations", "Report of the Fifth Committee", "Rapporteur: Ms. Nicole Ann Mannion (Ireland)", "I. Introduction", "1. At its 2nd plenary meeting, on 17 September 2010, the General Assembly, on the recommendation of the General Committee, decided to include in the agenda of its sixty-fifth session the item entitled “Administrative and budgetary aspects of the financing of the United Nations peacekeeping operations” and to allocate it to the Fifth Committee.", "2. The Fifth Committee considered the item at its 33rd, 34th, 35th, 39th and 42nd meetings, on 3, 5, 10 and 23 May and 30 June 2011. Statements and observations made in the course of the Committee’s consideration of the item are reflected in the relevant summary records (A/C.5/65/SR.33, 34, 35, 39 and 42).", "3. For its consideration of the item, the Committee had before it the following documents:", "Cross-cutting issues", "(a) Report of the Secretary-General on the overview of the financing of the United Nations peacekeeping operations: budget performance for the period from 1 July 2009 to 30 June 2010 and budget for the period from 1 July 2011 to 30 June 2012 (A/65/715);", "(b) Report of the Secretary-General on progress in the implementation of the global field support strategy (A/65/643);", "(c) Report of the Secretary-General on the standardized funding model of the global field support strategy (A/65/696 and Corr.1);", "(d) Report of the Secretary-General on the progress of training in peacekeeping (A/65/644 and Corr.1);", "(e) Report of the Secretary-General on United Nations air operations (A/65/738);", "(f) Report of the Secretary-General on special measures for protection from sexual exploitation and sexual abuse (A/65/742);", "(g) Report of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions on observations and recommendations on cross-cutting issues related to peacekeeping operations (A/65/743);", "(h) Report of the Office of Internal Oversight Services on peacekeeping operations (A/65/271 (Part II));", "(i) Report of the Secretary-General on the welfare and recreation needs of all categories of personnel and detailed implications (A/63/675 and Corr.1);", "(j) Related report of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions (A/63/746 (sect. IV.B));", "Strengthening the capacity of the United Nations to manage and sustain peacekeeping operations", "(k) Report of the Secretary-General on strengthening the capacity of the United Nations to manage and sustain peacekeeping operations (A/65/624 and Corr.1);", "(l) Report of the Secretary-General on the budget performance of the support account for peacekeeping operations for the period from 1 July 2009 to 30 June 2010 (A/65/610 and Add.1);", "(m) Report of the Secretary-General on the budget for the support account for peacekeeping operations for the period from 1 July 2011 to 30 June 2012 (A/65/761 and Corr.1 and 2);", "(n) Preliminary report of the Office of Internal Oversight Services on the implementation of the pilot project designated by the General Assembly in resolution 63/287 (A/65/765);", "(o) Report of the Independent Audit Advisory Committee on the budget of the Office of Internal Oversight Services under the support account for peacekeeping operations for the period from 1 July 2011 to 30 June 2012 (A/65/734);", "(p) Related report of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions (A/65/827);", "(q) Report of the Office of Internal Oversight Services on the thematic evaluation of cooperation between the Department of Peacekeeping Operations/ Department of Field Support and regional organizations (A/65/762);", "United Nations Logistics Base at Brindisi, Italy", "(r) Report of the Secretary-General on the budget performance of the United Nations Logistics Base at Brindisi, Italy, for the period from 1 July 2009 to 30 June 2010 (A/65/642);", "(s) Report of the Secretary-General on the budget for the United Nations Logistics Base at Brindisi, Italy, for the period from 1 July 2011 to 30 June 2012 (A/65/760);", "(t) Related report of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions (A/65/743/Add.12);", "Rates of reimbursement to Governments for contingent-owned equipment", "(u) Letter dated 25 February 2011 from the Chair of the 2011 Working Group on Contingent-Owned Equipment to the Chair of the Fifth Committee (A/C.5/65/16);", "(v) Report of the Secretary-General on reformed procedures for determining reimbursement to Member States for contingent-owned equipment (A/65/800);", "(w) Related report of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions (A/65/830);", "Closed peacekeeping missions", "(x) Report of the Secretary-General on the updated financial position of closed peacekeeping missions as at 30 June 2010 (A/65/556);", "(y) Related report of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions (A/65/775);", "(z) Report of the Secretary-General on the updated financial position of closed peacekeeping missions as at 30 June 2009 (A/64/605);", "(aa) Related report of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions (A/64/659 and Corr.1);", "(bb) Report of the Secretary-General on the updated financial position of closed peacekeeping missions as at 30 June 2008 (A/63/581);", "(cc) Related report of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions (A/63/856);", "Budgetary levels for peacekeeping operations", "(dd) Note by the Secretary-General on the approved resources for peacekeeping operations for the period from 1 July 2010 to 30 June 2011 (A/C.5/65/15);", "(ee) Note by the Secretary-General on the proposed budgetary levels for peacekeeping operations for the period from 1 July 2011 to 30 June 2012 (A/C.5/65/17).", "II. Consideration of proposals", "A. Draft resolution A/C.5/65/L.53", "4. At its 42nd meeting, on 30 June 2011, the Committee had before it a draft resolution entitled “Cross-cutting issues” (A/C.5/65/L.53), submitted by the Chair of the Committee on the basis of informal consultations coordinated by the representative of Nicaragua.", "5. At the same meeting, the Committee adopted draft resolution A/C.5/65/L.53 without a vote (see para. 15, draft resolution I).", "B. Draft resolution A/C.5/65/L.50", "6. Also at its 42nd meeting the Committee had before it a draft resolution entitled “Strengthening the capacity of the United Nations to manage and sustain peacekeeping operations” (A/C.5/65/L.50), submitted by the representative of Ireland and Rapporteur of the Committee.", "7. At the same meeting, the Committee adopted draft resolution A/C.5/65/L.50 without a vote (see para. 15, draft resolution II).", "C. Draft resolution A/C.5/65/L.51", "8. At its 42nd meeting the Committee also had before it a draft resolution entitled “Financing of the United Nations Logistics Base at Brindisi, Italy” (A/C.5/65/L.51), submitted by the Chair of the Committee on the basis of informal consultations coordinated by the representative of Thailand.", "9. At the same meeting, the Committee adopted draft resolution A/C.5/65/L.51 without a vote (see para. 15, draft resolution III).", "D. Draft resolution A/C.5/65/L.35", "10. Also at its 42nd meeting the Committee had before it a draft resolution entitled “Reformed procedures for determining reimbursement to Member States for contingent-owned equipment” (A/C.5/65/L.35), submitted by the Chair of the Committee on the basis of informal consultations coordinated by the representative of Guatemala.", "11. At the same meeting, the Committee adopted draft resolution A/C.5/65/L.35 without a vote (see para. 15, draft resolution IV).", "E. Draft resolution A/C.5/65/L.52", "12. At its 42nd meeting the Committee had before it a draft resolution entitled “Closed peacekeeping missions” (A/C.5/65/L.52), submitted by the Chair of the Committee on the basis of informal consultations coordinated by the representative of Algeria.", "13. At the same meeting, the Committee adopted draft resolution A/C.5/65/L.52 without a vote (see para. 15, draft resolution V).", "14. After the adoption of the draft resolution, a statement was made by the representative of Germany (see A/C.5/65/SR.42).", "III. Recommendations of the Fifth Committee", "15. The Fifth Committee recommends to the General Assembly the adoption of the following draft resolutions:", "Draft resolution I Cross-cutting issues", "The General Assembly,", "Recalling its resolutions 49/233 A of 23 December 1994, 49/233 B of 31 March 1995, 51/218 E of 17 June 1997, 57/290 B of 18 June 2003, 58/315 of 1 July 2004, 59/296 of 22 June 2005, 60/266 of 30 June 2006, 61/276 and 61/279 of 29 June 2007 and 64/269 of 24 June 2010,", "Having considered the reports of the Secretary-General on the overview of the financing of the United Nations peacekeeping operations: budget performance for the period from 1 July 2009 to 30 June 2010 and budget for the period from 1 July 2011 to 30 June 2012,[1] on the progress of training in peacekeeping,[2] on special measures for protection from sexual exploitation and sexual abuse,[3] on United Nations air operations,[4] on progress in the implementation of the global field support strategy and on its standardized funding model[5] and on the welfare and recreation needs of all categories of personnel and detailed implications,[6] as well as the report of the Office of Internal Oversight Services on peacekeeping operations[7] and the related reports of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions,[8]", "General", "1. Reaffirms its resolutions 57/290 B, 59/296, 60/266, 61/276 and 64/269, and requests the Secretary-General to ensure the full implementation of their relevant provisions;", "2. Appreciates the efforts of all peacekeeping personnel in the field and at Headquarters;", "3. Takes note of the reports of the Secretary-General on the overview of the financing of the United Nations peacekeeping operations: budget performance for the period from 1 July 2009 to 30 June 2010 and budget for the period from 1 July 2011 to 30 June 2012,¹ on the progress of training in peacekeeping,² on special measures for protection from sexual exploitation and sexual abuse,³ on United Nations air operations,⁴ on progress in the implementation of the global field support strategy and on its standardized funding model⁵ and on the welfare and recreation needs of all categories of personnel and detailed implications,⁶ as well as the related reports of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions;⁸", "4. Also takes note of the report of the Office of Internal Oversight Services on peacekeeping operations;⁷", "5. Endorses the recommendations contained in the report of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions,[9] subject to the provisions of the present resolution, and requests the Secretary-General to ensure their full implementation;", "I Budget presentation and financial management", "6. Takes note of paragraph 24 of the report of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions;⁹", "7. Reiterates that the delegation of authority on the part of the Secretary-General should be in order to facilitate the better management of the Organization, but stresses that the overall responsibility for management of the Organization rests with the Secretary-General as its Chief Administrative Officer;", "8. Affirms the need for the Secretary-General to ensure that the delegation of authority to the Department of Peacekeeping Operations, the Department of Field Support and field missions is in strict compliance with relevant resolutions and decisions, as well as with relevant rules and procedures of the General Assembly on this matter;", "9. Stresses that heads of departments report and are accountable to the Secretary-General;", "10. Reiterates the importance of strengthened accountability in the Organization and of ensuring greater accountability of the Secretary-General to Member States, inter alia, for the effective and efficient implementation of legislative mandates and the use of human and financial resources;", "11. Notes that the senior managers’ compacts are meant to improve the management of the Organization, inter alia, by increasing accountability and transparency at the senior level, and in this regard urges the Secretary-General to implement measures that adequately address the performance of senior managers, especially with regard to achieving goals and targets;", "12. Recalls paragraph 4 of the report of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions,⁹ and emphasizes that all field missions shall be provided with adequate resources for the effective and efficient discharge of their respective mandates and that the transition of peacekeeping operations to peacebuilding may entail a change in resource requirements;", "13. Welcomes the timely issuance of budget proposals for peacekeeping operations by the Secretary-General;", "14. Recalls paragraph 10 of section I of its resolution 64/269 of 24 June 2010;", "15. Stresses the importance of further steps by the Secretary-General towards improving budget presentations and making more accurate forecasts;", "16. Takes note of paragraph 5 of report of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions,⁹ emphasizes that all field missions shall be provided with adequate resources for the effective and efficient discharge of their respective mandates, and stresses that the current level of peacekeeping activity should have scalable implications on resource requirements, taking into consideration the number, size and complexity of peacekeeping operations;", "17. Requests the Secretary-General to intensify his efforts to achieve economies of scale within and between field missions without undermining their operational requirements and the implementation of their respective mandates and to report thereon in the context of the overview report;", "18. Notes the establishment of a resource efficiency group in the Department of Field Support, in this regard concurs with the recommendations contained in paragraph 28 of the report of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions,⁹ and encourages further such initiatives by the Secretary-General, both at Headquarters and at the mission level;", "19. Recalls paragraph 59 of the report of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions,⁹ and requests the Secretary-General to provide information in this regard and in the context of the next overview report on peacekeeping operations for its consideration;", "II Personnel issues", "20. Expresses its appreciation to all United Nations personnel performing functions related to peacekeeping, in particular those serving at hardship duty stations under some of the most difficult conditions;", "21. Pays tribute to all United Nations peacekeepers who have been wounded in the line of duty or who have made the ultimate sacrifice while working in the pursuit of peace;", "22. Requests the Secretary-General to provide, in the context of the next report on the overview of the financing of the United Nations peacekeeping operations, updates on the implementation in United Nations field missions of human resources management reforms, in particular those contained in its resolution 65/247 of 24 December 2010;", "23. Notes the variety of human resources management initiatives that the Organization has undertaken since the adoption by the General Assembly of its resolution 63/250 of 24 December 2008, and recognizes that the continued implementation of the reform initiatives will better equip the Organization to address a variable and demanding environment in which integration and harmonization will provide the basis for longer-term efficiencies in productivity and an improved work environment that will, in turn, better enable the Organization to meet its mandates;", "24. Recalls paragraph 47 of the report of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions;⁹", "25. Recognizes the importance of welfare and recreation for personnel serving in peacekeeping operations, bearing in mind that welfare and recreation also contribute to strengthening morale and discipline;", "26. Takes note of paragraph 52 of the report of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions;", "27. Recalls section VII of its resolution 63/250, and reiterates its request contained in paragraph 34 of section II of its resolution 65/247;", "28. Recognizes the need of the Organization for a mechanism to address rapidly changing situations in the field, and in this regard requests comprehensive information regarding the use of the temporary duty assignment mechanism and its implications for the regular recruitment process;", "29. Notes the use by the Secretary-General of temporary vacancy announcements to address the issue of lengthy recruitment processes, stresses the need to expedite the filling of vacancies through the regular recruitment process, and requests the Secretary-General to provide information on the impact of using temporary vacancy announcements on the regular recruitment process in the field and at Headquarters in the context of his next overview report on peacekeeping operations;", "30. Recalls paragraph 19 of section C of its resolution 65/248 of 24 December 2010;", "31. Emphasizes the importance of further steps to make training programmes more relevant and cost-effective through, inter alia, the training of trainers and the use of videoconferencing and e-learning where feasible, and stresses that travel for training purposes should be kept under close review;", "32. Notes the increasing role of national staff in peacekeeping operations and the need to build national capacities and to provide professional development opportunities for national staff, and emphasizes that national staff should be fully included in all relevant training programmes;", "33. Recalls paragraph 132 of the report of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions,⁹ notes the generally positive findings of the evaluation of the Senior Mission Administration and Resource Training Programme carried out in 2010, and looks forward to additional information on the impact of the training programme on improved performance;", "34. Also recalls paragraph 4 of section II of its resolution 64/269, and requests the Secretary-General to take urgent measures to eliminate the existing backlog of death and disability claims pending for more than three months and to report on the progress made to the General Assembly at the second part of its resumed sixty-sixth session;", "35. Further recalls paragraph 55 of the report of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions,⁹ requests the Secretary-General to ensure cost-effectiveness and a high level of service to troop- and police-contributing countries, without affecting their operational requirements, underscores the need for close coordination with troop- and police-contributing countries, and requests the Secretary-General to include further information in his next overview report on peacekeeping operations;", "III Operational requirements", "36. Underlines the need for the United Nations to improve the management of its ground transportation in order to achieve maximum operational efficiency, and urges the Secretary-General to accelerate and strengthen his efforts in this regard, with concrete proposals, and to report thereon in his next overview report on peacekeeping operations;", "37. Notes that fuel is a major item of expenditure and that its management is vulnerable to serious risk of fraud and abuse;", "38. Requests the Secretary-General to ensure that all peacekeeping missions are provided with the necessary fuel supplies in an uninterrupted manner to ensure their smooth functioning, without jeopardizing safety, and that measures aimed at increasing efficiencies, including the use of turnkey contracts, must not undermine the operational needs and safety of the mission;", "39. Also requests the Secretary-General to report to the General Assembly at its resumed sixty-seventh session in the context of its overview report on all aspects of fuel management, including on the implementation of the Department of Field Support Fuel Operations Manual, the feasibility of introducing a global electronic fuel management system, the status of strategic reserve stocks of fuel for contingency purposes, the preparation and application of standard operating procedures for fuel management and the results of the assessment of fuel support costs and performance for several missions, including the comparison of turnkey and in-house models, as well as on efforts aimed at factoring in the cost of fuel when awarding contracts for vehicles and aircraft;", "40. Stresses that the effective management of rations means ensuring that United Nations peacekeepers receive sufficient rations of appropriate quality for three meals per day, including planning, organizing and controlling the operations from the initial requisition to the final payment to suppliers, as well as accurate and reliable record-keeping and filing;", "41. Requests the Secretary-General to ensure that all missions monitor and evaluate the quality management systems of rations contractors to ensure that food quality and hygienic conditions are in accordance with established standards;", "42. Urges the Secretary-General to continue to implement the new standard ratios for personal information and communications technology equipment on the basis of the 2010 review and to ensure the most appropriate level of service with regard to satellite communications and Internet services in each location within missions, taking into account operational requirements;", "43. Recalls paragraph 61 of the report of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions,⁹ and requests the Secretary-General to submit a comprehensive assessment of the efficiencies and effectiveness, including savings achieved and impact, of turnkey arrangements in his next overview report on peacekeeping operations;", "44. Requests the Secretary-General to continue to ensure that the utilization of systems contracts is subject to prior full analysis of all costs, in accordance with current practice;", "45. Emphasizes that concerted efforts should be made to identify potential vendors in developing countries and countries with economies in transition and to increase the representation from those countries in the bidding for and award of contracts so as to develop a supplier base that is more representative of the membership of the Organization;", "46. Requests the Secretary-General to provide a comprehensive analysis of the administrative and budgetary aspects of the role and implementation of the integrated operational teams at the second part of its resumed sixty-sixth session;", "IV Air operations", "47. Stresses that efforts to explore possibilities for economies of scale and efficiencies in air operations must not undermine safety and operational requirements or rotation and troop deployment cycles for each peacekeeping operation;", "48. Recalls paragraph 77 of the report of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions,⁹ and stresses the need to evaluate the full range and overall cost efficiency of factors involved in air services, including fuel consumption, maintenance costs and safety and security considerations;", "49. Also recalls paragraph 13 of the report of the Secretary-General,[10] and stresses that the procurement process should ensure that acquired air assets correspond to the operational requirements of missions;", "50. Recognizes the launch of a pilot project on making the transition to the request for proposals methodology for the acquisition of air services, notes that best value for money is one of the four key principles to be considered in United Nations procurement, along with fairness, integrity and transparency; effective international competition; and the interest of the United Nations, according to the Financial Regulations and Rules of the United Nations,[11] and reiterates its request to the Secretary-General in paragraph 25 of its resolution 62/269 of 20 June 2008 to report to the General Assembly on clear guidelines for the implementation of the best value for money methodology in United Nations procurement, including all specifics of the weighted evaluation techniques, and to provide a report on the results of the pilot project;", "51. Requests the Secretary-General to ensure full transparency in developing the request for proposals methodology, and emphasizes that the development of requests for proposals shall be driven by the operational demands of the Organization;", "52. Takes note of the United Nations Common Aviation Safety Standards, requests the Secretary-General to continue to ensure compliance with the Standards and Recommended Practices of the International Civil Aviation Organization with the objective of meeting the operational requirements of mandate delivery in the field, and also requests the Secretary-General to report, in the context of the next peacekeeping overview report, on the differences between the International Civil Aviation Organization Standards and Recommended Practices and the United Nations Common Aviation Safety Standards;", "53. Recalls paragraph 21 of section VI of its resolution 64/269;", "54. Requests the Secretary-General to provide an update on the status of the memorandum of understanding with the World Food Programme and its financial implications, as well as a detailed analysis of the governance of United Nations air operations and overall resource levels, including information on the effective and efficient provision of backstopping functions and information and communications technology support, in the context of his next peacekeeping overview report;", "V Special measures for protection from sexual exploitation", "55. Recalls section IV of its resolution 64/269;", "56. Reaffirms the need for full implementation of the United Nations policy of zero tolerance for sexual exploitation and abuse in peacekeeping operations;", "57. Stresses that in the case of any violations of standards, appropriate action will be taken within the authority of the Secretary-General, while criminal and disciplinary responsibility in respect of members of national contingents will depend on the national law of the Member State;", "58. Emphasizes that all acts of sexual exploitation and abuse should be investigated and punished without delay in accordance with due process of law as well as with memorandums of understanding that have been concluded between the United Nations and Member States;", "59. Confirms that no payment, including payment under paragraph 72 below, will be made in respect of individual peacekeepers who have been repatriated for disciplinary reasons, such as violation of the United Nations policy of zero tolerance;", "60. Recalls its resolution 62/214 of 21 December 2007 containing the United Nations Comprehensive Strategy on Assistance and Support to Victims of Sexual Exploitation and Abuse by United Nations Staff and Related Personnel, calls for its continued implementation, and in this regard stresses the importance of addressing, in a comprehensive manner, the needs of all victims of sexual exploitation and abuse;", "61. Takes note of paragraphs 10 and 18 of the report of the Secretary-General on special measures for protection from sexual exploitation and sexual abuse;³", "62. Expresses concern at the number of investigations that have not been completed, and encourages continued efforts to address the backlog, in accordance and with memorandums of understanding, where applicable;", "63. Remains concerned about the new cases of sexual exploitation and abuse reported, and notes the continuing decline in the number of allegations of sexual exploitation and abuse, but regrets that the proportion of allegations involving the most egregious forms of sexual exploitation and abuse has not decreased;", "64. Requests the Secretary-General to continue his efforts with regard to standardized training and awareness-raising on sexual exploitation and abuse matters;", "65. Welcomes the efforts of the Conduct and Discipline Unit at United Nations Headquarters and of the conduct and discipline teams in the field, and notes with appreciation the regularly updated website dedicated to conduct and discipline, including statistical information, which helps the Department of Field Support to evaluate progress and Member States to gain a better understanding of the policies of the United Nations in dealing with conduct and discipline issues;", "66. Requests an update on progress in implementing the United Nations Comprehensive Strategy on Assistance and Support to Victims of Sexual Exploitation and Abuse by United Nations Staff and Related Personnel in the next overview report;", "67. Encourages the Inter-Agency Standing Committee task force to strengthen its leadership role on the implementation of the Comprehensive Strategy on Assistance and Support to Victims of Sexual Exploitation and Abuse by United Nations Staff and Related Personnel;", "68. Notes with appreciation the actions taken to prevent unsubstantiated allegations of misconduct from damaging the credibility of any United Nations peacekeeping mission or troop- or police-contributing country or United Nations peacekeeping personnel, and requests that the Secretary-General take appropriate measures in this regard and that he continue to ensure that prompt actions are taken to restore the image and credibility of any United Nations peacekeeping mission, troop- or police-contributing country or United Nations peacekeeping personnel when allegations of misconduct are, ultimately, legally unproven;", "VI Other issues", "69. Notes with concern the difficulties experienced by Member States in providing the data requested through the survey questionnaire under the provisions of resolution 63/285 of 30 June 2009, and in this regard requests the Secretary-General to intensify the efforts of the Secretariat, in particular the Department of Field Support and the Department of Management, to work closely with troop-contributing countries with a view to facilitating data collection and assisting in the completion of the questionnaire, in order to maintain the process within the envisaged time frame;", "70. Notes that the last review of troop costs was in 1992, with a subsequent ad hoc increase in 2002, and that troop-contributing countries have expressed concern that this has placed a difficult financial burden on them, which they assert could jeopardize the sustainability of participation in peacekeeping operations;", "71. Recalls that all United Nations peacekeepers must act in a manner that preserves the image, credibility, impartiality and integrity of the United Nations;", "72. Decides to provide, on an exceptional basis, a one-time supplemental payment of 85,000,000 United States dollars to troop-contributing countries for the period from 1 July 2011 to 30 June 2012, without prejudice to the integrity of the process set forth in its resolution 63/285;", "73. Requests the Secretary-General to establish, by October 2011, a senior advisory group consisting of five eminent persons of relevant experience appointed by the Secretary-General, five representatives from major troop contributors, five representatives from major financial contributors and one member from each regional group, to consider rates of reimbursement to troop-contributing countries and related issues;", "74. Decides that the senior advisory group shall complete its work as soon as is practicable;", "75. Notes with concern the recurrence of problems previously identified by the Board of Auditors in regard to the management of expendable and non‑expendable property;", "76. Stresses the importance of the Secretary-General’s stewardship of the management of assets for peacekeeping, including expendable and non-expendable property and strategic deployment stocks, and reiterates its requests to the Secretary-General to strengthen internal controls in the management of those assets to ensure adequate safeguards that would prevent waste and financial loss to the Organization;", "77. Recalls section I, paragraph 14, of its resolution 64/269, and requests the Secretary-General to submit the report requested in that paragraph to the General Assembly at the second part of its resumed sixty-sixth session;", "78. Notes that the strategy for early peacebuilding is still being developed by the Secretariat, in this regard requests the Secretary-General to consult closely with Member States, the Peacebuilding Commission, United Nations agencies, funds and programmes and all relevant Secretariat entities throughout the process of preparing the strategy, and underlines that specific peacebuilding tasks undertaken by peacekeeping missions should be based on priorities of the country concerned and on the specific context, in accordance with the principle of national ownership;", "VII Global field support strategy", "79. Expresses its appreciation for the inclusive and participatory approach taken by the Secretary-General in developing and implementing the global field support strategy, and encourages the Secretary-General to continue to intensify close consultations with Member States, in particular troop-contributing countries, in the implementation of the global field support strategy;", "80. Recognizes the challenges faced by the Organization in providing logistical, administrative and information and communications technology support for peacekeeping operations, and expresses its appreciation for the efforts made by the Secretary-General to present an integrated approach to enable more timely mission start-up and deployment and to improve quality, efficiency and economy of scale in the delivery of services to field missions;", "81. Recalls paragraph 143 of the report of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions;⁹", "82. Also recalls paragraph 156 of the report of Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions,⁹ and encourages the Secretary-General to continue to work in close consultation with Member States, in particular troop- and police-contributing countries, in further developing predefined modules and service packages;", "83. Requests the Secretary-General, in a manner consistent with the objectives of the global field support strategy, to take into account the risks involved in using single-source or multifunctional contracts in developing further proposals related to logistics modules, as well as applicable limitations on the number of United Nations commodities codes per vendor;", "84. Recalls paragraph 157 of the report of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions,⁹ and requests the Secretary-General to include all relevant information regarding the development and implementation of predefined modules and service packages in his next annual progress report;", "85. Emphasizes the importance of enabling capacities in the effective deployment of service packages in field missions, and requests the Secretary-General to provide information on various options available for enabling capacities in his next progress report for its consideration;", "86. Recalls paragraphs 12 and 14 of its resolution 64/269, and emphasizes the role of the Global Service Centre at Brindisi, Italy, in delivering and managing predefined modules and service packages;", "87. Reaffirms paragraph 16 of section VI of its resolution 64/269, in which it stressed that functions primarily involving interactions with Member States, particularly troop-contributing countries, would continue to be located at Headquarters;", "88. Notes with appreciation the performance of the Transportation and Movements Integrated Control Centre;", "89. Notes the results achieved to date in enhancing effective service delivery through the Regional Service Centre at Entebbe, Uganda;", "90. Recognizes the potential of the Peacekeeping Reserve Fund and the strategic deployment stocks in playing a crucial role in rapid mission start-up and expansion, and requests the Secretary-General to inform the General Assembly on the implementation of paragraphs 8 and 9 of section VI of its resolution 64/269;", "91. Requests the Secretary-General to provide to the Assembly, on an annual basis and in a consolidated manner, information on the financial and human resources provided by client missions to the Regional Service Centre at Entebbe and on the shares of the resource requirements for the individual client missions provided in their respective budget proposals, as well as information on the vacancy rates, expenditures and budget performance of the Centre.", "Draft resolution II Strengthening the capacity of the United Nations to manage and sustain peacekeeping operations", "The General Assembly,", "Recalling its resolutions 45/258 of 3 May 1991, 47/218 A of 23 December 1992, 48/226 A of 23 December 1993, 55/238 of 23 December 2000, 56/241 of 24 December 2001, 56/293 of 27 June 2002, 57/318 of 18 June 2003, 58/298 of 18 June 2004, 59/301 of 22 June 2005, 60/268 of 30 June 2006, 61/245 and 61/246 of 22 December 2006, 61/256 of 15 March 2007, 61/279 of 29 June 2007, 62/250 of 20 June 2008, 63/287 of 30 June 2009 and 64/271 of 24 June 2010, its decisions 48/489 of 8 July 1994, 49/469 of 23 December 1994 and 50/473 of 23 December 1995 and its other relevant resolutions,", "Having considered the reports of the Secretary-General on strengthening the capacity of the United Nations to manage and sustain peacekeeping operations,[12] on the budget performance of the support account for peacekeeping operations for the period from 1 July 2009 to 30 June 2010[13] and on the budget for the support account for peacekeeping operations for the period from 1 July 2011 to 30 June 2012,[14] the preliminary report of the Office of Internal Oversight Services on the implementation of the pilot project designated by the General Assembly in its resolution 63/287,[15] the report of the Independent Audit Advisory Committee on the budget of the Office of Internal Oversight Services under the support account for peacekeeping operations for the period from 1 July 2011 to 30 June 2012[16] and the related report of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions,[17] as well as the report of the Office of Internal Oversight Services on the thematic evaluation of cooperation between the Department of Peacekeeping Operations/Department of Field Support and regional organizations,[18]", "Recognizing the importance of the United Nations being able to respond and deploy rapidly to a peacekeeping operation upon the adoption of a relevant resolution of the Security Council, within thirty days for traditional peacekeeping operations and ninety days for complex peacekeeping operations,", "Recognizing also the need for adequate support during all phases of peacekeeping operations, including the liquidation and termination phases,", "Mindful that the level of the support account should broadly correspond to the mandate, number, size and complexity of peacekeeping missions,", "1. Reaffirms its role in carrying out a thorough analysis and approval of human and financial resources and policies with a view to ensuring the full, effective and efficient implementation of all mandated programmes and activities and the implementation of policies in this regard;", "2. Also reaffirms that the Fifth Committee is the appropriate Main Committee of the General Assembly entrusted with responsibility for administrative and budgetary matters;", "3. Further reaffirms rule 153 of its rules of procedure;", "4. Reaffirms that the support account funds shall be used for the sole purpose of financing human resources and non-human resource requirements for backstopping and supporting peacekeeping operations at Headquarters, and that any changes in this limitation require the prior approval of the General Assembly;", "5. Also reaffirms the need for adequate funding for the backstopping of peacekeeping operations, as well as the need for full justification for that funding in support account budget submissions;", "6. Emphasizes the importance of interaction and coordination with troop- and police-contributing countries;", "7. Recalls section I, paragraph 6, of resolution 55/238, paragraph 11 of resolution 56/241, paragraph 19 of resolution 61/279 and paragraph 22 of resolution 62/250, and requests the Secretary-General to make further concrete efforts to ensure the proper representation of troop-contributing countries in the Department of Peacekeeping Operations and the Department of Field Support, taking into account their contribution to United Nations peacekeeping;", "8. Recognizes the significant role of the Police Division of the Department of Peacekeeping Operations in contributing to peacekeeping operations, including their peacekeeping efforts, and the increase in the policing dimension in a number of operations;", "9. Reaffirms the need for effective and efficient administration and financial management of peacekeeping operations, and urges the Secretary-General to continue to identify measures to increase the productivity and efficiency of the support account;", "10. Requests the Secretary-General to ensure the full implementation of the relevant provisions of General Assembly resolutions 59/296 of 22 June 2005, 60/266 of 30 June 2006, 61/276 of 29 June 2007, 64/269 of 24 June 2010 and 65/289 of 30 June 2011, and other relevant resolutions;", "11. Endorses the conclusions and recommendations contained in the report of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions,⁶ subject to the provisions of the present resolution, and requests the Secretary-General to ensure their full implementation;", "12. Takes note of the report of the Office of Internal Oversight Services on the thematic evaluation of cooperation between the Department of Peacekeeping Operations/Department of Field Support and regional organizations;⁷", "13. Reaffirms its role with regard to the structure of the Secretariat, and stresses that proposals that amend the overall departmental structure, as well as the format of the budgets of the Organization and the biennial programme plan, are subject to review and approval by the General Assembly;", "14. Notes the overall benefits of the restructuring of the Department of Peacekeeping Operations and the Department of Field Support, and requests the Secretary-General to assess these benefits and to continue to make every effort to enhance the capacity of the Organization to manage and sustain peacekeeping operations;", "15. Underlines the crucial importance of ensuring that the lessons learned and best practices of peacekeeping missions are adequately captured, processed and incorporated into guidelines and policies, particularly with regard to peacebuilding efforts by peacekeepers and peacekeeping operations in transition, and in this regard recognizes the significant role of the Peacekeeping Best Practices Section and best practices officers on the ground;", "16. Notes that the strategy for early peacebuilding is still being developed by the Secretariat, and in this regard requests the Secretary-General to consult closely, throughout the process of the preparation of the strategy, with Member States, the Peacebuilding Commission, United Nations agencies, funds and programmes and all other relevant Secretariat entities, and underlines that specific peacebuilding tasks undertaken by peacekeeping missions should be based on the priorities of the country concerned and on the specific context;", "17. Takes note of the report of the Secretary-General on the budget for the support account for peacekeeping operations for the period from 1 July 2011 to 30 June 2012³ and the report of the Independent Audit Advisory Committee on the budget of the Office of Internal Oversight Services under the support account for peacekeeping operations for the period from 1 July 2011 to 30 June 2012;⁵", "18. Decides to maintain, for the financial period from 1 July 2011 to 30 June 2012, the funding mechanism for the support account used in the period from 1 July 2010 to 30 June 2011, as approved in paragraph 3 of its resolution 50/221 B of 7 June 1996;", "19. Takes note of paragraphs 44 and 55 of the report of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions;⁶", "20. Reiterates its request to the Secretary-General to review the level of the support account on a regular basis, taking into consideration the number, size and complexity of peacekeeping operations;", "21. Emphasizes that support functions should be scalable to the size and scope of peacekeeping operations;", "22. Requests the Secretary-General to fill all vacancies in an expeditious manner;", "Financial performance report for the period from 1 July 2009 to 30 June 2010", "23. Takes note of the report of the Secretary-General on the financial performance of the support account for peacekeeping operations for the period from 1 July 2009 to 30 June 2010;²", "Budget estimates for the period from 1 July 2011 to 30 June 2012", "24. Approves the support account requirements in the amount of 344,792,400 United States dollars for the financial period from 1 July 2011 to 30 June 2012, inclusive of the amount of 47,185,200 dollars for the enterprise resource planning project pursuant to its resolution 64/243 of 24 December 2009, including 1,294 continuing posts and 1 new temporary post, as well as the redeployment, reassignment and reclassification of posts as set out in annex I to the present resolution and 151 continuing and 11 new general temporary assistance positions as set out in annex II, as well as their related post and non-post requirements;", "Financing of the support account for peacekeeping operations for the period from 1 July 2009 to 30 June 2010 and the period from 1 July 2011 to 30 June 2012", "25. Decides that the requirements for the support account for peacekeeping operations for the financial period from 1 July 2009 to 30 June 2010 and from 1 July 2011 to 30 June 2012 shall be financed as follows:", "(a) An additional amount of 24,444,900 dollars, to be appropriated and assessed in respect of the financial period from 1 July 2009 to 30 June 2010;", "(b) The total amount of 6,048,000 dollars, comprising interest income of 2,161,000 dollars, other miscellaneous income of 1,359,000 dollars and the cancellation of prior-period obligations of 2,528,000 dollars, to be applied to the resources required for the financial period from 1 July 2011 to 30 June 2012;", "(c) The amount of 3,377,000 dollars, representing the excess of the authorized level of the Peacekeeping Reserve Fund in respect of the financial period ended 30 June 2010, to be applied to the resources required for the financial period from 1 July 2011 to 30 June 2012;", "(d) The balance of 359,812,300 dollars, to be prorated among the budgets of the active peacekeeping operations for the financial period from 1 July 2011 to 30 June 2012;", "(e) The net estimated staff assessment income of 30,474,500 dollars, comprising the amount of 29,685,000 dollars for the financial period from 1 July 2011 to 30 June 2012 and the increase of 789,500 dollars in respect of the financial period ended 30 June 2010, to be set off against the balance referred to in subparagraph (d) above, to be prorated among the budgets of the individual active peacekeeping operations.", "Annex I", "A Support account posts to be established for the period from 1 July 2011 to 30 June 2012", "Organizationalunit Number\tLevel\tFunction\tStatus \nDepartmentofPeacekeepingOperations \nPolicy,EvaluationandTrainingDivision\tPeacekeepingBestPracticesSection\t1\tP-4\tChildProtectionAdviser\tConversionfromgeneraltemporaryassistance\n Total 1", "B Redeployment, reassignment, reclassification, restructuring and abolition of posts under the support account for the period from 1 July 2011 to 30 June 2012", "Redeployments", "Department of Peacekeeping Operations/Office of Operations/Africa I Division/ United Nations Mission in the Central African Republic and Chad integrated operational team", "Redeployment of 1 post (P-5 Senior Political Affairs Officer) to the Africa II Division, United Nations Mission in Liberia/United Nations Operation in Côte d’Ivoire integrated operational team", "Redeployment of 1 post (P-3 Political Affairs Officer) to the Africa I Division, United Nations Mission in the Sudan integrated operational team", "Department of Peacekeeping Operations/Office of Military Affairs/Military Planning Service", "Redeployment of 2 posts (1 P-4 Capability Development Officer and 1 P-4 Military Policy and Doctrine Officer) to the Office of the Military Adviser, Policy and Doctrine Team", "Department of Peacekeeping Operations/Office of Rule of Law and Security Institutions/Police Division", "Redeployment of 16 posts (1 P-5 Chief of Section, 6 P-4 Selection and Recruitment Officers, 7 P-3 Selection and Recruitment Officers and 2 General Service (Other level) Administrative Assistants) from the Mission Management and Support Section to the Selection and Recruitment Section", "Department of Field Support/Field Budget and Finance Division/Office of the Director/Field Finance Procedures Management Unit", "Redeployment of 5 posts (1 P-4 Administrative Management Officer, 2 P-3 Administrative Officers, 1 General Service (Other level) Finance Assistant and 1 General Service (Other level) Team Assistant) to the Front Office/Office of the Director (Field Budget and Finance Division restructuring)", "Redeployment of 2 posts (1 P-4 Finance Officer and 1 General Service (Other level) Finance Assistant) to the Budget and Performance Reporting Service (Field Budget and Finance Division restructuring)", "Department of Field Support/Field Budget and Finance Division/Office of the Director/Field System Support Unit", "Redeployment of 4 posts (1 P-4 Chief, 1 P-3 Systems Analyst, 1 P-2 Associate Programme Analyst and 1 General Service (Other level) Computer Information Systems Assistant) to the Budget and Performance Reporting Service (Field Budget and Finance Division restructuring)", "Redeployment of 1 post (P-3 Programme Analyst) to the Office of the Chief/ Communications and Information Technology Services (United Nations Logistics Base at Brindisi, Italy)", "Department of Field Support/Field Budget and Finance Division/Memorandums of Understanding and Claims Management Section", "Redeployment of 1 post (P-3 Finance and Budget Officer) to the Office of the Under-Secretary-General/Programme Implementation Coordination Team (global field support strategy)", "Department of Field Support/Field Personnel Division/Field Personnel Operations Service", "Redeployment of 2 posts (2 General Service (Other level) Human Resources Assistants) to the Field Central Review Board (United Nations Logistics Base)", "Department of Field Support/Logistics Support Division/Specialist Support Service/ Supply Section", "Redeployment of 3 posts (1 P-4 Chief Contracts Management Unit, 1 P-3 Contracts Officer and 1 P-2 Associate Contracts Officer) to the Office of the Director (United Nations Logistics Base)", "Department of Field Support/Information and Communications Technology Division/ Field Communications and Information Technology Operations Service", "Redeployment of 2 posts (1 P-4 Strategic Deployment Stock Telecommunications Officer and 1 General Service (Other level) Information and Communications Technology Assistant) to the Assets Management Section/Communications and Information Technology Services (United Nations Logistics Base)", "Department of Field Support/Information and Communications Technology Division/ Field Communications and Information Technology Operations Service/Logistics and Administration Unit", "Redeployment of 1 post (General Service (Other level) Administrative Assistant) to Office of the Under-Secretary-General/Programme Implementation Coordination Team (global field support strategy)", "Office of Internal Oversight Services/Internal Audit Division/United Nations Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo", "Redeployment of 1 post (P-4 Resident Auditor) to the Internal Audit Division/ Regional Audit Centre (Entebbe, Uganda)", "Office of Internal Oversight Services/Internal Audit Division/United Nations Organization Stabilization Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo", "Redeployment of 1 post (Field Service Audit Assistant) to the Internal Audit Division/Regional Audit Centre (Entebbe)", "Reassignments", "Department of Field Support/Logistics Support Division/Specialist Support Service/ Engineering Section", "Reassignment of 1 post (P-4 Engineer) to the Office of the Under-Secretary-General/Programme Implementation Coordination Team (P-4 Programme Officer) (global field support strategy)", "Department of Field Support/Field Personnel Division/Field Personnel Operations Services", "Reassignment of 1 post (P-4 Human Resources Officer) to the Office of the Under-Secretary-General/Programme Implementation Coordination Team (P-4 Programme Officer) (global field support strategy)", "Office of Internal Oversight Services/Internal Audit Division/United Nations Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo", "Reassignment of 1 post (P-5 Chief Resident Officer) to the Inspection and Evaluation Division (P-5 Senior Evaluation Officer)", "Reclassifications", "Office of the United Nations Ombudsman and Mediation Services/United Nations Mission in the Sudan", "Reclassification of 1 post (National General Service Administrative Assistant to Field Service)", "Office of the United Nations Ombudsman and Mediation Services/United Nations Organization Stabilization Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo", "Reclassification of 1 post (National General Service Administrative Assistant to Field Service)", "Restructuring", "Department of Peacekeeping Operations", "Change name from “Peacekeeping Best Practices Section” to “Policy and Best Practices Service”", "Establish the Protection Coordination Team in the Policy, Evaluation and Training Division/Policy and Best Practices Service", "Establish the Selection and Recruitment Section in the Office of Rule of Law and Security Institutions/Police Division", "Department of Field Support", "Discontinue the Field Finance Procedures Management Unit and the Field System Support Unit of the Field Budget and Finance Division", "Abolition", "Department of Peacekeeping Operations/Office of Operations/Africa I Division/ United Nations Mission in the Central African Republic and Chad integrated operational team", "Abolition of 1 post (P-4 Political Affairs Officer)", "Department of Field Support/Field Budget and Finance Division/Office of the Director/Field System Support Unit", "Abolition of 1 post (General Service (Other level) Information Management Assistant)", "Department of Field Support/Field Personnel Division/Guidance and Organizational Design Section", "Abolition of 1 post (General Service (Other level) Team Assistant)", "Department of Field Support/Logistics Support Division/Operational Support Service", "Abolition of 1 post (General Service (Other level) Team Assistant)", "Office of Internal Oversight Services/Internal Audit Division/United Nations Mission in the Central African Republic and Chad", "Abolition of 1 post (P-5 Chief Resident Officer)", "Abolition of 3 posts (1 P-4 Resident Auditor, 1 P-3 Resident Auditor and 1 Field Service Audit Assistant)", "Office of Internal Oversight Services/Internal Audit Division/United Nations Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo", "Abolition of 1 post (National General Service Administrative Assistant)", "Annex II", "Support account general temporary assistance positions to be established for the period from 1 July 2011 to 30 June 2012", "Organizationalunit Numberofpositions\tPositionlevel\tFunction^(a)\tStatus \nDepartmentofPeacekeepingOperations \nOffice oftheUnder-Secretary-General\tFrontOffice\t1\tP-4\tOrganizationalResilienceOfficer\tContinuation\n 1\tGS (OL)\tTeamAssistant —OrganizationalResilience\tContinuation\n\tExecutiveOffice\t—\t4months,3 P-3\tAdministrativeOfficer\t—\n —\t4months,3 GS(OL)\tAdministrativeAssistant\t—\n\tPublicAffairsSection\t1\tP-3\tInternalCommunicationsOfficer\tContinuation\nOffice ofOperations\tAfricaIIDivision\t1\tD-1\tPrincipalOfficer\tContinuation\n 1\tP-4\tPoliticalAffairsOfficer\tContinuation\n 1\tP-3\tPoliticalAffairsOfficer\tContinuation\n 1\tGS (OL)\tTeamAssistant\tContinuation\n\tAfricaIDivision\t1\tGS (OL)\tTeamAssistant\tContinuation\nOffice ofMilitaryAffairs\tMilitaryPlanningService\t1\tGS (OL)\tTeamAssistant\tContinuation\n\tCurrentMilitaryOperationsService\t1\tGS (OL)\tTeamAssistant\tContinuation\nOffice ofRule of LawandSecurityInstitutions\tCriminalLaw andJudicialAdvisoryService\t1\tP-4\tJudicialOfficer(Islamiclaw)\tContinuation\n 1\tP-3\tCorrectionsOfficer(forcegeneration)\tContinuation\n 1\tP-4\tJudicialOfficer\tNew\nPolicy,EvaluationandTrainingDivision\tPartnershipsTeam\t1\tP-5\tSeniorCoordinationOfficer\tContinuation\n 1\tP-4\tCoordinationOfficer\tContinuation\n 1\tGS (OL)\tTeamAssistant\tContinuation\n\tPeacekeepingBestPracticesSection\t1\tP-4\tCoordinationOfficer(protectionofcivilians)\tNew\n 2\tP-3\tCoordinationOfficer\tContinuation\n\tIntegratedTrainingService\t1\tP-4\tTrainingOfficer(SMART)\tContinuation\n 1\tP-3\tTrainingOfficer(SMART)\tContinuation\n 2\tP-4\tTrainingCoordinationOfficer\tContinuation\n Subtotal 23 \nDepartmentof FieldSupport \nOffice oftheUnder-Secretary-General\tSupportto theAfricanUnionMissioninSomaliaHeadquarterssupportteam\t1\tP-5\tSeniorSupportOfficer\tContinuation\n 1\tP-4\tSupportOfficer\tContinuation\n 1\tGS (OL)\tAdministrativeAssistant\tContinuation\n\tFrontOffice/ProgrammeImplementationCoordinationTeam\t1\tD-1\tTeam Leader\tContinuationFieldPersonnelDivision\tRecruitment,OutreachandCareerDevelopment\t12\tP-3\tHumanResourcesOfficer\tContinuation \n\tSection/OccupationalGroup \n 4\tGS (OL)\tHumanResourcesAssistant\tContinuation\tQualityAssuranceandInformationManagement\t1\tP-3\tHumanResourcesOfficer\tContinuation \n\tSection/AdministrationofJustice LogisticsSupportDivision\tAirTransport\t1\tP-3\tAirTransportOfficer\tContinuation Section/ Airfieldsand Air \n\tTerminalsUnit \n\tSpecialistSupportService\t1\tP-3\tWaterEngineer\tContinuation\n 1\tP-3\tBoundaryAnalyst\tContinuation\n Subtotal 24 \nDepartmentofManagement \nOffice oftheUnder-Secretary-General\tExecutiveOffice\t—\t4months,3 P-4\tAdministrativeOfficer\t—\n —\t4months,3 GS(OL)\tAdministrativeAssistant\t—\tHeadquartersCommitteeon\t1\tP-4\tCapacityDevelopmentOfficer\tContinuation \n Contracts \n 1\tGS (OL)\tTraining andAnalysisAssistant\tContinuation\nOffice ofProgrammePlanning,Budget andAccounts\tAccountsDivision\t1\tP-4\tPolicyGuidance andTrainingOfficer\tContinuation\n 1\tP-4\tStrategicDeploymentStocksOfficer\tContinuation\n 3\tGS (OL)\tFinanceAssistant(peacekeepingaccounts)\tContinuation\n 1\tGS (OL)\tFinanceAssistant(insurance)\tContinuation 1\tP-4\tAccountingPolicyAnalyst\tNew \n (InternationalPublicSectorAccountingStandards) 2\tP-3\tAccountingPolicyAnalyst\tNew \n (InternationalPublicSectorAccountingStandards)\t\n\tTreasury\t1\tP-3\tFinanceOfficer\tContinuation\n 1\tP-2\tAssociateFinanceOfficer\tContinuation\n\tFinancialInformationOperationsService\t1\tP-4\tInformationSystemsOfficer\tContinuation\n 1\tP-2\tInformationSystemsOfficer\tContinuation\n 1\tGS (OL)\tInformationSystemsAssistant\tContinuation\tPeacekeepingFinancing\t2\tP-3\tFinance andBudgetOfficer\tContinuation \n Division \nOffice ofHumanResourcesManagement\tHumanResourcesPolicyService\t1\tP-2\tAssociateLegalOfficer\tContinuation\n 1\tP-3\tLegalOfficer\tContinuation\tLearning,DevelopmentandHuman\t2\tP-3\tHumanResourcesOfficer\tContinuation Resources Services \n Division \n 1\tGS (OL)\tHumanResourcesAssistant\tContinuation\n\tHumanResourcesInformationSystemsSection(NewYork)\t1\tP-4\tDataWarehouseProjectManager\tContinuation\n 1\tGS (OL)\tIMIS HelpDeskAssistant\tContinuation\n\tHumanResourcesInformationSystemsSection(Bangkok)/InspiraCentreofExcellence\t1\tP-4\tChief\tContinuation\n 1\tP-3\tHelp DeskManager\tNew\n 1\tP-3\tDevelopmentandProductionSupportAnalyst\tContinuation\n 1\tP-2\tAssociateApplicationsSupportOfficer\tContinuation\n 1\tGS (OL)\tDatabaseAdministrator\tContinuation\n 1\tGS (OL)\tAdministrativeAssistant\tContinuation\n 1\tGS (PL)\tCustomerSupportRepresentative\tContinuation\n 6\tGS (OL)\tCustomerSupportRepresentative\tContinuation\tStrategicPlanningand\t—\t6monthsP-4\tHumanResourcesOfficer\t— Staffing \n Division Office ofCentralSupportServices\tOfficeof theAssistant\t1\tP-3\tAdministrativeOfficer\tContinuation \n\tSecretary-General \n\tProcurementDivision\t1\tP-3\tProcurementOfficer(vendorregistration)\tNew 3\tGS (OL)\tProcurementAssistant(vendor\tContinuation \n registration) \n 3\tP-3\tProcurementOfficer(engineering,logistics,vehicles)\tContinuation\tFacilitiesandCommercial\t1\tP-3\tSpacePlanningOfficer\tContinuation Services \n Division \n 1\tP-2\tAssociateInformationManagementOfficer\tContinuation\n Subtotal 48 \nOffice ofInternalOversightServices \nExecutiveOffice —\t4months,P-3\tAuditor\t—\n —\t4months,P-3\tInvestigator\t—\n —\t4months,3 GS(OL)\tAdministrativeAssistant\t—\nInternalAuditDivision\tNewYork\t1\tP-4\tAuditor\tContinuation\n\tSupportforAMISOM\t1\tP-4\tResidentAuditor\tContinuation\nInvestigationsDivision\tNewYork\t1\tP-5\tSeniorInvestigator\tContinuation\n 3\tP-4\tInvestigator\tContinuation\n 1\tP-3\tInvestigator\tContinuation\n 1\tP-3\tAdministrativeOfficer\tContinuation\n 1\tGS (OL)\tAdministrativeAssistant\tContinuation\n 1\tGS (OL)\tOfficeAssistant\tContinuation\n 1\tGS (OL)\tInformationTechnologyAssistant\tContinuation\nInvestigationsDivision\tVienna\t1\tD-1\tDeputyDirector\tContinuation\n 1\tP-5\tSeniorInvestigator\tContinuation\n 1\tP-4\tForensicInvestigator\tContinuation\n 1\tP-4\tInvestigator\tContinuation\n 7\tP-3\tInvestigator\tContinuation\n 1\tGS (PL)\tInvestigationAssistant\tContinuation\n 1\tGS (OL)\tInvestigationAssistant\tContinuation\n 1\tGS (OL)\tInformationTechnologyAssistant\tContinuation\nInvestigationsDivision\tNairobi\t1\tD-1\tDeputyDirector\tContinuation\n 1\tP-5\tSeniorInvestigator\tContinuation\n 1\tP-4\tForensicInvestigator\tContinuation\n 3\tP-4\tInvestigator\tContinuation\n 1 P-4 Investigator New\n 6\tP-3\tInvestigator\tContinuation\n 1 P-3 Investigator New\n 1\tGS (OL)\tAdministrativeAssistant\tContinuation\n 3\tGS (OL)\tInvestigationAssistant\tContinuation\n 1\tGS (OL)\tInvestigationAssistant\tNew\nInvestigationsDivision\tUnitedNationsStabilizationMissioninHaiti\t1\tP-4\tResidentInvestigator\tContinuation\tUnitedNationsOrganizationMissionin theDemocratic\t1\tP-4\tChiefResidentInvestigator\tContinuation \n\tRepublicof theCongo \n 1\tP-3\tResidentInvestigator\tContinuation\n 1\tNGS\tAdministrativeAssistant\tContinuation\n\tUnitedNationsMissioninLiberia\t1\tP-4\tChiefResidentInvestigator\tContinuation\n 2\tP-3\tResidentInvestigator\tContinuation\n 1\tNGS\tAdministrativeAssistant\tContinuation\n\tUnitedNationsMissionin theSudan\t1\tP-4\tChiefResidentInvestigator\tContinuation\n 2\tP-3\tResidentInvestigator\tContinuation\tUnitedNationsOperationin Côte\t1\tP-4\tResidentInvestigator\tContinuation \n d’Ivoire \n Subtotal 56 \nExecutiveOffice oftheSecretary-General —\t6months,GS (OL)\tAdministrativeAssistant\t—\n —\t6months,GS (OL)\tAdministrativeAssistant\t—\n Subtotal — \nOffice oftheUnitedNationsOmbudsmanandMediationServices 1\tP-4\tCase Officer\tContinuation\n 1\tGS (OL)\tAdministrativeAssistant\tContinuation\n Subtotal 2 \nEthicsOffice 1\tP-3\tEthicsOfficer\tContinuation\n 1\tGS (OL)\tAdministrativeAssistant\tContinuation\n Subtotal 2 \nOffice ofLegalAffairs \nGeneralLegalDivision 1\tP-4\tLegalOfficer\tContinuation\n 1\tP-4\tLegalOfficer\tNew\n 1\tP-3\tLegalOfficer\tNew\nOffice ofthe LegalCounsel —\t6months,P-4\tLegalOfficer\t—\n Subtotal 3 \nOffice ofInformationandCommunicationsTechnology FieldSystemsSection 1\tP-4\tProjectManager(customerrelationshipmanagement/troop\tContinuation \n contributionsmanagement) 1\tP-3\tInformationSystemsOfficer(customerrelationshipmanagement/troop\tContinuation \n contributionsmanagement)\t\n 1\tP-4\tProjectManager(rationsmanagementsystem)\tContinuation\n Subtotal 3 AdvisoryCommitteeonAdministrativeandBudgetaryQuestions 1\tP-4\tAdministrativeManagementOfficer\tContinuation \n secretariat \n Subtotal 1 Total 162\tpositions(ofwhich11 arenew) \n and 92personmonths(positionsof lessthan 12monthsduration)^(b)", "Abbreviations: GS (OL), General Service (Other level); GS (PL), General Service (Principal level); NGS, National General Service.", "^(a) The specific assignment of the general temporary assistance positions is set out in the report of the Secretary-General on the budget for the support account for peacekeeping operations for the period from 1 July 2011 to 30 June 2012 (A/65/761) and referenced in the related report of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions (A/65/827), with the exception of 1 P-4 position for the Department of Peacekeeping Operations in the Office of Operations/Africa II Division, 1 P-3 position for the Department of Field Support in the Air Transport Section/Airfields and Air Terminals Unit and 1 P-4, 1 P-3 and 1 General Service (Other level) positions for the Office of Internal Oversight Services in the Investigations Division/Nairobi.", "^(b) Person months are indicated in the column entitled “Position level”.", "Draft resolution III Financing of the United Nations Logistics Base at Brindisi, Italy", "The General Assembly,", "Recalling section XIV of its resolution 49/233 A of 23 December 1994 and its resolution 62/231 of 22 December 2007,", "Recalling also its decision 50/500 of 17 September 1996 on the financing of the United Nations Logistics Base at Brindisi, Italy, and its subsequent resolutions thereon, the latest of which was resolution 64/270 of 24 June 2010,", "Recalling further its resolution 56/292 of 27 June 2002 concerning the establishment of the strategic deployment stocks and its subsequent resolutions on the status of the implementation of the strategic deployment stocks, the latest of which was resolution 64/270,", "Having considered the reports of the Secretary-General on the financing of the United Nations Logistics Base[19] and the related report of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions,[20]", "Reiterating the importance of establishing an accurate inventory of assets,", "1. Notes with appreciation the facilities provided by the Government of Italy to the United Nations Logistics Base at Brindisi, Italy, and by the Government of Spain to the secondary active telecommunications facility at Valencia, Spain;", "2. Endorses the conclusions and recommendations contained in the report of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions,² subject to the provisions of the present resolution, and requests the Secretary-General to ensure their full implementation;", "3. Takes note of paragraph 22 of the report of the Advisory Committee and decides not to transfer the airfield and air terminal standards function to the United Nations Logistics Base;", "4. Also takes note of paragraph 30 of the report of the Advisory Committee;", "5. Requests the Secretary-General to ensure the full implementation of the relevant provisions of its resolutions 59/296 of 22 June 2005, 60/266 of 30 June 2006, 61/276 of 29 June 2007, 64/269 of 24 June 2010 and 65/289 of 30 June 2011, as well as other relevant resolutions;", "Financial performance report for the period from 1 July 2009 to 30 June 2010", "6. Takes note of the report of the Secretary-General on the financial performance of the United Nations Logistics Base for the period from 1 July 2009 to 30 June 2010;[21]", "Budget estimates for the period from 1 July 2011 to 30 June 2012", "7. Approves the cost estimates for the United Nations Logistics Base amounting to 68,512,500 United States dollars for the period from 1 July 2011 to 30 June 2012;", "Financing of the budget estimates", "8. Decides that the requirements for the United Nations Logistics Base for the period from 1 July 2011 to 30 June 2012 shall be financed as follows:", "(a) The unencumbered balance and other income in the total amount of 2,559,200 dollars in respect of the financial period ended 30 June 2010, and an unutilized fund balance from the 1996/97 to 2003/04 periods in the amount of 1,149,900 dollars, to be applied against the resources required for the period from 1 July 2011 to 30 June 2012;", "(b) The balance of 64,803,400 dollars to be prorated among the budgets of the active peacekeeping operations for the period from 1 July 2011 to 30 June 2012;", "(c) The estimated staff assessment income of 6,808,200 dollars, comprising the amount of 6,249,900 dollars for the period from 1 July 2011 to 30 June 2012 and the increase of 558,300 dollars in respect of the period from 1 July 2009 to 30 June 2010, to be offset against the balance referred to in subparagraph (b) above, to be prorated among the budgets of the individual active peacekeeping operations;", "9. Also decides to consider at its sixty-sixth session the question of the financing of the United Nations Logistics Base at Brindisi, Italy.", "Draft resolution IV Reformed procedures for determining reimbursement to Member States for contingent-owned equipment", "The General Assembly,", "Having considered the report of the Secretary-General on reformed procedures for determining reimbursement to Member States for contingent-owned equipment,[22] the report of the 2011 Working Group on Contingent-Owned Equipment, as transmitted by the Chair of the Working Group to the Chair of the Fifth Committee,[23] and the related report of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions,[24]", "1. Takes note of the report of the Secretary-General¹ and the report of the 2011 Working Group on Contingent-Owned Equipment;²", "2. Endorses the conclusions and recommendations contained in the report of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions,³ and requests the Secretary-General to ensure their full implementation.", "Draft resolution V Closed peacekeeping missions", "The General Assembly,", "Having considered the reports of the Secretary-General on the updated financial position of closed peacekeeping missions as at 30 June 2008 and 30 June 2009,[25] and the related reports of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions,[26]", "Having also considered the report of the Secretary-General on the updated financial position of closed peacekeeping missions as at 30 June 2010[27] and the related report of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions,[28]", "1. Takes note of the report of the Secretary-General on the updated financial position of closed peacekeeping missions as at 30 June 2010³ and the related report of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions,⁴ subject to the provisions of the current resolution;", "2. Stresses that all Member States should fulfil their financial obligations as set out in the Charter of the United Nations on time, in full and without conditions;", "3. Urges Member States that are in arrears in their payments of assessed contributions to closed peacekeeping missions to pay those contributions expeditiously;", "4. Urges all Member States to make every possible effort to ensure payment of their assessed contributions in full;", "5. Decides to return the amount of 70,600 United States dollars, reflecting two thirds of the adjusted net credits available in the account of the United Nations Iraq-Kuwait Observation Mission, to the Government of Kuwait;", "6. Requests the Secretary-General to return 78.01 per cent of the 230,745,000 dollars net cash available for credit to Member States as at 30 June 2010, in the amount of 180 million dollars, based on the scale applicable to each mission’s last assessment;", "7. Decides to consider at the second part of its resumed sixty-sixth session the position of closed peacekeeping missions, including the remaining amounts owed to Member States, following the implementation of paragraphs 5 and 6 above, determined to have been $50,674,400 as at 30 June 2010, under the agenda item entitled “Administrative and budgetary aspects of the financing of the United Nations peacekeeping operations”, and requests the Secretary-General to submit to it for its consideration and approval concrete proposals and alternatives to address the issue of outstanding dues owed to Member States from closed peacekeeping missions that are in net cash deficit.", "[1] A/65/715.", "[2] A/65/644 and Corr.1.", "[3] A/65/742.", "[4] A/65/738.", "[5] A/65/643 and A/65/696 and Corr.1.", "[6] A/63/675 and Corr.1.", "[7] A/65/271 (Part II).", "[8] A/65/743 and A/63/746 (sect. II).", "[9] A/65/743.", "[10] A/65/760.", "[11] ST/SGB/2003/7.", "[12] A/65/624 and Corr.1.", "[13] A/65/610 and Add.1.", "[14] A/65/761, Corr.1 and 2.", "[15] A/65/765.", "[16] A/65/734.", "[17] A/65/827.", "[18] A/65/762.", "[19] A/65/642 and A/65/760.", "[20] A/65/743/Add.12.", "[21] A/65/642.", "[22] A/65/800.", "[23] See A/C.5/65/16.", "[24] A/65/830.", "[25] A/63/581 and A/64/605.", "[26] A/63/856 and A/64/659 and Corr.1.", "[27] A/65/556.", "[28] A/65/775." ]
[ "第六十五届会议", "^(**) 由于技术原因第二次重新印发(2011年8月5日)。", "议程项目143", "联合国维持和平行动经费筹措的行政和预算问题", "第五委员会的报告", "报告员:尼科尔·安·曼尼农女士(爱尔兰)", "一. 导言", "1. 在2010年9月17日第2次全体会议上,大会根据总务委员会的建议,决定将题为“联合国维持和平行动经费筹措的行政和预算问题”的项目列入第六十五届会议议程,并分配给第五委员会。", "2. 第五委员会在2011年5月3、5、10和23日以及6月30日第33、34、35、39和42次会议上审议了该项目。在委员会审议该项目过程中所作的发言和发表的意见反映在有关简要记录(A/C.5/65/SR.33、34、35、39和42)中。", "3. 在审议该项目时,委员会面前有下列文件:", "共有问题", "(a) 秘书长的报告,题为“联合国维持和平行动经费筹措概览:2009年7月1日至2010年6月30日期间的预算执行情况和2011年7月1日至2012年6月30日期间的预算”(A/65/715);", "(b) 秘书长关于执行全球外勤支助战略的进展情况的报告(A/65/643);", "(c) 秘书长关于全球外勤支助战略的标准化筹资模式的报告(A/65/696和Corr.1);", "(d) 秘书长关于维持和平培训工作进展情况的报告(A/65/644和Corr.1);", "(e) 秘书长关于联合国空中行动的报告(A/65/738);", "(f) 秘书长关于防止性剥削和性虐待的特别保护措施的报告(A/65/742);", "(g) 行政和预算问题咨询委员会的报告:关于维持和平行动共有问题的意见和建议(A/65/743);", "(h) 内部监督事务厅的报告:维持和平行动(A/65/271(Part II));", "(i) 秘书长关于所有各类人员的福利和娱乐需求问题及具体影响的报告(A/63/675和Corr.1);", "(j) 行政和预算问题咨询委员会的有关报告(A/63/746(Sect.IV B));", "提高联合国管理和持续开展维持和平行动的能力", "(k) 秘书长关于提高联合国管理和持续开展维持和平行动能力的报告 (A/65/624和Corr.1)", "(l) 秘书长关于维持和平行动支助账户2009年7月1日至2010年6月30日期间预算执行情况的报告(A/65/610和Add.1);", "(m) 秘书长关于维持和平行动支助账户2011年7月1日至2012年6月30日期间预算的报告(A/65/761以及Corr.1和2);", "(n) 内部监督事务厅关于大会在第63/287号决议中指定的试点项目执行情况的初步报告(A/65/765);", "(o) 独立审计咨询委员会关于2011年7月1日至2012年6月30日期间维持和平行动支助账户下的内部监督事务厅预算的报告(A/65/734);", "(p) 行政和预算问题咨询委员会的有关报告(A/65/827);", "(q) 内部监督事务厅关于维持和平行动部/外勤支助部与区域组织之间合作情况的专题评价的报告(A/65/762);", "意大利布林迪西联合国后勤基地", "(r) 秘书长关于意大利布林迪西联合国后勤基地2009年7月1日至2010年6月30日期间预算执行情况的报告(A/65/642);", "(s) 秘书长关于意大利布林迪西联合国后勤基地2011年7月1日至2012年6月30日期间预算的报告(A/65/760);", "(t) 行政和预算问题咨询委员会的有关报告(A/65/743/Add.12);", "向会员国政府偿还特遣队所属装备费用的偿还率", "(u) 2011年2月25日2011年特遣队所属装备问题工作组主席致第五委员会主席的信(A/C.5/65/16);", "(v) 秘书长关于确定偿还会员国特遣队所属装备费用的改良程序的报告(A/65/800);", "(w) 行政和预算问题咨询委员会的有关报告(A/65/830);", "已结束的维持和平特派团", "(x) 秘书长关于已结束的维持和平特派团截至2010年6月30日的最新财务状况的报告(A/65/556);", "(y) 行政和预算问题咨询委员会的有关报告(A/65/775);", "(z) 秘书长关于已结束的维持和平特派团截至2009年6月30日的最新财务状况的报告(A/64/605);", "(aa) 行政和预算问题咨询委员会的有关报告(A/64/659和Corr.1);", "(bb) 秘书长关于已结束的维持和平特派团截至2008年6月30日的最新财务状况的报告(A/63/581);", "(cc) 行政和预算问题咨询委员会的有关报告(A/63/856);", "各项维持和平行动的预算额", "(dd) 秘书长关于维持和平行动2010年7月1日至2011年6月30日期间核定资源的说明(A/C.5/65/15);", "(ee) 秘书长关于2011年7月1日至2012年6月30日期间各项维持和平行动的拟议预算额的说明(A/C.5/65/17)。", "二. 提案的审议情况", "A. 决议草案A/C.5/65/L.53", "4. 在2011年6月30日第42次会议上,委员会面前有主席根据尼加拉瓜代表协调的非正式协商提出的一项决议草案,题为“共有问题”(A/C.5/65/L.53)。", "5. 在同次会议上,委员会未经表决通过了决议草案A/C.5/65/L.53(见第15段,决议草案一)。", "B. 决议草案A/C.5/65/L.50", "6. 同样在第42次会议上,委员会面前有爱尔兰代表兼委员会报告员提出的一项决议草案,题为“提高联合国管理和持续开展维持和平行动的能力”(A/C.5/65/L.50)。", "7. 在同次会议上,委员会未经表决通过了决议草案A/C.5/65/L.50(见第15段,决议草案二)。", "C. 决议草案A/C.5/65/L.51", "8. 同样在第42次会议上,委员会面前有主席根据泰国代表协调的非正式协商提出的一项决议草案,题为“意大利布林迪西联合国后勤基地经费的筹措”(A/C.5/65/L.51)。", "9. 在同次会议上,委员会未经表决通过了决议草案A/C.5/65/L.51(见第15段,决议草案三)。", "D. 决议草案A/C.5/65/L.35", "10. 同样在第42次会议上,委员会面前有主席根据危地马拉代表协调的非正式协商提出的一项决议草案,题为“确定偿还会员国特遣队所属装备费用的改良程序”(A/C.5/65/L.35)。", "11. 在同次会议上,委员会未经表决通过了决议草案A/C.5/65/L.35(见第15段,决议草案四)。", "E. 决议草案 A/C.5/65/L.52", "12. 同样在第42次会议上,委员会面前有主席根据阿尔及利亚代表协调的非正式协商提出的一项决议草案,题为“已结束的维持和平特派团”(A/C.5/65/L.52)。", "13. 在同次会议上,委员会未经表决通过了决议草案A/C.5/65/L.52(见第15段,决议草案五)。", "14. 在决议草案通过后,德国代表作了发言(见A/C.5/65/SR.42)。", "三. 第五委员会的建议", "14. 第五委员会建议大会通过下列决议草案:", "决议草案一 共有问题", "大会,", "回顾其1994年12月23日第49/233 A号、1995年3月31日第49/233 B号、1997年6月17日第51/218 E号、2003年6月18日第57/290 B号、2004年7月1日第58/315号、2005年6月22日第59/296号、2006年6月30日第60/266号、2007年6月29日第61/276号和第61/279号以及2010年6月24日第64/269号决议,", "审议了秘书长关于联合国维持和平行动经费筹措概览:2009年7月1日至2010年6月30日期间的预算执行情况和2011年7月1日至2012年6月30日期间的预算、[1] 维持和平培训工作进展情况、[2] 防止性剥削和性虐待的特别保护措施、[3] 联合国空中行动”、[4] 执行全球外勤支助战略及其标准化筹资模式的进展情况[5] 和所有各类人员的福利和娱乐需求问题及具体影响[6] 的各项报告、内部监督事务厅关于维持和平行动的报告[7] 以及行政和预算问题咨询委员会的有关报告,[8]", "一般事项", "1. 重申其第57/290 B号、第59/296号、第60/266号、第61/276号和第64/269号决议,并请秘书长确保全面执行其有关规定;", "2. 赞赏外地和总部所有维持和平人员所作努力;", "3. 注意到秘书长关于联合国维持和平行动经费筹措概览:2009年7月1日至2010年6月30日期间的预算执行情况和2011年7月1日至2012年6月30日期间的预算、¹ 维持和平培训工作进展情况、² 防止性剥削和性虐待的特别保护措施、³ 联合国空中行动、⁴ 执行全球外勤支助战略及其标准化筹资模式的进展情况⁵ 和所有各类人员的福利和娱乐需求问题及具体影响⁶ 的报告以及行政和预算问题咨询委员会的有关报告,⁸", "4. 又注意到内部监督事务厅关于维持和平行动的报告,⁷", "5. 认可行政和预算问题咨询委员会的报告[9] 所载各项建议,但以符合本决议的规定为前提,并请秘书长确保这些结论和建议得到充分落实;", "一 预算列报问题和财务管理", "6. 注意到行政和预算问题咨询委员会的报告⁹ 第24段;", "7. 重申秘书长下放权力应以有利于更好地管理本组织为目的,但着重指出,管理本组织的总体责任由作为行政首长的秘书长担负;", "8. 申明秘书长必须确保在授权给秘书处的维持和平行动部和外勤支助部以及外地特派团时,严格遵守相关决议和决定以及与此相关的大会规则和程序;", "9. 着重指出各部厅首长应向秘书长汇报工作并接受秘书长的问责;", "10. 重申必须加强本组织内部的问责制,必须确保秘书长除其他外在高效率、高效力地执行立法授权及利用人力资源和财政资源方面进一步接受会员国的问责;", "11. 指出高级主管契约意在改进本组织的管理,除其他外包括增强高级别人员的问责制和透明度,并在这方面敦促秘书长实施有关措施,适当处理高级主管的业绩问题,尤其是实现各项目标和指标方面的业绩;", "12. 回顾行政和预算问题咨询委员会的报告⁹ 第4段,强调应向所有外地特派团提供适当资源以便其切实、高效地执行各自的任务,并强调,随着从维持和平过渡到建设和平,所需资源可能会有改变;", "13. 欢迎秘书长及时提交维持和平行动拟议预算;", "14. 回顾其2010年6月24日第64/269号决议第一节第10段;", "15. 着重指出秘书长必须采取进一步措施,改进预算的列报方式并作出更准确的预报;", "16. 注意到行政和预算问题咨询委员会的报告⁹ 第5段,强调应向所有外地特派团提供适当资源以便其切实、高效地执行各自的任务,并强调考虑到维持行动的数目、规模和复杂性,现有维和行动水平应对所需资源产生可扩缩影响;", "17. 请秘书长加紧努力,在外地特派团内部及其相互间实现规模效益,但不得损害其业务需求及其各自任务的执行,并在概览报告中就此提出汇报;", "18. 注意到外勤支助部设立资源使用效率小组,在这方面,赞同行政和预算问题咨询委员会的报告⁹ 第28段的建议,鼓励秘书长在总部和特派团采取更多这类举措;", "19. 回顾行政和预算问题咨询委员会的报告⁹ 第59段,请秘书长结合下一次维持和平行动概览报告提供这方面的资料,供其审议;", "二 人事问题", "20. 表示感谢所有履行维持和平相关职责的联合国人员,特别是那些在条件恶劣的艰苦地区工作的人员;", "21. 赞扬所有在执行公务时负伤的联合国维和人员或为了争取和平做出巨大牺牲的维和人员;", "22. 请秘书长结合下一份关于联合国维持和平行动经费筹措问题的概览报告,提供在联合国外地特派团落实人力资源管理改革措施的最新情况,尤其是2010年12月24日第65/247号决议所载改革措施的落实情况;", "23. 注意到自大会通过2008年12月24日第63/250号决议以来本组织采取的各项人力资源管理举措,并确认改革举措的持续实施将使本组织能更好地应对多变、高要求的环境,在这种环境下,统筹与协调将为提升生产力的长期效率和改善工作环境奠定基础,进而能使本组织更好地执行各项任务;", "24. 回顾行政和预算问题咨询委员会的报告⁹ 第47段;", "25. 确认福利和娱乐生活对维和人员十分重要,意识到福利和娱乐有利于提高士气,严明纪律;", "26. 注意到行政和预算问题咨询委员会的报告第52段;", "27. 回顾其第63/250号决议第七节,重申其第65/247号决议第二节第34段所载请求;", "28. 确认本组织需要建立应对外地急速变化局势的机制,在这方面请求提供全面信息,说明临时派任机制的使用情况及其对正规征聘过程的影响;", "29. 注意到秘书长利用临时空缺通知解决招聘过程漫长的问题,着重指出需要加快通过正规招聘程序填补空缺,并请秘书长结合下一次关于维和行动的概览报告提供信息,说明由于利用临时空缺通知而对外地和总部正规招聘工作造成的影响;", "30. 回顾其2010年12月24日第65/248号决议C节第19段;", "31. 强调需要采取进一步措施,除其他外通过训练培训员和在可行条件下利用电视会议和在线学习手段,使培训方案更具相关性,更有成本效益;着重指出,应仔细审核为培训进行的旅行;", "32. 注意到本国工作人员在维持和平行动中发挥的作用越来越大,有必要建立国家能力和为本国工作人员提供职业发展机会,并强调应将本国工作人员充分纳入所有相关培训方案;", "33. 回顾行政和预算问题咨询委员会的报告⁹ 第132段,注意到2010年对特派团高级行政管理和资源培训方案进行的评价结论普遍良好,期待获得有关培训方案对提高业绩所产生影响的更多信息;", "34. 又回顾第64/269号决议第二节第4段,请秘书长采取紧急措施,结清目前已积压三个月以上的死亡和伤残索赔案,并向大会第六十六届会议续会第二期会议报告取得的进展;", "35. 还回顾行政和预算问题咨询委员会的报告⁹ 第55段,并请秘书长确保向部队和警察派遣国提供的成本效益好,服务水平高,同时不影响其业务需求,并着重指出,需要与部队和警察派遣国密切协调,并请秘书长在下一次关于维和行动的概览报告中列入更多信息;", "三 业务需求", "36. 强调联合国需要改进对其地面运输的管理,以达到最高的业务效率,并敦促秘书长加快和加强他在这方面的努力,拿出具体提议,并在下一次关于维和行动的概览报告中就此提出汇报;", "37. 注意到燃料是一个大支出项目,而且在燃料管理中容易发生严重的欺诈和滥权;", "38. 请秘书长为确保特派团的顺利运转,在不危及安全的情况下,不间断地为所有维持和平特派团提供必要燃料,务必确保利用统包合同等提高效率的措施不损害行动需要和特派团的安全;", "39. 又请秘书长结合其概览报告,向大会第六十七届会议续会介绍燃料管理的方方面面,包括:外勤支助部燃料作业手册的落实情况;推出全球电子燃油管理系统的可行性;应急战略燃料储备状况;燃料管理标准作业程序的拟定和适用情况;若干特派团的燃料支持费用和业绩评估结果,包括统包合同与内部模式的比较结果;为在授予机动车和飞机合同时考虑到燃料成本因素所作努力;", "40. 着重指出有效的口粮管理意味着确保联合国维和人员能够得到一日三餐所需质量适当的足够口粮,包括对从最初请购到最后支付供应商的全程进行规划、组织和控制,以及准确和可靠的记账和存档;", "41. 请秘书长确保所有特派团都对口粮承包商的质量管理系统进行监测和评估,以确保食品质量和卫生条件符合规定的标准;", "42. 促请秘书长继续根据2010年的审查结果,对个人信息和通信技术设备实行新的标准比率,确保考虑到业务需要,使特派团内的每个地点都能得到最适当的卫星通信和因特网服务;", "43. 回顾行政和预算问题咨询委员会的报告⁹ 第61段,请秘书长在下一次关于维和行动的概览报告中提出关于效率和效力的全面评估,包括评估统包安排节约的资金和产生的影响;", "44. 请秘书长继续确保按现行做法,在使用系统合同前全面分析各项费用;", "45. 强调应协调努力,确定发展中国家和经济转型国家中的潜在供应商,增加这些国家参加投标和获得合同的比例,以形成更能体现本组织成员情况的供应商基础;", "46. 请秘书长向大会第六十六届会议续会第二期会议提交一项综合分析,从行政和预算方面分析统筹行动小组的作用和落实情况;", "四 空中业务", "47. 着重指出,在努力探讨各种可能性,以增进空中业务的规模效益和效率时,不得损及每个维持和平行动的安全和业务需求或部队轮调与部署周期;", "48. 回顾行政和预算问题咨询委员会的报告⁹ 第77段,着重指出应评价空中服务所涉各种成本效益因素,包括燃料消耗、保养费用以及安全和安保方面的考虑因素;", "49. 又回顾秘书长的报告[10] 第13段,着重指出采购过程应确保采购的空中资产与特派团的业务需求相匹配;", "50. 确认启动了一个在空中服务采购中向招标书方法过渡的试点项目,注意到根据《联合国财务细则和条例》[11],最高性价比是联合国在采购工作中考虑的四项主要原则之一,其他三项原则是:公平、诚信和透明度;有效的国际竞争;联合国的利益;重申其2008年6月20日第62/269号决议第25段所载请求,请秘书长向大会报告联合国采购工作中执行最高性价比方法的明确指导方针,包括加权估标技术的所有细节,并提交关于试点项目结果的报告;", "51. 请秘书长在制定招标书方法时确保充分的透明度,并强调应根据本组织的业务要求拟定招标书;", "52. 注意到联合国共同航空安全标准,请秘书长继续确保遵守国际民用航空组织的标准和建议的做法,以满足在外地完成任务的业务需要,还请秘书长结合下一次关于维和行动的概览报告,说明国际民用航空组织标准和建议做法与联合国共同航空安全标准之间的不同之处;", "53. 回顾其第64/269号决议第六节第21段;", "54. 请秘书长结合下一次维和行动概览报告,说明与世界粮食计划署之间的谅解备忘录及其所涉经费问题的最新情况,并详细分析联合国空中业务的治理情况和整体资源水平,包括说明切实高效地发挥支持职能以及提供信息和通信技术支持的情况;", "五 防止性剥削的特别保护措施", "55. 回顾其第64/269号决议第四节;", "56. 重申必须在维和行动中全面执行联合国对性剥削和性虐待的零容忍政策;", "57. 着重指出将在秘书长的权限范围内对任何违反这些标准的情况采取适当行动,国家特遣队成员的刑事和纪律责任则视乎会员国的本国法律而定;", "58. 强调应毫不迟延地根据适当法律程序以及联合国同会员国之间签订的谅解备忘录调查和惩处所有性剥削和性虐待行为;", "59. 确认不向因违纪,例如违反联合国零容忍政策而被遣返的维和人员支付任何费用,包括下文第72段所述费用;", "60. 回顾载有联合国关于援助和支持受联合国工作人员和有关人员性剥削和性虐待受害人的全面战略的2007年12月21日第62/214号决议,呼吁继续执行该战略,在这方面着重指出,必须以综合方式解决所有性剥削和性虐待受害者的需要;", "61. 注意到秘书长关于防止性剥削和性虐待的特别保护措施的报告³ 第10和第18段;", "62. 表示关切尚未结束的调查数目,鼓励继续努力,酌情根据谅解备忘录解决积压的案件;", "63. 继续关注新报告的性剥削和性虐待案件,注意到性剥削和性虐待指控数目持续下降,但感到遗憾的是,关于最恶劣性剥削和性虐待行为的指控所占比例没有降低;", "64. 请秘书长继续努力,就性剥削和性虐待问题开展标准化的培训和提高认识工作;", "65. 欢迎联合国总部行为和纪律股和外地行为和纪律小组的努力,赞赏地注意到定期更新行为和纪律网站,包括更新统计资料,这有助于外勤支助部评价进展情况,并有助于会员国更好地理解联合国处理行为和纪律问题的政策;", "66. 请求在下一次概览报告中汇报联合国关于援助和支持受联合国工作人员和有关人员性剥削和性虐待受害人的全面战略的最新执行进展情况;", "67. 鼓励机构间常设委员会工作队加强在执行联合国关于援助和支持受联合国工作人员和有关人员性剥削和性虐待受害人的全面战略过程中的领导作用;", "68. 赞赏地注意到为防止由于无事实根据的不当行为指控而使联合国维持和平行动或部队/警察派遣国或联合国维和人员信誉受损而采取的行动;请秘书长就此采取适当步骤,并请他继续确保迅速采取行动,在不当行为指控最终未能依法证实的情况下,恢复联合国任何维持和平特派团、部队或警察派遣国或联合国维和人员的形象和信誉;", "六 其他问题", "69. 关切地注意到会员国在根据2009年6月30日第63/285号决议的规定通过调查问卷提供数据方面遇到的困难,就此请秘书长促使秘书处、特别是外勤支助部和管理事务部加紧努力,与部队派遣国进行密切合作,为收集数据提供便利,协助填写调查问卷,以便在预定期限内完成这项工作;", "70. 注意到上次审查部队费用的时间是1992 年,此后在2002年临时增加了部队费用,而部队派遣国表示关切的是,这已给其造成严重的财政负担,声称这可能使其无法持续参加维持和平行动;", "71. 回顾联合国维和人员的行为举止必须维护联合国的形象、信誉、公正和廉正;", "72. 决定作为例外,在2011年7月1日至2012年6月30日期间向部队派遣国一次性补充支付85 000 000 美元,但以不损害第63/285号决议所定程序的完整性为前提;", "73. 请秘书长最迟于2011年10月设立一个高级咨询小组,由秘书长任命的具有相关经验的5位知名人士、主要部队派遣国的5位代表、主要财政捐助国的5位代表和每个区域集团的1位成员组成,负责审议向部队派遣国偿还费用比率和其他相关问题;", "74. 决定高级咨询小组应尽快完成工作;", "75. 关切地注意到再次发生审计委员会以前查出的与消耗性和非消耗性财产管理有关的问题;", "76. 强调秘书长必须指导管理维持和平资产,包括消耗性和非消耗性财产以及战略部署物资储存;再次请秘书长加强为管理这些资产加强内部控制,以确保有适当的保障措施,防止给本组织造成浪费和财务损失;", "77. 回顾其第64/269号决议第一节第14段,请秘书长向大会第六十六届会议续会第二期会议提交该段要求的报告;", "78. 注意到秘书处仍在制定及早建设和平的战略,就此请秘书长在拟定这项战略的整个过程中与会员国、建设和平委员会、联合国各机构、基金和方案以及秘书处所有相关实体密切磋商,着重指出维持和平特派团执行的具体的建设和平任务应基于相关国家的优先事项,并在特定背景下遵循国家自主权原则;", "七 全球外勤支助战略", "79. 表示赞赏秘书长在制定和执行全球外勤支助战略时采取包容性和参与性做法,鼓励秘书长在执行全球外勤支助战略时继续加紧与会员国,尤其是部队派遣国的密切协商;", "80. 认识到本组织在为维持和平行动提供后勤、行政及信息和通信技术支助方面所面临的挑战,表示赞赏秘书长努力提出综合办法,使特派团能够更及时开办和部署,并改进为外地特派团提供服务的质量、效率和规模效益;", "81. 回顾行政和预算问题咨询委员会的报告⁹ 第143段;", "82. 又回顾行政和预算问题咨询委员会的报告⁹ 第156段,鼓励秘书长与会员国,特别是部队和警察派遣国继续密切协商,以进一步发展预定模块和成套服务;", "83. 请秘书长根据全球外勤支助战略的各项目标,在拟订与后勤模块有关的进一步提议时考虑到使用单一来源或签订多功能合同所涉风险,并考虑到对每个供应商的联合国商品编码数目实行的限制;", "84. 回顾行政和预算问题咨询委员会的报告⁹ 第157段,请秘书长在其下一份年度进展报告中纳入所有相关信息,说明预定模块和成套服务的拟定和落实情况;", "85. 强调必须具备在外地特派团切实有效提供成套服务的能力,请秘书长在其下一份年度进展报告中提供信息,说明建设这些能力的各项备选办法,供其审议;", "86. 回顾其第64/269号决议第12和第14段,强调意大利布林迪西全球服务中心在提供和管理预定模块和成套服务方面的作用;", "87. 重申其第64/269号决议第六节第16段,其中着重指出,主要涉及与会员国特别是部队派遣国之间互动的职能将继续留在总部;", "88. 赞赏地注意到运输和调度综合控制中心的运行状况;", "89. 注意到迄今在通过乌干达恩德培区域服务中心提高服务效率方面取得的成果;", "90. 认识到维持和平准备基金和战略部署物资储存在特派团的快速开办和扩大方面可以发挥关键作用,请秘书长向大会通报第64/269号决议第六节第8和第9段的执行情况;", "91. 请秘书长每年以综合方式向大会通报客户特派团向恩德培区域服务中心提供的财政和人力资源,以及每个客户特派团拟议预算为其规定的提供所需资源的份额,并说明该中心的空缺率、支出和预算执行情况。", "决议草案二 提高联合国管理和持续开展维持和平行动的能力", "大会,", "回顾其1991年5月3日第45/258号、1992年12月23日第47/218 A号、1993年12月23日第48/226 A号、2000年12月23日第55/238号、2001年12月24日第56/241号、2002年6月27日第56/293号、2003年6月18日第57/318号、2004年6月18日第58/298号、2005年6月22日第59/301号、2006年6月30日第60/268号、2006年12月22日第61/245号和第61/246号、2007年3月15日第61/256号、2007年6月29日第61/279号、2008年6月20日第62/250号、2009年6月30日第63/287号和2010年6月24日第64/271 号决议,1994年7月8日第48/489号、1994年12月23日第49/469号和1995年12月23日第50/473号决定及其他有关决议,", "审议了秘书长关于提高联合国管理和持续开展维持和平行动的能力的报告、[12] 关于维持和平行动支助账户2009年7月1日至2010年6月30日期间预算执行情况的报告 [13]和关于维持和平行动支助账户2011年7月1日至2012年6月30日期间预算的报告、[14] 内部监督事务厅关于大会第63/287号决议指定试点项目执行情况的初步报告、[15] 独立审计咨询委员会关于2011年7月1日至2012年6月30日期间维持和平行动支助账户下内部监督事务厅的预算的报告[16] 和行政和预算问题咨询委员会的有关报告,[17] 以及内部监督事务厅关于维持和平行动部/外勤支助部与各区域组织之间合作的专题评价的报告,[18]", "确认联合国必须有能力在安全理事会通过相关决议后迅速作出反应并迅速部署维持和平行动,传统维持和平行动在30天内部署,复合维持和平行动在90天内部署,", "又确认必须在维持和平行动的所有阶段包括清理和结束阶段提供适当支助,", "意识到支助账户的经费数额应与维持和平特派团的任务、数目、规模和复杂性大致相称,", "1. 重申其所起的一项作用是透彻分析和核准人力资源和财政资源及政策,以确保所有授权方案和活动得到充分、高实效、高效率的落实,这方面的政策得到执行;", "2. 又重申第五委员会是大会授权主管行政和预算事项的主要委员会;", "3. 还重申其《议事规则》第153条;", "4. 重申支助账户资金只能用于在总部为支助维和行动的所需人力及非人力资源提供经费,这项限制的任何改变,须经大会事先批准;", "5. 又重申支助维和行动的工作需要有适当的经费,但在提出支助账户预算时需要就所要求的经费提出充分理由;", "6. 强调与部队和警察派遣国进行互动和协调的重要性;", "7. 回顾其第55/238号决议第一节第6段、第56/241号决议第11段、第61/279号决议第19段和第62/250号决议第22段,请秘书长考虑到部队派遣国对联合国维持和平工作的贡献,做出进一步具体努力,确保这些国家有适当数目的人员在维持和平行动部和外勤支助部任职;", "8. 确认维持和平行动部警务司在帮助维持和平行动包括其维持和平努力方面的重要作用,以及在一些行动中警务层面有所扩大;", "9. 重申维持和平行动需要高成效、高效率的行政和财政管理,敦促秘书长继续确定可提高支助账户成效和效率的措施;", "10. 请秘书长确保大会2005年6月22日第59/296号、2006年6月30日第60/266号、2007年6月29日第61/276号、2010年6月24日第64/269号和2011年6月30日第65/289号决议及其他有关决议的相关规定得到充分执行;", "11. 认可行政和预算问题咨询委员会报告⁶ 所载的结论和建议,但以符合本决议的规定为前提,并请秘书长确保予以充分落实;", "12. 表示注意到内部监督事务厅关于维持和平行动部/外勤支助部与各区域组织之间合作的专题评价的报告,⁷", "13. 重申大会在秘书处结构问题上的作用,并强调指出,修改总体部门结构及联合国预算和两年期方案计划格式的提议,须经大会审查和核准;", "14. 注意到改组维持和平行动部和外勤支助部的总体好处,请秘书长评估这些好处并继续尽一切努力,提高联合国管理和持续开展维和行动的能力;", "15.着重指出至关重要的是确保维持和平特派团的经验教训和最佳做法、特别是维持和平人员和建设和平行动在过渡局势中作出的建设和平努力得到充分汲取、处理并纳入各种准则和政策中,在这方面,确认维和最佳做法科和当地最佳做法干事的重要作用;", "16. 注意到秘书处仍在制定早期建设和平战略,在这方面,请秘书长在制定这一战略的整个过程中与会员国、建设和平委员会、联合国各机构、基金和方案机构以及秘书处所有其他有关实体密切协商,并着重指出维持和平特派团执行的具体建设和平任务应建立在有关国家的优先事项和具体情况的基础上;", "17. 表示注意到秘书长关于维持和平行动支助账户2011年7月1日至2012年6月30日期间预算的报告³ 和独立审计咨询委员会关于2011年7月1日至2012年6月30日期间维持和平行动支助账户下的内部监督事务厅预算的报告;⁵", "18. 决定在2011年7月1日至2012年6月30日财政期间维持经大会1996年6月7日第50/221 B号决议第3段核准并在2010年7月1日至2011年6月30日期间使用的支助账户经费筹措机制;", "19. 表示注意到行政和预算问题咨询委员会报告第44和55段;⁶", "20. 再次请秘书长考虑到维持和平行动的数目、规模和复杂性,定期审查支助账户的经费数额;", "21. 强调支助职能应可按照维持和平行动的规模和范围进行调整;", "22. 请秘书长迅速填补所有空缺;", "2009年7月1日至2010年6月30日期间财政执行情况报告", "23. 表示注意到秘书长关于维持和平行动支助账户2009年7月1日至2010年6月30日期间财政执行情况的报告;²", "2011年7月1日至2012年6月30日期间预算估计数", "24. 核准支助账户2011年7月1日至2012年6月30日财政期间所需资源344 792 400美元,其中包括大会2009年12月24日第64/243号决议核定的企业资源规划项目的47 185 200美元,包括1 294个续设员额、1个新设临时员额以及本决议附件一所述员额的调动、职能改变和改叙,附件二所述151个续设职位和11个新设一般临时人员职位及其相关所需员额和非员额资源;", "2009年7月1日至2010年6月30日期间和2011年7月1日至2012年6月30日期间维持和平支助账户经费的筹措", "25. 决定按下列方式筹措维持和平行动支助账户2009年7月1日至2010年6月30日和2011年7月1日至2012年6月30日财政期间所需经费:", "(a) 为2009年7月1日至2010年6月30期间追加批款和摊派24 444 900美元;", "(b) 将包括利息收入(2 161 000美元)、其他杂项收入(1 359 000美元)和上期债务核销(2 528 000美元)在内共计6 048 000美元用作2011年7月1日至2012年6月30日财政期间的所需经费;", "(c) 将2010年6月30日终了财政期间维持和平准备基金核定额的超出部分3 377 000美元用作2011年7月1日至2012年6月30日财政期间所需经费;", "(d) 差额359 812 300美元由在役维持和平行动2011年7月1日至2012年6月30日财政期间的预算按比例分摊;", "(e) 工作人员薪金税收入净估计数30 474 500美元,即2011年7月1日至2012年6月30日财政期间的29 685 000美元及2010年6月30日终了财政期间的增加额789 500美元,将按比例分摊给各在役维持和平行动预算,部分抵消上文(d)分段所述的差额。", "附件一", "A. 2011年7月1日至2012年6月30日期间将设立的支助账户员额", "组织单位 员额数\t员额职等\t职务\t状况 \n维持和平行动部 \n政策、评价和培训司\t维和最佳做法科\t1\tP-4\t儿童保护顾问\t一般临时人员改划\n 共计 1", "B. 2011年7月1日至2012年6月30日期间支助账户员额的调动、职能改变、改叙、改组和裁撤", "调动", "维持和平行动部/行动厅/非洲一司/联合国中非共和国和乍得特派团统筹行动小组", "将1个员额(P-5高级政治事务干事)调至非洲二司联合国利比里亚特派团/联合国科特迪瓦行动统筹行动小组", "将1个员额(P-3政治事务干事)调至非洲一司联合国苏丹特派团统筹行动小组", "维持和平行动部/军事厅军事规划处", "将2个员额(1个P-4能力发展干事和1个P-4军事政策理论干事)调至军事顾问厅政策理论小组", "维持和平行动部/法治和安全机构厅/警务司", "从特派团管理与支助科调16个员额(1个P-5科长、6个P-4选聘干事、7个P-3选聘干事、2个一般事务(其他职等)行政助理)到甄选与征聘科", "外勤支助部/外勤预算和财务司/司长办公室/外勤财务程序管理股", "将5个员额(1个P-4行政管理干事、2个P-3行政干事、1个一般事务(其他职等)财务助理、1个一般事务(其他职等)小组助理)调至前沿办公室/司长办公室(外勤预算和财务司改组)", "将2个员额(1个P-4财务干事和1个一般事务(其他职等)财务助理)调至预算和执行情况报告处(外勤预算和财务司改组)", "外勤支助部/外勤预算和财务司/司长办公室/外地系统支助股", "将4个员额(1个P-4处长、1个P-3系统分析员、1个P-2协理系统分析员、1个一般事务(其他职等)计算机信息系统助理)调至预算和执行情况报告处(外勤预算和财务司改组)", "将1个员额(P-3方案分析员)调至处长办公室/通信和信息技术处(意大利布林迪西联合国后勤基地)", "外勤支助部/外勤预算和财务司/谅解备忘录和索偿要求管理科", "将1个员额(P-3财务和预算干事)调至副秘书长办公室/方案执行协调组(全球外勤支助战略)", "外勤支助部/外勤人事司/外勤人事业务处", "将2个员额(2个一般事务(其他职等)人力资源助理)调至外地中央审查理事会(联合国后勤基地)", "外勤支助部/后勤支助司/专家支助处/供应科", "将3个员额(1个P-4合同管理股股长、1个P-3合同干事和1个P-2协理合同干事)调至主任办公室(联合国后勤基地)", "外勤支助部/信息和通信技术司/外勤通信和信息技术业务处", "将2个员额(1个战略部署物资储存电信干事和1个一般事务(其他职等)信息和通信技术助理)调至资产管理科/通信和信息技术处(联合国后勤基地)", "外勤支助部/信息和通信技术司/外勤通信和信息技术业务处/后勤和行政股", "将1个员额(一般事务(其他职等)行政助理)调至副秘书长办公室/方案执行协调组(全球外勤支助战略)", "内部监督事务厅/内部审计司/联合国科索沃临时行政当局特派团", "将1个员额(P-4驻地审计员)调至内部审计司/区域审计中心(乌干达恩德培)", "内部监督事务厅/内部审计司/联合国组织刚果民主共和国稳定特派团", "将1个员额(外勤事务助理审计员)调至内部审计司/区域审计中心(恩德培)", "职能改变", "外勤支助部/后勤支助司/专家支助处/工程科", "1个员额(P-4工程师)改派到副秘书长办公室/方案执行协调组(P-4方案干事)(全球外勤支助战略)", "外勤支助部/外勤人事司/外勤人事业务处", "1个员额(P-4人力资源干事)改派到副秘书长办公室/方案执行协调组(P-4方案干事)(全球外勤支助战略)", "内部监督事务厅/内部审计司/联合国科索沃临时行政当局特派团", "1个员额(P-5首席驻地干事)改派到检查和评价司(P-5高级评价干事)", "改叙", "联合国监察员和调解事务办公室/联合国苏丹特派团", "改叙1个员额(本国一般事务行政助理改为外勤事务)", "联合国监察员和调解事务办公室/联合国组织刚果民主共和国稳定特派团", "改叙1个员额(本国一般事务行政助理改为外勤事务)", "改组", "维持和平行动部", "“维和最佳做法科”改名为“政策和最佳做法处”", "在政策、评价和培训司/政策和最佳做法处设立保护协调组", "在法治和安全机构厅/警务司设立选聘科", "外勤支助部", "撤销外勤预算和财务司的外勤财务程序管理股和外地系统支助股", "裁撤", "维持和平行动部/行动厅/非洲一司/联合国中非共和国和乍得特派团统筹行动小组", "裁撤1个员额(P-4政治事务干事)", "外勤支助部/外勤预算和财务司/司长办公室/外地系统支助股", "裁撤1个员额(1个一般事务(其他职等)信息管理助理)", "外勤支助部/外勤人事司/指导和组织设计科", "裁撤1个员额(1个一般事务(其他职等)小组助理)", "外勤支助部/后勤支助司/行动支助处", "裁撤1个员额(1个一般事务(其他职等)小组助理)", "内部监督事务厅/内部审计司/联合国中非共和国和乍得特派团", "裁撤1个员额(P-5首席驻地干事)", "裁撤3个员额(1个P-4驻地审计员、1个P-3驻地审计员和1个外勤事务助理审计员)", "内部监督事务厅/内部审计司/联合国科索沃临时行政当局特派团", "裁撤1个员额(本国一般事务行政助理)", "附件二", "2011年7月1日至2012年6月30日期间将设立的支助账户一般临时人员职位", "组织单位 职位数\t职位\t职务^(a)\t状况 \n 职等 \n 维持和平行动部 \n副秘书长办公室\t前沿办公室\t1\tP-4\t组织复原力干事\t续设\n 1\tGS(OL)\t小组助理-组织复原力\t续设\n\t执行办公室\t—\t4个月,3个P-3\t行政干事\t—\n —\t4个月,3个GS(OL)\t行政助理\t—\n\t公共事务科\t1\tP-3\t内部通信干事\t续设\n行动厅\t非洲二司\t1\tD-1\t特等干事\t续设\n 1\tP-4\t政治事务干事\t续设\n 1\tP-3\t政治事务干事\t续设\n 1\tGS(OL)\t小组助理\t续设\n\t非洲一司\t1\tGS(OL)\t小组助理\t续设\n军事厅\t军事规划处\t1\tGS(OL)\t小组助理\t续设\n\t当前军事行动处\t1\tGS(OL)\t小组助理\t续设\n法治与安全机构厅\t刑法和司法咨询处\t1\tP-4\t司法干事-伊斯兰法\t续设\n 1\tP-3\t惩教干事-部队组建\t续设\n 1\tP-4\t司法干事\t新设\n政策、评价和培训司\t伙伴关系小组\t1\tP-5\t高级协调干事\t续设\n 1\tP-4\t协调干事\t续设\n 1\tGS(OL)\t小组助理\t续设\n\t维和最佳做法科\t1\tP-4\t协调干事-平民保护\t新设\n 2\tP-3\t协调干事\t续设\n\t综合培训处\t1\tP-4\t训练干事-高级行政管理和资源培训方案\t续设\n 1\tP-3\t训练干事-高级行政管理和资源培训方案\t续设\n 2\tP-4\t训练协调干事\t续设\n 小计 23 \n 外勤支助部 \n副秘书长办公室\t非洲联盟驻索马里特派团总部支助小组\t1\tP-5\t高级支助干事\t续设\n 1\tP-4\t支助干事\t续设\n 1\tGS(OL)\t行政助理\t续设\n\t前沿办公室/方案执行协调组\t1\tD-1\t组长\t续设\n外勤人事司\t征聘、外展和职业发展科/职业类\t12\tP-3\t人力资源干事\t续设\n 4\tGS(OL)\t人力资源助理\t续设\n\t质量保证和信息管理科/司法\t1\tP-3\t人力资源干事\t续设\n后勤支助司\t空运科/机场和航站楼股\t1\tP-3\t空运干事\t续设\n\t专家支助处\t1\tP-3\t水工程师\t续设\n 1\tP-3\t边界分析员\t续设\n 小计 24 \n 管理事务部 \n副秘书长办公室\t执行办公室\t—\t4个月,3个P-4\t行政干事\t— —\t4个月,\t行政助理\t— \n 3个GS(OL) \n\t总部合同委员会\t1\tP-4\t能力发展干事\t续设\n 1\tGS(OL)\t训练和分析助理\t续设\n方案规划、预算和账户厅\t账户司\t1\tP-4\t政策指导和训练干事\t续设\n 1\tP-4\t战略部署物资储存干事\t续设\n 3\tGS(OL)\t财务助理-维持和平账户\t续设\n 1\tGS(OL)\t财务助理-保险\t续设\n 1\tP-4\t会计政策分析员-国际公共部门会计准则\t新设\n 2\tP-3\t会计政策分析员-国际公共部门会计准则\t新设\n财务处 1\tP-3\t财务干事\t续设\n 1\tP-2\t协理财务干事\t续设\n财务信息业务处 1\tP-4\t信息系统干事\t续设\n 1\tP-2\t信息系统干事\t续设\n 1\tGS(OL)\t信息系统助理\t续设\n维持和平经费筹措司 2\tP-3\t财务和预算干事\t续设\n人力资源管理厅\t人力资源政策处\t1\tP-2\t协理法律干事\t续设\n 1\tP-3\t法律干事\t续设\n\t学习、发展与人力资源事务司\t2\tP-3\t人力资源干事\t续设\n 1\tGS(OL)\t人力资源助理\t续设\n\t人力资源信息系统科(纽约)\t1\tP-4\t数据仓库项目主管\t续设\n 1\tGS(OL)\t综合管理信息系统服务台助理\t续设\n\t人力资源信息系统科(曼谷)/Inspira英才中心\t1\tP-4\t主管\t续设\n 1\tP-3\t服务台管理人员\t新设\n 1\tP-3\t开发和生产支助分析员\t续设\n 1\tP-2\t应用程序支助协理干事\t续设\n 1\tGS(OL)\t数据库管理员\t续设\n 1\tGS(OL)\t行政助理\t续设\n 1\tGS(PL)\t客户支助代表\t续设\n 6\tGS(OL)\t客户支助代表\t续设\n\t战略规划和人员配置司\t—\t6个月P-4\t人力资源干事\t—\n\t助理秘书长办公室\t1\tP-3\t行政干事\t续设\n\t采购司\t1\tP-3\t采购干事-供应商登记\t新设\n 3\tGS(OL)\t采购助理-供应商登记\t续设\n 3\tP-3\t采购干事-工程/后勤/车辆\t续设\n\t设施和商务司\t1\tP-3\t空间规划干事\t续设\n 1\tP-2\t信息管理协理干事\t续设\n 小计 48 \n 内部监督事务厅 \n执行办公室 —\t4个月,P-3\t审计员\t—\n —\t4个月,P-3\t调查员\t— —\t4个月,3个\t行政助理\t— \n GS(OL) \n内部审计司\t纽约\t1\tP-4\t审计员\t续设\n\t非索特派团支助\t1\tP-4\t驻地审计员\t续设\n调查司\t纽约\t1\tP-5\t高级调查员\t续设\n 3\tP-4\t调查员\t续设\n 1\tP-3\t调查员\t续设\n 1\tP-3\t行政干事\t续设\n 1\tGS(OL)\t行政助理\t续设\n 1\tGS(OL)\t办公室助理\t续设\n 1\tGS(OL)\t信息技术助理\t续设\n调查司\t维也纳\t1\tD-1\t副司长\t续设\n 1\tP-5\t高级调查员\t续设\n 1\tP-4\t法证调查员\t续设\n 1\tP-4\t调查员\t续设\n 7\tP-3\t调查员\t续设\n 1\tGS(PL)\t调查助理\t续设\n 1\tGS(OL)\t调查助理\t续设\n 1\tGS(OL)\t信息技术助理\t续设\n调查司\t内罗毕\t1\tD-1\t副司长\t续设\n 1\tP-5\t高级调查员\t续设\n 1\tP-4\t法证调查员\t续设\n 3\tP-4\t调查员\t续设\n 1\tP-4\t调查员\t新设\n 6\tP-3\t调查员\t续设\n 1\tP-3\t调查员\t新设\n 1\tGS(OL)\t行政助理\t续设\n 3\tGS(OL)\t调查助理\t续设\n 1\tGS(OL)\t调查助理\t新设\n调查司\t联合国海地稳定特派团\t1\tP-4\t驻地调查员\t续设\n\t联合国组织刚果民主共和国特派团\t1\tP-4\t首席驻地调查员\t续设\n 1\tP-3\t驻地调查员\t续设\n 1\tNGS\t行政助理\t续设\n\t联合国利比里亚特派团\t1\tP-4\t首席驻地调查员\t续设\n 2\tP-3\t驻地调查员\t续设\n 1\tNGS\t行政助理\t续设\n\t联合国苏丹特派团\t1\tP-4\t首席驻地调查员\t续设\n 2\tP-3\t驻地调查员\t续设\n\t联合国科特迪瓦行动\t1\tP-4\t驻地调查员\t续设\n 小计 56 \n秘书长办公厅 —\t6个月,GS(OL)\t行政助理\t—\n —\t6个月,GS(OL)\t行政助理\t—\n 小计 — 联合国监察员和调解事务办公室 11\tP-4\t办案干事行政助理\t续设续设 \n GS(OL) \n 小计 2 \n道德操守办公室 1\tP-3\t道德操守干事\t续设\n 1\tGS(OL)\t行政助理\t续设 \n 小计 2 \n 法律事务厅 \n一般法律事务 1\tP-4\t法律干事\t续设\n 1\tP-4\t法律干事\t新设\n 1\tP-3\t法律干事\t新设\n法律顾问办公室 —\t6个月,P-4\t法律干事\t—\n 小计 3 \n 信息和通信技术厅 \n外地系统事务科 1\tP-4\t项目管理员-客户关系管理系统部队派遣管理\t续设\n 1\tP-3\t信息系统干事-客户关系管理系统部队派遣管理\t续设\n 1\tP-4\t项目管理员-口粮系统管理\t续设\n 小计 3 \n行政和预算问题咨询委员会秘书处 1\tP-4\t行政管理干事\t续设\n 小计 1 \n\t共计\t162职位(其中11个为新设)和92个人月(任期少于12个月的职位)^(b)", "缩写:GS(OL):一般事务(其他职等);GS(PL):一般事务(特等);NGS:本国一般事务", "^(a) 秘书长关于维持和平行动支助账户2011年7月1日至2012年6月30日预算的报告(A/65/761)列出了一般临时人员职位的具体任务,行政和预算问题咨询委员会的报告(A/65/827)提到了这些情况,但维持和平行动部行动厅/非洲二司的1个P-4职位、外勤支助部空运科/机场和航站楼股的一个P-3职位和内部监督事务厅调查司/内罗毕的1个P-4、1个P-3和1个一般事务(其他职等)职位除外 。", "^(b) 人月数据列于“职位职等”一栏。", "决议草案三", "意大利布林迪西联合国后勤基地经费的筹措", "大会,", "回顾其1994年12月23日第49/233 A号决议第十四节和2007年12月22日第62/231号决议,", "又回顾其关于意大利布林迪西联合国后勤基地经费筹措的1996年9月17日第50/500号决定及其后各项有关决议,最近的是2010年6月24日第64/270号决议,", "还回顾其关于建立战略部署物资储存的2002年6月27日第56/292号决议及其后关于战略部署物资储存落实情况的各项决议,最近的是第64/270号决议,", "审议了秘书长关于联合国后勤基地经费筹措的报告[19] 以及行政和预算问题咨询委员会的有关报告,[20]", "重申准确清点资产的重要性,", "1. 赞赏地注意到意大利政府为意大利布林迪西联合国后勤基地提供设施以及西班牙政府为西班牙巴伦西亚二级运行状态通信设施提供设施;", "2. 认可行政和预算问题咨询委员会报告² 所载的结论和建议,但以符合本决议的规定为前提,并请秘书长确保予以充分落实;", "3. 表示注意到咨询委员会报告第22段,决定不把简易机场和航站标准职能调至联合国后勤基地;", "4. 又表示注意到咨询委员会报告第30段;", "5. 请秘书长确保大会2005年6月22日第59/296号、2006年6月30日第60/266号、2007年6月29日第61/276号、2010年6月24日第64/269号决议和2011年6月30日第65/289号决议以及其他相关决议的有关规定得到充分执行;", "2009年7月1日至2010年6月30日期间财政执行情况报告", "6. 表示注意到秘书长关于联合国后勤基地2009年7月1日至2010年6月30日期间财政执行情况的报告;[21]", "2011年7月1日至2012年6月30日期间预算估计数", "7. 核准联合国后勤基地2011年7月1日至2012年6月30日期间费用估计数68 512 500美元;", "预算估计数的筹措", "8. 决定按下列方式筹措联合国后勤基地2011年7月1日至2012年6月30日期间的经费:", "(a) 将2010年6月30日终了财政期间未支配余额和其他收入2 559 200美元以及1996/97年至2003/04年期间未用资金余额1 149 900美元用作2011年7月1日至2012年6月30日期间的经费;", "(b) 缺额64 803 400美元由在役维持和平行动2011年7月1日至2012年6月30日期间预算按比例分摊;", "(c) 工作人员薪金税收入估计数6 808 200美元,即2011年7月1日至2012年6月30日期间的6 249 900美元以及2009年7月1日至2010年6月30日期间增加额558 300美元,减去上文(b)分段所述的缺额,将按比例分配给各在役维和行动预算;", "9. 又决定在其第六十六届会议期间审议意大利布林迪西联合国后勤基地经费的筹措问题。", "决议草案四", "确定偿还会员国特遣队所属装备费用的改良程序", "大会,", "审议了秘书长关于确定偿还会员国特遣队所属装备费用的改良程序的报告,[22] 2011年特遣队所属装备问题工作组主席转递给第五委员会主席的该工作组报告,[23] 以及行政和预算问题咨询委员会的有关报告,[24]", "1. 表示注意到秘书长的报告¹ 以及2011年特遣队所属装备问题工作组的报告;²", "2. 认可行政和预算问题咨询委员会报告所载结论和建议,³ 并请秘书长确保予以充分落实。", "决议草案五", "已结束的维持和平特派团", "大会,", "审议了秘书长关于已结束的维持和平特派团截至2008年6月30日和2009年6月30日的最新财务状况的报告,[25] 以及行政和预算问题咨询委员会的有关报告,[26]", "又审议了秘书长关于已结束的维持和平特派团截至2010年6月30日的最新财务状况的报告[27] 以及行政和预算问题咨询委员会的有关报告,[28]", "1. 表示注意到秘书长关于已结束的维持和平特派团截至2010年6月30日的最新财务状况的报告³ 以及行政和预算问题咨询委员会的有关报告,⁴ 但以符合本决议的规定为前提;", "2. 着重指出所有会员国都应当按时、足额、无条件地履行《联合国宪章》规定的财政义务;", "3. 促请拖欠已结束的维持和平特派团摊款的会员国尽快缴纳摊款;", "4. 促请所有会员国尽力确保足额缴纳摊款;", "5. 决定将联合国伊拉克-科威特观察团账户现有的调整后贷记账款净额的三分之二,即70 600美元退还科威特政府;", "6. 请秘书长根据各特派团最后一次经费分摊适用的比额表,归还截至2010年6月30日可计作各会员国贷项的现金净额230 745 000美元 的78.01%,即1.80亿美元;", "7. 决定在其第六十六届会议续会第二期会议上在题为“联合国维持和平行动经费筹措的行政和预算问题”的议程项目下审议已结束的维持和平特派团的财务状况,包括在执行上文第5和6段后仍欠会员国的数额,该数额确定为截至2010年6月30日的50 674 400美元;请秘书长向大会提出处理已结束但有现金净额赤字的维持和平特派团所欠各会员国款项问题的具体提议和备选办法,供大会审议和核准。", "[1] A/65/715。", "[2] A/65/644和Corr.1。", "[3] A/65/742。", "[4] A/65/738。", "[5] A/65/643和 A/65/696和Corr.1。", "[6] A/63/675和Corr.1。", "[7] A/65/271(Part II)。", "[8] A/65/743和A/63/746(第二节)。", "[9] A/65/743.", "[10] A/65/760。", "[11] ST/SGB/2003/7。", "[12] A/65/624和Corr.1。", "[13] A/65/610和 Add.1。", "[14] A/65/761,Corr.1和Corr.2。", "[15] A/65/765。", "[16] A/65/734。", "[17] A/65/827。", "[18] A/65/762。", "[19] A/65/642和A/65/670。", "[20] A/65/743/Add.12。", "[21] A/65/642。", "[22] A/65/800。", "[23] 见A/C.5/65/16。", "[24] A/65/830。", "[25] A/63/581和A/64/605。", "[26] A/63/856和A/64/659和Corr.1。", "[27] A/65/556。", "[28] A/65/775。" ]
[ "第六十五届会议", "议程项目143", "页:1 第二次因技术原因重新印发(2011年8月5日)。", "联合国维持和平行动经费筹措的行政和预算问题", "第五委员会的报告", "报告员:尼科尔·安·曼尼恩女士(爱尔兰)", "一. 导言", "1. 联合国 2010年9月17日,大会第2次全体会议根据总务委员会的建议,决定将题为“联合国维持和平行动经费筹措的行政和预算问题”的项目列入大会第六十五届会议议程,并分配给第五委员会。", "2. 联合国 2. 第五委员会在2011年5月3日、5日、10日和23日以及6月30日第33、34、35、39和42次会议上审议了该项目。 在委员会审议该项目过程中所作的发言和发表的意见,反映在有关简要记录(A/C.5/65/SR.33、34、35、39和42)中。", "3个 3. 在审议该项目时,委员会面前有下列文件:", "共有问题", "(a) 秘书长关于联合国维持和平行动经费筹措概览:2009年7月1日至2010年6月30日期间预算执行情况和2011年7月1日至2012年6月30日期间预算的报告(A/65/715);", "(b) 秘书长关于全球外勤支助战略执行进展情况的报告(A/65/643);", "(c) 秘书长关于全球外勤支助战略标准化筹资模式的报告(A/65/696和Corr.1);", "(d) 秘书长关于维持和平培训进展情况的报告(A/65/644和Corr.1);", "(e) 秘书长关于联合国空中业务的报告(A/65/738);", "(f) 秘书长关于防止性剥削和性虐待的特别措施的报告(A/65/742);", "(g) 行政和预算问题咨询委员会关于维持和平行动共有问题的意见和建议的报告(A/65/743);", "(h) 内部监督事务厅关于维持和平行动的报告(A/65/271(Part II));", "(一) 秘书长关于各类人员的福利和娱乐需要及其详细影响的报告(A/63/675和Corr.1);", "(j) 行政和预算问题咨询委员会的有关报告(A/63/746(第四节B));", "加强联合国管理和持续开展维持和平行动的能力", "(k) 秘书长关于加强联合国管理和持续开展维持和平行动的能力的报告(A/65/624和Corr.1);", "(l) 秘书长关于维持和平行动支助账户2009年7月1日至2010年6月30日期间预算执行情况的报告(A/65/610和Add.1);", "(m) 秘书长关于维持和平行动支助账户2011年7月1日至2012年6月30日期间预算的报告(A/65/761和Corr.1和2);", "(n) 内部监督事务厅关于大会第63/287号决议所指定试点项目执行情况的初步报告(A/65/765);", "(o) 独立审计咨询委员会关于2011年7月1日至2012年6月30日期间维持和平行动支助账户下内部监督事务厅预算的报告(A/65/734);", "(p) 行政和预算问题咨询委员会的有关报告(A/65/827);", "(q) 内部监督事务厅关于维持和平行动部/外勤支助部与区域组织之间合作的专题评价报告(A/65/762);", "意大利布林迪西联合国后勤基地", "(r) 秘书长关于意大利布林迪西联合国后勤基地2009年7月1日至2010年6月30日期间预算执行情况的报告(A/65/642);", "(s) 秘书长关于意大利布林迪西联合国后勤基地2011年7月1日至2012年6月30日期间预算的报告(A/65/760);", "(t) 行政和预算问题咨询委员会的有关报告(A/65/743/Add.12);", "偿还各国政府特遣队所属装备费用的比率", "(u) 2011年2月25日2011年特遣队所属装备工作组主席给第五委员会主席的信(A/C.5/65/16);", "(五) 秘书长关于确定向会员国偿还特遣队所属装备费用的改良程序的报告(A/65/800);", "(w) 行政和预算问题咨询委员会的有关报告(A/65/830);", "已结束的维持和平特派团", "(十) 秘书长关于已结束的维持和平特派团截至2010年6月30日最新财务状况的报告(A/65/556);", "(y) 行政和预算问题咨询委员会的有关报告(A/65/775);", "(z) 秘书长关于已结束的维持和平特派团截至2009年6月30日最新财务状况的报告(A/64/605);", "(aa) 行政和预算问题咨询委员会的有关报告(A/64/659和Corr.1);", "(bb) 秘书长关于已结束的维持和平特派团截至2008年6月30日最新财务状况的报告(A/63/581);", "(cc) 行政和预算问题咨询委员会的有关报告(A/63/856);", "维持和平行动预算额", "(dd) 秘书长关于2010年7月1日至2011年6月30日期间维持和平行动核定资源的说明(A/C.5/65/15);", "(ee) 秘书长关于2011年7月1日至2012年6月30日期间维持和平行动拟议预算额的说明(A/C.5/65/17)。", "二. 二. 提案的审议经过", "A. 决议草案 A/C.5/65/L.53", " 4.四. 在2011年6月30日第42次会议上,委员会面前有委员会主席根据尼加拉瓜代表协调的非正式协商提出的决议草案,题为“共有问题”(A/C.5/65/L.53)。", "5 (韩语). 5. 在同次会议上,委员会未经表决通过了决议草案A/C.5/65/L.53(见第6段)。 页:1", "B. 决议草案 介绍决议草案A/C.5/65/L.50", "6. 国家 此外,在第42次会议上,委员会面前有爱尔兰代表兼委员会报告员提交的题为“加强联合国管理和持续开展维持和平行动的能力”的决议草案(A/C.5/65/L.50)。", "7. 联合国 5. 在同次会议上,委员会未经表决通过了决议草案A/C.5/65/L.50(见第15段,决议草案二)。", "C. 决议草案 介绍决议草案A/C.5/65/L.51", "8. 联合国 在第42次会议上,委员会面前有委员会主席根据泰国代表协调的非正式协商提出的决议草案,题为“意大利布林迪西联合国后勤基地经费的筹措”(A/C.5/65/L.51)。", "9. 国家 5. 在同次会议上,委员会未经表决通过了决议草案A/C.5/65/L.51(见第6段)。 第15次会议,决议草案三。", "D. 决议草案 介绍决议草案A/C.5/65/L.35", "10个 此外,在第42次会议上,委员会面前有委员会主席根据由危地马拉代表协调的非正式协商提出的决议草案,题为“确定向会员国偿还特遣队所属装备费用的改良程序”(A/C.5/65/L.35)。", "11个 5. 在同次会议上,委员会未经表决通过了决议草案A/C.5/65/L.35(见第15段,决议草案四)。", "E. 决议草案 简要记录 A/C.5/65/L.52", "12个 在第42次会议上,委员会面前有委员会主席根据阿尔及利亚代表协调的非正式协商提出的决议草案,题为“已结束的维持和平特派团”(A/C.5/65/L.52)。", "13个 5. 在同次会议上,委员会未经表决通过了决议草案A/C.5/65/L.52(见第6段)。 (见第15段,决议草案五)。", "14个 决议草案通过后,德国代表发了言(见A/C.5/65/SR.42)。", "三. 三. 第五委员会的建议", "15个 6. 第五委员会建议大会通过下列决议草案:", "决议草案一 贯穿各领域的问题", "大会,", "回顾其1994年12月23日第49/233 A号、1995年3月31日第49/233 B号、1997年6月17日第51/218 E号、2003年6月18日第57/290 B号、2004年7月1日第58/315号、2005年6月22日第59/296号、2006年6月30日第60/266号、2007年6月29日第61/276号和第61/279号和2010年6月24日第64/269号决议,", "审议了秘书长关于联合国维持和平行动经费筹措概览:2009年7月1日至2010年6月30日期间预算执行情况和2011年7月1日至2012年6月30日期间预算的报告、 [1] 关于维持和平培训进展情况的报告、 [2] 关于防止性剥削和性虐待的特别措施的报告、 [3] 关于联合国空中业务的报告、 [4] 关于全球外勤支助战略执行进展情况及其标准化筹资模式的报告[5] 和关于各类人员的福利和娱乐需要及详细影响的报告,[6] 以及内部监督事务厅关于维持和平行动的报告[7] 和行政和预算问题咨询委员会的有关报告,[8]", "常规", "1. 联合国 1. 重申其第57/290 B、59/296、60/266、61/276和64/269号决议,并请秘书长确保这些决议的有关规定得到充分执行;", "2. 联合国 2. 赞赏外地和总部所有维持和平人员的努力;", "3个 表示注意到秘书长关于联合国维持和平行动经费筹措概览:2009年7月1日至2010年6月30日期间预算执行情况和2011年7月1日至2012年6月30日期间预算的报告、1 关于维持和平培训进展情况的报告、2 关于防止性剥削和性虐待特别措施的报告、3 关于联合国空中业务的报告、4 关于全球外勤支助战略执行进展情况及其标准化筹资模式的报告5 和关于所有职类人员的福利和娱乐需要及详细影响的报告,6 以及行政和预算问题咨询委员会的有关报告;8", " 4.四. 2. 又注意到内部监督事务厅关于维持和平行动的报告;7", "5 (韩语). 9. 认可行政和预算问题咨询委员会报告 [9] 所载建议,但以符合本决议的规定为前提,并请秘书长确保予以充分落实;", "一 预算列报和财务管理", "6. 国家 12. 表示注意到行政和预算问题咨询委员会报告9 第24段;", "7. 联合国 2. 重申秘书长下放权力应有助于更好地管理本组织,但强调管理本组织的总体责任在于秘书长作为行政首长;", "8. 联合国 10. 申明秘书长需要确保向维持和平行动部、外勤支助部和外地特派团下放权力时严格遵守大会关于这个问题的相关决议和决定以及相关规则和程序;", "9. 国家 1. 着重指出各部门主管向秘书长报告工作并接受秘书长的问责;", "10个 3. 重申必须加强本组织内部的问责制,并确保秘书长除其他外在高成效和高效率地执行法定任务以及使用人力和财政资源方面进一步接受会员国的问责;", "11个 6. 注意到高级管理人员契约旨在通过提高高层问责制和透明度等办法改善本组织的管理,并在这方面敦促秘书长采取措施,充分处理高级管理人员的业绩问题,特别是在实现目标和指标方面;", "12个 4. 回顾行政和预算问题咨询委员会报告9 第4段,并强调指出,应为所有外地特派团提供适当资源,使其能够有成效和有效率地完成各自的任务,而维持和平行动向建设和平过渡可能需要改变所需资源;", "13个 1. 欢迎秘书长及时印发了维持和平行动拟议预算;", "14个 1. 回顾其2010年6月24日第64/269号决议第一节第10段;", "15个 5. 着重指出秘书长必须采取进一步措施来改进预算的列报方式并作出更准确的预测;", "16号. 9. 表示注意到行政和预算问题咨询委员会报告9 第5段,强调应为所有外地特派团提供适当资源,使其能够有成效和有效率地完成各自的任务,并着重指出,考虑到维持和平行动的数目、规模和复杂性,目前的维持和平活动规模应对所需资源产生可扩展的影响;", "17岁。 4. 请秘书长加紧努力,在外地特派团内部和之间实现规模经济效益,而不损害其业务需要和各自任务的执行情况,并在概览报告中报告有关情况;", "18岁。 11. 注意到外勤支助部已设立一个资源使用效率小组,在这方面同意行政和预算问题咨询委员会报告9 第28段所载建议,并鼓励秘书长在总部和特派团一级进一步采取此类举措;", " 19. 19. 10. 回顾行政和预算问题咨询委员会报告9 第59段,并请秘书长提供这方面的资料并结合下一次维持和平行动概览报告来审议;", "二. 人事问题", "20号. 1. 表示赞赏所有履行与维持和平有关职能的联合国人员,特别是在艰苦工作地点工作并处境最困难的人员;", "21岁 1. 赞扬所有因公受伤或为追求和平而作出最后牺牲的联合国维持和平人员;", "22号. 13. 请秘书长在下一次关于联合国维持和平行动经费筹措概览的报告中提供最新资料,说明联合国外地特派团实施人力资源管理改革的情况,特别是大会2010年12月24日第65/247号决议所载改革的情况;", "23. 联合国 5. 注意到自大会通过2008年12月24日第63/250号决议以来,本组织采取了各种人力资源管理举措,并承认继续实施改革举措将使本组织能够更好地应对一个变化多端、要求高的环境,在这种环境中,整合和统一将为提高生产率的长期效率和改善工作环境提供基础,从而使本组织能更好地完成任务;", "24 (韩语). 7. 回顾行政和预算问题咨询委员会报告9 第47段;", "25岁 5. 确认福利和娱乐对维持和平行动人员的重要性,同时铭记福利和娱乐也有助于加强士气和纪律;", "26. 联合国 1. 表示注意到行政和预算问题咨询委员会报告第52段;", "27个 2. 回顾其第63/250号决议第七节,并重申其第65/247号决议第二节第34段的要求;", "28岁 4. 认识到本组织需要有一个机制来应对迅速变化的外地情况,并在这方面要求提供关于临时派任机制的使用及其对经常征聘进程的影响的全面信息;", "29. 国家 10. 注意到秘书长利用临时空缺通知处理冗长的征聘过程问题,强调需要通过经常征聘程序加快填补空缺,请秘书长在下一次维持和平行动概览报告中提供临时空缺通知对外地和总部经常征聘过程的影响;", "30岁。 1. 回顾其2010年12月24日第65/248号决议C节第19段;", "31岁 15. 强调必须采取进一步措施,除其他外,通过培训培训员以及在可行的情况下使用视频会议和电子学习,使培训方案更具相关性和成本效益,并着重指出应密切审查为培训目的进行的旅行;", "32. 联合国 4. 注意到本国工作人员在维持和平行动中的作用越来越大,需要建设国家能力和为本国工作人员提供专业发展机会,并强调应将本国工作人员充分纳入所有相关培训方案;", "33. (中文(简体) ). 11. 回顾行政和预算问题咨询委员会报告9 第132段,注意到2010年对特派团高级行政管理和资源培训方案进行的评价得出的普遍积极结论,并期待着获得更多关于培训方案对改进业绩所产生影响的信息;", "34. 国家 11. 又回顾其第64/269号决议第二节第4段,请秘书长采取紧急措施,消除目前积压三个月多的死亡和伤残索赔案,并向大会第六十六届会议续会第二期会议报告进展情况;", "35. 联合国 11. 还回顾行政和预算问题咨询委员会报告9 第55段,请秘书长确保向部队和警察派遣国提供成本效益高和高水平的服务,但不影响其业务需要,强调需要同部队和警察派遣国密切协调,并请秘书长在下一份关于维持和平行动的概览报告中提供更多资料;", "三. 所需业务费用", "36. (中文(简体) ). 9. 着重指出联合国需要改善其陆运管理,以达到最高业务效率,敦促秘书长加快并加强其在这方面的努力,并提出具体建议,并在其关于维持和平行动的下一次概览报告中报告有关情况;", "37. 联合国 1. 注意到燃料是主要支出项目,燃料管理容易发生严重欺诈和滥用;", "38. 国家 10. 请秘书长确保向所有维持和平特派团不间断地提供必要的燃料供应,以确保它们顺利运作,而不损害安全,并确保旨在提高效率的措施,包括使用统包合同,不得损害特派团的业务需要和安全;", "39. 联合国 14. 又请秘书长在大会第六十七届会议续会上就燃料管理的所有方面,包括外勤支助部燃料业务手册的执行情况、采用全球电子燃料管理系统的可行性、应急燃料战略储备状况、燃料管理标准作业程序的编写和应用、燃料支助费用和若干特派团的绩效评估结果,包括统包模式和内部模式的比较,以及在授予车辆和飞机合同时考虑燃料费用的努力等,向大会第六十七届会议续会提出报告;", " 40. 40. 6. 着重指出,有效管理口粮意味着确保联合国维和人员获得足够、质量适当的口粮,每天三餐,包括规划、组织和控制从最初请购到最后向供应商付款的行动,以及准确和可靠的记录和存档;", "41. 国家 8. 请秘书长确保各特派团监测和评价口粮承包商的质量管理系统,以确保食品质量和卫生条件符合既定标准;", "42. 国家 10. 敦促秘书长根据2010年的审查,继续执行个人信息和通信技术设备的新标准比率,并确保在特派团每个地点提供最适当的卫星通信和因特网服务,同时考虑到业务需要;", "43. 东帝汶 11. 回顾行政和预算问题咨询委员会报告9 第61段,请秘书长在下一次关于维持和平行动概览报告中就统包安排的效率和效力,包括实现的节约和影响提出全面评估;", "44. 国家 6. 请秘书长继续确保按照现行做法,在使用系统合同之前全面分析所有费用;", "45. 国家 7. 强调应作出协调一致的努力,查明发展中国家和经济转型国家的潜在供应商,并增加这些国家在合同投标和授予方面的任职人数,以建立一个更能代表本组织会员国的供应商基础;", "46. 经常预算: 12. 请秘书长在大会第六十六届会议续会第二期会议上全面分析统筹行动小组的作用和执行情况所涉行政和预算问题;", "四、结 论 空中业务", "47. 国家 6. 强调为探索空中业务的规模效益和效率的可能性而作的努力不得损害每个维持和平行动的安全和业务需要或轮调和部队部署周期;", " 48. 48. 10. 回顾行政和预算问题咨询委员会报告9 第77段,并着重指出需要评价航空服务所涉因素的全面和总体成本效益,包括燃料消耗、维护费用以及安全和安保因素;", "49. (中文(简体) ). 2. 又回顾秘书长的报告 第13段,[10]并着重指出采购过程应确保购置的航空资产符合特派团的业务需要;", " 50. 50. 11. 确认已启动一个试点项目,向采购航空服务征求建议书方法过渡,注意到最高性价比是联合国采购中要考虑的四项主要原则之一,同时根据《联合国财务条例和细则》,[11] 有效的国际竞争以及联合国的利益,并再次请秘书长在2008年6月20日第62/269号决议第25段中向大会报告在联合国采购中采用最高性价比方法的明确准则,包括加权评价技术的所有细节,并报告试点项目的成果;", "51. 联合国 7. 请秘书长确保拟订征求建议书方法时具有充分的透明度,并强调指出,征求建议书的拟订取由本组织的业务需要;", "52. (中文(简体) ). 2. 注意到联合国共同航空安全标准,请秘书长继续确保遵守国际民用航空组织的《标准和建议做法》,以达到在外地执行任务的业务需要,又请秘书长在下一次维持和平概览报告中报告国际民用航空组织的标准和建议做法与联合国共同航空安全标准之间的差异;", "53. 联合国 1. 回顾其第64/269号决议第六节第21段;", "54. 联合国 13. 请秘书长在下一份维持和平概览报告中提供与世界粮食计划署的谅解备忘录的最新状况及其所涉经费问题,并详细分析联合国空中业务治理和总体资源水平,包括关于切实有效地提供支助职能以及信息和通信技术支助的信息;", "五 防止性剥削的特别措施", "55. 国家 1. 回顾其第64/269号决议第四节;", "56. (中文(简体) ). 1. 重申需要全面执行联合国对维持和平行动中性剥削和性虐待的零容忍政策;", "57. 萨尔瓦多 6. 强调在出现任何违反标准行为时,将在秘书长权力范围内采取适当行动,而国家特遣队成员的刑事责任和纪律责任将取决于会员国的国内法;", "58. 联合国 7. 强调应按照适当法律程序以及联合国同会员国所缔结的谅解备忘录,毫不拖延地调查和惩处所有性剥削和性虐待行为;", "59. (中文(简体) ). 3. 确认对因违反联合国零容忍政策等纪律原因被遣返的维和人员个人不支付任何款项,包括下文第72段规定的款项;", "60. 联合国 11. 回顾其载有《联合国关于援助和支持受联合国工作人员和有关人员性剥削和性虐待受害人的全面战略》的2007年12月21日第62/214号决议,呼吁继续执行该战略,并在这方面强调必须以综合方式满足所有受性剥削和性虐待受害人的需要;", "61. 国家 1. 注意到秘书长关于防止性剥削和性虐待的特别措施的报告3 第10和18段;", "62. 联合国 3. 表示关切尚未完成的调查数目,鼓励继续努力,酌情根据谅解备忘录解决积压问题;", "63. 国家 3. 仍然关切所报新的性剥削和性虐待案件,并注意到性剥削和性虐待指控数量持续减少,但感到遗憾的是,涉及最恶劣形式的性剥削和性虐待的指控比例没有下降;", "64. (中文(简体) ). 10. 请秘书长继续努力就性剥削和性虐待问题开展标准化培训和提高认识;", "65. 国家 12. 欢迎联合国总部行为和纪律股以及外地行为和纪律小组的努力,并赞赏地注意到定期更新的行为和纪律专门网站,包括统计信息,这有助于外勤支助部评价进展情况并协助会员国更好地了解联合国在处理行为和纪律问题方面的政策;", "66. (中文(简体) ). 4. 请在下一份概览报告中提供最新资料,说明执行《联合国关于援助和支持受联合国工作人员和有关人员性剥削和性虐待受害人的全面战略》的进展情况;", "67. (中文(简体) ). 5. 鼓励机构间常设委员会工作队加强其在执行《援助和支持受联合国工作人员和有关人员性剥削和性虐待受害人的全面战略》方面的领导作用;", "68. (中文(简体) ). 11. 赞赏地注意到为防止未经证实的不当行为指控损害任何联合国维持和平特派团或部队或警察派遣国或联合国维持和平人员的公信力而采取的行动,请秘书长在这方面采取适当措施,并请秘书长继续确保迅速采取行动,在不当行为指控最终在法律上无法证实时,恢复任何联合国维持和平特派团、部队或警察派遣国或联合国维持和平人员的形象和公信力;", "六. 其他问题", "69. (中文(简体) ). 12. 关切地注意到会员国难以按照2009年6月30日第63/285号决议的规定通过调查表提供所要求数据,为此请秘书长加强秘书处、特别是外勤支助部和管理事务部同出兵国密切合作,以便利数据收集和协助填写调查表,以保持这一进程在所设想时限内进行;", "70. 联合国 4. 注意到上次审查部队费用是在1992年,其后在2002年临时增加,而部队派遣国已表示关切,因为这给它们带来困难的财政负担,它们声称这可能危及参加维持和平行动的可持续性;", "71. 联合国 5. 回顾所有联合国维和人员的行动方式必须维护联合国的形象、信誉、公正和完整;", "72. 联合国 10. 决定作为特例,在不妨碍大会第63/285号决议所定程序完整性的情况下,向部队派遣国提供2011年7月1日至2012年6月30日期间一次性补充付款85 000 000美元;", "73 (中文(简体) ). 8. 请秘书长在2011年10月前设立一个由秘书长任命的五名具有相关经验的知名人士、五名主要出兵国代表、五名主要出兵国代表和每个区域集团一名成员组成的高级咨询小组,以审议部队派遣国的偿还率和相关问题;", "74. 国家 2. 决定高级咨询小组应尽快完成其工作;", "75. 国家 2. 关切地注意到审计委员会以前发现的与消耗性和非消耗性财产管理有关的问题再次发生;", "76. 联合国 强调秘书长必须指导管理维持和平资产,包括消耗性和非消耗性财产以及战略部署物资储存,并再请秘书长加强管理这些资产的内部控制,以确保采取适当的保障措施,防止给本组织造成浪费和经济损失;", "77. 国家 5. 回顾其第64/269号决议第一节第14段,并请秘书长向大会第六十六届会议续会第二期会议提交该段所要求提交的报告;", "78. 国家 4. 注意到秘书处仍在制订早期建设和平战略,为此请秘书长在编写该战略的整个过程中同会员国、建设和平委员会、联合国各机构、基金和方案以及秘书处所有相关实体密切协商,并着重指出,维持和平特派团所执行的具体建设和平任务应根据有关国家的优先事项和具体情况,并遵循国家自主权原则;", "页:1 全球外勤支助战略", "79. 联合国 1. 赞赏秘书长在制订和执行全球外勤支助战略时采取包容性和参与性办法,并鼓励秘书长在执行全球外勤支助战略时继续加紧同会员国、特别是部队派遣国密切协商;", "80个 13. 确认本组织在为维持和平行动提供后勤、行政和信息和通信技术支助方面面临的挑战,并赞赏秘书长努力提出综合办法来更及时地开办和部署特派团,并改进向外地特派团提供服务的质量、效率和规模经济;", "81个 11. 回顾行政和预算问题咨询委员会报告9 第143段;", "82. 7. 又回顾行政和预算问题咨询委员会报告9 第156段,并鼓励秘书长同会员国,特别是出兵国和出兵国密切协商,进一步制订预先界定的模块和成套服务;", "83个 4. 请秘书长以符合全球外勤支助战略目标的方式,在制订与后勤单元有关的进一步建议时考虑到使用单一来源或多功能合同所涉及的风险,并考虑到对每个供应商联合国商品编码数目的适用限制;", "第八十四会. 10. 回顾行政和预算问题咨询委员会报告9 第157段,请秘书长在其下一份年度进展报告中提供所有关于制定和执行预先界定的模块和成套服务的信息;", "85. 9. 强调使能能力在外地特派团有效部署成套服务的重要性,请秘书长在下一份进度报告中提供使能能力的各种可选办法的资料,供其审议;", "86号. 10. 回顾其第64/269号决议第12和14段,并着重指出意大利布林迪西全球服务中心在提供和管理预先确定的模块和成套服务方面的作用;", "87个 2. 重申其第64/269号决议第六节第16段,其中大会强调,主要涉及同会员国、特别是同部队派遣国互动的职能将继续设在总部;", "88个 1. 赞赏地注意到运输和调度综合控制中心的业绩;", "89. 国家 注意到迄今在通过乌干达恩德培区域服务中心加强有效提供服务方面取得的成果;", "90. (中文(简体) ). 8. 确认维持和平准备基金和战略部署储备在快速开办和扩大特派团方面发挥关键作用的潜力,并请秘书长向大会通报大会第64/269号决议第六节第8和9段的执行情况;", "91. 联合国 请秘书长每年以综合方式向大会提供资料,说明客户特派团向恩德培区域服务中心提供的财政和人力资源,以及各客户特派团在各自拟议预算中提供的所需资源份额,并提供关于该中心空缺率、支出和预算执行情况的资料。", "决议草案 二. 加强联合国管理和持续开展维持和平行动的能力", "大会,", "回顾其1991年5月3日第45/258号、1992年12月23日第47/218 A号、1993年12月23日第48/226 A号、2000年12月23日第55/238号、2001年12月24日第56/241号、2002年6月27日第56/293号、2003年6月18日第57/318号、2004年6月18日第58/298号、2005年6月22日第59/301号、2006年6月30日第60/268号、2006年12月22日第61/245和61/246号、2007年3月15日第61/256号、2007年6月29日第61/279号、2008年6月20日第62/250号、2009年6月30日第63/287号和2010年6月24日第64/271号决议以及其他有关决议,", "审议了秘书长关于加强联合国管理和持续开展维持和平行动的能力的报告、[12] 关于维持和平行动支助账户2009年7月1日至2010年6月30日期间预算执行情况的报告[13] 关于维持和平行动支助账户2011年7月1日至2012年6月30日期间预算的报告、[14] 内部监督事务厅关于大会第63/287号决议所指定试点项目执行情况的初步报告、[15] 独立审计咨询委员会关于2011年7月1日至2012年6月30日期间维持和平行动支助账户下内部监督事务厅预算的报告[16]和行政和预算问题咨询委员会的有关报告,[17] 以及内部监督事务厅关于维持和平行动部/外勤支助部与区域组织之间合作的专题评价报告,[18]", "确认联合国必须能够在安全理事会通过相关决议后迅速作出反应并部署维持和平行动,传统维持和平行动在30天内部署,复杂维持和平行动在90天内部署,", "又认识到必须在维持和平行动的所有阶段,包括在清理结束和结束阶段,提供适当支助,", "意识到支助账户的经费数额应与维持和平特派团的任务、数目、规模和复杂性大致相适应,", "1. 联合国 1. 重申大会在透彻分析和核准人力资源和财政资源及政策方面的作用,以确保所有已获授权的方案和活动得到全面、高成效和高效率地执行,这方面的政策得到执行;", "2. 联合国 2. 又重申第五委员会是大会授权主管行政和预算事项的主要委员会;", "3个 4. 还重申其议事规则第一五三条;", " 4.四. 2. 重申支助账户资金应仅用于为总部支助和支援维持和平行动的人力资源和非人力资源需求供资,如要改变这一限制,须经大会事先核准;", "5 (韩语). 2. 又重申维持和平行动支助工作需要适当经费,在提交支助账户预算时需要为此项经费提出充分理由;", "6. 国家 5. 强调同部队和警察派遣国进行互动和协调的重要性;", "7. 联合国 11. 回顾第55/238号决议第一节第6段、第56/241号决议第11段、第61/279号决议第19段和第62/250号决议第22段,请秘书长考虑到部队派遣国对联合国维持和平工作的贡献,进一步作出具体努力,确保这些国家有适当数目的人员在维持和平行动部和外勤支助部任职;", "8. 联合国 2. 确认维持和平行动部警务司在为维持和平行动,包括其维持和平努力作贡献方面所起的重要作用,以及若干行动的警务工作有所增加;", "9. 国家 2. 重申维持和平行动需要高成效和高效率地进行行政和财务管理,并敦促秘书长继续确定提高支助账户生产力和效率的措施;", "10个 10. 请秘书长确保大会2005年6月22日第59/296号、2006年6月30日第60/266号、2007年6月29日第61/276号、2010年6月24日第64/269号和2011年6月30日第65/289号决议及其他相关决议的相关规定得到充分执行;", "11个 2. 认可行政和预算问题咨询委员会报告6 所载的结论和建议,但以符合本决议的规定为前提,并请秘书长确保予以充分落实;", "12个 1. 表示注意到内部监督事务厅关于维持和平行动部/外勤支助部与区域组织之间合作的专题评价报告;7", "13个 2. 重申其在秘书处结构方面的作用,并着重指出,修改总体部门结构以及本组织预算和两年期方案计划格式的提议,须经大会审查和核准;", "14个 8. 注意到维持和平行动部和外勤支助部改组的总体益处,请秘书长评估这些益处,并继续尽一切努力提高本组织管理和持续开展维持和平行动的能力;", "15个 9. 着重指出,必须确保维持和平特派团的经验教训和最佳做法得到充分总结、处理并纳入准则和政策,特别是在维持和平人员和过渡中的维持和平行动建设和平努力方面,并在这方面确认维持和平最佳做法科和实地最佳做法干事的重要作用;", "16号. 8. 注意到秘书处仍在拟订早期建设和平战略,在这方面请秘书长在拟订该战略的整个过程中同会员国、建设和平委员会、联合国各机构、基金和方案以及秘书处所有其他相关实体密切协商,并着重指出维持和平特派团所执行的具体建设和平任务应以有关国家的优先事项和具体情况为依据;", "17岁。 表示注意到秘书长关于维持和平行动支助账户2011年7月1日至2012年6月30日期间预算的报告3 和独立审计咨询委员会关于2011年7月1日至2012年6月30日期间维持和平行动支助账户下内部监督事务厅预算的报告;5", "18岁。 10. 决定在2011年7月1日至2012年6月30日财政期间维持其1996年6月7日第50/221 B号决议第3段核准的2010年7月1日至2011年6月30日期间使用的支助账户筹资机制;", " 19. 19. 1. 表示注意到行政和预算问题咨询委员会报告6 第44和55段;", "20号. 8. 再次请秘书长考虑到维持和平行动的数目、规模和复杂性,定期审查支助账户的数额;", "21岁 7. 强调支助职能应可视维持和平行动的规模和范围而调整;", "22号. 7. 请秘书长迅速填补所有空缺;", "2009年7月1日至2010年6月30日期间财政执行情况报告", "23. 联合国 2. 表示注意到秘书长关于维持和平行动支助账户2009年7月1日至2010年6月30日期间财政执行情况的报告;2", "2011年7月1日至2012年6月30日期间预算估计数", "24 (韩语). 核准支助账户2011年7月1日至2012年6月30日财政期间所需资源344 792 400美元,包括根据大会2009年12月24日第64/243号决议为企业资源规划项目提供47 185 200美元,包括1 294个续设员额和1个新设临时员额,以及本决议附件一所列员额的调动、改派和改叙以及附件二所列151个续设和11个新设一般临时人员职位及其相关员额和非员额所需资源;", "2009年7月1日至2010年6月30日期间和2011年7月1日至2012年6月30日期间维持和平行动支助账户经费的筹措", "25岁 15. 决定按下列方式筹措维持和平行动支助账户2009年7月1日至2010年6月30日财政期间和2011年7月1日至2012年6月30日期间所需经费:", "(a) 国家 2009年7月1日至2010年6月30日财政期间追加批款和摊款24 444 900美元;", "(b) 国家 总额6 048 000美元,包括利息收入2 161 000美元、其他杂项收入1 359 000美元和上期债务核销额2 528 000美元,将用作2011年7月1日至2012年6月30日财政期间所需资源;", "(c)) 将2010年6月30日终了财政期间维持和平准备基金核定额盈余3 377 000美元用作2011年7月1日至2012年6月30日财政期间所需资源;", "(d) 国家 缺额359 812 300美元由在役维持和平行动2011年7月1日至2012年6月30日财政期间的预算按比例分摊;", "(e) 协助 工作人员薪金税收入估计数净额30 474 500美元,即2011年7月1日至2012年6月30日财政期间的29 685 000美元和2010年6月30日终了财政期间的增加额789 500美元,由上文(d)分段所述缺额中按比例分摊。", "页:1", "2011年7月1日至2012年6月30日期间将设立的支助账户员额", "职级\n维持和平行动部\n政策、评价和 培训司维持和平最佳做法 第1款 P-4 儿童保护顾问\n共计1", "B 2011年7月1日至2012年6月30日期间支助账户下员额的调动、改派、改叙、重组和裁撤", "调动", "维持和平行动部/行动厅/非洲一司/联合国中非共和国和乍得特派团统筹行动小组", "将1个员额(P-5高级政治事务干事)调至联合国利比里亚特派团/联合国科特迪瓦行动非洲二司统筹行动小组", "将1个员额(P-3政治事务干事)调至联合国苏丹特派团统筹行动小组非洲一司", "维持和平行动部/军事厅/军事规划处", "将2个员额(1个P-4能力发展干事和1个P-4军事政策和理论干事)调至军事顾问办公室政策和理论小组", "维持和平行动部/法治和安全机构厅/警务司", "从特派团管理和支助科将16个员额(1个P-5科长、6个P-4甄选和征聘干事、7个P-3甄选和征聘干事和2个一般事务(其他职等)行政助理)调至甄选和征聘科", "外勤支助部/外勤预算和财务司/司长办公室/外勤财务程序管理股", "将5个员额(1个P-4行政管理干事、2个P-3行政干事、1个一般事务(其他职等)财务助理和1个一般事务(其他职等)小组助理)调至前沿办公室/司长办公室(外勤预算和财务司改组)", "将2个员额(1个P-4财务干事和1个一般事务(其他职等)财务助理)调至预算和执行情况报告处(外勤预算和财务司改组)", "外勤支助部/外勤预算和财务司/司长办公室/外勤系统支助股", "调动4个员额 (1个P-4 1个P-3系统分析员、1个P-2协理方案分析员和1个一般事务(其他职等)计算机信息系统助理)调至预算和执行情况报告处(外勤预算和财务司改组)", "将1个员额(P-3方案分析员)调至通信和信息技术处处长办公室(意大利布林迪西联合国后勤基地)", "外勤支助部/外勤预算和财务司/谅解备忘录和索偿管理科", "将1个员额(P-3财务和预算干事)调至副秘书长办公室/方案执行协调小组(全球外勤支助战略)", "外勤支助部/外勤人事司/外勤人事业务处", "将2个员额(2个一般事务(其他职等)人力资源助理)调至外地中央审查委员会(联合国后勤基地)", "外勤支助部/后勤支助司/专家支助处/供应科", "将3个员额(1个P-4首席合同管理股、1个P-3合同干事和1个P-2协理合同干事)调至主任办公室(联合国后勤基地)", "外勤支助部/信息和通信技术司/外勤通信和信息技术业务处", "将2个员额(1个P-4战略部署物资储存电信干事和1个一般事务(其他职等)信息和通信技术助理)调至资产管理科/通信和信息技术处(联合国后勤基地)", "外勤支助部/信息和通信技术司/外勤通信和信息技术业务处/后勤和行政股", "将1个员额(一般事务(其他职等)行政助理)调至副秘书长办公室/方案执行协调小组(全球外勤支助战略)", "内部监督事务厅/内部审计司/联合国科索沃临时行政当局特派团", "将1个员额(P-4驻地审计员)调至内部审计司/区域审计中心(乌干达恩德培)", "内部监督事务厅/内部审计司/联合国组织刚果民主共和国稳定特派团", "将1个员额(外勤事务审计助理)调至内部审计司/区域审计中心(恩德培)", "调任", "外勤支助部/后勤支助司/专家支助处/工程科", "将1个员额(P-4工程师)改派至副秘书长办公室/方案执行协调小组(P-4方案干事)(全球外勤支助战略)", "外勤支助部/外勤人事司/外勤人事业务处", "将1个员额(P-4人力资源干事)改派至副秘书长办公室/方案执行协调小组(P-4方案干事)(全球外勤支助战略)", "内部监督事务厅/内部审计司/联合国科索沃临时行政当局特派团", "将1个员额(P-5首席驻地干事)改派至检查和评价司(P-5高级评价干事)", "改叙", "联合国监察员和调解事务办公室/联合国苏丹特派团", "改叙1个员额(本国一般事务人员行政助理改叙为外勤人员)", "联合国监察员和调解事务办公室/联合国组织刚果民主共和国稳定特派团", "改叙1个员额(本国一般事务人员行政助理改叙为外勤人员)", "改组", "维持和平行动部", "将名称从“维持和平最佳做法科”改为“政策和最佳做法处”", "在政策、评价和培训司/政策和最佳做法处设立保护协调小组", "在法治和安全机构厅/警务司设立甄选和征聘科", "外勤支助部", "撤销外勤预算和财务司外勤财务程序管理股和外勤系统支助股", "裁撤", "维持和平行动部/行动厅/非洲一司/联合国中非共和国和乍得特派团统筹行动小组", "裁撤1个员额(P-4政治事务干事)", "外勤支助部/外勤预算和财务司/司长办公室/外勤系统支助股", "裁撤1个员额(一般事务(其他职等)信息管理助理)", "外勤支助部/外勤人事司/指导和组织设计科", "裁撤1个员额(一般事务(其他职等)小组助理)", "外勤支助部/后勤支助司/业务支助处", "裁撤1个员额(一般事务(其他职等)小组助理)", "内部监督事务厅/内部审计司/联合国中非共和国和乍得特派团", "裁撤1个员额(P-5首席驻地干事)", "裁撤3个员额(1个P-4驻地审计员、1个P-3驻地审计员和1个外勤事务审计助理)", "内部监督事务厅/内部审计司/联合国科索沃临时行政当局特派团", "裁撤1个员额(本国一般事务人员行政助理)", "页:1", "2011年7月1日至2012年6月30日期间将设立的支助账户一般临时人员职位", "职位数目 职位职等 职能 □ (a) 状况\n维持和平行动部\n副秘书长办公室 前沿办公室 续设\n1个GS(OL)团队助理——组织复原力\n执行办公室——4个月,3个P-3行政干事——\n- 4个月,3个一般事务(其他职等)行政助理\nP-3 内部通信干事\n非洲二司 1名D-1特等干事\n1名P-4政治干事 续设\n1名P-3政治干事 续设\n1个GS(OL)团队助理\n1个GS(OL)\n军事顾问办公室 军事规划处 1个一般事务(其他职等)\n当前军事 业务处 1个一般事务(其他职等)\n法治和安全办公室 刑法和司法咨询服务机构 1名P-4司法干事(伊斯兰法)\n1名P-3惩教干事(部队组建) 续设\n1名P-4司法干事 新设\n政策、评价和 培训司伙伴关系小组 1个P-5高级协调干事\n1个P-4协调干事\n1个GS(OL)团队助理\n第1款 P-4 协调干事(保护平民) 新设\n2个P-3协调干事\n综合培训服务 1名P-4培训干事(SMART) 续设\n1名P-3培训干事(SMART) 续设\n2名P-4培训协调干事\n小计23\n外勤支助部\n支助非洲特派团副秘书长办公室 1名P-5高级支助干事 续设\n1名P-4支助干事\n1个GS(OL)行政助理\n前沿办公室/方案执行 协调 第1小组D-1组长 页:1 征聘、外联和护理人员发展\n科/业务 组\n4个GS(OL)人力资源助理 管理层 1个P-3人力资源干事\n司法后勤科 1个P-3空运干事 续设科/机场和航空\n终端 单位\n专家支助服务 1个P-3水工程师 续设\n1个P-3 边界分析\n小计24\n部门 管理层\n副秘书长办公室 执行办公室——4个月,3个P-4行政干事\n4个月,3个一般事务(其他职等)行政助理——总部委员会 1个P-4 能力发展干事 续设\n合同\n1个GS(OL)培训和分析助理\n方案办公室 规划、预算和账户司 1个P-4政策 指导和培训干事\n1名P-4战略部署干事 续设\n3个GS(OL)财务助理(维持和平账户) 续设\n1个GS(OL)财务助理(保险) 分析员New\n(国际公共部门会计标准) 2个P-3 会计政策 分析员New\n(国际公共部门会计标准)\n1个P-3财务干事\n1名P-2协理财务干事 续设\n财务信息 业务 1个P-4级信息系统干事 续设\n1名P-2级信息系统干事 续设\n1个GS(OL) 信息系统助理 2个P-3 财务和预算干事\n页:1\n人力资源管理办公室 1名P-2协理法律干事 续设\n1名P-3法律干事 继续学习、发展与人文 2名P-3人力资源干事 继续资源服务\n页:1\n1个GS(OL)人力资源助理\n人力资源信息系统科(新约克) 1个P-4数据站 项目 经理 续设\n1名一般事务人员(其他职等)\n人力资源信息系统科(曼谷)/InspiraCentreof 卓越 1个P-4\n1个P-3 服务台管理员 新设\n1个P-3 发展和生产支助分析继续\n1名P-2协理申请支助干事 续设\n1个GS(OL)数据库管理员 续设\n1个GS(OL)行政助理\n1个GS(PL)客户支助代表 续设\n6个GS(OL) 客户支助代表继续战略 规划和6个月P-4人力资源干事-人员配置\n助理秘书长办公室 1个P-3行政干事\n秘书长\n采购助理(供应商登记) 续设\n登记)\n3名P-3采购干事(工程、后勤、车辆) 1个P-3 空间规划干事续设事务\n页:1\n1名P-2协理信息管理干事 续设\n小计 48\n内部监督事务办公室\n执行办公室——4个月,P-3审计员——\n4个月,P-3调查员\n- 4个月,3个一般事务(其他职等)行政助理\n内部审计司 纽约\n支助非索特派团 1个P-4 驻地审计员 续设\n调查 1名P-5高级调查员 续设\n3个P-4调查员\n1名P-3调查员 续设\n1名P-3行政干事\n1个GS(OL)行政助理\n1个GS(OL)办公室助理续设\n1个GS(OL)信息技术助理 续设\n调查 维也纳分部 1个D-1副手 司长 续设\n1名P-5高级调查员 续设\n1名P-4法医调查员 续设\n1个P-4调查员 续设\n7个P-3调查员 续设\n1名一般事务人员(特等)调查助理\n1个GS(OL)调查助理\n1个GS(OL)信息技术助理 续设\n调查 内罗毕 司长 续设\n1名P-5高级调查员 续设\n1名P-4法医调查员 续设\n3个P-4调查员\n1个P-4调查员 新设\n6名P-3调查员 续设\n1个P-3 调查员 新设\n1个GS(OL)行政助理\n3个GS(OL)调查助理\n1个GS(OL)调查助理New\n调查 海地特派团 调查员 续设的联合国组织 朝鲜民主主义人民共和国 1个P-4 首席驻地 调查员 续设\n刚果共和国\n1个P-3 驻地调查员 续设\n1 NGS 行政科 续设助理\n联利支助团 1个P-4 首席驻地 调查员 续设\n2个P-3驻地调查员 续设\n1 NGS 行政科 续设助理\n联合国苏丹特派团 1个P-4 首席驻地 调查员 续设\n2个P-3 驻地 调查员 继续部署联合国 1个P-4驻地调查员 续设\n科特迪瓦\n小计 56\n秘书长办公厅——6个月,一般事务(其他职等)行政助理——\n6个月,一般事务(其他职等)行政助理\n小计 -\n联合国监察员和医务处 1个P-4办案干事\n1个GS(OL)行政助理\n小计2\n道德操守办公室 1名P-3道德操守干事\n1个GS(OL)行政助理\n小计2\n法律事务办公室\n一般法律司 1名P-4法律干事 续设\n1名P-4法律干事 新设\n1名P-3法律干事 新设\n法律顾问办公室——6个月,P-4法律干事\n小计3\n信息和通信技术办公室 第1款 P-4 项目管理(客户关系管理/部队) 续设\n捐款管理) 1个P-3 信息系统干事(客户关系管理/部队) 续设\n捐款管理)\n1个P-4项目管理员(口粮管理系统) 续设\n小计3 行政和预算问题咨询委员会 1个P-4 行政管理干事 续设\n秘书处\n总计162个职位(其中11个为新职位)\n和92个人月(位置少于12个月)^(b)", "缩写:GS(OL):一般事务人员(其他职等);GS(PL):一般事务人员(特等);NGS:本国一般事务人员。", "^(a) 一般临时人员职位的具体分配载于秘书长关于2011年7月1日至2012年6月30日期间维持和平行动支助账户预算的报告(A/65/761),行政和预算问题咨询委员会的相关报告(A/65/827)提及了这些职位,但行动厅/非洲二司维持和平行动部1个P-4职位、空运科/机场和航空站股外勤支助部1个P-3职位以及调查司/内罗毕内部监督事务厅1个P-4、1个P-3和1个一般事务(其他职等)职位除外。", "^(b) 人员月数列在 \" 员额水平 \" 一栏。", "决议草案三 意大利布林迪西联合国后勤基地经费的筹措", "大会,", "回顾其1994年12月23日第49/233 A号决议第十四节和2007年12月22日第62/231号决议,", "又回顾其1996年9月17日关于意大利布林迪西联合国后勤基地经费筹措的第50/500号决定及其后各项有关决议,最近的是2010年6月24日第64/270号决议,", "还回顾其2002年6月27日关于设立战略部署储备的第56/292号决议及其后关于战略部署储备执行情况的各项决议,最近的是第64/270号决议,", "审议了秘书长关于联合国后勤基地经费筹措的报告[19] 以及行政和预算问题咨询委员会的有关报告,[20]", "重申准确清点资产的重要性,", "1. 联合国 1. 赞赏地注意到意大利政府为意大利布林迪西联合国后勤基地和西班牙政府为西班牙巴伦西亚二级运行状态电信设施提供设施;", "2. 联合国 2. 认可行政和预算问题咨询委员会报告2 所载的结论和建议,但以符合本决议的规定为前提,并请秘书长确保予以充分落实;", "3个 11. 表示注意到咨询委员会报告第22段,并决定不将机场和航空站标准职能移交给联合国后勤基地;", " 4.四. 2. 又注意到咨询委员会报告第30段;", "5 (韩语). 10. 请秘书长确保大会2005年6月22日第59/296号、2006年6月30日第60/266号、2007年6月29日第61/276号、2010年6月24日第64/269号和2011年6月30日第65/289号决议及其他相关决议的相关规定得到充分执行;", "2009年7月1日至2010年6月30日期间财政执行情况报告", "6. 国家 2. 表示注意到秘书长关于联合国后勤基地2009年7月1日至2010年6月30日期间财政执行情况的报告;[21]", "2011年7月1日至2012年6月30日期间预算估计数", "7. 联合国 核准联合国后勤基地2011年7月1日至2012年6月30日期间费用估计数68 512 500美元;", "预算估计数的筹措", "8. 联合国 决定按下列方式筹措联合国后勤基地2011年7月1日至2012年6月30日期间所需经费:", "(a) 国家 2010年6月30日终了财政期间未支配余额和其他收入共计2 559 200美元,以及1996/97至2003/04年期间未用资金余额1 149 900美元,将用作2011年7月1日至2012年6月30日期间所需资源;", "(b) 国家 缺额64 803 400美元由在役维持和平行动2011年7月1日至2012年6月30日期间预算按比例分摊;", "(c)) 工作人员薪金税收入估计数6 808 200美元,即2011年7月1日至2012年6月30日期间6 249 900美元和2009年7月1日至2010年6月30日期间增加额558 300美元,由上文(b)分段所述缺额抵消,由各在役维持和平行动预算按比例分摊;", "9. 国家 23. 又决定大会第六十六届会议审议意大利布林迪西联合国后勤基地经费的筹措问题。", "决议草案 四 确定向会员国偿还特遣队所属装备费用的改良程序", "大会,", "审议了秘书长关于确定向会员国偿还特遣队所属装备费用的改良程序的报告、[22] 工作组主席转递第五委员会主席的2011年特遣队所属装备问题工作组的报告[23] 和行政和预算问题咨询委员会的有关报告,[24]", "1. 联合国 1. 注意到秘书长的报告1 和2011年特遣队所属装备问题工作组的报告;2", "2. 联合国 2. 认可行政和预算问题咨询委员会报告3 所载的结论和建议,并请秘书长确保予以充分落实。", "决议草案五 已结束的维持和平特派团", "大会,", "审议了秘书长关于已结束的维持和平特派团截至2008年6月30日和2009年6月30日的最新财务状况的报告[25] 以及行政和预算问题咨询委员会的有关报告,[26]", "又审议了秘书长关于已结束的维持和平特派团截至2010年6月30日的最新财务状况的报告[27] 以及行政和预算问题咨询委员会的有关报告,[28]", "1. 联合国 表示注意到秘书长关于已结束的维持和平特派团截至2010年6月30日的最新财务状况的报告3 以及行政和预算问题咨询委员会的有关报告,4 但以符合本决议的规定为前提;", "2. 联合国 2. 强调所有会员国均应按时、足额和无条件地履行《联合国宪章》规定的财政义务;", "3个 5. 敦促拖欠已结束的维持和平特派团摊款的会员国从速缴纳摊款;", " 4.四. 2. 促请所有会员国尽力确保足额缴付其摊款;", "5 (韩语). 15. 决定将70 600美元,即联合国伊拉克-科威特观察团账户可动用的调整后净贷项的三分之二,退还科威特政府;", "6. 国家 请秘书长根据适用于每个特派团上次摊款的比额表,退还截至2010年6月30日可贷记会员国账下的现金净额230 745 000美元的78.01%,即1.8亿美元;", "7. 联合国 16. 决定在大会第六十六届会议续会第二期会议题为“联合国维持和平行动经费筹措的行政和预算问题”的议程项目下,审议已结束的维持和平特派团的状况,包括上文第5和6段执行后,确定截至2010年6月30日欠会员国的其余数额为50 674 400美元,并请秘书长向大会提出具体建议和备选办法,供大会审议和核准,以解决现金净短缺的已结束的维持和平特派团拖欠会员国的款项问题。", "[1] A/65/715。", "[2] A/65/644和Corr.1。", "[3] A/65/742。", "[4] A/65/738。", "[5] A/65/643和A/65/696和Corr.1。", "[6] A/63/675和Corr.1。", "[7] A/65/271(Part II)。", "[8] A/65/743和A/63/746(第二节)。", "[9] A/65/743。", "[10] A/65/760。", "[11] ST/SGB/2003/7。", "[12] A/65/624和Corr.1。", "[13] A/65/610和Add.1。", "[14] A/65/761,Corr.1和2。", "[15] A/65/765。", "[16] A/65/734。", "[17] A/65/827。", "[18] A/65/762。", "[19] A/65/642和A/65/760。", "[20] A/65/743/Add.12。", "[21] A/65/642。", "[22] A/65/800。", "[23] 见A/C.5/65/16。", "[24] A/65/830。", "[25] A/63/581和A/64/605。", "[26] A/63/856和A/64/659和Corr.1。", "[27] A/65/556。", "[28] A/65/775。" ]
[ "Letter dated 7 July 2011 from the Secretary-General addressed to the President of the Security Council", "I have the honour to refer to Security Council resolution 1980 (2011) concerning Côte d’Ivoire, adopted on 28 April 2011. By paragraph 13 of the resolution, the Council decided to extend the mandate by the Group of Experts until 30 April 2012 and requested me to take the necessary administrative measures.", "Accordingly, I wish to inform you that, after consulting with the Security Council Committee established pursuant to resolution 1572 (2004) concerning Côte d’Ivoire, I have appointed the following experts:", "Mr. Ilhan Mehmet Berkol, Turkey (Customs/transport)", "Ms. Omayra Bermúdez-Lugo, United States of America (diamonds)", "Mr. Joel Salek, Colombia (finance)", "Mr. Manuel Vazquez-Boidard, Spain (regional).", "I should be grateful if you would bring this information to the attention of the members of the Security Council.", "(Signed) BAN Ki-moon" ]
[ "2011年7月7日秘书长给安全理事会主席的信", "谨提及2011年4月28日通过的安全理事会关于科特迪瓦的第1980(2011)号决议。安理会在该决议第13段中决定,将专家组任期延长至2012年4月30日,并请我采取必要行政措施。", "特此通知你,经与安全理事会关于科特迪瓦的第1572(2004)号决议所设委员会协商,我已任命下列专家:", "伊尔汗·穆罕默德·贝尔科尔先生(土耳其)(海关/运输)", "奥马伊拉·贝穆德斯-卢戈女士(美利坚合众国)(钻石)", "若埃尔·沙莱克先生(哥伦比亚)(金融)", "曼努埃尔·巴斯克斯-布瓦达尔先生(西班牙)(区域问题)", "请提请安全理事会成员注意此事为荷。", "潘基文(签名)" ]
[ "2011年7月7日秘书长给安全理事会主席的信", "谨提及2011年4月28日通过的安全理事会关于科特迪瓦的第1980(2011)号决议。 安理会在该决议第13段中决定将专家组的任务期限延长至2012年4月30日,并请我采取必要的行政措施。", "因此,谨通知你,经同安全理事会关于科特迪瓦的第1572(2004)号决议所设委员会协商,我已任命下列专家:", "Ilhan Mehmet Berkol先生,土耳其(海关/运输)", "Omayra Bermúdez-Lugo女士,美利坚合众国(钻石)", "Joel Salek先生,哥伦比亚(金融)", "Manuel Vazquez-Boidard先生,西班牙(区域)。", "请提请安全理事会成员注意此事为荷。", "潘基文(签名)" ]
[ "Substantive session of 2011", "Geneva, 4-29 July 2011", "Agenda item 6 (b)", "Implementation of and follow-up to major United Nations", "conferences and summits: review and coordination of the", "implementation of the Programme of Action for the Least", "Developed Countries for the Decade 2001-2010", "Draft resolution submitted by the Vice-President of the Council, Miloš Koterec (Slovakia), on the basis of informal consultations on draft resolution E/2011/L.16", "Programme of Action for the Least Developed Countries for the Decade 2011-2020", "The Economic and Social Council,", "Recalling the Istanbul Declaration and Programme of Action for the Least Developed Countries for the Decade 2011-2020,[1] adopted by the Fourth United Nations Conference on the Least Developed Countries and endorsed by the General Assembly in resolution 65/280 of 17 June 2011, in which the Assembly called upon all the relevant stakeholders to commit to implementing the Programme of Action,", "Reaffirming the overarching goal of the Istanbul Programme of Action of overcoming the structural challenges faced by the least developed countries in order to eradicate poverty, achieve internationally agreed development goals and enable graduation from the least developed country category,", "Recalling its resolution 2010/27 of 23 July 2010 on the implementation of the Programme of Action for the Least Developed Countries for the Decade 2001-2010,", "1. Takes note of the oral report of the High Representative for the Least Developed Countries, Landlocked Developing Countries and Small Island Developing States on the implementation of the Istanbul Programme of Action for the Least Developed Countries for the Decade 2011-2020;", "2. Expresses its profound gratitude to the Government and the people of the Republic of Turkey for hosting the Fourth United Nations Conference on the Least Developed Countries in Istanbul from 9 to 13 May 2011 and for providing all the necessary support, and expresses its gratitude to other donors and contributors for their generous contributions to the Conference and its preparatory process;", "3. Welcomes with appreciation the decisions taken by the Executive Boards of the United Nations Development Programme, the United Nations Population Fund, the United Nations Office for Project Services, the United Nations Children’s Fund and UN-Women at their 2011 annual sessions to integrate the Istanbul Programme of Action within their respective programmes of work;", "4. Invites all other organizations of the United Nations system and other multilateral organizations, including the Bretton Woods institutions and international and regional financial institutions, to contribute to the implementation of the Istanbul Programme of Action and to integrate it into their programmes of work, as appropriate and in accordance with their respective mandates, and to participate fully in its review at the national, subregional, regional and global levels;", "5. Invites its subsidiary bodies, including the functional commissions and regional commissions, to make effective contributions to the implementation and review of the Istanbul Programme of Action, in accordance with their respective mandates;", "6. Decides to include the Istanbul Programme of Action as part of its review of the implementation of and follow-up to major United Nations conferences and summits;", "7. Calls upon the least developed countries, with the support of their development partners, to promote implementation of the Istanbul Programme of Action, including by integrating its provisions into their national policies and development framework and conducting regular reviews with the full involvement of all key stakeholders;", "8. Also calls upon the least developed countries, in cooperation with their development partners, to broaden their existing country review mechanisms, including those for the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals, and the implementation of poverty reduction strategy papers, common country assessments and United Nations Development Assistance Frameworks, and the existing consultative mechanisms to cover the review of the Istanbul Programme of Action;", "9. Calls upon the development partners and all other relevant actors to implement the Istanbul Programme of Action by integrating it into their respective national cooperation policy frameworks, programmes and activities, as appropriate, to ensure enhanced, predictable and targeted support to the least developed countries, as set out in the Istanbul Programme of Action, and the delivery of their commitments, and to consider appropriate measures to overcome shortfalls or shortcomings, if any;", "10. Underlines the need to undertake necessary steps to ensure mutual accountability of least developed countries and their development partners for delivering their commitments undertaken under the Istanbul Programme of Action;", "11. Decides to include the review of the implementation of the Istanbul Programme of Action in its annual ministerial review in 2015;", "12. Also decides that the Development Cooperation Forum should take into consideration the Istanbul Programme of Action when it reviews the trends in international development cooperation, as well as policy coherence for development;", "13. Requests the Secretary-General to submit a progress report on the implementation of the Istanbul Programme of Action for the Least Developed Countries for the Decade 2011-2020 to the Economic and Social Council at its substantive session of 2012 under the sub-item entitled “Review and coordination of the implementation of the Istanbul Programme of Action for the Least Developed Countries for the Decade 2011-2020.", "[1] E/2011/100 and Corr.1." ]
[ "2011年实质性会议", "2011年7月4日至29日,日内瓦", "议程项目6(b)", "联合国各次主要会议和首脑会议成果的执行和 后续行动:《2001-2010十年期支援最不发达 国家行动纲领》执行工作的审查和协调", "经社理事会副主席米洛什·科捷雷奇先生(斯洛伐克)在对E/2001/L.16号决议草案进行的非正式协商基础上提出的决议草案", "《2011-2020十年期支援最不发达国家行动纲领》", "经济及社会理事会,", "回顾第四次联合国最不发达国家问题会议通过并经大会2011年6月17日第65/280号决议认可的《伊斯坦布尔宣言》和《2011-2020十年期支援最不发达国家行动纲领》,[1] 大会在该项决议中呼吁所有相关利益攸关方承诺执行《行动纲领》,", "重申《伊斯坦布尔行动纲领》的首要目标是战胜最不发达国家面临的结构性挑战,消除贫穷,实现国际商定发展目标,从而能够脱离最不发达国家的定位,", "回顾其2010年7月23日关于《2001-2010十年期支援最不发达国家行动纲领》执行情况的第2010/27号决议,", "1. 注意到最不发达国家、内陆发展中国家和小岛屿发展中国家高级代表就《2011-2020十年期支援最不发达国家行动纲领》执行情况提出的口头报告;", "2. 深切感谢土耳其政府和人民2011年5月9日至13日在伊斯坦布尔主办第四次联合国最不发达国家问题会议并提供一切必要支持,还感谢其他捐助者和捐款者对会议和会议筹备工作作出慷慨贡献;", "3. 赞赏地欢迎联合国开发计划署、联合国人口基金、联合国项目事务厅、联合国儿童基金会和妇女署的执行局在各自2011年度会议上决定将《伊斯坦布尔行动纲领》列入其工作方案;", "4. 邀请联合国系统所有其他组织和其他多边组织,包括布雷顿森林机构及国际和区域金融机构,视情况并根据各自的任务,协助执行《伊斯坦布尔行动纲领》并将其纳入各自的工作方案,全面参与国家、次区域、区域和全球各级的《行动纲领》执行情况审查;", "5. 邀请其各职司委员会和区域委员会等附属机构根据各自的任务,对《伊斯坦布尔行动纲领》的执行和审查工作作出切实贡献;", "6. 决定将《伊斯坦布尔行动纲领》作为其对联合国各次主要会议和首脑会议执行和后续行动的审查的一部分;", "7. 呼吁最不发达国家在合作伙伴的支持下,促进《伊斯坦布尔行动纲领》的执行工作,包括在本国政策和发展框架内列入该纲领的规定,在所有重要利益攸关方全面参与下进行定期审查;", "8. 又呼吁最不发达国家同发展伙伴合作,扩大本国现有的审查机制,包括实现千年发展目标及减贫战略文件、共同国家评估、联合国发展援助框架执行情况的审查机制,以及现有的协商机制,以涵盖对《伊斯坦布尔行动纲领》的审查;", "9. 呼吁发展伙伴和所有其他相关行为体执行《伊斯坦布尔行动纲领》,酌情将其列入本国的合作政策框架、方案和活动;确保依照《伊斯坦布尔行动纲领》的规定,向最不发达国家提供更多、可预测和有针对性的支持,并履行承诺;考虑采取适当措施,弥补可能存在的任何短缺或不足之处;", "10. 着重指出,需要采取必要步骤,确保最不发达国家及其发展伙伴对履行各自根据《伊斯坦布尔行动纲领》作出的承诺相互问责;", "11. 决定在2015年年度部长级审查中纳入《伊斯坦布尔行动纲领》执行情况的审查;", "12. 又决定,发展合作论坛在审查国际发展合作趋势和发展政策协调时,应考虑到《伊斯坦布尔行动纲领》;", "13. 请秘书长在题为“《2011-2020十年期支援最不发达国家行动纲领》执行工作的审查和协调”分项下,向经济及社会理事会2012年实质性会议提交一份进展报告,说明《2011-2020十年期支援最不发达国家行动纲领》的执行情况。", "[1] E/2011/100和Corr.1。" ]
[ "2011年实质性会议", "2011年7月4日至29日,日内瓦", "议程项目6(b)", "联合国各次主要会议和首脑会议成果的执行和后续行动", "世界首脑会议的后续行动:审查和协调", "行动纲领》的执行情况", "《2001-2010十年期支援最不发达国家行动纲领》", "理事会副主席米洛什·科捷雷奇(斯洛伐克)在就决议草案E/2011/L.16进行的非正式协商基础上提出的决议草案", "2011-2020十年期支援最不发达国家行动纲领", "经济及社会理事会,", "回顾第四次联合国最不发达国家问题会议通过的并经大会2011年6月17日第65/280号决议核可的《2011-2020十年期支援最不发达国家行动纲领》,[1] 大会在该决议中吁请所有相关利益攸关方承诺执行《行动纲领》,", "重申《伊斯坦布尔行动纲领》的首要目标是克服最不发达国家面临的结构性挑战,以消除贫穷,实现国际商定的发展目标并使其能够从最不发达国家类别毕业,", "回顾其关于《2001-2010十年期支援最不发达国家行动纲领》执行情况的2010年7月23日第2010/27号决议,", "1. 联合国 1. 表示注意到最不发达国家、内陆发展中国家和小岛屿发展中国家高级代表关于《2011-2020十年期支援最不发达国家行动纲领》执行情况的口头报告;", "2. 联合国 1. 深切感谢土耳其共和国政府和人民于2011年5月9日至13日在伊斯坦布尔主办第四次联合国最不发达国家问题会议并提供一切必要的支持,并感谢其他捐助方和捐助方为会议及其筹备进程提供慷慨捐助;", "3个 赞赏地欢迎联合国开发计划署、联合国人口基金、联合国项目事务厅、联合国儿童基金会和妇女署执行局在其2011年年度会议上决定将《伊斯坦布尔行动纲领》纳入各自的工作方案;", " 4.四. 9. 邀请联合国系统所有其他组织和其他多边组织,包括布雷顿森林机构以及国际和区域金融机构,为执行《伊斯坦布尔行动纲领》作出贡献,并依照各自的任务规定,酌情将其纳入各自的工作方案,并充分参与国家、次区域、区域和全球各级对《纲领》的审查;", "5 (韩语). 8. 邀请其附属机构,包括各职司委员会和区域委员会,根据各自的任务规定,为《伊斯坦布尔行动纲领》的执行和审查作出有效贡献;", "6. 国家 1. 决定将《伊斯坦布尔行动纲领》列为大会审查联合国各次主要会议和首脑会议成果执行情况和后续行动的一部分;", "7. 联合国 4. 吁请最不发达国家在其发展伙伴的支持下,促进执行《伊斯坦布尔行动纲领》,包括将《纲领》的规定纳入国家政策和发展框架,并进行所有关键利益攸关方充分参与的定期审查;", "8. 联合国 4. 又吁请最不发达国家同其发展伙伴合作,扩大现有的国家审查机制,包括实现千年发展目标、减贫战略文件、共同国家评估和联合国发展援助框架执行情况的审查机制,以及现有的协商机制,以包括审查《伊斯坦布尔行动纲领》;", "9. 国家 5. 吁请发展伙伴和所有其他相关行为体执行《伊斯坦布尔行动纲领》,酌情将其纳入各自的国家合作政策框架、方案和活动,以确保按照《伊斯坦布尔行动纲领》的规定向最不发达国家提供更多、可预测和有针对性的支持并履行承诺,并考虑采取适当措施来克服可能存在的不足之处;", "10个 4. 着重指出需要采取必要步骤,确保最不发达国家及其发展伙伴在履行根据《伊斯坦布尔行动纲领》所作出的承诺方面相互问责;", "11个 3. 决定在2015年年度部长级审查中列入对《伊斯坦布尔行动纲领》执行情况的审查;", "12个 2. 又决定发展合作论坛在审查国际发展合作趋势以及发展政策一致性时应考虑到《伊斯坦布尔行动纲领》;", "13个 请秘书长在题为“审查和协调《2011-2020十年期支援最不发达国家行动纲领》的执行情况”的分项下,向经济及社会理事会2012年实质性会议提交关于《2011-2020十年期支援最不发达国家行动纲领》执行情况的进度报告。", "[1] E/2011/100和Corr.1。" ]
[ "Substantive session of 2011", "Geneva, 4-29 July 2011", "Agenda item 6", "Implementation of and follow-up to major United Nations conferences and summits", "Draft decision submitted by the Vice-President of the Council, Miloš Koterec (Slovakia), on the basis of informal consultations", "Report of the Committee on World Food Security to the Economic and Social Council", "Economic and Social Council,", "Recalling its decision 1999/212 of 25 March 1999 concerning the submission to the Council every four years, starting in 1999, of a report on progress in the implementation of the World Food Summit Plan of Action, taking note of the reform of the Committee on World Food Security in 2009, which was endorsed by the Conference of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations at its thirty-sixth session, in November 2009, and taking note especially of the recommendations contained in paragraphs 6 (ii) and 21 of the Committee on World Food Security reform document:[1]", "(a) Decides to discontinue its quadrennial consideration of reports on progress in the implementation of the World Food Summit Plan of Action, with effect from 2011;", "(b) Invites the Chair of the Committee on World Food Security to transmit to the Economic and Social Council every year, starting in 2012, a report on the main decisions and policy recommendations made and the results achieved by the Committee in the area of food security and nutrition, in accordance with its new roles and vision.", "[1] Report of the thirty-fifth session of the Committee on World Food Security, Rome, 14, 15 and 17 October 2009 (C 2009/21-Rev.1), appendix H." ]
[ "2011年实质性会议", "2011年7月4日至29日,日内瓦", "议程项目6", "联合国各次主要会议和首脑会议 成果的执行和后续行动", "经社理事会副主席米洛什·科捷雷奇(斯洛伐克)在非正式协商基础上提出的决定草案", "世界粮食安全委员会向经济及社会理事会提交的报告", "经济及社会理事会,", "回顾其1999年3月25日关于自1999年起每四年向理事会提交《世界粮食首脑会议行动计划》执行进展报告的第1999/212号决定,注意到在2009年对世界粮食安全委员会进行的改革,以及这项改革得到2009年11月世界粮食及农业组织第三十六届大会的认可,特别注意到世界粮食安全委员会改革文件第6(II)和第21段所载的建议:[1]", "(a) 决定自2011年起停止每四年审议《世界粮食首脑会议行动计划》执行进展报告;", "(b) 邀请世界粮食安全委员会主席自2012年起每年向经济及社会理事会转递一份报告,说明委员会根据其新的作用和愿景,在粮食安全和营养领域作出的主要决定、提出的政策建议以及取得的成果。", "[1] 世界粮食安全委员会第三十五届会议的报告,2009年10月14、15和17日,罗马(C 2009/21-Rev.1),附录H。" ]
[ "2011年实质性会议", "2011年7月4日至29日,日内瓦", "议程项目6", "联合国各次主要会议和首脑会议的执行和后续行动", "理事会副主席米洛什·科捷雷克(斯洛伐克)在非正式协商基础上提出的决定草案", "世界粮食安全委员会给经济及社会理事会的报告", "经济及社会理事会,", "回顾其1999年3月25日第1999/212号决定,其中决定从1999年起每四年向理事会提交一份关于《世界粮食首脑会议行动计划》执行进展情况的报告,注意到世界粮食安全委员会2009年的改革,2009年11月联合国粮食及农业组织大会第三十六届会议核可了这一改革,并特别注意到世界粮食安全改革委员会文件 第6(二)和21段所载的建议:[1]", "(a) 决定自2011年起停止对《世界粮食首脑会议行动计划》执行进度报告的四年期审议;", "(b) 邀请世界粮食安全委员会主席从2012年起每年向经济及社会理事会提交一份报告,说明委员会根据其新的作用和愿景在粮食安全和营养领域作出的主要决定和提出的政策建议以及取得的成果。", "[1] 世界粮食安全委员会第三十五届会议的报告,2009年10月14日、15日和17日,罗马(C 2009/21-Rev.1),附录H。" ]
[ "International Law Commission", "Sixty-third session", "Geneva, 26 April-3 June and 4 July-12 August 2011", "Fourth report on the protection of persons in the event of disasters", "by Eduardo Valencia-Ospina, Special Rapporteur", "Corrigendum", "Paragraph 77, paragraph 2 of draft article 11", "Delete, paragraph 1, after article 12" ]
[ "国际法委员会", "第六十三届会议", "2011年4月26日至6月3日和 7月4日至8月12日,日内瓦", "关于发生灾害时的人员保护问题的第四次报告", "特别报告员:爱德华德·巴伦西亚-奥斯皮纳", "更正", "第77段,第11条草案第2款", "删去第12条后面的第1款" ]
[ "国际法委员会", "第六十三届会议", "2011年4月26日至6月3日和7月4日至8月12日,日内瓦", "关于发生灾害时的人员保护的第四次报告", "特别报告员:爱德华多·巴伦西亚-奥斯皮纳", "页:1", "第11条草案第77条第2款", "删除第1款后 第12条" ]
[ "Sixty-sixth session", "Item 104 of the preliminary list*", "Strengthening of security and cooperation in the Mediterranean region", "Strengthening of security and cooperation in the Mediterranean region", "* A/66/50.", "Report of the Secretary-General", "Contents", "Page\nI.Introduction 2II.Replies 3 received from \nGovernments \nIraq 3\nJordan 5\nLebanon 7\nNetherlands 7\nSpain 7", "I. Introduction", "1. The General Assembly, in its resolution 65/90, commended the Mediterranean countries for their efforts in meeting common challenges through coordinated overall responses, based on a spirit of multilateral partnership, towards the general objective of turning the Mediterranean basin into an area of dialogue, exchanges and cooperation, guaranteeing peace, stability and prosperity; encouraged them to strengthen such efforts through, inter alia, a lasting multilateral and action-oriented cooperative dialogue among States of the region; and recognized the role of the United Nations in promoting regional and international peace and security.", "2. The General Assembly recognized that the elimination of the economic and social disparities in levels of development and other obstacles as well as respect and greater understanding among cultures in the Mediterranean area would contribute to enhancing peace, security and cooperation among Mediterranean countries through the existing forums.", "3. The General Assembly called upon all States of the Mediterranean region that had not yet done so to adhere to all the multilaterally negotiated legal instruments related to disarmament and non-proliferation, thus creating the conditions necessary for strengthening peace and cooperation in the region. The Assembly encouraged all States of the region to favour the conditions necessary for strengthening the confidence-building measures among them by promoting genuine openness and transparency on all military matters, by participating, inter alia, in the United Nations system for the standardized reporting of military expenditures and by providing accurate data and information to the United Nations Register of Conventional Arms.", "4. The General Assembly encouraged the Mediterranean countries to strengthen further their cooperation in combating terrorism in all its forms and manifestations, including the possible resort by terrorists to weapons of mass destruction, taking into account the relevant resolutions of the United Nations, and in combating international crime and illicit arms transfers and illicit drug production, consumption and trafficking, which pose a serious threat to peace, security and stability in the region and therefore to the improvement of the current political, economic and social situation and which jeopardize friendly relations among States, hinder the development of international cooperation and result in the destruction of human rights, fundamental freedoms and the democratic basis of pluralistic society.", "5. Furthermore, the General Assembly requested the Secretary-General to submit a report to the Assembly at its sixty-sixth session on means to strengthen security and cooperation in the Mediterranean region. The present report is submitted in compliance with that request and on the basis of information received from Member States.", "6. In this connection, a note verbale dated 11 April 2011 was sent to all Member States requesting their views on the subject. The replies received are contained in section II below. Additional replies will be issued as addenda to the present report.", "II. Replies received from Governments", "Iraq", "[Original: Arabic] [13 May 2011]", "Position of Iraq regarding General Assembly resolution 65/90 on strengthening of security and cooperation in the Mediterranean region", "1. In keeping with its belief in the importance of international peace and security, the Government of Iraq strives to help bring about a world free of nuclear weapons and supports all efforts in that regard.", "2. The Government of Iraq is firmly convinced that respecting and implementing disarmament instruments is a common responsibility. In addition to respecting those instruments, the Government also respects international arrangements pertaining to disarmament, arms control and non-proliferation. In that connection, article 9 (e) of the Iraqi Constitution provides that the Iraqi Government shall respect and implement Iraq’s international obligations regarding the non-proliferation, non‑development, non-production and non-use of nuclear, chemical, and biological weapons, and shall prohibit associated equipment, materiel, technologies, and delivery systems for use in the development, manufacture, production and use of such weapons. Iraq also strives diligently to help make the Middle East a region free of nuclear weapons.", "3. Article 8 of the Iraqi Constitution provides that Iraq shall respect the principle of good-neighbourliness, undertake not to interfere in the internal affairs of other States, strive to resolve conflicts peacefully, base its relations on common interests and reciprocity, and honour its international obligations.", "4. As a neighbour of the Mediterranean States, Iraq supports all multilateral efforts aimed at establishing cooperation, dialogue and cordial relations founded on cooperation, mutual respect and non-interference in internal affairs, thereby enhancing international and regional peace and security.", "5. The Government of Iraq reiterates its principled position that conflicts should be resolved peacefully through constructive diplomatic dialogue.", "6. The Government affirms that preventing the proliferation of nuclear weapons cannot be achieved unless all States accede to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons and the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty and place all of their nuclear facilities and programmes under comprehensive International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) safeguards, so as to ensure that they are being used for peaceful purposes. States’ voluntary application of the IAEA Additional Protocol and efforts to encourage universal adherence thereto will strengthen the Agency’s verification role.", "7. Iraq acceded to the Non-Proliferation Treaty in 1969 and signed the Protocol Additional to the Safeguards Agreement on 9 October 2008. The Additional Protocol is currently before the Council of Representatives for ratification. Iraq formally notified IAEA that, on 17 February 2010, it had begun to apply voluntarily the Additional Protocol, in accordance with its article 17. In that connection, Iraq submitted its initial declaration on 16 July 2010. Iraq also ratified the Chemical Weapons Convention in February 2009, signed the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty on 19 August 2008 and became a party the Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production and Stockpiling of Bacteriological (Biological) and Toxin Weapons and on Their Destruction in 1991.", "8. Iraq strives to counter terrorism in all its forms and manifestations, including the use of weapons of mass destruction by terrorists, thereby contributing greatly to ensuring security and stability in the region. The Government of Iraq affirms that nuclear terrorism is one of the greatest and most serious threats to international security. Intensified nuclear safety measures are essential to preventing terrorists and other unauthorized parties from obtaining nuclear material. Certain terrorist groups have the will and capacity to wreak massive destruction using nuclear weapons should the resources become available on the black market. Demands to rid the world of nuclear weapons are therefore perfectly legitimate and will spare the world from the danger of nuclear terrorism.", "9. The Government of Iraq affirms that, in order to ensure that nuclear materials are not obtained by non-Government parties, it is essential to find ways of securely storing those materials, disposing of nuclear waste, guaranteeing the security of nuclear installations and developing new technology for the treatment of spent fuel.", "10. The National Monitoring Directorate established by the Iraqi Government has drafted a law that would lead to the creation of a permanent, unified national system that will enable Iraq to fulfil its commitments under instruments concerning the non‑proliferation of chemical and biological weapons and their delivery systems. That law would apply to all peaceful activities, including those related to material, equipment and technology, and related production, possession, use, storage, import, export, transport, disposal and other activities, in order to ensure that they are not diverted to prohibited activities, and would prescribe penalties. It would also put in place mechanisms for submitting declarations, issuing permits and tracing dual-use substances, in accordance with the Safeguards Agreement pursuant to the Non‑Proliferation Treaty, the chemical weapons verification regime and the Biological Weapons Convention.", "11. The Government of Iraq notes the importance of supporting the IAEA Nuclear Security Plan for 2010-2013 that was put forward by its Director General inasmuch as it contributes to global efforts to achieve effective security for all nuclear and radioactive materials used, stored and transported throughout the world, as well as related installations, by supporting States’ efforts to achieve and maintain effective nuclear security and by providing facilities and developing human resources. States must be called upon to safeguard and effectively secure any nuclear material they possess, including nuclear material that is to be used for nuclear weapons and in nuclear installations under their control, and to prevent any non-Government parties from obtaining the requisite information and technologies to use such materials for criminal purposes.", "12. The Government of Iraq affirms the inalienable right of States to use nuclear energy for peaceful purposes and, to that end, to obtain and exchange technology without discrimination and without the imposition of any obstacles, binding conditions or selective restrictions that would not be in conformity with the spirit and provisions of the Treaty.", "13. The Government of Iraq supports the efforts of States parties aimed at achieving the universality of the comprehensive safeguards regime. However, at the same time, it affirms that the Additional Protocol is voluntary, and cannot therefore be considered as a condition for the import of nuclear technology for peaceful purposes.", "Jordan", "[Original: Arabic] [1 June 2011]", "Strengthening of security and cooperation in the Mediterranean region", "1. Jordan fully supports General Assembly resolution 65/90 on strengthening of security and cooperation in the Mediterranean region and has consistently sought to foster peace and security in that region.", "2. Jordan welcomes all efforts to strengthen cooperation in the Mediterranean region aimed at countering terrorism in all its forms and manifestations, preventing terrorists from using weapons of mass destruction and combating organized crime and illicit arms trafficking. Jordan has been a regional leader in acceding to international instruments and supporting international initiatives concerning counter-terrorism, the non-proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and international crime. Following are some of those instruments and initiatives:", "(a) United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime", "(b) Convention on Certain Conventional Weapons", "(c) Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons", "(d) Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty", "(e) Chemical Weapons Convention", "(f) Biological Weapons Convention", "(g) Convention on the Marking of Plastic Explosives for the Purpose of Detection", "(h) Global Initiative to Combat Nuclear Terrorism", "(i) Proliferation Security Initiative", "(j) Convention for the Suppression of Unlawful Seizure of Aircraft", "(k) Convention on Offences and Certain Other Acts Committed on Board Aircraft", "(l) Convention for the Suppression of Unlawful Acts against the Safety of Civil Aviation", "(m) International Convention against the Taking of Hostages", "(n) International Convention for the Suppression of the Financing of Terrorism.", "3. Jordan believes that peace and stability in the Mediterranean region is of vital importance and a fundamental requirement for the economic and social development of all peoples of the region, inasmuch as such development will contribute significantly to regional stability and peace. Jordan supports the efforts of the United Nations aimed at strengthening confidence-building measures and promoting transparency at the regional and international levels, with a view to establishing peace and security throughout the world.", "4. Jordan abides by all Security Council resolutions concerning weapons of mass destruction, disarmament and the suppression of the illicit trade in small arms and light weapons. Transparency in armaments is essential to establishing a climate of trust and cooperation in the Mediterranean region. Jordan has therefore consistently urged the States of the region to respect United Nations resolutions and bilateral, regional and international instruments, and to accede to international instruments concerning arms control and non-proliferation, with a view to establishing peace and security throughout the world, in particular in the Mediterranean and Middle East regions.", "5. Jordan maintains close relations with the States of the Mediterranean region based on cooperation and common security, with a view to establishing peace and security in the region and eliminating the causes of tension and the consequent threat to peace and security. In 1994, Jordan concluded a peace treaty with Israel. Since that time, Jordan has been a regional leader in acceding to international instruments concerning arms control and the non-proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, with the aim of establishing a zone free of weapons of mass destruction in the Middle East. The establishment of such a zone would help to transform the Mediterranean region into an area of peace, democracy, cooperation and prosperity. Jordan affirms that it is vital to continue peace negotiations in the region and arrive at a peaceful, just and comprehensive solution for all parties, thus ensuring the withdrawal of foreign occupation forces and respect for the sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity of all countries of the Mediterranean and the right of peoples to self-determination, as well as the principles of non-interference, non-intervention, non-use of force or threat of use of force and the inadmissibility of the acquisition of territory by force, in accordance with the Charter and the relevant resolutions of the United Nations.", "6. All countries of the Mediterranean region should make a greater, more concerted effort to strengthen economic, social and cultural cooperation. In 1995, Jordan joined the dialogue between the North Atlantic Treaty Organization and the Mediterranean States because it recognizes that European security is closely linked to security and stability in the Mediterranean and Middle East regions, and is based on a spirit of partnership and a desire to turn the Mediterranean basin into an area of dialogue, exchange and cooperation, thus ensuring peace, stability and prosperity for the States of the region.", "Lebanon", "[Original: Arabic] [31 May 2011]", "Report of Lebanon on strengthening of security and cooperation in the Mediterranean region", "Lebanon abides by United Nations resolutions and cooperates in combating terrorism, international crime, illicit arms transfers and illicit drug production, consumption and trafficking in the Mediterranean region and worldwide.", "Netherlands", "[Original: English] [27 May 2011]", "At its sixty-fifth session, the General Assembly adopted resolution 65/90, entitled “Strengthening of security and cooperation in the Mediterranean region”.", "The response below is to the request of the United Nations Office for Disarmament Affairs for the view of the Permanent Mission’s Government on the issues covered by the resolution for consideration by the General Assembly at its sixty-sixth session.", "The Netherlands, like other European Union member States, believes that European security is closely linked to security and stability in the Mediterranean region. The Netherlands takes its responsibility bilaterally, through the European Union and through other multilateral forums by playing a role in support of the transition processes currently ongoing in various countries in the Mediterranean region.", "Security and stability in the Mediterranean region also contributes to the alleviation of tensions beyond the region. The Netherlands calls upon all States of the Mediterranean region that have not yet done so, to accede to all multilaterally negotiated, legally binding instruments related to disarmament and non‑proliferation, in order to strengthen peace and security.", "Spain", "[Original: Spanish] [May 2011]", "Strengthening of security and cooperation in the Mediterranean region", "For historical and geographical reasons, the Mediterranean region has always been a priority for Spain in all respects. The latest National Defence Directive, No. 1/2008 of 30 December 2008, states that “the security of Spain is also tied to the security of the Mediterranean region; it is therefore crucial that the Mediterranean become an area of peace, stability and shared prosperity”. The Mediterranean region therefore requires a framework for ongoing action and decision-making with regard to the development of a defence policy at this time of extraordinary intensity.", "The Spanish defence policy for the Mediterranean region is in line with the general action strategy and guidelines for the current Spanish defence policy:", "– It complies rigorously with international law;", "– It is a policy with a strong multilateral focus that was developed within the framework of various initiatives and organizations with which Spain is involved: the Union for the Mediterranean, formerly known as the Barcelona Process, within the context of the European Union; the Mediterranean Dialogue within the North Atlantic Treaty Organization; the activities carried out with the members of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe; and the “Five plus Five” Initiative, in which Spain, together with nine other countries from both sides of the Mediterranean, participates. In all these multilateral forums, Spain has consistently demonstrated an active and highly committed policy in terms of its respective roles in the Mediterranean;", "– In addition to this multilateral focus, Spain supports all security and defence initiatives that facilitate dialogue and promote bilateral cooperation among countries in the Mediterranean region, especially through defence diplomacy.", "This is a policy that reflects a high level of commitment, as our presence in the eastern Mediterranean testifies. In Lebanon, as part of the complex mission of the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon, some 1,100 Spanish troops are working for global stability in a specific area with many implications not only for the surrounding Middle East region but also for the entire world.", "The Spanish defence policy seeks to build trust through cooperation, proposes lines of action and objectives for the international community and plays a role in conflict resolution. This responsibility is not shouldered solely by a single ministry but rather is carried out through a multidisciplinary approach and coordinated action by all the relevant public agencies, coupled with the combined efforts of civilian and military instruments and public and private entities.", "The failure to find a solution to the Arab-Israeli conflict is one of the primary causes of instability in the Mediterranean and constitutes a serious obstacle for cooperation in that region. It is therefore a priority of Spain in its activities abroad to promote a comprehensive, just and lasting peace in the Middle East, on the basis of the international community’s consensus on the urgent need to adopt and implement without delay the solution of two States, Israel and Palestine, living side by side in peace and security. Spain believes that such a solution must be accompanied by the forging of peace between Israel and its other Arab neighbours and of a new relationship between Israelis and the Arab and Muslim world. Working together with other members of the European Union and of the Quartet,[1] as well as the Arab States, Spain will spare no effort in striving towards that objective. It is crucial to bring about the resumption of the political process between the parties, thus helping to build mutual trust, and to avoid a crisis or anything that could reverse the progress made thus far, such as settlement expansion or further outbreaks of violence in Gaza. Spain will continue to support a solution based on international law and the mutual agreement of both parties.", "However, it cannot be denied that the Mediterranean is a region of highly complex and diverse social, religious, economic and value systems; therefore, the greatest challenge is finding and developing strategies that foster integration and cooperation. Proof of this are the recent events in countries such as Tunisia, Egypt and Libya, which have brought about the deaths of innocent civilians, changes of government and international armed interventions aimed at protecting the population and ensuring that human rights are respected.", "There are, moreover, significant differences in perceptions, including with regard to security and defence. The establishment of a system of measures to foster trust and security among the Mediterranean countries could thus prove crucial. A system of demonstrated effectiveness, such as that which already exists within the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, could be a good starting point if adapted to the Mediterranean context.", "The system could be based on a Mediterranean security map in which the geographical region of the Mediterranean would be considered an integral security area, and would include a series of measures to foster trust and security, a code of good conduct for Mediterranean countries and a mechanism for exchanging information which would allow Mediterranean countries to better coordinate their individual security agendas.", "The measures to be promoted in order to foster mutual trust and thus strengthen security and cooperation in the Mediterranean region include the following:", "– Increased cooperation to meet global security challenges: proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, terrorism, organized crime, mass population movements and drug trafficking;", "– Establishment of mechanisms for consultation and exchange of military information;", "– Cooperation in establishing mechanisms for conflict prevention, crisis management and post-conflict rehabilitation;", "– Promotion of the signing and ratification of international treaties and agreements on disarmament, arms control and non-proliferation, and upholding of their objectives;", "– Promotion of the establishment of a Middle East zone free of weapons of mass destruction and their means of delivery;", "– Strengthening of cooperation and integration among Mediterranean countries and furthering of their contribution to peacekeeping operations, especially those linked to the Mediterranean region;", "– Reinforcement of cooperation and assistance programmes in the area of security and defence, and promotion of the exchange of military units and observers in exercises, training, visits to military units or meetings among General Staff;", "– Expansion and strengthening of mechanisms for the provision of armed forces support to civilian authorities in the event of an emergency or disaster;", "– Continuation of the efforts of the “Five plus Five” group (Algeria, Libya, Mauritania, Morocco, and Tunisia plus France, Italy, Malta, Portugal and Spain), as soon as the situation in Libya makes this possible;", "– Strengthening of cooperation programmes on maritime security and the control of maritime traffic;", "– Continuation of the International Seminars on Security and Defence in the Mediterranean, which have been held annually in Barcelona since 2002, with a view to contributing to the political and academic debate on security and defence in the Mediterranean.", "[1] The Quartet on the Middle East consists of the United States of America, the Russian Federation, the European Union and the United Nations." ]
[ "第六十六届会议", "暂定项目表^(*) 项目104", "^(*) A/66/50。", "加强地中海区域的安全和合作", "加强地中海区域的安全和合作", "秘书长的报告", "目录", "页次\n1.导言 2\n2.从各国政府收到的答复 2\n伊拉克 2\n约旦 4\n黎巴嫩 6\n荷兰 6\n西班牙 6", "一. 导言", "1. 大会第65/90号决议赞扬地中海国家作出努力,本着多边协作精神,以协调一致整体回应的方式应对共同挑战,以期实现把地中海盆地变成一个对话、交流和合作区域以保障和平、稳定和繁荣的总目标;鼓励地中海国家除其他外,通过在区域内各国之间开展持久、多边和面向行动的合作对话来加强此种努力;并确认联合国促进区域和国际和平与安全的作用。", "2. 大会认识到在地中海地区消除发展水平上的经济和社会差距及其他障碍,各种文化彼此尊重并增进了解,将有助于通过现有各种论坛加强地中海国家间的和平、安全与合作。", "3. 大会吁请地中海区域所有尚未加入多边谈判缔结的裁军和不扩散法律文书的国家加入所有这些文书,从而为加强该区域的和平与合作创造必要条件。大会鼓励该区域所有国家通过推动在所有军事事务上的真正的开放和透明,特别是通过参加联合国军事支出标准汇报制度和向联合国常规武器登记册提供准确的数据和资料,促进为加强各国间建立信任措施创造必要条件。", "4. 大会鼓励地中海国家依据联合国各项有关决议,进一步加强合作,打击一切形式和表现的恐怖主义,包括恐怖主义分子诉诸大规模毁灭性武器的可能性,打击国际犯罪和非法武器转让以及非法毒品生产、吸食和贩运,因为这些行为对该区域的和平、安全和稳定,进而对改善当前的政治、经济和社会状况,构成严重威胁,并且危害国家间的友好关系,妨碍发展国际合作,破坏人权、基本自由和多元社会的民主基础。", "5. 此外,大会请秘书长就加强地中海区域的安全和合作的方法向第66届会议提出报告。本报告员是依照这项要求并根据会员国提供的资料提交的。", "6. 2011年4月11日向所有会员国发出普通照会,征求他们关于此问题的意见。下文第二节载有收到的答复。以后收到的答复,将作为本报告的增编印发。", "二. 各国政府的回复", "伊拉克", "[原件:阿拉伯文] [2011年5月13日]", "伊拉克对关于加强地中海区域的安全和合作的大会第65/90号决议的立场", "1. 根据对国际和平与安全的重要性的坚定信念,伊拉克政府努力推动实现无核武器的世界,并支持在这方面所作各种努力。", "2. 伊拉克政府坚信,尊重和执行裁军文书是一项共同责任。除尊重这些文书之外,伊拉克政府也尊重关于裁军、军备控制和不扩散问题的各项国际安排。就此而言,伊拉克宪法第九条(e)规定,伊拉克政府应尊重并履行伊拉克的国际义务,不扩散、不开发、不生产、不使用核武器、化学武器和生物武器,并禁止开发、制造、生产和使用这种武器的相关设备、材料、技术和运载系统。伊拉克还努力促使中东成为无核武器区。", "3. 伊拉克宪法第8条规定,伊拉克应尊重睦邻原则,承诺不干涉别国内政,努力和平解决争端,将其关系建立在共同利益和对等的基础之上,并履行其国际义务。", "4. 作为地中海国家的邻邦,伊拉克支持为在合作、相互尊重和不干涉内政基础上建立合作、对话和友好关系所作一切努力,从而加强国际和区域和平与安全。", "5. 伊拉克政府重申其原则立场,即应当通过建设性外交对话和平解决争端。", "6. 伊拉克政府申明,如果不是所有国家都加入核武器不扩散条约和全面禁止核试验条约并将其核设施和方案置于国际原子能机构的全面保障之下,从而确保其用于和平目的,则无法实现预防核武器扩散的目标。各国自愿实施国际原子能机构附加议定书并努力鼓励普遍遵守相关议定书,将加强原子能机构的核实作用。", "7. 伊拉克于1969年加入不扩散条约,并于2008年10月9日签署了保障协定附加议定书。附加议定书目前已提交国民议会审批。2010年2月17日,伊拉克正式通知国际原子能机构,伊拉克已开始按照附加议定书第17条自愿实施附加议定书。就此,伊拉克于2010年7月16日提出其初始申报。伊拉克还于2009年2月批准了化学武器公约,与2008年8月19日签署了全面禁止核试验条约,并于1991年成为《关于禁止发展、生产和储存细菌(生物)及毒素武器和销毁此种武器的公约》的缔约国。", "8. 伊拉克意图打击各种形式和表现的恐怖主义,包括恐怖分子利用大规模毁灭性武器问题,从而极大地推动确保本区域的安全与稳定。伊拉克政府声明,核恐怖主义是对国际安全最大和最为严重的威胁之一。加强核安全措施对于预防恐怖分子和其他未经授权方面获取核材料是至关重要的。某些恐怖主义集团一旦从黑市获得资源,将具有利用核武器造成大规模毁灭的意愿和能力。因此,消除世界上核武器的要求是完全合法的,并将使全世界免于核恐怖主义的危险。", "9. 伊拉克政府声明,为了确保核材料不被非政府方面所获得,务必找出方法,安全储存这些材料,安全处置核废物和保证核设施的安全,并开发处理乏燃料的新技术。", "10. 伊拉克政府成立的国家监测局在其所起草一项法律中,设立了一个永久性的统一全国系统,使得伊拉克能够履行其关于不扩散化学和生物武器及其运载系统的文书中的各项承诺。这项法律适用于所有和平活动,包括了有关材料、设备和技术的各项活动,以及有关生产、拥有、使用、储存、进口、出口、运输、处置和其他各项活动,以确保其没有转用于被禁止的活动并规定了各项处罚。这一法律还依照不扩散条约的保障协定、化学武器核查制度以及生物武器公约,设置了提交申请、颁发许可和跟踪双重用途物质的机制。", "11. 伊拉克政府指出,必须支持原子能机构总干事提出的2010-2013年核安全计划,因为这一计划通过协助各国实现和维持有效和安全的努力以及通过提供设施和开发人力资源,有助于为实现全世界所使用、储存和运输的所有核材料和放射性材料的有效安全所作努力。必须呼吁各国对其拥有的核材料,包括用于核武器及其控制下核设施的核材料提供保障和有效安全,并防止任何非政府方面为犯罪目的获取关于使用这种材料的必要信息和技术。", "12. 伊拉克政府申明,各国拥有不容剥夺的权利去和平利用核能,并为此获得和交流技术,不应违背《条约》的精神和规定,对其进行歧视,制造障碍,规定约束条件或有选择地进行限制。", "13. 伊拉克政府支持缔约国为普遍实现全面监督保障而作出的努力。但与此同时,伊拉克政府申明,《附加议定书》是自愿的,因此不能将之作为和平进口核能的先决条件。", "约旦", "[原件:阿拉伯文] [2011年6月1日]", "加强地中海区域的安全和合作", "1. 约旦充分支持大会关于加强地中海区域安全和合作的第65/90号决议,并且一贯努力促进本区域的和平与安全。", "2. 约旦欢迎加强地中海区域合作的一切努力,以打击所有形式和表现的恐怖主义、防止恐怖分子利用大规模毁灭性武器并打击有组织犯罪和不法贩运武器的行为。约旦在加入有关反恐、不扩散大规模毁灭性武器和国际犯罪的国际文书及支持相关国际倡议方面,是走在本区域前列的。其中的一些文书和倡议如下所示:", "(a) 《联合国打击跨国有组织犯罪公约》", "(b) 《某些常规武器公约》", "(c) 《不扩散核武器条约》", "(d) 《全面禁止核试验条约》", "(e) 《化学武器公约》", "(f) 《生物武器公约》", "(g) 《关于在可塑炸药中添加识别剂以便侦测的公约》", "(h) 《打击核恐怖主义全球倡议》", "(i) 《防扩散安全倡议》", "(j) 《关于制止非法劫持航空器的公约》", "(k) 《关于在航空器内的犯罪和犯有某些其他行为的公约》", "(l) 《关于制止危害民用航空安全的非法行为的公约》", "(m) 《反对劫持人质国际公约》", "(n) 《制止向恐怖主义提供资助的国际公约》", "3. 约旦认为,地中海区域的和平与稳定对于本区域所有民族的经济、社会发展而言至关重要,是这种发展的根本前提条件;因为这种发展会极大推动区域稳定与和平。约旦支持联合国努力在区域和国际两级加强建立信任措施并增进透明度,以期在全世界建立和平与安全。", "4. 约旦遵守安全理事会关于大规模毁灭性武器、裁军和制止小武器和轻武器不法贸易的所有决议。军备透明度对于在地中海区域营造信任与合作的气氛而言极其重要。所以,约旦一直促请本区域各国尊重联合国的决议和双边、区域及国际性的文书,加入国际军备控制和不扩散文书,以期在全世界、特别是地中海和中东区域实现和平与安全。", "5. 约旦在合作与共同安全的基础上,同地中海区域各国保持密切关系,以期在本区域实现和平与安全、消除紧张的缘由以及由此而对和平与安全构成的威胁。1994年,约旦同以色列缔结和约。自那时起,约旦在本区域就走在加入有关军备控制和不扩散大规模毁灭性武器的国际文书的前列,目的是设立中东无大规模毁灭性武器区。设立该区会有助于把地中海区域变为和平、民主、合作与繁荣的地区。约旦申明,务必要在本区域继续开展和平谈判,遵照《联合国宪章》和联合国相关决议,达成一项面向所有各方的和平、公正和全面解决办法,从而确保撤出外国占领军并尊重地中海所有国家主权、独立和领土完整和各民族的自决权,以及不干涉、不干预、不使用武力、不威胁使用武力和不得强占领土的原则。", "6. 地中海区域所有国家应当作出更大、更协调的努力,加强经济、社会和文化合作。1995年,约旦加入了北大西洋公约组织与地中海国家之间的对话,因为约旦认识到,欧洲安全同地中海区域及中东区域的安全与稳定密切相连,欧洲安全的基础是伙伴协作精神以及把地中海盆地变为对话、交流与合作区域(从而确保本区域各国和平、稳定与繁荣)的愿望。", "黎巴嫩", "[原件:阿拉伯文] [2011年5月31日]", "黎巴嫩关于加强地中海区域安全和合作的报告", "黎巴嫩遵守联合国决议,协力在地中海区域和全世界打击恐怖主义、国际犯罪,不法军火转让和不法药物生产、消费和贩运行为。", "荷兰", "[原件:英文] [2011年5月27日]", "大会第六十五届会议通过第65/90号决议,题为“加强地中海区域的安全和合作”。", "联合国裁军事务厅要求各常驻代表团的本国政府对该决议所涉问题发表观点,供大会第六十六届会议审议。对此,荷兰答复如下:", "荷兰像欧洲联盟其他成员国一样,认为欧洲安全与地中海区域的安全与稳定密切相关。荷兰通过双边途径、欧洲联盟和其他多边论坛履行其责任,发挥支持地中海区域各国现行过渡进程的作用。", "地中海区域的和平与稳定也有助于减缓本区域以外的紧张局势。荷兰吁请地中海区域尚未这样做的各国加入经多边商定的、具有法律约束力的所有裁军与不扩散文书,以期加强和平与安全。", "西班牙", "[原件:西班牙文] [2011年5月]", "加强地中海区域的安全和合作", "由于历史和地理原因,地中海区域一直是西班牙在各个方面关注的优先重点。2008 年12 月30 日发布的第1/2008 号最新国防指令宣称,“西班牙的安全也与地中海区域的安全有关联;因此,地中海务必要成为和平、稳定和共同繁荣的地区”。所以,地中海区域需要一个持续行动和决策框架,以便在此万分紧要的关头,制定防卫政策。", "西班牙的地中海区域防卫政策符合目前西班牙防卫政策的总体行动战略和指导方针:", "– 它严格遵守国际法;", "– 这一政策具有多边重心,是在西班牙所参与的多项倡议和多个组织的框架内制定的,其中包括在欧洲联盟内的地中海联盟(以前称作巴塞罗那进程);北大西洋公约组织内的地中海对话;与欧洲安全和合作组织成员共同开展的活动;以及“五加五”倡议,西班牙与地中海两岸的其他9个国家共同参加了这一倡议。在所有这些多边论坛中,西班牙始终采取积极和高度投入的政策,以在地中海区域发挥作用;", "– 除了这些多边重心以外,西班牙还特别通过防卫外交,支持所有促进地中海区域各国进行对话和双边合作的安全和防卫倡议。", "这一政策体现了高度的承诺,我国在东地中海的存在就证明了这一点。在黎巴嫩,作为联合国驻黎巴嫩临时部队这一复杂特派团的一部分,目前西班牙部队有1 100人在一个特定地区为全球稳定而努力,他们的行动不仅对中东周边地区,而且对整个世界也有重大影响。", "西班牙的防卫政策力求通过合作建立信任;为国际社会提出行动战略和目标;并且在解决冲突中发挥作用。这一责任不只是由政府单一一个部来承担,而是通过多学科的方法和所有相关公共机构的协调行动加以执行,并借助于民间和军事机构以及公、私部门的共同努力。", "阿拉伯-以色列的冲突得不到解决是地中海不稳定的主要原因之一,也是该地区开展合作的一个重大障碍。国际社会已达成共识,即迫切需要毫不拖延地通过和执行两国(以色列和巴勒斯坦)和平安全地比邻而居的解决办法。因此,西班牙国外活动的一个优先事项就是在这一共识的基础上促进实现中东全面、公正和持久和平。西班牙认为,在解决中东问题的过程中,以色列必须与其他阿拉伯邻国实现和平,以色列人必须与阿拉伯和穆斯林世界缔结新的关系。西班牙将与欧洲联盟其他成员和四方[1] 以及阿拉伯国家一道,不遗余力地努力实现这一目标。目前的关键是恢复各方之间的政治进程,从而协助建立相互信任,避免危机或任何可能逆转迄今取得的进展的事态,比如扩大定居点或在加沙爆发更多暴力事件。西班牙将继续支持根据国际法和双方的协议达成解决办法。", "然而,毋庸置疑,地中海区域的社会、宗教、经济和价值体系极为复杂和多样;因此,最大的挑战是找到并发展促进融合与合作的战略。在突尼斯、埃及和利比亚等国最近发生的事件就是这方面的证明;此类事件导致无辜平民死亡、政府更迭和国际武装干预(以保护人口和确保尊重人权)。", "此外,也存在多种不同观点,包括对安全与防卫的认识也有很大不同。到头来,可能必须建立一个措施体系,以促进地中海国家之间的信任与安全。在这方面,如能根据地中海的情况将一个行之有效的体系(如欧洲安全与合作组织内现有体系)加以调整适用,则可能成为好的起点。", "这一体系可以以地中海安全地图为基础,将地中海地理区域视作一个完整的安全区,并包括一系列促进信任与安全的措施和地中海国家良好行为守则,以及一个信息交流机制、让地中海国家更好地协调各自的安全议程。", "为促进互信、从而加强地中海区域的安全和合作而采取的措施包括以下内容:", "– 加强合作以应对全球性安全挑战:大规模毁灭性武器的扩散、恐怖主义、有组织犯罪、大规模人口流动和贩毒;", "– 建立军情协商和军事情报交流机制;", "– 合作建立预防冲突、危机管理和冲突后复原机制;", "– 推动签署和批准有关裁军、军备控制和不扩散的国际条约和协议,并拥护其目标;", "– 推动建立中东无大规模毁灭性武器及其运载工具区;", "– 加强地中海国家的合作与融合,让它们对维和行动、特别是与地中海区域有关的维和行动作出更大贡献;", "– 加强安全与防卫领域的合作和援助方案,促进军事单位和观察员在演习和训练方面的交流,安排访问军事单位或总参谋部之间举行会议;", "– 扩大和加强武装部队在出现紧急情况或灾难时向民政当局提供支助的机制;", "– 等利比亚局势好转、有此可能后,立即继续“五加五”集团(阿尔及利亚、利比亚、毛里塔尼亚、摩洛哥和突尼斯加法国、意大利、马耳他、葡萄牙和西班牙)的努力;", "– 加强关于海上安全和控制海上交通的合作方案;", "– 继续组织自2002 年起每年在巴塞罗那召开的“地中海安全与防卫国际研讨会”,以促进就地中海的安全与防卫问题进行政治和学术辩论。", "[1] 中东问题四方为美利坚合众国、俄罗斯联邦、欧洲联盟和联合国。" ]
[ "第六十六届会议", "暂定项目表* 项目104", "加强地中海区域的安全和合作", "加强地中海区域的安全和合作", "页:1", "秘书长的报告", "目录", "页次\n一、导 言. 2 - 2 3\n各国政府\n伊拉克 3\n约旦\n黎巴嫩 7\n荷兰\n页:1", "一. 导言", "1. 联合国 大会在其第65/90号决议中赞扬地中海国家作出努力,本着多边伙伴精神,通过协调一致的总体对策来迎接共同挑战,以期实现将地中海盆地变成一个对话、交流和合作地区并保障和平、稳定和繁荣的总目标;鼓励地中海国家除其他外,通过在区域内各国之间开展持久、多边和面向行动的合作对话来加强这种努力;并承认联合国在促进区域和国际和平与安全方面的作用。", "2. 联合国 大会认识到,在地中海地区消除发展水平上的经济和社会差距及其他障碍,各种文化彼此尊重和增进了解,将有助于通过现有论坛加强地中海国家间的和平、安全与合作。", "3个 大会吁请地中海区域所有尚未加入多边谈判缔结的裁军和不扩散法律文书的国家加入这些文书,从而为加强该区域的和平与合作创造必要条件。 大会鼓励该区域所有国家在所有军事事务上促进真正的公开和透明,特别是通过参加联合国军事支出标准汇报制度和向联合国常规武器登记册提供准确的数据和资料,以利于为加强各国间建立信任措施创造必要条件。", " 4.四. 大会鼓励地中海国家进一步加强合作,打击一切形式和表现的恐怖主义,包括恐怖分子可能诉诸大规模毁灭性武器,同时考虑到联合国的有关决议,并打击国际犯罪和非法武器转让以及非法毒品的生产、吸食和贩运,因为这些行为对该区域的和平、安全与稳定,从而对改善当前的政治、经济和社会状况,构成严重威胁,并危害国家间的友好关系,妨碍国际合作的发展,并破坏人权、基本自由和多元社会的民主基础。", "5 (韩语). 此外,大会请秘书长就加强地中海区域的安全和合作的方法向大会第六十六届会议提出报告。 本报告就是按照这一要求并根据从会员国收到的资料提交的。", "6. 国家 在这方面,2011年4月11日向所有会员国发出了一份普通照会,征求它们对这个问题的意见。 收到的答复载于下文第二节。 其他答复将作为本报告增编印发。", "二. 从各国政府收到的答复", "伊拉克", "[原件:阿拉伯 [2011年5月13日]", "伊拉克对大会关于加强地中海区域的安全和合作的第65/90号决议的立场", "1. 联合国 伊拉克政府坚信国际和平与安全的重要性,因此努力帮助建立一个无核武器世界,并支持这方面的一切努力。", "2. 联合国 伊拉克政府坚信,遵守和执行裁军文书是一项共同责任。 除了尊重这些文书外,我国政府还尊重有关裁军、军备控制和不扩散的国际安排。 在这方面,《伊拉克宪法》第9(e)条规定,伊拉克政府应尊重并履行伊拉克在不扩散、不发展、不生产和不使用核生化武器方面的国际义务,并禁止用于发展、制造、生产和使用此类武器的相关设备、材料、技术和运载系统。 伊拉克还努力帮助使中东成为一个无核武器的区域。", "3个 伊拉克《宪法》第8条规定,伊拉克应尊重睦邻原则,承诺不干涉他国内政,努力和平解决冲突,以共同利益和互惠为基础,并履行其国际义务。", " 4.四. 作为地中海国家的邻国,伊拉克支持旨在建立以合作、相互尊重和不干涉内政为基础的合作、对话和友好关系的所有多边努力,从而加强国际和区域和平与安全。", "5 (韩语). 伊拉克政府重申其原则立场,即应通过建设性的外交对话来和平解决冲突。", "6. 国家 政府申明,除非所有国家加入《不扩散核武器条约》和《全面禁止核试验条约》,并将其所有核设施和方案置于国际原子能机构(原子能机构)的全面保障监督之下,以确保它们用于和平目的,否则防止核武器扩散的目标无法实现。 各国自愿适用原子能机构附加议定书并努力鼓励普遍遵守该议定书,将加强原子能机构的核查作用。", "7. 伊拉克于1969年加入《不扩散条约》,并于2008年10月9日签署了《保障协定附加议定书》。 《附加议定书》目前正由国民议会批准。 伊拉克正式通知原子能机构,2010年2月17日,伊拉克根据其第十七条,开始自愿适用《附加议定书》。 在这方面,伊拉克于2010年7月16日提交了初次申报。 伊拉克还于2009年2月批准了《化学武器公约》,于2008年8月19日签署了《全面禁止核试验条约》,并于1991年成为《关于禁止发展、生产和储存细菌(生物)及毒素武器和销毁此种武器的公约》的缔约国。", "8. 联合国 伊拉克努力打击一切形式和表现的恐怖主义,包括恐怖分子使用大规模毁灭性武器,从而为确保该区域的安全与稳定作出重大贡献。 伊拉克政府申明,核恐怖主义是对国际安全的最大和最严重威胁之一。 加强核安全措施对于防止恐怖分子和其他未经授权的当事方获得核材料至关重要。 某些恐怖主义集团有意愿和能力在黑市获得资源时使用核武器进行大规模破坏。 因此,使世界摆脱核武器的要求是完全合理的,并将使世界免于核恐怖主义的危险。", "9. 国家 伊拉克政府申明,为了确保非政府当事方不获取核材料,必须设法安全地储存这些材料,处置核废料,保障核设施的安全并开发处理乏燃料的新技术。", "10个 伊拉克政府所设立的国家监测局已起草一项法律,将促成建立一个永久、统一的国家系统,使伊拉克能够履行根据关于不扩散化学和生物武器及其运载工具的文书所作出的承诺。 该法将适用于所有和平活动,包括与材料、设备和技术有关的活动,以及相关的生产、拥有、使用、储存、进口、出口、运输、处置和其他活动,以确保这些活动不被转用于被禁活动,并将规定处罚。 它还将根据《不扩散条约》的《保障协定》、化学武器核查制度和《生物武器公约》,建立提交申报、发放许可证和追查两用物质的机制。", "11个 伊拉克政府指出,必须支持原子能机构总干事提出的2010-2013年核安全计划,因为该计划有助于全球努力实现全世界所有使用、储存和运输的核材料和放射性材料以及相关设施的有效安全,支持各国努力实现和维护有效的核安全,并提供设施和开发人力资源。 必须呼吁各国保障并切实保障其拥有的任何核材料,包括用于核武器和被其控制的核设施的核材料,并阻止任何非政府当事方获得将这些材料用于犯罪目的的必要信息和技术。", "12个 伊拉克政府申明,各国有不可剥夺的权利为和平目的利用核能,并为此不受歧视地获取和交流技术,不强加任何不符合《条约》精神和规定的障碍、约束性条件或选择性限制。", "13个 伊拉克政府支持缔约国努力实现全面保障监督制度的普遍性。 然而,与此同时,它申明《附加议定书》是自愿的,因此不能被视为为和平目的进口核技术的条件。", "约旦", "[原件:阿拉伯 [2011年6月1日]", "加强地中海区域的安全和合作", "1. 联合国 约旦完全支持大会关于加强地中海区域的安全和合作的第65/90号决议,并一贯寻求促进该区域的和平与安全。", "2. 约旦欢迎加强地中海区域合作的一切努力,以打击一切形式和表现的恐怖主义,防止恐怖分子使用大规模毁灭性武器并打击有组织犯罪和非法贩运武器。 约旦在加入有关反恐怖主义、不扩散大规模毁灭性武器和国际犯罪的国际文书和支持国际倡议方面一直处于区域领先地位。 以下是其中一些文书和倡议:", "(a) 《联合国打击跨国有组织犯罪公约》", "(b) 某些常规武器公约", "(c) 《不扩散核武器条约》", "(d) 全面禁止核试验条约", "(e) 《化学武器公约》", "(f) 《生物武器公约》", "(g) 《关于在可塑炸药中添加识别剂以便侦测的公约》", "(h) 打击核恐怖主义全球倡议", "(一) 防扩散安全倡议", "(j) 《关于制止非法劫持航空器的公约》", "(k) 《关于在航空器内的犯罪和犯有某些其他行为的公约》", "(l) 《关于制止危害民用航空安全的非法行为的公约》", "(m) 《反对劫持人质国际公约》", "(n) 《制止向恐怖主义提供资助的国际公约》。", "3个 约旦认为,地中海区域的和平与稳定至关重要,是该区域各国人民经济和社会发展的基本要求,因为这种发展将大大有助于区域稳定与和平。 约旦支持联合国旨在加强建立信任的措施和在区域和国际两级提高透明度的努力,以期在全世界建立和平与安全。", "4. 约旦遵守安全理事会关于大规模毁灭性武器、裁军和制止小武器和轻武器非法贸易的所有决议。 军备透明是在地中海区域建立信任与合作气氛所必不可少的。 因此,约旦一贯敦促该区域各国尊重联合国决议和双边、区域和国际文书,并加入有关军备控制和不扩散的国际文书,以期在全世界,特别是在地中海和中东地区建立和平与安全。", "5 (韩语). 约旦在合作和共同安全的基础上同地中海区域各国保持密切关系,以期建立该区域的和平与安全并消除造成紧张局势的根源以及由此对和平与安全的威胁。 1994年,约旦同以色列缔结了和平条约. 从那时起,约旦一直率先加入关于军备控制和不扩散大规模毁灭性武器的国际文书,以在中东建立无大规模毁灭性武器区。 建立无核武器区将有助于将地中海区域转变为和平、民主、合作和繁荣的地区。 约旦申明,必须根据《宪章》和联合国有关决议,继续在该区域进行和平谈判,为所有各方达成和平、公正和全面的解决办法,从而确保撤出外国占领部队,尊重地中海所有国家的主权、独立和领土完整以及各国人民的自决权利,并尊重不干涉、不干预、不使用武力或威胁使用武力以及不容以武力夺取领土等原则。", "6. 国家 地中海区域的所有国家都应作出更大、更协调一致的努力,加强经济、社会和文化合作。 1995年,约旦加入了北大西洋公约组织同地中海国家的对话,因为它认识到欧洲安全同地中海和中东地区的安全与稳定密切相关,并基于伙伴关系精神和将地中海盆地变成对话、交流与合作区域的愿望,从而确保该区域各国的和平、稳定和繁荣。", "黎巴嫩", "[原件:阿拉伯 [2011年5月31日]", "黎巴嫩关于加强地中海区域的安全和合作的报告", "黎巴嫩遵守联合国决议,并在地中海地区和全世界打击恐怖主义、国际犯罪、非法武器转让和非法毒品生产、消费和贩运方面进行合作。", "荷兰", "[原件:英 [2011年5月27日]", "大会第六十五届会议通过了题为“加强地中海区域的安全和合作”的第65/90号决议。", "下文答复联合国裁军事务厅的要求,请常驻代表团政府就该决议所涉及问题提出意见,供大会第六十六届会议审议。", "荷兰同欧洲联盟其他成员国一样,认为欧洲安全与地中海区域的安全与稳定密切相关。 荷兰通过双边、欧洲联盟和其他多边论坛承担责任,在支持地中海区域各国目前正在进行的过渡进程方面发挥作用。", "地中海区域的安全与稳定还有助于缓解该区域以外的紧张局势。 荷兰呼吁地中海区域所有尚未加入多边谈判缔结的、有法律约束力的裁军和不扩散文书的国家加入这些文书,以加强和平与安全。", "页:1", "[原件:西班牙 [2011年5月]", "加强地中海区域的安全和合作", "由于历史和地理原因,地中海区域始终是西班牙在所有方面的优先事项。 最新的2008年12月30日第1/2008号国防指令指出,“西班牙的安全也同地中海区域的安全联系在一起;因此,地中海成为和平、稳定和共同繁荣的地区至关重要”。 因此,地中海区域需要有一个框架,以便在这一非常激烈的时刻就制定国防政策采取持续行动和决策。", "西班牙地中海地区的防卫政策符合西班牙现行防卫政策的一般行动战略和准则:", "– 说吧 – 严格遵守国际法;", "– 说吧 – 这项政策是西班牙参与的各种倡议和组织框架内制定的,其多边重点很强:在欧洲联盟范围内的地中海联盟,以前称为巴塞罗那进程;北大西洋公约组织内的地中海对话;同欧洲安全与合作组织成员开展的活动;以及“五加五”倡议,西班牙同地中海两岸的另外九个国家一道参加了该倡议。 在所有这些多边论坛上,西班牙始终表现出积极和高度执着的政策,在地中海发挥作用;", "– 说吧 – 除了这一多边重点外,西班牙还支持所有促进地中海区域国家间对话和促进双边合作的安全和防卫倡议,特别是通过国防外交。", "正如我们在东地中海的存在所证明的那样,这项政策反映了高度的承诺。 在黎巴嫩,作为联合国驻黎巴嫩临时部队复杂任务的一部分,大约1 100名西班牙部队正在一个特定地区为全球稳定而努力,不仅对周围的中东地区,而且对整个世界都产生了许多影响。", "西班牙国防政策寻求通过合作建立信任,为国际社会提出行动方针和目标,并在解决冲突方面发挥作用。 这一责任不仅仅由一个部委承担,而是通过多学科办法和所有相关公共机构的协调行动来履行,同时民事和军事文书以及公共和私人实体的共同努力。", "未能找到解决阿以冲突的办法是地中海不稳定的主要原因之一,是该地区合作的严重障碍。 因此,西班牙在海外活动中的一个优先事项是促进中东的全面、公正和持久和平,其基础是国际社会达成的共识,即迫切需要毫不拖延地通过和执行以色列和巴勒斯坦两国和平、安全地毗邻共存的解决办法。 西班牙认为,在达成这种解决办法的同时,还必须在以色列和其他阿拉伯邻国之间建立和平,并在以色列与阿拉伯和穆斯林世界之间建立新的关系。 西班牙将同欧洲联盟和四方其他成员[1]以及阿拉伯国家一道,不遗余力地为实现这一目标而努力。 必须使双方恢复政治进程,从而帮助建立相互信任,并避免危机或任何可能逆转迄今所取得进展的东西,例如扩大定居点或在加沙爆发进一步的暴力。 西班牙将继续支持以国际法和双方协议为基础的解决办法。", "然而,不能否认,地中海是一个社会、宗教、经济和价值体系高度复杂和多样化的区域;因此,最大的挑战是找到和制定促进一体化与合作的战略。 证明这一点的是最近在突尼斯、埃及和利比亚等国家发生的事件,这些事件已造成无辜平民死亡、政府更迭以及旨在保护人民和确保人权得到尊重的国际武装干预。", "此外,在观念上,包括在安全和国防方面,存在着重大差异。 因此,建立一个促进地中海国家间信任和安全的措施体系可能证明是至关重要的。 如果能够根据地中海的情况加以调整,一个行之有效的制度,例如欧洲安全与合作组织内已经存在的制度,可以成为良好的起点。", "该系统可以地中海安全地图为基础,其中地中海地理区域将被视为一个综合安全区,并将包括一系列促进信任和安全的措施、地中海国家良好行为守则和信息交流机制,使地中海国家能够更好地协调各自的安全议程。", "为促进相互信任,从而加强地中海区域的安全和合作所要采取的措施包括:", "- 加强合作以迎接全球安全挑战:大规模毁灭性武器的扩散、恐怖主义、有组织犯罪、大规模人口流动和贩毒;", "- 建立军事情报协商和交流机制;", "- 合作建立预防冲突、危机管理和冲突后复原的机制;", "- 促进签署和批准关于裁军、军备控制和不扩散的国际条约和协定并维护其目标;", "- 促进建立中东无大规模毁灭性武器及其运载工具区;", "- 加强地中海国家间的合作和一体化,进一步推动它们对维持和平行动,特别是与地中海区域有关的维持和平行动;", "- 加强安全和防卫领域的合作与援助方案,促进军事单位和观察员在演习、培训、访问军事单位或总参谋部之间举行会议方面的交流;", "- 扩大和加强在发生紧急情况或灾害时向民政当局提供武装部队支助的机制;", "- \" 五加五 \" 小组(阿尔及利亚、利比亚、毛里塔尼亚、摩洛哥和突尼斯加法国、意大利、马耳他、葡萄牙和西班牙)一旦利比亚局势允许,即继续努力;", "- 加强海上安全和海上交通管制合作方案;", "- 继续举办地中海安全和防卫问题国际讨论会,自2002年以来每年在巴塞罗那举行,以期为地中海安全和防卫问题的政治和学术辩论出力。", "[1] 中东问题四方由美利坚合众国,俄罗斯联邦,欧洲联盟和联合国组成." ]
[ "United Nations Children’s Fund", "Executive Board", "Second regular session 2011", "12-15 September 2011", "* E/ICEF/2011/13.", "Item 4 (e) of the provisional agenda*", "Recommendation for approval of additional regular resources for approved country programmes", "Summary The estimated funding target and financial plan contained in theUNICEF medium-term strategic plan (MTSP) for the period 2006-2009(E/ICEF/2005/11) was approved in 2005 by the Executive Board(decision 2005/18), and subsequently (in decisions 2008/14 and2009/5) extended until the end of 2013. Planning levels for regular resources for country programmes areestablished on the basis of the approved MTSP, taking into accountthe latest projections of income and expenditures. At its 2010 secondregular session, the Executive Board (decision 2010/19) approved theplanned financial estimates for the period 2009-2012. \nThe regular resources indicative planning levels for 2011 and 2012have been computed using the modified system for allocation ofregular resources for programmes endorsed by the Executive Board(decisions 1997/18 and 2008/15).\nThe Executive Board is requested to approve a total of $117,982,062in regular resources to fund the approved country programmes of 25countries for 2011 and 2012, whose indicative regular resourcesplanning levels, based on the modified allocation system andestimated global levels of programmable regular resources, are higherthan the balance of approved funds for these countries.", "Introduction", "1. The 2011 and 2012 indicative regular resources planning levels for 25 approved country programmes are higher than the balances of approved regular resources as a result of the application of the modified system for allocation of regular resources and revised projections of global levels of regular resources available for allocation to country programmes in 2011 and 2012. Tables 1 and 2 below set out the balances of approved regular resources available to these countries and the additional amount of regular resources for which approval is needed to reach the indicative planning level. The country programmes listed in the tables were approved for the periods indicated by the Executive Board with allocations resulting in the planning levels shown in the tables. If overall global levels of regular resources available for allocation to country programmes in 2012 are sufficient, the additional regular resources will be used to further the implementation of these programmes as previously approved by the Executive Board.", "Draft decision", "2. It is recommended that the Executive Board approve the following draft decision:", "The Executive Board", "Approves a total of $117,982,062 in indicative additional regular resources for the approved programmes, as outlined in tables 1 and 2 below.", "Table 1 2011 additional regular resources for ongoing programmes", "Region/country Approved (In United programme States duration dollars)\n 2011 2011 2011 additional planning available RR RR level ceiling to be approved", "(A) (B) (A-B)", "Central African 2007-2011 3 863 3 851 107 11 893 Republic 000", "India 2008-2012 42 42 184 000 504 000 688 000", "Philippines 2005-2011 3 099 3 053 000 46 000 000", "Total 561 893", "Table 2", "2012 indicative additional regular resources for ongoing programmes", "Country programme* Approved (In United programme States duration dollars)\n 2012 2012 estimate 2012 indicative of indicative planning available RR additional RR level* ceiling to be approved", "(A) (B) (A-B)", "Bolivia 2008-2012 1 352 000 1 185 000 167 000 (Plurinational State of)", "Cameroon 2008-2012 6 365 000 6 171 000 194 000", "Comoros 2008-2012 750 000 722 000 28 000", "Costa Rica 2008-2012 750 000 150 000 600 000", "Côte d’Ivoire 2009-2013 8 303 000 6 231 000 2 072 000", "Cuba 2008-2012 750 000 310 000 440 000", "Eritrea 2007-2012 1 963 000 0 1 963 000", "Egypt 2007-2012 3 013 000 0 3 013 000", "India 2008-2012 42 688 0 42 688 000 000", "Jordan 2008-2012 750 000 451 000 299 000", "Kenya 2009-2013 11 226 7 812 500 3 413 500 000", "Mali 2008-2012 12 849 9 137 000 3 712 000 000", "Mexico 2008-2012 750 000 290 000 460 000", "Nigeria 2009-2012 50 987 4 402 007 46 584 993 000", "Pakistan 2009-2012 18 148 17 610 000 538 000 000", "Paraguay 2007-2013 750,000 25,000 725 000", "Rwanda 2008-2012 9 450 000 3 150 000 6 300 000", "South Africa 2007-2012 972,000 23,823 948 177", "Sudan 2009-2012 10 345 8 492 382 1 852 618 000", "Syrian Arab Republic 2007-2012 810,000 552,119 257 881", "Togo 2008-2012 3 426 000 2 562 000 864 000", "Venezuela (Bolivarian 2009-2013 750 000 450 000 300 000 Republic of )", "Total 117 420 169", "* Actual levels will depend on overall global level of regular resources available for allocation to country programmes." ]
[ "联合国儿童基金会", "执行局", "2011年第二届常会", "2011年9月12日至15日", "临时议程^(*) 项目4(e)", "^(*) E/ICEF/2011/13。", "关于核准为核定国家方案增拨经常资源的建议", "摘要", "执行局2005年核准了儿童基金会2006-2009年中期战略计划(E/ICEF/2005/ 11)所载经费指标估计数和财务计划(第2005/18号决定),此后并将该计划延长至2013年底(执行局第2008/14和2009/5号决定)。", "国家方案的经常资源计划数额依据核准的中期战略计划计算,同时参考最新的收入和支出预测。执行局在2010年第二届常会上核定了2009-2012年期间的计划财务估计数(执行局第2010/19号决定)。", "2011和2012年经常资源指示性计划数额根据方案经常资源修正划拨系统计算,并得到执行局核可(第1997/18和2008/15号决定)。", "请执行局核准共计117 982 062美元的经常资源,用于在2011和2012年资助25个国家的核定国家方案。这些国家的指示性经常资源计划数额是以修正划拨系统和可用于方案的全球经常资源估计数计算的,高于为这些国家核准的数额。", "导言", "1. 因对经常资源适用修正划拨系统,同时根据2011和2012年可用于划拨国家方案的全球经常资源的订正预测数额计算,2011和2012年25个国家的核定国家方案指示性经常资源计划数额高于核准的经常资源数额。表1和表2列出为这些国家核可的经常资源结余数额和增拨的经常资源数额。增拨经常资源达到指示性规划数额需得到执行局的核准。执行局已批准了表中所列时期的国家方案,同时也拨出表中所示计划额款项。如果为2012年国家方案划拨所需资源的全球经常资源数额充足,增拨的经常资源将用于进一步实施执行局先前核准的这些方案。", "决定草案", "2. 建议执行局核准下列决定草案:", "执行局", "核准下面表1和表2所列为核准方案增拨的共计117 982 062美元的指示性经常资源。", "表1 2011年为正在执行的方案增拨的经常资源", "(美元)", "核定方案周期 2011年规划数额 2011年可划拨 2011年待核定 经常资源上限 增拨经常资源", "区域/国家 (A) (B) (A-B)", "中非共和国 2007-2011 3 863 000 3 851 107 11 893", "印度 2008-2012 42 688 000 42 184 000 504 000", "菲律宾 2005-2011 3 099 000 3 053 000 46 000", "共计 561 893", "表2 2012年为正在执行的方案增拨的指示性经常资源", "(美元)", "核定方案周期 2012年指示性 2012年可划拨经常 2011年待核定增拨的指示性经常资源 规划数额 资源上限估计数", "国家方案^(*) (A) (B) (A-B)", "多民族玻利维亚国 2008-2012 1 352 000 1 185 000 167 000", "喀麦隆 2008-2012 6 365 000 6 171 000 194 000", "科摩罗 2008-2012 750 000 722 000 28 000", "哥斯达黎加 2008-2012 750 000 150 000 600 000", "科特迪瓦 2009-2013 8 303 000 6 231 000 2 072 000", "古巴 2008-2012 750 000 310 000 440 000", "厄立特里亚 2007-2012 1 963 000 0 1 963 000", "埃及 2007-2012 3 013 000 0 3 013 000", "印度 2008-2012 42 688 000 0 42 688 000", "约旦 2008-2012 750 000 451 000 299 000", "肯尼亚 2009-2013 11 226 000 7 812 500 3 413 500", "马里 2008-2012 12 849 000 9 137 000 3 712 000", "墨西哥 2008-2012 750 000 290 000 460 000", "尼日利亚 2009-2012 50 987 000 4 402 007 46 584 993", "巴基斯坦 2009-2012 18 148 000 17 610 000 538 000", "巴拉圭 2007-2013 750 000 25 000 725 000", "卢旺达 2008-2012 9 450 000 3 150 000 6 300 000", "南非 2007-2012 972 000 23 823 948 177", "苏丹 2009-2012 10 345 000 8 492 382 1 852 618", "阿拉伯叙利亚共和国 2007-2012 810 000 552 119 257 881", "多哥 2008-2012 3 426 000 2 562 000 864 000", "委内瑞拉玻利瓦尔共和国 2009-2013 750 000 450 000 300 000", "共计 117 420 169", "^(*) 实际数额将取决于可划拨给国家方案的全球经常资源总额。" ]
[ "联合国儿童基金会", "执行局", "2011年第二届常会", "2011年9月12日至15日,纽约", "页:1", "临时议程* 项目4(e)", "关于核准为已核准的国家方案增拨经常资源的建议", "内容提要 2005年,执行局(第2005/18号决定)核准了儿童基金会2006-2009年中期战略计划(E/ICEF/2005/11)所载的筹资目标和财务计划估计数,随后(第2008/14和2009/5号决定)将期限延长至2013年底。 国家方案经常资源的规划水平是根据已核准的中期战略计划确定的,同时考虑到对收入和支出的最新预测。 执行局2010年第二届常会(第2010/19号决定)核准了2009-2012年期间计划的财务概算。\n2011年和2012年经常资源指示性规划数额是使用执行局核准的方案经常资源分配订正制度(第1997/18和2008/15号决定)计算的。\n请执行局核准总额为117 982 062美元的经常资源,为25个国家2011年和2012年核定国家方案供资,这些国家根据订正分配制度和可列入方案的经常资源全球估计数,指示性经常资源规划水平高于为这些国家核准的资金余额。", "导言", "1. 联合国 2011年和2012年25个核定国家方案的指示性经常资源规划水平高于核定经常资源余额,原因是采用了经修改的经常资源分配制度,并对2011年和2012年可用于国家方案的经常资源全球水平作了订正预测。 下文表1和表2列出了可供这些国家使用的核定经常资源的余额,以及达到指示性规划水平需要核准的额外经常资源数额。 表中所列的国家方案在执行局指出的期间得到核准,分配款导致各表所示的规划水平。 如果可用于2012年国家方案的全球经常资源总额足够,额外经常资源将用来进一步执行执行局先前核准的这些方案。", "决定草案", "2. 联合国 建议执行局核准下列决定草案:", "执行局,", "如下文表1和表2所概述,核准为核定方案追加的指示性经常资源共计117 982 062美元。", "表1 2011年现有方案追加经常资源", "区域/核定国家(以方案期美元计)\n2011年 2011年 2011年 2011年 2011年 2011年", "(A)(B)(A-B)", "中非共和国 2007-2011年 3 863 3 851 107 11 893 共和国", "印度 2008-2012年 42 42 184 000 504 000 688 000", "菲律宾 2005-2011年 3 099 3 053 000 46 000 000", "共计 561 893", "表2. 私营部门", "2012年执行中方案指示性追加经常资源", "核定国家方案*\n2012年 2012年估计数 2012年估计数 指示性规划", "(A)(B)(A-B)", "玻利维亚 2008-2012年 1 352 000 1 185 000 167 000 (多民族国)", "喀麦隆 2008-2012年", "科摩罗 2008-2012年", "哥斯达黎加 2008-2012年", "科特迪瓦 2009-2013年 8 303 000 6 231 000 2 072 000", "古巴 2008-2012年", "厄立特里亚 2007-2012年 1 963 000 0 1 963 000", "埃及 2007-2012年 3 013 000 0 3 013 000", "印度 2008-2012年 42 688 0 42 688 000 000", "约旦 2008-2012年", "肯尼亚 2009-2013 11 226 7 812 500 3 413 500 000", "马里 2008-2012年 12 849 9 137 000 3 712 000 000", "墨西哥 2008-2012年", "尼日利亚 2009-2012 50 987 4 402 007 46 584 993 000", "巴基斯坦 2009-2012 18 148 17 610 000 538 000 000", "巴拉圭 2007-2013年 750 000 255 725 000", "卢旺达 2008-2012年", "南非 2007-2012年", "苏丹 2009-2012 10 345 8 492 382 1 852 618 000", "阿拉伯叙利亚共和国 2007-2012年 810 000 552 119 257 881", "多哥 2008-2012年", "委内瑞拉(2009-2013年玻利瓦尔共和国)", "共计 117 420 169", "* 实际数额将取决于可用于国家方案的经常资源的全球总体水平。" ]
[ "United Nations Children’s Fund", "Executive Board", "Second regular session 2011", "12-15 September 2011", "* E/ICEF/2011/13.", "Item 4 (d) of the provisional agenda*", "Advocacy, programme development and intercountry programmes", "Summary", "In accordance with the harmonization of the budgets of UNICEF, the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), the proposals relating to the previous category 4 (advocacy and programme development for headquarters and regional offices) are presented separately from the institutional budget (E/ICEF/2011/AB/L.2).", "The present paper contains recommendations for allocations totalling $31,600,000 in regular resources and $633,910,000 for other resources, subject to the availability of specific-purpose contributions, for advocacy and programme development during the 2012-2013 biennium for headquarters and regional offices and intercountry programmes.", "The Executive Board is requested to adopt the draft decision contained in paragraph 59.", "I. Introduction", "1. Following the harmonization of the budgets of UNICEF, UNDP and UNFPA, the proposals relating to the previous category 4 (advocacy and programme development for headquarters and regional offices) are presented separately from the institutional budget. This is in line with recommendations of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions (E/ICEF/1998/AB/L.2).", "2. The regular resources allocations and other resources ceilings relate to headquarters and regional offices that provide direct support to achieving the key results of the UNICEF medium-term strategic plan (MTSP) for 2006-2013 (E/ICEF/2008/25) and contribute to the achievement of the Millennium Declaration and the Millennium Development Goals with equity. These allocations represent 2.3 per cent of annual allocations of regular resources to country programmes. Most regular and other resources are channelled through UNICEF-assisted country programmes approved individually by the Executive Board.", "3. UNICEF proposes to continue a modest other resources ceiling for intercountry programmes to allow the organization to accept contributions that do not fit neatly into the approved other resources ceilings. UNICEF would thus be able to respond to new opportunities for children as these arise at regional, multi‑country, country and, in exceptional cases, global levels.", "4. This report presents the advocacy and programme development budget for UNICEF headquarters and the seven regional offices, as well as six intercountry programmes for the 2012-2013 biennium. These regular and other resources will permit UNICEF to more effectively pursue the key results and targets of the five organizational focus areas of the MTSP for 2006-2013. The present document proposes a total of $31,600,000 in regular resources allocations and a ceiling of $633,910,000 in other resources, subject to the availability of specific-purpose contributions, for advocacy and programme development for the 2012-2013 biennium for headquarters and regional offices and intercountry programmes.", "II. Headquarters — advocacy and programme development budget", "5. The proposed budget proposes a regular resources allocation of $23,300,000 and a ceiling of $278,600,000 in other resources for advocacy and programme development by headquarters offices during the 2012-2013 biennium, as shown in table 1.", "Table 1 Advocacy and programme development budget for headquarters", "(In thousands of United States dollars)", "Headquarters Regular Other resources resources", "Approved Proposed Approved Proposed allocation allocation ceiling ceiling 2010-2011 2012-2013 2010-2011 2012-2013", "Programmes 4 400 4 400 50 000 110 000", "Policy and Practice 3 650 3 650 30 000 30 000", "Office of Emergency 1 050 1 050 25 000 25 000 Programmes", "Communication 7 200 7 900 7 500 7 500", "Evaluation Office 2 200 2 200 7 500 7 500", "Public Alliances and 100 100 1 200 1 200 Resource Mobilization Office (New York, Brussels and Tokyo)", "Private Fundraising and 600 600 1 200 1 200 Partnerships (Geneva and New York)", "Information Technology — — 2 000 1 000 Solutions and Services", "Executive Office 600 600 5 000 5 000", "Human Resources — — 5 000 5 000", "Office of Research 1 800 1 800 20 000 20 000", "Supply 1 000 1 000 10 000 10 000", "Supply — Procurement — — — 55 200 Services", "Total 22 600 23 300 164 400 278 600", "6. A significant part of the proposed budget is for collaborative approaches within and across technical programme fields in support of the organizational priorities. These resources will be prioritized to strengthen programme delivery for equitable results.", "7. The regular resources budget and the ceiling in other resources are proposed to support scaling-up of proven interventions, knowledge management, research, evaluation and communication. Special efforts will be exerted to work with other partners to better understand and address bottlenecks to reaching the most disadvantaged children and families and to remove barriers to their access to basic social services and protection.", "8. The proposed budget will be used for (a) the co-funding of partnership programmes; (b) greater focus of programmes on equity; (c) development and publication of programme experience and guidance on approved strategies; (d) identification of good practices and assessment of lessons learned; (e) data, research and analysis in key areas for children and women; (f) dissemination of knowledge relevant to improving the well-being of children; (g) evaluation of programme performance; (h) improving staff capacities and programme management; and (i) information systems.", "9. Further information is given in the following paragraphs of the advocacy and programme development work planned for 2012-2013 by the concerned headquarters offices.", "10. Programmes provides global leadership to UNICEF advocacy and sector-wide action, guides country programmes, influences global technical and policy dialogue, scales up proven, equity-focused interventions, monitors and analyses programme performance and knowledge exchange and leverages resources to achieve results for children. It provides global leadership in early childhood development and promotes interdivisional and cross-sectoral strategies for humanitarian cluster coordination and transition, programme communication, partnerships, gender mainstreaming, and a focus on disability across all areas of UNICEF work. It promotes the equity agenda and supports efforts to refocus UNICEF-supported programmes, partnerships and policies on the most disadvantaged children in development and humanitarian contexts. The proposed budget includes a regular resource allocation of $4.4 million and a ceiling of $110 million in other resources to support these efforts around four outcome areas: (a) young child survival and development; (b) education; (c) child protection; and (d) HIV/AIDS.", "(a) In the area of young child survival and development, emphasis will be on addressing the key causes of death in children, maintaining a global leadership role in areas such as immunization, and reducing undernutrition. It will support countries to identify the most deprived with greater specificity, employ bottleneck analysis at decentralized levels, and scale up critical equity-focused strategies. It will work across sectors and with partners to identify innovative delivery modes for integrated packages of cost-effective, evidence-based interventions and to expedite the scale-up of equity-focused interventions. It will invest in supporting improved tracking and monitoring of progress of ‘reduction of bottlenecks’ at the field level.", "(b) The education outcome area will focus its support in education-related interventions, particularly bottleneck analysis, the out-of-school children initiative, child-friendly schooling and school fee abolition, and ensure that these approaches are strategically designed to contribute to the elimination of disparities in access and learning achievement. New technologies will be pioneered to realize the potential of open and distance learning as a strategy for reaching marginalized children with quality education.", "(c) Child protection supports timely, evidence-based technical leadership and guidance to regional and country offices; the consolidation and dissemination of programme knowledge and experiences to facilitate the strategic positioning and implementation of results-based interventions in child protection; research, data and analysis to inform programme design and implementation; and leveraging and convening partners around key areas of work. It focuses on systems strengthening and supports UNICEF action to prevent violence, exploitation, abuse and neglect, as well as its response to natural disasters, urbanization, and widening disparities, which increase children’s risks of and exposure to violence and abuse.", "(d) HIV/AIDS supports efforts to reach socially excluded and marginalized mothers and children, with emphasis on data collection and analysis for improved planning, monitoring, evaluation and advocacy. It will support priority countries to achieve the elimination of mother-to-child transmission of HIV; provide paediatric treatment and care; prevent infection among adolescent and young people; and protect and care for children affected by AIDS. Investments in research will be used to improve policy and programme efficiency, effectiveness, and equity. Strategic partnerships will be prioritized to harness technological advances in medical, financial, and social mobilization responses that reach the marginalized and socially excluded.", "11. Policy and Practice provides leadership in evidence-based advocacy, analysis and programme guidance, and supports offices to effectively pursue results-focused, rights-based and equitable results for children. It leads UNICEF efforts to promote policies, build knowledge and understanding and to support development approaches and cost-effective programming practices that drive forward the realization of children’s rights with equity in all its dimensions, including gender, disability, location and ethnic or indigenous minority status. It supports UNICEF work in upstream policy and capacity development efforts with national partners as well as in strengthening the cross-cutting strategies in support of all MTSP focus areas.", "12. The proposed budget includes a regular resources allocation of $3.65 million and a ceiling of $30 million in other resources to (a) support data collection, analysis and dissemination, to strengthen the evidence base at country, regional and global levels for monitoring progress, trends and inequities on child-related indicators across all focus areas and for the Millennium Development Goals, providing quality assurance for informed decisions on scaled-up response for achieving child-related goals; (b) promote a human rights-based approach, gender and disability mainstreaming, communication for development, child participation and adolescent development, with UNICEF and its partners, in regular, transition and humanitarian situations, through organisational guidance, policies and tools that promote equity and child rights, based on non-discrimination, accountability and participation; (c) support the implementation of MTSP focus area 5 (policy advocacy and partnership for children’s rights), with a particular focus on social and economic policy, including social protection, analysis of child poverty and disparities, as well as public expenditure analysis from a child perspective; and (d) ensure that all levels of the organization have access to up-to-date guidance, tools and support on results-based planning, budgeting, programme monitoring and performance management.", "13. The Office of Emergency Programmes plays a critical role in ensuring that the humanitarian actions of UNICEF are timely, well informed, coordinated, effective, consistent, safe and accountable. It is focused on providing direct support to country and regional offices to prepare for and respond to emergencies, including chronic humanitarian situations, support emergency risk-informed programming, develop risk reduction and recovery plans and build national capacities to ensure sustainable improvements for children and women. The proposed budget includes a regular resources allocation of $1,050,000 and a ceiling of $25 million in other resources to support implementation of core commitments for children in emergencies, strengthen early warning, emergency preparedness and response, peacebuilding, humanitarian policy and partnerships. The Office will increase its focus on gender mainstreaming, knowledge management and capacity development while consistently supporting the security of staff and the safe delivery of programmes and business continuity management, including preparedness, management of risk, crisis response and business recovery.", "14. Communication will continue to play a key role in maintaining the distinctive standing of UNICEF and ensuring that the rights of children and women are seen as a top priority on public advocacy and policy agendas. Under the proposed budget, Communication will receive a regular resources allocation of $7.9 million and a ceiling of $7.5 million in other resources. Communication will strategically position and profile UNICEF knowledge leadership on children’s issues by promoting UNICEF corporate priorities, MTSP, MDG results and the equity agenda; in the following ways: producing and strategically distributing evidence-based publications, including the organization’s flagship publications; continuing to manage, monitor, promote and protect the UNICEF brand; and ensuring that UNICEF staff are active in dialogue-based internal communication platforms, with an emphasis on knowledge sharing.", "15. In the area of external communication, traditional and emergent communication channels and platforms will be strategically deployed and interactive digital engagement promoted in order to amplify the voice of UNICEF stakeholders. This will be achieved by promoting and protecting the organization’s agenda and its reputation in the global media, particularly before, during and after large-scale emergencies; developing multimedia communication products and strategically placing them on multimedia platforms for targeted audiences; developing and promoting the organization’s approach to social media and more innovative use of social media tools and platforms in a way that triggers and sustains interactive dialogue with targeted audiences; and ensuring that UNICEF Goodwill Ambassadors are strategically engaged as third-party advocates for the public awareness of UNICEF work.", "16. Organizational capacity for global communication and public advocacy will be enhanced, both through effective leadership in the roll-out of a global communication and public advocacy strategy as well as by ensuring that normative guidance is in place for communication and public advocacy themes and processes.", "17. The Evaluation Office is committed to providing global leadership in evaluation, eliciting common or harmonized evaluation policy that generates specific improvements in management engagement, investment and partnerships. It supports independent corporate evaluations, which provide credible evidence on the performance of UNICEF-supported programmes, policies and strategies as well as its internal functioning. It contributes to well-informed and timely decisions on the strategies required to reach and sustain the Millennium Development Goals, child rights and other relevant internationally agreed goals.", "18. Under the proposed budget, Evaluation will receive regular resources allocation of $2.2 million and a ceiling of $7.5 million for other resources to provide UNICEF evaluation leadership that secures management engagement with Evaluation and provides appropriate guidance to senior leaders on policies, strategies and partnerships. It will ensure that within the United Nations system and at the global level, coordination on evaluation issues contribute to improved accountability and coherence of the United Nations and international evaluation systems, strengthen norms and standards for the evaluation function, agree on a common stance toward national evaluation capacity development and guidance on the evaluation of the United Nations Development Assistance Framework, and undertake joint evaluations on critical common issues such as ‘Delivering as One’.", "19. These resources will enable Evaluation to conduct programmatic and operational evaluations as well as on foundation strategies (human rights-based approach) that analyse the contribution of UNICEF to global strategies. These will include key evaluations from the integrated monitoring and evaluation framework of the MTSP. It will undertake humanitarian evaluations that examine the fulfilment of the corporate commitments of UNICEF in humanitarian crises and conduct evaluations of success in making institutional transitions (upstream advocacy work) and of performance in development cooperation issues (aid effectiveness).", "20. Evaluation will support systemic strengthening of the decentralized evaluation function so that field offices can meet their evaluation accountabilities: ensuring strategic prioritization and adequate resourcing through technical guidance; develop field-level capacity through web-based self-learning and training, web-facilitated networking, and enhanced staff recruitment and skills assessment strategies; and support national evaluation capacity development through South-South cooperation, links with centres of excellence and national evaluation associations.", "21. The Public Alliances and Resources Mobilization Office (PARMO) will continue to support resource mobilization, with a view to engaging more effectively in new strategic partnerships while maintaining strong links with reliable donors who have provided consistent support to UNICEF over the years. The Office will also seek to more effectively support country and regional offices in their resource mobilization activities. It will enhance collaboration at the central level, with select strategic programme partnerships where a four-fold increase in income was achieved in the past two years and further opportunities exist.", "22. Under the proposed budget, PARMO will receive a regular resources allocation of $100,000 and a ceiling of $1.2 million in other resources, which are required to manage and strengthen relations with donors, develop organizational resource mobilization strategies and guidance, and engage in evidence-based policy dialogue. It will also aim to increase the quality and quantity of resources to address children’s priorities through strengthened partnerships in the context of new aid modalities and strategic engagement with public-sector partners.", "23. Private Fundraising and Partnerships is a ‘one-stop shop’ for UNICEF National Committees and country offices in relation to private-sector fundraising in 70 countries. The Office will strengthen strategic partnerships with National Committees, which raise about a third of the organization’s income. Private Fundraising and Partnerships also supports corporate engagement and corporate social responsibility activities, and is the lead organizational unit that manages relationships with celebrities and UNICEF goodwill ambassadors. It will continue to guide and support advocacy for children’s rights, education for development, communication and branding in countries where National Committees operate. It will also provide support for in-country fund-raising efforts by UNICEF offices.", "24. The proposed budget for Private Fundraising and Partnerships includes a regular resources allocation of $0.6 million and a ceiling of $1.2 million for other resources, which will be used to enhance advocacy in industrialized countries, corporate social responsibility and strategic partnerships capacity. It will enhance the profile of National Committees for UNICEF as leading advocates for the realization of the rights of the most disadvantaged children, globally and domestically. Private Fundraising and Partnerships will support efforts by UNICEF and National Committees to engage effectively with the business community to advance child rights. It will coordinate the implementation of a strategic framework for partnerships and collaborative relationships across the organization.", "25. Information Technology Solutions and Services will provide enterprise systems, technologies, and service support that maximize the effectiveness and efficiency of UNICEF operations and programmes. It will assess, review and research evolving and relevant technological innovations that will help UNICEF to stay relevant, competitive and responsive. The proposed budget includes a ceiling of $1.0 million in other resources to expand capacity and support a robust technology. These resources will be used to improve productivity, facilitate information sharing, improve safety and security of field personnel and adequately support new technologies. Information Technology Solutions and Services will support a smooth transition to a single-application enterprise resource planning system (One ERP).", "26. The Executive Office provides strategic guidance and leadership to senior management for implementing results for children. Under the proposed budget, the Executive Office will have a regular resources allocation of $0.6 million and a ceiling of $5.0 million for other resources to mobilize global commitment and political will through high-level advocacy and partnerships for reaching the Millennium Development Goals with equity and in support of the implementation of the Convention on the Rights of the Child. The Office will continue to provide direction for improved organizational performance and coordinated strategic support to the field for achieving results for children. With equity as the central thrust of UNICEF work, the Executive Office will continue to promote and shepherd the programme and management improvement projects to build a more streamlined, results-focused organization, responsive to emerging trends and issues in a changing world, while ensuring coherence and complementarity with the actions of other United Nations organizations.", "27. Human Resources supports the development of a flexible, highly skilled and motivated workforce to implement the key 2006-2013 MTSP results. This includes taking account of strategic priorities such as the equity focus as well as ensuring cost-effective and simplified practices and policies. The proposed budget for Human Resources includes a ceiling of $5.0 million in other resources to enable the Office raise funds to support strategic resourcing and talent management and manage human resources for humanitarian situations.", "28. The Office of Research will provide leadership for the UNICEF strategic research agenda and help to disseminate and apply research findings. The Office, which oversees the work of the Innocenti Research Centre, will collaborate with all parts of the organization to implement strategic research, addressing organizational research priorities and identified gaps. It will support research management and quality assurance and strengthen a system of effective knowledge management and dissemination of research results. It is also expected to collaborate with key partners, including the Committee on the Rights of the Child, to advance research in priority areas.", "29. The proposed budget includes a regular resource allocation of $1.8 million and a ceiling of $20 million for other resources to revitalize the Innocenti Research Centre as an internationally recognized centre of research on children while extending its work into new areas that are priorities for UNICEF. It will support organizational change to put research and knowledge at the centre of the organization’s drive for results. The Office will disseminate research and knowledge to the field and with partners through an integrated research and communication strategy, and create a repository of validated knowledge and good practice.", "30. Supply will support programmes with supplies that contribute to the objectives of the MTSP and the Millennium Development Goals and to help meet the UNICEF Core Commitments for Children in Humanitarian Action by providing rapid response to emergency supply and logistics needs. The critical areas of leadership are immunization, essential medicines, nutrition, HIV/AIDS, malaria, maternal health, education, and water and sanitation.", "31. The proposed budget includes an allocation of $1 million in regular resources and a ceiling of $10 million in other resources. This includes (a) enabling an effective, efficient supply operation; (b) providing supply expertise to programme design, planning and execution; (c) rapid response to emergency supply and logistics needs; (d) monitoring the performance of the global supply operation; (e) establishing policies for supply-chain activities; (f) contributing to United Nations harmonization and effectiveness; and (g) leading UNICEF work in product and technology innovation. The proposed budget also includes a ceiling of $55 million in other resources to provide procurement services to Governments and development partners for approximately $1.1 billion of strategic and essential supplies.", "III. Regional offices — advocacy and programme development budgets", "32. Regional offices play a leading role in developing and managing programmes of cooperation, partnerships, alliances, advocacy as well as managing their internal operations. They provide country offices with guidance, oversight and quality assurance, technical support, capacity building, as well as support for knowledge management and strategic regional partnerships. Details of the advocacy and programme development work planned by the regional offices during 2012-2013 are provided below.", "33. The proposed programme budget for the seven regional offices consists of an allocation totalling $8,300,000 from regular resources and a ceiling of $155,310,000 in other resources. The other resources ceiling for each office has been established at a level consistent with actual receipts of other resources contributions in the previous two years, and takes into account the regional offices’ management plans for 2012-2013. Table 2 summarizes the regular resources allocations and the other resources ceilings proposed for each office.", "Table 2 Advocacy and programme development budgets for regional offices", "(In thousands of United States dollars)", "Regional Office Regular Other resources resources", "Approved Proposed Approved Proposed allocation allocation ceiling ceiling 2010-2011 2012-2013 2010-2011 2012-2013", "Eastern and Southern Africa 1 500 1 500 55 000 41 810", "West and Central Africa 1 500 1 500 34 000 31 500", "Americas and the Caribbean 950 950 13 500 15 500", "East Asia and the Pacific 1 500 950 30 000 20 000", "South Asia 950 950 10 600 13 500", "Middle East and North 950 950 15 525 13 000 Africa", "Central and Eastern Europe 1 500 1 500 13 200 20 000 and the Commonwealth of Independent States", "Total 8 850 8 300 162 626 155 310", "34. The Eastern and Southern Africa Regional Office (ESARO) will support operational research, evaluations and knowledge management across all programme sectors with particular attention to the equity focus — enabling programmes to better understand who and where those excluded from development and humanitarian processes are — and translate this knowledge into inclusive policies and programme designs. Decentralization will be emphasized as an overarching strategy for programme planning and implementation to address geographic inequities and the underlying problems of governance, also linked to social policy and child-friendly budgeting. Partnerships with leading sister agencies and other development institutions are expected to help leverage resources and attention to addressing children’s rights with a focus on equity. While maintaining and generating new broad-based partnerships to foster alliances for children will continue to be an underlying strategy, coherence among United Nations agencies at the regional level is expected to generate synergies in supporting results-focused country-level inter-agency collaboration.", "35. With a proposed programme budget of $1.5 million from regular resources and a ceiling of $41.81 million in other resources, ESARO will support improved situation analysis and a strengthened evidence base to produce the necessary evidence for equity-based approaches, and inform equity-focused programming. These resources will also support policies and programming to strengthen the equity focus of country programmes and partnerships across the region through regional research and evaluation initiatives. The funds will also support technical assistance and oversight, to sharpen the strategic focus and prioritization of frameworks and programmes of the United Nations and UNICEF. The resources will further support strategic partnerships, including development of a clearly prioritized agenda of engagement with the African Union, the Economic Commission for Africa and the Southern Africa Development Community, focusing on selected areas where the partnership can add real value.", "36. The West and Central Africa Regional Office (WCARO) will support country offices to focus on enhancing their capacity to deliver equitable results for children to (a) accelerate progress towards health-related Millennium Development Goals, including health, nutrition, WASH, HIV/AIDS, with particular attention to polio eradication and elimination of mother-to-child transmission of HIV; (b) accelerate progress towards universal quality basic education; (c) strengthen social protection and protection of children from violence, exploitation and abuse; (d) anticipate, prepare for and mitigate the impact of emergencies on vulnerable populations; (e) introduce an equity focus in all the programme dimensions in order to further accelerate progress towards the Millennium Development Goals.", "37. With a proposed programme budget of $1.5 million from regular resources and a ceiling of $31.5 million in other resources, WCARO will strengthen the evidence base for equity-focused programme design and implementation, and advocacy with key strategic partners. Efforts will be stepped up to ensure country offices support high-quality, continuously updated rolling situation analyses of children and women, while simultaneously sustaining ongoing efforts in tackling bottlenecks and causes of deprivation from the supply and demand side. On the supply side, this will entail continued attention to national policy development and strategic results-based planning, costing and budgeting as well as systems strengthening, with a particular focus on strengthening community-based approaches. On the demand side, the Regional Office will continue to sustain strengthening of communication for development to reinforce knowledge of, access to and use of social basic services and to promote the adoption of essential care-seeking and preventive practices by families and communities. It will also support the establishment and progressive scaling-up and resourcing of minimum packages of social protection measures, with a focus on disadvantaged families and children. Enhancing the protective role of other sectors (access to health, education and civil registration for vulnerable children) will be critical, together with the promotion of social change that protects children from violence, exploitation and gender discrimination.", "38. The Americas and Caribbean Regional Office (TACRO) will support country offices and partners to address structural inequalities that cause sharp disparities and affect the survival and development of almost half of the children in the region, who live in poverty or social exclusion. These children include those of indigenous or African descent, affected by migration, with parents lacking education or engaged in low-paying jobs, who have disabilities, live in remote rural or marginal urban areas or are affected by violence and exploitation. With a proposed programme budget of $0.95 million from regular resources and a ceiling of $15.5 million in other resources, TACRO will support the use of more cost-efficient models in the region to fulfil finance, operations, supply and human resources functions.", "39. The Office will conduct regional analysis, highlight major gaps in access to and quality of social services affecting children living in poverty or social exclusion, and demonstrate how child-related policies impact them. Strategic, multisectoral and cost-effective interventions for rapid implementation at the national and local levels will be developed to support country programmes in addressing structural and systemic barriers, to ensure that these children can exercise their rights. The Office will establish a coordinated, focused advocacy agenda and improve targeting of behaviour-change interventions to address barriers posed by cultural and social norms. Partnerships with subregional and intergovernmental institutions will be streamlined through a focus on key institutions.", "40. TACRO will maintain a sharper focus on monitoring implementation of recommendations by the committees on the Convention on the Rights of the Child and the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women; ensure the availability of disaggregated data and other evidence, to bridge information gaps; and improve policy responsiveness and effectiveness. The DevInfo regional hub (supported by the Government of Panama) will be consolidated, and a regional database of centres of excellence strengthened to provide specialized technical assistance and contribute to the formation of a critical mass of expertise within the region. The Office will support country offices in establishing clear and measurable results in a timely manner to guide programming and allocation of resources and demonstrate the impact, both upstream and downstream, of UNICEF-supported programmes on children, especially the most disadvantaged.", "41. TACRO will strengthen the social and economic policy function to better undertake analyses of social budgets, socio-economic trends and political processes that directly or indirectly affect children and women, and prepare ‘child-friendly’ options for effective decentralization, fiscal policies (including social protection programmes) and subnational policies that reach more disadvantaged children and women. It will continue to mainstream emergency preparedness and response within the programme areas, in compliance with the Core Commitments for Children in Humanitarian Action. Disaster risk-reduction efforts will be supported in conjunction with regional and subregional mechanisms. The Office will focus in particular on supporting the Haiti country office to promote and support a transformative national agenda for children, while maintaining support to current and future emergencies.", "42. The East Asia and the Pacific Regional Office (EAPRO) will strengthen the equity focus and cross-sectoral strategies, support country offices to effectively roll out and implement change management initiatives (information management system and the International Public Sector Accounting Standards), further improve cost efficiency and productivity based on results of evaluations undertaken during the 2010-2011 biennium and focus on strategic result-based management as part of its oversight and accountability.", "43. With a proposed programme budget of $0.95 million from regular resources and a ceiling of $20 million in other resources, the Office will contribute to enhancing the quality and impact of policy and programmatic actions for the realization of children’s rights in the region, with a focus on disadvantaged populations. This will include achieving results in the MTSP focus areas, the Millennium Declaration and the Millennium Development Goals with equity. The Office will integrate emergency and disaster risk reduction into the MTSP focus areas and support emergency preparedness consistent with the UNICEF Core Commitments for Children in Humanitarian Action and corporate activation procedures.", "44. EAPRO will support aligning of country programmes with national priorities and the development of national capacity through technical support and South-South Cooperation. It will use equity-focused, evidence-informed advocacy, engage with strategic partners, mainstream knowledge management and strengthen the evaluation function to ensure it contributes to the generation of evidence and lessons on the effectiveness of policies, programmes and initiatives. It will strengthen communication for development and ensure that the human rights-based approach to programming and capacity development continue to guide work of UNICEF in the region. Gender equality and issues related to adolescent and youth development, emergency preparedness and response as well as disaster risk reduction will be mainstreamed.", "45. Strategic partnerships, studies and analyses will be promoted to contribute to the development of viable and innovative approaches in MTSP focus areas. The Office will continue to contribute to enhanced emergency preparedness and response at the country level, including enhanced capacity of country offices in disaster or emergency-prone areas to meet UNICEF cluster leadership accountabilities in WASH, nutrition, education and child protection.", "46. The Regional Office for South Asia (ROSA) will respond to increasing disparities throughout the region with an emphasis on improved data collection and analysis, especially at the subnational level. With a proposed programme budget of $0.95 million from regular resources and a ceiling of $13.5 million in other resources, the Office will support countries to focus their programmes on equity and sharpen their results towards achievement of the Millennium Development Goals. It will target areas of greatest disparities and support partnerships and investment to reduce bottlenecks and improve service delivery at the decentralized level. Building systems and institutional capacity of partners through the investment case methodology will be central to addressing regional challenges in maternal newborn health, improving nutrition rates through good health and hygiene practices, reaching sanitation targets and improving access to quality education at both primary and secondary levels. ROSA will prioritize addressing harmful practices and discrimination against children through improved child protection systems and awareness-raising on HIV/AIDS prevention.", "47. ROSA will continue to engage in strategic regional partnerships and gender issues, and will support United Nations coherence, formalize its partnership with the Asian Development Bank and build on complementary advantages to promote inclusive growth and development for children, especially among the most disadvantaged. Building on the 2010 High Level Meeting on Cooperation for Child Rights in the Asia-Pacific Region, the Office will encourage South-South cooperation and the realization of child rights through support to the implementation of the Beijing Declaration on South-South Cooperation for Child Rights in the Asia-Pacific Region. ROSA will support ongoing regional partnerships in HIV/AIDS, education and child protection (including the South Asia Initiative to End Violence Against Children). It will support country offices and national partners in capacity development, to strengthen child protection systems, the design of social protection systems and the leveraging of national and subnational budgets. The Office will continue to provide leadership on children’s issues, utilizing its convening power and evidence-based advocacy with other partners and donors to address the root causes and effects of disparity, such as discrimination related to gender, caste, ethnicity and religion across sectors.", "48. The Office will strengthen technical expertise and provide strategic support for emergency operations and develop lessons from the emergency response to the Pakistan floods to enhance capacity development in the cluster approach to emergencies. It will focus on thematic evaluations and accelerate efforts to achieve the Millennium Development Goals with equity. Based on lessons learned, the Office will acquire technical assistance from reputable academic and research institutions.", "49. The Middle East and North Africa Regional Office (MENARO), with a proposed programme budget of $0.95 million from regular resources and a ceiling of $13 million in other resources, will use multi-country approaches to enhance the programme capacity of country offices and counterparts to promote and protect the rights of adolescent boys and girls and strengthen national and regional capacities around emergency preparedness and response. It will strengthen structured collaboration with knowledge leaders; nurture extended partnerships with knowledge centres; and support country programmes to respond effectively to development challenges, in line with corporate and regional priorities, strategies, principles and guidelines. MENARO will undertake humanitarian-focused surveys and evaluations to improve the understanding of the impact of protracted crises on vulnerable children.", "50. In view of the upheavals, the protracted humanitarian crises in the region and their implications on vulnerable children and the youth, MENARO will continuously review the situation to understand, strengthen advocacy and support countries in the region to address vulnerabilities owing to conflict and unfulfilled human rights. It will prioritize emergency response readiness at the country level.", "51. The Office will ensure that UNICEF-supported programmes in the region maintain a sharper equity and gender focus, with measurable and differentiated value added and in greater coherence with other United Nations agencies. It will support improved child-centred, equity-oriented data collection and analysis, monitoring systems, and programme/policy evaluations and, contribute to improved evidence and advocacy on pro-equity social policies, systems and budgets through increased capacity and technical support. It will support enhanced preparedness and response to emergencies and contribute to strengthened capacity to ensure the rights of the child to survival, growth and development with equity in all contexts; improve and monitor access to and quality of education throughout the life cycle of the child, with a focus on emergency situations, gender inequalities and context-specific inequities; and reduce HIV transmission and impact, with special focus on children and adolescent boys and girls.", "52. MENARO will contribute to the achievement of enhanced child protection systems and promotion of protective social norms to prevent, protect and monitor violence, abuse and neglect, with special attention to gender inequalities and disadvantaged children. It will also contribute to enhanced equity-oriented advocacy, communication and partnerships for children’s and women’s rights, as well as increased capacities of governments, civil society and key stakeholders to mobilize political will and resources to protect, respect and fulfil the rights of adolescent boys and girls.", "53. The Central and Eastern Europe and the Commonwealth of Independent States Regional Office (CEE/CIS) will continue to support and guide the transformation of the role of UNICEF at the country level for a more relevant and strategic engagement. With a proposed programme budget of $1.5 million from regular resources and a ceiling of $20 million in other resources, the Office will promote social inclusion of the most marginalized and socially excluded groups through increased evidence and analysis that facilitate national debates on disparities and their causes with governments, the private sector and the international community. It will support public-sector reforms and systems reaching the most vulnerable through equitable access to quality early childhood development activities, education, health and child protection services, and effective public finance management. It will also support the voices of children and adolescents through child-rights monitoring systems, and empower children, adolescents and their families to demand and protect their rights.", "54. The CEE/CIS Office will support countries to redirect public systems and services to reach the most vulnerable groups and provide more equitable access to child survival, health, development, education, child protection and social protection services; to combat HIV and AIDS among most-at-risk adolescents; and support countries to achieve the elimination of mother-to-child transmission of HIV. It will support countries to build health systems that deliver effective and evidence-based packages of services to the most vulnerable groups, focusing on maternal and child survival and health, child development and protection, and effective public health interventions. It will support the development and dissemination of innovative and effective approaches to progressively enhance the inclusiveness as well as the quality and relevance of basic education systems, including early learning.", "55. The Office will support national governments to develop child protection systems that effectively prevent and respond to violence, family separation and detention, including for most vulnerable groups. It will support governments in their ongoing reforms of social protection and public finance management systems and orient them to be increasingly child-sensitive and to prioritize the social inclusion of vulnerable children belonging to marginalized groups such as the Roma. In line with the Core Commitments for Children in Humanitarian Action and the global equity framework, policy and programmatic strategies will be developed and promoted to strengthen risk analysis, emergency preparedness and response as well as disaster risk reduction.", "56. UNICEF will collaborate with the Government of the Russian Federation through a new form of engagement, taking into account the resources of the country and its role in the global arena, at the same time addressing critical gaps in furthering the child rights agenda, while working towards the establishment of a National Committee in the longer term. The new role, which will include advocacy and resource mobilization, will be supported by the Office’s CEE/CIS programme resources. The other resources ceiling for the Office will take into account the additional ceiling required to accommodate the resource mobilization and advocacy activities related to the new UNICEF engagement in the Russian Federation during 2012-2013.", "IV. Intercountry programmes", "57. UNICEF proposes to continue the other resources ceiling for intercountry programmes to allow the organization to accept contributions that do not fit neatly into the other resources ceilings for country, regional or headquarters offices. The central purpose of these programmes is to allow UNICEF to respond to new opportunities for children as they arise at regional, multi-country, country and, in exceptional cases, global levels, in addition to the programmes covered under the ceilings approved through individual country programmes. These funds provide a flexible window through which UNICEF can receive and assign new contributions, often of a significant magnitude, covering several countries, which are justified in enabling UNICEF to mobilize and deploy additional resources flexibly towards faster or more effective achievement of key results and targets of the MTSP. The ceiling by programme area is summarized in table 3.", "Table 3 Intercountry programmes", "(In thousands of United States dollars)", "Programme area Other resources", "Approved ceiling Proposed 2010-2011 ceiling 2012-2013", "Young child survival and development 90 000 135 000", "Basic education and gender equality 5 000 25 000", "HIV/AIDS and children 30 000 10 000", "Child protection from violence, 10 000 5 000 exploitation and abuse", "Policy advocacy and partnerships for 5 000 5 000 children’s rights", "Other advocacy and programme development 5 000 5 000", "Humanitarian action and early recovery 15 000 15 000", "Total 160 000 200 000", "58. During the 2010-2011 biennium, UNICEF was able to allocate a total of $4,761,399,178 in other resources, of which 32 per cent were for emergencies and 68 per cent for regular programmes. Of the latter amount, 86 per cent were allocated to the other resources ceilings of country programmes approved by the Executive Board and 14 per cent to the three categories of other resources ceilings for advocacy, programme development and intercountry programmes: headquarters (9 per cent); regional offices (3 per cent); and intercountry programmes by global programme area (1 per cent). The present proposal establishes a ceiling of $200 million in other resources for intercountry programmes by global programme area for the 2012-2013 biennium, in addition to the other resources ceilings proposed above for headquarters and regional offices.", "V. Draft decision", "Programme budget estimates for the 2012-2013 biennium", "59. The Executive Board is recommended to adopt the following draft decision on budget estimates for the 2012-2013 biennium for programme activities:", "The Executive Board", "Decides", "(a) To approve a regular resources programme budget of $31,600,000 for advocacy and programme development during the 2012-2013 biennium for headquarters and regional offices, as per the following details:", "(In thousands of United States dollars)", "Headquarters", "Programmes 4 400", "Policy and Practice 3 650", "Office of Emergency Programmes 1 050", "Communication 7 900", "Evaluation Office 2 200", "Public Alliances and Resource 100 Mobilization Office (New York, Brussels and Tokyo)", "Private Fundraising and 600 Partnerships (Geneva and New York)", "Executive Office 600", "Office of Research 1 800", "Supply 1 000", "Subtotal 23 300", "Regional offices", "Eastern and Southern Africa 1 500", "West and Central Africa 1 500", "Americas and the Caribbean 950", "East Asia and the Pacific 950", "South Asia 950", "Middle East and North Africa 950", "Central and Eastern Europe and the 1 500 Commonwealth of Independent States", "Subtotal 8 300", "Total 31 600", "(b) That a programme budget ceiling of $633,910,000 in other resources is approved for the 2012-2013 biennium, subject to the availability of specific-purpose contributions, as follows:", "(In thousands of United States dollars)", "Headquarters 278 600", "Regional offices 155 310", "Intercountry programmes 200 000", "Total 633 910", "(c) If necessary, other resources in excess of indicated amounts for specific programme areas and regions can be received, provided that the total amount of funds received is within the approved limit." ]
[ "联合国儿基会", "执行局", "2011年第二届常会", "2011年9月12日至15日", "临时议程^(*) 项目4(d)", "宣传、方案发展和国家间方案", "摘要", "根据统一联合国儿童基金会(儿基会)、联合国开发计划署(开发署)和联合国人口基金(人口基金)预算的进程,此前类别4(总部和区域办事处的宣传和方案发展)的拟议预算与机构预算(E/ICEF/2011/AB/L.2)分开列报。", "本文件建议为2012-2013两年期总部和区域办事处的宣传和方案发展以及国家间方案拨付总额为31 600 000美元的经常资源和633 910 000美元的其他资源,但以获得特定用途捐款为前提。", "请执行局通过第59段所载决定草案。", "^(*) E/ICEF/2011/13。", "一. 导言", "1. 根据统一儿基会、开发署和人口基金预算的进程,此前类别4(总部和区域办事处的宣传和方案发展)的拟议预算与机构预算分开列报。这样做符合行政和预算问题咨询委员会的建议(E/ICEF/1998/AB/L.2)。", "2. 经常资源拨款和其他资源上限适用于能直接帮助儿基会取得2006-2013年中期战略计划(E/ICEF/2008/25)各项关键成果以及能协助公平地实现《千年宣言》和千年发展目标的总部和区域办事处。这些拨款占国家方案年度经常资源拨款的2.3%。大部分经常资源和其他资源通过执行局逐案核定的儿基会国家方案提供。", "3. 儿基会提议对国家间方案沿用适度的其他资源上限,以便本组织接收与核定的其他资源上限不完全相称的捐款。儿基会可借此对区域、多国、一国、以及特殊情况下在全球一级出现的有利于儿童的新机会作出回应。", "4. 本报告列报2012-2013两年期儿基会总部和七个区域办事处以及六个国家间方案的宣传和方案发展预算。这些经常资源和其他资源使儿基会能够更加有效地追求2006-2013年中期战略计划为本组织五个重点领域确定的关键成果和具体目标。本文件提议为2012-2013两年期儿基会总部和区域办事处的宣传和方案发展以及国家间方案拨付总额为31 600 000美元的经常资源和上限为633 910 000美元的其他资源,但以获得特定用途捐款为前提。", "二. 总部——宣传和方案发展预算", "5. 如表1所示,拟议预算提议为2012-2013两年期总部各单位的宣传和方案发展拨备23 300 000美元的经常资源拨款和上限为278 600 000美元的其他资源。", "表1 总部的宣传和方案发展预算", "(千美元)", "经常资源 其他资源\n 总部 2010-2011年 2012-2013年 2010-2011年 2012-2013年 核定拨款 拟议拨款 核定上限 拟议上限", "方案司 4 400 4 400 50 000 110 000", "政策和实践司 3 650 3 650 30 000 30 000", "紧急方案办公室 1 050 1 050 25 000 25 000", "传播司 7 200 7 900 7 500 7 500", "评价办公室 2 200 2 200 7 500 7 500", "公共部门联盟和资源调动办公室 100 100 1 200 1 200 (纽约,布鲁塞尔和东京)", "私营筹资和伙伴关系办公室 600 600 1 200 1 200 (日内瓦和纽约)", "信息技术解决方案和服务司 — — 2 000 1 000", "执行办公室 600 600 5 000 5 000", "人力资源办公室 — — 5 000 5 000", "研究室 1 800 1 800 20 000 20 000", "供应司 1 000 1 000 10 000 10 000", "供应司-采购处 — — — 55 200", "共计 22 600 23 300 164 400 278 600", "6. 拟议预算中有相当一部分是用于在各个技术方案领域内部和之间采取协作办法,支持本组织的优先事项。将安排好这些资源的优先次序,以加强交付方案的工作,取得公平成果。", "7. 拟议制定这些经常资源预算和其他资源上限是为了支持加强行动力度,实施已验证的干预措施和开展知识管理、研究、评价和传播工作。将与其他伙伴一道作出特殊努力,更好地了解并处理阻碍为最弱势儿童和家庭提供服务的瓶颈,排除他们在获得基本社会服务和保护方面遇到的障碍。", "8. 拟议预算将用于(a) 联合资助伙伴关系方案;(b) 加强方案对公平问题的重视;(c) 拟订并出版方案经验和有关核定战略的指南;(d) 确定良好做法,评估经验教训;(e) 在对儿童和妇女有利的关键领域收集数据,进行研究和分析;(f) 传播与改善儿童福祉有关的知识;(g) 评价方案执行情况;(h) 改善工作人员能力和方案管理;(i) 信息系统。", "9. 以下各段进一步说明2012-2013年总部有关单位计划开展的宣传和方案发展活动。", "10. 方案司领导儿基会的全球宣传工作和全部门行动,指导国家方案,影响全球技术和政策对话,扩大已经验证、以公平为中心的干预行动,监测和分析方案执行情况和知识交流情况,并利用资源,造福儿童。该司领导全球的幼儿发展工作,推动实施跨司和跨部门战略,促进人道主义组群协调和过渡,方案宣传,伙伴关系,将性别观点纳入主流,使儿基会所有领域的工作都重视残疾人问题。该司促进公平议程,支持在发展和人道主义活动中努力调整儿基会支持的方案、伙伴关系和政策的重点,将其放在最弱势儿童身上。拟议预算包括440万美元经常资源拨款和上限为1.1亿美元的其他资源,用以支持围绕四个成果领域开展的活动:(a) 幼儿生存和发展;(b) 教育;(c) 儿童保护;(d) 艾滋病毒/艾滋病。", "(a) 在幼儿生存和发展领域,重点将是解决导致儿童死亡的主要原因,继续领导全球免疫接种和减少营养不良情况等领域的活动。该司将支持各国家更加确切地确定最贫困人口,分析地方各级存在的瓶颈,加强以公平为重点的关键战略。该司将跨部门并与合作伙伴共同努力,找出创新交付办法,实施有成本效益和以证据为基础的综合干预措施,并加快步伐,加强以公平为重点的干预措施。该司将着力支持改进追踪和监测外地“减少瓶颈”进展情况的工作。", "(b) 教育成果领域的重点将是支持实施与教育相关的干预措施,特别是瓶颈分析、失学儿童倡议、儿童友好办学和取消学校收费,并确保从战略角度设计这些做法,以促进消除在获得教育的机会和学习成就方面存在的差距。将开创新技术,以发掘开放学习和远程学习的潜力,并将其作为为被边缘化儿童提供优质教育的战略。", "(c) 在儿童保护领域,将支持以下活动:及时和以证据为基础提供技术领导并向区域和国家办事处提供指导;整合并传播方案知识和经验,以方便在儿童保护方面确定战略定位,实施以成果为基础的干预措施;进行研究,收据数据和进行分析,使设计和实施方案的工作有所依据;发挥合作伙伴的杠杆作用,召集合作伙伴围绕重点工作领域开展活动。该领域的工作重点是加强各系统,支持儿基会采取行动,以防止暴力、剥削、虐待和忽视,并支持儿基会应对自然灾害、城市化和日益扩大的差距,因为这些问题增加儿童遭受暴力和虐待的风险和可能性。", "(d) 在艾滋病毒/艾滋病领域,将支持为被社会排斥和被边缘化的母亲和儿童服务的努力,其重点将是收集和分析收据,以改进规划、监测、评价和宣传工作。该领域将支持优先国家消除母婴传播艾滋病毒问题;提供儿科治疗和护理;防止青少年感染;保护和照顾已感染艾滋病的儿童。将利用研究方面的投资,提高政策和方案的效率、效益和公平性。将优先利用各种战略伙伴关系,以便利用在医疗、金融和社会动员方面出现的能够为被边缘化和被社会排斥的人服务的技术进步。", "11. 政策和实践司领导以证据为基础的宣传、分析和方案指导工作,支持各部门有效地追求着重于成果、以权利为基础和公平的成果,以促进儿童福祉。该司领导儿基会的下述努力:促进政策;建立知识和理解;支持各种发展做法和符合成本效益的编制方案做法,以推动公平地实现各方面的儿童权利,包括所属性别、残疾状况、所处位置和少数族裔或土著背景等方面的权利。该司支持儿基会与国家伙伴合作,制定上游政策和发展上游能力,并且加强贯穿各领域的战略,以支持中期战略计划的所有重点领域。", "12. 拟议预算编列365万美元的经常资源拨款和上限为3 000万美元的其他资源,以(a) 支持收集、分析和传播数据的活动,加强国家、区域和全球各级的证据基础,以监测所有重点领域与儿童相关的指标的进展情况、趋势和不公平现象,并推动千年发展目标,与此同时,为在知情情况下作出决定提供质量保证,以加强实现与儿童相关目标的行动;(b) 与儿基会及其合作伙伴一道,在不歧视、问责和参与基础上,通过促进平等和儿童权利的组织引导、政策和工具,在正常、过渡和人道主义局势中,促进:采取以人权为基础的做法,将社会性别和残疾问题主流化,宣传促进发展,儿童参与和青少年发展;(c) 支持实施中期战略计划重点领域5(维护儿童权利的政策宣传和伙伴关系),尤其是强调社会和经济政策,包括社会保护,儿童贫困和差距问题分析,以及从儿童角度分析公共支出;(d) 确保本组织各级部门在成果规划、预算编制、方案监测和绩效管理方面得到最新的指导、工具和支持。", "13. 紧急方案办公室发挥关键作用,确保儿基会及时、知情、协调、有效、一致、安全和负责任地开展人道主义行动。该办公室的工作重点是直接支持国家和区域办事处防备和应对紧急情况,包括长期存在的人道主义局势,支持在充分了解紧急情况风险的情况下编制方案,制定减少风险和恢复计划,建设国家能力,以确保以可持续方式改善儿童和妇女状况。拟议预算编制1 050 000美元经常资源拨款和上限为2 500万美元的其他资源,以支持履行在紧急情况下保护儿童的核心承诺,并加强预警、防备和应对紧急情况、建设和平、人道主义政策和伙伴关系等方面的工作。该办公室将更加重视性别平等主流化、知识管理和能力建设,与此同时,始终如一地支持确保工作人员的安全,支持以安全方式交付方案和管理业务连续性,包括做好防备,管理风险,应对危机,恢复业务。", "14. 传播司将继续发挥关键作用,维持儿基会的突出地位,确保各大众宣传和政策议程将儿童和妇女权利视为最高优先事项。根据拟议预算,传播司将得到790万美元的经常资源拨款和上限为750万美元的其他资源。传播司将以下述方式促进儿基会的机构优先事项、中期战略计划、千年发展目标成果和公平议程,从而确定儿基会在引领关于儿童问题的知识方面的战略地位,并突出儿基会的领导角色:出版和以战略方式发行以证据为基础的出版物,包括本组织的最重要出版物;继续管理、监督、促进和保护儿基会这个品牌;确保儿基会工作人员积极参与以对话为基础的内部沟通平台,特别是参与共享知识活动。", "15. 在对外传播领域,将从战略角度部署传统的和新兴的传播渠道和平台,推动数字化互动,以增强儿基会各利益攸关方的声音。实现这个目标的途径是,促进和保护本组织的议程以及本组织在全球媒体中的声誉,尤其是在大规模紧急情况发生之前、期间以及之后这样做;开发多媒体传播产品,从战略角度在针对目标受众的多媒体平台上配置这些产品;发展和促进本组织使用社会媒体的做法,更有创意地使用社会媒体工具和平台,以便开启并维持与目标受众的互动对话;确保从战略角度利用儿基会亲善大使,让他们发挥第三方倡导者的作用,向大众宣传儿基会的工作。", "16. 将加强本组织进行全球传播和大众宣传的能力,途径是,有效地领导推出全球传播和大众宣传战略的工作,并且确保为传播和大众宣传的主题和进程制定出规范性指导。", "17. 评价办公室致力于领导全球的评价工作,以制定共同或统一的评价政策,具体地改进管理工作、投资和伙伴关系。该办公室支持进行独立组织评价,因为这些评价可以提供有公信力的证据,证明儿基会支持的方案、政策和战略以及其内部运作的业绩。该办公室促进在充分知情的情况下及时作出战略决策,以实现并维持千年发展目标、儿童权利和其他相关国际商定目标。", "18. 根据拟议预算,评价办公室将得到220万美元的经常资源拨款和上限为750万美元的其他资源,使儿基会能够领导评价工作,确保管理阶层与评价办公室互动,在政策、战略和伙伴关系等问题上向高级领导人提供适当的指导。该办公室将确保在联合国系统内和在全球一级协调评价活动,确保这种协调能够促进:加强问责和联合国及国际评价制度的一致性;加强评价职能的规范和标准;商定关于国家评价能力发展问题的共同立场和关于评价联合国发展援助框架的指导方针;共同评价“一体行动”等关键共同问题。", "19. 这些资源将使评价办公室能够进行方案和业务评价以及进行基础战略(以人权为基础的方法)评价,分析儿基会对全球战略的贡献。这包括中期战略计划综合监测和评价框架的主要评价活动。该办公室将进行人道主义评价,检查儿基会在人道主义危机中履行组织承诺的情况,并评价体制过渡(上游宣传工作)的成绩和发展合作问题的成绩(援助的有效性)。", "20. 评价办公室将支持系统地加强分散进行的评价职能,使外地办事处能够履行评价责任;确保通过技术指导,安排战略优先次序和配置充足的资源;通过网基自学和培训、借助网络进行网络建设和加强招聘工作人员和评估技能的战略,发展外地一级的能力;通过南南合作以及与各英才中心和国家评价协会建立联系,支持发展国家评价能力。", "21. 公共部门联盟和资源调动办公室将继续支持调动资源,以更有效地参与新的战略伙伴关系,与此同时,与多年来一贯地支持儿基会的可靠捐助者保持紧密联系。该办公室还将努力更有效地支持国家和区域办事处调动资源的活动。该办公室将与在过去两年里使收入翻了两番并且还存在其他机会的特定战略方案伙伴关系加强中央一级的合作。", "22. 根据拟议预算,公共部门联盟和资源调动办公室将得到10万美元经常资源拨款和上限为120万美元的其他资源,用以管理和加强与捐助者的关系,发展组织资源调动战略和指导方针,从事以证据为基础的政策对话。该办公室还将通过加强新援助方式下的伙伴关系和与公共部门合作伙伴的战略互动,努力提高资源的质量和数量,解决儿童的优先事项。", "23. 私营筹资和伙伴关系办公室是儿基会各国家委员会和国家办事处在70个国家向私营部门筹资的综合信息中心。该办公室将加强与各国家委员会的战略伙伴关系,本组织三分之一的收入是这些委员会筹集的。私营筹资和伙伴关系办公室还支持与企业互动,支持促进企业社会责任的活动,该办公室是本组织管理与名人和儿基会亲善大使关系的牵头机构。该办公室将继续指导和支持宣传儿童权利、教育促进发展、传播和在成立了国家委员会的国家树立品牌等活动。该办公室还将支持儿基会办事处在各国家就地筹资的活动。", "24. 私营筹资和伙伴关系办公室的拟议预算编列了60万美元的经常资源拨款和上限为120万美元的其他资源,将用于在工业国家加强宣传,推动企业社会责任,提高战略伙伴关系的能力。该办公室将提高儿基会各国家委员会的地位,使其成为在全球和各国国内推动实现最弱势儿童权利的主要倡导者。私营筹资和伙伴关系办公室将支持儿基会和各国家委员会努力与企业界有效地互动,促进儿童权利。该办公室将协调落实整个组织的伙伴关系和协作关系战略框架。", "25. 信息技术解决方案和服务司将提供企业系统、技术和服务支持,使儿基会能够以最有成效和最有效率的方式开展业务和方案。该司将评估、审查和研究仍在不断发展的和有关联的技术创新,因为这些创新将帮助儿基会保持相关性、竞争力和回应能力。拟议预算编列了上限为100万美元的其他资源,用于增强能力,支持强大的技术。这些资源将用于提高生产力,促进共享信息,加强外地工作人员的安全保障,充分支持新技术。信息技术解决方案和服务司支持平稳地向一个单一应用程序企业资源计划系统(单一企业资源规划系统)过渡。", "26. 执行办公室向高级管理人员提供战略指导和领导,助其为儿童造福。根据拟议预算,执行办公室将得到60万美元的经常资源拨款和上限为500万美元的其他资源,用于通过高级别宣传和伙伴关系活动,调动全球承诺和政治意愿,促进公平地实现千年发展目标,支持执行《儿童权利公约》。该办公室将继续领导提高本组织业绩和协调向外地提供的战略支持的工作,以造福儿童。公平是儿基会工作的重点,因此,执行办公室将继续促进和引导改善方案和管理的项目,以建立一个更精简、更注重成果、更有能力应对瞬息万变世界里正在出现的趋势和问题的组织,同时确保与其他联合国组织的行动一致和互补。", "27. 人力资源办公室支持发展一支灵活、高技能和积极进取的劳动力队伍,以取得2006-2013年中期战略计划的主要成果。这包括考虑注重公平等战略优先事项,以及确保实施符合成本效益和简化的做法和政策。人力资源办公室的拟议预算编列了上限为500万美元的其他资源,目的是使该办公室有能力筹集资金,以支持寻找战略资源和管理人才,并且管理人力资源,处理人道主义局势。", "28. 研究室将领导儿基会的战略研究议程,并帮助传播和应用研究成果。该办公室负责监督因诺琴蒂研究中心的工作,将与本组织所有部门协作,进行战略研究,处理本组织的研究重点和确定的差距。该办公室将支持研究管理和质量保证工作,加强有效管理知识和传播研究成果的制度。预计该办公室还将与儿童权利委员会等主要伙伴合作,推动优先领域的研究。", "29. 拟议预算编列了180万美元的经常资源拨款和上限为2 000万美元的其他资源,用以振兴因诺琴蒂研究中心,将其发展为国际公认的儿童问题研究中心,与此同时,将其工作扩展到儿基会视为优先事项的新领域。研究室将支持组织变革,使研究和知识成为本组织推动各项成果工作的中心。研究室将通过一项综合研究和传播战略,向外地以及与伙伴传播研究和知识,并创建一个经过验证的知识和良好做法的知识库。", "30. 供应司将通过迅速满足紧急供应和后勤需要,支持下述方案,向其提供用品:这些方案促进中期战略计划的目标和千年发展目标,并帮助儿基会履行在人道主义行动中造福儿童的核心承诺。供应司发挥领导作用的关键领域是免疫接种、必需药品、营养、艾滋病毒/艾滋病、疟疾、孕产妇保健、教育以及水和卫生设施。", "31. 拟议预算编列了100万美元的经常资源拨款和上限为1 000万美元的其他资源,用于(a) 开展有成效和高效率的供应活动;(b) 为设计、规划和执行方案的工作提供有关供应的专门知识;(c) 迅速应对紧急供应和后勤需要;(d) 监测全球供应活动的业绩;(e) 制定关于供应链活动的政策;(f) 促进实现联合国的统一和成效;(g) 领导儿基会产品和技术创新工作。拟议预算还编列了上限为5 500万美元的其他资源,为各国政府和发展伙伴提供采购服务,采购价值约为11亿美元的战略和必需用品。", "三. 区域办事处——宣传和方案发展预算", "32. 区域办事处在发展和管理合作、伙伴关系、联盟和宣传方案方面以及在管理其内部运作方面发挥主导作用。他们向国家办事处提供指导、监督、质量保证、技术支持、能力建设以及知识管理和战略区域伙伴关系方面的支持。下文详细介绍各区域办事处计划在2012至2013年期间开展的宣传和方案发展工作。", "33. 七个区域办事处的拟议方案预算编列了总额为8 300 000美元的经常资源拨款和上限为155 310 000美元的其它资源。每个办事处的其他资源上限是依据过去两年实际收到的其它资源捐款额度确定的,并且考虑到了各区域办事处2012-2013年的管理计划。表2摘要介绍每个办事处的经常资源拨款和其他资源上限。", "表2 区域办事处宣传和方案发展预算", "(千美元)", "经常资源 其他资源\n 区域办事处 2010-2011年 2012-2013年 2010-2011年 2012-2013年 核定拨款 拟议拨款 核定上限 拟议上限", "东南非 1 500 1 500 55 000 41 810", "中西非 1 500 1 500 34 000 31 500", "美洲和加勒比 950 950 13 500 15 500", "东亚和太平洋 1 500 950 30 000 20 000", "南亚 950 950 10 600 13 500", "中东和北非 950 950 15 525 13 000", "中东欧及独立国家联合体 1 500 1 500 13 200 20 000", "共计 8 850 8 300 162 626 155 310", "34. 东部和南部非洲区域办事处(东南非办事处)将支持跨越所有方案部门的业务研究、评价和知识管理,尤其是将注重公平,以使各项方案能够更好地认识哪些人被排挤在发展和人道主义进程之外,这些人在哪里,从而将这种认识转变为包容各方的政策和方案设计。方案规划和实施的总体战略将强调分散处理,以解决地理上的不平等和潜在的治理问题,这与社会政策和编制儿童友好预算的工作也存在联系。预计与牵头的姐妹机构和其他发展机构之间的伙伴关系将有助于发挥资源和对这个问题的重视的杠杆作用,公平地处理儿童权利问题。一项基本战略仍将是维持并形成新的具有广泛基础的伙伴关系,以促进造福儿童的联盟,与此同时,预计联合国各机构在区域一级保持一致性将可产生合力作用,支持各机构在国家一级进行注重成果的协作。", "35. 拟议方案预算为东南非办事处编列了150万美元的经常资源和上限为4 181万美元的其他资源,用以支持改进情况分析和加强证据基础,从而为以公平为基础的做法提供必要的证据,使以公平为重点的编制方案工作有所依据。这些资源还将通过区域研究和评价举措,支持各项政策和编制方案的工作,加强整个区域各国家方案和伙伴关系的公平重点。这些资金还将支持技术援助和监督,以突出战略重点以及联合国和儿基会各框架和方案的优先次序。这些资源还将支持各战略伙伴关系,包括发展与非洲联盟、非洲经济委员会和南部非洲发展共同体互动、明确确定了优先次序的议程,重点将是伙伴关系可以增加真正价值的特定领域。", "36. 中西部非洲区域办事处(中西非办事处)将支持各国家办事处重点增强其为儿童取得公平成果的能力,以便(a) 加快实现保健、营养、饮水,环卫和讲卫生运动(讲卫生运动)、艾滋病毒/艾滋病等与保健相关的千年发展目标的步伐,特别是根除小儿麻痹症和消除母婴传播艾滋病毒的问题;(b) 加快实现全民优质基础教育的步伐;(c) 加强社会保障,保护儿童,使其免受暴力、剥削和虐待;(d) 预测并防备紧急情况,减轻其对弱势群体的影响;(e) 将公平作为方案各个方面的重点,以进一步加快实现千年发展目标的步伐。", "37. 拟议方案预算为中西非办事处编列了150万美元经常资源和上限为3150万美元的其它资源,用以加强证据基础,促进设计和实施以公平为重点的方案,并与主要战略伙伴一道进行宣传。该办事处将加紧努力,以确保各国家办事处支持对儿童和妇女状况进行高品质、不断更新和滚动的分析,与此同时,支持正在进行的从供需方面处理瓶颈和贫穷根源的努力。在供应方面,必须持续重视国家政策发展和以成果为基础的战略规划、成本核算和预算,并持续重视加强各项制定的工作,特别是重点加强以社区为基础的做法。在需求方面,该区域办事处将继续支持加强传播工作,以促进发展,加强对社会基本服务的了解,改进获得服务的渠道,加强对服务的利用,并推动家庭和社区采取重要的求医和预防做法。该办事处还将支持制定和逐步增强最低限度的社会保障措施计划,并支持为其寻找资源,其关注的重点是弱势家庭及儿童。除促进社会变革、保护儿童使其免受暴力、剥削和性别歧视外,加强其他部门(弱势儿童获得保健、教育和民事登记)的保护作用将至关重要。", "38. 美洲和加勒比区域办事处(美洲加勒比办)将支持各国家办事处和伙伴处理结构性不平等问题,这个问题导致极大悬殊,影响该区域近半儿童的生存和发展,这些儿童生活贫困,或者受到社会排斥。这些儿童包括土著或非洲裔、受移民影响、父母未受教育或从事低薪工作、有残疾、住在偏远的农村地区或城市边缘地区、或受到暴力侵害和剥削的儿童。拟议方案预算为美洲加勒比办编列了95万美元的经常资源和上限为1 550万美元的其他资源,用以支持在该地区使用更具成本效益的模式,以履行财务、业务、供应和人力资源职能。", "39. 该办事处将进行区域分析,重点指出贫困儿童或受社会排斥儿童在获得社会服务的机会方面以及在获得的服务质量方面存在的重大差距,并显示与儿童有关的政策如何影响他们。该办事处将制定在国家和地方两级迅速执行的战略性、跨部门和具有成本效益的干预措施,以支持各国家方案处理结构性和体制性障碍,确保这些儿童能够行使自己的权利。该办事处将制定协调、有重点的宣传议程,更好地选择改变行为干预措施的实施对象,以处理文化和社会规范造成的障碍。将通过集中精力与主要机构互动,精简与次区域和政府间机构的伙伴关系。", "40. 美洲加勒比办将更加严密地监测各委员会执行关于《儿童权利公约》和《消除对妇女一切形式歧视公约》的建议的情况;确保提供分类数据和其他证据,填补信息空白;提高政策的应对能力和成效。将合并(巴拿马政府支持的)发展信息数据系统区域中心,并加强区域英才中心数据库,以提供专门的技术援助,促进在区域内形成达到临界质量的专门知识。该办事处将支持各国家办事处及时确定明确和可衡量的成果,以指导编制方案和分配资源的工作,并显示儿基会支持的方案在上游和下游对儿童、特别是对最弱势儿童的影响。", "41. 美洲加勒比办将加强社会和经济政策职能,以更好地分析社会预算、社会经济趋势和直接或间接影响儿童和妇女的政治进程,拟定有效下放权力的“儿童友好”备选办法、财政政策(包括社会保护方案)和国家以下各级为更多弱势儿童和妇女服务的政策。该办事处将继续根据在人道主义行动中造福儿童的核心承诺,将防备和应对紧急情况纳入各方案领域的主流。该办事处将与区域和次区域机制一道,支持减少灾害风险的努力。该办事处尤其将重点支持海地国家办事处,以促进和支持制定改革性的国家儿童议程,与此同时,继续支持应对当前和未来的紧急情况。", "42. 东亚和太平洋区域办事处(东太办事处)将加强对公平性的重视和跨部门战略,支持各国家办事处有效地推出和实施变革管理举措(信息管理系统和国际公共部门会计准则),以在2010-2011两年期的评价成果为基础,进一步提高成本效率和生产力,在其监督和问责工作中,重点抓战略性的成果管理。", "43. 拟议方案预算为该办事处编列了95万美元的经常资源和上限为2 000万美元的其他资源,用以提高政策和方案行动的质量和影响,促进在该地区落实儿童权利,特别是弱势群体的权利。这将包括在中期战略计划各重点领域取得公平成果,公平地落实《千年宣言》和实现千年发展目标。该办事处将根据在人道主义行动中造福儿童的核心承诺和本组织的启动程序,将减少紧急情况和灾害风险的工作纳入中期战略计划各重点领域,支持防备紧急情况。", "44. 东太办事处将支持使国家方案与国家优先事项保持一致的活动,并支持通过技术支持和南南合作发展国家能力。该办事处将以公平为重点,根据证据进行宣传,与战略伙伴互动,将知识管理主流化,加强评价职能,以确保它能够促进得到关于政策、方案和措施有效性的证据和教训。该办事处将加强传播工作,以促进发展,并将确保以人权为基础的编制方案和发展能力做法将继续指导儿基会在该地区的工作。两性平等和与青少年发展相关的问题、防备和应对紧急情况以及减少灾害风险都将纳入工作主流。", "45. 该办事处将推动建立战略伙伴关系,进行战略研究和分析,以促进在中期战略计划各重点领域发展可行和有创意的做法。该办事处将继续促进在国家一级加强防备和应对紧急情况的工作,包括提高灾害或紧急情况多发地区国家办事处的能力,以履行儿基会在讲卫生运动、营养、教育和儿童保护等集群问题上的领导责任。", "46. 南亚区域办事处(南亚办事处)将强调改进收集和分析数据的工作,以应对整个地区、特别是国以下各级越来越大的悬殊。拟议方案预算为该办事处编列了95万美元的经常资源和上限为1 350万美元的其他资源,用以支持各国家将方案重点放在公平问题上,并且强调务必使方案成果能够促进实现千年发展目标。该办事处将以悬殊最大的领域为目标,支持建立伙伴关系和进行投资,以减少瓶颈,改进基层提供服务的工作。该办事处将通过投资个案方法建设合作伙伴系统和体制能力,这对于处理孕产妇和新生儿健康的区域挑战、通过良好保健和卫生习惯提高营养率、达到卫生指标和增加获得优质中小学教育的机会至关重要。南亚办事处将通过改进儿童保护体系和提高对预防艾滋病毒/艾滋病工作的认识,优先处理伤害和歧视儿童的各种陋习。", "47. 南亚办事处将继续建立区域战略伙伴关系,处理性别平等问题,并将支持联合国一致性,正式确立与亚洲开发银行的伙伴关系,利用互补优势,促进包容性增长,实现造福儿童、特别是造福最弱势儿童的发展。该办事处将借助2010年亚太地区儿童权利国际合作高级别会议成果,鼓励进行南南合作,并鼓励支持执行《亚太地区儿童权利南南合作北京宣言》,实现儿童权利。南亚办事处将支持在艾滋病毒/艾滋病、教育和儿童保护等领域正在开展的区域伙伴关系活动(包括南亚结束暴力侵害儿童倡议)。该办事处将支持国家办事处和国家合作伙伴发展能力,加强儿童保护体系,设计社会保障系统,发挥国家和国家以下各级预算的杠杆作用。该办事处将继续在儿童问题上发挥领导作用,利用其召集能力,以证据为基础向其他伙伴和捐助者进行宣传,以处理造成悬殊的根源和影响,例如跨越各部门的性别、种姓、族裔和宗教歧视。", "48. 该办事处将提高技术专长,向紧急行动提供战略支持,总结紧急应对巴基斯坦水灾行动的经验教训,加强以集群方式应对紧急情况的能力发展。该办事处将集中精力进行专题评价,并加紧努力,以公平地实现千年发展目标。该办事处将吸取经验教训,从有良好信誉的学术和研究机构获取技术援助。", "49. 拟议方案预算为中东和北非区域办事处(中东北非办事处)编列了95万美元的经常资源和上限为1 300万美元的其他资源,该办事处将采取多国办法,以提高国家办事处及其对应方的方案能力,促进和保护男女青少年的权利,加强国家和区域防备和应对紧急情况的能力。该办事处将加强与知识领袖的结构化协作;与知识中心建立广泛的伙伴关系;支持各国家方案按照本组织和区域的优先事项、战略、原则和指导方针,有效地应对发展挑战。中东北非办事处将进行以人道主义为焦点的调查和评价,以提高对长期危机对弱势儿童影响的认识。", "50. 鉴于该地区的动荡、长期人道主义危机及其对弱势儿童和青年的影响,中东北非办事处将不断审查局势,以了解情况,加强宣传,支持该地区各国家处理因冲突和未兑现人权而产生的脆弱情况。该办事处将优先考虑国家一级的应急准备情况。", "51. 该办事处将确保该区域儿基会支持的方案比较重视公平和性别平等问题,增加可衡量但有区别的价值,并且较好地与其他联合国机构保持一致。该办事处将支持改进以儿童为中心、以公平为导向的收集和分析数据工作、监控系统和方案/政策评价工作,促进加强证据,并通过提高能力和提供技术支持,宣传促进公平的社会政策、制度和预算。该办事处将支持加强防备和应对紧急情况的工作,促进加强能力,以确保在各方面公平地实现儿童的生存、成长和发展权利;改进和监测儿童在整个生命周期获得教育的机会和教育的质量,尤其是重视紧急情况、两性不平等和特定背景下的不公平问题;减少艾滋病毒的传播和影响,特别是减少在儿童和男女青少年中的传播和影响。", "52. 中东北非办事处将促进加强儿童保护体系,推动实施保护性社会准则,以进行预防和保护,监测暴力、虐待和忽视情况,特别是处理两性不平等和弱势儿童问题。该办事处还将促进加强以公平为导向的宣传、传播和伙伴关系,以促进儿童和妇女权利,并促进提高政府、民间社会和主要利益攸关方调动政治意愿和资源的能力,以保护、尊重和落实男女青少年的权利。", "53. 中东欧及独立国家联合体区域办事处(中东欧/独联体办事处)将继续支持和引导转变儿基会国家一级的作用,使其能够开展关联性较强的战略活动。拟议方案预算为该办事处编列了150万美元的经常资源和上限为2 000万美元的其他资源,用以加强证据和分析,促进就悬殊及其根源问题与政府、私营部门和国际社会进行全国性辩论,推动将最边缘化和最受社会排斥的群体纳入社会。该办事处将推动公平获得幼儿发展活动、教育、保健和儿童保护服务的机会,推动有效公共财政管理,支持公共部门改革和建立为最弱势者服务的制度。该办事处还将通过儿童权利监测系统,支持儿童和青少年发出自己的声音,并赋予儿童、青少年及其家庭要求和保护自己权利的权力。", "54. 中东欧/独联体办事处将支持各国调整公共系统和服务的方向,使其为最弱势群体服务,提供较公平的获得儿童生存、保健、发展、教育、儿童保护和社会保障服务的机会;在风险最高的青少年中防治艾滋病毒和艾滋病;支持各国家努力消除母婴传播艾滋病毒现象。该办事处将支持各国家加强保健系统,使其能够为最弱势群体提供有效和以证据为基础的服务计划,尤其是确保孕产妇和儿童的生存和健康以及儿童发展和保护,实施有效的公共保健干预措施。该办事处将支持发展和传播各种创新和有效的做法,以逐步增强基础教育体系、包括早期学习体系的包容性以及质量和关联性。", "55. 该办事处将支持各国政府发展儿童保护系统,以有效预防和应对暴力、家庭分离和拘留,包括预防和应对最弱势群体遇到的这些问题。该办事处将支持各国政府正在进行的社会保障和公共财政管理系统改革,支持不断提高这些系统对儿童问题的敏感性,并优先将罗姆人等边缘群体的弱势儿童纳入社会。该办事处将根据在人道主义行动中造福儿童的核心承诺和全球公平框架,制定和推动政策和方案战略,以加强分析风险、防备和应对紧急情况以及减少灾害风险的工作。", "56. 儿基会将考虑俄罗斯联邦的资源及其在全球舞台上的作用,通过一种新参与形式与该国政府协作,并同时处理在促进儿童权利议程方面存在的关键漏洞,与此同时,将从长计议,努力推动建立国家委员会。这种新作用将包括宣传和调动资源,该办事处将用中东欧/独联体方案资源支持发挥这种作用。该办事处其他资源上限将考虑增加资源上限的问题,之所以需要增加上限,是因为在2012至2013年期间,儿基会需要调动资源和进行宣传,以便在俄罗斯联邦开展新活动。", "四. 国家间方案", "57. 儿基会提议对国家间方案沿用其他资源上限,以便本组织接收与国家办事处、区域办事处或总部各单位其他资源上限不完全相称的捐款。除了通过各国的国家方案核定的上限所涵盖的方案外,这些方案的主要目的是让儿基会能够对区域、多国、一国、以及特殊情况下在全球一级出现的有利于儿童的新机会作出回应。这些资金提供一个灵活窗口,便于儿基会接收和分配通常数额不菲以及涵盖多国的新捐款,这些捐款是合理的,儿基会可借以灵活地调动和配置更多资源,以便更快或更加有效地实现中期战略计划的关键成果和目标。表3摘要显示按方案领域分列的上限。", "表3 国家间方案", "(千美元)", "其他资源\n 方案领域 2010–2011年核定上限 2012–2013年拟议上限", "幼儿生存和发展 90 000 135 000", "基础教育和两性平等 5 000 25 000", "艾滋病毒/艾滋病与儿童 30 000 10 000", "保护儿童免受暴力、剥削和虐待 10 000 5 000", "维护儿童权利的政策宣传和伙伴关系 5 000 5 000", "其他宣传和方案发展 5 000 5 000", "人道主义行动和早期恢复 15 000 15 000", "共计 160 000 200 000", "58. 在2010-2011两年期期间,儿基会总共拨出了4 761 399 178美元的其他资源,其中32%用于紧急情况,68%用于经常方案。在用于经常方案的资金中,86%分配给了执行局核定的国家方案其他资源上限,14%分配给了宣传、方案发展和国家间方案三个类别的其他资源上限:总部(9%)、区域办事处(3%)和按全球方案领域分列的国家间方案(1%)。上文已经介绍拟议为总部和各区域办事处拨出的其他资源上限,除此之外,本拟议预算还为2012-2013两年期按全球方案领域分列的国家间方案编列了2亿美元的其它资源上限。", "五. 决定草案", "2012-2013两年期方案概算", "59. 建议执行局通过下列关于2012-2013两年期方案活动概算的决定草案:", "执行局", "决定:", "(a) 为2012-2013两年期总部和区域办事处的宣传和方案发展核准31 600 000美元的经常资源方案预算,细分如下:", "总部 (千美元)", "方案司 4 400", "政策和实践司 3 650", "紧急方案办公室 1 050", "传播司 7 900", "评价办公室 2 200", "公共联盟和资源调动办公室(纽约、布鲁塞尔和东京) 100", "私营筹资与伙伴关系(日内瓦和纽约) 600", "执行办公室 600", "研究室 1 800", "供应司 1 000", "小计 23 300", "区域办事处", "东南非 1 500", "中西非 1 500", "美洲和加勒比 950", "东亚和太平洋 950", "南亚 950", "中东和北非 950", "中东欧和独立国家联合体 1 500", "小计 8 300", "共计 31 600", "(b) 为2012-2013两年期核准633 910 000美元的其他资源方案预算上限,但以获得特定用途捐款为前提,细分如下:", "(千美元)", "总部 278 600", "区域办事处 155 310", "国家间方案 200 000", "共计 633 910", "(c) 如有必要,还可接收超过具体方案领域和区域指定数额的其他资源,但所收资金总额须在核定限额之内。" ]
[ "联合国儿童基金会", "执行局", "2011年第二届常会", "2011年9月12日至15日,纽约", "页:1", "临时议程* 项目4(d)", "宣传、方案发展和国家间方案", "内容提要", "根据儿童基金会、联合国开发计划署(开发署)和联合国人口基金(人口基金)预算的统一,与上一个第4类(总部和区域办事处的宣传和方案发展)有关的提议与机构预算(E/ICEF/2011/AB/L.2)分开列报。", "本文件载有为2012-2013两年期总部和区域办事处及国家间方案的宣传和方案发展拨款的建议,其中经常资源共计31 600 000美元,其他资源共计633 910 000美元,但须视有特定用途捐款而定。", "请执行局通过载于第59段的决定草案。", "一. 导言", "1. 联合国 在统一了儿童基金会、开发署和人口基金的预算之后,与前第4类(总部和区域办事处的宣传和方案制定)有关的提议与机构预算分开列报。 这符合行政和预算问题咨询委员会的建议(E/ICEF/1998/AB/L.2)。", "2. 联合国 经常资源分配和其他资源最高限额涉及总部和区域办事处,这些办事处为实现儿童基金会2006-2013年中期战略计划(E/ICEF/2008/25)的主要成果提供直接支助,并公平促进实现《千年宣言》和千年发展目标。 这些拨款占国家方案经常资源年度拨款的2.3%。 大多数经常资源和其他资源是通过执行局个别核准的儿童基金会援助的国家方案提供的。", "3个 儿童基金会提议继续为国家间方案维持少量其他资源上限,使儿童基金会能够接受不完全符合核定其他资源上限的捐款。 因此,儿童基金会将能够应对新的儿童机会,因为这些机会出现在区域、多国、国家以及特殊情况下出现在全球各级。", " 4.四. 本报告介绍了儿基会总部和七个区域办事处以及六个国家间方案的2012-2013两年期宣传和方案发展预算。 这些经常资源和其他资源将使儿童基金会能更有效地实现2006-2013年中期战略计划五个组织重点领域的关键成果和目标。 本文件提议经常资源拨款总额为31 600 000美元,其他资源最高限额为633 910 000美元,但须视有特定用途捐款而定,用于2012-2013两年期总部和区域办事处及国家间方案的宣传和方案发展。", "二. 总部——宣传和方案发展预算", "5 (韩语). 如表1所示,拟议预算拟在2012-2013两年期为总部各办事处用于宣传和方案发展的其他资源拨款23 300 000美元和最高限额278 600 000美元。", "表1 总部宣传和方案发展预算", "(单位:千美元)", "总部 其他资源", "拟议拨款上限", "方案4 400 4 400 50 000 110 000", "政策和实践", "应急办公室", "来文 7 200 7 900 7 500 7 500", "评价办公室 2 200 2 200 7 500 7 500", "公共联盟和100 100 1 200 1 200 资源调动办公室(纽约、布鲁塞尔和东京)", "私营部门筹资和600 600 1 200 1 200个伙伴关系(日内瓦和纽约)", "信息技术——2 000 1 000个解决方案和服务", "执行办公室 600 600 5 000 5 000", "人力资源——5 000 500 000", "研究室 1 800 1 800 20 000 20 000", "供应", "供应——采购——55 200个服务", "共计 22 600 23 300 164 400 278 600", "6. 国家 拟议预算的一大部分用于技术方案领域内部和之间的协作办法,以支持组织优先事项。 这些资源将优先用于加强方案的交付,以取得公平的成果。", "7. 联合国 拟编列经常资源预算和其他资源上限,以支持扩大已证实的干预措施、知识管理、研究、评价和沟通。 将作出特别努力,与其他伙伴合作,以更好地了解和解决瓶颈问题,帮助处境最不利的儿童和家庭,并消除他们获得基本社会服务和保护的障碍。", "8. 联合国 拟议预算将用于:(a) 共同资助伙伴关系方案;(b) 更注重公平方案;(c) 发展和出版方案经验并指导已核准战略;(d) 确定良好做法并评估所吸取的经验教训;(e) 为儿童和妇女提供关键领域的数据、研究和分析;(f) 传播与改善儿童福利有关的知识;(g) 评价方案业绩;(h) 提高工作人员能力和方案管理;(一) 信息系统。", "9. 国家 总部有关办事处计划在2012-2013年开展的宣传和方案开发工作的以下各段提供了进一步信息。", "10个 方案为儿童基金会的宣传和全部门行动提供全球领导,指导国家方案,影响全球技术和政策对话,扩大已证实的以公平为重点的干预措施的规模,监测和分析方案执行情况和知识交流,并调动资源来为儿童取得成果。 它在幼儿发展方面提供全球领导,促进各司间和跨部门战略,以进行人道主义分组的协调和过渡、方案交流、伙伴关系、性别平等主流化,并注重儿童基金会所有工作领域的残疾问题。 它促进公平议程,并支助将儿童基金会支助的方案、伙伴关系和政策重新集中于发展和人道主义环境中处境最不利的儿童。 拟议预算包括经常资源拨款440万美元和其他资源上限1.1亿美元,用于支持围绕四个成果领域开展的这些努力:(a) 幼儿生存与发展;(b) 教育;(c) 儿童保护;(d) 艾滋病毒/艾滋病。", "(a) 国家 在幼儿生存和发展领域,重点将放在解决儿童死亡的关键原因、维持免疫等领域的全球领导作用并减少营养不足。 它将支持各国更具体地确定最贫困者,在权力下放各级进行瓶颈分析,并推广以公平为重点的关键战略。 它将同各部门和合作伙伴一道,确定具有成本效益、循证的综合一揽子干预措施的创新交付模式并加快扩大以公平为重点的干预措施。 它将投资支持更好地跟踪和监测外地一级 \" 减少瓶颈 \" 的进展情况。", "(b) 国家 教育成果领域将重点支持与教育有关的干预措施,特别是瓶颈分析、失学儿童倡议、爱幼学校教育和取消学费,并确保这些方法具有战略意义,有助于消除入学机会和学习成绩方面的差距。 将率先采用新技术,以发挥开放和远距离学习的潜力,以此作为向边缘化儿童提供优质教育的战略。", "(c) 儿童保护支持及时向区域和国家办事处提供循证技术领导和指导;巩固并传播方案知识和经验,以促进儿童保护方面注重成果的干预措施的战略定位和实施;开展研究、数据和分析,为方案设计和执行提供信息;并围绕关键工作领域利用和召集合作伙伴。 它侧重于加强和支持儿童基金会采取行动,防止暴力、剥削、虐待和忽视,以及应对自然灾害、城市化和日益扩大的差距,这些都增加了儿童遭受暴力和虐待的风险和风险。", "(d) 艾滋病毒/艾滋病支持努力帮助受到社会排斥和边缘化的妇幼,重点是数据收集和分析,以改进规划、监测、评价和宣传。 它将支持优先国家实现消除母婴传播艾滋病毒;提供儿科治疗和护理;防止青少年感染;保护和护理受艾滋病影响的儿童。 对研究的投资将用于提高政策和方案的效率、效力和公平。 将优先建立战略伙伴关系,以利用医疗、财政和社会动员方面的技术进步,使边缘化和被社会排斥的人受益。", "11个 政策和做法在循证宣传、分析和方案指导方面提供领导,并支助各办事处有效争取注重成果、以权利为本和公平的儿童成果。 它领导儿童基金会努力促进政策、积累知识和了解,并支持发展办法和具有成本效益的方案拟订做法,以在所有方面,包括性别、残疾、地点和族裔或土著少数民族地位等方面平等推动儿童权利的实现。 它支持儿童基金会同国家伙伴一道进行上游政策和能力发展工作,以及加强贯穿各领域的战略,以支持中期战略计划的所有重点领域。", "12个 拟议预算包括经常资源拨款365万美元和其他资源最高限额3 000万美元,用于:(a) 支持数据收集、分析和传播,以加强国家、区域和全球各级的证据基础,监测所有重点领域和千年发展目标中儿童相关指标的进展、趋势和不平等,为作出知情的决定提供质量保证,以实现与儿童有关的目标;(b) 在正常、过渡和人道主义局势中,与儿童基金会及其伙伴一起,促进基于人权的办法、将性别和残疾纳入主流、通信促进发展、儿童参与和青少年发展,具体做法是在不歧视、问责和参与的基础上,通过组织指导、政策和工具促进公平和儿童权利;(c) 支持中期战略计划重点领域5(儿童权利的政策宣传和伙伴关系)的执行,并特别注重社会和经济政策,包括社会保护、儿童贫穷和差异分析,以及从儿童角度进行公共支出分析;(d) 确保本组织各级都能获得关于注重成果的规划、预算编制、方案监测和业绩管理的最新指导、工具和支助。", "13个 紧急方案办公室在确保儿童基金会的人道主义行动及时、知情、协调、有效、一致、安全和负责方面发挥关键作用。 其重点是向国家和区域办事处提供直接支助,以准备和应对紧急情况,包括长期人道主义局势,支持紧急风险知情方案规划,制定减少风险和复原计划并建设国家能力,以确保可持续地改善儿童和妇女的状况。 拟议预算包括经常资源拨款1 050 000美元和其他资源最高限额2 500万美元,用于支持履行对紧急情况下儿童的核心承诺,加强预警、应急准备和反应、建设和平、人道主义政策和伙伴关系。 该办公室将更加注重性别平等主流化、知识管理和能力发展,并始终如一地支持工作人员的安全以及方案的安全交付和业务连续性管理,包括备灾、风险管理、危机应对和业务恢复。", "14个 传播将继续发挥关键作用,以保持儿童基金会的独特地位,并确保将儿童和妇女的权利视为公共宣传和政策议程上的最优先事项。 在拟议预算下,通信将获得790万美元的经常资源拨款和750万美元的其他资源上限。 传播将通过促进儿童基金会整体优先事项、中期战略计划、千年发展目标成果和公平议程,从战略角度定位和介绍儿童基金会在儿童问题方面的知识领导情况;其方式如下:制作并战略性地分发循证出版物,包括该组织的旗舰出版物;继续管理、监测、促进和保护儿童基金会的品牌;确保儿童基金会工作人员积极参与以对话为基础的内部交流平台,并注重知识共享。", "15个 在对外通信领域,将战略性地部署传统和新兴的通信渠道和平台,并提倡互动数字参与,以扩大儿基会利益攸关方的声音。 为此,将促进并保护本组织议程及其在全球媒体中的声誉,特别是在大规模紧急情况之前、期间和之后;开发多媒体传播产品,并将其战略性地放在多媒体平台上,供目标受众使用;制定并推广本组织对社会媒体的做法,以及更创新地利用社交媒体工具和平台,从而触发并维持与目标受众的互动对话;确保儿童基金会亲善大使作为第三方倡导者战略性地参与儿童基金会的工作。", "16号. 通过有效领导推出全球传播和公共宣传战略,以及确保为传播和公共宣传主题和进程提供规范指导,将加强全球传播和公共宣传的组织能力。", "17岁。 评价办公室致力于在评价方面提供全球领导,提出共同或统一的评价政策,使管理参与、投资和伙伴关系得到具体改善。 它支持独立的整体评价,为儿童基金会支助的方案、政策和战略的业绩及其内部运作提供了可信的证据。 它有助于就实现并维持千年发展目标、儿童权利和其他相关国际商定目标所需的战略及时作出知情的决定。", "18岁。 根据拟议预算,评价将获得220万美元的经常资源拨款和750万美元的其他资源上限,用于向儿童基金会提供评价领导,确保管理层参与评价,并就政策、战略和伙伴关系向高级领导提供恰当的指导。 它将确保在联合国系统内部和全球一级就评价问题进行协调,有助于改进联合国和国际评价系统的问责制和一致性,加强评价职能的规范和标准,就国家评价能力发展和联合国发展援助框架评价指导达成共识,并就 \" 一体行动,履行使命 \" 等重大共同问题开展联合评价。", " 19. 19. 这些资源将使评价能够进行方案和业务评价,并基于分析儿童基金会对全球战略的贡献的基础战略(基于人权的办法)。 其中包括中期战略计划综合监测和评价框架的关键评价。 该司将进行人道主义评价,审查儿童基金会在人道主义危机中履行整体承诺的情况,并评价机构过渡(上游宣传工作)的成功情况和发展合作问题(援助实效)的业绩。", "20号. 评价将支持系统地加强分散的评价职能,使外地办事处能够履行其评价问责制:通过技术指导确保战略优先次序和充分的资源;通过网络自学和培训、网络促进的联网以及加强工作人员征聘和技能评估战略来发展外地一级的能力;通过南南合作、与英才中心和国家评价协会的联系来支助国家评价能力建设。", "21岁 公共联盟和资源调动办公室将继续支持资源调动,以更有效地参与新的战略伙伴关系,同时与多年来向儿童基金会提供一贯支助的可靠捐助者保持密切联系。 该办公室还将努力更有效地支持国家和区域办事处的资源调动活动。 它将加强中央一级的协作,在过去两年中收入增加了四倍,并有其他机会的选定战略性方案伙伴关系。", "22号. 在拟议预算下,PARMO将获得100 000美元的经常资源拨款和120万美元的其他资源上限,这些资源将用于管理和加强与捐助方的关系,制定组织资源调动战略和指导,并参与循证政策对话。 它还将力求通过在新的援助模式和与公共部门伙伴的战略接触中加强伙伴关系,提高资源的质量和数量,以处理儿童的优先事项。", "23. 联合国 私营部门筹资和伙伴关系是儿童基金会国家委员会和国家办事处在70个国家为私营部门筹资的 \" 一站式服务点 \" 。 该办公室将加强与国家委员会的战略伙伴关系,这些委员会将筹集该组织约三分之一的收入。 私营部门筹资和伙伴关系还支持企业参与和企业社会责任活动,是管理与名人和儿童基金会亲善大使关系的主要组织单位。 它将继续指导和支持在国家委员会运作的国家宣传儿童权利、教育促进发展、传播和品牌。 它还将支助儿童基金会各办事处在国内筹资的努力。", "24 (韩语). 私营部门筹资和伙伴关系的拟议预算包括60万美元的经常资源拨款和120万美元的其他资源上限,将用于加强工业化国家的宣传、公司的社会责任和战略伙伴关系能力。 它将加强儿童基金会国家委员会作为全球和国内实现处境最不利儿童权利的主要倡导者的形象。 私营部门筹资和伙伴关系将支持儿童基金会和国家委员会努力与工商界有效接触,以增进儿童权利。 该司将协调全组织伙伴关系和合作关系战略框架的执行。", "25岁 信息技术解决方案和服务将提供企业系统、技术和服务支持,以最大限度地提高儿童基金会业务和方案的效力和效率。 它将评估、审查和研究不断发展的相关技术创新,以帮助儿童基金会保持相关、有竞争力和反应迅速。 拟议预算包括100万美元的其他资源上限,用于扩大能力和支持强有力的技术。 这些资源将用于提高生产率、促进信息共享、改善外勤人员的安全和安保并适当支持新技术。 信息技术解决方案和服务将支持向单一应用企业资源规划系统平稳过渡。", "26. 联合国 执行办公室为高级管理层落实儿童成果提供战略指导和领导。 在拟议预算下,执行办公室将有60万美元的经常资源拨款和500万美元的其他资源上限,通过高级别宣传和伙伴关系调动全球承诺和政治意愿,以公平地实现千年发展目标,并支助执行《儿童权利公约》。 该办公室将继续为改进组织业绩提供指导,并协调对外地的战略支助,以取得有利于儿童的成果。 以公平作为儿童基金会工作的核心重点,执行办公室将继续促进并指导方案和管理改进项目,以建立一个更加精简、注重成果的组织,应对不断变化的世界中的新趋势和问题,同时确保与联合国其他组织的行动协调一致并相辅相成。", "27个 人力资源支持培养一支灵活、高技能和有积极性的工作人员队伍,以落实2006-2013年中期战略计划的主要成果。 这包括考虑到诸如以公平为重点等战略优先事项以及确保成本效益高和简化的做法和政策。 人力资源拟议预算包括500万美元的其他资源上限,使该厅能够筹集资金,支持战略资源和人才管理,并管理人道主义局势下的人力资源。", "28岁 研究室将领导儿童基金会的战略研究议程,并帮助传播和应用研究结果。 该办公室负责监督因诺琴蒂研究中心的工作,将与本组织各部门合作,开展战略研究,处理组织研究的优先事项并找出差距。 它将支持研究管理和质量保证,并加强有效的知识管理和传播研究成果的制度。 预期它还将同包括儿童权利委员会在内的主要伙伴合作,以推进优先领域的研究。", "29. 国家 拟议预算包括180万美元的经常资源拨款和2 000万美元的上限,用于其他资源,振兴因诺琴蒂研究中心,使之成为国际公认的儿童研究中心,同时将其工作扩大到儿童基金会所优先关注的新领域。 它将支持组织变革,将研究和知识置于本组织追求成果的中心。 该办公室将通过综合研究和交流战略向外地并与各伙伴一道传播研究和知识,并建立一个经验证的知识和良好做法库。", "30岁。 供应将用有助于实现中期战略计划和千年发展目标的用品支助各项方案,并迅速响应紧急供应和后勤需要,帮助实现儿童基金会在人道主义行动中为儿童作出的核心承诺。 关键的领导领域是免疫、基本药物、营养、艾滋病毒/艾滋病、疟疾、产妇保健、教育以及水和卫生。", "31岁 拟议预算包括100万美元的经常资源拨款和1 000万美元的其他资源上限。 这包括:(a) 使供应业务切实有效;(b) 为方案的设计、规划和执行提供供应专门知识;(c) 对紧急供应和后勤需要作出迅速反应;(d) 监测全球供应业务的业绩;(e) 为供应链活动制订政策;(f) 促进联合国的统一和效力;(g) 领导儿童基金会在产品和技术革新方面的工作。 拟议预算还包括其他资源上限为5 500万美元,用于向各国政府和发展伙伴提供约11亿美元的战略和基本用品的采购服务。", "三. 区域办事处——宣传和方案发展预算", "32. 联合国 区域办事处在制定和管理合作方案、伙伴关系、联盟、宣传以及管理其内部业务方面发挥主导作用。 它们向国家办事处提供指导、监督和质量保证、技术支助、能力建设,并支助知识管理和战略性区域伙伴关系。 下文详细介绍了各区域办事处在2012-2013年期间计划开展的宣传和方案开发工作。", "33. (中文(简体) ). 七个区域办事处的拟议方案预算由经常资源拨款共计8 300 000美元和其他资源最高限额155 310 000美元组成。 每个办事处的其他资源最高限额是根据过去两年收到的其他资源捐款的实际数额确定的,并考虑到了区域办事处2012-2013年管理计划。 表2汇总了每个办事处的拟议经常资源拨款和其他资源最高限额。", "表2 区域办事处的宣传和方案发展预算", "(单位:千美元)", "区域办事处 其他资源", "拟议拨款上限", "东部和南部非洲 1 500 1 500 55 000 41 810", "西非和中非", "美洲和加勒比 950 950 13 500 15 500", "东亚和太平洋", "南亚 950 950 10 600 13 500", "中东和北非 950 950 15 525 13 000 非洲", "中欧和东欧 1 500 1 500 13 200 20 000和独立国家联合体", "共计 8 850 8 300 162 626 155 310", "34. 国家 东部和南部非洲区域办事处(东南非区域办事处)将支持所有方案部门的业务研究、评价和知识管理,并特别关注公平问题——使方案能更好地了解被排斥在发展和人道主义进程之外的人是谁和在哪里——并将这一知识转化为包容性政策和方案设计。 将强调权力下放,将其作为方案规划和实施的总战略,以解决地域不平等和根本的治理问题,并与社会政策和有利于儿童的预算编制挂钩。 与主要姐妹机构和其他发展机构的伙伴关系可望有助于利用资源和注意力处理儿童权利问题,并注重公平。 虽然维持并建立新的基础广泛的伙伴关系以促进为儿童建立联盟将继续是一项基本战略,但预计联合国各机构在区域一级的一致性将在支持以成果为重点的国家一级机构间协作方面产生协同作用。", "35. 联合国 东南非办事处的拟议方案预算由经常资源提供150万美元,其他资源上限为4 181万美元,它将支持改进情况分析和加强证据基础,以便为以公平为基础的办法提供必要的证据,并为以公平为重点的方案拟订提供信息。 这些资源还将通过区域研究和评价举措,支持政策和方案制订,以加强整个区域国家方案和伙伴关系的公平重点。 这些资金还将支持技术援助和监督,以强化联合国和儿童基金会框架和方案的战略重点和优先次序。 这些资源将进一步支持战略伙伴关系,包括制定明确优先的与非洲联盟、非洲经济委员会和南部非洲发展共同体接触的议程,并侧重于伙伴关系能够增加实际价值的选定领域。", "36. (中文(简体) ). 西非和中非区域办事处(西非办)将支持国家办事处重点加强能力,为儿童提供公平的成果,以(a) 加快实现与健康有关的千年发展目标,包括保健、营养、讲卫生运动、艾滋病毒/艾滋病,并特别重视消除小儿麻痹症和消除母婴传播艾滋病毒;(b) 加快普及优质基础教育的进展;(c) 加强社会保护并保护儿童免受暴力、剥削和虐待;(d) 预测、准备并减轻紧急情况对弱势人口的影响;(e) 在所有方案层面引入公平重点,以进一步加快实现千年发展目标的进展。", "37. 联合国 由经常资源提供150万美元的拟议方案预算和由其他资源提供3 150万美元的上限,西非办事处将加强以公平为重点的方案设计和执行的实证基础,并与各关键战略伙伴进行宣传。 将加紧努力,确保国家办事处支持对儿童和妇女的高质量、不断更新的滚动情况分析,同时继续努力解决供应和需求方面的瓶颈和匮乏原因。 在供应方面,这将需要继续注意国家政策制订和战略成果规划、成本计算和预算编制以及加强系统,并特别注重加强以社区为基础的办法。 在需求方面,区域办事处将继续继续加强信息流通促进发展工作,以增进对基本社会服务的了解、获取和利用,并促使家庭和社区采用基本的寻求护理和预防做法。 它还将支持建立和逐步扩大最低限度一揽子社会保护措施并为其提供资源,以处境不利的家庭和儿童为重点。 加强其他部门(弱势儿童获得保健、教育和民事登记)的保护作用,以及促进社会变革,以保护儿童免遭暴力、剥削和性别歧视,将是至关重要的。", "38. 国家 美洲和加勒比区域办事处将支持国家办事处和伙伴解决造成巨大差距并影响该区域近一半生活在贫穷或被社会排斥中的儿童的生存与发展的结构性不平等。 这些儿童包括土著或非洲裔儿童,他们受到移徙的影响,父母缺乏教育或从事低收入工作,他们残疾,生活在偏远的农村或边缘城市地区,或受到暴力和剥削的影响。 由于拟议方案预算95万美元来自经常资源,而其他资源上限为1 550万美元,因此东南非办事处将支持在该区域使用成本效益更高的模式来履行财务、业务、供应和人力资源职能。", "39. 联合国 该办公室将进行区域分析,强调在获得影响贫穷或被社会排斥儿童的社会服务及其质量方面存在的重大差距,并表明与儿童有关的政策如何影响儿童。 将制订战略、多部门和成本效益高的干预措施,以便在国家和地方两级迅速实施,以支持国家方案解决结构和系统障碍,确保这些儿童能行使其权利。 该办公室将制定一个协调、重点突出的宣传议程,并改进行为改变干预措施的针对性,以克服由文化和社会规范所构成的障碍。 将通过注重主要机构来精简与次区域和政府间机构的伙伴关系。", " 40. 40. 西非办事处将更集中地监测《儿童权利公约》和《消除对妇女一切形式歧视公约》各委员会所提出建议的执行情况;确保提供分类数据和其他证据,以缩小信息差距;提高政策响应能力和效力。 将合并DevInfo区域中心(由巴拿马政府支助),并强化一个英才中心区域数据库,以提供专门技术援助和帮助在区域内形成足够数量的专门知识。 该办公室将支持国家办事处及时取得明确和可衡量的成果,以指导方案拟订和资源分配,并显示由儿童基金会支助的儿童特别是处境最不利的儿童方案在上下游产生的影响。", "41. 国家 TACRO将加强社会和经济政策职能,以更好地分析直接或间接影响儿童和妇女的社会预算、社会经济趋势和政治进程,并为有效的权力下放、财政政策(包括社会保护方案)和惠及处境更不利的儿童和妇女的国家以下各级政策制定 \" 对儿童友好 \" 的选择。 它将继续按照《人道主义行动中造福儿童的核心承诺》,将应急准备和反应纳入方案领域的主流。 将同区域和次区域机制一道支持减少灾害风险的努力。 该办公室将特别注重支持海地国家办事处促进和支持国家儿童变革议程,同时保持对当前和未来紧急情况的支持。", "42. 国家 东亚和太平洋区域办事处(东亚和太平洋区域办事处)将加强公平重点和跨部门战略,支持国家办事处有效推出和执行改革管理举措(信息管理系统和国际公共部门会计准则),根据2010-2011两年期进行的评价结果进一步提高成本效率和生产率,并注重战略成果管理,作为其监督和问责的一部分。", "43. 东帝汶 办事处的方案概算由经常资源提供95万美元,由其他资源提供2 000万美元的最高限额,将有助于提高政策和方案行动的质量和影响,以该区域实现儿童权利,并将重点放在处境不利的人口。 这将包括在中期战略计划重点领域、《千年宣言》和《千年发展目标》中平等取得成果。 该办公室将把紧急和减少灾害风险纳入中期战略计划重点领域,并依照儿童基金会在人道主义行动中为儿童的核心承诺和整体启动程序,支持应急准备。", "44. 国家 东亚和太平洋区域办事处将通过技术支助和南南合作,支持使国家方案与国家优先事项保持一致并发展国家能力。 它将利用注重公平、循证的宣传,同战略伙伴接触,将知识管理纳入主流,并加强评价职能,以确保它有助于产生关于政策、方案和举措效力的证据和经验教训。 本次级方案将加强信息流通促进发展,并确保在方案拟订和能力发展方面继续采用以人权为本的办法来指导儿童基金会在该区域的工作。 两性平等和与青少年和青年发展、应急准备和反应以及减少灾害风险有关的问题将纳入主流。", "45. 国家 将促进战略伙伴关系、研究和分析,以有助于在中期战略计划重点领域制定可行和创新的办法。 该办公室将继续促进在国家一级加强应急准备和反应,包括加强灾害或易发生紧急情况地区的国家办事处的能力,以履行儿童基金会在讲卫生、营养、教育和儿童保护方面的分组领导责任。", "46. 经常预算: 南亚区域办事处(南亚区域办事处)将应对整个区域日益扩大的差距,重点是改进数据收集和分析,特别是在国家以下一级。 由于拟议方案预算95万美元来自经常资源,而其他资源上限为1 350万美元,该办公室将支持各国将方案重点放在公平上,并加强其实现千年发展目标的成果。 它将针对差异最大的领域,支持伙伴关系和投资,以减少瓶颈,并改进分散一级提供的服务。 通过投资案例方法建设伙伴的系统和机构能力,对于应对孕产妇新生儿保健方面的区域挑战、通过良好的保健和个人卫生做法来提高营养率、实现环境卫生目标并增加获得小学和中学优质教育的机会至关重要。 南亚区域办事处将通过改进儿童保护制度和提高对预防艾滋病毒/艾滋病的认识,优先处理有害做法和对儿童的歧视。", "47. 国家 南亚区域办事处将继续参与战略性区域伙伴关系和性别问题,并支持联合国的一致性,使其与亚洲开发银行的伙伴关系正规化,并借助互补优势来推动儿童,特别是处境最不利的儿童的包容性增长和发展。 在2010年亚太地区儿童权利合作问题高级别会议的基础上,办事处将支持在亚太地区执行《关于开展南南合作促进儿童权利的北京宣言》,鼓励南南合作和实现儿童权利。 南亚区域办事处将支持目前在艾滋病毒/艾滋病、教育和儿童保护方面的区域伙伴关系(包括南亚制止暴力侵害儿童行为倡议)。 它将支持国家办事处和国家伙伴进行能力建设,以加强儿童保护制度、社会保护制度的设计以及利用国家和国家以下各级的预算。 办事处将继续在儿童问题上发挥领导作用,利用其召集权并与其他伙伴和捐助者进行循证宣传,以消除差距的根源和影响,例如与性别、种姓、族裔和宗教有关的跨部门歧视。", " 48. 48. 该厅将加强技术专长,为紧急行动提供战略支助,并总结对巴基斯坦水灾的应急反应的经验教训,以加强应急分组办法的能力发展。 它将侧重于专题评价并加快努力,以公平实现千年发展目标。 根据所吸取的经验教训,外空事务厅将获得知名学术和研究机构的技术援助。", "49. (中文(简体) ). 中东和北非区域办事处(中东和北非区域办事处)的拟议方案预算为95万美元,其他资源上限为1 300万美元,将采用多国办法,加强国家办事处和对应方的方案能力,以促进和保护少年男女儿童的权利,并围绕应急准备和反应加强国家和区域能力。 它将加强与知识领袖的结构性合作;培养与知识中心的长期伙伴关系;支持国家方案根据公司和区域的优先事项、战略、原则和准则有效应对发展挑战。 中东区域办事处将开展以人道主义为重点的调查和评价,以更好地了解长期危机对弱势儿童的影响。", " 50. 50. 鉴于该区域的动荡和旷日持久的人道主义危机及其对弱势儿童和青年的影响,中东区域办事处将不断审查局势,以了解、加强宣传和支持该区域各国处理冲突和未实现的人权所造成脆弱性。 它将在国家一级优先做好应急准备。", "51. 联合国 该办公室将确保儿童基金会支助的该区域方案保持更突出的公平和性别重点,具有可衡量和有区别的附加值,并与联合国其他机构更加一致。 本次级方案将支持改进以儿童为中心、以公平为导向的数据收集和分析、监测系统和方案/政策评价,并通过加强能力和技术支助,促进改善有关有利于公平的社会政策、制度和预算的证据和宣传。 它将支持加强紧急情况的准备和反应,并有助于加强能力,以确保儿童在所有情况下都平等地享有生存、成长和发展权;改善和监测儿童整个生命周期获得教育的机会并提高其教育质量,重点是紧急情况、两性不平等和因地制宜的不平等;并减少艾滋病毒的传播和影响,并特别关注儿童和青少年。", "52. (中文(简体) ). 中东区域办事处将协助加强儿童保护制度,并推广保护性社会规范,以预防、保护和监测暴力、虐待和忽视,并特别关注两性不平等和处境不利的儿童。 它还将促进加强促进儿童和妇女权利的以公平为导向的宣传、交流和伙伴关系,并增强各国政府、民间社会和主要利益有关者调动政治意愿和资源的能力,以保护、尊重和实现少年男女的权利。", "53. 联合国 中欧和东欧及独立国家联合体区域办事处(中东欧/独联体)将继续支持并指导儿童基金会在国家一级的作用转变,以便进行更切合实际的战略接触。 该办公室的拟议方案预算由经常资源提供150万美元,其他资源的上限为2 000万美元,将通过增加证据和分析,促进各国与政府、私营部门和国际社会就差距及其原因进行辩论,从而促进最边缘化和受社会排斥群体的社会包容。 它将通过公平获得优质幼儿发展活动、教育、保健和儿童保护服务以及有效的公共财政管理,支持公共部门的改革和惠及最弱势群体的制度。 它还将通过儿童权利监测系统支持儿童和青少年的声音,并赋予儿童、青少年及其家庭要求并保护他们的权利。", "54. 联合国 中欧和东欧/独联体办事处将支持各国调整公共系统和服务,以惠及最脆弱群体,提供更公平地获得儿童生存、保健、发展、教育、儿童保护和社会保护服务的机会;在高危青少年中防治艾滋病毒/艾滋病;并支持各国消除母婴传播艾滋病毒。 本次级方案将支持各国建立保健系统,向最脆弱群体提供有效和循证的一揽子服务,重点是孕产妇和儿童生存与健康、儿童发展和保护以及有效的公共卫生干预措施。 它将支持制定和传播创新而有效的办法,以逐步提高基础教育系统的包容性以及质量和相关性,包括早期学习。", "55. 国家 该办公室将支持各国政府建立儿童保护制度,以有效防止和应对暴力、家庭分离和拘留,包括针对最脆弱群体。 它将支持各国政府正在进行的社会保护和公共财政管理系统改革,并使它们更加敏感地关注儿童,优先考虑罗姆人等边缘化群体中的弱势儿童的社会包容。 根据《人道主义行动中造福儿童的核心承诺》和全球公平框架,将制定并推广政策和方案战略,以加强风险分析、应急准备和应对以及减少灾害风险。", "56. (中文(简体) ). 儿童基金会将通过新的参与形式同俄罗斯联邦政府合作,同时考虑到该国的资源及其在全球舞台上的作用,同时解决在推进儿童权利议程方面存在的重大差距,并努力从长远角度建立一个全国委员会。 该办公室的中欧和东欧/独联体方案资源将支助新的作用,其中包括宣传和资源调动。 该办公室的其他资源上限将考虑到2012-2013年期间与儿基会在俄罗斯联邦的新业务有关的资源调动和宣传活动所需的额外上限。", "四、结 论 国家间方案", "57. 萨尔瓦多 儿童基金会提议继续维持国家间方案的其他资源最高限额,使儿童基金会能够接受不完全符合国家、区域或总部办事处其他资源最高限额的捐款。 这些方案的主要目的是使儿童基金会能够应对在区域、多国、国家以及在例外情况下在全球各级出现的儿童新机会,以及个别国家方案核准的上限所涵盖的方案。 这些资金提供了一个灵活的窗口,儿童基金会可以通过这一窗口接收和分配新的捐款,这些捐款往往数额很大,覆盖了几个国家,因此有理由使儿童基金会能够灵活地调动和部署额外资源,以更快地或更有效地实现中期战略计划的关键成果和目标。 表3按方案领域汇总了最高限额。", "表3 国家间方案", "(单位:千美元)", "方案领域 其他资源", "2010-2011年拟议上限", "幼儿生存与发展", "基础教育和两性平等", "艾滋病毒/艾滋病与儿童", "保护儿童免受暴力,10 000 500 000起剥削和虐待", "5 000个儿童权利的政策宣传和伙伴关系", "其他宣传和方案制定", "人道主义行动和早期恢复", "共计 160 000 200 000", "58. 联合国 在2010-2011两年期,儿童基金会得以在其他资源中拨款共计4 761 399 178美元,其中32%用于紧急情况,68%用于经常方案。 在后一数额中,86%分配给执行局核准的国家方案的其他资源最高限额,14%分配给宣传、方案发展和国家间方案的三类其他资源最高限额:总部(9%);区域办事处(3%);按全球方案领域分列的国家间方案(1%)。 除上文为总部和区域办事处提议的其他资源最高限额外,本提议还规定2012-2013两年期按全球方案领域分列的国家间方案其他资源最高限额为2亿美元。", " V. 决定草案", "2012-2013两年期方案预算估计数", "59. (中文(简体) ). 建议执行局通过下列关于2012-2013两年期方案活动概算的决定草案:", "执行局,", "决定", "(a) 国家 核准经常资源方案预算31 600 000美元,用于2012-2013两年期总部和区域办事处的宣传和方案发展,详情如下:", "(单位:千美元)", "总部", "方案 4 400", "政策和实践 3 650", "紧急方案办公室", "来文 7 900", "评价办公室 2 200", "公共联盟和资源100动员办公室(纽约、布鲁塞尔和东京)", "私营部门筹资和600个伙伴关系(日内瓦和纽约)", "执行办公室 600", "研究室 1 800", "供应", "小计 23 300", "区域办事处", "东部和南部非洲", "西非和中非", "美洲和加勒比 950", "东亚和太平洋 950", "南亚 950", "中东和北非 950", "中欧和东欧及1 500个独立国家联合体", "小计 8 300", "共计 31 600", "(b) 国家 为2012-2013两年期核定的其他资源方案预算最高限额为633 910 000美元,但须视特定用途捐款的提供情况而定,具体如下:", "(单位:千美元)", "总部 278 600", "区域办事处", "国家间方案", "共计 633 910", "(c) 如有必要,可以收到超出特定方案领域和区域所指明数额的其他资源,但所收到资金总额须在核定限额以内。" ]
[ "Sixty-sixth session", "* Reissued for technical reasons on 25 July 2011.", "** Issued in accordance with rule 12 of the rules of procedure.", "Provisional agenda of the sixty-sixth regular session of the General Assembly**", "To convene at United Nations Headquarters, New York, on Tuesday, 13 September 2011, at 3 p.m.", "1. Opening of the session by the President of the General Assembly (rule 31).", "2. Minute of silent prayer or meditation (rule 62).", "3. Credentials of representatives to the sixty-sixth session of the General Assembly (rule 28):", "(a) Appointment of the members of the Credentials Committee;", "(b) Report of the Credentials Committee.", "4. Election of the President of the General Assembly (rule 30).", "5. Election of the officers of the Main Committees (rules 30 and 103).", "6. Election of the Vice-Presidents of the General Assembly (rule 30).", "7. Organization of work, adoption of the agenda and allocation of items: reports of the General Committee (rule 21).", "8. General debate (resolutions 57/301, 65/160, 65/240 and 65/279).", "A. Promotion of sustained economic growth and sustainable development in accordance with the relevant resolutions of the General Assembly and recent United Nations conferences", "9. Report of the Economic and Social Council (rule 13 (b); General Assembly resolution 3281 (XXIX) and Economic and Social Council decision 1982/112).", "10. Sport for peace and development: building a peaceful and better world through sport and the Olympic ideal (resolution 64/4).", "11. Global road safety crisis (resolution 64/255).", "12. 2001-2010: Decade to Roll Back Malaria in Developing Countries, Particularly in Africa (resolution 65/273).", "13. Integrated and coordinated implementation of and follow-up to the outcomes of the major United Nations conferences and summits in the economic, social and related fields (resolutions 60/265, 64/291, 64/292, 65/1, 65/10, 65/277 and 65/281).", "14. Global Agenda for Dialogue among Civilizations.[1]", "15. Culture of peace (resolutions 64/13, 65/11 and 65/138).", "16. Information and communications technologies for development (resolution 65/141).", "17. Macroeconomic policy questions:", "(a) International trade and development (resolutions 1995 (XIX), 64/189 and 65/142);", "(b) International financial system and development (resolution 65/143);", "(c) External debt sustainability and development (resolution 65/144);", "(d) Commodities (resolution 64/192).", "18. Follow-up to and implementation of the outcome of the 2002 International Conference on Financing for Development and the 2008 Review Conference (resolutions 65/145 and 65/146).", "19. Sustainable development (resolutions 63/279, 65/147 and 65/150):", "(a) Implementation of Agenda 21, the Programme for the Further Implementation of Agenda 21 and the outcomes of the World Summit on Sustainable Development (resolutions 47/191, 64/197 and 65/152);", "(b) Follow-up to and implementation of the Mauritius Strategy for the Further Implementation of the Programme of Action for the Sustainable Development of Small Island Developing States (resolutions 65/2 and 65/156);", "(c) International Strategy for Disaster Reduction (resolution 65/157);", "(d) Protection of global climate for present and future generations of humankind (resolution 65/159);", "(e) Implementation of the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification in Those Countries Experiencing Serious Drought and/or Desertification, Particularly in Africa (resolution 65/160);", "(f) Convention on Biological Diversity (resolutions 64/203 and 65/161);", "(g) Report of the Governing Council of the United Nations Environment Programme on its twenty-sixth session (resolutions 2997 (XXVII) and 65/162);", "(h) Harmony with Nature (resolution 65/164);", "(i) Sustainable mountain development (resolution 64/205);", "(j) Promotion of new and renewable sources of energy (resolution 64/206).", "20. Implementation of the outcome of the United Nations Conference on Human Settlements (Habitat II) and strengthening of the United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat) (resolutions 64/207 and 65/165).", "21. Globalization and interdependence (resolution 65/166):", "(a) Role of the United Nations in promoting development in the context of globalization and interdependence (resolution 65/168);", "(b) Science and technology for development (resolutions 55/185 and 64/212);", "(c) Development cooperation with middle-income countries (resolution 64/208).", "22. Groups of countries in special situations:", "(a) Follow-up to the Fourth United Nations Conference on the Least Developed Countries (resolution 65/171);", "(b) Specific actions related to the particular needs and problems of landlocked developing countries: outcome of the International Ministerial Conference of Landlocked and Transit Developing Countries and Donor Countries and International Financial and Development Institutions on Transit Transport Cooperation (resolution 65/172).", "23. Eradication of poverty and other development issues:", "(a) Implementation of the Second United Nations Decade for the Eradication of Poverty (2008-2017) (resolution 65/174);", "(b) Women in development (resolution 64/217);", "(c) Human resources development (resolution 64/218).", "24. Operational activities for development:", "(a) Operational activities for development of the United Nations system (resolution 35/81);", "(b) South-South cooperation for development (resolution 64/221).", "25. Agriculture development and food security (resolution 65/178).", "26. Towards global partnerships (resolutions 58/316 and 64/223).", "27. Social development:", "(a) Implementation of the outcome of the World Summit for Social Development and of the twenty-fourth special session of the General Assembly (resolutions 56/177 and 65/185);", "(b) Social development, including questions relating to the world social situation and to youth, ageing, disabled persons and the family (resolutions 63/153, 64/133, 64/134, 64/136, 65/184 and 65/186);", "(c) Follow-up to the International Year of Older Persons: Second World Assembly on Ageing (resolution 65/182).", "28. Advancement of women:", "(a) Advancement of women (resolutions 34/180, 45/124, 64/138, 64/139, 64/140 and 65/187);", "(b) Implementation of the outcome of the Fourth World Conference on Women and of the twenty-third special session of the General Assembly (resolutions 50/203, 52/100 and 65/191).", "B. Maintenance of international peace and security", "29. Report of the Security Council (rule 13 (b)).", "30. Report of the Peacebuilding Commission (resolutions 60/180 and 65/7).", "31. Support by the United Nations system of the efforts of Governments to promote and consolidate new or restored democracies (resolution 64/12).", "32. The role of diamonds in fuelling conflict (resolution 65/137).", "33. Prevention of armed conflict:", "(a) Strengthening the role of mediation in the peaceful settlement of disputes, conflict prevention and resolution (resolution 65/283).", "34. Protracted conflicts in the GUAM area and their implications for international peace, security and development (resolution 65/287).", "35. The situation in the Middle East (resolutions 65/17 and 65/18).", "36. Question of Palestine (resolutions 65/13 to 65/16).", "37. The situation in Afghanistan (resolution 65/8).", "38. The situation in the occupied territories of Azerbaijan.[2]", "39. Question of the Comorian island of Mayotte.²", "40. Necessity of ending the economic, commercial and financial embargo imposed by the United States of America against Cuba (resolution 65/6).", "41. The situation in Central America: progress in fashioning a region of peace, freedom, democracy and development (decision 60/508).[3]", "42. Question of Cyprus (resolution 58/316).³", "43. Armed aggression against the Democratic Republic of the Congo (resolution 58/316).³", "44. Question of the Falkland Islands (Malvinas) (resolution 58/316).³", "45. The situation of democracy and human rights in Haiti (resolution 58/316).³", "46. Armed Israeli aggression against the Iraqi nuclear installations and its grave consequences for the established international system concerning the peaceful uses of nuclear energy, the non-proliferation of nuclear weapons and international peace and security (resolution 58/316).³", "47. Consequences of the Iraqi occupation of and aggression against Kuwait (resolution 58/316).³", "48. Assistance in mine action (resolution 64/84).", "49. Effects of atomic radiation (resolution 65/96).", "50. International cooperation in the peaceful uses of outer space (resolution 65/97).", "51. United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (resolutions 65/98 to 65/101).", "52. Report of the Special Committee to Investigate Israeli Practices Affecting the Human Rights of the Palestinian People and Other Arabs of the Occupied Territories (resolutions 65/102 to 65/106).", "53. Comprehensive review of the whole question of peacekeeping operations in all their aspects.¹", "54. Questions relating to information (resolutions 65/107 A and B).", "55. Information from Non-Self-Governing Territories transmitted under Article 73 e of the Charter of the United Nations (resolution 65/108).", "56. Economic and other activities which affect the interests of the peoples of the Non-Self-Governing Territories (resolution 65/109).", "57. Implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples by the specialized agencies and the international institutions associated with the United Nations (resolution 65/110).", "58. Offers by Member States of study and training facilities for inhabitants of Non-Self-Governing Territories (resolution 65/111).", "59. Implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples (resolutions 65/112 to 65/117 and decision 65/521).", "60. Question of the Malagasy islands of Glorieuses, Juan de Nova, Europa and Bassas da India (decision 65/503).", "61. Permanent sovereignty of the Palestinian people in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, and of the Arab population in the occupied Syrian Golan over their natural resources (resolution 65/179).", "62. Report of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, questions relating to refugees, returnees and displaced persons and humanitarian questions (resolutions 428 (V), 65/193 and 65/194).", "C. Development of Africa", "63. New Partnership for Africa’s Development: progress in implementation and international support:", "(a) New Partnership for Africa’s Development: progress in implementation and international support (resolution 65/284);", "(b) Causes of conflict and the promotion of durable peace and sustainable development in Africa (resolution 65/278).", "D. Promotion of human rights", "64. Report of the Human Rights Council (resolutions 60/251, 65/196 and 65/281).", "65. Promotion and protection of the rights of children:", "(a) Promotion and protection of the rights of children (resolutions 44/25, 62/141, 64/145 and 65/197);", "(b) Follow-up to the outcome of the special session on children (decision 65/539).", "66. Rights of indigenous peoples:", "(a) Rights of indigenous peoples (resolution 65/198);", "(b) Second International Decade of the World’s Indigenous People (decision 65/539).", "67. Elimination of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance:", "(a) Elimination of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance (resolutions 2106 A (XX), 3381 (XXX), 65/199 and 65/200);", "(b) Comprehensive implementation of and follow-up to the Durban Declaration and Programme of Action (resolutions 65/240 and 65/279).", "68. Right of peoples to self-determination (resolutions 65/201 and 65/203).", "69. Promotion and protection of human rights:", "(a) Implementation of human rights instruments (resolutions 2200 A (XXI), 39/46, 64/154, 65/204 and 65/205);", "(b) Human rights questions, including alternative approaches for improving the effective enjoyment of human rights and fundamental freedoms (resolutions 64/82, 64/155, 64/158, 64/161 to 64/163, 64/165, 64/173, 64/174, 65/36, 65/208, 65/209, 65/211, 65/212, 65/216 to 65/221, 65/223 and 65/224);", "(c) Human rights situations and reports of special rapporteurs and representatives (resolutions 65/225, 65/226 and 65/241);", "(d) Comprehensive implementation of and follow-up to the Vienna Declaration and Programme of Action (resolutions 48/121 and 48/141).", "E. Effective coordination of humanitarian assistance efforts", "70. Strengthening of the coordination of humanitarian and disaster relief assistance of the United Nations, including special economic assistance (resolution 65/132):", "(a) Strengthening of the coordination of emergency humanitarian assistance of the United Nations (resolutions 63/139, 65/133, 65/135 and 65/264);", "(b) Assistance to the Palestinian people (resolution 65/134);", "(c) Special economic assistance to individual countries or regions.¹", "71. Assistance to survivors of the 1994 genocide in Rwanda, particularly orphans, widows and victims of sexual violence (resolution 64/226).", "F. Promotion of justice and international law", "72. Report of the International Court of Justice (rule 13 (b)).", "73. Report of the International Criminal Tribunal for the Prosecution of Persons Responsible for Genocide and Other Serious Violations of International Humanitarian Law Committed in the Territory of Rwanda and Rwandan Citizens Responsible for Genocide and Other Such Violations Committed in the Territory of Neighbouring States between 1 January and 31 December 1994 (Security Council resolution 955 (1994)).", "74. Report of the International Tribunal for the Prosecution of Persons Responsible for Serious Violations of International Humanitarian Law Committed in the Territory of the Former Yugoslavia since 1991 (Security Council resolution 827 (1993)).", "75. Report of the International Criminal Court (resolution 65/12).", "76. Oceans and the law of the sea:", "(a) Oceans and the law of the sea (resolutions 49/28, 52/26, 54/33 and 65/37 A and B);", "(b) Sustainable fisheries, including through the 1995 Agreement for the Implementation of the Provisions of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea of 10 December 1982 relating to the Conservation and Management of Straddling Fish Stocks and Highly Migratory Fish Stocks, and related instruments (resolutions 61/105, 64/72 and 65/38).", "77. Nationality of natural persons in relation to the succession of States (resolution 63/118).", "78. Criminal accountability of United Nations officials and experts on mission (resolution 65/20).", "79. Report of the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law on the work of its forty-fourth session (resolution 2205 (XXI)).", "80. United Nations Programme of Assistance in the Teaching, Study, Dissemination and Wider Appreciation of International Law (resolution 65/25).", "81. Report of the International Law Commission on the work of its sixty-third session (resolution 65/26).", "82. Report of the Special Committee on the Charter of the United Nations and on the Strengthening of the Role of the Organization (resolution 65/31).", "83. The rule of law at the national and international levels (resolution 65/32).", "84. The scope and application of the principle of universal jurisdiction (resolution 65/33).", "85. The law of transboundary aquifers (resolution 63/124).", "G. Disarmament", "86. Report of the International Atomic Energy Agency (resolution 1145 (XII)).", "87. Reduction of military budgets:", "(a) Reduction of military budgets (resolution 35/142 B);", "(b) Objective information on military matters, including transparency of military expenditures (resolutions 62/13 and 64/22).", "88. Prohibition of the development and manufacture of new types of weapons of mass destruction and new systems of such weapons: report of the Conference on Disarmament (resolution 63/36).", "89. Implementation of the Declaration of the Indian Ocean as a Zone of Peace (resolution 64/23).", "90. African Nuclear-Weapon-Free Zone Treaty (resolution 65/39).", "91. Verification in all its aspects, including the role of the United Nations in the field of verification (decision 64/512).", "92. Review of the implementation of the Declaration on the Strengthening of International Security (decision 64/513).", "93. Developments in the field of information and telecommunications in the context of international security (resolution 65/41).", "94. Establishment of a nuclear-weapon-free zone in the region of the Middle East (resolution 65/42).", "95. Conclusion of effective international arrangements to assure non-nuclear-weapon States against the use or threat of use of nuclear weapons (resolution 65/43).", "96. Prevention of an arms race in outer space (resolution 65/44).", "97. Role of science and technology in the context of international security and disarmament (decision 65/516).", "98. General and complete disarmament:", "(a) Notification of nuclear tests (resolution 42/38 C);", "(b) Follow-up to nuclear disarmament obligations agreed to at the 1995 and 2000 Review Conferences of the Parties to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (resolution 64/31);", "(c) Treaty on the South-East Asia Nuclear-Weapon-Free Zone (Bangkok Treaty) (resolution 64/39);", "(d) Prohibition of the dumping of radioactive wastes (resolution 64/45);", "(e) Towards an arms trade treaty: establishing common international standards for the import, export and transfer of conventional arms (resolution 64/48);", "(f) Problems arising from the accumulation of conventional ammunition stockpiles in surplus (resolution 64/51);", "(g) Transparency in armaments (resolution 64/54);", "(h) Regional disarmament (resolution 65/45);", "(i) Conventional arms control at the regional and subregional levels (resolution 65/46);", "(j) Confidence-building measures in the regional and subregional context (resolution 65/47);", "(k) Assistance to States for curbing the illicit traffic in small arms and light weapons and collecting them (resolution 65/50);", "(l) Relationship between disarmament and development (resolution 65/52);", "(m) Observance of environmental norms in the drafting and implementation of agreements on disarmament and arms control (resolution 65/53);", "(n) Promotion of multilateralism in the area of disarmament and non-proliferation (resolution 65/54);", "(o) Nuclear disarmament (resolution 65/56);", "(p) Implementation of the Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production, Stockpiling and Use of Chemical Weapons and on Their Destruction (resolution 65/57);", "(q) Towards a nuclear-weapon-free world: accelerating the implementation of nuclear disarmament commitments (resolution 65/59);", "(r) Reducing nuclear danger (resolution 65/60);", "(s) Measures to prevent terrorists from acquiring weapons of mass destruction (resolution 65/62);", "(t) The illicit trade in small arms and light weapons in all its aspects (resolution 65/64);", "(u) Treaty banning the production of fissile material for nuclear weapons or other nuclear explosive devices (resolution 65/65);", "(v) Transparency and confidence-building measures in outer space activities (resolution 65/68);", "(w) United action towards the total elimination of nuclear weapons (resolution 65/72);", "(x) Follow-up to the advisory opinion of the International Court of Justice on the Legality of the Threat or Use of Nuclear Weapons (resolution 65/76);", "(y) Missiles (decision 65/517).", "99. Review and implementation of the Concluding Document of the Twelfth Special Session of the General Assembly:", "(a) United Nations Regional Centre for Peace and Disarmament in Africa (resolution 64/62);", "(b) United Nations regional centres for peace and disarmament (resolution 65/78);", "(c) United Nations Regional Centre for Peace, Disarmament and Development in Latin America and the Caribbean (resolution 65/79);", "(d) Convention on the Prohibition of the Use of Nuclear Weapons (resolution 65/80);", "(e) United Nations Regional Centre for Peace and Disarmament in Asia and the Pacific (resolution 65/83);", "(f) Regional confidence-building measures: activities of the United Nations Standing Advisory Committee on Security Questions in Central Africa (resolution 65/84).", "100. Review of the implementation of the recommendations and decisions adopted by the General Assembly at its tenth special session (resolutions 38/183 O and 39/148 H):", "(a) Report of the Conference on Disarmament (resolution 65/85);", "(b) Report of the Disarmament Commission (resolution 65/86).", "101. The risk of nuclear proliferation in the Middle East (resolution 65/88).", "102. Convention on Prohibitions or Restrictions on the Use of Certain Conventional Weapons Which May Be Deemed to Be Excessively Injurious or to Have Indiscriminate Effects (resolution 65/89).", "103. Strengthening of security and cooperation in the Mediterranean region (resolution 65/90).", "104. Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty (resolution 65/91).", "105. Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production and Stockpiling of Bacteriological (Biological) and Toxin Weapons and on Their Destruction (resolution 65/92).", "106. Revitalizing the work of the Conference on Disarmament and taking forward multilateral disarmament negotiations (resolution 65/93).", "H. Drug control, crime prevention and combating international terrorism in all its forms and manifestations", "107. Crime prevention and criminal justice (resolutions 65/230 to 65/232).", "108. International drug control (resolutions 61/183 and 65/233).", "109. Measures to eliminate international terrorism (resolution 65/34).", "I. Organizational, administrative and other matters", "110. Report of the Secretary-General on the work of the Organization (rules 13 (a) and 48; resolutions 47/120 B and 51/241).", "111. Report of the Secretary-General on the Peacebuilding Fund (resolutions 60/287 and 63/282).", "112. Notification by the Secretary-General under Article 12, paragraph 2, of the Charter of the United Nations (rule 49).", "113. Elections to fill vacancies in principal organs:", "(a) Election of five non-permanent members of the Security Council (rule 142; decision 65/402);", "(b) Election of eighteen members of the Economic and Social Council (rule 145; decision 65/403);", "(c) Election of five members of the International Court of Justice (decisions 64/426 A and B).", "114. Elections to fill vacancies in subsidiary organs and other elections:", "(a) Election of twenty members of the Committee for Programme and Coordination (decision 65/404);", "(b) Election of the members of the International Law Commission (decision 61/411);", "(c) Election of twenty-nine members of the Governing Council of the United Nations Environment Programme (decisions 64/406 A and B);", "(d) Election of two members of the Organizational Committee of the Peacebuilding Commission (resolutions 60/180 and 63/145 and decision 65/411).", "115. Appointments to fill vacancies in subsidiary organs and other appointments:", "(a) Appointment of members of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions (rule 155; decisions 65/406 A and B);", "(b) Appointment of members of the Committee on Contributions (rule 158; decisions 65/407 A and B);", "(c) Confirmation of the appointment of members of the Investments Committee (resolution 155 (II) and decision 65/408);", "(d) Appointment of a member of the Board of Auditors (resolutions 74 (I) and 55/248 and decision 64/411);", "(e) Appointment of members of the Independent Audit Advisory Committee (resolution 61/275 and decision 65/410);", "(f) Appointment of members of the Committee on Conferences (decisions 65/405 A and B);", "(g) Appointment of members of the Joint Inspection Unit (decision 64/425);", "(h) Approval of the appointment of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (decision 62/420);", "(i) Appointment of the judges of the United Nations Dispute Tribunal (decisions 63/417 and 65/419);", "(j) Appointment of the judges of the United Nations Appeals Tribunal (decisions 63/418 and 65/414).", "116. Admission of new Members to the United Nations (rule 136).", "117. Follow-up to the outcome of the Millennium Summit (resolutions 60/265, 63/311, 64/215, 64/289, 64/290, 64/291, 65/1, 65/238, 65/277 and 65/281).", "118. The United Nations Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy (resolution 64/297).", "119. Follow-up to the commemoration of the two-hundredth anniversary of the abolition of the transatlantic slave trade (resolution 65/239).", "120. Implementation of the resolutions of the United Nations.¹", "121. Revitalization of the work of the General Assembly.¹", "122. Question of equitable representation on and increase in the membership of the Security Council and related matters.¹", "123. Strengthening of the United Nations system:", "(a) Strengthening of the United Nations system (resolution 65/94);", "(b) Central role of the United Nations system in global governance (resolution 65/94).", "124. United Nations reform: measures and proposals (resolution 55/285).", "125. Follow-up to the recommendations on administrative management and internal oversight of the Independent Inquiry Committee into the United Nations Oil-for-Food Programme.²", "126. Global health and foreign policy (resolution 65/95).", "127. International Criminal Tribunal for the Prosecution of Persons Responsible for Genocide and Other Serious Violations of International Humanitarian Law Committed in the Territory of Rwanda and Rwandan Citizens Responsible for Genocide and Other Such Violations Committed in the Territory of Neighbouring States between 1 January and 31 December 1994.¹", "128. International Tribunal for the Prosecution of Persons Responsible for Serious Violations of International Humanitarian Law Committed in the Territory of the Former Yugoslavia since 1991.¹", "129. International residual mechanism for criminal tribunals (item proposed by the Secretary-General (A/66/143)).", "130. Interaction between the United Nations, national parliaments and the Inter-Parliamentary Union (resolution 65/123).", "131. Financial reports and audited financial statements, and reports of the Board of Auditors (resolutions 52/212 B and 65/243 A and B):", "(a) United Nations peacekeeping operations;", "(b) Voluntary funds administered by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees;", "(c) Capital master plan.", "132. Review of the efficiency of the administrative and financial functioning of the United Nations (resolutions 41/213, 64/259, 65/250 and 65/262).", "133. Programme budget for the biennium 2010-2011 (resolutions 64/243, 64/245 to 64/247, 64/260, 64/261, 65/258 to 65/260 A to C, 65/268, 65/269 and 65/288 and decision 65/543).", "134. Proposed programme budget for the biennium 2012-2013 (resolutions 63/260, 64/243, 64/245 to 64/247, 64/260, 64/261, 64/301, 65/258 to 65/260 A to C and 65/262).", "135. Programme planning (resolutions 58/269, 62/224 and 65/244).", "136. Improving the financial situation of the United Nations (resolution 47/215).", "137. Pattern of conferences (resolutions 64/230 and 65/245).", "138. Scale of assessments for the apportionment of the expenses of the United Nations (resolutions 64/248 and 65/246).", "139. Human resources management (resolutions 63/250 and 65/247).", "140. Joint Inspection Unit (resolutions 55/230, 62/246 and 65/270).", "141. United Nations common system (resolutions 64/231 and 65/248).", "142. Report on the activities of the Office of Internal Oversight Services (resolutions 48/218 B, 54/244, 59/272, 64/263 and 65/250).", "143. Administration of justice at the United Nations (resolutions 64/233 and 65/251 and decision 65/513).", "144. Financing of the International Criminal Tribunal for the Prosecution of Persons Responsible for Genocide and Other Serious Violations of International Humanitarian Law Committed in the Territory of Rwanda and Rwandan Citizens Responsible for Genocide and Other Such Violations Committed in the Territory of Neighbouring States between 1 January and 31 December 1994 (resolutions 55/226 and 65/252).", "145. Financing of the International Tribunal for the Prosecution of Persons Responsible for Serious Violations of International Humanitarian Law Committed in the Territory of the Former Yugoslavia since 1991 (resolutions 55/225 A and 65/253).", "146. Administrative and budgetary aspects of the financing of the United Nations peacekeeping operations (resolutions 49/233, 63/287, 65/289 to 65/291 and 65/293).", "147. Financing of the United Nations Mission in the Central African Republic and Chad (resolutions 65/254 A and B).", "148. Financing of the United Nations Operation in Côte d’Ivoire (resolution 65/294).", "149. Financing of the United Nations Peacekeeping Force in Cyprus (resolution 65/295).", "150. Financing of the United Nations Organization Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (resolutions 65/255 and 65/296).", "151. Financing of the United Nations Organization Stabilization Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (resolutions 65/255 and 65/296).", "152. Financing of the United Nations Mission in East Timor.²", "153. Financing of the United Nations Integrated Mission in Timor-Leste (resolution 65/297).", "154. Financing of the United Nations Mission in Ethiopia and Eritrea (resolution 65/298).", "155. Financing of the United Nations Observer Mission in Georgia (resolution 65/299).", "156. Financing of the United Nations Stabilization Mission in Haiti (resolutions 65/256 A and B).", "157. Financing of the United Nations Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo (resolution 65/300).", "158. Financing of the United Nations Mission in Liberia (resolution 65/301).", "159. Financing of the United Nations peacekeeping forces in the Middle East:", "(a) United Nations Disengagement Observer Force (resolution 65/302);", "(b) United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (resolution 65/303).", "160. Financing of the United Nations Mission in the Sudan (resolutions 65/257 A and B).", "161. Financing of the United Nations Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara (resolution 65/304).", "162. Financing of the African Union-United Nations Hybrid Operation in Darfur (resolution 65/305).", "163. Financing of the activities arising from Security Council resolution 1863 (2009) (resolution 65/306).", "164. Report of the Committee on Relations with the Host Country (resolution 65/35).", "165. Observer status for the Cooperation Council of Turkic-speaking States in the General Assembly (item proposed by Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Turkey (A/66/141)).", "166. Observer status for the International Emergency Management Organization in the General Assembly (item proposed by the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (A/66/142)).", "167. Observer status for the Union of South American Nations in the General Assembly (item proposed by Guyana (A/66/144)).", "168. Observer status for the International Renewable Energy Agency in the General Assembly (item proposed by the United Arab Emirates (A/66/145)).", "[1] This item remains on the agenda of the sixty-fifth session. Its inclusion in the draft agenda of the sixty-sixth session is subject to any action the Assembly may take on it at its sixty-fifth session.", "[2] This item, which has not yet been considered by the General Assembly at its sixty-fifth session, remains on the agenda of that session. Its inclusion in the draft agenda of the sixty-sixth session is subject to any action the Assembly may take on it at its sixty-fifth session.", "[3] This item remains on the agenda for consideration upon notification by a Member State." ]
[ "第六十六届会议", "^(*) 由于技术原因于2011年7月25日重新印发。", "^(**) 根据议事规则第12条印发。", "大会第六十六届常会临时议程^(**)", "2011年9月13日星期二下午3时在纽约联合国总部召开", "1. 大会主席宣布会议开幕(第31条)。", "2. 默祷或默念一分钟(第62条)。", "3. 出席大会第六十六届会议各国代表的全权证书(第28条):", "(a) 任命全权证书委员会成员;", "(b) 全权证书委员会的报告。", "4. 选举大会主席(第30条)。", "5. 选举各主要委员会的主席团成员(第30和103条)。", "6. 选举大会副主席(第30条)。", "7. 安排工作、通过议程和分配项目:总务委员会的报告(第21条)。", "8. 一般性辩论(第57/301号、第65/160号、第65/240号和第65/279号决议)。", "A. 按照大会和最近各次联合国会议的相关决议促进持续经济增长和可持续发展", "9. 经济及社会理事会的报告(第13条(b);大会第3281(XXIX)号决议和经济及社会理事会第1982/112号决定)。", "10. 体育促进和平与发展:通过体育和奥林匹克理想建立一个和平的更美好的世界(第64/4号决议)。", "11. 全球道路安全危机(第64/255号决议)。", "12. 2001-2010:发展中国家特别是非洲减少疟疾十年(第65/273号决议)。", "13. 联合国经济、社会及有关领域各次主要会议和首脑会议成果的统筹协调执行及后续行动(第60/265号、第64/291号、第64/292号、第65/1号、第65/10号、第65/277号和第65/281号决议)。", "14. 不同文明对话全球议程。[1]", "15. 和平文化(第64/13号、第65/11号和第65/138号决议)。", "16. 信息和通信技术促进发展(第65/141号决议)。", "17. 宏观经济政策问题:", "(a) 国际贸易与发展(第1995(XIX)号、第64/189号和第65/142号决议);", "(b) 国际金融体系与发展(第65/143号决议);", "(c) 外债可持续性与发展(第65/144号决议);", "(d) 商品(第64/192号决议)。", "18. 2002年发展筹资问题国际会议以及2008年审查会议成果的后续行动和执行情况(第65/145号和第65/146号决议)。", "19. 可持续发展(第63/279号、第65/147号和第65/150号决议):", "(a) 《21世纪议程》、《进一步执行〈21世纪议程〉方案》和可持续发展问题世界首脑会议成果的执行情况(第47/191号、第64/197号和第65/152号决议);", "(b) 《关于进一步执行小岛屿发展中国家可持续发展行动纲领的毛里求斯战略》的后续行动和执行情况(第65/2号和第65/156号决议);", "(c) 国际减少灾害战略(第65/157号决议);", "(d) 为人类今世后代保护全球气候(第65/159号决议);", "(e) 《联合国关于在发生严重干旱和/或荒漠化的国家特别是在非洲防治荒漠化的公约》的执行情况(第65/160号决议);", "(f) 生物多样性公约(第64/203号和第65/161号决议);", "(g) 联合国环境规划署理事会第二十六届会议的报告(第2997(XXVII)号和第65/162号决议);", "(h) 与自然和谐相处(第65/164号决议);", "(i) 山区可持续发展(第64/205号决议);", "(j) 推广新能源和可再生能源(第64/206号决议)。", "20. 联合国人类住区会议(人居二)成果的执行情况和加强联合国人类住区规划署(人居署)(第64/207号和第65/165号决议)。", "21. 全球化和相互依存(第65/166号决议):", "(a) 联合国在全球化和相互依存的背景下促进发展的作用(第65/168号决议);", "(b) 科学和技术促进发展(第55/185号和第64/212号决议);", "(c) 与中等收入国家的发展合作(第64/208号决议)。", "22. 处境特殊的各国家组:", "(a) 第四次联合国最不发达国家问题会议后续行动(第65/171号决议);", "(b) 与内陆发展中国家的特殊需要和问题有关的具体行动:内陆和过境发展中国家与捐助国及国际金融和发展机构过境运输合作问题国际部长级会议的成果(第65/172号决议)。", "23. 消除贫穷和其他发展问题:", "(a) 联合国第二个消除贫穷十年(2008-2017)的执行情况(第65/174号决议);", "(b) 妇女参与发展(第64/217号决议);", "(c) 人力资源开发(第64/218号决议)。", "24. 发展方面的业务活动:", "(a) 联合国系统发展方面的业务活动(第35/81号决议);", "(b) 南南合作促进发展(第64/221号决议)。", "25. 农业发展与粮食安全(第65/178号决议)。", "26. 建立全球伙伴关系(第58/316号和第64/223号决议)。", "27. 社会发展:", "(a) 社会发展问题世界首脑会议和大会第二十四届特别会议成果的执行情况(第56/177号和第65/185号决议);", "(b) 社会发展,包括与世界社会状况以及与青年、老龄、残疾人和家庭有关的问题(第63/153号、第64/133号、第64/134号、第64/136号、第65/184号和第65/186号决议);", "(c) 国际老年人年的后续行动:第二次老龄问题世界大会(第65/182号决议)。", "28. 提高妇女地位:", "(a) 提高妇女地位(第34/180号、第45/124号、第64/138号、第64/139号、第64/140号和第65/187号决议);", "(b) 第四次妇女问题世界会议和大会第二十三届特别会议成果的执行情况(第50/203号、第52/100号和第65/191号决议)。", "B. 维持国际和平与安全", "29. 安全理事会的报告(第13条(b))。", "30. 建设和平委员会的报告(第60/180号和第65/7号决议)。", "31. 联合国系统支持各国政府努力促进和巩固新的民主政体或恢复民主的政体(第64/12号决议)。", "32. 钻石在助长冲突方面所起的作用(第65/137号决议)。", "33. 预防武装冲突:", "(a) 加强调解在和平解决争端、预防和解决冲突方面的作用(第65/283号决议)。", "34. 古阿姆集团地区旷日持久的冲突及其对国际和平、安全与发展的影响(第65/287号决议)。", "35. 中东局势(第65/17号和第65/18号决议)。", "36. 巴勒斯坦问题(第65/13号至第65/16号决议)。", "37. 阿富汗局势(第65/8号决议)。", "38. 被占领阿塞拜疆领土的局势。[2]", "39. 科摩罗马约特岛问题。²", "40. 必须终止美利坚合众国对古巴的经济、商业和金融封锁(第65/6号决议)。", "41. 中美洲局势:形成和平、自由、民主和发展区域的进展(第60/508号决定)。[3]", "42. 塞浦路斯问题(第58/316号决议)。³", "43. 对刚果民主共和国的武装侵略(第58/316号决议)。³", "44. 福克兰(马尔维纳斯)群岛问题(第58/316号决议)。³", "45. 海地的民主和人权状况(第58/316号决议)。³", "46. 以色列对伊拉克核设施的武装侵略及其对已确立的关于和平利用核能、不扩散核武器及国际和平与安全的国际制度的严重后果(第58/316号决议)。³", "47. 伊拉克占领和侵略科威特的后果(第58/316号决议)。³", "48. 协助地雷行动(第64/84号决议)。", "49. 原子辐射的影响(第65/96号决议)。", "50. 和平利用外层空间的国际合作(第65/97号决议)。", "51. 联合国近东巴勒斯坦难民救济和工程处(第65/98号至第65/101号决议)。", "52. 调查以色列侵害占领区巴勒斯坦人民和其他阿拉伯人人权的行为特别委员会的报告(第65/102号至第65/106号决议)。", "53. 整个维持和平行动问题所有方面的全盘审查。¹", "54. 有关信息的问题(第65/107 A和B号决议)。", "55. 按照《联合国宪章》第七十三条(辰)款递送的非自治领土情报(第65/108号决议)。", "56. 影响非自治领土人民利益的经济活动和其他活动(第65/109号决议)。", "57. 各专门机构和与联合国有联系的国际机构执行《给予殖民地国家和人民独立宣言》的情况(第65/110号决议)。", "58. 会员国向非自治领土居民提供学习和训练便利(第65/111号决议)。", "59. 《给予殖民地国家和人民独立宣言》的执行情况(第65/112号至第65/117号决议以及第65/521号决定)。", "60. 马达加斯加格洛里厄斯群岛、新胡安岛、欧罗巴岛和印度巴萨斯岛问题(第65/503号决定)。", "61. 包括东耶路撒冷在内的巴勒斯坦被占领土上的巴勒斯坦人民和被占领叙利亚戈兰的阿拉伯居民对其自然资源的永久主权(第65/179号决议)。", "62. 联合国难民事务高级专员的报告:与难民、回返者和流离失所者有关的问题以及人道主义问题(第428(V)号、第65/193号和第65/194号决议)。", "C. 非洲的发展", "63. 非洲发展新伙伴关系:执行进展情况和国际支持:", "(a) 非洲发展新伙伴关系:执行进展情况和国际支持(第65/284号决议);", "(b) 非洲境内冲突起因和促进持久和平与可持续发展(第65/278号决议)。", "D. 促进人权", "64. 人权理事会的报告(第60/251号、第65/196号和第65/281号决议)。", "65. 促进和保护儿童权利:", "(a) 促进和保护儿童权利(第44/25号、第62/141号、第64/145号和第65/197号决议);", "(b) 儿童问题特别会议成果的后续行动(第65/539号决定)。", "66. 土著人民权利:", "(a) 土著人民权利(第65/198号决议);", "(b) 第二个世界土著人民国际十年(第65/539号决定)。", "67. 消除种族主义、种族歧视、仇外心理和相关不容忍行为:", "(a) 消除种族主义、种族歧视、仇外心理和相关不容忍行为(第2106 A(XX)号、第3381(XXX)号、第65/199号和第65/200号决议);", "(b) 《德班宣言和行动纲领》的全面执行和后续行动(第65/240号和第65/279号决议)。", "68. 人民自决的权利(第65/201号和第65/203号决议)。", "69. 促进和保护人权:", "(a) 人权文书的执行情况(第2200 A(XXI)号、第39/46号、第64/154号、第65/204号和第65/205号决议);", "(b) 人权问题,包括增进人权和基本自由切实享受的各种途径(第64/82号、第64/155号、第64/158号、第64/161号至第64/163号、第64/165号、第64/173号、第64/174号、第65/36号、第65/208号、第65/209号、第65/211号、第65/212号、第65/216号至第65/221号、第65/223号和第65/224号决议);", "(c) 人权状况及特别报告员和代表的报告(第65/225号、第65/226号和第65/241号决议);", "(d) 《维也纳宣言和行动纲领》的全面执行和后续行动(第48/121号和第48/141号决议)。", "E. 有效协调人道主义援助工作", "70. 加强联合国人道主义和救灾援助,包括特别经济援助的协调(第65/132号决议):", "(a) 加强联合国紧急人道主义援助的协调(第63/139号、第65/133号、第65/135号和第65/264号决议);", "(b) 援助巴勒斯坦人民(第65/134号决议);", "(c) 向个别国家或区域提供特别经济援助。¹", "71. 对1994年卢旺达境内种族灭绝幸存者,特别是孤儿、寡妇和性暴力行为受害人的援助(第64/226号决议)。", "F. 促进司法和国际法", "72. 国际法院的报告(第13条(b))。", "73. 起诉应对1994年1月1日至12月31日期间在卢旺达境内的种族灭绝和其他严重违反国际人道主义法行为负责者和应对这一期间邻国境内种族灭绝和其他这类违法行为负责的卢旺达公民的国际刑事法庭的报告(安全理事会第955(1994)号决议)。", "74. 起诉应对1991年以来前南斯拉夫境内所犯严重违反国际人道主义法行为负责者的国际法庭的报告(安全理事会第827(1993)号决议)。", "75. 国际刑事法院的报告(第65/12号决议)。", "76. 海洋和海洋法:", "(a) 海洋和海洋法(第49/28号、第52/26号、第54/33号和第65/37 A和B号决议);", "(b) 通过1995年《执行1982年12月10日<联合国海洋法公约>有关养护和管理跨界鱼类种群和高度洄游鱼类种群的规定的协定》和相关文书等途径实现可持续渔业(第61/105号、第64/72号和第65/38号决议)。", "77. 国家继承涉及的自然人国籍问题(第63/118号决议)。", "78. 追究联合国官员和特派专家的刑事责任(第65/20号决议)。", "79. 联合国国际贸易法委员会第四十四届会议工作报告(第2205(XXI)号决议)。", "80. 联合国国际法的教学、研究、传播和广泛了解协助方案(第65/25号决议)。", "81. 国际法委员会第六十三届会议工作报告(第65/26号决议)。", "82. 联合国宪章和加强联合国作用特别委员会的报告(第65/31号决议)。", "83. 国内和国际的法治(第65/32号决议)。", "84. 普遍管辖权原则的范围和适用(第65/33号决议)。", "85. 跨界含水层法(第63/124号决议)。", "G. 裁军", "86. 国际原子能机构的报告(第1145(XII)号决议)。", "87. 裁减军事预算", "(a) 裁减军事预算(第35/142 B号决议);", "(b) 军事情况的客观情报,包括军事支出的透明度(第62/13号和第64/22号决议)。", "88. 禁止发展和制造新型大规模毁灭性武器和此种武器新系统:裁军谈判会议的报告(第63/36号决议)。", "89. 《宣布印度洋为和平区宣言》的执行情况(第64/23号决议)。", "90. 非洲无核武器区条约(第65/39号决议)。", "91. 核查的一切方面,包括联合国在核查领域的作用(第64/512号决定)。", "92. 审查《加强国际安全宣言》的执行情况(第64/513号决定)。", "93. 从国际安全的角度来看信息和电信领域的发展(第65/41号决议)。", "94. 建立中东无核武器区(第65/42号决议)。", "95. 缔结关于保证不对无核武器国家使用或威胁使用核武器的有效国际安排(第65/43号决议)。", "96. 防止外层空间的军备竞赛(第65/44号决议)。", "97. 科学和技术在国际安全和裁军领域的作用(第65/516号决定)。", "98. 全面彻底裁军:", "(a) 核试验的通知(第42/38 C号决议);", "(b) 不扩散核武器条约缔约国1995年和2000年审议大会商定的核裁军义务的后续行动(第64/31号决议);", "(c) 东南亚无核武器区条约(曼谷条约)(第64/39号决议);", "(d) 禁止倾弃放射性废料(第64/45号决议);", "(e) 推动拟订一项武器贸易条约:建立常规武器进出口和转让共同国际标准(第64/48号决议);", "(f) 积累过剩的常规弹药储存引起的问题(第64/51号决议);", "(g) 军备的透明度(第64/54号决议);", "(h) 区域裁军(第65/45号决议);", "(i) 区域和次区域两级的常规军备控制(第65/46号决议);", "(j) 区域和次区域建立信任措施(第65/47号决议);", "(k) 协助各国制止小武器和轻武器非法贩运并加以收集(第65/50号决议);", "(l) 裁军与发展之间的关系(第65/52号决议);", "(m) 拟订和执行裁军和军备控制协定时遵守环境规范(第65/53号决议);", "(n) 促进裁军和不扩散领域的多边主义(第65/54号决议);", "(o) 核裁军(第65/56号决议);", "(p) 《关于禁止发展、生产、储存和使用化学武器及销毁此种武器的公约》的执行情况(第65/57号决议);", "(q) 建立一个无核武器世界:加速履行核裁军承诺(第65/59号决议);", "(r) 减少核危险(第65/60号决议);", "(s) 防止恐怖分子获取大规模毁灭性武器的措施(第65/62号决议);", "(t) 小武器和轻武器非法贸易的各方面问题(第65/64号决议);", "(u) 禁止生产核武器或其他核爆炸装置所用裂变材料条约(第65/65号决议);", "(v) 外层空间活动中的透明度和建立信任措施(第65/68号决议);", "(w) 采取联合行动彻底消除核武器(第65/72号决议);", "(x) 国际法院关于“以核武器进行威胁或使用核武器的合法性”的咨询意见的后续行动(第65/76号决议);", "(y) 导弹(第65/517号决议)。", "99. 审查和执行大会第十二届特别会议的《结论文件》:", "(a) 联合国和平与裁军非洲区域中心(第64/62号决议);", "(b) 联合国和平与裁军区域中心(第65/78号决议);", "(c) 联合国和平、裁军与发展拉丁美洲和加勒比区域中心(第65/79号决议);", "(d) 禁止使用核武器公约(第65/80号决议);", "(e) 联合国和平与裁军亚洲及太平洋区域中心(第65/83号决议);", "(f) 区域建立信任措施:联合国中部非洲安全问题常设咨询委员会的活动(第65/84号决议)。", "100. 审查大会第十届特别会议通过的建议和决定的执行情况(第38/183 O号和第39/148 H号决议):", "(a) 裁军谈判会议的报告(第65/85号决议);", "(b) 裁军审议委员会的报告(第65/86号决议)。", "101. 中东的核扩散危险(第65/88号决议)。", "102. 禁止或限制使用某些可被认为具有过分伤害力或滥杀滥伤作用的常规武器公约(第65/89号决议)。", "103. 加强地中海区域的安全和合作(第65/90号决议)。", "104. 全面禁止核试验条约(第65/91号决议)。", "105. 关于禁止发展、生产和储存细菌(生物)及毒素武器和销毁此种武器的公约(第65/92号决议)。", "106. 振兴裁军谈判会议工作和推进多边裁军谈判(第65/93号决议)。", "H. 药物管制、预防犯罪和打击一切形式和表现的国际恐怖主义", "107. 预防犯罪和刑事司法(第65/230号至第65/232号决议)。", "108. 国际药物管制(第61/183号和第65/233号决议)。", "109. 消除国际恐怖主义的措施(第65/34号决议)。", "I. 组织、行政和其他事项", "110. 秘书长关于联合国工作的报告(第13条(a)和第48条;第47/120 B号和第51/241号决议)。", "111. 秘书长关于建设和平基金的报告(第60/287号和第63/282号决议)。", "112. 秘书长按照《联合国宪章》第十二条第二项提出通知(第49条)。", "113. 选举各主要机构成员以补空缺:", "(a) 选举五个安全理事会非常任理事国(第142条;第65/402号决定);", "(b) 选举十八个经济及社会理事会成员(第145条;第65/403号决定);", "(c) 选举国际法院五名法官(第64/426 A和B号决定)。", "114. 选举各附属机构成员以补空缺,并进行其他选举:", "(a) 选举二十个方案和协调委员会成员(第65/404号决定);", "(b) 选举国际法委员会成员(第61/411号决定);", "(c) 选举二十九个联合国环境规划署理事会成员(第64/406 A和B号决定);", "(d) 选举两个建设和平委员会组织委员会成员(第60/180号和第63/145号决议以及第65/411号决定);", "115. 任命各附属机构成员以补空缺,并作出其他任命:", "(a) 任命行政和预算问题咨询委员会成员(第155条;第65/406 A和B号决定);", "(b) 任命会费委员会成员(第158条;第65/407 A和B号决定);", "(c) 认可投资委员会成员的任命(第155(II)号决议和第65/408号决定);", "(d) 任命一名审计委员会成员(第74(I)号和第55/248号决议以及第64/411号决定);", "(e) 任命独立审计咨询委员会成员(第61/275号决议和第65/410号决定);", "(f) 任命会议委员会成员(第65/405 A和B号决定);", "(g) 任命联合检查组成员(第64/425号决定);", "(h) 核准联合国人权事务高级专员的任命(第62/420号决定);", "(i) 任命联合国争议法庭法官(第63/417号和第65/419号决定);", "(j) 任命联合国上诉法庭法官(第63/418号和第65/414号决定)。", "116. 接纳新会员加入联合国(第136条)。", "117. 千年首脑会议成果的后续行动(第60/265号、第63/311号、第64/215号、第64/289号、第64/290号、第64/291号、第65/1号、第65/238号、第65/277号和第65/281号决议)。", "118. 联合国全球反恐战略(第64/297号决议)。", "119. 纪念废除跨大西洋贩卖奴隶二百周年的后续活动(第65/239号决议)。", "120. 执行联合国各项决议。¹", "121. 大会工作的振兴。¹", "122. 安全理事会席位公平分配和成员数目增加问题及有关事项。¹", "123. 加强联合国系统:", "(a) 加强联合国系统(第65/94号决议);", "(b) 联合国系统在全球治理中的核心作用(第65/94号决议)。", "124. 联合国改革:措施和提议(第55/285号决议)。", "125. 联合国石油换粮食方案独立调查委员会就行政管理和内部监督所提建议的后续行动。²", "126. 全球卫生与外交政策(第65/95号决议)。", "127. 起诉应对1994年1月1日至12月31日期间在卢旺达境内的种族灭绝和其他严重违反国际人道主义法行为负责者和应对这一期间邻国境内种族灭绝和其他这类违法行为负责的卢旺达公民的国际刑事法庭。¹", "128. 起诉应对1991年以来前南斯拉夫境内所犯严重违反国际人道主义法行为负责者的国际法庭。¹", "129. 刑事法庭余留事项国际处理机制(秘书长提议的项目(A/66/143))。", "130. 联合国与各国议会和各国议会联盟之间的互动(第65/123号决议)。", "131. 财务报告和已审计财务报表以及审计委员会的报告(第52/212 B号和第65/243 A和B号决议):", "(a) 联合国维持和平行动;", "(b) 联合国难民事务高级专员经管的自愿基金;", "(c) 基本建设总计划。", "132. 审查联合国行政和财政业务效率(第41/213号、第64/259号、第65/250号和第65/262号决议)。", "133. 2010-2011两年期方案预算(第64/243号、第64/245号至第64/247号、第64/260号、第64/261号、第65/258号至第65/260 A至C号、第65/268号、第65/269号和第65/288号决议以及第65/543号决定)。", "134. 2012-2013两年期拟议方案预算(第63/260号、第64/243号、第64/245号至第64/247号、第64/260号、第64/261号、第64/301号、第65/258号至第65/260 A至C号和第65/262号决议)。", "135. 方案规划(第58/269号、第62/224号和第65/244号决议)。", "136. 改善联合国财政情况(第47/215号决议)。", "137. 会议时地分配办法(第64/230号和第65/245号决议)。", "138. 联合国经费分摊比额表(第64/248号和第65/246号决议)。", "139. 人力资源管理(第63/250号和第65/247号决议)。", "140. 联合检查组(第55/230号、第62/246号和第65/270号决议)。", "141. 联合国共同制度(第64/231号和第65/248号决议)。", "142. 关于内部监督事务厅活动的报告(第48/218 B号、第54/244号、第59/272号、第64/263号和第65/250号决议)。", "143. 联合国内部司法(第64/233号和第65/251号决议以及第65/513号决定)。", "144. 起诉应对1994年1月1日至12月31日期间在卢旺达境内的种族灭绝和其他严重违反国际人道主义法行为负责者和应对这一期间邻国境内种族灭绝和其他这类违法行为负责的卢旺达公民的国际刑事法庭经费的筹措(第55/226号和第65/252号决议)。", "145. 起诉应对1991年以来前南斯拉夫境内所犯严重违反国际人道主义法行为负责者的国际法庭经费的筹措(第55/225 A号和第65/253号决议)。", "146. 联合国维持和平行动经费筹措的行政和预算问题(第49/233号、第63/287号、第65/289号至第65/291号和第65/293号决议)。", "147. 联合国中非共和国和乍得特派团经费的筹措(第65/254 A和B号决议)。", "148. 联合国科特迪瓦行动经费的筹措(第65/294号决议)。", "149. 联合国驻塞浦路斯维持和平部队经费的筹措(第65/295号决议)。", "150. 联合国组织刚果民主共和国特派团经费的筹措(第65/255号和第65/296号决议)。", "151. 联合国组织刚果民主共和国稳定特派团经费的筹措(第65/255号和第65/296号决议)。", "152. 联合国东帝汶特派团经费的筹措。²", "153. 联合国东帝汶综合特派团经费的筹措(第65/297号决议)。", "154. 联合国埃塞俄比亚和厄立特里亚特派团经费的筹措(第65/298号决议)。", "155. 联合国格鲁吉亚观察团经费的筹措(第65/299号决议)。", "156. 联合国海地稳定特派团经费的筹措(第65/256 A和B号决议)。", "157. 联合国科索沃临时行政当局特派团经费的筹措(第65/300号决议)。", "158. 联合国利比里亚特派团经费的筹措(第65/301号决议)。", "159. 联合国中东维持和平部队经费的筹措:", "(a) 联合国脱离接触观察员部队(第65/302号决议);", "(b) 联合国驻黎巴嫩临时部队(第65/303号决议)。", "160. 联合国苏丹特派团经费的筹措(第65/257 A和B号决议)。", "161. 联合国西撒哈拉全民投票特派团经费的筹措(第65/304号决议)。", "162. 非洲联盟-联合国达尔富尔混合行动经费的筹措(第65/305号决议)。", "163. 安全理事会第1863(2009)号决议引起的活动的经费筹措(第65/306号决议)。", "164. 东道国关系委员会的报告(第65/35号决议)。", "165. 给予突厥语国家合作委员会大会观察员地位(阿塞拜疆、哈萨克斯坦、吉尔吉斯斯坦和土耳其提议的项目(A/66/141))。", "166. 给予国际紧急状况应对组织大会观察员地位(前南斯拉夫的马其顿共和国提议的项目(A/66/142))。", "167. 给予南美洲国家联盟大会观察员地位(圭亚那提议的项目(A/66/144))。", "168. 给予国际可再生能源机构大会观察员地位(阿拉伯联合酋长国提议的项目(A/66/145))。", "[1] 此项目仍保留在第六十五届会议的议程上。此项目是否列入第六十六届会议的临时议程,须视大会第六十五届会议可能采取的任何有关行动而定。", "[2] 此项目尚未经大会第六十五届会议审议,但仍保留在该届会议的议程上。此项目是否列入第六十六届会议的临时议程,须视大会第六十五届会议可能采取的任何有关行动而定。", "[3] 此项目仍保留在议程上,一俟接获有关会员国通知即予审议。" ]
[ "第六十六届会议", "* 由于技术原因于2011年7月25日重新印发。", "** 根据议事规则第12条印发。", "大会第六十六届常会临时议程* * 《大会正式记录,第五十八届会议,补编第5号》(A/C.6/61/Rev.1)。", "定于2011年9月13日星期二下午3时在纽约联合国总部举行", "一、导 言 1. 大会主席宣布会议开幕(第31条)。", "2. 默祷或默念一分钟(第62条)。", "3个 出席大会第六十六届会议各国代表的全权证书(第28条):", "(a) 任命全权证书委员会成员;", "(b) 全权证书委员会的报告。", "4个 4. 选举大会主席(第30条)。", " 5.五. 5. 选举各主要委员会的主席团成员(第30和103条)。", "6个 4. 选举大会副主席(第30条)。", "7个 7. 安排工作、通过议程和分配项目:总务委员会的报告(第21条)。", "8. 一般性辩论(第57/301、65/160、65/240和65/279号决议)。", "A. 按照大会和联合国最近各次会议的有关决议促进持续经济增长和可持续发展", "9. 国家 经济及社会理事会的报告(第13条(b);大会第3281(XXIX)号决议和经济及社会理事会第1982/112号决定)。", "联合国 体育促进和平与发展:通过体育和奥林匹克理想建立一个和平的更美好的世界(第64/4号决议)。", "11个 全球道路安全危机(第64/255号决议)。", "12. 2001-2010年:在发展中国家特别是非洲减少疟疾十年(第65/273号决议)。", "13个 128. 联合国经济、社会及有关领域各次主要会议和首脑会议结果的统筹协调执行及后续行动(第60/265、64/291、64/292、65/1、65/10、65/277和65/281号决议)。", "14. 不同文明对话全球议程。 [1] (中文(简体) ).", "15个 和平文化(第64/13号、第65/11号和第65/138号决议)。", "16. 信息和通信技术促进发展(第65/141号决议)。", "17岁 宏观经济政策问题:", "(a) 国际贸易与发展(第1995(XIX)、64/189和65/142号决议);", "(b) 国际金融体制与发展(第65/143号决议);", "(c) 外债可持续性与发展(第65/144号决议);", "(d) 商品(第64/192号决议)。", "18. 2002年发展筹资问题国际会议以及2008年审查会议成果的后续行动和执行情况(第65/145和65/146号决议)。", "19. 国家 可持续发展(第63/279、65/147和65/150号决议):", "(a) 《21世纪议程》、《进一步执行〈21世纪议程〉方案》和可持续发展问题世界首脑会议成果的执行情况(第47/191、64/197和65/152号决议);", "(b) 《关于进一步执行小岛屿发展中国家可持续发展行动纲领的毛里求斯战略》的后续行动和执行情况(第65/2号和第65/156号决议);", "(c) 国际减少灾害战略(第65/157号决议);", "(d) 为人类今世后代保护全球气候(第65/159号决议);", "(e) 《联合国关于在发生严重干旱和/或荒漠化的国家特别是在非洲防治荒漠化的公约》的执行情况(第65/160号决议);", "(f) 生物多样性公约(第64/203号和第65/161号决议);", "(g) 联合国环境规划署理事会第二十六届会议的报告(第2997(XXVII)号和第65/162号决议);", "(h) 与自然和谐相处(第65/164号决议);", "(i) 山区可持续发展(第64/205号决议);", "(j) 推广新能源和可再生能源(第64/206号决议)。", "20. 联合国人类住区会议(人居二)成果的执行情况和加强联合国人类住区规划署(人居署)(第64/207号和第65/165号决议)。", "21. 全球化和相互依存(第65/166号决议):", "(a) 联合国在全球化和相互依存的背景下促进发展的作用(第65/168号决议);", "(b) 科学和技术促进发展(第55/185号和第64/212号决议);", "(c) 与中等收入国家的发展合作(第64/208号决议)。", "22 (韩语). 处境特殊的各类国家组:", "(a) 第四次联合国最不发达国家问题会议的后续行动(第65/171号决议);", "(b) 与内陆发展中国家特殊需要和问题有关的具体行动:内陆和过境发展中国家与捐助国及国际金融和发展机构过境运输合作问题国际部长级会议的成果(第65/172号决议)。", "23. 联合国 消除贫穷和其他发展问题:", "(a) 联合国第二个消除贫穷十年(2008-2017年)的执行情况(第65/174号决议);", "(b) 妇女参与发展(第64/217号决议);", "(c) 人力资源开发(第64/218号决议)。", "24. 联合国 发展方面的业务活动:", "(a) 联合国系统发展方面的业务活动(第35/81号决议);", "(b) 南南合作促进发展(第64/221号决议)。", "25号. 农业发展与粮食安全(第65/178号决议)。", "26. 联合国 建立全球伙伴关系(第58/316号和第64/223号决议)。", "27岁 社会发展:", "(a) 社会发展问题世界首脑会议和大会第二十四届特别会议成果的执行情况(第56/177号和第65/185号决议);", "(b) 社会发展,包括有关世界社会状况和有关青年、老龄、残疾人和家庭的问题(第63/153、64/133、64/134、64/136、65/184和65/186号决议);", "(c) 国际老年人年的后续行动:第二次老龄问题世界大会(第65/182号决议)。", "28岁 提高妇女地位:", "(a) 提高妇女地位(第34/180、45/124、64/138、64/139、64/140和65/187号决议);", "(b) 第四次妇女问题世界会议和大会第二十三届特别会议成果的执行情况(第50/203、52/100和65/191号决议)。", "B. 维持国际和平与安全", "29. 联合国 13. 安全理事会的报告(第13条(b))。", "30岁 建设和平委员会的报告(第60/180号和第65/7号决议)。", "31个 联合国系统支持各国政府努力促进和巩固新的民主政体或恢复民主的政体(第64/12号决议)。", "32. 国家 钻石在助长冲突方面所起的作用(第65/137号决议)。", "33. 国家 预防武装冲突:", "(a) 加强调解在和平解决争端、预防和解决冲突方面的作用(第65/283号决议)。", "34. 联合国 古阿姆集团地区旷日持久的冲突及其对国际和平、安全与发展的影响(第65/287号决议)。", "35. 联合国 29. 中东局势(第65/17号和第65/18号决议)。", "36. 巴勒斯坦问题(第65/13号至第65/16号决议)。", "37. 联合国 26. 阿富汗局势(第65/8号决议)。", "38. 国家 2. 被占领阿塞拜疆领土的局势。 [2]", "39. 联合国 16. 科摩罗马约特岛问题。", "40. 国家 必须终止美利坚合众国对古巴的经济、商业和金融封锁(第65/6号决议)。", "41. 国家 中美洲局势:形成和平、自由、民主和发展区域的进展(第60/508号决定)。 [3]", "42. 塞浦路斯问题(第58/316号决议)。", "43. 联合国 对刚果民主共和国的武装侵略(第58/316号决议)。", "44. 联合国 福克兰(马尔维纳斯)群岛问题(第58/316号决议)。", "45. 联合国 海地境内的民主和人权情况(第58/316号决议)。", "46. 联合国 以色列对伊拉克核设施的武装侵略及其对已确立的关于和平利用核能、不扩散核武器及国际和平与安全的国际制度的严重后果(第58/316号决议)。", "47. (中文(简体) ). 伊拉克占领和侵略科威特的后果(第58/316号决议)。", "48. 国家 协助地雷行动(第64/84号决议)。", "49. 国家 89. 原子辐射的影响(第65/96号决议)。", "50. 联合国 68. 和平利用外层空间的国际合作(第65/97号决议)。", "51. 联合国近东巴勒斯坦难民救济和工程处(第65/98号至第65/101号决议)。", "52. (中文(简体) ). 调查以色列侵害占领区巴勒斯坦人民和其他阿拉伯人人权的行为特别委员会的报告(第65/102号至第65/106号决议)。", "53. 国家 1. 整个维持和平行动问题所有方面的全盘审查。", "54. 国家 有关信息的问题(第65/107 A和B号决议)。", "55. (中文(简体) ). 按照《联合国宪章》第七十三条(辰)款递送的非自治领土情报(第65/108号决议)。", "56. 影响非自治领土人民利益的经济活动和其他活动(第65/109号决议)。", "57. 各专门机构和与联合国有联系的国际机构执行《给予殖民地国家和人民独立宣言》的情况(第65/110号决议)。", "58. 联合国 会员国向非自治领土居民提供学习和训练便利(第65/111号决议)。", "59. 《给予殖民地国家和人民独立宣言》的执行情况(第65/112至65/117号决议和第65/521号决定)。", "60. 联合国 马达加斯加格洛里厄斯群岛、新胡安岛、欧罗巴岛和印度巴萨斯岛问题(第65/503号决定)。", "61. 联合国 包括东耶路撒冷在内的被占领巴勒斯坦领土上的巴勒斯坦人民和被占领叙利亚戈兰的阿拉伯人民对其自然资源的永久主权(第65/179号决议)。", "62. 联合国 联合国难民事务高级专员的报告:有关难民、回返者和流离失所者的问题和人道主义问题(第428(V)号、第65/193号和第65/194号决议)。", "C. 非洲的发展", "63. 国家 非洲发展新伙伴关系:执行进展情况和国际支持:", "(a) 非洲发展新伙伴关系:执行进展情况和国际支持(第65/284号决议);", "(b) 非洲境内冲突起因和促进持久和平与可持续发展(第65/278号决议)。", "D. 促进人权", "64. 国家 103. 人权理事会的报告(第60/251号、第65/196号和第65/281号决议)。", "65. 利比里亚 促进和保护儿童权利:", "(a) 促进和保护儿童权利(第44/25号、第62/141号、第64/145号和第65/197号决议);", "(b) 儿童问题特别会议成果的后续行动(第65/539号决定)。", "66. (中文(简体) ). 土著人民权利:", "(a) 土著人民权利(第65/198号决议);", "(b) 第二个世界土著人民国际十年(第65/539号决定)。", "67. 东帝汶 消除种族主义、种族歧视、仇外心理和相关不容忍行为:", "(a) 消除种族主义、种族歧视、仇外心理和相关不容忍行为(第2106 A(XX)、3381(XXX)、65/199和65/200号决议);", "(b) 《德班宣言和行动纲领》的全面执行和后续行动(第65/240号和第65/279号决议)。", "68. 国家 人民自决的权利(第64/201号和第65/203号决议)。", "69. 联合国 促进和保护人权:", "(a) 人权文书的执行情况(第2200 A(XXI)号、第39/46号、第64/154号、第65/204号和第65/205号决议);", "(b) 人权问题,包括增进人权和基本自由切实享受的各种途径(第64/82、64/155、64/158、64/161至64/163、64/165、64/173、64/174、65/36、65/208、65/209、65/211、65/212、65/216至65/221、65/223和65/224号决议);", "(c) 人权状况及特别报告员和代表的报告(第65/225、65/226和65/241号决议);", "(d) 《维也纳宣言和行动纲领》的全面执行和后续行动(第48/121号和第48/141号决议)。", "E. 有效协调人道主义援助工作", "70. 联合国 加强联合国人道主义和救灾援助,包括特别经济援助的协调(第65/132号决议):", "(a) 加强联合国紧急人道主义援助的协调(第63/139、65/133、65/135和65/264号决议);", "(b) 援助巴勒斯坦人民(第65/134号决议);", "(c) 向个别国家或区域提供特别经济援助。", "71. 国家 对1994年卢旺达境内种族灭绝幸存者,特别是孤儿、寡妇和性暴力行为受害人的援助(第64/226号决议)。", "F. 促进司法和国际法", "72. 国际法院的报告(第13条(b))。", "73 (韩语). 31. 起诉应对1994年1月1日至12月31日期间在卢旺达境内的种族灭绝和其他严重违反国际人道主义法行为负责者和应对这一期间邻国境内种族灭绝和其他这类违法行为负责的卢旺达公民的国际刑事法庭的报告(安全理事会第955(1994)号决议)。", "74. 国家 起诉应对1991年以来前南斯拉夫境内所犯严重违反国际人道主义法行为负责者的国际法庭的报告(安全理事会第827(1993)号决议)。", "75. 国家 国际刑事法院的报告(第65/12号决议)。", "76. 国家 海洋和海洋法:", "(a) 海洋和海洋法(第49/28、52/26、54/33和65/37 A和B号决议);", "(b) 通过1995年《执行1982年12月10日<联合国海洋法公约>有关养护和管理跨界鱼类种群和高度洄游鱼类种群的规定的协定》和相关文书等途径实现可持续渔业(第61/105、64/72和65/38号决议)。", "77. 国家继承涉及的自然人国籍问题(第63/118号决议)。", "78. 追究联合国官员和特派专家的刑事责任(第65/20号决议)。", "79个 联合国国际贸易法委员会第四十四届会议工作报告(第2205(XXI)号决议)。", "80. 联合国国际法教学、研究、传播和广泛了解协助方案(第65/25号决议)。", "81个 国际法委员会第六十三届会议工作报告(第65/26号决议)。", "82. 联合国宪章和加强联合国作用特别委员会的报告(第65/31号决议)。", "83个。 65. 国内和国际的法治(第65/32号决议)。", "84. 国家 普遍管辖权原则的范围和适用(第65/33号决议)。", "85. 跨界含水层法(第63/124号决议)。", "G. 裁军", "86. 国际原子能机构的报告(第1145(XII)号决议)。", "87个 裁减军事预算:", "(a) 裁减军事预算(第35/142 B号决议);", "(b) 军事情况的客观情报,包括军事支出的透明度(第62/13号和第64/22号决议)。", "88个 禁止发展和制造新型大规模毁灭性武器和此种武器新系统:裁军谈判会议的报告(第63/36号决议)。", "89. 《宣布印度洋为和平区宣言》的执行情况(第64/23号决议)。", "90. 非洲无核武器区条约(第65/39号决议)。", "91. 联合国 核查的一切方面,包括联合国在核查领域的作用(第64/512号决定)。", "92. (中文(简体) ). 审查《加强国际安全宣言》的执行情况(第64/513号决定)。", "93. 联合国 65. 从国际安全的角度来看信息和电信领域的发展(第65/41号决议)。", "94. 国家 建立中东无核武器区(第65/42号决议)。", "95号. 105. 缔结关于保证不对无核武器国家使用或威胁使用核武器的有效国际安排(第65/43号决议)。", "96. 萨尔瓦多 防止外层空间的军备竞赛(第65/44号决议)。", "97. 国家 科学和技术在国际安全和裁军领域的作用(第65/516号决定)。", "98 (英语). 全面彻底裁军:", "(a) 核试验的通知(第42/38 C号决议);", "(b) 不扩散核武器条约缔约国1995年和2000年审议大会商定的核裁军义务的后续行动(第64/31号决议);", "(c) 东南亚无核武器区条约(曼谷条约)(第64/39号决议);", "(d) 禁止倾弃放射性废料(第64/45号决议);", "(e) 推动拟订一项武器贸易条约:建立常规武器进出口和转让共同国际标准(第64/48号决议);", "(f) 积累过剩的常规弹药储存引起的问题(第64/51号决议);", "(g) 军备的透明度(第64/54号决议);", "(h) 区域裁军(第65/45号决议);", "(i) 区域和次区域两级的常规军备控制(第65/46号决议);", "(j) 区域和次区域建立信任措施(第65/47号决议);", "(k) 协助各国制止小武器和轻武器非法贩运并加以收集(第65/50号决议);", "(l) 裁军和发展之间的关系(第65/52号决议);", "(m) 拟订和执行裁军和军备控制协定时遵守环境规范(第65/53号决议);", "(n) 促进裁军和不扩散领域的多边主义(第65/54号决议);", "(o) 核裁军(第65/56号决议);", "(p) 《关于禁止发展、生产、储存和使用化学武器及销毁此种武器的公约》的执行情况(第65/57号决议);", "(q) 建立一个无核武器世界:加速履行核裁军承诺(第65/59号决议);", "(r) 减少核危险(第65/60号决议);", "(s) 防止恐怖分子获取大规模毁灭性武器的措施(第65/62号决议);", "(t) 小武器和轻武器非法贸易的各方面问题(第65/64号决议);", "(u) 禁止生产核武器或其他核爆炸装置所用裂变材料条约(第65/65号决议);", "(v) 外层空间活动中的透明度和建立信任措施(第65/68号决议);", "(w) 采取联合行动彻底消除核武器(第65/72号决议);", "(x) 国际法院关于以核武器进行威胁或使用核武器的合法性的咨询意见的后续行动(第65/76号决议);", "(y) 导弹(第65/517号决定)。", "99 (英语). 审查和执行大会第十二届特别会议的《结论文件》:", "(a) 联合国和平与裁军非洲区域中心(第64/62号决议);", "(b) 联合国和平与裁军区域中心(第65/78号决议);", "(c) 联合国和平、裁军与发展拉丁美洲和加勒比区域中心(第65/79号决议);", "(d) 禁止使用核武器公约(第65/80号决议);", "(e) 联合国和平与裁军亚洲及太平洋区域中心(第65/83号决议);", "(f) 区域建立信任措施:联合国中部非洲安全问题常设咨询委员会的活动(第65/84号决议)。", "一百块 审查大会第十届特别会议通过的建议和决定的执行情况(第38/183 O号和第39/148 H号决议):", "(a) 裁军谈判会议的报告(第65/85号决议);", "(b) 裁军审议委员会的报告(第65/86号决议)。", "101. (中文(简体) ). 65. 中东的核扩散危险(第65/88号决议)。", "102. 禁止或限制使用某些可被认为具有过分伤害力或滥杀滥伤作用的常规武器公约(第65/89号决议)。", " 103. 105. 加强地中海区域的安全和合作(第65/90号决议)。", "104 (韩语). 全面禁止核试验条约(第65/91号决议)。", "105. 国家 关于禁止发展、生产和储存细菌(生物)及毒素武器和销毁此种武器的公约(第65/92号决议)。", "106. (中文(简体) ). 振兴裁军谈判会议工作和推进多边裁军谈判(第65/93号决议)。", " H. 药物管制、预防犯罪和打击一切形式和表现的国际恐怖主义", "107号. 预防犯罪和刑事司法(第65/230至65/232号决议)。", "108. 国家 国际药物管制(第61/183号和第65/233号决议)。", "109. 国家 65. 消除国际恐怖主义的措施(第65/34号决议)。", "I. 组织、行政和其他事项", "110. (中文(简体) ). 秘书长关于联合国工作的报告(第13条(a)款和第48条;第47/120 B号和第51/241号决议)。", "1111 (韩语). 秘书长关于建设和平基金的报告(第60/287号和第63/282号决议)。", "112. 秘书长按照《联合国宪章》第十二条第二项提出通知(第49条)。", "113号. 选举各主要机构成员以补空缺:", "(a) 选举安全理事会五个非常任理事国(第142条;第65/402号决定);", "(b) 选举经济及社会理事会十八个成员(第145条;第65/403号决定);", "(c) 选举国际法院五名法官(第64/426 A和B号决定)。", "114 (韩语). 选举各附属机构成员以补空缺,并进行其他选举:", "(a) 选举方案和协调委员会二十个成员(第65/404号决定);", "(b) 选举国际法委员会成员(第61/411号决定);", "(c) 选举联合国环境规划署理事会二十九个成员(第64/406 A和B号决定);", "(d) 选举两个建设和平委员会组织委员会成员(第60/180号和第63/145号决议以及第65/411号决定)。", "115. 国家 任命各附属机构成员以补空缺,并作出其他任命:", "(a) 任命行政和预算问题咨询委员会成员(第155条;第65/406 A和B号决定);", "(b) 任命会费委员会成员(第158条;第65/407 A和B号决定);", "(c) 认可投资委员会成员的任命(第155(II)号决议和第65/408号决定);", "(d) 任命审计委员会一个成员(第74(I)号和第55/248号决议以及第64/411号决定);", "(e) 任命独立审计咨询委员会成员(第61/275号决议和第65/410号决定);", "(f) 任命会议委员会成员(第65/405 A和B号决定);", "(g) 任命联合检查组成员(第64/425号决定);", "(h) 核准联合国人权事务高级专员的任命(第62/420号决定);", "(一) 任命联合国争议法庭法官(第63/417号和第65/419号决定);", "(j) 任命联合国上诉法庭法官(第63/418号和第65/414号决定)。", "116 (英语). 16. 接纳新会员加入联合国(第136条)。", "117. 千年首脑会议成果的后续行动(第60/265、63/311、64/215、64/289、64/290、64/291、65/1、65/238、65/277和65/281号决议)。", "118 (英语). 联合国全球反恐战略(第64/297号决议)。", "119. 纪念废除跨大西洋贩卖奴隶二百周年的后续活动(第65/239号决议)。", "120号. 执行联合国各项决议。", "121. (中文(简体) ). 110. 大会工作的振兴。", "122. (中文(简体) ). 77. 安全理事会席位公平分配和成员数目增加问题及有关事项。", "123. 国家 加强联合国系统:", "(a) 加强联合国系统(第65/94号决议);", "(b) 联合国系统在全球治理中的核心作用(第65/94号决议)。", "124. (中文(简体) ). 联合国改革:措施和提议(第55/285号决议)。", "125 (英语). 121. 联合国石油换粮食方案独立调查委员会关于行政管理和内部监督的建议的后续行动。", "126页. 98. 全球卫生与外交政策(第65/95号决议)。", "127. 起诉应对1994年1月1日至12月31日期间在卢旺达境内的种族灭绝和其他严重违反国际人道主义法行为负责者和应对这一期间邻国境内种族灭绝和其他这类违法行为负责的卢旺达公民的国际刑事法庭。 页:1", "128. 起诉应对1991年以来前南斯拉夫境内所犯严重违反国际人道主义法行为负责者的国际法庭。", "129. (中文(简体) ). 刑事法庭余留事项国际处理机制(秘书长提议的项目(A/66/143))。", "130. 国家 联合国与各国议会和各国议会联盟之间的互动(第65/123号决议)。", "131. (中文(简体) ). 财务报告和已审计财务报表以及审计委员会的报告(第52/212 B号和第65/243 A和B号决议):", "(a) 联合国维持和平行动;", "(b) 联合国难民事务高级专员经管的自愿基金;", "(c) 基本建设总计划。", "132. (中文(简体) ). 审查联合国行政和财政业务效率(第41/213、64/259、65/250和65/262号决议)。", "133. (中文(简体) ). 2010-2011两年期方案预算(第64/243、64/245至64/247、64/260、64/261、65/258至65/260 A至C、65/268、65/269和65/288号决议以及第65/543号决定)。", "134. 2012-2013两年期拟议方案预算(第63/260、64/243、64/245至64/247、64/260、64/261、64/301、65/258至65/260号决议) A至C和65/262号文件。", "135. (中文(简体) ). 方案规划(第58/269、62/224和65/244号决议)。", "136. (中文(简体) ). 改善联合国财政情况(第47/215号决议)。", "137. (中文(简体) ). 会议时地分配办法(第64/230号和第65/245号决议)。", "138. 108. 联合国经费分摊比额表(第64/248号和第65/246号决议)。", "139. (中文(简体) ). 人力资源管理(第63/250号和第65/247号决议)。", "140. (中文(简体) ). 联合检查组(第55/230、62/246和65/270号决议)。", "141 (英语). 联合国共同制度(第64/231号和第65/248号决议)。", "142. (中文(简体) ). 112. 关于内部监督事务厅活动的报告(第48/218 B、54/244、59/272、64/263和65/250号决议)。", "143. (中文(简体) ). 联合国内部司法(第64/233号和第65/251号决议以及第65/513号决定)。", "144. (中文(简体) ). 149. 起诉应对1994年1月1日至12月31日期间在卢旺达境内的种族灭绝和其他严重违反国际人道主义法行为负责者和应对这一期间邻国境内种族灭绝和其他这类违法行为负责的卢旺达公民的国际刑事法庭经费的筹措(第55/226号和第65/252号决议)。", "145 (英语). 145. 起诉应对1991年以来前南斯拉夫境内所犯严重违反国际人道主义法行为负责者的国际法庭经费的筹措(第55/225 A号和第65/253号决议)。", "146. 华为: 149. 联合国维持和平行动经费筹措的行政和预算问题(第49/233、63/287、65/289至65/291和65/293号决议)。", "147. (中文(简体) ). 139. 联合国中非共和国和乍得特派团经费的筹措(第65/254 A和B号决议)。", " 148.二. 联合国科特迪瓦行动经费的筹措(第65/294号决议)。", "149 (英语). 149. 联合国驻塞浦路斯维持和平部队经费的筹措(第65/295号决议)。", "150 (英语). 139. 联合国组织刚果民主共和国特派团经费的筹措(第65/255号和第65/296号决议)。", "151 (英语). 145. 联合国组织刚果民主共和国稳定特派团经费的筹措(第65/255号和第65/296号决议)。", "152. (中文(简体) ). 139. 联合国东帝汶特派团经费的筹措。", "153 (英语). 联合国东帝汶综合特派团经费的筹措(第65/297号决议)。", "154 (英语). 149. 联合国埃塞俄比亚和厄立特里亚特派团经费的筹措(第65/298号决议)。", "155 (英语). 联合国格鲁吉亚观察团经费的筹措(第65/299号决议)。", "156 (英语). 149. 联合国海地稳定特派团经费的筹措(第65/256 A和B号决议)。", "157 (英语). 144. 联合国科索沃临时行政当局特派团经费的筹措(第65/300号决议)。", "158 (英语). 144. 联合国利比里亚特派团经费的筹措(第65/301号决议)。", "159 (英语). 142. 联合国中东维持和平部队经费的筹措:", "(a) 联合国脱离接触观察员部队(第65/302号决议);", "(b) 联合国驻黎巴嫩临时部队(第65/303号决议)。", "160 (英语). 146. 联合国苏丹特派团经费的筹措(第65/257 A和B号决议)。", "161. (中文(简体) ). 144. 联合国西撒哈拉全民投票特派团经费的筹措(第65/304号决议)。", "162 (英语). 144. 非洲联盟-联合国达尔富尔混合行动经费的筹措(第65/305号决议)。", "163 (英语). 145. 安全理事会第1863(2009)号决议引起的活动经费的筹措(第65/306号决议)。", "164 (英语). 东道国关系委员会的报告(第65/35号决议)。", "165 (英语). 给予突厥语国家合作委员会大会观察员地位(阿塞拜疆、哈萨克斯坦、吉尔吉斯斯坦和土耳其提议的项目(A/66/141))。", "166 (英语). 给予国际紧急状况管理组织大会观察员地位(前南斯拉夫的马其顿共和国提议的项目(A/66/142))。", "167 (英语). 给予南美洲国家联盟大会观察员地位(圭亚那提议的项目(A/66/144))。", "168 (英语). 给予国际可再生能源机构大会观察员地位(阿拉伯联合酋长国提议的项目(A/66/145))。", "[1] 此项目仍保留在第六十五届会议议程上。 此项目是否列入第六十六届会议议程草案,须视大会第六十五届会议可能采取的任何有关行动而定。", "[2] 此项目尚未经大会第六十五届会议审议,但仍保留在该届会议的议程上。 此项目是否列入第六十六届会议议程草案,须视大会第六十五届会议可能采取的任何有关行动而定。", "[3] 此项目保留在议程上,以便应会员国通知审议。" ]
[ "Sixty-fifth session", "Agenda item 114", "Admission of new Members to the United Nations", "Albania, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Bulgaria, Chile, Colombia, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Georgia, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Israel, Italy, Japan, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Monaco, New Zealand, Norway, Portugal, Republic of Moldova, Rwanda*, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, United States of America and Viet Nam: draft resolution", "Admission of the Republic of South Sudan to membership in the United Nations", "The General Assembly,", "Having received the recommendation of the Security Council of 13 July 2011 that the Republic of South Sudan should be admitted to membership in the United Nations,[1]", "Having considered the application for membership of the Republic of South Sudan,[2]", "Decides to admit the Republic of South Sudan to membership in the United Nations.", "[1] * On behalf of the States Members of the United Nations that are members of the Group of African States.", "A/65/905.", "[2] A/65/900-S/2011/418." ]
[ "第六十五届会议", "议程项目114", "接纳新会员加入联合国", "阿尔巴尼亚、澳大利亚、奥地利、比利时、巴西、保加利亚、智利、哥伦比亚、丹麦、爱沙尼亚、芬兰、格鲁吉亚、德国、希腊、匈牙利、以色列、意大利、日本、拉脱维亚、列支敦士登、立陶宛、卢森堡、马耳他、摩纳哥、新西兰、挪威、葡萄牙、摩尔多瓦共和国、卢旺达、^(*) 斯洛伐克、斯洛文尼亚、西班牙、瑞典、前南斯拉夫的马其顿共和国、阿拉伯联合酋长国、大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国、美利坚合众国和越南:决议草案", "接纳南苏丹共和国为联合国会员国", "大会,", "收到了安全理事会2011年7月13日关于接纳南苏丹共和国为联合国会员国的建议,[1]", "审议了南苏丹共和国加入为会员国的申请,[2]", "决定接纳南苏丹共和国为联合国会员国。", "[1] ^(*) 代表属于非洲集团的联合国会员国。", "A/65/905。", "[2] A/65/900-S/2011/418。" ]
[ "第六十五届会议", "议程项目114", "接纳新会员加入联合国", "阿尔巴尼亚、澳大利亚、奥地利、比利时、巴西、保加利亚、智利、哥伦比亚、丹麦、爱沙尼亚、芬兰、格鲁吉亚、德国、希腊、匈牙利、以色列、意大利、日本、拉脱维亚、列支敦士登、立陶宛、卢森堡、马耳他、摩纳哥、新西兰、挪威、葡萄牙、摩尔多瓦共和国、卢旺达*、斯洛伐克、斯洛文尼亚、西班牙、瑞典、前南斯拉夫的马其顿共和国、阿拉伯联合酋长国、大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国、美利坚合众国和越南:决议草案", "接纳南苏丹共和国为联合国会员国", "大会,", "收到安全理事会2011年7月13日关于接纳南苏丹共和国为联合国会员国的建议,[1]", "审议了南苏丹共和国的加入申请,[2]", "决定接纳南苏丹共和国为联合国会员国。", "[1] * 代表属于非洲国家集团的联合国会员国。", "A/65/905号文件。", "[2] A/65/900-S/2011/418。" ]
[ "Sixty-fifth session", "Agenda item 53", "Comprehensive review of the whole question of peacekeeping operations in all their aspects", "Report of the Special Political and Decolonization Committee (Fourth Committee)", "Rapporteur: Mr. Mohammad Wali Naeemi (Afghanistan)", "I. Introduction", "1. At its 27th meeting, on 30 June 2011, the Special Political and Decolonization Committee (Fourth Committee) resumed its consideration of the item. Statements and observations made in the course of the Committee’s consideration of the item are reflected in the relevant summary record (see A/C.4/65/SR.27).", "2. For its further consideration of the item, the Committee had before it the following documents:", "(a) Report of the Special Committee on Peacekeeping Operations;", "(b) Report of the Secretary-General on support to African Union peacekeeping operations authorized by the United Nations (A/65/510-S/2010/514);", "(c) Report of the Secretary-General on strengthening the capacity of the United Nations to manage and sustain peacekeeping operations (A/65/624 and Corr.1);", "(d) Report of the Secretary-General on progress in the implementation of the global field support strategy (A/65/643);", "(e) Report of the Secretary-General on the implementation of the integrated operational teams (A/65/669);", "(f) Report of the Secretary-General on the implementation of the recommendations of the Special Committee on Peacekeeping Operations (A/65/680 and Add.1);", "(g) Report of the Secretary-General on the prosecution of crimes against deployed peacekeepers (A/65/700);", "(h) Report of the Secretary-General on disarmament, demobilization and reintegration (A/65/741);", "(i) Letter dated 19 January 2011 from the Permanent Representatives of Australia and Uruguay to the United Nations addressed to the President of the General Assembly (A/65/698).", "II. Consideration of draft resolution A/C.4/65/L.18", "3. At the 27th meeting, on 30 June 2011, the representative of Egypt, on behalf of Argentina, Canada, Egypt, Japan, Nigeria and Poland, introduced a draft resolution entitled “Comprehensive review of the whole question of peacekeeping operations in all their aspects” (A/C.4/65/L.18).", "4. The Chair informed the Committee that the draft resolution had no programme budget implications.", "5. At the same meeting, the Committee adopted draft resolution A/C.4/65/L.18 without a vote (see para. 6).", "III. Recommendation of the Special Political and Decolonization Committee (Fourth Committee)", "6. The Special Political and Decolonization Committee (Fourth Committee) recommends to the General Assembly the adoption of the following draft resolution:", "Comprehensive review of the whole question of peacekeeping operations in all their aspects", "The General Assembly,", "Recalling its resolution 2006 (XIX) of 18 February 1965 and all other relevant resolutions,", "Recalling in particular its resolution 64/266 of 21 May 2010,", "Affirming that the efforts of the United Nations in the peaceful settlement of disputes, including through its peacekeeping operations, are indispensable,", "Convinced of the need for the United Nations to continue to improve its capabilities in the field of peacekeeping and to enhance the effective and efficient deployment of its peacekeeping operations,", "Considering the contribution that all States Members of the United Nations make to peacekeeping,", "Noting the widespread interest in contributing to the work of the Special Committee on Peacekeeping Operations expressed by Member States, in particular troop- and police-contributing countries,", "Bearing in mind the continuous necessity of preserving the efficiency and strengthening the effectiveness of the work of the Special Committee,", "1. Welcomes the report of the Special Committee on Peacekeeping Operations;[1]", "2. Endorses the proposals, recommendations and conclusions of the Special Committee, contained in paragraphs 15 to 278 of its report;", "3. Urges Member States, the Secretariat and relevant organs of the United Nations to take all necessary steps to implement the proposals, recommendations and conclusions of the Special Committee;", "4. Reiterates that those Member States that become personnel contributors to the United Nations peacekeeping operations in years to come or participate in the future in the Special Committee for three consecutive years as observers shall, upon request in writing to the Chair of the Special Committee, become members at the following session of the Special Committee;", "5. Decides that the Special Committee, in accordance with its mandate, shall continue its efforts for a comprehensive review of the whole question of peacekeeping operations in all their aspects and shall review the implementation of its previous proposals and consider any new proposals so as to enhance the capacity of the United Nations to fulfil its responsibilities in this field;", "6. Requests the Special Committee to submit a report on its work to the General Assembly at its sixty-sixth session;", "7. Decides to include in the provisional agenda of its sixty-sixth session the item entitled “Comprehensive review of the whole question of peacekeeping operations in all their aspects”.", "[1] Official Records of the General Assembly, Sixty-fifth Session, Supplement No. 19 (A/65/19)." ]
[ "第六十五届会议", "议程项目53", "整个维持和平行动问题所有方面的全盘审查", "特别政治和非殖民化委员会(第四委员会)的报告", "报告员:穆罕默德·瓦利·纳伊姆先生(阿富汗)", "一. 导言", "1. 2011年6月30日,特别政治和非殖民化委员会第27次会议恢复了对这个项目的审议。在委员会审议该项目过程中所作的发言和发表的意见,反映在有关简要记录(见A/C.4/65/SR.27)中。", "2. 为审议该项目,委员会收到下列文件:", "(a) 维持和平行动特别委员会的报告;[1]", "(b) 秘书长关于支助经联合国授权的非洲联盟维和行动的报告(A/65/510- S/2010/514);", "(c) 秘书长关于提高联合国管理和持续开展维持和平行动的能力的报告(A/65/624和Corr.1);", "(d) 秘书长关于执行全球外勤支助战略的进展情况的报告(A/65/643);", "(e) 秘书长关于统筹行动小组执行情况的报告(A/65/669);", "(f) 秘书长关于落实维持和平行动特别委员会建议的报告(A/65/680和Add.1);", "(g) 秘书长关于起诉针对已部署维和人员实施罪行的报告(A/65/700);", "(h) 秘书长关于解除武装、复员和重返社会的报告(A/65/741);", "(i) 2011年1月19日澳大利亚和乌拉圭常驻联合国代表给大会主席的信(A/65/698);", "二. 审议决议草案A/C.4/65/L.18", "3. 在2011年6月30日第27次会议上,埃及代表代表阿根廷、加拿大、埃及、日本、尼日利亚和波兰介绍题为“整个维持和平行动问题所有方面的全盘审查”的决议草案(A/C.4/65/L.18)。", "4. 主席告诉委员会,该决议草案不涉及方案预算问题。", "5. 在同一次会议上,委员会未经表决通过了决议草案A/C.4/65/L.18(见第6段)。", "三. 特别政治和非殖民化委员会(第四委员会)的建议", "6. 特别政治和非殖民化委员会(第四委员会)建议大会通过下列决议草案:", "整个维持和平行动问题所有方面的全盘审查", "大会,", "回顾其1965年2月18日第2006(XIX)号决议和所有其他有关决议,", "特别回顾其2010年5月21日第64/266号决议,", "申明联合国在和平解决争端方面的努力,包括通过其维持和平行动所作出的努力,是不可或缺的,", "深信联合国需要继续提高在维持和平领域的能力,并加强其维持和平行动的部署工作的效力和效率,", "考虑到联合国所有会员国对维持和平作出的贡献,", "注意到会员国、特别是部队派遣国和警察派遣国都表示有意对维持和平行动特别委员会的工作作出贡献,", "铭记继续有必要保持特别委员会工作的效率并加强其效力,", "1. 欢迎维持和平行动特别委员会的报告;[2]", "2. 认可特别委员会的报告第15至278段所载提议、建议和结论;", "3. 促请各会员国、秘书处和联合国有关机关采取一切必要步骤,执行特别委员会的提议、建议和结论;", "4. 重申今后为联合国维持和平行动派遣人员或今后连续三年作为观察员参加特别委员会的会员国,在向特别委员会主席提交书面请求后,即可在特别委员会下届会议成为成员;", "5. 决定特别委员会应根据其任务规定继续努力全盘审查整个维持和平行动问题的所有方面,并应审查其以前各项提议的执行情况和审议任何新的提议,以提高联合国在此领域履行职责的能力;", "6. 请特别委员会向大会第六十六届会议提交工作报告;", "7. 决定将题为“整个维持和平行动问题所有方面的全盘审查”的项目列入大会第六十六届会议临时议程。", "[1] A/65/19。", "[2] 《大会正式记录,第六十五届会议,补编第19号》(A/65/19)。" ]
[ "第六十五届会议", "议程项目53", "整个维持和平行动问题所有方面的全盘审查", "特别政治和非殖民化委员会(第四委员会)的报告", "报告员:穆罕默德·瓦利·纳埃米先生(阿富汗)", "一. 导言", "一、导 言 2011年6月30日,特别政治和非殖民化委员会(第四委员会)第27次会议继续审议该项目。 在委员会审议该项目过程中所作的发言和发表的意见,反映在有关简要记录(见A/C.4/65/SR.27)中。", "2. 国家 3. 在进一步审议该项目时,委员会面前有下列文件:", "(a) 维持和平行动特别委员会的报告;", "(b) 秘书长关于支助经联合国授权的非洲联盟维持和平行动的报告(A/65/510-S/2010/514);", "(c) 秘书长关于加强联合国管理和持续开展维持和平行动的能力的报告(A/65/624和Corr.1);", "(d) 秘书长关于全球外勤支助战略执行进展情况的报告(A/65/643);", "(e) 秘书长关于统筹行动小组执行情况的报告(A/65/669);", "(f) 秘书长关于维持和平行动特别委员会各项建议执行情况的报告(A/65/680和Add.1);", "(g) 秘书长关于起诉对已部署维和人员的犯罪的报告(A/65/700);", "(h) 秘书长关于解除武装、复员和重返社会的报告(A/65/741);", "(i) 2011年1月19日澳大利亚和乌拉圭常驻联合国代表给大会主席的信(A/65/698)。", "二. 二. 决议草案A/C.4/65/L.18的审议经过", "3个 在2011年6月30日第27次会议上,埃及代表以阿根廷、加拿大、埃及、日本、尼日利亚和波兰的名义介绍了题为“整个维持和平行动问题所有方面的全盘审查”的决议草案(A/C.4/65/L.18)。", "4个 主席通知委员会,该决议草案不涉及方案预算问题。", " 5.五. 5. 在同次会议上,委员会未经表决通过了决议草案A/C.4/65/L.18(见第6段)。 第6页。", "三、结 论 三. 特别政治和非殖民化委员会(第四委员会)的建议", "6个 7. 特别政治和非殖民化委员会(第四委员会)建议大会通过下列决议草案:", "整个维持和平行动问题所有方面的全盘审查", "大会,", "回顾其1965年2月18日第2006(XIX)号决议和所有其他有关决议,", "特别回顾其2010年5月21日第64/266号决议,", "申明联合国在和平解决争端方面的努力,包括通过其维持和平行动作出的努力,是不可或缺的,", "深信联合国必须继续提高其在维持和平领域的能力,并加强维持和平行动部署工作的效力和效率,", "考虑到联合国所有会员国对维持和平的贡献,", "注意到会员国,特别是部队和警察派遣国广泛表示有意对维持和平行动特别委员会的工作作出贡献,", "铭记继续有必要保持特别委员会工作的效率并加强其效力,", "一、导 言 1. 欢迎维持和平行动特别委员会的报告;[1]", "2. 国家 2. 认可特别委员会报告第15至278段所载的提议、建议和结论;", "3个 2. 敦促会员国、秘书处和联合国有关机关采取一切必要步骤,执行特别委员会的提议、建议和结论;", "4个 5. 重申今后为联合国维持和平行动派遣人员或今后连续三年作为观察员参加特别委员会的会员国,在向特别委员会主席提出书面请求后,即可成为特别委员会下届会议的成员;", " 5.五. 10. 决定特别委员会应根据其任务规定,继续努力全盘审查整个维持和平行动问题的所有方面,并应审查其以前各项提议的执行情况和审议任何新的提议,以提高联合国在此领域履行其职责的能力;", "6个 7. 请特别委员会向大会第六十六届会议提交其工作报告;", "7个 16. 决定将题为“整个维持和平行动问题所有方面的全盘审查”的项目列入大会第六十六届会议临时议程。", "[1] 《大会正式记录,第六十五届会议,补编第19号》(A/65/19)。" ]
[ "Report of the Committee on the Admission of New Members concerning the application of the Republic of South Sudan for admission to membership in the United Nations", "1. At its 6580th meeting, on 11 July 2011, the Security Council had before it the application of the Republic of South Sudan (A/65/900-S/2011/418) for admission to membership in the United Nations. In accordance with rule 59 of the provisional rules of procedure of the Security Council and in the absence of a proposal to the contrary, the President of the Council referred the application to the Committee on the Admission of New Members for examination and report.", "2. At its 108th meeting, on 11 July 2011, the Committee considered the application of the Republic of South Sudan and unanimously decided to recommend to the Security Council that the Republic of South Sudan be admitted to membership in the United Nations.", "3. Accordingly, the Committee recommends to the Security Council the adoption of the following draft resolution:", "“The Security Council,", "“Having examined the application of the Republic of South Sudan for admission to the United Nations (A/65/900-S/2011/418),", "“Recommends to the General Assembly that the Republic of South Sudan be admitted to membership in the United Nations.”" ]
[ "接纳新会员国委员会关于南苏丹共和国申请加入为联合国会员国的报告", "1. 安全理事会2011年7月11日第6580次会议收到了南苏丹共和国要求加入为联合国会员国的申请(A/65/900-S/2011/418)。根据安全理事会暂行议事规则第59条,由于没有反对提案,安理会主席将该申请交付接纳新会员国委员会审查并提出报告。", "2. 2011年7月11日,委员会第108次会议审议了南苏丹共和国的申请,并一致决定向安全理事会建议接纳南苏丹共和国为联合国会员国。", "3. 因此,委员会建议安全理事会通过以下决议草案:", "“安全理事会,", "“审查了南苏丹共和国要求加入为联合国会员国的申请(A/65/900- S/2011/418),", "“建议大会接纳南苏丹共和国为联合国会员国。”" ]
[ "接纳新会员国委员会关于南苏丹共和国申请加入联合国的报告", "一、导 言 2011年7月11日,安全理事会第6580次会议收到南苏丹共和国要求加入联合国的申请(A/65/900-S/2011/418)。 根据安全理事会暂行议事规则第59条,在没有相反提案的情况下,安理会主席将该申请提交接纳新会员国委员会审查并提出报告。", "2. 国家 2011年7月11日,委员会第108次会议审议了南苏丹共和国的申请,一致决定建议安全理事会接纳南苏丹共和国为联合国会员国。", "3个 因此,委员会建议安全理事会通过以下决议草案:", "“安全理事会,", "“审查了南苏丹共和国要求加入联合国的申请(A/65/900-S/2011/418),", "“建议大会接纳南苏丹共和国为联合国会员国。 “" ]
[ "United Nations", "Report of the Committee on Contributions", "Seventy-first session", "(6-24 June 2011)", "General Assembly", "Official Records Sixty-sixth Session Supplement No. 11", "General Assembly Official Records Sixty-sixth Session Supplement No. 11", "[] United Nations • New York, 2011", "Report of the Committee on Contributions", "Seventy-first session", "(6-24 June 2011)", "A/66/11", "ISSN 0251-8430", "Note", "Symbols of United Nations documents are composed of capital letters combined with figures. Mention of such a symbol indicates a reference to a United Nations document.", "Summary", "At its seventy-first session, the Committee on Contributions reviewed the methodology of the scale of assessments pursuant to rule 160 of the rules of procedure of the General Assembly, Assembly resolution 58/1 B and, specifically, to Assembly resolution 64/248 (see chap. III of the present report).", "With regard to the methodology for the scale of assessments, the Committee:", "(a) Recalled and reaffirmed its recommendation that the scale of assessments continue to be based on the most current, comprehensive and comparable gross national income data and recommended that the Assembly encourage Member States which have not yet done so to implement the System of National Accounts, 1993, and to report gross disposable income data as available;", "(b) Recalled and reaffirmed its recommendation that, once chosen, there were advantages in using the same base period for as long as possible so as to smooth out over the course of consecutive scale periods the impact for every Member State;", "(c) Recalled and reaffirmed its recommendation that conversion rates based on market exchange rates (MERs) should be used for the scale of assessments, except where that would cause excessive fluctuation and distortions in the gross national income (GNI) of some Member States expressed in United States dollars, in which case price-adjusted rates of exchange (PAREs) or other appropriate conversion rates should be employed and expressed its intention to continue to study this element on the basis of further input from the Statistics Division and in light of any guidance from the Assembly;", "(d) Decided to further consider all the elements of the scale methodology at its next session in the light of any guidance from the Assembly.", "The Committee also decided to further consider the questions of annual recalculation and large scale-to-scale increases in rates of assessment at its future sessions in the light of any guidance from the General Assembly.", "With regard to multi-year payment plans (chap. IV), the Committee concluded that the system of multi-year payment plans continues to be a viable means available to Member States to assist them in reducing their unpaid assessed contributions and in providing a way for them to demonstrate their commitment to meeting their financial obligations to the United Nations. The Committee emphasized the importance of annual payments exceeding current assessments to avoid a further accumulation of arrears. The Committee noted that no new multi-year payment plans had been submitted and recommended that the General Assembly encourage Member States in arrears for the purposes of the application of Article 19 of the Charter of the United Nations to consider submitting multi-year payment plans.", "With regard to the application of Article 19 of the Charter (chap. V), the Committee:", "(a) Encouraged all Member States requesting an exemption under Article 19 that are in a position to do so to consider presenting a multi-year payment plan;", "(b) Recommended that the following Member States be permitted to vote in the General Assembly until the end of the sixty-sixth session of the Assembly:", "(i) Central African Republic;", "(ii) Comoros;", "(iii) Guinea-Bissau;", "(iv) Liberia;", "(v) Sao Tome and Principe;", "(vi) Somalia.", "The Committee decided to continue to review its working methods at its next session.", "The Committee decided to hold its seventy-second session from 4 to 29 June 2012.", "[24 June 2011]", "Contents", "Chapter Page\nI.Attendance 1II. Terms 1 of \nreference III. Review 1 of the methodology for the preparation of the scale of assessments pursuant to General Assembly resolution \n64/248 A.Elements 2 of the methodology for the preparation of the scale of \nassessments 1.Elements 2 for making comparative estimates on national \nincome a.Income 2 \nmeasures b.Conversion 5 \nrates c.Base 9 \nperiod 2.Low 10 per capita income and debt burden \nadjustments a.Low 10 per capita income \nadjustment b.Debt-burden 12 \nadjustment \n3. Floor 15\n4.Ceilings 155. Other 16 suggestions and other possible elements for the scale \nmethodology a.Annual 16 \nrecalculation b. Large 17 scale-to-scale increases in rates of assessment and \ndiscontinuity IV. Multi-year 18 payment \nplans A.Status 20 of payment \nplans B.Conclusions 21 and \nrecommendations V.Application 21 of Article 19 of the \nCharter 1.Central 22 African \nRepublic \n2.Comoros 23\n3. Guinea-Bissau 25\n4.Liberia 265.Sao 27 Tome and \nPrincipe \n6.Somalia 28VI. Other 29 \nmatters A.Collection 29 of \ncontributions B.Payment 30 of contributions in currencies other than the United States \ndollar C.Organization 30 of the Committee’s \n work D.Working 30 methods of the \nCommittee E.Date 30 of the next \nsession", "I. Attendance", "1. The Committee on Contributions held its seventy-first session at United Nations Headquarters from 6 to 24 June 2011. The following members were present: Andrzej T. Abraszewski, Joseph Acakpo-Satchivi, Meshal Al-Mansour, Elmi Ahmed Duale, Gordon Eckersley, Bernardo Greiver, Patrick Gerard Haughey, Ihor V. Humenny, Andrei Kovalenko, Juan Mbomio Ndong Mangue, Pedro Luis Pedroso Cuesta, Gönke Roscher, Thomas Schlesinger, Lisa P. Spratt, Shigeki Sumi, Xudong Sun and Courtney H. Williams.", "2. The Committee welcomed the new members and thanked the five outgoing members: Abdelmalek Bouheddou, Luis M. Hermosillo Sosa, Richard Moon, Eduardo Ramos and Wu Gang for their hard work and years of service in the Committee.", "3. The Committee elected Mr. Greiver as Chairman and Mr. Eckersley as Vice-Chairman.", "4. The Committee thanked Mr. Lionelito Berridge for his past services as the Secretary to the Committee and welcomed Ms. Mya Mya Than as his successor.", "II. Terms of reference", "5. The Committee on Contributions conducted its work on the basis of its general mandate, as contained in rule 160 of the rules of procedure of the General Assembly; the original terms of reference of the Committee contained in chapter IX, section 2, paragraphs 13 and 14, of the report of the Preparatory Commission (PC/20) and in the report of the Fifth Committee (A/44), adopted during the first part of the first session of the General Assembly on 13 February 1946 (resolution 14 (I) A, para. 3); and the mandates contained in Assembly resolutions 46/221 B, 48/223 C, 53/36 D, 54/237 C and D, 55/5 B and D, 57/4 B, 58/1 A and B, 59/1 A and B, 60/237, 61/2, 61/237 and 64/248.", "6. The Committee on Contributions had before it the summary records of the Fifth Committee at the sixty-fifth session of the General Assembly relating to agenda item 133, entitled “Scale of assessments for the apportionment of the expenses of the United Nations” (A/C.5/65/SR.2, 3 and 7) and the verbatim records of the 27th and 73rd plenary meetings of the Assembly at its sixty-fifth session (A/65/PV.27 and 73).", "III. Review of the methodology for the preparation of the scale of assessments pursuant to General Assembly resolution 64/248", "7. By its resolution 64/248, the General Assembly recognized that the current methodology can be enhanced, bearing in mind the principle of capacity to pay. The Assembly also recognized the need to study the methodology in depth and in an effective and expeditious manner, taking into account views expressed by Member States, and decided to review, at its earliest opportunity, all elements of the methodology of the scale of assessments, with a view to taking a decision before the end of its sixty-sixth session, to take effect, if agreed, for the 2013-2015 scale period.", "8. In the light of that decision, the Committee on Contributions, in accordance with its mandate and the rules of procedure of the General Assembly, made recommendations and reported thereon to the Assembly at the main part of its sixty-fifth session. The Assembly took note of the report but did not give further guidance for the work of the Committee at its seventy-first session. However, a number of issues were raised by Member States in the Fifth Committee which the Committee has attempted to address in the present report.", "A. Elements of the methodology for the preparation of the scale of assessments", "9. The Committee recalled that the methodology used in preparing the scale of assessments for the period 2010-2012, which had been adopted by the General Assembly in its resolution 64/248, was the same methodology used to prepare the scale of assessments for the previous three scale periods. Based on the general mandate given to it under rule 160 of the rules of procedure of the Assembly, as well as the requests contained in Assembly resolutions 58/1 B and 64/248, the Committee carried out a further review of the elements of the current methodology.", "10. The Committee explored the use of exponential functions in the scale methodology and found no technical merit in their use. The use of exponential functions would move the scale of assessments away from the principle of capacity to pay.", "1. Elements for making comparative estimates of national income", "(a) Income measures", "11. The gross national income (GNI) is used as a first approximation of the capacity to pay, based on data reliability, availability, comparability and simplicity.", "12. The comparability of data between countries reporting under the 1993 System of National Accounts and those reporting under the 1968 System of National Accounts has been a concern. Information available to the United Nations Statistics Division indicates that, over time, an increasing number of Member States have adopted the 1993 System of National Accounts (SNA). Therefore, the potential impact of this issue has steadily diminished. The Committee encouraged Member States who have not done so to adopt the 1993 System of National Accounts so as to promote comparability in the scale.", "13. The Committee, at its seventieth session, had reviewed the availability of the data on gross national disposable income (GNDI)[1] of a country for its possible use as an income measure and as a first approximation of capacity to pay. However, given the lower availability of data on this income measure its use in the scale of assessment would be impractical for the time being.", "14. It may be noted that the status of the availability of the GNDI data has not improved since the last review of the issue by the Committee at its seventieth session. The number of countries for which GNDI data are available decreased significantly for the most recent years, owing to very slow release of those data by countries. The Committee noted that the National Disposable Income (NDI) is a more appropriate income measurement, owing to the inclusion of transfer income from all nationals, both internally and externally, and that therefore it is more useful from a technical perspective. While the Committee encouraged more Member States to come forward with GNDI data, it recognizes that, at present, GNI is still the best available measurement of the capacity to pay.", "15. The Committee also noted that GDP/GNI can be determined in three ways, all of which should, in principle, give the same result: the product (or output) approach, the income approach and the expenditure approach.", "16. The most direct of the three is the product approach, which sums the outputs of every class of enterprise to arrive at the total. The expenditure approach works on the principle that all of the product must be bought by somebody, therefore the total value of the product must be equal to people’s total expenditure in buying things. The income approach works on the principle that the incomes of the productive factors (or “producers”, colloquially) must be equal to the value of their product, and determines GDP by finding the sum of all producers’ incomes. The Committee encouraged Member States to try to submit data from all three perspectives so as to promote consistency in the database.", "17. The Committee recalled and reaffirmed its recommendation that the scale of assessments should be based on the most current, comprehensive and comparable data available for GNI. The Committee recommended that the General Assembly continue to encourage Member States to submit the required statistical information under the 1993 SNA and, where available, to submit data based on GNDI so that more comprehensive information can be used as a means for measuring capacity to pay.", "18. In the past, the Committee has also considered alternative income measures in terms of defining adjustments to GDP to better reflect the capacity to pay. To this end, the Committee had examined the possibilities of using theoretical measures combining national income with socio-economic indicators (level of education, health quality, available infrastructure, poverty, etc.) in the form of indices. At present no such indicators are embodied in the scale methodology.", "19. Since 1990, the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) has been publishing the human development index — a composite statistical measure of human development — in its Human Development Reports, to emphasize the fact that development should not be evaluated only by economic advances, but also by improvements in well-being. The new human development index methodology[2] seeks to measure population-wide achievements in a country using three basic dimensions of human development, namely: (a) long and healthy life, (b) access to knowledge, and (c) a decent standard of living.", "20. The human development index is currently available for 168 countries for the year 2009 based on a recently revised methodology. Some countries have issues with the sources of data being used by UNDP for calculating the human development index. They believe that the requisite data for compiling the human development index should be obtained directly from countries’ national statistical systems, rather than taken from international organizations. The data from international organizations should be used only when it is not available from the national sources and, in such cases, the countries concerned should be informed.", "21. The Committee examined the use of information on the human development index in the scale methodology. In this context, the Committee examined the relative ranking of Member States based on the per capita income and the human development index. These two rankings were found to be highly correlated, which implies that there is no marked change in Member States’ relative ranking if the human development index is used instead of the per capita income indicator as the basis for ranking.", "22. The Committee noted that there are various inherent limitations to the utilization of the human development index as an income measure at present, such as its limited acceptance by Member States and non-availability for the entire membership and the fact that it represents only a relative ranking and not a number. It is also an externally generated index and is available only as a series, that is, for the years 1990, 1995, 2000, 2005 and 2009, and hence would not be available for all the years of the base period. In addition, in measuring the standard of living, it uses the per capita GNI in purchasing power parity. Hence, there is the possibility of double counting as the per capita GNI (at the market exchange rate) is already used in the low per capita income adjustment formula under the current methodology. Some members were also of the opinion that the human development index does not necessarily reflect a country’s capacity to pay; it merely reflects its spending priorities.", "23. The Committee concluded that the human development index as a concept is not useful as a means to measure the capacity to pay.", "(b) Conversion rates", "24. The conversion factor has been an integral element of the scale methodology since its inception. A conversion factor is needed to convert the GNI data received from Member States in their national currencies to a common monetary unit. In accordance with General Assembly resolutions, a conversion factor based on the market exchange rates (MERs) is used for the scale methodology, except in cases where that would cause excessive fluctuations and distortions in the income of some Member States, in which case price-adjusted rates of exchange (PAREs) or other appropriate conversion factors are used. For preparing the scale of assessments for the period 2010-2012, the Committee on Contributions used a systematic criterion for assessing and possibly replacing MERs that cause excessive fluctuation and distortion in income with PAREs or other appropriate conversion rates.", "25. In its resolution 64/248, the General Assembly decided that the scale of assessments for the period 2010-2012 should be based on a number of elements and criteria, including conversion rates based on MERs, except where that would cause excessive fluctuations and distortions in the income of some Member States, when PAREs or other appropriate conversion rates should be employed, taking due account of its resolution 46/221 B. The Assembly also requested the Committee to review further criteria to be used for identifying cases where MERs should be replaced with PAREs or other appropriate conversion rates for preparing the scale of assessments, and to report thereon to the Assembly at its sixty-fifth session. In its report on its seventieth session, the Committee decided to further study this element of the methodology on the basis of additional information from the Statistics Division and in the light of the guidance of the General Assembly.", "26. The official national accounts statistics made available by the Member States to the Statistics Division are in their national currencies, which are converted to United States dollar values using MERs for the preparation of the scale of assessments. The MERs used to convert GNI data to United States dollars are generally annual averages of rates provided by Member States to the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and published in its publication International Financial Statistics. This publication includes three types of rates: (a) market rates, determined largely by market forces; (b) official rates, determined by Government authorities; and (c) principal rates, where appropriate, for countries maintaining multiple exchange rate regimes. When MERs are not available from the International Financial Statistics or the IMF economic information system, United Nations operational rates or other information may be used for the scale of assessments.", "27. At its seventieth session, the Committee recalled the evolution of the systematic criteria currently in use under this element of the methodology. The Committee recalled that, in considering which MERs should be replaced for the 2007-2009 scale, it had reviewed the cases of those countries for which per capita GNI had increased by over 50 per cent or decreased by over 33 per cent during the previous two consecutive three-year reference periods, namely 1999-2001 and 2002-2004. In so doing, it had looked in particular at cases where the MERs valuation index (MVI) was greater than 1.2 or less than 0.8, reflecting a possible excessive appreciation or depreciation, respectively, of more than 20 per cent. The Committee had also reviewed this element of the methodology at its sixty-eighth session and had noted that the overall number of cases which would need to be reviewed in detail resulting from application of the existing criteria to updated data reflected a significant increase. In that respect, the number of cases which would need to be examined totalled 59, as compared to 25 in 2006, primarily reflecting the significant fluctuation of exchange rates against the United States dollar in recent periods. The Committee had noted that a detailed review of 59 cases, as generated by application of that criteria, would not be feasible.", "28. In order to moderate the impact of recent exchange rate fluctuation, the Committee had decided on revised criteria based on world averages. The revised criteria focused on the review of cases of those countries whose per capita GNI growth factor was more than 1.5 times or less than 0.67 times the world average per capita GNI growth factor, and where MVI was more than 20 per cent above or below the world average MVI. The Committee had noted that no single criteria would automatically solve all problems satisfactorily, and any criteria would be used solely as a point of reference to guide the Committee in identifying Member States whose MERs should be reviewed. Based on past practice and legal advice, the Committee would recommend replacement of a MER only in such cases where the related review determined that its use would result in excessive distortions or fluctuations in GNI figures after conversion to United States dollars. If the Committee should be unable to come to such a determination, and therefore fail to agree on a different conversion rate, the Committee would be obliged to use the relevant MERs in the case of the concerned Member State.", "29. Some members pointed out that MVI is designed to assist in evaluating whether GNI in United States dollars using MERs increases or decreases excessively due to inappropriate MERs, thus helping to distinguish between changes in GNI that are explained by economic growth and those that are not. They further pointed out that the current PAREs methodology was particularly relevant in the light of recent high currency volatility. These members highlighted the technical difficulty for the Committee to assess the level of overvaluation or undervaluation. They considered the current formula to be a reliable tool for assessing and replacing MERs with PAREs, unless there were compelling reasons for the Committee to challenge the data of the Statistical Division for the replacement of MERs with PAREs.", "30. The Committee reviewed a sensitivity analysis on the parameters of the systematic criteria and the results using the current methodology and 2004-2009 data presented by the Statistics Division. It also reviewed a proposal for using three-year moving averages of MERs instead of yearly average of MERs. The analysis of the proposals presented in the present report has been carried out using the current scale methodology and the 2004-2009 data available as on 31 December 2010 and differs from the 2010-2012 scale, for which the data for 2002-2007 were used.", "31. The Committee considered modifications in the application of systematic criteria based on two elements: (a) changing the values of its two parameters, namely the range of the variations in the per capita GNI and the MVI, and (b) using the moving averages of MERs over a reference period of three years or six years, instead of the annual average of MERs, to minimize the effect of fluctuations in the exchange rates.", "32. As stated above, generally the annual average of MERs available from the IMF are used to convert the GNI data received from Member States in their national currencies to United States dollars. Values of these MERs for a country may fluctuate, depending, among other things, on the demand and supply of the foreign currency. The Committee examined the possibility of using moving averages of MERs in order to smooth fluctuations and alleviate, to some extent, excessive fluctuations in the income of some Member States. The Committee considered using the moving averages of MERs over a reference period (three years or six years), in that, for example, the three-yearly moving average of the MER for the year n shall be the average of the annual average MERs for the years n-2, n-1 and n. Similarly, the MER for the year n+1 shall be the average of the annual average MERs for the years n-1, n and n+1, and so on. However, the data indicated that, rather than reducing fluctuations, the application of moving averages actually exacerbated fluctuations.", "33. Some members were of the opinion that using moving averages of exchange rates would further distort the capacity to pay. These members believe that GNI fluctuations are correlated with the exchange rate fluctuations, that is, fragile economies would lead to falling GNI levels and thus lead to devaluation of the exchange rate. Hence, to accurately portray the economic situation in the current year, GNI for each year should be converted using the exchange rate for that year. Using exchange rates of prior years, that is, n-1 or n-2, would compound the problem and lead to distortions of the economic growth or decline of a country and would therefore move further away from the capacity to pay. The exchange rates for n-1 and n-2 are not really market exchange rates but are derived averages which do not reflect the actual rate.", "34. Some members were of the opinion that, since the base period represents the average of three years and six years, using the average of the three-year and six-year moving averages of MERs, instead of the annual average of MERs, to convert GNI to United States dollars would be more comparable with the current methodology. Other members opposed using averages of exchange rates over several years. Using exchange rates from one year in combination with GNI of other years would lead to a distortionary effect. Furthermore, rather than reducing fluctuations in the scale, using averages would actually increase fluctuations. Some members of the Committee concluded that by using the average of three- and six-year base periods there was already a protection against excessive fluctuations built into the scale and that using the average of exchange rates would increase distortion, while not providing additional benefit. Some members were of the opinion that since the current scale methodology uses an average of the data for two base periods, that is three years and six years, there is already a form of weighted average inherent in the system, since extra weight is given to the first three years in the scale period.", "35. The Committee also heard a presentation from IMF on its exchange rate methodology and the World Bank on its Atlas function. IMF formed a Consultative Group on Exchange Rate Issues in the mid-1990s, with a mandate to provide exchange rate assessments for a number of advanced economies from a multilateral perspective. The focus of the Consultative Group is on methodological issues that could underpin exchange rate assessments rather than on the assessments themselves.", "36. Exchange rate assessments are ideally based on the notion of equilibrium; that is, consistency with external and internal balance over the medium to long term. In practice, most empirical studies relate the real exchange rate or trade flows to their observed determinants on the basis of relationships. The IMF Consultative Group methodologies include a macroeconomic balance approach, a reduced form equilibrium real exchange rate approach and an external sustainability approach.", "37. The Committee also heard presentations by the World Bank. In calculating GNI and per capita GNI in United States dollars for certain operational purposes, the World Bank uses the Atlas conversion factor. The purpose of the Atlas conversion factor is to reduce the impact of exchange rate fluctuations in the cross-country comparison of national incomes.", "38. The Atlas conversion factor for any year is the average of a country’s exchange rate (or alternative conversion factor) for that year and its exchange rates for the two preceding years, adjusted for the difference between the rate of inflation in the country, and, through 2000, that in the G-5 countries (France, Germany, Japan, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, and the United States of America). For 2001 onwards, these countries include the euro zone, Japan, the United Kingdom and the United States. A country’s inflation rate is measured by the change in its GDP deflator.", "39. When official exchange rates are deemed to be unreliable or unrepresentative of the effective exchange rate during a period, an alternative estimate of the exchange rate is used in the Atlas formula.", "40. While reviewing possible alternatives to PAREs or solutions to the problems of overvaluation or undervaluation of national currencies, some members saw merit in application of the World Bank Atlas conversion factor, aimed at reducing the impact of exchange rate fluctuations in the cross-country comparison of national incomes. The Committee agreed to continue to review its methods with a focus on eliminating excessive fluctuations or distortions in income caused by the conversions rates used.", "41. Some members also requested the Secretariat to contact the World Bank and learn more about the methodology to determine in which cases the Atlas method was applied. Some members requested the Secretariat to explore the possibility of receiving, on a regular basis, additional information from IMF, particularly regarding their assessments of overvaluation and undervaluation of currencies.", "42. Several members were of the firm opinion that market exchange rates best reflected capacity to pay. Economic theory, as well as the evidence provided by the Secretariat and IMF, demonstrated that it was not possible to calculate a single, idealized “equilibrium” level of exchange rates. It was beyond the remit of the Committee to pass judgement on the exchange rate policies of Member States, or to make judgements that certain currencies were overvalued or undervalued. As such, the scale should continue to be based on MERs.", "43. A few members expressed regret about lack of progress in adding clarity, consistency and transparency to the issue of replacing MERs with PAREs in response to General Assembly resolution 64/248, which requested the Committee to review further criteria to be used to identify cases where MERs should be replaced with PAREs or other appropriate conversion rates. One member further stressed that the practice of challenging the outcome of the application of the systematic criteria for assessment and replacement of MER with PARE, based on subjective and possibly arbitrary assessment, lacking technical justification, may compromise the value of the Committee’s future recommendations on this issue. Many members of the Committee rejected this idea, and noted that the Committee’s deliberations were always carried out in a sound and impartial manner.", "44. The Committee recalled and reaffirmed its recommendation that conversion rates based on MERs should be used for the scale of assessments, except where that would cause excessive fluctuations and distortions in the GNI of some Member States expressed in United States dollars, in which case PAREs or other appropriate conversion rates should be applied. The Committee decided that it would continue to study this element of the methodology on the basis of further input from the Statistics Division and in the light of any guidance from the General Assembly.", "(c) Base period", "45. GNI data converted to United States dollars is averaged over a designated base period, using the most recently available data at the time that the scale is considered by the Committee. The base period has varied over time, from 1 to 10 years. The scales for the periods 2001-2003 to 2010-2012 have used the average of the machine scales using base periods of three and six years.", "46. The advantages and disadvantages of both shorter and longer base periods have been discussed extensively by the Committee in previous sessions. Some members of the Committee have favoured longer base periods as a way of smoothing out sharp year-to-year fluctuations in the income measure of Member States. Other members have favoured shorter base periods to better reflect the current capacity of Member States to pay. However, the Committee agreed that the base period used to calculate the scale should be a multiple of the three-year scale period.", "47. One member noted that taking into account the effect of the world economic crisis on Member States, a single base period of six years instead of an average of three and six years would provide more stability in the next scale of assessments.", "48. For the 2001-2003 scale, the General Assembly requested the Committee to submit the results of 12 different approaches, which again included different base periods. In the end, the Assembly decided to use the average of the results using base periods of three and six years. The same approach has since been used for the 2004-2006, 2007-2009 and 2010-2012 scales.", "49. While this approach is a compromise between the advocates of shorter and longer base periods, it gives greater weight to the most recent three-year period, since it is included in both machine scales. For example, in the 2010-2012 scale, data for the period 2005-2007 were included in both the three-year and six-year machine scales, while data for 2002-2004 were included in the six-year machine scale only. More specifically, by averaging the scale assessments of two different base periods, each country’s annual share in the total GNI is re-weighted in such a way that each of the most recent three years (e.g., 2005, 2006 and 2007) receive approximately 25 per cent of the total weight, while each of the remaining three years (e.g., 2002, 2003 and 2004) receive only about 8.3 per cent of the total weight.[3]", "50. The Committee, at its seventieth session, considered an alternative approach to using three-year and six-year periods by averaging the income data for both base periods and calculating a single machine scale. This approach provided slightly different results compared to the current practice of preparing two separate machine scales (one for the three-year period and one for the six-year period) and then averaging the two machine scales.", "51. The Committee recommended that, whether a long or short base period is used, stability of scales of assessment over time can be achieved by maintaining the base period, once it is chosen, for as long as possible. In the absence of other factors, the Committee noted that there was no rationale for changing the current combined approach based on both the three-year and the six-year periods.", "2. Low per capita income and debt burden adjustments", "(a) Low per capita income adjustment", "52. The low per capita income adjustment has been an important element of the scale methodology from the outset. The adjustment currently has two parameters: a threshold level of per capita GNI to determine which countries would benefit; and a gradient to set the size of the adjustment. Since the adoption of the 1995-1997 scale, the threshold, which had previously been a set dollar amount, has been the average per capita GNP/GNI for the membership. In reviewing this element, the Committee noted that the distribution of per capita GNI was asymmetric and that 70 per cent of the Member States have per capita GNI below the world average. The gradient has grown over the years, from 40 per cent in 1948 to 85 per cent in 1983. Since the calculation of the scale for the period 1998-2000, the gradient has been fixed at 80 per cent. Figures demonstrated that the total number of countries, as well as total redistribution, was increasing.", "53. The Committee recalled that its terms of reference called for the consideration of comparative income per head of population in order to prevent anomalous assessments resulting from the use of comparative estimates of national income.", "54. The Committee reviewed alternative ways of determining the threshold and their implications. These are described below.", "(i) Average per capita debt-adjusted gross national income", "55. One variation considered by the Committee was calculating the low per capita income adjustment threshold as the world average per capita debt-adjusted GNI, instead of the unadjusted per capita GNI. This would remove the asymmetry between the threshold (which is at present the average of the unadjusted GNI of the membership) and the country per capita income level based on the debt-adjusted GNI.", "(ii) Median per capita gross national income", "56. Another variant discussed by the Committee at its past sessions is using the median per capita GNI to define the low per capita income adjustment threshold instead of the world average per capita GNI. The median is a value larger than or equal to the per capita GNI of at least one half of the Member States, and smaller than or equal to the per capita GNI of at least an equal number of Member States. If there is more than one number satisfying this definition, the median is specified, by convention, as the average of these numbers.", "57. Using the median per capita GNI as the threshold would have no consequences if the distribution of per capita GNI of Member States were symmetric. However, currently the actual distribution of the per capita GNI is markedly asymmetric (with more than 70 per cent of the countries having a per capita GNI below the average). Some members favoured the approach of using the median in fixing the low per capita income adjustment threshold, noting that this had technical merit in that it was a more robust measure for this type of data distribution as it is less sensitive to a few extreme data points. Other members noted that the median approach, which is limited to the mechanical determination of the middle of the range, does not take into account actual values of the per capita GNI and their impact on the eligibility of the low per capita income adjustment. They stressed that having over 70 per cent of Member States below the threshold should not be considered inadequate, because it is technically valid and reflects the actual uneven distribution of income in the world. It can be noted that the median per capita GNI of Member States is lower than the average per capita GNI.[4] Thus, using the median per capita GNI as the threshold would reduce the number of countries that benefit from the low per capita income adjustment, while increasing the number of absorbing countries. The final effect of this would be a decrease in the scale assessments of a few countries with high per capita GNI and an increase in the scale assessments of countries with medium levels of per capita GNI. By definition approximately one half of the Member States would always be below the median per capita GNI threshold. The Committee noted that there is a convergence in the World Bank per capita GNI at the top of the lower middle income group and the median per capita GNI.", "(iii) Inflation-adjusted low per capita income adjustment threshold", "58. The Committee also recalled its consideration of the alternative approach of fixing the low per capita income adjustment threshold in real terms (inflation adjusted low per capita income adjustment), instead of setting it at the current average world per capita income for the scale base period. For this purpose, the per capita GNI threshold of a specific reference year is extrapolated to following years with the world inflation rate (measured as the change in the implicit price deflator), so as to keep its value constant over time. The implicit price deflator is defined as follows:", "[]", "59. Using the inflation-adjusted low per capita income adjustment threshold has the advantage that a country’s individual position with respect to that threshold would be independent of the performance of other countries.", "60. When the 2010-2012 scale low per capita income adjustment thresholds ($6,707.92 for a six-year base period and $7,529.80 for a three-year base period) are adjusted for the inflation (using the implicit price deflator) during the period they will amount to $7,512.96 for the six-year base period and $8,362.12 for the three-year base period, compared to the thresholds of $7,858.64 for the six-year base period and $8,627.36 for the three-year base period, respectively, when using the 2004-2009 data. Using this inflation-adjusted low per capita income adjustment threshold would result in the redistribution of 9.257 percentage points, as compared to 9.553 percentage points under the default methodology.", "(iv) Setting the threshold based on the World Bank’s definition of low income countries", "61. Some members suggested the introduction of a fixed threshold by setting the level based on the definition of low income countries by the World Bank. These members noted that having a fixed ceiling would alleviate the problem of relativity. By using the World Bank’s low income ceiling, the low per capita income adjustment would be targeted to the countries most in need.", "62. Other members considered fixing the threshold in this manner arbitrary and inappropriate because the World Bank’s definition of low income was partly determined by the Bank’s resources, and the World Bank adjusts the ceiling annually by inflation in a few economies and not the world economy. In their view, using the World Bank’s low income ceiling did not appropriately reflect the capacity of Member States to pay.", "63. Some members expressed the view that the low per capita income adjustment should be reviewed in the light of the capacity to pay principle and any further guidance by the General Assembly.", "64. The Committee reaffirmed that the scale methodology should continue to take into account comparative income per head of population, which had been one of the principle elements in the scale from the outset.", "(b) Debt-burden adjustment", "65. The debt-burden adjustment has been an element of the scale methodology since 1986. It is intended to reflect the impact of the repayment of external debt on capacity to pay of some Member States. Interest payments on this debt are already reflected in the GNI data. The debt-burden adjustment is calculated by deducting the principal payments on external debt from GNI in United States dollars. In its past sessions, some members of the Committee expressed reservations about this adjustment, while others argued that it was important for measuring the capacity of Member States to pay. Some members pointed out that the adjustment was technically unsound, as it mixed income and capital concepts, and considered that it should be eliminated. In their view debt-burden adjustment was not a primary element of making comparative estimates of national income and was a relief element.", "66. At its seventieth session, the Committee decided to consider the question of the debt-burden adjustment further at future sessions in the light of any guidance from the General Assembly.", "67. At the time the adjustment was introduced, limitations in data availability on debt repayment led the Committee to base it on a proportion of the total external debt stock of the Member States concerned. For this purpose, it was assumed that external debt would be repaid over a period of eight years, so that the adjustment to the GNI data was 12.5 per cent of total external debt stock per year. This became known as the debt-stock approach.", "68. In the discussion to determine the 1998-2000 scale, members of the Committee continued to differ as to whether or not to retain this adjustment in the scale methodology. The Committee did agree, however, that if the Assembly decided to retain the adjustment, debt data from the World Bank should be used. Notwithstanding the views of some of its members, the Committee also agreed that, if retained, the adjustment should be based on data on actual repayments of debt principal. This became known as the debt-flow approach.", "69. The Assembly decided that debt-flow data should be used for the scale for 1998 and debt-stock data for 1999 and 2000. It later decided to use debt-stock data for the 2001-2003 scale, which was also applied for the 2004-2006, 2007-2009 and 2010-2012 scales.", "70. The external debt data for both variants of the debt-burden adjustment are obtained from the World Bank Global Development Finance database[5] for debt reporting countries. During the period 2004-2009, that source covered the debt stock of 128 countries and the debt flow of 127 countries. The countries covered are developing countries that are members of and borrowers from the World Bank and have per capita GNI below the World Bank threshold for high income per capita GNI, which was $12,196 in 2010.[6]", "71. It was mentioned in the report of the Committee at its forty-third session (A/43/11) that the use of public debt was preferred above the total external debt for two reasons. Firstly, data on private external debt are included in total external debt, although it does not cover all private debt. Secondly, private debt does not constitute the same burden on the capacity to pay as public debt. Public debt is distinct from private debt in that it has to be repaid from the Government budget. Moreover, it is possible to default on the repayment of private debt through bankruptcy of private enterprises, while defaulting on the payment of public debt is the result of a political decision.", "72. Some members were of the view that, just as the GNI data includes all of a Member State’s revenues, external and internal and from both public and private sources, and not just the Government’s revenue, which would consist mainly of revenue from taxation, so too the debt burden adjustment should be based on total external debt and not just on public debt. This would provide a more consistent approach since it would better reflect the Member State’s capacity to pay as opposed to the Government’s capacity to pay. Historically, the debt burden adjustment has been used to reduce the continuing significant debt problems faced by a number of countries since the 1960s and 1970s.", "73. As concurred to by other members, these significant debt problems affect not just the most heavily indebted poor countries but encompass middle income countries with severe debt problems as well. They pointed out that a Member State’s capacity to pay its dues to the Organization is affected by debt repayment, which is a statutory obligation, and that Member States with similar GNIs could have differing capacities to pay based on the level of debt obligations they have assumed. In their view, debt repayment is a burden which has to be satisfied first before any other obligations can be met and therefore has a negative impact on capacity to pay.", "74. Until now, total external debt rather than public debt has been used because of the greater availability of data and the lack of distinction between public and private debt in the data available. In recent years, the availability of data on public debt and publicly guaranteed debts has improved substantially. Whereas in 1985 there were data on public debt available for only 37 countries, data are now available for 127 countries. Consequently, some members of the Committee pointed out that not using the public external debt data for the debt-burden adjustment on the grounds of its non-availability is no longer valid.", "75. The debt-flow approach takes into account actual transactions of debt repayment and is therefore, in the view of many members of the Committee, a better representation of the economic reality. Moreover, for countries with an average actual external debt repayment period longer than the assumed eight years, the use of the debt-stock approach impacts the scale of assessments in two ways: it lowers the country’s GNI value (due to larger interest outflow) and it yields a lower debt-adjusted GNI than that obtained under the debt-flow approach. The opposite is true for countries with an average actual external debt repayment period shorter than the assumed eight years.", "76. Members of the Committee had divergent views on the debt-burden adjustment. Some members argued that the debt-burden adjustment had an inherent conceptual problem, as it mixed income and capital concepts and so should be abolished. These members felt that since the national income figures (GNI) which were the starting point for the scale of assessments accounted fully for interest payments on external debt on an accrual basis, whether or not those payments were actually made on time, there was no need to retain this element of the methodology.", "77. Other members considered that the adjustment was an essential part of the methodology in determining many Member States’ capacity to pay and should therefore be retained in its present form. They also noted that debt-burden adjustment, while generating a redistribution of only about 0.5 percentage points, represents an important safety net ensuring adequate reflection of many Member States’ capacity to pay in case of any possible aggravation of their external debt problems.", "78. Some members questioned the current level of the ceiling for the debt-burden adjustment. They expressed the view that it should be focused only on those countries recognized as having a genuine debt burden, by limiting application to heavily indebted poor countries. Others were of the opinion that debt relief should be given uniformly to high income and low income countries alike, as, in the context of the current global economic crisis, some high income countries are also highly indebted. Some members were of the view that limiting it to only heavily indebted poor countries would in effect abolish the formula, as those Member States are already at the floor and would therefore have no impact on the scale methodology. Some noted that the heavily indebted poor countries programme only provides relief from public debt, not total debt.", "79. Other members indicated that whether the debt-burden adjustment was applied universally or to a subset of the Member States, refinements should be made to the current methodology on the basis of technical merit, for example, by utilizing the debt flow approach and basing it on public debt instead of total external debt. Some members underlined previous statements by the Committee on Contributions, which demonstrated that debt flows and public debt were the most reliable approximations of capacity to pay. Previously, non-availability of data had made it impossible to use these measures. But the non-availability of data was no longer a problem. As a result, members believed that we should apply the scale based on debt flow, and public and publicly guaranteed debt.", "80. Some members expressed the view that the debt-burden adjustment should be reviewed in the light of the capacity to pay principle and any further guidance by the General Assembly.", "81. The Committee decided to consider the question of the DBA further at future sessions in the light of any guidance from the General Assembly.", "3. Floor", "82. The floor has been an important element of the scale methodology from the outset. The Committee recalled that the General Assembly had reduced the minimum level of assessment, or floor, from 0.01 per cent to 0.001 per cent as from 1998. For the scale for 2010-2012, 30 Member States, of which 20 were on the list of least developed countries, had been raised to the floor.", "83. For 2011, Member States at the floor (0.001 per cent) were assessed $23,487 for the regular budget. The Committee considered that the amounts involved could be considered to reflect a practical minimum contribution that Member States should be expected to make to the Organization.", "4. Ceilings", "84. The ceilings have been an important element of the scale methodology from the outset. The Committee recalled that the current methodology included a maximum assessment rate, or ceiling, of 22 per cent and a maximum assessment rate for the least developed countries, or least developed countries ceiling, of 0.010 per cent. The Committee noted that the scale of assessments methodology had always included a maximum ceiling, and that the current level had been decided by the General Assembly in 2000.", "85. Some members expressed the view that the maximum ceiling should be reviewed in the light of the capacity to pay principle and any further guidance from the General Assembly.", "86. The Committee noted that the application of the maximum ceiling and the least developed countries ceiling resulted in the redistribution of points in the scale of assessments. The Committee noted that the points redistributed from the ceiling continued to decrease.", "5. Other suggestions and other possible elements for the scale methodology", "(a) Annual recalculation", "87. The Committee recalled that, at its sixty-ninth session, it had decided to carry out a detailed study of the question of annual recalculation at its next session. The Committee had first considered the proposal for automatic annual recalculation of the scale in 1997, and had revisited the question on a number of occasions since then.", "88. Annual recalculation would involve a recalculation of relative income shares before the second and third years of each scale period, involving the replacement of data for the first year of the base period(s) with newly available data for the year following the initial base period(s). In the case of the scale for the period 2010-2012, for example, for which the base periods were 2002-2007 and 2005-2007, data for 2008 would replace both data for 2002 in the six-year base period and for 2005 in the three-year base period. Based on these recalculated income shares and the established scale methodology, the scale for 2011 would be adjusted accordingly. Similarly, for 2012, the scale would be adjusted by replacing data for 2003 and data for 2006 in the six-year base period and three-year base period, respectively, with data for 2009.", "89. The Committee recalled that rule 160 of the rules of procedure of the General Assembly provides that the scale of assessments, when once fixed by the General Assembly, shall not be subject to a general revision for at least three years unless it is clear that there have been substantial changes in relative capacity to pay.", "90. Members also recalled that, at the sixty-ninth session of the Committee, in response to a query by the Chair as to whether it would be consistent with rule 160 for an annual recalculation to be undertaken once the scale had been fixed for three years, the Assistant Secretary-General for Legal Affairs pointed out that Article 17, paragraph 2, of the Charter, which provides that the expenses of the Organization shall be borne by the Members as apportioned by the General Assembly, does not set out any procedure to be followed by the Assembly in apportioning such expenses among Member States. Such procedures can therefore be determined by the Assembly at its discretion. In the exercise of that discretion, the Assembly had adopted rule 160 of its rules of procedure.", "91. The Assistant Secretary-General for Legal Affairs noted that the rule clearly envisions that the scale of assessments shall be fixed by the General Assembly, and once it is determined, the Assembly is not empowered to make ad hoc or annual revisions to the rates of assessment based upon any particular methodology that the Assembly has agreed upon. Under this rule, once rates of assessment have been fixed, they can only be revised within the three-year period if there is a clear change in the relative capacity of Member States to pay for the expenses of the Organization. However, it was also pointed out that, pursuant to rule 163 of the rules of procedure, the Assembly can, by specific decision, amend or vary the terms of rule 160 or its application in specific cases.", "92. Some members felt that annual recalculation helped ensure that the scale was based on the most recent available information. Particularly given the huge economic fluctuations over the past decade, annual recalculation could help ensure that the scale more closely reflected the principle of capacity to pay. Other members agreed that, from a financial point of view, annual recalculation had certain merits, as it would incorporate subsequently revised and more up-to-date data, thereby increasing the accuracy of the database for all statistical base periods. Other members disagreed, noting that the annual recalculations would lead to substantial changes in the assessment rates of a large number of Member States every year, negatively affecting the stability and the predictability of the scale.", "93. In the light of the above, the Committee noted that a practical prerequisite for the implementation of annual recalculation would be the amendment of rule 160 by the General Assembly. In addition, the delegation of authority to the Committee would provide a foundation for the technical implementation of annual recalculation, without requiring annual renegotiation of the scale of assessments.", "94. The Committee agreed to study the question of annual recalculation further at its future sessions, in the light of any guidance from the General Assembly.", "(b) Large scale-to-scale increases in rates of assessment and discontinuity", "95. In its resolution 61/237, the General Assembly noted that the application of the current methodology had led to substantial increases in the rate of assessment of some Member States, including developing countries.", "96. Some members expressed the view that annual recalculation was the only practical way to mitigate large scale-to-scale changes. Other members noted that the review of annually updated data from the Statistics Division still showed significant increases for some Member States. In their view, annual recalculation would not eliminate the problem of large scale-to-scale increases.", "97. The Committee noted that changes in assessment rates were unavoidable. It also noted that the scale rate reflected the relative capacity of a Member State to pay and therefore could increase or decrease based on changes in the relative ranking of the State in the scale. Since the scale was a 100 per cent scale, as some Member States’ shares went up or down, others’ shares would also decrease or increase in inverse proportion, regardless of whether the States’ GNI had increased or decreased in absolute terms.", "98. Some members argued that, in many instances, since large scale-to-scale increases reflected an actual increase in the capacity to pay, introducing thresholds or limits would be at variance with the principle of capacity to pay. Some Members suggested that one way of mitigating the effects of large scale-to-scale increases would be to phase in the increase in rates over a given three-year scale period.", "99. The Committee also considered alternative remedial measures for dealing with the issue of the discontinuity of the low per capita income adjustment benefits experienced by Member States that cross the threshold of the low per capita income adjustment between scale periods. Those alternatives were (a) to distribute the percentage points arising from the low per capita income adjustment to all Member States; (b) to allow “indirect redistribution” similar to the debt burden adjustment, whereby the GNI of countries below the threshold would be reduced to the extent of the low per capita income adjustment while countries above the threshold would not have to explicitly absorb the relief given to the countries below the threshold; or (c) to create a neutral zone above and below the low per capita income adjustment threshold whereby Member States falling into that neutral zone would neither benefit from nor absorb relief arising from the application of the low per capita income adjustment as in either (a) or (b) above.", "100. The Committee discussed creating a neutral zone in which Member States would neither receive nor pay for any benefit. For example, the zone could be established to cover Member States falling within 10 per cent below and 10 per cent above the threshold. In particular, this could help to address the issue of the discontinuity experienced by Member States that had crossed the threshold of the adjustment between scale periods. Instead of benefiting from the adjustment, such countries had had to share the cost. Member States that had crossed the threshold of the adjustment between scale periods had not only ceased to benefit from the adjustment but had also helped to pay for it. Some members pointed out that adoption of a neutral zone would create transitional issues elsewhere.", "101. Some members were of the opinion that a dislocation in the low per capita income adjustment whereby Member States above the threshold had to absorb the reductions below the threshold was skewed and led to the problem of large scale-to-scale increases for countries that crossed the threshold. Dividing the adjustment among all countries above the threshold also produced anomalous results in which countries with widely differing per capita incomes had to absorb the same amount. A better method would be to revert to the pre-1979 practice of spreading the adjustment throughout all Member States. This would reduce the discontinuity risk and large scale-to-scale increases. Other members pointed out that there had been technical reasons to make the change in 1979.", "102. The Committee decided to continue to consider the feasibility of application of systematic measures of transitional relief for Member States facing large scale-to-scale increases in their assessment rates in the light of any guidance from the General Assembly.", "IV. Multi-year payment plans", "103. In paragraph 1 of its resolution 57/4 B, the General Assembly endorsed the conclusions and recommendations of the Committee concerning multi-year payment plans (see A/57/11, paras. 17-23), which provided that:", "(a) Member States should be encouraged to submit multi-year payment plans, which constitute a useful tool for reducing unpaid assessed contributions and a way to demonstrate commitment to meeting financial obligations to the United Nations;", "(b) Due consideration should be given to the economic position of Member States, as not all of them might be in a position to submit such plans;", "(c) Multi-year payment plans should remain voluntary and should not be automatically linked to other measures;", "(d) Member States considering a multi-year payment plan should submit the plan to the Secretary-General for the information of other Member States and should be encouraged to consult the Secretariat for advice in its preparation, in which context it was suggested that the plans should provide for payment each year of the current year assessments of the Member State and a part of its arrears. Where possible, the plans should generally provide for elimination of the arrears of a Member State within a period of up to six years;", "(e) The Secretary-General should be requested to provide information on the submission of such plans to the Assembly, through the Committee;", "(f) The Secretary-General should be requested to submit an annual report to the Assembly, through the Committee, on the status of the payment plans of Member States as at 31 December each year;", "(g) For those Member States in a position to submit a payment plan, the Committee and the Assembly should take the submission of a plan and its status of implementation into account as one factor in considering requests for exemption under Article 19 of the Charter.", "In its resolutions 58/1 B, 59/1 B, 60/237 and 64/248 the Assembly reaffirmed paragraph 1 of its resolution 57/4 B.", "104. In considering the matter, the Committee had before it the report of the Secretary-General on multi-year payment plans (A/66/69), which had been prepared pursuant to the recommendations of the Committee. It was also provided with updated information with regard to the status of payment plans.", "105. The Committee was informed that the Secretariat had included in the Journal of the United Nations an announcement that the Committee would be considering multi-year payment plans at its seventy-first session and inviting any Member State that intended to submit such a plan to contact the Secretariat for further information. No new payment plans had been submitted.", "106. The Committee noted that the General Assembly, in its resolution 64/248, had encouraged Member States in arrears with their assessed contributions to the United Nations to consider submitting multi-year payment plans and, in that context, requested the Committee to make recommendations with a view to mitigating large scale-to-scale increases for those Member States that had fulfilled their multi-year payment plans and to report thereon to the Assembly at its sixty-fifth session. The Committee noted with concern that no new multi-year payment plans had been submitted in recent years, despite the encouragement of the Assembly and the proven success of the system.", "107. Five Member States have fulfilled multi-year payment plans. Tajikistan paid its arrears and successfully implemented its multi-year payment plan during the first half of 2009. Both Iraq and the Republic of Moldova implemented plans in 2005, and Georgia and the Niger had implemented plans during 2007. Burundi had paid its arrears in 2003, although not in the context of a multi-year payment plan.", "A. Status of payment plans", "108. The table contained in paragraph 17 of the report of the Secretary-General (A/66/69) summarizes the status of the two payment plans covered as at 31 December 2010, submitted by Liberia in 2006 (second plan), and Sao Tome and Principe in 2002 (first plan). The Committee was provided with information updated as at 24 June 2011.", "Status of payment plans at 24 June 2011", "(United States dollars)", "Payment plan Assessments as Payments/ Outstanding as at 31 December credits at 31 December", "Liberia", "1999 1 147 524", "2000 31 506 70 192 1 108 838", "2001 16 166 630 1 124 374", "2002 17 137 5 465 1 136 046", "2003 17 124 1 636 1 151 534", "2004 20 932 2 899 1 169 567", "2005 24 264 202 1 193 629", "2006 150 000 23 024 100 453 1 116 200", "2007 32 074 100 660 1 047 614", "2008 30 943 200 323 878 234", "2009 35 400 150 633 763 001", "2010 35 548 399 906 398 643", "2011 30 303 0 428 946", "Sao Tome and Principe", "1999 570 783", "2000 13 543 48 584 278", "2001 14 254 157 598 375", "2002 27 237 15 723 29 146 584 952", "2003 42 237 17 124 929 601 147", "2004 59 237 20 932 1 559 620 520", "2005 74 237 24 264 202 644 582", "2006 89 237 23 024 453 667 153", "2007 114 237 32 074 810 698 417", "2008 134 237 30 943 473 728 887", "2009 153 752 35 400 682 763 605", "2010 35 548 356 798 797", "2011 30 303 0 829 100", "109. The Committee noted that Liberia continued to make regular payments far in excess of its annual assessments, while Sao Tome and Principe had not made any payments since 2002 and had fallen short of its payment plan. The Committee therefore exhorted Sao Tome and Principe to, at minimum, make annual payments under its plan slightly in excess of its annual assessments in order to begin to reduce its arrears. In addition, it recommended that Liberia consider updating its payment plan to better reflect the extraordinary efforts it had made to pay off its arrears in a little over 10 years.", "110. Some members were of the opinion that the payment plans should be made mandatory, but others were against it. Despite being divided on this point, the Committee believed that Member States should avail themselves of this mechanism as a tool for budgeting and allocating resources with a view to fulfilling their obligations.", "B. Conclusions and recommendations", "111. The Committee recalled the past experience of the successful implementation of the multi-year payment plans of Georgia, Iraq, the Niger, the Republic of Moldova and Tajikistan and recognized the considerable efforts made by those Member States to honour the commitments that they had made when they submitted their plans. Given that experience, the system of multi-year payment plans continued to be a viable means available to Member States to assist them in reducing their unpaid assessed contributions and in providing a way for them to demonstrate their commitment to meeting their financial obligations to the United Nations.", "112. The Committee noted the continued successful efforts by Liberia to make regular payments under its multi-year payment plan and its intention to complete its commitments by 2013. The Committee emphasized that it was important that Member States which had submitted such plans meet the commitments they had made. The Committee also emphasized the importance of annual payments exceeding current assessments to avoid a further accumulation of arrears.", "113. The Committee noted that no new multi-year payment plans had been submitted for several years, and reiterated its recommendation that the General Assembly encourage other Member States in arrears for the purposes of the application of Article 19 of the Charter of the United Nations to consider submitting multi-year payment plans.", "V. Application of Article 19 of the Charter", "114. The Committee recalled its general mandate, under rule 160 of the rules of procedure of the General Assembly, to advise the Assembly on the action to be taken with regard to the application of Article 19 of the Charter. It also recalled Assembly resolution 54/237 C concerning procedures for consideration of requests for exemption under Article 19 and the results of its recent review of that subject.", "115. The Committee recalled that the General Assembly, in its resolution 54/237 C, urged all Member States in arrears requesting exemption under Article 19 to provide the fullest possible supporting information, including information on economic aggregates, Government revenues and expenditure, foreign exchange resources, indebtedness, difficulties in meeting domestic or international financial obligations and any other information that might support the claim that failure to make necessary payments had been attributable to conditions beyond the control of the Member States. The Assembly also decided that requests for exemption under Article 19 must be submitted by Member States to the President of the Assembly at least two weeks before the session of the Committee so as to ensure a complete review of the requests. At previous sessions, the Committee had noted that requests for exemption made at the highest level of Government showed the seriousness of the commitment by Member States to settle their arrears, and had encouraged all Member States submitting such requests in future to follow that example.", "116. The Committee noted that six requests for exemption under Article 19 had been received by the time specified in the resolution. Six requests had also been made in 2009 and 2010. Seven requests had been made in 2008, while eight requests had been made in 2007, one of which was later withdrawn. Within the time frame specified, 8 requests had been received in 2006 and 2005, 10 in 2004, 9 in 2003, 7 in 2002, 3 in 2001 and 7 in 2000.", "117. The Committee noted the continuing increase in the accumulation of arrears of some Member States, as demonstrated by the increase in minimum payments required by each in order to avoid application of Article 19. The Committee noted that some Member States had become serial petitioners for waivers exempting from the application of the provisions of Article 19 and that in some cases such petitions had been made as far back as 20 to 30 years. One Member State first requested exemption in 1973. The Committee encouraged all Member States requesting an exemption under Article 19 that are in a position to do so to consider presenting a multi-year payment plan and reiterated that, in each case, it was critical for annual payments to exceed current assessments in order to avoid the further accumulation of debt.", "118. In considering the requests, the Committee had before it information provided by the six Member States concerned and the Secretariat. It met with representatives of the Member States, representatives of relevant offices of the Secretariat and UNDP.", "1. Central African Republic", "119. The Committee had before it a letter dated 23 May 2011 from the President of the General Assembly to the Chair of the Committee on Contributions transmitting a letter dated 17 May 2011 from the Permanent Representative of the Central African Republic to the United Nations addressed to the President of the General Assembly (see A/CN.2/R.744/Add.3). It also heard an oral representation by the Permanent Representative of the Central African Republic.", "120. In its written and oral representations, the Central African Republic indicated that social and economic conditions had improved somewhat in recent years. Nevertheless, the economy remained vulnerable to various domestic and external shocks and the State’s capacity to meet its debt payments remained weak. As a result, the country suffered from low levels of foreign investment and was still reliant on aid. Despite those challenges, the Central African Republic would endeavour to meet its financial obligations to the Organization in the near future. It was committed to making a contribution before the beginning of the sixty-sixth session of the General Assembly, and was in the process of drawing up a multi-year payment plan.", "121. The Committee was provided with information by the Secretariat concerning the situation in the Central African Republic. The Central African Republic was undergoing a fragile peace and national reconciliation process, which was fraught with challenges as well as opportunities. The Government had made commendable progress in its efforts to implement economic and public management reforms. This enabled the Central African Republic to achieve completion point under the Highly Indebted Poor Countries Initiative in June 2009, leading to a substantial alleviation of the country’s external debt. These efforts, however, were insufficient to relieve the country from its extreme lack of social and economic development. Despite being endowed with mineral resources (including gold, diamonds and uranium) and having great agricultural potential and a rich forest, the country suffered from extreme and widespread poverty, poor infrastructure, a high illiteracy rate, a high incidence of infectious diseases, weak institutions and a lack of technical and managerial capacity. The Central African Republic ranked 159th out of 169 countries in the 2010 human development index and remained one of the world’s poorest countries, with a per capita GNI of $758 in 2010.", "122. The Committee noted that the Central African Republic had made a sizable payment of approximately $206,000 in 2010. Given its continuing political and economic difficulties, the Government should be commended for making this payment and thereby reducing its unpaid assessed contributions. The Committee also noted that the Government had indicated its intention to make a subsequent payment in 2012. The Committee recalled that, at its last session, it had urged the Central African Republic to consider fulfilling its stated intention to implement a multi-year payment plan, which it had not yet done. The Committee urged the Central African Republic to begin making such a plan in consultation with the secretariat of the Contributions Service.", "123. The Committee concluded that, on balance, the failure of the Central African Republic to pay the minimum amount necessary to avoid the application of Article 19 was due to conditions beyond its control. It therefore recommended that the Central African Republic be permitted to vote until the end of the sixty-sixth session of the General Assembly.", "2. Comoros", "124. The Committee had before it a letter dated 13 April 2011 from the President of the General Assembly to the Chair of the Committee on Contributions transmitting a letter dated 6 April 2011 from the Permanent Representative of the Comoros to the United Nations addressed to the President of the Assembly (A/CN.2/R.744). It also heard an oral representation by the Permanent Representative of the Comoros.", "125. In its written and oral representations, the Comoros indicated that, like most least developed countries, it had been severely affected by the multiple crises of recent years, as reflected by its continuing lack of fuel, soaring food prices and decline in diaspora remittances and customs revenue. Despite the efforts made by the Government to mitigate the devastating economic and social impact of the crisis, the country’s already fragile economic situation had been exacerbated by the crash of a Yemeni aeroplane in the Indian Ocean, which had killed more than 150 people and required the deployment of significant resources from the Comoros. Nevertheless, the Comoros would spare no effort to fulfil its obligations. The Government had held elections on 26 December 2010. On 26 May 2011, the presidency of the Union was transferred to the island of Mwali (Mohéli) in a peaceful process. As soon as the next Government was formed, the Comoros intended to submit a plan for the payment of its outstanding assessed contributions as swiftly as possible.", "126. According to the information provided by the Secretariat on the political situation, the holding of peaceful presidential and gubernatorial elections in Comoros in December 2010 was a milestone in the country’s democratic process that helped Comoros turn a new page in its turbulent political history. Nevertheless, the country continued to face daunting and multifaceted challenges, including with regard to the implementation of the institutional reforms and the strengthening of the State. On the socio-economic front, the new authorities would have to implement far-reaching economic and financial reforms in order to alleviate poverty, improve domestic revenue, strengthen the private sector and create more jobs. Having been declared a post-conflict country by key international institutions, the Comoros was able to gain access to the Peacebuilding Fund, which provided it with $9 million in aid in March 2009.", "127. The Committee was also provided with information by the Secretariat concerning the economic situation in the Comoros. The country was dependent on a very limited economic base consisting mainly of three products, a very limited manufacturing base and no mineral resources. Efforts to develop the tourism industry had not yet fully translated into significant contributions to economic development. Moreover, the economy was highly vulnerable to internal and external shocks and the weather affected production levels in the agricultural sector. The Comoros was highly dependent on world markets for revenues from exports and had suffered from the global food and oil crises and the reduction in world prices of commodities. These crises, combined with the global economic downturn, contributed to limiting GDP growth rate, which was estimated at 2.1 per cent in 2010. In the Comoros 45 per cent of the population was living below the poverty line.", "128. The economic policy of the Comoros was expected to continue to be supported by the extended credit facility arrangement concluded with IMF for the period 2009-2012 and was likely to qualify for debt forgiveness under the Heavily Indebted Poor Country Initiative. However, for that to happen, the newly formed Government needed to accelerate economic policy reform and implement to a satisfactory degree the poverty reduction strategy paper, which had been updated in March 2011. With public debt amounting to about 50 per cent of GDP, reaching the completion point of the Initiative and full debt relief by mid-2012 was expected to be a top priority for national authorities.", "129. The Committee took note of the information provided concerning the situation of the Comoros. It noted that the last payment made by the Comoros was in 2009, in the amount of $24,000, which was less than its total annual contributions for that year. The country had also made payments in 2006 and 2007, although the payments were insufficient to cover its annual contributions. The Committee recalled the statement of the Government in which it had indicated its unwavering commitment to reducing its arrears and to submitting a multi-year payment plan in due course, as soon as the situation improved. The Committee urged the Comoros to submit a plan as soon as possible and to ensure, to the extent possible, that payments exceeded the level of its annual contributions in order to reduce its arrears.", "130. The Committee concluded that the failure of the Comoros to pay the minimum amount necessary to avoid the application of Article 19 was due to conditions beyond its control. It therefore recommended that the Comoros be permitted to vote until the end of the sixty-sixth session of the General Assembly.", "3. Guinea-Bissau", "131. The Committee had before it a letter dated 4 May 2011 from the President of the General Assembly to the Chair of the Committee on Contributions transmitting a letter dated 20 April 2011 from the Permanent Representative of Guinea-Bissau to the United Nations addressed to the President of the Assembly (A/CN.2/R.744/Add.2). It also heard an oral representation by the Deputy Permanent Representative of Guinea-Bissau.", "132. In its written and oral representations, Guinea-Bissau indicated that the Government was fully aware of its obligations to meet its financial responsibilities with the Organization. However, despite the efforts of the authorities, the country was still confronting grave economic and financial difficulties affecting peace and stability and the living conditions of its people. Despite all the challenges it faced, the Government had been making tremendous sacrifices to fulfil its obligations and financial commitments with international organizations, with the result that it had succeeded in attaining the conclusion point of the Heavily Indebted Poor Countries Initiative in December 2010. Consequently, it had managed to reduce its external debt. However the country was still confronted with enormous difficulties, for example in terms of paying the salary arrears owed to its civil servants. Notwithstanding the difficult financial situation, the Government remained committed to paying the rest of its arrears to the United Nations. In September 2009, a payment of $100,000 was made and there were plans to pay more in 2011. The Government was looking to establish multi-year payment plans as a matter of priority and would inform the General Assembly accordingly.", "133. The Committee was provided with information by the Secretariat concerning the situation in Guinea-Bissau. Although there was currently no humanitarian crisis in the country and the political situation was improving, the country continued to face several challenges. The overall food security situation was fragile, despite a good harvest during the previous planting season. Access to food was a challenge due to increasing prices and the fact that many people had very limited or no income. Conditions in the national health system were poor and there were insufficient supplies of basic drugs and equipment and limited access to safe water and sanitation facilities. In addition, Guinea-Bissau was vulnerable to a variety of potential disasters and emergencies including floods, civil unrest and conflicts in neighbouring countries.", "134. In December 2010, Guinea-Bissau reached the completion point of the Heavily Indebted Poor Countries Initiative and was subsequently granted debt relief, reflecting the positive economic performance of the Government. Another positive development for Guinea-Bissau was the approval by the Peacebuilding Support Office, in February 2011, of the allocation of $16.8 million for the implementation of the Peacebuilding Priority Plan for Guinea-Bissau. Technical working groups have been set up to develop strategies in the priority areas to be supported by the Peacebuilding Fund, including security sector reform, the employment of youths and women, and national reconciliation.", "135. The Committee noted that, after nearly a decade of conflict and political instability, Guinea-Bissau remained fragile. Guinea-Bissau was one of the world’s poorest countries, with more than two thirds of the population living below the poverty line. Nevertheless, the Government had made a payment of nearly $100,000 in 2009 and intended to make another payment soon. It also intended to submit a multi-year payment plan. The Committee urged Guinea-Bissau to submit a plan as soon as possible and to ensure, to the extent possible, that payments exceeded the level of its annual contributions in order to reduce its arrears.", "136. The Committee concluded that the failure of Guinea-Bissau to pay the minimum amount necessary to avoid the application of Article 19 was due to conditions beyond its control. It therefore recommended that Guinea-Bissau be permitted to vote until the end of the sixty-sixth session of the General Assembly.", "4. Liberia", "137. The Committee had before it a letter dated 23 May 2011 from the President of the General Assembly to the Chair of the Committee on Contributions transmitting a letter dated 19 May 2011 from the Permanent Representative of Liberia to the United Nations addressed to the President of the Assembly (A/CN.2/R.744/Add.3). It also heard an oral representation by the Permanent Representative of Liberia.", "138. In its written and oral representations, Liberia indicated that grave economic and financial difficulties continued to diminish the country’s capacity to pay. The legacy of 14 years of civil conflict had negatively affected all sectors of the economy. Within its limited budget of $369 million for the fiscal year 2010/11, the Government had continued its socio-economic recovery activities. However, two major events in 2010/11 had affected the ability of Liberia to assume additional financial commitments: preparations for the national elections in October 2011 and the ongoing influx of refugees from Côte d’Ivoire, whose numbers had reached 150,000. The burden imposed upon Liberia as a result of that serious humanitarian situation was considerable. The aid it had received from the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees was insufficient to allow it to fulfil all its obligations, as not even the Office had received full funding.", "139. Despite the country’s dire socio-economic situation, the Government of Liberia has remained mindful of its obligation to contribute financially to the work of the United Nations. Over the previous three years it had allocated $200,000 annually towards defraying the arrears, decreasing the total arrears to $428,763 as at 8 April 2011. The Government was committed to continue making those annual payments until all of the outstanding arrears were liquidated. It estimated that the remaining balance would be paid by 2013 at the latest.", "140. The Committee was provided with information by the Secretariat concerning the situation in Liberia. Although the country had made considerable progress in consolidating and building peace and in pursuing its post-conflict recovery and reconciliation objectives, it still faced significant challenges. Liberia had reached the completion point under the Heavily Indebted Poor Countries Initiative, providing it with some $4.6 billion in debt relief and was currently on the agenda of the Peacebuilding Commission. The President of Liberia had submitted to the Legislature a draft national budget of $458.9 million for the fiscal year 2011/12. While representing a significant increase of 26 per cent over the previous year, it was still an austerity budget and was inadequate to meet the many demands of a country recovering from a devastating conflict. The economic recovery achieved to date had not provided sustainable employment opportunities for Liberia’s youth, demobilized former combatants or deactivated former soldiers. The situation had been exacerbated by a protracted crisis in neighbouring Côte d’Ivoire, which had resulted in Liberia becoming host to over 150,000 Ivorian refugees, straining already limited food supplies.", "141. The country was currently preparing for a constitutional referendum, to be held on 23 August 2011, and national elections, to be held in October 2011. The elections will be the first to be conducted fully under the Constitution and by Liberian authorities, following the signing in Accra, in 2003, of the peace agreement. Although the elections are critical for the consolidation of peace and democracy in the country, the fact that they will be held in the rainy season means there will be further strains on the Government’s economic resources. Real GDP declined from 9.4 per cent in 2007 to approximately 8.3 per cent in 2008, and then to 4.6 per cent in 2009. GDP was expected to rebound back to 6.3 per cent in 2010. The unemployment rate in Liberia remained high, at 72 per cent of the labour force. Liberia ranked 162nd out of 169 countries in the 2010 human development index.", "142. The Committee noted that Liberia had made regular payments under its payment plan, in amounts well above its annual assessments. The last payment, of approximately $400,000, was made in 2010. In its representation, Liberia indicated that it would continue to pay off its obligations in full in the next few years. In making the commitment to pay off its arrears in spite of serious economic difficulties and a humanitarian crisis, Liberia set a shining example to other countries facing similar adversities. The Committee expressed its appreciation for the exemplary and continuing efforts of Liberia to pay its arrears.", "143. The Committee concluded that the failure of Liberia to pay the minimum amount necessary to avoid the application of Article 19 was due to conditions beyond its control. It therefore recommended that Liberia be permitted to vote until the end of the sixty-sixth session of the General Assembly.", "5. Sao Tome and Principe", "144. The Committee had before it a letter dated 23 May 2011 from the President of the General Assembly to the Chair of the Committee on Contributions transmitting a letter dated 20 May 2011 from the Permanent Representative of Sao Tome and Principe to the United Nations addressed to the President of the Assembly (see A/CN.2/R.744/Add.3). It also heard an oral representation by the Permanent Representative of Sao Tome and Principe.", "145. In its written and oral representations, Sao Tome and Principe indicated that the economic situation in the country continued to be critical, thus creating hardships and serious difficulties for the population and forcing the Government to embark on a serious programme of austerity. It also indicated that it had recently adopted a budget of $156 million for 2011. The country was still finding it very difficult to meet its obligations, as major donors were also having financial problems owing to the global economic crisis. In the past, Sao Tome and Principe used to produce 20,000 tons of cocoa and coffee, but that number had drastically decreased to 2,500 tons. Oil production was not even in the exploratory phase and no revenue was foreseen from it. Despite the serious difficulties it was facing, the Government would be doing its utmost to honour its obligations to the United Nations.", "146. The Committee was provided with information by the Secretariat concerning the situation in Sao Tome and Principe. The country continued to be politically and economically fragile. It was the second smallest country on the African continent in terms of population (after the Seychelles) and therefore faced economic challenges related to its production ability and heavy reliance on exports. Sao Tome and Principe was among the poorest countries in sub-Saharan Africa: 54 per cent of its 166,000 inhabitants lived below the poverty line and 15 per cent were considered extremely poor. The global economic downturn had resulted in a significant decrease in the State’s fiscal revenues, including lower than expected tourism receipts and donor assistance, lower remittances and the postponement of foreign direct investment. GDP growth was 4 per cent in 2009 and was not expected to reach 6 per cent until 2012. Sao Tome and Principe ranked 127th out of 169 countries in the 2010 human development index. It was among the highest recipients of aid per capita (aid accounted for approximately half of its fiscal revenue) and was also among the most indebted countries per capita, with a debt to GDP ratio of over 600 per cent. With no domestic savings and all investments financed with external aid, the country faced a non-sustainable debt and was increasingly vulnerable to external shocks. The humanitarian situation remained precarious, with problems persisting in the areas of maternal and child health care, nutrition and primary schooling. There was only one hospital for the entire population. Malaria remained a major health problem and there were intermittent outbreaks of cholera.", "147. The Committee noted that Sao Tome and Principe had made no payments since 2002, the first year a multi-year payment plan had been drawn up. This, in their view, demonstrated the dire economic predicament of the country, where the problem of dwindling revenue sources was exacerbated by the lack of sufficient external sources of funding rather than by a lack of commitment to fulfilling financial obligations. However, the Committee urged Sao Tome and Principe to begin making such annual payments, in amounts slightly in excess of its current annual assessments in order to bring down its arrears, which would reflect favourably on future decisions by the Committee.", "148. The Committee concluded that, on balance, the failure of Sao Tome and Principe to pay the minimum amount necessary to avoid the application of Article 19 was due to conditions beyond its control. It therefore recommended that Sao Tome and Principe be permitted to vote until the end of the sixty-sixth session of the General Assembly.", "6. Somalia", "149. The Committee had before it a letter dated 4 May 2011 from the President of the General Assembly to the Chair of the Committee on Contributions transmitting a letter dated 7 April 2011 from the Permanent Representative of Somalia to the United Nations addressed to the President of the Assembly (A/CN.2/R.744/Add.1). It also heard an oral representation by the Deputy Permanent Representative of Somalia.", "150. In both its written and oral representations, Somalia indicated that, since 1990, the country had endured a serious internal conflict. The conflict had created a financial crisis and grave economic difficulties, which had a negative effect on Somalia’s capacity to pay its contributions. Despite free and fair elections in 2004, which culminated in the formation of the Transitional Federal Government in Somalia, the Government faced a lack of internal revenue and of development funding from donor countries, which led to the inability to pay for the salaries of civil servants and reconstruction programmes in Somalia. A new Transitional Federal Government, formed in 2009, was also afflicted by a lack of internal revenue and funding from donor countries. Furthermore, Somalia was one of the least developed countries and was going through its worst humanitarian crisis. Millions of people were facing famine, severe malnutrition and drought. The Government would make all necessary payments as soon as the situation of the country changed for the better.", "151. The Committee was provided with information by the Secretariat concerning the situation in Somalia. While some modest progress had been achieved since 2008, particularly on the security front in recent months, including through the expansion of Government control in Mogadishu and greater control by allied forces throughout southern and central Somalia, the challenges facing Somalia were enormous. The transitional federal institutions were weak and unable to develop the structures or resources needed for the Government to be fully responsible for the security of its citizens and to deal with the acute humanitarian and economic crisis. Of the entire population, 2.4 million Somalis, or 32 per cent, was in need of humanitarian assistance and livelihood support as a result of the ongoing conflict, drought and food insecurity. The combination of increasing conflict and drought had led to additional population movement and displacement. The nutrition situation was classified as critical or very critical in most areas of southern Somalia owing to poor access to food. Morbidity rates were high because of the low prevalence of health interventions.", "152. The Committee concluded that the failure of Somalia to pay the minimum amount necessary to avoid the application of Article 19 was due to conditions beyond its control. It therefore recommended that Somalia be permitted to vote until the end of the sixty-sixth session of the General Assembly.", "VI. Other matters", "A. Collection of contributions", "153. The Committee noted that, at the conclusion of its session on 24 June 2011, the following six Member States were in arrears of their assessed contributions to the United Nations under the terms of Article 19 of the Charter but had been permitted to vote in the General Assembly until the end of the sixty-fifth session, pursuant to Assembly resolution 65/3: Central African Republic, Comoros, Guinea-Bissau, Liberia, Sao Tome and Principe and Somalia. The Committee decided to authorize its Chair to issue an addendum to the present report, as necessary.", "154. The Committee also noted that, as at 15 June 2011, a total of over $2.8 billion was owed to the Organization for the regular budget, peacekeeping operations, the international tribunals and the capital master plan. That amount reflected an increase compared with the amount of $2.4 billion outstanding as at 31 May 2010.", "B. Payment of contributions in currencies other than the United States dollar", "155. Under the provisions of paragraph 12 (a) of its resolution 64/248, the General Assembly authorized the Secretary-General to accept, at his discretion and after consultation with the Chair of the Committee on Contributions, a portion of the contributions of Member States for the calendar years 2010, 2011 and 2012 in currencies other than the United States dollar. The Committee noted that, in 2010, the Secretary-General had accepted from four Member States the equivalent of $2,014,291.59 in currencies other than the United States dollar acceptable to the Organization.", "C. Organization of the Committee’s work", "156. The Committee wished to record its appreciation for the substantive support for its work performed by the secretariat of the Committee and the Statistics Division. The Committee also expressed its appreciation for the substantive support of the Department of Political Affairs, the Department of Peacekeeping Operations, the Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs and UNDP in its consideration of requests for exemptions under Article 19. The Committee noted, in particular, the timeliness and efficiency with which the Statistics Division fulfilled its requests for information.", "D. Working methods of the Committee", "157. The Committee reviewed its working methods. With regard to intersessional work, the Committee decided that consideration could be given in future to exploring options for increasing interaction of members in between the holding of regular sessions. Possible avenues included online training and other interactive mechanisms for follow-up on various issues. It was suggested that arrangements be explored for increasing the online availability of restricted documents of the Committee. The Committee requested that it be informed in advance should possible options or arrangements involve additional budgetary implications.", "158. The Committee requested the Secretariat to submit to it for consideration at its next session a draft on the working methods of the Committee. The Committee decided to continue reviewing its working methods at its next session.", "E. Date of the next session", "159. The Committee decided to hold its seventy-second session in New York from 4 to 29 June 2012.", "220711", "*1140812*", "[]", "[1] The gross national disposable income of a country measures the income available to it for final consumption and gross savings. It is derived from the GNI by subtracting current transfers (other than taxes, less subsidies, on production and imports) payable to non-resident units and adding the corresponding current transfers receivable by resident units from the rest of the world.", "[2] The human development index combined three dimensions up until 2009, namely: (a) life expectancy at birth, as an index of population health and longevity; (b) knowledge and education, as measured by the adult literacy rate (with two-thirds weight) and the combined primary, secondary and tertiary gross enrolment ratio (with one-third weight); and (c) standard of living, as indicated by the natural logarithm of the per capita gross domestic product at purchasing power parity. For the purpose of comparing a given country’s performance over time, the maximum and minimum “goalposts” for each variable are held constant. Dimension indices are aggregated using arithmetic mean to obtain the human development index. In the 2010 Human Development Report of UNDP, the methodology for calculation of the human development index has been revised. It still combines three dimensions of human development but some of indicators measuring those dimensions have been changed. These are (a) a long and healthy life, as measured by life expectancy at birth; (b) access to knowledge, as measured by the mean years of schooling and expected years of schooling; and (c) a decent standard of living, as measured by per capita gross national income in purchasing power parity terms in United States dollars. The maximum “goalposts” for each variable have been set to the actual observed maxima across countries in the time series 1980 to 2010. The minimum values are set as subsistence values, or “natural” zeros. Progress is thus measured against the minimum levels of standard of living, longevity and the knowledge that a society needs to survive over time. The method of aggregation of dimension indices into the human development index has also changed from taking the arithmetic mean to taking the geometric mean, in order to reduce the extent to which a higher achievement in one dimension can be substituted for a lower achievement in another.", "[3] The weights assigned to different years under the current methodology are affected both by the length of the base periods and by the trend of the total GNI over time. An increasing (decreasing) trend in total GNI gives more (less) weight to more recent years.", "[4] For the six-year (2004-2009) base period, the average per capita GNI is $7,858.64 and median per capita GNI is $3,607.55; for the three-year (2007-2009) base period, the average per capita GNI is $8,627.36 and the median per capita GNI is $3,995.44.", "[5] In the World Bank database debt accounts are, in most cases, kept on a cash basis when measuring flows such as interest and service charges. Following the principle of cash accounting implies that only interest paid should be accounted for, while accrued but non-paid interest should be excluded. Loans are reported on their original value less any repayments. Thus, in the case of non-paid interest, a “new” loan will appear, covering service payments in arrears, because this is classified as short-term — rather than long-term — debt.", "[6] In the World Bank, economies are divided according to 2009 GNI per capita, calculated using the World Bank Atlas method. The groups are: low income, $995 or less; lower-middle income, $996-$3,945; upper-middle income, $3,946-$12,195; and high income, $12,196 or more." ]
[ "联 合 国", "会费委员会的报告", "第七十一届会议", "(2011年6月6日至24日)", "大 会", "正式记录 第六十六届会议 补编第11号", "大 会 正式记录 第六十六届会议 补编第11号", "[] 联合国 • 2011年,纽约", "会费委员会的报告", "第七十一届会议", "(2011年6月6日至24日)", "A/66/11", "说明", "ISSN 0251-8457", "联合国文件都用英文大写字母附加数字编号。凡是提到这种编号,就是指联合国的某一个文件。", "摘要 会费委员会在其第七十一届会议上根据《大会议事规则》第一六○条、大会第58/1B号决议,尤其是根据大会第64/248号决议,审查了分摊比额表的编制方法(见本报告第三章)。 关于分摊比额表的编制方法,委员会: (a)回顾并重申其建议,即分摊比额表应继续依据最新、最全面、最有可比性的国民总收入数据编制,并建议大会鼓励尚未采用1993年国民账户体系的会员国予以采用并报告已有的可支配总收入数据; (b)回顾并重申其建议,即一旦选定基期,就宜尽可能长期采用相同的基期,以便在连续多个比额表期间逐步消除对各会员国的影响; (c)回顾并重申其建议,即应对分摊比额表采用基于市面汇率的换算率,除非这样做会造成一些会员国以美元表示的国民总收入过度波动和扭曲;在这种情况下,应采用价格调整汇率或其他适当的换算率。委员会表示打算以统计司提供的新资料为基础并根据大会所作的任何指示继续研究这个要素; (d)决定根据大会所作的任何指示,在委员会下届会议上进一步审议比额表编制方法的所有要素。 委员会还决定根据大会所作的任何指示,在委员会今后届会上进一步审议每年重新计算以及分摊比率从一个比额表到另一个比额表大幅上升的问题。 关于多年付款计划(第四章),委员会的结论是,多年付款计划制度对于帮助会员国减少未缴摊款,使其能以某种方式表明履行其对联合国财政义务的承诺而言,仍然是一个可行的手段。委员会强调每年付款额超过当期摊款数以避免进一步积欠款项的重要性。委员会注意到没有国家提出任何新的多年付款计划,建议大会鼓励就适用《联合国宪章》第十九条而言属于欠款国的会员国考虑提出多年付款计划。 关于适用《宪章》第十九条的问题(第五章),委员会: (a)鼓励所有要求给予第十九条所述豁免并有能力提出多年付款计划的会员国考虑提出这种计划; (b) 建议准许下列会员国参加大会表决,直到大会第六十六届会议结束为止: ㈠ 中非共和国; ㈡ 科摩罗; ㈢ 几内亚比绍; ㈣ 利比里亚; ㈤ 圣多美和普林西比; ㈥ 索马里。 委员会决定在其下届会议期间继续审查其工作方法。 \n 委员会决定于2012年6月4日至29日举行其第七十二届会议。", "[2011年6月24日]", "目录", "章次 页次\n1.出席情况 1\n2.职权范围 1\n3.依照大会第64/248号决议审查分摊比额表的编制方法 1\nA.分摊比额表编制方法的要素 2\n1.对国民收入作比较估算的要素 2\na.收入计量 2\nb.换算率 4\nc.基期 8\n2.低人均收入调整和债务负担调整 9\na.低人均收入调整 9\nb.债务负担调整 11\n3.下限 13\n4.上限 13\n5.其他建议和比额表编制方法的其他可能要素 14\na.每年重新计算 14\nb.比额表之间分摊率的大幅上升和不连续性 15\n4.多年付款计划 16\nA.付款计划的现况 17\nB.结论和建议 18\n5.适用《宪章》第十九条 19\n1.中非共和国 20\n2.科摩罗 20\n3.几内亚比绍 22\n4.利比里亚 23\n5.圣多美和普林西比 24\n6.索马里 25\n6.其他事项 25\nA.会费实收情况 25\nB.以美元以外的货币缴纳会费 26\nC.委员会工作安排 26\nD.委员会的工作方法 26\nE.下届会议日期 26", "一. 出席情况", "1. 会费委员会于2011年6月6日至24日在联合国总部举行第七十一届会议。以下成员出席会议:安杰伊·阿布拉谢夫斯基、约瑟夫·阿卡克波-萨奇维、迈沙勒·曼苏尔、埃尔米·艾哈迈德·杜阿莱、戈登·埃克斯利、贝尔纳多·格雷贝尔、帕特里克·杰勒德·豪伊、伊霍尔·胡梅尼、安德烈·科瓦连科、胡安·姆博米奥·恩东·曼格、佩德罗·路易斯·佩德罗索·奎斯塔斯、贡科·罗舍尔、托马斯·施莱辛格、莉萨·斯普拉特、角茂树、孙旭东和考特尼·威廉斯。", "2. 委员会欢迎新成员并向五位离任成员阿卜杜勒-马利克·布赫杜、路易斯·埃莫西利洛·索萨、理查德·穆恩、爱德华多·拉莫斯和吴钢致谢,感谢他们在委员会勤奋工作、服务多年。", "3. 委员会选举格雷贝尔先生为主席,选举埃克斯利先生为副主席。", "4. 委员会感谢廖内利托·贝里奇先生以往作为委员会秘书提供的服务,并欢迎妙妙丹女士接替他。", "二. 职权范围", "5. 会费委员会开展工作的依据是《大会议事规则》第一六○条所载的一般任务规定;1946年2月13日大会第一届会议第一期会议期间通过(第14(I)A号决议第3段)的筹备委员会报告(PC/20)第九章第2节第13和14段以及第五委员会报告(A/44)所载的委员会最初职权范围;以及下列大会决议所载的任务规定:第46/221 B号、第48/223 C号、第53/36 D号、第54/237 C和D号、第55/5 B和D号、第57/4 B号、第58/1 A和B号、第59/1 A和B号、第60/237号、第61/2号、第61/237号和第64/248号决议。", "6. 供会费委员会审议用的文件有:大会第六十五届会议第五委员会有关议程项目133(联合国经费分摊比额表)的简要记录(A/C.5/65/SR.2、3和7)及大会第六十五届会议第27和第73次全体会议逐字记录(A/65/PV.27和73)。", "三. 依照大会第64/248号决议审查分摊比额表的编制方法", "7. 大会在其第64/248号决议中确认现行方法可以改进,但要铭记支付能力原则。大会还确认需要以有效方式从速深入研究这一方法,同时考虑到会员国表达的观点,并决定尽早审查分摊比额表编制方法的所有要素,以期能在达成一致的情况下,于第六十六届会议结束之前做出决定,在2013-2015年比额表期间生效。", "8. 会费委员会根据这一决定并按照其任务规定和《大会议事规则》提出了相关建议,并在大会第六十五届会议主要会期就此向大会提出了报告。大会表示注意到该报告,但对委员会第七十一届会议的工作未作新的指示。不过,会员国在第五委员会提出了一些问题,委员会试图在本报告中解答这些问题。", "A. 分摊比额表编制方法的要素", "9. 委员会回顾,在编制2010-2012年期间分摊比额表时使用的方法与编制过去三个比额表期间的比额表时使用的方法相同,并获得大会第64/248号决议通过。根据《大会议事规则》第一六○条所赋予的一般任务规定以及大会第58/1 B号和第64/248号决议所载的要求,委员会对现行方法的各项要素做了进一步审查。", "10. 委员会探索了在比额表编制方法中使用指数函数的问题,但发现指数函数的使用未带来任何技术好处。使用指数函数会使分摊比额表偏离支付能力原则。", "1. 对国民收入作比较估算的要素", "(a) 收入计量", "11. 根据数据的可靠性、可获性、可比性和简易性,用国民总收入作为支付能力的第一近似值。", "12. 一个关切的问题是根据1993年国民账户体系提出报告的国家的数据与根据1968年国民账户体系提出报告的国家的数据之间的可比性。联合国统计司现有的资料表明,随着时间的推移,有越来越多的会员国采用了1993年国民账户体系。因此,这一问题的潜在影响已逐渐减弱。委员会鼓励尚未采用1993年国民账户体系的会员国予以采用,以促进比额表内的可比性。", "13. 委员会第七十届会议审查了一国国民可支配总收入[1] 数据的可获性以可能用于收入计量和作为支付能力第一近似值的问题。但是,鉴于此种收入计量数据的可获性较低,暂时不适合将这种收入计量用于分摊比额表。", "14. 值得注意的是,自委员会第七十届会议对该问题进行上一次审查以来,国民可支配总收入数据的可获性状况并未得到改善。由于各国发布这类数据的速度非常缓慢,最近一些年来可获得国民可支配总收入数据的国家数大为减少。委员会注意到,国民可支配收入是一种更为合适的收入计量,因为其中包含了来自境内外所有国民的转移收入,因此从技术角度而言更有用。在鼓励更多的会员国提供国民可支配总收入数据的同时,委员会确认,目前国民总收入仍然是计量支付能力的现有最好方法。", "15. 委员会还注意到,可用三种方法来确定国内总产值/国民总收入,而这三种方法从原则上讲应得出同样的结果。它们是:产品(或产出)法、收入法和支出法。", "16. 三种方法中最直接的方法就是产品法,即把每一类企业的产出相加以得出总数。支出法的计算原理是:所有产品都需由人来购买,因此产品总价值必须等于民众在购买物件时花费的支出总额。收入法的计算原理是:生产要素(俗称“生产者”)的收入必须等于其产品的价值,只要得出所有生产者的收入总数就能确定国内总产值。委员会鼓励会员国尽量提供这三方面的数据,以促进数据库的一致性。", "17. 委员会回顾并重申其建议,即分摊比额表应依据已有的最新、最全面、最有可比性的国民总收入数据编制。委员会建议大会继续鼓励会员国根据1993年国民账户体系提交要求提供的统计资料,并且如果有的话,提交基于国民可支配总收入的数据,以便用更全面的资料作为计量支付能力的一种手段。", "18. 委员会在过去还审议了用于确定国内总产值调整数的替代收入计量方法,以更好地反映支付能力。为此目的,委员会审查了使用理论计量方法的可能性,即以指数形式把国民收入与社会-经济指标(教育水平、健康质量、现有基础设施、贫穷等)结合起来。目前在比额表编制方法中未体现这类指标。", "19. 联合国开发计划署(开发署)自1990年以来在其历年的《人类发展报告》中公布了人类发展指数,即人类发展情况的综合统计计量,其目的是强调发展不应仅用经济进步来评价,而且还应用福祉的改善情况来评价。新的人类发展指数方法[2] 要衡量的是一个国家全部人口在以下三个人类发展基本维度中的成就:(a) 健康长寿;(b) 知识的获取;(c) 体面的生活水平。", "20. 依据最近修订的方法,2009年人类发展指数目前有168个国家的数据。一些国家对开发署计算人类发展指数时所用的数据来源提出异议。它们认为,编撰人类发展指数所用的必要数据应直接从各国的国家统计系统中获取,而不是从国际组织获取。只有在没有国家来源的数据时才可使用从国际组织获取的数据,而在这种情况下,应通知有关国家。", "21. 委员会审查了比额表编制方法中使用有关人类发展指数的资料的情况。在这方面,委员会审查了根据人均收入和人类发展指标对会员国的相关名次排定。这两类名次排定的相关性极高,意味着如果将人类发展指数而不是人均收入指标作为名次排定的基础,会员国的相对名次排列没有明显变化。", "22. 委员会指出,目前把人类发展指标作为收入计量的做法有各种内在的限制,例如各会员国对其接受程度有限且无法获得全部会员国的数据;事实上它只是一种相对的名次排列而不是一个数字。另外,它是一种外部产生的指数,只有一些序列数据,即1990年、1995年、2000年、2005年和2009年,因此没有基期各年的数据。此外,在衡量生活水平时,它所使用的是按购买力平价计算的人均国民总收入。因此,有可能出现双重计算,因为人均国民总收入(按市面汇率计算)已经在现行方法的低人均收入调整公式中使用。一些成员还认为,人类发展指数未必反映了一国的支付能力;仅仅反映了其支出的优先方面。", "23. 委员会的结论是,人类发展指数作为一个概念,对衡量支付能力没有用处。", "(b) 换算率", "24. 换算率自一开始一直是比额表编制方法的组成要素。在把从各会员国那里得到的以其本国货币计算的国民总收入数据转换为一种共同的货币单位时,需要用到换算率。按照大会各项决议的规定,比额表编制方法中使用基于市面汇率的换算率;但如采用此种换算率会使一些会员国的收入水平过度波动和扭曲,则应采用价格调整汇率(价调汇率)或其他适当的换算率。为编制2010-2012年期间分摊比额表,会费委员会使用了一种系统标准,用以评估并可能以价调汇率或其他适当的换算率取代造成收入水平过度波动和扭曲的市面汇率。", "25. 大会第64/248号决议决定,2010-2012年期间的分摊比额表应当依据一些要素和标准,包括基于市面汇率的换算率,但如采用此种换算率会使一些会员国的收入水平过度波动和扭曲,则应采用价调汇率或其他适当的换算率,同时适当考虑到大会第46/221 B号决议。大会还请委员会进一步审查为编制分摊比额表可用哪些标准来确定在何种情况下应以价调汇率或其他适当的换算率取代市面汇率,并就此向大会第六十五届会议提出报告。委员会在其第七十届会议报告中决定,将根据统计司提供的更多资料并按照大会的指导就编制方法的这一要素进行进一步研究。", "26. 各会员国向统计司提供的官方国民账户统计数据是以其本国货币为单位,为了编制分摊比额表而使用市面汇率将其转换为美元数值。用于把国民总收入的数据转换为美元的市面汇率,通常是由会员国向国际货币基金组织(基金组织)提供的并在其出版物《国际金融统计》中公布的年平均汇率。该出版物列出三种汇率:(a) 主要由市场力量决定的市面汇率;(b) 由政府主管部门决定的官方汇率;(c) 对维持多种汇率制度的国家酌情采用的主要汇率。如果《国际金融统计》或基金组织的经济信息系统中没有提供市面汇率,则可采用联合国业务汇率或其他资料编制分摊比额表。", "27. 委员会第七十届会议回顾了目前在该方法要素下使用的系统标准的演变情况。委员会回顾,委员会在考虑2007-2009年比额表应替换哪些市面汇率时,审查了在最近连续两个3年参照期,即1999-2001年和2002-2004年,人均国民总收入增长50%以上或下降33%以上的国家的情况。其间,委员会特别审查了市面汇率估价指数大于1.2或小于0.8(分别表明可能过度升值或贬值20%以上)的国家的情况。委员会第六十八届会议也审查了这个方法要素,并注意到对最新数据适用现行标准而导致需要详细审查的案例总数大幅增加。在这方面,需要审查的案例总数为59个,而2006年仅为25个,这主要反映了近期兑美元汇率的大幅波动。委员会指出,对因采用现行标准而产生的59个案例进行详细审查并不可行。", "28. 为了缓和最近汇率波动的影响,委员会曾决定根据世界平均数对标准进行修订。订正标准着重于审查人均国民总收入增长率为世界人均国民总收入平均增长率1.5倍以上或0.67倍以下、市面汇率估价指数比世界平均市面汇率估价指数高或低20%以上的国家的情况。委员会指出,没有哪个单一标准可令人满意地自动解决所有问题,任何标准只能作为一个参照点,用以指导委员会确定哪些会员国的市面汇率应予审查。根据以往作法和法律建议,只有在有关审查确认使用该市面汇率将导致换算成美元的国民总收入数字过度扭曲或波动时,委员会才会建议替换市面汇率。如果委员会无法确认这一点,因而不能商定一种不同的换算率时,委员会将不得不对有关会员国采用相关的市面汇率。", "29. 一些成员指出,市面汇率估价指数旨在协助评价以市面汇率换算成美元的国民总收入是否因市面汇率不当而过分增加或减少,从而有助于区分经济增长因素带来的国民总收入变化和非经济增长因素带来的国民总收入变化。他们进一步指出,现行价调汇率方法特别切合近期货币严重波动的情况。这些成员强调委员会有技术困难,难以评估币值是过高还是过低。他们认为,现行公式是评估和以价调汇率替换市面汇率的可靠工具,除非委员会有令人信服的理由质疑统计司以价调汇率替换市面汇率的数据。", "30. 委员会审查了使用现行方法及统计司提供的2004-2009年数据对系统标准参数进行的敏感性分析及结果。它还审查了关于使用市面汇率三年移动平均数而不是年平均数的提议。本报告中提供的关于这些提议的分析,是使用现行比额表编制方法以及截至2010年12月31日的现有2004-2009年数据进行的,不同于采用2002-2007年数据的2010-2012年比额表。", "31. 委员会审议了依据以下两个因素对适用系统标准的改动:(a) 改变其两项参数的数值,即人均国民总收入和市面汇率估价指数的变动范围;(b) 使用3年或6年参照期市面汇率的移动平均数而不是其年平均数,以将汇率波动的影响降至最低。", "32. 如前所述,通常采用基金组织提供的市面汇率的年平均数将从会员国那里得到的以本国货币计算的国民总收入数据换算为美元。一国市面汇率的数值可能会波动,这除其他外取决于外汇的供求情况。委员会审查了使用市面汇率移动平均数的可能性,其目的是抚平波动并在某种程度上减轻一些会员国收入的过度波动。委员会审议了使用3年或6年参照期市面汇率的移动平均数的情况。例如,n年的市面汇率的三年移动平均数应为n-2年、n-1年和n年的年均市面汇率的平均数。同样,n+1年的市面汇率应为n-1年、n年和n+1年的年均市面汇率的平均数,以此类推。然而,数据显示,采用移动平均数没有减少波动,实际上加重了波动。", "33. 一些成员认为,使用汇率移动平均数将进一步扭曲支付能力。这些成员认为,国民总收入的波动与汇率波动相关,即脆弱的经济会导致国民总收入下降,从而导致汇率贬值。因此,要准确地体现当年的经济情况,应当使用每年的汇率换算该年的国民总收入。使用以前各年即n-1年或n-2年的汇率,将会使问题复杂化,并导致一国经济增长或下降情况被扭曲,因此更加偏离支付能力。n-1年和n-2年的汇率并非真正的市面汇率,而是并不反映实际汇率的计算平均数。", "34. 一些成员认为,因为基期是三年和六年的平均,因此采用市面汇率的三年和六年移动平均数的平均数(而不是年平均数)将国民总收入换算成美元,是与现行方法更有可比性的做法。另一些成员则反对采用多年汇率的平均值。将某一年的汇率与其他年度的国民总收入合在一起,这样做会产生扭曲效果。而且,采用平均值非但不会减少比额表中的波动,实际上反而会增加波动。委员会一些成员得出结论认为,通过采用三年和六年基期的平均数,比额表中已有防止出现过度波动的机制,而且采用多年汇率平均值只会增加扭曲,而不会带来更多的益处。一些成员认为,当前的比额表编制方法采用两个基期即三年和六年的平均数据,因此该制度本身已经存在某种形式的加权平均,因为已经给予比额表期间前三年额外权重。", "35. 委员会还听取了基金组织关于其汇率计算方法和世界银行关于其阿特拉斯方法的介绍。基金组织于1990年代中期成立了一个汇率问题协商小组,其任务是从多边角度为一些先进经济体提供汇率评估。协商小组的重点在于能够作为汇率评估基础的方法问题,而不是评估本身。", "36. 理想的汇率评估是基于平衡的理念;也就是在中期和长期与内外平衡保持一致。在实践中,大部分经验性研究根据实际汇率或贸易流量与观察到的汇率与贸易流量的各项决定性因素间的关系将两者联系在一起。基金组织协商小组的方法包括:(a) 宏观经济平衡方法;(b) 简化式均衡实际汇率方法;(c) 对外可持续性方法。", "37. 委员会还听取了世界银行的介绍。出于某些业务目的,世界银行在以美元计算国民总收入和人均国民总收入时,采用阿特拉斯换算率。阿特拉斯换算率的目的是在做国民收入跨国比较时减少汇率波动的影响。", "38. 任何一年的阿特拉斯换算率等于一个国家该年的汇率(或替代换算率)和前两年汇率的平均值,并根据该国通货膨胀率与5国集团国家(法国、德国、日本、大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国和美利坚合众国)的通货膨胀率之差作调整(截至2000年)。从2001年开始,这些国家包括欧元区、日本、联合王国和美国。一个国家的通货膨胀率以其国内总产值平减指数的变化来衡量。", "39. 如果在一段时期内官方汇率被认为不可靠,或不能代表有效汇率,就在阿特拉斯公式中采用替代估计汇率。", "40. 在审查价调汇率的可能替代办法或解决国家货币估值过高或过低问题的办法时,一些成员看到采用世界银行阿特拉斯换算率的好处,这一方法的目的是在做国民收入跨国比较时能够减少汇率波动的影响。委员会商定继续审查其方法,重点是消除所采用的换算率造成的收入过度波动或扭曲。", "41. 一些成员还请秘书处同世界银行联系,以更多了解这一方法,并确定在什么情况下采用了阿特拉斯方法。一些成员请秘书处探讨是否可能从基金组织定期获得新的资讯,特别是关于该组织对货币的过高和过低估值的评估。", "42. 一些成员坚定地认为,市面汇率最能体现支付能力。经济理论和秘书处和基金组织提供的证据均说明,不可能计算出一个单一、理想化的“均衡”汇率。评判会员国的汇率政策,或评判某些货币估值过高或过低,这超出委员会的工作范围。因此,比额表应继续以市面汇率为依据。", "43. 几个成员对下述方面缺少进展表示遗憾:响应大会第64/248号决议,增加用价调汇率取代市面汇率这一问题的明确性、连贯性和透明度;大会上述决议请委员会“进一步审查为编制分摊比额表可用哪些标准来确定在何种情况下应以价调汇率或其他适当的换算率取代市面汇率的情况”。一名成员还强调,对用系统标准来评估和用价调汇率来取代市面汇率的结果提出质疑的做法,是基于主观并可能是武断的评估,缺乏技术理由,可能会影响委员会今后关于这一问题的建议的价值。委员会的许多成员反对这一想法,并指出,委员会总是稳健而公正地开展审议工作。", "44. 委员会回顾并重申其建议,即分摊比额表应使用基于市面汇率的换算率,但如果这样做将导致一些会员国以美元计值的国民总收入过度波动和扭曲,则应当使用价调汇率或其他适当的换算率。委员会决定将依据统计司提供的更多资料并在大会的指导下继续研究这个方法要素。", "(c) 基期", "45. 利用委员会审议比额表时现有的特定基期内的最新数据,将国民总收入数据换算成美元后,求取平均数。基期的长短历来不同,最短一年,最长十年。2001-2003年期间至2010-2012年期间比额表都采用了三年和六年基期机算比率的平均数。", "46. 关于较短和较长基期的利弊,委员会在往届会议曾作过广泛讨论。一些委员会成员主张采用较长的基期,认为这样能够减少会员国收入数据前后两年之间出现大幅波动。而另一些成员则主张采用较短的基期,认为这样可以更好地反映会员国现时的支付能力。但委员会达成了一个共识,即:计算分摊比额率所用的基期应是三年比额表期间的倍数。", "47. 一名成员指出,考虑到世界经济危机对会员国的影响,采用一个为期六年的单一基期,而不是三年和六年基期的平均数,会给下一个分摊比额表带来更大的稳定性。", "48. 大会要求委员会提交采用12种不同办法计算2001-2003年期间比额表的结果,其中一些办法也采用了不同的基期。最后,大会决定采用三年和六年基期所得结果的平均数。对2004-2006年、2007-2009年和2010-2012年期间比额表也采取了同样的办法。", "49. 虽然这是主张较短基期和主张较长基期意见的折中办法,但最近三年期的权重较大,因为两个机算比额表都采用了最近三年期的数据。例如,在2010-2012年分摊比额表中,三年期和六年期两个机算比额表都计入了2005-2007年期间的数据,而仅在六年期机算比额表中计入了2002-2004年的数据。具体而言,通过对两个不同基期的分摊比额求取平均数,对每个国家每年在国民总收入总额中所占份额重新分配权重,使最近三年(例如,2005年、2006年和2007年)每年在总权重中所占份额大约各为25%,而其余三年(例如,2002年、2003年和2004年)每年在总权重中所占份额只有约8.3%。[3]", "50. 委员会在其第七十届会议上审议了使用三年期和六年期的替代办法,即求取两个基期收入数据的平均数,算出一个单一的机算比额。用这种办法得出的结果与分别编制两个机算比额表(一个是三年期,一个是六年期)然后平均两个机算比额表的目前做法相比略有不同。", "51. 委员会建议,不管使用较长基期还是较短基期,可以通过一旦选定基期后就尽可能长时间保持基期不变来实现分摊比额表的长期稳定性。委员会指出,在别无其他因素的情况下,没有理由改变现行的三年期和六年期的混合办法。", "2. 低人均收入调整和债务负担调整", "(a) 低人均收入调整", "52. 低人均收入调整从一开始就是比额表编制方法的一项重要内容。这项调整目前有两个参数:一个是确定哪些国家将受益的人均国民总收入门槛值,另一个是确定调整幅度的梯度。自1995-1997年比额表通过以来,先前为一固定美元数额的门槛值已改为全体会员国人均国产总值/国民总收入的平均数。委员会在审查该要素时注意到,人均国民总收入的分布不对称,有70%的会员国的人均国民总收入低于世界平均数。多年来,梯度不断升高,从1948年的40%增加到1983年的85%。自计算1998-2000年期间比额表起,梯度一直被固定为80%。数字显示,国家总数以及重新分配总数都在增加。", "53. 委员会回顾,其职权范围要求它考虑可比人均收入,以防止因使用国民收入可比估计数而产生异常分摊额。", "54. 委员会审查了确定门槛值的其他方法及其影响。具体如下。", "㈠ 按债务调整后的人均国民总收入平均数", "55. 委员会审议的不同办法之一是将低人均收入调整的门槛值设为按债务调整后的世界人均国民总收入平均数,而不是未经调整的人均国民总收入。这将消除门槛值(目前为未经调整的全体会员国人均国民总收入平均数)与根据按债务调整后的国民总收入计算的各国人均收入之间的不对称问题。", "㈡ 人均国民总收入中位数", "56. 委员会在往届会议上讨论的另一种方法是采用人均国民总收入的中位数来确定低人均收入调整门槛值,而不是采用世界人均国民总收入平均数。中位数是一个大于或等于至少半数会员国人均国民总收入且小于或等于至少同等数目会员国人均国民总收入的数值。如果符合上述定义的数值不止一个,就按惯例将这些数字的平均值定为中位数。", "57. 如果会员国人均国民总收入的分布对称,使用人均国民总收入中位数作为门槛值不会有任何后果。然而,目前人均国民总收入的实际分布明显不对称(超过70%的国家的人均国民总收入低于平均数)。一些成员赞成使用中位数来确定低人均收入调整门槛值的办法,指出这种办法有技术上的好处,因为它对一些极端数据点不那么敏感,因此是这类数据分布的一种更稳健的衡量尺度。另一些成员指出,限于机械决定范围中点的中位数办法并没有考虑到人均国民总收入的实际值及其对低人均收入调整资格的影响。他们强调,有超过70%的会员国低于门槛值不应被视为不适当,因为这在技术上是有效的,反映了世界上收入分配不均的实际情况。可以注意到,会员国人均国民总收入中位数低于人均国民总收入平均数。[4] 因此,使用人均国民总收入中位数作为门槛值会减少从低人均收入调整受益的国家的数目——同时增加吸收国的数目。这样做的最后效果将是人均国民总收入高的一些国家的分摊比额减少,人均国民总收入处于中等水平的国家的分摊比额提高。根据定义,将始终有将近一半的会员国低于人均国民总收入中位数的门槛值。委员会注意到,世界银行中低收入组别顶部的人均国民总收入与人均国民总收入中位数存在趋同。", "㈢ 按通货膨胀调整的低人均收入调整门槛值", "58. 委员会还回顾其对按实值确定低人均收入调整门槛值(按通货膨胀调整的低人均收入调整)而不是将其设定为比额表基期目前世界人均收入平均数的替代办法的审议情况。为此目的,用世界通货膨胀率(以内隐价格减缩指数的变化来衡量)将特定参照年的人均国民总收入门槛值外推到以后数年,以使其价值随着时间的推移保持不变。内隐价格减缩指数的定义为:", "内隐价格减缩指数= 按现值美元计算的世界国内总产值 ×100", "按定值美元计算的世界国内总产值", "59. 使用按通货膨胀调整的低人均收入调整门槛值的优势是,一国相对于该门槛值的位置将不受其他国家情况的影响。", "60. 如对2010-2012年比额表低人均收入调整门槛值(六年基期为6 707.92美元,三年基期为7 529.80美元)按照该期间的通货膨胀(使用内隐价格减缩指数)进行调整,它们将达到六年基期7 512.96美元和三年基期8 362.12美元,相比之下,如使用2004-2009年数据,门槛值分别为六年基期7 858.64美元和三年基期8 627.36美元。使用这种按通货膨胀调整的低人均收入调整门槛值将导致重新分配9.257个百分点,而按照默认方法将重新分配9.553个百分点。", "㈣ 根据世界银行对低收入国家的定义设定门槛值", "61. 一些成员提议实行一个固定门槛值,办法是根据世界银行的低收入国家定义设定一个数额。这些成员指出,有固定的上限将缓解相对性的问题。通过使用世界银行的低收入上限,低人均收入调整将针对最有需要的国家。", "62. 另一些成员认为,这样固定门槛是武断和不恰当的,因为世界银行的低收入定义是部分根据该银行的资源确定的,而且世界银行每年根据的是少数经济体而不是世界经济的通货膨胀来调整上限。在他们看来,使用世界银行的低收入上限不能恰当地反映各会员国的支付能力。", "63. 一些成员表示,应按照支付能力原则和大会的任何进一步指导来审查低人均收入调整。", "64. 委员会重申,比额表方法应继续考虑到人均比较收入,这从一开始就是比额表的原则要素之一。", "(b) 债务负担调整", "65. 债务负担调整自1986年以来一直是比额表方法的一个要素。它旨在反映外债偿还对一些会员国支付能力的影响。对这些债务的利息支付已反映在国民总收入数据中。债务负担调整的计算方法是从以美元计的国民总收入中扣除外债本金偿还额。在过去的会议上,委员会的一些成员对这一调整有所保留,而另一些成员则认为,这对衡量各会员国的支付能力很重要。另一些成员指出,调整在技术上是不健全的,因为它混淆了收入和资本的概念,并认为它应该被取消。在他们看来,债务负担调整不是对国民收入进行比较估计的主要因素,而是一种宽减因素。", "66. 在第七十届会议上,委员会决定在今后各届会议上根据大会的任何指导进一步审议债务负担调整问题。", "67. 在开始实行该调整时,鉴于掌握的债务偿还数据有限,委员会以有关会员国外债存量总额的一定比例作为调整依据。为此,假定债务的偿还期为八年,所以每年国民总收入数据的调整额为外债存量总额的12.5%。这个办法后来称为债务存量办法。", "68. 在确定1998-2000年比额表的讨论中,委员会成员对是否在比额表方法中保留这种调整继续存有不同意见。但是,委员会的确商定,如果大会决定保留该调整,应该使用世界银行的债务数据。尽管委员会一些成员有不同意见,但委员会还商定,如果保留,调整应依据债务本金的实际偿还数据。这个办法后来称为债务流量办法。", "69. 大会决定,1998年比额表应使用债务流量数据,1999年和2000年比额表应使用债务存量数据。大会后来决定,2001-2003年比额表使用债务存量数据。2004-2006年、2007-2009年和2010-2012年比额表也适用了该数据。", "70. 用于债务负担调整两种变式的外债数据均来自世界银行关于债务报告国家的全球发展金融数据库。[5] 在2004-2009年期间,该来源涵盖128个国家的债务存量和127个国家的债务流量。覆盖的国家是身为世界银行成员并向其借款的发展中国家,其人均国民总收入低于世界银行的高人均国民总收入门槛值;2010年该门槛值为12 196美元。[6]", "71. 委员会第四十三届会议报告(A/43/11)已指出,使用公共债务优于外债总额,原因有两个。首先,私人外债数据包括在外债总额中,虽然后者并不涵盖所有私人债务。其次,私人债务对支付能力构成的负担与公共债务构成的负担并不相同。公共债务不同于私人债务,因为它必须从政府预算偿还。此外,有可能通过私营企业的破产不履行私人债务的偿还,而不履行公共债务的偿还是政治决定的结果。", "72. 有些成员认为,正如国民总收入数据包括一个会员国来自公共和私人来源的所有外部和内部收入,而不仅仅是政府以税收收入为主的收入,债务负担调整也应依据外债总额,而不只是依据公共债务。这将提供一个更加一致的办法,因为这将更好地反映会员国的支付能力,而不是政府的支付能力。从历史上看,债务负担调整被用于减轻一些国家自六七十年代以来持续面临的严重债务问题。", "73. 另一些成员认为,这些严重债务问题超越最重债穷国的范围,涵盖也有严重债务问题的中等收入国家。他们指出,一个会员国支付联合国会费的能力受债务偿还影响,而偿还债务是一种法定义务,并且具有相近国民总收入的会员国可因其承担的债务水平而有不同的支付能力。在他们看来,债务偿还是一个负担,必须先履行这项义务后才能履行任何其他义务,因此它对支付能力有负面影响。", "74. 迄今为止,使用的是外债总额而不是公共债务,原因是数据的可取得性更大,而且现有数据缺乏对公共和私人债务的区分。近年来,公共债务和政府担保债务数据的可取得性已大为改善。在1985年只有37个国家的公共债务数据,而目前有127个国家的此类数据。因此,委员会一些成员指出,无法取得公共外债数据不再是不将该数据用于债务负担调整的一个有效理由。", "75. 债务流量办法考虑到债务偿还的实际交易,因此委员会许多成员认为,它是经济现实的更好代表。此外,对于平均实际外债偿还期长于假定的八年的国家而言,使用债务存量办法对分摊比额有两方面影响:首先,它降低该国国民总收入的价值(由于更大的利息流出),其次,该办法得出的按债务调整后的国民总收入低于按债务流量办法获得的数字。对于平均实际外债偿还期短于假定的八年的国家而言,情况则与此相反。", "76. 委员会成员对债务负担调整意见不一。一些成员认为,债务负担调整有一个固有的概念问题,因为它混淆了收入和资本的概念,因此应予以取消。这些成员认为,由于作为分摊比额表起点的国民收入数字(国民总收入)已经在权责发生制基础上充分计入了外债的付息额,而不论这些款项是否实际按时支付,因此没有必要保留这一方法要素。", "77. 另一些成员认为,该调整是确定许多会员国支付能力的方法的一个必要组成部分,因此应以目前的形式保留下来。他们还指出,债务负担调整在带来只有约0.5个百分点的重新分配的同时,是一个重要的安全网,可确保在许多会员国的外债问题可能出现任何恶化的情况下其支付能力得到充分反映。", "78. 一些成员质疑债务负担调整上限的目前水平。他们表示,它应仅侧重于被确认为有真正债务负担的国家,办法是将其应用限制在重债穷国。另一些成员认为,债务宽减应统一给予高收入和低收入国家,因为在当前全球经济危机的背景下,一些高收入国家也高度负债。一些成员认为,仅将债务负担调整限制在重债穷国实际上会取消该办法,因为这些会员国已经处于下限,因此将不会对比额表方法产生影响。一些成员指出,重债穷国方案只提供公共债务宽减,而不是债务总额宽减。", "79. 另一些成员表示,无论债务负担调整是普遍适用于所有会员国还是一组会员国,应根据技术理由对现行方法加以完善,例如采用债务流量办法,并依据公共债务而不是外债总额。一些成员强调会费委员会以往的说明,其中表明债务流量和公共债务是支付能力最可靠的近似值。以前,由于没有有关数据,这些计量办法无法使用。但是,数据的不可取得性已不再是问题。因此,成员认为,应适用基于债务流量以及政府和政府担保债务的比额表。", "80. 一些成员表示,应依照支付能力原则和大会的任何进一步指导审查债务负担调整。", "81. 委员会决定在今后各届会议上根据大会的任何指导进一步审议债务负担调整问题。", "3. 下限", "82. 下限从一开始就是比额表编制方法的一项重要要素。委员会回顾,自1998年以后,大会已将最低分摊额(亦称下限)从0.01%降到0.001%。就2010-2012年比额表而言,有30个会员国(其中20个属于最不发达国家)被提升到下限。", "83. 2011年,处在下限(0.001%)的会员国的经常预算分摊额为23 487美元。委员会认为,所涉数额可被视为会员国理应向本组织缴纳的实际最低数目。", "4. 上限", "84. 上限从一开始就是比额表编制方法的一项重要要素。委员会回顾,现行方法包括一个22%的最高分摊比率(亦称上限)和一个0.010%的最不发达国家最高分摊比率(亦称最不发达国家上限)。委员会指出,分摊比额表方法一直包括最高上限,目前的上限水平系由大会于2000年决定。", "85. 一些成员表示,应按照支付能力原则和大会的进一步指示对最高上限进行审查。", "86. 委员会指出,采用最高上限和最不发达国家上限,导致分摊比额表上的点数重新作出分配。委员会指出,从上限重新分配的点数继续下降。", "5. 其他建议和比额表编制方法的其他可能要素", "(a) 每年重新计算", "87. 委员会回顾,委员会第六十九届会议决定在其下一届会议上详细研究每年重新计算的问题。委员会在1997年首次审议了比额表每年自动重算的提议,此后几度再次审议这一问题。", "88. 每年重新计算将涉及在每一比额表期间的第二年和第三年之前重新计算相对的收入份额,其中涉及用初始基期之后一年的现有新数据来更换基期第一年的数据。例如,就2010-2012年期间比额表而言,其基期为2002-2007年和2005-2007年;用2008年的数据替换6年基期中2002年的数据以及3年基期中2005年的数据。根据这些重新计算的收入份额和既定比额表方法,2011年的比额表将作出相应调整。同样,对于2012年,将利用2009年的数据分别替换6年基期的2003年数据和3年基期的2006年数据,从而对比额表作出调整。", "89. 委员会回顾,《大会议事规则》第一六○条规定:比额表一旦经大会确定,除非相对支付能力明显发生大幅变化,否则至少三年不得进行总体修订。", "90. 成员们还回顾,在委员会第六十九届会议上,针对主席提出的征询,即一旦大会确定了三年期比额表,每年重新计算是否符合第一六〇条规定的问题,主管法律事务助理秘书长在答复时指出,《宪章》第十七条第二项规定:本组织之经费应由各会员国依照大会分配限额担负之,而这一规定并没有确定大会在各会员国间分摊经费时须遵循的任何程序。因此,此类程序可由大会酌情确定。大会在行使该酌处权时,通过了其议事规则第一六〇条。", "91. 主管法律事务助理秘书长指出,该条明确规定分摊比额表应由大会确定,一旦确定后,大会无权根据大会商定的任何特别方法对分摊比率作出专门或年度性的重新修订。根据此项规则,一旦分摊比率确定后,只有在会员国支付联合国经费的相对能力发生明显变化时,才能在三年期内加以订正。但同时指出,根据议事规则第一六三条,大会可以根据专门的决定,修改或变更规则第一六〇条的内容或其在具体情形下的运用。", "92. 一些成员认为,每年重新计算有助于确保比额表建立在最新现有信息的基础之上。尤其是鉴于过去十年经济大幅波动,每年重新计算有助于确保比额表更紧密地反映支付能力原则。另一些委员一致认为,从财务角度来讲,每年重新计算有一些优点,因为它将纳入后经修正和更新的数据,从而提高所有统计基期数据库的精准度。还有一些成员不同意这种观点,他们指出,每年重新计算将导致一大批会员国的分摊比率每年出现大幅变化,对比额表的稳定性和可预见性带来消极影响。", "93. 综上所述,委员会指出,在实施每年重新计算方面,一个实际的必要前提就是由大会修正议事规则第一六〇条。此外,向委员会作出授权将为从技术上实施每年重新计算奠定基础,而不需要每年就分摊比额表进行重新谈判。", "94. 委员会商定,根据大会作出的任何指示在今后各届会议上进一步研究每年重新计算的问题。", "(b) 比额表之间分摊率的大幅上升和不连续性", "95. 大会第61/237号决议注意到采用现行方法使有些会员国,包括一些发展中国家的分摊比率大幅上升。", "96. 一些成员表示,每年重新计算是减轻比额表之间大幅度变化的唯一实际办法。另一些成员指出,对统计司每年更新的数据的审查仍然显示一些会员国的增幅相当大。他们认为,每年重新计算不会消除比额表之间分摊率大幅度增加的问题。", "97. 委员会指出,分摊比率的变化是不可避免的。委员会还指出,比额表所列的比率反映的是会员国的相对支付能力,因此会随着会员国在比额表中的相对排名的变化而增减。由于比额表总值为100%,因此,如果一些会员国的份额增加或减少,其他国家的份额也将相应地减少或增加,不论其国民总收入的绝对数增加还是减少。", "98. 一些成员认为,在许多情况下,比额表之间分摊率的大幅上升反映支付能力的实际提高,因此采用门槛值或限额的作法将违背支付能力原则。一些成员提出,要减轻比额表之间的大幅度增加所致影响,途径之一是在特定的比额表三年期内逐步提高分摊率。", "99. 委员会还审议了用以处理一些会员国在两个比额表期间之间向上越过低人均收入调整门槛值后遇到的低人均收入调整受益不连续性问题的其他补救办法。这些办法有:(a) 将低人均收入调整所产生的百分点分配给全体会员国;(b) 采取类似于债务负担调整的“间接重新分配法”,即按照低人均收入调整的程度降低低于门槛值国家的国民总收入数值,而高于门槛值的国家不必明确吸收给予低于门槛值的国家的宽减额;(c) 在低人均收入调整门槛值上下设立一个中立带,进入中立带的会员国不会从采用上面(a)或(b)进行低人均收入调整产生的宽减额中受益,也不会对其进行吸收。", "100. 委员会讨论了设置会员国不会受益也不会付出的中立带的问题。例如,这一中立带可涵盖低于和高于门槛值10%的会员国。尤其是,这有助于解决在两个比额表期间之间越过调整门槛值的会员国所经历的不连续性问题。这些国家非但不能从调整中受益,还不得不承担费用。在两个比额表期间之间越过调整门槛值的会员国不仅再也不能从调整中受益,还不得不为此付出。一些成员指出,如果采取中立带的作法,会带来其他过渡性问题。", "101. 一些成员认为,低人均收入调整中的错位,即门槛值以上的会员国不得不吸收门槛值以下的会员国所获得的减少额,是扭曲的,导致越过门槛值的国家的分摊率在两个比额表之间大幅度增加的问题。由门槛值以上的所有国家平均分担调整数还产生了异常的结果,即人均收入大为不同的国家不得不吸收相同的数额。更好的方法是恢复1979年以前的作法,由所有会员国来分担调整数。这将降低不连续性风险,减轻比额表之间分摊率的大幅增加。另一些成员指出,1979年的变动有其技术性原因。", "102. 委员会决定根据大会做出的任何指示,继续审议对两个比额表之间的分摊率面临大幅上升的国家实行系统的过渡性宽减措施的可行性问题。", "四. 多年付款计划", "103. 大会在其第57/4 B号决议第1段中认可委员会关于多年付款计划的结论和建议(见A/57/11,第17-23段),这些结论和建议是:", "(a) 应当鼓励会员国提出多年付款计划,这是减少其未缴摊款数额的有用工具,也是它们表示履行对联合国财政义务的决心的一种方法;", "(b) 并非所有会员国都有能力提出此种计划,所以应适当顾及会员国的经济情况;", "(c) 多年付款计划仍应出于自愿,并且不应自动与其他措施挂钩;", "(d) 考虑多年付款计划的会员国应向秘书长提交此种计划,以供其他会员国参考,并且应鼓励会员国在拟定计划时同秘书处协商,请其提出咨询意见。在这方面,建议应在计划中规定会员国每年缴付本期摊款和部分欠款,而且在计划中一般应尽可能规定会员国在最长六年内付清欠款;", "(e) 应请秘书长通过会费委员会向大会提供关于此类计划提交情况的资料;", "(f) 应请秘书长通过会费委员会向大会提出关于截至每年12月31日各会员国付款计划状况的年度报告;", "(g) 对于能够提交付款计划的会员国,会费委员会和大会在审议根据《宪章》第十九条提出的豁免请求时,应将提交此种计划及其执行情况作为一项因素加以考虑。", "大会在第58/1 B号、第59/1 B号、第60/237号和第64/248号决议中重申了其第57/4 B号决议第1段的内容。", "104. 委员会在审议这一事项时,面前有秘书长按委员会建议编写的关于多年付款计划的报告(A/66/69)。委员会还得到了关于付款计划现况的最新资料。", "105. 委员会获悉,秘书处在《联合国日刊》中列入了以下通知:委员会第七十一届会议将审议多年付款计划,邀请打算提交此种计划的会员国与秘书处联系,进一步了解情况。没有提交任何新的付款计划。", "106. 委员会指出,大会在第64/248号决议中鼓励拖欠联合国摊款的会员国考虑提出多年付款计划,在这方面请会费委员会提出建议,以期缓解已履行多年付款计划的会员国的分摊率在比额表之间的大幅上升,并就此向大会第六十五届会议提出报告。委员会关切地注意到,尽管大会做出了鼓励且这一制度证明是成功的,但近年来没有提交任何新的多年付款计划。", "107. 五个会员国已履行了多年付款计划。塔吉克斯坦在2009年上半年支付了其欠款并成功执行了多年付款计划。伊拉克和摩尔多瓦共和国在2005年执行了此种计划,格鲁吉亚和尼日尔在2007年期间执行了此种计划。布隆迪在2003年支付了欠款,但不是在多年付款计划下。", "A. 付款计划的现况", "108. 秘书长报告(A/66/69)第17段中所列表格概述了利比里亚2006年提出(第二次计划)和圣多美和普林西比2002年提出(第一次计划)的两项付款计划截至2010年12月31日的现况。委员会收到了截至2011年6月24日的最新资料。", "截至2011年6月24日的付款计划现状", "(美元)", "付款计划 截至12月31日 付款/贷项 截至12月31日 摊款 未付款", "利比里亚", "1999 1 147 524", "2000 31 506 70 192 1 108 838", "2001 16 166 630 1 124 374", "2002 17 137 5 465 1 136 046", "2003 17 124 1 636 1 151 534", "2004 20 932 2 899 1 169 567", "2005 24 264 202 1 193 629", "2006 150 000 23 024 100 453 1 116 200", "2007 32 074 100 660 1 047 614", "2008 30 943 200 323 878 234", "2009 35 400 150 633 763 001", "2010 35 548 399 906 398 643", "2011 30 303 0 428 946", "圣多美和普林西比", "1999 570 783", "2000 13 543 48 584 278", "2001 14 254 157 598 375", "2002 27 237 15 723 29 146 584 952", "2003 42 237 17 124 929 601 147", "2004 59 237 20 932 1 559 620 520", "2005 74 237 24 264 202 644 582", "2006 89 237 23 024 453 667 153", "2007 114 237 32 074 810 698 417", "2008 134 237 30 943 473 728 887", "2009 153 752 35 400 682 763 605", "2010 35 548 356 798 797", "2011 30 303 0 829 100", "109. 委员会注意到,利比里亚继续定期付款,付款额远超过其年度摊款,而圣多美和普林西比自2002年以来未付款,付款计划的执行拖后。因此,委员会规劝圣多美和普林西比至少根据付款计划支付略多于其年度摊款的年度付款,以便开始减少拖欠额。委员会还建议利比里亚考虑更新付款计划,以更好地反映其为在10年多一点的时间内付清全部欠款所作出的卓越努力。", "110. 一些成员认为,应将付款计划作为强制性计划,而另一些成员表示反对。尽管委员会在这一点上存在分歧,但委员会认为,各会员国在编制预算和分配资源时应将这一机制作为工具,以便履行其义务。", "B. 结论和建议", "111. 委员会回顾格鲁吉亚、伊拉克、尼日尔、摩尔多瓦共和国和塔吉克斯坦过去成功执行多年付款计划的经验,并确认上述会员国为履行它们在提交计划时所作的承诺作出了很大努力。鉴于这些经验,多年付款计划制度仍然是一个可供会员国采用的可行办法,有助于它们减少未缴摊款,并为它们提供了一个途径,用以展示它们履行对联合国的财政义务的决心。", "112. 委员会注意到利比里亚为根据其多年付款计划定期缴款继续作出的成功努力,而且该国打算到2013年付清全部欠款。委员会强调,提出此类计划的会员国必须履行其作出的承诺。委员会还强调,年度付款必须多于现期摊款数额,以避免累积更多欠款。", "113. 委员会注意到几年来没有国家提出任何新的多年付款计划,再次建议大会鼓励就适用《联合国宪章》第十九条而言拖欠款项的其他会员国考虑提出多年付款计划。", "五. 适用《宪章》第十九条", "114. 委员会回顾,根据大会议事规则第一六○条,委员会的一般任务是,应就适用《宪章》第十九条方面有待采取的行动,向大会提出咨询意见。委员会还回顾关于根据第十九条所提豁免请求的审议程序的大会第54/237 C号决议以及委员会最近对此议题的审查结果。", "115. 委员会回顾,大会第54/237 C号决议促请根据第十九条提出豁免请求的所有拖欠摊款的会员国尽可能充分地提供证明资料,包括关于经济总量、政府收支、外汇资源、负债情况、难以履行国内或国际财政义务的资料,以及可证明未能缴纳必要款项是会员国无法控制的情况所致的任何其他资料。大会还决定,会员国必须至少在会费委员会开会两周前向大会主席提出根据第十九条提出的豁免请求,以确保能对这些请求进行全面审查。在以往各届会议上,委员会指出,由政府最高级别提出的豁免请求显示出会员国对还清欠款所作承诺的严肃性,并鼓励今后提出此类请求的所有会员国都以此为榜样。", "116. 委员会注意到,在该决议规定时限内收到6项根据第十九条提出的豁免请求。2009和2010年还分别提出6项请求,2008年提出7项请求,2007年提出8项请求,其中一项后被撤回。在规定时限内,2006年和2005年收到8项请求,2004年收到10项、2003年收到9项、2002年收到7项、2001年收到3项、2000年收到7项。", "117. 委员会注意到,一些会员国的欠款越积越多,其表现为每个国家为避免适用第十九条而所需缴纳的最低付款额增加。委员会注意到,有些会员国反复请求对其免于适用第十九条的规定,而在一些情况中,早在20至30年前就提出了这种请求。某会员国第一次提出豁免请求是在1973年。委员会鼓励所有根据第十九条提出豁免请求的会员国在有能力的情况下考虑提交一份多年付款计划,并重申在每一种情况下年度付款都必须多于现期摊款数额,以避免累积更多欠款。", "118. 在审议这些请求时,委员会收到了6个有关会员国及秘书处提供的资料。委员会会晤了会员国的代表以及秘书处相关单位和开发署的代表。", "1. 中非共和国", "119. 委员会面前有2011年5月23日大会主席给会费委员会主席的信,信中转递2011年5月17日中非共和国常驻联合国代表给大会主席的信(见A/CN.2/R.744/ Add.3)。委员会还听取了中非共和国常驻代表的口头陈述。", "120. 在书面和口头陈述中,中非共和国表示,近年来该国社会和经济状况有所改善,但经济依然易受到各种国内外冲击的影响,该国还债能力依然不强。因此该国的外国投资水平低,依然需要依赖援助。尽管有这些挑战,但中非共和国将在最近的将来尽力履行其对联合国的财政义务。中非共和国承诺在大会第六十六届会议开始前缴纳一笔款项,并正在拟定多年付款计划。", "121. 委员会收到了秘书处提供的关于中非共和国局势的资料。中非共和国正在经历脆弱的和平与全国和解进程,在这一进程中充满各种挑战与机遇。政府在努力实施经济和公共管理改革方面取得了令人称道的进展。这使得中非共和国于2009年6月达到重债穷国倡议完成点,使该国外债大幅减少。但这些努力不足以使该国摆脱社会和经济发展极端落后的状况。尽管拥有矿产资源(包括黄金、钻石和铀),农业潜力巨大,森林资源丰富,但该国遭受极端和普遍贫穷,基础设施薄弱,文盲率高,传染病发病率高,机构薄弱,缺乏技术和管理能力。在2010年人类发展指数中,中非共和国在169个国家中排名第159位,依然是世界上最穷的国家之一,2010年人均国民总收入仅为758美元。", "122. 委员会注意到中非共和国在2010年支付了一笔不小的款项,数额约为206 000美元。考虑到其持续的政治和经济困难,应赞扬该国政府支付这笔款项,从而减少该国未缴的摊款。委员会还注意到,该国政府表示打算在2012年继续支付一笔款项。委员会回顾在上届会议上曾敦促中非共和国考虑落实其表示的执行多年付款计划的打算,但该国尚未这样做。委员会敦促中非共和国与会费事务处秘书处协商,开始拟订这一计划。", "123. 委员会得出结论认为,总的来说,中非共和国未能缴纳为避免适用第十九条而需缴纳的最低款额,是其无法控制的情形所致。因此,委员会建议准许中非共和国投票,直至大会第六十六届会议结束。", "2. 科摩罗", "124. 委员会面前有2011年4月13日大会主席给会费委员会主席的信,其中转递2011年4月6日科摩罗常驻联合国代表给大会主席的信(A/CN.2/R.744)。委员会还听取了科摩罗常驻代表的口头陈述。", "125. 科摩罗在其书面及口头陈述中表示,科摩罗与大多数最不发达国家一样,近年来受到多重危机的严重影响,表现为燃料持续短缺、食品价格飞涨以及侨民汇款和海关收入减少。尽管政府为缓解危机造成的破坏性经济和社会影响进行了各种努力,但该国的经济情况已然非常脆弱,加之一架也门飞机坠入印度洋,造成150多人死亡,需要科摩罗部署大量资源,这更加剧了这一困境。尽管如此,科摩罗将竭尽全力履行其义务。政府于2010年12月26日举行了选举。2011年5月26日以和平方式将联盟总统的职位移交给莫埃利岛。科摩罗打算一旦组建了下届政府,将尽快提交支付拖欠摊款计划。", "126. 根据秘书处提交的有关政治局势的资料,2010年12月科摩罗以和平方式举行了总统和省长选举,这是科摩罗民主进程中的一个里程碑,帮助科摩罗在动荡的政治历史中掀开了新篇章。尽管如此,科摩罗仍面临艰巨的多重挑战,包括在开展机构改革、加强国家等方面。在社会-经济方面,新政府将不得不实施具有深远影响的经济和金融改革,以便实现减贫、增加国内税收、加强私营部门及创造更多就业。主要国际机构将科摩罗列为冲突后国家,这使得该国可以获得建设和平基金的款项,该基金2009年3月提供了900万美元的援助。", "127. 秘书处还向委员会提供了关于科摩罗局势的资料。该国依赖的经济基础十分有限,主要依靠三种产品。该国的制造业基础也非常有限,而且没有矿产资源。为发展旅游业做出的努力尚未对经济发展起到重大促进作用。此外,经济非常容易受到内部和外部冲击的损害。天气情况影响农业生产水平。科摩罗出口收入高度依赖世界市场,蒙受全球粮食和石油危机以及世界初级商品价格下降的打击。这些危机,加上全球经济下滑,造成其国产总值增长率有限,估计2010年为2.1%。科摩罗45%的人口生活在贫困线以下。", "128. 预计科摩罗的经济政策将继续得到该国与基金组织达成的2009-2012年期间扩大信贷融资机制安排的支持,而且可能有资格根据重债穷国倡议豁免债务。但是,为了实现这一点,新组成的政府必须加快经济政策改革,并且令人满意地执行2011年3月更新的减贫战略文件。科摩罗的公债高达国产总值的50%左右。在2012年中期达到重债穷国倡议的完成点并全部减免债务预计将是国家当局的首要优先事项。", "129. 委员会表示注意到向其提供的关于科摩罗局势的资料。委员会注意到,科摩罗最后一次缴款是在2009年,数额为24 000美元,少于该国当年的会费总额。科摩罗在2006年和2007年也缴纳了款项,尽管缴款数额低于其年度会费数额。委员会忆及,该国政府在陈述中表示坚定地承诺减少欠款,并表示情况一旦改善,便适时提交一项多年付款计划。委员会敦促科摩罗尽快提交计划,并尽可能确保缴款数额高于其年度会费数额,以便减少欠款。", "130. 委员会得出结论认为,科摩罗未能缴纳避免适用第十九条而必须缴纳的最低款额是因为其无法控制的情形。因此,委员会建议准许科摩罗投票,直至大会第六十六届会议结束。", "3. 几内亚比绍", "131. 委员会面前有2011年5月4日大会主席给会费委员会主席的信,其中转递2011年4月20日几内亚比绍常驻联合国代表给大会主席的信(A/CN.2/R.744/ Add.2)。委员会还听取了几内亚比绍副常驻代表的口头陈述。", "132. 几内亚比绍在其书面和口头陈述中表示,几内亚比绍政府完全认识到有义务履行其对本组织的财政责任。然而,尽管当局尽了努力,该国依然面临严重的经济和财政困难,影响和平与稳定以及国内人民的生活条件。政府虽然面临着所有这些挑战,但一直在作出巨大牺牲,履行其对国际组织的义务和财政承诺,结果在2010年12月成功达到了重债穷国倡议的完成点,因此减少了外债。但是,该国在支付公务员的欠薪等方面依然面临巨大的困难。尽管财政局势艰难,政府依然决心缴纳对联合国的其余欠款。2009年9月,几内亚比绍缴纳了100 000美元,并计划在2011年再交一些。政府正在设法优先制定一项多年付款计划,并将相应告知大会。", "133. 秘书处向委员会提供了关于几内亚比绍局势的资料。虽然该国目前没有人道主义危机,政治局势也在改善,但该国依然面临若干挑战。上一个种植季节期间虽然获得丰收,但粮食保障的总体局势依然岌岌可危。由于价格上涨,而且许多人收入极其有限或根本没有收入,因此获得粮食成为一个挑战。全国卫生系统条件很差,没有足够的基本药品和设备,而且难以获得安全饮用水和卫生设施。几内亚比绍还容易遭受各种可能的灾害和出现紧急情况,包括洪水、内乱和邻国境内的冲突。", "134. 2010年12月,几内亚比绍达到了重债穷国倡议的完成点,其后获得债务减免,这反映出政府良好的经济业绩。对几内亚比绍而言,另一个积极进展是建设和平支助办公室于2011年2月批准拨款1 680万美元,用于执行几内亚比绍的建设和平优先计划。目前已成立技术工作组,为建设和平基金将支助的优先领域制定战略,这些领域包括安全部门改革、青年和妇女就业以及民族和解。", "135. 委员会注意到,经过近十年的冲突和政治动荡,几内亚比绍仍较脆弱。几内亚比绍是世界上最贫穷的国家之一,三分之二以上的人生活在贫困线以下。尽管如此,政府在2009年缴纳了将近100 000美元,而且打算不久再交。政府还打算提交一项多年付款计划。委员会敦促几内亚比绍尽快提交这一计划,并尽可能确保缴款数额高于其年度会费数额,以便减少欠款。", "136. 委员会得出结论认为,几内亚比绍未能缴纳避免适用第十九条而必须缴纳的最低款额是因为其无法控制的情形。因此,委员会建议准许几内亚比绍投票,直至大会第六十六届会议结束。", "4. 利比里亚", "137. 委员会面前有2011年5月23日大会主席给会费委员会主席的信,其中转递2011年5月19日利比里亚常驻联合国代表给大会主席的信(A/CN.2/R.744/ Add.3)。委员会还听取了利比里亚常驻代表的口头陈述。", "138. 利比里亚在书面和口头陈述中表示,严重的经济和财政困难继续削弱其支付能力。14年的国内冲突给经济各部门造成负面影响。在2010/11财年3.69亿美元的有限预算内,政府继续开展社会经济恢复活动。但是,2010/11年度的两个重大事件影响了利比里亚进一步作出财政承诺的能力。一个是2011年10月举行的全国选举的筹备工作,另一个是来自科特迪瓦的持续难民潮,如今已达到150 000人。这一严重的人道主义局势对利比里亚造成相当沉重的负担。利比里亚得到联合国难民事务高级专员办事处的一些援助,但不足以使其能够履行所有的义务,因为难民署也未获得全部资金。", "139. 尽管利比里亚的社会经济局势严重,但政府始终铭记其为联合国的工作缴款的义务。在过去3年里,利比里亚政府每年拨出200 000美元,以减少欠款。截至2011年4月8日,欠款总额已减少到428 763美元。政府决心继续每年缴款,直到缴清全部欠款。政府估计,至迟可在2013年付清余款。", "140. 秘书处向委员会提供了关于利比里亚局势的资料。虽然利比里亚在巩固和建设和平以及在努力实现其冲突后恢复与和解目标方面取得了显著进展,但仍面临重大挑战。利比里亚达到了重债穷国倡议的完成点,使其得以减免约46亿美元的债务,而且该国目前在建设和平委员会的议程上。利比里亚总统已向立法机构提交2011/12财年的国家预算草案,数额为4.589亿美元。虽然这比上一年大幅度增加26%,但依然是紧缩预算,不足以满足一个正在从破坏性冲突中恢复的国家的诸多需求。迄今所取得的经济恢复还没有为利比里亚青年、复员的前战斗人员或退伍士兵提供可持续的就业机会。邻国科特迪瓦的持续危机使利比里亚收容了150 000余名科特迪瓦难民,使已经有限的粮食供应更加紧张,造成本国局势进一步恶化。", "141. 利比里亚目前正在筹备组织2011年8月23日的立宪公民投票和10月的全国选举,这将是2003年在阿克拉签署《和平协定》之后利比里亚当局首次完全按照《宪法》规定举行的两场选举。尽管这些选举对于巩固利比里亚和平与民主极为重要,但是选举在雨季举行将进一步加大对政府经济资源的压力。实际国内总产值从2007年的9.4%下降至2008年的约8.3%,2009年又继续下滑至4.6%。2010年,预计国内总产值将回升至6.3%。利比里亚的失业率依然高达72%。在2010年人类发展指数方面,利比里亚在169个国家中排名第162位。", "142. 委员会注意到,利比里亚根据其付款计划定期付款,支付款额远远超过每年摊款数额。最近一次付款是在2010年,数额约40万美元。利比里亚在陈述中表示,将继续在今后几年内全额还清欠款。利比里亚虽然面临严重的经济困难和人道主义危机,但还是承诺偿还欠款,为其他境遇相同的国家树立了光辉榜样。委员会对利比里亚为支付欠款持续作出的模范努力表示赞赏。", "143. 委员会得出结论认为,利比里亚未能缴纳为避免适用第十九条而需缴纳的最低款额,是其无法控制的情况所致。因此,委员会建议准许利比里亚继续投票,直至大会第六十六届会议结束。", "5. 圣多美和普林西比", "144. 委员会面前有2011年5月23日大会主席给会费委员会主席的信,其中转递2011年5月20日圣多美和普林西比常驻联合国代表给大会主席的信(见A/CN.2/R.744/Add.3)。委员会还听取了圣多美和普林西比常驻代表的口头陈述。", "145. 圣多美和普林西比在书面和口头陈述中表示,国内经济形势依然严峻,使人民遭受艰难困苦和严重困难,并迫使政府执行严厉的紧缩计划。该国还表示,最近通过了1.56亿美元的2011年预算。该国仍觉得十分难以履行义务,因为主要的捐助方也因全球经济危机而遭遇财政困难。过去,圣多美和普林西比每年生产可可和咖啡20 000吨,但产量已大幅跌至2 500吨。石油生产还未进入勘探阶段,石油收入遥遥无期。虽然面临巨大的经济困难,但是政府将尽一切努力履行对联合国的义务。", "146. 秘书处向委员会提供了关于圣多美和普林西比局势的资料。该国的政治经济仍然处于脆弱状态。它是非洲大陆第二人口小国(在塞舌尔之后),因生产能力有限和严重依赖出口而面临经济挑战。圣多美和普林西比是撒南非洲最贫困国家之一,166 000人口中的54%生活在贫困线以下,15%为赤贫人口。全球经济下滑导致该国财政收入大幅减少,包括旅游收入和捐助低于预期、汇款减少、外国直接投资推迟。2009年,国内总产值增长率为4%,预计到2012年才能达到6%。在2010年人类发展指数方面,该国在169个国家中排名第127位。它是人均受援最多的国家之一(援助占该国财政收入的一半左右),也是人均负债最多的国家之一,债务与国内总产值的比率超过600%。该国没有国内储蓄,各项投资均由外部援助提供资金,债务不可持续,遭受外部冲击的脆弱性日益加剧。人道主义局势依然十分严峻,孕产妇和儿童保健、营养和初等教育领域长期存在问题。全国仅有一家医院,疟疾仍是主要的卫生问题,还不时爆发霍乱疫情。", "147. 委员会注意到,圣多美和普林西比自2002年以来一直没有付款,而2002年是制订多年付款计划的第一年。委员会认为,这表明该国因收入来源萎缩问题加之缺乏充足的外部资金来源而陷入严重的经济困境,而不是表明缺乏履行财政义务的承诺。但是,委员会敦促圣多美和普林西比开始作出年度缴款,数额应略多于当期年度摊款,以便减少欠款,这将对委员会今后的决定产生有利影响。", "148. 委员会得出结论认为,综合考虑,圣多美和普林西比未能缴纳为避免适用第十九条而需缴纳的最低款额,是其无法控制的情况所致。因此,委员会建议准许圣多美和普林西比继续投票,直至大会第六十六届会议结束。", "6. 索马里", "149. 委员会面前有2011年5月4日大会主席给会费委员会主席的信,其中转递2011年4月7日索马里常驻联合国代表给大会主席的信(A/CN.2/R.744/Add.1)。委员会还听取了索马里副常驻代表的口头陈述。", "150. 索马里在书面和口头陈述中表示,1990年以来该国经历了严重的内部冲突,造成了财政危机和严重的经济困难,对其交纳会费的能力产生了不利影响。虽然索马里2004年举行自由公正选举并最终组建了过渡联邦政府,但是由于缺乏国内收入,缺乏捐助国提供的发展资金,政府无力支付公务员工资,也无法开展重建计划。2009年组成的新一届过渡联邦政府,也面临缺乏国内收入和捐助国资金的困境。并且,索马里属于最不发达国家,目前正在经历最为严峻的人道主义危机。数百万人面临饥荒、严重营养不良和干旱局面。只要国家情况出现好转,政府将立即缴纳所有必要款项。", "151. 秘书处向委员会提供了关于索马里局势的资料。2008年以来,索马里取得了些许进展,特别是最近数月在安全领域有所进展,包括政府扩大了对摩加迪沙的控制,盟军也在索马里南部和中部扩大了控制。但是,索马里依然面临巨大挑战。过渡联邦机构力量薄弱,无法发展所需的结构或资源,以便政府全面履行对人民的安全职责,并处理严重的人道主义和经济危机。在索马里,由于旷日持久的冲突、干旱和粮食短缺,占人口32%的240万国民需要人道主义援助和生计支持。冲突加剧和旱情加重,导致更多人口迁移和流离失所。在索马里南方大部地区,由于粮食紧缺,营养情况已被列为严重或非常严重类别。卫生措施不普及导致发病率高。", "152. 委员会得出结论认为,索马里未能缴纳为避免适用第十九条而需缴纳的最低款额,是其无法控制的情况所致。因此,委员会建议准许索马里继续投票,直至大会第六十六届会议结束。", "六. 其他事项", "A. 会费实收情况", "153. 委员会注意到,在2011年6月24日本届会议结束之时,中非共和国、科摩罗、几内亚比绍、利比里亚、圣多美和普林西比及索马里等六个会员国存在《宪章》第十九条所述的拖欠联合国分摊会费的情况,但依照大会第65/3号决议,已获准参加大会投票,直至第六十五届会议结束。委员会决定授权主席在必要时印发本报告增编。", "154. 委员会还注意到,截至2011年6月15日,对本组织经常预算、维持和平行动、各国际法庭和基本建设总计划的欠款总额已经超过28亿美元。这一数额与截至2010年5月31日的未缴数额24亿美元相比有所增加。", "B. 以美元以外的货币缴纳会费", "155. 大会第64/248号决议第12(a)段授权秘书长斟酌情况并与会费委员会主席协商后,接受会员国以美元以外的货币缴纳2010、2011和2012日历年的部分会费。委员会注意到,2010年秘书长接受了四个会员国以联合国可接受的美元以外货币缴纳的会费,数额相当于2 014 291.59美元。", "C. 委员会工作安排", "156. 委员会谨此表示赞赏委员会秘书处和统计司对其工作提供的实质性支持。委员会并对政治事务部、维持和平行动部、人道主义事务协调厅和开发署在委员会审议根据第十九条提出的豁免请求时提供的实质性支持表示感谢。委员会特别注意到,统计司以及时、高效率的方式满足了提供资料的要求。", "D. 委员会的工作方法", "157. 委员会审查了其工作方法。关于闭会期间的工作,委员会决定将来可以考虑探讨在各届常会闭会期间加强成员间互动的各种办法。可能的途径包括在线培训以及就各种问题开展后续工作的其他互动机制。还提议探讨在线提供更多委员会限制分发的文件的安排。如果可能的办法或安排涉及更多预算问题,委员会要求提前得到通知。", "158. 委员会请秘书处向其下届会议提出委员会工作方法草稿供委员会审议。委员会决定在下届会议上继续审查其工作方法。", "E. 下届会议日期", "159. 委员会决定于2012年6月4日至29日在纽约举行第七十二届会议。", "11-40811 (C) 150711 220711", "*1140811*", "[1] 一国的国民可支配总收入计量该国可用于最终消费和总储蓄的收入。其计算方法是:国民总收入减去支付给非常住单位的经常转移(不包括生产和进口税,减去生产和进口补贴),加上常住单位从世界其他地区获得的相应经常转移。", "[2] 直到2009年,人类发展指数包含三个维度:(a) 出生时预期寿命,作为人口健康长寿的指数;(b) 知识和教育,以成人识字率(比重占三分之二)和小学、中学和高等学校综合毛入学率(比重占三分之一)衡量;(c) 生活水平,以按购买力平价计算的人均国内生产总值的自然对数来表示。为了比较某一特定国家在一段时间内的成就,每个变量的最大和最小“限值”均设为常量。维度指数是用算数平均数来计算总和,用以得出人类发展指数。开发署《2010年人类发展报告》中对计算人类发展指数的方法进行了修订。它仍然包含人类发展的三个维度,但衡量这些维度的一些指标有所改动。这些维度为:(a) 健康长寿,以出生时预期寿命衡量;(b) 知识的获取,以平均就学年数和预期就学年数衡量;(c) 体面的生活水平,以按购买力平价计算、用美元表示的人均国民总收入衡量。每个变量的最大“限值”均设为1980年至2010年这一时间序列中从各国实际观察到的最大值。最小值设为仅能维持生存的数值或“自然的”零值。因此,通过与社会长期生存所必需的最低限度生活水平、长寿和知识相比来衡量取得的进展。将维度指数合成为人类发展指数的方法,也从求取算术平均数的做法改变为求取几何平均数的做法,以缩小某一维度的较高成就可用于代替另一维度的较低成就的程度。", "[3] 根据现行方法,为不同年份分配的权重同时受到基期长度和国民总收入总额随着时间推移而呈现的趋势这两个因素的影响。国民总收入总额不断增长(减少)的趋势使分配给较近年份的权重更多(更少)。", "[4] 6年基期(2004-2009)的人均国民总收入为7 858.64美元,人均国民总收中值为3 607.55美元;3年基期(2007-2009)的人均国民总收入为8 627.36美元,人均国民总收中值为3 995.44美元。", "[5] 在世界银行数据库中,债务账户在大多数情况下按现金制计量利息和偿债费用等流量。遵循现金会计原则意味着只有支付的利息应进行核算,而应计但未支付的利息应排除在外。贷款报告的依据是其原值减去任何还款。因此,在未支付利息的情况下,将出现一个“新”贷款,涵盖拖欠的偿债支出,因为这属于短期——而不是长期——债务。", "[6] 在世界银行,根据用世界银行阿特拉斯法计算的2009年人均国民总收入将各经济体进行划分。这些分组为:低收入,995美元或以下;中低收入,996美元-3 945美元;中上收入,3 946美元-12 195美元;高收入,12 196美元或以上。" ]
[ "联 合 国", "会费委员会的报告", "第七十一届会议", "(2011年6月6日至24日)1", "大 会", "正式记录 第六十六届会议 补编第11号", "大 会 正式记录 第六十六届会议 补编第11号", "[联合国]2011年,纽约", "会费委员会的报告", "第七十一届会议", "(2011年6月6日至24日)1", "A/66/11", "ISSN 0251-8430 (英语).", "说明", "联合国文件都用英文大写字母附加数字编号。 凡是提到这种编号,就是指联合国的某一个文件。", "目 录", "1. 会费委员会第七十一届会议根据大会议事规则第160条、大会第58/1 B号决议,特别是大会第64/248号决议,审查了分摊比额表的方法(见第六章)。 (见本报告第三节)。", "关于分摊比额表的方法,委员会:", "(a) 回顾并重申其建议,即分摊比额表应继续以最新、最全面和最具有可比性的国民总收入数据为基础,建议大会鼓励尚未这样做的会员国实施1993年国民账户体系,并尽可能报告可支配总收入数据;", "(b) 回顾并重申其建议,即一旦选定,最好尽可能长时间使用同一基期,以便在连续的比额表期间平息对每个会员国的影响;", "(c) 回顾并重申其建议,即分摊比额表应采用基于市场汇率的换算率,除非这样做会导致一些会员国以美元表示的国民总收入过度波动和扭曲,在这种情况下,应采用价格调整汇率或其他适当的换算率,并表示打算继续根据统计司的进一步投入和大会的任何指导研究这一要素;", "(d) 决定在下届会议上根据大会的任何指导意见进一步审议比额表编制方法的所有要素。", "委员会还决定,今后各届会议根据大会的任何指导意见,进一步审议每年重新计算和比额表间分摊比率大幅上升的问题。", "关于多年付款计划(第四章),委员会的结论是,多年付款计划制度仍然是会员国可用的一种可行手段,可以协助会员国减少其未缴摊款,并提供一个途径,使它们能表明履行对联合国财政义务的决心。 委员会强调,年度付款必须超过当期摊款,以避免进一步累积欠款。 委员会注意到没有提交新的多年付款计划,建议大会鼓励拖欠缴款的会员国考虑提交多年付款计划,以适用《联合国宪章》第十九条。", "关于《宪章》第十九条的适用(第五章),委员会:", "(a) 鼓励根据第十九条提出豁免请求的有能力的会员国考虑提出多年付款计划;", "(b) 建议允许下列会员国在大会投票,直至大会第六十六届会议结束:", "(一) 中非共和国;", "(二) 科摩罗;", "(三) 几内亚比绍;", "(四) 利比里亚;", "(五) 圣多美和普林西比;", "(六) 索马里。", "委员会决定在下届会议上继续审查其工作方法。", "委员会决定于2012年6月4日至29日举行第七十二届会议。", "[2011年6月24日]", "目录", "页 次\nI.Andance 12 (英语). 第1条\n页:1 根据大会决议审查分摊比额表的编制方法\n64/248 A节。 分摊比额表编制方法的要素2\n评估 1. 用于进行国家比较估计的要素2\na. 收入. 2\nb. 转换. 5\n费率c.Base 9\n2. 人均收入和债务负担\na. 人均收入10元\nb. 债务负担. 12\n调整\n3. 15楼\n155. 其他16项建议和比额表的其他可能要素\nA. 年度方法. 16\nb. 分摊比率的17个比额表之间大幅上升\n连续性 四. 导言 多年付款 18\nA. 缴款情况 20\nB. 结 论 21 和\n五、《公约》第19条第21款的适用\n宪章1. 中非 22\n共和国\n2. 科摩罗 23\n3个 几内亚比绍 25\n4. 利比里亚 265. Sao 27\n圣多美和普林西比\n6. 索马里 第28VI号. 其他 29\nA. 第29条\nB. 支付以美国以外货币缴付的30笔捐款\nC. 委员会的30个组织\nD. 委员会的工作方法 30\n委员会\n届会", "我从你那得到的 I. 出席情况", "一、导 言 会费委员会于2011年6月6日至24日在联合国总部举行第七十一届会议。 下列成员出席了会议:安杰伊·阿布拉谢夫斯基、约瑟夫·阿卡克波-萨奇维、梅沙勒·曼苏尔、埃尔米·艾哈迈德·杜阿莱、戈登·埃克斯利、贝尔纳多·格雷贝尔、帕特里克·杰拉德·霍雷、伊霍尔·胡梅尼、安德烈·科瓦连科、胡安·姆博米奥·恩东曼格、佩德罗·路易斯·佩德罗索·奎斯塔、贡克·罗斯彻、托马斯·施莱辛格、丽莎·斯普拉特、史久基·舒米、旭东太阳和考特尼·威廉斯。", "2. 国家 委员会对新成员表示欢迎,并感谢五位即将离任的成员: 阿卜杜勒马利克·布赫杜, Luis M. Hermosillo Sosa、Richard Moon、Eduardo Ramos和吴钢在委员会的辛勤工作和多年服务。", "3个 委员会选举格雷贝尔先生为主席,埃克斯利先生为副主席。", "4个 委员会感谢Lionelito Berridge先生过去担任委员会秘书的服务,并欢迎Mya Mya Than女士继任。", "二. 职权范围", " 5.五. 1. 会费委员会开展工作所依据的是大会议事规则第160条所载的一般任务规定;1946年2月13日大会第一届会议第一期会议期间通过的筹备委员会报告(PC/20)第九章第2节第13和14段及第五委员会的报告(A/44)所载的委员会最初职权范围(第14(I) A号决议,第3段);以及大会第46/221 B、48/223 C、53/36 D、54/237 C和D、55/5 B和D、57/4 B、58/1 A和B、59/1 A和B、60/237、61/237和64/248号决议所载的任务规定。", "6个 会费委员会面前有大会第六十五届会议第五委员会与题为“联合国经费分摊比额表”的议程项目133有关的简要记录(A/C.5/65/SR.2、3和7)以及大会第六十五届会议第27和73次全体会议的逐字记录(A/65/PV.27和73)。", "三、结 论 根据大会第64/248号决议审查分摊比额表的编制方法", "7个 大会第64/248号决议认识到,考虑到支付能力原则,现行方法可以改进。 大会还确认需要在考虑到会员国表示的意见的情况下,以有效和迅速的方式深入研究这一方法,并决定尽早审查分摊比额表方法的所有要素,以期在第六十六届会议结束前作出决定,经商定后在2013-2015年比额表期间生效。", "8. 国家 根据这一决定,会费委员会按照其任务规定和大会议事规则,提出了建议,并就此向大会第六十五届会议主要会期会议提出报告。 大会注意到该报告,但没有为委员会第七十一届会议的工作提供进一步指导。 然而,会员国在第五委员会提出了若干问题,委员会在本报告中曾试图讨论这些问题。", "A类. 分摊比额表编制方法的要素", "9. 国家 委员会回顾,大会第64/248号决议通过的2010-2012年期间分摊比额表编制方法与前三个比额表期间的分摊比额表编制方法相同。 根据大会议事规则第160条赋予的一般任务以及大会第58/1 B号和第64/248号决议所载的要求,委员会进一步审查了现行方法的要素。", "联合国 委员会探讨了在比额表编制方法中使用指数函数的问题,认为这些函数在技术上没有优点。 使用指数函数将使分摊比额表脱离支付能力原则。", "一、导 言 对国民收入进行比较估计的要素", "(a) 收入计量", "11个 根据数据的可靠性、可用性、可比性和简洁性,将国民总收入用作支付能力的第一个近似值。", "12个 根据1993年国民账户体系提出报告的国家与根据1968年国民账户体系提出报告的国家之间的数据可比性一直令人关切。 联合国统计司掌握的资料表明,随着时间的推移,越来越多的会员国采用了1993年国民账户体系。 因此,这一问题的潜在影响稳步减少。 委员会鼓励尚未这样做的会员国采用1993年国民账户体系,以促进比额表的可比性。", "13个 委员会第七十届会议审查了一国国民可支配总收入数据[1]的可得性,以便作为收入计量和支付能力的第一个近似值。 然而,鉴于关于这一收入计量的数据较少,目前在分摊比额表中使用这一数据是不切实际的。", "14个 不妨指出,自委员会第七十届会议上次审查该问题以来,全球数据基础设施数据提供情况没有改善。 由于各国公布这些数据的速度非常缓慢,近年来,可获取全球导航数据数据的国家数目大幅减少。 委员会指出,国民可支配收入(NDI)是一种更适当的收入计量办法,因为包括了国内外所有国民的转移收入,因此从技术角度看,它更有用。 虽然委员会鼓励更多会员国提供国民总收入数据,但它认识到,目前国民总收入仍然是衡量支付能力的现有最佳指标。", "15个 委员会还指出,国内总产值/国民总收入可以三种方式确定,所有方式原则上应得出同样的结果:产品(或产出)办法、收入办法和支出办法。", "16号. 这三个企业中最直接的是产品方法,它将每一类企业的产出相加得出总数。 支出方法遵循的原则是,所有产品都必须由某人购买,因此,产品的总价值必须等同于人们购买物品的总开支。 收入办法的原则是,生产因素(或 \" 生产者 \" ,口头上)的收入必须与其产品价值相等,并且通过找到所有生产者收入的总和来确定国内生产总值。 委员会鼓励会员国从所有三个角度提交数据,以促进数据库的一致性。", "17岁 委员会回顾并重申其建议,即分摊比额表应以国民总收入现有最新、全面和可比数据为依据。 委员会建议大会继续鼓励会员国根据1993年国民账户体系提交所需的统计资料,并在有数据时,根据国产总值提交数据,以便利用更全面的资料作为衡量支付能力的手段。", "18岁 过去,委员会还审议了其他收入措施,以确定对国内总产值的调整,更好地反映支付能力。 为此,委员会审查了以指数形式使用将国民收入与社会经济指标(教育水平、卫生质量、现有基础设施、贫困等)相结合的理论措施的可能性。 目前,比额表编制方法中没有这种指标。", "19. 自1990年以来,联合国开发计划署(开发计划署)一直在其《人类发展报告》中公布人类发展指数——人类发展的综合统计衡量标准,以强调发展不应仅由经济进步来评价,而应通过改善福祉来评价。 新的人类发展指数方法[2] 旨在利用人类发展的三个基本方面,即:(a) 健康长寿,(b) 获得知识,(c) 体面的生活水准,衡量一国整个人口的成就。", "20. 联合国 根据最近修订的方法,目前已有168个国家2009年的人类发展指数。 有些国家对开发署用于计算人类发展指数的数据来源有疑问。 他们认为,编制人类发展指数所需的数据应当直接从各国的国家统计系统获得,而不是从国际组织获取。 国际组织的数据只有在无法从国家来源获得时才应使用,在这种情况下,应通知有关国家。", "21岁 委员会审查了在比额表编制方法中使用关于人类发展指数的资料。 在这方面,委员会根据人均收入和人类发展指数审查了会员国的相对排名。 这两项排名被认为高度相关,这意味着如果采用人类发展指数而不是人均收入指标作为排名的依据,会员国的相对排名没有明显变化。", "22 (韩语). 委员会注意到,目前利用人类发展指数作为收入衡量标准有各种固有的局限性,例如会员国接受的人类发展指数有限,全体会员国都无法获得,而且它只是相对排名,而不是数字。 它还是一个外部生成的指数,仅作为系列提供,即1990年、1995年、2000年、2005年和2009年,因此在基期内的所有年份都无法提供。 此外,在衡量生活水平时,它采用购买力平价的人均国民总收入。 因此,根据现行方法,人均国民总收入(按市场汇率计算)已经用于低人均收入调整公式,因此有可能出现双重计算。 一些成员还认为,人类发展指数不一定反映一国的支付能力;它只是反映其支出优先事项。", "23. 联合国 委员会的结论是,将人类发展指数作为一个概念,作为衡量支付能力的手段并不有用。", "(b) 换算率", "24. 联合国 自比额表方法开始以来,换算系数一直是该方法的一个组成部分。 需要有一个换算系数,将会员国以本国货币提供的国民总收入数据转换为共同货币单位。 根据大会各项决议,比额表编制方法使用基于市场汇率的换算率,除非这样做会使一些会员国的收入过度波动和扭曲,在这种情况下,采用价格调整汇率或其他适当的换算率。 在编制2010-2012年期间分摊比额表时,会费委员会采用系统标准评估并可能用价调汇率或其他适当换算率取代导致收入过度波动和扭曲的市面汇率。", "25号. 大会第64/248号决议决定,2010-2012年期间分摊比额表应基于若干要素和标准,包括基于市面汇率的换算率,除非这样做会使一些会员国的收入过度波动和扭曲,在采用价调汇率或其他适当换算率时,应适当考虑到大会第46/221 B号决议。 大会还请委员会审查用于确定应采用价调汇率或其他适当换算率取代市面汇率的情况的进一步标准,以编制分摊比额表,并就此向大会第六十五届会议提出报告。 委员会在其第七十届会议的报告中决定,根据统计司提供的补充资料并根据大会的指导,进一步研究这一方法要素。", "26. 联合国 会员国向统计司提供的官方国民账户统计数据以本国货币计算,在编制分摊比额表时使用市面汇率换算成美元价值。 将国民总收入数据换算成美元的市面汇率一般是会员国向国际货币基金组织(基金组织)提供并在其出版物《国际金融统计》中公布的年平均汇率。 该出版物包括三类汇率:(a) 主要由市场力量决定的市场汇率;(b) 由政府当局决定的官方汇率;(c) 酌情为维持多种汇率制度的国家确定主要汇率。 当《国际金融统计》或货币基金组织经济信息系统没有市面汇率时,分摊比额表可使用联合国业务汇率或其他信息。", "27岁 在第七十届会议上,委员会回顾了方法这一要素下目前使用的系统标准的演变情况。 委员会回顾,在考虑2007-2009年比额表应替换哪些市面汇率时,审查了在前两个连续三年的参照期内,即1999-2001年和2002-2004年,人均国民总收入上升50%以上或下降33%以上的国家的情况。 在这样做时,它特别研究了市面汇率估价指数(市面汇率估价指数)大于1.2或低于0.8的情况,这分别反映出可能过度升值或贬值超过20%。 委员会还在第六十八届会议上审查了该方法的这一要素,并指出,由于对最新数据适用现有标准,需要详细审查的案件总数大幅增加。 在这方面,需要审查的案件总数为59起,而2006年为25起,这主要反映了近期对美元的汇率大幅波动。 委员会指出,对适用该标准所产生的59个案件进行详细审查是不可行的。", "28岁 为了减轻最近汇率波动的影响,委员会决定根据世界平均数订正标准。 订正标准的重点是审查那些人均国民总收入增长率超过世界人均国民总收入增长率1.5倍或不足0.67倍,而MVI高于或低于世界平均MVI20%的国家的情况。 委员会指出,没有任何单一标准能够自动令人满意地解决所有问题,任何标准都将仅用作指导委员会确定应审查市场汇率的会员国的参照标准。 根据以往的做法和法律咨询意见,委员会仅建议在相关审查确定使用市面汇率会导致国民总收入数字在换算成美元后过度扭曲或波动的情况下,才建议更换市面汇率。 如果委员会不能作出这样的决定,因此不能商定不同的换算率,委员会就必须在有关会员国的情况下使用有关的市面汇率。", "29. 联合国 一些成员指出,多边投资倡议旨在帮助评价以美元计的国民总收入是否因不适当的市面汇率而过度增加或减少,从而帮助区分经济增长所解释的国民总收入变化和非国民总收入变化。 他们进一步指出,鉴于最近货币波动很大,目前的价调汇率方法特别相关。 这些成员强调了委员会评估高估或低估的技术困难。 他们认为,目前的公式是评估和用价调汇率取代市面汇率的可靠工具,除非委员会有令人信服的理由对统计司关于用价调汇率取代市面汇率的数据提出质疑。", "30岁 委员会利用现行方法和统计司提交的2004-2009年数据,审查了关于系统标准参数和结果的敏感性分析。 委员会还审查了关于采用三年市面汇率变动平均数而不是年平均市面汇率的提议。 对本报告所提建议的分析是使用现行比额表方法和截至2010年12月31日的2004-2009年数据进行的,与使用2002-2007年数据的2010-2012年比额表不同。", "31个 委员会审议了根据两个要素对系统标准的适用所作的修改:(a) 改变其两个参数的数值,即人均国民总收入变化幅度和多边指数;(b) 采用三年或六年参考期内市面汇率变动平均数,而不是年平均市面汇率变动平均数,以尽量减少汇率波动的影响。", "32. 国家 如上文所述,一般采用基金组织提供的年平均市面汇率将会员国以本国货币支付的国民总收入数据换算成美元。 这些市场汇率对一个国家的价值可能波动,除其他外,取决于外汇的供求。 委员会审查了是否可能采用市面汇率变动平均数,以缓和波动,并在某种程度上缓解一些会员国收入过度波动。 委员会审议了使用参考期内(三年或六年)市面汇率的变动平均数,例如,n年的三年移动平均数应为n-2、n-1和n年的年平均市面汇率平均数。 同样,n+1年的市面汇率应为n-1年、n年和n+1年的年均市面汇率平均数,等等。 然而,数据表明,采用移动平均数实际上加剧了波动,而不是减少波动。", "33. 国家 一些成员认为,采用浮动汇率平均数将进一步扭曲支付能力。 这些成员认为,国民总收入波动与汇率波动有关,即脆弱的经济体将导致国民总收入水平下降,从而导致汇率贬值。 因此,为了准确反映本年度的经济情况,每年的国民总收入应采用该年的汇率换算。 使用前几年的汇率,即n-1或n-2,将使问题复杂化,导致一国经济增长或下降的扭曲,从而进一步偏离支付能力。 n-1和n-2的汇率实际上不是市场汇率,而是不反映实际汇率的衍生平均值。", "34. 联合国 一些成员认为,由于基期是三年和六年的平均数,采用三年和六年的市面汇率变动平均数,而不是市面汇率的年平均数,将国民总收入换算成美元,与现行方法相比,更具可比性。 其他成员反对使用几年来的平均汇率。 使用一年的汇率,加上其他年份的国民总收入,将会产生扭曲效应。 此外,使用平均数不会减少比额表的波动,实际上会增加波动。 委员会一些成员的结论是,采用三年和六年基期的平均数,比额表中已经包含防止过度波动的规定,采用平均汇率会增加扭曲,但不会提供额外好处。 一些成员认为,由于现行比额表编制方法使用两个基期,即三年和六年的平均数据,本系统已经存在一种内在加权平均数,因为在比额表期间头三年将给予额外加权。", "35. 联合国 委员会还听取了基金组织关于其汇率方法和世界银行关于其Atlas功能的介绍。 货币基金组织于1990年代中期成立了一个汇率问题协商小组,其任务是从多边角度为一些发达经济体提供汇率评估。 协商小组的重点是可作为汇率评估基础的方法问题,而不是评估本身。", "36. 国家 汇率评估最好以平衡概念为基础,即与中长期内外平衡保持一致。 实际上,大多数实证研究都根据关系将实际汇率或贸易流动与其观察到的决定因素联系起来。 货币基金组织协商小组的方法包括宏观经济平衡办法、减少形式的平衡实际汇率办法和外部可持续性办法。", "37. 联合国 委员会还听取了世界银行的发言。 为某些业务目的,世界银行在以美元计算GNI和人均GNI时使用Atlas换算系数。 Atlas转换系数的目的是减少汇率波动对跨国比较国民收入的影响。", "38. 国家 任何一年的阿特拉斯换算系数都是一国当年的汇率(或替代换算系数)和该国前两年的汇率的平均值,根据该国通货膨胀率之间的差额加以调整,直至2000年,在五国集团国家(法国、德国、日本、大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国和美利坚合众国)则作出调整。 从2001年起,这些国家包括欧元区、日本、联合王国和美国。 一个国家的通货膨胀率以其国内生产总值减缩指数的变化来衡量。", "39. 联合国 当官方汇率被认为不可靠或不能代表某一期间的有效汇率时,在Atlas公式中采用汇率的备选估计数。", "40. 国家 在审查价调汇率或解决国家货币高估或低估问题的可能替代办法时,一些成员认为采用世界银行阿特拉斯换算系数是有好处的,其目的是减少汇率波动对跨国比较国民收入的影响。 委员会商定继续审查其方法,重点是消除所采用的换算率造成收入过度波动或扭曲。", "41. 国家 一些成员还请秘书处与世界银行联系,更多地了解确定采用Atlas方法的方法。 一些成员请秘书处探讨能否定期从货币基金组织收到补充资料,特别是关于对货币高估和低估的评估。", "42. 联合国 一些成员坚定地认为,市场汇率最好地反映支付能力。 经济理论以及秘书处和货币基金组织提供的证据表明,不可能计算出单一的、理想化的“平衡”汇率水平。 对会员国的汇率政策作出判断,或判断某些货币被高估或低估,超出了委员会的职权范围。 因此,比额表应继续以市面汇率为基础。", "43. 联合国 一些成员对在按照大会第64/248号决议用价调汇率取代市面汇率问题上缺乏明确性、一致性和透明度表示遗憾,该决议请委员会审查进一步的标准,以确定应采用价调汇率或其他适当换算率取代市面汇率的情况。 一位成员进一步强调,对采用系统评估标准的结果提出质疑,并以价调汇率取代市场汇率,这种做法基于主观和可能武断的评估,缺乏技术理由,可能会损害委员会今后关于这一问题的建议的价值。 委员会许多成员反对这一想法,并指出委员会的审议总是以健全和公正的方式进行。", "44. 联合国 委员会回顾并重申其建议,即分摊比额表应采用基于市面汇率的换算率,除非这样做会导致一些会员国以美元表示的国民总收入过度波动和扭曲,在这种情况下应采用价调汇率或其他适当的换算率。 委员会决定,将根据统计司的进一步投入,并根据大会的任何指导,继续研究这一方法要素。", "(c) 基期", "45. 联合国 换算成美元的GNI数据在一个指定基期内采用委员会审议比额表时的最新数据进行平均计算。 基期随时间而变化,从1年到10年不等. 2001-2003年至2010-2012年期间的比额表采用了采用三年和六年基期的机算比额表平均数。", "46. 联合国 委员会在前几届会议上广泛讨论了较短和较长基期的利弊。 委员会的一些成员赞成延长基期,以缓和会员国收入计量的逐年剧烈波动。 其他成员赞成缩短基期,以更好地反映会员国目前的支付能力。 然而,委员会同意,计算比额表所用的基期应是三年比额表期的倍数。", "47. (中文(简体) ). 一位成员指出,考虑到世界经济危机对会员国的影响,一个六年的单一基期,而不是平均三年和六年,将使下一个分摊比额表更加稳定。", "48. 国家 关于2001-2003年比额表,大会请委员会提交12个不同办法的结果,其中又包括不同的基期。 最后,大会决定采用三年和六年基期计算结果的平均数。 此后,2004-2006年、2007-2009年和2010-2012年比额表也采用了同样的办法。", "49. 国家 虽然这种做法是主张缩短和延长基期的各方之间的一种妥协,但它对最近三年的期间给予更大的重视,因为它包括在两个机算比额表中。 例如,在2010-2012年比额表中,2005-2007年期间的数据都列入三年和六年机算比额表,而2002-2004年期间的数据只列入六年机算比额表。 更具体地说,通过平均两个不同基期的比额表分摊额,每个国家每年在国民总收入总额中的份额的重新加权方式使最近三年(如2005年、2006年和2007年)每年获得约25%的权重,而其余三年(如2002年、2003年和2004年)每年仅获得约8.3%。 [3]", "50. 联合国 委员会第七十届会议审议了通过平均基期收入数据和计算单一机算比额表来采用三年期和六年期的替代办法。 与目前编制两个单独的机算比额表(一个为三年期,一个为六年期),然后平均编制两个机算比额表的做法相比,这种方法提供的结果略有不同。", "51. 联合国 委员会建议,无论是使用一个较长的基期还是较短的基期,只要选定基期,就可以尽可能维持基期,从而实现分摊比额表随时间推移的稳定性。 在没有其他因素的情况下,委员会指出,没有理由改变目前基于三年期和六年期的合并办法。", "2. 国家 低人均收入和债务负担调整", "(a) 低人均收入调整", "52. (中文(简体) ). 低人均收入调整从一开始就是比额表编制方法的一个重要因素。 调整目前有两个参数:确定哪些国家受益的人均国民总收入门槛值;确定调整规模的梯度。 自通过1995-1997年比额表以来,门槛值以前是固定的美元数额,一直为会员国人均GNP/GNI平均数。 委员会在审查这一要素时指出,人均国民总收入的分布不对称,70%的会员国人均国民总收入低于世界平均水平。 多年来,梯度从1948年的40%增加到1983年的85%。 自计算1998-2000年期间比额表以来,梯度已定为80%。 数字表明,国家总数和再分配总额都在增加。", "53. 国家 委员会回顾,其职权范围要求考虑人均比较收入,以防止因使用国民收入比较估计数而产生异常摊款。", "54. 国家 委员会审查了确定门槛值的替代办法及其影响。 现将这些情况说明如下。", "(一) 人均债务调整后国民总收入平均数", "55. (中文(简体) ). 委员会审议的一个变动是,将低人均收入调整门槛值计算为世界人均债务调整后GNI平均数,而不是未经调整的人均GNI。 这将消除门槛值(目前是会员国未调整国民总收入平均数)与根据债务调整国民总收入计算的国家人均收入水平之间的不对称。", "(二) 人均国民总收入中间数", "56. 国家 委员会上届会议讨论的另一个变式是使用人均国民总收入中位数来确定低人均收入调整门槛值,而不是世界人均国民总收入平均数。 中值大于或等于至少一半会员国人均国民总收入,小于或等于至少相同数目会员国人均国民总收入。 如果超过一个数字符合这一定义,则根据公约将中位数指定为这些数字的平均值。", "57. 国家 如果会员国的人均GNI分布对称,以人均GNI中位数作为门槛值不会产生任何影响。 然而,目前人均国民总收入的实际分布明显不对称(70%以上的国家人均国民总收入低于平均数)。 一些成员赞成在确定低人均收入调整门槛值时使用中位数的做法,指出这种做法具有技术优点,因为它是对此类数据分布的更严格的衡量标准,因为它对几个极端数据点不太敏感。 其他成员指出,中位数办法仅限于机械地确定幅度中段,没有考虑到人均国民总收入的实际值及其对低人均收入调整资格的影响。 他们强调,不应认为70%以上的会员国低于门槛值是不够的,因为这在技术上是有效的,反映了世界收入分配的实际不均衡。 应当指出,会员国人均GNI中位数低于人均GNI平均数。 [4] 因此,以人均国民总收入中位数作为门槛值将减少受益于低人均收入调整的国家数目,同时增加吸收国家的数目。 这样做的最终影响是减少少数几个人均国民总收入高的国家的分摊比额表,增加中等人均国民总收入的国家的分摊比额表。 根据定义,大约一半的会员国将始终低于人均国民总收入门槛值中位数。 委员会注意到,世界银行的人均GNI在中低收入组和人均GNI中位数中位数最高。", "(三)通货膨胀调整后的低人均收入调整门槛值.", "58. 联合国 委员会还回顾曾审议过按实际价值确定低人均收入调整门槛值(通货膨胀调整后低人均收入调整)的替代办法,而不是将其设定为比额表基期目前的世界人均收入平均数。 为此目的,特定参考年的人均GNI门槛值根据世界通货膨胀率(以隐含价格减缩指数的变化计量)推算为以后年份,以便其价值随时间而保持不变。 隐含价格减缩指数的定义如下:", "[]", "59. 联合国 采用通货膨胀调整后低人均收入调整门槛值的优点是,一国在该门槛值方面的个别情况将独立于其他国家的业绩。", "60. 联合国 2010-2012年比额表低人均收入调整门槛值(六年基期为6,707.92美元,三年基期为7,529.80美元)根据该期间的通货膨胀(使用隐含价格减缩指数)进行调整时,在使用2004-2009年数据时,六年基期为7,512.96美元,三年基期为8,362.12美元,而三年基期为8,627.36美元。 采用这一按通货膨胀调整的低人均收入调整门槛值,可再分配9.257个百分点,而默认方法下的再分配率为9.553个百分点。", "(四) 根据世界银行对低收入国家的定义确定门槛值", "61. 联合国 一些成员建议采用固定门槛值,根据世界银行对低收入国家的定义确定这一水平。 这些成员指出,设置一个固定的上限将缓解相对性问题。 通过使用世界银行的低收入上限,低人均收入调整将针对最需要的国家。", "62. 联合国 其他成员认为以这种方式确定门槛值是任意和不适当的,因为世界银行对低收入的定义部分是由世界银行的资源决定的,世界银行每年根据少数经济体而不是世界经济的通货膨胀调整上限。 他们认为,使用世界银行的低收入上限并不适当反映会员国的支付能力。", "63. 国家 一些成员认为,应参照支付能力原则和大会的任何进一步指导,审查低人均收入调整。", "64. 国家 委员会重申,比额表编制方法应继续考虑到人均比较收入,这是比额表从一开始就是主要要素之一。", "(b) 债务负担调整", "65. 利比里亚 自1986年以来,债务负担调整一直是比额表编制方法的一个要素。 其目的是反映偿还外债对一些会员国支付能力的影响。 这笔债务的利息已反映在国民总收入数据中。 债务负担调整数的计算方法是从以美元计的国民总收入中扣除外债本金。 在以往的届会上,委员会一些成员对这一调整表示保留,而另一些成员则认为,对衡量会员国的支付能力很重要。 一些成员指出,这一调整在技术上不健全,因为它把收入和资本概念混为一谈,并认为应取消这一调整。 他们认为,债务负担调整并不是对国民收入进行比较估计的首要因素,而是一个缓解因素。", "66. (中文(简体) ). 委员会第七十届会议决定,今后各届会议根据大会的任何指导意见进一步审议债务负担调整问题。", "67. 东帝汶 在实行调整时,由于关于偿还债务的数据有限,委员会将其建立在有关会员国外债总额的比例上。 为此目的,假定外债将在八年内偿还,因此对国民总收入数据的调整为每年外债总额的12.5%。 这被称为债务存量办法。", "68. 国家 在确定1998-2000年比额表的讨论中,委员会成员在比额表编制方法中是否保留这一调整问题上继续有分歧。 不过,委员会确实同意,如果大会决定保留这一调整,应使用世界银行的债务数据。 尽管有一些成员的意见,委员会还同意,如果保留,调整数应基于债务本金实际偿还情况的数据。 这被称为债务流量办法。", "69. 联合国 大会决定1998年比额表应使用债务流量数据和1999年和2000年债务存量数据。 它后来决定在2001-2003年比额表中使用债务存量数据,2004-2006年、2007-2009年和2010-2012年比额表也采用了这一数据。", "70. 联合国 债务负担调整的两种变式的外债数据均来自世界银行全球发展融资数据库[5],用于债务报告国。 2004-2009年期间,这一来源涵盖了128个国家的债务存量和127个国家的债务流量。 所涉国家是世界银行成员国和借款国发展中国家,人均国民总收入低于世界银行2010年12 196美元高人均收入门槛值。 [6]", "71. 国家 委员会第四十三届会议的报告(A/43/11)提到,由于两个原因,使用公债优先于外债总额。 首先,关于私人外债的数据包括在外债总额中,但并不涵盖所有私人债务。 第二,私人债务对支付能力造成的负担与公共债务不同。 公共债务不同于私人债务,因为它必须由政府预算偿还。 此外,有可能通过私营企业破产而拖欠私人债务,而拖欠公共债务则是政治决定的结果。", "72. 联合国 一些成员认为,正如GNI数据包括一个会员国的全部收入一样,它包括外部和内部以及公共和私人来源的收入,而不仅仅是政府的收入,因为政府的收入主要是税收收入,因此债务负担调整也应以外债总额为基础,而不仅仅是以公共债务为基础。 这将提供一个更加一致的办法,因为它将更好地反映会员国的支付能力,而不是政府的支付能力。 历史上,债务负担调整被用来减少一些国家自1960年代和1970年代以来面临的持续重大债务问题。", "73 (韩语). 正如其他成员所同意的那样,这些重大的债务问题不仅影响到负债最重的穷国,而且还包括有严重债务问题的中等收入国家。 他们指出,偿还债务是会员国的法定义务,影响到会员国向联合国支付其应付款的能力,而具有类似国民总收入的会员国根据承担的债务水平可能具有不同的支付能力。 他们认为,偿还债务是一个负担,必须首先予以履行,才能履行任何其他义务,因此对支付能力产生不利影响。", "74. 国家 迄今为止,由于数据的可获性增加,而且现有数据未区分公共和私人债务,所以使用了外债总额而不是公共债务。 近年来,公共债务和公共担保债务数据的提供情况大为改善。 1985年只有37个国家有公共债务数据,而现在有127个国家有数据。 因此,委员会一些成员指出,不以公共外债数据不可用为理由进行债务负担调整已不再有效。", "75. 国家 债务流量办法考虑到偿还债务的实际交易,因此,委员会许多成员认为,它能更好地反映经济现实。 此外,对于实际外债偿还期平均超过假定的八年的国家,采用债务总额办法对分摊比额表的影响有两种方式:它降低了该国国民总收入值(由于利息外流增加),其债务调整后的国民总收入低于债务流量办法。 实际外债平均偿还期短于假定的八年的国家情况则相反。", "76. 国家 委员会成员对债务负担调整有不同的看法。 一些成员认为,债务负担调整有一个固有的概念问题,因为它将收入和资本概念混为一谈,因此应予废除。 这些成员认为,由于作为分摊比额表起点的国民收入数字(GNI)按权责发生制全额计入外债利息付款,不论这些付款是否按时支付,因此没有必要保留这一方法要素。", "77. 国家 另一些成员认为,调整是确定许多会员国支付能力的方法的一个基本部分,因此应保留目前的形式。 他们还指出,债务负担调整虽然只产生约0.5个百分点的再分配,但却是一个重要的安全网,确保许多会员国在外债问题可能恶化时能够充分反映其支付能力。", "78个 一些成员对债务负担调整上限的现行水平提出质疑。 他们认为,只应把重点放在那些被认为负有真正债务负担的国家,限制对重债穷国的适用。 另一些代表团认为,应统一减免高收入和低收入国家的债务,因为在当前全球经济危机的背景下,一些高收入国家也负债累累。 一些成员认为,将其限制在重债穷国实际上将废除这一公式,因为这些会员国已经处于最低水平,因此不会对比额表编制方法产生影响。 一些代表团指出,重债穷国方案只是免除公共债务,而不是债务总额。", "79个 其他成员表示,无论是普遍适用债务负担调整,还是对某一类会员国适用,都应根据技术优点,改进现行方法,例如采用债务流量办法,并以公共债务而不是外债总额为基础。 一些成员强调了会费委员会以前的发言,这些发言表明,债务流量和公共债务是支付能力最可靠的近似值。 以前,由于得不到数据,因此无法使用这些措施。 但缺乏数据已不再是一个问题。 因此,成员们认为,我们应该根据债务流量以及公共和公共担保债务适用比额表。", "80个。 一些成员认为,应根据支付能力原则和大会的任何进一步指导,审查债务负担调整。", "81个 委员会决定在今后各届会议上根据大会的任何指导进一步审议DBA问题。", "3个 楼层", "82. 联合国 最低限额从一开始就是比额表编制方法的一个重要因素。 委员会回顾,大会从1998年起将最低分摊额或下限从0.01%降至0.001%。 关于2010-2012年比额表,有30个会员国(其中20个在最不发达国家名单上)升为下限。", "83. 2011年,下限(0.001%)的会员国经常预算摊款为23 487美元。 委员会认为,所涉数额可以视为反映会员国应向联合国缴纳的最低限度实际摊款。", "4. 上限", "84. 国家 上限从一开始就是比额表编制方法的一个重要因素。 委员会回顾,现行方法包括22%的最高分摊率或上限,以及0.010%的最不发达国家最高分摊率或最不发达国家最高分摊率。 委员会注意到,分摊比额表方法始终包括最高上限,目前的上限由大会在2000年决定。", "85. 一些成员认为,应根据支付能力原则和大会的任何进一步指导审查最高上限。", "86. (中文(简体) ). 委员会注意到,实行最高上限和最不发达国家最高上限导致在分摊比额表中重新分配各点。 委员会注意到,从上限重新分配的点数继续减少。", " 5.五. 比额表编制方法的其他建议和其他可能要素", "(a) 每年重新计算", "87个 委员会回顾,委员会第六十九届会议决定在下届会议上详细研究每年重新计算的问题。 委员会在1997年首次审议了自动每年重新计算比额表的提议,并自那时起多次重新审议这个问题。", "88个 每年重新计算涉及在每个比额表期间的第二年和第三年之前重新计算相对收入份额,包括用初始基期之后一年的新数据取代基准期第一年的数据。 例如,2010-2012年期间比额表的基期为2002-2007年和2005-2007年,2008年的数据将取代2002年六年基期和2005年三年基期的数据。 根据这些重新计算的收入份额和既定比额表方法,将对2011年比额表作相应调整。 同样,2012年的比额表将进行调整,分别用2009年的数据取代2003年的数据和2006年六年基期和三年基期的数据。", "89. (中文(简体) ). 委员会回顾,大会议事规则第160条规定,分摊比额表一经大会确定,至少三年内不得作一般性修订,除非相对支付能力明显发生重大变化。", "90. 国家 成员们还回顾,在委员会第六十九届会议上,在回答主席提出的一旦比额表确定为三年之后每年重新计算是否符合第160条的问题时,主管法律事务助理秘书长指出,《宪章》第十七条第二项规定,本组织的费用应由会员国按照大会摊派的办法承担,但没有规定大会向会员国分摊此种费用时应遵循的任何程序。 因此,这种程序可以由大会酌情决定。 大会在行使这一酌处权时通过了议事规则第160条。", "91. 联合国 主管法律事务助理秘书长指出,该细则明确设想分摊比额表应由大会确定,一旦确定,大会无权根据大会商定的任何特定方法对分摊比率作临时或年度订正。 根据这项细则,一旦确定分摊比率,只有在会员国支付本组织费用的能力发生明显变化时,才能在三年期内订正分摊比率。 然而,也有人指出,根据议事规则第163条,大会可作出具体决定,修正或更改第160条的条款,或在特定情况下适用该条。", "92. (中文(简体) ). 一些成员认为,每年重新计算有助于确保比额表以现有最新资料为依据。 特别是鉴于过去十年来经济波动巨大,每年重新计算可有助于确保比额表更密切地反映支付能力原则。 其他成员同意,从财务角度来看,每年重新计算有一定的优点,因为它将纳入后来订正的最新数据,从而提高所有统计基期数据库的准确性。 其他成员不同意,指出每年重新计算将导致每年大量会员国的分摊比率发生重大变化,对比额表的稳定性和可预测性产生不利影响。", "93. 联合国 鉴于上述情况,委员会指出,每年重新计算的一个实际先决条件是大会修正第160条。 此外,将权力下放给委员会将为每年重新计算的技术性执行奠定基础,而无需每年重新谈判分摊比额表。", "94. 国家 委员会同意在今后届会上根据大会的任何指导意见进一步研究每年重新计算的问题。", "(b) 比额表间分摊率和不连续性的大幅上升", "95号. 大会第61/237号决议注意到,采用现行方法已导致一些会员国,包括发展中国家的分摊比率大幅上升。", "96. 萨尔瓦多 一些成员认为,每年重新计算是减轻比额表之间重大变化的唯一实际办法。 其他成员指出,对统计司每年更新的数据的审查仍然显示,一些会员国的数据大幅增加。 他们认为,每年重新计算不会消除比额表之间大幅上升的问题。", "97. 国家 委员会指出,分摊率的变化是不可避免的。 它还指出,比额表比率反映了会员国的相对支付能力,因此可以根据比额表中国家相对排名的变化而增减。 由于比额表是100%的比额表,由于一些会员国的份额上升或下降,另一些会员国的份额也将下降或增加反比,无论这些国家的国民总收入是增加还是减少。", "98 (英语). 一些成员认为,在许多情况下,由于比额表之间的大幅增长反映了支付能力的实际增加,引入门槛值或限额将不符合支付能力原则。 一些成员建议,减轻比额表间大幅升幅影响的方法之一是在一定的三年比额表期间逐步提高税率。", "99 (英语). 委员会还审议了处理跨比额表期间低人均收入调整门槛值的会员国经历的低人均收入调整福利不连续问题的其他补救措施。 这些备选办法是:(a) 将低人均收入调整所产生的百分点分配给所有会员国;(b) 允许类似于债务负担调整的“间接再分配”,这样,低于门槛值的国家的国民总收入将减少到低人均收入调整的程度,而高于门槛值的国家将不必明确吸收给予低于门槛值的国家的减免;或(c) 建立一个高于低人均收入调整门槛值和低于低人均收入调整门槛值的中性区,这样,属于该中性区的会员国既不能受益于也不吸收上文(a)或(b)所述低人均收入调整所产生的减免。", "一百块 委员会讨论了建立一个中立区的问题,在这个中立区中,会员国将不收取任何利益,也不支付任何利益。 例如,可以设立该区,以涵盖低于门槛值10%和高于门槛值10%的会员国。 特别是,这将有助于解决在两个比额表期间超过调整门槛值的会员国遇到的不连续性问题。 这些国家不得不分担费用,而不是从调整中受益。 在两个比额表期间超过调整门槛值的会员国不仅不再受益于调整,而且帮助支付了调整费用。 一些成员指出,通过中立区会在其他地方造成过渡问题。", "101. (中文(简体) ). 一些成员认为,低人均收入调整因高于门槛值的会员国不得不吸收低于门槛值的削减而出现失调,导致超过门槛值的国家的比额表间大幅上升问题。 超过门槛值的所有国家之间的调整也产生反常的结果,人均收入大不相同的国家不得不吸收同样数额。 更好的方法是恢复1979年以前将调整范围扩大到所有会员国的做法。 这将减少不连续性风险和规模之间的大规模增加。 其他成员指出,1979年作出这一修改有技术原因。", " 102.二. 委员会决定根据大会的任何指示,继续审议对比额表间分摊率大幅上升的会员国采取系统过渡救济措施的可行性。", "四. 导言 多年付款计划", " 103. 大会第57/4 B号决议第1段认可委员会关于多年付款计划的结论和建议(见A/57/11,第17至23段),其中规定:", "(a) 应鼓励会员国提交多年付款计划,这是减少未缴摊款的有用工具,也是表明承诺履行对联合国财政义务的途径;", "(b) 国家 应适当考虑会员国的经济地位,因为并非所有会员国都能够提交这种计划;", "(c) 多年付款计划仍应属自愿性质,不应自动与其他措施挂钩;", "(d) 考虑多年付款计划的会员国应将计划提交秘书长,供其他会员国参考,并鼓励它们在编写计划时征求秘书处的意见,在这方面,有人建议,计划应规定每年支付该会员国当年的摊款和部分欠款。 在可能情况下,这些计划一般应规定在最长六年的期间内消除会员国的欠款;", "(e) 财务 应请秘书长通过委员会向大会提供资料,说明这些计划的提交情况;", "(f) 应请秘书长通过委员会向大会提交年度报告,说明截至每年12月31日会员国付款计划的状况;", "(g) 对于能够提交付款计划的会员国,委员会和大会在审议根据《宪章》第十九条提出的豁免请求时,应将提交计划及其执行情况作为一个因素加以考虑。", "大会第58/1 B号、第59/1 B号、第60/237号和第64/248号决议重申了第57/4 B号决议第1段。", "104 (韩语). 在审议这一事项时,委员会面前有秘书长根据委员会的建议编写的关于多年付款计划的报告(A/66/69)。 它还收到了关于付款计划状况的最新资料。", "105. 国家 委员会获悉,秘书处在《联合国日刊》中宣布,委员会将在其第七十一届会议上审议多年付款计划,并请打算提交多年付款计划的会员国与秘书处联系,以进一步了解情况。 没有提交新的付款计划。", "106. (中文(简体) ). 6. 委员会注意到,大会第64/248号决议鼓励拖欠联合国摊款的会员国考虑提交多年付款计划,并在这方面请委员会提出建议,以期减轻那些已执行多年付款计划的会员国在比额表之间的大幅上升,并就此向大会第六十五届会议提出报告。 委员会关切地注意到,尽管大会鼓励而且该制度已证明是成功的,但近年来没有提交新的多年付款计划。", "107号. 5个会员国完成了多年付款计划。 塔吉克斯坦在2009年上半年缴付了欠款,成功地执行了多年付款计划。 伊拉克和摩尔多瓦共和国在2005年执行了计划,格鲁吉亚和尼日尔在2007年执行了计划。 布隆迪在2003年缴付了欠款,尽管没有在多年付款计划的范围内缴付。", "A类. 付款计划的状况", "108. 国家 秘书长的报告(A/66/69)第17段所载表格概述了截至2010年12月31日利比里亚2006年(第二个计划)和圣多美和普林西比2002年(第一个计划)提交的两个付款计划的状况。 委员会得到了截至2011年6月24日的最新资料。", "截至2011年6月24日的付款计划状况", "(单位:美元)", "截至12月31日的缴款/未付摊款", "利比里亚", "1999 1 147 524", "2000 31 506 70 192 1 108 838", "2001 16 166 630 1 124 374", "2002 17 137 5 465 1 136 046", "2003 17 124 1 636 1 151 534", "2004 20 932 2 899 1 169 567", "2005 24 264 202 1 193 629", "2006 150 000 23 024 100 453 1 116 200", "2007 32 074 100 660 1 047 614", "2008 30 943 200 323 878 234", "2009 35 400 150 633 763 001", "2010 35 548 399 906 398 643", "2011 30 303 0 428 946", "圣多美和普林西比", "1999 570 783", "2000 13 543 48 584 278", "2001 14 254 157 598 375", "2002 27 237 15 723 29 146 584 952", "2003 42 237 17 124 929 601 147", "2004 59 237 20 932 1 559 620 520", "2005 74 237 24 264 202 644 582", "2006 89 237 23 024 453 667 153", "2007 114 237 32 074 810 698 417", "2008 134 237 30 943 473 728 887", "2009 153 752 35 400 682 763 605", "2010 35 548 356 798 797", "2011 30 303 0 829 100", "109. 国家 委员会注意到,利比里亚的定期付款仍然远远超出其年度摊款,而圣多美和普林西比自2002年以来没有支付任何款项,而且没有达到其付款计划。 因此,委员会敦促圣多美和普林西比至少按其计划支付略高于其年度摊款的年度缴款,以便开始减少欠款。 此外,委员会建议利比里亚考虑更新其付款计划,以更好地反映它在10年多一点时间内为付清欠款所作的非凡努力。", "110. (中文(简体) ). 一些成员认为,付款计划应当成为强制性的,但另一些成员则反对。 尽管在这一点上存在分歧,委员会认为会员国应利用这一机制作为编制预算和分配资源的工具,以履行其义务。", "B. 结论和建议", "1111 (韩语). 委员会回顾格鲁吉亚、伊拉克、尼日尔、摩尔多瓦共和国和塔吉克斯坦成功执行多年付款计划的经验,并确认这些会员国为履行其在提交计划时所作的承诺作出了相当大的努力。 鉴于这一经验,多年付款计划制度仍然是会员国可用的一种可行手段,可以协助会员国减少其未缴摊款,并为它们提供一个途径,以表明它们履行对联合国财政义务的决心。", "112号 委员会注意到利比里亚继续根据其多年付款计划成功定期付款,并打算到2013年履行承诺。 委员会强调,提交此类计划的会员国必须履行其作出的承诺。 委员会还强调,必须每年支付超过当期摊款的款项,以避免进一步累积欠款。", "113号. 委员会注意到,几年来没有提交新的多年付款计划,重申其建议,即大会应鼓励为适用《联合国宪章》第十九条的目的拖欠缴款的其他会员国考虑提交多年付款计划。", "五. 《宪章》第十九条的适用", "114 (韩语). 委员会回顾,根据大会议事规则第160条,委员会的一般任务是就适用《宪章》第十九条应采取的行动向大会提供咨询意见。 委员会还回顾大会关于审议根据第十九条提出的豁免请求的程序的第54/237 C号决议及其最近审查该问题的结果。", "115. 国家 委员会回顾,大会第54/237 C号决议促请根据第十九条提出豁免请求的拖欠会费的所有会员国提供尽可能充分的证明资料,包括关于经济总额、政府收入和支出、外汇资源、债务、履行国内或国际财政义务方面的困难的资料,以及可能证明未能支付必要款项是由于会员国无法控制的情况这一说法的任何其他资料。 大会还决定会员国必须至少在委员会届会前两周向大会主席提出根据第十九条提出的豁免请求,以确保对这些请求进行全面审查。 委员会在前几届会议上注意到,在政府最高一级提出的豁免请求表明会员国认真承诺结清其拖欠款,并鼓励今后提出此类请求的所有会员国效仿。", "116 (英语). 委员会注意到,在决议规定的时间之前,已收到6项根据第十九条提出的豁免请求。 2009年和2010年也提出了6项请求。 2008年提出了7项请求,2007年提出了8项请求,其中一项后来撤回。 在规定时限内,2006年和2005年共收到8项请求,2004年10项,2003年9项,2002年7项,2001年3项,2000年7项。", "117. (中文(简体) ). 委员会注意到,一些会员国的拖欠款累积继续增加,这表现在为避免适用第十九条而要求缴纳的最低数额增加。 委员会注意到,一些会员国因免于适用第十九条的规定而成为连环请愿者,在某些情况下,这种请愿是早在20至30年前提出的。 一个会员国在1973年首次提出豁免请求。 委员会鼓励根据第十九条提出豁免请求的所有会员国考虑提出多年付款计划,并重申,在每一种情况下,年度付款必须超过当期摊款,以避免债务进一步累积。", "118 (英语). 在审议这些请求时,委员会收到了六个有关会员国和秘书处提供的资料。 委员会会晤了会员国代表、秘书处有关办公室和开发计划署的代表。", "一、导 言 中非共和国", "119号. 委员会面前有2011年5月23日大会主席给会费委员会主席的信,其中转递2011年5月17日中非共和国常驻联合国代表给大会主席的信(见A/CN.2/R.744/Add.3)。 委员会还听取了中非共和国常驻代表的口头陈述。", "120号. 中非共和国在书面和口头陈述中表示,近年来社会和经济条件有所改善。 然而,经济仍然容易受到各种国内外冲击的影响,国家偿付债务的能力仍然薄弱。 因此,该国的外国投资水平很低,仍然依赖援助。 尽管有这些挑战,中非共和国将努力在不久的将来履行其对本组织的财政义务。 它承诺在大会第六十六届会议开始之前提供捐款,并正在拟订多年付款计划。", "121. (中文(简体) ). 委员会收到了秘书处关于中非共和国局势的资料。 中非共和国正在经历一个脆弱的和平与民族和解进程,这一进程既充满挑战,也充满机会。 政府在努力实施经济和公共管理改革方面取得了值得称道的进展。 这使中非共和国能够在2009年6月达到重债穷国倡议规定的完成点,从而大幅度减轻该国的外债。 然而,这些努力不足以解除该国极度缺乏社会和经济发展。 尽管该国拥有矿产资源(包括黄金、钻石和铀),具有巨大的农业潜力和丰富的森林,但该国仍然遭受着极度和普遍的贫穷、基础设施薄弱、文盲率高、传染病发病率高、机构薄弱以及缺乏技术和管理能力。 在2010年人类发展指数中,中非共和国在169个国家中排名第159位,仍然是世界上最贫穷的国家之一,2010年人均国民总收入为758美元。", "122. (中文(简体) ). 委员会注意到中非共和国在2010年支付了约206 000美元。 鉴于其持续的政治和经济困难,应当赞扬该国政府支付这笔款项,从而减少其未缴摊款。 委员会还注意到,政府已表示打算在2012年支付款项。 委员会回顾,在上届会议上,委员会曾敦促中非共和国考虑履行它所申明的其执行多年付款计划的意图,但中非共和国尚未这样做。 委员会敦促中非共和国与会费处秘书处协商,开始制订这一计划。", "123. 国家 委员会的结论是,总的来说,中非共和国未能缴付避免适用第十九条所需的最低款额是由于其无法控制的情况。 因此,委员会建议允许中非共和国参加表决,直至大会第六十六届会议结束。", "2. 科摩罗", "124. (中文(简体) ). 委员会面前有2011年4月13日大会主席给会费委员会主席的信,其中转递2011年4月6日科摩罗常驻联合国代表给大会主席的信(A/CN.2/R.744)。 委员会还听取了科摩罗常驻代表的口头陈述。", "125 (英语). 科摩罗在书面和口头陈述中表示,与大多数最不发达国家一样,它受到近年来多重危机的严重影响,这体现在该国持续缺乏燃料、粮食价格飞涨、侨民汇款和关税收入下降。 尽管政府努力减轻危机对经济和社会的破坏性影响,但由于一架也门飞机在印度洋坠毁,使该国本已脆弱的经济局势更加恶化,该飞机已造成150多人死亡,需要从科摩罗部署大量资源。 尽管如此,科摩罗将不遗余力地履行其义务。 政府于2010年12月26日举行了选举。 2011年5月26日,欧盟主席在和平进程中转至姆瓦利岛(摩埃利岛)。 下届政府成立后,科摩罗打算尽快提出支付其未缴摊款的计划。", "126页. 根据秘书处提供的关于政治局势的信息,2010年12月科摩罗和平举行总统和省长选举是该国民主进程的一个里程碑,有助于科摩罗翻开动荡的政治历史的新篇章。 然而,该国继续面临艰巨和多方面的挑战,包括在实施体制改革和加强国家方面。 在社会经济方面,新当局必须实施影响深远的经济和金融改革,以减轻贫困、改善国内收入、加强私营部门和创造更多就业机会。 科摩罗被主要国际机构宣布为冲突后国家,因此得以利用建设和平基金,该基金于2009年3月向该基金提供了900万美元的援助。", "127. 国家 秘书处还向委员会提供了关于科摩罗经济形势的资料。 该国依赖的经济基础非常有限,主要包括三种产品、非常有限的制造业基础和没有矿产资源。 发展旅游业的努力尚未充分转化为对经济发展的重大贡献。 此外,经济极易受到内部和外部的冲击,天气影响到农业部门的生产水平。 科摩罗的出口收入高度依赖世界市场,并且受到全球粮食和石油危机以及世界商品价格下降的影响。 这些危机,加上全球经济下滑,导致国内生产总值增长率受到限制,2010年估计增长率为2.1%。 在科摩罗,45%的人口生活在贫困线以下。", "128. (中文(简体) ). 预计科摩罗的经济政策将继续得到2009-2012年期间与基金组织缔结的扩大信贷机制安排的支持,并有可能符合重债穷国倡议规定的债务减免条件。 然而,为了做到这一点,新成立的政府需要加快经济政策改革,并令人满意地执行2011年3月更新的减贫战略文件。 由于公共债务约占国内生产总值的50%,预计到2012年年中达到该倡议的完成点和全面减免债务是国家当局的最高优先事项。", "129. (中文(简体) ). 委员会注意到就科摩罗局势提供的资料。 委员会注意到,科摩罗最后一次付款是在2009年,数额为24 000美元,低于该年的年度捐款总额。 该国还在2006年和2007年缴纳了会费,尽管这些款项不足以支付其年度捐款。 委员会回顾政府的声明,其中表示坚定不移地承诺减少欠款,一旦情况好转,将在适当时候提出多年付款计划。 委员会敦促科摩罗尽快提交一份计划,并尽可能确保缴款额超过其年度缴款额,以减少欠款。", "130. 国家 委员会的结论是,科摩罗未能缴付避免适用第十九条所需的最低款额是由于其无法控制的情况。 因此,委员会建议允许科摩罗参加表决,直至大会第六十六届会议结束。", "3个 几内亚比绍", "131. (中文(简体) ). 委员会面前有2011年5月4日大会主席给会费委员会主席的信,其中转递2011年4月20日几内亚比绍常驻联合国代表给大会主席的信(A/CN.2/R.744/Add.2)。 委员会还听取了几内亚比绍副常驻代表的口头陈述。", "132. (中文(简体) ). 几内亚比绍在其书面和口头陈述中表示,该国政府充分认识到它有义务履行对联合国的财务责任。 然而,尽管当局作出了努力,该国仍然面临着严重的经济和财政困难,这些困难影响到和平与稳定及其人民的生活条件。 尽管面临种种挑战,但政府一直在作出巨大牺牲,以履行其对国际组织的义务和财政承诺,结果在2010年12月成功地达到了重债穷国倡议的结论点。 因此,它设法减少了外债。 然而,该国仍然面临巨大的困难,例如在支付拖欠公务员的工资方面。 尽管财政情况困难,政府仍致力于支付拖欠联合国的其余款项。 2009年9月,支付了100 000美元,计划在2011年支付更多。 政府希望作为优先事项制定多年付款计划,并将就此通知大会。", "133. (中文(简体) ). 委员会收到了秘书处关于几内亚比绍局势的资料。 尽管该国目前没有人道主义危机,政治局势正在改善,但该国继续面临若干挑战。 尽管在上一个种植季节收获丰收,但总体粮食安全状况仍然脆弱。 由于价格上涨以及许多人的收入非常有限或没有收入,获得粮食是一个挑战。 国家卫生系统的条件很差,基本药品和设备供应不足,获得安全饮水和卫生设施的机会有限。 此外,几内亚比绍容易受到各种潜在灾害和紧急情况的影响,包括洪水、内乱和邻国的冲突。", "134. 2010年12月,几内亚比绍达到重债穷国倡议的完成点,随后获得债务减免,反映了政府的积极经济表现。 几内亚比绍的另一个积极进展是,建设和平支助办公室于2011年2月核准拨款1 680万美元,用于执行几内亚比绍建设和平优先计划。 已经设立了技术工作组,以制定建设和平基金支助的优先领域的战略,包括安全部门改革、青年和妇女就业以及民族和解。", "135. (中文(简体) ). 委员会注意到,在经历了将近十年的冲突和政治不稳定之后,几内亚比绍仍然脆弱。 几内亚比绍是世界上最贫穷的国家之一,三分之二以上的人口生活在贫困线以下。 尽管如此,政府在2009年支付了近10万美元,并打算很快再付款。 它还打算提交一份多年付款计划。 委员会敦促几内亚比绍尽快提交一份计划,并尽可能确保缴款额超过其年度缴款额,以减少欠款。", "136. (中文(简体) ). 委员会的结论是,几内亚比绍未能缴付避免适用第十九条所需的最低款额,是该国无法控制的情况所致。 因此,委员会建议允许几内亚比绍参加表决,直至大会第六十六届会议结束。", "4. 利比里亚", "137. (中文(简体) ). 委员会面前有2011年5月23日大会主席给会费委员会主席的信,其中转递2011年5月19日利比里亚常驻联合国代表给大会主席的信(A/CN.2/R.744/Add.3)。 委员会还听取了利比里亚常驻代表的口头陈述。", "138. 利比里亚在书面和口头陈述中指出,严重的经济和财政困难继续削弱该国的支付能力。 14年的国内冲突对经济的所有部门都产生了负面影响。 在2010/11财政年度3.69亿美元的有限预算中,政府继续开展社会经济恢复活动。 然而,2010/11年度的两起重大事件影响了利比里亚承担额外财政承诺的能力:筹备2011年10月的全国选举和不断从科特迪瓦涌入的难民人数达到150 000人。 严重的人道主义局势给利比里亚造成的负担是巨大的。 它从联合国难民事务高级专员办事处获得的援助不足以使它履行其所有义务,因为甚至难民专员办事处也没有获得全部资金。", "139. (中文(简体) ). 尽管利比里亚的社会经济状况十分严峻,但利比里亚政府仍然铭记它有义务为联合国的工作提供财政捐助。 在过去三年里,它每年拨款200 000美元来支付欠款,截至2011年4月8日,欠款总额减少到428 763美元。 政府承诺继续每年支付这些款项,直到所有未清欠款得到清偿。 委员会估计,最迟将在2013年支付剩余余额。", "140. (中文(简体) ). 秘书处向委员会提供了关于利比里亚局势的资料。 尽管该国在巩固和建设和平以及实现冲突后恢复与和解目标方面取得了相当大的进展,但仍面临重大挑战。 利比里亚已经达到重债穷国倡议规定的完成点,为它提供了约46亿美元的债务减免,目前被列入建设和平委员会的议程。 利比里亚总统向议会提交了2011/12财政年度4.589亿美元的国家预算草案。 虽然比前一年大幅增加26%,但它仍然是紧缩预算,不足以满足一个从毁灭性冲突中恢复过来的国家的许多需求。 迄今实现的经济复苏没有为利比里亚青年、复员的前战斗人员或退役的前士兵提供可持续的就业机会。 邻国科特迪瓦旷日持久的危机加剧了这一局势,使利比里亚成为150 000多名科特迪瓦难民的收容地,使已经有限的粮食供应紧张。", "141 (英语). 该国目前正在筹备将于2011年8月23日举行的立宪公民投票和将于2011年10月举行的全国选举。 在2003年在阿克拉签署和平协定之后,选举将是利比里亚当局根据《宪法》全面进行的首次选举。 虽然选举对巩固该国的和平与民主至关重要,但在雨季举行选举意味着政府的经济资源将面临进一步的压力。 实际国内生产总值从2007年的9.4%下降到2008年的约8.3%,然后下降到2009年的4.6%。 预计2010年国内生产总值将回升到6.3%。 利比里亚的失业率仍然很高,占劳动力的72%。 在2010年人类发展指数中,利比里亚在169个国家中排名第162位。", "142. (中文(简体) ). 委员会注意到,利比里亚已根据其付款计划定期付款,数额远远超过其年度摊款。 最后一笔约40万美元的款项是2010年支付的。 利比里亚在陈述中表示,它将在今后几年继续全额偿还其债务。 尽管面临严重的经济困难和人道主义危机,利比里亚仍承诺偿还欠款,为面临类似不利情况的其他国家树立了光辉的榜样。 委员会表示赞赏利比里亚为支付欠款所作的堪称楷模的持续努力。", "143. (中文(简体) ). 委员会的结论是,利比里亚未能缴付避免适用第十九条所需的最低款额是由于其无法控制的情况。 因此,委员会建议允许利比里亚参加表决,直至大会第六十六届会议结束。", " 5.五. 圣多美和普林西比", "144. (中文(简体) ). 委员会面前有2011年5月23日大会主席给会费委员会主席的信,其中转递2011年5月20日圣多美和普林西比常驻联合国代表给大会主席的信(见A/CN.2/R.744/Add.3)。 委员会还听取了圣多美和普林西比常驻代表的口头陈述。", "145 (英语). 圣多美和普林西比在书面和口头陈述中表示,该国经济形势依然严峻,从而给人民带来困难和严重困难,迫使政府开始认真的紧缩方案。 它还表示,它最近通过了2011年1.56亿美元的预算。 该国仍然很难履行其义务,因为主要捐助者也因全球经济危机而面临财政问题。 过去,圣多美和普林西比曾生产20 000吨可可和咖啡,但这一数字已急剧下降到2 500吨。 石油生产甚至没有进入探索阶段,也没有预期从中获得收入。 尽管面临严重困难,但政府将竭尽全力履行其对联合国的义务。", "146. 华为: 秘书处向委员会提供了关于圣多美和普林西比局势的资料。 该国在政治和经济上仍然脆弱。 就人口而言,它是非洲大陆第二小的国家(仅次于塞舌尔),因此面临与生产能力和严重依赖出口有关的经济挑战。 圣多美和普林西比是撒哈拉以南非洲最贫穷的国家之一:其166 000名居民中有54%生活在贫困线以下,15%被认为是赤贫。 全球经济衰退导致国家财政收入大幅下降,包括旅游业收入和捐助者援助低于预期、汇款减少和外国直接投资推迟。 2009年国内生产总值增长4%,预计到2012年才达到6%。 在2010年人类发展指数中,圣多美和普林西比在169个国家中排名第127位. 它属于人均接受援助最多的国家之一(援助约占其财政收入的一半),也是人均负债最多的国家之一,债务与国内生产总值的比率超过600%。 由于缺乏国内储蓄和所有由外部援助供资的投资,该国面临无法持续的债务,越来越容易受到外部冲击的影响。 人道主义局势仍然岌岌可危,在妇幼保健、营养和小学教育方面仍然存在问题。 整个人口只有一家医院。 疟疾仍然是一个严重的健康问题,并且间歇性地爆发霍乱。", "147. (中文(简体) ). 委员会注意到圣多美和普林西比自2002年以来没有支付过任何款项,2002年是拟订多年付款计划的第一年。 他们认为,这表明该国的经济困境十分严峻,由于缺乏足够的外部资金来源,而不是缺乏履行财政义务的承诺,收入来源不断减少的问题更加严重。 不过,委员会敦促圣多美和普林西比开始支付这种年度付款,数额略高于其目前的年度摊款,以便减少欠款,这将有利于委员会今后的决定。", " 148.二. 委员会的结论是,总的来说,圣多美和普林西比未能缴付避免适用第十九条所需的最低数额是由于其无法控制的情况。 因此,委员会建议允许圣多美和普林西比参加表决,直至大会第六十六届会议结束。", "6 (韩语). 索马里", "149 (英语). 委员会面前有2011年5月4日大会主席给会费委员会主席的信,其中转递2011年4月7日索马里常驻联合国代表给大会主席的信(A/CN.2/R.744/Add.1)。 委员会还听取了索马里副常驻代表的口头陈述。", "150 (英语). 索马里在书面和口头陈述中指出,自1990年以来,该国经历了一场严重的国内冲突。 冲突造成了财政危机和严重的经济困难,对索马里缴纳会费的能力产生了负面影响。 尽管2004年举行了自由和公正的选举,最终组成了索马里过渡联邦政府,但政府面临缺乏国内收入和捐助国提供的发展资金的问题,导致无力支付索马里公务员的薪金和重建方案。 2009年成立的新的过渡联邦政府也因缺乏国内收入和捐助国提供的资金而受到影响。 此外,索马里是最不发达国家之一,正在经历最严重的人道主义危机。 数百万人面临饥荒、严重营养不良和干旱。 一旦该国情况发生变化,政府将立即支付一切必要款项。", "151 (英语). 秘书处向委员会提供了关于索马里局势的资料。 尽管自2008年以来,特别是在安全方面,最近几个月取得了一些微小的进展,包括政府扩大了对摩加迪沙的控制,盟军在索马里南部和中部加强了控制,但索马里面临的挑战是巨大的。 过渡联邦机构软弱无力,无法发展必要的结构或资源,使政府完全负责公民的安全,并应对严重的人道主义和经济危机。 在整个人口中,240万索马里人,即32%,由于持续不断的冲突、干旱和粮食不安全,需要人道主义援助和生计支助。 冲突和干旱的加剧导致更多的人口流动和流离失所。 由于难以获得食物,索马里南部大多数地区的营养状况被归类为危急或非常危急。 发病率很高,因为保健措施的普及率很低。", "152. (中文(简体) ). 委员会的结论是,索马里未能缴付避免适用第十九条所需的最低款额是其无法控制的情况所致。 因此,委员会建议允许索马里参加表决,直至大会第六十六届会议结束。", "六、结 论 其他事项", "A. 收缴会费", "153 (英语). 委员会注意到,在2011年6月24日届会结束时,下列六个会员国根据《宪章》第十九条的规定拖欠联合国摊款,但根据大会第65/3号决议获准在大会投票,直至第六十五届会议结束:中非共和国、科摩罗、几内亚比绍、利比里亚、圣多美和普林西比和索马里。 委员会决定授权主席在必要时印发本报告的增编。", "154 (英语). 委员会还注意到,截至2011年6月15日,拖欠本组织的经常预算、维持和平行动、国际法庭和基本建设总计划的款项总额超过28亿美元。 这一数额与截至2010年5月31日的24亿美元相比有所增加。", "B. 以美元以外的货币缴付会费", "155 (英语). 大会根据其第64/248号决议第12(a)段的规定,授权秘书长在与会费委员会主席协商后,酌情接受会员国以美元以外的货币缴纳2010、2011和2012日历年的部分会费。 委员会注意到,2010年,秘书长接受了四个会员国以联合国可接受的美元以外的货币提供的相当于2 014 291.59美元的捐款。", "C. 委员会的工作安排", "156 (英语). 委员会希望对委员会秘书处和统计司为其工作提供的实质性支助表示感谢。 委员会还感谢政治事务部、维持和平行动部、人道主义事务协调厅和开发署在审议根据第十九条提出的豁免请求时提供实质性支助。 委员会特别注意到,统计司及时有效地满足了其索取资料的要求。", "D. 委员会的工作方法", "157 (英语). 委员会审查了其工作方法。 关于闭会期间的工作,委员会决定,今后可考虑探讨在举行常会之间增加成员互动的备选办法。 可能的途径包括在线培训以及对各种问题采取后续行动的其他互动机制。 有人建议探讨各种安排,以便增加委员会有限文件的网上提供。 委员会要求,如果可能的选择或安排涉及额外的预算问题,应事先通知委员会。", "158 (英语). 委员会请秘书处向其下届会议提交一份关于委员会工作方法的草案,供其审议。 委员会决定在下届会议上继续审查其工作方法。", "页:1 下届会议的会期", "159 (英语). 委员会决定于2012年6月4日至29日在纽约举行第七十二届会议。", "220711", "*1140812*", "[]", "[1] 一国的可支配国民总收入衡量其可用于最终消费和储蓄总额的收入。 其来源于国民总收入,办法是减去应支付给非居民单位的经常转账(除税收外,减去生产和进口补贴),并加上来自世界其他地方的居民单位相应的应收经常转账。", "[2] 截至2009年,人类发展指数将三个层面结合在一起,即:(a) 作为人口健康和长寿指数的出生时预期寿命;(b) 以成人识字率(有三分之二的体重)和小学、中学和大学合并总入学率(有三分之一的体重)来衡量的知识和教育;(c) 按购买力平价计算的人均国内生产总值自然对数所示的生活水平。 为了比较某一国家一段时间内的业绩,每个变量的最高和最低 \" 目标员额 \" 保持不变。 维度指数用算术平均数加以汇总,以获得人类发展指数。 开发署2010年《人类发展报告》修订了人类发展指数的计算方法。 它仍然把人类发展的三个方面结合起来,但衡量这些方面的一些指标已经改变。 它们是:(a) 以出生时预期寿命衡量的长寿和健康的生活;(b) 以平均受教育年数和预期受教育年数衡量的获得知识的机会;(c) 按以美元购买力平价计算的人均国民总收入衡量的体面生活水准。 每个变量的最大“目标员额”已设定为1980至2010年时间序列中各国实际观察到的最大员额。 最低值定为维持生计值或“自然”零。 因此,衡量进展的标准是生活水平、寿命和社会需要长期生存的知识。 将维度指数汇总到人类发展指数的方法也从算术平均值变为几何平均值,以减少一个维度较高的成就可以替代另一个维度较低的成就的程度。", "[3] 按照现行方法分配给不同年份的权重,既受基期长度的影响,也受国民总收入总额随时间推移趋势的影响。 近些年来,国民总收入总额的增长(下降)趋势增加了(减少)权重。", "[4] 在六年(2004-2009年)基期,人均国民总收入平均数为7 858.64美元,人均国民总收入中值为3 607.55美元;在三年(2007-2009年)基期,人均国民总收入中值为8 627.36美元,人均国民总收入中值为3 995.44美元。", "[5] 在世界银行数据库中,债务账户在大多数情况下在计量利息和服务费等流动时采用收付实现制。 遵循现金会计原则意味着只核算已支付的利息,而应计但未支付的利息应排除在外。 贷款按其原值减去任何偿还额报告。 因此,对于未支付的利息,将出现一种“新”贷款,涵盖拖欠的服务付款,因为这被归类为短期债务,而不是长期债务。", "[6] 在世界银行,经济按2009年人均国民总收入进行划分,采用世界银行Atlas法计算。 这些类别为:低收入,995美元或以下;中低收入,996美元-3 945美元;中高收入,3 946美元-12 195美元;高收入,12 196美元或以上。" ]
[ "General Assembly Security Council", "Sixty-fifth session Sixty-sixth year", "Agenda item 114", "Admission of new Members to the United Nations", "Application of the Republic of South Sudan for admission to membership in the United Nations", "Note by the Secretary-General", "In accordance with rule 135 of the rules of procedure of the General Assembly and rule 59 of the provisional rules of procedure of the Security Council, the Secretary-General has the honour to circulate herewith the application of the Republic of South Sudan for admission to membership in the United Nations, contained in a letter dated 9 July 2011 from the President of the Republic of South Sudan (see annex).", "Annex", "Letter dated 9 July 2011 from the President of the Republic of South Sudan to the Secretary-General", "In accordance with Article 4 of the Charter of the United Nations and in compliance with rule 58 of the provisional rules of procedure of the Security Council and rule 134 of the rules of procedure of the General Assembly relating to the admission of new Members to the United Nations, I have the honour, on behalf of the Republic of South Sudan and its people, in my capacity as President, to submit this application for membership in this esteemed body as a full Member State. The Republic of South Sudan would appreciate if you would arrange for the present letter to be submitted to the Security Council and the General Assembly for consideration as soon as practicable.", "On 9 January 2005, the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement/Army signed the historic Comprehensive Peace Agreement with the Government of the Republic of the Sudan, bringing to a close 21 years of conflict that had ravaged the country. The Comprehensive Peace Agreement guaranteed the people of South Sudan the right of self-determination through an internationally monitored referendum to determine their future, to be held six years after the signing of the Agreement. The terms of the Agreement were witnessed and supported by the United Nations, the Intergovernmental Authority on Development, Egypt, Italy, the Netherlands, Norway, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, the United States of America, the African Union, the European Union and the League of Arab States.", "Beginning on 9 January 2011, the people of South Sudan participated in a referendum to determine their fate, consistent with the terms of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement. By an overwhelming margin of more than 98 per cent, the people chose a peaceful separation from the Sudan, expressing their desire to establish an independent sovereign State in the South. As stipulated by the Comprehensive Peace Agreement, 9 July 2011 shall witness the establishment of the Republic of South Sudan, as a sovereign independent partner in the community of nations.", "The Republic of South Sudan accepts the obligations contained in the Charter of the United Nations and solemnly undertakes to fulfil them. The Republic of South Sudan supports fully the United Nations and the enhancement of its role in promoting international peace, security and justice as enshrined in the principles and purposes of the Charter.", "(Signed) Salva Kiir Mayardit President of the Republic of South Sudan" ]
[ "大 会 安全理事会", "第六十五届会议 第六十六年", "议程项目114", "接纳新会员加入联合国", "南苏丹共和国申请加入为联合国会员国", "秘书长的说明", "秘书长谨按照大会议事规则第135条和安全理事会暂行议事规则第59条分发2011年7月9日南苏丹共和国总统的信(见附件),内附南苏丹共和国加入为联合国会员国的申请书。", "附件", "2011年7月9日南苏丹共和国总统给秘书长的信", "根据《联合国宪章》第四条,并遵照安全理事会暂行议事规则第58条和大会议事规则关于接纳新会员加入联合国的第134条,我谨代表南苏丹共和国及其人民,并作为该国总统,提交南苏丹共和国作为正式会员国加入这一受人尊敬的机构的申请。南苏丹共和国敬请你做出安排,尽快将本函提交安全理事会和大会审议。", "2005年1月9日,苏丹人民解放运动/解放军同苏丹共和国政府签署具有历史意义的《全面和平协定》,从而结束了肆虐该国长达21年的冲突。《全面和平协定》保障南苏丹人民的自决权,规定在《协定》签署六年以后举行由国际监督的全民公决来确定其未来。见证并支持《协定》各项规定的方面有:联合国、政府间发展管理局、埃及、意大利、荷兰、挪威、大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国、美利坚合众国、非洲联盟、欧洲联盟和阿拉伯国家联盟。", "从2011年1月1日起,南苏丹人民根据《全面和平协定》的规定,参加了决定自己命运的全民公决。南苏丹人民以超过98%的压倒性多数选择从苏丹和平分离,表达了他们在南方建立一个独立主权国家的愿望。根据《全面和平协定》的规定,南苏丹共和国将于2011年7月9日作为国际社会的一个主权独立伙伴而成立。", "南苏丹共和国接受《联合国宪章》规定的各项义务并郑重承诺履行这些义务。南苏丹共和国完全支持联合国,支持加强联合国在促进《宪章》各项原则和宗旨所规定的国际和平、安全和正义方面的作用。", "南苏丹共和国总统", "萨尔瓦·基尔·马亚尔迪特(签名)" ]
[ "大 会", "第六十五届会议 第六十六年", "议程项目114", "接纳新会员加入联合国", "南苏丹共和国申请加入联合国", "秘书长的说明", "秘书长谨根据大会议事规则第135条和安全理事会暂行议事规则第59条,随函转递南苏丹共和国总统2011年7月9日的信(见附件)所载的南苏丹共和国加入联合国的申请。", "页:1", "2011年7月9日南苏丹共和国总统给秘书长的信", "根据《联合国宪章》第四条,并依照安全理事会暂行议事规则第58条和大会议事规则第134条关于接纳新会员加入联合国的规定,我谨代表南苏丹共和国及其人民,以主席身份,作为正式会员国,提出本申请。 请将本函尽快提交安全理事会和大会审议为荷。", "2005年1月9日,苏丹人民解放运动/解放军与苏丹共和国政府签署了历史性的《全面和平协定》,结束了蹂躏该国的21年冲突。 《全面和平协定》保障南苏丹人民的自决权,办法是在《协定》签署六年后举行国际监督的全民投票,以确定他们的未来。 该协定的条款得到了联合国、政府间发展管理局、埃及、意大利、荷兰、挪威、大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国、美利坚合众国、非洲联盟、欧洲联盟和阿拉伯国家联盟的见证和支持。", "从2011年1月9日开始,南苏丹人民参加了按照《全面和平协定》的规定确定其命运的全民投票。 以超过98%的压倒性差幅,人民选择与苏丹和平分离,表示希望在南方建立一个独立的主权国家。 根据《全面和平协定》的规定,2011年7月9日将成立南苏丹共和国,作为国际社会中的主权独立伙伴。", "南苏丹共和国接受《联合国宪章》所载义务,并庄严承诺履行这些义务。 南苏丹共和国完全支持联合国,支持加强联合国在促进《宪章》宗旨和原则所载国际和平、安全与正义方面的作用。", "(签名) 萨尔瓦 南苏丹共和国总统" ]
[ "Sixty-sixth session", "* Reissued for technical reasons on l8 October 2011.", "Agenda item 100", "Review of the implementation of the recommendations and decisions adopted by the General Assembly at its tenth special session", "United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research", "Note by the Secretary-General", "The Secretary-General hereby transmits to the General Assembly the report of the Director of the United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research on the activities of the Institute for the period from August 2010 to July 2011 and the proposed programme of work and estimated budget for 2011 and 2012.", "The report was considered and approved for submission to the General Assembly by the Board of Trustees of the Institute at the fifty-fifth session of the Secretary-General’s Advisory Board on Disarmament Matters, held from 29 June to 1 July 2011. The Board of Trustees has taken into account the unfavourable financial environment currently faced by the Institute and stressed the need for expanded voluntary contributions by Member States to support the important work of the Institute.", "Report of the Director of the United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research on the activities of the Institute for the period from August 2010 to July 2011 and the proposed programme of work and budget for 2011-2012", "Summary", "The present report covers the activities of the United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research (UNIDIR) from August 2010 to July 2011. The report was considered by the Board of Trustees at the fifty-fifth session of the Secretary-General’s Advisory Board on Disarmament Matters, held from 29 June to 1 July 2011. It was prepared in compliance with the 1984 General Assembly decision requesting the Director of UNIDIR to report annually on the Institute’s activities. The report highlights the programmatic achievements of this period as well as the reform efforts implemented.", "With UNIDIR celebrating its thirtieth anniversary in 2010, the Institute has embarked upon institutional reform with the objectives of strengthening its capacity to fulfil its mandate and reinvigorating its resource mobilization strategy. As such, the Institute’s programme of work has been restructured into five categories: weapons of mass destruction, weapons of societal disruption, security and society, emerging threats and improving processes and creating synergies.", "A subvention from the regular budget is the guarantee of the independence of UNIDIR as an autonomous United Nations institute. By its resolutions 60/89 and 65/87, the General Assembly recommended that the Secretary-General implement the recommendations of the Office of Internal Oversight Services and the Board of Trustees of the Institute, that most core staff costs be funded from the regular budget within existing resources. The Director notes that in recent history the subvention has fallen far short of these costs. By means of the present report, the Board of Trustees transmits to the Secretary-General its recommendation that a subvention be provided from the regular budget for the biennium 2012-2013 (cost-adjusted) while conveying its regret that the subvention could not be increased in the 2012-2013 biennium. At the same time, the Board recommends that efforts continue to be pursued to increase the subvention.", "The Director also reports on the status of voluntary funds received from Governments and philanthropic foundations, which cover the vast majority of the Institute’s budget and finance all of its operational activities. As voluntary funds have in the past come from only a handful of Member States, UNIDIR has been actively seeking to expand its donor base as part of its resource mobilization strategy. At the same time, owing to the global financial crisis, the Institute continues to see erosion in contributions to its core functions, a trend that is of concern as it threatens to undermine the Institute’s financial viability.", "The value of UNIDIR to the international community is based on its status as an autonomous institution within the United Nations system, and this independence remains critical to the Institute’s ability to effectively fulfil its mandate to serve all States Members of the United Nations.", "Contents", "Page\nI.Introduction 4A.Vision 4 \nstatement B.Mission 4 \nstatement II. Management 5 and \nstaffing III. Programme 5 of \n work A.Weapons 5 of mass \ndestruction B.Weapons 7 of societal \ndisruption C.Security 8 and \nsociety D.Emerging 9 \nthreats E. Improving 10 processes and creating \nsynergies F.Francophone 12 \nstrategy G.Consultative 12 and advisory \nservices \nH. Education 12I.Outreach 13 and \ndissemination IV. Finances: 13 voluntary contributions and subvention from the United Nations regular \nbudget \nV.Conclusion 14\nAnnexes I.Income 15 and expenditure for 2009 and 2010 and estimates for 2011 and \n 2012 II.Resource 16 \nrequirements III. Voluntary 20 contributions for 2009 and 2010 and current status for 2011 and \n 2012 IV.Current 22 status of 2011 estimated income from voluntary \nsources V. Estimated 24 core staff requirements and subvention from the United Nations regular budget for 2011 and \n 2012", "I. Introduction", "1. The present report covers the activities of UNIDIR from August 2010 to July 2011 and the proposed programme of work and estimated budget for 2011-2012. Of particular importance, 2010 marked the thirtieth anniversary of the Institute. The General Assembly marked the occasion and acknowledged the value of the Institute through resolution 65/87, adopted by consensus on 8 December 2010.", "2. For more than a decade, UNIDIR has been at the forefront of efforts to create holistic approaches to disarmament, peace and security, focusing on human security, bridge-building and raising awareness about the need for cross-stakeholder cooperation and buy-in. For example, in the late 1990s, UNIDIR became one of the path-breaking research organizations linking disarmament to human security and development — an approach considered mainstream today. This highlights the Institute’s unique role as, simultaneously, a trusted component of the United Nations system and its disarmament machinery, an independent source of information and analysis and an agent of change.", "3. As threats have multiplied and the need for more creative methods for addressing them has grown, UNIDIR has increasingly been requested to provide the international community with ideas for resolving security problems, ground-breaking research products, educational activities and services for the diplomatic community. Yet, the global financial crisis has limited contributions from Governments and stretched private sources of funding for disarmament-related action, leading to a seriously degraded fund-raising environment for voluntarily funded organizations such as UNIDIR.", "4. To address these circumstances, UNIDIR continues its efforts to restructure its programme of work in keeping with its mandate, to strengthen institutional processes related to project development and results-based budgeting, to implement a new resource mobilization strategy, and to establish relationships with partner organizations within the United Nations system and in academia and civil society. But without sustained support from Member States, the Institute’s capacity to maintain its level of support to the United Nations community will be degraded.", "A. Vision statement", "5. The Institute’s driving vision is that of a world in which human security is ensured, where peace prevails over conflict, weapons of mass destruction are eliminated, conventional arms proliferation is avoided, and reduced military spending accompanies global development and prosperity as envisioned in Article 26 of the United Nations Charter. UNIDIR thus seeks to serve as an agent of progressive change towards those goals.", "B. Mission statement", "6. The mission of the Institute, an autonomous research institute within the United Nations, is to assist the international community in finding and implementing solutions to disarmament and security challenges. Through its research and educational efforts, UNIDIR seeks to forward arms control and disarmament, contribute to conflict prevention and promote the development of a peaceful and prosperous world. UNIDIR strives to anticipate new security challenges and threats and to elaborate possible methods to address them before they become critical. Finally, UNIDIR serves as a bridge — among United Nations disarmament, security and development organizations and between the United Nations system and the broader security community — to create the necessary synergies to address and mitigate the effects of insecurity at the international, regional and local levels.", "II. Management and staffing", "7. During the period covered by the present report, the work of UNIDIR was carried out by a staff of 20: 2 directing staff, 3 support staff, 5 substantive programme core staff and 10 project research staff. The Institute also has three Senior Resident Fellows.", "8. To give the Institute flexibility to tackle new research areas, researchers are recruited to work on a specific project or outside experts are commissioned. This permits the Institute to draw on a wide variety of backgrounds and disciplines and encourages cooperation with other institutions, experts and scholars. During the reporting period, nine such experts were retained.", "III. Programme of work", "9. The Institute’s work is divided into five thematic areas of action: weapons of mass destruction, weapons of societal disruption, security and society, emerging threats and improving processes and creating synergies. This structure allows UNIDIR to ensure that it is fulfilling its mandate to address a wide range of security issues, provides “entry points” for users of the Institute’s research and helps donors to focus on areas of interest.", "A. Weapons of mass destruction", "10. Nuclear disarmament and non-proliferation remain unachieved goals, more than 40 years after the entry into force of the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons. Despite the global abhorrence of chemical and biological weapons — as witnessed by the Chemical Weapons Convention and the Biological Weapons Convention — some continue to pursue these weapons. The Institute’s mandate places a high priority on work aimed at the elimination of weapons of mass destruction. In the period under review the Institute has striven to support progress towards that goal through the projects outlined below.", "1. Multilateral approaches to the nuclear fuel cycle", "11. This three-year project, launched in 2008, aims to forward the debate about the potential disarmament and non-proliferation benefits that could result from multilateral nuclear fuel cycle regimes. The project produced three publications in its first two years. The remaining publications, now in production, will examine practical steps undertaken to implement two existing multilateral mechanisms and possible regional multilateral approaches to the nuclear fuel cycle in South and East Asia, and will conclude with an assessment of the future of multilateral nuclear fuel cycle regimes in light of the developments stemming from the case of Fukushima. In addition to the project’s annual seminar hosted in Geneva in March 2011, there will be a concluding event in New York in October 2011.", "2. International cooperation mechanisms on nuclear security", "12. UNIDIR continues to support international efforts aimed at strengthening nuclear security, which has become one of the top issues on the international security agenda over the past two decades. In 2011, UNIDIR has been promoting its research on this topic with a new project entitled “International cooperation mechanisms on nuclear security”. The project seeks to achieve a better understanding among diplomats of the nuclear security agenda, the progress that has been made so far, the scope of the ongoing efforts and the technical and institutional challenges of addressing nuclear security issues.", "3. Promoting implementation of the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons", "13. To promote the Treaty’s objective of de-alerting and devaluing nuclear weapons in doctrine as a next step in nuclear disarmament, UNIDIR will be developing the project “De-alerting: next step for US-Russian nuclear disarmament?” in 2011.", "14. In 2011 and 2012, UNIDIR is implementing, in cooperation with the Geneva Centre for Security Policy and Reaching Critical Will, the project “Promoting implementation of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty action plan” to provide stakeholders with opportunities to express their views and seek common solutions regarding the 64 actions agreed at the 2010 Review Conference.", "4. Tactical nuclear weapons", "15. To advance nuclear arms control efforts, UNIDIR organized, in partnership with the Institute for Peace Research and Security Policy of the University of Hamburg, the seminar entitled “Russia’s tactical nuclear weapons: posture, politics and arms control”, held in February 2011 in Geneva.", "5. Disarmament Forum", "16. Issue No. 4, 2010, of Disarmament Forum considered the question of civil society and nuclear abolition, discussed how the objective of nuclear disarmament could again motivate the public as it has in the past, and looked at what lessons could be drawn from more recent and successful civil society movements.", "17. Issue No. 1, 2011, reflected on past and current activities to strengthen the regime of the Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention. Representatives from States parties, the Implementation Support Unit, academia and the private sector voiced their views on what could or should be done to further strengthen the regime.", "18. Issue No. 2, 2011, focused on nuclear-weapon-free zones and examined the positive contributions to regional and global security, developments in Africa following the entry into force of its nuclear-weapon-free zone, the prospect of an Arctic nuclear-weapon-free zone and the potential for a zone free of weapons of mass destruction in the Middle East.", "6. Future prospects", "19. For 2011-2012, UNIDIR is considering ways to promote implementation of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty action plan agreed to at the 2010 Review Conference. In order to better involve developing countries in nuclear disarmament issues, UNIDIR intends to develop projects relating to Africa and nuclear-weapon-free zones.", "B. Weapons of societal disruption", "20. The human suffering caused by conventional weapons and warfare is horrific and remains a matter of deep concern to the international community. Conventional weapons use in conflict zones has an immediate impact on local societies. In particular, illicit trafficking in conventional weapons — as recognized by the Programme of Action on Small Arms — has led to severe societal disruption and ineffective governance. UNIDIR has long been at the forefront in aiding United Nations efforts to combat illicit trafficking and supporting initiatives linking armed violence and development, such as the Geneva Declaration and efforts to attain the Millennium Development Goals. Projects for the reporting period include the following.", "1. Supporting negotiation of the arms trade treaty", "21. Between July 2010 and July 2012, UNIDIR is implementing a project for the European Union to support the arms trade treaty process. The project consists of seven regional seminars, together with other activities.", "22. The objectives of the project are to support the preparatory process leading up to the United Nations Conference on the Arms Trade Treaty, ensuring that the process is as inclusive as possible and allows for concrete recommendations to be made on the elements of the future treaty, and to support Member States in developing and improving national and regional expertise to implement effective arms transfer controls so that the future treaty, once in force, can be as effective as possible.", "23. UNIDIR also continues to support the process by organizing stand-alone activities. In December 2010, in the framework of a project funded by Finland entitled “An arms trade treaty: let’s talk about it”, the Institute held a seminar in Geneva to discuss the scope of the treaty with a specific focus on small arms and light weapons and ammunition. In April 2011, another event examined the issue of new conventional weapons. In May 2011, in cooperation with the Permanent Mission of France to the United Nations Office at Geneva and the Fondation pour la recherche stratégique, the Institute organized a one-day seminar on arms trade treaty implementation issues. UNIDIR provided technical support to the Economic Community of West African States during its December 2010 meeting devoted to establishing a common position on the arms trade treaty, and to the World Council of Churches during its International Ecumenical Peace Convocation held in Kingston in May 2011.", "2. Towards greater efficiency of the Programme of Action", "24. UNIDIR has been at the forefront of small arms research since the early 1990s. Since the adoption of the Programme of Action in 2001, the Institute has regularly analysed national implementation reports submitted by Member States. By maintaining such continuity in its research work, UNIDIR intends to support the process leading to the Review Conference in 2012 and to help move the Programme of Action towards greater efficiency as a human security instrument. Two projects were launched in July 2010 to sustain the evaluation of overall implementation of the Programme of Action.", "25. The project on implementation challenges and opportunities aims to support the evaluation of Programme of Action implementation, identifying sectors that may present challenges for implementation and suggesting strategic axes of intervention that could reinforce the effectiveness of the Programme of Action overall.", "26. The project on inter-agency coordination endeavours to study how the coordination structures involved in the Programme of Action are functioning, identify best practices and understand problems in order to make recommendations to improve implementation.", "27. The project on analysis of reports submitted by States is being implemented with partners including the Small Arms Survey. This is a follow-on to the analyses of Member State implementation of the Programme of Action that UNIDIR has been involved in since 2002.", "3. Future prospects", "28. UNIDIR is developing a project to assess the status of international assistance in implementing the Programme of Action and to explore ways of developing a consistent and quantifiable approach to evaluating international assistance. In addition, the Institute is examining the possibility of a project to address small arms and light weapons in different regions in cooperation with a variety of stakeholders.", "C. Security and society", "29. UNIDIR was a pioneer in developing thinking about disarmament as a human security issue and in establishing the theme of “disarmament as humanitarian action”. There is growing recognition of the need for national, regional and international peace and security institutions to focus on local problems and security needs in order to prevent conflicts and overcome their consequences. Projects for this period are outlined below.", "1. Discourse on explosive weapons", "30. In January 2010, UNIDIR commenced this project, building on the earlier project “Disarmament as humanitarian action” and the findings of the project “The road from Oslo”, on cluster munitions. Practitioners in the field of arms control/disarmament and humanitarian action considered how to enhance the protection of civilians from explosive weapons. Three symposiums were held in 2010. Background papers and summary reports, as well as downloadable content, are available on the Institute’s website and the project’s website at The project is now completed.", "2. Security Needs Assessment Protocol, second phase", "31. From 2005 to 2010, the Security Needs Assessment Protocol project worked to improve the effectiveness of field-level programming on security and peace. It developed methods for understanding local social systems, so that agencies could better respond to local needs. The project built new processes to help agencies make use of local knowledge when designing programmes and policies. This project is now completed.", "32. Drawing on the approach developed in the Security Needs Assessment Protocol project, a new project has been funded to conduct research and development for a new evidence-based reintegration tool for the Inter-agency Working Group on Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration.", "3. Future prospects", "33. To take forward the ground-breaking work of the “Discourse on explosive weapons” project, UNIDIR is developing the “Norms on explosive weapons” project, which seeks to clarify the conditions under which explosive weapons might be used in populated areas, as called for by the Secretary-General in his 2010 report to the Security Council on the protection of civilians in armed conflict (S/2010/579).", "34. Building on its past work on small arms and light weapons, gender and peacebuilding, UNIDIR intends to work more intensively in 2012 on issues related to other conventional arms, such as man-portable air defence systems, as well as armed violence, development and attainment of the Millennium Development Goals.", "D. Emerging threats", "35. One of the Institute’s strengths has been its role as an “early warning system” for trends that could emerge as serious threats to international peace and security. Raising awareness of emerging threats at an early stage is critical, as the gears of international diplomacy turn slowly. Projects for this period include the following.", "1. Cybersecurity", "36. There has been increasing concern throughout the international community on issues surrounding cybersecurity. UNIDIR has long been engaged in elucidating these issues, starting with a conference on the subject in 1999.", "37. Pursuant to General Assembly resolution 63/37, a Group of Governmental Experts was established in 2010 to study developments in the field of information and telecommunications in the context of international security. The Group of Governmental Experts began its work with UNIDIR acting as consultant to synthesize the discussion of the experts and draft the Group’s report. This final report was adopted by the Group by consensus and transmitted to the Secretary-General in 2010 (A/65/201). This project is now completed.", "38. In February 2011, UNIDIR started the project “Perspectives on cyberwar: legal frameworks and transparency and confidence-building” with the aim of initiating dialogue about potential normative or legal constraints on cyberconflicts, possible regimes for preventing such conflicts and means of ensuring against unacceptable effects of cyberconflict.", "2. Space security", "39. UNIDIR has been involved in research and awareness-raising on threats to the peaceful use of space since the mid-1980s, and in 2002 held the first of its annual space security conferences. The Director of UNIDIR is a founding member of the World Economic Forum’s Global Agenda Council on space security, and UNIDIR has been active in supporting the Conference on Disarmament in efforts to address its agenda item on prevention of an arms race in outer space.", "40. The tenth Outer Space Conference, entitled “Space Security 2011”, was held in Geneva on 4 and 5 April 2011. The conference report is in production and will be submitted to the Conference on Disarmament by the Government of Canada in accordance with previous practice.", "3. Cyberspace and outer space", "41. UNIDIR, in collaboration with Secure World Foundation, held a brainstorming session on cyber- and outer space resources in conflict on 6 April 2011 at the Palais des Nations with the attendance of diplomats, private sector experts and representatives from military and international organizations. The purpose of the event was to discuss some of the potential linkages and similarities between the outer space and cyberspace domains and to determine whether there may be benefit gained from collaboration between the two fields.", "4. Future prospects", "42. UNIDIR is working with the Center for Strategic and International Studies on a project to develop a cybersecurity reference book, and discussing with the International Organization of la Francophonie the possibility of joint projects.", "43. UNIDIR is exploring a number of cooperative activities on outer space with related United Nations bodies, including the Committee for the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space and interested think tanks and charitable foundations. In October 2011, UNIDIR will launch an effort to further develop its programme of work for outer space and cyberspace security in conjunction with the Secure World Foundation.", "44. UNIDIR will continue with its highly successful conference series on space security in 2012.", "E. Improving processes and creating synergies", "45. Establishing multilateral and regional disarmament instruments, whether through General Assembly or Security Council resolutions, regional regimes or multilateral treaties, is only the first step in what is often a long and complicated road to results. The Institute’s status gives it a unique position from which to assess the implementation and results of disarmament instruments, analyse the weaknesses and recommend improved processes and better methods of stakeholder cooperation and collaboration. Projects for this period include the following.", "1. Security Council resolution 1540 (2004) and the role of regional organizations", "46. The second phase of the UNIDIR-Monterey Institute of International Studies project on the role of regional organizations in implementing Security Council resolution 1540 (2004) focused on the dissemination of findings and recommendations from the first phase, as published in Implementing Resolution 1540: the Role of Regional Organizations in 2008. This project is now completed.", "2. Fixing the broken disarmament machinery", "47. Building on the Institute’s work in 2009 on the Conference on Disarmament, this project sought to diagnose problems with the disarmament machinery of the United Nations and to suggest possible solutions. In October 2010, UNIDIR organized an informal workshop gathering senior experts involved in various aspects of the disarmament machinery. A background paper entitled “Disarmament machinery: a fresh approach” was distributed at the event, and is available for download from the Institute’s website. The project is now completed.", "3. Addressing illicit brokering activities", "48. UNIDIR successfully conducted the project entitled “Addressing illicit brokering activities: issues and control”. During the reporting period, the project activities included the final seminar, entitled “Combating illicit brokering of weapons of mass destruction-related materials: building effective responses”, held in October 2010 in New York. This project is now completed.", "49. As a follow-on to a previous seminar organized in partnership with the Geneva Centre for Security Policy and the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, a seminar entitled “Reinforcing disarmament: combating illicit trade in weapons and materials: regional challenges” was held in April 2011 in Geneva. This event brought together academics, researchers, Government officials, military officers and representatives from civil society from Africa, Latin America and Europe to discuss ways of acquiring and managing reliable information, the need for effective legal and law-enforcement systems and the challenges of implementing and operationalizing existing legal and political instruments.", "4. The Conference on Disarmament: breaking the ice", "50. UNIDIR has been organizing a series of thematic discussions and short papers to examine the myths and realities of the Conference on Disarmament — as well as the challenges facing it — with the aim to increase understanding of the history, processes and issue areas of this unique negotiating forum. All of the seminars under this project have been extremely well attended. The project is now completed.", "5. Disarmament Forum", "51. Issue No. 3, 2010, explored the crucial role of science and technology, as well as scientists, in ensuring effective verification and examined specific regimes, including conventional arms embargoes and the Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention. It discussed how future agreements on outer space and a nuclear weapons convention could be verified, as well as the growing role of civil society in ensuring compliance with international arms control agreements.", "6. Future prospects", "52. UNIDIR is continuing to develop its work on the Programme of Action, in particular looking at building synergies among stakeholders.", "F. Francophone strategy", "53. UNIDIR continues to discuss partnership opportunities with the International Organization of la Francophonie. The Institute is convinced that international peace and security require better adaptability of international action to national and regional specificities. One of the best ways to help this process is to disseminate knowledge in the working languages of the targeted countries. The Francophone strategy is a step in the continuing implementation of the Institute’s mandate to serve all Member States by broadening our audience through linguistic diversification. The Institute has started a capacity-building programme in Geneva in collaboration with the International Organization of la Francophonie and organized a seminar in April on the Programme of Action and the arms trade treaty. Other activities will be organized around the second meeting of States parties on cluster munitions and other relevant disarmament topics.", "G. Consultative and advisory services", "54. One significant indicator of the impact of the Institute’s work and the reputation of the Institute is the number of requests for consultative or advisory services. The staff members of the Institute are called upon regularly to advise, consult with or brief interested parties. These activities, undertaken in addition to the Institute’s programme of work, enrich the efforts of other organizations, educate stakeholders, strengthen collaboration and enhance the dissemination of research findings. The requests come from within the United Nations system; from Member States; from international, multilateral and regional organizations; and from research institutes, academic bodies, the media and civil society groups.", "H. Education", "55. UNIDIR continues to attach utmost importance to disarmament and non‑proliferation education and training, and thus the implementation of the relevant recommendations of the 2003 report of the Secretary-General on this topic (A/57/124). In 2010, UNIDIR signed a memorandum of understanding with the University for Peace to support ongoing cooperation and joint project development. UNIDIR staff continue to participate as lecturers for University for Peace courses in Geneva. In addition, UNIDIR has a close working relationship with the Geneva Centre for Security Policy in planning and participating in educational briefings and conferences. During the period covered by the present report, UNIDIR hosted numerous student groups including the United Nations Disarmament Fellows, as well as a number of interns attached to various projects.", "56. UNIDIR is a founding member of the Geneva Forum, along with the Quaker United Nations Office and the Centre on Conflict, Development and Peacebuilding of the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies. The Geneva Forum hosts educational briefings for Geneva-based diplomats.", "I. Outreach and dissemination", "57. UNIDIR continues to implement its outreach and dissemination strategy, with emphasis on developing the Institute’s “new media” presence, expanding the UNIDIR Resources electronic document series and laying the groundwork for output in languages other than English. During the reporting period, UNIDIR published 26 electronic publications on a wide variety of issues, saw the continued development of several successful blogs aiding project outreach, and further incorporated multimedia into its website.", "58. UNIDIR continues to expand its networks and linkages with other institutions in order to increase the impact of its work. Some of our partners are the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute, the Fondation pour la recherche stratégique, the Institut français des relations internationales, the Secure World Foundation, the Simons Foundation and the Center for Strategic and International Studies.", "IV. Finances: voluntary contributions and subvention from the United Nations regular budget", "59. The Institute’s activities are sustained by voluntary contributions from a handful of Member States and organizations, and a subvention from the regular budget.", "60. In accordance with article VII.1 of the Institute’s statute, voluntary contributions from States and public and private organizations are the principal source of financing of the Institute (providing more than 90 per cent of funds in recent years). As part of its fund-raising strategy, UNIDIR has focused on expanding its donor base. For example, the Institute received first-time contributions in 2010 from Estonia, Georgia, Hungary, Pakistan and the United Arab Emirates, and in 2011 from Iraq. As for public organizations, UNIDIR received first-time contributions in 2011 from the Foundation for International Relations and Development Studies. That said, in 2010, only 21 States Members of the United Nations contributed to the Institute’s programme of work.", "61. During the period covered by the present report, UNIDIR has been developing a fund-raising approach based on the five categories of its programme of work, to be pursued in parallel with fund-raising on a project-by-project basis. However, given the ongoing global financial crisis, the level of voluntary contributions to the Institute has continued to drop, with little prospect for a recovery in the near future. In particular, support from key donor States — specifically support needed to sustain core staff — is projected to decrease by more than 50 per cent during 2011. At the same time, the global pool of funding for specific projects in the field of arms control and disarmament continues to shrink. If these trends persist, it will negatively affect the stability of the Institute and the ability to retain staff. Thus, UNIDIR is considering how to undertake a further reassessment of its business model.", "62. Regarding the subvention, article VII.2 of the Institute’s statute establishes that the subvention is to be used towards meeting the costs of the Director and the core staff of the Institute. However, for many years the subvention has covered, at most, the costs of only one core staff member (the Director) of the total core staff of 10 (see annex V to the present report).", "63. In recent years, support for the maintenance and increase of the regular budget subvention has manifested on numerous occasions. In 2004, the Secretary-General considered the continuing need for a subvention for UNIDIR and concluded that the regular budget subvention was “vital for ensuring the independent and continuous nature of the Institute’s normal functioning” (see A/C.5/59/3/Add.1). In 2005, the General Assembly adopted resolution 60/89 recommending that the Secretary-General implement the recommendations of the Office of Internal Oversight Services and the decisions of the UNIDIR Board of Trustees that the costs of the core staff of the Institute be funded from the regular budget of the United Nations, and that ways to increase funding within existing resources continue to be sought. In 2010, the Assembly repeated that call by its resolution 65/87. Support has also been expressed by individual Member States for greater regular budget support for the core staff of the Institute. However, implementing these recommendations has thus far proven impossible, owing in part to recent cuts to the United Nations regular budget and in part to the need to find offsets for any increase within the existing disarmament budget.", "64. In November 2009, the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions requested a subvention for UNIDIR for the 2010-2011 biennium. An amount of $558,200 was approved by the General Assembly in resolution 64/245.", "65. The Board of Trustees continues to attach the utmost importance to the granting of a subvention to the Institute from the financial perspective, as well as that of safeguarding the autonomy and independence of the Institute and the Director. Continuing support for the subvention’s increase and continuing cost adjustment are essential to facilitate growth in voluntary contributions to the Institute. By means of the present report, the Board of Trustees transmits to the Secretary-General its recommendation that a subvention be provided from the regular budget for the biennium 2012-2013 (cost-adjusted), while conveying its regret that the subvention could not be increased into the 2012-2013 biennium. At the same time, the Board recommends that efforts to increase the subvention and have it regularly cost-adjusted continue to be pursued so that, at a minimum, the costs of the Director and the majority of the core staff are covered.", "66. The budget for 2011 is estimated at $3,753,600 and for 2012 at $2,905,500 (see annex II to the present report). However, the 2012 figures include only projects that are currently confirmed; this estimate will increase as the Institute receives pledges for projects now under development.", "V. Conclusion", "67. Despite the difficult economic and security environment facing the international community, there remain many opportunities to advance disarmament, peace and security. Indeed, the period from 2011 to 2015 will be extremely active for the disarmament community. Building on its 30 years of experience and its network, UNIDIR — as a valued independent voice — will continue to pursue its mandate to support efforts to make progress towards a peaceful and prosperous world.", "Annex I", "Income and expenditure for 2009 and 2010 and estimates for 2011 and 2012", "(In thousands of United States dollars)", "Item 2009 2010 2011 2012 (estimates) (estimates)", "A. Funds available at the beginning of 1 259.5 1 043.1^(a) 1 634.0^(b) 1 229.3^(c) the year", "B. Income:", "Voluntary contributions and public 2 399.4^(d) 3 008.1^(e) 2 747.0^(f) 1 355.9^(g) donations", "Subvention from the United Nations 315.1 265.5 312.3 288.9 regular budget", "Other inter-organization contributions 10.0^(d) 42.5^(e) 26.3^(f) 27.5^(g)", "Interest income 37.6 32.0 30.0 10.0", "Miscellaneous income 16.7 0.0 0.0 0.0", "Allocation from other funds 0.0 27.5 0.0 0.0", "Total income 2 778.8 3 375.6 3 115.6 1 682.3", "C. Prior-period adjustments 19.3 0.0 0.0 0.0", "D. Refund to donors 0.0 0.0 -97.3^(h) 0.0", "E. Prior-period obligations 0.0 69.5 0.0 0.0", "F. Total funds available 4 057.6 4 488.2 4 652.3 2 911.6", "G. Expenditure 3 014.5 2 854.2 3 423.0 2 613.7", "H. Fund balance at the end of the year 1 043.1^(a) 1 634.0^(b) 1 229.3^(c) 297.9^(i)", "^(a) Includes $329,200 required as operating cash reserve for 2009.", "^(b) Includes $322,700 required as operating cash reserve for 2010.", "^(c) Includes $330,600 required as operating cash reserve for 2011.", "^(d) See annex III for details of UNIDIR 2009 income from voluntary sources.", "^(e) See annex III for details of UNIDIR 2010 income from voluntary sources.", "^(f) See annex III for details of UNIDIR 2011 estimated income from voluntary sources.", "^(g) See annex III for details of UNIDIR 2012 estimated income from voluntary sources. The estimates for 2012 contributions are conservative. Experience shows that they will be much higher but this cannot, of course, be guaranteed at this stage.", "^(h) Refund to the European Commission for the project entitled Support for EU activities in order to promote among third countries the process leading towards an Arms Trade Treaty.", "^(i) Includes $291,800 required as operating cash reserve for 2012.", "Annex II", "Resource requirements", "(In thousands of United States dollars)", "Resource requirements 2009 2010 2011^(a 2012^(a Increase/ (1) (2) )(estimates) )(estimates) decrease (3) (4) (4-3)", "A. Direct administrative costs", "Salaries and related costs 750.4 646.2 823.6 823.6 0.0", "General temporary assistance 0.0 137.2 0.0 0.0 0.0", "Temporary assistance for meetings 17.5 15.1 22.7 20.5 -2.2", "Consultants’ fees and travel 61.8 70.9 101.6 112.2 10.6", "Ad hoc expert groups 247.5 170.8 521.0 166.0 -355.0", "Other personnel related costs 1 479.0 1 404.8 1 317.4 1 180.5 -136.9", "Official travel of staff 163.8 123.4 126.2 62.5 -63.7", "Other external printing 0.2 0.0 3.1 1.7 -1.4", "Other specialized training 4.1 0.5 4.0 4.0 0.0", "Contractual services 113.0 86.0 295.2 80.3 -214.9", "Hospitality 18.9 11.3 17.4 12.7 -4.7", "Premises: rental and maintenance 1.5 3.3 9.9 6.2 -3.7", "Operating expenses 7.0 10.5 7.4 7.4 0.0", "Communications 6.1 18.5 17.1 17.1 0.0", "Supplies and materials and 26.1 18.2 8.3 8.3 0.0 furniture and equipment", "Total A 2 896.9 2 716.7 3 274.9 2 503.0 -771.9", "B. Programme support costs 117.6 137.5 148.1 110.7 -37.4 (5 per cent of total A, less United Nations subvention)", "Total expenditure (Total A + B) 3 014.5 2 854.2 3 423.0 2 613.7 -809.3", "C. Operating cash reserve 329.2 322.7 330.6 291.8 -38.8 (15 per cent of expenditure on contributions other than from the European Union, less United Nations subvention, and 5 per cent on contributions from the European Union)", "Grand total A + B + C 3 343.7 3 176.9 3 753.6 2 905.5 -848.1", "^(a) These figures may be increased upon the confirmation of new funding proposals.", "A. Direct programme and administrative costs for 2012", "1. Pending approval of new fund-raising submissions, the provisions made for research programmes and administrative costs are minimal. However, they will be adjusted as funding comes forward.", "2. Salaries and related staff costs: $823,600. In 2012, the regular staff will consist of the Director (D-2), the Deputy Director (D-1) and two General Service staff. The total estimated requirements under this heading, shown in the table below, are based on the standard salary costs applicable to Geneva for 2011 (version 10). These estimated requirements do not reflect any change in relation to the 2011 revised requirements.", "(In thousands of United States dollars)", "Staffing requirement Total net Common Representation Total salaries staff costs allowance cost", "1 D-2 210.2 75.7 0.6 286.5", "1 D-1 193.1 69.6 — 262.9", "2 General Service (Other 201.6 72.6 — 274.2 level)", "Total 823.6", "3. Temporary assistance for meetings: $20,500. This provision will be needed to cover temporary assistance for UNIDIR meetings in 2012. It includes $10,000 for interpretation costs for the 2012 Outer Space Conference, $8,500 for interpretation costs for the regional seminars for the project on an arms trade treaty and $2,000 for UNIDIR lunchtime conference servicing. It represents a $2,200 decrease over the 2011 revised budget estimates.", "4. Consultants’ fees and travel: $112,200. This provision will be needed to cover the hiring of individual contractors for translation work ($10,000), the travel of a consultant for the project on explosive weapons norms ($3,000), consultants’ fees and travel for the Group of Governmental Experts on Developments in the Field of Information and Telecommunications in the Context of International Security ($15,000), $80,000 for consultants’ fees for the project on the United Nations Programme of Action on Small Arms and $4,200 for the project on an arms trade treaty. This entails an increase of $10,600 over the 2011 estimated requirements, mainly due to the project on the United Nations Programme of Action on Small Arms, which will require the hiring of a consultant for a period of 12 months.", "5. Ad hoc expert groups: $166,000. This provision reflects a decrease of $355,000 over the 2011 revised estimates owing to the fact that most regional seminars for the project on an arms trade treaty will be held during the year 2011. These funds will be needed to cover the travel expenses of experts participating in lunchtime seminars on an arms trade treaty ($6,000), the meetings on weapons of mass destruction ($5,000), the project on the United Nations Programme of Action on Small Arms ($2,000) and the last regional seminar and final meeting of the project on an arms trade treaty ($153,000).", "6. Other personnel-related costs: $1,180,500. This provision will be needed to extend the contracts of the in-house core staff and the staff working on current projects. It reflects a decrease of $136,900 over the 2011 revised requirements, as the project on an arms trade treaty is ending in July 2012. As new projects are funded and established, this provision may increase.", "7. Official travel of staff: $62,300. The funds will be used for project-related travel, i.e., explosive weapons norms ($8,600), arms trade treaty ($15,200), work on weapons of mass destruction ($5,000), Group of Governmental Experts ($4,000) and United Nations Programme of Action on Small Arms ($11,500), as well as non‑project-related travel, including travel for fund-raising purposes ($18,200). The requirements for staff travel show a decrease of $63,700 over the 2011 revised estimates because several projects are ending in 2011. However, the provision under this heading may increase as new projects are funded.", "8. Other external printing: $1,700. This provision will be needed to purchase photos for the publications’ cover pages. It reflects a decrease of $1,400 over the 2011 revised budget requirements but may increase when new projects are funded.", "9. Other specialized training: $4,000. This provision, reflecting no change over the 2011 revised budget requirements, will be needed for continuous learning activities.", "10. Contractual services: $80,300. This provision, reflecting a decrease of $214,900 over the 2011 budget requirement, will be used mainly to contract hotel accommodation for the last regional seminar of the arms trade treaty project ($76,300) and to extend the existing contractual services for the website ($4,000).", "11. Hospitality: $12,700. The estimated requirements for hospitality in 2012 reflect a decrease of $4,700 over the 2011 revised estimates, resulting from the ending of the project on an arms trade treaty in July 2012.", "12. Rental and maintenance of premises: $6,200. This provision, reflecting a decrease of $3,700 over the 2011 estimates, will be needed to cover the rental of conference rooms for the explosive weapons norms projects, the work on weapons of mass destruction, the project on an arms trade treaty and the United Nations Programme of Action on Small Arms.", "13. Operating expenses: $7,400. This provision, reflecting no change over the 2011 revised estimates, will be used to cover the rental of office equipment ($2,000), UNDP country office programme support costs ($2,400), rental of conference service equipment ($1,000) and bank charges ($2,000).", "14. Communication: $17,100. This provision will be needed to reimburse the United Nations Office at Geneva for fixed and mobile phone usage costs and to pay traffic-related costs and the rental of cell phones for field missions. It represents no change in relation to the 2011 revised estimates.", "15. Supplies and materials and furniture and equipment: $8,300. This provision, reflecting no change over the 2011 revised requirements, will be needed to purchase office equipment ($4,000), stationery and office supplies ($1,000), library books ($2,000) and subscriptions ($1,300).", "B. Programme support costs", "16. A provision of $110,700, representing 5 per cent of the total estimated expenditure less the amount of the United Nations regular budget subvention of $288,900, will be needed for programme support costs in 2012.", "C. Operating cash reserve", "17. In compliance with administrative instruction ST/AI/284, an amount of $291,800 will be kept as an operating cash reserve. It represents 15 per cent of the total 2012 estimated expenditure funded from extrabudgetary resources, with the exception of the expenditure funded by the European Commission, for which a 5 per cent rate is applied.", "Annex III", "Voluntary contributions for 2009 and 2010 and current status for 2011 and 2012", "(United States dollars)", "Voluntary contributions 2009 2010 2011^(a) 2012^(a)", "A. Governmental contributions", "Australia 112 914 133 753 130 000 252 000", "Austria 18 576 0 10 000  0", "Canada 35 344 0 9 969 10 000", "China 18 000 19 985 19 985 20 000", "Estonia 0 1 000 0 0", "Finland 58 140  0 52 562 50 000", "France 293 288 315 330 320 000 160 000", "Georgia 0 2 000  0  0", "Germany 0 39 720 173 620  0", "Holy See 10 000 0 0  0", "Hungary 999 971 19 711 20 000", "India 0 9 982 10 000 10 000", "Iraq 0 4 982 5 000 5 000", "Ireland 0 33 624 13 089 15 000", "Israel 13 206 10 10 000 10 000 211^(b)", "Luxembourg 9 843 40 529 10 000 10 000", "Mexico 5 000 0 3 000 3 000", "Netherlands 326 301 358 704 0  0", "New Zealand 0 0 10 000  0", "Norway 179 675 680 560 000 300 000 316^(c)", "Pakistan 0 4 907 5 000 5 000", "Republic of Korea 30 000 30 000 30 000 30 000", "Russian Federation 100 000 100 000 100 000 100 000", "Sweden 86 155 37 375  0  0", "Switzerland 93 340 87 429 119 176 70 000", "Turkey 5 000 3 000 3 000 3 000", "United Arab Emirates 0 50 000  0  0", "United Kingdom of Great Britain 109 847 105 306 0  0 and Northern Ireland", "United States of America 0 20 000 20 000 20 000", "Total governmental contributions 1 505 628 2 089 124 1 634 112 1 093 000", "B. Public donations", "European Commission 869 535 836 769 961 118 183 381", "Foundation for International  0  0 16 269  0 Relations and Development Studies", "Fondation pour la recherche 0 0 742 0 stratégique", "Marie Curie Foundation 0 62 067 40 286  0", "Northeastern University 0 2 500 3 500 3 500", "Secure World Foundation 15 000 0 30 000 30 000", "Simons Foundation 9 047 14 985 20 000 45 000", "University of Bath 0 1 858 0  0", "University for Peace 200 782 1 000 1 000", "Other 0 0 40 000 0", "Total public donations 893 782 918 961 1 112 915 262 881", "Total voluntary contributions (A + 2 399 410 3 008 085 2 747 027 1 355 881 B)", "C. Inter-organization", "Office for Disarmament Affairs 10 000 42 500 26 250 27 500", "Total inter-organization 10 000 42 500 26 250 27 500", "Grand total (A + B + C) 2 409 410 3 050 585 2 773 277 1 383 381", "^(a) These figures will be increased upon the confirmation of new funding proposals.", "^(b) Contribution from Israel received in 2009 but earmarked for 2010.", "^(c) Includes contribution from Norway of $437,453.52 received in 2009 but earmarked for 2010.", "Annex IV", "Current status of 2011 estimated income from voluntary sources", "(United States dollars)", "To be used for\n Donor Total amount of Special Other purposes contributions project (including administrative costs)", "A. Governmental contributions", "Australia^(a) 130 000 108 333 21 667", "Austria^(b) 10 000 8 333 1 667", "Canada^(c) 9 969 8 308 1 661", "China^(c) 19 985 16 654 3 331", "Finland^(d) 52 562 43 802 8 760", "France^(e) 320 000 266 667 53 333", "Germany^(f) 173 620 144 683 28 937", "Hungary 19 711 16 426 3 285", "India 10 000 8 333 1 667", "Iraq 5 000 4 167 833", "Ireland 13 089 10 908 2 181", "Israel 10 000 8 333 1 667", "Luxembourg 10 000 8 333 1 667", "Mexico 3 000 2 500 500", "New Zealand^(g) 10 000 8 333 1 667", "Norway^(h) 560 000 466 667 93 333", "Pakistan 5 000 4 167 833", "Republic of Korea^(i) 30 000 25 000 5 000", "Russian Federation 100 000 83 333 16 667", "Switzerland^(j) 119 176 99 313 19 863", "Turkey 3 000 2 500 500", "United States of America^(c) 20 000 16 667 3 333", "Total governmental contributions 1 634 112 1 361 760 272 352", "B. Public donations", "European Commission^(k) 961 118 800 932 160 186", "Foundation for International 16 269 13 557 2 712 Relations and Development Studies^(l)", "Fondation pour la recherche 742 0 742 stratégique", "Marie Curie Foundation^(m) 40 286 33 571 6 715", "Northeastern University 3 500 2 917 583", "Secure World Foundation^(n) 30 000 25 000 5 000", "Simons Foundation^(c) 20 000 16 667 3 333", "University for Peace 1 000 833 167", "Other^(b) 40 000 33 333 6 667", "Total public donations 1 112 915 926 810 186 105", "Total voluntary contributions (A + 2 747 027 2 288 570 458 457 B)", "C. Inter-organization", "Office for Disarmament Affairs^(o) 26 250 21 875 4 375", "Total inter-organization 26 250 21 875 4 375", "Grand total (A + B + C) 2 773 277 2 310 445 462 832", "^(a) For work on the Programme of Action on Small Arms.", "^(b) For work on multilateral approaches to the nuclear fuel cycle.", "^(c) For the 2011 Outer Space Conference.", "^(d) For work on an arms trade treaty.", "^(e) For the Deputy Director’s post.", "^(f) For work on cybersecurity ($163,240) and on the Programme of Action on Small Arms ($10,000).", "^(g) For work on de-alerting.", "^(h) $150,000 for core funding, $260,000 for explosive weapons norms and $150,000 for work on weapons of mass destruction.", "^(i) For work on nuclear security.", "^(j) $79,176 for core funding and $40,000 for work on de-alerting.", "^(k) For support of European Union activities to promote among third countries the process leading towards an arms trade treaty.", "^(l) For work on the Programme of Action on Small Arms.", "^(m) For European Union and United Nations planning for crisis management and peacebuilding, promoting best practice and inter-institutional learning.", "^(n) To develop a programme on security in outer space.", "^(o) For editing a publication on biological weapons.", "Annex V", "Estimated core staff requirements and subvention from the United Nations regular budget for 2011 and 2012", "(In thousands of United States dollars)", "Core staff 2011 2012", "Director 286.5 286.5", "Deputy Director 262.9 262.9", "Two General Service staff 274.2 274.2", "Projects and Publications Manager 160.3 162.9", "Project Development and Fund-raising 111.1 113.1 Assistant", "Editor, Publications 111.1 113.1", "Computer System Manager 77.8 80.8", "French translator for Disarmament Forum 111.1 113.1", "Editor, Disarmament Forum 55.6 56.6", "Subtotal 1 450.6 1 463.2", "Programme support costs 56.9 58.7", "Total core staff costs 1 507.5 1 521.9", "Subvention from the regular budget 312.3 288.9", "Covered by voluntary contributions and 1 195.2 1 233.0 public donations", "Percentage covered by the regular budget 20.72 18.98 subvention" ]
[ "第六十六届会议", "议程项目100", "审查大会第十届特别会议所通过 建议和决定的执行情况", "联合国裁军研究所", "秘书长的说明", "秘书长特此向大会转递裁军研究所主任关于该所2010年8月至2011年7月期间活动以及2011年和2012年拟议工作方案和概算的报告。", "该报告经研究所董事会在2011年6月29日至7月1日举行的裁军事项咨询委员会第五十五届会议审议并核可后,提交大会。董事会考虑到研究所目前面临的不利的金融环境,强调会员国有必要扩大自愿捐款,以支持研究所的重要工作。", "^(*) 由于技术原因于2011年10月18日重新印发。", "联合国裁军研究所主任关于该所2010年8月至2011年7月期间活动以及2011年和2012年拟议工作方案和概算的报告", "摘要", "本报告述及联合国裁军研究所(裁研所)2010年8月至2011年7月期间的活动。董事会在2011年6月29日至7月1日举行的秘书长裁军事项咨询委员会第五十五届会议上审议了本报告。报告是根据大会1984年的决定编写的,该决定要求裁研所主任每年提交该所活动报告。报告的重点是本阶段的方案成绩和改革努力。", "在2010年庆祝成立30周年之际,裁研所开始了机构改革,目的是加强其履行授权任务的能力和振兴其资源调动战略。因此,重新调整了裁研所的工作方案结构,分成五类:大规模毁灭性武器、制造社会动乱武器、安全与社会、新兴威胁和改善进程及创造合力。", "由经常预算提供补助金保证了裁研所作为一个联合国自主机构的独立性。大会第60/89号和第65/87号决议建议秘书长执行内部监督事务厅和研究所董事会的建议,即大部分核心工作人员费用在现有资源范围内由经常预算提供。主任指出,近些年来补助金金额已经远远低于这部分费用。董事会通过本报告向秘书长建议,在2012-2013两年期由经常预算提供(经过费用调整的)补助金,同时对2012-2013两年期不能提高补助金表示遗憾。董事会同时还建议继续努力增加补助金。", "主任还报告了由政府和慈善基金会提供的自愿基金的状况;自愿基金占研究所预算的绝大部分并为研究所所有业务活动出资。由于自愿基金过去只由少数会员国提供,裁研所现正积极扩大其捐助群体,这也是研究所资源调动战略的组成部分。与此同时,由于全球金融危机,对研究所的核心职能的捐助继续受到侵蚀,这一趋势令人担忧,因为这有可能损害研究所的财务可持续性。", "裁研所对国际社会的价值基于其作为联合国系统内一个自主机构的地位,这一独立性对研究所是否能有效履行其为所有联合国会员国服务之授权任务至关重要。", "目录", "页次\n1.导言 4\nA.愿景说明 4\nB.任务说明 4\n2.管理和人员配置 5\n3.工作方案 5\nA.大规模毁灭性武器 5\nB.制造社会动乱武器 6\nC.安全和社会 8\nD.新兴威胁 8\nE.改善进程及创造合力 10\nF.法语国家战略 11\nG.顾问和咨询服务 11\nH.教育 11\nI.外联和传播 12\n4.财务:自愿捐款和联合国经常预算提供的补助金 12\n5.结论 13 \n 附件 \n1.2009年和2010年收支状况及2011年和2012年估计数 14\n2.所需资源 15\n3.2009年和2010年自愿捐款及2011年和2012年现况 18\n4.2011年自愿捐款收入估计数现况 20\n5.2011年和2012年核心工作人员所需经费估计数和联合国经常预算补助金 22", "一. 导言", "1. 本报告述及裁研所2010年8月至2011年7月期间的活动以及2011-2012年拟议工作方案和概算。特别重要的是,2010年是研究所成立30周年。大会注意到这个周年纪念,并通过2010年12月8日一致通过的第65/87号决议肯定了裁研所的重要性。", "2. 在过去10多年里,裁研所一直位于创造关于一个裁军、和平与安全的整体办法的努力的前沿,其工作重点是人类安全、搭建沟通桥梁和提高对与所有利益攸关方的合作和说服工作的认识。例如在1990年代后期,裁研所成为把裁军与人类安全和发展联系在一起的第一批开创性研究组织中的一员,目前这种联系方式已被视作主流。这就突显了裁研所的独特作用:既是联合国系统和裁军体系中一个受人信任的成员,同时也是一个独立资料和分析来源,又是促进变革的推手。", "3. 由于威胁倍增,而解决这些威胁又需要有更为创新的方式,因此裁研所不断被要求向国际社会提供解决安全问题的思路,并为外交界提供创新研究产品,组织教育活动和服务。但是,全球金融危机限制了各国政府的捐款,私人资助裁军相关行动的来源也捉襟见肘,导致类似裁研所这样依靠自愿捐款资助的组织陷入严重的筹资不利环境。", "4. 为解决这种状况,裁研所做了以下工作:继续重新调整工作方案以与授权任务保持一致,加强与发展项目和成果预算编制有关的机构进程,实施资源调动新战略,与联合国系统内和学术界及民间社会的伙伴组织建立关系。但是如果没有会员国的持续支持,裁研所维持其对联合国组织的支持力度的能力将受到削弱。", "A. 愿景说明", "5. 激发裁研所动力的愿景是:建立一个如《联合国宪章》第二十六条所憧憬的世界,在这个世界里,人类安全得到保障,和平战胜冲突,大规模毁灭性武器被销毁,常规军备的扩散得以避免,军事支出减少,同时伴随全球发展和繁荣。因此,裁研所寻求成为一个为实现这些目标而进行进步变革的推手。", "B. 任务说明", "6. 作为联合国系统内的一个自主研究所,裁研所的任务是,协助国际社会找到并执行解决裁军和安全挑战的方法。通过作出研究和教育努力,裁研所力图推进军备控制和裁军,促进预防冲突,以及促进建立一个和平和繁荣的世界。裁研所努力预见新的安全挑战和威胁,在这些挑战和威胁一触即发之前就拟订解决它们的方法。最后,裁研所是一座桥梁,既是联合国各裁军、安全与发展组织之间的桥梁,也是联合国系统和更为广泛的安全界之间的桥梁,以建立一个必要的协同作用,以应对和减缓国际、区域和地方一级的不安全影响。", "二. 管理和人员配置", "7. 在本报告所述期间,裁研所的工作由总共20名工作人员负责,包括2名主管人员、3名支助人员、5名实质性方案核心人员和10名项目研究人员。研究所还有3名资深驻访研究员。", "8. 为给予研究所以处理新研究领域的灵活性,采用了就某一具体项目招聘研究员或委托外部专家的方法。由此,研究所能够广泛地利用各种背景和学科,并鼓励与其他机构、专家和学者进行合作。在本报告所述期间,留用了9名这样的专家。", "三. 工作方案", "9. 裁研所的工作划分为下列5个专题行动领域:大规模毁灭性武器、制造社会动乱武器、安全与社会、新兴威胁和改善进程及创造合力。这样的结构使研究所能够确保履行其授权任务,处理广泛的安全问题,为研究所研究成果的使用者提供“进入点”,并帮助捐助方关注有兴趣的领域。", "A. 大规模毁灭性武器", "10. 《不扩散核武器条约》生效已经40多年了,但核裁军和不扩散仍然还是遥不可及的目标。尽管如《化学武器公约》和《生物武器公约》所证实的,全世界都憎恨化学和生物武器,但仍有一些国家在继续寻求这类武器。裁研所的授权任务把旨在销毁大规模毁灭性武器的工作置于优先地位。在本报告所述期间,研究所通过下述项目努力支持在实现这个目标方面取得进展。", "1. 核燃料循环多边办法", "11. 2008年启动的这个三年期项目的目的是推动就多边核燃料循环制度可能产生的在裁军和不扩散方面的潜在益处进行辩论。该项目在头两年出了三份出版物。现正出版的其余出版物将审查为实施南亚和东亚两个现有多边机制和可能的核燃料循环区域多边办法而采取的实际步骤,并将在最后根据福岛事件的动态评估多边核燃料循环机制的前景。除了2011年3月在日内瓦举办的该项目年度研讨会外,将于2011年10月在纽约举办一次总结活动。", "2. 国际核安全合作机制", "12. 裁研所继续支持旨在加强核安全的国际努力,这已成为过去二十年中国际安全议程的首要问题之一。2011年,裁研所一直在推动其在这一问题上的研究,开展了一个题为“国际核安全合作机制”的新项目。该项目力图使外交官们更好地了解下列问题:核安全议程、迄今为止已取得的进展、正在进行的努力的范围以及处理核安全问题的技术和体制挑战的进展。", "3. 促进《不扩散核武器条约》的执行", "13. 为促进条约解除待命状态和降低核武器在理论中的地位的目的,作为核裁军的下一步,裁研所将在2011年拟订“解除待命状态:美俄核裁军的下一步?”项目。", "14. 2011年和2012年,裁研所正在与日内瓦安全政策中心和“拿出紧要决心”合作,实施“促进实施《不扩散核武器条约》行动计划”项目,以便为各利益攸关方提供一个机会,让他们表达各自的意见,并寻求关于在2010年审议大会上商定的64项行动的共同解决方案。", "4. 战术核武器", "15. 为了推进核军备管制,裁研所与汉堡大学和平研究与安全政策研究所合作举办了2011年2月在日内瓦举行的题为“俄罗斯的战术核武器:姿态、政治与武器控制”的研讨会。", "5. 裁军论坛", "16. 裁军论坛2010年第4期审议了民间社会与废除核武器的问题,讨论了核裁军的目标如何能够像过去一样再次激发公众的积极性,并讨论了可从更近期的成功的民间社会运动中吸取哪些经验教训。", "17. 2011年第1期思考了以往和当前加强《生物和毒素武器公约》制度的活动。来自缔约国、履约支助股、学术界和私营部门的代表就可以并应当采取哪些行动以进一步加强该制度表达了他们的意见。", "18. 2011年第2期的重点是无核武器区,审查了对区域和全球安全的积极贡献、在非洲无核武器区生效后非洲的最新动态、北极无核武器区的前景和中东无大规模毁灭性武器区的可能性。", "6. 未来展望", "19. 在2011-2012年期间,裁研所正在考虑如何促进实施在2010年审议大会上商定的《不扩散核武器条约》行动计划。为更好地使发展中国家参与讨论核裁军问题,裁研所打算拟订一些与非洲和无核武器区有关的项目。", "B. 制造社会动乱武器", "20. 常规武器和战争造成的人类苦难令人恐怖,并且仍然是国际社会深为关切的一个问题。在冲突区域使用常规武器会对当地社会带来立即影响。尤其是非法贩运常规武器行为导致了严重的社会动乱和治理失效,这也是《小武器问题行动纲领》所承认的。裁研所一直率先协助联合国作出努力与非法贩运进行斗争,并支持把武装暴力与发展挂钩的举措,例如《日内瓦宣言》和为实现千年发展目标所作的努力。本报告所述期间的项目包括下列项目。", "1. 支持武器贸易条约谈判", "21. 2010年7月至2012年7月,裁研所正在为欧洲联盟实施一个项目,支持武器贸易条约进程。该项目包括7个区域研讨会,另外还有其他活动。", "22. 该项目的目标是支持联合国武器贸易条约会议的筹备进程,同时确保该进程尽可能具有包容性,能够就未来条约的内容提出具体建议,并支持会员国发展和加强国家和区域两级实行有效的武器转让控制的专业知识,以便未来的条约一旦生效,就能够尽可能产生实效。", "23. 裁研所还继续通过举办独立活动支持这一进程。2010年12月,在一个由芬兰资助的题为“武器贸易条约:让我们展开讨论”的项目框架内,裁研所在日内瓦举行了一个研讨会,讨论该条约的范围,并特别注重小武器和轻武器以及弹药。2011年4月,另外一个活动研究了新式常规武器的问题。2011年5月,裁研所同法国常驻联合国日内瓦办事处代表团和战略研究基金会合作,就武器贸易条约的实施问题举办了一个为期一天的研讨会。在2010年12月专门用于确立关于武器贸易条约的共同立场的会议上,以及2011年5月在金斯敦举行的国际普世和平教士会议期间,裁研所分别向西非国家经济共同体和世界基督教协进会提供了技术支持。", "2. 努力提高《行动纲领》的效率", "24. 裁研所自1990年代初以来一直处于小武器研究的前沿。自2001年通过《行动纲领》以来,裁研所定期分析会员国提交的国家实施情况报告。裁研所打算通过保持研究工作的这种连续性,支持2012年审议大会的筹备进程,并帮助努力提高《行动纲领》作为人类安全文书的效率。2010年7月启动了两个项目,以维持对《行动纲领》整体实施情况的评价。", "25. 关于实施挑战和机遇的项目旨在支持对《行动纲领》的实施情况进行评价,查明可能对实施工作构成挑战的部门,并提出可以加强《行动纲领》整体有效性的干预行动战略轴心。", "26. 关于机构间协调的项目努力研究《行动纲领》所涉及协调结构的运作情况,确定最佳做法并了解各个问题,以便提出改善实施工作的建议。", "27. 对各国所提交报告进行分析的项目目前正在同小武器调查等合作伙伴一道实施。这是会员国实施《行动纲领》情况分析工作的后续行动,裁研所自2002年以来一直参与这项行动。", "3. 未来前景", "28. 裁研所正在开展一个项目,评估实施《行动纲领》方面国际援助的状况,并探讨如何制定一个连贯一致、可量化的方法来评价国际援助。此外,裁研所正在研究是否可开展一个项目,与多方面的利益攸关方合作在不同区域处理小武器和轻武器问题。", "C. 安全和社会", "29. 在发展把裁军作为人类安全问题来对待的思想及确立“裁军即人道主义行动”的主题方面,裁研所是先驱者。现在有越来越多的人认识到,国家、区域及国际和平与安全机构必须把关注点放在当地问题和安全需求上,以预防冲突和克服冲突的后果。本报告所述期间的项目概述如下:", "1. 关于爆炸性武器的讨论", "30. 裁研所于2010年1月开始这一项目,将以前的“裁军即人道主义行动”和关于集束弹药的“奥斯陆之路”项目的结论作为项目基础。军备控制/裁军和人道主义行动领域的从业人员审视了如何提升对平民的保护使其不受爆炸性武器的伤害。2010年举办了3场专题讨论会。背景文件和摘要报告以及可下载的内容,可在裁研所网址和该项目的网址上查阅。", "2. 安全需求评估规程,第2阶段", "31. 2005-2010年,安全需求评估规程项目努力改善外地一级安全与和平问题方案编制的效力。该项目制定了有助于了解当地社会体系的方式,使各机构能更好地对当地需求做出反应。该项目还建立了新的程序,以帮助各机构在设计方案和政策时利用当地知识。该项目现已完成。", "32. 借鉴安全需求评估规程项目制定的方法,一个新的项目已经获得资助,为解除武装、复员和重返社会问题机构间工作组研究和开发一个新的基于证据的重返社会工具。", "3. 未来前景", "33. 为了推进“关于爆炸性武器的讨论”项目所做的开创性工作,裁研所正在制定“关于爆炸性武器的规范”项目,努力按照秘书长提交安全理事会的关于武装冲突中保护平民的2010年报告(S/2010/579)的要求,澄清在何种条件下可在居民区使用爆炸性武器。", "34. 在过去关于小武器和轻武器、性别平等和建设和平的工作基础上,2012年,裁研所打算加强在与其他常规武器有关的问题(如肩扛式防空导弹以及武装暴力、发展和实现千年发展目标)方面的工作。", "D. 新兴威胁", "35. 裁研所的一个强项就是可作为“预警系统”发挥作用,它可指出严重威胁国际和平与安全的新的趋势。在早期就提高对新的威胁的认识至关重要,因为国际外交机制运转得很慢。本报告所述期间的项目包括。", "1. 网络安全", "36. 国际社会越来越关注与网络安全有关的各类问题。裁研所早在1999年就召开了有关这一主题的一次会议,自那以来,裁研所一直在努力阐明这些问题。", "37. 根据大会第63/37号决议,2010年成立了一个政府专家组,从国际安全的角度研究信息和通信领域的发展情况。该专家组已开始工作,裁研所作为咨询方对专家组的讨论情况加以综合,并起草专家组报告。最后报告获得专家组协商一致通过,并于2010年转递给秘书长(A/65/201)。该项目现已完成。", "38. 2011年2月,裁研所开始实施“网络战前景:法律框架及透明度和建立信任”项目,目的是就对网络冲突的潜在规范或法律约束、防止这种冲突的可能的制度以及如何确保网络冲突不造成无法接受的影响开始对话。", "2. 空间安全", "39. 裁研所自1980年代中期以来一直参与两项工作,一是研究和平利用空间受到的威胁,二是提高人们对这一问题的认识,并在2002年举办了第一届年度空间安全会议。裁研所所长是世界经济论坛空间安全问题全球议程理事会的创始成员之一,裁研所一直积极支持裁军谈判会议处理关于防止外空军备竞赛的议程项目。", "40. 题为“2011年空间安全”的第十届外层空间会议于2011年4月4日和5日在日内瓦举行。会议报告正在编写之中,将由加拿大政府按以往惯例提交裁军谈判会议。", "3. 网络空间和外层空间", "41. 裁研所与安全世界基金会协作,就冲突中的网络空间和外层空间资源于2011年4月6日在万国宫举办了一次集思广益讨论会,出席者有外交官、私营部门的专家以及军事和国际组织的代表。这次活动的目的是讨论网络空间和外层空间之间的潜在联系和相似之处,确定两个领域之间的协作是否会带来一些益处。", "4. 未来前景", "42. 裁研所正在同战略和国际研究中心合作开展一个项目,编写一本网络安全参考书,并且正在同法语国家国际组织讨论是否可能开展联合项目。", "43. 裁研所正在同包括和平利用外层空间委员会在内的联合国有关机构以及相关智库和慈善基金会探讨一些合作活动。2011年10月,裁研所将开展一次努力,同安全世界基金会一道进一步制定外层空间和网络空间安全工作方案。", "44. 2012年,裁研所将继续举办非常成功的空间安全系列会议。", "E. 改善进程及创造合力", "45. 取得成果之路经常漫长而曲折,无论是通过大会或安全理事会决议,还是通过区域制度或多边条约等方式建立多边和区域裁军文书,都仅仅是这条道路上的第一步。裁研所的地位独特,使之有条件评估裁军文书的实施情况和成果,分析不足之处,并就如何改进利益攸关方之间合作与协作的进程和方法提出建议。本报告所述期间的项目包括。", "1. 安全理事会第1540(2004)号决议和区域组织的作用", "46. 裁研所——蒙特雷国际研究所关于区域组织在执行安全理事会第1540(2004)号决议方面的作用项目第二阶段的重点是传播2008年出版的《执行第1540号决议:区域组织的作用》一书中提出的第一阶段的结论和建议。该项目现已完成。", "2. 修补破损的裁军机制", "47. 在裁研所2009年就裁军谈判会议开展的工作基础上,这一项目旨在查明联合国裁军机制存在的问题,并提出可能的解决办法。2010年10月,裁研所举办了一次非正式研讨会,参加者是涉及裁军机制各个方面问题的资深专家。研讨会上分发了一份题为“裁军机制:一种新方法”的背景文件,该文件可从裁研所网站上下载。该项目现已完成。", "3. 应对非法中介活动", "48. 裁研所成功开展了题为“应对非法中介活动:问题与控制”的项目。在本报告所述期间,项目活动包括2010年10月在纽约举办的最后研讨会,题为“打击大规模毁灭性武器相关材料方面的非法中介活动:建立有效的应对措施”。该项目现已完成。", "49. 作为以前同日内瓦安全政策中心和弗里德里希·艾伯特基金会合作举办的研讨会的后续活动,一个题为“加强裁军工作:打击武器及物资的非法贸易:区域挑战”的研讨会于2011年4月在日内瓦举行。参加这次活动的有来自非洲、拉丁美洲和欧洲的学者、研究人员、政府官员、军官和民间社会的代表。这次活动主要是讨论下列问题:收集和管理可靠信息的方式,需要建立有效的法律体系和执法体系的问题,以及落实和实施现有法律和政治文书方面的挑战。", "4. 裁军谈判会议:打破坚冰", "50. 裁研所一直在组织一系列专题讨论和短文件,以审查有关裁军谈判会议的传言和现实情况,以及该会议面临的挑战,目的是增加对这一独特谈判论坛的历史、进程和问题领域的理解。在该项目下组织的所有研讨会出席人数都非常多。该项目现已完成。", "5. 《裁军论坛》", "51. 2010年第3期探讨了科学和技术及科学家在确保有效核查方面的关键作用,并审查了具体的制度,包括常规武器禁运和《生物和毒素武器公约》。《论坛》讨论了今后关于外层空间的协议及核武器公约的核查问题,以及民间社会在确保遵守国际军控协议方面日益重要的作用。", "6. 未来前景", "52. 裁研所继续开展有关《行动纲领》的工作,特别注重发挥利益攸关方之间的合力。", "F. 法语国家战略", "53. 裁研所继续讨论与法语国家国际组织建立伙伴关系的机会。裁研所相信,要实现国际和平与安全,国际行动需要更好地适应国家和区域两级的具体情况。有助于这一进程的最佳方式之一,是用目标国家的工作语文传播知识。法语国家战略是裁研所继续执行为所有会员国服务这一任务过程中的一步,即通过语言多样化扩大受众范围。裁研所同法语国家国际组织合作,已经在日内瓦开始实施一个能力建设方案,并在4月份组织了一个关于《行动纲领》和武器贸易条约的研讨会。另外,围绕缔约国关于集束弹药和其它相关裁军议题的第二次会议,还将组织其它活动。", "G. 顾问和咨询服务", "54. 有关裁研所工作的影响及其声誉的一个重要指标,是裁研所接到的要求提供顾问或咨询服务的次数。研究所的工作人员经常被要求向有关方面提供咨询、与有关方面磋商或介绍情况。这些在研究所工作方案之外开展的活动,丰富了其他组织的工作内容,教育了利益攸关方,加强了协作,有助于传播研究成果。这些要求来自联合国系统内部、会员国及国际、多边和区域组织,以及研究所、学术机构、媒体和民间社会团体。", "H. 教育", "55. 裁研所仍然极为重视裁军和不扩散教育及培训,由此也重视2003年秘书长关于这一问题的报告(A/57/124)提出的有关建议的执行问题。2010年,裁研所与和平大学签署了一项谅解备忘录,支持正在进行的合作及联合项目制定。裁研所工作人员继续参加,为和平大学在日内瓦开办的课程担任讲师。此外,在规划和参与教育情况通报会和会议方面,裁研所与日内瓦安全政策中心建立了紧密的工作关系。在本报告所述期间,裁研所接待了众多学生团体,包括联合国裁军研究员以及一些隶属于各个项目的实习生。", "56. 裁研所同贵格会联合国办事处和国际与发展研究研究生院所属冲突、发展和建设和平问题中心均为日内瓦论坛的创始成员。日内瓦论坛为驻日内瓦的外交官举办有教育作用的情况通报会。", "I. 外联和传播", "57. 裁研所继续实施宣传和传播战略,着重发展研究所的“新媒体”存在,扩大《裁研所资源》的电子文件系列,以及为用英语以外语言交付产出奠定基础。在本报告所述期间,裁研所发行了26种关于各种广泛议题的电子出版物,几个帮助项目外联的成功博客继续发展,并进一步将多媒体纳入网站。", "58. 裁研所继续扩大与其他机构的网络和联系,以增加其工作的影响。我们的一些伙伴是斯德哥尔摩国际和平研究所、战略研究基金会、法国国际关系研究所、安全世界基金会、西蒙斯基金会以及战略与国际研究中心。", "四. 财务:自愿捐款和联合国经常预算提供的补助金", "59. 裁研所的活动依靠少数会员国和组织的自愿捐款和经常预算提供的补助金维持。", "60. 按照《裁研所章程》第七条第1款的规定,研究所的主要资金来源是来自国家及公共组织和私人组织的自愿捐款(近年来占资金的90%以上)。作为其筹资战略的一部分,裁研所把重点放在扩大捐助群体上。例如,2010年,研究所首次收到爱沙尼亚、格鲁吉亚、匈牙利、巴基斯坦和阿拉伯联合酋长国的捐款,2011年收到伊拉克的捐款。至于公众组织,裁研所2011年首次收到国际关系和发展研究基金会的捐款。尽管如此,2010年只有21个联合国会员国给裁研所工作方案捐了款。", "61. 在本报告所述期间,裁研所根据其工作方案的五个类别制订了筹资办法,与单个项目的筹资同时进行。不过,鉴于目前的全球金融危机,研究所的自愿捐款数额继续下降,在不久的未来恢复的可能性不大。尤其是,2011年期间,来自主要捐助国的支助——特别是维持核心人员所需的支助——预计会减少50%以上。同时,军控和裁军领域特别项目全球资金库继续缩小。这些趋势若持续下去,将对裁研所的稳定和保留工作人员的能力产生不利影响。因此,裁研所正在考虑如何进一步评估其业务模式。", "62. 关于补助金,《裁研所章程》第七条第2款规定,补助金用于支付研究所主任和核心工作人员的费用。但是多年来,在总共10名核心工作人员中,补助金只能支付一位核心工作人员(主任)的费用(见本报告附件五)。", "63. 近几年来出现了很多支持维持和增加经常预算补助金的迹象。2004年,秘书长考虑到有必要继续向裁研所提供补助金,得出如下结论:经常预算补助金“对于确保研究所正常发挥职能的独立及持续性质至关重要”(见A/C.5/59/3/Add.1)。 2005年,大会通过了第60/89号决议,建议秘书长执行内部监督事务厅的有关建议和裁研所董事会的决定,即研究所核心工作人员的费用应由联合国经常预算提供,并继续想办法在现有资源范围内增加供资。2010年,大会重复了第60/87号决议的要求。个别会员国对增加经常预算对研究所核心工作人员的支助也表示了支持态度。不过,部分由于最近的联合国经常预算削减,部分由于有必要在现有裁军预算内抵消任何增加额,迄今为止,事实证明不可能执行这些建议。", "64. 2009年11月,行政和预算问题咨询委员会要求2010-2011两年期为裁研所提供补助金。大会第64/245号决议核准了558 200美元的数额。", "65. 董事会从财务角度出发,继续极为重视向研究所提供补助金的问题,亦对确保研究所和主任的自治和独立极为重视。必须继续支持增加补助金和不断做成本调整,以便促进研究所自愿捐款的增长。董事会通过本报告向秘书长建议,在2012-2013两年期由经常预算提供(经过费用调整的)补助金,同时对2012-2013两年期不能提高补助金表示遗憾。董事会同时还建议继续努力增加补助金,并定期作费用调整,以便至少能支付主任和大多数核心工作人员的费用。", "66. 2011年的预算估计数为3 753 600美元,2012年则为2 905 500美元(见本报告附件二)。但是,2012年的数字只包括目前已确认的项目,因此在研究所接到为正在拟订的项目提出的认捐之后,这一估计数将有所增加。", "五. 结论", "67. 尽管国际社会面临困难的经济和安全环境,但是仍然存在很多能推进裁军、和平与安全的机会。的确,裁军界将在2011年至2015年期间十分活跃。裁研所作为一个有价值的独立声音,将以自己30年的经验和网络为基础,继续完成其任务,支持努力在建立一个和平与繁荣的世界方面取得进展。", "附件一", "2009年和2010年收支状况及2011年和2012年估计数", "(千美元)", "项目\t2009年\t2010年\t2011年(估计数)\t2012年(估计数) \nA. 年初可用资金\t1 259.5\t1043.1^(a)\t1634.0^(b)\t1229.3^(c)\n B. 收入 \n自愿捐款和公众捐款\t2399.4^(d)\t3008.1^(e)\t2747.0^(f)\t1355.9^(g)\n 联合国经常预算补助金 315.1 265.5 312.3 288.9 \n其他组织间捐款\t10.0^(d)\t42.5^(e)\t26.3^(f)\t27.5^(g)\n 利息收入 37.6 32.0 30.0 10.0 \n 杂项收入 16.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 \n 其他基金拨款 0.0 27.5 0.0 0.0 \n 收入共计 2 778.8 3 375.6 3 115.6 1 682.3\n C. 上期调整数 19.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 \nD. 退还捐助方的款项\t0.0\t0.0\t-97.3^(h)\t0.0\n E. 上期承付款项 0.0 69.5 0.0 0.0 \n F. 可用资金共计 4 057.6 4 488.2 4 652.3 2 911.6\n G. 支出 3 014.5 2 854.2 3 423.0 2 613.7\nH. 年底资金余额\t1043.1^(a)\t1634.0^(b)\t1229.3^(c)\t297.9^(i)", "^(a) 包括2009年业务现金储备所需329 200美元。", "^(b) 包括2010年业务现金储备所需322 700美元。", "^(c) 包括2011年业务现金储备所需330 600美元。", "^(d) 裁研所2009年自愿捐款收入详情见附件三。", "^(e) 裁研所2010年自愿捐款收入详情见附件三。", "^(f) 裁研所2011年自愿捐款估计收入详情见附件三。", "^(g) 裁研所2012年自愿捐款估计收入详情见附件三。2012年捐款估计数较为保守。经验表明捐款数额会高出多,但眼下还无法保证。", "^(h) 偿还欧洲联盟委员会题为“支持欧盟促进第三国之间订立武器贸易条约进程的活动”的项目的款项。", "^(i) 包括2012年业务现金储备所需291 800美元。", "附件二", "所需资源", "(单位:千美元)", "2009年\t2010年\t2011年^(a)(估计数)\t2012年^(a)(估计数)\t增(减)\n 所需资源 (1) (2) (3) (4) (4-3) \n A. 直接行政费用 \n 薪金和相关费用 750.4 646.2 823.6 823.6 0.0 \n 一般临时人员 0.0 137.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 \n 会议临时人员 17.5 15.1 22.7 20.5 -2.2 \n 咨询人费用和旅费 61.8 70.9 101.6 112.2 10.6 \n特设专家组\t247.5\t170.8\t521.0\t166.0\t-355.0\n其他人事费\t1479.0\t1404.8\t1317.4\t1180.5\t-136.9\n 工作人员公务差旅费 163.8 123.4 126.2 62.5 -63.7\n 其他外部印刷 0.2 0.0 3.1 1.7 -1.4 \n 其他专业培训 4.1 0.5 4.0 4.0 0.0 \n订约承办事务\t113.0\t86.0\t295.2\t80.3\t-214.9\n 招待费 18.9 11.3 17.4 12.7 -4.7 \n 房地:租金和维修 1.5 3.3 9.9 6.2 -3.7 \n 业务费用 7.0 10.5 7.4 7.4 0.0 \n 通信 6.1 18.5 17.1 17.1 0.0 \n 用品、材料、家具和设备 26.1 18.2 8.3 8.3 0.0 \nA项共计\t2896.9\t2716.7\t3274.9\t2503.0\t-771.9\n B. 方案支助费用 \n(A项总额的5%减去联合国补助金)\t117.6\t137.5\t148.1\t110.7\t-37.4\n支出共计(A+B共计)\t3014.5\t2854.2\t3423.0\t2613.7\t-809.3\n C. 业务现金储备 \n(非欧洲联盟提供的捐款支出的15%减去联合国补助金,以及欧洲联盟捐款的5%)\t329.2\t322.7\t330.6\t291.8\t-38.8\n总计A+B+C\t3343.7\t3176.9\t3753.6\t2905.5\t-848.1", "^(a) 在确认新的筹资建议后,这些数字有可能会增加。", "A. 2012年直接方案和行政费", "1. 在新经费筹措计划得到核准之前,先按照最低限度编列研究方案和行政费的经费,但经费将随资金到位而有所调整。", "2. 薪金和相关人事费:823 600美元。2012年,正式工作人员包括主任(D-2)、副主任(D-1)和两名一般事务人员。如下表所示,本项下所需经费估计总数是根据2011年适用于日内瓦的标准薪金费用(第10版)提出的。这些所需经费估计数不反映2011年订正所需经费变化。", "(单位:千美元)", "所需员额 薪金净额总数 一般人事费 出席会议津贴 费用共计", "D-2 210.2 75.7 0.6 286.5", "D-1 193.1 69.6 — 262.9", "2个一般事务(其他职等) 201.6 72.6 — 274.2", "共计 823.6", "3. 会议临时人员:20 500美元。本项经费用于支付裁研所2012年会议所需临时人员费用。其中包括2012年外层空间会议口译费用10 000美元,军火贸易项目区域研讨会口译费用8 500美元和裁研所午餐会议服务2 000美元。本项经费比2011年订正预算估计数减少2 200美元。", "4. 咨询人费用和旅费:112 200美元。本项经费用于雇用个体订约人从事翻译工作(10 000美元)、爆炸性武器准则项目一名咨询人的旅费(3 000美元)、从国际安全的角度来看信息和电信领域的发展政府专家组的咨询费和旅费(15 000美元)、《联合国小武器行动纲领》项目咨询人的费用80 000美元;以及军火贸易条约项目4 200美元。这导致比2011年所需经费估计数增加10 600美元,主要是因为《联合国小武器行动纲领》项目将需要聘请一名咨询人,为期12个月。", "5. 特设专家组:166 000美元。本项经费比2011年订正估计数减少355 000美元,因为军火贸易条约项目的大多数区域研讨会将在2011年期间举行。这些资金需用于支付专家出席下列会议的旅费:军火贸易条约午餐研讨会(6 000美元)、大规模毁灭性武器会议(5 000美元)、《联合国小武器行动纲领》项目(2 000美元)和军火贸易条约项目的最后一次区域研讨会和最后会议(153 00美元)。", "6. 其他人事费:1 180 500美元。本项经费用于延长内部核心人员和现有项目工作人员的合同。这笔经费比2011年订正所需经费减少136 900美元,因为军火贸易项目将于2012年7月结束。随着新项目的供资和设立,这笔经费将增加。", "7. 工作人员公务差旅费:62 300美元。本项经费将用于项目相关差旅费,包括爆炸性武器准则(8 600美元)、军火贸易条约(15 200美元)、大规模毁灭性武器工作(5 000美元)、政府专家组的工作(4 000美元)和《联合国小武器行动纲领》(11 500美元),以及包括筹款活动差旅在内的非项目相关差旅费(18 200美元)。工作人员差旅费比2011年订正估计数减少63 700美元,因为有几个项目在2011年结束。不过,本项下的经费可能会随着新项目的供资而增加。", "8. 其他外部印刷:1 700美元。本项经费将用于采购出版物封面照片。这笔经费比2011年订正预算所需经费减少1 400美元,但可能会在新项目获得资金时增加。", "9. 其他专业培训:4 000美元。本项经费与2011年订正预算经费持平,将用于继续学习活动。", "10. 订约承办事务:80 300美元。本项经费比2011年预算经费减少214 900美元,将主要用于军火贸易条约项目最后一次区域研讨会旅馆住宿(76 300美元)和延长现有网站合同服务(4 000美元)。", "11. 招待费:12 700美元。2012年招待费所需经费估计数比2011年订正估计数减少4 700美元,因为军火贸易条约项目在2012年7月结束。", "12. 房地:租金和维修:6 200美元。本项经费比2011年估计数减少3 700美元,将用于支付包括爆炸性武器准则项目、大规模毁灭性武器工作、军火贸易条约项目和《联合国小武器行动纲领》项目的会议室租金。", "13. 业务费用:7 400美元。本项经费与2011订正估计持平,将用于支付办公设备租金(2 000美元)、开发署国家办事处方案支助费用(2 400美元)、会议服务设备租金(1 000美元)和银行收费(2 000美元)。", "14. 通信:17 100美元。本项经费需用于向联合国日内瓦办事处偿还固定电话和手机的使用费,支付交通费用,以及支付用于外地任务的手机租金。这些经费同2011年订正估计数持平。", "15. 用品、材料、家具和设备:8 300美元。这些经费同2011年订正估计数持平,将用于购买办公设备(4 000美元)、文具和办公用品(1 000美元),图书馆书籍(2 000美元)和订阅(1 300美元)。", "B. 方案支助费用", "16. 编列经费110 700美元为总支出估计数的5%减去由联合国经常预算补贴的288 900美元,将用于支付2012年方案支助费用。", "C. 业务现金储备", "17. 依照行政指示ST/AI/284,将291 800美元留作业务现金储备,占由预算外资源供资的2012年总支出估计数的15%,但欧洲联盟委员会支付的开支除外,业务现金储备在其中仅占5%。", "附件三", "2009年和2010年自愿捐款及2011年和2012年现况", "(美元)", "自愿捐款\t2009年\t2010年\t2011年^(a)\t2012年^(a) \n A. 政府捐款 \n 澳大利亚 112 914 133 753 130 000 252 000\n 奥地利 18 576 0 10 000 0 \n 加拿大 35 344 0 9 969 10 000 \n 中国 18 000 19 985 19 985 20 000 \n 爱沙尼亚 0 1 000 0 0 \n 芬兰 58 140 0 52 562 50 000 \n 法国 293 288 315 330 320 000 160 000\n 格鲁吉亚 0 2 000 0 0 \n 德国 0 39 720 173 620 0 \n 罗马教廷 10 000 0 0 0 \n 匈牙利 999 971 19 711 20 000 \n 印度 0 9 982 10 000 10 000 \n 伊拉克 0 4 982 5 000 5 000 \n 爱尔兰 0 33 624 13 089 15 000 \n以色列\t13 206\t10211^(b)\t10 000\t10 000\n 卢森堡 9 843 40 529 10 000 10 000 \n 墨西哥 5 000 0 3 000 3 000 \n 荷兰 326 301 358 704 0 0 \n 新西兰 0 0 10 000 0 \n挪威\t179 675\t680 316c\t560 000\t300 000\n 巴基斯坦 0 4 907 5 000 5 000 \n 大韩民国 30 000 30 000 30 000 30 000 \n 俄罗斯联邦 100 000 100 000 100 000 100 000\n 瑞典 86 155 37 375 0 0 \n 瑞士 93 340 87 429 119 176 70 000 \n 土耳其 5 000 3 000 3 000 3 000 \n 阿拉伯联合酋长国 0 50 000 0 0 \n大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国\t109 847\t105 306\t0\t0\n 美利坚合众国 0 20 000 20 000 20 000 \n政府捐款共计\t1 505628\t2 089124\t1 634112\t1 093000 \n B. 公众捐款 \n 欧洲联盟委员会 869 535 836 769 961 118 183 381\n 国际关系和发展研究基金会 0 0 16 269 0 \n 战略研究基金会 0 0 742 0 \n 居里夫人基金会 0 62 067 40 286 0 \n 东北大学 0 2 500 3 500 3 500 \n 安全世界基金会 15 000 0 30 000 30 000 \n 西蒙斯基金会 9 047 14 985 20 000 45 000 \n 巴斯大学 0 1 858 0 0 \n 和平大学 200 782 1 000 1 000 \n 其他 0 0 40 000 0 \n公众捐款共计\t893 782\t918 961\t1 112915\t262 881\n自愿捐款共计(A+B)\t2 399410\t3 008085\t2 747027\t1 355881\n C. 组织间捐款 \n 裁军事务厅 10 000 42 500 26 250 27 500 \n 组织间捐款共计 10 000 42 500 26 250 27 500 \n总计(A+B+C)\t2 409410\t3 050585\t2 773277\t1 383381", "^(a) 这些数字在新筹资建议得到确认之后会有所增加。", "^(b) 2009年收到的,但指定用于2010年的以色列捐款。", "^(c) 包括2009年收到的,但指定用于2010年的挪威捐款437 453.52美元。", "附件四", "2011年自愿捐款收入估计数现况", "(美元)", "捐助方\t捐款共计\t用于特别项目\t用于其他目的(包括行政费用) \n A. 政府捐款 \n 澳大利亚^(a) 130 000 108 333 21 667 \n 奥地利^(b) 10 000 8 333 1 667 \n 加拿大^(c) 9 969 8 308 1 661 \n 中国^(c) 19 985 16 654 3 331 \n 芬兰^(d) 52 562 43 802 8 760 \n 法国^(e) 320 000 266 667 53 333 \n 德国^(f) 173 620 144 683 28 937 \n 匈牙利 19 711 16 426 3 285 \n 印度 10 000 8 333 1 667 \n 伊拉克 5 000 4 167 833 \n 爱尔兰 13 089 10 908 2 181 \n 以色列 10 000 8 333 1 667 \n 卢森堡 10 000 8 333 1 667 \n 墨西哥 3 000 2 500 500 \n 新西兰^(g) 10 000 8 333 1 667 \n 挪威^(h) 560 000 466 667 93 333 \n 巴基斯坦 5 000 4 167 833 \n 大韩民国^(i) 30 000 25 000 5 000 \n 俄罗斯联邦 100 000 83 333 16 667 \n 瑞士^(j) 119 176 99 313 19 863 \n 土耳其 3 000 2 500 500 \n 美利坚合众国^(c) 20 000 16 667 3 333 \n 政府捐款共计 1 634 112 1 361 760 272 352 \n B. 公众捐款 \n 欧洲联盟委员会 961 118 800 932 160 186 \n国际关系和发展研究基金会^(l)\t16 269\t13 557\t2 712\n 战略研究基金会 742 0 742 \n 居里夫人基金会^(m) 40 286 33 571 6 715 \n 东北大学 3 500 2 917 583 \n 安全世界基金会^(n) 30 000 25 000 5 000 \n 西蒙斯基金会^(c) 20 000 16 667 3 333 \n 和平大学 1 000 833 167 \n 其他^(b) 40 000 33 333 6 667 \n 公众捐款共计 1 112 915 926 810 186 105 \n 自愿捐款共计(A+B) 2 747 027 2 288 570 458 457 \n C. 组织间捐款 \n 裁军事务厅⁰ 26 250 21 875 4 375 \n 组织间捐款共计 26 250 21 875 4 375 \n 总计(A+B+C) 2 773 277 2 310 445 462 832", "^(a) 用于《小武器行动纲领》工作。", "^(b) 用于核燃料循环多边办法工作。", "^(c) 用于2011年外层空间会议。", "^(d) 用于军火贸易条约工作。", "^(e) 用于裁研所副主任员额。", "^(f) 用于网络空间安全工作(163 240美元)和《小武器行动纲领》(10 000美元)。", "^(g) 用于解除待命状态工作。", "^(h) 150 000美元用于核心供资;260 000美元用于爆炸性武器准则;以及150 000美元用于大规模毁灭性武器工作。", "^(i) 用于核安全工作。", "^(j) 79 176 美元用于核心供资;40 000美元用于解除待命状态工作。", "^(k) 用于支持欧盟促进第三国之间订立武器贸易条约进程的活动。", "^(l) 用于《小武器行动纲领》工作。", "^(m) 用于《欧洲联盟和联合国危机管理和建设和平规划:促进最佳做法和机构间学习》。", "^(n) 用于拟定一项外层空间安全方案。", "^(o) 用于编辑一份生物武器问题出版物。", "附件五", "2011年和2012年核心工作人员所需经费估计数和联合国经常预算补助金", "(千美元)", "核心工作人员 2011年 2012年", "主任 286.5 286.5", "副主任 262.9 262.9", "2名一般事务人员 274.2 274.2", "项目和出版物主管 160.3 162.9", "项目开发和筹资助理 111.1 113.1", "出版物编辑 111.1 113.1", "计算机系统主管 77.8 80.8", "《裁军论坛》法文笔译员 111.1 113.1", "《裁军论坛》编辑 55.6 56.6", "小计 1 450.6 1 463.2", "方案支助费用 56.9 58.7", "核心工作人员费用共计 1 507.5 1 521.9", "经常预算提供的补助金 312.3 288.9", "自愿捐款和公众捐款支付的费用 1 195.2 1 233.0", "经常预算补助金所占百分比 20.72 18.98" ]
[ "第六十六届会议", "* 由于技术原因于2011年10月18日重新印发。", "议程项目100", "审查大会第十届特别会议通过的建议和决定的执行情况", "联合国裁军研究所", "秘书长的说明", "秘书长谨向大会转递联合国裁军研究所主任关于研究所2010年8月至2011年7月期间活动的报告以及2011年和2012年拟议工作方案和概算。", "该报告经研究所董事会在2011年6月29日至7月1日举行的秘书长裁军事项咨询委员会第五十五届会议上审议并核准提交大会。 董事会已考虑到研训所目前面临的不利财政环境,并强调会员国需要增加自愿捐款,以支持研训所的重要工作。", "联合国裁军研究所主任关于研究所2010年8月至2011年7月期间活动的报告和2011-2012年拟议工作方案和预算", "目 录", "本报告介绍联合国裁军研究所(裁研所)2010年8月至2011年7月的活动。 2011年6月29日至7月1日举行的秘书长裁军事项咨询委员会第五十五届会议审议了该报告。 报告是按照大会1984年的决定编写的,该决定要求裁研所主任每年报告研究所的活动情况。 本报告重点介绍了这一时期的方案成就以及实施的改革努力。", "随着裁研所2010年庆祝成立30周年,研究所开始了机构改革,目的是加强其履行任务的能力,并重振其资源调动战略。 因此,研训所的工作方案已改组为五类:大规模毁灭性武器、社会破坏武器、安全和社会、新出现的威胁、改进进程和建立协同作用。", "由经常预算提供补助金,保证裁研所作为一个自主的联合国机构的独立性。 大会第60/89号和第65/87号决议建议秘书长执行内部监督事务厅和训研所董事会的建议,即大多数核心工作人员费用由经常预算在现有资源范围内供资。 司长指出,近年来,补助金远远低于这些费用。 董事会通过本报告向秘书长转达其关于由2012-2013两年期经常预算提供补助金(费用调整后)的建议,同时对2012-2013两年期无法增加补助金表示遗憾。 同时,委员会建议继续努力增加补助金。", "所长还报告从各国政府和慈善基金会收到的自愿基金的状况,这些基金占研训所预算和所有业务活动的绝大部分。 由于自愿基金过去只来自少数几个会员国,裁研所一直积极寻求扩大其捐助基础,作为其资源调动战略的一部分。 同时,由于全球金融危机,研训所的核心职能的捐款继续减少,这一趋势令人担忧,因为它有可能损害研训所的财政活力。", "裁研所对国际社会的价值在于其作为联合国系统内一个自主机构的地位,这种独立性对于研究所有效履行其任务为联合国所有会员国服务的能力仍然至关重要。", "目录", "页次\n一、导言. 4\n任务4\n报表二 管理 5 和\n员额 方案5 联合国\nA. 大规模武器. 5\nB. 社会武器 7\nC. 保安 8和\nD. 新兴\nE. 改进10项进程和创建\nF. 法语 12\nG. 咨询 12 和咨询\n服务\nH. 教育. 12 - 13 3\n传播 财务:13项自愿捐款和联合国经常预算补助金\n预算\n五、结 论. 14\n一. 2009年和2010年收入和支出以及2011年和\n二. 资源 16\n三. 所需经费 2009年和2010年自愿捐款和2011年现状\n2012年四期 (中文(简体) ). 2011年22个自愿收入估计数\n五. 2011年联合国经常预算对24个核心工作人员的需求和补助金估计数\n2012 (中文(简体) ).", "一. 导言", "一、导 言 本报告涵盖裁研所2010年8月至2011年7月期间的活动以及2011-2012年拟议工作方案和概算。 尤为重要的是,2010年是研究所成立30周年。 大会在2010年12月8日以协商一致方式通过第65/87号决议,以此纪念并承认研训所的价值。", "2. 国家 十多年来,裁研所一直站在为裁军、和平与安全制定整体办法的努力的前列,重点是人的安全、建立桥梁和提高对跨利益攸关方合作和相互支持的必要性的认识。 例如,在1990年代后期,裁研所成为将裁军与人类安全和发展联系起来的开创性研究组织之一,这是今天被视为主流的做法。 这突出了研究所的独特作用,它同时是联合国系统及其裁军机制中一个值得信赖的组成部分、一个独立的信息和分析来源以及变革的推动者。", "3个 随着威胁的增多,而且越来越需要更有创意的方法来应对这些威胁,裁研所越来越多地被要求向国际社会提供解决安全问题、开拓性研究产品、教育活动以及为外交界提供服务的想法。 然而,全球金融危机使各国政府的捐款有限,裁军相关行动的私人资金来源紧张,导致裁研所等自愿捐款资助的组织的筹资环境严重恶化。", "4个 为解决这些情况,裁研所继续努力按照其任务规定调整其工作方案,加强与项目发展和成果预算编制有关的体制进程,执行新的资源调动战略,并与联合国系统内、学术界和民间社会的伙伴组织建立关系。 但是,如果没有会员国的持续支持,研训所维持其对联合国社会的支助水平的能力将下降。", "A类. 远景说明", " 5.五. 研究所的驱动力是建立一个确保人类安全的世界,在这个世界上,和平战胜冲突,消除大规模毁灭性武器,避免常规武器扩散,减少军事开支与《联合国宪章》第二十六条所设想的全球发展和繁荣相伴。 因此,裁研所力求成为实现这些目标的渐进变革的推动者。", "B. 任务说明", "6个 研究所是联合国内的一个自主研究机构,其任务是协助国际社会找到和执行解决裁军和安全挑战的办法。 裁研所通过研究和教育努力,力求推进军备控制和裁军,为预防冲突作出贡献,并促进发展一个和平与繁荣的世界。 裁研所努力预见新的安全挑战和威胁,并在这些挑战和威胁变得危急之前,制定可能的解决办法。 最后,裁研所充当联合国裁军、安全和发展组织之间以及联合国系统与更广泛的安全界之间的桥梁,以便建立必要的协同作用,在国际、区域和地方各级处理和减轻不安全的影响。", "二. 管理和人员配置", "7个 在本报告所述期间,裁研所的工作由20名工作人员进行:2名领导人员、3名支助人员、5名实质性方案核心人员和10名项目研究人员。 研究所还有三名高级驻地研究员。", "8. 国家 为了让研究所灵活处理新的研究领域,征聘研究人员从事具体项目的工作,或委托外部专家。 这使研究所能够利用各种背景和学科,并鼓励与其他机构、专家和学者合作。 在本报告所述期间,保留了9名这类专家。", "三、结 论 工作方案", "9. 国家 研究所的工作分为五个主题行动领域:大规模毁灭性武器、社会破坏武器、安全和社会、新出现的威胁、改进进程和建立协同作用。 这一结构使裁研所能够确保履行其处理各种安全问题的任务,为研究所研究的用户提供 \" 进入点 \" ,并帮助捐助者集中注意感兴趣的领域。", "A类. 大规模毁灭性武器", "联合国 在《不扩散核武器条约》生效40多年之后,核裁军和不扩散的目标仍未实现。 尽管正如《化学武器公约》和《生物武器公约》所证明的那样,全球都憎恶化学武器和生物武器,但一些国家继续追求这些武器。 研究所的任务高度重视旨在消除大规模毁灭性武器的工作。 在本报告所述期间,研究所努力通过下列项目支持在实现这一目标方面取得进展。", "1. 核燃料循环多边办法", "11个 2008年启动的这个为期三年的项目旨在推动关于多边核燃料循环制度可能产生的裁军和不扩散惠益的辩论。 该项目在头两年出版了三份出版物。 正在制作的其余出版物将审查为在南亚和东亚实施两个现有多边机制和可能的核燃料循环区域多边办法而采取的实际步骤,并将根据福岛事件的发展对多边核燃料循环制度的未来进行评估。 除了2011年3月在日内瓦主办的项目年度研讨会外,2011年10月还将在纽约举行总结活动。", "2. 核安全国际合作机制", "12. 裁研所继续支持旨在加强核安全的国际努力,在过去二十年中,核安全已成为国际安全议程上的首要问题之一。 2011年,裁研所通过一个题为“核安全国际合作机制”的新项目,一直在推动关于这一专题的研究。 该项目力求使外交官更好地了解核安全议程、迄今取得的进展、当前努力的范围以及解决核安全问题的技术和体制挑战。", "3个 促进执行《不扩散核武器条约》", "13个 为了促进《条约》在理论上解除核武器待命状态和降低其价值的目标,作为核裁军的下一步,裁研所将于2011年制定“解除待命状态:美国-俄罗斯核裁军的下一步?”", "14个 2011年和2012年,裁研所正在与日内瓦安全政策和达成关键意愿中心合作,实施“促进执行《不扩散核武器条约》行动计划”项目,为利益攸关方提供机会,就2010年审议大会商定的64项行动发表意见和寻求共同解决办法。", "4个 战术核武器", "15个 为推动核军备控制努力,裁研所与汉堡大学和平研究和安全政策研究所合作,于2011年2月在日内瓦举办了题为 \" 俄罗斯战术核武器:态势、政治和军备控制 \" 的研讨会。", " 5.五. 裁军论坛", "16号. 2010年《裁军论坛》第4期审议了民间社会和废除核武器问题,讨论了核裁军目标如何能像过去一样再次激励公众,并研究了可以从最近成功的民间社会运动中吸取哪些教训。", "17. 2011年第1期,回顾过去和目前为加强《生物和毒素武器公约》制度所开展的活动。 缔约国、执行支助股、学术界和私营部门的代表就进一步加强该制度可以或应该做些什么发表了意见。", "18. 2011年第2期侧重于无核武器区,审查了对区域和全球安全的积极贡献、非洲无核武器区生效后的事态发展、北极无核武器区的前景以及在中东建立无大规模毁灭性武器区的潜力。", "6 (韩语). 未来前景", "19. 国家 2011-2012年,裁研所正在考虑如何促进执行2010年审议大会商定的《不扩散核武器条约》行动计划。 为了使发展中国家更好地参与核裁军问题,裁研所打算制定有关非洲和无核武器区的项目。", "B. 社会破坏武器", "20. 联合国 常规武器和战争造成的人类痛苦是可怕的,仍然是国际社会深感关切的问题。 在冲突地区使用常规武器对当地社会有直接影响。 特别是,《小武器行动纲领》确认的常规武器的非法贩运导致严重的社会混乱和治理不力。 裁研所长期以来一直率先协助联合国努力打击非法贩运,并支持将武装暴力与发展联系起来的举措,如《日内瓦宣言》和实现千年发展目标的努力。 本报告所述期间的项目包括:", "一、导 言 支持武器贸易条约的谈判", "21岁 2010年7月至2012年7月期间,裁研所正在为欧洲联盟执行一个项目,以支持武器贸易条约进程。 该项目包括7个区域研讨会和其他活动。", "22 (韩语). 该项目的目标是支持筹备联合国武器贸易条约会议的筹备工作,确保该进程尽可能具有包容性,并能够就未来条约的内容提出具体建议,支持会员国发展和改进国家和区域专门知识,以实施有效的武器转让管制,使未来条约一旦生效,就能够尽可能有效。", "23. 联合国 裁研所还通过组织独立活动继续支持这一进程。 2010年12月,在芬兰资助的题为 \" 武器贸易条约:让我们谈谈这个问题 \" 的项目框架内,研究所在日内瓦举行了一次研讨会,讨论条约的范围,具体侧重于小武器和轻武器及弹药。 2011年4月,另一项活动审查了新的常规武器问题。 2011年5月,研究所与法国常驻联合国日内瓦办事处代表团和战略研究基金会合作,举办了为期一天的武器贸易条约执行问题研讨会。 裁研所在2010年12月专门讨论建立武器贸易条约共同立场的会议上向西非国家经济共同体提供了技术支持,并在2011年5月在金斯敦举行的世界基督教协进会国际和平会议期间向世界基督教协进会提供了技术支持。", "2. 国家 提高《行动纲领》的效率", "24. 联合国 自1990年代初以来,裁研所一直处于小武器研究的前列。 自2001年通过《行动纲领》以来,研究所定期分析会员国提交的国家执行报告。 裁研所通过在研究工作中保持这种连续性,打算支持2012年审查会议的筹备进程,并帮助推动《行动纲领》作为人类安全文书提高效率。 2010年7月启动了两个项目,以持续评价《行动纲领》的总体执行情况。", "25号. 关于执行挑战和机遇的项目旨在支持对《行动纲领》执行情况的评价,确定可能给执行带来挑战的部门,并提出能够加强《行动纲领》总体效力的战略干预轴心。", "26. 联合国 机构间协调项目努力研究《行动纲领》所涉协调结构如何运作、确定最佳做法和了解问题,以便提出改进执行工作的建议。", "27岁 正在同包括小武器调查在内的合作伙伴一道执行关于分析各国提交的报告的项目。 这是对2002年以来裁研所参与的对会员国执行《行动纲领》情况的分析的后续分析。", "3个 未来前景", "28岁 裁研所正在拟订一个项目,以评估国际援助在执行《行动纲领》方面的状况,并探讨如何制定一致和可量化的方法来评价国际援助。 此外,研究所正在研究是否可能与各种利益有关者合作,开展一个项目,处理不同区域的小武器和轻武器问题。", "C. 安全和社会", "29. 联合国 裁研所率先将裁军视为人类安全问题,并确定“裁军是人道主义行动”的主题。 人们日益认识到,国家、区域和国际和平与安全机构必须注重地方问题和安全需要,以预防冲突并克服其后果。 这一期间的项目概述如下。", "一、导 言 关于爆炸性武器的演讲", "30岁 2010年1月,裁研所在早先的“裁军作为人道主义行动”项目和关于集束弹药的“奥斯陆之路”项目的结论的基础上开始了这一项目。 军备控制/裁军和人道主义行动领域的从业人员审议了如何加强保护平民免受爆炸性武器之害的问题。 2010年举行了三次专题讨论会。 背景文件和摘要报告以及可下载内容可在研究所网站和项目网站上查阅:http://explosional。 该项目现已完成。", "2. 第二阶段安全需求评估议定书", "31个 从2005年到2010年,安全需求评估议定书项目致力于提高外地一级安全与和平方案规划的效力。 它制定了了解地方社会制度的方法,以便各机构能够更好地满足地方需要。 该项目建立了新的进程,帮助各机构在设计方案和政策时利用当地知识。 该项目现已完成。", "32. 国家 利用安全需求评估议定书项目制定的办法,资助了一个新项目,为解除武装、复员和重返社会问题机构间工作组研究和开发一个新的循证重返社会工具。", "3个 未来前景", "33. 国家 为推动“爆炸性武器专题演讲”项目的开创性工作,裁研所正在拟订“爆炸性武器准则”项目,目的是按照秘书长2010年提交安全理事会关于武装冲突中保护平民的报告(S/2010/579)的要求,澄清在居民区使用爆炸性武器的条件。", "34. 联合国 在以往小武器和轻武器、性别平等与建设和平工作的基础上,裁研所打算在2012年就其他常规武器,如单兵携带防空系统以及武装暴力、发展和实现千年发展目标等问题开展更深入的工作。", "D. 新出现的威胁", "35. 联合国 研究所的长处之一是它作为一个 \" 早期预警系统 \" 的作用,以对付可能对国际和平与安全构成严重威胁的趋势。 在早期阶段提高对新出现的威胁的认识至关重要,因为国际外交的动力正在缓慢转变。 这一期间的项目包括:", "一、导 言 网络安全", "36. 国家 整个国际社会越来越关注网络安全方面的问题。 裁研所长期以来一直致力于阐明这些问题,从1999年就此问题召开会议开始。", "37. 联合国 根据大会第63/37号决议,2010年设立了一个政府专家组,研究从国际安全的角度来看信息和电信领域的动态。 政府专家组开始与担任顾问的裁研所合作,综合专家的讨论情况并起草专家组的报告。 专家组以协商一致方式通过了这份最后报告,并于2010年将其转交秘书长(A/65/201)。 该项目现已完成。", "38. 国家 2011年2月,裁研所启动了“网络战争前景:法律框架和透明度与建立信任”项目,目的是就网络冲突的潜在规范或法律限制、预防此类冲突可能建立的制度以及确保防止网络冲突产生不可接受的影响的手段开展对话。", "2. 国家 空间安全", "39. 联合国 自1980年代中期以来,裁研所一直参与关于和平利用空间面临的威胁的研究和提高认识活动,并于2002年举行了其第一次年度空间安全会议。 裁研所主任是世界经济论坛空间安全问题全球议程理事会的创始成员,裁研所一直积极支持裁军谈判会议努力处理其防止外层空间军备竞赛的议程项目。", "40. 国家 题为“2011年空间安全”的第十次外层空间会议于2011年4月4日和5日在日内瓦举行。 会议报告正在编写之中,加拿大政府将按照以往惯例提交裁军谈判会议。", "3个 网络空间和外层空间", "41. 国家 裁研所与世界安全基金会合作,于2011年4月6日在万国宫举行了一次关于冲突中的网络和外层空间资源的集思广益会议,外交官、私营部门专家以及军事和国际组织的代表出席了会议。 这次活动的目的是讨论外层空间和网络空间领域之间的一些潜在联系和相似之处,并确定这两个领域之间的协作是否有益。", "4个 未来前景", "42. 联合国 裁研所正在与战略和国际研究中心合作,开展一个项目,编写网络安全参考书,并与法语国家国际组织讨论联合项目的可能性。", "43. 联合国 裁研所正在探索与包括和平利用外层空间委员会、有关智囊团和慈善基金会在内的联合国有关机构在外层空间方面开展的若干合作活动。 2011年10月,裁研所将与世界安全基金会一道,努力进一步发展外层空间和网络空间安全工作方案。", "44. 联合国 裁研所将继续在2012年举办非常成功的空间安全系列会议。", "页:1 改进进程和建立协同作用", "45. 联合国 制定多边和区域裁军文书,无论是通过大会还是安全理事会的决议、区域制度还是多边条约,只是取得结果的漫长而复杂道路上的第一步。 研究所的地位使它具有独特的地位,可以据此评估裁军文书的执行情况和成果,分析弱点,并建议改进进程和更好的利益有关者合作与协作方法。 这一期间的项目包括:", "一、导 言 安全理事会第1540(2004)号决议和区域组织的作用", "46. 联合国 裁研所-蒙泰雷国际研究所关于区域组织在执行安全理事会第1540(2004)号决议方面的作用的第二阶段项目的重点是传播第1540(2004)号决议执行工作中公布的第一阶段的结论和建议。 该项目现已完成。", "2. 国家 修复破碎的裁军机制", "47. (中文(简体) ). 在裁研所2009年关于裁军谈判会议的工作的基础上,该项目力求分析联合国裁军机制的问题,并提出可能的解决办法。 2010年10月,裁研所举办了一次非正式讲习班,与会者包括裁军机制各个方面的高级专家。 在活动中分发了题为 \" 裁军机制:新方法 \" 的背景文件,可从裁研所网站上下载。 该项目现已完成。", "3个 处理非法中介活动", "48. 国家 裁研所成功地开展了题为“处理非法中介活动:问题和控制”的项目。 在本报告所述期间,项目活动包括2010年10月在纽约举行的题为“打击大规模毁灭性武器相关材料的非法中介活动:建立有效对策”的最后研讨会。 该项目现已完成。", "49. 国家 作为与日内瓦安全政策中心和弗里德里希·埃伯特基金会合作举办的前一次研讨会的后续行动,2011年4月在日内瓦举行了题为“加强裁军:打击武器和材料非法贸易:区域挑战”的研讨会。 这次活动汇集了来自非洲、拉丁美洲和欧洲的学者、研究人员、政府官员、军官和民间社会代表,讨论获取和管理可靠信息的方法、有效法律和执法系统的必要性以及执行和实施现有法律和政治文书的挑战。", "4个 裁军谈判会议:打破冰层", "50. 联合国 裁研所一直在组织一系列专题讨论和简短文件,以审查裁军谈判会议的神话和现实,以及它所面临的挑战,目的是增进对这个独特谈判论坛的历史、进程和问题领域的了解。 该项目下的所有研讨会都得到了极大的参与。 该项目现已完成。", " 5.五. 裁军论坛", "51. 联合国 2010年第3期探讨了科学和技术以及科学家在确保有效核查方面的关键作用,并审查了具体制度,包括常规武器禁运和《生物和毒素武器公约》。 会议讨论了如何核查未来的外层空间协定和核武器公约,以及民间社会在确保遵守国际军备控制协定方面日益重要的作用。", "6 (韩语). 未来前景", "52. (中文(简体) ). 裁研所正在继续发展其关于《行动纲领》的工作,特别是着眼于建立利益攸关方之间的协同作用。", "F. 法语国家战略", "53. 国家 裁研所继续与法语国家国际组织讨论建立伙伴关系的机会。 研究所深信,国际和平与安全要求国际行动更好地适应国家和区域的具体情况。 帮助这一进程的最佳途径之一是以目标国家的工作语文传播知识。 法语国家战略是通过语言多样化扩大我们的受众范围,继续执行研训所为所有会员国服务的任务。 研究所与法语国家国际组织合作,在日内瓦启动了一项能力建设方案,并于4月组织了一次关于《行动纲领》和武器贸易条约的研讨会。 其他活动将围绕关于集束弹药和其他相关裁军议题的缔约国第二次会议进行。", "G. 咨询和咨询服务", "54. 国家 要求提供咨询或咨询服务的次数是表明研训所工作的影响和研训所声誉的一个重要指标。 研究所的工作人员经常被要求向有关各方提供咨询、咨询或简报。 除研训所工作方案外开展的这些活动丰富了其他组织的努力,教育了利益有关者,加强了合作,并加强了研究成果的传播。 这些请求来自联合国系统内、会员国、国际、多边和区域组织以及研究机构、学术机构、媒体和民间社会团体。", "H. 教育", "55. (中文(简体) ). 裁研所继续高度重视裁军和不扩散教育和培训,从而重视执行秘书长2003年关于这一主题的报告(A/57/124)中的有关建议。 2010年,裁研所与和平大学签署了一项谅解备忘录,以支持正在进行的合作和联合项目开发。 裁研所工作人员继续作为日内瓦和平大学课程的讲师参加。 此外,裁研所与日内瓦安全政策中心在规划和参加教育简报会和会议方面有着密切的工作关系。 在本报告所述期间,裁研所接待了许多学生团体,包括联合国裁军研究员,以及一些附属于各种项目的实习生。", "56. 国家 裁研所与贵格会联合国办事处和国际与发展研究研究生院冲突、发展与建设和平中心一道,是日内瓦论坛的创始成员。 日内瓦论坛为驻日内瓦的外交官举办教育简报会。", "I. 外联和传播", "57. 国家 裁研所继续执行其外联和传播战略,重点是发展研究所的 \" 新媒体 \" 存在,扩大裁研所资源电子文件系列,并为以英文以外的语文产出奠定基础。 在本报告所述期间,裁研所出版了26份关于各种问题的电子出版物,看到一些成功的博客继续发展,协助开展项目外联工作,并将多媒体进一步纳入其网站。", "58. 联合国 裁研所继续扩大其与其他机构的网络和联系,以增加其工作的影响。 我们的一些伙伴是斯德哥尔摩国际和平研究所、战略研究基金会、法国国际关系研究所、安全世界基金会、西蒙斯基金会和战略和国际研究中心。", "四. 导言 财政:来自联合国经常预算的自愿捐款和补助金", "59. 联合国 研训所的活动由少数会员国和组织的自愿捐款和经常预算的补助金维持。", "60. 联合国 根据研训所章程第七条第1款,各国以及公共和私营组织的自愿捐款是研训所的主要资金来源(近年来提供了90%以上的资金)。 作为其筹资战略的一部分,裁研所着重扩大其捐助者基础。 例如,2010年研究所首次收到爱沙尼亚、格鲁吉亚、匈牙利、巴基斯坦和阿拉伯联合酋长国的捐款,2011年收到伊拉克的捐款。 至于公共组织,裁研所于2011年首次收到国际关系和发展研究基金会的捐款。 尽管如此,2010年只有21个联合国会员国向研训所的工作方案捐款。", "61. 联合国 在本报告所述期间,裁研所一直在根据其五类工作方案制定筹资办法,与逐个项目筹资同时进行。 然而,鉴于当前的全球金融危机,对研训所的自愿捐款数额继续下降,近期复苏的前景渺茫。 特别是,主要捐助国的支助,特别是维持核心工作人员所需的支助,预计2011年将减少50%以上。 与此同时,军备控制和裁军领域具体项目的全球资金储备继续减少。 如果这些趋势持续下去,将对研训所的稳定性和留住工作人员的能力产生不利影响。 因此,裁研所正在考虑如何进一步重新评估其业务模式。", "62. 联合国 关于补助金,研训所章程第七条第2款规定,补助金将用于支付研训所主任和核心工作人员的费用。 然而,多年来,补助金最多只能支付10名核心工作人员中一名核心工作人员(主任)的费用(见本报告附件五)。", "63. 国家 近年来,对维持和增加经常预算补助金的支助已多次出现。 2004年,秘书长审议了裁研所继续需要补助金的问题,并得出结论认为,经常预算补助金 \" 对确保裁研所正常运作的独立性和连续性至关重要 \" (见A/C.5/59/3/Add.1)。 2005年,大会通过了第60/89号决议,建议秘书长执行内部监督事务厅的建议和裁研所董事会的决定,即研究所核心工作人员的费用由联合国经常预算供资,并继续设法在现有资源范围内增加供资。 2010年,大会第65/87号决议重申了这一呼吁。 个别会员国也表示支持增加对研训所核心工作人员的经常预算支助。 然而,迄今证明无法执行这些建议,部分原因是最近削减了联合国经常预算,部分原因是需要在现有裁军预算范围内找到任何增加的抵消办法。", "64. 2009年11月,行政和预算问题咨询委员会请求为裁研所2010-2011两年期提供补助金。 大会第64/245号决议核准了558 200美元。", "65. 利比里亚 董事会继续极为重视从财政角度向研训所提供补助金,以及保障研训所和所长的自主性和独立性。 继续支助补助金的增加和持续的费用调整,对于促进增加向研究所提供的自愿捐款至关重要。 董事会通过本报告向秘书长转达其关于由2012-2013两年期经常预算提供补助金(费用调整)的建议,同时对无法将补助金增加到2012-2013两年期表示遗憾。 同时,审计委员会建议继续努力增加补助金,并定期调整其费用,以便至少支付主任和大多数核心工作人员的费用。", "66. (中文(简体) ). 2011年预算估计为3 753 600美元,2012年预算为2 905 500美元(见本报告附件二)。 然而,2012年的数字仅包括目前确认的项目;这一估计数将随着训研所收到对目前正在开发的项目的认捐而增加。", " V. 结论", "67. 东帝汶 尽管国际社会面临着困难的经济和安全环境,但推进裁军、和平与安全的机会仍然很多。 事实上,2011年至2015年期间,裁军界将极为活跃。 裁研所以其30年的经验和网络为基础,作为一个宝贵的独立声音,将继续执行其任务,支持努力迈向一个和平与繁荣的世界。", "页:1", "2009年和2010年收入和支出以及2011年和2012年估计数", "(单位:千美元)", "项目2009、2010、2011、2012年(估计数)(估计数)", "A类. 1 259.5 1 043.1^(a) 1 634.0^(b) 1 229.3^(c) 年初可用资金", "B. 收入:", "自愿捐款和公众捐助 2 399.4 ^(d) 3 008.1 ^(e) 2 747.0 ^(f) 1 355.9 ^(g) 捐款", "联合国补助金 315.1 265.5 312.3 288.9 经常预算", "其他组织间捐款", "利息收入", "杂项收入", "其他基金的拨款", "收入共计", "C. 上期调整数 19.3 0.0 0.0", "D. 退还捐助方的款项", "E. 上期债务", "F. 可用资金总额 4 057.6 4 488.2 4 652.3 2 911.6", "G. 支出", "H. 年终基金结余 1 043.1^(a) 1 634.0^(b) 1 229.3^(c) 297.9^(一)", "^(a) 包括2009年业务现金储备所需329 200美元。", "^(b) 包括2010年业务现金储备所需322 700美元。", "^(c) 包括2011年业务现金储备所需330 600美元。", "•(d) 裁研所2009年自愿捐款收入详情见附件三。", "•(e) 裁研所2010年自愿捐款收入详情见附件三。", "^(f) 裁研所2011年自愿捐款估计收入详情见附件三。", "•(g) 裁研所2012年自愿捐款收入估计数详见附件三。 2012年捐款估计数保守。 经验表明,它们会更高,但当然在现阶段不能保证。", "^(h) 向欧洲联盟委员会退款,用于题为 \" 支持欧盟的活动 \" 的项目,以促进第三国之间达成武器贸易条约的进程。", "^(一) 包括2012年业务现金储备所需291 800美元。", "页:1", "所需资源", "(单位:千美元)", "2009年2010年所需资源(a2012年)(a) 增加/(1)(2)(估计数) (估计数) 减少(3)(4)(4-3)", "A类. 直接行政费用", "薪金和有关费用", "一般临时助理人员", "会议临时助理人员", "顾问费和旅费", "特设专家组", "其他人事费 1 479.0 1 404.8 1 317.4 1 180.5 -136.9", "工作人员公务差旅", "其他外部印刷", "其他专门培训", "订约承办事务", "招待费", "房地:租金和维修", "业务费用", "来文 6.1 18.5 17.1 17.1 0.0", "用品和材料以及26.1 18.2 8.3 8.3 0.0 家具和设备", "A共计 2 896.9 2 716.7 3 274.9 2 503.0 - 771.9", "B. 方案支助费用 117.6 137.5 148.1 110.7-37.4 (A总额的5%,减去联合国补助金)", "支出总额(A+B共计)", "C. 业务现金储备 329.2 322.7 330.6 291.8-38.8 (欧洲联盟以外捐款支出的15%减去联合国补助金,欧洲联盟捐款支出的5%)", "总计 A + B + C 3 343.7 3 176.9 3 753.6 2 905.5 - 848.1", "^(a) 这些数字在确认新的筹资建议后可能会增加。", "A类. 2012年直接方案和行政费", "一、导 言 在核准新的筹资提案之前,为研究方案和行政费用编列的经费很少。 但是,随着资金的到位,将对这些经费进行调整。", "2. 国家 薪金和有关人事费:823 600美元。 2012年,正式工作人员包括主任(D-2)、副主任(D-1)和两名一般事务人员。 本项目下所需经费估计数总额见下表:2011年适用于日内瓦的标准薪金费用(第10版)。 这些所需资源估计数与2011年订正所需资源相比没有变化。", "(单位:千美元)", "工作人员费用津贴总额", "1个D-2 210.2 75.7 0.6 286.5", "1个D-1 193.1 69.6 - 262.9", "2名一般事务人员(其他职等)", "共计", "3个 会议临时助理人员:20 500美元。 这笔经费将用于支付裁研所2012年会议临时助理人员的费用。 其中包括2012年外层空间会议口译费用10 000美元、武器贸易条约项目区域研讨会口译费用8 500美元和裁研所午餐会议服务费用2 000美元。 这比2011年订正预算估计数减少2 200美元。", "4. 顾问费和旅费:112 200美元。 这笔经费将用于支付雇用独立订约人从事翻译工作的费用(10 000美元)、爆炸性武器规范项目一名顾问的旅费(3 000美元)、从国际安全的角度来看信息和电信领域的发展政府专家组顾问费和旅费(15 000美元)、联合国小武器行动纲领项目顾问费80 000美元和武器贸易条约项目顾问费4 200美元。 这比2011年所需资源估计数增加10 600美元,主要原因是《联合国小武器行动纲领》项目需要聘用一名咨询人,为期12个月。", " 5.五. 特设专家组:166 000美元。 这笔经费比2011年订正估计数减少355 000美元,因为武器贸易条约项目的大多数区域研讨会将在2011年举行。 这些资金将用于支付参加关于武器贸易条约的午餐时间研讨会(6 000美元)、关于大规模毁灭性武器的会议(5 000美元)、关于《联合国小武器行动纲领》的项目(2 000美元)以及武器贸易条约项目最后一次区域研讨会和最后会议(153 000美元)的专家的旅费。", "6个 其他人事费用:1 180 500美元。 这笔经费将需用于延长内部核心工作人员和当前项目工作人员的合同。 这比2011年订正所需资源减少136 900美元,因为武器贸易条约项目将于2012年7月结束。 随着新项目的供资和建立,这一规定可能会增加。", "7个 工作人员公务旅行:62 300美元。 这些资金将用于与项目有关的旅行,即爆炸性武器规范(8 600美元)、武器贸易条约(15 200美元)、大规模毁灭性武器方面的工作(5 000美元)、政府专家组(4 000美元)和联合国小武器行动纲领(11 500美元),以及与项目无关的旅行,包括为筹资目的进行的旅行(18 200美元)。 工作人员差旅所需经费比2011年订正估计数减少63 700美元,因为若干项目将于2011年结束。 然而,随着新项目的资金到位,本项目下的经费可能会增加。", "8. 国家 其他外部印刷:1 700美元。 这笔经费将用于购买出版物封面页的照片。 这比2011年订正预算所需经费减少1 400美元,但如果为新项目供资,可能会增加。", "9. 国家 其他专门培训:4 000美元。 这笔经费与2011年订正预算所需经费相比没有变化,将用于持续学习活动。", "联合国 订约承办事务:80 300美元。 这笔经费比2011年预算经费减少214 900美元,主要用于为武器贸易条约项目上一次区域研讨会签订旅馆住宿合同(76 300美元),并延长网站的现有订约承办事务(4 000美元)。", "11个 招待费:12 700美元。 2012年招待费所需经费估计数比2011年订正估计数减少4 700美元,原因是武器贸易条约项目于2012年7月结束。", "12. 房地租金和维修费:6 200美元。 这笔经费比2011年估计数减少3 700美元,用于支付爆炸性武器规范项目、大规模毁灭性武器工作、武器贸易条约项目和联合国小武器行动纲领的会议室租金。", "13个 业务费用:7 400美元。 这笔经费与2011年订正估计数相比没有变化,将用于办公室设备租金(2 000美元)、开发署国家办事处方案支助费用(2 400美元)、会议服务设备租金(1 000美元)和银行手续费(2 000美元)。", "14个 来文:17 100美元。 这笔经费将用于偿还联合国日内瓦办事处的固定和移动电话使用费用,并支付与交通有关的费用和外地特派团的手机租金。 这与2011年订正估计数相比没有变化。", "15个 用品和材料以及家具和设备:8 300美元。 这笔经费与2011年订正所需经费相比没有变化,将用于购买办公室设备(4 000美元)、文具和办公室用品(1 000美元)、图书馆书籍(2 000美元)和订阅(1 300美元)。", "B. 方案支助费用", "16号. 2012年的方案支助费用需要经费110 700美元,占总支出估计数的5%,减去联合国经常预算补助金288 900美元。", "丙.. 业务现金储备", "17岁 根据ST/AI/284号行政指示,291 800美元将作为业务现金储备。 这占2012年预算外资源供资的支出总额估计数的15%,但欧洲联盟委员会供资的支出除外,后者适用5%的费率。", "联合国", "2009年和2010年自愿捐款以及2011年和2012年的现状", "(单位:美元)", "2009年自愿捐款 2010年 2011年 ^(a) 2012年 ^(a)", "A. 政府捐款", "澳大利亚 112 914 133 753 130 000 252 000", "奥地利 18 576 0 10 000 0", "加拿大 35 344 0 9 969 10 000", "中国 18 000 19985 19985 20 000", "爱沙尼亚", "芬兰 58 140 0 52 562 50 000", "法国 293 288 315 330 320 000 160 000", "格鲁吉亚", "德国 0 39 720 173 620 0", "罗马教廷", "匈牙利 999 971 19 711 20 000", "印度", "伊拉克 0 4 982 5 000 5 000", "爱尔兰 0 33 624 13 089 15 000", "以色列 13 206 10 10 000 10 000 211 ^(b)", "卢森堡", "墨西哥 墨西哥", "荷兰 326 301 358 704 0 0", "新西兰 0 0 100 000 0", "挪威 179 675 680 560 000 300 000 316^(c)", "巴基斯坦", "大韩民国", "俄罗斯联邦", "瑞典 86 155 37 375 0 0", "瑞士 93 344 87 429 119 176 70 000", "土耳其", "阿拉伯联合酋长国", "大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国 109 847 105 306 0 北爱尔兰", "美利坚合众国", "政府捐款总额", "B. 公众捐款", "欧洲联盟委员会 869 535 836 769 961 118 183 381", "国际关系与发展研究基金会", "研究基金会", "玛丽·居里基金会 0 62 067 40 286 0", "东北大学 0 2 500 3 500 3 500", "安全世界基金会", "西蒙斯基金会", "巴斯大学 0 1 858 0 0", "和平大学 200 782 1 000 1 000", "其他 0 0 40 000 0", "公众捐款总额 893 782 918 961 1 112 915 262 881", "自愿捐款总额(A+2 399 410 3 008 085 2 747 027 1 355 881 B)", "C. 组织间", "裁军事务厅", "组织间共计", "总计(A + B + C) 2 409 410 3 050 585 2 773 277 1 383 381", "^(a) 这些数字将在新筹资提案确认后增加。", "^(b) 2009年收到以色列的捐款,但专门用于2010年。", "^(c) 包括挪威2009年收到但指定用于2010年的捐款437 453.52美元。", "页:1", "2011年自愿来源收入估计数现状", "(单位:美元)", "用于\n特别捐款总额 其他用途捐款项目(包括行政费用)", "A. 政府捐款", "澳大利亚^(a) 130 000 108 333 21 667", "奥地利 ^(b) 10 000 8 333 1 667", "加拿大 ^(c) 9 969 8 308 1 661", "中国^(c) 19 985 16 654 3 331", "芬兰^(d) 52 562 43 802 8 760", "法国^(e) 320 000 266 667 53 333", "德国^(f) 173 620 144 683 28 937", "匈牙利 19 711 16 426 3 285", "印度 10 000 8 333 1 667", "伊拉克 5 000 4 167 833", "爱尔兰 13 089 10 908 2 181", "以色列 10 000 8 333 1 667", "卢森堡 10 000 8 333 1 667", "墨西哥 3 000 2 500 500", "新西兰^(g) 10 000 8 333 1 667", "挪威^(h) 560 000 466 667 93 333", "巴基斯坦", "大韩民国^(一) 30 000 25 000 5 000", "俄罗斯联邦 100 000 83 333 16 667", "瑞士^(j) 119 176 99 313 19 863", "土耳其 3 000 2 500 500", "美利坚合众国 ^(c) 20 000 16 667 3 333", "政府捐款总额 1 634 112 1 361 760 272 352", "B. 公众捐款", "欧洲联盟委员会 ^(k) 961 118 800 932 160 186", "国际基金会 16 269 13 557 2 712", "研究基金会 742 0 742", "玛丽·居里基金会 ^(m) 40 286 33 571 6 715", "东北大学 3 500 2 917 583", "世界安全基金会", "西蒙斯基金会 ^(c) 20 000 16 667 3 333", "和平大学", "其他^(b) 40 000 33 333 6 667", "公众捐款总额", "自愿捐款总额(A+2 747 027 2 288 570 458 457 B)", "C. 组织间", "裁军事务厅 ^(o) 26 250 21 875 4 375", "组织间共计", "总计(A+B+C)", "^(a) 关于小武器行动纲领的工作。", "•(b) 用于核燃料循环多边办法方面的工作。", "^(c) 2011年外层空间会议。", "^(d) 武器贸易条约方面的工作。", "^(e) 副主任职位。", "^(f) 关于网络安全(163 240美元)和关于小武器行动纲领(10 000美元)的工作。", "^(g) 用于解除待命状态的工作。", "^(h) 150 000美元用于核心资金,260 000美元用于爆炸性武器规范,150 000美元用于大规模毁灭性武器方面的工作。", "^(一) 核安全工作。", "^(j) 79 176美元用于核心资金,40 000美元用于解除待命状态的工作。", "ưμ㼯A 为了支持欧洲联盟的活动,促进第三国之间达成武器贸易条约的进程。", "•(l) 用于《小武器行动纲领》的工作。", "^(m) 欧洲联盟和联合国危机管理和建设和平规划,促进最佳做法和机构间学习。", "^(n) 数据 制定外层空间安全方案。", "•(o) 编辑关于生物武器的出版物。", "联合国", "2011年和2012年联合国经常预算核心工作人员所需经费估计数和补助金", "(单位:千美元)", "2011-2012年核心工作人员", "主任 286.5 286.5", "副司长", "2名一般事务人员 274.2 274.2", "项目和出版物管理员", "项目发展和筹资", "出版物编辑 111.1 113.1", "计算机系统管理员 77.8 80.8", "《裁军论坛》法文笔译员", "《裁军论坛》编辑", "小计", "方案支助费用 56.9 58.7", "核心工作人员费用共计", "来自 经常预算312.3 288.9", "由自愿捐款和1 195.2 1 233.0 公众捐款供资", "由经常预算支付的百分比" ]
[ "President:\tMr. Wittig\t(Germany) \nMembers:\tBosnia and Herzegovina\tMs. Čolaković\n Brazil Mr. Fernandes \n China Mr. Wang Min \n Colombia Mr. Osorio \n France Mr. Araud \n\tGabon\tMr. MoungaraMoussotsi\n\tIndia\tMr. Hardeep SinghPuri\n Lebanon Mr. Salam \n Nigeria Mr. Onemola \n Portugal Mr. Vaz Patto \n Russian Federation Mr. Pankin \n South Africa Mr. Mashabane \n\tUnited Kingdom of Great Britain andNorthern Ireland\tSir Mark LyallGrant\n United States of America Ms. Rice", "Agenda", "Reports of the Secretary-General on the Sudan", "The meeting was called to order at 1.15 p.m.", "Adoption of the agenda", "The agenda was adopted.", "Reports of the Secretary-General on the Sudan", "The President: The Security Council will now begin its consideration of the item on its agenda.", "Members of the Council have before them document S/2011/417, which contains the text of a draft resolution prepared in the course of the Council’s prior consultations.", "It is my understanding that the Council is ready to proceed to the vote on the draft resolution before it. I shall put the draft resolution to the vote now.", "Mr. Pankin (Russian Federation) (spoke in Russian): Mr. President, you were about to put to the vote a text before us in document S/2011/417. As far as I understand from the consultations, the adoption of the draft resolution, with the inclusion of the date of 10 July, with the resulting retroactive effect on the Mission, is not in line with the Council’s normal practice. You will recall, Sir, that our staff worked on the text. Could you explain the issue of the date? We are adopting on 11 July a document with retroactive effect to yesterday. It was drafted to take effect 10 July, so we have a situation in which we are adopting a document with retrospective effect. That is not in line with normal practice in the Council.", "The President: As far as I know, this issue was discussed by the political coordinators on the understanding that, concerning the date in the draft resolution, the language of paragraph 1 — “decides to withdraw UNMIS effective 10 July 2011” — would be replaced with “decides to withdraw UNMIS”. I hope that this will respond to the points raised by the representative of the Russian Federation. I take it that this is the case and we can now proceed to the vote on the draft resolution before us.", "Ms. Rice (United States of America): We need to understand what we are voting on. Forgive me for interrupting. How would paragraph 1 be changed in this context — to put a period after UNMIS?", "The President: That is correct. Once again, let me underline that this matter was apparently discussed beforehand by our political coordinators.", "Ms. Rice (United States of America): I understand, but why would we not make it “effective today”? Why have no date? What was the logic?", "The President: I have no explanation as to why the political coordinators have not come up with that idea. But we can change the language ad hoc, right now, if I hear no objection. I think this is not a theological issue; it is a factual issue, and I take it that our colleagues around the table can live with that suggestion by our colleague from the United States.", "Ms. Rice (United States of America): It just does not seem to make sense. It could be “withdraw in 6 months time”, if you do not put a date on it.", "The President: I think everyone is in agreement with that suggestion, so we will put today’s date, 11 July.", "It is so decided.", "A vote was taken by show of hands.", "In favour:", "Bosnia and Herzegovina, Brazil, China, Colombia, France, Gabon, Germany, India, Lebanon, Nigeria, Portugal, Russian Federation, South Africa, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, United States of America", "The President: The draft resolution received 15 votes in favour. The draft resolution has been adopted unanimously as resolution 1997 (2011).", "I shall now give the floor to those members of the Council who wish to make statements following the voting.", "Ms. Rice (United States of America): The United States deeply regrets the necessity to vote on this resolution to end the mandate of the United Nations Mission in the Sudan (UNMIS). We call on the Government of the Sudan yet again to reconsider its demand that UNMIS cease its activities in the Republic of the Sudan effective 9 July. The Mission has a critical role to continue to play in regional stability, especially in the two areas.", "The United States is sending a clear message, along with other Council members, that it wants the United Nations to remain in the two areas, especially at this critical juncture. With this resolution, the Council has made clear that it is ready to authorize continued United Nations operations in Southern Kordofan and Blue Nile to support new security arrangements, and we will continue over the coming weeks to urge the Government of the Sudan to accept this. It is in its interest to do so. We hope that others in the international community will continue to encourage Khartoum to accept this. It is critical that the Government of the Sudan cooperate fully with UNMIS as it begins the process of withdrawing.", "We continue to be deeply concerned about the fighting in Southern Kordofan, the displacement of civilians and the ensuing humanitarian crisis. The Government of the Sudan and the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement North must return to the negotiating table in the coming days and agree to an immediate cessation of hostilities. We also call on the Government of the Sudan to work actively on agreements to bring peace and stability to the border and in Blue Nile and Southern Kordofan states.", "Sir Mark Lyall Grant (United Kingdom): It is with regret that we have today supported the adoption of resolution 1997 (2011) on the withdrawal of the United Nations Mission in the Sudan (UNMIS).", "Since its inception in support of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) of 2005, UNMIS has worked to support the parties in fulfilling their commitments under the Agreement and, where conflict has occurred, and has acted to protect civilians and ensure the delivery of humanitarian assistance to those in need. We thank UNMIS and Special Representative of the Secretary-General Haile Menkerios for their tireless efforts in this regard.", "Sadly, the UNMIS presence is still needed in Southern Kordofan state, where we continue to be deeply concerned by reports of ongoing violations of human rights and international humanitarian law. Civilians continue to suffer the impact of conflict, including aerial bombardment by the Sudanese Armed Forces and other abuses, reportedly including extrajudicial killings, forced displacement and arbitrary arrests and detentions. We unreservedly condemn the ongoing violence.", "In the absence of agreement on an extension, we call on the Sudanese authorities to cooperate with UNMIS in accordance with the status-of-forces agreement and the provisions of resolution 1997 (2011) as it winds down its operations, and to allow and support unfettered humanitarian access by humanitarian personnel to populations in need. We further call on the Government of the Sudan and the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement North to end hostilities and agree a ceasefire leading to new security arrangements.", "We reiterate the readiness of this Council, as set out in the resolution that we have just adopted, both to continue current United Nations operations in Southern Kordofan and Blue Nile states and to assist the parties in implementation of new arrangements to be agreed between them. We recall the importance of completing the CPA-mandated popular consultations processes, by which the people of Southern Kordofan and Blue Nile will express their views as to their future governance.", "Mr. Araud (France) (spoke in French): France is grateful to the United Nations Mission in the Sudan (UNMIS), under the leadership of Special Representative of the Secretary-General Menkerios, for the outstanding work it has carried out since its establishment, despite difficult working conditions, in protecting civilians and ensuring follow-up to the implementation of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement of 2005, which led to independence for South Sudan, celebrated this past Saturday.", "France supported the adoption of resolution 1997 (2011) on the withdrawal of the United Nations Mission in the Sudan. However, we regret that this comes at a time when a ceasefire has yet to be signed for Southern Kordofan. The civilian population continues to suffer in the fighting, and humanitarian access has not been re-established. Blue Nile state also remains a source of concern for us.", "We therefore call on the Government of the Sudan to consider an international presence in these two states. We urge the Government of the Sudan and the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement North to cease their hostilities immediately, sign a ceasefire agreement and conclude security arrangements in Southern Kordofan and Blue Nile states. We reiterate the Security Council’s readiness to support the parties in expediting the implementation of such arrangements.", "The President: I shall now make a statement in my national capacity.", "Germany welcomes the unanimous adoption of the resolution on the drawdown of the United Nations Mission in the Sudan (UNMIS). The Council thereby confirms the end of the mandate for UNMIS in the Sudan and reiterates the existing legal framework, as agreed to between the Government of the Sudan and the United Nations, for the liquidation of the Mission.", "We call on the relevant authorities in the Sudan to fully respect the provisions of the status-of-forces agreement of December 2005 and to ensure that all steps are being taken for an orderly and smooth withdrawal of all UNMIS forces.", "We agree with the previous speakers that there is a need for a United Nations presence in the north, especially the border areas. We are deeply concerned about the ongoing violence, especially in Southern", "Kordofan. We call on the Government of the Sudan and the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement North to immediately cease all hostilities and stop attacks on the civilian population. We especially condemn all airstrikes against villages in Southern Kordofan.", "I now resume my functions as President of the Council.", "There are no further speakers on my list. The Security Council has thus concluded the present stage of its consideration of the item on its agenda.", "The meeting rose at 1.30 p.m." ]
[ "主席: 维蒂希先生 (德国) \n 成员: 波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那 乔拉科维奇女士 \n 巴西 费尔南德斯先生 \n 中国 王民先生 \n 哥伦比亚 奥索里奥先生 \n 法国 阿罗德先生 \n 加蓬 蒙加拉·穆索奇先生 \n\t印度\t哈迪普·辛格·普里先生\n 黎巴嫩 萨拉姆先生 \n 尼日利亚 奥尼莫拉先生 \n 葡萄牙 瓦斯·帕托先生 \n 俄罗斯联邦 潘金先生 \n 南非 马沙巴尼先生 \n\t大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国\t马克·莱尔·格兰特爵士\n 美利坚合众国 赖斯女士", "议程项目", "秘书长关于苏丹的报告", "下午1时15分开会。", "通过议程", "议程通过。", "秘书长关于苏丹的报告", "主席(以英语发言):安全理事会现在开始审议其议程上的项目。", "安理会成员面前摆着文件S/2011/417,其中载有在安理会先前磋商过程中拟定的一项决议草案的案文。", "我的理解是,安理会准备对其面前的决议草案进行表决。我现在把这项决议草案付诸表决。", "潘金先生(俄罗斯联邦)(以俄语发言):主席先生,你将把摆在我们面前的文件S/2011/417所载案文付诸表决。据我从磋商中获得的理解,该决议草案所含7月10日这一日期将对特派团产生追溯效力,通过这样一项决议草案不符合安理会惯例。主席先生,你记得,我们的工作人员拟定了案文。你是否能解释一下日期问题?我们正在7月11日通过一项对昨天具有追溯效力的文件。起草案文时规定案文在7月10日生效,这样我们便面临这样一个情况:我们正在通过一项具有追溯效力的文件。这不符合安理会惯例。", "主席(以英语发言):据我所知,政治协调员讨论了这个问题,但有一项谅解,即就决议草案中的日期而言,第1段的措辞“决定自2011年7月10日起撤出联苏特派团”将由“决定撤出联苏特派团”取代。我希望,这将答复俄罗斯联邦代表提出的要点。我认为,情况就是这样。我们现在可着手对摆在我们面前的决议草案进行表决。", "赖斯女士(美利坚合众国)(以英语发言):我们需要理解我们将要表决的内容。请原谅我插话。在这种情况下,我们将如何修改第1段,是删除“自2011年7月10日起”吗?", "主席(以英语发言):你说的没错。让我再次强调,我们的政治协调员显然事先已讨论过这个问题。", "赖斯女士(美利坚合众国)(以英语发言):我理解,但我们为何不把它改为“自今日起”呢?为何没有日期?那是什么逻辑?", "主席(以英语发言):我无法解释政治协调员为何没有提出这个主意。但如果没有人反对,我们现在可以临时修改措辞。我想,这不是一个抽象问题,而是实际问题。我认为,在座同事们可以接受美国同事的建议。", "赖斯女士(美利坚合众国)(以英语发言):这似乎讲不通。如果不注明具体日期,也可是“在6个月内撤离”。", "主席(以英语发言):我想大家都同意这一建议,因此我们将写上今天的日期,即7月11日。", "就这样决定。", "进行了举手表决。", "赞成:", "波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那、巴西、中国、哥伦比亚、法国、加蓬、德国、印度、黎巴嫩、尼日利亚、葡萄牙、俄罗斯联邦、南非、大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国、美利坚合众国", "主席(以英语发言):决议草案获得15票赞成。决议草案获得一致通过,成为第1997(2011)号决议。", "我现在请愿意在表决后发言的安理会成员发言。", "赖斯女士(美利坚合众国)(以英语发言):美国对必须对这项决议进行表决以结束联合国苏丹特派团(联苏特派团)的任务期限深感遗憾。我们再次呼吁苏丹政府重新考虑要求联苏特派团从7月9日起停止在苏丹共和国境内活动的要求。联苏特派团可在地区稳定方面继续发挥重要作用,尤其是在那两个地区。", "美国今天与安理会其他成员一起发出明确信息,即美国希望联合国继续留在这两个地区,特别是在这个关键时刻。安理会通过这项决议表明,安理会随时准备授权联合国继续在南科尔多凡州和青尼罗州执行行动,以支持新的安全安排。今后数周,我们将继续敦促苏丹政府接受这一点。这样做符合其自身利益。我们希望国际社会其他方面继续鼓励喀土穆接受这一点。至关重要的是,随着联苏特派团开始撤出,苏丹政府应与联苏特派团充分合作。", "我们仍然对南科尔多凡州的战事、平民流离失所和由此产生的人道主义危机深感关切。今后几天,苏丹政府和苏丹人民解放运动北部分支必须返回谈判桌并同意立即停止敌对行动。我们也呼吁苏丹政府积极努力,争取达成协议,实现边界及青尼罗州和南科尔多凡州和平与稳定。", "马克·莱尔·格兰特爵士(联合王国)(以英语发言):今天,我们怀着遗憾的心情支持通过关于撤出联合国苏丹特派团(联苏特派团)的第1997(2011年)号决议。", "2005年为支持《全面和平协议》建立了联苏特派团。自建立以来,联苏特派团始终努力支持各方履行协议规定的承诺,并在发生冲突时采取行动保护平民,确保人道主义援助送达需要援助的人们。在这方面,我们感谢联苏特派团和秘书长特别代表海尔·门克里欧斯的不懈努力。", "可悲的是,南科尔多凡州仍然需要联苏特派团的驻留。在那里,我们继续对有关持续不断侵犯人权和违反国际人道主义法行为的报道深表关切。平民继续遭受冲突的影响,包括苏丹武装部队空中轰炸和其他虐待,据报包括法外处决、强迫流离失所和任意逮捕与拘留的影响。我们毫无保留地谴责持续不断的暴力。", "在未能就延长达成协议的情况下,我们呼吁苏丹当局按照部队地位协议和第1997(2011)号决议的各项规定同联苏特派团合作,协助特派团结束行动,允许并支持畅通无阻的人道主义工作人员的人道主义准入,以帮助需要援助的民众。我们进一步呼吁苏丹政府和苏丹人民解放运动北部分支结束敌对行动,同意停火,最终作出新的安全安排。", "我们重申,诚如刚才通过的决议所指出的那样,安理会随时准备在南科尔多凡州和青尼罗州继续执行现有联合国行动,协助双方执行双方之间达成的新安排。我们回顾完成《全面和平协议》规定的全民协商进程的重要性,让南科尔多凡州和青尼罗州人民就其未来治理问题表达自己的意见。", "阿罗德先生(法国)(以法语发言):法国感谢联合国苏丹特派团(联苏特派团)自成立以来,尽管工作条件困难,仍在秘书长特别代表门克里欧斯的领导下展开出色的工作,保护平民,后续执行2005年《全面和平协议》,导致上星期六南苏丹庆祝独立。", "法国支持通过撤出联合国苏丹特派团的第1997(2011)号决议。然而,我们对在南科尔多凡州尚未签署停火协定的情况下通过这项决定感到遗憾。平民继续遭受战事祸害,人道主义准入尚未得到重新建立。青尼罗州也依然令我们关切。", "因此,我们呼吁苏丹政府考虑在这两个州内保留国际存在。我们呼吁苏丹政府和苏丹人民解放运动北部分支立即停止敌对行动,签署停火协议,达成南科尔多凡州和青尼罗州安全安排。我们重申,安理会随时准备支持双方快速实施这样的安排。", "主席(以英语发言):我现在以我国代表的身份发言。", "德国欢迎安理会一致通过撤出联合国苏丹特派团(联苏特派团)的决议。安理会从而确认结束联苏特派团在苏丹的任务,并重申苏丹政府和联合国之间达成的清理结束特派团的现有法律框架。", "我们呼吁苏丹有关当局充分遵守2005年12月部队地位协定的规定,并确保采取一切步骤以顺利有序地撤出所有联苏特派团部队。", "我们同意前面发言者的意见,即北部、尤其是边境地区需要联合国的存在。我们对暴力持续不断,特别是南科尔多凡州暴力持续不断深表关切。我们呼吁苏丹政府和苏丹人民解放运动北部分支立即停止一切敌对行动,并停止袭击平民。我们特别谴责对南科尔多凡州村庄的所有空袭。", "我现在恢复行使安理会主席的职责。", "我的名单上没有其它发言者了。安全理事会就此结束现阶段对其议程项目的审议。", "下午1时30分散会。" ]
[ "主席: 维蒂希先生 (德国)\n成员:波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那\n巴西 费尔南德斯先生\n中国 王敏先生\n哥伦比亚 奥索里奥先生\n法国 阿罗先生\n加蓬 蒙加拉·穆索茨先生\n印度 哈迪普·辛格普里先生\n黎巴嫩 萨拉姆先生\n尼日利亚 Onemola先生\n葡萄牙 瓦兹·帕托先生\n俄罗斯联邦 潘金先生\n南非 马沙巴内先生\n大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国 马克·莱尔格兰特爵士\n美利坚合众国 Rice女士", "议程项目", "秘书长关于苏丹的报告", "下午1时15分宣布开会", "通过议程", "议程通过。", "秘书长关于苏丹的报告", "主席(以英语发言):安全理事会现在开始审议其议程上的项目。", "安理会成员面前有文件S/2011/417,其中载有安理会先前磋商中拟定的一项决议草案的案文。", "我的理解是,安理会现在准备对其面前的决议草案进行表决。 我现在将决议草案付诸表决。", "潘金先生(俄罗斯联邦)(以俄语发言): 主席先生,你即将将文件S/2011/417中摆在我们面前的案文付诸表决。 据我从协商中了解,该决议草案的通过,加上7月10日的日期,从而对特派团产生追溯效力,不符合安理会的正常做法。 主席先生,你会记得,我们的工作人员在起草案文。 你能解释一下日期的问题吗? 我们将于7月11日通过一项文件,追溯到昨天。 它的起草将于7月10日生效,因此,我们有一个情况是,我们正在通过一项具有追溯效力的文件。 这不符合安理会的正常做法。", "主席(以英语发言):据我所知,政治协调员讨论了这个问题,但有一项谅解,即关于决议草案的日期,第1段的措辞——“决定从2011年7月10日起撤出联苏特派团”,将改为“决定撤出联苏特派团”。 我希望这将对俄罗斯联邦代表提出的问题作出回应。 我认为,情况就是这样,我们现在可以就我们面前的决议草案进行表决。", "赖斯女士(美利坚合众国): 我们需要了解我们正在投票表决的内容。 原谅我打断你 在这种情况下,如何修改第1段——把一段时间放在联苏特派团之后?", "主席(以英语发言):这是正确的。 我要再次强调,我们的政治协调员显然事先讨论了这个问题。", "赖斯女士(美利坚合众国): 我理解,但是我们为什么不使它“今天有效”呢? 为什么没有约会? 逻辑是什么?", "主席(以英语发言):我无法解释政治协调员为何没有提出这一想法。 但是,如果无人反对,我们现在可以临时改变语言。 我认为这不是一个神学问题;这是一个事实问题,我认为,我们坐在桌旁的同事可以接受我们美国同事的建议。", "赖斯女士(美利坚合众国): 这似乎没有道理。 如果不注明日期,则可以“在六个月内撤回”。", "主席(以英语发言):我想大家都同意这项建议,因此我们将把今天的日期,即7月11日定为今天的日期。", "就这样决定。", "进行了举手表决。", "赞成:", "波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那、巴西、中国、哥伦比亚、法国、加蓬、德国、印度、黎巴嫩、尼日利亚、葡萄牙、俄罗斯联邦、南非、大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国、美利坚合众国", "主席(以英语发言):决议草案获得15票赞成。 决议草案获得一致通过,成为第1997(2011)号决议。", "我现在请希望在表决后发言的安理会成员发言。", "赖斯女士(美利坚合众国): 美国深感遗憾的是,必须就这项决议进行表决,以结束联合国苏丹特派团(联苏特派团)的任务。 我们呼吁苏丹政府再次重新考虑其要求,即联苏特派团从7月9日起停止在苏丹共和国的活动。 特派团在区域稳定方面,特别是在这两个地区,可以继续发挥关键作用。", "美国正同安理会其他成员一道发出一个明确的信息,即美国希望联合国留在这两个地区,特别是在这一关键时刻。 安理会通过这项决议表明,它准备授权联合国在南科尔多凡州和青尼罗州继续开展行动,以支持新的安全安排,我们在今后几周将继续敦促苏丹政府接受这一安排。 这样做符合它的利益。 我们希望国际社会其他成员将继续鼓励喀土穆接受这一点。 在联苏特派团开始撤离进程时,苏丹政府必须与该特派团充分合作。", "我们仍然对南科尔多凡的战斗、平民流离失所以及随后发生的人道主义危机深感关切。 苏丹政府和苏丹人民解放运动北方必须在今后几天回到谈判桌旁,同意立即停止敌对行动。 我们还呼吁苏丹政府积极努力,达成协议,使边界、青尼罗州和南科尔多凡州实现和平与稳定。", "马克·莱尔·格兰特爵士(联合王国): 令人遗憾的是,我们今天支持通过关于联合国苏丹特派团(联苏特派团)撤出的第1997(2011)号决议。", "联苏特派团自2005年《全面和平协定》设立以来,一直努力支持各方履行《协定》规定的义务,并在发生冲突时采取行动保护平民,确保向需要援助的人提供人道主义援助。 我们感谢联苏特派团和秘书长特别代表海尔·门克里欧斯在这方面所作的不懈努力。", "可悲的是,联苏特派团仍然需要在南科尔多凡州派驻人员,我们仍然对不断发生侵犯人权和违反国际人道主义法行为的报道深感关切。 平民继续遭受冲突的影响,包括苏丹武装部队的空中轰炸和其他虐待行为,据报包括法外处决、强迫流离失所以及任意逮捕和拘留。 我们毫无保留地谴责持续的暴力。", "在没有就延期达成协议的情况下,我们呼吁苏丹当局根据部队地位协定和第1997(2011)号决议的规定,在联苏特派团结束行动时与其合作,并允许和支持人道主义工作人员不受限制地向有需要的民众提供人道主义援助。 我们还呼吁苏丹政府和苏丹人民解放运动北方停止敌对行动,并商定停火,导致新的安全安排。", "我们重申,正如我们刚才通过的决议所述,安理会准备继续目前在南科尔多凡州和青尼罗州的行动,并协助双方执行双方商定的新安排。 我们回顾,必须完成《全面和平协议》规定的全民协商进程,南科尔多凡州和青尼罗州人民将通过这些进程表达他们对今后治理的看法。", "阿罗先生(法国)(以法语发言): 法国感谢联合国苏丹特派团(联苏特派团)在秘书长特别代表门克里欧斯的领导下,尽管工作条件困难,但自特派团成立以来在保护平民和确保后续落实上星期六庆祝南苏丹独立的2005年《全面和平协定》方面开展了出色的工作。", "法国支持通过关于联合国苏丹特派团撤出的第1997(2011)号决议。 然而,我们感到遗憾的是,此时南科尔多凡州尚未签署停火协议。 平民在战斗中继续受苦,人道主义准入尚未恢复。 青尼罗州也仍然令我们感到关切。", "因此,我们呼吁苏丹政府考虑在这两个国家派驻国际人员。 我们敦促苏丹政府和苏丹人民解放运动北方立即停止敌对行动,签署停火协定,并在南科尔多凡州和青尼罗州缔结安全安排。 我们重申,安全理事会愿意支持各方加快执行这种安排。", "主席(以英语发言):我现在以我国代表的身份发言。", "德国欢迎一致通过关于联合国苏丹特派团(联苏特派团)缩编的决议。 因此,安理会确认联苏特派团在苏丹的任务已经结束,并重申苏丹政府与联合国商定的清理结束特派团的现有法律框架。", "我们呼吁苏丹有关当局充分尊重2005年12月《部队地位协定》的规定,并确保采取一切步骤,有秩序和顺利地撤出联苏特派团所有部队。", "我们同意前面的发言者的意见,即联合国在北部,特别是在边境地区的存在是必要的。 我们对持续的暴力深感关切,特别是在南部", "科尔多凡州。 我们呼吁苏丹政府和苏丹人民解放运动北方立即停止一切敌对行动,停止对平民的攻击。 我们特别谴责对南科尔多凡村庄的所有空袭。", "我现在恢复行使安理会主席的职能。", "我的名单上没有其他发言者了。 安全理事会就此结束现阶段对其议程项目的审议。", "下午1时30分散会。" ]
[ "Sixty-sixth session", "* A/66/50.", "Item 27 (a) of the preliminary list*", "Social development", "Implementation of the outcome of the World Summit for Social Development and of the twenty-fourth special session of the General Assembly", "Report of the Secretary-General", "Summary", "The present report provides an assessment of the social impact of the global crisis, taking into account the discussion held during the forty-ninth session of the Commission for Social Development. The report also provides an overview of the key initiatives and responses undertaken by Member States and the United Nations system to implement the outcome of the World Summit for Social Development and of the twenty-fourth special session of the General Assembly, in the face of the global crisis. The report concludes with a set of recommendations for the consideration of the General Assembly.", "Contents", "Page\nIntroduction 3I.Social 3 impact of the global \ncrisis II.Contribution 9 of the Commission for Social Development at its forty-ninth \nsession A.Poverty 9 \neradication B.Productive 12 employment and decent work for \n all C.Social 13 \nintegration III. Implementation 14 in a time of \ncrisis A.National 14 policy \nresponses B.United 16 Nations \nresponses \nIV.Recommendations 17", "Introduction", "1. The present report is submitted in response to General Assembly resolution 65/185, in which the Assembly requested the Secretary-General to submit, at its sixty-sixth session, a comprehensive study on the impact of the converging world crises on social development, in particular for the achievement of poverty eradication, mindful of the discussion held during the forty-ninth session of the Commission for Social Development. The report first provides an assessment of the social impact of the global crisis, followed by a review of the contribution of the Commission for Social Development at its forty-ninth session to the implementation of the outcome of the World Summit for Social Development and of the twenty-fourth special session of the General Assembly. The report then examines implementation at the national level, and the actions and initiatives undertaken by the United Nations system. The report concludes with a set of recommendations for the consideration of the General Assembly.", "I. Social impact of the global crisis[1]", "2. The global financial and economic crisis has proven to be a major impediment to the implementation of international social development goals, including the Millennium Development Goals, and the goals of the World Summit for Social Development. Major setbacks have been registered in poverty, employment, hunger, education, health and social integration. At the same time, recovery has proceeded slowly, unevenly and with uncertainty. Recovery in employment and other social indicators is lagging behind output recovery, highlighting the disconnect between economic growth and social development that must be bridged by effective policy at the national and international levels if development goals are to be realized. The growing trend towards fiscal consolidation and austerity in developed countries further undermines the potential for recovery from the social crisis.[2]", "Economic growth and poverty", "3. Prior to the crisis, poverty reduction strategies were being successfully implemented, particularly in middle-income and high-growth countries. The number of people living below the $1.25-a-day poverty line was projected to be 883 million in 2015, down from 1.4 billion in 2005 and 1.8 billion in 1990.[3] While the incidence of poverty has declined across all regions, the uneven global progress suggests that the implementation of poverty reduction strategies had not been successful in many contexts, particularly among the poorest countries.", "4. The crisis presented an additional significant hurdle to poverty reduction. Nevertheless, based on current projections, the fight against global poverty is progressing, albeit unevenly and more slowly than prior to the crisis. The world remains on track to reduce the number of people living in poverty by half. As a result of slowed economic growth in rich and poor countries alike, between 47 million and 84 million additional people remained poor or fell into poverty in 2009 than would have been the case without the crisis.[4] The period from late in 2009 to 2010 was one of uneven and fragile recovery, aided in large part by the unprecedented stimulus measures taken by many countries. The recovery period was also fuelled by output growth in developing countries and economies in transition. Despite economic growth recovery during this period, employment continues to lag behind in many countries, leaving economies vulnerable to future shocks and more people at risk of falling into poverty.", "5. Economic growth is broadly recognized as the key engine of poverty reduction, operating largely through employment generation and increased government revenues for investment in the social sectors, including health and education. Global economic growth began to slow again broadly in mid-2010 as fiscal stimuli ran out. A shifting policy orientation towards austerity in developed economies is expected to hurt global economic growth further and push more people into poverty during 2011 and 2012. As a result, the prospects for regaining lost ground on social indicators through 2012 are poor.", "6. As the crisis has pushed millions more people into poverty, and as Governments continue to divert more resources away from social spending, it will become more difficult to achieve all social development goals. Poverty reduction and redistributive social policy are key to achieving internationally agreed development goals. Since incomes are low and social protection systems are either lacking, minimal or disjointed in poorer countries, progress is more difficult. In general, the higher the poverty rate in a country, the less responsive poverty is to growth.[5]", "7. The full impact of the crisis on poverty will depend on the shape and form of immediate, medium- and longer-term policy responses. Specifically, countries must consider the medium-to-longer-term social impact of their policies, and balance the need to continue to invest in future productivity through social spending and job creation with the need for debt reduction. Economic policies considered in isolation from their social consequences often have a dire impact on people’s nutrition, health and education which, in turn, adversely affects long-term economic growth.", "Employment", "8. The crisis has had devastating effects on employment, contributing to large-scale increases in unemployment and pushing millions of workers into vulnerable employment, poverty or both. Between 2007 and 2010, the crisis caused the loss of 27.6 million jobs. Developed countries were hit particularly hard. More than half of the jobs lost were in developed economies, which are home to only 15 per cent of the global labour force. The global unemployment rate was 5.6 per cent in 2007, climbing to 6.2 per cent in 2010 after peaking at 6.3 per cent in 2009.", "9. Despite recovery in other macroeconomic areas, the jobs crisis has not been alleviated by the global efforts of Governments and businesses to generate employment; high levels of unemployment persist and underemployment has grown rapidly in some countries. For example, part-time job growth has accounted for roughly 40 per cent of growth in employment in Australia, Canada and the United States of America. Fiscal tightening further dampens the prospects for employment recovery.", "10. In many developing countries, unemployment rates had returned to pre-crisis levels by early 2010. However, the recovery of official employment is an incomplete picture of the impact of the crisis on workers in developing countries, where there has been an increase in the levels of informality and the number of working poor. Employment has also become less secure for many.", "11. The longer-term employment consequences of the crisis are becoming apparent as most developed countries have seen a significant increase in the share of long-term or structural unemployment — persons unemployed for more than one year — since 2007. In addition, vulnerability has worsened and half of all workers — more than 1.5 billion people — are in vulnerable employment. Many of the new jobs created during the recovery are lower-paying with fewer benefits and less security. Increasing labour market flexibility has been one response to address rising unemployment. By reducing labour regulation, flexibility often translates into insecurity for workers, lower wages, and degraded working conditions, and does not generate the job creation expected. The growth in average wages declined from 2.8 per cent in 2007 to 1.5 per cent in 2008 and 1.6 per cent in 2009. Excluding China from the analysis, average wage growth fell to 0.8 per cent in 2008 and 0.7 per cent in 2009.[6]", "12. The number of discouraged workers — working-age individuals willing to work but no longer actively seeking employment — is also growing. Nearly 2 million people have become discouraged from actively seeking jobs. Nearly 4 million people left the labour market at the end of 2009.[7]", "13. Youth tend to be disadvantaged in the labour market and have suffered disproportionately from job losses resulting from the crisis. Youth (aged 15-24) had unemployment rates well above their older counterparts prior to the crisis. In 2010, global youth unemployment reached 12.6 per cent, up from 11.8 per cent in 2007. Youth entering the job market during the crisis are likely to suffer lifelong consequences in terms of employment and wages.", "14. In order to fully restore employment to pre-crisis levels, growth levels must be high enough to compensate for the size of the working population. Growth must also be employment-intensive, driven by increased productivity. In order for this to occur, there must be widespread structural change towards the more dynamic sectors of the economy. At the current speed of recovery, it would take four to five years to return to pre-crisis levels of global employment.[8]", "Food prices rising again", "15. Volatile food prices present a serious barrier to social development goals. Recent food price increases are pushing millions more into poverty and leaving more people malnourished. In addition to the short-term consequences of lack of sufficient food, such as higher child mortality, childhood malnourishment has long-term negative consequences for health, educational outcomes and productivity.", "16. Since June 2010, higher food prices have pushed an additional 44 million people below the $1.25-a-day poverty line. Early 2011 saw record food price increases, which returned prices close to their 2008 peak. If food prices continue on their current trajectory, the implications for social development will be devastating. World Bank simulations[9] suggest that a 10 per cent increase in the food price index could lead to an additional 10 million people falling below the poverty line; a 30 per cent increase could push an additional 34 million people into poverty. Other studies are less optimistic: poor families in developing Asia already spend 60 per cent of their income on food, and a 10 per cent rise in domestic food prices could push an additional 64 million people into extreme poverty in that region alone,[10] and in the transition countries, two thirds of the households were affected by the crisis, and 70 per cent of them reported to have reduced staple food and health expenditures as a coping mechanism in the crisis.[11]", "17. Many countries are pursuing contractionary monetary policies to combat inflation caused by rising food and oil prices. This policy stance is hampering economic recovery, especially job creation. Such monetary policy is, thus, not appropriate for addressing food price inflation. A broad range of factors contributes to food price fluctuations, including increased demand for food, competing uses for food grains such as for the production of biofuels, declining grain stocks and rising oil prices, and speculative activities in food markets. Policymakers should, therefore, consider a range of interventions to combat the causes and impacts of food price fluctuations. Expanding social assistance and nutritional programmes can help to alleviate the impact of food price increases on malnourishment. Without targeted social assistance and nutritional programmes, short-term price increases will lead to calorie deficits and micronutrient malnutrition. The long-term implications of malnutrition in childhood are well documented[12] and include lower educational attainment, lower lifetime earnings, and lower overall productivity. Increased regulation of commodity speculation, expanded support for agricultural development for local consumption, and relaxed biofuels mandates are all needed to address fluctuations in food prices in the long term.", "Remittance flows", "18. Migrant remittances are very important to the welfare of recipient families and communities. Official remittances fell by 6 percentage points between 2008 and 2009.[13] By 2010, official remittance flows had recovered to $325 billion, matching pre-crisis levels. Stabilization of the United States economy has allowed remittance flows to Latin America to resume growth. Higher oil prices have contributed to improved remittance flows to Asia from Russia and other oil-producing countries. However, the tight job market in Western Europe is contributing to increasing migration controls. Despite the apparent recovery of remittances, inflation in recipient countries has outpaced the growth of remittances, such that recipients do not have the same purchasing power with the same dollar amounts received as they did prior to the crisis. Unrest in the Middle East and North Africa is also disrupting migration and remittance flows.[14]", "Health and education", "19. The full impact of the crisis on health and education is difficult to assess and will become fully evident only over time.[15] Based on experience in previous crises, households adopt coping strategies that can have negative consequences for health and education. For example, children are taken out of school to save money on school fees or to work. Stretched household budgets are relieved by replacing more expensive and nutritious foods with cheaper alternatives. Medical care is deferred and needed medications are not purchased. Often, during crises the cost of essential life-saving medication rises and, as a result, life-threatening illnesses may go untreated.", "20. When incomes fall and unemployment rises, the demand for public sector services typically expands while, at the same time, government revenues to fund them come under increasing pressure. The reductions in social expenditure that are occurring in many countries are placing the sustainability of recovery at risk. Therefore, social expenditures must continue to be viewed as investments in future growth and maintained despite immediate pressures to constrict social spending.", "Inequality", "21. Increasing income inequality has been identified as both a cause and an outcome of the economic crisis. Economic growth in the period preceding the economic crisis was unbalanced: the benefits of growth accrued to the wealthiest individuals at the expense of the creation of quality, decent jobs. Between 1980 and 2005, high growth rates and stagnant wages fuelled inequality, as the share of national incomes received by the top 1 per cent of the population increased from 7.5 per cent to 13.4 per cent. Consumer debt grew in this period as wage earners struggled to maintain their standard of living in the face of rising costs and stagnant wages. While global inequality may be declining as a result of the greater impact of the crisis on financial rents and the fiscal austerity induced slowdowns in most developed economies, income inequality within countries is expected to worsen as a result of rising food prices, high unemployment and increased poverty rates. These trends disproportionately impact the less-advantaged within countries.[16]", "Climate change", "22. Climate change is causing increased variability of weather patterns and changes in agro-ecology. Climate change, if unabated, will have negative consequences for nutrition, schooling and future productivity. Changing weather patterns have already hurt food production, and weather events are responsible for disruptions in global supply chains. The tsunami in Japan in March of 2011 disrupted global supply chains, slowing output and further slowing the global economic recovery. The onset of the economic crisis has also withdrawn attention and momentum from climate change concerns. Also, lack of access to credit and competing budgetary priorities are having an adverse impact on investment in adaptation and mitigation strategies, both among public and private investors.", "23. Recently, there has been a promising shift in national and international dialogue, towards a focus on broader sustainable development that incorporates sustainable environmental and economic practices with the ultimate goal of improving well-being. The green economy, in the context of poverty eradication and sustainable development, will be the theme of the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development[17] to be held in June 2012.", "Upheavals in the Middle East and North Africa", "24. Despite good growth levels, the Middle East suffers from the highest unemployment among developing regions and remains poorly integrated into the world economy. Youth unemployment in the region has reached as high as 70 per cent. The region also has the lowest economic participation rates of women, high inequality and poor human development.[18] In reaction in part to social conditions, recent and ongoing uprisings in the Middle East have been propelled by political and economic demands of the population combined with a lack of alternative avenues to influence public policy. While the changes in governance resulting from the protests may be positive in the long run through increased citizen participation in policymaking, in the short term the transition has contributed to increased oil prices (a 21 per cent increase in the first quarter of 2011) and may further disrupt economic activity.[19]", "Africa", "25. Africa’s economy has proven to be resilient to the crisis, with an expansion of 3.6 per cent in 2011 and growth expected to reach 5.4 per cent in 2012.¹⁹ However, unemployment and vulnerable employment remain high, and the region is still not expected to achieve sufficient growth to meet poverty reduction targets even with significant income redistribution, which seems unlikely. Most sub-Saharan African economies remain highly dependent on primary production and remain very vulnerable to terms of trade shocks; production and exports have not diversified very much, with significant deindustrialization in recent decades. South Africa, the largest economy in the region, is a notable exception to positive growth trend. With an expected growth rate of only 3.5 per cent for 2011, the substantial job losses are not expected to be reversed.[20]", "II. Contribution of the Commission for Social Development at its forty-ninth session", "26. The Commission for Social Development devoted its forty-ninth session to a review of its priority theme “Poverty eradication, taking into account its interrelationship with social integration and full employment and decent work for all.” The present section of the report provides a summary of the deliberations of the Commission on its priority theme.", "A. Poverty eradication", "Progress and challenges", "27. Poverty eradication remains a major challenge for all Governments and the United Nations system, especially in the aftermath of the global economic and financial crisis, and continuing food and energy price hikes. National Governments and the international community remain committed to continued efforts at the national, regional and global levels to fulfil the internationally agreed development goals in regard to poverty reduction targets, including the Millennium Development Goals, and the commitments contained in the Copenhagen Declaration and Programme of Action.", "28. Concerted national and international efforts have so far yielded marked though uneven progress in reducing poverty. The world is on track to reach the global Millennium Development Goal poverty target by 2015.[21] However, the achievement of this target is but one step towards the commitment to poverty eradication made at the World Summit on Social Development, for there will be close to 900 million people still living in extreme poverty by 2015, according to pre-crisis World Bank projections.", "29. Moreover, progress towards poverty eradication has been uneven among countries and regions. Much of the progress in reducing extreme poverty and raising living standards has been achieved in East Asia, particularly in China. Other regions have been less successful. At the same time, regional trends conceal very different national experiences, even among those countries with similar income levels. In fact, while the forecasted declines in income poverty at the global and regional levels are encouraging, poverty remains high and intractable in many countries. The global trend masks the dire reality in many countries where there has been slow or little progress in poverty reduction.", "30. Furthermore, in addition to a lack of adequate income, people living in extreme poverty also suffer multiple deprivations, restrictions in opportunities and social exclusion. While many countries have succeeded in reducing income poverty, they still face important challenges in ensuring access to education, health, food and other basic goods and services. For example, as a result of the food crisis, the number of undernourished people increased from 817 million in 1990-1992 to over 1 billion in 2009, and it is estimated to be 925 million in 2010. This estimate could be even higher in 2011 given the renewed rise in food commodity prices.[22]", "31. Sustained or increased investments in health and education are vital to break the cycle of poverty and to prevent its intergenerational transmission. People living in poverty still face obstacles in accessing quality health care, and many suffer and die from easily preventable diseases and health conditions. Disease, in turn, can push vulnerable families into poverty. Education is widely recognized as a means for socio-economic mobility, and the lack of education often prevents people living in poverty from taking part in higher-paying formal-sector employment. These linkages underline the vicious circle that exists between income poverty and poor health and low levels of education that can be addressed through effective government policies.", "32. Gender and urban-rural disparities continue to present a challenge for implementing policies on poverty reduction. Although there has been considerable progress in reducing gender inequality in the past three decades, women remain disadvantaged relative to men in most spheres of life, and are not equally represented in the decision-making processes. In addition, throughout the world there are large disparities in well-being between urban and rural residents. Poverty has been growing faster in urban areas, especially in Latin America, yet the incidence of poverty is still higher in rural areas.", "33. Poverty has social, economic, political and environmental dimensions, and some of the structural causes of poverty and inequality are global in nature. Lack of decent employment opportunities, social protection and access to social services, and increasing inequality, frequency of natural disasters, and disease burdens, in particular HIV and AIDS, are some of the main obstacles to poverty eradication that national Governments and the international community need to address.", "Lessons learned", "34. With less than five years remaining before the target date of 2015 for achieving the Millennium Development Goals, actions to accelerate progress, building on successes and lessons learned, are required. This need is especially pressing in those regions and countries which lag behind in their poverty reduction targets, and where social and economic inequalities remain high.", "35. Countries face diverse economic, social and political challenges to implementing their poverty eradication strategies and programmes. Despite the diversity of challenges faced by countries in this regard, there is broad agreement among countries on a number of issues based on their experiences. One area of agreement is that rapid and sustained economic growth, accompanied by structural change, and supported by consistent counter-cyclical macroeconomic policies are necessary for sustained poverty reduction. This is supported by the success of East Asia in dramatically reducing poverty, as well as the progress in poverty reduction made by African countries prior to the onset of the global crises. As the 2010 Report on the World Social Situation shows, many high profile programmes, e.g., land titling, microcredit, and others, have not been very effective in poverty reduction.", "36. The multidimensional nature of poverty requires poverty reduction strategies that go beyond mere economic growth and seek to integrate action to improve education, housing, health and employment outcomes that can help reduce inequality. In many countries, increasing income and wealth inequalities have limited the effectiveness of economic growth in reducing poverty. In highly unequal societies, poor people often do not have access to productive resources, including land, markets or transportation and communications infrastructure, with the result that people living in poverty are often locked out of the economic growth processes. Therefore, macroeconomic policies should fully consider the social dimension of development, including the need to reduce inequality and to promote full employment and decent work for all.", "37. It is crucial for developing countries to implement programmes that offer universal access to basic social protection and social services in order for them to break the cycle of poverty. Insofar as social protection measures shield people from various shocks and enhance their capacity to manage and overcome situations that affect their well-being, such measures are essential to reduce vulnerability and prevent the deterioration in living conditions. During economic crises, social protection systems perform an important role as social and economic stabilizers. In the long term, social protection can help individuals and families build human capital and improve their livelihood prospects, thereby addressing the underlying causes of poverty. When complemented by broader interventions that address discrimination, access to resources and their redistribution, these measures will have a profound impact on poverty and vulnerability and contribute to the establishment of a virtuous circle between economic growth and poverty eradication.", "38. Countries that have successfully reduced income poverty and improved social conditions on a broad scale have developed comprehensive social protection policies covering a majority of the population. While the structure of social protection systems will depend on specific country contexts, a basic social protection floor should comprise a basic set of essential, context-appropriate social transfers and access to essential services, including health care, education and adequate nutrition. This social protection floor is affordable, even in the poorest countries, if implemented progressively. The needed investment is often viewed as less of an impediment when the potential consequences of not investing in social protection are taken into account. It is important that such interventions are complemented by broader social investment that addresses discrimination, exclusion and the inequitable distribution of resources.", "39. Another lesson in implementing poverty reduction strategies is that rural development and agricultural productivity are fundamental to social development and poverty reduction, and a greater focus on the rural economy and the role of agriculture in developing countries is necessary. Small- and medium-sized farms provide employment for the majority of working people in many developing countries. It is also important to link agricultural production to local urban markets, to help insulate against external shocks and increase food security and reduce poverty, especially in view of the resurgence of global food price increases.", "40. Countries in which economic growth has been achieved with gains in agricultural productivity and sustained increases in decent work opportunities in both rural and urban areas have made the most progress in reducing poverty. More public investment is needed to support such growth in developing countries with large agricultural sectors, where women are often employed. In this regard, the promotion of gender equality is critical to ensure that women receive the benefits of agricultural and rural development.", "41. Finally, successful examples of countries implementing effective poverty reduction strategies underscore the importance of embedding social policy as an integral part of a broader development strategy, in order to address the conditions that cause and perpetuate poverty. Sustainable anti-poverty strategies require social policies that focus on all members of society, not just on the poor. It is important to build on successful experiences to scale up global efforts in order to accelerate progress to achieve the internationally agreed development goals, including the Millennium Development Goals and the commitments of Copenhagen.", "B. Productive employment and decent work for all", "42. Full and productive employment and decent work for all are central to national strategies for poverty eradication and social integration. Full and productive employment refers to high levels of employment with high real wage rates. Poverty eradication efforts will not be successful and sustainable unless people have access to employment opportunities that pay wages above the poverty line. Moreover, improving the quality of jobs, as emphasized by the decent work agenda, is vital to tackling the problem of working poor in many countries. Structural change through productivity-led growth also contributes to high employment and high real wages.", "43. While employment generates the income that people living in poverty need in order to escape poverty, employment and decent work also provide the vital channel through which the benefits of economic growth can be more widely shared. The attainment of full and productive employment and decent work for all is essential for sustainable development where the benefits of growth are shared equitably.", "44. Making full and productive employment and decent work for all a central objective of national and international policies is imperative to achieving the internationally agreed development goals, particularly the goal of poverty eradication. Therefore, the promotion of full employment and decent work must become a key macroeconomic objective alongside consistently counter-cyclical policies and functional finance, in order to achieve more stable and balanced growth supporting poverty eradication.", "45. Undue emphasis on balancing public budgets, without considering its consequences, has often resulted in declines in public investment in infrastructure, technologies and human resources, all of which are critical for economic growth and employment creation. Emphasis should be on public expenditure review in order to enhance its productive element, instead of across-the-board cuts, especially in the current context of recovery from severe economic recession.", "46. The Social Protection Floor Initiative, co-led by the International Labour Organization (ILO) and the World Health Organization (WHO), is a critical component of the decent work agenda. The Initiative comprises a systemic base to address poverty and vulnerability through its four essential guarantees: access to essential health care for all; income security for children; assistance for unemployed, underemployed and poor persons; and income security for older persons and persons with disabilities. Investments in a Social Protection Floor can create a virtuous cycle of development, leading to improved schooling, training, and health, thus creating a greater pool of human capital, which supports long-term economic growth while also leading to more people being employed in the formal sector. Ultimately, the growth of the formal sector will generate more financial resources through tax revenue and make higher levels of social protection possible.", "C. Social integration", "47. Governments around the world are increasingly recognizing the importance of social integration to advancing social development and reducing poverty, because social integration fosters social cohesion and stable and just societies, which create an enabling environment for development and progress. Participation by all in social, economic, political and cultural life is critical to ensuring that government policies are responsive to the needs of society, including people living in poverty.", "48. Many countries have moved from disjointed or ad hoc policies for social integration to more coherent and cohesive policies in line with national development goals and poverty reduction strategies.[23] Governments and their social partners should strive to create an environment conducive to participation and social integration, by taking public action and implementing policies that eliminate discrimination and social barriers. This will contribute to, and reinforce, efforts to eradicate poverty.", "49. Advances in promoting social integration have been made, including through the adoption of international plans of action, conventions and declarations to address the challenges various social groups face in overcoming social exclusion and poverty. Governments and their social partners have implemented social integration policies aimed at reducing inequality and eliminating discrimination, to provide equal access to employment opportunities, basic social services, education and health care, and to increase participation and inclusion of social groups, especially young people, older persons and persons with disabilities, as well as indigenous people.", "50. Assistance to large families and single-parent families is an effective strategy to combat overall poverty. Targeting children of families suffering from poverty, through benefits ranging from child support grants, cash transfers, educational allowances, housing subsidies and free education to foster-care programmes is necessary to combat the intergenerational transmission of poverty.", "51. Moreover, families have traditionally provided social protection to their members and they should be supported in this important function. Effective social protection measures combined with efficient service delivery and access to basic services are good strategies to assist families. The upcoming twentieth anniversary of the International Year of the Family in 2014 provides an impetus to ensure further promotion and realization of the mandated objectives of the International Year. The Commission for Social Development will be guided by the following themes in the preparations for the twentieth anniversary, in carrying out its mandate of following up to the Social Summit: confronting family poverty and social exclusion; ensuring work/family balance and advancing social integration and intergenerational solidarity.", "III. Implementation in a time of crisis", "52. The implementation of the outcome of the World Summit for Social Development and of the twenty-fourth special session of the General Assembly has been increasingly challenged by the multiple crises that have emerged in recent years. Better coordinated and more coherent policy responses are needed at the national level, as well as within the United Nations system, to meet these new challenges effectively.", "A. National policy responses", "53. The current financial crisis, coming close on the heels of the multiple crises in recent years, has prompted a shift away from market fundamentalism towards a greater role for government in guiding the economy. Counter-cyclical macroeconomic policy measures have clearly worked to mitigate the impact of the crisis in many countries. Both the recession and its social impact have been less severe than initially feared, thanks to the prompt policy responses by many countries, including emerging economies in the developing world. ILO has estimated that counter-cyclical measures implemented by the G20 countries saved or created 21 million jobs in their economies.[24]", "54. The debt crisis in developed economies that started in early 2010 has continued into 2011, placing significant pressure on national Governments to reduce spending. Many Governments in developed countries have responded to growing deficits worsened by the economic crisis with reduced social spending, weakening social protection systems in those countries. Reductions in spending on health, education, job cuts, pay cuts, and tax increases are some measures being taken in hopes of improving countries’ fiscal positions.", "55. Concerns over deficits and mounting debt levels have encouraged many countries to implement austerity measures. Those countries have ended fiscal stimulus measures, raised retirement ages to reduce pension costs, cut wages and raised taxes. For example, Spain has committed to reducing public spending by 7.9 per cent in 2011, Germany is reducing federal spending by 4.3 per cent between 2010 and 2011, and Italy is implementing a 10 per cent budget cut for 2011 and 2012.", "56. There is some concern that such measures may worsen or prolong the crisis, given that fiscal consolidation lowers growth. One IMF study found that, after two years, a budget deficit cut of 1 per cent of gross domestic product (GDP) lowers output by about 0.5 per cent and raises unemployment by 1/3 of a percentage point.[25] Ultimately, these measures could worsen or prolong the crisis by increasing unemployment, especially for young people, and weakening social protection systems at a time when they are needed most.", "57. However, several developing countries, drawing important lessons from previous crises, have made great efforts to protect social expenditure so as to preserve gains in social development, even as government revenues declined as a result of slowing economic growth. For example, some Governments, including those of Argentina, India and South Africa, maintained or even expanded their cash transfer programmes for families, programmes that have often been credited with causing substantial reductions in family poverty and better outcomes for children, such as improved school attendance and reductions in child malnutrition and child labour.[26]", "58. Some Governments managed to extend social protection, and to make it more responsive to new social needs in their crisis response measures, especially at the early stage of the global financial and economic crisis. This helped to ameliorate the impact, both of higher food and fuel prices and of the economic recession, on poor and vulnerable populations. For example, Brazil expanded its Bolsa Família programme to provide a minimum level of income for almost 50 million people, representing 0.4 per cent of the GDP in 2010.[27]", "59. In the area of social protection, some developing countries, including Burkina Faso, Mexico and Mozambique, have taken action to implement the Social Protection Floor initiative by raising awareness, establishing a national Social Protection Floor task force, taking stock of the social protection situation, designing measures to extend existing social protection to larger segments of the population and conducting analyses. Some countries, such as Argentina, Chile and South Africa, have adopted specific legislation to reform the social security system, emphasizing social protection for marginalized social groups, including older persons, persons with disabilities and the unemployed. In India, the National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme responds to the needs of 53 million poor rural households by offering them 100 days of employment per year through public works programmes.²⁶", "60. Some countries are turning the crises into opportunities to invest in green jobs for employment-creation and poverty reduction.[28] Some others are re-examining the role of both the public sector and civil society organizations in providing social services as a source of new jobs to counter the impact of the financial and economic crisis. These initiatives all contribute towards implementing the commitments of the World Summit for Social Development, especially with regard to promoting poverty eradication, employment and decent work.", "B. United Nations responses", "61. The United Nations system has engaged in a wide array of activities to implement the Copenhagen Programme of Action, and to counter the impact of the global crisis on achievements in social development. In this context, new initiatives and partnerships have emerged to advance the coherence of the United Nations system and to ensure greater effectiveness of development cooperation.", "62. Within the context of the Commission for Social Development, the Department of Economic and Social Affairs has organized panel discussions and expert group meetings on emerging social development issues, including poverty eradication, social protection, decent work, and social integration.[29] The Division has organized a Civil Society Forum to ensure a wide range of participants in the forty-ninth session of the Commission. Furthermore, the Division is engaged in producing cutting-edge research and reports, such as its 2011 flagship report.[30] The Copenhagen Programme of Action also provides a basis for the Department of Economic and Social Affairs technical cooperation advisory services to Governments, focused on the least developed countries and countries in special situations, such as the small island developing States.", "63. The Second United Nations Decade for the Eradication of Poverty (2008-2017), proclaimed by the General Assembly in 2007 and focused on the theme Full Employment and Decent Work for All, presents the overarching framework for the United Nations poverty eradication agenda. The Department of Economic and Social Affairs and ILO coordinate a system-wide plan of action for poverty eradication which was endorsed by a group of 21 United Nations agencies, funds, programmes and regional commissions, as well as by the United Nations System Chief Executives Board for Coordination (CEB). This plan of action places particular emphasis on employment creation, social protection, rights and standards at work, and the impact of the global economic and financial crisis on employment.", "64. To counter the impact of the converging global crisis on social development, the CEB adopted nine joint United Nations initiatives in April 2009. The Global Jobs Pact and the Social Protection Floor are both part of that framework. The Global Jobs Pact is an ILO-led global partnership framework aimed at providing crisis-response measures, built around the principles of decent work and a job-rich recovery. The Pact promotes a productive recovery centred on investments, employment and social protection, and also strives to put employment at the centre of the policy agenda. The Social Protection Floor Initiative aims at promoting access to essential social security transfers and social services, with an emphasis on assistance to vulnerable groups. This Initiative has since developed a strong coalition of United Nations agencies, bilateral partners and non-governmental organizations to ensure coherence and coordination at the country level. Another initiative that has strong interlinkages with the World Social Summit agenda is the United Nations System Joint Crisis Initiative on Food Security, coordinated by the Secretary-General’s High-Level Task Force on the Global Food Security Crisis, which aims to tackle the effects of the food crisis.", "65. United Nations agencies have also responded to the interlinkages between effective crisis response and environmental sustainability. The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) Green Economy Initiative — one of the CEB-endorsed crisis response initiatives — seeks to demonstrate the potential of investing in green sectors as an instrument for bringing about recovery and sustainable growth, advancing decent work, and reducing poverty, while also tackling acute environmental problems. The joint UNDP and UNEP Poverty-Environment Initiative programme also supports country-led efforts to mainstream poverty-environmental linkages into national development planning, and to manage the environment in a way that improves livelihoods and leads to sustainable growth.", "66. The Executive Committee on Economic and Social Affairs, convened by the Under-Secretary-General for Economic and Social Affairs, continues to provide an important instrument of policy development, decision-making and management in the area of social development, particularly through its cluster on social development. In recognition of the importance of the Rio+20 Summit in 2012, the Executive Committee membership has been broadened to engage relevant United Nations agencies, funds and programmes, in order to enhance coordination and coherence in the United Nations system preparations for the Summit. The cluster on social development has been tasked to facilitate and coordinate the collaboration of Executive Committee members in order to raise the visibility of the social pillar of sustainable development. Additional initiatives include the Lead Economists Network and the Macroeconomic Advisory Capacity initiatives. The Lead Economists Network seeks to foster coherence and collaboration within the United Nations system analytical work and policy guidance on economic issues. The Macroeconomic Advisory Capacity is a purely demand-driven initiative that seeks to provide countries with an opportunity of getting a second opinion on pertinent macroeconomic issues.", "67. Concerted national and international efforts have yielded marked progress towards the poverty target of the Millennium Development Goals. At the same time, it is important to bear in mind that income poverty is one of the many dimensions of poverty and deprivation defined by the Copenhagen Declaration and Programme of Action. In fact, the confluence of multiple global crises has presented countries with serious challenges in implementing commitments made at the World Summit, as poverty, unemployment and underemployment as well as social tensions rise while public finance comes under stress in a period of slow economic growth. Although the impact on social progress in areas such as education and health will become fully evident only over time, it is clear that the world is facing a social crisis.", "IV. Recommendations", "68. In order to guard against losing further ground in poverty eradication and other areas of social development and in order to accelerate progress to meet the Millennium Development Goal targets in the remaining years before 2015, the General Assembly may wish to consider the following recommendations:", "(a) Recognizing that sustained economic growth is a necessary although not a sufficient condition for poverty eradication, and that growth needs to be inclusive and equitable to have maximal impact on poverty, both macroeconomic and social policies should take into consideration and address inequality, so as to ensure that economic growth benefits all members of society and contributes to the overarching development objective of poverty eradication;", "(b) The creation of employment opportunities and decent jobs should be integral to macroeconomic policy objectives, as experiences have shown that the most direct pathway out of poverty is achieved by generating enough decent work opportunities; and that, by creating productive employment and decent jobs, economic growth will help to reduce both poverty and inequality;", "(c) Government policies need to be consistently counter-cyclical, and fiscal resources should be conserved during boom periods to support expansionary measures in times of need; and, in this regard, countries need to have policy space to be able to pursue counter-cyclical policies in a consistent manner; such policy space should be enabled by changing the fundamental orientation and nature of policy prescriptions that international organizations impose on countries as conditions for assistance;", "(d) Universal social protection systems and active employment-generation programmes should become permanent measures as an integral part of a policy mix to advance the decent work agenda, to eradicate poverty and to foster social cohesion.", "69. In view of the increasing importance of the social pillar in achieving the internationally agreed development goals, including the Millennium Development Goals, and the achievement of sustainable development, the General Assembly may wish to consider the following recommendations to enhance implementation of the outcome of the World Summit for Social Development and of the twenty-fourth special session of the General Assembly:", "(a) Raise the visibility of social development in the United Nations Development Agenda, including its contribution towards the achievement of sustainable development, by encouraging the Commission for Social Development to continue to actively review its future organization and methods of work and to establish a multi-year work programme that embraces priority themes which are focused on, and responsive to, current issues of social development, as well as emerging economic, financial and environmental issues;", "(b) Invite Member States to launch country-led initiatives on creating inclusive societies by sharing lessons learned and best practices, including ways to enhance political support for social issues. Outcomes of such events and initiatives could be presented to the Commission for Social Development;", "(c) Promote broader and more focused engagement of the United Nations system organizations and all stakeholders in the work of the Commission by, but not limited to, the encouragement of broader regional discourse as inputs to the work of the Commission through, for example, the organization of regional meetings by the regional commissions on its priority theme;", "(d) Promote greater coherence in the implementation and response of United Nations system organizations, by more closely linking the implementation of relevant United Nations initiatives, including, but not limited to, the Second Decade for the Eradication of Poverty, the World Programme of Action for Youth, the Global Jobs Pact, the Decent Work Agenda, the Chief Executives Board nine Joint Crisis Initiatives, and the Action Agenda of the Millennium Development Goals Summit of 2010.", "[1] For a comprehensive assessment of the impact of the crisis on social development, see The Global Social Crisis: Report on the World Social Situation 2011 (United Nations publication. Sales No. E.10.IV.12).", "[2] The Global Social Crisis.", "[3] Rethinking Poverty: Report on the World Social Situation 2010 (United Nations publication, Sales No. E.09.IV.10).", "[4] The World Bank and the International Monetary Fund estimated that an additional 64 million people will fall into extreme poverty owing to the crisis. By 2015, 53 million fewer people will have escaped poverty; see Global Monitoring Report 2010: The MDGs after the Crisis (Washington, D.C., World Bank, 2010), p. viii.", "[5] Global Monitoring Report 2010.", "[6] International Labour Organization, Global Wage Report 2010/11: Wage policies in times of crisis (Geneva, 2010).", "[7] International Labour Organization, International Institute for Labour Studies, World of Work Report 2010: From one crisis to the next? (Geneva, 2010).", "[8] World Economic Situation and Prospects 2011 (United Nations publication, Sales No. E.11.II.C.2).", "[9] World Bank, “Food price watch” (Washington, D.C., 2011).", "[10] Asian Development Bank, Global Food Price Inflation and Developing Asia (Manila, 2011).", "[11] European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, Life in Transition: After the Crisis (London, 2011).", "[12] Saskia de Pee, and others, “How to ensure nutrition security in the global economic crisis to protect and enhance development of young children and our common future”, in The Journal of Nutrition, 140 (1) (2010).", "[13] United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, Education for All Global Monitoring Report 2010: Reaching the marginalized (Paris, 2010).", "[14] Sanket Mohapatra, Dilip Ratha and Ani Silwal, “Outlook for remittance flows 2011-13”. Migration and Development Brief 12, vol. 16 (Washington, D.C., World Bank, 2011).", "[15] For an assessment of the impact of the crisis on health and education, see The Global Social Crisis: Report on the World Social Situation 2011.", "[16] For an assessment of the impact of the crisis on inequality, see The Global Social Crisis.", "[17] Also referred to as Rio+20, or Earth Summit 2012. See", "[18] United Nations Development Programme, Regional Bureau for Arab States, Arab Human Development Report 2009: Challenges to Human Security in the Arab Countries (New York, 2009).", "[19] World Economic Situation and Prospects 2011.", "[20] International Monetary Fund, World Economic Outlook: Tensions from the Two-Speed Recovery: Unemployment, Commodities, and Capital Flows. World Economic and Financial Surveys (Washington, D.C., 2011).", "[21] Owing largely, however, to progress in a few countries, as discussed in paragraph 29.", "[22] This is most likely to be the case, based on the World Bank estimate that an additional 44 million people had been pushed into extreme poverty in 2010 owing to rising food prices and the Asian Development Bank warning of 64 million more people living on less than $1.25 a day in Asia if food prices remain at the April 2011 level.", "[23] For further information and examples, see the report of the Secretary-General on implementation of the resolution on promoting social integration (E/CN.5/2011/2).", "[24] International Labour Organization, report with substantive contributions from the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, “Accelerating a job-rich recovery in G20 countries: Building on experience” for the Meeting of G20 Labour and Employment Ministers, Washington, D.C., 20-21 April 2010 (Geneva, 2010).", "[25] International Monetary Fund, World Economic Outlook: Recovery, Risk and Rebalancing, World Economic and Financial Surveys (Washington, D.C., 2010).", "[26] For further information and examples, see: United Nations Development Programme, Sharing Innovative Experiences: Successful Social Protection Floor Experiences (New York, 2011).", "[27] Sharing Innovative Experiences.", "[28] For further information, see World Economic and Social Survey 2011: The Great Green Technological Transformation (United Nations publication, Sales No. E.11.II.C.1).", "[29] For more information, please visit the website of the United Nations Department for Economic and Social Affairs:", "[30] The Global Social Crisis." ]
[ "第六十六届会议", "临时议程^(*) 项目27(a)", "社会发展", "社会发展问题世界首脑会议和大会第二十四届特别会议成果的执行情况", "秘书长的报告", "摘要", "本报告对全球危机的社会影响作出评估,同时考虑到社会发展委员会第四十九届会议期间进行的讨论。本报告还概括了会员国和联合国系统面对全球危机,为执行社会发展问题世界首脑会议和大会第二十四届特别会议的成果所采取的主要举措和对策。本报告最后提出一套建议供大会审议。", "^(*) A/66/50。", "目录", "页次\n导言 3\n1.全球危机的社会影响 3\n2.社会发展委员会第四十九届会议的贡献 8\nA.消除贫穷 8\nB.生产性就业和人人有体面工作 10\nC.社会融合 11\n3.危机时期的执行情况 12\nA.国家对策 12\nB.联合国对策 14\n4.建议 15", "导言", "1. 本报告是按照大会第65/185号决议提交的,其中请秘书长向大会第六十六届会议提交一份全面研究报告,说明世界多重危机对社会发展特别是对实现消除贫穷的影响,同时考虑到社会发展委员会第四十九届会议期间进行的讨论。本报告对全球危机的社会影响作出评估,随后审查社会发展委员会第四十九届会议为执行社会发展问题世界首脑会议和大会第二十四届特别会议的成果做出的贡献。本报告还审查了各国执行情况,以及联合国系统采取的各项行动和举措。本报告最后提出一套建议供大会审议。", "一. 全球危机的社会影响[1]", "2. 事实证明,全球金融和经济危机是实施千年发展目标和社会发展问题世界首脑会议目标等国际社会发展目标的主要障碍。在贫穷、就业、饥饿、教育、卫生和社会融合方面遭遇重大挫折。同时,恢复进度缓慢、不平衡而且不确定。就业和其他社会指标的恢复落后于恢复产出,这突出表明要实现各项发展目标,就必须在国家和国际层面实施有效政策,解决经济增长与社会发展脱节的问题。发达国家日趋进行财政整顿和紧缩,进一步破坏了摆脱社会危机的潜力。[2]", "经济增长与贫穷", "3. 危机前正在成功实施减贫战略,特别是在中高收入国家。当时预计2015年8.83亿人生活在每日1.25美元贫困线以下,低于2005年14亿人和1990年18亿人。[3] 虽然各区域都在减贫,但全球进展不均衡,这表明在许多情况下并未成功实施减贫战略,特别是在最贫穷国家。", "4. 这场危机成为减贫的另一严重障碍。但根据当前预测,战胜全球贫穷正在取得进展,虽然进展不均衡,而且比危机前缓慢。世界正在将贫穷人数减半的轨道上。由于富国和穷国的经济增长都放缓,2009年还有约4 700万至8 400万人仍然贫穷或陷于贫穷,若未发生危机,就不会如此。[4] 2009年至2010年复苏不均衡而且脆弱,主要是在许多国家采取前所未有的刺激措施的帮助下复苏。在此期间,发展中国家和经济转型国家产出增加也刺激了复苏。尽管这一时期恢复经济增长,但在许多国家就业仍然滞后,使各国经济容易受到日后冲击,更多人可能陷于贫穷。", "5. 普遍认为经济增长是减贫的主要动力,主要通过创造就业机会,并增加政府收入,促进投资卫生和教育等社会部门。随着财政刺激消失,2010年年中全球经济增长开始再次普遍放缓。预计2011年和2012年发达国家政策方针转向紧缩,进一步损害全球经济增长,使更多人陷入贫穷。因此,2012年恢复社会指标的前景暗淡。", "6. 由于危机已使数以百万计的人陷于贫穷,而且政府继续挪用社会支出资金,因此更难实现所有社会发展目标。减贫和再分配的社会政策是实现国际商定发展目标的关键所在。由于较贫穷国家收入低,社会保护制度或缺乏、或最低限度或杂乱无序,更难取得进展。总体而言,一国的贫穷率越高,贫穷对增长的反应率越低。[5]", "7. 危机对贫穷的全面影响取决于当前、中期和长期对策的形态和形式。具体而言,各国必须考虑其政策的中长期社会影响,并且平衡继续通过社会支出和创造就业投资未来生产力的需要与减债的需要。不考虑社会后果的经济政策通常对人民的营养、健康和教育产生严重影响,反过来对长期经济增长产生不利影响。", "就业", "8. 危机对就业造成破坏性影响,致使失业率大幅攀升,数以百万计工人陷于弱势就业、受穷或两者兼有。2007年至2010年,危机造成2 760万份工作丧失。发达国家受到特别严重的打击。丧失的工作一半以上在只占全球劳动力15%的发达国家。2007年全球失业率为5.6%,2009年达到高峰,为6.3%,2010年为6.2%。", "9. 尽管在其他宏观领域有所复苏,但各国政府和工商界为创造就业机会所作的全球努力没有减轻就业危机;一些国家失业率居高不下,就业不足率迅速增长。例如,非全日工增长约占澳大利亚、加拿大和美利坚合众国就业增长的40%。财政紧缩进一步影响了恢复就业的前景。", "10. 2010年初以前,许多发展中国家的失业率已恢复到危机前水平。但正式就业的恢复没有全面说明危机对发展中国家工人的影响,因为非正规就业率上升,在业穷人增加。对许多人而言,就业保障性降低。", "11. 危机造成的长期就业后果开始显现,因为自2007年以来大多数发达国家长期或结构性失业(失业一年以上)率大幅增加。此外,更加弱势,所有工人中(15亿多)中一半以上是弱势就业。恢复期创造的许多新就业机会都是低薪,福利减少,保障性降低。增强劳动力市场灵活性是应付失业率不断攀升的一个对策。通过减少劳动条例,灵活性往往化为工人无保障、工资减少和工作条件恶化,而且没有按预期创造就业机会。平均工资增长率从2007年的2.8%减至2008年的1.5%和2009年的1.6%。分析报告中,中国除外,平均工资增长率降至2008年的0.8%和2009年的0.7%。[6]", "12. 沮丧的工人增加,他们处于工作年龄,愿意工作,但不积极找工作。将近200万人感到沮丧,不积极找工作。2009年年底,将近400万人离开劳动力市场。[7]", "13. 在劳动力市场,青年往往处境不利,危机导致太多青年丧失工作。危机前,15岁至24岁青年的失业率超过年长他们的青年。全球青年失业率从2007年的11.8%增至2010年的12.6%。危机期间进入工作市场的青年可能在就业和工资方面受到终生影响。", "14. 为使就业完全恢复到危机前水平,增长率必须高,足以抵消劳动人口的规模。增长还必须是生产力提高驱动下的就业密集型。为此,必须对更活跃的经济部门进行普遍结构改革。按当前复苏速度,需要4至5年回到危机前全球就业水平。[8]", "粮价再次上涨", "15. 粮价波动是实现社会发展目标的严重障碍。最近粮价上涨使数百万人陷于贫困,更多的人营养不良。除雪亮的短期影响之外,如儿童死亡率上升,儿童营养不良对健康、教育成果和生产力造成长期负面影响。", "16. 自2010年6月以来,粮价上涨使另外4 400万人生活在每天1.25美元的贫困线以下。2011年初粮价创新高,接近2008年最高水平。如果粮价持续上涨,将对社会发展造成破坏性影响。世界银行模拟报告[9] 指出,粮价指数上升10%可导致另外1 000万人跌到贫困线以下;上升30%可使另外3 400万人陷于贫困。其他研究报告更不乐观:发展中亚洲贫穷家庭已经将其收入的60%用于食物,国内粮价上涨10%仅在该区域就可使另外6 400万人陷于赤贫;[10] 在转型期国家,2/3的家庭受到危机影响,据报其中70%采取的应对危机办法是减少主食和保健支出。[11]", "17. 许多国家奉行紧缩货币政策,以消除粮价和油价上涨造成的通货膨胀。这项政策立场阻碍经济复苏,特别是创造就业机会。因此,紧缩货币政策不适于处理粮价暴涨问题。一系列因素导致粮价波动,包括粮食需求增加、竞相使用粮食生产生物燃料等、粮食存量下降和油价上涨及粮食市场投机活动。因此,决策者应考虑一系列干预措施,消除粮价波动的起因和影响。扩大社会救助和营养方案能够帮助减轻粮价上涨对营养不良的影响。如果不提供定向社会救助和营养方案,短期粮价上涨将导致卡路里不足和微量元素营养不良。儿童营养不良的长期影响已有明确记录,[12] 包括教育成就降低、终生收入减少和总体生产力降低。从长期看,为处理粮价波动问题,必须加大商界投机监管力度,扩大对农业发展的支持以促进地方消费,以及放松生物燃料要求。", "汇款流量", "18. 移民汇款对受惠家庭和社区非常重要。2008年和2009年,正规汇款下降6个百分点。[13] 截至2010年,正规汇款流量恢复到3 250亿美元,与危机前水平相同。美国经济稳定使寄往拉丁美洲的汇款流量恢复增长。油价上涨促使俄国和其他产油国寄往亚洲的汇款流量增加。但西欧工作市场吃紧促使加强移民控制。尽管汇款明显恢复,但接受国通货膨胀的速度超过汇款增长,因此收到相同金额的受惠人的购买力与危机前不同。中东和北非动乱也干扰了移民潮和汇款流量。[14]", "健康与教育", "19. 危机对健康和教育的全部影响很难评估,只能随着时间的推移完全显现出来。[15] 根据以往危机的经验,居民采取的应对战略可对健康和教育产生消极影响。例如,子女辍学以节省学费支出或打工;购买较便宜的食品取代更贵、更营养的食品,从而减缓紧张的家庭预算;推迟医疗服务,不购买必要的药物。危机期间,主要救命药物价格上涨,因此危及生命的疾病可能得不到治疗。", "20. 当收入降低、失业率升高时,对公共部门服务的需求通常扩大,同时政府公共部门服务支出收到的压力日增。许多国家社会支出减少使复苏可能难以持续。因此,尽管当前受到紧缩社会支出的压力,但必须继续将社会支出视为对今后增长的投资并予以保持。", "不平等", "21. 收入日益不平等被确定为经济危机的因果。在经济危机之前,经济增长不平衡:最富有个人享受的增长利益增加,这有损创造优质、体制的工作。1980年至2005年,高增长率和工资不涨强化了不平等,因为收入最高的1%的人口在国家收入中所占份额从7.5%增至13.4%。在此期间,消费者债务增加,因为价格不断上涨而工资不涨,工薪族尽力维持他们的生活水平。虽然全球不平等现象可能减小,因为在最发达国家,危机对金融租赁的影响增大,财政紧缩导致许多关张停业,但预计国内收入不平等现象更加严重,因为粮价不断上涨、失业率高和贫穷率上升。这些趋势对国内处境较不利者造成巨大影响。[16]", "气候变化", "22. 气候变化造成农业生态中天气格局和变化的变异型增加。如果不遏制气候变化,将会对营养、就学和未来生产力造成负面影响。不断变化的天气格局已经损害粮食生产,而且天气事件干扰了全球供应链。2011年3月在日本发生的海啸干扰了全球供应链,并减慢产出,进一步减慢全球经济复苏。经济危机的来临使人们不再关注和重视气候变化问题。此外,无法获得信贷及竞争性预算优先事项正在对公共和私人投资者投资适应和缓解战略造成不利影响。", "23. 最近,国家和国际对话中出现好转,注重更宽泛的可持续发展,包括可持续环境和经济措施,最终目标是提高福利。在消除贫穷和可持续发展的大背景下,绿色经济将成为即将于2012年6月举行的联合国可持续发展大会[17] 的主题。", "中东和北非动乱", "24. 尽管增长水平不错,但中东失业率居发展中区域之首,而且仍未充分融入世界经济。该区域青年失业率高达70%,妇女经济参与率最低,不平等现象严重,人类发展不力。[18] 最近,在政治和经济需求的驱动下中东发生起义,部分起因是社会状况,以及没有影响公共政策的其他途径。虽然抗议导致通过加强公民参与决策进行治理变革,长期上可能产生积极效果,但短期上这一过渡促使油价上涨(2011年第一季度上涨21%),而且可能进一步干扰经济活动。[19]", "非洲", "25. 事实证明非洲经济有能力抵抗危机,2011年扩大3.6%,预期2012年增长率达5.4%。¹⁷ 但失业率和弱势就业率仍然很高,预计增长仍不足以达到减贫目标,甚至在进行大规模收入再分配的情况下,而这种情况似乎不可能发生。大多数撒哈拉以南非洲经济体仍高度依赖初级生产,非常容易受到贸易条件的冲击;生产和出口不太多样化,最近几十年进行了大规模非工业化。该区域最大经济体南非显然是这一积极增长趋势的例外,预计2011年经济增长率仅3.5%,而且丧失大量工作机会的趋势不会扭转。[20]", "二. 社会发展委员会第四十九届会议的贡献", "26. 社会发展委员会第四十九届会议审查了其优先主题,题为“消除贫穷,同时考虑到该主题与社会融合和充分就业以及人人有体面的工作的相互关系。”本报告这一节概述了委员会关于其优先主题的审议意见。", "A. 消除贫穷", "进展与挑战", "27. 对各国政府和联合国系统而言,消除贫穷仍是一项重大挑战,特别是在全球经济和金融危机之后,粮价和能源价格持续大幅上涨。各国政府和国际社会仍致力于在国家、区域和全球各级努力实现国际商定的发展目标,包括全面发展目标,在消除贫穷方面的具体目标,这些承诺载于《哥本哈根宣言和行动纲领》。", "28. 迄今,各国和国际社会一致努力,在减贫方面取得了明显但参差不齐的进展。世界正在实现2015年以前全球千年发展目标中关于贫穷的具体目标的轨道上。[21] 但实现这一具体目标只是朝着社会发展问题世界首脑会议关于消除贫穷的承诺跨出了一步,因为根据世界银行危机前的预测,到2015年将有近9亿人仍生活在赤贫中。", "29. 此外,各国和各区域在消除贫穷方面的进展一直参差不齐。在减少赤贫和提高生活水平方面,主要是在东亚特别是中国取得进展。其他区域不太成功。同时,区域趋势掩盖了非常不同的国家经验,即使是在收入水平类似的国家中。事实上,令人欣慰的是,预测在全球和区域二级收入贫穷减少,但在许多国家,贫穷率仍很高而且难以处理。全球趋势掩盖了许多国家中的严酷事实,这些国家在减贫方面进展缓慢或甚微。", "30. 此外,除没有适当收入外,生活在赤贫中的人还遭受多重匮乏、机会限制和社会排斥。虽然许多国家成功减少了收入贫穷,但他们在确保获得教育、保健、食物和其他基本货物和服务方面仍面临严重挑战。例如,由于粮食危机,营养不良的人从1990-1992年的8.17亿增至2009年的11亿,估计2010年为9.25亿。由于粮食商品价格再次上涨,这一估计数在2011年可能更高。[22]", "31. 可持续或更多地投资于健康和教育对打破贫穷循环和防止代代受穷至关重要。生活在贫穷中的人在获得优质保健方面仍面临重重障碍,许多人遭受并死于容易预防的疾病和健康状况。医病也能够使脆弱家庭限于贫穷。教育被普遍确认为社会经济流动的手段,缺乏教育往往使生活在贫穷中的人不能参加报酬更高的正规部门工作。这些联系突显出收入贫穷与健康差和教育程度底之间的恶性循环,能够通过有效的政府政策予以处理。", "32. 两性差距和城乡差距仍是执行减贫政策的一项挑战。虽然过去30年在减少两性不平等方面取得长足进展,但在大多数生活领域女子处境仍不如男子,在决策进程中妇女代表人数少于男子。此外,全世界城乡居民的福利差距很大。城市地区,特别是在拉丁美洲,贫穷增速更快,但农村地区贫穷率仍然更高。", "33. 贫穷具有社会、经济、政治和环境因素,贫穷和不平等的一些结构性原因具有全球性质。各国政府和国际社会必须处理消除贫穷的主要障碍,包括缺乏体面就业机会、没有社会保护及得不到社会服务;日益不平等;频繁发生自然灾害;疾病负担,特别是艾滋病毒和艾滋病 。", "经验教训", "34. 在2015年实现千年发展目标的目标日期之前还剩下不到五年,必须采取行动加速取得进展,同时借鉴成功范例和经验教训。在实现减贫目标方面落后的区域和国家,社会和经济不平等现象仍然严重,这一需要尤其迫切。", "35. 在执行消除贫穷战略和方案方面,各国面临不同的经济、社会和政治挑战。尽管在此方面各国面临不同的挑战,但根据其经验就若干问题达成广泛一致,如为了可持续减贫,必须实现快速、可持续经济增长,同时进行结构改革,并辅以一致的逆周期宏观经济政策。这一点已得到证实:东亚成功大幅减贫;在全球危机来临之前,非洲国家在减贫方面取得进展。正如“2010年世界社会状况报告”表明,许多高调方案,如土地产权和小额信贷等,在减贫方面一直不很有效。", "36. 贫穷的多层面性质要求减贫战略不局限于经济增长,并设法采取综合行动,进一步取得能够帮助减少不平等现象的教育、住房、健康和就业成果。在许多国家,收入不断增加和财富不均限制了经济增长在减贫方面的效果。在极不平等的社会,穷人通常无缘生产性资源,包括土地、市场或运输和通信基础设施,其结果是生活在贫穷的人通常无法参与经济增长进程。因此,宏观经济政策应充分考虑发展的社会层面,包括应减少不平等,促进人人充分就业和体面工作。", "37. 发展中国家必须执行为民众提供基本社会保护和社会服务的方案,以便打破贫穷循环。社会保护措施使民众免受各种冲击,并增强他们管理和克服各种影响其福祉的状况的能力,这些对减小脆弱程度和防止生活条件恶化至关重要。在经济危机期间,社会保护制度作为社会经济稳定因素起着重要作用。从长期看,社会保护能够帮助个人和家庭建设人力资本,改善他们的生活前景,从而处理贫穷的根源。如果辅以更宽泛的措施,处理歧视、获得资源及资源再分配问题,这些措施将对贫穷和脆弱性产生深刻影响,并推动建立经济增长与消除贫穷之间的良性循环。", "38. 成功减少收入贫穷并普遍改善社会条件的国家已制定覆盖大多数人的综合社会保护政策。虽然社会保护制度的结构将视具体国情而定,但基本社会保护最低标准应包括一套基本的、必要的、适合具体情况的社会转移和主要服务,包括保健、教育和适当营养。这一社会保护最低标准如果逐步落实,即使最贫穷国家也负担得起。如果考虑到不对社会保护投资的潜在后果,这一必要投资往往不会被视为一种障碍。在采取这种措施的同时,必须同时进行更广泛的社会投资,处理歧视、排斥和不公平分配资源问题。", "39. 执行减贫战略的另一个经验教训是,农村发展和农业生产力对社会发展和减贫至关重要,必须更加关注农村经济及农业在发展中国家的作用。中小型农场为许多发展中国家大多数劳动人民提供就业。此外,还必须将农业生产与地方城市市场挂钩,帮助抵御外部冲击、加强粮食保障及减轻贫穷,特别是考虑到全球粮价再次上涨。", "40. 在减贫方面进展最快的国家实现了经济增长,提高了农业生产力,并在农村和城市地区持续增加体面就业机会。应增加公共投资,支持农业部门庞大的发展中国家实现这一增长,因为妇女通常在农业部门工作。在此方面,促进两性平等对于确保妇女获得农业和农村发展的好处至关重要。", "41. 最后,执行有效减贫战略国家的成功范例突出表明,要解决造成和延续贫穷的原因,社会政策必须成为更广泛发展战略的组成部分。可持续脱贫方案需要关注全体社会成员而不仅是穷人的社会政策。必须借鉴成功经验加强全球努力,以便加速取得进展,实现国际商定的发展目标,包括千年发展目标和哥本哈根承诺。", "B. 生产性就业和人人有体面工作", "42. 实现充分的生产性就业和人人有体面工作是消除贫穷和促进社会融合的国家战略核心所在。充分的生产性就业指就业水平高和实际工资率高。除非人们获得工资高于贫穷线的就业机会,否则消除贫穷的努力不会成功,也不可持续。此外,正如体面工作议程所强调,改进工作质量对处理许多国家劳动穷人的问题至关重要。通过以生产力为主导的增长进行结构改革也有助于提高就业率和实际工资。", "43. 虽然就业创造穷人摆脱贫穷所需的收入,但就业和体面工作也提供了极为重要的渠道,可以通过这一渠道更广泛地分享经济增长的利益。实现充分的生产性就业和人人有体面工作对公平分享增长利益的可持续发展至关重要。", "44. 为实现国际商定的发展目标,特别是消除贫穷目标,必须使充分的生产性就业和人人有体面工作成为国家和国际政策的核心目标。因此,促进充分就业和体面工作必须与一致的逆周期政策和健全的财政制度一道,成为关键宏观经济目标,以便实现更稳定、更均衡的增长,支持消除贫穷。", "45. 过分强调平衡公共预算而不考虑后果往往导致对基础设施、技术和人力资源的公共投资下降,而这些都对经济增长和创造就业至关重要。应强调公共支出审查,以强化其生产性要素,而不是一刀切,特别是在当前摆脱严重经济衰退的背景下。", "46. 在国际劳工组织(劳工组织)和世界卫生组织(世卫组织)共同领导下,社会保护最低标准倡议是体面工作议程的重要组成部分。该倡议包括一个系统基础,通过四大保证处理贫穷和脆弱问题:为所有人提供必要保健;儿童收入保障;援助失业、就业不足和贫穷的人;老年人和残疾人收入保障。投资社会保护最低标准能够建立发展的良性循环,从而提高就学率、改进培训工作和增进健康,扩大人力资本库,支持长期经济增长,同时使更多人在正规部门就业。最后,正规部门增长将通过税收增加财政资源,从而有可能提高社会保护水平。", "C. 社会融合", "47. 世界各国政府日益认识到社会融合对促进社会发展和减贫的重要性,因为社会融合促进社会凝聚力及稳定和公正的社会,建立有利于发展和进步的有利环境。所有人参与社会、经济、政治和文化生活至关重要,以确保政府政策响应包括穷人在内的社会的需要。", "48. 许多国家已经依照国家发展目标和减贫战略,从脱节或特定社会融合政策转到更一致、更有凝聚力的政策。[23] 各国政府继续社会伙伴应努力创造有利于参与和社会融合的环境,具体方式包括采取公共行动并执行消除歧视和社会障碍的政策。这将推动和加强消除贫穷的努力。", "49. 在促进社会融合方面已取得进展,具体方式包括通过国际行动计划、公约和宣言,以应对不同社会群体在克服社会排斥和贫穷方面面临的挑战。各国政府及其社会伙伴已执行旨在减少不平等现象和消除歧视的社会融合政策,以便平等提供就业机会、基本社会服务、教育与保健,并促进社会群体的参与和融入,特别是青年、老年人和残疾人及土著人。", "50. 援助大家庭和单亲家庭是消除总体贫穷的有效战略。要消除代代贫穷,就必须以贫穷家庭子女为目标,提供儿童抚养补助金、现金转让、教育津贴、住房津贴、免费教育和寄养方案等福利。", "51. 此外,家庭历来向家庭成员提供社会保护,应支持家庭履行这一重要职能。有效的社会保护措施加上提供有效服务和基本服务是协助家庭的良好战略。即将来临的2014年国际家庭年二十周年为确保进一步促进和实现国际年的规定目标提供了推动力。社会发展委员会将根据下列主题筹备二十周年活动,履行其社会首脑后续行动的任务:正视家庭贫穷和社会排斥;确保劳动-家庭平衡;促进社会融合和代际和睦。", "三. 危机时期的执行情况", "52. 社会发展问题世界首脑会议和大会第二十四届特别会议成果的执行情况日益受到近年来出现的多重危机的挑战。为有效迎接这些新挑战,应在国家一级并在联合国系统内制定实施更协调一致的对策。", "A. 国家对策", "53. 继多重危机之后,当前金融危机接踵而至,促使从市场原教旨主义迅速转向政府在指导经济方面发挥更大作用。逆周期宏观经济政策措施显然旨在减轻危机在许多国家的影响。衰退及其社会影响没有最初担心的严重,因为许多国家,包括发展中国家新兴经济体迅速作出对策。劳工组织估计,20国集团采取的逆周期措施在其经济中拯救或创造了2 100万个工作。[24]", "54. 始于2010年初的发达国家债务危机持续到2011年,对各国政府造成巨大的削减支出压力。许多发达国家政府已经作出反应,应对因经济危机而更加严重的不断增长的赤字:降低社会支出;削弱社会保护制度。目前正在采取削减卫生和教育支出、裁员、减薪和增税等措施,希望改进国家财政状况。", "55. 对赤字和债务不断增加的关切促使许多国家采取紧缩措施。这些国家已经终止财政刺激措施、提高退休年龄以减少养恤金费用、减薪并增税。例如,西班牙已承诺2011年削减公共开支7.9%,德国2010年和2001年间削减联邦支出4.3%,意大利2011年和2012年削减预算10%。", "56. 有人表示关切的是,这些措施可能恶化或延长危机,因为财政紧缩降低增长率。一份货币基金组织研究报告认为,二年后,预算赤字在国内生产总值(国内总产值)所占比例削减1%,产出约降低0.5%,失业率上升一个百分点的1/3。[25] 最终,这些措施将恶化或延长危机,提高失业率,特别是青年失业率,并在最需要社会保护制度的时候弱化保护制度。", "57. 但一些发展中国家从以往危机吸取重要的经验教训,为保护社会支出做出巨大努力,以维护社会发展的利益,甚至在政府收入因为经济增长减慢而下降时。例如,一些国家政府,包括阿根廷、印度和南非,维持甚至扩大其家庭现金转移方案,人们通常相信这些方案会大幅减轻家庭贫穷,对儿童更有利,如提高学校出勤率、减轻儿童营养不良和减少童工。[26]", "58. 一些国家设法提供社会保护,并在其应对危机措施中使社会保护更适应新的社会需要,特别是在全球金融和经济危机的初级阶段。这有助于减轻粮价和燃料价格上涨对穷人和弱势人口的影响。例如,巴西扩大了其Bolsa家庭方案,以便向近5 000万人提供最低收入,2010年占国内总产值的0.4%。[27]", "59. 在社会保护领域,一些发展中国家,包括布基纳法索、墨西哥和莫桑比克,已经采取行动执行社会保护最低标准倡议,具体方式是提高认识、建立国家社会保护最低标准工作队、检查社会保护情况、制订措施向更多人提供社会保护及进行分析。阿根廷、智利和南非等国已通过专门立法改革社会保障制度,强调对边缘社会群体的社会保护,包括老年人、残疾人和失业者。在印度,国家农村就业保证方案满足了5 300万农村贫穷家庭的需要,通过公共工程方案每年向他们提供100个工作日。²⁶", "60. 一些国家正在将危机转为投资绿色就业的机会,以创造就业机会和减贫。[28] 还有些国家正在重新审查公共部门和民间社会组织在提供社会服务方面的作用,作为消除金融和经济危机影响的新工作来源。这些举措都有助于落实社会发展问题世界首脑会议在促进消除贫穷、就业和体面工作方面的各项承诺。", "B. 联合国对策", "61. 联合国系统已经参与一系列活动,旨在执行《哥本哈根行动纲领》,消除全球危机对社会发展成就的影响。在此方面,新的举措和伙伴关系已经出现,以推动联合国系统协调一致,确保发展合作更加有效。", "62. 在社会发展委员会框架内,经济和社会事务部已就新的社会发展问题,包括消除贫穷、社会保护、体面工作和社会融合,多次举办小组讨论会和专家小组会议。[29] 该部已组织一次民间社会论坛,以确保广泛参加委员会第四十九届会议。此外,还参与最新研究和编写报告,如2011年最重要的报告。[30]《哥本哈根行动纲领》还提出经济和社会事务部向各国政府提供技术合作咨询的要点,重点是最不发达国家和情况特殊国家,如小岛屿发展中国家。", "63. 大会2007年宣布的联合国第二个消除贫穷十年(2008-2017)提出了联合国消除贫穷议程的首要框架, 重点是“充分就业和人人有体面工作”这一主题。经济和社会事务部与劳工组织协调一项全系统消除贫穷行动计划,已得到联合国21个机构、各基金和方案、各区域委员会及联合国系统行政首长协调理事会(行政首长理事会)的核可。该行动计划特别强调创造就业机会、社会保护、工作权利和标准及全球经济和金融危机对就业的影响。", "64. 为消除全球危机对社会发展的影响,行政首长理事会通过九项联合国联合倡议。《全球就业契约》和社会保护最低标准都在这一框架内。《契约》是劳工组织牵头的全球合作伙伴框架,旨在根据体面工作原则和富有工作机会的复苏原则制订应对危机措施。《契约》促进生产性复苏,核心是投资、就业和社会保护,并努力将就业置于政策议程的核心。社会保护最低标准倡议旨在促进获得必要的社会保障转移支付和社会服务,强调援助弱势群体。该倡议发展了牢固的联合国机构、双边合作伙伴和非政府组织联盟,以确保在国家一级协调一致。另一项倡议是联合国系统关于粮食保障的联合应对危机倡议,与社会发展问题世界首脑会议议程有着牢固的联系,由秘书长全球粮食保障危机问题高级别工作队进行协调,旨在处理粮食危机的影响。", "65. 联合国机构还对有效应对危机与环境可持续性之间的相互联系作出反应。联合国环境规划署(环境署)绿色经济倡议是行政首脑理事会核准的应对危机倡议之一,设法说明投资绿色部门作为实现复苏和可持续增长、促进体面工作、减贫和处理严重环境问题的工具的潜力。开发署和环境署贫穷与环境联合倡议方案还支持国家牵头努力将贫穷与环境的联系纳入国家发展规划主流,并采取改善生计和导致可持续增长的方式管理环境。", "66. 主管经济和社会事务副秘书长召集的经济和社会事务执行委员会继续为在社会发展领域制订政策、决策和管理提供重要工具。在确认2012年里约+20首脑会议的重要性时,扩大了执行委员会成员,让相关联合国机构、基金和方案参与,以便联合国系统更协调一致地筹备首脑会议。社会发展小组负责促进和协调执行委员会成员进行协作,以提高可持续发展的社会支柱的能见度。其他倡议包括主要经济学者网络和宏观经济咨询能力倡议。前者设法促进联合国系统内关于经济问题的分析工作和政策指导的协调一致和协作,后者是纯粹以需求驱动的倡议,设法为各国提供获得关于相关宏观经济问题第二个意见的机会。", "67. 各国和国际社会共同努力,朝着千年发展目标中有关贫穷的目标取得明显进展。同时,必须铭记收入贫穷是《哥本哈根宣言和行动纲领》确定的贫穷与匮乏的许多因素之一。事实上,多重全球危机给各国履行在世界首脑会议上所作承诺带来严重挑战,因为在经济增长减慢时期,贫穷、失业和就业不足的情况更加严重,社会紧张关系加剧,公共财政受到压力。虽然在教育和健康等领域对社会进步的影响随着时间推移才能充分显现,但显然世界正在面临社会危机。", "四. 建议", "68. 为了防止在消除贫穷和社会发展的其他领域进一步让步,为了加速取得进展,以便在2015年之前其余几年实现千年发展目标,大会不妨考虑下列建议:", "(a) 确认可持续经济增长是必要的,但并非消除贫穷的充分条件;增长应既包容又公平,以便对贫穷产生尽可能大的影响;宏观经济政策和社会政策应考虑到并处理不平等问题,以确保社会所有成员受益于经济增长,推动实现首要的消除贫穷发展目标。", "(b) 应将创造就业机会和体面工作岗位纳入宏观经济政策目标,经验表明,最直接的脱贫办法是创造足够的体面工作机会,而且通过创造产业性就业和体面工作机会,经济增长将有助于减贫和减少不平等现象。", "(c) 政府政策应始终是逆周期,繁荣期间应节省财政资源,以便在需要是支持扩大措施;在此方面,各国应有政策空间,能够始终奉行逆周期政策;应通过改变国际组织作为援助条件施加给各国的政策规定的基本取向和性质 留出此类政策空间。", "(d) 普遍社会保护制度和积极的创造就业机会方案应成为永久措施,纳入促进体面工作议程、消除贫穷和促进社会融合的配套政策。", "69. 鉴于社会支柱在实现千年发展目标等国际商定发展目标和实现可持续发展方面的重要性日增,大会不妨考虑下列建议,以促进执行社会发展问题世界首脑会议和大会第二十四届特别会议成果:", "(a) 提高社会发展在联合国发展议程中的能见度,包括推动实现可持续发展,具体方式是鼓励社会发展委员会继续积极审查其今后工作安排和方法,以制定一个多年期工作方案,包括正在关注和处理的优先主题、目前社会发展问题及新出现的经济、财政和环境问题。", "(b) 请会员国通过交流经验教训和最佳做法发起关于建立包容性社会的国家牵头的倡议。这些事件和倡议的成果可提交社会发展委员会。", "(c) 通过但不局限于鼓励更广泛的区域讨论,促进联合国系统各组织和所有利益攸关者促进更广泛、更重点分明地参与委员会的工作,作为对委员会工作的投入,例如,通过各区域委员会组织召开关于委员会优先主题的区域会议。", "(d) 促进联合国系统各组织在执行和作出反应时更加一致,具体方式是更密切地与执行联合国有关倡议挂钩,包括但不限于第二个消除贫穷十年、世界青年行动纲领、《全球就业契约》、《体面工作议程》、行政首长理事会九项联合危机应对倡议及2010年千年发展目标首脑会议行动议程。", "[1] 关于危机对社会发展的影响的全面评估,见:“全球危机的影响:世界社会状况报告”(联合国出版物,出售品编号:E.10.IV.1)。", "[2] “全球社会危机”。", "[3] “反思贫穷:2010年世界社会状况报告”(联合国出版物,出售品编号:E.09.IV.10)。", "[4] 世界银行和国际货币基金组织估计,由于这场危机,还将有6 400万人陷于赤贫。在2015年之前,摆脱贫穷的人将减少5 300万;见“2010年全球监测报告:危机后千年发展目标”(世界银行,哥伦比亚特区华盛顿,2010年),第八页。", "[5] “2010年全球监测报告”。", "[6] 国际劳工组织,“2010/11年全球工资报告:危机时代的工资政策”(2010年,日内瓦)。", "[7] 国际劳工组织国际劳工研究所研究报告,“2010年劳工世界报告:从一场危机走向下一场危机?”(2010年,日内瓦)。", "[8] “2011年世界经济形势与展望”(联合国出版物,出售品编号:E.11.II.C.2)。", "[9] 世界银行,“粮食价格观察”(2011年,哥伦比亚特区华盛顿)。", "[10] 亚洲开发银行,“全球粮价暴涨与发展中亚洲”(2011年,马尼拉)。", "[11] 欧洲复兴开发银行,“过渡期生活:危机后”(2011年,伦敦)。", "[12] “How To Ensure Nutrition Security In The Global Economic Crisis To Protect And Enhance Development Of Young Children And Our Common Future”,Saskia De Pee等撰写,Journal Of Nutrition,140 (1) (2010)。", "[13] 联合国教育、科学及文化组织,“全民教育2010年全球监测报告:走近边缘化群体”(2010年,巴黎)。", "[14] “2011-2013年汇款流量前景”,作者Sanket Mohapatra、Dilip Ratha和Ani Silwal,《移民与发展简讯》第12号,第16卷(世界银行,2011年,哥伦比亚特区华盛顿)。", "[15] 关于危机对健康和教育的影响的评估,见“全球社会危机:2011年世界社会状况报告”。", "[16] 关于危机对不平等现象的影响,见“全球社会危机”。", "[17] 另参见里约+20,或2012年地球问题首脑会议。见:。", "[18] 联合国开发计划署阿拉伯国家区域局“2009年阿拉伯国家人类发展报告:阿拉伯国家对人的安全的挑战”(2009年纽约)。", "[19] “2011年世界经济形势与前景”。", "[20] 国际货币基金组织“世界经济展望:双速恢复造成的紧张;就业、商品和资本流动”,世界经济和金融调查(2011年哥伦比亚特区华盛顿)。", "[21] 但如第29段的讨论,主要原因是一些国家取得进展。", "[22] 情况最可能如此,根据世界银行的估计,2010年另有4 400万人因粮价上涨而陷于赤贫;亚洲开发银行警告,如果粮价仍保持在2010年4月的水平,还将有6 400万人每日生活费不到1.25美元。", "[23] 欲了解进一步信息和事例,见秘书长关于促进社会融合决议的执行情况的报告(E/CN.5/2011/2)。", "[24] 国际劳工组织报告(经济合作与发展组织做出重大贡献),“加速20国集团国家富有就业机会的复苏:借鉴经验”,为2010年4月20日至21日在哥伦比亚特区华盛顿举行的20国集团劳工和就业部长会议编写(2010年,日内瓦)。", "[25] 国际货币基金组织,“世界经济展望:复苏、风险与重新平衡”,世界经济概览(2010年哥伦比亚特区华盛顿)。", "[26] 欲了解进一步信息和事例,见联合国开发计划署,“分享创新经验:成功的最低社会保护经验”(2011年,纽约)。", "[27] “分享创新经验”。", "[28] 欲了解进一步信息,见“2011年世界经济和社会概览:伟大的绿色技术变革”(联合国出版物,出售品编号:E.11.II.C.1)。", "[29] 欲了解更多信息,请访问联合国经济和社会事务部网站:HTTP://SOCIAL.UN.ORG/INDEX/ EXPERTGROUPMEETINGSPANELDISCUSSIONS.ASPX。", "[30] “全球社会危机”。" ]
[ "第六十六届会议", "页:1", "暂定项目表* 项目27(a)", "社会发展", "社会发展问题世界首脑会议和大会第二十四届特别会议成果的执行情况", "秘书长的报告", "目 录", "本报告根据社会发展委员会第四十九届会议的讨论情况,评估全球危机的社会影响。 报告还概述了会员国和联合国系统面对全球危机为执行社会发展问题世界首脑会议和大会第二十四届特别会议的成果而采取的主要举措和应对措施。 报告最后提出了一系列建议供大会审议。", "目录", "页次\n导言. 3\n二. 社会发展委员会第四十九届会议的贡献 9\nA. 贫困. 9\nB. 促进12个就业和体面工作\nC. 社会. 13\n融合三. 执行14\nA. 国家14项政策\nB. 联合国. 16\n答复\n四. 导言 建议17", "导言", "一、导 言 本报告是根据大会第65/185号决议提交的,大会在该决议中请秘书长向大会第六十六届会议提交一份关于世界危机趋同对社会发展,特别是对实现消除贫穷的影响的全面研究报告,同时铭记社会发展委员会第四十九届会议期间进行的讨论。 报告首先评估了全球危机的社会影响,然后审查了社会发展委员会第四十九届会议对执行社会发展问题世界首脑会议和大会第二十四届特别会议成果的贡献。 随后,报告审查了国家一级的执行情况以及联合国系统采取的行动和倡议。 报告最后提出了一系列建议供大会审议。", "I. 全球危机的社会影响 [1]", "2. 国家 全球金融和经济危机已证明是落实包括千年发展目标在内的国际社会发展目标和社会发展问题世界首脑会议目标的主要障碍。 在贫穷、就业、饥饿、教育、卫生和社会融合方面出现了重大挫折。 与此同时,复苏进展缓慢、不均衡和不确定。 就业复苏和其他社会指标落后于产出复苏,突出表明经济增长和社会发展之间的脱节,如果要实现发展目标,就必须通过国家和国际两级的有效政策加以弥补。 发达国家日益加强的财政整顿和紧缩趋势进一步削弱了从社会危机中复苏的潜力。 [2]", "经济增长和贫穷", "3个 在危机之前,减贫战略正在成功地实施,特别是在中等收入国家和高增长国家。 预计2015年生活在每天1.25美元贫困线以下的人数为8.83亿,低于2005年的14亿和1990年的18亿。 [3] 虽然所有区域的贫穷率都有所下降,但全球进展不均衡表明,在许多情况下,特别是在最贫穷国家中,减贫战略的执行并不成功。", "4个 危机对减贫构成又一个重大障碍。 尽管如此,根据目前的预测,全球消除贫穷的斗争正在取得进展,尽管与危机发生前相比,进展不均,速度更慢。 世界仍然在按计划将生活在贫困中的人数减少一半。 由于富国和穷国的经济增长减缓,2009年仍有4 700万至8 400万人贫穷或陷入贫穷,这比没有危机时的情况要严重。 [4] 从2009年底到2010年,复苏是不平衡和脆弱的,这在很大程度上得益于许多国家采取的前所未有的刺激措施。 发展中国家和转型期经济体的产出增长也推动了恢复期。 尽管在此期间经济增长有所恢复,但许多国家的就业仍然落后,使经济容易受到未来的冲击,更多的人有可能陷入贫困。", " 5.五. 经济增长被广泛认为是减贫的主要动力,主要通过创造就业机会和增加政府收入,投资于包括保健和教育在内的社会部门。 随着财政刺激措施耗尽,2010年年中全球经济增长再次普遍放缓。 预计发达经济体的政策方向转向紧缩,将进一步损害全球经济增长,并在2011年和2012年将更多人推向贫困。 因此,2012年恢复社会指标的失落前景不佳。", "6个 由于危机使数百万人陷入贫困,而且政府继续挪用社会支出的更多资源,实现所有社会发展目标将变得更加困难。 减贫和再分配社会政策是实现国际商定的发展目标的关键。 由于收入低,较贫穷国家缺乏社会保护制度,或很少,或相互脱节,因此更难取得进展。 一般而言,一个国家的贫困率越高,对增长的反应就越少。 [5]", "7个 危机对贫穷的全面影响将取决于立即、中期和长期政策对策的形式和形式。 具体而言,各国必须考虑其政策的中长期社会影响,并平衡通过社会支出和创造就业继续投资于未来生产力的需要与减少债务的需要。 孤立地考虑其社会后果的经济政策往往对人民的营养、健康和教育造成严重影响,进而对长期经济增长产生不利影响。", "就业", "8. 国家 危机对就业产生了破坏性影响,导致失业率大规模上升,并使数百万工人陷入脆弱就业、贫穷或两者兼而有之。 2007年至2010年,危机造成2 760万人失业。 发达国家受到的打击尤其严重。 失去的就业机会有一半以上在发达经济体,这些国家只有15%的全球劳动力。 2007年全球失业率为5.6%,在2009年达到6.3%。", "9. 国家 尽管其他宏观经济领域出现复苏,但就业和就业危机并未因各国政府和企业创造就业的全球努力而得到缓解;一些国家失业率居高不下,就业不足迅速增加。 例如,非全日制就业增长约占澳大利亚、加拿大和美利坚合众国就业增长的40%。 财政紧缩进一步削弱了就业复苏的前景。", "联合国 在许多发展中国家,失业率到2010年初已恢复到危机前水平。 然而,官方就业的恢复是危机对发展中国家工人影响的不完整的描述,发展中国家的非正规程度和在业穷人人数有所增加。 对许多人来说,就业也变得不那么安全。", "11个 危机对就业的长期影响日益明显,因为自2007年以来,大多数发达国家长期或结构性失业——失业一年以上的人——的比例大幅增加。 此外,脆弱性恶化,所有工人中有一半——超过15亿人——就业脆弱。 在复苏期间创造的许多新工作报酬较低,福利较少,保障较少。 提高劳动力市场的灵活性是解决失业率上升问题的一个对策。 通过减少劳工管制,灵活性往往转化为工人的不安全、低工资和恶劣的工作条件,而且不会产生预期的就业机会。 平均工资的增长从2007年的2.8%下降到2008年的1.5%和2009年的1.6%。 分析中不包括中国,2008年平均工资增长率下降到0.8%,2009年下降到0.7%. [6]", "12个 心怀不满的工人——愿意工作但不再积极寻找工作的劳动适龄个人——的人数也在增加。 近200万人不再积极寻找工作。 2009年底,将近400万人离开劳动力市场。 [7]", "13个 青年往往在劳动力市场上处于不利地位,并因危机而丧失工作机会。 青年(15至24岁)在危机前的失业率远远高于老年青年。 2010年,全球青年失业率从2007年的11.8%上升到12.6%。 危机期间进入就业市场的青年很可能在就业和工资方面遭受终身后果。", "14个 为了将就业完全恢复到危机前的水平,增长水平必须足够高,以补偿劳动人口的规模。 增长还必须是就业密集型的,由生产力的提高驱动。 要做到这一点,就必须对更具活力的经济部门进行广泛的结构改革。 按照目前的复苏速度,全球就业将恢复到危机前水平需要4至5年。 [8]", "粮食价格再次上涨", "15个 粮食价格波动严重阻碍了社会发展目标。 最近粮食价格上涨使数百万人陷入贫困,使更多的人营养不良。 除了缺乏足够食物的短期后果,如儿童死亡率较高,儿童营养不良对健康、教育成果和生产力有长期的负面影响。", "16号. 2010年6月以来,粮价上涨又使4 400万人生活在每天1.25美元的贫困线以下。 2011年初,粮食价格上涨创纪录,价格接近2008年的高峰。 如果粮食价格继续走在目前的轨道上,对社会发展的影响将是毁灭性的。 世界银行的模拟[9] 表明,粮食价格指数增加10%,可导致又有1 000万人生活在贫困线以下;增加30%可促使3 400万人陷入贫困。 其他研究不太乐观:亚洲发展中国家的贫穷家庭已经将其收入的60%用于粮食,国内粮食价格上涨10%,可能使该区域新增6 400万人陷入赤贫,[10] 在转型期国家,三分之二的家庭受到危机的影响,其中70%的家庭报告说,作为危机的应对机制,主食和保健支出有所减少。 [11]", "17岁 许多国家正在推行收缩性货币政策,以遏制粮食和石油价格上升造成的通货膨胀。 这种政策立场正在阻碍经济复苏,特别是创造就业。 因此,这种货币政策不适合解决粮食价格通货膨胀问题。 各种因素造成粮食价格波动,包括粮食需求增加、用于生产生物燃料等粮食的相互竞争用途、粮食库存下降和石油价格上升以及粮食市场投机活动。 因此,决策者应考虑采取一系列干预措施,消除粮食价格波动的原因和影响。 扩大社会援助和营养方案有助于减轻粮食价格上涨对营养不良的影响。 如果没有有针对性的社会援助和营养方案,短期价格上涨将导致卡路里缺乏和微营养素营养不良。 儿童营养不良的长期影响有充分的文件证明[12],包括受教育程度较低、终生收入较低和总体生产力较低。 加强商品投机监管,加大对地方消费农业发展的支持力度,放宽生物燃料任务,都是应对粮食价格长期波动的需要.", "汇款流量", "18岁 移民汇款对接受汇款的家庭和社区的福利非常重要。 2008年至2009年,官方汇款下降了6个百分点。 [13] 到2010年,官方汇款流量已恢复到3,250亿美元,与危机前水平相匹配. 美国经济的稳定使流入拉丁美洲的汇款能够恢复增长。 石油价格上涨有助于改善俄罗斯和其他石油生产国向亚洲的汇款流量。 然而,西欧就业市场紧凑,正在促使移徙管制得到加强。 尽管汇款明显恢复,但接受国的通货膨胀超过了汇款增长的速度,因此收款人没有与危机前相同的美元购买力。 中东和北非的不稳定也正在扰乱移徙和汇款流动。 [14]", "保健和教育", "19. 国家 危机对保健和教育的全部影响难以评估,而且只有在一段时间后才能充分显现出来。 [15] 根据以往危机的经验,家庭采取应对战略,可能对保健和教育产生不利影响。 例如,儿童被带离学校,以节省学费或工作。 通过以更便宜的替代品取代更昂贵、更有营养的食物,可以缓解家庭预算的紧张。 医疗推迟,所需药品不购买。 在危机期间,基本救生药物的成本经常上升,因此,危及生命的疾病可能得不到治疗。", "20. 联合国 当收入下降和失业率上升时,对公共部门服务的需求通常会扩大,同时,政府资助这些服务的收入也面临越来越大的压力。 许多国家正在减少社会支出,这使复苏的可持续性面临风险。 因此,必须把社会支出继续视为对未来增长的投资,并维持社会支出,尽管立即有压力限制社会支出。", "不平等", "21岁 收入不平等的加剧已被确定为经济危机的原因和结果。 经济危机前时期的经济增长不平衡:增长给最富有的个人带来的惠益牺牲了创造高质量、体面的工作机会。 1980年至2005年期间,高增长率和停滞的工资加剧了不平等,因为最高1%的人口在国民收入中所占份额从7.5%增加到13.4%。 在此期间,由于工资劳动者在面临不断上涨和工资停滞的情况下为维持生活水平而挣扎,消费者债务增加。 虽然由于危机对金融租金的更大影响以及财政紧缩导致大多数发达经济体的减速,全球不平等可能正在下降,但由于粮食价格上涨、失业率高和贫困率上升,预计各国内部的收入不平等将恶化。 这些趋势对国内较不利者的影响不成比例。 [16]", "气候变化", "22 (韩语). 气候变化正在造成天气模式的变异性和农业生态学的变化。 气候变化如果有增无减,将对营养、入学和未来生产力产生消极影响。 不断变化的天气模式已经损害了粮食生产,天气事件是全球供应链中断的原因。 2011年3月日本发生的海啸扰乱了全球供应链,使产出放缓,全球经济复苏进一步放缓。 经济危机的爆发也使人们不再关注气候变化问题,不再关注气候变化问题。 此外,缺乏获得信贷的机会和相互竞争的预算优先事项正在对公共和私人投资者在适应和缓解战略方面的投资产生不利影响。", "23. 联合国 最近,国家和国际对话出现了有希望的转变,转向注重更广泛的可持续发展,将可持续的环境和经济做法纳入其中,最终目标是改善福祉。 在消除贫穷和可持续发展的背景下,绿色经济将成为2012年6月举行的联合国可持续发展大会[17]的主题。", "中东和北非的起义者", "24. 联合国 尽管增长水平良好,但中东是发展中区域失业率最高的地区,仍然未能融入世界经济。 该区域的青年失业率高达70%。 该区域妇女的经济参与率也最低,不平等现象严重,人类发展不良。 [18] 部分由于社会状况,中东最近和正在发生的起义是由民众的政治和经济要求以及缺乏影响公共政策的其他途径所推动的。 虽然抗议导致的治理变化从长远来看可能是积极的,因为公民参与了决策,但从短期来看,过渡导致石油价格上升(2011年第一季度增长了21%),并可能进一步扰乱经济活动。 [19]", "非洲", "25号. 非洲经济已证明对危机具有复原力,2011年增长3.6%,预计2012年增长将达到5.4%。 然而,失业率和弱势就业仍然很高,即使收入大量再分配,该区域仍无法实现足够的增长,达到减贫目标,这似乎不太可能。 大多数撒哈拉以南非洲经济体仍然高度依赖初级生产,仍然非常容易受到贸易条件的冲击;生产和出口没有非常多样化,近几十年来显著的去工业化。 南非是该区域最大的经济体,是正增长趋势的一个显著例外。 由于2011年的预期增长率仅为3.5%,失业人数的大幅下降预计不会逆转。", "二. 社会发展委员会第四十九届会议的贡献", "26. 联合国 社会发展委员会第四十九届会议专门审查其优先主题“消除贫穷,同时考虑到其与社会融合以及充分就业和人人有体面工作的相互关系”。 本报告本节概述委员会对其优先主题的审议情况。", "A类. 消除贫穷", "进展和挑战", "27岁 消除贫穷仍然是各国政府和联合国系统的一项重大挑战,特别是在全球经济和金融危机以及粮食和能源价格持续上涨之后。 各国政府和国际社会仍然致力于在国家、区域和全球各级继续努力,实现减贫指标方面的国际商定发展目标,包括千年发展目标,以及《哥本哈根宣言和行动纲领》所载的承诺。", "28岁 迄今为止,国家和国际协调努力在减贫方面取得了显著但不均衡的进展。 世界正在实现到2015年实现全球千年发展目标的减贫目标。 [21] 然而,实现这一目标只是向社会发展问题世界首脑会议上作出的消除贫穷承诺迈出的一步,因为根据世界银行危机前的预测,到2015年,仍有近9亿人生活在赤贫之中。", "29. 联合国 此外,各国和各区域在消除贫穷方面的进展参差不齐。 东亚,特别是中国在减少赤贫和提高生活水平方面取得了很大进展。 其他区域则不太成功。 同时,区域趋势掩盖了非常不同的国家经验,即使在收入水平类似的国家中也是如此。 事实上,虽然全球和区域一级收入贫穷的预测下降令人鼓舞,但在许多国家,贫穷仍然很高而且难以解决。 全球趋势掩盖了许多国家在减贫方面进展缓慢或进展甚微的严峻现实。", "30岁 此外,除了缺乏足够的收入之外,生活在赤贫中的人还遭受多重剥夺、机会限制和社会排斥。 虽然许多国家成功地减少了收入贫穷,但它们在确保获得教育、保健、粮食和其他基本货物和服务方面仍然面临重大挑战。 例如,由于粮食危机,营养不良的人数从1990-1992年的8.17亿增加到2009年的10亿以上,估计2010年为9.25亿。 鉴于粮食商品价格再次上涨,2011年这一估计数可能更高。", "31个 持续或增加对保健和教育的投资,对于打破贫穷循环和防止贫穷世代相传至关重要。 生活贫困的人在获得优质保健方面仍然面临障碍,许多人因容易预防的疾病和健康状况而受苦和死亡。 疾病反过来又可能使弱势家庭陷入贫困。 教育被广泛认为是社会经济流动的一种手段,缺乏教育往往使生活贫困的人无法参与高薪正规部门就业。 这些联系突出了收入贫穷与健康状况差和教育水平低之间的恶性循环,可以通过有效的政府政策加以解决。", "32. 国家 性别和城乡差距继续对执行减贫政策构成挑战。 尽管在过去30年中,在减少两性不平等方面取得了相当大的进展,但在大多数生活领域,妇女仍然比男子处于劣势,在决策过程中代表性不均等。 此外,在全世界,城市和农村居民之间的福利差距很大。 城市地区,特别是拉丁美洲的贫困增长较快,但农村地区的贫困发生率仍然较高。", "33. 国家 贫穷具有社会、经济、政治和环境层面,贫穷和不平等的一些结构性原因具有全球性质。 缺乏体面的就业机会、社会保护和获得社会服务的机会以及日益加剧的不平等、自然灾害的频繁发生和疾病负担,特别是艾滋病毒和艾滋病,是各国政府和国际社会需要克服的消除贫穷的一些主要障碍。", "经验教训", "34. 联合国 距离实现千年发展目标的目标日期2015年还有不到五年的时间,需要采取行动,在成功经验和教训的基础上加快进展。 在减贫目标落后、社会和经济不平等仍然严重的区域和国家,这种需要尤为迫切。", "35. 联合国 各国在执行消除贫穷战略和方案方面面临不同的经济、社会和政治挑战。 尽管各国在这方面面临多种挑战,但各国根据其经验就若干问题达成了广泛一致。 一个共识领域是,持续减贫需要迅速和持续的经济增长,同时进行结构改革,并辅以持续的反周期宏观经济政策。 东亚在大幅度减贫方面取得成功,以及非洲国家在全球危机爆发之前在减贫方面取得的进展,都证明了这一点。 正如2010年《世界社会状况报告》所示,许多引人注目的方案,例如土地产权、小额信贷和其他方案,在减贫方面没有发挥很大的作用。", "36. 国家 贫穷的多层面性质要求减贫战略超越单纯的经济增长,力求统筹采取行动,改善教育、住房、保健和就业成果,以帮助减少不平等。 在许多国家,收入和财富不平等的增加限制了经济增长在减贫方面的效力。 在高度不平等的社会中,穷人往往无法获得生产性资源,包括土地、市场或运输和通信基础设施,结果,生活贫穷的人往往被排除在经济增长进程之外。 因此,宏观经济政策应充分考虑到发展的社会层面,包括需要减少不平等和促进充分就业和人人有体面工作。", "37. 联合国 发展中国家必须执行提供普遍获得基本社会保护和社会服务的方案,以打破贫穷循环。 就社会保护措施保护人民免受各种冲击,并提高他们管理和克服影响其福祉的情况的能力而言,这些措施对于减少脆弱性和防止生活条件恶化至关重要。 在经济危机期间,社会保护制度作为社会和经济稳定因素发挥着重要作用。 从长远来看,社会保护可以帮助个人和家庭建设人力资本,改善他们的生计前景,从而解决贫穷的根本原因。 这些措施如果辅之以处理歧视、获得资源及其再分配的更广泛的干预措施,将对贫穷和脆弱性产生深远影响,并有助于在经济增长与消除贫穷之间建立良性循环。", "38. 国家 已成功减少收入贫穷和广泛改善社会条件的国家已制定了涵盖大多数人口的全面社会保护政策。 虽然社会保护制度的结构将取决于具体国情,但基本社会保护最低标准应当包括一套基本的基本、适合具体情况的社会转移和获得基本服务,包括保健、教育和充足营养。 如果逐步实施,即使在最贫穷国家,这种社会保护最低标准也是负担得起的。 如果考虑到不投资于社会保护的潜在后果,所需投资往往被视为较少的障碍。 必须辅之以更广泛的社会投资,以解决歧视、排斥和资源分配不公的问题。", "39. 联合国 执行减贫战略的另一个教训是,农村发展和农业生产力对社会发展和减贫至关重要,必须更加重视农村经济和农业在发展中国家的作用。 中小型农场为许多发展中国家的大多数工人提供了就业。 同样重要的是将农业生产与当地城市市场联系起来,帮助抵御外部冲击,加强粮食安全和减少贫穷,特别是考虑到全球粮食价格上涨的死灰复燃。", "40. 国家 在农村和都市地区,通过提高农业生产力和持续增加体面工作机会实现经济增长的国家在减贫方面取得了最大进展。 需要更多的公共投资,以支持拥有大量农业部门的发展中国家的增长,这些国家往往雇用妇女。 在这方面,促进两性平等对确保妇女从农业和农村发展中受益至关重要。", "41. 国家 最后,各国执行有效减贫战略的成功例子突出表明,必须把社会政策作为更广泛的发展战略的一个组成部分,以解决造成贫穷并长期存在贫穷的条件。 可持续的除贫战略要求社会政策注重社会所有成员,而不仅仅是穷人。 必须在成功经验的基础上扩大全球努力,以加快实现包括千年发展目标在内的国际商定发展目标和哥本哈根承诺的进展。", "B. 生产性就业和人人有体面工作", "42. 联合国 充分和生产性就业及人人有体面工作是消除贫穷和社会融合的国家战略的核心。 充分和生产性就业是指实际工资率高的高就业率。 除非人们有机会获得支付高于贫困线工资的就业机会,否则消除贫穷的努力将无法成功和持续。 此外,正如体面工作议程所强调的,提高工作质量对于解决许多国家的贫困劳动者问题至关重要。 通过生产力带动的增长进行结构变革,也有助于高就业率和实际工资。", "43. 联合国 虽然就业为生活贫穷的人提供了摆脱贫穷所需的收入,但就业和体面工作也为更广泛地分享经济增长的好处提供了重要渠道。 实现充分的生产性就业和人人有体面工作对于公平分享增长惠益的可持续发展至关重要。", "44. 联合国 将充分和生产性就业及人人有体面工作作为国家和国际政策的核心目标,对于实现国际商定的发展目标,特别是消除贫穷的目标至关重要。 因此,促进充分就业和体面工作必须成为一项关键的宏观经济目标,同时必须始终采取反周期政策和提供职能资金,以实现更稳定和平衡的增长,支持消除贫穷。", "45. 联合国 不适当地强调平衡公共预算,而不考虑其后果,往往导致对基础设施、技术和人力资源的公共投资减少,所有这些都对经济增长和创造就业至关重要。 应当强调公共支出审查,以加强其生产要素,而不是全面削减,特别是在目前从严重经济衰退中复苏的背景下。", "46. 联合国 由国际劳工组织(劳工组织)和世界卫生组织(世卫组织)共同牵头的社会保护最低标准倡议是体面工作议程的重要组成部分。 该倡议包括一个系统基础,通过四项基本保障解决贫穷和脆弱性问题:人人享有基本保健;儿童收入保障;失业、就业不足和穷人援助;老年人和残疾人收入保障。 对社会保护最低标准的投资可以创造良性的发展循环,导致改善学校教育、培训和保健,从而创造更多的人力资本库,支持长期经济增长,同时也导致更多的人在正规部门就业。 归根结底,正规部门的增长将通过税收创造更多的财政资源,并使社会保护水平更高成为可能。", "C. 社会融合", "47. (中文(简体) ). 全世界各国政府日益认识到社会融合对推动社会发展和减少贫穷的重要性,因为社会融合可促进社会凝聚力和稳定公正的社会,为发展和进步创造有利环境。 人人参与社会、经济、政治和文化生活,对于确保政府政策顺应社会需要,包括穷人的需要至关重要。", "48. 国家 许多国家已经从社会融合的脱节或临时政策转向符合国家发展目标和减贫战略的更加连贯和一致的政策。 [23] 政府及其社会伙伴应努力创造有利于参与和社会融合的环境,采取公共行动并执行消除歧视和社会障碍的政策。 这将有助于并加强消除贫穷的努力。", "49. 国家 在促进社会融合方面取得了进展,包括通过国际行动计划、公约和宣言,以应对各种社会群体在克服社会排斥和贫穷方面面临的挑战。 各国政府及其社会伙伴实施了社会融合政策,旨在减少不平等和消除歧视,提供平等就业机会、基本社会服务、教育和保健,增加社会群体的参与和包容,特别是青年人、老年人和残疾人以及土著人民。", "50. 联合国 对大家庭和单亲家庭的援助是消除总体贫穷的有效战略。 通过儿童支助赠款、现金转移、教育津贴、住房补贴和免费教育等各种福利,针对贫困家庭的儿童,开展寄养方案,是消除贫困代代相传的必要条件。", "51. 联合国 此外,家庭历来向其成员提供社会保护,因此,应支持他们履行这一重要职能。 有效的社会保护措施,加上有效提供服务和获得基本服务,是帮助家庭的良好战略。 2014年即将到来的国际家庭年二十周年,为确保进一步促进和实现国际家庭年的法定目标提供了动力。 社会发展委员会在筹备二十周年活动时,将遵循下列主题,以履行其对社会问题首脑会议采取后续行动的任务:解决家庭贫穷和社会排斥问题;确保工作/家庭平衡;促进社会融合和代际团结。", "三、结 论 危机时期的执行情况", "52. (中文(简体) ). 社会发展问题世界首脑会议和大会第二十四届特别会议成果的执行情况日益受到近年来出现的多重危机的挑战。 需要在国家一级以及在联合国系统内采取更加协调和一致的政策对策,以有效应对这些新的挑战。", "A. 国家对策", "53. 国家 当前的金融危机随着近年来的多重危机而临近,促使人们从市场原教旨主义转向政府在指导经济方面发挥更大的作用。 反周期宏观经济政策措施显然有助于减轻危机对许多国家的影响。 由于许多国家,包括发展中世界的新兴经济体迅速采取对策,衰退及其社会影响不如最初所担心的那么严重。 劳工组织估计,20国集团国家实施的反周期措施在其经济中节省或创造了2 100万个就业机会。", "54. 国家 2010年初开始的发达经济体的债务危机一直持续到2011年,给各国政府减少支出带来巨大压力。 许多发达国家政府已对经济危机加剧的日益严重的赤字作出反应,减少了社会开支,削弱了这些国家的社会保护制度。 削减卫生、教育、削减就业、削减工资和增加税收方面的开支是为改善各国财政状况而采取的一些措施。", "55. (中文(简体) ). 对赤字和不断上升的债务水平的关切促使许多国家采取紧缩措施。 这些国家已停止财政刺激措施,提高退休年龄以减少养恤金费用,削减工资和提高税收。 例如,西班牙承诺在2011年将公共支出减少7.9%,德国在2010年至2011年期间将联邦支出减少4.3%,意大利在2011年和2012年将预算削减10%。", "56. 国家 有人担心,鉴于财政整顿会降低增长,这些措施可能会加剧或延长危机。 货币基金组织的一项研究发现,两年之后,预算赤字削减占国内生产总值(国内总产值)的1%,使产出减少约0.5%,失业率增加1/3个百分点。 [25] 归根结底,这些措施可能加剧或延长危机,特别是青年人的失业率,并在最需要社会保护制度的时候削弱社会保护制度。", "57. 国家 然而,一些发展中国家从以往危机中汲取了重要教训,为保护社会支出以保持社会发展收益作出了巨大努力,尽管政府收入因经济增长减缓而减少。 例如,一些政府,包括阿根廷、印度和南非政府,维持或甚至扩大其家庭现金转移方案,这些方案往往被说成是大幅度减少了家庭贫穷,为儿童带来了更好的成果,例如提高了入学率,减少了儿童营养不良和童工。", "58. 联合国 一些国家政府设法扩大社会保护,使其在应对危机的措施中更加适应新的社会需求,特别是在全球金融和经济危机的早期阶段。 这有助于减轻粮食和燃料价格上涨以及经济衰退对穷人和弱势人口的影响。 例如,巴西扩大了 \" Bolsa Família \" 方案,为近5 000万人提供最低收入水平,占2010年国内生产总值的0.4%。", "59. 联合国 在社会保护领域,包括布基纳法索、墨西哥和莫桑比克在内的一些发展中国家已采取行动,通过提高认识、建立国家社会保护最低标准工作队、评估社会保护状况、制定措施将现有社会保护扩大到更多的人口群体并进行分析,执行社会保护最低标准倡议。 阿根廷、智利和南非等一些国家通过了改革社会保障制度的具体立法,强调对边缘化社会群体,包括老年人、残疾人和失业者的社会保护。 在印度,国家农村就业保障计划满足了5 300万农村贫困家庭的需要,每年通过公共工程方案为他们提供100天的就业。", "60. 联合国 一些国家正在将危机转化为投资于绿色就业机会的机会,以促进创造就业和减贫。 [28] 还有一些组织正在重新审查公共部门和民间社会组织在提供社会服务方面作为新工作来源的作用,以应对金融和经济危机的影响。 这些举措都有助于落实社会发展问题世界首脑会议的承诺,特别是关于促进消除贫穷、就业和体面工作的承诺。", "B. 联合国的对策", "61. 联合国 联合国系统开展了广泛的活动,以执行《哥本哈根行动纲领》,并应对全球危机对社会发展成就的影响。 在这方面,出现了新的倡议和伙伴关系,以促进联合国系统的一致性,并确保提高发展合作的效力。", "62. 联合国 在社会发展委员会范围内,经济和社会事务部就新出现的社会发展问题,包括消除贫穷、社会保护、体面工作和社会融合,组织了小组讨论和专家组会议。 [29] 该司举办了一个民间社会论坛,以确保委员会第四十九届会议的广泛与会者。 此外,该司还参与编写尖端研究和报告,如2011年旗舰报告。 [30] 《哥本哈根行动纲领》还为经济和社会事务部向各国政府提供技术合作咨询服务奠定了基础,重点是最不发达国家和处境特殊的国家,如小岛屿发展中国家。", "63. 国家 2007年,大会宣布了联合国第二个消除贫穷十年(2008-2017年),其主题是 \" 充分就业和人人有体面工作 \" 。 经济和社会事务部和劳工组织协调全系统消除贫穷行动计划,该计划得到了21个联合国机构、基金、方案和区域委员会以及联合国系统行政首长协调理事会(行政首长协调会)的核可。 该行动计划特别强调创造就业、社会保护、工作权利和标准以及全球经济和金融危机对就业的影响。", "64. 国家 为了应对全球危机趋同对社会发展的影响,行政首长协调会于2009年4月通过了9项联合国联合倡议。 全球就业契约和社会保护最低标准都是该框架的一部分。 《全球就业契约》是劳工组织牵头的全球伙伴关系框架,旨在提供危机应对措施,其基础是体面工作原则和富于工作的复苏。 该契约促进以投资、就业和社会保护为中心的生产性复苏,并努力将就业置于政策议程的中心。 社会保护最低标准倡议旨在促进获得基本的社会保障转移和社会服务,重点是向弱势群体提供援助。 此后,该倡议建立了联合国机构、双边伙伴和非政府组织的强大联盟,以确保国家一级的协调一致。 与社会发展问题世界首脑会议议程密切相关的另一项倡议是联合国系统粮食安全联合危机倡议,该倡议由秘书长全球粮食安全危机高级别工作队协调,旨在处理粮食危机的影响。", "65. 利比里亚 联合国各机构还对有效应对危机与环境可持续性之间的相互联系作出了反应。 联合国环境规划署(环境署) 绿色经济倡议是行政首长协调会认可的危机应对倡议之一,旨在展示投资于绿色部门的潜力,以此作为实现复苏和可持续增长、促进体面工作和减少贫穷的工具,同时解决严重的环境问题。 开发署和环境署的贫穷与环境倡议联合方案还支持国家主导的努力,将贫穷与环境的联系纳入国家发展规划的主流,并以改善生计和实现可持续增长的方式管理环境。", "66. (中文(简体) ). 经济和社会事务执行委员会由主管经济和社会事务副秘书长召集,继续提供社会发展领域政策制定、决策和管理的重要工具,特别是通过其社会发展专题组。 由于认识到2012年里约+20首脑会议的重要性,执行委员会的成员范围已经扩大,以便让联合国有关机构、基金和方案参与进来,从而加强联合国系统首脑会议筹备工作的协调一致。 社会发展专题组的任务是促进和协调执行委员会成员的协作,以提高可持续发展的社会支柱的能见度。 其他举措包括主要经济学家网络和宏观经济咨询能力举措。 首席经济学家网络力求促进联合国系统内关于经济问题的分析工作和政策指导的一致性和合作。 宏观经济咨询能力是一个纯粹由需求驱动的举措,旨在向各国提供机会,就相关的宏观经济问题获得第二次意见。", "67. 东帝汶 国家和国际协调一致的努力在实现千年发展目标的减贫目标方面取得了显著进展。 与此同时,必须铭记,收入贫穷是《哥本哈根宣言和行动纲领》界定的贫穷和匮乏的许多方面之一。 事实上,多重全球危机交织在一起,使各国在履行世界首脑会议所作承诺方面面临严重挑战,因为贫穷、失业和就业不足以及社会紧张加剧,而公共财政则在经济增长缓慢的时期受到压力。 虽然教育和卫生等领域对社会进步的影响将随着时间推移而充分显现,但世界显然面临社会危机。", "四. 导言 建议", "68. 国家 为了防止在消除贫穷和其他社会发展领域进一步失去立足点,为了加快在2015年之前的剩余几年实现千年发展目标,大会不妨考虑以下建议:", "(a) 认识到持续经济增长是消除贫穷的必要条件,但并非充分条件,并认识到增长必须具有包容性和公平性,才能对贫穷产生最大影响,宏观经济政策和社会政策都应考虑到并解决不平等问题,以确保经济增长惠及社会所有成员,有助于实现消除贫穷的首要发展目标;", "(b) 国家 创造就业机会和体面工作应当成为宏观经济政策目标的组成部分,因为经验表明,脱贫最直接的途径是通过创造足够的体面工作机会;通过创造生产性就业和体面工作,经济增长将有助于减少贫穷和不平等;", "(c) 政府政策必须始终如一地反周期,在繁荣时期应节约财政资源,支持在有需要时采取扩张措施;在这方面,各国需要有政策空间,以便能够以一致的方式推行反周期政策;应通过改变国际组织作为援助条件而强加给各国的政策规定的基本方向和性质,来创造这种政策空间;", "(d) 普遍的社会保护制度和积极的创造就业方案应成为长期措施,作为推进体面工作议程、消除贫穷和促进社会融合的政策组合的组成部分。", "69. 联合国 鉴于社会支柱在实现包括千年发展目标在内的国际商定发展目标和实现可持续发展方面日益重要,大会不妨考虑以下建议,以加强执行社会发展问题世界首脑会议和大会第二十四届特别会议的成果:", "(a) 提高社会发展在联合国发展议程中的能见度,包括对实现可持续发展的贡献,鼓励社会发展委员会继续积极审查其今后的工作安排和工作方法,并制定一项多年工作方案,其中包含以当前社会发展问题以及新出现的经济、财政和环境问题为重点并作出反应的优先主题;", "(b) 请会员国通过分享经验教训和最佳做法,包括加强对社会问题的政治支持的方式,发起由国家主导的创建包容性社会的举措。 这些活动和倡议的结果可以提交社会发展委员会;", "(c) 促进联合国系统各组织和所有利益攸关方更广泛和更集中地参与委员会的工作,具体做法是(但不限于)鼓励开展更广泛的区域讨论,作为对委员会工作的投入,例如,区域委员会就委员会的优先主题组织区域会议;", "(d) 通过将联合国相关倡议的执行工作更紧密地联系起来,促进联合国系统各组织执行工作和应对措施更加协调一致,这些倡议包括但不限于第二个消除贫穷十年、《世界青年行动纲领》、《全球就业契约》、《体面工作议程》、《行政首长理事会九项联合危机倡议》和2010年千年发展目标首脑会议《行动议程》。", "[1] 关于危机对社会发展影响的全面评估,见《全球社会危机:2011年世界社会状况报告》(联合国出版物)。 出售品编号:E.10.IV.12。", "[2] 全球社会危机。", "[3] 重新思考贫穷:2010年世界社会状况报告(联合国出版物,出售品编号:E.09.IV.10)。", "[4] 世界银行和国际货币基金组织估计,由于危机,另有6 400万人将陷入赤贫。 到2015年,将有5 300万人摆脱贫困;见《2010年全球监测报告》: 危机后的千年发展目标(华盛顿特区,世界银行,2010年),第viii页。", "[5] 《2010年全球监测报告》。", "[6] 国际劳工组织,《2010/11年度全球工资报告:危机时期的工资政策》(日内瓦,2010年)。", "[7] 国际劳工组织、国际劳工研究所,《2010年工作世界报告》: 从一个危机到另一个危机? (2010年,日内瓦)。", "[8] 《2011年世界经济状况和前景》(联合国出版物,出售品编号:E.11.II.C.2)。", "[9] 世界银行, “粮价表”(哥伦比亚特区华盛顿,2011年)。", "[10] 亚洲开发银行,《全球粮食价格通货膨胀与亚洲发展中国家》(马尼拉,2011年)。", "[11] 欧洲复兴开发银行,《过渡时期的生活:危机之后》(伦敦,2011年)。", "[12] Saskia de Pee等人,“如何在全球经济危机中确保营养安全,保护和增进幼儿的发展和我们的共同未来”,载于《营养杂志》,140(1)(2010)。", "[13] 联合国教育、科学及文化组织,《2010年全民教育全球监测报告》: 帮助边缘化人群(巴黎,2010年)。", "[14] Sanket Mohapatra、Dilip Ratha和Ani Silwal,“2011-13年汇款流量展望”。 《移民与发展简报》,第12卷,第16卷(华盛顿特区,世界银行,2011年)。", "[15] 关于危机对卫生和教育影响的评估,见《全球社会危机:2011年世界社会状况报告》。", "[16] 关于危机对不平等影响的评估,见《全球社会危机》。", "[17] 又称里约+20,或2012年地球峰会. 见。", "[18] 联合国开发计划署,阿拉伯国家区域局,《2009年阿拉伯人类发展报告》: 《阿拉伯国家人的安全面临的挑战》(2009年,纽约)。", "[19] 2011年世界经济形势与展望.", "[20] 国际货币基金组织、世界经济 《展望:两极复苏的紧张局势:失业、商品和资本流动》。 《世界经济和金融概览》(哥伦比亚特区华盛顿,2011年)。", "[21] 但是,如第29段所述,这主要是由于一些国家取得了进展。", "[22] (中文(简体) ). 根据世界银行的估计,2010年,由于粮食价格上涨,又有4 400万人陷入赤贫,亚洲开发银行警告说,如果粮食价格保持在2011年4月的水平,亚洲每天生活费低于1.25美元的人口将增加6 400万人,这种情况很可能发生。", "[23] (中文(简体) ). 详情和实例见秘书长关于促进社会融合决议执行情况的报告(E/CN.5/2011/2)。", "[24] 国际劳工组织,在经济合作与发展组织的实质性贡献下,为2010年4月20日至21日在华盛顿特区举行的20国集团劳工和就业部长会议(2010年,日内瓦)编写了题为“加快20国集团国家就业丰富的复苏:借鉴经验”的报告。", "[25] 国际货币基金组织,《世界经济展望:复苏、风险和再平衡》,《世界经济和金融概览》(哥伦比亚特区华盛顿,2010年)。", "[26] 关于进一步的资料和例子,见:联合国开发计划署,《分享创新经验:社会保护最低标准的成功经验》(纽约,2011年)。", "[27] 分享创新经验。", "[28] 详情见2011年世界经济和社会概览: 《绿色技术大变革》(联合国出版物,出售品编号:E.11.II.C.1)。", "[29] 详情请访问联合国经济和社会事务部网站: MeetingsPanneldiscussions.aspx。", "[30] 全球社会危机。" ]
[ "Provisional agenda for the 6578th (closed) meeting of the Security Council", "To be held in private on Monday, 11 July 2011, at 9 a.m.", "1. Adoption of the agenda.", "2. Meeting of the Security Council with the troop- and police-contributing countries pursuant to resolution 1353 (2001), annex II, sections A and B", "United Nations Operation in Côte d’Ivoire." ]
[ "安全理事会第6578次(闭门)会议临时议程", "定于2011年7月11日星期一上午9时非公开举行", "1. 通过议程。", "2. 安全理事会依照第1353(2001)号决议附件二A和B节的规定与部队和警察派遣国举行会议", "联合国科特迪瓦行动。" ]
[ "安全理事会第6578次(闭门)会议临时议程", "定于2011年7月11日星期一上午9时非公开举行", "一、导 言 1. 通过议程。", "2. 国家 安全理事会依照第1353(2001)号决议附件二A和B节的规定与部队和警察派遣国举行会议", "联合国科特迪瓦行动。" ]
[ "President:\tMr. Wittig\t(Germany) \nMembers:\tBosnia and Herzegovina\tMr. Vukašinović\n Brazil Mr. Fernandes \n China Mr. Wang Min \n Colombia Mr. Osorio \n France Mr. Bonne \n\tGabon\tMr. MoungaraMoussotsi\n\tIndia\tMr. Hardeep SinghPuri\n Lebanon Mr. Salam \n Nigeria Mr. Onemola \n Portugal Mr. Vaz Patto \n Russian Federation Mr. Panin \n South Africa Mr. Crowley \n\tUnited Kingdom of Great Britain andNorthern Ireland\tMs. Sheard\n United States of America Mr. Dunn", "Agenda", "Admission of new Members", "Note by the Secretary-General (S/2011/418)", "The meeting was called to order at 3.15 p.m.", "Adoption of the agenda", "The agenda was adopted.", "Admission of new Members", "Note by the Secretary-General (S/2011/418)", "The President: The Security Council will now begin its consideration of the item on its agenda.", "In a letter dated 9 July 2011 addressed to the Secretary-General, the President of the Republic of South Sudan submitted the application of his country for membership in the United Nations. That letter has been circulated as an attachment to a note by the Secretary-General contained in document S/2011/418.", "Under the provisions of rule 59 of the provisional rules of procedure of the Security Council, unless the Council decides otherwise, an application for membership shall be referred by the President of the Council to the Committee on the Admission of New Members. Accordingly, unless I hear a proposal to the contrary, I shall refer the application of the Republic of South Sudan to the Committee on the Admission of New Members for examination and report.", "As I hear no objection, it is so decided.", "I would propose that the Committee on the Admission of New Members meet upon the adjournment of this meeting, in the Security Council Chamber, to consider the application of the Republic of South Sudan for membership in the United Nations.", "The meeting rose at 3.20 p.m." ]
[ "主席: 维蒂希先生 (德国) \n 成员: 波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那 武卡希诺维奇先生 \n 巴西 费尔南德斯先生 \n 中国 王民先生 \n 哥伦比亚 奥索里奥先生 \n 法国 博内先生 \n 加蓬 蒙加拉·穆索奇先生 \n\t印度\t哈迪普·辛格·普里先生\n 黎巴嫩 萨拉姆先生 \n 尼日利亚 奥尼莫拉先生 \n 葡萄牙 瓦斯·帕托先生 \n 俄罗斯联邦 潘金先生 \n 南非 克劳利先生 \n 大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国 希尔德女士 \n 美利坚合众国 邓恩先生", "议程项目", "接纳新会员国", "秘书长的说明(S/2011/418)", "下午3时15分开会。", "通过议程", "议程通过。", "接纳新会员国", "秘书长的说明(S/2011/418)", "主席(以英语发言):安全理事会现在开始审议其议程上的项目。", "南苏丹共和国总统在2011年7月9日给秘书长的信中提交了他的国家加入为联合国会员国的申请书。该信件已作为文件S/2011/418所载的秘书长说明的附件散发。", "根据安全理事会暂行议事规则第59条的规定,除非安全理事会另有决定,这项申请书应由安理会主席提交接纳新会员国委员会。因此,除非我听到相反的提议,否则我将把南苏丹共和国的申请书提交接纳新会员国委员会,以供审查和提出报告。", "既然没有人反对,就这样决定。", "我愿提议,接纳新会员国委员会在本次会议休会后在安全理事会会议厅开会,以审议南苏丹共和国关于加入为联合国会员国的申请书。", "下午3时20分散会。" ]
[ "主席: 维蒂希先生 (德国)\n成员:波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那 武卡希诺维奇先生\n巴西 费尔南德斯先生\n中国 王敏先生\n哥伦比亚 奥索里奥先生\n法国 博内先生\n加蓬 蒙加拉·穆索齐先生\n印度 哈迪普·辛格普里先生\n黎巴嫩 萨拉姆先生\n尼日利亚 Onemola先生\n葡萄牙 瓦斯·帕托先生\n俄罗斯联邦 帕宁先生\n南非 克罗利先生\n大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国\n美利坚合众国 邓恩先生", "议程项目", "接纳新会员国", "秘书长的说明(S/2011/418)", "下午3时15分宣布开会", "通过议程", "议程通过。", "接纳新会员国", "秘书长的说明(S/2011/418)", "主席(以英语发言):安全理事会现在开始审议其议程上的项目。", "在2011年7月9日给秘书长的信中,南苏丹共和国总统提交了该国加入联合国的申请。 该信已作为S/2011/418号文件所载秘书长的说明的附件分发。", "根据安全理事会暂行议事规则第59条的规定,除非安理会另有决定,由安理会主席将成员资格申请提交接纳新会员国委员会。 因此,除非我听到相反的提议,我将把南苏丹共和国的申请提交接纳新会员国委员会审查和提出报告。", "没有人反对,就这样决定。", "我提议接纳新会员国委员会在本次会议休会后在安理厅开会,审议南苏丹共和国申请加入联合国的问题。", "下午3时20分散会。" ]
[ "Seventeenth session", "Kingston, Jamaica", "11-22 July 2011[1]", "Report and recommendations to the Council of the International Seabed Authority relating to an application for the approval of a plan of work for exploration for polymetallic nodules by Tonga Offshore Mining Limited", "Submitted by the Legal and Technical Commission", "I. Introduction", "1. On 10 April 2008, the Secretary-General of the International Seabed Authority received an application for the approval of a plan of work for exploration for polymetallic nodules in the Area. The application was submitted pursuant to the Regulations on Prospecting and Exploration for Polymetallic Nodules in the Area (ISBA/6/A/18, annex) by Tonga Offshore Mining Limited (TOML). The application covers a total surface area of 74,713 km² located within the areas reserved for the Authority pursuant to Annex III, article 8, of the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea. The reserved areas in the application were contributed by the Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources of the Federal Republic of Germany, Deep Ocean Resources Development Co., Ltd., the Government of the Republic of Korea and the Institut français de recherche pour l’exploitation de la mer.", "2. In accordance with regulation 20, paragraph 1 (c), of the Regulations, the Secretary-General notified members of the Authority of the receipt of the application and circulated to them information of a general nature concerning the application. The Secretary-General also placed consideration of the application as an item on the agenda of the Legal and Technical Commission at its meeting, held from 19 to 28 May 2008.", "3. The Commission was informed that the applicant had formally notified the Secretary-General of its intention to make an application for approval of a plan of work for exploration in a reserved area on 3 April 2008. Thereafter, in accordance with regulation 17, paragraph 1, of the Regulations, the Secretary-General on 11 April 2008 forwarded such notification to the Enterprise (represented by its Interim Director-General), whereupon the Interim Director-General informed the Secretary-General in writing that the Enterprise had no intention of carrying out activities in the areas under application.", "4. In that regard, the Commission recalled that the Enterprise had not yet begun to function independently of the Secretariat of the Authority and that, by reason of article 170 of the Convention and of section 2, paragraph 2, of the annex to the Agreement relating to the implementation of Part XI of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea of 1994, the Council would only take up the issue of the functioning of the Enterprise independently of the Secretariat of the Authority either: (a) upon the approval of a plan of work for exploitation by an entity other than the Enterprise; or (b) upon receipt by the Council of an application for a joint-venture operation with the Enterprise. Until such time as either of these eventualities takes place, the Secretariat of the Authority shall perform the functions of the Enterprise, which shall be set out in section 2, paragraph 1 of the annex to the Agreement.", "5. The Commission met to consider the application on 21, 22, 26 and 27 May 2008. As the Commission had not reached consensus with respect to a recommendation to the Council in relation to the application, it decided to continue its consideration of the application at the next possible opportunity. The matter was placed on the agenda of the Commission for its fifteenth session. At that session, the Commission was informed that, by a letter dated 5 May 2009 addressed to the Legal Counsel of the Authority, the applicant had requested that consideration of its application be postponed in the light of global economic circumstances and other concerns. The Commission took due note of the request and decided to defer further consideration of the item until further notice.", "6. On 28 April 2011, Tonga Offshore Mining Limited submitted to the Secretary-General updated information in relation to the pending application before the Commission. The matter was then placed on the agenda of the Commission for its seventeenth session.", "II. Methodology for consideration of the application by the Legal and Technical Commission", "A. General methodology applied by the Commission in consideration of the application", "7. In its consideration of the application, the Commission noted that, in keeping with annex III, article 6, of the Convention, it is first required to make an objective determination as to whether the applicant has fulfilled the requirements set out in the Regulations, particularly with respect to the form of applications; whether the applicant has provided the necessary undertakings and assurances specified in regulation 14 of the Regulations; and whether it has the necessary financial and technical capability to carry out the proposed plan of work for exploration and (as appropriate) has satisfactorily discharged its obligations under any previous contract with the Authority. The Commission is then required to determine, in accordance with regulation 21, paragraph 4, of the Regulations and its procedures, whether the proposed plan of work will provide for effective protection of human health and safety, effective protection and preservation of the marine environment and will ensure that installations are not established where interference may be caused to the use of recognized sea lanes essential to international navigation or in areas of intense fishing activity. Regulation 21, paragraph 5, of the Regulations goes on to provide that:", "If the Commission makes the determinations specified in paragraph 3 and determines that the proposed plan of work for exploration meets the requirements of paragraph 4, the Commission shall recommend approval of the plan of work for exploration to the Council.", "8. In considering the proposed plan of work for exploration for polymetallic nodules, the Commission had regard to the principles, policies and objectives relating to activities in the Area as provided for in part XI and annex III of the Convention and in the Agreement.", "B. Consideration of the application at the seventeenth session", "9. The Commission considered the application in closed meetings on 5 to 7 July 2011. The Commission took note of the updated information submitted by the applicant, as well as the written answers to a list of questions transmitted on 23 May 2008 by the Chairman of the Legal and Technical Commission through the Secretary-General.", "10. Prior to commencing a detailed examination of the application, the Commission invited the applicant’s representative, Paul Taumoepeau, TOML Country Manager, accompanied by Aminiasi Kefu, Solicitor-General of the Kingdom of Tonga, Rennie Vaiomounga, Ministry of Lands, Survey and Natural Resources, Michael Johnston, Vice-President Strategic Development, Nautilus Minerals Incorporated and Samantha Smith, Environment Manager, Nautilus Minerals Incorporated, to present the application. Members of the Commission then asked questions to clarify certain aspects of the application before convening in closed session to examine the application in detail.", "11. The Commission’s detailed examination of the legal and financial, technical and environmental aspects of the application was conducted in smaller groups.", "III. Summary of basic information regarding the application", "A. Identification of the applicant", "12. Name of applicant: Tonga Offshore Mining Limited.", "13. Address of applicant:", "(a) Street address: 2nd Floor, Kupu House, Fatafehi Road, Kingdom of Tonga;", "(b) Postal address: P. O. Box 893, Nuku’alofa, Tongatapu, Kingdom of Tonga;", "(c) Telephone: +676 21 733;", "(d) Facsimile number: none;", "(e) E-mail address:", "14. Applicant’s designated representative:", "(a) Name: Paul Taumoepeau;", "(b) Address: 2nd Floor, Kupu House, Fatafehi Road, P. O. Box 893, Nuku’alofa, Kingdom of Tonga;", "(c) Telephone number: +676 21 733;", "(d) Facsimile number: none;", "(e) E-mail address:;", "(f) Applicant’s place of registration and principal place of business/ domicile: The Kingdom of Tonga.", "15. The applicant indicated that TOML is a registered national of the Kingdom of Tonga that is incorporated within the jurisdiction of the Kingdom of Tonga and is under the effective control of the Kingdom of Tonga. TOML is a Tongan incorporated subsidiary of Nautilus Minerals Incorporated, which holds 100 per cent of the shares of TOML through another wholly owned subsidiary, United Nickel Ltd., incorporated in Canada. According to the information provided by the applicant, United Nickel is an investment vehicle, similar to other 100 per cent owned investment vehicles that Nautilus Minerals Incorporated uses to keep its various licences in order to allow the company to easily manage its corporate investments. Details of the corporate structure of Nautilus Minerals Incorporated were provided to the Commission at its request. Nautilus Minerals Incorporated has among its largest shareholders Teck Cominco, AngloAmerican and Gazmetall. A copy of the Certificate of Incorporation of TOML has been submitted.", "B. Sponsorship", "16. Sponsoring State: The Kingdom of Tonga.", "17. Date of deposit of the Kingdom of Tonga’s instrument of ratification of, or accession to, the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea and the date of the consent to be bound by the Agreement relating to the Implementation of Part XI of the Convention: 2 August 1995.", "18. Date of certificate of sponsorship: 12 March 2008, signed by Hon. Tuita, Minister of Lands, Survey, Natural Resources and Environment, Kingdom of Tonga.", "19. The Commission noted that the application was sponsored by the Kingdom of Tonga and that a certificate of sponsorship, in due and proper form, had been submitted, under which the Kingdom of Tonga stated that the applicant is under the effective control of the Kingdom of Tonga and declared further that it assumed responsibility in accordance with article 139, article 153, paragraph 4, and Annex III, article 4, paragraph 4, of the Convention. During the presentation, in response to questions from the Commission, the representatives of the Kingdom of Tonga also stated the intention to adopt laws and regulations and to take administrative measures, within the framework of its legal system, for securing compliance by the applicant under its jurisdiction.", "C. Area of application", "20. The application area of Tonga Offshore Mining Limited covers a total of 74,713 km² in the Clarion-Clipperton Zone of the Pacific Ocean. The area lies within the reserved areas and is divided into six regions: Area A is located within Block 2 and covers an area of 10,281 km²; Area B is located within Block 15 and covers an area of 9,966 km²; Area C is located within Block 16 and covers an area of 15,763 km²; Area D is located within Block 21 and covers an area of 15,881 km²; Area E is located within Block 20 and covers an area of 7,002 km²; Area F is located within Block 25 and covers an area of 15,820 km². The coordinates and general location of the areas under application are shown in the annex to the present document.", "D. Other information", "21. Date of receipt of application: 10 April 2008.", "22. Previous contracts with Authority: the applicant has not been previously awarded any contract with the Authority.", "23. Undertakings: the applicant submitted a written undertaking dated 28 April 2011 signed by the Country Manager of Tonga Offshore Mining Limited, Paul Taumoepeau, stating that it will comply with regulation 14 of the Regulations.", "IV. Examination of information and technical data submitted by the applicant", "24. The following technical documents were submitted in the application:", "(a) Information relating to the application area:", "(i) Boundaries of the area under application according to the World Geodetic System 1984;", "(ii) A chart and a list of the coordinates of the area under application;", "(b) Certificate of sponsorship issued by the sponsoring State;", "(c) Information to enable the Council to determine whether the applicant is financially capable of carrying out the proposed plan of work for exploration;", "(d) Information to enable the Council to determine whether the applicant is technically capable of carrying out the proposed plan of work for exploration;", "(e) Plan of work for exploration;", "(f) Training programmes.", "25. During his presentation, the representative of the applicant provided clarifications as required by the Commission on the information and technical data supplied.", "V. Consideration of financial and technical qualifications of the applicant", "A. Financial capacity", "26. In evaluating the financial capacity of the applicant, the Commission noted that Tonga Offshore Mining Limited was incorporated in the Kingdom of Tonga on 7 May 2008 and is a Tongan incorporated subsidiary of Nautilus Minerals Incorporated. The Commission was provided with a letter dated 11 July 2011 from Avisar Chartered Accountants, of British Columbia, Canada, stating that the applicant had the financial resources to carry out the proposed plan of work for exploration. In accordance with regulation 12, paragraph 5 (b) of the Regulations, the Commission was also provided with the financial statements of Nautilus Minerals Incorporated, the parent company of Tonga Offshore Mining Limited, for 2007 to 2010.", "B. Technical capacity", "27. The Commission was provided with technical information in relation to the previous experience and skills of Nautilus Minerals in the field of dredging, excavation techniques and deep-sea mining technology. The Commission noted that the applicant’s technical team benefits from the experience of leaders in the field of seafloor mining. To date, Nautilus’s activities have focused on pioneering the commercial development of seafloor polymetallic sulphides within the exclusive economic zones of south-west Pacific island nations, and is currently preparing for commercial extraction of polymetallic sulphides on the Solwara 1 project in Papua New Guinea.", "28. The Commission was provided with information related to the prevention, reduction and control of hazards and possible impacts to the marine environment. This included the description of a plan for a programme for oceanographic and environmental baseline studies to ensure that the exploration activities have minimal impact on the marine environment. It enclosed a plan of action to take necessary measures to prevent, reduce and control pollution and other hazards to the marine environment arising from the exploration activities. It also included a description of a monitoring programme and the proposed measures for the prevention, reduction and control of pollution and other hazards, as well as their possible impacts to the marine environment.", "VI. Consideration of data and information submitted for the approval of the plan of work for exploration of polymetallic nodules", "29. In accordance with regulation 18 of the Regulations, the application included the following information for approval of the plan of work for exploration:", "(a) A general description and a schedule of the proposed exploration programme, including the programme of activities for the immediate five-year period, such as studies to be undertaken in respect of the environmental, technical, economic and other appropriate factors that must be taken into account in exploration;", "(b) A description of the programme for oceanographic and environmental baseline studies in accordance with the Regulations and environmental rules, regulations and procedures established by the Authority that would enable an assessment of the potential environmental impact of the proposed exploration activities, taking into account any recommendations issued by the Legal and Technical Commission;", "(c) A preliminary assessment of the possible impact of the proposed exploration activities on the marine environment;", "(d) A description of proposed measures for the prevention, reduction and control of pollution and other hazards, as well as possible impacts, to the marine environment;", "(e) Data necessary for the Council to make the determination it is required to make in accordance with regulation 12, paragraph 1 of the Regulations;", "(f) A schedule of anticipated yearly expenditures in respect of the programme of activities for the immediate five-year period.", "30. The Commission was satisfied that the information presented met the requirements of the Regulations and noted that it looked forward to the submission of reports and data by the applicant as required by the Regulations and the Commission’s recommendations for the guidance of contractors.", "VII. Training programme", "31. In accordance with regulation 27 and with Annex 4, section 8, of the Regulations, the applicant indicated that prior to the commencement of exploration, the contractor will draw up training programmes in cooperation with the Authority and the Kingdom of Tonga, and will submit these programmes to the Authority for approval.", "VIII. Conclusion and recommendations", "32. Having examined the particulars submitted by the applicant, summarized in sections II to VII of the present document, the Commission is satisfied that the application has been duly submitted in accordance with the Regulations and that the applicant is a qualified applicant within the meaning of Annex III, articles 4 and 9, of the Convention, and regulation 17 of the Regulations. The Commission is further satisfied that the applicant:", "(a) Has complied with the provisions of the Regulations;", "(b) Has given the undertakings and assurances specified in regulation 14 of the Regulations;", "(c) Possesses the financial and technical capability to carry out the proposed plan of work for exploration.", "33. The Commission is satisfied that none of the conditions in regulation 21, paragraph 6, of the Regulations apply.", "34. With respect to the proposed plan of work for exploration, the Commission is satisfied that the proposed plan of work for exploration will:", "(a) Provide for effective protection of human health and safety;", "(b) Provide for effective protection and preservation of the marine environment;", "(c) Ensure that installations are not established where interference may be caused to the use of recognized sea lanes essential to international navigation or in areas of intense fishing activity.", "35. Accordingly, pursuant to regulation 21, paragraph 5, of the Regulations, the Commission recommends to the Council approval of the plan of work for exploration submitted by Tonga Offshore Mining Limited.", "Annex", "List of coordinates and map of general location of the reserved areas under application", "Area A (10,281 km²)", "All that area of seafloor within reserved Block 2 in the Clarion-Clipperton Zone of the Pacific Ocean bounded by a line commencing at the north-west corner at:", "Latitude\tLongitude \n\t8.1667N\t-152.510 W (the point of commencement)\nthento\t8.1667N\t-151.667 W\nthento\t7.1667N\t-151.667 W\nthento\t7.1667N\t-152.510 W\nthento\t8.1667N\t-152.510 W being the point of commencement", "Area B (9,966 km²)", "All that area of seafloor within reserved Block 15 in the Clarion-Clipperton Zone of the Pacific Ocean bounded by a line commencing at the north-west corner at:", "Latitude\tLongitude \n\t14.2900N\t-132.800 W (the point of commencement)\nthento\t14.667N\t-132.000 W\nthento\t13.5801N\t-132.000 W\nthento\t13.5801N\t-133.200 W\nthento\t13.8667N\t-133.200 W\nthento\t13.8667N\t-132.800 W\nthento\t14.2900N\t-132.800 W being the point of commencement", "Area C (15,763 km²)", "All that area of seafloor within reserved Block 16 in the Clarion-Clipperton Zone of the Pacific Ocean bounded by a line commencing at the north-west corner at:", "Latitude\tLongitude \n\t15.800N\t-131.00000 W (the point of commencement)\nthento\t15.800N\t-130.00000 W\nthento\t15.333N\t-130.00000 W\nthento\t15.333N\t-129.30000 W\nthento\t15.500N\t-128.58333 W\nthento\t15.000N\t-128.58333 W\nthento\t15.000N\t-131.00000 W\nthento\t15.800N\t-131.00000 W being the point of commencement", "Area D (15,881 km²)", "All that area of seafloor within reserved Block 21 in the Clarion-Clipperton Zone of the Pacific Ocean bounded by a line commencing at the north-west corner at:", "Latitude\tLongitude \n\t14.083333N\t-123.583333 W\nthento\t13.125000N\t-123.583333 W\nthento\t13.125000N\t-124.375000 W\nthento\t13.375000N\t-124.375000 W\nthento\t13.375000N\t-125.333300 W\nthento\t13.750000N\t-125.333300 W\nthento\t13.750000N\t-125.000000 W\nthento\t14.083333N\t-125.000000 W\nthento\t14.083333N\t-123.583333 W being the point of commencement", "Area E (7,002 km²)", "All that area of seafloor within reserved Block 20 in the Clarion-Clipperton Zone of the Pacific Ocean bounded by a line commencing at the north-west corner at:", "Latitude\tLongitude \n\t13.0833N\t-125.333 W (the point of commencement)\nthento\t13.0833N\t-123.583 W\nthento\t12.7500N\t-123.583 W\nthento\t12.7500N\t-125.333 W\nthento\t13.0833N\t-125.333 W being the point of commencement", "Area F (15,820 km²)", "All that area of seafloor within reserved Block 25 in the Clarion-Clipperton Zone of the Pacific Ocean bounded by a line commencing at the north-west corner at:", "Latitude\tLongitude \n\t11.083333N\t-117.81667 W (the point of commencement)\nthento\t9.895000N\t-117.81667 W\nthento\t9.895000N\t-118.91667 W\nthento\t11.083333N\t-118.91667 W\nthento\t11.083333N\t-117.81667 W being the point of commencement", "[]", "[1] * Reissued for technical reasons on 23 November 2011." ]
[ "第十七届会议", "2011年7月11日至22日", "牙买加金斯敦", "^(*) 由于技术原因,于2011年11月23日重新印发。", "就汤加近海采矿有限公司请求批准多金属结核勘探工作计划的申请书提交国际海底管理局理事会的报告和建议", "法律和技术委员会提交", "一. 导言", "1. 2008年4月10日,国际海底管理局秘书长收到一份请求批准在“区域”内勘探多金属结核工作计划的申请书。申请书是由汤加近海采矿有限公司依照《“区域”内多金属结核探矿和勘探规章》(ISBA/6/A/18,附件)提交的。申请区域总表面积为74 713平方公里,位于管理局根据1982年《联合国海洋法公约》附件三第8条保留的区域。申请书中的保留区域由德意志联邦共和国联邦地球科学及自然资源研究所、深海资源开发有限公司、大韩民国政府和法国海洋开发研究所提供。", "2. 按照《规章》第20条第1款(c)项,秘书长将收到申请书一事通知管理局成员并向他们分发了关于申请书的一般性资料。秘书长还把审议申请书列为2008年5月19日至28日举行的法律和技术委员会会议的议程项目。", "3. 委员会获悉,申请者已正式通知秘书长它打算于2008年4月3日提交请求批准在一个保留区域进行勘探的工作计划的申请书。之后,按照《规章》第17条第1款,秘书长于2008年4月11日将通知转递企业部(其代表为临时总干事)。临时总干事在接到通知后书面告知秘书长,企业部目前不打算在这些区域开展活动。", "4. 委员会在这方面回顾,企业部还没有独立于管理局秘书处开始运作,并且根据《公约》第一七○条和1994年《关于执行〈联合国海洋法公约〉第十一部分的协定》附件第2节第2段,理事会只能在两种情况下审议企业部独立于管理局秘书处运作的问题:(a) 当企业部以外的一个实体所提出的勘探工作计划获得批准时;或(b) 当理事会收到与企业部合营的申请书时。在其中任何一种情况发生之前,管理局秘书处应履行《协定》附件第2节第1段规定的企业部职能。", "5. 委员会于2008年5月21、22、26和27日举行会议审议申请书。由于委员会尚未就如何向理事会提出关于申请书的建议达成共识,它决定在下一次可能的机会继续审议申请书。此事项列入委员会第十五届会议议程。在那次会议上,委员会获悉,申请者于2009年5月5日致函管理局法律顾问,鉴于全球经济情况和其他关切,请求推迟审议其申请书。委员会适当注意到这一请求,并决定推迟审议这个项目,时间另行通知。", "6. 2011年4月28日, 汤加近海采矿有限公司向秘书长提交了委员会尚未审批的申请书的最新资料。此事于是被列入委员会第十七届会议议程。", "二. 法律和技术委员会审议申请书的方法", "A. 委员会审议申请书的一般方法", "7. 委员会在审议申请书时注意到,按照《公约》附件三第6条的规定,它首先须客观确定申请者是否遵守了《规章》中的规定,特别是关于申请书格式的规定;申请者是否作出《规章》第14条规定的承诺和保证;申请者是否具有执行拟议勘探工作计划所需的财政和技术能力,并(若适用)已令人满意地履行以前与管理局订立的合同的义务。其后,委员会必须按照《规章》第21条第4款及其程序,确定拟议工作计划是否将有效地保护人类健康和安全,有效地保护和保全海洋环境,并确保设施不坐落在可能干扰国际航行必经的公认航道的地点或坐落在捕鱼活动集中的区域。《规章》第21条第5款还规定:", "“如果委员会根据第3款作出确定,并确定提议的勘探工作计划符合第4款的要求,委员会应建议理事会核准勘探工作计划。”", "8. 委员会在审议拟议多金属结核勘探工作计划时,考虑到《公约》第十一部分和附件三以及《协定》有关“区域”内活动的原则、政策和目的。", "B. 第十七届会议审议申请书的情况", "9. 委员会于2011年7月5日至7日举行闭门会议审议申请书。委员会注意到申请者提交的最新资料以及对法律和技术委员会主席2008年5月23日通过秘书长转递的问题清单的书面答复。", "10. 开始详细审查申请书之前,委员会请申请者的代表汤加近海采矿有限公司国家主管Paul Taumoepeau在汤加王国副总检察长Aminiasi Kefu、土地、勘察和自然资源部Rennie Vaiomounga、鹦鹉螺矿业公司主管战略发展副总裁Michael Johnston和鹦鹉螺矿业公司环境主管Samantha Smith的陪同下介绍申请书。委员会成员随后提问,以便在举行闭门会议详细审查申请书之前澄清申请书的某些方面。", "11. 委员会分小组详细审查了申请书的法律、财政、技术和环境方面。", "三. 申请书基本资料摘要", "A. 申请者身份资料", "12. 申请者名称:汤加近海采矿有限公司。", "13. 申请者地址:", "(a) 街道地址:2nd Floor, Kupu House, Fatafehi Road, Kingdom of Tonga;", "(b) 邮政地址:P.O. Box 893, Nuku’alofa, Tongatapu, Kingdom of Tonga;", "(c) 电话:+676 21 733;", "(d) 传真号码:无;", "(e) 电子邮件地址;", "14. 申请者指定代表:", "(a) 姓名:Paul Taumoepeau;", "(b) 地址:2nd Floor, Kupu House, Fatafehi Road, P.O. Box 893, Nuku’alofa,Kingdom of Tonga;", "(c) 电话号码:+676 21 733;", "(d) 传真号码:无;", "(e) 电子邮件地址;", "(f) 申请者注册地点和主要营业地点/住所:汤加王国。", "15. 申请者指出,汤加近海采矿公司是汤加王国的一个本国注册公司,在汤加王国管辖范围内组建,由汤加王国有效控制。汤加近海采矿公司是鹦鹉螺矿业公司在汤加注册的一家子公司。鹦鹉螺矿业公司通过另一个独家控股的名为United Nickel Ltd的子公司(在加拿大注册)拥有汤加近海采矿公司100%的股份。根据申请者提供的资料, United Nickel是一个投资工具,类似于鹦鹉螺矿业公司用于保持各种许可证以便于该公司管理公司投资的其他100%拥有的投资工具。鹦鹉螺矿业公司的公司结构详情已经应委员会的要求提供给委员会。鹦鹉螺矿业公司的最大股东有Teck Cominco、 AngloAmerican和 Gazmetall。汤加近海采矿公司提交了一份公司注册证书副本。", "B. 担保情况", "16. 担保国:汤加王国。", "17. 汤加王国交存1982年《联合国海洋法公约》批准书或加入书的日期以及同意接受《关于执行〈公约〉第十一部分的协定》约束的日期:1995年8月2日。", "18. 担保书日期:2008年3月12日,汤加王国土地、测量、自然资源和环境大臣Tuita阁下签署。", "19. 委员会注意到,申请书的担保国是汤加王国,适当格式的担保书已经提交。汤加共和国在担保书中说,申请者在汤加王国的有效控制之下,并宣布该国按照《公约》第一三九条、第一五三条第4款和附件三第4条第4款承担责任。在介绍担保书时,汤加王国代表针对委员会的提问,还表示打算在该国的法律制度框架内,制定法律和规章并采取行政措施,以确保受其管辖的申请者遵守规定。", "C. 申请区域", "20. 汤加近海采矿有限公司的申请区域总面积为74 713平方公里,位于太平洋克拉里昂-克利珀顿区。该区域在保留区域内,划分为六个部分:A区位于区块2,面积为10 281平方公里;B区位于区块15,面积为9 966平方公里;C区位于区块16,面积为15 763平方公里;D区位于区块21,面积为15 881平方公里;E区位于区块20,面积为7 002平方公里;F区位于区块25,面积为15 820平方公里。申请区域的坐标和一般地理位置见本文件附件。", "D. 其他资料", "21. 申请书收件日期:2008年4月10日。", "22. 与管理局先前订立的合同:申请者从未获得管理局授予的任何合同。", "23. 承诺:申请者提交了汤加近海采矿有限公司国家主管2011年4月28日签署的书面承诺,表示愿意遵守《规章》第14条的规定。", "四. 审查申请者提交的资料和技术数据", "24. 申请书中提交了下列技术文件:", "(a) 申请区域的相关资料:", "㈠ 根据1984年世界大地测量系统划定的申请区域边界;", "㈡ 申请区域的海图和坐标表;", "(b) 担保国开具的担保书;", "(c) 使理事会能够确定申请者是否有财政能力执行拟议勘探工作计划的资料;", "(d) 使理事会能够确定申请者是否有技术能力执行拟议勘探工作计划的资料;", "(e) 勘探工作计划;", "(f) 培训方案。", "25. 在介绍情况时,申请者代表应委员会的要求对提供的资料和技术数据作出了澄清。", "五. 审议申请者的财政和技术资格", "A. 财政能力", "26. 委员会在评价申请者的财政能力时注意到,汤加近海采矿有限公司是2008年5月7日在汤加王国组建的,是鹦鹉螺矿业公司在汤加注册的子公司。委员会收到加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚省Avisar会计事务所2011年7月11日的一封信,其中指出申请者有财政资源执行拟议勘探工作计划。按照《规章》第12条第5款(b)项,委员会还收到汤加近海采矿有限公司的母公司鹦鹉螺矿业公司2007至2010年的财务报表。", "B. 技术能力", "27. 委员会收到的技术资料,说明了鹦鹉螺矿业公司以往在挖泥、挖掘和深海采矿技术方面的经验和技能。委员会注意到,申请者的技术团队获益于海底采矿领域领先者的经验。迄今为止,鹦鹉螺矿业公司的活动集中于率先在西南太平洋岛屿诸国的专属经济区进行海底多金属硫化物的商业开发,目前正在准备对巴布亚新几内亚Solwara 1项目的多金属硫化物进行商业开采。", "28. 委员会收到有关防止、减少和控制对海洋环境的危害和可能影响的资料。其中包括一份海洋学和环境基线研究方案的说明,以确保尽量减少勘探活动对海洋环境的影响。另有一项行动计划,以便为防止、减少和控制勘探活动对海洋环境的污染及其他危害采取必要措施。资料还说明了防止、减少和控制污染和其他危害及其对海洋环境可能造成的影响的监测方案和拟议措施。", "六. 审议为请求批准多金属结核勘探工作计划提交的数据和资料", "29. 依照《规章》第18条,申请书中为请求批准勘探工作计划提交的下列资料:", "(a) 拟议勘探方案的一般说明和时间表包括第一个五年期的活动方案,例如对勘探时必须考虑的环境、技术、经济和其他有关因素进行的研究;", "(b) 按照《规章》及管理局制定的环境规则、规章和程序进行的海洋学和环境基线研究方案说明,以便能够根据法律和技术委员会提出的建议,评估拟议勘探活动对环境的潜在影响;", "(c) 拟议勘探活动可能对海洋环境造成的影响的初步评估;", "(d) 拟议为防止、减少和控制对海洋环境的污染和其他危害以及可能造成的影响而采取的措施说明;", "(e) 理事会根据《规章》第12条第1款的要求作出确定所需的数据;", "(f) 第一个五年期活动方案的预期年度支出表。", "30. 委员会对收到的资料达到《规章》的要求感到满意,并指出委员会期待申请者根据《规章》的规定和委员会指导承包者的建议提交报告和数据。", "七. 培训方案", "31. 按照《规章》第27条和附件4第8节,申请者表示,承包者在开始勘探开始之前,将与管理局和汤加王国合作拟定培训方案,并把这些方案提交管理局批准。", "八. 结论和建议", "32. 委员会在审查了申请者提交的本文第二至第七部分概述的细节之后,满意地注意到申请书是依照《规章》妥善提交的,申请者符合《公约》附件三第4条和第9条及《规章》第17条定义的合格申请者。委员会还感到满意的是,申请者:", "(a) 遵守了《规章》的规定;", "(b) 作出了《规章》第14条所规定的承诺和保证;", "(c) 具备执行拟议勘探工作计划的财政和技术能力。", "33. 委员会满意地注意到《规章》第21条第6款所述的条件无一适用。", "34. 关于拟议勘探工作计划,委员会满意地注意到该拟议勘探工作计划将:", "(a) 有效保护人类健康和安全;", "(b) 有效保护和保全海洋环境;", "(c) 确保设施不坐落在可能干扰国际航行必经的公认航道的地点或坐落在捕鱼活动集中的区域。", "35. 因此,依照《规章》第21条第5款,委员会建议理事会核准汤加近海采矿有限公司提交的勘探工作计划。", "附件", "所申请的保留区域大致地点的坐标和地图", "A区A(10 281平方公里)", "太平洋克拉里昂-克利珀顿区保留区块2内的所有海底区域,其边界线从西北角开始:", "纬度 经度", "8.1667 N -152.510 W(起点)", "到 8.1667 N -151.667 W", "到 7.1667 N -151.667 W", "到 7.1667 N -152.510 W", "到 8.1667 N -152.510 W为起点", "B区(9 966平方公里)", "太平洋克拉里昂-克利珀顿区保留区块15内的所有海底区域,其边界线从西北角开始:", "纬度 经度", "14.2900 N -132.800 W(起点)", "到 14.667 N -132.000 W", "到 13.5801 N -132.000 W", "到 13.5801 N -133.200 W", "到 13.8667 N -133.200 W", "到 13.8667 N -132.800 W", "到 14.2900 N -132.800 W为起点", "C区(15 763平方公里)", "太平洋克拉里昂-克利珀顿区保留区块16内的所有海底区域,其边界线从西北角开始:", "纬度 经度", "15.800 N -131.00000 W(起点)", "到 15.800 N -130.00000 W", "到 15.333 N -130.00000 W", "到 15.333 N -129.30000 W", "到 15.500 N -128.58333 W", "到 15.000 N -128.58333 W", "到 15.000 N -131.00000 W", "到 15.800 N -131.00000 W为起点", "D区(15 881平方公里)", "太平洋克拉里昂-克利珀顿区保留区块21内的所有海底区域,其边界线从西北角开始:", "纬度 经度", "14.083333 N -123.583333 W", "到 13.125000 N -123.583333 W", "到 13.125000 N -124.375000 W", "到 13.375000 N -124.375000 W", "到 13.375000 N -125.333300 W", "到 13.750000 N -125.333300 W", "到 13.750000 N -125.000000 W", "到 14.083333 N -125.000000 W", "到 14.083333 N -123.583333 W 为起点", "E区(7 002平方公里)", "太平洋克拉里昂-克利珀顿区保留区块20内的所有海底区域,其边界线从西北角开始:", "纬度 经度", "13.0833 N -125.333 W (起点)", "到 13.0833 N -123.583 W", "到 12.7500 N -123.583 W", "到 12.7500 N -125.333 W", "到 13.0833 N -125.333 W 为起点", "F区(15 820平方公里)", "太平洋克拉里昂-克利珀顿区保留区块25内的所有海底区域,其边界线从西北角开始:", "纬度 经度", "11.083333 N -117.81667 W(起点)", "到 9.895000 N -117.81667 W", "到 9.895000 N -118.91667 W", "到 11.083333 N -118.91667 W", "到 11.083333 N -117.81667 W 为起点", "[]" ]
[ "第十七届会议", "牙买加金斯敦", "2011年7月11日至22日 [1]", "就汤加近海采矿有限公司请求核准多金属结核勘探工作计划的申请向国际海底管理局理事会提出的报告和建议", "法律和技术委员会提交", "一. 导言", "1. 联合国 2008年4月10日,国际海底管理局秘书长收到请求核准 \" 区域 \" 内多金属结核勘探工作计划的申请书。 申请书由汤加近海采矿有限公司根据《 \" 区域 \" 内多金属结核探矿和勘探规章》(ISBA/6/A/18,附件)提交。 该申请涉及总面积74 713平方公里,位于根据1982年《联合国海洋法公约》附件三第八条为管理局保留的区域内。 申请中的保留区域由德意志联邦共和国联邦地球科学与自然资源研究所、深海资源开发有限公司、大韩民国政府和法国开发研究所提供。", "2. 联合国 根据《规章》第20条第1(c)款,秘书长将收到申请书一事通知管理局成员,并分发给他们有关申请书的一般性资料。 秘书长还把对该申请的审议列为法律和技术委员会2008年5月19日至28日会议的一个议程项目。", "3个 委员会获悉,申请者已正式通知秘书长,它打算于2008年4月3日提出申请,请求核准一个保留区域的勘探工作计划。 此后,根据《条例》第17条第1款,秘书长于2008年4月11日向企业部(由企业部临时总干事代理)转交了这一通知,临时总干事就此书面通知秘书长,企业部无意在所申请领域开展活动。", " 4.四. 在这方面,委员会回顾,企业部尚未开始独立于管理局秘书处运作,根据《公约》第170条和《关于执行1994年联合国海洋法公约第十一部分的协定》附件第2节第2段,理事会只处理企业部独立于管理局秘书处的运作问题:(a) 企业部以外的实体核准开发工作计划后;(b) 理事会收到与企业部联合经营的申请后。 在上述任一情况发生之前,管理局秘书处应履行《协定》附件第2节第1段规定的企业部的职能。", "5 (韩语). 委员会于2008年5月21、22、26和27日开会审议该申请书。 由于委员会尚未就向理事会提出的关于该申请的建议达成共识,委员会决定在下次可能的机会继续审议该申请。 这一事项已被列入委员会第十五届会议的议程。 在该届会议上,委员会获悉,申请者在2009年5月5日给管理局法律顾问的一封信中,鉴于全球经济情况和其他关切,请求推迟审议其申请。 委员会适当注意到这一请求,并决定将对该议程项目的进一步审议推迟到另行通知后进行。", "6. 2011年4月28日,汤加近海采矿有限公司向秘书长提交了关于委员会待决申请的最新资料。 该事项随后被提上委员会第十七届会议的议程。", "二. 法律和技术委员会审议申请书的方法", "A. 委员会审议申请书的一般方法", "7. 联合国 在审议申请书时,委员会指出,根据《公约》附件三第六条,首先需要客观确定申请者是否满足了《规章》的要求,特别是关于申请书形式的要求;申请者是否作出了《规章》第14条规定的必要承诺和保证;申请者是否具备必要的财政和技术能力来实施提议的勘探工作计划并(酌情)令人满意地履行了以前同管理局订立的任何合同所规定的义务。 然后,委员会必须根据《规章》第21条第4款及其程序,确定拟议工作计划是否规定有效保护人的健康和安全,有效保护和保全海洋环境,并确保设施不坐落在可能干扰国际航行必经的公认航道的地点或坐落在捕鱼活动集中的区域。 《条例》第21条第5款还规定:", "3. 如果委员会根据第3款作出确定并认定提议的勘探工作计划符合第4款的要求,委员会应建议理事会核准勘探工作计划。", "8. 联合国 在审议拟议多金属结核勘探工作计划时,委员会考虑到《公约》第十一部分和附件三以及《协定》中与 \" 区域 \" 内活动有关的原则、政策和目标。", "B. 第十七届会议对申请的审议", "9. 国家 委员会在2011年7月5日至7日的非公开会议上审议了该申请。 委员会注意到申请者提供的最新资料,以及法律和技术委员会主席2008年5月23日通过秘书长转交的对问题单的书面答复。", "10个 在开始详细审查申请书之前,委员会请申请者代表汤加王国国家经理Paul Taumoepeau在汤加王国副检察长Aminiasi Kefu、土地、勘测和自然资源部Rennie Vaiomounga、Nautilus矿产公司副总裁Michael Johnston和Nautilus矿产公司环境经理Samantha Smith的陪同下提出申请书。 委员会成员然后提问,在召开非公开会议详细审查申请书之前,澄清申请书的某些方面。", "11个 委员会对申请的法律、财政、技术和环境方面进行了详细审查。", "三. 申请书基本资料摘要", "A类. 申请者的身份", "12个 申请者名称:汤加近海采矿有限公司。", "13个 申请者地址:", "(a) 街道地址:汤加王国法塔菲西道库普之家2楼;", "(b) 邮政地址:P.O. Box 893,汤加王国汤加塔普Nuku ' alofa;", "(c) 电话:+676 21 733;", "(d) 传真号码:无;", "(e) 电子邮件地址。", "14. 申请者的指定代表:", "(a) 姓名:保罗·陶莫埃波;", "(b) 地址:汤加王国Nuku ' alofa,Fatafehi道,2楼;", "(c) 电话号码:+676 21 733;", "(d) 传真号码:无;", "(e) 电子邮件地址;", "(f) 申请人的注册地和主要营业地/住所: 汤加王国.", "15个 申请者表示,汤加王国的注册国民是汤加王国的注册国民,在汤加王国管辖范围内注册,由汤加王国有效控制。 TOML是Nautilus矿物公司的一个汤加子公司,该公司通过在加拿大组建的另一独资子公司 -- -- 联合镍矿有限公司 -- -- 持有TOML100%的股份。 根据申请人提供的资料,联合镍矿是一种投资车辆,类似于鹦鹉螺矿业公司使用的其他100%拥有的投资车辆,以保留其各种许可证,使公司能够方便地管理其公司投资。 应委员会的要求,向委员会提供了鹦鹉螺矿业公司公司结构的详细情况。 鹦鹉螺矿物公司的最大股东包括Teck Cominco、Anglo American和Gazmetall。 已经提交了TOML公司注册证书的副本。", "B. 赞助", "16号. 担保国:汤加王国。", "17岁 汤加王国交存1982年《联合国海洋法公约》批准书或加入书的日期和同意受《关于执行〈公约〉第十一部分的协定》约束的日期:1995年8月2日。", "18岁。 担保书日期:2008年3月12日,汤加王国土地、勘测、自然资源和环境大臣图伊塔阁下签署。", " 19. 19. 委员会注意到,该申请由汤加王国提出,并提交了适当形式的担保书,汤加王国据此声明,该申请人受汤加王国的有效控制,并宣布该国根据《公约》第一三九条、第一五三条第4款和附件三第四条第4款承担责任。 在陈述中,汤加王国代表在答复委员会提出的问题时也表示,汤加王国打算通过法律和规章,并打算在其法律制度框架内采取行政措施,以确保在其管辖下的申请人遵守规定。", "C. 适用范围", "20号. 汤加近海采矿有限公司的申请区域总面积为74 713平方千米,位于太平洋克拉里昂-克利珀顿区。 区域位于保留区域之内,分为六个区域: 区域 A区位于第2区之内,面积为10,281平方千米; B区位于第15区之内,面积为9,966平方千米; C区位于第16区之内,面积为15,763平方千米; D区位于第21区之内,面积为15,881平方千米; E区位于第20区之内,面积为7,002平方千米; F区位于第25区之内,面积为15,820平方千米. 申请区域的坐标和一般位置见本文件附件。", "D类. 其他资料", "21岁 收到申请日期:2008年4月10日。", "22号. 以前同管理局签订的合同:申请者以前没有同管理局签订任何合同。", "23. 联合国 承诺:申请者提交了汤加近海采矿有限公司国家经理保罗·陶莫埃波2011年4月28日签署的书面承诺,表示将遵守《条例》第14条。", "四、结 论 审查申请者提交的资料和技术数据", "24 (韩语). 申请书中提交了下列技术文件:", "(a) 关于申请区域的资料:", "(一) 根据1984年世界大地测量系统所申请区域的边界;", "(二) 所申请区域的海图和坐标表;", "(b) 担保国签发的担保书;", "(c) 使理事会能确定申请者是否有财政能力执行提议的勘探工作计划的资料;", "(d) 使理事会能确定申请者是否有技术能力执行提议的勘探工作计划的资料;", "(e) 勘探工作计划;", "(f) 培训方案。", "25岁 申请方代表在陈述中按照委员会的要求澄清了所提供的资料和技术数据。", " V. 审议申请者的财务和技术资格", "A类. 财政能力", "26. 联合国 在评价申请者的财政能力时,委员会注意到汤加近海采矿有限公司于2008年5月7日在汤加王国成立,是Nautilus矿产公司的一个汤加子公司。 委员会收到加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚省Avisar特许会计师公司2011年7月11日的来信,信中称申请者有执行拟议勘探工作计划的财政资源。 根据《规章》第12条第5(b)款,还向委员会提供了汤加近海采矿有限公司母公司鹦鹉螺矿业公司2007年至2010年的财务报表。", "B. 技术能力", "27个 委员会获得了与鹦鹉螺矿业公司以往在疏浚、挖掘技术和深海采矿技术方面的经验和技能有关的技术资料。 委员会注意到,申请者的技术小组受益于海底采矿领域领导人的经验。 迄今为止,鹦鹉螺的活动侧重于在西南太平洋岛屿国家专属经济区内开拓海底多金属硫化物的商业开发,目前正在为在巴布亚新几内亚的索尔瓦拉一号项目上进行多金属硫化物的商业开采作准备。", "28岁 委员会获得了有关预防、减少和控制危害以及可能对海洋环境造成的影响的资料。 这包括说明一项海洋学和环境基线研究方案的计划,以确保勘探活动对海洋环境的影响最小。 它附上一项行动计划,以采取必要措施,防止、减少和控制勘探活动对海洋环境造成的污染和其他危害。 报告还介绍了监测方案以及为防止、减少和控制污染和其他危害及其可能对海洋环境造成的影响而提出的措施。", "六、结 论 审议为核准多金属结核勘探工作计划而提交的数据和资料", "29. 国家 根据《规章》第18条,申请书中包括下列请求核准勘探工作计划的资料:", "(a) 关于提议的勘探方案的一般说明和时间表,包括未来五年的活动方案,例如就勘探时必须考虑的环境、技术、经济和其他有关因素进行的研究;", "(b) 关于按照《规章》和管理局制定的环境规则、规章和程序进行的海洋学和环境基线研究方案的说明,以便能够根据法律和技术委员会提出的建议,评估提议的勘探活动对环境的潜在影响;", "(c) 关于拟议勘探活动可能对海洋环境造成的影响的初步评估;", "(d) 关于为防止、减少和控制对海洋环境的污染和其他危害以及可能造成的影响而提议的措施的说明;", "(e) 理事会根据《规章》第12条第1款作出决定所需的数据;", "(f) 未来五年活动方案的预期年度支出表。", "30岁。 委员会感到满意的是,所提供的资料符合《规章》的要求,并指出委员会期待申请者按照《规章》和委员会关于指导承包者的建议的要求提交报告和数据。", "页:1 培训方案", "31岁 根据《规章》第27条和附件4第8节,申请者表示,在开始勘探之前,承包者将同管理局和汤加王国合作拟订训练方案并提交管理局核准。", "第八编. 结论和建议", "32. 联合国 委员会在审查了本文件第二节至第七节概述的申请者所提交的细节之后,满意地认为,该申请书已按照《规章》的规定提交,而且申请者是《公约》附件三、第4条和第9条以及《规章》第17条意义内的合格申请者。 委员会还感到满意的是,申请者:", "(a) 国家 遵守了《规章》的规定;", "(b) 国家 作出了《规章》第14条规定的承诺和保证;", "(c) 有执行提议的勘探工作计划的财政和技术能力。", "33. (中文(简体) ). 委员会感到满意的是,《规章》第21条第6款中的条件均不适用。", "34. 国家 关于提议的勘探工作计划,委员会感到满意的是,提议的勘探工作计划将:", "(a) 有效保护人体健康和安全;", "(b) 有效保护和保全海洋环境;", "(c) 确保设施不坐落在可能干扰国际航行必经的公认航道的地点或坐落在捕鱼活动集中的区域。", "35. 联合国 因此,根据《规章》第21条第5款,委员会建议理事会核准汤加近海采矿有限公司提交的勘探工作计划。", "页:1", "所申请保留区域的坐标表和一般位置地图", "A区(10 281平方公里)", "太平洋克拉里昂-克利珀顿区保留区块2内所有海底区域,从西北角起以一条线为界,地点:", "纬度\n8.1667N -152.510 (韩语). W(起点)\n改为8.1667N -151.667 W级\n改为7.1667N -151.667 W级\n改为7.1667N -152.510 W级\n改为8.1667N -152.510 W 是启动点", "B区(9 966平方公里)", "太平洋克拉里昂-克利珀顿区保留区块15内所有海底区域,从西北角起以一条线为界:", "纬度\n14.2900N -132.800 (英语). W(起点)\n然后改为14.667N -132.000 W级\n改为13.5801N - 132.000 W级\n然后改为13.5801N -133.200 W级\n然后改为13.8667N -133.200 W级\n改为13.8667N -132.800 W级\n改为14.2900N -132.800 W 是启动点", "C区(15 763平方公里)", "太平洋克拉里昂-克利珀顿区保留区块16内所有海底区域,以从西北角起的一条线为界:", "纬度\n15.800N - 131.00000 (英语). W(起点)\n改为15.800N - 130.00000 W级\n改为15.333N-130.00000 W级\n改为15.333N -129.30000 W级\n改为15.500N -128.58333 W级\n改为15.000N -128.58333 W级\n改为15.000N -131.00000 W级\n改为15.800N - 131.00000 W 是启动点", "D区(15 881平方公里)", "太平洋克拉里昂-克利珀顿区保留区块21内的所有海底区域,以一条从西北角起的线为界:", "纬度\n14.083333°N -123.583333 (英语). W级\n至 13.125000N - 123.583333 W\n然后改为13.125000N -124.375000 W级\n改为13.375000N -124.375000 W级\n改为13.375000N -125.333300 W级\n改为13.750 000N -125.333300 W级\n改为13.750 000N -125.000 000 W级\n至14.083333°N - 125.000克瓦\n改为14.083333°N -123.58333; W 是启动点", "E区(7 002平方公里)", "太平洋克拉里昂-克利珀顿区保留区块20内的所有海底区域,从西北角起以一条线为界:", "纬度\n13.0833°N -125.333 (英语). W(起点)\n改为13.0833-123.583 W级\n改为12.7500N -123.583 W级\n至 12.7500N - 125.333 W级\n改为13.0833-125.333 W 是启动点", "F区(15 820平方公里)", "太平洋克拉里昂-克利珀顿区保留区块25内的所有海底区域,以从西北角起的一条线为界:", "纬度\n11.083333°N -117.81667 (英语). W(起点)\n然后改为9.895000N -117.81667 W级\n然后改为9.895000N -118.91667 W级\n至 11.083333N -118.91667 W\n至 11.083333N -117.81667 (中文(简体) ). W 是启动点", "[]", "[1] * 由于技术原因于2011年11月23日重新印发." ]
[ "Official communiqué of the 6578th (closed) meeting of the Security Council", "Held in private at Headquarters, New York, on Monday, 11 July 2011, at 9 a.m.", "In accordance with rule 55 of the provisional rules of procedure of the Security Council, the following communiqué was issued through the Secretary-General in place of a verbatim record:", "“On 11 July 2011, the Security Council, pursuant to annex II, sections A and B of resolution 1353 (2001), held its 6578th meeting in private with the troop- and police-contributing countries to the United Nations Operation in Côte d’Ivoire.", "“The Security Council and the troop- and police-contributing countries heard a briefing under rule 39 of its provisional rules of procedure by Mr. Edmond Mulet, Assistant Secretary-General for Peacekeeping Operations.", "“Members of the Council, Mr. Mulet, and representatives of participating contributing countries had an exchange of views.”" ]
[ "安全理事会第6578次(闭门)会议正式公报", "2011年7月11日星期一上午9时在纽约总部非公开举行", "根据安全理事会暂行议事规则第55条的规定,谨通过秘书长发表以下公报以代替逐字记录:", "“2011年7月11日,安全理事会依照第1353(2001)号决议附件二A和B节的规定,与联合国科特迪瓦行动部队及警察派遣国非公开举行了第6578次会议。", "“根据安全理事会暂行议事规则第39条,安全理事会和部队及警察派遣国听取了主管维和行动助理秘书长埃德蒙·穆莱特先生所作的通报。", "“安理会成员、穆莱特先生和与会派遣国的代表交流了意见。”" ]
[ "安全理事会第6578次(闭门)会议正式公报", "2011年7月11日星期一上午9时在纽约总部非公开举行", "根据安全理事会暂行议事规则第55条的规定,谨通过秘书长发表下列公报以代替逐字记录:", "“2011年7月11日,安全理事会依照第1353(2001)号决议附件二A和B节的规定,同联合国科特迪瓦行动部队和警察派遣国非公开举行了第6578次会议。", "“安全理事会及部队和警察派遣国根据安理会暂行议事规则第39条,听取了主管维持和平行动助理秘书长埃德蒙德·穆莱特先生的简报。", "“安理会成员、穆莱特先生和与会的派遣国代表交换了意见。 “" ]
[ "General Assembly Security Council Sixty-fifth session Sixty-sixth year \n Agenda items 34, 39, 66 and 75 Protracted conflicts in the GUAMarea and their implications forinternational peace, security anddevelopment The situation in the occupiedterritories of Azerbaijan Elimination of racism, racialdiscrimination,xenophobia and related intolerance \nResponsibility of States forinternationallywrongful acts", "Letter dated 8 July 2011 from the Permanent Representative of Armenia to the United Nations addressed to the Secretary-General", "Upon instructions received from my Government, I have the honour to draw your attention to the continuing violations of the ceasefire regime by the Azerbaijani armed forces on the line of contact between Azerbaijan and the Nagorno Karabakh Republic, recorded for the month of June 2011 (see annex).", "These provocative actions contradict the spirit of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) Minsk Group negotiation process, all previous statements made by the presidents of the countries co-chairing the OSCE Minsk Group, France, the Russian Federation and the United States of America, as well as basic international documents, such as the Charter of the United Nations and the Helsinki Final Act.", "The Azerbaijani Government and President Ilham Aliyev himself have been developing and implementing a large-scale propaganda campaign, disseminating racial hatred and prejudice against Armenians, as well as the ongoing violations of the ceasefire agreement of May 1994. Such behaviour by the Azerbaijani authorities is creating a serious threat to regional peace and stability.", "War propaganda by Azerbaijan and calls for a military solution to the Nagorno-Karabakh issue have been explicitly voiced lately at various levels, including at the highest level. The fact of the president of the country boasting about its enormous military budget and capacity is nothing but an immoral show of that country’s war-mongering appetite: something totally unacceptable in the family of United Nations, and worthy only of condemnation in the strongest possible terms. Neither the use of force nor the threat of use of force can be tolerated.", "These malignant actions of Azerbaijani authorities are obvious violations of Azerbaijan’s obligations under international instruments, including main provisions of United Nations, OSCE and Council of Europe basic documents prohibiting war propaganda and aggression.", "Azerbaijan disseminates anti-Armenian propaganda through all possible means. The civil society is largely executing the President’s political orders and commands by directly engaging in anti-Armenian propaganda, while the Azerbaijani Government distributes special grants for so-called “dissemination of truth about Azerbaijan” and other related activities. The President of Azerbaijan also actively uses certain “non-academic” academic circles, which have launched systematic work on the distortion and re-writing of historic facts.", "Moreover, Azerbaijan’s propaganda nowadays is directed not only at Nagorno Karabakh, but also at the Republic of Armenia. Azerbaijan’s falsification of the history and historic facts has encompassed vast areas of Armenia’s history.", "Azerbaijan’s anti-Armenian policy also manifests itself in the form of vandalism against Armenian cultural and historic heritage in the lands that were historically populated by Armenians. The most recent horrific case was the barbaric destruction of the famous medieval cemetery of the ancient Armenian town of Jugha (Julfa) in the present day Autonomous Republic of Nakhijevan. In 2005, the Azerbaijani soldiers, at the direct command of the Government in Baku and in blatant violation of internationally assumed obligations, demolished the medieval cemetery of Jugha (Julfa). Thousands of Armenian medieval unique cross-stones (khachkars) were demolished by the Azerbaijani army in a deliberate attempt to erase Armenian traces and memories from this Armenian historic site.", "The European Commission against Racism and Intolerance has underlined that all the political parties in Azerbaijan must take a firm stance against all forms of racism, discrimination and xenophobia and convey a clear political message in favour of diversity and pluralism; they must also avoid addressing issues of relevance to the Armenians in a negative light (see document CRI(2011)19: ECRI REPORT ON AZERBAIJAN (fourth monitoring cycle), adopted on 23 March 2011, and published on 31 May 2011).", "In the meantime, additional concerns are raised by the fact that the Azerbaijani leadership has made it clear that it is not going to change its above-mentioned approaches; on the contrary, the anti-Armenian propaganda is becoming more and more an essential part of Azerbaijan’s foreign policy, as has been lately evidenced by the President’s statements during the Armed Forces Day parade on 26 June 2011, and at the World Azerbaijani Congress, on 5 July 2011.", "Armenia is committed to continuing the negotiations on the Nagorno-Karabakh issue under the auspices of the OSCE Minsk Group, which remains an effective and the only internationally mandated format to carry on the mediation efforts. We believe that it is high time for Azerbaijan to realize that it should stop obstructing the work of the mediators, and instead of circulating groundless and offensive letters and/or data, it should concentrate on the ongoing negotiation process.", "However, we have also come to the conclusion that Azerbaijan and the majority of its leadership, in their blind hatred for anything Armenian, are unable to, or cannot, see the only and realistic way forward: peaceful negotiations and a political solution based on non-use of force, self-determination and territorial integrity, putting the human rights of the people of Nagorno Karabakh as the top priority. Otherwise, we will have an unending flow of senile, absurd and ludicrous letters that go against any kind of human logic and recorded history or facts, the dissemination of which has become a common practice of Azerbaijan.", "I should be grateful if you would have the present letter and its annex circulated as a document of the General Assembly, under agenda items 34, 39, 66 and 75, and of the Security Council.", "(Signed) Garen Nazarian Ambassador Permanent Representative", "Annex to the letter dated 8 July 2011 from the Permanent Representative of Armenia to the United Nations addressed to the Secretary-General", "Violations of the ceasefire by the armed forces of the Republic of Azerbaijan from 1 June 2011 to 1 July 2011", "Firing\n From Azerbaijani side", "No. Direction Date/time Type of weapon Ammunition", "1. Barekamavan 01.06.11 AK 5 17.50", "2. Barekamavan 01.06.11 AK 5 17.50", "3. Agarak 01.06.11 AK 3 22.20", "4. Bardzruni 02.06.11 AK 7 23.05", "5. Bardzruni 02.06.11 AK 5 23.05", "6. Laligyukh 03.06.11 SVD 3 21.55", "7. Barekamavan 04.06.11 PK 2 00.05", "8. Vahan 04.06.11 Sniper weapon 10 07.10 12.7 mm", "9. Aygepar 04.06.11 AK 2 23.00", "10. Chinari 05.06.11 Sniper weapon 1 17.00 12.7 mm", "11. Vazashen 05.06.11 AK 2 08.50", "12. Jil 06.06.11 PK 200 18.55", "13. Jil 06.06.11 AK 300 18.55", "14. Berdavan 06.06.11 AK 17 23.50", "15. Berdavan 07.06.11 AK 65 00.55", "16. Chinari 07.06.11 SVD 15 16.00", "17. Movses 07.06.11 AK 3 19.45", "18. Berdavan 07.06.11 SVD 4 22.30", "19. Mehrab 09.06.11 AK 15 00.30", "20. Movses 08.06.11 AK 5 20.55", "21. Movses 08.06.11 AK 6 20.55", "22. Movses 08.06.11 AK 4 21.30", "23. Movses 08.06.11 AK 4 21.30", "24. N. Karmirakhbyur 08.06.11 AK 37 14.45", "25. N. Karmirakhbyur 08.06.11 PK 63 14.45", "26. Voskevan 08.06.11 AK 4 14.05", "27. N. Karmirakhbyur 09.06.11 AK 15 08.55", "28. Aygepar 09.06.11 AK 12 11.50", "29. Aygepar 09.06.11 AK 20 11.50", "30. Voskepar 09.06.11 SVD 5 20.30", "31. Voskepar 09.06.11 PK 20 20.30", "32. Sevakavan 09.06.11 SVD 4 22.00", "33. Sevakavan 09.06.11 PK 10 22.00", "34. Berqaber 10.06.11 AK 2 21.30", "35. Vazashen 11.06.11 SVD 1 12.30", "36. Vazashen 11.06.11 AK 15 19.40", "37. Voskevan 13.06.11 AK 4 02.40", "38. Eraskhavan 13.06.11 AK 4 00.25", "39. Agarak 12.06.11 AK 5 15.25", "40. Voskevan 14.06.11 AK 3 15.15", "41. Vazashen 15.06.11 AK 5 10.50", "42. Bardzruni 15.06.11 SVD 10 15.00", "43. Bardzruni 15.06.11 AK 5 15.00", "44. Bardzruni 15.06.11 SVD 2 16.45", "45. Bardzruni 15.06.11 AK 3 16.45", "46. Bardzruni 16.06.11 AK 15 00.30", "47. Bardzruni 16.06.11 AK 20 00.35", "48. Agarak 15.06.11 AK 2 22.20", "49. Agarak 16.06.11 SVD 4 01.50", "50. Agarak 16.06.11 AK 30 01.50", "51. Berqaber 16.06.11 SVD 5 14.20", "52. Berqaber 16.06.11 RPK 6 14.20", "53. Bardzruni 16.06.11 SVD 5 09.30", "54. Bardzruni 16.06.11 RPK 24 11.20", "55. Bardzruni 16.06.11 PK 30 11.20", "56. Bardzruni 16.06.11 PK 20 22.40", "57. Bardzruni 16.06.11 SVD 5 22.40", "58. Chinari 19.06.11 AK 6 23.30", "59. Chinari 19.06.11 AK 3 23.30", "60. Chinari 19.06.11 AK 7 23.30", "61. Voskevan 20.06.11 AK 5 19.20", "62. Eraskh 20.06.11 AK 1 16.25", "63. Bardzruni 20.06.11 AK 4 15.30", "64. Mehrab 21.06.11 PK 40 10.00", "65. Barekamavan 22.06.11 PK 50 02.20", "66. Barekamavan 22.06.11 AK 50 02.20", "67. Khndzorut 21.06.11 AK 4 21.20", "68. Berdavan 22.06.11 AK 6 19.25", "69. Berdavan 22.06.11 AK 20 22.30", "70. Vazashen 25.06.11 AK 10 00.30", "71. Berqaber 25.06.11 SVD 2 13.20", "72. Berqaber 25.06.11 PK 4 13.20", "73. Berqaber 25.06.11 SVD 1 13.20", "74. Vazashen 25.06.11 AK 3 16.20", "75. Vazashen 25.06.11 AK 10 16.20", "76. Vazashen 26.06.11 SVD 3 22.20", "77. Aygepar 28.06.11 AK 1 00.05", "78. Chinari 29.06.11 AK 70 01.10", "The violations of the ceasefire by the armed forces of the Republic of Azerbaijan on the borderline of Armenia from 1 June 2011 to 1 July 2011:", "Number of violations: 78", "Shots: about 1,328", "PK: (439), RPK: (30), SVD: (69), sniper weapon 12.7 mm: (11), machine gun 12.7 mm: (44), AK: (849).", "The violations of the ceasefire by the armed forces of the Republic of Azerbaijan on the borderline of Nagorno Karabakh from 1 June 2011 to 1 July 2011:", "Number of violations: 987", "Shots: about 4,756", "PK: (881), RPK: (5), SVD: (451), machine gun 12.7 mm: (15), sniper weapon 12.7 mm: (11), UTYOS-12.7 mm: (20), AK: (3373)." ]
[ "大 会 安全理事会", "第六十五届会议 第六十六年", "议程项目34、39、66和75", "古阿姆集团地区旷日持久的冲突及其 对国际和平、安全与发展的影响", "被占领阿塞拜疆领土的局势", "消除种族主义、种族歧视、仇外心理和 相关不容忍行为", "国家对国际不法行为的责任", "2011年7月8日亚美尼亚常驻联合国代表给秘书长的信", "奉我国政府指示,谨提请你注意2011年6月期间阿塞拜疆共和国武装部队在阿塞拜疆和纳戈尔诺-卡拉巴赫共和国之间的接触线持续违反停火的情况(见附件)。", "这些挑衅行为违背了欧洲安全与合作组织(欧安组织)明斯克小组谈判进程的精神、欧安组织明斯克小组共同主席国法国、俄罗斯联邦和美利坚合众国总统以前发表的所有声明以及《联合国宪章》和赫尔辛基最后文件等基本国际文件。", "阿塞拜疆政府和总统伊利哈姆·利耶夫本人一直在策划和开展大规模宣传运动,散布对亚美尼亚人的种族仇恨和歧视,同时持续违反1994年5月签订的停火协定。阿塞拜疆当局的这种行动是对区域和平与稳定的严重威胁。", "阿塞拜疆的最高级领导和各级人员最近都公然进行战争宣传,呼吁用军事手段解决纳戈尔诺-卡拉巴赫问题。该国总统鼓吹其军事预算庞大,能力强,这只能说明该国在不道德地显示其的战争贩子欲望:这是联合国大家庭所完全不能接受的,只能遭到最强烈的谴责。使用武力或以武力相威胁都是不可容忍的。", "阿塞拜疆当局的这些恶劣行径显然违反了国际文书规定的阿塞拜疆的各项义务,违反了联合国、欧安组织和欧洲委员会禁止战争宣传和侵略的基本文件的重要规定。", "阿塞拜疆利用一切可能手段进行反亚美尼亚宣传。民间社会也大肆执行总统的政令和命令,直接参与反亚美尼亚的宣传,阿塞拜疆政府则为所谓的“宣传有关阿塞拜疆的真相”和其他相关活动拨特出别补助金。阿塞拜疆总统还积极利用某些“非学术性”的学术机构,由这些机构大打出手,歪曲和篡改历史事实。", "此外,阿塞拜疆的宣传现在不仅针对纳戈尔诺-卡拉巴赫,而且还针对亚美尼亚共和国。阿塞拜疆捏造的历史和历史事实已涵盖亚美尼亚历史很多方面。", "阿塞拜疆的反亚美尼亚政策还表现为破坏历史上亚美尼亚人居住土地上的亚美尼亚文化和历史遗产。最近一个耸人听闻的案例是野蛮摧毁今天位于纳希切万自治共和国的亚美尼亚古代城镇Jugha(Julfa)的著名中世纪墓地。2005年,阿塞拜疆士兵在巴库政府的直接指挥下拆毁了Jugha(Julfa)的中世纪墓地,这公然违反了阿塞拜疆应承担的国际义务。阿塞拜疆军队拆毁了成千上万亚美尼亚中世纪特有的十字石(khachkars)故意企图抹去这一亚美尼亚历史遗址上的亚美尼亚痕迹和记忆。", "欧洲反对种族主义和不容忍委员会强调,阿塞拜疆所有政党必须坚决反对一切形式的种族主义、歧视和仇外心理,并表达支持多样化和多元化的明确政治信息;阿塞拜疆所有政党还必须避免以负面方式对待与亚美尼亚人相关的问题(见CRI(2011)19号文件:欧洲反对种族主义和不容忍委员会关于阿塞拜疆问题的报告(第四个监测周期),2011年3月23日通过,2011年5月31日印发)。", "与此同时,阿塞拜疆领导人明确表示不会改变上述做法,相反,正如阿塞拜疆总统最近在2011年6月26日的武装部队日游行时的讲话和2011年7月5日在世界阿塞拜疆人大会上的讲话所证明,反亚美尼亚宣传正日益成为阿塞拜疆外交政策的基本组成部分,这一事实也引发了其他关切问题。", "亚美尼亚致力于在欧安组织明斯克小组的主持下继续就纳戈尔诺-卡拉巴赫问题进行谈判,明斯克小组依然是唯一获国际授权开展调解工作的机构,是有效架构。我们认为,阿塞拜疆现在必须认识到,不要阻碍调解员的工作,也不要散发毫无根据和挑衅性的信件和(或资料),而是把精力集中在进行中的谈判进程。", "但我们也得出结论认为,阿塞拜疆及其大多数领导人盲目地憎恨亚美尼亚的一切无法看到解决问题的唯一现实途径,即在不使用武力、自决和领土完整的前提下,在首先考虑纳戈尔诺-卡拉巴赫人人权的情况下,通过和平谈判找到政治解决办法。否则,我们将不断收到毫无罗辑、歪曲历史事实、无理性、荒谬可笑的信件,而散布这些信件已成为阿塞拜疆的一个惯常做法。", "请将本函及其附件作为大会议程项目34、39、66、75的文件和安全理事会的文件分发为荷。", "常驻代表", "大使", "加伦·纳扎里安(签名)", "2011年7月8日亚美尼亚常驻联合国代表给秘书长的信的附件", "2011年6月1日至7月1日阿塞拜疆共和国武装部队违反停火情况", "编号\t(方向)\t日期/时间\t开枪射击\t\n 从阿塞拜疆一侧\t\n 武器类型 弹药 \n1.\tBarekamavan\t2011年6月1日17时50分\tAK步枪\t5\n2.\tBarekamavan\t2011年6月1日17时50分\tAK步枪\t5\n3.\tAgarak\t2011年6月1日22时20分\tAK步枪\t3\n4.\tBardzruni\t2011年6月2日23时05分\tAK步枪\t7\n5.\tBardzruni\t2011年6月2日23时05分\tAK步枪\t5\n6.\tLaligyukh\t2011年6月3日21时55分\tSVD狙击步枪\t3\n7.\tBarekamavan\t2011年6月4日00时05分\tPK步枪\t2\n8.\tVahan\t2011年6月4日07时10分\t12.7毫米狙击武器\t10\n9.\tAygepar\t2011年6月4日23时00分\tAK步枪\t2\n10.\tChinari\t2011年6月5日17时00分\t12.7毫米狙击武器\t1\n11.\tVazashen\t2011年6月5日08时50分\tAK步枪\t2\n12.\tJil\t2011年6月6日18时55分\tPK步枪\t200\n13.\tJil\t2011年6月6日18时55分\tAK步枪\t300\n14.\tBerdavan\t2011年6月6日23时50分\tAK步枪\t17\n15.\tBerdavan\t2011年6月7日00时55分\tAK步枪\t65\n16、\tChinari\t2011年6月7日16时00分\tSVD狙击步枪\t15\n17.\tMovses\t2011年6月7日19时45分\tAK步枪\t3\n18.\tBerdavan\t2011年6月7日22时30分\tSVD狙击步枪\t4\n19.\tMehrab\t2011年6月9日00时30分\tAK步枪\t15\n20.\tMovses\t2011年6月8日20时55分\tAK步枪\t5\n21.\tMovses\t2011年6月8日20时55分\tAK步枪\t6\n22.\tMovses\t2011年6月8日21时30分\tAK步枪\t4\n23.\tMovses\t2011年6月8日21时30分\tAK步枪\t4\n24.\tN.Karmirakhbyur\t2011年6月8日14时45分\tAK步枪\t37\n25.\tN.Karmirakhbyur\t2011年6月8日14时45分\tPK步枪\t63\n26.\tVoskevan\t2011年6月8日14时05分\tAK步枪\t4\n27.\tN.Karmirakhbyur\t2011年6月9日08时55分\tAK步枪\t15\n28.\tAygepar\t2011年6月9日11时50分\tAK步枪\t12\n29.\tAygepar\t2011年6月9日11时50分\tAK步枪\t20\n30.\tVoskepar\t2011年6月9日20时30分\tSVD狙击步枪\t5\n31.\tVoskepar\t2011年6月9日20时30分\tPK步枪\t20\n32.\tSevakavan\t2011年6月9日22时00分\tSVD狙击步枪\t4\n33.\tSevakavan\t2011年6月9日22时00分\tPK步枪\t10\n34.\tBerqaber\t2011年6月10日21时30分\tAK步枪\t2\n35.\tVazashen\t2011年6月11日12时30分\tSVD狙击步枪\t1\n36.\tVazashen\t2011年6月11日19时40分\tAK步枪\t15\n37.\tVoskevan\t2011年6月13日02时40分\tAK步枪\t4\n38.\tEraskhavan\t2011年6月13日00时25分\tAK步枪\t4\n39.\tAgarak\t2011年6月12日15时25分\tAK步枪\t5\n40.\tVoskevan\t2011年6月14日15时15分\tAK步枪\t3\n41.\tVazashen\t2011年6月15日10时50分\tAK步枪\t5\n42.\tBardzruni\t2011年6月15日15时00分\tSVD狙击步枪\t10\n43.\tBardzruni\t2011年6月15日15时00分\tAK步枪\t5\n44.\tBardzruni\t2011年6月15日18时45分\tSVD狙击步枪\t2\n45.\tBardzruni\t2011年6月15日16时45分\tAK步枪\t3\n46.\tBardzruni\t2011年6月16日00时30分\tAK步枪\t15\n47.\tBardzruni\t2011年6月16日00时35分\tAK步枪\t20\n48.\tAgarak\t2011年6月15日22时20分\tAK步枪\t2\n49.\tAgarak\t2011年6月16日01时50分\tSVD狙击步枪\t4\n50.\tAgarak\t2011年6月16日01时50分\tAK步枪\t30\n51.\tBerqaber\t2011年6月16日14时20分\tSVD狙击步枪\t5\n52.\tBerqaber\t2011年6月16日14时20分\tRPK步枪\t6\n53.\tBardzruni\t2011年6月16日09时30分\tSVD狙击步枪\t5\n54.\tBardzruni\t2011年6月16日11时20分\tRPK步枪\t24\n55.\tBardzruni\t2011年6月16日11时20分\tPK步枪\t30\n56.\tBardzruni\t2011年6月16日22时40分\tPK步枪\t20\n57.\tBardzruni\t2011年6月16日22时40分\tSVD狙击步枪\t5\n58.\tChinari\t2011年6月19日23时30分\tAK步枪\t6\n59.\tChinari\t2011年6月19日23时30分\tAK步枪\t3\n60.\tChinari\t2011年6月19日23时30分\tAK步枪\t7\n61.\tVoskevan\t2011年6月20日19时20分\tAK步枪\t5\n62.\tEraskh\t2011年6月20日16时25分\tAK步枪\t1\n63.\tBardzruni\t2011年6月20日15时30分\tAK步枪\t4\n64.\tMehrab\t2011年6月21日10时00分\tPK步枪\t40\n65.\tBarekamavan\t2011年6月22日02时20分\tPK步枪\t50\n66.\tBarekamavan\t2011年6月22日02时20分\tAK步枪\t50\n67.\tKhndzorut\t2011年6月21日21时20分\tAK步枪\t4\n68.\tBerdavan\t2011年6月22日19时25分\tAK步枪\t6\n69.\tBerdavan\t2011年6月22日22时30分\tAK步枪\t20\n70.\tVazashen\t2011年6月25日00时30分\tAK步枪\t10\n71.\tBerqaber\t2011年6月25日13时20分\tSVD狙击步枪\t2\n72.\tBerqaber\t2011年6月25日13时20分\tPK步枪\t4\n73.\tBerqaber\t2011年6月25日13时20分\tSVD狙击步枪\t1\n74.\tVazashen\t2011年6月25日16时20分\tAK步枪\t3\n75.\tVazashen\t2011年6月25日16时20分\tAK步枪\t10\n76.\tVazashen\t2011年6月26日22时20分\tSVD狙击步枪\t3\n77.\tAygepar\t2011年6月28日00时05分\tAK步枪\t1\n78.\tChinari\t2011年6月29日01时10分\tAK步枪\t70", "2011年6月1日至7月1日期间阿塞拜疆共和国武装部队在亚美尼亚边境的违反停火情况: 违反次数:78次 开枪射击:约1 328次 PK步枪:(439次)、RPK步枪:(30次)、SVD狙击步枪:(69次)、12.7毫米狙击武器:(11次)、12.7毫米机枪:(44次)、AK步枪:(849次)。", "2011年6月1日至7月1日期间阿塞拜疆共和国武装部队在纳戈尔诺-卡拉巴赫边境的违反停火情况: 违反次数:987次 开枪射击:约4 756次 K步枪:(881次)、RPK步枪:(5次)、SVD狙击步枪:(451次)、12.7毫米机枪:(15次)、12.7毫米狙击武器:(11次)、12.7毫米UTYOS机枪:(20次)、AK步枪(3 373次)。" ]
[ "安全理事会 第六十五届会议\n议程项目34、39、66和75 古阿姆集团地区旷日持久的冲突及其对国际和平、安全与发展的影响 消除种族主义、种族歧视、仇外心理和相关不容忍行为\n国家对国际不法行为的责任", "2011年7月8日亚美尼亚常驻联合国代表给秘书长的信", "奉我国政府指示,谨提请你注意2011年6月记录的阿塞拜疆武装部队在阿塞拜疆与纳戈尔诺-卡拉巴赫共和国之间接触线上继续违反停火制度的情况(见附件)。", "这些挑衅行动违背了欧洲安全与合作组织(欧安组织)明斯克小组谈判进程的精神、欧安组织明斯克小组共同主席国法国、俄罗斯联邦和美利坚合众国总统以前的所有声明以及《联合国宪章》和《赫尔辛基最后文件》等基本国际文件。", "阿塞拜疆政府和伊利哈姆·阿利耶夫总统本人一直在制定和实施一场大规模的宣传运动,传播对亚美尼亚人的种族仇恨和偏见,并持续违反1994年5月的停火协定。 阿塞拜疆当局的这种行为正在对区域和平与稳定构成严重威胁。", "阿塞拜疆的战争宣传以及要求以军事手段解决纳戈尔诺-卡拉巴赫问题的呼吁最近在各级,包括在最高一级都得到明确表达。 该国总统夸耀其庞大的军事预算和能力,这只不过是该国战争霸道口味的不道德表现:这是联合国大家庭中完全不能接受的,只应受到最强烈的谴责。 不能容忍使用武力或威胁使用武力。", "阿塞拜疆当局的这些恶行显然违反了阿塞拜疆根据国际文书承担的义务,包括联合国、欧安组织和欧洲委员会禁止战争宣传和侵略的基本文件的主要规定。", "阿塞拜疆通过一切可能的手段传播反亚美尼亚的宣传。 民间社会主要执行总统的政治命令和命令,直接从事反亚美尼亚的宣传,而阿塞拜疆政府则为所谓的 \" 阿塞拜疆真相传播 \" 和其他相关活动提供特别赠款。 阿塞拜疆总统还积极利用某些“非学术”学术界,这些学术界就歪曲和重写历史事实开展了系统的工作。", "此外,阿塞拜疆现在的宣传不仅针对纳戈尔诺-卡拉巴赫,而且也针对亚美尼亚共和国。 阿塞拜疆篡改历史和历史事实已涵盖亚美尼亚历史上的广大地区。", "阿塞拜疆的反亚美尼亚政策也表现为在亚美尼亚人历史上居住的土地上破坏亚美尼亚文化和历史遗产。 最近发生的一起骇人听闻的事件是,亚美尼亚古老城镇Jugha (Julfa)的中世纪著名墓地被野蛮地摧毁了。 2005年,阿塞拜疆士兵在巴库政府的直接指挥下,公然违反国际义务,拆毁了中世纪的Jugha公墓(Julfa)。 数千个亚美尼亚中世纪独特的十字石被阿塞拜疆军队拆毁,企图从这个亚美尼亚历史遗址上抹去亚美尼亚的痕迹和记忆。", "欧洲反对种族主义和不容忍委员会强调,阿塞拜疆所有政党都必须对一切形式的种族主义、歧视和仇外心理采取坚定立场,并传达支持多样性和多元化的明确政治信息;它们还必须从负面角度避免处理与亚美尼亚人有关的问题(见文件CRI(2011年)19:2011年3月23日通过并于2011年5月31日公布的欧洲反对种族主义和不容忍委员会关于阿塞拜疆的第四个监测周期的报告)。", "同时,阿塞拜疆领导人明确表示不会改变其上述做法,这引起了更多的关切;相反,反亚美尼亚的宣传正日益成为阿塞拜疆外交政策的一个重要部分,最近总统在2011年6月26日武装部队日阅兵和2011年7月5日阿塞拜疆世界大会上的讲话就证明了这一点。", "亚美尼亚致力于继续在欧安组织明斯克小组的主持下就纳戈尔诺-卡拉巴赫问题进行谈判。 明斯克小组仍然是开展调解努力的有效和唯一国际授权的形式。 我们认为,阿塞拜疆现在应该认识到,它应该停止阻碍调解人的工作,它不应该散发毫无根据和令人反感的信件和(或)数据,而应该集中注意正在进行的谈判进程。", "然而,我们也得出结论,阿塞拜疆及其大多数领导人盲目地憎恨任何亚美尼亚人,他们无法或不能看到唯一和现实的前进道路:和平谈判和以不使用武力、自决和领土完整为基础的政治解决办法,把纳戈尔诺-卡拉巴赫人民的人权作为最优先事项。 否则,我们将无休止地出现违反任何人类逻辑和记录历史或事实的老生常谈、荒谬和可笑的信件;传播这些信件已成为阿塞拜疆的常事。", "请将本函及其附件作为大会议程项目34、39、66和75下的文件和安全理事会的文件分发为荷。", "加伦·纳扎里安(签名)", "2011年7月8日亚美尼亚常驻联合国代表给秘书长的信的附件", "2011年6月1日至2011年7月1日阿塞拜疆共和国武装部队违反停火的情况", "开火\n阿塞拜疆方面", "武器弹药的日期/时间类型", "1. Barekamavan 01.06.11 AK 5.17.50", "2. Barekamavan 01.06.11 AK", "3. Agarak 01.06.11 AK", "4. Bardzruni 02.06.11 AK", "5. Bardzruni 02.06.11 AK 5.23.05", "6. Laligyukh 03.06.11 SVD 3 21.55", "7. Barekamavan 04.06.11 PK 2 00.05", "8. Vahan 04.06.11狙击武器", "9. Aygepar 04.06.11 AK 2 23.00", "10. Chinari 05.06.11 狙击武器 1 17.00 12.7毫米", "11. 瓦扎申 05.06.11 AK", "12个 06.06.11 PK 200 18.55", "13个 06.06.11 AK 300 18.55", "14. Berdavan 06.06.11 AK", "15. Berdavan 07.06.11 AK 65 00.55", "16. Chinari 07.06.11 SVD 15 16.00", "17. 动车组 07.06.11 AK", "18. 贝达万07.06.11 SVD 4.22.30", "19. Mehrab 09.06.11 AK 1500.30", "20. Movses 08.06.11 AK", "21. 动车组", "22. Movses 08.06.11 AK 4.21.30", "23. Movses 08.06.11 AK", "24. N. Karmirakhbyur 08.06.11 AK 37 14.45", "25. N. Karmirakhbyur 08.06.11 PK 63 14.45", "26. Voskevan 08.06.11 AK 4 14.05", "27. N. Karmirakhbyur 09.06.11 AK", "28. Aygepar 09.06.11 AK 12 11.50", "29. Aygepar 09.06.11 AK", "30. Voskepar 09.06.11 SVD 5.20.30", "31. Voskepar 09.06.11 PK 20 20.30", "32. 塞瓦卡万 09.06.11 SVD 4 22.00", "33. 塞瓦卡万 09.06.11 PK 10 22.00", "34. Berqaber 10.06.11 AK", "35. 瓦扎申 11.06.11 SVD 1 1230", "36. 瓦扎申 11.06.11 AK 15 19.40", "37. Voskevan 13.06.11 AK 4.02.40", "38. 伊拉斯哈万 13.06.11 AK 4 00.25", "39. Agarak 12.06.11 AK 5.15.25", "40. Voskevan 14.06.11 AK 3 15.15", "41. Vazashen 15.06.11 AK 5.10.50", "42. Bardzruni 15.06.11 SVD 10 15.00", "43. 东帝汶 巴兹鲁尼 15.06.11 AK 5 15.00", "44. Bardzruni 15.06.11 SVD 2 16.45", "45. 国家 巴兹鲁尼 15.06.11 AK 3 16.45", "46. Bardzruni 16.06.11 AK 1500.30", "47. Bardzruni 16.06.11 AK", "48. Agarak 15.06.11 AK 2 22.20", "49. Agarak 16.06.11 SVD 4.01.50", "50. Agarak 16.06.11 AK", "51. 联合国 Berqaber 16.06.11 SVD 5 14.20 机动车", "52. Berqaber 16.06.11 RPK 6 14.20", "53. 联合国 巴兹鲁尼 16.06.11 SVD 5.09.30", "54. 巴德兹鲁尼 16.06.11 RPK 24 11.20", "55. 国家 巴德兹鲁尼 16.06.11 PK 30 11.20", "56. Bardzruni 16.06.11 PK 20 22.40", "57. 巴兹鲁尼 16.06.11 SVD 5.22.40", "Chinari 19.06.11 AK", "59. Chinari 19.06.11 AK", "60. Chinari 19.06.11 AK", "61. Voskevan 20.06.11 AK", "62. Eraskh 20.06.11 AK 1 16.25", "63. 国家 巴兹鲁尼 20.06.11 AK 4.15.30", "64. Mehrab 21.06.11 PK 40 10.00", "65. Barekamavan 22.06.11 PK 50 02.20", "66. Barekamavan 22.06.11 AK 50 02.20", "67. Khndzorut 21.06.11 AK 4 21.20", "68. Berdavan 22.06.11 AK", "69. Berdavan 22.06.11 AK 20 22.30", "70. 瓦扎申 25.06.11 AK", "71. 联合国 Berqaber 25.06.11 SVD 2 13.20", "72. Berqaber 25.06.11 PK 4 13.20", "73. Berqaber 25.06.11 SVD 1 13.20", "74. Vazashen 25.06.11 AK 3 16.20", "75. Vazashen 25.06.11 AK 10 16.20", "76. 瓦扎申 26.06.11 SVD 3 22.20", "77. Aygepar 28.06.11 AK 1 00.05", "78. Chinari 29.06.11 AK", "2011年6月1日至2011年7月1日期间阿塞拜疆共和国武装部队在亚美尼亚边界线上违反停火的情况:", "违反次数:78次", "枪击:约1 328起", "PK: (439),RPK: (30), SVD: (69),狙击武器 12.7毫米 (11),机枪 12.7毫米 (44),AK: (849).", "2011年6月1日至7月1日阿塞拜疆共和国武装部队在纳戈尔诺-卡拉巴赫边界线上违反停火的情况:", "违反次数:987次", "枪击:约4 756起", "PK: (881),RPK: (5),SVD: (451),机枪 12.7毫米: (15),狙击武器 12.7毫米: (11),UTYOS 12.7毫米: (20),AK: (3373)." ]
[ "General Assembly Security Council Sixty-fifth session Sixty-sixth year Agenda item 43 \n Question of Cyprus", "Letter dated 7 July 2011 from the Permanent Representative of Cyprus to the United Nations addressed to the Secretary-General", "Upon instructions from my Government and further to my letter dated 15 March 2011 addressed to you (A/65/786-S/2011/145), I have the honour to draw your attention to ongoing violations of the international air traffic regulations and the national airspace of the Republic of Cyprus by military aircraft of the Turkish Air Force, recorded from 1 March to 31 May 2011, as follows.", "On 1 March 2011, one Cougar Turkish military aircraft violated international air traffic regulations and the national airspace of the Republic of Cyprus.", "On 2 March 2011, one C-130, one CN-235, one Cessna and one Cougar Turkish military aircraft violated international air traffic regulations six times and the national airspace of the Republic of Cyprus six times.", "On 5 March 2011, one Cessna Turkish military aircraft violated international air traffic regulations and the national airspace of the Republic of Cyprus.", "On 15 March 2011, one F-16, one CN-235 and two Cougar Turkish military aircraft violated international air traffic regulations five times and the national airspace of the Republic of Cyprus three times.", "On 16 March 2011, two F-16, one CN-235 and one C-160 Turkish military aircraft violated international air traffic regulations four times and the national airspace of the Republic of Cyprus three times.", "On 17 March 2011, two F-16 and one Cessna Turkish military aircraft violated international air traffic regulations twice and the national airspace of the Republic of Cyprus.", "On 18 March 2011, three Cougar Turkish military aircraft violated international air traffic regulations three times and the national airspace of the Republic of Cyprus twice.", "On 22 March 2011, one CN-235 Turkish military aircraft violated international air traffic regulations twice and the national airspace of the Republic of Cyprus twice.", "On 23 March 2011, one Cougar Turkish military aircraft violated international air traffic regulations and the national airspace of the Republic of Cyprus.", "On 24 March 2011, four F-4 and one CN-235 Turkish military aircraft violated international air traffic regulations twice and the national airspace of the Republic of Cyprus.", "On 29 March 2011, one CN-235 Turkish military aircraft violated international air traffic regulations and the national airspace of the Republic of Cyprus.", "On 31 March 2011, two CN-235 Turkish military aircraft violated international air traffic regulations twice and the national airspace of the Republic of Cyprus twice.", "On 1 April 2011, one CN-235, one C-130 and one C-160 Turkish military aircraft violated international air traffic regulations three times and the national airspace of the Republic of Cyprus three times.", "On 3 April 2011, one CN-235, one C-130 and one C-160 Turkish military aircraft violated international air traffic regulations twice and the national airspace of the Republic of Cyprus twice.", "On 5 April 2011, two F-16 and one CN-235 Turkish military aircraft violated international air traffic regulations twice and the national airspace of the Republic of Cyprus.", "On 7 April 2011, one CN-235 Turkish military aircraft violated international air traffic regulations and the national airspace of the Republic of Cyprus.", "On 9 April 2011, one C-130 Turkish military aircraft violated international air traffic regulations twice and the national airspace of the Republic of Cyprus twice.", "On 11 April 2011, two RF-4 and one Cougar Turkish military aircraft violated international air traffic regulations twice and the national airspace of the Republic of Cyprus.", "On 12 April 2011, two CN-235 Turkish military aircraft violated international air traffic regulations three times and the national airspace of the Republic of Cyprus.", "On 13 April 2011, one B-200, three Cougar and one Turkish military aircraft of unknown type violated international traffic regulations six times and the national airspace of the Republic of Cyprus six times.", "On 15 April 2011, one Cougar Turkish military aircraft violated international air traffic regulations and the national airspace of the Republic of Cyprus.", "On 18 April 2011, one CN-235 and one C-160 Turkish military aircraft violated international air traffic regulations three times and the national airspace of the Republic of Cyprus three times.", "On 19 April 2011, three CN-235, eight F-16 and two F-4 Turkish military aircraft violated international air traffic regulations five times and the national airspace of the Republic of Cyprus.", "On 20 April 2011, one C-160 and one Cougar Turkish military aircraft violated international air traffic regulations three times and the national airspace of the Republic of Cyprus three times.", "On 21, 22 and 23 April 2011, two CN-235 and six Cougar Turkish military aircraft violated international air traffic regulations eight times and the national airspace of the Republic of Cyprus eight times.", "On 26 April 2011, one B-200, one CN-235 and one Cougar Turkish military aircraft violated international air traffic regulations four times and the national airspace of the Republic of Cyprus three times.", "On 29 and 30 April 2011, two F-16, two CN-235 and two Cougar Turkish military aircraft violated international air traffic regulations five times and the national airspace of the Republic of Cyprus three times.", "On 2 May 2011, three Cougar Turkish military aircraft violated international air traffic regulations three times and the national airspace of the Republic of Cyprus three times.", "On 4 May 2011, two C-160 and one Cougar Turkish military aircraft violated international air traffic regulations five times and the national airspace of the Republic of Cyprus five times.", "On 5 May 2011, two F-4, one CN-235 and one Cougar Turkish military aircraft violated international air traffic regulations three times and the national airspace of the Republic of Cyprus.", "On 6 May 2011, one CN-235 Turkish military aircraft violated international air traffic regulations twice and the national airspace of the Republic of Cyprus twice.", "On 10 May 2011, one CN-235 Turkish military aircraft violated international air traffic regulations and the national airspace of the Republic of Cyprus.", "On 11 and 12 May 2011, one B-200, one C-160 and one Cougar Turkish military aircraft violated international air traffic regulations five times and the national airspace of the Republic of Cyprus five times.", "On 12 May 2011, one B-200 Turkish military aircraft violated international air traffic regulations and the national airspace of the Republic of Cyprus.", "On 13 and 15 May 2011, one B-200, one CN-235 and one Cougar Turkish military aircraft violated international air traffic regulations five times and the national airspace of the Republic of Cyprus five times.", "On 17 May 2011, one GLF-5 Turkish military aircraft violated international air traffic regulations twice and the national airspace of the Republic of Cyprus twice.", "On 18 May 2011, one CN-235 and one C-160 Turkish military aircraft violated international air traffic regulations three times and the national airspace of the Republic of Cyprus twice.", "On 20 May 2011, two F-16 and two Cougar Turkish military aircraft violated international air traffic regulations twice and the national airspace of the Republic of Cyprus.", "On 23 May 2011, one CN-235 Turkish military aircraft violated international air traffic regulations and the national airspace of the Republic of Cyprus.", "On 24 May 2011, two F-16, one CN-235 and one Cougar Turkish military aircraft violated international air traffic regulations four times and the national airspace of the Republic of Cyprus three times.", "On 25 May 2011, two Cougar Turkish military aircraft violated international air traffic regulations and the national airspace of the Republic of Cyprus.", "On 26 May 2011, two CN-235 Turkish military aircraft violated international air traffic regulations three times and the national airspace of the Republic of Cyprus three times.", "On 27, 28 and 29 May 2011, one CN-235 and three C-130 Turkish military aircraft violated international air traffic regulations seven times and the national airspace of the Republic of Cyprus seven times.", "On 31 May 2011, one CN-235, two F-16 and two Cougar Turkish military aircraft violated international air traffic regulations six times and the national airspace of the Republic of Cyprus.", "On behalf of my Government, I strongly protest the continuing violations by Turkey of international air traffic regulations and the national airspace of the Republic of Cyprus and call for their immediate cessation.", "These systematic abuses by Turkey of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Republic of Cyprus clearly violate international law and air traffic regulations and seriously threaten the safety of international aviation in the broader region. Such actions are particularly counterproductive in the present period of ongoing negotiations in search of a just, lasting and peaceful solution to the Cyprus problem.", "I call upon the Turkish Government to abide by the Charter of the United Nations and its international obligations and to respect the sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity of the Republic of Cyprus. Rather than pursuing this decidedly provocative path, Turkey should heed the call of the international community and act in a constructive spirit to create the necessary conditions for reaching a viable solution to the Cyprus problem, in accordance with the agreed basis for such a solution, endorsed by numerous Security Council resolutions.", "I should be grateful if you would have the present letter circulated as a document of the General Assembly, under agenda item 43, and of the Security Council.", "(Signed) Minas A. Hadjimichael" ]
[ "大 会 安全理事会", "第六十五届会议 第六十六年", "议程项目43", "塞浦路斯问题", "2011年7月7日塞浦路斯常驻联合国代表给秘书长的信", "奉我国政府指示并继我2011年3月15日给你的信(A/65/786-S/2011/145)之后,谨提请你注意2011年3月1日至5月31日期间记录的土耳其空军军用飞机连续违反国际空中交通管制条例并侵犯塞浦路斯共和国领空的行为,具体情况如下:", "2011年3月1日土耳其1架美洲狮型军用飞机违反国际空中交通管制条例并侵犯塞浦路斯共和国领空。", "2011年3月2日土耳其1架C-130型运输机、1架CN-235型军用飞机、1架塞斯纳型军用飞机和1架美洲狮型军用飞机六次违反国际空中交通管制条例和六次侵犯塞浦路斯共和国领空。", "2011年3月5日土耳其1架塞斯纳型军用飞机违反国际空中交通管制条例并侵犯塞浦路斯共和国领空。", "2011年3月15日土耳其1架F-16型战斗机、1架CN-235型军用飞机和2架美洲狮型军用飞机五次违反国际空中交通管制条例和三次侵犯塞浦路斯共和国领空。", "2011年3月16日土耳其两架F-16型战斗机、1架CN-235型军用飞机和1架C-160型运输机四次违反国际空中交通管制条例和三次侵犯塞浦路斯共和国领空。", "2011年3月17日土耳其两架F-16型战斗机和1架塞斯纳型军用飞机两次违反国际空中交通管制条例和侵犯塞浦路斯共和国领空。", "2011年3月18日土耳其3架美洲狮型军用飞机三次违反国际空中交通管制条例和两次侵犯塞浦路斯共和国领空。", "2011年3月22日土耳其1架CN-235型军用飞机两次违反国际空中交通管制条例和两次侵犯塞浦路斯共和国领空。", "2011年3月23日土耳其1架美洲狮型军用飞机违反国际空中交通管制条例和侵犯塞浦路斯共和国领空。", "2011年3月24日土耳其4架F-4型战斗机和1架CN-235型军用飞机两次违反国际空中交通管制条例和侵犯塞浦路斯共和国领空。", "2011年3月29日土耳其1架CN-235型军用飞机违反国际空中交通管制条例和侵犯塞浦路斯共和国领空。", "2011年3月31日土耳其两架CN-235型军用飞机两次违反国际空中交通管制条例和两次侵犯塞浦路斯共和国领空。", "2011年4月1日土耳其1架CN-235型军用飞机、1架C-130型运输机和1架C-160型运输机三次违反国际空中交通管制条例和三次侵犯塞浦路斯共和国领空。", "2011年4月3日土耳其1架CN-235型军用飞机、1架C-130型运输机和1架C-160型运输机两次违反国际空中交通管制条例和两次侵犯塞浦路斯共和国领空。", "2011年4月5日土耳其两架F-16型战斗机和1架CN-235型军用飞机两次违反国际空中交通管制条例和侵犯塞浦路斯共和国领空。", "2011年4月7日土耳其1架CN-235型军用飞机违反国际空中交通管制条例和侵犯塞浦路斯共和国领空。", "2011年4月9日土耳其1架C-130型运输机两次违反国际空中交通管制条例和两次侵犯塞路斯共和国领空。", "2011年4月11日土耳其两架RF-4型军用飞机和1架美洲狮型军用飞机两次违反国际空中交通管制条例和侵犯塞浦路斯共和国领空。", "2011年4月12日土耳其两架CN-235型军用飞机三次违反国际空中交通管制条例和侵犯塞浦路斯共和国领空。", "2011年4月13日土耳其1架B-200型军用飞机、3架美洲狮型军用飞机和1架型号不明的军用飞机六次违反国际空中交通管制条例和六次侵犯塞浦路斯共和国领空。", "2011年4月15日土耳其1架美洲狮型军用飞机违反国际空中交通管制条例和侵犯塞浦路斯共和国领空。", "2011年4月18日土耳其1架CN-235型军用飞机和1架C-160型运输机三次违反国际空中交通管制条例和三次侵犯塞浦路斯共和国领空。", "2011年4月19日土耳其3架CN-235型军用飞机、8架F-16型战斗机和两架F-4型战斗机五次违反国际空中交通管制条例和侵犯塞浦路斯共和国领空。", "2011年4月20日土耳其1架C-160型运输机和1架美洲狮型军用飞机三次违反国际空中交通管制条例和三次侵犯塞浦路斯共和国领空。", "2011年4月21日、22日和23日土耳其两架CN-235型军用飞机和6架美洲狮型军用飞机八次违反国际空中交通管制条例和八次侵犯塞浦路斯共和国领空。", "2011年4月26日土耳其1架B-200型军用飞机、1架CN-235型军用飞机和1架美洲狮型军用飞机四次违反国际空中交通管制条例和三次侵犯塞浦路斯共和国领空。", "2011年4月29日和30日土耳其两架F-16型战斗机、两架CN-235型军用飞机和两架美洲狮型军用飞机五次违反国际空中交通管制条例和三次侵犯塞浦路斯共和国领空。", "2011年5月2日土耳其3架美洲狮型军用飞机三次违反国际空中交通管制条例和三次侵犯塞浦路斯共和国领空。", "2011年5月4日土耳其两架C-160型运输机和1架美洲狮型军用飞机五次违反国际空中交通管制条例和五次侵犯塞浦路斯共和国领空。", "2011年5月5日土耳其两架F-4型战斗机、1架CN-235型军用飞机和1架美洲狮型军用飞机三次违反国际空中交通管制条例和侵犯塞浦路斯共和国领空。", "2011年5月6日土耳其1架CN-235型军用飞机两次违反国际空中交通管制条例和两次侵犯塞浦路斯共和国领空。", "2011年5月10日土耳其1架CN-235型军用飞机违反国际空中交通管制条例和侵犯塞浦路斯共和国领空。", "2011年5月11日和12日土耳其1架B-200型军用飞机、1架C-160型运输机和1架美洲狮型军用飞机五次违反国际空中交通管制条例和五次侵犯塞浦路斯共和国领空。", "2011年5月12日土耳其1架B-200型军用飞机违反国际空中交通管制条例和侵犯塞浦路斯共和国领空。", "2011年5月13日和15日土耳其1架B-200型军用飞机、1架CN-235型军用飞机和1架美洲狮型军用飞机五次违反国际空中交通管制条例和五次侵犯塞浦路斯共和国领空。", "2011年5月17日土耳其1架GLF-5型军用飞机两次违反国际空中交通管制条例和两次侵犯塞浦路斯共和国领空。", "2011年5月18日土耳其1架CN-235型军用飞机和1架C-160型运输机三次违反国际空中交通管制条例和两次侵犯塞浦路斯共和国领空。", "2011年5月20日土耳其两架F-16型战斗机和两架美洲狮型军用飞机两次违反国际空中交通管制条例和侵犯塞浦路斯共和国领空。", "2011年5月23日土耳其1架CN-235型军用飞机违反国际空中交通管制条例和侵犯塞浦路斯共和国领空。", "2011年5月24日土耳其两架F-16型战斗机、1架CN-235型军用飞机和1架美洲狮型军用飞机四次违反国际空中交通管制条例和三次侵犯塞浦路斯共和国领空。", "2011年5月25日土耳其两架美洲狮型军用飞机违反国际空中交通管制条例和侵犯塞浦路斯共和国领空。", "2011年5月26日土耳其两架CN-235型军用飞机三次违反国际空中交通管制条例和三次侵犯塞浦路斯共和国领空。", "2011年5月27日、28日和29日土耳其1架CN-235型军用飞机和3架C-130型运输机七次违反国际空中交通管制条例和七次侵犯塞浦路斯共和国领空。", "2011年5月31日土耳其1架CN-25型军用飞机、两架F-16型战斗机和两架美洲狮型军用飞机六次违反国际空中交通管制条例和侵犯塞浦路斯共和国领空。", "我谨代表塞浦路斯政府,强烈抗议土耳其持续违反国际空中交通管制条例和侵犯塞浦路斯共和国领空的行为,并要求他们立即停止这种行为。", "土耳其系统地侵犯塞浦路斯共和国主权和领土完整,明显地违反了国际法和国际空中交通管制条例,严重威胁了更广泛区域的国际航空安全。在目前正进行的寻求塞浦路斯问题公正、持久与和平解决的谈判期间,这些行动尤其适得其反。", "我呼吁土耳其政府遵守《联合国宪章》及其国际义务并尊重塞浦路斯共和国的主权、独立和领土完整。土耳其不要一味采取这种明目张胆的挑衅行径,而要根据经安全理事会多项决议认可的这类解决方案的商定基础,顺应国际社会的呼吁和本着建设性精神行事,以便为切实可行地解决塞浦路斯问题创造必要的条件。", "请将本信作为大会议程项目43下的文件和安全理事会的文件分发为荷。", "常驻代表", "米纳斯·哈吉迈克尔(签名)" ]
[ "大会第六十五届会议 议程项目43\n塞浦路斯问题", "2011年7月7日塞浦路斯常驻联合国代表给秘书长的信", "奉我国政府指示并继我2011年3月15日给你的信(A/65/786-S/2011/145)后,谨提请你注意2011年3月1日至5月31日期间记录的土耳其空军军用飞机持续违反国际空中交通管制条例并侵犯塞浦路斯共和国领空的情况如下。", "2011年3月1日,土耳其一架美洲狮军用飞机违反国际空中交通管制条例并侵犯塞浦路斯共和国领空。", "2011年3月2日,土耳其一架C-130、一架CN-235、一架Cessna和一架美洲狮军用飞机六次违反国际空中交通管制条例并六次侵犯塞浦路斯共和国领空。", "2011年3月5日,一架塞斯纳土耳其军用飞机违反国际空中交通管制条例并侵犯塞浦路斯共和国领空。", "2011年3月15日,土耳其一架F-16、一架CN-235和两架美洲狮军用飞机五次违反国际空中交通管制条例并三次侵犯塞浦路斯共和国领空。", "2011年3月16日,土耳其两架F-16、一架CN-235和一架C-160军用飞机四次违反国际空中交通管制条例并三次侵犯塞浦路斯共和国领空。", "2011年3月17日,两架F-16和一架Cessna土耳其军用飞机两次违反国际空中交通管制条例并侵犯塞浦路斯共和国领空。", "2011年3月18日,三架美洲狮土耳其军用飞机三次违反国际空中交通管制条例并两次侵犯塞浦路斯共和国领空。", "2011年3月22日,一架CN-235土耳其军用飞机两次违反国际空中交通管制条例并两次侵犯塞浦路斯共和国领空。", "2011年3月23日,土耳其一架美洲狮军用飞机违反国际空中交通管制条例并侵犯塞浦路斯共和国领空。", "2011年3月24日,四架F-4和一架CN-235土耳其军用飞机两次违反国际空中交通管制条例并侵犯塞浦路斯共和国领空。", "2011年3月29日,土耳其一架CN-235军用飞机违反国际空中交通管制条例并侵犯塞浦路斯共和国领空。", "2011年3月31日,两架CN-235土耳其军用飞机两次违反国际空中交通管制条例并两次侵犯塞浦路斯共和国领空。", "2011年4月1日,土耳其一架CN-235、一架C-130和一架C-160军用飞机三次违反国际空中交通管制条例并三次侵犯塞浦路斯共和国领空。", "2011年4月3日,土耳其一架CN-235、一架C-130和一架C-160军用飞机两次违反国际空中交通管制条例并两次侵犯塞浦路斯共和国领空。", "2011年4月5日,两架F-16和一架CN-235土耳其军用飞机两次违反国际空中交通管制条例并侵犯塞浦路斯共和国领空。", "2011年4月7日,土耳其一架CN-235军用飞机违反国际空中交通管制条例并侵犯塞浦路斯共和国领空。", "2011年4月9日,一架C-130型土耳其军用飞机两次违反国际空中交通管制条例并两次侵犯塞浦路斯共和国领空。", "2011年4月11日,土耳其两架RF-4和一架美洲狮军用飞机两次违反国际空中交通管制条例并侵犯塞浦路斯共和国领空。", "2011年4月12日,两架CN-235土耳其军用飞机三次违反国际空中交通管制条例并侵犯塞浦路斯共和国领空。", "2011年4月13日,一架B-200、三架美洲狮和一架型号不明的土耳其军用飞机六次违反国际交通管制条例并六次侵犯塞浦路斯共和国领空。", "2011年4月15日,一架美洲狮土耳其军用飞机违反国际空中交通管制条例并侵犯塞浦路斯共和国领空。", "2011年4月18日,土耳其一架CN-235和一架C-160军用飞机三次违反国际空中交通管制条例并三次侵犯塞浦路斯共和国领空。", "2011年4月19日,三架CN-235、八架F-16和两架F-4土耳其军用飞机五次违反国际空中交通管制条例并侵犯塞浦路斯共和国领空。", "2011年4月20日,土耳其一架C-160和一架美洲狮军用飞机三次违反国际空中交通管制条例并三次侵犯塞浦路斯共和国领空。", "2011年4月21日、22日和23日,两架CN-235和六架美洲狮土耳其军用飞机八次违反国际空中交通管制条例并八次侵犯塞浦路斯共和国领空。", "2011年4月26日,土耳其一架B-200、一架CN-235和一架美洲狮军用飞机四次违反国际空中交通管制条例并三次侵犯塞浦路斯共和国领空。", "2011年4月29日和30日,两架F-16、两架CN-235和两架美洲狮土耳其军用飞机五次违反国际空中交通管制条例并三次侵犯塞浦路斯共和国领空。", "2011年5月2日,三架美洲狮土耳其军用飞机三次违反国际空中交通管制条例并三次侵犯塞浦路斯共和国领空。", "2011年5月4日,两架C-160和一架美洲狮土耳其军用飞机五次违反国际空中交通管制条例并五次侵犯塞浦路斯共和国领空。", "2011年5月5日,两架F-4、一架CN-235和一架美洲狮土耳其军用飞机三次违反国际空中交通管制条例并侵犯塞浦路斯共和国领空。", "2011年5月6日,土耳其一架CN-235军用飞机两次违反国际空中交通管制条例并两次侵犯塞浦路斯共和国领空。", "2011年5月10日,土耳其一架CN-235军用飞机违反国际空中交通管制条例并侵犯塞浦路斯共和国领空。", "2011年5月11日和12日,土耳其一架B-200、一架C-160和一架美洲狮军用飞机五次违反国际空中交通管制条例并五次侵犯塞浦路斯共和国领空。", "2011年5月12日,土耳其一架B-200军用飞机违反国际空中交通管制条例并侵犯塞浦路斯共和国领空。", "2011年5月13日和15日,一架B-200、一架CN-235和一架美洲狮土耳其军用飞机五次违反国际空中交通管制条例并五次侵犯塞浦路斯共和国领空。", "2011年5月17日,一架GLF-5土耳其军用飞机两次违反国际空中交通管制条例并两次侵犯塞浦路斯共和国领空。", "2011年5月18日,一架CN-235和一架C-160土耳其军用飞机三次违反国际空中交通管制条例并两次侵犯塞浦路斯共和国领空。", "2011年5月20日,两架F-16和两架美洲狮土耳其军用飞机两次违反国际空中交通管制条例并侵犯塞浦路斯共和国领空。", "2011年5月23日,土耳其一架CN-235军用飞机违反国际空中交通管制条例并侵犯塞浦路斯共和国领空。", "2011年5月24日,两架F-16、一架CN-235和一架美洲狮土耳其军用飞机四次违反国际空中交通管制条例并三次侵犯塞浦路斯共和国领空。", "2011年5月25日,两架美洲狮土耳其军用飞机违反国际空中交通管制条例并侵犯塞浦路斯共和国领空。", "2011年5月26日,两架CN-235土耳其军用飞机三次违反国际空中交通管制条例并三次侵犯塞浦路斯共和国领空。", "2011年5月27日、28日和29日,土耳其一架CN-235和三架C-130军用飞机七次违反国际空中交通管制条例并七次侵犯塞浦路斯共和国领空。", "2011年5月31日,土耳其一架CN-235、两架F-16和两架美洲狮军用飞机六次违反国际空中交通管制条例并侵犯塞浦路斯共和国领空。", "我代表我国政府,强烈抗议土耳其继续违反国际空中交通管制条例并侵犯塞浦路斯共和国领空,并要求立即停止这些行为。", "土耳其蓄意侵犯塞浦路斯共和国的主权和领土完整,显然违反了国际法和空中交通条例,并严重威胁到更广大地区的国际航空安全。 在目前为寻求公正、持久与和平解决塞浦路斯问题而进行的谈判期间,这种行动尤其适得其反。", "我呼吁土耳其政府遵守《联合国宪章》和其国际义务并尊重塞浦路斯共和国的主权、独立和领土完整。 土耳其不应走这种果断的挑衅道路,而应听取国际社会的呼吁并本着建设性精神采取行动,为按照安全理事会许多决议所赞同的解决塞浦路斯问题的商定基础达成可行的解决办法创造必要条件。", "请将本函作为大会议程项目43下的文件和安全理事会的文件分发为荷。", "(签名) 米纳斯·哈吉迈克尔" ]
[ "Seventeenth session", "Kingston, Jamaica", "* Reissued for technical reasons on 19 July 2011.", "11-22 July 2011", "Report and recommendations to the Council of the International Seabed Authority relating to an application for approval of a plan of work for exploration for polymetallic sulphides by the China Ocean Mineral Resources Research and Development Association", "Submitted by the Legal and Technical Commission", "I. Introduction", "1. On 7 May 2010, the Secretary-General of the International Seabed Authority received an application for approval of a plan of work for exploration for polymetallic sulphides in the Area. The application was submitted pursuant to the Regulations on Prospecting and Exploration for Polymetallic Sulphides in the Area (“the Regulations”) by the China Ocean Mineral Resources Research and Development Association (COMRA). The area under application covers approximately 10,000 km² and consists of 100 blocks measuring approximately 10 kilometres by 10 kilometres each, which are grouped into 12 clusters, each containing from 5 to 19 blocks. The clusters are not contiguous but are proximate and confined within a rectangular area not exceeding 300,000 km² in size where the longest side does not exceed 1,000 kilometres in length.", "2. In accordance with regulation 22, paragraph (c) of the Regulations, on 14 May 2010, the Secretary-General notified all members of the Authority of the receipt of the application and circulated information of a general nature concerning the application. The Secretary-General also placed consideration of the application as an item on the agenda of the Legal and Technical Commission at its meeting, held from 4 to 13 July 2011.", "II. Methodology and consideration of the application by the Legal and Technical Commission", "A. General methodology applied by the Commission in consideration of the application", "3. In its consideration of the application, the Commission noted that, in keeping with the scheme established in annex III, article 6, of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (“the Convention”), it is first required to make an objective determination as to whether the applicant has fulfilled the requirements contained in the Regulations, particularly with respect to the form of applications; whether the applicant has provided the necessary undertakings and assurances specified in regulation 15 of the Regulations; and whether it has the necessary financial and technical capability to carry out the proposed plan of work for exploration and (as appropriate) has satisfactorily discharged its obligations under any previous contract with the Authority. The Commission is then required to determine, in accordance with regulation 23 (4) of the Regulations and its procedures, whether the proposed plan of work will provide for effective protection of human health and safety and effective protection and preservation of the marine environment and will ensure that installations are not established where interference may be caused to the use of recognized sea lanes essential to international navigation or in areas of intense fishing activity. Regulation 23 (5) of the Regulations goes on to provide that:", "If the Commission makes the determinations specified in paragraph 3 and determines that the proposed plan of work for exploration meets the requirements of paragraph 4, the Commission shall recommend approval of the plan of work for exploration to the Council.", "4. In considering the proposed plan of work for exploration for polymetallic sulphides, the Commission had regard to the principles, policies and objectives relating to activities in the Area as provided for in part XI and annex III of the Convention and in the Agreement relating to the Implementation of Part XI of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea of 1994 (“the Agreement”), in accordance with regulation 23, paragraph 9 of the Regulations.", "B. Consideration of the application", "5. The Commission considered the application in closed meetings on 5, 6 and 8 July 2011.", "6. Prior to commencing a detailed examination of the application, the Commission invited the applicant’s representative, Mr. Jin Jiancai, Secretary-General of COMRA, accompanied by Mr. Li Jiabiao, Deputy Director of the Second Institute of Oceanography of the State Oceanic Administration and Mr. Tao Chunhui, Senior researcher at the Second Institute of Oceanography of the State Oceanic Administration, to make a presentation of the application. Members of the Commission then asked questions to clarify certain aspects of the application before convening in closed session to examine the application in detail. On 6 July 2011, the Commission decided to request the Chairman of the Commission to transmit a list of questions to the applicant through the Secretary-General. A formal response to these questions was provided by the applicant on 8 July 2011.", "III. Summary of basic information regarding the application", "A. Identification of the applicant", "7. Name of applicant: China Ocean Mineral Resources Research and Development Association.", "8. Address of applicant:", "(a) Street address: 1 Fuxingmenwai Avenue, Beijing, China, 100860;", "(b) Postal address: as above;", "(c) Telephone number: 86-10-68022117;", "(d) Facsimile number: 86-10-68033318;", "(e) Electronic mail address:", "9. Applicant’s designated representative:", "(a) Name: Mr. Jin Jiancai;", "(b) Street address of applicant’s designated representative: as above;", "(c) Postal address: as above;", "(d) Telephone number: 86-10-68030504;", "(e) Facsimile number: 86-10-68030504;", "(f) Electronic mail address:", "10. Applicant’s place of registration and principal place of business/domicile: Beijing, China.", "11. The applicant indicated that COMRA is registered as a State entity in the sponsoring State and is under the effective control of the sponsoring State.", "B. Sponsorship", "12. Sponsoring State: China.", "13. Date of deposit of instrument of ratification by China of the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea: 7 June 1996; date of the consent to be bound by the Agreement relating to the Implementation of Part XI of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea of 10 December 1982: 7 June 1996.", "14. Date of certificate of sponsorship: 6 May 2010.", "15. The Commission noted that the application was sponsored by China and that a certificate of sponsorship, in due and proper form, had been submitted. In that certificate, the State Oceanic Administration, acting on behalf of China, and as authorized by the State Council of China, stated that COMRA is under the effective control of China; in that certificate, the sponsoring State declared that it assumed responsibility in accordance with article 139, article 153, paragraph 4, and annex III, article 4, paragraph 4, of the Convention.", "C. Area of application", "16. The application area of COMRA is located in the Southwest Indian Ridge. It includes 100 blocks measuring approximately 10 kilometres by 10 kilometres each, but not exceeding 100 km². The total area covered by the application is approximately 10,000 km² and does not exceed 10,000 km². The blocks under application are grouped into 12 clusters, each containing from 5 to 19 blocks. The clusters of blocks of polymetallic sulphides are not contiguous, but are proximate and confined within a rectangular area not exceeding 300,000 km² in size where the longest side does not exceed 1,000 kilometres in length. The coordinates and general location of the areas under application are shown in the annex to the present document.", "D. Other information", "17. Date of receipt of application: 7 May 2010.", "18. Previous contracts with the Authority:", "(a) Date of the previous contract: COMRA and the Authority signed a contract for exploration for polymetallic nodules in the Area on 22 May 2001 in Beijing, China;", "(b) Reports submitted to the Authority in connection with the contract for exploration for polymetallic nodules:", "• Annual report for 2001, submitted in March 2002", "• Annual report for 2002, submitted in March 2003", "• Annual report for 2003, submitted in March 2004", "• Annual report for 2004, submitted in March 2005", "• Annual report for 2005, submitted in March 2006", "• Five-year period report for the period 2001-2005, submitted in March 2006", "• Annual report for 2006, submitted in March 2007", "• Annual report for 2007, submitted in March 2008", "• Annual report for 2008, submitted in March 2009", "• Annual report for 2009, submitted in March 2010", "• Annual report for 2010, submitted in March 2011", "• Five-year report for the period 2006-2010, submitted in March 2011", "(c) The date of expiration of the contract: 21 May 2016.", "19. Undertakings: the applicant submitted a written undertaking dated 6 May 2010 signed by Mr. Jin Jiancai, the designated representative of COMRA, stating that it will comply with regulation 15 of the Regulations.", "20. The applicant has elected to offer an equity interest in a joint venture arrangement in accordance with regulation 19 of the Regulations.", "21. The applicant has paid the fixed fee of $50,000 for its application, to be followed by an annual fee, pursuant to regulation 21, paragraph 1 (b) of the Regulations.", "IV. Examination of information and technical data submitted by the applicant", "22. The following technical documents were submitted in the application:", "(a) Copy of the applicant’s certificate of registration as a State entity of China;", "(b) Certificate of sponsorship issued by the sponsoring State, China;", "(c) Information relating to the area under application:", "(i) Chart of the location of the blocks;", "(ii) A list of the coordinates of the corners of blocks under application;", "(d) Information to enable the Council to determine whether the applicant is financially capable of carrying out the proposed plan of work for exploration;", "(e) Information to enable the Council to determine whether the applicant is technically capable of carrying out the proposed plan of work for exploration;", "(f) Indicative plan of work for exploration;", "(g) Written undertakings by the applicant.", "V. Consideration of financial and technical qualifications of the applicant", "A. Financial capacity", "23. In evaluating the financial capacity of the applicant, the Commission noted that COMRA had declared its financial capacity to carry out the proposed plan of work for exploration and fulfil its financial obligations to the Authority. The Commission was provided with a statement dated 6 May 2010 and signed by Mr. Xie Xuren, Minister of Finance of China, certifying that the applicant would have the necessary funds to meet the estimated minimum expenditures under the proposed plan of work and fulfil its financial obligations to the Authority.", "B. Technical capacity", "24. The Commission was provided with technical information in relation to COMRA’s previous experience and skills in the field of exploration for polymetallic nodules and scientific research on polymetallic sulphides deposits. The Commission noted that the applicant recalled its experience as a pioneer investor and current contractor with the Authority for exploration for polymetallic nodules to demonstrate its capability to carry out the investigation and development of seabed mineral resources, environmental assessment and scientific research. The applicant further stated that it had been accumulating data and experience concerning the distribution of and methods for exploration for polymetallic sulphides and their environment for the past 10 years.", "25. The Commission was provided with information related to the prevention, reduction and control of hazards and possible impacts to the marine environment. This included the description of a plan for a programme for oceanographic and environmental baseline studies to ensure that the exploration activities cause minimal impact on the marine environment. It enclosed a plan of action to take necessary measures to prevent, reduce and control pollution and other hazards to the marine environment arising from the exploration activities. A description of a monitoring programme and proposed measures for the prevention, reduction and control of pollution and other hazards, as well as possible impacts, to the marine environment was also provided. In its response to the Commission, COMRA indicated that it will employ the most appropriate equipment available for the survey and research of active hydrothermal vents to improve scientific understanding of the ecosystems and facilitate scientific assessment of the ecological environment, for the purpose of providing the scientific basis for the protection of the active hydrothermal vent ecosystem.", "26. In response to oral and written questions from the Commission with respect to whether exploration activities will take place in active vents and with respect to the strategic measures that the applicant will adopt to mitigate the effects of such activities, the applicant stated that COMRA was of the view that exploitation of polymetallic sulphides should not be conducted on active hydrothermal vents on the seabed. Given the limited scientific knowledge available and existing uncertainties, COMRA believes that the precautionary approach should be applied and the equipment testing related to the exploitation should also be located away from the active hydrothermal vents so as to avoid possible harm to the biological community living near the active vents.", "VI. Consideration of data and information submitted for approval of the plan of work for exploration", "27. In accordance with regulation 20 of the Regulations, the application included the following information for approval of the plan of work for exploration:", "(a) A general description and a schedule of the proposed exploration programme of activities for the first five-year period, such as studies to be undertaken in respect of the environmental, technical, economic and other appropriate factors that must be taken into account in exploration;", "(b) A description of the programme for oceanographic and environmental baseline studies in accordance with the Regulations and environmental rules, regulations and procedures established by the Authority. Such studies would enable an assessment of the potential environmental impact including, but not restricted to, the impact on biodiversity, of the proposed exploration activities, taking into account any recommendations by the Legal and Technical Commission;", "(c) A preliminary assessment of the possible impact of the proposed exploration activities on the marine environment;", "(d) A description of proposed measures for the prevention, reduction and control of pollution and other hazards, as well as possible impacts, to the marine environment;", "(e) Data necessary for the Council to make the determination it is required to make in accordance with regulation 13, paragraph 1 of the Regulations (financial obligations to the Authority); and", "(f) A schedule of anticipated yearly expenditures in respect of the programme of activities for the first five-year period.", "28. The Commission was satisfied that the information presented met the requirements of the Regulations and noted that it looked forward to the submission of reports, including relevant data, by the applicant, as required by the Regulations and any recommendations for guidance to be issued by the Commission in due course.", "29. The Commission also took note of the fact that some of COMRA’s proposed exploration blocks were located in close proximity to an area that is the subject of a voluntary closure to deep-sea bottom fishing. In this regard, the Commission welcomed the communication from COMRA in which it recalled article 147 of the Convention and emphasized its commitment to protecting benthic ecosystems and that it would respect all the relevant resolutions adopted by the United Nations General Assembly, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and relevant fisheries organizations. The Commission also noted that COMRA had declared its intention to strictly abide by the relevant rules, regulations and decisions of the Authority.", "VII. Training programme", "30. The applicant indicated that, in accordance with regulation 29 and section 8 of annex 4 to the Regulations, the contractor will draw up training programmes in cooperation with the Authority and the sponsoring State and will submit these programmes to the Authority for approval.", "VIII. Conclusion and recommendations", "31. Having examined the particulars submitted by the applicant, which are summarized in sections III to VII above, the Commission is satisfied that the application has been duly submitted in accordance with the Regulations and that the applicant is a qualified applicant within the meaning of annex III, article 4, of the Convention. The Commission is further satisfied that the applicant:", "(a) Has complied with the provisions of the Regulations;", "(b) Has given the undertakings and assurances specified in regulation 15 of the Regulations;", "(c) Possesses the financial and technical capability to carry out the proposed plan of work for exploration.", "32. The Commission is satisfied that none of the conditions in regulation 23 (6) of the Regulations apply.", "33. With respect to the proposed plan of work for exploration, the Commission is satisfied that the proposed plan of work for exploration will:", "(a) Provide for effective protection of human health and safety;", "(b) Provide for effective protection and preservation of the marine environment;", "(c) Ensure that installations are not established where interference may be caused to the use of recognized sea lanes essential to international navigation or in areas of intense fishing activity.", "34. Accordingly, pursuant to regulation 23 (5), of the Regulations, the Commission recommends to the Council approval of the plan of work for exploration for polymetallic sulphides submitted by COMRA.", "Annex", "A. List of coordinates", "Block Longitude E Latitude S Longitude Latitude Area number size sq km^(a)\n Degrees Minutes Seconds Degrees Minutes Seconds Decimal Decimal", "1 46 21 28.07 39 6 31.64 46.3577972222 -39.1087888889 99.95", "46 21 28.07 39 0 56.47 46.3577972222 -39.0156861111", "46 28 10.47 39 0 56.47 46.4695750000 -39.0156861111", "46 28 10.47 39 6 31.64 46.4695750000 -39.1087888889", "2 46 21 28.07 39 0 56.47 46.3577972222 -39.0156861111 99.95", "46 21 28.07 38 55 21.73 46.3577972222 -38.9227027778", "46 28 10.47 38 55 21.73 46.4695750000 -38.9227027778", "46 28 10.47 39 0 56.47 46.4695750000 -39.0156861111", "3 46 28 10.47 39 3 5.29 46.4695750000 -39.0514694444 99.96", "46 28 10.47 38 57 24.28 46.4695750000 -38.9567444444", "46 34 45.66 38 57 24.28 46.5793500000 -38.9567444444", "46 34 45.66 39 3 5.29 46.5793500000 -39.0514694444", "4 46 34 45.66 38 57 50.87 46.5793500000 -38.9641305556 99.97", "46 34 45.66 38 52 10.27 46.5793500000 -38.8695194444", "46 41 20.86 38 52 10.27 46.6891277778 -38.8695194444", "46 41 20.86 38 57 50.87 46.6891277778 -38.9641305556", "5 46 41 20.86 38 57 37.44 46.6891277778 -38.9604000000 99.97", "46 41 20.86 38 51 56.87 46.6891277778 -38.8657972222", "46 47 56.06 38 51 56.87 46.7989055556 -38.8657972222", "46 47 56.06 38 57 37.44 46.7989055556 -38.9604000000", "6 46 47 56.06 38 56 27.13 46.7989055556 -38.9408694444 99.98", "46 47 56.06 38 50 51.23 46.7989055556 -38.8475638889", "46 54 36.66 38 50 51.23 46.9101833333 -38.8475638889", "46 54 36.66 38 56 27.13 46.9101833333 -38.9408694444", "7 47 1 1.01 38 54 29.65 47.0169472222 -38.9082361111 100.00", "47 1 1.01 38 48 54.25 47.0169472222 -38.8150694444", "47 7 42.02 38 48 54.25 47.1283388889 -38.8150694444", "47 7 42.02 38 54 29.65 47.1283388889 -38.9082361111", "8 47 7 42.02 38 53 4.55 47.1283388889 -38.8845972222 100.00", "47 7 42.02 38 47 29.26 47.1283388889 -38.7914611111", "47 14 23.03 38 47 29.26 47.2397305556 -38.7914611111", "47 14 23.03 38 53 4.55 47.2397305556 -38.8845972222", "9 47 14 23.03 38 51 41.41 47.2397305556 -38.8615027778 100.01", "47 14 23.03 38 46 6.23 47.2397305556 -38.7683972222", "47 21 4.04 38 46 6.23 47.3511222222 -38.7683972222", "47 21 4.04 38 51 41.41 47.3511222222 -38.8615027778", "10 47 21 4.04 38 52 9.72 47.3511222222 -38.8693666667 100.02", "47 21 4.04 38 46 34.5 47.3511222222 -38.7762500000", "47 27 45.05 38 46 34.5 47.4625138889 -38.7762500000", "47 27 45.05 38 52 9.72 47.4625138889 -38.8693666667", "11 47 21 41.8 38 46 34.5 47.3616111111 -38.7762500000 100.02", "47 21 41.8 38 40 59.71 47.3616111111 -38.6832527778", "47 28 22.81 38 40 59.71 47.4730027778 -38.6832527778", "47 28 22.81 38 46 34.5 47.4730027778 -38.7762500000", "12 47 27 45.05 38 52 9.72 47.4625138889 -38.8693666667 100.03", "47 27 45.05 38 46 34.5 47.4625138889 -38.7762500000", "47 34 26.06 38 46 34.5 47.5739055556 -38.7762500000", "47 34 26.06 38 52 9.72 47.5739055556 -38.8693666667", "13 47 34 26.06 38 53 49.61 47.5739055556 -38.8971138889 100.04", "47 34 26.06 38 48 14.26 47.5739055556 -38.8039611111", "47 41 7.07 38 48 14.26 47.6852972222 -38.8039611111", "47 41 7.07 38 53 49.61 47.6852972222 -38.8971138889", "14 46 38 3.08 38 44 11.62 46.6341888889 -38.7365611111 100.03", "46 38 3.08 38 38 39.99 46.6341888889 -38.6444416667", "46 44 47.69 38 38 39.99 46.7465805556 -38.6444416667", "46 44 47.69 38 44 11.62 46.7465805556 -38.7365611111", "15 46 44 47.69 38 45 56.84 46.7465805556 -38.7657888889 99.98", "46 44 47.69 38 40 25.07 46.7465805556 -38.6736305556", "46 51 32.31 38 40 25.07 46.8589750000 -38.6736305556", "46 51 32.31 38 45 56.84 46.8589750000 -38.7657888889", "16 46 51 32.31 38 44 6.43 46.8589750000 -38.7351194444 99.98", "46 51 32.31 38 38 34.81 46.8589750000 -38.6430027778", "46 58 16.92 38 38 34.81 46.9713666667 -38.6430027778", "46 58 16.92 38 44 6.43 46.9713666667 -38.7351194444", "17 46 58 16.92 38 43 34 46.9713666667 -38.7261111111 99.99", "46 58 16.92 38 38 2.41 46.9713666667 -38.6340027778", "47 5 1.53 38 38 2.41 47.0837583333 -38.6340027778", "47 5 1.53 38 43 34 47.0837583333 -38.7261111111", "18 47 5 1.53 38 44 6.53 47.0837583333 -38.7351472222 100.00", "47 5 1.53 38 38 31.93 47.0837583333 -38.6422027778", "47 11 42.54 38 38 31.93 47.1951500000 -38.6422027778", "47 11 42.54 38 44 6.53 47.1951500000 -38.7351472222", "19 47 11 42.54 38 43 9.45 47.1951500000 -38.7192916667 100.01", "47 11 42.54 38 37 34.92 47.1951500000 -38.6263666667", "47 18 23.55 38 37 34.92 47.3065416667 -38.6263666667", "47 18 23.55 38 43 9.45 47.3065416667 -38.7192916667", "20 47 18 23.55 38 40 59.71 47.3065416667 -38.6832527778 100.02", "47 18 23.55 38 35 25.35 47.3065416667 -38.5903750000", "47 25 4.56 38 35 25.35 47.4179333333 -38.5903750000", "47 25 4.56 38 40 59.71 47.4179333333 -38.6832527778", "21 47 25 4.56 38 40 59.71 47.4179333333 -38.6832527778 100.03", "47 25 4.56 38 35 25.35 47.4179333333 -38.5903750000", "47 31 45.57 38 35 25.35 47.5293250000 -38.5903750000", "47 31 45.57 38 40 59.71 47.5293250000 -38.6832527778", "22 47 31 45.57 38 40 18.21 47.5293250000 -38.6717250000 100.04", "47 31 45.57 38 34 43.9 47.5293250000 -38.5788611111", "47 38 26.58 38 34 43.9 47.6407166667 -38.5788611111", "47 38 26.58 38 40 18.21 47.6407166667 -38.6717250000", "23 47 38 26.58 38 34 49.21 47.6407166667 -38.5803361111 100.05", "47 38 26.58 38 29 19.76 47.6407166667 -38.4888222222", "47 45 13 38 29 19.76 47.7536111111 -38.4888222222", "47 45 13 38 34 49.21 47.7536111111 -38.5803361111", "24 47 45 13 38 29 35.27 47.7536111111 -38.4931305556 100.06", "47 45 13 38 24 6.21 47.7536111111 -38.4017250000", "47 51 59.41 38 24 6.21 47.8665027778 -38.4017250000", "47 51 59.41 38 29 35.27 47.8665027778 -38.4931305556", "25 47 51 59.41 38 24 17.43 47.8665027778 -38.4048416667 100.08", "47 51 59.41 38 18 48.76 47.8665027778 -38.3135444444", "47 58 45.82 38 18 48.76 47.9793944444 -38.3135444444", "47 58 45.82 38 24 17.43 47.9793944444 -38.4048416667", "26 48 16 35.77 38 25 54.68 48.2766027778 -38.4318555556 100.05", "48 16 35.77 38 20 26.26 48.2766027778 -38.3406277778", "48 23 22.64 38 20 26.26 48.3896222222 -38.3406277778", "48 23 22.64 38 25 54.68 48.3896222222 -38.4318555556", "27 48 21 0 38 20 26.26 48.3500000000 -38.3406277778 100.04", "48 21 0 38 14 58.25 48.3500000000 -38.2495138889", "48 27 46.87 38 14 58.25 48.4630194444 -38.2495138889", "48 27 46.87 38 20 26.26 48.4630194444 -38.3406277778", "28 48 25 27.95 38 14 58.25 48.4244305556 -38.2495138889 100.04", "48 25 27.95 38 9 30.64 48.4244305556 -38.1585111111", "48 32 14.82 38 9 30.64 48.5374500000 -38.1585111111", "48 32 14.82 38 14 58.25 48.5374500000 -38.2495138889", "29 48 32 14.82 38 14 58.25 48.5374500000 -38.2495138889 100.02", "48 32 14.82 38 9 30.64 48.5374500000 -38.1585111111", "48 39 1.69 38 9 30.64 48.6504694444 -38.1585111111", "48 39 1.69 38 14 58.25 48.6504694444 -38.2495138889", "30 48 32 14.82 38 9 30.64 48.5374500000 -38.1585111111 100.03", "48 32 14.82 38 4 3.43 48.5374500000 -38.0676194444", "48 39 1.69 38 4 3.43 48.6504694444 -38.0676194444", "48 39 1.69 38 9 30.64 48.6504694444 -38.1585111111", "31 48 28 31.53 38 4 3.43 48.4754250000 -38.0676194444 100.03", "48 28 31.53 37 58 36.62 48.4754250000 -37.9768388889", "48 35 18.4 37 58 36.62 48.5884444444 -37.9768388889", "48 35 18.4 38 4 3.43 48.5884444444 -38.0676194444", "32 48 21 44.67 38 4 3.43 48.3624083333 -38.0676194444 100.04", "48 21 44.67 37 58 36.62 48.3624083333 -37.9768388889", "48 28 31.53 37 58 36.62 48.4754250000 -37.9768388889", "48 28 31.53 38 4 3.43 48.4754250000 -38.0676194444", "33 48 14 57.8 38 7 15.8 48.2493888889 -38.1210555556 100.05", "48 14 57.8 38 1 48.76 48.2493888889 -38.0302111111", "48 21 44.67 38 1 48.76 48.3624083333 -38.0302111111", "48 21 44.67 38 7 15.8 48.3624083333 -38.1210555556", "34 48 14 32.08 38 12 43.25 48.2422444444 -38.2120138889 100.06", "48 14 32.08 38 7 15.8 48.2422444444 -38.1210555556", "48 21 18.95 38 7 15.8 48.3552638889 -38.1210555556", "48 21 18.95 38 12 43.25 48.3552638889 -38.2120138889", "35 48 45 3.46 38 8 59.27 48.7509611111 -38.1497972222 100.00", "48 45 3.46 38 3 29.22 48.7509611111 -38.0581166667", "48 51 46.77 38 3 29.22 48.8629916667 -38.0581166667", "48 51 46.77 38 8 59.27 48.8629916667 -38.1497972222", "36 48 51 46.77 38 8 32.66 48.8629916667 -38.1424055556 100.00", "48 51 46.77 38 3 2.64 48.8629916667 -38.0507333333", "48 58 30.09 38 3 2.64 48.9750250000 -38.0507333333", "48 58 30.09 38 8 32.66 48.9750250000 -38.1424055556", "37 48 58 30.09 38 8 32.66 48.9750250000 -38.1424055556 99.99", "48 58 30.09 38 3 2.64 48.9750250000 -38.0507333333", "49 5 13.41 38 3 2.64 49.0870583333 -38.0507333333", "49 5 13.41 38 8 32.66 49.0870583333 -38.1424055556", "38 49 1 21.6 38 3 2.64 49.0226666667 -38.0507333333 99.99", "49 1 21.6 37 57 33.03 49.0226666667 -37.9591750000", "49 8 4.92 37 57 33.03 49.1347000000 -37.9591750000", "49 8 4.92 38 3 2.64 49.1347000000 -38.0507333333", "39 49 8 4.92 38 0 4.89 49.1347000000 -38.0013583333 99.98", "49 8 4.92 37 54 32.53 49.1347000000 -37.9090361111", "49 14 44.63 37 54 32.53 49.2457305556 -37.9090361111", "49 14 44.63 38 0 4.89 49.2457305556 -38.0013583333", "40 49 14 44.63 37 57 34.09 49.2457305556 -37.9594694444 99.97", "49 14 44.63 37 52 1.91 49.2457305556 -37.8671972222", "49 21 24.35 37 52 1.91 49.3567638889 -37.8671972222", "49 21 24.35 37 57 34.09 49.3567638889 -37.9594694444", "41 49 21 24.35 37 57 24.56 49.3567638889 -37.9568222222 99.96", "49 21 24.35 37 51 55.36 49.3567638889 -37.8653777778", "49 28 7.66 37 51 55.36 49.4687944444 -37.8653777778", "49 28 7.66 37 57 24.56 49.4687944444 -37.9568222222", "42 48 41 17.24 38 1 13.05 48.6881222222 -38.0202916667 100.01", "48 41 17.24 37 55 40.36 48.6881222222 -37.9278777778", "48 47 56.65 37 55 40.36 48.7990694444 -37.9278777778", "48 47 56.65 38 1 13.05 48.7990694444 -38.0202916667", "43 48 47 56.65 38 2 1.89 48.7990694444 -38.0338583333 100.00", "48 47 56.65 37 56 29.13 48.7990694444 -37.9414250000", "48 54 36.06 37 56 29.13 48.9100166667 -37.9414250000", "48 54 36.06 38 2 1.89 48.9100166667 -38.0338583333", "44 48 47 56.65 37 56 29.13 48.7990694444 -37.9414250000 100.00", "48 47 56.65 37 50 56.78 48.7990694444 -37.8491055556", "48 54 36.06 37 50 56.78 48.9100166667 -37.8491055556", "48 54 36.06 37 56 29.13 48.9100166667 -37.9414250000", "45 48 54 36.06 37 54 54.51 48.9100166667 -37.9151416667 99.99", "48 54 36.06 37 49 22.28 48.9100166667 -37.8228555556", "49 1 15.47 37 49 22.28 49.0209638889 -37.8228555556", "49 1 15.47 37 54 54.51 49.0209638889 -37.9151416667", "46 49 1 15.47 37 52 26.04 49.0209638889 -37.8739000000 99.99", "49 1 15.47 37 46 53.99 49.0209638889 -37.7816638889", "49 7 54.88 37 46 53.99 49.1319111111 -37.7816638889", "49 7 54.88 37 52 26.04 49.1319111111 -37.8739000000", "47 49 7 54.88 37 51 14.71 49.1319111111 -37.8540861111 99.98", "49 7 54.88 37 45 42.75 49.1319111111 -37.7618750000", "49 14 34.29 37 45 42.75 49.2428583333 -37.7618750000", "49 14 34.29 37 51 14.71 49.2428583333 -37.8540861111", "48 49 14 34.29 37 49 44.67 49.2428583333 -37.8290750000 99.97", "49 14 34.29 37 44 6.73 49.2428583333 -37.7352027778", "49 21 6.5 37 44 6.73 49.3518055556 -37.7352027778", "49 21 6.5 37 49 44.67 49.3518055556 -37.8290750000", "49 49 21 6.5 37 46 41.45 49.3518055556 -37.7781805556 99.96", "49 21 6.5 37 41 8.33 49.3518055556 -37.6856472222", "49 27 44.11 37 41 8.33 49.4622527778 -37.6856472222", "49 27 44.11 37 46 41.45 49.4622527778 -37.7781805556", "50 49 27 44.11 37 43 18.34 49.4622527778 -37.7217611111 99.96", "49 27 44.11 37 37 48.45 49.4622527778 -37.6301250000", "49 34 25.33 37 37 48.45 49.5737027778 -37.6301250000", "49 34 25.33 37 43 18.34 49.5737027778 -37.7217611111", "51 49 30 26.62 37 55 26.78 49.5073944444 -37.9241055556 99.96", "49 30 26.62 37 49 54.93 49.5073944444 -37.8319250000", "49 37 6.54 37 49 54.93 49.6184833333 -37.8319250000", "49 37 6.54 37 55 26.78 49.6184833333 -37.9241055556", "52 49 37 6.54 37 55 44.88 49.6184833333 -37.9291333333 99.95", "49 37 6.54 37 50 13.01 49.6184833333 -37.8369472222", "49 43 46.46 37 50 13.01 49.7295722222 -37.8369472222", "49 43 46.46 37 55 44.88 49.7295722222 -37.9291333333", "53 49 37 6.54 37 50 13.01 49.6184833333 -37.8369472222 99.95", "49 37 6.54 37 44 41.55 49.6184833333 -37.7448750000", "49 43 46.46 37 44 41.55 49.7295722222 -37.7448750000", "49 43 46.46 37 50 13.01 49.7295722222 -37.8369472222", "54 49 43 46.46 37 51 25.28 49.7295722222 -37.8570222222 99.94", "49 43 46.46 37 45 53.73 49.7295722222 -37.7649250000", "49 50 26.37 37 45 53.73 49.8406583333 -37.7649250000", "49 50 26.37 37 51 25.28 49.8406583333 -37.8570222222", "55 49 43 46.46 37 56 57.24 49.7295722222 -37.9492333333 99.94", "49 43 46.46 37 51 25.28 49.7295722222 -37.8570222222", "49 50 26.37 37 51 25.28 49.8406583333 -37.8570222222", "49 50 26.37 37 56 57.24 49.8406583333 -37.9492333333", "56 49 50 26.37 37 53 11.86 49.8406583333 -37.8866277778 99.94", "49 50 26.37 37 47 37.17 49.8406583333 -37.7936583333", "49 57 2.69 37 47 37.17 49.9507472222 -37.7936583333", "49 57 2.69 37 53 11.86 49.9507472222 -37.8866277778", "57 49 57 2.69 37 50 50.33 49.9507472222 -37.8473138889 99.93", "49 57 2.69 37 45 15.81 49.9507472222 -37.7543916667", "50 3 39.01 37 45 15.81 50.0608361111 -37.7543916667", "50 3 39.01 37 50 50.33 50.0608361111 -37.8473138889", "58 50 14 9.96 37 45 49.01 50.2361000000 -37.7636138889 99.92", "50 14 9.96 37 40 21.46 50.2361000000 -37.6726277778", "50 20 54.26 37 40 21.46 50.3484055556 -37.6726277778", "50 20 54.26 37 45 49.01 50.3484055556 -37.7636138889", "59 50 14 9.96 37 40 21.46 50.2361000000 -37.6726277778 99.93", "50 14 9.96 37 34 54.29 50.2361000000 -37.5817472222", "50 20 54.26 37 34 54.29 50.3484055556 -37.5817472222", "50 20 54.26 37 40 21.46 50.3484055556 -37.6726277778", "60 50 20 54.26 37 36 58.54 50.3484055556 -37.6162611111 99.92", "50 20 54.26 37 31 31.63 50.3484055556 -37.5254527778", "50 27 38.56 37 31 31.63 50.4607111111 -37.5254527778", "50 27 38.56 37 36 58.54 50.4607111111 -37.6162611111", "61 50 20 54.26 37 42 25.85 50.3484055556 -37.7071805556 99.92", "50 20 54.26 37 36 58.54 50.3484055556 -37.6162611111", "50 27 38.56 37 36 58.54 50.4607111111 -37.6162611111", "50 27 38.56 37 42 25.85 50.4607111111 -37.7071805556", "62 50 20 54.26 37 47 53.56 50.3484055556 -37.7982111111 99.92", "50 20 54.26 37 42 25.85 50.3484055556 -37.7071805556", "50 27 38.56 37 42 25.85 50.4607111111 -37.7071805556", "50 27 38.56 37 47 53.56 50.4607111111 -37.7982111111", "63 50 27 38.56 37 47 53.56 50.4607111111 -37.7982111111 99.92", "50 27 38.56 37 42 25.85 50.4607111111 -37.7071805556", "50 34 22.86 37 42 25.85 50.5730166667 -37.7071805556", "50 34 22.86 37 47 53.56 50.5730166667 -37.7982111111", "64 50 27 38.56 37 42 25.85 50.4607111111 -37.7071805556 99.92", "50 27 38.56 37 36 58.54 50.4607111111 -37.6162611111", "50 34 22.86 37 36 58.54 50.5730166667 -37.6162611111", "50 34 22.86 37 42 25.85 50.5730166667 -37.7071805556", "65 50 27 38.56 37 36 58.54 50.4607111111 -37.6162611111 99.92", "50 27 38.56 37 31 31.63 50.4607111111 -37.5254527778", "50 34 22.86 37 31 31.63 50.5730166667 -37.5254527778", "50 34 22.86 37 36 58.54 50.5730166667 -37.6162611111", "66 50 34 22.86 37 37 11.68 50.5730166667 -37.6199111111 99.92", "50 34 22.86 37 31 38.83 50.5730166667 -37.5274527778", "50 40 59.96 37 31 38.83 50.6833222222 -37.5274527778", "50 40 59.96 37 37 11.68 50.6833222222 -37.6199111111", "67 50 50 5.61 37 41 48.53 50.8348916667 -37.6968138889 99.91", "50 50 5.61 37 36 16.38 50.8348916667 -37.6045500000", "50 56 43.95 37 36 16.38 50.9455416667 -37.6045500000", "50 56 43.95 37 41 48.53 50.9455416667 -37.6968138889", "68 50 56 43.95 37 41 36.01 50.9455416667 -37.6933361111 99.92", "50 56 43.95 37 36 3.87 50.9455416667 -37.6010750000", "51 3 22.3 37 36 3.87 51.0561944444 -37.6010750000", "51 3 22.3 37 41 36.01 51.0561944444 -37.6933361111", "69 50 55 9.39 37 36 3.87 50.9192750000 -37.6010750000 99.92", "50 55 9.39 37 30 32.14 50.9192750000 -37.5089277778", "51 1 47.74 37 30 32.14 51.0299277778 -37.5089277778", "51 1 47.74 37 36 3.87 51.0299277778 -37.6010750000", "70 51 1 47.74 37 36 3.87 51.0299277778 -37.6010750000 99.92", "51 1 47.74 37 30 32.14 51.0299277778 -37.5089277778", "51 8 26.09 37 30 32.14 51.1405805556 -37.5089277778", "51 8 26.09 37 36 3.87 51.1405805556 -37.6010750000", "71 51 8 26.09 37 34 42.26 51.1405805556 -37.5784055556 99.91", "51 8 26.09 37 29 10.63 51.1405805556 -37.4862861111", "51 15 4.43 37 29 10.63 51.2512305556 -37.4862861111", "51 15 4.43 37 34 42.26 51.2512305556 -37.5784055556", "72 51 15 4.43 37 35 15 51.2512305556 -37.5875000000 99.92", "51 15 4.43 37 29 43.32 51.2512305556 -37.4953666667", "51 21 42.78 37 29 43.32 51.3618833333 -37.4953666667", "51 21 42.78 37 35 15 51.3618833333 -37.5875000000", "73 51 18 25.14 37 29 43.32 51.3069833333 -37.4953666667 99.92", "51 18 25.14 37 24 12.05 51.3069833333 -37.4033472222", "51 25 3.49 37 24 12.05 51.4176361111 -37.4033472222", "51 25 3.49 37 29 43.32 51.4176361111 -37.4953666667", "74 51 25 3.49 37 29 50.7 51.4176361111 -37.4974166667 99.92", "51 25 3.49 37 24 22.39 51.4176361111 -37.4062194444", "51 31 45.44 37 24 22.39 51.5292888889 -37.4062194444", "51 31 45.44 37 29 50.7 51.5292888889 -37.4974166667", "75 51 31 45.44 37 30 13.96 51.5292888889 -37.5038777778 99.92", "51 31 45.44 37 24 45.62 51.5292888889 -37.4126722222", "51 38 27.38 37 24 45.62 51.6409388889 -37.4126722222", "51 38 27.38 37 30 13.96 51.6409388889 -37.5038777778", "76 51 38 27.38 37 29 56.31 51.6409388889 -37.4989750000 99.93", "51 38 27.38 37 24 27.98 51.6409388889 -37.4077722222", "51 45 9.32 37 24 27.98 51.7525888889 -37.4077722222", "51 45 9.32 37 29 56.31 51.7525888889 -37.4989750000", "77 51 45 9.32 37 30 0.97 51.7525888889 -37.5002694444 99.93", "51 45 9.32 37 24 32.64 51.7525888889 -37.4090666667", "51 51 51.27 37 24 32.64 51.8642416667 -37.4090666667", "51 51 51.27 37 30 0.97 51.8642416667 -37.5002694444", "78 51 53 13.36 37 23 10.01 51.8870444444 -37.3861138889 99.93", "51 53 13.36 37 17 40.97 51.8870444444 -37.2947138889", "51 59 53.84 37 17 40.97 51.9982888889 -37.2947138889", "51 59 53.84 37 23 10.01 51.9982888889 -37.3861138889", "79 51 59 53.84 37 22 58.15 51.9982888889 -37.3828194444 99.94", "51 59 53.84 37 17 29.12 51.9982888889 -37.2914222222", "52 6 34.31 37 17 29.12 52.1095305556 -37.2914222222", "52 6 34.31 37 22 58.15 52.1095305556 -37.3828194444", "80 52 6 34.31 37 24 15.35 52.1095305556 -37.4042638889 99.94", "52 6 34.31 37 18 46.23 52.1095305556 -37.3128416667", "52 13 14.79 37 18 46.23 52.2207750000 -37.3128416667", "52 13 14.79 37 24 15.35 52.2207750000 -37.4042638889", "81 52 6 34.31 37 18 46.23 52.1095305556 -37.3128416667 99.94", "52 6 34.31 37 13 17.5 52.1095305556 -37.2215277778", "52 13 14.79 37 13 17.5 52.2207750000 -37.2215277778", "52 13 14.79 37 18 46.23 52.2207750000 -37.3128416667", "82 52 13 14.79 37 22 25.51 52.2207750000 -37.3737527778 99.95", "52 13 14.79 37 16 56.52 52.2207750000 -37.2823666667", "52 19 55.27 37 16 56.52 52.3320194444 -37.2823666667", "52 19 55.27 37 22 25.51 52.3320194444 -37.3737527778", "83 52 55 32.68 35 57 9.51 52.9257444444 -35.9526416667 99.99", "52 55 32.68 35 51 46.71 52.9257444444 -35.8629750000", "53 2 13.51 35 51 46.71 53.0370861111 -35.8629750000", "53 2 13.51 35 57 9.51 53.0370861111 -35.9526416667", "84 52 57 55.53 36 2 32.67 52.9654250000 -36.0424083333 100.00", "52 57 55.53 35 57 9.51 52.9654250000 -35.9526416667", "53 4 36.36 35 57 9.51 53.0767666667 -35.9526416667", "53 4 36.36 36 2 32.67 53.0767666667 -36.0424083333", "85 53 4 36.36 36 5 32.58 53.0767666667 -36.0923833333 100.00", "53 4 36.36 36 0 9.22 53.0767666667 -36.0025611111", "53 11 17.18 36 0 9.22 53.1881055556 -36.0025611111", "53 11 17.18 36 5 32.58 53.1881055556 -36.0923833333", "86 53 11 17.18 36 8 16.35 53.1881055556 -36.1378750000 100.02", "53 11 17.18 36 2 52.8 53.1881055556 -36.0480000000", "53 17 58.01 36 2 52.8 53.2994472222 -36.0480000000", "53 17 58.01 36 8 16.35 53.2994472222 -36.1378750000", "87 53 13 56.16 36 2 52.8 53.2322666667 -36.0480000000 100.02", "53 13 56.16 35 57 29.62 53.2322666667 -35.9582277778", "53 20 36.98 35 57 29.62 53.3436055556 -35.9582277778", "53 20 36.98 36 2 52.8 53.3436055556 -36.0480000000", "88 54 11 51.19 34 59 52.27 54.1975527778 -34.9978527778 100.07", "54 11 51.19 34 54 30.22 54.1975527778 -34.9083944444", "54 18 28.3 34 54 30.22 54.3078611111 -34.9083944444", "54 18 28.3 34 59 52.27 54.3078611111 -34.9978527778", "89 54 11 51.19 34 54 30.22 54.1975527778 -34.9083944444 100.07", "54 11 51.19 34 49 8.52 54.1975527778 -34.8190333333", "54 18 28.3 34 49 8.52 54.3078611111 -34.8190333333", "54 18 28.3 34 54 30.22 54.3078611111 -34.9083944444", "90 54 18 28.3 34 53 15.49 54.3078611111 -34.8876361111 100.06", "54 18 28.3 34 47 53.87 54.3078611111 -34.7982972222", "54 25 5.42 34 47 53.87 54.4181722222 -34.7982972222", "54 25 5.42 34 53 15.49 54.4181722222 -34.8876361111", "91 54 18 28.3 34 58 37.46 54.3078611111 -34.9770722222 100.06", "54 18 28.3 34 53 15.49 54.3078611111 -34.8876361111", "54 25 5.42 34 53 15.49 54.4181722222 -34.8876361111", "54 25 5.42 34 58 37.46 54.4181722222 -34.9770722222", "92 54 25 5.42 34 58 44.82 54.4181722222 -34.9791166667 100.05", "54 25 5.42 34 53 22.84 54.4181722222 -34.8896777778", "54 31 42.53 34 53 22.84 54.5284805556 -34.8896777778", "54 31 42.53 34 58 44.82 54.5284805556 -34.9791166667", "93 54 25 5.42 34 53 22.84 54.4181722222 -34.8896777778 100.05", "54 25 5.42 34 48 1.21 54.4181722222 -34.8003361111", "54 31 42.53 34 48 1.21 54.5284805556 -34.8003361111", "54 31 42.53 34 53 22.84 54.5284805556 -34.8896777778", "94 54 31 42.53 34 53 48.24 54.5284805556 -34.8967333333 100.04", "54 31 42.53 34 48 26.58 54.5284805556 -34.8073833333", "54 38 19.65 34 48 26.58 54.6387916667 -34.8073833333", "54 38 19.65 34 53 48.24 54.6387916667 -34.8967333333", "95 55 6 36.73 34 29 58.22 55.1102027778 -34.4995055556 99.99", "55 6 36.73 34 24 43.29 55.1102027778 -34.4120250000", "55 13 20.43 34 24 43.29 55.2223416667 -34.4120250000", "55 13 20.43 34 29 58.22 55.2223416667 -34.4995055556", "96 55 13 20.43 34 29 58.22 55.2223416667 -34.4995055556 99.98", "55 13 20.43 34 24 43.29 55.2223416667 -34.4120250000", "55 20 4.13 34 24 43.29 55.3344805556 -34.4120250000", "55 20 4.13 34 29 58.22 55.3344805556 -34.4995055556", "97 55 20 4.13 34 30 23.47 55.3344805556 -34.5065194444 99.97", "55 20 4.13 34 25 2.79 55.3344805556 -34.4174416667", "55 26 40.62 34 25 2.79 55.4446166667 -34.4174416667", "55 26 40.62 34 30 23.47 55.4446166667 -34.5065194444", "98 55 26 40.62 34 25 28.39 55.4446166667 -34.4245527778 99.96", "55 26 40.62 34 20 8.03 55.4446166667 -34.3355638889", "55 33 17.12 34 20 8.03 55.5547555556 -34.3355638889", "55 33 17.12 34 25 28.39 55.5547555556 -34.4245527778", "99 55 31 5.74 34 20 8.03 55.5182611111 -34.3355638889 99.96", "55 31 5.74 34 14 48 55.5182611111 -34.2466666667", "55 37 42.24 34 14 48 55.6284000000 -34.2466666667", "55 37 42.24 34 20 8.03 55.6284000000 -34.3355638889", "100 55 37 42.24 34 20 37.31 55.6284000000 -34.3436972222 99.95", "55 37 42.24 34 15 22.95 55.6284000000 -34.2563750000", "55 44 25.93 34 15 22.95 55.7405361111 -34.2563750000", "55 44 25.93 34 20 37.31 55.7405361111 -34.3436972222", "^(a) The geographic coordinates provided by COMRA were converted to Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) coordinates (the recommended International Seabed Authority (ISA) standard) in order to compute the area sizes. As a result, there are minor variations in block sizes.", "Indicative chart showing the general location of the area under application", "[]" ]
[ "第十七届会议", "2011年7月11日至22日", "牙买加金斯敦", "就中国大洋矿产资源研究开发协会提出的请求核准多金属硫化物勘探工作计划的申请书提交国际海底管理局理事会的报告和建议", "法律和技术委员会提交", "一. 导言", "1. 2010年5月7日,国际海底管理局秘书长收到了一份请求核准“区域”内多金属硫化物勘探工作计划的申请书。该申请书由中国大洋矿产资源研究开发协会(中国大洋协会)根据《“区域”内多金属硫化物探矿和勘探规章》(《规章》)提交。申请书覆盖的区域占地约10 000平方公里,由100块每块大约10公里乘10公里的区块构成,这些区块分为12组,每组5至19个区块不等。这些区块组互不毗连,但相距较近,局限于面积不超过300 000平方公里的一个长方形区域内,其中最长边的边长不超过1 000公里。", "^(*) 由于技术原因于2011年7月19日重新印发。", "2. 依照《规章》第22条(c)款,秘书长于2010年5月14日通知管理局所有成员已收到这一申请书,并分发了与申请书有关的一般性非机密资料。秘书长还将审议该申请书作为一个项目列入2011年7月4日至13日法律和技术委员会会议的议程。", "二. 法律和技术委员会审议申请书的方法", "A. 委员会审议申请书采用的一般方法", "3. 在审议该申请书时,委员会指出,按照《联合国海洋法公约》(《公约》)附件三第六条规定的办法,委员会首先须客观确定申请者是否遵守《规章》所载规定,特别是有关申请书形式的规定;是否提供《规章》第15条规定的必要承诺和保证;是否具有必要的财政能力和技术能力来履行勘探工作计划,并(在适用时)已令人满意地履行以前与管理局订立的合同的义务。其后,委员会须依照《规章》第23条第4款及其程序,确定提议的工作计划是否将有效地保护人体健康和安全,有效地保护和保全海洋环境,以及确保设施不坐落在可能干扰国际航行必经的公认航道的地点或坐落在捕鱼活动集中的区域。《规章》第23条第5款还规定:", "如果委员会根据第3款作出确定,并确定提议的勘探工作计划符合第4款的要求,委员会应建议理事会核准勘探工作计划。", "4. 委员会在根据《规章》第23条第9款审议所提议的多金属硫化物勘探工作计划时,考虑到《公约》第十一部分和附件三以及1994年《关于执行〈联合国海洋法公约〉第十一部分的协定》(《协定》)有关“区域”内活动的原则、政策和目的。", "B. 申请书审议情况", "5. 委员会在2011年7月5日、6日和8日的闭门会议上审议了该申请书。", "6. 在详细审查该申请书之前,委员会邀请申请者的代表中国大洋协会秘书长金建才介绍申请书。陪同金建才出席会议的有国家海洋局第二海洋研究所副所长李家彪先生和国家海洋局第二海洋研究所高级研究员陶春辉先生。然后,委员会成员在召集闭门会议详细审查申请书之前,提出了一些问题,要求对申请书的某些方面作出澄清。2011年7月6日,委员会决定请委员会主席通过秘书长向申请者转交一个问题清单。申请者于2011年7月8日对这些问题提交正式答复。", "三. 申请书基本资料摘要", "A. 申请者资料", "7. 申请者名称:中国大洋矿产资源研究开发协会。", "8. 申请者地址:", "(a) 街道地址:中国北京市复兴门外大街1号,100860;", "(b) 邮政地址:同上;", "(c) 电话号码:86-10-68022117;", "(d) 传真号码:86-10-68033318;", "(e) 电子邮件地址。", "9. 申请者指定代表:", "(a) 姓名:金建才先生;", "(b) 申请者指定代表街道地址:同上;", "(c) 邮政地址:同上;", "(d) 电话号码:86-10-68030504;", "(e) 传真号码:86-10-68030504;", "(f) 电子邮件地址;", "10. 申请者注册地点和主要营业地点/住所:中国北京。", "11. 申请者表示,中国大洋协会是担保国境内注册的一个国有实体,在担保国的有效控制之下。", "B. 担保", "12. 担保国:中国。", "13. 中国交存1982年《联合国海洋法公约》批准书的日期:1996年6月7日;同意接受《关于执行1982年12月10日〈联合国海洋法公约〉第十一部分的协定》约束的日期:1996年6月7日。", "14. 开具担保书的日期:2010年5月6日。", "15. 委员会注意到申请书由中国担保,担保书正确无误。经中国国务院授权,代表中国国家海洋局,在担保书中声明,中国大洋协会由中国有效控制;担保国在担保书中声明,它按照《公约》第一三九条、第一五三条第4款和附件三第四条第4款承担责任。", "C. 申请区域", "16. 中国大洋协会的申请区域位于西南印度洋脊。申请区包括100块每块大约10公里乘10公里但不超过100平方公里的区块。申请书所覆盖的总面积大约10 000平方公里,但不超过10 000平方公里。这些区块分为12组,每组5至19个区块不等。这些区块组互不毗连,但相距较近,局限于面积不超过300 000平方公里的一个长方形区域内,其中最长边的边长不超过1 000公里。申请区域大致坐标和一般地理位置见本文件附件一。", "D. 其他资料", "17. 申请书收件日期:2010年5月7日。", "18. 与管理局的前订合同:", "(a) 前订合同日期:中国大洋协会同管理局于2001年5月22日在中国北京签订了一份“区域”多金属结核勘探合同;", "(b) 有关多金属结核勘探合同方面向管理局提交的报告:", "• 2001年年度报告,2002年3月提交", "• 2002年年度报告,2003年3月提交", "• 2003年年度报告,2004年3月提交", "• 2004年年度报告,2005年3月提交", "• 2005年年度报告,2006年3月提交", "• 2001-2005五年期报告,2006年3月提交", "• 2006年年度报告,2007年3月提交", "• 2007年年度报告,2008年3月提交", "• 2008年年度报告,2009年3月提交", "• 2009年年度报告,2010年3月提交", "• 2010年年度报告,2011年3月提交", "• 2006-2010五年期报告,2011年3月提交", "(c) 合同到期日:2016年5月21日。", "19. 承诺:申请者提交了中国大洋协会指定代表金建才先生2010年5月6日签名的一份书面承诺,表示愿意遵守《规章》第15条的规定。", "20. 申请者选择按照《规章》第19条提供在一个联合企业安排中的股份。", "21. 申请者为申请支付了50 000美元的固定收费,并按《规章》第21条第1(b)款缴付年费。", "四. 审查申请者提交的资料和技术数据", "22. 申请书中提交了下列技术文件:", "(a) 申请者作为中国一个国有实体的注册证书的副本;", "(b) 担保国中国开具的担保书;", "(c) 申请区域的相关资料:", "㈠ 区块位置的海图;", "㈡ 申请区块各角的坐标表;", "(d) 能让理事会确定申请者在财政上有能力执行提议的勘探工作计划的资料;", "(e) 让理事会确定申请者在技术上有能力执行提议的勘探工作计划的资料;", "(f) 指示性勘探工作计划;", "(g) 申请者的书面承诺。", "五. 审议申请者的财政和技术资格", "A. 财政能力", "23. 在评估申请者的财政能力时,委员会注意到中国大洋协会已声明有财政能力履行提议的勘探工作计划和履行其对管理局的财政义务。委员会收到中国财政部长谢旭人2010年5月6日签署的一份声明,证明申请者有满足提议勘探工作计划最低费用估计数及其对管理局的财政义务的必要资金。", "B. 技术能力", "24. 向委员会提供了有关中国大洋协会以前在多金属结核勘探领域的经验和技能以及关于多金属硫化物储藏方面的科学研究的技术资料。委员会注意到申请者回顾其作为多金属结核勘探方面的先驱投资者和管理局当前承包商的经验,以证明其有能力调查和开发海底矿产资源,开展环境评估和科学研究。申请者并指出,过去10年里它积累了有关多金属硫化物分布和勘探方法及其环境方面的经验。", "25. 向委员会提供了有关预防、减少和控制危险及可能对海洋环境的影响方面的资料。资料包括一个海洋学和环境基线研究方案计划说明,以确保勘探活动对海洋环境造成的影响最小。说明包括一项行动计划,列有为防止、减少和控制勘探活动造成污染和对海洋环境的其他危害而将采取的必要措施。说明并介绍了一个监测方案和拟为预防、减少和控制污染和其他危害以及对海洋环境的可能影响而采取的措施。在回答委员会的问题时,中国大洋协会表示,它将采用现有用于调查和研究活跃热液喷口的最合适设备,以增加对生态系统的科学认识,促进对生态环境的科学评估,为保护活跃热液喷口生态系统提供科学依据。", "26. 在回答委员会有关勘探活动是否在活跃喷口进行以及申请者将采取减轻这类活动的影响的战略措施等口头和书面问题时,申请者表示,中国大洋协会认为,多金属硫化物的开采不应在海底活跃热液喷口进行。鉴于现有的科学知识有限和不确定性,中国大洋协会认为,应该采用预防方法,与开采有关的设备的测试也应该在远离活跃热液喷口的地点进行,以避免对生活在活跃喷口附近的生物群落造成危害。", "六. 审议供核准勘探工作计划而提交的数据和资料", "27. 依照《规章》第20条,申请书中列有供核准勘探工作计划而提交的下列资料:", "(a) 提议勘探方案头五年活动的一般性说明和时间表,例如就勘探时必须考虑到的环境、技术、经济和其他有关因素进行研究;", "(b) 关于依照《规章》以及管理局制定的环境规则、条例和程序所执行海洋学和环境基线研究方案的说明。此类研究使得能够依照法律和技术委员会提出的任何建议,评估提议的勘探活动可能对环境产生何种影响,包括但不局限于对生物多样性的影响;", "(c) 对提议的勘探活动可能对海洋环境产生影响的初步评估;", "(d) 关于防止、减少和控制对海洋环境的污染和其他危害以及可能造成影响的拟议措施的说明;", "(e) 理事会作出它必须根据《规章》第13条第1款作出的确定所需的资料(对管理局承担的财政义务);", "(f) 头五年时期活动方案预计年度支出明细表。", "28. 委员会感到满意的是,提交的资料符合《规章》要求,并指出期待申请者按照《规章》和委员会适当时候提出的准则建议提交报告,包括有关数据。", "29. 委员会还注意到,中国大洋协会提议勘探的一些区块位于靠近自愿关闭深海海底捕捞区域。在这方面,委员会欢迎中国大洋协会的函件,其中协会回顾《公约》第一四七条,强调其致力于保护海底生态系统,将尊重联合国大会、联合国粮食及农业组织(粮农组织)和有关渔业组织通过的各项有关决议。委员会还注意到,中国大洋协会已宣布打算严格遵守管理局的有关规则、条例和决定。", "七. 训练方案", "30. 申请者表示,承包商将按照《规章》第29条及其附件4第8节,与管理局和担保国合作起草训练方案,并将这些方案提交管理局核准。", "八. 结论和建议", "31. 委员会在审查了申请者提交的、上文第三至第七节概述的细节之后,满意地注意到申请书依照《规章》妥善提交,申请者是符合《公约》附件三第4条定义的合格申请者。委员会还满意地注意到申请者:", "(a) 遵守了《规章》的规定;", "(b) 作出了《规章》第15条规定的承诺和保证;", "(c) 具有开展提议勘探工作计划的财政能力和技术能力。", "32. 委员会满意地注意到《规章》第23条第6款所述情况无一适用。", "33. 关于提议勘探工作计划,委员会满意地注意到该提议勘探工作计划将:", "(a) 有效保护人体健康和安全;", "(b) 有效保护和保全海洋环境;", "(c) 确保设施不坐落在可能干扰国际航行必经公认航道的地点或坐落在捕鱼活动集中区域。", "34. 因此,根据《规章》第23条第5款,委员会建议理事会核准中国大洋协会提交的多金属硫化物勘探工作计划。", "附件", "A. 坐标清单", "区块号码 东经 南纬 经度 纬度 区域面积 (平方公里)[1]\n 度 分 秒 度 分 秒 十进小数 十进小数", "1 46 21 28.07 39 6 31.64 46.3577972222 -39.1087888889 99.95", "46 21 28.07 39 0 56.47 46.3577972222 -39.0156861111", "46 28 10.47 39 0 56.47 46.4695750000 -39.0156861111", "46 28 10.47 39 6 31.64 46.4695750000 -39.1087888889", "2 46 21 28.07 39 0 56.47 46.3577972222 -39.0156861111 99.95", "46 21 28.07 38 55 21.73 46.3577972222 -38.9227027778", "46 28 10.47 38 55 21.73 46.4695750000 -38.9227027778", "46 28 10.47 39 0 56.47 46.4695750000 -39.0156861111", "3 46 28 10.47 39 3 5.29 46.4695750000 -39.0514694444 99.96", "46 28 10.47 38 57 24.28 46.4695750000 -38.9567444444", "46 34 45.66 38 57 24.28 46.5793500000 -38.9567444444", "46 34 45.66 39 3 5.29 46.5793500000 -39.0514694444", "4 46 34 45.66 38 57 50.87 46.5793500000 -38.9641305556 99.97", "46 34 45.66 38 52 10.27 46.5793500000 -38.8695194444", "46 41 20.86 38 52 10.27 46.6891277778 -38.8695194444", "46 41 20.86 38 57 50.87 46.6891277778 -38.9641305556", "5 46 41 20.86 38 57 37.44 46.6891277778 -38.9604000000 99.97", "46 41 20.86 38 51 56.87 46.6891277778 -38.8657972222", "46 47 56.06 38 51 56.87 46.7989055556 -38.8657972222", "46 47 56.06 38 57 37.44 46.7989055556 -38.9604000000", "6 46 47 56.06 38 56 27.13 46.7989055556 -38.9408694444 99.98", "46 47 56.06 38 50 51.23 46.7989055556 -38.8475638889", "46 54 36.66 38 50 51.23 46.9101833333 -38.8475638889", "46 54 36.66 38 56 27.13 46.9101833333 -38.9408694444", "7 47 1 1.01 38 54 29.65 47.0169472222 -38.9082361111 100.00", "47 1 1.01 38 48 54.25 47.0169472222 -38.8150694444", "47 7 42.02 38 48 54.25 47.1283388889 -38.8150694444", "47 7 42.02 38 54 29.65 47.1283388889 -38.9082361111", "8 47 7 42.02 38 53 4.55 47.1283388889 -38.8845972222 100.00", "47 7 42.02 38 47 29.26 47.1283388889 -38.7914611111", "47 14 23.03 38 47 29.26 47.2397305556 -38.7914611111", "47 14 23.03 38 53 4.55 47.2397305556 -38.8845972222", "9 47 14 23.03 38 51 41.41 47.2397305556 -38.8615027778 100.01", "47 14 23.03 38 46 6.23 47.2397305556 -38.7683972222", "47 21 4.04 38 46 6.23 47.3511222222 -38.7683972222", "47 21 4.04 38 51 41.41 47.3511222222 -38.8615027778", "10 47 21 4.04 38 52 9.72 47.3511222222 -38.8693666667 100.02", "47 21 4.04 38 46 34.5 47.3511222222 -38.7762500000", "47 27 45.05 38 46 34.5 47.4625138889 -38.7762500000", "47 27 45.05 38 52 9.72 47.4625138889 -38.8693666667", "11 47 21 41.8 38 46 34.5 47.3616111111 -38.7762500000 100.02", "47 21 41.8 38 40 59.71 47.3616111111 -38.6832527778", "47 28 22.81 38 40 59.71 47.4730027778 -38.6832527778", "47 28 22.81 38 46 34.5 47.4730027778 -38.7762500000", "12 47 27 45.05 38 52 9.72 47.4625138889 -38.8693666667 100.03", "47 27 45.05 38 46 34.5 47.4625138889 -38.7762500000", "47 34 26.06 38 46 34.5 47.5739055556 -38.7762500000", "47 34 26.06 38 52 9.72 47.5739055556 -38.8693666667", "13 47 34 26.06 38 53 49.61 47.5739055556 -38.8971138889 100.04", "47 34 26.06 38 48 14.26 47.5739055556 -38.8039611111", "47 41 7.07 38 48 14.26 47.6852972222 -38.8039611111", "47 41 7.07 38 53 49.61 47.6852972222 -38.8971138889", "14 46 38 3.08 38 44 11.62 46.6341888889 -38.7365611111 100.03", "46 38 3.08 38 38 39.99 46.6341888889 -38.6444416667", "46 44 47.69 38 38 39.99 46.7465805556 -38.6444416667", "46 44 47.69 38 44 11.62 46.7465805556 -38.7365611111", "15 46 44 47.69 38 45 56.84 46.7465805556 -38.7657888889 99.98", "46 44 47.69 38 40 25.07 46.7465805556 -38.6736305556", "46 51 32.31 38 40 25.07 46.8589750000 -38.6736305556", "46 51 32.31 38 45 56.84 46.8589750000 -38.7657888889", "16 46 51 32.31 38 44 6.43 46.8589750000 -38.7351194444 99.98", "46 51 32.31 38 38 34.81 46.8589750000 -38.6430027778", "46 58 16.92 38 38 34.81 46.9713666667 -38.6430027778", "46 58 16.92 38 44 6.43 46.9713666667 -38.7351194444", "17 46 58 16.92 38 43 34 46.9713666667 -38.7261111111 99.99", "46 58 16.92 38 38 2.41 46.9713666667 -38.6340027778", "47 5 1.53 38 38 2.41 47.0837583333 -38.6340027778", "47 5 1.53 38 43 34 47.0837583333 -38.7261111111", "18 47 5 1.53 38 44 6.53 47.0837583333 -38.7351472222 100.00", "47 5 1.53 38 38 31.93 47.0837583333 -38.6422027778", "47 11 42.54 38 38 31.93 47.1951500000 -38.6422027778", "47 11 42.54 38 44 6.53 47.1951500000 -38.7351472222", "19 47 11 42.54 38 43 9.45 47.1951500000 -38.7192916667 100.01", "47 11 42.54 38 37 34.92 47.1951500000 -38.6263666667", "47 18 23.55 38 37 34.92 47.3065416667 -38.6263666667", "47 18 23.55 38 43 9.45 47.3065416667 -38.7192916667", "20 47 18 23.55 38 40 59.71 47.3065416667 -38.6832527778 100.02", "47 18 23.55 38 35 25.35 47.3065416667 -38.5903750000", "47 25 4.56 38 35 25.35 47.4179333333 -38.5903750000", "47 25 4.56 38 40 59.71 47.4179333333 -38.6832527778", "21 47 25 4.56 38 40 59.71 47.4179333333 -38.6832527778 100.03", "47 25 4.56 38 35 25.35 47.4179333333 -38.5903750000", "47 31 45.57 38 35 25.35 47.5293250000 -38.5903750000", "47 31 45.57 38 40 59.71 47.5293250000 -38.6832527778", "22 47 31 45.57 38 40 18.21 47.5293250000 -38.6717250000 100.04", "47 31 45.57 38 34 43.9 47.5293250000 -38.5788611111", "47 38 26.58 38 34 43.9 47.6407166667 -38.5788611111", "47 38 26.58 38 40 18.21 47.6407166667 -38.6717250000", "23 47 38 26.58 38 34 49.21 47.6407166667 -38.5803361111 100.05", "47 38 26.58 38 29 19.76 47.6407166667 -38.4888222222", "47 45 13 38 29 19.76 47.7536111111 -38.4888222222", "47 45 13 38 34 49.21 47.7536111111 -38.5803361111", "24 47 45 13 38 29 35.27 47.7536111111 -38.4931305556 100.06", "47 45 13 38 24 6.21 47.7536111111 -38.4017250000", "47 51 59.41 38 24 6.21 47.8665027778 -38.4017250000", "47 51 59.41 38 29 35.27 47.8665027778 -38.4931305556", "25 47 51 59.41 38 24 17.43 47.8665027778 -38.4048416667 100.08", "47 51 59.41 38 18 48.76 47.8665027778 -38.3135444444", "47 58 45.82 38 18 48.76 47.9793944444 -38.3135444444", "47 58 45.82 38 24 17.43 47.9793944444 -38.4048416667", "26 48 16 35.77 38 25 54.68 48.2766027778 -38.4318555556 100.05", "48 16 35.77 38 20 26.26 48.2766027778 -38.3406277778", "48 23 22.64 38 20 26.26 48.3896222222 -38.3406277778", "48 23 22.64 38 25 54.68 48.3896222222 -38.4318555556", "27 48 21 0 38 20 26.26 48.3500000000 -38.3406277778 100.04", "48 21 0 38 14 58.25 48.3500000000 -38.2495138889", "48 27 46.87 38 14 58.25 48.4630194444 -38.2495138889", "48 27 46.87 38 20 26.26 48.4630194444 -38.3406277778", "28 48 25 27.95 38 14 58.25 48.4244305556 -38.2495138889 100.04", "48 25 27.95 38 9 30.64 48.4244305556 -38.1585111111", "48 32 14.82 38 9 30.64 48.5374500000 -38.1585111111", "48 32 14.82 38 14 58.25 48.5374500000 -38.2495138889", "29 48 32 14.82 38 14 58.25 48.5374500000 -38.2495138889 100.02", "48 32 14.82 38 9 30.64 48.5374500000 -38.1585111111", "48 39 1.69 38 9 30.64 48.6504694444 -38.1585111111", "48 39 1.69 38 14 58.25 48.6504694444 -38.2495138889", "30 48 32 14.82 38 9 30.64 48.5374500000 -38.1585111111 100.03", "48 32 14.82 38 4 3.43 48.5374500000 -38.0676194444", "48 39 1.69 38 4 3.43 48.6504694444 -38.0676194444", "48 39 1.69 38 9 30.64 48.6504694444 -38.1585111111", "31 48 28 31.53 38 4 3.43 48.4754250000 -38.0676194444 100.03", "48 28 31.53 37 58 36.62 48.4754250000 -37.9768388889", "48 35 18.4 37 58 36.62 48.5884444444 -37.9768388889", "48 35 18.4 38 4 3.43 48.5884444444 -38.0676194444", "32 48 21 44.67 38 4 3.43 48.3624083333 -38.0676194444 100.04", "48 21 44.67 37 58 36.62 48.3624083333 -37.9768388889", "48 28 31.53 37 58 36.62 48.4754250000 -37.9768388889", "48 28 31.53 38 4 3.43 48.4754250000 -38.0676194444", "33 48 14 57.8 38 7 15.8 48.2493888889 -38.1210555556 100.05", "48 14 57.8 38 1 48.76 48.2493888889 -38.0302111111", "48 21 44.67 38 1 48.76 48.3624083333 -38.0302111111", "48 21 44.67 38 7 15.8 48.3624083333 -38.1210555556", "34 48 14 32.08 38 12 43.25 48.2422444444 -38.2120138889 100.06", "48 14 32.08 38 7 15.8 48.2422444444 -38.1210555556", "48 21 18.95 38 7 15.8 48.3552638889 -38.1210555556", "48 21 18.95 38 12 43.25 48.3552638889 -38.2120138889", "35 48 45 3.46 38 8 59.27 48.7509611111 -38.1497972222 100.00", "48 45 3.46 38 3 29.22 48.7509611111 -38.0581166667", "48 51 46.77 38 3 29.22 48.8629916667 -38.0581166667", "48 51 46.77 38 8 59.27 48.8629916667 -38.1497972222", "36 48 51 46.77 38 8 32.66 48.8629916667 -38.1424055556 100.00", "48 51 46.77 38 3 2.64 48.8629916667 -38.0507333333", "48 58 30.09 38 3 2.64 48.9750250000 -38.0507333333", "48 58 30.09 38 8 32.66 48.9750250000 -38.1424055556", "37 48 58 30.09 38 8 32.66 48.9750250000 -38.1424055556 99.99", "48 58 30.09 38 3 2.64 48.9750250000 -38.0507333333", "49 5 13.41 38 3 2.64 49.0870583333 -38.0507333333", "49 5 13.41 38 8 32.66 49.0870583333 -38.1424055556", "38 49 1 21.6 38 3 2.64 49.0226666667 -38.0507333333 99.99", "49 1 21.6 37 57 33.03 49.0226666667 -37.9591750000", "49 8 4.92 37 57 33.03 49.1347000000 -37.9591750000", "49 8 4.92 38 3 2.64 49.1347000000 -38.0507333333", "39 49 8 4.92 38 0 4.89 49.1347000000 -38.0013583333 99.98", "49 8 4.92 37 54 32.53 49.1347000000 -37.9090361111", "49 14 44.63 37 54 32.53 49.2457305556 -37.9090361111", "49 14 44.63 38 0 4.89 49.2457305556 -38.0013583333", "40 49 14 44.63 37 57 34.09 49.2457305556 -37.9594694444 99.97", "49 14 44.63 37 52 1.91 49.2457305556 -37.8671972222", "49 21 24.35 37 52 1.91 49.3567638889 -37.8671972222", "49 21 24.35 37 57 34.09 49.3567638889 -37.9594694444", "41 49 21 24.35 37 57 24.56 49.3567638889 -37.9568222222 99.96", "49 21 24.35 37 51 55.36 49.3567638889 -37.8653777778", "49 28 7.66 37 51 55.36 49.4687944444 -37.8653777778", "49 28 7.66 37 57 24.56 49.4687944444 -37.9568222222", "42 48 41 17.24 38 1 13.05 48.6881222222 -38.0202916667 100.01", "48 41 17.24 37 55 40.36 48.6881222222 -37.9278777778", "48 47 56.65 37 55 40.36 48.7990694444 -37.9278777778", "48 47 56.65 38 1 13.05 48.7990694444 -38.0202916667", "43 48 47 56.65 38 2 1.89 48.7990694444 -38.0338583333 100.00", "48 47 56.65 37 56 29.13 48.7990694444 -37.9414250000", "48 54 36.06 37 56 29.13 48.9100166667 -37.9414250000", "48 54 36.06 38 2 1.89 48.9100166667 -38.0338583333", "44 48 47 56.65 37 56 29.13 48.7990694444 -37.9414250000 100.00", "48 47 56.65 37 50 56.78 48.7990694444 -37.8491055556", "48 54 36.06 37 50 56.78 48.9100166667 -37.8491055556", "48 54 36.06 37 56 29.13 48.9100166667 -37.9414250000", "45 48 54 36.06 37 54 54.51 48.9100166667 -37.9151416667 99.99", "48 54 36.06 37 49 22.28 48.9100166667 -37.8228555556", "49 1 15.47 37 49 22.28 49.0209638889 -37.8228555556", "49 1 15.47 37 54 54.51 49.0209638889 -37.9151416667", "46 49 1 15.47 37 52 26.04 49.0209638889 -37.8739000000 99.99", "49 1 15.47 37 46 53.99 49.0209638889 -37.7816638889", "49 7 54.88 37 46 53.99 49.1319111111 -37.7816638889", "49 7 54.88 37 52 26.04 49.1319111111 -37.8739000000", "47 49 7 54.88 37 51 14.71 49.1319111111 -37.8540861111 99.98", "49 7 54.88 37 45 42.75 49.1319111111 -37.7618750000", "49 14 34.29 37 45 42.75 49.2428583333 -37.7618750000", "49 14 34.29 37 51 14.71 49.2428583333 -37.8540861111", "48 49 14 34.29 37 49 44.67 49.2428583333 -37.8290750000 99.97", "49 14 34.29 37 44 6.73 49.2428583333 -37.7352027778", "49 21 6.5 37 44 6.73 49.3518055556 -37.7352027778", "49 21 6.5 37 49 44.67 49.3518055556 -37.8290750000", "49 49 21 6.5 37 46 41.45 49.3518055556 -37.7781805556 99.96", "49 21 6.5 37 41 8.33 49.3518055556 -37.6856472222", "49 27 44.11 37 41 8.33 49.4622527778 -37.6856472222", "49 27 44.11 37 46 41.45 49.4622527778 -37.7781805556", "50 49 27 44.11 37 43 18.34 49.4622527778 -37.7217611111 99.96", "49 27 44.11 37 37 48.45 49.4622527778 -37.6301250000", "49 34 25.33 37 37 48.45 49.5737027778 -37.6301250000", "49 34 25.33 37 43 18.34 49.5737027778 -37.7217611111", "51 49 30 26.62 37 55 26.78 49.5073944444 -37.9241055556 99.96", "49 30 26.62 37 49 54.93 49.5073944444 -37.8319250000", "49 37 6.54 37 49 54.93 49.6184833333 -37.8319250000", "49 37 6.54 37 55 26.78 49.6184833333 -37.9241055556", "52 49 37 6.54 37 55 44.88 49.6184833333 -37.9291333333 99.95", "49 37 6.54 37 50 13.01 49.6184833333 -37.8369472222", "49 43 46.46 37 50 13.01 49.7295722222 -37.8369472222", "49 43 46.46 37 55 44.88 49.7295722222 -37.9291333333", "53 49 37 6.54 37 50 13.01 49.6184833333 -37.8369472222 99.95", "49 37 6.54 37 44 41.55 49.6184833333 -37.7448750000", "49 43 46.46 37 44 41.55 49.7295722222 -37.7448750000", "49 43 46.46 37 50 13.01 49.7295722222 -37.8369472222", "54 49 43 46.46 37 51 25.28 49.7295722222 -37.8570222222 99.94", "49 43 46.46 37 45 53.73 49.7295722222 -37.7649250000", "49 50 26.37 37 45 53.73 49.8406583333 -37.7649250000", "49 50 26.37 37 51 25.28 49.8406583333 -37.8570222222", "55 49 43 46.46 37 56 57.24 49.7295722222 -37.9492333333 99.94", "49 43 46.46 37 51 25.28 49.7295722222 -37.8570222222", "49 50 26.37 37 51 25.28 49.8406583333 -37.8570222222", "49 50 26.37 37 56 57.24 49.8406583333 -37.9492333333", "56 49 50 26.37 37 53 11.86 49.8406583333 -37.8866277778 99.94", "49 50 26.37 37 47 37.17 49.8406583333 -37.7936583333", "49 57 2.69 37 47 37.17 49.9507472222 -37.7936583333", "49 57 2.69 37 53 11.86 49.9507472222 -37.8866277778", "57 49 57 2.69 37 50 50.33 49.9507472222 -37.8473138889 99.93", "49 57 2.69 37 45 15.81 49.9507472222 -37.7543916667", "50 3 39.01 37 45 15.81 50.0608361111 -37.7543916667", "50 3 39.01 37 50 50.33 50.0608361111 -37.8473138889", "58 50 14 9.96 37 45 49.01 50.2361000000 -37.7636138889 99.92", "50 14 9.96 37 40 21.46 50.2361000000 -37.6726277778", "50 20 54.26 37 40 21.46 50.3484055556 -37.6726277778", "50 20 54.26 37 45 49.01 50.3484055556 -37.7636138889", "59 50 14 9.96 37 40 21.46 50.2361000000 -37.6726277778 99.93", "50 14 9.96 37 34 54.29 50.2361000000 -37.5817472222", "50 20 54.26 37 34 54.29 50.3484055556 -37.5817472222", "50 20 54.26 37 40 21.46 50.3484055556 -37.6726277778", "60 50 20 54.26 37 36 58.54 50.3484055556 -37.6162611111 99.92", "50 20 54.26 37 31 31.63 50.3484055556 -37.5254527778", "50 27 38.56 37 31 31.63 50.4607111111 -37.5254527778", "50 27 38.56 37 36 58.54 50.4607111111 -37.6162611111", "61 50 20 54.26 37 42 25.85 50.3484055556 -37.7071805556 99.92", "50 20 54.26 37 36 58.54 50.3484055556 -37.6162611111", "50 27 38.56 37 36 58.54 50.4607111111 -37.6162611111", "50 27 38.56 37 42 25.85 50.4607111111 -37.7071805556", "62 50 20 54.26 37 47 53.56 50.3484055556 -37.7982111111 99.92", "50 20 54.26 37 42 25.85 50.3484055556 -37.7071805556", "50 27 38.56 37 42 25.85 50.4607111111 -37.7071805556", "50 27 38.56 37 47 53.56 50.4607111111 -37.7982111111", "63 50 27 38.56 37 47 53.56 50.4607111111 -37.7982111111 99.92", "50 27 38.56 37 42 25.85 50.4607111111 -37.7071805556", "50 34 22.86 37 42 25.85 50.5730166667 -37.7071805556", "50 34 22.86 37 47 53.56 50.5730166667 -37.7982111111", "64 50 27 38.56 37 42 25.85 50.4607111111 -37.7071805556 99.92", "50 27 38.56 37 36 58.54 50.4607111111 -37.6162611111", "50 34 22.86 37 36 58.54 50.5730166667 -37.6162611111", "50 34 22.86 37 42 25.85 50.5730166667 -37.7071805556", "65 50 27 38.56 37 36 58.54 50.4607111111 -37.6162611111 99.92", "50 27 38.56 37 31 31.63 50.4607111111 -37.5254527778", "50 34 22.86 37 31 31.63 50.5730166667 -37.5254527778", "50 34 22.86 37 36 58.54 50.5730166667 -37.6162611111", "66 50 34 22.86 37 37 11.68 50.5730166667 -37.6199111111 99.92", "50 34 22.86 37 31 38.83 50.5730166667 -37.5274527778", "50 40 59.96 37 31 38.83 50.6833222222 -37.5274527778", "50 40 59.96 37 37 11.68 50.6833222222 -37.6199111111", "67 50 50 5.61 37 41 48.53 50.8348916667 -37.6968138889 99.91", "50 50 5.61 37 36 16.38 50.8348916667 -37.6045500000", "50 56 43.95 37 36 16.38 50.9455416667 -37.6045500000", "50 56 43.95 37 41 48.53 50.9455416667 -37.6968138889", "68 50 56 43.95 37 41 36.01 50.9455416667 -37.6933361111 99.92", "50 56 43.95 37 36 3.87 50.9455416667 -37.6010750000", "51 3 22.3 37 36 3.87 51.0561944444 -37.6010750000", "51 3 22.3 37 41 36.01 51.0561944444 -37.6933361111", "69 50 55 9.39 37 36 3.87 50.9192750000 -37.6010750000 99.92", "50 55 9.39 37 30 32.14 50.9192750000 -37.5089277778", "51 1 47.74 37 30 32.14 51.0299277778 -37.5089277778", "51 1 47.74 37 36 3.87 51.0299277778 -37.6010750000", "70 51 1 47.74 37 36 3.87 51.0299277778 -37.6010750000 99.92", "51 1 47.74 37 30 32.14 51.0299277778 -37.5089277778", "51 8 26.09 37 30 32.14 51.1405805556 -37.5089277778", "51 8 26.09 37 36 3.87 51.1405805556 -37.6010750000", "71 51 8 26.09 37 34 42.26 51.1405805556 -37.5784055556 99.91", "51 8 26.09 37 29 10.63 51.1405805556 -37.4862861111", "51 15 4.43 37 29 10.63 51.2512305556 -37.4862861111", "51 15 4.43 37 34 42.26 51.2512305556 -37.5784055556", "72 51 15 4.43 37 35 15 51.2512305556 -37.5875000000 99.92", "51 15 4.43 37 29 43.32 51.2512305556 -37.4953666667", "51 21 42.78 37 29 43.32 51.3618833333 -37.4953666667", "51 21 42.78 37 35 15 51.3618833333 -37.5875000000", "73 51 18 25.14 37 29 43.32 51.3069833333 -37.4953666667 99.92", "51 18 25.14 37 24 12.05 51.3069833333 -37.4033472222", "51 25 3.49 37 24 12.05 51.4176361111 -37.4033472222", "51 25 3.49 37 29 43.32 51.4176361111 -37.4953666667", "74 51 25 3.49 37 29 50.7 51.4176361111 -37.4974166667 99.92", "51 25 3.49 37 24 22.39 51.4176361111 -37.4062194444", "51 31 45.44 37 24 22.39 51.5292888889 -37.4062194444", "51 31 45.44 37 29 50.7 51.5292888889 -37.4974166667", "75 51 31 45.44 37 30 13.96 51.5292888889 -37.5038777778 99.92", "51 31 45.44 37 24 45.62 51.5292888889 -37.4126722222", "51 38 27.38 37 24 45.62 51.6409388889 -37.4126722222", "51 38 27.38 37 30 13.96 51.6409388889 -37.5038777778", "76 51 38 27.38 37 29 56.31 51.6409388889 -37.4989750000 99.93", "51 38 27.38 37 24 27.98 51.6409388889 -37.4077722222", "51 45 9.32 37 24 27.98 51.7525888889 -37.4077722222", "51 45 9.32 37 29 56.31 51.7525888889 -37.4989750000", "77 51 45 9.32 37 30 0.97 51.7525888889 -37.5002694444 99.93", "51 45 9.32 37 24 32.64 51.7525888889 -37.4090666667", "51 51 51.27 37 24 32.64 51.8642416667 -37.4090666667", "51 51 51.27 37 30 0.97 51.8642416667 -37.5002694444", "78 51 53 13.36 37 23 10.01 51.8870444444 -37.3861138889 99.93", "51 53 13.36 37 17 40.97 51.8870444444 -37.2947138889", "51 59 53.84 37 17 40.97 51.9982888889 -37.2947138889", "51 59 53.84 37 23 10.01 51.9982888889 -37.3861138889", "79 51 59 53.84 37 22 58.15 51.9982888889 -37.3828194444 99.94", "51 59 53.84 37 17 29.12 51.9982888889 -37.2914222222", "52 6 34.31 37 17 29.12 52.1095305556 -37.2914222222", "52 6 34.31 37 22 58.15 52.1095305556 -37.3828194444", "80 52 6 34.31 37 24 15.35 52.1095305556 -37.4042638889 99.94", "52 6 34.31 37 18 46.23 52.1095305556 -37.3128416667", "52 13 14.79 37 18 46.23 52.2207750000 -37.3128416667", "52 13 14.79 37 24 15.35 52.2207750000 -37.4042638889", "81 52 6 34.31 37 18 46.23 52.1095305556 -37.3128416667 99.94", "52 6 34.31 37 13 17.5 52.1095305556 -37.2215277778", "52 13 14.79 37 13 17.5 52.2207750000 -37.2215277778", "52 13 14.79 37 18 46.23 52.2207750000 -37.3128416667", "82 52 13 14.79 37 22 25.51 52.2207750000 -37.3737527778 99.95", "52 13 14.79 37 16 56.52 52.2207750000 -37.2823666667", "52 19 55.27 37 16 56.52 52.3320194444 -37.2823666667", "52 19 55.27 37 22 25.51 52.3320194444 -37.3737527778", "83 52 55 32.68 35 57 9.51 52.9257444444 -35.9526416667 99.99", "52 55 32.68 35 51 46.71 52.9257444444 -35.8629750000", "53 2 13.51 35 51 46.71 53.0370861111 -35.8629750000", "53 2 13.51 35 57 9.51 53.0370861111 -35.9526416667", "84 52 57 55.53 36 2 32.67 52.9654250000 -36.0424083333 100.00", "52 57 55.53 35 57 9.51 52.9654250000 -35.9526416667", "53 4 36.36 35 57 9.51 53.0767666667 -35.9526416667", "53 4 36.36 36 2 32.67 53.0767666667 -36.0424083333", "85 53 4 36.36 36 5 32.58 53.0767666667 -36.0923833333 100.00", "53 4 36.36 36 0 9.22 53.0767666667 -36.0025611111", "53 11 17.18 36 0 9.22 53.1881055556 -36.0025611111", "53 11 17.18 36 5 32.58 53.1881055556 -36.0923833333", "86 53 11 17.18 36 8 16.35 53.1881055556 -36.1378750000 100.02", "53 11 17.18 36 2 52.8 53.1881055556 -36.0480000000", "53 17 58.01 36 2 52.8 53.2994472222 -36.0480000000", "53 17 58.01 36 8 16.35 53.2994472222 -36.1378750000", "87 53 13 56.16 36 2 52.8 53.2322666667 -36.0480000000 100.02", "53 13 56.16 35 57 29.62 53.2322666667 -35.9582277778", "53 20 36.98 35 57 29.62 53.3436055556 -35.9582277778", "53 20 36.98 36 2 52.8 53.3436055556 -36.0480000000", "88 54 11 51.19 34 59 52.27 54.1975527778 -34.9978527778 100.07", "54 11 51.19 34 54 30.22 54.1975527778 -34.9083944444", "54 18 28.3 34 54 30.22 54.3078611111 -34.9083944444", "54 18 28.3 34 59 52.27 54.3078611111 -34.9978527778", "89 54 11 51.19 34 54 30.22 54.1975527778 -34.9083944444 100.07", "54 11 51.19 34 49 8.52 54.1975527778 -34.8190333333", "54 18 28.3 34 49 8.52 54.3078611111 -34.8190333333", "54 18 28.3 34 54 30.22 54.3078611111 -34.9083944444", "90 54 18 28.3 34 53 15.49 54.3078611111 -34.8876361111 100.06", "54 18 28.3 34 47 53.87 54.3078611111 -34.7982972222", "54 25 5.42 34 47 53.87 54.4181722222 -34.7982972222", "54 25 5.42 34 53 15.49 54.4181722222 -34.8876361111", "91 54 18 28.3 34 58 37.46 54.3078611111 -34.9770722222 100.06", "54 18 28.3 34 53 15.49 54.3078611111 -34.8876361111", "54 25 5.42 34 53 15.49 54.4181722222 -34.8876361111", "54 25 5.42 34 58 37.46 54.4181722222 -34.9770722222", "92 54 25 5.42 34 58 44.82 54.4181722222 -34.9791166667 100.05", "54 25 5.42 34 53 22.84 54.4181722222 -34.8896777778", "54 31 42.53 34 53 22.84 54.5284805556 -34.8896777778", "54 31 42.53 34 58 44.82 54.5284805556 -34.9791166667", "93 54 25 5.42 34 53 22.84 54.4181722222 -34.8896777778 100.05", "54 25 5.42 34 48 1.21 54.4181722222 -34.8003361111", "54 31 42.53 34 48 1.21 54.5284805556 -34.8003361111", "54 31 42.53 34 53 22.84 54.5284805556 -34.8896777778", "94 54 31 42.53 34 53 48.24 54.5284805556 -34.8967333333 100.04", "54 31 42.53 34 48 26.58 54.5284805556 -34.8073833333", "54 38 19.65 34 48 26.58 54.6387916667 -34.8073833333", "54 38 19.65 34 53 48.24 54.6387916667 -34.8967333333", "95 55 6 36.73 34 29 58.22 55.1102027778 -34.4995055556 99.99", "55 6 36.73 34 24 43.29 55.1102027778 -34.4120250000", "55 13 20.43 34 24 43.29 55.2223416667 -34.4120250000", "55 13 20.43 34 29 58.22 55.2223416667 -34.4995055556", "96 55 13 20.43 34 29 58.22 55.2223416667 -34.4995055556 99.98", "55 13 20.43 34 24 43.29 55.2223416667 -34.4120250000", "55 20 4.13 34 24 43.29 55.3344805556 -34.4120250000", "55 20 4.13 34 29 58.22 55.3344805556 -34.4995055556", "97 55 20 4.13 34 30 23.47 55.3344805556 -34.5065194444 99.97", "55 20 4.13 34 25 2.79 55.3344805556 -34.4174416667", "55 26 40.62 34 25 2.79 55.4446166667 -34.4174416667", "55 26 40.62 34 30 23.47 55.4446166667 -34.5065194444", "98 55 26 40.62 34 25 28.39 55.4446166667 -34.4245527778 99.96", "55 26 40.62 34 20 8.03 55.4446166667 -34.3355638889", "55 33 17.12 34 20 8.03 55.5547555556 -34.3355638889", "55 33 17.12 34 25 28.39 55.5547555556 -34.4245527778", "99 55 31 5.74 34 20 8.03 55.5182611111 -34.3355638889 99.96", "55 31 5.74 34 14 48 55.5182611111 -34.2466666667", "55 37 42.24 34 14 48 55.6284000000 -34.2466666667", "55 37 42.24 34 20 8.03 55.6284000000 -34.3355638889", "100 55 37 42.24 34 20 37.31 55.6284000000 -34.3436972222 99.95", "55 37 42.24 34 15 22.95 55.6284000000 -34.2563750000", "55 44 25.93 34 15 22.95 55.7405361111 -34.2563750000", "55 44 25.93 34 20 37.31 55.7405361111 -34.3436972222", "B. 标明所申请区域大致位置的指示图", "[]", "[1] ^(a) 中国大洋协会提供的地理坐标被转为通用横墨卡托坐标(国际海底管理局建议标准),以便计算区域面积。因此,区块面积会有微小误差。" ]
[ "第十七届会议", "牙买加金斯敦", "* 由于技术原因于2011年7月19日重新印发。", "2011年7月11日至22日,日内瓦", "关于中国大洋矿产资源研究开发协会请求核准多金属硫化物勘探工作计划的申请书向国际海底管理局理事会提出的报告和建议", "法律和技术委员会提交", "一. 导言", "1. 联合国 2010年5月7日,国际海底管理局秘书长收到请求核准 \" 区域 \" 内多金属硫化物勘探工作计划的申请书。 申请书由中国大洋矿产资源研究开发协会(大洋协会)根据《 \" 区域 \" 内多金属硫化物探矿和勘探规章》(《规章》)提交。 申请区面积约为10 000平方千米,由100个区块组成,每块约10公里,每块10公里,分成12个区块,每个区块有5个至19个区块。 星团不是毗连的,而是相近的并被限制在一个面积不超过30万平方千米的长方形区域内,最长的一面长度不超过1000公里.", "2. 联合国 根据《规章》第22条(c)款,秘书长于2010年5月14日通知管理局所有成员收到申请书并分发了有关申请书的一般性资料。 秘书长还把对该申请的审议列为法律和技术委员会2011年7月4日至13日会议的一个议程项目。", "二. 法律和技术委员会审议申请书的方法", "A. 委员会审议申请书的一般方法", "3个 委员会在审议该申请书时注意到,根据《联合国海洋法公约》(《公约》)附件三第六条所制定的办法,首先需要客观地确定申请者是否满足了《规章》所载要求,特别是有关申请书形式的要求;申请者是否作出了《规章》第15条规定的必要承诺和保证;申请者是否具备必要的财政和技术能力来实施提议的勘探工作计划并(酌情)令人满意地履行了以前同管理局订立的任何合同所规定的义务。 然后,委员会需要根据《规章》第23条第4款及其程序,确定拟议工作计划是否将有效保护人体健康和安全,并有效保护和保全海洋环境,并确保设施不坐落在可能干扰国际航行必经的公认航道的地点或坐落在捕鱼活动集中的区域。 《条例》第23(5)条还规定:", "3. 如果委员会根据第3款作出确定并认定提议的勘探工作计划符合第4款的要求,委员会应建议理事会核准勘探工作计划。", " 4.四. 在审议提议的多金属硫化物勘探工作计划时,委员会根据《规章》第23条第9款,考虑到《公约》第十一部分和附件三以及《关于执行1994年联合国海洋法公约第十一部分的协定》(《协定》)中与 \" 区域 \" 内活动有关的原则、政策和目标。", "B. 审议申请书", "5 (韩语). 委员会在2011年7月5日、6日和8日的非公开会议上审议了该申请。", "6. 国家 在开始详细审查申请书之前,委员会请申请者代表中国大洋协会秘书长金建凯先生在国家海洋局第二海洋学研究所副所长李家彪先生和国家海洋局第二海洋学研究所高级研究员陶春辉先生陪同下介绍申请书。 委员会成员然后提问,在召开非公开会议详细审查申请书之前,澄清申请书的某些方面。 2011年7月6日,委员会决定请委员会主席通过秘书长向申请人转交一份问题清单。 2011年7月8日,申请人对这些问题作出了正式答复。", "三. 申请书基本资料摘要", "A类. 申请者的身份", "7. 联合国 申请者名称:中国大洋矿产资源研究开发协会.", "8. 联合国 申请者地址:", "(a) 街道地址:中国北京Fuxingmenwai大道1号,100860;", "(b) 邮政地址:如上;", "(c) 电话号码:86-10-68022117;", "(d) 传真号码:86-10-68033318;", "(e) 电子邮件地址。", "9. 国家 申请者指定代表:", "(a) 姓名:金建凯先生;", "(b) 申请者指定代表的街道地址:如上;", "(c) 邮政地址:同上;", "(d) 电话号码:86-10-68030504;", "(e) 传真号码:86-10-68030504;", "(f) 电子邮件地址。", "10个 申请人的注册地和主要营业地点/住所:中国北京。", "11个 申请者表示,中国大洋协会在担保国登记为国家实体,并受担保国的有效控制。", "B. 赞助", "12个 担保国:中国。", "13个 中国交存1982年\"联合国海洋法公约\"批准书的日期:1996年6月7日;同意受\"关于执行1982年12月10日\"联合国海洋法公约第十一部分的协定\"拘束的日期:1996年6月7日.", "14个 担保书日期:2010年5月6日。", "15个 委员会注意到,该申请由中国担保,并提交了适当形式的担保书。 在该证书中,国家海洋局代表中国行事,经中国国务院授权,声明中国实际控制中国大洋协会;在该证书中,担保国声明根据《公约》第一三九条、第一五三条第4款和附件三第四条第4款承担责任。", "C. 适用范围", "16号. 大洋协会的应用区位于西南印度岭. 它包括100个区块,每块约10公里×10公里,但不超过100平方公里。 申请的总面积约为一万平方千米,不超过一万平方千米. 申请中的区块分为12个组群,每个组群包含5至19个区块。 多金属硫化物区块组群不是毗连的,而是相近并被限制在一个面积不超过30万平方千米的长方形区域内,最长的一侧长度不超过1 000公里。 申请区域的坐标和一般位置见本文件附件。", "D类. 其他资料", "17岁 收到申请日期:2010年5月7日。", "18岁。 以前同管理局订立的合同:", "(a) 上个合同的日期:中国大洋协会和管理局于2001年5月22日在中国北京签署了 \" 区域 \" 内多金属结核勘探合同;", "(b) 就多金属结核勘探合同向管理局提交的报告:", "• 2001年年度报告,2002年3月提交", "• 2002年年度报告,2003年3月提交", "• 2003年年度报告,2004年3月提交", "• 2004年年度报告,2005年3月提交", "• 2005年年度报告,2006年3月提交", "二. 支助 2006年3月提交的2001-2005年期间五年期报告", "• 2006年年度报告,2007年3月提交", "• 2007年年度报告,2008年3月提交", "• 2008年年度报告,2009年3月提交", "• 2009年年度报告,2010年3月提交", "• 2010年年度报告,2011年3月提交", "二. 支助 2011年3月提交的2006-2010年五年报告", "(c) 合同到期日期:2016年5月21日。", " 19. 19. 承诺:申请者提交了由中国大洋协会指定代表Jin Jiancai先生于2010年5月6日签署的书面承诺,声明它将遵守《规章》第15条。", "20号. 申请者根据《规章》第19条选择提供在联合企业安排中的股份。", "21岁 根据《规章》第21条第1款(b)项,申请人已为其申请支付了50 000美元的固定费用,随后是年费。", "四、结 论 审查申请者提交的资料和技术数据", "22号. 申请书中提交了下列技术文件:", "(a) 国家 申请者作为中国国家实体的登记证书副本;", "(b) 中国担保国签发的担保书;", "(c) 关于所申请区域的资料:", "(一) 区块位置图;", "(二) 申请中的区块角坐标表;", "(d) 使理事会能确定申请者是否有财政能力执行提议的勘探工作计划的资料;", "(e) 使理事会能确定申请者是否有技术能力执行提议的勘探工作计划的资料;", "(f) 指示性勘探工作计划;", "(g) 申请者的书面承诺。", " V. 审议申请者的财务和技术资格", "A类. 财政能力", "23. 联合国 在评价申请者的财政能力时,委员会注意到中国大洋协会已宣布其有财政能力执行提议的勘探工作计划并履行其对管理局的财政义务。 委员会收到一份由中国财政部长谢旭伦先生签署的2010年5月6日声明,证明申请者将有必要资金来支付拟议工作计划下的最低支出估计数并履行其对管理局的财政义务。", "B. 技术能力", "24 (韩语). 委员会收到了有关中国大洋协会在多金属结核勘探和多金属硫化物矿床科学研究领域以往经验和技能的技术资料。 委员会注意到,申请者回顾自己作为先驱投资者和管理局目前勘探多金属结核的承包者的经验,以证明自己有能力对海底矿物资源进行调查和开发、环境评估和科学研究。 申请者还称,过去十年来,它一直在积累多金属硫化物及其环境的分布和勘探方法方面的数据和经验。", "25岁 委员会获得了有关预防、减少和控制危害以及可能对海洋环境造成的影响的资料。 这包括说明一项海洋学和环境基线研究方案的计划,以确保勘探活动对海洋环境的影响最小。 它附上一项行动计划,以采取必要措施,防止、减少和控制勘探活动对海洋环境造成的污染和其他危害。 还介绍了防止、减少和控制对海洋环境的污染和其他危害以及可能造成的影响的监测方案和拟议措施。 大洋协会在给委员会的答复中表示,它将利用现有最适当的设备对活热液喷口进行调查和研究,以增进对生态系统的科学了解并便利对生态环境的科学评估,为活热液喷口生态系统的保护提供科学依据。", "26. 联合国 在答复委员会关于勘探活动是否将在活口进行以及关于申请者为减轻这些活动的影响而将采取的战略措施的口头和书面问题时,申请者说,中国大洋协会认为,不应在海底活口热液喷口上开采多金属硫化物。 鉴于现有科学知识有限并存在不确定性,中国大洋协会认为,应采用预防方法,与开发有关的设备试验也应远离活热液喷口,以避免对生活在活热液喷口附近的生物群落造成可能的损害。", "六、结 论 审议为核准勘探工作计划而提交的数据和资料", "27个 根据《规章》第20条,申请书中包括下列请求核准勘探工作计划的资料:", "(a) 关于第一个五年期拟议勘探活动方案的一般说明和时间表,例如就勘探时必须考虑的环境、技术、经济和其他有关因素进行的研究;", "(b) 关于按照《规章》和管理局制定的环境规则、规章和程序进行海洋学和环境基线研究方案的说明。 这种研究将有助于评估提议的勘探活动对环境的潜在影响,包括但不限于对生物多样性的影响,同时考虑到法律和技术委员会的任何建议;", "(c) 关于拟议勘探活动可能对海洋环境造成的影响的初步评估;", "(d) 关于为防止、减少和控制对海洋环境的污染和其他危害以及可能造成的影响而提议的措施的说明;", "(e) 理事会根据《规章》第13条第1款(对管理局的财政义务)作出决定所需的数据;和", "(f) 第一个五年期活动方案的预期年度支出表。", "28岁 委员会感到满意的是,所提供的资料符合《规章》的要求,并指出,委员会期待申请者按照《规章》的要求提交报告,包括提供相关数据,并期待委员会在适当时候提出指导建议。", "29. 国家 委员会还注意到,中国大洋协会的一些拟议勘探区块位于一个自愿禁止深海海底捕捞的区域附近。 在这方面,委员会欢迎中国大洋协会的来文,其中回顾《公约》第一四七条,并强调指出它致力于保护海底生态系统,并将尊重联合国大会、联合国粮食及农业组织(粮农组织)和有关渔业组织通过的所有相关决议。 委员会还注意到,中国大洋协会宣布打算严格遵守管理局的有关规则、规章和决定。", "页:1 培训方案", "30岁。 申请者表示,根据《规章》第29条和附件4第8节,承包者将同管理局和担保国合作拟订训练方案并提交管理局核准。", "第八编. 结论和建议", "31岁 委员会在审查了上文第三节至第七节概述的申请者所提交的细节之后,满意地认为,申请书已按照《规章》的规定提交,申请者是《公约》附件三第四条意义内的合格申请者。 委员会还感到满意的是,申请者:", "(a) 国家 遵守了《规章》的规定;", "(b) 国家 作出了《规章》第15条规定的承诺和保证;", "(c) 有执行提议的勘探工作计划的财政和技术能力。", "32. 联合国 委员会感到满意的是,《规章》第23条第(6)款中的条件均不适用。", "33. (中文(简体) ). 关于提议的勘探工作计划,委员会感到满意的是,提议的勘探工作计划将:", "(a) 有效保护人体健康和安全;", "(b) 有效保护和保全海洋环境;", "(c) 确保设施不坐落在可能干扰国际航行必经的公认航道的地点或坐落在捕鱼活动集中的区域。", "34. 国家 因此,根据《规章》第23(5)条,委员会建议理事会核准中国大洋协会提交的多金属硫化物勘探工作计划。", "页:1", "A类. 坐标表", "屏蔽经度 E 纬度 S 纬度 纬度面积为 sq km^(a)\n分数分数分数分数分数分数", "1 46 21 28.07 39 6 31.64 46.3577972222 -39.1087888889 99.95", "46 21 28.07 39 0 56.47 46.3577972222 -39.0156861111", "46 28 10.47 39 0 56.47 46.4695750000 -39.0156861111", "46 28 10.47 39 6 31.64 46.4695750000 -39.1087888889", "2 46 21 28.07 39 0 56.47 46.3577972222 -39.0156861111 99.95", "46 21 28.07 38 55 21.73 46.3577972222 -38.9227027778", "46 28 10.47 38 55 21.73 46.4695750000 -38.9227027778", "46 28 10.47 39 0 56.47 46.4695750000 -39.0156861111", "3 46 28 10.47 39 3 5.29 46.4695750000 -39.0514694444 99.96", "46 28 10.47 38 57 24.28 46.4695750000 -38.9567444444", "46 34 45.66 38 57 24.28 46.5793500000 -38.9567444444", "46 34 45.66 39 3 5.29 46.5793500000 -39.0514694444", "4 46 34 45.66 38 57 50.87 46.5793500000 -38.9641305556 99.97", "46 34 45.66 38 52 10.27 46.5793500000 -38.8695194444", "46 41 20.86 38 52 10.27 46.6891277778 -38.8695194444", "46 41 20.86 38 57 50.87 46.6891277778 -38.9641305556", "5 46 41 20.86 38 57 37.44 46.6891277778 -38.9604000000 99.97", "46 41 20.86 38 51 56.87 46.6891277778 -38.8657972222", "46 47 56.06 38 51 56.87 46.7989055556 -38.8657972222", "46 47 56.06 38 57 37.44 46.7989055556 -38.9604000000", "6 46 47 56.06 38 56 27.13 46.7989055556 -38.9408694444 99.98", "46 47 56.06 38 50 51.23 46.7989055556 -38.8475638889", "46 54 36.66 38 50 51.23 46.9101833333 -38.8475638889", "46 54 36.66 38 56 27.13 46.9101833333 -38.9408694444", "7 47 1 1.01 38 54 29.65 47.0169472222 -38.9082361111 100.00", "47 1 1.01 38 48 54.25 47.0169472222 -38.8150694444", "47 7 42.02 38 48 54.25 47.1283388889 -38.8150694444", "47 7 42.02 38 54 29.65 47.1283388889 -38.9082361111", "8 47 7 42.02 38 53 4.55 47.1283388889 -38.8845972222 100.00", "47 7 42.02 38 47 29.26 47.1283388889 -38.7914611111", "47 14 23.03 38 47 29.26 47.2397305556 -38.7914611111", "47 14 23.03 38 53 4.55 47.2397305556 -38.8845972222", "9 47 14 23.03 38 51 41.41 47.2397305556 -38.8615027778 100.01", "47 14 23.03 38 46 6.23 47.2397305556 -38.7683972222", "47 21 4.04 38 46 6.23 47.3511222222 -38.7683972222", "47 21 4.04 38 51 41.41 47.3511222222 -38.8615027778", "10 47 21 4.04 38 52 9.72 47.3511222222 -38.8693666667 100.02", "47 21 4.04 38 46 34.5 47.3511222222 -38.7762500000", "47 27 45.05 38 46 34.5 47.4625138889 -38.7762500000", "47 27 45.05 38 52 9.72 47.4625138889 -38.8693666667", "11 47 21 41.8 38 46 34.5 47.3616111111 -38.7762500000 100.02", "47 21 41.8 38 40 59.71 47.3616111111 -38.6832527778", "47 28 22.81 38 40 59.71 47.4730027778 -38.6832527778", "47 28 22.81 38 46 34.5 47.4730027778 -38.7762500000", "12 47 27 45.05 38 52 9.72 47.4625138889 -38.8693666667 100.03", "47 27 45.05 38 46 34.5 47.4625138889 -38.7762500000", "47 34 26.06 38 46 34.5 47.5739055556 -38.7762500000", "47 34 26.06 38 52 9.72 47.5739055556 -38.8693666667", "13 47 34 26.06 38 53 49.61 47.5739055556 -38.8971138889 100.04", "47 34 26.06 38 48 14.26 47.5739055556 -38.8039611111", "47 41 7.07 38 48 14.26 47.6852972222 -38.8039611111", "47 41 7.07 38 53 49.61 47.6852972222 -38.8971138889", "14 46 38 3.08 38 44 11.62 46.6341888889 -38.7365611111 100.03", "46 38 3.08 38 38 39.99 46.6341888889 -38.6444416667", "46 44 47.69 38 38 39.99 46.7465805556 -38.6444416667", "46 44 47.69 38 44 11.62 46.7465805556 -38.7365611111", "15 46 44 47.69 38 45 56.84 46.7465805556 -38.7657888889 99.98", "46 44 47.69 38 40 25.07 46.7465805556 -38.6736305556", "46 51 32.31 38 40 25.07 46.8589750000 -38.6736305556", "46 51 32.31 38 45 56.84 46.8589750000 -38.7657888889", "16 46 51 32.31 38 44 6.43 46.8589750000 -38.7351194444 99.98", "46 51 32.31 38 38 34.81 46.8589750000 -38.6430027778", "46 58 16.92 38 38 34.81 46.9713666667 -38.6430027778", "46 58 16.92 38 44 6.43 46.9713666667 -38.7351194444", "17 46 58 16.92 38 43 34 46.9713666667 -38.7261111111 99.99", "46 58 16.92 38 38 2.41 46.9713666667 -38.6340027778", "47 5 1.53 38 38 2.41 47.0837583333 -38.6340027778", "47 5 1.53 38 43 34 47.0837583333 -38.7261111111", "18 47 5 1.53 38 44 6.53 47.0837583333 -38.7351472222 100.00", "47 5 1.53 38 38 31.93 47.0837583333 -38.6422027778", "47 11 42.54 38 38 31.93 47.1951500000 -38.6422027778", "47 11 42.54 38 44 6.53 47.1951500000 -38.7351472222", "19 47 11 42.54 38 43 9.45 47.1951500000 -38.7192916667 100.01", "47 11 42.54 38 37 34.92 47.1951500000 -38.6263666667", "47 18 23.55 38 37 34.92 47.3065416667 -38.6263666667", "47 18 23.55 38 43 9.45 47.3065416667 -38.7192916667", "20 47 18 23.55 38 40 59.71 47.3065416667 -38.6832527778 100.02", "47 18 23.55 38 35 25.35 47.3065416667 -38.5903750000", "47 25 4.56 38 35 25.35 47.4179333333 -38.5903750000", "47 25 4.56 38 40 59.71 47.4179333333 -38.6832527778", "21 47 25 4.56 38 40 59.71 47.4179333333 -38.6832527778 100.03", "47 25 4.56 38 35 25.35 47.4179333333 -38.5903750000", "47 31 45.57 38 35 25.35 47.5293250000 -38.5903750000", "47 31 45.57 38 40 59.71 47.5293250000 -38.6832527778", "22 47 31 45.57 38 40 18.21 47.5293250000 -38.6717250000 100.04", "47 31 45.57 38 34 43.9 47.5293250000 -38.5788611111", "47 38 26.58 38 34 43.9 47.6407166667 -38.5788611111", "47 38 26.58 38 40 18.21 47.6407166667 -38.6717250000", "23 47 38 26.58 38 34 49.21 47.6407166667 -38.5803361111 100.05", "47 38 26.58 38 29 19.76 47.6407166667 -38.4888222222", "47 45 13 38 29 19.76 47.7536111111 -38.4888222222", "47 45 13 38 34 49.21 47.7536111111 -38.5803361111", "24 47 45 13 38 29 35.27 47.7536111111 -38.4931305556 100.06", "47 45 13 38 24 6.21 47.7536111111 -38.4017250000", "47 51 59.41 38 24 6.21 47.8665027778 -38.4017250000", "47 51 59.41 38 29 35.27 47.8665027778 -38.4931305556", "25 47 51 59.41 38 24 17.43 47.8665027778 -38.4048416667 100.08", "47 51 59.41 38 18 48.76 47.8665027778 -38.3135444444", "47 58 45.82 38 18 48.76 47.9793944444 -38.3135444444", "47 58 45.82 38 24 17.43 47.9793944444 -38.4048416667", "26 48 16 35.77 38 25 54.68 48.2766027778 -38.4318555556 100.05", "48 16 35.77 38 20 26.26 48.2766027778 -38.3406277778", "48 23 22.64 38 20 26.26 48.3896222222 -38.3406277778", "48 23 22.64 38 25 54.68 48.3896222222 -38.4318555556", "27 48 21 0 38 20 26.26 48.3500000000 -38.3406277778 100.04", "48 21 0 38 14 58.25 48.3500000000 -38.2495138889", "48 27 46.87 38 14 58.25 48.4630194444 -38.2495138889", "48 27 46.87 38 20 26.26 48.4630194444 -38.3406277778", "28 48 25 27.95 38 14 58.25 48.4244305556 -38.2495138889 100.04", "48 25 27.95 38 9 30.64 48.4244305556 -38.1585111111", "48 32 14.82 38 9 30.64 48.5374500000 -38.1585111111", "48 32 14.82 38 14 58.25 48.5374500000 -38.2495138889", "29 48 32 14.82 38 14 58.25 48.5374500000 -38.2495138889 100.02", "48 32 14.82 38 9 30.64 48.5374500000 -38.1585111111", "48 39 1.69 38 9 30.64 48.6504694444 -38.1585111111", "48 39 1.69 38 14 58.25 48.6504694444 -38.2495138889", "30 48 32 14.82 38 9 30.64 48.5374500000 -38.1585111111 100.03", "48 32 14.82 38 4 3.43 48.5374500000 -38.0676194444", "48 39 1.69 38 4 3.43 48.6504694444 -38.0676194444", "48 39 1.69 38 9 30.64 48.6504694444 -38.1585111111", "31 48 28 31.53 38 4 3.43 48.4754250000 -38.0676194444 100.03", "48 28 31.53 37 58 36.62 48.4754250000 -37.9768388889", "48 35 18.4 37 58 36.62 48.5884444444 -37.9768388889", "48 35 18.4 38 4 3.43 48.5884444444 -38.0676194444", "32 48 21 44.67 38 4 3.43 48.3624083333 -38.0676194444 100.04", "48 21 44.67 37 58 36.62 48.3624083333 -37.9768388889", "48 28 31.53 37 58 36.62 48.4754250000 -37.9768388889", "48 28 31.53 38 4 3.43 48.4754250000 -38.0676194444", "33 48 14 57.8 38 7 15.8 48.2493888889 -38.1210555556 100.05", "48 14 57.8 38 1 48.76 48.2493888889 -38.0302111111", "48 21 44.67 38 1 48.76 48.3624083333 -38.0302111111", "48 21 44.67 38 7 15.8 48.3624083333 -38.1210555556", "34 48 14 32.08 38 12 43.25 48.2422444444 -38.2120138889 100.06", "48 14 32.08 38 7 15.8 48.2422444444 -38.1210555556", "48 21 18.95 38 7 15.8 48.3552638889 -38.1210555556", "48 21 18.95 38 12 43.25 48.3552638889 -38.2120138889", "35 48 45 3.46 38 8 59.27 48.7509611111 -38.1497972222 100.00", "48 45 3.46 38 3 29.22 48.7509611111 -38.0581166667", "48 51 46.77 38 3 29.22 48.8629916667 -38.0581166667", "48 51 46.77 38 8 59.27 48.8629916667 -38.1497972222", "36 48 51 46.77 38 8 32.66 48.8629916667 -38.1424055556 100.00", "48 51 46.77 38 3 2.64 48.8629916667 -38.0507333333", "48 58 30.09 38 3 2.64 48.9750250000 -38.0507333333", "48 58 30.09 38 8 32.66 48.9750250000 -38.1424055556", "37 48 58 30.09 38 8 32.66 48.9750250000 -38.1424055556 99.99", "48 58 30.09 38 3 2.64 48.9750250000 -38.0507333333", "49 5 13.41 38 3 2.64 49.0870583333 -38.0507333333", "49 5 13.41 38 8 32.66 49.0870583333 -38.1424055556", "38 49 1 21.6 38 3 2.64 49.0226666667 -38.0507333333 99.99", "49 1 21.6 37 57 33.03 49.0226666667 -37.9591750000", "49 8 4.92 37 57 33.03 49.1347000000 -37.9591750000", "49 8 4.92 38 3 2.64 49.1347000000 -38.0507333333", "39 49 8 4.92 38 0 4.89 49.1347000000 -38.0013583333 99.98", "49 8 4.92 37 54 32.53 49.1347000000 -37.9090361111", "49 14 44.63 37 54 32.53 49.2457305556 -37.9090361111", "49 14 44.63 38 0 4.89 49.2457305556 -38.0013583333", "40 49 14 44.63 37 57 34.09 49.2457305556 -37.9594694444 99.97", "49 14 44.63 37 52 1.91 49.2457305556 -37.8671972222", "49 21 24.35 37 52 1.91 49.3567638889 -37.8671972222", "49 21 24.35 37 57 34.09 49.3567638889 -37.9594694444", "41 49 21 24.35 37 57 24.56 49.3567638889 -37.9568222222 99.96", "49 21 24.35 37 51 55.36 49.3567638889 -37.8653777778", "49 28 7.66 37 51 55.36 49.4687944444 -37.8653777778", "49 28 7.66 37 57 24.56 49.4687944444 -37.9568222222", "42 48 41 17.24 38 1 13.05 48.6881222222 -38.0202916667 100.01", "48 41 17.24 37 55 40.36 48.6881222222 -37.9278777778", "48 47 56.65 37 55 40.36 48.7990694444 -37.9278777778", "48 47 56.65 38 1 13.05 48.7990694444 -38.0202916667", "43 48 47 56.65 38 2 1.89 48.7990694444 -38.0338583333 100.00", "48 47 56.65 37 56 29.13 48.7990694444 -37.9414250000", "48 54 36.06 37 56 29.13 48.9100166667 -37.9414250000", "48 54 36.06 38 2 1.89 48.9100166667 -38.0338583333", "44 48 47 56.65 37 56 29.13 48.7990694444 -37.9414250000 100.00", "48 47 56.65 37 50 56.78 48.7990694444 -37.8491055556", "48 54 36.06 37 50 56.78 48.9100166667 -37.8491055556", "48 54 36.06 37 56 29.13 48.9100166667 -37.9414250000", "45 48 54 36.06 37 54 54.51 48.9100166667 -37.9151416667 99.99", "48 54 36.06 37 49 22.28 48.9100166667 -37.8228555556", "49 1 15.47 37 49 22.28 49.0209638889 -37.8228555556", "49 1 15.47 37 54 54.51 49.0209638889 -37.9151416667", "46 49 1 15.47 37 52 26.04 49.0209638889 -37.8739000000 99.99", "49 1 15.47 37 46 53.99 49.0209638889 -37.7816638889", "49 7 54.88 37 46 53.99 49.1319111111 -37.7816638889", "49 7 54.88 37 52 26.04 49.1319111111 -37.8739000000", "47 49 7 54.88 37 51 14.71 49.1319111111 -37.8540861111 99.98", "49 7 54.88 37 45 42.75 49.1319111111 -37.7618750000", "49 14 34.29 37 45 42.75 49.2428583333 -37.7618750000", "49 14 34.29 37 51 14.71 49.2428583333 -37.8540861111", "48 49 14 34.29 37 49 44.67 49.2428583333 -37.8290750000 99.97", "49 14 34.29 37 44 6.73 49.2428583333 -37.7352027778", "49 21 6.5 37 44 6.73 49.3518055556 -37.7352027778", "49 21 6.5 37 49 44.67 49.3518055556 -37.8290750000", "49 49 21 6.5 37 46 41.45 49.3518055556 -37.7781805556 99.96", "49 21 6.5 37 41 8.33 49.3518055556 -37.6856472222", "49 27 44.11 37 41 8.33 49.4622527778 -37.6856472222", "49 27 44.11 37 46 41.45 49.4622527778 -37.7781805556", "50 49 27 44.11 37 43 18.34 49.4622527778 -37.7217611111 99.96", "49 27 44.11 37 37 48.45 49.4622527778 -37.6301250000", "49 34 25.33 37 37 48.45 49.5737027778 -37.6301250000", "49 34 25.33 37 43 18.34 49.5737027778 -37.7217611111", "51 49 30 26.62 37 55 26.78 49.5073944444 -37.9241055556 99.96", "49 30 26.62 37 49 54.93 49.5073944444 -37.8319250000", "49 37 6.54 37 49 54.93 49.6184833333 -37.8319250000", "49 37 6.54 37 55 26.78 49.6184833333 -37.9241055556", "52 49 37 6.54 37 55 44.88 49.6184833333 -37.9291333333 99.95", "49 37 6.54 37 50 13.01 49.6184833333 -37.8369472222", "49 43 46.46 37 50 13.01 49.7295722222 -37.8369472222", "49 43 46.46 37 55 44.88 49.7295722222 -37.9291333333", "53 49 37 6.54 37 50 13.01 49.6184833333 -37.8369472222 99.95", "49 37 6.54 37 44 41.55 49.6184833333 -37.7448750000", "49 43 46.46 37 44 41.55 49.7295722222 -37.7448750000", "49 43 46.46 37 50 13.01 49.7295722222 -37.8369472222", "54 49 43 46.46 37 51 25.28 49.7295722222 -37.8570222222 99.94", "49 43 46.46 37 45 53.73 49.7295722222 -37.7649250000", "49 50 26.37 37 45 53.73 49.8406583333 -37.7649250000", "49 50 26.37 37 51 25.28 49.8406583333 -37.8570222222", "55 49 43 46.46 37 56 57.24 49.7295722222 -37.9492333333 99.94", "49 43 46.46 37 51 25.28 49.7295722222 -37.8570222222", "49 50 26.37 37 51 25.28 49.8406583333 -37.8570222222", "49 50 26.37 37 56 57.24 49.8406583333 -37.9492333333", "56 49 50 26.37 37 53 11.86 49.8406583333 -37.8866277778 99.94", "49 50 26.37 37 47 37.17 49.8406583333 -37.7936583333", "49 57 2.69 37 47 37.17 49.9507472222 -37.7936583333", "49 57 2.69 37 53 11.86 49.9507472222 -37.8866277778", "57 49 57 2.69 37 50 50.33 49.9507472222 -37.8473138889 99.93", "49 57 2.69 37 45 15.81 49.9507472222 -37.7543916667", "50 3 39.01 37 45 15.81 50.0608361111 -37.7543916667", "50 3 39.01 37 50 50.33 50.0608361111 -37.8473138889", "58 50 14 9.96 37 45 49.01 50.2361000000 -37.7636138889 99.92", "50 14 9.96 37 40 21.46 50.2361000000 -37.6726277778", "50 20 54.26 37 40 21.46 50.3484055556 -37.6726277778", "50 20 54.26 37 45 49.01 50.3484055556 -37.7636138889", "59 50 14 9.96 37 40 21.46 50.2361000000 -37.6726277778 99.93", "50 14 9.96 37 34 54.29 50.2361000000 -37.5817472222", "50 20 54.26 37 34 54.29 50.3484055556 -37.5817472222", "50 20 54.26 37 40 21.46 50.3484055556 -37.6726277778", "60 50 20 54.26 37 36 58.54 50.3484055556 -37.6162611111 99.92", "50 20 54.26 37 31 31.63 50.3484055556 -37.5254527778", "50 27 38.56 37 31 31.63 50.4607111111 -37.5254527778", "50 27 38.56 37 36 58.54 50.4607111111 -37.6162611111", "61 50 20 54.26 37 42 25.85 50.3484055556 -37.7071805556 99.92", "50 20 54.26 37 36 58.54 50.3484055556 -37.6162611111", "50 27 38.56 37 36 58.54 50.4607111111 -37.6162611111", "50 27 38.56 37 42 25.85 50.4607111111 -37.7071805556", "62 50 20 54.26 37 47 53.56 50.3484055556 -37.7982111111 99.92", "50 20 54.26 37 42 25.85 50.3484055556 -37.7071805556", "50 27 38.56 37 42 25.85 50.4607111111 -37.7071805556", "50 27 38.56 37 47 53.56 50.4607111111 -37.7982111111", "63 50 27 38.56 37 47 53.56 50.4607111111 -37.7982111111 99.92", "50 27 38.56 37 42 25.85 50.4607111111 -37.7071805556", "50 34 22.86 37 42 25.85 50.5730166667 -37.7071805556", "50 34 22.86 37 47 53.56 50.5730166667 -37.7982111111", "64 50 27 38.56 37 42 25.85 50.4607111111 -37.7071805556 99.92", "50 27 38.56 37 36 58.54 50.4607111111 -37.6162611111", "50 34 22.86 37 36 58.54 50.5730166667 -37.6162611111", "50 34 22.86 37 42 25.85 50.5730166667 -37.7071805556", "65 50 27 38.56 37 36 58.54 50.4607111111 -37.6162611111 99.92", "50 27 38.56 37 31 31.63 50.4607111111 -37.5254527778", "50 34 22.86 37 31 31.63 50.5730166667 -37.5254527778", "50 34 22.86 37 36 58.54 50.5730166667 -37.6162611111", "66 50 34 22.86 37 37 11.68 50.5730166667 -37.6199111111 99.92", "50 34 22.86 37 31 38.83 50.5730166667 -37.5274527778", "50 40 59.96 37 31 38.83 50.6833222222 -37.5274527778", "50 40 59.96 37 37 11.68 50.6833222222 -37.6199111111", "67 50 50 5.61 37 41 48.53 50.8348916667 -37.6968138889 99.91", "50 50 5.61 37 36 16.38 50.8348916667 -37.6045500000", "50 56 43.95 37 36 16.38 50.9455416667 -37.6045500000", "50 56 43.95 37 41 48.53 50.9455416667 -37.6968138889", "68 50 56 43.95 37 41 36.01 50.9455416667 -37.6933361111 99.92", "50 56 43.95 37 36 3.87 50.9455416667 -37.6010750000", "51 3 22.3 37 36 3.87 51.0561944444 -37.6010750000", "51 3 22.3 37 41 36.01 51.0561944444 -37.6933361111", "69 50 55 9.39 37 36 3.87 50.9192750000 -37.6010750000 99.92", "50 55 9.39 37 30 32.14 50.9192750000 -37.5089277778", "51 1 47.74 37 30 32.14 51.0299277778 -37.5089277778", "51 1 47.74 37 36 3.87 51.0299277778 -37.6010750000", "70 51 1 47.74 37 36 3.87 51.0299277778 -37.6010750000 99.92", "51 1 47.74 37 30 32.14 51.0299277778 -37.5089277778", "51 8 26.09 37 30 32.14 51.1405805556 -37.5089277778", "51 8 26.09 37 36 3.87 51.1405805556 -37.6010750000", "71 51 8 26.09 37 34 42.26 51.1405805556 -37.5784055556 99.91", "51 8 26.09 37 29 10.63 51.1405805556 -37.4862861111", "51 15 4.43 37 29 10.63 51.2512305556 -37.4862861111", "51 15 4.43 37 34 42.26 51.2512305556 -37.5784055556", "72 51 15 4.43 37 35 15 51.2512305556 -37.5875000000 99.92", "51 15 4.43 37 29 43.32 51.2512305556 -37.4953666667", "51 21 42.78 37 29 43.32 51.3618833333 -37.4953666667", "51 21 42.78 37 35 15 51.3618833333 -37.5875000000", "73 51 18 25.14 37 29 43.32 51.3069833333 -37.4953666667 99.92", "51 18 25.14 37 24 12.05 51.3069833333 -37.4033472222", "51 25 3.49 37 24 12.05 51.4176361111 -37.4033472222", "51 25 3.49 37 29 43.32 51.4176361111 -37.4953666667", "74 51 25 3.49 37 29 50.7 51.4176361111 -37.4974166667 99.92", "51 25 3.49 37 24 22.39 51.4176361111 -37.4062194444", "51 31 45.44 37 24 22.39 51.5292888889 -37.4062194444", "51 31 45.44 37 29 50.7 51.5292888889 -37.4974166667", "75 51 31 45.44 37 30 13.96 51.5292888889 -37.5038777778 99.92", "51 31 45.44 37 24 45.62 51.5292888889 -37.4126722222", "51 38 27.38 37 24 45.62 51.6409388889 -37.4126722222", "51 38 27.38 37 30 13.96 51.6409388889 -37.5038777778", "76 51 38 27.38 37 29 56.31 51.6409388889 -37.4989750000 99.93", "51 38 27.38 37 24 27.98 51.6409388889 -37.4077722222", "51 45 9.32 37 24 27.98 51.7525888889 -37.4077722222", "51 45 9.32 37 29 56.31 51.7525888889 -37.4989750000", "77 51 45 9.32 37 30 0.97 51.7525888889 -37.5002694444 99.93", "51 45 9.32 37 24 32.64 51.7525888889 -37.4090666667", "51 51 51.27 37 24 32.64 51.8642416667 -37.4090666667", "51 51 51.27 37 30 0.97 51.8642416667 -37.5002694444", "78 51 53 13.36 37 23 10.01 51.8870444444 -37.3861138889 99.93", "51 53 13.36 37 17 40.97 51.8870444444 -37.2947138889", "51 59 53.84 37 17 40.97 51.9982888889 -37.2947138889", "51 59 53.84 37 23 10.01 51.9982888889 -37.3861138889", "79 51 59 53.84 37 22 58.15 51.9982888889 -37.3828194444 99.94", "51 59 53.84 37 17 29.12 51.9982888889 -37.2914222222", "52 6 34.31 37 17 29.12 52.1095305556 -37.2914222222", "52 6 34.31 37 22 58.15 52.1095305556 -37.3828194444", "80 52 6 34.31 37 24 15.35 52.1095305556 -37.4042638889 99.94", "52 6 34.31 37 18 46.23 52.1095305556 -37.3128416667", "52 13 14.79 37 18 46.23 52.2207750000 -37.3128416667", "52 13 14.79 37 24 15.35 52.2207750000 -37.4042638889", "81 52 6 34.31 37 18 46.23 52.1095305556 -37.3128416667 99.94", "52 6 34.31 37 13 17.5 52.1095305556 -37.2215277778", "52 13 14.79 37 13 17.5 52.2207750000 -37.2215277778", "52 13 14.79 37 18 46.23 52.2207750000 -37.3128416667", "82 52 13 14.79 37 22 25.51 52.2207750000 -37.3737527778 99.95", "52 13 14.79 37 16 56.52 52.2207750000 -37.2823666667", "52 19 55.27 37 16 56.52 52.3320194444 -37.2823666667", "52 19 55.27 37 22 25.51 52.3320194444 -37.3737527778", "83 52 55 32.68 35 57 9.51 52.9257444444 -35.9526416667 99.99", "52 55 32.68 35 51 46.71 52.9257444444 -35.8629750000", "53 2 13.51 35 51 46.71 53.0370861111 -35.8629750000", "53 2 13.51 35 57 9.51 53.0370861111 -35.9526416667", "84 52 57 55.53 36 2 32.67 52.9654250000 -36.0424083333 100.00", "52 57 55.53 35 57 9.51 52.9654250000 -35.9526416667", "53 4 36.36 35 57 9.51 53.0767666667 -35.9526416667", "53 4 36.36 36 2 32.67 53.0767666667 -36.0424083333", "85 53 4 36.36 36 5 32.58 53.0767666667 -36.0923833333 100.00", "53 4 36.36 36 0 9.22 53.0767666667 -36.0025611111", "53 11 17.18 36 0 9.22 53.1881055556 -36.0025611111", "53 11 17.18 36 5 32.58 53.1881055556 -36.0923833333", "86 53 11 17.18 36 8 16.35 53.1881055556 -36.1378750000 100.02", "53 11 17.18 36 2 52.8 53.1881055556 -36.0480000000", "53 17 58.01 36 2 52.8 53.2994472222 -36.0480000000", "53 17 58.01 36 8 16.35 53.2994472222 -36.1378750000", "87 53 13 56.16 36 2 52.8 53.2322666667 -36.0480000000 100.02", "53 13 56.16 35 57 29.62 53.2322666667 -35.9582277778", "53 20 36.98 35 57 29.62 53.3436055556 -35.9582277778", "53 20 36.98 36 2 52.8 53.3436055556 -36.0480000000", "88 54 11 51.19 34 59 52.27 54.1975527778 -34.9978527778 100.07", "54 11 51.19 34 54 30.22 54.1975527778 -34.9083944444", "54 18 28.3 34 54 30.22 54.3078611111 -34.9083944444", "54 18 28.3 34 59 52.27 54.3078611111 -34.9978527778", "89 54 11 51.19 34 54 30.22 54.1975527778 -34.9083944444 100.07", "54 11 51.19 34 49 8.52 54.1975527778 -34.8190333333", "54 18 28.3 34 49 8.52 54.3078611111 -34.8190333333", "54 18 28.3 34 54 30.22 54.3078611111 -34.9083944444", "90 54 18 28.3 34 53 15.49 54.3078611111 -34.8876361111 100.06", "54 18 28.3 34 47 53.87 54.3078611111 -34.7982972222", "54 25 5.42 34 47 53.87 54.4181722222 -34.7982972222", "54 25 5.42 34 53 15.49 54.4181722222 -34.8876361111", "91 54 18 28.3 34 58 37.46 54.3078611111 -34.9770722222 100.06", "54 18 28.3 34 53 15.49 54.3078611111 -34.8876361111", "54 25 5.42 34 53 15.49 54.4181722222 -34.8876361111", "54 25 5.42 34 58 37.46 54.4181722222 -34.9770722222", "92 54 25 5.42 34 58 44.82 54.4181722222 -34.9791166667 100.05", "54 25 5.42 34 53 22.84 54.4181722222 -34.8896777778", "54 31 42.53 34 53 22.84 54.5284805556 -34.8896777778", "54 31 42.53 34 58 44.82 54.5284805556 -34.9791166667", "93 54 25 5.42 34 53 22.84 54.4181722222 -34.8896777778 100.05", "54 25 5.42 34 48 1.21 54.4181722222 -34.8003361111", "54 31 42.53 34 48 1.21 54.5284805556 -34.8003361111", "54 31 42.53 34 53 22.84 54.5284805556 -34.8896777778", "94 54 31 42.53 34 53 48.24 54.5284805556 -34.8967333333 100.04", "54 31 42.53 34 48 26.58 54.5284805556 -34.8073833333", "54 38 19.65 34 48 26.58 54.6387916667 -34.8073833333", "54 38 19.65 34 53 48.24 54.6387916667 -34.8967333333", "95 55 6 36.73 34 29 58.22 55.1102027778 -34.4995055556 99.99", "55 6 36.73 34 24 43.29 55.1102027778 -34.4120250000", "55 13 20.43 34 24 43.29 55.2223416667 -34.4120250000", "55 13 20.43 34 29 58.22 55.2223416667 -34.4995055556", "96 55 13 20.43 34 29 58.22 55.2223416667 -34.4995055556 99.98", "55 13 20.43 34 24 43.29 55.2223416667 -34.4120250000", "55 20 4.13 34 24 43.29 55.3344805556 -34.4120250000", "55 20 4.13 34 29 58.22 55.3344805556 -34.4995055556", "97 55 20 4.13 34 30 23.47 55.3344805556 -34.5065194444 99.97", "55 20 4.13 34 25 2.79 55.3344805556 -34.4174416667", "55 26 40.62 34 25 2.79 55.4446166667 -34.4174416667", "55 26 40.62 34 30 23.47 55.4446166667 -34.5065194444", "98 55 26 40.62 34 25 28.39 55.4446166667 -34.4245527778 99.96", "55 26 40.62 34 20 8.03 55.4446166667 -34.3355638889", "55 33 17.12 34 20 8.03 55.5547555556 -34.3355638889", "55 33 17.12 34 25 28.39 55.5547555556 -34.4245527778", "99 55 31 5.74 34 20 8.03 55.5182611111 -34.3355638889 99.96", "55 31 5.74 34 14 48 55.5182611111 -34.2466666667", "55 37 42.24 34 14 48 55.6284000000 -34.2466666667", "55 37 42.24 34 20 8.03 55.6284000000 -34.3355638889", "100 55 37 42.24 34 20 37.31 55.6284000000 -34.3436972222 99.95", "55 37 42.24 34 15 22.95 55.6284000000 -34.2563750000", "55 44 25.93 34 15 22.95 55.7405361111 -34.2563750000", "55 44 25.93 34 20 37.31 55.7405361111 -34.3436972222", "^(a) 大洋协会提供的地理坐标被转换为Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM)坐标(建议的国际海底管理局(ISA)标准)来计算面积大小. 因此,区块大小略有变化.", "显示申请区域一般位置的指示性图表", "[]" ]
[ "Seventeenth session", "Kingston, Jamaica", "11-22 July 2011", "Report and recommendations to the Council of the International Seabed Authority relating to an application for the approval of a plan of work for exploration by Nauru Ocean Resources Inc.", "Submitted by the Legal and Technical Commission", "I. Introduction", "1. On 10 April 2008, the Secretary-General of the International Seabed Authority (the Authority) received an application for the approval of a plan of work for exploration for polymetallic nodules in the Area. On 31 March 2008, the application was submitted pursuant to the Regulations on Prospecting and Exploration for Polymetallic Nodules in the Area (the Regulations) by Nauru Ocean Resources Inc. (NORI). The application covers a total surface area of 74,830 km² located within the areas reserved for the Authority pursuant to annex III, article 8, of the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (the Convention). The reserved areas within the application were contributed by the Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources (BGR) of Germany, Yuzhmorgeologyia and Interoceanmetal Joint Organization (IOM).", "2. In accordance with regulation 20, paragraph 1 (c) of the Regulations, on 28 April 2008, the Secretary-General notified the members of the Authority of the receipt of the application and circulated information of a general nature concerning the application. The Secretary-General also placed consideration of the application as an item on the agenda of the Legal and Technical Commission at its meeting held from 19 to 28 May 2008.", "3. The Commission was informed that the applicant had formally notified the Secretary-General of its intention to make an application for approval of a plan of work for exploration in a reserved area on 31 March 2008. Thereafter, in accordance with regulation 17(1) of the Regulations, the Secretary-General on 11 April 2008 forwarded such notification to the Enterprise (represented by its Interim Director-General), whereupon the Interim Director-General informed the Secretary-General in writing that the Enterprise had no current intention of carrying out activities in the areas under application.", "4. The Commission recalled in this regard that the Enterprise had not yet begun to function independently of the secretariat of the Authority and that, by reason of article 170 of the Convention and section 2, paragraph 2, of the annex to the Agreement relating to the Implementation of Part XI of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea adopted in 1994 (the Agreement), the Council would only take up the issue of the functioning of the Enterprise independently of the secretariat of the Authority either: (a) upon the approval of a plan of work for exploitation by an entity other than the Enterprise; or (b) upon receipt by the Council of an application for a joint venture operation with the Enterprise. Until such time as either of these eventualities takes place the secretariat of the Authority shall perform the functions of the Enterprise, which shall be as set out in section 2, paragraph 1 of the annex to the Agreement.", "5. The Commission met to consider the application on 21, 22, 26 and 27 May 2008. Since the Commission had not reached consensus with respect to a recommendation to the Council in relation to the application, it decided to continue its consideration of the application at the next possible opportunity. The matter was placed on the agenda of the Commission for the fifteenth session. At that session, the Commission was informed that, by a letter dated 5 May 2009 addressed to the Legal Counsel of the Authority, the applicant had requested that consideration of its application be postponed in the light of global economic circumstances and other concerns. The Commission took due note of the request and decided to defer further consideration of the item until further notice.", "6. In a letter dated 4 May 2010 addressed to the Secretary-General of the Authority, the applicant requested that its application be reconsidered by the Commission at the earliest opportunity. On 29 April 2011, NORI submitted to the Secretary-General updated information in relation to the pending application before the Commission that reflected changes in relation to ownership, corporate governance and raised capital. The applicant indicated that this update superseded the material contained in the application submitted in 2008.", "II. Methodology for consideration of the application by the Legal and Technical Commission", "A. General methodology applied by the Commission in consideration of the application", "7. In its consideration of the application, the Commission noted that, in keeping with the scheme established in article 6 of annex III to the Convention, it was first required to make an objective determination as to whether the applicant had fulfilled the requirements contained in the Regulations, particularly with respect to the form of applications; whether the applicant had provided the necessary undertakings and assurances specified in regulation 14 of the Regulations; and whether it had the necessary financial and technical capability to carry out the proposed plan of work for exploration and, as appropriate, had satisfactorily discharged its obligations under any previous contract with the Authority. The Commission is then required to determine, in accordance with regulation 21(4) of the Regulations and its procedures, whether the proposed plan of work will provide for effective protection of human health and safety, effective protection and preservation of the marine environment, and will ensure that installations are not established where interference may be caused to the use of recognized sea lanes essential to international navigation or in areas of intense fishing activity. Regulation 21(5) of the Regulations goes on to provide that:", "“If the Commission makes the determinations specified in paragraph 3 and determines that the proposed plan of work for exploration meets the requirements of paragraph 4, the Commission shall recommend approval of the plan of work for exploration to the Council.”", "8. In considering the proposed plan of work for exploration for polymetallic nodules, the Commission took into account the principles, policies and objectives relating to activities in the Area as provided for in part XI and annex III of the Convention and in the Agreement.", "B. Consideration of the application at the seventeenth session", "9. The Commission considered the application in closed meetings on 4, 5 and 6 July 2011. It noted that the updated information submitted by the applicant superseded the initial information contained in the application that had been submitted in 2008.", "10. Prior to commencing a detailed examination of the application, the Commission invited the designated representative of the applicant, Peter Jacob, accompanied by Charles Morgan and David Heydon, to make a presentation of the application. Members of the Commission then asked questions to clarify certain aspects of the application before convening in closed session to examine the application in detail.", "11. The detailed examination by the Commission of the legal and financial, technical and environmental aspects of the application was conducted in smaller groups.", "III. Summary of basic information regarding the application", "A. Identification of the applicant", "12. Name of applicant: Nauru Ocean Resources Inc.", "13. Address of applicant:", "(a) Street address: 1st Level, Civic Centre, Aiwo District, Republic of Nauru", "(b) Postal address: P.O. Box 300, Aiwo District, Republic of Nauru", "(c) Telephone number: +674 557 3133", "(d) Facsimile number: +674 444 3730", "(e) Electronic mail address:", "14. Designated representative of the applicant:", "(a) Name: Peter Jacob, First Secretary, Nauru High Commission", "(b) Street address: Nauru High Commission, Ratu Sakuna House, 7th Floor, McArthur Street, Suva, Fiji Islands", "(c) Telephone number: +679 331 3566", "(d) Facsimile number: +679 331 8311", "(c) Electronic mail address:", "(d) Applicant’s place of registration and principal place of business: the Republic of Nauru", "15. The applicant indicated that NORI is a registered national of the Republic of Nauru that is incorporated within the jurisdiction and under the effective control of the Republic of Nauru. Two foundations, the Nauru Education and Training Foundation and the Nauru Health and Environment Foundation, now owned NORI in equal shares. In the event of non-compliance with Nauruan laws, the sponsoring State in the exercise of its control is empowered to deregister NORI. NORI is corporately under the control of Nauruan nationals with the majority of the Board of Directors being Nauruan. The Board of Directors comprises: Dominic Tabuna, Minister of Commerce, Industry and Environment, Republic of Nauru; Kieren Keke, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Republic of Nauru; and David Heydon.", "16. Further, all the stakeholders of NORI are Nauruan and domiciled in Nauru. The Nauru Education and Training Foundation and the Nauru Health and Environment Foundation are controlled by Nauru and will distribute within the State the income NORI receives from mineral production in the Licence Area. The Nauru Education and Training Foundation will distribute its share of the income to promote education and capacity-building in Nauru, while the Nauru Health and Environment Foundation will utilize the income for health services and environmental rehabilitation in Nauru.", "17. In 2008, NORI was a subsidiary of Nautilus Minerals Inc. Since then, Nautilus Minerals Inc. has relinquished its ownership and interest in NORI. NORI is therefore no longer affiliated with Nautilus Minerals Inc., or with any other entity or person outside the jurisdiction of the sponsoring State.", "B. Sponsorship", "18. Sponsoring State: the Republic of Nauru.", "19. The date of deposit of Nauru’s instrument of ratification of, or accession or succession to, the Convention and the date of its consent to be bound by the Agreement relating to the Implementation of Part XI of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea are 10 December 1982 and 23 January 1996, respectively.", "20. The date of certificate of sponsorship is 11 April 2011, signed by Dominic J. Tabuna, M.P., Minister for Commerce, Industry and Environment, Republic of Nauru.", "21. A copy of the certificate of incorporation of Nauru Ocean Resources Inc. has been submitted, as well as the applicant’s certificate of sponsorship issued by the Republic of Nauru. The certificate of sponsorship states that the applicant is sponsored by and under the effective control of the Republic of Nauru and declares that the Republic of Nauru assumes responsibility in accordance with article 139, article 153, paragraph 4, and annex III, article 4, paragraph 4, of the Convention. Further, in a letter to the Secretary-General of the Authority dated 11 April 2011, the sponsoring State also reaffirmed its commitment to fulfilling its responsibilities under the Convention and taking all necessary and appropriate measures to secure the effective compliance of NORI with the Convention and related instruments.", "22. In the application the Government of Nauru refers to the advisory opinion delivered on 1 February 2011 by the Seabed Disputes Chamber of the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea (the Tribunal) and states that it has commenced the process of implementing a comprehensive legal framework to regulate the activities of NORI in the Area. A collaborative work has commenced with the Applied Geoscience and Technology Division of the secretariat of the Pacific Community on its deep-sea minerals project funded by the European Union. This project is aimed at strengthening the system of governance and capacity of countries in the management of deep-sea minerals through the development and implementation of sound and regionally integrated legal frameworks, including legislative and regulatory frameworks for offshore minerals exploration and mining, as well as improved human and technical capacity and effective management and monitoring of offshore exploration and mining operations.", "23. Nauru has made a clear commitment to the Authority that it intends to implement this legislation. It will legislate to create a programme for the licensing of activities in the Area and detail the conditions Nauruan contractors must satisfy prior to the State granting approval to any at-sea mineral exploration or exploitation, including financial and technical capacity requirements. Licences will be issued subject to the terms, conditions and restrictions necessary to ensure that the State fulfils its sponsorship responsibilities and that the Nauruan contractor has fulfilled its obligations, as set out in the Convention. The applicant states that the regulatory framework will be implemented when NORI obtains an exploration contract from the Authority and recalls that this approach is in line with the advisory opinion issued by the Tribunal, which determines that legislation is not a prerequisite for obtaining an exploration contract.", "24. The applicant has stated that regulations will be adopted to address specific issues relating to seabed mining and exploration, including the protection of the marine environment, conservation of natural resources, and preservation of human health and safety, and property at sea. The State will monitor seabed mining activities to enforce the legislation, the regulations issued pursuant thereto and the terms, conditions and restrictions imposed on any licensee. Enforcement powers for non-compliance by licensees, in addition to civil and criminal penalties, will include suspension and revocation of a licence or a permit, or suspension or modification of particular activities authorized by a licence or permit.", "C. Area of application", "25. The application area of NORI covers a total area of 74,830 km² in the Clarion-Clipperton Zone of the Pacific Ocean. The area lies within the reserved areas and is divided into four regions: Area A is located within Block 13 and covers an area of 8,924 km²; Area B is located within Block 15 and covers an area of 3,519 km²; Area C is located within Block 22 and covers an area of 37,227 km²; and Area D is located within Block 25 and covers an area of 25,160 km². The coordinates and general location of the areas under application are shown in the annex to the present document.", "D. Other information", "26. Date of receipt of application: 10 April 2008.", "27. Previous contracts with the Authority: the applicant has not been previously awarded any contract with the Authority.", "28. Undertakings: the applicant submitted a written undertaking dated 21 April 2011 and signed by the Director of NORI, Dominic J. Tabuna, stating that it will comply with regulation 14 of the Regulations.", "IV. Examination of information and technical data submitted by the applicant", "29. The following technical documents were submitted in the application:", "(a) Information relating to the application area:", "(i) Boundaries of the area under application according to the World Geodetic System 1984 (WGS 84);", "(ii) A summary of the station data pertaining to the area under application and a full list of station data (application, appendix 2);", "(iii) A chart and a list of the coordinates of the area under application;", "(b) Certificate of sponsorship issued by the sponsoring State;", "(c) Information to enable the Council to determine whether the applicant is financially capable of carrying out the proposed plan of work for exploration;", "(d) Information to enable the Council to determine whether the applicant is technically capable of carrying out the proposed plan of work for exploration;", "(e) Plan of work for exploration;", "(f) Training programmes.", "30. During his presentation, the representative of the applicant provided clarification, as required by the Commission, on the information and technical data supplied.", "V. Consideration of financial and technical qualifications of the applicant", "A. Financial capacity", "31. In evaluating the financial capacity of the applicant, the Commission noted that NORI was incorporated in the Republic of Nauru on 12 March 2008, and that its current certificate of registration expires on 12 March 2012 and is renewable on an annual basis in accordance with relevant Nauru company law. The Commission was provided with a certified pro forma balance sheet (application, supplementary material 3), in accordance with regulation 12(5) of the Regulations since the applicant is a newly organized entity and since activities cannot start before a contract is issued. The applicant declares that it has the necessary financial resources to meet the estimated costs of the proposed plan of work for exploration. The Commission also noted that the activities will be financed by a guaranteed minimum budget of $10 million, which the applicant has proposed to finance through borrowing. The Commission was provided with the amount of borrowings, the repayment period and the interest rate, in conformity with regulation 12(6) of the Regulations. The applicant indicated that the minimum expenditure commitment will likely be substantially increased as the implementation of the programme of activities is accelerated, subject to exploration results and to developments in the preparation of regulations on exploitation for nodules by the Authority.", "B. Technical capacity", "32. The Commission was provided with technical information in relation to previous experience and skills in the field of dredging, excavation techniques and deep-sea mining technology that the applicant has submitted to demonstrate its technical capability to carry out the programme of work. The Commission noted that the applicant benefits in its technical team from the experience of leaders of four international consortiums (Ocean Management Incorporation, Kennecott Exploration Consortium, Ocean Minerals Company and Ocean Mining Associates) which developed and successfully carried out trial deep-sea mining systems to collect nodules in the Clarion-Clipperton Zone in the 1970s.", "33. The Commission was provided with information relating to the prevention, reduction and control of hazards to and possible impacts on the marine environment. This included the completion of risk assessments and mitigation of any environmental harm. A detailed plan of action in relation to the preservation of the marine environment was presented for the first five years, including a long-term environmental monitoring programme of the area. The applicant stated that, in accordance with the Regulations, the best available technology and practices will be used to carry out exploration and to avoid harm to and impacts on the marine environment; likewise, every effort will be made to apply best environmental protection practices and a precautionary approach. Appropriate licences and insurances are in place to respond to incidents.", "VI. Consideration of data and information submitted for approval of the plan of work for exploration for polymetallic nodules", "34. In accordance with regulation 18 of the Regulations, the application included the following information for approval of the plan of work for exploration:", "(a) A general description and a schedule of the proposed exploration programme of activities to be undertaken in the first five-year period, such as studies to be undertaken in respect of the environmental, technical, economic and other appropriate factors that must be taken into account in exploration;", "(b) A description of the programme for oceanographic and environmental baseline studies that will be carried out in accordance with the Regulations and environmental rules, regulations and procedures established by the Authority. These baseline studies will enable an assessment to be made of the potential environmental impact of the proposed exploration activities, taking into account any recommendations issued by the Legal and Technical Commission;", "(c) A preliminary assessment of the possible impact of the proposed exploration activities on the marine environment;", "(d) A description of proposed measures for the prevention, reduction and control of pollution and other hazards to, as well as possible impacts on, the marine environment;", "(e) Data necessary for the Council to make the determination it is required to make in accordance with regulation 12, paragraph 1 of the Regulations (financial obligations to the Authority);", "(f) A schedule of anticipated yearly expenditures in respect of the programme of activities for the first five-year period.", "35. The Commission was satisfied that the information presented met the requirements of the Regulations and noted that it looked forward to the submission of reports and data by the applicant, as required by the Regulations, and the recommendations of the Commission for the guidance of contractors.", "VII. Training programme", "36. In accordance with regulation 27 and section 8 of annex 4 to the Regulations, the applicant provided a detailed description of an at-sea exploration training programme, a fellowship programme, and an engineering training programme. These training programmes would be open to at least eight nationals of developing States who wish to specialize in engineering, marine biology, oceanography, geophysics and geology. The proposed programmes, which will be drawn up by the contractor in cooperation with the Authority and the sponsoring State and submitted for approval to the Authority before their insertion as schedule 3 to the contract, are scheduled for the first five-year period of the contract for exploration.", "VIII. Conclusion and recommendations", "37. Having examined the particulars submitted by the applicant, which are summarized in parts II to VII above, the Commission is satisfied that the application has been duly submitted in accordance with the Regulations and that the applicant is a qualified applicant, as defined in articles 4 and 9 of annex III to the Convention, and regulation 17 of the Regulations. The Commission is further satisfied that the applicant:", "(a) Has complied with the provisions of the Regulations;", "(b) Has given the undertakings and assurances specified in regulation 14 of the Regulations;", "(c) Possesses the financial and technical capability to carry out the proposed plan of work for exploration.", "38. The Commission is satisfied that none of the conditions in regulation 21(6) of the Regulations apply.", "39. With respect to the proposed plan of work for exploration, the Commission is satisfied that the proposed plan of work for exploration will:", "(a) Provide for effective protection of human health and safety;", "(b) Provide for effective protection and preservation of the marine environment;", "(c) Ensure that installations are not established where interference may be caused to the use of recognized sea lanes essential to international navigation or in areas of intense fishing activity.", "40. Accordingly, pursuant to regulation 21(5) of the Regulations, the Commission recommends to the Council approval of the plan of work for exploration submitted by Nauru Ocean Resources Inc.", "Annex", "List of coordinates and map of general location of the reserved areas under application", "The area under application comprises the following four regions 1A to 1D:", "Area A (8,924 km²)", "All that area of seafloor within reserved Block 13 in the Clarion-Clipperton Zone of the Pacific Ocean bounded by a line commencing at the north-west corner at:", "Latitude Longitude \n 13.0000 N -134.583 W (the point of commencement) \nthento\t13.0000 N\t-134.250 W\nthento\t12.5000 N\t-134.250 W\nthento\t12.5000 N\t-134.067 W\nthento\t12.1933 N\t-134.067 W\nthento\t12.1933 N\t-133.833 W\nthento\t11.5000 N\t-133.833 W\nthento\t11.5000 N\t-134.377 W\nthento\t12.0000 N\t-134.377 W\nthento\t12.0000 N\t-134.583 W\nthento\t13.0000 N\t-134.583 W (being the point ofcommencement)", "Area B (3,519 km²)", "All that area of seafloor within reserved Block 15 in the Clarion-Clipperton Zone of the Pacific Ocean bounded by a line commencing at the north-west corner at:", "Latitude Longitude \n 14.00000 N -134.00000 W (the point of commencement)\nthento\t14.00000 N\t-133.25000 W\nthento\t13.86670 N\t-133.25000 W\nthento\t13.86670 N\t-133.20000 W\nthento\t13.58010 N\t-133.20000 W\nthento\t13.58010 N\t-133.83300 W\nthento\t14.00000 N\t-134.00000 W (being the point ofcommencement)", "Area C (37,227 km²)", "All that area of seafloor within reserved Block 22 in the Clarion-Clipperton Zone of the Pacific Ocean bounded by a line commencing at the north-west corner at:", "Latitude Longitude \n 14.9350 N -122.1667 W (the point of commencement) \nthento\t14.9350 N\t-120.5000 W\nthento\t14.5000 N\t-120.5000 W\nthento\t14.5000 N\t-120.7500 W\nthento\t14.3333 N\t-120.7500 W\nthento\t14.3333 N\t-121.8330 W\nthento\t14.0000 N\t-121.8330 W\nthento\t14.0000 N\t-121.3330 W\nthento\t13.6667 N\t-121.3330 W\nthento\t13.6667 N\t-121.1670 W\nthento\t12.0000 N\t-121.1670 W\nthento\t12.0000 N\t-121.6000 W\nthento\t12.6000 N\t-121.6000 W\nthento\t12.6000 N\t-122.1670 W\nthento\t12.8900 N\t-122.1670 W\nthento\t12.8900 N\t-123.0000 W\nthento\t13.3500 N\t-123.0000 W\nthento\t13.3500 N\t-122.5000 W\nthento\t13.5000 N\t-122.5000 W\nthento\t13.5000 N\t-122.1667 W\nthento\t14.9350 N\t-122.1667 W (being the point ofcommencement)", "Area D (25,160 km²)", "All that area of seafloor within reserved Block 25 in the Clarion-Clipperton Zone of the Pacific Ocean bounded by a line commencing at the north-west corner at:", "Latitude Longitude \n\t11.08333 N\t-117.816670 W (the point ofcommencement)\nthento\t11.08333 N\t-116.066667 W\nthento\t9.89500 N\t-116.066667 W\nthento\t9.89500 N\t-117.816670 W\nthento\t11.08333 N\t-117.816670 W (being the point ofcommencement)", "[]" ]
[ "第十七届会议", "2011年7月11日至22日", "牙买加金斯敦", "国际海底管理局理事会关于瑙鲁海洋资源公司请求核准勘探工作计划的申请的报告和建议", "法律和技术委员会提交", "一. 导言", "1. 2008年4月10日,国际海底管理局秘书长收到关于请求核准在“区域”内勘探多金属结核的工作计划的申请。该申请是2008年3月31日瑙鲁海洋资源公司依照《“区域”内多金属结核探矿和勘探规章》(“规章”)提交的。申请所涉的总表面积为74 830平方公里,位于1982年《联合国海洋法公约》(“公约”)附件三第8条为管理局保留的区域。申请范围内的保留区域是地球科学及自然资源研究所、南海地质协会以及国际海洋金属联合组织(海洋金属组织)提供的。", "2. 依照规章第20条第1(c)款,秘书长通知管理局成员国收到该申请,并分发了有关申请的一般性资料。秘书长还将审议该申请列为2008年5月19日至28日举行的法律和技术委员会会议的议程项目。", "3. 委员会获知,申请人在2008年3月31日正式通知秘书长,打算提出关于请求核准保留区域勘探工作计划的申请。因此,秘书长依照规章第17(1)条,于2008年4月11日将该通知转发给企业部,其代表人(临时总干事)就此书面通知秘书长,企业部现无计划在申请所涉区域开展活动。", "4. 对此,委员会提请注意:企业部尚未开始独立于管理局秘书处运作;根据《公约》第170条和《关于执行1982年12月10日联合国海洋法公约第十一部分的协定》(“协定”)附件第2节第2段,理事会只有在下列任一情况下才处理企业部独立于管理局秘书处运作的问题:(a) 除企业部以外的其他实体核准勘探工作计划;或者(b) 理事会收到与企业部联合开展作业的申请。在任一上述可能条件具备之前,管理局秘书处应行使协定附件第2节第1段所述的企业部职能。", "5. 委员会于2008年5月21、22、26和27日开会审议该申请。由于委员会未就建议理事会如何处理申请达成一致意见,所以决定以后有机会再继续审议申请。该事项被列入委员会第十五届会议的议程。委员会在第十五届会议上得知,申请人于2009年5月5日致信管理局的法律顾问,因全球经济状况和其他关切,请求推迟审议其申请。委员会注意到这一请求,并决定等有进一步通知再审议该项目。", "6. 申请人于2010年5月4日致信管理局秘书长,请求委员会尽早审议其申请。2011年4月29日,瑙鲁海洋资源公司向秘书长提交关于委员会待审申请的最新资料,其中提到所有权、公司管理和筹资方面的变化。申请人指出,新材料取代了2008年所提申请中所载的材料。", "二. 法律和技术委员会审议申请的方法", "A. 委员会审议申请所用的一般方法", "7. 委员会在审议申请时指出,按照公约附件三第6条所述的办法,首先要客观判定申请人是否满足了《规章》的要求,特别是有关申请书格式的规定;申请人是否做出《规章》第14条规定的承诺和保证;申请人是否具备必要的资金和技术能力完成勘探工作计划,如果以前与管理局有过合同的,是否合格地履行了义务。其次,委员会应依照《规章》第21条第4款及其程序,判定提出的工作计划是否将有效地保护人体健康和安全,有效地保护和保全海洋环境,并确保设施不坐落在可能干扰国际航行必经的公认航道的地点或捕鱼活动集中的区域。《规章》第21条第5款还规定:", "“如果委员会根据第3款作出判定,确定提出的勘探工作计划符合第4款的要求,委员会应建议理事会核准勘探工作计划。”", "8. 委员会在审议多金属结核勘探工作计划时,考虑到《公约》第十一部分和附件三以及《协定》有关“区域”内活动的原则、政策和目的。", "B. 第十七届会议对申请的审议情况", "9. 委员会在2011年7月4日、5日和6日举行闭门会议审议申请。委员会注意到,申请人提交的新材料取代了2008年所提申请中所载的材料。", "10. 在开始具体审议申请之前,委员会请申请人的指定代表Peter Jacob以及Charles Morgan和David Heydon介绍了申请。然后,委员会成员提问了解申请的某些方面问题,最后举行闭门会议具体审议申请。", "11. 委员会分小组具体审议了申请的法律与资金、技术以及环境方面问题。", "三. 申请的基本资料摘要", "A. 申请人资料", "12. 申请人名称:瑙鲁海洋资源公司。", "13. 申请人地址:", "(a) 街道地址:1st Level, Civic Centre, Aiwo District, Republic of Nauru", "(b) 邮政地址:P.O. Box 300, Aiwo District, Republic of Nauru", "(c) 电话号码:+674 557 3133", "(d) 传真号码:+674 444 3730", "(e) 电子邮件地址", "14. 申请人指定代表:", "(a) 姓名:Peter Jacob, First Secretary, Nauru High Commission。", "(b) 街道地址:Nauru High Commission, Ratu Sakuna House, 7th Floor, McArthur Street, Suva, Fiji Islands。", "(c) 电话号码:+679 331 3566。", "(d) 传真号码:+679 331 8311。", "(e) 电子邮件地址", "(f) 申请人注册地和主要业务所在地:瑙鲁共和国", "15. 申请人指出,瑙鲁海洋资源公司是在瑙鲁共和国注册的国民,在瑙鲁共和国的法律管辖内进行公司注册并受其实际管制。该公司目前为两个基金会所有,即瑙鲁教育培训基金会和瑙鲁卫生环境基金会,两个基金会持有同等股权。如有不遵守瑙鲁法律行为,担保国可行使管制,撤销该公司的注册。该公司由瑙鲁国民控制,其董事会大多数是瑙鲁人。董事会包括瑙鲁共和国工商业及环境部长Dominic Tabuna、瑙鲁共和国外交部长基伦·凯克和David Heydon。", "16. 此外,该公司的所有股东都是瑙鲁人,居住地在瑙鲁。瑙鲁教育培训基金会和瑙鲁卫生环境基金会受瑙鲁管制,从特许区矿业生产得到的收入将在该国境内分配。瑙鲁教育培训基金会分得的收入将用于瑙鲁的教育和能力建设,瑙鲁卫生环境基金会的收入将用于瑙鲁的卫生服务和环境恢复。", "17. 2008年,该公司是鹦鹉螺矿业公司(“Nautilus”)的附属公司。此后,Nautilus出售了在该公司的一切所有权和利益。因此,该公司不再附属于Nautilus或担保国管辖范围以外的任何实体或个人。", "B. 担保", "18. 担保国:瑙鲁共和国。", "19. 瑙鲁保存批准、加入或继承《公约》文书的日期以及同意接受《关于执行1982年12月10日联合国海洋法公约第十一部分的协定》约束的日期均为1996年1月23日。", "20. 担保书日期:2011年4月11日,瑙鲁共和国工商业及环境部长Dominic Tabuna签署。", "21. 瑙鲁海洋资源公司的公司登记执照以及瑙鲁共和国颁发的申请人担保书已提交。担保书称,被担保的申请人受瑙鲁共和国的有效管制;担保书还声明,瑙鲁共和国依照《公约》第139条、第153条第4款和附件三第4条第4款承担责任。担保国还于2011年4月11日致信管理局秘书长,重申承诺履行对《公约》的责任,并采取一切必要的适当措施确保该公司切实遵守《公约》及相关文书。", "22. 在申请书中,瑙鲁政府提及国际海洋法法庭海底争端分庭(“分庭”)2011年2月1日做出的咨询意见,称其已开始实施一个全面的法律框架,管制该公司在国际海底区域的活动。已经开始了与太平洋共同体秘书处应用地球科学和技术司的合作,执行由欧洲联盟资助的深海矿产项目,旨在通过发展和执行健全的区域统一法律框架,加强各国在深海矿产管理方面的管理制度和能力,包括近海矿产勘探和开采的立法和管制框架,以及提高人力和技术能力与有效管理和监测近海勘探和开采业务。", "23. 瑙鲁向管理局明确承诺执行这一立法,瑙鲁的立法将设立对区域内活动发放执照的计划,规定瑙鲁承包者必须符合哪些条件才能得到国家核准进行任何海上矿产勘探和开采,包括对资金和技术能力的要求。发放执照必须符合必要的规定、条件和限制,确保国家履行其担保责任,并确保瑙鲁承包者履行《公约》规定的义务。申请人表示,将在该公司从管理局得到勘探合同之后执行这一法律框架;申请人回顾,这种做法符合分庭的咨询意见,其中裁定立法不是获得国际海底管理局勘探合同的先决条件。", "24. 申请人称,将制订法规,规范海底开采和勘探的具体问题,包括保护海洋环境、维护自然资源以及保护海上生命和财产安全。担保国将监测海底采矿活动,执行立法、相关条例以及关于任何执照的规定、条件和限制。领照者如有违反,除了民事和刑事处罚外,还可以暂停或撤销其执照或许可证,或者暂停或变更执照或许可证授权的特定活动。", "C. 申请所涉范围", "25. 该公司申请所涉范围包括太平洋克拉利昂和克利帕顿海区内总共74 830平方公里。该海区位于保留区内,分为四个地区:A区位于13区块,面积为8 924平方公里;B区位于15区块,面积为3 519平方公里;C区位于22区块,面积为37 227平方公里;D区位于25区块,面积为25 160平方公里。申请所涉区域的坐标和总体位置见本文件附件。", "D. 其他资料", "26. 收到申请日期:2008年4月10日。", "27. 以前与管理局的合同:申请人以前未从管理局得到任何合同。", "28. 承诺:申请人2011年4月21日提交了书面承诺,由该公司董事Dominic Tabuna签字,声明将遵守《规章》第14条。", "四. 审议申请人提交的资料和技术资料", "29. 申请书中提交了下列技术文件:", "(a) 关于申请区域的资料:", "㈠ 根据1984年世界大地测量系统(WGS 84)划定的申请区域边界;", "㈡ 关于申请区域的测点数据摘要和测点数据一览表(申请书附文2);", "㈢ 申请区域的的海图和坐标表;", "(b) 担保国签发的担保书;", "(c) 有助于理事会判定申请人是否有资金能力执行提出的勘探工作计划的资料;", "(d) 有助于理事会判定申请人是否有技术能力执行提出的勘探工作计划的资料;", "(e) 勘探工作计划;", "(f) 培训计划。", "30. 申请人代表在介绍申请时,按委员会要求对提供的资料和技术资料做了解释说明。", "五. 审议申请人的资金和技术资质", "A. 资金能力", "31. 委员会在审议申请人资金能力时注意到,该公司于2008年3月12日在瑙鲁共和国进行注册,目前的注册执照将于2012年3月12日失效,但可按照瑙鲁公司法每年延期。委员会收到的是按照《规章》第12条第5款提交的经过核证的预计资产负债表(申请书,补充材料3),因为申请人是新组建的实体,而且在合同发出之前无法启动活动。申请人自称有必要的资金,足够提出的勘探工作计划的估计费用。委员会还注意到,申请人提出通过借贷,保证获得最少1 000万美元预算,为活动提供融资。委员会收到依照《规章》第12条第6款提交的借款金额、还款期限和利率。申请人指出,随着活动方案的实施加快,最低开支承付可能会大大增加,但这取决于勘探结果和管理局编制开发规章的进展。", "B. 技术能力", "32. 委员会收到申请人为证明其有技术能力执行工作方案而提交的关于在疏浚、挖掘技术和深海采矿技术领域的以往经验和技能的技术资料。委员会注意到,申请人的技术团队汇集了四个国际企业集团(海洋管理公司、肯尼科特开发企业集团、大洋矿产公司和海洋矿业公司)领导人的经验,他们在1970年代研制并成功试用了深海采矿系统在克拉里昂和克利珀顿海区采集结核。", "33. 委员会收到有关防止、减少和控制对海洋环境的危害和可能产生的影响的资料。这包括完成风险评估和降低任何环境损害。为第一个五年提出了有关保护海洋环境的详细行动计划,包括区域的长期环境监测计划。申请人指出,《规章》要求采用掌握的最好技术和做法来进行勘探,避免对海洋环境的危害和影响;还要尽一切努力采取最好的环保做法和预防办法。应对突发事件的适当许可和保险已经到位。", "六. 审议供核准多金属结核勘探工作计划提交的资料和信息", "34. 根据《规章》第18规定,申请书包括以下资料以供核准勘探工作计划:", "(a) 对第一个五年期间要开展的活动提出的勘探方案的一般说明和时间表,如要对勘探必须考虑到的环境、技术、经济和其他有关因素进行的研究;", "(b) 对将按照《规章》和管理局所定环境规则、规章和程序进行的海洋学和环境基线研究方案的说明。通过这些基线研究,将对提出的勘探活动对环境的潜在影响进行评估,其间应考虑到法律和技术委员会所提的任何建议;", "(c) 关于提出的勘探活动对海洋环境可能造成的影响的初步评估;", "(d) 关于为预防、减少和控制对海洋环境污染和其他危害以及可能影响的措施的说明;", "(e) 供理事会按照《规章》第12条第1款(对管理局的财政义务)做出决定的必要资料;", "(f) 第一个五年期活动方案的预计每年开支表。", "35. 委员会对提交的资料符合《规章》要求感到满意,指出希望申请人按《规章》要求提交报告和资料,并提出委员会对承包者的指导建议。", "七. 培训计划", "36. 按照《规章》第27条和附件4第8节,申请人提供了对海上勘探培训计划、研究金方案和工程培训计划的详细说明。这些培训计划将对至少8名希望专业从事工程、海洋生物学、海洋学、地球物理学和地质学的发展中国家国民开放。承包者将与管理局和担保国合作制订提出勘探合同第一个五年期的计划,并在提交管理局批准之后加入合同附表3。", "八. 结论和建议", "37. 委员会审议了申请人所提交的各部分材料(摘要见上文第二至第八部分),对依照《规章》规定提交的申请感到满意;申请人符合《公约》附件三第4和第9条以及《规章》第17条关于合格申请人的规定。委员会还欣见申请人:", "(a) 遵守《规章》的规定;", "(b) 做出《规章》第14条规定的承诺和保证;", "(c) 具备执行提出的勘探工作计划的资金和技术能力。", "38. 委员会欣见《规章》第21条第6款的条件不适用。", "39. 关于提出的勘探工作计划,委员会欣见提出的勘探工作计划将:", "(a) 有效地保护人体健康和安全;", "(b) 有效地保护和保全海洋环境;", "(c) 确保设施不坐落在可能干扰国际航行必经的公认航道的地点或捕鱼活动集中的区域。", "40. 因此,根据《规章》第21条第5款,委员会建议理事会核准瑙鲁海洋资源公司提交的勘探工作计划。", "附件", "申请所涉区域的坐标表和总体位置地图", "申请所涉区域包括1A至1D四个地区:", "A区(8 924平方公里)", "这部分海底均位于太平洋克拉利昂和克利帕顿海区的13区块内,边界线从西北角开始:", "纬度 经度", "13.0000 N -134.583 W (起始点)", "然后到 13.0000 N -134.250 W", "然后到 12.5000 N -134.250 W", "然后到 12.5000 N -134.067 W", "然后到 12.1933 N -134.067 W", "然后到 12.1933 N -133.833 W", "然后到 11.5000 N -133.833 W", "然后到 11.5000 N -134.377 W", "然后到 12.0000 N -134.377 W", "然后到 12.0000 N -134.583 W", "然后到 13.0000 N -134.583 W 回到起始点", "B区(3 519平方公里)", "这部分海底均位于太平洋克拉利昂和克利帕顿海区的15区块内,边界线从西北角开始:", "纬度 经度", "14.00000 N -134.00000 W (起始点)", "然后到 14.00000 N -133.25000 W", "然后到 13.86670 N -133.25000 W", "然后到 13.86670 N -133.20000 W", "然后到 13.58010 N -133.20000 W", "然后到 13.58010 N -133.83300 W", "然后到 14.00000 N -134.00000 W 回到起始点", "C区(37 227平方公里)", "这部分海底均位于太平洋克拉利昂和克利帕顿海区的22区块内,边界线从西北角开始:", "纬度 经度", "14.9350 N -122.1667 W (起始点)", "然后到 14.9350 N -120.5000 W", "然后到 14.5000 N -120.5000 W", "然后到 14.5000 N -120.7500 W", "然后到 14.3333 N -120.7500 W", "然后到 14.3333 N -121.8330 W", "然后到 14.0000 N -121.8330 W", "然后到 14.0000 N -121.3330 W", "然后到 13.6667 N -121.3330 W", "然后到 13.6667 N -121.1670 W", "然后到 12.0000 N -121.1670 W", "然后到 12.0000 N -121.6000 W", "然后到 12.6000 N -121.6000 W", "然后到 12.6000 N -122.1670 W", "然后到 12.8900 N -122.1670 W", "然后到 12.8900 N -123.0000 W", "然后到 13.3500 N -123.0000 W", "然后到 13.3500 N -122.5000 W", "然后到 13.5000 N -122.5000 W", "然后到 13.5000 N -122.1667 W", "然后到 14.9350 N -122.1667 W 回到起始点", "D区(25 160平方公里)", "这部分海底均位于太平洋克拉利昂和克利帕顿海区的25区块内,边界线从西北角开始:", "纬度 经度", "11.08333 N -117.816670 W (起始点)", "然后到 11.08333 N -116.066667 W", "然后到 9.89500 N -116.066667 W", "然后到 9.89500 N -117.816670 W", "然后到 11.08333 N -117.816670 W 回到起始点" ]
[ "第十七届会议", "牙买加金斯敦", "2011年7月11日至22日,日内瓦", "关于瑙鲁海洋资源公司请求核准勘探工作计划的申请书向国际海底管理局理事会提出的报告和建议。", "法律和技术委员会提交", "一. 导言", "1. 联合国 2008年4月10日,国际海底管理局(管理局)秘书长收到请求核准 \" 区域 \" 内多金属结核勘探工作计划的申请书。 2008年3月31日,瑙鲁海洋资源公司根据《 \" 区域 \" 内多金属结核探矿和勘探规章》(《规章》)提出申请。 申请覆盖的总面积为74 830平方公里,位于根据1982年《联合国海洋法公约》(《公约》)附件三第八条为管理局保留的区域内。 申请书中的保留区域由德国联邦地球科学与自然资源研究所(BGR)、南海地质协会和国际海洋金属联合组织(海洋金属组织)提供。", "2. 联合国 根据《规章》第20条第1款(c)项,秘书长于2008年4月28日通知管理局成员收到申请书并分发了有关申请书的一般性资料。 秘书长还把对该申请的审议列为法律和技术委员会2008年5月19日至28日会议的一个议程项目。", "3个 委员会获悉,申请者已正式通知秘书长,它打算在2008年3月31日提出申请,请求核准一个保留区域的勘探工作计划。 此后,根据《条例》第17(1)条,秘书长于2008年4月11日向企业部(由企业部临时总干事代理)转交了这一通知,临时总干事就此书面通知秘书长,企业部目前无意在所申请领域开展活动。", " 4.四. 在这方面,委员会回顾,企业部尚未开始独立于管理局秘书处运作,根据《公约》第一七○条和1994年通过的《关于执行〈联合国海洋法公约〉第十一部分的协定》(《协定》)附件第2节第2段,理事会只处理企业部独立于管理局秘书处运作的问题:(a) 企业部以外的实体核准开发工作计划后;(b) 理事会收到与企业部联合经营的申请后。 在上述任何一种情况发生之前,管理局秘书处应履行企业部的职能,该职能由《协定》附件第2节第1款规定。", "5 (韩语). 委员会于2008年5月21、22、26和27日开会审议该申请书。 由于委员会尚未就就就申请向理事会提出的建议达成共识,委员会决定在下次可能的机会继续审议申请。 这一事项已被列入委员会第十五届会议的议程。 在该届会议上,委员会获悉,申请者在2009年5月5日给管理局法律顾问的一封信中,鉴于全球经济情况和其他关切,请求推迟审议其申请。 委员会适当注意到这一请求,并决定将对该议程项目的进一步审议推迟到另行通知后进行。", "6. 国家 在2010年5月4日给管理局秘书长的信中,申请者要求委员会尽早重新审议其申请。 2011年4月29日,本公司向秘书长提交了有关委员会待决申请的最新资料,其中反映了所有权、公司治理和筹集资本方面的变化。 申请人表示,这一更新取代了2008年提交的申请中所载的材料。", "二. 法律和技术委员会审议申请书的方法", "A. 委员会审议申请书的一般方法", "7. 联合国 在审议申请书时,委员会指出,根据《公约》附件三第六条所制定的办法,首先需要客观确定申请者是否满足了《规章》所载要求,特别是关于申请书形式的要求;申请者是否作出了《规章》第14条规定的必要承诺和保证;申请者是否有必要的财政和技术能力来执行提议的勘探工作计划,并酌情令人满意地履行了以前同管理局订立的任何合同所规定的义务。 然后,委员会必须根据《规章》第21条第4款及其程序,确定拟议工作计划是否将有效保护人类健康和安全,有效保护和保全海洋环境,并确保设施不坐落在可能干扰国际航行必经的公认航道的地点或坐落在捕鱼活动集中的区域。 《条例》第21条第5款还规定:", "“如果委员会根据第3款作出确定并认定提议的勘探工作计划符合第4款的要求,委员会应建议理事会核准勘探工作计划。 “", "8. 联合国 在审议提议的多金属结核勘探工作计划时,委员会考虑到《公约》第十一部分和附件三以及《协定》规定的与 \" 区域 \" 内活动有关的原则、政策和目标。", "B. 第十七届会议对申请的审议", "9. 国家 委员会在2011年7月4日、5日和6日的非公开会议上审议了该申请。 委员会注意到,申请人所提交的最新资料取代了2008年提交的申请书中所载的初步资料。", "10个 在开始详细审查申请书之前,委员会邀请申请人的指定代表彼得·雅各布在查尔斯·摩根和戴维·海顿的陪同下介绍申请书。 委员会成员然后提问,在召开非公开会议详细审查申请书之前,澄清申请书的某些方面。", "11个 委员会详细审查了申请书的法律、财政、技术和环境方面。", "三. 申请书基本资料摘要", "A类. 申请者的身份", "12个 申请者名称:瑙鲁海洋资源公司。", "13个 申请者地址:", "(a) 街道地址:瑙鲁共和国Aiwo区公民中心一级", "(b) 邮政地址:瑙鲁共和国Aiwo区P.O.Box 300", "(c) 电话号码:+674 557 3133", "(d) 传真号码:+674 444 3730", "(e) 电子邮件地址", "14个 申请者指定代表:", "(a) 姓名:Peter Jacob,瑙鲁高级委员会一等秘书", "(b) 街道地址: 瑙鲁高级委员会,Ratu Sakuna之家,7楼,麦克阿瑟街,斐济群岛苏瓦", "(c) 电话号码:+679 331 3566", "(d) 传真号码:+679 331 8311", "(c) 电子邮件地址", "(d) 申请人的注册地和主要营业地:瑙鲁共和国", "15个 申请方表示,瑙鲁公司是瑙鲁共和国的注册国民,在瑙鲁共和国管辖和有效控制下注册。 瑙鲁教育和培训基金会和瑙鲁卫生和环境基金会这两个基金会现在平等拥有NORI。 如果瑙鲁法律未得到遵守,担保国在行使控制权时有权撤销瑙鲁的注册。 本公司由瑙鲁国民共同控制,董事会大多数是瑙鲁人。 董事会包括:瑙鲁共和国商业、工业和环境部长Dominic Tabuna;瑙鲁共和国外交部长Kieren Keke;和David Heydon。", "16号. 此外,瑙鲁石油公司的所有利益攸关方都是瑙鲁人,居住在瑙鲁。 瑙鲁教育和培训基金会和瑙鲁卫生和环境基金会由瑙鲁控制,将在国家内分配许可证区内矿物生产所得收入。 瑙鲁教育和培训基金会将分配其收入份额,以促进瑙鲁的教育和能力建设,而瑙鲁卫生和环境基金会将把收入用于瑙鲁的保健服务和环境恢复。", "17岁 2008年,NORI是鹦鹉螺矿业股份有限公司的子公司. 此后,鹦鹉螺矿业股份有限公司放弃了对NORI的所有权和权益. 因此,NORI不再附属于Nautilus矿物公司,也不再附属于担保国管辖范围外的任何其他实体或个人。", "B. 赞助", "18岁。 担保国:瑙鲁共和国。", " 19. 19. 瑙鲁交存《公约》批准书、加入书或继承书的日期和同意受《关于执行联合国海洋法公约第十一部分的协定》约束的日期分别为1982年12月10日和1996年1月23日。", "20号. 担保书日期为2011年4月11日,由瑙鲁共和国商业、工业和环境部长Dominic J. Tabuna先生签署。", "21岁 已提交瑙鲁海洋资源公司注册证书的副本以及瑙鲁共和国签发的申请者担保书。 担保书指出,申请者由瑙鲁共和国担保并受其有效控制,并宣布瑙鲁共和国根据《公约》第一三九条、第一五三条第4款和附件三第四条第4款承担责任。 此外,担保国在2011年4月11日给管理局秘书长的信中还重申,它承诺履行《公约》规定的职责,并采取一切必要措施和适当措施,确保本公司切实遵守《公约》和相关文书。", "22号. 在申请书中,瑙鲁政府提及国际海洋法法庭(法庭)海底争端分庭2011年2月1日发表的咨询意见,并说,瑙鲁已开始实施一个全面的法律框架,以规范瑙鲁石油公司在 \" 区域 \" 内的活动。 现已同太平洋共同体秘书处应用地球科学和技术司就欧洲联盟资助的深海矿物项目开始协作。 该项目旨在通过制定和执行健全和区域一体化的法律框架,包括近海矿物勘探和采矿的立法和监管框架,以及提高人力和技术能力并有效管理和监测近海勘探和采矿业务,加强各国深海矿物管理系统和能力。", "23. 联合国 瑙鲁向管理局作出明确承诺,它打算执行这一立法。 它将立法制定 \" 区域 \" 内活动许可证发放方案,并详细说明瑙鲁承包者在国家批准任何海上矿物勘探或开采之前必须满足的条件,包括财政和技术能力要求。 许可证的发放必须符合必要的条件、条件和限制,以确保国家履行其担保责任,并确保瑙鲁承包者已履行《公约》规定的义务。 申请方表示,当该公司从管理局获得勘探合同时,将实施监管框架,并回顾说,这种做法符合法庭发表的咨询意见,其中确定立法不是获得勘探合同的先决条件。", "24 (韩语). 申请者表示,将制定条例,处理与海底采矿和勘探有关的具体问题,包括保护海洋环境、养护自然资源、保护人类健康和安全以及海上财产。 国家将监测海底采矿活动,以强制执行立法、根据立法颁布的条例以及对任何许可证持有者规定的条件和限制。 除民事和刑事处罚外,对许可证持有者不遵守规定的执法权力将包括暂停和吊销许可证或许可证,或暂停或修改许可证或许可证授权的特定活动。", "C. 适用范围", "25岁 NORI的申请区域总面积为74,830平方千米,位于太平洋克拉里昂-克利珀顿区. 区域位于保留区域内,分为四个区域: 区域 A位于第13区,面积为8,924平方千米;B区位于第15区,面积为3,519平方千米;C区位于第22区,面积为37,227平方千米;D区位于第25区,面积为25,160平方千米. 申请区域的坐标和一般位置见本文件附件。", "D类. 其他资料", "26. 联合国 收到申请日期:2008年4月10日。", "27个 以前同管理局签订的合同:申请者以前没有同管理局签订任何合同。", "28岁 承诺:申请人提交了一份日期为2011年4月21日的书面承诺,该书面承诺由英国自然资源研究所所长Dominic J. Tabuna签署,表示将遵守《条例》第14条。", "四、结 论 审查申请者提交的资料和技术数据", "29. 国家 申请书中提交了下列技术文件:", "(a) 关于申请区域的资料:", "(一) 根据1984年世界大地测量系统(WGS 84)所申请区域的边界;", "(二) 与申请区域有关的站点数据摘要和完整的站站站数据清单(申请附录2);", "(三) 所申请区域的海图和坐标表;", "(b) 担保国签发的担保书;", "(c) 使理事会能确定申请者是否有财政能力执行提议的勘探工作计划的资料;", "(d) 使理事会能确定申请者是否有技术能力执行提议的勘探工作计划的资料;", "(e) 勘探工作计划;", "(f) 培训方案。", "30岁。 申请人代表在陈述中按照委员会的要求澄清了提供的资料和技术数据。", " V. 审议申请者的财务和技术资格", "A类. 财政能力", "31岁 在评估申请人的财务能力时,委员会注意到,瑙鲁公司于2008年3月12日注册在瑙鲁共和国,其目前的注册证书于2012年3月12日到期,根据瑙鲁有关公司法可每年续签。 根据《规章》第12条第5款,委员会获得了经核证的表格资产负债表(申请书,补充材料3),因为申请者是新组建的实体,而且活动在合同签发前无法开始。 申请者声明已有必要的财政资源来承担提议的勘探工作计划的估计费用。 委员会还注意到,这些活动的资金将由1 000万美元的最低保证预算提供,申请人已提议通过借款为这些活动提供资金。 根据《规章》第12(6)条,向委员会提供了借款数额、偿还期和利率。 申请者表示,随着活动方案的执行加快,最低支出承诺可能大幅增加,但要看勘探结果和管理局拟订结核开采规章的进展情况而定。", "B. 技术能力", "32. 联合国 向委员会提供了技术资料,说明申请者为证明执行工作方案的技术能力而提交的在疏浚、挖掘技术和深海采矿技术领域以往的经验和技能。 委员会注意到,申请者在其技术小组中受益于四个国际财团(大洋管理公司、肯尼科特勘探集团、大洋矿产公司和大洋采矿联营公司)的领导人的经验,这些财团在1970年代开发和成功实施了试验性深海采矿系统,以收集克拉里昂-克利珀顿区的结核。", "33. (中文(简体) ). 委员会收到了关于预防、减少和控制对海洋环境的危害和可能造成的影响的资料。 这包括完成风险评估并减轻任何环境损害。 提出了头五年有关保护海洋环境的详细行动计划,包括该区域的长期环境监测方案。 申请者表示,根据《规章》,将利用现有的最佳技术和做法来进行勘探并避免对海洋环境的伤害和影响;同样,将尽一切努力采用最佳环境保护做法和预防性办法。 适当的执照和保险已经到位,以应对事故。", "六、结 论 审议为核准多金属结核勘探工作计划而提交的数据和资料", "34. 国家 根据《规章》第18条,申请书中包括下列请求核准勘探工作计划的资料:", "(a) 关于在第一个五年期间所要进行的提议的勘探方案的一般说明和时间表,例如就勘探时必须考虑的环境、技术、经济和其他有关因素进行的研究;", "(b) 关于将依照《规章》和管理局制定的环境规则、规章和程序进行的海洋学和环境基线研究方案的说明。 这些基线研究将有助于评估拟议勘探活动对环境的潜在影响,同时考虑到法律和技术委员会提出的建议;", "(c) 关于拟议勘探活动可能对海洋环境造成的影响的初步评估;", "(d) 关于为防止、减少和控制对海洋环境的污染和其他危害以及可能造成的影响而提议的措施的说明;", "(e) 理事会根据《规章》第12条第1款作出决定所需的数据(对管理局的财政义务);", "(f) 第一个五年期活动方案的预期年度支出表。", "35. 联合国 委员会感到满意的是,所提供的资料符合《规章》的要求,并指出,委员会期待申请者按照《规章》的要求提交报告和数据,并期待委员会关于指导承包者的建议。", "页:1 培训方案", "36. (中文(简体) ). 根据《规章》第27条和附件4第8节,申请者详细介绍了海上勘探培训方案、研究金方案和工程培训方案。 这些培训方案将至少向发展中国家八名希望专门从事工程、海洋生物学、海洋学、地球物理学和地质学工作的国民开放。 这些拟议方案将由承包者同管理局和担保国合作拟订,在作为合同附表3列入前提交管理局核准,定于勘探合同的第一个五年期进行。", "第八编. 结论和建议", "37. 联合国 委员会在审查了上文第二至第七部分概述的申请者所提交的细节之后,满意地认为,申请书已按照《规章》的规定提交,而且申请者是《公约》附件三第四条和第九条以及《规章》第17条所界定的合格申请者。 委员会还感到满意的是,申请者:", "(a) 国家 遵守了《规章》的规定;", "(b) 国家 作出了《规章》第14条规定的承诺和保证;", "(c) 有执行提议的勘探工作计划的财政和技术能力。", "38. 国家 委员会感到满意的是,《规章》第21(6)条中的条件均不适用。", "39. 联合国 关于提议的勘探工作计划,委员会感到满意的是,提议的勘探工作计划将:", "(a) 有效保护人体健康和安全;", "(b) 有效保护和保全海洋环境;", "(c) 确保设施不坐落在可能干扰国际航行必经的公认航道的地点或坐落在捕鱼活动集中的区域。", " 40. 40. 因此,根据《规章》第21条第5款,委员会建议理事会核准瑙鲁海洋资源公司提交的勘探工作计划。", "页:1", "所申请保留区域的坐标表和一般位置地图", "申请所涉区域包括以下四个区域:", "A区(8 924平方公里)", "太平洋克拉里昂-克利珀顿区保留区块13内所有海底区域,从西北角起以一条线为界:", "纬度\n北纬13.00-134.583号 W(起点)\n到13:00时 编号 -134.250 W级\n改为12.5万 编号 -134.250 W级\n至 12.5000 N - 134.067 W级\n然后改为12.1933 N -134.067 W级\n改为12.1933 N -133.833 W级\n改为11.5000 N -133.833 W级\n改为11.5000 N -134.377 W级\n至 12.000 N -134.377 W级\n改为12.00N -134.583 W级\n到13.00时 编号 -134.583 W(处于启动点)", "B区(3 519平方公里)", "太平洋克拉里昂-克利珀顿区保留区块15内所有海底区域,从西北角起以一条线为界:", "纬度\n14.000°N -134.000°E / 14. W(起点)\n改为14.00000 -133.25 000纳克 W级\n至 13.86670 (中文(简体) ). -133.25 000纳克 W级\n至 13.86670 (中文(简体) ). N -133.20000 号 W级\n改为13.58010 N -133.20000 号 W级\n然后改为13.58010°N -133.83300 W级\n至 14.00000 N -134.00000 W(处于启动点)", "C区(37 227平方公里)", "太平洋克拉里昂-克利珀顿区保留区块22内所有海底区域,从西北角起以一条线为界:", "纬度\n14.9350°N -122.1667 (英语). W(起点)\n至 14.9350 N -120.5000 W级\n改为14.5000 N-120.5000 W级\n改为14.5000 N -120.7500 W级\n改为14.3333 N -120.7500 W级\n然后改为14.3333 N -121.8330 W级\n改为14.00N -121.8330 W级\n至 14.0000 N - 121.3330 W级\n改为13.6667°N - 121.3330 W级\n至 13.6667°N - 121.1670°W\n至 12.0000 N - 121.1670 W级\n至 12.000 N - 121.6000 W级\n改为 12.6000 N - 121.6000 W级\n改为12.6万 N-122.1670号 W级\n到12.8900时 N-122.1670号 W级\n改为12.8900 N -123.0000 W级\n改为 13.3500 N -123.0000 W级\n改为 13.3500 N -122.5000 W级\n改为13.5000 N -122.5000 W级\n改为 13.5000 N - 122.1667 W级\n然后改为14.9350 N -122.1667 W(处于启动点)", "D区(25 160平方公里)", "太平洋克拉里昂-克利珀顿区保留区块25内的所有海底区域,以从西北角起的一条线为界:", "纬度\n11.08333 (英语). N-117.816670 号 W(启动点)\n改为11.08333°N -116.066667°W\n至 9.89500 N -116.066667 W级\n改为9.89500 N -117.816670 W级\n改为11.08333 N-117.816670 号 W(处于启动点)", "[]" ]
[ "Sixty-sixth session", "Item 101 of the preliminary list*", "Review of the implementation of the recommendations and decisions adopted by the General Assembly at its tenth special session", "* A/66/50.", "Work of the Advisory Board on Disarmament Matters", "Report of the Secretary-General", "Summary", "The Secretary-General’s Advisory Board on Disarmament Matters held its fifty-fifth session, in New York, from 23 to 25 February 2011, and its fifty-sixth session in Geneva, from 29 June to 1 July 2011. The Board focused its deliberations during both sessions on the following substantive agenda item: issues raised at the high-level meeting, including the possible establishment of a high-level panel of eminent persons with special focus on the functioning of the Conference on Disarmament.", "The Board had an in-depth exchange of views on the agenda item. The Board recommended that the Secretary-General should continue to encourage the Conference on Disarmament to seek all efforts in achieving a breakthrough in the continuing impasse. The Secretary-General may also wish to consider encouraging progress on a programme of work for the Conference that facilitates work on the four core issues outlined in the decision reached by the Conference on 29 May 2009 (see CD/1864). The Board recommended that, should a high-level panel of eminent persons be established, the Secretary-General ask the panel, as an urgent task, to make recommendations on the way to revitalize the United Nations disarmament machinery as a whole, especially the Conference. The Secretary-General may also consider the need to establish an institutional link between the Advisory Board and the proposed high-level panel by inviting one or more current or former Board members to be part of the proposed panel. Prior consideration should be given to the financial implications of the establishment of such a panel. The Board also recommended that the Secretary-General should continue to raise public awareness", "and encourage civil society groups and non-governmental organizations to offer their input on ways to overcome the prolonged stalemate at the Conference and move towards the ultimate goal of a world free of nuclear weapons.", "As the Board of Trustees for the United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research (UNIDIR), the Board adopted the Institute’s 2011 programme and budget and approved, for submission to the General Assembly, the report of the Director of the Institute on its activities from August 2010 to July 2011, as well as the proposed programme of work and budget for 2012 and 2013. The importance of adequate funding for the Institute, in order to maintain its sustainability, was reiterated by members of the Board.", "I. Introduction", "1. The Advisory Board on Disarmament Matters held its fifty-fifth session in New York, from 23 to 25 February 2011, and its fifty-sixth session in Geneva, from 29 June to 1 July 2011. The present report is submitted pursuant to General Assembly resolution 38/183 O. The report of the Director of the United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research (UNIDIR), approved by the Advisory Board serving as its Board of Trustees, has been submitted in a separate document (A/66/123).", "2. Olga Pellicer (Mexico) chaired the two sessions of the Board in 2011.", "3. The present report summarizes the Board’s deliberations during the two sessions and the specific recommendations it conveyed to the Secretary-General.", "II. Substantive discussions and recommendations", "A. Issues raised at the high-level meeting, including the possible establishment of a high-level panel of eminent persons with special focus on the functioning of the Conference on Disarmament", "4. The Chair’s summary of the high-level meeting on “Revitalizing the work of the Conference on Disarmament and taking forward multilateral disarmament negotiations”, held on 24 September 2010, stated that the Secretary-General would ask the Advisory Board on Disarmament Matters to undertake a thorough review of the issues raised at the meeting, including the possible establishment of a high-level panel of eminent persons with special focus on the functioning of the Conference on Disarmament and that, based on its recommendations, the Secretary-General would consider further action in that regard. The Secretary-General therefore requested the Board to consider the matter as its main substantive agenda item for its two sessions in 2011.", "5. At its fifty-fifth session, four Board members, Carlo Trezza, Adam Rotfeld, Nobuyasu Abe and François Rivasseau, presented food-for-thought papers on the agenda item. At the same meeting, a presentation was provided to the Board by an outside expert, Tim Caughley, Resident Senior Fellow of UNIDIR. Two Board members, Dewi Fortuna Anwar and Desmond Bowen, also provided food-for-thought papers at the fifty-sixth session.", "6. The Board stressed that a political solution was required to break the stalemate at the Conference on Disarmament. The lack of political will, rather than the technical difficulties being encountered, was seen as the principal problem faced by the Conference, and it was mentioned that what appeared to be procedural problems were in fact political ones. Changing the method of work of the Conference was not seen as the ultimate solution that would make the body more efficient.", "7. Some members stressed that the Conference on Disarmament was a consensus body. Several members stated that it would be difficult to make changes to the consensus rule and that the only way to develop treaties was through consensus. Other members referred to the need for flexibility on consensus in specific cases. It was also emphasized that the Conference should be maintained as a body since it was a valuable forum where States could articulate their positions. A comment was also made that, in view of the significant changes in the international environment in recent years, considerable changes were required within the Conference in order to accurately reflect the shift in the distribution of power within the global system.", "8. There was agreement that a fissile material cut-off treaty was a priority, and the importance of the other core issues, including the peaceful uses of outer space and negative security assurances, were underlined by a number of members. The need to de-link negotiation of a fissile material cut-off treaty from the current technical problems of the Conference was also mentioned. It was stated that a cut-off treaty was an issue related to international security, which was quite different from some of the procedural problems faced by the Conference.", "9. While certain Board members stated the need to consider alternative avenues for negotiations, for example the General Assembly or a forum of like-minded States, others commented that any attempts to negotiate a fissile material cut-off treaty outside the Conference on Disarmament would have little chance of success if nuclear-weapon States were not to join in such efforts.", "10. Some members suggested the need for intermediate steps prior to negotiating treaties as a means of breaking the deadlock and also for having discussions on issues other than a fissile material cut-off treaty, for example information security or the peaceful uses of outer space. It was mentioned that such partial work or activities could be devised but that any efforts to establish partial norms would be strongly opposed by certain States.", "11. Many Board members expressed the need to further engage civil society on disarmament issues, including the involvement of civil society and non-governmental organizations in pressing the Conference on Disarmament to move forward on nuclear disarmament issues.", "12. There were also differences of views on the part of some members on whether there was a need for the establishment of a high-level panel of eminent persons and whether such a group would be able to play a significant role. Members stressed the need for discussing a clear mandate for the high-level panel. Different opinions were also expressed over the size and composition of the panel. Some members called for a larger group while others commented that a smaller panel would be more efficient. There was consensus, however, that such a group should have adequate geographical representation as well as expertise in disarmament-related matters.", "13. Other noteworthy comments included emphasis by most members on the need to establish an institutional link between the Advisory Board and the possible high-level panel. A comment was also made on the importance of educating Government officials and diplomats in multilateral disarmament issues within the overall context of disarmament education, on which the Board had conducted in-depth discussions in 2010.", "14. At its fifty-sixth session, in Geneva, the Board continued its deliberations on the same agenda item. The Board was thus able to have a second in-depth exchange of views on the subject. The Board also attended an informal plenary meeting of the Conference on Disarmament on 30 June 2011.", "15. Most members expressed growing frustration over the continuing stalemate at the Conference on Disarmament, that is its inability to move discussions forward. The Board considered that the root cause of the stagnation could be attributed both to political and procedural problems. Some members stated that the heart of the problem lay with the security concerns of States. The current working methods, including the need for consensus on procedural matters, the practice of linkages, the annual adoption of a programme of work and the limited time given to each presidency, were all cited as being non-productive. One member suggested that the Conference should be encouraged to adopt a simplified programme of work as was the practice during the 1980s and early 1990s.", "16. A comment was made that the current impasse in the Conference on Disarmament was nothing new, and it was recalled that it took many years before the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty could be negotiated even though it was generally agreed to be an issue that most urgently needed negotiation. It was only after underground nuclear test explosions had become virtually superfluous to the nuclear-weapon States that there had been sufficient political will to begin talks on the Treaty. It was observed that a similar phenomenon was now in play at the Conference, but with a different set of players, and that therefore the institution itself and its working methods could not be solely blamed for the stalemate.", "17. Several Board members supported the need for an incremental approach as the most feasible means of breaking the deadlock at the Conference. They also suggested the establishment of scientific or technical groups within the Conference to explore issues related to the four items contained in the above-mentioned decision of the Conference (CD/1864). One member expressed doubt, however, over the usefulness of such technical groups.", "18. Some members stated that the regional groupings in the Conference were outdated, hindering cross-regional cooperation as well as the ability of individual Member States to break politically from their groups.", "19. A number of noteworthy proposals for moving forward were suggested. One suggestion was that the range of solutions for revitalizing the Conference could be imagined along a continuum, from leaving the Conference to its own devices at one end of the spectrum to very intrusive measures at the other.", "20. In connection with the adoption of a fissile material cut-off treaty, as a confidence-building measure one member proposed a similar approach to the six-party talks on the Korean Peninsula in the case of the South Asian region through five-party talks between India, Pakistan, China, the Russian Federation and the United States of America. A number of Board members expressed interest in this proposal.", "21. Many members cautioned the Secretary-General against encouraging efforts that seek to move negotiations outside the disarmament machinery of the Organization since it would be contrary to his responsibility to advance the use of United Nations bodies. Concerns were also expressed that if ever the Conference were to be suspended it would be most difficult to revive.", "22. The need for convening a fourth special session of the General Assembly devoted to disarmament was again mentioned by some Board members while others emphasized that such a meeting, would require consensus in order to succeed and that convening it would not be productive at this time. It was also pointed out that any attempts at replacing the Conference on Disarmament would have to be done by the General Assembly at a fourth special session.", "23. The Board members considered the idea of changing the dynamics between the Conference on Disarmament and the General Assembly by giving the Assembly greater oversight over the Conference. Given the difficulties of internal reform, some members suggested that the Conference needed to be modified through external processes within the United Nations. While a high-level panel of eminent persons could provide recommendations for its revitalization, it was suggested that the only possibility to reform the Conference would have to come from the Assembly.", "24. There was a suggestion that the General Assembly be used to enable negotiations on a fissile material cut-off treaty through a parallel process. One Board member pointed out that the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons, the Chemicals Weapons Convention and the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty were all negotiated over the objections of at least one State. It was mentioned that, in the past, States objecting to certain treaties had been requested to stand aside, and that the same could possibly be done again in the case of negotiations on a cut-off treaty. Nevertheless, in order to do this, the possibility of negotiating a cut-off treaty would first have to be exhausted within the Conference.", "25. A number of Board members also underlined that the decision of the Conference contained in document CD/1864 could be used as a basis for future negotiations. It was also stated that the General Assembly could establish a negotiating body parallel to the Conference. It was stressed, however, that for such an effort to succeed, it would require a strong commitment to the negotiating process on the part of the Secretary-General, as well as the participation of relevant States. It was suggested that it would be important to test the waters first by seeing if the First Committee of the General Assembly would be willing and able to adopt a strong resolution on the revitalization of the Conference at the next session of the Assembly.", "26. Members of the Board continued to express differing views on the establishment of a high-level panel of eminent persons. While the creation of such a panel could be valuable, the process was not certain to revitalize the Conference on Disarmament or the multilateral disarmament machinery in general. The risk of a proliferation of consultative bodies and of possible duplication of work was also mentioned.", "27. Different opinions were also expressed on the composition of the high-level panel. One member suggested that the Advisory Board itself could act as the panel, and that, if not, at least some of its members should be included. Other members supported the inclusion of at least one or more current or former Board members on the panel. The Board agreed that there should be a link between the Advisory Board and any possible high-level panel. While the Board was considered to be a reservoir of disarmament expertise, many members noted the importance of having a highly visible panel that could draw broader international attention to the issue of revitalization of the Conference on Disarmament. One member suggested the appointment of a special envoy by the Secretary-General who could offer more practical solutions and play a more operational role.", "28. Another Board member elaborated that there were three different types of panels that could be considered: (a) a panel composed of qualified individuals who would provide a comprehensive report on the issue; (b) a panel that would be composed of political brokers who could operate behind the scenes to produce greater yields; and (c) a highly visible panel that could draw significant global attention to the issue of revitalizing the Conference.", "29. The Board noted that a number of delegations to the Conference on Disarmament were also supportive of the establishment of a high-level panel of eminent persons. Some Board members expressed reservations, however, about the usefulness of the establishment of such a panel and questioned its ability to achieve any positive results. The Board also noted that the establishment of a high-level panel would have financial implications that would have to be clarified before its establishment. Should the Secretary-General consider that approach to be useful, most members agreed that the Board would concur and fully support the establishment of such a panel.", "30. Some members also referred to the need to review the membership of the Conference on Disarmament. Members recalled the importance of opening up the Conference by allowing greater participation by civil society, which could both bring in new ideas and contribute to global awareness of the issues.", "B. Recommendations", "31. The Board made the following recommendations:", "(a) The Secretary-General should persist in encouraging the Conference on Disarmament to seek all efforts to achieve a breakthrough to the continuing impasse. The Secretary-General might also wish to consider encouraging progress on a programme of work for the Conference that facilitates work on the four core issues based on the consensus reached in document CD/1864;", "(b) Should a high-level panel of eminent persons be established, the Secretary-General should ask the panel, as an urgent task, to make recommendations on ways to revitalize the United Nations disarmament machinery as a whole, especially the Conference on Disarmament. The Secretary-General might also consider the need to establish an institutional link between the Advisory Board and the proposed high-level panel by inviting one or more current or former Board members to be part of the proposed panel. Prior consideration should be given to the financial implications of the establishment of such a panel;", "(c) The Secretary-General should continue to raise public awareness and encourage civil society groups and non-governmental organizations to offer input on ways to overcome the prolonged stalemate at the Conference on Disarmament and move towards the ultimate goal of a world free of nuclear weapons.", "III. Meeting with the Secretary-General", "32. The Board met with the Secretary-General on 24 February 2011. Members of the Board took the opportunity to exchange views with the Secretary-General on ways to revitalize the work of the Conference on Disarmament.", "IV. Presentations by civil society/ non‑governmental organizations", "33. As is customary, the Board heard presentations on issues pertaining to its agenda from representatives of non-governmental organizations. At its fifty-fifty session, Robert Zuber, Director of Global Action to Prevent War and the project for a United Nations Emergency Peace Service, and Zia Mian, research scientist at the Program on Science and Global Security at Princeton University’s Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs and the Deputy Co-Chair of the International Panel on Fissile Materials, provided briefings to the Board.", "V. Board of Trustees of the United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research", "34. At its fifty-fifth session, the Advisory Board, sitting as the Board of Trustees, received a comprehensive briefing from both the Director and the Deputy Director of UNIDIR on the work of the Institute since the previous session of the Board in July 2010 and on its planned activities for 2011. The Board commended the broad range of research activities carried out by the Institute despite continuing difficulties in raising funds. Suggestions were also made by some Board members with regard to possible areas for future research by the Institute. The importance of adequate funding for the Institute was reiterated in order for it to maintain its independence.", "35. The Board formally adopted the Institute proposed programme of work and budget for 2011 (see A/65/177), presented at the Board’s fifty-fourth session in Geneva in July 2010, taking into account the comments of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions contained in its updated report on the proposed programme of work and budget for 2010-2011 (A/64/7/Add.7).", "36. The Board also requested that, at a minimum, the current subvention for UNIDIR be continued in the 2012-2013 biennium. At the same time, it reiterated its recommendation of July 2010 (see A/65/177) “that the subvention level be increased (in addition to being cost adjusted) in the biennium 2012-2013, in order to meet the costs of the Director and the core staff of the Institute”. In addition, the Board continued to urge the “Secretary-General to use all the influence at his disposal to secure the increase of the subvention in the regular budget of the United Nations for UNIDIR to, at a minimum, fully fund all core staff costs, as a requisite for providing the stability needed to allow the Institute to pursue the structure and programme of work justified by its vision and mission”, as mentioned in the report of the Secretary-General on the work of the Advisory Board on Disarmament Matters of 5 August 2010 (A/65/228, para. 52).", "37. At the Board’s fifty-sixth session, the Director gave a briefing to Board members on: the development of the programme of work of the Institute for 2011 since the Board’s session in February; planned activities for 2012 and beyond; and the Institute’s proposed programme of work and budget, including a request for a continuing subvention from the United Nations regular budget and its augmentation, if feasible. A subcommittee on UNIDIR, consisting of five Board members, met prior to the regular session, on 28 June, to review the Institute’s programme in detail.", "38. After considering the draft report of the Director on the Institute’s activities from the period from August 2010 to July 2011 and the programme of work and estimated budget for 2011 and 2012, the Board approved the submission of the Institute’s report to the General Assembly and also recommended the continuing subvention from the United Nations regular budget for the biennium 2012-2013.", "39. Members of the Board commended the work and research activities carried out by the Institute, and a number of members voiced serious concerns over the increasingly precarious funding situation faced by the Institute. The importance of adequate funding to enable the sustainability of the Institute was reiterated by some Board members.", "40. The Board also took note of the considerable risk posed by the reduction in the funding for the post of the Deputy-Director of UNIDIR, noting also that the Deputy-Director has greatly contributed to the work of the Institute. Reduced funding would place a heavy burden on the Institution.", "VI. Future work", "41. The Board exchanged views on a number of possible issues for discussion at its sessions in 2012, including a broad range of issues such as nuclear-weapon-free zones; the Middle East conference in 2012, as envisaged in the Final Document of the 2010 Review Conference of the Parties to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons; confidence-building measures related to cyber security; the nuclear security summit in 2012; the arms trade treaty; the implementation of Security Council resolution 1540 (2004); and a reflection of the work of the Advisory Board on Disarmament Matters.", "42. Specific topics that were suggested included: (a) follow-up discussions on the issue of the revitalization of the Conference on Disarmament; (b) a review of the arms trade treaty process; and (c) ways to improve the work of the Advisory Board.", "Annex", "Members of the Advisory Board on Disarmament Matters", "Olga Pellicer[1] (Chair)", "Department of International Studies", "Autonomous Technological Institute of Mexico", "Mexico City", "Nobuyasu Abe^(a)", "Director", "Center for the Promotion of Disarmament and Non-Proliferation", "Japan Institute of International Affairs", "Tokyo", "Dewi Fortuna Anwar^(a)", "Director for Programme Research, Habibie Centre", "Research Professor and Deputy Chairperson for Social Sciences and Humanities, Indonesian Institute of Sciences", "Jakarta", "Desmond Bowen^(a)", "Former Director of Policy, Ministry of Defence of the United Kingdom", "London", "Jingye Cheng^(a)", "Permanent Representative and Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of China to the United Nations and other International Organizations in Vienna", "Kate Dewes[2]", "Co-Coordinator of the Disarmament and Security Centre of the New Zealand Peace Foundation", "Christchurch, New Zealand", "Monica Herz^(a)", "President, Brazilian Association of International Relations", "Professor, Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro", "Brazil", "Togzhan Kassenova[3]", "Associate", "Nuclear Policy Program", "Carnegie Endowment for International Peace", "Washington, D.C.", "Sergey M. Koshelev^(a)", "Chief, Main Directorate of International Military Cooperation", "Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation", "Moscow", "H.M.G.S. Palihakkara^(a)", "Former Foreign Secretary of Sri Lanka", "Colombo", "Marcie Berman Ries^(a)", "Deputy Assistant Secretary", "Bureau of Arms Control, Verification and Compliance", "Department of State of the United States", "Washington, D.C.", "François Rivasseau^(a)", "Deputy Chief, Embassy of France to the United States", "Washington, D.C.", "Adam Daniel Rotfeld^(a)", "Former Minister for Foreign Affairs", "Special Envoy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs", "Warsaw", "Cheikh Sylla^(a)", "Ambassador-at-large", "Ministry of Foreign Affairs", "Dakar", "Carlo Trezza^(a)", "Special Envoy of the Italian Minister for Foreign Affairs", "for Disarmament, Arms Control and Non-Proliferation", "General Directorate for Multilateral Political Affairs and Human Rights", "Ministry of Foreign Affairs", "Rome", "Theresa Hitchens^(a) (ex-officio member)", "Director", "United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research", "Geneva", "[1] Participated in both the Board’s fifty-fifth and fifty-sixth sessions.", "[2] Participated in the Board’s fifty-fifth session only.", "[3] Participated in the Board’s fifty-sixth session only." ]
[ "第六十六届会议", "暂定项目表^(*) 项目101", "审查大会第十届特别会议所通过 建议和决定的执行情况", "裁军事项咨询委员会的工作", "秘书长的报告", "摘要", "秘书长裁军事项咨询委员会于2011年2月23日至25日和2011年6月29日至7月1日分别在纽约和日内瓦举行第五十五届和第五十六届会议。咨询委员会两届会议的审议都侧重于审议以下实质性议程项目:在高级别会议上所提出的问题,包括可能设立高级别知名人士小组,特别注重于裁军谈判会议的运作情况。", "咨询委员会就该议程项目深入交换了意见。咨询委员会建议秘书长继续鼓励裁军谈判会议竭尽全力,在持续的僵局中寻求突破。秘书长不妨考虑鼓励在裁军谈判会议的工作计划方面取得进展;该计划促进就裁军谈判会议2009年5月29日决定中概述的四项核心问题所开展的工作(见CD/1864)。咨询委员会建议,如果设立高级别知名人士小组,秘书长则要求该小组作为紧急任务,就如何振兴整个联合国裁军体制(尤其是裁军谈判会议)提出建议。秘书长还不妨考虑是否有必要在咨询委员会与提议设立的高级别小组之间设立机构联系,邀请咨询委员会一名或多名现任或前任成员加入提议设立的小组。应当优先审议设立此小组所涉经费问题。咨询委员会还建议秘书长继续提高公众的认识,鼓励民间社会团体和非政府组织就如何克服裁军谈判会议旷日持久的僵局献计献策,争取实现建设无核武器的世界的最终目标。", "^(*) A/66/50。", "咨询委员会作为联合国裁军研究所(裁研所)的董事会,通过了该研究所2011年的方案和预算,并核准研究所主任关于该所2010年8月至2011年7月活动情况的报告以及2012年和2013年拟议工作方案和预算,以提交大会。委员会成员再度强调向联合国裁军研究所充分供资的重要性,以使该所能可持续地运作。", "一. 导言", "1. 裁军事项咨询委员会分别于2011年2月23日至25日在纽约和2011年6月29日至7月1日在日内瓦举行第五十五届和第五十六届会议。本报告是根据大会第38/183 O号决议提出的。联合国裁军研究所(裁研所)主任的报告,业经咨询委员会以董事会的身份核准,已在另一份文件(A/66/123)中提出。", "2. 奥尔加·佩利塞尔(墨西哥)担任2011年两届会议的主席。", "3. 本报告略述委员会在这两届会议的审议工作以及它向秘书长提出的具体建议。", "二. 实质性讨论和建议", "A. 在高级别会议上所提出的问题,包括可能设立高级别知名人士小组,特别注重于裁军谈判会议的运作情况", "4. 主席对2010年9月24日举行的关于“振兴裁军谈判会议的工作和推进多边裁军谈判”的高级别会议的摘要说明指出,秘书长将要求裁军事项咨询委员会对高级别会议所提的问题加以彻底审议,包括可能设立高级别知名人士小组,特别注重于裁军谈判会议的运作。秘书长根据咨询委员会的建议,将审议在这方面采取进一步行动。因此,秘书长请咨询委员会在其2011年的两次届会上将此事项作为其主要实质性议程项目加以审议。", "5. 委员会四名成员,卡洛·特雷扎、亚当·罗特菲尔德、阿部信泰和弗朗索瓦·里瓦索,在第五十五届会议上就这个议程项目提出了引人深思的论文。在同次会议上,外部专家、联合国裁军研究所驻访研究员蒂姆·考勒向咨询委员会做了报告。咨询委员会两名成员德维·福尔图纳·安瓦尔和德斯蒙德·鲍恩还在第五十六届会议上提出了引人深思的论文。", "6. 咨询委员会着重指出,必须要找到政治解决办法,打破裁军谈判会议的僵局。大家认为,缺少政治意愿,而非遇到了技术困难,才是裁军谈判会议面临的主要问题。有人提到,有些问题似乎是程序性问题,实际上是政治问题。人们认为,改变裁军谈判会议的工作方法并不是能提高该机构效率的根本解决办法。", "7. 有一些成员着重指出,裁军谈判会议是一个协商一致意见机构。好几位成员指出,很难对协商一致意见原则作出变动,制订条约的唯一办法在于达成共识。其他成员提到有必要在具体案例中就协商一致意见采取灵活性。也有人强调,裁军谈判会议作为一个机构应当加以保持,因为它依然是一个有价值的论坛,各国都能够在这里表达其立场。还有人表示这样的意见:鉴于近年来国际环境发生重大变化,裁军谈判会议需要作出相当的变革,以更准确地体现全球体系中力量分配的变化。", "8. 大家一致认为,裂变材料禁产条约属于优先事项,而若干成员则强调其他核心问题(如和平利用外层空间和否定式安全保证)的重要性。还人提到必须把裂变材料禁产条约谈判同裁军谈判会议的现有技术问题脱钩。有人指出,裂变材料禁产条约是国际安全方面的问题,与裁军谈判会议面临的一些程序问题截然不同。", "9. 咨询委员会某些成员指出,有必要审议开展谈判的其他场所(如大会或思想相近的国家论坛),但其他成员则认为,在裁军谈判会议以外谈判一项裂变材料禁产条约的任何企图,如果没有核武器国家的参与,都不会有多少成功的希望。", "10. 有一些成员建议必须要在谈判条约之前采取中间步骤,以此来打破僵局,并就裂变材料禁产条约以外的问题进行讨论(如信息安全或和平利用外层空间)。有人提到,可以拟定部分性的工作或活动,但要设立部分性规范的任何努力都会受到某些国家的强烈反对。", "11. 咨询委员会许多成员表示,必须要进一步让民间社会参与裁军问题,包括让民间社会和非政府组织参与促使裁军谈判会议在核裁军问题方面取得进展。", "12. 有一些成员对是否有必要设立高级别知名人士小组以及该小组是否能够发挥重大作用持不同意见。成员们着重指出,必须要就高级别小组明确的任务规定开展讨论。大家还对高级别知名人士小组的规模和组成表示了不同意见。有一些成员要求设立较大的小组,而其他成员则指出,小组较小,会更有效力。然而,大家一致认为,该小组应当拥有适当的地域代表性,并拥有裁军方面的专门知识。", "13. 其他值得一提的意见包括:大多数成员强调必须在咨询委员会与可能成立的高级别小组之间设立机制联系。还有意见表示,必须在裁军教育的总体框架内对政府官员和外交官进行多边裁军问题教育;2010年,咨询委员会对裁军教育问题有过深入的讨论。", "14. 咨询委员会第五十六届会议继续审议同一项议程项目。咨询委员会因而得以就此专题进行又一轮深入的意见交流。2011年6月30日,咨询委员会还出席了裁军谈判会议的非正式全体会议。", "15. 大多数成员对裁军谈判会议继续陷于僵局(即:会议无力让讨论取得进展)表示更加不满。咨询委员会认为,出现僵滞的根源可归因于政治问题和程序问题。一些成员称,问题的核心在于各国的安全关注。有成员指称,现有的工作方法(包括需要就程序事项达成共识、建立联系的做法、每年通过工作方案以及每届主席的时间有限)都是非生产性的。一位成员建议鼓励裁军谈判会议制定简化工作方案,同1980年代和1990年代初的做法一样。", "16. 有意见认为,裁军谈判会议目前的僵局并不是什么新东西;人们回顾指出,全面禁止核试验条约花了很多年才进行谈判,尽管大家普遍认为,亟需就此问题进行谈判。只有在地下核试爆对于核武器国家而言几乎是多余的之后,才有开始就条约进行谈判的充分政治意愿。有意见认为,裁军谈判会议上当时出现一个类似的现象,但却是另一波行动者,因此,出现僵局,不能都怪罪到该机构及其工作方法头上。", "17. 咨询委员会好几位成员支持必须采取循序渐进的办法,认为此乃打破裁军谈判会议僵局的最可行的手段。他们还建议在裁军谈判会议内设立科学或技术小组,探讨会议上述决定(CD/1864)所载的、与四个项目有关的问题。然而,一位成员对此种技术小组是否有用表示怀疑。", "18. 有一些成员指出,裁军谈判会议内的区域分组已经过时,阻碍跨区域合作以及个别成员国政治上脱离其分组的能力。", "19 若干推动进展的提议值得一提。有一项建议内容是:可以把振兴裁军谈判会议的一系列解决办法想象为一条连续线,在一端,让裁军谈判会议的各个机制自行运作,在其另一端,则采取侵入性很强的措施。", "20. 就通过裂变材料禁产条约作为建立信任措施而言,有一位成员提出采取类似于朝鲜半岛六方会谈的办法,在印度、巴基斯坦、中国、俄罗斯联邦和美利坚合众国之间举行五方会谈。咨询委员会有一些成员表示对此提议感兴趣。", "21. 许多成员告诫秘书长不要鼓励把谈判挪出联合国裁军机制以外的企图,因为这有悖于秘书长促进利用联合国机构的责任。还有人关切地表示,如果暂停裁军谈判会议,再要恢复,那就是难上加难的事。", "22. 咨询委员会一些成员再次提到需要召开第四届裁军特别联大;而其他成员则强调,第四届裁军特别联大需要有共识才能成功,此时召开第四届裁军特别联大不合时宜。还有人指出,任何取代裁军谈判会议的努力都必须由第四届特别联大作出。", "23. 咨询委员会成员审议了改变裁军谈判会议与大会之间的动态关系的意见,就是说让大会更多地监督裁军谈判会议。有些成员建议,鉴于内部改革存在困难,必须要通过联合国内的外部进程来调整裁军谈判会议。虽然高级别知名人士小组可以就振兴裁军谈判会议提出建议,但有人提出,改革裁军谈判会议的唯一可能性必须来自大会。", "24. 有一条建议要利用大会,经由一个平行的进程,促进裂变材料禁产条约谈判。咨询委员会一位成员指出,《不扩散核武器条约》、《化学武器公约》和《全面禁试条约》虽然受到了至少一个国家的反对,却都进行了谈判。有人提到,过去,要求对某些条约持反对意见的国家让开,也许,现在就禁产条约谈判也可以这样做。尽管如此,将做到这一点,首先要在裁军谈判会议内尽一切可能谈判一份禁产条约。", "25. 咨询委员会若干成员还着重指出,可以把文件CD/1864所载裁军谈判会议的决定作为今后谈判的基础。还有意见称,大会可以设立与裁军谈判会议平行的谈判机构。然而,人们强调指出,这项努力要取得成功,就需要秘书长对谈判进程作出有力承诺,有关国家还要参与。有人建议必须首先要试试水温,看大会第一委员会是否愿意和能够就在大会下一届会议上振兴裁军谈判会议通过一份得力的决议。", "26. 咨询委员会成员继续对设立高级别知名人士小组表达不同意见。咨询委员会认为,设立该小组很有价值,但这一进程并不一定能够振兴裁军谈判会议,总体而言,也不一定能振兴多边裁军机制。还有人提到存在着咨询机构增生以及可能出现重复劳动的风险。", "27. 大家对高级别小组的组成也表达了不同的观点。有一名成员指出,咨询委员会本身就可以担当此小组,咨询委员会的一些成员至少可以加入该小组。其他成员还支持让咨询委员会至少一名或多名现任或前任成员参加小组。咨询委员会一致认为,咨询委员会与任何可能的高级别小组之间应当有联系。咨询委员会被视为裁军专门知识的汇集地,但许多成员提到设立一个能见度很高的小组的重要性,这将吸引国际上更多地重视振兴裁军谈判会议问题。有一位成员建议秘书长任命一名特使,特使可以提供更切实际的解决办法并发挥业务性更强的作用。", "28. 咨询委员会另一位成员称,可以考虑设立三种不同类型的小组:(a) 由合格的个人组成的小组,可以就此问题提出综合报告;(b) 由政治掮客组成的小组,可以在幕后运作,以获得更大的产出;以及(c) 能见度很高的小组,以吸引全球一级更多地重视振兴裁军谈判会议问题。", "29. 咨询委员会指出,有一些派往裁军谈判会议的代表团也支持设立高级别知名人士小组。然而,咨询委员会一些成员对设立该小组是否有用表示保留,并对小组能否取得任何积极成果表示疑问。咨询委员会还指出,设立高级别小组会牵涉经费问题,这一点要在小组设立之前就加以明确。大多数成员都认为,秘书长如果认为这种方法有益,咨询委员会将同意并全力支持设立该小组。", "30. 有一些成员还提到必须要审查裁军谈判会议的成员情况。咨询委员会成员回顾开放裁军谈判会议的重要性,让民间社会更多地参与进来;这将带来新的思想,并有助于全球对这些问题的认识。", "建议", "31. 委员会提出了以下建议:", "(a) 秘书长应坚持不懈地鼓励裁军谈判会议不遗余力地在持续深陷僵局的问题上取得突破。秘书长也不妨考虑在裁军谈判会议工作方案上取得进展,从而根据在CD/1864号文件中达成的协商一致意见推动就四个核心问题所做的工作;", "(b) 如果设立高级别知名人士小组,秘书长应请求该小组作为一项紧急任务,就如何全面振兴联合国裁军机制,特别是裁军谈判会议提出建议。秘书长也不妨考虑是否有必要在咨询委员会和提议设立的高级别小组之间建立机构联系,邀请一位或多位现任或前任委员会成员加入提议设立的小组。对于设立这一小组所涉经费问题应予优先考虑;", "(c) 秘书长应继续提高公众认识,鼓励民间社会团体和非政府组织就如何打破裁军谈判会议上旷日持久的僵局和如何推进建立无核武器世界这一终极目标献计献策。", "三. 与秘书长会晤的情况", "32. 委员会于2011年2月24日会见了秘书长。委员会成员利用会见机会与秘书长就如何振兴裁军谈判会议的工作问题交换了意见。", "四. 民间社会/非政府组织的讲话", "33. 根据习惯,委员会听取了非政府组织的代表针对委员会议程有关的问题所作的讲话。在第五十五届会议上,全球预防战争行动和联合国紧急和平处项目主任罗伯特·朱伯和普林斯顿大学伍德罗·威尔逊公共和国际事务学院科学和全球安全计划科学研究员兼国际裂变材料小组副共同主席齐亚·米安向委员会通报了情况。", "五. 联合国裁军研究所董事会", "34. 咨询委员会在第五十五届会议上,作为董事会举行会议,听取了主任和副主任的全面简报,说明自2010年7月委员会上届会议以来研究所的工作及其2011年计划进行的活动。委员会赞扬联合国裁军研究所(裁研所)克服在筹资方面一直存在的各种困难进行的范围广泛的研究活动。一些委员会成员还就裁研所可能的研究领域提出了建议。有的委员还重申,为保持裁研所的独立性,必须提供充足的资金。", "35. 委员会考虑到行政和预算问题咨询委员会关于2010-2011年拟议的工作方案和预算的最新报告(A/64/7/Add.7)中所载的评论,正式通过研究所提交委员会2010年7月在日内瓦举行的第五十四届会议上提出的2011年拟议工作方案和预算(见A/65/177)。", "36. 委员会还请求在2012-2013两年期至少维持目前给裁研所的补助金。同时,委员会重申其在2010年7月(见A/65/177)提出的建议:“在2012-2013两年期增加补助金金额(费用调整数除外),以支付研究所主任和核心工作人员的费用。”此外,如2010年8月5日秘书长关于裁军事项咨询委员会的工作的报告(A/65/228,第52段)所述,委员会还敦促“运用他所掌握的影响力,争取增加联合国经常预算中拨给该所的补助金,以便至少充分支付核心工作人员的一切费用,作为提供必要的稳定性的条件,使研究所能争取其理想和任务应有的结构和工作方案”。", "37. 在委员会第五十六届会议上,研究所主任就以下事项向委员会成员通报了情况:自委员会2月份的会议以来研究所2011年工作方案的动态;2012年和以后计划开展的活动;研究所拟议工作方案和预算,包括继续由联合国经常预算提供补助金和(如果可行)增加补助金的请求。由委员会五名成员组成的裁军研究所问题小组委员会于常会开始之前,在6月28日举行会议,详细审查研究所的方案。", "38. 委员会审议了研究所主任关于研究所2010年8月至2011年7月期间活动的报告草稿及2011和2012年工作方案和概算之后,核准研究所向大会提交该报告。还建议2012-2013两年期继续由联合国经常预算提供补助金。", "39. 委员会成员赞扬研究所所开展的工作和研究活动。对于研究所面临的日益严峻的资金状况,一些成员表示了严重关切。一些委员会成员重申必须为研究所提供充足的资金,以保证研究所的持续运作。", "40. 委员会还注意到裁研所副主任员额的资金面临减少的巨大风险,注意到副主任为研究所的工作作出了重大贡献,若资金减少将给研究所带来沉重的负担。", "六. 未来的工作", "41. 委员会针对其2012年两届会议可能讨论的若干问题交换了意见,包括:无核武器区等广泛的一系列问题;不扩散核武器条约缔约国2010年审议大会最后文件所设想的2012年中东问题会议;与网络安全有关的建立信任措施;2012年核安全峰会;武器贸易条约;安全理事会第1540(2004)号决议的执行情况;对裁军事项咨询委员会工作的反思。", "42. 建议讨论的具体专题包括:(a) 就振兴裁军谈判会议问题进行后续讨论;(b) 审查武器贸易条约进程;(c) 如何改进咨询委员会的工作。", "附件", "裁军事项咨询委员会成员", "墨西哥城", "^(a) 参加了委员会第五十五届和第五十六届会议。", "奥尔加·佩利塞尔^(a)(主席)", "墨西哥自治技术学院", "国际研究系", "阿部信泰^(a)", "东京", "日本国际问题研究所", "促进裁军和不扩散中心主任", "德维·福尔图纳·安瓦尔^(a)", "雅加达", "印度尼西亚科学研究所", "社会科学和人文学科研究教授兼副系主任", "哈比比中心方案研究主任", "德斯蒙德·鲍恩^(a)", "伦敦", "大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国国防部政策司前司长", "成竞业^(a)", "中国常驻联合国维也纳办事处和其他国际组织代表", "^(b) 只参加了委员会第五十五届会议。", "^(c) 只参加了委员会第五十六届会议。", "凯特·迪尤斯^(b)", "新西兰克赖斯特彻奇", "新西兰和平基金会", "裁军和安全中心协调员", "莫妮卡·赫茨^(a)", "巴西", "巴西国际关系协会主席", "里约热内卢天主教教皇大学教授", "托格詹·卡森诺瓦^(c)", "美国首都华盛顿", "卡内基国际和平基金会", "核政策计划", "协理", "谢尔盖·科舍廖夫^(a)", "莫斯科", "俄罗斯联邦国防部", "国际合作司司长", "帕利哈卡拉^(a)", "科伦坡", "斯里兰卡前外交部长", "马西·伯曼·里萨^(a)", "美国首都华盛顿", "美国国务院", "主管军控、核查和遵守局的助理国务卿帮办", "弗朗索瓦·里瓦索^(a)", "美国首都华盛顿", "法国驻美国大使馆副馆长", "亚当·丹尼尔·罗特菲尔德^(a)", "华沙", "前外交部长", "外交部特使", "谢赫·西拉^(a)", "达喀尔", "外交部", "无任所大使", "卡洛·特雷扎^(a)", "罗马", "外交部", "多边政治事务和人权司", "意大利外交部长裁军、军备控制和不扩散问题特使", "特里萨·希钦斯^(a) (当然成员)", "日内瓦", "联合国裁军研究所", "主任" ]
[ "第六十六届会议", "暂定项目表* 项目101", "审查大会第十届特别会议通过的建议和决定的执行情况", "页:1", "裁军事项咨询委员会的工作", "秘书长的报告", "内容提要", "秘书长裁军事项咨询委员会于2011年2月23日至25日在纽约举行了第五十五届会议,于2011年6月29日至7月1日在日内瓦举行了第五十六届会议。 在两届会议期间,委员会重点讨论了以下实质性议程项目:高级别会议上提出的问题,包括能否设立一个高级别知名人士小组,特别侧重于裁军谈判会议的运作。", "理事会就这个议程项目深入地交换了意见。 委员会建议秘书长继续鼓励裁军谈判会议尽一切努力,以打破持续的僵局。 秘书长还不妨考虑鼓励在裁谈会工作计划上取得进展,促进就2009年5月29日的决定(见CD/1864)中概述的四个核心问题开展工作。 委员会建议,如果设立一个由知名人士组成的高级别小组,秘书长请该小组作为一项紧急任务,就振兴整个联合国裁军机制,特别是裁谈会的方法提出建议。 秘书长还不妨考虑是否需要邀请一个或多个现任或前任委员会成员参加拟议的高级别小组,从而在咨询委员会同拟议的高级别小组之间建立机构联系。 事先应审议设立这样一个小组所涉经费问题。 董事会还建议秘书长继续提高公众认识", "并鼓励民间社会团体和非政府组织就如何克服裁谈会上的长期僵局并朝着实现无核武器世界的最终目标提供意见。", "委员会作为联合国裁军研究所(裁研所)董事会,通过了研究所2011年方案和预算并核准了研究所主任关于2010年8月至2011年7月期间所开展活动的报告以及2012年和2013年拟议工作方案和预算并提交大会。 董事会成员重申了为研究所提供充足资金以维持其可持续性的重要性。", "一. 导言", "1. 联合国 裁军事项咨询委员会于2011年2月23日至25日在纽约举行了第五十五届会议,于2011年6月29日至7月1日在日内瓦举行了第五十六届会议。 本报告是根据大会第38/183 O号决议提交的。 联合国裁军研究所(裁研所)主任的报告已作为另一份文件(A/66/123)提交,该报告已获得作为其董事会的咨询委员会的批准。", "2. 2011年,奥尔加·佩利塞尔(墨西哥)主持了理事会的两届会议。", "3个 本报告概述了委员会两届会议的审议情况和它向秘书长转达的具体建议。", "二. 实质性讨论和建议", "A类. 高级别会议上提出的问题,包括能否设立一个高级别知名人士小组,并特别注重裁军谈判会议的运作", " 4.四. 主席对2010年9月24日举行的关于 \" 振兴裁军谈判会议的工作并推进多边裁军谈判 \" 的高级别会议的总结指出,秘书长将请裁军事项咨询委员会彻底审查会上提出的问题,包括可能设立一个高级别知名人士小组,特别侧重于裁军谈判会议的运作,并根据其建议,秘书长将考虑在这方面采取进一步行动。 因此,秘书长请联委会将该事项作为其2011年两届会议的主要实质性议程项目来审议。", "5 (韩语). 在第五十五届会议上,四名执行局成员Carlo Trezza、Adam Rotfeld、Abe信泰和François Rivasseau介绍了关于本议程项目的供思考的文件。 在同次会议上,一名外部专家、裁研所驻地高级研究员蒂姆·考勒向委员会作了介绍。 两名董事会成员德维·福尔图纳·安瓦尔和德斯蒙德·博文也在第五十六届会议上提供了启发思考的文件。", "6. 国家 委员会强调,必须找到政治解决办法来打破裁军谈判会议的僵局。 会议认为,缺乏政治意愿,而不是遇到技术困难,是本会议面临的主要问题,有人提到,看来程序性问题实际上是政治问题。 改变裁谈会的工作方法不被视为提高该机构效率的最终解决办法。", "7. 联合国 一些成员强调,裁军谈判会议是一个协商一致的机构。 一些成员说,很难修改协商一致规则,制定条约的唯一途径是通过协商一致。 另一些委员提到,在特定情况下,需要灵活地达成共识。 还据强调,应当保持会议作为一个机构的地位,因为它是各国能够阐明其立场的宝贵论坛。 还有人评论说,鉴于近年来国际环境发生了重大变化,需要在大会内部作出相当大的改变,以准确地反映全球系统内权力分配的转变。", "8. 联合国 与会者一致认为,裂变材料禁产条约是一个优先事项,一些成员强调了其他核心问题的重要性,包括和平利用外层空间和消极安全保证。 还有人提到需要将裂变材料禁产条约的谈判同裁谈会目前的技术问题脱钩。 有人说,停产条约是一个与国际安全有关的问题,这与本会议面临的一些程序性问题大相径庭。", "9. 国家 虽然某些委员会成员表示需要考虑其他谈判途径,例如大会或想法相同的国家的论坛,但另一些成员评论说,如果核武器国家不加入谈判,在裁军谈判会议之外谈判裂变材料禁产条约的任何尝试都不可能取得成功。", "10个 一些委员建议,在谈判条约之前应采取中间步骤,以打破僵局并讨论裂变材料禁产条约以外的问题,例如信息安全或和平利用外层空间。 有人提到,可以设计这种部分工作或活动,但建立部分规范的任何努力都将遭到某些国家的强烈反对。", "11个 委员会许多成员表示需要让民间社会进一步参与裁军问题,包括让民间社会和非政府组织参与推动裁军谈判会议在核裁军问题上取得进展。", "12个 一些成员对是否有必要设立一个由知名人士组成的高级别小组以及这样一个小组是否能够发挥重要作用也存在意见分歧。 成员们强调必须讨论高级别小组的明确任务。 对小组的规模和组成也表示了不同的意见。 一些成员要求扩大小组,而另一些成员则认为,缩小小组将提高效率。 然而,大家一致认为,这样一个小组应具有充分的地域代表性,并在与裁军有关的事项上拥有专门知识。", "13个 其他值得注意的评论包括大多数成员强调必须在咨询委员会和可能设立的高级别小组之间建立机构联系。 还有人评论了在裁军教育的总体范围内对政府官员和外交官进行多边裁军问题教育的重要性,委员会在2010年就此进行了深入讨论。", "14个 理事会在日内瓦第五十六届会议上继续审议了同一议程项目。 因此,委员会得以就此问题第二次深入地交换意见。 委员会还出席了2011年6月30日裁军谈判会议非正式全体会议。", "15个 大多数成员对裁军谈判会议持续陷入僵局,即无法推动讨论表示日益失望。 联委会认为,停滞的根源既可归因于政治问题,也可归因于程序问题。 一些成员指出,问题的核心在于各国的安全关切。 目前的工作方法,包括就程序事项达成共识的必要性、联系的做法、每年通过一项工作方案以及给予每个主席有限的时间,都被认为是没有效果的。 一位成员建议,应鼓励裁谈会按照1980年代和1990年代初的惯例通过一项简化的工作方案。", "16号. 有人评论说,裁军谈判会议目前的僵局并不是什么新问题,有人回顾,尽管各方普遍认为《全面禁止核试验条约》是一个最迫切需要谈判的问题,但谈判需要许多年的时间。 只有在地下核试验爆炸对核武器国家来说几乎是多余的之后,才有足够的政治意愿开始关于该条约的谈判。 有人指出,裁谈会现在也正在出现类似现象,但有不同的参与者,因此,不能仅仅将机构本身及其工作方法归咎于僵局。", "17岁 理事会若干成员支持采取渐进做法的必要性,认为这是打破大会僵局的最可行手段。 他们还建议在裁谈会内设立科学或技术小组,以探讨与裁谈会上述决定(CD/1864)所载四个项目有关的问题。 然而,一名成员对这种技术小组的效用表示怀疑。", "18岁。 一些成员指出,裁谈会的区域集团已经过时,妨碍了跨区域合作以及个别会员国在政治上脱离其集团的能力。", " 19. 19. 提出了一些值得注意的关于前进的建议。 一项建议是,重振裁谈会的各种解决办法可以沿着一个连续体来设想,从把裁谈会留给自己的装置放在一端,到另一个极具侵入性的措施。", "20号. 在通过裂变材料禁产条约方面,作为建立信任措施,一个成员提议通过印度、巴基斯坦、中国、俄罗斯联邦和美利坚合众国之间的五方会谈,就南亚地区而言,对朝鲜半岛六方会谈采取类似做法。 董事会一些成员对这一提议表示出兴趣。", "21岁 许多成员告诫秘书长不要鼓励在本组织裁军机制之外推动谈判的努力,因为这将违背他促进利用联合国机构的责任。 还有人表示关切说,如果会议暂停,就很难恢复。", "22号. 委员会一些成员再次提到需要召开大会第四届专门讨论裁军问题的特别会议,而另一些成员则强调,这样一次会议需要协商一致才能取得成功,而且召开这次会议目前不会取得成效。 还有人指出,任何取代裁军谈判会议的尝试都必须由第四届特别会议来完成。", "23. 联合国 委员会成员审议了通过加强大会对裁军谈判会议的监督来改变裁军谈判会议与大会之间动态的想法。 鉴于内部改革的困难,有些成员建议,需要通过联合国内部的外部程序来修改会议。 虽然高级别知名人士小组可以为振兴会议提出建议,但有人建议,改革会议的唯一可能性必须来自大会。", "24 (韩语). 有人建议,应利用大会,通过平行进程,就裂变材料禁产条约进行谈判。 一位委员会成员指出,《不扩散核武器条约》、《化学武器公约》和《全面禁止核试验条约》都是在至少一个国家的反对下谈判的。 有人提到,过去曾要求反对某些条约的国家置之不理,在就停产条约进行谈判时,也可以这样做。 然而,为了做到这一点,谈判一项禁产条约的可能性首先必须在裁谈会内用尽。", "25岁 一些理事会成员还强调指出,CD/1864号文件所载裁谈会的决定可作为今后谈判的基础。 还有人说,大会可以设立一个与会议平行的谈判机构。 然而,有人强调,要使这种努力取得成功,就需要秘书长对谈判进程作出坚定承诺并需要有关国家的参与。 有人建议,必须首先检查水域,看看大会第一委员会是否愿意并能够在大会下届会议上通过一项关于振兴裁谈会的有力决议。", "26. 联合国 董事会成员对设立一个由知名人士组成的高级别小组继续表示不同意见。 虽然设立这样一个小组可能很有价值,但这一进程并不能肯定能否振兴裁军谈判会议或整个多边裁军机制。 还提到协商机构激增和工作可能重复的风险。", "27个 对高级别小组的组成也表示了不同的意见。 一名成员建议,咨询委员会本身可以担任该小组,如果不是,至少应包括其一些成员。 其他成员支持至少将一名或多名现任或前任委员会成员列入小组。 联委会同意咨询委员会与任何可能设立的高级别小组之间应有联系。 虽然委员会被认为是裁军专门知识的库所,但许多成员指出,必须有一个能引起国际社会更广泛注意振兴裁军谈判会议问题的非常引人注目的小组。 一名成员建议由秘书长任命一名特使,他可以提供更实际的解决办法并发挥更可操作的作用。", "28岁 另一位委员会成员说,可以考虑设立三种不同类型的小组:(a) 由合格人士组成的小组,他们将就该问题提供一份全面报告;(b) 由政治经纪人组成的小组,他们可以在幕后运作,以产生更大的收益;(c) 具有高度能见度的小组,可以引起全球对重振会议问题的重大关注。", "29. 国家 委员会注意到,裁军谈判会议的一些代表团也支持设立一个由知名人士组成的高级别小组。 但是,董事会一些成员对设立这样一个小组是否有用表示保留,并质疑该小组能否取得任何积极成果。 审计委员会还注意到,设立一个高级别小组将涉及经费问题,必须在设立之前予以澄清。 如果秘书长认为这种做法有用,大多数成员同意,联委会将同意并充分支持设立这样一个小组。", "30岁。 一些成员还提到需要审查裁军谈判会议的成员情况。 成员们回顾,必须允许民间社会更多参与,从而使会议得以开幕,这既能带来新的想法,又能促进全球对问题的认识。", "B. 建议", "31岁 委员会提出以下建议:", "(a) 秘书长应继续鼓励裁军谈判会议尽一切努力,以打破持续的僵局。 秘书长还不妨考虑鼓励在CD/1864号文件所达成的共识基础上就促进四个核心问题工作的裁谈会工作计划取得进展;", "(b) 国家 如果设立一个由知名人士组成的高级别小组,秘书长应当要求该小组作为一项紧急任务,就如何振兴整个联合国裁军机制,特别是裁军谈判会议提出建议。 秘书长还不妨考虑是否需要在咨询委员会和拟议的高级别小组之间建立机构联系,邀请一个或多个现任或前任委员会成员参加拟议的小组。 应事先考虑设立这样一个小组所涉的经费问题;", "(c) 秘书长应继续提高公众认识,鼓励民间社会团体和非政府组织就如何克服裁军谈判会议上的长期僵局并朝着实现无核武器世界的最终目标提供意见。", "三. 与秘书长的会晤", "32. 联合国 委员会于2011年2月24日会晤了秘书长。 委员会成员借此机会同秘书长就振兴裁军谈判会议工作的方法交换了意见。", "四、结 论 民间社会/非政府组织的发言", "33. (中文(简体) ). 按照惯例,理事会听取了非政府组织代表就与议程有关的问题作的发言。 在第五十五届会议上,防止战争全球行动主任罗伯特·祖贝尔和联合国紧急和平服务项目主任和普林斯顿大学伍德罗·威尔逊公共和国际事务学院科学与全球安全方案研究科学家和裂变材料问题国际小组副共同主席齐亚·米安向理事会作了简报。", " V. 联合国裁军研究所董事会", "34. 国家 咨询委员会在第五十五届会议上作为董事会开会,听取了裁研所主任和副主任关于裁研所自2010年7月委员会上届会议以来的工作及其2011年计划活动的全面简报。 董事会赞扬研究所开展的广泛研究活动,尽管在筹集资金方面仍有困难。 董事会一些成员还就研训所今后可能进行研究的领域提出了建议。 与会者重申了为研究所提供充足的资金的重要性,以便研究所保持其独立性。", "35. 联合国 理事会考虑到行政和预算问题咨询委员会在其关于2010-2011年拟议工作方案和预算的最新报告(A/64/7/Add.7)中提出的意见,正式通过了2011年研训所拟议工作方案和预算(见A/65/177)。", "36. (中文(简体) ). 委员会还要求在2012-2013两年期至少继续提供裁研所目前的补助金。 同时,委员会重申其2010年7月的建议(见A/65/177),“在2012-2013两年期增加补助金数额(除费用调整外),以支付研训所主任和核心工作人员的费用”。 此外,委员会还继续敦促“如秘书长2010年8月5日关于裁军事项咨询委员会工作的报告(A/65/228,第52段)所提及,“秘书长利用他拥有的一切影响力,确保增加联合国经常预算中为裁研所提供的补助金,以至少为所有核心工作人员费用提供全额资金,作为使裁研所能够追求其愿景和使命所证明的合理结构和工作方案所需的稳定性的必要条件”。", "37. 联合国 在理事会第五十六届会议上,所长向理事会成员简要介绍了:自理事会2月份会议以来研究所2011年工作方案的制订情况;2012年及以后计划开展的活动;研究所的拟议工作方案和预算,包括请联合国经常预算继续提供补助金,并在可行的情况下增加补助金。 由委员会五名成员组成的裁研所小组委员会于6月28日在常会之前举行会议,详细审查裁研所的方案。", "38. 国家 在审议了所长关于研训所2010年8月至2011年7月期间活动的报告草案以及2011年和2012年的工作方案和概算后,董事会核准了研训所向大会提交的报告,并建议继续由2012-2013两年期联合国经常预算提供补助金。", "39. 联合国 董事会成员赞扬研训所开展的工作和研究活动,一些成员对研训所面临的日益不稳定的筹资情况表示严重关切。 董事会一些成员重申,必须提供足够资金,使研训所能够持续运作。", " 40. 40. 委员会还注意到裁研所副所长员额经费减少带来的很大风险,还注意到副所长为裁研所的工作作出了重大贡献。 资金减少将给该机构带来沉重负担。", "六、结 论 今后的工作", "41. 国家 委员会就2012年届会可能讨论的若干问题交换了意见,包括无核武器区等广泛问题;不扩散核武器条约缔约国2010年审议大会《最后文件》中设想的2012年中东会议;与网络安全有关的建立信任措施;2012年核安全首脑会议;武器贸易条约;安全理事会第1540(2004)号决议的执行情况;以及裁军事项咨询委员会工作的反映。", "42. 国家 建议的专题包括:(a) 关于振兴裁军谈判会议问题的后续讨论;(b) 审查武器贸易条约进程;(c) 改进咨询委员会工作的方法。", "页:1", "裁军事项咨询委员会成员", "奥尔加·佩利塞尔 [1] (主席)", "国际研究部", "墨西哥自主技术学院", "墨西哥城", "阿部信泰(a)", "司长", "促进裁军和不扩散中心", "日本国际事务研究所", "东京", "德维·福尔图纳·安瓦尔(a)", "哈比比中心方案研究主任", "印度尼西亚科学研究所社会科学和人文科学研究教授兼副所长", "雅加达", "德斯蒙德·博文(a)", "联合王国国防部前政策主任", "伦敦", "成业业(a)", "中国常驻维也纳联合国和其他国际组织代表兼特命全权大使", "凯特·杜维斯 [2]", "新西兰和平基金会裁军与安全中心协调员", "新西兰克赖斯特彻奇", "莫妮卡·赫兹(a)", "巴西国际关系协会主席", "里约热内卢天主教宗座大学教授", "联合国", "托格赞·克塞诺娃 [3]", "协理", "核政策方案", "卡内基国际基金会 和平", "华盛顿特区", "谢尔盖·克谢列夫(a)", "国际军事合作总局局长", "俄罗斯联邦国防部.", "莫斯科", "H.M.G.S. Palihakkara ^(a)", "斯里兰卡前外交大臣", "科伦坡", "马西·伯曼·里斯(a)", "副助理秘书", "军备控制、核查和遵约局", "美国国务院.", "华盛顿特区", "弗朗索瓦·里瓦索(a)", "副处长 法国驻美国大使馆", "华盛顿特区", "亚当·丹尼尔·罗特费尔德(a)", "前外交部长", "外交部特使", "华沙", "谢赫·锡拉(a)", "驻外大使", "外交部", "达喀尔", "卡罗·特雷扎(a)", "意大利外交部长特使", "裁军、军备控制和不扩散委员会", "多边政治事务和人权总局", "外交部", "罗马", "特丽莎·希钦斯^(a)(当然成员)", "司长", "联合国裁军研究所", "日内瓦", "[1] 参加了联委会第五十五和第五十六届会议。", "[2] 只参加委员会第五十五届会议。", "[3] 只参加委员会第五十六届会议。" ]
[ "Substantive session of 2011", "Geneva, 4-29 July 2011", "Agenda item 5", "Special economic, humanitarian and disaster relief assistance", "Draft resolution submitted by the Vice-President of the Council, Jan Grauls (Belgium), on the basis of informal consultations", "Strengthening of the coordination of emergency humanitarian assistance of the United Nations", "The Economic and Social Council,", "Reaffirming General Assembly resolution 46/182 of 19 December 1991 and the guiding principles contained in the annex thereto, and recalling other relevant resolutions of the Assembly and relevant resolutions and agreed conclusions of the Economic and Social Council,", "Reaffirming also the principles of neutrality, humanity, impartiality and independence for the provision of humanitarian assistance and the need for all actors engaged in the provision of humanitarian assistance in situations of complex emergencies and natural disasters to promote and fully respect those principles,", "Recalling its decision to consider the theme “Working in partnership to strengthen coordination of humanitarian assistance in a changing world” at the humanitarian affairs segment of its substantive session of 2011,", "Recalling also its decision to hold panels on the themes “Preparing for the future — predictable, effective, flexible and adequate humanitarian financing and its accountable use to meet the evolving needs and challenges in the delivery of humanitarian assistance” and “Strengthening resilience, preparedness and capacities for humanitarian response”, and to hold an informal event on the theme “The role of the United Nations and the international community in supporting the capacity of the Government of South Sudan to manage the transition”,", "Welcoming the commemoration of the twentieth anniversary of the adoption of General Assembly resolution 46/182 on 19 December 1991,", "Expressing grave concern at the increase in the number of people affected by humanitarian emergencies, including those associated with natural hazards and complex emergencies, at the increased impact of natural disasters and at the displacement resulting from humanitarian emergencies,", "Reiterating the need to mainstream a gender perspective into humanitarian assistance in a comprehensive and consistent manner,", "Expressing its deep concern at the increasing challenges facing Member States and the United Nations humanitarian response capacity posed by the consequences of natural disasters, including those related to the continuing impact of climate change, by the ongoing impact of the financial and economic crisis, and by the global food crisis and continuing food insecurity, and the potential of those challenges to increase the need for resources for disaster risk reduction, preparedness and humanitarian assistance, including in developing countries,", "Condemning the increasing number of attacks and other acts of violence against humanitarian personnel, facilities, assets and supplies, and expressing deep concern about the negative implications of such attacks for the provision of humanitarian assistance to affected populations,", "Noting with grave concern that violence, including sexual and gender-based violence, and violence against children, continues to be deliberately directed against civilian populations in many emergency situations,", "Emphasizing that building and strengthening national and local preparedness, prevention, resilience, mitigation and response capacity is critical to saving lives, reducing suffering and providing a more predictable and effective delivery of assistance and relief,", "Acknowledging the benefits of investing in preparedness, prevention, resilience and mitigation measures and of studying the possibility of developing tools to guide investments that are in line with the national priorities of Member States, in order to save lives, reduce suffering and mitigate the damage to property caused by disasters,", "Recognizing the clear relationship between emergency response, rehabilitation and development, and reaffirming that, in order to ensure a smooth transition from relief to rehabilitation and development, emergency assistance must be provided in ways that will be supportive of recovery and long-term development, and that emergency measures should be seen as a step towards sustainable development,", "Noting the contribution, as appropriate, of relevant regional and subregional organizations in the provision of humanitarian assistance within their region, upon the request of the affected State,", "Taking note of the fact that the United Nations and its partners, through the Inter-Agency Standing Committee Needs Assessment Task Force, has finalized the Operational Guidance on Coordinated Assessments in Emergencies, which provides a framework and tools for the coordination of needs assessments and the consolidation of assessment information,", "1. Takes note of the report of the Secretary-General on the strengthening of the coordination of emergency humanitarian assistance of the United Nations;[1]", "2. Stresses that the United Nations system should continue to enhance existing humanitarian capacities, knowledge and institutions, including, as appropriate, through the transfer of technology and expertise to developing countries, and encourages the international community to support efforts of Member States aimed at strengthening their capacity to build resilience, mitigate disaster risks, and prepare for and respond to disasters;", "3. Welcomes the convening of the third session of the Global Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction, held in Geneva from 8 to 13 May 2011, and urges Member States to assess their progress in strengthening preparedness levels for humanitarian response, with a view to increasing efforts to develop, update and strengthen disaster preparedness and risk reduction measures at all levels, in accordance with the Hyogo Framework for Action,[2] in particular priority 5 thereof, taking into account their own circumstances and capacities and in coordination with relevant actors, as appropriate, and encourages the international community and relevant United Nations entities, including the International Strategy for Disaster Reduction, to give increased priority to preparedness and disaster risk reduction activities, in particular through supporting national and local efforts in that regard;", "4. Encourages Member States, as well as relevant regional and international organizations, in accordance with their specific mandates, to support adaptation to the effects of climate change and to strengthen disaster risk reduction and early warning systems in order to minimize the humanitarian consequences of natural disasters, including those related to the continuing impact of climate change, takes note of the “2011 Global Assessment Report on Disaster Risk Reduction”[3] and encourages relevant entities to continue research on the humanitarian implications;", "5. Also encourages Member States to create and strengthen an enabling environment for the capacity-building of their national and local authorities, national societies of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement, and national and local non-governmental and community-based organizations in providing timely humanitarian assistance, and also encourages the international community, the relevant entities of the United Nations system and other relevant institutions and organizations to support national authorities in their capacity-building programmes, including through technical cooperation and long-term partnerships, based on recognition of their important role in providing humanitarian assistance;", "6. Welcomes the initiatives undertaken at the regional and national levels in relation to the implementation of the Guidelines for the Domestic Facilitation and Regulation of International Disaster Relief and Initial Recovery Assistance adopted at the Thirtieth International Conference of the Red Cross and Red Crescent, held in Geneva from 26 to 30 November 2007, and encourages Member States and, where applicable, regional organizations to take further steps to strengthen operational and legal frameworks for international disaster relief, taking into account, as appropriate, those Guidelines;", "7. Encourages efforts to enhance cooperation and coordination of United Nations humanitarian entities, other relevant humanitarian organizations and donor countries with the affected State, with a view to planning and delivering emergency humanitarian assistance in ways that are supportive of early recovery as well as sustainable rehabilitation, reconstruction and development efforts;", "8. Also encourages efforts to provide education in humanitarian emergencies, including in order to contribute to a smooth transition from relief to development;", "9. Requests the Emergency Relief Coordinator to continue to lead the efforts to strengthen the coordination of humanitarian assistance, and urges relevant United Nations and other relevant intergovernmental organizations, as well as other humanitarian and relevant development actors, including civil society, to continue to work with the Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs of the Secretariat to enhance the coordination, effectiveness and efficiency of humanitarian assistance;", "10. Encourages Member States to improve cooperation with the Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs to enhance the coordination, effectiveness and efficiency of humanitarian assistance;", "11. Encourages United Nations humanitarian organizations and other relevant organizations, while strengthening the coordination of humanitarian assistance in the field, to continue to work in close coordination with national Governments, taking into account the primary role of the affected State in the initiation, organization, coordination and implementation of such assistance within its territory;", "12. Welcomes the continued efforts to strengthen the humanitarian response capacity in order to provide a timely, predictable, coordinated and accountable response to humanitarian needs, and requests the Secretary-General to continue efforts in that regard, in consultation with Member States, including by strengthening support to United Nations resident/humanitarian coordinators and improving their identification, selection and training;", "13. Requests the United Nations system and other relevant actors to continue to improve and strengthen humanitarian coordination mechanisms, notably at the field level, including the existing cluster coordination mechanism, and through improving partnership and coordination with national and local authorities, including the use of national/local coordination mechanisms, where possible;", "14. Expresses concern at the challenges related to, inter alia, safe access to and use of fuel, firewood, alternative energy, water and sanitation, shelter, food and health-care services in humanitarian emergencies, and takes note with appreciation of initiatives at the national and international levels that promote effective cooperation in that regard;", "15. Recognizes the benefits for the effectiveness of the humanitarian response of the engagement of and coordination with relevant humanitarian actors, and encourages the United Nations to continue to pursue efforts to strengthen partnerships at the global level with the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement, relevant humanitarian non-governmental organizations and other participants in the Inter-Agency Standing Committee;", "16. Requests United Nations humanitarian organizations, in consultation with Member States, as appropriate, to strengthen the evidence base for humanitarian assistance by further developing common mechanisms to improve the quality, transparency and reliability of, and make further progress towards, common humanitarian needs assessments, to assess their performance in assistance and to ensure the most effective use of humanitarian resources by those organizations;", "17. Requests the United Nations to continue to identify solutions to strengthen its ability to recruit and deploy appropriately senior, skilled and experienced humanitarian staff quickly and flexibly, giving paramount consideration to the highest standards of efficiency, competence and integrity, while paying due regard to gender equality and to recruiting on as wide a geographical basis as possible; to further develop specialist technical expertise and capacity to fill gaps in critical humanitarian programming; and to procure emergency relief material rapidly and cost-effectively, and locally when appropriate, in order to support Governments and United Nations country teams in the coordination and provision of international humanitarian assistance;", "18. Calls upon the United Nations and its humanitarian partners to enhance accountability to Member States, including affected States, and all other stakeholders, and to further strengthen humanitarian response efforts, including through monitoring and evaluating the provision of their humanitarian assistance, incorporating lessons learned into programming, and consulting with the affected populations so that their needs are appropriately addressed;", "19. Urges all actors engaged in the provision of humanitarian assistance to fully commit to and duly respect the guiding principles contained in the annex to General Assembly resolution 46/182 of 19 December 1991, including the humanitarian principles of humanity, impartiality and neutrality, as well as the principle of independence, as adopted by the Assembly in its resolution 58/114 of 17 December 2003;", "20. Calls upon all States and parties in complex humanitarian emergencies, in particular in armed conflict and in post-conflict situations, in countries in which humanitarian personnel are operating, in conformity with the relevant provisions of international law and national laws, to cooperate fully with the United Nations and other humanitarian agencies and organizations and to ensure the safe and unhindered access of humanitarian personnel and delivery of supplies and equipment, in order to allow humanitarian personnel to perform efficiently their task of assisting affected civilian populations, including refugees and internally displaced persons;", "21. Calls upon all parties to armed conflicts to comply with their obligations under international humanitarian law, human rights law and refugee law;", "22. Calls upon all States and parties to comply fully with the provisions of international humanitarian law, including all the Geneva Conventions of 12 August 1949,[4] in particular the Geneva Convention relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War,[5] in order to protect and assist civilians in occupied territories, and in that regard urges the international community and the relevant organizations of the United Nations system to strengthen humanitarian assistance to civilians in those situations;", "23. Urges Member States to continue to take the steps necessary to ensure the safety and security of humanitarian personnel, premises, facilities, equipment, vehicles and supplies operating within their borders, and on other territories under their effective control, recognizes the need for appropriate collaboration between humanitarian actors and relevant authorities of the affected State in matters related to the safety and security of humanitarian personnel, requests the Secretary-General to expedite his efforts to enhance the safety and security of personnel involved in United Nations humanitarian operations, and urges Member States to ensure that perpetrators of crimes committed on their territory or on other territories under their effective control against humanitarian personnel do not operate with impunity and are brought to justice, as provided for by national laws and in accordance with obligations under international law;", "24. Encourages the United Nations, and other relevant humanitarian actors, to include as part of their risk management strategy the building of good relations and trust with national and local governments, and to promote acceptance by local communities and all relevant actors, in order to enable humanitarian assistance to be provided, in accordance with humanitarian principles;", "25. Emphasizes the fundamentally civilian character of humanitarian assistance, and, in situations where military capacity and assets are used to support the implementation of humanitarian assistance, reaffirms the need for their use to be undertaken with the consent of the affected State and in conformity with international law, including international humanitarian law, as well as humanitarian principles;", "26. Requests Member States, relevant United Nations organizations and other relevant actors to ensure that all aspects of humanitarian response address the specific needs of women, girls, men and boys, taking into consideration age and disability, including through improved collection, analysis and reporting of sex- and age-disaggregated data, taking into account, inter alia, the information provided by States;", "27. Urges Member States to continue to prevent, investigate and prosecute acts of sexual and gender-based violence in humanitarian emergencies, calls upon Member States and relevant organizations to strengthen support services for victims of such violence, and also calls for a more effective response in that regard;", "28. Notes the increasing challenges facing both Member States, in particular developing countries, and the international humanitarian response system in responding effectively to all humanitarian emergencies, in particular the underfunded and forgotten emergencies, and in that regard stresses the need to enhance existing and build new partnerships, strengthen financing mechanisms, broaden the donor base and engage other partners to ensure adequate resources for the provision of humanitarian assistance;", "29. Encourages Member States, the private sector, civil society and other relevant entities to make contributions and consider increasing and diversifying their contributions to humanitarian funding mechanisms, including consolidated and flash appeals, the Central Emergency Response Fund and other funds, based on and in proportion to assessed needs, as a means of ensuring flexible, predictable, timely, needs-based and, where possible, multi-year, non-earmarked and additional resources to meet global humanitarian challenges, encourages donors to adhere to the principles of good humanitarian donorship,[6] and reiterates that contributions for humanitarian assistance should be provided in a way which is not to the detriment of resources made available for international cooperation for development;", "30. Recognizes that building preparedness is a long-term investment that will contribute to the achievement of humanitarian and development objectives, including a reduction in the need for humanitarian response, and therefore further encourages Member States and other relevant actors to provide effective, predictable, flexible and adequate funding for preparedness activities, and stresses that international preparedness efforts reinforce national and local response capacities and support existing national and local institutions;", "31. Requests the Secretary-General to reflect the progress made in the implementation of and follow-up to the present resolution in his next report to the Economic and Social Council and the General Assembly on the strengthening of the coordination of emergency humanitarian assistance of the United Nations.", "[1] A/66/81-E/2011/117.", "[2] Hyogo Framework for Action 2005-2015: Building the Resilience of Nations and Communities to Disasters, adopted by the World Conference on Disaster Reduction (A/CONF.206/6 and Corr.1, chap. 1, resolution 2).", "[3] Available from", "[4] United Nations, Treaty Series, vol. 75, Nos. 970-973.", "[5] Ibid., vol. 75, No. 973.", "[6] See A/58/99-E/2003/94, annex II." ]
[ "2011年实质性会议", "2011年7月4日至29日,日内瓦", "议程项目5", "特别经济、人道主义和救灾援助", "理事会副主席扬·格罗斯(比利时)在非正式协商基础上提交的决议草案", "加强联合国紧急人道主义援助的协调", "经济及社会理事会,", "重申大会1991年12月19日第46/182号决议及其附件所载各项指导原则,并回顾大会其他有关决议和经济及社会理事会有关决议及商定结论,", "又重申提供人道主义援助时应遵守的中立、人道、公正和独立原则,以及在复杂紧急情况和自然灾害局势中提供人道主义援助的所有行为体都必须推动和充分遵守这些原则,", "回顾其决定在2011年实质性会议人道主义事务部分审议关于“在变化世界中合作加强人道主义援助的协调”的专题,", "又回顾其决定举办关于“为未来做准备——可预测、有效、灵活和适足的人道主义筹资及其负责使用,以满足不断发展的提供人道主义援助的需要和挑战”和关于“加强人道主义应急的抗御力、准备和能力”这两个主题的小组讨论会,并举办一次关于“联合国和国际社会在支持南苏丹政府管理过渡能力方面的作用”这一主题的非正式活动,", "欣见纪念大会1991年12月19日第46/182号决议通过20周年,", "表示严重关切受人道主义紧急情况、包括受自然灾害和复杂紧急情况影响的人数增加,自然灾害造成的影响更加严重,人道主义紧急情况使人民流离失所,", "再次申明必须全面和一贯地将两性平等观点纳入人道主义援助主流,", "表示深切关注自然灾害的后果、包括气候变化持续影响的后果、金融和经济危机的持续影响以及全球粮食危机和持续的粮食无保障状况对会员国和联合国人道主义应对能力构成的日益严峻挑战,并关注这些挑战有可能增加对减少灾害风险、备灾和人道主义援助资源的需求,包括发展中国家在内,", "谴责针对人道主义人员、设施、资产和供应的攻击和其他暴力行为日益增加的现象,表示深切关注这种攻击对向受影响民众提供人道主义援助的工作产生的不利影响,", "严重关切地注意到在许多紧急情况中,仍有针对平民的蓄意暴力行为,包括性暴力和性别暴力以及侵害儿童的暴力行为,", "强调建立和加强国家和地方的备灾、防灾、抗灾、减灾和应对能力对挽救生命、减少痛苦、提供更可预测和更有效的援助和救济至关重要,", "确认对备灾、防灾、抗灾和减灾措施进行投资有益无害,而且不妨研究开发引导投资的工具的可能性,使投资符合会员国的国内优先事项,以挽救生命,减轻痛苦,并减少灾害造成的财产损坏,", "确认应急、恢复与发展之间的明确关系,并重申提供紧急援助的方式必须有助于复原和长期发展,以保证救济工作平稳地过渡为恢复和发展工作,并且应将紧急措施视为促进可持续发展的步骤,", "注意到相关区域和次区域组织应受影响国的请求在其区域内酌情帮助提供人道主义援助,", "注意到联合国及其伙伴已经通过机构间常设委员会需要评估工作队,订定关于协调评估紧急情况业务指南,其中规定了协调评估需要和综合评估信息的框架和工具,", "1. 注意到秘书长关于加强联合国紧急人道主义援助的协调的报告;[1]", "2. 强调联合国系统应继续增强现有的人道主义能力、知识和机构,途径包括酌情向发展中国家转移技术和专门知识,并鼓励国际社会支助各会员国努力加强抗灾、减少灾害风险、备灾和救灾能力;", "3. 欣见减少灾害风险全球平台第三届会议于2011年5月8日至13日在日内瓦举行,促请会员国根据《兵库行动框架》,[2] 尤其是其优先事项5,制定、更新和加强各级备灾和减少风险的措施,与此同时,应顾及自身的情况和能力,并酌情与有关行为体协调,并鼓励国际社会和包括国际减少灾害战略在内的联合国有关实体进一步优先关注备灾和减少灾害风险方面的活动,尤其支助国家和地方在这方面的努力;", "4. 鼓励会员国以及相关的区域组织和国际组织按照其具体授权,支持适应气候变化影响的活动,加强减少灾害风险和预警系统,以最大限度地减少自然灾害的人道主义后果,包括气候变化持续影响的人道主义后果,注意到“2011年关于降低灾害风险的全球评估报告”,[3] 并鼓励有关实体继续进行关于这些人道主义影响的研究;", "5. 又鼓励会员国创造和加强有利环境,促进国家和地方当局、国际红十字和红新月运动在各国的分会,以及国家和地方非政府组织和社区组织建立及时提供人道主义援助的能力,还鼓励国际社会、联合国系统有关实体和其他有关机构和组织支助国家当局执行能力建设方案,途径包括进行技术合作和缔结长期伙伴关系,因认识到这两者在提供人道主义援助方面具有重要作用;", "6. 欢迎为实施2007年11月26日至30日在日内瓦举行的第三十次红十字和红新月国际大会通过的《国内便利和管理国际救灾和初期恢复援助工作导则》而在区域和国家两级采取的举措,鼓励会员国以及有关区域组织进一步采取步骤,加强国际救灾工作的业务和法律框架,同时酌情考虑到《工作导则》;", "7. 鼓励努力加强联合国人道主义实体、其他相关人道主义组织和捐助国与受影响国家之间的合作与协调,以有利于早日恢复、持久复原、重建和发展努力的方式规划和提供紧急人道主义援助;", "8. 又鼓励努力在应对人道主义紧急情况时提供教育,以便有助于从救济顺利过渡到发展;", "9. 请紧急救济协调员继续领导加强人道主义援助协调的努力,并促请联合国相关组织、其他相关政府间组织以及包括民间社会在内的其他人道主义行为体和相关发展行为体继续同秘书处人道主义事务协调厅合作,加强人道主义援助协调,提高人道主义援助的效力和效率;", "10. 鼓励会员国改善与人道主义事务协调厅的合作,以加强协调,提高人道主义援助的效力和效率;", "11. 鼓励联合国人道主义组织和其他相关组织在加强人道主义援助领域协调的同时,继续努力与各国政府密切协调,同时考虑到受影响国家在其领土内发起、组织、协调和执行这种援助的主导作用;", "12. 欣见继续努力加强人道主义应急能力,以便对人道主义需要提供及时、可预测、协调和负责的应对,请秘书长继续这方面的努力,与会员国协商,包括加强对联合国驻地协调员/人道主义协调员的支助,改进确认、选择和培训协调员的工作;", "13. 请联合国系统和其他相关行为体继续改善和加强特别是外地一级的人道主义协调机制,包括现有的群集协调机制,其途径是改善伙伴关系以及与国家和地方当局的协调,包括在可能的情况下使用国家/地方协调机制;", "14. 关切在人道主义紧急情况中难以安全地获得和使用燃料、木柴、替代能源、水和卫生设施、住所、粮食和保健服务,赞赏地注意到国家和国际两级促进这方面有效合作的举措;", "15. 承认有关人道主义行为体的参与以及与其协调可提高人道主义应急行动的效力,并鼓励联合国继续努力,加强与国际红十字和红新月运动、有关人道主义非政府组织和机构间常设委员会中的其他参与机构建立的全球伙伴关系;", "16. 请联合国人道主义组织酌情同会员国协商,进一步拟定共同机制,提高共同人道主义需求评估的质量、透明度和可靠性并取得进一步进展,从而加强人道主义援助的事实依据,评估自身提供援助的业绩,确保人道主义组织以最有效的方式使用人道主义资源;", "17. 请联合国继续设法加强迅速和灵活征聘和部署适当资深、有技能和有经验的人道主义工作人员的能力,首要考虑应是确保最高标准的效率、能力和品行,同时适当注意性别平等,并在征聘中尽可能注意地域上之普及;进一步发展专业技术知识和能力,以填补人道主义重要方案拟订方面的空白;以快速和具有成本效益的方式采购紧急救济物资,并酌情在当地采购,以支持各国政府和联合国国家工作队协调和提供国际人道主义援助;", "18. 吁请联合国及其人道主义伙伴加强对会员国的问责制,包括受影响的国家和所有其他利益攸关者,并进一步加强人道主义应急努力,其途径包括监测和评价其提供人道主义援助的情况,在拟定方案时吸取得到的经验教训,与受影响的民众协商以便适当满足他们的需要等;", "19. 促请所有从事提供人道主义援助工作的行为体全面承诺和充分尊重大会1991年12月19日第46/182 号决议附件所载导则,包括人道、公正、中立的人道主义原则,以及大会2003年12月17日第58/114号决议通过的独立原则;", "20. 吁请处于复杂的人道主义紧急情况,特别是武装冲突和冲突后情况,并有人道主义人员在其境内活动的各国和各方,按照国际法和本国法律的相关规定,同联合国及其他人道主义机构和组织充分合作,确保人道主义人员安全无阻地通行以及用品和设备得到运送,以便让人道主义人员高效开展工作,向包括难民和境内流离失所者在内的受影响平民提供援助;", "21. 呼吁武装冲突各方遵守其根据国际人道主义法、人权法和难民法所承担的义务;", "22. 呼吁各国和各方充分遵守国际人道主义法各项规定,包括1949年8月12日日内瓦四公约,[4] 特别是《关于战时保护平民之日内瓦公约》,[5] 以保护和援助被占领领土上的平民,并在这方面促请国际社会和联合国系统相关组织加强对处于这些局势下的平民的人道主义援助;", "23. 促请会员国继续采取必要步骤,确保在其境内和在它们有效控制的其他领土上的人道主义人员、房地、设施、设备、车辆和供应的安全和保障,认识到人道主义行为体和受影响国有关当局必须在关系到人道主义人员安全和保障的事项上进行适当协作,请秘书长加快努力,加强参与联合国人道主义行动人员的人身安全和保障,促请会员国确保不让在其境内或在其有效控制的领土上犯下危害人道主义人员罪行的行为人逍遥法外,并根据国内法和国际法规定的义务,将他们绳之以法;", "24. 鼓励联合国和其他相关的人道主义行为体与国家和地方政府建立良好关系和相互信任,作为其管理风险战略的一部分,并更好地得到当地社区和所有相关行为体的认可,以便能够按照人道主义原则提供人道主义援助;", "25. 强调人道主义援助属于民事活动的基本性质,重申在利用军事能力和资产支助人道主义援助活动的局势中,必须在征得受影响国同意后再利用这些能力和资产,而且必须符合国际法,包括国际人道主义法和人道主义原则;", "26. 请会员国、联合国相关组织和其他相关行为体,确保人道主义应急行动的各个方面都顾及妇女、女孩、男子和男孩的具体需要,考虑年龄和残疾情况,途径包括参考各国提供的信息等资料,更好地收集、分析和报告按性别和年龄分列的数据;", "27. 促请会员国继续预防、调查和起诉人道主义紧急情况中发生的性暴力和性别暴力行为,吁请会员国和相关组织加强为这类暴力行为受害人提供的服务,并要求在这方面采取更有效的应对行动;", "28. 注意到会员国(特别是发展中国家)和国际人道主义应急系统在有效应对所有人道主义紧急情况特别是资金不足和被遗忘的紧急情况方面面临越来越多的挑战,在这方面强调需要加强现有伙伴关系并建立新的伙伴关系,加强供资机制,扩大捐助群体,并争取其他伙伴参与,以确保筹集充足的资源,用于提供人道主义援助;", "29. 鼓励会员国、私营部门、民间社会和其他相关实体,根据并按照评估的需要,向人道主义供资机制、包括向联合呼吁和紧急呼吁、中央应急基金和其他基金捐款,并考虑增加捐款和使其多样化,以确保获得灵活、可预测、及时、基于需要的资源,并且在可能的情况下,获得多年期、不指定用途的和额外的资源,以克服全球人道主义挑战,鼓励捐助者遵守人道主义捐助良好做法[6] 的原则,并重申提供用于人道主义援助的捐款不应有损为国际发展合作提供的资源;", "30. 认识到建设备灾能力是一项长期投资,将有助于实现人道主义目标和发展目标,包括减少人道主义应急需要,因此鼓励会员国和其他相关行为体提供可预测、灵活和充足的资金,用于备灾活动,并强调国际备灾努力需强化国家和地方的应对能力,支持国家和地方的现有机构;", "31. 请秘书长在向经济及社会理事会和大会提交的关于加强联合国紧急人道主义援助的协调的下次报告中,介绍本决议的执行进展情况和后续行动进展情况。", "[1] A/66/81-E/2011/117。", "[2] 世界减灾会议通过的《2005-2015年兵库行动框架:建立国家和社区的抗灾能力》(A/CONF.206/6和Corr.1,第一章,决议2)。", "[3] 可查阅。", "[4] 联合国,《条约汇编》,第75卷,第970-973号。", "[5] 同上,第75卷,第973号。", "[6] 见A/58/99-E/2003/94,附件二。" ]
[ "2011年实质性会议", "2011年7月4日至29日,日内瓦", "议程项目5", "特别经济、人道主义和救灾援助", "理事会副主席扬·格罗斯(比利时)在非正式协商基础上提出的决议草案", "加强联合国紧急人道主义援助的协调", "经济及社会理事会,", "重申大会1991年12月19日第46/182号决议及其附件所载的指导原则,并回顾大会其他有关决议和经济及社会理事会各项有关决议和商定结论,", "又重申提供人道主义援助的中立、人道、公正和独立原则,并重申在发生复杂紧急情况和自然灾害时参与提供人道主义援助的所有行为体需要促进并充分尊重这些原则,", "回顾其决定在其2011年实质性会议人道主义事务部分审议“合作加强在不断变化的世界中人道主义援助的协调”这一主题,", "又回顾其决定就“为未来作好准备——可预测、有效、灵活和充分的人道主义筹资及其负责任地使用以满足提供人道主义援助方面不断变化的需要和挑战”和“加强人道主义反应的复原力、准备和能力”等主题举行小组讨论,并就该主题举行一次非正式活动, “联合国和国际社会在支持南苏丹政府管理过渡的能力方面的作用”,", "欢迎纪念大会1991年12月19日第46/182号决议通过二十周年,", "表示严重关切受人道主义紧急情况,包括受自然危害和复杂紧急情况影响的人数增加,自然灾害的影响日益严重,人道主义紧急情况导致流离失所,", "重申需要以全面和一致的方式将两性平等观点纳入人道主义援助的主流,", "深为关切自然灾害的后果,包括与气候变化持续影响有关的后果、金融和经济危机的持续影响、全球粮食危机和持续粮食无保障等后果,以及这些挑战在增加减少灾害风险、备灾和人道主义援助所需资源方面的潜力,包括在发展中国家,给会员国和联合国人道主义应急能力带来日益严重的挑战,", "谴责针对人道主义人员、设施、资产和用品的袭击和其他暴力行为日益增多,并深为关切这些袭击对向受影响民众提供人道主义援助的不利影响,", "严重关切地注意到在许多紧急情况下继续蓄意针对平民实施暴力,包括性暴力和基于性别的暴力和暴力侵害儿童行为,", "强调建设和加强国家和地方的备灾、预防、复原、缓解和应对能力,对于拯救生命、减少痛苦和提供更可预测和更有效的援助和救济至关重要,", "承认投资于备灾、预防、复原力和减灾措施以及研究是否有可能开发工具来指导符合会员国国家优先事项的投资,以拯救生命、减少痛苦并减轻灾害造成的财产损失,", "认识到应急、复原和发展之间的明确关系,并重申为了确保从救济到复原和发展的平稳过渡,提供紧急援助的方式必须有助于复原和长期发展,紧急措施应视为向可持续发展迈出的一步,", "注意到相关区域和次区域组织应受灾国的请求,酌情协助在其区域内提供人道主义援助,", "注意到联合国及其合作伙伴已通过机构间常设委员会需求评估工作队,最后确定了《紧急情况下协调评估业务指南》,该指南为协调需要评估并整合评估信息提供了一个框架和工具,", "1. 联合国 1. 注意到秘书长关于加强联合国紧急人道主义援助的协调的报告;[1]", "2. 联合国 10. 着重指出联合国系统应继续加强现有人道主义能力、知识和机构,包括酌情向发展中国家转让技术和专门知识,并鼓励会员国支持会员国努力加强建设复原力、减少灾害风险以及备灾和救灾的能力;", "3个 2. 欢迎2011年5月8日至13日在日内瓦举行减少灾害风险全球平台第三届会议,并敦促会员国评估其在加强人道主义应急备灾水平方面取得的进展,以期加强努力,根据《兵库行动框架》,[2] 特别是其中的优先事项5,制定、更新和加强各级备灾和减少风险措施,同时考虑到自身的情况和能力,并酌情与相关行为体协调,并敦促国际社会和包括国际减少灾害战略在内的相关联合国实体更优先重视备灾和减少灾害风险活动,特别是通过支持国家和地方在这方面的努力;", " 4.四. 4. 鼓励会员国以及相关区域和国际组织根据各自具体任务规定,支持适应气候变化的影响,加强减少灾害风险和预警系统,以尽量减少自然灾害的人道主义后果,包括与持续受气候变化影响有关的后果,注意到“2011年减少灾害风险全球评估报告”[3],并鼓励相关实体继续研究所涉人道主义问题;", "5 (韩语). 5. 又鼓励会员国为国家和地方当局、国际红十字和红新月运动国家协会以及国家和地方非政府组织和社区组织及时提供人道主义援助的能力建设创造并加强其有利环境,又鼓励国际社会、联合国系统相关实体和其他相关机构和组织支持国家当局的能力建设方案,包括通过技术合作和长期伙伴关系,并承认它们在提供人道主义援助方面的重要作用;", "6. 国家 4. 欢迎在区域和国家一级为执行2007年11月26日至30日在日内瓦举行的第三十届红十字和红新月国际会议通过的《国内便利和管理国际救灾和初期恢复援助工作导则》而采取的举措,并鼓励会员国并酌情鼓励区域组织采取进一步措施,加强国际救灾的业务和法律框架,同时酌情考虑到这些导则;", "7. 联合国 5. 鼓励努力加强联合国人道主义实体、其他相关人道主义组织和捐助国同受灾国的合作与协调,以有助于早日恢复以及可持续恢复、重建和发展努力的方式规划和提供紧急人道主义援助;", "8. 联合国 4. 又鼓励努力在人道主义紧急情况下提供教育,包括协助从救济平稳过渡到发展;", "9. 国家 5. 请紧急救济协调员继续领导加强人道主义援助协调工作的努力,并敦促联合国相关组织和其他相关政府间组织以及其他人道主义和相关发展行为体,包括民间社会,继续与秘书处人道主义事务协调厅合作,加强人道主义援助的协调、效力和效率;", "10个 4. 鼓励会员国改进同人道主义事务协调厅的合作,以加强人道主义援助的协调、效力和效率;", "11个 4. 鼓励联合国人道主义组织和其他相关组织在加强实地人道主义援助协调的同时,继续与各国政府密切协调,同时考虑到受灾国在其领土内发起、组织、协调和实施这种援助的主要作用;", "12个 10. 欢迎继续努力加强人道主义应急能力,以便对人道主义需要作出及时、可预测、协调和负责任的反应,并请秘书长同会员国协商,继续在这方面作出努力,包括加强对联合国驻地/人道主义协调员的支助并改进他们的识别、甄选和培训;", "13个 11. 请联合国系统和其他相关行为体继续改进和加强人道主义协调机制,特别是在实地一级,包括现有的分组协调机制,并改进同国家和地方当局的伙伴关系和协调,包括在可能的情况下利用国家/地方协调机制;", "14个 3. 表示关切在人道主义紧急情况中安全获得和使用燃料、木柴、替代能源、水和卫生、住房、粮食和保健服务等方面的挑战,并赞赏地注意到国家和国际两级为促进这方面有效合作而提出的倡议;", "15个 11. 认识到相关人道主义行为体的参与和与它们的协调有利于人道主义应急工作的效力,鼓励联合国继续努力加强同国际红十字和红新月运动、相关人道主义非政府组织和机构间常设委员会其他参与者在全球一级的伙伴关系;", "16号. 5. 请联合国人道主义组织酌情同会员国协商,加强人道主义援助的证据基础,进一步建立共同机制来提高共同人道主义需要评估的质量、透明度和可靠性并取得进一步的进展,评估它们在援助方面的表现,并确保这些组织最有效地利用人道主义资源;", "17岁 7. 请联合国继续找出解决办法,加强其迅速灵活地征聘和部署适当高龄、有技能和有经验的人道主义工作人员的能力,并首先考虑效率、才干和忠诚的最高标准,同时适当顾及两性平等和尽可能广泛的地域征聘;进一步发展专门技术专长和能力以填补关键人道主义方案拟订方面的差距;以迅速和具有成本效益的方式酌情在当地采购紧急救济物资,以支持各国政府和联合国国家工作队协调和提供国际人道主义援助;", "18岁。 5. 吁请联合国及其人道主义伙伴加强对包括受影响国家在内的会员国和所有其他利益攸关方的问责,并进一步加强人道主义应急工作,包括监测和评价人道主义援助的提供情况,将所吸取的经验教训纳入方案拟订工作,并征求受影响民众的意见,以适当满足他们的需要;", " 19. 19. 5. 促请所有参与提供人道主义援助的行动者充分承诺并适当尊重大会1991年12月19日第46/182号决议附件所载的指导原则,包括大会2003年12月17日第58/114号决议通过的人道、公正和中立等人道主义原则以及独立原则;", "20号. 4. 吁请在有人道主义人员开展活动的国家,所有处于复杂的人道主义紧急情况,特别是武装冲突和冲突后形势下的国家和当事方,按照国际法和国内法的有关规定,与联合国和其他人道主义机构和组织充分合作,确保人道主义人员安全无阻地通行并运送用品和设备,使人道主义人员能高效地履行其援助受影响平民,包括难民和国内流离失所者的任务;", "21岁 5. 吁请武装冲突各方遵守国际人道主义法、人权法和难民法规定的义务;", "22号. 4. 吁请所有国家和各方充分遵守国际人道主义法的规定,包括1949年8月12日日内瓦四公约,[4] 特别是《关于战时保护平民之日内瓦公约》,[5] 以保护和援助被占领领土上的平民,并在此方面敦促国际社会和联合国系统相关组织在这些局势中加强对平民的人道主义援助;", "23. 联合国 3. 敦促会员国继续采取必要步骤,确保在其境内和在其有效控制下的其他领土上作业的人道主义人员、房地、设施、设备、车辆和用品的安全和保障,确认人道主义行为体和受灾国有关当局需要就与人道主义人员的安全和保障有关的事项进行适当合作,请秘书长加紧努力,加强参与联合国人道主义行动的人员的安全和保障,并敦促会员国确保在其领土上或在其有效控制下对人道主义人员实施罪行的人不会逍遥法外,并根据国际法规定的义务被绳之以法;", "24 (韩语). 9. 鼓励联合国和其他相关人道主义行为体,将同国家和地方政府建立良好关系和信任作为其风险管理战略的一部分,并促使地方社区和所有相关行为体接受,以便能根据人道主义原则提供人道主义援助;", "25岁 7. 强调人道主义援助的基本民事性质,并重申在使用军事能力和资产来支助人道主义援助工作的情况下,必须征得受灾国同意并依照国际法,包括国际人道主义法和人道主义原则使用;", "26. 联合国 5. 请会员国、联合国相关组织和其他相关行为体确保人道主义应急行动的所有方面都顾及妇女、女童、男子和男童的具体需要,同时考虑到年龄和残疾情况,包括为此改进按性别和年龄分列的数据的收集、分析和报告工作,同时特别考虑到各国所提供的资料;", "27个 8. 敦促会员国继续预防、调查和起诉人道主义紧急情况中发生的性暴力和基于性别的暴力行为,吁请会员国和相关组织加强对此类暴力行为受害者的支助服务,并呼吁在这方面采取更有效的对策;", "28岁 5. 注意到会员国特别是发展中国家和国际人道主义反应系统在有效应对所有人道主义紧急情况,特别是资金不足和被遗忘的紧急情况方面面临越来越多的挑战,并在此方面强调必须加强现有和建立新的伙伴关系,加强筹资机制,扩大捐助基础并让其他伙伴参与,以确保为提供人道主义援助提供足够的资源;", "29. 国家 5. 鼓励会员国、私营部门、民间社会和其他相关实体根据评估的需要,并按比例向人道主义筹资机制,包括联合呼吁和紧急呼吁、中央应急基金和其他基金提供捐款,并考虑增加捐款和使其多样化,以此确保提供灵活、可预见、及时、基于需要的资源,并在可能的情况下提供多年期、不指定用途的额外资源来应对全球人道主义挑战,鼓励捐助者遵守良好的人道主义捐助原则,[6] 并重申为人道主义援助提供捐款的方式不应损害为国际发展合作提供的资源;", "30岁。 5. 确认备灾工作是一项长期投资,有助于实现人道主义和发展目标,包括减少人道主义应急需求,因此还鼓励会员国和其他相关行为体为备灾活动提供有效、可预测、灵活和充足的资金,并着重指出国际备灾工作会加强国家和地方的应急能力,并支助现有的国家和地方机构;", "31岁 4. 请秘书长在向经济及社会理事会和大会提交的关于加强联合国紧急人道主义援助的协调的下一份报告中反映本决议的执行和后续行动方面取得的进展。", "[1] A/66/81-E/2011/117。", "[2] 《2005-2015年兵库行动框架》: 减少灾害问题世界会议通过的《建立国家和社区的抗灾能力》(A/CONF.206/6和Corr.1,第一章,决议2)。", "[3] 可查阅。", "[4] 联合国,《条约汇编》,第75卷,第970-973号。", "[5] 同上,第75卷,第973号。", "[6] 见A/58/99-E/2003/94,附件二。" ]
[ "Provisional agenda for the 6579th meeting of the Security Council", "To be held on Monday, 11 July 2011, at 1.15 p.m.", "1. Adoption of the agenda.", "2. Reports of the Secretary-General on the Sudan." ]
[ "安全理事会第6579次会议临时议程", "定于2011年7月11日星期一下午1时15分举行", "1. 通过议程。", "2. 秘书长关于苏丹的报告。" ]
[ "安全理事会第6579次会议临时议程", "定于2011年7月11日星期一下午1时15分举行", "1. 联合国 1. 通过议程。", "2. 秘书长关于苏丹的报告。" ]
[ "Draft resolution", "The Security Council,", "Recalling its resolutions and statements of its President concerning Sudan, including resolutions 1590 (2005), 1627 (2005), 1663 (2006), 1706 (2006), 1709 (2006), 1714 (2006), 1755 (2007), 1812 (2008), 1870 (2009), 1919 (2010) and 1978 (2011),", "Taking note of the Letter dated 27 may 2011 from the Minister for Foreign affairs of the Sudan to the Secretary-General, transmitted to the Security Council on 31 May (S/2011/333), informing the President of the Security Council of his Government’s wish to terminate UNMIS on 9 July,", "Reaffirming its commitment to the sovereignty, unity, territorial integrity and political independence of Sudan and South Sudan, and to the cause of peace in the region,", "Emphasizing the need for the orderly withdrawal of UNMIS following the termination of the Mission’s mandate on 9 July 2011,", "Having examined the report of the Secretary-General (S/2011/314) of 17 May 2011,", "1. Decides to withdraw UNMIS effective 11 July 2011;", "2. Calls upon the Secretary-General to complete withdrawal of all uniformed and civilian UNMIS personnel, other than those required for the mission’s liquidation, by 31 August 2011;", "3. Requests that the Secretary-General transfer appropriate staff, equipment, supplies and other assets from the UN Mission in Sudan (UNMIS) to UNMISS and UNISFA, together with appropriate staff and logistics necessary for achieving the new scope of functions to be performed;", "4. Requests the Government of Sudan to fully respect all provisions of the Status of Forces Agreement (SOFA) of 28 December 2005, and in particular to guarantee unimpeded access by the United Nations to United Nations premises, which shall remain under the exclusive control and authority of the United Nations, ensure full freedom of movement of UNMIS, its members and its contractors as well as of their vehicles and aircraft, authorising the redeployment within Sudan and the unimpeded export by the United Nations of its equipment, supplies and other assets, and to grant exemptions from all taxes, fees, charges and other duties as provided under the Agreement and its Amendment, until the final departure of all its military and civilian personnel from Sudan;", "5. Underscores the need for a smooth transition from UNMIS to UNISFA and to UNMISS;", "6. Requests the Secretary-General to consult with the parties, the African Union High-level Implementation Panel, and other partners, and present to the Security Council options for UN support to new security arrangements in Blue Nile and Southern Kordofan States in line with the June 28 Framework Agreement between the Government of Sudan and the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement (North) on Political and Security Arrangements in Blue Nile and Southern Kordofan States, and expresses its readiness to continue current UN operations in these states, with the consent of the parties, until those new security arrangements have been implemented;", "7. Decides to remain actively seized of the matter." ]
[ "决议草案", "安全理事会,", "回顾其关于苏丹的各项决议和主席声明,包括第1590(2005)号、第1627 (2005)号、第1663(2006)号、第1706(2006)号、第1709(2006)号、第1714(2006)号、第1755(2007)号、第1812(2008)号、第1870(2009)号、第1919(2010)号和第1978(2011)号决议,", "注意到2011年5月27日苏丹外交部长给秘书长,并于5月31日转递安全理事会的信(S/2011/333),信中通知安全理事会主席,苏丹政府希望从7月9日起终止联苏特派团,", "重申其对苏丹和南苏丹主权、统一、领土完整和政治独立以及该区域和平事业的承诺,", "强调在联苏特派团的任务于2011年7月9日终止后特派团必须有序撤离,", "审查了2011年5月17日秘书长的报告(S/2011/314),", "1. 决定自2011年7月11日起撤出联苏特派团;", "2. 吁请秘书长至迟于2011年8月31日完成撤出联苏特派团的所有军警人员和文职人员,但特派团清理结束所需人员除外;", "3. 请秘书长将联合国苏丹特派团(联苏特派团)的适当人员、设备、用品和其他资产,连同为履行新范围的职能所需适当人员和物资,转交南苏丹援助团和联阿安全部队;", "4. 请苏丹政府全面遵守2005年12月28日部队地位协定的所有规定,特别是:保证联合国不受阻碍地进入联合国房地,并且该房地应完全由联合国控制和管辖;确保联苏特派团、其成员和承包商的行动自由及其车辆和飞机的自由通行,授权联合国在苏丹境内重新调配并不受阻碍地运出其设备、用品和其他资产;按照协定及其修正案的规定免除一切税收、费用、收费和其他税费,直到特派团所有军事和文职人员最后离开苏丹;", "5. 强调需要从联苏特派团向联阿安全部队和南苏丹援助团平稳过渡;", "6. 请秘书长征求有关各方、非洲联盟高级别执行小组和其他合作伙伴的意见,向安全理事会提出联合国根据苏丹政府与苏丹人民解放运动北部分支6月28日签署的关于青尼罗州和南科尔多凡州政治和安全安排的《框架协议》,为青尼罗州和南科尔多凡州新的安全安排提供支持的可选办法,并表示一经各方同意,随时准备继续开展目前在这两个州进行的联合国行动,直到这些新的安全安排得到执行;", "7. 决定继续积极处理此案。" ]
[ "决议草案", "安全理事会,", "回顾其关于苏丹的各项决议和主席声明,包括第1590(2005)号、第1627(2005)号、第1663(2006)号、第1706(2006)号、第1709(2006)号、第1714(2006)号、第1755(2007)号、第1812(2008)号、第1870(2009)号、第1919(2010)号和第1978(2011)号决议,", "注意到5月31日转递给安全理事会的2011年5月27日苏丹外交部长给秘书长的信(S/2011/333),通知安全理事会主席苏丹政府希望于7月9日终止联苏特派团,", "重申对苏丹和南苏丹主权、统一、领土完整和政治独立以及对该区域和平事业的承诺,", "强调联苏特派团需要于2011年7月9日结束任务后有序撤出,", "审查了秘书长2011年5月17日的报告(S/2011/314),", "1. 联合国 1. 决定自2011年7月11日起撤出联苏特派团;", "2. 联合国 5. 吁请秘书长在2011年8月31日前撤出联苏特派团所有军警人员和文职人员,但特派团清理结束所需人员除外;", "3个 请秘书长从联合国苏丹特派团(联苏特派团)向南苏丹特派团和联阿安全部队移交适当的工作人员、设备、用品和其他资产,并移交必要的适当工作人员和后勤,以履行新的职能;", " 4.四. 3. 请苏丹政府充分尊重2005年12月28日《部队地位协定》的所有规定,特别是保证联合国不受阻碍地进入联合国房地,这些房地仍由联合国独家控制和管辖,确保联苏特派团、其成员及其承包商及其车辆和飞机的充分行动自由,授权在苏丹境内重新部署并允许联合国不受阻碍地出口其设备、用品和其他资产,并允许其所有军事和文职人员在最后离开苏丹之前免除《协定》及其修正案规定的所有税收、费用、收费和其他职责;", "5 (韩语). 2. 强调需要从联苏特派团向联阿安全部队和南苏丹特派团平稳过渡;", "6. 国家 请秘书长同双方、非洲联盟高级别执行小组和其他伙伴协商,并向安全理事会提出联合国根据6月28日《苏丹政府与苏丹人民解放运动(北方)关于青尼罗州和南科尔多凡州政治和安全安排的框架协定》向青尼罗州和南科尔多凡州的新安全安排提供支助的备选方案,并表示愿意在征得双方同意后,继续在这些州开展目前的联合国行动,直至这些新的安全安排得到实施;", "7. 联合国 7. 决定继续积极处理此案。" ]
[ "Resolution 1997 (2011)", "Adopted by the Security Council at its 6579th meeting, on 11 July 2011", "The Security Council,", "Recalling its resolutions and statements of its President concerning Sudan, including resolutions 1590 (2005), 1627 (2005), 1663 (2006), 1706 (2006), 1709 (2006), 1714 (2006), 1755 (2007), 1812 (2008), 1870 (2009), 1919 (2010) and 1978 (2011),", "Taking note of the Letter dated 27 may 2011 from the Minister for Foreign affairs of the Sudan to the Secretary-General, transmitted to the Security Council on 31 May (S/2011/333), informing the President of the Security Council of his Government’s wish to terminate UNMIS on 9 July,", "Reaffirming its commitment to the sovereignty, unity, territorial integrity and political independence of Sudan and South Sudan, and to the cause of peace in the region,", "Emphasizing the need for the orderly withdrawal of UNMIS following the termination of the Mission’s mandate on 9 July 2011,", "Having examined the report of the Secretary-General (S/2011/314) of 17 May 2011,", "1. Decides to withdraw UNMIS effective 11 July 2011;", "2. Calls upon the Secretary-General to complete withdrawal of all uniformed and civilian UNMIS personnel, other than those required for the mission’s liquidation, by 31 August 2011;", "3. Requests that the Secretary-General transfer appropriate staff, equipment, supplies and other assets from the UN Mission in Sudan (UNMIS) to UNMISS and UNISFA, together with appropriate staff and logistics necessary for achieving the new scope of functions to be performed;", "4. Requests the Government of Sudan to fully respect all provisions of the Status of Forces Agreement (SOFA) of 28 December 2005, and in particular to guarantee unimpeded access by the United Nations to United Nations premises, which shall remain under the exclusive control and authority of the United Nations, ensure full freedom of movement of UNMIS, its members and its contractors as well as of their vehicles and aircraft, authorising the redeployment within Sudan and the unimpeded export by the United Nations of its equipment, supplies and other assets, and to grant exemptions from all taxes, fees, charges and other duties as provided under the Agreement and its Amendment, until the final departure of all its military and civilian personnel from Sudan;", "5. Underscores the need for a smooth transition from UNMIS to UNISFA and to UNMISS;", "6. Requests the Secretary-General to consult with the parties, the African Union High-level Implementation Panel, and other partners, and present to the Security Council options for UN support to new security arrangements in Blue Nile and Southern Kordofan States in line with the June 28 Framework Agreement between the Government of Sudan and the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement (North) on Political and Security Arrangements in Blue Nile and Southern Kordofan States, and expresses its readiness to continue current UN operations in these states, with the consent of the parties, until those new security arrangements have been implemented;", "7. Decides to remain actively seized of the matter." ]
[ "第1997(2011)号决议", "安全理事会2011年7月11日第6579次会议通过", "安全理事会,", "回顾其关于苏丹的各项决议和主席声明,包括第1590(2005)号、第1627 (2005)号、第1663(2006)号、第1706(2006)号、第1709(2006)号、第1714(2006)号、第1755(2007)号、第1812(2008)号、第1870(2009)号、第1919(2010)号和第1978(2011)号决议,", "注意到2011年5月27日苏丹外交部长给秘书长,并于5月31日转递安全理事会的信(S/2011/333),信中通知安全理事会主席,苏丹政府希望从7月9日起终止联苏特派团,", "重申其对苏丹和南苏丹主权、统一、领土完整和政治独立以及该区域和平事业的承诺,", "强调联苏特派团需要在特派团任务于2011年7月9日终止后有序撤离,", "审查了2011年5月17日秘书长的报告(S/2011/314),", "1. 决定自2011年7月11日起撤出联苏特派团;", "2. 吁请秘书长至迟于2011年8月31日完成撤出联苏特派团的所有军警人员和文职人员,但特派团清理结束所需人员除外;", "3. 请秘书长将联合国苏丹特派团(联苏特派团)的适当人员、设备、用品和其他资产,连同为履行新范围的职能所需适当人员和物资,转交南苏丹特派团和联阿安全部队;", "4. 请苏丹政府全面遵守2005年12月28日部队地位协定的所有规定,特别是:保证联合国不受阻碍地进入应完全由联合国控制和管辖的联合国房地;确保联苏特派团、其成员和承包商的行动自由及其车辆和飞机的自由通行,授权联合国在苏丹境内重新调配并不受阻碍地运出其设备、用品和其他资产;按照协定及其修正案的规定免除一切税收、费用、收费和其他税费,直到特派团所有军事和文职人员最后离开苏丹;", "5. 强调需要从联苏特派团向联阿安全部队和南苏丹特派团平稳过渡;", "6. 请秘书长征求有关各方、非洲联盟高级别执行小组和其他合作伙伴的意见,向安全理事会提出联合国根据苏丹政府与苏丹人民解放运动北部分支6月28日签署的关于青尼罗州和南科尔多凡州政治和安全安排的《框架协议》,为青尼罗州和南科尔多凡州新的安全安排提供支持的可选办法,并表示随时准备在各方同意后,继续联合国目前在这两个州开展的行动,直到这些新的安全安排得到执行;", "7. 决定继续积极处理此案。" ]
[ "第1997(2011)号决议", "2011年7月11日安全理事会第6579次会议通过", "安全理事会,", "回顾其关于苏丹的各项决议和主席声明,包括第1590(2005)号、第1627(2005)号、第1663(2006)号、第1706(2006)号、第1709(2006)号、第1714(2006)号、第1755(2007)号、第1812(2008)号、第1870(2009)号、第1919(2010)号和第1978(2011)号决议,", "注意到5月31日转递给安全理事会的2011年5月27日苏丹外交部长给秘书长的信(S/2011/333),通知安全理事会主席苏丹政府希望于7月9日终止联苏特派团,", "重申对苏丹和南苏丹主权、统一、领土完整和政治独立以及对该区域和平事业的承诺,", "强调联苏特派团需要于2011年7月9日结束任务后有序撤出,", "审查了秘书长2011年5月17日的报告(S/2011/314),", "1. 联合国 1. 决定自2011年7月11日起撤出联苏特派团;", "2. 联合国 5. 吁请秘书长在2011年8月31日前撤出联苏特派团所有军警人员和文职人员,但特派团清理结束所需人员除外;", "3个 请秘书长从联合国苏丹特派团(联苏特派团)向南苏丹特派团和联阿安全部队移交适当的工作人员、设备、用品和其他资产,并移交必要的适当工作人员和后勤,以履行新的职能;", " 4.四. 3. 请苏丹政府充分尊重2005年12月28日《部队地位协定》的所有规定,特别是保证联合国不受阻碍地进入联合国房地,这些房地仍由联合国独家控制和管辖,确保联苏特派团、其成员及其承包商及其车辆和飞机的充分行动自由,授权在苏丹境内重新部署并允许联合国不受阻碍地出口其设备、用品和其他资产,并允许其所有军事和文职人员在最后离开苏丹之前免除《协定》及其修正案规定的所有税收、费用、收费和其他职责;", "5 (韩语). 2. 强调需要从联苏特派团向联阿安全部队和南苏丹特派团平稳过渡;", "6. 国家 请秘书长同双方、非洲联盟高级别执行小组和其他伙伴协商,并向安全理事会提出联合国根据6月28日《苏丹政府与苏丹人民解放运动(北方)关于青尼罗州和南科尔多凡州政治和安全安排的框架协定》向青尼罗州和南科尔多凡州的新安全安排提供支助的备选方案,并表示愿意在征得双方同意后,继续在这些州开展目前的联合国行动,直至这些新的安全安排得到实施;", "7. 联合国 7. 决定继续积极处理此案。" ]
[ "Seventeenth session", "Kingston, Jamaica", "11-22 July 2011", "Report and recommendations to the Council of the International Seabed Authority relating to an application for approval of a plan of work for exploration for polymetallic sulphides by the Government of the Russian Federation", "Submitted by the Legal and Technical Commission", "I. Introduction", "1. On 24 December 2010, the Secretary-General of the International Seabed Authority received an application for the approval of a plan of work for exploration for polymetallic sulphides in the Area. The application was submitted pursuant to the Regulations on prospecting and exploration for polymetallic sulphides in the Area (ISBA/16/A/12/Rev.1, annex) by the Government of the Russian Federation. The area under application consists of 100 blocks measuring approximately 10 kilometres by 10 kilometres each which are grouped into seven clusters, each containing from 8 to 36 blocks. The clusters are not contiguous but proximate and confined within a rectangular area covering 216,622 square kilometres.", "2. In accordance with regulation 22 (c) of the Regulations, on 18 January 2011, the Secretary-General notified all members of the Authority of the receipt of the application and circulated information of a general nature concerning the application. In accordance with regulation 23, the Secretary-General further informed the members of the Legal and Technical Commission, by letter dated 19 January 2011, of the receipt of that application and that the application had been placed as an item on the agenda of the Commission at its next meeting.", "II. Methodology and consideration of the application by the Legal and Technical Commission", "A. General methodology applied by the Commission in consideration of the application", "3. In its consideration of the application, the Commission noted that, in keeping with the scheme established in annex III, article 6, of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, it was first required to make an objective determination as to whether the applicant had fulfilled the requirements contained in the Regulations, particularly with respect to the form of applications; whether the applicant had provided the necessary undertakings and assurances specified in regulation 15; and whether it had the necessary financial and technical capability to carry out the proposed plan of work for exploration and, as applicable, had satisfactorily discharged its obligations under any previous contract with the Authority. The Commission is then required to determine, in accordance with regulation 23 (4) of the Regulations and its procedure, whether the proposed plan of work will provide for effective protection of human health and safety and effective protection and preservation of the marine environment and will ensure that installations are not established where interference may be caused to the use of recognized sea lanes essential to international navigation or in areas of intense fishing activity. Regulation 23 (5) provides that:", "If the Commission makes the determinations specified in paragraph 3 and determines that the proposed plan of work for exploration meets the requirements of paragraph 4, the Commission shall recommend approval of the plan of work for exploration to the Council.", "4. In considering the proposed plan of work for exploration, the Commission had regard to the principles, policies and objectives relating to activities in the Area as provided for in part XI and annex III of the Convention and in the Agreement relating to the Implementation of Part XI of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea of 10 December 1982, in accordance with regulation 23 (10) of the Regulations.", "B. Consideration of the application", "5. The Commission considered the application in closed meetings on 8 July 2011.", "6. Prior to commencing a detailed examination of the application, the Commission invited the applicant’s representative, Sergei Efimovich Donskoi, Deputy Minister, accompanied by Mikhail Sergeev, Chief Geologist of the Polar Marine Geosurvey Expedition, and Georgy Cherkashov, Deputy Director of the VNIIOkeangeologia, to make a presentation of the application. Members of the Commission then asked questions to clarify certain aspects of the application before convening in closed session to examine the application in detail.", "III. Summary of basic information regarding the application", "A. Identification of the applicant", "7. Name of applicant: Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Russian Federation.", "8. Address of applicant:", "(a) Street address: Russia, 123995, Moscow, Bolshaya Gruzinskaya Street, 4/6.", "(b) Postal address: Russia, 123995, Moscow, Bolshaya Gruzinskaya Street, 4/6.", "(c) Telephone number: 7 499 254 48 00, 7 499 254 01 74, 7 499 254 81 55;", "(d) Fax number: 7 499 254 43 10, 7 499 254 66 10, 7 499 254 33 61;", "(e) E-mail address:,", "9. Applicant’s designated representative:", "(a) Sergei Efimovich Donskoi, Deputy Minister for Natural Resources and Ecology.", "(b) Street address of applicant’s designated representative: as above;", "(c) Postal address: as above;", "(d) Telephone number: 7 499 254 03 66;", "(e) Fax number: 7 499 254 43 10, 7 499 254 66 10;", "(f) E-mail address:", "10. Applicant’s place of registration and principal place of business/domicile: Russia, 123995, Moscow, Bolshaya Gruzinskaya Street, 4/6.", "11. The applicant is a State party to the Convention.", "12. Date of deposit of instrument of ratification by the Russian Federation of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea: 12 March 1997; date of the accession to the Agreement relating to the Implementation of Part XI of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea of 10 December 1982: 12 March 1997.", "B. Area of application", "13. The application area is located in the central part of the Atlantic Ocean in the axial zone of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. It includes 100 blocks measuring approximately 10 kilometres by 10 kilometres each but not exceeding 100 square kilometres. The blocks under application are grouped into seven clusters each containing from 8 to 36 blocks. The clusters of blocks of polymetallic sulphides are not contiguous but are proximate and confined within a rectangular area covering 216,622 square kilometres. The longest side of the rectangular area is 897 kilometres. The coordinates and general location of the areas under application are shown in the annex to the present document.", "C. Other information", "14. Date of receipt of application: 24 December 2010.", "15. Previous contracts with the Authority: the applicant has not been previously awarded any contract with the Authority.", "16. Undertakings: the applicant attached a written undertaking dated 29 October 2010 and signed by the Deputy Minister, S. E. Donskoi, in compliance with regulation 15 of the Regulations.", "17. The applicant elects to offer an equity interest in a joint venture arrangement in accordance with regulation 19.", "18. The applicant has paid a fee of $500,000 for its application in accordance with regulation 21 (1) (a) of the Regulations.", "IV. Examination of information and technical data submitted by the applicant", "19. The following technical documents were submitted in the application:", "(a) Certificate of sponsorship issued by the applicant;", "(b) Information relating to the area under application:", "(i) Chart of the location of the blocks;", "(ii) A list of the coordinates of the corners of blocks under application;", "(c) Information to enable the Council to determine whether the applicant is financially capable of carrying out the proposed plan of work for exploration;", "(d) Information to enable the Council to determine whether the applicant is technically capable of carrying out the proposed plan of work for exploration;", "(e) Indicative plan of work for exploration;", "(f) Training programme;", "(g) Written undertakings by the applicant;", "(h) Document designating the Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology as the representative of the applicant and authorizing him to sign the application for approval of the plan of work for exploration.", "V. Consideration of financial and technical qualifications of the applicant", "A. Financial capacity", "20. In evaluating the financial capacity of the applicant, the Commission noted that the applicant had declared its financial capacity to carry out the proposed plan of work for exploration and to fulfil its financial obligations to the Authority. The Commission was provided with a statement dated 29 October 2010 and signed by the designated representative of the applicant, certifying that the applicant would have the necessary funds to meet the estimated minimum expenditures under the proposed plan of work and to fulfil its financial obligations.", "B. Technical capacity", "21. The Commission was provided with technical information in relation to the applicant’s experience and skills in the field of scientific research on polymetallic sulphide deposits. The applicant further stated that specialized Russian institutes and the Russian Academy of Sciences had been conducting marine scientific studies of polymetallic sulphides in the Area since 1993. Moreover, in recent years, the applicant itself has carried out studies of the ore-bearing capacity of the axial zone of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, including the location of the proposed application area, almost every year.", "22. The Commission was provided with information related to the prevention, reduction and control of hazards and possible impact to the marine environment. This included the description of a plan for a programme for oceanographic and environmental studies at sites adjacent to the sites of pilot mining on inactive ore sites. In addition, the applicant proposed to conduct environmental studies at active sites inhabited by hydrothermal fauna. This is to ensure that the exploration activities will have minimal impact on the marine environment. It enclosed a plan of action to take necessary measures to prevent, reduce and control pollution and other hazards to the marine environment arising from the exploration activities. It also enclosed a description of a monitoring programme and proposed measures for the prevention, reduction and control of pollution and other hazards, as well as their possible impact, in the marine environment. The applicant also stated that it welcomed the participation of the Authority and the international scientific community in the development of the parameters and guidelines for the establishment of environmental baselines during the exploration phase.", "VI. Consideration of data and information submitted for approval of the plan of work for exploration", "23. In accordance with regulation 20 of the Regulations, the applicant submitted the following information for approval of the plan of work for exploration:", "(a) A general description and a schedule of the proposed exploration programme, including the programme of activities for the immediate five-year period, such as studies to be undertaken in respect of the environmental, technical, economic and other appropriate factors that must be taken into account in exploration;", "(b) An undertaking to provide a description of the programme for oceanographic and environmental baseline studies in accordance with the Regulations and any environmental rules, regulations and procedures established by the Authority. Such studies would enable an assessment of the potential environmental impact including, but not restricted to, the impact on biodiversity of the proposed exploration activities, taking into account any recommendations issued by the Legal and Technical Commission;", "(c) A preliminary assessment of the possible impact of the proposed exploration activities on the marine environment;", "(d) A description of proposed measures for the prevention, reduction and control of pollution and other hazards, as well as possible impact, to the marine environment;", "(e) Data necessary for the Council to make the determination it is required to make in accordance with regulation 13 (1);", "(f) A schedule of anticipated yearly expenditures in respect of the programme of activities for the first five-year period.", "24. The Commission was satisfied that the information presented met the requirements of the Regulations and noted that it looked forward to the submission of reports, including relevant data, by the applicant as required by the Regulations and any recommendations for guidance to be issued by the Commission in due course. The Commission also acknowledged with appreciation that, in response to questions by the Commission, the applicant’s representatives had indicated their willingness to provide the Authority with access to extensive historical data sets from marine scientific research conducted by the Russian Federation over many years on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge.", "VII. Training programme", "25. The applicant indicated that, in accordance with regulation 29 and of annex 4, section 8, of the Regulations, the contractor will develop training programmes in cooperation with the Authority and will submit the programmes to the Authority for approval.", "VIII. Conclusion and recommendations", "26. Having examined the particulars submitted by the applicant, which are summarized in sections III to VII above, the Commission is satisfied that the application has been duly submitted in accordance with the Regulations and that the applicant is a qualified applicant within the meaning of annex III, article 4, of the Convention. The Commission is further satisfied that the applicant:", "(a) Has complied with the provisions of the Regulations;", "(b) Has given the undertakings and assurances specified in regulation 15 of the Regulations;", "(c) Possesses the financial and technical capability to carry out the proposed plan of work for exploration.", "27. The Commission is satisfied that none of the conditions in regulation 23 (6) of the Regulations apply.", "28. With respect to the proposed plan of work for exploration, the Commission is satisfied that the proposed plan of work for exploration will:", "(a) Provide for effective protection of human health and safety;", "(b) Provide for effective protection and preservation of the marine environment;", "(c) Ensure that installations are not established where interference may be caused to the use of recognized sea lanes essential to international navigation or in areas of intense fishing activity.", "29. Accordingly, pursuant to regulation 23 (5), the Commission recommends to the Council that the plan of work for exploration for polymetallic sulphides submitted by the Government of the Russian Federation be approved.", "Annex", "List of coordinates and map of general location of the area under application", "Blocknumber\tLongitude\tLatitude\tLongitude(decimaldegrees)\tLatitude(decimal\tAreakm² \n degrees) \n1\t45° 43'22.26\" W\t20° 49'24.82\" N\t-45.72285132\t20.82356118\t100\n\t45° 43'23.82\" W 20° 54'50.08\" N\t-45.72328349\t20.91391182\n\t45° 49'8.22\" W 20° 49'23.26\" N\t-45.81894965\t20.82312901\n\t45° 49'9.98\" W 20° 54'48.52\" N\t-45.81943926\t20.91347761\n2\t45° 37'36.30\" W\t20° 49'26.18\" N\t-45.62675069\t20.82393949\t100\n\t45° 37'37.65\" W 20° 54'51.45\" N\t-45.62712542\t20.91429192\n\t45° 43'22.26\" W 20° 49'24.82\" N\t-45.72285132\t20.82356118\n\t45° 43'23.82\" W 20° 54'50.08\" N\t-45.72328349\t20.91391182\n3\t45° 43'20.72\" W\t20° 43'59.55\" N\t-45.72242145\t20.73320958\t100\n\t45° 43'22.26\" W 20° 49'24.82\" N\t-45.72285132\t20.82356118\n\t45° 49'6.47\" W 20° 43'58.01\" N\t-45.81846264\t20.73277945\n\t45° 49'8.22\" W 20° 49'23.26\" N\t-45.81894965\t20.82312901\n4\t45° 37'34.96\" W\t20° 44'0.91\" N\t-45.62637796\t20.7335861\t100\n\t45° 37'36.30\" W 20° 49'26.18\" N\t-45.62675069\t20.82393949\n\t45° 43'20.72\" W 20° 43'59.55\" N\t-45.72242145\t20.73320958\n\t45° 43'22.26\" W 20° 49'24.82\" N\t-45.72285132\t20.82356118\n5\t45° 43'19.18\" W\t20° 38'34.29\" N\t-45.72199387\t20.64285702\t100\n\t45° 43'20.72\" W 20° 43'59.55\" N\t-45.72242145\t20.73320958\n\t45° 49'4.72\" W 20° 38'32.74\" N\t-45.81797823\t20.64242893\n\t45° 49'6.47\" W 20° 43'58.01\" N\t-45.81846264\t20.73277945\n6\t45° 49'2.99\" W\t20° 33'7.48\" N\t-45.81749642\t20.55207746\t100\n\t45° 49'4.72\" W 20° 38'32.74\" N\t-45.81797823\t20.64242893\n\t45° 54'48.32\" W 20° 33'5.75\" N\t-45.91342167\t20.55159832\n\t45° 54'50.26\" W 20° 38'31.01\" N\t-45.91396001\t20.6419475\n7\t45° 43'17.65\" W\t20° 33'9.01\" N\t-45.72156858\t20.55250351\t100\n\t45° 43'19.18\" W 20° 38'34.29\" N\t-45.72199387\t20.64285702\n\t45° 49'2.99\" W 20° 33'7.48\" N\t-45.81749642\t20.55207746\n\t45° 49'4.72\" W 20° 38'32.74\" N\t-45.81797823\t20.64242893\n8\t45° 37'30.98\" W\t20° 27'45.07\" N\t-45.62527168\t20.46252021\t100\n\t45° 37'32.30\" W 20° 33'10.36\" N\t-45.62563846\t20.55287645\n\t45° 43'16.12\" W 20° 27'43.74\" N\t-45.72114557\t20.46214904\n\t45° 43'17.65\" W 20° 33'9.01\" N\t-45.72156858\t20.55250351\n9\t45° 31'45.82\" W\t20° 27'46.22\" N\t-45.52939581\t20.46283852\t100\n\t45° 31'46.94\" W 20° 33'11.51\" N\t-45.52970635\t20.55319629\n\t45° 37'30.98\" W 20° 27'45.07\" N\t-45.62527168\t20.46252021\n\t45° 37'32.30\" W 20° 33'10.36\" N\t-45.62563846\t20.55287645\n10\t45° 43'10.11\" W\t20° 6'2.60\" N\t-45.71947625\t20.10072176\t100\n\t45° 43'11.60\" W 20° 11'27.89\" N\t-45.71989019\t20.19107999\n\t45° 48'54.45\" W 20° 6'1.10\" N\t-45.815126\t20.10030588\n\t45° 48'56.14\" W 20° 11'26.38\" N\t-45.81559495\t20.19066208\n11\t45° 37'25.77\" W\t20° 6'3.91\" N\t-45.62382425\t20.10108582\t100\n\t45° 37'27.06\" W 20° 11'29.20\" N\t-45.62418316\t20.19144582\n\t45° 43'10.11\" W 20° 6'2.60\" N\t-45.71947625\t20.10072176\n\t45° 43'11.60\" W 20° 11'27.89\" N\t-45.71989019\t20.19107999\n12\t45° 31'41.41\" W\t20° 6'5.03\" N\t-45.52817029\t20.10139803\t100\n\t45° 31'42.51\" W 20° 11'30.33\" N\t-45.52847418\t20.19175955\n\t45° 37'25.77\" W 20° 6'3.91\" N\t-45.62382425\t20.10108582\n\t45° 37'27.06\" W 20° 11'29.20\" N\t-45.62418316\t20.19144582\n13\t46° 0'21.03\" W\t20° 0'32.28\" N\t-46.00584173\t20.0089663\t100\n\t46° 0'23.10\" W 20° 5'57.55\" N\t-46.00641754\t20.09931863\n\t46° 6'5.14\" W 20° 0'30.23\" N\t-46.10142823\t20.00839773\n\t46° 6'7.41\" W 20° 5'55.49\" N\t-46.10205874\t20.09874727\n14\t45° 54'36.91\" W\t20° 0'34.14\" N\t-45.91025209\t20.00948331\t100\n\t45° 54'38.78\" W 20° 5'59.42\" N\t-45.9107732\t20.09983816\n\t46° 0'21.03\" W 20° 0'32.28\" N\t-46.00584173\t20.0089663\n\t46° 0'23.10\" W 20° 5'57.55\" N\t-46.00641754\t20.09931863\n15\t45° 43'10.11\" W\t20° 6'2.60\" N\t-45.71947625\t20.10072176\t100\n\t45° 43'8.63\" W 20° 0'37.31\" N\t-45.71906457\t20.0103626\n\t45° 48'52.77\" W 20° 0'35.82\" N\t-45.8146596\t20.00994874\n\t45° 48'54.45\" W 20° 6'1.10\" N\t-45.815126\t20.10030588\n16\t45° 37'24.48\" W\t20° 0'38.61\" N\t-45.62346729\t20.01072488\t100\n\t45° 37'25.77\" W 20° 6'3.91\" N\t-45.62382425\t20.10108582\n\t45° 43'10.11\" W 20° 6'2.60\" N\t-45.71947625\t20.10072176\n\t45° 43'8.63\" W 20° 0'37.31\" N\t-45.71906457\t20.0103626\n17\t45° 31'40.33\" W\t20° 0'39.73\" N\t-45.52786806\t20.01103557\t100\n\t45° 31'41.41\" W 20° 6'5.03\" N\t-45.52817029\t20.10139803\n\t45° 37'24.48\" W 20° 0'38.61\" N\t-45.62346729\t20.01072488\n\t45° 37'25.77\" W 20° 6'3.91\" N\t-45.62382425\t20.10108582\n18\t46° 0'18.97\" W\t19° 55'7.01\" N\t-46.00526906\t19.91861304\t100\n\t46° 0'21.03\" W 20° 0'32.28\" N\t-46.00584173\t20.0089663\n\t46° 6'2.88\" W 19° 55'4.97\" N\t-46.10080116\t19.91804724\n\t46° 6'5.14\" W 20° 0'30.23\" N\t-46.10142823\t20.00839773\n19\t45° 54'35.04\" W\t19° 55'8.86\" N\t-45.90973382\t19.91912752\t100\n\t45° 54'36.91\" W 20° 0'34.14\" N\t-45.91025209\t20.00948331\n\t46° 0'18.97\" W 19° 55'7.01\" N\t-46.00526906\t19.91861304\n\t46° 0'21.03\" W 20° 0'32.28\" N\t-46.00584173\t20.0089663\n20\t45° 43'7.16\" W\t19° 55'12.01\" N\t-45.71865513\t19.92000252\t100\n\t45° 43'8.63\" W 20° 0'37.31\" N\t-45.71906457\t20.0103626\n\t45° 48'51.10\" W 19° 55'10.53\" N\t-45.81419574\t19.91959068\n\t45° 48'52.77\" W 20° 0'35.82\" N\t-45.8146596\t20.00994874\n21\t46° 0'16.92\" W\t19° 49'41.73\" N\t-46.00469952\t19.82825884\t100\n\t46° 0'18.97\" W 19° 55'7.01\" N\t-46.00526906\t19.91861304\n\t46° 6'0.64\" W 19° 49'39.70\" N\t-46.10017753\t19.82769582\n\t46° 6'2.88\" W 19° 55'4.97\" N\t-46.10080116\t19.91804724\n22\t45° 54'33.19\" W\t19° 49'43.57\" N\t-45.90921839\t19.8287708\t100\n\t45° 54'35.04\" W 19° 55'8.86\" N\t-45.90973382\t19.91912752\n\t46° 0'16.92\" W 19° 49'41.73\" N\t-46.00469952\t19.82825884\n\t46° 0'18.97\" W 19° 55'7.01\" N\t-46.00526906\t19.91861304\n23\t45° 48'49.44\" W\t19° 49'45.23\" N\t-45.81373443\t19.82923168\t100\n\t45° 48'51.10\" W 19° 55'10.53\" N\t-45.81419574\t19.91959068\n\t45° 54'33.19\" W 19° 49'43.57\" N\t-45.90921839\t19.8287708\n\t45° 54'35.04\" W 19° 55'8.86\" N\t-45.90973382\t19.91912752\n24\t45° 43'5.69\" W\t19° 49'46.71\" N\t-45.71824793\t19.8296415\t100\n\t45° 43'7.16\" W 19° 55'12.01\" N\t-45.71865513\t19.92000252\n\t45° 48'49.44\" W 19° 49'45.23\" N\t-45.81373443\t19.82923168\n\t45° 48'51.10\" W 19° 55'10.53\" N\t-45.81419574\t19.91959068\n25\t45° 54'31.34\" W\t19° 44'18.29\" N\t-45.90870579\t19.73841315\t100\n\t45° 54'33.19\" W 19° 49'43.57\" N\t-45.90921839\t19.8287708\n\t46° 0'14.88\" W 19° 44'16.45\" N\t-46.00413311\t19.73790371\n\t46° 0'16.92\" W 19° 49'41.73\" N\t-46.00469952\t19.82825884\n26\t45° 48'47.79\" W\t19° 44'19.94\" N\t-45.81327564\t19.73887177\t100\n\t45° 48'49.44\" W 19° 49'45.23\" N\t-45.81373443\t19.82923168\n\t45° 54'31.34\" W 19° 44'18.29\" N\t-45.90870579\t19.73841315\n\t45° 54'33.19\" W 19° 49'43.57\" N\t-45.90921839\t19.8287708\n27\t46° 32'31.47\" W\t17° 56'42.38\" N\t-46.54207397\t17.94510591\t100\n\t46° 32'34.29\" W 18° 2'7.65\" N\t-46.54285927\t18.03545946\n\t46° 38'11.29\" W 17° 56'39.60\" N\t-46.63647011\t17.94433355\n\t46° 38'14.29\" W 18° 2'4.86\" N\t-46.63730342\t18.03468296\n28\t46° 26'51.62\" W\t17° 56'45.00\" N\t-46.44767323\t17.94583243\t100\n\t46° 26'54.28\" W 18° 2'10.28\" N\t-46.44841049\t18.03618989\n\t46° 32'31.47\" W 17° 56'42.38\" N\t-46.54207397\t17.94510591\n\t46° 32'34.29\" W 18° 2'7.65\" N\t-46.54285927\t18.03545946\n29\t46° 32'28.66\" W\t17° 51'17.11\" N\t-46.54129329\t17.85475148\t100\n\t46° 32'31.47\" W 17° 56'42.38\" N\t-46.54207397\t17.94510591\n\t46° 38'11.29\" W 17° 56'39.60\" N\t-46.63647011\t17.94433355\n\t46° 38'8.31\" W 17° 51'14.34\" N\t-46.63564169\t17.85398327\n30\t46° 26'48.99\" W\t17° 51'19.71\" N\t-46.4469403\t17.8554741\t100\n\t46° 26'51.62\" W 17° 56'45.00\" N\t-46.44767323\t17.94583243\n\t46° 32'28.66\" W 17° 51'17.11\" N\t-46.54129329\t17.85475148\n\t46° 32'31.47\" W 17° 56'42.38\" N\t-46.54207397\t17.94510591\n31\t46° 38'5.35\" W\t17° 45'49.08\" N\t-46.63481814\t17.76363211\t100\n\t46° 38'8.31\" W 17° 51'14.34\" N\t-46.63564169\t17.85398327\n\t46° 43'44.81\" W 17° 45'46.16\" N\t-46.72911421\t17.76282271\n\t46° 43'47.95\" W 17° 51'11.41\" N\t-46.7299852\t17.85316948\n32\t46° 26'46.36\" W\t17° 45'54.41\" N\t-46.44621168\t17.76511491\t100\n\t46° 26'48.99\" W 17° 51'19.71\" N\t-46.4469403\t17.8554741\n\t46° 32'25.86\" W 17° 45'51.83\" N\t-46.5405172\t17.76439618\n\t46° 32'28.66\" W 17° 51'17.11\" N\t-46.54129329\t17.85475148\n33\t46° 21'4.41\" W\t17° 40'31.53\" N\t-46.35122473\t17.67542459\t100\n\t46° 21'6.85\" W 17° 45'56.84\" N\t-46.35190185\t17.76578829\n\t46° 26'43.75\" W 17° 40'29.12\" N\t-46.44548737\t17.67475486\n\t46° 26'46.36\" W 17° 45'54.41\" N\t-46.44621168\t17.76511491\n34\t46° 21'1.99\" W\t17° 35'6.22\" N\t-46.35055163\t17.58506004\t100\n\t46° 21'4.41\" W 17° 40'31.53\" N\t-46.35122473\t17.67542459\n\t46° 26'41.16\" W 17° 35'3.82\" N\t-46.44476735\t17.58439395\n\t46° 26'43.75\" W 17° 40'29.12\" N\t-46.44548737\t17.67475486\n35\t46° 20'59.58\" W\t17° 29'40.90\" N\t-46.34988254\t17.49469464\t100\n\t46° 21'1.99\" W 17° 35'6.22\" N\t-46.35055163\t17.58506004\n\t46° 26'38.59\" W 17° 29'38.52\" N\t-46.44405162\t17.49403219\n\t46° 26'41.16\" W 17° 35'3.82\" N\t-46.44476735\t17.58439395\n36\t46° 26'28.43\" W\t17° 7'57.28\" N\t-46.44123135\t17.13257669\t100\n\t46° 26'30.95\" W 17° 13'22.59\" N\t-46.44193003\t17.22294183\n\t46° 32'6.76\" W 17° 7'54.79\" N\t-46.53521241\t17.13188512\n\t46° 32'9.44\" W 17° 13'20.09\" N\t-46.53595662\t17.22224639\n37\t46° 20'50.09\" W\t17° 7'59.61\" N\t-46.34724604\t17.13322462\t100\n\t46° 20'52.44\" W 17° 13'24.94\" N\t-46.3478992\t17.22359338\n\t46° 26'28.43\" W 17° 7'57.28\" N\t-46.44123135\t17.13257669\n\t46° 26'30.95\" W 17° 13'22.59\" N\t-46.44193003\t17.22294183\n38\t46° 26'25.93\" W\t17° 2'31.96\" N\t-46.4405369\t17.04221072\t100\n\t46° 26'28.43\" W 17° 7'57.28\" N\t-46.44123135\t17.13257669\n\t46° 32'4.10\" W 17° 2'29.48\" N\t-46.53447272\t17.04152301\n\t46° 32'6.76\" W 17° 7'54.79\" N\t-46.53521241\t17.13188512\n39\t46° 20'47.75\" W\t17° 2'34.28\" N\t-46.34659685\t17.04285504\t100\n\t46° 20'50.09\" W 17° 7'59.61\" N\t-46.34724604\t17.13322462\n\t46° 26'25.93\" W 17° 2'31.96\" N\t-46.4405369\t17.04221072\n\t46° 26'28.43\" W 17° 7'57.28\" N\t-46.44123135\t17.13257669\n40\t46° 26'23.45\" W\t16° 57'6.64\" N\t-46.43984667\t16.95184392\t100\n\t46° 26'25.93\" W 17° 2'31.96\" N\t-46.4405369\t17.04221072\n\t46° 32'1.46\" W 16° 57'4.18\" N\t-46.53373753\t16.95116008\n\t46° 32'4.10\" W 17° 2'29.48\" N\t-46.53447272\t17.04152301\n41\t46° 26'20.98\" W\t16° 51'41.31\" N\t-46.43916067\t16.8614763\t100\n\t46° 26'23.45\" W 16° 57'6.64\" N\t-46.43984667\t16.95184392\n\t46° 31'58.82\" W 16° 51'38.87\" N\t-46.53300683\t16.86079631\n\t46° 32'1.46\" W 16° 57'4.18\" N\t-46.53373753\t16.95116008\n42\t46° 31'56.21\" W\t16° 46'13.55\" N\t-46.53228062\t16.77043172\t100\n\t46° 31'58.82\" W 16° 51'38.87\" N\t-46.53300683\t16.86079631\n\t46° 37'33.88\" W 16° 46'10.97\" N\t-46.62607789\t16.76971292\n\t46° 37'36.65\" W 16° 51'36.26\" N\t-46.62684851\t16.86007342\n43\t46° 26'18.52\" W\t16° 46'15.99\" N\t-46.43847887\t16.77110785\t100\n\t46° 26'20.98\" W 16° 51'41.31\" N\t-46.43916067\t16.8614763\n\t46° 31'56.21\" W 16° 46'13.55\" N\t-46.53228062\t16.77043172\n\t46° 31'58.82\" W 16° 51'38.87\" N\t-46.53300683\t16.86079631\n44\t46° 31'53.61\" W\t16° 40'48.24\" N\t-46.53155887\t16.6800663\t100\n\t46° 31'56.21\" W 16° 46'13.55\" N\t-46.53228062\t16.77043172\n\t46° 37'31.12\" W 16° 40'45.67\" N\t-46.62531201\t16.6793516\n\t46° 37'33.88\" W 16° 46'10.97\" N\t-46.62607789\t16.76971292\n45\t46° 26'16.08\" W\t16° 40'50.66\" N\t-46.43780127\t16.68073859\t100\n\t46° 26'18.52\" W 16° 46'15.99\" N\t-46.43847887\t16.77110785\n\t46° 31'53.61\" W 16° 40'48.24\" N\t-46.53155887\t16.6800663\n\t46° 31'56.21\" W 16° 46'13.55\" N\t-46.53228062\t16.77043172\n46\t46° 26'13.66\" W\t16° 35'25.33\" N\t-46.43712787\t16.59036851\t100\n\t46° 26'16.08\" W 16° 40'50.66\" N\t-46.43780127\t16.68073859\n\t46° 31'51.03\" W 16° 35'22.92\" N\t-46.5308416\t16.58970007\n\t46° 31'53.61\" W 16° 40'48.24\" N\t-46.53155887\t16.6800663\n47\t46° 31'48.46\" W\t16° 29'57.60\" N\t-46.53012877\t16.49933302\t100\n\t46° 31'51.03\" W 16° 35'22.92\" N\t-46.5308416\t16.58970007\n\t46° 37'25.66\" W 16° 29'55.06\" N\t-46.62379446\t16.4986265\n\t46° 37'28.38\" W 16° 35'20.36\" N\t-46.62455087\t16.58898946\n48\t46° 37'17.59\" W\t16° 13'39.12\" N\t-46.62155346\t16.22753275\t100\n\t46° 37'20.26\" W 16° 19'4.43\" N\t-46.62229576\t16.31789814\n\t46° 42'54.31\" W 16° 13'36.47\" N\t-46.71508532\t16.22679727\n\t46° 42'57.13\" W 16° 19'1.77\" N\t-46.71587039\t16.31715834\n49\t46° 37'14.94\" W\t16° 8'13.80\" N\t-46.62081585\t16.13716657\t100\n\t46° 37'17.59\" W 16° 13'39.12\" N\t-46.62155346\t16.22753275\n\t46° 42'51.50\" W 16° 8'11.17\" N\t-46.71430521\t16.13643539\n\t46° 42'54.31\" W 16° 13'36.47\" N\t-46.71508532\t16.22679727\n50\t46° 37'12.30\" W\t16° 2'48.48\" N\t-46.62008291\t16.04679958\t100\n\t46° 37'14.94\" W 16° 8'13.80\" N\t-46.62081585\t16.13716657\n\t46° 42'48.71\" W 16° 2'45.86\" N\t-46.71353005\t16.04607272\n\t46° 42'51.50\" W 16° 8'11.17\" N\t-46.71430521\t16.13643539\n51\t46° 37'12.30\" W\t16° 2'48.48\" N\t-46.62008291\t16.04679958\t100\n\t46° 37'9.68\" W 15° 57'23.15\" N\t-46.61935464\t15.9564318\n\t46° 42'45.94\" W 15° 57'20.55\" N\t-46.71275981\t15.95570924\n\t46° 42'48.71\" W 16° 2'45.86\" N\t-46.71353005\t16.04607272\n52\t46° 31'33.40\" W\t15° 57'25.61\" N\t-46.5259448\t15.95711389\t100\n\t46° 31'35.87\" W 16° 2'50.95\" N\t-46.52663111\t16.04748573\n\t46° 37'12.30\" W 16° 2'48.48\" N\t-46.62008291\t16.04679958\n\t46° 37'9.68\" W 15° 57'23.15\" N\t-46.61935464\t15.9564318\n53\t46° 37'7.07\" W\t15° 51'57.83\" N\t-46.61863102\t15.86606323\t100\n\t46° 37'9.68\" W 15° 57'23.15\" N\t-46.61935464\t15.9564318\n\t46° 42'43.18\" W 15° 51'55.24\" N\t-46.7119945\t15.86534498\n\t46° 42'45.94\" W 15° 57'20.55\" N\t-46.71275981\t15.95570924\n54\t46° 31'30.95\" W\t15° 52'0.27\" N\t-46.52526288\t15.86674126\t100\n\t46° 31'33.40\" W 15° 57'25.61\" N\t-46.5259448\t15.95711389\n\t46° 37'7.07\" W 15° 51'57.83\" N\t-46.61863102\t15.86606323\n\t46° 37'9.68\" W 15° 57'23.15\" N\t-46.61935464\t15.9564318\n55\t46° 37'4.48\" W\t15° 46'32.50\" N\t-46.61791204\t15.77569388\t100\n\t46° 37'7.07\" W 15° 51'57.83\" N\t-46.61863102\t15.86606323\n\t46° 42'40.44\" W 15° 46'29.93\" N\t-46.71123411\t15.77497992\n\t46° 42'43.18\" W 15° 51'55.24\" N\t-46.7119945\t15.86534498\n56\t46° 31'28.51\" W\t15° 46'34.92\" N\t-46.52458534\t15.77636785\t100\n\t46° 31'30.95\" W 15° 52'0.27\" N\t-46.52526288\t15.86674126\n\t46° 37'4.48\" W 15° 46'32.50\" N\t-46.61791204\t15.77569388\n\t46° 37'7.07\" W 15° 51'57.83\" N\t-46.61863102\t15.86606323\n57\t44° 50'4.50\" W\t14° 58'37.23\" N\t-44.83458295\t14.97700737\t100\n\t44° 50'4.75\" W 14° 53'11.74\" N\t-44.83465211\t14.88659493\n\t44° 55'39.32\" W 14° 58'37.40\" N\t-44.92758961\t14.97705587\n\t44° 55'39.43\" W 14° 53'11.92\" N\t-44.92761989\t14.88664311\n58\t44° 55'39.43\" W\t14° 53'11.92\" N\t-44.92761989\t14.88664311\t100\n\t44° 55'39.54\" W 14° 47'46.43\" N\t-44.92764996\t14.79622965\n\t45° 1'14.09\" W 14° 47'46.46\" N\t-45.02057932\t14.79624008\n\t45° 1'14.12\" W 14° 53'11.95\" N\t-45.02058787\t14.88665361\n59\t44° 50'4.75\" W\t14° 53'11.74\" N\t-44.83465211\t14.88659493\t100\n\t44° 50'4.99\" W 14° 47'46.25\" N\t-44.8347208\t14.79618177\n\t44° 55'39.43\" W 14° 53'11.92\" N\t-44.92761989\t14.88664311\n\t44° 55'39.54\" W 14° 47'46.43\" N\t-44.92764996\t14.79622965\n60\t45° 1'14.05\" W\t14° 42'20.97\" N\t-45.02057082\t14.70582584\t100\n\t45° 1'14.09\" W 14° 47'46.46\" N\t-45.02057932\t14.79624008\n\t45° 6'48.46\" W 14° 42'20.88\" N\t-45.11346176\t14.705799\n\t45° 6'48.63\" W 14° 47'46.37\" N\t-45.11350862\t14.79621306\n61\t44° 55'39.54\" W\t14° 47'46.43\" N\t-44.92764996\t14.79622965\t100\n\t44° 55'39.65\" W 14° 42'20.94\" N\t-44.92767983\t14.70581548\n\t45° 1'14.05\" W 14° 42'20.97\" N\t-45.02057082\t14.70582584\n\t45° 1'14.09\" W 14° 47'46.46\" N\t-45.02057932\t14.79624008\n62\t44° 50'4.99\" W\t14° 47'46.25\" N\t-44.8347208\t14.79618177\t100\n\t44° 50'5.24\" W 14° 42'20.76\" N\t-44.83478903\t14.7057679\n\t44° 55'39.54\" W 14° 47'46.43\" N\t-44.92764996\t14.79622965\n\t44° 55'39.65\" W 14° 42'20.94\" N\t-44.92767983\t14.70581548\n63\t44° 55'39.65\" W\t14° 42'20.94\" N\t-44.92767983\t14.70581548\t100\n\t44° 55'39.75\" W 14° 36'55.44\" N\t-44.92770949\t14.6154006\n\t45° 1'14.02\" W 14° 36'55.48\" N\t-45.02056238\t14.6154109\n\t45° 1'14.05\" W 14° 42'20.97\" N\t-45.02057082\t14.70582584\n64\t44° 50'5.24\" W\t14° 42'20.76\" N\t-44.83478903\t14.7057679\t100\n\t44° 50'5.48\" W 14° 36'55.27\" N\t-44.83485679\t14.61535333\n\t44° 55'39.65\" W 14° 42'20.94\" N\t-44.92767983\t14.70581548\n\t44° 55'39.75\" W 14° 36'55.44\" N\t-44.92770949\t14.6154006\n65\t44° 55'40.58\" W\t13° 53'31.40\" N\t-44.92793951\t13.89205672\t100\n\t44° 55'40.68\" W 13° 48'5.89\" N\t-44.92796736\t13.80163569\n\t45° 1'13.76\" W 13° 48'5.92\" N\t-45.02048903\t13.80164539\n\t45° 1'13.79\" W 13° 53'31.44\" N\t-45.02049696\t13.89206649\n66\t44° 50'7.38\" W\t13° 53'31.24\" N\t-44.83538227\t13.89201188\t100\n\t44° 50'7.61\" W 13° 48'5.73\" N\t-44.83544589\t13.80159115\n\t44° 55'40.58\" W 13° 53'31.40\" N\t-44.92793951\t13.89205672\n\t44° 55'40.68\" W 13° 48'5.89\" N\t-44.92796736\t13.80163569\n67\t44° 55'40.68\" W\t13° 48'5.89\" N\t-44.92796736\t13.80163569\t100\n\t44° 55'40.78\" W 13° 42'40.37\" N\t-44.92799501\t13.71121399\n\t45° 1'13.73\" W 13° 42'40.41\" N\t-45.02048117\t13.71122363\n\t45° 1'13.76\" W 13° 48'5.92\" N\t-45.02048903\t13.80164539\n68\t44° 50'7.61\" W\t13° 48'5.73\" N\t-44.83544589\t13.80159115\t100\n\t44° 50'7.83\" W 13° 42'40.21\" N\t-44.83550905\t13.71116976\n\t44° 55'40.68\" W 13° 48'5.89\" N\t-44.92796736\t13.80163569\n\t44° 55'40.78\" W 13° 42'40.37\" N\t-44.92799501\t13.71121399\n69\t44° 50'7.83\" W\t13° 42'40.21\" N\t-44.83550905\t13.71116976\t100\n\t44° 50'8.06\" W 13° 37'14.69\" N\t-44.83557176\t13.6207477\n\t44° 55'40.78\" W 13° 42'40.37\" N\t-44.92799501\t13.71121399\n\t44° 55'40.88\" W 13° 37'14.85\" N\t-44.92802246\t13.62079163\n70\t44° 44'34.88\" W\t13° 42'39.93\" N\t-44.74302355\t13.71109093\t100\n\t44° 44'35.24\" W 13° 37'14.41\" N\t-44.74312151\t13.62066941\n\t44° 50'7.83\" W 13° 42'40.21\" N\t-44.83550905\t13.71116976\n\t44° 50'8.06\" W 13° 37'14.69\" N\t-44.83557176\t13.6207477\n71\t45° 1'13.68\" W\t13° 31'49.36\" N\t-45.02046561\t13.53037812\t100\n\t45° 1'13.70\" W 13° 37'14.88\" N\t-45.02047336\t13.6208012\n\t45° 6'46.37\" W 13° 31'49.27\" N\t-45.11288145\t13.53035351\n\t45° 6'46.53\" W 13° 37'14.80\" N\t-45.11292421\t13.62077642\n72\t44° 55'40.88\" W\t13° 37'14.85\" N\t-44.92802246\t13.62079163\t100\n\t44° 55'40.98\" W 13° 31'49.33\" N\t-44.92804971\t13.53036862\n\t45° 1'13.68\" W 13° 31'49.36\" N\t-45.02046561\t13.53037812\n\t45° 1'13.70\" W 13° 37'14.88\" N\t-45.02047336\t13.6208012\n73\t44° 50'8.06\" W\t13° 37'14.69\" N\t-44.83557176\t13.6207477\t100\n\t44° 50'8.28\" W 13° 31'49.17\" N\t-44.83563401\t13.53032499\n\t44° 55'40.88\" W 13° 37'14.85\" N\t-44.92802246\t13.62079163\n\t44° 55'40.98\" W 13° 31'49.33\" N\t-44.92804971\t13.53036862\n74\t44° 44'35.24\" W\t13° 37'14.41\" N\t-44.74312151\t13.62066941\t100\n\t44° 44'35.59\" W 13° 31'48.89\" N\t-44.74321877\t13.53024724\n\t44° 50'8.06\" W 13° 37'14.69\" N\t-44.83557176\t13.6207477\n\t44° 50'8.28\" W 13° 31'49.17\" N\t-44.83563401\t13.53032499\n75\t45° 1'13.65\" W\t13° 26'23.84\" N\t-45.02045792\t13.43995439\t100\n\t45° 1'13.68\" W 13° 31'49.36\" N\t-45.02046561\t13.53037812\n\t45° 6'46.22\" W 13° 26'23.75\" N\t-45.11283901\t13.43992994\n\t45° 6'46.37\" W 13° 31'49.27\" N\t-45.11288145\t13.53035351\n76\t44° 55'40.98\" W\t13° 31'49.33\" N\t-44.92804971\t13.53036862\t100\n\t44° 55'41.08\" W 13° 26'23.80\" N\t-44.92807676\t13.43994495\n\t45° 1'13.65\" W 13° 26'23.84\" N\t-45.02045792\t13.43995439\n\t45° 1'13.68\" W 13° 31'49.36\" N\t-45.02046561\t13.53037812\n77\t44° 50'8.28\" W\t13° 31'49.17\" N\t-44.83563401\t13.53032499\t100\n\t44° 50'8.50\" W 13° 26'23.65\" N\t-44.83569581\t13.43990163\n\t44° 55'40.98\" W 13° 31'49.33\" N\t-44.92804971\t13.53036862\n\t44° 55'41.08\" W 13° 26'23.80\" N\t-44.92807676\t13.43994495\n78\t45° 1'13.62\" W\t13° 20'58.31\" N\t-45.02045028\t13.34953001\t100\n\t45° 1'13.65\" W 13° 26'23.84\" N\t-45.02045792\t13.43995439\n\t45° 6'46.07\" W 13° 20'58.22\" N\t-45.11279688\t13.34950573\n\t45° 6'46.22\" W 13° 26'23.75\" N\t-45.11283901\t13.43992994\n79\t44° 55'41.08\" W\t13° 26'23.80\" N\t-44.92807676\t13.43994495\t100\n\t44° 55'41.17\" W 13° 20'58.27\" N\t-44.92810362\t13.34952064\n\t45° 1'13.62\" W 13° 20'58.31\" N\t-45.02045028\t13.34953001\n\t45° 1'13.65\" W 13° 26'23.84\" N\t-45.02045792\t13.43995439\n80\t44° 50'8.50\" W\t13° 26'23.65\" N\t-44.83569581\t13.43990163\t100\n\t44° 50'8.73\" W 13° 20'58.12\" N\t-44.83575716\t13.34947761\n\t44° 55'41.08\" W 13° 26'23.80\" N\t-44.92807676\t13.43994495\n\t44° 55'41.17\" W 13° 20'58.27\" N\t-44.92810362\t13.34952064\n81\t45° 1'13.59\" W\t13° 15'32.78\" N\t-45.0204427\t13.25910499\t100\n\t45° 1'13.62\" W 13° 20'58.31\" N\t-45.02045028\t13.34953001\n\t45° 6'45.92\" W 13° 15'32.69\" N\t-45.11275506\t13.25908088\n\t45° 6'46.07\" W 13° 20'58.22\" N\t-45.11279688\t13.34950573\n82\t44° 55'41.17\" W\t13° 20'58.27\" N\t-44.92810362\t13.34952064\t100\n\t44° 55'41.27\" W 13° 15'32.74\" N\t-44.92813028\t13.25909568\n\t45° 1'13.59\" W 13° 15'32.78\" N\t-45.0204427\t13.25910499\n\t45° 1'13.62\" W 13° 20'58.31\" N\t-45.02045028\t13.34953001\n83\t44° 50'8.73\" W\t13° 20'58.12\" N\t-44.83575716\t13.34947761\t100\n\t44° 50'8.94\" W 13° 15'32.59\" N\t-44.83581805\t13.25905296\n\t44° 55'41.17\" W 13° 20'58.27\" N\t-44.92810362\t13.34952064\n\t44° 55'41.27\" W 13° 15'32.74\" N\t-44.92813028\t13.25909568\n84\t45° 1'13.57\" W\t13° 10'7.25\" N\t-45.02043517\t13.16867932\t100\n\t45° 1'13.59\" W 13° 15'32.78\" N\t-45.0204427\t13.25910499\n\t45° 6'45.77\" W 13° 10'7.16\" N\t-45.11271355\t13.16865539\n\t45° 6'45.92\" W 13° 15'32.69\" N\t-45.11275506\t13.25908088\n85\t44° 55'41.27\" W\t13° 15'32.74\" N\t-44.92813028\t13.25909568\t100\n\t44° 55'41.36\" W 13° 10'7.21\" N\t-44.92815673\t13.16867008\n\t45° 1'13.57\" W 13° 10'7.25\" N\t-45.02043517\t13.16867932\n\t45° 1'13.59\" W 13° 15'32.78\" N\t-45.0204427\t13.25910499\n86\t44° 50'8.94\" W\t13° 15'32.59\" N\t-44.83581805\t13.25905296\t100\n\t44° 50'9.16\" W 13° 10'7.06\" N\t-44.8358785\t13.16862766\n\t44° 55'41.27\" W 13° 15'32.74\" N\t-44.92813028\t13.25909568\n\t44° 55'41.36\" W 13° 10'7.21\" N\t-44.92815673\t13.16867008\n87\t44° 44'36.62\" W\t13° 15'32.32\" N\t-44.74350628\t13.25897682\t100\n\t44° 44'36.96\" W 13° 10'6.79\" N\t-44.74360071\t13.16855206\n\t44° 50'8.94\" W 13° 15'32.59\" N\t-44.83581805\t13.25905296\n\t44° 50'9.16\" W 13° 10'7.06\" N\t-44.8358785\t13.16862766\n88\t44° 39'4.30\" W\t13° 15'31.92\" N\t-44.65119522\t13.25886727\t100\n\t44° 39'4.77\" W 13° 10'6.40\" N\t-44.65132363\t13.16844329\n\t44° 44'36.62\" W 13° 15'32.32\" N\t-44.74350628\t13.25897682\n\t44° 44'36.96\" W 13° 10'6.79\" N\t-44.74360071\t13.16855206\n89\t44° 55'41.36\" W\t13° 10'7.21\" N\t-44.92815673\t13.16867008\t100\n\t44° 55'41.46\" W 13° 4'41.68\" N\t-44.928183\t13.07824385\n\t45° 1'13.54\" W 13° 4'41.71\" N\t-45.0204277\t13.07825302\n\t45° 1'13.57\" W 13° 10'7.25\" N\t-45.02043517\t13.16867932\n90\t44° 50'9.16\" W\t13° 10'7.06\" N\t-44.8358785\t13.16862766\t100\n\t44° 50'9.38\" W 13° 4'41.53\" N\t-44.83593849\t13.07820173\n\t44° 55'41.36\" W 13° 10'7.21\" N\t-44.92815673\t13.16867008\n\t44° 55'41.46\" W 13° 4'41.68\" N\t-44.928183\t13.07824385\n91\t44° 44'36.96\" W\t13° 10'6.79\" N\t-44.74360071\t13.16855206\t100\n\t44° 44'37.30\" W 13° 4'41.26\" N\t-44.74369444\t13.07812666\n\t44° 50'9.16\" W 13° 10'7.06\" N\t-44.8358785\t13.16862766\n\t44° 50'9.38\" W 13° 4'41.53\" N\t-44.83593849\t13.07820173\n92\t44° 39'4.77\" W\t13° 10'6.40\" N\t-44.65132363\t13.16844329\t100\n\t44° 39'5.22\" W 13° 4'40.87\" N\t-44.65145108\t13.07801866\n\t44° 44'36.96\" W 13° 10'6.79\" N\t-44.74360071\t13.16855206\n\t44° 44'37.30\" W 13° 4'41.26\" N\t-44.74369444\t13.07812666\n93\t44° 55'41.46\" W\t13° 4'41.68\" N\t-44.928183\t13.07824385\t100\n\t44° 55'41.55\" W 12° 59'16.14\" N\t-44.92820906\t12.98781698\n\t45° 1'13.51\" W 12° 59'16.17\" N\t-45.02042029\t12.98782609\n\t45° 1'13.54\" W 13° 4'41.71\" N\t-45.0204277\t13.07825302\n94\t44° 50'9.38\" W\t13° 4'41.53\" N\t-44.83593849\t13.07820173\t100\n\t44° 50'9.59\" W 12° 59'15.99\" N\t-44.83599803\t12.98777516\n\t44° 55'41.46\" W 13° 4'41.68\" N\t-44.928183\t13.07824385\n\t44° 55'41.55\" W 12° 59'16.14\" N\t-44.92820906\t12.98781698\n95\t44° 44'37.30\" W\t13° 4'41.26\" N\t-44.74369444\t13.07812666\t100\n\t44° 44'37.63\" W 12° 59'15.72\" N\t-44.74378746\t12.98770064\n\t44° 50'9.38\" W 13° 4'41.53\" N\t-44.83593849\t13.07820173\n\t44° 50'9.59\" W 12° 59'15.99\" N\t-44.83599803\t12.98777516\n96\t44° 39'5.22\" W\t13° 4'40.87\" N\t-44.65145108\t13.07801866\t100\n\t44° 39'5.68\" W 12° 59'15.34\" N\t-44.65157758\t12.9875934\n\t44° 44'37.30\" W 13° 4'41.26\" N\t-44.74369444\t13.07812666\n\t44° 44'37.63\" W 12° 59'15.72\" N\t-44.74378746\t12.98770064\n97\t44° 55'41.55\" W\t12° 59'16.14\" N\t-44.92820906\t12.98781698\t100\n\t44° 55'41.65\" W 12° 53'50.60\" N\t-44.92823493\t12.89738948\n\t45° 1'13.49\" W 12° 53'50.63\" N\t-45.02041293\t12.89739853\n\t45° 1'13.51\" W 12° 59'16.17\" N\t-45.02042029\t12.98782609\n98\t44° 50'9.59\" W\t12° 59'15.99\" N\t-44.83599803\t12.98777516\t100\n\t44° 50'9.81\" W 12° 53'50.45\" N\t-44.83605713\t12.89734797\n\t44° 55'41.55\" W 12° 59'16.14\" N\t-44.92820906\t12.98781698\n\t44° 55'41.65\" W 12° 53'50.60\" N\t-44.92823493\t12.89738948\n99\t44° 44'37.63\" W\t12° 59'15.72\" N\t-44.74378746\t12.98770064\t100\n\t44° 44'37.97\" W 12° 53'50.19\" N\t-44.74387978\t12.89727398\n\t44° 50'9.59\" W 12° 59'15.99\" N\t-44.83599803\t12.98777516\n\t44° 50'9.81\" W 12° 53'50.45\" N\t-44.83605713\t12.89734797\n100\t44° 44'37.97\" W\t12° 53'50.19\" N\t-44.74387978\t12.89727398\t100\n\t44° 44'38.30\" W 12° 48'24.65\" N\t-44.7439714\t12.80684669\n\t44° 50'10.02\" W 12° 48'24.91\" N\t-44.83611578\t12.80692015\n\t44° 50'9.81\" W 12° 53'50.45\" N\t-44.83605713\t12.89734797" ]
[ "第十七届会议", "牙买加金斯敦", "2011年7月11日至22日", "就俄罗斯联邦请求核准勘探多金属硫化物工作计划的申请书向国际海底管理局理事会提交的报告和建议", "法律和技术委员会提交", "一. 导言", "1. 2010年12月24日,国际海底管理局秘书长收到一份请求核准在“区域”内勘探多金属硫化物的工作计划的申请书。该申请书是俄罗斯联邦依照《“区域”内多金属硫化物探矿和勘探规章》(ISBA/16/A/12/Rev.1,附件)提交的。申请区域由100个区块组成,每个区块约10×10公里,分为7个组群,每个组群有8到36个区块。这些组群不毗连,但彼此临近,都在一个面积为216 622平方公里的长方形区域内。", "2. 依照《规章》第22条(c)款的规定,秘书长在2011年1月18日通知全体管理局成员收到该申请书并分发了关于申请书的一般性资料。依照《规章》第23条的规定,秘书长2011年1月19日还写信通知法律和技术委员会成员收到该申请书,并已将该申请书作为一个项目列入委员会下一次会议的议程。", "二. 法律和技术委员会采用的方法和对申请书进行的审议", "A. 委员会审议申请书采用的一般方法", "3. 委员会在审议申请书时指出,按照《联合国海洋法公约》附件三第6条规定的办法,委员会首先要客观确定申请者是否满足《规章》的要求,特别是申请书的形式;申请者是否做出《规章》第15条明文规定的承诺和保证;是否有必要的财政和技术能力来执行拟议勘探工作计划,以及在适用时,满意地履行了先前与管理局订立的合同规定的义务。其后,委员会必须依照《规章》第23条第4款及其程序,确定拟议工作计划是否有效地保护人体健康和安全, 有效地保护和保全海洋环境,确保设施不坐落在可能干扰国际航行必经的公认航道的地点或坐落在捕鱼活动集中的区域。《规章》第23条第5款还规定:", "“如果委员会根据第3款作出确定,并确定提议的勘探工作计划符合第4款的要求,委员会应建议理事会核准勘探工作计划。”", "4. 根据《规章》第23条第10款,委员会在审议提议的勘探工作计划时,考虑到《公约》第十一部分和附件三以及《关于执行1982年12月10日联合国海洋法公约第十一部分的协定》就“区域”内活动规定的原则、政策和目标。", "B. 审议申请书", "5. 委员会在2011年7月8日的闭门会议上审议了该申请书。", "6. 在开始详细审查申请书前,委员会请申请者代表Sergei Efimovich Donskoi副部长在极地海洋资源首席地理学家Mikhail Sergeev和VNIIOkeangeologia副主任Georgy Cherkashov陪同下介绍申请书。委员会成员随后提出一些问题以澄清申请书涉及的一些事项,然后举行闭门会议,详细审查该申请书。", "三. 申请书基本资料摘要", "A. 申请者资料", "7. 申请者名字:俄罗斯联邦自然资源和生态部", "8. 申请者地址:", "(a) 地址: Russia, 123995, Moscow, Bolshaya Gruzinskaya Street, 4/6;", "(b) 邮政地址: Russia, 123995, Moscow, Bolshaya Gruzinskaya Street, 4/6;", "(c) 电话号码: 7499 2544800, 7499 2540174, 7499 2548155;", "(d) 传真号码: 7499 2544310, 7499 2546610, 7499 2543361;", "(e) 电子邮件地址:,。", "9. 申请者指定代表:", "(a) 自然资源和生态部副部长Sergei Efimovich Donskoi;", "(b) 申请者指定代表地址:同上;", "(c) 邮政地址:同上;", "(d) 电话号码: 7499 2540366;", "(e) 传真号码: 7499 2544310, 7499 2546610;", "(f) 电子邮件地址:。", "10. 申请者的注册地点及其主要营业地点或住所: Russia, 123995, Moscow, Bolshaya Gruzinskaya Street, 4/6。", "11. 申请者是公约的缔约国。", "12. 俄罗斯联邦交存《联合国海洋法公约》批准书的日期:1997年3月12日;加入《关于执行1982年12月10日联合国海洋法公约第十一部分的协定》的日期:1997年3月12日。", "B. 申请区域", "13. 申请区域位于大西洋中大西洋海脊轴部的中央海域,由100个区块组成,每个区块大约10 X 10公里,但不超过100平方公里。申请的区块分7个组群,每个组群有8到36个区块。这些多金属硫化物区块组群不毗连,但彼此临近,都在一个面积为216 622平方公里的一片长方形区域内2。这一矩形区域的最长边为897公里。申请区域坐标和一般地理位置见本文件附件一。", "C. 其他资料", "14. 收到申请书的日期:2010年12月24日。", "15. 以前同管理局签订的合同:申请者从未获得管理局颁发的合同。", "16. 承诺:申请书根据《章程》第15条的规定,附有S.E. Donskoi副部长2010年10月29日签署的书面承诺。", "17. 申请者依照第19条的规定,选择提供一个联合企业安排的股份。", "18. 申请者已依照《规章》第21条1(a)项的规定,缴付了50万美元的申请费。", "四. 审查申请者提交的资料和技术数据", "19. 申请书中提交了下列技术文件:", "(a) 申请者颁发的担保书;", "(b) 申请区域的相关资料:", "㈠ 区块位置的海图;", "㈡ 申请的区块边角坐标表;", "(c) 供理事会确定申请者是否有必要财政能力来执行拟议勘探工作计划的资料;", "(d) 供理事会确定申请者是否有必要技术能力来执行拟议勘探工作计划的资料;", "(e) 指示性勘探工作计划;", "(f) 培训方案;", "(g) 申请者的书面承诺;", "(h) 指定自然资源和生态部副部长为申请者代表并授权他签署申请核准勘探工作计划的申请书的文件。", "五. 审议申请者的财政和技术资格", "A. 财政能力", "20. 在评价申请者的财政能力时,委员会注意到,申请者已申明它执行拟议勘探工作计划和履行它对管理局的财政义务的财政能力。委员会得到一份2010年10月29日由申请者指定代表签署的声明,证明申请者有必要的资金,以支付拟议工作计划估计最低支出和履行其财政义务。", "B. 技术能力", "21. 委员会收到了表明申请者在多金属硫化物矿床科研领域中的经验和技能的技术资料。 申请人进一步指出,俄罗斯的专业研究所和俄罗斯科学院自1993年以来一直在对“区域”内的多金属硫化物进行海洋科学研究。 此外,近年来,申请者自己几乎每年都对中大西洋海脊轴部的含矿性,包括拟申请区域的位置,进行研究。", "22. 委员会收到了有关防止、减少和控制对海洋环境的危害和可能产生的影响的资料,包括阐述对进行试验性开采地点附近的未进行开采的地点进行海洋学和环境研究的计划。此外,申请者还提出在热液动物聚居的开采地点进行环境研究。这是为了确保勘探活动对海洋环境的影响最小。申请书附有一项关于采取必要措施防止、减少和控制勘探活动对海洋环境产生的污染及其他危害的行动计划,还附有关于预防、减少和控制污染和其他危害以及可能对海洋环境产生的影响的监测方案和拟议措施的说明。申请者还表示欢迎管理局和国际科学界在勘探阶段参与制定用于确立环境基线的参数和准则。", "六. 审议为申请核准勘探工作计划提交的数据和资料", "23. 依据《规章》第20条规定,申请者提交了关于待批准的勘探工作计划的下列资料:", "(a) 关于拟议勘探方案的一般说明和时间表,包括未来五年的活动方案,例如对勘探时必须考虑的环境、技术、经济和其他有关因素进行的研究;", "(b) 一项关于对按照《规章》及管理局制定的环境规则、规章和程序进行海洋学和环境基线研究方案做出说明的承诺。此类研究将有助于根据法律和技术委员会提出的建议,评估拟议勘探活动可能对环境产生的影响,包括但不限于对生物多样性的影响;", "(c) 对拟议勘探活动可能对海洋环境造成的影响进行的初步评估;", "(d) 关于为防止、减少和控制对海洋环境的污染和其他危害以及可能造成的影响而提出的措施的说明;", "(e) 理事会根据第13条第1款作出决定所需要的数据;和", "(f) 未来五年活动方案的预期年度支出表。", "24. 委员会满意地看到申请者提交的信息符合《规章》的要求,并指出,它期待申请者按《规章》的要求和委员会在适当时候颁布的指导建议提交报告,包括提交有关数据。委员会也赞赏地确认,申请者代表在回答委员会的问题时曾表示他们愿意让管理局接触俄罗斯联邦多年来在大西洋中部海脊进行海洋科学研究过程中建立的大量历史数据集。", "七. 训练方案", "25. 根据《规章》第29条和附件4第8节,承包者将与管理局合作拟订训练方案并将这些方案提交管理局核准。", "八. 结论和建议", "26. 委员会在审查了申请者提交的、上文第三至第七节概述的细节之后,满意地注意到申请书的确是依照《规章》提交的,申请者是《公约》附件三第4条所述的合格申请者。委员会还满意地注意到申请者:", "(a) 遵守了《规章》的规定;", "(b) 作出了《规章》第15条规定的承诺和保证;", "(c) 有执行拟议勘探工作计划的财政能力和技术能力。", "27. 委员会满意地注意到,《规章》第23条第6款所述情况都不适用。", "28. 关于拟议勘探工作计划,委员会满意地注意到拟议勘探工作计划将:", "(a) 有效保护人的健康和安全;", "(b) 有效保护和保全海洋环境;", "(c) 确保设施不坐落在可能干扰国际航行必经的公认航道的地点或坐落在捕鱼活动集中的区域。", "29. 为此,根据《规章》第23条第5款,委员会建议理事会核准俄罗斯联邦政府提交的多金属硫化物勘探工作计划。", "附件", "申请区域大致地点的坐标表和地图", "区块号\t经度\t纬度\t经度(十进制)\t纬度(十进制)\t面积(平方公里)\n1\t西经45°43'22.26\"\t北纬20°49'24.82\"\t-45.72285132\t20.82356118\t100\n\t西经45°43'23.82\" 北纬20°54'50.08\"\t-45.72328349\t20.91391182\n\t西经45°49'8.22\" 北纬20°49'23.26\"\t-45.81894965\t20.82312901\n\t西经45°49'9.98\" 北纬20°54'48.52\"\t-45.81943926\t20.91347761\n2\t西经45°37'36.30\"\t北纬20°49'26.18\"\t-45.62675069\t20.82393949\t100\n\t西经45°37'37.65\" 北纬20°54'51.45\"\t-45.62712542\t20.91429192\n\t西经45°43'22.26\" 北纬20°49'24.82\"\t-45.72285132\t20.82356118\n\t西经45°43'23.82\" 北纬20°54'50.08\"\t-45.72328349\t20.91391182\n3\t西经45°43'20.72\"\t北纬20°43'59.55\"\t-45.72242145\t20.73320958\t100\n\t西经45°43'22.26\" 北纬20°49'24.82\"\t-45.72285132\t20.82356118\n\t西经45°49'6.47\" 北纬20°43'58.01\"\t-45.81846264\t20.73277945\n\t西经45°49'8.22\" 北纬20°49'23.26\"\t-45.81894965\t20.82312901\n4\t西经45°37'34.96\"\t北纬20°44'0.91\"\t-45.62637796\t20.7335861\t100\n\t西经45°37'36.30\" 北纬20°49'26.18\"\t-45.62675069\t20.82393949\n\t西经45°43'20.72\" 北纬20°43'59.55\"\t-45.72242145\t20.73320958\n\t西经45°43'22.26\" 北纬20°49'24.82\"\t-45.72285132\t20.82356118\n5\t西经45°43'19.18\"\t北纬20°38'34.29\"\t-45.72199387\t20.64285702\t100\n\t西经45°43'20.72\" 北纬20°43'59.55\"\t-45.72242145\t20.73320958\n\t西经45°49'4.72\" 北纬20°38'32.74\"\t-45.81797823\t20.64242893\n\t西经45°49'6.47\" 北纬20°43'58.01\"\t-45.81846264\t20.73277945\n6\t西经45°49'2.99\"\t北纬20°33'7.48\"\t-45.81749642\t20.55207746\t100\n\t西经45°49'4.72\" 北纬20°38'32.74\"\t-45.81797823\t20.64242893\n\t西经45°54'48.32\" 北纬20°33'5.75\"\t-45.91342167\t20.55159832\n\t西经45°54'50.26\" 北纬20°38'31.01\"\t-45.91396001\t20.6419475\n7\t西经45°43'17.65\"\t北纬20°33'9.01\"\t-45.72156858\t20.55250351\t100\n\t西经45°43'19.18\" 北纬20°38'34.29\"\t-45.72199387\t20.64285702\n\t西经45°49'2.99\" 北纬20°33'7.48\"\t-45.81749642\t20.55207746\n\t西经45°49'4.72\" 北纬20°38'32.74\"\t-45.81797823\t20.64242893\n8\t西经45°37'30.98\"\t北纬20°27'45.07\"\t-45.62527168\t20.46252021\t100\n\t西经45°37'32.30\" 北纬20°33'10.36\"\t-45.62563846\t20.55287645\n\t西经45°43'16.12\" 北纬20°27'43.74\"\t-45.72114557\t20.46214904\n\t西经45°43'17.65\" 北纬20°33'9.01\"\t-45.72156858\t20.55250351\n9\t西经45°31'45.82\"\t北纬20°27'46.22\"\t-45.52939581\t20.46283852\t100\n\t西经45°31'46.94\" 北纬20°33'11.51\"\t-45.52970635\t20.55319629\n\t西经45°37'30.98\" 北纬20°27'45.07\"\t-45.62527168\t20.46252021\n\t西经45°37'32.30\" 北纬20°33'10.36\"\t-45.62563846\t20.55287645\n10\t西经45°43'10.11\"\t北纬20°6'2.60\"\t-45.71947625\t20.10072176\t100\n\t西经45°43'11.60\" 北纬20°11'27.89\"\t-45.71989019\t20.19107999\n\t西经45°48'54.45\" 北纬20°6'1.10\"\t-45.815126\t20.10030588\n\t西经45°48'56.14\" 北纬20°11'26.38\"\t-45.81559495\t20.19066208\n11\t西经45°37'25.77\"\t北纬20°6'3.91\"\t-45.62382425\t20.10108582\t100\n\t西经45°37'27.06\" 北纬20°11'29.20\"\t-45.62418316\t20.19144582\n\t西经45°43'10.11\" 北纬20°6'2.60\"\t-45.71947625\t20.10072176\n\t西经45°43'11.60\" 北纬20°11'27.89\"\t-45.71989019\t20.19107999\n12\t西经45°31'41.41\"\t北纬20°6'5.03\"\t-45.52817029\t20.10139803\t100\n\t西经45°31'42.51\" 北纬20°11'30.33\"\t-45.52847418\t20.19175955\n\t西经45°37'25.77\" 北纬20°6'3.91\"\t-45.62382425\t20.10108582\n\t西经45°37'27.06\" 北纬20°11'29.20\"\t-45.62418316\t20.19144582\n13\t西经46°0'21.03\"\t北纬20°0'32.28\"\t-46.00584173\t20.0089663\t100\n\t西经46°0'23.10\" 北纬20°5'57.55\"\t-46.00641754\t20.09931863\n\t西经46°6'5.14\" 北纬20°0'30.23\"\t-46.10142823\t20.00839773\n\t西经46°6'7.41\" 北纬20°5'55.49\"\t-46.10205874\t20.09874727\n14\t西经45°54'36.91\"\t北纬20°0'34.14\"\t-45.91025209\t20.00948331\t100\n\t西经45°54'38.78\" 北纬20°5'59.42\"\t-45.9107732\t20.09983816\n\t西经46°0'21.03\" 北纬20°0'32.28\"\t-46.00584173\t20.0089663\n\t西经46°0'23.10\" 北纬20°5'57.55\"\t-46.00641754\t20.09931863\n15\t西经45°43'10.11\"\t北纬20°6'2.60\"\t-45.71947625\t20.10072176\t100\n\t西经45°43'8.63\" 北纬20°0'37.31\"\t-45.71906457\t20.0103626\n\t西经45°48'52.77\" 北纬20°0'35.82\"\t-45.8146596\t20.00994874\n\t西经45°48'54.45\" 北纬20°6'1.10\"\t-45.815126\t20.10030588\n16\t西经45°37'24.48\"\t北纬20°0'38.61\"\t-45.62346729\t20.01072488\t100\n\t西经45°37'25.77\" 北纬20°6'3.91\"\t-45.62382425\t20.10108582\n\t西经45°43'10.11\" 北纬20°6'2.60\"\t-45.71947625\t20.10072176\n\t西经45°43'8.63\" 北纬20°0'37.31\"\t-45.71906457\t20.0103626\n17\t西经45°31'40.33\"\t北纬20°0'39.73\"\t-45.52786806\t20.01103557\t100\n\t西经45°31'41.41\" 北纬20°6'5.03\"\t-45.52817029\t20.10139803\n\t西经45°37'24.48\" 北纬20°0'38.61\"\t-45.62346729\t20.01072488\n\t西经45°37'25.77\" 北纬20°6'3.91\"\t-45.62382425\t20.10108582\n18\t西经46°0'18.97\"\t北纬19°55'7.01\"\t-46.00526906\t19.91861304\t100\n\t西经46°0'21.03\" 北纬20°0'32.28\"\t-46.00584173\t20.0089663\n\t西经46°6'2.88\" 北纬19°55'4.97\"\t-46.10080116\t19.91804724\n\t西经46°6'5.14\" 北纬20°0'30.23\"\t-46.10142823\t20.00839773\n19\t西经45°54'35.04\"\t北纬19°55'8.86\"\t-45.90973382\t19.91912752\t100\n\t西经45°54'36.91\" 北纬20°0'34.14\"\t-45.91025209\t20.00948331\n\t西经46°0'18.97\" 北纬19°55'7.01\"\t-46.00526906\t19.91861304\n\t西经46°0'21.03\" 北纬20°0'32.28\"\t-46.00584173\t20.0089663\n20\t西经45°43'7.16\"\t北纬19°55'12.01\"\t-45.71865513\t19.92000252\t100\n\t西经45°43'8.63\" 北纬20°0'37.31\"\t-45.71906457\t20.0103626\n\t西经45°48'51.10\" 北纬19°55'10.53\"\t-45.81419574\t19.91959068\n\t西经45°48'52.77\" 北纬20°0'35.82\"\t-45.8146596\t20.00994874\n21\t西经46°0'16.92\"\t北纬19°49'41.73\"\t-46.00469952\t19.82825884\t100\n\t西经46°0'18.97\" 北纬19°55'7.01\"\t-46.00526906\t19.91861304\n\t西经46°6'0.64\" 北纬19°49'39.70\"\t-46.10017753\t19.82769582\n\t西经46°6'2.88\" 北纬19°55'4.97\"\t-46.10080116\t19.91804724\n22\t西经45°54'33.19\"\t北纬19°49'43.57\"\t-45.90921839\t19.8287708\t100\n\t西经45°54'35.04\" 北纬19°55'8.86\"\t-45.90973382\t19.91912752\n\t西经46°0'16.92\" 北纬19°49'41.73\"\t-46.00469952\t19.82825884\n\t西经46°0'18.97\" 北纬19°55'7.01\"\t-46.00526906\t19.91861304\n23\t西经45°48'49.44\"\t北纬19°49'45.23\"\t-45.81373443\t19.82923168\t100\n\t西经45°48'51.10\" 北纬19°55'10.53\"\t-45.81419574\t19.91959068\n\t西经45°54'33.19\" 北纬19°49'43.57\"\t-45.90921839\t19.8287708\n\t西经45°54'35.04\" 北纬19°55'8.86\"\t-45.90973382\t19.91912752\n24\t西经45°43'5.69\"\t北纬19°49'46.71\"\t-45.71824793\t19.8296415\t100\n\t西经45°43'7.16\" 北纬19°55'12.01\"\t-45.71865513\t19.92000252\n\t西经45°48'49.44\" 北纬19°49'45.23\"\t-45.81373443\t19.82923168\n\t西经45°48'51.10\" 北纬19°55'10.53\"\t-45.81419574\t19.91959068\n25\t西经45°54'31.34\"\t北纬19°44'18.29\"\t-45.90870579\t19.73841315\t100\n\t西经45°54'33.19\" 北纬19°49'43.57\"\t-45.90921839\t19.8287708\n\t西经46°0'14.88\" 北纬19°44'16.45\"\t-46.00413311\t19.73790371\n\t西经46°0'16.92\" 北纬19°49'41.73\"\t-46.00469952\t19.82825884\n26\t西经45°48'47.79\"\t北纬19°44'19.94\"\t-45.81327564\t19.73887177\t100\n\t西经45°48'49.44\" 北纬19°49'45.23\"\t-45.81373443\t19.82923168\n\t西经45°54'31.34\" 北纬19°44'18.29\"\t-45.90870579\t19.73841315\n\t西经45°54'33.19\" 北纬19°49'43.57\"\t-45.90921839\t19.8287708\n27\t西经46°32'31.47\"\t北纬17°56'42.38\"\t-46.54207397\t17.94510591\t100\n\t西经46°32'34.29\" 北纬18°2'7.65\"\t-46.54285927\t18.03545946\n\t西经46°38'11.29\" 北纬17°56'39.60\"\t-46.63647011\t17.94433355\n\t西经46°38'14.29\" 北纬18°2'4.86\"\t-46.63730342\t18.03468296\n28\t西经46°26'51.62\"\t北纬17°56'45.00\"\t-46.44767323\t17.94583243\t100\n\t西经46°26'54.28\" 北纬18°2'10.28\"\t-46.44841049\t18.03618989\n\t西经46°32'31.47\" 北纬17°56'42.38\"\t-46.54207397\t17.94510591\n\t西经46°32'34.29\" 北纬18°2'7.65\"\t-46.54285927\t18.03545946\n29\t西经46°32'28.66\"\t北纬17°51'17.11\"\t-46.54129329\t17.85475148\t100\n\t西经46°32'31.47\" 北纬17°56'42.38\"\t-46.54207397\t17.94510591\n\t西经46°38'11.29\" 北纬17°56'39.60\"\t-46.63647011\t17.94433355\n\t西经46°38'8.31\" 北纬17°51'14.34\"\t-46.63564169\t17.85398327\n30\t西经46°26'48.99\"\t北纬17°51'19.71\"\t-46.4469403\t17.8554741\t100\n\t西经46°26'51.62\" 北纬17°56'45.00\"\t-46.44767323\t17.94583243\n\t西经46°32'28.66\" 北纬17°51'17.11\"\t-46.54129329\t17.85475148\n\t西经46°32'31.47\" 北纬17°56'42.38\"\t-46.54207397\t17.94510591\n31\t西经46°38'5.35\"\t北纬17°45'49.08\"\t-46.63481814\t17.76363211\t100\n\t西经46°38'8.31\" 北纬17°51'14.34\"\t-46.63564169\t17.85398327\n\t西经46°43'44.81\" 北纬17°45'46.16\"\t-46.72911421\t17.76282271\n\t西经46°43'47.95\" 北纬17°51'11.41\"\t-46.7299852\t17.85316948\n32\t西经46°26'46.36\"\t北纬17°45'54.41\"\t-46.44621168\t17.76511491\t100\n\t西经46°26'48.99\" 北纬17°51'19.71\"\t-46.4469403\t17.8554741\n\t西经46°32'25.86\" 北纬17°45'51.83\"\t-46.5405172\t17.76439618\n\t西经46°32'28.66\" 北纬17°51'17.11\"\t-46.54129329\t17.85475148\n33\t西经46°21'4.41\"\t北纬17°40'31.53\"\t-46.35122473\t17.67542459\t100\n\t西经46°21'6.85\" 北纬17°45'56.84\"\t-46.35190185\t17.76578829\n\t西经46°26'43.75\" 北纬17°40'29.12\"\t-46.44548737\t17.67475486\n\t西经46°26'46.36\" 北纬17°45'54.41\"\t-46.44621168\t17.76511491\n34\t西经46°21'1.99\"\t北纬17°35'6.22\"\t-46.35055163\t17.58506004\t100\n\t西经46°21'4.41\" 北纬17°40'31.53\"\t-46.35122473\t17.67542459\n\t西经46°26'41.16\" 北纬17°35'3.82\"\t-46.44476735\t17.58439395\n\t西经46°26'43.75\" 北纬17°40'29.12\"\t-46.44548737\t17.67475486\n35\t西经46°20'59.58\"\t北纬17°29'40.90\"\t-46.34988254\t17.49469464\t100\n\t西经46°21'1.99\" 北纬17°35'6.22\"\t-46.35055163\t17.58506004\n\t西经46°26'38.59\" 北纬17°29'38.52\"\t-46.44405162\t17.49403219\n\t西经46°26'41.16\" 北纬17°35'3.82\"\t-46.44476735\t17.58439395\n36\t西经46°26'28.43\"\t北纬17°7'57.28\"\t-46.44123135\t17.13257669\t100\n\t西经46°26'30.95\" 北纬17°13'22.59\"\t-46.44193003\t17.22294183\n\t西经46°32'6.76\" 北纬17°7'54.79\"\t-46.53521241\t17.13188512\n\t西经46°32'9.44\" 北纬17°13'20.09\"\t-46.53595662\t17.22224639\n37\t西经46°20'50.09\"\t北纬17°7'59.61\"\t-46.34724604\t17.13322462\t100\n\t西经46°20'52.44\" 北纬17°13'24.94\"\t-46.3478992\t17.22359338\n\t西经46°26'28.43\" 北纬17°7'57.28\"\t-46.44123135\t17.13257669\n\t西经46°26'30.95\" 北纬17°13'22.59\"\t-46.44193003\t17.22294183\n38\t西经46°26'25.93\"\t北纬17°2'31.96\"\t-46.4405369\t17.04221072\t100\n\t西经46°26'28.43\" 北纬17°7'57.28\"\t-46.44123135\t17.13257669\n\t西经46°32'4.10\" 北纬17°2'29.48\"\t-46.53447272\t17.04152301\n\t西经46°32'6.76\" 北纬17°7'54.79\"\t-46.53521241\t17.13188512\n39\t西经46°20'47.75\"\t北纬17°2'34.28\"\t-46.34659685\t17.04285504\t100\n\t西经46°20'50.09\" 北纬17°7'59.61\"\t-46.34724604\t17.13322462\n\t西经46°26'25.93\" 北纬17°2'31.96\"\t-46.4405369\t17.04221072\n\t西经46°26'28.43\" 北纬17°7'57.28\"\t-46.44123135\t17.13257669\n40\t西经46°26'23.45\"\t北纬16°57'6.64\"\t-46.43984667\t16.95184392\t100\n\t西经46°26'25.93\" 北纬17°2'31.96\"\t-46.4405369\t17.04221072\n\t西经46°32'1.46\" 北纬16°57'4.18\"\t-46.53373753\t16.95116008\n\t西经46°32'4.10\" 北纬17°2'29.48\"\t-46.53447272\t17.04152301\n41\t西经46°26'20.98\"\t北纬16°51'41.31\"\t-46.43916067\t16.8614763\t100\n\t西经46°26'23.45\" 北纬16°57'6.64\"\t-46.43984667\t16.95184392\n\t西经46°31'58.82\" 北纬16°51'38.87\"\t-46.53300683\t16.86079631\n\t西经46°32'1.46\" 北纬16°57'4.18\"\t-46.53373753\t16.95116008\n42\t西经46°31'56.21\"\t北纬16°46'13.55\"\t-46.53228062\t16.77043172\t100\n\t西经46°31'58.82\" 北纬16°51'38.87\"\t-46.53300683\t16.86079631\n\t西经46°37'33.88\" 北纬16°46'10.97\"\t-46.62607789\t16.76971292\n\t西经46°37'36.65\" 北纬16°51'36.26\"\t-46.62684851\t16.86007342\n43\t西经46°26'18.52\"\t北纬16°46'15.99\"\t-46.43847887\t16.77110785\t100\n\t西经46°26'20.98\" 北纬16°51'41.31\"\t-46.43916067\t16.8614763\n\t西经46°31'56.21\" 北纬16°46'13.55\"\t-46.53228062\t16.77043172\n\t西经46°31'58.82\" 北纬16°51'38.87\"\t-46.53300683\t16.86079631\n44\t西经46°31'53.61\"\t北纬16°40'48.24\"\t-46.53155887\t16.6800663\t100\n\t西经46°31'56.21\" 北纬16°46'13.55\"\t-46.53228062\t16.77043172\n\t西经46°37'31.12\" 北纬16°40'45.67\"\t-46.62531201\t16.6793516\n\t西经46°37'33.88\" 北纬16°46'10.97\"\t-46.62607789\t16.76971292\n45\t西经46°26'16.08\"\t北纬16°40'50.66\"\t-46.43780127\t16.68073859\t100\n\t西经46°26'18.52\" 北纬16°46'15.99\"\t-46.43847887\t16.77110785\n\t西经46°31'53.61\" 北纬16°40'48.24\"\t-46.53155887\t16.6800663\n\t西经46°31'56.21\" 北纬16°46'13.55\"\t-46.53228062\t16.77043172\n46\t西经46°26'13.66\"\t北纬16°35'25.33\"\t-46.43712787\t16.59036851\t100\n\t西经46°26'16.08\" 北纬16°40'50.66\"\t-46.43780127\t16.68073859\n\t西经46°31'51.03\" 北纬16°35'22.92\"\t-46.5308416\t16.58970007\n\t西经46°31'53.61\" 北纬16°40'48.24\"\t-46.53155887\t16.6800663\n47\t西经46°31'48.46\"\t北纬16°29'57.60\"\t-46.53012877\t16.49933302\t100\n\t西经46°31'51.03\" 北纬16°35'22.92\"\t-46.5308416\t16.58970007\n\t西经46°37'25.66\" 北纬16°29'55.06\"\t-46.62379446\t16.4986265\n\t西经46°37'28.38\" 北纬16°35'20.36\"\t-46.62455087\t16.58898946\n48\t西经46°37'17.59\"\t北纬16°13'39.12\"\t-46.62155346\t16.22753275\t100\n\t西经46°37'20.26\" 北纬16°19'4.43\"\t-46.62229576\t16.31789814\n\t西经46°42'54.31\" 北纬16°13'36.47\"\t-46.71508532\t16.22679727\n\t西经46°42'57.13\" 北纬16°19'1.77\"\t-46.71587039\t16.31715834\n49\t西经46°37'14.94\"\t北纬16°8'13.80\"\t-46.62081585\t16.13716657\t100\n\t西经46°37'17.59\" 北纬16°13'39.12\"\t-46.62155346\t16.22753275\n\t西经46°42'51.50\" 北纬16°8'11.17\"\t-46.71430521\t16.13643539\n\t西经46°42'54.31\" 北纬16°13'36.47\"\t-46.71508532\t16.22679727\n50\t西经46°37'12.30\"\t北纬16°2'48.48\"\t-46.62008291\t16.04679958\t100\n\t西经46°37'14.94\" 北纬16°8'13.80\"\t-46.62081585\t16.13716657\n\t西经46°42'48.71\" 北纬16°2'45.86\"\t-46.71353005\t16.04607272\n\t西经46°42'51.50\" 北纬16°8'11.17\"\t-46.71430521\t16.13643539\n51\t西经46°37'12.30\"\t北纬16°2'48.48\"\t-46.62008291\t16.04679958\t100\n\t西经46°37'9.68\" 北纬15°57'23.15\"\t-46.61935464\t15.9564318\n\t西经46°42'45.94\" 北纬15°57'20.55\"\t-46.71275981\t15.95570924\n\t西经46°42'48.71\" 北纬16°2'45.86\"\t-46.71353005\t16.04607272\n52\t西经46°31'33.40\"\t北纬15°57'25.61\"\t-46.5259448\t15.95711389\t100\n\t西经46°31'35.87\" 北纬16°2'50.95\"\t-46.52663111\t16.04748573\n\t西经46°37'12.30\" 北纬16°2'48.48\"\t-46.62008291\t16.04679958\n\t西经46°37'9.68\" 北纬15°57'23.15\"\t-46.61935464\t15.9564318\n53\t西经46°37'7.07\"\t北纬15°51'57.83\"\t-46.61863102\t15.86606323\t100\n\t西经46°37'9.68\" 北纬15°57'23.15\"\t-46.61935464\t15.9564318\n\t西经46°42'43.18\" 北纬15°51'55.24\"\t-46.7119945\t15.86534498\n\t西经46°42'45.94\" 北纬15°57'20.55\"\t-46.71275981\t15.95570924\n54\t西经46°31'30.95\"\t北纬15°52'0.27\"\t-46.52526288\t15.86674126\t100\n\t西经46°31'33.40\" 北纬15°57'25.61\"\t-46.5259448\t15.95711389\n\t西经46°37'7.07\" 北纬15°51'57.83\"\t-46.61863102\t15.86606323\n\t西经46°37'9.68\" 北纬15°57'23.15\"\t-46.61935464\t15.9564318\n55\t西经46°37'4.48\"\t北纬15°46'32.50\"\t-46.61791204\t15.77569388\t100\n\t西经46°37'7.07\" 北纬15°51'57.83\"\t-46.61863102\t15.86606323\n\t西经46°42'40.44\" 北纬15°46'29.93\"\t-46.71123411\t15.77497992\n\t西经46°42'43.18\" 北纬15°51'55.24\"\t-46.7119945\t15.86534498\n56\t西经46°31'28.51\"\t北纬15°46'34.92\"\t-46.52458534\t15.77636785\t100\n\t西经46°31'30.95\" 北纬15°52'0.27\"\t-46.52526288\t15.86674126\n\t西经46°37'4.48\" 北纬15°46'32.50\"\t-46.61791204\t15.77569388\n\t西经46°37'7.07\" 北纬15°51'57.83\"\t-46.61863102\t15.86606323\n57\t西经44°50'4.50\"\t北纬14°58'37.23\"\t-44.83458295\t14.97700737\t100\n\t西经44°50'4.75\" 北纬14°53'11.74\"\t-44.83465211\t14.88659493\n\t西经44°55'39.32\" 北纬14°58'37.40\"\t-44.92758961\t14.97705587\n\t西经44°55'39.43\" 北纬14°53'11.92\"\t-44.92761989\t14.88664311\n58\t西经44°55'39.43\"\t北纬14°53'11.92\"\t-44.92761989\t14.88664311\t100\n\t西经44°55'39.54\" 北纬14°47'46.43\"\t-44.92764996\t14.79622965\n\t西经45°1'14.09\" 北纬14°47'46.46\"\t-45.02057932\t14.79624008\n\t西经45°1'14.12\" 北纬14°53'11.95\"\t-45.02058787\t14.88665361\n59\t西经44°50'4.75\"\t北纬14°53'11.74\"\t-44.83465211\t14.88659493\t100\n\t西经44°50'4.99\" 北纬14°47'46.25\"\t-44.8347208\t14.79618177\n\t西经44°55'39.43\" 北纬14°53'11.92\"\t-44.92761989\t14.88664311\n\t西经44°55'39.54\" 北纬14°47'46.43\"\t-44.92764996\t14.79622965\n60\t西经45°1'14.05\"\t北纬14°42'20.97\"\t-45.02057082\t14.70582584\t100\n\t西经45°1'14.09\" 北纬14°47'46.46\"\t-45.02057932\t14.79624008\n\t西经45°6'48.46\" 北纬14°42'20.88\"\t-45.11346176\t14.705799\n\t西经45°6'48.63\" 北纬14°47'46.37\"\t-45.11350862\t14.79621306\n61\t西经44°55'39.54\"\t北纬14°47'46.43\"\t-44.92764996\t14.79622965\t100\n\t西经44°55'39.65\" 北纬14°42'20.94\"\t-44.92767983\t14.70581548\n\t西经45°1'14.05\" 北纬14°42'20.97\"\t-45.02057082\t14.70582584\n\t西经45°1'14.09\" 北纬14°47'46.46\"\t-45.02057932\t14.79624008\n62\t西经44°50'4.99\"\t北纬14°47'46.25\"\t-44.8347208\t14.79618177\t100\n\t西经44°50'5.24\" 北纬14°42'20.76\"\t-44.83478903\t14.7057679\n\t西经44°55'39.54\" 北纬14°47'46.43\"\t-44.92764996\t14.79622965\n\t西经44°55'39.65\" 北纬14°42'20.94\"\t-44.92767983\t14.70581548\n63\t西经44°55'39.65\"\t北纬14°42'20.94\"\t-44.92767983\t14.70581548\t100\n\t西经44°55'39.75\" 北纬14°36'55.44\"\t-44.92770949\t14.6154006\n\t西经45°1'14.02\" 北纬14°36'55.48\"\t-45.02056238\t14.6154109\n\t西经45°1'14.05\" 北纬14°42'20.97\"\t-45.02057082\t14.70582584\n64\t西经44°50'5.24\"\t北纬14°42'20.76\"\t-44.83478903\t14.7057679\t100\n\t西经44°50'5.48\" 北纬14°36'55.27\"\t-44.83485679\t14.61535333\n\t西经44°55'39.65\" 北纬14°42'20.94\"\t-44.92767983\t14.70581548\n\t西经44°55'39.75\" 北纬14°36'55.44\"\t-44.92770949\t14.6154006\n65\t西经44°55'40.58\"\t北纬13°53'31.40\"\t-44.92793951\t13.89205672\t100\n\t西经44°55'40.68\" 北纬13°48'5.89\"\t-44.92796736\t13.80163569\n\t西经45°1'13.76\" 北纬13°48'5.92\"\t-45.02048903\t13.80164539\n\t西经45°1'13.79\" 北纬13°53'31.44\"\t-45.02049696\t13.89206649\n66\t西经44°50'7.38\"\t北纬13°53'31.24\"\t-44.83538227\t13.89201188\t100\n\t西经44°50'7.61\" 北纬13°48'5.73\"\t-44.83544589\t13.80159115\n\t西经44°55'40.58\" 北纬13°53'31.40\"\t-44.92793951\t13.89205672\n\t西经44°55'40.68\" 北纬13°48'5.89\"\t-44.92796736\t13.80163569\n67\t西经44°55'40.68\"\t北纬13°48'5.89\"\t-44.92796736\t13.80163569\t100\n\t西经44°55'40.78\" 北纬13°42'40.37\"\t-44.92799501\t13.71121399\n\t西经45°1'13.73\" 北纬13°42'40.41\"\t-45.02048117\t13.71122363\n\t西经45°1'13.76\" 北纬13°48'5.92\"\t-45.02048903\t13.80164539\n68\t西经44°50'7.61\"\t北纬13°48'5.73\"\t-44.83544589\t13.80159115\t100\n\t西经44°50'7.83\" 北纬13°42'40.21\"\t-44.83550905\t13.71116976\n\t西经44°55'40.68\" 北纬13°48'5.89\"\t-44.92796736\t13.80163569\n\t西经44°55'40.78\" 北纬13°42'40.37\"\t-44.92799501\t13.71121399\n69\t西经44°50'7.83\"\t北纬13°42'40.21\"\t-44.83550905\t13.71116976\t100\n\t西经44°50'8.06\" 北纬13°37'14.69\"\t-44.83557176\t13.6207477\n\t西经44°55'40.78\" 北纬13°42'40.37\"\t-44.92799501\t13.71121399\n\t西经44°55'40.88\" 北纬13°37'14.85\"\t-44.92802246\t13.62079163\n70\t西经44°44'34.88\"\t北纬13°42'39.93\"\t-44.74302355\t13.71109093\t100\n\t西经44°44'35.24\" 北纬13°37'14.41\"\t-44.74312151\t13.62066941\n\t西经44°50'7.83\" 北纬13°42'40.21\"\t-44.83550905\t13.71116976\n\t西经44°50'8.06\" 北纬13°37'14.69\"\t-44.83557176\t13.6207477\n71\t西经45°1'13.68\"\t北纬13°31'49.36\"\t-45.02046561\t13.53037812\t100\n\t西经45°1'13.70\" 北纬13°37'14.88\"\t-45.02047336\t13.6208012\n\t西经45°6'46.37\" 北纬13°31'49.27\"\t-45.11288145\t13.53035351\n\t西经45°6'46.53\" 北纬13°37'14.80\"\t-45.11292421\t13.62077642\n72\t西经44°55'40.88\"\t北纬13°37'14.85\"\t-44.92802246\t13.62079163\t100\n\t西经44°55'40.98\" 北纬13°31'49.33\"\t-44.92804971\t13.53036862\n\t西经45°1'13.68\" 北纬13°31'49.36\"\t-45.02046561\t13.53037812\n\t西经45°1'13.70\" 北纬13°37'14.88\"\t-45.02047336\t13.6208012\n73\t西经44°50'8.06\"\t北纬13°37'14.69\"\t-44.83557176\t13.6207477\t100\n\t西经44°50'8.28\" 北纬13°31'49.17\"\t-44.83563401\t13.53032499\n\t西经44°55'40.88\" 北纬13°37'14.85\"\t-44.92802246\t13.62079163\n\t西经44°55'40.98\" 北纬13°31'49.33\"\t-44.92804971\t13.53036862\n74\t西经44°44'35.24\"\t北纬13°37'14.41\"\t-44.74312151\t13.62066941\t100\n\t西经44°44'35.59\" 北纬13°31'48.89\"\t-44.74321877\t13.53024724\n\t西经44°50'8.06\" 北纬13°37'14.69\"\t-44.83557176\t13.6207477\n\t西经44°50'8.28\" 北纬13°31'49.17\"\t-44.83563401\t13.53032499\n75\t西经45°1'13.65\"\t北纬13°26'23.84\"\t-45.02045792\t13.43995439\t100\n\t西经45°1'13.68\" 北纬13°31'49.36\"\t-45.02046561\t13.53037812\n\t西经45°6'46.22\" 北纬13°26'23.75\"\t-45.11283901\t13.43992994\n\t西经45°6'46.37\" 北纬13°31'49.27\"\t-45.11288145\t13.53035351\n76\t西经44°55'40.98\"\t北纬13°31'49.33\"\t-44.92804971\t13.53036862\t100\n\t西经44°55'41.08\" 北纬13°26'23.80\"\t-44.92807676\t13.43994495\n\t西经45°1'13.65\" 北纬13°26'23.84\"\t-45.02045792\t13.43995439\n\t西经45°1'13.68\" 北纬13°31'49.36\"\t-45.02046561\t13.53037812\n77\t西经44°50'8.28\"\t北纬13°31'49.17\"\t-44.83563401\t13.53032499\t100\n\t西经44°50'8.50\" 北纬13°26'23.65\"\t-44.83569581\t13.43990163\n\t西经44°55'40.98\" 北纬13°31'49.33\"\t-44.92804971\t13.53036862\n\t西经44°55'41.08\" 北纬13°26'23.80\"\t-44.92807676\t13.43994495\n78\t西经45°1'13.62\"\t北纬13°20'58.31\"\t-45.02045028\t13.34953001\t100\n\t西经45°1'13.65\" 北纬13°26'23.84\"\t-45.02045792\t13.43995439\n\t西经45°6'46.07\" 北纬13°20'58.22\"\t-45.11279688\t13.34950573\n\t西经45°6'46.22\" 北纬13°26'23.75\"\t-45.11283901\t13.43992994\n79\t西经44°55'41.08\"\t北纬13°26'23.80\"\t-44.92807676\t13.43994495\t100\n\t西经44°55'41.17\" 北纬13°20'58.27\"\t-44.92810362\t13.34952064\n\t西经45°1'13.62\" 北纬13°20'58.31\"\t-45.02045028\t13.34953001\n\t西经45°1'13.65\" 北纬13°26'23.84\"\t-45.02045792\t13.43995439\n80\t西经44°50'8.50\"\t北纬13°26'23.65\"\t-44.83569581\t13.43990163\t100\n\t西经44°50'8.73\" 北纬13°20'58.12\"\t-44.83575716\t13.34947761\n\t西经44°55'41.08\" 北纬13°26'23.80\"\t-44.92807676\t13.43994495\n\t西经44°55'41.17\" 北纬13°20'58.27\"\t-44.92810362\t13.34952064\n81\t西经45°1'13.59\"\t北纬13°15'32.78\"\t-45.0204427\t13.25910499\t100\n\t西经45°1'13.62\" 北纬13°20'58.31\"\t-45.02045028\t13.34953001\n\t西经45°6'45.92\" 北纬13°15'32.69\"\t-45.11275506\t13.25908088\n\t西经45°6'46.07\" 北纬13°20'58.22\"\t-45.11279688\t13.34950573\n82\t西经44°55'41.17\"\t北纬13°20'58.27\"\t-44.92810362\t13.34952064\t100\n\t西经44°55'41.27\" 北纬13°15'32.74\"\t-44.92813028\t13.25909568\n\t西经45°1'13.59\" 北纬13°15'32.78\"\t-45.0204427\t13.25910499\n\t西经45°1'13.62\" 北纬13°20'58.31\"\t-45.02045028\t13.34953001\n83\t西经44°50'8.73\"\t北纬13°20'58.12\"\t-44.83575716\t13.34947761\t100\n\t西经44°50'8.94\" 北纬13°15'32.59\"\t-44.83581805\t13.25905296\n\t西经44°55'41.17\" 北纬13°20'58.27\"\t-44.92810362\t13.34952064\n\t西经44°55'41.27\" 北纬13°15'32.74\"\t-44.92813028\t13.25909568\n84\t西经45°1'13.57\"\t北纬13°10'7.25\"\t-45.02043517\t13.16867932\t100\n\t西经45°1'13.59\" 北纬13°15'32.78\"\t-45.0204427\t13.25910499\n\t西经45°6'45.77\" 北纬13°10'7.16\"\t-45.11271355\t13.16865539\n\t西经45°6'45.92\" 北纬13°15'32.69\"\t-45.11275506\t13.25908088\n85\t西经44°55'41.27\"\t北纬13°15'32.74\"\t-44.92813028\t13.25909568\t100\n\t西经44°55'41.36\" 北纬13°10'7.21\"\t-44.92815673\t13.16867008\n\t西经45°1'13.57\" 北纬13°10'7.25\"\t-45.02043517\t13.16867932\n\t西经45°1'13.59\" 北纬13°15'32.78\"\t-45.0204427\t13.25910499\n86\t西经44°50'8.94\"\t北纬13°15'32.59\"\t-44.83581805\t13.25905296\t100\n\t西经44°50'9.16\" 北纬13°10'7.06\"\t-44.8358785\t13.16862766\n\t西经44°55'41.27\" 北纬13°15'32.74\"\t-44.92813028\t13.25909568\n\t西经44°55'41.36\" 北纬13°10'7.21\"\t-44.92815673\t13.16867008\n87\t西经44°44'36.62\"\t北纬13°15'32.32\"\t-44.74350628\t13.25897682\t100\n\t西经44°44'36.96\" 北纬13°10'6.79\"\t-44.74360071\t13.16855206\n\t西经44°50'8.94\" 北纬13°15'32.59\"\t-44.83581805\t13.25905296\n\t西经44°50'9.16\" 北纬13°10'7.06\"\t-44.8358785\t13.16862766\n88\t西经44°39'4.30\"\t北纬13°15'31.92\"\t-44.65119522\t13.25886727\t100\n\t西经44°39'4.77\" 北纬13°10'6.40\"\t-44.65132363\t13.16844329\n\t西经44°44'36.62\" 北纬13°15'32.32\"\t-44.74350628\t13.25897682\n\t西经44°44'36.96\" 北纬13°10'6.79\"\t-44.74360071\t13.16855206\n89\t西经44°55'41.36\"\t北纬13°10'7.21\"\t-44.92815673\t13.16867008\t100\n\t西经44°55'41.46\" 北纬13°4'41.68\"\t-44.928183\t13.07824385\n\t西经45°1'13.54\" 北纬13°4'41.71\"\t-45.0204277\t13.07825302\n\t西经45°1'13.57\" 北纬13°10'7.25\"\t-45.02043517\t13.16867932\n90\t西经44°50'9.16\"\t北纬13°10'7.06\"\t-44.8358785\t13.16862766\t100\n\t西经44°50'9.38\" 北纬13°4'41.53\"\t-44.83593849\t13.07820173\n\t西经44°55'41.36\" 北纬13°10'7.21\"\t-44.92815673\t13.16867008\n\t西经44°55'41.46\" 北纬13°4'41.68\"\t-44.928183\t13.07824385\n91\t西经44°44'36.96\"\t北纬13°10'6.79\"\t-44.74360071\t13.16855206\t100\n\t西经44°44'37.30\" 北纬13°4'41.26\"\t-44.74369444\t13.07812666\n\t西经44°50'9.16\" 北纬13°10'7.06\"\t-44.8358785\t13.16862766\n\t西经44°50'9.38\" 北纬13°4'41.53\"\t-44.83593849\t13.07820173\n92\t西经44°39'4.77\"\t北纬13°10'6.40\"\t-44.65132363\t13.16844329\t100\n\t西经44°39'5.22\" 北纬13°4'40.87\"\t-44.65145108\t13.07801866\n\t西经44°44'36.96\" 北纬13°10'6.79\"\t-44.74360071\t13.16855206\n\t西经44°44'37.30\" 北纬13°4'41.26\"\t-44.74369444\t13.07812666\n93\t西经44°55'41.46\"\t北纬13°4'41.68\"\t-44.928183\t13.07824385\t100\n\t西经44°55'41.55\" 北纬12°59'16.14\"\t-44.92820906\t12.98781698\n\t西经45°1'13.51\" 北纬12°59'16.17\"\t-45.02042029\t12.98782609\n\t西经45°1'13.54\" 北纬13°4'41.71\"\t-45.0204277\t13.07825302\n94\t西经44°50'9.38\"\t北纬13°4'41.53\"\t-44.83593849\t13.07820173\t100\n\t西经44°50'9.59\" 北纬12°59'15.99\"\t-44.83599803\t12.98777516\n\t西经44°55'41.46\" 北纬13°4'41.68\"\t-44.928183\t13.07824385\n\t西经44°55'41.55\" 北纬12°59'16.14\"\t-44.92820906\t12.98781698\n95\t西经44°44'37.30\"\t北纬13°4'41.26\"\t-44.74369444\t13.07812666\t100\n\t西经44°44'37.63\" 北纬12°59'15.72\"\t-44.74378746\t12.98770064\n\t西经44°50'9.38\" 北纬13°4'41.53\"\t-44.83593849\t13.07820173\n\t西经44°50'9.59\" 北纬12°59'15.99\"\t-44.83599803\t12.98777516\n96\t西经44°39'5.22\"\t北纬13°4'40.87\"\t-44.65145108\t13.07801866\t100\n\t西经44°39'5.68\" 北纬12°59'15.34\"\t-44.65157758\t12.9875934\n\t西经44°44'37.30\" 北纬13°4'41.26\"\t-44.74369444\t13.07812666\n\t西经44°44'37.63\" 北纬12°59'15.72\"\t-44.74378746\t12.98770064\n97\t西经44°55'41.55\"\t北纬12°59'16.14\"\t-44.92820906\t12.98781698\t100\n\t西经44°55'41.65\" 北纬12°53'50.60\"\t-44.92823493\t12.89738948\n\t西经45°1'13.49\" 北纬12°53'50.63\"\t-45.02041293\t12.89739853\n\t西经45°1'13.51\" 北纬12°59'16.17\"\t-45.02042029\t12.98782609\n98\t西经44°50'9.59\"\t北纬12°59'15.99\"\t-44.83599803\t12.98777516\t100\n\t西经44°50'9.81\" 北纬12°53'50.45\"\t-44.83605713\t12.89734797\n\t西经44°55'41.55\" 北纬12°59'16.14\"\t-44.92820906\t12.98781698\n\t西经44°55'41.65\" 北纬12°53'50.60\"\t-44.92823493\t12.89738948\n99\t西经44°44'37.63\"\t北纬12°59'15.72\"\t-44.74378746\t12.98770064\t100\n\t西经44°44'37.97\" 北纬12°53'50.19\"\t-44.74387978\t12.89727398\n\t西经44°50'9.59\" 北纬12°59'15.99\"\t-44.83599803\t12.98777516\n\t西经44°50'9.81\" 北纬12°53'50.45\"\t-44.83605713\t12.89734797\n100\t西经44°44'37.97\"\t北纬12°53'50.19\"\t-44.74387978\t12.89727398\t100\n\t西经44°44'38.30\"\t北纬12°48'24.65\"\t-44.7439714\t12.80684669\t\n\t西经44°50'10.02\"\t北纬12°48'24.91\"\t-44.83611578\t12.80692015\t\n\t西经44°50'9.81\"\t北纬12°53'50.45\"\t-44.83605713\t12.89734797", "[]" ]
[ "第十七届会议", "牙买加金斯敦", "2011年7月11日至22日,日内瓦", "就俄罗斯联邦政府请求核准多金属硫化物勘探工作计划的申请书向国际海底管理局理事会提出的报告和建议", "法律和技术委员会提交", "一. 导言", "1. 2010年12月24日,国际海底管理局秘书长收到请求核准 \" 区域 \" 内多金属硫化物勘探工作计划的申请书。 该申请书由俄罗斯联邦政府根据《 \" 区域 \" 内多金属硫化物探矿和勘探规章》(ISBA/16/A/12/Rev.1,附件)提交。 申请区域由100个区块组成,每块约10公里乘10公里,分为7个组群,每个组群有8至36个区块。 这些集群不是毗连的,而是相近的,并被限制在一个长方形区域内,面积为216,622平方千米.", "2. 联合国 根据《规章》第22(c)条,秘书长于2011年1月18日通知管理局所有成员收到申请书并分发了有关申请书的一般性资料。 根据第23条,秘书长还于2011年1月19日致函法律和技术委员会成员,告知他收到该申请,该申请已作为项目列入委员会下次会议议程。", "二. 法律和技术委员会审议申请书的方法", "A. 委员会审议申请书时采用的一般方法", "3个 委员会在审议申请书时指出,根据《联合国海洋法公约》附件三第六条所制定的办法,首先需要客观确定申请者是否满足了《规章》所载的要求,特别是关于申请书形式的要求;申请者是否作出了第15条规定的必要承诺和保证;申请者是否具备执行拟议勘探工作计划所必要的财政和技术能力,并酌情令人满意地履行了以前同管理局订立的任何合同所规定的义务。 然后,委员会需要根据《规章》第23条第4款及其程序,确定拟议工作计划是否将有效保护人体健康和安全并有效保护和保全海洋环境,并确保设施不坐落在可能干扰国际航行必经的公认航道的地点或坐落在捕鱼活动集中的区域。 第23(5)条规定:", "3. 如果委员会根据第3款作出确定并认定提议的勘探工作计划符合第4款的要求,委员会应建议理事会核准勘探工作计划。", " 4.四. 委员会在审议拟议勘探工作计划时,根据《规章》第23(10)条,考虑到《公约》第十一部分和附件三以及1982年12月10日《关于执行联合国海洋法公约第十一部分的协定》中与 \" 区域 \" 内活动有关的原则、政策和目标。", "B. 审议申请书", "5 (韩语). 委员会在2011年7月8日的非公开会议上审议了该申请。", "6. 国家 在开始详细审查申请书之前,委员会请申请人的代表、副部长谢尔盖·埃菲莫维奇·唐斯克伊在极地海洋地理调查考察首席地质学家米哈伊尔·塞尔日耶夫和VNIIOkeangeologia副所长格奥尔基·切尔克绍夫的陪同下介绍申请书。 委员会成员然后提问,在召开非公开会议详细审查申请书之前,澄清申请书的某些方面。", "三. 申请书基本资料摘要", "A类. 申请者的身份", "7. 联合国 申请者姓名:俄罗斯联邦自然资源和生态部。", "8. 国家 申请者地址:", "(a) 街道地址:俄罗斯,123995,莫斯科,Bolshaya Gruzinskaya街,4/6.", "(b) 邮政地址:俄罗斯,123995,莫斯科,Bolshaya Gruzinskaya街,4/6.", "(c) 电话号码:7 499 254 48 00、7 499 254 01 74、7 499 254 81 55;", "(d) 传真:7 499 254 43 10、7 499 254 66 10、7 499 254 33 61;", "(e) 电子邮件地址;。", "9. 国家 申请者指定代表:", "(a) 自然资源和生态部副部长Sergei Efimovich Donskoi。", "(b) 申请者指定代表的街道地址:同上;", "(c) 邮政地址:同上;", "(d) 电话号码:7 499 254 03 66;", "(e) 传真号码:7 499 254 43 10、7 499 254 66 10;", "(f) 电子邮件地址。", "10个 申请人的注册地和主要营业地点/住所:俄罗斯,12395,莫斯科,Bolshaya Gruzinskaya街,4/6.", "11个 申请者是《公约》缔约国。", "12个 俄罗斯联邦交存《联合国海洋法公约》批准书的日期:1997年3月12日;加入《关于执行1982年12月10日联合国海洋法公约第十一部分的协定》的日期:1997年3月12日。", "B. 适用范围", "13个 申请区位于大西洋中部中大西洋脊轴地. 它包括100个区块,每块约10公里×10公里,但不超过100平方公里。 申请中的区块分为7个组群,每个组群包含8至36个区块。 多金属硫化物区块组群不是毗连的,而是相近并被限制在一个长方形区域内,面积为216,622平方公里。 长方形区最长一面为897公里. 申请区域的坐标和一般位置见本文件附件。", " C C. 其他资料", "14个 收到申请日期:2010年12月24日。", "15个 以前同管理局签订的合同:申请者以前没有同管理局签订任何合同。", "16号. 承诺:申请人附上一份由副部长S.E. Donskoi按照《条例》第15条签署的2010年10月29日的书面承诺。", "17岁。 申请者选择根据第19条提供在联合企业安排中的股份。", "18岁。 根据《规章》第21条第1款(a)项的规定,申请人已缴纳申请费50万美元。", "四、结 论 审查申请者提交的资料和技术数据", " 19. 19. 申请书中提交了下列技术文件:", "(a) 申请者开具的担保书;", "(b) 与所申请区域有关的资料:", "(一) 区块位置图;", "(二) 申请中的区块角坐标表;", "(c) 使理事会能确定申请者是否有财政能力执行提议的勘探工作计划的资料;", "(d) 使理事会能确定申请者是否有技术能力执行提议的勘探工作计划的资料;", "(e) 指示性勘探工作计划;", "(f) 培训方案;", "(g) 申请者的书面承诺;", "(h) 指定自然资源和生态部副部长为申请者代表并授权他在请求核准勘探工作计划的申请书上签字的文件。", " V. 审议申请者的财务和技术资格", "A类. 财政能力", "20号. 在评价申请者的财政能力时,委员会注意到,申请者已宣布有能力执行提议的勘探工作计划并履行其对管理局的财政义务。 委员会收到2010年10月29日由申请者指定代表签署的一份声明,证明申请者将有必要资金来支付拟议工作计划下的最低支出估计数并履行其财政义务。", "B. 技术能力", "21岁 委员会获得了关于申请者在多金属硫化物矿床科学研究领域经验和技能的技术资料。 申请者还称,自1993年以来,俄罗斯专门研究所和俄罗斯科学院一直在对 \" 区域 \" 内多金属硫化物进行海洋科学研究。 此外,近年来,申请者本身几乎每年都对中大西洋海脊轴地带的含矿石能力,包括拟议申请区的位置进行研究。", "22号. 委员会收到了有关预防、减少和控制危害以及可能对海洋环境造成的影响的资料。 这包括说明在不活动矿石矿址试点采矿地点相邻地点进行海洋学和环境研究方案的计划。 此外,申请者提议在热液动物活地进行环境研究。 这是为了确保勘探活动对海洋环境的影响最小。 它附上一项行动计划,以采取必要措施,防止、减少和控制勘探活动对海洋环境造成的污染和其他危害。 它还附上了一份关于监测方案的说明,并提出了防止、减少和控制海洋环境中污染和其他危害及其可能造成的影响的措施。 申请者还称,它欢迎管理局和国际科学界参与制定在勘探阶段确定环境基线的参数和准则。", "六、结 论 审议为核准勘探工作计划而提交的数据和资料", "23. 联合国 根据《规章》第20条,申请者为核准勘探工作计划提交了下列资料:", "(a) 关于提议的勘探方案的一般说明和时间表,包括未来五年的活动方案,例如就勘探时必须考虑的环境、技术、经济和其他有关因素进行的研究;", "(b) 国家 1. 承诺按照《规章》和管理局制定的任何环境规则、规章和程序,说明海洋学和环境基线研究方案。 这种研究将有助于评估拟议的勘探活动对环境的潜在影响,包括但不限于对生物多样性的影响,同时考虑到法律和技术委员会提出的建议;", "(c) 关于拟议勘探活动可能对海洋环境造成的影响的初步评估;", "(d) 关于为防止、减少和控制对海洋环境的污染和其他危害以及可能造成的影响而提议的措施的说明;", "(e) 理事会根据第13(1)条作出决定所需的数据;", "(f) 第一个五年期活动方案的预期年度支出表。", "24 (韩语). 委员会感到满意的是,所提供的资料符合《规章》的要求,并注意到委员会期待申请者按照《规章》的要求提交报告,包括提供相关数据,并期待委员会在适当时候提出指导建议。 委员会还赞赏地承认,在答复委员会提出的问题时,申请者代表已表示愿意向管理局提供俄罗斯联邦多年来在中大西洋海脊上进行的海洋科学研究所产生的大量历史数据集。", "页:1 培训方案", "25岁 申请者表示,根据《规章》第29条和附件4第8节,承包者将同管理局合作制定培训方案并提交管理局核准。", "第八编. 结论和建议", "26. 联合国 委员会在审查了上文第三节至第七节概述的申请者所提交的细节之后,满意地认为,该申请书已按照《规章》的规定提交,而且申请者是《公约》附件三第四条意义内的合格申请者。 委员会还感到满意的是,申请者:", "(a) 国家 遵守了《规章》的规定;", "(b) 国家 作出了《规章》第15条规定的承诺和保证;", "(c) 有执行提议的勘探工作计划的财政和技术能力。", "27个 委员会感到满意的是,《规章》第23(6)条中的条件均不适用。", "28岁 关于提议的勘探工作计划,委员会感到满意的是,提议的勘探工作计划将:", "(a) 有效保护人体健康和安全;", "(b) 有效保护和保全海洋环境;", "(c) 确保设施不坐落在可能干扰国际航行必经的公认航道的地点或坐落在捕鱼活动集中的区域。", "29. 国家 因此,根据第23条第5款,委员会建议理事会核准俄罗斯联邦政府提交的多金属硫化物勘探工作计划。", "页:1", "所申请区域坐标和总位置地图清单", "块数 纬度( 十进制) 纬度( 十进制 Areakm2)\n学位)\n1 45°43′22.26′′W 20°49′24.82′′N -45.72285132 20.82356118 100\n45°43′23.82′′W 20°54′50.08′′N -45.72328349 20.91391182\n45°49'8.22\" W 20°49'23.26\" N -45.81894965 20.82312901 (英语).\n45°49′9.98′′W 20°54′48.52′′N -45.81943926 20.91347761\n2.45°37′36.30′′W 20°49′26.18′′N -45.62675069 20.82393949 100\n45°37′37.65′′W 20°54′51.45′′N -45.62712542 20.91429192\n45°43′22.26′′W 20°49′24.82′′N -45.72285132 20.82356118\n45°43′23.82′′W 20°54′50.08′′N -45.72328349 20.91391182\n3°43′20.72′′W 20°43′59.55′′N -45.72242145 20.73320958 100\n45°43′22.26′′W 20°49′24.82′′N -45.72285132 20.82356118\n45°49′6.47′′W 20°43′58.01′′N -45.81846264 20.73277945 (中文(简体) ).\n45°49'8.22\" W 20°49'23.26\" N -45.81894965 20.82312901 (英语).\n445°37′34.96′′W 20°44′0.91′′N -45.6263796 20.7335861 100\n45°37′36.30′′W 20°49′26.18′′N -45.62675069 20.82393949\n45°43'20.72\" W 20°43'59.55\" N -45.72242145 20.73320958\n45°43′22.26′′W 20°49′24.82′′N -45.72285132 20.82356118\n5 45°43′19.18′′W 20°38′34.29′′N -45.72199387 20.64285702 100\n45°43'20.72\" W 20°43'59.55\" N -45.72242145 20.73320958\n45°49′4.72′′W 20°38′32.74′′N -45.81797823 20.64242893′E / 45.\n45°49′6.47′′W 20°43′58.01′′N -45.81846264 20.73277945 (中文(简体) ).\n6 45°49'2.99\" W 20°33'7.48\" N -45.81749642 20.55207746 100 (中文(简体) ).\n45°49′4.72′′W 20°38′32.74′′N -45.81797823 20.64242893′E / 45.\n45°54'48.32\" W 20°33'5.75\" N -45.91342167 20.55159832\n45°54'50.26\" W 20°38'31.01\" N -45.9139600 20.6419475 (英语).\n7 45°43'17.65\" W 20°33' 9.01\" N -45.72156858 20.55250351 100\n45°43'19.18\" W 20°38'34.29\" N -45.72199387 20.64285702 (英语).\n45°49'2.99\" W 20°33'7.48\" N -45.81749642 20.55207746 (英语).\n45°49′4.72′′W 20°38′32.74′′N -45.81797823 20.64242893′E / 45.\n8 45°37′30.98′′W 20°27′45.07′′N -45.62527168 20.46252021 100\n45°37′32.30′′W 20°33′10.36′′N -45.62563846 20.55287645\n45°43'16.12\" W 20°27'43.74\" N -45.72114557 20.46214904\n45°43′17.65′′W 20°33′9.01′′N -45.72156858 20.55250351\n9 45°31′45.82′′W 20°27′46.22′′N -45.52939581 20.46283852 100\n45°31'46.94\" W 20°33'11.51\" N -45.52970635 20.55319629\n45°37′30.98′′W 20°27′45.07′′N -45.62527168 20.46252021\n45°37′32.30′′W 20°33′10.36′′N -45.62563846 20.55287645\n10°43′10.11′′W 20°6′2.60′′N -45.71947625 20.10072176 100\n45°43'11.60\" W 20°11'27.89\" N -45.71989019 20.1910799\n45°48′54.45′′W 20°6′1.10′′N -45.815126 20.10030588\n45°48′56.14′′W 20°11′26.38′′W / 45. N-45.81559495 20.19066208 (英语).\n1145°37'25.77\" W 20°6'3.91\" N -45.62382425 20.10108582 100\n45°37'27.06\" W 20°11'29.20\" N -45.62418316 20.19144582\n45°43′10.11′′W 20°6′2.6′′N -45.71947625 20.10072176′′E / 45.\n45°43'11.60\" W 20°11'27.89\" N -45.71989019 20.1910799\n12 45°31'41.41\" W 20°6'5.03\" N -45.52817029 20.10139803 100\n45°31'42.51\" W 20°11'30.33\" N -45.52847418 20.19175955\n45°37′25.77′′W 20°6′3.91′′N -45.62382425 20.10108582\n45°37'27.06\" W 20°11'29.20\" N -45.62418316 20.19144582\n13°00′21.03′′W 20°0′32.28′′N -46.00584173 20.0089663 100\n46°0'23.10\" W 20°5'57.55\" N -46.00641754 20.09931863 (英语).\n46°6′5.14′′W 20°0′30.23′′N -46.10142823 20.00839773′′W / 46.\n46°6'7.41\" W 20°5'55.49\" N -46.10205874 20.09874727 (中文(简体) ).\n14°54′36.91′′W 20°0′34.14′′N -45.91025209 20.00948331 100\n45°54′38.78′′W 20°5′59.42′′N -45.9107732 20.09983816\n46°0′21.03′′W 20°0′32.28′′N -46.00584173 20.0089663′′W / 46.\n46°0'23.10\" W 20°5'57.55\" N -46.00641754 20.09931863 (英语).\n15 45°43'10.11\" W 20°6'2.60\" N -45.71947625 20.10072176 100\n45°43'8.63\" W 20°0'37.31\" N -45.71906457 20.0103626\n45°48'52.77\" W 20°0'35.82\" N -45.8146596 20.00994874 (英语).\n45°48′54.45′′W 20°6′1.10′′N -45.815126 20.10030588\n1645°37′24.48′′W 20°0′38.61′′N -45.62346729 20.01072488 100\n45°37′25.77′′W 20°6′3.91′′N -45.62382425 20.10108582\n45°43′10.11′′W 20°6′2.6′′N -45.71947625 20.10072176′′E / 45.\n45°43'8.63\" W 20°0'37.31\" N -45.71906457 20.0103626\n:17 45°31'40.33\" W 20°0'39.73\" N -45.52786806 20.01103557 100\n45°31′41.41′′W 20°6′5.03′′N -45.52817029 20.10139803\n45°37′24.48′′W 20°0′38.61′′N -45.62346729 20.01072488 (中文(简体) ).\n45°37′25.77′′W 20°6′3.91′′N -45.62382425 20.10108582\n18°0′18.97′′W 19°55′7.01′′N -46.00526906 19.91861304 100\n46°0′21.03′′W 20°0′32.28′′N -46.00584173 20.0089663′′W / 46.\n46°6′2.88′′W 19°55′4.97′′N -46.10080116 19.91804724′′W / 46.\n46°6′5.14′′W 20°0′30.23′′N -46.10142823 20.00839773′′W / 46.\n19°54′35.04′′W 19°55′8.86′′N -45.90973382 19.91912752 100\n45°54′36.91′′W 20°0′34.14′′N -45.91025209 20.00948331\n46°0′18.97′′W 19°55′7.01′′N -46.00526906 19.91861304 (英语).\n46°0′21.03′′W 20°0′32.28′′N -46.00584173 20.0089663′′W / 46.\n20°43′7.16′′W 19°55′12.01′′N -45.7186513 19.92000252 100\n45°43'8.63\" W 20°0'37.31\" N -45.71906457 20.0103626\n45°48'51.10\" W 19°55'10.53\" N -45.81419574 19.91959068 (中文(简体) ).\n45°48'52.77\" W 20°0'35.82\" N -45.8146596 20.00994874 (英语).\n21°00′16.92′′W 19°49′41.73′′N -46.00469952 19.82825884 100\n46°0′18.97′′W 19°55′7.01′′N -46.00526906 19.91861304 (英语).\n46°6'0.64\" W 19°49'39.70\" N -46.10017753 19.82769582 (中文(简体) ).\n46°6′2.88′′W 19°55′4.97′′N -46.10080116 19.91804724′′W / 46.\n22°54′33.19′′W 19°49′43.57′′N -45.90921839 19.8287708 100\n45°54'35.04\" W 19°55'8.86\" N -45.90973382 19.91912752 (英语).\n46°0′16.92′′W 19°49′41.73′′N -46.00469952 19.82825884′′W / 46.\n46°0′18.97′′W 19°55′7.01′′N -46.00526906 19.91861304 (英语).\n23°48′49.44′′W 19°49′45.23′′N -45.81373443 19.82923168 100\n45°48'51.10\" W 19°55'10.53\" N -45.81419574 19.91959068 (中文(简体) ).\n45°54′33.19′′W 19°49′43.57′′N -45.90921839 19.8287708\n45°54'35.04\" W 19°55'8.86\" N -45.90973382 19.91912752 (英语).\n24°43′5.69′′W 19°49′46.71′′N -45.71824793 19.8296415 100\n45°43'7.16\" W 19°55'12.01\" N -45.71865513 19.92000252 (英语).\n45°48'49.44\" W 19°49'45.23\" N -45.81373443 19.82923168 (英语).\n45°48'51.10\" W 19°55'10.53\" N -45.81419574 19.91959068 (中文(简体) ).\n25°54′31.34′′W 19°44′18.29′′N -45.90870579 19.73841315 100\n45°54′33.19′′W 19°49′43.57′′N -45.90921839 19.8287708\n46°0′14.88′′W 19°44′16.45′′N -46.00413311 19.73790371 (中文(简体) ).\n46°0′16.92′′W 19°49′41.73′′N -46.00469952 19.82825884′′W / 46.\n26°48′47.79′′W 19°44′19.94′′N -45.81327564 19.73887177 100\n45°48'49.44\" W 19°49'45.23\" N -45.81373443 19.82923168 (英语).\n45°54'31.34\" W 19°44'18.29\" N -45.90870579 19.73841315 (英语).\n45°54′33.19′′W 19°49′43.57′′N -45.90921839 19.8287708\n27°36′31.47′′W 17°56′42.38′′N -46.54207397 17.94510591 100\n46°32'34.29\" W 18°2'7.65\" N -46.54285927 18.03545946 (英语).\n46°38′11.29′′W 17°56′39.60′′N -46.63647011 17.94433355′′E / 46.\n46°38'14.29\" W 18°2'4.86\" N -46.63730342 18.03468296 (中文(简体) ).\n28°26′51.62′′W 17°56′45.00′′N -46.44767323 17.94583243 100\n46°26′54.28′′W 18°2′10.28′′N -46.44841049 18.03618989′′E / 46.\n46°32′31.47′′W 17°56′42.38′′W / 46. 编号 -46.54207397 17.94510591\n46°32'34.29\" W 18°2'7.65\" N -46.54285927 18.03545946 (英语).\n29°32′28.66′′W 17°51′17.11′′N -46.54129329 17.85475148 100\n46°32′31.47′′W 17°56′42.38′′W / 46. 编号 -46.54207397 17.94510591\n46°38′11.29′′W 17°56′39.60′′N -46.63647011 17.94433355′′E / 46.\n46°38′8.31′′W 17°51′14.34′′N -46.63564169 17.85398327\n30°26′48.99′′W 17°51′19.71′′N -46.4469403 17.8554741 100\n46°26′51.62′′W 17°56′45.00′′N -46.44767323 17.94583243\n46°32′28.66′′W 17°51′17.11′′N -46.54129329 17.85475148 (中文(简体) ).\n46°32′31.47′′W 17°56′42.38′′W / 46. 编号 -46.54207397 17.94510591\n31°38′5.35′′W 17°45′49.08′′N -46.63481814 17.76363211 100\n46°38′8.31′′W 17°51′14.34′′N -46.63564169 17.85398327\n46°43′44.81′′W 17°45′46.16′′N -46.72911421 17.76282271\n46°43′47.95′′W 17°51′11.41′′N 46.7299852 17.85316948\n32°46′46.36′′W 17°45′54.41′′N -46.44621168 17.76511491 100\n46°26′48.99′′W 17°51′19.71′′N -46.4469403 17.8554741\n46°32′25.86′′W 17°45′51.83′′N -46.5405172 17.76439618\n46°32′28.66′′W 17°51′17.11′′N -46.54129329 17.85475148 (中文(简体) ).\n33°46′21′′4.41′′W 17°40′31.53′′N -46.35122473 17.67542459 100\n46°21'6.85\" W 17°45'56.84\" N -46.35190185 17.76578829\n46°26'43.75\" W 17°40'29.12\" N -46.44548737 17.67475486 (中文(简体) ).\n46°26'46.36\" W 17°45'54.41\" N -46.44621168 17.76511491\n34°46′21′′1.99′′W 17°35′6.22′′N -46.35055163 17.58506004 100\n46°21′4.41′′W 17°40′31.53′′N -46.35122473 17.67542459′′E / 46.\n46°26'41.16\" W 17°35'3.82\" N -46.44476735 17.58439395\n46°26'43.75\" W 17°40'29.12\" N -46.44548737 17.67475486 (中文(简体) ).\n35°20′59.58′′W 17°29′40.90′′N -46.34988254 17.49469464 100\n46°21'1.99\" W 17°35'6.22\" N -46.35055163 17.58506004\n46°26′38.59′′W 17°29′38.52′′N -46.44405162 17.49403219 (中文(简体) ).\n46°26'41.16\" W 17°35'3.82\" N -46.44476735 17.58439395\n36°26′28.43′′W 17°7′57.28′′N -46.44123135 17.13257669 100\n46°26′30.95′′W 17°13′22.59′′N -46.44193003 17.2294183′′E / 46.\n46°32′6.76′′W 17°7′54.79′′N -46.53521241 17.1318512\n46°32'9.44\" W 17°13'20.09\" N -46.53595662 17.2224639 维基文库中相关的原始文献: 维基文库中相关的原始文献: 维基文库中相关的原始文献: 维基语录\n37°20′50.09′′W 17°7′59.61′′N -46.34724604 17.13322462 100\n46°20'52.44\" W 17°13'24.94\" N -46.3478992 17.22359338\n46°26′28.43′′W 17°7′57.28′′N -46.44123135 17.13257669\n46°26′30.95′′W 17°13′22.59′′N -46.44193003 17.2294183′′E / 46.\n38°46′25.93′′W 17°2′31.96′′N -46.4405369 17.04221072 100\n46°26′28.43′′W 17°7′57.28′′N -46.44123135 17.13257669\n46°32'4.10\" W 17°2'29.48\" N -46.53447272 17.04152301 (中文(简体) ).\n46°32′6.76′′W 17°7′54.79′′N -46.53521241 17.1318512\n39°20′47.75′′W 17°2′34.28′′N -46.34659685 17.04285504 100\n46°20′50.09′′W 17°7′59.61′′N -46.34724604 17.13322462\n46°26'25.93\" W 17°2'31.96\" N -46.4405369 17.04221072 (英语).\n46°26′28.43′′W 17°7′57.28′′N -46.44123135 17.13257669\n40°26′23.45′′W 16°57′6.64′′N -46.43984667 16.95184392 100\n46°26'25.93\" W 17°2'31.96\" N -46.4405369 17.04221072 (英语).\n46°32'1.46\" W 16°57'4.18\" N -46.533733753 16.95116008\n46°32'4.10\" W 17°2'29.48\" N -46.53447272 17.04152301 (中文(简体) ).\n41°26′20.98′′W 16°51′41.31′′N -46.43916067 16.8614763 100\n46°26'23.45\" W 16°57'6.64\" N -46.43984667 16.95184392 (中文(简体) ).\n46°31′58.82′′W 16°51′38.87′′N -46.53300683 16.86079631\n46°32'1.46\" W 16°57'4.18\" N -46.533733753 16.95116008\n42°36′56.21′′W 16°46′13.55′′N -46.53228062 16.77043172 100\n46°31′58.82′′W 16°51′38.87′′N -46.53300683 16.86079631\n46°37′33.88′′W 16°46′10.97′′N -46.62607789 16.76971292\n46°37'36.65\" W 16°51'36.26\" N -46.62684851 16.86007342\n43°26′18.52′′W 16°46′15.99′′N -46.43847887 16.77110785 100\n46°26′20.98′′W 16°51′41.31′′N -46.43916067 16.8614763\n46°31'56.21\" W 16°46'13.55\" N -46.53228062 16.77043172 (中文(简体) ).\n46°31′58.82′′W 16°51′38.87′′N -46.53300683 16.86079631\n44°31′53.61′′W 16°40′48.24′′N -46.53155887 16.680063 100\n46°31'56.21\" W 16°46'13.55\" N -46.53228062 16.77043172 (中文(简体) ).\n46°37′31.12′′W 16°40′45.67′′N -46.62531201 16.6793516\n46°37′33.88′′W 16°46′10.97′′N -46.62607789 16.76971292\n45°26′16.08′′W 16°40′50.66′′N -46.43780127 16.68073859 100\n46°26'18.52\" W 16°46'15.99\" N -46.43847887 16.77110785\n46°31′53.61′′W 16°40′48.24′′N -46.53155887°16.6800663′′W / 46.\n46°31'56.21\" W 16°46'13.55\" N -46.53228062 16.77043172 (中文(简体) ).\n46°26′13.66′′W 16°35′25.33′′N -46.43712787 16.59036851 100\n46°26'16.08\" W 16°40'50.66\" N -46.43780127 16.68073859 (中文(简体) ).\n46°31′51.03′′W 16°35′22.92′′N -46.5308416°16.58970007′′E / 46.\n46°31′53.61′′W 16°40′48.24′′N -46.53155887°16.6800663′′W / 46.\n47°31'48.46\" W 16°29'57.60\" N -46.53012877 16.4993302 100\n46°31′51.03′′W 16°35′22.92′′N -46.5308416°16.58970007′′E / 46.\n46°37'25.66\" W 16°29'55.06\" N -46.62379446 16.4986265\n46°37′28.38′′W 16°35′20.36′′N -46.62455087 16.588946\n48°37′17.59′′W 16°13′39.12′′N -46.62155346 16.22753275 100\n46°37′20.26′′W 16°19′4.43′′N -46.62229576 16.31789814\n46°42'54.31\" W 16°13'36.47\" N -46.71508532 16.22679727\n46°42′57.13′′W 16°19′1.77′′N -46.71587039 16.31715834\n49°37′14.94′′W 16°8′13.80′′N -46.62081585 16.13716657 100\n46°37′17.59′′W 16°13′39.12′′N -46.62155346 16.22753275′′E / 46.\n46°42'51.50\" W 16°8'11.17\" N -46.71430521 16.13643539\n46°42'54.31\" W 16°13'36.47\" N -46.71508532 16.22679727\n50°37′12.30′′W 16°2′48.48′′N 46.62008291 16.04679958 100\n46°37'14.94\" W 16°8'13.80\" N -4662081585 16.13716657\n46°42′48.71′′W 16°2′45.86′′N -46.71353005 16.04607272\n46°42'51.50\" W 16°8'11.17\" N -46.71430521 16.13643539\n51°37′12.30′′W 16°2′48.48′′N -46.62008291 16.04679958 100\n46°37'9.68\" W 15°57'23.15\" N -46.61935464 15.95644318 °.\n46°42'45.94\" W 15°57'20.55\" N -46.71275981 15.95570924 (中文(简体) ).\n46°42′48.71′′W 16°2′45.86′′N -46.71353005 16.04607272\n52°36′33.40′′W 15°57′25.61′′N -46.5259448 15.95711389 100\n46°31'35.87\" W 16°2'50.95\" N -46.52663111 16.04748573 (英语).\n46°37'12.30\" W 16°2'48.48\" N -46.62008291 16.04679958\n46°37'9.68\" W 15°57'23.15\" N -46.61935464 15.95644318 °.\n53°37′7.07′′W 15°51′57.83′′N -46.61863102 15.86606323 100\n46°37'9.68\" W 15°57'23.15\" N -46.61935464 15.95644318 °.\n46°42'43.18\" W 15°51'55.24\" N -46.7119945 15.86534498 (中文(简体) ).\n46°42'45.94\" W 15°57'20.55\" N -46.71275981 15.95570924 (中文(简体) ).\n54°36′30.95′′W 15°52′0.27′′N -46.52526288 15.86674126 100\n46°31′33.40′′W 15°57′25.61′′N -46.5259448 15.95711389\n46°37'7.07\" W 15°51'57.83\" N -46.61863102 15.86606323\n46°37'9.68\" W 15°57'23.15\" N -46.61935464 15.95644318 °.\n55°37′4.48′′W 15°46′32.50′′N -46.61791204 15.77569388 100\n46°37'7.07\" W 15°51'57.83\" N -46.61863102 15.86606323\n46°42'40.44\" W 15°46'29.93\" N -46.71123411 15.77497992 (英语).\n46°42'43.18\" W 15°51'55.24\" N -46.7119945 15.86534498 (中文(简体) ).\n56°36′28.51′′W 15°46′34.92′′N -46.52458534 15.77636785 100\n46°31′30.95′′W 15°52′0.27′′N -46.52526288 15.86674126\n46°37′4.48′′W 15°46′32.50′′N -46.61791204 15.77569388′′E / 46.\n46°37'7.07\" W 15°51'57.83\" N -46.61863102 15.86606323\n57°54′4.50′′W 14°58′37.23′′N -44.83458295 14.97700737 100\n44°50'4.75\" W 14°53'11.74\" N -44.83465211 14.88659493\n44°55′39.32′′W 14°58′37.40′′N -44.92758961 14.97705587\n44°55′39.43′′W 14°53′11.92′′N -44.92761989 14.88664311\n58°44′55′′39.43′′W 14°53′11.92′′N -44.92761989 14.88664311 100\n44°55′39.54′′W 14°47′46.43′′N -44.92764996 14.79622965′′E / 44.\n45°1′14.09′′W 14°47′46.46′′N -45.02057932 14.79624008\n45°1'14.12\" W 14°53'11.95\" N -45.02058787 14.88665361 (中文(简体) ).\n59°50'4.75\" W 14°53'11.74\" N -44.83465211 14.88659493 100\n44°50'4.99\" W 14°47'46.25\" N -44.8347208 14.79618177 (英语).\n44°55′39.43′′W 14°53′11.92′′N -44.92761989 14.88664311\n44°55′39.54′′W 14°47′46.43′′N -44.92764996 14.79622965′′E / 44.\n60°45′1'14.05′′W 14°42'20.97′′N -45.02057082 14.70582584 100\n45°1′14.09′′W 14°47′46.46′′N -45.02057932 14.79624008\n45°6′48.46′′W 14°42′20.88′′N -45.11346176 14.705799\n45°6′48.63′′W 14°47′46.37′′N -45.11350862 14.79621306\n61°55′39.54′′W 14°47′46.43′′N -44.92764996 14.79622965 100\n44°55'39.65\" W 14°42'20.94\" N -44.92767983 14.70581548 (英语).\n45°1'14.05\" W 14°42'20.97\" N -45.02057082 14.70582584 (英语).\n45°1′14.09′′W 14°47′46.46′′N -45.02057932 14.79624008\n62°50′4.99′′W 14°47′46.25′′N 44.8347208 14.79618177 100\n44°50'5.24\" W 14°42'20.76\" N -44.83478903 14.7057679 °.\n44°55′39.54′′W 14°47′46.43′′N -44.92764996 14.79622965′′E / 44.\n44°55'39.65\" W 14°42'20.94\" N -44.92767983 14.70581548 (英语).\n63°55′39.65′′W 14°42′20.94′′N -44.92767983 14.70581548 100\n44°55′39.75′′W 14°36′55.44′′N -44.92770949 14.6154006\n45°1′14.02′′W 14°36′55.48′′N -45.02056238 14.6154109\n45°1'14.05\" W 14°42'20.97\" N -45.02057082 14.70582584 (英语).\n64°50′5.24′′W 14°42′20.76′′N -44.83478903 14.70579 100\n44°50'5.48\" W 14°36'55.27\" N -44.83485679 14.61535333\n44°55'39.65\" W 14°42'20.94\" N -44.92767983 14.70581548 (英语).\n44°55′39.75′′W 14°36′55.44′′N -44.92770949 14.6154006\n65°55′40.58′′W 13°53′31.40′′N -44.92793951 13.89205672 100\n44°55′40.68′′W 13°48′5.89′′N -44.92796736 13.80163569\n45°1'13.76\" W 13°48'5.92\" N -45.02048903 13.80164539 (英语).\n45°1′13.79′′W 13°53′31.44′′W / 45. N -45.02049696 13.89206649 (英语).\n66°44′50′′7.38′′W 13°53′31.24′′N -44.8353827 13.89201188 100\n44°50'7.61\" W 13°48'5.73\" N -44.83544589 13.80159115\n44°55′40.58′′W 13°53′31.40′′W / 44. N -44.92793951 13.89205672 (英语).\n44°55′40.68′′W 13°48′5.89′′N -44.92796736 13.80163569\n67°55'40.68\" W 13°48'5.89\" N -44.92796736 13.80163569 100\n44°55′40.78′′W 13°42′40.37′′W / 44. N -44.92799501 13.71121399 (英语).\n45°1′13.73′′W 13°42′40.41′′N -45.02048117 13.71122363\n45°1'13.76\" W 13°48'5.92\" N -45.02048903 13.80164539 (英语).\n68°50'7.61\" W 13°48'5.73\" N -44.83544589 13.80159115 100\n44°50′7.83′′W 13°42′40.21′′N -44.83550905 13.7116976′′E / 44.\n44°55′40.68′′W 13°48′5.89′′N -44.92796736 13.80163569\n44°55′40.78′′W 13°42′40.37′′W / 44. N -44.92799501 13.71121399 (英语).\n69°50'7.83\" W 13°42'40.21\" N -44.83550905 13.7116976 100\n44°50′8.06′′W 13°37′14.69′′N -44.83557176 13.6207477\n44°55′40.78′′W 13°42′40.37′′W / 44. N -44.92799501 13.71121399 (英语).\n44°55′40.88′′W 13°37′14.85′′N -44.92802246 13.62079163\n70°44′34.88′′W 13°42′39.93′′N -44.74302355 13.71109093 100\n44°44′35.24′′W 13°37′14.41′′N -44.74312151 13.62066941′′E / 44.\n44°50′7.83′′W 13°42′40.21′′N -44.83550905 13.7116976′′E / 44.\n44°50′8.06′′W 13°37′14.69′′N -44.83557176 13.6207477\n71 45°1'13.68\" W 13°31'49.36\" N -45.02046561 13.53037812 100\n45°1′13.70′′W 13°37′14.88′′N -45.02047336 13.6208012\n45°6′46.37′′W 13°31′49.27′′N -45.11288145 13.530351′′W / 45.\n45°6′46.53′′W 13°37′14.80′′N -45.11292421 13.62077642\n72°55′40.88′′W 13°37′14.85′′N -44.92802246 13.62079163 100\n44°55′40.98′′W 13°31′49.33′′W / 44. N -44.92804971 13.53036862 (英语).\n45°1′13.68′′W 13°31′49.36′′W / 45. N -45.02046561 13.53037812 (英语).\n45°1′13.70′′W 13°37′14.88′′N -45.02047336 13.6208012\n73°44′50′′8.06′′W 13°37′14.69′′N -44.83557176 13.6207477 100\n44°50′8.28′′W 13°31′49.17′′W / 44. N -44.83563401 13.53032499 (英语).\n44°55′40.88′′W 13°37′14.85′′N -44.92802246 13.62079163\n44°55′40.98′′W 13°31′49.33′′W / 44. N -44.92804971 13.53036862 (英语).\n74°44′35.24′′W 13°37′14.41′′N -44.74312151 13.62066941 100\n44°44'35.59\" W 13°31'48.89\" N -44.74321877 13.53024724\n44°50′8.06′′W 13°37′14.69′′N -44.83557176 13.6207477\n44°50′8.28′′W 13°31′49.17′′W / 44. N -44.83563401 13.53032499 (英语).\n75°45′1'13.65′′W 13°26′23.84′′N -45.02045792 13.43995439 100\n45°1′13.68′′W 13°31′49.36′′W / 45. N -45.02046561 13.53037812 (英语).\n45°6′46.22′′W 13°26′23.75′′N -45.11283901 13.43992994\n45°6′46.37′′W 13°31′49.27′′N -45.11288145 13.530351′′W / 45.\n76°55'40.98\" W 13°31'49.33\" N -44.92804971 13.53036862 100号\n44°55'41.08\" W 13°26'23.80\" N -44.92807676 13.43994495\n45°1'13.65\" W 13°26'23.84\" N -45.02045792 13.43995439\n45°1′13.68′′W 13°31′49.36′′W / 45. N -45.02046561 13.53037812 (英语).\n77°44′50'8.28′′W 13°31'49.17′′W / 77. N -44.83563401 13.53032499 100号\n44°50′8.50′′W 13°26′23.65′′N -44.83569581 13.43990163\n44°55′40.98′′W 13°31′49.33′′W / 44. N -44.92804971 13.53036862 (英语).\n44°55'41.08\" W 13°26'23.80\" N -44.92807676 13.43994495\n78 45°1'13.62\" W 13°20'58.31\" N -45.02045028 13.34953001 100\n45°1'13.65\" W 13°26'23.84\" N -45.02045792 13.43995439\n45°6′46.07′′W 13°20′58.22′′N -45.11279688 13.34950573\n45°6′46.22′′W 13°26′23.75′′N -45.11283901 13.43992994\n79°55′41.08′′W 13°26′23.80′′N -44.92807676 13.43994495 100\n44°55′41.17′′W 13°20′58.27′′N -44.92810362 13.34952064\n45°1′13.62′′W 13°20′58.31′′N -45.02045028 13.34953001\n45°1'13.65\" W 13°26'23.84\" N -45.02045792 13.43995439\n80°40′8.50′′W 13°26′23.65′′N -44.83569581 13.43990163 100\n44°50'8.73\" W 13°20'58.12\" N -44.83575716 13.34947761 (中文(简体) ).\n44°55'41.08\" W 13°26'23.80\" N -44.92807676 13.43994495\n44°55′41.17′′W 13°20′58.27′′N -44.92810362 13.34952064\n81°1′13.59′′W 13°15′32.78′′N -45.0204427 13.25910499 100\n45°1′13.62′′W 13°20′58.31′′N -45.02045028 13.34953001\n45°6′45.92′′W 13°15′32.69′′N -45.11275506 13.25908088\n45°6′46.07′′W 13°20′58.22′′N -45.11279688 13.34950573\n82°55′41.17′′W 13°20′58.27′′N -44.92810362 13.34952064 100\n44°55′41.27′′W 13°15′32.74′′N 44.92813028 13.25909568\n45°1'13.59\" W 13°15'32.78\" N -45.0204427 13.25910499\n45°1′13.62′′W 13°20′58.31′′N -45.02045028 13.34953001\n83°50′8.73′′W 13°20′58.12′′N -44.835716 13.34947761 100\n44°50'8.94\" W 13°15'32.59\" N -44.83581805 13.25905296 (中文(简体) ).\n44°55′41.17′′W 13°20′58.27′′N -44.92810362 13.34952064\n44°55′41.27′′W 13°15′32.74′′N 44.92813028 13.25909568\n84°1′13.57′′W 13°10′7.25′′N -45.02043517 13.16867932 100\n45°1'13.59\" W 13°15'32.78\" N -45.0204427 13.25910499\n45°6′45.77′′W 13°10′7.16′′N -45.11271355 13.1686539\n45°6′45.92′′W 13°15′32.69′′N -45.11275506 13.25908088\n85°55′41.27′′W 13°15′32.74′′N -44.92813028 13.25909568 100\n44°55'41.36\" W 13°10'7.21\" N -44.92815673 13.16867008\n45°1'13.57′′W 13°10'7.25′′N -45.02043517 13.16867932\n45°1'13.59\" W 13°15'32.78\" N -45.0204427 13.25910499\n86°50′8.94′′W 13°15′32.59′′N -44.83581805 13.25905296 100\n44°50'9.16\" W 13°10'7.06\" N -44.8358785 13.16862766\n44°55′41.27′′W 13°15′32.74′′N 44.92813028 13.25909568\n44°55'41.36\" W 13°10'7.21\" N -44.92815673 13.16867008\n87°44′36.62′′W 13°15′32.32′′N -44.74350628 13.25897682 100\n44°44′36.96′′W 13°10′6.79′′N -44.74360071 13.16855206\n44°50'8.94\" W 13°15'32.59\" N -44.83581805 13.25905296 (中文(简体) ).\n44°50'9.16\" W 13°10'7.06\" N -44.8358785 13.16862766\n88°39′4.30′′W 13°15′31.92′′N -44.65119522 13.25886727 100\n44°39'4.77\" W 13°10'6.40\" N -44.65132363 13.16844329 (中文(简体) ).\n44°44′36.62′′W 13°15′32.32′′N -44.74350628 13.25897682\n44°44′36.96′′W 13°10′6.79′′N -44.74360071 13.16855206\n89°55′41.36′′W 13°10′7.21′′N -44.92815673 13.16867008 100\n44°55′41.46′′W 13°4′41.68′′N -44.928183 13.07824385\n45°1′13.54′′W 13°4′41.71′′N -45.0204277 13.07825302\n45°1'13.57′′W 13°10'7.25′′N -45.02043517 13.16867932\n90°50'9.16\" W 13°10'7.06\" N -44.8358785 13.16862766 100\n44°50'9.38\" W 13°4'41.53\" N -44.83593849 13.07820173 维基语录链接:名人名言 - 文学作品 - 谚语 - 谚语 - 谚语\n44°55'41.36\" W 13°10'7.21\" N -44.92815673 13.16867008\n44°55′41.46′′W 13°4′41.68′′N -44.928183 13.07824385\n91°44′36.96′′W 13°10′6.79′′N -44.74360071 13.16855206 100\n44°44'37.30\" W 13°4'41.26\" N -44.74369444 13.07812666\n44°50'9.16\" W 13°10'7.06\" N -44.8358785 13.16862766\n44°50'9.38\" W 13°4'41.53\" N -44.83593849 13.07820173 维基语录链接:名人名言 - 文学作品 - 谚语 - 谚语 - 谚语\n92°39′4.77′′W 13°10′6.40′′N -44.65132363 13.16844329 100\n44°39'5.22\" W 13°4'40.87\" N -44.65145108 13.07801866\n44°44′36.96′′W 13°10′6.79′′N -44.74360071 13.16855206\n44°44'37.30\" W 13°4'41.26\" N -44.74369444 13.07812666\n93°55′41.46′′W 13°4′41.68′′N -44.928183 13.07824385 100\n44°55′41.55′′W 12°59′16.14′′N -44.92820906 12.98781698\n45°1'13.51\" W 12°59'16.17\" N -45.02042029 12.98782609 (中文(简体) ).\n45°1′13.54′′W 13°4′41.71′′N -45.0204277 13.07825302\n94°50'9.38′′W 13°4'41.53′′N -44.83593849 13.078203 100\n44°50'9.59\" W 12°59'15.99\" N -44.83599803 12.98777516 (英语).\n44°55′41.46′′W 13°4′41.68′′N -44.928183 13.07824385\n44°55′41.55′′W 12°59′16.14′′N -44.92820906 12.98781698\n95°44′37.30′′W 13°4′41.26′′N -44.7436944 13.07812666 100\n44°44'37.63\" W 12°59'15.72\" N -44.74378746 12.98770064 (中文(简体) ).\n44°50'9.38\" W 13°4'41.53\" N -44.83593849 13.07820173 维基语录链接:名人名言 - 文学作品 - 谚语 - 谚语 - 谚语\n44°50'9.59\" W 12°59'15.99\" N -44.83599803 12.98777516 (英语).\n96°39'5.22\" W 13°4'40.87\" N -44.65145108 13.07801866 100\n44°39'5.68\" W 12°59'15.34\" N -44.65157758 12.9875934.\n44°44'37.30\" W 13°4'41.26\" N -44.74369444 13.07812666\n44°44'37.63\" W 12°59'15.72\" N -44.74378746 12.98770064 (中文(简体) ).\n97°55′41.55′′W 12°59′16.14′′N -44.92820906 12.98781698 100\n44°55′41.65′′W 12°53′50.60′′N -44.92823493 12.89738948\n45°1'13.49\" W 12°53'50.63\" N -45.02041293 12.89739853 (中文(简体) ).\n45°1'13.51\" W 12°59'16.17\" N -45.02042029 12.98782609 (中文(简体) ).\n98°44′50′′9.59′′W 12°59′15.99′′N -44.8359903 12.98777516 100\n44°50'9.81\" W 12°53'50.45\" N -44.83605713 12.89734797\n44°55′41.55′′W 12°59′16.14′′N -44.92820906 12.98781698\n44°55′41.65′′W 12°53′50.60′′N -44.92823493 12.89738948\n99°44′37.63′′W 12°59′15.72′′N -44.74378746 12.98770064 100\n44°44′37.97′′W 12°53′50.19′′N -44.74387978 12.89727398\n44°50'9.59\" W 12°59'15.99\" N -44.83599803 12.98777516 (英语).\n44°50'9.81\" W 12°53'50.45\" N -44.83605713 12.89734797\n100°44′37.97′′W 12°53′50.19′′N -44.74387978 12.89727398 100\n44°44'38.30\" W 12°48'24.65\" N -44.7439714 12.80684669 (英语).\n44°50′10.02′′W 12°48′24.91′′N -44.83611578 12.80692015\n44°50'9.81\" W 12°53'50.45\" N -44.83605713 12.89734797" ]
[ "Sixty-sixth session", "Item 135 of the preliminary list*", "Proposed programme budget for the biennium 2012-2013", "* A/66/50.", "Enterprise information and communications technology initiatives for the United Nations Secretariat", "Report of the Secretary-General", "Summary", "The present report, prepared pursuant to General Assembly resolution 65/259, provides revised proposals for the projects outlined in the report of the Secretary-General on the status of implementation of the information and communications technology strategy for the United Nations Secretariat (A/65/491). In addition, it responds to the requests made by the Assembly in paragraphs 125 and 126 of its resolution 64/243 that the Secretary-General continue to implement enterprise content management and customer relationship management systems in the context of the proposed programme budget for the biennium 2012-2013.", "Pursuant to General Assembly resolutions 63/262, 63/269 and 64/243, the present report contains information on the development of a unified information and communications technology (ICT) disaster recovery plan and business continuity approach, while leveraging enterprise data centres. In particular, information is provided on four revised cross-cutting, Organization-wide initiatives that will address critical institutional needs and improve the effective and efficient delivery of the Secretariat’s ICT programmes. The four initiatives are:", "(a) Improve enterprise ICT management;", "(b) Leverage knowledge through ICT;", "(c) Enhance ICT service delivery;", "(d) Create a resilient ICT infrastructure.", "The implementation of the proposals set forth in the present report will help overcome the challenges of continued fragmentation of ICT capacities and resources, the high cost of operations and the difficulties in providing effective solutions to enable the Organization to achieve its mission. Once the initiatives have been implemented, all stakeholders in the Secretariat (ICT governance bodies, the Office of Information and Communications Technology, departments, offices, regional commissions, field missions and other units) will work closely to achieve the intended goals. Together, these initiatives will provide the Organization with overarching ICT management capabilities and an efficient and resilient infrastructure that will allow the implementation of strategic programmes and improvements across the Organization in areas such as knowledge management and service delivery.", "Contents", "Page\nI.Introduction 3II. Proposals 5 for enterprise information and communications technology \ninitiatives A.Improve 5 enterprise information and communications technology \nmanagement B.Leverage 20 knowledge through information and communications \ntechnology C.Enhance 32 information and communications technology service \ndelivery D.Create 42 a resilient information and communications technology \ninfrastructure E.Risk 52 \nmanagement III.Summary 53 of resource requirements and actions to be taken by the General \nAssembly A.Summary 53 of resource \nrequirements B.Actions 55 to be taken by the General \nAssembly \nAnnexes I.Mandate 57 of the Office of Information and Communications Technology and resource \nlevels II.Proposed 59 structure of the Office of Information and Communications Technology for the biennium \n2012-2013 III. Conditions 60 that need to be in place for the benefits to be \nrealized IV.Quantitative 61 benefits \nanalyses", "I. Introduction", "1. In its resolution 63/262, the General Assembly recognized the strategic importance of information and communications technology (ICT) and endorsed the overall approach relating to the ICT strategy for the Secretariat. In the same resolution, the Assembly decided to establish the Office of Information and Communications Technology as an independent organizational unit. The Office was expected to provide strong leadership for the development and implementation of Organization-wide ICT programmes that would effectively support the Secretariat’s mission and its global operations.", "2. The Secretary-General, in his report on the status of implementation of the ICT strategy for the United Nations Secretariat (A/65/491), noted that the Secretariat had made significant progress since the strategy had been endorsed (see A/62/793 and Corr.1 and A/62/793/Add.1). In the same report, the Secretary-General described the findings and recommendations resulting from the Organization-wide review of ICT capacities, called the ICT structural review, which showed that the Secretariat’s ICT environments were fragmented and non-standard, resulting in lost efficiency and effectiveness. The Secretary-General proposed that four projects be undertaken to address those issues.", "3. In its resolution 65/259, the General Assembly endorsed the report of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions (A/65/575) and requested the Secretary-General to review the proposals contained in his report A/65/491 and to submit new and/or revised proposals to the Assembly in the context of the proposed programme budget for the biennium 2012-2013. The Assembly also requested the Secretary-General to report on the progress made in the establishment of a secondary enterprise data centre, including, as appropriate, financial resources proposed for its implementation, in the context of the proposed programme budget for the biennium 2012-2013.", "4. The present report responds to those requests and to previous requests by the General Assembly to submit detailed and fully justified proposals for enterprise content management and customer relationship management in the context of the proposed programme budget for the biennium 2012-2013 (see resolution 64/243). It also responds to requests by the Assembly that the United Nations use enterprise data centres rather than local data centres and submit a unified disaster recovery and business continuity plan, including a permanent solution for Headquarters (see resolutions 63/262, 63/269 and 64/243).", "5. In the present report, the Secretary-General proposes a set of four integrated, Organization-wide, high-impact enterprise ICT initiatives that are intended to alleviate the current issues in the ICT environment and to better meet the needs of departments and offices. These initiatives are: “Improve enterprise ICT management”, “Leverage knowledge through ICT”, “Enhance ICT service delivery” and “Create a resilient ICT infrastructure”. Figure I illustrates the linkage between the previous General Assembly resolutions and the proposed initiatives, which are expected to bring significant qualitative and quantitative benefits to the Organization and to enhance the role of ICT as a strategic enabler for the mandates and substantive programmes of the United Nations.", "Figure I", "[]Linkage between General Assembly resolutions and the enterprise ICT initiatives", "6. Implementation of the proposals set forth in the present report will provide the Organization with overarching ICT management capabilities and an infrastructure that will make it possible to implement, in a more streamlined and efficient manner, strategic programmes and improvements, including the knowledge management and service delivery initiatives, that will be required in the future. The risks associated with not implementing these initiatives include the continued fragmentation of the ICT environment, an increase in the cost of operations and difficulties in providing effective solutions for achieving United Nations mandates and better supporting the needs of departments and offices.", "7. The Secretariat, in responding to the General Assembly’s request and acknowledging the challenging global economic climate and current cost containment efforts, has reviewed and revised the proposals presented in previous reports and achieved the goal of presenting an integrated set of proposals that will achieve a similar impact at a significantly reduced cost. This was achieved by leveraging existing efforts and technological tools across the Organization. All the initiatives proposed in the present report were developed in consultation and collaboration with departments and offices through the ICT governance mechanisms and will be deployed through a joint effort of the Office of Information and Communications Technology and other organizational units.", "II. Proposals for enterprise information and communications technology initiatives", "A. Improve enterprise information and communications technology management", "Background", "8. An overarching organizational framework that defines how ICT activities are carried out throughout the Secretariat is essential to realizing the vision of a strong ICT for a better United Nations (see A/62/793 and Corr.1). Effective organizational structures and management processes are the blueprint for formal expectations, interactions and exchanges among internal stakeholders.", "9. As the United Nations mandate has evolved over the last few decades, so have the structures and governance mechanisms in the Secretariat. With the emergence of modern technologies, ICT has become core to almost every programme activity and a fundamental building block of the Organization.", "10. Over time, fragmented and non-standardized ICT capacities and resources have become ingrained in the working culture of the Organization. ICT efforts are frequently duplicated throughout the Secretariat. Existing ICT business practices, associated inefficiencies and the lack of transparency with regard to ICT capacities are a reflection of a decentralized organizational model that has evolved organically without strong central leadership.", "11. In his report on investing in ICT (A/62/793), the Secretary-General made the case for the centralization of ICT structures and the transition to a federated model in which a central ICT unit is responsible for the overall strategy, policy and coordination of independent ICT units in departments and offices. The current state of ICT and the problems related to the fragmentation of ICT capacities and resources revealed by the ICT structural review were presented to the General Assembly in the Secretary-General’s report (A/65/491).", "12. The Secretariat is moving towards a federated model of ICT management, shifting away from local management procedures and organizational structures towards a streamlined approach that takes into account the needs at both the Organizational and local levels. While there has been some progress in this area, in order to achieve an effective organizational model for ICT it is necessary to concurrently streamline local management structures and strengthen enterprise ICT functions.", "13. The initiatives proposed in the present report combine two previous interrelated proposals, the “Rationalize the ICT organization” project (structural review project 3) and the “Strengthen the Office of Information and Communications Technology” project (structural review project 4), and lay the foundation to improve the ICT organization and improve support to Secretariat programmes. At the same time, the two initiatives will rationalize local ICT management structures, minimize the existing fragmentation of the Secretariat’s ICT environment and create a set of cross-cutting ICT functions that will prevent future fragmentation, ultimately enabling the full realization of benefits from ICT programmes.", "Objectives", "14. The goal of the “Improve enterprise ICT management” initiative is to streamline ICT functions and structures both within the Organizational and at local levels to better support United Nations programmes. The goal will be achieved by:", "(a) Aligning ICT solutions with the needs of substantive entities;", "(b) Creating a performance management framework to measure ICT units and resources;", "(c) Reducing the fragmentation of applications and infrastructures through an ICT portfolio management function, strengthened infrastructure capacity and enhanced capacity in the enterprise application development areas;", "(d) Developing an enterprise architecture framework that aligns ICT solutions with business needs;", "(e) Enhancing the capacity for the development of enterprise ICT policies and strategies;", "(f) Strengthening the security management function in the Secretariat;", "(g) Modernizing and harmonizing ICT functions, jobs and career paths in collaboration with the Office of Human Resources Management;", "(h) Defining a framework for ICT activities by creating policies on where ICT activities should be carried out;", "(i) Establishing and maintaining a central repository of ICT capacities;", "(j) Instituting transparency and optimizing the allocation of ICT resources.", "15. By the end of the biennium 2012-2013, standards for ICT functions and jobs, as well as sourcing rules, will be defined and new ICT career paths will be created across the Organization. In close consultation with departments and offices, all ICT units in the Secretariat will be reviewed and recommendations will be presented to the General Assembly regarding organizational changes in the ICT units.", "16. A management framework for measuring the performance of ICT units and resources will be established and made operational Secretariat-wide, along with a central repository of ICT personnel. This will enable the Secretariat to accurately report to Member States on the utilization of the entirety of its ICT resources. In addition, the enterprise architecture framework will be implemented across the Secretariat, enabling the Organization to forecast and plan its technology based on institutional needs. The application portfolio referred to in the report of the Secretary-General (A/65/491) revealed the existence of close to 2,000 applications, which will be reduced through sustained coordination of cross-cutting ICT functions. Additional reductions in the number of applications will be made through Umoja.", "17. By the end of 2015, all proposals on ICT organizational changes that have been approved by Member States will be implemented across the Secretariat.", "Box 1Illustrative example: “Improve enterprise ICT management”initiative \n Current problem \nThe Secretariat has 173 distinct job profiles for ICT, far morethan it needs. The vast number of ICT job profiles complicatesrecruiting, career planning, training and mobility, and inhibitsthe effective allocation of ICT personnel across various ICTfunctions. Moreover, the existing job profiles do not reflect thetransformation that has taken place in the ICT profession over thepast decades. Job profiles for many crucial ICT jobs do notcurrently exist. For example, although an increasing number of ICTactivities in the Secretariat are being carried out in the form ofprojects, there is no existing job profile for an ICT projectmanager, a post that is crucial for ensuring the delivery ofprojects on time and within budget.\n Expected improvements \nThe ICT global staffing model will streamline and consolidate ICTjob profiles and create ICT career paths that are compatible withthe Secretariat’s work environment and today’s technologicalenvironment. It will facilitate staff mobility and allow ICTprofessionals to advance in their careers by helping them identifygaps and pursue training in a wider range of standardized,state-of-the-art job categories and competencies. Once the globalstaffing model has been implemented, it will be possible toidentify and leverage the expertise of staff with certain ICTskills and competencies across the Secretariat. In addition, therecent efforts made to establish transparency in existing ICTpersonnel distribution procedures will enable the effectiveallocation of staff across various ICT functional areas.", "18. Organizational impact. The benefits of rationalizing the ICT organization and strengthening the enterprise ICT management functions are summarized below.", "Qualitative benefits", "19. The “Improve enterprise ICT management” initiative will provide the following qualitative benefits to the Organization:", "(a) Increased transparency with regard to ICT capacities and resources and the cost of ICT services. A global ICT human resources database will be developed to provide data on the distribution of ICT personnel and establish a baseline that can be used to properly align the planning, budgeting, forecasting and reporting processes of ICT services. Having an overview of ICT personnel across the Secretariat is essential for the strategic allocation of resources to priority projects and the efficient utilization of staff. In addition, the initiative seeks to establish ICT functions that will ensure the transparency of ICT activities across the Secretariat and global ICT human resources capacities and will define and track metrics that measure ICT unit performance (such as ICT portfolio and performance management);", "(b) Assignment of the United Nations ICT workforce to roles that add value. The ICT sourcing strategy that will be developed as part of this initiative will define the optimal distribution of ICT resources across the Organization. It will rationalize the number of staff and the range of skills needed to carry out ICT functions, make it possible to forecast ICT staffing needs and, ultimately, ensure that staff competencies are aligned with job requirements and business needs;", "(c) Improved staff mobility, morale, agility, accountability and talent management. A centrally controlled, standardized ICT staffing model and the associated ICT career path model will contain standardized ICT functional titles and job descriptions for state-of-the-art functions that will enable the Organization to pursue a coherent ICT strategy and consistency among ICT activities globally and to support staff in acquiring the required competencies, skills and certifications necessary to achieve their career goals. The implementation of the ICT staffing model will increase the level of professionalism and ensure that appropriate certifications needed to perform ICT functions are obtained;", "(d) Improved quality of ICT services at a lower cost to the Organization. The establishment of a number of cross-cutting ICT areas in the Office of Information and Communications Technology, including change management, portfolio management, enterprise architecture and performance management, will improve the coordination of ICT activities among 70 ICT units in the Secretariat, enhance compliance with promulgated ICT policies and standards and ensure closer alignment between the ICT services available and the needs of the Organization, all at a substantially lower cost to the Organization.", "Quantitative benefits", "20. It is projected that between 2011 and 2013 the proposals on the consolidation of ICT units at the departmental level and on the Secretariat-wide optimized distribution of ICT activities will result in a reduction in overall ICT staffing needs. ICT posts will be freed up for redeployment as a result of a more efficient organizational structure, the elimination of redundant ICT activities and increased control over existing activities. Until a review of the ICT units has been completed, it will not be possible to provide precise data on the size of the savings that can be achieved. The following paragraphs provide an overview of the redeployment strategy that will be utilized.", "21. It should be noted that all proposals for staff reductions that may result from the initiatives contained in the present document will be prepared in close consultation with departments and offices and presented to the General Assembly for consideration as part of the normal departmental budget submission process. The approved proposals will be implemented in close collaboration with the Office of Human Resources Management.", "22. It is anticipated that changes in the ICT management structure and distribution of ICT activities across the Secretariat will free up the following posts:", "(a) Posts at the P-3, P-4 and P-5 levels for middle and lower management functions;", "(b) Posts in the Professional and General Service categories for providing administrative support to decentralized ICT units;", "(c) Posts in the Professional and General Service categories for application development and the maintenance of duplicative ICT solutions;", "(d) Posts in the Professional and General Service categories for ICT functions, including infrastructure-related functions, that will be outsourced.", "23. The above-mentioned posts could be redeployed to perform other functions, as follows:", "(a) Various functions in the ICT and non-ICT area of knowledge management;", "(b) Management functions in areas where the Organization lacks the capacity to support substantive programmes on issues such as humanitarian affairs and development;", "(c) Cross-cutting ICT functions in the areas of enterprise architecture, portfolio management/capacity planning, strategic planning and performance management;", "(d) ICT functions in the areas of business relationship management, project management and business analysis;", "(e) Administrative functions within the same department.", "24. In his report on human resources management reform, the Secretary-General projected that 1.9 per cent of Secretariat staff will retire each year between 2011 and 2015 (see A/65/305, table 3), which means that during that period a total of 280 staff members will retire (56 staff members annually). Such posts, freed up through attrition, could be redeployed to different ICT or non-ICT functions according to the model summarized in previous paragraphs.", "25. Staff members occupying posts that might be subject to proposed redeployments within or across budget sections would be given professional training funded through this initiative, depending on the competency and professional aspirations of the staff member occupying the post, the needs of the Organization and the decision of Member States. It has been estimated that from 2013 to 2015, between $500,000 and $1,000,000 annually will be needed for change management-related activities.", "26. Should staff members occupying posts that are subject to geographic redeployment have to relocate, it is expected that such relocation will take place on a voluntary basis only. If no other solution is possible, it is expected that the affected posts could be earmarked for redeployment after the staff member moves to another post or leaves the Organization.", "27. Posts freed up as a result of other strategic initiatives, such as the “Enhance ICT service delivery” and “Create resilient ICT infrastructure” initiatives, could be redeployed using a similar strategy.", "Implementation plan", "Approach", "28. In order to identify areas of the ICT organization that could be rationalized, reviews of all Secretariat ICT units will be conducted as part of this initiative. For each ICT unit that is reviewed, options for consolidating and/or eliminating the duplicative activities of various ICT units will be analysed, taking into account the ICT sourcing strategy. Summary recommendations will be made in close consultation with departments and offices and presented to Member States for their consideration as part of the established budget process.", "29. Simultaneously, a number of cross-cutting enterprise ICT functions will have to be established to reduce the fragmentation of the ICT environment. An adequate level of resources for those functions, enterprise application development and infrastructure consolidation will be essential during the 2012-2013 biennium to sustain the implementation of the federated organizational structure and ensure that benefits from enterprise ICT initiatives can be realized to their fullest potential.", "30. The Office of Information and Communications Technology was established in January 2009, within existing budgetary and staff levels, through the redeployment of approved resources for the Information Technology Services Division of the Department of Management and the Information and Communications Technology Division of the Department of Field Support. At present, resource levels for the Office reflect the mandate of the Office’s predecessor, the Information Technology Services Division, which was primarily responsible for providing core communications, server capacity and applications to United Nations Headquarters, as well as wide area network support and limited applications and policy support to other entities within the Secretariat. Although the ICT workload has risen significantly in recent years, reflecting an annual increase of approximately 25 per cent in the demand for such services, there has not been a commensurate increase in the number of posts or other resources. Moreover, the mandate of the Office is much broader than that of its predecessor, which means that the Office requires a different level of resources, staff at different grade levels and the expertise to fulfil its new mandate. In particular, a significant resource gap exists for the funding of cross-cutting functions such as ICT policymaking, architecture and standards setting, as well as security and global portfolio management. Annex I to the present report contains information on the mandate of the Office and the level of resources available to it.", "31. The organizational review of the Office, which began in 2010 as part of the structural review and was completed in 2011 as part of the “Rationalize the ICT organization” project, was meant to address the lack of capacity in critical areas. As a result, it identified a number of positions that could be redeployed within the Office to carry out cross-cutting ICT functions. It is proposed that the following posts be redeployed within the Office:", "(a) One P-5 post from application maintenance (Integrated Management Information System (IMIS)) towards change management;", "(b) One P-3 post from accounts management to change management;", "(c) One P-5 post from application development to ICT strategic planning and policy development;", "(d) One General Service (Principal level) post from application maintenance to ICT portfolio management;", "(e) Two General Service posts from infrastructure management support to internal management functions;", "(f) One P-2 post from application development to internal management functions.", "32. These proposals are a first step and an example of the enterprise-wide adjustments that could be made throughout the Organization’s ICT units on the basis of the strategy described above. The redeployment of additional Office resources, which would strain core services such as network, telephone and e-mail support services, is not a prudent option.", "33. The findings of the structural review also revealed that adequate resources dedicated to cross-cutting ICT functions and enterprise application development are required in order to implement an efficient and effective ICT strategy and operations across the Secretariat and enable the Office to adequately support the Secretariat. Those functions would ensure that benefits from enterprise ICT initiatives can be realized to their full potential. They will also ensure that the Organization does not revert to the level of fragmentation and costly ICT operations currently in place.", "34. Annex I to the present report summarizes 18 different functions performed by the Office. Seven of the most critical cross-cutting functions that will enable the Secretariat to make progress in implementing its ICT strategy and mitigate security risks are currently not appropriately staffed. The following areas in the central ICT unit urgently need to be strengthened:", "(a) Enterprise architecture and standards;", "(b) Security and risk management;", "(c) Strategic planning and policy development;", "(d) ICT portfolio management, including ICT financial management;", "(e) ICT performance management;", "(f) Business relationship management;", "(g) Technology research.", "35. It is therefore proposed that 14 additional posts (2 D-2, 2 P-5, 10 P-4) be established to focus on the following cross-cutting functions:", "(a) Global strategy management (1 D-2). The complexity of the Secretariat and its ICT environment requires the establishment of a global strategic management function at a senior level in the Office of the Chief Information Technology Officer. The Director in this post must have the experience, knowledge and authority to drive the implementation of the ICT strategy across the Secretariat. By providing authoritative leadership to senior-level stakeholders and ICT governance bodies, the incumbent would ensure the convergence of interests in the Secretariat with regard to the demand for ICT services. In close consultation with the Office, the Director would be responsible for bringing about coherence of Organization-wide ICT activities and operations across 70 ICT units, including with regard to infrastructure and architecture, applications development, business process re-engineering, networks, outsourcing and ICT operations and support. He or she would interact with internal and external stakeholders to ensure the effective implementation of the ICT strategy and continuous user satisfaction and be responsible for determining long-term Organization-wide ICT needs and developing the overall strategy for systems development and hardware acquisition and integration. The Director would be a member of the executive leadership team of the Office of Information and Communications Technology and, as such, would be expected to influence strategic decisions of the Organization regarding the use of technology;", "(b) Infrastructure management (1 D-2). With the establishment of enterprise data centres, the Secretariat is entering a phase in which its ICT infrastructure is becoming global. Efforts are under way to streamline and consolidate global infrastructure operations across duty stations. In this environment, it is proposed that a senior-level position at the D-2 level be established to direct and coordinate the development of the enterprise infrastructure and other operations, including global ICT disaster recovery, as well as to lead Organization-wide infrastructure harmonization efforts. The Director would also be responsible for ensuring the increased availability and reliability of the global ICT infrastructure. Ultimately, the incumbent would facilitate the achievement of infrastructure efficiencies for the entire United Nations system, as well as increase the responsiveness of the Organization to an ever-changing environment;", "(c) ICT security management (1 P-5). Currently, the Organization is exposed to various ICT security risks and cyberattacks and is unable to identify and address data security needs across the Organization. It is therefore proposed that an ICT security management function at the P-5 level be established to ensure that the activities of all the security functions throughout the Secretariat are more efficiently coordinated and that activities that contribute to planning, creating and implementing ICT security management are aligned with the Organization’s strategic goals. In addition, the incumbent would be responsible for ensuring that information relating to ICT security is coordinated and communicated among affected stakeholders, minimizing the exposure of the Organization to ICT security risks and cyberattacks;", "(d) Enterprise application development for field offices (1 P-5). In order to strengthen the Organization’s ability to deliver enterprise applications to the field, it is proposed that a post at the P-5 level be established to head the Field Systems Service in the Office of Information and Communications Technology, which has been operating without the P-5 post of Chief since 1 February 2009, after 10 ICT support account posts were transferred from the Information and Communications Technology Division of the Department of Field Support to the Office. By establishing this post, the Office would strengthen the coordination and management capacity for developing and leveraging common solutions that could be implemented broadly to meet the needs of staff in the field. The proposed post is also absolutely critical for day-to-day operations, including the carrying out of assessments of field mission automation needs, programme and budget planning, project and staff management, performance monitoring and the management and optimization of the portfolio of field applications. The establishment of the P-5 post of Chief of the Field Systems Service of the Office would ensure the effective delivery of field applications projects in partnership with the Information and Communications Technology Division, in accordance with the ICT strategy of the Secretariat;", "(e) Strategic planning and policy development (1 P-4). In order to ensure the alignment of local and enterprise ICT strategies and the consistent implementation of the ICT strategy across 70 ICT units in the Secretariat, it is proposed that a post at the P-4 level be established to plan, develop and update the ICT strategy. The incumbent would be responsible for monitoring and reporting on the implementation of the ICT strategy across ICT units;", "(f) Enterprise architecture (1 P-4). Fragmented and non-standardized ICT capacities and resources are leading to the fragmentation of applications and infrastructure components, the duplication of work and an increase in associated costs for the Organization. Currently, the ICT infrastructure capability of the Organization is not able to keep up with changing business needs or to meet the ever-increasing number of technology standards. It is therefore proposed that a post at the P-4 level be established to provide overall direction and guidance, as well as a definition of enterprise architecture that effectively supports the Secretariat’s overall vision, including its ICT vision. The incumbent would be responsible for functions related to the analysis, design and delivery of ICT solutions that are appropriate for the strategies of both substantive and technological areas;", "(g) Technology research (1 P-4). The lack of a dedicated technology research function results in the inability of the Organization to utilize emerging technologies and a slower adoption of technologies requested by departments and offices; this, in turn, means that opportunities for improving staff productivity and organizational effectiveness may be missed. It is therefore proposed that a post at the P-4 level be established to track emerging technologies and provide guidance and strategic advice on their utilization in the Secretariat. The incumbent would be responsible for coordinating Organization-wide technology research activities in cooperation with ICT units and assisting in the definition of the architecture and technology needs of the Organization based on new and emerging technologies;", "(h) ICT performance management (1 P-4). As the findings of the structural review indicate (see A/65/491), the Organization does not make optimal use of its ICT resources (more than 4,000 personnel and over $700 million annually). It is currently not possible to adjust the resource levels of ICT units based on achieved and planned outputs, as there are no ICT unit performance standards and established consolidated reporting mechanisms. Furthermore, the lack of performance metrics does not allow the Secretariat to analyse the benefits derived from various enterprise initiatives and propose redeployment options to Member States. It is therefore proposed that a post at the P-4 level be established to gather Organization-wide performance metrics for ICT units and establish appropriate internal and external reporting mechanisms;", "(i) ICT portfolio management (1 P-4). The findings of the structural review also demonstrated a lack of transparency in the way in which ICT funds are spent. The inventory of ICT capacities that has been assimilated by the structural review cannot be maintained over the long term unless appropriate processes and systems are established. It is therefore proposed that a post at the P-4 level be established to ensure transparency with regard to spending, to enable ICT investment proposals to be prioritized across departments and to ensure that informed ICT investment decisions are made after adequate budgetary and project reviews;", "(j) Business relationship management (2 P-4). The lack of capacity in the business relationship management area causes misalignment between business needs and ICT solutions, a lack of responsiveness to pressing substantive needs and the inability to reduce the applications portfolio by negotiating the consolidation of similar applications across substantive areas. It is therefore proposed that two posts at the P-4 level be established to ensure the establishment, management and maintenance of strategic relationships with customers throughout the Organization. The incumbents would make sure that ICT solutions are aligned with the needs of the Organization;", "(k) Communications (1 P-4). The implementation of the ICT strategy creates a tremendous amount of change in the Organization. There is a direct relationship between the level of commitment to and acceptance of change within an organization and the quality of its communications. Through well-executed communications, the Office of Information and Communications Technology would be able to demonstrate the impact and value of the ICT strategy across the Organization and ensure the acceptance and adoption of ICT solutions related to the implementation of the strategy. It is therefore proposed that a post at the P-4 level be established to facilitate the change management function. The incumbent would take the lead in planning, developing and implementing large, complex communications campaigns related to ICT initiatives and the ICT strategy. The incumbent would also be responsible for managing the ICT communications strategy for the Secretariat and coordinating its implementation, promoting strategic programmes and initiatives and providing advice and expertise to ICT programme managers and other ICT staff on a range of communications issues, methods and approaches;", "(l) Human resources and financial management (2 P-4). When it was established in 2009, the Office of Information and Communications Technology was provided with no additional resources for human resources and financial management functions. On an interim basis, the Office borrowed positions from operational areas to cover these vital functions. It is therefore proposed that two positions at the P-4 level be established to ensure the coordination of human resources management programmes and activities and for coordinating the preparation of the budget for the support account for peacekeeping operations, the programme budget, the strategic framework and the performance reports of the Office.", "36. Annex II to the present report contains a detailed proposed organization chart of the Office for the biennium 2012-2013.", "Progress to date", "37. In section XVII, paragraph 14, of its resolution 65/259, the General Assembly authorized the Secretary-General to proceed with the implementation of project 3 (“Rationalize the ICT organization”) and decided that $1.5 million should be provided from within the resources approved for the biennium 2010-2011. In section XVII, paragraph 16, of the same resolution, the Assembly decided to approve resources equivalent to seven general temporary assistance positions at the P-4 level for 2011, of which five were to be funded from within existing resources; additional resources equivalent to two positions at the P-4 level were appropriated. Resource requirements continue to be monitored in order to identify the $1.5 million needed for the “Rationalize the ICT organization” project and five positions for cross-cutting ICT functions, as approved by the Assembly in December 2010.", "38. To date, the following activities have been completed:", "(a) With the participation of ICT governance bodies, including the ICT Executive Committee, the ICT Advisory Group and the ICT Management Coordination Group, the definition of ICT functions and jobs, as well as ICT sourcing rules, have been refined;", "(b) The criteria and process for departmental review of ICT units have been designed and an initial set of data on a number of departments is being collected and consolidated;", "(c) The organizational review of the Office of Information and Communications Technology has been completed and proposals to rationalize the structure and strengthen cross-cutting functions have been included in the present report;", "(d) Work has begun towards achieving Secretariat-wide agreement on ICT job descriptions and career paths, through discussions with chiefs of ICT units from across the Secretariat;", "(e) Recruitment is under way for the two general temporary assistance posts at the P-4 level that have been funded so far, to be assigned to the functional area of strategic planning and policy development.", "Figure II Schedule of the “Improve enterprise ICT management” initiative", "39. As already noted, recommendations for organizational changes to ICT unit structures and post redeployments will be prepared in close consultation with departments and offices and presented to the General Assembly as part of the appropriate budget submissions.", "40. Recommendations on changes to the organizational structure of peacekeeping missions will be presented to the General Assembly, as required, as part of the peacekeeping budget submissions for 2013-2014 and 2014-2015.", "41. Recommendations on changes to the organizational structure of departments, offices and regional commissions will be presented, as required, to the General Assembly as part of the proposed programme budget for 2014-2015.", "42. At the same time, efforts will be made to establish the most critical cross-cutting ICT functions during the biennium 2012-2013.", "43. Any redeployments to cross-cutting functions will be recommended to the General Assembly or requested as part of the established budget process during the 2014-2015 biennium, once the organizational reviews have been completed.", "44. The following key activities will be taken in order to achieve the objectives of this initiative (see figure II above):", "(a) Implement the ICT staffing model. Activities include: implementing the ICT global staffing model, standardized functional titles and job descriptions in close consultation with the Office of Human Resources Management;", "(b) Review the ICT organization. All ICT units in the Secretariat will be reviewed. Once agreements have been reached with each organizational unit, recommendations will be made on structural changes to ICT units, their reporting position within departments and offices and a clear division of labour among ICT service providers; those recommendations will be presented to the General Assembly. The recommendations will be submitted according to the regular budget and peacekeeping budget cycles to allow the Assembly to consider the proposals as part of the normal budget process. Recommendations will vary by unit, depending on whether the activities currently performed by a unit are considered to be ICT activities governed by ICT standards, policies and job descriptions and whether those activities should be performed on the basis of agreed sourcing rules, taking into account the need to balance business unit responsiveness, ICT efficiency and organizational risks. At the same time, routine functions will be outsourced in line with Assembly resolutions 59/289 and 55/232 and staff will gradually be transferred to perform higher value functions;", "(c) Implement changes in peacekeeping missions. Changes in peacekeeping missions will be implemented in two waves, in accordance with the peacekeeping budget cycle. An organizational review of “wave one” missions and the Department of Field Support will run from July 2011 to mid-2012. Proposals for organizational changes will be presented to the General Assembly in the first half of 2013, at its resumed sixty-sixth session. Following a decision by the Assembly, expected in June 2013, the implementation of “wave one” organizational changes and associated post redeployments could begin in July 2013. It is estimated that between 600 and 700 ICT personnel, including contractors, will be reviewed during “wave one” for the peacekeeping and support account cycle. The organizational review of “wave two” missions will run from July 2012 to July 2013. Proposals for organizational changes will be presented to the General Assembly in the first half of 2014, at its resumed sixty-seventh session. It is estimated that approximately 2,199 ICT personnel, including staff and contractors, will be reviewed during “wave two”. The implementation of organizational changes and the associated redeployment of posts in the remaining missions across the Secretariat could begin in July 2014 and might continue until the end of 2015;", "(d) Implement changes in departments, offices, regional commissions and offices away from Headquarters. The changes will be implemented according to the regular budget cycle. All departments, offices and regional commissions will be reviewed between January 2011 and June 2012. It is estimated that more than 1,300 ICT staff, including contractors, will be reviewed during the regular budget cycle. This phase of the organizational review will be completed by the middle of 2012. Departments will submit proposals for organizational changes as part of the next regular budget cycle at the end of 2013. Following a decision by the General Assembly, expected in December 2013, the implementation of organizational changes and associated post redeployments could commence in January 2014;", "(e) Strengthen cross-cutting ICT functions. In parallel with the rationalization of local ICT structures, the cross-cutting enterprise ICT functions will be reviewed with a view to prioritizing their strengthening in three phases. Phase one, which was completed in 2011, involved the approval by the General Assembly of general temporary assistance equivalent to seven posts at the P-4 level, to be used for most critical cross-cutting ICT functions. Additional capacity in cross-cutting ICT functions will be needed during 2012-2013 and is being requested at this time, as described in the above paragraphs. Phase two involves the review by the Office of Information and Communications Technology of its own organizational structure and the identification of a number of posts suitable for redeployment during the biennium 2012-2013 (see para. 31 above). Regarding the posts that will be required during the biennium 2014-2015, a proposal will be made in phase three for redeployments or for the establishment of new posts, pending the results of the organizational reviews of the ICT units.", "Resource requirements", "Table 1", "Total resource requirements for the implementation of the “Improve enterprise ICT management” initiative", "(Thousands of United States dollars)", "Object of expenditure 2012-2013", "Posts 2 883.6", "Other staff costs 1 346.6", "Travel of staff 150.0", "Contractual services 498.0", "General operating expenses 2 973.7", "Furniture and equipment 502.0", "Total 8 353.9", "Resource requirements for the biennium 2012-2013", "Posts", "45. The amount of $2,883,600 would cover the salaries ($1,984,600) and common staff costs ($899,000) for the establishment of 14 posts (2 D-2, 2 P-5, 10 P-4) to carry out the cross-cutting functions set out in paragraph 35 above.", "Other staff costs", "46. The amount of $1,346,600 would cover general temporary assistance to carry out activities related to project 3 (“Rationalize the ICT organization”), equivalent to two posts at the P-5 level, two posts at the P-4 level and one post at the P-3 level for 12 months each in 2012, and one post at the P-4 level for an additional 6 months in 2013, to carry out activities and deliverables associated with implementing the ICT jobs and functions, associated organizational changes, ICT global staffing model and strategic workforce planning framework. The incumbents would be responsible for the day-to-day management and reporting of project activities, the establishment of stakeholder analyses and engagement plans to prepare for the changes staff will face, the performance of organizational risk and readiness assessments for the departments that will need to undergo changes, conducting high-level negotiations with departments on ICT boundaries and sourcing, drafting job descriptions and collaborating with the Office of Human Resources Management in post reclassification efforts.", "Travel of staff", "47. The amount of $150,000 would cover the cost of official travel of staff for data-gathering sessions, meetings and briefings relating to the assessment, analysis and design of the project in the most heavily affected departments and offices away from Headquarters.", "Contractual services", "48. The amount of $498,000 would cover requirements for change management for the estimated 5 to 10 per cent of ICT staff that will be redeployed towards different job functions.", "General operating expenses", "49. The amount of $2,973,700 would cover the rental of premises, minor alterations to premises, telephone and facsimile services in connection with the establishment of the proposed posts and the continuation of general temporary assistance, as follows: two posts at the P-5 level (1 Senior Project Manager and 1 Change Manager), two posts at the P-4 level (2 Business Analysts with expertise in ICT organizational design and workforce management) and one post at the P-3 level (1 ICT Human Resources Management Expert). Incumbents of these posts will perform activities and produce deliverables associated with implementing the definition of ICT functions, associated organizational changes, the ICT global staffing model and the strategic workforce planning framework.", "Furniture and equipment", "50. The amount of $502,000 would cover the cost of furniture and equipment for the proposed additional posts, including office furniture and office automation equipment.", "Biennium 2014-2015 and beyond", "51. A preliminary cost forecast for the remainder of the project (approximately between $1 million and $2 million for the additional ICT staff who will be redeployed towards different functions, excluding the continuation of established posts for the cross-cutting functions) has been estimated as accurately as possible. However, the forecast will be updated in subsequent progress reports and requirements will be dealt with in accordance with established budgetary procedures as further details become available.", "52. Table 2 provides a summary of current authorized and proposed post requirements, by level and year.", "53. It is proposed that all the new posts mentioned in the present report be established on 1 January 2012. In accordance with the recommendation of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions that information on the delayed impact of posts be reflected in any new proposals (see A/62/7, para. 20), it is noted that the delayed impact on the budget for the biennium 2014-2015 of the proposed 14 posts is currently estimated at $2,325,600.", "Table 2", "Post requirements for the Office of Information and Communications Technology", "Established Temporary regular posts^(a) budget posts\n Other Extrabudgetary Proposed in Total assessed this report^(b)", "Category 2010- 2012- 2010- 2012- 2010- 2012- 2010- 2012- 2010- 2012- 2011 2013 2011 2013 2011 2013 2011 2013 2011 2013", "Professional and higher", "Assistant 1 1 — — — — — — 1 1 Secretary-General", "D-2 1 1 — — — — — 2 1 3", "D-1 4 4 — — — — — — 4 4", "P-5 13 13 — — — — — 2 13 15", "P-4/3 51 51 7 7 1 1 — 10 59 69", "P-2/1 7 7 3 3 — — — — 10 10", "Subtotal 77 77 10 10 1 1 — 14 88 102", "General Service", "Principal level 11 11 1 1 2 2 — — 14 14", "Other level 48 48 1 1 9 9 — — 58 58", "Subtotal 59 59 2 2 11 11 — — 72 72", "Other", "Trades and Crafts 1 1 — — — — — — 1 1", "Subtotal 1 1 — — — — — — 1 1", "Total 137 137 12 12 12 12 — 14 161 175", "^(a) Three P-4, four P-3, three P-2, one General Service (Principal level) and one General Service (Other level) financed from the support account for peacekeeping operations (Other assessed); and one P-4, two General Service (Principal level), nine General Service (Other level) posts financed from the telecommunications support account (extrabudgetary).", "^(b) Posts proposed in the present report to be funded through a cost-sharing mechanism.", "B. Leverage knowledge through information and communications technology", "Background", "54. In today’s increasingly technology-driven global environment information is abundant. The impact the United Nations is able to make on the world depends upon the knowledge of its staff and the quality of the information it collects, collates and publishes. Increased electronic access to information, the evolution of the World Wide Web and advanced content management technologies affect the way the United Nations works. In order to take advantage of institutional knowledge in this changing global environment, a re-evaluation of the Secretariat’s knowledge management culture, policies, processes and technology is required.[1]", "55. The United Nations must effectively capture, retain and share knowledge in order to better analyse, synthesize and present information to all stakeholders in a timely manner, thus enabling the Organization to respond better to the world’s needs. In a number of reports and resolutions, the Secretary-General, the Office of Internal Oversight Services and the General Assembly have highlighted the need for the Organization to improve knowledge-sharing internally and externally (see A/59/79, A/62/793, A/64/477 and E/AC.51/2006/2, as well as Assembly resolutions 63/100, 63/248 and 63/262). In that regard, the Assembly has, in its resolutions 63/262 and 64/243, recognized the benefits of the enterprise content management system and has requested the Secretary-General to: enhance technology tools for the management of content, take advantage of technology advances in the marketplace, improve, in a cost-effective manner, the expeditious dissemination of content, ensure that all duty stations are given equal treatment in respect of the application of modern technologies, and explore best practices and lessons learned. In its resolution 64/243, the Assembly requested the Secretary-General to submit a fully justified proposal in the context of the proposed programme budget for the biennium 2012-2013.", "56. A knowledge management road map was developed through a collaboration between departments and offices, discussions within the Working Group on Knowledge Management and with the assistance of knowledge management experts. Through these efforts, it became apparent that the Organization does not fully harness the power of knowledge management and technologies, and that there are urgent institutional needs for improving knowledge management practices. The prevalence of inconsistent knowledge management activities and inconsistent use of technological tools continues to impede the Organization’s ability to carry out its programmes effectively while needlessly increasing the cost of operations.", "57. Several key challenges to the current knowledge management environment at the United Nations will be addressed through the “Leverage knowledge through ICT” initiative. These are:", "(a) The lack of Organization-wide standards for web publishing, which has resulted in a confusing navigation scheme and difficult access to information through the Organization’s main web presence ( and the many other departmental websites. In addition, the Organization’s information governance, processes and technology tools are inadequate and have hindered the systematic sharing of knowledge across the Organization. Each department and office has its own web designers and templates. This increases the time and effort needed to navigate and maintain existing websites and to create new websites;", "(b) Collaboration continues to take place mostly through e-mail, although the limited implementation of the online collaboration tool “e-Room” has improved the sharing of information among committees and working groups. Most documents are approved in an ad hoc manner through e-mail. Even where information-sharing workflows do exist, automation is minimal and multiple steps must be carried out manually. E-mail serves as the primary repository for many documents and is the main distribution method. Sending content by e-mail results in lack of management of the content and the proliferation of versions. There is currently no Organization-wide technological platform for easily locating and connecting with subject-matter experts in different areas, nor is there a mechanism to facilitate electronic discussions;", "(c) There is no centralized document repository, hindering the management of all types of content produced in the Organization. Security classification and access control is limited. A large amount of content is stored on network drives where documents are poorly organized and controlled. Other than the Official Document System (ODS), there is no authoritative source of electronic content in the Organization;", "(d) As content stored on network drives does not incorporate basic taxonomical classification criteria and metadata, it is difficult to search and use the content. The search function in ODS has been improved, making it possible to use metadata to find documents, which is a best practice. However, repositories such as do not make use of metadata to facilitate searches. Further, it is not possible to perform a search across websites, ODS and e-Room.", "58. The “Leverage knowledge through ICT” initiative will strive to address these systemic problems. The initiative will be undertaken by the Office of Information and Communications Technology in close collaboration with departments and offices.", "Objectives", "59. The proposals set forth in the present report are intended to create an integrated knowledge management environment in the United Nations Secretariat through the achievement of the following objectives:", "(a) Create enterprise-wide platforms. Centralized, secure, authoritative and trusted information resources will be established to support Headquarters, offices away from Headquarters, regional commissions, field missions, Member States and important United Nations initiatives, such as the Millennium Development Goals and climate change initiatives;", "(b) Improve and enhance analysis and decision-making support capabilities. Producing, capturing and sharing knowledge is a central part of the work of the United Nations. Processes for collaborative drafting, reviewing and approving documents will be developed. Content authoring processes will also be enhanced. These improvements will help United Nations knowledge workers to analyse issues and make decisions more effectively;", "(c) Improve information management policies and processes. Global policies, standards, records management practices and guidelines that will govern the consistent formulation, use and management of knowledge will be agreed upon and implemented across the Secretariat;", "(d) Improve the organization, accessibility and usability of information. Departments and offices will be empowered to successfully implement and manage their information;", "(e) Retain institutional knowledge. Capturing and sharing best practices and lessons learned will streamline the work of the Secretariat, support communities of practice and provide knowledge resources for effectively dealing with global initiatives and issues in the future;", "(f) Facilitate and enhance knowledge sharing and collaboration. Collaboration processes, document management practices, websites and social media tools will enhance the ability of the Organization’s departments and offices to collaborate with each other and with partners outside the United Nations and to connect with people, resources and knowledge;", "(g) Improve the management of websites and their content. Internal and external websites will be managed effectively through streamlined web policies, effective navigation, the capture of metadata, standardized templates and structured workflows for creating and publishing content.", "Organizational impact", "60. The full implementation of the “Leverage knowledge through ICT” initiative will have a significant impact on the whole Organization.", "Qualitative benefits", "61. The “Leverage knowledge through ICT” initiative will also provide the following qualitative benefits to the Organization:", "(a) Enhanced knowledge creation and sharing within the Secretariat. This will be achieved by making it easier to access and share information and by improving collaboration among United Nations personnel. The initiative will also enable greater reusability of information through the use of standardized templates and deliverables for common activities and functions. Best practices and lessons learned will be applied;", "(b) Improved ability to respond quickly to crises and a changing global environment. This will be achieved by enhancing the means to search, capture, reuse, integrate, analyse and communicate information. More accurate and informed analyses will lead to better crisis decision-making and improved flexibility in a changing environment;", "(c) Increased accuracy and security of information and better records management. This will be achieved by better managing information and by clearly defining custodianship, metadata, records management processes, retention schedules, information security and audit;", "(d) Improved retention of institutional memory and business continuity. This will be achieved through the systematic, long-term preservation of the Organization’s intellectual assets;", "(e) Increased visibility of the United Nations. This will be achieved by providing better services to Member States and other stakeholders, including improved accessibility to up-to-date content, documents, websites and other sources related to United Nations activities;", "(f) The ability to create and use knowledge remotely. This will enable United Nations personnel to work more effectively and productively regardless of the time and their physical location. Having teams that can access the same information at any time and from anywhere will enhance the Organization’s outputs and impact.", "Quantitative benefits", "62. The exact amount spent on knowledge management activities is currently unavailable, but it is estimated to be very large given the extensive fragmentation of the content management processes, tools and resources of the Organization. After full implementation, it is estimated that the overall savings from this initiative will be between $23 million and $28 million on an annual recurring basis (see annex IV). Some savings will be achieved as initiatives progress and it is expected that the full savings will be realized one year after full implementation. Listed below are the estimated savings:", "(a) Information sharing. The improved availability of knowledge through enhanced collaboration and search capabilities will reduce the time needed by staff to find information. The ability to review and approve documents through collaborative workflows instead of manually or through e-mail will result in more effective content management and more efficient processes. Total annual savings are estimated at between $9.2 million and $11.2 million;", "(b) Virtual meetings. The introduction of web-based meetings will yield savings in travel and information sharing. Total annual savings are estimated at between $3.5 million and $4.3 million;", "(c) Content and technology optimization. By consolidating applications and repositories and by using standardized templates, United Nations personnel will need less time to manage applications and develop content. Total annual savings are estimated at between $4.7 million and $5.7 million;", "(d) Reduced printing. Savings can be achieved by using electronic content instead of printouts and reducing the amount of space dedicated to filing cabinets for storage. Total annual savings are estimated at between $1.4 million and $1.8 million;", "(e) Content organization and access. Improved content classification and metadata standards will increase staff productivity by making it easier to locate and access information. Total annual savings are estimated at between $4 million and $4.9 million.", "Table 3 Estimated annual recurring benefits by category for the “Leverage knowledge through ICT” initiative", "(Millions of United States dollars)", "Functionality Low end of estimate High end of estimate", "Information sharing 9.2 11.2", "Virtual meetings 3.5 4.3", "Content and technology 4.7 5.7 optimization", "Reduced printing and 1.4 1.8 storage", "Content organization and 4.0 4.9 access", "Total 22.8 27.9", "Implementation plan", "Approach", "63. The “Leverage knowledge through ICT” initiative strives to implement a set of core knowledge management capabilities that must work together in an integrated manner. This approach reduces the redundancy of legacy systems and provides a common knowledge management platform that will be leveraged and shared by all United Nations personnel. Each component of the knowledge management process is essential for accomplishing the Organization’s knowledge management goals.", "64. The integrated set of core knowledge management capabilities (see figure III below) to be implemented at each duty station includes: collaboration, documents/records management, web content management and enterprise search. These components must be implemented together in order to improve the ability of the Organization to gather, analyse, synthesize and present information throughout the entire lifecycle of institutional knowledge and make knowledge more accessible to all stakeholders, worldwide. This initiative promotes the development of new approaches and skills, including the adoption of Organization-wide knowledge management policies, practices and technology tools.", "Figure III Components of the “Leverage knowledge through ICT” initiative", "[]", "65. The implementation of the “Leverage knowledge through ICT” initiative requires the full support of departments and offices. To achieve success and ensure the adoption of improved knowledge management policies, processes and technology tools, this initiative must be planned and coordinated through well-organized governance mechanisms. The ICT Executive Committee, the ICT Advisory Group, the Working Group on Knowledge Management and managers of departments and offices must actively support the initiative by providing guidance and incentives to and communicating with United Nations personnel. Furthermore, in order to maximize benefits, it is critical that the initiative be seen as an enterprise-wide endeavour that enjoys the full endorsement of the Secretary-General and Member States.", "66. The “Leverage knowledge through ICT” initiative will ultimately affect the entire Secretariat, Member States and other stakeholders. Due to this far-reaching impact, prudent change management activities will be included to ensure the adoption of new policies, processes and technology tools and minimize the disruptions to the Organization during implementation. These activities will include just-in-time web-based training, communications campaigns, readiness assessments and stakeholder workshops.", "Collaboration", "67. The collaboration component of the “Leverage knowledge through ICT” initiative will enable and promote transparency and teamwork by connecting United Nations personnel located worldwide, thus enhancing their ability to share information and work together effectively. In 2008, the first collaboration tool, e‑Room, was introduced to the Organization as a secure virtual workspace that allowed committees, staff and teams to collaborate and share content. This tool is currently being used successfully by more than 3,000 users. Building upon this success, the goal is to provide even more modern tools, such as “wikis”, “blogs” and “tagging”.[2]", "68. Through the use of these tools, United Nations personnel will be able to connect and consult with one another electronically and find staff with the expertise and experience required to carry out their work. The use of advanced communications and virtual meeting tools has begun on a limited basis in parts of the Organization but will be extended to all communities of practice[3] and, over the next two bienniums, to more organizational units throughout the Secretariat.", "Box 2Illustrative example: collaboration\n Current problem \nA staff member working on economic development in Asia needs toconsult with United Nations experts on environmental issues. Thestaff does not know where to start looking for the experts and howto determine whether a person, if found, is an expert or not.\n Expected improvements \nCollaboration tools for networking allow experts to post profilescontaining links to past experience and publications. The staffmember can search the community of practice using this tool to findthe experts and ask them questions, form a new community andinclude them in a project. Once the project is formed, all themembers of the network can share information easily and efficientlythrough these tools.", "Documents/records management", "69. The Organization devotes a significant amount of time and resources to creating, editing, reviewing, sharing and storing a large volume of documents on a daily basis. However, the lack of centralized repositories, common processes and standard technology tools in this area creates ineffectiveness and productivity loss. The Organization can improve the current conditions through the introduction of modern document/records management processes and technology tools.", "70. Much of the foundational work for this component has already begun. On the basis of an enterprise content management road map developed in 2009, a standard documents/records management system was developed late in 2010. The system is designed to provide a centralized, secure and scalable repository for all types of United Nations documents (official, unofficial and other), which can be accessed and searched by any user with appropriate privileges. Its main functionalities include: creating document management workflows; enabling document library services such as check-in, check-out and version control; reporting on document access records; declaring content as records and managing retention and disposal rules and schedules; securing access to documents; and digitizing paper documents. The system can also automate cross-cutting content-driven business processes such as collaborative authoring, reviewing and approval of official documents.", "71. The project will be implemented over two bienniums (2012-2013 and 2014-2015) and will include the deployment of key document and records management systems, the development of service delivery support and the automation of organizational processes. To start, the system will be implemented and the upstream process of authoring official documents will be automated in at least one business unit in each of the following locations: United Nations Headquarters, offices away from Headquarters, the regional commissions and field offices. The Office of Information and Communications Technology will provide service support for the knowledge management applications and help with digitization efforts at Headquarters and in other duty stations. In addition, ODS will be migrated to the system to improve its functionality and reliability.", "72. Once implemented, the system will be one of the most pervasive systems utilized in the Organization. All United Nations personnel who create and use documents will benefit from the system. Staff members of all categories, grades and locations will use the system to capture, manage, find, reuse, retain and disseminate relevant documents daily. Member States and other stakeholders will also use the system to manage content related to their interactions with the United Nations.", "Box 3Illustrative example: documents/records management\n Current problem \nGeneral Assembly documents are authored by departments in an ad hocmanner without the use of standard document templates and thedocuments are edited and reviewed by e-mail. Multiple copies arestored on the hard drives of local computers and network drivesthat are hard to search, resulting in significant productivity lossand difficulties in reusing a document to create other documents.\n Expected improvements \nGeneral Assembly documents are authored using the newdocuments/records management system, which will make it possiblefor documents to be created easily and collaboratively by differentstaff members, using standard formats, easily locatable data,version control and automatic workflows, thus enforcing anautomatic approval process. The content will be stored as a recordfor institutional memory and will be available for reuse in thefuture.", "Web content management", "73. The web content management component will ultimately organize the United Nations internal and external websites into a cohesive global system of knowledge portals. While there has been some progress in this area, a weak and fragmented governance and operational framework for websites has resulted in the ad hoc development of a multitude of incompatible and, in many cases, inadequate web content management tools. In turn, this has made it difficult to find information, as well as increased costs and security risks. Many departments and offices have requested a modern web content management system to meet their website management needs, yet the Organization has not been able to provide a robust enterprise solution to date.", "74. The web content management project will first create an “iSeek 2.0” (iSeek is the Secretariat’s Intranet) that integrates knowledge sharing into a cohesive environment, allowing United Nations personnel to work in a more effective and efficient manner. The development work will be piloted using selected United Nations Internet websites and subsequently applied to the high-impact United Nations websites, including Ultimately, the web content management system will be based on a global platform built in accordance with appropriate governance rules for policies, procedures, guidelines and standards and with support services that oversee and streamline the creation of new, high-quality websites that are well defined, integrated and properly managed. With well-functioning websites, the Organization will be able to effectively communicate and share its substantive outputs internally and externally.", "Box 4Illustrative example: web content management\n Current problem \nIt is very difficult to navigate, access and find information Every departmental website looks different, as thesites are developed independently with no consistent brand, look,feel or information architecture.\n Expected improvements \nWebsites will have a common look and feel because they will bebuilt with common templates and a clear workflow for the approvalof content. Effective governance and associated policies,procedures and standards will make the common brand and managementof websites possible. Maintenance of websites will be easier andallow security of information to be effectively managed.", "Enterprise search", "75. Through the enterprise search component, the Organization will index a large volume of information and knowledge in various repositories and provide powerful search capabilities across these repositories. The enterprise search system will facilitate easy and seamless discovery of contextual information about different topics across the repositories. Initially, existing document repositories such as, ODS and iSeek will be made available through this enterprise search system. This will be followed by adding the search functionality to documents/records management and collaboration environments. As new repositories are introduced, they will be included in the enterprise search, ultimately resulting in a one-stop search portal for the entire Organization, Member States and other stakeholders.", "Schedule", "Figure IV Schedule of the “Leverage knowledge through ICT” initiative", "[]", "76. The four components of the “Leverage knowledge through ICT” initiative will be implemented and deployed in all United Nations Secretariat locations over two consecutive bienniums (2012-2013 and 2014-2015) through the following key activities (see figure IV):", "(a) Establish enterprise-wide knowledge management infrastructure and governance. Activities include: setting up the technical infrastructure in New York and at the United Nations Logistics Base (UNLB) at Brindisi, Italy, to support collaboration, documents/records management, web content management and enterprise search; and developing governance, policies, procedures, roles and responsibilities and providing dedicated secretariat support to the Working Group on Knowledge Management;", "(b) Initiate pilot projects on collaboration and documents/records management. Activities include: creating pilot projects in consultation with relevant departments and offices; enabling collaboration, communities of practice and expert locator capabilities; implementing policies, procedures, standards and guidelines; expanding deployment to other departments, offices, regional commissions, offices away from Headquarters and peacekeeping missions; implementing documents/records management projects for authoring official documents in at least one department and at each duty station away from Headquarters; and establishing service delivery, change management and training capabilities;", "(c) Initiate pilot projects on web content management. Activities include: setting up a portal for departments at Headquarters for easy access to applications; revamping iSeek; implementing web content management infrastructure; developing common web content management templates and migrating some United Nations websites; developing web content management governance, policies, procedures, roles and responsibilities;", "(d) Roll out knowledge management activities for up to 10 departments, offices away from Headquarters and field missions. Activities include: analysing and migrating content; enabling technologies to collaborate; helping with information management, providing training and change management; expanding communities of practice and the ability to find experts;", "(e) Establish enterprise search capabilities. Activities include: completing the procurement process to acquire an enterprise search tool; setting up the technical infrastructure; and integrating repositories, thus enabling cross-repository searches;", "(f) Roll out and support knowledge management to remaining departments, offices away from Headquarters and field missions. Activities include: continuing and expanding the initiative’s activities, making collaboration, documents/records management and related knowledge management capabilities available to the United Nations Secretariat;", "(g) Maintain service delivery. Activities include: training, assisting with change management, establishing service agreements with client departments and offices and related activities to enable a vibrant knowledge management community at the United Nations.", "Resource requirements", "Table 4 Total resource requirements for implementation of the “Leverage knowledge through ICT” initiative", "(Thousands of United States dollars)", "Object of expenditure 2012-2013", "Travel of staff 196.0", "Contractual services 10 057.2", "General operating expenses 1 059.6", "Furniture and equipment 176.0", "Total 11 488.8", "Resource requirements for the biennium 2012-2013", "77. The various components of the “Leverage knowledge through ICT” initiative are to be executed as an integrated programme of work, which is why all the estimates shown in this section are consolidated.", "Travel of staff", "78. The amount of $196,000 would cover the cost of travel of staff in 2012-2013. Since this is a global initiative, project staff will have to travel to United Nations operational locations away from Headquarters for workshops, training and coordination activities.", "Contractual services", "79. The amount of $10,057,200 would cover the cost of the components on collaboration, documents/records management, enterprise search and web content management in 2012-2013, as follows:", "(a) An amount of $3,013,000 would cover the cost of additional software licence and maintenance for collaboration tools, web content management tools and additional search capability for approximately 1.5 million documents. The tools would be acquired incrementally, as the functionality is deployed to the various locations and staff members;", "(b) An amount of $4,755,800 would cover the engagement of contractual personnel to carry out activities related to project management and functional work such as business process re-engineering, business requirements gathering, application development, application integration, business process automation and data migration, as well as ongoing service delivery and assistance to the user community;", "(c) An amount of $572,600 would cover the cost of hardware and storage for the global infrastructure to support collaboration and web content management;", "(d) An amount of $1,715,800 would cover the cost of change management and services related to the delivery of change management activities in 2012-2013. Change management is critical to the creation of a cultural transformation that would lead to the acceptance and use of integrated knowledge management tools within the Organization. Since these initiatives involve many new concepts, capabilities, skills and technologies, staff will need to carry out change management activities in order to properly fulfil their duties.", "General operating expenses", "80. The amount of $1,059,600 would cover common support costs, including rental charges, minor alterations of office space and telephone and facsimile services related to the contractor positions requested under this programme.", "Furniture and equipment", "81. The amount of $176,000 would cover furniture and equipment requirements for the proposed contractor positions, including office furniture and office equipment.", "Biennium 2014-2015 and beyond", "82. A preliminary cost forecast for the roll-out to the remaining departments, offices away from Headquarters and field missions, as well as the maintenance of the service delivery, has been estimated at between $8 million and $12 million. However, the forecast will be updated in subsequent progress reports in view of potential changes in requirements and be included in the relevant proposed programme budget submissions as further details become available.", "C. Enhance information and communications technology service delivery", "Background", "83. The United Nations Secretariat devotes significant resources to the provision of a broad spectrum of ICT services on a daily basis. The nature and complexity of these services and the manner in which they are delivered vary widely. They include responding to requests for information, repairing photocopiers, fixing computers and troubleshooting remote access problems.", "84. Service desks — organizational units that provide services to users — do not have standard work methods for keeping records, producing status reports or assessing the quality and cost of services, nor do they work in accordance with established best practices. In addition, despite the fact that there are at least 131 ICT service desks worldwide, support is not provided 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Furthermore, the tools to support service desks and workstation operations are non‑standard and limited in functionality. As a result, the quality and cost- effectiveness of service delivery are measured, monitored and delivered in a sub-optimal manner.", "85. The critical role of ICT across the Organization and the high cost of related support services provide a particularly salient example of the negative impact of a fragmented approach to service delivery. Today, ICT is the backbone of the operations of the Organization. When a personal computer does not work, the staff member cannot work. Network failure can stop large numbers of staff from doing their work, thus incurring significant costs to the Organization both financially and in terms of the delayed delivery of substantive programmes.", "86. At present, it is difficult to assess the quantity and quality of the service delivery processes in the Organization, a fact which keeps the Organization from efficiently assigning resources and establishing work units that can address the complexity and volume of services needed. In addition, the broad array of services requires solutions that are not always easy to access or provide because of the lack of standard workstation configurations across the Secretariat. This complexity, volume and fragmentation unnecessarily increases the cost of user services.", "87. This report proposes a shift towards an enterprise ICT service model in which the common ICT needs of the various organizational units are addressed through regional service centres, thus significantly reducing local ICT service capacity at duty stations. Regional service centres employing standardized processes and technologies will also be capable of addressing service requests in other functional areas such as facilities, human resources, procurement and financial services.", "88. To accomplish this objective, it is proposed that the existing enterprise customer relationship management system, iNeed, be fully leveraged and that enterprise ICT service desks be established to provide more efficient ICT services to all users, including staff, delegates and journalists. Furthermore, by leveraging the existing enterprise identity management system, iNeed will provide functionality to validate the identity of users and their requests, making the Secretariat less vulnerable to security problems. By adopting this approach, the Organization will realize substantial benefits through improved user satisfaction, cost-effectiveness and quality assurance in the delivery of services to users.", "Objectives", "89. The Office of Information and Communications Technology, with advice from the ICT Management Coordination Group[4] and key stakeholders from departments and offices, has identified the following key objectives for this initiative:", "(a) Improve the quality, standards, availability and efficiency of ICT services across all duty stations by:", "(i) Consolidating 131 ICT service desk functions into at least three enterprise ICT service desks to be located in different places and capable of providing services 24 hours a day, 7 days a week;", "(ii) Providing all Secretariat offices with support for common applications such as Umoja, e-mail, Inspira, iNeed and the enterprise identity management system;", "(iii) Continuing to support unique site-specific services locally, with a significantly reduced number of local ICT service desk staff;", "(b) Implement an enterprise ICT global service catalogue that is integrated with other administrative service catalogues supported by iNeed;", "(c) Identify the applications that are required by all users in order to create a minimal number of standardized workstation configurations;", "(d) Implement business intelligence software to enable critical performance monitoring and management functions and thus to enable easier review of performance and other issues by the governance bodies;", "(e) Maintain an integrated master project plan that includes timely progress reports to ensure transparency with regard to the initiative’s status to all stakeholders, including Member States;", "(f) Continue the selective deployment of iNeed for other administrative services areas, such as facilities, financial services (tax, insurance, travel reimbursement, benefits etc.) and human resources.", "Box 5Illustrative example: “Enhance ICT service delivery” initiative Current problem \nA staff member at a United Nations duty station has a problemprinting a financial report that is needed by a high-level officialin order to make a critical decision. The staff member first asksco-workers if they have encountered the problem before, then callsthe local ICT service desk and is asked to reboot the computer.Unfortunately, this does not solve the problem. One hour haspassed. The staff member calls the service desk again and isprovided with the number of an expert. He calls the expert but isconnected to an answering machine, which is how he finds out thatthe expert is away on leave for two weeks. The staff member callsthe service desk again; he is quite irritated since two hours havepassed and the high-level official is asking for the reportimmediately. In desperation, the staff member tells the high-levelofficial about the problem. The official calls the Chief of ICTservices asking for the problem to be resolved immediately. TheChief calls the head of the service desk to get quick action. Threehours have passed. The service desk head walks to the support deskand gets one of the experts to call the staff member. Fortunately,the expert, knowing that this is an easy problem to remedy, callsthe staff member and asks him to press CTRL+F5. The report isprinted. Four hours of the staff member’s time have been wastedand, in the meantime, the high-level official has had to board aplane without the report. This problem would have been even morecomplicated had it been encountered during a journey or in themiddle of the night. Expected improvements \nA staff member in a duty station is having trouble printing afinancial report. She calls extension 3333 and is connected to aservice desk agent, who queries the knowledge base for the printingerror and tells the staff member to press CTRL+F5. The staff membergets the report to the high-level official in five minutes. Whileon the telephone, the agent shows the staff member how to accessthe online web portal with the knowledge base and bookmarks it forher so that in the future she can solve such issues on her own.", "Organizational impact", "90. Consolidating, modernizing and standardizing the existing ICT service desks and other administrative services will reduce current service delivery disparities and costs. An Organization-wide shift towards best practices and common technology tools will improve service availability and quality; provide disciplined, repeatable methodologies and processes; preserve and expand institutional knowledge; and produce savings.", "Qualitative benefits", "91. The “Enhance ICT service delivery” initiative will provide the following qualitative benefits to the Organization:", "(a) Agility. By using best practice processes and common technology tools in all locations, service desks will be able to quickly and consistently resolve issues. In addition, reactive approaches will give way to proactive approaches, making it possible for issues like global cybersecurity threats to be identified and solutions to be swiftly propagated to other sites;", "(b) Accessibility. The provision of multilingual support on a 24-hour-a-day, 7-days-a-week basis will greatly decrease the time needed to resolve problems while providing the world-class services that are vital to the Organization’s global operations;", "(c) Improved processes and operations. iNeed will provide an integrated suite of reliable, modern help desk tools that will enable the provision of consistent and effective services to users. Any excess staff capacity could be redirected to other work within the Organization;", "(d) Responsiveness. First-call resolution tracking, self-service capabilities, speedier resolution and expanded knowledge base tools will dramatically increase service desk responsiveness. This improved responsiveness will allow users to return more quickly to their normal work;", "(e) Productivity. Any computer or user downtime results in lost productivity. Tracking and reporting on service desk performance and conducting analyses on common problems will lead to an increase in service desk quality and performance. This will also aid in ensuring the transparency of negotiated service-level agreements by clearly defining when, where, what and how services are to be delivered. In addition, extended service desk availability and a single point of contact will provide continuity of services to all users in the Secretariat, at any time, from anywhere.", "Quantitative benefits", "92. Currently, the Organization spends approximately $135 million annually on ICT service desk operations, excluding costs associated with other administrative service desks operated in all duty stations, which are not available at present. The ICT service desk costs can be further broken down by components, namely, labour ($95.4 million) and equipment ($39.6 million). The ICT service desk and workstation environments are supported by approximately 835 full-time equivalent employees (618 staff and 217 contractors) at more than 131 service desks globally. After full implementation, the estimated overall savings would be between $39.7 million and $59.5 million, on an annually recurring basis. Some savings would be achieved as initiatives progress and it is expected that the full savings will be realized one year after full implementation (see annex IV). Listed below are the projected savings related to the specific functional improvements:", "(a) Self-service. The introduction of self-service functions that allow users to request a service, reset their password and access a searchable knowledge base will reduce service desk volume and service agent time by an estimated 25 to 40 per cent, yielding savings of between $6.6 million and $9.9 million annually;", "(b) ICT asset management. Automating the discovery of ICT devices and validating the needs for such devices will reduce service desk and workstation labour by approximately 10 per cent and provide savings in hardware and software by approximately 10 per cent as a result of the ability to leverage the information to reduce vendor contracts and licences. In total, the annual savings in this area are estimated at between $10.3 million and $15.4 million;", "(c) Service desk automation. It is estimated that the introduction of standard service desk processes and technology tools, as well as automation processes for routing requests and real-time viewing of user information, will reduce service agent costs by between $1.4 million and $2 million annually;", "(d) Workstation standards. A reduced set of workstation configurations (also called workstation images) will reduce workstation and service desk labour costs by 10 per cent each, due to the reduced complexity of workstations and a corresponding drop in workstation requests to the service desks. In total, the estimated annual savings will be between $7.5 million and $11.3 million;", "(e) Workstation automation. The introduction of enterprise-wide remote control and software distribution tools will provide capabilities for the service agents at the regional service desks to quickly restore workstations and provide workstation management tools to reduce incidents at individual workstations. This will reduce workstation support labour costs by approximately 15 per cent, producing estimated annual savings of between $7.4 million and $11.2 million;", "(f) Local service desk migration. After the regional service centres are established in 2012-2013, common service functions will gradually be migrated to the regional desks, reducing local labour requirements by approximately 15 per cent and local equipment costs by 50 per cent. This will yield estimated annual savings of between $6.5 million and $9.8 million;", "(g) Automation of other administrative services. The Office of Information and Communications Technology, the Department of Field Support and other ICT units will work closely with departments and offices to identify and prioritize key administrative services that could be improved through the adoption of the ICT service desk model. While quantitative productivity improvements are expected, they cannot be reported until a comprehensive analysis of these services has been undertaken.", "Table 5 Estimated annual recurring benefits, by category, for the “Enhance ICT service delivery” initiative", "(Millions of United States dollars)", "Functionality Low end of estimate High end of estimate", "Self-service 6.6 9.9", "ICT asset management 10.3 15.4", "Service desk automation 1.4 2.0", "Workstation standards 7.5 11.3", "Workstation automation 7.4 11.2", "Local service desk migration 6.5 9.8", "Total 39.7 59.6", "Implementation plan", "Approach", "93. One of the significant revisions made to the project approach since the publication of the report of the Secretary-General on the status of implementation of the ICT strategy (A/65/491) involved leveraging previous investments and existing systems to the maximum extent. As stated above, a key element of the revised strategy is to leverage the existing investments in iNeed (a customer relationship management application) and identify the authentication capabilities of the enterprise identity management system. iNeed will be used in the enterprise ICT service desks and local service desks to provide a common tool for handling all service requests. The enterprise identity management system will be used to supply a central directory of all workstation users and to authenticate access to appropriate services. The implementation approach consists of:", "(a) Standardizing and reducing desktop images to increase commonality, reduce complexity at all locations and facilitate problem diagnosis and support;", "(b) Implementing standard software distribution and remote access tools;", "(c) Utilizing the iNeed application in all locations;", "(d) Using an enterprise knowledge base to provide service desk agents and end-users with better, quicker and more accurate information;", "(e) Optimizing and promoting the use of self-service options to minimize delays in reporting problems and status updates;", "(f) Providing a common telephone extension number (e.g. 3333) for all locations instead of the numerous numbers in use at present;", "(g) Gradually deploying iNeed to selected departments, offices, regional commissions and missions.", "94. The initiative will be the first time that a comprehensive ICT service management functionality will have been fully implemented on a round-the-clock basis, leveraging both iNeed and the enterprise identity management system to equip the regional and local service centres. The aim is to incorporate existing and planned administrative service functionalities into this approach. As such, and subject to the agreement of senior managers of the Secretariat, it is planned that regional service centres will provide both ICT and other administrative services in the future.", "95. iNeed was deployed in the enterprise data centre established at UNLB in 2010. The application will continue to be the standard technology tool to improve and manage all types of services throughout the Organization. It is expected that it will be the entry point for all service requests in the long term. There will be one telephone number or one Internet site that users can use to request any service. The system will then route all requests to the appropriate service desks. The full deployment of iNeed as the enterprise tool for service desks will begin with ICT services first and could be subsequently expanded to include other administrative services.", "96. This initiative will comprise at least three regional ICT service desks, for example one in the Americas, one in Europe, the Middle East and Africa and one in Asia, which will provide services 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to all United Nations locations worldwide. The regional service desks, in conjunction with local service desks, will resolve all ICT service requests, either by telephone or through the iNeed self-service website, and will report back to the user on the status of their request. iNeed will record all service calls and the actions taken. Through this interaction, the Organization will be able to track and analyse the responsiveness and effectiveness of all requests, thus enhancing service workforce management.", "97. The regional ICT service desks will include a reduced set of standard workstation configurations. This will streamline and improve incident and problem management workflows and tools, thus enabling service agents to respond and resolve problems in a timely manner. Standardized workstations will result in improved management of hardware and software assets, leverage contracts with vendors through economies of scale and enhance ICT system security.", "98. Regional service desks will provide support for all enterprise applications, at any location. Common application problems will be handled by the regional service centres rather than local service desks, as is the practice today.", "99. iNeed will make use of a user self-service capability that will allow United Nations personnel to resolve their problems without the intervention of service agents or other technical staff, for example by searching the knowledge base or resetting their password by themselves through an easy-to-use tool. This has two benefits: users learn to support themselves (as is common today) and the workload of service desk agents is decreased.", "100. Another key element of the initiative is to employ an automated ICT asset discovery and management capability. This will not only help the agents working on service requests and allow greater transparency for reporting and chargeback models, but also provide a key input for compliance with the International Public Sector Accounting Standards in terms of the inventory and valuation of assets.", "101. It should be noted that, while this initiative will consolidate all ICT service desks, it will not replace the ongoing requirement for some local ICT personnel. It is a principle of the initiative to pursue an automated approach wherever feasible to reduce the dependence on local service requirements while providing the most cost-effective services. Figure V below provides a visual representation of the approach adopted in the context of the “Enterprise ICT Service Desk” initiative.", "Figure V Visual representation of the “Enterprise ICT Service Desk” initiative", "[]", "Progress to date: customer relationship management", "102. Since the customer relationship management concept was first introduced to Member States in 2008, some progress has been made towards its implementation using existing resources. iNeed has been deployed in the following departments and offices at Headquarters: the Office of Information and Communications Technology and the Department of Field Support (for ICT service desk ticketing, generic service requests and certain manual aspects of ICT asset management); the Department of Management (for facilities management and financial information operations); and the Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs in New York and Geneva, UNLB, the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon and the Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (ESCWA) (for ICT service desk). Deployment will continue in 2011 to include the Accounts Division in the Department of Management, facilities management at UNLB, central support services in ESCWA and a self-service portal at selected field missions in the Middle East. The initiatives contained in the present report, with the added alignment with the “Enterprise ICT service desk” initiative, will result in significant progress in 2012-2013 towards the original vision of customer relationship management at the Secretariat. It should be noted that sponsorship of departments and offices will be secured in 2011 to ensure that the development of customer relationship management will meet key service needs in 2012-2013.", "Progress to date: enterprise ICT service desks", "103. On the basis of feedback from Member States, the Office of Information and Communications Technology has adjusted its approach to align both existing and planned initiatives such as Umoja and the global field support strategy to leverage existing systems and internal capacities to the fullest extent. Leveraging iNeed has significantly reduced the overall implementation cost of the enterprise ICT service desks. In addition, the Office has also aligned other existing initiatives to provide critical functionality related to security and directory services (enterprise identity management system). This will provide better user authentication, which is critical for self-service options (such as password reset) and will greatly enhance the speed with which requests for services are fulfilled.", "Schedule", "104. The timeline for the entire initiative is shown in figure VI. However, it is important to note that at this time tasks are being proposed for only 2012 and 2013 and that the initial phases shown below have been recast into a set of subprojects that could be executed within appropriate funding cycles.", "[]Figure VI Schedule of the “Enhance ICT service delivery” initiative", "105. The “Enhance ICT service delivery” initiative will be implemented through the following key activities (see figure VI above):", "(a) Design, test and implement workstation standards (Secretariat-wide). A survey of all duty stations is being carried out in 2011 to provide information about the complexity and diversity of the end-user (workstation) environment of the Organization. Workstation standards will require all ICT chiefs to collaborate in 2011 in order to identify workstation hardware standards, customary workstation management tools and a reduced set of common workstation software tools such as operating systems, e-mail applications, browsers and anti‑virus software. Agreement on the tools to be used, an implementation schedule and timelines to eliminate unneeded software and hardware contracts will be completed in 2012 and 2013;", "(b) Design, test and implement self-service options, a knowledge base and business intelligence. Self-service options will be developed by the iNeed team on the basis of specifications provided by departments, offices and ICT service providers. In addition, the enterprise identity management system will develop an authentication functionality for workstation users that will allow them to reset their own passwords. In addition, all of the various types of network directories will be combined into one enterprise model. All of these activities are planned for 2012. In addition, an analysis of the global service catalogue will be performed in 2011, providing key criteria for the development of the request-for-service functionality in 2012. Existing knowledge bases will be accumulated in 2012 to provide a combined database of institutional knowledge about workstations by the end of 2013. This knowledge base will be enhanced by subject-matter experts in identified functional areas through the end of 2015 to assist in the migration of local ICT service desk functions to the enterprise desks;", "(c) Design, test and implement service desk ticketing and scheduling and other agent-related tools. Service desk tools will be developed in iNeed to create, assign, track and report on the status of requests, as well as to make it possible to effectively and efficiently distribute the workload among service desk agents. In addition to the business intelligence tools with performance management capabilities, a suite of automated tools will be provided in 2012 in order to provide regional service desk locations with that functionality in 2013;", "(d) Establish ICT service desk locations. As mentioned above, it is envisioned that three regional enterprise service desks will be established to implement a “follow-the-sun” approach so as to provide service support 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The locations of the regional service desks will be determined on the basis of prioritized criteria, which will include communications, labour, logistics and time zone considerations. It is expected that this analysis will begin in 2012, when the locations will be selected, and that the regional service desks will be established by mid-2013 and operational by the end of that year;", "(e) Migrate local ICT service desk functions to enterprise ICT desks. While a local presence will still be required for some activities, for example those related to site-specific applications and computer repair, it will be smaller once some of the functions currently performed locally are migrated to the regional service desks, leveraging the tools specified above. Fully trained migration teams will interview local service desk personnel late in 2013 to populate the global knowledge base with common local user problems (and solutions). It is expected that these migration activities will start in 2014 and continue until the end of 2015;", "(f) Provide iNeed as a platform for business purposes (tax, travel, accounts). While completing a fully functional design for ICT services (through the enterprise ICT service desks), the same model could be used for other substantive service areas of departments and offices, such as tax, travel and accounts. It will be important to secure stakeholder sponsorship within substantive units to provide leadership in re-engineering selected substantive functions in 2012-2013. As enterprise initiatives like Umoja are implemented in 2014-2015, it will be important to ensure that ICT and departmental and office service desks follow a similar approach to provide effective, world-class services.", "Resource requirements", "Table 6 Total resource requirements for implementation of the “Enhance ICT service delivery” initiative", "(Thousands of United States dollars)", "Object of expenditure 2012-2013", "Travel of staff 165.0", "Contractual services 11 103.5", "General operating expenses 443.3", "Supplies and materials 1 166.1", "Furniture and equipment 274.0", "Total 13 151.9", "Resource requirements for the biennium 2012-2013", "106. The “Enhance ICT service delivery” initiative will be executed as an integrated programme of work, which is why all the estimates shown in this section are consolidated.", "Travel of staff", "107. The amount of $165,000 would cover the cost of travel of staff in 2012-2013. As this is a global initiative, it will be necessary for project staff to travel to United Nations operational locations away from Headquarters for workshops, change management and coordination activities.", "Contractual services", "108. The amount of $11,103,500 would cover requirements for the following activities:", "(a) An amount of $3,947,300 would cover the costs of software to license service desk and workstation toolsets. This software will be acquired in stages, as the functionality is deployed to the various locations and staff members;", "(b) An amount of $7,156,200 would cover the engagement of contractors for project management and functional work such as business process re-engineering, business requirements gathering, application development, application integration, business process automation and data migration activities, as well as ongoing service delivery and assistance to the user community.", "General operating expenses", "109. The amount of $443,300 would cover common support costs, including rental charges, minor alterations of office space and telephone and facsimile services related to the contractor positions requested under this programme.", "Supplies and materials", "110. The amount of $1,166,100 would cover the costs related to the establishment of regional service centres.", "Furniture and equipment", "111. The amount of $274,000 would cover the costs of the additional servers required for the infrastructure of the service desk software.", "Biennium 2014-2015 and beyond", "112. A preliminary cost forecast for the project has been estimated as accurately as possible at between $14.9 million and $22.3 million. This includes estimates for extending the activities started in 2012-2013, supporting migration teams, travel and change management investments in order to ensure successful local ICT service desk migration and smooth adoption by substantive end-users. However, the forecast will be updated in subsequent progress reports and requirements will be dealt with in accordance with established budgetary procedures as further details become available.", "D. Create a resilient information and communications technology infrastructure", "Background", "113. Over the past decades, the Organization has built and maintained an ICT infrastructure and ICT facilities based on the needs of individual duty stations. This decentralized approach was consistently favoured and deemed necessary to ensure reliable infrastructure operations given that global data communications were not dependable. This model is still in use, and has resulted in the existence of at least 34 data centres and 177 server rooms across the Secretariat. In terms of distribution, 18 data centres and 63 server rooms are deployed at Headquarters, offices away from Headquarters and regional commissions and 16 data centres and 114 server rooms are deployed in field missions.", "114. Over the past 10 years, there has been significant progress in facilitating interconnectivity among all duty stations through the new generation of communication technologies. Data centres, however, continue to operate in isolation, focusing primarily on supporting local needs. This modus operandi is prevalent throughout the Organization, in large and small duty stations, including in the field.", "115. Resources are dedicated not only to maintaining these duty station-exclusive data centres but also to providing separate disaster recovery facilities to back up the centres’ information and systems. With the exception of the Department of Field Support, which provides disaster recovery facilities at UNLB for all its field missions, all other duty stations are individually responsible for their own back-up infrastructure. Duty stations that do not have the resources for an adequate disaster recovery facility simply have none or rely on other duty stations to handle this function in an ad hoc fashion, placing the Organization at risk.", "116. The adoption of an enterprise approach and a shared-services model to support all Secretariat duty stations will lead to savings through economies of scale, gradually reduce the scope of local data centre facilities and provide disaster recovery services to duty stations according to their needs, thereby creating a resilient ICT infrastructure.", "117. Duty stations have also taken a similarly decentralized approach to developing, implementing and maintaining local software applications. This individual focus ultimately comes at a greater cost to the Organization at large, as it requires more personnel, servers, storage and back-up (resilience) than would otherwise be necessary.", "118. The rationale for continued decentralization is no longer valid. Enterprise systems, based on commercially available software, can address most of the needs of duty stations. Only in exceptional cases, in other words when highly specialized software applications are the only solution possible, should a duty station embark on developing infrastructure for a local purpose.", "119. Pursuant to General Assembly resolution 63/269, the Secretariat’s strategy is to shift towards the enterprise management of ICT infrastructure. In order to fulfil the request of the Assembly, the ICT strategy (see A/65/491) involved the transition towards a model consisting of only two enterprise data centres to host enterprise systems. Local data centres will continue to exist but their scope will decrease significantly as they focus only on systems that, by their nature, cannot be hosted in enterprise data centres.", "120. This vision will be achieved by giving the Organization’s data centres a leaner and more resilient structure, at two main locations: the enterprise data centre at UNLB and the secondary data centre in Valencia, Spain.", "Objectives", "121. The Office of Information and Communications Technology has reformulated the “Streamline data centres” and “Unified disaster recovery plan and business continuity approach” projects into an integrated initiative called “Create a resilient ICT infrastructure”. In doing so, it has aligned the streamlining of data centres with ICT resilience to more effectively leverage the work that has been completed since the previous reports. In addition, requests for additional funding for future phases of the initiative will be submitted as part of the appropriate budget cycles of the United Nations Secretariat. For some tasks, the scope has been narrowed to Headquarters, offices away from Headquarters and regional commissions owing to the progress that the Department of Field Support has already made in creating the enterprise data centres. Such focus will enable the Office to make significant progress with regard to the reformulated approach by pursuing the following key objectives:", "(a) To implement two enterprise data centres, one at UNLB and one at the secondary data centre at Valencia;", "(b) To host all enterprise applications (Umoja, e-mail, Inspira, iNeed and the enterprise identity management system) centrally, in enterprise data centres, thereby consolidating the infrastructure and support resources for the applications;", "(c) To provide enterprise and local data centre monitoring and support 24 hours a day, 7 days a week from the enterprise data centres while achieving cost reductions through economies of scale;", "(d) To continue to host unique, site-specific applications in local data centres;", "(e) To maintain an integrated master project plan that includes progress reports to ensure transparency with regard to the initiative’s status to all stakeholders. Advice and direction from existing substantive and ICT governance bodies will be sought throughout.", "Box 6 \nIllustrative example: “Create a resilient ICT infrastructure”initiative\n Current problem \nCivil unrest is threatening the lives of United Nations staffstationed in a war-torn region. For their own safety, most of thestaff have had to leave the local United Nations office and, insome cases, the region. The mission security team is trying tolocate all staff to ensure their safety and administrative staffare scrambling to save data and set up operations elsewhere toquickly aid the citizens and provide information to the world aboutthe crisis. It takes days to locate all personnel and,unfortunately, there is a risk that most if not all the criticaldata might be lost. It takes weeks to find a new location and setup operations again, severely jeopardizing personnel and renderingit impossible to report on the status of the crisis.\n Expected improvements \nBy strengthening the resilience of the ICT infrastructureenvironment, text messages can be sent to all United Nations staffshortly after the crisis starts, providing them with information onwhere to assemble. Messages from staff are received and all staffare accounted for within several hours. At the predesignatedevacuation site, staff are able to access their systems and quicklybegin the critical work of swiftly reporting on the status of thecrisis to Headquarters.", "Organizational impact", "122. The “Create a resilient ICT infrastructure” initiative will enhance ICT and substantive performance by enabling secure and reliable access to data and systems throughout the Secretariat, while improving productivity and agility at significantly reduced costs. The streamlined infrastructure based on the enterprise data centres concept would greatly improve the Organization’s resilience in times of crisis and provide a key platform to host enterprise applications in the most efficient way.", "123. Streamlining the Secretariat’s computing infrastructure will not only increase operational efficiency; more importantly, it will provide significant benefits to departments and offices by providing quicker, easier implementation of new enterprise systems and technologies on a common, reliable platform.", "Qualitative benefits", "124. The “Create a resilient ICT infrastructure” initiative will provide the following qualitative benefits to the Organization:", "(a) Consistent enterprise server and storage management. Standardizing the Organization’s infrastructure will increase data centre performance and availability by streamlining support processes and procedures, cross-training technicians and increasing the use of systems contracts for capital purchases and maintenance across multiple duty stations. This will enhance the Organization’s productivity by minimizing the downtime associated with outages;", "(b) Increased service delivery. Reducing the resources used for routine data centre operational tasks and reassigning them to higher-value ICT functions will provide greater support for meeting the overall needs of the Organization;", "(c) Correct operational deficiencies and fewer risks. Augmenting disaster recovery capabilities and business resilience through enhanced world-class facilities will mitigate risks and properly prepare the ICT infrastructure for all future initiatives. It will also ensure that the Organization can continue operating during and after crises;", "(d) Promotion of the sustainable use of ICT by reducing the overall carbon footprint. Using fewer physical servers results in less power being consumed.", "Quantitative benefits", "125. Currently, the Organization spends approximately $104 million on data centres annually, including staff ($54.2 million) and equipment ($49.6 million) costs. In addition, approximately 552 full-time equivalent personnel are involved. At Headquarters, offices away from Headquarters and regional commissions (excluding missions), there is an annual cost of $42.2 million, and 248 full-time equivalent personnel are involved. After full implementation of the initiative, the overall estimated savings would be between $17.9 million and $26.9 million on an annual basis. Some savings will be achieved as initiatives progress and it is expected that the full savings will be realized one year after full implementation (see annex IV).", "126. The above figures do not include the savings that will be achieved at field missions, which will be reported by the Department of Field Support. Consequently, the benefits set out in subparagraphs (a) to (c) below pertain only to Headquarters, offices away from Headquarters and the regional commissions. Furthermore, the figures do not include the estimated gains from avoiding losses to the Organization related to data and/or business continuity costs incurred by substantive units that are impaired by crises. It is expected that the following savings will result from the specific functional improvements proposed under this initiative:", "(a) E-mail archives. The introduction of software to provide one source for all e-mail archives at UNLB will result in less equipment and labour in all duty stations. It is estimated that this will yield savings of between $1.3 million and $2 million annually;", "(b) Storage optimization. There are many duplicate files in the terabytes of stored documents that the Secretariat produces in the course of its activities. Removing duplicates is a critical step that should be taken before backing up data for resilience purposes. It is estimated that this will result in savings of between $1.3 million and $2 million annually;", "(c) Configuration of enterprise data centres. The establishment of the centres will provide one location for enterprise applications for all duty stations. Savings related to local labour and equipment are estimated at between $4.9 million and $7.4 million (between $2.8 million and $4.2 million per enterprise application). It should be noted that, for the purpose of estimating the benefits presented in the present report, only one application (iNeed) was taken into consideration. Greater savings will clearly be realized as additional applications are consolidated for enterprise use. It should also be noted that the backing up of local copies of IMIS data is included in this benefit estimate;", "(d) Enterprise server and storage tools. A reduced set of server and storage management and monitoring tools will decrease server and storage labour costs owing to reduced complexity and improved operational efficiency. The overall estimated annual savings would be between $5 million and $7.5 million. Collaboration between the Office of Information and Communications Technology and the Department of Field Support is required in order to ensure that enterprise server and storage management tools will be available for all environments;", "(e) Local server room migration. After the enterprise data centres and the local data centres are established in 2012-2013, server rooms in each location will be migrated to the centres using a phased approach that will result in increased business continuity and savings of between $5.4 million and $8 million annually. It is expected that these benefits may not be fully realized until 2016-2017.", "Table 7 Estimated annually recurring benefits, by category, for the “Create a resilient ICT infrastructure” initiative", "(Millions of United States dollars)", "Functionality Low end of estimate High end of estimate", "E-mail archives 1.3 2.0", "Storage optimization 1.3 2.0", "Configuration of enterprise data 4.9 7.4 centres", "Enterprise server and storage 5.0 7.5 tools", "Local server room migration 5.4 8.0", "Total 17.9 26.9", "Implementation plan", "Approach", "127. One of the significant revisions to the project approach outlined in the report of the Secretary-General (A/65/491) is the alignment of internal initiatives to reduce the costs of implementation. A key element of the revised strategy is to leverage the significant investment in enterprise data centres at UNLB and Valencia to provide a resilient platform for the deployment of enterprise applications. It is important to note the distinction between the “Streamline data centres” initiative and the “Create a resilient ICT infrastructure” initiative (formerly known as the “Unified disaster recovery plan and business continuity approach”). The former will seek to harmonize all data centre locations to reduce local server rooms and provide an enterprise approach to server and storage management, while the latter will leverage the streamlined environment to provide an immediate back-up and business continuity configuration for the entire Secretariat. The two are related in that minimizing the costs of the resilience initiative requires reducing the locations, servers and storage. Essentially, it is more difficult to provide and maintain disaster recovery capabilities for a large number of sites with varied, diverse configurations. Network upgrades and coordination efforts are ongoing at all duty stations to prepare for this initiative. The Office of Information and Communications Technology and the Department of Field Support collaborated to formulate this approach to make the infrastructure ready for the global field support strategy and Umoja. Key elements of the implementation approach are:", "(a) Establishment of the enterprise data centre at UNLB and a mirror resilience site in Valencia. Both facilities are the core elements in the overall strategy towards Secretariat-wide access to all enterprise applications. Significant work and planning is being carried out with the Department of Field Support to align the needs of the field with those of the rest of the Secretariat;", "(b) Conformity of all applications to the architecture, policies and procedures of the enterprise and local data centres. The initiative will establish policies and procedures for hosting all enterprise applications. A timeline for planning and deployment will be formulated taking into account Umoja, Inspira and other enterprise applications. In collaboration with departmental stakeholders, local applications will be identified and tracked to enable future consolidation, thus reducing the associated infrastructure requirements;", "(c) Standardization of the server and storage environment, including with regard to monitoring and management processes and tools for both the enterprise and local data centres. This will facilitate better resilience and mobility for staff since the skills needed to run the data centres are transferable. Additional key tasks are:", "(i) Virtualization to reduce the number of server room servers, where feasible, before the consolidation of local server rooms into one local data centre per site; identification of a potential corresponding resilience site;", "(ii) Reduction of the existing storage space through automated means before implementing resilience measures;", "(iii) Implementation, across all locations, of a multi-tiered storage strategy based on an agreed upon time frame, to systematically store information less expensively;", "(iv) Management of small locations remotely by pursuing an automated approach wherever feasible;", "(d) Alignment of deliverables based on lessons learned from previous implementation steps and by the funding needs of stakeholders;", "(e) Utilization of iNeed at all locations for infrastructure work order and requests for service transactions. All hosting and storage requests will be managed through the appropriate enterprise ICT service desk personnel and routed to the appropriate service entity.", "128. Local data centres will have to continue to provide support for unique local applications, including building management systems, perimeter security and surveillance systems, cashier support systems, local e-mail and related applications in locations where the network is slow, local shared drives, directory systems, local Intranet and collaboration tools, local communications telephone billing systems, network infrastructure to connect to other offices, connection to the Internet and buildings, and radio and television production systems.", "129. Towards the end of 2011, the Office of Information and Communications Technology will lead the process of collaborating with the ICT Management Coordination Group to analyse, select and implement a standardized server and storage management toolset for the Secretariat that will be deployed across all duty stations (through enterprise and local data centres). This approach will greatly enhance organizational resilience throughout the Organization. In the event of a catastrophe, the enterprise data centre will act as the crisis mitigation site and provide quick recovery to ongoing substantive operations.", "130. As with the approach taken for the “Enterprise ICT service desks” initiative, the “Create a resilient ICT infrastructure” initiative was developed on the basis of feedback from Member States and key internal stakeholders. The Office of Information and Communications Technology has aligned existing and planned initiatives to leverage internal capacities fully. Consequently, the original proposed cost of the “Streamlining data centres” initiative has been significantly reduced. In addition, the Office has increased the Secretariat’s ICT resilience capabilities by incorporating critical aspects of the “Unified disaster recovery plan and business continuity approach”, including virtualization, storage reduction, e-mail archiving and resilience for IMIS.", "Figure VII Visual representation of the “Create a resilient ICT infrastructure” initiative", "[]", "Progress to date: “Streamline data centres”", "131. Despite limited resources, progress has been made in aligning key internal infrastructure projects to provide critical capabilities that have reduced the estimated costs related to the “Streamline data centres” initiative. Capital programmes such as the capital master plan at Headquarters, which has continued to make improvements to UNLB, and the progress achieved in the construction of the secondary data centre in Valencia have all been factored into the revised estimate. In addition, modest investments in network upgrades are expected in early 2012 to enable high-speed, multiple path connections across major duty stations; it is also expected that the enterprise data centres will invest in a wide area network replacement technology (Multiprotocol Label Switching). This progress and planned investment is critical to improving quality and reducing requirements for the “Streamlining data centres” initiative, including its resilience. However, because capital investments and budgets have been consistently reduced over the last few bienniums, the age and capabilities of the current data centre equipment are reaching a critical stage, which has heightened the need for immediate action to ensure continued operation. These factors were taken into account in the revised approach presented in the present report. The proposed investment for 2012-2013, together with the server and storage management tools described below, will prepare the environment for the deployment of Umoja and other enterprise applications.", "Progress to date: “Increase ICT resilience”", "132. The alignment of internal infrastructure initiatives to better leverage internal capacities to the fullest extent has significantly lowered the proposed cost of the “Increase ICT resilience” initiative (formerly the “Unified disaster recovery plan and business continuity approach”). This reduction is due to the approval of the mirror site in Valencia, a world class facility, as a key resilience capability for UNLB. The site in Valencia will be in operation shortly and at a much lower cost to the Secretariat than commercially leased space. The pairing with the “Streamline data centres” initiative was natural as the two initiatives are complementary. In close conjunction with the Department of Field Support and other duty stations, the Office of Information and Communications Technology has adjusted the initiative to provide full resilience across the Secretariat using the enterprise data centres. This will greatly reduce implementation costs while enabling a faster, planned and consistent response to any crisis affecting the Organization.", "Schedule", "133. The timeline for the entire “Create a resilient ICT infrastructure” initiative is shown in figure VIII below. It is important to note, however, that only tasks to be carried out in 2012-2013 are being proposed at this time.", "Figure VIII Schedule of the “Create a resilient ICT infrastructure” initiative", "134. The “Create a resilient ICT infrastructure” initiative will be implemented through the following key activities (see figure VIII):", "(a) Implement tools to reduce storage growth and archive e-mails. Activities include: implementing enterprise e-mail archival and storage optimization (“de-duplication”) technologies to reduce storage and enhance resilience capabilities across the Secretariat;", "(b) Prepare UNLB to host enterprise applications, create local resilience. The creation of an enterprise data centre will provide an effective and efficient platform to deploy enterprise applications like iNeed, Umoja and Inspira;", "(c) Prepare the secondary data centre in Valencia, Spain, to act as a mirror site for UNLB. Once enterprise applications and ICT resilience have been established, it will be critical to have a mirror site to ensure the availability of data and resilience for UNLB;", "(d) Implement enterprise server and storage management tools. This will increase efficiency while facilitating staff mobility and organizational resilience;", "(e) Migrate local server rooms to enterprise or local data centres. While a local data centre presence will still be required for unique local applications, a smaller footprint will be required once functions have been migrated to the enterprise resource centre and by leveraging the tools previously specified have been leveraged;", "(f) Harmonize resilience across all data centres. Upon completion of a fully functional design for ICT resilience, additional harmonization of computing resources across locations and further application consolidation will provide additional benefits to the Secretariat by using the same model for selected common applications. This will require extensive departmental involvement and coordination and approval by the ICT governance bodies.", "Resource requirements", "Table 8 Total resource requirements for implementation of the “Create a resilient ICT infrastructure” initiative", "(Thousands of United States dollars)", "Object of expenditure 2012-2013", "Other staff costs 511.2", "Contractual services 4 369.5", "Furniture and equipment 4 947.2", "Total 9 827.9", "Resource requirements for the biennium 2012-2013", "135. The activities that need to carried out for the “Create a resilient ICT infrastructure” initiative are to be executed as an integrated programme of work, which is why all the estimates shown in this section are consolidated.", "Other staff costs", "136. The amount of $511,200 would cover the engagement of general temporary assistance equivalent to one post at the P-5 level to lead efforts to operationalize the enterprise data centres at UNLB and Valencia and IMIS disaster recovery initiatives.", "Contractual services", "137. The amount of $4,369,500 would cover the activities of e-mail archiving, storage reduction, server and storage management tools and creating the enterprise data centre in 2012-2013, as follows:", "(a) An amount of $2,230,200 would cover the costs of software to license server and storage management tools. This software will be acquired incrementally as the functionality is deployed to various locations and staff members;", "(b) An amount of $2,139,300 would cover the engagement of contractual services for project management and functional work such as technical process re‑engineering, technical requirements gathering, integration development, application integration, server and storage process automation, and data migration activities, as well as ongoing server and storage delivery and assistance to the user community.", "Furniture and equipment", "138. The amount of $4,947,200 would cover the cost of furniture and equipment, particularly the infrastructure equipment necessary for the e-mail archival project, de-duplication and the set-up of the enterprise servers and storage tools.", "Biennium 2014-2015 and beyond", "139. A preliminary cost forecast for the project has been estimated as accurately as possible at between $11.6 million and $17.4 million, including the cost of extending the activities started in 2012-2013, supporting migration teams, travel and change management investments to ensure successful local server room migration and a smooth transition to the platform at the enterprise and local data centres by departments and offices. However, the forecast will be updated in subsequent progress reports and requirements will be dealt with in accordance with established budgetary procedures as further details become available.", "E. Risk management", "Risk mitigation approach", "140. Risk assessment and management are vital steps in ensuring that proper risk identification, analysis and mitigation actions are taken into consideration, particularly in view of the importance and scope of the four ICT initiatives set out in the present report. The Secretariat has made considerable efforts to ensure that risks associated with these initiatives have been appropriately considered.", "141. Each initiative has been thoroughly reviewed through the ICT governance framework and has complied with a best practice business case and risk mitigation methodology that ensures that risks are identified, scored and assessed from a cost-benefit, project delivery and organizational impact perspective.", "142. Based on a review of the initiatives, the identified risks related to opportunity costs and implementation challenges are presented below.", "Opportunity costs", "143. If the initiatives are not implemented or if only minimal investment is made, ICT costs will continue to rise, potentially outstripping the ability of ICT staff to provide basic services throughout the Secretariat and vital solutions in areas of high demand such as knowledge management. The fragmentation of management practices and technologies will continue, resulting in difficulties for the Organization in effectively carrying out its mandates and substantive activities.", "144. As enterprise systems replace local systems, the potential savings will become more significant. Not investing in systems and infrastructure will cause the costs of local application deployment and related support services to continue to rise.", "145. At present, the Organization wastes valuable time and resources in “reinventing the wheel” or failing to access the highest quality expertise available. As a result, invention and/or innovation are hindered and the resulting downtime in affected services continues to compromise staff effectiveness and the delivery of outputs.", "Implementation challenges", "146. In the absence of strong senior management buy-in and commitment, the Organization’s ICT capabilities and resources will continue to be carried out in vast silos at a significant cost. Therefore, leadership by high-level managers is critical for the successful governance and implementation of all initiatives.", "147. The Organization needs to leverage past experiences and reapply them in similar situations, thereby enabling continuous improvement. As such, progress on all of the initiatives will be reported in a timely manner, using a performance-based framework jointly determined by the Office of Information and Communications Technology and the ICT governance bodies. As the initiatives are implemented, they will elicit feedback and direction from the governance bodies and make meaningful adjustments based on their direction and financial requirements. Lessons learned will be documented for future use.", "148. A poorly implemented change management and communications strategy could compromise the acceptance by end-users, departments and offices of these major changes in the mode of operation. Proper change management efforts, including communication campaigns, readiness assessments, stakeholder management and training for roles, processes and tools that are crucial for the success of all initiatives, will be implemented.", "149. Staff responsible for initiative-related functions need to be properly trained to provide services related to business and ICT functionality. In addition, if new functions are not thoroughly tested to ensure expected utility, users may not fully adopt the new functions. All plans related to the implementation of the initiatives call for adequate user acceptance testing and the cross-training of local staff.", "III. Summary of resource requirements and actions to be taken by the General Assembly", "A. Summary of resource requirements", "150. As detailed in table 9 below, it is estimated that a total of $42,822,500 (at current rates) will be required in the biennium 2012-2013 for the implementation of the four enterprise ICT initiatives.", "Table 9 Summary of net resource requirements, by initiative", "(Thousands of United States dollars)", "Initiative 2012-2013^(a)", "Improve enterprise ICT management 8 353.9", "Leverage knowledge through ICT 11 488.8", "Enhance ICT service delivery 13 151.9", "Create a resilient ICT 9 827.9 infrastructure", "Total 42 822.5", "^(a) Preliminary estimates for 2014-2015 include the following: an additional $1 million-$2 million (excluding the continuing costs of posts and related common support costs of $7 million), for the “Improve enterprise ICT management” initiative; an estimated $8 million-$12 million for the “Leverage knowledge through ICT” initiative; an estimated $14.9 million-$22.3 million for the “Enhance ICT service delivery” initiative; and an estimated $11.6 million-$17.4 million for the “Create a resilient ICT infrastructure” initiative.", "151. It is proposed that the total resource requirements, as shown in tables 9 and 10, be financed from among the regular budget, the support account for peacekeeping operations and extrabudgetary resources, in the following percentages: 15 per cent from the regular budget, 62 per cent from the support account for peacekeeping operations and 23 per cent from the special accounts for programme support costs (to which overhead income generated by expenditures relating to technical cooperation and general trust funds, as well as reimbursement for administrative support provided by the Organization to extrabudgetary entities such as the United Nations Development Programme and the United Nations Children’s Fund, are credited) (see A/65/491, para. 243). Each source of financing (regular budget, peacekeeping support account, extrabudgetary) will make a contribution calculated on the basis of the established share of the overall resource requirements.", "Table 10 Summary of net resource requirements, by source of funds (full project cost at current rates)", "(Thousands of United States dollars)", "Initiative Regular Peacekeeping Extrabudgetary Total budget support account", "Improve enterprise ICT 1 253.1 5 179.4 1 921.4 8 353.9 management", "Leverage knowledge 1 723.3 7 123.1 2 642.4 11 488.8 through ICT", "Enhance ICT service 1 972.8 8 154.2 3 024.9 13 151.9 delivery", "Create resilient ICT 1 474.2 6 093.3 2 260.4 9 827.9 infrastructure", "Total 6 423.4 26 550.0 9 849.1 42 822.5", "Table 11 Summary of net resource requirements by source of funds", "(Thousands of United States dollars)", "Source of funds 2012-2013", "Regular budget 6 423.4", "Peacekeeping support account 26 550.0", "Extrabudgetary 9 849.1", "Total 42 822.5", "Table 12 Total resource requirements for the implementation of ICT structural review projects", "(Thousands of United States dollars)", "Object of expenditure 2012-2013", "Posts 2 883.6", "Other staff costs 1 857.8", "Travel of staff 511.0", "Contractual services 26 028.2", "General operating expenses 4 476.6", "Supplies and materials 1 166.1", "Furniture and equipment 5 899.2", "Total 42 822.5", "B. Actions to be taken by the General Assembly", "152. The transformational ICT initiatives presented herein will result in significant effectiveness and efficiency improvements in the Organization and continue the transition towards an Organization-wide coherent approach to ICT that is consistent with the expectations of Member States. The reliance on enterprise solutions and optimal use of ICT resources will provide significant benefits to the Secretariat in meeting its mission and programme goals. Such improvement is unattainable if the current situation is maintained.", "153. The General Assembly is requested:", "(a) To endorse the four initiatives (“Improve ICT enterprise management”, “Leverage knowledge through ICT”, “Enhance ICT service delivery” and “Create resilient ICT infrastructure”);", "(b) To note that, should the establishment of 14 posts for the biennium 2012‑2013 be approved, the cost of the delayed impact is estimated at $2,325,600;", "(c) To note also the proposal for the total resource requirements for the biennium 2012-2013, which are estimated at $42,822,500, to be distributed as follows:", "(i) Regular budget: an amount of $5,639,100, under section 30, Office of Information and Communications Technology, and an amount of $784,300, under section 29D, Office of Central Support Services, of the proposed programme budget for the biennium 2012-2013;", "(ii) Support account for peacekeeping operations:", "a. An amount of $6,637,500, to be financed as an additional appropriation from the support account for peacekeeping operations for the period from 1 July 2011 to 30 June 2012, to meet the requirements related to all four initiatives for the biennium 2012-2013, as described in the present report;", "b. Future remaining requirements in an estimated amount of $13,275,000 would be considered in subsequent support account for peacekeeping operations requirements for the financial period from 1 July 2012 to 30 June 2013;", "c. Future remaining requirements in an estimated amount of $6,637,500 will be included in subsequent support account for peacekeeping operations requirements for the financial period from 1 July 2013 to 30 June 2014;", "(iii) Extrabudgetary resources: an estimated amount of $9,849,100 of the overall cost of all projects for the biennium 2012-2013 would be financed from extrabudgetary resources;", "(j) To approve the following additional appropriations:", "(i) An amount of $6,423,400, under the proposed programme budget for the biennium 2012-2013, for section 30, Office of Information and Communications Technology ($5,639,100), and section 29D, Office of Central Support Services ($784,300);", "(ii) An amount of $6,637,500, under the support account for peacekeeping operations for the period 1 July 2011 to 30 June 2012.", "Annex I", "Mandate of the Office of Information and Communications Technology and resource levels", "Mandate from approved ICT strategy(A/62/793)\tNew/existingmandate\tResourcesprovided \nDeveloping the ICT strategy for theSecretariat and coordination of itsimplementation (para. 35 (a))\tNew\tLimited\nReviewing budgets from all fundingsources for all ICT initiatives andoperations of the Secretariat (para. 35(b))\tNew\tLimited\nMonitoring, measuring and evaluating theperformance of ICT units againstestablished goals, objectives andbudgetary targets, utilizingaccountability frameworks as appropriate(para. 35 (c))\tNew\tLimited\nSetting the technological direction andarchitecture for the Organization (para.35 (d))\tNew\tLimited\nPlanning and developing allOrganization-wide ICT applications,including, inter alia, an enterpriseresource planning system and other majorsystems (para. 35 (e))\tExisting\tLimited(exceptforUmoja)\nPlanning and developing the overallinfrastructure architecture encompassingthe communications networks and datacentres of the Organization (para. 35(f))\tExisting\tLimited\nUsing the Organization’s global presenceand ICT infrastructure to develop andoperate Secretariat-wide applications andinfrastructure in order to maximizebenefits and cost-effectiveness (para. 35(g))\tExisting\tLimited\nUndertaking, in collaboration with otherICT units, ICT research and developmentactivities (para. 35 (h))\tNew\tLimited\nOverseeing the assessment and managementof ICT risks for the Organization (para.35 (i))\tNew\tLimited\nDeveloping and maintaining theinformation security policy of theOrganization and monitoring complianceacross operational units (para. 35 (j))\tExisting\tLimited\nManaging the implementation of disasterrecovery and business continuity plansfor the Organization (para. 35 (k))\tExisting\tLimited\nCoordinating ICT human resourcesmanagement programme and activities,including staff development and mobilityof all ICT staff in the globalSecretariat (para. 35 (l))\tNew\tNone\nProviding business consulting and projectmanagement methodologies and services toall ICT units (para. 35 (m))\tNew\tLimited\nMonitoring, measuring and evaluating theperformance and strategic alignment ofall projects and investment initiativesin the ICT project portfolio of theglobal Secretariat(para. 35 (n))\tNew\tNone\nEstablishing ICT vendor managementpolicies; reviewing and monitoringpurchasing and contract renewalactivities (para. 35 (o))\tNew\tNone\nImplementing quality assurance processesto ensure that all policies, processesand standards are in compliance(para. 35 (p))\tNew\tLimited\nEstablishing a client services function(para. 42)\tNew\tLimited\nPerform the Executive Office function ofthe Office of Information andCommunications Technology\tNew\tLimited", "Annex II", "* For the current structure of the Office of Information and Communications Technology, see A/64/6 (Sect. 29).", "Proposed structure of the Office of Information and Communications Technology for the biennium 2012-2013*", "[]", "Abbreviations: ASG, Assistant Secretary-General; RB, regular budget; JF, jointly financed (regular budget, support account, extrabudgetary); GS, General Service; OL, Other level; PL, Principal level; XB, extrabudgetary; TC, Trades and Crafts; SA, special account.", "^(a) New posts.", "^(b) Redeployments.", "Annex III", "Conditions that need to be in place for the benefits to be realized", "1. It should be noted that all figures presented in the initiative proposals are estimates. The benefits are based on assumption that they may change several years from the time of writing. In addition, the benefits are calculated on the basis of existing data sources that are not always complete or fully reliable, in part because the Secretariat does not have the standards, tools and level of automation to provide accurate operational information on information and communications technology (ICT) on a global basis. The potential benefits shown here should not be seen as immediate savings and should not be considered in the formulation of future budgets. Any reduction should only be contemplated after the new processes and structures have been deployed for at least one year and once they have stabilized, and following the subsequent analysis and confirmation of benefits. The figure below shows the project phases and the benefits gained from the enterprise ICT initiatives.", "Figure Project phases and benefits gained from the enterprise ICT initiatives", "[]", "2. The achievement of the benefits presented herein is based on several important conditions, including the full funding of the implementation proposals, the continued involvement and support of all stakeholders and the continuation of a strong ICT governance structure within the Secretariat.", "3. Individual departments cannot be permitted to opt out of these enterprise initiatives. The benefits outlined in these proposals will be significantly weakened if exceptions are granted since economies of scale will be lost, standards will be undermined and levels of complexity will remain in the global ICT environment.", "4. The classification authority for ICT jobs needs to be controlled centrally by the Office of Human Resources Management in collaboration with the Office of Information and Communications Technology in order to prevent individual departments from establishing separate ICT job classification systems.", "5. Staff training and mentoring programmes need to be developed in collaboration with the Office of Human Resources Management to facilitate effective staff redeployments and migration to the new global staffing model.", "Annex IV", "Quantitative benefit analyses", "I. Leverage knowledge through information and communications technology", "Estimate (millions of United States dollars)\n Low end of High end of range range", "Information-sharing 9.2 11.2", "Enhanced information-sharing across departments 3.0 3.7 and locations^(a)", "Staff performance improvements^(b) 4.2 5.1", "Increased productivity due to reduced time 1.6 1.9 needed to find information^(c)", "Decreased publishing turnaround time in all .18 .22 languages^(d)", "Implemented and enforced workflows for content .12 .14 creation and publishing^(e)", "Virtual meetings 3.5 4.3", "Enhanced information-sharing and virtual 1.5 1.8 meetings saving travel time and shortening meetings^(f)", "Enhanced information sharing and virtual .94 1.1 meetings, resulting in a decrease in overseas travel expenses^(g)", "Improved decision-making^(h) .88 1.0", "Better communication between offices away from .16 .19 Headquarters and Headquarters^(i)", "Content and technology optimization 4.7 5.7", "Cost avoidance by reducing disparate legacy .90 1.1 systems^(j)", "Lower call centre costs^(k) .18 .22", "Consolidated official United Nations public .32 .39 websites around the world into a single site^(l)", "Consolidated servers and applications^(m) .18 .22", "Reduced need for external web developers and .64 .78 administrators^(n)", "Efficient and standardized environment for all .08 .09 web-based services. Easier implementation of branding, accessibility and usability standards^(o)", "Faster creation of new websites and updating of .48 .58 existing ones. Faster integration of content management and collaboration information repositories^(p)", "Reduced labour requirements for the maintenance 1.6 1.9 of websites. Increased productivity because staff require less time to find information and tools^(q)", "Reduced printing 1.4 1.8", "Greener United Nations through reduced printing .67 .82 and electronic document sharing and collaboration^(r)", "Cost avoidance by reducing physical storage .81 .99 space^(s)", "Content organization and access", "Enhanced information sharing across departments 4.0 4.9 and locations^(t)", "Total 23 28", "II. Enhance ICT service delivery", "Estimate savings (millions of United States dollars)^(u)\n Enhance ICT service delivery Low end of High end of range range", "Self-service^(v) 6.6 9.9", "“Request for service” will streamline and 1.3 2.0 automate processes for requesting ICT products and services", "“Password reset” will provide an online portal 2.6 4.0 for resetting network passwords", "“Knowledge base” will be used to collect 2.6 4.0 information on common problems and provide an online portal to search for solutions", "ICT asset management^(w) 10.3 15.4", "“Auto-discovery” will enable the collection of 7.6 11.4 ICT hardware and software information per workstation user", "“Performance management” will use business 2.7 4.0 intelligence tools to capture both operational and strategic metrics", "Service desk automation^(x) 1.4 2.0", "“Ticketing and agent scheduling” will make it 0.7 1.0 possible to use service desk agents more efficiently and to enter and track tickets", "“Business intelligence” will track service desk 0.7 1.0 and workstation ticket performance (i.e., first call resolution, time to resolve, etc.)", "Workstation standardization^(y) 7.4 11.2", "“Base configuration” (operating system, e-mail, 3.7 5.6 browser, antivirus software, etc.) will provide a common core software image for all workstations so that systems can be deployed more quickly and images can be maintained more easily", "“Policy-based administration” will provide 3.7 5.6 role-based rules to prevent unauthorized software or system access, which will reduce the number of problems at workstations", "Workstation automation^(z) 7.5 11.3", "“Remote control” will provide technical support 5.0 7.5 access to workstations, allowing for the more efficient use of technical resources", "“Software distribution” will provide a 2.5 3.8 standardized method for distributing software updates across all workstations", "Local service desk migration^(aa) 6.5 9.8", "“Knowledge capture” activities will leverage the 4.0 6.0 knowledge base capabilities to capture common local ICT problems, making it easier to resolve problems for regional ICT service desks", "“Local service desk reduction” will provide 2.5 3.8 local ICT resources with a greater ability to handle substantive tasks while transferring common ICT service desk functions to the regional desks", "Grand total 39.7 59.6", "III. Create a resilient ICT infrastructure", "Estimated savings (millions of United States dollars)^(bb)\n Create a resilient ICT infrastructure Low end of High end of range range", "E-mail archives^(cc) 1.3 2.0", "“Enterprise management of e-mail archives” will 0.4 0.6 provide one location (enterprise data centre) for support personnel to manage all e-mail back-up activities", "“Equipment consolidation” will be realized by 0.9 1.4 removing the requirement for e-mail back-up at all duty stations (excluding missions)", "Storage optimization^(dd) 1.3 2.0", "“Enterprise management” of storage for 0.2 0.3 enterprise applications will enhance the efficient management and optimization of data. It will also ensure that critical data is stored efficiently in one location, for a quicker restoration of systems", "Equipment consolidation will be realized by 1.2 1.7 removing the requirement for enterprise application storage at all duty stations (excluding missions)", "Configuration of enterprise data centres^(ee) 4.9 7.4", "“Enterprise data centre server management” will 2.8 4.2 ensure that enterprise systems will have a resilient architecture and the support of a reduced number of support staff compared with previous methods of deployment", "“Enterprise data centre server consolidation and 1.1 1.7 resilience” will be accomplished by hosting the application in one location characterized by world-class operations and resilience, thereby reducing the cost of implementing enterprise systems", "“Enterprise data centre storage management” will 0.6 0.8 ensure that enterprise systems will have an optimized storage architecture and the support of a reduced number of support staff compared with previous methods of deployment", "“Enterprise data centre storage consolidation 0.5 0.7 and resilience” will be accomplished by harmonizing storage in one location with full resilience for critical data, thereby reducing the cost of implementing enterprise systems", "Enterprise server and storage tools^(ff) 5.0 7.4", "“Server monitoring and management tools for 2.6 4.0 enterprise data centres and local data centres” will provide common toolsets across both enterprise and local data centres to streamline server operations and facilitate the harmonization of equipment across all duty stations", "“Server monitoring and management tools for 1.0 1.6 enterprise data centres and local data centres” will provide common toolsets across both enterprise and local data centres to streamline server operations and provide extended coverage for all duty stations", "“Storage monitoring and management tools for 0.8 1.2 enterprise data centres and local data centres” will provide common toolsets across both enterprise and local data centres to streamline storage operations and facilitate the harmonization of equipment across all duty stations", "“Storage monitoring and management tools for 0.5 0.7 enterprise data centres and local data centres” will provide common toolsets across both enterprise and local data centres to streamline storage operations and provide extended coverage for all duty stations", "Local server room migration^(gg) 5.3 8.0", "“Local server room migration for enterprise data 4.0 6.0 centres and local data centres” will combine existing local server rooms to increase security and resilience while reducing the need for equipment", "“Local server room migration for enterprise data 0.7 1.0 centres and local data centres” will combine existing local server rooms to reduce support requirements locally", "“Local storage migration for enterprise data 0.5 0.7 centres and local data centres” will combine existing local storage to increase security and resilience while reducing the need for equipment", "“Local storage migration for enterprise data 0.2 0.3 centres and local data centres” will combine existing local storage to reduce support requirements locally", "Grand total 17.9 26.9", "^(a) Save 10 minutes per week for 8,000 people with 65 per cent of that time being used productively.", "^(b) Staff performance improvements include enhanced effectiveness and efficiency due to better and faster decision-making, staff time savings, increased responsiveness to external events, improved management of organizational records, increased transparency and accountability, increased information security, protection of confidential information, better support to business continuity, improved capture of legacy content, among other factors. The assumption is that each one of the “active” documents in the system will contribute to the achievement of one or more of the above-mentioned benefits. The formula to calculate this benefit assumes 55,000 documents and the average cost of a staff member at the P-3 level. One hour per year is assumed to be the benefit that each document brings per year. The total benefit is calculated in terms of the number of documents per average staff cost per hour saved by each document.", "^(c) A study by the International Data Corporation showed that “an enterprise with 1,000 knowledge workers wastes $48,000 per week ($2.5 million per year)”. It is estimated that, on average, 10 P-3 posts will be saved per 1,000 users.", "^(d) Today the content is not fully available in all languages. The new platform will save approximately one person per year by improving the productivity of the translators.", "^(e) Workflows will further increase staff productivity. Savings are estimated at 3/4 person per year.", "^(f) Save 10 minutes a week for 4,000 people with 65 per cent of that time being used productively.", "^(g) Eliminate the need for 10 trips per year at $7,000 per trip.", "^(h) Reduced time for meetings. Estimate is calculated on the assumption that 1/2 hour is saved per week by not having to hold meetings to decide on actions for 1,000 users. Half of the time may be used productively (1/2 hour (time saved) * 1,000 (users) * 52 (weeks) * $63 =).", "^(i) By being able to search for information across the enterprise in different time zones and not having to depend on the human knowledge worker to generate and provide information, the estimate is that the time of at least one person per year will be saved.", "^(j) The formula used to calculate this benefit assumes an average yearly cost of $50,000 to run/support legacy systems (including storage). The forecasted reduction in legacy systems is by 20 systems (total per year = number of systems * yearly cost to run the run/support the system).", "^(k) Fewer staff will be able do the same work. The estimate is that two fewer help desk technicians will be needed.", "^(l) Less time and fewer staff needed to keep the public websites up to date. Savings amount to approximately two fewer persons per year.", "^(m) New infrastructure will be appropriately configured and applications will be running on new, more efficient hardware. Consolidated architecture will be scalable and portable.", "^(n) A central development and design group will work on one technology. Savings are estimated at four developers per year.", "^(o) Templates will make it faster and easier to meet web-formatting requirements. Savings are estimated at approximately 2.5 persons per year.", "^(p) The savings are reflected in the number of persons required each year to plan, design and develop new websites. Savings are estimated at three persons per year.", "^(q) The savings are reflected in the number of persons per year required to maintain, revamp and improve websites that already exist on the new platform. Savings are estimated at two persons per year. By using content management systems to create and update websites, users will be able to create and find relevant information more efficiently. This will result in savings estimated by the work of at least eight persons per year in productivity across the Secretariat.", "^(r) Owing to better collaboration and electronic sharing of information there will be less need for printing.", "^(s) The formula to calculate this benefit assumes an average yearly cost of $75 per square feet. According to the forecast there will be a reduction in physical storage space of 10,000 square feet owing to better electronic document and records management. The total per year = square footage reduced * average cost per square foot.", "^(t) Increased efficiency and effectiveness owing to better organization of information. Save 15 minutes per week (46 weeks per year) for 7,000 people with 65 per cent of the time being used productively.", "^(u) These estimates are for savings after full implementation of the initiatives and do not reflect the savings for each year leading to full implementation.", "^(v) The assumption is that efficiencies will be gained in ICT service desk labour through a 20 to 30 per cent reduction in the volume of calls.", "^(w) The assumption is that there will be an efficiency gain of 8 to 12 per cent for support staff and savings of 8 to 12 per cent under equipment owing to licence harvesting and less shrinkage (inventory loss).", "^(x) The assumption is that there will be an increase in the efficiency of service desk staff of 4 to 6 per cent owing to the effective distribution of workload.", "^(y) The assumption is that an improvement of 8 to 12 per cent in service delivery will be made owing to easier fixes and reductions in the volume of calls.", "^(z) The assumption is that automation tools will increase the efficiency of workstation staff by 12 to 18 per cent.", "^(aa) The assumption is that there will be a reduction in local and regional service desk labour of 12 to 18 per cent owing to an increased scale and use of the knowledge base, and a reduction in local service desk equipment of 40 to 60 per cent.", "^(bb) These estimates are for savings after full implementation of the initiatives and do not reflect the savings for each year leading to the completion.", "^(cc) The assumption is that there will be a reduction in e-mail equipment of 8 to 12 per cent and in associated labour of 12 to 18 per cent, excluding missions.", "^(dd) The assumption is that there will be a reduction in storage-related equipment of 20 to 30 per cent and in storage-related labour of 4 to 6 per cent, excluding missions.", "^(ee) Increases infrastructure staff efficiency by between 18 and 22 per cent and results in equipment savings of between 8 and 12 per cent, excluding missions.", "^(ff) Increases efficiency of all infrastructure staff by between 3 and 5 per cent and results in equipment savings of between 1.5 and 2.5 per cent, including missions.", "^(gg) Significant reductions occur primarily in local server room equipment (28-42 per cent), local storage equipment (8-12 per cent) and local infrastructure labour (4-6 per cent) (facilities not included).", "[1] In this report, the term “information” refers to the products of the substantive work of the United Nations (e.g. documents, images, web pages, video clips, etc.); the term “knowledge” refers to ideas or concepts derived from information (e.g. analyses, assessments, decisions, etc.); and the term “content” combines both information and knowledge generally.", "[2] “Wikis” provide a collaborative workspace where people contribute directly to content. “Blogs” enable individuals to regularly provide commentary or to describe events. “Tagging” allows individuals to apply keywords to information they want to access quickly and easily.", "[3] A “community of practice” is a group of people who share an interest, a craft, and/or a profession. The group can evolve naturally because of the members’ common interest in a particular domain or area, or it can be created specifically with the goal of gaining knowledge related to their field. It is through the process of sharing information and experiences that the members learn from each other and have the opportunity to develop personally and professionally. Communities of practice can exist online, such as within discussion boards and newsgroups, or in real life, such as in a lunch room at work, in a field setting, on a factory floor or elsewhere.", "[4] The ICT Management Coordination Group consists of heads and senior staff of ICT units in departments and offices across the Secretariat. The Group functions as a forum for providing guidance and sharing views on ICT strategic programmes and other Secretariat-wide activities. It meets every four weeks by videoconference and holds two retreats annually." ]
[ "第六十六届会议", "暂定项目表[1] 项目135", "2012-2013 两年期拟议方案预算", "联合国秘书处企业信息和通信技术倡议", "秘书长的报告", "摘要", "本报告按照大会第65/259号决议编写,就秘书长关于联合国秘书处信息和通信技术战略实施情况的报告(A/65/491)所概述的项目提出订正提议。大会在其第64/243号决议第125段和126段中请秘书长在2012-2013两年期拟议方案预算中继续执行企业内容管理系统和客户关系管理系统,本报告也对此作出回应。", "按照大会第63/262、63/269和64/243号决议,本报告所载信息涉及制定一份统一的信息和通信技术(信通技术)灾害恢复计划和业务连续性办法,同时充分利用企业数据中心。本报告特别介绍了4项贯穿各领域的联合国全系统订正倡议,这些倡议将满足关键机构需求,并提高交付秘书处信通技术方案的效力和效率。这4项倡议是:", "(a) 改进企业信通技术管理;", "(b) 通过信通技术利用知识;", "(c) 更好地提供信通技术;", "(d) 建立弹性信通技术基础设施。", "实施本报告所列提议将有助于克服信通技术能力和资源仍然分散、业务费用居高不下和难以提供有效解决办法帮助联合国完成使命等挑战。实施这些倡议后,秘书处内的所有利益攸关方(信通技术治理机构、信息和通信技术厅、各部厅、区域委员会、外地特派团和其他单位)将密切协作,以实现预期目标。这些倡议合在一起,将为联合国提供总括性信通技术管理能力以及高效和弹性基础设施,使联合国得以在知识管理和提供服务等领域全面实施各项战略方案和改进办法。", "目录", "页次\n1.导言 4\n2.企业信息和通信技术倡议的拟议办法 6\nA.改进企业信通技术管理 6\nB.通过信息和通信技术利用知识 19\nC.更好地提供信息和通信技术服务 29\nD.建立弹性信息和通信技术基础设施 39\nE.风险管理 48\n3.所需资源汇总和有待大会采取的行动 50\nA.所需资源汇总 50\nB.有待大会采取的行动 51 \n 附件 \n1.信息和通信技术厅的任务和资源水平 53\n2.2012-2013两年期信通技术事务厅的拟议架构 55\n3.应为实现效益创造的条件 56\n4.量化效益分析 57", "一. 导言", "1. 大会第63/262号决议认识到信通技术的战略重要性,核可有关秘书处信通技术战略的全面办法。大会同一决议决定设立信息和通信技术厅,作为一个独立的组织单位。该厅预期将在制定和实施联合国全系统信通技术方案方面发挥强有力的领导作用,有效支持秘书处执行任务和开展全球业务活动。", "2. 秘书长关于联合国秘书处信通技术战略实施情况的报告(A/65/491)指出,自该战略获得核可以来,秘书处已取得重大进展(见A/62/793和Corr.1以及A/62/793/Add.1)。秘书长在同一份报告中说明了联合国全系统信通技术能力审查(称为信通技术结构审查)的各项结论和建议,审查表明,秘书处信通技术环境十分分散、不合标准,导致效率低下,成效不彰。秘书长建议实施4个项目来处理这些问题。", "3. 大会第65/259号决议认可行政和预算问题咨询委员会的报告(A/65/575),请秘书长审查其报告(A/65/491)所载提案,并在2012-2013两年期拟议方案预算中向大会提出新的提案和(或)订正提案。大会还请秘书长在2012-2013两年期拟议方案预算中报告建立二级企业数据中心工作的进展情况,包括酌情说明拟议用于实施此项工作的财政资源。", "4. 本报告对这些要求和大会以前关于在2012-2013两年期拟议方案预算中提交详细和充分说明理由的企业内容管理和客户关系管理提议的要求(见第64/243号决议)作出回应。本报告还对大会提出的关于联合国使用企业数据中心而非地方数据中心并提出统一灾害恢复和业务连续性计划(包括总部永久解决方案)的要求(见第63/262、63/269和64/243号决议)作出回应。", "5. 秘书长在本报告中提出一套4个联合国全系统高效企业信通技术综合倡议,旨在缓和当前的信通技术环境问题,更好地满足各部厅的需求。这些倡议是:“改进企业信通技术管理”、“通过信通技术利用知识”、“更好提供信通技术服务”和“建设弹性信通技术基础设施”。图一显示以往大会决议与拟议倡议之间的联系,这些倡议预期将为联合国带来重大质量效益和量化收益,并加强信通技术作为战略保障推动联合国完成任务和执行实质性方案的作用。", "图一 大会决议与企业信通技术倡议之间的联系", "[]", "6. 实施本报告所述各项提议将为联合国提供总括信通技术管理能力和基础设施,从而可以更加简练和有效地实施未来需要的各项战略方案和改进办法,包括知识管理和服务倡议。如不实施这些倡议就会面临各种风险,包括信通技术环境依然分散、业务费用增加以及难以提供有效解决办法完成联合国的任务和更好地支持各部厅的需求。", "7. 秘书处响应大会的要求,并在承认严峻的全球经济气候和肯定当前开展的遏制成本工作同时,审查并订正了以往报告提出的提案,实现了提出一整套提案而取得类似效果、又大幅减少费用的目标。这个目标是通过有效利用当前联合国全系统的各种努力和技术工具实现的。本报告提出的所有倡议都是通过信通技术治理机制、同各部厅协商和协作制订的,将通过信息和通信技术厅及其他组织单位的共同努力加以部署。", "二. 企业信息和通信技术倡议的拟议办法", "A. 改进企业信通技术管理", "背景", "8. 一个规定整个秘书处如何开展信通技术活动的总括性组织框架,对实现通过强大信通技术改善联合国的愿景至关重要(见A/62/793和Corr.1)。有效的组织结构和管理流程乃是内部利益攸关方之间的正式期望、互动和交流的蓝图。", "9. 过去几十年来,联合国的任务规定不断演变,秘书处的结构和治理机制也有变化。现代技术出现后,信通技术成为几乎每项方案活动的核心和本组织的重要组成部分。", "10. 随着时间的推移,分散和不标准的信通技术能力和资源已深深扎根于联合国的工作文化。在整个秘书处,信通技术工作常常出现重复。现有的信通技术业务做法、由此产生的效率低下问题和信通技术能力缺乏透明度体现了分散的组织模式,这种模式是在没有得力中央领导的情况下有机形成的。", "11. 秘书长关于着力提升信息和通信技术的报告(A/62/793)主张集中信通技术结构并向联合模式过渡,由一个中央信通技术单位负责各部厅独立信通技术单位的通盘战略、政策和协调。秘书长的报告(A/65/491)向大会介绍了信通技术的现状以及信通技术结构审查所揭示的与信通技术能力及资源分散有关的问题。", "12. 秘书处正在向信通技术管理联合模式转变,由局部管理程序和组织结构向顾及联合国和局部需求的精简办法过渡。虽然这方面取得了一些进展,但为了建立有效的信通技术组织模式,必须同时精简局部管理结构并加强企业信通技术职能。", "13. 本报告提出的倡议把以前两个相互关联的提案——“合理安排信通技术”项目(结构审查项目3)和“加强信息和通信技术厅”项目(结构审查项目4)结合起来,为改进信通技术安排和更好地支持秘书处的各项方案奠定了基础。与此同时,这两项倡议还将合理安排局部信通技术管理结构,尽量减少秘书处信通技术环境当前的分散局面并设立一套交叉信通技术职能,以防今后各自为政,最终从信通技术方案中充分获益。", "目标", "14. “改进企业信通技术管理”倡议的目标是:精简联合国内和局部各级信通技术职能和结构,以更好地支持联合国的各项方案。拟采取以下办法实现这一目标:", "(a) 按实务单位的需要调整信通技术解决办法;", "(b) 建立业绩管理框架,计量信通技术单位和资源;", "(c) 通过信通技术组合管理职能、强化基础设施能力和提高企业应用程序开发领域的能力,减少应用程序和技术设施的分散情况;", "(d) 开发企业结构框架,按企业需求调整信通技术解决办法;", "(e) 加强制订企业信通技术政策和战略的能力;", "(f) 加强秘书处的安全管理职能;", "(g) 同人力资源管理厅协作,推动信通技术职能、职位和职业发展路线的现代化和统一;", "(h) 制定政策,确定信通技术活动框架,说明应在哪些方面开展信通技术活动;", "(i) 建立和维持信通技术能力中央资料库;", "(j) 建立透明度、优化信通技术资源的分配。", "15. 2012-2013两年期终了时将制定信通技术职能和职位的标准以及采购规则,并在整个联合国设立新的信通技术职业发展路线。拟同各部厅密切协作,对秘书处内所有信通技术单位进行审查,并就信通技术单位内的组织变动向大会提出建议。", "16. 拟建立计量信通技术单位和资源的管理框架,连同一个信通技术人员中央人才库,在全秘书处推广实施。这将使得秘书处能够准确地向会员国报告利用其整体信通技术资源的情况。此外,将在整个秘书处实施企业结构框架,使得联合国能够根据机构需求来预测并规划其技术。秘书长的报告(A/65/491)所述应用程序组合显示,目前有将近2 000个应用程序;通过对交叉信通技术职能进行持续协调,这些应用程序的数目将有所减少。应用程序数目还将通过“团结”项目而进一步减少。", "17. 到2015年底,会员国核准的所有信通技术结构调整提案将在全秘书处加以实施。", "专栏1示例:“改善企业信通技术管理”倡议 当前问题 \n秘书处有173个不同的信通技术职务说明,远超出其所需。大量信通技术职务说明使得招聘、职业规划、培训和调动更加复杂,有碍在各种信通技术职能之间有效地分配信通技术人员。此外,现有的职务说明也未反映过去几十年信 通技术行业的变化。许多重要的信通技术工作目前都没有职务说明。例如,虽然秘书处越来越多的信通技术活动均以项目形式开展,但现有信通技术职务说明中没有项目主管员额,而该员额是确保项目在预算内按时完成的关键所在。 预期改进 \n信通技术的全球人员配备模式将简化和增强信通技术的职务说明,铺就与秘书处工作环境和当今技术环境相适应的信通技术职业道路。这可以通过帮助工作人员找出差距,设法开展更多的标准化先进职类和能力的培训,促进人员流动,让信通技术专业人员得以晋级。全球人员配置模式一旦实施,就可以识别和利用全秘书处具有一定信通技术技能和能力的工作人员所具备的专业知识。此外,最近还为在现有信通技术人员分配程序上建设透明度作了大量努力,使工作人员能够在信通技术各个职能上得到更有效的分配。", "对本组织的影响", "18. 信通技术安排合理化和加强企业信通技术管理职能的好处归纳如下。", "质量效益", "19. “改善企业信通技术管理”倡议将为本组织提供以下质量效益:", "(a) 让信通技术能力和资源及信通技术服务费用更透明。拟设立全球信通技术人力资源数据库,提供信通技术人员的分布数据,并建立一个可用于妥善调整信通技术服务规划、预算编制、预测和报告进程的基准。全面了解全秘书处的信通技术人员对优先项目资源的战略分配和高效利用工作人员至关重要。此外,该倡议还旨在建立信通技术职能,确保全秘书处信通技术活动和全球信通技术人力资源能力的透明度,确定和跟踪测量信通技术部门业绩的计量办法(如信通技术组合和绩效管理);", "(b) 分配联合国信通技术人员发挥增值作用。本倡议拟制订的信通技术采购战略将确定本组织全系统信通技术的最佳资源分配。该战略将使工作人员人数和开展信通技术所需的职能范围合理化,可以预测信通技术的人手需求,最终确保工作人员的能力与工作要求和业务需求相一致;", "(c) 改善工作人员的流动、士气、灵活性、问责制和人才管理。集中控制和标准化的信通技术人员编制模式及相关信通技术职业晋升模式,将包含最先进职能的标准化信通技术职称和工作说明,使本组织能够在全球信通技术活动中,奉行连贯的信通技术战略和保持一致性,协助工作人员获得实现职业目标所需的能力、技能和认证。实施信通技术人员配置模式将提高专业水平,确保得到履行信通技术职能所需的适当认证;", "(d) 改善信通技术服务质量,减少对本组织产生的费用。在信息和通信技术厅建立若干交叉信通技术领域,包括改革管理、组合管理、企业架构和业绩管理,将改善秘书处70个信通技术单位之间的信通技术活动的协调,改善颁布的信通技术政策和标准合规情况,确保现有的信通技术服务和本组织的需要之间有更加密切的协调,所有这一切都会大大降低本组织的费用。", "质量效益", "20. 预计从2011年到2013年,合并部厅一级的信通技术单位和整个秘书处信通技术活动的优化配置等提案,将全面减少信通技术人手需求。由于组织结构更加有效,消除了冗余的信通技术活动和加强了对现有活动的控制,一些信通技术员额将腾出用于重新部署。对信通技术单位的审查完成之前,还无法提供精确的数据说明可节省多少经费。以下段落将概述拟实施的重新部署战略。", "21. 应指出,本文件所载倡议可能产生的所有裁员提案,都将与各部厅密切磋商后编制,作为正常部门预算报告提交流程的一部分提交大会审议。提案若核准将与人力资源管理厅密切合作实施。", "22. 预计调整全秘书处的信通技术管理结构和信通技术活动的分配办法会腾出以下员额:", "(a) 中下级管理职能的P-3、P-4和P-5职等员额;", "(b) 为分散信通技术单位提供支助的专业人员和一般事务类员额;", "(c) 应用开发和维护重复信通技术解决方案的专业和一般事务职类员额;", "(d) 信通技术职能包括基础设施相关职能的专业人员和一般事务类员额将外包。", "23. 上述员额可调派执行其他职能如下:", "(a) 信通技术和非信通技术知识管理领域的各种职能;", "(b) 本组织在无力支持人道主义事务和发展等问题实质性方案的领域中的管理职能;", "(c) 企业架构、组合管理/能力规划、战略规划和绩效管理方面的交叉信通技术职能;", "(d) 业务关系管理、项目管理和业务分析领域的信通技术职能;", "(e) 同一个部门内的行政职能。", "24. 秘书长在人力资源管理改革报告中预计,2011年至2015年,秘书处每年有1.9%的工作人员将退休(见A/65/305,表3),这意味着在此期间共有280名工作人员退休(每年56名工作人员)。根据前面段落总结的模式,通过自然减员腾出的员额可以重新部署到不同的信通技术或者非信通技术职能。", "25. 凡可能在预算款内或各款之间调动的员额的现任工作人员,将通过本倡议供资接受职业培训;但要取决于工作人员的胜任能力和职业愿望、本组织的需求和会员国的决定。估计从2013年至2015年,每年将需要500 000-1 000 000美元用于开展与改革管理有关的活动。", "26. 占用地域调动员额的工作人员如果需要异地调动,预计将仅在自愿基础上进行。如果没有其他的解决方案,预计受影响的员额可在该工作人员调到本组织另一个岗位或离开本组织之后再定为调动。", "27 “更好地提供信通技术服务”和“建立弹性信通技术基础设施”等其他战略倡议腾出的员额,可以使用类似战略调配。", "执行计划", "办法", "28. 为了确定可在哪些领域合理安排信通技术,本倡议包括对秘书处所有信通技术单位进行审查。对于每一个接受审查的信通技术单位,各种信通技术单位重复性活动的合并和(或)裁撤选项都将得到分析,同时考虑到信通技术的采购战略。拟与各部厅密切协商后提出简要建议,作为既定预算流程的一部分提交会员国审议。", "29. 同时,必须设立一些交叉企业信通技术职能,减少信通技术环境的分散状况。2012-2013两年期必须为这些职能、企业应用开发和基础设施整合提供适当资源,以维持综合组织结构的运行,确保尽可能实现企业信通技术倡议的效益。", "30. 信息和通信技术事务厅是2009年1月在当时的预算和工作人员编制内,调动管理部信息技术服务司和外勤支助部信通技术司的核定资源成立的。目前,该厅的资源水平反映了其前身信息技术事务司的任务,主要是负责向联合国总部提供核心通信、服务器容量和应用程序,以及向秘书处内其他实体提供广域网支助和有限的应用程序和政策支助。虽然信通技术工作量近年来大幅上升,对这类服务的需求年均增长约25%,但员额或其他资源数量却没有相应增加。此外,该厅的任务比其前身更广泛,意味着该厅需要有不同量级的资源、不同级别的工作人员和专业知识履行新的任务。信通技术决策、架构和标准设置等交叉职能以及安保和全球组合管理的供资安排存在重大资源缺口。本报告附件一载列了与该厅任务和可用资源数额有关的资料。", "31. 对该厅的组织审查作为结构审查的一部分于2010年开始,作为“信通技术安排合理化”项目的一部分于2011年完成,旨在解决关键领域能力缺乏问题。审查确定了该厅内可调派履行交叉信通技术职能的若干职位。拟在该厅内调动以下职位:", "(a) 1个P-5员额从应用程序维护(综合管理信息系统)调至改革管理;", "(b) 1个P-3员额从账户管理调至改革管理;", "(c) 1个P-5员额从应用开发调至信通技术战略规划和政策制定;", "(d) 1个一般事务员额(特等)从应用程序维护调至信通技术的组合管理;", "(e) 2个一般事务员额从基础设施管理支助调至内部管理职能;", "(f) 1个P-2员额从应用开发调至内部管理职能。", "32. 这些拟议调动是第一步,也是一个范例,表明可以根据上述战略在本组织所有信通技术单位作出哪些全系统调整。调动该厅其他资源将妨碍核心服务,如网络、电话和电子邮件支助事务,不是一个审慎的选择。", "33. 结构审查结果还显示,需要专门为交叉信通技术职能和企业应用开发提供的适当资源,以在全秘书处实施高效益、高效率的信通技术战略,使该厅能够为秘书处提供适当支助。这些职能将确保尽可能使企业信通技术倡议取得最大效益。这些职能还将确保本组织不会重蹈覆辙,使信通技术业务仍像现在这样各自为政,费用高昂。", "34. 本报告附件一摘要说明该厅履行的18个不同职能。其中最关键的7个交叉职能将使秘书处能够在落实信通技术战略和降低安全风险方面取得进展,但目前还没有适当的人员编制。中央信通技术部门中的以下几个方面亟需得到加强:", "(a) 企业架构和标准;", "(b) 安全和风险管理;", "(c) 战略规划和政策制定;", "(d) 信通技术组合管理,包括信通技术的财务管理;", "(e) 信通技术业绩管理;", "(f) 业务关系管理;", "(g) 技术研究。", "35. 因此,拟增设14个员额(2个D-2、2个P-5、10个P-4),重点履行以下交叉职能:", "(a) 全球战略管理(1个D-2)。秘书处及其信通技术环境很复杂,需要在首席信息技术干事办公室设立一个高级全球战略管理职能。该员额定为主任,必须具备推动秘书处全系统执行信通技术战略的经验、知识和权力。任职者将通过向高层利益攸关方和信通技术管理机构提供权威领导,确保秘书处对信通技术服务的需求都得到满足。该主任将与该厅密切磋商,负责全组织的信通技术活动和业务在70个信通技术单位连贯一致地实施,包括基础设施和架构、应用软件开发、业务流程再造、网络、外包和信通技术业务和支助。任职者将与内部和外部利益攸关方进行互动,确保信通技术战略的有效执行,用户持续满意,并负责确定本组织全系统的长期信通技术需求,拟定系统开发和硬件采购和集成的整体战略。该主任将是信息和通信技术厅行政领导班子成员,预期以此身份影响本组织就采用技术问题作出的战略决定;", "(b) 基础设施管理(1个D-2)。随着企业数据中心的成立,秘书处进入了其信通技术基础设施全球化阶段。目前正在努力简化和巩固各工作地点的全球基础设施运营。在这种环境下,拟设立1个D-2职等高级职位,指导和协调企业基础设施和其他业务的发展,包括全球信通技术灾难恢复,并领导本组织全系统的基础设施协调努力。该主任还将负责确保增加全球信通技术基础设施的可用性和可靠性。最后,任职者将协助整个联合国系统基础设施有效运作,使本组织更加及时地应对不断变化的环境;", "(c) 信通技术安全管理(1个P-5)。目前,本组织面临各种信通技术安全风险和网络攻击,是无法识别和解决整个组织的数据安全需求。因此,拟设立P-5职等信通技术安全管理职能,确保整个秘书处所有安全职能的活动更有效地协调一致,确保有助于规划、建立和实施信通技术安全管理的各项活动符合本组织的战略目标。此外,任职者还将负责确保信通技术安全相关信息在受影响的利益攸关方之间得到协调和沟通,最大限度地减少本组织面临的信通技术安全风险和网络攻击;", "(d) 外地办事处企业应用程序开发(1个P-5)。为提高本组织向外地提供企业应用程序的能力,拟设立1个P-5职等员额,领导信息和通信技术厅外地系统事务处,自2009年2月1日以来,该处一直在没有P-5职等主管的情况下开展业务,此前,10个信通技术支助帐户员额从外勤支助部信息和通信技术司调至该厅。通过设立这个员额,该厅将加强开发和利用共同解决方案的协调和管理能力,可用广泛实施以满足外地工作人员的需要。该拟设员额对日常业务,包括评估外地特派团的任务自动化需要、方案和预算规划、项目和工作人员管理、业绩监控和管理以及外地应用程序的组合优化也绝对至关重要。设立该厅外地支助系统事务处P-5职等处长员额,将确保与信息和通信技术司建立伙伴关系,按照秘书处的信通技术战略有效开展外地应用项目;", "(e) 战略规划和政策发展(1个P-4)。为确保地方和企业信通技术战略相配合,确保秘书处70个信通技术单位一致执行信通技术战略,拟设立1个P-4员额,负责规划、开发和更新信通技术战略。任职者将负责监测和报告各信通技术单位的信通技术战略实施情况;", "(f) 企业架构(1个P-4)。分散和非标准化的信通技术能力和资源,目前造成本组织的应用程序和基础设施组件不成系统,工作重复,提高了相关成本。目前,本组织的信通技术基础设施能力跟不上不断变化的业务需求,也无法达到越来越多的技术标准。因此,拟设立1个P-4职等员额,提供总体方向和指导,并确定企业架构定义,有效支持秘书处的总体构想,包括信通技术构想。任职者将负责分析、设计和提供适于实务和技术领域战略的信通技术解决方案;", "(g) 技术研究(1个P-4)。由于缺乏一个专门的技术研究职能,本组织无法利用新兴技术,按部厅要求采用技术的速度也较缓慢,这也意味着有可能错过提高员工生产力和组织实效的机会。因此,拟设立1个P-4级员额,负责在秘书处跟踪新兴技术,在运用新兴技术方面提供指导和战略咨询。任职者将负责与信通技术单位合作,协调全组织范围内的技术研究活动,在新兴技术基础上确定本组织的架构和技术需求;", "(h) 信通技术业绩管理(1个P-4)。结构审查的结果表明(见A/65/491),本组织没有最佳使用信通技术资源(4 000多人和每年7亿多美元)。现在无法根据已实现和计划实现的产出调整信通技术单位的资源数额,因为没有信通技术单位业绩标准,也没有既定的综合报告机制。此外,由于缺乏业绩计量办法,秘书处无法分析不同企业举措所带来的益处,也无法向会员国提出重新部署方案。因此,拟设立1个P-4职等员额,收集全组织信通技术单位的业绩计量数据,建立适当的内部和外部报告机制;", "(i) 信通技术组合管理(1个P-4)。结构审查结果还表明,信通技术资金花费方式缺乏透明度。除非建立适当的程序和系统,否则无法长期保存结构审查吸收的信通技术能力库存。因此,拟设立1个P-4职等员额,以确保开支方面的透明度,使各部能够优先考虑信通技术投资提议,确保在妥善的预算和项目审查后,作出知情的信通技术投资决定;", "(j) 业务关系管理(2个P-4)。业务关系管理领域缺乏能力,导致业务需求与信通技术解决方案脱节,无法及时应对紧迫的实质性需求,也无法通过谈判合并实务领域类似的应用程序,减少应用组合。因此,拟设立2个P-4职等员额,以确保在全组织内与客户建立、管理和维护战略伙伴关系。任职者将确保信通技术解决方案与本组织的需要相一致;", "(k) 通信(1个P-4)。信通技术战略的实施,给本组织带来了巨大的变化。一个组织内承诺改革的程度和接受改革的程度与其通信质量之间有直接的关系。通过妥善实施的通信办法,信息和通信技术厅将能够证明信通技术战略在全组织的影响和价值,确保接受和采用与实施该战略有关的信通技术解决方案。因此,拟设立1个P-4职等员额,为履行改革管理职能提供便利。任职者将领导规划、发展和实施与信通技术举措和信通技术战略有关的大型复杂的通信活动;任职者还将负责管理秘书处的信通技术通信战略,协调实施该战略,促进战略方案和举措,并就一系列通信问题、方法和途径,向信通技术项目主管和其他信通技术工作人员提供咨询和专长;", "(l) 人力资源和财务管理(2个P-4),2009年成立时,没有为信息和通信技术厅的人力资源和财务管理职追加额外资源。该厅临时从业务领域借调职位履行这些重要职能。因此,拟设立2个P-4职等员额,以确保协调人力资源管理方案和活动,协调编制该厅的维持和平行动支助账户预算、方案预算、战略框架和执行情况报告。", "36. 本报告附件二载有该厅2012-2013两年期详细拟议组织结构图。", "迄今进展情况", "37. 大会第65/259号决议第十七节第14段授权秘书长着手实施项目3(合理安排信息和通信技术),决定在2010-2011两年期核定资源范围内提供150万美元经费。在该决议第十七节第16段中,大会还决定核可2011年相当于7个P-4职等一般临时人员职位的经费,其中5个职位由现有资源支付。相当于2个P-4职等职位的追加经费已经批准。所需资源将继续受到监测,以确定大会2010年12月核准的“合理安排信通技术” 项目和5个履行交叉信通技术职能的职位所需150万美元经费。", "38. 迄今已完成以下活动:", "(a) 在信通技术执行委员会、信通技术咨询小组和信通技术管理协调小组等信通技术治理机构的参与下,完善了信通技术职能和职位的定义以及信通技术采购规则;", "(b) 制订了信通技术单位部门审查的标准和流程,并正在收集和汇总多个部门的初始数据集;", "(c) 完成了对信息和通信技术厅的组织审查,并已将实现结构合理化和加强交叉职能的建议列入本报告;", "(d) 通过与全秘书处各信通技术单位负责人开展讨论,已着手就信通技术的职务说明和晋升途径征得全秘书处同意;", "(e) 迄今已获供资的2个P-4职等一般临时员额的征聘工作正在进行之中,这2个员额将分配给战略规划和政策发展职能领域。", "图二 “改善企业信通技术管理”倡议时间表", "[]", "39. 如上文所述,关于信通技术单位组织结构调整和员额调动的建议将与各部厅密切协商后编写,作为相关预算报告的一部分提交大会审议。", "40. 关于调整维持和平特派团组织结构的建议将按规定作为2013-2014 年和2014-2015年拟议维持和平预算的一部分提交大会。", "41. 关于调整部厅、区域委员会和总部以外办事处组织结构的建议将按规定作为2014-2015年拟议方案预算的一部分提交大会。", "42. 与此同时,2012-2013两年期将努力确立最重要的交叉信通技术职能。", "43. 一旦完成组织审查,将向大会建议或要求调动员额履行交叉职能,作为2014-2015两年期既定预算流程的一部分。", "44. 为实现这一倡议的目标将开展以下主要活动(见上文图二):", "(a) 落实信通技术人员编制模式。活动包括:与人力资源管理厅密切协商,落实信通技术全球人员编制模式、标准化职称和职务说明;", "(b) 审查信通技术组织结构。秘书处所有信通技术单位都将受到审查。一旦与每个组织单位达成协议即对调整信通技术单位的组织结构、部厅内部信通技术单位的隶属关系以及信通技术服务提供方之间的明确分工提供建议。这些建议将按照经常预算和维和预算周期提交,使大会能够将这些建议作为正常预算流程的一部分进行审议。建议将因单位而异,具体取决于一个单位目前所执行的活动是否被认为属于适用于信通技术标准、政策和职务说明的信通技术活动,以及是否应在商定采购规则的基础上开展这些活动,同时考虑到业务的回应能力、信通技术效率和组织风险之间的平衡需要。同时还将根据大会第59/289和55/232号决议外包常规职能,并将工作人员逐渐转移到价值更高的职能;", "(c) 落实维和特派团的改革。维和特派团的改革将根据维和预算周期分2个阶段实施。第一阶段对特派团和外勤支助部的组织审查将从2011年7月起至2012年年中。组织改革建议将于2013年上半年提交大会第六十六届会议续会。预计大会将在2013年6月作出决定,然后可在2013年7月开始实施第一阶段的组织改革和相关员额调动。估计将有600到700名信通技术人员(包括承包商)在维和与支助账户周期第一阶段接受审查。第二阶段特派团的组织审查将从2012年7月起至2013年7月。组织改革建议将于2014年上半年提交大会第六十七届会议续会。估计将有大约2 199名信通技术人员(包括工作人员和承包商)在第二阶段接受审查。秘书处所有其他特派团的组织改革和相关员额调动可于2014年7月开始实施,有可能持续到2015年年底;", "(d) 落实部厅、区域委员会和总部以外办事处的改革。改革将根据经常预算周期实施。定于2011年1月至2012年6月审查各部厅和区域委员会。估计有1 300多名信通技术人员(包括承包商)将在经常预算周期接受审查。这一阶段的组织审查将于2012年年中完成。各部将在2013年底提交组织改革建议,作为下一个经常预算周期的一部分。预计大会将在2013年12月作出决定,然后可在2014年1月开始实施组织改革和相关员额调动;", "(e) 加强交叉信通技术职能。在合理安排局域信通技术结构同时,还将分三个阶段审查企业交叉信通技术职能,以优先加强这些职能。第一阶段已于2011年完成,大会在该阶段核准了相当于7个P-4 职等员额的一般临时人员,用于履行最重要的交叉信通技术职能。如上述各段所述,2012至2013年期间需要在交叉信通技术职能方面补充能力,目前正在提出有关要求。信息和通信技术厅需要在第二阶段对其自身的组织结构进行审查,并确定2012-2013两年期期间适合调动的员额(见上文第31段)。关于2014-2015年两年期所需员额,第三阶段将在信通技术单位的组织审查结果公布之前,就员额调动或新设员额问题提出建议。", "所需资源", "表1 执行“改善企业信通技术管理”倡议所需资源总额", "(千美元)", "支出用途 2012-2013", "员额 2 883.6", "其他工作人员费用 1 346.6", "工作人员差旅 150.0", "订约承办事务 498.0", "一般业务费用 2 973.7", "家具和设备 502.0", "共计 8 353.9", "2012-2013两年期所需资源", "员额", "45. 编列2 883 600美元用于支付设立14 员额 (2个D-2、2个P-5和10个P-4) 所需薪金(1 984 600美元) 和一般工作人员费用 (899 000美元) ,以执行上文第35段所述交叉职能。", "其他工作人员费用", "46. 编列1 346 600美元用于支付一般临时人员费用,以履行项目3(“合理安排信通技术”)相关活动,这笔资金相当于2012年2个P-5职等员额、2个P-4职等员额和1个P-3职等员额各12个月,2013年1个P-4职等员额追加6个月的经费,用于开展与实施信通技术工作和职能、相关组织改革、信通技术全球人员编制模式和战略性人员规划框架有关的活动和交付成果。任职者将负责项目活动的日常管理和报告、开展利益攸关方分析和制订协作计划以使工作人员做好面对改革的准备、对需要进行改革的部门进行组织风险和准备情况评估、就信通技术界限和采购问题与各部门进行高级别谈判、起草职务说明以及与人力资源管理厅合作开展员额改叙工作。", "工作人员差旅", "47. 编列150 000美元用于支付工作人员在受影响最大的部厅和总部以外办事处参加与评估、分析和设计项目有关的数据收集会、会议和简报会的公务差旅费。", "订约承办事务", "48. 编列498 000美元用于支付估计5%至10%的拟调往不同工作职位的信通技术人员的改革管理所需经费。", "一般业务费用", "49. 编列2 973 700美元用于支付以下拟设员额和续聘一般临时人员所需房地租金、房地小规模改建、电话和传真服务费用:2个P-5职等员额(1个高级项目主管和1个改革事务主管)、2个P-4职等员额(2个具备信通技术组织设计和员工管理专长的业务分析员)和1个P-3职等员额(1个信通技术人力资源管理专家)。这些员额的任职者将在落实信通技术职能的定义、相关组织改革、信通技术全球人员编制模式和战略性人员规划框架方面,开展活动和取得可交付的成果。", "家具和设备", "50. 编列502 000美元用于支付拟议增设员额的家具和设备,包括办公家具和办公自动化设备的费用。", "2014-2015两年期及以后", "51. 对项目剩余部分的初步费用(除交叉职能续设员额外,调往不同职位的增设信通技术工作人员的费用约为100万至200万美元)作了尽可能准确的预测。不过,这个预测将在日后的进度报告更新,所需经费将在获得更多细节后按照既定预算程序处理。", "52. 表 2按职等和年份摘要汇总了目前核定和拟议的所需员额。", "53. 建议2012年1月1日设立本报告提及的所有新员额。根据行政和预算问题咨询委员会关于在任何新提案中反映员额滞后影响情况的建议(见A/62/7,第20段),注意到拟设14个员额对2014-2015年两年期预算的滞后影响目前估计为2 325 600美元。", "表2 信息和通信技术厅所需员额", "常设经常 临时员额^(a) 预算员额\n 其他核定 预算外 本报告拟议^(b) 共计", "职类 2010- 2012- 2010- 2012- 2010- 2012- 2010- 2012- 2010- 2012- 2011 2013 2011 2013 2011 2013 2011 2013 2011 2013", "专业及以上", "助理秘书长 1 1 — — — — — — 1 1", "D-2 1 1 — — — — — 2 1 3", "D-1 4 4 — — — — — — 4 4", "P-5 13 13 — — — — — 2 13 15", "P-4/3 51 51 7 7 1 1 — 10 59 69", "P-2/1 7 7 3 3 — — — — 10 10", "小计 77 77 10 10 1 1 — 14 88 102", "一般事务", "特等 11 11 1 1 2 2 — — 14 14", "其他职等 48 48 1 1 9 9 — — 58 58", "小计 59 59 2 2 11 11 — — 72 72", "其他", "工匠 1 1 — — — — — — 1 1", "小计 1 1 — — — — — — 1 1", "共计 137 137 12 12 12 12 — 14 161 175", "^(a) 3个P-4、4个P-3、3个P-2、1个一般事务(特等)和1个一般事务(其他职等)员额由维持和平行动支助账户供资(其他核定),1个P-4 、2个一般事务(特等)和9个一般事务(其他职等)员额由电信支助账户供资(预算外)。", "^(b) 本报告拟议员额将通过费用分担机制供资。", "B. 通过信息和通信技术利用知识", "背景", "54. 在今天日益由技术驱动的全球环境中,信息量十分丰富。联合国能在世界上产生的影响取决于其工作人员的知识及其收集、整理和公布的信息质量。电子检索信息量的增加、万维网的演变以及先进的内容管理技术都影响到联合国工作的方式。为了在这一不断变化的全球环境中利用机构知识的优势,必须对秘书处的知识管理文化、政策、流程和技术进行重新评估。[2]", "55. 联合国必须有效地获取、保留和分享知识,以便更好地分析、综合和及时向所有利益攸关方提供信息,从而使本组织能够更好地回应全球各地的需要。秘书长、内部监督事务厅和大会在多项报告和决议中都强调本组织必须改善内部和外部的知识共享(见A/59/79、A/62/793、A/64/477和E/AC.51/2006/2以及大会第63/100、63/248和63/262号决议)。在这方面,大会已在第63/262和64/243号决议中确认企业内容管理系统的裨益,请秘书长加强内容管理的技术工具,利用市场上的技术进步,以符合成本效益的方式推进内容的快速传播,确保对所有工作地点应用现代技术一视同仁,并探索最佳做法和经验教训。大会在第64/243号决议中请秘书长在2012-2013两年期拟议方案预算中提出充分说明其理由的提案。", "56. 通过各部厅之间的合作和知识管理工作组内部的讨论,并在知识管理专家的协助下拟订了知识管理路线图。这些努力表明,本组织没有充分发挥知识管理和技术的力量,而且在体制上迫切需要改善知识管理做法。知识管理活动普遍各行其是,技术工具的使用参差不齐,这种现象一直使本组织无法有效执行其各项方案,同时也不必要地增加了业务成本。", "57. “通过信通技术利用知识”倡议能够有效应对联合国目前在知识管理环境上面临的几个重大挑战:", "(a) 缺乏全组织通用的网络出版标准,造成本组织主网站(和许多其他部门网站的导航办法混乱不堪,难以获取信息。此外,本组织的信息治理、流程和技术工具亦不足,妨碍了全组织有系统地共享知识。各部厅都有自己的网页设计人员和模板,这增加了导航和维护现有的网站及创建新网站的所需时间和精力;", "(b) 尽管在线协作工具“电子工作室”的有限实施改进了委员会和工作组之间的信息共享,但协作仍主要通过电子邮件进行。多数文件都是通过电子邮件临时核准的。即使在信息共享流程确实存在的情况下,其自动化程度也是微乎其微,许多步骤都必须手动完成。电子邮件成了许多文件的主要存放处和主要发送方法。通过电子邮件发送内容会导致内容管理不足和滋生不同版本。目前还没有一个全组织的技术平台,可以方便地寻找和联络不同领域的主题专家,也没有一个便于电子讨论的机制;", "(c) 目前没有集中的文件资料库,有碍本组织生成的各类内容的管理。安全密级和访问控制仍很有限。大量内容存储在网络驱动器上,文件没有得到妥善的组织和管理。除正式文件系统之外,本组织没有任何其他权威性电子内容来源;", "(d) 由于在网络驱动器上存储的内容没有采用基本分类标准和元数据,相关内容很难搜索和利用。正式文件系统的搜索功能有所改进,可以利用元数据搜索文件,这是一种最佳做法。然而,www.un.org等资料库并没有利用元数据来便利搜索。此外也无法执行跨网站、跨正式文件系统和电子空间的搜索。", "58. “通过信通技术利用知识”倡议将努力解决这些系统性问题。信息和通信技术厅将与各部厅密切合作实施这一倡议。", "目标", "59. 本报告提出的建议旨在通过实现以下目标,在联合国秘书处营造统筹知识管理环境:", "(a) 创建全系统平台。要建立集中、安全、权威和可信的信息资源,以支持总部、总部以外办事处、区域委员会、外地特派团、会员国以及千年发展目标和气候变化倡议等各项重要的联合国倡议;", "(b) 改进和提高分析和决策支持能力。生产、获取和分享知识是联合国工作的核心部分。要开发合作起草、审查和核准文件的流程。同时还要改进内容编制流程。这些改进将帮助联合国知识工作者更有效地分析问题和作出决定;", "(c) 改进信息管理政策和流程。要在整个秘书处商定和执行各项全球政策、标准、档案管理做法和准则,用于一致拟订、使用和管理知识;", "(d) 改善信息的组织、存取和可用性。要增强各部厅成功实施和管理各自信息的能力;", "(e) 保存机构知识。最佳做法和经验教训的获得和共享将简化秘书处的工作,为实践社区提供支持,并为未来有效应对全球倡议和问题提供知识资源;", "(f) 推动和促进知识共享与合作。合作流程、文件管理做法、网站和社会媒体工具都会提高本组织各部厅相互合作、与联合国以外伙伴合作并与人民、资源和知识相连接的能力;", "(g) 改进对网站及其内容的管理。要通过精简网站政策、有效导航、元数据采集、标准化模板以及创建和发布内容的结构化流程,对内部和外部网站进行有效管理。", "对本组织的影响", "60. “通过信通技术利用知识”倡议的全面实施将对全组织产生重大影响。", "质量效益", "61. “通过信通技术利用知识”倡议将为本组织提供以下质量效益:", "(a) 加强秘书处内部的知识创造和共享。拟通过简化检索和信息共享程序和改善联合国人员之间的合作实现这一目标。该倡议还能通过使用标准化模板和可交付成果开展共同活动和履行共同职能,提高信息的再利用程度。拟应用各种最佳做法和经验教训;", "(b) 提高对危机和不断变化的全球环境作出快速反应的能力。拟通过改进搜索、获取、再利用、整合、分析和交流信息的手段来实现这一目标。更准确和更知情的分析将有助于改善危机决策,提高适应不断变化环境的灵活性;", "(c) 提高信息的准确性和安全性和改善档案管理。拟通过改善信息管理和明确界定管理机构、元数据、档案管理流程、保存时间表、信息安全和审计来实现这一目标;", "(d) 改善机构记忆的保留办法和业务连续性。拟通过有系统地长期保存本组织的知识资产来实现这一目标;", "(e) 提高联合国的可见度。拟通过向会员国和其他利益攸关方提供更好的服务,包括改进检索最新内容、文件、网站和与联合国活动有关的其他信息来源的条件来实现这一目标;", "(f) 远程创造和使用知识的能力。这将使联合国人员无论何时何地都能够更加切实有效地开展工作。工作团队若能在任何时间从任何地点访问相同的信息,本组织的产出和影响就会得到提高。", "量化效益", "62. 目前尚不了解知识管理活动的确切支出,但估计数额十分庞大,因为本组织的内容管理流程、工具和资源十分分散。该倡议全面实施后,估计每年可节约2 300万至2 800万美元(见附件四)。有些节余将随着各项举措的逐步落实而逐渐实现,预计全面落实一年后将实现所有节余。估计可在下列方面节约资金:", "(a) 信息共享。通过加强合作和改进搜索能力来改善知识的可用性,会减少工作人员查找资料的所需时间。如果能够通过相互合作的工作流程而非手工操作或电子邮件审批文件,内容管理就会更有实效,流程的效率也会得到提高。每年总共可节约920万至1 120万美元;", "(b) 虚拟会议。采用网络会议可在差旅和信息共享方面节约资金。估计每年总共可节约350万至430万美元;", "(c) 内容和技术优化。联合国人员可通过合并应用程序和资料库并通过使用标准化模板,减少应用程序管理和内容开发所需时间。估计每年总共可节约470万至570万美元;", "(d) 减少印刷。可通过使用电子内容而非打印输出以及减少文件柜存储专用空间节约资金。估计每年总共可节约140万至180万美元;", "(e) 内容排列和检索。改进内容分类和元数据标准会提高工作人员的工作效率,使查找和检索信息更加便捷。估计每年总共可节约400万至490万美元。", "表3 按类别开列的“通过信通技术利用知识”倡议每年经常性收益估计数", "(百万美元)", "功能 低端估计数 高端估计数", "信息共享 9.2 11.2", "虚拟会议 3.5 4.3", "内容和知识优化 4.7 5.7", "减少印刷和储存 1.4 1.8", "内容排列和检索 4.0 4.9", "共计 22.8 27.9", "执行计划", "办法", "63. “通过信通技术利用知识”倡议旨在落实一套必须以综合方式共同发挥作用的核心知识管理能力。这种办法可减少遗留系统冗余,提供统一的知识管理平台,供所有联合国人员利用和共享。知识管理流程的每个组成部分都对实现本组织的知识管理目标必不可少。", "64. 每个工作地点要实施的一整套核心知识管理能力(见下文图三)包括:协作、文件/档案管理、网络内容管理和企业搜索。这些组件必须一起实施,以提高机构知识整个周期内本组织收集、分析、协调和列报信息的能力,使知识更便于全球所有利益攸关方使用。这一举措有助于开发新方法和新技能,包括采用全组织知识管理政策、实践和技术工具。", "图三 “通过信通技术利用知识”倡议的组成部分", "[]", "65. “通过信通技术利用知识”倡议的实施需要各部厅的充分支持。为了取得成功和确保采纳更好的知识管理政策、流程和技术工具,必须通过组织完善的治理机制对该举措进行规划和协调。信通技术执行委员会、信通技术咨询组、知识管理工作组以及各部厅管理人员都必须积极支持这项举措,给联合国人员提供指导和奖励,并与他们进行沟通。此外,为了取得最大收益,必须将该举措视为秘书长和会员国充分认可的一项全系统工作,这一点至关重要。", "66. “通过信通技术利用知识”倡议最终会影响整个秘书处、会员国和其他利益攸关方。由于这一具有深远意义的影响,其中还包括审慎的改革管理活动,以确保执行期间采纳新的政策、流程和技术工具,并尽量减少对本组织工作的干扰。这些活动包括:及时开展网上培训、宣传活动、准备状态评估和利益攸关方讲习班。", "合作", "67. “通过信通技术利用知识”倡议的合作组件将推动和增进透明度和协同工作,为此要将世界各地的联合国人员连接起来,从而提高他们共享信息和有效合作的能力。2008年,向本组织推出了第一个合作工具“电子工作室”,这是一个安全的虚拟工作区,允许各委员会、工作人员和各个团队相互合作和共享内容。目前有3 000多个用户成功使用这个工具。在这一成功的基础上,力求提供各种更现代的工具,如“维基”、“部落格”和“标记”。[3]", "68. 联合国人员将能够通过使用这些工具,以电子方式彼此连接和进行协商,并找到掌握开展工作所需专业知识和经验的工作人员。本组织部分单位已开始有限度地使用先进的通信和虚拟会议工具,但范围将扩大到所有实践社区,[4] 并在今后2个两年期中扩大到整个秘书处内的更多组织单位。", "专栏2示例:合作 当前问题 一名从事亚洲经济发展工作的工作人员需要征求联合国环境问题专家的意见。该名工作人员不知道从哪里找到专家,也不知道找到的人是否是专家。 预期改进 \n联网合作工具允许专家张贴载有过去经历和出版物链接的个人简介。工作人员可以用这个工具搜索实践社区,以便寻找专家,向他们提出问题,组建新社区并将他们纳入项目。一旦项目立项,该网络的所有成员都可以通过这些工具轻易有效地共享信息。", "文件/档案管理", "69. 本组织投入大量的时间和资源用于每日创建、编辑、审核、共享和存储大量文件。然而,由于这个领域缺乏中央资料库、统一流程和标准技术工具,因此出现了效率低下和生产率下降的问题。本组织可以通过采纳现代文件/档案管理流程和技术工具,改善目前的状况。", "70. 该组成部分的大量基础工作已经开始。根据2009年制订的企业内容管理路线图,2010年底开发了标准文件/档案管理系统。该系统旨在为各类联合国文件(正式文件、非正式文件和其他文件)提供一个集中、安全和可扩缩的资料库,任何具有适当权限的用户均可查阅和搜索。它的主要功能包括:创建文档管理流程;提供文件库存管理服务,如签入、签出和文本管理;报告文件使用记录;宣布内容存档并安排制定保留和处置规则和时间表;确保提供文件;纸质文件数字化。该系统还可自动运行交叉内容驱动的业务流程,如正式文件的合作编制、审查和批准。", "71. 该项目将在2个两年期(2012-2013年和2014-2015年)内执行,其中包括部署关键文件和档案管理系统,建立服务支助系统和自动运行组织流程。在起步阶段,该系统将得到执行,编制正式文件的上游流程将在以下每个地点的至少一个业务单位自动运行:联合国总部、总部以外办事处、各区域委员会和外地办事处。信息和通信技术厅将为总部和其他工作地点的知识管理应用程序提供服务支持,并帮助开展数字化工作。此外,正式文件系统也将移入这个系统,以改善它的功能和可靠性。", "72. 一旦付诸实施,该系统将成为本组织最普遍使用的系统之一。所有创建和使用文件的联合国人员都将从这个系统中受益。各职类、各职等和各地点的工作人员每天将用该系统获取、管理、查找、再使用、保留和传播有关文件。会员国和其他利益攸关方也将用该系统来管理它们与联合国互动的相关内容。", "专栏3示例:文件/档案管理 当前问题 大会文件临时由各部门编写,未使用标准文件模板,文件的编辑和审查均通过电子邮件进行。内部计算机硬盘驱动器和网络驱动器中存有多个副本,很难查找,造成生产力严重损失,一个文件也难以再次被用于创建其他文件。 预期改进 \n大会文件用新的文件/档案管理系统编写,不同工作人员可用标准格式、易查数据、文本控制和自动流程,相互配合地轻松创建文件,从而可以实施自动审批流程。内容将存档成为机构记忆,以供今后再次使用。", "网络内容管理", "73. 网络内容管理组件将最终把联合国的内部和外部网站纳入一个统一的全球知识门户系统。虽然这个领域取得了一些进展,但网站治理和运作框架十分薄弱和分散,结果临时开发了许多网站内容管理工具,彼此互不兼容,在许多情况下也不适当。这种情况又使人们难以查找信息,增加了成本和安全风险。许多部厅和办事处都要求采用现代网络内容管理系统,以满足其网站管理需要,但本组织迄今一直未能提供一个强大的机构解决方案。", "74. 网络内容管理项目将首先创建一个“iSeek 2.0”系统(iSeek即秘书处内联网),将知识共享纳入统一环境,使联合国人员能够以更加切实有效的方式开展工作。开发工作试点将使用选定的联合国互联网站,然后再推广到高效联合国网站,包括。最终,该网站内容管理系统将建立在一个全球平台上,该平台应根据政策、程序、准则和标准的适当治理规则建立,具有监督和精简创建优质新网站工作的支助服务功能,使这些网站有明确的规定、自成一体并得到适当管理。有了这些运作完善的网站,本组织无论在内部还是外部都能够有效传递和共享实质性产出。", "专栏4示例:网站内容管理 当前问题 www.un.org很难引导、检索和查找信息。每个部门的网站界面都不同,因为这些网站都是独立开发的,没有一致的标记、外观、风格或信息结构。 预期改进 \n各网站将有一个共同的外观和风格,因为它们将用统一模板和清晰的内容审批流程制作。有效的治理和相关政策、程序和标准将使统一标记和统一管理网站成为可能。网站的维护更加轻松,信息安全也能得到有效管理。", "企业搜索", "75. 通过企业搜索组件,本组织可以索引各资料库的大量的信息和知识,并提供强有力的资料库搜索能力。企业搜索系统便于轻松和无缝地发现各资料库不同主题的相关信息。在初期阶段,、ODS和iSeek等文件库将通过这个企业搜索系统提供。然后再将搜索功能添加到文件/档案管理与合作环境中。新资料库建立后,将被纳入企业搜索范围,最终为整个联合国、会员国和其他利益攸关方建立一站式搜索门户。", "时间表", "图四 “通过信通技术利用知识”倡议时间表", "主要活动 2012 2013 2014 2015", "(a) 建立全系统知识管理基础设施和治理", "(b) 启动关于合作与文件/档案管理的全球试点项目", "(c) 启动关于网络内容管理的试点项目", "(d) 为至多10个部厅、总部以外办事处和外地特派团推出知识管理活动", "(e) 建立企业搜索能力", "(f) 向其余部厅、总部以外办事处和外地特派团推出和支持知识管理", "(g) 继续提供服务", "76. “通过信通技术利用知识”倡议的四个组成部分将在连续2个两年期(2012-2013和2014-2015),通过开展以下主要活动在联合国秘书处的所有地点实施和部署(见图四):", "(a) 建立全系统知识管理基础设施和治理。活动包括:在纽约和意大利布林迪西联合国后勤基地(后勤基地)建立技术基础设施,以支持合作、文件/档案管理、网络内容管理和企业搜索;开展治理和制订政策、程序、作用和职责;向知识管理工作组提供专项文秘支助;", "(b) 启动关于合作与文件/档案管理的全球试点项目。活动包括:与有关部厅和办事处协商建立试点项目;开展合作,开办社区实践和建立专家定位能力;执行政策、程序、标准和准则;扩大部署至其他部厅、办事处、区域委员会、总部以外办事处和维和特派团;为至少一个部厅和每个总部以外工作地点实施编写正式文件的文件/档案管理项目;建立提供服务、改革管理和开展培训的能力;", "(c) 启动关于网络内容管理的试点项目。活动包括:为总部各部厅建立一个轻松使用应用程序的门户;改造iSeek;落实网络内容管理基础设施;编制统一的网络内容管理模板和迁移部分联合国网站;开展网络内容管理治理和制订政策、程序、作用和职责;", "(d) 为至多10个部厅、总部以外办事处和外地特派团推出知识管理活动。活动包括:分析和迁移内容;采用合作技术;帮助开展信息管理、提供培训和改革管理;扩大实践社区和提高查找专家的能力;", "(e) 建立企业搜索能力。活动包括:履行采购流程,购买企业搜索工具;建立技术基础设施;整合资料库,从而启动跨库检索;", "(f) 向其余部厅、总部以外办事处和外地特派团推出和支持知识管理。活动包括:继续开展和扩大倡议所列活动,向联合国秘书处提供合作、文件/档案管理和相关知识管理的能力;", "(g) 继续提供服务。活动包括:培训,协助开展改革管理,与客户部门和办事处缔结服务协议,并开展有关活动,在联合国启动有活力的知识管理社区。", "所需资源", "表4 执行“通过信通技术利用知识”倡议所需资源总额", "(千美元)", "支出用途 2012-2013", "工作人员差旅 196.0", "订约承办事务 10 057.2", "一般业务费用 1 059.6", "家具和设备 176.0", "共计 11 488.8", "2012-2013两年期所需资源", "77. “通过信通技术利用知识”倡议的各个组成部分将作为综合工作方案实施,因此,本节所示所有估计数均为合计数字。", "工作人员差旅", "78. 编列196 000美元用于支付2012-2013年工作人员差旅费。鉴于这是一项全球性倡议,项目工作人员需要前往联合国总部以外业务地点开办讲习班、开展培训和协调活动。", "定约承办事务", "79. 编列10 057 200美元用于支付各组成部分2012-2013年开展合作、文件/档案管理、企业搜索和网络内容管理的费用如下:", "(a) 编列3 013 000美元用于支付额外软件许可证和维持合作工具、网络内容管理工具以及搜索大约150万份文件额外能力的费用。这些工具将在各工作地点和工作人员启用相关功能后逐次购置;", "(b) 编列4 755 800美元用于支付聘请合同人员开展项目管理活动和职能工作,如工作流程再造、业务需求收集、应用开发、应用整合、工作流程自动化和数据迁移以及向用户社区持续提供服务和协助的费用;", "(c) 编列572 600美元用于支付支持合作和网络内容管理的全球基础设施硬件和存储费用;", "(d) 编列1 715 800美元用于支付与2012-2013年改革管理活动有关的改革管理和服务费用。改革管理对本组织实现文化转型,从而接受和使用综合知识管理工具至关重要。鉴于这些举措涉及许多新的概念、能力、技能和技术,工作人员需要开展改革管理活动,以适当履行各自职责。", "一般业务费用", "80. 编列1 059 600美元用于支付共同支助费用,包括与本方案请设的承包商职位有关的租金、办公空间小规模改建以及电话和传真服务费用。", "家具和设备", "81. 编列176 000美元用于支付拟议承包商职位所需家具和设备,包括办公家具和办公设备的费用。", "2014-2015年两年期及以后", "82. 向其余部厅、总部以外办事处和外地特派团推广工作以及继续提供服务的预计初步费用估计在800万美元和1 200万美元之间。不过,考虑到所需资源可能会有出现变化,这个预测将在日后进度报告中予以更新,并在获得更多细节后,列入有关的拟议方案预算报告。", "C. 更好地提供信息和通信技术服务", "背景", "83. 联合国秘书处为每天提供广泛的信通技术服务投入了大量资源。这些服务的性质和复杂性以及提供服务的方式有很大的不同。其中包括:对要求提供信息的请求作出回应、维修复印机、修理计算机和解决远程入网问题。", "84. 服务台(用户服务单位)没有保存记录、编制情况报告或评估服务质量和费用的标准工作方法,也没有按照公认的最佳做法开展工作。此外,尽管世界各地至少有131个信通技术服务台,但没有提供每周7天、每天24小时的支持。此外,支持服务台和工作站运行的工具也未达标,功能有限。因此,服务质量和成本效益的计量、监测和落实情况都没有达到最佳水平。", "85. 信通技术在整个联合国起着至关重要的作用,但相关支助服务的费用很高,这是一个特别突出的例子,表明分散提供服务的办法会带来不利影响。如今,信通技术是本组织开展活动的基础。如果个人电脑失灵,那名工作人员就无法工作。如果网络失灵,则大批工作人员都无法工作,从而使本组织付出沉重代价,不仅造成财政损失,也使实质性方案迟迟无法交付。", "86. 目前难以评估本组织交付服务的流程的数量和质量,这一事实使得本组织无法有效地分配资源和建立可以满足所需服务复杂性和工作量的工作单位。此外,大量服务所需采取的解决办法并不总是能够轻易得到或提供,因为整个秘书处缺乏标准的工作站配置。这种复杂性、工作量和各自为政的情况,不必要地增加了用户服务成本。", "87. 本报告提出向企业信通技术服务模式转变,即通过区域服务中心满足各组织单位的共同信通技术需要,从而大大减少各工作地点的地方信通技术服务能力。采用标准化流程和技术的区域服务中心还能够处理诸如设施、人力资源、采购和财务服务等其他职能部门的服务请求。", "88. 为了实现这一目标,建议充分利用现有的企业客户关系管理系统iNeed,建立企业信通技术服务台,以便给所有用户,包括工作人员、代表和记者提供更有效率的信通技术服务。此外,iNeed还将通过利用现有的企业身份管理系统提供有关功能,以验证用户身份和他们的要求,减少秘书处可能遭遇安全问题的脆弱性。通过采取这一做法,本组织将通过提高用户满意度、成本效益和向客户交付服务的质量保证实现可观效益。", "目标", "89. 信息和通信技术厅借助信通技术管理协调组[5] 以及各部厅的主要利益攸关方的咨询意见,确定了这一倡议的下列主要目标:", "(a) 通过下列办法提高各工作地点信通技术服务的质量、标准、可用性和效率:", "㈠ 将131个信通技术服务台功能整合成至少3个企业信通技术服务台,它们设在不同的地方,能够每周7天,每天24小时提供服务;", "㈡ 向秘书处所有办公室的Umoja、电子邮件、Inspira、iNeed和企业身份管理系统等常见应用程序提供支持;", "㈢ 继续为特定地点的服务提供局部支持,但大幅减少地方信通技术服务台的工作人员;", "(b) 采用企业信通技术全球服务目录,将之与iNeed支持的其他行政服务目录结合起来;", "(c) 确定所有用户需要的应用程序,以建立最低数量标准化工作站配置;", "(d) 采用商务智能软件履行关键的业绩监控和管理职能,从而使治理机构能够更容易地审查业绩和其他问题;", "(e) 维持一个综合总项目计划,其中包括向所有利益攸关方包括会员国及时提出进度报告,以确保该倡议现状的透明度;", "(f) 继续有选择性地将iNeed应用于其他行政服务领域,如设施、财务(税务、保险、差旅费报销、福利等)和人力资源。", "专栏5示例:“更好地提供信通技术服务”倡议 当前问题 一个联合国工作地点的一名工作人员在打印一名高级官员作出关键决定所需的一份财务报告时遇到困难。该名工作人员先问同事他们以前是否遇到过这一问题,然后拨打当地信通技术服务台的电话,他被告知重新启动计算机。遗憾的是,这并未解决问题。1小时已经过去了。该名工作人员再次给服务台打电话,服务台向他提供了一名专家的电话号码。他给专家打电话,但被转至电话答录机,因此他发现:专家休假2个星期。该工作人员再次给服务台打电话;他很恼火,因为2个小时已经过去了,高级官员要求立即拿到报告。无奈之下,该名工作人员向高级官员报告了有关问题。这位负责人给信通技术处处长打电话,要求立即解决问题。该处长给服务台负责人打电话,要求迅速采取行动。3个小时过去了。服务台负责人走到支持服务台,让一名专家给该工作人员打电话。幸运的是,该专家知道这是很容易解决的问题,他给该名工作人员打电话,让他按Ctrl+F5。报告打印出来了。该名工作人员已浪费了4个小时,在此期间,那名高级官员不得不在没有拿到报告的情况下登上了飞机。这一问题如果在旅行期间或半夜遇到会更加复杂。 预期改进 \n一个工作地点的一名工作人员打印财务报告时遇到困难。她给3333分机打电话,电话被接到服务台人员那里,该人员查询打印错误知识库,并告诉该名工作人员按Ctrl+F5。该名工作人员5分钟内将报告送到高级官员手中。在通话期间,该名服务台人员向该工作人员说明如何访问知识库的在线门户网,并给她发去书签,以便她将来可以自己解决此类问题。", "对本组织的影响", "90. 合并现有的信通技术服务台和其他行政服务,并使之现代化和标准化,将减少目前提供服务方面的差距和成本。全组织范围内逐渐转用最佳做法和通用技术工具,将改善服务的提供情况和质量;提供有条不紊、可重复的方法和程序,保持和扩大机构知识;并带来节约。", "质量效益", "91. “更好地提供信通技术服务”倡议,将为本组织提供下列质量效益:", "(a) 灵活性。服务台能通过在所有地点使用最佳做法流程和通用技术工具,迅速和一致地解决问题。此外,被动应对将让位于未雨绸缪,从而有可能查明全球网络安全威胁等问题,并将解决办法迅速传播到其他地点;", "(b) 便捷性。每天24小时、每周7天提供多语文支持,将大大减少解决问题所需时间,同时提供对本组织全球业务至关重要的世界一流的服务;", "(c) 改进流程和业务。iNeed将提供综合的一套可靠、现代化的服务台工具,从而能够向用户提供一致和有效的服务。可调整任何多余人手从事本组织内的其他工作;", "(d) 及时回应。通过首次电话解决问题情况跟踪、自助能力、更快解决问题和扩大知识库工具,服务台的回应能力将得到大大加强。这种更及时的回应能力将使用户能够更快地恢复正常工作;", "(e) 生产率。任何计算机或用户的故障时间都会造成生产率损失。对服务台业绩的跟踪和报告以及对常见问题进行分析会提高服务台的质量和业绩。这也将有助于通过明确界定何时、何地交付服务、交付内容和交付办法,确保谈判达成的服务级协议具有透明度。此外,延长服务台的服务时间和单一的联络点也可在任何时候和任何地点向秘书处所有用户提供连续不断的服务。", "量化效益", "92. 目前,本组织每年花在信通技术服务台业务上的费用每年约为1.35亿美元,这不包括其他行政服务台在所有工作地点开展业务的相关费用,因为目前没有这方面的资料。信通技术服务台的费用可按构成部分进一步细分,即劳动力(9 540万美元)和设备(3 960万美元)。信通技术服务台和工作站环境由全球超过131个服务台的大约835名专职同等资历雇员(618名工作人员和217名承包人)提供支持。在全面实施后,估计每年可节约共计3 970万美元至5 950万美元。一些节余可随着各项举措的初步落实而逐渐实现,预计全面实施一年后将实现所有节余(见附件四)。预计特定功能改进措施可节约的资金开列如下:", "(a) 自助服务。引进自我服务功能让用户提出服务申请、重新设置密码和访问可搜索的知识库,估计这将减少25%至40%的服务台工作量和服务人员的时间,每年节约660万至990万美元;", "(b) 信通技术资产管理。自动寻找信通技术设备和验证对此类设备的需求,将使服务台和工作站的劳动量减少大约10%,并因有能力利用信息减少供应商的合同和许可证而节约大约10%的硬件和软件费用。估计这方面每年可节约共计1 030万至1 540万美元;", "(c) 服务台自动化。据估计,采用标准服务台流程和技术工具,以及路径选择申请自动化程序和实时显示用户信息,每年将减少服务人员费用140万至200万美元;", "(d) 工作站标准。减少工作站配置(也称为工作站图像)将使工作站的复杂性降低,相应减少工作站向服务台提出的服务申请,从而使工作站和服务台的劳动力成本分别下降10%。估计每年可节省共计750万至1 130万美元;", "(e) 工作站自动化。采用全系统远程控制和软件分发工具,将使区域服务台的服务人员具备迅速恢复工作站、提供工作站管理工具和减少每个工作站故障的能力。这将使工作站支助劳动成本减少大约15%,估计每年可节约共计740万至1 120万美元;", "(f) 地方服务台迁移。2012-2013年建立区域服务中心后,通用服务功能将逐步迁移到区域服务台,使当地劳动力需求减少大约15%,地方设备成本减少大约50%。估计这将每年节约650万至980万美元;", "(g) 其他行政服务自动化。信息和通信技术厅、外勤支助部和其他信通技术单位将与各部厅密切合作,以查明和优先提供可通过采用信通技术服务台模式加以改善的重要行政服务。虽然预计可产生量化效益,但在对这些服务进行全面分析之前,无法提出有关报告。", "表5", "按类别开列的“更好地提供信通技术服务”倡议每年经常性收益估计数", "(百万美元)", "功能 低端估计数 高端估计数", "自助服务 6.6 9.9", "信通技术资产管理 10.3 15.4", "服务台自动化 1.4 2.0", "工作站标准 7.5 11.3", "工作站自动化 7.4 11.2", "地方服务台迁移 6.5 9.8", "共计 39.7 59.6", "执行计划", "办法", "93. 秘书长关于信息和通信技术战略实施情况的报告(A/65/491)公布以来对项目方法所作的最重大修订之一,涉及最大程度地利用以前的投资和现有系统。如上所述,修订战略的一个关键因素是利用已对iNeed(客户关系管理应用程序)作出的投资,并查明企业身份管理系统的身份验证功能。企业信通技术服务台和地方服务台将利用iNeed,提供一个处理所有服务申请的通用工具。企业身份管理系统将用于提供一个载列所有工作站用户的中央目录,并对适当服务的准入权限进行验证。实施方法包括:", "(a) 规范和减少桌面图像,以提高通用性,降低所有工作地点的复杂性,方便诊断问题和提供支持;", "(b) 采用标准软件分发和远程访问工具;", "(c) 在所有地点使用iNeed应用程序;", "(d) 利用企业知识库,向服务台人员和最终用户提供更好、更快和更准确的信息;", "(e) 优化和推广使用自助服务选项,最大程度减少报告问题和状态更新方面的延迟;", "(f) 为所有地点提供通用的电话分机号码(如3333),而不是目前使用的数目众多的电话号码;", "(g) 向选定的部厅、区域委员会和特派团逐步部署iNeed。", "94. 该倡议将是第一次全天候充分落实全面信通技术服务管理功能,利用iNeed和企业身份管理系统,为区域和地方服务中心提供服务。其目的是将现有的和计划实施的行政服务功能纳入这个办法之中。因此,征得秘书处高级管理人员同意后,计划未来由区域服务中心提供信通技术服务及其他行政服务。", "95. 联合国后勤基地建立的企业数据中心2010年采用了iNeed系统。这一应用程序将继续成为改善和管理本组织全系统各类服务的标准技术工具。该系统长期看预计将成为所有服务申请的切入点。用户可用一个电话号码或一个因特网网站申请任何服务。该系统然后将把所有申请转至相应的服务台。iNeed作为企业服务台工具的全面部署将从信通技术服务开始,以后可能扩大到其他行政服务。", "96. 这一倡议将包括至少三个区域信通技术服务台,例如,美洲一个;欧洲、中东和非洲一个;亚洲一个,每周7天、每天24小时向全球所有联合国地点提供服务。区域服务台将与地方服务台一道通过电话或iNeed自助网站办理所有信通技术服务申请,并向用户汇报申请进展情况。iNeed将记录所有的服务电话以及所采取的行动。通过这一互动,本组织将能够跟踪和分析所有申请是否得到及时回应和有效处理,从而改善服务队伍的管理。", "97. 区域信通技术服务台将采用数量较少的标准工作站配置。这将简化和改进故障和问题管理流程和工具,从而使服务人员能够及时作出回应和解决问题。标准化工作站将带来硬件和软件资产管理方面的改善,通过规模经济改进与供应商的合同,并加强信通技术系统的安全性。", "98. 区域服务台将向任何地方的所有企业应用程序提供支持。常见应用问题将由区域服务中心处理,而不象目前所做的那样由地方服务台处理。", "99. iNeed将使用用户自助功能,该功能将使联合国人员可在没有服务人员或其他技术人员干预的情况下解决自己的问题,例如,通过一个易于使用的工具自己搜索知识库或重设密码。这样做有两个好处:用户可以学会如何自助(今天很常见),服务台人员的工作量也会减少。", "100. 该倡议的另一个关键要素是运用自动发现和管理信通技术资产的能力。这不仅会帮助服务人员处理服务申请,在报告和汇报模式方面有更大的透明度,而且也会为在库存和资产估值方面遵守国际公共部门会计准则提供关键投入。", "101. 应该指出,尽管这一倡议将合并所有的信通技术服务台,但它不会取代对一些地方信通技术人员的持续需求。该倡议的一项原则是,凡可行时都采用自动化方法,以减少对地方服务需求的依赖,同时提供最具成本效益的服务。下图五是“企业信通技术服务台”倡议所采用的办法图示。", "图五", "[]“企业信通技术服务台”倡议所采用的办法图示", "迄今进展情况:客户关系管理", "102. 自从2008年首次向会员国推出客户关系管理概念以来,利用现有资源落实这一概念的工作取得了一些进展。iNeed系统已部署到总部以下部厅:信息和通信技术厅、外勤支助部(信通技术服务台服务发单、通用服务申请以及信通技术资产管理的某些手工操作);管理部(设施管理和财务信息业务);纽约和日内瓦的人道主义事务协调厅、联合国后勤基地、联合国驻黎巴嫩临时部队和西亚经济社会委员会(西亚经社会)(信通技术服务台)。2011年将继续进行部署,其中包括:管理事务部账户司、联合国后勤基地设施管理、西亚经社会中央支助事务以及选定的中东外地特派团的自助门户。本报告所载倡议以及根据“企业信通技术服务台”倡议所作补充调整,将使秘书处客户关系管理的最初设想在2012-2013年取得重大进展。应该指出,2011年要取得各部厅的支持,以确保客户关系管理的发展将在2012-2013年满足主要服务需求。", "迄今进展情况:企业信通技术服务台", "103. 根据会员国的反馈,信息和通信技术厅调整了其办法,使“团结”项目和全球外地支助战略等现行和计划举措协调一致,以最充分地利用现有的系统和内部能力。通过利用iNeed,企业信通技术服务台的整体实施成本大幅降低。此外,该厅也调整了其他现行举措,以提供与安全和目录服务(企业身份管理系统)有关的关键功能。这将改善对于自助选项(如密码重置)至关重要的用户身份验证办法,大大提高满足服务要求的速度。", "时间表", "104. 整个倡议的时间表见图六。但必须指出,目前提出的仅是2012和2013年的任务,下图所示初始阶段又被分为一整套可在适当的资金周期内执行的分项目。", "图六", "[]“更好地提供信通技术服务”倡议时间表", "105. “更好地提供信通技术服务”倡议将通过下列主要活动(见上图六)实施:", "(a) 设计、测试和落实工作站标准(全秘书处)。2011年正在对所有工作地点进行调查,以提供有关本组织的最终用户(工作站)环境复杂性和多样性方面的信息。工作站标准需要所有信通技术负责人2011年彼此合作,以确定工作站硬件标准、常用工作站管理工具和诸如操作系统、电子邮件应用程序、浏览器和防病毒软件等一套数量较少的通用工作站软件工具。2012年和2013年将达成协议,商定即将使用的工具、实施时间表和删除不必要软件和硬件合同的时间安排;", "(b) 设计、测试和落实自助选项、知识库和工作信息。自助选项将由iNeed团队按照各部厅和信通技术服务业者提供的规格说明开发。此外,企业身份管理系统将开发工作站用户身份验证功能,让他们能够重新设置自己的密码。此外,各类网络目录都将被合并成一个企业模式。计划于2012年开展所有这些活动。此外,2011年将进行全球服务目录分析,2012年将提供开发服务申请功能的主要标准。2012年将合并现有知识库,以便在2013年底以前提供一个工作站机构知识综合数据库。2015年底以前,明定功能领域的专题专家将改进这个知识库,以协助将地方信通技术服务台功能迁移到企业服务台;", "(c) 设计、测试和落实服务台服务发单和时间排定办法及其他与服务人员有关的工具。拟在iNeed系统中开发服务台工具,以建立、分配、跟踪和报告申请办理情况,并促成在服务台人员之间有效和高效地分派工作量。除了有绩效管理功能的工作信息工具外,2012年将提供一套自动化工具,以便在2013年向区域服务台所在地提供此项功能;", "(d) 确定信通技术服务台地点。如上所述,设想设立3个区域企业服务台,以实施“全日制”做法,提供每周7天、每天24小时服务支持。区域服务台的地点将根据排定的先后次序标准来确定,其中包括通信、劳动力、后勤和时区考虑。预计2012年开始进行这项分析,届时将甄选地点,并在2013年年中设立区域服务台,该年年底前投入使用;", "(e) 将地方信通服务台功能迁移到企业信通技术服务台。虽然一些活动仍然需要地方服务,例如,涉及特定地点的应用程序和电脑维修,但目前由地方履行的一些职能一旦迁移到区域服务台之后,地方服务的规模将通过使用上述工具得以缩小。训练有素的迁移问题小组将在2013年年底与地方服务台人员面谈,以便在全球知识库中纳入常见的地方用户问题(和解决办法)。预计这些迁移活动将在2014年开始,2015年底以前持续进行;", "(f) 提供iNeed作为工作平台(税务、旅行、账户)。在完成信通技术服务方面功能齐全的设计(由企业信通技术服务台提供)的同时,这个模式可用于其他部厅的实质性服务领域,如税务、旅行和账户。实务单位获得利益攸关方的支持很重要,以便在2012-2013年重新设计选定实质性功能方面发挥领导作用。随着2014-2015年实施“团结”项目等企业倡议,必须确保信通技术以及各部厅服务台采用类似方法,提供有效和世界一流的服务。", "所需资源", "表6", "执行“更好地提供信通技术服务”倡议所需资源总额", "(千美元)", "支出用途 2012-2013", "工作人员差旅 165.0", "订约承办事务 11 103.5", "一般业务费用 443.3", "用品和材料 1 166.1", "家具和设备 274.0", "共计 13 151.9", "2012-2013两年期所需资源", "106. “更好地提供信通技术服务”倡议将作为综合工作方案实施,因此,本节所示所有估计数均为合计数据。", "工作人员差旅", "107. 编列165 000美元用于支付2012-2013年工作人员差旅费。鉴于这是一项全球性倡议,项目工作人员需要前往联合国总部以外业务地点开办讲习班、开展改革管理和协调活动。", "订约承办事务", "108. 编列11 103 500美元用于支付以下活动所需经费:", "(a) 3 947 300美元用于支付向服务台和工作站工具包发放许可证的软件费用。该软件将分阶段购置,逐步向各个地点和工作人员推广其功能;", "(b) 7 156 200美元用于聘请承包商开展项目管理和职能工作,如业务流程再造、收集业务需求、开发应用程序、整合应用程序、业务流程自动化和数据迁移活动等,以及持续向用户社区提供服务和协助。", "一般业务费用", "109. 编列443 300美元用于支付共同支助费用,包括与本方案请批承包商职位有关的租金、办公场所小改建费以及电话和传真服务费。", "用品和材料", "110. 编列1 166 100美元用于支付与设立区域服务中心有关的费用。", "家具和设备", "111. 编列274 000美元用于支付增加服务台软件基础设施所需的服务器的费用。", "2014-2015两年期及以后", "112. 项目初步费用预测尽可能准确的估计数为1 490万至2 230万美元。其中包括2012-2013年启动的活动延展费、迁移小组支助费、差旅费和改革管理投资估计数,以确保本地信通技术服务台顺利迁移,并为大量终端用户顺利采用。不过,如获得更多详细资料,日后的进度报告会提出新的预测,并按照既定预算程序处理所需资源问题。", "D. 建立弹性信息和通信技术基础设施", "背景", "113. 过去几十年中,本组织根据各个工作地点的需要建立和维护了信通技术基础设施和信通技术设施。由于全球数据通信不可靠,这种分散管理的方式一直受到青睐,并认为对确保基础设施的可靠运作十分必要。这种模式仍在使用,致使整个秘书处至少有34个数据中心和177个服务器机房。就分布而言,18个数据中心和63个服务器机房部署在总部、总部以外办事处和各区域委员会,16个数据中心和114个服务器机房部署在外地特派团。", "114. 过去10年来,由于新一代的通信技术,促进所有工作地点互联互通方面取得了重大进展。然而,数据中心继续孤立运作,主要侧重于支持当地需求。包括外地在内的本组织大小工作地点普遍采用这种工作方式。", "115. 不仅在维护这些工作地点专有的数据中心方面,而且也在提供单独的灾后恢复设施对中心信息和系统进行备份方面都投入了专用资源。除了外勤支助部在后勤基地为其所有外地特派团提供灾后恢复设施外,所有其他工作地点都分别负责各自的辅助性基础设施。工作地点如没有资源建立适当的灾后恢复设施,就根本无法履行这个职能,或只能依靠其他工作地点临时履行这个职能,给本组织带来风险。", "116. 采用企业办法和服务共享模式为秘书处所有工作地点提供支助,可通过规模经济节约资金,逐步减少本地数据中心设施的规模,并根据各工作地点的需要向其提供灾后恢复服务,从而建立弹性信通技术基础设施。", "117. 各工作地点也采取了同样的分散管理办法开发、使用和维护本地软件应用程序。这种各自为政的做法最终使整个组织付出了更大的代价,因为这需要更多的人员、服务器、存储空间和备份(恢复能力),而这些本来都没有必要。", "118. 继续进行分散管理的理由已不复存在。基于商用软件的企业系统可以满足工作地点的大部分需要。只有在特殊情况下,换句话说,当高度专业软件应用程序是唯一可行的解决办法时,工作地点才应着手开发用于当地的基础设施。", "119. 根据大会第63/269号决议,秘书处的战略是调整方向,对信通技术基础设施实施企业管理。为了履行大会提出的要求,信通技术战略(见A/65/491)提出要向仅用2个企业数据中心托管企业系统的模式过渡。地方数据中心将继续存在,但其规模将大大缩小,仅侧重于就其性质而言不能由企业数据中心托管的系统。", "120. 要实现这一构想,本组织数据中心的结构就必须精简并更有弹性,它们应设在2个主要地点:即后勤基地的企业数据中心和西班牙巴伦西亚的二级数据中心。", "目标", "121. 信息和通信技术厅调整了“精简数据中心”项目和“统一灾后恢复计划和业务连续性办法”项目,将它们并入一个题为“建立弹性信通技术基础设施” 的综合性倡议。这使数据中心得到精简,又使信通技术具有弹性,以便更有效地利用以往各次报告以来完成的工作。此外,今后该倡议追加资金的请求将作为联合国秘书处相关预算周期的一部分提出。鉴于外勤支助部已在建设企业数据中心方面取得进展,某些任务的范围已经缩小,仅限在总部、总部以外办事处和各区域委员会实施。这种侧重将促使信通厅能够通过实现以下主要目标,在修订办法方面取得重大进展:", "(a) 设立两个企业数据中心,一个在后勤基地,一个是巴伦西亚二级数据中心;", "(b) 在企业数据中心中央托管所有企业应用程序(“团结”、电邮、Inspira、iNeed和企业身份管理系统),从而加强基础设施和应用程序的支助资源;", "(c) 企业数据中心每周7天、每天24小时对企业和本地数据中心进行监测和提供支持,同时通过规模经济降低成本;", "(d) 继续在本地数据中心托管独特、具体地点的应用程序;", "(e) 继续执行综合性总项目计划,其中包括进度报告,以确保该倡议进展情况对所有利益攸关方保持透明。在整个过程中征求当前实务和信通技术治理机构的意见和指导。", "专栏6 示例:“建立弹性信通技术基础设施”倡议 当前问题 内乱威胁着驻战患地区联合国工作人员的生命。为了自身安全,大部分工作人员不得不离开当地联合国办事处,有时还不得不离开那个地区。特派团安保小组设法找到所有工作人员,以确保他们的安全,行政人员竭力保存数据,并在其他地方开展行动,以便快速向公民提供援助,并向世界提供危机情况。要找到所有人员需要好几天时间,不幸的是,大部分乃至所有的关键数据都有可能丢失。要找到一个新地方并再次开展行动需要数周时间,这严重危及人员安全,也不可能报告危机状况。 预期改进 \n通过加强信通技术基础设施环境的恢复能力,危机开始后不久就可以向所有联合国工作人员发送文字信息,告知他们在哪里集合。几个小时内就可收到工作人员的信息,并确定所有工作人员的去向。在预先指定的紧急疏散地,工作人员能够访问他们的系统,并迅速开展重要的工作,向总部快速报告危机情况。", "对本组织的影响", "122. “建立弹性信通技术基础设施”倡议将加强信通技术和提高实质性业绩,为此要使整个秘书处都能安全、可靠地访问数据和系统,并在大幅降低成本的同时提高产能和灵活性。如果按照企业数据中心的概念精简基础设施,本组织在危机时刻的应变能力就会大大提高,并可提供一个用于最有效托管企业应用程序的重要平台。", "123. 精简秘书处的计算基础设施不仅可以提高运作效率,更重要的是,也可给各部厅带来重大效益,在一个共同和可靠的平台上更快、更方便地施行新的企业系统和技术。", "质量效益", "124. “建立弹性信通技术基础设施”倡议将为本组织提供以下质量效益:", "(a) 协调一致的企业服务器和存储管理。通过简化支助流程和程序、交叉培训技术人员和在多个工作地点更多地使用系统合同购置和维护资产,本组织的基础设施标准化工作将提高数据中心的业绩和可利用率。这将提高本组织的产能,最大限度地减少因故障造成的停工期;", "(b) 提供更多的服务。通过减少用于执行日常数据中心运作任务的资源和调整资源分配,将之用于履行更高价值的信通技术职能,可为满足本组织的整体需求提供更多支持;", "(c) 纠正业务缺陷和减少风险。通过改善世界一流设施增强灾后恢复能力和业务复原力等办法会减少风险,使信通技术基础设施为实施今后的所有倡议做好适当准备。这样做还将确保本组织能够继续在危机期间和危机之后开展业务;", "(d) 通过减少整体碳足迹促进信通技术的可持续利用。减少使用实物服务器的数目可降低耗电量。", "量化效益", "125. 目前,本组织每年用于数据中心的支出约为1.04亿美元,包括工作人员费用(5 420万美元)和设备费用(4 960万美元)。此外,还有大约552名等同全职人员。总部、总部以外办事处和各区域委员会(特派团除外)每年的费用是4 220万美元,还有248名等同全职人员。这一倡议全面落实后,估计每年可节约共计1 790万至2 690万美元,预计全面落实一年后将实现所有节余(见附件四)。", "126. 上述数字不包括外地特派团节约的资金,该数目将由外勤支助部报告。因此,下文(a)至(c)项所列效益只涉及总部、总部以外办事处和区域委员会。此外,这些数字也不包括因避免本组织遭受损失而产生的估计收益,其中涉及受危机影响的实务单位产生的数据和(或)业务连续性费用。本倡议提出的具体职能改善办法将带来以下节省:", "(a) 电邮档案。采用软件为后勤基地的所有电邮档案提供统一的收发渠道,可减少所有工作地点的设备和人工。这样做估计每年可节约130万至 200万美元;", "(b) 存储优化。秘书处在其活动过程中产生了许多重复文档,存档文件高达百万兆字节。删除重复文件是关键一步,应当在为恢复目的备份数据前删除重复文件。这样做估计每年可节约130万至200万美元;", "(c) 企业数据中心配置。设立这些中心将为所有工作地点的企业应用程序提供一个存储地点。当地人工和设备方面的节余估计在490万和740万美元之间(每个企业应用程序在280万和420万美元之间)。应该指出,为估算本报告所列效益,只计入了一个应用程序(iNeed)。随着合并更多的应用程序供企业使用,显然还会节约更多的资金。还应当指出,这个估算效益包括对综管系统数据地方副本的备份;", "(d) 企业服务器和存储工具。整套服务器及存储管理和监控工具的数量有所减少,由于复杂性降低和运营效率的提高,使服务器和存储人工的成本有所减少。估计每年可节约资金共计500万至750万美元。为了确保企业服务器和存储管理工具适用于所有环境,信息和通信技术厅需要与外勤支助部开展合作;", "(e) 地方服务器机房搬迁。2012-2013年设立企业数据中心和地方数据中心后,各地的服务器机房将分阶段迁移到这些中心,这将提高业务连续性,每年可节约540万至800万美元。预计到2016-2017年才能完全取得这些效益。", "表7 按类别开列的“建立弹性信通技术基础设施”倡议每年经常性收益估计数", "(百万美元)", "功能 低端估计数 高端估计数", "电邮档案 1.3 2.0", "存储优化 1.3 2.0", "企业数据中心配置 4.9 7.4", "企业服务器和存储工具 5.0 7.5", "地方服务器机房迁移 5.4 8.0", "共计 17.9 26.9", "执行计划", "办法", "127. 对秘书长的报告(A/65/491)所述项目方法的重大修改之一是:调整内部举措,减少实施成本。订正战略的一个关键因素是利用对后勤基地和巴伦西亚企业数据中心的大量投资,为部署企业应用程序提供一个弹性的平台。必须注意区分“精简数据中心”倡议和“建立弹性信通技术基础设施”倡议(以前称作“统一灾后恢复计划和业务连续性办法”)。前者寻求协调统一所有数据中心地点,以减少地方服务器机房,并对服务器和存储管理采取企业方法,而后者则利用简化环境,为整个秘书处提供即时备份和业务连续性配置。两者相互关联,要把尽量减少弹性倡议的费用,就必须减少站点、服务器和存储空间。实质上,具有多样不同配置的大量站点更难以提供和维持灾后恢复能力。目前正在所有工作地点开展网络升级和协调工作,以便为实施本倡议做好准备。信息和通信技术厅和外勤支助部合作制定了这一办法,以便使基础设施随时可用于全球外地支助策略和“团结”项目。这一执行办法的关键要素是:", "(a) 在后勤基地建立企业数据中心,在巴伦西亚建立恢复能力镜像站点。这两个设施是全秘书处采用所有企业应用程序整体战略的核心要素。为了使外地需要与秘书处其他部门的需要保持一致,目前正在与外勤支助部开展重要工作和规划;", "(b) 所有应用程序与企业和本地数据中心的架构、政策和程序保持一致。这一举措将制订托管所有企业应用程序的政策和程序。制定规划和部署时限时会考虑到“团结”项目、Inspira和其他企业应用程序。拟与部门利益攸关方合作,识别和跟踪地方应用程序,以便今后加以整合,从而降低相关的基础设施所需资源;", "(c) 服务器和存储环境标准化,包括企业和地方数据中心的监控和管理流程和工具标准化。由于运行数据中心所需技能可以转让,这将有利于改善恢复能力,促进工作人员的流动。其它主要任务是:", "㈠ 在把地方服务器机房并入每个站点统一的地方数据中心以前,酌情建立虚拟化环境,以减少服务器机房服务器的数量;确定一个相应的潜在弹性站点;", "㈡ 在采取弹性措施前,通过自动化手段减少现有的存储空间;", "㈢ 根据商定的时间框架在所有站点实施多级存储战略,以更低的成本有系统地存储信息;", "㈣ 尽可能采取自动化办法,对小站点进行远程管理;", "(d) 根据从以往执行步骤的经验教训,按照利益攸关方的资金需求调整可交付成果;", "(e) 在所有地点使用iNeed系统处理基础设施工作单和服务申请。所有托管和存储申请均由适当的企业信通技术服务台人员管理,并转给相应的服务实体办理。", "128. 地方数据中心要继续为独有的本地应用程序提供支持,其中包括楼宇管理系统、周边安全和监控系统、出纳支持系统、网速很慢地点的地方电邮和相关应用程序、本地共享驱动器、目录系统、地方内联网和协作工具、本地通信电话计费系统、连接到其他办事处的网络基础设施、因特网和办公楼的联网系统以及无线电和电视节目制作系统。", "129. 到2011年底,信息和通信技术厅将领导与信通技术管理协调组的协调进程,为秘书处分析、选择和实施标准化服务器和存储管理工具箱,在所有工作地点予以部署(通过企业和地方数据中心)。这一方法将大大提高整个组织的组织恢复能力。在发生灾难时,企业数据中心将作为危机纾缓站点,快速恢复持续性实质业务。", "130. 同“企业信通技术服务台”倡议所用办法一样,“建立弹性信通技术基础设施”倡议是根据会员国和主要内部利益攸关方的反馈意见制订的。信息和通信技术厅调整了现有倡议和计划倡议,以充分利用内部能力。因此,“精简数据中心”倡仪的最初拟议费用大大减少。此外,信通厅还增加了秘书处的信通技术恢复能力,纳入了“统一灾后恢复计划和业务连续性方法”的关键方面,包括虚拟化、减少存储、电邮归档和综管系统复原力。", "图七 “建立弹性信通技术基础设施”倡议图示", "[]", "迄今进展情况:“精简数据中心”", "131. 尽管资源有限,但在调整内部重点基础设施项目以提供关键能力方面取得了进展,减少了“精简数据中心”倡议的估计费用。总部基本建设总计划等重要方案继续使后勤基地得到改善,建设巴伦西亚二级数据中心的工作也取得了进展,这些情况都已计入订正估计数。此外,2012年初网络升级有望获得少量投资,使各主要工作地点能够实现高速多路连接;预计企业数据中心也将投资于广域网替代技术(多协议标签交换)。这一进展和计划投资对改善“精简数据中心”倡议、包括其恢复能力的质量和降低其所需资源至关重要。然而,因为资产投资和预算在过去几个两年期一直在减少,现有数据中心设备的使用年限和能力达到了临界阶段,突显必须立即采取行动,以确保持续运作。本报告提出的修订办法考虑到了这些因素。2012-2013年拟议投资以及下文所述服务器和存储管理工具,将为部署“团结”项目和其他企业应用程序营造环境。", "迄今进展情况:“提高信通技术的恢复能力”", "132. 为更好地最充分利用内部能力而调整内部基础设施举措,使得“提高信通技术弹性”倡议(以前称作“统一灾后恢复计划和业务连续性办法”)的拟议费用大为减少。费用减少的原因是批准在巴伦西亚设立一个镜像站点,这个世界一流的设施将为后勤基地提供关键恢复能力。巴伦西亚站点不久将投入使用,与商业租赁场地相比,秘书处承担的费用要低得多。与“精简数据中心”倡议的结合十分自然,因为这两项举措相辅相成。信息和通信技术厅与外勤支助部和其他工作地点密切协助,调整了这一倡议,以便利用企业数据中心为整个秘书处提供充分的恢复能力。这将大大降低实施成本,同时能够按计划更快和协调一致地应对影响本组织的任何危机。", "时间表", "133. 整个“建立弹性信通技术基础设施”倡议的时间安排见下图八。不过,必须指出,目前仅提出2012-2013年要执行的任务。", "[]图八 “建立弹性信通技术基础设施”倡议时间表", "134. “建立弹性信通技术基础设施”倡议将通过以下主要活动予以实施(见图八):", "(a) 采用各种工具,减少储量增加和建立电邮档案。活动包括:采用企业电邮档案和存储优化(“重复数据删除”)技术,以减少储存,提高整个秘书处的恢复能力;", "(b) 协助后勤基地托管企业应用程序,建设地方应变能力。企业数据中心的建立将提供一个切实有效的平台,以部署iNeed、Umoja和Inspira等企业应用程序;", "(c) 协助西班牙巴伦西亚数据中心充当后勤基地的镜像站点。一旦建立了企业应用程序和信通技术恢复能力,就必须有一个镜像站点,以确保为后勤基地提供数据,并使它具有恢复能力;", "(d) 采用企业服务器和储存管理工具。这将提高效率,同时促进工作人员流动和提高组织恢复能力;", "(e) 把地方服务器机房迁至企业或地方数据中心。尽管特殊的地方应用程序仍需要有一个地方数据中心,但一旦各种职能转移到企业资源中心以及以前规定的工具得到利用,其所需足迹将有所减少;", "(f) 协调统一各数据中心的恢复能力。信通技术恢复能力的全面职能设计完成后,如进一步协调统一各地点的计算资源和进一步整合应用程序,就可通过把同样的模型用于选定的共同应用程序,给秘书处带来更大效益。这将需要广泛的部门参与和协调,还需得到信通技术治理机构的批准。", "所需资源", "表8 执行“建立弹性信通技术基础设施”倡议所需资源总额", "(千美元)", "支出用途 2012-2013", "其他工作人员费用 511.2", "订约承办事务 4 369.5", "家具和设备 4 947.2", "共计 9 827.9", "2012-2013两年期所需资源", "135. “建立弹性信通技术基础设施”倡议需要开展的活动将作为综合工作方案予以实施,因此,本节所示所有估计数均为合计数字。", "其他工作人员费用", "136. 编列511 200美元用于聘用相当于1个P-5职等员额的一般临时人员,负责领导在后勤基地和巴伦西亚开办企业数据中心的工作和综管系统灾后恢复举措。", "订约承办事务", "137. 编列4 369 500美元用于支付2012-2013年电邮存档、减少储存、服务器和储存管理工具以及建设企业数据中心的活动,具体如下:", "(a) 2 230 200美元将用于支付发放服务器和储存管理工具许可证的软件费用。这一软件将随着各地点和各工作人员采用这一功能而逐渐购置;", "(b) 2 139 300美元将用于开展项目管理和职能工作方面的订约承办事务,如技术流程再造、收集技术要求、集成开发、应用整合、服务器和储存流程自动化以及数据迁移活动,还要不断向用户社区提供服务器服务、存储服务和协助。", "家具和设备", "138. 4 947 200美元将用于支付家具和设备费用,特别是电邮存档项目、删除重复数据及配置企业服务器和存储工具所需基础设施设备的费用。", "2014-2015两年期及以后", "139. 项目初步费用预测尽可能准确的估计数为1 160万至1 740万美元,其中包括2012-2013年启动的活动延展费、迁移小组支助费、差旅费和改革管理投资,以确保各部厅地方服务器机房顺利迁移,确保向企业和地方数据中心平台顺利过渡。不过,如获得更多详细资料,日后的进度报告会提出新的预测,并按照既定预算程序处理所需资源问题。", "E. 风险管理", "减轻风险办法", "140. 特别鉴于本报告提出的4项信通技术倡议十分重要,范围很广,风险评估和管理是确保考虑采取适当查明风险、分析风险和减轻风险行动的重要步骤。秘书处已作出很大努力,确保与这些倡议有关的风险得到适当考虑。", "141. 每项倡议都通过信通技术治理框架得到全面审查,符合最佳做法业务范例及减轻风险办法,从而确保从成本效益、项目交付和对本组织的影响力角度查明、评定和评价风险。", "142. 根据对这些倡议的审查结果,查明与机会成本和执行挑战有关的风险如下。", "机会成本", "143. 如果这些倡议得不到执行,或只进行少量的投资,那么信通技术的费用就会继续增加,有可能超出信通技术工作人员的能力而无法在整个秘书处提供基本服务,也无法在知识管理等高需求领域提供重要的解决办法。管理做法和技术各自为政的情况会继续存在,从而给本组织切实执行授权任务和开展实务活动带来困难。", "144. 如以企业系统取代地方系统,就有可能节省更多的资金。不对系统和基础设施投资的结果是,部署地方应用程序和相关支持服务的费用势必继续增加。", "145. 目前,由于“另起炉灶”或未能获得最高质量的可用专业知识,本组织浪费了宝贵的时间和资源。因此,发明和(或)创新受到阻碍,而且由此产生的某些服务中断仍在削弱工作人员的实效和产出交付。", "执行挑战", "146. 如果没有高级管理层强有力的支持和承诺,本组织的信通技术能力和资源就仍将在许多封闭的单元中发挥作用,费用十分高昂。因此,高层管理人员的领导能力对于各项倡议的成功治理和执行至关重要。", "147. 本组织需要利用以往的经验,并将这些经验运用到类似情况中,从而能够持续不断地改进工作。为此将利用由信息和通信技术厅和信通技术治理机构共同确定的绩效框架,及时报告各项倡议的进展情况。随着各项倡议得到执行,它们将征求治理机构的反馈和指导,并根据其指导和资金需求作出有实质意义的调整。经验教训将记录在案,供日后使用。", "148. 如果改革管理和通信战略执行不当,各部厅等最终用户就不会顺利接受这些对运作模式作出的重大改变。拟将妥善开展各项改革管理工作,包括交流活动、准备情况评价、利益攸关方管理以及职能、流程和工具方面的培训,这对各项倡议取得成功至关重要。", "149. 负责履行倡议相关职能的工作人员都要接受适当培训,以便提供与业务功能和信通技术功能有关的服务。此外,如果没有为确保达到预期效用而对新的职能进行全面测试,用户就不会全面采用新的职能。与执行各项倡议有关的所有计划都要求开展充分的用户接受情况测试,并对地方工作人员进行交叉培训。", "三. 所需资源汇总和有待大会采取的行动", "A. 所需资源汇总", "150. 如下表9所示,2012-2013两年期估计用于执行这4项企业信通技术倡议的所需资源共计42 822 500美元(按现行费率计算)。", "表9 按倡议分列的所需资源净额汇总表", "(千美元)", "倡议 2012-2013^(a)", "改进企业信通技术管理 8 353.9", "通过信通技术利用知识 11 488.8", "更好地提供信通技术服务 13 151.9", "建立弹性信通技术基础设施 9 827.9", "共计 42 822.5", "^(a) 2014-2015年初步估计数包括以下内容:为“改进企业信通技术管理”倡议增批的100万至200万美元(不包括700万美元的持续员额费用和相关共同支助费用);用于“通过信通技术利用知识”倡议的800万至1 200万美元估计数;用于“更好地提供信通技术服务”倡议的1 490万至2 230万美元估计数以及用于“建立弹性信通技术基础设施”倡议的1 160万至1 740万美元估计数。", "151. 表9和表10所示全部所需资源拟由经常预算、维持和平行动支助账户和预算外资源按以下百分比供资:经常预算15%;维持和平行动支助账户62%;方案支助费用特别账户23%(技术合作和普通信托基金相关支出带来的间接收入和本组织偿还联合国开发计划署和联合国儿童基金会等预算外实体的行政支助费计入贷项)(见A/65/491,第243段)。每个供资来源(经常预算、维持和平支助账户和预算外)均按所需资源总额的规定份额计算出资数额。", "表10 按资金来源分列的所需资源净额汇总表(全部项目费用按现行费率计算)", "(千美元)", "倡议\t经常预算\t维持和平支助账户\t预算外\t共计 \n改进企业信通技术管理\t1253.1\t5 179.4\t1 921.4\t8353.9\n通过信通技术利用知识\t1723.3\t7 123.1\t2 642.4\t11488.8\n更好地提供信通技术服务\t1972.8\t8 154.2\t3 024.9\t13151.9\n建立弹性信通技术基础设施\t1474.2\t6 093.3\t2 260.4\t9827.9\n共计\t6423.4\t26 550.0\t9 849.1\t42822.5", "表11 按资金来源分列的所需资源汇总表", "(千美元)", "资金来源 2012-2013", "经常预算 6 423.4", "维持和平支助账户 26 550.0", "预算外 9 849.1", "共计 42 822.5", "表12 执行信通技术结构审查项目所需资源总额", "(千美元)", "支出说明 2012-2013", "员额 2 883.6", "其他工作人员费用 1 857.8", "工作人员差旅 511.0", "订约承办事务 26 028.2", "一般业务费用 4 476.6", "用品和材料 1 166.1", "家具和设备 5 899.2", "共计 42 822.5", "B. 有待大会采取的行动", "152. 本报告所述信通技术改革倡议将大大提高本组织的效益和效率,并继续根据会员国的期望实施转型,逐步对信通技术采取向全组织协调一致做法。通过依赖企业解决办法和优化利用信通技术资源,秘书处将在完成任务和实现方案目标方面获得巨大惠益。如果维持现状,这项改善就无法实现。", "153. 请大会:", "(a) 核可4项倡议(“改进企业信通技术管理”、“通过信通技术利用知识”、“更好地提供信通技术服务”和“建立弹性信通技术基础设施”);", "(b) 注意到,如核准为2012-2013两年期设立14个员额,滞后影响费用估计为2 325 600美元;", "(c) 还注意到,2012-2013两年期拟议所需资源总额估计数42 822 500美元将按以下办法分配:", "㈠ 经常预算:2012-2013两年期拟议方案预算第30编(信息和通信技术厅)编列5 639 100美元,第29D编(中央支助事务厅)编列784 300美元;", "㈡ 维持和平行动支助账户:", "a. 维持和平行动支助账户追加批款6 637 500美元,作为2011年7月1日至2012年6月30日期间的经费,以满足本报告所述2012-2013两年期所有4项倡议的资金需求;", "b. 考虑在以后的2012年7月1日至2013年6月30日财政期间维持和平行动支助账户所需资源中列入所需资源未来余款估计数13 275 000美元;", "c. 在以后的2013年7月1日至2014年6月30日财政期间维持和平行动支助账户所需资源中加入所需资源未来余款估计数6 637 500美元;", "㈢ 预算外资源:2012-2013两年期所有项目费用总额9 849 100美元估计数由预算外资源供资:", "(j) 核准以下追加批款:", "㈠ 2012-2013两年期拟议方案预算6 423 400美元:第30编(信息和通信技术厅)(5 639 100美元),第29D编(中央支助事务厅)(784 300美元);", "㈡ 2011年7月1日至2012年6月30日期间维持和平行动支助账户6 637 500美元。", "附件一", "信息和通信技术厅的任务和资源水平", "核定信通技术战略中规定的任务(A/62/793)\t新订/现有任务\t提供的资源 \n制定秘书处信通技术战略和协调战略的执行工作(第35(a)段)\t新订\t有限\n审查根据秘书处所有信通技术倡议和业务所获一切资金来源编制的预算(第35(b)段)\t新订\t有限\n酌情利用问责制框架,根据既定宗旨、目标和预算指标监督、衡量和评价各信通技术单位的业绩(第35(c)段)\t新订\t有限\n 确定本组织的技术方向和架构(第35(d)段) 新订 有限 \n规划和开发整个组织所有信通技术,包括企业资源规划系统和其他重要系统(第35(e)段)\t现有\t有限(“团结”项目除外)\n规划和制定涵盖本组织通信网络和数据中心的整体基础设施构架(第35(f)段)\t现有\t有限\n利用本组织在全球各地的机构和信通技术基础设施,开发和实施全秘书处使用的应用程序和基础设施,以便获得最大利益和成本效益(第35(g)段)\t现有\t有限\n与其他信通技术单位协作,开展信通技术的研发活动(第35(h)段)\t新订\t有限\n监督本组织信通技术风险的评估和管理工作(第35(i)段)\t新订\t有限\n制定和维持本组织的信息安全政策,并监测各业务部门对政策的遵守情况(第35(j)段)\t现有\t有限\n管理本组织灾后恢复和业务连续性计划的实施情况(第35(k)段)\t现有\t有限\n协调信通技术人力资源管理方案和活动,包括全球秘书处所有信通技术工作人员的发展和流动(第35(l)段)\t新订\t无\n向信通技术各单位提供业务协商和项目管理方法和服务(第35(m)段)\t新订\t有限\n监测、衡量和评价全球秘书处信通技术项目组合中所有项目和投资倡议的业绩和战略调整(第35(n)段)\t新订\t无\n制定信通技术供应商管理政策;审查和监测采购和合同续延活动(第35(o)段)\t新订\t无\n推动质量保障进程,确保各项政策、程序和标准都得到遵守(第35(p)段)\t新订\t有限\n 建立客户服务职能(第42段) 新订 有限 \n 履行信息和通信技术厅执行办公室职能 新订 有限", "附件二", "2012-2013两年期信通技术事务厅的拟议架构^(*)", "^(a) 新设员额。", "^(b) 调动员额。", "缩写:ASG,助理秘书长;RB,经常预算;JF,共同出资(经常预算、支助账户和预算外);GS,一般事务;OL,其他职等;PL,特等;XB,预算外;TC,工匠;SA,特别账户。", "^(*) 信息和通信技术厅的目前架构见A/64/6(Sect.29)。", "附件三", "应为实现效益创造的条件", "1. 应该指出,拟议倡议所列的全部数字均为估计数。效益是基于以下假设:效益在编写倡议后的几年中可能有所变化。此外,效益的计算是基于现有数据来源,而这些数据来源并非总是完整或完全可靠,其部分原因是秘书处现有的标准、手段和自动化程度还不足以提供全球信通技术方面的准确业务资料。本文所列的潜在效益不应被视为立即节省的资金,也不应在编制今后预算时予以考虑。新的流程和架构实施至少一年且实现稳定后,才能经过后续分析和效益核实考虑减少资金。下文数字显示企业信通技术倡议的项目阶段和效益。", "图 企业信通技术倡议的项目阶段和效益", "2. 本文介绍的实现效益情况基于若干重要条件,包括为执行拟议倡议提供全额资金、所有利益攸关方的持续参与和支持以及在秘书处范围内继续建立强有力的信通技术治理框架。", "3. 不能允许各部厅选择退出这些企业倡议。如果批准特例,拟议倡议阐述的效益就会大幅削弱,因为全球信通技术环境的规模经济效应将不复存在,各项标准会被削弱而复杂程度依然如故。", "4. 人力资源管理厅应与信息和通信技术厅协作,集中控制信通技术岗位分类权,以防止每个部厅建立单独的信通技术岗位分类体系。", "5. 应协同人力资源管理厅开展工作人员培训和指导方案,以促进工作人员有效调动以及向新的全球人员编制模式的转变。", "附件四", "量化效益分析", "一. 通过信通技术利用知识", "估计数(百万美元)\t\n\t最低幅度\t最高幅度 \n 信息共享 9.2 11.2 \n 增强各部门和各地点之间的信息共享^(a) 3.0 3.7 \n 改善工作人员绩效^(b) 4.2 5.1 \n 通过降低查找信息的时间提高生产力^(c) 1.6 1.9 \n 降低各个语文的出版周转时间^(d) .18 .22 \n 执行和强制实施内容创建和出版工作流程^(e) .12 .14 \n 虚拟会议 3.5 4.3 \n加强信息共享和虚拟会议,以节省旅行时间和缩短会议^(f)\t1.5\t1.8\n 加强信息共享和虚拟会议,从而降低出国旅行费用^(g) .94 1.1 \n 改善决策^(h) .88 1.0 \n 改善总部以外办事处和总部之间的通信^(i) .16 .19 \n 优化内容和技术 4.7 5.7 \n 减少分散遗留系统,避免造成费用^(j) .90 1.1 \n 降低通话中心的费用^(k) .18 .22 \n将联合国的世界各地的正式公开网站合并成单一网站^(l)\t.32\t.39\n 整合服务器和应用程序^(m) .18 .22 \n 降低对外部网络开发和管理人员的需求^(n) .64 .78 \n为所有网基服务建立高效、标准的环境。简化品牌、联网和可用性标准^(o)\t.08\t.09\n加快创建新网站,更新现有网站。加快整合内容管理以及开展信息存放合作^(p)\t.48\t.58", "降低对网站维护的劳动力需求。通过降低工作人员查找资料和工具的所需时间,提高生产力^(q)\t1.6\t1.9\n 减少印刷 1.4 1.8 \n通过减少印刷以及开展电子文件共享和合作,提高联合国的绿色程度^(r)\t.67\t.82\n 通过降低实际储存空间,避免造成费用^(s) .81 .99 \n 内容组织和使用 \n 加强各部和各地点之间的信息共享^(t) 4.0 4.9 \n 共计 23 28", "^(a) 8 000人每周节省10分钟,其中65%的时间得到有效利用。", "^(b) 改善工作人员绩效包括通过改善和加快决策、节省工作人员时间、更及时地应对外部事件、更好地管理组织记录、提高透明度和问责、加强信息安全、保护保密资料、更好地支助业务连续性、改善遗留资料的获取等因素,提高效益和效率。其假设是,系统中每一个“在用”文件有助于实现上述一种或多种效益。计算效益的公式以55 000份文件和一个P-3职等工作人员级的平均费用为假设。一份文件每年带来收益被假定为每年一小时。总效益的计算基于每份文件节省的每小时平均每位工作人员费用的文件数。", "^(c) 国际数据公司开展一项研究表明,“拥有1 000名知识工作者的企业每周浪费48 000美元(每年250万美元)”。据估计,每1 000个用户可节省10个P-3员额。", "^(d) 今天,尚不能以所有语文提供内容。新的平台通过提高翻译员的产量,大约每年节省一个人员的费用。", "^(e) 工作流程将进一步提高工作人员的产量。估计可以每年节省3/4人的费用。", "^(f) 4 000人每周节省10分钟,其中65%的时间可以得到有效利用。", "^(g) 按每次旅行花费7 000美元计算,每年可以减少10次旅行。", "^(h) 减少会议时间。计算估计时间所采用的假设是,如果不开会决定1 000个用户的行动,就会每星期节省30分钟。其中一半的时间可以得到有效利用(30分钟(节省的时间)×1 000(用户数)×52(星期)×63美元=)。", "^(I) 由于能够在位于不同时区的企业搜索信息,而且不需要知识工作者编制和提供资料,估计每年至少节省一个人员的时间。", "^(j)用于计算这一效益的公式假定,管理/支持遗留系统(包括储存)的年平均费用为50 000美元。根据预测,遗留系统将减少20个(每年总数=系统数x管理/支持遗留系统的年费用)。", "^(k) 较少的工作人员将能够做同样的工作。根据估计,对求助服务台工作人员的需求将减少2人。", "^(l) 保持公开网站更新将需要更少的时间和工作人员。节省的费用大约相当于每年节省2人。", "^(m) 将为新的基础设施提供妥善配置,应用程序将在新的、更高效的硬件上运行。综合架构将具有可扩展和可便携的特点。", "^(n) 一个核心开发和设计小组将在一种技术方面开展工作。估计每年节省4个开发人员的费用。", "^(o) 由于采用模板,可以更快、更便捷地满足网络格式化要求。估计每年节省约2.5个人员的费用。", "^(p) 费用节省反映在每年在规划、设计和开发新网站方面所需的人数。估计每年节省3个人员的费用。", "^(q) 费用节省体现在维护、改造和改善新平台中现有网站所需的人数上。每年估计节省2个人员的费用。通过利用内容管理系统来建立和更新网站,用户将能够更有效地创建和搜索相关信息。在整个秘书处的生产力方面,估计每年将因此节省至少8个人员所作的工作。", "^(r) 由于改善合作和电子共享信息,印刷需求将有所减少。", "^(s) 用来计算这一收益的公式假定,每平方英尺每年的平均费用为75美元。由于改善电子文件和记录管理,预测每年将减少10 000平方英尺的实际办公空间。每年的总数=减少的平方英尺数x每平方英尺的平均费用。", "^(t) 由于更好地组织信息,提高了效率和实效。7 000人每星期节省15分钟(每年46周),其中65%的时间得到有效利用。", "二. 更好地提供信通技术服务", "估计数(百万美元)^(u)\t\n\t最低幅度\t最高幅度 \n 自助服务^(v) 6.6 9.9 \n精简“服务申请”,实现信通技术产品和服务申请流程自动化\t1.3\t2.0\n“重新设定密码”将提供一个在线门户,以重新设定网络密码\t2.6\t4.0\n利用“知识库”收集关于共同问题的资料,并提供寻找解决办法的在线门户\t2.6\t4.0\n 信通技术资产管理^(w) 10.3 15.4 \n“自动发现”能够收集每个工作台用户的信通技术硬件和软件\t7.6\t11.4\n“绩效管理”将使用业务智能工具,捕捉业务和战略计量数据\t2.7\t4.0\n 服务台自动化^(x) 1.4 2.0 \n“发单和员工安排”可更有效地利用服务台员工以及输入和跟踪工作单\t0.7\t1.0\n“业务智能”将跟踪服务台和工作台的工单执行情况(即一次通话解决问题和解决问题的时间等)\t0.7\t1.0\n 工作台标准化^(y) 7.4 11.2 \n“基本配置”(操作系统、电子邮件、浏览器、杀毒软件等)将为所有工作才提供核心软件成像,以便能够更加迅速地部署各种系统,更简便地维护成像\t3.7\t5.6\n“基于政策的管理”将提供职能规则,以防止擅自使用软件或系统,这将减少工作台出现问题的数量\t3.7\t5.6\n 工作台自动化^(z) 7.5 11.3 \n“远程控制”将向工作台提供技术支持,以便更有效地使用技术资源\t5.0\t7.5\n“软件发放”将供标准化方法,向所有工作台发放软件更新\t2.5\t3.8\n 地方服务台迁移^(aa) 6.5 9.8 \n“知识捕捉”活动将利用知识库能力,捕捉共同的地方信通技术问题,以便区域信通技术服务台更容易地解决问题\t4.0\t6.0\n“减少地方服务台”让地方的信通技术资源有更大的能力来完成实质性任务,同时将共有的信通技术服务台职能转移到区域服务台\t2.5\t3.8\n 总计 39.7 59.6", "^(u) 这些估计数为全面实施倡议后实现的节省,并不反映全面实施之前每年的节省情况。", "^(v) 假设是,通过把通话量降低20-30%,信息和通信技术服务台的工作将取得更大效率。", "^(w) 假设是,由于获得许可证和降低损耗(库存损失),支助工作人员的效率将提高8%-12%,在设备方面将节省8%-12%的费用。", "^(x) 假设是,由于有效分配工作量,服务台工作人员的效率将提高4%-6%。", "^(y) 假设是,由于简化修理工作和降低通话量,服务交付将提高8%-12%。", "^(z) 假设是,自动化工具将使工作台工作人员的效率提高12%-18%。", "^(aa) 假设是,由于扩大知识库的规模和使用,本地和区域服务台的工作将减少12%-18%,本地服务台的设备将减少40%-60%。", "三. 建立弹性信通技术基础设施", "估计节省数额(百万美元)^(bb)\t\n建立具有复原能力的信通技术基础设施\t最低幅度\t最高幅度 \n 电子邮件档案^(cc) 1.3 2.0 \n“电子邮件档案的企业管理”将提供一个地点(企业数据中心),让支助人员管理所有电子邮件备份活动\t0.4\t0.6\n将通过取消对所有工作地点(特派团除外)的电子邮件备份要求,实现“设备合并”\t0.9\t1.4\n 优化储存^(dd) 1.3 2.0 \n企业应用程序储存的“企业管理”将促进数据的有效管理和优化。这还将确保在一个地点有效储存关键数据,加快恢复系统的速度\t0.2\t0.3\n将通过取消对所有工作地点(特派团除外)的企业应用程序储存要求,实现设备合并\t1.2\t1.7\n 企业数据中心的配置^(ee) 4.9 7.4 \n“企业数据中心服务器管理”将确保企业系统将拥有具有复原能力的架构,并利用比以往部署办法更少的支助人员提供支助\t2.8\t4.2\n将在一个地点负责管理具有世界水平的运作和复原能力的应用程序,实现“企业数据中心服务器合并和复原能力”,从而降低安装企业系统的费用\t1.1\t1.7\n“企业数据中心储存管理”将确保企业系统拥有优化储存架构,并利用比以往部署办法更少的支助人员提供支助\t0.6\t0.8\n将在一个地点统一采用具有关键数据全面复原能力的储存器,实现“企业数据中心储存合并和复原能力”,从而降低安装企业系统的费用\t0.5\t0.7\n 企业服务器和储存工具^(ff) 5.0 7.4 \n“各企业数据中心和地方数据中心的服务器监测和管理工具”将为所有企业和地方数据中心提供共同工具,以简化服务器运作,在所有工作地点促进设备统一\t2.6\t4.0\n“各企业数据中心和地方数据中心的服务器监测和管理工具”将为所有企业和地方数据中心提供整套共同工具,以简化服务器运作,为所有工作地点提供更长时间的保证\t1.0\t1.6\n“各企业数据中心和地方数据中心的服务器监测和管理工具”将为所有企业和地方数据中心提供整套共同工具,以简化服务器运作,在所有工作地点促进设备统一\t0.8\t1.2\n“各企业数据中心和地方数据中心的服务器监测和管理工具”将为所有企业和地方数据中心提供整套共同工具,以简化服务器运作,为所有工作地点提供更长时间的保证\t0.5\t0.7\n 地方服务器室的迁移^(gg) 5.3 8.0 \n“企业数据中心和地方数据中心的地方服务室的迁移”将合并现有的地方服务器室,以加强安保和复原能力,同时降低设备需求\t4.0\t6.0\n“企业数据中心和地方数据中心的地方服务室的迁移”将合并现有的地方服务器室,以降低地方的支助需求\t0.7\t1.0\n“企业数据中心和地方数据中心的地方服务室的迁移”将合并现有的地方服务器室,以加强安保和复原能力,同时降低设备需求\t0.5\t0.7\n“企业数据中心和地方数据中心的地方服务室的迁移”将合并现有的地方服务器室,以降低地方支助需求\t0.2\t0.3\n 总计 17.9 26.9", "^(bb) 这些估计数为全面实施倡议后实现的节省,并不反映全面实施之前每年的节省情况。", "^(cc) 假设是,电子邮件设备将减少8%-12%,相关劳动力将减少12%-18%,但特派团除外。", "^(dd) 假设是,与储存有关的设备将减少20%-30%,与储存有关的劳动力将减少4%-6%,但特派团除外。", "^(ee) 基础设施工作人员的效率增加18%-22%,从而节省8%-12%的设备,但特派团除外。", "^(ff) 所有基础设施工作人员的效率增加3%-5%,从而节省1.5%-2.5%的设备,但特派团除外。", "^(gg) 主要是大幅削减本地服务器室的设备(28%-42%)、本地储存设备(8%-12%)和本地基础设施劳动率(4%-6%)(不包括设施)。", "[1] ^(*) A/66/50。", "[2] 在本报告中,“信息”系指联合国实质性工作的各类产品(如文件、图像、网页、视频等);“知识”系指源自信息的想法或概念(如分析、评估、决定等);“内容”一般包括信息和知识。", "[3] “维基”提供合作工作空间,人们可直接增添内容。“部落格”允许个人定期提供评注或活动描述。“标记”允许个人给他们希望查阅的信息附件关键词,以便快速和轻松地进行检索。", "[4] “实践社区”是具有共同兴趣、技能和(或)职业的一组人。这组人可以因其成员都关心某一领域和方面而自然形成,也可为增进其有关领域内的知识专门组建。成员可以通过共享信息和经验的过程相互学习,并获得个人和职业发展机会。实践社区可存在于网上,如在讨论版和新闻群组中,也可存在于实际生活中,如工作场所的午餐厅、野外、工厂作业区或其他地方。", "[5] 信通技术管理协调组由秘书处各部厅信通技术单位负责人和高级工作人员组成。协调组作为一个论坛,就信通技术战略方案和全秘书处的其他活动提供指导和交流意见。协调组每四周举行一次电视会议,每年举行两次务虚会。" ]
[ "第六十六届会议", "暂定项目表* 项目135", "2012-2013两年期拟议方案预算", "页:1", "联合国秘书处的企业信息和通信技术举措", "秘书长的报告", "内容提要", "本报告根据大会第65/259号决议编写,为秘书长关于联合国秘书处信息和通信技术战略执行情况的报告(A/65/491)中概述的项目提出了订正提议。 此外,它回应了大会第64/243号决议第125和126段的要求,即秘书长在2012-2013两年期拟议方案预算中继续实施企业内容管理系统和客户关系管理系统。", "根据大会第63/262号、第63/269号和第64/243号决议,本报告载有关于制定统一的信息和通信技术灾后恢复计划和业务连续性办法的信息,同时利用企业数据中心。 特别是提供资料,说明将处理关键机构需要并改进秘书处信息和通信技术方案交付的效益和效率的全组织范围四项订正贯穿各领域的倡议。 这四项举措是:", "(a) 改进企业信通技术管理;", "(b) 通过信息和通信技术利用知识;", "(c) 加强提供信通技术服务;", "(d) 建立有复原力的信通技术基础设施。", "执行本报告所提出的建议将有助于克服信通技术能力和资源持续分散、业务费用高和难以提供有效解决办法使本组织能够完成任务等挑战。 一旦这些举措得到实施,秘书处所有利益攸关方(信通技术治理机构、信息和通信技术厅、各部厅、区域委员会、外地特派团和其他单位)将密切合作,以达到预定目标。 这些举措将共同为本组织提供总体的信通技术管理能力和高效而有复原力的基础设施,使本组织在知识管理和提供服务等领域执行战略方案并作出改进。", "目录", "页次\n一、导 言. 3 关于企业信息和通信技术的提议5\nA. 改进5个企业信息和通信技术\nB. 通过信息和通信传播20项知识\nC. 提供32个信息和通信技术服务\n创造42个具有复原力的信息和通信技术\n基础设施\n三. 所需资源简表53和有待大会采取的行动\nA. 资源概况 53\nB. 有待大会采取的行动 55\n大会\n信息和通信技术厅的任务和资源\n二. 2008-2009两年期信息和通信技术厅拟议59个结构\n三. 2012-2013年 需要具备的条件60\n四. 量化的61项效益\n分析", "一. 导言", "1. 联合国 大会第63/262号决议认识到信息和通信技术(信通技术)的战略重要性并认可了秘书处信通技术战略的总体办法。 大会同一项决议还决定设立信息和通信技术厅,作为一个独立的组织单位。 预期该厅将为制定和实施全组织信息和通信技术方案提供强有力的领导,这些方案将有效支持秘书处的任务及其全球业务。", "2. 联合国 秘书长在关于联合国秘书处信通技术战略执行情况的报告(A/65/491)中指出,自该战略得到核准以来,秘书处已取得重大进展(见A/62/793和Corr.1和A/62/793/Add.1)。 在同一份报告中,秘书长介绍了全组织对信息和通信技术能力进行审查的结果和建议,称为信息和通信技术结构审查,它表明秘书处的信息和通信技术环境支离破碎,不符合标准,导致丧失了效率和效力。 秘书长建议开展四个项目来解决这些问题。", "3个 大会第65/259号决议认可了行政和预算问题咨询委员会的报告(A/65/575),并请秘书长审查其报告A/65/491中的提议,并结合2012-2013两年期拟议方案预算向大会提交新的和(或)订正的提议。 大会还请秘书长在2012-2013两年期拟议方案预算中报告在设立二级企业数据中心方面取得的进展,包括酌情报告为实施该中心而拟议的财政资源。", " 4.四. 本报告回应了这些要求并回应了大会以往提出的要求,即在2012-2013两年期拟议方案预算中就企业内容管理和客户关系管理提出详细和有充分理由的提议(见第64/243号决议)。 它还回应了大会的要求,即联合国使用企业数据中心而不是当地数据中心,并提交一份统一的灾后恢复和业务连续性计划,包括总部的永久解决方案(见第63/262、63/269和64/243号决议)。", "5 (韩语). 在本报告中,秘书长提出了一套四套综合性、全组织范围的高影响力企业信通技术举措,旨在缓解当前信通技术环境中的问题并更好地满足各部厅的需要。 这些举措是:“改进企业信通技术管理”、“通过信通技术获取知识”、“加强信通技术服务的提供”和“建立具有复原力的信通技术基础设施”。 图一显示大会以往各项决议与拟议举措之间的联系,预计这些举措将在质量和数量上给本组织带来重大效益,并增强信通技术作为联合国任务和实质性方案的战略推动者的作用。", "图一", "[ ]大会决议与企业信通技术举措之间的联系", "6. 国家 执行本报告所提出的建议将为本组织提供总体的信通技术管理能力和基础设施,使其能够以更精简和高效的方式实施今后所需的战略方案和改进,包括知识管理和服务提供举措。 不执行这些举措的风险包括:信通技术环境继续分散;业务费用增加;难以提供有效办法来完成联合国的任务并更好地支持各部厅的需要。", "7. 联合国 秘书处响应大会的要求并承认全球经济气候和目前控制费用的努力具有挑战性,因此审查和订正了前几份报告中提出的提议并实现了提出一套综合提议的目标,这些提议将产生类似的影响,费用将大大减少。 这是通过利用整个组织的现有努力和技术工具来实现的。 本报告提议的所有举措都是通过信通技术治理机制与各部厅协商和协作制定的,将通过信息和通信技术厅和其他组织单位的共同努力加以部署。", "二. 关于企业信息和通信技术举措的建议", "A类. 改进企业信息和通信技术管理", "背景情况", "8. 国家 确定整个秘书处如何开展信通技术活动的总体组织框架,对于实现一个强大的信通技术以建立一个更好的联合国的愿景至关重要(见A/62/793和Corr.1)。 有效的组织结构和管理进程是内部利益攸关方之间正式期望、互动和交流的蓝图。", "9. 国家 随着联合国的任务在过去几十年中的演变,秘书处的结构和治理机制也发生了变化。 随着现代技术的出现,信息和通信技术已成为本组织几乎所有方案活动的核心和基本组成部分。", "10个 随着时间的推移,支离破碎、非标准化的信通技术能力和资源已深入本组织的工作文化。 整个秘书处经常重复信息和通信技术工作。 现有的信通技术业务做法、相关的效率低下以及信通技术能力缺乏透明度,反映了一种分散的组织模式,这种模式在没有强有力的中央领导的情况下有机地演变而来。", "11个 秘书长在关于着力改革信通技术的报告(A/62/793)中提出,应集中信通技术结构,并过渡到一个联合模式,由一个中央信通技术股负责各部厅独立信通技术单位的总体战略、政策和协调。 秘书长的报告(A/65/491)介绍了信通技术的现状以及信通技术结构审查所揭示的信通技术能力和资源分散的问题。", "12个 秘书处正在朝着信息和通信技术管理的联合模式迈进,从地方管理程序和组织结构转向一种考虑到组织和地方各级需要的精简办法。 虽然这一领域取得了一些进展,但为了实现有效的信通技术组织模式,必须同时精简地方管理结构,加强企业信通技术职能。", "13个 本报告提出的倡议结合了前两个相互关联的提议,即“信通技术组织合理化”项目(结构审查项目3)和“加强信息和通信技术厅”项目(结构审查项目4),并为改善信通技术组织和改善对秘书处方案的支助奠定了基础。 同时,这两项倡议将使当地信息和通信技术管理结构合理化,将秘书处信息和通信技术环境现有的分散化减少到最低程度,并设立一套交叉的信息和通信技术职能,防止今后出现分散化,最终使信息和通信技术方案的利益得以充分实现。", "目标", "14个 “改进企业信息和通信技术管理”倡议的目标是精简组织内部和地方一级的信息和通信技术职能和结构,以更好地支持联合国方案。 将通过下列方式实现这一目标:", "(a) 使信通技术解决方案与实务实体的需求相协调;", "(b) 建立绩效管理框架,衡量信通技术单位和资源;", "(c) 通过信通技术组合管理职能,加强基础设施能力并增强企业应用程序开发领域的能力,减少应用程序和基础设施的分散;", "(d) 制定企业架构框架,使信通技术解决方案与业务需要相协调;", "(e) 加强制订企业信通技术政策和战略的能力;", "(f) 加强秘书处的安保管理职能;", "(g) 与人力资源管理厅合作,使信息和通信技术的职能、工作和职业道路现代化并统一;", "(h) 制定关于在何处开展信通技术活动的政策,为信通技术活动确定一个框架;", "(一) 建立和维持信通技术能力的中央储存库;", "(j) 建立透明度并优化信通技术资源分配。", "15个 到2012-2013两年期末,将确定信通技术职能和工作的标准以及采购规则,并在整个组织内开辟新的信通技术职业道路。 将与各部厅密切协商,审查秘书处所有信通技术单位,并向大会提出关于信通技术单位组织变化的建议。", "16号. 将建立一个衡量信通技术单位和资源业绩的管理框架,并在整个秘书处运作,同时建立一个信通技术人员中央储存库。 这将使秘书处能够准确向会员国报告其全部信通技术资源的使用情况。 此外,整个秘书处将实施企业架构框架,使本组织能够根据机构需要预测和规划其技术。 秘书长的报告(A/65/491)中提及的应用程序组合显示,存在近2 000个应用程序,通过持续协调贯穿各领域的信通技术职能,将减少这些应用程序。 将通过 \" 团结 \" 项目进一步减少应用程序数量。", "17岁。 到2015年底,经会员国核准的关于信通技术组织改革的所有提议将在整个秘书处得到实施。", "方框1 示例: “改进企业信通技术管理”\n目前的问题\n秘书处有173个不同的信通技术职务说明,远远超出其需要。 大量信通技术职务说明使征聘、职业规划、培训和调动复杂化,并妨碍信通技术人员在不同信通技术职能之间有效分配。 此外,现有职务说明没有反映过去几十年信通技术行业的转变。 目前还没有许多关键信通技术职位的职务说明。 例如,虽然秘书处以项目形式开展越来越多的信通技术活动,但信通技术项目管理员目前没有职务说明,这对于确保按时和在预算范围内交付项目至关重要。\n预期改进\n信息和通信技术全球人员配置模式将精简和巩固信息和通信技术工作情况,并创造与秘书处的工作环境和当今技术环境相适应的信息和通信技术职业道路。 它将促进工作人员流动,使信通技术专业人员能够通过帮助他们查明差距并进行更广泛的标准化、最新工作类别和能力方面的培训来推进他们的职业生涯。 一旦全球人员配置模式得到实施,便有可能在整个秘书处识别和利用具有某些信通技术技能和能力的工作人员的专门知识。 此外,为建立现有信通技术人员分配程序的透明度而作的各种努力将使工作人员能够有效地在各信通技术职能领域进行分配。", "18岁。 组织影响。 下文概述了信通技术组织合理化和加强企业信通技术管理职能的益处。", "定性福利", " 19. 19. “改进企业信通技术管理”举措将为本组织提供以下质量效益:", "(a) 提高信通技术能力和资源以及信通技术服务费用的透明度。 将开发一个全球信通技术人力资源数据库,提供信通技术人员分布数据,并建立一个基线,用以适当调整信通技术服务的规划、预算编制、预测和报告程序。 对全秘书处的信通技术人员进行全面审查,对于从战略上向优先项目分配资源和有效利用工作人员至关重要。 此外,该倡议力求建立信息和通信技术职能,确保整个秘书处信息和通信技术活动的透明度以及全球信息和通信技术人力资源能力,并界定和跟踪衡量信息和通信技术单位业绩的尺度(如信息和通信技术组合和业绩管理);", "(b) 指派联合国信通技术工作人员发挥增值作用。 作为这一举措的一部分而制订的信通技术采购战略将确定信通技术资源在整个组织的最佳分布。 它将合理安排履行信通技术职能所需的工作人员人数和技能范围,以便能够预测信通技术的人员配置需要,并最终确保工作人员的能力符合工作要求和业务需要;", "(c) 改进工作人员的调动、士气、灵活性、问责制和人才管理。 中央控制、标准化的信通技术人员配置模式和相关信通技术职业道路模式将包含最先进职能的标准化信通技术职称和职务说明,使本组织能够在全球开展信通技术活动之间采取一致的信通技术战略并保持一致,支持工作人员获得实现职业目标所需的能力、技能和认证。 信通技术人员配置模式的实施将提高专业水平,并确保获得履行信通技术职能所需的适当认证;", "(d) 以更低的成本提高本组织信通技术服务的质量。 在信息和通信技术厅设立若干交叉的信通技术领域,包括变革管理、组合管理、企业架构和业绩管理,将改善秘书处70个信通技术单位之间的信通技术活动协调,加强对已颁布的信通技术政策和标准的遵守,并确保现有信通技术服务与本组织的需要更加一致,所有这些都将大大降低本组织的成本。", "量化效益", "20号. 预计在2011至2013年期间,关于将信通技术单位合并到部门一级以及优化整个秘书处信通技术活动分配的提议将导致信通技术总体人员配置需求减少。 由于组织结构效率提高,消除了冗余的信息和通信技术活动并增强了对现有活动的控制,信息和通信技术员额将腾出来进行调动。 在完成对信息和通信技术单位的审查之前,将无法提供关于可实现的节余规模的确切数据。 以下各段概述了将采用的调动战略。", "21岁 应当指出,本文件所载倡议可能产生的所有裁减工作人员的建议,将同各部厅密切协商后编写,并提交大会审议,作为正常部门预算提交过程的一部分。 将同人力资源管理厅密切合作执行已核准的提议。", "22号. 预计信通技术管理结构和信通技术活动在整个秘书处分布的变化将腾出以下员额:", "(a) 中下级管理职能的P-3、P-4和P-5职等员额;", "(b) 为分散的信息和通信技术单位提供行政支助的专业和一般事务职类员额;", "(c) 专业和一般事务职类员额,用于应用程序开发和维护重复的信通技术解决方案;", "(d) 将外包的信息和通信技术职能,包括与基础设施有关的职能的专业和一般事务职类员额。", "23. 联合国 上述员额可以重新部署,以履行下列其他职能:", "(a) 信通技术和非信通技术知识管理领域的各种职能;", "(b) 在本组织没有能力支助人道主义事务和发展等实质性方案的领域履行管理职能;", "(c) 在企业结构、组合管理/能力规划、战略规划和业绩管理等各领域的交叉信通技术职能;", "(d) 信息和通信技术在业务关系管理、项目管理和业务分析领域的职能;", "(e) 同一部门的行政职能。", "24 (韩语). 秘书长在关于人力资源管理改革的报告中预测,2011至2015年期间,每年1.9%的秘书处工作人员将退休(见A/65/305,表3),这意味着在此期间共有280名工作人员退休(每年56名工作人员)。 这些员额因自然减员而腾出,可以按照前几段概述的模式,调到不同的信通技术或非信通技术职能。", "25岁 在预算各款内或各款之间调动员额的工作人员将通过这一举措获得专业培训,经费将视担任该员额的工作人员的能力和专业愿望、本组织的需要和会员国的决定而定。 据估计,从2013年至2015年,每年需要500 000至100 000 000美元用于与改革管理有关的活动。", "26. 联合国 如果占用须按地域调动员额的工作人员必须搬迁,预计这种搬迁只能是自愿的。 如果没有其他解决办法,预计有关员额可在工作人员调到另一个员额或离开本组织后,指定重新部署。", "27个 由于其他战略倡议,如“加强提供信通技术服务”和“创造具有复原力的信通技术基础设施”倡议而腾出的员额,可采用类似战略加以重新部署。", "实施计划", "方针", "28岁 为了确定信通技术组织可以合理化的领域,将对秘书处所有信通技术单位进行审查,作为这一举措的一部分。 对接受审查的每个信通技术单位,将分析合并和(或)消除各信通技术单位重复活动的备选方案,同时考虑到信通技术来源战略。 将同各部厅密切协商提出摘要建议,并提交会员国审议,作为既定预算程序的一部分。", "29. 国家 同时,必须建立一些贯穿各领域的企业信通技术职能,以减少信通技术环境的分化。 在2012-2013两年期,为这些职能、企业应用开发和基础设施整合提供足够资源至关重要,以维持联合组织结构的实施,并确保企业信通技术举措的惠益能够充分发挥。", "30 (英语). 信息和通信技术厅是2009年1月在现有预算和工作人员水平范围内设立的,为此调动了管理事务部信息技术事务司和外勤支助部信息和通信技术司的核定资源。 目前,该厅的资源水平反映了该厅的前身信息技术事务司的任务,该司主要负责向联合国总部提供核心通信、服务器能力和应用程序,以及向秘书处其他实体提供广域网支助以及有限的应用程序和政策支助。 虽然近年来信息和通信技术的工作量大幅增加,反映出对此类服务的需求每年增加约25%,但员额或其他资源的数目却没有相应增加。 此外,该办公室的任务比其前身的任务广泛得多,这意味着该办公室需要不同水平的资源、不同职等的工作人员和专门知识来完成新的任务。 特别是,信通技术决策、架构和标准制定以及安保和全球组合管理等交叉职能的供资存在重大资源缺口。 页:1 我在本报告内载有关于该办公室的任务和可动用资源数额的资料。", "31岁 该厅的组织审查始于2010年,是结构审查的一部分,于2011年完成,是“信通技术组织合理化”项目的一部分,目的是解决关键领域缺乏能力的问题。 因此,它确定了可在该厅内部调动的若干职位,以履行贯穿各领域的信通技术职能。 提议在该办公室内调动下列员额:", "(a) 1个P-5员额从应用程序维护(综合管理信息系统(综管系统))调至改革管理;", "(b) 国家 1个P-3员额从账户管理调至改革管理;", "(c) 1个P-5员额,从应用程序开发到信通技术战略规划和政策制定;", "(d) 1个一般事务(特等)员额从应用程序维护到信通技术组合管理;", "(e) 2个一般事务员额从基础设施管理支助调至内部管理职能;", "(f) 一个P-2员额从应用程序开发到内部管理职能。", "32. 国家 这些提议是第一步,是整个组织信息和通信技术单位根据上述战略可以作出的全系统调整的一个例子。 重新部署办公室额外资源将给网络、电话和电子邮件支助服务等核心服务造成压力,这不是一个审慎的选择。", "33. (中文(简体) ). 结构审查的结果还表明,需要为交叉信通技术职能和企业应用开发提供充足的资源,以便在整个秘书处执行高效而有效的信通技术战略和业务,使该厅能够为秘书处提供充分支持。 这些职能将确保能够充分发挥企业信通技术举措的效益。 他们还将确保本组织不会回到目前零散和昂贵的信通技术业务水平。", "34. 国家 页:1 我在本报告内总结了该办公室所履行的18个不同职能。 使秘书处能够在执行其信息和通信技术战略并减轻安全风险方面取得进展的最关键交叉职能中,有7项目前没有适当的人员配置。 迫切需要加强中央信通技术股的以下领域:", "(a) 企业结构和标准;", "(b) 安全和风险管理;", "(c) 战略规划和政策制定;", "(d) 信通技术组合管理,包括信通技术财务管理;", "(e) 信通技术业绩管理;", "(f) 业务关系管理;", "(g) 技术研究。", "35. 联合国 因此,拟增设14个员额(2个D-2、2个P-5、10个P-4),以重点履行下列贯穿各领域的职能:", "(a) 全球战略管理(1个D-2)。 秘书处及其信通技术环境的复杂性要求在首席信息技术干事办公室设立一个高级别的全球战略管理职能。 该职位的主任必须具备推动整个秘书处实施信通技术战略的经验、知识和权威。 通过向高级别利益攸关方和信通技术治理机构提供权威领导,任职者将确保秘书处在信通技术服务需求方面的利益趋同。 主任将同信通厅密切协商,负责使70个信通技术单位的全组织信通技术活动和业务协调一致,包括基础设施和架构、应用程序开发、业务流程再造、网络、外包和信通技术业务及支助。 他(她)将与内部和外部利益攸关方互动,以确保有效执行信通技术战略和用户持续满意,并负责确定全组织信通技术的长期需要,并制订系统开发和硬件购置及整合的总体战略。 主任将担任信息和通信技术厅执行领导小组成员,因此将影响本组织关于使用技术的战略决定;", "(b) 基础设施管理(1个D-2)。 随着企业数据中心的建立,秘书处正进入其信通技术基础设施变得全球性的阶段。 目前正在努力精简和巩固各工作地点的全球基础设施业务。 在这种情况下,拟议设立一个D-2职等高级职位,以指导和协调企业基础设施和其他业务的发展,包括全球信通技术灾后恢复,并领导全组织的基础设施协调工作。 司长还负责确保增加全球信息和通信技术基础设施的可用性和可靠性。 最终,任职者将促进整个联合国系统实现基础设施效率,并增强本组织对不断变化的环境的反应能力;", "(c) 信息和通信技术安全管理(1个P-5)。 目前,本组织面临各种信通技术安全风险和网络攻击,无法确定和满足整个组织的数据安全需要。 因此,建议设立一个P-5职等的信息和通信技术安全管理职能,以确保更有效地协调整个秘书处所有安保职能的活动,并确保有助于规划、建立和实施信息和通信技术安全管理的活动符合本组织的战略目标。 此外,任职者将负责确保与信通技术安全有关的信息在受影响的利益攸关方之间得到协调和沟通,以尽量减少本组织遭受信通技术安全风险和网络攻击的风险;", "(d) 外地办事处的企业应用程序开发(1个P-5)。 为了加强本组织向外地提供企业应用程序的能力,拟设立1个P-5职等员额,领导信息和通信技术厅的外地系统处。 自2009年2月1日以来,该厅一直没有P-5职等的处长员额。 通过设立这一员额,该办公室将加强协调和管理能力,以制定和利用可广泛实施的共同解决办法,满足外地工作人员的需要。 拟议员额对日常业务也绝对至关重要,包括评估外地特派团自动化需要、方案和预算规划、项目和工作人员管理、业绩监测以及外地应用程序组合的管理和优化。 设立该厅外地系统处处长的P-5员额,将确保按照秘书处的信通技术战略,同信息和通信技术司合作,有效地实施外地应用项目;", "(e) 战略规划和政策制定(1个P-4)。 为了确保在秘书处70个信通技术单位统一地方和企业信通技术战略并一致地执行信通技术战略,拟议设立一个P-4职等员额来规划、制定和更新信通技术战略。 任职者将负责监测和报告信通技术各单位执行信通技术战略的情况;", "(f) 企业架构(1个P-4)。 信通技术能力和资源分散和不标准化,导致应用程序和基础设施组件分散、工作重复和本组织连带费用增加。 目前,本组织的信通技术基础设施能力无法跟上不断变化的业务需要,也无法达到日益增多的技术标准。 因此,提议设立一个P-4职等员额,以提供全面指导和指导,并界定有效支持秘书处总体愿景,包括其信通技术愿景的企业结构。 任职者将负责分析、设计和提供适合实务和技术领域战略的信通技术解决方案;", "(g) 技术研究(1个P-4)。 由于缺乏专门的技术研究职能,本组织无法利用新技术并缓慢采用各部厅要求的技术;这反过来意味着可能错失提高工作人员生产力和组织效力的机会。 因此,拟议设立一个P-4职等员额,以跟踪新出现的技术,并就这些技术在秘书处的利用提供指导和战略咨询意见。 任职者将负责协调与信通技术单位合作开展的全组织技术研究活动,并依照新技术和新兴技术协助确定本组织的结构和技术需要;", "(h) 信通技术业绩管理(1个P-4)。 正如结构审查的结果所表明(见A/65/491),本组织没有最佳利用其信通技术资源(每年有4 000多名人员和7多亿美元)。 目前无法根据已实现和计划的产出调整信通技术单位的资源水平,因为没有信通技术单位业绩标准和已建立的综合报告机制。 此外,由于缺乏业绩计量标准,秘书处无法分析从各种企业举措得到的好处并向会员国提出重新部署的备选方案。 因此,提议设立1个P-4职等员额,为信通技术单位收集全组织业绩指标并建立适当的内部和外部报告机制;", "(一) 信通技术组合管理(1个P-4)。 结构审查的结论还表明,信通技术资金的使用方式缺乏透明度。 除非建立适当的程序和系统,否则结构审查所吸收的信通技术能力清单无法长期维持。 因此,提议设立1个P-4职等员额,以确保支出的透明度,使各部门的信通技术投资提案具有优先地位,并确保在进行充分预算和项目审查后作出知情的信通技术投资决定;", "(j) 业务关系管理(2个P-4)。 业务关系管理领域缺乏能力,造成业务需要与信通技术解决方案之间的不一致,对紧迫的实质性需要缺乏反应,无法通过谈判将各种实务领域的类似应用程序合并起来来减少应用程序组合。 因此,拟设立2个P-4职等员额,以确保与整个本组织的客户建立、管理和维持战略关系。 任职者将确保信通技术解决方案符合本组织的需要;", "(k) 通信(1个P-4)。 信息和通信技术战略的实施给本组织带来了巨大的变化。 一个组织内部对变革的承诺和接受程度与其沟通的质量之间有着直接的关系。 通过执行良好的通信,信息和通信技术厅将能够显示信通技术战略在整个组织的影响和价值,并确保接受和采用与执行该战略有关的信通技术解决方案。 因此,拟议设立一个P-4职等员额,以利变革管理职能。 任职者将牵头规划、发展和实施与信通技术举措和信通技术战略有关的大型和复杂的通信运动。 任职者还负责管理秘书处的信通技术通信战略并协调其实施,促进战略方案和举措,就一系列通信问题、方法和办法向信通技术方案主管和其他信通技术工作人员提供建议和专门知识;", "(l) 人力资源和财务管理(2个P-4)。 2009年设立信息和通信技术厅时,没有为人力资源和财务管理职能提供额外资源。 该办公室临时从业务领域借调职位,以履行这些重要职能。 因此,拟议设立2个P-4职等职位,以确保协调人力资源管理方案和活动,并协调编制维持和平行动支助账户预算、方案预算、战略框架和该厅执行情况报告。", "36. (中文(简体) ). 本报告附件二载有该厅2012-2013两年期拟议组织结构图。", "迄今取得的进展", "37. 联合国 大会第65/259号决议第十七节第14段授权秘书长着手执行项目3(“信息和通信技术组织合理化”),并决定由2010-2011两年期核定资源提供150万美元。 在同一决议第十七节第16段中,大会决定为2011年核准相当于7个P-4职等一般临时人员职位的资源,其中5个由现有资源提供;追加了相当于2个P-4职等职位的资源。 继续对所需资源进行监测,以确定大会2010年12月核准的“信通技术组织合理化”项目所需的150万美元和5个交叉信通技术职能职位。", "38. 国家 迄今为止,已完成了下列活动:", "(a) 在信通技术执行委员会、信通技术咨询小组和信通技术管理协调小组等信通技术治理机构的参与下,信通技术职能和工作的定义以及信通技术采购规则得到完善;", "(b) 国家 已经设计了部门审查信息和通信技术单位的标准和程序,并正在收集和合并关于若干部门的初步数据;", "(c)) 信息和通信技术厅的组织审查已经完成,关于结构合理化和加强交叉职能的建议已纳入本报告;", "(d) 通过同全秘书处信通技术单位主管讨论,已开始就信通技术职务说明和职业道路达成全秘书处一致;", "(e) 目前正在征聘两个P-4职等的一般临时助理人员员额,这些员额迄今已得到供资,将分配给战略规划和政策制定职能领域。", "图二 “改进企业信通技术管理”倡议时间表", "39. 联合国 如已指出的,将同各部厅密切协商,拟订关于信通技术股结构和员额调动的组织变动的建议,并将其作为适当预算报告的一部分提交大会。", " 40. 40. 关于维和特派团组织结构变化的建议将视需要作为2013-2014年和2014-2015年维持和平预算报告的一部分提交大会。", "41. 国家 将视需要向大会提出关于改变各部厅和区域委员会组织结构的建议,作为2014-2015年拟议方案预算的一部分。", "42. 国家 同时,将努力在2012-2013两年期建立最重要的交叉信通技术职能。", "43. 东帝汶 一旦组织审查完成,将向大会建议或请求将任何调动到贯穿各领域的职能,作为2014-2015两年期既定预算进程的一部分。", "44. 国家 为实现该倡议的目标,将开展下列主要活动(见上文图二):", "(a) 实施信通技术人员配置模式。 活动包括与人力资源管理厅密切协商,实施信通技术全球人员配置模式、标准化职称和职务说明;", "(b) 审查信息和通信技术组织。 将对秘书处所有信通技术单位进行审查。 一旦与每个组织单位达成协议,将就信通技术单位的结构变化、其在各部厅内的报告地位以及信通技术服务提供者之间的明确分工提出建议;这些建议将提交大会。 这些建议将按照经常预算和维持和平预算周期提出,使大会能够将这些建议作为正常预算程序的一部分加以审议。 建议将因单位而异,取决于单位目前开展的活动是否被视为受信通技术标准、政策和职务说明制约的信通技术活动,以及这些活动是否应根据商定的采购规则进行,同时考虑到需要平衡业务单位的反应能力、信通技术效率和组织风险。 同时,将根据大会第59/289和55/232号决议外包日常职能,并逐步调动工作人员履行更高价值的职能;", "(c) 改变维持和平特派团。 根据维持和平预算周期,维持和平特派团的变动将分两波进行。 2011年7月至2012年年中,将对“一波”特派团和外勤支助部进行组织审查。 将在2013年上半年向大会第六十六届会议续会提交组织改革建议。 在大会作出决定后,预计将于2013年6月开始实施“一波”组织变革和相关员额调动。 据估计,在维持和平和支助账户周期的“一波”期间将审查600至700名信息和通信技术人员,包括承包商。 2012年7月至2013年7月将对“第二波”特派团进行组织审查。 2014年上半年,将向大会第六十七届会议续会提交组织改革提案。 估计约有2 199名信息和通信技术人员,包括工作人员和承包商,将在“第二波”期间接受审查。 2014年7月开始在整个秘书处实施组织变革和相关员额调动,并可能持续到2015年底;", "(d) 实施各部厅、区域委员会和总部以外办事处的改革。 这些变动将按照经常预算周期进行。 2011年1月至2012年6月期间将对所有部厅和区域委员会进行审查。 据估计,在经常预算周期内将审查1 300多名信通技术工作人员,包括承包商。 这一阶段的组织审查将于2012年中完成。 各部将在2013年底提交组织变动建议,作为下一个经常预算周期的一部分。 预计在2013年12月大会作出决定后,将于2014年1月开始实施组织变革和相关员额调动;", "(e) 加强贯穿各领域的信息和通信技术职能。 在使当地信通技术结构合理化的同时,将审查贯穿各领域的企业信通技术职能,以期分三个阶段优先加强这些职能。 第一阶段于2011年完成,涉及大会核准相当于7个P-4职等员额的一般临时人员,用于最重要的交叉信通技术职能。 如上文各段所述,2012-2013年期间将需要更多能力履行交叉信通技术职能。 第二阶段涉及由信息和通信技术厅审查自己的组织结构,并查明一些适合在2012-2013两年期调动的员额(见上文第31段)。 关于2014-2015两年期需要的员额,将在第三阶段提议调动或设立新员额,以待信通技术单位的组织审查结果。", "所需资源", "表1 国家", "执行“改进企业信通技术管理”举措所需资源总额", "(单位:千美元)", "2012-2013年支出用途", "员额 2 883.6", "其他人事费", "工作人员旅费", "订约承办事务 498.0", "一般业务费", "家具和设备 502.0", "共计 8 353.9", "2012-2013两年期所需资源", "员额", "45. 国家 283 600美元用于支付设立14个员额(2个D-2、2个P-5、10个P-4)以执行上文第35段所述交叉职能的薪金(1 984 600美元)和一般工作人员费用(899 000美元)。", "其他人事费", "46. 经常预算: 1 346 600美元将用于一般临时人员,以开展与项目3(“信通技术组织合理化”)有关的活动,相当于2012年两个P-5职等员额、两个P-4职等员额和一个P-3职等员额各12个月,2013年一个P-4职等员额再6个月,以开展与执行信通技术职务和职能、相关的组织变革、信通技术全球人员配置模式和员工队伍战略规划框架有关的活动并交付成果。 任职者将负责项目活动的日常管理和报告,建立利益攸关方分析和参与计划以准备工作人员将面临的变革,对需要变革的部门进行组织风险和准备情况评估,同各部门就信通技术界限和采购问题进行高级别谈判,起草职务说明并配合人力资源管理厅进行员额改叙工作。", "工作人员旅费", "47. 国家 150 000美元将用于支付工作人员参加数据收集会议、会议和简报会的公务差旅费,这些会议涉及对总部外受影响最重的部厅的项目进行评估、分析和设计。", "订约承办事务", " 48. 48. 498 000美元将用于支付大约5%至10%的信息和通信技术工作人员的改革管理所需经费,这些工作人员将调到不同的职务。", "一般业务费", "49. (中文(简体) ). 247. 2 973 700美元将用于房地租金、房地的小规模改建、与设立拟议员额和续设一般临时人员有关的电话和传真服务,具体如下:2个P-5职等员额(1个高级项目管理员和1个改革管理员)、2个P-4职等员额(2个具有信通技术组织设计和人员管理专门知识的业务分析员)和1个P-3职等员额(1个信通技术人力资源管理专家)。 这些员额的任职者将开展活动并产生与执行信通技术职能定义、相关组织变化、信通技术全球人员配置模式和员工队伍战略规划框架有关的交付成果。", "家具和设备", " 50. 50. 502 000美元将用于支付拟议增设员额的家具和设备费用,包括办公室家具和办公室自动化设备。", "2014-2015两年期及以后", "51. 联合国 已尽可能准确地估计了该项目剩余时间的初步费用预测(将调往不同职能的新增信通技术工作人员大约100万至200万美元,但不包括为交叉职能续设常设员额)。 不过,预测将在以后的进度报告中加以更新,并在获得更多细节后,按照既定预算程序处理所需经费。", "52. (中文(简体) ). 表2按职等和年份汇总了目前核定和拟议所需员额。", "53. 联合国 拟议在2012年1月1日设立本报告提到的所有新员额。 根据行政和预算问题咨询委员会的建议,即任何新提案都应反映员额延迟影响的信息(见A/62/7,第20段),注意到拟议14个员额对2014-2015两年期预算的延迟影响目前估计为2 325 600美元。", "表2. 私营部门", "信息和通信技术厅所需员额", "(a) 预算员额\n本报告评估总额", "2010-2012赛事类别 2010-2012赛事类别 2010-2012赛事类别 2010-2012赛事类别 2010-2012赛事类别 2010-2012赛事类别 2010-2012赛事类别 2010-2012赛事类别 2010-2012赛事类别 2010-2012赛事类别 2010-2010赛事类别 2010-2012赛事类别 2010-2012赛事类别 2010-2010赛事类别 2010-2010赛事类别 2010-2010赛事类别 2010-2010赛事类别 2010-2010赛事类别 2010-2013赛事类别 2010-2010赛事类别 2010-2010赛事类别 2010-2010赛事类别 2010-2013赛事类别 2010-2013赛事类别 2010-2010赛事类别 2010-2010赛事类别 2010-2013赛事类别 2010-赛事类别 2010-赛事类别 2010-赛事类别 2010赛事类别 2010-赛事类别 2010赛事类别 2010赛事类别 2010-赛事类别 2010赛事类别 2010赛事类别 2010-赛事类别 2010赛事类别 2010赛事类别 2010赛事类别 2010赛事类别 2010-赛事类别 2010赛事类别 2010赛事类别 2010赛事类别 2010赛事类别 2010赛事类别 2010赛事", "专业及以上", "助理 1 — — — — — — 1 1 秘书长", "D-2 1 1 — — — — — — 2 1 3", "D-1 4 4 — — — — — — — 4 4", "P-5 13 13 — — — — — — 2 13 15", "P-4/3 51 7 7 1 1 - 10 59 69", "P-2/1 7 7 3 - - - - 10 10", "小计 77 77 10 10 1 1 - 14 88 102", "一般事务", "特等 11 1 1 2 2 - 14 14", "其他职等 48 1 1 9 9 - 58 58", "小计 59 59 2 2 11 11 - 72 72", "其它", "工匠 1 1 — — — — — — — 1 1", "小计 1 — — — — — — 1 1", "共计 137 137 12 12 12 - 14 161 175", "^(a) 3个P-4、4个P-3、3个P-2、1个一般事务(特等)和1个一般事务(其他职等)员额由维持和平行动支助账户供资(其他摊款);1个P-4、2个一般事务(特等)、9个一般事务(其他职等)员额由电信支助账户供资(预算外)。", "^(b) 本报告提议由费用分摊机制供资的员额。", "B. 通过信息和通信技术利用知识", "背景情况", "54. 联合国 当今日益由技术驱动的全球环境信息是丰富的。 联合国能够对世界产生的影响取决于其工作人员的知识和收集、整理和出版的信息的质量。 信息的电子取用增加、万维网的演变以及先进的内容管理技术影响到联合国的运作方式。 为了在这个不断变化的全球环境中利用机构知识,需要对秘书处的知识管理文化、政策、程序和技术作重新评估。 [1] (中文(简体) ).", "55. 国家 联合国必须有效地掌握、保留和分享知识,以便及时更好地分析、综合和向所有利益有关者提供信息,使本组织能够更好地满足世界的需要。 秘书长、内部监督事务厅和大会在一些报告和决议中强调,本组织需要改善内部和外部的知识共享(见A/59/79、A/62/793、A/64/477和E/AC.51/2006/2;以及大会第63/100、63/248和63/262号决议)。 在这方面,大会第63/262和64/243号决议已认识到企业内容管理系统的好处,并要求秘书长:加强内容管理的技术工具;利用市场技术进步;以成本效益高的方式加快传播内容;确保所有工作地点在应用现代技术方面得到平等待遇;并探讨最佳做法和所吸取的经验教训。 大会第64/243号决议请秘书长在2012-2013两年期拟议方案预算中提出有充分理由的提议。", "56. (中文(简体) ). 通过各部厅之间的合作、知识管理工作组内部的讨论以及在知识管理专家的协助下,制订了知识管理路线图。 通过这些努力,本组织显然没有充分利用知识管理和技术的力量,而且迫切需要改进知识管理做法。 知识管理活动普遍不一致,技术工具的使用也不一致,继续妨碍本组织有效执行其方案的能力,同时不必要地增加业务费用。", "57. 萨尔瓦多 将通过“通过信通技术获取知识”倡议,应对联合国当前知识管理环境面临的若干重大挑战。 它们是:", "(a) 国家 缺乏全组织网络出版标准,导致导航计划混乱并难以通过本组织的主要网站(和许多其他部门网站获取信息。 此外,本组织的信息治理、程序和技术工具不足并妨碍整个组织有系统地分享知识。 每个部厅都有自己的网络设计和模板。 这增加了浏览和维护现有网站以及创建新网站所需的时间和精力;", "(b) 协作主要继续通过电子邮件进行,尽管在线协作工具“电子室”的实施有限,改善了委员会和工作组之间的信息共享。 大多数文件是通过电子邮件临时核准的。 即使存在信息共享工作流程,自动化程度也极低,必须手动实施多个步骤. 电子邮件是许多文件的主要存放地,也是主要分发方法。 通过电子邮件发送内容导致内容缺乏管理和版本激增. 目前没有全组织范围内的技术平台便于查找不同领域的专题专家并与之建立联系,也没有便利电子讨论的机制;", "(c)) 没有集中的文件存放处,这妨碍了本组织各种内容的管理。 安全分类和出入控制有限。 大量内容被存储在网络驱动器上,其中文档组织和控制不良. 除正式文件系统外,本组织内没有权威的电子内容来源;", "(d) 国家 由于存储在网络驱动器上的内容没有包含基本的分类分类标准和元数据,因此很难搜索和使用内容. 正式文件系统的搜索功能已经得到改进,从而有可能使用元数据查找文件,这是最佳做法。 然而,www.un.org等储存库没有利用元数据促进搜索。 此外,无法在网站、正式文件系统和电子会议室进行搜索。", "58. 联合国 “通过信通技术获取知识”倡议将努力解决这些系统性问题。 信息和通信技术厅将同各部厅密切合作,采取这一举措。", "目标", "59. (中文(简体) ). 本报告中的提议旨在通过实现以下目标,在联合国秘书处创造一个综合知识管理环境:", "(a) 建立全系统平台。 将建立集中、安全、权威和可信赖的信息资源,以支持总部、总部以外办事处、区域委员会、外地特派团、会员国和联合国的重要举措,如千年发展目标和气候变化举措;", "(b) 改进并增强分析和决策支助能力。 创造、获取和分享知识是联合国工作的核心部分。 将制定合作起草、审查和核准文件的程序。 内容编写程序也将得到加强。 这些改进将有助于联合国知识工作者更有效地分析问题并作出决定;", "(c) 改进信息管理政策和程序。 将在整个秘书处商定和执行关于连贯一致地拟订、使用和管理知识的全球政策、标准、记录管理做法和准则;", "(d) 改进信息的编排、获取和使用。 将授权各部厅成功实施和管理其信息;", "(e) 保留机构知识。 掌握并分享最佳做法和经验教训将精简秘书处的工作,支持同业交流群,并为今后有效处理全球倡议和问题提供知识资源;", "(f) 促进和加强知识共享与协作。 协作进程、文件管理做法、网站和社交媒体工具将提高本组织各部厅相互协作以及与联合国以外伙伴协作的能力,并增强与人员、资源和知识相接的能力;", "(g) 改进网站及其内容的管理。 将通过精简网络政策、有效导航、获取元数据、标准化模板和结构化工作流程来有效管理内部和外部网站,以创建和发布内容。", "组织影响", "60. (中文(简体) ). 充分执行“通过信息和通信技术获取知识”倡议将对整个组织产生重大影响。", "定性福利", "61. 国家 “通过信通技术获取知识”倡议还将为本组织提供以下质量效益:", "(a) 加强秘书处内的知识创造和分享。 实现这一点的方法是,使获取信息和分享信息更加方便,并改进联合国人员之间的合作。 这一举措还将通过使用标准化模板和共同活动和职能的可交付成果,提高信息的可重复性。 将采用最佳做法和经验教训;", "(b) 提高迅速应对危机的能力和不断变化的全球环境。 这将通过加强搜索、捕获、再利用、整合、分析和交流信息的手段来实现。 更准确和知情的分析将导致在不断变化的环境中更好地作出危机决策并增强灵活性;", "(c) 提高信息的准确性和安全性并改进记录管理。 要做到这一点,将改进信息管理,明确界定保管、元数据、记录管理程序、保留时间表、信息安全和审计;", "(d) 更好地保留机构记忆和业务连续性。 这将通过系统、长期地保存本组织的知识资产来实现;", "(e) 提高联合国的能见度。 为此,将向会员国提供更好的服务,包括改进与联合国活动有关的最新内容、文件、网站和其他来源的取用;", "(f) 远程创造和使用知识的能力。 这将使联合国人员无论时间和地点如何,都能够更有效地开展工作。 设立能够随时从任何地方获取相同信息的小组,将加强本组织的产出和影响。", "量化效益", "62. 联合国 目前尚没有用于知识管理活动的确切数额,但考虑到本组织内容管理程序、工具和资源的广泛分散,估计数额很大。 在充分执行后,估计每年从这一倡议节省的经费总额将达2 300万至2 800万美元(见附件四)。 随着倡议的进展,将实现一些节余,预计在充分执行一年之后将实现全部节余。 估计节余如下:", "(a) 信息共享。 通过加强协作和搜索能力改善知识的提供,将减少工作人员寻找信息所需的时间。 通过协作工作流程而不是人工或通过电子邮件审查和核准文件的能力,将提高内容管理的效力并提高效率。 年度节余总额估计为920至1 120万美元;", "(b) 虚拟会议。 采用网络会议将节省差旅费和信息共享。 年度节余总额估计为350至430万美元;", "(c) 内容和技术优化。 通过合并应用程序和储存库以及使用标准化模板,联合国人员管理应用程序和开发内容所需的时间将减少。 年度节余总额估计为470万至570万美元;", "(d) 减少印刷。 可以通过使用电子内容而不是打印和减少用于存档柜储存的空间来节省费用。 每年的节余总额估计为140至180万美元;", "(e) 内容安排和查阅。 改进内容分类和元数据标准将提高工作人员的生产率,使其更容易找到和获取信息。 每年的节余总额估计为400万至490万美元。", "表3 “通过信息和通信技术获取知识”倡议按类别分列的年度经常性收益估计数", "(单位:百万美元)", "职能 估计数的低端", "信息共享 9.2 11.2", "虚拟会议3.5 4.3", "内容和技术 4.7 5.7 优化", "减少印刷和1.4 1.8 储存", "内容组织和4.0 4.9访问", "共计", "实施计划", "方针", "63. 国家 “通过信息和通信技术获取知识”倡议力求实施一套核心知识管理能力,这些能力必须统筹合作。 这种做法减少了遗留系统的冗余,并提供了一个共同的知识管理平台,供联合国所有人员利用和共享。 知识管理进程的每个组成部分对于实现本组织的知识管理目标都至关重要。", "64. (中文(简体) ). 将在每个工作地点实施的一整套核心知识管理能力(见下文图三)包括:协作、文件/记录管理、网络内容管理和企业搜索。 这些组成部分必须一起执行,以提高本组织在整个机构知识生命周期收集、分析、综合和介绍信息的能力,使世界各地的所有利益攸关方更容易获得知识。 这一举措促进了新方法和技能的发展,包括采用全组织的知识管理政策、做法和技术工具。", "图三 “通过信息和通信技术获取知识”倡议的组成部分", "[]", "65. 国家 执行“通过信通技术获取知识”倡议需要各部厅的全力支持。 为了取得成功并确保采用更好的知识管理政策、进程和技术工具,必须通过组织良好的治理机制来规划和协调这一倡议。 信息和通信技术执行委员会、信息和通信技术咨询小组、知识管理工作组以及各部厅管理人员必须积极支持这一倡议,向联合国人员提供指导和奖励,并与之沟通。 此外,为了尽量扩大效益,必须把该倡议视为得到秘书长和会员国充分赞同的全组织努力。", "66. (中文(简体) ). “通过信通技术获取知识”倡议最终会影响到整个秘书处、会员国和其他利益攸关方。 由于这种深远的影响,将纳入审慎的改革管理活动,以确保采用新的政策、程序和技术工具,并尽量减少在执行期间对本组织的干扰。 这些活动将包括及时网上培训、宣传活动、准备情况评估和利益攸关方讲习班。", "协作", "67. (中文(简体) ). “通过信通技术获取知识”倡议的协作部分将通过将世界各地的联合国人员联系起来,提高透明度和协同工作,从而提高他们分享信息和有效合作的能力。 2008年,向本组织介绍了第一个合作工具 -- -- e-ROom,作为安全的虚拟工作空间,使各委员会、工作人员和团队能够合作并分享内容。 目前已有3 000多用户成功使用这一工具。 在这一成功的基础上,目标是提供更现代的工具,例如“wikis”、“blogs”和“tagings”。", "68. (中文(简体) ). 通过使用这些工具,联合国人员将能够通过电子手段相互连接和协商,并找到具备开展工作所需的专门知识和经验的工作人员。 在本组织部分地区开始有限地使用先进的通信和虚拟会议工具,但将扩大到所有同业交流群[3],并在今后两个两年期内扩大到整个秘书处更多的组织单位。", "方框2 实例:协作\n目前的问题\n从事亚洲经济发展的工作人员需要与联合国环境问题专家协商。 工作人员不知道从何处开始寻找专家,也不知道如何确定一个人如果被发现是否是专家。\n预期改进\n建立网络的协作工具使专家能够张贴与过去经验和出版物的相连接的简介。 工作人员可以利用这一工具搜索实践社区,以找到专家,向他们提问,组成一个新的社区,并将其纳入一个项目。 一旦项目形成,网络的所有成员都可以通过这些工具轻松有效地分享信息。", "文件/记录管理", "69. 联合国 本组织投入大量时间和资源,每天编制、编辑、审查、分享和储存大量文件。 然而,这一领域缺乏集中储存库、共同流程和标准技术工具,造成效率低下和生产力损失。 本组织可以通过采用现代文件/记录管理程序和技术工具来改善目前的状况。", "70. 联合国 这一构成部分的大部分基础工作已经开始。 根据2009年制定的企业内容管理路线图,2010年底开发了标准文件/记录管理系统。 该系统旨在为所有类型的联合国文件(正式文件、非正式文件和其他文件)提供一个集中、安全和可扩展的存放处,任何拥有适当特权的用户都可以访问和搜索这些文件。 其主要功能包括:创建文件管理工作流程;提供文件库服务,如登入、取出和版本控制;报告文件查阅记录;宣布内容为记录并管理保存和处置规则和时间表;确保文件查阅;纸面文件数字化。 该系统还能够自动化交叉内容驱动的业务流程,如合作编写、审查和批准正式文件等。", "71. 联合国 该项目将在两个两年期(2012-2013年和2014-2015年)实施,包括部署关键文件和记录管理系统、发展服务交付支助和组织流程自动化。 首先,将在下列地点至少一个业务单位实施该系统并实现编写正式文件的上游程序自动化: 联合国总部、总部以外办事处、区域委员会和外地办事处。 信息和通信技术厅将为知识管理应用程序提供服务支持,并协助总部和其他工作地点的数字化工作。 此外,正式文件系统将迁移到该系统,以提高其功能和可靠性。", "72. 联合国 一旦实施,该系统将成为本组织使用的最普遍系统之一。 所有编制和使用文件的联合国人员都将受益于该系统。 所有职类、职等和地点的工作人员将使用该系统每天获取、管理、查找、再利用、保留并分发相关文件。 会员国和其他利益攸关方还将利用该系统管理与联合国互动有关的内容。", "方框3 示例:文件/记录管理\n目前的问题\n大会文件由各部门以特设方式编写,不使用标准文件模板,文件由电子邮件编辑和审查。 多份拷贝被存储在难以搜索的本地计算机和网络驱动器的硬盘上,导致生产力大幅下降并难以重用文件来创建其他文件.\n预期改进\n大会文件使用新的文件/记录管理系统编写,这将使不同工作人员能够使用标准格式、易于移动的数据、版本控制和自动工作流程,方便和协作地创建文件,从而强制执行自动审批程序。 内容将作为机构记忆记录保存,并在今后可再使用。", "网络内容管理", "73 (中文(简体) ). 网站内容管理部分最终将联合国内部和外部网站组织成一个协调一致的全球知识门户系统。 虽然在这一领域取得了一些进展,但网站治理和业务框架薄弱和零散,导致临时开发出大量互不相容的网络内容管理工具,在许多情况下,这些工具不足。 反过来,这又使得难以找到信息,也增加了成本和安全风险。 许多部厅已要求建立现代化的网络内容管理系统,以满足其网站管理需要,但本组织迄今未能提供强有力的企业解决方案。", "74. 国家 网络内容管理项目首先将建立一个 \" iSeek 2.0 \" (iSeek是秘书处的内联网),将知识共享纳入一个有凝聚力的环境,使联合国人员能够以更有实效和效率的方式开展工作。 开发工作将利用选定的联合国因特网网站进行试点,然后应用于影响大的联合国网站,包括。 最终,网络内容管理系统将以一个全球平台为基础,该平台是根据政策、程序、准则和标准方面的适当治理规则而建立的,并配备各种支助服务,监督和精简新优质网站的创建工作,这些网站的定义明确、综合并妥善管理。 有了运作良好的网站,本组织将能够有效地在内部和外部交流和分享其实质性产出。", "方框4 说明性实例:网络内容管理\n目前的问题\n在www.un.org上导航、取用和查找信息非常困难。 每个部门的网站都不同,因为网站是独立开发的,没有一致的品牌、外观、风景或信息架构。\n预期改进\n网站将有一个共同的外观和感觉,因为它们将用共同的模板和明确的核准内容工作流程来构建。 有效的治理和相关政策、程序和标准将使网站的共同品牌和管理成为可能。 网站的维护将更方便,信息的安全性也更容易得到有效管理。", "企业搜索", "75. 国家 通过企业搜索部分,本组织将把大量信息和知识编入各种储存库,并在整个储存库提供强大的搜索能力。 企业搜索系统将便利于容易和无缝地发现关于各存放处不同专题的背景信息。 最初,将通过这一企业搜索系统提供、ODS和iSeek等现有文件储存库。 随后,将在文件/记录管理和协作环境中增加搜索功能。 随着新的储存库的引入,这些储存库将被纳入企业搜索,最终形成一个针对整个组织、会员国和其他利益攸关方的一站式搜索门户。", "时间表", "图四 “通过信通技术获取知识”倡议时间表", "[]", "76. 联合国 “通过信通技术获取知识”倡议的四个组成部分将连续两个两年期(2012-2013和2014-2015年)在联合国秘书处所有地点通过下列主要活动加以实施和部署(见图四):", "(a) 建立全系统知识管理基础设施和治理。 活动包括:在纽约和意大利布林迪西联合国后勤基地(后勤基地)建立技术基础设施,以支持协作、文件/记录管理、网络内容管理和企业搜索;制定治理、政策、程序、作用和责任,为知识管理工作组提供专门的秘书处支助;", "(b) 启动关于协作和文件/记录管理的试点项目。 活动包括:与有关部厅协商,创建试点项目;促成协作、同业交流圈和专家定位能力;执行政策、程序、标准和准则;将部署范围扩大到其他部厅、区域委员会、总部以外办事处和维持和平特派团;在至少一个部厅和总部以外的每个工作地点实施文件/记录管理项目,以编写正式文件;建立提供服务、改革管理和培训能力;", "(c) 启动网络内容管理试点项目。 活动包括:为总部各部门建立一个门户,便于查阅应用程序;修改iSeek;实施网络内容管理基础设施;开发共同的网络内容管理模板并迁移一些联合国网站;制定网络内容管理治理、政策、程序、作用和责任;", "(d) 为多达10个部厅、总部以外办事处和外地特派团开展知识管理活动。 活动包括:分析和迁移内容;使技术能够合作;协助信息管理、提供培训和变革管理;扩大实践社区并有能力找到专家;", "(e) 建立企业搜索能力。 活动包括:完成购置企业搜索工具的采购过程;建立技术基础设施;整合储存库,从而能够进行跨存储库搜索;", "(f) 向其余部厅、总部以外办事处和外地特派团推广和支持知识管理。 活动包括:继续并扩大倡议的活动,向联合国秘书处提供合作、文件/记录管理和有关的知识管理能力;", "(g) 继续提供服务。 活动包括:培训、协助变革管理、与客户部厅订立服务协议并开展相关活动,使联合国知识管理界充满活力。", "所需资源", "表4 执行“通过信息和通信技术传播知识”倡议所需资源总额", "(单位:千美元)", "2012-2013年支出用途", "工作人员旅费 196.0", "订约承办事务", "一般业务费用", "家具和设备", "共计", "2012-2013两年期所需资源", "77. 国家 “通过信息和通信技术获取知识”倡议的各个组成部分将作为综合工作方案加以执行,因此,本节所列所有估计数都加以合并。", "工作人员旅费", "78. 国家 196 000美元将用于支付2012-2013年工作人员差旅费。 由于这是一项全球举措,项目工作人员将不得不前往总部以外的联合国业务地点参加讲习班、培训和协调活动。", "订约承办事务", "79. 联合国 2012-2013年,10 057 200美元将用于支付协作、文件/记录管理、企业搜索和网络内容管理等构成部分的费用如下:", "(a) 国家 3 013 000美元将用于支付额外软件许可证和维护协作工具、网络内容管理工具和额外搜索约150万份文件的能力的费用。 这些工具将逐步获得,因为这一功能将部署到各个地点和工作人员;", "(b) 国家 4 755 800美元将用于聘用约聘人员开展与项目管理和职能工作有关的活动,如业务流程再造、业务要求收集、应用程序开发、应用程序集成、业务流程自动化和数据迁移,以及持续提供服务和协助用户界;", "(c)) 572 600美元将用于支付全球基础设施的硬件和储存费用,以支持协作和网络内容管理;", "(d) 国家 1 715 800美元将用于支付2012-2013年实施变革管理活动的变革管理和服务费用。 变革管理对于创造文化转变至关重要,这种转变将导致本组织接受和使用综合知识管理工具。 由于这些举措涉及许多新的概念、能力、技能和技术,工作人员需要开展变革管理活动,以适当履行职责。", "一般业务费", "80个 1 059 600美元将用于支付共同支助费用,包括本方案要求的与承包商职位有关的租金、办公室空间小规模改建和电话及传真服务。", "家具和设备", "81个 176 000美元将用于拟议承包商职位的家具和设备所需经费,包括办公室家具和办公设备。", "2014-2015两年期及以后", "82. 向其余各部、总部以外办事处和外地特派团推广以及维持提供服务的初步费用预测约为800至1 200万美元。 然而,鉴于所需经费可能发生变化,将在以后的进度报告中更新这一预测,并在获得进一步细节后列入有关的拟议方案预算。", "C. 加强提供信息和通信技术服务", "背景情况", "83个 联合国秘书处投入大量资源,每日提供广泛的信息和通信技术服务。 这些服务的性质和复杂性以及提供服务的方式大相径庭。 它们包括回应信息要求、修理复印机、修理计算机和排除远程访问问题。", "第八十四会. 服务台——向用户提供服务的组织单位——没有保存记录、编制状况报告或评估服务质量和费用的标准工作方法,也没有按照既定的最佳做法开展工作。 此外,尽管全世界至少有131个信通技术服务台,但每周7天每天24小时不提供支助。 此外,支助服务台和工作站业务的工具不标准,功能有限。 因此,以非最佳方式衡量、监测和提供服务的质量和成本效益。", "85. 信通技术在整个组织的关键作用以及相关支助服务的高昂费用,是服务提供方式支离破碎造成负面影响的一个特别突出的例子。 今天,信息和通信技术是本组织业务的支柱。 个人计算机不工作时,工作人员不能工作. 网络的失败可以阻止大量工作人员开展工作,从而在财务上和在实务方案交付被延误方面给本组织造成重大费用。", "86号. 目前,很难评估本组织提供服务过程的数量和质量,这一事实使本组织无法有效地分配资源并设立能够处理所需服务的复杂性和数量的工作单位。 此外,由于整个秘书处缺乏标准的工作站配置,范围广泛的服务需要并非总是容易获得或提供的解决方案。 这种复杂性、数量和分散性不必要地增加了用户服务的费用。", "87个 本报告建议转向企业信通技术服务模式,通过区域服务中心满足各组织单位的共同信通技术需要,从而大大减少了工作地点的地方信通技术服务能力。 采用标准化流程和技术的区域服务中心也将能够满足设施、人力资源、采购和金融服务等其他职能领域的服务要求。", "88个 为实现这一目标,建议充分利用现有的企业客户关系管理系统iNeed,并设立企业信通技术服务台,为包括工作人员、代表和记者在内的所有用户提供更有效的信通技术服务。 此外,通过利用现有的企业身份管理系统,iNeed将提供验证用户身份及其请求的功能,使秘书处更容易遇到安全问题。 通过采用这种方法,本组织将通过提高用户满意度、成本效益和向用户提供服务的质量保障,实现重大效益。", "目标", "89. 国家 信息和通信技术厅根据信通技术管理协调小组[4]和各部厅主要利益攸关方的意见,确定了这一举措的下列主要目标:", "(a) 提高所有工作地点信通技术服务的质量、标准、可用性和效率,办法是:", "(一) 将131个信通技术服务台的职能合并为至少3个位于不同地点并能够每周7天每天24小时提供服务的企业信通技术服务台;", "(二) 向秘书处所有办事处提供 \" 团结 \" 项目、电子邮件、Inspira、iNeed和企业身份管理系统等共同应用程序的支助;", "(三) 继续在当地支助独特的特定地点服务,当地信通技术服务台工作人员大幅减少;", "(b) 实施企业信通技术全球服务目录,与iNeed所支持的其他行政服务目录相结合;", "(c) 确定所有用户所需的应用程序,以建立最低限度的标准化工作站配置;", "(d) 使用业务情报软件,以便能行使重要的业绩监测和管理职能,从而便于治理机构审查业绩和其他问题;", "(e) 维持一个综合总项目计划,其中包括及时提交进度报告,以确保向包括会员国在内的所有利益有关者提供关于该倡议状况的透明度;", "(f) 为设施、财务(税收、保险、旅费报销、福利等)和人力资源等其他行政事务领域继续有选择地部署iNeed。", "插文5 示例:“加强提供信通技术服务”倡议\n联合国工作地点的一工作人员有问题打印出一名高级官员作出关键决定所需的财务报告。 该工作人员首先询问同事是否以前遇到过这个问题,然后打电话给当地信通技术服务台,要求他们重新启动计算机。 不幸的是,这不能解决问题。 一个小时过去了 该工作人员再次给服务台打电话,并提供了一名专家的人数。 他打电话给专家,但与一个答录机连接,他因此发现专家休假两周。 该工作人员再次给服务台打电话;他很烦恼,因为两个小时过去了,高级官员要求立即报告。 在绝望中,工作人员告诉高级官员这个问题。 该官员打电话给信息和通信技术服务主任,要求立即解决这一问题。 酋长召集服务台负责人迅速采取行动。 三小时过去了 服务台负责人走到服务台,请一名专家给工作人员打电话。 幸运的是,这位专家知道这是一个容易解决的问题,因此打电话给该工作人员,要求他按下CTRL+F5。 报已印出. 这名工作人员浪费了4个小时的时间,而与此同时,高级官员不得不登上飞机而无需报告。 如果在旅途中或在半夜遇到这个问题,这个问题会更加复杂。 预期改进\n工作地点的一名工作人员难以印制财务报告。 她拨打3333分机,并与服务台代理连接,服务台代理向印刷商查询知识库,并告诉工作人员按CTRL+F5。 工作人员五分钟后将报告交给高级官员。 在电话上,代理人员向工作人员介绍如何使用知识库进入在线门户网站,并给其贴上书签,以便她今后能够自行解决这些问题。", "组织影响", "90. (中文(简体) ). 合并现有信通技术服务台和其他行政服务并使其现代化并实现标准化,将减少目前提供服务方面的差距和费用。 整个组织转向最佳做法和共同技术工具将改善服务的提供和质量;提供有纪律、可重复的方法和程序;保存并扩展机构知识;并节省费用。", "定性福利", "91. 联合国 “加强提供信通技术服务”倡议将为本组织提供以下质量效益:", "(a) 敏捷。 通过在所有地点采用最佳做法流程和共同技术工具,服务台将能够迅速和一致地解决问题。 此外,被动办法将让位于主动办法,从而有可能确定全球网络安全威胁等问题并迅速将解决办法传播到其他网站;", "(b) 无障碍。 每周7天、每天24小时提供多语种支助将大大减少解决问题所需的时间,同时提供对本组织全球业务至关重要的世界一流服务;", "(c) 改进流程和业务。 iNeed将提供一套综合的可靠、现代化的服务台工具,以便能够向用户提供一致而有效的服务。 任何过剩的工作人员能力都可以转用于本组织内的其他工作;", "(d) 反应能力。 首选决议跟踪、自我服务能力、更快的分辨率和扩大的知识库工具将大大提高服务台的反应能力。 提高反应能力将使用户能够更快地恢复正常工作;", "(e) 生产力。 任何计算机或用户故障时间都会导致生产力损失。 跟踪和报告服务台的业绩,并分析共同的问题,将提高服务台的质量和业绩。 这也将有助于确保经谈判达成的服务级协议的透明度,明确确定何时、在何处、如何提供服务。 此外,扩大服务台的可用性和单一的联络点将随时从任何地方向秘书处所有用户提供连续的服务。", "量化效益", "92. 国家 目前,本组织每年用于信通技术服务台业务的支出约为1.35亿美元,不包括目前所有工作地点没有的其他行政服务台的相关费用。 信通技术服务台费用可按构成部分进一步细分,即人工(9 540万美元)和设备(3 960万美元)。 信通技术服务台和工作站环境得到全球131个以上服务台约835名专职同等职等雇员(618名工作人员和217名承包商)的支持。 在充分执行之后,估计总节余每年会从3 970万美元到5 950万美元不等。 随着倡议的进展,将实现一些节余,预计全部节余将在充分执行一年后实现(见附件四)。 以下列出与具体职能改进有关的预计节余:", "(a) 自助服务。 采用自助服务功能,使用户能够申请服务、重新设置密码并进入一个可搜索的知识库,将使服务台数量和服务代理时间减少约25%至40%,每年节省660万至990万美元;", "(b) 信息和通信技术资产管理。 自动发现信息和通信技术装置并核实这些装置的需求,将减少约10%的服务台和工作站人员,并节省约10%的硬件和软件费用,因为有能力利用这些资料减少供应商合同和许可证。 这方面的年度节余估计为1 030万至1 540万美元;", "(c) 服务台自动化。 据估计,采用标准服务台程序和技术工具以及路由请求和实时浏览用户信息的自动化程序,每年将服务代理费用减少140万至200万美元;", "(d) 工作站标准。 一套工作站配置(也叫工作站图像)的减少将使工作站和服务台的人工成本各减少10%,因为工作站的复杂性降低,工作站对服务台的要求相应减少。 估计每年节余共计750至1 130万美元;", "(e) 工作站自动化。 采用全系统的遥控和软件分发工具,将使区域服务中心的服务代理能够迅速恢复工作站并提供工作站管理工具来减少个别工作站的事故。 这将使工作站支助人工费用减少约15%,估计每年节省740万至1 120万美元;", "(f) 地方服务台迁移。 在区域服务中心于2012-2013年建立后,共同事务职能将逐步转移到区域服务台,将当地所需劳动力减少约15%,将当地设备费用减少50%。 这估计每年可节省650万至980万美元;", "(g) 其他行政事务自动化。 信息和通信技术厅、外勤支助部和其他信通技术单位将同各部厅密切合作,确定和优先安排可通过采用信通技术服务台模式来改进的关键行政事务。 虽然预期在数量上能够提高生产率,但在对这些服务进行全面分析之前,无法报告。", "表5 “加强提供信通技术服务”倡议按类别分列的年度经常性效益估计数", "(单位:百万美元)", "职能 估计数的低端", "自助服务 6.6 9.9", "信通技术资产管理", "服务台自动化", "工作站标准 7.5 11.3", "工作站自动化 7.4 11.2", "当地服务台迁移", "共计 39.7 59.6", "实施计划", "方针", "93. (中文(简体) ). 自秘书长关于信通技术战略执行情况的报告(A/65/491)发表以来,对项目方法作了重大修订,其中一项涉及最大限度地利用以前的投资和现有系统。 如上所述,订正战略的一个关键要素是利用iNeed(客户关系管理应用程序)的现有投资,并查明企业身份管理系统的认证能力。 iNeed将用于企业信通技术服务台和地方服务台,为处理所有服务请求提供共同工具。 企业身份管理系统将用来提供所有工作站用户的中央目录并认证获得适当服务的机会。 执行办法包括:", "(a) 使桌面图像标准化并减少其数量,以增加共同点,减少所有地点的复杂性并便利问题的诊断和支持;", "(b) 实施标准软件分发和远程访问工具;", "(c) 在所有地点使用iNeed应用程序;", "(d) 利用企业知识库,向服务台代理人和最终用户提供更好、更快和更准确的信息;", "(e) 优化和促进使用自助服务备选方案,以尽量减少报告问题和更新状况方面的延误;", "(f) 为所有地点提供通用电话号码(例如3333),而不是目前使用的众多号码;", "(g) 逐步向选定的部厅、区域委员会和特派团部署iNeed。", "94 (中文(简体) ). 该倡议将是首次24小时全面实施全面的信通技术服务管理功能,利用iNeed和企业身份管理系统为区域和地方服务中心提供设备。 目的是将现有和计划的行政服务职能纳入这一办法。 因此,在征得秘书处高级管理人员同意后,计划今后由区域服务中心同时提供信通技术和其他行政服务。", "95号. 2010年,iNeed被部署在后勤基地设立的企业数据中心。 应用程序将继续是改进和管理整个联合国各类服务的标准技术工具。 预计从长远来看,它将是所有服务请求的切入点。 用户可使用一个电话号码或一个因特网站请求任何服务。 该系统然后将所有请求传送到适当的服务台。 全面部署iNeed作为服务台的企业工具将首先从信通技术服务入手,然后可以扩大到其他行政事务。", "96. (中文(简体) ). 这项倡议将包括至少三个区域信息和通信技术服务台,例如美洲一个、欧洲、中东和非洲一个、亚洲一个,这些服务台将每周7天、每天24小时向世界各地的联合国所有地点提供服务。 区域服务台将与当地服务台一道,通过电话或通过iNeed自助服务网站解决所有信通技术服务请求,并将向用户报告请求情况。 iNeed将记录所有服务电话和采取的行动。 通过这种互动,本组织将能够跟踪和分析所有要求的响应性和有效性,从而加强服务队伍的管理。", "97. 国家 区域信通技术服务台将包括一套减少的标准工作站配置。 这将精简和改进事件和问题管理工作流程和工具,使服务人员能够及时应对和解决问题。 标准化的工作站将改进硬件和软件资产管理,通过规模经济利用与供应商的合同,并增强信通技术系统的安全。", "98 (英语). 区域服务中心将在任何地点为所有企业应用程序提供支助。 通常的应用问题将由区域服务中心处理,而不是象今天的做法那样由当地服务台处理。", "99 (英语). iNeed将利用用户自助服务能力,使联合国人员能够在没有服务人员或其他技术人员干预的情况下解决问题,例如通过搜索知识库或通过易于使用的工具自行重新设定密码。 这有两个好处:用户学会自食其力(如今天常见的情况),服务台工作人员的工作量也有所减少。", "一百块 该倡议的另一个关键要素是使用自动化信通技术资产发现和管理能力。 这不仅会帮助处理服务请求的代理人,使报告和收费模式更加透明,而且还会为在资产库存和估值方面遵守《国际公共部门会计准则》提供关键投入。", "101. (中文(简体) ). 应当指出,虽然这一倡议将合并所有信通技术服务台,但不会取代目前对一些当地信通技术人员的需求。 在可行的情况下采取自动化办法,以减少对当地服务需求的依赖,同时提供最具成本效益的服务,这是倡议的一项原则。 下文图五直观地反映了在“企业信通技术服务台”倡议中采用的方法。", "图五 “企业信通技术服务台”举措的视觉表现", "[]", "迄今取得的进展:客户关系管理", "102. 国家 自2008年首次向会员国提出客户关系管理概念以来,在利用现有资源实施这一概念方面取得了一些进展。 iNeed已部署到总部的下列部厅:信息和通信技术厅和外勤支助部(用于信通技术服务台计票、通用服务要求和信通技术资产管理的某些人工方面);管理事务部(用于设施管理和财务信息业务);人道主义事务协调厅纽约和日内瓦、后勤基地、联合国驻黎巴嫩临时部队和西亚经济社会委员会(西亚经社会)(用于信通技术服务台)。 2011年将继续部署,包括管理事务部账户司、后勤基地的设施管理、西亚经社会的中央支助事务以及中东某些外地特派团的自助门户。 本报告所载的举措,加上与“企业信通技术服务台”举措的配合,将在2012-2013年朝着秘书处客户关系管理的最初愿景取得重大进展。 应当指出,2011年将获得各部厅的赞助,以确保客户关系管理的发展能满足2012-2013年的关键服务需要。", "迄今取得的进展:企业信通技术服务台", "第103页。 根据会员国的反馈,信息和通信技术厅调整了做法,使 \" 团结 \" 项目和全球外勤支助战略等现有举措和计划举措保持一致,以充分利用现有系统和内部能力。 利用iNeed大大降低了企业信通技术服务台的总体实施成本。 此外,该办公室还调整了其他现有举措,以提供与安全和目录服务有关的重要功能(企业身份管理系统)。 这将提供更好的用户认证,这对自我服务选项(如密码重置)至关重要,并将大大提高满足服务请求的速度。", "时间表", "104 (韩语). 整个举措的时间表见图六。 然而,必须指出,目前只为2012年和2013年拟议任务,以下初步阶段已改编为一套可在适当供资周期内执行的次级项目。", "[图六 “加强提供信息和通信技术服务”倡议时间表", "105. (中文(简体) ). 将通过下列主要活动执行“加强提供信通技术服务”倡议(见上文图六):", "(a) 设计、测试和执行工作站标准(整个秘书处)。 2011年正在对所有工作地点进行调查,以提供关于本组织最终用户(工作站)环境的复杂性和多样性的信息。 工作站标准要求所有信通技术主管在2011年开展合作,以确定工作站硬件标准、传统工作站管理工具和一套减少的通用工作站软件工具,如操作系统、电子邮件应用程序、浏览器和防病毒软件。 2012年和2013年将完成关于将使用的工具、执行时间表和时间表的协议,以取消不需要的软件和硬件合同;", "(b) 设计、测试和执行自助选择、知识库和商业情报。 iNeed小组将根据各部、厅和信通技术服务提供者提供的规格制定自助方案。 此外,企业身份管理系统将为工作站用户开发认证功能,使其能够重新设置自己的密码. 此外,所有各类网络目录将合并为一个企业模式。 所有这些活动都计划于2012年开展。 此外,2011年将对全球服务目录进行分析,为2012年开发服务请求功能提供关键标准。 2012年将积累现有知识库,以在2013年底前提供工作站机构知识的综合数据库。 2015年年底前,指定职能领域的专题专家将加强这一知识库,协助将地方信通技术服务台的职能转移到企业服务台;", "(c) 设计、测试和执行服务台的出票和时间安排以及其他代理工具。 将在iNeed开发服务台工具,以建立、分配、跟踪和报告申请情况,并能够在服务台代理之间切实有效地分配工作量。 除了具有业绩管理能力的业务情报工具外,2012年还将提供一套自动工具,以便在2013年向区域服务台提供这一功能;", "(d) 建立信通技术服务台。 如上所述,预计将设立三个区域企业服务台,以实施“太阳后继”办法,每周7天、每天24小时提供服务支助。 将根据优先标准确定区域服务中心的地点,这些标准将包括通信、劳工、后勤和时区考虑因素。 预计这一分析将于2012年开始,届时将选定地点,区域服务中心将于2013年年中设立,并将于同年年底开始运作;", "(e) 将当地信通技术服务台的职能转移到企业信通技术服务台。 虽然某些活动,例如与特定地点的应用程序和计算机修理有关的活动仍然需要当地人员,但一旦利用上述工具,将目前在当地履行的一些职能转移到区域服务中心,当地人员的人数就会减少。 训练有素的移徙小组将在2013年底同当地服务台人员面谈,使全球知识库充满当地共同的用户问题(和解决办法)。 预计这些移徙活动将于2014年开始并持续到2015年底;", "(f) 提供iNeed作为商业用途(税收、旅行、账户)的平台。 在完成信通技术服务全面功能设计(通过企业信通技术服务台)的同时,同一模式可用于各部厅的其他实质性服务领域,如税收、差旅和账户。 必须确保利益攸关方在实务单位内提供赞助,以领导2012-2013年某些实务职能的再设计。 随着 \" 团结 \" 项目等企业举措在2014-2015年得到实施,必须确保信通技术和各部厅服务台采用类似办法提供有效的世界级服务。", "所需资源", "表6 执行“加强提供信通技术服务”倡议所需资源总额", "(单位:千美元)", "2012-2013年支出用途", "工作人员旅费", "订约承办事务 11 103.5", "一般业务费用 443.3", "用品和材料", "家具和设备", "共计13 151.9", "2012-2013两年期所需资源", "106. (中文(简体) ). “加强提供信息和通信技术服务”倡议将作为一项综合工作方案来实施,因此本节所列所有估计数将合并。", "工作人员旅费", "107 (韩语). 165 000美元将用于2012-2013年工作人员差旅费。 由于这是一项全球举措,项目工作人员需要前往总部以外的联合国业务地点参加讲习班、改革管理和协调活动。", "订约承办事务", "108. (中文(简体) ). 11 103 500美元将用于支付下列活动所需经费:", "(a) 国家 3 947 300美元将用于支付为服务台和工作站工具发放许可证的软件费用。 该软件将分阶段购置,因为该功能将部署到不同地点和工作人员;", "(b) 国家 7 156 200美元将用于聘用承包商从事项目管理和职能工作,如业务流程再造、业务需求收集、应用程序开发、应用程序集成、业务流程自动化和数据迁移活动,以及持续提供服务和协助用户界。", "一般业务费", "第109页. 443 300美元将用于支付共同支助费用,包括本方案要求的与承包商职位有关的租金、办公室空间的小规模改建和电话及传真服务。", "用品和材料", "110. 国家 1 166 100美元将用于支付与设立区域服务中心有关的费用。", "家具和设备", "111. 274 000美元将用于支付服务台软件基础设施所需额外服务器的费用。", "2014-2015两年期及以后", "112号 项目初步费用预测已尽可能准确地估计在1 490万美元至2 230万美元之间。 这包括用于延长2012-2013年开始的活动、支持移徙小组、差旅和变革管理投资的估计数,以确保成功的当地信通技术服务台迁移和实质性最终用户的顺利采用。 不过,预测将在以后的进度报告中加以更新,并在获得更多细节后,按照既定预算程序处理所需经费。", "D. 建立具有复原力的信息和通信技术基础设施", "背景情况", "113号. 在过去几十年中,本组织根据各个工作地点的需要,建设和维护了信通技术基础设施和信通技术设施。 鉴于全球数据通信不可靠,因此一贯赞成采用这种分散处理的办法,并认为有必要确保可靠的基础设施运作。 这一模式仍在使用,导致整个秘书处至少有34个数据中心和177个服务器室。 在分发方面,总部、总部以外办事处和区域委员会部署了18个数据中心和63个服务器室,外地特派团部署了16个数据中心和114个服务器室。", "114 (韩语). 过去十年来,通过新一代的通信技术,在所有工作地点之间促进互联互通方面取得了重大进展。 然而,数据中心继续孤立运作,主要侧重于支持当地需求。 这种工作方式在整个组织、大小工作地点,包括外地普遍存在。", "115. (中文(简体) ). 资源不仅用于维持这些工作地点专用数据中心,而且还用于提供单独的灾后恢复设施,以支持各中心的信息和系统。 除外勤支助部为其所有外地特派团提供后勤基地的灾后恢复设施外,所有其他工作地点都各自负责自己的备份基础设施。 不具备适当灾后恢复设施资源的工作地点根本没有资源或依赖其他工作地点临时履行这一职能,使本组织面临风险。", "116 (英语). 采用企业办法和共享服务模式来支持秘书处所有工作地点,将通过规模经济节省费用,逐步缩小当地数据中心设施的范围,并根据其需要向工作地点提供灾后恢复服务,从而建立一个具有复原力的信通技术基础设施。", "117号 各工作地点在开发、实施和维护当地软件应用方面也采取了类似的权力下放办法。 这一个别重点最终给整个联合国带来更大的代价,因为它需要更多的人员、服务器、储存和备份(复原力),而不是其他必要的。", "118. 继续下放权力的理由已不再有效。 企业系统以商业上可用的软件为基础,可以满足工作地点的大部分需要。 只有在例外情况下,即高度专业化的软件应用是唯一可能的解决办法时,工作地点才应着手为当地目的发展基础设施。", "119. 根据大会第63/269号决议,秘书处的战略是转向信息和通信技术基础设施的企业管理。 为了满足大会的要求,信通技术战略(见A/65/491)涉及向仅由两个企业数据中心组成的模式过渡,以托管企业系统。 地方数据中心将继续存在,但其范围将大大缩小,因为它们只关注那些因其性质无法在企业数据中心托管的系统。", "120号. 这一远景将通过在两个主要地点,即后勤基地的企业数据中心和西班牙巴伦西亚的二级数据中心,使本组织的数据中心结构更加精简和更具复原力来实现。", "目标", "121. (中文(简体) ). 信息和通信技术厅将“结构化数据中心”和“统一的灾后恢复计划和业务连续性办法”项目重新编为称为“建立有复原力的信通技术基础设施”的综合举措。 在这样做的过程中,它使数据中心的精简与信通技术的复原力相结合,以更有效地利用自上次报告以来所完成的工作。 此外,作为联合国秘书处适当预算周期的一部分,将提出为该倡议今后各阶段提供额外资金的请求。 对于一些任务,由于外勤支助部在创建企业数据中心方面已经取得进展,范围已缩小到总部、总部以外办事处和区域委员会。 这种重点将使该厅能够通过追求下列关键目标,在重新拟订的方法上取得重大进展:", "(a) 国家 建立两个企业数据中心,一个在后勤基地,一个在巴伦西亚二级数据中心;", "(b) 国家 在企业数据中心集中托管所有企业应用程序( \" 团结 \" 项目、电子邮件、Inspira、iNeed和企业身份管理系统),从而整合基础设施和应用程序支助资源;", "(c) 从企业数据中心提供每周7天、每天24小时的企业和地方数据中心监测和支助,同时通过规模经济降低成本;", "(d) 继续在本地数据中心内托管独特的、针对特定地点的应用程序;", "(e) 维持一个综合总项目计划,其中包括进度报告,以确保向所有利益攸关方提供关于该倡议状况的透明度。 将在整个过程中征求现有实务和信通技术治理机构的意见和指示。", "专栏6\n示例: “建立具有复原力的信通技术基础设施”\n目前的问题\n内乱正威胁着在受战争蹂躏地区驻扎的联合国工作人员的生命。 为了自身安全,大多数工作人员不得不离开当地的联合国办事处,有些还离开该区域。 特派团安保小组正设法将所有工作人员安排在一地,以确保他们的安全,行政工作人员正在忙于保存数据,在其他地方建立行动,以迅速援助公民,并向全世界提供危机方面的信息。 找到所有人员需要几天时间,但不幸的是,即使不是所有关键数据,也有可能丢失。 寻找新的地点并再次开展行动需要几周时间,这严重危及人员,使无法报告危机状况。\n预期改进\n通过加强信通技术基础设施环境的复原力,可在危机开始后立即向所有联合国工作人员发送短信,向他们提供关于何地集成的信息。 收到工作人员发来的信息,所有工作人员在几个小时内都得到说明。 在预先指定的撤离地点,工作人员能够进入他们的系统并迅速开始向总部迅速报告危机状况的重要工作。", "组织影响", "122. (中文(简体) ). “建立具有复原力的信通技术基础设施”倡议将加强信通技术和实质性业绩,使整个秘书处能够安全可靠地获取数据和系统,同时以大幅降低成本来提高生产力和灵活性。 基于企业数据中心概念的精简基础设施将大大提高本组织在发生危机时的复原能力,并提供一个以最有效的方式托管企业应用程序的关键平台。", "123. 国家 精简秘书处的计算基础设施不仅会提高业务效率;更重要的是,这将通过在共同、可靠的平台上更快、更容易地实施新的企业系统和技术,为各部厅提供重大的好处。", "定性福利", "124. (中文(简体) ). “建立具有复原力的信通技术基础设施”倡议将为本组织提供以下质量效益:", "(a) 企业服务器和存储管理的一致性。 使本组织的基础设施标准化将提高数据中心的性能和可用性,办法是精简支助流程和程序、交叉培训技术人员以及更多地利用系统合同在多个工作地点进行基本建设采购和维护。 这将通过尽量减少与停工有关的停工时间来提高本组织的生产力;", "(b) 增加提供服务。 减少用于例行数据中心业务任务的资源并重新分配给价值较高的信通技术职能,将为满足本组织的总体需要提供更大的支持;", "(c) 纠正业务缺陷并减少风险。 通过加强世界级设施增强灾后恢复能力和业务复原力,将减少风险并适当为今后所有举措提供信通技术基础设施。 它还将确保本组织能够在危机期间和危机后继续运作;", "(d) 通过减少总体碳足迹来促进可持续地使用信息和通信技术。 使用较少的物理服务器会导致耗用较少的电能.", "量化效益", "125. (中文(简体) ). 目前,本组织每年为数据中心支出约1.04亿美元,包括工作人员(5 420万美元)和设备(4 960万美元)费用。 此外,约有552名专职同等人员参与。 在总部、总部以外办事处和区域委员会(不包括特派团),每年费用为4 220万美元,涉及248名专职同等人员。 在充分执行该倡议后,估计每年将节省1 790万美元至2 690万美元。 随着倡议的进展,将实现一些节余,预计在充分执行一年后将实现全部节余(见附件四)。", "126. (中文(简体) ). 上述数字不包括外勤支助部报告的外地特派团将实现的节余。 因此,下文(a)至(c)分段所述的惠益只涉及总部、总部以外办事处和区域委员会。 此外,这些数字不包括因避免本组织因实务单位因危机而损失数据和(或)业务连续性费用而产生的估计收益。 预计这一举措下提议的具体职能改进将产生下列节余:", "(a) 电子邮件档案。 采用软件为后勤基地所有电子邮件档案提供一个来源将减少所有工作地点的设备和人力。 据估计,这将每年节省130至200万美元;", "(b) 储存优化。 秘书处在活动过程中制作的已储存文件的字节有许多重复的文件。 在为恢复能力目的支持数据之前,消除重复是一个关键步骤。 据估计,这将每年节省130万至200万美元;", "(c) 企业数据中心配置。 这些中心的设立将为所有工作地点的企业申请提供一个地点。 当地劳工和设备方面的节余估计为490万至740万美元(每个企业申请280万至420万美元)。 应当指出,为估计本报告提出的效益,只考虑一项申请(iNeed)。 随着企业使用的其他应用程序的合并,将明显实现更大的节约。 还应指出的是,这一效益估计数中包括在当地复制综管信息系统数据;", "(d) 企业服务器和储存工具。 由于复杂性降低,业务效率提高,一套服务器及存储管理和监测工具的减少将降低服务器和存储人工成本。 估计每年总节余为500至750万美元。 需要信息和通信技术厅同外勤支助部合作,以确保所有环境都能使用企业服务器和存储管理工具;", "(e) 本地服务器室迁移。 2012-2013年企业数据中心和地方数据中心建立后,每个地点的服务器室将分阶段迁入中心,从而增加业务连续性并每年节省540万至800万美元。 预计这些效益可能要到2016-2017年才能充分实现。", "表7 按类别分列的“建立具有复原力的信通技术基础设施”倡议每年经常性效益估计数", "(单位:百万美元)", "职能 估计数的低端", "电子邮件档案 1.3 2.0", "存储优化 1.3 2.0", "企业数据配置 4.9 7.4中心", "企业服务器和存储 5.0 7.5 工具", "本地服务器室迁移 5.4 8.0", "共计 17.9 26.9", "实施计划", "方针", "127 (韩语). 对秘书长报告(A/65/491)中概述的项目方法的重要修订之一是调整内部举措,以降低执行费用。 订正战略的一个关键要素是利用对后勤基地和巴伦西亚企业数据中心的大量投资,为部署企业应用程序提供一个具有复原力的平台。 必须指出,“结构化数据中心”倡议与“建立具有复原力的信通技术基础设施”倡议(前称“统一的灾后恢复计划和业务连续性办法”)之间有区别。 前者将力求统一所有数据中心地点,以减少当地服务器室,并提供服务器和存储管理的企业办法,后者将利用精简后的环境,为整个秘书处提供即时的备份和业务连续性配置。 两者相关,因为要尽量减少复原力举措的成本,就必须减少地点、服务器和储存。 从根本上说,为众多配置多样的场所提供和保持灾后恢复能力较为困难. 所有工作地点正在进行网络升级和协调工作,以筹备这一举措。 信息和通信技术厅和外勤支助部合作制定了这一办法,使基础设施为全球外勤支助战略和 \" 团结 \" 项目做好准备。 执行办法的关键要素是:", "(a) 在后勤基地建立企业数据中心和在巴伦西亚建立镜像复原力站点。 这两个设施是全秘书处获取所有企业应用程序的总体战略的核心内容。 正在与外勤支助部开展重要工作和规划,使外地的需求与秘书处其他部门的需求保持一致;", "(b) 企业和地方数据中心的架构、政策和程序符合所有应用程序。 该倡议将为托管所有企业应用程序制定政策和程序。 将考虑到团结项目、Inspira和其他企业应用程序,制定规划和部署时间表。 将与部门利益攸关方合作,确定并跟踪当地应用程序,以利今后进行整合,从而减少相关的基础设施需要;", "(c) 服务器和存储环境的标准化,包括企业和地方数据中心的监测和管理流程和工具。 这将有助于提高工作人员的复原力和流动性,因为管理数据中心所需的技能是可以转让的。 其他关键任务有:", "(一) 虚拟化,在可行的情况下,减少服务器室服务器的数目,然后将当地服务器室合并为每个站点的一个本地数据中心;确定潜在的相应复原力站点;", "(二) 在执行复原力措施之前,通过自动化手段减少现有储存空间;", "(三) 根据商定的时间框架,在所有地点执行多层次的储存战略,以便系统地储存费用较低的信息;", "(四) 在可行的情况下采取自动化办法,远程管理小地点;", "(d) 根据以往执行步骤的经验教训和利益攸关方的资金需要,调整交付成果;", "(e) 在所有地点利用iNeed办理基础设施工程订单和服务交易请求。 所有托管和储存请求将通过适当的企业信通技术服务台人员进行管理,并通往适当的服务实体。", "128. (英语). 当地数据中心将继续为独特的当地应用程序提供支助,包括建筑物管理系统、周边安全和监视系统、出纳支助系统、当地电子邮件和网络缓慢地点的相关应用程序、当地共享驱动器、目录系统、当地内联网和合作工具、当地通信电话收费系统、连接其他办事处的网络基础设施、与因特网和建筑物的连接以及无线电和电视制作系统。", "129. 国家 2011年底,信息和通信技术厅将牵头与信通技术管理协调小组合作,为秘书处分析、选择和实施一个标准化服务器和存储管理工具箱,通过企业和地方数据中心在所有工作地点部署。 这一办法将大大地加强整个组织的机构复原力。 在发生灾难时,企业数据中心将作为缓解危机的站点,为正在进行的实质性业务提供快速恢复。", "130. (中文(简体) ). 与对“企业信通技术服务台”倡议采取的做法一样,根据会员国和主要内部利益攸关方的反馈,制定了“建立具有复原力的信通技术基础设施”倡议。 信息和通信技术厅调整了现有和计划的举措,以充分利用内部能力。 因此,“稳定数据中心”倡议的最初拟议费用已大大减少。 此外,该厅通过纳入 \" 统一的灾后恢复计划和业务连续性办法 \" 的关键方面,包括综管信息系统的虚拟化、减少储存、电子邮件存档和复原力,提高了秘书处的信息和通信技术复原力。", "图七 “创建有复原力的信通技术基础设施”倡议的视觉表现", "[]", "迄今取得的进展:“钢丝数据中心”", "131. 国家 尽管资源有限,但在调整关键的内部基础设施项目以提供关键能力方面取得了进展,从而减少了与“钢铁数据中心”倡议有关的估计费用。 总部的基本建设总计划等基本建设方案继续改进后勤基地,巴伦西亚二级数据中心的建造工作也都被纳入了订正估计数。 此外,预计2012年初将对网络升级进行适度投资,使各主要工作地点能够实现高速多路径连接;预计企业数据中心还将投资于广域网更换技术(多Protocol Label Switching)。 这一进展和计划投资对于提高质量和减少“精简数据中心”倡议(包括其复原力)的需求至关重要。 然而,由于资本投资和预算在过去几个两年期中持续减少,目前的数据中心设备的年龄和能力正达到一个关键阶段,这就更加需要立即采取行动,确保继续运作。 本报告提出的订正办法考虑到了这些因素。 2012-2013年的拟议投资,连同下文所述的服务器和存储管理工具,将为部署 \" 团结 \" 项目和其他企业应用程序创造环境。", "迄今取得的进展:“提高信通技术的复原力”", "132. (中文(简体) ). 调整内部基础设施举措,以更好地充分利用内部能力,大大降低了“提高信通技术复原力”举措(前称“统一的灾后恢复计划和业务连续性办法”)的拟议费用。 减少的原因是,批准在巴伦西亚的镜像站点作为后勤基地的主要复原能力。 设在巴伦西亚的场地不久将投入使用,秘书处的费用远低于商业租赁的场地。 与“立体数据中心”倡议的配套是自然的,因为这两项倡议是相辅相成的。 信息和通信技术厅与外勤支助部和其他工作地点密切配合,对举措进行了调整,以便利用企业数据中心在整个秘书处全面恢复能力。 这将大大减少执行费用,同时能够更快、有计划、一致地应对影响本组织的任何危机。", "时间表", "133. (中文(简体) ). 整个“建立具有复原力的信通技术基础设施”倡议的时间表见下文图八。 然而,必须指出,目前只提议在2012-2013年执行各项任务。", "图八 “建立具有复原力的信通技术基础设施”倡议时间表", "134. 将通过下列主要活动来实施“建立具有复原力的信通技术基础设施”倡议(见图八):", "(a) 实施各种工具来减少存储增长并存档电子邮件。 活动包括:实施企业电子邮件存档和存储优化(“消除重复”)技术,以减少整个秘书处的存储并增强复原力能力;", "(b) 为后勤基地开办企业应用程序做好准备,建立当地复原力。 建立企业数据中心将为部署iNeed、 \" 团结 \" 项目和Inspira等企业应用程序提供切实有效的平台;", "(c) 为西班牙巴伦西亚的二级数据中心做好准备,作为后勤基地的镜像站点。 一旦建立企业应用程序和信通技术复原力,就必须有一个镜像站点,以确保后勤基地的数据和复原力;", "(d) 实施企业服务器和存储管理工具。 这将提高效率,同时促进工作人员的调动和机构复原力;", "(e) 将本地服务器室迁移到企业或本地数据中心。 虽然当地的独特应用程序仍然需要有当地数据中心的存在,但一旦职能转移到企业资源中心,并通过利用以前指定的工具,需要较小的足迹;", "(f) 统一所有数据中心的复原力。 在完成信通技术复原力全面功能设计后,进一步统一不同地点的计算资源,进一步整合应用程序,将给秘书处带来额外好处,在选定的通用应用程序中使用同一模式。 这将需要各部门的广泛参与、协调和信通技术管理机构的批准。", "所需资源", "表8 执行“建立具有复原力的信通技术基础设施”倡议所需资源总额", "(单位:千美元)", "2012-2013年支出用途", "其他人事费 511.2", "订约承办事务", "家具和设备 4 947.2", "共计 9 827.9", "2012-2013两年期所需资源", "135. (中文(简体) ). 为“建立具有复原力的信通技术基础设施”倡议而需要开展的活动,将作为综合工作方案加以执行,因此,本节所列所有估计数都加以合并。", "其他人事费", "136. (中文(简体) ). 511 200美元将用于聘用相当于1个P-5职等员额的一般临时人员,以领导后勤基地和巴伦西亚企业数据中心的运作以及综管系统灾后恢复举措。", "订约承办事务", "137号. 2012-2013年,4 369 500美元将用于电子邮件存档、减少储存、服务器和储存管理工具以及创建企业数据中心的活动,具体如下:", "(a) 国家 经费2 230 200美元将用于支付为服务器和储存管理工具发放许可证的软件费用。 随着该功能部署到不同地点和工作人员,将逐步购置该软件;", "(b) 国家 2 139 300美元将用于为项目管理和职能工作提供订约承办事务,如技术流程再造、技术需求收集、集成开发、应用程序集成、服务器和存储流程自动化、数据迁移活动,以及正在进行的服务器和存储交付和协助用户界。", "家具和设备", "138. 247. 4 947 200美元将用于支付家具和设备费用,特别是电子邮件档案项目所需的基础设施设备、复制以及企业服务器和储存工具的安装。", "2014-2015两年期及以后", "139. (中文(简体) ). 项目初步费用预测已尽可能准确地估计在1 160万美元至1 740万美元之间,包括延长2012-2013年开始的活动、支助迁移小组、旅行和变更管理投资,以确保成功迁移当地服务器室以及各部厅顺利过渡到企业和地方数据中心的平台。 不过,预测将在以后的进度报告中加以更新,并在获得更多细节后,按照既定预算程序处理所需经费。", "页:1 风险管理", "减少风险的办法", " 140.: 140. 风险评估和管理是确保考虑到适当的风险识别、分析和缓解行动的关键步骤,特别是考虑到本报告所述四项信通技术举措的重要性和范围。 秘书处已作出相当大的努力,以确保与这些举措有关的风险得到适当考虑。", "141 (英语). 通过信通技术治理框架,对每项举措都进行了彻底审查,并遵循了最佳业务案例和风险缓解方法,确保从成本效益、项目交付和组织影响的角度确定、评估和评估风险。", "142. (中文(简体) ). 根据对各项倡议的审查,下文列出了与机会成本和执行挑战有关的已查明的风险。", "机会成本", "143. (中文(简体) ). 如果这些举措得不到实施,或者投资极少,信通技术成本将继续上升,可能超过信通技术工作人员在整个秘书处提供基本服务的能力,以及知识管理等需求高的领域的重要解决方案。 管理做法和技术的分化将继续存在,给本组织有效执行任务和开展实质性活动造成困难。", "144. (中文(简体) ). 随着企业系统取代当地系统,潜在的节余将变得更加重要。 不投资于系统和基础设施,将会导致当地应用部署和相关支助服务的费用继续上升。", "145 (英语). 目前,本组织浪费了宝贵的时间和资源来“再造轮子”,或未能获得现有最高质量的专门知识。 因此,发明和(或)创新受到阻碍,因此受影响的服务出现故障,继续影响工作人员的效力和产出的交付。", "执行方面的挑战", "146. 国家 在缺乏强有力的高级管理层接受和承诺的情况下,本组织的信息和通信技术能力和资源将继续以高昂的代价在大片空地中进行。 因此,高层管理人员的领导对于成功治理和实施所有举措至关重要。", "147页. 本组织需要利用过去的经验,在类似情况下重新加以应用,从而能够不断改进。 因此,将利用信息和通信技术厅和信通技术治理机构共同确定的基于业绩的框架,及时报告所有举措的进展情况。 随着这些倡议的实施,它们将征求治理机构的反馈和指示,并根据其方向和财务需要作出有意义的调整。 经验教训将记录在案,供今后使用。", " 148. 148. 改革管理和传播战略执行不力,可能使最终用户、各部厅接受业务方式的这些重大变化。 将开展适当的变革管理努力,包括宣传运动、准备情况评估、利益攸关方管理以及对所有举措取得成功至关重要的作用、进程和工具的培训。", "149 (英语). 负责与倡议有关的职能的工作人员需要得到适当的培训,以便提供与业务和信通技术功能有关的服务。 此外,如果新功能没有经过彻底测试以确保预期的效用,用户可能不会完全采用新功能. 所有与实施这些举措有关的计划都要求进行充分的用户验收测试并交叉培训当地工作人员。", "三. 所需资源和有待大会采取的行动摘要", "A类. 所需资源总表", "150 (英语). 如下表9所详述,2012-2013两年期执行四个企业信通技术举措估计共需要42 822 500美元(按目前费率计算)。", "表9 按举措开列的所需资源净额总表", "(单位:千美元)", "2012-2013年倡议(a)", "改进企业信通技术管理", "通过信通技术利用知识", "加强信通技术服务的提供 13 151.9", "建立具有复原力的信通技术 9 827.9个基础设施", "共计 42 822.5", "^(a) 2014-2015年的初步估计数包括:为“改进企业信通技术管理”倡议追加100-200万美元(不包括员额持续费用和相关共同支助费用700万美元);为“通过信通技术获取知识”倡议估计需要800-1 200万美元;为“加强信通技术服务”倡议估计需要1 490-2 230万美元;为“创建具有复原力的信通技术基础设施”倡议估计需要1 160-1 740万美元。", "151 (英语). 如表9和表10所示,所需资源总额由经常预算、维持和平行动支助账户和预算外资源供资,百分比如下:15%由经常预算提供,62%由维持和平行动支助账户提供,23%由方案支助费用特别账户提供(其中与技术合作和普通信托基金有关的支出产生的间接费用收入,以及偿还本组织向联合国开发计划署和联合国儿童基金会等预算外实体提供行政支助的费用)贷记(见A/65/491,第243段)。 每个供资来源(经常预算、维持和平支助账户、预算外)将按所需资源总额中既定的份额计算捐款。", "表10. 私营部门 按资金来源开列的所需资源净额总表(按现时费率计算的全额项目费用)", "(单位:千美元)", "预算支助账户共计", "改进企业信通技术 1 253.1 5 179.4 1 921.4 8 353.9 管理", "通过信通技术利用知识", "加强信通技术服务", "建立有复原力的信通技术 1 474.2 6 093.3 2 260.4 9 827.9 基础设施", "共计 6 423.4 26 550.0 9 849.1 42 822.5", "表11. 国家 按资金来源开列的所需资源净额总表", "(单位:千美元)", "2012-2013年资金来源", "经常预算 6 423.4", "维持和平支助账户", "预算外 9 849.1", "共计 42 822.5", "表12. 私营部门 执行信通技术结构审查项目所需资源总额", "(单位:千美元)", "2012-2013年支出用途", "员额 2 883.6", "其他人事费", "工作人员旅费 511.0", "订约承办事务", "一般业务费用 4 476.6", "用品和材料", "家具和设备 5 899.2", "共计 42 822.5", "B. 有待大会采取的行动", "152. (中文(简体) ). 本文介绍的变革性信通技术举措将大大提高本组织的效力和效率,并继续向符合会员国期望的全组织一致信通技术方法过渡。 依靠企业解决方案和最佳利用信通技术资源将为秘书处实现其使命和方案目标提供重大好处。 如果维持现状,这种改善是无法实现的。", "153 (英语). 5. 请大会:", "(a) 国家 核可四项倡议(“改进信通技术企业管理”、“通过信通技术获取知识”、“加强信通技术服务的提供”和“创造具有复原力的信通技术基础设施”);", "(b) 国家 注意到,如果核准为2012-2013两年期设立14个员额,延迟影响的费用估计为2 325 600美元;", "(c) 又注意到2012-2013两年期所需资源总额估计数为42 822 500美元的提议如下:", "(一) 经常预算:2012-2013两年期拟议方案预算第30款(信息和通信技术厅)下5 639 100美元,第29 D款(中央支助事务厅)下784 300美元;", "(二) 维持和平行动支助账户:", "(单位:千美元) 6 637 500美元,作为2011年7月1日至2012年6月30日期间维持和平行动支助账户追加批款提供,以支付本报告所述与2012-2013两年期所有四项举措有关的所需资源;", "(b) 减少或减少员额。 2012年7月1日至2013年6月30日财政期间的维持和平行动支助账户所需经费将在以后的账户中考虑未来剩余所需经费估计数13 275 000美元;", "c. 将数据删除; 2013年7月1日至2014年6月30日财政期间的维持和平行动支助账户所需经费将列入未来剩余所需经费估计数6 637 500美元;", "(三) 预算外资源:2012-2013两年期所有项目总费用估计数9 849 100美元由预算外资源提供;", "(j) 核准下列追加批款:", "(一) 2012-2013两年期拟议方案预算下6 423 400美元,用于第30款(信息和通信技术厅)(5 639 100美元)和第29 D款(中央支助事务厅)(784 300美元);", "(二) 2011年7月1日至2012年6月30日期间维持和平行动支助账户下6 637 500美元。", "页:1", "信息和通信技术厅的任务和资源水平", "核定信通技术战略规定的任务(A/62/793) 新/现有任务 提供的资源\n为秘书处制定信通技术战略并协调其实施(第35(a)段)\n审查秘书处所有信通技术举措和业务的所有供资来源的预算(第35(b)段) 新限制\n酌情利用问责制框架,对照既定目标、目标和预算指标,监测、衡量和评价信息和通信技术单位的业绩(第35(c)段)\n为本组织确定技术方向和结构(第35(d)段)\n规划和开发全组织所有信通技术应用程序,包括企业资源规划系统和其他主要系统(第35(e)段)\n规划和发展包括本组织通信网络和数据中心在内的总体基础设施架构(第35(f)段) 现有限制\n利用本组织的全球存在和信通技术基础设施开发和运作全秘书处的应用程序和基础结构,以尽量扩大效益和成本效益(第35(g)段) 现有限制\n与其他信通技术单位合作开展信通技术研发活动(第35(h)段)\n监督本组织信通技术风险评估和管理(第35(一)段) 新限制\n制定和维护本组织的信息安全政策并监测各业务单位的遵守情况(第35(j)段)\n管理本组织灾后恢复和业务连续性计划的执行情况(第35(k)段)\n协调信通技术人力资源管理方案和活动,包括工作人员发展和全球秘书处所有信通技术工作人员的流动(第35(l)段)\n向所有信通技术单位提供业务咨询和项目管理方法和服务(第35(m)段)\n监测、衡量和评价全球秘书处信通技术项目组合中所有项目和投资举措的业绩和战略调整(第35(n)段)\n制定信通技术供应商管理政策;审查和监测采购和合同续签活动(第35(o)段)\n实施质量保证程序,以确保所有政策、程序和标准都得到遵守(第35(p)段)\n设立客户服务职能(第42段)\n履行信息和通信技术新有限公司执行办公室的职能", "页:1", "* 联合国 关于信息和通信技术厅的现有结构,见A/64/6(Sect.29)。", "2012-2013两年期信息和通信技术厅拟议结构*", "[]", "简称:ASG:助理秘书长;RB:经常预算;JF:合资办理(经常预算:支助账户:预算外);GS:一般事务;OL:其他职等;PL:特等;XB:预算外;TC:工匠;SA:特别账户。", "^(a) 新员额。", "^(b) 调动。", "联合国", "实现效益需要具备的条件", "1. 联合国 应当指出,倡议提案中提出的所有数字都是估计数。 这些好处基于这样的假设,即从编写本报告之时起,这些好处可能改变几年。 此外,效益是根据并非总能完整或完全可靠的现有数据来源计算的,部分原因是秘书处不具备提供全球信息和通信技术准确业务信息的标准、工具和自动化水平。 此处所示的潜在效益不应视为眼前的节余,而不应在编制未来预算时加以考虑。 只有在新进程和结构部署至少一年之后,并在这些进程和结构稳定下来之后,并在随后对效益进行分析和确认之后,才应考虑进行任何削减。 下图显示了项目阶段和从企业信通技术举措获得的利益。", "项目阶段和从企业信通技术举措获得的利益", "[]", "2. 联合国 实现本报告所述的效益是基于若干重要条件,包括为执行提案提供全额资金、所有利益攸关方继续参与和支持以及秘书处内部继续建立强有力的信通技术治理结构。", "3个 不能允许个别部门选择退出这些企业举措。 如果允许例外,这些提案概述的效益将被大大削弱,因为规模经济将丧失,标准将受到损害,全球信息和通信技术环境中的复杂性将依然存在。", " 4.四. 信通技术职位的叙级权需要由人力资源管理厅与信息和通信技术厅合作统一控制,以防止各部门建立单独的信通技术职务叙级系统。", "5 (韩语). 需要同人力资源管理厅合作制定工作人员培训和辅导方案,以促进有效的工作人员调动并过渡到新的全球人员配置模式。", "联合国", "量化效益分析", "I. 通过信息和通信技术利用知识", "估计数(百万美元)\n高端范围", "信息共享 9.2 11.2", "加强各部门3.0 3.7和地点的信息共享", "工作人员业绩改进 ^(b) 4.2 5.1", "因时间缩短而提高生产率 1.6 1.9 查找信息 ^(c)", "减少所有语文的出版周转时间 18 22 ^(d)", "已执行和已执行的内容工作流程 12-14 创建和出版 ^(e)", "虚拟会议3.5 4.3", "加强信息共享和虚拟 1.5 1.8次会议,节省出行时间并缩短会议时间^(f)", "加强信息共享和虚拟会议 .94 1.1次会议,导致海外旅行费用减少", "改进决策 ^(h) .88 1.0", "16.19 总部与总部之间更好的沟通", "内容和技术优化 4.7 5.7", "通过减少不同的遗留问题来避免费用", "降低呼叫中心费用^(k). 18 22", "将世界各地的联合国官方公众网站合并为单一网站 ^(l)", "综合服务器和应用程序^(m). 18 22", "减少了对外部网络开发商和.64.78名管理员的需求", "人人享有高效和标准化的环境 .08.09网络服务. 方便实施品牌、无障碍和可用性标准^(o)", "加快新网站的创建并更新现有网站.48.58。 加快内容管理和协作信息库的整合 ^(p)", "维持1.6 1.9个网站所需人力减少。 生产率提高,因为工作人员寻找信息和工具所需的时间减少", "减少印刷 1.4 1.8", "通过减少印刷(67.82)和电子文件共享和合作(r)", "通过减少物理存储来避免费用 .81.99 空间 .", "内容安排和查阅", "加强各部门和地点之间的信息共享", "共计 23 28", "二. 加强提供信通技术服务", "节余估计数(百万美元)^(u)\n加强提供信通技术服务 高端范围", "自助服务 ^(五) 6.6 9.9", "“服务请求”将简化申请信通技术产品和服务的程序并实现1.3 2.0自动化", "“密码重置”将提供一个在线门户,用于重置网络密码", "“知识基础”将用于收集关于共同问题的2.6 4.0信息并提供一个在线门户来寻找解决办法", "信通技术资产管理^(w) 10.3 15.4", "“自动发现”将使每个工作站用户能够收集7.6 11.4 信通技术硬件和软件信息", "“业绩管理”将使用业务2.7 4.0情报工具,以掌握业务和战略衡量标准", "服务台自动化^(x) 1.4 2.0", "“接驳和代理调度”将使0.7 1.0更能高效地使用服务台代理,并能够入场和跟踪入场券", "“商业情报”将跟踪服务台0.7 1.0和工作站售票业绩(即第一呼叫解答、解决时间等)", "工作站标准化 ^(y) 7.4 11.2", "“基准配置”(操作系统、电子邮件、3.7 5.6浏览器、反病毒软件等)将为所有工作站提供共同的核心软件图像,以更快地部署系统并更容易地维护图像。", "“基于政策的行政”将提供3.7 5.6项基于作用的规则,防止未经授权的软件或系统访问,这将减少工作站的问题数目", "工作站自动化^(z) 7.5 11.3", "“远程控制”将提供技术支持,5.0 7.5次进入工作站,以便更有效地利用技术资源", "“软件分发”将为在所有工作站分发软件更新提供2.5 3.8的标准化方法", "当地服务台迁移 ^(aa) 6.5 9.8", "“获取知识”活动将利用4.0 6.0知识库能力,以了解当地共同的信通技术问题,使区域信通技术服务台的问题更容易得到解决", "“减少地方服务台”将使2.5 3.8个地方信通技术资源更有能力处理实质性任务,同时将共同的信通技术服务台职能移交给区域服务台", "总计 39.7 59.6", "三. 建立具有复原力的信通技术基础设施", "估计节余(百万美元)^(bb)\n创建具有复原力的信通技术基础设施", "电子邮件存档^(cc) 1.3 2.0", "“电子邮件档案企业管理”将为支助人员提供一个地点(企业数据中心),以便管理所有电子邮件备份活动", "0.91.4将实现“设备合并”,取消所有工作地点(不包括特派团)的电子邮件备份要求", "存储优化^(dd) 1.3 2.0", "0.20.3企业应用程序的“企业管理”将加强数据的有效管理和优化。 它还将确保关键数据在一个地点有效储存,以更快地恢复系统", "设备合并将实现1.21.7,取消在所有工作地点(不包括特派团)储存企业应用程序的要求", "企业数据中心的配置^(ee) 4.9 7.4", "“企业数据中心服务器管理”将 2.8 4.2 确保企业系统与以往的部署方法相比,具有弹性架构并获得减少的支助人员支持", "“企业数据中心服务器合并和1.1 1.7复原力”将通过将应用程序设在一个具有世界级业务和复原力的地点来完成,从而降低实施企业系统的成本", "“企业数据中心储存管理”将0.6 0.8确保企业系统拥有最优化的储存架构,并比以往部署方法减少支助人员", "“企业数据中心储存合并0.5 0.7和复原力”将通过统一一个地点的储存,使关键数据具有充分复原力,从而降低实施企业系统的成本", "企业服务器和存储工具^(ff) 5.0 7.4", "“2.6 4.0企业数据中心和地方数据中心的服务器监测和管理工具”将为企业和地方数据中心提供共同工具,以简化服务器业务并便利所有工作地点统一设备", "“1.01.6企业数据中心和地方数据中心的服务器监测和管理工具”将在整个企业和地方数据中心提供共同工具,以简化服务器业务,扩大所有工作地点的覆盖面", "“0.81.2企业数据中心和地方数据中心的集成监测和管理工具”将为企业和地方数据中心提供共同工具,以简化存储业务,并便利所有工作地点统一设备", "“0.5 0.7企业数据中心和地方数据中心的集成监测和管理工具”将为企业和地方数据中心提供共同工具,以简化存储业务,扩大所有工作地点的覆盖面", "本地服务器室迁移^(gg) 5.3 8.0", "“地方服务器室迁移企业数据4.0 6.0个中心和地方数据中心”,将合并现有的地方服务器室,以加强安全和复原力,并减少对设备的需求", "“地方服务器室迁移企业数据0.7 1.0中心和地方数据中心”,将合并现有地方服务器室,以减少当地的支助需求", "“企业数据本地存储迁移0.5 0.7中心和本地数据中心”将合并现有的本地存储,以加强安全和复原力,并减少对设备的需求", "“企业数据本地存储迁移0.2(0.3)中心和地方数据中心”将合并现有本地存储,以减少当地所需支助", "总计 17.9 26.9", "^(a) 每周为8 000人节省10分钟,其中65%得到有效利用。", "^(b) 工作人员业绩的改善包括:由于决策更好、更快、节省工作人员时间、对外部事件作出更多反应、改进组织记录的管理、提高透明度和加强问责制、加强信息安全、保护机密信息、更好地支持业务连续性、更好地掌握遗留内容等等,提高了效力和效率。 其假设是,系统中的每一份“活性”文件将有助于实现上述一种或多种效益。 计算这项福利的公式假定有55 000份文件和P-3职等工作人员的平均费用。 假定每一文件每年带来一小时的好处。 福利总额按每份文件节省的每小时平均人事费文件数计算。", "^(c) 国际数据公司的一项研究表明,“一个拥有1 000名知识工人的企业每周浪费48 000美元(每年250万美元)。 据估计,平均每1 000个用户将节省10个P-3员额。", "•(d) 今天,并非所有语文的内容都充分提供。 新平台将每年节省大约一人,提高笔译员的生产率。", "^(e) 工作流量将进一步提高工作人员的生产率。 估计每年节省3/4人。", "^(f) 每周为4 000人节省10分钟,65%的时间得到有效利用。", "^(g) 不再需要每年10次旅行,每次7 000美元。", "^(h) 缩短会议时间。 计算估计数的假设是,由于不必举行会议来决定1 000个用户的行动,因此每周节省了1/2小时。 一半的时间可以有成效地使用(1/2小时(节省的时间) * 1 000个(用户) * 52个(星期) * 63美元=)。", "^ (一) 通过能够在不同时区搜索整个企业的信息,而不必依赖人类知识工作者来生成和提供信息,估计每年至少将节省一人的时间.", "页:1 计算这一福利所用的公式假定运行/支助遗留系统(包括储存)的年平均费用为50 000美元。 预计遗留系统将减少20个系统(每年总数=系统数目* 运行/支助系统的每年费用)。", "•(k) 能够从事同样工作的工作人员会减少。 估计需要减少两名服务台技术人员。", "页:1 不断更新公共网站所需的时间和人员减少。 每年节省的人数大约减少2人。", "^(m) 将适当配置新的基础设施,应用程序将在新的、更有效的硬件上运行。 综合架构将可扩展和可携带。", "^(n) 数据 一个中央开发和设计小组将研究一种技术。 估计每年可节省四名开发人员。", "^(o) 模板将使满足网络格式化要求的速度快而容易。 据估计,每年可节省约2.5人。", "^(p) 这些节余反映在每年规划、设计和开发新网站所需的人数上。 估计每年可节省3人。", "^(q) 这些节余体现在每年需要多少人来维护、改造和改进新平台上已有的网站。 据估计,每年可节省2人。 通过使用内容管理系统创建并更新网站,用户将能够更高效地创建并找到相关信息. 这将节省整个秘书处每年至少8人的生产力。", "^(r) 由于更好的合作和电子信息共享,印刷的需要将减少。", "^(s) 计算这项福利的公式假定年平均费用为每平方英尺75美元。 根据预测,由于改进了电子文件和记录管理,实际储存空间将减少10 000平方英尺。 每年总数=平方相片减少*每平方英尺平均成本.", "^(t) 由于更好地组织信息,提高了效率和效力。 为7 000人每周节省15分钟(每年46周),65%的时间得到有效利用。", "^(u) 这些估计数用于充分执行各项倡议之后的节余,并不反映每年导致充分执行的节余。", "^ (五) 假设是,通过将电话量减少20%至30%,将提高信通技术服务台工作的效率。", "^(w) 键 假设支助人员的效率将提高8%至12%,设备项下将节省8%至12%,原因是收缴许可证和减少收缩(库存损失)。", "页:1 假设是,由于工作量的有效分配,服务台工作人员的效率将提高4%至6%。", "^(y) 假定服务提供将改善8%至12%,因为更方便地解决和减少电话量。", "•(z) 假设自动化工具将使工作站工作人员的效率提高12%至18%。", "^(aa) 假设是,由于知识库的规模和使用增加,当地和区域服务台的人力将减少12%至18%,而当地服务台设备将减少40%至60%。", "^(bb) (中文(简体) ). 这些估计数用于充分执行各项倡议之后的节余,并不反映每年完成之前的节余。", "^(cc) 假设电子邮件设备将减少8%至12%,相关劳动力将减少12%至18%,特派团除外。", "^(dd) 假设与储存有关的设备将减少20%至30%,与储存有关的劳动力将减少4%至6%,特派团除外。", "^(ee) 将基础设施工作人员的效率提高18%至22%,使设备节省8%至12%,特派团除外。", "^(ff) 将所有基础设施工作人员的效率提高3%至5%,并节省1.5%至2.5%的设备,包括特派团。", "^(gg) 大量减少主要是当地服务器室设备(28-42%)、当地储存设备(8-12%)和当地基础设施劳动力(4-6%)(不包括设施)。", "[1] 在本报告中,“信息”一词指联合国实质性工作的产品(如文件、图像、网页、录像剪辑等);“知识”一词指从信息中衍生出的想法或概念(如分析、评估、决定等);“内容”一词一般地结合了信息和知识。", "[2] “Wikis”提供了一个合作工作空间,人们可以直接为内容作出贡献。 “博客”使个人能够定期提供评论或描述事件。 “标签”使个人能够应用关键词来获取他们希望迅速和容易获得的信息。", "[3] “实践社区”是指一个利益攸关、手艺相通和/或专业相通的群体。 团体可以自然地演变,因为成员在某一领域或领域的共同利益,或者可以专门为了获得与其领域有关的知识而创建. 正是通过分享信息和经验的过程,各成员相互学习,并有机会个人和专业发展。 实践社区可以在网上存在,例如在讨论板和新闻组内,或者在现实生活中,例如工作场所的午餐室、田间、厂房或其他地方。", "[4] 信通技术管理协调小组由秘书处各部厅信通技术单位的主管和高级工作人员组成。 该小组作为一个论坛,就信通技术战略方案和全秘书处的其他活动提供指导并交流意见。 它每四周举行一次视频会议,每年举行两次务虚会。" ]
[ "Provisional agenda for the 6580th meeting of the Security Council", "To be held on Monday, 11 July 2011, at 3 p.m.", "1. Adoption of the agenda.", "2. Admission of new members", "Note by the Secretary-General (S/2011/418)." ]
[ "安全理事会第6580次会议临时议程", "定于2011年7月11日星期一下午3时举行", "1. 通过议程。", "2. 接纳新会员国", "秘书长的说明(S/2011/418)。" ]
[ "安全理事会第6580次会议临时议程", "定于2011年7月11日星期一下午3时举行", "1. 联合国 1. 通过议程。", "2. 接纳新成员", "秘书长的说明(S/2011/418)。" ]
[ "General Assembly Security Council Sixty-fifth session Sixty-sixth year Agenda item 36 \n The situation in the Middle East", "Identical letters dated 23 June 2011 from the Permanent Representative of Lebanon to the United Nations addressed to the Secretary-General and the President of the Security Council", "On instructions from my Government, I have the honour to transmit to you herewith a statistical summary of Israeli violations of Security Council resolution 1701 (2006) committed during the month of May 2011 (see annex).", "I should be grateful if you would have the present letter issued as an official document of the sixty-fifth session of the General Assembly, under agenda item 36, and of the Security Council.", "(Signed) Nawaf Salam", "Ambassador", "Permanent Representative", "Annex to the identical letters dated 23 June 2011 from the Permanent Representative of Lebanon to the United Nations addressed to the Secretary-General and the President of the Security Council", "Land violations", "Date\tTime\tNature of violation\n1 May2011\t1000\tMembers of an Israeli enemy patrol from positionghayn-66 (south of Aytarun) observed Lebaneseterritory and pointed in the direction thereof.\n2 May2011\t1625\tAn explosion was heard inside the occupied Shab‘aFarms opposite Birkat al-Naqqar.\n\t1725\tAs it was moving to position shin-46 (Fatimah Gate5), members of an Israeli enemy patrolphotographed the Lebanese Army 912th Companycommand post in Kafr Kila.\n3 May2011\t1215\tAs it was moving from position shin-27 (Misgav Am)to the emplacement opposite the Lebanese ArmyUdaysah checkpoint, members of an Israeli enemypatrol consulted maps and pointed and lookedthrough binoculars in the direction of Lebaneseterritory.\n\t1240\tMembers of an Israeli enemy patrol from positionshin-27 (Misgav Am) consulted maps and pointed andlooked through binoculars in the direction ofLebanese territory.\n\t1640\tAs it was moving from position shin-46 (FatimahGate 5) to position shin-35 (Fatimah Gate 4),members of an Israeli enemy patrol photographedthe Lebanese Army 912th Company command post inKafr Kila.\n\t20302115\tIsraeli enemy personnel opposite the Fatimah Gatedirected a searchlight from inside the orchardstowards the Al Shit building inside Lebaneseterritory.\n5 May2011\t0810\tExplosions were heard inside the occupied Shab‘aFarms and warning sirens were sounded.\n\t2250\tFrom position ghayn-7 (Labbunah—Jabal al-Mishqaf1), the Israeli enemy directed a searchlight for15 minutes towards Lebanese territory.\n7 May2011\t1030\tAn Israeli enemy tank at the Rumaysh Gate, pointedits cannon towards a Lebanese Army position at thebarrier.\n8 May2011\t14351700\tAn Israeli enemy tank stationed itself at positionghayn-20 (Dahirah Gate) and pointed its cannontowards the Lebanese Army Tall al-Ghaba’inposition.\n\t12201230\tAs an Israeli enemy patrol was passing coordinateTP37 opposite the Lebanese Army Udaysahcheckpoint, one of its members pointed his weaponin the direction of checkpoint personnel, andanother observed those personnel with binoculars.\n12 May2011\t0658\tAs they were moving from position ghayn-61 (Hadab)to position ghayn-63 (Saliha), two Israeli Merkavatanks pointed their cannons towards Lebaneseterritory.\n\t0935\tAs an Israeli enemy patrol was moving fromposition shin-27 (Misgav Am) towards theemplacement at the Lebanese Army Udaysahcheckpoint, one of its personnel pointed hisweapon in the direction of Lebanese territory.\n\t0945\tOn the road connecting position zay-18 (Jabalal-Rus) to position zay-19 (Birkat al-Naqqar),three Israeli enemy personnel with a Poclainexcavator crossed the technical line and conductedexcavations in the territory with regard to whichLebanon maintains a claim.\n\t1000\tIntermittent bursts of medium machine-gun fire andvehicle movement were heard inside the occupiedShab‘a Farms in the area surrounding the Israelienemy Ramta outpost (zay-16).\n\t1100\tAs an Israeli enemy patrol was moving fromposition shin-27 (Misgav Am) towards the gateopposite the Lebanese Army Udaysah checkpoint, oneof its personnel pointed his weapon in thedirection of the aforementioned checkpoint.\n\t1550\tAn Israeli enemy patrol stationed itself oppositeposition zay-6 (south of Abbasiyah), where forsome five minutes one of its members pointed a12.7 mm machine gun towards Lebanese Armypersonnel in front of the Abbasiyah position.\n\t1820\tAs an Israeli enemy patrol was passing oppositethe Fatimah Gate, one of its members made vulgargestures in the direction of a Lebanese Armysoldier stationed in the vicinity of the FatimahGate garden.\n13 May2011\t1905\tAt the Lebanese Army Aytit position (kaf-84), as asignaller was changing frequencies, he heardHebrew being spoken on frequencies reserved forthe Lebanese Army (lam-6).\n\t1100\tAt the barbed wire fence in Marun al-Ra’s, theIsraeli enemy opened fire in the direction ofseveral Palestinians who were taking part in aNakbah commemoration, killing 11 and injuring morethan 120.\n\t1630\tAs an Israeli enemy patrol was passing oppositethe Fatimah Gate, one of its members made vulgargestures, loaded his weapon and pointed it towardsa Lebanese Army soldier at the aforementionedgate.\n\t1655\tA member of an Israeli enemy patrol made vulgargestures at Lebanese Army personnel stationed atthe Fatimah Gate.\n17 May2011\t0200\tAs an Israeli enemy patrol was moving fromposition shin-32 (Fatimah Gate 1) to positionshin-35 (Fatimah Gate 4), one of its membersdirected a projector beam towards Lebanese Armyobservers on the road that runs alongside thetechnical fence, and in the direction of abuilding under construction opposite the FatimahGate. They also addressed provocative language toone of the observers, saying: “Prove to me thatyou are a man”. The patrol left at 0230 hours.\n\t1435\tAs an Israeli enemy patrol was moving fromposition shin- 27 (Misgav Am) towards theemplacement opposite the Lebanese Army Udaysahcheckpoint, its members set up two surveillancecameras pointing in the direction of the Udaysahcheckpoint and the Udaysah—Kafr Kila road.\n\t0940\tIsraeli enemy forces broke into the cellulartelephone network and sent recorded messages inArabic to the effect that anyone with informationabout the Israeli soldiers missing in Lebanon wasguaranteed a reward of $10 million.\n19 May2011\t1140\tAn Israeli enemy patrol set up surveillancecameras opposite the Lebanese Army Udaysahcheckpoint. A member of the patrol loaded and thenaimed a MAG machine gun mounted on a Hummervehicle in the direction of personnel at theaforementioned checkpoint.\n20 May2011\t2000\tAn Israeli enemy Merkava tank stationed itself atposition ghayn-14 (east of Hanita 2) and pointedits cannon towards the Lebanese Army Lahlahposition.\n\t09401055\tAn Israeli enemy excavator escorted by a Merkavatank reinforced the Fashkul outpost inside theoccupied Shab‘a Farms.\n24 May2011\t1200\tIsraeli enemy personnel used a winch to performmaintenance on the barbed wire fence on theperimeter of the Israeli enemy Ruwaysat al-Alamoutpost in the occupied Shab‘a Farms.\n\t2235\tAs an Israeli enemy patrol was moving fromposition ghayn-21 (south of Dahirah Farm) toposition ghayn-20 (Dahirah Gate), one of itsmembers directed a searchlight for 30 secondstowards Lebanese territory and the guard tower atthe Lebanese Army Ghaba’in position.\n26 May2011\t2020\tThe Israeli enemy fired a medium machine-gun fromits positions ghayn-7 (Labbunah—Jabal al-Mishqaf1) and ghayn-8 (Labbunah—Jabal al-Mishqaf 2). Around of unknown calibre exploded over theLebanese Army Labbunah position.\n29 May2011\t12002000\tTwo Israeli enemy winches engaged in fortificationwork in the area surrounding the Radar outpostinside the occupied Shab’a Farms.\t2030\tSeveral explosions were heard inside the occupiedShab‘a Farms. \n\t2200", "Sea violations", "Date\tTime\tNature of violation\n2 May2011\t04250445\tAn Israeli enemy military launch directed asearchlight for one minute and five secondstowards Lebanese territorial waters.\n5 May2011\t0005\tOn two occasions, an Israeli enemy military launchdirected a searchlight towards Lebaneseterritorial waters for 30 seconds each time.\n8 May2011\t00550345\tAn Israeli enemy military launch directed asearchlight towards Lebanese territorial waters.Also, from position ghayn-1 (Ra’s al-Naqurah), theIsraeli enemy directed a searchlight for 20seconds towards buoys Nos. 2 and 3.\n12 May2011\t0205\tAn Israeli enemy military launch directed asearchlight for one minute towards Lebaneseterritorial waters.\n14 May2011\t2153\tAn Israeli enemy military launch directed asearchlight for 30 seconds towards Lebaneseterritorial waters.\n15 May2011\t0330\tAn Israeli enemy military launch directed asearchlight for two minutes towards Lebaneseterritorial waters.\n17 May2011\t2225\tAn Israeli enemy military launch directed asearchlight for 12 seconds towards Lebaneseterritorial waters.\n20 May2011\t0815\tFrom its position ghayn-1 (Ra’s al-Naqurah), theIsraeli enemy directed a searchlight for 20seconds towards Lebanese territorial waters.\n\t2303\tFrom its position ghayn-1 (Ra’s al-Naqurah), theIsraeli enemy directed a searchlight for 20seconds towards Lebanese territorial waters.\n21 May2011\t0420\tFrom its position ghayn-1 (Ra’s al-Naqurah), theIsraeli enemy directed a searchlight for 25seconds towards Lebanese territorial waters.\n\t2303\tFrom its position ghayn-1 (Ra’s al-Naqurah), theIsraeli enemy directed a searchlight for 25seconds towards Lebanese territorial waters.\n23 May2011\t0440\tAn Israeli enemy military launch directed asearchlight towards two Lebanese fishing boatsinside Lebanese territorial waters.\n\t0510\tAn Israeli enemy military launch fired 10 flareshells in the direction of two Lebanese fishingboats inside Lebanese territorial waters.\n\t22102330\tAn Israeli enemy military launch fired 29 flareshells some 500 metres above Lebanese territorialwaters.\n28 May2001\t2350\tAn Israeli enemy military launch directed asearchlight for 15 seconds towards the Ra’sal-Naqurah position.", "Air violations", "Date\tTime\tNature of violation\n1 May2011\t0700\tAn Israeli enemy reconnaissance aircraft violatedLebanese airspace, entering over Naqurah. Itcircled over Beirut and its suburbs and the Southbefore leaving over Alma al-Sha‘b at 0300 hours on2 May.\n\t0820\tAn Israeli enemy reconnaissance aircraft violatedLebanese airspace, entering over Naqurah. Itcircled over the South and Beirut and its suburbsbefore leaving at 2020 hours over Naqurah.\n\t1920\tAn Israeli enemy reconnaissance aircraft violatedLebanese airspace, entering over Naqurah. Itcircled over the South and Beirut and its suburbsbefore leaving over Alma al-Sha‘b at 0755 hours on2 May.\n\t2115\tAn Israeli enemy reconnaissance aircraft violatedLebanese airspace, entering over the sea offNaqurah. It circled over the sea between Juniyahand Sidon before leaving at 2315 hours over thesea off Naqurah.\n\t2115\tAn Israeli enemy reconnaissance aircraft violatedLebanese airspace, entering over the sea offNaqurah. It circled over the sea off Juniyah,Sidon, Beirut and the South before leaving overAlma al-Sha‘b at 0755 hours on 2 May.\n2 May2011\t1450\tAn Israeli enemy reconnaissance aircraft violatedLebanese airspace, entering over Naqurah. Itcircled over the South and Beirut and its suburbsbefore leaving at 2135 hours over the sea west ofNaqurah.\n\t1540\tAn Israeli enemy reconnaissance aircraft violatedLebanese airspace, entering over Rumaysh. Itcircled over the South before leaving at 1830hours over Yarun.\n\t1642\tAn Israeli enemy reconnaissance aircraft violatedLebanese airspace, entering over Alma al-Sha‘b. Itcircled over Beirut and the South before leavingover Rumaysh at 0015 hours on 3 May.\n\t2030\tAn Israeli enemy reconnaissance aircraft violatedLebanese airspace, entering over Naqurah. Itcircled over Beirut and its suburbs and the Southbefore leaving over Naqurah at 0615 hours on 3May.\n3 May2011\t0655\tAn Israeli enemy reconnaissance aircraft violatedLebanese airspace, entering over Naqurah. Itcircled over the South, Beirut and the Bekaabefore leaving at 2000 hours over Alma al-Sha‘b.\n\t1100\tTwo Israeli enemy warplanes violated Lebaneseairspace, entering over Kafr Kila. They circledover all regions of Lebanon before leaving at 1245hours over Alma al-Sha‘b.\n\t1115\tTwo Israeli enemy warplanes violated Lebaneseairspace, entering over Kafr Kila. They circledover all regions of Lebanon before leaving at 1140hours over Rumaysh.\n\t1245\tAn Israeli enemy reconnaissance aircraft violatedLebanese airspace, entering over Naqurah. Itcircled over Riyaq, the Bekaa and the South beforeleaving over Rumaysh at 1015 hours on 4 May.\n\t1500\tTwo Israeli enemy warplanes violated Lebaneseairspace, entering over Kafr Kila. They circledover all regions of Lebanon before leaving at 1615hours over Alma al-Sha‘b.\n\t2200\tAn Israeli enemy reconnaissance aircraft violatedLebanese airspace, entering over Naqurah. Itcircled over Riyaq, Baalbek and Hirmil beforeleaving over Alma al-Sha‘b at 1100 hours on 4 May.\n\t2230\tAn Israeli enemy military helicopter violatedLebanese airspace, entering over the position ofthe Spanish contingent of United Nations InterimForce in Lebanon (UNIFIL). It flew towards theMajidiyah area, and then towards the Israeli enemyposition at Fashkul inside the occupied Shab‘aFarms.\n5 May2011\t0735\tAn Israeli enemy reconnaissance aircraft violatedLebanese airspace, entering over Kafr Kila. Itcircled over the South, the Western Bekaa andBeirut and its suburbs before leaving over Almaal-Sha‘b at 0640 hours on 6 May.\n\t0740\tAn Israeli enemy reconnaissance aircraft violatedLebanese airspace, entering over Kafr Kila. Itcircled over the South, the Western Bekaa andBeirut and its suburbs before leaving over Naqurahat 0645 hours on 6 May.\n6 May2011\t0645\tAn Israeli enemy reconnaissance aircraft violatedLebanese airspace, entering over Kafr Kila. Itcircled over the South, the Western Bekaa andBeirut and its suburbs before leaving at 1820hours over Naqurah.\n\t0905\tFour Israeli enemy warplanes violated Lebaneseairspace, entering over the sea off Tripoli. Theycircled over all regions of Lebanon before leavingat 1000 hours over the sea off Naqurah.\n\t0905\tTwo Israeli enemy warplanes violated Lebaneseairspace, entering over Kafr Kila. They circledover all regions of Lebanon before leaving at 1045hours over the sea off Naqurah.\n7 May2011\t0900\tAn Israeli enemy reconnaissance aircraft violatedLebanese airspace, entering over Naqurah. Itcircled over the South, Beirut and its suburbs,Riyaq and Baalbek before leaving at 2135 hoursover Rumaysh.\n\t1117\tAn Israeli enemy reconnaissance aircraft violatedLebanese airspace and circled over the Southbefore leaving at 2304 hours.\n8 May2011\t0700\tAn Israeli enemy reconnaissance aircraft violatedLebanese airspace, entering over Naqurah. Itcircled over the South, Riyaq and Baalbek beforeleaving at 1830 hours over Naqurah.\n\t0715\tAn Israeli enemy reconnaissance aircraft violatedLebanese airspace, entering over Naqurah. Itcircled over the South before leaving at 1600hours over Naqurah.\n\t2024\tAn Israeli enemy aircraft violated Lebaneseairspace and circled over the South before leavingat 2044 hours.\n9 May2011\t0650\tAn Israeli enemy reconnaissance aircraft violatedLebanese airspace, entering over Naqurah. Itcircled over Beirut and its suburbs, Riyaq,Baalbek and the South before leaving over Almaal-Sha‘b at 0400 hours on 10 May.\n\t0740\tAn Israeli enemy aircraft violated Lebaneseairspace, entering over Kafr Kila. It circled overRiyaq, Baalbek and Hirmil before leaving at 1235hours over Kafr Kila.\n10 May2011\t0400\tAn Israeli enemy reconnaissance aircraft violatedLebanese airspace, entering over Kafr Kila. Itcircled over Beirut and its suburbs, Riyaq,Baalbek, Zahle, Iqlim al-Kharrub and the Southbefore leaving at 1805 hours over Naqurah.\n\t1300\tAn Israeli enemy reconnaissance aircraft violatedLebanese airspace, entering over Rumaysh. Itcircled over regions of the South before leavingat 2110 hours over Alma al-Sha‘b.\n\t1400\tAn Israeli enemy reconnaissance aircraft violatedLebanese airspace and circled over the Southbefore leaving at 2205 hours.\n11 May2011\t0555\tAn Israeli enemy reconnaissance aircraft violatedLebanese airspace, entering over Naqurah. Itcircled over the South and Beirut and its suburbsbefore leaving over Alma al-Sha‘b at 2125 hoursover Rumaysh.\n\t0610\tAn Israeli enemy reconnaissance aircraft violatedLebanese airspace, entering over Naqurah. Itcircled over the South, Riyaq and Baalbek beforeleaving over Rumaysh at 0035 hours on 12 May.\n\t1105\tTwo Israeli enemy warplanes violated Lebaneseairspace, entering over Kafr Kila. They circledover all regions of Lebanon before leaving at 1300hours over Alma al-Sha‘b.\n\t1120\tTwo Israeli enemy warplanes violated Lebaneseairspace, entering over Kafr Kila. They circledover all regions of Lebanon before leaving at 1235hours over Alma al-Sha‘b.\n\t1505\tFour Israeli enemy warplanes violated Lebaneseairspace, entering over Kafr Kila. They circledover all regions Lebanon before leaving at 1645hours over Alma al-Sha‘b.\n12 May2011\t0736\tAn Israeli enemy reconnaissance aircraft violatedLebanese airspace and circled over the Southbefore leaving at 1912 hours.\n\t0930\tIsraeli enemy warplanes violated Lebanese airspaceand circled over the South before leaving at 0935hours.\n\t20302100\tIsraeli enemy warplanes and helicopters violatedLebanese airspace and circled over the occupiedShab‘a Farms.\n\t2125\tAn Israeli enemy reconnaissance aircraft violatedLebanese airspace and circled over the Southbefore leaving at 2140 hours.\n15 May2011\t0640\tAn Israeli enemy reconnaissance aircraft violatedLebanese airspace, entering over Naqurah. Itcircled over regions of the South before leavingat 2350 hours over Rumaysh.\n\t0655\tAn Israeli enemy reconnaissance aircraft violatedLebanese airspace, entering over Naqurah. Itcircled over regions of the South before leavingat 1000 hours over Kafr Kila.\n\t13001310\tIsraeli enemy warplanes and helicopters violatedLebanese airspace and circled over the occupiedShab‘a Farms.\n16 May2011\t0635\tAn Israeli enemy aircraft violated Lebaneseairspace and circled over the South before leavingat 1037 hours.\n\t0910\tTen Israeli enemy warplanes violated Lebaneseairspace, entering over Rumaysh. They circled overall regions of Lebanon before leaving at 0950 overAlma al-Sha‘b.\n\t0910\tTwo Israeli enemy warplanes violated Lebaneseairspace, entering over Rumaysh. They circled overall regions of Lebanon before leaving at 1100 overAlma al-Sha‘b.\n\t0952\tAn Israeli enemy reconnaissance aircraft violatedLebanese airspace and circled over the Southbefore leaving at 1119 hours.\n\t1240\tAn Israeli enemy reconnaissance aircraft violatedLebanese airspace, entering over Rumaysh. Itcircled over regions of the South before leavingat 2135 hours over Rumaysh.\n\t1850\tAn Israeli enemy reconnaissance aircraft violatedLebanese airspace, entering over Rumaysh. Itcircled over regions of the South, the Shuf andBeirut before leaving at 2345 hours over Naqurah.\n\t2255\tAn Israeli enemy reconnaissance aircraft violatedLebanese airspace, entering over Naqurah. Itcircled over regions of the Shuf before leaving at2345 hours over Naqurah.\n17 May2011\t0650\tAn Israeli enemy reconnaissance aircraft violatedLebanese airspace, entering over Alma al-Sha‘b. Itcircled over the South and Iqlim al-Kharrub beforeleaving at 0850 hours over Naqurah.\n18 May2011\t1150\tAn Israeli enemy aircraft violated Lebaneseairspace and circled over the South before leavingat 1151 hours\n\t1348\tAn Israeli enemy aircraft violated Lebaneseairspace and circled over the South before leavingat 1633 hours.\n\t1610\tAn enemy reconnaissance aircraft violated Lebaneseairspace, entering over Naqurah. It circled overregions of the South before leaving at 1645 hoursover Rumaysh.\n19 May2011\t0610\tAn Israeli enemy reconnaissance aircraft violatedLebanese airspace, entering over Naqurah. Itcircled over regions of the South before leavingat 1410 hours over Rumaysh.\n\t0810\tAn Israeli enemy reconnaissance aircraft violatedLebanese airspace, entering over Naqurah. Itcircled over regions of the South before leavingover Rumaysh at 0315 hours on 20 May.\n\t1205\tAn Israeli enemy reconnaissance aircraft violatedLebanese airspace, entering over Alma al-Sha‘b. Itcircled over regions of the South and Beirutbefore leaving over Rumaysh at 0315 hours on 20May.\n\t1450\tIsraeli enemy warplanes violated Lebanese airspaceand circled over the Kafr Shuba—Shab‘a area beforeleaving at 1500 hours.\n20 May2011\t0600\tAn Israeli enemy reconnaissance aircraft violatedLebanese airspace, entering over Rumaysh. Itcircled over regions of the South before leavingat 1240 hours over Kafr Kila.\n\t1352\tAn Israeli enemy reconnaissance aircraft violatedLebanese airspace and circled over the Southbefore leaving at 2130 hours.\n\t1617\tAn Israeli enemy reconnaissance aircraft violatedLebanese airspace, entering over Aytarun. Itcircled over the South before leaving at 1820hours over Naqurah.\n21 May2011\t0705\tAn Israeli enemy reconnaissance aircraft violatedLebanese airspace, entering over Naqurah. Itcircled over regions of the South before leavingat 1920 hours over Naqurah.\n\t2103\tAn Israeli enemy aircraft violated Lebaneseairspace and circled over the South before leavingat 2359 hours.\n22 May2011\t0607\tAn Israeli enemy reconnaissance aircraft violatedLebanese airspace and circled over the Southbefore leaving at 1300 hours.\n\t0740\tAn Israeli enemy reconnaissance aircraft violatedLebanese airspace, entering over Alma al-Sha‘b. Itcircled over regions of the South and the WesternBekaa before leaving 1820 hours over Naqurah.\n\t0750\tAn Israeli enemy reconnaissance aircraft violatedLebanese airspace, entering over Naqurah. Itcircled over the South, the Western Bekaa andBeirut before leaving at 2215 hours over Almaal-Sha‘b.\n\t0855\tAn Israeli enemy reconnaissance aircraft violatedLebanese airspace, entering over Aytarun. Itcircled over regions of the South before leavingat 1305 hours over Alma al-Sha‘b.\n\t1000\tAn Israeli enemy reconnaissance aircraft violatedLebanese airspace, entering over Kafr Kila. Itcircled over regions of the Bekaa before leavingat 1305 hours over Kafr Kila.\n\t1045\tFour Israeli enemy warplanes violated Lebaneseairspace, entering over Alma al-Sha‘b. Theycircled over all regions of Lebanon before leavingat 1235 hours over Rumaysh.\n\t2345\tAn Israeli enemy reconnaissance aircraft violatedLebanese airspace, entering over Rumaysh. Itcircled over regions of the South before leavingover Alma al-Sha‘b at 0130 hours on 23 May.\n23 May2011\t0030\tAn Israeli enemy reconnaissance aircraft violatedLebanese airspace and circled over the Southbefore leaving at 1501 hours.\n\t0635\tAn Israeli enemy reconnaissance aircraft violatedLebanese airspace, entering over Alma al-Sha‘b. Itcircled over the Bekaa before leaving at 1020hours over Naqurah.\n\t0705\tAn Israeli enemy reconnaissance aircraft violatedLebanese airspace, entering over Naqurah. Itcircled over regions of the South before leavingat 1635 hours over Rumaysh.\n\t1055\tAn Israeli enemy reconnaissance aircraft violatedLebanese airspace, entering over Naqurah. Ifcircled over Hirmil, Zahle, the South and Beirutand its suburbs before leaving over Alma al-Sha‘bat 0540 hours on 24 May.\n\t23002335\tIsraeli enemy warplanes violated Lebanese airspaceand released decoy flares over the sea off thevillage of Sarafand.\n24 May2011\t0010\tAn Israeli enemy reconnaissance aircraft violatedLebanese airspace, entering over Naqurah. Itcircled over regions of the Bekaa and the Southbefore leaving at 2110 hours over Naqurah.\n\t1005\tTwo Israeli enemy warplanes violated Lebaneseairspace, entering over Kafr Kila. They circledover all regions of Lebanon before leaving at 1135hours over Alma al-Sha‘b.\n\t1020\tAn Israeli enemy reconnaissance aircraft violatedLebanese airspace, entering over Rumaysh. Itcircled over regions of the Bekaa and the Southbefore leaving at 2300 hours over Rumaysh.\n\t2230\tTwo Israeli enemy helicopters violated Lebaneseairspace. They circled over the open sea betweenSaksakiyah and Abu al-Aswad and released 24 decoyflares before leaving at 2315 hours.\n25 May2011\t0700\tAn Israeli enemy reconnaissance aircraft violatedLebanese airspace, entering over Naqurah. Itcircled over the South and the Western Bekaabefore leaving over Alma al-Sha‘b at 0650 hours on26 May.\n\t1005\tAn Israeli enemy reconnaissance aircraft violatedLebanese airspace, entering over Kafr Kila. Itcircled over the South and the Western Bekaabefore leaving at 1400 hours over Kafr Kila.\n\t2000\tAn Israeli enemy reconnaissance aircraft violatedLebanese airspace, entering over the sea offNaqurah. It circled over the sea between Beirutand Tyre before leaving at 2330 hours over the seaoff Naqurah.\n26 May2011\t0650\tAn Israeli enemy reconnaissance aircraft violatedLebanese airspace, entering over Alma al-Sha‘b. Itcircled over the Bekaa before leaving at 1520hours over Rumaysh.\n\t1105\tAn Israeli enemy reconnaissance aircraft violatedLebanese airspace, entering over Naqurah. Itcircled over the South before leaving at 1750hours over Naqurah.\n\t1650\tAn Israeli enemy reconnaissance aircraft violatedLebanese airspace, entering over Alma al-Sha‘b. Itcircled over regions of the South and the Bekaabefore leaving at 2050 hours over Naqurah.\n\t1915\tAn Israeli enemy reconnaissance aircraft violatedLebanese airspace, entering over Alma al-Sha‘b. Itcircled over the South before leaving over Rumayshat 1010 hours on 27 May.\n27 May2011\t0000\tAn Israeli enemy reconnaissance aircraft violatedLebanese airspace and circled over the Southbefore leaving at 0700 hours.\n\t0600\tAn Israeli enemy reconnaissance aircraft violatedLebanese airspace, entering over Alma al-Sha‘b. Itcircled over the South before leaving at 1400hours over Rumaysh.\n28 May2011\t0025\tAn Israeli enemy aircraft violated Lebaneseairspace and circled over the South before leavingat 0052 hours.\n\t0105\tAn Israeli enemy aircraft violated Lebaneseairspace and circled over the South before leavingat 0131 hours.\n\t0414\tAn Israeli enemy aircraft violated Lebaneseairspace and circled over the South before leavingat 0415 hours.\n\t1058\tAn Israeli enemy aircraft violated Lebaneseairspace and circled over the South before leavingat 1315 hours.\n\t1352\tAn Israeli enemy aircraft violated Lebaneseairspace and circled over the South before leavingat 1408 hours.\n\t1442\tAn Israeli enemy aircraft violated Lebaneseairspace and circled over the South before leavingat 1454 hours.\n\t2025\tAn Israeli enemy reconnaissance aircraft violatedLebanese airspace, entering over the sea offNaqurah. It circled over the sea between Damur andNaqurah before leaving at 2110 hours over the seaoff Naqurah.\n29 May2011\t0715\tAn Israeli enemy reconnaissance aircraft violatedLebanese airspace, entering over Naqurah. Itcircled over the South before leaving at 1635hours over Alma al-Sha‘b.\n\t1404\tAn Israeli enemy warplane violated Lebaneseairspace and circled over the South before leavingat 1755 hours.\n\t1420\tAn Israeli enemy reconnaissance aircraft violatedLebanese airspace, entering over Alma al-Sha‘b. Itcircled over regions of the Western Bekaa and theSouth before leaving at 1815 hours over Yarun.\n30 May2011\t0653\tAn Israeli enemy reconnaissance aircraft violatedLebanese airspace and circled over the Southbefore leaving at 1405 hours.\n\t0730\tAn Israeli enemy reconnaissance aircraft violatedLebanese airspace and circled over the Southbefore leaving at 0227 hours on 31 May.\n\t0933\tTwo Israeli enemy warplanes violated Lebaneseairspace, entering over Kafr Kila. They circledover all regions of Lebanon before leaving over at1130 hours over Naqurah.\n\t1015\tAn Israeli enemy reconnaissance aircraft violatedLebanese airspace, entering over Alma al-Sha‘b. Itcircled over Iqlim al-Kharrub and the South beforeleaving over at 1945 hours over Naqurah.\n\t1833\tAn Israeli enemy reconnaissance aircraft violatedLebanese airspace and circled over the Southbefore leaving at 2103 hours.\n\t2245\tTwo Israeli enemy helicopters violated Lebaneseairspace, entering over the occupied Shab‘a Farms.In the town of Ghajar, calls for a curfew wereheard over loudspeakers.\n31 May2011\t0615\tAn Israeli enemy reconnaissance aircraft violatedLebanese airspace, entering over Rumaysh. Itcircled over regions of the South before leavingat 1115 hours over Alma al-Sha‘b.\n\t1118\tAn Israeli enemy reconnaissance aircraft violatedLebanese airspace and circled over the Southbefore leaving at 1755 hours." ]
[ "大 会 安全理事会", "第六十五届会议 第六十六年", "议程项目36", "中东局势", "2011年6月23日黎巴嫩常驻联合国代表给秘书长和安全理事会主席的同文信", "奉我国政府指示,谨随函转递2011年5月期间,以色列违反安全理事会第1701(2006)号决议行为的统计摘要。", "请将本函分发给安全理事会成员,并将其作为中东局势议程项目下安理会的文件为荷。", "常驻代表", "大使", "纳瓦夫·萨拉姆(签名)", "2011年6月23日黎巴嫩常驻联合国代表给秘书长和安全理事会主席的同文信的附件", "陆上侵犯行为", "日期 时间 侵犯行为的性质\n 2011年5月1日 10时00分 以色列敌方巡逻队成员从阵地ghayn-66(Aytarun以南)观察和指向黎巴嫩境内的方向。", "2011年5月2日 16时25分 在Birkat al-Naqqar对面被占领的沙巴农场内传出爆炸声。", "17时25分 在移向阵地shin-46(Fatimah Gate 5)时,以色列敌方巡逻队成员对驻扎在Kafr Kila的黎巴嫩陆军912连指挥所进行拍照。", "2011年5月3日 12时15分 在从阵地shin-27(Misgav Am)移向黎巴嫩陆军Adaysah检查站对面的炮台时,以色列敌方巡逻队成员指着黎巴嫩境内的方向,查看地图,并通过望远镜观察。", "12时40分 以色列敌方巡逻队成员从阵地ghayn-27(Misgav Am)指着黎巴嫩境内的方向,查看地图,并通过望远镜观察。", "16时40分 在从阵地shin-46(Fatimah Gate 5)移向阵地shin-35(Fatimah Gate 4)时,以色列敌方巡逻队成员对驻扎在Kafr Kila的黎巴嫩陆军912连指挥所进行拍照。", "20时30分 Fatimah Gate对面的以色列敌方人员将探照灯从花园内移向黎巴嫩境内的Al Shit大楼。 21时15分", "2011年5月5日 08时10分 被占领的沙巴农场内传出爆炸声,警报器被炸。", "22时50分 以色列敌方从阵地ghayn-7(Labbunah-Jabal al-Mishkaf 1)将探照灯指向黎巴嫩领土照射15秒。", "2011年5月7日 10时30分 在Rumaysh Gate的以色列敌方一坦克将大炮对准在围栏的黎巴嫩陆军阵地。", "2011年5月8日 14时35分 以色列敌方一坦克驻扎在阵地ghayn-20(Dahirah Gate),并将大炮对准黎巴嫩陆军基地Tall al-Ghaba’in阵地。 17时00分", "12时20分 在以色列敌方巡逻队路过黎巴嫩陆军Adaysah检查站对面坐标TP37时,其中一名成员用武器指向检查站的人员,另一名成员用望远镜观察这些人员。 12时30分", "2011年5月12日 06时58分 在他们从阵地ghayn-61(Hadab)移向阵地ghayn-63(Saliha)时,两辆以色列坦克将大炮对准黎巴嫩领土。", "09时35分 在从阵地shin-27(Misgav Am)移向黎巴嫩陆军Adaysah检查站的炮台时,其中一名人员用武器对准黎巴嫩境内方向。", "09时45分 在从阵地Zay-18(Jabal al-Rus)到阵地Zay-19(Birkat al-Naqqar)的路上,以色列敌方人员3人携一部Poclain挖掘机越过技术线,并在黎巴嫩坚持拥有的领土进行发掘。", "10时00分 以色列敌方Ramta据点(Zay16)周边地区的被占领的沙巴农场内断断续续传出中型机枪扫射和车辆穿行的声音。", "11时00分 以色列敌方巡逻队在从阵地shin-27(Misgav Am)移向黎巴嫩陆军Adaysah检查站对面的大门时,其中一名人员用武器指向上述检查站的方向。", "15时50分 以色列敌方一巡逻队进驻对面阵地Zay-6(Abbasiyah以南),其中一名成员用12.7毫米自动枪瞄准Abbasiyah阵地前黎巴嫩陆军人员,持续约5分钟。", "18时20分 以色列敌方一巡逻队从Fatimah Gate对面经过,其中一名成员对着驻扎在Fatimah Gate花园附近的黎巴嫩军队士兵做粗俗的手势。", "2011年5月13日 19时05分 在黎巴嫩陆军Aytit阵地(KA-84),信号操作员在改变频率时,在保留给黎巴嫩陆军的频率(lam-6)上听到有人说希伯来语。", "11时00分 在Marun aL -Ra的铁丝网处,以色列敌方朝参加Nakbah纪念活动的一些巴勒斯坦人开火,造成11人死亡,120多人受伤。", "16时30分 以色列敌方一巡逻队从Fatimah Gate对面经过时,其中一名成员对着驻扎在上述大门一名的黎巴嫩士兵做粗俗的手势,并拿起武器瞄准该士兵。", "16时55分 以色列敌方巡逻一成员向驻扎在Fatimah Gate的黎巴嫩陆军人员做粗俗手势。", "2011年5月17日 02时00分 以色列敌方巡逻队从阵地shin-32(Fatimah Gate 1)移向阵地shin-35(Fatimah Gate 4)时,其中一名成员将探照灯光束照向在技术围栏一带道上的黎巴嫩陆军观察人员和Fatimah Gate对面正在施工的楼房。他们还以挑衅性的语言对其中一名观察人员说:“拿出你的男人本色”。巡逻队02时30分离去。", "14时35分 以色列敌方巡逻队在从阵地shin-27(Misgav Am)移向黎巴嫩陆军Adaysah检查站对面炮台时,其人员竖起两部监视摄像机对着Adaysah检查站和Adaysah-Kafr Kila 公路。", "09时40分 以色列敌军闯入移动电话网,并播放阿拉伯语录音电话,大意是悬赏1 000万美元征集在黎巴嫩失踪以色列士兵的情报。", "2011年5月19日 11时40分 以色列敌方一巡逻队在黎巴嫩陆军Adaysah检查站竖起监视摄像机。巡逻队一成员故意操起安装在悍马吉普车的MAG机枪并瞄准上述检查站的人员。", "2011年5月20日 20时00分 以色列敌方一辆Merkava坦克驻扎在阵地ghayn-14(Hanita 2以东),并将大炮对准黎巴嫩陆军Lahlah阵地。", "09时40分 以色列敌方一挖掘机在一辆Merkava坦克护送下前来加强被占领的沙巴阿农场内的Fashkul哨所。 10时55分", "2011年5月24日 12时00分 以色列敌方人员在被占领的沙巴阿农场的Ruwaysat al-Alam哨所周围地区的铁丝网上用绞车进行维护工作。", "22时35分 以色列敌方巡逻队从阵地ghayn-21(Dahirah农场以南)移向阵地ghayn-20(Dahirah Gate)时,其中一名成员将探照灯照向黎巴嫩境内和黎巴嫩陆军Ghaba’in阵地的哨楼,持续30秒。", "2011年5月26日 20时20分 以色列敌方从其阵地ghayn-7(Labbunah-Jabal al-Mishqaf 1)和ghayn-8(Labbunah-Jabal al-Mishqaf 2)用中型机枪扫射。一梭口径不详的子弹在黎巴嫩陆军Labbunah阵地上空爆炸。", "2011年5月29日 12时00分 在被占领的沙巴阿农场内的雷达前哨周围地区,以色列敌方有两辆绞车在从事设防工作。 20时00分", "20时30分 被占领的沙巴农场内传出若干爆炸声。 22时00分", "海上侵犯行为 \n 日期 时间 侵犯行为的性质 \n2011年5月2日\t04时25分04时45分\t以色列敌军朝黎巴嫩领水照射探照灯1分5秒。\n2011年5月5日\t00时05分\t以色列敌军两次朝黎巴嫩领水照射探照灯,每次30秒。\n2011年5月8日\t00时55分03时45分\t以色列敌军朝黎巴嫩领水照射探照灯。以色列敌方还从阵地ghayn-7(Ra’sal-Naqurah)用探照灯照射2号和3号浮标20秒。\n2011年5月12日\t02时05分\t以色列敌军朝黎巴嫩领水照射探照灯1分钟。\n2011年5月14日\t21时53分\t以色列敌军朝黎巴嫩领水照射探照灯30秒。\n2011年5月15日\t03时30分\t以色列敌军朝黎巴嫩领水照射探照灯2分钟。\n2011年5月17日\t22时25分\t以色列敌军朝黎巴嫩领水照射探照灯12秒。\n2011年5月20日\t08时15分\t以色列敌军从阵地ghayn-1(Ra’sal-Naqurah)朝黎巴嫩领水照射探照灯20秒。\n\t23时03分\t以色列敌军从阵地ghayn-1(Ra’sal-Naqurah)朝黎巴嫩领水照射探照灯20秒。\n2011年5月21日\t04时20分\t以色列敌军从阵地ghayn-1(Ra’sal-Naqurah)朝黎巴嫩领水照射探照灯25秒。\n\t23时03分\t以色列敌军从阵地ghayn-1(Ra’sal-Naqurah)朝黎巴嫩领水照射探照灯25秒。\n2011年5月23日\t04时40分\t以色列敌军朝黎巴嫩领水内的渔船照射探照灯。\n\t05时10分\t一艘以色列敌军向黎巴嫩领水内的两艘黎巴嫩渔船发射两颗照明弹。\n\t22时10分23时30分\t以色列敌军朝黎巴嫩领水约500米上空发射29颗照明弹。\n2011年5月28日\t23时50分\t以色列敌军朝Ra’s al-Naqurah阵地照射探照灯15秒。", "领空侵犯行为 \n 日期 时间 侵犯行为的性质 \n2011年5月1日\t07时00分\t以色列敌方侦察机侵犯黎巴嫩领空,进入Naqurah上空。5月2日03时00分,飞机在贝鲁特及其郊区和南部上空盘旋,然后在Almaal-Sha‘b上空离去。\n\t08时20分\t以色列敌方侦察机侵犯黎巴嫩领空,进入Naqurah上空。飞机在贝鲁特及其郊区和南部上空盘旋,然后于20时20分在Naqurah上空离去。\n\t19时20分\t以色列敌方侦察机侵犯黎巴嫩领空,进入Naqurah上空。5月2日07时55分,飞机在南部、贝鲁特及其郊区上空盘旋,然后在Almaal-Sha‘b上空离去。\n\t21时15分\t一架以色列敌侦察机侵犯黎巴嫩领空,进入Naqurah沿海上空。飞机在Juniyah和Sidon之间的海域上空盘旋,然后于23时15分在Naqurah沿海上空离去。\n\t21时15分\t一架以色列敌侦察机侵犯黎巴嫩领空,进入Naqurah沿海上空。5月2日07时55分,飞机在Juniyah、Sidon、贝鲁特和南部沿海上空盘旋,然后在Almaal-Sha'b上空离去。\n2011年5月2日\t14时50分\t以色列敌方侦察机侵犯黎巴嫩领空,进入Naqurah上空。飞机在贝鲁特及其郊区和南部上空盘旋,然后于21时35分在Naqurah西部海域上空离去。\n\t15时40分\t以色列敌方侦察机侵犯黎巴嫩领空,进入Rumaysh上空。飞机在南部上空盘旋,然后于18时30分在Yarun上空离去。\n\t16时42分\t一架以色列敌侦察机侵犯黎巴嫩领空,进入Almaal-Sha‘b上空。5月3日00时15分,飞机在贝鲁特和南部上空盘旋,然后从Rumaysh上空飞离。\n\t20时30分\t以色列敌方侦察机侵犯黎巴嫩领空,进入Naqurah上空。5月3日06时15分,飞机在贝鲁特及其郊区和南部上空盘旋,然后在Naqurah上空离去。\n2011年5月3日\t06时55分\t以色列敌方侦察机侵犯黎巴嫩领空,进入Naqurah上空。飞机在南部、贝鲁特和贝卡上空盘旋,然后于20时00分在Almaal-Sha‘b上空离去。\n\t11时00分\t以色列敌方两架战机侵犯黎巴嫩领空,进入KafrKila上空。飞机在黎巴嫩所有区域的上空盘旋,然后于12时45分在Almaal-Sha‘b上空离去。\n\t11时15分\t以色列敌方两架战机侵犯黎巴嫩领空,进入KafrKila上空。飞机在黎巴嫩所有区域的上空盘旋,然后于11时40分在Rumaysh上空离去。\n\t12时45分\t以色列敌方侦察机侵犯黎巴嫩领空,进入Naqurah上空。5月4日11时40分,飞机在Riyaq、Bekaa和南部上空盘旋,然后在Rumaysh上空离去。\n\t15时00分\t以色列敌方两架战机侵犯黎巴嫩领空,进入KafrKila上空。飞机在黎巴嫩所有区域的上空盘旋,然后于16时15分在Almaal-Sha‘b上空离去。\n\t22时00分\t以色列敌方侦察机侵犯黎巴嫩领空,进入Naqurah上空。5月4日11时00分,飞机在Riyaq、Baalbek和Hirmil上空盘旋,然后在Alma al-Sha'b上空离去。\n\t22时30分\t一架以色列敌军直升机侵犯黎巴嫩领空,进入联黎部队西班牙特遣队阵地上空。飞机飞向Majidiyah地区,然后朝被占领的沙巴阿农场内在Fashkul的以色列敌军阵地。\n2011年5月5日\t07时35分\t以色列敌方侦察机侵犯黎巴嫩领空,进入KafrKila上空。5月6日06时45分,飞机在南部、贝卡西部、贝鲁特及其郊区上空盘旋,然后在Almaal-Sha‘b上空离去。\n\t07时40分\t以色列敌方侦察机侵犯黎巴嫩领空,进入KafrKila上空。5月6日06时45分,飞机在南部、贝卡西部、贝鲁特及其郊区上空盘旋,然后在Naqurah上空离去。\n2011年5月6日\t06时45分\t以色列敌方侦察机侵犯黎巴嫩领空,进入KafrKila上空。飞机在南部、贝卡西部、贝鲁特及其郊区上空盘旋,然后于18时20分在Naqurah上空离去。\n\t09时05分\t四架以色列敌方战机侵犯黎巴嫩领空,进入的黎波里沿海上空。飞机在黎巴嫩各区域上空盘旋,然后于10时00分在Naqurah沿海上空离去。\n\t09时05分\t以色列敌方两架战机侵犯黎巴嫩领空,进入KafrKila上空。飞机在黎巴嫩各区域上空盘旋,然后于10时45分在Naqurah沿海上空离去。\n2011年5月7日\t09时00分\t以色列敌方侦察机侵犯黎巴嫩领空,进入Naqurah上空。飞机在南部、贝鲁特及其郊区、Riyaq和Baalbek上空盘旋,然后于21时35分在Rumaysh上空离去。\n\t11时17分\t一架以色列敌侦察机侵犯黎巴嫩领空,并在南部上空盘旋,然后于23时04分飞离。\n2011年5月8日\t07时00分\t以色列敌方侦察机侵犯黎巴嫩领空,进入Naqurah上空。飞机在南部、Riyaq和Baalbek上空盘旋,然后于18时30分在Naqurah上空离去。\n\t07时15分\t以色列敌方侦察机侵犯黎巴嫩领空,进入Naqurah上空。飞机在南部上空盘旋,然后于16时00分在Naqurah上空离去。\n\t20时24分\t一架以色列敌机侵犯黎巴嫩领空,在南部上空盘旋,然后于20时44分飞离。\n2011年5月9日\t06时50分\t以色列敌方侦察机侵犯黎巴嫩领空,进入Naqurah上空。5月10日04时00分,飞机在贝鲁特及其郊区、Riyaq、Baalbek和南部上空盘旋,然后在Almaal-Sha'b上空离去。\n\t07时40分\t以色列敌方侦察机侵犯黎巴嫩领空,进入KafrKila上空。飞机在Riyaq、Baalbek和Hirmil上空盘旋,然后于12时35分在KafrKila上空离去。\n2011年5月10日\t04时00分\t以色列敌方侦察机侵犯黎巴嫩领空,进入KafrKila上空。飞机在贝鲁特及其郊区、Riyaq、Baalbek、Zahle、Iqlimal-Kharrub和南部上空盘旋,然后于18时05分在Naqurah上空离去。\n\t13时00分\t以色列敌方侦察机侵犯黎巴嫩领空,进入Rumaysh上空。飞机在南部各区域上空盘旋,然后于21时10分在Almaal-Sha‘b上空离去。\n\t14时00分\t一架以色列敌侦察机侵犯黎巴嫩领空,在南部上空盘旋,然后于22时05分飞离。\n2011年5月11日\t05时55分\t以色列敌方侦察机侵犯黎巴嫩领空,进入Naqurah上空。飞机在南部、贝鲁特及其郊区上空盘旋,然后于21时25分在Rumaysh上空离去。\n\t06时10分\t以色列敌方侦察机侵犯黎巴嫩领空,进入Naqurah上空。5月12日00时35分,飞机在南部、Riyaq和Baalbek上空盘旋,然后在Rumaysh上空离去。\n\t11时05分\t以色列敌方两架战机侵犯黎巴嫩领空,进入KafrKila上空。飞机在黎巴嫩所有区域的上空盘旋,然后于13时00分在Almaal-Sha‘b上空离去。\n\t11时20分\t以色列敌方两架战机侵犯黎巴嫩领空,进入KafrKila上空。飞机在黎巴嫩所有区域的上空盘旋,然后于12时35分在Almaal-Sha‘b上空离去。\n\t15时05分\t以色列敌方四架战机侵犯黎巴嫩领空,进入KafrKila上空。飞机在黎巴嫩所有区域的上空盘旋,然后于16时45分在Almaal-Sha‘b上空离去。\n2011年5月12日\t07时36分\t一架以色列敌侦察机侵犯黎巴嫩领空,在南部上空盘旋,然后于19时12分飞离。\n\t09时30分\t一架以色列敌侦察机侵犯黎巴嫩领空,在南部上空盘旋,然后于9时35分飞离。\n\t20时30分21时00分\t以色列战斗机和直升机侵犯黎巴嫩领空,并在被占领的沙巴农场上空盘旋。\n\t21时25分\t一架以色列敌侦察机侵犯黎巴嫩领空,在南部上空盘旋,然后于21时40分飞离。\n2011年5月15日\t06时40分\t以色列敌方侦察机侵犯黎巴嫩领空,进入Naqurah上空。飞机在南部上空盘旋,然后于23时50分在Rumaysh上空离去。\n\t06时55分\t以色列敌方侦察机侵犯黎巴嫩领空,进入Naqurah上空。飞机在南部上空盘旋,然后于10时00分在KafrKila上空离去。\n\t13时00分13时10分\t以色列战斗机和直升机侵犯黎巴嫩领空,并在被占领的沙巴农场上空盘旋。\n2011年5月16日\t06时35分\t一架以色列敌机侵犯黎巴嫩领空,在南部上空盘旋,然后于10时37分飞离。\n\t09时10分\t以色列敌方十架战机侵犯黎巴嫩领空,进入Rumaysh上空。飞机在黎巴嫩所有区域的上空盘旋,然后于09时50分在Almaal-Sha‘b上空离去。\n\t09时10分\t以色列敌方十架战机侵犯黎巴嫩领空,进入Rumaysh上空。飞机在黎巴嫩所有区域的上空盘旋,然后于11时00分在Almaal-Sha‘b上空离去。\n\t09时52分\t一架以色列敌侦察机侵犯黎巴嫩领空,在南部上空盘旋,然后于11时19分飞离。\n\t12时40分\t以色列敌方侦察机侵犯黎巴嫩领空,进入Rumaysh上空。飞机在南部各区域上空盘旋,然后于21时35分在Rumaysh上空离去。\n\t18时50分\t以色列敌方侦察机侵犯黎巴嫩领空,进入Rumaysh上空。飞机在南部、舒夫地区和贝鲁特上空盘旋,然后于23时45分在Naqurah上空离去。\n\t22时55分\t以色列敌方侦察机侵犯黎巴嫩领空,进入Naqurah上空。飞机在舒夫地区各区域上空盘旋,然后于23时45分在Naqurah上空离去。\n2011年5月17日\t06时50分\t一架以色列敌侦察机侵犯黎巴嫩领空,进入Almaal-Sha`b上空。飞机在南部和Iqlim al-Kharrub上空盘旋,然后于08时50分从Naqurah上空飞离。\n2011年5月18日\t11时50分\t一架以色列敌机侵犯黎巴嫩领空,在南部上空盘旋,然后于11时51分飞离。\n\t13时48分\t一架以色列敌机侵犯黎巴嫩领空,在南部上空盘旋,然后于16时33分飞离。\n\t16时10分\t以色列敌方侦察机侵犯黎巴嫩领空,进入Naqurah上空。飞机在南部各区域上空盘旋,然后于16时45分在Rumaysh上空离去。\n2011年5月19日\t06时10分\t以色列敌方侦察机侵犯黎巴嫩领空,进入Naqurah上空。飞机在南部各区域上空盘旋,然后于14时10分在Rumaysh上空离去。\n\t08时10分\t以色列敌方侦察机侵犯黎巴嫩领空,进入Naqurah上空。5月20日03时15分,飞机在南部各区域和贝鲁特 上空盘旋,然后在Rumaysh上空离去。\n\t12时05分\t一架以色列敌侦察机侵犯黎巴嫩领空,进入Almaal-Sha‘b上空。5月20日03时15分,飞机在南部上空盘旋,然后从Rumaysh上空飞离。\n\t14时50分\t两架以色列敌侦察机侵犯黎巴嫩领空,在KafrShuba/Shab‘a上空盘旋,然后于15时00分飞离。\n2011年5月20日\t06时00分\t以色列敌方侦察机侵犯黎巴嫩领空,进入Rumaysh上空。飞机在南部各区域上空盘旋,然后于12时40分在KafrKila上空离去。\n\t13时52分\t一架以色列敌侦察机侵犯黎巴嫩领空,在南部上空盘旋,然后于21时30分飞离。\n\t16时17分\t以色列敌方侦察机侵犯黎巴嫩领空,进入Aytarun上空。飞机在南部上空盘旋,然后于18时20分在Naqurah上空离去。\n2011年5月21日\t07时05分\t以色列敌方侦察机侵犯黎巴嫩领空,进入Naqurah上空。飞机在南部各区域上空盘旋,然后于19时20分在Naqurah上空离去。\n\t21时03分\t一架以色列敌机侵犯黎巴嫩领空,在南部上空盘旋,然后于23时59分飞离。\n2011年5月22日\t06时07分\t一架以色列敌侦察机侵犯黎巴嫩领空,在南部上空盘旋,然后于13时00分飞离。\n\t07时40分\t一架以色列敌侦察机侵犯黎巴嫩领空,进入Almaal-Sha‘b上空。飞机在南部各区域和贝卡西部上空盘旋,然后于18时20分从Naqurah上空飞离。\n\t07时50分\t以色列敌方侦察机侵犯黎巴嫩领空,进入Naqurah上空。飞机在南部、贝卡西部和贝鲁特上空盘旋,然后于22时15分在Almaal-Sha‘b上空离去。\n\t08时55分\t以色列敌方侦察机侵犯黎巴嫩领空,进入Aytarun上空。飞机在南部各区域上空盘旋,然后于13时05分在Almaal-Sha‘b上空离去。\n\t10时00分\t以色列敌方侦察机侵犯黎巴嫩领空,进入KafrKila上空。飞机在贝卡各区域上空盘旋,然后于13时05分在KafrKila上空离去。\n\t10时45分\t四架以色列战机侵犯黎巴嫩领空,进入Almaal-Sha‘b上空。飞机在黎巴嫩各区域上空盘旋,然后于12时35分从Rumaysh上空飞离。\n\t23时45分\t以色列敌方侦察机侵犯黎巴嫩领空,进入Rumaysh上空。5月23日13时05分,飞机在南部各区域上空盘旋,然后在Almaal-Sha‘b上空离去。\n2011年5月23日\t00时30分\t一架以色列敌侦察机侵犯黎巴嫩领空,在南部上空盘旋,然后于15时01分飞离。\n\t06时35分\t一架以色列敌侦察机侵犯黎巴嫩领空,进入Almaal-Sha‘b上空。飞机在贝卡上空盘旋,然后于10时20分从Naqurah上空飞离。\n\t07时05分\t以色列敌方侦察机侵犯黎巴嫩领空,进入Naqurah上空。飞机在南部各区域上空盘旋,然后于16时35分在Rumaysh上空离去。\n\t10时55分\t以色列敌方侦察机侵犯黎巴嫩领空,进入Naqurah上空。5月24日05时40分,飞机在Hirmil、Zahle、南部、贝鲁特及其郊区上空盘旋,然后在Almaal-Sha‘b上空离去。\n\t23时00分23时35分\t以色列敌侦察机侵犯黎巴嫩领空,并在Sarafand村沿海上空投下伪装信号弹。\n2011年5月24日\t00时10分\t以色列敌方侦察机侵犯黎巴嫩领空,进入Naqurah上空。飞机在贝卡和南部各区域上空盘旋,然后于21时10分在Naqurah上空离去。\n\t10时05分\t以色列敌方两架战机侵犯黎巴嫩领空,进入KafrKila上空。飞机在黎巴嫩所有区域的上空盘旋,然后于11时35分在Almaal-Sha‘b上空离去。\n\t10时20分\t以色列敌方侦察机侵犯黎巴嫩领空,进入Rumaysh上空。飞机在贝卡和南部各区域上空盘旋,然后于23时00分在Rumaysh上空离去。\n\t22时30分\t以色列敌方两架直升机侵犯黎巴嫩领空。飞机在从Saksakiyah至Abual-Aswad沿海的公海上空盘旋,并投下24枚伪装信号弹,然后于23时15分飞离。\n2011年5月25日\t07时00分\t以色列敌方侦察机侵犯黎巴嫩领空,进入Naqurah上空。5月26日06时50分,飞机在南部和贝卡西部上空盘旋,然后在Almaal-Sha‘b上空离去。\n\t10时05分\t以色列敌方侦察机侵犯黎巴嫩领空,进入KafrKila上空。飞机在南部和贝卡西部上空盘旋,然后于14时00分在KafrKila上空离去。\n\t20时00分\t一架以色列敌侦察机侵犯黎巴嫩领空,进入Naqurah沿海上空。飞机在Beirut和Tyre之间的城市上空盘旋,然后于23时30分在Naqurah沿海上空离去。\n2011年5月26日\t06时50分\t一架以色列敌侦察机侵犯黎巴嫩领空,进入Almaal-Sha‘b上空。飞机在贝卡上空盘旋,然后于15时20分从Rumaysh上空飞离。\n\t11时05分\t以色列敌方侦察机侵犯黎巴嫩领空,进入Naqurah上空。飞机在南部上空盘旋,然后于17时50分在Naqurah上空离去。\n\t16时50分\t一架以色列敌侦察机侵犯黎巴嫩领空,进入Almaal-Sha‘b上空。飞机在南部和贝卡上空盘旋,然后于20时50分从Naqurah上空飞离。\n\t19时15分\t一架以色列敌侦察机侵犯黎巴嫩领空,进入Almaal-Sha‘b上空。飞机在南部上空盘旋,然后于10时10分从Rumaysh上空飞离。\n2011年5月27日\t00时00分\t一架以色列敌侦察机侵犯黎巴嫩领空,在南部上空盘旋,然后于07时00分飞离。\n\t06时00分\t一架以色列敌侦察机侵犯黎巴嫩领空,进入Almaal-Sha‘b上空。飞机在南部上空盘旋,然后于14时00分从Rumaysh上空飞离。\n2011年5月28日\t00时25分\t一架以色列敌机侵犯黎巴嫩领空,在南部上空盘旋,然后于00时52分飞离。\n\t01时05分\t一架以色列敌机侵犯黎巴嫩领空,在南部上空盘旋,然后于01时31分飞离。\n\t04时14分\t一架以色列敌机侵犯黎巴嫩领空,在南部上空盘旋,然后于04时15分飞离。\n\t10时58分\t一架以色列敌机侵犯黎巴嫩领空,在南部上空盘旋,然后于13时15分飞离。\n\t13时52分\t一架以色列敌机侵犯黎巴嫩领空,在南部上空盘旋,然后于14时08分飞离。\n\t14时42分\t一架以色列敌机侵犯黎巴嫩领空,在南部上空盘旋,然后于14时54分飞离。\n\t20时25分\t一架以色列敌侦察机侵犯黎巴嫩领空,进入Naqurah沿海上空。飞机在Damur和 Naqurah之间的海域上空盘旋,然后于21时10分在Naqurah沿海上空离去。\n2011年5月29日\t07时15分\t以色列敌方侦察机侵犯黎巴嫩领空,进入Naqurah上空。飞机在南部上空盘旋,然后于16时35分离去。\n\t14时04分\t一架以色列敌方战斗机侵犯黎巴嫩领空,在南部上空盘旋,然后于17时55分飞离。\n\t14时20分\t一架以色列敌侦察机侵犯黎巴嫩领空,进入Almaal-Sha‘b上空。飞机在贝卡西部和南部各区域上空盘旋,然后于18时15分从Yarun上空飞离。\n2011年5月30日\t06时53分\t一架以色列敌侦察机侵犯黎巴嫩领空,在南部上空盘旋,然后于14时05分飞离。\n\t07时30分\t5月31日02时27分,一架以色列敌侦察机侵犯黎巴嫩领空,在南部上空盘旋,然后飞离。\n\t09时33分\t以色列敌方两架战机侵犯黎巴嫩领空,进入KafrKila上空。飞机在黎巴嫩所有区域的上空盘旋,然后于11时30分在Naqurah上空离去。\n\t10时15分\t一架以色列敌侦察机侵犯黎巴嫩领空,进入Almaal-Sha‘b上空。飞机在南部上空盘旋,然后于19时45分从Naqurah上空飞离。\n\t18时33分\t一架以色列敌侦察机侵犯黎巴嫩领空,在南部上空盘旋,然后于21时03分飞离。\n\t22时45分\t两架以色列敌方直升机侵犯黎巴嫩领空,进入被占领的沙巴农场上空。在Ghajar镇,喇叭传出实行宵禁的呼叫。\n2011年5月31日\t06时15分\t以色列敌方侦察机侵犯黎巴嫩领空,进入Rumaysh上空。飞机在南部各区域上空盘旋,然后于11时15分在Almaal-Sha‘b上空离去。\n\t11时18分\t一架以色列敌侦察机侵犯黎巴嫩领空,在南部上空盘旋,然后于17时55分飞离。" ]
[ "大会第六十五届会议 议程项目36\n中东局势", "2011年6月23日黎巴嫩常驻联合国代表给秘书长和安全理事会主席的同文信", "奉我国政府指示,谨随函转递2011年5月期间以色列违反安全理事会第1701(2006)号决议行为的统计摘要(见附件)。", "请将本函作为大会第六十五届会议议程项目36和安全理事会的文件分发为荷。 常驻代表", "纳瓦夫·萨拉姆(签名)", "联合国", "常驻代表", "2011年6月23日黎巴嫩常驻联合国代表给秘书长和安全理事会主席的同文信的附件", "陆地侵犯", "侵犯的性质\n2011年5月1日 1 000名以色列敌方巡逻队成员从Ghayn-66阵地(Aytarun以南)观察到黎巴嫩领土,并指向黎巴嫩领土方向。\n2011年5月2日 第1625次会议 在Birkat al-Naqqar对面被占领Shab'aarms内听到爆炸声。\n1725 以色列敌方一支巡逻队成员在前往shin-46阵地(Fatimah Gate5)时,对Kafr Kila的黎巴嫩陆军第912连指挥所进行了摄影。\n2011年5月3日 第1215次会议 在从shin-27 (Misgav Am)阵地向黎巴嫩陆军Udaysah检查站对面的阵地移动时,以色列敌巡逻队成员查阅了地图并用望远镜指向黎巴嫩领土。\n1 240名以色列敌方巡逻队成员从阵地Chin-27(Misgav Am)查阅地图,用望远镜指向黎巴嫩领土。\n1640 在从shin-46号阵地(FatimahGate 5)向shin-35号阵地(Fatimah Gate 4)移动时,以色列敌军巡逻队成员拍摄了黎巴嫩陆军第912连Kafr Kila指挥所的照片。\n20302115 法蒂玛门对面的以色列敌方人员从果园内朝黎巴嫩领土内的Al Shit大楼照射探照灯。\n2011年5月5日08:10在被占领的Shab'a手臂内听到爆炸声,警报响起。\n2250 以色列敌方从ghayn-7号阵地(Labbunah-Jabal al-Mishqaf1)用探照灯朝黎巴嫩领土照射了15分钟。\n2011年5月7日 1030 一辆以色列敌方坦克在Rumaysh门用大炮指向黎巴嫩军队在Barrier的阵地。\n2011年5月8日 14351700 (中文(简体) ). 以色列敌军坦克驻扎在Ghayn-20号阵地(Dahirah门)并用炮口指向黎巴嫩陆军Tall al-Ghaba阵地。\n2012年12月30日 (中文(简体) ). 当一支以色列敌方巡逻队从黎巴嫩陆军Udaysahcheck点对面的坐标TP37经过时,巡逻队的一名成员用武器指向检查站人员,另一名成员用望远镜观察这些人员。\n2011年5月12日 第0658次会议 当他们从ghayn-61 (Hadab)阵地向ghayn-63 (Saliha)阵地移动时,两名以色列Merkavatank将炮口指向黎巴嫩领土。\n0935 一支以色列敌方巡逻队正从shin-27(Misgav Am)阵地向黎巴嫩陆军Udaysahcheck点阵地行进,其一名人员将武器指向黎巴嫩领土。\n0945 (英语). 在连接Zay-18(Jabal-Rus)阵地至Zay-19(Birkat al-Naqqar)阵地的道路上,三名以色列敌方人员用一台Poclainexcavator越过技术线,在黎巴嫩境内进行挖掘,对此黎巴嫩仍提出索赔。\n1000 在以色列敌军拉姆塔前哨(Zay-16)周围地区被占领的Shab'a农场内,听到中型机枪连续扫射和车辆运动的声音。\n1100 当一支以色列敌方巡逻队从shin-27(Misgav Am)阵地向黎巴嫩陆军Udaysah检查站对口移动时,其一名人员用武器指向上述检查站。\n1550 一支以色列敌方巡逻队驻扎在Zay-6对面阵地(Abbasiyah以南),约五分钟前,巡逻队一名成员用12.7毫米机枪指向Abbasiyah阵地前的黎巴嫩陆军人员。\n1820 当一支以色列敌方巡逻队从Fatimah门对面经过时,巡逻队的一名成员向驻扎在FatimahGate花园附近的一名黎巴嫩陆军士兵行走。\n2011年5月13日 1905 (英语). 在黎巴嫩军队Aytit阵地(kaf-84),当a signaller正在改变频率时,他听说Hebrew正在用为黎巴嫩军队保留的频率(lam-6)说话。\n1100 在Marun al-Ras有刺铁丝网的围栏上,以色列敌人向正在参加纳克巴纪念活动的多名巴勒斯坦人开火,造成11人死亡,120多人受伤。\n1630 当一支以色列敌方巡逻队从Fatimah门对面经过时,巡逻队的一名成员用粗口装上武器并指向上述门外的黎巴嫩陆军士兵。\n1655年 一支以色列敌方巡逻队的一名成员对驻扎在法蒂玛门的黎巴嫩军队人员进行粗俗取闹。\n2011年5月17日 0200页 当一支以色列敌方巡逻队从Shin-32(Fatimah Gate 1)站到Shin-35站(Fatimah Gate 4)站时,该巡逻队的一名成员在技术围栏一并行走的道路上向黎巴嫩陆军观察人员指向正在建造的建筑物方向。 他们还用挑衅性的语言对其中一个观察员说:“向我证明你是一个男人”。 巡逻队于2时30分离开。\n1435 一支以色列敌方巡逻队正从shin-27(Misgav Am)阵地向黎巴嫩陆军Udaysahcheck点对面的阵地行进,巡逻队成员设置了两个监视摄像机,指向Udaysahcheck点和Udaysah-Kafr Kila公路。\n0940 以色列敌军闯入移动电话网络,用阿拉伯语发出录音信息,大意是任何掌握在黎巴嫩失踪的以色列士兵的信息的人都得到1 000万美元的奖励。\n2011年5月19日,纽约 1140 一支以色列敌方巡逻队在黎巴嫩军队Udaysahcheck点对面设置了监视摄像头。 巡逻队的一名成员向上述检查站的人员行驶,将安放在一辆悍马车上的一挺MAG机枪装上子弹。\n纽约 以色列敌方一辆梅卡瓦坦克驻扎在ghayn-14号阵地(Hanita 2以东)并用大炮指向黎巴嫩陆军拉赫拉阵地。\n09401055 (英语). 一艘由Merkavatank护送的以色列敌方挖土机在被占领的沙巴农场内加固了Fashkul哨所。\n2011年5月24日,纽约 1 200名以色列敌方人员用绞盘在被占领的沙巴农场内以色列敌军Ruwaysat al-Alamoutpost的围挡铁丝网上进行维修。\n2235 在以色列敌方巡逻队从ghayn-21号阵地(Dahirah农场以南)前往ghayn-20号阵地(Dahirah门)时,巡逻队一名成员用探照灯照射黎巴嫩领土和黎巴嫩陆军Ghabain阵地的警卫塔30秒。\n2020年5月26日 (中文(简体) ). 以色列敌方从ghayn-7 (Labbunah-Jabal al-Mishqaf1)和ghayn-8 (Labbunah-Jabal al-Mishqaf 2)阵地发射了一挺中型机枪。 大约不明口径的黎巴嫩军队Labbunah阵地上空爆炸。\n2011年5月29日 12002000号 以色列敌军在被占领的沙巴农场周围的雷达前哨地区进行防御工事。 2030. 在被占领的沙巴农场内听到多起爆炸声。\n2200号", "侵犯领海", "侵犯的性质\n2011年5月2日 04250445号 一艘以色列敌方军用汽艇朝黎巴嫩领水照射探照灯1分5秒。\n2011年5月5日0005号 一艘以色列敌方军用汽艇两次朝黎巴嫩领土水域照射探照灯30秒。\n2011年5月8日 00550345 (中文(简体) ). 一艘以色列敌方军用汽艇向黎巴嫩领水发射探照灯。 此外,以色列敌方从ghayn-1号阵地(纳库拉角)用探照灯照射2号和3号浮标20秒。\n2011年5月12日 第0205次会议 一艘以色列敌方军用汽艇朝黎巴嫩领土水域照射搜索灯一分钟。\n2011年5月14日 第2153次会议 一艘以色列敌方军用汽艇向黎巴嫩领海照射搜索灯30秒。\n2011年5月15日 第0330次会议 一艘以色列敌方军用汽艇朝黎巴嫩领水用探照灯照射了两分钟。\n2011年5月17日 第2225次会议 一艘以色列敌方军用汽艇朝黎巴嫩领水照射了12秒钟的搜索灯。\n以色列敌方从ghayn-1号阵地(纳库拉角)用探照灯照射黎巴嫩领水20秒。\n2303 以色列敌方从ghayn-1号阵地(纳库拉角)用探照灯照射黎巴嫩领水20秒。\n2011年5月21日 第0420次会议 以色列敌方从ghayn-1号阵地(纳库拉角)用探照灯朝黎巴嫩领水照射了25秒钟。\n2303 以色列敌方从ghayn-1号阵地(纳库拉角)用探照灯照射黎巴嫩领水25秒。\n2011年5月23日 第0440次会议 一艘以色列敌方军用汽艇向黎巴嫩领水内的两艘黎巴嫩渔船发射搜索灯。\n0510 一艘以色列敌军汽艇向黎巴嫩领水内的两艘黎巴嫩渔船发射了10枚照明弹。\n22102330 (英语). 一艘以色列敌方军用汽艇从黎巴嫩领水外约500米处发射了29枚照明弹。\n2001年5月28日 第2350次会议 一艘以色列敌方军用汽艇向纳库拉角阵地照射搜索灯15秒。", "侵犯领空", "侵犯的性质\n2011年5月1日 0700 (英语). 1架以色列敌方侦察机侵犯黎巴嫩领空,从纳库拉上空入境。 它飞越贝鲁特及其郊区和南部,后于5月2日3时从阿尔马萨阿布上空飞离。\n以色列敌方1架侦察机侵犯黎巴嫩领空,进入纳库拉上空。 它在南部和贝鲁特及其郊区上空盘旋,后于20时20分从纳库拉上空飞离。\n1920年1架以色列敌方侦察机侵犯黎巴嫩领空,从纳库拉上空入境。 它在5月2日7时55分从Alma al-Sha ' b上空飞离之前,飞越南部和贝鲁特及其郊区。\n2115 一架以色列敌侦察机侵犯黎巴嫩领空,从纳库拉近海上空入境。 飞机在Juniyah和Sidon之间的海域上空盘旋,后于23时15分从纳库拉近海的Tya上空飞离。\n2115 一架以色列敌侦察机侵犯黎巴嫩领空,从纳库拉近海上空入境。 飞机在Juniyah、Sidon、贝鲁特和南部上空盘旋,后于5月2日7时55分从Alma al-Sha`b上空飞离。\n1架以色列敌方侦察机侵犯黎巴嫩领空,从纳库拉上空入境。 它在南部和贝鲁特及其郊区上空盘旋,后于21时35分从纳库拉以西海域上空飞离。\n1540 一架以色列敌方侦察机从拉梅什上空侵入黎巴嫩领空。 它绕过南部,然后于18时30分从Yarun上空离开。\n1642 一架以色列敌方侦察机从阿尔马萨阿布上空侵入黎巴嫩领空。 它飞越贝鲁特和南部,后于5月3日0时15分从Rumaysh上空飞离。\n2030 一架以色列敌侦察机侵犯黎巴嫩领空,从纳库拉上空入境。 它飞越贝鲁特及其郊区和南部,后于5月3日6时15分从纳库拉上空飞离。\n1架以色列敌方侦察机侵犯黎巴嫩领空,从纳库拉上空入境。 它在南部、贝鲁特和贝卡上空盘旋,后于20时从阿尔马萨阿布上空飞离。\n1100 以色列敌军两架战机侵犯黎巴嫩领空,由Kafr Kila上空入境。 飞机在黎巴嫩所有地区上空盘旋,后于12时45分从阿尔马萨阿布上空飞离。\n1115 两架以色列敌战机侵犯黎巴嫩领空,从Kafr Kila上空入境。 飞机在黎巴嫩所有地区上空盘旋,后于11时40分从拉梅什上空飞离。\n1245 一架以色列敌侦察机侵犯黎巴嫩领空,从纳库拉上空入境。 5月4日10时15分,飞机从Riyaq、Bekaa和南部上空飞越Rumaysh上空。\n1500 两架以色列敌方战机侵犯黎巴嫩领空,由Kafr Kila上空入境。 飞机在黎巴嫩所有地区上空盘旋,后于16时15分从阿尔马萨阿布上空飞离。\n2200架以色列敌方侦察机侵犯黎巴嫩领空,从纳库拉上空入境。 5月4日11时,飞机在Riyaq、Baalbek和Hirmil上空飞行并离开Alma al-Sha ' b上空。\n2230 一架以色列敌方军用直升机侵犯黎巴嫩领空,从联合国驻黎巴嫩临时部队(联黎部队)西班牙特遣队阵地上空入境。 它向Majidiyah地区飞去,然后向被占领Shab'aarms内的Fashkul的以色列敌军阵地飞去。\n2011年5月5日 第0735次会议 1架以色列敌方侦察机侵犯黎巴嫩领空,从Kafr Kila上空入境。 5月6日6时40分从Almaal-Sha`b上空离去。\n一架以色列敌方侦察机侵犯黎巴嫩领空,从Kafr Kila上空侵入。 它飞越了南部、贝卡西部和贝鲁特及其郊区,后于5月6日6时45分从纳库拉上空飞离。\n2011年5月6日 第0645次会议 1架以色列敌方侦察机侵犯黎巴嫩领空,从Kafr Kila上空入境。 它在南部、贝卡西部和贝鲁特及其郊区上空盘旋,后于18时20分从纳库拉上空飞离。\n以色列敌方4架战机侵犯黎巴嫩领空,从的黎波里近海上空入境。 它们在黎巴嫩所有地区上空盘旋,后于10时从纳库拉近海上空飞离。\n以色列敌方2架战机侵犯黎巴嫩领空,从Kafr Kila上空入境。 飞机在黎巴嫩所有地区上空盘旋,后于10时45分从纳库拉沿海上空飞离。\n2011年5月7日 0900 (英语). 1架以色列敌方侦察机侵犯黎巴嫩领空,从纳库拉上空入境。 它在南部、贝鲁特及其郊区、Riyaq和Baalbek上空盘旋,后于21时35分从Rumaysh上空飞离。\n11时17分 1架以色列敌方侦察机侵犯黎巴嫩领空。\n2011年5月8日 0700 (英语). 1架以色列敌方侦察机侵犯黎巴嫩领空,从纳库拉上空入境。 18时30分从纳库拉上空飞来。\n一架以色列敌方侦察机从纳库拉上空侵入黎巴嫩领空。 它飞越了南部,然后于16时从Naqurah上空离去。\n2024 一架以色列敌军飞机侵犯黎巴嫩领空,在南部上空盘旋,后于20时44分飞离。\n一架以色列敌方侦察机从纳库拉上空侵入黎巴嫩领空。 5月10日4时从Almaal-Sha ' b上空离去。\n0740 以色列敌军一架飞机侵犯黎巴嫩领空,从Kafr Kila上空入境。 飞机在Riyaq、Baalbek和Hirmil上空盘旋,后于12时35分从Kafr Kila上空飞离。\n2011年5月10日 0400电话 1架以色列敌方侦察机侵犯黎巴嫩领空,从Kafr Kila上空入境。 它飞越贝鲁特及其郊区Riyaq、Baalbek、Zahle、Iqlim al-Kharrub和南部,然后于18时05分从纳库拉上空飞离。\n1300 一架以色列敌方侦察机从拉梅什上空侵入黎巴嫩领空。 飞机在南部地区上空盘旋,后于21时10分从阿尔马萨阿布上空飞离。\n1400架以色列敌方侦察机侵犯黎巴嫩领空并在南部上空盘旋,直至22时05分飞离。\n2011年5月11日 第11次会议 一架以色列敌方侦察机从纳库拉上空侵入黎巴嫩领空。 它在南部和贝鲁特及其郊区上空盘旋,后于21时25分从阿尔马萨阿布上空从拉梅什上空离去。\n一架以色列敌方侦察机从纳库拉上空侵入黎巴嫩领空。 它于5月12日零时35分从Rumaysh上空飞来。\n1105 两架以色列敌战机侵犯黎巴嫩领空,从Kafr Kila上空入境。 飞机在黎巴嫩所有地区上空盘旋,后于13时从阿尔马萨阿布上空飞离。\n1120 两架以色列敌战机侵犯黎巴嫩领空,从Kafr Kila上空入境。 飞机在黎巴嫩所有地区上空盘旋,后于12时35分从阿尔马萨阿布上空飞离。\n1505 以色列敌方4架战机侵犯黎巴嫩领空,从Kafr Kila上空入境。 飞机在黎巴嫩全境上空盘旋,后于16时45分从阿尔马萨阿布上空飞离。\n2011年5月12日 第0736次会议 1架以色列敌方侦察机侵犯黎巴嫩领空。 飞机在南部上空盘旋,直至19时12分飞离。\n09:30 以色列敌方战机侵犯黎巴嫩领空,在南部上空盘旋,后于9:35飞离。\n20302100 (英语). 以色列敌方战机和直升机侵犯黎巴嫩领空,在被占领的沙布阿农场上空盘旋。\n21时25分 1架以色列敌方侦察机侵犯黎巴嫩领空。\n2011年5月15日 第0640次会议 1架以色列敌方侦察机侵犯黎巴嫩领空,从纳库拉上空入境。 飞机在南部地区上空盘旋,后于23时50分从Rumaysh上空飞离。\n一架以色列敌方侦察机从纳库拉上空侵入黎巴嫩领空。 它飞越了南部地区,然后于10时从Kafr Kila上空离去。\n13001310 以色列敌方战机和直升机侵犯黎巴嫩领空,在被占领的沙布阿农场上空盘旋。\n2011年5月16日 第0635次会议 1架以色列敌方飞机侵犯黎巴嫩领空并在南部上空盘旋,直至10时37分飞离。\n以色列敌方10架战机侵犯黎巴嫩领空,从拉梅什上空入境。 飞机在黎巴嫩全境上空盘旋,后于9时50分从阿尔马萨阿布上空飞离。\n以色列敌方2架战机侵犯黎巴嫩领空,从拉梅什上空入境。 飞机在黎巴嫩全境上空盘旋,后于11:00从阿尔马萨阿布上空飞离。\n9时52分 1架以色列敌方侦察机侵犯黎巴嫩领空并在南部上空盘旋,直至11时19分飞离。\n1240 一架以色列敌侦察机侵犯黎巴嫩领空,从Rumaysh上空入境。 飞机在南部地区上空盘旋,后于21时35分从Rumaysh上空飞离。\n1850 一架以色列敌方侦察机从拉梅什上空侵入黎巴嫩领空。 它飞越了南部地区、舒夫和贝鲁特,后于23时45分从纳库拉上空飞离。\n2255 一架以色列敌侦察机侵犯黎巴嫩领空,从纳库拉上空入境。 它在舒夫地区上空盘旋,后于23时45分从纳库拉上空飞离。\n一架以色列敌方侦察机从阿尔马萨阿布上空侵入黎巴嫩领空。 它于上午8时50分从纳库拉上空飞越南部和Iqlim al-Kharrub上空。\n2011年5月18日,纽约 1架以色列敌方飞机侵犯黎巴嫩领空并在南部上空盘旋,直至11时51分飞离。\n13时48分 1架以色列敌方飞机侵犯黎巴嫩领空并在南部上空盘旋,直至16时33分飞离。\n1610 一架敌方侦察机侵犯黎巴嫩领空,从纳库拉上空入境。 飞机在南部地区上空盘旋,后于16时45分从拉梅什上空飞离。\n1架以色列敌方侦察机侵犯黎巴嫩领空,从纳库拉上空入境。 飞机在南部地区上空盘旋,后于14时10分从Rumaysh上空飞离。\n以色列敌方1架侦察机侵犯黎巴嫩领空,从纳库拉上空入境。 5月20日3时15分,飞机飞越南部地区后离开拉梅什。\n1205 一架以色列敌方侦察机从阿尔马萨阿布上空侵入黎巴嫩领空。 5月20日3时15分从拉梅什上空飞离之前,飞机飞越了南部地区和贝鲁特。\n14时50分,以色列敌军战机侵犯黎巴嫩领空,并在Kafr Shuba-Shab`a地区上空盘旋,直至15时飞离。\n2011年5月20日 0600 (英语). 1架以色列敌方侦察机侵犯黎巴嫩领空,从Rumaysh上空入境。 它飞越了南部地区,然后于12时40分从Kafr Kila上空离去。\n1352 一架以色列敌军侦察机侵犯黎巴嫩领空,在南部上空盘旋,后于21时30分飞离。\n1617 一架以色列敌侦察机侵犯黎巴嫩领空,从Aytarun上空入境。 它在南部上空盘旋,后于18时20分从纳库拉上空飞离。\n2011年5月21日 第0705次会议 1架以色列敌方侦察机侵犯黎巴嫩领空,从纳库拉上空入境。 它在南部地区上空盘旋,后于19时20分从纳库拉上空飞离。\n1架以色列敌方飞机侵犯黎巴嫩领空并在南部上空盘旋,直至23时59分飞离。\n2011年5月22日 第0607次会议 1架以色列敌方侦察机侵犯黎巴嫩领空。 飞机在南部上空盘旋,直至13时飞离。\n一架以色列敌方侦察机从阿尔马萨阿布上空侵入黎巴嫩领空。 它在南部和西贝卡地区上空盘旋,后于18时20分从纳库拉上空飞离。\n一架以色列敌方侦察机从纳库拉上空侵入黎巴嫩领空。 它在南部、贝卡西部和贝鲁特上空盘旋,后于22时15分从阿尔马萨阿布上空飞离。\n以色列敌方1架侦察机侵犯黎巴嫩领空,进入Aytarun上空。 飞机在南部地区上空盘旋,后于13时05分从阿尔马萨阿布上空飞离。\n1 000架以色列敌方侦察机侵犯黎巴嫩领空,从Kafr Kila上空入境。 它在贝卡地区上空盘旋,后于13时05分从Kafr Kila上空飞离。\n1045 以色列敌方4架战机侵犯黎巴嫩领空,从阿尔马萨阿布上空入境。 它们在黎巴嫩所有地区上空盘旋,后于12时35分从拉梅什上空飞离。\n2345 一架以色列敌侦察机侵犯黎巴嫩领空,从Rumaysh上空入境。 5月23日1时30分,飞机飞越南部地区后离开Alma al-Sha ' b。\n2011年5月23日 0030 (中文(简体) ). 1架以色列敌方侦察机侵犯黎巴嫩领空。 飞机在南部上空盘旋,直至15时01分飞离。\n一架以色列敌方侦察机从阿尔马萨阿布上空侵入黎巴嫩领空。 飞机在贝卡上空飞行,后于10时20分从纳库拉上空飞离。\n一架以色列敌方侦察机从纳库拉上空侵入黎巴嫩领空。 飞机在南部地区上空盘旋,后于16时35分从Rumaysh上空飞离。\n1055 一架以色列敌侦察机侵犯黎巴嫩领空,从纳库拉上空入境。 5月24日5时40分从阿尔马萨阿布上空飞离。\n23002335 (英语). 以色列敌方战机侵犯黎巴嫩领空,并在Sarafand村外海域上空放出诱饵照明弹。\n24 May 2011 0010 (英语). 1架以色列敌方侦察机侵犯黎巴嫩领空,从纳库拉上空入境。 飞机在贝卡和南部地区上空盘旋,后于21时10分从纳库拉上空飞离。\n1005 两架以色列敌战机侵犯黎巴嫩领空,从Kafr Kila上空入境。 飞机在黎巴嫩所有地区上空盘旋,后于11时35分从阿尔马萨阿布上空飞离。\n1020 一架以色列敌侦察机侵犯黎巴嫩领空,从Rumaysh上空入境。 它在贝卡和南部地区上空盘旋,后于23时从Rumaysh上空飞离。\n2230 两架以色列敌军直升机侵犯黎巴嫩领空。 飞机在Saksakiyah和Abu al-Aswad之间的公海上空盘旋,并释放了24个诱饵,后于23时15分飞离。\n2011年5月25日 第0700次会议 1架以色列敌方侦察机侵犯黎巴嫩领空,从纳库拉上空入境。 5月26日6时50分从Alma al-Sha`b上空离开,然后飞越南部和西贝卡。\n1005 一架以色列敌侦察机侵犯黎巴嫩领空,从Kafr Kila上空入境。 它在南部和贝卡西部上空盘旋,后于14时从Kafr Kila上空飞离。\n以色列敌方1架侦察机侵犯黎巴嫩领空,进入黎巴嫩近海上空。 纳古拉 飞机在贝鲁特和提尔之间的海域上空盘旋,后于23时30分从纳库拉近海上空飞离。\n一架以色列敌方侦察机从阿尔马萨阿布上空侵入黎巴嫩领空。 它在贝卡上空盘旋,后于15时20分从Rumaysh上空离去。\n1105 一架以色列敌方侦察机侵犯黎巴嫩领空,从纳库拉上空入境。 它飞越了南部,然后于17时50分从纳库拉上空离去。\n1650 一架以色列敌方侦察机从阿尔马萨阿布上空侵入黎巴嫩领空。 飞机在南部和贝卡地区上空盘旋,后于20时50分从纳库拉上空飞离。\n1915 一架以色列敌方侦察机从阿尔马萨阿布上空侵入黎巴嫩领空。 它飞越了南部,然后于5月27日10时10分从Rumaysh上空离去。\n2011年5月27日 0000号 1架以色列敌方侦察机侵犯黎巴嫩领空。 飞机在南部上空盘旋,直至7时飞离。\n1架以色列敌方侦察机侵犯黎巴嫩领空,从阿尔马萨阿布上空入境。 它飞越了南部,然后于14时从Rumaysh上空离去。\n2011年5月28日 0025 (英语). 1架以色列敌方飞机侵犯黎巴嫩领空并在南部上空盘旋,直至00时52分飞离。\n1架敌方以色列飞机侵犯黎巴嫩领空并在南部上空盘旋,直至1时31分飞离。\n4时14分 1架以色列敌方飞机侵犯黎巴嫩领空并在南部上空盘旋,直至4时15分飞离。\n1058 一架以色列敌军飞机侵犯黎巴嫩领空,在南部上空盘旋,后于13时15分飞离。\n1架以色列敌方飞机侵犯黎巴嫩领空并在南部上空盘旋,直至14时8分飞离。\n14时42分 1架以色列敌方飞机侵犯黎巴嫩领空并在南部上空盘旋,直至14时54分飞离。\n2025 一架以色列敌方侦察机从纳库拉近海上空侵入黎巴嫩领空。 飞机在Damur和Naqurah之间的海域上空盘旋,后于21时10分从Naqurah近海上空飞离。\n2011年5月29日 第0715次会议 1架以色列敌方侦察机侵犯黎巴嫩领空,从纳库拉上空入境。 16时35分,\n1404 一架以色列敌军战机侵犯黎巴嫩领空,在南部上空盘旋,后于17时55分飞离。\n1420 一架以色列敌侦察机侵犯黎巴嫩领空,从阿尔马萨阿布上空入境。 它在贝卡西部和南部地区上空盘旋,后于18时15分从Yarun上空飞离。\n2011年5月30日 第0653次会议 1架以色列敌方侦察机侵犯黎巴嫩领空并在南部上空盘旋,直至14时5分飞离。\n一架以色列敌方侦察机侵犯黎巴嫩领空,在南部上空盘旋,后于5月31日2时27分飞离。\n以色列敌方2架战机侵犯黎巴嫩领空,从Kafr Kila上空入境。 飞机在黎巴嫩所有地区上空盘旋,后于11时30分从纳库拉上空飞离。\n1015 一架以色列敌方侦察机从阿尔马萨阿布上空侵入黎巴嫩领空。 它于19时45分从Iqlim al-Kharrub和南部上空飞越Naqurah。\n18时33分 1架以色列敌方侦察机侵犯黎巴嫩领空并在南部上空盘旋,直至21时03分飞离。\n2245 两架以色列敌直升机侵犯黎巴嫩领空,从被占领的沙巴农场上空入境。 在盖杰尔镇,有人听到扬声器发出宵禁呼吁。\n2011年5月31日 第0615次会议 1架以色列敌方侦察机侵犯黎巴嫩领空,从Rumaysh上空入境。 飞机在南部地区上空盘旋,后于11时15分从阿尔马萨阿布上空飞离。\n1118 一架以色列敌侦察机侵犯黎巴嫩领空,在南部上空盘旋,直至17时55分飞离。" ]
[ "Sixty-sixth session", "* A/66/50.", "Item 119 of the preliminary list*", "Follow-up to the outcome of the Millennium Summit", "Accelerating progress towards the Millennium Development Goals: options for sustained and inclusive growth and issues for advancing the United Nations development agenda beyond 2015", "Annual report of the Secretary-General", "Summary", "The present report discusses recent progress made towards achievement of the Millennium Development Goals and outstanding challenges en route to 2015. At the request of Member States, it explores successful experiences in fostering sustained and inclusive economic growth as part of strategies to achieve the Millennium Development Goals. It further stresses the need to step up efforts to meet commitments in strengthening the global partnership for development (Goal 8) and properly follow up on agreements at the 2010 High-level Plenary Meeting of the General Assembly on the Millennium Development Goals. As the 2015 deadline is approaching, the time has also come to look at the future of the international development agenda; this report provides suggestions on key considerations for a new agenda and appropriate consultation processes.", "I. Introduction", "1. More than 10 years since world leaders established goals and targets to greatly reduce extreme poverty, hunger, illiteracy and disease, the Millennium Declaration[1] and the Millennium Development Goals framework for accountability derived from it have inspired development efforts and helped set priorities and focus interventions. In the outcome document of the High-level Plenary Meeting of the General Assembly on the Millennium Development Goals,[2] entitled “Keeping the promise: united to achieve the Millennium Development Goals”, Member States requested the Secretary-General to report on progress in the implementation of the Millennium Development Goals and to make recommendations for further steps to advance the United Nations development agenda beyond 2015. Further, in its resolution 65/10, the General Assembly requested the Secretary-General to include an analysis of and policy recommendations on sustained, inclusive and equitable economic growth for accelerating poverty eradication and achievement of the Millennium Development Goals in his annual report on progress in the implementation of the Millennium Development Goals until 2015.", "2. This report responds to those requests and initiates a series of analytical annual reports on Millennium Development Goal-related achievements, including recommendations to advance the United Nations development agenda beyond 2015.", "II. Progress in achieving the Millennium Development Goals[3]", "A. Progress achieved", "3. Significant progress has been made in a number of areas, owing to sustained per capita income growth in some developing countries and targeted policy efforts in critical areas, including expansion of programmes to deliver services and other resources directly to those most in need.", "4. The world as a whole is still on track to reach the poverty-reduction target, despite setbacks during the 2008-2009 economic downturn and associated food and energy price crises. It is expected that the global poverty rate will have dropped to under 15 per cent by 2015, well below the target of 23 per cent. This global trend, however, mainly reflects rapid growth and accelerated poverty reduction in East Asia, especially China. At current rates of progress, sub-Saharan Africa, West Asia and countries in the Caucasus and Central Asia regions are unlikely to halve the share of their populations living on less than $1.25 a day by 2015. In addition, the number of people living in poverty is actually growing in many parts of the world.", "5. Access to primary education has improved substantially since 1990. Net enrolment increased from 80 per cent in 1991 to 88 per cent in 2005. South-East Asia, North Africa, Latin America, and East Asia are close to achieving universal access to primary education. However, for the developing world as a whole, more recent progress in increasing enrolment and completion rates in primary education has been disappointing. The net enrolment ratio increased by just seven percentage points since 1999, reaching 89 per cent in 2009.", "6. The global target for reducing child mortality could also be within reach. Achieving it will require stepping up efforts in a number of regions, especially in South Asia, sub-Saharan Africa and Oceania. Worldwide, deaths among children under the age of five declined from 12.4 million in 1990 to 8.1 million in 2009, or nearly 12,000 fewer children dying each day. Between 2000 and 2008, the combination of improved immunization coverage and the opportunity for a second dose reduced deaths caused by measles globally by 78 per cent. These averted deaths represent one quarter of the decline in mortality from all causes among children under five, but children from poorest households remain disproportionately vulnerable across all regions of the developing world.", "7. The prevalence of malaria and the number of deaths caused by the disease have dropped substantially over the past decade owing to increased funding for and policy attention to malaria control. Between 2008 and 2010 alone, 290 million nets were distributed in sub-Saharan Africa, enough to cover 76 per cent of the 765 million persons at risk.", "8. New HIV infections and the burden of other communicable diseases have declined steadily, with most of the reduction in sub-Saharan Africa. Thanks to major expansion of programmes and funding, the number of people receiving antiretroviral treatment for HIV or AIDS increased thirteen fold between 2004 and 2009. This led to a 19 per cent decline in the number of AIDS-related deaths over the same period. Up to 6 million lives have been saved since 1995, thanks to effective international protocols for tuberculosis treatment.", "9. The world is on track to achieve the global target for increasing access to improved drinking water. Progress in this area has been very uneven across countries and regions, however. Also, in many parts of the world, problems with water quality persist because of pollution and surface and groundwater contamination. In all parts of the world, rural populations tend to lag well behind those in cities and towns; in sub-Saharan Africa, for instance, an urban-dweller is almost twice as likely to have access to an improved drinking water source as a rural inhabitant.", "B. The most vulnerable populations are still missing out on many dimensions", "10. Little to no progress has been made in reducing malnourishment among poorer families, especially in South Asia. After several decades of progress, the number of undernourished people in the world rose sharply in recent years, owing in part to increasing food prices and employment and income losses caused by the global economic crisis. The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) estimates that more than 1 billion people suffered from hunger in 2009. The number fell to 925 million in 2010, but is still well above the Millennium Development Goal target for hunger. Micronutrient deficiencies, or “hidden hunger”, affect around 2 billion people worldwide. In South Asia, a shortage of quality food, poor feeding practices, poor sanitation and widespread poverty have resulted in the highest prevalence of underweight children in the world. Children living in rural areas of developing regions are two times more likely to be underweight than are urban children. Insufficient nutritional achievement by age two condemns a child to being shorter, enrolling later in school, being less academically capable, receiving lower incomes as an adult, and, in the case of girls, being at greater risk of difficult childbirth and maternal mortality.", "11. Important deficits in primary school enrolment and completion remain. In sub-Saharan Africa, primary school enrolment increased from 54 per cent in 1991 to 76 per cent in 2009, but this still leaves 24 per cent of the region’s children out of school. More generally, children from the poorest households in developing countries, especially those living in rural areas and those with disabilities, are less likely to be enrolled in primary schools, and more likely to drop out before completing primary education. In developing regions, girls in the poorest 20 per cent of households are 3.5 times more likely to be out of school than girls in the richest households and four times more likely than boys in the richest households. In addition, recent evidence shows that quality of education lags behind the improvement in school enrolment ratios.[4]", "12. Disparities are most striking in access to maternal care. The vast majority of maternal deaths are avoidable. Yet, pregnancy remains a major health risk in many parts of the world, especially among the poor, indigenous women⁴ and those living in rural areas. In Mexico and Panama, for instance, the risk for indigenous women of dying when giving birth is three times higher than for other women. In South Asia, 94 per cent of women in the richest 20 per cent of households receive antenatal care, while only 48 per cent of the poorest 20 per cent have access to such care. Maternal deaths remain unacceptably high in sub-Saharan Africa and Southern Asia. This is the result of insufficient policy attention, exacerbated by resource constraints, to improving the efficiency and coverage of maternal health-care systems. Official development assistance (ODA) for reproductive health, which could ultimately reduce the cost of maternal and newborn health care, has decreased in recent years.", "13. Over 2.6 billion people still lack access to adequate sanitation. Less than one third of the population in sub-Saharan Africa has access to safe sanitation. Coverage is dramatically low in rural areas, where only a quarter of the population uses improved sanitation. Even if the Millennium Development Goal target is met, there will still be 1.7 billion people without access to basic sanitation. With current trends, an additional billion people will miss out, and, by 2015, there will be 2.7 billion people without access to basic sanitation. In South Asia, the wealthy benefited disproportionally from improvements in sanitation, while sanitation for the poorest 40 per cent of households hardly improved. In General Assembly resolution 65/153, on “Sustainable sanitation: the five-year drive to 2015”, Member States agreed to step up efforts to build political will, generate greater public awareness, and ensure scaled-up ground-level action to improve sanitation.", "14. The number of slum-dwellers has continued to grow, and will continue to rise in the near future. Progress towards this Millennium Development Goal target has been insufficient to offset the growth of informal settlements. The number of urban residents living in slums is now estimated at 828 million. Faster expansion of basic services is critical to improve the living standards of a growing urban population, as well as the adoption of policies to create better employment opportunities in urban and rural areas.", "15. Many lack opportunities to acquire decent jobs. The lack of productive and decent jobs has been the main cause for insufficient poverty reduction in many parts of the world and the still rising numbers of working poor. Even before the crisis in 2007, some 624 million workers, especially in rural areas — 24 per cent of all workers in the world — lived with their families in extreme poverty. Between 2007 and 2009, that number was estimated to have increased by 122 million, including 57 million in South Asia and 24 million in sub-Saharan Africa. More youth are poor or underemployed than ever before: some 152 million young people work, but live in households that earn less than $1.25 per day. Millions of young people are trapped in temporary and involuntary part-time or casual work that offers few benefits and limited prospects for advancement in life. Young women often face additional barriers.", "16. Lack of employment opportunities has been a source of civil and armed conflict in many countries, undermining progress towards achieving the Millennium Development Goals. To date, no conflict-prone low-income country has achieved a single Millennium Development Goal. Children born in conflict-affected countries are two times more likely to be malnourished, and also two times more likely to die before reaching the age of five.[5] More than 40 per cent of all children worldwide who are not enrolled in primary school — 28 million — live in poor countries affected by conflict. On average, a country that experienced major violence during the period 1981-2005 has a poverty rate 21 percentage points higher than a country without such violence. The average cost of civil war is equivalent to more than 30 years of gross domestic product (GDP) growth for a medium-size developing country, and trade levels after major civil violence generally take 20 years to recover.", "17. Humanitarian crises and conflicts continue to uproot millions of people across the globe. Such crises also hinder the return of refugees and those internally displaced. At the end of 2010, close to 43 million people worldwide were displaced owing to conflict and persecution, the highest number since the mid-1990s, and about half a million more than in the previous year. Another 15 million people were displaced by natural disasters.", "18. The high incidence of crime-related armed violence represents an additional obstacle to growth and development in a number of countries. Poverty, inequality and economic crises can trigger crime in vicious circles that further exacerbate economic and social conditions. Other forms of crime, such as corruption, extortion and theft of economic assets, can deprive economic actors of important resources and further weaken the rule of law.", "Gender gaps persist and limit progress on other Millennium Development Goals", "19. Achieving the Millennium Development Goals critically depends on women’s education. Providing greater opportunities for girls to complete primary and secondary education is vital. Higher levels of female education have proven critical for health improvements and for enhancing family incomes through better job opportunities for women. Despite visible progress, gender parity in primary and secondary education — a target to be met by 2015 — is still out of reach in sub-Saharan Africa, North Africa, West and South Asia, and Oceania. Poverty, in turn, puts girls at a disadvantage, as girls from poor households are less likely to attend school than boys from the same household group.", "20. Progress in increasing the share of women holding paid jobs outside the agriculture sector has been sluggish. Worldwide, the share of women in non-agricultural paid employment increased only slightly, from 35 per cent in 1990 to 40 per cent in 2009. In West Asia and North Africa shares are lower and progress has been less. Progress has slowed further because of the global economic crisis, while employment opportunities for women have lagged behind those for men during the recovery. In addition, in most developing countries, women are more likely to have poorly paid, insecure jobs in the informal sector.", "21. Women’s participation in political decision-making is slowly increasing. Worldwide, the percentage of parliamentary seats held by women increased from 11.6 per cent in 1995 to 19.3 per cent in 2011, leaving a long way to go to reach the target of equal representation of women and men by 2015. Poor women and rural women are typically marginalized in decision-making institutions across the world.", "C. Transitioning to more sustainable development pathways", "22. Global deforestation continues at a decreasing, but still alarming, rate. At the global level, deforestation decreased from about 16 million hectares per year in the 1990s to around 13 million in the last decade. At the same time, afforestation and the natural expansion of forests in some countries have reduced the net loss of forest area, but even so, the world continued to lose 5.2 million hectares of forests per year between 2000 and 2010. Although nearly 12 per cent of the planet’s area and nearly 1 per cent of its sea are currently under protection, other areas critical to the Earth’s biodiversity are not yet adequately safeguarded. In 2009, only half the world’s 821 terrestrial eco-regions had more than 10 per cent of their areas protected. Most of the deforestation is still occurring in the tropics, while the gain in forest area is mostly in the temperate and boreal zones.", "23. Forests play an important role in the global carbon cycle. The forestry sector alone is responsible for about one sixth of all human-induced greenhouse gas emissions, mainly owing to deforestation. In late 2010, countries agreed to establish a mechanism under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change to reward developing countries that reduce carbon emissions from deforestation and forest degradation through the United Nations Collaborative Programme on Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation in Developing Countries (REDD-plus mechanism). If the REDD-plus initiative succeeds, it will mitigate climate change and reduce the rate of forest and biodiversity loss, providing forest-dependent communities with alternative sources of income.", "24. The fast growing share of the world’s depleted and overexploited wild fish stocks is very worrying; 15 per cent of the world’s wild fish stocks, the lowest on record, are little exploited. The share of wild fish stocks that are either overexploited or depleted has increased from 10 per cent in 1974 to 32 per cent in 2008.", "25. The world has missed the 2010 target for biodiversity conservation. Some success in slowing biodiversity depletion has been achieved, but loss of biodiversity continues. Despite the Nagoya Protocol on Access and Benefit Sharing of Genetic Resources, adopted as a major tool to promote sustainable development, nearly 17,000 species of plants and animals are known to be threatened with extinction. Based on current trends, loss of species will continue throughout this century, with increasing risk of dramatic threats to ecosystems. The irreversible loss of biodiversity, including in agriculture, will hamper efforts to meet other Millennium Development Goals, especially those related to poverty, hunger and health.", "26. Emissions of carbon dioxide (CO₂) have continued to increase. Emissions in 2008 were about 40 per cent above those in 1990. In 2008, the latest year for which data are available, global CO₂ emissions reached 29.4 billion metric tons, an increase of 1.5 per cent from the previous year. According to the World Meteorological Organization, the decade 2001-2010 was the warmest on record in terms of average global temperatures.", "27. Developing countries will bear large costs associated with the negative impact of changing weather patterns, water shortages and rising sea levels, and are least equipped to deal with them. Climate-related disaster risk has intensified dramatically over recent decades.[6] Desertification, land degradation and drought continue to be among the most pressing global environmental challenges of our time. Land degradation affects 1.5 billion people globally, whose livelihoods depend directly on utilizing this degraded land. Agricultural and food production is likely to be adversely affected by increased climate variability, especially in countries with low incomes, much more hunger and poverty, and greater vulnerability to climate change. Climate change can also increase the risk of violence by compounding resource scarcities. For example, in sub-Saharan Africa, civil conflict is more likely following years of poor rainfall.[7] Disasters erode development investments, e.g., the destruction and damage to schools and health facilities, while 85 per cent of people most exposed to earthquakes, cyclones, floods and droughts live in developing countries. Poorer countries also face disproportionately higher mortality rates and economic loss risks.", "D. The global economic crisis has slowed progress", "28. The impact of the economic downturn on all Millennium Development Goals has been far-reaching. Developing countries suffered substantial deceleration in economic growth, which affected the fiscal space available for investing in the Millennium Development Goals during the crisis. Many economies have seen swift recovery, helped, in many cases, by fiscal stimulus measures, including social protection and other measures supporting the Millennium Development Goals. Strong output recovery has also helped raise employment levels, though in many instances most job creation has been in the form of less secure employment. Soaring global food and oil prices have also affected most people, especially the poor, particularly in countries with limited fiscal space and inadequate social protection. An estimated 44 million more are believed to have fallen into poverty owing to the rise in food prices between mid-2010 and early 2011,[8] after which food and energy prices continued to rise. Over the coming decade, food prices are expected to remain higher while commodity price volatility is expected to continue,[9] particularly hurting food-importing low-income countries. This may lead to more substitution of costlier micronutrient-rich foods with cheaper starchy staples, and to reduced meals and food consumed, which will reduce micronutrient intakes.", "29. The cost of achieving the Millennium Development Goals may have increased by as much as 1.5 per cent of GDP annually because of the crisis.[10] Countries like Nicaragua, the Plurinational State of Bolivia and Kyrgyzstan need to allocate an additional 9.5 per cent of GDP to education, health and basic services between 2010 and 2015 to meet the Millennium Development Goal targets by 2015. Increased social spending, by itself, is not enough for growth recovery, but needs complementary policies supporting employment creation, economic diversification and productivity growth. Substantial additional investments in agriculture will also be required to ensure adequate food supplies.", "III. Achieving the Millennium Development Goals requires stable, equitable and inclusive growth", "A. Lessons from successful growth experiences", "30. Many developing countries have made progress towards meeting particular Millennium Development Goal targets; however, much faster progress will be needed to meet all of the targets on time. As indicated, progress has been uneven, often with modest impact on the poorest and most vulnerable. Economic growth has helped developing countries advance in many areas, but it has often also increased inequality. Policies and interventions have not fostered simultaneous progress towards meeting all Millennium Development Goal targets for all segments of the population.", "31. Millennium Development Goal progress requires sustained, inclusive, equitable and job-intensive growth that provides opportunities to everyone, including women, young people and disadvantaged groups. China and other countries in East Asia in particular, were successful in reducing poverty in recent decades. They managed to sustain strong economic growth, and to ensure that it was broad-based, over prolonged periods. Growth was supported by policies promoting structural change, typically with agricultural productivity improvements, large-scale investments in rural infrastructure and services, land entitlements for the rural poor, support for industrialization and capacity to participate in global trade. China’s economy expanded at a growth rate close to 10 per cent yearly in the decades following agrarian reforms in 1978. Growth was further bolstered by strong industrial policies and support for technology development, innovation and diffusion. Viet Nam and several other East Asian economies have also seen dramatic reductions of poverty along similar lines since the 1980s. Earlier, Japan and the Republic of Korea achieved rapid and sustained growth and poverty reduction, building on broad-based development strategies. Sustained growth has also made possible the cumulative investments necessary for achieving the other Millennium Development Goals.", "32. Sustained economic growth needs to be based on an equitable distribution of opportunities. In the East Asian experience, an equitable distribution of physical and human capital provided the basis for more broadly shared economic growth. Land and agrarian reforms were central to achieving more equitable distribution of land and agricultural production opportunities at the start of the economic take-off of many of the countries in the region. Universal education and health-care systems helped spread improvements in human development.", "33. More equitable growth facilitates faster progress towards achieving the education and health-related Millennium Development Goals. Poor families may not be able to send their children to school if they cannot afford the complementary expenses and/or young sons and daughters may need to work to supplement family earnings or to contribute to unpaid household care work such as fetching water or firewood. Similarly, health outcomes of children and mothers depend not only on health-care quality, but also on nutrition. Quality of life often depends on family income. In some countries, Governments have reduced inequality through social protection policies, such as cash transfer programmes and subsidized pension schemes. These have provided some income protection during economic downturns and incentives to parents to keep children in school and take health measures, but only marginally redress inequality.", "34. Sustained growth is not the same as sustainable growth. Current rates of urbanization and technologies used in agriculture and industry are rapidly depleting natural resources supporting life on the planet. Climate-related disaster risk has already intensified dramatically over recent decades. Climate change and natural resource depletion affect growth in low-income countries: for every increase in average global temperatures of one degree Celsius, between 2 and 3 per cent of output will be lost. Climate change is already lowering agricultural yields in various parts of the world. Many low-income countries will bear large costs owing to changing weather patterns, desertification, water shortages, and rising sea levels, setting back Millennium Development Goal achievement in affected regions.", "B. How to ensure sustained, equitable and inclusive growth[11]", "35. Country contexts and initial conditions differ, and past experiences suggest many pathways to overcoming obstacles to sustained growth and development. More successful countries not only followed strategies to overcome particular major constraints, but also ensured a fair degree of coherence among economic, social and, sometimes, environmental policies. National development strategies need to enable policy coherence tailored to country conditions. Thus, some key elements for sustainable and inclusive growth and development strategies include the following:", "A development-oriented macroeconomic framework", "36. Macroeconomic policies need to support growth and productive employment creation. The recent global economic crisis and gyrations in world commodity and financial markets have posed serious macroeconomic policy challenges to developing countries. They also highlight the critical importance of consistently countercyclical macroeconomic policy frameworks in place to minimize the adverse impacts of a volatile external economic environment. Commodity stabilization funds can be helpful for commodity-exporting countries to counteract the impacts of world market price volatility. In countries with open capital accounts, conducting countercyclical monetary policies has become increasingly difficult, but some control can be regained through measures that better regulate capital flows and the domestic financial sector. Ensuring stable growth through such a framework is necessary, but not sufficient for inclusive development. For this, countercyclical policies need to be complemented by resource allocation decisions that ensure long-term support for investments in basic infrastructure, education, health and other basic services, as well as policies promoting dynamic structural change and employment generation, including through agricultural and industrial development policies. In countries exposed to natural hazards, related spending decisions and policies should be aligned with disaster risk management strategies to minimize development setbacks from natural threats.", "37. In conflict-affected and post-conflict countries, international support should give priority to the development of economic management capacities for national development and reconciliation. A strong sense of ownership of national policies is essential for peacebuilding. Nation-building and public support will strengthen with adequate management of core government functions, basic safety and security, basic service provision, economic growth with employment generation, and natural resource management. Inclusive and job-rich growth will help mitigate social tensions that could otherwise threaten political stability. The United Nations policy framework for post-conflict employment creation, income generation and reintegration to improve short-term stability provides useful guidance to create conditions for sustainable peace.[12]", "38. Especially in low-income and lower middle-income countries, agricultural and rural development for achieving inclusive growth must be prioritized. Strengthening the productivity, sustainability and resilience of about 500 million small farmers in developing countries would greatly enhance food security and inclusive economic growth. Coherent policy options are needed to remove the constraints to faster agricultural and rural development, including secure access to land, water rights, expansion of extension and financial services, improvement of infrastructure (transportation, storage, irrigation and water systems, and energy supply) and agricultural markets. Introduction of mechanisms for risk mitigation (such as crop and weather insurance) and greater capacities among small-scale farmers to manage risk are also needed. Special attention to improving production conditions for female workers in agriculture could generate additional economic and social gains.[13] Integrating agricultural and environmental policies into broader rural development policies ensures that forests and other ecosystems continue to sustain farming systems (see below). Post-harvest activities focusing on the transformation, the preservation and the preparation of agricultural production for intermediate or final consumption are a major source of manufacturing employment and income in developing countries. In this regard, policies should also promote the development and transfer of relevant technologies, vocational training and entrepreneurship.", "Adoption and diffusion of green technologies and sustainable national resource management strategies", "39. Developing countries will need to seek new ways to ensure sustainable environmental management, economic growth and social progress. Delinking economic growth and environmental degradation can be achieved through improved efficiency and sustainability in use of resources and production processes, and reduction of resource utilization, pollution and waste. Relatively simple measures, like recycling and reuse, energy saving bulbs, conversion of waste into manure, biodiversity and ecosystem protection, and water-saving irrigation methods, among many other initiatives, will contribute to growth while protecting the environment. Minimizing land degradation, rehabilitating degraded areas and optimizing land use is crucial for sustainable land management. The Rio principle of “common but differentiated responsibility” needs to be upheld in international cooperation for transitioning towards greener and sustainable economic production processes.", "40. Boosting the productive capacity of small farmers needs to incorporate environmentally sustainable and climate-resilient technology and improved natural resource management. There are vast win-win opportunities to increase farmers’ productivity and incomes, reduce malnutrition, restore fragile environments, and help mitigate climate change. Governments and international knowledge-sharing networks need to facilitate the widespread dissemination, adaptation and adoption of technology and innovations to increase the productivity, profitability, resilience and climate change mitigation potential of rural production systems. Successful localized productivity-enhancing innovations can be built upon. Such innovations have improved pest and weed management, water efficiency and biodiversity. The policy challenge is to identify and support the adaptation and scaling-up of such local agricultural innovation, including in poor and food-insecure countries and regions. Agro-ecological conditions vary widely across regions, implying that agricultural technologies and practices need to be adapted to local conditions. An extensive menu of technologies and sustainable practices in agriculture is available, providing options for a radical shift towards sustainable food security. These include traditional knowledge and farming practices such as low-tillage farming, crop rotation, inter-planting, green manure utilization, water harvesting and water-efficient cropping. Furthermore, new high-yielding and pest- and disease-resistant food crop varieties, efficient in water use and requiring little or no chemical fertilizers or pesticides, have been and are being developed.[14]", "Coherent and inclusive social policies", "41. Comprehensive social policies are essential to achieve the Millennium Development Goals and necessary for sustainable, equitable and inclusive growth.[15] Successful country experiences show that universal provision of basic services, based on claimable entitlements (derived from rights or contribution payments), requires active government participation in the direct provision, financing or regulation of private provision. Public policies should pay particular attention to ensure adequate servicing of rural and other disadvantaged areas and take measures facilitating access of marginalized and poor groups. Sector-specific social programmes, such as for school meals, free textbooks and subsidized medicines, can help improve education and health outcomes. Similarly, cash transfer programmes have boosted access to basic needs, especially when provided on a sustained, predictable basis.", "42. Solidarity-based social insurance programmes help foster social cohesion and coalition building. Increased coverage of formal social insurance schemes can contribute to achieving several Millennium Development Goals in many ways. Formal sector and earnings-related social insurance systems can perpetuate labour market inequalities. Measures can be taken to expand coverage, unify rules and schemes (so that risk is shared among a greater and more diversified group of citizens), and to enhance the solidarity/redistributive element of insurance schemes (for example, with a guaranteed minimum pension for every citizen). Countries thus succeeded not only in extending coverage, but also in harmonizing and unifying fragmented systems, lowering costs and increasing equity and social integration. Major policy challenges include ensuring social security policies to protect migrant workers and people suffering from HIV/AIDS.", "Protecting human rights and ensuring good governance", "43. Application of a human rights framework helps ensure achievement of the Millennium Development Goals for all citizens. In the outcome document of the High-level Plenary Meeting of the General Assembly on the Millennium Development Goals, Member States reconfirmed that “respect for and promotion and protection of human rights is an integral part of effective work towards achieving the Millennium Development Goals” (para. 53),² and acknowledged the “importance of gender equality and empowerment of women” (para. 54).² A human rights framework enriches policy implementation by enabling effective participation by all stakeholders in decision-making, and improving accountability and governance. Progress in meeting the Millennium Development Goals can be enhanced if human rights are institutionalized to enable citizens to organize and participate in public policy decisions and monitor results.", "44. Good governance and maintenance of the rule of law at the national and international levels are also essential. General Assembly resolution 65/1 further acknowledged the importance of transparency and accountability. Member States committed to curtail illicit financial flows at all levels by enhancing disclosure and transparency in financial information, and were urged to consider ratifying and to implement the United Nations Convention against Corruption.[16] Strengthening national and multinational efforts to fight corruption is crucial, including technical assistance and other support to enhance developing countries’ capacities. Financial flows for tax evasion purposes often utilize the same channels as drug proceeds and terrorism financing, both of which are already subject to cooperative monitoring and interdiction. Countries must cooperate and assist one another in collecting taxes due, which will help mobilize needed resources to finance inclusive development strategies.", "IV. Delivering on the global partnership for development", "45. The Millennium Development Goals agenda promises a stronger global partnership for development (Goal 8). At the High-level Plenary Meeting of the General Assembly on the Millennium Development Goals in 2010, Heads of State and Government reviewed progress made, especially relevant following the setbacks experienced in many countries owing to the 2008-2009 global economic crisis and associated food and energy price spikes, and subsequent commitments to increase ODA, ensure a fairer global trading system, provide debt relief to the poorest countries, and ensure affordable access to essential medicines and new technologies to achieve the other Millennium Development Goals.", "46. ODA was increased to a record $129 billion, but continues to fall short of commitments. In 2010, aid delivery was $21 billion less than what should have been delivered in 2010, according to pledges at the 2005 Group of Eight Summit at Gleneagles. Only small portions of such delivery gaps can be attributed to lower-than-expected national incomes owing to the global economic crisis. The MDG Gap Task Force, created by the Secretary-General, has suggested ways for more effective delivery of ODA, including multi-year commitments for programmable assistance in a way that is fully aligned with national development strategies for inclusive growth.", "47. Failure to complete a development-oriented Doha Round is the largest gap in delivery on commitments to establish a fairer trading system. Getting the negotiations out of the current impasse is critical. Even though the Doha Round is yet to be concluded, the importance of a multilateral trading system was highlighted during the global economic crisis, when Governments were restrained in resorting to protectionist measures, as they would violate agreed rules. Protectionist measures introduced following the economic crisis particularly affected exports of the least developed countries,[17] but many were reversed rather quickly. The grave risks of not concluding the Round expeditiously, including likely impacts on achievement of the Millennium Development Goals, have been recognized and articulated. From recent discussions in the World Trade Organization, it is clear that members remain committed to concluding the Doha Round in accordance with its mandate. There is also agreement that a new approach that goes beyond “business as usual” is needed; an idea gaining ground is that of an “early harvest” of certain issues — focusing on the specific needs of least developed countries — to be delivered by the eighth World Trade Organization Ministerial Conference in December 2011. The package would need to include progress in providing full duty-free, quota-free market access to least developed countries. But, in order for developing countries to gain from enhanced market access, the Aid for Trade initiative needs to further support the development of their production and trading capacities to achieve inclusive growth. In the face of recurrent food price increases and food insecurity, support to increase the productivity, incomes and stable market access of farmers in developing countries must be given priority, including by accelerated reduction of export and agricultural subsidies to farmers in developed countries.", "48. Enhanced debt restructuring and relief modalities are critical for supporting development efforts in debt distressed countries. Helped by the global recovery, the external debt burden of developing countries as a group fell to 22 per cent of GDP in 2010, down from 24 per cent the year before. Ample debt relief provided to low-income countries under the Heavily Indebted Poor Countries (HIPC) initiative and the Multilateral Debt Relief Initiative helped to reduce their debt burdens substantially. A substantial number of low-income and lower middle-income countries, however, remain at high risk of debt distress, with 18 low- and lower-middle-income countries remaining at high risk or already in debt distress, while many more have high public debt ratios. Adequate debt management strategies are needed at the national level. But volatile global markets may quickly change the outlook for debt sustainability. To avoid debt distress becoming an impediment to development efforts, the framework for debt relief and restructuring needs to be enhanced. The existing framework for poor countries — the HIPC initiative and the Multilateral Debt Relief Initiative — has formally ended, but, with continued debt distress, its extension should be urgently considered and made accessible to all low-income countries with debt problems, while a more comprehensive framework is developed for orderly sovereign debt workouts for heavily indebted countries more broadly. This was recommended by the 2010 Millennium Development Goals summit, but still needs follow-up.", "49. Greater efforts are needed to promote the use of quality-assured, low-cost, generic medicines at low or no cost to the poor. At present, access to affordable essential medicines continues to be precarious, with only 42 per cent availability in public health facilities. The limited availability of essential medicines in the public sector is forcing patients to buy with private health facilities, where availability also tends to be limited (64 per cent), but when available, only at much higher cost. Median prices in developing countries were, on average, 2.7 times higher in the public sector than the international reference prices, and 6.1 times higher in the private sector, despite various international initiatives to provide lower cost medicines. Consequently, substantial population shares in many low- and middle-income countries can be impoverished by the high cost of medicine purchases, especially when high-priced originator brand products are used. Greater facilitation through global mechanisms is needed to increase access to medicines at low cost for the poor. For example, fostering the local pharmaceutical industry in developing countries through technology transfer and South-South cooperation, increased awareness and use of public health-related trade-related aspects of intellectual property rights flexibilities, supported by improved availability of patent information to facilitate their use and initiatives like the Medicine Patent Pools, would stimulate innovation and increase production of more affordable medicines.", "50. The Millennium Development Goals framework needs to be broadened to include affordable access to technologies for sustainable development. Development of relevant technology in developing countries and transfer of advanced technology from developed economies are essential for long-run development. Significant progress has been made in the global sharing of information and communications technologies (ICTs) and of technologies for addressing climate change and coping with its impacts, including technologies for reducing disaster risk. Access to ICTs has continued to grow globally. In developing countries, the spread of mobile cellular subscriptions continues to be particularly rapid, growing by 17 per cent between 2009 and 2010, reaching 68 per cent of the population. Internet use has also continued to grow, but still lags far behind particularly in least developed countries, partly because ICT services are still prohibitively expensive for the majority of the population in those countries. The Millennium Development Goals framework mainly focuses on ICTs. The urgency of responding to climate change and growing food insecurity is also raising concerns about the conditions to accelerate technology transfer for mitigation of and adaptation to climate change, and to increase agricultural productivity and improve market access for small rural producers. The new Climate Technology Mechanism, which will become operational in 2012, provides a starting point for urgently needed enlarged international cooperation. Finance is generally considered to be the major obstacle to the development and adaptation of green technologies.[18] Hence, for the Climate Technology Mechanism to work, it will be equally important to ensure timely delivery on international commitments for climate financing.", "V. United Nations development agenda post-2015", "51. The Millennium Development Goal summit requested the Secretary-General to make recommendations in his annual reports, as appropriate, for further steps to advance the United Nations development agenda beyond 2015. Accordingly, this section examines possible directions for the way forward.", "A. The relevance of the Millennium Development Goals framework", "52. The Millennium Development Goals will still be relevant after 2015. The year 2015 is the deadline the international community set for a range of Millennium Development Goal-related targets, but even if those targets are all met, more progress is still needed to meet the goals. The target for 2015 is to halve extreme poverty, but Goal 1 aims to eradicate extreme poverty and hunger. Similar distinctions are relevant for several other Millennium Development Goals.", "53. As this report shows, much progress has been made towards achieving human development goals since the Millennium Declaration of 2000. Most observers agree that the Millennium Development Goals framework has helped to raise global consciousness about poverty, and to focus the attention of policymakers and the public. Its ability to attract political attention and spur action has been a cornerstone of its success. Being relatively simple to communicate, the Millennium Development Goals have galvanized unprecedented support from Governments, civil society, trade unions, foundations and academia. They have succeeded in rallying the development community around a common set of goals. Today, the Millennium Development Goals are at the heart of many developing countries’ national strategies and provide a framework for donor support. The monitoring framework embedded in the structure of the Millennium Development Goals, where goals are linked to concrete targets and well-identified indicators, has also helped build accountability and improve governance.", "54. Yet, these strengths have not guaranteed sufficient progress on all fronts, while inequalities between and within countries remain. While the framework has arguably helped strengthen the global partnership for development (Goal 8), significant shortfalls in delivery on international commitments to support achievement of the Millennium Development Goals remain. Thus, consideration of a new development agenda beyond 2015 would need to start with a thorough, broad-based and inclusive review of the present agenda and its underlying approach, as well as assessment of what has worked and what has not. Such a review would need to be put in the context of the global development challenges ahead.", "55. The values and principles endorsed by world leaders in the Millennium Declaration have continued relevance. The Millennium Declaration recognized the increasing interdependence of the world’s nations and peoples, and the need to establish a framework to underpin inclusive and equitable globalization in the twenty-first century based on the following six fundamental values: (i) individual freedoms for democratic and participatory governance; (ii) equality among nations and individuals; (iii) solidarity to manage global challenges based on equity and social justice; (iv) tolerance of belief, cultural and language diversity; (v) respect for nature for sustainable development; and (vi) shared responsibility to manage worldwide economic and social development. To turn these values into concrete actions, the Millennium Declaration identified six broad objectives: peace, security and disarmament; development and poverty eradication; environmental protection; human rights, democracy and good governance; protection to vulnerable populations; consideration for the special needs of Africa and the need to strengthen the United Nations. Although the Millennium Development Goals agenda draws from the Millennium Declaration, they clearly are not identical. When considering the elements of a post-2015 development agenda, the world community may revisit the values and principles of the Millennium Declaration as a starting point for renewing its vision of global development in the light of contemporary challenges.", "B. Challenges that should be central to the new development agenda", "56. Sustainable development goals need to remain at the centre. Not all Millennium Development Goals are expected to be achieved by 2015, but even if they were, much further progress would be needed to achieve higher levels of sustainable development beyond 2015 (to eradicate, rather than halve, poverty, for example, as called for in the Millennium Development Goals agenda). Discussions could focus on whether and in what sense goals need to be broadened or accelerated (e.g., more focus on quality and absolute numbers rather than percentages; also focus on the issues raised below), and whether to change the system to monitor progress and delivery on commitments.", "57. The world has changed since 2000. The recent financial and economic crisis exposed complex interdependencies in the global economy and deficiencies in global economic governance in securing an enabling environment for development and safeguarding global financial and economic stability. Even well-managed countries have been negatively affected by events and decisions beyond their control. Governments have formed formal and ad hoc global and regional groupings to further cooperation. New economic powers from developing countries have gained more prominence, not only in driving the recovery from the global recession, but also as players in global economic governance and development cooperation. Recent food and energy crises have exposed both structural changes in supply and demand, and increased “financialization” of commodity markets. The world has become much more aware of the growing environmental constraints to achieving economic and social development goals in a coherent manner.", "58. These challenges could be taken on by more fully operationalizing the six core values of the Millennium Declaration, as set out below. Several core values and objectives of the Millennium Declaration did not receive sufficient emphasis in the Millennium Development Goals agenda in addressing inequalities (“equality”), pursuing environmental sustainability, food and nutrition security, and sustainable energy access (“respect for nature”), addressing demographic pressures (“solidarity”), human rights and good governance (“freedoms” and “tolerance”), and ensuring peace, security and sustainable global development (“shared responsibility”).", "Equality", "59. Reducing inequality across gender, location, ethnic and income groups must be central to an inclusive development agenda. The post-2015 development framework would need to consider effective mechanisms to reduce youth unemployment as well as inequality of income, opportunities and achievements on all dimensions of human development, including well-targeted policies that directly address the drivers of these disparities. Facilitating faster and more balanced economic growth will continue to be critical, especially in low-income countries, but will not be enough to meet the challenges of fast growing countries with large numbers of people in poverty (including many working poor).", "Respect for nature while ensuring food and energy security", "60. Addressing climate change, land degradation and desertification is the only way of ensuring that reducing poverty and improving human development are sustainable over the long term. Addressing these environmental challenges with a greener and fairer globalization may need to be the overarching concern of the new development agenda. Such an agenda would need to ensure that the economic, social and environmental dimensions of sustainable development are addressed in a holistic, balanced and coherent manner. Countries are already engaging in strategies for mitigation of and adaptation to climate change, including better mechanisms to minimize the impact of natural disasters and reverse land degradation. But these strategies are not always fully aligned with human development. Furthermore, planned actions do not seem to add to global targets that would need to be met to avoid the potentially catastrophic risks of surpassing certain environmental limits.¹⁸ Climate change adaptation and mitigation actions can and should be aimed at creating multiple benefits, including food security, poverty reduction and environmental sustainability.", "61. Sustainable energy access. Lack of access to clean, affordable and reliable energy hinders human, social and economic development and is a major impediment to achieving the Millennium Development Goals. Energy services have a profound effect on productivity, health, education, climate change, food and water security, and communication services. Still, 1.4 billion people do not have access to modern energy, while 3 billion rely on “traditional biomass” and coal as their main fuel sources. The new initiative “Sustainable Energy for All” aims to reach three main goals by 2030: (i) ensure universal access to modern energy services; (ii) reduce global energy intensity by 40 per cent; (iii) increase renewable energy use globally to 30 per cent. The General Assembly has designated 2012 as the “International Year of Sustainable Energy for All”.[19]", "62. Food and nutrition security. Significant neglect of agricultural and rural development has caused food supplies to fall short of growth in demand across the world in recent years, while supply has become increasingly subject to the disruptive impact of environmental and climate shocks. To feed a growing world population, food production will need to increase by 70 per cent from present levels by 2050. Production in developing countries would need to double. Improved access to land, agricultural infrastructure, inputs and risk management tools are essential to increase food production and enhance resilience and productive capacity, especially for small farmers. This would also help accelerate poverty reduction and more decent job creation. Particular efforts will be needed to encourage the development and introduction of appropriate technologies for sustainable agriculture to avoid increased food production pushing the world’s natural environment beyond its limits.", "Solidarity", "63. Demographic pressures will continue to challenge development on various dimensions. Countries with high population growth rates have rapidly increasing numbers of children and youth, and often face unsustainable demand for public services and pressure on labour markets. Countries with declining fertility and increasing longevity rates have ageing populations, with implications for sustaining growth, keeping pension systems viable and guaranteeing decent living conditions for older persons. Increased international migration and displacements generated by natural catastrophes and political conflict may require new mechanisms to protect their human rights and developmental needs. Continued rapid urbanization is posing challenges of its own, which also affect other issues. Increasing unemployment/ underemployment and employment informality also pose significant new challenges for economic and human development.", "Freedom and tolerance", "64. The protection and promotion of human rights cut across all dimensions and are therefore central to the Millennium Declaration’s core principles and values. In discussions about the post-2015 agenda, due consideration should be given to further operationalize human rights to achieve development, for instance through labour policies and legislation, and protection measures for minorities and vulnerable population groups. The instrumental value of the principles of equality, non-discrimination, participation and accountability for effective governance and more sustainable and equitable development outcomes should be underscored.", "Sharing responsibilities", "65. A sustainable enabling global environment is essential for development. A stable climate, biodiversity, a stable international financial system, a fair multilateral trading system, and access to knowledge and technologies to address development challenges, as well as access to social protection, can be seen as “global public goods”, all part of the global environment. Hence, they should be considered integral to deliberations for a new development agenda beyond 2015 and for redefining Goal 8, a global partnership for development.", "66. Peace and security is equally essential. Insecurity has become a primary development challenge of our time; 1.5 billion people live in areas affected by fragility, conflict or large-scale, organized criminal violence. Transnational organized crime and global trafficking networks have a major impact on the rule of law and development, business and finance, and human security. Growing inequalities, disputes over natural resources and unfulfilled youth expectations are becoming major sources of conflict in many countries. It would be essential to pursue an integrated agenda emphasizing the interconnections among security, governance and development to effectively address interrelated problems in the post-2015 development framework.", "C. Consultations for a post-2015 United Nations development agenda", "67. Over the coming years, structured discussions, in different United Nations forums, will enable Member States and other relevant stakeholders to make their own assessments on how the Millennium Development Goals should be reviewed and rethought.", "68. The post-2015 development framework is likely to have the best development impact if it emerges from an inclusive, open and transparent process with multi‑stakeholder participation. Using established global, regional and national mechanisms and processes is one way to ensure that such deliberations benefit from the wide range of lessons learned and the experiences of different stakeholders.", "69. Several formal and informal meetings are scheduled in the run-up to 2015. In addition to taking stock of Millennium Development Goals progress, these could discuss elements of a post-2015 framework. This applies particularly to the annual General Assembly meeting on development.[20] Future meetings could emulate the 98th plenary meeting of the sixty-fifth session of the General Assembly, held on 14 June 2011 which was devoted in part to a discussion of a post-2015 development framework.", "70. The Economic and Social Council and its subsidiary bodies have taken the lead in following up on several major United Nations summits and conferences. They are hence well positioned to serve as important forums for intergovernmental discussions on a post-2015 framework. In this regard, the biennial Development Cooperation Forum provides a platform for multi-stakeholder discussions on trends in development cooperation. The upcoming three annual ministerial reviews will also shed light on important cross-cutting and emerging issues of the United Nations development agenda. During the annual ministerial review’s national voluntary presentations, Member States will be able to share experiences and lessons learned.", "71. The United Nations can help nurture relations with key development stakeholders. It can do so by building on well-established outreach mechanisms such as the Millennium Campaign and the Millennium Development Goals Advocacy Group. The work of the Global Compact, including the Global Compact Leaders Summit, provides another opportunity to encourage private sector participation.", "72. There are a series of important international events scheduled between now and 2015 that could contribute to the post-2015 framework. The upcoming United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development (“Rio plus 20”) and the International Conference on Nutrition (ICN plus 20) provide important opportunities to rethink sustainable development by bringing together economic, social and environmental facets. Member States also requested the President of the General Assembly to hold a special event to follow-up efforts made towards achieving the Millennium Development Goals, to be held in 2013 during the sixty-eighth session of the General Assembly. The question of advancing the United Nations development agenda beyond 2015 could also be addressed during that event.", "[1] General Assembly resolution 55/2.", "[2] General Assembly resolution 65/1.", "[3] Unless otherwise noted, this section draws from the information base developed by the Millennium Development Goals Report, 2011, available at: Host.aspx?Content=Products/ProgressReports.htm.", "[4] World Bank, Global Monitoring Report 2011: Improving the Odds of Achieving the MDGs (Washington, D.C., 2011).", "[5] World Bank, World Development Report 2011: Conflict, Security and Development (Washington, D.C., 2011).", "[6] See World Economic and Social Survey 2011: The Great Green Technological Transformation (United Nations publication, Sales No. E.11.II.C.1), chap. IV.", "[7] See Henk-Jan Brinkman and Cullen S. Hendrix (forthcoming) Food Insecurity and Violent Conflict: Causes, Consequences, and Addressing the Challenges, Occasional Paper, World Food Programme.", "[8] See", "[9] Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) and FAO Agricultural Outlook 2011-2020 (Paris, OECD, 2011).", "[10] See model-based estimates reported in World Economic Situation and Prospects 2011 (United Nations publication, Sales No. E.11.II.C.2), box I.3.", "[11] See United Nations, World Economic and Social Survey 2010: Retooling Global Development (United Nations publication, Sales No. E.10.II.C.1), chap. II (2010).", "[12] See Committee of Experts on the Application of Conventions and Recommendations, Individual Observation concerning Employment, Policy Convention, 1964 (No. 122) Sudan (ratification 1970), International Labour Organization, 2010, and “Employment for Peace, Stability and Development: Draft: Regional Strategy for the Horn of Africa, 2011-2015”, available at regionalstrategymar2011.pdf.", "[13] Recent estimates suggest that if women had the same access to productive resources as men, they could increase farm yields by 20-30 per cent, raising total agricultural output by 2.5-4.0 per cent, which, in turn, could reduce the number of hungry people in the world by 12 to 17 per cent; see Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, The State of Food and Agriculture: Women in Agriculture, Closing the Gender Gap for Development (Rome, 2011).", "[14] Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, “Climate-Smart Agriculture: Policies, Practices and Financing for Food Security, Adaptation and Mitigation” (Rome, 2010).", "[15] See United Nations Research Institute for Social Development, Combating Poverty and Inequality: Structural Change, Social Policy and Politics, chap. 5 (Geneva, 2010), for further discussion of issues in paras. 40 and 41 of the report.", "[16] Ratification status of the United Nations Convention against Corruption available at", "[17] United Nations, “The Global Partnership for Development: Time to Deliver”, MDG Gap Task Force Report 2011 (New York) (forthcoming).", "[18] See World Economic and Social Survey 2011: The Great Green Technological Transformation (United Nations publication, Sales No. E.11.II.C.1).", "[19] General Assembly resolution 65/151.", "[20] See General Assembly resolution 60/265, para. 56." ]
[ "第六十六届会议", "暂定项目表^(*) 项目119", "千年首脑会议成果的后续行动", "加快实现千年发展目标:持续和包容性增长的可选办法以及在2015年后推进联合国发展议程的问题", "秘书长的年度报告", "摘要", "本报告探讨了在到2015年实现千年发展目标道路上最近取得的进展和仍然面临的挑战。报告应成员国的要求,探索了促进持续和包容性经济增长方面的成功经验,以此作为实现千年发展目标战略的一部分。报告进一步强调必须加紧努力,履行加强全球发展伙伴关系(目标8)的承诺,妥善落实在2010年大会关于千年发展目标的高级别全体会议上达成的协议。随着2015年最后期限的日益临近,现在还应当展望国际发展议程的未来;本报告就关于一项新议程和适当的协商进程的关键因素提出了建议。", "^(*) A/66/50。", "一. 导言", "1. 自世界各国领导人确立了大幅度减少极端贫穷、饥饿、文盲和疾病的目标和具体目标十余年来,《千年宣言》[1] 和源于该宣言的千年发展目标的问责制框架激发了发展努力,并帮助确定了优先事项和重点干预措施。在大会关于千年发展目标的高级别全体会议题为“履行诺言:团结一致实现千年发展目标”的成果文件[2] 中,会员国请秘书长就落实千年发展目标的进展情况提交报告,并就如何在2015年后进一步推进联合国的发展议程提出建议。此外,大会第65/10号决议请秘书长在其提交的关于落实千年发展目标方面进展情况的年度报告中列入关于促进持续、包容性和公平经济增长以加速消除贫穷和实现千年发展目标方面的分析和政策建议,并将此工作继续到2015年。", "2. 本报告对这些请求做出回应,随后还将有一系列关于千年发展目标的成就的年度分析报告,包括在2015年以后推进联合国发展议程的建议。", "二. 实现千年发展目标方面的进展[3]", "A. 取得的进展", "3. 若干领域取得了重大进展,原因是一些发展中国家的人均收入持续增长以及关键领域中开展了有针对性的政策努力,包括扩大直接向最有需要的人提供服务和其他资源的方案。", "4. 全世界仍然朝着减贫目标迈进,尽管在2008-2009年期间经济不景气造成挫折,并因此出现粮食和能源价格危机。预计到2015年,全球贫穷率将下降到15%以下,远远低于23%的既定目标。然而,这一全球趋势主要反映了东亚、特别是中国的快速增长和加速减贫。以目前的进展速度来看,撒哈拉以南非洲、西亚及高加索和中亚地区,不太可能到2015年把其每天的生活费低于1.25美元的人口比例减半。此外,世界许多地方生活在贫困中的人数实际上在增加。", "5. 自1990年以来,接受初等教育的情况已大为改善。净入学率从1991年的80%增至2005年的88%。东南亚、北非、拉丁美洲和东亚已接近实现普及初等教育。然而,发展中国家作为一个整体,最近在提高初等教育的入学率和完成率方面的进展令人失望。净入学率自1999年以来只增加了7%,达到2009年的89%。", "6. 降低儿童死亡率的全球目标亦可望达到。实现这一目标将需要在若干区域,特别是南亚、撒哈拉以南非洲和大洋洲加紧努力。全世界5岁以下儿童的死亡人数从1990年的1 240万下降至2009年的810万。这意味着每天少死亡近12 000名儿童。2000年至2008年,提高免疫覆盖率及增加第二剂免疫接种机会,使全球麻疹死亡人数下降了78%。这些得以避免的死亡人数占由各种原因导致的5岁以下儿童死亡人数下降总量的四分之一,但发展中世界各区域最贫穷家庭的儿童的弱势地位仍然超出比例。", "7. 在过去十年中,疟疾患病率和由该疾病引起的死亡人数大幅下降,原因是对控制疟疾增加了资金并予政策关注。仅在2008年和2010年间,在撒哈拉以南非洲地区就分发了2.9亿顶蚊帐,足以惠及7.65亿处于危险之中人口的76%。", "8. 艾滋病毒新感染病例及其他传染病的负担正在稳步下降,撒哈拉以南非洲占降幅的大部分。得益于各种方案的大幅扩大及资金的增加,接受艾滋病毒和艾滋病抗逆转录病毒疗法的人数从2004年至2009年增加了13倍。因此,同期与艾滋病有关的死亡人数下降了19%。自1995年以来,由于实施了有关结核病治疗的有效国际协议,有多达600万条生命获得挽救。", "9. 全世界正朝着实现让更多的人获得改善的饮用水的全球目标迈进。然而,这方面的进展在各国和区域间很不平均。另外,在世界许多地区,由于污染及地表水和地下水的污染,各种与水质有关的问题仍然存在。在世界所有地区,农村人口往往滞后于城镇人口;例如,在撒哈拉以南非洲地区,城市居民获得改善的饮用水源的机会几乎是农村居民的两倍。", "B. 大多数弱势民众在很多方面被遗漏", "10. 在减轻特别是在南亚较贫穷家庭中营养不良情况方面几乎没有取得任何进展。在取得几十年的进展之后,世界上营养不良人数在近几年内急剧上升,部分原因是全球经济危机所造成的食物价格上涨,就业和收入减少。联合国粮食及农业组织(粮农组织)估计,2009年超过10亿人遭受饥饿。2010年这一数字下降到9.25亿,但仍远高于关于减少饥饿的千年发展目标。微营养素缺乏症,或曰“隐性饥饿”,影响到全球约20亿人。在南亚,优质食物的短缺和不良的喂食习惯,以及环境卫生不足和广泛存在的贫穷,使儿童体重不足的比例居世界最高。生活在发展中地区农村的儿童出现体重不足的可能性是城市儿童的两倍。儿童到两岁时营养不足,致使其身材更矮小,入学延后,学习能力差,成年后收入更低,而对于女童,则难产和孕产妇死亡的风险更大。", "11. 小学入学率和完成率依然严重欠缺。在撒哈拉以南非洲地区,小学入学率从1991年的54%上升到2009年的76%,但该地区仍有24%的儿童失学。更普遍的情况是,发展中国家最贫穷家庭的儿童,特别是那些生活在农村地区的儿童和残疾儿童,不太可能入读小学,而更可能在完成小学教育前辍学。在发展中地区,最贫穷的20%家庭中的女孩的失学率高于最富有家庭女孩3.5倍,高于最富有家庭男孩4倍。此外,最近的证据表明,教育质量落后于入学率的提高。[4]", "12. 获得孕产妇保健方面的差距最令人关注。绝大多数孕产妇死亡都是可以避免的。然而,在世界许多地区,尤其是贫穷、土著妇女⁴ 和那些生活在农村地区的妇女当中,怀孕仍然是一个主要的健康风险。例如,在墨西哥和巴拿马,土著妇女死于分娩的风险,比其他女性高出三倍。在南亚,最富有的20%家庭的妇女有94%获得产前保健,而最穷的20%家庭的妇女只有48%获得这种护理。在撒哈拉以南非洲和南亚,孕产妇死亡率之高仍然令人难以接受。这是在提高效率和扩大孕产妇医疗保健系统方面政策关注不足的结果,又因资源有限而加剧。用于生殖健康的官方发展援助,最终能够降低孕产妇和新生儿的医疗保健费用,这种援助近几年有所下降。", "13. 超过26亿人仍然缺乏适当的环境卫生。撒哈拉以南非洲地区不到三分之一的人口享有安全的环境卫生。农村地区的这一覆盖率严重偏低,只有四分之一的人口使用经改善的环境卫生设施。即使达到千年发展目标,仍将有17亿人得不到基本的环境卫生设施。依目前的趋势看,还会有10亿人被遗漏,而到2015年,将有27亿人没有基本的环境卫生设施。在南亚,富人从环境卫生设施改善方面得到的好处超出比例,而最贫穷的40%家庭的环境卫生没有什么改善。会员国在大会关于“可持续的环境卫生:2015年前的五年奋斗”的第65/153号决议中同意加紧努力,形成政治意愿,促成更大的公众意识,并确保扩大当地行动的规模,以改善环境卫生。", "14. 贫民窟居民的人数持续增长,不久的将来会继续上升。这个千年发展目标的具体目标方面取得的进展,不足以抵消非正规住区的增长。居住在贫民窟的城市居民人数目前估计为8.28亿。加快扩大基本服务是改善日益增长的城市人口的生活水平的关键,同时也要采取政策以创造城市和农村地区更多就业机会。", "15. 许多人没有机会获得体面的工作。缺乏生产性和体面的工作,一直是世界许多地区减贫不足和在业穷人的人数仍在不断上升的主要原因。即使在2007年的危机之前,特别是在农村地区,大约6.24亿工人(占世界上所有工人的24%)与家人生活在赤贫之中。2007至2009年之间,这个数字估计增加了1.22亿,其中5 700万在南亚,2 400万在撒哈拉以南非洲。贫穷和就业情况不足的青年比以往任何时候都多:大约有1.52亿年轻人在工作,但生活在收入低于每天1.25美元的家庭中。数以百万计的年轻人被困在临时和非自愿性非全时或零散工作的境地,福利很少,改善生活的前景有限。年轻女性往往面临更多的障碍。", "16. 缺乏就业机会一直是许多国家的内部和武装冲突的根源,破坏了实现千年发展目标方面所取得的进展。迄今为止,没有一个易发生冲突的低收入国家实现了一个千年发展目标。较之其他国家的儿童,在受冲突影响的国家出生的儿童营养不良的可能性要高出两倍,在5岁之前死亡的可能性也高出两倍。[5] 全世界所有未就读小学的儿童中超过40%即2 800万人,生活在受冲突影响的贫穷国家。1981-2005年期间经历严重暴力的国家的贫穷率平均高出没有这种暴力的国家21个百分点。内战的平均费用相当于一个中等发展中国家30多年的国内生产总值(国内总产值)的增长值,在严重内部暴力后一般需要20年才能恢复贸易水平。", "17. 人道主义危机和冲突继续使世界各地的千百万人背井离乡。这种危机也阻碍了难民和境内流离失所者的返回。到2010年底,全球近4 300万人由于冲突和迫害而流离失所,为1990年代中期以来的最高数字,比前一年多出约50万人。另有1 500万人因自然灾害而流离失所。", "18. 与犯罪有关的武装暴力事件高发生率。是一些国家的增长和发展的另一障碍。贫穷、不平等和经济危机会引发犯罪的恶性循环,使经济和社会状况进一步恶化。其他形式的犯罪,如腐败、勒索和盗窃经济资产,会剥夺经济行为体的重要资源,并进一步削弱法治。", "性别差距依然存在,限制在其他千年发展目标方面取得进展", "19. 实现千年发展目标的关键取决于妇女的教育。为女孩提供更大的机会完成初等和中等教育,至关重要。女性接受更高水平的教育,已证明是改善健康状况以及通过为妇女提供更好的就业机会而提高家庭收入的关键。尽管取得了明显的进展,但在撒哈拉以南非洲地区、北非、西亚和南亚及大洋洲,到2015年达到初等和中等教育中性别平等这一目标仍远不可及。贫穷则使女孩处于不利地位,因为来自贫穷家庭的女孩与来自同一家庭组的男孩相比,更不太可能就学。", "20. 增加农业部门以外有收入工作妇女的比例方面的进展一直缓慢。在世界范围内,妇女在非农业部门有收入就业的比例仅从1990年的35%略增至2009年的40%。在西亚和北非,这一比例更低,进展更少。这一进展由于全球经济危机而进一步放慢,而在恢复期间,妇女的就业机会方面落后于男性。此外,在大多数发展中国家,女性更有可能在非正规部门从事收入微薄、无保障的工作。", "21. 妇女参与政治决策的人数正缓慢增加。在世界范围内,妇女在议会中所占席位的百分比从1995年的11.6%增加到2011年的19.3%,要实现到2015年妇女和男子参政平等的目标仍然路途遥远。在世界各地,贫穷妇女和农村妇女通常在决策机构中被边缘化。", "C. 转向更可持续的发展途径", "22. 全球砍伐森林的速度继续减缓但仍然令人震惊。在全球范围内,森林砍伐从1990年代每年约1 600万公顷减少到上一个十年的每年约1 300万公顷。同时,一些国家的植树造林和森林的自然扩张,已经减少了森林面积的净损失。尽管如此,在2000年至2010年期间,全世界继续每年减少约520万公顷森林。尽管地球上近12%的面积和近1%的海洋目前受到保护,然而对地球生物多样性至关重要的其他地区却仍然保护不足。2009年,全世界821个陆地生态区域中只有一半使其10%以上的面积得到保护。大部分森林砍伐仍然发生在热带地区,而森林面积增长主要出现在温带和寒带地区。", "23. 森林在全球碳循环过程中发挥着重要作用。仅林业部门就占所有人类活动引起的温室气体排放的六分之一,这主要是由于森林砍伐造成。2010年末,各国同意在联合国气候变化框架公约下建立一个机制,以通过联合国关于降低发展中国家因森林砍伐和退化所产生的排放的合作方案(降排加)机制,来奖励发展中国家降低因森林砍伐和退化所产生的碳排放。如果降排加举措获得成功,将可减轻气候变化并降低森林和生物多样性的丧失速度,为靠森林为生的社区提供其他收入来源。", "24. 世界上枯竭和过度捕捞的野生鱼类种群的比例快速增长,非常令人担忧;世界上15%的野生鱼类种群(最低纪录)捕捞不多。过度捕捞或枯竭的野生鱼类种群的比例已从1974年的10%增至2008年的32%。", "25. 2010年全世界生物多样性养护的目标没有达到。虽然在减缓生物多样性枯竭方面取得一些成功,但生物多样性的丧失仍在继续。尽管通过了作为促进可持续发展的一个主要工具的《遗传资源获取以及利用遗传资源所产生惠益公平公正分享问题名古屋议定书》,但已知近17 000个植物和动物物种恐将灭绝。从目前的趋势看,物种的丧失将在本世纪继续,对生态系统造成严重威胁的风险不断增加。生物多样性不可逆转的丧失,包括农业方面的这种丧失,会妨碍实现其他千年发展目标,特别是与贫穷、饥饿和健康有关的目标的努力。", "26. 二氧化碳的排放量继续增多。2008年的排放量比1990年高出约40%。在2008年,即已掌握数据的最近一年,全球二氧化碳排放量达到294亿公吨,比上一年增加1.5%。据世界气象组织报告,2001-2010年十年间创全球平均气温最热的记录。", "27. 发展中国家将承受因不断变化的气候模式、水资源短缺和海平面不断上升的负面影响造成的大量成本,但承受这些成本的能力最低。近几十年中,与气候相关的灾害风险大幅加剧。[6] 荒漠化、土地退化和干旱仍然是我们这个时代最紧迫的全球环境挑战。土地退化影响到全球15亿人,其生计直接依赖于对这种退化土地的利用。特别是在收入低、饥饿和贫穷更严重、更易受气候变化影响的国家,农业和食物生产很可能会受到气候更加多变的不利影响。气候变化还会因资源短缺而增加暴力的风险。例如,在撒哈拉以南非洲地区,在多年降雨不足之后更可能出现国内冲突。[7] 灾害消耗发展投资,例如:学校和保健设施遭到破坏和损害,而最容易受到地震、飓风、洪水和干旱的人口中有85%生活在发展中国家。较贫穷的国家还面对着比例过高的死亡率和经济损失的风险。", "D. 全球经济危机致使进展放慢", "28. 经济衰退对所有千年发展目标都具有深远影响。发展中国家的经济增长大幅放慢,这影响到危机期间投资于千年发展目标可用的财政资源。在许多情况下,许多经济体借助金融刺激措施,包括社会保护和支持千年发展目标的其他措施,已经迅速复苏。强大的产出恢复还有助于提高就业水平,但在许多情况下,产生的多数工作是保障程度不高的就业。全球粮价和油价的飞涨也对多数人特别是对穷人造成影响,尤其是在财政资源有限和社会保护不足的国家。由于2010年中到2011年初的粮价上涨,[8] 据信又约有4 400万人陷入贫困,而此后粮价和能源价格继续上涨。预计今后十年的粮价将继续上涨,同时商品价格将继续波动,[9] 尤其会伤害低收入的粮食进口国。这可能导致更多用较廉价的淀粉类主食来取代较昂贵的微营养素丰富的食品,以及减少餐数和食品消费,这将造成微营养素的摄入减少。", "29. 由于这一危机,实现千年发展目标的成本可能增加,增幅可占每年国内总产值的1.5%。[10] 为了到2015年实现千年发展目标,尼加拉瓜、多民族玻利维亚国和吉尔吉斯斯坦等国需要在2010年至2015年增拨9.5%的国内总产值用于教育、卫生和基本服务。社会支出的增加本身并不足以恢复增长,还需要补充政策来支持创造就业机会、增加经济多样性和提高生产率。还需要大幅增加对农业的投资,以确保充足的粮食供应。", "三. 实现千年发展目标需要稳定、公平和包容性增长", "A. 来自成功增长的经验", "30. 许多发展中国家已经在实现千年发展目标的某些具体目标方面取得进展,但要想按时实现所有目标,还需要大大加快进展。如前所述,进展一直不均衡,最贫困和弱势者受益不大。经济增长有助于发展中国家在许多领域取得进步,但往往也扩大了不平等现象。政策和干预措施没有促进在同时为全体人口实现所有千年发展目标方面取得进展。", "31. 若想在千年发展目标方面取得进展,就需要有持续、包容、平等和就业密集型增长,为包括妇女、青年和弱势群体在内的所有人提供机会。中国和东亚其他国家近几十年在减少贫穷方面尤为成功。长期以来,它们设法维持了强大的经济增长,而且确保这一增长的基础广泛。支撑这一增长的是促进结构变革的政策,尤其是提高农业生产率,大规模投资于农村基础设施和服务,农村穷人获得土地权,支持工业化和参与全球贸易。中国在1978年土地改革后的几十年里,经济以接近10%的增长速度发展。强大的产业政策和对技术开发、创新和传播的支持进一步促进了增长。自1980年代以来,越南和其他几个东亚经济体也以类似的模式大幅减少了贫穷。此前,日本和大韩民国利用基础广泛的发展战略,实现了快速和可持续增长及减少贫穷。持续增长还使得有可能积累实现其他千年发展目标所需的投资。", "32. 持续的经济增长需要建立在公平分配机会的基础上。在东亚的经验中,公平分配物质和人力资本,为更广泛地分享经济增长提供了基础。在该区域许多国家的经济起飞之初,土地改革对实现更公平地分配土地和农业生产机会至关重要。普及教育和保健系统有助于扩大人的发展方面的改善。", "33. 更公平的增长促进在实现与教育和卫生有关的千年发展目标方面取得更快进展。贫困家庭如果付不起各种连带性费用,或者年幼的子女需要干活来补充家庭的收入,或者需要做打水劈柴等无报酬的家务劳动,这些家庭可能就不能送孩子去上学。同样,儿童和母亲的健康不仅取决于保健的平等,而且取决于营养。生活质量往往取决于家庭收入。在某些国家,政府通过社会保护政策来减少不平等,例如现金转让方案和有补贴的养老金办法。这些政策在经济衰退期间提供了某些收入保护,并鼓励父母让孩子留在学校和采取保健措施,但在纠正不平等方面只有微小作用。", "34. 持续增长不等于可持续增长。目前的城市化速度以及农业和工业中使用的技术,正在迅速耗竭支撑地球生命的自然资源。与气候有关的灾害风险在最近几十年大大升高。气候变化和自然资源的耗竭影响了低收入国家的增长:全球平均气温每增长一摄氏度,就会损失2%至3%的产量。气候变化已经使世界不同地区的农业减产。由于不断变化的天气模式、荒漠化、水缺乏以及海平面升高,许多低收入国家将承受巨大的代价,推迟受影响地区千年发展目标的实现。", "B. 如何确保持续、公平和包容性增长[11]", "35. 各国的国情和初始条件各异,过去的经验表明,有多条道路可克服阻碍持续增长和发展的障碍。比较成功的国家不仅遵循克服具体主要限制的战略,还在经济、社会以及有时环境政策之间确保适当程度的协调。国家发展战略需要使政策协调符合国情。因此,可持续和包容性增长与发展战略的某些关键因素包括:", "注重发展的宏观经济框架", "36. 宏观经济政策必须支助增长和生产性就业机会的创造。最近的全球经济危机和世界商品市场和金融市场的摇摆,在宏观经济政策方面对发展中国家提出了严峻的挑战。它们还突出了制订一致的反周期宏观经济政策框架的重要性,以尽量缩小动荡的外部经济环境的有害影响。商品稳定基金有助于商品出口国抵御世界市场价格波动的影响。在有开放资本账户的国家,制订反周期金融政策变得日益困难,但通过更好监管资本流动和国内金融部门的措施,可以重新获得某些控制。通过这种框架确保稳定增长是必要的,但不足以实现包容性发展。为此,需要做出资源分配决定来对反周期政策加以补充,确保为基本建设、教育、卫生和其他基础服务投资提供长期支持,还要辅之以各种政策促进动态的结构变化和创造就业机会,包括通过农业和工业发展政策。在自然灾害频发的国家,相关的支出决定和政策应与灾害风险管理战略相一致,以尽量减少自然威胁对发展的阻碍。", "37. 在受冲突影响的国家和冲突后国家,国际支助应优先考虑发展有利于国家发展与和解的经济管理能力。就建设和平而言,对国家政策一定要有强烈的自主精神。政府核心职能得到适当管理,有了基本安全和安保,提供了基本服务,在经济增长的同时创造了就业机会,并对自然资源加以管理,在这种情况下,国家建设和公共支持将得到加强。包容性和就业机会丰富的增长将有助于缓解否则可能威胁政治稳定的社会紧张状况。联合国冲突后创造就业机会、创收和重返社会以改善短期稳定的政策框架,为创造可持续和平的条件提供了有益的指导。[12]", "38. 特别是在低收入和中低收入国家,必须优先强调有利于实现包容性增长的农业和农村发展。提高发展中国家约5亿小农的生产率、可持续性和复原力,将大大加强粮食安全和包容性经济增长。为消除限制农业和农村加速发展的因素,需要协调的政策选项,包括确保获得土地、水权、扩大推广和金融服务,改善基础设施(运输、储存、灌溉和水系统,以及能源供应)和农业市场。还需要引进减少风险机制(如作物和天气保险),并加强小农管理风险的能力。特别注重改善农业女工的生产条件可以增加经济和社会收益。[13] 将农业和环境政策融入更广泛的农村发展政策,可确保森林和其他生态系统继续维持农耕系统(见下文)。在发展中国家,侧重农产品转化、保存和加工用于中间或最后消费的收获后活动,是制造业就业和收入的主要来源。在这方面,政策还应促进开发和转让相关的技术、职业培训和企业家精神。", "绿色技术的采用和传播以及可持续的国家资源管理战略", "39. 为确保可持续的环境管理、经济增长和社会进步,发展中国家需要寻求新的途径。能够通过以下办法使经济增长与环境退化脱节:提高资源利用和生产过程中的效率和可持续性,减少资源利用、污染和浪费。相对简单的措施,例如回收利用和再利用、节能灯泡、将废物转化为肥料、生物多样性和生态系统保护以及节水灌溉法等许多举措,将在保护环境的同时促进增长。最大限度地缩小土地退化、恢复退化的地区、优化土地的使用,对可持续土地管理至关重要。在开展国际合作,向更绿色和可持续的经济生产过程转化时,必须坚持“共同但有区别的责任”的原则。", "40. 提高小农的生产能力需要纳入环境上可持续和能抵御气候变化的技术以及改进自然资源的管理。存在巨大的双赢机会,提高农民的生产率和收入,减少营养不良,恢复脆弱的环境,并帮助减轻气候变化的影响。各国政府和国际知识分享网络需要促进技术和创新的广泛传播、改造和采用,以提高农村生产系统的生产率、利润率、复原力和减轻气候变化的潜力。可以利用成功地方化了的提高生产率的创新。这种创新已经改善了对病虫害和杂草的管理、提高了水的利用率和生物多样性。在政策方面的挑战,是查明和支持对这种地方农业创新的改造和推广,包括在贫困和粮食没有保障的国家和区域。各区域的农业生态条件差异很大,意味着对农业技术和实践需要因地制宜。有广泛的一系列技术和可持续的农业实践,为彻底转向可持续的粮食安全提供了选择。这些包括传统的知识和农耕做法,如浅耕、轮作、套作、绿肥利用、集雨和节水耕作。此外,已经或正在开发新的高产、抗病虫害粮食作物品种,它们用水少,只需使用少量或无需使用化肥或杀虫剂。[14]", "协调和包容的社会政策", "41. 全面的社会政策对实现千年发展目标必不可少,对于可持续、公平和包容性增长也是必要的。[15] 成功国家的经验表明,根据可主张的应享权利(来自权利或缴款)普遍提供基本服务,需要政府积极参与直接提供、供资或对私人资金的监管。公共政策应特别重视确保为农村和其他弱势地区提供充足的服务,并采取措施促进对边缘群体和贫困群体提供服务。针对具体部门的社会方案,例如校餐、免费教科书和提供补贴的药品,可帮助改善教育和健康成果。同样,现金转让方案促进提供基本需求,如果以持续、可预测的方式提供,则尤为如此。", "42. 基于团结的社会保障方案帮助促进社会和谐和建立联盟。扩大正规的社会保障方案的覆盖面,可有助于以许多方式实现若干项千年发展目标。正规部门和与收入有关的社会保障制度可能使劳动力市场的不平等永续下去。可以采取措施,扩大覆盖面,统一规则和计划(以便由更大和更多样的公民群体来分担风险),并加强保险计划的团结/再分配因素(例如,向每个公民提供有保障的最低养老金)。因此,各国不仅在扩大覆盖面方面,而且在协调统一各种分散的制度、降低成本和促进平等和社会融合方面取得成功。主要的政策挑战包括确保社会保险政策保护移徙工人和艾滋病毒/艾滋病感染者。", "保护人权和确保善政", "43. 实施人权框架有助于确保为全体公民实现千年发展目标。在大会关于千年发展目标的高级别全体会议的成果文件中,会员国重申“尊重、促进和保护人权是实现千年发展目标的有效工作中必不可少的一部分”(第53段),² 并承认“两性平等和增强妇女权能具有重要意义”(第54段)。² 人权框架丰富政策的执行,使所有利益攸关方有效参与决策,并改进问责和善政。如果将人权体制化,以便公民组织起来,参与公共政策的决策并对成果加以监测,则可以加强在实现千年发展目标方面取得的进展。", "44. 国家和国际各级的善政和法治也必不可少。大会第65/1号决议还确认透明和问责的重要性。会员国承诺在各级限制非法资金的流动,加强披露,提高金融信息的透明度。还敦促会员国考虑批准并执行《联合国反腐败公约》[16] 加强各国和多国的反腐败工作至关重要,包括为加强发展中国家的能力提供技术援助和其他支助。以逃税为目的的资金流动往往利用与毒品收入和资助恐怖主义相同的渠道,后两者均已受到合作监测和阻截。各国必须合作互助,收取应缴纳税金,这将有助于调集所需资源,为包容性的发展战略提供资金。", "四. 全球发展伙伴关系的执行情况", "45. 千年发展目标议程承诺建立更强有力的全球发展伙伴关系(目标8)。在2010年举行的大会关于千年发展目标的高级别全体会议上,各国国家元首和政府首脑审查了进展情况,尤其是由于2008-2009年全球经济危机以及相关食品和能源价格暴涨使许多国家遭受挫折之后的有关情况,并审查了随后所作各项承诺,包括增加官方发展援助,确保更公平的全球贸易体系,为最贫穷的国家提供债务减免,并确保能获得负担得起的基本药物和新技术,以实现其他千年发展目标。", "46. 官方发展援助已增加至创纪录的1 290亿美元,但仍低于承诺的数额。比对8国集团2005年格伦伊格尔首脑会议上的认捐,2010年交付援助比应交付额少了210亿美元。此一差额中只有小部分可归因于全球经济危机引起国民收入低于预期的情况。秘书长设立的千年发展目标差距问题工作组提出了更有效地提供官方发展援助的办法,其中包括以完全符合国家包容性增长的发展战略的方式,提供多年期承付款用于可列入方案的援助。", "47. 未能完成面向发展的多哈回合谈判,是履行建立更公平的贸易体系承诺的最大差距。让谈判走出目前僵局至关重要。尽管多哈回合谈判尚未结束,全球经济危机期间也凸显出多边贸易体系的重要性,当时,各国政府被限制诉诸保护主义措施,因为这样做违反商定的规则。经济危机后推出的保护主义措施,特别影响到最不发达国家的出口,[17] 但其中许多情况被迅速扭转。人们认识到并已阐明,不尽快结束多哈回合谈判,风险严重,包括可能对实现千年发展目标产生影响。从世界贸易组织最近的讨论看,显然成员们仍致力于按照任务规定结束多哈回合谈判。成员们也商定,需要采取一种新的方法,超越“按部就班”的框框;一个正在为人所接受的理念是,“尽早解决”某些问题,在2011年12月世贸组织第八届部长级会议上重点关注最不发达国家的特殊需要。该项一揽子方案必须包括在向最不发达国家提供完全免税、免配额的市场准入方面取得进展。但为了让发展中国家从扩大的市场准入获益,贸易援助计划必须进一步支持这些国家发展生产和贸易能力,实现包容性增长。面对经常性的粮食价格上涨和粮食不安全状况,必须优先重视支持提高发展中国家农民的生产力、收入和稳定的市场准入,包括尽快减少对发达国家农民的出口和农业补贴。", "48. 扩大的债务重组和减免方式,对于支持受债务困扰国家的发展努力至关重要。2010年,由于全球经济复苏,发展中国家作为一个群体的外债负担,从上一年占国内生产总值的24%,降至22%。根据重债穷国倡议和多边减债倡议,大量减免了低收入国家的债务,有助于大幅减少其债务负担。然而,不少低收入和中低收入国家仍处在债务困扰的高风险中,有18个低中收入国家仍处在债务困扰的高风险中或已深陷债务困境,而更多国家具有较高的公共负债比率。国家一级需要有适当的债务管理战略。但全球市场动荡不定,可能会很快改变债务可持续能力的前景。为避免债务困扰成为发展努力的障碍,必须加强债务减免和重组的框架。重债穷国倡议和多边减债倡议等现有的、有利于穷国的框架已正式结束,但鉴于债务困扰仍在持续,应立即审议框架的延期问题,并提供给所有存在债务问题的低收入国家,与此同时,应为重债国制定更全面的框架,以便更广泛地、有序解决主权债务问题。这是2010年千年发展目标首脑会议的建议,但现在仍需采取后续行动。", "49. 有必要作出更大努力,促进使用有质量保证的、低成本的通用名药,以低费用、甚至免费提供给穷人。目前,获得负担得起的基本药物的机会仍无保障,公共卫生设施只有42%的可用药品。由于公共部门基本药物的供应有限,迫使患者从私人医疗机构购买,而后者的供应情况也往往有限(64%),即使有货,价格也很高。尽管国际社会采取了各种举措以提供较低价格的药品,发展中国家公共部门的平均价格,比国际参考价高出2.7倍,而私营部门的售价则高出6.1倍。因此,在许多低收入和中等收入国家,很多人由于高价购买药品,特别是由于使用了高价原装产品而陷入贫困。有必要通过全球机制,加大力度促进穷人以低价获得药品的机会。例如,通过技术转让和南南合作,扶植发展中国家当地制药行业,提高人们对涉及公共健康、并与贸易有关的知识产权灵活性的认识和利用,改善获得医药专利信息的情况,便利其使用,采取诸如“药品专利池”等举措,推动创新措施,增加可负担得起的药品的生产。", "50. 有必要扩大千年发展目标框架,以便以可负担得起的方式获得可持续发展的技术。要实现长期发展,在发展中国家研发有关技术以及从发达国家转让先进技术是必不可少的。在全球分享信息和通信技术(信通技术)以及应对气候变化及其影响的技术(包括减少灾害风险技术)方面,取得了重大进展。在全球范围,获得信通技术的范围持续扩大。在发展中国家,移动电话用户的增长仍呈特别迅猛状态,2009年和2010年间增长17%,达到人口的68%。使用互联网的用户也继续增长,但最不发达国家仍严重落后,部分原因是因为这些国家信通技术服务对于本国大部分人口而言仍极为昂贵。千年发展目标框架主要集中在信通技术。迫切需要应对气候变化和不断增长的粮食不安全状况,这也引起人们关注加速技术转让的状况,包括减缓和适应气候变化的技术,并关注提高农业生产率和改善农村小生产者市场准入等问题。新的气候技术机制将在2012年投入使用,为急需和扩大了的国际合作提供一个起点。人们一般认为筹资是开发和改造绿色技术的主要障碍。[18] 因此,为了使气候技术机制行之有效,同样重要的是要确保国际社会及时履行气候融资承诺。", "五. 2015年后的联合国发展议程", "51. 千年发展目标首脑会议请秘书长在其年度报告中酌情就采取进一步措施,推动2015年后的联合国发展议程提出建议。因此,本节探讨了前进道路可能遵循的方向。", "A. 千年发展目标框架的现实意义", "52. 2015年之后,千年发展目标仍具有现实意义。2015年是国际社会为实现与千年发展目标相关的具体目标设定的最后期限,但即使这些具体目标得以实现,仍需要取得更多进展,以实现各项目标。2015年的具体目标是将极端贫穷减半,而目标1则是旨在消除极端贫穷和饥饿。其他几个千年发展目标也有类似的区别。", "53. 正如本报告所示,自2000年发表《千年宣言》以来,在实现人类发展目标方面已取得很大进展。大多数观察家一致认为,千年发展目标框架有助于提高全球对贫穷的认识,成为决策者和公众关注的焦点。框架能够吸引政界的关注,并推动采取行动,这些都是框架成功的基石。千年发展目标较为简单易懂,激发了政府、民间团体、工会、基金和学术界前所未有的支持,成功地将发展界聚在一系列共同目标下。如今,千年发展目标是许多发展中国家国家战略的核心,并为捐助方支助提供了框架。千年发展目标构架内制定了监督框架,目标与具体目标以及明确的指标相联系,有助于建立问责和改善治理。", "54. 然而,这些优势都不能保证在所有各条战线都取得充分进展,而国家之间和国家内部的不平衡现象仍然存在。虽然框架也许有助于加强全球发展伙伴关系(目标8),但在履行国际承诺以支持实现千年发展目标方面,仍存在巨大差距。因此,如要制定2015年后的新发展议程,首先有必要深入、广泛和包容性地审查目前议程及其内在办法,评估哪些行之有效,哪些行不通。这一审查必须结合未来全球发展挑战来进行。", "55. 世界各国领导人在《千年宣言》中认可的价值观和原则继续具有现实意义。《千年宣言》确认世界各国和人民更加相互依存,有必要根据以下六项根本价值观制定一个框架来支撑21世纪包容和公平的全球化进程:㈠ 个人拥有民主和参与治理的自由;㈡ 各国之间以及人与人之间平等;㈢ 以公平和社会正义为基础,团结一致应对全球性挑战;㈣ 容忍信仰、文化和语言的多样性;㈤ 尊重自然,促进可持续发展;㈥ 共同承担管理全球经济和社会发展的责任。为将这些价值观转变成具体行动,《千年宣言》确定了六大目标:和平、安全与裁军;发展和消除贫穷;保护环境;人权、民主和善政;保护弱势群体;考虑到非洲的特殊需要以及有必要加强联合国。虽然千年发展目标源自《千年宣言》,但两者显然并不完全相同。在审议2015年后发展议程的元素时,国际社会应回顾《千年宣言》的价值观和原则,以此作为出发点结合当今挑战重新拟定全球发展愿景。", "B. 新的发展议程应主要关注的挑战", "56. 可持续发展目标仍需是重中之重。预计到2015年,并非所有千年发展目标都能实现。即使能够实现,在2015年之后,为实现更高水平的可持续发展,仍须取得更进一步的进展(例如消除贫穷,不是如千年发展目标议程所要求的,将贫穷减半)。讨论可着重关注是否有必要以及在何种意义上扩大或加快实现目标(例如更多关注质量和绝对数字,而不是百分比;也关注下文提出的各种问题),是否应改革制度,以监测进展和履行承诺情况。", "57. 自2000年以来,世界已经改变。最近的金融和经济危机暴露出全球经济的相互依赖性,也暴露出全球经济治理的缺陷,即无法确保有利的发展环境,无法维护全球金融和经济的稳定。即使是管理良好的国家也受到超出其控制能力的事件和决策的负面影响。各国政府已形成正式和特设的全球和区域集团,以开展进一步合作。发展中国家中新的经济强国已获得更加突出的地位,不仅驱动从全球经济衰退中的复苏,而且还在全球经济治理和发展合作中充当角色。最近的粮食和能源危机已暴露在供需双方结构性变化,以及商品市场日益“金融化”的趋势。世界越来越意识到在以协调一致的方式实现经济和社会发展目标方面,环境制约日趋严重。", "58. 可通过更全面地落实《千年宣言》六大核心价值观(见下文),应对这些挑战。在千年发展目标议程中,《千年宣言》中的几个核心价值观未得到足够重视:解决不平等的问题(“平等”);谋求环境的可持续性,粮食和营养安全以及获得可持续能源(“尊重自然”);解决人口压力(“团结”);人权和良好治理(“自由”和“容忍”);确保和平、安全与可持续全球发展(“分担责任”)。", "平等", "59. 减少性别、地点、族裔和收入群体的不平等,必须成为包容性发展议程的核心。2015年后的发展框架有必要考虑建立有效机制,减少青年人失业、收入和机会的不平等以及人类发展所有层面的成就不平衡的问题,包括制定有针对性的政策,直接解决造成这些差距的起因。促进更快和更平衡的经济增长仍至关重要,尤其是在低收入国家,但仅此尚不足以应对快速增长、但拥有大量贫穷人口(包括许多在业穷人)的国家所面临的各种挑战。", "确保粮食和能源安全的同时尊重自然", "60. 应对气候变化、土地退化和荒漠化是确保减少贫穷和改善人类发展能够长期持续的唯一途径。用更环保和更公平的全球化应对这些环境挑战,这应是新的发展议程的首要考虑因素。新议程必须确保以全面、平衡和协调的方式,解决可持续发展的经济、社会和环境层面。各国已执行了减缓和适应气候变化的战略,包括运用更好的机制,最大限度地减少自然灾害的影响,扭转土地退化的趋势。但这些战略并不总是与人类发展完全一致。此外,已规划的行动似乎无助于那些为避免超出一定的环境限制后可能带来的灾难性风险而务必实现的全球目标。¹⁸ 气候变化方面的适应和缓解行动,可以而且应该旨在创造多重效益,包括粮食安全、减贫和环境可持续性。", "61. 获得可持续能源。无法获得清洁、廉价和可靠的能源阻碍了人类、社会和经济的发展,是实现千年发展目标的一个主要障碍。能源服务对生产力、卫生、教育、气候变化、粮食和水安全、通信服务等方面有着深远的影响。仍有14亿人无法获得现代能源,30亿人依赖“传统的生物物质能源”和煤炭作为其主要燃料来源。“人人享有可持续能源”新举措的目的是,到2030年,实现3个主要目标:㈠ 确保普及现代能源服务;㈡ 将全球能源密集程度减少40%;㈢ 在全球范围将可再生能源的使用提高30%。联合国大会已将2012年指定为“人人获得可持续能源国际年”。[19]", "62. 粮食和营养安全。近年来,严重忽视了农业和农村发展,造成全球粮食供应跟不上需求的增长,与此同时,粮食供应已越来越受到环境和气候冲击所造成的破坏性影响。为了养活日益增长的世界人口,到2050年,粮食生产必须比目前水平增加70%。发展中国家的粮食生产则需要增加一倍。改善获得土地、农业基础设施、投入和风险管理工具,对于增加粮食生产、增强特别是小农户的应变能力和生产能力至关重要。这也将有助于加速减贫,创造更体面的工作。还有必要特别努力鼓励开发和引进适当的、用于可持续农业的技术,以避免粮食增产把世界自然环境的使用推向极限。", "团结", "63. 人口压力将继续从各个方面对发展形成挑战。在人口增长率高的国家,儿童和青少年人数迅速增加,对公共服务的需求往往多到无法持续,并对劳动力市场造成压力。另一些国家由于生育率下降和寿命的延长,出现了人口老龄化问题,影响到可持续增长、可行的养老金制度以及保障老年人具有体面的生活条件。由于自然灾害和政治冲突,使国际移徙人口和流离失所者不断增加,需要制订新的机制,以保护这些人的人权和发展需要。持续快速的城市化其本身就造成各种挑战,也影响到其他各种问题。失业、就业不足以及在非正规经济就业,都对经济和人类发展构成新的重大挑战。", "自由与容忍", "64. 保护和促进人权的问题贯穿所有层面,因此成为《千年宣言》核心原则和价值观的中心。在讨论2015年后的议程时,应适当考虑进一步实现人权以发展的问题,例如,通过劳工政策和法例,采取保护少数群体和弱势人口群体的措施。应强调平等、不歧视、参与和有效治理问责制以及更可持续和公平的发展成果等项原则的重要价值。", "分担责任", "65. 可持续的、有利的全球环境是发展的必要条件。稳定的气候、生物多样性、稳定的国际金融体系、公平的多边贸易体系、公平获得知识和技术以应对发展挑战以及获得社会保障等等,均可视为“全球公益物”,是全球环境的组成部分。因此,应视为审议2015年后新的发展议程以及为全球发展伙伴关系(目标8)重新定义所必不可少的。", "66. 和平与安全同样重要。不安全已成为我们时代的主要发展挑战;有15亿人生活的地区受到脆弱性、冲突或大规模有组织犯罪暴力的影响。跨国有组织犯罪和全球贩运网络对法治与发展、商业和金融以及人类安全产生重大影响。日益加剧的不平等、对自然资源的争议和青年们的愿望无法实现,凡此种种正成为许多国家冲突的主要来源。至关重要的是要制订一项强调安全、治理和发展之间内在联系的综合议程,以便有效地解决2015年后发展框架中相互关联的各种问题。", "C. 为2015年后联合国发展议程进行协商", "67. 在未来几年里,联合国各不同论坛将使会员国和其他相关的利益攸关者有机会进行分阶段讨论,自己评估如何审查和反思千年发展目标。", "68. 2015年后的发展框架如产生于多方利益攸关方参与的包容、开放和透明的进程,则有可能产生最佳的发展影响。利用全球、区域和国家现有机制和程序的方式,可确保这种审议得益于广泛的教训以及不同利益攸关方的经验。", "69. 2015年之前,计划召开几次正式和非正式会议。除了盘点千年发展目标进展情况外,这些会议还可以讨论2015年后框架的各种元素。这尤其适用于大会发展问题年度会议。[20] 今后的会议可效仿2011年6月14日举行的大会第六十五届会议第98次全体会议的模式,那次会议专门讨论了2015年后的发展框架。", "70. 经济及社会理事会及其附属机构在联合国几次重要会议和首脑会议的后续行动方面,一直发挥主导作用。因此,这些机构具有十分有利的条件,可以成为政府间讨论2015年后框架的重要论坛。在这方面,双年度发展合作论坛为多方利益攸关方讨论发展合作的趋势提供了论坛。即将举行的三场部长级年度审查也将阐明联合国发展议程重要的贯穿各领域的新问题。在部长级年度审查国家自愿情况介绍时,各会员国将有机会分享经验和教训。", "71. 联合国能协助培育发展与主要利益攸关方的关系。联合国通过巩固基础良好的外联机制,例如千年运动和千年发展目标倡导小组,可以做到这一点。《全球契约》的工作,包括全球契约领导人峰会,为鼓励私营部门的参与提供了另一个机会。", "72. 从现在到2015年之间,计划举行一系列重要的国际活动,这些活动可以为2015年后的框架作出贡献。即将召开的联合国可持续发展大会(“里约加20”)和国际营养会议(国际营养会议加20)提供了重要机会,可以借此通盘考虑经济、社会和环境领域的方方面面,对可持续发展进行重新思考。会员国还要求大会主席在2013年大会第六十八届会议期间,就为实现千年发展目标所采取的后续努力举行一场特别活动。在那次活动中,也可讨论推动2015年后联合国发展议程的问题。", "[1] 大会第55/2号决议。", "[2] 大会第65/1号决议。", "[3] 除非另有说明,本节均取材自《2011年千年发展目标报告》所建立的信息库,见http://unstats.。", "[4] 世界银行《2011年全球监测报告:扩大实现千年发展目标的几率》(2011年,华盛顿特区)。", "[5] 世界银行《2011年全球监测报告:冲突、安全与发展》(2011年,华盛顿特区)。", "[6] 见《2011年世界经济和社会概览:巨大的绿色技术变革。(联合国出版物,出售品编号:E.11.II.C.1),第四章。", "[7] 见Henk-Jan Brinkman and Cullen S.Hendrix,(forthcoming)Food Insecurity and Violent Conflict:Causes,Consequences,and Addressing the Challenges,不定期刊物,世界粮食计划署。", "[8] 见。", "[9] 经济合作与发展组织-粮农组织:《2011-2020年农业展望》(经合组织,2011年,巴黎)。", "[10] 见《2011年世界经济状况和前景》(联合国出版物,出售品编号:E.11.II.C.2),方框1.3中报告的基于模型的统计数字。", "[11] 见联合国,《2010年世界经济和社会概览:重探全球发展之路》(联合国出版物,出售品编号:E.10.II.C.1),第二章(2010年)。", "[12] 见公约和建议执行问题专家委员会关于就业政策公约的个人意见,1964年(第22号)苏丹(批准:1970年),世界劳工组织,2010年,和《就业促进和平、稳定与发展:草稿:2011-2015年非洲之角区域战略》,可查阅 pdf/regionalstrategymar2011.pdf。", "[13] 最近的估计数字表明,妇女若获得与男子同样的生产性资源,则可将农场产量提高20-30%,将农业总产量提高2.5-4.0%,这反过来又可以将世界饥饿人口减少12%至17%。见联合国粮食及农业组织,《粮食和农业状况:妇女与农业,缩小发展的性别差距》(2011年,罗马)。", "[14] 联合国粮食及农业组织,《利用气候的农业:粮食安全、适应和减轻的政策、做法和供资》(2010年,罗马)。", "[15] 见社会发展研究所,《抗击贫困和不平等:结构改革、社会政策和政治》,第5章(2010年,德国)。本报告第40和41段进一步讨论了这些问题。", "[16] 可在查阅《联合国反腐败公约》的批准情况。", "[17] 联合国,“全球发展伙伴关系:该是行动的时候了”千年发展目标差距问题工作组2011年报告(纽约)(即将印发)。", "[18] 见《2011年世界经济和社会概览:伟大的绿色技术转变》(联合国出版物,出售品编号.E.11.II.C.1)。", "[19] 见大会第65/151号决议。", "[20] 见大会第60/265号决议,第56段。" ]
[ "第六十六届会议", "页:1", "暂定项目表* 项目119", "千年首脑会议成果的后续行动", "加快实现千年发展目标:持续和包容性增长的可选办法以及推进2015年后联合国发展议程的问题", "秘书长的年度报告", "内容提要", "本报告讨论了最近在实现千年发展目标方面取得的进展以及到2015年面临的重大挑战。 应会员国的请求,本报告探讨了促进持续和包容性经济增长的成功经验,作为实现千年发展目标战略的一部分。 它还强调,需要加紧努力,履行加强全球发展伙伴关系的承诺(目标8)并适当贯彻2010年大会关于千年发展目标的高级别全体会议上达成的协议。 随着2015年最后期限的临近,审视国际发展议程的未来的时机也已经到来;本报告就新议程和适当协商进程的关键考虑提出了建议。", "一. 导言", "1. 联合国 自世界领导人制定大幅度减少赤贫、饥饿、文盲和疾病的目标和指标、《千年宣言》[1]和《千年发展目标》的问责制框架以来,十多年来,这些都激励了发展努力,帮助确定了优先事项和重点干预措施。 在大会关于千年发展目标的高级别全体会议题为“履行诺言:团结一致实现千年发展目标”的成果文件[2]中,会员国请秘书长报告千年发展目标的执行进展情况并提出建议,以进一步采取步骤,推进2015年后联合国发展议程。 此外,大会第65/10号决议请秘书长在关于到2015年实现千年发展目标进展情况的年度报告中,就持续、包容和公平的经济增长以加快消除贫穷和实现千年发展目标提出分析和政策建议。", "2. 联合国 本报告回应了这些要求并开始编写一系列关于与千年发展目标有关的成就的分析性年度报告,包括推进2015年后联合国发展议程的建议。", "二. 实现千年发展目标的进展情况[3]", "A类. 取得的进展", "3个 在若干领域取得了重大进展,原因是一些发展中国家的人均收入持续增长,以及在关键领域有针对性地开展政策努力,包括扩大直接向最需要者提供服务和其他资源的方案。", " 4.四. 尽管在2008-2009年经济衰退期间出现挫折,以及随之而来的粮食和能源价格危机,但整个世界仍然走上了实现减贫目标的正轨。 预计到2015年,全球贫困率将降至15%以下,远远低于23%的目标。 然而,这一全球趋势主要反映了东亚特别是中国的快速增长和加速减贫。 按照目前的进展速度,到2015年,撒哈拉以南非洲、西亚以及高加索和中亚区域各国不大可能将每日生活费低于1.25美元的人口比例减半。 此外,世界许多地方生活在贫困中的人数实际上在增加。", "5 (韩语). 自1990年以来,获得初等教育的机会有了很大改善。 净入学率从1991年的80%增加到2005年的88%。 东南亚、北非、拉丁美洲和东亚已接近普及初级教育。 然而,就整个发展中世界而言,最近在提高初等教育入学率和完成率方面取得的进展令人失望。 自1999年以来,净入学率仅上升了7个百分点,2009年达到89%。", "6. 国家 降低儿童死亡率的全球目标也可以实现。 要实现这一目标,就必须在一些区域,特别是在南亚、撒哈拉以南非洲和大洋洲加紧努力。 在全世界,五岁以下儿童的死亡人数从1990年的1 240万下降到2009年的810万,即每天死亡人数减少近12 000名。 2000至2008年期间,免疫覆盖率的提高和第二次注射的机会使全球麻疹造成的死亡人数减少了78%。 这些被避免的死亡占五岁以下儿童各种原因造成的死亡率下降的四分之一,但发展中世界所有区域最贫穷家庭的儿童仍然特别脆弱。", "7. 联合国 疟疾的流行和由该疾病造成的死亡人数在过去十年中已大幅下降,原因是对疟疾控制的供资和政策关注有所增加。 仅在2008至2010年期间,撒哈拉以南非洲就分发了2.9亿个蚊帐,足以覆盖7.65亿面临风险者的76%。", "8. 国家 新的艾滋病毒感染和其他传染性疾病的负担已稳步下降,撒哈拉以南非洲的减少幅度已大为减少。 由于方案和资金的大幅扩展,2004至2009年期间接受艾滋病毒/艾滋病抗逆转录病毒治疗的人数增加了13倍。 这导致同期与艾滋病有关的死亡人数下降了19%。 自1995年以来,由于有效的结核病治疗国际议定书,已挽救了多达600万人的生命。", "9. 国家 世界正在实现增加获得改善的饮用水的全球目标。 然而,各国和各区域在这方面的进展参差不齐。 此外,在世界许多地方,由于污染以及地表和地下水污染,水质问题依然存在。 在世界各地,农村人口往往远远落后于城镇人口;例如,在撒哈拉以南非洲,城市居民获得经改善的饮用水来源的可能性几乎是农村居民的两倍。", "B类. 最弱势人口在许多方面仍然下落不明", "10个 特别是在南亚,在减少贫困家庭营养不良方面几乎没有进展。 经过几十年的进展,近年来世界上营养不良的人数急剧上升,部分原因是全球经济危机导致粮食价格上涨,就业和收入损失。 联合国粮食及农业组织(粮农组织)估计,2009年有10多亿人遭受饥饿。 2010年这一数字降至9.25亿,但仍远远高于千年发展目标的饥饿指标。 微量营养素缺乏或“隐藏饥饿”影响到全世界约20亿人。 在南亚,由于质量食品短缺、喂养做法差、卫生条件差和普遍贫穷,体重不足的儿童人数居世界之首。 生活在发展中地区农村地区的儿童体重不足的可能性是城市儿童的两倍。 按年龄计算,营养成就不足导致儿童缩短,入学较晚,学习能力较低,成年后收入较低,而且女孩分娩困难和产妇死亡率较高。", "11个 小学入学率和毕业率仍然严重不足。 在撒哈拉以南非洲,小学入学率从1991年的54%增至2009年的76%,但仍有24%的区域儿童失学。 更一般地说,发展中国家最贫穷家庭的儿童,特别是农村和残疾家庭的儿童,不太可能上小学,而且更有可能在完成初等教育之前辍学。 在发展中地区,最贫穷的20%家庭的女孩失学的可能性比最富裕家庭的女孩高3.5倍,比最富裕家庭的男孩高4倍。 此外,最近的证据表明,教育质量落后于入学率的提高。 [4]", "12个 在获得产妇护理方面,差距最明显。 绝大多数产妇死亡是可以避免的。 然而,在世界许多地方,怀孕仍然是主要的健康风险,特别是在穷人、土著妇女4 和农村地区。 例如,在墨西哥和巴拿马,土著妇女分娩后死亡的风险是其他妇女的三倍。 在南亚,最富裕的20%家庭的94%的妇女接受产前护理,而最贫穷的20%家庭中只有48%获得这种护理。 在撒哈拉以南非洲和南亚,产妇死亡率仍然高得令人无法接受。 这是由于对提高产妇保健系统的效率和覆盖面的政策关注不足,而资源限制又加剧了这种关注。 近年来,用于生殖健康的官方发展援助有所减少,这最终会降低孕产妇和新生儿保健的费用。", "13个 26多亿人仍然缺乏适当的卫生设施。 撒哈拉以南非洲不到三分之一的人口享有安全的卫生设施。 农村地区覆盖率极低,只有四分之一的人口使用经改善的卫生设施。 即使实现千年发展目标,仍有17亿人得不到基本的卫生设施。 根据目前的趋势,还将有10亿人被淘汰,到2015年,将有27亿人得不到基本的卫生设施。 在南亚,由于环境卫生的改善,富人受益不成比例,而最贫穷的40%的家庭的环境卫生几乎没有改善。 在大会关于“可持续环境卫生:到2015年的五年动力”的第65/153号决议中,会员国同意加紧努力,以建立政治意愿,提高公众认识,并确保扩大实地行动,以改善环境卫生。", "14个 贫民窟居民的人数继续增加,在不久的将来将继续增加。 实现千年发展目标的这一具体目标的进展不足以抵消非正规住区的增长。 目前,居住在贫民窟的城市居民人数估计为8.28亿。 加快扩大基本服务对于提高不断增长的城市人口的生活水平以及采取政策为城市和农村地区创造更好的就业机会至关重要。", "15个 许多人缺乏获得体面工作的机会。 缺乏生产性和体面工作是造成世界许多地区减贫不足和在业穷人人数仍在增加的主要原因。 即使在2007年危机之前,特别是在农村地区,约有6.24亿工人——占全世界工人总数的24%——与家人生活在赤贫中。 2007至2009年期间,这一数字估计增加了1.22亿,包括南亚的5 700万和撒哈拉以南非洲的2 400万。 贫穷或就业不足的青年比以往任何时候都多:约有1.52亿青年人工作,但生活在每天收入低于1.25美元的家庭。 数百万青年人被困在临时和非自愿的非全时或临时工作之中,这些工作没有多少好处,而且改善生活的前景有限。 年轻妇女往往面临更多的障碍。", "16号. 缺乏就业机会是许多国家国内和武装冲突的根源,破坏了实现千年发展目标的进展。 迄今为止,没有一个容易发生冲突的低收入国家实现了单一的千年发展目标。 在受冲突影响国家出生的儿童营养不良的可能性为2倍,在5岁之前死亡的可能性也为2倍。 [5] 全世界有40%以上的未上小学的儿童——2 800万——生活在受冲突影响的贫穷国家。 平均而言,一个在1981-2005年期间遭受过重大暴力的国家的贫困率比没有这种暴力的国家高出21个百分点。 对于一个中等规模的发展中国家来说,内战的平均成本相当于30多年的国内生产总值(GDP)增长,重大内乱后的贸易水平一般需要20年才能恢复.", "17. 人道主义危机和冲突继续使全球数百万人流离失所。 这种危机还妨碍难民和国内流离失所者返回。 2010年底,全世界有近4 300万人因冲突和迫害而流离失所,是自1990年代中期以来人数最多的一次,比上一年增加约50万人。 另有1 500万人因自然灾害而流离失所。", "18岁。 与犯罪有关的武装暴力的高发率是一些国家增长和发展的另一个障碍。 贫穷、不平等和经济危机可能在恶性循环中引发犯罪,使经济和社会状况进一步恶化。 其他形式的犯罪,如腐败、敲诈勒索和盗窃经济资产,可能使经济行为者失去重要资源并进一步削弱法治。", "性别差距继续存在并限制了其他千年发展目标的进展", " 19. 19. 实现千年发展目标的关键在于妇女的教育。 必须为女孩提供更多的机会来完成小学和中学教育。 妇女受教育程度的提高已证明对改善健康和通过为妇女提供更好的就业机会来增加家庭收入至关重要。 尽管取得了明显进展,但是在撒哈拉以南非洲、北非、西亚和南亚以及大洋洲,初级和中级教育中的两性均等——这一目标到2015年将实现——仍然无法实现。 贫穷反过来又使女孩处于不利地位,因为来自贫穷家庭的女孩比来自同一家庭群体的男孩上学的可能性要小。", "20号. 在增加妇女在农业部门以外从事有酬工作的比例方面进展缓慢。 在全世界,妇女在非农业有酬就业中的比例仅略有增加,从1990年的35%增至2009年的40%。 西亚和北非的份额较低,进展也较少。 由于全球经济危机,进展进一步放缓,而妇女就业机会在复苏期间已落后于男子。 此外,在大多数发展中国家,妇女更有可能在非正规部门从事低薪、无保障的工作。", "21岁 妇女对政治决策的参与正在缓慢地增加。 在全世界,妇女所占议会席位比例从1995年的11.6%增至2011年的19.3%,为到2015年实现男女代表人数平等的目标,还有很长的路要走。 贫穷妇女和农村妇女在世界各地的决策机构中通常被边缘化。", "C. 向更可持续的发展道路过渡", "22号. 全球森林砍伐继续以下降的速度进行,但仍然令人震惊。 在全球一级,毁林面积从1990年代的每年约1 600万公顷减少到过去十年的1 300万公顷。 与此同时,一些国家的植树造林和森林自然扩张减少了森林面积的净损失,但即便如此,从2000年到2010年,世界每年继续损失520万公顷森林. 虽然地球近12%的面积和近1%的海洋目前都受到保护,但对地球生物多样性至关重要的其他地区尚未得到充分保护。 2009年,世界上只有一半的821个陆地生态区的保护面积超过10%。 森林砍伐大多仍在热带地区进行,而森林面积的增加多为温带和北带。", "23. 联合国 森林在全球碳循环中发挥重要作用。 仅林业部门就占人类引起的温室气体排放的大约六分之一,主要原因是毁林。 2010年底,各国同意在《联合国气候变化框架公约》下建立一个机制,通过联合国减少发展中国家毁林和森林退化所致排放量合作方案(降排加机制),奖励减少毁林和森林退化所致碳排放的发展中国家。 如果降排加倡议成功,它将减缓气候变化并降低森林和生物多样性损失率,为以森林为生的社区提供替代收入来源。", "24 (韩语). 世界已枯竭和被过度捕捞的野生鱼类种群中迅速增加的份额令人十分担忧;世界上记录最低的野生鱼类种群中,15%很少被利用。 过度开发或枯竭的野生鱼类种群所占比例从1974年的10%增至2008年的32%。", "25岁 世界未能实现2010年生物多样性保护目标。 在减缓生物多样性枯竭方面已取得一些成功,但生物多样性的丧失仍在继续。 尽管通过了《遗传资源获取和惠益分享名古屋议定书》,作为促进可持续发展的主要工具,但据了解,约有17 000个动植物物种濒临灭绝。 根据目前的趋势,物种的丧失将在整个世纪持续,生态系统面临巨大威胁的风险将不断增加。 生物多样性,包括农业生物多样性的不可逆转地丧失将阻碍实现其他千年发展目标的努力,特别是与贫穷、饥饿和健康有关的目标。", "26. 联合国 二氧化碳排放量继续增加。 2008年的排放量比1990年高出约40%。 2008年,即有数据的最近一年,全球二氧化碳排放量达到294亿公吨,比上一年增加1.5%。 据世界气象组织统计,2001-2010年是全球平均气温最高的十年。", "27个 发展中国家将承担与不断变化的天气模式、缺水和海平面上升等负面影响有关的巨额费用,而且它们最没有能力应付这些影响。 近几十年来,与气候有关的灾害风险急剧增加。 [6] 荒漠化、土地退化和干旱仍然是我们时代最紧迫的全球环境挑战之一。 土地退化影响到全球15亿人,他们的生计直接依赖于利用这一已退化的土地。 农业和粮食生产可能受到气候多变性增加的不利影响,特别是在收入低、饥饿和贫穷多得多并更易受气候变化影响的国家。 气候变化还可能加剧资源匮乏,增加暴力风险。 例如,在撒哈拉以南非洲,在降雨量低后,国内冲突更有可能发生。 [7] 灾害侵蚀了发展投资,例如学校和保健设施被破坏和损坏,而受地震、旋风、水灾和旱灾影响最深的人85%生活在发展中国家。 较贫穷国家的死亡率和经济损失风险也过高。", "D类. 全球经济危机减缓了进展", "28岁 经济衰退对所有千年发展目标的影响是深远的。 发展中国家经济增长大幅减速,这影响了危机期间可用于为千年发展目标投资的财政空间。 许多经济体迅速复苏,在许多情况下得到财政刺激措施的帮助,包括社会保护和支持千年发展目标的其他措施。 强劲的产出复苏也有助于提高就业水平,尽管在许多情况下,大多数创造就业的形式是就业不稳定。 全球粮食和石油价格飙升也影响到大多数人,特别是穷人,特别是在财政空间有限和社会保护不足的国家。 据估计,由于2010年年中至2011年初粮食价格上涨,另有4 400万人陷入贫困。 [8] 之后,粮食和能源价格继续上涨。 在今后十年中,粮食价格预计将继续高涨,而商品价格的波动预计将继续下去,[9] 尤其会伤害粮食进口低收入国家。 这可能导致以更便宜的淀粉主食来取而代之的更昂贵的微量营养素丰富的食品,并会减少膳食和食品消费,从而减少微量营养素摄入量。", "29. 国家 由于危机,实现千年发展目标的成本可能每年增加高达国内总产值的1.5%。 [10] 尼加拉瓜、多民族玻利维亚国和吉尔吉斯斯坦等国家需要从2010年至2015年再将国内生产总值的9.5%用于教育、保健和基本服务,以到2015年实现千年发展目标。 增加社会支出本身不足以恢复增长,而需要辅助政策,支持创造就业、经济多样化和生产力增长。 还需要为农业提供大量额外投资,以确保充足的粮食供应。", "三. 实现千年发展目标需要稳定、公平和包容性的增长", "A. 成功增长经验的教训", "30 (英语). 许多发展中国家在实现千年发展目标的具体目标方面取得了进展;然而,要按时实现所有具体目标,需要更快地取得进展。 如前所述,进展参差不齐,往往对最贫穷和最弱势的人影响不大。 经济增长有助于发展中国家在许多领域取得进展,但也往往加剧了不平等。 政策和干预措施没有促进在实现所有人口阶层的千年发展目标方面同时取得进展。", "31岁 千年发展 实现目标需要持续、包容、公平和就业密集型的增长,为所有人,包括妇女、青年和弱势群体提供机会。 特别是中国和东亚的其他国家,近几十年来成功地减少了贫困。 他们设法维持了强劲的经济增长,并确保这种增长具有广泛的基础,并持续很长时间。 增长得到促进结构改革的政策的支持,这些政策通常包括提高农业生产力、对农村基础设施和服务的大规模投资、农村穷人的土地权利、对工业化的支持和参与全球贸易的能力。 在1978年土地改革后的几十年里,中国经济年增长率接近10%。 强有力的工业政策和对技术开发、创新和传播的支持进一步推动了增长。 自1980年代以来,越南和其他几个东亚经济体的贫穷程度也大幅下降。 早些时候,日本和大韩民国在基础广泛的发展战略基础上实现了迅速和持续的增长和减贫。 持续增长也使实现其他千年发展目标所需的累积投资成为可能。", "32. 国家 持续的经济增长需要以公平分配机会为基础。 在东亚的经验中,物质和人力资本的公平分配为更广泛分享的经济增长提供了基础。 在本区域许多国家经济起飞之初,土地和土地改革是实现土地和农业生产机会更公平分配的关键。 普及教育和保健制度有助于扩大人类发展的改善。", "33. (中文(简体) ). 更公平的增长有助于在实现与教育和保健有关的千年发展目标方面取得更快的进展。 贫困家庭如果负担不起补充费用,可能无法送子女上学,而且(或)年幼的儿女可能需要工作来补充家庭收入,或为无偿的家务照料工作作贡献,如取水或取柴。 同样,儿童和母亲的健康结果不仅取决于保健质量,还取决于营养。 生活质量往往取决于家庭收入。 在一些国家,政府通过诸如现金转移方案和补贴养恤金计划等社会保护政策来减少不平等。 这些方案在经济衰退期间提供了一些收入保护,并激励父母让子女继续上学和采取保健措施,但只是略微纠正了不平等现象。", "34. 国家 持续增长与可持续增长不同。 目前城市化的速度以及农业和工业中使用的技术正在迅速耗竭支撑地球上生命的自然资源。 近几十年来,与气候有关的灾害风险已急剧增加。 气候变化和自然资源枯竭影响低收入国家的增长:全球平均气温每上升一摄氏度,产出的2%至3%就会丧失。 气候变化已经降低世界各地农业产量。 由于天气模式不断变化、荒漠化、缺水和海平面上升,许多低收入国家将承担巨额费用,使受影响地区实现千年发展目标的工作受到挫折。", "B类. 如何确保持续、公平和包容性增长[11]", "35. 联合国 各国的国情和初始条件各不相同,过去的经验表明,要克服持续增长和发展的障碍有许多途径。 较为成功的国家不仅遵循克服某些重大制约因素的战略,而且确保了经济、社会以及有时环境政策之间的适当一致性。 国家发展战略需要使政策协调一致,适合各国国情。 因此,可持续和包容性增长和发展战略的一些关键要素包括:", "面向发展的宏观经济框架", "36. (中文(简体) ). 宏观经济政策需要支持增长和创造生产性就业。 最近的全球经济危机以及世界商品和金融市场的曲折对发展中国家提出了严重的宏观经济政策挑战。 它们还强调,必须始终如一地建立反周期性宏观经济政策框架,以尽量减少动荡的外部经济环境的不利影响。 商品稳定基金有助于商品出口国应对世界市场价格波动的影响。 在有开放资本账户的国家,实行反周期货币政策越来越困难,但可以通过更好地监管资本流动和国内金融部门的措施恢复某些控制。 通过这一框架确保稳定增长是必要的,但不足以实现包容性发展。 为此,反周期政策需要辅之以资源分配决定,确保长期支持对基础设施、教育、保健和其他基本服务的投资,并辅之以促进动态结构改革和创造就业的政策,包括通过农业和工业发展政策。 在面临自然灾害的国家,相关的支出决定和政策应与灾害风险管理战略相协调,以尽量减少自然威胁给发展带来的挫折。", "37. 联合国 在受冲突影响国家和冲突后国家,国际支助应优先考虑发展经济管理能力,促进国家发展与和解。 对国家政策的强烈主人翁感对建设和平至关重要。 国家建设和公共支持将得到加强,对政府核心职能、基本安全和安保、提供基本服务、创造就业的经济增长以及自然资源管理进行充分管理。 包容性和富于就业的增长将有助于缓解否则会威胁政治稳定的社会紧张局势。 联合国冲突后创造就业、创收和重新融入社会以改善短期稳定的政策框架为为可持续和平创造条件提供了有益的指导。 [12]", "38. 国家 特别是在低收入和中低收入国家,必须优先考虑农业和农村发展以实现包容性增长。 加强发展中国家约5亿小农的生产力、可持续性和复原力将大大加强粮食安全和包容性经济增长。 需要协调一致的政策选择来消除加快农业和农村发展的制约因素,包括确保获得土地、水权、扩大推广和金融服务、改善基础设施(运输、储存、灌溉和供水系统以及能源供应)和农业市场。 还需要引入风险缓解机制(如作物和天气保险)并增强小农管理风险的能力。 特别注意改善农业女工的生产条件,可带来更多的经济和社会收益。 [13] 将农业和环境政策纳入更广泛的农村发展政策,确保森林和其他生态系统继续维持耕作系统(见下文)。 收获后活动的重点是转变、保存和为中间或最终消费准备农业生产,这是发展中国家制造业就业和收入的主要来源。 在这方面,政策还应促进相关技术的开发和转让、职业培训和创业。", "采用和推广绿色技术和可持续国家资源管理战略", "39. 联合国 发展中国家需要寻求新的途径来确保可持续的环境管理、经济增长和社会进步。 可通过提高资源和生产工艺的使用效率和可持续性以及减少资源利用、污染和废物,使经济增长和环境退化脱钩。 相对简单的措施,如再循环和再利用、节能灯泡、将废物转化为粪便、生物多样性和生态系统保护以及节水灌溉方法等,将促进增长,同时保护环境。 尽量减少土地退化、恢复已退化地区和优化土地利用对于可持续土地管理至关重要。 在向更绿色和可持续的经济生产进程过渡的国际合作中需要坚持“共同但有区别的责任”的里约原则。", " 40. 40. 提高小农的生产能力需要纳入环境上可持续和有气候抗御力的技术并改进自然资源管理。 在提高农民生产力和收入、减少营养不良、恢复脆弱环境和帮助减缓气候变化方面,存在着巨大的双赢机会。 各国政府和国际知识共享网络需要为广泛传播、适应和采用技术和创新提供便利,以提高农村生产系统的生产力、盈利能力、复原力和减缓气候变化的潜力。 成功的局部提高生产力的创新可以发扬光大。 这种创新改善了虫害和杂草的管理、用水效率和生物多样性。 政策挑战是确定并支持适应和扩大这种地方农业创新,包括在贫穷和粮食无保障的国家和区域。 各地区的农业生态条件大相径庭,这意味着农业技术和做法需要适应当地条件。 农业领域有大量的技术和可持续做法,为向可持续粮食安全的根本性转变提供了选择。 其中包括传统知识和耕作做法,如低地农村耕作、作物轮作、植入间种植、绿色肥料利用、取水和节水作物。 此外,已经并且正在开发出新的高产、抗虫害和抗病的粮食作物品种,这些品种在用水方面是有效的,对化肥或杀虫剂的要求很少或根本不需要。 [14]", "协调一致的包容性社会政策", "41. 国家 全面的社会政策对于实现千年发展目标至关重要,也是可持续、公平和包容性增长的必要条件。 [15] 成功的国家经验表明,普遍提供基于可要求的应享权利(来自权利或缴款付款)的基本服务,需要政府积极参与直接提供、资助或规范私人提供。 公共政策应特别注意确保向农村和其他处境不利地区提供充分服务,并采取措施为边缘化和贫穷群体提供便利。 针对具体部门的社会方案,如学校用餐、免费课本和补贴药品,可以帮助改善教育和卫生成果。 同样,现金转移方案增加了获得基本需要的机会,特别是在持续、可预测的情况下。", "42. 以团结为基础的社会保险方案有助于增强社会凝聚力和建立联盟。 扩大正规社会保险计划的覆盖面,在许多方面有助于实现若干千年发展目标。 正规部门和与收入有关的社会保险制度可能使劳动力市场的不平等永久化。 可以采取措施扩大保险范围,统一规则和计划(使更多、更多样化的公民群体分担风险),并加强保险计划的团结/分配部分(例如,每个公民都有最低保障养恤金)。 因此,各国不仅成功地扩大了覆盖面,而且还协调和统一了分散的系统,降低了成本并增强了公平和社会融合。 主要的政策挑战包括确保社会保障政策,以保护移徙工人和艾滋病毒/艾滋病患者。", "保护人权和确保善政", "43. 东帝汶 实施人权框架有助于确保所有公民实现千年发展目标。 在大会关于千年发展目标的高级别全体会议的成果文件中,会员国重申“尊重、促进和保护人权是有效实现千年发展目标工作的组成部分”(第53段),2 并承认“两性平等和赋予妇女权力的重要性”(第54段)。 人权框架使所有利益攸关方能够有效地参与决策,并改善问责制和治理,从而丰富了政策执行工作。 如果将人权制度化,使公民能够组织和参与公共政策决定并监测结果,就可以促进实现千年发展目标的进展。", "44. 国家 在国家和国际两级实行善政和维持法治也至关重要。 大会第65/1号决议还确认透明度和问责制的重要性。 会员国承诺通过加强财务信息的披露和透明度来减少各级的非法资金流动,并敦促它们考虑批准和实施《联合国反腐败公约》。 [16] 加强打击腐败的国家和多国努力至关重要,包括提供技术援助和其他支助来提高发展中国家的能力。 用于逃税目的的资金流动往往利用与毒品收益和资助恐怖主义相同的渠道,这两个渠道已经受到合作监测和阻截。 各国必须相互合作并互相协助,征收应缴税费,这将有助于调动所需资源来为包容性发展战略提供资金。", "四、结 论 落实全球发展伙伴关系", "45. 国家 千年发展目标议程承诺加强全球发展伙伴关系(目标8)。 在2010年大会关于千年发展目标的高级别全体会议上,各国国家元首和政府首脑审查了取得的进展,特别是在许多国家因2008-2009年全球经济危机及相关粮食和能源价格上涨而遭遇挫折之后取得的进展,以及随后承诺增加官方发展援助、确保更公平的全球贸易体系、为最贫穷国家提供债务减免、确保以负担得起的方式获得基本药品和新技术以实现其他千年发展目标。", "46. 经常预算: 官方发展援助增加到创纪录的1 290亿美元,但仍没有兑现承诺。 2010年,根据2005年格伦伊格尔斯八国集团首脑会议的认捐,援助交付额比2010年应交付额少了210亿美元。 由于全球经济危机,这种交付差距中只有一小部分可归因于国民收入低于预期。 秘书长所设立的千年发展目标差距工作队提出了更有效地提供官方发展援助的办法,包括以与国家发展战略充分一致的方式提供可规划援助的多年承诺,促进包容性增长。", "47. 国家 未能完成以发展为导向的多哈回合,是兑现建立更公平贸易制度的承诺方面最大的差距。 使谈判摆脱目前的僵局至关重要。 尽管多哈回合尚未结束,但在全球经济危机期间强调了多边贸易体系的重要性,当时各国政府在采取保护主义措施时受到限制,因为这样做违反商定的规则。 经济危机后采取的保护主义措施特别影响到最不发达国家的出口,[17] 但许多措施被迅速扭转。 各方已确认并明确了未能迅速结束这一回合的严重风险,包括可能对实现千年发展目标产生的影响。 从世界贸易组织最近的讨论中可以清楚地看到,各成员仍然致力于按照其任务规定结束多哈回合。 人们还同意,需要采取一种超越“一切照常”的新办法;一个正在取得进展的想法是,由2011年12月第八次世界贸易组织部长级会议提出“早日收获”某些问题,重点是最不发达国家的具体需要。 一揽子计划需要包括在向最不发达国家提供充分免税、免配额的市场准入方面取得进展。 但是,为了使发展中国家能够从扩大的市场准入中获益,贸易援助倡议需要进一步支持发展它们的生产和贸易能力,以实现包容性增长。 面对粮食价格一再上涨和粮食无保障的情况,必须优先支持提高发展中国家农民的生产力、收入和稳定的市场准入,包括加速减少发达国家对农民的出口和农业补贴。", " 48. 48. 加强债务重组和减免方式对于支持受债务困扰国家的发展努力至关重要。 在全球复苏的帮助下,发展中国家作为一个整体的外债负担从上一年的24%下降到2010年的22%。 根据重债穷国倡议和多边减债倡议向低收入国家提供的大量债务减免有助于大幅度地减轻它们的债务负担。 然而,大量低收入和中低收入国家仍然面临债务困扰的高风险,18个中低收入国家仍然面临高风险或已经陷入债务困境,而更多的国家的公共债务比率也很高。 在国家一级需要适当的债务管理战略。 但是,不稳定的全球市场可能迅速改变债务可持续性的前景。 为了避免债务困扰成为发展努力的障碍,需要增强债务减免和结构调整框架。 现有的穷国框架——重债穷国倡议和多边减债倡议——已正式结束,但是,在持续的债务困扰下,应紧急考虑延长这一框架,并让所有有债务问题的低收入国家都能利用,同时为更广泛地有条不紊地解决重债国家的主权债务问题制定一个更全面的框架。 这是2010年千年发展目标首脑会议所建议,但仍需要采取后续行动。", "49. (中文(简体) ). 需要加强努力,促进低价或不费穷人费用的高质量、低成本、非专利药品的使用。 目前,获得负担得起的基本药物的机会仍然不稳定,公共卫生设施只有42%。 公共部门基本药品供应有限,迫使病人向私人保健设施购买,而私人保健设施的供应也往往有限(64%),但如果有的话,只能以高得多的成本购买。 发展中国家的中位价格平均比国际参考价格高2.7倍,比私营部门高6.1倍,尽管国际社会采取了各种举措,提供成本较低的药品。 因此,在许多中低收入国家,由于药品采购成本高,特别是在使用高价发端品牌产品时,人口比例很高。 需要通过全球机制提供更大的便利,以增加穷人以低成本获得药品的机会。 例如,通过技术转让和南南合作,加强发展中国家当地制药业,提高对知识产权灵活性中与公共卫生有关的贸易方面的认识和使用,并辅之以更好地提供专利信息以促进其使用,以及诸如 \" 医药专利池 \" 等举措,将刺激创新并增加更廉价药品的生产。", " 50. 50. 需要扩大千年发展目标框架,以包括以负担得起的方式获得可持续发展技术。 在发展中国家开发相关技术和从发达经济体转让先进技术对于长期发展至关重要。 在全球共享信息和通信技术以及应对气候变化和应对气候变化影响的技术,包括减少灾害风险的技术方面取得了重大进展。 信通技术的获取在全球继续增长。 在发展中国家,移动电话用户的传播仍然特别快,2009至2010年期间增长了17%,达到人口的68%。 互联网的使用也在继续增长,但仍然远远落后于最不发达国家,部分原因是信通技术服务对于这些国家大多数人口来说仍然极为昂贵。 千年发展目标框架主要侧重于信通技术。 应对气候变化和日益严重的粮食不安全的紧迫性也使人们对加快技术转让以减缓和适应气候变化、提高农业生产力和改善农村小生产者市场准入的条件感到关切。 新的气候技术机制将于2012年开始运作,为迫切需要扩大的国际合作提供了一个起点。 一般认为,资金是发展和改造绿色技术的主要障碍。 [18] 因此,气候技术机制要发挥作用,同样重要的是确保及时兑现气候融资的国际承诺。", "五. 2015年后联合国发展议程", "51. 联合国 千年发展 目标首脑会议请秘书长在其年度报告中酌情就2015年后推进联合国发展议程的进一步步骤提出建议。 因此,本节审查今后可能的方向。", "A类. 千年发展目标框架的相关性", "52. (中文(简体) ). 千年发展 2015年后,目标仍将具有相关性。 2015年是国际社会为一系列千年发展目标相关具体目标设定的最后期限,但即使所有这些具体目标都得到实现,实现这些目标仍然需要取得更多进展。 2015年的目标是将赤贫减少一半,但目标1旨在消除赤贫和饥饿。 类似的区别也与其它几项千年发展目标有关。", "53. 联合国 正如本报告所表明,自2000年《千年宣言》以来,在实现人类发展目标方面取得了很大进展。 大多数观察家同意,千年发展目标框架有助于提高全球对贫穷的认识并让决策者和公众集中注意。 它吸引政治注意力和推动行动的能力是其成功的基石。 千年发展目标相对简便,得到了各国政府、民间社会、工会、基金会和学术界前所未有的支持。 它们成功地将发展界团结在一套共同目标上。 今天,千年发展目标是许多发展中国家国家战略的核心,并为捐助者的支助提供了一个框架。 千年发展目标结构中包含的监测框架也帮助建立了问责制并改进了治理。 千年发展目标中的目标与具体目标和明确指标相联系。", "54. 联合国 然而,这些优势并不能保证在所有方面取得进展,而国家之间和国家内部的不平等依然存在。 虽然可以说该框架有助于加强全球发展伙伴关系(目标8),但在履行支持实现千年发展目标的国际承诺方面仍存在重大缺陷。 因此,审议2015年后的新发展议程需要首先对本议程及其基本方针进行彻底、有广泛基础和包容性的审查,并评估哪些是行之有效的,哪些是无效的。 这种审查需要结合未来的全球发展挑战来进行。", "55. 国家 世界领导人在《千年宣言》中认可的价值观和原则仍然具有现实意义。 《千年宣言》认识到世界各国和各国人民日益相互依存,必须建立一个框架,以基于以下六项基本价值为基础,在二十一世纪支持包容和公平的全球化:(一) 个人自由促进民主和参与性治理;(二) 国家和个人平等;(三) 团结一致,在公平和社会正义的基础上应对全球挑战;(四) 容忍信仰、文化和语言多样性;(五) 尊重自然促进可持续发展;(六) 共同承担责任,管理全球经济和社会发展。 为了将这些价值观化为具体行动,《千年宣言》确定了六个广泛目标:和平、安全与裁军;发展和消除贫穷;环境保护;人权、民主和善政;保护弱势人口;考虑到非洲的特殊需要并需要加强联合国。 虽然千年发展目标议程取自《千年宣言》,但它们显然并不相同。 在考虑2015年后发展议程的要素时,国际社会可重新审视《千年宣言》的价值和原则,作为根据当代挑战重新展望全球发展的起点。", "B. 应对新发展议程至关重要的挑战", "56. (中文(简体) ). 可持续发展目标必须保持核心地位。 并非所有千年发展目标都可望到2015年实现,但即便如此,还需要取得更多进展,以在2015年后实现更高水平的可持续发展(例如,按照千年发展目标议程的要求,消除贫穷,而不是将贫穷减半)。 讨论的重点可以放在是否以及从什么意义上说需要扩大或加快目标(例如,更注重质量和绝对数字,而不是百分比;还侧重于下面提出的问题),以及是否要改变制度来监测承诺的进展和履行情况。", "57. 萨尔瓦多 自2000年以来,世界发生了变化。 最近发生的金融和经济危机暴露出全球经济的复杂相互依存关系和全球经济治理在确保有利于发展的环境和维护全球金融和经济稳定方面的缺陷。 甚至管理良好的国家也受到其无法控制的事件和决定的不利影响。 各国政府已组成正式和特设的全球和区域集团,以进一步开展合作。 发展中国家新的经济力量已变得更加突出,不仅在推动从全球衰退中复苏方面,而且作为全球经济治理和发展合作的参与者。 最近的粮食和能源危机既暴露出供求的结构性变化,也暴露出商品市场的 \" 金融化 \" 加剧。 世界已更加意识到,环境制约日益严重,难以以协调一致的方式实现经济和社会发展目标。", "58. 联合国 这些挑战可以通过更充分地运用《千年宣言》的六项核心价值来应对,具体如下: 《千年宣言》的若干核心价值和目标在《千年发展目标》议程中没有充分强调解决不平等问题(“平等”),追求环境可持续性、粮食和营养安全以及可持续能源获取(“尊重自然”),应对人口压力(“团结”),人权和善政(“自由和容忍”),确保和平、安全和可持续全球发展(“分担责任”。", "平等", "59. (中文(简体) ). 减少性别、地点、族裔和收入群体之间的不平等必须是包容性发展议程的核心。 2015年后发展框架需要考虑减少青年失业以及收入、机会和人类发展各个方面成就不平等的有效机制,包括直接解决这些差距驱动因素的目标明确的政策。 促进更快和更平衡的经济增长仍然至关重要,在低收入国家尤其如此,但不足以应付贫穷人口众多(包括许多在业穷人)的快速增长国家所带来的挑战。", "在确保粮食和能源安全的同时尊重自然", "60. (中文(简体) ). 应对气候变化、土地退化和荒漠化是确保减贫和改善人类发展长期可持续性的唯一途径。 以更绿色和更公平的全球化来应对这些环境挑战可能需要成为新的发展议程的首要关切。 这一议程需要确保以全面、平衡和一致的方式处理可持续发展的经济、社会和环境层面。 各国已经在采取减缓和适应气候变化的战略,包括建立更好的机制来尽量减少自然灾害的影响并扭转土地退化。 但是,这些战略并不总是完全符合人类发展。 此外,计划采取的行动似乎没有增加全球目标,而全球目标必须达到,以避免超越某些环境限度的潜在灾难性风险。 气候变化适应和缓解行动可以而且应当旨在创造多种好处,包括粮食安全、减贫和环境可持续性。", "61. 国家 可持续能源的获取。 无法获得清洁、负担得起和可靠的能源会阻碍人类、社会和经济发展,并严重阻碍实现千年发展目标。 能源服务对生产力、卫生、教育、气候变化、粮食和水安全以及通信服务具有深远影响。 尽管如此,14亿人无法获得现代能源,而30亿人依赖“传统生物质”和煤炭作为其主要燃料来源。 “人人享有可持续能源”新倡议的目标是到2030年实现三个主要目标:(一) 确保普及现代能源服务;(二) 将全球能源密度降低40%;(三) 将可再生能源的全球使用率提高到30%。 大会已把2012年定为“人人享有可持续能源国际年”。", "62. 联合国 粮食和营养安全。 近年来,由于农业和农村发展受到严重忽视,粮食供应未能达到全世界需求的增长,而供应日益受到环境和气候冲击的破坏性影响。 为了养活不断增长的世界人口,到2050年,粮食生产将比目前水平增加70%。 发展中国家的生产需要增加一倍。 改善获得土地、农业基础设施、投入和风险管理工具的机会,对于增加粮食生产、增强复原力和生产能力至关重要,对小农来说尤其如此。 这也将有助于加快减贫和创造更体面的就业机会。 需要作出特别努力,鼓励发展和采用可持续农业的适当技术,以避免粮食生产的增加将世界自然环境推向极限之外。", "团结", "63. 国家 人口压力将继续在各个方面挑战发展。 人口增长率高的国家儿童和青年人数迅速增加,往往面临对公共服务的不可持续需要和劳动力市场的压力。 生育率下降和寿命延长率上升的国家人口老化,对维持增长、维持养恤金制度的可行性和保障老年人体面的生活条件产生影响。 自然灾害和政治冲突造成的国际移徙和流离失所增加,可能需要建立新的机制来保护他们的人权和发展需要。 持续的快速城市化本身也带来了挑战,也影响到其他问题。 失业/就业不足和就业非正规性的增加也给经济和人类发展带来了重大的新挑战。", "自由和宽容", "64. (中文(简体) ). 保护和促进人权涉及各个方面,因此是《千年宣言》核心原则和价值观的核心。 在讨论2015年后议程时,应适当考虑进一步落实人权以实现发展,例如通过劳工政策和立法,以及对少数群体和弱势群体的保护措施。 应强调平等、不歧视、参与和问责制原则对有效治理以及更可持续和更公平的发展成果的有益价值。", "分担责任", "65. 国家 可持续的有利全球环境对发展至关重要。 稳定的气候、生物多样性、稳定的国际金融体制、公平的多边贸易体系、获得知识和技术应对发展挑战的机会以及获得社会保护的机会,都可以被看作是“全球公益物”,是全球环境的所有组成部分。 因此,它们应被视为2015年后新发展议程和重新界定目标8,即全球发展伙伴关系的审议的组成部分。", "66. (中文(简体) ). 和平与安全同样至关重要。 不安全已成为我们时代的主要发展挑战;15亿人生活在受脆弱、冲突或大规模有组织犯罪暴力影响的地区。 跨国有组织犯罪和全球贩运网络对法治与发展、商业和金融以及人类安全有重大影响。 在许多国家,日益加剧的不平等、自然资源争端和未实现的青年期望正在成为冲突的主要根源。 必须推行一个综合议程,强调安全、治理和发展之间的相互联系,以有效解决2015年后发展框架中相互关联的问题。", "C. 2015年后联合国发展议程磋商", "67. (中文(简体) ). 在今后几年里,在联合国不同论坛上进行的有条理的讨论将使会员国和其他相关利益攸关方能够对应如何审查和重新考虑千年发展目标作出自己的评估。", "68. (中文(简体) ). 2015年后发展框架如果产生于一个有多方利益攸关方参与的包容、公开和透明的进程,就有可能产生最佳的发展影响。 利用已确立的全球、区域和国家机制及进程是确保这种审议从不同利益攸关方的广泛经验教训中获益的一种方式。", "69. 联合国 计划在2015年之前举行几次正式和非正式会议。 除了评估千年发展目标的进展情况外,这些可以讨论2015年后框架的要素。 这尤其适用于大会关于发展问题的年度会议。 [20] 今后的会议可以仿效2011年6月14日举行的大会第六十五届会议第98次全体会议,该次会议部分用于讨论2015年后发展框架。", "70. 联合国 经济及社会理事会及其附属机构已率先就联合国若干重大首脑会议和会议采取后续行动。 因此,它们完全能够成为就2015年后框架进行政府间讨论的重要论坛。 在这方面,两年一度的发展合作论坛为多方利益攸关方讨论发展合作趋势提供了一个平台。 即将举行的三次年度部长级审查还将阐明联合国发展议程中贯穿各领域的和新出现的问题。 在年度部长级审查国家自愿介绍期间,会员国将能够分享经验教训。", "71. 联合国 联合国可以帮助发展与主要发展利益攸关方的关系。 它可以通过建立千年运动和千年发展目标宣传小组等既定的外联机制来做到这一点。 全球契约的工作,包括全球契约领导人首脑会议,为鼓励私营部门参与提供了又一次机会。", "72. 联合国 现在和2015年之间安排了一系列重要的国际活动,这些活动可能有助于2015年后框架。 即将举行的联合国可持续发展大会(“里约+20”)和国际营养会议(国际营养会议+20)为重新思考可持续发展提供了重要机会,将经济、社会和环境方面结合起来。 会员国还请求大会主席于2013年大会第六十八届会议期间举行一次特别活动,以跟进为实现千年发展目标而作的努力。 推进2015年后联合国发展议程的问题也可在该活动期间得到讨论。", "[1] 大会第55/2号决议。", "[2] 大会第65/1号决议。", "[3] 除非另有说明,本节取自《2011年千年发展目标报告》所建立的信息库,可查阅: host.aspx? Content=产品/进度报告.htm.", "[4] 世界银行,2011年全球监测报告: 《改善实现千年发展目标的难处》(哥伦比亚特区华盛顿,2011年)。", "[5] 世界银行, 《2011年世界发展报告:冲突、安全与发展》(哥伦比亚特区华盛顿,2011年)。", "[6] 见《2011年世界经济和社会概览:绿色技术大变革》(联合国出版物,出售品编号:E.11.II.C.1),第四章。", "[7] 见Henk-Jan Brinkman和Cullen S. Hendrix(即将出版)《粮食不安全与暴力冲突:原因、后果和应对挑战》,世界粮食计划署,不定期文件。", "[8] 见。", "[9] 经济合作与发展组织(经合组织)和粮农组织《2011-2020年农业展望》(2011年,巴黎,经合组织)。", "[10] 见2011年《世界经济形势和展望》(联合国出版物,出售品编号:E.11.II.C.2),方框一.3。", "[11] 见联合国,《2010年世界经济和社会概览:重订全球发展的地位》(联合国出版物,出售品编号:E.10.II.C.1),第二章(2010年)。", "[12] 见公约和建议执行问题专家委员会,关于就业的个别意见,1964年《苏丹政策公约》(第122号)(1970年批准),国际劳工组织,2010年,和“就业促进和平、稳定和发展:草案:2011-2015年非洲之角区域战略”,可查阅。", "[13] 最近的估计表明,如果妇女获得与男子相同的生产资源,她们可以将农业产量增加20-30%,将农业总产出增加2.5%-4.0%,这反过来可以将世界饥饿人口减少12%-17%;见联合国粮食及农业组织,《粮食和农业状况:农业中的妇女,缩小发展的性别差距》(罗马,2011年)。", "[14] 联合国粮食及农业组织,“气候-智能农业:粮食安全、适应和缓解的政策、做法和筹资”(罗马,2010年)。", "[15] 关于报告第40和41段中对问题的进一步讨论,见联合国社会发展研究所,《消除贫困和不平等:结构改革、社会政策和政治》,第5章(2010年,日内瓦)。", "[16] 《联合国反腐败公约》的批准情况,可查阅。", "[17] 联合国,“全球发展伙伴关系:交付时间”,千年发展目标差距工作队2011年报告(纽约)(即将出版)。", "[18] 见《2011年世界经济和社会概览:绿色技术大变革》(联合国出版物,出售品编号:E.11.II.C.1)。", "[19] 大会第65/151号决议。", "[20] 见大会第60/265号决议,第20段。 56. (中文(简体) )." ]
[ "Sixty-fifth session", "Agenda item 118", "Revitalization of the work of the General Assembly", "Revitalization of the work of the General Assembly", "Report of the Secretary-General", "Summary", "The present report has been prepared in accordance with paragraph 5 (d) of the annex to General Assembly resolution 58/316. It contains the draft programme of work of the plenary for the sixty-sixth session of the General Assembly. The draft programmes of work of five of the six Main Committees of the Assembly, which were adopted by the Assembly during the main part of its sixty-fifth session, can be found in the respective decisions of the Assembly. The status of documentation will be issued as an addendum to the present report.", "I. Introduction", "1. The General Assembly, in paragraph 5 (d) of the annex to its resolution 58/316, entitled “Further measures for the revitalization of the work of the General Assembly”, decided that in July of each year the General Committee should conduct a review of the proposed programme of work for the forthcoming session of the Assembly, on the basis of a report submitted by the Secretary-General, and should also submit recommendations on the matter to the Assembly at its forthcoming session. The report should include information on the status of documentation to be issued during the forthcoming session.", "2. The present report has been prepared in response to that request.", "3. The draft programmes of work of the Main Committees, with the exception of the Fifth Committee,[1] have been approved by the respective Committees and were adopted by the General Assembly in the following decisions: First Committee (decision 65/518 of 8 December 2010); Special Political and Decolonization Committee (Fourth Committee) (decision 65/522 of 10 December 2010); Second Committee (decision 65/529 of 20 December 2010); Third Committee (decision 65/539 of 21 December 2010); and Sixth Committee (decision 65/511 of 6 December 2010).", "4. To assist the General Committee and the General Assembly in their efforts to maximize both effectiveness and efficiency, the present report contains only the draft programme of work of the plenary for the sixty-sixth session of the General Assembly. The details of the draft programmes of the Main Committees are available in the respective decisions.", "5. The status of documentation will be issued as an addendum to the present report.", "II. Draft programme of work of the plenary for the sixty-sixth session of the General Assembly", "First week (12-16September)\t\nTuesday, afternoon\tOpening of the session by thePresident of the General Assembly[1][2]\n\tMinute of silent prayer or meditation[2]\n\tAppointment of the members of theCredentialsCommittee [3 (a)]\n Wednesday Meeting of the General Committee \nFriday\tOrganization of work, adoption of theagenda and allocation of items: firstreport of the General Committee [7]\nSecond week (19-23September)\t\n\t[Organizational, administrative andother matters]\nMonday and Tuesday\tFollow-up to the outcome of theMillennium Summit [119]: High-levelMeeting on the Prevention and Controlof Non-communicable Diseases(resolution 65/238)\n\t[Promotion of sustained economicgrowth and sustainable development inaccordance with the relevantresolutions of the General Assemblyand recent United Nations conferences]\nTuesday\tImplementation of the United NationsConvention to Combat Desertificationin Those Countries ExperiencingSerious Drought and/orDesertification, Particularly inAfrica [20 (e)]: high-level meeting onthe theme “Addressing desertification,land degradation and drought in thecontext of sustainable development andpoverty eradication” (resolution65/160)\nWednesday to Friday\tGeneral debate [8][3] (resolutions65/160 and 65/279)\n [Promotion of human rights] \nThursday\tComprehensive implementation of andfollow-up to the Durban Declarationand Programme of Action [68 (b)]:high-level meeting to commemorate thetenth anniversary of the adoption ofthe Durban Declaration and Programmeof Action (resolution 65/279)\nThird week (26-30September)\t\n Monday to Friday General debate [8] \n Fourth week (3-7 October) \n\t[Organizational, administrative andother matters]\nTuesday\tReport of the Secretary-General on thework of the Organization [111]\nFifth week (10-14October)\t\n\t[Development of Africa; Promotion ofsustained economic growth andsustainable development in accordancewith the relevant resolutions of theGeneral Assembly and recent UnitedNations conferences]\nTuesday\tNew Partnership for Africa’sDevelopment: progress inimplementation and internationalsupport [64 (a) and (b)]; 2001-2010:Decade to Roll Back Malaria inDeveloping Countries, Particularly inAfrica [13]: joint debate\n\t[Organizational, administrative andother matters]\nThursday\tElection of five non-permanent membersof the Security Council [114 (a)]\nSixth week (17-21October)\t\n\t[Promotion of sustained economicgrowth and sustainable development inaccordance with the relevantresolutions of the General Assemblyand recent United Nations conferences]\nMonday\t1. Sport for peace and development:building a peaceful and better worldthrough sport and the Olympic ideal[11]\n\t2. Global Agenda for Dialogue amongCivilizations[4] [15]; Culture ofpeace [16]: joint debate\nWednesday\tReport of the Economic and SocialCouncil [9]; Integrated andcoordinated implementation of andfollow-up to the outcomes of the majorUnited Nations conferences and summitsin the economic, social and relatedfields [14]: joint debate\nSeventh week (24-28October)\t\n\t[Organizational, administrative andother matters]\nMonday\tElection of eighteen members of theEconomic and Social Council [114 (b)]\n\t[Maintenance of international peaceand security]\nTuesday\tNecessity of ending the economic,commercial and financial embargoimposed by the United States ofAmerica against Cuba [41]\n\t[Promotion of justice andinternational law]\nWednesday\t1. Report of the International Courtof Justice [73]\n\t2. Report of the InternationalCriminal Court [76]\n Friday United Nations Day Concert \nEighth week(31 October-4 November)\t\n\t[Promotion of sustained economicgrowth and sustainable development inaccordance with the relevantresolutions of the General Assemblyand recent United Nations conferences]\nMonday, p.m.\tSocial development, includingquestions relating to the world socialsituation and to youth, ageing,disabled persons and the family [28(b)]: meeting devoted to the launch ofthe International Year of Cooperatives2012 (resolution 65/184)\n [Disarmament] \nTuesday\tReport of the International AtomicEnergy Agency [87]\n [Promotion of human rights] \nThursday\tReport of the Human Rights Council[65]\nNinth week (7-11November)\t\nMonday\tOfficial United Nations holiday (Eidal-Adha)\n\t[Organizational, administrative andother matters; Maintenance ofinternational peace and security]\nTuesday\t1. Notification by theSecretary-General under Article 12,paragraph 2, of the Charter of theUnited Nations [113]\n\t2. Report of the Security Council[30]; Question of equitablerepresentation on and increase in themembership of the Security Council andrelated matters [124]:³ joint debate\nThursday\tElection of five members of theInternational Court of Justice [114(c)]\n\t[Promotion of justice andinternational law]\nFriday\tReport of the International CriminalTribunal for the Prosecution ofPersons Responsible for Genocide andOther Serious Violations ofInternational Humanitarian LawCommitted in the Territory of Rwandaand Rwandan Citizens Responsible forGenocide and Other Such ViolationsCommitted in the Territory ofNeighbouring States between 1 Januaryand 31 December 1994 [74]; Report ofthe International Tribunal for theProsecution of Persons Responsible forSerious Violations of InternationalHumanitarian Law Committed in theTerritory of the Former Yugoslaviasince 1991 [75]: joint debate\nTenth week (14-18November)\t\n\t[Organizational, administrative andother matters]\nWednesday\t1. Election of twenty members of theCommittee for Programme andCoordination [116 (a)]\n\t2. Election of the members of theInternational Law Commission [116 (b)]\n\t3. Election of twenty-nine members ofthe Governing Council of the UnitedNations Environment Programme [116(c)]\n\t[Maintenance of international peaceand security; Organizational,administrative and other matters]\nFriday\t1. Support by the United Nationssystem of the efforts of Governmentsto promote and consolidate new orrestored democracies [32]\n\t2. Follow-up to the outcome of theMillennium Summit [119]: specificmeeting focused on development\nEleventh week (21-25November)\t\n\t[Maintenance of international peaceand security]\n Monday The situation in Afghanistan [38] \n\t[Promotion of sustained economicgrowth and sustainable development inaccordance with the relevantresolutions of the General Assemblyand recent United Nations conferences;Organizational, administrative andother matters]\nTuesday\t1. Integrated and coordinatedimplementation of and follow-up to theoutcomes of the major United Nationsconferences and summits in theeconomic, social and related fields[14]; Follow-up to the outcome of theMillennium Summit [119]; Strengtheningof the United Nations system: centralrole of the United Nations system onglobal governance [125]; UnitedNations reform: measures and proposals[126]: joint debate\n\t2. Appointment of members of theCommittee on Conferences [117 (f)]\n\t3. Appointment of members of the JointInspection Unit [117 (g)]\n\t4. Implementation of the resolutionsof the United Nations [122];³Revitalization of the work of theGeneral Assembly [123]:³ joint debate\nThursday\tOfficial United Nations holiday(Thanksgiving Day)\nTwelfth week(28 November-2 December)\t\n\t[Maintenance of international peaceand security]\nTuesday, p.m. andWednesday a.m. and p.m.\t1. Question of Palestine [37]\n\t2. The situation in the Middle East[36]\n\t[Effective coordination ofhumanitarian assistance efforts]\nThursday\tStrengthening of the coordination ofhumanitarian and disaster reliefassistance of the United Nations,including special economic assistance[71 (a) to (c)]; Assistance tosurvivors of the 1994 genocide inRwanda, particularly orphans, widowsand victims of sexual violence [72]:joint debate\nThirteenth week (5-9December)\t\n\t[Promotion of sustained economicgrowth and sustainable development inaccordance with the relevantresolutions of the General Assemblyand recent United Nations conferences]\nMonday\tSocial development, includingquestions relating to the world socialsituation and to youth, ageing,disabled persons and the family [28(b)]: meetings devoted to follow-up tothe International Year of Volunteersand the commemoration of its tenthanniversary (resolution 63/153)\n\t[Promotion of justice andinternational law]\nTuesday\tOceans and the law of the sea [77 (a)and (b)]: joint debate\n\t[Promotion of sustained economicgrowth and sustainable development inaccordance with the relevantresolutions of the General Assemblyand recent United Nations conferences]\nWednesday and Thursday\tFollow-up to and implementation of theoutcome of the 2002 InternationalConference on Financing forDevelopment and the 2008 ReviewConference [19]: fifth High-levelDialogue on Financing for Development(resolution 65/145)\n\t[Promotion of sustained economicgrowth and sustainable development inaccordance with the relevantresolutions of the General Assemblyand recent United Nations conferences;Maintenance of international peace andsecurity; Organizational,administrative and other matters]\nMonday\t1. Report of the Credentials Committee[3 (b)]\n 2. Global road safety crisis [12] \n\t3. The role of diamonds in fuellingconflict [33]\n 4. Prevention of armed conflict [34] \n\t5. Protracted conflicts in the GUAMarea and their implications forinternational peace, security anddevelopment [35]\n\t6. The situation in the occupiedterritories of Azerbaijan [39]\n\t7. Election of two members of theOrganizational Committee of thePeacebuilding Commission [116 (d)]\n\t8. Follow-up to the commemoration ofthe two hundredth anniversary of theabolition of the transatlantic slavetrade [121]\n\t9. Global health and foreign policy[128]\n (12 December-end of 13 weeks)", "[1] The Fifth Committee has not taken a decision on this matter.", "[2] Items and their numbers cited herein are from the preliminary list of items to be included in the provisional agenda of the sixty-sixth session (A/66/50). All items are pending approval by the General Assembly at its sixty-sixth session for their inclusion in the agenda and allocation for consideration. Some items that are on the preliminary list but not reflected in this draft programme are omitted either in accordance with relevant resolutions and decisions of the Assembly or for scheduling at a later date.", "[3] The Secretary-General will present his report on the work of the Organization as the first item before the opening of the general debate.", "[4] The inclusion of this item in the provisional agenda of the sixty-sixth session is subject to any action the Assembly may take on it at its sixty-fifth session." ]
[ "第六十五届会议", "议程项目118", "大会工作的振兴", "大会工作的振兴", "秘书长的报告", "摘要", "本报告根据大会第58/316号决议附件第5(d)段撰写。报告载有大会第六十六届会议全体会议的工作方案草案。大会在第六十五届会议主要会期期间通过了大会六个主要委员会中五个委员会的工作方案草案,这些草案见大会的相关决定。文件编印情况将作为本报告的增编印发。", "一. 导言", "1. 大会在题为“振兴大会工作的进一步措施”的第58/316号决议附件第5(d)段中决定,每年7月,总务委员会应在秘书长所提交报告的基础上对即将举行的大会届会拟议工作方案进行一次审查,并就此事向即将举行的大会届会提出建议。报告应包括说明拟在即将举行的届会期间印发的文件的编印情况。", "2. 本报告就是按照这一要求撰写的。", "3. 各主要委员会的工作方案草案,除第五委员会的以外,[1] 均已由各相应委员会批准,并在下列决定中由大会通过:第一委员会(2010年12月8日第65/518号决定)、特别政治和非殖民化委员会(第四委员会)(2010年12月10日第65/522号决定)、第二委员会(2010年12月20日第65/529号决定)、第三委员会(2010年12月21日第65/539号决定)和第六委员会(2010年12月6日第65/511号决定)。", "4. 为了帮助总务委员会和大会尽可能提高效力和效率,本报告只载有大会第六十六届会议全体会议的工作方案草案。各主要委员会工作方案草案的详细内容可参见有关决定。", "5. 文件编印情况将作为本报告的增编印发。", "二. 大会第六十六届会议全体会议工作方案草案", "第一周(9月12日至16日) \n星期二下午 大会主席宣布会议开幕[1][2] \n 默祷或默念一分钟[2] \n 任命全权证书委员会成员[3(a)] \n星期三 总务委员会会议 \n星期五 安排工作、通过议程和分配项目:总务委员会的第一次报告[7] \n第二周(9月19日至23日) \n [组织、行政和其他事项] 星期一和星期二 千年首脑会议成果的后续行动[119]:关于预防控制非传染性疾病的高级别会议(第65/223号决议) \n [按照大会和联合国最近各次会议的有关决议促进持续经济增长和可持续发展] \n星期二 《联合国关于在发生严重干旱和/或荒漠化的国家特别是在非洲防治荒漠化的公约》的执行情况[20(e)]:关于“在可持续发展和消除贫穷背景下处理荒漠化、土地退化和干旱问题”主题的高级别会议(第65/160号决议) 星期三至星期五 一般性辩论[8][3](第65/160号决议和第65/279号决议) \n [促进人权] \n星期四 《德班宣言和行动纲领》的全面执行和后续行动[68(b)]:纪念《德班宣言和行动纲领》通过十周年高级别会议(第65/279号决议) \n第三周(9月26日至30日) \n星期一至星期五 一般性辩论[8] \n第四周(10月3日至7日) \n [组织、行政和其他事项] \n星期二 秘书长关于本组织工作的报告[111] \n第五周(10月10日至14日) \n [非洲发展:按照大会和联合国最近各次会议的相关决议促进持续经济增长和可持续发展] \n星期二 非洲发展新伙伴关系:执行进展情况和国际支持[64(a)和(b)];2001-2010年:在发展中国家特别是非洲减少疟疾十年[13]:联合辩论 \n [组织、行政和其他事项] \n星期四 选举五个安全理事会非常任理事国[114(a)] \n第六周(10月17日至21日) \n [按照大会和联合国最近各次会议的相关决议促进持续经济增长和可持续发展] \n星期一 1.体育促进和平与发展:通过体育和奥林匹克理想建立一个和平的更美好的世界[11] \n 2.不同文明对话全球议程[4][15];和平文化[16]:联合辩论 \n星期三 经济及社会理事会的报告[9];联合国经济、社会及有关领域各次主要会议和首脑会议成果的统筹协调执行及后续行动[14]:联合辩论 \n第七周(10月24日至28日) \n [组织、行政和其他事项] \n星期一 选举十八个经济及社会理事会成员[114(b)] \n [维持国际和平与安全] \n星期二 必须终止美利坚合众国对古巴的经济、商业和金融封锁[41] \n [促进司法和国际法] \n星期三 1.国际法院的报告[73] \n 2.国际刑事法院的报告[76] \n星期五 联合国日音乐会 \n第八周(10月31日至11月4日) \n [按照大会和联合国最近各次会议的相关决议促进持续经济增长和可持续发展]\t\n星期一,下午 社会发展,包括与世界社会状况以及与青年、老龄、残疾人和家庭有关的问题[28(b)]:专为启动2012年国际合作社年的会议(第65/184号决议\t\n [裁军]\t星期二 国际原子能机构的报告[87] \n [促进人权]\t\n星期四 人权理事会的报告[65]\t\n第九周(11月7日至11日) \n星期一 联合国法定假日(宰牲节)\t\n [组织、行政和其他事项;维持国际和平与安全]\t\n星期二 1.秘书长按照《联合国宪章》第十二条第二项提出通知[113]\n 2.安全理事会的报告[30];安全理事会席位公平分配和成员数目增加问题及有关事项[124]:³联合辩论\n星期四 选举国际法院5名法官[114(c)]\n [促进司法和国际法] \n星期五 起诉应对1994年1月1日至12月31日期间在卢旺达境内的种族灭绝和其他严重违反国际人道主义法行为负责者和应对这一期间邻国境内种族灭绝和其他这类违法行为负责的卢旺达公民的国际刑事法庭的报告[74];起诉应对1991年以来前南斯拉夫境内所犯严重违反国际人道主义法行为负责者的国际法庭的报告[75]:联合辩论\n第十周(11月14日至18日) \n [组织、行政和其他事项]\t星期三 1.选举二十个方案和协调委员会成员[116(a)] 2.选举国际法委员会成员[116(b)] 3.选举二十九个联合国环境规划署理事会成员[116(c)] \n [维持国际和平与安全;组织、行政和其他事项]\t星期五 1.联合国系统支助各国政府努力,巩固促进新兴民主和恢复民主[32] \n 2.千年首脑会议成果的后续行动[119]:重点讨论发展问题的专门会议\t\n第十一周(11月21日至25日) \n [维持国际和平与安全]\t星期一 阿富汗局势[38] \n [按照大会和联合国最近各次会议的相关决议促进持续经济增长和可持续发展;组织、行政和其他事项]\t\n星期二 1.联合国经济、社会及有关领域各次主要会议和首脑会议成果的统筹协调执行及后续行动[14];千年首脑会议成果的后续行动[119];加强联合国系统:联合国系统在全球治理中的核心作用[125];联合国改革:措施和提议[126]:联合辩论 2.任命会议委员会成员[117(f)] 3.任命联合检查组成员[117(g)] \n 4.执行联合国各项决议[122];³大会工作的振兴[123]:³联合辩论\t\n星期四 联合国法定假日(感恩节)\t\n第十二周(11月28日至12月2日) \n [维持国际和平与安全] \n星期二下午和星期三下午 1. 巴勒斯坦问题[37]2. 中东局势[36]\n [有效协调人道主义援助努力] \n星期四 加强联合国人道主义和救灾援助,包括特别经济援助的协调[71(a)至(c)];对1994年卢旺达境内种族灭绝幸存者,特别是孤儿、寡妇和性暴力行为受害人的援助[72]:联合辩论\n第十三周(12月5日至9日) \n [按照大会和联合国最近各次会议的相关决议促进持续经济增长和可持续发展]\n星期一 社会发展,包括与世界社会状况以及与青年、老龄、残疾人和家庭有关的问题[28(b)]:落实国际志愿人员年及专门讨论志愿人员国际年后续行动,并纪念国际年十周年的会议(第63/153号决议)\n [促进司法和国际法]\t\n星期二 海洋和海洋法[77(a)和(b)]:联合辩论\t\n [按照大会和联合国最近各次会议的相关决议促进持续经济增长和可持续发展]\t\n星期三和星期四 2002年发展筹资问题国际会议以及2008年审查会议成果的后续行动和执行情况[19]:金融促进发展第5次高级别对话(第65/145号决议)\t\n [按照大会和联合国最近各次会议的相关决议促进持续经济增长和可持续发展;维持国际和平与安全;组织、行政和其他事项]\t星期一 1.全权证书委员会的报告[3(b)] 2.全球道路安全危机[12] \n 3.钻石在助长冲突方面所起的作用[33]\t\n 4.预防武装冲突[34]\t\n 5.古阿姆集团地区旷日持久的冲突及其对国际和平、安全与发展的影响[35]\t\n 6.被占领阿塞拜疆领土的局势[39]\t\n 7.选举建设和平委员会组织委员会两名成员[116(d)]\t\n 8.纪念废除跨大西洋贩卖奴隶二百周年的后续活动[121]\t\n 9.全球卫生与外交政策[128]\t\n (12月12日至第13周结束)", "[1] 第五委员会尚未就此事项作出决定。", "[2] 此处引用的议程项目及其编号来自第六十六届会议暂定项目表(A/66/50)。所有项目均有待大会第六十六届会议核准,以列入议程和分配供审议。暂定项目表上的有些项目没有在本方案草案中列出,原因或是依照大会相关决议和决定不予列出,或是待日后再予安排。", "[3] 作为一般性辩论开始前的第一个项目,秘书长将提出关于联合国工作的报告。", "[4] 该项目是否列入大会第六十六届会议临时议程,视大会第六十五届会议采取的行动。" ]
[ "第六十五届会议", "议程项目118", "大会工作的振兴", "大会工作的振兴", "秘书长的报告", "内容提要", "本报告是根据大会第58/316号决议附件第5(d)段编写的。 报告载有大会第六十六届会议全体会议的工作方案草案。 大会六个主要委员会中的五个委员会在其第六十五届会议主要会期期间通过的工作方案草案载于大会的相关决定。 文件编制情况将作为本报告增编印发。", "一. 导言", "1. 联合国 1. 大会在题为“振兴大会工作的进一步措施”的第58/316号决议附件第5(d)段中决定,总务委员会应在每年7月以秘书长所提交的报告为基础,审查大会下届会议的拟议工作方案,并就此事项向大会下届会议提出建议。 报告应包括将在即将举行的届会期间印发的文件状况。", "2. 联合国 本报告是根据这一要求编写的。", "3个 除第五委员会外,各主要委员会的工作方案草案[1]已分别得到第一委员会(2010年12月8日第65/518号决定)、特别政治和非殖民化委员会(第四委员会)(2010年12月10日第65/522号决定)、第二委员会(2010年12月20日第65/529号决定)、第三委员会(2010年12月21日第65/539号决定)和第六委员会(2010年12月6日第65/511号决定)的核准并由大会通过。", " 4.四. 为协助总务委员会和大会努力最大限度地提高效力和效率,本报告只载有大会第六十六届会议全体会议的工作方案草案。 各主要委员会方案草案的细节见有关决定。", "5 (韩语). 文件编制情况将作为本报告增编印发。", "二. 大会第六十六届会议全体会议工作方案草案", "第一个星期(9月12日至16日)\n星期二,下午 大会主席宣布会议开幕 [1][2]\n默祷或默念一分钟[2]\n任命全权证书委员会成员 [3(a)]\n总务委员会星期三会议\n安排工作、通过议程和分配项目:总务委员会的第一次报告 [7]\n第二个星期(9月19日至23日)\n[组织、行政和其他事项]\n星期一和星期二 千年首脑会议成果的后续行动 [119]: 高级别 预防和控制非传染性疾病会议(第65/238号决议)\n[促进持续经济增长和可持续发展不符合大会和联合国最近各次会议的有关决议]\n《联合国防治荒漠化公约》的执行情况 [20(e)]:关于“以可持续发展和消除贫穷为背景处理荒漠化、土地退化和干旱问题”主题的高级别会议(第65/160号决议)\n星期三至星期五 一般性辩论 [8][3](第65/160和65/279号决议)\n[促进人权]\n《德班宣言和行动纲领》的全面执行和后续行动[68(b)]:纪念《德班宣言和行动纲领》通过十周年高级别会议(第65/279号决议)\n第三周(9月26日至30日)\n星期一至星期五 一般性辩论 [8]\n第四个星期(10月3日至7日)\n[组织、行政和其他事项]\n秘书长关于联合国工作的报告[111]\n第五个星期(10月10日至14日)\n[非洲的发展;按照大会和最近的联合国会议的有关决议促进持续经济增长和可持续发展]\n非洲发展新伙伴关系:执行进展情况和国际支持[64(a)和(b)];2001-2010年: 在发展中国家特别是非洲减少疟疾十年[13]:联合辩论\n[组织、行政和其他事项]\n选举安全理事会五个非常任理事国[114(a)]\n第六个星期(10月17日至21日)\n[促进持续经济增长和可持续发展不符合大会和联合国最近各次会议的有关决议]\n星期一 1. 体育促进和平与发展:通过体育和奥林匹克理想建立一个和平的更美好的世界[11]\n2. 不同文明对话全球议程[4] [15];和平文化 [16]:联合辩论\n经济及社会理事会星期三的报告 [9]; 联合国经济、社会及有关领域各次主要会议和首脑会议结果的统筹协调执行及后续行动 [14]:联合辩论\n第七个星期(10月24日至28日)\n[组织、行政和其他事项]\n选举经济及社会理事会十八个成员[114(b)]\n[维持国际和平与安全]\n必须终止美利坚合众国对古巴的经济、商业和金融封锁 [41]\n[促进司法和国际法]\n纽约 1. 国际法院的报告 [73]\n2. 国际刑事法院的报告 [76]\n星期五联合国日音乐会\n第八个星期(10月31日至11月4日)\n[促进持续经济增长和可持续发展不符合大会和联合国最近各次会议的有关决议]\n社会发展,包括有关世界社会状况和有关青年、老龄、残疾人和家庭的问题[28(b)]:专门启动2012国际合作社年的会议(第65/184号决议)\n[裁军]\n国际原子能机构星期二的报告 [87]\n[促进人权]\n人权理事会的报告[65]\n第九个星期(11月7日至11日)\n联合国法定假日(宰牲节)\n[组织、行政和其他事项;维持国际和平与安全]\n星期二 1. 秘书长按照《联合国宪章》第十二条第二项提出通知 [113]\n2. 安全理事会的报告[30];安全理事会席位公平分配和成员数目增加问题及有关事项[124]:3 合并辩论\n选举国际法院五名法官[114(c)]\n[促进司法和国际法]\n起诉应对在卢旺达境内的灭绝种族和其他严重违反国际人道主义法行为负责者和应对这一期间邻国境内灭绝种族和其他这类违法行为负责的卢旺达公民的国际刑事法庭的报告 1994年1月1日至12月31日期间在卢旺达境内的种族灭绝和其他严重违反国际人道主义法行为负责者和应对这一期间邻国境内种族灭绝和其他这类违法行为负责的卢旺达公民的国际刑事法庭的报告[74]:联合辩论\n第十个星期(11月14日至18日)\n[组织、行政和其他事项]\n纽约 1. 选举方案和协调委员会二十名成员 [116(a)]\n2. 选举国际法委员会成员[116(b)]\n3. 选举联合国环境规划署理事会二十九个成员[116(c)]\n[维持国际和平与安全;组织、行政和其他事项]\n星期五 1. 联合国系统支持各国政府努力促进和巩固新的民主政体 [32]\n2. 千年首脑会议成果的后续行动 [119]:重点讨论发展问题的专门会议\n第十一个星期(11月21日至25日)\n[维持国际和平与安全]\n星期一 阿富汗局势 [38]\n[促进持续经济增长和可持续发展符合大会和联合国最近各次会议的有关决议;组织、行政和其他事项]\n星期二 1. 联合国经济、社会及有关领域各次主要会议和首脑会议结果的统筹协调执行及后续行动[14];千年首脑会议成果的后续行动[119];加强联合国系统:联合国系统在全球治理方面的中心作用[125];联合国改革:措施和提议[126]:联合辩论\n2. 任命会议委员会成员[117(f)]\n3. 任命联合检查股成员[117(g)]\n4. 执行联合国各项决议[122];3 大会工作的振兴[123]:3 合并辩论\n星期四 联合国法定假日(感恩节)\n第十二个星期(11月28日至12月2日)\n[维持国际和平与安全]\n星期二下午和星期三上午和下午 1. 联合国 巴勒斯坦问题 [37]\n2. 中东局势[36]\n[有效协调人道主义援助工\n星期四 加强联合国人道主义和救灾援助,包括特别经济援助的协调[71(a)至(c)];援助1994年卢旺达境内种族灭绝幸存者,特别是孤儿、寡妇和性暴力行为受害人[72]:合并辩论\n第十三个星期(12月5日至9日)\n[促进持续经济增长和可持续发展不符合大会和联合国最近各次会议的有关决议]\n社会发展,包括有关世界社会状况和有关青年、老龄、残疾人和家庭的问题[28(b)]:专门就志愿人员国际年和十周年纪念活动采取后续行动的会议(第63/153号决议)\n[促进司法和国际法]\n星期二 海洋和海洋法[77(a)和(b)]:合并辩论\n[促进持续经济增长和可持续发展不符合大会和联合国最近各次会议的有关决议]\n2002年发展筹资问题国际会议以及2008年审查会议成果的后续行动和执行情况[19]:第五次高级别 发展筹资问题对话(第65/145号决议)\n[促进持续经济增长和可持续发展符合大会和联合国最近各次会议的有关决议;维持国际和平与安全;组织、行政和其他事项]\n星期一 1. 全权证书委员会的报告[3(b)]\n2. 全球道路安全危机 [12]\n3. 钻石在助长冲突方面所起的作用 [33]\n4. 预防武装冲突 [34]\n5. 古阿姆集团地区旷日持久的冲突及其对国际和平、安全与发展的影响 [35]\n6. 阿塞拜疆被占领土的局势 [39]\n7. 选举建设和平委员会组织委员会两名成员[116(d)]\n8. 纪念废除跨大西洋贩卖奴隶二百周年的后续活动 [121]\n9. 全球卫生与外交政策[128]\n(12月12日至13周结束)", "[1] 第五委员会尚未就此事作出决定。", "[2] 此处引用的项目及其编号取自第六十六届会议临时议程暂定项目表(A/66/50)。 所有项目都有待大会第六十六届会议核准,以便列入议程并分配给审议。 根据大会有关决议和决定,或将暂定项目表上但未列入本方案草案的某些项目省略。", "[3] 秘书长将在一般性辩论开始前作为第一个项目提出关于联合国工作的报告。", "[4] 这个项目是否列入第六十六届会议临时议程,须视大会第六十五届会议可能采取的任何有关行动而定。" ]
[ "Sixty-sixth session", "Request for the inclusion of an item in the provisional agenda of the sixty-sixth session", "Observer status for the International Renewable Energy Agency in the General Assembly", "Letter dated 11 July 2011 from the Permanent Representative of the United Arab Emirates to the United Nations addressed to the Secretary-General", "Pursuant to rule 13 of the rules of procedure of the General Assembly, I have the honour to request the inclusion in the provisional agenda of the sixty-sixth session of the General Assembly of an item entitled “Observer status for the International Renewable Energy Agency in the General Assembly”.", "In accordance with rule 20 of the rules of procedure of the General Assembly, an explanatory memorandum on and description of the International Renewable Energy Agency (annex I) and a draft resolution (annex II) are attached.", "I would like to request that this letter and its annexes be circulated as a document of the General Assembly.", "(Signed) Ahmed Al-Jarman Ambassador Permanent Representative", "Annex I", "Explanatory memorandum", "Historical background", "1. The proposal for an international agency dedicated to renewable energy was made in 1981 at the United Nations Conference on New and Renewable Sources of Energy in Nairobi. The idea was further discussed and developed by organizations working in the field of renewable energy.", "2. Since 1981, global interest in renewable energy has been increasing, and governments have sought to respond to the growing demand for international cooperation on renewable energy policies, financing and technologies. Several international meetings, such as the World Summit for Sustainable Development in 2002 in Johannesburg and the Group of Eight Gleneagles Dialogue on Climate Change, Clean Energy and Sustainable Development, have discussed these issues. The International Conference for Renewable Energies held in June 2004, supported by the International Parliamentary Forum on Renewable Energies, also called for the establishment of the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA).", "3. Through the combined efforts of Governments across the world, the idea came to life with the establishment of IRENA on 26 January 2009 at its Founding Conference in Bonn, Germany. The founding of IRENA was a significant milestone for world renewable energy deployment and a clear sign that the global energy paradigm was changing as a result of growing commitments from Governments. At the Founding Conference, 75 States representing all parts of the world signed the Agency’s statute. Since then, the IRENA statute has been signed by 150 States, of which 80 have ratified the statute to date. The European Union is also a ratifying member of IRENA.", "4. The First Assembly of IRENA was held on 4 and 5 April 2011. The Assembly adopted a number of significant decisions, including the Work Programme and a budget totalling $24.9 million. The Assembly also decided that the permanent seat of the Agency would be Abu Dhabi.", "Symbols and motto", "5. The symbol of IRENA is a blue infinity sign surrounding the world, representing the potential of infinite energy supply through the uptake of renewable energy.", "Membership", "6. The 151 States and regional organizations that have become engaged in IRENA since its establishment in 2009 are a testimony to the relevance and importance that the majority of United Nations Members place on the IRENA mandate and mission. As at July 2011, 80 Member States and the European Union had ratified the statute: Albania, Antigua and Barbuda, Armenia, Australia, Bangladesh, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Brunei Darussalam, Bulgaria, Cape Verde, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Djibouti, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Eritrea, Fiji, Finland, France, Gambia, Georgia, Germany, Grenada, Iceland, India, Israel, Japan, Kenya, Latvia, Lesotho, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Malaysia, Maldives, Mali, Malta, Marshall Islands, Mauritius, Mexico, Monaco, Mongolia, Montenegro, Mozambique, Nauru, Netherlands, New Zealand, Nicaragua, Niger, Nigeria, Norway, Oman, Palau, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Qatar, Republic of Korea, Republic of Moldova, Romania, Samoa, Senegal, Serbia, Seychelles, Sierra Leone, Slovakia, Slovenia, South Africa, Spain, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Swaziland, Sweden, Switzerland, Tonga, United Arab Emirates and United States of America.", "7. The following States are signatories to the statute: Afghanistan, Algeria, Angola, Argentina, Austria, Azerbaijan, Bahrain, Belgium, Belize, Benin, Burkina Faso, Cambodia, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Chad, Chile, Colombia, Comoros, Congo, Costa Rica, Côte d’Ivoire, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Egypt, Estonia, Ethiopia, Gabon, Ghana, Greece, Guatemala, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Honduras, Iran (Islamic Republic of), Iraq, Ireland, Italy, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kiribati, Kuwait, Kyrgyzstan, Lebanon, Liberia, Libyan Arab Jamahiriya, Madagascar, Mauritania, Morocco, Nepal, Pakistan, Panama, Papua New Guinea, Peru, Rwanda, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Sao Tome and Principe, Solomon Islands, Somalia, Syrian Arab Republic, Tajikistan, Timor-Leste, Togo, Tunisia, Turkey, Uganda, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, United Republic of Tanzania, Uruguay, Uzbekistan, Vanuatu, Yemen, Zambia and Zimbabwe.", "Organizational structure", "8. The principal organs of IRENA are the Assembly, the Council and the Secretariat. The Assembly, comprising the members of IRENA, is the supreme organ of the Agency. The Council comprises up to 21 members of the Agency, which are elected on a rotating basis for a term of two years. The Secretariat comprises a Director-General, who is its head and chief administrative officer, and such staff as may be required. The Director-General is appointed by the Assembly for a term of four years, renewable for an additional term of four years.", "9. The Agency is headquartered in Abu Dhabi and has a Centre for Innovation and Technology in Bonn, Germany.", "Mandate", "10. Pursuant to articles II and III of its statute, IRENA is mandated with promoting the widespread and increased adoption and the sustainable use of all forms of renewable energy, produced from renewable sources in a sustainable manner, which include, inter alia, bioenergy; geothermal energy; hydropower; ocean energy, including tidal, wave and ocean thermal energy; solar energy and wind energy. IRENA discharges its mandate with due regard to:", "(a) National and domestic priorities and benefits derived from a combined approach of renewable energy and energy efficiency measures;", "(b) The contribution of renewable energy to environmental preservation, through limiting pressure on natural resources and reducing deforestation, particularly tropical deforestation, desertification and biodiversity loss; to climate protection; to economic growth and social cohesion including poverty alleviation and sustainable development; to access to and security of energy supply; to regional development and to inter-generational responsibility.", "11. For the benefit of its members, the Agency:", "(a) Analyses, monitors and, without obligations on members’ policies, systematizes current renewable energy practices, including policy instruments, incentives, investment mechanisms, best practices, available technologies, integrated systems and equipment, and success-failure factors;", "(b) Initiates discussion and ensures interaction with other governmental and non-governmental organizations and networks in this and other relevant fields;", "(c) Provides relevant policy advice and assistance to its members upon their request, taking into account their respective needs, and stimulates international discussions on renewable energy policy and its framework conditions;", "(d) Improves pertinent knowledge and technology transfer and promotes the development of local capacity and competence in member States including necessary interconnections;", "(e) Offers capacity-building including training and education to its members;", "(f) Provides to its members upon their request advice on the financing for renewable energy and supports the application of related mechanisms;", "(g) Stimulates and encourages research, including on socio-economic issues, and fosters research networks, joint research, development and deployment of technologies;", "(h) Provides information about the development and deployment of national and international technical standards in relation to renewable energy, based on a sound understanding through an active presence in the relevant forums.", "12. Furthermore, the Agency disseminates information and increases public awareness on the benefits and potential offered by renewable energy.", "Advantages for the United Nations in granting observer status to the International Renewable Energy Agency", "13. Pursuant to article IV of the statute, IRENA performs its activities in accordance with the purposes and principles of the United Nations to promote peace and international cooperation, in conformity with policies of the United Nations that further sustainable development. In pursuit of its mandate, IRENA complements global and sectoral mandates and strategies of the United Nations and its departments, programmes and agencies, such as the Department of Economic and Social Affairs, the United Nations Environment Programme, the United Nations Development Programme, the United Nations Industrial Development Organization, the World Meteorological Organization, the World Intellectual Property Organization and the World Bank.", "14. There is clear potential for close cooperation between the United Nations and IRENA. Identifying synergies and coordinating activities would ensure efficient use of resources and coherence in addressing major challenges such as fighting climate change, alleviating poverty and promoting sustainable development by tapping into the potential that renewable energy offers. IRENA is a fully committed global partner with expertise that can help address these challenges.", "Advantages for the International Renewable Energy Agency in obtaining observer status in the General Assembly", "15. The following of and participation in the relevant aspects of the work of the General Assembly and related United Nations processes would enable IRENA to be more incisive in pursuing its mission and help ensure that its work is effectively integrated in global efforts in development cooperation and the promotion of sustainable development. Identifying opportunities for partnership and cooperation with United Nations entities and associated organizations and networks with related aims would be instrumental to advancing the Agency’s mission.", "16. Ultimately, by obtaining observer status with the United Nations, IRENA would become more efficient and effective in pursuit of its mission to promote the widespread and increased adoption of renewable energy with a view to sustainable development.", "Annex II", "Draft resolution", "Observer status for the International Renewable Energy Agency in the General Assembly", "The General Assembly,", "Considering the unique status of the International Renewable Energy Agency and its mission to promote the adoption and use of renewable energy with a view to sustainable development,", "Convinced of the benefits of cooperation between the United Nations and the International Renewable Energy Agency,", "1. Decides to invite the International Renewable Energy Agency to participate in the sessions and the work of the General Assembly in the capacity of observer;", "2. Requests the Secretary-General to take the necessary action to implement the present resolution." ]
[ "第六十六届会议", "请求在大会第六十六届会议临时议程内列入一个项目", "给予国际可再生能源机构大会观察员地位", "2011年7月11日阿拉伯联合酋长国常驻联合国代表给秘书长的信", "谨依照大会议事规则第13条的规定,请求在大会第六十六届会议临时议程内列入一个题为“给予国际可再生能源机构大会观察员地位”的项目。", "依照大会议事规则第20条,随函附上一份关于国际可再生能源机构性质和说明的解释性备忘录(附件一)和一份决议草案(附件二)。", "请将本函及其附件作为大会文件分发为荷。", "常驻代表", "大使", "艾哈迈德·阿贾曼(签名)", "附件一", "解释性备忘录", "历史背景", "1. 1981年,联合国国际新能源和可再生能源会议在内罗毕举行,会上提出了成立可再生能源专门国际机构的建议。可再生能源领域各组织进一步讨论研究了这项建议。", "2. 1981年以来,全球对可持续能源的关注日益提高,各国政府想方设法应对可再生能源政策、融资和技术国际合作方面与日俱增的需求。2002年在约翰内斯堡举行的可持续发展问题世界首脑会议和在格伦伊格尔举行的八国集团气候变化、清洁能源和可持续发展对话等国际会议都讨论了这个问题。2004年6月,在国际议会可再生能源论坛支持下召开的国际可再生能源会议也发出了成立国际可再生能源机构的呼吁。", "3. 在世界各国政府的共同努力下,2009年1月26日国际可再生能源成立大会在波恩举行,成立可再生能源专门机构的设想成为现实。机构的成立是世界可再生能源发展中的一个重要里程碑,也是随着各国政府加大承诺全球能源模式发生变化的一个显著迹象。在成立大会上,全世界75个国家签署了机构《规约》。此后,有150个国家签署了《规约》,80个国家批准了《规约》。欧洲联盟作为机构成员也批准了《规约》。", "4. 国际可再生能源机构首届大会于2011年4月4日至5日举行。大会通过了一系列重大决定,包括《工作方案》和总额2 490万美元的预算。大会还决定,将机构总部设在阿布扎比。", "标志和格言", "5. 国际可再生能源机构的标志为蓝色环绕世界的无限标志,寓意采用可再生能源带来的能源供应的无限潜力。", "成员", "6. 2009年成立以来,共有151个国家和区域组织参加了国际可再生能源机构的工作,证明联合国多数会员国认可机构任务和使命的意义和重要性。截至2011年7月,80个国家和欧洲联盟批准了《规约》,即阿尔巴尼亚、安提瓜和巴布达、亚美尼亚、澳大利亚、孟加拉国、白俄罗斯、波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那、文莱达鲁萨兰国、保加利亚、佛得角、克罗地亚、捷克共和国、丹麦、吉布提、多米尼加共和国、厄瓜多尔、厄立特里亚、欧洲联盟、斐济、芬兰、法国、冈比亚、格鲁吉亚、德国、格林纳达、冰岛、印度、以色列、日本、肯尼亚、拉脱维亚、莱索托、列支敦士登、立陶宛、卢森堡、前南斯拉夫的马其顿共和国、马来西亚、马尔代夫、马里、马耳他、马绍尔群岛、毛里求斯、墨西哥、摩纳哥、蒙古、黑山、莫桑比克、瑙鲁、荷兰、新西兰、尼加拉瓜、尼日尔、尼日利亚、挪威、阿曼、帕劳、菲律宾、波兰、葡萄牙、卡塔尔、大韩民国、摩尔多瓦共和国、罗马尼亚、萨摩亚、塞内加尔、塞尔维亚、塞舌尔、塞拉利昂、斯洛伐克、斯洛文尼亚、南非、西班牙、斯里兰卡、苏丹、斯威士兰、瑞典、瑞士、汤加、阿拉伯联合酋长国和美利坚合众国。", "7. 下列国家签署了《规约》:阿富汗、阿尔及利亚、安哥拉、阿根廷、奥地利、阿塞拜疆、巴林、比利时、伯利兹、贝宁、布基纳法索、柬埔寨、喀麦隆、中非共和国、乍得、智利、哥伦比亚、科摩罗、刚果、哥斯达黎加、科特迪瓦、刚果民主共和国、埃及、爱沙尼亚、埃塞俄比亚、加蓬、加纳、希腊、危地马拉、几内亚、几内亚比绍、洪都拉斯、伊朗伊斯兰共和国、伊拉克、爱尔兰、意大利、约旦、哈萨克斯坦、基里巴斯、科威特、吉尔吉斯斯坦、黎巴嫩、利比里亚、阿拉伯利比亚民众国、马达加斯加、毛里塔尼亚、摩洛哥、尼泊尔、巴基斯坦、巴拿马、巴布亚新几内亚、秘鲁、卢旺达、圣卢西亚、圣文森特和格林纳丁斯、圣多美和普林西比、所罗门群岛、索马里、阿拉伯叙利亚共和国、塔吉克斯坦、东帝汶、多哥、突尼斯、土耳其、乌干达、大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国、坦桑尼亚联合共和国、乌拉圭、乌兹别克斯坦、瓦努阿图、也门、赞比亚和津巴布韦。", "组织结构", "8. 国际可再生能源机构设有大会、理事会和秘书处等主要机构。大会由成员国组成,为机构的最高机关。理事会由机构的21名成员组成,轮选产生,任期两年。秘书处设有总干事(机构领导和行政首长)及所需工作人员。总干事由大会任命,任期四年,可连选连任一次。", "9. 机构总部设在阿布扎比,机构在波恩设有创新和技术中心。", "任务", "10. 国际可再生能源机构《规约》第二和第三条规定,机构的任务是促进普及、增加采用和可持续利用以可持续方式利用可再生资源生产的各种可再生能源,包括生物能源、地热能源、水力发电、海洋能源(潮汐、波能和海洋热能)、太阳能和风能。机构在执行任务中适当注意以下两个方面:", "(a) 国家和国内的工作重点以及采取多种可持续能源和节能措施所产生的利益;", "(b) 可再生能源对以下方面的贡献:环境保护(通过限制对自然资源的压力,减少森林砍伐,特别是热带雨林砍伐、荒漠化和生物多样性丧失);气候保护;经济增长和社会团结(通过减少贫穷和可持续发展);能源供应与保障;区域发展和代际责任。", "11. 为了成员国的利益,机构:", "(a) 分析和监测现行的可再生能源做法,包括政策文书、奖励措施、投资机制、最佳做法、现有技术、综合系统与设备、以及成败因数,并在成员国承担政策义务的情况下使上述做法制度化;", "(b) 开展讨论,确保与该领域和其他相关领域的其他政府组织、非政府组织和网络进行互动;", "(c) 应成员国请求提供有关政策建议和援助,同时考虑到其具体需要,推动对可再生能源政策及其框架条件的国际讨论;", "(d) 改善相关知识和技术转让,促进开发地方能力和会员国能力,包括建立必要的相互联系;", "(e) 向成员国提供能力建设,包括培训和教育;", "(f) 应成员国请求提供可持续能源融资建议,支持采用相关机制;", "(g) 促进和鼓励开展研究,包括社会经济问题研究,加强研究网络、联合研究、各种技术的开发和应用;", "(h) 在通过积极参加相关论坛全面理解的基础上,提供有关制订采用国家和国际可再生能源技术标准的信息。", "12. 机构还传播信息,提高公众对可再生能源的利益和潜力的认识。", "给予大会观察员地位给联合国带来的利益", "13. 国际可再生能源机构《规约》第四条规定,机构按照联合国的宗旨和原则开展活动,根据联合国推动可持续发展的政策促进国际和平与合作。机构在执行任务中,对联合国及其部厅、方案和机构的全球与部门任务和战略进行补充,如经济和社会事务部、联合国环境规划署、联合国开发计划署、联合国工业发展组织、世界气象组织和世界知识产权组织及世界银行等。", "14. 显而易见,联合国和国际可再生能源机构之间的密切合作有着巨大的潜力。寻找协同作用和开展协调活动,能够确保有效使用资源,一致应对减缓和适应气候变化、减少贫穷、促进可持续发展和挖掘可再生能源潜力等重大挑战。机构作为一个作出全面承诺的全球伙伴,将利用自身的专门知识帮助应对上述挑战。", "给予大会观察员地位给国际可再生能源机构带来的利益", "15. 通过跟踪参加大会的有关工作和联合国的相关进程,国际可再生能源机构将更加深入地执行自身使命,有助于确保自身工作与全球发展合作和促进可持续发展工作的有机结合。与目标相似的联合国实体和有关组织及网络寻找建立伙伴关系和进行合作的机会,有助于增进机构的使命。", "16. 最后,国际可再生能源机构获得联合国大会观察员地位后,将以更高的工作效率和活动成效来履行其促进普及和增加采用可持续能源以实现可持续发展的使命。", "附件二", "决议草案", "给予国际可再生能源机构观察员地位", "大会,", "考虑到国际可再生能源机构在促进采用和使用可持续能源以实现可持续发展方面的独特地位和使命,", "深信联合国和国际可再生能源机构之间的合作能够产生利益,", "1. 决定邀请国际可再生能源机构以观察员身份参加大会的届会和工作;", "2. 请秘书长为执行本决议采取必要行动。" ]
[ "第六十六届会议", "请求在第六十六届会议临时议程内列入一个项目", "国际可再生能源机构在大会的观察员地位", "2011年7月11日阿拉伯联合酋长国常驻联合国代表给秘书长的信", "谨根据大会议事规则第13条,请求将题为“给予国际可再生能源机构大会观察员地位”的项目列入大会第六十六届会议临时议程。", "根据大会议事规则第20条,随函附上关于国际可再生能源机构的解释性备忘录和说明(附件一)和决议草案(附件二)。", "请将本函及其附件作为大会文件分发为荷。", "艾哈迈德·贾尔曼(签名)", "页:1", "解释性备忘录", "历史背景", "1. 联合国 1981年在内罗毕召开的联合国新能源和可再生能源会议上提出了设立一个专门负责可再生能源的国际机构的建议。 从事可再生能源领域工作的各组织进一步讨论并发展了这一想法。", "2. 联合国 自1981年以来,全球对再生能源的兴趣不断增加,各国政府一直努力满足对可再生能源政策、融资和技术方面国际合作日益增长的需要。 2002年在约翰内斯堡举行的可持续发展问题世界首脑会议和八国集团关于气候变化、清洁能源和可持续发展问题的格伦伊格尔斯对话等几次国际会议讨论了这些问题。 2004年6月举行的可再生能源国际会议得到可再生能源问题国际议会论坛的支持,会议还呼吁设立国际可再生能源机构。", "3个 2009年1月26日,国际可再生能源机构在德国波恩成立大会上成立,通过全世界各国政府的共同努力,这一想法诞生了。 国际可再生能源机构的成立是世界可再生能源部署的一个重要里程碑,也是全球能源范式因各国政府承诺增加而正在发生变化的明显迹象。 在成立大会上,代表世界各地75个国家签署了原子能机构规约。 此后,国际可再生能源机构章程由150个国家签署,其中80个国家已批准了该规约。 欧洲联盟也是国际可再生能源机构的一个批准成员。", " 4.四. 国际可再生能源机构第一届大会于2011年4月4日和5日举行。 大会通过了若干重要决定,包括工作方案和总额为2 490万美元的预算。 大会还决定该机构的常任理事国为阿布扎比。", "符号和格言", "5 (韩语). IRENA的标志是环绕世界的蓝色无限标志,代表着通过吸收再生能源无限能源供应的潜力.", "成员", "6. 国家 自国际可再生能源机构于2009年成立以来,已有151个国家和区域组织参与其事,这证明了大多数联合国会员国对国际可再生能源机构的任务和使命的重视。 截至2011年7月,80个会员国和欧洲联盟批准了该规约:阿尔巴尼亚、安提瓜和巴布达、亚美尼亚、澳大利亚、孟加拉国、白俄罗斯、波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那、文莱达鲁萨兰国、保加利亚、佛得角、克罗地亚、塞浦路斯、捷克共和国、丹麦、吉布提、多米尼加共和国、厄瓜多尔、厄立特里亚、斐济、芬兰、法国、冈比亚、格鲁吉亚、德国、格林纳达、冰岛、印度、以色列、日本、肯尼亚、拉脱维亚、莱索托、列支敦士登、立陶宛、卢森堡、前南斯拉夫的马其顿共和国、马来西亚、马尔代夫、马里、马耳他、马绍尔群岛、毛里求斯、墨西哥、摩纳哥、蒙古、黑山、莫桑比克、瑙鲁、荷兰、新西兰、尼加拉瓜、尼日尔、尼日利亚、挪威、阿曼、帕劳、菲律宾、波兰、葡萄牙、卡塔尔、大韩民国、摩尔多瓦共和国、罗马尼亚、萨摩亚、塞内加尔、塞尔维亚、塞舌尔、塞拉利昂、斯洛伐克、斯洛文尼亚、南非、西班牙、斯里兰卡、苏丹、斯威士兰、瑞典、瑞士、汤加、阿拉伯联合酋长国和美利坚合众国。", "7. 联合国 下列国家是该规约的签署国:阿富汗、阿尔及利亚、安哥拉、阿根廷、奥地利、阿塞拜疆、巴林、比利时、伯利兹、贝宁、布基纳法索、柬埔寨、喀麦隆、中非共和国、乍得、智利、哥伦比亚、科摩罗、刚果、哥斯达黎加、科特迪瓦、刚果民主共和国、埃及、爱沙尼亚、埃塞俄比亚、加蓬、加纳、希腊、危地马拉、几内亚、几内亚比绍、洪都拉斯、伊朗伊斯兰共和国、伊拉克、爱尔兰、意大利、约旦、哈萨克斯坦、基里巴斯、科威特、吉尔吉斯斯坦、黎巴嫩、利比里亚、阿拉伯利比亚民众国、马达加斯加、毛里塔尼亚、摩洛哥、尼泊尔、巴基斯坦、巴拿马、巴布亚新几内亚、秘鲁、卢旺达、圣卢西亚、圣文森特和格林纳丁斯、圣多美和普林西比、所罗门群岛、索马里、阿拉伯叙利亚共和国、塔吉克斯坦、东帝汶、多哥、突尼斯、土耳其、乌干达、大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国、坦桑尼亚联合共和国、乌拉圭、乌兹别克斯坦、瓦努阿图、也门、赞比亚和津巴布韦。", "组织结构", "8. 国家 国际可再生能源机构的主要机关是大会、理事会和秘书处。 由国际可再生能源机构成员组成的大会是该机构的最高机关。 理事会由原子能机构最多21个成员组成,轮流选出,任期两年。 秘书处由一名总干事(主任和首席行政干事)和必要的工作人员组成。 总干事由大会任命,任期四年,可连任四年。", "9. 国家 该机构总部设在阿布扎比,并在德国波恩设有创新和技术中心。", "任务", "10个 根据其《章程》第二条和第三条,国际可再生能源机构的任务是促进广泛和越来越多地采用并可持续地利用以可持续方式从可再生能源生产的各种形式的可再生能源,其中包括生物能源;地热能;水电;海洋能,包括潮汐能、波能和海洋热能;太阳能和风能。 国际可再生能源机构在执行任务时适当考虑到:", "(a) 从可再生能源和能源效率措施的综合方法中获得的国家和国内优先事项和惠益;", "(b) 国家 通过限制对自然资源的压力并减少砍伐森林,特别是热带砍伐森林、荒漠化和生物多样性的丧失,可再生能源对环境保护的贡献;对气候保护的贡献;对经济增长和社会融合,包括减贫和可持续发展的贡献;对能源供应的获取和安全的贡献;对区域发展和对代际责任的贡献。", "11个 原子能机构为了其成员的利益:", "(a) 分析、监测并在不承担成员政策义务的情况下,将目前的可再生能源做法系统化,包括政策工具、激励措施、投资机制、最佳做法、现有技术、综合系统和设备以及成功失败因素;", "(b) 发起讨论,并确保与该领域和其他相关领域的其他政府组织、非政府组织和网络进行互动;", "(c) 应其成员的要求,考虑到其各自的需要,向其提供相关政策咨询和援助,并激励就可再生能源政策及其框架条件进行国际讨论;", "(d) 改善有关知识和技术转让,并促进发展成员国的当地能力,包括必要的互联;", "(e) 向其成员提供能力建设,包括培训和教育;", "(f) 应要求向其成员提供可再生能源筹资方面的咨询,并支助适用相关机制;", "(g) 鼓励和鼓励研究,包括社会经济问题的研究,并培养研究网络、联合研究、开发和应用技术;", "(h) 通过积极参与有关论坛,提供关于制定和部署与可再生能源有关的国家和国际技术标准的信息,其基础是健全的理解。", "12个 此外,原子能机构还就可再生能源的好处和潜力传播信息并提高公众认识。", "联合国给予国际可再生能源机构观察员地位的好处", "13个 根据《章程》第四条,国际可再生能源机构按照联合国促进和平与国际合作的宗旨和原则,按照促进可持续发展的联合国政策开展活动。 为执行其任务规定,国际可再生能源机构补充了联合国及其各部门、方案和机构的全球和部门任务和战略,例如经济和社会事务部、联合国环境规划署、联合国开发计划署、联合国工业发展组织、世界气象组织、世界知识产权组织和世界银行。", "14个 联合国和国际可再生能源机构显然有密切合作的潜力。 确定协同增效和协调活动将确保有效利用资源,并通过利用可再生能源提供的潜力,在应对应对气候变化、减贫和促进可持续发展等重大挑战方面保持协调一致。 国际可再生能源机构是一个全心全意的全球伙伴,具有有助于应对这些挑战的专门知识。", "国际可再生能源机构获得大会观察员地位的好处", "15个 以下各项工作以及参与大会和联合国相关进程的相关工作,将使国际可再生能源机构能够更深入地履行其任务,并将有助于确保它的工作有效地纳入发展合作和促进可持续发展的全球努力。 查明与联合国实体和具有相关目标的相关组织和网络建立伙伴关系和合作的机会,将有助于推进工程处的任务。", "16号. 归根结底,通过获得联合国的观察员地位,国际可再生能源机构将更有效率、更有效力地履行其促进广泛和更多采用可再生能源以实现可持续发展的使命。", "页:1", "决议草案", "国际可再生能源机构在大会的观察员地位", "大会,", "考虑到国际可再生能源机构的独特地位及其促进采用和利用可再生能源以实现可持续发展的使命,", "深信联合国同国际可再生能源机构合作的益处,", "1. 联合国 1. 决定邀请国际可再生能源机构以观察员身份参加大会的届会和工作;", "2. 联合国 2. 请秘书长采取必要行动执行本决议。" ]
[ "President:\tMr. Westerwelle\t(Germany) \nMembers:\tBosnia and Herzegovina\tMr. Alkalaj\n Brazil Mrs. Viotti \n China Mr. Wang Min \n Colombia Ms. Holguín Cuéllar\n France Mr. Araud \n\tGabon\tMr. MoungaraMoussotsi\n\tIndia\tMr. Hardeep SinghPuri\n Lebanon Mr. Salam \n Nigeria Mrs. Ogwu \n Portugal Mr. Brites Pereira \n Russian Federation Mr. Pankin \n South Africa Mr. Radebe \n\tUnited Kingdom of Great Britain andNorthern Ireland\tSir Mark LyallGrant\n United States of America Ms. Rice", "Agenda", "Children and armed conflict", "Report of the Secretary-General on children and armed conflict (S/2011/250)", "Letter dated 1 July 2011 from the Permanent Representative of Germany to the United Nations addressed to the Secretary-General (S/2011/409)", "The meeting was called to order at 10.10 a.m.", "Adoption of the agenda", "The agenda was adopted.", "Children and armed conflict", "Report of the Secretary-General on children and armed conflict (S/2011/250)", "Letter dated 1 July 2011 from the Permanent Representative of Germany to the United Nations addressed to the Secretary‑General (S/2011/409)", "The President: I wish to welcome the presence at this meeting of the Secretary-General, His Excellency Mr. Ban Ki-moon, as well as that of ministers. Their presence is an affirmation of the importance of the subject being discussed.", "In accordance with rule 37 of the Council’s provisional rules of procedure, I invite the representatives of Afghanistan, Armenia, Australia, Austria, Azerbaijan, Bangladesh, Belgium, Benin, Bulgaria, Canada, Chad, Chile, Costa Rica, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Greece, Guatemala, Honduras, Hungary, Iceland, Iraq, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Kenya, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Mexico, Monaco, Montenegro, New Zealand, Norway, Myanmar, Pakistan, Papua New Guinea, Peru, Poland, the Republic of Korea, the Republic of Moldova, Romania, Samoa, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sri Lanka, Sweden, Switzerland, Thailand, Ukraine and Yemen to participate in this meeting.", "Under rule 39 of the Council’s provisional rules of procedure, I invite Ms. Radhika Coomaraswamy, Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Children and Armed Conflict, and Mr. Anthony Lake, Executive Director of UNICEF, to participate in this meeting.", "Under rule 39 of the Council’s provisional rules of procedure, I invite the Acting Head of the delegation of the European Union to the United Nations, His Excellency Mr. Pedro Serrano, to participate in this meeting.", "The Security Council will now begin its consideration of the item on its agenda.", "Members of the Council have before them document S/2011/425, which contains the text of a draft resolution submitted by Australia, Austria, Belgium, Benin, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Canada, Chad, Chile, Costa Rica, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Gabon, Germany, Greece, Guatemala, Honduras, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Kazakhstan, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Mexico, Monaco, Montenegro, New Zealand, Nigeria, Norway, Peru, Poland, Portugal, Qatar, the Republic of Moldova, Romania, Samoa, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Ukraine, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the United States of America.", "I wish to draw the attention of Council members to documents S/2011/250 and S/2011/409, containing, respectively, the report of the Secretary-General on children and armed conflict and a letter dated 1 July 2011 from the Permanent Representative of Germany to the United Nations addressed to the Secretary‑General, transmitting a concept paper on the item under consideration.", "With the Council’s permission, I shall now make a statement in my capacity as Minister for Foreign Affairs of Germany.", "Let me seize this opportunity to warmly welcome the cooperation of all present on this topic. The protection of children in armed conflict is of great importance to all of us. This was evident also during the negotiations leading to the draft resolution before us. We are honoured by the presence of the Secretary‑General today, and let me also thank Mr. Lake and Ms. Coomaraswamy for their presence here.", "I am confident that I speak for all those present here today in saying that we do not want to see children being used in conflicts. We do not want them to be forced to fight. We do not want them to be injured, abused or killed. We want children to grow up knowing that their schools are safe places. Schools should be places of learning and playing where children can grow and thrive. Attacks on schools and hospitals are barbaric acts. We want children to feel safe when they are in need of physical help, when they are weak, sick or wounded. Hospitals should therefore also be safe and protected places.", "Consequently, I am very hopeful that the Council is about to take the important decision to expand the triggers for listing parties that commit serious violations against children. Attacks on schools and hospitals will then be among those triggers. This is a big step forward.", "We are also convinced of the importance of actions plans between the United Nations and parties to conflict. Implementing action plans is the only way to get off those lists. In future, actions plans can also include countering attacks on schools and hospitals.", "There has been progress, and this progress is encouraging. But we all know that we have to do more. Persistent perpetrators need to face credible consequences. If they do not change their behaviour, they should face measures through sanctions regimes. That is why it is important that today’s draft resolution also increases the possibility of targeted sanctions against perpetrators listed in the report of the Secretary-General.", "Societies should be judged by the way in which they treat their children. Our attitude towards our children is a testament to our attitude towards our future. We will continue to try to protect children from the effects of war and conflict. We will continue to listen to their stories for as long as it takes.", "I now resume my functions as President of the Security Council.", "It is my understanding that the Council is ready to proceed to the vote on the draft resolution before it.", "I shall now put the draft resolution to the vote.", "A vote was taken by show of hands.", "In favour:", "Bosnia and Herzegovina, Brazil, China, Colombia, France, Gabon, Germany, India, Lebanon, Nigeria, Portugal, Russian Federation, South Africa, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, United States of America", "The President: The draft resolution received 15 votes in favour. The draft resolution has been adopted unanimously as resolution 1998 (2011).", "I now give the floor to the Secretary-General.", "The Secretary-General: I thank Germany for having organized this open debate, and I thank the Council for its sustained commitment to the protection of children affected by armed conflict. I should like to thank in particular the Minister for Foreign Affairs of Germany for taking the time to preside over this meeting and for his leadership.", "Since 1998, the Council has adopted eight resolutions on this issue. It has asked me to report on the recruitment and use of child soldiers, the killing and maiming of children, rape and other sexual violence, abductions, attacks on schools and hospitals, and the denial of humanitarian access to children by parties to armed conflict. It has sent a consistent and clear message: the protection of children in armed conflict is a peace and security issue, and the international community will not tolerate grave violations of this principle.", "Today’s resolution takes us one step further. It not only emphasizes that schools and hospitals should be zones of peace respected by all parties to conflict; it adds attacks on schools and hospitals as listing criteria in my annual reports on children in armed conflict. I welcome this advance. Places of learning and places of healing should never be places of war.", "Our proactive efforts on previously listed violations, such as the recruitment and use of child soldiers, have yielded positive results. I thank Governments, civil society and non-governmental organizations for their work. These efforts and the action plan concept — laid out in resolution 1539 (2004) and later resolutions — have led to the signing of 15 action plans covering nine conflict arenas. Two more action plans are expected this year.", "These successes show the value of naming and shaming. Last year alone, around 10,000 children associated with armed groups were released. We must now secure longer-term international support for their full reintegration into their communities. This is an essential component of peacebuilding and development.", "The United Nations system is fully committed to protecting children in armed conflict. My Special Representative on this issue, Ms. Coomaraswamy, is working with dedication and courage. The work of my Special Representative on Sexual Violence in Conflict, Ms. Wallström, is also helping to combat impunity. The Department of Peacekeeping Operations, too, is playing an important role. It has deployed child protection advisers in at least 13 missions since 2001, and today has advisers in seven peacekeeping missions and three political missions. They are working to help missions support the implementation of Security Council resolutions. United Nations country teams, too, are making an important contribution, not only in monitoring and reporting under resolution 1612 (2005), but also in supporting reintegration and other humanitarian interventions. UNICEF, in particular, plays a key role here.", "In closing, I would like to acknowledge the work of the Working Group on Children and Armed Conflict, of which Germany is the Chair. With the innovative and steadfast engagement of many partners, the Council has demonstrated that protecting children in armed conflict is both a moral and a security imperative. Let us keep working together to ensure that children everywhere can grow up safe, healthy and educated so that they can help to build a secure and sustainable future for themselves, their families and their societies.", "The President: I thank the Secretary-General for his briefing.", "I now give the floor to Ms. Radhika Coomaraswamy.", "Ms. Coomaraswamy: Thank you, Sir, for convening this open debate on children and armed conflict. Your presence signals a commitment at the highest level to the protection of children during war. I would also like to commend the dedication of Ambassador Peter Wittig and his staff for their effective engagement as Chair of the Working Group on Children and Armed Conflict. Their dedication must be truly commended and we look forward to continuing to work closely with them.", "I also want to thank the Secretary-General for honouring us with his presence and his unwavering support for the cause of women and children. I also want to thank all the ministers who have come from afar to be with us today.", "The Security Council has before it the tenth annual report of the Secretary-General on children and armed conflict (S/2011/250). In 15 of the 22 situations covered in the report, we found evidence of attacks on schools and hospitals. During my visits to conflict areas, I have personally seen the devastation — schools completely destroyed, bombed or burnt to the ground. I have also seen schools with broken window panes and empty classrooms where children have been recruited as child soldiers. I have met girls whose colleagues stay away from school because, as female students, they may be the victims of acid attacks.", "These images stay in my mind and remind me of how important it is to ensure that schools are zones of peace for children. Half of all the children who do not go to primary school in the world live in conflict areas. They do not go to school because their schools have become part of the tragedy of conflict. Schools are increasingly under physical attack, resulting in either full or partial destruction, oftentimes in violation of international humanitarian law. Schools are also closed as a result of threats and intimidation. Teachers and students are also killed and maimed in targeted attacks. Military use of schools is also a concern, as such use can put children in clear danger. To deprive children of an education is to destroy their future. A future destroyed — a future without hope — will only sow the seeds of further conflict.", "Hospitals are also vital to children, especially in war. Attacks on hospitals are two-fold atrocities; not only do they kill and wound girls and boys, but they also leave them without access to treatment. Attacks on hospitals and hospital personnel deprive the community of a much-needed lifeline. In fact, protecting hospitals and its personnel was the founding element of modern humanitarian law.", "The Secretary-General has repeatedly called for strengthened attention to and focus on the need to protect schools and hospitals from attack. Germany’s initiative to bring today’s resolution 1998 (2011) forward demonstrates the Council’s resolve to expand the protection of girls and boys. The resolution provides for the listing of parties who attack schools and hospitals and those who use intimidation to force their closure. It also reaffirms the need for the enhanced monitoring and reporting of incidents where there are violations that deprive children of their right to go to school or be treated in hospitals. The resolution gives concrete impetus for action on the ground to protect these facilities.", "The promise of the resolution is very real. I know this because we have achieved so much since the adoption of resolution 1612 (2005). What I would like to highlight today are a few successes we have had, and thereby to thank the Council for being steadfast and committed to children.", "First, in February this year, the Afghan Government signed an action plan for the prevention of underage recruitment into the Afghan security forces, including the police. The United Nations country task force on children and armed conflict, with access to military and police installations, has sent to my Office progress reports about the effective implementation of the plan. Further, the Ulema Shura, the highest religious body, has proclaimed a fatwa on violations committed against children in conflict.", "Secondly, last year in Nepal, 2,973 minors were discharged. Despite a few concerns about reintegration, the United Nations country team has risen to the challenge, offering programmes and following up on the children once they returned to the community.", "Thirdly, in the Philippines in January 2010, the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) signed an action plan with the United Nations with the full support of the Government. Further, MILF issued a supplemental general order warning its commanders of sanctions for recruiting and using children and created child protection units. Children are now being registered and released, and UNICEF and the International Labour Organization (ILO) have stepped up their presence to provide these children with education and vocational skills.", "Fourthly, in the Central African Republic during the course of 2010, 525 children were separated from the ranks of the Armée populaire pour la restauration de la démocratie following the commitment made by their commander during my visit to the Central African Republic a few years ago.", "Fifthly, in Sri Lanka, 562 children, including 201 identified at the end of the conflict as formerly associated with armed groups, were released after one year of rehabilitation. They were reunited with their families by a magistrate’s order. This was done in close cooperation with UNICEF and my Special Envoy.", "Lastly, I also visited Chad in June to witness the action plan signed between the Government of Chad and the United Nations for the release of children. Again, they have given the United Nations access to military installations and have requested our assistance in the reintegration of the children into the community. Moving forward, I am hopeful that I will be able to witness the signing of an action plan with the Government of Myanmar, which acknowledges the key role of the country task force, including UNICEF and ILO, in the coming months.", "Yet, great challenges remain. Persistent violators of children are on the list of the Secretary-General with little action taken against them. Their impunity remains a blot on justice systems, both national and international. In time, the Council must deal with this issue in a comprehensive manner and find ways and means of dealing with perpetrators. As a testimony to that, a list of persistent violators is attached to my statement. The reintegration of children often left at the doorstep of UNICEF and its partners also requires the commitment of resources and personnel.", "While we work with these issues of accountability, we must also attempt to understand the root causes of violations against children. Without prevention and understanding, long-term solutions will not be sustainable.", "In 1999, the Council began a journey of great promise. There have been important landmarks along the way, including the Council’s demand for clear monitoring of violations, the proper implementation of action plans and accountability. Governments and non‑State actors have begun to respond to the Council’s call for action. When I meet them in the field they display great respect for the power and authority of the Security Council. In addition, the Council’s commitment has real and positive effects on the lives of thousands of children. As Council members have just heard from the Secretary-General, only last year 10,000 children were released from armed forces and groups and reintegrated into their communities. Today, at this open debate, I bring the Council their message of thanks.", "When I was in Chad recently, I met with many children in a refugee camp. One girl grabbed my hand, curled her fingers around my wrist and whispered, “Madame, I want to go to school.” Today, with the Council’s adoption of resolution 1998 (2011), we have acknowledged the importance of schools and education to children all over the world, especially in conflict areas. We hope it will usher in an era where children can study, play and learn in an atmosphere of safety and dignity.", "The President: I thank Ms. Coomaraswamy for her briefing.", "I now give the floor to Mr. Anthony Lake.", "Mr. Lake: On behalf of UNICEF and the children whom all of us here serve, I thank the Council for convening this debate on a subject of urgency, and especially for adopting this important resolution (resolution 1998 (2011)) this morning.", "A few months ago, I met a 16-year-old boy in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. “Years earlier”, he told me, “they came to my village and took me away and, from that day on, I was a soldier”. That was literally true. But looked at another way, on that day he lost his childhood. His childhood was taken from him at the point of a gun.", "On the same visit, I met a young girl who had lived through the horror of rape by an armed soldier. She, too, was violently robbed of her childhood, and of so much more. As we have heard today, and as the Secretary-General’s report (S/2011/250) describes in grim detail, their stories are painfully repeated in conflict areas around the world. Millions of children bear the brunt of war. They are killed, maimed, orphaned, forced to flee their homes, sexually assaulted, pressed into the service of armed groups and exposed to unspeakable violence. Those horrific acts are not only violations of international and humanitarian law; they are violations of our common humanity. Today, the Council has affirmed that attacks on schools and hospitals are attacks on children and must be treated as such, for these grave violations are alarmingly common.", "As has been described, schools have been burned and bombed, classrooms used to billet soldiers and schoolyards used to bury the dead. Unexploded ammunition and mines litter playgrounds, threatening life and limb. Hospitals have been looted and immunization campaigns interrupted. Children have been taken, literally, from their classrooms to the battlefield.", "The human costs of these attacks are beyond statistical calculation. The economic costs are also very high, forcing communities to rebuild schools and replace stolen supplies and equipment when conflicts come to an end — a cost that most can little afford, few budgets provide for and humanitarian aid rarely covers. The costs to society are also staggering. As Radhika Coomaraswamy just noted, almost one half of all children out of primary school in the world today live in conflict areas in countries that are often among the world’s poorest places. Those same children are less likely to see a doctor or visit a health clinic and are more likely to be deprived of their most basic needs.", "The great educator Maria Montessori once said that education is the most effective way of opposing war. It is also an indispensable foundation for peace and prosperity. And it is at the very heart of equity. In times of peace, education gives disadvantaged children the chance to break the cycle of poverty and to contribute to their societies. It is no different in times of war, and may be even more important then.", "Schools restore a sense of normalcy and teach children the skills they need to survive and thrive, helping them rise above the horrors that they have witnessed. Without those skills, they are more vulnerable to violence. And so the vicious circle of poverty, despair and conflict continues. We must not fail these children. It is up to all of us to take action to protect the schools where they learn and the hospitals where they heal. To do so is to protect their individual futures and the futures of their societies.", "We are making progress in meeting this challenge thanks to the commitment of the Secretary-General, the strong resolve of the Council and the ceaseless efforts of so many. In particular, all of us owe so much to the tireless and admirable work of the Special Representative of the Secretary-General, Radhika Coomaraswamy, as well as to Ambassador Peter Wittig and the Security Council Working Group on Children and Armed Conflict and, increasingly, the Department of Peacekeeping Operations (DPKO) as more children are swept up in violent conflicts.", "Today, the Council has acted on that progress and is building upon it. Adding attacks on schools and hospitals as a trigger for listing parties in the Secretary-General’s annual report will heighten awareness of these grave violations and the terrible impact they have on the lives of children. We hope that this will spur Governments and groups to do more to prevent attacks on schools and hospitals through defining concrete plans to end those violations. If they do not, creating clearer links to sanctions committees will strengthen the Council’s ability to take action. Impunity is as intolerable in a civilized society as justice is indispensable.", "Our purpose today is one of principle, but it must also be one of practicality. Monitoring, reporting and listing alone are not enough. Sanctions alone are not silver bullets. While denunciation gives expression to the outrage we all feel, it alone will not move Governments. Those are necessary conditions, but insufficient to achieve lasting change. To do that, we must also find practical new ways to prevent these acts from occurring. Action plans are an important part of this. The United Nations should have access to all Governments and groups that want to pursue them.", "Furthermore, today’s resolution should lead to necessary discussion on the military use of schools and hospitals, thus encouraging more Governments to follow the lead of Nepal and the Philippines in protecting schools as zones of peace.", "Finally, even as we strengthen the legal framework to increase our response to these abuses, we must never lose sight of the children who have been abused and those who are at risk. Too often, I believe, we refer to the children caught in conflict simply as victims to be pitied. But as so many of us have seen, they are remarkably and poignantly resilient, and brave beyond imagining. They deserve our admiration, perhaps even our awe. They have hopes and dreams like children everywhere, even when virtually everything has been taken from them. They do not need our pity. They need practical support and programmes designed to help them make the most of their potential and a positive contribution to their societies.", "The young boy whom I met in the Democratic Republic of the Congo had returned to his life as a soldier twice and then been released. He continues to be at risk of recruitment because he lacks the skills and resources to withstand it. He intends to find another community in which to live and he is receiving more training for civilian life. But his future is very uncertain.", "On the same trip, I met another young man who was kidnapped at the age of 11 and forced to fight for years before he escaped. Fortunately, he found a way to use his training. Today he operates a carpentry shop, is married and has a child of his own. I will never forget his pride as he told me that he had made the chair I was sitting on, or the hope his example has inspired in others at the training centre where he was trained, who now go to visit him as a symbol of their hope for the future.", "In 2009 we commemorated the twentieth anniversary of the Convention on the Rights of the Child, and it has been more than a decade since the adoption of the Optional Protocols, which ban some of the worst forms of exploitation and abuse against children. I urge those Member States that have not done so to sign, ratify and implement those indispensable instruments.", "Let us never forget, however, that human rights are not an end in themselves. The lives of people, of children, are our purpose. Rights are a context for upholding human dignity and for creating the conditions for human progress. It is the practical steps we take to protect these rights — and the impact of our actions — that can change the world. Today, we are taking another step forward, and I cannot thank the Council enough for its commitment to children affected by armed conflict and for making this critical issue a priority.", "The President: I thank Mr. Lake for his briefing.", "In accordance with the understanding reached among Council members, I wish to remind all speakers to limit their statements to no more than four minutes in order to enable the Council to carry out its work expeditiously. Delegations with lengthy statements are kindly requested to circulate the texts in writing and to deliver a condensed version when speaking in the Chamber.", "I will now give the floor to the representatives of the Security Council.", "Ms. Holguin Cuéllar (Colombia) (spoke in Spanish): At the outset I would like to thank Ms. Radhika Coomaraswamy for her briefing and report and Mr. Anthony Lake, Executive Director of UNICEF.", "It is a pleasure for my delegation to join the Council in this important debate. We are grateful for the opportunity to share with the Member States of the United Nations our vision of this problem, which we know close up. Therefore we believe we can contribute to a better understanding of this matter, given our experience and the measures we have undertaken. We know that the decisions the Council makes, if focused correctly, have an effect on the solutions that States are able to provide.", "The welfare of children affected by conflict must be the central motivation that brings us together to find definitive solutions. Policies of prevention and cooperation undoubtedly are more effective than finger-pointing and excluding Governments from the debate, from the exchange of information and from the search for solutions.", "Since resolution 1612 (2005) of July 2005, it has been recognized that the monitoring and reporting mechanism must operate with the participation of and in cooperation with national Governments and relevant United Nations and civil society actors. In this instance, the Council has once more reiterated the primary role of Governments in the protection and rehabilitation of children and has reaffirmed that all actions undertaken by United Nations entities must be designed to support and supplement the efforts of national Governments.", "What has happened in recent years is that the Governments of affected countries have been excluded from the debate and the working mechanisms. This trend takes us farther away from definitive solutions with regard to the protection of affected children, because it is Governments that must take corrective actions. In this context, we would like to underline that, as stated in the Secretary-General’s report (S/2011/250), the results so far obtained are the product of actions by Governments, peace processes or the end of conflicts.", "Resolution 1612 (2005) indicates that the monitoring and reporting mechanism must support and complement the capacity of national Governments for the protection and rehabilitation of children. Since 2005, when the mechanism was created, there has not been much progress towards solutions, but there has been an increase in blaming. We believe that strengthening each country’s capacities — an fundamental principle of the United Nations response to this problem — has been insufficient. The United Nations must go further than denouncing; it must use its experience, working more decisively with States in the search for solutions.", "Allow me to speak in a blunt and realistic way. It is entirely naive to think that the United Nations or any other multilateral organization can change the minds of terrorist organizations that for decades have struck fear in civilian populations, that profit from illicit activities, that utilize terror as a modus operandi, that use children as their tools to those ends and that have always ignored national and international norms. For that reason Colombia believes that the stated intention of agencies of the United Nations system to attempt to talk to those groups directly and without the consent of Governments is inadmissible and unacceptable.", "Colombia is a State where the rule of law prevails, a solid democracy where we fight to have a peaceful country, and to spare our population the nightmare of illegal armed groups financed by drug trafficking. I reiterate this point today because this year it was discussed by the Group of Experts.", "We are convinced that we would have more results if the United Nations realized that it could strengthen the goal of protecting children affected by recruitment if it maintained its commitment to national Governments. That commitment is fulfilled through the cooperation and participation of the Governments. In this context, we do not share the generalities of these resolutions, since every situation is different and particular. Developing lists creates difficulties and complicates the search for solutions for each country. We stated this in 2005, and time and the state of this debate today have proven us right. Progress is made through concrete projects fitted to the realities of each society and each situation.", "Without a doubt, changing the focus to emphasize cooperation and dialogue among the Members of this Organization, working in countries in a way that respects the guiding principles of the United Nations, and turning Governments into allies in the promotion and protection of the rights of children affected by this plague is the way to achieve results and to have no more children deprived of freedom. We hope for greater understanding that we, the Member States and the United Nations, can work together on the same path. Only in this way will their work be strengthened.", "Colombia has implemented a prevention plan. We have always believed that prevention should guide the actions of the Council and the United Nations. Unfortunately, neither this resolution nor the other ones on the matter have considered prevention as a strategy in its central policies, missing the opportunity to carry out actions so that children may truly have a different life with opportunities and a future.", "For many years we have been promoting the issue of the rights of children in local and regional policies. We receive our greatest support from the International Organization for Migration, to whom we extend once again our gratitude for the way in which it has, over the years, made the effort to work on this issue with our Government. That is why we have proposed to the United Nations system that it work under one single plan in a comprehensive manner and to focus on 29 municipalities that are especially vulnerable to recruitment by illegal armed groups. I appreciate the support of Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, whose help has been essential to getting the system in Colombia to commit to carrying out this project. In the coming months, several projects will be running with a social, educational, recreational and training focus to provide opportunities for children and young people in at-risk areas.", "With that in mind, and considering the best way to attain results, we propose that a serious and unpoliticized evaluation of the effect and implementation of the resolutions on this matter be carried out. Such an evaluation must include a review of the mechanism in order to assess its effectiveness. We consider a review imperative, because we have been discussing this issue for a decade with few results. Colombia, whose children have been the victims of these practices and who has combated them for many years, considers that an in-depth reflection concerning this painful subject is in order.", "Mr. Alkalaj (Bosnia and Herzegovina): At the outset, I would like to express my appreciation to you, Minister Westerwelle, for presiding over this important debate. Bosnia and Herzegovina welcomes and commends the efforts of your country as Chair of the Security Council Working Group on Children and Armed Conflict. Our thanks also go to Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon for his statement and to Special Representative of the Secretary-General Ms. Radhika Coomaraswamy, and Mr. Anthony Lake, Executive Director of UNICEF, for their comprehensive briefings.", "Bosnia and Herzegovina attaches the utmost importance to the protection of children affected by armed conflict, and strongly condemns all violations of international law committed against children in conflict situations, including recruitment, killing, maiming, rape and other sexual violence, attacks on schools and hospitals, and denial of humanitarian access. We wish to emphasize the primary responsibility of States to respect and assure the human rights of all individuals within their territory and subject to their jurisdiction, as provided for by relevant international law. In addition, we stress that the Convention on the Rights of the Child and its Optional Protocol on the involvement of children in armed conflict, as well as the Geneva Conventions and their Additional Protocols, constitute the standard in the promotion and protection of the rights of the child in armed conflict.", "However, bearing in mind that all parties to armed conflict should comply strictly with international obligations, we are deeply concerned over the continued violation, with impunity, of the relevant provisions of international law relating to the rights and protection of children in armed conflict. All available tools should be used to end impunity for violations committed against children. The perpetrators must be brought to justice and held accountable. This will send a clear signal that violations and abuses against children in situations of armed conflict will not be tolerated and will not go unpunished.", "In particular, more vigorous and targeted measures against persistent offenders must be applied when appropriate. We call on the Special Representative for Children and Armed Conflict to continue the established practice of briefing the sanctions committees and, in particular, providing concrete recommendations from the Secretary-General’s reports and from the conclusions of the Working Group on Children and Armed Conflict for country-specific situations.", "We are also confident that resolutions 1882 (2009) and 1960 (2010) have contributed to establishing practical means to bridge the difficulty of collecting, systematizing and verifying information on sexual violence in conflict situations, while retaining the separate focus of each mandate. In that regard, we also fully support the cooperation between the Special Representatives for Children and Armed Conflict and for Sexual Violence in Conflict regarding parties responsible for rape and sexual violence. We also support and emphasize the importance of the work of the Security Council Working Group on Children and Armed Conflicts.", "While we welcome the report of the Secretary-General (S/2011/250), we call on all parties listed in its annexes to respect their obligations under international humanitarian and human rights law, to halt violations, to enter into dialogue with the United Nations, and to commit to preparing and implementing time-bound action plans. That dialogue needs to be facilitated in close cooperation and with the consent of the host Government. In the same vein, preparation and implementation of time-bound action plans should be carried out and coordinated efficiently with all relevant actors in the field, including the host Government, United Nations entities, civil society organizations and donors. It is essential that such efforts be provided with proper resources and funding in the countries where monitoring and reporting mechanisms are being implemented.", "Bosnia and Herzegovina is encouraged that a number of parties have signed action plans with the United Nations aimed at ending the recruitment and use of children in conflicts. We also welcome the development of guidance on resolution 1882 (2009) and subsequent action plans. Furthermore, we wish to stress that effective reintegration programmes for children recruited by armed forces are a critical element in sustainable peace and security, and, more importantly, in ensuring the welfare of those children.", "Last year, Bosnia and Herzegovina was one of the main sponsors of General Assembly resolution 64/290, entitled “The right to education in emergency situations”. We would like to recall that the resolution — which emphasizes that all possible measures must be taken to ensure the right to education in all phases of emergency situations, and calls for the criminalization under domestic laws of attacks on schools — was adopted in the General Assembly by consensus. We are deeply concerned about the number of attacks, as well as of threatened attacks and closures of schools and hospitals in situations of armed conflict, and about military use of schools and hospitals contrary to international humanitarian law. We are convinced that effectively addressing issues related to attacks on schools and hospitals will ensure that children are not denied their right to education during or after a conflict.", "In addition, I would like to discuss some elements and facts derived from Bosnia and Herzegovina’s experience, reminding the Council that among the more than 10,000 people who were killed in the besieged city of Sarajevo were 1,500 children, as well as many other children throughout Bosnia and Herzegovina. They were innocent children who will never attend school or play again. Related to that was the reburial yesterday, on the sixteenth anniversary of the genocide in Srebrenica, of an 11-year-old boy, Nesib Muhić, and his 15-year-old brother Hasib, who were among the 613 newly identified bodies. And they were not the only ones. Let us, from this Chamber, send a strong message that such crimes against children will be firmly condemned and punished, and will not be tolerated.", "We therefore firmly believe that the Security Council should remain committed to protecting children in armed conflict, including through determination to ensure the full implementation of and respect for its resolutions on this issue. Bosnia and Herzegovina stands ready to contribute to that aim.", "Mr. Radebe (South Africa): We would like to take this opportunity, Mr. President, to thank you for presiding over today’s meeting and your delegation for having organized this important debate. We thank Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon; Ms. Radhika Coomaraswamy, Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Children and Armed Conflict; and Mr. Anthony Lake, Executive Director of UNICEF, for their respective briefings. We also welcome resolution 1998 (2011), which has just been adopted.", "South Africa remains deeply concerned about the plight of children in armed conflict. Children involved in armed conflict are deprived of the opportunity to grow up in an environment where they can realize their full potential. South Africa is particularly concerned that thousands of children continue to bear arms as soldiers and that many also suffer as victims in armed conflict. We thus remain steadfast in our firm commitment to eradicating the recruitment and use of children in armed conflict.", "Significant progress has been made since the compilation by Graça Machel in 1996 of the first United Nations report on children affected by armed conflict (A/51/306). South Africa is pleased that the issue of children and armed conflict continues to receive the attention it deserves on the agenda of the United Nations in general and the Security Council in particular. We are encouraged that the Council has identified six grave violations committed against children in armed conflict. Our country believes that each should be given equal weight and attention by the Council.", "In that regard, we welcome the expansion of the trigger mechanism for punitive measures against those committing recurrent attacks on schools and hospitals. We are concerned about the emerging trend of such attacks. We call on all parties involved in conflict to abide by international humanitarian law and to refrain from attacks against civilian targets, particularly those where children might be present.", "South Africa is concerned that, despite the positive efforts of the international community to address the challenges faced by children in armed conflict, parties continue to commit violations against children. In the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Palestine, Afghanistan and elsewhere, children continue to be casualties of war and their rights continue to be violated. We are also concerned that a substantial number of countries and situations where children are involved in armed conflict are on the African continent. We welcome the improvement of the conditions of children involved in armed conflict in some areas, such as in Burundi. We call on parties that remain on the list to follow the example of those States and entities that have adopted specific action plans to improve the situation. South Africa is deeply concerned about recently reported additional violations in emerging conflicts, such as in Côte d’Ivoire and Libya. We call upon affected Governments, with the assistance of civil society and the international donor community, to develop and implement concrete plans to address the challenge of children affected by armed conflict. The international donor community should continue to provide long-term and sustainable assistance to facilitate such programmes.", "On our part, South Africa has ratified the Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child on the involvement of children in armed conflict. The Optional Protocol sets the minimum age for direct participation in hostilities, for recruitment into armed groups and for compulsory recruitment by Governments at 18 years. Furthermore, our national children’s act and national defence force policy are in line with the Optional Protocol, in that they define the age of majority as 18 years, which is also in line with the South African Constitution. The children’s act recognizes the need for special care and protection from harm, abuse and neglect of children. It gives effect to South Africa’s commitments in line with the Convention on the Rights of the Child.", "It is vital that we do not forget the long-term needs of children who have been affected by armed conflict. South Africa therefore underscores the importance of adopting a broad strategy with regard to conflict prevention, which should address the root causes of armed conflict in a comprehensive manner and create a conducive environment for the protection and promotion of children’s rights.", "South Africa welcomes the unwavering commitment of the Office of the Special Representative and of UNICEF in the implementation of the monitoring and reporting mechanism, which will go a long way in addressing the recruitment and use of children and other violations committed in armed conflict. We encourage them to work within their respective mandates and in an integrated manner with other key stakeholders, including the Department of Peacekeeping Operations, concerned Member States and non-governmental organizations, to ensure coherence in addressing this scourge.", "We also commend the work of the Security Council Working Group, especially its role to review progress in the development and implementation of time-bound action plans by parties to conflict to halt the recruitment and use of children, which are violations of international obligations.", "In conclusion, South Africa would like to express our continued commitment to working with Council members and the international community to ensure that the protection of children remains our main priority.", "Ms. Rice (United States of America): We are grateful to you, Mr. President, as well as to Ambassador Wittig and the German Mission, for hosting this important debate and for your leadership as Chair of the Security Council Working Group. We also very much appreciate the important statements by the Secretary-General, Special Representative Coomaraswamy and UNICEF Executive Director Tony Lake.", "Abuses against children in armed conflicts do not just tear at our hearts, they also rip the fabric of our societies, undermine our shared security and challenge us all to do far more to bring these outrages to an end. The toll never ceases to shock. According to a recent UNESCO report, between 1998 and 2008 an estimated 2 million children were killed in conflicts and 6 million were left disabled. Approximately 300,000 children are reportedly being exploited as soldiers. Let there be no doubt: we are failing the world’s children so long as so many continue to suffer such brutality and abuse.", "This is not to diminish the work that has already been done to assist children in armed conflicts around the world. Since 2004, the United Nations has signed 15 action plans in nine conflict zones, and concluded five of them. The Special Representative and United Nations agencies in the field have had a measurable impact on the ground. One of the brightest spots in the Secretary-General’s otherwise depressing report (S/2011/250) is the number of child soldiers who have been released. An estimated 6,300 children were released from such servitude this year in the Sudan, Nepal, Chad, the Central African Republic, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Burma and Sri Lanka. We have increased the spotlight on grave abuses. We have built up our information-gathering capacity, including comprehensive reports by the Secretary-General. We have listed serious perpetrators and frankly examined individual country situations.", "All those steps by the Working Group help to keep such abuses squarely on the international agenda and to bring them to the urgent attention of national authorities. But, as we all know, a great deal more needs to be done. For instance, I have just returned from witnessing the birth of the Republic of South Sudan. Some progress has been made throughout the Sudan, notably the release over the past year of almost 1,200 children from the terror of armed groups. The United Nations has concluded action plans and signed memorandums of understanding with several groups in the Sudan. But the abuses persist, including by the Lord’s Resistance Army and others. The Government of the Sudan and the Sudanese Armed Forces have not yet signed and implemented an action plan. Separately, we urge the former Sudan People’s Liberation Movement to continue to implement its now-expired 2009 action plan, as well as to sign a formal extension of that plan.", "In Burma there are still child soldiers within the ranks of Government forces and armed groups. The Government of Burma has committed to stop the recruitment and use of child soldiers and to develop an action plan with the United Nations. We urge it to do so as soon as possible and to draw from the expertise of relevant agencies, such as the International Labour Organization and UNICEF.", "We are deeply troubled as well by the situation in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Half a dozen groups from that country are listed in annex I of the report of the Secretary-General. The Government of the Democratic Republic of the Congo has failed to engage meaningfully with the United Nations to end abuses against children committed by its armed forces. As a result, child recruitment has risen in some areas. The Government of the Democratic Republic of the Congo should move immediately to remedy those alarming violations, including by finalizing and signing a long-overdue action plan with the United Nations.", "This year’s report also documents another appalling trend, namely, increased attacks on schools and hospitals, in particular in Afghanistan, Côte d’Ivoire, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Iraq, Burma, Pakistan, Yemen and the Philippines. In Côte d’Ivoire alone, according to UNICEF, 224 schools were attacked during the post-election crisis, disrupting the education of some 65,000 children. The report of the Secretary-General documents such attacks. With today’s resolution (resolution 1998 (2011)), the Secretary-General will have the mandate to name and shame those who perpetrate such attacks on a recurrent basis.", "Overall, we remain deeply concerned that persistent perpetrators continue their violations against children with impunity. Sixteen parties to armed conflict listed in the annexes to the Secretary-General’s report have been listed for five years or more. That is plainly unacceptable. Thus, the United States urged the inclusion in today’s resolution of the Council’s time-bound commitment to consider a broad range of options to increase pressure on persistent perpetrators. The Council’s unanimous support for that commitment is an important step towards holding egregious violators accountable for their actions.", "Today, let us rededicate ourselves to working towards a world in which all children have the security, opportunity and hope that we seek for our own sons and daughters.", "Mr. Brites Pereira (Portugal): I would like to begin by thanking you, Mr. President, for convening this open debate on children and armed conflict, an issue to which Portugal attaches great importance. I also wish to welcome and thank Ms. Radhika Coomaraswamy, Special Representative of the Secretary-General on Children and Armed Conflict, and Mr. Anthony Lake, Executive Director of UNICEF, for their briefings. I also take this opportunity to commend their work and efforts to ensure the protection of children in situations of armed conflict.", "Let me start by reaffirm Portugal’s strong commitment to the promotion and protection of human rights and the safeguarding of international humanitarian law. The protection of civilians in armed conflict has been one of the priorities of our action as an elected member of the Council.", "Back in 1998, during our last tenure in the Council, we promoted the first debate held here on the issue of children and armed conflict (see S/PV.3896). We were already convinced then, as we are today, that this issue has serious implications for international peace and security. To protect children in armed conflict requires the commitment of the international community as a whole. Portugal is fully committed to this objective.", "Since then, the Council has made significant progress and established, step by step, a strong normative framework and mechanism to monitor, report and respond to grave violations against children. The resolution that we have adopted today (resolution 1998 (2011)) expands the causes for listing parties in the annexes of the reports of the Secretary-General to include attacks on schools and hospitals, as well as attacks and threats of attacks against schoolchildren and educational and medical personnel. That will enable the Security Council to act in a consistent and timely manner to further enhance the protection of children and their access to education and health services.", "The inadequate provision of education and health to children in situations of armed conflict is a serious problem that will have consequences for the long-term development of the countries concerned. According to UNESCO, 28 million children are denied their right to education because of armed conflict. This situation is totally unacceptable and it needs to be urgently redressed.", "In that regard, my county has regularly introduced a draft resolution at the Commission on Human Rights and at the Human Rights Council on the realization of the right to education, which was at the origin of the mandate of the Special Rapporteur on the right to education. This resolution, as well as the resolution on education in emergency situations adopted last year in the General Assembly, which my country co-sponsored (resolution 64/290), is a step in the right direction that will guarantee not only a fundamental human right but also an important tool in the fulfilment of other basic rights.", "In this context, let me say a word of appreciation for the important work carried out by civil society in terms of increasing the protection of children’s rights, which has significantly helped to pave the way for the work of the Security Council in this very important area.", "During the past few years, the Security Council has consistently strengthened accountability for persistent perpetrators of grave violations against children. In the near future, we hope to see all such violations given equal treatment, including the abduction of children and denial of humanitarian access.", "This normative framework for the protection of children in situations of armed conflict must furthered. Portugal believes that the Council must continue to address certain situations of concern while striving to find the best way to promote the protection of children affected by armed conflict. In that regard, action plans are an excellent tool for engaging armed forces and organized armed groups. But we must bear in mind that such plans might not be as efficient in cases involving militias or other non-State armed groups that do not have a firm command structure.", "Furthermore, many conflicts have a cross-border impact. That perspective might be lost when adopting a country-by-country approach. Parties like the Lord’s Resistance Army act with complete disregard for borders. Children are abducted in one country and taken to another, and sometimes to a third. In that regard, we welcome the ongoing coordination efforts by the Department of Peacekeeping Operations, UNICEF and the Office of the Special Representative of the Secretary-General. But we believe that more needs to be done in terms of coordination to address cross-border child protection concerns.", "The ability to impose targeted measures on persistent perpetrators of grave violations against children is an important tool available to the Security Council in this area. We strongly believe that, as they are being renewed or established, the mandates of existing sanctions committees should include child protection criteria and expertise.", "But Portugal also believes that the Council needs to find a solution to consider targeted measures for perpetrators of grave violations against children in situations where a dedicated sanctions committee does not exist. We welcome the discussion that will take place in the Working Group on Children and Armed Conflict on options to increase pressure on persistent perpetrators of acts committed against children in situations of armed conflict.", "The advocacy and dedication of the Special Representative of the Secretary-General and her Office have been crucial in promoting this agenda. Let me welcome the five field trips that she undertook since the last debate (see S/PV.6341) and the commitments reached in each and every place she visited. Portugal supports the renewal of her mandate. That mandate has helped to foster progress on the promotion and protection of the rights of children.", "Let me conclude by underlining that much has been done since 1996, when Graça Machel’s report (see A/51/306) on the impact of armed conflict on children revealed the suffering of children in situations of armed conflict throughout the world. This study is clearly the foundation for the children in armed conflict agenda, but each resolution adopted by the Security Council has reinforced the children’s protection framework. I hope that this open debate and the resolution that we have just adopted will be useful tools in assisting the work of the Council and that of the Special Representative of the Secretary-General in the discharge of her mandate.", "The harmful and widespread impact of armed conflict on children and its long-term consequences for durable peace, security and development are nowadays widely recognized. As Graça Machel said in 1996, the impact of armed conflict on children must be everyone’s responsibility. It still is.", "Sir Mark Lyall Grant (United Kingdom): I would like to join other speakers in thanking you, Mr. President, for convening today’s debate. We welcome the international attention that Germany has brought to this issue, both in its role as President of the Security Council and in its chairmanship of the Working Group on Children and Armed Conflict. We are grateful for the statement of commitment from the Secretary-General this morning and for the briefings from Ms. Radhika Coomaraswamy, his Special Representative for Children and Armed Conflict, and from Mr. Anthony Lake, Executive Director of UNICEF. Let me express my particular appreciation for the work of Ms. Coomaraswamy. We are very grateful for her efforts to help children across the globe and for the leadership that she has brought to this dossier.", "I would like to focus on three topics — ambition, practical action and the importance of addressing attacks on education.", "First, our ambitions for this agenda must remain high. United Nations efforts to help children affected by armed conflict can, in many situations, work and work well. In the Sudan and Afghanistan, we look forward to the implementation of new action plans to release and reintegrate children recruited and caught up in fighting.", "We can highlight specific results, such as the release of almost 3,000 children in Nepal in 2010 and the reintegration of 191 children in Chad this year. But there are also areas where progress has been much slower. In the Democratic Republic of the Congo, we need to generate far greater momentum to release child soldiers, including those associated with the Forces Armées de la République Démocratique du Congo. In Burma, the United Nations needs to be granted greater access to monitor and report on abuses against children, particularly in areas of ethnic conflict.", "In the five years following the adoption of resolution 1379 (2001), two-thirds of the world’s child population were living in the 42 countries most affected by violence and conflict. In a series of resolutions, Member States have demonstrated the courage to tackle violations of children’s rights globally. Resolution 1998 (2011), which we have adopted today, marks another important step forward, but it should not mark the end of our ambition.", "Secondly, we should continue to focus our efforts on practical action. The preparation and implementation of country action plans remain the most effective tool for releasing children. It is here that we should focus much of our effort. Of course, we must carefully consider the context before deciding which actions to take. No two countries are the same, so the Working Group and country task forces must constantly be searching for new and innovative methods to make the maximum difference on the ground. We welcome the increased use of field visits, for example, which have been shown to be an effective tool in informing the decisions of the Working Group and bringing about increased local dialogue.", "Thirdly, I welcome the focus of our new resolution on addressing attacks on schools and hospitals. Denying children access to education is in itself a violation of their human rights; it also robs them of the ability to understand and claim their wider rights. Safe schools can deliver life-saving advice in conflict zones. Attending school can keep children from more dangerous livelihoods. It can help prevent conflict in the longer term by reducing youth employment and ensuring that young people are not disenfranchised from society. We hope that this addition will strengthen our efforts to reduce attacks on children and improve their lives.", "United Nations action on children and armed conflict works, and it works best when we are practically, not institutionally or theoretically, focused. That is why it is right to maintain and increase our ambition, including by expanding children and armed conflict work to cover the important topic of attacks on education, as we have done today.", "Mrs. Viotti (Brazil): I would like to congratulate you, Sir, on convening this important debate. I thank the Secretary-General for his remarks, and I am also grateful to Ms. Radhika Coomaraswamy and to Mr. Anthony Lake for their presentations today and for their invaluable work on this important issue.", "Shielding children from the horrors of conflict is an important dimension of the Council’s efforts to protect civilians, to break the cycle of conflict and to establish sustainable peace. We welcome resolution 1998 (2011), adopted today, and its focus on addressing attacks against schools and hospitals. Education and health are basic human rights and building blocks of peaceful societies. To attack them is to attack the very notion of human dignity.", "The Council has developed an important body of norms on children and armed conflict that constitute useful tools to protect civilians. They have led to progress in curbing grave violations against children. Nevertheless, much remains to be done to make our work both more efficient and more effective. We commend the German chairmanship of the Working Group on Children and Armed Conflict and support a continued reflection on how to better use the tools at the Group’s disposal to protect children.", "When dealing with situations of armed conflict, respect for international humanitarian law must be our core concern. It is neither necessary nor desirable for the Council to create a new set of norms to discipline the actions of parties in conflict. In cases where international humanitarian law is being violated, the Council may decide that a more direct involvement is necessary to protect the most vulnerable.", "International humanitarian law is clear in regard to attacks on schools and hospitals. Teachers, students, patients and medical personnel are civilians and therefore protected persons under international humanitarian law. The Council has time and again reiterated the responsibility of all parties to conflict to protect civilians. We must avoid selectivity and be consistent in our demands for strict observance of international humanitarian law.", "In cases outside the purview of the Council, where there is no armed conflict, Member States should support national and international mechanisms to promote children’s rights. Where, in turn, there is an armed conflict, the Council’s efforts to protect children must be closely linked to its broader goal to maintain international peace and security. The signing of action plans and the release of child soldiers are very important achievements, but our ultimate goal must be to end the conflicts that have given rise to such violations.", "Sustainable peace is the best guarantee of lasting protection. Brazil will continue to firmly support the Council’s efforts both to ensure the protection of children in armed conflict and to help lay the foundations of long-term peace.", "Mr. Pankin (Russian Federation) (spoke in Russian): We are pleased to welcome you, Sir, the Minister for Foreign Affairs of your country, to the President’s chair at this Security Council meeting, and thank our German colleagues for taking the initiative to hold this meeting and for their very professional chairmanship of the Council’s Working Group on Children and Armed Conflict. We are grateful to the Secretary-General, Mr. Ban Ki-moon; his Special Representative for Children and Armed Conflict, Mrs. Radhika Coomaraswamy; and the Executive Director of UNICEF, Mr. Anthony Lake, for their attention to the problem of protecting children in armed conflict and for their useful information on the state of affairs in this area.", "Despite all the steps being undertaken at the international and national levels and the existence of a broad international legal basis, we note that children continue to be one of the most vulnerable groups suffering in armed conflicts. The Security Council, within the framework of its mandate to promote international peace and security, grants significant attention to this issue. In this regard, we welcome the adoption of resolution 1998 (2011) today, and hope that its implementation will contribute to enhancing the system for protecting children and international cooperation in this area as a whole.", "However, we would like to point out that the task of protecting children is system-wide in nature, and it is important that the work done in this area be well coordinated. That will enhance its effectiveness and prevent any duplication of efforts, because these questions are also handled by the General Assembly, the Human Rights Council and the Peacebuilding Commission, within their respective mandates. There is a clear need, therefore, to respect the existing system of burden-sharing among the various United Nations bodies, in accordance with the Charter and other international legal instruments. Significant work is also being undertaken in this area by several international organizations within the United Nations system, in particular UNICEF.", "Resolution 1612 (2005) laid the basis for protecting children during armed conflicts and the post-conflict reconstruction process, including through the monitoring and accountability mechanism and the work of the Working Group on Children and Armed Conflict. We believe that those instruments should focus principally on the most severe and large-scale armed conflicts on the agenda of the Security Council, including situations where States agree to their case being considered by the Working Group. In this context, it is particularly important to establish close cooperation, dialogue and trust, which should help to improve the situation of children on the ground.", "We have closely studied the report of the Secretary-General (S/2011/250), and we note that it contains a wealth of information. Nevertheless, we must once again point out the doubtful reliability of some of the evidence referred to in the report. Clearly, a balanced assessment based on objective and reliable information will guarantee further practical implementation of the recommendations contained in the report. We express our concern at the loose interpretation of what is meant by “armed conflict” in the report. This leads the report to include references to situations of concern. In this context we would like to point out that there is no justification for the references in the report to India, Pakistan, Thailand, the Philippines and Haiti. The situations in those countries cannot be called armed conflicts.", "The work on the report and on the draft resolution has shown — as have the discussions — that many countries have problems as to how the Special Representative of the Secretary-General on Children and Armed Conflict is actually implementing some aspects of her mandate. We believe that the time has now come for a broad discussion of this issue in order to answer Governments’ concerns.", "With regard to the recommendations in the report of the Secretary-General, we support the idea of the need to give equal attention to all six categories of serious violations of children. Crimes against children must not go unpunished.", "It is also necessary to take long-term measures for the rehabilitation of children who are affected by conflicts and for their reintegration into society. It is extremely important in this connection to establish the right conditions for children to obtain uninterrupted and complete education, and also to have access to comprehensive health care.", "Finally, it is important to consistently enhance the mechanisms for bringing to justice those who are guilty of violating the rights of children. I repeat, impunity is not acceptable.", "We strongly condemn the killing and maiming of children, both during planned attacks and as a result of indiscriminate or excessive use of force. Despite the additional measures being taken to prevent this from happening, including by international military presence, they occur with tragic regularity. We believe it is unacceptable to try to describe the victims among civilian populations, particularly children, as collateral damage. That contradicts the provisions of the Geneva Convention. We advocate careful investigation of such incidents and punishment for the guilty.", "Nor is it acceptable that children should continue to be detained in military prisons of international forces without having access to the civil justice system. We call on the Special Representative of the Secretary-General on Children and Armed Conflict to give particular attention to this issue.", "In conclusion, I would like to express again the view that effective cooperation, including in the area of protection of children, is impossible without cooperation with the Governments of countries involved in conflicts or in the post-conflict reconstruction stage. In that context we stress the importance of cooperation between United Nations missions and United Nations country teams with non‑State armed groups must take place only with the agreement of the Governments involved in those conflicts.", "Mr. Salam (Lebanon): Allow me at the outset to thank Minister Westerwelle for his presence here to preside over this important meeting. I also wish to thank Secretary-General Ban, the Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Children and Armed Conflict, Ms. Coomaraswamy, and the Executive Director of UNICEF, Mr. Lake, for their comprehensive briefings.", "Confronted with the dehumanizing effect of force, children are too often robbed of their childhood. The front lines of conflict bring them face to face with the absurd horrors of war and threaten their education, health care and the most basic human right — the right to life.", "Though notable progress has been made at the normative level and in some specific contexts, the overall situation of children in armed conflicts remains troubling, as outlined in the report of the Secretary-General (S/2011/250). We condemn all indiscriminate and disproportionate use of force against children, and we call on all parties in situations of armed conflict to strictly adhere to international humanitarian law.", "Attacks against schools and hospitals are a growing trend, as evidenced in the Secretary-General’s report. Lebanon had first-hand experience of attacks on its schools and hospitals during the last war waged by Israel, in 2006. By introducing a new criterion —attacks on hospitals and schools — for listing parties to armed conflicts in the annexes of the Secretary-General’s annual reports, the resolution before us makes critical progress in the protection of children in armed conflict. It sends a clear warning to perpetrators about the serious consequences of committing such violations.", "Targeting schools also has far-reaching and damaging repercussions on development. Indeed, the World Bank, in its report on education in the Middle East and North Africa, argued that the provision of education, particularly for girls, is the single most effective intervention that countries can make to improve human development and to tackle conditions of fragility.", "In a more comprehensive manner, we believe that the six grave violations enumerated in resolution 1612 (2005) are of equal gravity and should be accorded the same attention by the Working Group. These are: killing and maiming of children, recruitment and use of child soldiers, rape and other forms of sexual violence against children, abduction of children, attacks against schools or hospitals, and denial of humanitarian access to children. We look forward to the day when the criteria for listing in the annexes of the Secretary-General’s report will be extended to all these six violations.", "Looking ahead, we wish to stress first that the introduction of new listing criteria will require the provision of accurate and verifiable information to the Council — which will further strengthen the reporting and monitoring mechanism already in place — in close cooperation with the local authorities. Secondly, we underscore the importance of a more effective follow-up to the implementation of the recommendations of the Working Group and the Group’s swift response to urgent situations in which children are affected on a large scale. Thirdly, accountability relating to crimes against children in armed conflicts remains the exception. The United Nations could play a crucial role in that respect through providing capacity-building and coordinated support to fragile States in the field of the rule of law.", "I wish to conclude by recognizing the role that education can play in fostering the value of peace, tolerance and inclusiveness as the most effective way to prevent conflict, protect children and heal them of the traumas of war.", "Mr. Araud (France) (spoke in French): I align myself with the statement to be made on behalf of the European Union.", "I wish to thank the Minister for Foreign Affairs of Germany for his initiative to convene the Security Council to consider the issue of children and armed conflict.", "This morning the Council is showing that it is determined to ensure respect for the right to education and health in armed conflict. Attacks against schools and hospitals and their staff are prohibited under international humanitarian law. During conflicts they destroy infrastructure and wipe out the elite that are vital for any country. Following conflicts such attacks have a lasting impact on the country’s reconstruction.", "The Security Council is today sending a clear message to parties to conflicts who commit such attacks by deciding to act on the basis of information provided by the Secretariat. That is significant progress. It responds, first, to the increase in attacks against schools and hospitals and their staff that have been seen on the ground, as has been demonstrated by the situations in Afghanistan, Pakistan and Syria. But it is also a response to the awareness among the international community that has followed the presentation of the UNESCO report, The Hidden Crisis: armed conflict and education, which showed that 28 million children were deprived of basic education in countries in conflict. That report also evidenced the contribution made by the World Health Organization.", "In the absence of progress, we must not hesitate to implement robust and targeted sanctions. The Security Council’s Working Group on Children and Armed Conflict is to consider this issue in order to present specific recommendations to the Council within a year. In the context of this exercise we emphasize two aspects.", "First is improving the overall coherence of the sanctions systems architecture in order to enhance the credibility of the Security Council’s actions.", "Secondly, with respect to enhancing the links between the Working Group and the international criminal justice system, we welcome the contribution made by the International Criminal Court to combating impunity, as evidenced by the ongoing trial of Thomas Lubanga on charges of war crimes. We call on civil society and non-governmental organizations to continue to provide material for consideration by States.", "We also pay tribute to the work of the Secretary-General and of his Special Representative for Children and Armed Conflict. We endorse the analysis and the recommendations contained in the report of the Secretary-General. We commend the personal commitment of the Secretary-General to protecting children in armed conflict as well as the work of his Special Representative, Ms. Radhika Coomaraswamy.", "We share the goal of the United Nations of achieving a world without child soldiers within 25 years. That is an ambitious but realistic goal. It is estimated that there are 250,000 child soldiers worldwide, and UNICEF is contributing to the reintegration of approximately 10,000 of them each year. Major challenges remain in terms of addressing the broad-ranging issues of sexual violence and the killing and maiming of children. To facilitate the implementation of resolution 1882 (2009), we call on the Secretary-General to provide the necessary resources to the monitoring and reporting mechanism and for the dissemination of information, as well as to take into account the cross-border aspect of certain conflicts, as was done in the process of fighting against the Lord’s Resistance Army.", "We commend the signing of the action plans in Afghanistan and in Chad, and we call on the Democratic Republic of the Congo and Burma to complete their own such plans, in coordination with the United Nations.", "With regard to the support provided by the Secretariat to the Working Group of the Security Council, we thank the Secretary-General for the administrative support, and we look forward to the continuation of country visits by the Working Group at the current pace, following those to Nepal in 2010 and to Afghanistan in 2011. We hope that such missions will be financed as new measures under the regular budget for 2012-2013, which will be adopted in the fall.", "Together with the Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Children and Armed Conflict, UNICEF and our partners in the steering committee, we will convene the fourth ministerial follow-up Forum on the Paris Commitments and the Paris Principles, to be held on the margins of the ministerial-level meeting of the General Assembly in September.", "Finally, I should like to pay tribute to the Ambassador of Germany, Mr. Peter Wittig, for his outstanding chairmanship of the Security Council Working Group on Children and Armed Conflict.", "Mrs. Ogwu (Nigeria): Let me convey Nigeria’s profound appreciation to the German presidency of the Security Council for having convened this timely meeting on children and armed conflict. I commend your personal leadership, Mr. President, in planning and organizing this important meeting. Germany has not only demonstrated excellent leadership of the Security Council Working Group on Children and Armed Conflict, it has also taken a determined stance on compelling moral issues, including attacks on schools and hospitals in situations of armed conflict.", "Let me also add Nigeria’s voice to those who have expressed appreciation to Special Representative of the Secretary-General Coomaraswamy and Executive Director Anthony Lake for their inspiring statements. I must also thank the Secretary-General and his team for the painstaking and lucid report (S/2011/250) on the subject.", "Over the past 12 years, significant progress has been made in identifying children at risk and engaging with those who would otherwise threaten their well-being and reintegrating and rehabilitating children who have been affected by war.", "The development of the monitoring and reporting system, the steady growth in the implementation of action plans and the refocusing on the fundamental principles of international humanitarian law have in many instances made the world a safer, if not more peaceful, place for children.", "In spite of these notable improvements, several challenges still exist. Of particular concern to most delegations, including mine, is the troubling trend of attacks and other violations against schools, hospitals, pupils and staff. It is critical that parties to armed conflict are made to recognize the special status such institutions enjoy as safe havens in time of conflict. That status must be inviolate. It must be inviolate, as impeded access to health care and education will have devastating and long-lasting humanitarian consequences. In protecting these safe havens, we recognize the human rights to education and health as enshrined in the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights and the Convention on the Rights of the Child.", "There is indeed an accountability gap for violations against children affected by armed conflict, which we should breach. Impunity for violations against children, which remains an ever-present feature of conflicts, is a symptom of a wider issue of capacity. States involved in conflict are resource-starved and therefore lack the manpower to devote to the investigation of crimes against children. It is the obligation of the international community to adequately resource such Governments, provide the necessary technical assistance and guidance for the drafting and implementation of national action plans.", "In addition, justice-sector capacity-building should constitute a vital part of our peacekeeping activity. In support of national efforts, the Security Council should be unremitting in applying these targeted measures against the perpetrators of grave violations against children. We must remain open to ensuring that the work of the Working Group benefits our wider policy bodies, including the sanctions committees, where appropriate. It is our sincere hope that the resolution adopted today will move beyond the incremental improvements made thus far and breach the accountability gap once and for all.", "Nigeria unequivocally endorses the cooperative approach to child protection that features prominently in the report of the Secretary-General. We are unequivocal in our support for the highly effective partnership between the Special Representative of the Secretary-General on Children and Armed Conflict and the Special Representative of the Secretary-General on Sexual Violence in Conflict, as well as the functional partnerships between UNICEF and the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights.", "The in-country task forces, peacekeeping operations and special political and peacebuilding missions should also be commended for their efforts to systematize approaches to child protection within their respective mandates. Their engagement with civil society and State actors is a prerequisite for long-term improvement in this regard. A notable model for such cooperation is the United Nations regional strategy on the protection of children affected by the Lord’s Resistance Army.", "Nigeria is a signatory to the Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child on the involvement of children in armed conflict and a founding signatory to the recent N’Djamena Declaration. We believe that these actions underscore our commitment to standards for the protection of children, particularly those who are vulnerable to armed conflict. We are and will remain an active participant in the effort to shield our young people, enforce their rights and, more importantly, to hold accountable those who violate those rights. It is our collective duty, we believe, and our vocation to protect the innocent and the vulnerable from the ravages of war. It may be helpful for us Council members to consider ourselves in loco parentis. We are, in fact, part of the larger community that it takes to raise and protect each and every child. Accordingly, we must all be watchful, vigilant and even fierce in our commitment to keep armed conflict from indelibly scarring our youth.", "Mr. Moungara Moussotsi (Gabon) (spoke in French): Mr. President, your country’s excellent stewardship of the Working Group on Children and Armed Conflict attests to your leadership and deep interest in the fate of children and armed conflict. The organization of this debate confirms Germany’s commitment to this important issue.", "We thank the Secretary-General for his important statement on this issue early in the debate. We also express our gratitude to Ms. Coomaraswamy for the skill with which she is discharging her duty to provide greater protection for children affected by conflict, and for the highly useful information she has shared with us. Finally, we welcome the presence of the Executive Director of UNICEF, Mr. Anthony Lake, and reiterate our support for the significant contribution of his institution to the defence of the cause of children in general, and those affected by conflict in particular.", "Today’s debate is taking place in the overall context of the Security Council’s action to protect civilian populations in armed conflict. As noted in the Secretary-General’s report (S/2011/250), thousands of children continue to fall victim to serious violations of international law in conflict zones. Gabon firmly condemns such violations, particularly the recruitment and use of child soldiers, murder, kidnapping, rape and other forms of sexual violence, the denial of access to humanitarian assistance, and attacks on schools and hospitals. These serious crimes committed by Government or armed non-State forces violate the provisions of international law and the relevant resolutions of the Security Council, including resolution 1612 (2005).", "We should like to make two observations — the first with respect to the progress achieved in the Council’s normative action to protect children, and the second concerning the challenges we continue to face in protecting children in the field.", "Turning first to the normative framework, we applaud the considerable headway achieved since the adoption of resolutions 1379 (2001), 1539 (2004) and, most particularly, 1612 (2005), establishing the monitoring and reporting mechanism. Since the adoption of resolution 1882 (2009), the Security Council has been able to refer to lists, annexed to the reports of the Secretary-General, of parties to armed conflict who commit the murder and maiming of children, rape and other forms of sexual violence. Together, these measures constitute an effective architecture for raising the awareness of all parties to conflict on the gravity of the crimes they may commit. Such measures are also deterrent in terms of the sanctions which their perpetrators run the risk of incurring.", "This progress has also strengthened the activities of peace missions and facilitated the work of the principal actors on the ground. In that regard, we stress the key role played by advisers in the protection component of peace missions. We point to the success achieved in Chad, the Sudan, the Central African Republic and, most especially, the Democratic Republic of the Congo thanks to the joint activities of the United Nations Organization Stabilization Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo and UNICEF that contributed to the liberation of many child soldiers.", "The progress we have made should not make us lose sight of the various challenges remaining ahead in ensuring the more effective protection of children in situations of armed conflict. In that regard, I would raise two specific issues.", "First, it is deplorable that certain Governments remain strongly resistant to the possibility of engaging in constructive dialogue with the United Nations with a view to signing an action plan geared to ending violence against children in armed conflict. It is also regrettable to note that increasing numbers of parties to conflict are targeting public institutions, such as schools and hospitals that shelter children, teachers and medical staff. Gabon therefore supports your initiative, Sir, of considering the inclusion of attacks on children in schools and hospitals on the list of criteria for listing persons accused of serious violations against children in the annexes of the Secretary-General’s reports.", "In conclusion, we express our desire to see the Security Council’s action to protect children in armed conflict subject to ongoing evaluation and strengthening in order to make our struggle against the impunity of offenders more effective, especially with regard to the heinous crimes perpetrated against children. Gabon will continue to support the international community’s fight against the use of children in armed conflict and all forms of abuse, violence and deprivation to which they are subject.", "Mr. Hardeep Singh Puri (India): I, too, would like to express our appreciation for Germany’s able stewardship of the Working Group on Children and Armed Conflict and its organization of today’s debate.", "Rabindranath Tagore, the national poet of India, said that “every child comes with the message that God is not yet discouraged of man”. Children constitute one-third of humankind — the most important third. They are also the weakest and therefore the most susceptible to suffering. If we are to be judged by how we treat the weakest among us, then we have a lot to account for.", "Children continue to suffer appallingly from violence, hunger and illness. What is perhaps most tragic is the manner in which millions of children are condemned to live their lives on the margins, bereft of opportunity and sometimes of hope. They do so as other, more fortunate children embark upon lives of unprecedented prosperity and promise.", "President Nelson Mandela has said that “we owe our children, the most vulnerable citizens in our society, a life free of violence and fear”. This is, in some ways, the primary responsibility of every Government — the most important element of the social contract between Governments and citizens. The work of the United Nations on children in general, and on children and armed conflict in particular, is therefore among its most important activities.", "India believes that the international community has the responsibility and, indeed, the obligation to do its utmost to provide succour to children affected by armed conflict. We have engaged constructively in the ongoing efforts to make the work of the United Nations more relevant and effective in this area. We strongly support the Working Group on Children and Armed Conflict. We have participated actively in its deliberations and will continue to contribute to the strengthening of a regime that protects children in situations of armed conflict.", "The work being done by the international community in this area is in some ways on the cutting edge of international politics and international law. We need to move forward with deliberation, taking into account the concerns and experiences of Member States. India has a number of concerns about the manner in which Security Council resolutions in this area are being interpreted. Several representatives who have spoken before me have raised the same concerns.", "My delegation believes that the provisions of the Charter of the United Nations must be followed consistently and scrupulously. Member States should not outsource the exercise of their basic prerogatives and responsibilities to international civil servants. The actions of the international community that have legal and judicial characteristics must be in accordance with the doctrine of natural justice and separation of powers. The principle of audi alteram partem — or “hear the other side” — must be adhered to. Mandate creep must be checked and countered.", "India deplores grave violations and crimes committed against children during war. We have ratified the Convention on the Rights of the Child and its Optional Protocols, and are committed to the norms and practices associated with this international regime.", "The Government of India accords the highest priority to ensuring that the rights of children in India are protected. Nineteen per cent of the world’s children are Indian, and we have created a legal and institutional framework to protect and promote their rights and their well-being. A national charter for children has been adopted. Free and compulsory education up to the age of 14 years has been declared a fundamental right that is enforceable. A National Commission for the Protection of Children has also been set up and a national plan of action for children has been adopted.", "The Government of India is committed to creating, through these and other initiatives, a protective environment for children. In this connection, I would also like to point out that Indian civil society is an integral part of that framework. We consider civil society to be a valued partner in our national and international efforts on children’s issues.", "India has been at the forefront of converting the Council’s word into deed through its peacekeeping mandates. More than 100,000 Indian troops and police officers have participated in peacekeeping operations over the past five decades. Based on our experience on the ground, we would like to emphasize that the central challenge to the implementation of the Council’s mandates is the question of resources.", "I am sure that Special Representative Coomaraswamy, whose zeal is remarkable, will agree with me when I say that peacekeeping missions require more child protection advisers with more resources. My country would encourage the Special Representative to work with national authorities in developing capacities to deal with children in armed conflict. We believe that support for efforts by national authorities to end impunity and ensure accountability should be a key focus area.", "The monitoring and reporting mechanism requires the involvement of Member States and close supervision by them in order to ensure veracity and credibility. We expect that the processes of data collection and analysis and of listing and de-listing will be carried out in a transparent and judicious manner under the close supervision of Member States.", "Vast numbers of children are affected and traumatized by armed conflict. However, we cannot lose sight of the economic and social marginalization of the poorest nations that is driving hundreds of millions of children towards childhoods that could well make them part of tomorrow’s problems rather than tomorrow’s solutions. We need to address this broader picture of the destitution and desperation that claim even more lives than armed conflict and often pave the way for a fresh cycle of violence. This dynamic, unfortunately, neither attracts international media attention nor appears on the Security Council’s agenda. Nevertheless, in our discussions here the Council must ensure its clear focus in order not to lose sight of the emergency before it, which constitutes a global challenge.", "In concluding, I would like to quote an English author who said that “children begin by loving their parents; after a time, they judge them; rarely, if ever, do they forgive them”. We must not be found lacking in our efforts if we expect any chance of forgiveness from the children of our future.", "Mr. Wang Min (China) (spoke in Chinese): I welcome Germany’s initiative to convene today’s meeting. I thank Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon for his statement, as well as Special Representative of the Secretary-General Ms. Radhika Coomaraswamy and UNICEF Executive Director Mr. Anthony Lake for their respective briefings.", "China attaches the utmost importance to the issue of the protection of children affected by armed conflict. China rejects the recruitment and use of child soldiers and other acts that violate the rights of children in armed conflict. China supports the continued efforts of relevant United Nations bodies to protect children affected by armed conflict in accordance with their respective mandates and based on their advantages and strengths. In this connection, I would like to emphasize the four following points.", "First, in order to ensure that children affected by armed conflict are protected against harm, the issue must be tackled from its root causes. More attention should be focused on the prevention, control and elimination of armed conflicts. The Security Council should effectively implement its primary responsibility to maintain international peace and security. It should strengthen preventive diplomacy to encourage and support the peaceful settlement of disputes by the parties through good offices, mediation, dialogue, negotiation and reconciliation, and should work to reduce and respond in a timely and appropriate manner to situations of conflict so as to create a safe and favourable environment for the healthy development of children.", "Secondly, the mandates of Security Council resolutions must be strictly implemented, in accordance with provisions of the Charter as well as of relevant Security Council resolutions. The Council should give priority attention to the issue of children affected by armed conflict. China supports the important role of the Special Representative on the issue of the protection of children affected by armed conflict, in accordance with the Council’s mandate.", "Since armed conflicts have varied causes, protection measures for children affected by armed conflict should be established based on relevant factors of each particular situation. There is no on-size-fits-all solution. Sanctions remain the choice of last resort at the Council’s disposal to address situations that pose a threat to international peace and security. China has always advocated caution in adopting sanction measures.", "Thirdly, efforts should be made to ensure the effectiveness of various programmes and plans to protect children while adhering to the principle of national ownership. Governments bear the primary responsibility to protect children affected by armed conflict. The actions of relevant United Nations entities are meant to support and supplement Government actions. The Security Council and its Working Group in Children and Armed Conflict should strengthen communication with the Governments concerned. The Secretary-General and his Special Representative should establish a channel for sharing information at the earliest possible moment and maintain contact thereafter. The Council should consider the information provided by all the relevant parties to an armed conflict, particularly that of the Government.", "Fourthly, the long-term impact of armed conflict on children must be addressed seriously. Comprehensive measures must be adopted to ensure the return of children affected by armed conflict to society and the resumption of their normal life. In promoting post-conflict reconstruction, the international community should ensure the return of children to their families, schools and societies as a priority matter. In this connection, the international community must provide sufficient resources, scale up development assistance and redouble efforts in the areas of poverty elimination, universal education and the promotion of sustainable development in order to provide safe and favourable conditions for the development of children.", "The President: I give the floor to the representative of Italy.", "Mr. Ragaglini (Italy): I wish to thank you, Sir, for convening this open debate on children and armed conflict. I also would like to commend Germany’s leadership role as Chair of the Security Council Working Group on Children and Armed Conflict. Let me express my deep appreciation to the Secretary-General, to his Special Representative, Ms. Radhika Coomaraswamy, and to the Executive Director of UNICEF, Mr. Anthony Lake, for their commitment to defending and promoting the rights of children who fall victim to armed conflicts.", "In taking the floor, Italy endorses the statement to be delivered by the European Union. We also support the comments made by Canada on behalf the Group of Friends of Children and Armed Conflict, of which Italy is a member.", "The protection of children’s rights during armed conflicts is one of Italy’s foreign policy priorities. We have consistently advocated greater commitment by the Security Council to address this scourge. We welcome the steady progress achieved in strengthening the protection framework. Resolution 1998 (2011), adopted today — which Italy is proud to have co‑sponsored — confirms this trend. The decision to include attacks against schools and hospitals and attacks or threats of attacks against protected persons in relation to schools and hospitals as new listing criteria for the annexes of the Secretary General’s reports is indeed a vital step towards comprehensive protection of children from all grave violations.", "Italy welcomes the Secretary-General’s report (S/2011/250) and strongly endorses its recommendations. We join other delegations in calling on the Security Council to adopt more vigorous measures against persistent violators. Impunity can seriously undermine the credibility of the protection system we have created. Relevant sanctions committees must address this issue within their respective mandates. In cases where sanctions committees are not established, the Council should consider how to tackle the accountability gap.", "Cooperation with the International Criminal Court is also key. Monitoring and ensuring adequate follow-up to the conclusions of the Working Group on Children and Armed Conflict is another important aspect.", "We attach great importance to action plans. We welcome the recent signing of plans in Afghanistan, for example, and urge Governments to give concrete follow-up to their commitments.", "The Child Protection Advisers of United Nations missions also perform essential duties. Adequate training in child protection is one of the core recommendations expressed in the Secretary General’s report. Italy is supporting an initiative by the Department of Peacekeeping Operations, in cooperation with the Office of the Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Children and Armed Conflict, UNICEF and Save the Children, to develop a comprehensive and systematic training programme on child protection and child rights for all peacekeeping personnel. We hope that other donors will join us in supporting this strategic project.", "I conclude by expressing our strong support for the United Nations campaign for the universal ratification of the Optional Protocols to the Convention on the Rights of the Child. Important results have been achieved since its launching in 2010. We believe that universal ratification is an ambitious but realistic goal. It would reflect our determination to put an end to the worst violations of the rights of the child, which violations are also a major threat to the stability and welfare of our societies.", "The President (spoke in Spanish): I now give the floor to the representative of Mexico.", "Mr. Heller (Mexico) (spoke in Spanish): I would like to thank the Minister for Foreign Affairs of Germany, Mr. Guido Westerwelle, for convening this important debate, and to congratulate his delegation on assuming the presidency of the Security Council during the month of July and the chairmanship of the Working Group on Children and Armed Conflict. Mexico had the honour of chairing the Working Group during its term as non-permanent member of the Security Council in the biennium 2009-2010. We are well aware of the responsibilities involved.", "Resolution 1998 (2011), adopted this morning, represents a positive step, as it gives both the Security Council and the Special Representative of the Secretary-General better tools with which to respond to the serious violations that, regrettably, are committed against thousands of children in armed conflicts in various parts of the world.", "Over recent years the Security Council has contributed to improving the United Nations capacities in the comprehensive protection of children in armed conflicts. Resolution 1882 (2009) broadened the criteria whereby parties to a conflict can be listed in the annexes to the Secretary-General’s reports to include sexual violence and the killing and maiming of children. Resolution 1998 (2011) includes an additional criterion: cases of attacks against schools and hospitals and attacks or threats of attack against protected persons in relation to schools and hospitals.", "This new criterion is particularly important, considering that attacks against schools and hospitals not only threaten thousands of children, teachers, doctors and support staff but also represent an attack on the future of societies, depriving boys and girls of the inalienable right to education and health and therefore undermining the development of the country.", "The Security Council has reaffirmed today its unequivocal commitment to protect children in situations of armed conflicts and is sending a clear message that the commitments imposed on parties by international law regarding the security and well-being of children must be respected and all abuses of or violence against children avoided.", "Nevertheless, such violations will continue to be committed as long as we do not sanction those responsible for those crimes and do not fight impunity at all levels. It is important that national authorities and the parties concerned take the relevant legal measures to bring those responsible to justice.", "Combating impunity must go hand-in-hand with the process of reintegrating and caring for children affected by armed conflict. In this context, the Security Council must ensure that the sanctions committees view the protection of children as a core element of their mandates, and the Council must analyze in detail the cases where specific committees do not exist so as to adopt the necessary measures against those who are responsible for systematic violations against children.", "Mexico recognizes the importance of bolstering the mechanisms that are available to the Working Group in order to improve its effectiveness and to contribute to the effective implementation of its recommendations. We consider that the Working Group should use all the tools available to it in an efficient way, including regular field visits and emergency or informal meetings in the case of serious violations at the request of the Chairman or any member of the Working Group. Also, the Security Council must continue to strengthen the mandates of peace missions for the protection of children by deploying advisers and establishing reintegration and support programmes for victims of sexual violence.", "Finally, I would like to recognize especially the extraordinary work of Special Representative Radhika Coomaraswamy and her team, as well as Mr. Anthony Lake and the officials of UNICEF, who together with civil society are implementing this mechanism and are working tirelessly on this priority issue on the international agenda.", "The President: I now give the floor to the representative of Canada.", "Mr. Rivard (Canada): First, I would like to thank Germany for convening today’s open debate and to commend their leadership in protecting children in conflict.", "Let me also say a few words on behalf of the Group of Friends of Children and Armed Conflict, an informal network of 38 interested Member States.", "The Friends Group is pleased with the work undertaken by the Security Council in the past few years in progressively strengthening the protection framework for children affected by armed conflict. We also commend the work of the Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Children and Armed Conflict for her work to ensure that children experience the full protection of all human rights in situations related to armed conflict, and the dedicated work of UNICEF in this regard.", "Members of the Friends Group have reliably called on the Security Council to further strengthen its protection framework and have consistently called for all six grave violations committed against children in armed conflict to be included among the listing criteria established by resolution 1612 (2005). The Friends Group has supported a progressive approach in this regard and therefore commends the Security Council for filling an important gap in the child protection framework by including attacks on schools and hospitals as the latest trigger through resolution 1998 (2011), adopted today.", "For the Friends Group, a new trigger such as this includes in the annexes to the Secretary-General’s reports not only those parties to armed conflict who, in contravention of applicable international law, engage in attacks on schools and hospitals, but also those who engage in threats or attacks against schoolchildren, patients, and education or medical personnel. In addition, a new trigger such as this would include United Nations country-level task forces monitoring attacks on schools or hospitals; threats or attacks against schoolchildren, patients, and education or medical personnel; and military use of and other relevant disruptions to educational and medical facilities. The Friends Group is pleased to see these measures included in the resolution adopted today.", "Although the Friends Group applauds the action taken by the Security Council so far in strengthening accountability for persistent perpetrators of grave violations against children, we call for three types of further decisive action against such perpetrators. First, we urge the Security Council to ensure that grave violations against children trigger the imposition of sanctions when mandates are established or renewed for relevant sanctions committees, as agreed in the presidential statement of 16 June 2010 (S/PRST/2010/10).", "Secondly, we call on the Secretary-General to include in his annual reports actions taken by existing sanctions committees regarding such provisions, as well as proposals for additional steps to ensure perpetrators’ accountability.", "Thirdly, we remain concerned about the accountability gap, and call on national authorities and all concerned parties to take appropriate legal action against persistent perpetrators. The Friends Group also calls on the Security Council to take decisive action against all persistent perpetrators listed in annex I of the Secretary-General’s reports and, in cases where there is no designated sanctions committee, to consider how to address that gap through proactive means.", "Lastly, the Friends Group has stressed the importance of follow-up regarding the implementation of the Working Group’s recommendations, as called for in resolution 1882 (2009). We call on all parties to conflicts, including non-State actors, to follow up and implement the recommendations of the Working Group.", "(spoke in French)", "In my capacity as representative of Canada, I would like to formally welcome the Secretary-General’s annual report on children and armed conflict (S/2011/250). This debate is an opportunity once again to bring to the Security Council’s attention the seriousness of the acts of violence that continue to be perpetrated against children.", "We firmly believe that today’s adoption of a new resolution on children and armed conflict will highlight the gravity of the attacks being made on schools and hospitals. With this additional trigger, strong support on the part of the international community will be needed for the monitoring and reporting mechanism country teams to track attacks on schools and hospitals on a systematic and comprehensive basis. Canada believes that education is the strongest tool we can provide to children in order to improve their chances in the future. That is why one of Canada’s signature projects focuses on increasing access to education in Kandahar by investing up to $12 million in building, expanding and repairing 50 schools in selected districts of Kandahar province.", "We are also pleased that the Working Group on Children and Armed Conflict is actively seized of the issue of accountability. We therefore call on the Council and its relevant sanctions committees to impose sanctions more systematically so that perpetrators of grave violations against children may be held to account. As the Secretary-General has recommended, Canada urges the Council to take more vigorous and targeted measures against offenders who have been listed in the Secretary-General’s annual report for at least five years for committing grave violations against children. Canada also calls on the Working Group, in accordance with its mandate, to hold urgent or informal meetings in order to ensure a speedier response to new situations where grave violations are being committed against children in armed conflicts.", "Children’s rights are a priority of Canada’s foreign policy and international development aid. Canada will continue to play a strong role and to help contribute to concrete results both at the United Nations and on the ground in countries concerned.", "The President: I now give the floor to the representative of Slovenia.", "Ms. Štiglic (Slovenia): Allow me first to thank Germany for having organized this important open debate. I would also like to thank Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, his Special Representative for Children and Armed Conflict, and the Executive Director of UNICEF for their briefings and for their tireless efforts dedicated to protecting children affected by armed conflict. I would also like to align Slovenia with the statements of the European Union, the Human Security Network and the Group of Friends of Children and Armed Conflict.", "Today’s debate is based on the Secretary-General’s latest report (S/2011/250), which shows that 2010 was not a very positive year for children affected by armed conflict around the world. There have nevertheless been some improvements, among which I would like to highlight the signing of new action plans and the progress made in implementing existing action plans. We welcome the fact that the Special Representative for Children and Armed Conflict gave briefings to a sanctions committee that resulted in its adding the practice of recruiting and using children as a criterion for sanctions. We hope that this practice will be adopted by other committees.", "Although positive steps have been taken to hold persistent perpetrators of grave violations against children accountable, we believe that the Security Council should impose further targeted measures on such perpetrators that will prevent them from committing any other grave violations against children. Slovenia would also like to voice its support for the Secretary-General’s recommendation encouraging concerned Member States to facilitate contact between the United Nations and non-State actors in order to ensure broad and effective protection of children.", "We are pleased to see that the mechanism for protecting children affected by armed conflict that was developed subsequent to resolutions 1539 (2004) and 1612 (2005) has produced important and visible results. We would like to commend the Working Group, and in particular Germany and other previous Chairs of the Group, for the work it has done over the past five years. The Working Group has become a credible and well-established subsidiary body of the Council. We encourage it to use all the tools at its disposal, including more field visits and the organization of urgent or informal meetings, which will enable it to be even more responsive.", "Two-thirds of the country situations discussed in the Secretary-General’s report include attacks on schools and hospitals. Almost half of children who do not attend school are children in conflict situations. Education gives children the possibility of a future without insecurity. This has been confirmed on many occasions, including at the 2009 thematic dialogue in the General Assembly on education in emergencies, and General Assembly resolution 64/290 on the same topic last year.", "Slovenia strongly supports the expansion of the new trigger on attacks on schools and hospitals, by expanding both the Secretary-General’s list of parties to the conflict who engage, in contravention of applicable international law, in attacks on schools and hospitals, and of the monitoring and reporting mechanism. That decision further develops the protection framework for children affected by armed conflict and is a step in the right direction. We hope that in the not-too-distant future it will encompass all six grave violations against children in armed conflict.", "Both Optional Protocols to the Convention on the Rights of the Child are part of the normative framework for the protection of children affected by armed conflict. Slovenia therefore supports the campaign for universal ratification of the Protocols by 2012. Slovenia will also continue to be engaged in rehabilitating disabled children affected by armed conflict and in efforts to remove landmines and other unexploded ordnance.", "Children should not suffer because of armed conflict; they should not be victims of any grave violations and should enjoy their rights fully. Today’s adoption of resolution 1998 (2011) is an important step in that direction, and it is for this reason that Slovenia has joined in co-sponsoring the resolution.", "The President: I give the floor to the representative of New Zealand.", "Mr. McLay (New Zealand): New Zealand thanks the Secretary-General for his latest report (S/2011/250), Ms. Coomaraswamy for her outstanding work as his Special Representative and Germany for organizing this debate during the month of its presidency, thus giving us an opportunity to influence the Council’s consideration of the issue of children and armed conflict, including through the informal event it hosted on 30 June.", "For the Council’s decisions to be effective, the commitment and investment of the wider United Nations community is also required. For the 177 countries that cannot sit at this table, participation in the Council’s work ensures that commitment, and regard to our voices encourages that investment.", "It is important to remember that, as we sit in the Chamber today, children are still being forced out of classrooms and playgrounds and onto battlefields. They are suffering the vilest forms of sexual abuse and rape. They are being disfigured, maimed and even murdered. The Council’s actions can improve the lives of those children, as has been demonstrated through its institutional innovations, such as the creation of the monitoring and reporting mechanism and through the consolidation and implementation of the protection framework. But, as always, more concrete action can be taken that will improve the lives of children affected by conflict, including girls, minorities such as indigenous children and children with disabilities.", "To that end, New Zealand fully endorses the recommendations made a short time ago by the representative of Canada on behalf of the Group of Friends of Children and Armed Conflict. Given the time constraints, I will not repeat those points except to say that New Zealand welcomes the addition of a new educational and medical trigger. We support strengthened sanctions and other targeted measures to punish and deter persistent perpetrators. And we urge the Working Group on Children and Armed Conflict more effectively to follow-up on its recommendations. I will expand, if I can, on just three points.", "First, the Council can better target persistent perpetrators. As well as asking the Secretary-General again to list persistent perpetrators in his annual report, the Council could designate child-protection criteria in the mandates of the relevant sanctions committees and request child-protection expertise in its expert groups. The Council could also seek the advice of the Special Representative of the Secretary-General more often and more systematically emphasize the cross-cutting nature of this issue by including concerns about children in its reports.", "Secondly, more effective action can be taken to ensure the implementation of the Council’s resolutions and conclusions. The Working Group could, for example, use the full range of tools at its disposal, as well as emergency meetings, to respond to crisis situations and to follow up on its recommendations. Child protection provisions could be more systematically included in the mandates of United Nations peacekeeping and peacebuilding operations.", "It is not just the Security Council, however, that must act to protect children. Member States and the various United Nations organs also have a vital role to play. We urge those countries concerned, for example, to allow United Nations country teams to contact non‑State actors so that they can prepare action plans and carry out other protection measures. We ask the Council to take a more active role to ensure that context.", "Those are just a few steps that could be taken to protect children affected by conflict even more. There are others. It is to the Council’s credit that its actions over the past decade have improved the lives of hundreds of thousands of children. But hundreds of thousands are still affected. It is our collective duty to take bold and effective action to protect them all. That duty is one for each and every one of us.", "The President: I now give the floor to the representative of Switzerland.", "Mr. Seger (Switzerland): It is my honour to speak on behalf of the Human Security Network, namely, Austria, Chile, Costa Rica, Greece, Ireland, Jordan, Mali, Norway, Slovenia, Thailand, South Africa as an observer, and my own country, Switzerland.", "We welcome the efforts and the important progress in different parts of the world in addressing the six grave violations against children in armed conflicts. The adoption of resolution 1998 (2011) today fills an important gap in the comprehensive child-protection framework by including attacks against schools and hospitals as the latest trigger in the monitoring and reporting mechanism. This step will also complement ongoing efforts by other bodies of the United Nations system. However, challenges remain.", "Accountability for persistent perpetrators of grave violations against children should further be strengthened. We call on the Security Council for further decisive action, including through targeted and graduated measures against such perpetrators, and to consider how to address the accountability gap through proactive and effective means. We also call for more efforts to address impunity and to investigate, prosecute and punish all those who commit grave violations against children.", "We acknowledge the positive trend towards mainstreaming the protection, rights and well-being of children affected by armed conflict within some United Nations missions on the ground. We encourage the relevant departments of the Secretariat responsible for providing support to the field to continue to work closely together to ensure a more systematic and consistent approach in all missions. The appointment of more child protection advisers and the inclusion of child protection modules in the pre-deployment training of police and troop-contributing countries could also contribute to that end.", "From a human security perspective, it is important to complement existing action plans with a strong programmatic response to support Governments in the implementation of comprehensive national strategies that include prevention and provide a multisectoral approach to the assistance and social protection of children who have been associated with armed forces and groups. Assistance measures must focus on avoiding their marginalization and stigmatization, as well as facilitating their social reintegration. Furthermore, a more stable and long-term funding structure to fulfil all the elements of the action plans is crucial.", "Last but not least, the Human Security Network invites the Council to enhance its efforts in order to approach the protection of civilians in a more systematic and coordinated manner, taking into account the situation of children and women. We therefore appreciate the fact that consultations on how to foster such synergies were held under Brazilian presidency of the Council in February. We encourage further discussions on this issue and call on members of the Council to be as inclusive as possible.", "(spoke in French)", "With the President’s permission, I should now like to make a few comments in my national capacity.", "With regard to General Assembly resolution 64/290, on the right to education in emergency situations, Switzerland welcomes the fact that, through resolution 1998 (2011), the Security Council has today filled an important gap in the framework for the protection of children by including in the list of triggers recurrent attacks against school and hospital facilities. The inclusion of those new elements should make it possible to expand the roll of shame maintained by the Secretary-General not only to combatants who carry out such attacks in violation of international law and international humanitarian law, but also to those who repeatedly threaten or attack all those afforded protection in this context.", "We also call for new and decisive steps be taken against perpetrators. First of all, we urge all sanctions committees to ensure that the gravest violations against children be made subject to sanctions at the time that mandates are established or renewed.", "Secondly, we call on the Secretary-General to include in his annual reports all the steps taken in sanctions committees with regard to the actions called for in those reports, as well as with regard to proposals made to move towards greater responsibility for the perpetrators of such violations.", "Thirdly we remain very concerned about the lack of responsibility owing to the lack of sanctions committees charged with dealing with repeat perpetrators of violations set out in the annexes to the Secretary-General’s reports. We commit to urgently taking resolute measures against these offenders, thus filling the gaps in a proactive manner.", "Oversight of the implementation of the Working Group’s recommendations in implementation of resolution 1882 (2009) is of capital importance. That is why we would invite the Working Group to request a response from countries or the concerned party, if necessary, on the report on the conditions for the implementation of the Working Group’s recommendations. We expect a strengthening of existing tools, starting with field missions and making extensive use of options already available, as well as emergency meetings in order grapple with the resurgence of violations on the ground.", "Like my colleague from New Zealand, who just spoke, Switzerland once again calls on Member States to facilitate contacts between the United Nations and local and international actors, with a view to guaranteeing comprehensive and effective protection of children. These contacts will in no way prejudge the political and legal status of non-State actors.", "Finally, children are increasingly being detained for association with armed groups. Their detention often includes the use of violence, abuse, threats of violence or abuse and other brutality, with the sole purpose of obtaining information from them. Switzerland counts on the Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Children and Armed Conflict to address this issue in a working document and propose appropriate measures for strengthening the protection of children.", "The President: I now give the floor to the representative of Iraq.", "Mr. Al Bayati (Iraq): Please allow me, at the outset, Mr. President, to express my delegation’s appreciation to the Secretary-General on the presentation of his annual report to the Security Council on children in armed conflict (S/2011/250). We also appreciate the important role played by the Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Child and Armed Conflict, Ms. Radhika Coomaraswamy, in monitoring the state of children in armed conflict. I would also like to thank Mr. Anthony Lake, Executive Director of UNICEF, for his presence and remarks. I commend the Security Council for adopting resolution 1998 (2011) today.", "In her speech this morning, Special Representative Coomaraswamy stated,", "“During my visits to conflict areas, I have personally seen the devastation — schools completely destroyed, bombed or burnt to the ground. I have also seen schools with broken window panes and empty classrooms where children have been recruited as child soldiers. I have met girls whose colleagues stay away from schools because, as female students, they may be victims of acid attacks.”", "I would like to state that nothing like that is happening in Iraq, because Iraq is not a conflict area. However, my delegation is pleased to make the following observations about the section on Iraq in the Secretary-General’s report on children and armed conflict.", "The report covers the situation during 2010 and emphasizes that children were used by the terrorist group Al-Qaida and the affiliated terrorist group, the Islamic State of Iraq. We would like to note that the security situation in Iraq has continued to improve since 2003. The year 2010 witnessed a very low rate of terrorist attacks and casualties, as a result of the growing capabilities of the Iraqi security forces, the pursuit of Al-Qaida and pre-emptive strikes against it, and the capture of most of its leaders in Iraq.", "The year 2010 also witnessed the killing of Al‑Qaida in Iraq leader Abu Ayyub al-Masri and the leader of the Islamic State of Iraq, Abu Omar al‑Baghdadi, who were both killed in mid-April 2010. These strikes and arrests have dispersed Al-Qaida’s strength, disrupted its strategies and revealed to Iraqi security agencies Al-Qaida’s plans, thus weakening Al‑Qaida’s ability to finance and recruit terrorists in Iraq.", "The year 2010 witnessed a lot of security achievements, the most prominent of which was the safe atmosphere surrounding the general election held on 7 March, which clearly indicated the great improvement in Iraq’s security situation and the growing capabilities of the Iraqi security forces to maintain order throughout the country. The Secretary-General mentioned this fact in his report to the Security Council on the activities of the United Nations Assistance Mission for Iraq (UNAMI), stating that", "“the overall environment in which the poll was conducted was relatively free of violence and without any major security incidents that affected the polling itself” (S/2010/240, para. 6).", "In paragraph 16 of the same report, the Secretary-General further states that", "“the Iraqi security forces have demonstrated their increased capacity to assume greater security responsibilities, evidenced by their successful maintenance of security during the March elections”.", "Paragraph 97 of the report contained in document S/2011/250 states that there were consistent reports from many parties during 2010 that Al-Qaida forces in Iraq were managing a wing of its organization called “Birds of Paradise”. The same paragraph also refers to the difficulty in obtaining information concerning that group and identifying its leadership.", "In that connection, we would like to note that the report covers the year 2010 and that the wing was discovered before 2010. According to reports from Iraqi security forces, the intensive security campaigns carried out by Iraqi forces at the beginning of 2010 resulted in the elimination of most of the forces of Al-Qaida, the dismantling of the majority of cells and the arrest of its leaders, including members and leaders of the Birds of Paradise. This wing did not commit any terrorist attacks in 2010. We thus believe that there is no need to refer to this wing of the organization in this report.", "Paragraph 97 of the same report also refers to information that was based on allegations and not evidence: “In other instances, insurgents have allegedly used children as proxy bombers who did not know they were carrying explosives”.", "Paragraph 98 of the report indicates that a number of children were killed or injured as a result of the continued conflict in Iraq. In fact, the losses incurred in 2010 were the result of attacks carried out by terrorist groups such as Al-Qaida and its affiliated groups, including the Islamic State of Iraq, and were not due to any conflict.", "Paragraph 98 mentions that access to many parts of Iraq is limited and that the verification of all incidents was not possible. The United Nations thinks that the figure may underrepresent the actual numbers. What is stated in this paragraph gives a picture that is contrary to the reality of the Iraq situation in 2010, witnessed by the current stability and the inability of terrorists to have a public presence in any region of Iraq. The security forces control all areas of Iraqi. Civilians and security forces have ease of movement, especially in areas that were previously reported to be dangerous.", "Paragraph 98 also speaks about child casualties resulting from their presence in areas of armed clashes or during confrontation at checkpoints. We reiterate that the improvement in security in 2010 prevented direct clashes between security forces and terrorists because the terrorists have lost control of the ground as a result of the dismantling of their groups by security forces. Therefore, terrorists started to attack randomly and in a way that did not reveal them to the public.", "Paragraph 99 refers to the danger that prevents children from going to schools, while paragraph 98 refers to the incident that took place at the Church of Our Lady of Salvation. The report states that some schools were closed in Baghdad for a few weeks because they were located next to churches. Throughout 2010, there were no general school closures, despite the fact that there were such closures for weeks in many countries throughout the world due to all kinds of disasters, such as floods, epidemics, hurricanes and so on.", "The report does not mention the efforts made by the Iraqi Government to combat the remnants of terrorist groups and improve security in all areas of the country, nor its success in limiting the recruitment of children by terrorist groups. As I said earlier, we feel that the report’s section on Iraq is in need of more accuracy, especially as regards the monitoring of the situation of children in Iraq. This section of the report contradicts some information contained in reports of the Secretary-General on UNAMI that point to an improvement in the security situation in Iraq, including facts. We therefore hope that, in the future, the Office of the Special Representative for Children and Armed Conflict will be able to provide more accurate information in order to give a clear picture to members of the Security Council.", "I would like to conclude by extending our thanks to the Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Children and Armed Conflict and her Office for their efforts. I would like to invite her to visit Iraq again. Since her last visit, three years ago, a lot of improvements have taken place in Iraq. We will continue to cooperate with United Nations bodies to ensure human rights in general and the rights of children in particular as priorities of the Iraqi Government.", "The President: I now give the floor to the representative of Japan.", "Mr. Nishida (Japan): I would like first to congratulate you, Sir, on your presidency of the Security Council for this month of July. I would also like to express my gratitude to the Secretary-General, his Special Representative Ms. Coomaraswamy and the Executive Director of UNICEF, Mr. Lake, for their comprehensive briefings. Japan very much appreciates the advocacy activities of Ms. Coomaraswamy, in particular her country visits, as well as the dedicated field work done by UNICEF in the area of children and armed conflict.", "While there has been commendable progress, such as the signing of action plans by the Governments of Afghanistan and Chad this year with the United Nations to end the recruitment and use of child soldiers, many challenges still remain on the agenda in terms of children and armed conflict, including sexual violence against children.", "Based on Japan’s two-year experience in the Council’s Working Group on Children and Armed Conflict, until the end of last year, I would like to focus on three issues that we regard as particularly important, namely, attacks on schools and hospitals, accountability for persistent perpetrators and a comprehensive approach.", "First, Japan is deeply concerned about the reported trend of an increasing number of attacks on schools and hospitals during conflicts. We strongly condemn the perpetrators of such attacks, in particular those who target female students and girls’ schools.", "Attacks on and the military use of educational and medical facilities and attacks against pupils, teachers and medical personnel not only deprive children of their lives but also seriously violate a child’s fundamental rights to access to educational and medical services. Such acts are not permissible under any circumstances, in particular in conflict situations. The Security Council should play a key role in protecting children’s rights to education and health.", "In that regard, we welcome that the new resolution just adopted by the Council (resolution 1998 (2011)), which Japan proudly sponsored, requests the Secretary-General to include in the annexes to his reports those parties that engage in recurrent attacks on schools and hospitals and against protected persons in relation to such facilities.", "Secondly, Japan continues to be concerned about the fact that as many as 15 parties to conflict have been listed for more than five consecutive years in the annexes to the Secretary-General’s reports. In order to ensure accountability for persistent perpetrators, the Security Council must reinforce targeted measures against them, as the Council already agreed to impose seven years ago in resolution 1539 (2004).", "We welcome the fact that, as a result of the briefing by Ms. Coomaraswamy in the Security Council Committee established pursuant to resolution 1533 (2004), concerning the Democratic Republic of the Congo, the Committee included several individuals in its sanctions list for their grave violations against children. We encourage the holding of briefings on a more regular basis to the relevant sanctions committees by both the Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Children and Armed Conflict and the Special Representative of the Secretary-General on Sexual Violence in Conflict.", "We commend the German presidency and all Council members for addressing in very strong terms the issue of accountability for persistent perpetrators in the new resolution.", "Thirdly, I would also like to underline the need to address the issue of children and armed conflict in a more comprehensive manner, through cooperation between Member States and the United Nations system. Support must be ensured seamlessly, from the protection of children in conflict to the rehabilitation, care and reintegration during peacebuilding efforts of those formerly associated with armed forces or groups and who are victims of sexual violence. Children’s perspectives need to always be considered in the processes and programmes related to disarmament, demobilization and reintegration efforts, as well as those associated with security sector reform, landmines, unexploded ordnance and cluster munitions.", "We also expect that the Working Group on Children and Armed Conflict, apart from just adopting conclusions on each situation annually, will be more creative in holding special meetings and issuing political messages in a timely manner in response to an urgent appeal by a Special Representative of the Secretary-General.", "In its assistance to conflict and post-conflict countries, Japan has placed great importance on the protection and empowerment of children, who are the most vulnerable. For example, in cooperation with international partners, we have extended assistance in the areas of rehabilitating child victims of landmines and providing mine-risk education in countries such as Cambodia. Through the United Nations Trust Fund for Human Security, Japan has also supported community-based programmes that improve the educational environment and provide education and training for former child soldiers in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. By preventing and alleviating the deleterious impacts of conflict, we will continue to endeavour to enable children around the world to have a brighter future.", "The President: I now give the floor to the representative of Luxembourg.", "Ms. Lucas (Luxembourg) (spoke in French): I would like to fully associate myself with the statement to be delivered on behalf of the European Union.", "Luxembourg warmly welcomes the convening of this open debate and the adoption of the new resolution on the issue of children an armed conflict (resolution 1998 (2011)). This demonstrates the continuing commitment of the Security Council to promote the protection of children, both in countries that are on its agenda and in other situations that are of concern to us all.", "We would also like to thank the Special Representative of the Secretary-General and the Executive Director of UNICEF for their tireless efforts in support of children. We encourage them to continue to strive to ensure that children are better protected and that violations against them are brought to our attention.", "The roll of shame that is annexed to the Secretary-General’s reports and, more generally, the Secretary-General’s reports based on information gathered thanks to the monitoring and reporting mechanism are of vital importance in obliging us to face up to the brutal reality of children in time of armed conflict. The country visits by the Special Representative, the work of experts on the protection of children in field missions and the new practice of field visits by the Working Group on Children and Armed Conflict contribute considerably to greater awareness of violations against children in conflicts.", "Initial tangible results can indeed be seen. More and more children are being released by armed forces or rebel groups in many conflict situations. However, additional efforts and resources will be necessary in order to have a greater impact on the ground.", "In 2010, the Security Council, following consultations with the Special Representative, imposed for the first time sanctions against individuals in the Democratic Republic of the Congo who were responsible for serious violations against children. The Council will be able to build on that precedent in order to punish in the same way those who are responsible for serious violations against children in the context of other armed conflicts.", "We call on the Security Council to continue to work to that end and at the same time to consider, as the Secretary-General has suggested, ways by which sanctions may be imposed in contexts where there are no Security Council sanctions committees.", "From now on, parties to a conflict that attack schools or hospitals could find themselves on the list of shame contained in the report of the Secretary-General. We congratulate the Council for having thus enhanced the monitoring mechanism, and it is our hope that the Council’s gradual approach will allow for the inclusion, in the not-too-distant future, of the two other categories of serious violations against children identified in resolution 1612 (2005). Ultimately, we must assign equal importance to all serious violations against children.", "Allow me briefly to dwell on the issue of attacks against schools. As is clear from the report of the Secretary-General, we are witnessing on an increasingly frequent basis the destruction of schools and attacks on students and their teachers. In certain cases, girls’ schools are specifically targeted. Insecurity prevents parents from sending their children to school for fear that their health or even life might be at risk.", "This year, the Economic and Social Council is examining, at its substantive session now under way in Geneva, the issue of education for all. Synergies with our debate today are quite clear. In his speech before the Council on 5 July last, the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Foreign Affairs of Luxembourg, Mr. Jean Asselborn, emphasized the fact that “protection against violence is one of the key preconditions for enjoying the right to education”. He welcomed the Security Council’s initiative aimed at expanding the criteria for listing on the list of shame to cover attacks against schools and hospitals, thereby allowing for the imposition of sanctions on those responsible and contributing to the fight against the impunity that is far too common for these heinous crimes.", "Minister Asselborn called on the international community to take additional measures to help the 28 million children who are deprived of education because of armed conflicts and who are subjected to", "rape, sexual violence, targeted attacks against their schools and other human rights violations. I wish to reiterate that appeal today.", "The President: There are still a number of speakers remaining on my list. I therefore intend, with the concurrence of the members of the Council, to suspend the meeting until 3 p.m.", "The meeting was suspended at 1.05 p.m." ]
[ "主席: 韦斯特韦勒先生 (德国) \n 成员: 波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那 阿尔卡拉伊先生 \n 巴西 维奥蒂夫人 \n 中国 王民先生 \n\t哥伦比亚\t奥尔古因·奎利亚尔女士\n 法国 阿罗德先生 \n 加蓬 蒙加拉·穆索奇先生 \n\t印度\t哈迪普·辛格·普里先生\n 黎巴嫩 萨拉姆先生 \n 尼日利亚 奥格武夫人 \n 葡萄牙 布里特斯·佩雷拉先生\n 俄罗斯联邦 潘金先生 \n 南非 拉德贝先生 \n\t大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国\t马克·莱尔·格兰特爵士\n 美利坚合众国 赖斯女士", "议程项目", "儿童与武装冲突", "秘书长关于儿童与武装冲突问题的报告(S/2011/250)", "2011年7月1日德国常驻联合国代表给秘书长的信(S/2011/409)", "上午10时10分开会。", "通过议程", "议程通过。", "儿童与武装冲突", "秘书长关于儿童与武装冲突问题的报告(S/2011/250)", "2011年7月1日德国常驻联合国代表给秘书长的信(S/2011/409)", "主席(以英语发言):我愿欢迎秘书长潘基文先生阁下和各位部长出席本次会议。他们的出席肯定了讨论中议题的重要性。", "按照安理会暂行议事规则第37条,我邀请阿富汗、亚美尼亚、澳大利亚、奥地利、阿塞拜疆、孟加拉国、比利时、贝宁、保加利亚、加拿大、乍得、智利、哥斯达黎加、克罗地亚、捷克共和国、丹麦、爱沙尼亚、芬兰、希腊、危地马拉、洪都拉斯、匈牙利、冰岛、伊拉克、爱尔兰、以色列、意大利、日本、肯尼亚、哈萨克斯坦、吉尔吉斯斯坦、拉脱维亚、列支敦士登、立陶宛、卢森堡、马耳他、墨西哥、摩纳哥、黑山、新西兰、挪威、缅甸、巴基斯坦、巴布亚新几内亚、秘鲁、波兰、大韩民国、摩尔多瓦共和国、罗马尼亚、萨摩亚、斯洛伐克、斯洛文尼亚、西班牙、斯里兰卡、瑞典、瑞士、泰国、乌克兰和也门的代表参加本次会议。", "按照安理会暂行议事规则第39条,我邀请负责儿童与武装冲突问题的秘书长特别代表拉迪卡·库马拉斯瓦米女士和儿基会执行主任安东尼·莱克先生参加本次会议。", "按照安理会暂行议事规则第39条,我邀请欧洲联盟驻联合国代表团代理团长佩德罗·塞拉诺先生阁下参加本次会议。", "安全理事会现在开始审议其议程上的项目。", "安理会成员面前摆着文件S/2011/425,其中载有澳大利亚、奥地利、比利时、贝宁、波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那、保加利亚、加拿大、智利、乍得、哥斯达黎加、克罗地亚、捷克共和国、丹麦、爱沙尼亚、芬兰、法国、加蓬、德国、希腊、危地马拉、洪都拉斯、匈牙利、冰岛、爱尔兰、以色列、意大利、日本、哈萨克斯坦、拉脱维亚、列支敦士登、立陶宛、卢森堡、马耳他、墨西哥、摩纳哥、黑山、新西兰、尼日利亚、挪威、秘鲁、波兰、葡萄牙、卡塔尔、摩尔多瓦共和国、罗马尼亚、萨摩亚、斯洛伐克、斯洛文尼亚、西班牙、瑞典、瑞士、大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国和美利坚合众国提交的一项决议草案的案文。", "我谨提请安理会成员注意文件S/2011/250和文件S/2011/409,其中分别载有秘书长关于儿童与武装冲突问题的报告和2011年7月1日德国常驻联合国代表给秘书长的信,转递有关审议中项目的概念文件。", "经安理会许可,我现在以德国外交部长的身份发言。", "请允许我借此机会,热烈欢迎在座各位在此议题上的合作。在武装冲突中保护儿童对于我们所有人都非常重要。这一点在最后产生了摆在我们面前的决议草案的谈判中也是显而易见的。今天秘书长与会使我们感到荣幸,也请允许我感谢莱克先生和库马拉斯瓦米女士与会。", "我相信,我可以代表今天在座各位说,我们不愿看到在冲突中利用儿童。我们不愿看到他们被迫参加作战。我们不愿他们受伤、被虐待或被杀。我们希望孩子们长大,知道他们的学校是安全的地方。学校应该是学习和玩耍的地方。在那里,孩子们可以茁壮成长。袭击学校和医院是野蛮行径。在孩子们需要实际帮助、在他们脆弱、生病或受伤时,我们想让他们有安全感。因此,医院应该是安全和受到保护的地方。", "因此,我殷切希望,安理会即将做出重要决定,以扩大严重暴力侵害儿童者的列名标准。袭击学校和医院就将是这些标准的一部分。这是向前跨出的一大步。", "我们也相信,联合国与冲突方之间达成的行动计划十分重要。实施行动计划是除名的唯一途径。今后,行动计划还可能包括反击对学校和医院的袭击。", "我们已取得了令人鼓舞的进展。但是,我们都知道,我们必须要做更多的工作。惯犯需要面对可信的后果。如果他们不改变其行为,制裁制度就应对其采取措施。因此,重要的是,今天的决议草案还增加了对秘书长报告中列名的违法者采取定向制裁的可能性。", "判断一个社会应看它如何对待儿童。我们对儿童的态度是我们对未来态度的明证。我们将继续努力,保护儿童不受战争和冲突的影响。我们将继续耐心倾听他们的故事。", "我现在恢复行使安全理事会主席职能。", "我的理解是,安理会准备对其面前的决议草案进行表决。", "我现在就把这项决议草案付诸表决。", "进行了举手表决。", "赞成:", "波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那、巴西、中国、哥伦比亚、法国、加蓬、德国、印度、黎巴嫩、尼日利亚、葡萄牙、俄罗斯联邦、南非、大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国、美利坚合众国", "主席(以英语发言):决议草案获得15票赞成。决议草案获得一致通过,成为第1998(2011)号决议。", "我现在请秘书长发言。", "秘书长(以英语发言):我感谢德国组织本次公开辩论会,并感谢安理会持续致力于保护受武装冲突影响的儿童。我还要特别感谢德国外交部长拨冗主持本次会议并发挥领导作用。", "自1998年以来,安理会已就这一问题通过了8项决议。安理会要求我就征募和使用儿童兵、杀害和残害儿童、对儿童实施强奸和其它性暴力、绑架儿童、袭击学校和医院,以及武装冲突方阻止向儿童提供人道主义援助等问题提出报告。安理会发出了一致和明确的信息:武装冲突中保护儿童是一个事关和平与安全的问题,国际社会绝不容忍严重违反该原则行为。", "今天的决议使我们又向前跨出了一步。决议不仅强调学校和医院应是受到冲突各方尊重的和平区域,而且还在我的关于武装冲突中儿童问题的年度报告中将袭击学校和医院增列为列名标准。我欢迎这一进展。学习和治愈的地方永远不应成为战场。", "我们在招募和使用儿童兵等以前被列为侵权行为方面作出的主动努力产生了积极结果。我感谢各国政府、民间社会以及非政府组织所做的工作。这些努力和在第1539(2004)号及此后各项决议中列述的行动计划理念的结果是签署了涵盖9个冲突地区的15项行动计划。今年预计将再签署2项行动计划。", "这些成功表明点名羞辱做法的价值所在。仅去年,就有约1万名与武装团体有联系的儿童获释。我们现在必须确保提供长期国际支持,以使他们完全重新融入自己的社区。这是建设和平与发展的一个基本要素。", "联合国系统充分致力于保护武装冲突中的儿童。我关于这个问题的特别代表库马拉斯瓦米女士正怀着奉献精神和勇气努力工作。我的武装冲突中性暴力问题特别代表沃尔斯特伦女士的工作也正在帮助打击有罪不罚现象。维持和平行动部也在发挥重要作用。2001年以来,维和部在至少13个特派团中部署了儿童保护顾问,今天,有7个维持和平特派团和3个政治特派团配备了顾问。这些顾问正在努力帮助特派团支持执行安全理事会各项决议。联合国国家工作队也正在作出重要贡献,不仅在根据第1612(2005)号决议进行监测和报告方面,在支持重返社会和其它人道主义干预措施方面也是如此。特别是,儿童基金会在这方面发挥着关键作用。", "最后,我要赞扬由德国担任主席的儿童与武装冲突问题工作组所做的工作。通过许多合作伙伴创新和坚定的参与,安理会已经表明,保护武装冲突中的儿童既是道义责任,也是安全要务。让我们继续共同努力,以确保所有地方的儿童都能安全、健康地成长并接受教育,这样,他们才能够帮助为自己、为他们的家人和社会建设一个安全和可持续的未来。", "主席(以英语发言):我感谢秘书长的通报。", "我现在请拉迪卡·库马拉斯瓦米女士发言。", "库马拉斯瓦米女士(以英语发言):主席先生,我感谢你召开此次儿童与武装冲突问题公开辩论会。你的与会表明了对战争中保护儿童问题的最高一级承诺。我还要赞扬彼得·维蒂希大使及其工作人员的奉献精神,他们作为儿童与武装冲突问题工作组主席切实参与了这项工作。他们的奉献精神确实值得赞扬,我们期待着继续与他们紧密合作。", "我还要感谢秘书长与会并坚定不移地支持妇女与儿童事业。我也要感谢今天远道而来出席本次会议的各位部长。", "安全理事会面前摆有秘书长关于儿童与武装冲突问题的第十份年度报告(S/2011/250)。在报告涉及的22个冲突局势的15个中,我们看到袭击学校和医院的证据。在我对冲突地区的各次访问中,我亲眼看到了造成的破坏——学校被完全摧毁、被炸毁,或者被焚烧,夷为平地。我还看到窗户玻璃残破不堪、教室空空荡荡的学校,那里的孩子被招募成为儿童兵。我还见到了一些女孩,她们的同伴远离学校,因为作为女学生,她们有可能成为泼硫酸袭击的受害者。", "这些影像留在我的脑海中,并且提醒我,确保学校成为儿童的和平地带有多么重要。世界上未进入小学的儿童中,有一半生活在冲突地区。他们不去上学是因为他们的学校成为了冲突惨剧的一部分。学校在遭受越来越多的袭击,导致它们完全或部分被毁,这些行为常常违反国际人道主义法。学校还因遭到威胁和恫吓而关闭。教师和学生还在有针对性的袭击中被杀害或致残。把学校用于军事用途也令人感到关切,因为这种做法会使儿童处于明显的危险中。剥夺儿童受教育的权利将毁灭他们的未来。被毁灭的未来——没有希望的未来——只会播下更多冲突的种子。", "医院对儿童同样至关重要,在战争期间尤其如此。袭击医院的行为是一种双重暴行,它们不仅造成女童男童死亡或受伤,还使他们无法接受治疗。袭击医院和医院工作人员使社区失去急需的生命线。事实上,保护医院及其工作人员是现代人道主义法的根本要素。", "秘书长一再呼吁要加强关注和侧重保护学校和医院免遭袭击的必要性上。德国采取举措提出今天的第1998(2011)号决议表明,安理会决心扩大对女童和男童的保护。这项决议规定,把袭击学校和医院的冲突当事方以及使用胁迫手段迫使学校和医院关闭的当事方列入名单。决议还重申,必须加强监测和报告存在剥夺儿童上学或在医院中接受治疗权利侵权行为的事件。决议为在实地采取行动保护这些设施提供了坚实动力。", "决议提供了非常真切的希望。我知道这一点,因为自通过第1612(2005)号决议以来,我们已经取得了许多成就。我今天要强调的是我们已经取得的一些成功,而且要感谢安理会坚定致力于儿童问题。", "第一,今年2月份,阿富汗政府签署了防止招募未成年人参加阿富汗安全部队,包括警察的行动计划。联合国儿童与武装冲突问题国家工作队能够进入军事和警察设施,已经向我的办公室提交了有关这项计划得到切实执行的进度报告。此外,最高宗教机构乌里玛委员会已就冲突中侵害儿童的行为颁布了一项教规。", "第二,去年尼泊尔有2 973名未成年人从军队中复员。尽管对于重返社会有一些关切,但联合国国家工作队直面挑战,提供各项方案,并且在儿童返回社区后追踪他们的情况。", "第三,在菲律宾,摩洛伊斯兰解放阵线在菲律宾政府的全力支持下,于2010年1月与联合国签署了行动计划。此外,摩洛伊斯兰解放阵线签发了一项补充总命令,告诫其指挥官注意对招募和使用儿童兵的制裁措施,并且创建了儿童保护部门。目前正在对儿童进行登记并释放他们,儿童基金会和国际劳工组织(劳工组织)已加强它们在那里的力量,以便为这些儿童提供教育和职业技能。", "第四,2010年期间,在中非共和国,在我几年前访问中非共和国期间复兴民主人民军指挥官作出承诺之后,已有525名儿童脱离复兴民主人民军。", "第五,在斯里兰卡,562名儿童,其中包括在冲突结束时被确定与武装团体有联系的儿童在经过一年的康复后获释。通过一项治安令,他们与他们的家人重聚。这项工作是在与儿童基金会和我的特使的密切合作下完成的。", "最后,我还于今年6月访问了乍得,以见证乍得政府与联合国签署的释放儿童兵行动计划。同样,乍得方面为联合国提供了进入军事设施的权利,并且要求我们协助使儿童重新融入社区的工作。接下来,我希望,我将能够在今后几个月内看到与缅甸政府签署一项承认国家工作队,包括儿童基金会和劳工组织有重要作用的行动计划。", "然而,依然存在巨大的挑战。长期侵害儿童的犯罪人被列在秘书长名单上,但几乎未对其采取任何行动。这些人不受惩处依然是司法体系上的一个污点,从国家和国际角度而言都是如此。安理会必须适时以全面方式处理这个问题,并且找到处理这些犯罪者的方式方法。我的讲稿后面附上一份屡犯者的名单,以兹证明。让儿童重返社会的任务往往落在儿童基金会及其伙伴的身上,为此也需要投入资源和人力。", "当我们在审理谁该负责的问题时,也必须设法了解侵犯儿童的根本原因。不进行预防和了解根源,就不会有持久的长期解决办法。", "安理会在1999年开展了一个具有极大希望的旅程。一路上经过了各个重要的里程碑,包括安理会要求对违反规定的行为进行明确的监测、适当执行行动计划以及落实问责。各国政府和非国家行动者已开始响应安理会的行动号召。当我在实地同他们会见时,他们对安全理事会的权力和权威表示了极大的尊重。此外,安理会的承诺对数以千计儿童的生活产生了真正和积极的影响。正如安理会成员刚才听到秘书长指出的那样,仅在去年就有1万名儿童被武装部队和团体释放并重返其社区。今天,在这次公开辩论会中,我向安理会带来了他们表示感谢的信息。", "我最近在乍得时,同一个难民营中的许多儿童见面。一个女童抓住我的手,弯弯的手指拉住我的手腕,细声说,“夫人,我要上学。”今天,随着安理会通过第1998(2011)号决议,我们确认了学校和教育对全世界和特别是对冲突地区的儿童的重要性。我们希望,它将开创一个儿童能够在安全和有尊严的环境中上学、玩耍和学习的时代。", "主席(以英语发言):我感谢库马拉斯瓦米女士的通报。", "我现在请安东尼·莱克先生发言。", "莱克先生(以英语发言):我代表儿童基金会和我们在座的各位为之服务的儿童感谢安理会今天上午召开有关一个紧要议题的辩论会,特别是通过重要的决议(第1998(2011)号决议)。", "几个月前,我在刚果民主共和国见到一名16岁的男孩。他告诉我:“他们几年前来到我的村庄把我带走,从那天起,我就是一名士兵”。这就是真实的情况。但从另一个角度看,他从那天起就失去了童年。他的童年是在枪口下失去的。", "在同一次访问中,我见到一名年幼的女童,她经历了被武装士兵强奸的恐惧。她也被暴力剥夺了童年和许多其他权利。正如我们今天听到的那样,并且秘书长的报告(S/2011/250)也严肃地详细描述,世界各地的冲突地区一再令人痛心地重复他们的故事。千百万儿童在战争中首当其冲。他们遭到杀戮、伤害、成为孤儿、被迫逃离家园、受到性攻击、被迫在武装团体中服役并且遭受无法描述的暴力。这些可怕行径不仅违反了国际法和人道主义法,也是对我们共同人性的冒犯。今天,安理会申明,对学校和医院的攻击,就是对儿童的攻击,并且必须作出相应的处理,因为这种严重的违法行为几乎四处可见。", "正如已经说过的那样,学校被焚烧和炸毁、教室被当作士兵的宿舍并且校园被用来埋葬死者。未爆弹药和地雷遍布操场,造成死伤。医院遭到抢劫,免疫接种无法进行。儿童实实在在地从课堂带到了战场。", "这些袭击造成的死伤无法用统计的办法来计算代价。经济成本也非常高昂,迫使社区在冲突结束后必须重建学校和购置被盗物资和设备——面对这一费用,多数社区都无力承担、资金不足而且人道主义援助鲜少能够支付。它造成的社会成本也极其高昂。正如拉迪卡·库马拉斯瓦米刚才指出的那样,今天全世界几乎有一半小学生居住在冲突地区,而这些国家往往在世界上的最贫穷地区。同样这批儿童极少可能就医或前往诊所,而更有可能被剥夺其最基本的需求。", "伟大的教育家玛丽亚·蒙台梭利曾经说过,教育是反对战争的最有效方法。它也是实现和平与繁荣的必要基础。并且它是平等的基本核心。在和平时期,教育向劣势儿童提供了打破贫困循环和对社会作出贡献的机会。它在战争时期也是如此,或许更加重要。", "学校让人恢复常态,教导儿童生存和成长的技能,帮助他们超越他们经历的恐怖。没有这些技能,他们更易受到暴力的伤害。因此,贫困、绝望和冲突的恶性循环不断继续下去。我们绝不能辜负这些儿童。我们大家要采取行动,保护他们上学的学校和他们就医的医院。这样做就是保护他们个人的未来和他们社会的未来。", "由于秘书长的承诺、安理会的坚定决心和许多人的不懈努力,我们在面对这一挑战时正在取得进展。我们大家尤其感谢秘书长特别代表拉迪卡·库马拉斯瓦米、彼得·维蒂希大使和安全理事会儿童与武装冲突问题工作组作出的令人钦佩的不懈努力以及由于更多的儿童卷入武装冲突,维持和平行动部(维和部)越来越多地作出令人钦佩的不懈努力。", "今天,安理会为这一进展采取行动并发扬广大它。把进攻学校和医院作为在秘书长年度报告中列名的触发点,这将提高对这些严重违反行为及其对儿童生活的可怕影响的认识。我们希望,这将促使各国政府和团体作出更大努力,通过制定具体计划,制止这种违反规定的行为,来防止对学校和医院的进攻。如果它们不这样做,确立同制裁委员会更明确的联系,将加强安理会采取行动的能力。一个文明社会不能容忍有罪不罚的现象,正如公义是不可或缺的力量。", "我们今天的作为是有原则的做法,但它也必须切合实际。光是监测、报告和列名还不够力度。单凭制裁也不能解决所有问题。尽管通过谴责表达了我们大家所感到的愤怒,但是谴责本身不会推动政府的行动。这些是必要的条件,但不足以实现持久的改变。为此,我们还必须寻找新的切实办法,防止发生这种行径。各项行动计划是这方面的重要部分。联合国应当同想要执行这些计划的所有政府和团体进行接触。", "此外,今天的决议应当导致就学校和医院的军事用途进行必要的讨论,从而鼓励更多的政府学习尼泊尔和菲律宾的榜样,把学校作为和平区进行保护。", "最后,即使在我们加强法律框架以加强我们应对这些滥权行为的措施之时,我们绝不能忘记那些遭到虐待和面临危险的儿童。我认为,我们常常把陷于冲突的儿童仅仅当作可怜的受害者。但是,正如我们许多人看到的那样,他们具有强劲的韧性,他们的勇气超出想象。他们值得我们钦佩,也许甚至值得我们敬畏。他们同各地的儿童一样,即便在一无所有的时候,仍抱着希望和理想。他们不需要我们的怜悯。他们需要实际的支助和方案,以帮助他们充分发挥潜力并对社会作出积极贡献。", "我在刚果民主共和国见到的年轻男孩曾两次恢复军旅生活,然后被释放。他继续面临被征入伍的危险,因为他缺乏抵御它的技能和资源。他打算寻找另一个居住的社区并正在接受平民生活的更多训练。但他的前途变幻莫测。", "在同一次访问中,我遇到另一个年轻人,他在11岁遭到劫持,被迫参加多年的战斗,然后逃跑。幸亏,他找到了利用其所受训练的方法。今天,他经营一家木工店,成了家并有一个孩子。我决不会忘记,他骄傲地告诉我,我所坐的椅子是他做的,并且希望他的例子会启发在他受训的训练中心的其他人。这些人现在前去访问他时,都把他当作他们自己未来希望的象征。", "2009年,我们纪念了《儿童权利公约》缔结20周年。通过禁止某些最恶劣形式的剥削和虐待儿童行为的《任择议定书》至今已有十多年。我敦促尚未签署、批准和执行这些不可或缺文书的会员国予以签署、批准和执行。", "然而,让我们永远不要忘记,人权本身不是目的。人的生命,儿童的生命,才是我们的目的。权利是一个框架,用于捍卫人的尊严,并为人类进步创造条件。能改变世界的是我们为保护这些权利所采取的实际步骤,以及我们的行动所产生的影响。今天,我们正采取另一个前进步骤。我非常感谢安理会致力于保护受武装冲突影响的儿童,并使这个重要议题成为优先事项。", "主席(以英语发言):我们感谢莱克先生的通报。", "根据安理会成员达成的谅解,我谨提醒所有发言者将发言时间限制在五分钟之内,以便安理会能够快速开展工作。敬请打算作长篇发言的代表团散发书面发言稿,在会议厅内则作简略发言。", "我现在请安全理事会理事国代表发言。", "奥尔古因·奎利亚尔女士(哥伦比亚)(以西班牙语发言):首先,我要感谢拉迪卡·库马拉斯瓦米女士的通报和报告,并感谢儿基会执行主任安东尼·莱克先生。", "我国代表团高兴地参加安理会本次重要辩论会。我们感谢有机会向联合国其他会员国介绍我们对这个问题的看法;我们对这个问题了如指掌。因此,我们认为,鉴于我们的经历和我们所采取的措施,我们可以帮助更好地了解这个问题。我们知道,安理会所作的决定如果着重点正确,会对各国能够提供的解决办法产生影响。", "受冲突影响儿童的福祉,必须是促使我们齐心协力找到明确的解决办法的主要动机。预防与合作政策无疑比指责有关各国政府并将它们排除在辩论、交流信息和寻求解决办法进程之外更有效。", "自2005年7月第1612(2005)号决议通过以来,人们认识到,监测和报告机制必须在国家政府及相关联合国和民间社会行为体的参加与合作下运作。在这方面,安理会再次重申各国政府在儿童保护与复原方面的首要作用,并重申联合国各实体所采取的行动必须旨在支持和补充国家政府的努力。", "近年来发生的情况是,受影响国家的政府被排除在辩论会和工作机制之外。这一趋势使我们更加远离关于保护受影响儿童问题的最终解决办法,因为必须采取纠正行动的是各国政府。在这方面,我们要强调,正如秘书长的报告(S/2011/250)指出的那样,迄今所取得的结果是各国政府所采取行动、和平进程或结束冲突的产物。", "第1612(2005)号决议指出,监测和报告机制必须支持和补充国家政府保护儿童和使儿童复原的能力。自2005年该机制建立以来,在寻求解决办法方面进展不大,指责倒是有所增加。我们认为,加强各国能力的工作——联合国应对这一问题的一项根本原则——一直做得不够。联合国决不能仅停留在指责上;它必须利用其经验更果断地与各国合作,以寻求解决办法。", "请允许我直言不讳、实事求是。那种认为联合国或任何其他多边组织能够改变恐怖组织思维的想法是十分天真的。数十年来,恐怖组织一直令平民感到恐惧,从非法活动中牟利,将恐怖作为惯用手段,利用儿童作为实现这些目的的工具,以及一贯无视国家和国际准则。出于这一原因,哥伦比亚认为,联合国系统各机构公开表示打算尝试在未经有关国家政府同意的情况下直接与这些团体谈判是不允许的、不可接受的。", "哥伦比亚是一个法治国家,也是一个牢固的民主政体。在这个民主政体内,我们在为拥有一个和平的国家和使我们的民众免于由贩毒活动供资的非法武装团体的噩梦而奋斗。我今天重申这一点,因为专家组今年已讨论过这个问题。", "我们坚信,如果联合国意识到,如果它恪守其对国家政府的承诺,它就能加强保护受招募活动影响的儿童这一目标,我们就会取得更多结果。这一承诺是通过各国政府的合作和参与得以履行的。在这方面,我们并不认为这些决议普遍适用,因为每个局势都是不同、特别的。制订名单造成困难,并使为各国寻求解决办法的努力复杂化。我们在2005年指出了这一点,而今天这次辩论会的时间和情况证明,我们是正确的。通过适合每个社会和每个局势现实的具体项目取得了进展。", "毫无疑问,改变重点,转而强调本组织会员国之间的合作与对话,在各国境内以遵守联合国指导原则的方式开展工作,并使有关国家政府成为促进和保护受招募活动影响儿童权利工作的同盟,是取得结果和确保不再有儿童被剥夺自由的途径。我们希望大家更加理解,我们会员国和联合国能够在同一条道路上共同努力。只有这样,它们的工作才会得到加强。", "哥伦比亚执行了一项预防计划。我们一向认为,预防应当指导安理会和联合国的行动。不幸的是,无论是这项决议还是关于这个问题的其他决议,都没有考虑把预防作为其中心政策中的一项战略,从而错失了开展行动,使儿童能够真正过上有机会和有前途的不同生活的机会。", "多年来,我们一直在地方和区域政策中促进儿童权利议题。我们得到国际移民组织的最大支持。我们再次感谢该组织多年来以这样的方式作出努力,在这个问题上与我国政府合作。这就是为什么我们提议联合国系统在单一计划下全面开展工作,并注重特别易受非法武装团体招募活动影响的29个市镇。我感谢潘基文秘书长的支持,他的帮助对促使哥伦比亚境内的系统致力于开展这个项目至关重要。未来数月将开展若干注重社会、教育、娱乐和培训方面的项目,以便为面临风险地区的儿童和青年提供机会。", "铭记这一点,并审议取得结果的最佳途径,我们提议对关于这个问题的各项决议的效果和执行情况进行一次认真、非政治化的评估。这种评估必须包括对相关机制的审查,以评估其效力。我们认为,我们亟需这样一次审查,因为十年来我们一直在讨论这个问题,却没有取得什么结果。哥伦比亚认为,应当对这一令人痛苦的问题进行一次深入思考,因为我们的儿童是这些做法的受害者,我们多年来一直在打击这些做法。", "阿尔卡拉伊先生(波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那)(以英语发言):韦斯特维勒部长,首先我要对你主持这次重要的辩论会表示感谢。波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那欢迎并赞扬贵国作为安全理事会儿童与武装冲突问题工作组主席所作的努力。我们还感谢潘基文秘书长的发言,并感谢秘书长特别代表拉迪卡·库马拉斯瓦米女士和儿基会执行主任安东尼·莱克先生的全面通报。", "波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那极为重视保护受武装冲突影响的儿童,强烈谴责一切违反国际法,在冲突局势中侵害儿童的行径,包括招募、杀害、残害、强奸和其他性暴力行为,袭击学校和医院,以及拒绝人道主义准入。我们谨强调,国家有按照相关国际法规定尊重和保证境内和辖下所有人人权的首要责任。此外,我们强调,《儿童权利公约》及其关于儿童卷入武装冲突问题的《任择议定书》和日内瓦四公约及其附加议定书,构成在武装冲突中保护和促进儿童权利的标准。", "然而,鉴于武装冲突中所有各方都应该严格遵守国际义务,我们对有人继续违反有关武装冲突中儿童权利及保护儿童的国际法规定而不受惩罚的情况深表关切。应当利用一切可利用手段结束侵害儿童不受惩罚的现象。必须将肇事者绳之以法,追究其责任。这样做将发出一个明确的信息,即在武装冲突局势中侵害和虐待儿童的行径不会被容忍,将受到惩罚。", "特别是,适当时必须对违法者采取更为有力和有针对性的措施。我们呼吁负责儿童与武装冲突问题特别代表继续已确立做法,即向各制裁委员会通报情况,特别是通过秘书长的报告和儿童与武装冲突问题工作组有关特定国家的结论提出具体的建议。", "我们也相信,第1882(2009)号和第1960(2010)号决议促进建立切实可行的办法,克服在收集、系统处理与核实冲突局势中性暴力信息方面的困难,同时保留每一项任务的分别侧重点。在这方面,我们也完全支持负责儿童与武装冲突问题特别代表和负责冲突中性暴力问题特别代表之间的合作,查明实施强奸和性暴力的责任方。我们也支持并强调安全理事会儿童与武装冲突问题工作组工作的重要性。", "我们欢迎秘书长的报告(S/2011/250),同时呼吁报告附件中所列各方尊重国际人道主义法和人权法规定义务,停止违法行为,同联合国对话并承诺制定和实施有时限规定的行动计划。必须得到所在国政府的密切合作与同意,为这一对话提供便利。同样,应当在与当地所有相关行为体,包括所在国政府、联合国实体、民间社会组织和捐助者有效协调的情况下编写和实施有时限规定的行动计划。重要的是,在实施监测和报告机制的国家,必须为这方面努力提供适当的资源和资金。", "若干方已经同联合国签署行动计划,目的是制止在冲突中招募和使用儿童,波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那对此感到鼓舞。我们也欢迎制定第1882(2009)号决议执行工作指导意见与后续行动计划。此外,我们谨强调,关于被武装力量招募的儿童的有效重返社会方案,是持久和平与安全,而且更重要的是,确保那些儿童福祉的关键因素。", "去年,波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那是大会题为“紧急情况中的受教育权利”的第64/290号决议主要提案国之一。我们谨回顾,大会以协商一致方式通过这项决议,其中强调必须采取一切可能的措施确保在紧急情况的各个阶段的受教育权利,并呼吁在国内法中将袭击学校行为定为刑事罪。我们对在武装冲突局势中违反国际人道主义法,袭击、威胁袭击和关闭学校和医院,将学校和医院改为军用的数量深表关切。我们确信,有效地解决袭击学校和医院相关问题将确保儿童在冲突期间或冲突后不被剥夺受教育的权利。", "此外,我想谈谈波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那经历中的一些情况和事实,提醒安理会,在被围困的萨拉热窝市丧生的10 000多人中,有1 500名儿童,波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那各地还有其他许多儿童丧生。这些无辜儿童将永远没有机会再上学或游戏。与此相关,昨天在斯雷布雷尼察种族灭绝16周年之际,有一名11岁的男孩Nesib Muhić和他15岁的哥哥Hasib一起重新下葬,他们是最近被查明身份的613俱尸体中的两人。同样被害的还有其他儿童。让我们在安理会会议厅上发出一个强烈的信息:如此危害儿童的犯罪将受到坚决的谴责和惩罚,决不会被容忍。", "因此,我们坚定地认为,安全理事会应继续致力于在武装冲突中保护儿童,包括决心确保充分执行和遵守安理会有关该问题的各项决议。波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那随时准备为此作出贡献。", "Radebe先生(南非)(以英语发言):主席先生,我们谨借此机会感谢你主持今天的会议,感谢贵国代表团组织本次重要辩论。我们感谢潘基文秘书长、负责儿童与武装冲突问题的秘书长特别代表拉迪卡·库马拉斯瓦米女士和儿童基金会执行主任安东尼·莱克先生所作的通报。我们也欢迎刚才通过的第1998(2011)号决议。", "南非继续对武装冲突中儿童的困境深感关切。卷入武装冲突的儿童被剥夺了在能够实现其充分潜力的环境中成长的机会。南非特别关切的是,成千上万的儿童继续持枪当兵,许多儿童还成为武装冲突的受害者。因此,我们依然坚定承诺消除在武装冲突中招募和使用儿童的现象。", "自1996年格拉萨·马谢尔编写联合国第一份有关武装冲突对儿童影响问题的报告(A/51/306)以来,已经取得重大进展。南非欣见,在整个联合国特别是安全理事会的议程上,儿童与武装冲突问题继续得到应有的关注。我们感到鼓舞,安理会已经确定六种在武装冲突中严重侵害儿童的行径。我国认为,这六种行径应该得到安理会的同等重视。", "在这方面,我们欢迎扩大对袭击学校和医院的惯犯的惩罚措施的触发机制。我们对新出现的此类袭击趋势表示关切。我们呼吁冲突各方遵守国际人道主义法,避免袭击平民目标,特别是可能有儿童在场的目标。", "南非关切的是,尽管国际社会积极努力解决武装冲突中的儿童所面临的挑战,冲突各方继续犯下侵害儿童的行径。在刚果民主共和国、巴勒斯坦、阿富汗和其他地方,儿童继续成为战争的牺牲品,他们的权利继续受到侵犯。我们同样关切的是,许多有儿童卷入武装冲突的国家和局势在非洲。我们欢迎某些地区如布隆迪,卷入武装冲突的儿童状况有所改善。我们呼吁仍被列于名单之上的各方效仿这些国家和实体,采取具体的行动计划,改善局势。最近有报道说,新冲突地区如科特迪瓦和利比亚,有新的违法行径发生,南非对此深表关切。我们呼吁受影响的政府在民间社会和国际捐助各方的协助下,制定并执行具体计划以应对儿童遭受武装冲突影响的挑战。国际捐助各方应继续提供长期可持续援助以利此类方案的推动。", "从南非来说,我国已经批准了《儿童权利公约关于儿童卷入武装冲突问题的任择议定书》。该任择议定书将直接参与敌对行动、加入武装团体和政府强制征兵的最低年龄定为18岁。此外,我国儿童法和国防力量政策也符合《任择议定书》的规定,把成年年龄定为18岁,这也符合《南非宪法》。儿童法认识到,必须给予特别关心和保护,使儿童不受到伤害、虐待和疏于照顾。它体现了南非根据《儿童权利公约》所作的承诺。", "至关重要的是,我们不能忘记受武装冲突影响的儿童的长期需要。因此,南非强调,必须在预防冲突方面采取广泛战略。这项战略应当全面处理武装冲突的根源问题并创造保护和促进儿童权利的有利环境。", "南非欢迎特别代表办公室和儿童基金会办事处坚定承诺落实监测和报告机制,这样做将大大有助于处理招募和使用儿童兵问题以及武装冲突中所犯下的其它违法行为。我们鼓励它们继续在各自授权范围内与其它关键利益攸关方包括维持和平行动部、有关会员国和非政府组织统一采取行动,确保在处理该祸害方面采取一致对策。", "我们还赞扬安全理事会工作组的工作,特别是它发挥作用,审查冲突当事方在制定和执行有时限的行动计划方面作出的进展。这些行动计划是为了制止冲突当事方违反国际义务,招募和使用儿童兵。", "最后,南非愿表示,我们继续承诺与安理会成员和国际社会共同努力,确保保护儿童问题继续是我们主要的优先工作。", "赖斯女士(美利坚合众国)(以英语发言):主席先生,我们感谢你以及维蒂希大使和德国代表团主办本次重要的辩论会,也感谢你作为安全理事会工作组主席所发挥的领导作用。我们也非常感谢秘书长、库马拉斯瓦米特别代表和儿童基金会执行主任托尼·莱克所作的重要发言。", "儿童在武装冲突中遭受虐待,不仅令我们心碎,而且也破坏了我们各国社会的组织结构,损害了我们的共同安全,并要求我们大家做更多工作来制止这些暴行。它们造成的伤害无时无刻不让我们感到震惊。教科文组织最近的一份报告称,在1998年至2008年期间,估计有200万名儿童死于冲突,600万名儿童致残。据称目前约有30万名儿童被用来打仗。毫无疑问的是,只要如此之多的儿童继续遭受此类暴行和虐待,我们就对不起世界儿童。", "这不是要贬低我们为帮助世界各地武装冲突中的儿童所开展的工作。从2004年起,联合国已在9个冲突地区签署了15项行动计划,并完成了其中的5项。特别代表和在实地的联合国机构对实地状况发挥了显著影响。秘书长的报告(S/2011/250)总体来说令人沮丧,但其中的亮点之一就是除役的儿童兵人数。估计今年在苏丹、尼泊尔、乍得、中非共和国、刚果民主共和国、缅甸和斯里兰卡有6 300名儿童被解除此类奴役。我们加大了对严重虐待行为的关注力度。我们加强了信息收集能力,其中包括要求秘书长提交全面报告。我们列出了严重犯罪者的姓名,并坦率地研究了有关国家的个别情况。", "工作组采取的所有这些步骤均有助于国际社会继续正视此类虐待行为,有助于各国当局对此予以紧急关注。但是,正如我们大家所知,还有更多工作要做。比如,我刚刚参加南苏丹共和国开国大典回来。整个苏丹取得了一些进展,特别是去年有近1 200名儿童逃脱武装团体的魔掌。联合国订立了行动计划并与苏丹一些团体签署了谅解备忘录。但虐待行为仍在继续发生,其中包括上帝抵抗军和其它团体的虐待行为。苏丹政府和苏丹武装部队尚未签署和执行行动计划。另一方面,我们敦促前苏丹人民解放运动继续执行其已经到期的2009年行动计划,并在正式延长该计划的协议上签字。", "缅甸政府军和武装团体仍存在儿童兵服役。缅甸政府承诺停止招募和使用儿童兵,并与联合国一起制定行动计划。我们敦促它尽快这样做,同时借鉴国际劳工组织和儿童基金会等有关机构的专长。", "我们也对刚果民主共和国的局势深感不安。该国有五六个团体被列入秘书长报告的附件一。刚果民主共和国政府未能与联合国切实开展合作,制止其武装部队虐待儿童的行为。因此,某些地区招募儿童入伍的现象加剧。刚果民主共和国应当立即采取措施,包括与联合国敲定和签署早就该有的行动计划,来纠正这些令人震惊的违法行为。", "今年的报告还记录了另一个令人震惊的趋势,那就是学校和医院遇袭增多,特别是在阿富汗、科特迪瓦、刚果民主共和国、伊拉克、缅甸、巴基斯坦、也门和菲律宾。单是在科特迪瓦,据儿童基金会称,在选举后的危机期间就有224所学校遇袭,导致约65 000名儿童上学受扰。秘书长的报告记录了此类袭击。在通过今天的决议(第1998(2011)号决议)后,秘书长将有权对三番四次进行此类袭击的人予以点名批评。", "总的来说,我们对持续侵害儿童却不受惩罚的现象深感关切。秘书长报告附件所列的16个武装冲突当事方已被列名五年或更长时间。这显然是不能接受的状况。因此,美国敦促在今天的决议中列入以下内容,即安理会作出有时限的承诺,审议各种备选方案,以加大对持续作出这类罪行的人的压力。安理会一致支持这项承诺是使严重违法者为其行动负责而采取的重要步骤。", "今天,我们要重新致力于实现这样的一个世界,即所有儿童都应该享有我们希望自己的儿女享有的那种安全、机会和希望。", "布里特斯·佩雷拉先生(葡萄牙)(以英语发言):主席先生,我愿首先感谢你召开本次公开辩论会,讨论儿童与武装冲突问题。葡萄牙高度重视该问题。我还愿欢迎和感谢负责儿童与武装冲突问题的秘书长特别代表拉迪卡·库马拉斯瓦米女士和儿童基金会执行主任安东尼·莱克先生的通报。我还就此机会赞扬他们为切实在武装冲突局势中保护儿童所做的工作和努力。", "首先请允许我重申,葡萄牙坚决致力于促进和保护人权以及捍卫国际人道主义法。武装冲突中保护平民一直是我国作为安理会当选成员的优先行动事项之一。", "回顾1998年我国上一次担任安理会成员期间,我们就促进了安理会关于儿童与武装冲突问题的第一次辩论会(见文件S/PV.3896)。当时我们已确信,正如我们今天仍确信的那样,此问题对国际和平与安全具有严重影响。武装冲突中保护儿童需要整个国际社会的承诺。葡萄牙全心全意致力于实现该目标。", "从那时以来,安理会取得了重大进展,逐步建立了监督、报告和应对严重侵害儿童行为的强大规范框架和机制。我们今天通过的决议(第1998(2011)号决议)扩大了将肇事者列入秘书长报告附件的原因的范围,其中增加了袭击学校和医院的行为以及袭击和威胁袭击学童及教育和医疗人员的行为。这一扩大将使安理会能够采取一致和及时的行动,进一步增强对儿童的保护及儿童获得教育和保健服务的能力。", "武装冲突局势中儿童无法获得充分的教育和保健是一个严重问题,将给有关国家的长期发展带来后果。据教科文组织报告,2 800万名儿童因武装冲突而被剥夺受教育的权利。这一局势是完全不可接受的,急需加以纠正。", "在这方面,我国定期在人权委员会和人权理事会提出关于实现受教育权利的决议草案,该决议草案是教育权利问题特别报告员的任务的起源。此决议以及我国共同提出的、大会去年通过的关于紧急情况下的教育的决议(第64/290号决议)是朝正确方向迈出的一步,不仅将保障一项基本人权,而且将成为实现其他基本权利的一个重要工具。", "在这方面,请允许我感谢民间社会为增进儿童权利保护所进行的重要工作。这项工作十分有助于为安全理事会在这一极其重要领域的工作铺平道路。", "过去几年来,安全理事会不断增强对严重侵害儿童行为屡犯者追究责任。在不久的将来,我们希望看到对包括劫持儿童和拒绝人道主义准入在内的所有此类侵害行为一视同仁。", "这一在武装冲突局势中保护儿童的规范框架必须得到进一步促进。葡萄牙认为,安理会必须继续解决某些令人关切的局势,同时努力找到促进保护受武装冲突影响的儿童的最佳方式。在这方面,行动计划是与武装部队和有组织武装团体进行接触的极好工具。但我们必须记住,在涉及民兵或其他没有稳固指挥结构的非国家武装团体的局势中,此类计划可能不太有效。", "此外,许多冲突均具有跨界影响。在采取逐国做法的情况下,可能会忽视这个方面。上帝抵抗军等冲突方在行动中完全无视国界。儿童在一个国家被绑架,然后被送往另一国,有时被送往第三国。在这方面,我们欢迎维持和平行动部、儿童基金会和秘书长特别代表办公室正在进行的协调努力。但我们认为,在协调解决跨界儿童保护问题方面需要采取更多行动。", "对严重侵害儿童行为屡犯者采取针对性措施的能力,是安全理事会在这方面可使用的一个重要工具。我们坚信,在延长或制定现有各制裁委员会的任期时,应将儿童保护的标准和专门知识纳入其中。", "但葡萄牙还认为,安理会需要设法审议对在没有专门制裁委员会的局势中犯有严重侵害儿童行为者采取定向措施。我们欢迎儿童与武装冲突问题工作组即将讨论对武装冲突局势中侵害儿童行为屡犯者施加更大压力的可选方法。", "秘书长特别代表及其办公室的倡导和奉献对促进这一议程发挥了关键作用。请允许我欢迎她自上次辩论以来进行的五次实地考察(见文件S/PV.6341)以及在她考察的每个地点达成的承诺。葡萄牙支持延长她的任期。该任期已有助于在促进和保护儿童权利问题上推动进展。", "最后,请允许我强调,自1996年格拉萨·马谢尔关于武装冲突对儿童的影响的研究报告(见A/51/306)显示世界各地儿童在武装冲突局势中所遭受的苦难以来,已经做了许多工作。该研究报告显然是武装冲突中儿童议程的基础,但安全理事会通过的每一项决议均增强了儿童保护框架。我希望,这次公开辩论会和我们刚才通过的决议将成为帮助安理会开展工作和秘书长特别代表完成其任务的有益工具。", "目前,人们已广泛认识到武装冲突对儿童的有害和广泛影响及其对持久和平、安全和发展的长期后果。正如格拉萨·马谢尔1996年所说的那样,解决武装冲突对儿童的影响必须成为每个人的责任。目前依然如此。", "马克·莱尔·格兰特爵士(联合王国)(以英语发言):我与其他发言者一道感谢主席先生举行今天的辩论会。我们欢迎德国以安全理事会主席和儿童与武装冲突问题工作组主席的身份提请国际社会注意这一问题。我们感谢秘书长今天上午所作的承诺声明,并感谢负责儿童与武装冲突问题的秘书长特别代表拉迪卡·库马拉斯瓦米女士和儿童基金会执行主任安东尼·莱克先生所作的通报。请允许我特别感谢库马拉斯瓦米女士所做的工作。我们十分感谢她努力帮助全球儿童以及她在这项工作上发挥的领导作用。", "我想重点谈三个问题——雄心壮志、实际行动及解决侵害教育行为的重要性。", "首先,我们必须对此议程保持高昂的雄心壮志。联合国协助受武装冲突影响的儿童的努力在许多情况下是有效的,而且效果很好。在苏丹和阿富汗,我们期待着执行释放被征召和陷入战斗的儿童并使其重返社会的新行动计划。", "我们能够凸显一些具体成果,例如2010年尼泊尔差不多有3 000名儿童获释,今年乍得有191名儿童重返社会。但也有一些地区进展较为缓慢。在刚果民主共和国,我们需要大幅增强释放儿童兵的势头,包括释放与刚果民主共和国武装力量有关联的儿童兵。在缅甸,需要为联合国提供更多准入,以便监督和报告虐待儿童行为,尤其是族裔冲突地区的虐待儿童行为。", "在通过第1379(2001)号决议后的五年中,全世界三分之二的儿童生活在42个受暴力和冲突影响最严重的国家。会员国在一系列决议中显示出在全球范围解决侵犯儿童权利问题的勇气。我们今天通过的第1998(2011)号决议标志着又向前迈出了重要的一步,但它并非标志着我们的抱负到此为止。", "第二,我们应继续将努力重点放在实际行动上。制定和执行国家行动计划仍然是释放儿童的最有效工具。我们应将很大部分努力集中在这一方面。当然,我们在决定采取何种行动之前,必须慎重考虑具体情况。各国情况互有不同,因此工作组和国家工作队必须不断寻找新的和创新的方式,在实地取得最大实效。例如,我们欢迎更多采用实地考察方式,事实显示这种方式是为工作组的决定提供信息依据和增强当地对话的有效工具。", "第三,我欢迎我们的新决议将重点放在解决袭击学校和医院的问题上。剥夺儿童受教育的机会这一行为本身就是对其人权的侵犯;该行为还剥夺他们了解和享有更广泛权利的能力。安全的学校能为冲突地区的儿童提供保全生命的信息。上学可防止儿童从事较危险的生计。上学能减少童工现象,确保年轻人不会丧失社会权利,从而从较长远来看有助于防止冲突。我们希望,增加这项内容将增强我们减少侵害儿童行为和改善儿童生活的努力。", "联合国在儿童与武装冲突问题上的行动是有效的。当我们注重实效、而不纠缠于机构或理论时,该行动的效果最佳。正因为此,我们应保持和增强我们的雄心,包括扩大解决儿童与武装冲突问题的范围,将侵害教育行为这一重要题目纳入其中,正如我们今天所做的那样。", "维奥蒂夫人(巴西)(以英语发言):主席先生,我要祝贺你召集这次重要的辩论会。我感谢秘书长的发言,并且感谢拉迪卡·库马拉斯瓦米女士和安东尼·莱克先生今天的发言以及他们在这一重要问题上所开展的宝贵工作。", "保护儿童不受冲突的可怕伤害是安理会保护平民、终止周而复始的冲突、建立持久和平这一努力的重要方面。我们欢迎今天通过的第1998(2011)号决议,并欢迎该决议将重点放在解决袭击学校和医院的问题上。教育和保健是基本人权,也是和平社会的基本要素。袭击学校和医院就是袭击人的尊严这一根本概念。", "安理会已制定一整套关于儿童与武装冲突问题的重要准则,构成了保护平民的有益工具。这些准则在制止严重侵害儿童的行为方面促成了进展。尽管如此,还需要进行大量努力,使我们的工作更有效率和效力。我们赞扬德国领导儿童与武装冲突问题工作组,并支持继续审议如何更好地利用该工作组现有的工具去保护儿童。", "在应对武装冲突局势时,必须将尊重国际人道主义法律作为我们的核心关切事项。安理会不必也不宜为规范冲突各方的行动制定一套新准则。在国际人道主义法律遭到违反的情况下,安理会可决定为保护最脆弱人群可能需要更直接的参与。", "国际人道主义法律对于袭击学校和医院的行为有明确规定。教师、学生、病人和医务人员是平民,因此是国际人道主义法律规定的受保护人员。安理会曾屡次重申冲突各方有责任保护平民。我们必须避免选择性做法,在要求严格遵守国际人道主义法律方面保持一致性。", "在没有武装冲突、不属于安理会职权范围的局势中,会员国应支持促进儿童权利的国家和国际机制。而在有武装冲突的情形中,则安理会保护儿童的努力必须与其维护国际和平与安全的更广泛目标紧密相连。签署行动计划和释放儿童兵是非常重要的成就,但我们的最终目标必须是结束导致此种侵犯行为的冲突。", "可持续和平是持久保护的最佳保障。巴西将继续坚定支持安理会努力在武装冲突中切实保护儿童和协助奠定长期和平的基础。", "潘金先生(俄罗斯联邦)(以俄语发言):主席先生,我们高兴地欢迎你作为贵国外交部长担任安全理事会本次会议主席,并感谢我们的德国同事主动召集这次会议,还感谢他们以极其专业的方式主持安理会儿童与武装冲突问题工作组的工作。我们感谢秘书长潘基文先生、负责儿童与武装冲突问题的秘书长特别代表拉迪卡·库马拉斯瓦米女士和儿童基金会执行主任安东尼·莱克先生关注在武装冲突中保护儿童的问题,并感谢他们就这方面的现状提供有益信息。", "尽管在国际和国家级别采取了种种步骤,尽管存在广泛的国际法律依据,但我们注意到,儿童仍是受武装冲突伤害最深的群体之一。安全理事会在促进国际和平与安全的任务框架内,对此问题给予大力关注。在这方面,我们欢迎今天通过第1998(2011)号决议,并希望该决议的执行将有助于增强保护儿童的制度和此领域的总体国际合作", "然而,我们要指出,保护儿童的任务是全系统的任务,此领域的工作必须加以良好的协调。这将增强该项工作的效果,防止重复努力,因为大会、人权理事会和建设和平委员会也在各自的授权范围内处理这些问题。因此,显然有必要根据《宪章》和其他国际法律文书,尊重联合国各机构之间现有的工作分担制度。联合国系统内还有几个国际组织,尤其是儿童基金会,也在这个领域开展重要工作。", "第1612(2005)号决议为在武装冲突和冲突后重建进程中保护儿童奠定了基础,其中包括实施监督和问责机制以及由儿童与武装冲突问题工作组开展工作。我们认为,这些工具应主要针对安全理事会议程上最严重、规模最大的武装冲突,包括当事国同意该工作组审议其局势的情况。在这方面,尤其重要的是建立密切的合作、对话和信任,这样做会有助于改善实地儿童的状况。", "我们仔细研究了秘书长的报告(文件S/2011/250),并注意到其中包含丰富的信息。然而,我们必须再次指出,报告中提到的某些证据的可靠性值得怀疑。显然,根据客观和可靠信息作出均衡的评估将可保障进一步切实执行报告中所含的建议。我们对报告中关于“武装冲突”的含义所做的不严格解释表示关切。根据该解释,报告包含了对令人关切的局势的提及。在这种背景下,我们愿指出,没有理由在报告中提及印度、巴基斯坦、泰国、菲律宾和海地。这些国家的局势不能被称作存在武装冲突。", "就报告和决议草案所做的工作以及各种讨论都表明,许多国家对负责儿童与武装冲突问题的秘书长特别代表如何实际履行她的任务授权的某些方面抱有疑问。我们认为,现在到了就此问题开展广泛讨论的时刻,以便回应各国的关切。", "关于秘书长报告中提出的建议,我们同意需要给予所有六类严重侵害儿童的情况给予同等关注的想法。侵害儿童的罪行绝不能不加惩处。", "还有必要采取长期措施,促使受冲突影响的儿童的康复和重返社会。在这方面,极为重要的是要创造妥善的条件,使儿童能够接受不间断的完全教育并能够获取全面的医疗保健。", "最后,应该不断加强将那些侵犯儿童权益者绳之以法的机制。我再说一遍,有罪不罚是无法令人接受的现象。", "我们强烈谴责无论是有预谋袭击还是因为滥用或过度使用武力而导致儿童遭到屠杀和残害的现象。尽管正采取额外措施如国际军事存在以防止这种情况的发生,但是它们仍频繁发生,令人哀痛。我们认为,试图将平民而尤其是儿童伤亡说成是附带损害是不可接受的。这违反了《日内瓦公约》的规定。我们主张认真调查这些事件,并惩办凶手。", "继续将儿童拘押在国际部队的军事监狱而无法交付民事司法体系也同样无法令人接受。我们呼吁负责儿童与武装冲突问题的秘书长特别代表特别关注这个问题。", "最后,我愿再次表示这样的看法,即:如果没有与处于冲突中或冲突后重建阶段国家政府的合作,就不可能实现包括在保护儿童领域内的有效合作。在此背景下,我们强调联合国特派团和联合国国家工作队与非国家武装团体之间的合作必须征得涉及冲突的国家政府的同意,这一点十分重要。", "萨拉姆先生(黎巴嫩)(以英语发言):首先,请允许我感谢韦斯特维勒部长出席并主持本次重要会议。我还要感谢潘基文秘书长、负责儿童与武装冲突问题的秘书长特别代表库马拉斯瓦米女士以及儿基会执行主任莱克先生的全面通报。", "由于受到武力不人道的影响,儿童常常被夺走他们的童年。冲突前沿让他们直接面对荒谬而可怕的战争,并威胁到他们的教育、医疗保健和最基本的人权——生命权。", "如秘书长报告(S/2011/250)所概述的那样,尽管在规范方面和一些具体情况方面取得了显著进展,但是儿童在武装冲突中的总体情况仍令人担忧。我们谴责滥用和不成比例地使用武力侵害儿童的各种行为,并呼吁武装冲突局势中的各方严格遵守国际人道主义法。", "秘书长的报告指出,攻击学校和医院的情况日益严重。在以色列上次即2006年发起的战争中,黎巴嫩亲身经历了对其学校和医院的攻击。我们面前的决议引入了一条将武装冲突方列名秘书长年度报告附件的新标准,即攻击医院和学校,从而在武装冲突中保护儿童的问题上取得了重要进展。它明确警告违法者将为此类违法行为承担严重后果。", "将学校作为攻击目标还对发展产生深远和破坏性影响。事实上,世界银行在其关于中东和北非地区教育问题的报告中指出,特别是为女童提供教育是各国可以采取的促进人类发展并处理弱势状况的最有效的干预行动。", "从一个更加全面的角度来说,我们认为,第1612(2005)号决议列举的六种严重违反规定的行为都同样恶劣,应得到工作组同等关注。这些侵害行为是:杀害和残害儿童;招募和使用儿童兵;强奸儿童及其他性暴力行为;绑架儿童;攻击学校和医院以及阻止向儿童提供人道主义援助。我们期待着有一天能将秘书长报告附件中列名的标准扩充到包含所有这六种违反规定的行为。", "展望未来,我们愿首先强调,采用新的列名标准将要求与本地政府当局密切合作,向安理会提供准确和可核查的信息——这将进一步加强已有的报告和监测机制。第二,我们强调,有效地后续执行工作组提出的建议以及工作组对儿童受到大规模影响的紧急情况作出迅速反应非常重要。第三,追究在武装冲突中侵害儿童罪行的责任仍是一个例外。在这方面,联合国可以发挥关键作用,为脆弱国家提供法治方面的能力建设和协调一致的支助。", "最后,我愿肯定教育可以为培育和平、容忍和包容的价值观发挥作用,这是预防冲突、保护儿童并治愈他们的战争创伤最有效的办法。", "阿罗德先生(法国)(以法语发言):我赞同将以欧洲联盟名言所作的发言。", "我愿感谢德国外交部长主动召开安全理事会会议,审议儿童与武装冲突的问题。", "安理会今天上午表明,它决心确保尊重在武装冲突中享有受到教育和获得医疗的权利。国际人道主义法禁止攻击学校和医院及其工作人员。这些攻击在冲突中破坏基础设施,并摧毁对国家至关重要的精英。冲突后,这些攻击还会持久影响国家的重建。", "今天,安全理事会决定根据秘书处提供的信息,向发起这种攻击的冲突方发出明确信息。这是一个重要进展。首先,它应对了实地攻击学校和医院及其工作人员次数增多的情况,阿富汗、巴基斯坦和叙利亚的局势就是证明;但是它也反映了这样的事实,即自教科文组织发表题为“看不见的危机:武装冲突与教育”的报告后,国际社会认识到问题的存在,该报告显示在冲突国家有2 800万儿童无法获得基础教育。该报告还指出了世界卫生组织作出的贡献。", "在缺乏进展的情况下,我们绝不能在执行强有力和定向制裁上犹豫不决。安全理事会关于儿童与武装冲突问题工作组将审议该问题,以便在年内向安理会提出具体建议。就该举措而言,我们愿强调两个方面。", "第一,加强制裁体系架构的整体协调一致性,以提高安全理事会行动的公信力。", "第二,关于加强工作组与国际刑事司法体系之间联系的问题,我们欣见,国际刑事法院为打击有罪不罚现象作出了贡献,目前它正在以战争罪罪名对托马斯·卢班加进行审理即是明证。我们呼吁民间社会和非政府组织继续为各国的审议工作提供资料。", "我们也赞扬秘书长及其儿童与武装冲突问题特别代表所做的工作。我们赞同载于秘书长报告中的分析与建议。我们赞扬秘书长本人致力于武装冲突中保护儿童问题,也赞扬他的特别代表拉迪卡·库马拉斯瓦米女士所做的工作。", "我们赞同联合国在25年内建立一个没有儿童兵的世界的目标。这个目标并不好高骛远,而是切合实际。据估计,目前全世界有25万儿童兵,儿童基金会正在帮助每年使其中1万名儿童兵重新融入社会。在处理性暴力和杀害致残儿童等涉及面广的问题上依然存在重大挑战。为利于执行第1882(2009)号决议,我们呼吁秘书长为监测和报告机制和传播信息提供必要资源,并且考虑到某些冲突的跨境层面特点,在打击上帝抵抗军的过程中就是这样做的。", "我们赞扬在阿富汗和乍得签署了行动计划,我们呼吁刚果民主共和国和缅甸通过与联合国协调,完成制订它们本国的行动计划。", "就秘书处向安全理事会工作组提供的支持而言,我们感谢秘书长提供的行政支持,我们也期待工作组在2010年访问尼泊尔和2011年访问阿富汗之后,继续按现有速度开展国别访问。我们希望,这些访问将在将于秋季通过的2012-2013年预算下作为新的措施得到资助。", "我们将与秘书长儿童与武装冲突问题特别代表、儿童基金会以及指导委员会中我们的伙伴们一起,召开关于巴黎承诺和巴黎原则的第四次部长级后续行动论坛。会议将在今年9月大会的部长级会议间隙举行。", "最后,我要赞扬德国大使彼得·维蒂希先生,他出色地担任了安全理事会儿童与武装冲突问题工作组的主席。", "奥格武夫人(尼日利亚)(以英语发言):请允许我表示,尼日利亚深切赞赏安理会主席国德国召开此次有关儿童与武装冲突问题的及时会议。主席先生,我赞扬你本人在规划和组织此次重要会议过程中发挥的领导作用。德国不仅展现了对安全理事会儿童与武装问题工作组的出色领导,还在重要的道义问题上,包括武装冲突中袭击学校和医院的行为上采取了坚定立场。", "也请允许我与其他发言者一道,向秘书长特别代表库马拉斯瓦米和儿童基金会执行主任安东尼·莱克表示尼日利亚的感谢,感谢他们激励人心的发言。我还必须感谢秘书长和他的团队就这个问题提交的精心准备的明晰报告(S/2011/250)。", "过去12年来,在确定面临风险的儿童、使那些原本会威胁儿童福祉的人参与进来以及使受战争影响的儿童重新融入社会和复原方面取得了重要进展。", "建立了监测和报告制度、在执行行动计划方面稳步前进以及重新把重点放在国际人道主义法的基本原则上,这些在很多情况下已经使世界成为了一个对儿童即便不说更和平但也更安全的地方。", "尽管取得了这些显著进展,但依然存在若干挑战。令许多代表团包括我国代表团特别感到关切的是袭击和对学校、医院、学生和工作人员的其它侵犯行为的令人不安的趋势。至关重要的是,应当让武装冲突当事方认识到,这些机构在冲突期间具有安全庇护所的特殊地位。这一地位必须是不容侵犯的。它们之所以不容侵犯是因为阻碍获得保健与教育将产生长期的破坏性人道主义影响。通过保护这些安全避难所,我们是在承认庄严载于《经济、社会、文化权利国际公约》和《儿童权利公约》中的教育和健康权。", "确实,在侵害受武装冲突影响儿童行为方面存在问责缺口,我们必须填补这个缺口。对侵害儿童行为有罪不罚依然是当前冲突的特点,是更广泛的能力问题的表象。卷入冲突的国家资源匮乏,因此缺少专门调查侵害儿童罪行的人力资源。国际社会有义务为这些国家的政府提供充足资源,并且为起草和执行行动计划提供必要的技术援助与指导。", "此外,司法部门能力建设应当能够继续作为维持和平活动的重要组成部分。在支持这些国家努力的时候,安全理事会应当坚持不懈地对犯有严重侵害儿童罪行的人施加定向措施。我们还必须继续保持公开,以确保工作组的工作在适当时候给更多的政策机构包括各个制裁委员会带来益处。我们真诚希望,今天通过的这项决议将超越迄今取得的逐步改善,并且一劳永逸地填补问责缺口。", "尼日利亚明确支持对儿童保护问题采取合作办法,这是秘书长报告的主要特点。我们坚决支持秘书长儿童与武装冲突问题特别代表与秘书长冲突中性暴力问题特别代表之间高度有效的伙伴关系,也支持儿童基金会与联合国人权事务高级专员办事处之间行之有效的伙伴关系。", "国内的工作组、维持和平行动以及特别政治团和建设和平特派团也都应当得到赞扬,它们努力使儿童保护办法在其各自授权范围系统化。它们与民间社会和国家行为体的合作是在这方面取得长期改善的先决条件。这种合作的一个值得注意的模式是关于保护受上帝抵抗军影响的儿童的联合国区域战略。", "尼日利亚是《儿童权利公约关于儿童卷入武装冲突问题的任择议定书》的签署国,也是最近通过的《恩贾梅纳宣言》的创始签字国。我们认为,这些行动突出表明,我们致力于保护儿童,特别是那些易受武装冲突影响儿童的各项标准。我们目前正在而且仍将积极参与这一努力,以便保护我们青年人,行使他们的权利,而且更重要的是,追究那些侵犯这些权利的人的责任。我们认为,保护无辜者和脆弱者免受战争摧残是我们的集体责任,也是我们的神圣使命。对我们安理会成员来说,把我们自己视为替代父母或许有益。事实上,我们是培养和保护每一个儿童所需要的大家庭的一分子。因此,我们在致力于避免武装冲突给我们的青年人造成不可愈合创伤的时候,都必须谨慎小心、保持警惕,甚至强力推行。", "蒙加拉·穆索奇先生(加蓬)(以法语发言):主席先生,贵国对儿童与武装冲突问题工作组的出色指导,证明了贵国的领导和对儿童的命运与武装冲突的极度关注。本次辩论会的举行,证明了德国对这一重要问题的承诺。", "我们感谢秘书长早先在辩论中就这一问题进行的重要发言。我们也感谢库马拉斯瓦米女士干练地履行她的职责,向受冲突影响的儿童提供更大的保护,并且同我们分享非常有用的信息。最后,我们欢迎儿童基金会执行主任安东尼·莱克先生的与会,并重申我们支持他的机构对捍卫全体儿童,特别是受冲突影响儿童的事业,所作的重大贡献。", "今天的辩论会,是在安全理事会采取行动保护武装冲突中平民人口的总体背景下召开的。正如秘书长报告(S/2011/250)指出的那样,成千上万儿童继续在冲突地区成为严重违反国际法行为的受害者。加蓬坚决谴责这种违反行为,特别是招募和使用儿童兵、谋杀、绑架、强奸和其他形式的性暴力、阻止获得人道主义援助,以及袭击学校和医院。政府或非国家武装部队犯下的这些严重罪行,违反了国际法的条款和安全理事会的有关决议,包括第1612(2005)号决议。", "我们谨提出两点见解——第一点涉及在安理会保护儿童的规范行动中所取得的进展,第二点涉及我们在实地保护儿童时继续面临的挑战。", "首先来谈规范框架,我们赞扬在第1379(2001)号、第1539(2004)号决议和特别是设立监测和报告机制的第1612(2005)号决议获得通过以来所取得的长足进展。自从第1882(2009)号决议通过以来,安全理事会能够参照秘书长报告的附件中有关犯下谋杀和伤害儿童、强奸和其他形式性暴力的武装冲突各方的名单。合在一起,这些措施构成了一个有效的架构,提高了冲突各方对其可能犯下罪行的严重性的认识。此种措施也有威慑作用,因为凶手面临遭受制裁的风险。", "这一进展也加强了维和团的活动,并为实地主要行为方的工作提供便利。在这方面,我们强调维和团保护部门的顾问所发挥的关键作用。我们指出在乍得、苏丹、中非共和国,特别是刚果民主共和国所取得的成功,这要归功于联合国组织刚果民主共和国稳定特派团同儿童基金会采取联合行动,帮助解放了许多儿童兵。", "我们取得进展不应使我们忽略今后在确保更有效地保护武装冲突局势中儿童方面仍然面临的各项挑战。在这方面,我要提出两个具体问题。", "第一,令人遗憾的是,某些政府仍然强烈抵触同联合国进行建设性对话的可能性,此种对话是为了签署一项旨在制止针对武装冲突中儿童的暴力的行动计划。同样令人遗憾的是,越来越多的冲突方把目标瞄准公共机构,例如儿童、教师和医务工作者所在的学校和医院。因此,主席先生,加蓬支持你的倡议,考虑把袭击学校和医院中儿童的做法列入清单,作为把严重侵犯儿童权利的嫌犯列入秘书长报告的附件中的标准。", "最后,我们希望看到安全理事会保护武装冲突中儿童的行动不断获得评估和加强,以便提高我们打击凶手有罪不罚的斗争的效力,尤其是在对儿童犯下的恶毒罪行方面。加蓬将继续支持国际社会打击在武装冲突中使用儿童的行为,以及对他们实施的各种形式的虐待、暴力和剥削。", "哈迪普·辛格·普里先生(印度)(以英语发言):我也谨表示,我们赞赏德国对儿童与武装冲突问题工作组的干练的指导和召开今天的辩论会。", "印度民族诗人拉宾德拉纳特·泰戈尔说过,“每一个孩子都带来上帝尚未对人类感到气馁的信息”。儿童占人类的三分之一——最重要的三分之一。他们也是最弱小的,因此最容易受伤害。如果以我们如何对待我们中最弱小者的方法来评判我们,那么我们就有很多欠缺。", "儿童继续遭受暴力、饥饿和疾病的惊人苦难。也许最悲惨的是,千百万儿童被迫生活在边缘,没有机会,有时没有希望。在此同时,其他更幸运的儿童开始走上空前繁华和充满希望的人生。", "纳尔逊·曼德拉总统说过,“我们欠我们的儿童、我们社会中最脆弱的公民,一种没有暴力和恐惧的生活”。这在某些方面是每个政府的首要责任——这是政府同公民之间的社会契约的最重要因素。因此,联合国关于全体儿童和特别是儿童与武装冲突问题的工作,是它最重要的活动之一。", "印度认为,国际社会有责任,并且实际上有义务,竭尽全力帮助受武装冲突影响的儿童。我们建设性地参加目前所作的努力,使联合国在该领域中的工作变得更加切合实际和有效。我们强烈支持儿童与武装冲突问题工作组。我们积极地参加了它的审议,并将继续帮助加强武装冲突局势中保护儿童的制度。", "国际社会在该领域中的工作,在某些方面位于国际政治和国际法的前沿。我们必须推动审议,考虑到会员国的关切和经历。印度对该领域中安全理事会决议的解释方法,存在一些关切。在我前面发言的几位代表提出了同样的关切。", "我国代表团认为,必须一致和严格遵守《联合国宪章》的条款。会员国不应当把自己的基本特权和责任外包给国际公务员。国际社会具有法律和司法性质的行动,必须符合自然正义和分权的学说。必须坚持audi alteram partem——或“听取对方意见”——的原则。必须限制和抵制任务蠕变。", "印度谴责在战争期间针对儿童犯下的严重侵权行为和犯罪行为。我们批准了《儿童权利公约》及其各项任择议定书,并致力于遵守与这一国际制度有关的准则和作法。", "印度政府极为重视确保印度国内儿童的权利受到保护。世界儿童19%是印度人。我们建立了保护和促进儿童权利和福祉的法律和机构框架。我们通过了国家儿童宪章。我们宣布免费义务教育至14岁是一项强制执行的基本权利。我们还设立了国家保护儿童委员会,并通过了国家造福儿童行动计划。", "印度政府决心通过这些及其他举措为儿童营造一个保护环境。在这方面,我还要指出,印度的民间社会是该框架的组成部分。我们认为,民间社会是我们关于儿童问题的国家和国际努力中的宝贵伙伴。", "印度一直站在将安理会的言辞通过其维和任务授权化为行动努力的前列。过去五十年来,逾10万名印度部队官兵和警员参加了维和行动。根据我们在实地的经历,我们要强调,执行安理会任务授权所遇到的中心挑战是资源问题。", "我确信,极富工作热情的库马拉斯瓦米特别代表会同意我的看法,即维和特派团需要更多的儿童保护顾问和更多资源时。我国要鼓励特别代表与国家当局合作,以发展处理武装冲突中儿童问题的能力。我们认为,支持国家当局努力消除有罪不罚现象和确保追究责任应当是一个主要重点方面。", "监测和报告机制要求会员国的参与和密切监督,以确保其诚实可信。我们期望,数据收集与分析进程和列名与除名进程将在会员国密切监督下以透明和审慎的方式进行。", "众多儿童受到武装冲突影响和伤害。然而,我们不能忽视最贫穷国家的经济和社会排斥现象,因为这一现象正驱使亿万儿童走向很可能使他们成为未来问题的一部分而非未来解决办法的一部分的童年。我们必须处理这一更广泛的贫穷和绝望情况,因为贫穷和绝望比武装冲突夺走甚至更多的生命,而且往往为新的暴力循环铺平道路。这一态势不幸既未受到国际媒体关注,也未出现在安全理事会的议程上。不过,当我们在这里进行讨论时,安理会必须确保其明确的重点,以免忽视摆在其面前的构成一项全球性挑战的紧急情况。", "最后,我要引用一位英国作家说过的话。他说:“孩子开始爱自己父母,继而评判父母,很少甚至不会原谅父母。”如果我们期望从我们的后代处得到任何原谅的机会,我们就不能松懈努力。", "王民先生(中国):我欢迎德国倡议举行今天的会议。我感谢潘基文秘书长所作的发言,欢迎秘书长特别代表库马拉斯瓦米女士和联合国儿童基金会执行主任莱克先生所做的通报。", "中国高度重视武装冲突中的保护儿童问题,反对招募和使用儿童兵,反对在武装冲突中其他侵犯儿童权利的行为。中方支持联合国相关机构根据各自授权,发挥各自特长和优势,继续为加强对武装冲突中儿童的保护做出努力。为此,我愿强调以下四点:", "一、确保武装冲突中的儿童免受侵害,要从根源入手,更加重视预防、制止和消除武装冲突。安理会应切实履行其维护国际和平与安全的首要责任,加强预防外交,支持和鼓励有关各方通过斡旋、调解、对话、谈判、和解等手段,和平解决分歧,减少和及时妥善应对冲突,为儿童健康成长创造有利的安全环境。", "二、要严格执行安理会决议的授权。根据《联合国宪章》及安理会有关决议,安理会应重点关注武装冲突中的儿童保护问题。中方支持秘书长特别代表根据安理会的授权,在武装冲突中的儿童保护问题上发挥重要作用。武装冲突局势成因各异,保护儿童的措施要根据具体情况区别对待,不能搞“一刀切”。制裁是安理会应对威胁国际和平与安全局势的最后手段,中方一贯主张慎用制裁。", "三、确保保护儿童的各项方案和计划取得实效,要坚持各国政府发挥主导作用。各国政府对武装冲突中保护儿童负有首要责任,联合国有关机构的行动旨在支持和补充当事国政府的努力。安理会及其儿童与武装冲突问题工作组应加强同当事国政府的沟通,秘书长及其特别代表应尽早同当事国政府交流信息、保持接触。安理会应全面听取所有各方关于武装冲突中保护儿童的信息,特别是当事国政府提供的信息。", "四、要重视武装冲突对儿童的长期影响,采取综合措施使受武装冲突影响的儿童重返社会,恢复正常生活。国际社会在推动冲突后重建时,应将儿童重返家庭、学校和社会作为优先事项之一,国际社会应为此提供充足的资源保障,加大发展援助,在消除贫困、普及教育、促进可持续发展等方面加倍努力,为儿童健康成长创造有利的安全和社会环境。", "主席(以英语发言):我请意大利代表发言。", "拉加利尼先生(意大利)(以英语发言):主席先生,我要感谢你召开这次关于儿童与武装冲突的公开辩论会。我还要赞扬德国作为安全理事会儿童与武装冲突问题工作组主席所发挥的领导作用。我深切感谢秘书长、秘书长特别代表拉迪卡·库马拉斯瓦米女士和儿童基金会执行主任安东尼·莱克先生坚决捍卫和促进受武装冲突之害儿童权利的承诺。", "意大利赞同欧洲联盟将要作出的发言。我们也支持加拿大以儿童与武装冲突问题之友小组的名义所作的发言。意大利是该小组的成员。", "在武装冲突中保护儿童权利是意大利外交政策的优先事项之一。我们一贯主张安全理事会进一步承诺解决这一祸害。我们欢迎在加强保护框架方面取得稳步进展,今天通过第1998(2011)号决议就证明这一趋势。决定将攻击学校和医院、攻击或威胁攻击与学校和医院有关的受保护人员作为秘书长报告附件列名的新标准,这确实是全面保护儿童免遭各种严重侵害的重要步骤。", "意大利欢迎秘书长的报告(S/2011/250)并坚决赞同报告中提出的建议。我们同其他代表团一起敦促安全理事会采取更有力的措施惩罚惯犯。有罪不罚可严重破坏我们建立的保障制度的公信力。相关制裁委员会必须在各自职权范围内处理这个问题。在没有制裁委员会的情况下,安理会应考虑如何解决这种问责空白问题。", "与国际刑事法院合作也是关键。监测与确保后续执行儿童与武装冲突问题工作组的结论是另一个重要方面。", "我们高度重视行动计划。例如,我们欣见最近在阿富汗签署计划,并敦促各国政府具体后续履行它们的承诺。", "联合国特派团保护儿童顾问也落实了重要职责。提供适当的保护儿童培训是秘书长报告提出的核心建议之一。意大利支持维持和平行动部与负责儿童与武装冲突问题的秘书长特别代表办公室、儿童基金会和拯救儿童联盟合作,制定为所有维和人员提供全面、有系统的保护儿童与儿童权利培训方案的倡议。我们希望其他捐助方能同我们一道支持这一战略项目。", "最后,我要指出,我们坚决支持联合国争取各国普遍批准《儿童权利公约任择议定书》的工作。这项活动自2010年发起以来,已经取得重要成果。我们认为,普遍批准是一个宏大但现实的目标,可体现我们杜绝最严重侵害儿童权利行径的决心。这些行径也严重威胁我们的社会稳定和安康。", "主席(以西班牙语发言):我现在请墨西哥代表发言。", "埃列尔先生(墨西哥)(以西班牙语发言):我谨感谢德国外交部长吉多·韦斯特韦勒先生召开本次重要辩论会并祝贺德国代表团担任安全理事会7月主席和儿童与武装冲突问题工作组主席。墨西哥曾有幸在2009-2010年安全理事会非常任理事国任期内担任该工作组主席两年,深知其中所负的责任。", "今天上午通过第1998(2011)号决议是一个积极的步骤,为安全理事会和秘书长特别代表提供了更有效应对世界各地武装冲突中不幸发生的严重侵害成千上万儿童的违法行径的工具。", "近年来,安理会对提高联合国在武装冲突中全面保护儿童的能力作出了贡献。第1882(2009)号决议扩大了将冲突方列入秘书长报告附件的标准,以便包括性暴力和杀害和残害儿童的行径。第1998(2011)号决议增加了一项标准:攻击学校和医院,攻击或威胁攻击与学校和医院有关的受保护人员。", "这个新标准尤为重要,它考虑到攻击学校和医院不仅威胁数以千计的儿童、教师、医生和辅助人员,它也完全是攻击社会的未来,剥夺男女孩童不可剥夺的受教育和卫生的权利,因而危及国家的发展。", "安全理事会今天重申,安理会毫不含糊地承诺保护在武装冲突局势中的儿童,并发出明确信息,即国际法规定各方必须承担的有关儿童安全与福祉的义务必须得到尊重,避免一切虐待或侵害儿童的行径。", "但是,只要我们不制裁应对这些罪行负责的人和不全面打击有罪不罚的现象,这种违法行径将继续发生。重要的是,国家当局和有关各方应采取相关法律措施,将肇事者绳之以法。", "打击有罪不罚现象必须同关爱和帮助受武装冲突影响的儿童重返社会过程同时并举。在这方面,安全理事会必须确保制裁委员会将保护儿童视作为其任务的一个核心内容;而且在没有特定制裁委员会存在的情况下,安理会必须详细分析情况,以便采取必要措施,制裁应对有系统侵害儿童行为负责人的人。", "墨西哥认识到应加强工作组可以运用的机制,以提高工作组的效力,促进有效实施工作组的建议。我们认为,工作组应有效利用工作组可用的一切工具,包括定期开展实地考察,并在发生严重侵害情况时,应工作组主席或任何成员请求,召开紧急或非正式会议。此外,安全理事会必须继续加强和平特派团保护儿童的任务规定,部署顾问和建立性暴力受害者重返社会和支助方案。", "最后,我要特别赞扬特别代表库马拉斯瓦米及其团队和安东尼·莱克先生和儿童基金会官员的非凡工作,他们与民间社会一起执行这项机制,努力不懈地解决国际议程上的这一优先问题。", "主席(以英语发言):我现在请加拿大代表发言。", "里瓦德先生(加拿大)(以英语发言):首先,我谨感谢德国召开今天这次公开辩论会,并赞扬他们在武装冲突中保护儿童方面发挥领导作用。", "让我也代表由38个感兴趣的会员国组成的非正式网络——儿童与武装冲突问题之友小组讲几句话。", "儿童与武装冲突问题之友小组对安理会在过去几年开展工作,逐步加强保护受武装冲突影响儿童的框架表示欣慰。我们也赞扬负责儿童与武装冲突问题的秘书长特别代表确保在与武装冲突有关的局势中儿童的各项人权得到充分保护的工作,并赞扬儿童基金会在这方面的工作和奉献。", "之友小组成员始终呼吁安全理事会进一步加强安理会保护框架,一贯要求将在武装冲突中侵害儿童的所有六种严重行径列入第1612(2005)号决议所设立的列名标准。之友小组支持了在这方面采取渐进做法,所以赞扬安全理事会藉由今天通过的第1998(2011)号决议,将袭击学校和医院列为最新触发机制,从而填补了儿童保护框架中的一个重要空白。", "之友小组认为,象这样的新触发机制不仅会将那些违反可适用的国际法对学校和医院进行袭击的武装冲突当事方,而且也会将威胁或袭击学童、病人以及教育或医务人员的那些当事方列入秘书长报告的附件。此外,象这样的新触发机制还将包括联合国成立国家级工作队,监测袭击学校或医院的行为;威胁或袭击学童、病人以及教育或医务人员;将教育和医疗设施用于军事目的或者对这些设施实施其它相关干扰。之友小组高兴地看到这些措施被纳入今天通过的决议。", "尽管之友小组赞扬安全理事会迄今在针对严重侵害儿童的惯犯加强责任追究方面所采取的行动,但我们也呼吁对此类犯罪人进一步采取三类决定性行动。首先,我们敦促安全理事会在制定或延长相关制裁委员会的授权时,根据2010年6月16日主席声明 (S/PRST/2010/10)的商定,确保严重侵害儿童的行为即触发实施制裁。", "其次,我们呼吁秘书长在其年度报告中纳入现有制裁委员会就此类规定所采取的行动情况,以及关于确保犯罪人被追究责任应采取其它哪些步骤的建议。", "第三,我们仍对追究责任工作存在漏洞感到关切,呼吁各国当局和有关各方对惯犯采取适当的法律行动。之友小组还呼吁安全理事会对秘书长报告附件I所列的所有惯犯采取果断行动,而在没有指定制裁委员会的情况下,考虑如何主动积极地填补这一漏洞。", "最后,之友小组曾强调,必须在按照第1882(2009)号决议的要求落实工作组建议方面采取后续行动。我们呼吁包括非国家行为者在内的冲突各方采取后续行动,落实工作组的建议。", "(以法语发言)", "我愿以加拿大代表身份正式欢迎秘书长提交关于儿童与武装冲突问题的年度报告(S/2011/250)。本次辩论会是又一次机会,可以让安全理事会关注儿童继续遭受的暴力侵害行为的严重性。", "我们坚信,今天通过儿童与武装冲突问题新决议,将凸显学校和医院遇袭问题的严重性。这个新增加的触发机制将要求国际社会给予大力支持,以便监测和报告机制国家工作队能够系统和全面地跟踪学校和医院遇袭情况。加拿大认为,要想让儿童未来成才,教育是我们能够给予他们的最强大工具。所以,加拿大标志性项目之一是投资高达1 200万美元,用于建设、扩大和修缮坎大哈省部分地区的50所学校,以此重点增加该省儿童受教育的机会。", "我们还高兴地看到,儿童与武装冲突问题工作组正在积极处理追究责任的问题。因此,我们呼吁安理会及其相关制裁委员会更有计划地实施制裁,以便追究严重侵害儿童的犯罪人的责任。正如秘书长建议的那样,加拿大敦促安理会对因为严重侵害儿童而被列入秘书长年度报告至少5年时间的犯罪人,采取更大力、更具针对性的措施。加拿大也呼吁工作组根据其授权举行紧急或非正式会议,以确保对武装冲突中发生严重侵害儿童行为的新情况作出更迅速的反应。", "儿童权利是加拿大外交政策和国际发展援助的优先事项。加拿大将继续大力发挥作用,帮助推动在联合国和有关国家实地取得具体成效。", "主席(以英语发言):我现在请斯洛文尼亚代表发言。", "什蒂格利奇女士(斯洛文尼亚)(以英语发言):请允许我首先感谢德国组织本次重要的公开辩论会。我还愿感谢潘基文秘书长、他的儿童与武装冲突问题特别代表和儿童基金会执行主任的通报,感谢他们为保护受武装冲突影响的儿童所付出的不懈努力。我还愿表示,斯洛文尼亚赞同欧洲联盟、人的安全网和儿童与武装冲突问题之友小组的发言。", "今天辩论会的基础是秘书长的最新报告 (S/2011/250)。报告表明,2010年对于世界各地受武装冲突影响的儿童来说并非很好的一年。不过,情况有了一些改善,其中我愿着重指出,签署了新的行动计划,而现有行动计划的执行也取得了进展。我们欢迎儿童与武装冲突问题特别代表向一制裁委员会通报了情况,促使该委员会将招募和使用儿童兵行为列为制裁标准之一。我们希望其它委员会也能采取该做法。", "尽管采取了积极步骤,对严重侵害儿童的惯犯追究责任,但我们认为安全理事会应当对此类犯罪人采取进一步的针对措施,以防他们对儿童实施任何其它严重侵害。斯洛文尼亚还愿表示支持秘书长的建议,即鼓励有关会员国推动联合国与非国家行为者接触,以确保儿童得到广泛而有效的保护。", "我们高兴地看到,继通过第1539(2004)号和第1612(2005)号决议之后制定的保护受武装冲突影响的儿童机制取得了重要和显著成效。我们愿赞扬工作组特别是德国以及工作组其它前任主席,赞扬它们过去五年所做的工作。工作组已成为安理会可信和健全的附属机构。我们鼓励它使用自己所拥有的一切工具,包括增加实地访问以及组织紧急或非正式会议。这些做法将使其能够作出更快的反应。", "秘书长报告所讨论的三分之二的国别局势含有学校和医院遇袭问题。未入学的儿童中有差不多半数身处冲突局势。教育使儿童可以拥有一个摆脱不安全状况的未来。这一点已多次得到确认,其中包括2009年大会就紧急情况中的教育问题所举行的专题对话会以及去年大会关于同一问题的第64/290号决议。", "斯洛文尼亚大力支持通过扩大秘书长提交的违反可适用的国际法对学校和医院实施袭击的冲突当事方名单,以及通过扩大监测和报告机制,来扩大有关袭击学校和医院的这项新触发机制。该决定进一步发展了受武装冲突影响的儿童的保护框架,是朝着正确方向迈出的一步。我们希望在不太遥远的将来,它将涵盖武装冲突中儿童所遭受的所有六种严重侵害行为。", "《儿童权利公约》的两项《任择议定书》都是保护受武装冲突影响的儿童的规范性框架的一部分。因此,斯洛文尼亚支持开展活动,争取使《议定书》不晚于2012年获得普遍批准。斯洛文尼亚还将继续参与受武装冲突影响的残疾儿童的康复工作,参与扫雷和清除其它未爆炸物的工作。", "儿童不应因武装冲突而遭受伤害;他们不应成为任何严重侵害行为的受害者,而应充分享有其权利。今天通过第1998(2011)号决议是朝着这一方向迈出的重要一步,为此,斯洛文尼亚加入成为该决议草案的共同提案国。", "主席(以英语发言):我请新西兰代表发言。", "麦克莱先生(新西兰)(以英语发言):新西兰感谢秘书长的最新报告(S/2011/250)、库马拉斯瓦米女士作为秘书长特别代表所开展的出色工作和德国在其担任主席的月份召开这次辩论会,包括通过其6月30日举行的非正式活动,使我们有机会影响安理会对儿童与武装冲突问题的审议。", "为了使安理会的决定产生效果,还需要整个联合国大家庭作出承诺和投入。对于不能坐在这张会议桌前的177个国家而言,参与安理会的工作能确保这种承诺,而关注我们的声音能够促进作出这种投入。", "必须记住,就在我们今天坐在会议厅的此刻,儿童仍在被迫离开教室和游戏场,被迫走上战场。他们正在遭受最卑劣形式的虐待和强奸。他们正在被毁容、被残害甚至被杀死。安理会的行动能够改善这些儿童的生活,安理会的机构性创新措施就证明了这一点,包括建立监测和报告机制以及合并和执行保护框架。然而,一如既往,还可采取更具体的行动来改善受冲突影响儿童的生活,这些儿童包括女孩以及土著儿童和残疾儿童等少数群体。", "为此目标,新西兰完全赞同加拿大代表不久前以儿童与武装冲突问题之友小组的名义提出的建议。鉴于时间有限,我不重复这些建议,只说明新西兰欢迎增加新的教育和医疗触发因素。我们支持增强制裁措施和其他惩罚及阻止惯犯的定向措施。我们还促请儿童与武装冲突问题工作组就其建议采取更有效的后续行动。请允许我仅就三个要点作进一步说明。", "第一,安理会可以更加针对惯犯采取措施。除再次请秘书长在年度报告中列出惯犯的名单之外,安理会可在相关制裁委员会的任务规定中提出保护儿童的标准,并要求各专家组具备儿童保护专门知识。安理会还可增加征求秘书长特别代表意见的次数,并可在各项报告中提出对儿童问题的关切,从而更有系统地强调此项问题涉及各个层面。", "第二,可采取更有效的行动确保执行安理会各项决议和结论。例如,工作组可使用其拥有的全部工具以及紧急会议应对危机局势和就其建议采取后续行动。还可更有系统地将儿童保护条例列入联合国维持和平和建设和平行动的任务规定。", "然而,不仅安全理事会必须采取行动保护儿童,会员国和联合国各机构也要发挥关键作用。例如,我们促请各有关国家允许联合国国家工作队联络非国家行为者,以便制定行动计划和执行其他保护措施。我们请安理会为达成这项工作发挥更积极的作用。", "这只是为更有效地保护受冲突影响儿童而可采取的几项措施。还有其他可采取的措施。值得赞扬的是,安理会过去十年来的行动改善了成千上万儿童的生活。但仍有成千上万儿童受到影响。我们共同担负着采取有效行动保护所有儿童的责任。这是我们每一个人都担负的责任。", "主席(以英语发言):我现在请瑞士代表发言。", "西格先生(瑞士)(以英语发言):我荣幸地以人类安全网成员国的名义发言,它们是奥地利、智利、哥斯达黎加、希腊、爱尔兰、约旦、马里、挪威、斯洛文尼亚、泰国和作为观察员的南非以及我国瑞士。", "我们欢迎世界各地为解决武装冲突中对儿童犯下的六种严重侵害行为所作的努力和取得的重大进展。今天通过了第1998(2011)号决议,将攻击学校和医院作为最新的触发因素列入监测和报告机制,填补了全面保护儿童框架的重大缺口。这个步骤还补充了联合国系统其他机构正在进行的努力。然而,挑战仍然存在。", "应进一步增强对严重侵害儿童行为的惯犯追究责任的行动。我们呼吁安全理事会进一步采取果断行动,包括通过对此类惯犯采取程度有别的定向措施,并考虑如何通过积极主动和有效的方式填补问责方面的缺口。我们还呼吁作出更有效的努力,解决有罪不罚问题和调查、起诉及惩罚所有对儿童犯下严重侵害行为的人。", "我们确认一些驻当地的联合国特派团将受武装冲突影响的儿童的保护、权利和福利主流化这一积极趋势。我们鼓励秘书处负责向外地特派团提供支助的有关部门继续密切合作,确保所有特派团采取更有系统和更加统一的做法。若能任命更多儿童保护顾问和将儿童保护内容列入警察和部队派遣国的部署前培训,也有助于实现该目标。", "从人的安全角度出发,必须采取有力的方案措施来补充现有的行动计划,支持各国政府执行全面的国家战略,其中包括预防措施以及采取多部门方式向曾与武装部队和集团相关联的儿童提供援助和社会保护。援助措施的重点必须是避免这些儿童被边缘化和被污名化,并促进其重返社会。此外,通过更稳定和具长期性的供资机制实施行动计划的所有要素也具有关键意义。", "最后但同样重要的一点是,人类安全网请安理会增强其努力,以更有系统和更协调的方式解决保护平民问题,同时考虑到儿童和妇女的状况。因此,我们赞赏2月份巴西担任安理会主席期间就如何促进这种协同增效作用举行磋商。我们鼓励进一步就此问题展开讨论,并呼吁安理会成员国尽可能扩大包容范围。", "(以法语发言)", "征得主席准许,我谨以我国的名义发表几点看法。", "对于有关紧急状况中受教育权利的大会第64/290号决议,瑞士欢迎安全理事会今天通过第1998(2011)号决议,将一再攻击学校和医院设施的行为列入触发因素名单,这填补了保护儿童框架的一大缺口。将这些新因素列入名单可扩大秘书长编制的无耻名册所针对的范围,使其不仅包括无视国际法和国际人道主义法律而实施此类攻击的战斗人员,而且包括一再威胁或攻击在这方面受保护者的人。", "我们还呼吁对肇事者采取新的果断措施。首先,我们促请各制裁委员会确保在设定或延长任务规定时,对最严重的侵害儿童行为进行制裁。", "第二,我们呼吁秘书长在年度报告中列出各制裁委员会就报告要求进行的行动采取的全部措施并列出针对进一步追究犯有此类侵害行为责任的人建议采取的全部措施。", "第三,由于缺少负责处理秘书长报告附件中所述的侵害行为惯犯的制裁委员会,因此无法追究责任,我们仍然对此十分关切。我们承诺对这些违法者紧急采取果断措施,从而积极地弥补差距。", "监督执行工作组执行第1882(2009)号决议的建议至关重要。这就是为什么我们请工作组酌情要求各国或有关方面就工作组建议落实条件的报告作出回复。我们期待着加强现有工具,首先是实地访问和广泛利用已有办法,还有紧急会议,以应对实地侵害行为死灰复燃的问题。", "与刚才发言的我的新西兰同事一样,瑞士也再次呼吁会员国为联合国与当地及国际行为体接触提供便利条件,以保证全面有效保护儿童。这些接触将不会以任何方式预判非国家行为体的政治和法律地位。", "最后,越来越多的儿童因为与武装团体有染而遭到拘押。在拘押期间他们常常身受暴力、虐待、被威胁使用暴力或虐待以及其它残忍行径,这样做的唯一目的是为了从他们那里得到信息。瑞士指靠负责儿童与武装冲突问题的秘书长特别代表编写一份工作文件处理该问题,并提出加强儿童保护的适当措施。", "主席(以英语发言):我现在请伊拉克代表发言。", "巴亚提先生(伊拉克)(以英语发言):主席先生,首先,请允许我表示,我国代表团感谢秘书长向安全理事会提交他关于武装冲突中儿童问题的年度报告(S/2011/250)。我们也赞赏负责儿童与武装冲突问题的秘书长特别代表拉迪卡·库马拉斯瓦米女士在监测武装冲突中儿童境况方面发挥的重要作用。我还要感谢儿基会执行主任安东尼·莱克先生出席会议并发言。我赞扬安全理事会今天通过第1998(2011)号决议。", "库马拉斯瓦米特别代表在她今天上午的发言中阐述道,", "“在我对冲突地区的各次访问中,我亲眼看到了造成的破坏——学校被完全摧毁、被炸毁,或者被焚烧,夷为平地。我还看到窗户玻璃残破不堪、教室空空荡荡的学校,那里的孩子被招募成为儿童兵。我还见到了一些女孩,她们的同伴远离学校,因为作为女学生,她们有可能成为泼硫酸袭击的受害者。”", "我愿指出,伊拉克没有发生任何此类情况,因为伊拉克不是一个冲突地区。但是,我国代表团愿就秘书长关于儿童与武装冲突的报告中有关伊拉克的部分发表以下意见。", "报告述及2010年期间的情况,并强调儿童被恐怖团体基地组织及附属恐怖团体“伊拉克伊斯兰国”所利用。我们愿指出,自2003年,伊拉克的安全局势持续改善。由于伊拉克安全部队能力日益增强,追捕基地组织并对其采取先发制人的打击,同时将其在伊拉克境内的大多数领导捉拿归案,因而2010年发生的恐怖主义袭击很少,伤亡人数很低。", "2010年,基地组织在伊拉克的领导Abu Ayyub al-Masri和伊拉克伊斯兰国的领导Abu Omar al-Baghdadi被打死,他们都是在2010年4月中旬被打死的。这些打击和抓捕行动削弱了基地组织的实力,打乱了其策略,并向伊拉克安全机构揭示出基地组织的计划,从而削弱了基地组织在伊拉克资助和招募恐怖分子的能力。", "2010年在安全方面取得取得了成就,其中最为突出的是在3月7日举行大选期间保持了安全的氛围,这清楚表明,伊拉克的安全局势有了重大改善,伊拉克安全部队维持全国秩序的能力也日益增强。秘书长在其提交安全理事会的关于联合国伊拉克援助团(联伊援助团)活动的报告中提及了这一事实,他阐述道", "“进行投票的整体氛围相对没有出现暴力,也没有发生任何危及投票进程本身的重大安全事件”(S/2010/240,第6段)", "在同一报告的第16段,秘书长进一步阐述道", "“伊拉克安全部队表明他们能力增强了,可以承担更大的安全责任,这体现在他们在3月选举期间成功地维持了治安。”", "文件S/2011/250中所载报告的第97段指出,2010年收到来自许多方面的一致报告,称伊拉克境内的基地组织部队运营着一个被称作“天堂之鸟”的分支组织。这一段也提到难以获取有关该团体的信息,也难以确认其领导。", "在这方面,我们愿指出,报告述及的是2010年,而该分支是2010年前被发现的。根据伊拉克安全部队的报告,2010年初伊拉克部队展开的密集安全行动铲除了基地组织大部分的力量,消灭了大多数据点,并逮捕了其领导,其中包括逮捕了“天堂之鸟”的成员和领导。该分支在2010年没有实施任何恐怖袭击。因此,我们认为没有必要在报告中提及该组织分支。", "同一报告第97段还提及基于指控而非证据的信息:“在其它情况下,据称叛乱分子利用儿童作为代理炸弹手,而这些儿童不知道他们携有炸药。”", "报告第98段表示,伊拉克的持续冲突导致若干儿童死亡或受伤。事实上,2010年遭受的损失是由于基地组织及其附属团体,包括伊拉克伊斯兰国等恐怖团体发动攻击造成的,而不是因为任何冲突。", "第98段提及,伊拉克许多地方限制通行,不可能核实所有事件。联合国认为该数字可能低于实际数字。这一段的内容描绘了与伊拉克2010年现实情况截然相反的图景,当前的稳定以及恐怖分子无法在伊拉克任何地区公开存在便是见证。安全部队控制了伊拉克所有地区。平民和安全部队享有通行便利,特别是在先前据报为危险的地区。", "第98段还谈到,在武装冲突地区或在检查站的冲突中有儿童在场而导致其伤亡。我们重申,2010年安全的改善防止了安全部队与恐怖分子直接冲突,因为安全部队已打散恐怖团体,使恐怖分子失去了对地盘的控制。因此,恐怖分子开始零散攻击并且不公开露面。", "第99段提及使儿童无法上学的危险,而第98段提及发生在圣母救赎教堂的事件。报告述及,巴格达的一些学校由于坐落在教堂旁边而被关闭数周。2010年全年,没有整体关闭过学校,尽管世界各地许多国家因为各种灾害如水灾、流行病和飓风等而关闭学校数周。", "报告没有提及伊拉克政府努力打击恐怖团体残余,加强我国各地区的安全,也没有提及它成功限制了恐怖团体招募儿童。如我先前说过的那样,我们感到,报告关于伊拉克的部分特别是关于监测伊拉克儿童状况的部分需要提高准确性。报告的这一部分与秘书长关于联阿援助团报告中所载的表明伊拉克安全局势有所改善的一些信息和事实相抵触。因此,我们希望,儿童与武装冲突问题特别代表办公室今后能够提供更加准确的信息,以便向安全理事会成员国描绘一幅清晰的图景。", "最后,我要向秘书长儿童与武装冲突问题特别代表及其办公室所作的努力表示感谢。我邀请她再次访问伊拉克。自她三年前的上一次访问以来,伊拉克已经出现了很多改进。我们将继续与联合国各机构合作,以确保把总体的人权特别是儿童的权利作为伊拉克政府执政的优先事项。", "主席(以英语发言):我现在请日本代表发言。", "西田先生(日本)(以英语发言):主席先生,首先我谨祝贺你担任安全理事会7月份的主席。我也要向秘书长、秘书长特别代表库马拉斯瓦米女士以及儿童基金会执行主任莱克先生所作的全面通报表示感谢。日本十分赞赏库马拉斯瓦米女士开展的宣导活动,特别是她对各国进行的访问,以及儿童基金会在儿童与武装冲突领域开展的富有奉献精神的实地工作。", "尽管取得了值得称道的进展,如阿富汗政府和乍得政府今年与联合国签署了结束招募和使用儿童兵做法的行动计划,但儿童与武装冲突方面的议程上依然存在着许多挑战,包括侵害儿童的性暴力行为。", "根据日本到去年年底为止两年来在安理会儿童与武装冲突问题工作组中的经验,我要重点谈一谈我们认为特别重要的三个问题,即袭击学校和医院、追究惯犯责任以及采取全面办法的问题。", "第一,日本对报道指出的冲突中袭击学校和医院行为数量不断增加的趋势深感关切。我们强烈谴责进行这些袭击的罪犯,特别是把女学生和女子学校作为目标的人。", "袭击教育和医疗设施并把它们用于军事用途以及袭击学生、教师以及医务人员的行为不仅使儿童失去生命,而且还严重侵犯儿童获得教育和医疗服务的基本权利。这些行径在任何情况下都是不能容许的,在冲突局势中尤其如此。安全理事会应当在保护儿童接受教育和获得保健的权利方面发挥关键作用。", "在这方面,我们欢迎安理会刚才通过的新决议(第1998(2011)号决议),日本为成为该决议的提案国感到自豪。这项决议要求,秘书长把参与经常袭击学校和医院以及与这些设施有关的受保护人员行为的冲突当事方列入他报告的附件。", "第二,日本依然感到关切的是,有15个冲突当事方连续五年以上被列入秘书长报告的附件。为确保追究惯犯的责任,安全理事会必须加强实施针对它们的定向措施,安理会七年前在第1539(2004)号决议中已经商定实施这些措施。", "我们欣见,由于库马拉斯瓦米女士在安全理事会关于刚果民主共和国的第1533(2004)号决议所设委员会所作的通报,该委员会已经因若干个人的严重侵害儿童行为,把他们列入制裁名单。我们鼓励秘书长武装与冲突问题特别代表和秘书长冲突中性暴力问题特别代表更经常性地向相关制裁委员会作情况通报。", "我们赞扬主席国德国以及所有安理会成员在新决议中以非常有力的措辞处理追究长期惯犯责任的问题。", "第三,我还要强调,必须以更加全面的方式,通过会员国与联合国系统之间的合作来处理儿童与武装冲突问题。必须确保无间隙地,从在冲突中保护儿童到在建设和平努力中向那些过去与武装部队或团体有联系的儿童以及性暴力受害者提供复原、关爱和重返社会服务的过程中提供支持。在与解除武装、复员和重返社会有关的进程和方案以及与安全部门改革、地雷、未爆弹药和集束弹药有关的努力中,必须始终考虑到儿童的看法。", "我们还期望,除每年只是通过有关各个局势的结论外,儿童与武装冲突问题工作组将更有创造性地举行特别会议并且及时地发出政治信息,以响应秘书长特别代表的紧急呼吁。", "日本在援助冲突和冲突后国家的过程中非常重视保护和增强儿童权能的问题,因为他们是最脆弱的群体。例如,在与国际伙伴的合作中,我们在柬埔寨等国,在地雷儿童受害者复健和提供地雷风险教育领域提供了援助。通过联合国人的安全信托基金,日本还支持了刚果民主共和国以社区为基础的改善教育环境和为前儿童兵提供教育和培训的方案。通过防止和减轻冲突的破坏性影响,我们将继续努力,使世界各地的儿童能够拥有更美好的明天。", "主席(以英语发言):我现在请卢森堡代表发言。", "卢卡斯女士(卢森堡)(以法语发言):我完全赞同将以欧洲联盟的名义所作的发言。", "卢森堡热烈欢迎召开本次公开辩论会和通过有关儿童与武装冲突问题的新决议(第1998(2011)号决议)。这表明,安全理事会继续致力于在其议程上的国家以及在令我们所有人都感到关切的其它局势中促进保护儿童的工作。", "我们也要感谢秘书长特别代表和儿童基金会执行主任为支持儿童作出不懈努力。我们鼓励他们继续争取确保儿童得到更好的保护,并且使侵害儿童的行为得到我们的关注。", "秘书长报告随附的点名批评名单和更广泛地说以监测和报告机制收集的信息为基础的秘书长报告至关重要,它们使我们直视武装冲突期间儿童所处的残酷现实。特别代表进行的国别访问、外勤特派团中保护儿童专家所做的工作以及儿童与武装冲突工作组进行的实地访问都大大有助于提高对冲突期间侵害儿童行为的认识。", "确实可以看到初步实效。在许多冲突局势中,武装部队或叛乱团体正在释放越来越多的儿童。不过,必须作出更多努力并且提供更多资源,以便在实地产生更大的影响。", "2010年,安全理事会在同特别代表协商后,第一次对刚果民主共和国境内严重侵害儿童的个人实行了制裁。安理会将能够在这个先例的基础上再接再厉,以同样方式惩罚在其他武装冲突中严重侵害儿童的人。", "我们要求安全理事会继续为此作出努力,同时按照秘书长的建议,审议可能在未设立安全理事会制裁委员会的情况下实行制裁的方法。", "从现在起,袭击学校或医院的冲突各方可能被列入秘书长的报告所载的耻辱名单。我们祝贺安理会从而加强了监测机制。我们希望,根据安理会的渐进方法,在不久的将来,将能够列入第1612(2005)号决议确定的另外两类严重侵害儿童的行为。归根结底,我们必须对所有严重侵害儿童的行为给予同等重视。", "请允许我简略谈谈袭击学校的问题。正如秘书长的报告所表明的那样,我们越来越频繁地看到毁坏学校和袭击学生和教师的行为。在某些情况中,女童学校成为特别目标。缺乏安全使家长无法送子女上学,担心他们的健康甚至生命可能面临危险。", "今年,经济及社会理事会在目前正在日内瓦举行的实质性会议上审查普及教育的问题。这同我们今天的辩论之间的协同作用是相当明显的。在去年7月5日的安理会发言中,卢森堡副首相兼外交大臣让·阿瑟伯恩先生强调,“提供保护以免遭暴力侵害,是享有受教育的权利的主要先决条件之一”。他欢迎安全理事会关于扩大在耻辱名单上列名的标准的倡议,以包括对学校和医院的袭击,从而能够对肇事者实行制裁,并帮助打击在这些滔天罪行中司空见惯的有罪不罚现象。", "阿瑟伯恩部长呼吁国际社会采取额外步骤,帮助由于武装冲突而被剥夺受教育权利的2 800万儿童,他们遭受强奸、性暴力、针对其学校的袭击,以及其他侵犯人权的行为。今天我要重申这项呼吁。", "主席(以英语发言):我的名单上还有一些发言者。因此,征得安理会成员的同意,我打算暂停会议,下午3时复会。", "下午1时05分会议暂停。" ]
[ "主席: 韦斯特韦勒先生 (德国)\n成员:波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那\n巴西 维奥蒂夫人\n中国 王敏先生\n哥伦比亚 Holguín Cuéllar女士\n法国 阿罗先生\n加蓬 蒙加拉·穆索齐先生\n印度 哈迪普·辛格普里先生\n黎巴嫩 萨拉姆先生\n尼日利亚 奥格武女士\n葡萄牙 布雷特斯·佩雷拉先生\n俄罗斯联邦 潘金先生\n南非 拉德贝先生\n大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国\n美利坚合众国 Rice女士", "议程项目", "儿童与武装冲突", "秘书长关于儿童与武装冲突的报告(S/2011/250)", "2011年7月1日德国常驻联合国代表给秘书长的信(S/2011/409)", "上午10时10分宣布开会", "通过议程", "议程通过。", "儿童与武装冲突", "秘书长关于儿童与武装冲突的报告(S/2011/250)", "2011年7月1日德国常驻联合国代表给秘书长的信(S/2011/409)", "主席(以英语发言):我谨欢迎秘书长潘基文先生阁下和各位部长出席本次会议。 他们的出席证实了所讨论主题的重要性。", "根据安理会暂行议事规则第37条,我邀请阿富汗、亚美尼亚、澳大利亚、奥地利、阿塞拜疆、孟加拉国、比利时、贝宁、保加利亚、加拿大、乍得、智利、哥斯达黎加、克罗地亚、捷克共和国、丹麦、爱沙尼亚、芬兰、希腊、危地马拉、洪都拉斯、匈牙利、冰岛、伊拉克、爱尔兰、以色列、意大利、日本、肯尼亚、哈萨克斯坦、吉尔吉斯斯坦、拉脱维亚、列支敦士登、立陶宛、卢森堡、马耳他、墨西哥、摩纳哥、黑山、新西兰、挪威、缅甸、巴基斯坦、巴布亚新几内亚、秘鲁、波兰、大韩民国、摩尔多瓦共和国、罗马尼亚、萨摩亚、斯洛伐克、斯洛文尼亚、西班牙、斯里兰卡、瑞典、瑞士、泰国、乌克兰和也门代表参加本次会议。", "根据安理会暂行议事规则第39条,我邀请负责儿童与武装冲突问题的秘书长特别代表拉迪卡·库马拉斯瓦米女士和儿童基金会执行主任安东尼·莱克先生参加本次会议。", "根据安理会暂行议事规则第39条,我邀请欧洲联盟驻联合国代表团代理团长佩德罗·塞拉诺先生阁下参加本次会议。", "安全理事会现在开始审议其议程上的项目。", "安理会成员面前有文件S/2011/425,其中载有澳大利亚、奥地利、比利时、贝宁、波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那、保加利亚、加拿大、乍得、智利、哥斯达黎加、克罗地亚、捷克共和国、丹麦、爱沙尼亚、芬兰、法国、加蓬、德国、希腊、危地马拉、洪都拉斯、匈牙利、冰岛、爱尔兰、以色列、意大利、日本、哈萨克斯坦、拉脱维亚、列支敦士登、立陶宛、卢森堡、马耳他、墨西哥、摩纳哥、黑山、新西兰、尼日利亚、挪威、秘鲁、波兰、葡萄牙、卡塔尔、摩尔多瓦共和国、罗马尼亚、萨摩亚、斯洛伐克、斯洛文尼亚、西班牙、瑞典、瑞士、乌克兰、大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国和美利坚合众国所提交的决议草案案文。", "我谨提请安理会成员注意文件S/2011/250和S/2011/409,分别载有秘书长关于儿童与武装冲突的报告和2011年7月1日德国常驻联合国代表给秘书长的信,其中转递关于所审议项目的概念文件。", "经安理会许可,我现在以德国外交部长的身份发言。", "让我借此机会热烈欢迎在座各位就此议题提供的合作。 在武装冲突中保护儿童对我们所有人都非常重要。 这在导致我们面前的决议草案的谈判过程中也很明显。 我们对秘书长今天出席会议感到荣幸,也请允许我感谢莱克先生和库马拉斯瓦米女士出席会议。", "我相信,我代表今天在座的所有人说,我们不想看到儿童被利用在冲突中。 我们不希望他们被迫战斗。 我们不希望他们受伤、被虐待或被杀死。 我们希望儿童长大后知道他们的学校是安全的场所。 学校应当是儿童能够成长和成长的学习和游戏场所。 袭击学校和医院是野蛮行为。 我们希望儿童在需要身体帮助、身体虚弱、生病或受伤时感到安全。 因此,医院也应当是安全和受保护的地方。", "因此,我非常希望,安理会即将作出重要决定,扩大将严重侵犯儿童行为的当事方列入名单的触发因素。 袭击学校和医院将成为触发因素之一。 这是向前迈出了一大步。", "我们还相信联合国与冲突各方之间行动计划的重要性。 执行行动计划是摆脱这些名单的唯一途径。 今后,行动计划还可包括打击对学校和医院的袭击。", "已经取得了进展,这一进展令人鼓舞。 但我们都知道,我们必须做更多的工作。 持续犯罪者需要面对可信的后果。 如果他们不改变他们的行为,他们就应通过制裁制度面对措施。 这就是为什么今天的决议草案还必须增加对秘书长报告所列举的肇事者进行定向制裁的可能性。", "社会应该根据其对待子女的方式来评判。 我们对我国儿童的态度证明了我们对我国未来的态度。 我们将继续努力保护儿童免受战争和冲突的影响。 我们将继续倾听他们的故事,只要需要时间。", "我现在恢复行使安全理事会主席的职能。", "我的理解是,安理会现在准备对其面前的决议草案进行表决。", "我现在将该决议草案付诸表决。", "进行了举手表决。", "赞成:", "波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那、巴西、中国、哥伦比亚、法国、加蓬、德国、印度、黎巴嫩、尼日利亚、葡萄牙、俄罗斯联邦、南非、大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国、美利坚合众国", "主席(以英语发言):决议草案得到15票赞成。 决议草案获得一致通过,成为第1998(2011)号决议。", "我现在请秘书长发言。", "秘书长: 我感谢德国组织这次公开辩论会,并感谢安理会继续致力于保护受武装冲突影响的儿童。 我要特别感谢德国外交部长抽出时间主持本次会议并发挥领导作用。", "自1998年以来,理事会已就这一问题通过了八项决议。 它要求我报告武装冲突各方招募和使用儿童兵、杀害和残害儿童、强奸和其他性暴力、绑架、袭击学校和医院以及不让儿童获得人道主义援助的情况。 它发出了一贯和明确的信息:在武装冲突中保护儿童是一个和平与安全问题,而国际社会将不会容忍严重违反这一原则的行为。", "今天的决议使我们更进一步。 它不仅强调学校和医院应当是冲突各方所尊重的和平区,而且还将攻击学校和医院列为我关于武装冲突中儿童问题的年度报告的标准。 我欢迎这一进展。 学习场所和愈合场所永远不应成为战争场所。", "我们针对先前列举的侵权行为所作的积极努力,例如招募和使用儿童兵,取得了积极成果。 我感谢各国政府、民间社会和非政府组织所做的工作。 这些努力以及第1539(2004)号决议和后来各项决议提出的行动计划概念已导致签署涵盖九个冲突领域的15个行动计划。 预计今年还将有两项行动计划。", "这些成功显示了命名和羞辱的价值. 仅去年一年,就释放了约10 000名与武装团体有关联的儿童。 我们现在必须得到长期国际支持,以便他们完全重新融入社区。 这是建设和平与发展的重要组成部分。", "联合国系统充分致力于在武装冲突中保护儿童。 负责这一问题的我的特别代表库马拉斯瓦米女士正以献身精神和勇气开展工作。 我的冲突中性暴力问题特别代表瓦尔斯特伦女士的工作也有助于打击有罪不罚现象。 维持和平行动部也在发挥重要作用。 它自2001年以来在至少13个特派团部署了儿童保护顾问,今天在7个维持和平特派团和3个政治特派团部署了顾问。 它们正在努力帮助各特派团支持执行安全理事会决议。 联合国国家工作队也正在作出重要贡献,不仅在根据第1612(2005)号决议监测和报告方面,而且在支持重返社会和其他人道主义干预方面。 儿童基金会尤其在这方面发挥了关键作用。", "最后,我谨感谢由德国担任主席的儿童与武装冲突问题工作组的工作。 在许多伙伴的创新和坚定参与下,安理会已经表明,在武装冲突中保护儿童既是道义上的,也是安全方面的当务之急。 让我们继续共同努力,确保世界各地的儿童能够安全、健康和教育地成长,以便他们能够帮助为自己、他们的家庭和社会建设一个安全和可持续的未来。", "主席(以英语发言):我感谢秘书长的通报。", "我现在请拉迪卡·库马拉斯瓦米女士发言。", "库马拉斯瓦米女士: 谢谢 主席先生,他召集了这次关于儿童与武装冲突的公开辩论。 你的存在表明最高层致力于在战争期间保护儿童。 我还要赞扬彼得·维蒂希大使及其工作人员作为儿童与武装冲突问题工作组主席的有效参与。 必须真正赞扬他们的奉献精神,我们期待着继续与他们密切合作。", "我还要感谢秘书长出席我们会议并坚定不移地支持妇女和儿童事业。 我也谨感谢今天远道而来的各位部长。", "安全理事会面前有秘书长关于儿童与武装冲突的第十次年度报告(S/2011/250)。 在报告所述的22个局势中,我们发现有15个学校和医院遭到袭击。 在我访问冲突地区期间,我亲眼目睹了破坏——学校被完全摧毁、轰炸或被烧为平地。 我还看到学校的窗户被打碎,教室空出,儿童被招募为儿童兵。 我认识过那些同事不上学的女孩,因为作为女学生,她们可能是被酸液袭击的受害者。", "这些画面留在我脑海里,提醒我确保学校成为儿童和平区的重要性。 世界上一半没有上小学的儿童生活在冲突地区。 他们没有上学,因为他们的学校已成为冲突悲剧的一部分。 学校日益受到人身攻击,造成完全或部分破坏,常常违反国际人道主义法。 由于威胁和恐吓,学校也关闭。 教师和学生也在有针对性的袭击中被杀死和致残。 对学校的军事使用也是一个令人关切的问题,因为这种使用可能使儿童面临明显的危险。 剥夺儿童受教育的机会就是破坏他们的未来。 一个被摧毁的未来——一个没有希望的未来——只会播下进一步冲突的种子。", "医院对儿童也至关重要,特别是在战争中。 袭击医院是双重暴行;不仅杀害和伤害女孩和男孩,而且使他们得不到治疗。 对医院和医院人员的袭击剥夺了社区急需的生命线。 事实上,保护医院及其人员是现代人道主义法的创始内容。", "秘书长再三呼吁加强注意和重视保护学校和医院免遭袭击的必要性。 德国推动今天第1998(2011)号决议的倡议表明安理会决心扩大对女童和男童的保护。 该决议规定将攻击学校和医院以及使用恐吓手段强行关闭学校和医院的当事方列入名单。 它还重申,必须加强对侵犯儿童上学或在医院接受治疗的权利的事件的监测和报告。 该决议为在实地采取行动保护这些设施提供了具体动力。", "决议的承诺是非常真实的。 我知道这一点是因为自第1612(2005)号决议通过以来,我们取得了如此多的成就。 我今天想强调的是我们已经取得的一些成功,因此感谢安理会对儿童的坚定承诺。", "首先,在今年2月,阿富汗政府签署了一项防止招募未成年人加入阿富汗安全部队,包括警察的行动计划。 联合国儿童与武装冲突问题国家任务组利用了军事和警察设施,向我的办公室提交了关于有效执行该计划的进度报告。 此外,最高宗教机构乌里玛·舒拉宣布了关于冲突中侵犯儿童行为的法特瓦。", "第二,去年尼泊尔有2 973名未成年人被遣散。 尽管对重返社会有一些关切,但联合国国家工作队还是挺身而出,在儿童返回社区后提供方案并采取后续行动。", "第三,2010年1月,在菲律宾,摩洛伊斯兰解放阵线在政府的全力支持下与联合国签署了一项行动计划。 此外,摩洛伊斯兰解放阵线还发布了一项补充总命令,警告其指挥官对招募和使用儿童实施制裁,并设立了儿童保护股。 儿童现在正在得到登记和释放,儿童基金会和国际劳工组织(劳工组织)加强了他们的存在,为这些儿童提供教育和职业技能。", "第四,2010年期间,在中非共和国,525名儿童被从恢复民主人民军的队伍中分离出来。", "第五,在斯里兰卡,562名儿童,包括冲突结束时被确认为与武装团体有关系的201名儿童,在一年的复原后获释。 根据治安官的命令,他们与家人团聚。 这项工作是与儿童基金会和我的特使密切合作进行的。", "最后,我还于6月访问了乍得,见证了乍得政府和联合国签署的释放儿童行动计划。 他们再次允许联合国进入军事设施,并请求我们协助儿童重返社会。 展望未来,我希望我能够看到同缅甸政府签署一项行动计划,该计划承认包括儿童基金会和劳工组织在内的监报任务组在今后几个月中的关键作用。", "然而,仍然存在巨大挑战。 不断侵犯儿童者被列入秘书长名单,但很少对他们采取行动。 有罪不罚仍然是国家和国际司法系统的污点。 随着时间的推移,安理会必须全面处理这一问题并找到处理肇事者的方法。 作为这方面的证明,我的发言附有一份惯犯名单。 儿童重返社会往往落在儿童基金会及其伙伴的门前,也需要投入资源和人员。", "在我们努力解决这些问责制问题时,我们还必须努力了解侵犯儿童行为的根源。 没有预防和理解,长期解决办法将无法持续。", "1999年,安理会开始了充满希望的旅程。 沿途出现了重要的里程碑,包括安理会要求明确监测违反行为、适当执行行动计划并追究责任。 各国政府和非国家行为者已开始响应安理会的行动呼吁。 当我在实地会见他们时,他们表现出对安全理事会权力和权威的极大尊重。 此外,安理会的承诺对数千名儿童的生活产生了真正和积极的影响。 正如安理会成员刚才从秘书长那里听到的那样,只有去年才有10 000名儿童从武装部队和团体中获释并重新融入其社区。 今天,在本次公开辩论中,我向安理会转达他们的感谢之词。", "最近我在乍得时,在一个难民营会见了许多儿童。 一个女孩抓住我的手,把手指卷到我的手腕上并低语地说:“女士,我想上学。” 今天,随着安理会通过第1998(2011)号决议,我们已认识到学校和教育对全世界儿童的重要性,特别是在冲突地区。 我们希望,它将开创一个儿童能够在安全和有尊严的气氛中学习、游戏和学习的时代。", "主席(以英语发言):我感谢库马拉斯瓦米女士的通报。", "我现在请安东尼·莱克先生发言。", "莱克先生: 我谨代表儿童基金会和我们大家在座的儿童,感谢安理会召开本次辩论会,讨论一个紧迫问题,并特别感谢今天上午通过这项重要决议(第1998(2011)号决议)。", "几个月前,我在刚果民主共和国遇到一个16岁的男孩。 他告诉我,“几年前,他们来到我的村庄,把我带走,从那天起,我是一名士兵”。 这是真的。 但看另一条路,那天他失去了童年。 他的童年是在枪口被夺走的.", "在同一次访问中,我遇到一个年轻女孩,她经历了被一名武装士兵强奸的恐怖。 她的童年也遭到暴力抢劫,还有更多。 正如我们今天所听到的那样,并正如秘书长的报告(S/2011/250)所描述的那样,他们的故事在世界各地冲突地区痛苦地重演。 数百万儿童首当其冲地遭受了战争。 他们被杀死、致残、成为孤儿、被迫逃离家园、遭到性侵犯、被迫为武装团体服务并面临难以形容的暴力。 这些可怕的行径不仅违反了国际法和人道主义法;而且违反了我们的共同人性。 今天,安理会申明,攻击学校和医院是对儿童的攻击,必须作为攻击对待,因为这些严重侵犯行为令人震惊地司空见惯。", "如前所述,学校被焚毁并被轰炸,教室用来收买士兵,学校院落用来埋葬死者。 未爆炸弹药和地雷丢弃游乐场,威胁生命和肢体。 医院被洗劫一空,免疫运动被打断。 儿童实际上被从教室带到战场。", "这些袭击造成的人员损失超出了统计计算范围。 经济成本也非常高,迫使社区在冲突结束时重建学校并更换被窃的用品和设备——这种成本大多数都负担不起,预算很少,人道主义援助很少支付。 社会付出的代价也惊人。 正如拉迪卡·库马拉斯瓦米刚才所指出,今天世界上几乎有一半的小学辍学儿童生活在世界最贫穷地区国家的冲突地区。 这些儿童不太可能看医生或到诊所看病,更有可能被剥夺最基本的需要。", "伟大的教育家玛丽亚·蒙特索里曾说过,教育是反对战争的最有效方式. 它也是和平与繁荣不可或缺的基础。 这是平等的核心。 在和平时期,教育使处境不利的儿童有机会打破贫穷的循环并对他们的社会作出贡献。 这在战争时期没有不同,到那时可能更为重要。", "学校恢复了常态感,向儿童传授他们生存和繁荣所需的技能,帮助他们摆脱所目睹的恐怖。 没有这些技能,她们就更容易遭受暴力。 因此,贫困、绝望和冲突的恶性循环仍在继续。 我们不能辜负这些儿童。 我们大家有责任采取行动,保护他们学习的学校和他们治愈的医院。 这样做是为了保护他们个人的未来和社会的未来。", "由于秘书长的承诺、安理会的坚定决心和这么多人的不懈努力,我们在迎接这一挑战方面取得了进展。 特别是,我们所有人都非常感激秘书长特别代表拉迪卡·库马拉斯瓦米以及彼得·维蒂希大使和安全理事会儿童与武装冲突问题工作组所作的不懈和令人钦佩的工作,而且随着更多的儿童被卷入暴力冲突,维持和平行动部(维和部)也日益感激。", "今天,安理会就这一进展采取了行动并正在再接再厉。 增加攻击学校和医院作为把当事方列入秘书长年度报告的导火索,将提高对这些严重侵犯行为及其对儿童生活的可怕影响的认识。 我们希望,这将激励各国政府和团体作出更大努力,通过制定结束这些侵权行为的具体计划来防止对学校和医院的袭击。 如果不这样做,与制裁委员会建立更明确的联系将加强安理会采取行动的能力。 在一个文明社会中,有罪不罚是不能容忍的,正义也是不可或缺的。", "我们今天的目的是原则性的,但它也必须是实用性的。 仅仅监测、报告和列名是不够的。 制裁本身并不是银子弹。 虽然谴责表明了我们大家都感到的愤慨,但光是谴责并不能调动政府。 这些是必要条件,但不足以实现持久的变革。 为此,我们还必须找到防止发生这些行为的切实的新办法。 行动计划是这方面的一个重要组成部分。 联合国应当能够接触所有想要追求这些目标的政府和团体。", "此外,今天的决议应导致对学校和医院的军事用途进行必要的讨论,从而鼓励更多的政府仿效尼泊尔和菲律宾在保护学校作为和平区方面起带头作用。", "最后,即使我们加强法律框架,加大对这些虐待行为的反应力度,我们绝不能忽视被虐待的儿童和处于危险中的儿童。 我认为,我们常常把卷入冲突的儿童仅仅当作受害者来表示同情。 但是,正如我们许多人所看到的那样,它们具有显著和强烈的复原力,而且勇敢地超越了想象。 他们值得我们的钦佩 甚至我们的敬畏 他们有希望和梦想,就像任何地方的儿童一样,即使几乎从他们身上夺走了一切。 他们不需要我们的同情。 他们需要实际支持和旨在帮助他们发挥最大潜力的方案,并为社会作出积极贡献。", "我在刚果民主共和国遇到的这名男孩两次恢复了士兵的生活,然后被释放。 他继续面临被招募的风险,因为他缺乏能够承受的技能和资源。 他打算另找一个社区生活,他正在接受更多的平民生活培训。 但他的未来很不确定", "在同一次出行中,我遇到了另一个11岁被劫持并被强迫出战多年后逃跑的年轻人. 所幸他找到了一种利用他训练的方法. 今天他经营了一家木工店,已婚,并有一个自己的孩子. 我永远不会忘记他的自豪感,因为他告诉我,他使我坐在椅子上,或者他的榜样在别人的训练中心激发了他的希望,他现在去拜访他,作为他们对未来的希望的象征。", "2009年,我们纪念了《儿童权利公约》通过20周年,《任择议定书》禁止对儿童进行一些最恶劣形式的剥削和虐待,自通过以来已有十多年了。 我敦促尚未签署、批准和执行这些不可或缺的文书的会员国签署、批准和执行这些文书。", "然而,让我们永远不要忘记,人权本身并不是目的。 人民、儿童的生活是我们的目标。 权利是维护人的尊严和为人类进步创造条件的环境。 我们为保护这些权利而采取的实际步骤——以及我们行动的影响——能够改变世界。 今天,我们正在向前再迈出一步,我非常感谢安理会对受武装冲突影响儿童的承诺,并感谢安理会将这一关键问题作为优先事项。", "主席(以英语发言):我感谢莱克先生的通报。", "根据安理会成员达成的谅解,我谨提醒所有发言者将发言限制在四分钟以内,使安理会能够迅速开展工作。 请作长篇发言的代表团散发书面发言稿,在会议厅内作简略发言。", "我现在请安全理事会代表发言。", "Holguin Cuéllar女士(哥伦比亚)(以西班牙语发言): 首先,我要感谢拉迪卡·库马拉斯瓦米女士的通报和报告以及儿童基金会执行主任安东尼·莱克先生。", "我国代表团高兴地同安理会一起参加这次重要辩论。 我们感谢有机会同联合国会员国分享我们对该问题的看法,我们知道这个问题已接近尾声。 因此,我们认为,鉴于我们的经验和已经采取的措施,我们能够为更好地了解这一问题作出贡献。 我们知道,安理会作出的决定如果重点正确,就会对各国能够提供的解决办法产生影响。", "受冲突影响儿童的福利必须是促使我们共同找到最终解决办法的核心动机。 预防和合作政策无疑比指责和将各国政府排除在辩论、信息交流和寻求解决办法之外更为有效。", "自2005年7月第1612(2005)号决议以来,人们认识到,监测和报告机制的运作必须有各国政府、联合国有关行动者和民间社会行动者的参与并与之合作。 在这方面,安理会再次重申了各国政府在保护儿童和使儿童恢复正常生活方面的首要作用,并再次申明,联合国各实体采取的所有行动都必须旨在支持和补充各国政府的努力。", "近年来发生的情况是,受影响国家的政府被排除在辩论和工作机制之外。 这一趋势使我们更远离保护受影响儿童的明确解决办法,因为各国政府必须采取纠正行动。 在这方面,我们要强调,正如秘书长的报告(S/2011/250)所指出,迄今取得的成果是各国政府采取行动、和平进程或结束冲突的结果。", "第1612(2005)号决议指出,监测和报告机制必须支持和补充各国政府保护儿童和使其康复的能力。 自2005年该机制设立以来,在解决问题方面没有取得多大进展,但责难却有所增加。 我们认为,加强每个国家的能力——这是联合国对这一问题作出反应的基本原则——是不够的。 联合国必须超越谴责;它必须利用其经验,更果断地同各国合作寻求解决办法。", "请允许我以坦率和现实的方式发言。 完全天真地认为,联合国或任何其他多边组织能够改变恐怖主义组织的思想,这些恐怖主义组织几十年来在平民人口中制造了恐惧,从非法活动中获利,利用恐怖作为作案手法,利用儿童作为工具来达到这些目的,并且始终无视国家和国际准则。 为此原因,哥伦比亚认为,联合国系统各机构声称的企图在未经各国政府同意的情况下直接同这些团体交谈的意图是不可接受的。", "哥伦比亚是一个实行法治的国家,一个牢固的民主国家,我们在那里为建立一个和平的国家而斗争,并使我们的人民免遭由贩毒所资助的非法武装团体的噩梦。 我今天重申这一点,因为专家组今年讨论了这一点。", "我们确信,如果联合国认识到,如果它能坚持其对各国政府的承诺,它能够加强保护受招募所影响儿童的目标,我们就会取得更多成果。 这一承诺通过各国政府的合作和参与得到履行。 在这方面,我们不同意这些决议的笼统性,因为每一种情况都是不同的和特殊的。 制定清单造成困难,使为每个国家寻找解决办法的工作复杂化。 我们在2005年说过这一点,今天辩论的时间和状况证明我们是正确的。 通过适合每个社会和每个情况的具体项目,取得了进展。", "毫无疑问,改变重点,强调本组织会员国之间的合作与对话,以尊重联合国指导原则的方式在各国开展工作,使各国政府成为促进和保护受这一瘟疫影响的儿童权利的盟友,是取得成果和不再使儿童被剥夺自由的途径。 我们希望加深理解,我们会员国和联合国能够在同样的道路上共同努力。 只有这样,他们的工作才会得到加强。", "哥伦比亚实施了预防计划。 我们一贯认为,预防应指导安理会和联合国的行动。 不幸的是,这项决议和关于该问题的其他决议都没有将预防视为其核心政策的一项战略,没有采取行动的机会,使儿童能够真正过上有机遇和前途的不同生活。", "多年来,我们一直在地方和区域政策中促进儿童权利问题。 我们得到国际移徙组织的最大支持,我们再次感谢该组织多年来努力同我国政府就此问题开展工作。 因此,我们向联合国系统建议,它在一个单一计划下全面开展工作,并把重点放在特别容易被非法武装团体招募的29个城市。 我赞赏潘基文秘书长的支持,他的帮助对于使哥伦比亚的系统致力于实施这一项目至关重要。 在今后几个月中,将开展若干项目,以社会、教育、娱乐和培训为重点,为风险地区的儿童和青年提供机会。", "有鉴于此,并考虑到取得结果的最佳方式,我们建议对有关这一问题的决议的效果和执行情况进行一次认真和非政治化的评估。 这种评价必须包括对该机制进行审查,以评估其有效性。 我们认为必须进行审查,因为我们10年来一直在讨论这个问题,结果很少。 哥伦比亚的儿童是这些做法的受害者,多年来一直与这些行为作斗争,哥伦比亚认为,应该深入思考这一令人痛苦的问题。", "阿尔卡拉杰先生(波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那): 首先,我要感谢韦斯特韦勒部长主持本次重要辩论会。 波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那欢迎并赞赏贵国作为安全理事会儿童与武装冲突问题工作组主席所作的努力。 我们还感谢潘基文秘书长的发言和秘书长特别代表拉迪卡·库马拉斯瓦米女士和儿童基金会执行主任安东尼·莱克先生所作的全面通报。", "波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那极为重视保护受武装冲突影响的儿童,并强烈谴责在冲突局势中对儿童所犯下的所有违反国际法的行为,包括招募、杀害、致残、强奸和其他性暴力、袭击学校和医院以及剥夺人道主义援助准入。 我们要强调,各国负有主要责任,按照有关国际法的规定,尊重和保障其领土内和受其管辖的所有人的人权。 此外,我们强调,《儿童权利公约》及其《关于儿童卷入武装冲突问题的任择议定书》以及《日内瓦四公约》及其《附加议定书》是增进和保护武装冲突中儿童权利的标准。", "然而,考虑到武装冲突各方应严格遵守国际义务,我们对继续违反国际法有关武装冲突中儿童权利和保护的规定而不受惩罚深感关切。 应利用所有可用的工具来结束侵害儿童行为不受惩罚的现象。 必须将肇事者绳之以法并追究责任。 这将发出一个明确信号,即在武装冲突中侵犯和虐待儿童的行为不会被容忍,也不会不受惩罚。", "特别是,必须在适当情况下对惯犯采取更有力和更有针对性的措施。 我们呼吁儿童与武装冲突问题特别代表继续既定做法,向制裁委员会介绍情况,特别是从秘书长的报告以及儿童与武装冲突问题工作组关于具体国家局势的结论中提供具体建议。", "我们还相信,第1882(2009)和1960(2010)号决议有助于建立切实可行的手段,以弥合收集、系统整理和核实冲突局势中性暴力信息的困难,同时保留每项任务的单独重点。 在这方面,我们还完全支持负责儿童与武装冲突问题和冲突中性暴力问题特别代表就强奸和性暴力责任方进行合作。 我们还支持和强调安全理事会儿童与武装冲突问题工作组的工作的重要性。", "我们欢迎秘书长的报告(S/2011/250),同时呼吁其附件所列所有各方尊重其根据国际人道主义法和人权法所应承担的义务,停止侵权行为,与联合国进行对话,并致力于制定和执行有时限的行动计划。 需要在东道国政府的密切合作和同意下促进这种对话。 同样,应同外地所有相关行动者,包括东道国政府、联合国实体、民间社会组织和捐助者,有效地制定和执行有时限的行动计划。 在那些正在实施监测和报告机制的国家中,必须为这些努力提供适当的资源和资金。", "波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那感到鼓舞的是,一些当事方已与联合国签署了旨在制止在冲突中招募和使用儿童的行动计划。 我们还欢迎就第1882(2009)号决议和随后的行动计划制定指导意见。 此外,我们要强调,武装部队招募儿童的有效重返社会方案是可持续和平与安全,更重要的是确保这些儿童福祉的关键因素。", "去年,波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那是大会题为“紧急情况下受教育的权利”的第64/290号决议的主要提案国之一。 我们要回顾,大会以协商一致方式通过了该决议,该决议强调必须采取一切可能措施,确保在紧急情况的所有阶段的受教育权,并呼吁根据国内法将攻击学校的行为定为犯罪。 我们深感关切的是,在武装冲突局势中,袭击、威胁袭击和关闭学校和医院的次数,以及违反国际人道主义法将学校和医院用于军事目的的次数。 我们深信,有效解决与袭击学校和医院有关的问题将确保儿童在冲突期间或冲突之后不被剥夺受教育的权利。", "此外,我要讨论波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那的经验中的一些内容和事实,并提醒安理会,在被围困的萨拉热窝市被害的10 000多人中,有1 500名儿童,以及波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那各地许多其他儿童。 他们是无辜的儿童,再也不会上学或玩了。 与此有关的是昨天在斯雷布雷尼察种族灭绝16周年之际,重新埋葬了一名11岁的男孩Nesib Muhić和他15岁的弟弟Hasib,他们是613个新查明的尸体之一。 他们不是唯一一个。 让我们从本会议厅发出一个强烈的信息,即这种危害儿童的罪行将受到坚决的谴责和惩罚,不会被容忍。", "因此,我们坚信,安全理事会应继续致力于保护武装冲突中的儿童,包括决心确保充分执行并遵守其关于这一问题的各项决议。 波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那随时准备为这一目标作出贡献。", "拉德贝先生(南非): 主席先生,我们想借此机会感谢你主持今天的会议,并感谢贵国代表团组织这次重要辩论会。 我们感谢潘基文秘书长、负责儿童与武装冲突问题的秘书长特别代表拉迪卡·库马拉斯瓦米女士和儿童基金会执行主任安东尼·莱克先生分别所作的通报。 我们也欢迎刚刚通过的第1998(2011)号决议。", "南非仍然对武装冲突中儿童的困境深感关切。 卷入武装冲突的儿童被剥夺了在他们能够充分发挥潜力的环境中成长的机会。 南非尤其感到关切的是,数以千计的儿童继续拿起武器充当士兵,而且许多儿童还在武装冲突中成为受害者。 因此,我们仍然坚定致力于消除在武装冲突中招募和使用儿童的行为。", "自从格拉萨·马谢尔1996年编写联合国关于受武装冲突影响儿童问题的第一次报告(A/51/306)以来,已经取得了重大进展。 南非感到高兴的是,儿童和武装冲突问题继续得到联合国、特别是安全理事会议程上应有的重视。 我们感到鼓舞的是,安理会已查明了武装冲突中针对儿童的六种严重侵犯行为。 我国认为,安理会应该对每一个问题给予同等重视和关注。", "在这方面,我们欢迎扩大对一再袭击学校和医院的人采取惩罚措施的触发机制。 我们对这种袭击的新趋势感到关切。 我们呼吁冲突各方遵守国际人道主义法并避免袭击平民目标,特别是可能存在儿童的目标。", "南非感到关切的是,尽管国际社会为解决武装冲突中儿童所面临挑战作出了积极努力,但各方继续侵犯儿童。 在刚果民主共和国、巴勒斯坦、阿富汗等地,儿童继续因战争而伤亡,他们的权利继续受到侵犯。 我们还感到关切的是,非洲有相当多的国家和局势儿童卷入了武装冲突。 我们欢迎在某些地区,例如在布隆迪,卷入武装冲突的儿童的状况有所改善。 我们呼吁留在名单上的各方仿效那些已经通过改善局势的具体行动计划的国家和实体。 南非对最近据报在科特迪瓦和利比亚等地发生的新冲突中发生更多侵犯行为深感关切。 我们呼吁受影响政府在民间社会和国际捐助界的协助下,制定和执行具体计划来应对受武装冲突影响儿童所面临挑战。 国际捐助界应继续提供长期和可持续的援助来推动这些方案。", "就我们而言,南非已经批准了《儿童权利公约关于儿童卷入武装冲突问题的任择议定书》。 《任择议定书》规定,直接参与敌对行动、武装团体招募和政府强制招募的最低年龄为18岁。 此外,我们的国家儿童法案和国防部队政策符合《任择议定书》,因为它们将成年年龄定为18岁,这也符合《南非宪法》。 儿童法承认需要特别照顾和保护儿童免受伤害、虐待和忽视。 它落实了南非根据《儿童权利公约》作出的承诺。", "我们必须不忘记受武装冲突影响儿童的长期需要。 因此,南非强调在预防冲突方面采取广泛战略的重要性,该战略应全面处理武装冲突的根源,并创造有利于保护和促进儿童权利的环境。", "南非欢迎特别代表办公室和儿童基金会坚定不移地致力于实施监测和报告机制,这将大大有助于解决在武装冲突中招募和使用儿童及其他侵权行为的问题。 我们鼓励它们在各自任务范围内,以综合方式同包括维持和平行动部、有关会员国和非政府组织在内的其他主要利益攸关方合作,以确保在处理这一祸害方面的一致性。", "我们还赞扬安全理事会工作组的工作,特别是工作组在审查冲突各方制定和执行有时限的行动计划以停止招募和使用儿童方面取得的进展方面的作用,因为这些违反国际义务。", "最后,南非想表示,我们继续致力于同安理会成员和国际社会合作,以确保保护儿童仍然是我们的主要优先事项。", "赖斯女士(美利坚合众国): 主席先生,我们感谢你以及维蒂希大使和德国代表团主办这次重要辩论会并担任安全理事会工作组主席。 我们还非常赞赏秘书长、库马拉斯瓦米特别代表和儿童基金会执行主任托尼·莱克的重要发言。", "武装冲突中对儿童的虐待不仅撕裂了我们的心,还撕裂了我们社会的结构,破坏了我们的共同安全,并迫使我们大家作出更大的努力来结束这些暴行。 死亡人数从未停止过震撼。 根据教科文组织最近的一份报告,在1998至2008年期间,估计有200万儿童在冲突中被杀死,600万儿童残疾。 据报告,约有300 000名儿童被作为士兵被剥削。 毫无疑问:只要有这么多儿童继续遭受这种残暴和虐待,我们就辜负了世界儿童。", "这并不是要削弱已经为协助世界各地武装冲突中的儿童而作的工作。 自2004年以来,联合国在九个冲突地区签署了15个行动计划,并完成了其中5个。 特别代表和联合国各机构在实地产生了可衡量的影响。 在秘书长本来令人沮丧的报告(S/2011/250)中,最亮的一面是被释放的儿童兵人数。 今年在苏丹、尼泊尔、乍得、中非共和国、刚果民主共和国、缅甸和斯里兰卡,估计有6 300名儿童摆脱了这种奴役。 我们更加关注严重侵权行为。 我们加强了收集信息的能力,包括秘书长的全面报告。 我们列出了严重肇事者,并坦率地审查了个别国家的局势。", "工作组采取的所有步骤都有助于将这种侵权行为列入国际议程,并提请国家当局紧急注意。 但是,众所周知,还有许多工作要做。 例如,我刚刚目睹南苏丹共和国诞生。 苏丹全境取得了一些进展,特别是过去一年,近1 200名儿童摆脱了武装团体的恐怖。 联合国已同苏丹的若干团体缔结了行动计划并签署了谅解备忘录。 但是,侵权行为仍然存在,包括由上帝抵抗军和其他人实施的侵权行为。 苏丹政府和苏丹武装部队尚未签署和执行行动计划。 另外,我们敦促前苏丹人民解放运动继续执行已经到期的2009年行动计划,并签署正式延长该计划。", "在缅甸,政府部队和武装团体中仍然有儿童兵。 缅甸政府承诺停止招募和使用儿童兵,并与联合国一道制定一项行动计划。 我们敦促它尽快这样做,并吸收国际劳工组织和儿童基金会等有关机构的专门知识。", "我们对刚果民主共和国的局势也深感不安。 秘书长报告附件一列有来自该国的六打团体。 刚果民主共和国政府未能与联合国进行有意义的接触,以制止其武装部队虐待儿童的行为。 因此,一些地区招募儿童的现象有所增加。 刚果民主共和国政府应立即采取行动,以纠正这些令人震惊的侵权行为,包括最终确定并与联合国签署早该制定的行动计划。", "今年的报告还记录了另一个令人震惊的趋势,即对学校和医院的袭击增加,特别是在阿富汗、科特迪瓦、刚果民主共和国、伊拉克、缅甸、巴基斯坦、也门和菲律宾。 仅在科特迪瓦,据儿童基金会称,在选举后危机期间,就有224所学校被袭击,扰乱了约65 000名儿童的教育。 秘书长的报告记录了这种攻击。 根据今天的决议(第1998(2011)号决议),秘书长将受权点名一再进行这种攻击的人并羞辱他们。", "总体而言,我们仍然深感关切的是,惯犯继续侵犯儿童而不受惩罚。 秘书长报告附件所列的16个武装冲突当事方已列名五年或更久。 这显然是不可接受的。 因此,美国敦促在今天的决议中列入安理会的有时限承诺,考虑各种备选办法,增加对惯犯的压力。 安理会对这一承诺的一致支持,是朝着追究严重违反者的行动责任迈出的重要一步。", "今天,让我们重新致力于建设一个所有儿童都享有安全、机会和希望的世界,我们为自己的儿女而努力。", "布里特斯·佩雷拉先生(葡萄牙): 主席先生,首先我要感谢你召开这次关于儿童与武装冲突问题的公开辩论会,葡萄牙非常重视这个问题。 我还要欢迎并感谢秘书长儿童与武装冲突问题特别代表拉迪卡·库马拉斯瓦米女士和儿童基金会执行主任安东尼·莱克先生的通报。 我还要借此机会赞扬他们为确保在武装冲突局势中保护儿童而作的工作和努力。", "首先,我要重申葡萄牙对促进和保护人权和维护国际人道主义法的坚定承诺。 作为安理会当选成员,武装冲突中保护平民一直是我们行动的优先事项之一。", "早在1998年,在我们上次担任安理会理事国期间,我们促进了在这里就儿童与武装冲突问题举行的第一次辩论(见S/PV.3896)。 当时,我们同今天一样,已经相信这个问题会对国际和平与安全产生严重影响。 保护武装冲突中的儿童需要整个国际社会的承诺。 葡萄牙充分致力于这一目标。", "此后,安理会取得了重大进展,并逐步建立了强有力的规范框架和机制来监测、报告和应对严重侵犯儿童的行为。 我们今天通过的决议(第1998(2011)号决议)扩大了将当事方列入秘书长报告附件的原因,包括攻击学校和医院以及攻击和威胁攻击学童以及教育和医务人员。 这将使安全理事会能够以一致和及时的方式采取行动,以进一步加强对儿童的保护及其获得教育和保健服务的机会。", "向武装冲突局势中的儿童提供的教育和保健不足是一个严重问题,将对有关国家的长期发展产生影响。 教科文组织指出,2 800万儿童因武装冲突而被剥夺受教育权。 这种情况是完全不能接受的,需要立即予以纠正。", "在这方面,我国定期在人权委员会和人权理事会提出一项关于实现教育权的决议草案,这是教育权问题特别报告员任务的根源。 这项决议以及去年大会通过的关于紧急情况下教育的决议(我国是该决议的共同提案国)(第64/290号决议)是朝着正确方向迈出的一步,它将不仅保障一项基本人权,而且也保障实现其他基本权利的一个重要工具。", "在这方面,我要对民间社会在加强保护儿童权利方面开展的重要工作表示赞赏,这项工作已大大有助于为安全理事会在这一非常重要领域的工作铺平道路。", "在过去几年中,安全理事会一贯加强追究严重侵犯儿童行为的惯犯的责任。 在最近的将来,我们希望看到所有这些侵犯行为得到平等对待,包括绑架儿童和拒绝人道主义准入。", "保护武装冲突局势中儿童的这一规范框架必须更进一步。 葡萄牙认为,安理会必须继续处理某些令人关切的局势,并努力找到促进保护受武装冲突影响儿童的最佳办法。 在这方面,行动计划是促使武装部队和有组织武装团体参与的极好工具。 但是,我们必须铭记,在涉及民兵或其他没有坚实指挥结构的非国家武装团体的案件中,这种计划可能没有那么有效。", "此外,许多冲突具有跨界影响。 在采取逐个国家的做法时,可能会失去这种观点。 上帝抵抗军等政党完全无视边界。 儿童在一个国家被绑架并被带到另一个国家,有时被带到第三个国家。 在这方面,我们欢迎维持和平行动部、儿童基金会和秘书长特别代表办公室正在进行的协调努力。 但是,我们认为,在协调方面需要做更多的工作,以解决跨界儿童保护问题。", "对严重侵害儿童的惯犯采取定向措施的能力是安全理事会在这方面可以利用的一个重要工具。 我们坚信,在延长或确立现有制裁委员会的任务时,应当包括儿童保护标准和专门知识。", "但是,葡萄牙也认为,安理会需要找到一种解决办法,以考虑在没有专门的制裁委员会的情况下,针对严重侵犯儿童者采取有针对性的措施。 我们欢迎儿童与武装冲突问题工作组将就各种备选办法进行讨论,以加大对武装冲突局势中侵害儿童行为的惯犯的压力。", "秘书长特别代表及其办公室的倡导和奉献对于促进这一议程至关重要。 请允许我欢迎她自上次辩论以来的五次实地考察(见S/PV.6341)以及在她所访问的每一个地方所作出的承诺。 葡萄牙支持延长她的任期。 这项任务有助于促进促进和保护儿童权利方面的进展。", "最后,我要强调,自1996年格拉萨·马谢尔关于武装冲突对儿童所生影响的报告(见A/51/306)表明全世界武装冲突中儿童所遭受痛苦以来,已经做了许多工作。 这项研究显然是武装冲突中儿童议程的基础,但安全理事会通过的每一项决议都加强了儿童保护框架。 我希望,本次公开辩论会和我们刚才通过的决议将成为协助安理会和秘书长特别代表履行任务的有用工具。", "武装冲突对儿童造成的有害和广泛影响及其对持久和平、安全与发展的长期影响,如今已得到广泛承认。 正如格拉萨·马谢尔1996年所说的那样,武装冲突对儿童的影响必须是每个人的责任。 还是这样", "马克·莱尔·格兰特爵士(联合王国): 主席先生,我同其他发言者一道感谢你召开今天的辩论会。 我们欢迎德国在担任安全理事会主席和担任儿童与武装冲突问题工作组主席时提请国际社会注意这一问题。 我们感谢秘书长今天上午的承诺声明以及秘书长儿童与武装冲突问题特别代表拉迪卡·库马拉斯瓦米女士和儿童基金会执行主任安东尼·莱克先生的通报。 请允许我对库马拉斯瓦米女士的工作表示特别赞赏。 我们非常感谢她为帮助全球儿童而作的努力以及她为这一档案工作所表现出来的领导才能。", "我要着重谈三个主题——雄心壮志、实际行动和解决攻击教育问题的重要性。", "第一,我们对这一议程的雄心壮志必须保持高水平。 联合国帮助受武装冲突影响儿童的努力,在许多情况下,能够行之有效。 在苏丹和阿富汗,我们期待着执行新的行动计划,以释放被招募并卷入战斗的儿童并使其重返社会。", "我们可以强调具体成果,例如2010年在尼泊尔释放了近3 000名儿童,今年在乍得使191名儿童重返社会。 但也有一些领域进展缓慢。 在刚果民主共和国,我们需要产生更大的势头来释放儿童兵,包括与刚果民主共和国武装部队有关联的儿童兵。 在缅甸,联合国需要有更多的机会监测和报告虐待儿童的情况,特别是在族裔冲突地区。", "在通过第1379(2001)号决议后的五年里,世界上三分之二的儿童生活在受暴力和冲突影响最严重的42个国家。 在一系列决议中,会员国表现出在全球范围处理侵犯儿童权利行为的勇气。 我们今天通过的第1998(2011)号决议标志着向前迈出了又一重要步骤,但它不应标志着我们雄心壮志的结束。", "第二,我们应继续将努力的重点放在实际行动上。 制定和执行国家行动计划仍然是释放儿童的最有效工具。 正是在这里,我们应该集中我们的大部分努力。 当然,我们必须在决定采取什么行动之前仔细考虑背景。 没有两个国家是相同的,因此,工作组和国别工作队必须不断寻找新的创新方法,在实地发挥最大的作用。 例如,我们欢迎更多地利用实地访问,这些访问已证明是指导工作组决定和增加地方对话的有效工具。", "第三,我欢迎我们的新决议把重点放在解决袭击学校和医院的问题上。 剥夺儿童受教育的机会本身就侵犯了他们的人权;它还剥夺了他们了解和主张更广泛权利的能力。 安全学校可在冲突地区提供救生建议。 上学可以使儿童远离更危险的生计。 它可以通过减少青年就业和确保青年人不被剥夺社会权利来帮助长期预防冲突。 我们希望,这种增加将加强我们减少对儿童袭击并改善其生活的努力。", "联合国在儿童与武装冲突问题上的行动发挥了作用,而且当我们实际上而不是在体制上或理论上有重点时,它发挥最大作用。 因此,维持并增强我们的雄心壮志是正确的,包括像我们今天所做的那样,扩大儿童与武装冲突的工作,以涵盖攻击教育这一重要议题。", "维奥蒂夫人(巴西): 主席先生,我要祝贺你召开这次重要辩论会。 我感谢秘书长的发言,我也感谢拉迪卡·库马拉斯瓦米女士和安东尼·莱克先生今天的发言,以及他们在这一重要问题上所做的宝贵工作。", "使儿童免于冲突恐怖是安理会努力保护平民、打破冲突循环和建立持久和平的一个重要方面。 我们欢迎今天通过的第1998(2011)号决议,欢迎该决议侧重处理对学校和医院的袭击。 教育和卫生是基本人权,是和平社会的组成部分。 攻击他们就是攻击人的尊严的概念。", "安理会已经制定了一套关于儿童与武装冲突问题的重要准则,它们是保护平民的有用工具。 它们导致在制止严重侵害儿童行为方面取得进展。 然而,要使我们的工作更有效率和更有效,还有许多工作要做。 我们赞扬德国担任儿童与武装冲突问题工作组主席,并支持继续思考如何更好地利用工作组掌握的工具来保护儿童。", "在处理武装冲突局势时,尊重国际人道主义法必须成为我们的核心关切。 安理会制定一套新的规范来约束冲突各方的行动既不必要,也不可取。 在国际人道主义法被违反的情况下,安理会可以决定,为保护最脆弱群体,必须进行更直接的参与。", "在袭击学校和医院方面,国际人道主义法是明确的。 教师、学生、病人和医务人员是平民,因此受国际人道主义法的保护。 安理会一再重申冲突各方有责任保护平民。 我们必须避免选择性,并始终如一地要求严格遵守国际人道主义法。", "在安理会权限之外、没有武装冲突的情况下,会员国应支持促进儿童权利的国家和国际机制。 在出现武装冲突的地方,安理会保护儿童的努力必须同其维持国际和平与安全的更广泛目标密切相联。 签署行动计划和释放儿童兵是非常重要的成就,但我们的最终目标必须是结束导致这种侵权行为的冲突。", "可持续和平是持久保护的最佳保障。 巴西将继续坚定支持安理会的努力,以确保在武装冲突中保护儿童和帮助为长期和平奠定基础。", "潘金先生(俄罗斯联邦)(以俄语发言): 主席先生,我们高兴地欢迎贵国外交部长你担任安全理事会本次会议的主席,并感谢德国同事主动召开本次会议并非常专业地担任安理会儿童与武装冲突问题工作组主席。 我们感谢秘书长潘基文先生、他的儿童与武装冲突问题特别代表拉迪卡·库马拉斯瓦米夫人以及儿童基金会执行主任安东尼·莱克先生,感谢他们重视保护武装冲突中的儿童的问题,并提供关于这方面现状的有用信息。", "尽管正在国际和国家两级采取各种步骤并存在广泛的国际法律基础,但我们注意到,儿童仍然是武装冲突中最易受伤害的群体之一。 安全理事会在其促进国际和平与安全的任务框架内,对这一问题给予高度重视。 在这方面,我们欢迎今天通过第1998(2011)号决议,并希望该决议的执行将有助于加强保护儿童制度和整个领域的国际合作。", "然而,我们要指出,保护儿童的任务具有全系统的性质,必须妥善地协调这一领域的工作。 这将提高其效力并避免任何重复努力,因为这些问题也由联合国大会、人权理事会和建设和平委员会在各自任务范围内处理。 因此,显然需要根据《宪章》和其他国际法律文书,尊重联合国各机构之间现有的分担负担制度。 联合国系统内若干国际组织,特别是儿童基金会,也在这一领域开展了重要工作。", "第1612(2005)号决议为在武装冲突中和冲突后重建进程中保护儿童奠定了基础,包括通过监测和问责机制以及儿童与武装冲突问题工作组的工作。 我们认为,这些文书应主要侧重于安全理事会议程上的最严重和最大规模武装冲突,包括各国同意工作组审议其案件的情况。 在这方面,特别重要的是建立密切合作、对话和信任,这应有助于改善当地儿童的状况。", "我们仔细研究了秘书长的报告(S/2011/250),并注意到报告载有大量信息。 然而,我们必须再次指出,报告中提到的一些证据的可靠性令人怀疑。 显然,根据客观和可靠的信息进行平衡的评估,将保证进一步切实地执行报告中所载的各项建议。 我们对报告中对“武装冲突”含义的松散解释表示关切。 这导致报告提到令人关切的局势。 在这方面,我们要指出,报告中提到印度、巴基斯坦、泰国、菲律宾和海地是没有理由的。 这些国家的局势不能称为武装冲突。", "有关报告和决议草案的工作表明,正如讨论一样,许多国家对负责儿童与武装冲突问题的秘书长特别代表如何实际执行她任务的某些方面有问题。 我们认为,现在应该广泛讨论这个问题,以便回答各国政府所关切的问题。", "关于秘书长报告中的建议,我们支持有必要对所有六类严重侵犯儿童行为给予同等重视的想法。 对儿童的犯罪绝不能不受惩罚。", "还必须采取长期措施,使受冲突影响的儿童恢复正常生活并重新融入社会。 在这方面,极为重要的是为儿童获得不间断和完整的教育以及获得全面保健创造适当的条件。", "最后,必须不断加强将那些侵犯儿童权利的人绳之以法的机制。 我再说一遍,有罪不罚是不可接受的。", "我们强烈谴责在有计划的攻击中以及由于不分青红皂白地或过度使用武力而杀害和残害儿童的行为。 尽管为防止这种情况,包括国际军事存在,正在采取额外措施,但这些措施经常发生,令人悲哀。 我们认为,试图将平民、特别是儿童受害者描述为附带损害是不可接受的。 这违反了《日内瓦公约》的规定。 我们主张认真调查此类事件并惩罚罪犯。", "也不能接受的是,在国际部队的军事监狱里继续关押儿童,而不能诉诸民事司法系统。 我们呼吁负责儿童与武装冲突问题的秘书长特别代表特别注意这一问题。", "最后,我要再次表示,如果不同参与冲突或冲突后重建阶段的国家政府合作,就不可能进行有效的合作,包括在保护儿童领域。 在这方面,我们强调联合国特派团和联合国国家工作队同非国家武装团体合作的重要性,必须征得参与这些冲突的各国政府的同意。", "萨拉姆先生(黎巴嫩): 首先,请允许我感谢韦斯特韦尔部长出席这次重要会议。 我还要感谢潘秘书长、负责儿童与武装冲突问题的秘书长特别代表库马拉斯瓦米女士和儿童基金会执行主任莱克先生所作的全面通报。", "面对武力的非人性化影响,儿童往往被剥夺童年。 冲突的前线使他们面对荒谬的战争恐怖并威胁到他们的教育、保健和最基本的人权——生命权。", "尽管在规范层面和某些具体情况下取得了显著进展,但正如秘书长的报告(S/2011/250)所概述,武装冲突中儿童的总体状况仍然令人不安。 我们谴责一切不分青红皂白地和不相称地对儿童使用武力的行为,并呼吁武装冲突局势中所有各方严格遵守国际人道主义法。", "正如秘书长报告所证明的那样,攻击学校和医院是一个日益增长的趋势。 黎巴嫩在2006年以色列发动的上一次战争中亲身经历了对其学校和医院的袭击。 通过采用新的标准——攻击医院和学校——将武装冲突当事方列入秘书长年度报告的附件,摆在我们面前的决议在保护武装冲突中的儿童方面取得了重要进展。 它向肇事者发出明确的警告,说明犯下这种侵犯行为的严重后果。", "以学校为目标也对发展产生深远和破坏性的影响。 事实上,世界银行在其关于中东和北非教育的报告中认为,提供教育,特别是为女孩提供教育,是各国可以采取的唯一最有效的干预措施,以改善人类发展并解决脆弱状况。", "以更全面的方式,我们认为,第1612(2005)号决议所列举的六起严重违反事件同样严重,工作组应当给予同样的关注。 它们是:杀害和残害儿童;招募和使用儿童兵;强奸儿童并对儿童实施其他形式的性暴力;绑架儿童;袭击学校或医院;以及不让儿童获得人道主义援助。 我们期待着有一天,把列入秘书长报告附件的标准扩大到所有这六项违反行为。", "展望未来,我们要首先强调,采用新的列名标准将需要同地方当局密切合作,向安理会提供准确和可核查的信息,这将进一步加强已经建立的报告和监测机制。 第二,我们强调必须采取更有效的后续行动,执行工作组的建议并迅速对大规模地影响儿童的紧急情况作出反应。 第三,对武装冲突中危害儿童的罪行追究责任仍然是例外。 联合国可以通过在法治领域向脆弱国家提供能力建设和协调支助,在这方面发挥关键作用。", "最后,我要确认教育在促进和平、容忍和包容性的价值方面可以起的作用,这是预防冲突、保护儿童并使他们医治战争创伤的最有效途径。", "阿罗先生(法国)(以法语发言): 我赞同将代表欧洲联盟作的发言。", "我要感谢德国外交部长倡议召开安全理事会来审议儿童与武装冲突问题。", "今天上午,安理会表明它决心在武装冲突中确保尊重受教育权和健康权。 国际人道主义法禁止攻击学校和医院及其工作人员。 在冲突期间,它们摧毁基础设施并消灭对任何国家都至关重要的精英。 冲突之后,这种攻击对该国的重建产生持久影响。", "安全理事会今天决定根据秘书处提供的信息采取行动,向实施这种袭击的冲突各方发出明确的信息。 这是重大的进展。 首先,正如阿富汗、巴基斯坦和叙利亚局势所显示的,对学校和医院及其工作人员的袭击有所增加。 但是,这也是在介绍教科文组织报告《隐藏的危机:武装冲突与教育》之后,国际社会的认识得到响应,该报告表明,在冲突国家,有2 800万儿童被剥夺了基础教育。 该报告还证明了世界卫生组织的贡献。", "在没有取得进展的情况下,我们必须毫不犹豫地执行强有力和有针对性的制裁。 安全理事会儿童与武装冲突问题工作组将审议这个问题,以便在一年内向安理会提出具体建议。 在这方面,我们强调两个方面。", "第一是改善制裁制度结构的整体一致性,以提高安全理事会行动的可信度。", "第二,关于加强工作组与国际刑事司法系统之间的联系,我们欢迎国际刑事法院为打击有罪不罚现象所作出的贡献,目前对托马斯·卢班加的战争罪指控进行的审判就证明了这一点。 我们呼吁民间社会和非政府组织继续提供材料供各国审议。", "我们还赞扬秘书长及其儿童与武装冲突问题特别代表的工作。 我们赞同秘书长报告中的分析和建议。 我们赞扬秘书长个人对保护武装冲突中的儿童的承诺及其特别代表拉迪卡·库马拉斯瓦米女士的工作。", "我们赞同联合国在25年内实现一个没有儿童兵的世界的目标。 这是一个雄心勃勃但现实的目标。 据估计,全世界有25万名儿童兵,儿童基金会每年协助约10 000名儿童兵重返社会。 在解决性暴力以及杀害和残害儿童等广泛问题方面,仍然存在重大挑战。 为了促进第1882(2009)号决议的执行,我们呼吁秘书长向监测和报告机制提供必要资源并传播信息,并象在打击上帝抵抗军的过程中所做的那样,考虑到某些冲突的跨界方面。", "我们赞扬在阿富汗和乍得签署行动计划,我们呼吁刚果民主共和国和缅甸与联合国协调,完成自己的行动计划。", "关于秘书处为安全理事会工作组提供的支助,我们感谢秘书长提供行政支助,并期待着工作组继续按目前的速度进行国别访问,继2010年访问尼泊尔和2011年访问阿富汗之后。 我们希望,这些特派团将作为新的措施由将于秋季通过的2012-2013年经常预算供资。", "我们将同负责儿童和武装冲突问题的秘书长特别代表、儿童基金会和我们指导委员会的伙伴一道,于9月大会部长级会议期间召开关于《巴黎承诺》和《巴黎原则》的第四次部长级后续论坛。", "最后,我要赞扬德国大使彼得·维蒂希先生出色地主持了安全理事会儿童与武装冲突问题工作组。", "奥格武夫人(尼日利亚): 请允许我转达尼日利亚对担任安全理事会主席的德国召开这次关于儿童与武装冲突问题的及时会议的深切赞赏。 主席先生,我赞扬你个人领导规划和组织这次重要会议。 德国不仅表现出了安全理事会儿童与武装冲突问题工作组的出色领导,而且还对紧迫的道德问题采取了坚定立场,包括在武装冲突局势中袭击学校和医院。", "让我也同那些对秘书长特别代表库马拉斯瓦米和执行主任安东尼·莱克的鼓舞人心的发言表示赞赏的人一样,表示尼日利亚的感谢。 我还必须感谢秘书长及其工作班子就这一主题提出了艰苦而清晰的报告(S/2011/250)。", "在过去12年中,在确定处于危险中的儿童、与那些否则会威胁其福祉的儿童接触、以及使受战争影响的儿童重返社会和恢复正常生活方面取得了重大进展。", "监测和报告制度的发展、行动计划执行的稳步增长以及重新关注国际人道主义法的基本原则,在许多情况下使世界对儿童更加安全,甚至更加和平。", "尽管取得了这些显著的改进,但仍然存在若干挑战。 包括我国在内的大多数代表团特别关切的是,学校、医院、学生和工作人员受到攻击和其他侵犯的趋势令人不安。 至关重要的是,武装冲突各方必须承认这种机构在冲突期间享有作为庇护所的特殊地位。 这种地位必须不受侵犯。 它必须不受侵犯,因为阻碍获得保健和教育将产生破坏性和持久的人道主义后果。 在保护这些安全地时,我们承认《经济、社会、文化权利国际公约》和《儿童权利公约》所赋予的教育和健康的人权。", "对侵犯受武装冲突影响儿童的行为确实存在问责差距,我们应该打破这一差距。 侵犯儿童行为不受惩罚仍然是冲突的一个长期特点,是更广泛的能力问题的表现。 卷入冲突的国家缺乏资源,因此缺乏专门调查侵害儿童罪行的人力。 国际社会有义务为这些政府提供足够的资源,为起草和执行国家行动计划提供必要的技术援助和指导。", "此外,司法部门能力建设应构成我们维持和平活动的重要组成部分。 为支持国家努力,安全理事会应不懈地对严重侵犯儿童的行为人采取这些有针对性的措施。 我们必须保持开放态度,确保工作组的工作有利于我们更广泛的政策机构,酌情包括制裁委员会。 我们真诚希望,今天通过的决议将超越迄今取得的渐进改进,并一劳永逸地打破问责制的差距。", "尼日利亚明确赞同秘书长报告所突出的儿童保护合作办法。 我们毫不含糊地支持负责儿童与武装冲突问题的秘书长特别代表同负责冲突中性暴力问题的秘书长特别代表之间的高效伙伴关系,以及儿童基金会同联合国人权事务高级专员办事处之间的职能伙伴关系。", "还应赞扬国内工作队、维持和平行动以及特别政治和建设和平特派团努力在各自任务范围内将儿童保护办法系统化。 他们与民间社会和国家行为体的接触是这方面长期改善的先决条件。 这种合作的一个重要模式是联合国保护受上帝抵抗军影响的儿童的区域战略。", "尼日利亚是《儿童权利公约关于儿童卷入武装冲突问题的任择议定书》的签署国,也是最近《恩贾梅纳宣言》的创始签署国。 我们认为,这些行动突出了我们对保护儿童,特别是易受武装冲突影响的儿童的标准的承诺。 我们过去和将来都积极参与保护我们的青年,落实他们的权利,更重要的是,追究侵犯这些权利者的责任。 我们认为,保护无辜和易受伤害者免遭战争蹂躏是我们的集体责任和使命。 对我们安理会成员来说,在亲子关系中考虑一下也许是有益的。 事实上,我们是养育和保护每个儿童所需的更大社区的一部分。 因此,我们大家必须保持警惕,保持警惕,甚至作出坚定承诺,使武装冲突不致给我们的青年留下难以磨灭的伤痕。", "蒙加拉·穆索茨先生(加蓬)(以法语发言):主席先生,贵国对儿童与武装冲突问题工作组的出色领导证明了你的领导和对儿童与武装冲突问题的深切兴趣。 本次辩论的组织证实了德国对这一重要问题的承诺.", "我们感谢秘书长在辩论初期就这一问题所作的重要发言。 我们还感谢库马拉斯瓦米女士以高超的技巧履行职责,为受冲突影响的儿童提供更大的保护,并感谢她向我们提供了非常有益的信息。 最后,我们欢迎儿童基金会执行主任安东尼·莱克先生与会,并再次表示支持他的机构为捍卫儿童、特别是受冲突影响的儿童的事业所做出的重大贡献。", "今天的辩论是在安全理事会采取行动,保护武装冲突中的平民的总体背景下进行的。 正如秘书长的报告(S/2011/250)所指出,数以千计的儿童继续成为冲突地区严重违反国际法行为的受害者。 加蓬坚决谴责这种侵犯行为,特别是招募和使用儿童兵、谋杀、绑架、强奸和其他形式的性暴力、拒绝提供人道主义援助以及袭击学校和医院等行为。 政府或非国家武装部队所犯下的这些严重罪行违反国际法的规定和安全理事会有关决议,包括第1612(2005)号决议。", "我们要谈两点意见 -- -- 第一点涉及安理会保护儿童的规范性行动取得的进展,第二点涉及我们在实地保护儿童方面继续面临的挑战。", "首先,关于规范框架,我们赞扬自第1379(2001)号、第1539(2004)号决议,特别是第1612(2005)号决议通过以来,在建立监测和报告机制方面取得了相当大的进展。 自第1882(2009)号决议通过以来,安全理事会能够参考秘书长报告所附的武装冲突各方杀害和残害儿童、强奸和其他形式的性暴力的名单。 这些措施共同构成了提高冲突各方对其所犯罪行的严重性的认识的有效架构。 这种措施还具有威慑作用,因为它们的肇事者有可能受到制裁。", "这一进展还加强了和平特派团的活动并便利了当地主要行动者的工作。 在这方面,我们强调顾问在和平特派团保护部分所发挥的重要作用。 我们指出,由于联合国组织刚果民主共和国稳定特派团和儿童基金会联合开展活动,使许多儿童兵获得解放,乍得、苏丹、中非共和国,尤其是刚果民主共和国取得了成功。", "我们已取得的进展不应使我们忽视在确保更有效地保护武装冲突局势中的儿童方面仍然存在的各种挑战。 在这方面,我要提出两个具体问题。", "第一,令人遗憾的是,某些国家政府仍然强烈抵制与联合国进行建设性对话的可能性,以签署旨在结束武装冲突中暴力侵害儿童行为的行动计划。 还遗憾地注意到,越来越多的冲突当事方以收容儿童的学校和医院、教师和医务人员等公共机构为目标。 因此,主席先生,加蓬支持你的倡议,即考虑将攻击学校和医院儿童的行为列入秘书长报告附件所列被控严重侵犯儿童者名单的标准。", "最后,我们表示,我们希望看到安全理事会保护武装冲突中儿童的行动受到不断的评估和加强,以便使我们打击罪犯不受惩罚现象的斗争更加有效,特别是在对儿童所犯下的令人发指的罪行方面。 加蓬将继续支持国际社会打击在武装冲突中利用儿童以及儿童遭受的一切形式的虐待、暴力和剥夺。", "哈迪普·辛格·普里先生(印度): 我也要表示,我们赞赏德国干练地领导了儿童与武装冲突问题工作组并组织了今天的辩论。", "印度国家诗人Rabindranath Tagore说,“每个儿童都带着一个信息,即上帝还没有对人感到沮丧”。 儿童占人类的三分之一——最重要的三分之一。 他们也是最脆弱的人,因此最容易受到痛苦。 如果我们要从我们如何对待我们中最弱者的角度来评判我们,那么,我们有许多事情要说明。", "儿童继续遭受暴力、饥饿和疾病等骇人听闻的痛苦。 也许最悲惨的是数百万儿童被迫在边缘生活,失去机会,有时失去希望。 他们与其他更幸运的儿童一样,开始过着空前繁荣和充满希望的生活。", "纳尔逊·曼德拉总统说,“我们的儿童是我们社会中最脆弱的公民,我们应当过上没有暴力和恐惧的生活”。 在某些方面,这是每个政府的首要责任——政府和公民之间的社会契约的最重要因素。 因此,联合国在儿童方面的工作,特别是在儿童与武装冲突方面的工作,是其最重要的活动之一。", "印度认为,国际社会有责任并确实有义务尽最大努力为受武装冲突影响的儿童提供救助。 我们建设性地参与了正在进行的努力,使联合国在这一领域的工作更加相关和有效。 我们坚决支持儿童与武装冲突问题工作组。 我们积极参加了审议工作,并将继续促进加强在武装冲突局势中保护儿童的制度。", "国际社会在这一领域正在开展的工作在某种程度上处于国际政治和国际法的前沿。 我们需要在审议方面取得进展,同时考虑到会员国的关切和经验。 印度对解释安全理事会这方面决议的方式有一些关切。 在我之前发言的几位代表提出了同样的关切。", "我国代表团认为,必须始终如一地严格遵守《联合国宪章》的规定。 会员国不应将其基本特权和责任的行使外包给国际公务员。 具有法律和司法特点的国际社会的行动必须符合自然正义和分权原则。 必须遵守“听取对方意见”的原则。 必须检查和打击任务变态。", "印度对战争期间严重侵犯和侵害儿童的罪行表示痛惜。 我们批准了《儿童权利公约》及其《任择议定书》,并致力于与这一国际制度有关的准则和做法。", "印度政府最优先重视确保印度儿童的权利得到保护。 世界上19%的儿童是印度人,我们建立了保护和促进其权利和福祉的法律和体制框架。 通过了国家儿童宪章。 14岁以下的免费义务教育被宣布为一项可执行的基本权利。 还设立了全国保护儿童委员会,并通过了一项全国儿童行动计划。", "印度政府致力于通过这些和其他倡议为儿童创造一个保护环境。 在这方面,我还要指出,印度民间社会是该框架的组成部分。 我们认为,民间社会是我们有关儿童问题的国家和国际努力中的一个宝贵伙伴。", "印度一直率先通过其维持和平任务,将安理会的言行化为行动。 在过去50年中,10多万印度部队和警官参加了维持和平行动。 根据我们在实地的经验,我们要强调,执行安理会任务的主要挑战是资源问题。", "我确信,特别代表库马拉斯瓦米的热情令人瞩目,他将同意我的看法,我说维和特派团需要更多的儿童保护顾问并拥有更多的资源。 我国将鼓励特别代表同国家当局合作,发展处理武装冲突中儿童问题的能力。 我们认为,支持国家当局为结束有罪不罚现象和确保问责制而作的努力,应当是一个关键的重点领域。", "监测和报告机制需要会员国的参与和它们的密切监督,以确保真实性和可信度。 我们期望在会员国的密切监督下,以透明和明智的方式收集和分析数据以及列名和除名。", "大量儿童受到武装冲突的影响和创伤。 然而,我们不能忽视最贫穷国家的经济和社会边缘化,这些国家正在将数亿儿童赶向童年,这很可能使他们成为明天问题的一部分,而不是明天的解决办法。 我们需要从更广的角度来看待造成比武装冲突更多的人丧生的贫困和绝望,并常常为新的暴力循环铺平道路。 不幸的是,这种动态既未引起国际媒体的注意,也未出现在安全理事会的议程上。 然而,在我们这里的讨论中,安理会必须确保其明确重点,以便不忽视摆在它面前的紧急情况,因为它构成全球性挑战。", "最后,我要引用一位英国作者的话:“儿童从爱父母开始;过了一段时间,他们就评判他们;他们很少原谅他们,甚至从来没有原谅他们”。 如果我们期望我们的未来儿童有任何宽恕的机会,我们的努力决不能被忽略。", "王民先生(中国): 我欢迎德国倡议召开今天的会议。 我感谢潘基文秘书长的发言以及秘书长特别代表拉迪卡·库马拉斯瓦米女士和儿童基金会执行主任安东尼·莱克先生分别所作的通报。", "中国高度重视保护受武装冲突影响的儿童问题。 中国反对招募和使用儿童兵以及其他在武装冲突中侵犯儿童权利的行为。 中方支持相关联合国机构根据各自职责和优势,继续努力保护受武装冲突影响的儿童。 在这方面,我要强调以下四点。", "第一,为了确保受武装冲突影响的儿童免受伤害,必须从根源出发解决这一问题。 应更注重预防、控制和消除武装冲突。 安全理事会应有效履行其维护国际和平与安全的首要责任。 缔约国应加强预防性外交,鼓励和支持各方通过斡旋、调解、对话、谈判与和解和平解决争端,并努力及时、适当地减少和应对冲突局势,以为儿童的健康发展创造一个安全和有利的环境。", "第二,必须根据《宪章》和安全理事会有关决议的规定,严格执行安全理事会决议的授权。 安理会应优先关注受武装冲突影响儿童问题。 中方支持特别代表根据安理会授权在保护受武装冲突影响儿童问题上所发挥的重要作用。", "由于武装冲突的原因各有不同,应当根据每一具体情况的有关因素制定保护受武装冲突影响儿童的措施。 没有普遍适用的解决办法。 制裁仍然是安理会处理对国际和平与安全构成威胁的局势的最后手段。 中国一贯主张在采取制裁措施时要谨慎。", "第三,应努力确保各种保护儿童的方案和计划的有效性,同时坚持国家自主权的原则。 各国政府负有保护受武装冲突影响儿童的首要责任。 联合国相关实体的行动旨在支持和补充政府的行动。 安全理事会及其儿童与武装冲突问题工作组应加强同有关政府的沟通。 秘书长及其特别代表应尽早建立一个交流信息的渠道,并随后保持联络。 安理会应考虑武装冲突有关各方,特别是政府提供的资料。", "第四,必须认真处理武装冲突对儿童的长期影响。 必须采取全面措施,确保受武装冲突影响的儿童回归社会并恢复正常生活。 在促进冲突后重建时,国际社会应当优先确保儿童重返家庭、学校和社会。 在这方面,国际社会必须提供足够的资源,扩大发展援助,并加倍努力来消除贫穷、普及教育和促进可持续发展,以便为儿童的发展提供安全和有利条件。", "主席(以英语发言):我请意大利代表发言。", "拉加利尼先生(意大利): 主席先生,我要感谢你召开这次关于儿童与武装冲突的公开辩论会。 我还要赞扬德国作为安全理事会儿童与武装冲突问题工作组主席所发挥的领导作用。 让我对秘书长、他的特别代表拉迪卡·库马拉斯瓦米女士和儿童基金会执行主任安东尼·莱克先生表示深切的赞赏,感谢他们致力于捍卫和促进受武装冲突之害的儿童的权利。", "意大利在发言中赞同欧洲联盟将作的发言。 我们还支持加拿大代表儿童与武装冲突问题之友小组所作的发言,意大利是该小组的成员。", "在武装冲突中保护儿童权利是意大利外交政策的优先事项之一。 我们一贯主张由安全理事会作出更大的承诺来对付这一祸害。 我们欢迎在加强保护框架方面取得稳步进展。 今天通过的第1998(2011)号决议——意大利为成为共同提案国而感到自豪——证实了这一趋势。 决定将攻击学校和医院以及攻击或威胁攻击与学校和医院有关的受保护人员作为秘书长报告附件的新列名标准,这确实是全面保护儿童不受所有严重侵犯的重要步骤。", "意大利欢迎秘书长的报告(S/2011/250)并坚决赞同其建议。 我们同其他代表团一样,呼吁安全理事会对一贯违反者采取更强有力的措施。 有罪不罚会严重损害我们建立的保护制度的信誉。 有关制裁委员会必须在各自任务范围内处理这个问题。 在没有设立制裁委员会的情况下,安理会应考虑如何解决问责制方面的差距。", "与国际刑事法院的合作也是关键。 另一个重要方面是监测和确保对儿童与武装冲突问题工作组的结论采取适当的后续行动。", "我们非常重视行动计划。 例如,我们欢迎阿富汗最近签署计划,并敦促各国政府对其承诺采取具体的后续行动。", "联合国特派团的儿童保护顾问也履行基本职责。 在儿童保护方面进行充分培训是秘书长报告所表述的核心建议之一。 意大利支持维持和平行动部与负责儿童与武装冲突问题的秘书长特别代表办公室、儿童基金会和拯救儿童组织合作,为全体维和人员制定一个关于儿童保护和儿童权利的全面而系统的培训方案。 我们希望,其他捐助者将同我们一道支持这一战略项目。", "最后,我要表示,我们坚决支持联合国争取普遍批准《儿童权利公约任择议定书》的运动。 自2010年启动以来,已经取得了重要成果。 我们认为,普遍批准是一个雄心勃勃但现实的目标。 这将反映出我们决心结束对儿童权利的最恶劣侵犯,而这种侵犯也是对我们社会的稳定和福利的重大威胁。", "主席(以西班牙语发言): 我现在请墨西哥代表发言。", "埃列尔先生(墨西哥)(以西班牙语发言): 我要感谢德国外交部长吉多·韦斯特韦勒先生召开本次重要辩论会,并祝贺德国代表团在7月份担任安全理事会主席并担任儿童与武装冲突问题工作组主席。 墨西哥有幸在2009-2010两年期担任安全理事会非常任理事国期间担任工作组主席。 我们非常清楚所涉及的责任。", "今天上午通过的第1998(2011)号决议是一个积极的步骤,因为它为安全理事会和秘书长特别代表提供了更好的工具来应对世界各地令人遗憾地对数千名武装冲突中的儿童所犯下的严重侵犯行为。", "近年来,安全理事会为提高联合国在武装冲突中全面保护儿童的能力作出了贡献。 第1882(2009)号决议扩大了可以将冲突各方列入秘书长报告附件的标准,将性暴力以及杀害和残害儿童包括在内。 第1998(2011)号决议包括另一项标准:攻击学校和医院以及攻击或威胁攻击与学校和医院有关的受保护人员。", "这一新标准特别重要,因为袭击学校和医院不仅会威胁上千名儿童、教师、医生和支助人员,而且会危害社会的未来,剥夺男孩和女孩不可剥夺的受教育权和健康权,从而破坏国家的发展。", "安全理事会今天重申其在武装冲突局势中保护儿童的明确承诺,并正在发出一个明确的信息,即必须尊重国际法规定各方作出的有关儿童安全和福祉的承诺,并避免一切虐待儿童或暴力侵害儿童的行为。", "然而,只要我们不制裁那些对这些罪行负有责任的人,不在各级打击有罪不罚现象,这种侵权行为将继续发生。 国家当局和有关各方必须采取相关法律措施,将责任人绳之以法。", "打击有罪不罚现象必须与受武装冲突影响儿童的重返社会和照顾进程相配合。 在这方面,安全理事会必须确保各制裁委员会将保护儿童视为其任务的核心内容,而安理会必须详细分析没有设立具体委员会的情况,以便采取必要措施来对付那些对儿童有系统侵犯行为的责任人。", "墨西哥认识到加强工作组现有机制的重要性,以便提高其效力并促使其建议得到有效执行。 我们认为,工作组应当有效地利用它所掌握的一切工具,包括定期进行实地访问,以及应工作组主席或任何成员的请求,在出现严重侵权行为时举行紧急或非正式会议。 此外,安全理事会还必须继续通过部署顾问以及制定性暴力受害者重返社会和支助方案来加强和平特派团保护儿童的任务。", "最后,我要特别赞扬特别代表拉迪卡·库马拉斯瓦米及其团队以及安东尼·莱克先生和儿童基金会官员所做的出色工作,他们与民间社会一道正在落实这一机制并正在就国际议程上的这一优先问题作出不懈努力。", "主席(以英语发言):我现在请加拿大代表发言。", "里瓦德先生(加拿大): 首先,我要感谢德国召开今天的公开辩论会,并赞赏它们在保护冲突中儿童方面的领导作用。", "我还要代表由38个感兴趣的会员国组成的非正式网络 -- -- 儿童与武装冲突之友小组 -- -- 说几句话。", "之友小组对安全理事会过去几年来为逐步加强受武装冲突影响儿童的保护框架而开展的工作感到高兴。 我们还赞扬负责儿童与武装冲突问题的秘书长特别代表为确保儿童在与武装冲突有关的局势中充分得到所有人权保护而作的工作,以及儿童基金会在这方面的奉献。", "之友小组成员可靠地呼吁安全理事会进一步加强其保护框架,并一直呼吁将所有六种在武装冲突中严重侵犯儿童的行为列入第1612(2005)号决议规定的列名标准。 之友小组支持在这方面采取渐进做法,因此赞扬安全理事会通过今天通过的第1998(2011)号决议,将袭击学校和医院列为最新的触发因素,从而填补了儿童保护框架中的一个重要空白。", "对之友小组来说,秘书长报告的附件不仅包括违反适用的国际法攻击学校和医院的武装冲突当事方,而且包括威胁或攻击学童、病人和教育或医务人员的当事方。 此外,这种新的触发因素将包括联合国国家一级工作队监测对学校或医院的袭击;对学童、病人和教育或医务人员的威胁或袭击;对教育和医疗设施的军事使用和其他相关干扰。 之友小组高兴地看到这些措施列入了今天通过的决议。", "虽然之友小组赞扬安全理事会迄今采取行动,加强追究严重侵犯儿童行为的惯犯的责任,但我们呼吁采取三种类型的进一步果断行动来对付这些肇事者。 第一,我们敦促安全理事会确保严重侵犯儿童的行为,如2010年6月16日主席声明(S/PRST/2010/10)所商定,在确定或延长有关制裁委员会的任务时,触发实施制裁。", "第二,我们呼吁秘书长在其年度报告中列入现有制裁委员会就这些规定所采取行动,并提议采取更多步骤,确保追究肇事者的责任。", "第三,我们仍然对问责制的差距感到关切,并呼吁各国当局和有关各方对惯犯采取适当的法律行动。 之友小组还吁请安全理事会对秘书长报告附件一所列的所有惯犯采取果断行动,并在没有指定制裁委员会的情况下,考虑如何通过积极主动的手段来弥补这一差距。", "最后,之友小组已强调,必须按照第1882(2009)号决议的要求,就工作组各项建议的执行采取后续行动。 我们呼吁冲突各方,包括非国家行为者,落实并落实工作组的建议。", "(以法语发言)", "我谨以加拿大代表的身份正式欢迎秘书长关于儿童与武装冲突问题的年度报告(S/2011/250)。 这次辩论是再次提请安全理事会注意继续对儿童所实施的暴力行为的严重性的机会。", "我们坚信,今天通过一项关于儿童和武装冲突的新决议,将突显对学校和医院的攻击的严重性。 有了这一额外的触发因素,国际社会将需要大力支持监测和报告机制国家工作队系统而全面地追踪对学校和医院的袭击。 加拿大认为,教育是我们能够为儿童提供的最有力工具,以便增加他们今后的机会。 因此,加拿大的签字项目之一侧重于增加坎大哈的受教育机会,投资高达1 200万美元,用于在坎大哈省某些地区建造、扩建和修复50所学校。", "我们还感到高兴的是,儿童与武装冲突问题工作组正在积极处理问责制问题。 因此,我们呼吁安理会及其有关制裁委员会更系统地实施制裁,以追究严重侵害儿童行为者的责任。 正如秘书长所建议,加拿大敦促安理会采取更有力和针对性更强的措施,以对付在秘书长年度报告中至少五年内因严重侵犯儿童而被列入清单的罪犯。 加拿大还呼吁工作组根据其任务规定,举行紧急或非正式会议,以确保对武装冲突中严重侵犯儿童行为的新情况作出更迅速的反应。", "儿童权利是加拿大外交政策和国际发展援助的优先事项。 加拿大将继续发挥强有力的作用,帮助在联合国和有关国家实地取得具体成果。", "主席(以英语发言):我现在请斯洛文尼亚代表发言。", "什蒂格利奇女士(斯洛文尼亚): 首先,请允许我感谢德国组织这次重要的公开辩论会。 我还要感谢潘基文秘书长、他的儿童与武装冲突问题特别代表以及儿童基金会执行主任的通报和他们为保护受武装冲突影响儿童而做出的不懈努力。 我还要表示斯洛文尼亚赞同欧洲联盟、人类安全网和儿童与武装冲突问题之友小组的发言。", "今天的辩论以秘书长的最新报告(S/2011/250)为基础,该报告表明,2010年对于世界各地受武装冲突影响的儿童来说不是非常积极的一年。 尽管如此,还是有一些改进,我要强调签署新的行动计划以及在执行现有行动计划方面取得的进展。 我们欢迎儿童与武装冲突问题特别代表向制裁委员会通报情况,结果增加了招募和使用儿童作为制裁标准的做法。 我们希望其他委员会将采用这种做法。", "虽然已采取积极步骤,追究严重侵犯儿童行为的惯犯的责任,但我们认为,安全理事会应当对此类行为人采取进一步的定向措施,防止他们犯下任何其他严重侵犯儿童的行为。 斯洛文尼亚还愿表示支持秘书长的建议,即鼓励有关会员国促进联合国与非国家行为者之间的接触,以确保广泛而有效地保护儿童。", "我们高兴地看到,在第1539(2004)和1612(2005)号决议后建立的受武装冲突影响儿童保护机制已经产生了重要和显著的成果。 我们要赞扬工作组,特别是德国和工作组其他前任主席过去五年来所做的工作。 工作组已成为安理会一个可信和公认的附属机构。 我们鼓励它利用它所拥有的一切工具,包括更多的实地访问和组织紧急或非正式会议,这将使它能够作出更积极的反应。", "秘书长报告所讨论国家的三分之二情况包括攻击学校和医院。 未上学的儿童几乎有一半是冲突局势中的儿童。 教育使儿童有可能有一个没有不安全的未来。 这一点已多次得到确认,包括2009年大会关于紧急情况下教育问题的专题对话以及去年大会关于同一主题的第64/290号决议。", "斯洛文尼亚坚决支持扩大攻击学校和医院的新触发因素,办法是扩大秘书长关于违反适用的国际法攻击学校和医院的冲突各方名单以及监测和报告机制。 该决定进一步发展了受武装冲突影响儿童的保护框架,是朝着正确方向迈出的一步。 我们希望,在不远的将来,它将包括武装冲突中所有六种严重侵犯儿童的行为。", "《儿童权利公约》的两项任择议定书都是保护受武装冲突影响儿童的规范性框架的一部分。 因此,斯洛文尼亚支持到2012年普遍批准议定书的运动。 斯洛文尼亚还将继续参与受武装冲突影响的残疾儿童的康复工作并努力去除地雷和其他未爆弹药。", "儿童不应因为武装冲突而受苦受难;他们不应成为任何严重侵犯行为的受害者并应当充分享有其权利。 今天通过第1998(2011)号决议是朝这一方向迈出的重要一步,因此斯洛文尼亚加入了该决议的共同提案国行列。", "主席(以英语发言):我请新西兰代表发言。", "麦克莱先生(新西兰)(以英语发言):新西兰感谢秘书长提出他的最新报告(S/2011/250),感谢库马拉斯瓦米女士作为他的特别代表和德国在其担任主席的月份组织本次辩论的出色工作,从而使我们有机会影响安理会对儿童与武装冲突问题的审议,包括通过6月30日的非正式活动。", "为了使安理会的决定有效,还需要更广泛的联合国社会作出承诺并进行投资。 对于不能坐到这个议席上的177个国家来说,参与安理会的工作确保了这种承诺,并且尊重我们的声音鼓励这种投资。", "必须记住,当我们今天坐在会议厅里时,儿童仍然被赶出教室和操场并进入战场。 他们遭受了最恶劣形式的性虐待和强奸。 他们正在被毁容、致残甚至被谋杀。 安理会的行动能够改善这些儿童的生活,其体制创新,例如建立监测和报告机制,以及巩固和执行保护框架,就证明了这一点。 但一如既往,可以采取更具体的行动来改善受冲突影响的儿童的生活,包括女童、土著儿童等少数群体和残疾儿童。", "为此,新西兰完全赞同加拿大代表不久前代表儿童与武装冲突问题之友小组所提出的建议。 鉴于时间有限,我不再重复这些观点,但我要说,新西兰欢迎增加一个新的教育和医疗触发因素。 我们支持加强制裁和其他有针对性的措施,以惩罚和威慑惯犯。 我们敦促儿童与武装冲突问题工作组更有效地落实其建议。 如果可以的话,我将仅就三点加以扩大。", "首先,安理会可以更好地针对惯犯。 除了请秘书长再次在其年度报告中列出惯犯之外,安理会还可以在有关制裁委员会的任务规定中指定儿童保护标准,并请求其专家组提供儿童保护方面的专门知识。 安理会还可更经常和更系统地征求秘书长特别代表的意见,将对儿童的关切纳入其报告,从而强调这一问题的跨领域性质。", "第二,可以采取更有效的行动,确保执行安理会的决议和结论。 例如,工作组可以使用其现有的各种工具以及紧急会议,应对危机局势并落实其建议。 儿童保护条款可以更系统地纳入联合国维持和平行动和建设和平行动的任务规定。", "然而,必须采取行动保护儿童的不仅仅是安全理事会。 会员国和联合国各机构也可发挥重要作用。 例如,我们敦促有关国家允许联合国国家工作队同非国家行为者接触,以便它们能够制定行动计划并采取其他保护措施。 我们请安理会发挥更积极的作用,以确保这一背景。", "这些只是为保护受冲突影响的儿童所能采取的几个步骤。 还有他 安理会过去十年的行动改善了数十万儿童的生活,这值得称赞。 但仍有数十万人受到影响。 我们的集体责任是采取大胆而有效的行动来保护他们。 我们每个人都有责任。", "主席(以英语发言):我现在请瑞士代表发言。", "西格先生(瑞士): 我荣幸地代表人类安全网发言,即作为观察员的奥地利、智利、哥斯达黎加、希腊、爱尔兰、约旦、马里、挪威、斯洛文尼亚、泰国、南非以及我国瑞士。", "我们欢迎世界各地为解决武装冲突中六种严重侵犯儿童行为而作的努力和取得的重要进展。 今天,第1998(2011)号决议的通过填补了全面儿童保护框架的一个重要空白,把袭击学校和医院列为监测和报告机制的最新触发因素。 这一步骤还将补充联合国系统其他机构正在作出的努力。 然而,挑战依然存在。", "应当进一步加强对严重侵犯儿童的惯犯的问责。 我们呼吁安全理事会采取进一步果断行动,包括针对这些肇事者采取有的放矢和程度有别的措施,并考虑如何通过积极主动和有效的手段来消除问责差距。 我们还呼吁作出更多努力,处理有罪不罚现象并调查、起诉和惩罚所有严重侵犯儿童的人。", "我们承认将受武装冲突影响儿童的保护、权利和福祉纳入一些联合国实地特派团主流的积极趋势。 我们鼓励秘书处负责向外地提供支助的有关部门继续密切合作,确保所有特派团采取更加系统和一致的做法。 任命更多的儿童保护顾问,以及将儿童保护单元纳入警察和出兵国的部署前培训,也可有助于实现这一目标。", "从人的安全的角度来看,必须用强有力的方案对策来补充现有的行动计划,支持各国政府执行包括预防在内的全面国家战略,并为援助和社会保护与武装部队和武装团体有关联的儿童提供多部门办法。 援助措施必须侧重于避免其边缘化和被污名化,并帮助他们重新融入社会。 此外,必须有一个更加稳定和长期的供资结构来完成行动计划的所有内容。", "最后但并非最不重要的是,人类安全网请安理会加强努力,以更系统和协调的方式处理保护平民问题,同时考虑到儿童和妇女的状况。 因此,我们赞赏在巴西担任安理会主席期间,于2月举行了关于如何促进这种协同作用的磋商。 我们鼓励进一步讨论这一问题,并呼吁安理会成员尽可能包容各方。", "(以法语发言)", "经主席允许,我现在以我国代表的身份发表几点看法。", "关于大会关于紧急情况下受教育权的第64/290号决议,瑞士欢迎以下事实:安全理事会今天通过第1998(2011)号决议,填补了儿童保护框架的一个重要空白,将一再袭击学校和医院设施的触发因素列入清单。 列入这些新内容,不仅可以扩大秘书长对违反国际法和国际人道主义法进行这种袭击的战斗人员的耻辱感,而且可以扩大对那些一再威胁或攻击所有在这方面受到保护的人的耻辱感。", "我们还呼吁对肇事者采取新的果断步骤。 首先,我们敦促所有制裁委员会确保在规定或延长任务时,对最严重的侵害儿童行为实施制裁。", "第二,我们呼吁秘书长将制裁委员会就这些报告所要求采取的行动所采取所有步骤以及就为追究这些违法行为的肇事者的责任而提出的建议列入其年度报告中。", "第三,我们仍对缺乏责任感到非常关切,因为缺乏负责处理秘书长报告附件所列举的屡次违法行为的制裁委员会。 我们承诺立即对这些罪犯采取坚决措施,从而积极主动地填补空白。", "监督工作组执行第1882(2009)号决议所提出的建议的执行情况至关重要。 因此,我们请工作组要求有关国家或有关当事方在必要时就关于执行工作组建议的条件的报告作出答复。 我们期望加强现有工具,从外地特派团开始,广泛利用已有的可选办法,并举行紧急会议,以对付当地侵权行为的再起。", "同刚才发言的我的新西兰同事一样,瑞士再次呼吁会员国促进联合国与地方和国际行为者之间的接触,以保障全面而有效地保护儿童。 这些接触绝不预断非国家行为者的政治和法律地位。", "最后,儿童越来越多地因与武装团体有联系而被拘留。 对他们的拘留往往包括使用暴力、虐待、暴力相威胁或虐待以及其他残忍行为,其唯一目的是从他们那里获得信息。 瑞士期望负责儿童与武装冲突问题的秘书长特别代表在一份工作文件中处理这一问题并为加强保护儿童提出适当措施。", "主席(以英语发言):我现在请伊拉克代表发言。", "巴亚提先生(伊拉克): 主席先生,首先请允许我表示,我国代表团赞赏秘书长向安全理事会提交关于武装冲突中儿童问题的年度报告(S/2011/250)。 我们还赞赏负责儿童与武装冲突问题的秘书长特别代表拉迪卡·库马拉斯瓦米女士在监测武装冲突中儿童状况方面发挥的重要作用。 我还要感谢儿童基金会执行主任安东尼·莱克先生出席会议并发言。 我赞扬安全理事会今天通过第1998(2011)号决议。", "特别代表库马拉斯瓦米在今天上午的讲话中说,", "“在我访问冲突地区时,我亲眼目睹了破坏——学校被完全摧毁、轰炸或被烧毁。 我还看到学校的窗户被打碎,教室空出,儿童被招募为儿童兵。 我见过一些女孩,她们的同事远离学校,因为作为女学生,她们可能成为酸袭击的受害者。 “", "我要指出,在伊拉克没有发生这种情况,因为伊拉克不是一个冲突地区。 然而,我国代表团高兴地就秘书长关于儿童与武装冲突问题的报告中有关伊拉克的一节发表以下看法。", "报告述及2010年的情况,并强调指出, \" 基地 \" 组织和附属恐怖团体伊拉克伊斯兰国利用了儿童。 我们要指出,自2003年以来,伊拉克的安全局势继续改善。 2010年,由于伊拉克安全部队能力不断增强,对基地组织的追捕和对基地组织的先发制人的打击,以及大多数领导人在伊拉克被俘,恐怖袭击和伤亡率非常低。", "2010年还目睹了伊拉克的Al-Qañaida领导人Abu Ayyub al-Masri和伊拉克伊斯兰国领导人Abu Omar al-Baghdadi被杀死,两人于2010年4月中旬被杀死。 这些袭击和逮捕分散了基地组织的力量,破坏了其战略,并向伊拉克安全机构透露了基地组织的计划,从而削弱了基地组织在伊拉克资助和招募恐怖分子的能力。", "2010年取得了许多安全成就,其中最突出的是3月7日举行的大选周围的安全气氛,这清楚地表明了伊拉克安全局势的巨大改善和伊拉克安全部队在全国各地维持秩序的能力不断提高。 秘书长在给安全理事会的关于联合国伊拉克援助团(联伊援助团)活动的报告中提到这一事实,指出", "“投票的总体环境相对没有暴力,没有发生任何影响投票本身的重大安全事件”(S/2010/240,第6段)。 第6页。", "秘书长在同一份报告第16段中又说,", "“伊拉克安全部队已表明他们更有能力承担更大的安全责任,3月选举期间成功地维持了安全就是证明”。", "S/2011/250号文件所载报告第97段指出,2010年期间,许多方面一致报告说,伊拉克基地组织部队正在管理该组织的一个名为“天堂之鸟”的分支。 同一段还提到难以获得有关该团体的资料并查明其领导人。", "在这方面,我们想指出,报告涵盖2010年,该翼是在2010年之前发现的。 据伊拉克安全部队报告,2010年初,伊拉克部队开展了密集的安全运动,消灭了基地组织的大部分部队,拆除了大多数牢房并逮捕了其领导人,包括天堂之鸟的成员和领导人。 2010年,该翼没有实施任何恐怖袭击。 因此,我们认为没有必要在本报告中提及该组织的这一部门。", "同一报告第97段还提到根据指控而不是证据提供的资料: “在其他情况下,叛乱分子据称利用儿童作为代理轰炸机,他们不知道自己携带炸药”。", "报告第98段指出,伊拉克的持续冲突使一些儿童丧生或受伤。 事实上,2010年造成的损失是基地组织等恐怖主义团体及其附属团体,包括伊拉克伊斯兰国发动的袭击造成的,并非由任何冲突所造成。", "第98段提到,进入伊拉克许多地方是有限的,不可能核查所有事件。 联合国认为,这一数字可能低于实际数字。 本段所述情况与2010年伊拉克局势的现实背道而驰,目前的稳定和恐怖分子无法在伊拉克任何地区公开存在就是明证。 安全部队控制了伊拉克所有地区。 平民和安全部队有行动自由,特别是在以前据报是危险的地区。", "第98段还谈到儿童因在武装冲突地区或在检查站对峙而伤亡。 我们重申,2010年安全局势的改善防止了安全部队同恐怖分子之间的直接冲突,因为安全部队解散了恐怖分子的团体,使恐怖分子失去了对地面的控制。 因此,恐怖分子开始随机攻击,其攻击方式没有向公众透露。", "第99段提到妨碍儿童上学的危险,而第98段提到在拯救圣母教堂发生的事件。 报告指出,巴格达的一些学校因位于教堂旁边而关闭了几个星期。 2010年全年,尽管由于洪水,流行病,飓风等各种灾害,世界上许多国家连续数周都关闭了普通学校.", "报告没有提到伊拉克政府为打击恐怖集团残余分子和改善该国所有地区的安全所做出的努力,也没有提到伊拉克政府在限制恐怖集团招募儿童方面所取得的成功。 正如我早些时候所说的那样,我们认为,报告关于伊拉克的一节需要更加准确,特别是在监测伊拉克儿童状况方面。 报告的这一节与秘书长关于联伊援助团的报告中所载的一些资料相矛盾,这些资料表明伊拉克安全局势有所改善,包括事实。 因此,我们希望,今后儿童与武装冲突问题特别代表办公室将能够提供更准确的信息,使安全理事会成员清楚地了解情况。", "最后,我谨感谢秘书长儿童与武装冲突问题特别代表及其办公室的努力。 我谨请她再次访问伊拉克。 自从她三年前的上次访问以来,伊拉克已经取得了许多改进。 我们将继续同联合国各机构合作,确保将人权,特别是儿童权利作为伊拉克政府的优先事项。", "主席(以英语发言):我现在请日本代表发言。", "西田先生(日本): 主席先生,我首先祝贺你担任安全理事会本月主席。 我还要感谢秘书长、他的特别代表库马拉斯瓦米女士和儿童基金会执行主任莱克先生的全面通报。 日本非常赞赏库马拉斯瓦米女士的宣传活动,特别是她的国家访问,以及儿童基金会在儿童与武装冲突领域所做的专门实地工作。", "虽然取得了可喜的进展,例如阿富汗和乍得政府今年与联合国签署了结束招募和使用儿童兵的行动计划,但在儿童与武装冲突问题,包括针对儿童的性暴力方面,许多挑战仍然摆在议程上。", "根据日本在安理会儿童与武装冲突问题工作组中两年的经验,直到去年年底,我要着重谈谈我们认为特别重要的三个问题,即攻击学校和医院、追究惯犯的责任和采取全面办法。", "第一,日本对据报冲突期间攻击学校和医院的次数有增加的趋势深感关切。 我们强烈谴责这些袭击的肇事者,特别是针对女学生和女校的袭击者。", "对教育和医疗设施的袭击和军事使用以及对学生、教师和医务人员的袭击不仅剥夺了儿童的生命,而且严重侵犯了儿童获得教育和医疗服务的基本权利。 这种行为在任何情况下都是不允许的,特别是在冲突局势中。 安全理事会应在保护儿童的受教育权和健康权方面发挥关键作用。", "在这方面,我们欢迎日本自豪地作为提案国而刚刚由安理会通过的新决议(第1998(2011)号决议),请秘书长将一再袭击学校和医院以及与这些设施有关的被保护人的行为列入其报告附件。", "第二,日本继续感到关切的是,有多达15个冲突当事方连续五年多被列入秘书长报告的附件。 为了确保追究惯犯的责任,安全理事会必须加强针对他们的措施,正如安理会七年前在第1539(2004)号决议中已经商定的那样。", "我们欢迎这样一个事实,即由于库马拉斯瓦米女士在安全理事会关于刚果民主共和国问题的第1533(2004)号决议所设委员会上所作的通报,委员会将几个严重侵犯儿童行为列入制裁名单。 我们鼓励负责儿童与武装冲突问题的秘书长特别代表和负责冲突中性暴力问题的秘书长特别代表更经常地向有关制裁委员会通报情况。", "我们赞扬主席国德国和安理会所有成员在新决议中非常有力地处理了追究惯犯的责任问题。", "第三,我还要强调,需要通过会员国同联合国系统之间的合作,更全面地处理儿童与武装冲突问题。 必须无缝地确保支助,从保护冲突中的儿童到那些曾经与武装部队或团体有关系并成为性暴力受害者的儿童的复原、护理和重返社会。 在与解除武装、复员和重返社会工作有关的进程和方案,以及与安全部门改革、地雷、未爆弹药和集束弹药有关的进程和方案,必须始终考虑到儿童的观点。", "我们还期望,儿童与武装冲突问题工作组除了每年就每个局势通过结论之外,还将更有创造性地及时召开特别会议并发布政治信息,以响应秘书长特别代表的紧急呼吁。", "日本在向冲突和冲突后国家提供援助时,非常重视保护儿童和赋予他们权力,他们是最易受伤害的儿童。 例如,我们同国际伙伴合作,在使地雷受害儿童康复和在柬埔寨等国家提供地雷危险教育方面提供了援助。 日本还通过联合国人类安全信托基金,支持以社区为基础的方案,改善教育环境,为刚果民主共和国境内的前儿童兵提供教育和培训。 通过防止和减轻冲突的有害影响,我们将继续努力使世界各地的儿童有一个更光明的未来。", "主席(以英语发言):我现在请卢森堡代表发言。", "卢卡斯女士(卢森堡)(以法语发言): 我完全赞同将代表欧洲联盟作的发言。", "卢森堡热烈欢迎召开这次公开辩论会并通过了关于儿童卷入武装冲突问题的新决议(第1998(2011)号决议)。 这表明安全理事会继续致力于促进保护儿童,无论是在列入其议程的国家还是在我们大家所关切的其他局势中。", "我们还要感谢秘书长特别代表和儿童基金会执行主任为支持儿童所作的不懈努力。 我们鼓励他们继续努力,确保更好地保护儿童,并提请我们注意侵犯儿童的行为。", "秘书长报告所附的耻辱感,更笼统地说,是根据监测和报告机制所收集的资料编写的秘书长报告,对于迫使我们面对武装冲突期间儿童残酷的现实至关重要。 特别代表的国别访问、外地特派团中保护儿童问题专家的工作以及儿童与武装冲突问题工作组进行实地访问的新做法都大大有助于提高对冲突中侵犯儿童行为的认识。", "初步的实际结果确实可以看到。 武装部队或叛乱团体在许多冲突局势中释放的儿童越来越多。 然而,为了在实地产生更大的影响,还需要更多的努力和资源。", "2010年,安全理事会同特别代表协商后,首次对刚果民主共和国境内应对严重侵犯儿童行为负责的个人实施制裁。 安理会将能够在这一先例上更上一层楼,以便以同样的方式惩罚那些应对其他武装冲突中严重侵犯儿童行为负责的人。", "我们呼吁安全理事会继续为此而努力,并同时如秘书长所建议,考虑在没有安全理事会制裁委员会的情况下实施制裁的方法。", "从现在开始,攻击学校或医院的冲突各方可能会发现自己在秘书长报告所载的耻辱名单上。 我们祝贺安理会由此加强了监测机制,我们希望安理会的渐进做法将允许在不远的将来列入第1612(2005)号决议所查明的其他两类严重侵犯儿童的行为。 归根结底,我们必须同等重视所有严重侵犯儿童的行为。", "请允许我简要地谈谈袭击学校的问题。 从秘书长的报告中可以清楚地看到,我们越来越经常地看到学校被摧毁,学生及其教师遭到袭击。 在某些情况下,女子学校是专门针对的对象。 不安全使父母不敢送子女上学,因为他们担心自己的健康甚至生命可能受到威胁。", "今年,经济及社会理事会正在日内瓦举行的实质性会议上审查普及教育问题。 与我们今天辩论的协同作用是相当明显的。 去年7月5日,卢森堡副总理兼外交部长让·阿瑟伯恩先生在安理会发言中强调,“防止暴力是享有教育权的关键先决条件之一”。 他欢迎安全理事会的倡议,该倡议旨在扩大在耻辱名单上列名的标准,以涵盖对学校和医院的袭击,从而允许对肇事者实施制裁,并为消除这些令人发指的罪行太常见的有罪不罚现象作出贡献。", "阿塞尔伯恩部长呼吁国际社会采取额外措施,帮助2 800万因武装冲突而被剥夺教育的儿童和遭受武装冲突之害的儿童。", "强奸、性暴力、针对其学校的攻击和其他侵犯人权行为。 我今天想重申这一呼吁。", "主席: 我的名单上还有一些发言者。 因此,我打算在征得安理会成员同意后将会议暂停至下午3时。", "下午1时05分会议暂停。" ]
[ "Provisional agenda for the 6581st meeting of the Security Council", "To be held on Tuesday, 12 July 2011, at 10 a.m.", "1. Adoption of the agenda.", "2. Children and armed conflict", "Report of the Secretary-General on children and armed conflict (S/2011/250)", "Letter dated 1 July 2011 from the Permanent Representative of Germany to the United Nations addressed to the Secretary-General (S/2011/409)." ]
[ "安全理事会第6581次会议临时议程", "定于2011年7月12日星期二上午10时举行", "1. 通过议程。", "2. 儿童与武装冲突", "秘书长关于儿童与武装冲突问题的报告(S/2011/250)", "2011年7月1日德国常驻联合国代表给秘书长的信(S/2011/409)。" ]
[ "安全理事会第6581次会议临时议程", "定于2011年7月12日星期二上午10时举行", "1. 联合国 1. 通过议程。", "2. 儿童与武装冲突", "秘书长关于儿童与武装冲突的报告(S/2011/250)", "2011年7月1日德国常驻联合国代表给秘书长的信(S/2011/409)。" ]
[ "Sixty-fifth session", "Agenda item 122 (v)", "Cooperation between the United Nations and regional and other organizations: cooperation between the United Nations and the Shanghai Cooperation Organization", "Letter dated 28 June 2011 from the Permanent Representative of China to the United Nations addressed to the Secretary-General", "I have the honour to transmit herewith the Astana Declaration of the tenth anniversary of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (see annex), which was signed by the Presidents of the People’s Republic of China, the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Kyrgyz Republic, the Russian Federation, the Republic of Tajikistan and the Republic of Uzbekistan at the meeting of the Council of the Heads of State of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization held in Astana on 15 June 2011.", "I should be grateful if the present letter and its annex could be circulated as a document of the General Assembly under agenda item 122 (v).", "(Signed) Li Baodong Ambassador Permanent Representative of the People’s Republic of China", "Annex to the letter dated 28 June 2011 from the Permanent Representative of China to the United Nations addressed to the Secretary-General", "[Original: Chinese and Russian]", "Astana Declaration on the tenth anniversary of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization", "The Heads of States members of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (hereinafter “SCO” or “the Organization”), pursuant to the meeting of the Council of Heads of State held in Astana on 15 June 2011 to commemorate the tenth anniversary of the establishment of SCO, hereby declare the following:", "I", "The decision taken ten years ago to establish SCO was a historic strategic step. During this period, SCO has become a universally recognized and authoritative multilateral association that actively promotes peace and development in the region, and effectively counters contemporary challenges and threats.", "The choice made by SCO member States at the start of the twenty-first century to work towards deepening good-neighbourliness, friendships and partnerships in the region serves as a commendable example to the international community of how to achieve tangible and significant results in the area of joint development.", "The States members of the Organization, complying strictly with the principles and provisions of the SCO Charter and the Treaty for Long-term Good-Neighbourly Relations, Friendship and Cooperation of the States members of SCO, have laid a solid foundation for the effective functioning of SCO in order to collectively ensure peace, security and stability, as well as the development of multilateral cooperation across the SCO region in political, economic, humanitarian and other spheres.", "II", "In the course of ten years, SCO has successfully transitioned from institutionalization to the establishment of effective mechanisms for cooperation in various fields.", "1. The high level of mutual trust inherent at regular meetings of the main SCO bodies (the Council of Heads of State, the Council of Heads of Government and the Council of Ministers for Foreign Affairs) ensures that concerted action is taken on the most important aspects of the Organization’s work, while mutually advantageous cooperation is fostered in various fields.", "2. Effective security cooperation has been established to counter terrorism, separatism and extremism, illicit trafficking in narcotics and weapons, and transnational organized crime. As part of the collective efforts to combat new threats and challenges, mechanisms have been created for regular meetings to be held at the level of Secretaries of Security Councils, General Prosecutors, Chief Justices, ministers of defence, emergency situations, internal affairs and public security, and heads of anti-drug agencies.", "3. Long-term trade and economic programmes and plans have been adopted with a view to ensuring the socio-economic development of SCO member States. Meetings held by the ministers responsible for foreign economic and foreign trade activities, transport, agriculture and finance, and by the chairmen of national banks, are contributing towards this goal. The work of the Business Council and the Interbank Association is on the way to becoming operationalized.", "4. Cultural and humanitarian cooperation has improved, contributing towards a spiritual rapprochement and an intercultural dialogue among the peoples of SCO member States. Cooperation is increasing in the meetings of ministers of culture, health, science and technology, and also within the SCO Forum.", "5. The standing organs (the Secretariat in Beijing and the Regional Counter-Terrorist Structure in Tashkent) have been functioning effectively and are playing an important role in the practical implementation of the agreements and arrangements concluded within the framework of the Organization. The adoption of the SCO rules of procedure and the staff regulations for SCO standing bodies has helped to systematize the Organization’s work.", "6. SCO demonstrates an openness to cooperation with other States, and with international and regional organizations. Its multifaceted cooperation includes observer States (India, Iran, Mongolia and Pakistan) and dialogue partners (Belarus and Sri Lanka). Partnerships have been established with the United Nations, the Commonwealth of Independent States, the Collective Security Treaty Organization, the Eurasian Economic Community, the Association of Southeast Asian Nations, the Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific, and the Economic Cooperation Organization.", "III", "The Heads of State note with satisfaction the broadly consistent approaches adopted by SCO member States in addressing global and regional challenges, and confirm their readiness to cooperate closely on the international stage.", "Significant changes and fundamental transformations are taking place in international relations. The realities of contemporary politics, economics and finance are changing rapidly. Effective joint efforts to combat global security challenges and ensure sustainable development have become increasingly prominent issues which are common to all States.", "The establishment of an indivisible security space for all States without exception, cooperation and prosperity based on an agreed understanding of contemporary realities and the repudiation of attempts to guarantee one’s own security at the expense of others’ security are becoming priority tasks.", "Humanity continues to face such threats and challenges as financial and economic instability, regional conflicts, the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, terrorism, transnational crime, food shortages and climate change. The recent tragic events in Japan have confirmed the need for unified action by the international community to eliminate modern-day threats, including the development of measures to provide timely assistance to countries affected by natural and man-made disasters.", "Expressing grave concern over the instability in North Africa and the Middle East, the Heads of State call for the earliest possible stabilization of the situation in the region. The SCO member States support the democratic development of the States in the region, taking into account their specific cultural and historical features. They note that internal conflicts and crises must be resolved exclusively by peaceful means through political dialogue. Action by the international community must be aimed at promoting national reconciliation and must be implemented strictly on the basis of international law, with full respect for independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity, and upholding the principle of non-interference in the internal affairs of States. In this context, the SCO member States underscore the need for the cessation of the armed confrontation in Libya, and the imperative of strict compliance by all parties concerned with Security Council resolutions 1970 (2011) and 1973 (2011).", "The SCO member States stand ready to cooperate with other members of the international community in facilitating peace, stability and development at the regional and global levels, promoting the democratization of international relations and safeguarding the primacy of international law in world affairs.", "IV", "The Heads of State stress that a priority area in the international activities of SCO is strengthening and developing relations with the United Nations related to combating new threats and challenges, and promoting economic, social, humanitarian and cultural development.", "As the only organization with universally recognized legitimacy, the United Nations plays a central role in maintaining peace and security in the world, promoting common development and deepening international cooperation. The SCO member States support strengthening the authority and enhancing the effectiveness of the United Nations through gradual reform, as well as the continued reinforcement of its capacity to respond appropriately and swiftly to challenges and threats.", "The member States underscore that all parties concerned need to continue multilateral consultations in order to develop a comprehensive approach to reform of the United Nations and its Security Council that enjoys the widest possible support. In order to ensure cohesion among United Nations Member States, artificial time frames should not be set for the negotiation process and drafts should not be submitted prematurely for discussion, including those excluding certain aspects of the negotiation process and lacking, at a given stage, the support of the overwhelming majority of Member States.", "The SCO member States consider the United Nations platform to be a fundamental part of their international counter-terrorist cooperation and deem it important to work together to implement the United Nations Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy, the norms of the universal counter-terrorism conventions and the relevant United Nations Security Council resolutions.", "V", "The SCO member States call for strict observance of the provisions of the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons, whose purpose is to avert the proliferation of nuclear weapons, allow further progress towards nuclear disarmament and guarantee the development of broad international cooperation in the peaceful uses of nuclear energy.", "The establishment of a nuclear-weapon-free zone in Central Asia is an important element for ensuring regional peace and security, and could make a significant contribution towards strengthening the nuclear non-proliferation regime and enhancing the level of regional and international security. An effective step in that direction would be the signature by all nuclear Powers of the relevant Protocol to the Central Asian Nuclear-Weapon-Free Zone Treaty.", "The member States believe that the unilateral and unlimited development of ballistic missile defence by a State or a small group of States could damage strategic stability and international security.", "The member States support the use of outer space exclusively for peaceful purposes and underline the need to ensure the security of space activities and, within the framework of the Conference on Disarmament in Geneva, to draw up a legally binding draft treaty on the prevention of the placement of weapons in outer space and the threat or use of force against outer space objects.", "VI", "The Heads of State note with satisfaction that, in the ten years since the establishment of SCO, the Organization has become an important part of the emerging partner network of multilateral associations in the Asia-Pacific region.", "The Organization advocates maintaining peace, stability and prosperity in the Asia-Pacific region and favours the establishment of an open, transparent and equitable security and cooperation architecture, based on the norms and principles of international law, non-alignment and taking due account of the legitimate interests of all parties.", "VII", "The main security priorities for SCO continue to be efforts to counter terrorism, separatism and extremism. Strongly condemning any such manifestations, SCO member States intend to undertake further joint work to implement the provisions of the Shanghai Convention on Combating Terrorism, Separatism and Extremism and the SCO Counter-Terrorism Convention.", "The SCO member States have noted that transborder crime and illicit drug trafficking pose serious threats to contemporary society. The SCO counter-narcotics strategy for the period 2011-2016 is designed to strengthen practical cooperation so as to jointly prevent the negative impact of the drug threat on the SCO area and to ensure sustainable development in the region.", "The emerging and real threats to information security are a source of grave concern. Cybercrime, which has reached global and transnational proportions, requires joint efforts and broad international cooperation. The SCO member States stand ready to step up their cooperation in the field of international information security.", "In the light of global developments and threats, it is particularly important to establish the political, social and other conditions that might prevent a resurgence of extremist ideology and terrorist propaganda.", "SCO supports the establishment of Afghanistan as an independent, neutral, peaceful and prosperous State. Achieving peace and stability in Afghanistan is a key factor in ensuring regional and international security. The SCO member States will continue to assist the friendly people of Afghanistan in their efforts to rebuild the country.", "VIII", "The Organization’s most important purpose is to enhance the well-being and the quality of life of the peoples in SCO countries.", "The SCO member States consider that the Organization should remain focused on implementing joint plans to overcome the consequences of the global financial and economic crisis and to ensure the sustainable and balanced growth of national economies. The SCO member States advocate further reform of international financial regulation, and strengthening policy coordination and cooperation in the area of financial regulation and supervision. Dialogue will continue on effectively ensuring the stability of member States’ financial systems.", "The SCO member States intend to promote joint large-scale projects in such areas as transport and communications, agribusiness, innovative and energy-saving technologies, trade and tourism. The creation of relevant funding mechanisms will be expedited. The introduction of these projects will significantly expand mutual trade, establish new markets, give a major impetus to regional development and diversify transport corridors between Asia and Europe.", "The economic growth of SCO member States will be promoted through consistent execution of the action plan to implement the programme of multilateral trade and economic cooperation among the SCO member States, approved in Astana on 30 October 2008.", "The Heads of State have called for a further increase in economic, trade and investment cooperation in the SCO region, including making use of the capacity of observer States and dialogue partners.", "IX", "The member States note the significance of cultural and humanitarian work by the Organization, the main purpose of which is to strengthen reciprocal relationships of good-neighbourliness, friendship and cooperation. In its subsequent work, the Organization will place a strong emphasis on strengthening cooperation in the areas of culture, environmental protection, science, technology and innovation, health, tourism and sport.", "Continued cooperation to counter threats from natural and man-made disasters is also important.", "X", "The Organization will continue to prioritize cooperation in the areas of security, the economy and the promotion of public welfare. Building on the achievements of previous years, the member States intend to continue to strengthen cooperation in a spirit of mutual trust, mutual advantage, equality, mutual consultations, respect for cultural diversity and the desire for joint development. They will work together to implement all the basic purposes and principles of SCO core documents.", "On the occasion of the tenth anniversary of the Organization, we, the Heads of States members of SCO, hereby declare that SCO will effectively achieve its goals and objectives in order to maintain peace, stability and prosperity in the SCO region.", "(Signed) Hu Jintao President People’s Republic of China", "(Signed) Nursultan A. Nazarbayev President Republic of Kazakhstan", "(Signed) Roza Otunbaeva President Kyrgyz Republic", "(Signed) Dmitry A. Medvedev President Russian Federation", "(Signed) Emomali Rahman President Republic of Tajikistan", "(Signed) Islam A. Karimov President Republic of Uzbekistan", "Astana, 15 June 2011" ]
[ "第六十五届会议", "议程项目122(v)", "联合国同各区域组织及其他组织的合作: 联合国同上海合作组织的合作", "2011年6月28日中国常驻联合国代表给秘书长的信", "谨随函转递中华人民共和国、哈萨克斯坦共和国、吉尔吉斯共和国、俄罗斯联邦、塔吉克斯坦共和国和乌兹别克斯坦共和国等国元首2011年6月15日在阿斯塔纳举行的上海合作组织成员国元首理事会会议上签署的上海合作组织十周年《阿斯塔纳宣言》(见附件)。", "请将本函及其附件作为大会议程项目122(v)下的文件分发为荷。", "中华人民共和国 常驻联合国代表", "大使", "李保东(签名)", "2011年6月28日中国常驻联合国代表给秘书长的信的附件", "[原件:中文和俄文]", "上海合作组织十周年阿斯塔纳宣言", "上海合作组织成员国元首在上海合作组织成立十周年之际,于2011年6月15日在阿斯塔纳举行成员国元首理事会会议,并声明如下:", "一", "十年前,关于成立上海合作组织(以下简称“上合组织”或“本组织”)的决定是经得起检验的历史性战略抉择。十年来,上合组织已成为公认的具有重要影响的多边组织,积极促进了本地区和平与发展,有效应对了当代各种威胁与挑战。", "上合组织成员国在21世纪初为深化本地区内的睦邻友好伙伴关系而作出选择,在共同发展方面取得了实实在在的成果,已成为国际社会的典范。", "上合组织成员国恪守《上海合作组织宪章》和《上海合作组织成员国长期睦邻友好合作条约》的原则和规定,在共同维护和平、安全和稳定,以及在上合组织区域内开展政治、经济、人文和其他领域多边合作方面为本组织有效运作奠定了坚实的基础。", "二", "十年来,上合组织走过了从建章立制到建立各领域有效合作机制的成功之路。", "㈠ 本组织主要机构——元首理事会、政府首脑(总理)理事会和外长理事会定期举行会议,体现出高水平的政治互信,确保了就本组织最重要的工作作出一致决定,推动了各领域互利合作。", "㈡ 各方就打击恐怖主义、分裂主义、极端主义、非法贩运毒品和武器、跨国有组织犯罪开展了卓有成效的安全合作。建立了安全会议秘书、总检察长、最高法院院长、国防部长、紧急救灾部门领导人、公安内务部长、禁毒部门领导人会议等定期会晤机制,以便解决共同应对新威胁和新挑战的迫切问题。", "㈢ 通过了旨在促进成员国社会经济发展的长期经贸合作纲要和实施计划。经贸、交通、农业、财政部长和央行行长会晤促进了既定目标的实现。实业家委员会和银行间联合体活动步入务实阶段。", "㈣ 人文合作日益加强,促进了上合组织成员国人民的心灵沟通和不同文化间的对话。文化、卫生、科技部长会议,以及上合组织论坛框架下的合作不断深入。", "㈤ 本组织常设机构——北京秘书处和塔什干地区反恐怖机构工作高效,为切实落实本组织框架内达成的协定和共识发挥了重要作用。《上海合作组织程序规则》和《上海合作组织常设机构人员条例》的通过,加强了本组织工作的系统性。", "㈥ 本组织对同其他国家、国际及地区组织开展合作持开放态度。观察员国印度、伊朗、蒙古、巴基斯坦,对话伙伴白俄罗斯和斯里兰卡参与了本组织框架内各领域合作。同联合国、独联体、集体安全条约组织、欧亚经济共同体、东盟、联合国亚太经社委员会和经济合作组织建立了伙伴关系。", "三", "元首们满意地指出,成员国在国际和地区问题上具有广泛共识,重申愿在国际舞台上开展密切协调。", "元首们指出,国际关系正在经历大变革、大调整。现代政治、经济和金融形势急剧变化。团结一致、有效应对全球安全挑战,确保可持续发展,是各国面临的最突出的共同问题。", "在对当前国际形势认识一致、不以损害他国安全为代价维护自身安全的基础上,建立属于所有国家的不可分割的安全空间,推动合作和发展,已越来越成为各国面临的优先任务。", "人类仍面临着金融经济震荡、地区冲突、大规模杀伤性武器扩散、恐怖主义、跨国犯罪、粮食短缺、气候变化等威胁和挑战。前不久日本发生的灾害再次表明,国际社会有必要采取共同行动消除现代威胁,包括采取措施,及时向自然灾害和技术事故的受害国提供帮助。", "元首们对西亚北非局势动荡深表关切,呼吁尽快稳定该地区局势,支持该地区国家根据本国国情和历史文化特点推动民主发展,认为各国内部冲突和危机只能通过政治对话和平解决,而国际社会的行动应有助于民族和解进程,严格遵循国际法准则,并充分尊重有关国家独立、主权和领土完整,恪守不干涉内政原则。鉴此,上合组织成员国强调,必须停止利比亚境内的武装冲突,有关各方应全面严格遵守联合国安理会第1970和1973号决议。", "上合组织成员国愿同国际社会一道,促进国际和地区的和平、稳定和发展,推动国际关系民主化,并坚持运用国际法处理各种国际事务的原则。", "四", "成员国元首强调,在应对新挑战和新威胁,实现经济、社会、人文发展等领域加强和发展同联合国的交往是本组织对外交往的优先方向。", "联合国作为独一无二、具有公认合法性的组织,在维护世界和平与安全、促进共同发展、加强国际合作方面发挥着核心作用。上合组织成员国支持联合国通过渐进改革增强权威、提高效率,不断加强及时有效应对挑战和威胁的能力。", "成员国强调,有关各方应继续进行多边磋商,就联合国及其安理会改革问题找到“一揽子”解决方案,达成最广泛一致。为维护联合国会员国团结,不应人为预设谈判时限,不应过早提交讨论任何在目前阶段尚未得到压倒性多数会员国支持的方案,包括不采取“零散处理”的作法。", "上合组织成员国视联合国为参与国际反恐协作的主要平台,认为共同努力实施联合国全球反恐战略,履行国际反恐公约,落实联合国安理会的相关决议具有重要意义。", "五", "成员国表示,应严格遵守《不扩散核武器条约》。该条约限制了核武器扩散的威胁,推进了核裁军进程,确保了在和平利用核能领域开展广泛的国际合作。", "建立中亚无核武器区是维护地区和平安全的重要因素,有助于为加强核不扩散体系、提高国际和地区安全水平作出实质贡献。所有核武器国家签署《中亚无核武器区条约》相关议定书将是这方面的有效步骤。", "成员国认为,某一国家或少数国家集团单方面和不受限制地部署反导系统有可能破坏战略稳定和国际安全。", "成员国主张和平利用外空,强调必须确保外空活动的安全。主张在日内瓦裁军谈判会议框架下制定关于防止在外空放置武器和对外空物体使用或威胁使用武力的具有法律约束力的条约草案。", "六", "元首们满意地指出,上合组织成立十年来,已成为建设亚太地区多边组织伙伴网络的重要一员。", "上合组织支持维护亚太地区和平、稳定和繁荣,在国际法准则与原则、非集团化和照顾各国合法利益的基础上,建立公开、透明和平等的安全与合作架构。", "七", "打击恐怖主义、分裂主义、极端主义仍是上合组织在安全领域的主要优先方向。上合组织成员国严厉谴责一切形式的“三股势力”,将继续共同落实《打击恐怖主义、分裂主义和极端主义上海公约》和《上海合作组织反恐怖主义公约》的规定。", "上合组织成员国指出,跨国犯罪、非法贩运毒品是对现代社会的严重威胁。《2011-2016年上海合作组织成员国禁毒战略》旨在加强务实合作,共同防范毒品威胁对上合组织所在地区的消极影响,确保本地区可持续发展。", "信息领域存在的现实安全威胁令人担忧。具有全球和跨国性质的网络犯罪问题要求国际社会携手努力,广泛开展合作。上合组织成员国愿在国际信息安全领域加强协作。", "考虑到国际形势及各种威胁的发展态势,应该刻不容缓地建立阻止极端主义思潮泛滥和宣扬恐怖主义的政治、社会和其他条件。", "上合组织支持将阿富汗建设成为独立、中立、和平、繁荣的国家。实现阿富汗的和平与稳定是维护地区和国际安全的主要因素之一。上合组织成员国将继续协助友好的阿富汗人民为重建国家作出努力。", "八", "提高上合组织国家人民的民生和福祉是本组织的最重要目标。", "上合组织成员国认为,本组织的中心任务仍是落实克服全球金融经济危机影响、保障国民经济持续平衡发展的联合计划。上合组织成员国支持进一步改革国际金融体系,在金融监管领域加大政策与合作协调力度,将继续就有效维护成员国金融体系稳定问题进行对话。", "上合组织成员国将推动交通、通信、农业生产、创新与节能技术、贸易和旅游等领域的大型联合项目,加快建立相关融资保障机制。这些项目的落实将显著提高相互贸易额,开拓新市场,为地区发展和亚欧交通走廊多元化注入强劲动力。", "贯彻实施2008年10月30日在阿斯塔纳批准的《〈上海合作组织成员国多边经贸合作纲要〉落实措施计划》有助于促进上合组织成员国经济增长。", "元首们主张进一步加强上合组织地区经贸和投资合作,包括发挥本组织观察员国和对话伙伴的潜力。", "九", "成员国指出,旨在巩固互利共赢的睦邻友好合作关系的人文合作在本组织活动中占有重要地位。本组织将进一步大力加强文化、环保、科技、创新、卫生、旅游、体育领域合作。", "继续在应对自然和人为灾害威胁领域开展合作具有重要意义。", "十", "在安全、经济和改善民生领域进行合作今后仍将是本组织的优先方向。在前些年已取得成就的基础上,成员国将继续本着互信、互利、平等、协商、尊重多样文明、谋求共同发展的精神加强合作,共同落实本组织基本文件规定的所有宗旨和原则。", "值此上合组织成立十周年之际,我们,上合组织成员国元首,在本宣言中声明,上合组织将有效地实现既定目标与任务,维护本组织所在地区的和平、稳定和繁荣。", "中华人民共和国主席", "胡锦涛(签名)", "哈萨克斯坦共和国总统", "努尔苏丹·纳扎尔巴耶夫(签名)", "吉尔吉斯共和国总统", "萝扎·奥通巴耶娃(签名)", "俄罗斯联邦总统", "德米特里·梅德韦杰夫(签名)", "塔吉克斯坦共和国总统", "埃莫马利·拉赫蒙(签名)", "乌兹别克斯坦10共和国总统", "伊斯拉姆·卡里莫夫(签名)", "二〇一一年六月十五日于阿斯塔纳" ]
[ "第六十五届会议", "议程项目122(v)", "联合国同各区域组织及其他组织的合作: 联合国同上海合作组织的合作", "2011年6月28日中国常驻联合国代表给秘书长的信", "谨随函附上中华人民共和国、哈萨克斯坦共和国、吉尔吉斯共和国、俄罗斯联邦、塔吉克斯坦共和国和乌兹别克斯坦共和国总统在2011年6月15日在阿斯塔纳举行的上海合作组织国家元首理事会会议上签署的《上海合作组织十周年阿斯塔纳宣言》(见附件)。", "请将本函及其附件作为大会议程项目122(v)的文件分发为荷。", "李保东(签名)", "2011年6月28日中国常驻联合国代表给秘书长的信的附件", "[原件:中文和俄", "上海合作组织十周年阿斯塔纳宣言", "上海合作组织成员国元首根据2011年6月15日在阿斯塔纳为纪念上海合作组织成立十周年而举行的国家元首理事会会议,特此声明如下:", "一、导 言", "十年前作出的建立上海合作组织的决定是一个历史性的战略步骤。 在此期间,上合组织已成为得到普遍承认和权威的多边协会,积极推动本地区和平与发展,有效应对当代挑战和威胁.", "上合组织成员国在21世纪初选择致力于深化本地区睦邻友好和伙伴关系,是国际社会如何在共同发展领域取得显著显著成果的可嘉范例。", "本组织成员国严格遵守\"上合组织宪章\"和\"上合组织成员国长期睦邻友好合作条约\"的原则和规定,为上合组织有效运行打下坚实基础,共同保障和平,安全与稳定,发展上合组织地区政治,经济,人道主义等多边合作.", "页:1", "在十年中,上海合作组织成功地从制度化过渡到建立各领域的有效合作机制。", "1. 联合国 上合组织主要机构(国家元首理事会、政府首脑理事会和外交部长理事会)定期会议固有的高度相互信任,确保就本组织工作的最重要方面采取协调一致的行动,同时促进各领域的互利合作。", "2. 联合国 建立了有效的安全合作,以打击恐怖主义、分裂主义和极端主义、非法贩运麻醉品和武器以及跨国有组织犯罪。 作为打击新威胁和新挑战的集体努力的一部分,已建立机制,定期召开安全理事会秘书、检察长、首席大法官、国防部长、紧急情况部长、内政和公共安全部长以及禁毒机构负责人等级别的会议。", "3个 通过了长期贸易和经济方案和计划,以确保上海合作组织成员国的社会经济发展。 负责对外经济和外贸活动、运输、农业和金融的部长以及国家银行行长举行的会议正为实现这一目标作出贡献。 商业理事会和银行间协会的工作即将开始运作。", " 4.四. 文化和人道主义合作有所改善,促进了本组织成员国人民之间的精神和睦和文化间对话。 在文化、卫生、科学和技术部长会议上以及在上海合作组织论坛内加强合作。", "5 (韩语). 常设机构(设在北京的秘书处和设在塔什干的区域反恐机构)一直在有效运作,并在切实执行本组织框架内缔结的协定和安排方面发挥重要作用。 上海合作组织议事规则和本组织常设机构工作人员条例的通过有助于本组织工作的系统化。", "6. 国家 本组织表现出与其他国家以及国际和区域组织合作的开放态度。 它的多方面合作包括观察员国(印度、伊朗、蒙古和巴基斯坦)和对话伙伴(白俄罗斯和斯里兰卡)。 与联合国、独立国家联合体、集体安全条约组织、欧亚经济共同体、东南亚国家联盟、亚洲及太平洋经济社会委员会和经济合作组织建立了伙伴关系。", "页:1", "国家元首们满意地注意到本组织成员国在应对全球和区域挑战方面采取广泛一致的做法,并申明愿意在国际舞台上密切合作。", "国际关系正在发生重大变化和根本转变。 当代政治,经济和金融的现实正在迅速变化. 有效的共同努力应对全球安全挑战和确保可持续发展,已成为所有国家所共有的日益突出的问题。", "以对当代现实的一致理解为基础,为所有国家建立一个不可分割的安全空间、合作与繁荣,以及放弃以牺牲他国安全为代价保障本国安全的企图,正在成为优先任务。", "人类继续面临金融和经济不稳定、区域冲突、大规模毁灭性武器扩散、恐怖主义、跨国犯罪、粮食短缺和气候变化等威胁和挑战。 日本最近发生的悲惨事件证实,国际社会必须采取一致行动来消除现代威胁,包括制定措施向受自然和人为灾害影响的国家提供及时援助。", "国家元首对北非和中东的不稳定表示严重关切,呼吁尽早稳定该区域的局势。 本组织成员国支持本地区各国的民主发展,考虑到其具体的文化和历史特点。 他们指出,内部冲突和危机必须通过政治对话完全通过和平手段解决。 国际社会的行动必须旨在促进民族和解,必须严格以国际法为基础,充分尊重独立、主权和领土完整,并坚持不干涉各国内政的原则。 在这方面,上海合作组织成员国强调,必须停止利比亚境内的武装对抗,有关各方必须严格遵守安全理事会第1970(2011)和1973(2011)号决议。", "本组织成员国愿与国际社会其他成员合作,促进区域和全球和平、稳定和发展,促进国际关系民主化,维护国际法在世界事务中的首要地位。", "四、结 论", "各国元首强调,本组织国际活动的一个优先领域是加强和发展与联合国在应对新威胁和挑战以及促进经济、社会、人道主义和文化发展方面的关系。", "联合国是唯一具有普遍公认合法性的组织,它在维护世界和平与安全、促进共同发展和深化国际合作方面发挥着中心作用。 本组织成员国支持通过逐步改革来加强联合国的权威和效力,支持继续加强联合国适当和迅速应对挑战和威胁的能力。", "成员国强调,有关各方需要继续进行多边协商,以制定获得最广泛支持的联合国及其安全理事会改革的全面办法。 为了确保联合国会员国之间的协调一致,不应为谈判进程设定人为的时间框架,不应过早地提交草案供讨论,包括排除谈判进程某些方面并在某一阶段缺乏绝大多数会员国的支持的草案。", "上合组织成员国认为,联合国平台是国际反恐合作的根本组成部分,认为要共同实施\"联合国全球反恐战略\",\"全球反恐公约\"和\"联合国安理会有关决议\".", "五、结 论", "上合组织成员国呼吁严格遵守《不扩散核武器条约》的规定,其目的是防止核武器扩散,使核裁军取得进一步的进展,并保证在和平利用核能方面开展广泛的国际合作。", "建立中亚无核武器区是确保区域和平与安全的一个重要因素,可为加强核不扩散制度和提高区域和国际安全水平作出重大贡献。 这方面的一个有效步骤是所有核大国签署《中亚无核武器区条约》的相关议定书。", "成员国认为,一国或少数国家单方面和无限制地发展弹道导弹防御可能破坏战略稳定和国际安全。", "成员国支持将外层空间完全用于和平目的,并强调有必要确保空间活动的安全,并在日内瓦裁军谈判会议的框架内,起草一份具有法律约束力的条约草案,防止在外层空间放置武器,并禁止对外层空间物体使用或威胁使用武力。", "六.", "国家元首们满意地注意到,自上海合作组织成立以来的十年中,本组织已成为亚太地区新兴多边协会伙伴网络的重要组成部分。", "本组织主张在亚太地区维护和平、稳定与繁荣,并主张在国际法准则和原则、不结盟和适当考虑各方合法利益的基础上,建立一个公开、透明和公平的安全与合作架构。", "页:1", "上海合作组织的主要安全优先事项仍然是打击恐怖主义、分裂主义和极端主义。 上海合作组织成员国强烈谴责任何此类表现,并打算进一步开展联合工作,以实施《打击恐怖主义、分裂主义和极端主义上海公约》和上海合作组织《反恐怖主义公约》的规定。", "本组织成员国指出,跨界犯罪和非法贩毒对当代社会构成严重威胁。 上合组织2011-2016年禁毒战略旨在加强实际合作,共同防止毒品威胁对上合组织地区的负面影响,确保本地区可持续发展。", "信息安全面临的新现实威胁令人严重关切。 网络犯罪已遍及全球和跨国,需要共同努力并进行广泛的国际合作。 本组织成员国愿在国际信息安全领域加强合作。", "鉴于全球事态发展和威胁,尤其需要建立政治、社会和其他条件,防止极端主义意识形态和恐怖主义宣传再起。", "上合组织支持将阿富汗建成一个独立、中立、和平和繁荣的国家。 在阿富汗实现和平与稳定是确保区域和国际安全的关键因素。 本组织成员国将继续协助友好的阿富汗人民努力重建国家。", "八", "本组织最重要的宗旨是增进上合组织国家人民的福祉和生活质量。", "上合组织成员国认为,本组织应继续注重实施联合计划,以克服全球金融和经济危机的后果,确保各国经济持续均衡地增长。 本组织成员国主张深化国际金融监管改革,加强金融监管和监督领域的政策协调与合作. 将继续就有效确保成员国金融体系的稳定进行对话。", "本组织成员国打算在运输和通信、农业综合企业、创新和节能技术、贸易和旅游等领域开展大型联合项目。 将加快建立相关的筹资机制。 这些项目的推行将大大地扩大相互贸易,建立新的市场,为区域发展提供重大动力,使亚洲和欧洲之间的运输走廊多样化。", "通过持续执行2008年10月30日在阿斯塔纳批准的本组织成员国间多边贸易和经济合作方案的行动计划,将促进本组织成员国的经济增长。", "各国元首呼吁进一步加强上合组织地区的经济,贸易和投资合作,包括利用观察国和对话伙伴的能力.", "九 国 务", "成员国注意到本组织文化和人道主义工作的重要性,其主要目的是加强睦邻友好与合作的互惠关系。 本组织将在今后的工作中大力强调加强文化、环境保护、科学、技术和创新、卫生、旅游和体育等领域的合作。", "继续合作来应对自然和人为灾害所构成的威胁也很重要。", "页:1", "本组织将继续把安全、经济和增进公共福利等领域的合作列为优先事项。 在往年成就的基础上,成员国打算本着互信,互利互利,平等,协商,尊重文化多样性和共同发展愿望的精神,继续加强合作. 它们将共同努力执行本组织核心文件的所有基本宗旨和原则。", "值此本组织成立十周年之际,我们本组织成员国元首宣布,本组织将切实实现其宗旨和目标,以维护本组织地区的和平、稳定和繁荣。", "中华人民共和国主席 胡锦涛(签名)", "哈萨克斯坦共和国总统 努尔苏丹·纳扎尔巴耶夫(签名)", "罗扎·奥通巴耶娃(签名)", "德米特里·梅德韦杰夫(签名)", "(签名) 埃莫马利·拉赫曼 塔吉克斯坦共和国总统", "乌兹别克斯坦共和国总统 伊斯拉姆·卡里莫夫(签名)", "2011年6月15日,阿斯塔纳" ]
[ "Tenth emergency special session", "Agenda item 5", "Illegal Israeli actions in Occupied East Jerusalem and the rest of the Occupied Palestinian Territory", "Letter dated 27 June 2011 from the Secretary-General addressed to the President of the General Assembly", "In accordance with paragraph 6 (h) of General Assembly resolution ES-10/17 of 15 December 2006, I have the honour to transmit herewith a progress report of the Board of the United Nations Register of Damage Caused by the Construction of the Wall in the Occupied Palestinian Territory (see annex).", "* Reissued for technical reasons on 29 July 2011.", "I should be grateful if you would bring the present letter and its annex to the attention of the members of the General Assembly.", "(Signed) BAN Ki-moon", "Annex", "Letter dated 10 June 2011 from the members of the Board of the United Nations Register of Damage Caused by the Construction of the Wall in the Occupied Palestinian Territory addressed to the Secretary-General", "We have the honour to provide a progress report of the Board of the United Nations Register of Damage Caused by the Construction of the Wall in the Occupied Palestinian Territory for transmission to the General Assembly in accordance with paragraph 6 (h) of resolution ES-10/17.", "(Signed) Ronald Bettauer Member of the Board", "(Signed) Harumi Hori Member of the Board", "(Signed) Matti Pellonpää Member of the Board", "Progress report of the Board of the United Nations Register of Damage Caused by the Construction of the Wall in the Occupied Palestinian Territory", "1. The Board of the United Nations Register of Damage Caused by the Construction of the Wall in the Occupied Palestinian Territory (the Register of Damage) provides this progress report, in accordance with paragraph 6 (h) of General Assembly resolution ES-10/17, covering the period from 19 June 2010 to 10 June 2011. The Board’s previous report was contained in document A/ES-10/498 of 19 July 2010.", "2. During the reporting period, the Register of Damage continued to collect, process and consider claim forms for inclusion in the Register in accordance with its Rules and Regulations Governing Registration of Claims adopted in June 2009 (see Rules and Regulations.pdf).", "3. A community outreach campaign was completed in 87 communities in the governorates of Jenin, Tubas, Tulkarem and Qalqiliya in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, as well as in some communities around East Jerusalem. Hundreds of printed posters and thousands of leaflets were distributed to inform more than 260,000 affected Palestinians of the requirements for completing a claim for registration of damage. In addition, over 200 meetings were held by Register of Damage claim intakers with mayors, local councils and potential claimants in the areas covered by the outreach campaign.", "4. By 10 June 2011, a total of 18,007 claim forms for registration of damage and over 170,000 supporting documents had been collected in 76 Palestinian communities and delivered to the Office of the Register of Damage in Vienna. Claim intake activities have been completed in Tubas and Jenin governorates and have almost been completed in Tulkarem governorate. The work is at an advanced stage in Qalqiliya governorate, including its urban areas.", "5. As of 10 June 2011, the Board has reviewed 3,255 claim forms, decided to include most or all of the losses set out in 2,977 claim forms, excluded 272 claim forms where none of the losses met the eligibility criteria and decided to defer action on 6 claim forms pending further review. While the pace of processing claim forms by the secretariat of the Register of Damage and their review by the Board has increased, the collection of claim forms has increased at a significantly faster rate.", "6. Since its previous report, the Board has held four meetings in Vienna to review claim forms that had been translated, processed and reviewed by the Office staff. The Board met from 13 to 17 September 2010, from 13 to 17 December 2010, from 14 to 18 March 2011 and from 6 to 10 June 2011. At the four meetings, respectively, the Board reviewed and decided to include in the Register most or all of the losses set out in 301 claim forms, 323 claim forms, 400 claim forms and 402 claim forms. At its December and March meetings, respectively, the Board decided not to include in the Register 109 claim forms and 161 claim forms, since none of the losses in the forms met the eligibility criteria in the Register of Damage’s Rules and Regulations. At its March and June meetings, the Board also decided to defer action on a total of four claim forms pending further review.", "7. All claims reviewed during the reporting period were filed by individuals. The forms included 1,554 claims for category A (agriculture) losses, 177 claims for category B (commercial) losses and 16 claims for category C (residential) losses.", "8. Some of the issues addressed and the decisions reached by the Board during the reporting period are set out below.", "General issues", "(a) The Board continued its exploration of difficult issues regarding local rules, practice and documentation relating to the ownership and inheritance of land in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, in order to determine whether the claimant had a prima facie legal interest in land, and to determine the claimant’s share. Complex fractional calculations are often necessary in cases where there are multiple owners, in order to record a claimant’s specific share of the losses to be included in the Register.", "(b) The Board decided that some form of corroboration is necessary for losses to be included in the Register under the eligibility criteria set out in the Register of Damage’s Rules and Regulations. Such corroboration might include supporting documentation provided by claimants, for example tax records, contracts, certificates of legacy, pay slips, bank statements or cancelled cheques.", "(c) In addition, the Board decided not to include losses where they were duplicative of losses already included by the claimants in other parts of their claims.", "Category A (agricultural) claims", "(d) The Board decided not to include in the Register claims for losses pertaining to land requisitioned between 1967 and the 1990s, prior to the construction of the Wall. Since those claimants either had no access to the land or, where they had restricted access, could not use the land from the time it was requisitioned, the Board decided that no material loss had been sustained as a result of the construction of the Wall and that any losses that were sustained had occurred prior to the construction of the Wall.", "(e) The Board decided not to include in the Register losses relating to reduced agricultural output due to the prohibition on the import of fertilizers from Israel into the Occupied Palestinian Territory. The Board noted that Israeli restrictions in this regard existed prior to the construction of the Wall and decided that such restrictions are not attributable to the Wall.", "Category B (commercial) claims", "(f) The Board decided not to include in the Register commercial claims for losses pertaining to events that had occurred prior to the construction of the Wall.", "(g) The Board decided that commercial losses resulting from the reduction of customers from Israel who could no longer visit businesses in the Occupied Palestinian Territory could be caused by the construction of the Wall and included in the Register.", "(h) The Board decided that losses based on asserted monopoly pricing imposed by wholesale traders from Israel with access to the Occupied Palestinian Territory are not normally attributable to the Wall and should not normally be included in the Register.", "Category C (residential) claims", "(i) The Board decided that losses relating to land that was intended for the construction of houses, when claimed under other categories of losses, should be recategorized and reviewed as category C (residential) claims.", "Category D (employment) claims", "(j) The Board continued its consideration of the issues surrounding category D (employment) claims. The Office of the Register of Damage is in the process of gathering additional information on employment issues within the Occupied Palestinian Territory, and the Board will continue to review the category D claims submitted by claimants from different locations.", "9. In view of the number of claims presented to the Board at each of its meetings, in accordance with article 12 of its Rules and Regulations, the Board continued to employ sampling in conducting its review. In addition, the Board considered claims grouped together at the intake, processing and review stages on the basis that they had been submitted by members of the same families and the losses claimed were essentially similar. This approach significantly expedited the review process and the work of the Register of Damage.", "10. As before, the Board expresses its appreciation for the indispensable cooperation extended by the Palestinian Authority and the Palestinian National Committee for the Register of Damage, as well as for the support provided by local mayors and members of village councils on many practical aspects, without which outreach and claim-intake activities could not be undertaken successfully. As for the Government of Israel, it continues to consider that any claims in relation to damage caused by the construction of the Wall should be addressed through the existing Israeli mechanism. On the practical level, the Register of Damage maintains constructive contacts with relevant Israeli authorities and, during the reporting period, it did not experience any problems with access, freedom of movements, security, delivery of needed materials or issuance of required visas. In addition, on some occasions during the general closures in the West Bank, Israel Defense Forces facilitated the travel of Register of Damage teams through alternative entry and exit points to access Palestinian municipalities in the West Bank.", "11. The Board of the Register of Damage noted with satisfaction the cooperation with United Nations agencies and offices present on the ground in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, as called upon in paragraph 14 of General Assembly resolution ES-10/17. The Board particularly appreciates the efficient and tangible contribution provided by the United Nations Office for Project Services in the areas of logistic, procurement, human and financial resources, and management in support of the Register of Damage. During the reporting period, the Register of Damage benefited from cooperation with the United Nations Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process and his Office, as well as from the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East, which effectively contributed to outreach activities in communities in Tulkarem and Qalqiliya governorates.", "12. The outreach and claim-intake activities in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, which are currently conducted by 12 Register of Damage claims intakers, have been funded by contributions from the Governments of Austria, Belgium, Finland, France, Jordan, Malaysia, Morocco, the Philippines, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Switzerland and the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries Fund for International Development. The Board expresses its appreciation to these donors for providing funding and political support enabling the implementation of the provisions of General Assembly resolution ES-10/17.", "13. The Board commends the diligent and dedicated work of the secretariat, which faces an increasing workload.", "14. The Board of the Register of Damage will continue to provide periodic reports.", "Members of the Board of the Register of Damage", "Vienna, 10 June 2011" ]
[ "第十届紧急特别会议", "议程项目5", "以色列在被占领东耶路撒冷及其余 巴勒斯坦被占领土内的非法行动", "2011年6月27日秘书长给大会主席的信", "谨根据大会2006年12月15日通过的第ES-10/17号决议第6(h)段,随函转递联合国关于在巴勒斯坦被占领土修建隔离墙造成的损失登记册委员会的进度报告(见附件)。", "请提请大会成员注意本信及其附件为荷。", "潘基文(签名)", "^(*) 由于技术原因于2011年7月29日重新印发。", "附件", "2011年6月10日联合国关于在巴勒斯坦被占领土修建隔离墙造成的损失登记册委员会成员给秘书长的信", "谨根据第ES-10/17号决议第6(h)段在此转递向大会提交的联合国关于在巴勒斯坦被占领土修建隔离墙造成的损失登记册委员会的进度报告。", "委员会成员 罗纳德·贝陶尔(签名)", "委员会成员 堀晴美(签名)", "委员会成员 马蒂·佩隆佩(签名)", "联合国关于在巴勒斯坦被占领土修建隔离墙造成的损失登记册委员会进度报告", "1. 联合国关于在巴勒斯坦被占领土修建隔离墙造成的损失登记册(损失登记册)委员会现根据大会第ES-10/17号决议第6(h)段提交本进度报告,报告所涉期间为2010年6月19日至2011年6月10日。委员会的上一份报告见2010年7月19日A/ES-10/498号文件。", "2. 在报告所述期间,损失登记册继续按照其2009年6月通过的《索赔登记细则和条例》收集、处理和审查索赔表(见 Rules and Regulations.pdf)。", "3. 在巴勒斯坦被占领土杰宁、图巴斯、图勒凯尔姆和盖勒吉利耶省境内的87个社区,以及在东耶路撒冷的一些社区内,已完成了一次社区外联行动。已经分发了数百份印制海报和数千份传单,让超过26万受到影响的巴勒斯坦人了解完成损失索赔登记的要求。此外,损失登记册的索赔收件人与外联行动所涵盖地区的市长、地方议会和可能的索赔人举行了200多次会议。", "4. 截至2011年6月10日,在76个巴勒斯坦人社区共收集了18 007份损失登记索赔表和超过17万份证明文件,并已送交维也纳的损失登记册办公室。图巴斯和杰宁省的索赔收件活动已经完成,图勒凯尔姆省的活动几近完成。在盖勒吉利耶省,包括其各城市地区,这项工作已进入高级阶段。", "5. 截至2011年6月10日,委员会审查了3 255份索赔表,决定将2 977份索赔表中提出的大部分或全部损失列入登记册,不列入272份索赔表,因其中的损失没有一项符合资格标准,并决定推迟就6份索赔表采取行动,以待进一步审查。损失登记册秘书处处理和委员会审查索赔表的步伐虽然加快,但索赔表格的收集速度的加快更加显著。", "6. 委员会自其上一份报告以来,在维也纳举行了4次会议,审查已由办公室工作人员翻译、处理和审查的索赔表。委员会的会议在2010年9月17日至13日、2010年12月13日至17日、2011年3月14日至18日和2011年6月6日至10日举行。在这4次会议上,委员会分别对301份索赔表、323份索赔表、400份索赔表和402份索赔表进行了审查,并决定将其中所列的大部分或所有损失列入登记册。在其12月和3月的会议上,委员会分别决定不将109份索赔表和161份索赔表列入登记册,因为这些表中所列的损失都不符合损失登记册的《细则和条例》的资格标准。在3月和6月的会议上,委员会还决定推迟对共4份索赔表的行动,以待进一步的审查。", "7. 在报告所述期间审查的所有索赔均由个人申报。索赔表包括1 554份对A类(农业)损失的索赔、177份对B类(商业)损失的索赔和16份对C类(住宅)损失的索赔。", "8. 委员会在报告所述期间所处理的一些问题和做出的决定如下。", "一般问题", "(a) 委员会继续探讨有关巴勒斯坦被占领土上有关土地所有权和继承的地方性法规、惯例和文件等难点问题,以确定索赔人是否有初步证据表明其对土地的合法权益并确定索赔人的份额。在有多个拥有者的情况下,往往需要复杂的分数运算以记录索赔人在将列入登记册的损失中的具体份额。", "(b) 依照损失登记册的《细则和条例》规定的资格标准,委员会决定,被列入登记册的损失将需要某种形式的佐证。这种佐证可包括索赔人提供的证明文件,如纳税记录、合同、遗产证明、工资单、银行对账单或作废的支票。", "(c) 此外,委员会决定不列入已被索赔人计入其索赔其它部分的损失。", "A类(农业)索赔", "(d) 委员会决定不将与修建隔离墙之前在1967年至1990年代之间征用的土地有关的损失索赔列入登记册。因为这些索赔人或者没有获得土地,或者自被征用后由于受到限制而不能使用他们的土地,故委员会决定,并无因修建隔离墙而造成的重大损失,且任何损失都是在修建隔离墙之前发生的。", "(e) 委员会决定,由于禁止从以色列进口肥料进入巴勒斯坦被占领土而造成的农业减产的损失,将不列入登记册。委员会指出,以色列在这方面的限制在修建隔离墙之前就已存在,并决定这些限制与该墙无关。", "B类(商业)索赔", "(f) 委员会决定不将与修建隔离墙之前发生的事件有关的损失的商业索赔列入登记册。", "(g) 委员会决定,由于来自以色列的客户减少(无法再光顾巴勒斯坦被占领土上的商家)造成的商业损失可能是由修建隔离墙引起,故将其列入登记册。", "(h) 委员会决定,由于宣称可出入巴勒斯坦被占领土的以色列批发贸易商施加的垄断定价而产生的损失,通常不是由该墙引起,不应列入登记册。", "C类(住宅)索赔", "(i) 委员会决定,在其他类别的损失项下索赔的与打算用于建造房屋的土地有关的损失,应重新归类并在C类(住宅)索赔项下审查。", "D类(就业)索赔", "(j) 委员会继续审议涉及D类(就业)索赔的问题。 损失登记册办公室正在巴勒斯坦被占领土内收集关于就业问题的其他资料,委员会将继续审查不同地点的索赔人提交的D类索赔。", "9. 考虑到在委员会每次会议上向其提出的索赔数目,委员会依照其《细则和条例》第12条,继续在进行审查中使用抽样做法。此外,委员会审查了在收件、处理和审查阶段根据提交者为同一家庭的成员且索赔的损失基本相同的情况而分类合并的索赔。这种方法大大加快了审查过程和损失登记册的工作。", "10. 委员会一如既往,谨对巴勒斯坦权力机构和巴勒斯坦损失登记全国委员会不可或缺的合作以及当地市长和村委员会成员的支持表示谢意,没有这些合作与支持,外联和索赔收件活动就无法成功进行。至于以色列政府,它仍然认为涉及修建隔离墙造成的损失的任何索赔均需通过以色列现有机制来解决。实际上,损失登记册与以色列有关机关保持建设性的接触,而在报告所述期间,损失登记册的出入、行动自由、安全,所需物资的运送或所需签证的签发都没有出现任何问题。此外,在约旦河西岸全面封锁期间的一些时候,以色列国防军为损失登记册小组通过进出约旦河西岸的巴勒斯坦城市的其他出入境口提供便利。", "11. 损失登记册委员会满意地注意到按照大会第ES-10/17号决议第14段的要求在巴勒斯坦被占领土当地与联合国在那里的各机构和办事处的合作。委员会特别感谢联合国项目事务厅在后勤、采购、人力和财力资源及管理方面为支持损失登记册而提供的高效率和实际的帮助。在本报告所述期间,损失登记册受惠于与联合国中东和平进程特别协调员及其办事处的合作以及联合国近东巴勒斯坦难民救济和工程处,二者为图勒凯尔姆和盖勒吉利耶省的社区外联活动做出了有效贡献。", "12. 目前由损失登记册的12名索赔收件人在巴勒斯坦被占领土上进行的外联和收件活动,由以下国家政府和组织的捐款供资:奥地利、比利时、芬兰、法国、约旦、马来西亚的、摩洛哥、菲律宾,土耳其、沙特阿拉伯,瑞士和石油输出国组织国际开发基金。委员会谨感谢这些捐助者提供资金和政治支持,使大会第ES-10/17号决议的规定得以执行。", "13. 委员会赞扬秘书处的勤奋和敬业工作,它的工作量不断增加。", "14. 损失登记册委员会将继续定期提交报告。", "损失登记册委员会成员", "2011年6月10日,维也纳" ]
[ "第十届紧急特别会议", "议程项目5", "以色列在被占领的东耶路撒冷和其余", "2011年6月27日秘书长给大会主席的信", "根据大会2006年12月15日第ES-10/17号决议第6(h)段,谨随函转递联合国关于在巴勒斯坦被占领土修建隔离墙所造成的损失登记册委员会的进度报告(见附件)。", "* 由于技术原因于2011年7月29日重新印发。", "请将本函及其附件提请大会注意为荷。", "潘基文(签名)", "页:1", "2011年6月10日联合国关于在巴勒斯坦被占领土修建隔离墙所造成的损失登记册委员会成员给秘书长的信", "谨根据第ES-10/17号决议第6(h)段,提供联合国关于在巴勒斯坦被占领土修建隔离墙所造成的损失登记册委员会的进度报告,以转交大会。", "罗纳德·贝特陶尔(签名)", "Harumi Hori(签名) 董事会成员", "马蒂·佩隆普(签名) 董事会成员", "联合国关于在巴勒斯坦被占领土修建隔离墙造成的损失登记册委员会的进度报告", "1. 联合国 联合国关于在巴勒斯坦被占领土修建隔离墙造成的损失登记册(损失登记册)委员会根据大会ES-10/17号决议第6(h)段提供这份进度报告,涵盖2010年6月19日至2011年6月10日期间。 委员会上次报告载于2010年7月19日A/ES-10/498号文件。", "2. 联合国 在本报告所述期间,损失登记册继续根据其2009年6月通过的《索赔登记细则和条例》(见收集、处理和考虑将索赔表列入登记册。 (原始内容存档于2018-09-25) (中文(简体) ). Rules and Regulations.pdf.", "3个 在被占领巴勒斯坦领土杰宁、图巴斯、图勒凯尔姆和盖勒吉利耶等省的87个社区以及东耶路撒冷周围的一些社区完成了社区外联活动。 散发了数百份印刷海报和数千份传单,向260 000多受影响巴勒斯坦人通报了完成损失登记索赔的要求。 此外,损失登记册索赔受理人员与外联运动所涉地区的市长、地方理事会和潜在索赔人举行了200多次会议。", " 4.四. 截至2011年6月10日,在76个巴勒斯坦社区共收集了18 007份损失登记索赔表和170 000多份证明文件并送交维也纳损失登记册办公室。 在图巴斯和杰宁省,索赔受理工作已经完成,在图勒凯尔姆省几乎已经完成。 在盖勒吉利耶省,包括其城市地区,这项工作已进入后期阶段。", "5 (韩语). 截至2011年6月10日,委员会审查了3,255份索赔表,决定列入2,977份索赔表所列大部分或全部损失,不包括272份索赔表,这些损失没有符合资格标准,并决定推迟对6份索赔表采取行动,以待进一步审查。 虽然损失登记册秘书处处理索赔表和委员会审查索赔表的速度已加快,但索赔表的收集速度已大大加快。", "6. 国家 自上次报告以来,委员会在维也纳举行了四次会议,以审查办事处工作人员翻译、处理和审查的索赔表。 委员会于2010年9月13日至17日、2010年12月13日至17日、2011年3月14日至18日和2011年6月6日至10日举行了会议。 在四次会议上,委员会分别审查并决定在登记册中列入301份索赔表、323份索赔表、400份索赔表和402份索赔表所列的部分或全部损失。 在12月和3月的会议上,委员会分别决定不在登记册中列入109份索赔表和161份索赔表,因为这些表格中的损失均不符合损失登记册规则和条例中的资格标准。 在3月和6月的会议上,理事会还决定推迟对总共4份索赔表采取行动,以待进一步审查。", "7. 联合国 本报告所述期间审查的所有索赔均由个人提交。 这些表格包括1,554起A类(农业)损失索赔、177起B类(商业)损失索赔和16起C类(住宅)损失索赔。", "8. 联合国 在本报告所述期间,理事会所处理的一些问题和所作出的决定如下:", "一般问题", "(a) 国家 委员会继续探讨与巴勒斯坦被占领土土地的所有权和继承有关的当地规则、做法和文件方面的难题,以确定索赔人在土地方面是否具有初步的法律利益,并确定索赔人的份额。 在有多个所有人的情况下,往往需要进行复杂的分数计算,以便记录索赔人在列入登记册的损失中的具体份额。", "(b) 国家 委员会决定,按照损失登记册细则和条例规定的资格标准,将损失列入登记册,需要某种形式的证实。 这种证明可能包括索赔人提供的证明文件,例如税务记录、合同、遗产证明、付款单、银行对账单或注销支票。", "(c)) 此外,委员会决定,如果损失重复索赔人已经列入索赔的其他部分,则不列入损失。", "A类(农业)索赔", "(d) 国家 委员会决定在登记册中不列入与1967年至1990年代建造隔离墙之前征用的土地有关的损失索赔。 由于这些索赔人要么无法进入土地,要么在土地被征用时就无法使用土地,委员会决定,隔离墙的建造没有造成任何物质损失,而且任何损失发生在隔离墙建造之前。", "(e) 协助 委员会决定不把因禁止从以色列向巴勒斯坦被占领土进口化肥而减少的农业产出所造成的损失列入登记册。 委员会注意到以色列在建造隔离墙之前就已存在这方面的限制,并决定这些限制不归因于隔离墙。", "B类(商业)索赔", "(f) 与《公约》有关的问题 委员会决定不在登记册中列入与修建隔离墙之前发生的事件有关的商业损失索赔。", "(g) 国家 委员会决定,隔离墙的建造可能造成商业损失,因为以色列客户减少,他们不能再到巴勒斯坦被占领土上参观企业,并将其列入登记册。", "(h) 委员会决定,以色列批发商对进入巴勒斯坦被占领土的批发商实行所谓的垄断定价而造成的损失通常不归于隔离墙,通常不应列入登记册。", "C类(住宅)索赔", "(一) 董事会决定,在根据其他损失类别提出索赔时,与用于建造房屋的土地有关的损失应重新分类,作为C类(住宅)索赔审查。", "D类(雇用)索赔", "(j) 财务和预算司 委员会继续审议与D类(就业)索赔有关的问题。 损失登记册办公室正在收集关于巴勒斯坦被占领土内就业问题的补充资料,委员会将继续审查不同地点的索赔人提交的D类索赔。", "9. 国家 鉴于根据《规则》和《条例》第12条,在每次会议上向审计委员会提交的索赔件数,审计委员会在进行审查时继续采用抽样方式。 此外,委员会还审议了在受理、处理和审查阶段合并的索赔,其依据是同一家庭成员提交的索赔,索赔的损失基本上相似。 这一办法大大地加快了损失登记册的审查进程和工作。", "10个 同以往一样,委员会表示赞赏巴勒斯坦权力机构和巴勒斯坦损失登记册全国委员会所提供不可或缺的合作,并感谢当地市长和村委员会成员在许多实际方面提供的支持,没有这些支持,外联和索赔受理活动就无法成功进行。 至于以色列政府,它仍然认为,有关修建隔离墙所造成损害的任何索赔应通过以色列现有机制解决。 在实际工作中,损失登记册同以色列有关当局保持建设性接触,在报告所述期间,登记册在出入、行动自由、安全、交付所需材料或签发所需签证方面没有任何问题。 此外,在西岸全面关闭期间,以色列国防军有时协助损失登记册小组通过其他出入口前往西岸的巴勒斯坦市镇。", "11个 损失登记册委员会满意地注意到,根据大会第ES-10/17号决议第14段的要求,与在巴勒斯坦被占领土的联合国机构和办事处进行了合作。 委员会特别赞赏联合国项目事务厅为支持损失登记册在后勤、采购、人力和财力资源以及管理方面提供的有效和切实的贡献。 在本报告所述期间,损失登记册得益于与联合国中东和平进程特别协调员及其办事处以及联合国近东巴勒斯坦难民救济和工程处的合作,这有效地促进了图勒凯尔姆和盖勒吉利耶省社区的外联活动。", "12个 目前在被占领巴勒斯坦领土的外联和索赔接收活动由12名损失登记册索赔受理人进行,由奥地利、比利时、芬兰、法国、约旦、马来西亚、摩洛哥、菲律宾、土耳其、沙特阿拉伯、瑞士和石油输出国组织国际开发基金提供捐款。 董事会感谢这些捐助者提供资金和政治支持,使大会第ES-10/17号决议的规定得以执行。", "13个 委员会赞扬秘书处辛勤而专心致志地开展工作,工作量日益增加。", "14个 损失登记册委员会将继续提供定期报告。", "损失登记册委员会成员", "2011年6月10日,维也纳" ]
[ "Sixty-fifth session", "Agenda item 11", "Sport for peace and development", "Letter dated 11 July 2011 from the Permanent Representative of Uzbekistan to the United Nations addressed to the Secretary-General", "I have the honour to convey to you the report on the promotion of sport: a key social priority of the Government of Uzbekistan (see annex).", "I would highly appreciate it if you could circulate the attached information as a document of the sixty-fifth session of the General Assembly under agenda item 11.", "(Signed) Murad Askarov", "Permanent Representative of the Republic of Uzbekistan", "Annex to the letter dated 11 July 2011 from the Permanent Representative of Uzbekistan addressed to the Secretary-General", "[Original: Russian]", "Promotion of sport: a key social priority of the Government of Uzbekistan", "It would be no exaggeration to call today’s Uzbekistan a nation of champions. In the years since the country gained its independence, much has been done to promote sport, especially among children and teenagers. As has been noted in Narodnoe Slovo, the official newspaper, Uzbekistan’s athletes can now take part in the most prestigious international competitions and enjoy all the necessary conditions to become true professionals of their craft, scoring resounding victories on behalf of their country and triumphing at Asian and world championships.", "The names of outstanding talented athletes from Uzbekistan have long entered the annals of Uzbek and world sport. These include Rishod Sobirov, the absolute world judo champion in the 60 kg weight class; Vadim Menkov, declared the world’s best canoeist by the International Canoe Federation; Artur Taymazov, two-time Olympic free-style wrestling champion; Akgul Amanmuradova, Uzbekistan’s top tennis player; Rustam Kasimdzhanov, winner of the 2004 World Chess Federation Championship; the swimmer Sergey Pankov; the gymnast Ulyana Trofimova, who won silver at the Asia Games and bronze at the 2011 Rhythmic Gymnastics World Cup in Kyiv; Odil Ahmedov, the Uzbek midfielder; Elshod Rasulov, the world youth boxing champion; and, of course, the international football referee Ravshan Irmatov, who refereed the semi-final game of the 2010 World Cup of the Fédération Internationale de Football Association (FIFA) and was named its best referee. Uzbekistan’s champions and Olympic medallists have carried their country’s fame far beyond its borders. The promotion of sport in Uzbekistan is conducted under the patronage of President Islam Karimov. Today, many young men and women dream of emulating our athletes and yearn to become true champions.", "Setting priorities", "Experts have identified promising and priority Olympic sports for Uzbekistan. The priority sports include judo, freestyle and Greco-Roman wrestling, boxing, artistic and rhythmic gymnastics, trampolining, canoeing and kayaking, taekwondo, weightlifting and athletics. These are considered priorities because our athletes have the potential to compete for gold, silver and bronze medals in these sports. Swimming, rowing, shooting, tennis and cycling (track and road) are seen as promising sports, for which athletes could qualify for the Olympic Games and give a worthy performance.", "According to Roman Itskov, presidential adviser on Uzbekistan’s national Olympic committee, the further support and promotion of sport in Uzbekistan shall be shaped by these requirements and priorities. One of the founding documents in this respect is the Presidential Decree on preparing Uzbekistan athletes for the Games of the XXX Olympiad and the Fourteenth Paralympic Games in 2012 in London, United Kingdom.", "The document sets out the programme for the stage-by-stage preparation of Uzbekistan’s athletes to participate in these Games. A special focus is placed on improving the selection of talented young athletes from among the members of sports clubs and teams, particularly from the different regions of Uzbekistan, organizing their training to improve their mastery of their sport and setting in place the necessary conditions to create a pool of athletes through the continued development of specialized sports schools and colleges for the preparation of future Olympic athletes. In addition, the programme envisages the provision to national Olympic sports federations of sports centres and facilities, necessary renovations and world-class sports equipment and supplies, and improved access to specialized nutrition and medical services for athletes. Further, the programme has adopted the practice of inviting sponsorship by large businesses and entrepreneurs to support and promote Olympic sports in Uzbekistan.", "Origins of our sporting prowess", "Experts assert that Uzbekistan’s sporting prowess can be traced back to the Government’s great focus on the promotion of sport among children and teenagers.", "Witness the admiration voiced by Kirsan Ilyumzhinov, President of the World Chess Federation, for the attention paid to children’s and young people’s sport in Uzbekistan. After all, this means that the country is not only concerned about the future of the next generation but is also making sure that the next generation is one that can think for itself and stand on its own feet.", "The promotion of children’s sport in particular will guarantee future victories for Uzbekistan’s sports establishment and promote its visibility in the international arena. The President also underscored this at a recent meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Youth Sports Development Fund held in the first half of 2011. It was observed at the meeting that sport is becoming the most effective and efficient means of demonstrating the potential of the country and its people and fostering the national sense of pride and honour.", "A look at the work of the Youth Sports Development Foundation demonstrates the emphasis that it places on determined and large-scale efforts to promote physical education and sport, and in particular to the continued development of children’s sports, the construction of modern sports centres and stadiums in towns and rural communities complete with equipment, expert coaches and mentors. In 2010, as part of the programme for the construction, renovation and repair of children’s sports facilities and swimming pools, 95 such facilities were opened, 61 of them located in rural areas. The judicious allocation of funding made it possible to construct four additional children’s sports facilities.", "That same year marked the first holding, as proposed by President Islam Karimov, of the Barkamol Avlod youth sports games in Surxondaryo province. This major youth forum carries enormous social, political and cultural significance in the rearing of a well-rounded and harmonious new generation.", "A number of new youth sports facilities were built in Termiz for this event. These include an all-purpose sports hall with a football and track and field arena and seating for 10,000 and the modernized Kurash sports centre, where additional renovations were made.", "Furthermore, as part of the programme to promote football, children’s and youth divisions of professional football clubs will be opening in 2011 in Andijon, Namangan and Samarqand provinces. Also in 2011, the Foundation plans to finance the construction, renovation and repair of 149 sports facilities, comprising 130 children’s sports centres and 19 swimming pools, of which 118 will be located in rural areas.", "Providing sports facilities with the necessary equipment is another top priority. Between 2003 and 2010, a total of UZS 18,910 million was spent by the Foundation on sports equipment and supplies for 1,199 newly built children’s sports facilities.", "A large-scale effort is currently under way in Uzbekistan to involve girls and boys in regular sports activities. Accordingly, in 2010, the number of schoolchildren aged between 6 and 15 enrolled in some form of sport or physical activity grew to 1.6 million or 34.5 per cent of all such children, as compared with 29.2 per cent in 2008. Participation among girls has grown from 24.1 to 30.9 per cent.", "Thanks to the creation of regional gymnastics federations and centres, girls now have more opportunities to get involved in women’s sports. Consequently, the number of girls participating in rhythmic gymnastics has tripled over the past two years. In addition, the number of girls who spend their leisure time playing table tennis or swimming continues to grow.", "Results and achievements", "The promotion of children’s sport in Uzbekistan is producing tangible results. For the first time in its history, Uzbekistan’s national football team placed among the top four teams at the Asian Cup held in Qatar. The national junior football team won silver at the Asian championships and qualified for the 2011 Under-17 World Cup in Mexico, where they performed brilliantly, winning the group stage to reach the quarter-finals and defeating youth teams from the Czech Republic, the United States of America and Australia. This was a huge achievement for Uzbekistan’s junior players. Meanwhile, Uzbekistan’s amputee football team has won the world champion title for two years in a row.", "Recently, Uzbekistan’s rowers brought back an impressive catch from the Asian Cup Rowing Championships held in Singapore. Meanwhile, the victory of Uzbekistan’s junior chess players over Viswanathan Anand caused a sensation. It was unfathomable that a 10-year-old schoolboy and a 20-year-old female university student could win against the reigning world chess champion, even in a simultaneous exhibition match. These results, experts note, were a just reward for the tremendous effort that had been made.", "By visiting the Nasaf football club during his trip to the Qashqadaryo province, the President not only saw for himself the achievements of the country’s social and economic reforms, he was also able to give them his seal of approval. By taking the time to talk to the team’s coaches and players, the President demonstrated that supporting and promoting sport was a top priority and it would always be at the centre of attention.", "It is noteworthy that FIFA, in response to the surge of interest in football in Uzbekistan, took the historic decision to hold the 2012 world championships for female players under the age of 20 in our country. This has inspired a rush of enthusiasm among sports fans and athletes alike. What new challenges await Uzbekistan’s athletes? We will soon see for ourselves the feats of which they are capable." ]
[ "第六十五届会议", "议程项目11", "体育促进和平与发展", "2011年7月11日乌兹别克斯坦常驻联合国代表给秘书长的信", "谨转递关于“乌兹别克斯坦政府将促进体育作为重要社会优先事项”的报告。", "请将所附材料作为大会第六十五届会议议程项目11的文件分发为荷。", "乌兹别克斯坦共和国", "常驻代表", "穆拉德·阿斯卡罗夫(签名)", "2011年7月11日乌兹别克斯坦常驻联合国代表给秘书长的信的附件", "乌兹别克斯坦政府将促进体育作为重要社会优先事项", "[原件:俄文]", "将今天的乌兹别克斯坦称为冠军之国并不为过。本国从独立以来,为促进体育、特别是在青少年中促进体育做出大量努力。如官方报纸《人民言论报》指出,乌兹别克斯坦运动员不仅能够进入重大国际赛事,而且具备成为真正专业赛手的所有必要条件,为国家取得辉煌的胜利,在亚洲和全世界夺冠。", "乌兹别克斯坦的优秀天才运动员早已留名乌兹别克与世界体育史册,包括:60公斤级柔道绝对世界冠军Rishod Sobirov;国际赛艇协会所称的世界最佳赛艇手Vadim Menkov;两度奥林匹克自由式摔跤冠军Artur Taymazov;乌兹别克斯坦顶级网球手Akgul Amanmuradova;2004年世界国际象棋联合会锦标赛获胜者Rustam Kasimdzhanov;游泳健将Sergey Pankov;获得亚运会银牌和艺术体操世界杯铜牌的体操选手Ulyana Trofimova;乌兹别克中场队员Odil Ahmedov;世界青年拳击冠军Elshod Rasulov;以及裁决2010年国际足球联合会(国际足联)世界杯半决赛并被评为最佳裁判的国际足球裁判Ravshan Irmatov。乌兹别克斯坦冠军和奥林匹克奖牌获得者使他们的祖国名扬四海。乌兹别克斯坦促进体育的工作是在伊斯拉姆·卡里莫夫总统的指导下进行的。今天,许许多多青年男女梦想以我们的运动员为榜样,期盼成为真正的冠军。", "确定优先项目", "专家确定了乌兹别克斯坦有希望和优先的奥林匹克运动项目,包括柔道、自由式和古典式摔跤、拳击、艺术体操、蹦床、赛艇和皮划艇、跆拳道、举重和田径。这些被作为优先项目,是因为我国运动员有可能在这些运动项目上争夺金银铜牌。游泳、划艇、射击、网球和自行车(赛场和公路)被看作是有希望的项目,运动员可以在这些项目上入围奥运会并有较好的表现。", "乌兹别克斯坦国家奥林匹克委员会主席顾问Roman Itskov讲,乌兹别克斯坦今后对体育的支持和促进要从这些需要和优先项目出发。这方面的基础文件之一是关于准备乌兹别克运动员参加2012年联合王国伦敦第三十届奥运会和第十四届残奥会的总统令。", "该文件制定了乌兹别克运动员分阶段准备参加这些赛事的计划。其中特别注重更好地从乌兹别克斯坦各地区的体育俱乐部和运动队成员中选拔有才能的年轻运动员,组织他们训练以提高其对各自运动项目的掌握情况,并通过继续发展培养未来奥林匹克运动员的专门体育院校,为建立一支运动员队伍创造必要条件。该计划还将为国家奥林匹克运动联合会提供体育中心和设施、进行必要的修缮以及配备世界一流的体育设备用品,让运动员得到更好的专门营养和医疗。另外,该计划采取了利用大型商业和企业家赞助支持促进乌兹别克斯坦体育运动的做法。", "我国体育成绩的来源", "专家称,乌兹别克斯坦的体育成绩来自政府非常重视在青少年中促进体育。", "世界国际象棋联合会主席Kirsan Ilyumzhinov对乌兹别克斯坦重视青少年体育表示赞赏。这意味着,本国不仅关注下一代的未来,而且努力确保下一代成为有思想和独立的人。", "促进儿童体育尤其将确保乌兹别克斯坦体育制度今后取得成绩,并提高其国际声望。在2011年上半年举行的青年体育发展基金会董事会上,总统也强调这一点。会上指出,体育正在成为展现国家及人民能力并提高民族自豪感的有效方式。", "通过青年体育发展基金会的工作可以看出,它着重在特定方面做出大量努力以促进体育运动,特别是坚持发展儿童运动,在城市与乡村建造现代的体育中心和体育馆,并为之配备设备、专家教练和辅导员。2010年,建造、修缮和维修儿童体育设施和游泳池计划包括启用了95个类似设施,其中61个位于农村地区。通过英明的拨款又建造了四个儿童体育设施。", "同年,应伊斯拉姆·卡里莫夫总统提议,在苏尔汉河州举行了首届Barkamol Avlod青年运动会。这次大型青年聚会为培养全面发展与和谐的新一代产生了巨大的社会、政治与文化影响。", "为这次活动在铁尔梅兹修建了若干新的青年体育设施,其中包括带有足球场和田径场的一万人座多功能体育场,另外还修缮了Kurash体育中心使之现代化。", "此外,作为推广足球计划的一部分,2011年将在安集延、纳曼干和撒马尔罕开设职业足球俱乐部青少年分部。2011年,基金会还计划出资建造、修缮和维修149个体育设施,包括130个儿童体育中心和19个游泳池,其中118个位于农村地区。", "为体育设施配备必要的设备是另一个首要优先事项。2003年至2010年,基金会共花费189.10亿乌兹别克斯坦苏姆,为1 199个新建的儿童体育设施配备体育设备和用品。", "乌兹别克斯坦目前正在大规模开展努力,使男女儿童经常参加体育活动。在这一努力下,参加某种运动或体育活动的6至15岁在校儿童从2008年的29.2%,增至2010年的34.5%,即160万名。参加体育运动的女孩从24.1%增至30.9%。", "由于开设了地区体操联合会与体操中心,女孩现在有更多机会参与女子运动。就此,参加艺术体操的女孩在过去两年增加了两倍。课余时间打乒乓球或游泳的女孩也继续增多。", "成果与成就", "乌兹别克斯坦促进儿童体育产生了显著成果。在卡塔尔举行的亚洲杯足球赛上,乌兹别克斯坦国家队历史上首次进入四强。国家青年足球队在亚洲锦标赛上获得银牌,入围2011年墨西哥17岁以下世界杯,并发挥优异进入四分之一决赛,打败了来自捷克共和国、美利坚合众国和澳大利亚的青年队。这对乌兹别克斯坦青年球员来讲是一个巨大的成就。另有,乌兹别克斯坦截肢人士足球队连续两年赢得世界锦标赛头衔。", "最近在新加坡举行的亚洲杯划艇锦标赛上,乌兹别克斯坦划艇队员取得了令人难以置信的胜利。另外,乌兹别克斯坦国际象棋选手战胜维斯瓦纳坦·阿南德也引起巨大反响。即使是在车轮战中,一个10岁的男学生和一个20岁的女大学生战胜世界国际象棋冠军保持者也是令人匪夷所思的。专家指出,这些成果是所做巨大努力取得的正常回报。", "总统在巡视卡什卡达里亚州期间探访了Nasaf足球俱乐部,不仅亲眼看到国家社会经济改革的成就,而且对其给予了肯定。总统抽出时间向球队教练和队员讲话,显示出支持促进体育是头等优先事项,将一贯受到最大重视。", "值得一提的是,鉴于乌兹别克斯坦对足球的热情大增,国际足联做出了将在我国举行2012年20岁以下女子选手世界锦标赛的历史性决定。这在体育迷和运动员中激发了极大热忱。乌兹别克斯坦运动员将面临什么样的新挑战呢?我们不久将目睹他们能取得怎样的佳绩。" ]
[ "第六十五届会议", "议程项目11", "体育促进和平与发展", "2011年7月11日乌兹别克斯坦常驻联合国代表给秘书长的信", "谨转递关于促进体育:乌兹别克斯坦政府的一项主要社会优先事项的报告(见附件)。", "请将所附资料作为大会第六十五届会议议程项目11下的文件分发为荷。", "穆拉德·阿斯卡罗夫(签名)", "乌兹别克斯坦共和国常驻代表", "2011年7月11日乌兹别克斯坦常驻联合国代表给秘书长的信的附件", "[原件:俄", "促进体育:乌兹别克斯坦政府的主要社会优先事项", "将今天的乌兹别克斯坦称为冠军国家并不夸张。 在我国获得独立以来的几年中,为促进体育,特别是儿童和青少年体育,做了许多工作。 正如官方报纸《Narodnoe Slovo》所指出,乌兹别克斯坦的运动员现在可以参加最有声望的国际比赛,并享受成为其真正职业的一切必要条件,代表国家获得巨大胜利,在亚洲和世界锦标赛上取得胜利。", "来自乌兹别克斯坦的杰出有才华运动员的名字早已进入乌兹别克历史和世界体育史. 其中包括:世界60公斤级柔道绝对冠军里绍德·索比罗夫;瓦迪姆·门科夫被国际木舟联合会宣布为世界最佳独木舟手;两次奥运自由式摔跤冠军阿图尔·塔伊马佐夫;乌兹别克斯坦顶级网球运动员阿克古尔·阿曼穆拉多娃;2004年世界国际象棋联合会锦标赛冠军鲁斯塔姆·卡西姆德扎诺夫;游泳运动员谢尔盖·潘科夫;体操运动员乌利亚纳·特罗菲莫娃;他在2011年基辅举行的亚洲运动会和体操世界杯上获得银牌;乌兹别克中场运动员奥迪尔·艾哈迈多夫;世界青年拳击冠军埃尔绍德·拉苏洛夫;当然还有国际足球裁判拉夫山·伊尔马托夫,他提到国际足球协会(FIFA)2010年世界杯半决赛并被提名为最佳裁判. 乌兹别克斯坦的冠军和奥运会奖牌得主将本国名声传到境外。 乌兹别克斯坦在伊斯拉姆·卡里莫夫总统的赞助下开展体育运动。 今天,许多青年男女梦想效仿我们的运动员,渴望成为真正的冠军.", "确定优先事项", "专家们为乌兹别克斯坦确定了有希望和优先的奥林匹克运动。 优先运动包括柔道、自由式和格里克-罗马式摔跤、拳击、艺术和节奏体操、蹦床、独木舟和皮划艇、跆拳道、举重和田径。 这些被认为是优先事项,因为我们的运动员有可能在这些运动中争夺金牌、银牌和铜牌。 游泳,划艇,射击,网球和自行车(田径和公路)被视为有前途的体育运动,运动员可以获得参加奥林匹克运动会的资格并给予有价值表现.", "据乌兹别克斯坦国家奥林匹克委员会总统顾问Roman Itskov说,乌兹别克斯坦对体育的进一步支持和促进将受到这些要求和优先事项的影响。 在这方面的创始文件之一是关于乌兹别克斯坦运动员准备参加2012年在联合王国伦敦举行的第三十届和第十四届残疾人奥林匹克运动会的总统令。", "该文件规定了乌兹别克斯坦运动员参加这些运动会的阶段性准备方案。 特别侧重于改进从体育俱乐部和体育队成员中,特别是从乌兹别克斯坦不同地区中挑选有才华的青年运动员,组织他们的培训,以提高他们对体育的掌握,并创造必要的条件,通过继续发展专业体育学校和学院,培养未来的奥林匹克运动员。 此外,该方案设想向国家奥林匹克体育联合会提供体育中心和设施、必要的翻新和世界级体育设备和用品,并改进运动员获得专业营养和医疗服务的机会。 此外,该方案还采取了邀请大型企业和企业家赞助的做法,以支持和促进乌兹别克斯坦的奥林匹克体育。", "我们的体育实力起源", "专家断言,乌兹别克斯坦的体育实力可以追溯到政府对促进儿童和青少年体育的重视。", "世界国际象棋联合会主席Kirsan Ilyumzhinov对乌兹别克斯坦儿童和青年运动的关注表示钦佩。 毕竟,这意味着国家不仅关心下一代的未来,而且正在确保下一代能够为自己着想并自立。", "尤其促进儿童体育将保证乌兹别克斯坦体育事业今后取得胜利并提高其在国际舞台上的能见度。 总统在2011年上半年举行的青年体育发展基金董事会上也强调了这一点。 会上指出,体育正成为展示国家和人民潜力并培养民族自豪感和荣誉感的最有效和最有效的手段。", "青年体育发展基金会的工作表明,基金会强调坚决和大规模地努力促进体育运动,特别是继续发展儿童体育,在城镇和农村社区建造现代化体育中心和体育场,配备设备、专家教练和导师。 2010年,作为建造、翻新和维修儿童体育设施和游泳池方案的一部分,开办了95所此类设施,其中61所位于农村地区。 明智地分配了资金,使另外四个儿童体育设施得以建造。", "同年,根据伊斯拉姆·卡里莫夫总统的提议,首次在苏尔克桑达廖省举办了巴卡莫尔·阿夫洛德青年体育赛事。 这个重要的青年论坛在培养一个全面和谐的新一代方面具有巨大的社会、政治和文化意义。", "在Termiz为这次活动建造了一些新的青年体育设施。 其中包括一个全功能体育会馆,设有足球和田径竞技场和10 000个座位,以及现代化的库拉什体育中心,在那里进行了额外的翻新.", "此外,作为促进足球方案的一部分,职业足球俱乐部的儿童和青年分部将于2011年在Andijon、Namangan和Samarqand等省开设。 同样在2011年,基金会计划资助149个体育设施的建造、翻新和维修,其中包括130个儿童体育中心和19个游泳池,其中118个将设在农村地区。", "向体育设施提供必要的设备是另一个最优先事项。 2003至2010年间,基金会共花费189.1亿乌兹别克元用于为1 199所新建的儿童体育设施提供体育设备和用品。", "乌兹别克斯坦目前正在作出大规模努力,让女孩和男孩参加常规体育活动。 因此,2010年,6至15岁的学龄儿童参加某种形式的运动或体育活动的人数已增至160万,占所有这类儿童的34.5%,而2008年为29.2%。 女童的参与率从24.1%增至30.9%。", "由于建立了区域体操联合会和中心,女孩现在有更多的机会参与妇女体育。 因此,参加节奏体操的女孩人数在过去两年中增加了两倍。 此外,花在闲暇时间打桌球或游泳的女生人数也继续增长.", "成果和成绩", "促进乌兹别克斯坦儿童体育正在产生切实成果。 乌兹别克斯坦国家足球队在卡塔尔举行的亚洲杯上首次入选前四名. 国家少年足球队在亚洲锦标赛上获得银牌并获得2011年墨西哥Under-17世界杯参赛资格,他们表现优异,在小组赛上取胜以达到四分之一决赛,并击败了来自捷克,美国和澳大利亚的青年队. 这对乌兹别克斯坦的年轻球员来说是一个巨大的成就。 乌兹别克斯坦被截肢者足球队连续两年夺得世界冠军头衔.", "最近,乌兹别克斯坦的划船手从在新加坡举行的亚洲杯划船锦标赛中带回了令人印象深刻的收获. 同时,乌兹别克斯坦初级棋手战胜维斯瓦纳坦·阿南德引起了轰动. 一个10岁的男学生和一个20岁的女大学生能够战胜统治下的世界象棋冠军,这实在是不可思议的,即使在同时进行的一场展览比赛中也是如此. 专家们指出,这些成果是对已经作出的巨大努力的公正奖励。", "总统在前往卡什卡达尔约省期间参观了纳萨夫足球俱乐部,不仅亲眼目睹了国家社会和经济改革的成就,还得以向他们颁发了批准印章. 总统花时间与球队教练和球员交谈,表明支持和促进体育是头等大事,始终是关注的中心。", "值得注意的是,国际足联为应对乌兹别克斯坦对足球的兴趣激增,作出了历史性的决定,在我国为20岁以下的女运动员举办2012年世界锦标赛. 这激发了体育爱好者和运动员的热情。 乌兹别克斯坦的运动员面临哪些新挑战? 我们很快会亲眼看到他们有能力的功绩。" ]
[ "Australia, Austria, Belgium, Benin, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Canada, Chad, Chile, Costa Rica, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Gabon, Germany, Greece, Guatemala, Honduras, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Kazakhstan, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Mexico, Monaco, Montenegro, Nigeria, New Zealand, Norway, Peru, Poland, Portugal, Qatar, Republic of Moldova, Romania, Samoa, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Ukraine, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and United States of America: draft resolution", "The Security Council,", "Reaffirming its resolutions 1261 (1999) of 25 August 1999, 1314 (2000) of 11 August 2000, 1379 (2001) of 20 November 2001, 1460 (2003) of 30 January 2003, 1539 (2004) of 22 April 2004, 1612 (2005) of 26 July 2005, and 1882 (2009) of 4 August 2009, and all relevant Statements of its President, which contribute to a comprehensive framework for addressing the protection of children affected by armed conflict;", "Reiterating its primary responsibility for the maintenance of international peace and security and, in this connection, its commitment to address the widespread impact of armed conflict on children;", "Calling on all parties to armed conflicts to comply strictly with the obligations applicable to them under international law for the protection of children in armed conflict, including those contained in the Convention on the Rights of the Child and its Optional Protocol on the involvement of Children in armed conflict, as well as the Geneva Conventions of 12th August 1949 and their Additional Protocols of 1977;", "Acknowledging that the implementation of its resolutions 1612 (2005) and 1882 (2009) has generated progress, resulting in the release and reintegration of children into their families and communities, and in a more systematic dialogue with the United Nations country-level task force and parties to the armed conflict on the implementation on time-bound action plans, while remaining deeply concerned over the lack of progress on the ground in some situations of concern where parties to conflict continue to violate with impunity the relevant provisions of applicable international law relating to the rights and protection of children in armed conflict;", "Stressing the primary role of Governments in providing protection and relief to all children affected by armed conflict, and reiterating that all actions undertaken by United Nations entities within the framework of the monitoring and reporting mechanism must be designed to support and supplement, as appropriate, the protection and rehabilitation roles of national Governments;", "Convinced that the protection of children in armed conflict should be an important aspect of any comprehensive strategy to resolve conflict;", "Recalling the responsibilities of States to end impunity and to prosecute those responsible for genocide, crimes against humanity, war crimes and other egregious crimes perpetrated against children;", "Stressing the need for alleged perpetrators of crimes against children in situations of armed conflict to be brought to justice through national justice systems and, where applicable, international justice mechanisms and mixed criminal courts and tribunals in order to end impunity;", "Noting also relevant provisions of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court;", "Having considered the report of the Secretary-General of 11 May 2011 (A/65/820-S/2011/250) and stressing that the present resolution does not seek to make any legal determination as to whether situations which are referred to in the Secretary-General’s report are or are not armed conflicts within the context of the Geneva Conventions and the Additional Protocols thereto, nor does it prejudge the legal status of the non-State parties involved in these situations;", "Expressing deep concern about attacks as well as threats of attacks in contravention of applicable international law against schools and/or hospitals, and protected persons in relation to them as well as the closure of schools and hospitals in situations of armed conflict as a result of attacks and threats of attacks, and calling upon all parties to armed conflict to immediately cease such attacks and threats;", "Recalling the provisions of the resolution of the General Assembly on “The right to education in emergency situations” (A/RES/64/290) related to children in armed conflict;", "Noting that Article 28 of the Convention on the Rights of the Child recognizes the right of the child to education and sets forth obligations for State parties to the Convention, with a view to progressively achieving this right on the basis of equal opportunity;", "1. Strongly condemns all violations of applicable international law involving the recruitment and use of children by parties to armed conflict, as well as their re-recruitment, killing and maiming, rape and other sexual violence, abductions, attacks against schools or hospitals and denial of humanitarian access by parties to armed conflict and all other violations of international law committed against children in situations of armed conflict;", "2. Reaffirms that the monitoring and reporting mechanism will continue to be implemented in situations listed in annex I and annex II (“the annexes”) to the reports of the Secretary-General on children and armed conflict, in line with the principles set out in paragraph 2 of its resolution 1612 (2005), and that its establishment and implementation shall not prejudge or imply a decision by the Security Council as to whether or not to include a situation on its agenda;", "3. Recalls paragraph 16 of its resolution 1379 (2001) and requests the Secretary-General to also include in the annexes to his reports on children and armed conflict those parties to armed conflict that engage, in contravention of applicable international law;", "(a) in recurrent attacks on schools and/or hospitals;", "(b) in recurrent attacks or threats of attacks against protected persons in relation to schools and/or hospitals in situations of armed conflict, bearing in mind all other violations and abuses committed against children, and notes that the present paragraph will apply to situations in accordance with the conditions set out in paragraph 16 of its resolution 1379 (2001);", "4. Urges parties to armed conflict to refrain from actions that impede children’s access to education and to health services and requests the Secretary-General to continue to monitor and report, inter alia, on the military use of schools and hospitals in contravention of international humanitarian law, as well as on attacks against, and/or kidnapping of teachers and medical personnel;", "5. Invites the Secretary General, through the Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Children and Armed Conflict, to exchange appropriate information and maintain interaction from the earliest opportunity with the governments concerned regarding violations and abuses committed against children by parties which may be included in the annexes to his periodic report;", "6. While noting that some parties to armed conflict have responded to its call upon them to prepare and implement concrete time-bound action plans to halt recruitment and use of children in violation of applicable international law;", "(a) Reiterates its call on parties to armed conflict listed in the annexes of the Secretary-General’s report on children and armed conflict that have not already done so to prepare and implement, without further delay, action plans to halt recruitment and use of children and killing and maiming of children, in violation of applicable international law, as well as rape and other sexual violence against children;", "(b) Calls upon those parties that have existing action plans and have since been listed for multiple violations to prepare and implement separate action plans, as appropriate, to halt the killing and maiming of children, recurrent attacks on schools and/or hospitals, recurrent attacks or threats of attacks against protected persons in relation to schools and/or hospitals, in violation of applicable international law, as well as rape and other sexual violence against children;", "(c) Calls upon those parties listed in the annexes of the Secretary-General’s report on children and armed conflict that commit, in contravention of applicable international law, recurrent attacks on schools and/or hospitals, recurrent attacks or threats of attacks against protected persons in relation to schools and/or hospitals, in situations of armed conflict, to prepare without delay, concrete time-bound action plans to halt those violations and abuses;", "(d) Further calls upon all parties listed in the annexes of the Secretary-General’s report on children and armed conflict, to address all other violations and abuses committed against children and undertake specific commitments and measures in this regard;", "(e) Urges those parties listed in the annexes of the Secretary-General’s report on children and armed conflict to implement the provisions contained in this paragraph in close cooperation with the Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Children and Armed Conflict and the United Nations country-level task forces on monitoring and reporting;", "7. In this context, encourages Member States to devise ways, in close consultations with the United Nations country-level task force on monitoring and reporting and United Nations country teams, to facilitate the development and implementation of time-bound actions plans, and the review and monitoring by the United Nations country level task force of obligations and commitments relating to the protection of children and armed conflict;", "8. Invites the United Nations country-level task force on monitoring and reporting to consider including in its reports the relevant information provided by the government concerned and to ensure that information collected and communicated by the mechanism is accurate, objective, reliable, and verifiable;", "9. Reiterates its determination to ensure respect for its resolutions on children and armed conflict, and in this regard:", "(a) Welcomes the sustained activity and recommendations of its Working Group on Children and Armed Conflict as called for in paragraph 8 of its resolution 1612 (2005), and invites it to continue reporting regularly to the Security Council;", "(b) Expresses deep concern that certain parties persist in committing violations and abuses against children and expresses its readiness to adopt targeted and graduated measures against persistent perpetrators, taking into account the relevant provisions of its resolutions 1539 (2004), 1612 (2005) and 1882 (2009);", "(c) Requests enhanced communication between the Working Group and relevant Security Council Sanctions Committees, including through the exchange of pertinent information on violation and abuses committed against children in armed conflict;", "(d) Encourages its relevant Sanctions Committees to continue to invite the Special Representative of the Secretary-General for children and armed conflict to brief them on specific information pertaining to her mandate that would be relevant to the work of the committees, and encourages the Sanctions Committees to bear in mind the relevant recommendations of the Secretary-General’s report on children and armed conflict and encourages the Special Representative of the Secretary-General to share specific information contained in the Secretary-General’s reports with relevant Sanctions Committees expert groups;", "(e) Expresses its intention, when establishing, modifying or renewing the mandate of relevant Sanctions regimes, to consider including provisions pertaining to parties to armed conflict that engage in activities in violation of applicable international law relating to the rights and protection of children in armed conflict;", "10. Encourages Members States that wish to do so to continue to communicate relevant information to the Security Council on the implementation of its resolutions on children and armed conflict;", "11. Calls upon Member States concerned to take decisive and immediate action against persistent perpetrators of violations and abuses committed against children in situations of armed conflict, and further calls upon them to bring to justice those responsible for such violations that are prohibited under applicable international law, including with regard to recruitment and use of children, killing and maiming, rape and other sexual violence, attacks on schools and/or hospitals, attacks or threats of attacks against protected persons in relation to schools and/or hospitals through national justice systems, and where applicable, international justice mechanisms and mixed criminal courts and tribunals, with a view to ending impunity for those committing crimes against children;", "12. Stresses the responsibility of the United Nations country-level task forces on monitoring and reporting and United Nations country teams, consistent with their respective mandates, to ensure effective follow-up to Security Council resolutions on children and armed conflict, to monitor and report progress to the Secretary-General in close cooperation with his Special Representative for Children and Armed Conflict and ensure a coordinated response to issues related to children and armed conflict;", "13. Reiterates its request to the Secretary-General to ensure that, in all his reports on country-specific situations, the matter of children and armed conflict is included as a specific aspect of the report, and expresses its intention to give its full attention to the information provided therein, including the implementation of relevant Security Council resolutions and of the recommendations of its Working Group on Children and Armed Conflict, when dealing with those situations on its agenda;", "14. Reaffirms its decision to continue to include specific provisions for the protection of children in the mandates of all relevant United Nations peacekeeping, peacebuilding and political missions, encourages deployment of Child Protection Advisers to such missions and calls upon the Secretary-General to ensure that such advisers are recruited and deployed in line with the Council’s relevant country specific resolutions and the Department of Peacekeeping Operations (DPKO) Policy Directive on Mainstreaming the Protection Rights and Wellbeing of Children by Armed Conflict;", "15. Requests Member States, United Nations peacekeeping, peacebuilding and political missions and United Nations country teams, within their respective mandates and in close cooperation with the Governments of the countries concerned, to establish appropriate strategies and coordination mechanisms for information exchange and cooperation on child protection concerns, in particular on cross-border issues, bearing in mind relevant conclusions by the Security Council Working Group on Children and Armed Conflict and paragraph 2 (d) of its resolution 1612 (2005);", "16. Welcoming the progress achieved by the Country Task Forces on Monitoring and Reporting and stressing that a strengthened monitoring and reporting mechanism with adequate capacities is necessary to ensure an adequate follow up on the Secretary General’s recommendations and on the conclusions of the Working Group of Children and Armed Conflict, in accordance with its resolutions 1612 (2005) and 1882 (2009);", "17. Requests the Secretary-General to continue to take the necessary measures including, where applicable, to bring the monitoring and reporting mechanism to its full capacity, to allow for prompt advocacy and effective response to all violations and abuses committed against children and to ensure that information collected and communicated by the mechanism is accurate, objective, reliable and verifiable;", "18. Stresses that effective disarmament, demobilisation and reintegration programmes for children, building on best practices identified by UNICEF and other relevant child protection actors, including the International Labour Organization, are crucial for the well-being of all children who, in contravention of applicable international law, have been recruited or used by armed forces and groups, are a critical factor for durable peace and security, and urges national Governments and donors to ensure that these community-based programmes receive timely, sustained and adequate resources and funding;", "19. Calls upon Member States, United Nations entities, including the Peacebuilding Commission and other parties concerned to ensure that the protection, rights, well-being and empowerment of children affected by armed conflict are integrated into all peace processes and that post-conflict recovery and reconstruction planning, programmes and strategies prioritize issues concerning children affected by armed conflict;", "20. Invites the Special Representative for Children and Armed Conflict to brief the Security Council on the modalities of the inclusion of parties into the annexes of the periodic report of the Secretary-General on children and armed conflict, enabling an exchange of views;", "21. Directs its Working Group on Children and Armed Conflict, with the support of the Special Representative for Children and Armed Conflict, to consider, within one year, a broad range of options for increasing pressure on persistent perpetrators of violations and abuses committed against children in situations of armed conflict;", "22. Requests the Secretary-General to submit a report by June 2012 on the implementation of its resolutions and presidential statements on children and armed conflict, including the present resolution, which would include, inter alia:", "(a) Annexed lists of parties in situations of armed conflict on the agenda of the Security Council or in other situations, in accordance with paragraph 19 (a) of resolution 1882 (2009) and paragraph 3 of the present resolution;", "(b) Information on measures undertaken by parties listed in the annexes to end all violations and abuses committed against children in situations of armed conflict;", "(c) Information on progress made in the implementation of the monitoring and reporting mechanism established in its resolution 1612 (2005);", "(d) Information on the criteria and procedures used for listing and de-listing parties to armed conflict in the annexes of his periodic reports, in accordance with paragraph 3 of the present resolution, bearing in mind the views expressed by all the members of the Working Group during informal briefings to be held before the end of 2011;", "23. Decides to remain actively seized of this matter." ]
[ "澳大利亚、奥地利、比利时、贝宁、波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那、保加利亚、加拿大、乍得、智利、哥斯达黎加、克罗地亚、捷克共和国、丹麦、爱沙尼亚、芬兰、法国、加蓬、德国、希腊、危地马拉、洪都拉斯、匈牙利、冰岛、爱尔兰、以色列、意大利、日本、哈萨克斯坦、拉脱维亚、列支敦士登、立陶宛、卢森堡、马耳他、墨西哥、摩纳哥、黑山、尼日利亚、新西兰、挪威、秘鲁、波兰、葡萄牙、卡塔尔、摩尔多瓦共和国、罗马尼亚、萨摩亚、斯洛伐克、斯洛文尼亚、西班牙、瑞典、瑞士、乌克兰、大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国和美利坚合众国:决议草案", "安全理事会,", "重申其1999年8月25日第1261(1999)号、2000年8月11日第1314(2000)号、2001年11月20日第1379(2001)号、2003年1月30日第1460(2003)号、2004年4月22日第1539(2004)号、2005年7月26日第1612(2005)号和2009年8月4日第1882(2009)号决议,以及所有相关主席声明,这些决议和主席声明有助于建立一个综合性框架,处理保护受武装冲突影响的儿童问题,", "重申其维护国际和平与安全的首要责任,并为此重申其处理武装冲突对儿童的广泛影响的承诺,", "呼吁武装冲突各方严格遵守它们根据国际法应承担的在武装冲突中保护儿童的义务,包括《儿童权利公约》及其《关于儿童卷入武装冲突问题的任择议定书》以及1949年8月12日《日内瓦四公约》及其1977年《附加议定书》所载的义务,", "确认其第1612(2005)号和第1882(2009)号决议的执行工作已取得进展,使儿童获释并重返家庭和社区,联合国国家一级工作队同武装冲突各方就执行有时限的行动计划问题进行了更系统的对话,同时仍深感关切的是,若干令人关切的局势在实地尚无进展,冲突各方继续违反武装冲突中儿童权利和保护问题方面适用的国际法的相关规定而没有受到惩罚,", "强调各国政府在保护和救济所有受武装冲突影响的儿童方面起主要作用,重申联合国实体在监察和报告机制框架内采取的一切行动必须旨在酌情支持和补充各国政府在保护和协助恢复正常生活方面所起的作用,", "深信武装冲突中保护儿童应是消除冲突全面战略的一个重要方面,", "回顾各国有责任消除有罪不罚现象,起诉应对对儿童犯下的灭绝种族罪、危害人类罪、战争罪和其他滔天罪行负责的人,", "强调需要通过国家司法系统和酌情通过国际司法机制以及混合刑事法院和法庭,将被指控在武装冲突中犯有侵害儿童罪行的人绳之以法,以消除有罪不罚现象,", "又注意到《国际刑事法院罗马规约》的相关规定,", "审议了2011年5月11日秘书长的报告(A/65/820-S/2011/250),强调本决议不寻求对秘书长报告所述局势是否属于《日内瓦四公约》及其《附加议定书》范畴内的武装冲突作出任何法律认定,也不预先判定上述局势的非国家当事方的法律地位,", "深为关切在武装冲突中违反适用国际法攻击和威胁攻击学校和/或医院以及与学校和/或医院有联系的受保护人的行为,以及学校和医院因受到攻击和攻击威胁而关闭,并呼吁武装冲突各方立即停止这类攻击和威胁,", "回顾大会关于“紧急情况中的受教育权利”的决议(第64/290号决议)有关武装冲突中儿童问题的规定,", "注意到《儿童权利公约》第二十八条承认儿童受教育的权利,规定了《公约》缔约国的义务,以期在机会均等的基础上逐步实现这项权利,", "1. 强烈谴责一切违反适用国际法的行为,包括武装冲突各方招募和使用儿童,再招募、杀害和致残儿童、对儿童实施强奸和其他性暴力、绑架儿童、攻击学校或医院、武装冲突各方拒绝让人道主义人员和物资通行以在武装冲突中对儿童实行的其他所有违反国际法的行为;", "2. 重申,将根据安理会第1612(2005)号决议第2段所列原则,在秘书长关于儿童与武装冲突问题的报告附件一和二(“附件”)所列局势中,继续落实监察和报告机制,并重申该机制的建立和落实不应预先判断或暗示安全理事会已就是否将某一局势列入其议程作出决定;", "3. 回顾第1379(2001)号决议第16段,请秘书长也把武装冲突中违反适用国际法、(a) 一再攻击学校和/或医院和(b) 一再攻击或威胁攻击学校和/或医院有关受保护人的武装冲突当事方列入其关于儿童与武装冲突问题的报告附件,同时考虑到其他所有侵害和虐待儿童的行为,并指出,本段将适用于符合第1379(2001)号决议第16段所述条件的那些局势;", "4. 敦促武装冲突各方不采取阻碍儿童享受教育和保健服务的行动,请秘书长继续监测和报告违反国际人道主义法将学校和医院用于军事目的以及攻击和/或绑架教师和医护人员等情况;", "5. 请秘书长通过秘书长儿童与武装冲突问题特别代表交流有关信息,尽早就可能列入定期报告附件的各方侵害和虐待儿童的行为,与有关国家政府保持沟通;", "6. 注意到,武装冲突的一些当事方已响应安理会向其发出的起草和执行有具体时限的行动计划以便不再违反适用国际法招募和使用儿童的呼吁,同时", "(a) 再次呼吁尚未起草和执行行动计划的秘书长关于儿童与武装冲突的报告附件开列的武装冲突当事方,立即起草和执行行动计划,停止违反适用国际法招募和使用儿童、杀害和残害儿童,并停止对儿童实施强奸和其他性暴力;", "(b) 呼吁那些已有行动计划但在其后因有多次侵害行为而被列入附件的当事方酌情另外起草和执行行动计划,停止违反适用国际法杀害和残害儿童、一再攻击学校和/或医院、一再攻击或威胁攻击学校和/或医院的有关受保护人,并停止对儿童实施强奸和其他性暴力;", "(c) 呼吁秘书长关于儿童与武装冲突的报告附件开列的在武装冲突中违反适用国际法一再攻击学校和/或医院、一再攻击或威胁攻击学校和/或医院的有关受保护人的当事方立即起草有具体时限的行动计划,以便停止这些侵害和虐待行为;", "(d) 还呼吁秘书长关于儿童与武装冲突的报告附件开列的所有各方立即停止其他所有侵害和虐待儿童的行为,并就此做出具体承诺和采取具体措施;", "(e) 敦促秘书长关于儿童与武装冲突的报告附件开列的各方与秘书长儿童与武装冲突问题特别代表和联合国国家一级监测和报告工作队密切合作,执行本段的规定;", "7. 在这方面鼓励会员国与联合国国家一级监测和报告工作队和联合国国家工作队密切协商,协助制订和执行有时限的行动计划,协助联合国国家一级工作队审查和监测与儿童保护与武装冲突有关的义务和承诺;", "8. 请联合国国家一级监测和报告工作队考虑在其报告中列入有关国家政府提供的相关信息,确保有关机制收集和提交的信息是准确、客观、可靠和可以核查的;", "9. 重申安理会决心确保它有关儿童与武装冲突的决议得到遵守,并为此:", "(a) 欢迎安理会儿童与武装冲突问题工作组按第1612(2005)号决议第8段的要求不断开展工作和提出建议,请工作组继续定期向安全理事会提交报告;", "(b) 对某些当事方继续侵害和虐待儿童深表关切,表示准备在考虑到第1539 (2004)号、第1612(2005)号和第1882(2009)号决议相关规定的情况下,对屡犯者采取有针对性和程度有别的措施;", "(c) 请工作组与安全理事会有关制裁委员会加强交流,包括交流武装冲突中侵害和虐待儿童行为的相关信息;", "(d) 鼓励安理会有关制裁委员会继续请秘书长儿童与武装冲突问题特别代表向委员会具体介绍她任务涉及的与委员会工作相关的事项,鼓励制裁委员会铭记秘书长关于儿童与武装冲突的报告中的相关建议,鼓励秘书长特别代表同有关制裁委员会专家组分享秘书长报告中的具体信息;", "(e) 表示打算在设立、修改或延长有关制裁委员会的任期时,考虑对从事违反关于武装冲突中儿童的权利与保护的适用国际法的活动的武装冲突各方做出规定;", "10. 鼓励愿向安全理事会提交安理会关于儿童与武装冲突的各项决议执行情况相关信息的会员国继续这样做;", "11. 呼吁有关会员国立即对一贯在武装冲突中侵害和虐待儿童的人采取果断行动,呼吁它们通过本国司法系统以及酌情通过国际司法机制及混合刑事法院和法庭,将那些要对适用国际法禁止的侵害行为,包括招募和使用儿童、杀害和残害儿童和/或实施强奸和其他性暴力负责的人,绳之以法,以便消除侵害儿童罪行施行者不受惩罚的现象;", "12. 强调联合国国家一级监测和报告工作队有责任根据各自的任务规定,切实落实安全理事会关于儿童与武装冲突的各项决议,并与秘书长儿童与武装冲突问题特别代表密切合作,监测并向秘书长报告进展情况,协调处理儿童与武装冲突方面的问题;", "13. 再次请秘书长确保在关于具体国家局势的报告中作为报告的一个具体内容,论及儿童与武装冲突问题,表示安理会打算在审理议程上的这些局势时,充分注意报告提供的信息,包括安全理事会相关决议的执行情况和安理会儿童与武装冲突问题工作组的建议;", "14. 重申安理会决定继续将保护儿童的具体规定列入联合国所有相关维持和平、建设和平和政治特派团的任务规定,鼓励在这些特派团中部署儿童保护顾问,并呼吁秘书长确保按安理会涉及具体国家的相关决议和维持和平行动部(维和部)关于考虑到受武装冲突影响儿童的保护、权利和福祉的政策指示,征聘和部署这些顾问;", "15. 请会员国、联合国维持和平、建设和平和政治特派团以及联合国国家工作队,根据各自的任务规定,与有关国家政府密切合作,确定适当的战略和协调机制,以便就保护儿童问题,特别是跨界问题,交流信息和开展合作,同时铭记安全理事会儿童与武装冲突问题工作组的相关结论和安理会第1612(2005)号决议第2(d)段;", "16. 欢迎国家监测和报告工作队取得进展,强调必须有一个拥有足够人员的强化监测和报告机制,确保根据安理会第1612(2005)号和第1882(2009)号决议,切实落实秘书长的建议和儿童与武装冲突问题工作组的结论;", "17. 请秘书长继续采取必要措施,包括在可行时让监测和报告机制编制满员,以便迅速通报所有侵害和虐待儿童的行为并对其做出有效反应,确保该机制收集和提交的信息是准确、客观、可靠和可以核查的;", "18. 强调,按儿童基金会和包括国际劳工组织在内的其他相关保护儿童组织提出的最佳做法,为儿童制订有效的解除武装、复员和重返社会方案,对于保障所有被武装部队或团体违反适用国际法招募或使用的儿童的福祉至关重要,是实现持久和平与安全的一个重要因素,敦促各国政府和捐助者确保这些社区方案不断及时获得充足的资源和资金;", "19. 呼吁会员国、包括建设和平委员会在内的联合国实体和其他有关各方确保将受武装冲突影响儿童的保护、权利和福祉列入所有和平进程,确保冲突后恢复和重建的规划、方案和战略优先考虑与受武装冲突影响儿童有关的问题;", "20. 请儿童与武装冲突问题特别代表向安全理事会通报将各方列入秘书长关于儿童与武装冲突的定期报告附件的方法,以便于交换意见;", "21. 指示安理会儿童与武装冲突问题工作组在武装与冲突问题特别代表的支持下,在一年内考虑各种旨在增加对武装冲突中一贯侵害和虐待儿童的人的压力的方案;", "22. 请秘书长至迟于2012年6月提交报告,说明安理会关于儿童与武装冲突的各项决议、包括本决议和主席声明的执行情况,其中包括:", "(a) 根据第1882(2009)号决议第19(a)段和本决议第3段列入附件的安全理事会议程上的武装冲突局势或其他局势各方的名单;", "(b) 附件所列各方为停止武装冲突中侵害和虐待儿童行为采取措施的信息;", "(c) 落实安理会第1612(2005)号决议所设监测和报告机制的进展的信息;", "(d) 根据本决议第3段把武装冲突各方列入名单和除名的标准和程序的信息,同时铭记工作组全体成员在2011年底前举行的非正式情况通报中发表的意见;", "23. 决定继续积极处理此案。" ]
[ "澳大利亚、奥地利、比利时、贝宁、波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那、保加利亚、加拿大、乍得、智利、哥斯达黎加、克罗地亚、捷克共和国、丹麦、爱沙尼亚、芬兰、法国、加蓬、德国、希腊、危地马拉、洪都拉斯、匈牙利、冰岛、爱尔兰、以色列、意大利、日本、哈萨克斯坦、拉脱维亚、列支敦士登、立陶宛、卢森堡、马耳他、墨西哥、摩纳哥、黑山、尼日利亚、新西兰、挪威、秘鲁、波兰、葡萄牙、卡塔尔、摩尔多瓦共和国、罗马尼亚、萨摩亚、斯洛伐克、斯洛文尼亚、西班牙、瑞典、瑞士、乌克兰、大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国和美利坚合众国:决议草案", "安全理事会,", "重申其1999年8月25日第1261(1999)号、2000年8月11日第1314(2000)号、2001年11月20日第1379(2001)号、2003年1月30日第1460(2003)号、2004年4月22日第1539(2004)号、2005年7月26日第1612(2005)号和2009年8月4日第1882(2009)号决议,以及所有相关的主席声明,这些决议有助于建立保护受武装冲突影响儿童的综合框架;", "重申安理会维护国际和平与安全的首要责任,并在这方面承诺处理武装冲突对儿童的广泛影响;", "呼吁武装冲突各方严格遵守国际法,包括《儿童权利公约》及其《关于儿童卷入武装冲突问题的任择议定书》以及1949年8月12日《日内瓦四公约》及其1977年《附加议定书》所载适用于它们的义务;", "承认第1612(2005)号和第1882(2009)号决议的执行已取得进展,使儿童获释并重新融入其家庭和社区,并与联合国国家一级工作队和武装冲突各方就执行有时限行动计划问题进行更系统的对话,同时仍然深感关切的是,在一些令人关切的局势中,实地缺乏进展,冲突各方继续违反有关武装冲突中儿童权利和保护的适用国际法的相关规定而不受惩罚;", "强调各国政府在向受武装冲突影响的所有儿童提供保护和救济方面起主要作用,并重申联合国各实体在监测和报告机制框架内采取的所有行动必须旨在酌情支持和补充各国政府的保护和康复作用;", "深信保护武装冲突中的儿童应当是任何解决冲突的全面战略的一个重要方面;", "回顾各国有责任结束有罪不罚现象并起诉那些对儿童犯下灭绝种族罪、危害人类罪、战争罪和其他恶劣罪行的人;", "强调需要通过国家司法系统,并酌情通过国际司法机制以及混合刑事法院和法庭,将被指控在武装冲突局势中对儿童犯下罪行的行为人绳之以法,以结束有罪不罚现象;", "又注意到《国际刑事法院罗马规约》的相关规定;", "审议了秘书长2011年5月11日的报告(A/65/820-S/2011/250),强调本决议并不寻求从法律上确定秘书长报告中提及的局势是否属于日内瓦四公约及其附加议定书范围内的武装冲突,也不预先判断参与这些局势的非国家当事方的法律地位;", "对违反适用的国际法袭击和威胁袭击学校和(或)医院以及与之有关的被保护人以及在武装冲突中因袭击和威胁袭击而关闭学校和医院深表关切,并呼吁武装冲突各方立即停止此类袭击和威胁;", "回顾大会关于“紧急情况下受教育权”的决议(A/RES/64/290)中与武装冲突中的儿童有关的规定;", "注意到《儿童权利公约》第28条承认儿童受教育的权利并规定了《公约》缔约国的义务,以期在机会均等的基础上逐步实现这项权利;", "1. 联合国 1. 强烈谴责武装冲突各方违反相关国际法的一切行为,包括招募和使用儿童,以及武装冲突局势中再次招募、杀害和残害儿童、强奸和其他性暴力、绑架、袭击学校或医院、不让人道主义援助进入以及所有其他违反国际法的行为;", "2. 联合国 2. 重申将根据安理会第1612(2005)号决议第2段所述原则,继续在秘书长关于儿童与武装冲突问题的报告附件一和附件二(“附件”)所列局势中实施监测和报告机制,而且该机制的设立和实施不应预先判断或暗示安全理事会决定是否将某一局势列入其议程;", "3个 2. 回顾其第1379(2001)号决议第16段,并请秘书长也在其关于儿童与武装冲突的报告附件中列入那些违反有关国际法从事武装冲突的当事方;", "(a) 经常袭击学校和/或医院;", "(b) 在武装冲突局势中经常攻击或威胁攻击与学校和(或)医院有关的受保护人员,同时铭记对儿童犯下的所有其他侵害和虐待行为,并注意到本段将适用于符合安理会第1379(2001)号决议第16段所列条件的局势;", " 4.四. 敦促武装冲突各方不要采取阻碍儿童获得教育和保健服务的行动,并请秘书长继续监测和报告违反国际人道主义法将学校和医院用于军事目的的情况以及对教师和医务人员的攻击和(或)绑架;", "5 (韩语). 11. 请秘书长通过负责儿童与武装冲突问题的秘书长特别代表,就可能列入其定期报告附件的各方侵犯和虐待儿童的行为,尽早同有关国家政府交流适当信息并保持互动;", "6. 国家 注意到一些武装冲突当事方响应了安理会的呼吁,制订和执行有时限的具体行动计划,以制止违反可适用的国际法招募和使用儿童;", "(a) 再次呼吁秘书长关于儿童与武装冲突问题的报告附件所列尚未制订和执行行动计划的武装冲突当事方立即拟订和执行行动计划,以制止违反适用的国际法招募和使用儿童、杀害和残害儿童以及对儿童的强奸和其他性暴力;", "(b) 吁请已制订出行动计划但此后仍被列名犯有多项侵权行为的各方酌情制定并执行单独的行动计划,以制止违反相关国际法杀害和残害儿童、一再袭击学校和(或)医院、一再袭击或威胁袭击学校和(或)医院相关受保护人员的行为,并停止强奸儿童并停止对儿童实施其他性暴力;", "(c) 吁请秘书长关于儿童与武装冲突问题的报告附件所列那些违反适用的国际法,一再攻击学校和(或)医院,一再攻击或威胁攻击与学校和(或)医院有关的受保护人员的人的当事方,毫不拖延地制订有时限的具体行动计划,以制止这些侵犯和虐待行为;", "(d) 进一步呼吁秘书长关于儿童与武装冲突问题的报告附件所列所有各方处理所有其他侵犯和虐待儿童的行为,并在此方面作出具体承诺和采取具体措施;", "(e) 敦促秘书长关于儿童与武装冲突问题的报告附件所列各方同负责儿童与武装冲突问题的秘书长特别代表和联合国国家一级监测和报告工作队密切合作,执行本段所载各项规定;", "7. 联合国 在这方面,鼓励会员国与联合国国家一级监察和报告工作队和联合国国家工作队密切协商,想出办法,促进制定和执行有时限的行动计划,并由联合国国家一级任务组审查和监测与保护儿童与武装冲突有关的义务和承诺;", "8. 联合国 8. 请联合国国家一级监测和报告工作队考虑在其报告中列入有关政府提供的有关资料,并确保该机制所收集和传递的资料准确、客观、可靠和可核查;", "9. 国家 重申决心确保其关于儿童与武装冲突的各项决议得到尊重,并在这方面:", "(a) 欢迎儿童与武装冲突问题工作组按照第1612(2005)号决议第8段的要求持续开展活动并提出建议,请工作组继续定期向安全理事会提出报告;", "(b) 表示深为关切某些方面继续侵犯和虐待儿童,并表示愿意在考虑到安理会第1539(2004)、1612(2005)和1882(2009)号决议相关规定的情况下,针对惯犯采取有针对性和程度有别的措施;", "(c) 请工作组同安全理事会有关制裁委员会加强沟通,包括就武装冲突中侵犯和虐待儿童行为交流相关信息;", "(d) 鼓励其有关制裁委员会继续邀请负责儿童和武装冲突问题的秘书长特别代表向它们介绍与其任务有关并与各委员会的工作有关的具体资料,并鼓励各制裁委员会铭记秘书长关于儿童与武装冲突问题的报告中的有关建议,并鼓励秘书长特别代表同有关制裁委员会专家组分享秘书长报告中的具体资料;", "(e) 表示打算在建立、修改或延长有关制裁制度的任务时,考虑列入有关武装冲突各方从事违反有关武装冲突中儿童权利和保护的适用国际法的活动的规定;", "10个 5. 鼓励愿意这样做的会员国继续就安理会关于儿童与武装冲突的各项决议的执行情况向安全理事会提供有关资料;", "11个 9. 吁请有关会员国立即对在武装冲突中侵犯和虐待儿童的惯犯采取果断行动,还吁请它们将那些对适用国际法所禁止的侵犯行为负责者绳之以法,包括招募和使用儿童、杀害和残害儿童、强奸和其他性暴力、袭击学校和(或)医院、袭击或威胁袭击学校和(或)医院相关受保护人员的行为,并酌情通过国际司法机制及混合刑事法院和法庭,以终止对儿童犯罪而不受惩罚的现象;", "12个 10. 强调联合国国家一级监测和报告工作队和联合国国家工作队有责任根据各自的任务规定,确保就安全理事会关于儿童与武装冲突问题的各项决议采取有效的后续行动,同秘书长儿童与武装冲突问题特别代表密切合作,监测进展情况并向秘书长提出报告,确保对与儿童与武装冲突问题作出协调一致的反应;", "13个 7. 再次请秘书长确保在其关于具体国家局势的所有报告中将儿童与武装冲突问题列为报告的一个具体方面,并表示打算在处理其议程上的这些局势时,充分注意报告中所提供的资料,包括安全理事会有关决议和安理会儿童与武装冲突问题工作组各项建议的执行情况;", "14个 重申决定继续将保护儿童的具体规定列入联合国所有相关维持和平、建设和平和政治特派团的任务规定,鼓励向这些特派团部署儿童保护顾问,并请秘书长确保根据安理会关于具体国家的决议和维持和平行动部(维和部)关于将武装冲突中保护儿童的权利和福祉纳入主流的政策指示征聘和部署这些顾问;", "15个 4. 请会员国、联合国维持和平、建设和平及政治特派团和联合国国家工作队在各自任务范围内同有关国家政府密切合作,制定适当的战略和协调机制,就儿童保护问题,特别是跨界问题交流信息并开展合作,同时铭记安全理事会儿童与武装冲突问题工作组的相关结论和安理会第1612(2005)号决议第2(d)段;", "16号. 欢迎国家监察和报告任务组取得的进展,并强调需要加强具有足够能力的监察和报告机制,以确保根据第1612(2005)号和第1882(2009)号决议,就秘书长的建议和儿童与武装冲突问题工作组的结论采取适当的后续行动;", "17岁。 10. 请秘书长继续采取必要措施,包括酌情使监测和报告机制充分发挥其能力,以便迅速进行宣传并有效应对所有侵害和虐待儿童的行为,并确保该机制所收集和传递的信息准确、客观、可靠和可核查;", "18岁。 9. 强调有效的儿童解除武装、复员和重返社会方案以儿童基金会和包括国际劳工组织在内的其他相关儿童保护行为体确定的最佳做法为基础,对于所有被武装部队和武装团体违反适用的国际法招募或使用的儿童的福祉至关重要,是实现持久和平与安全的关键因素,并敦促各国政府和捐助方确保这些基于社区的方案及时、持续地获得充足的资源和资金;", " 19. 19. 4. 吁请会员国、联合国实体,包括建设和平委员会和其他有关方面,确保将受武装冲突影响的儿童的保护、权利、福祉和赋权纳入所有和平进程,并确保冲突后恢复和重建规划、方案和战略将受武装冲突影响儿童问题作为优先事项;", "20号. 8. 请儿童与武装冲突问题特别代表向安全理事会简报将各方列入秘书长关于儿童与武装冲突的定期报告附件的方式,以便能交换意见;", "21岁 3. 指示儿童与武装冲突问题工作组在儿童与武装冲突问题特别代表的支持下,在一年内审议各种备选办法,以加大对在武装冲突中侵犯和虐待儿童的惯犯的压力;", "22号. 4. 请秘书长在2012年6月前提交一份报告,说明安理会关于儿童与武装冲突的各项决议和主席声明,包括本决议的执行情况,其中除其他外将:", "(a) 根据第1882(2009)号决议第19(a)段和本决议第3段,随附安全理事会议程所列武装冲突局势或其他局势中的当事方名单;", "(b) 关于附件所列各方为制止武装冲突局势中所有侵犯和虐待儿童行为所采取措施的资料;", "(c) 关于执行安理会第1612(2005)号决议所设立的监测和报告机制所取得进展的资料;", "(d) 关于根据本决议第3段在其定期报告附件中列名和除名武装冲突当事方的标准和程序的资料,并铭记工作组所有成员在2011年底前举行的非正式简报会上表达的意见;", "23. 联合国 6. 决定继续积极处理此案。" ]
[ "Resolution 1998 (2011)", "Adopted by the Security Council at its 6581st meeting, on 12 July 2011", "The Security Council,", "Reaffirming its resolutions 1261 (1999) of 25 August 1999, 1314 (2000) of 11 August 2000, 1379 (2001) of 20 November 2001, 1460 (2003) of 30 January 2003, 1539 (2004) of 22 April 2004, 1612 (2005) of 26 July 2005, and 1882 (2009) of 4 August 2009, and all relevant Statements of its President, which contribute to a comprehensive framework for addressing the protection of children affected by armed conflict;", "Reiterating its primary responsibility for the maintenance of international peace and security and, in this connection, its commitment to address the widespread impact of armed conflict on children;", "Calling on all parties to armed conflicts to comply strictly with the obligations applicable to them under international law for the protection of children in armed conflict, including those contained in the Convention on the Rights of the Child and its Optional Protocol on the involvement of Children in armed conflict, as well as the Geneva Conventions of 12th August 1949 and their Additional Protocols of 1977;", "Acknowledging that the implementation of its resolutions 1612 (2005) and 1882 (2009) has generated progress, resulting in the release and reintegration of children into their families and communities, and in a more systematic dialogue with the United Nations country-level task force and parties to the armed conflict on the implementation on time-bound action plans, while remaining deeply concerned over the lack of progress on the ground in some situations of concern where parties to conflict continue to violate with impunity the relevant provisions of applicable international law relating to the rights and protection of children in armed conflict;", "Stressing the primary role of Governments in providing protection and relief to all children affected by armed conflict, and reiterating that all actions undertaken by United Nations entities within the framework of the monitoring and reporting mechanism must be designed to support and supplement, as appropriate, the protection and rehabilitation roles of national Governments;", "Convinced that the protection of children in armed conflict should be an important aspect of any comprehensive strategy to resolve conflict;", "Recalling the responsibilities of States to end impunity and to prosecute those responsible for genocide, crimes against humanity, war crimes and other egregious crimes perpetrated against children;", "Stressing the need for alleged perpetrators of crimes against children in situations of armed conflict to be brought to justice through national justice systems and, where applicable, international justice mechanisms and mixed criminal courts and tribunals in order to end impunity;", "Noting also relevant provisions of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court;", "Having considered the report of the Secretary-General of 11 May 2011 (A/65/820-S/2011/250) and stressing that the present resolution does not seek to make any legal determination as to whether situations which are referred to in the Secretary-General’s report are or are not armed conflicts within the context of the Geneva Conventions and the Additional Protocols thereto, nor does it prejudge the legal status of the non-State parties involved in these situations;", "Expressing deep concern about attacks as well as threats of attacks in contravention of applicable international law against schools and/or hospitals, and protected persons in relation to them as well as the closure of schools and hospitals in situations of armed conflict as a result of attacks and threats of attacks, and calling upon all parties to armed conflict to immediately cease such attacks and threats;", "Recalling the provisions of the resolution of the General Assembly on “The right to education in emergency situations” (A/RES/64/290) related to children in armed conflict;", "Noting that Article 28 of the Convention on the Rights of the Child recognizes the right of the child to education and sets forth obligations for State parties to the Convention, with a view to progressively achieving this right on the basis of equal opportunity;", "1. Strongly condemns all violations of applicable international law involving the recruitment and use of children by parties to armed conflict, as well as their re-recruitment, killing and maiming, rape and other sexual violence, abductions, attacks against schools or hospitals and denial of humanitarian access by parties to armed conflict and all other violations of international law committed against children in situations of armed conflict;", "2. Reaffirms that the monitoring and reporting mechanism will continue to be implemented in situations listed in annex I and annex II (“the annexes”) to the reports of the Secretary-General on children and armed conflict, in line with the principles set out in paragraph 2 of its resolution 1612 (2005), and that its establishment and implementation shall not prejudge or imply a decision by the Security Council as to whether or not to include a situation on its agenda;", "3. Recalls paragraph 16 of its resolution 1379 (2001) and requests the Secretary-General to also include in the annexes to his reports on children and armed conflict those parties to armed conflict that engage, in contravention of applicable international law;", "(a) in recurrent attacks on schools and/or hospitals", "(b) in recurrent attacks or threats of attacks against protected persons in relation to schools and/or hospitals in situations of armed conflict, bearing in mind all other violations and abuses committed against children, and notes that the present paragraph will apply to situations in accordance with the conditions set out in paragraph 16 of its resolution 1379 (2001);", "4. Urges parties to armed conflict to refrain from actions that impede children’s access to education and to health services and requests the Secretary-General to continue to monitor and report, inter alia, on the military use of schools and hospitals in contravention of international humanitarian law, as well as on attacks against, and/or kidnapping of teachers and medical personnel;", "5. Invites the Secretary General, through the Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Children and Armed Conflict, to exchange appropriate information and maintain interaction from the earliest opportunity with the governments concerned regarding violations and abuses committed against children by parties which may be included in the annexes to his periodic report;", "6. While noting that some parties to armed conflict have responded to its call upon them to prepare and implement concrete time-bound action plans to halt recruitment and use of children in violation of applicable international law;", "(a) Reiterates its call on parties to armed conflict listed in the annexes of the Secretary-General’s report on children and armed conflict that have not already done so to prepare and implement, without further delay, action plans to halt recruitment and use of children and killing and maiming of children, in violation of applicable international law, as well as rape and other sexual violence against children;", "(b) Calls upon those parties that have existing action plans and have since been listed for multiple violations to prepare and implement separate action plans, as appropriate, to halt the killing and maiming of children, recurrent attacks on schools and/or hospitals, recurrent attacks or threats of attacks against protected persons in relation to schools and/or hospitals, in violation of applicable international law, as well as rape and other sexual violence against children;", "(c) Calls upon those parties listed in the annexes of the Secretary-General’s report on children and armed conflict that commit, in contravention of applicable international law, recurrent attacks on schools and/or hospitals, recurrent attacks or threats of attacks against protected persons in relation to schools and/or hospitals, in situations of armed conflict, to prepare without delay, concrete time-bound action plans to halt those violations and abuses;", "(d) Further calls upon all parties listed in the annexes of the Secretary-General’s report on children and armed conflict, to address all other violations and abuses committed against children and undertake specific commitments and measures in this regard;", "(e) Urges those parties listed in the annexes of the Secretary-General’s report on children and armed conflict to implement the provisions contained in this paragraph in close cooperation with the Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Children and Armed Conflict and the United Nations country-level task forces on monitoring and reporting;", "7. In this context, encourages Member States to devise ways, in close consultations with the United Nations country-level task force on monitoring and reporting and United Nations country teams, to facilitate the development and implementation of time-bound actions plans, and the review and monitoring by the United Nations country level task force of obligations and commitments relating to the protection of children and armed conflict;", "8. Invites the United Nations country-level task force on monitoring and reporting to consider including in its reports the relevant information provided by the government concerned and to ensure that information collected and communicated by the mechanism is accurate, objective, reliable, and verifiable;", "9. Reiterates its determination to ensure respect for its resolutions on children and armed conflict, and in this regard:", "(a) Welcomes the sustained activity and recommendations of its Working Group on Children and Armed Conflict as called for in paragraph 8 of its resolution 1612 (2005), and invites it to continue reporting regularly to the Security Council;", "(b) Expresses deep concern that certain parties persist in committing violations and abuses against children and expresses its readiness to adopt targeted and graduated measures against persistent perpetrators, taking into account the relevant provisions of its resolutions 1539 (2004), 1612 (2005) and 1882 (2009);", "(c) Requests enhanced communication between the Working Group and relevant Security Council Sanctions Committees, including through the exchange of pertinent information on violation and abuses committed against children in armed conflict;", "(d) Encourages its relevant Sanctions Committees to continue to invite the Special Representative of the Secretary-General for children and armed conflict to brief them on specific information pertaining to her mandate that would be relevant to the work of the committees, and encourages the Sanctions Committees to bear in mind the relevant recommendations of the Secretary-General’s report on children and armed conflict and encourages the Special Representative of the Secretary-General to share specific information contained in the Secretary-General’s reports with relevant Sanctions Committees expert groups;", "(e) Expresses its intention, when establishing, modifying or renewing the mandate of relevant Sanctions regimes, to consider including provisions pertaining to parties to armed conflict that engage in activities in violation of applicable international law relating to the rights and protection of children in armed conflict;", "10. Encourages Members States that wish to do so to continue to communicate relevant information to the Security Council on the implementation of its resolutions on children and armed conflict;", "11. Calls upon Member States concerned to take decisive and immediate action against persistent perpetrators of violations and abuses committed against children in situations of armed conflict, and further calls upon them to bring to justice those responsible for such violations that are prohibited under applicable international law, including with regard to recruitment and use of children, killing and maiming, rape and other sexual violence, attacks on schools and/or hospitals, attacks or threats of attacks against protected persons in relation to schools and/or hospitals through national justice systems, and where applicable, international justice mechanisms and mixed criminal courts and tribunals, with a view to ending impunity for those committing crimes against children;", "12. Stresses the responsibility of the United Nations country-level task forces on monitoring and reporting and United Nations country teams, consistent with their respective mandates, to ensure effective follow-up to Security Council resolutions on children and armed conflict, to monitor and report progress to the Secretary-General in close cooperation with his Special Representative for Children and Armed Conflict and ensure a coordinated response to issues related to children and armed conflict;", "13. Reiterates its request to the Secretary-General to ensure that, in all his reports on country-specific situations, the matter of children and armed conflict is included as a specific aspect of the report, and expresses its intention to give its full attention to the information provided therein, including the implementation of relevant Security Council resolutions and of the recommendations of its Working Group on Children and Armed Conflict, when dealing with those situations on its agenda;", "14. Reaffirms its decision to continue to include specific provisions for the protection of children in the mandates of all relevant United Nations peacekeeping, peacebuilding and political missions, encourages deployment of Child Protection Advisers to such missions and calls upon the Secretary-General to ensure that such advisers are recruited and deployed in line with the Council’s relevant country specific resolutions and the Department of Peacekeeping Operations (DPKO) Policy Directive on Mainstreaming the Protection Rights and Wellbeing of Children by Armed Conflict;", "15. Requests Member States, United Nations peacekeeping, peacebuilding and political missions and United Nations country teams, within their respective mandates and in close cooperation with the Governments of the countries concerned, to establish appropriate strategies and coordination mechanisms for information exchange and cooperation on child protection concerns, in particular on cross-border issues, bearing in mind relevant conclusions by the Security Council Working Group on Children and Armed Conflict and paragraph 2 (d) of its resolution 1612 (2005);", "16. Welcoming the progress achieved by the Country Task Forces on Monitoring and Reporting and stressing that a strengthened monitoring and reporting mechanism with adequate capacities is necessary to ensure an adequate follow up on the Secretary General’s recommendations and on the conclusions of the Working Group of Children and Armed Conflict, in accordance with its resolutions 1612 (2005) and 1882 (2009);", "17. Requests the Secretary-General to continue to take the necessary measures including, where applicable, to bring the monitoring and reporting mechanism to its full capacity, to allow for prompt advocacy and effective response to all violations and abuses committed against children and to ensure that information collected and communicated by the mechanism is accurate, objective, reliable and verifiable;", "18. Stresses that effective disarmament, demobilisation and reintegration programmes for children, building on best practices identified by UNICEF and other relevant child protection actors, including the International Labour Organization, are crucial for the well-being of all children who, in contravention of applicable international law, have been recruited or used by armed forces and groups, are a critical factor for durable peace and security, and urges national Governments and donors to ensure that these community-based programmes receive timely, sustained and adequate resources and funding;", "19. Calls upon Member States, United Nations entities, including the Peacebuilding Commission and other parties concerned to ensure that the protection, rights, well-being and empowerment of children affected by armed conflict are integrated into all peace processes and that post-conflict recovery and reconstruction planning, programmes and strategies prioritize issues concerning children affected by armed conflict;", "20. Invites the Special Representative for Children and Armed Conflict to brief the Security Council on the modalities of the inclusion of parties into the annexes of the periodic report of the Secretary-General on children and armed conflict, enabling an exchange of views;", "21. Directs its Working Group on Children and Armed Conflict, with the support of the Special Representative for Children and Armed Conflict, to consider, within one year, a broad range of options for increasing pressure on persistent perpetrators of violations and abuses committed against children in situations of armed conflict;", "22. Requests the Secretary-General to submit a report by June 2012 on the implementation of its resolutions and presidential statements on children and armed conflict, including the present resolution, which would include, inter alia:", "(a) Annexed lists of parties in situations of armed conflict on the agenda of the Security Council or in other situations, in accordance with paragraph 19 (a) of resolution 1882 (2009) and paragraph 3 of the present resolution;", "(b) Information on measures undertaken by parties listed in the annexes to end all violations and abuses committed against children in situations of armed conflict;", "(c) Information on progress made in the implementation of the monitoring and reporting mechanism established in its resolution 1612 (2005);", "(d) Information on the criteria and procedures used for listing and de-listing parties to armed conflict in the annexes of his periodic reports, in accordance with paragraph 3 of the present resolution, bearing in mind the views expressed by all the members of the Working Group during informal briefings to be held before the end of 2011;", "23. Decides to remain actively seized of this matter." ]
[ "第1998(2011)号决议", "安全理事会2011年7月12日第6581次会议通过", "安全理事会,", "重申其1999年8月25日第1261(1999)号、2000年8月11日第1314(2000)号、2001年11月20日第1379(2001)号、2003年1月30日第1460(2003)号、2004年4月22日第1539(2004)号、2005年7月26日第1612(2005)号和2009年8月4日第1882(2009)号决议,以及所有相关主席声明,这些决议和主席声明有助于建立一个综合性框架,处理保护受武装冲突影响的儿童问题,", "重申其维护国际和平与安全的首要责任,并为此重申其处理武装冲突对儿童的广泛影响的承诺,", "呼吁武装冲突各方严格遵守它们根据国际法应承担的在武装冲突中保护儿童的义务,包括《儿童权利公约》及其《关于儿童卷入武装冲突问题的任择议定书》以及1949年8月12日《日内瓦四公约》及其1977年《附加议定书》所载的义务,", "确认其第1612(2005)号和第1882(2009)号决议的执行工作已取得进展,使儿童获释并重返家庭和社区,联合国国家一级工作队同武装冲突各方就执行有时限的行动计划问题进行了更系统的对话,同时仍深感关切的是,若干令人关切的局势在实地尚无进展,冲突各方继续违反武装冲突中儿童权利和保护问题方面适用的国际法的相关规定而没有受到惩罚,", "强调各国政府在保护和救济所有受武装冲突影响的儿童方面起主要作用,重申联合国实体在监察和报告机制框架内采取的一切行动必须旨在酌情支持和补充各国政府在保护和协助恢复正常生活方面所起的作用,", "深信武装冲突中保护儿童应是消除冲突全面战略的一个重要方面,", "回顾各国有责任消除有罪不罚现象,起诉应对对儿童犯下的灭绝种族罪、危害人类罪、战争罪和其他滔天罪行负责的人,", "强调需要通过国家司法系统和酌情通过国际司法机制以及混合刑事法院和法庭,将被指控在武装冲突中犯有侵害儿童罪行的人绳之以法,以消除有罪不罚现象,", "又注意到《国际刑事法院罗马规约》的相关规定,", "审议了2011年5月11日秘书长的报告(A/65/820-S/2011/250),强调本决议不寻求对秘书长报告所述局势是否属于《日内瓦四公约》及其《附加议定书》范畴内的武装冲突作出任何法律认定,也不预先判定上述局势的非国家当事方的法律地位,", "深为关切在武装冲突中违反适用国际法攻击和威胁攻击学校和/或医院以及与学校和/或医院有联系的受保护人的行为,以及学校和医院因受到攻击和攻击威胁而关闭,并呼吁武装冲突各方立即停止这类攻击和威胁,", "回顾大会关于“紧急情况中的受教育权利”的决议(第64/290号决议)有关武装冲突中儿童问题的规定,", "注意到《儿童权利公约》第二十八条承认儿童受教育的权利,规定了《公约》缔约国的义务,以期在机会均等的基础上逐步实现这项权利,", "1. 强烈谴责一切违反适用国际法的行为,包括武装冲突各方招募和使用儿童,再招募、杀害和致残儿童、对儿童实施强奸和其他性暴力、绑架儿童、攻击学校或医院、武装冲突各方拒绝让人道主义人员和物资通行以在武装冲突中对儿童实行的其他所有违反国际法的行为;", "2. 重申,将根据安理会第1612(2005)号决议第2段所列原则,在秘书长关于儿童与武装冲突问题的报告附件一和二(“附件”)所列局势中,继续落实监察和报告机制,并重申该机制的建立和落实不应预先判断或暗示安全理事会已就是否将某一局势列入其议程作出决定;", "3. 回顾第1379(2001)号决议第16段,请秘书长也把武装冲突中违反适用国际法、(a) 一再攻击学校和/或医院和(b) 一再攻击或威胁攻击学校和/或医院有关受保护人的武装冲突当事方列入其关于儿童与武装冲突问题的报告附件,同时考虑到其他所有侵害和虐待儿童的行为,并指出,本段将适用于符合第1379(2001)号决议第16段所述条件的那些局势;", "4. 敦促武装冲突各方不采取阻碍儿童享受教育和保健服务的行动,请秘书长继续监测和报告违反国际人道主义法将学校和医院用于军事目的以及攻击和/或绑架教师和医护人员等情况;", "5. 请秘书长通过秘书长儿童与武装冲突问题特别代表交流有关信息,尽早就可能列入定期报告附件的各方侵害和虐待儿童的行为,与有关国家政府保持沟通;", "6. 注意到,武装冲突的一些当事方已响应安理会向其发出的起草和执行有具体时限的行动计划以便不再违反适用国际法招募和使用儿童的呼吁,同时", "(a) 再次呼吁尚未起草和执行行动计划的秘书长关于儿童与武装冲突的报告附件开列的武装冲突当事方,立即起草和执行行动计划,停止违反适用国际法招募和使用儿童、杀害和残害儿童,并停止对儿童实施强奸和其他性暴力;", "(b) 呼吁那些已有行动计划但在其后因有多次侵害行为而被列入附件的当事方酌情另外起草和执行行动计划,停止违反适用国际法杀害和残害儿童、一再攻击学校和/或医院、一再攻击或威胁攻击学校和/或医院的有关受保护人,并停止对儿童实施强奸和其他性暴力;", "(c) 呼吁秘书长关于儿童与武装冲突的报告附件开列的在武装冲突中违反适用国际法一再攻击学校和/或医院、一再攻击或威胁攻击学校和/或医院的有关受保护人的当事方立即起草有具体时限的行动计划,以便停止这些侵害和虐待行为;", "(d) 还呼吁秘书长关于儿童与武装冲突的报告附件开列的所有各方立即停止其他所有侵害和虐待儿童的行为,并就此做出具体承诺和采取具体措施;", "(e) 敦促秘书长关于儿童与武装冲突的报告附件开列的各方与秘书长儿童与武装冲突问题特别代表和联合国国家一级监测和报告工作队密切合作,执行本段的规定;", "7. 在这方面鼓励会员国与联合国国家一级监测和报告工作队和联合国国家工作队密切协商,协助制订和执行有时限的行动计划,协助联合国国家一级工作队审查和监测与儿童保护与武装冲突有关的义务和承诺;", "8. 请联合国国家一级监测和报告工作队考虑在其报告中列入有关国家政府提供的相关信息,确保有关机制收集和提交的信息是准确、客观、可靠和可以核查的;", "9. 重申安理会决心确保它有关儿童与武装冲突的决议得到遵守,并为此:", "(a) 欢迎安理会儿童与武装冲突问题工作组按第1612(2005)号决议第8段的要求不断开展工作和提出建议,请工作组继续定期向安全理事会提交报告;", "(b) 对某些当事方继续侵害和虐待儿童深表关切,表示准备在考虑到第1539 (2004)号、第1612(2005)号和第1882(2009)号决议相关规定的情况下,对屡犯者采取有针对性和程度有别的措施;", "(c) 请工作组与安全理事会有关制裁委员会加强交流,包括交流武装冲突中侵害和虐待儿童行为的相关信息;", "(d) 鼓励安理会有关制裁委员会继续请秘书长儿童与武装冲突问题特别代表向委员会具体介绍她任务涉及的与委员会工作相关的事项,鼓励制裁委员会铭记秘书长关于儿童与武装冲突的报告中的相关建议,鼓励秘书长特别代表同有关制裁委员会专家组分享秘书长报告中的具体信息;", "(e) 表示打算在设立、修改或延长有关制裁委员会的任期时,考虑对从事违反关于武装冲突中儿童的权利与保护的适用国际法的活动的武装冲突各方做出规定;", "10. 鼓励愿向安全理事会提交安理会关于儿童与武装冲突的各项决议执行情况相关信息的会员国继续这样做;", "11. 呼吁有关会员国立即对一贯在武装冲突中侵害和虐待儿童的人采取果断行动,呼吁它们通过本国司法系统以及酌情通过国际司法机制及混合刑事法院和法庭,将那些要对适用国际法禁止的侵害行为,包括招募和使用儿童、杀害和残害儿童和/或实施强奸和其他性暴力负责的人,绳之以法,以便消除侵害儿童罪行施行者不受惩罚的现象;", "12. 强调联合国国家一级监测和报告工作队有责任根据各自的任务规定,切实落实安全理事会关于儿童与武装冲突的各项决议,并与秘书长儿童与武装冲突问题特别代表密切合作,监测并向秘书长报告进展情况,协调处理儿童与武装冲突方面的问题;", "13. 再次请秘书长确保在关于具体国家局势的报告中作为报告的一个具体内容,论及儿童与武装冲突问题,表示安理会打算在审理议程上的这些局势时,充分注意报告提供的信息,包括安全理事会相关决议的执行情况和安理会儿童与武装冲突问题工作组的建议;", "14. 重申安理会决定继续将保护儿童的具体规定列入联合国所有相关维持和平、建设和平和政治特派团的任务规定,鼓励在这些特派团中部署儿童保护顾问,并呼吁秘书长确保按安理会涉及具体国家的相关决议和维持和平行动部(维和部)关于考虑到受武装冲突影响儿童的保护、权利和福祉的政策指示,征聘和部署这些顾问;", "15. 请会员国、联合国维持和平、建设和平和政治特派团以及联合国国家工作队,根据各自的任务规定,与有关国家政府密切合作,确定适当的战略和协调机制,以便就保护儿童问题,特别是跨界问题,交流信息和开展合作,同时铭记安全理事会儿童与武装冲突问题工作组的相关结论和安理会第1612(2005)号决议第2(d)段;", "16. 欢迎国家监测和报告工作队取得进展,强调必须有一个拥有足够人员的强化监测和报告机制,确保根据安理会第1612(2005)号和第1882(2009)号决议,切实落实秘书长的建议和儿童与武装冲突问题工作组的结论;", "17. 请秘书长继续采取必要措施,包括在可行时让监测和报告机制编制满员,以便迅速通报所有侵害和虐待儿童的行为并对其做出有效反应,确保该机制收集和提交的信息是准确、客观、可靠和可以核查的;", "18. 强调,按儿童基金会和包括国际劳工组织在内的其他相关保护儿童组织提出的最佳做法,为儿童制订有效的解除武装、复员和重返社会方案,对于保障所有被武装部队或团体违反适用国际法招募或使用的儿童的福祉至关重要,是实现持久和平与安全的一个重要因素,敦促各国政府和捐助者确保这些社区方案不断及时获得充足的资源和资金;", "19. 呼吁会员国、包括建设和平委员会在内的联合国实体和其他有关各方确保将受武装冲突影响儿童的保护、权利和福祉列入所有和平进程,确保冲突后恢复和重建的规划、方案和战略优先考虑与受武装冲突影响儿童有关的问题;", "20. 请儿童与武装冲突问题特别代表向安全理事会通报将各方列入秘书长关于儿童与武装冲突的定期报告附件的方法,以便于交换意见;", "21. 指示安理会儿童与武装冲突问题工作组在武装与冲突问题特别代表的支持下,在一年内考虑各种旨在增加对武装冲突中一贯侵害和虐待儿童的人的压力的方案;", "22. 请秘书长至迟于2012年6月提交报告,说明安理会关于儿童与武装冲突的各项决议、包括本决议和主席声明的执行情况,其中包括:", "(a) 根据第1882(2009)号决议第19(a)段和本决议第3段列入附件的安全理事会议程上的武装冲突局势或其他局势各方的名单;", "(b) 附件所列各方为停止武装冲突中侵害和虐待儿童行为采取措施的信息;", "(c) 落实安理会第1612(2005)号决议所设监测和报告机制的进展的信息;", "(d) 根据本决议第3段把武装冲突各方列入名单和除名的标准和程序的信息,同时铭记工作组全体成员在2011年底前举行的非正式情况通报中发表的意见;", "23. 决定继续积极处理此案。" ]
[ "第1998(2011)号决议", "2011年7月12日安全理事会第6581次会议通过", "安全理事会,", "重申其1999年8月25日第1261(1999)号、2000年8月11日第1314(2000)号、2001年11月20日第1379(2001)号、2003年1月30日第1460(2003)号、2004年4月22日第1539(2004)号、2005年7月26日第1612(2005)号和2009年8月4日第1882(2009)号决议,以及所有相关的主席声明,这些决议有助于建立保护受武装冲突影响儿童的综合框架;", "重申安理会维护国际和平与安全的首要责任,并在这方面承诺处理武装冲突对儿童的广泛影响;", "呼吁武装冲突各方严格遵守国际法,包括《儿童权利公约》及其《关于儿童卷入武装冲突问题的任择议定书》以及1949年8月12日《日内瓦四公约》及其1977年《附加议定书》所载适用于它们的义务;", "承认第1612(2005)号和第1882(2009)号决议的执行已取得进展,使儿童获释并重新融入其家庭和社区,并与联合国国家一级工作队和武装冲突各方就执行有时限行动计划问题进行更系统的对话,同时仍然深感关切的是,在一些令人关切的局势中,实地缺乏进展,冲突各方继续违反有关武装冲突中儿童权利和保护的适用国际法的相关规定而不受惩罚;", "强调各国政府在向受武装冲突影响的所有儿童提供保护和救济方面起主要作用,并重申联合国各实体在监测和报告机制框架内采取的所有行动必须旨在酌情支持和补充各国政府的保护和康复作用;", "深信保护武装冲突中的儿童应当是任何解决冲突的全面战略的一个重要方面;", "回顾各国有责任结束有罪不罚现象并起诉那些对儿童犯下灭绝种族罪、危害人类罪、战争罪和其他恶劣罪行的人;", "强调需要通过国家司法系统,并酌情通过国际司法机制以及混合刑事法院和法庭,将被指控在武装冲突局势中对儿童犯下罪行的行为人绳之以法,以结束有罪不罚现象;", "又注意到《国际刑事法院罗马规约》的相关规定;", "审议了秘书长2011年5月11日的报告(A/65/820-S/2011/250),强调本决议并不寻求从法律上确定秘书长报告中提及的局势是否属于日内瓦四公约及其附加议定书范围内的武装冲突,也不预先判断参与这些局势的非国家当事方的法律地位;", "对违反适用的国际法袭击和威胁袭击学校和(或)医院以及与之有关的被保护人以及在武装冲突中因袭击和威胁袭击而关闭学校和医院深表关切,并呼吁武装冲突各方立即停止此类袭击和威胁;", "回顾大会关于“紧急情况下受教育权”的决议(A/RES/64/290)中与武装冲突中的儿童有关的规定;", "注意到《儿童权利公约》第28条承认儿童受教育的权利并规定了《公约》缔约国的义务,以期在机会均等的基础上逐步实现这项权利;", "1. 联合国 1. 强烈谴责武装冲突各方违反相关国际法的一切行为,包括招募和使用儿童,以及武装冲突局势中再次招募、杀害和残害儿童、强奸和其他性暴力、绑架、袭击学校或医院、不让人道主义援助进入以及所有其他违反国际法的行为;", "2. 联合国 2. 重申将根据安理会第1612(2005)号决议第2段所述原则,继续在秘书长关于儿童与武装冲突问题的报告附件一和附件二(“附件”)所列局势中实施监测和报告机制,而且该机制的设立和实施不应预先判断或暗示安全理事会决定是否将某一局势列入其议程;", "3个 2. 回顾其第1379(2001)号决议第16段,并请秘书长也在其关于儿童与武装冲突的报告附件中列入那些违反有关国际法从事武装冲突的当事方;", "(a) 对学校和(或)医院的经常性袭击", "(b) 在武装冲突局势中经常攻击或威胁攻击与学校和(或)医院有关的受保护人员,同时铭记对儿童犯下的所有其他侵害和虐待行为,并注意到本段将适用于符合安理会第1379(2001)号决议第16段所列条件的局势;", " 4.四. 敦促武装冲突各方不要采取阻碍儿童获得教育和保健服务的行动,并请秘书长继续监测和报告违反国际人道主义法将学校和医院用于军事目的的情况以及对教师和医务人员的攻击和(或)绑架;", "5 (韩语). 11. 请秘书长通过负责儿童与武装冲突问题的秘书长特别代表,就可能列入其定期报告附件的各方侵犯和虐待儿童的行为,尽早同有关国家政府交流适当信息并保持互动;", "6. 国家 注意到一些武装冲突当事方响应了安理会的呼吁,制订和执行有时限的具体行动计划,以制止违反可适用的国际法招募和使用儿童;", "(a) 再次呼吁秘书长关于儿童与武装冲突问题的报告附件所列尚未制订和执行行动计划的武装冲突当事方立即拟订和执行行动计划,以制止违反适用的国际法招募和使用儿童、杀害和残害儿童以及对儿童的强奸和其他性暴力;", "(b) 吁请已制订出行动计划但此后仍被列名犯有多项侵权行为的各方酌情制定并执行单独的行动计划,以制止违反相关国际法杀害和残害儿童、一再袭击学校和(或)医院、一再袭击或威胁袭击学校和(或)医院相关受保护人员的行为,并停止强奸儿童并停止对儿童实施其他性暴力;", "(c) 吁请秘书长关于儿童与武装冲突问题的报告附件所列那些违反适用的国际法,一再攻击学校和(或)医院,一再攻击或威胁攻击与学校和(或)医院有关的受保护人员的人的当事方,毫不拖延地制订有时限的具体行动计划,以制止这些侵犯和虐待行为;", "(d) 进一步呼吁秘书长关于儿童与武装冲突问题的报告附件所列所有各方处理所有其他侵犯和虐待儿童的行为,并在此方面作出具体承诺和采取具体措施;", "(e) 敦促秘书长关于儿童与武装冲突问题的报告附件所列各方同负责儿童与武装冲突问题的秘书长特别代表和联合国国家一级监测和报告工作队密切合作,执行本段所载各项规定;", "7. 联合国 在这方面,鼓励会员国与联合国国家一级监察和报告工作队和联合国国家工作队密切协商,想出办法,促进制定和执行有时限的行动计划,并由联合国国家一级任务组审查和监测与保护儿童与武装冲突有关的义务和承诺;", "8. 联合国 8. 请联合国国家一级监测和报告工作队考虑在其报告中列入有关政府提供的有关资料,并确保该机制所收集和传递的资料准确、客观、可靠和可核查;", "9. 国家 重申决心确保其关于儿童与武装冲突的各项决议得到尊重,并在这方面:", "(a) 欢迎儿童与武装冲突问题工作组按照第1612(2005)号决议第8段的要求持续开展活动并提出建议,请工作组继续定期向安全理事会提出报告;", "(b) 表示深为关切某些方面继续侵犯和虐待儿童,并表示愿意在考虑到安理会第1539(2004)、1612(2005)和1882(2009)号决议相关规定的情况下,针对惯犯采取有针对性和程度有别的措施;", "(c) 请工作组同安全理事会有关制裁委员会加强沟通,包括就武装冲突中侵犯和虐待儿童行为交流相关信息;", "(d) 鼓励其有关制裁委员会继续邀请负责儿童和武装冲突问题的秘书长特别代表向它们介绍与其任务有关并与各委员会的工作有关的具体资料,并鼓励各制裁委员会铭记秘书长关于儿童与武装冲突问题的报告中的有关建议,并鼓励秘书长特别代表同有关制裁委员会专家组分享秘书长报告中的具体资料;", "(e) 表示打算在建立、修改或延长有关制裁制度的任务时,考虑列入有关武装冲突各方从事违反有关武装冲突中儿童权利和保护的适用国际法的活动的规定;", "10个 5. 鼓励愿意这样做的会员国继续就安理会关于儿童与武装冲突的各项决议的执行情况向安全理事会提供有关资料;", "11个 9. 吁请有关会员国立即对在武装冲突中侵犯和虐待儿童的惯犯采取果断行动,还吁请它们将那些对适用国际法所禁止的侵犯行为负责者绳之以法,包括招募和使用儿童、杀害和残害儿童、强奸和其他性暴力、袭击学校和(或)医院、袭击或威胁袭击学校和(或)医院相关受保护人员的行为,并酌情通过国际司法机制及混合刑事法院和法庭,以终止对儿童犯罪而不受惩罚的现象;", "12个 10. 强调联合国国家一级监测和报告工作队和联合国国家工作队有责任根据各自的任务规定,确保就安全理事会关于儿童与武装冲突问题的各项决议采取有效的后续行动,同秘书长儿童与武装冲突问题特别代表密切合作,监测进展情况并向秘书长提出报告,确保对与儿童与武装冲突问题作出协调一致的反应;", "13个 7. 再次请秘书长确保在其关于具体国家局势的所有报告中将儿童与武装冲突问题列为报告的一个具体方面,并表示打算在处理其议程上的这些局势时,充分注意报告中所提供的资料,包括安全理事会有关决议和安理会儿童与武装冲突问题工作组各项建议的执行情况;", "14个 重申决定继续将保护儿童的具体规定列入联合国所有相关维持和平、建设和平和政治特派团的任务规定,鼓励向这些特派团部署儿童保护顾问,并请秘书长确保根据安理会关于具体国家的决议和维持和平行动部(维和部)关于将武装冲突中保护儿童的权利和福祉纳入主流的政策指示征聘和部署这些顾问;", "15个 4. 请会员国、联合国维持和平、建设和平及政治特派团和联合国国家工作队在各自任务范围内同有关国家政府密切合作,制定适当的战略和协调机制,就儿童保护问题,特别是跨界问题交流信息并开展合作,同时铭记安全理事会儿童与武装冲突问题工作组的相关结论和安理会第1612(2005)号决议第2(d)段;", "16号. 欢迎国家监察和报告任务组取得的进展,并强调需要加强具有足够能力的监察和报告机制,以确保根据第1612(2005)号和第1882(2009)号决议,就秘书长的建议和儿童与武装冲突问题工作组的结论采取适当的后续行动;", "17岁。 10. 请秘书长继续采取必要措施,包括酌情使监测和报告机制充分发挥其能力,以便迅速进行宣传并有效应对所有侵害和虐待儿童的行为,并确保该机制所收集和传递的信息准确、客观、可靠和可核查;", "18岁。 9. 强调有效的儿童解除武装、复员和重返社会方案以儿童基金会和包括国际劳工组织在内的其他相关儿童保护行为体确定的最佳做法为基础,对于所有被武装部队和武装团体违反适用的国际法招募或使用的儿童的福祉至关重要,是实现持久和平与安全的关键因素,并敦促各国政府和捐助方确保这些基于社区的方案及时、持续地获得充足的资源和资金;", " 19. 19. 4. 吁请会员国、联合国实体,包括建设和平委员会和其他有关方面,确保将受武装冲突影响的儿童的保护、权利、福祉和赋权纳入所有和平进程,并确保冲突后恢复和重建规划、方案和战略将受武装冲突影响儿童问题作为优先事项;", "20号. 8. 请儿童与武装冲突问题特别代表向安全理事会简报将各方列入秘书长关于儿童与武装冲突的定期报告附件的方式,以便能交换意见;", "21岁 3. 指示儿童与武装冲突问题工作组在儿童与武装冲突问题特别代表的支持下,在一年内审议各种备选办法,以加大对在武装冲突中侵犯和虐待儿童的惯犯的压力;", "22号. 4. 请秘书长在2012年6月前提交一份报告,说明安理会关于儿童与武装冲突的各项决议和主席声明,包括本决议的执行情况,其中除其他外将:", "(a) 根据第1882(2009)号决议第19(a)段和本决议第3段,随附安全理事会议程所列武装冲突局势或其他局势中的当事方名单;", "(b) 关于附件所列各方为制止武装冲突局势中所有侵犯和虐待儿童行为所采取措施的资料;", "(c) 关于执行安理会第1612(2005)号决议所设立的监测和报告机制所取得进展的资料;", "(d) 关于根据本决议第3段在其定期报告附件中列名和除名武装冲突当事方的标准和程序的资料,并铭记工作组所有成员在2011年底前举行的非正式简报会上表达的意见;", "23. 联合国 6. 决定继续积极处理此案。" ]
[ "Sixty-sixth session", "* A/66/50.", "Item 99 (g) of the preliminary list*", "General and complete disarmament: transparency in armaments", "United Nations Register of Conventional Arms", "Report of the Secretary-General", "Summary", "The present report, which is submitted pursuant to General Assembly resolution 64/54, contains information received from Member States on the export and import of conventional arms covered by the United Nations Register of Conventional Arms, including “nil” reports, as well as additional background information on military holdings, procurement through national production and international transfers of small arms and light weapons for the calendar year 2010. As of the date of the present report, the Secretary-General has received reports from 64 Governments.", "Contents", "Page\nI.Introduction 3II.Information 3 received from \nGovernments A. Index 4 of information submitted by \nGovernments B.Reports 6 received from Governments on conventional arms \ntransfers III.Information 41 received from Governments on military holdings and procurement through national \nproduction IV.Information 73 received from Governments on international transfers of small arms and light \nweapons \nAnnex Viewsreceived 145 from Governmentsinaccordance withparagraph6 (a) and6 (b)of General \nAssemblyresolution64/54", "I. Introduction", "1. The present report is the nineteenth consolidated report on the United Nations Register of Conventional Arms issued by the Secretary-General since the establishment of the Register.[1] The General Assembly, in paragraphs 3 to 5 of resolution 64/54, called upon Member States to provide annually their data and information on international transfers of major conventional arms covered by the Register, including “nil” reports, and additional background information.", "2. On 3 March 2011, the Office for Disarmament Affairs sent a note verbale to Member States requesting them to submit their reports no later than 31 May 2011. The replies received are reproduced in sections III and IV and in the annex below. Any further national reports and additional information received from Governments will be issued as addenda to the present report.", "II. Information received from Governments", "3. Information received from Governments is presented below as follows.", "(a) Section II, which includes:", "(i) Part A — an index of information received by the Secretary-General;", "(ii) Part B — individual replies of Governments on transfers of conventional arms;", "(b) Section III, which contains background information submitted by Governments on military holdings and procurement through national production;", "(c) Section IV, which includes background information submitted by Governments on the international transfers of small arms and light weapons;", "(d) An annex, containing the views of Member States is provided in response to paragraph 6 (b) of General Assembly resolution 64/54 on “whether the absence of small arms and light weapons as a main category in the Register has limited its relevance and directly affected decisions on participation”.", "4. The originals of the replies from Member States are available through the Office for Disarmament Affairs. The annual reports and other relevant information on the Register of Conventional Arms are available electronically on the Office’s website (see", "A. Index of information submitted by Governments", "State\tReportreceivedon\tDataonexports\tDataonimports\tBackgroundinformation Viewsoninclusionofsmallarmsandlightweaponsin the \n Register Militaryholdings Procurementthroughnationalproduction\tInternationaltransfersofsmall arms andlight \n weapons \n1.\tAndorra\t10.06.11\tnil\tnil yes\t\n2.\tArgentina\t20.06.11\tnil\tnil\tyes^(a)\tnil\tnil\t\n3.\tAustralia\t01.06.11\tyes\tyes\tyes\tyes\tyes\t\n4.\tAustria\t01.06.11\tyes\tyes\tyes\tnil\tyes\t\n5.\tBangladesh\t29.06.11\tnil\tyes nil\t\n6.\tBelarus\t10.06.11\tyes\tnil \n7.\tBelize\t24.03.11\tnil\tnil \n8.\tBhutan\t18.04.11\tnil\tnil \n9.\tBosnia andHerzegovina\t29.06.11\tyes\tyes yes\t\n10.\tBrazil\t17.06.11\tnil\tyes \n11.\tBulgaria\t01.06.11\tyes\tyes\tyes\tnil\tyes\t\n12.\tCambodia\t16.03.11\tnil\tnil \n13.\tCanada\t27.06.11\tyes\tyes\tyes\tnil\tyes\t\n14.\tChile\t31.05.11\tnil\tyes yes\t\n15.\tCroatia\t01.06.11\tnil\tnil yes\t\n16.\tCyprus\t06.06.11\tnil\tyes \n17.\tCzech Republic\t01.06.11\tyes\tyes yes\t\n18.\tDominicanRepublic\t25.05.11\tnil\tyes \n19.\tEl Salvador\t13.05.11\tnil\tnil \n20.\tEstonia\t11.05.11\tnil\tnil\tyes \n21.\tFinland\t31.05.11\tnil\tyes\tyes\tnil \n22.\tGermany^(b)\t23.06.11\tyes\tyes\tyes\tyes\tyes\t\n23.\tGreece\t31.05.11\tyes\tyes yes\t\n24.\tGrenada\t16.05.11\tnil\tnil yes\t\n25.\tGuyana\t13.06.11\tnil\tnil nil\t\n26.\tHungary\t08.06.11\tyes\tnil\tyes yes\t\n27.\tIndia\t06.06.11\tnil\tyes \n28.\tIreland\t25.05.11\tnil\tnil yes\t\n29.\tJapan\t31.05.11\tnil\tnil\tyes\tyes^(c) \n30.\tLatvia\t24.05.11\tnil\tnil yes\t\n31.\tLebanon\t06.06.11\tnil\tnil nil\tnil\t\n32.\tLiechtenstein\t20.05.11\tnil\tnil yes\t\n33.\tLithuania\t31.05.11\tnil\tyes\tyes yes\t\n34.\tMalaysia\t03.06.11\tnil\tnil \n35.\tMalta\t29.03.11\tnil\tnil nil\t\n36.\tMexico\t18.05.11\tnil\tnil yes\t\n37.\tMonaco\t18.03.11\tnil\tnil \n38.\tMongolia\t31.05.11\tnil\tnil nil\t\n39.\tNetherlands\t14.06.11\tyes\tyes\tyes\tnil\tyes\tyes\n40.\tNorway\t01.06.11\tyes\tyes yes\t\n41.\tPakistan\t15.06.11\tnil\tyes \n42.\tPalau\t04.04.11\tnil\tnil \n43.\tPeru\t13.06.11\tnil\tyes yes\t\n44.\tPoland\t22.06.11 yes\tyes \n45.\tPortugal\t10.06.11\tnil\tyes yes\t\n46.\tRepublic ofKorea\t07.04.11\tnil\tyes yes\t\n47.\tRomania\t01.06.11\tyes\tyes\tyes\tnil\tyes\t\n48.\tRussianFederation\t31.05.11\tyes\tnil \n49.\tSamoa\t15.03.11\tnil\tnil \n50.\tSan Marino\t21.06.11\tnil\tnil \n51.\tSerbia\t08.06.11\tyes\tyes yes\t\n52.\tSlovakia\t31.05.11\tyes\tyes\tyes\tnil\tyes\t\n53.\tSolomon Islands\t25.04.11\tnil\tnil \n54.\tSuriname\t11.03.11\tnil\tnil \n55.\tSwitzerland\t23.05.11\tyes\tnil\tyes\tnil\tyes\t\n56.\tThe formerYugoslavRepublic ofMacedonia\t21.04.11\tnil\tnil \n57.\tTrinidad andTobago\t31.05.11\tnil\tnil\tyes^(d) nil\t\n58.\tTurkey\t06.06.11\tyes\tyes yes\t\n59.\tTurkmenistan\t12.04.11\tnil\tnil \n60.\tUkraine\t23.06.11\tyes\tyes yes\t\n61.\tUnited Kingdom\t24.06.11\tyes\tyes\tyes\tyes\tyes\t\n62.\tUnited States\t27.05.11\tyes\tnil\tyes\tyes \n63.\tUruguay\t14.04.11\tnil\tnil \n64.\tViet Nam\t20.05.11\tnil\tyes", "^(a) Argentina also provided information on military holdings in small arms and light weapons.", "^(b) Germany also provided information on policy and practice on export of conventional weapons and related technologies. The report is published in English and available from", "^(c) Japan also provided information on procurement through national production of small arms and light weapons.", "^(d) Trinidad and Tobago provided information on military holdings in small arms and light weapons.", "B. Reports received from Governments on conventional arms transfers", "Australia", "Original language: English Calendar year: 2010", "Background information provided: yes Date of submission: 1 June 2011", "National points of contact: yes", "Exports", "A B C D E Remarks \nCategory(I-VII) FinalimporterState(s)\tNumberofitems\tStateoforigin(ifnotexporter)\tIntermediatelocation(ifany) Descriptionof item\tCommentsontransfer \nII.\tArmouredcombatvehicles\tNetherlandsCanada\t403 Armouredvehicles Informationis basedonexport \n approvalsbyAustralia’sDefenceExportsControlOffice,notactualexports.", "Imports", "A B C D E Remarks Category ExporterState(s)\tNumberofitems\tStateoforigin(ifnotexported)\tIntermediatelocation(ifany) Descriptionof item\tCommentsontransfer \n(I-VII) \nIV.\tCombataircraft\tUnitedStates\t11 F/A-18SuperHornet\t\nV.\tAttackhelicopters\tFranceGermany\t34 Eurocopter,armedreconnaissancehelicopterMRH-90multi-rolehelicopter\t\nVII.\tMissilesandmissilelaunchers\t(a)UnitedStates\tclassified SM2,RIM-162B,FGM-148E,AIM-9X,AGM-154,AGM-158\t\n Sweden\tclassified RBS 70\t\n (b)", "Austria", "Original language: English Calendar year: 2010", "Background information provided: yes Date of submission: 1 June 2011", "National points of contact: yes", "Exports", "A B C D E Remarks \nCategory(I-VII) FinalimporterState(s)\tNumberofitems\tStateoforigin(ifnotexporter)\tIntermediatelocation(ifany) Descriptionof item\tCommentsontransfer \nII.\tArmouredcombatvehicles\tPortugal\t7 PandurII\t\nIII.\tLarge-calibreartillerysystems\tSaudiArabia\t37 120mmmortarM12 1535", "Imports", "A B C D E Remarks \nCategory(I-VII) ExporterState(s)\tNumberofitems\tStateoforigin(ifnotexporter)\tIntermediatelocation(ifany) Descriptionof item\tCommentsontransfer \nII.\tArmouredcombatvehicles\tPortugal\t1 PandurII 8x8", "Bangladesh", "Original language: English Calendar year: 2010", "Background information provided: yes Date of submission: 29 June 2011", "National points of contact: yes", "Imports", "[TABLE]", "Belarus", "Original language: Russian Calendar year: 2010", "Background information provided: no Date of submission: 10 June 2011", "National points of contact: yes", "Exports", "A B C D E Remarks \nCategory(I-VII) FinalimporterState(s)\tNumberofitems\tStateoforigin(ifnotexporter)\tIntermediatelocation(ifany) Descriptionof item\tCommentsontransfer \nI.\tBattletanks\tYemen\t66\tRussian T-805 \n Federation \nIII.\tLarge-calibreartillerysystems\tAzerbaijan\t30\tRussianFederation 120mmhowitzerD-30\tIV.\tCombataircraft\tAzerbaijanSudan\t11\tRussianFederation Su-25Su-25 Russian \n Federation V.\tAttackhelicopters\tNigeriaUganda\t21\tRussianFederation Mi-24Mi-24 Russian \n Federation", "Brazil", "Original language: English Calendar year: 2010", "Background information provided: no Date of submission: 17 June 2011", "National points of contact: yes", "Imports", "[TABLE]", "Bosnia and Herzegovina", "Original language: English Calendar year: 2010", "Background information provided: yes Date of submission: 29 June 2011", "National points of contact: yes", "Exports", "[TABLE]", "Imports", "A B C D E Remarks Category ExporterState(s)\tNumberofitems\tStateoforigin(ifnotexporter)\tIntermediatelocation(ifany) Descriptionof item\tCommentsontransfer \n(I-VII) \nII.\tAttackhelicopters\tSerbia\t2 1Bell-206L LongRanger, 1 \n Bell-206B JetRanger", "Bulgaria", "Original language: English Calendar year: 2010", "Background information provided: yes Date of submission: 1 June 2011", "National points of contact: yes", "Exports", "A B C D E Remarks Category FinalimporterState(s)\tNumberofitems\tStateoforigin(ifnotexporter)\tIntermediatelocation(ifany) Descriptionof item\tCommentsontransfer \n(I-VII) \nI.\tBattletanks\tCambodia\t50\tSerbia T-55\t\nII.\tArmouredcombatvehicles\tCambodia\t404 BTR60-PBBRDM-2\tIII.\tLarge-calibreartillerysystems\tUgandaYemen\t35054 82mmmortar81mmmortar82mmmortar \n 36 120mmmortar", "Imports", "A B C D E Remarks Category ExporterState(s)\tNumberofitems\tStateoforigin(ifnotexporter)\tIntermediatelocation(ifany) Descriptionof item\tCommentsontransfer \n(I-VII) \nI.\tBattletanks\tSerbia\t50 \nII.\tArmouredcombatvehicles\tIsrael\t5 Sand Catvehicle", "Canada", "Original language: English Calendar year: 2010", "Background information provided: yes Date of submission: 27 June 2011", "National points of contact: yes", "Exports", "A B C D E Remarks Category FinalimporterState(s)\tNumberofitems\tStateoforigin(ifnotexporter)\tIntermediatelocation(ifany) Descriptionof item\tCommentsontransfer \n(I-VII) \nI.\tBattletanks\tNorway\t2 LeopardC1\tDemilitarized\nII.\tArmouredcombatvehicles\tChileNigeria\t464\tUnitedStates M548A1/A2Armouredvehicle\tPolice/military", "Imports", "A B C D E Remarks Category ExporterState(s)\tNumberofitems\tStateoforigin(ifnotexporter)\tIntermediatelocation(ifany) Descriptionof item\tCommentsontransfer \n(I-VII) \nIII.\tLarge-calibreartillerysystems\tUnitedStates\t19 M777155mmtowedhowitzer", "Note: No information provided on export and import in category VII for reasons of national security.", "Chile", "Original language: Spanish Calendar year: 2010 \nBackground information provided: yes\tDate of submission: 31May 2011\n National points of contact: no", "Imports", "A\tB\tC\tD\tE Remarks\tCategory(I-VII)\tExporterState(s)\tNumberofitems\tStateoforigin(ifnot\tIntermediatelocation(ifany) DescriptionofItem\tComments ontransfer \n exporter) \nI.Battletanks\tGermany\t11456236 Marder1A3LeopardIVLeopard2\tNo.7210/1506 of30 Ap 2010No.7210/3759 of13 Sep 2010No. 7210/610of 8 Mar2010 Leopard2\tNo.7210/1873 of20 May 2010 \n No.7210/1914 of24 May 2010II.Armouredcombat\tGermany\t13 Leopard2A4C/CN\tNo.7210/1914 of20 May 2010 \n vehicles III.Large-calibreartillery\tSpain\t4 EXPALM-8681mmmortar \n systems \nVI.Warships\tUnitedStates\t1 Oil", "Czech Republic", "Original language: English Calendar year: 2010", "Background information provided: yes Date of submission: 1 June 2011", "National points of contact: no", "Exports", "[TABLE]", "Imports", "A B C D E Remarks Category ExporterState(s)\tNumberofitems\tStateoforigin(ifnotexporter)\tIntermediatelocation(ifany) Descriptionof item\tCommentsontransfer \n(I-VII) \nI.\tBattletanks\tBulgaria\t69 T-55\tII.\tArmouredcombatvehicles\tItalyPolandSwedenAustriaHungarySlovakia\t3210143351368 IvecoM65SEOT-64,SKOT,BRDM-2Pbv-501PandurIIBRDM-2,BTR-60 \n 1 \nIII.\tLarge-calibreartillerysystems\tSlovakiaHungary\t23 HowitzerD-30Howitzer“Acacia”", "Dominican Republic", "Original language: Spanish Calendar year: 2010", "Background information provided: no Date of submission: 25 May 2011", "National points of contact: yes", "Imports", "A B C D E Remarks Category ExporterState(s)\tNumberofitems\tStateoforigin(ifnotexporter)\tIntermediatelocation(ifany) Descriptionof item\tCommentsontransfer \n(I-VII) \nIV.\tCombataircraft\tBrazil\t6 A-29SuperTucano", "Finland", "Original language: English Calendar year: 2010", "Background information provided: yes Date of submission: 31 May 2011", "National points of contact: yes", "Imports", "[TABLE]", "Germany", "Original language: English Calendar year: 2010", "Background information provided: yes Date of submission: 23 June 2011", "National points of contact: yes", "Exports", "[TABLE]", "Imports", "[TABLE]", "Notes:", "1. Germany applies the departure of equipment from the exporter’s territory and the arrival of equipment in the importer’s territory as criteria when recording its arms transfers.", "2. Germany continues:", "(a) To record only transfers of complete equipment, as defined in the seven categories;", "(b) Not to include transfers of the following items:", "(i) Items that have been demilitarized;", "(ii) Items transferred for destruction or disposal (especially scrapping);", "(iii) Items serving as museum exhibits.", "Greece", "Original language: English Calendar year: 2010", "Background information provided: yes Date of submission: 31 May 2011", "National points of contact: yes", "Exports", "[TABLE]", "Imports", "[TABLE]", "Hungary", "Original language: English Calendar year: 2010", "Background information provided: yes Date of submission: 8 June 2011", "National points of contact: yes", "Exports", "A B C D E Remarks Category FinalimporterState(s)\tNumberofitems\tStateoforigin(ifnotexporter)\tIntermediatelocation(ifany) Descriptionof item\tCommentsontransfer \n(I-VII) \nII.\tArmouredcombatvehicles\tCzechRepublic\t9\tFormerUnionofSoviet BRMK-1K Socialist \n Republics III.\tLarge-calibreartillerysystems\tCzechRepublicUkraine\t7012\tFormerUnionofSoviet 2S1 SPhowitzer Socialist \n Republics IV.\tCombataircraft\tLatvia\t2\tFormerUnionofSoviet MiG-21 Socialist \n Republics V.\tAttackhelicopters\tLatvia\t1\tFormerUnionofSoviet Mi-24 Socialist \n Republics", "India", "Original language: English Calendar year: 2010", "Background information provided: no Date of submission: 6 June 2011", "National points of contact: no", "Imports", "[TABLE]", "Lithuania", "Original language: English Calendar year: 2010", "Background information provided: yes Date of submission: 31 May 2011", "National points of contact: yes", "Imports", "A B C D E Remarks Category ExporterState(s)\tNumberofitems\tStateoforigin(ifnotexporter)\tIntermediatelocation(ifany) Descriptionof item\tCommentsontransfer \n(I-VII) \nII.\tArmouredcombatvehicles\tSwedenItaly\t161 MortarM41DCannonOTOCompact\t\nVI.\tWarships\tUnitedKingdom\t1 MCM“Hunt:classvessel", "Netherlands", "Original language: English Calendar year: 2010", "Background information provided: yes Date of submission: 14 June 2011", "National points of contact: yes", "Exports", "[TABLE]", "Imports", "A B C D E Remarks Category ExporterState(s)\tNumberofitems\tStateoforigin(ifnotexporter)\tIntermediatelocation(ifany) Descriptionof item\tCommentsontransfer \n(I-VII) \nI.\tBattletanks\tGermany\t10 Leopard2\tForthepurposeofconversionto \n bridge-layingtanks", "Norway", "Original language: English Calendar year: 2010", "Background information provided: yes Date of submission: 1 June 2011", "National points of contact: yes", "Exports", "[TABLE]", "Imports", "A B C D E Remarks Category ExporterState(s)\tNumberofitems\tStateoforigin(ifnotexporter)\tIntermediatelocation(ifany) Descriptionof item\tCommentsontransfer \n(I-VII) \nII.\tArmouredcombatvehicles\tItalyGermany\t4510 IvecoLMVDingo-2\t\nIV.\tCombataircraft\tUnitedStates\t2 C-130J\t\nVI.\tWarships\tSpain\t1 Frigate", "Note: Norway applies transfer of title of ownership as a criterion when reporting its transfers.", "Pakistan", "Original language: English Calendar year: 2010", "Background information provided: no Date of submission: 15 June 2011", "National points of contact: yes", "Imports", "[TABLE]", "Peru", "Original language: Spanish Calendar year: 2010", "Background information provided: yes Date of submission: 13 June 2011", "National points of contact: no", "Imports", "[TABLE]", "Portugal", "Original language: English Calendar year: 2010", "Background information provided: yes Date of submission: 10 June 2011", "National points of contact: yes", "Imports", "A B C D E Remarks Category ExporterState(s)\tNumberofitems\tStateoforigin(ifnotexporter)\tIntermediatelocation(ifany) Descriptionof item\tCommentsontransfer \n(I-VII) \nVI.\tWarships\tGermanyNetherlands\t21 SubmarinesFrigateclass M\tForPortuguesenavy", "Republic of Korea", "Original language: English Calendar year: 2010", "Background information provided: yes Date of submission: 7 April 2011", "National points of contact: yes", "Imports", "[TABLE]", "Romania", "Original language: English Calendar year: 2010", "Background information provided: yes Date of submission: 1 June 2011", "National points of contact: yes", "Exports", "A B C D E Remarks Category FinalimporterState(s)\tNumberofitems\tStateoforigin(ifnotexporter)\tIntermediatelocation(ifany) Descriptionof item\tCommentsontransfer \n(I-VII) \nIII.\tLarge-calibreartillerysystems\tUnitedStates\t10 122msingle-barrellauncher\t\nIV.\tCombataircraft\tVietNam\t4 YAK-52\tTrainingaircraft\nV.\tAttackhelicopters\tNorway\t1 IAR 316B\tDemilitarized\nVI.\tWarships\tSweden\t1 Multi-purposeship", "Imports", "A B C D E Remarks Category ExporterState(s)\tNumberofitems\tStateoforigin(ifnotexporter)\tIntermediatelocation(ifany) Descriptionof item\tCommentsontransfer \n(I-VII) \nII.\tArmouredcombatvehicles\tSpain\t5 TT UROVamtacS3\t\nIV.\tCombataircraft\tItaly\t2 C-27JSpartan\tTransportaircraft\nVI.\tWarships\tIsrael\t3 ShaldagMK IV\tPatrolboat", "Note: National criteria on transfers: the departure of equipment from the exporter’s territory, the arrival of equipment in the importer’s territory, transfers of title, transfer of control.", "Russian Federation", "Original language: Russian Calendar year: 2010", "Background information provided: no Date of submission: 31 May 2011", "National points of contact: yes", "Exports", "[TABLE]", "Serbia", "Original language: English Calendar year: 2010", "Background information provided: yes Date of submission: 8 June 2011", "National points of contact: no", "Exports", "A B C D E Remarks Category FinalimporterState(s)\tNumberofitems\tStateoforigin(ifnotexporter)\tIntermediatelocation(ifany) Descriptionof item\tCommentsontransfer \n(I-VII) \nI.\tBattletanks\tCambodia\t60 Bulgaria T-55fromstock", "Imports", "A B C D E Remarks Category ExporterState(s)\tNumberofitems\tStateoforigin(ifnotexporter)\tIntermediatelocation(ifany) Descriptionof item\tCommentsontransfer \n(I-VII) \nIV.\tCombataircraft\tMontenegro\t6 N-62(G-4)Militarytrainer \n aircraft", "Slovakia", "Original language: English Calendar year: 2010", "Background information provided: yes Date of submission: 31 May 2011", "National points of contact: yes", "Exports", "A B C D E Remarks Category FinalimporterState(s)\tNumberofitems\tStateoforigin(ifnotexporter)\tIntermediatelocation(ifany) Descriptionof item\tCommentsontransfer \n(I-VII) \nII.\tArmouredcombatvehicles\tBulgaria\t8 OT BRDM2RCH\tIII.\tLarge-calibreartillerysystems\tMalaysiaIndia\t31 120mmmortar M5155mmhowitzerZuzana 2 CzechRepublic\t3972 125mmcannon2A46122mmMLRSRM-70 \n 122mmhowitzerD-30", "Imports", "A B C D E Remarks Category ExporterState(s)\tNumberofitems\tStateoforigin(ifnotexporter)\tIntermediatelocation(ifany) Descriptionof item\tCommentsontransfer \n(I-VII) \nI.\tBattletanks\tCzechRepublic\t1 T-72\tDemilitarized\nIII.\tLarge-calibreartillerysystems\tSweden\t2sets 84mmRCLCarlGustafM3", "Switzerland", "Original language: English Calendar year: 2010", "Background information provided: yes Date of submission: 23 May 2011", "National points of contact: yes", "Exports", "A B C D E Remarks Category FinalimporterState(s)\tNumberofitems\tStateoforigin(ifnotexporter)\tIntermediatelocation(ifany) Descriptionof item\tCommentsontransfer \n(I-VII) \nII.\tArmouredcombatvehicles\tBelgiumBrazil\t63 PiranhaAPCPiranhaIIIAPC \n Spain\t5 PiranhaAPC", "Turkey", "Original language: English Calendar year: 2010", "Background information provided: yes Date of submission: 6 June 2011", "National points of contact: no", "Exports", "[TABLE]", "Imports", "[TABLE]", "Ukraine", "Original language: Russian Calendar year: 2010", "Background information provided: yes Date of submission: 23 June 2011", "National points of contact: yes", "Exports", "[TABLE]", "Imports", "A B C D E Remarks Category ExporterState(s)\tNumberofitems\tStateoforigin(ifnotexporter)\tIntermediatelocation(ifany) Descriptionof item\tCommentsontransfer \n(I-VII) \nIII.\tLarge-calibreartillerysystems\tHungaryCzechRepublic\t12312 122mmself-propelled2C1152mmself-propelled2C3 \n BM-21", "United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland", "Original language: English Calendar year: 2009", "Background information provided: yes Date of submission: 24 June 2011", "National points of contact: yes", "Exports", "[TABLE]", "Imports", "[TABLE]", "United States of America", "Original language: English Calendar year: 2010", "Background information provided: yes Date of submission: 27 May 2011", "National points of contact: yes", "Exports", "[TABLE]", "Notes:", "1. National criteria on transfers: (iii) transfer of title.", "2. No data is included on unmanned aerial vehicles. This omission is done without prejudice to the issue of whether or not they are captured under the existing categories.", "Viet Nam", "Original language: English Calendar year: 2010", "Background information provided: no Date of submission: 20 May 2011", "National points of contact: yes", "Imports", "[TABLE]", "III. Information received from Governments on military holdings and procurement through national production", "Argentina", "Original language: Spanish Calendar year: 2010", "Background information provided: yes Date of submission: 20 June 2011", "National points of contact: no", "(a) Military holdings", "Categories\tMilitaryholdings\tDescription of equipment \nI. Battletanks\t23251\tTAMAMX-13 120 SK 105 90 Sherman \n 4 Patagon II. Armouredcombatvehicles\t61714554\tM113-AMX-13-TAM semi-caterpillarcombat vehiclesPanhard-Mowag-Gloverreconnaissance vehicles 3 M-548-M106, armoured cargo vehicle 11 HUMMER M998, communications \n LVTP-7, tracked landing vehicle \nIII.Large-calibreartillerysystems\t4212511677354923\tAP 155mm AMX-TAM gun, armouredartillery155mm gun, medium artillery155mm howitzer, medium artilleryAP 105mm howitzer, light artillery105mm, howitzer, light artillery120mm mortar, heavy mortars81 mortar, medium mortarsIV. Combataircraft\t116311863\tA4/AR-S/Etendard – Pucará IA-58 –Mirage II and V –TrackerOrion P3B – OV1D Mohauk –Beechcraft B-200 – 119 Lear Jet L35 – Boeing 707 Fiat G 222 – Sabre Liner – CessnaT207 – Merlin III,IV – Casa 212 – Porter PL-6 Saab 340B – Hercules C130 B, H, KC– Fokker F-27/8 – Lear Jet 60 – Cessna 182– Aero Commander 500 – Twin Otter DHC6 AB 180 – Mentor T45 – Tucano –gliders – PA25/28 and R/31/34 – Cessna 206 –Mentor T34 – \n IA63/46 \nV. Attackhelicopters\t53931022\tA 109 Augusta – UH 1H/UH – BellHuey II – SeaKing II-3Fennec AS-555-SN – SA 315 LamaBell 212 – Augusta II-3SA 332 Super Puma – Alouette A1-UH3H \n Hughes 500 – Bell 212 VI. Warships 3 Submarines 4 Destroyers 2 Transport ships 9 Corvettes 2 Patrol boats 5 Operational support ships 2 Speedboats 3 Multipurpose vessels \n 1 Logistics vessels VII. Missilesand missilelaunchers\t1810\tMMAM 6 RBS-70 4 Roland missiles 9 TOW 2 A \n 4 LzCh Cal 105 SLAM", "(b) Holdings of light weapons", "Categories\tMilitaryholdings\tDescription of items \n1. Heavy machineguns\t681 486\tCal. 20mmCal. 12.7mm \n 2 940 Cal. 7.62mm \n2. Portable grenadelauncherswith/without base\t20\tCal. 40mm\n3. Portableanti-tank\t72\tSR 75mm SR guns\n 4. Recoilless rifles \n5. Portableanti-tank missilelaunchers and rocketsystems\t1 061\tLzCh Instalaza\n6. Mortars ofcalibres less than75mm\t169\tCal 60mm 7. Others 135 AA 40mm gun 12 AA 35mm gun 42 AA 30mm gun \n 247 AA 20mm gun", "(c) Holdings of small arms", "Categories\tMilitaryholdings\tDescription of items \n1. Revolvers andself-loading pistols\t42 6213 842\t9mm, 22mm and 45mmpistols38/44 calibre revolvers2. Rifles andcarbines\t111 7594 899\tFAL cal. 7.62mmFAP cal. 7.62 442 7.65mm cal. rifles 1 856 Rifles \n 544 Carbines \n 3. Sub-machine guns 4 311 9mm sub-machine guns \n 4. Assault rifles 1 029 5.56 cal. rifles \n5. Light machineguns \n 6. Others 1 039 Shotguns", "Report on transfers of conventional weapons of the Argentine armed forces in 2010", "(a) Military weapons", "Categories\tNumber ofitems\tDescription of items \nIV. Combataircraft\t31\tHercules C-130BHercules C-130H 3 Cessna 182 1 Fokker F-27 1 AeroCommander 500 1 Pucara IA-58 1 A$-AR 1 Mirage M III 2 Tucano \n 4 gliders", "(b) Light weapons", "Categories\tNumber ofitems\tDescription of items \n1. Heavy machineguns\t3\t7.62mm\n 2. Others 1 35mm Oerlikon", "(c) Small arms", "Categories\tNumber ofitems\tDescription of items \n2. Rifles andcarbines\t1110\tFAP 7.62mm22 calibre carbine\n 4. Assault rifles 2 7.65mm", "Australia", "Military holdings and procurement through national production", "Category(I-VII)\tNumberofitems\tDescriptionof item\tProcurementthroughnationalproduction\tOriginalequipmentmanufacturer\tRemarks \nI. Battletanks\t59\tM1A1Abrams GDLS\tImported fromUnited States2006-07, newrebuilt tanksfrom UnitedStates toreplaceLeopard fleet\n\t103\tLeopard 1 Imported fromGermany in1970s; nowobsolete;currentlyundergoingdisposalaction\nII.Armouredcombatvehicles\t7\tM88A2armouredrecoveryvehicle BAES\tImported fromUnited States2006-07\n\t515\tM113A1trackedAPC FMC\tImported fromUnited Statesin 1960s\n\t223\tM113AS4trackedAPC\t29\tTenix\tRebuilt fromM-113A hulls;totalproductiontarget is 431\n\t257\tASLAVwheeledarmouredreconnaissancevehicle GDLS-C\tHullsimported fromCanada;turrets builtin Australia1995-2004;vehiclesassembled inAustralia\n\t612\tBushmastervariants\t91\tThalesAustraliaLtd.\t91 increasefrom 2009report\nIII.Large-calibreartillerysystems\t35101185\t155mmhowitzerM198105mmL118/119Hamellight gun81mm F2mortar UnitedStatesUnitedKingdomUnitedKingdom\tIV. Combataircraft\t119\t71 F/A-18Hornet15 F/A-18FSuperHornet 21 F-111 weredecommissionedfrom service \n 33 Hawk127 \nV. Attackhelicopters\t6\tChinook Boeing\tCombatsupporthelicopterfitted with7.62mmself-defenceguns\n\t34\tBlack Hawk Sikorsky\t-//-\n\t16\tSeahawk Sikorsky\tMaritimecombathelicopterequipped with12.5 or7.62mmmachine gunsand Mk 46air-launchedtorpedoes\n\t19\tArmedreconnaissancehelicopter Eurocopter\tArmedreconnaissancehelicopterfitted withcannon, freeflightrockets andHellfiremissiles\n\t13\tMRH-90,multi-rolehelicopter NATOHelicopter\tCombatsupporthelicopterfitted with7.62mmself-defenceguns\n\t6\tSea King AugustaWestlar\t-//-VI.Warships\t22\t4 FFG(Adelaideclass)8 FFH(ANZACclass) Navy withdrewManoora fromservice inSep 2010 6Submarines(Collinsclass) 2Replenishment \n 2Amphibious(Tobruk,Manoora,Kanimbla) \nVII.Missilesand missilelaunchers\tClassified\tAir-to-air:AIM-120(AMRAAM),AIM-9M,AIM-9X(Sidewinder) Raytheon\tMissilenumbers areclassified\n\tClassified\tAir-to-air:AIM-132(ASRAAM) MBDA(UnitedKingdom)\t-//-\n\tClassified\tAir-to-surface:AGM-142(SOWS) RAFAEL\t-//-\n\tClassified\tAir-to-surface:AGM-119(Penguin) KonsbergDefenceandAerospaceNorway\t-//-\n\tClassified\tAir-to-surface:AGM-84(Harpoon) Boeing\t-//-\n\tClassified\tAir-to-surface:AGM-114(Hellfire) LockheedMartin\t-//-\n\tClassified\tAir-to-surface:AGM-154(JSOW) Raytheon\t-//-\n\tClassified\tAir-to-surface:AGM-158(JASSM) LockheedMartin\t-//-The missileshave beenaccepted bytheAustralianDepartment ofDefence, butthey arestillphysically inthe UnitedStates.Initialdeliveriesexpected lateApril orearly May2011\n\tClassified\tSurface-to-air:RIM-162B(ESSM),SM-1(Standard),SM-2(Standard) Raytheon\t-//-\n\tClassified\tSurface-to-surface:RGM-84,UGM-84(Harpoon —Block Iand IIvariants) Boeing\t-//-\n\tClassified\tGround-to-ground:FGM-148CandFGM-148E(Javelin) Raytheon/LockheedMartin\t-//-\n\tClassified\tGround-to-air:Bollide,RBS-70 SAAB-BOFORS\t-//-", "Austria", "Military holdings", "Category (I-VII)\tNumberof items\tDescription ofitem\tComments \n I. Battle tanks 114 “Leopard” \nII. Armouredcombat vehicles\t808\tIncludes 71wheeled APC\tAbove 200 ACVare no longer inuseIII.Large-calibreartillery systems\t808\tIncludes:164self-propelledhowitzers192 mortars120mm\tNo longer inuse:106self-propelledhowitzers9 mortars(120mm) 429 mortars(less than120mm) 19 towedhowitzers \n 14 MRLS \nIV. Combataircraft\t15 \nV. Attackhelicopters\tnil \n VI. Warships nil \nVII. Missiles andmissile launchers\t20", "Note: “Nil” report on procurement through national production.", "Bulgaria", "Military holdings and procurement through national production", "Category (I-VII)\tMilitary\tProcurement through nationalproduction \n holdings \n I. Battle tanks 564 nil \nII. Armouredcombat vehicles\t738\tnil\nIII.Large-calibreartillery systems\t1 161\tnil\nIV. Combataircraft\t57\tnil\nV. Attackhelicopters\t19\tnil", "Military holdings for export", "Category (I-VII) Military holdings \nIII. Large-calibreartillery systems\t184", "Notes:", "1. The present information concerning the Republic of Bulgaria is valid as of 1 January 2011 (according to the Treaty on Conventional Armed Forces in Europe/CFE) and includes the level of conventional armaments in the Bulgarian Armed Forces and incoming quantities supplied by national production.", "2. Following the information submitted in accordance with the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe document entitled “Global Exchange of Military Information”, as of 1 January 2011, the Bulgarian Army is in disposal of six surface combat vessels with a combined total water displacement of more than 400 tons and one submarine with a total water displacement of more than 50 tons.", "Canada", "Military holdings^(a)", "Category (I-VII) Description Number \nI. Battletanks\tBattle tanks\t186^(b)\nII. Armouredcombatvehicles\tArmoured personnel carriers\t688^(c)\n Armoured infantry fighting vehicles 308 \n Heavy armament combat vehicles 29^(d) \nIII.Large-calibreartillerysystems\tGuns, howitzers and artillerypieces combining thecharacteristics of guns andhowitzers, 100mm calibre or larger\t254^(e)\n Mortars, 100mm calibre or larger 0 \n\tMultiple launch rocket systems,100mm calibre or larger\t0\nIV. Combataircraft\tCombat aircraft\t104\n Primary trainer aircraft^(f) 28 \nV. Attackhelicopters\tAttack helicopters\t27\nVI. Warships\tSurface warships (greater than 400tons fully loaded displacement)\t29\n\tSubmarines (greater than 50 tonssubmerged)\t4\nVII. Missilesand missilelaunchers^(g)", "Notes:", "^(a) Canada’s background information on military holdings has been drawn from the “Canadian Global Exchange of Military Information” report, which is submitted annually to the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, and is valid as of 1 January 2010. This is in accordance with the United Nations Department of Disarmament Affairs guidance, which advises that States submit those documents generated by their respective Governments during the reporting year on military holdings, and that no special reports need to be prepared for submission to the Register. Canada is willing to provide additional information on military holdings as requested.", "As in the 2010 “Canadian Global Exchange of Military Information” report, Canada is reporting all holdings, including surplus and written-off equipment. Equipment that is surplus and is being dismantled or disposed of will be footnoted.", "^(b) Battle tanks: 80 Leopard 2A4 and 20 Leopard 2A6 purchased from NL. 20 Leopard 2A6 are on loan from Germany. 66 Leopard 1.", "^(c) APC: 61 are operated, including 57 RG-31 Nyala APC and 4 Bison APV; 20 Grizzly APC are declared surplus and parked awaiting disposal; 553 M113A2 APC are pending disposal instructions; 22 M113A2 Bulldozers are pending disposal instructions; 32 M113A2 Engineer are pending disposal instructions.", "^(d) 29 Cougar HACV are declared surplus and parked awaiting disposal.", "^(e) Guns/howitzers: 144 are operated, 34 C1 105mm Howitzer and 76 M109A4(+) 155mm Howitzer are declared surplus and parked awaiting disposal.", "^(f) The term “primary trainer aircraft” is here defined as an aircraft that is designed and constructed for primary flying training and which may possess only limited armament capability necessary for basic training in weapon delivery techniques.", "^(g) No information provided for reasons of national security.", "Procurement through national production", "Category (I-VII) Military holdings \nIII. Large-calibreartillery systems\t184", "Estonia", "Original language: English Calendar year: 2010", "Background information provided: yes Date of submission: 11 May 2011", "National points of contact: yes", "Military holdings", "Category (I-VII)\tMilitary\tDescription of items \n holdings \n I. Battle tanks no \nII. Armouredcombat vehicles\t201\tBTR-80BTR-70\n 58 SISU XA-180 \n 15 SISU XA-188 \nIII.Large-calibreartillery systems\t24\t155mm howitzer FH70/A1\n 42 122mm howitzer H63 \n 32 105mm howitzer H61-37 \n 165 120mm mortar 41D \n 14 120mm mortar 2B11 \n 41 81mm mortar B455 \n 10 81mm mortar NM95 \nIV. Combataircraft\tno\t\nV. Attackhelicopters\tno\t\n VI. Warships no \nVII. Missiles andmissile launchers\tno", "Finland", "Military holdings", "Category Military holdings^(a) \n I. Battle tanks 108 \nII. Armoured combatvehicles^(b)\t978\n III. Artillery systems^(c) 1 192 \n IV. Combat aircraft 62 (55F-18C, 7 F-18 D) \n V. Attack helicopters none \n VI. Warships 11 \nVII. Missiles and missilelaunchers\t66", "“Nil” report on procurement through national production", "Notes:", "^(a) Data valid as of 1 January 2011 on military holdings relating to the formations and units in the command organization.", "^(b) Armoured personnel carriers and armoured infantry fighting vehicles.", "^(c) Self-propelled and towed artillery pieces and mortars (including coastal defence, 100mm calibre and above).", "Germany", "Military holdings", "Category (I-VII) Holdings* as of 31 December 2010 \n I. Battle tanks 1 048; including: \n\t299 Leopard 1749 Leopard 2 II. Armoured combat vehicles 2 761; including: \n\t1 653 Marder334 Tpz-1 Fuchs352 Wiesel91 Gepard50 Ozelot69 BV 206S212 SpWg FENNEK\nIII. Large-calibre artillerysystems\t734; including:10 FH M1012 FH 70251 PzH M109170 PzH 2000198 Tampella103 MLRS IV. Combat aircraft 309; including: \n\t188 Tornado55 EF-200058 F-48 P-3C Orion V. Attack helicopters 187; including: \n\t160 BO-105 PAH-15 KpfHubschr TIGER22 SEA LYNX VI. Warships 69; including: \n\t15 Frigates5 Corvettes20 MCM boats10 Fast patrol boats (PBFA)15 Auxiliary ships4 Submarines (SSK type U 212)\nVII. Missiles and missilelaunchers\t3 906", "* This report on military holdings lists systems that are both within the inventory and under the responsibility of the German Federal Armed Forces.", "Procurement from national production**", "Category (I-VII)\tProcurement from nationalproduction \n I. Battle tanks nil \nII. Armoured combatvehicles\t27; including:17 Wiesel10 FENNEK (JFST)\nIII. Large-calibreartillery vehicles\tnil IV. Combat aircraft 17; including: \n 17 EF 2000 \n V. Attack helicopters nil \n VI. Warships nil \nVII. Missiles and missilelaunchers\t21; including:21 MAW Taurus", "** For the purposes of the present report, procurement from national production is defined as complete weapons systems within the seven categories of weapons covered by this Register, purchased by the Government during 2010 from suppliers within Germany or from co‑production programmes in which Germany is a partner.", "Hungary", "Military holdings", "Category (I-VII)\tMilitaryholdings\tDescription of items \n I. Battle tanks 157 1 T-55 \n 156 T-72 II. Armoured combatvehicles\t602\t410 BTR-8011 BTR-80 MPAEJ 3 BTR-80 MPFJ \n 178 BTR-80A \nIII. Large-calibreartillery systems\t91\t50 82mm 37M Mortar1 82mm 2K21 Mortar2 85mm D-44 AntiTank Gun3 100mm MT-12 AntiTank Gun1 2S1 SP How31 D-20 How2 M-30 How1 M 120 Model 38/43Mortar IV. Combat aircraft 101 53 MIG-21 1 MIG-23 25 MIG-29 8 SU-22 \n 14 SAAB 39 GRIPEN \n V. Attack helicopters 48 48 MI-24 \n VI. Warships none VII. Missiles andmissile launchers\t94 MANPADS+\t49 9P519 (Igla)MANPADS MANPADS 178 missiles 32 9M313 missiles 45 Mistral-2 MANPADS \n 146 Mistral-2missiles", "Note: Data on military holdings is valid as of 31 December 2010 with regard to holdings of military forces and internal security forces, as well as decommissioned equipment, research and development equipment, and equipment awaiting export.", "Japan", "Original language: English Calendar year: 2009", "Background information provided: yes Date of submission: 10 June 2010", "National points of contact: no", "Military holdings", "Category(I-VII)\tDescription of items\tNumberofitems \nI. Battletanks\tType-74 tank\t490\n Type-90 tank 333 \nII. Armouredcombatvehicles\tType-73 armoured personnel carrier\t286\n Type-96 armoured personnel carrier 289 \n Type-89 armoured fighting vehicle 68 \n\tType-82 command and communicationvehicle\t229\n\tType-87 reconnaissance and patrolvehicle\t102\n Chemical protection vehicle (wheel) 43 \n\tType-87 self-propelledanti-aircraft machine gun\t52\n Type-78 tank recovery vehicle 46 \n Type-90 tank recovery vehicle 25 \n Type-87 gun-side ammunition vehicle 78 \nIII.Large-calibreartillerysystems\t89mm rocket launcher M20\t878\n Type-64 81mm mortar 817 \n 81mm mortar L16 624 \n 107mm mortar M2 162 \n 120mm mortar RT 414 \n Type-96 self-propelled 120mm mortar 24 \n 84mm recoilless rifle 2 712 \n Type-60 106mm recoilless rifle 390 \n\tType-75 self-propelled 155mmhowitzer\t46\n 155mm howitzer FH70 422 \n\tType-99 self-propelled 155mmhowitzer\t62\n 203mm self-propelled howitzer 79 \n Multiple launch rocket system M270 99 \nIV. Combataircraft\tF-15J/DJ\t202\n F-4EJ^(*) 70 \n RF-4E/EJ 13 \n F-2A/B 89 \n P-3C 91 \n EP-3 5 \nV. Attackhelicopters\tAH-1S\t74\n AH-64D 9 \n SH-60K 31 \n VI. Warships Destroyer 52 \n Submarine 16 \n Mine warfare ship 20 \n Patrol guided missile boat 7 \n Landing ship tank/utility 5 \n Auxiliary ship 8 \nVII. Missilesand missilelaunchers", "^(*) F-4EJs include upgraded versions of the F-4EJ.", "Procurement through national production", "Category(I-VII)\tDescription of items\tNumber ofitems \n I. Battle tanks Type-10 tank 13 II. Armouredcombat vehicles\tType-96 armoured personnelcarrierType-87 reconnaissance andpatrol vehicle\t1733 NBC reconnaissance and patrolvehicle\t1 \n Type-90 tank recovery vehicle \nIII.Large-calibreartillerysystems\t81mm mortar L16120mm mortar RTType-99 self-propelled 155mmhowitzer\t549\nIV. Combataircraft\tF-2A\t4\nV. Attackhelicopter\tAH-64DSH-60K\t15 VI. Warships Destroyer 1 \n Submarine 1 \nVII. Missilesand missilelaunchers", "Procurement of small arms and light weapons through national production", "Description of items Number of items", "Type-89 rifle 10 012", "5.56mm machine gun MINIMI 335", "12.7mm heavy machine gun 125", "81mm mortar L16 5", "9mm sub-machine gun 99", "Lithuania", "Military holdings", "Category(I-VII) Description of items\tNumber ofitems \n I. Battle tanks nil \nII. Armouredcombat vehicles Total:\t246\n M 113 221 \n BTR-60 PB 19 \n MT-LB 6 \nIII.Large-calibreartillerysystems Total:\t179\n 105mm M101 howitzer 54 \n 120mm 2B11 mortar 20 \n 120mm M1982 mortar 17 \n 120mm M38/43 mortar 18 \n 120mm M41D mortar 28 \n 120mm Tampella M113 42 \nIV. Combataircraft nil\nV. Attackhelicopters nil\n VI. Warships 1 \nVII. Missilesand missilelaunchers\t(a)\tRBS-70\t21\n\t(b)\tStinger\t8", "Netherlands", "Military holdings", "Category (I-VII)\tDescription of items\tNumberofitems \n I. Battle tanks Leopard 1 12 \n Leopard 2 133 \nII. Armouredcombat vehicles\tYPR-765 (25mm)\t313\n YPR-765 566 \n CV 9035 130 \n M-113 (25mm) C & V 50 \n XA-188 63 \n Bushmaster 53 \n Viking BVS-10 98 \n TPZ-1 Fuchs 1 \n FENNEK 392 \nIII.Large-calibreartillerysystems\tM-109 SP HOW\t123\n FH-70 towed HOW 1 \n Brandt 81mm mortar 161 \n Brandt 120mm mortar 82 \n PzH 2000 54 \nIV. Combataircraft\tF-16\t127\nV. Attackhelicopters\tAH-64 Apache\t29\n LYNX SH-14D 21 \n NH 90 3 \n VI. Warships Surface warships \n\ta) M-Frigate• Karel Doorman class\t2\n\tb) LCF-Frigate• De Zeven Provincien class\t4\n\tc) Auxiliaries/replenishment• Poolster class\t2\n\td) Landing platform dock• Rotterdam class\t2\n\tSubmarines• Walrus class\t4\nVII. Missilesand missilelaunchers\tOwing to security regulations, onlythe grand total is givenStinger missiles\t313\n MANPADS 1 631", "Remarks:", "I. Battle tanks\t3 Leopard 1 have been transformed intovehicles for instructional purposes.\n\t2 Leopard 2 have been transformed intobeach armoured recovery vehicles(BARV).\nII. Armoured combatvehicles\t1 YPR-765 (25mm) has been destroyed.\n\t15 XA-188 have been exported toEstonia.\nIII. Large-calibreartillery systems\tNo remarks\n IV. Combat aircraft 7 F-16 have been exported to Chile. \n V. Attack helicopters No remarks \nVI. Warships\t1 warship M-Frigate van Galen classhas been exported to Portugal.\nVII. Missiles and missilelaunchers\t8 Harpoons and 32 Sea Sparrow havebeen exported to Portugal.\n MANPADS No remarks", "“Nil” report on procurement through national production", "Poland", "Original language: English Calendar year: 2009", "Background information provided: yes Date of submission: 22 June 2010", "National points of contact: no", "Military holdings and procurement through national production", "(valid as of 1 January 2011)", "Category (I-VII)\tSubcategory\tType\tNumber\tProcurementthrough \n ofitems\tnationalproduction \nI. Battle tanks\tTotal 900\t\n Leopard 2\t128\t\n T-72\t540\t\n PT-91\t232\t\nII. Armoured combatvehicles (armedwith weapon of atleast 12.5mmcalibre or amissile launcher)\tTotal 1492\t62\tAPC AMV\t27 \n KTORosomakS AIFV BMP-1,\t1 465 BRM-1, \n AMV \n Rosomak\t\nIII. Large-calibreartillery systems(of at least 75mmcalibre)\tTotal 1048 \n GUN/HOW 635 \n 122 mm 2S1SPHow\t523\t\n 122mm M30 How 2 \n 152mm Dana SPGH\t106\t\n 203mm 2S7 SPGun\t4 \n MORTAR 166 \n 120mm M120 mod38/43\t151\t\n 120mm 2B11/2S12\t15\t\n\tMLRS 247\t\n 122mm BM-21\t173\t\n 122mm RM-70\t30\t\n WR-401 Langusta\t44\t\nIV. Combataircraft\tTotal 118\t\n MiG-29\t34\t\n SU-22\t37\t\n F-16\t47\t\nV. Attackhelicopters\tTotal 84\t\n Mi-24\t22\t\n Mi-2URP\t20\t\n W-3W Sokół\t42 \n VI. Warships \n t.OHP, t.877;t.620; t.863;t.874; t.570;t.888; t.767;t.130Z;ZP-1200; B-199;t.206; t.151,t.1241RE;t.Kobben\t31\t\nVII. Missiles andmissilelaunchers\tMANPADS", "Conventional weapons withdrawn from service and awaiting further disposal", "Category (I-VII) Subcategory Type Number of items", "II. Armoured combat Total 28 vehicles (armed with at least 12.5mm calibre or a missile launcher)", "BMP-1 9", "OT-64 (SKOT) 19", "III. Large-calibre Total 24 artillery systems (of at least 75mm calibre)", "GUN/HOW 122 m 2S1 SP 1", "120mm 2B11/2S12 1", "122mm BM-21 21", "IV. Combat aircraft Total 12", "SU-22 12", "V. Attack helicopters Total 1", "W-3W SOKOL 1", "Romania", "Military holdings", "Category (I-VII)\tSubcategory\tType\tNumberofitems \n I. Battle tanks 1 098 \n T-55 569 \n TR-580 226 \n TR-85 249 \n TR-85 Bizon 54 \nII. Armoured combatvehicles 1 594\n APC 1 413 \n MLVM 75 \n TAB ZIMBRU 69 \n TAB-71 699 \n TAB-77 162 \n TABC-79 391 \n PiranhaIIIC\t17\n AIFV 122 \n MLI-84 23 \n MLI-84 JDER 99 \n HACV 59 \n SU-100 59 \nIII. Large-calibreartillery systems 1 832\n GUN/HOW 9 929 \n 2S1 SP How 6 \n Gun 82 75 \n Gun-How 85 114 \n How 81 320 \n M-30 How 210 \n ML-20How-Gun\t14\n Model 89 SPHow\t42\n MountainHow 98\t148\n MORTAR 715 \n M M1982 317 \n M M1977 398 \n MLRS 188 \n APR-40 134 \n LAROM 54 \n IV. Combat aircraft 99 \n MiG-21 99 \nV. Attackhelicopters 23\n MPHELO 23 \n IAR-330SOCAT\t23\n VI. Warships 16 \n FPB 3 \n Frigates 3 \n Corvettes 4 \n Minesweepers\t4\n Minelayer 1 \n Submarine 1 \nVII. Missile andmissilelaunchers 208\n MANPADS 208 \n CA - 94 208", "“Nil” report on procurement through national production", "Slovakia", "Military holdings", "Category (I-VII) Militaryholdings\tDescription of items \n I. Battle tanks 69 T-72 \nII. Armoured combatvehicles 352\tBMP-1, BMP-2, OT-64,OT-90, TATRAPAN 6x6\nIII. Large-calibreartillery systems 122\tD-30 How, Dana M77,Zuzana M2000, MortarM1982, RM 70/85 Modular,RM-70\n IV. Combat aircraft 23 Mig-29, Su-22 \n V. Attack helicopters 15 Mi-24 \n VI. Warships 0 \nVII. Missiles andmissile launchers\t(a)\t0 1 231 9M32M, 9M39 \n\t(b)", "“Nil” report on procurement through national production", "Switzerland", "Military holdings", "Category (I-VII) Military holdings \n I. Battle tanks 344 \n II. Armoured combat vehicles 610 \n III. Artillery systems 496 \n IV. Combat aircraft 87 \n V. Attack helicopters nil \n VI. Warships nil \n VII. Missiles and missile launchers Some stinger", "“Nil” report on procurement through national production", "Trinidad and Tobago", "Original language: English Calendar year: 2010", "Background information provided: yes Date of submission: 31 May 2011", "National points of contact: yes", "Holdings of small arms", "Small arms Total \nRevolvers and self-loadingpistols\t6 201\n Rifles and carbines 5 150 \n Sub-machine guns 2 521 \n Assault rifles 6 877 \n Light machine guns 0 \n Others (shotguns) 715", "United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland", "Military holdings", "Category (I-VII) Definition Number \n I. Battle tanks Challenger 2 345 \nII. Armoured combatvehicles\tViking front car\t140\n\tViking TCV Rear\t91 (6 fitted withambulancemodification)\n Viking RRV Rear 14 \n\tViking CV Rear\t34 (2 fitted withambulancemodification)\n FV 430 Series 1 215 \n CVR(T) Scimitar 316 \n CVR(T) Spartan 476 \n CVR(T) Sultan 203 \n CVR(T) Sturgeon 35 \n CVR(T) Salamander 32 \n Saxon 1 \n Warrior 792 \n Panther 386 \n CVR(T) Samson 49 \n CVR(T) Samaritan 50 \n HVM (SP) 60 \n TRV 28 \n Mastiff EOD 11 \n Wolfhound 10 \nIII. Large-calibreartillery systems\t105mm Lt Gun\t126\n AS90 SP howitzer 141 \n MLTR launchers 36 \n MLRS RRV 4 \n IV. Combat aircraft Tornado GR4 137 \n Tornado F3 40 \n Nimrod R1 2 \n Sentry 7 \n Typhoon 70 \n Reaper 5 \n Sentinel 5 \nV. Attackhelicopters\tGazelle\t35\n Lynx AH7 54 \n Lynx AH9/9A 22 \n Apache AH1 67 \n Sea King HC4 37 \n Sea King HAS 6 (CR) 6 \n Puma HC1 34 \n Merlin HC3/3A 28 \n Chinook HC2/2a 38 \n Chinook HC3 8 \n Lynx Mk3 27 \n Lynx Mk8 33 \n Merlin Mk1 42 \n Sea King Mk7 13 \n VI. Warships Submarines 10 \n Aircraft carriers 2 \n Frigates/destroyers 24 \n Amphibious ships 3 \n Survey vessels 4 \n\tOffshore patrolvessels\t4\n\tAviation trainingship\t1\n\tRepair andmaintenance ship\t1\n\tTanker/replenishmentship\t14\n\tMine countermeasuresvessels (MCMV)\t15\nVII. Missiles andmissile launchers\tTotal\t5 598", "Procurement from national production", "Category (I-VII)\tNumber ofitems\tDetails of model,type, variant\n IV. Combat aircraft 9 Typhoon Tranche 2 \nVII. Missiles andmissile launchers\t250\tHVM Starstreakmissiles", "Note: Procurement from national production is defined as complete weapon systems purchased by the Government from suppliers within the United Kingdom or from programmes in which the United Kingdom is a collaborative partner.", "United States of America", "Military holdings and procurement through national production", "The following information is for the United States of America in calendar year 2010 and is set out in terms of the same categories as used for exports and imports.", "Category (I-VII)\tMilitaryholdings\tProcurement throughnational production \n I. Battle tanks 6 332 60 \nII. Armoured combatvehicles\t20 318\t743\nIII. Large-calibreartillery systems\t6 200\t398\n IV. Combat aircraft 3 480 65 \n V. Attack helicopters 1 614 6 \n VI. Warships 287 6 \nVII. Missiles andmissile launchers\t107 957\t790", "Notes: General Assembly resolutions 46/36 L (paras. 10 and 18), 47/52 L (para. 5) and 49/75 C (para. 4) invite all Member States to provide background information on relevant policies and national arms import and export procedures, both as regards arms transfers and the prevention of illicit arms transfers. Accordingly, previous United States submissions contained such information, which continues to be relevant.", "The United States considers that its transfers of military equipment occur at the time the ownership title for the equipment is transferred between the United States and another country. The 2011 submission therefore includes equipment whose title was transferred during the 2010 calendar year.", "The national point of contact for information related to the United Nations Register of Conventional Arms is the Office of Conventional Arms Threat Reduction, Bureau of International Security and Nonproliferation, United States Department of State. The phone number for this office is 1-202-647-0397, the fax number is 1-202-647-4232, and the e-mail address is", "IV. Information received from Governments on international transfers of small arms and light weapons", "Andorra", "Original language: French Calendar year: 2010 \nBackground information: yes\tDate of submission: 10 June2011\n National point of contact: yes", "Exports", "A B C D E Remarks \n\tFinalimporterState(s)\tNumberofitems\tStateoforigin(ifnotexporter)\tIntermediatelocation(ifany) Descriptionof item\tCommentsontransfer\n Small arms 2. Riflesandcarbines\tSpainPortugal\t4311 RussianFederation\t14 France \n Italy", "Imports", "A B C D E Remarks \n\tExporterState(s)\tNumberofitems\tStateoforigin(ifnotexporter)\tIntermediatelocation(ifany) Descriptionof item\tCommentsontransfer\n Small arms 1.Revolversandself-loadingpistols\tSpainUnitedStates\t385 \n\tGermany 2. Riflesandcarbines\tBelgiumFrance\t186249 ItalyTurkey\t8523128 UnitedStatesGermany\t15438 Austria\t1 Brazil Switzerland Spain \n\tFinland", "Australia", "Exports", "A B C D E Remarks \n\tFinalimporter(s)State(s)\tNumberofitems\tStateoforigin(ifnotexporter)\tIntermediatelocation(ifany) Descriptionof item\tCommentsontransferSmall arms\tVarious\t312 Non-militaryfirearmsincludingrifles,carbines,muskets,pistols,revolvers,shotguns,andsmooth-boreweapons\tInformationisbasedonmilitaryexportapprovalsgrantedbyAustralia’sDefenceExportControlOffice,notactualexports;additionally,itshouldbenotedthatonepermissioncancontain multiplenumbersof \n firearms.", "Imports", "A B C D E Remarks ExporterState(s)\tNumberofitems\tStateoforigin\tIntermediate Descriptionof item\tCommentsontransfer \n (ifnotexporter)\tlocation(ifany) \n Small arms 1.Revolversand 124 Non-militaryimports \nself-loadingpistols \n2. Riflesandcarbines 627 Includingsemi-automaticrimfirerifles\tNon-militaryimports\n3.Sub-machineguns 122 Fullyautomaticfirearmsthat donotfirerifleammunition\tNon-militaryimports4. Assaultrifles 257 Selectfire orfully\tNon-militaryimports \n automaticrifles\t\n5. Lightmachineguns 76 5,56mmor7,62mmlightmachineguns\tNon-militaryimports\n6. Others 434 Shotguns\tNon-militaryimports", "Notes: 1. Australia imported small arms and light weapons for military purposes in various categories from Belgium (pistols, medium machine guns), Germany (pistols, rifles, sub-machine guns), Sweden (portable anti-tank guns), USA (rifles and carbines, shotguns, grenade launchers, portable anti-tank missile launchers, cannon cal. 25mm). The quantities of military small arms and light weapons imports are not provided because this information is classified.", "2. The permit system for non-military imports is being upgraded to collect data on exporting States in the future.", "3. Information is based on import permits granted by the Department of the Attorney-General of Australia, not actual imports.", "Austria", "Exports", "A B C D E Remarks FinalimporterState(s)\tNumberofitems\tStateoforigin(ifnotexporter)\tIntermediatelocation(if Descriptionof item\tCommentsontransfer \n any) \nSmallarms 1.Revolversandself-loadingpistols\tUnitedArabEmiratesArmeniaArgentina\t307503969\tSwitzerlandBelgiumGermany AustraliaAzerbaijan\t40811\tRussianFederation BosniaandHerzegovina\t160715 BarbadosBahrain\t70 27 240 217 \n 2 2.Riflesandcarbines\tBrazilBelarusCanadaSwitzerland\t4801621 408 7 \n 399 510\tCzechRepublic 1\tGermany \n Finland ChileCostaRica\t42726\tGermany DominicanRepublicAlgeriaEgypt\t3832000 410 \n 27 26\tBelgium \n 1\tCanada 90\tGermany 21\tItaly United \n States GermanyGuyana\t11\tBelgium Croatia\t210\tBrazil 20336\tCzechRepublicGermany 304 Italy 17 Japan 7\tPortugal 64\tUnited \n 14 States Indonesia\t453\tBelgium IndiaIraq\t2562\tGermany IcelandJordan\t10\tItaly Japan 66 KenyaKyrgyzstan\t22849 Cambodia\t135 RepublicofKoreaKuwait\t1837 196 372 13 \n 1 Kazakhstan\t308\tGermany Lebanon\t779 \n 4 SaintLucia\t174\tBelgium LiechtensteinLuxembourg\t51305\tGermany Morocco 7 1 \n 2 \n\tMontenegro\t4\tGermany Theformer\t230\tBelgium YugoslavRepublicof\t471\tUnitedStates \n Macedonia MauritiusMexico\t714\tMauritiusGermany MalaysiaNamibiaNicaragua\t140499\tGermanyBelgium Norway 504 Italy NewZealand\t568\tGermany OmanPanamaPeruPapuaNewGuinea\t13782325\tBelgiumGermany ParaguayQatar\t41 Serbia 11 519 250 3 932 70 1 300 384 583 59 \n 7 \n\tRepublicofMoldova\t140 RussianFederation\t1620\tBrazil 2\tSwitzerland 48\tGermany 601\tFinland \n 1\tUnitedKingdom SaudiArabia\t8\tItaly SingaporeSanMarino\t561442\tUnitedStates Suriname\t550\tFrance El 1 Italy Salvador\t1\tBelgium ThailandTajikistanTurkmenistanTunisiaTurkey\t55205876301\tGermanyItalyItalyGermany TrinidadandTobago\t28 1 70 967 2 \n 2 UnitedRepublicof\t302 \n Tanzania UkraineUnitedStates\t17323785\tBelgiumGermanyFinland 1\tJapan 22\tBelgium 624725\tCzechRepublic 400 \n 2 UruguayVenezuela(Bolivarian\t85202\tGermanyItaly Republicof)\t501\tSouthAfrica 823 \n 15 VietNam\t150 SouthAfricaZambia\t9991 \n 115", "Bosnia and Herzegovina", "Exports", "A B C D E Remarks \n FinalimporterState(s)\tNumberofitems\tStateoforigin(ifnotexporter)\tIntermediatelocation(ifany) Descriptionof item\tCommentsontransfer \n Small \narms 2.Rifles CroatiaUnitedStates\t1201 and \ncarbines 3. Slovenia\t112 Sub-machine \nguns 4. AustriaSlovenia\t3400 Assault UnitedStates\t8410000 \nrifles Light \nweapons 5. CzechRepublic\t2490 Portable anti-tank missile \nlaunchers 6. Armenia\t200 Mortars of calibres less than \n75mm", "Imports", "A B C D E Remarks \n ExporterState(s)\tNumberofitems\tStateoforigin(ifnotexporter)\tIntermediatelocation(ifany) Descriptionof item\tCommentsontransfer \n Small \narms 1. AustriaCroatia\t1331 Revolvers CzechRepublicGermanyGreece\t6950108 andself-loadingpistols DenmarkMontenegroSerbiaSloveniaSpainSwitzerlandTurkeyUnitedStates\t76527066345535011 321 \n 98 2.Riflesandcarbines AustriaCanadaCroatiaCzechRepublicGermanyGreeceDenmarkItalyMontenegro\t20439255010311702 Serbia 1 Slovenia\t19 Spain\t472 Switzerland\t701 Turkey\t1 UnitedStates\t300 3 1 827 1 \n 711 3. Belgium\t3 Sub-machine \nguns 4. AustriaBelgium\t5535 \nAssaultrifles GermanySwitzerlandUnitedStates\t20101 5. Denmark\t15 Light machine \nguns", "Bulgaria", "Exports", "A B C D E Remarks \n FinalimporterState(s)\tNumberofitems\tStateoforigin(ifnotexporter)\tIntermediatelocation(ifany) Descriptionof item\tCommentsontransfer \n Small \narms 1. NewZealand\t1 Revolvers and self‑loading \npistols \n UnitedStates\t658 \n SouthAfrica\t100 \n Belgium\t1 2. UnitedStates\t4\tUnitedStates Rifles and \ncarbines \n Germany\t125 \n SouthAfrica\t500 \n Algeria\t8 \n NewZealnad\t2 \n Tajikistan\t120 \n TheformerYugoslavRepublicofMacedonia\t16 \n Finland\t50 3. Tajikistan\t200 Sub-machine \nguns \n NewZealand\t1 4. India\t800 Assault \nrifles \n UnitedKingdom\t2 \n Tajikistan\t500\tSerbia \n Canada\t76\tRomania Yemen 40 \n 700 \n NewZealand\t5 5. Tajikistan\t100 Light machine \nguns Yemen 1 \n 000 \n Algeria\t302 \n Canada 10 \n Uganda 20 Light \nweapons 1.Heavy Nigeria\t2 23mmnavy-towedairdefencesystem machine \nguns \n Canada 13 2. Afghanistan\t3000 40mmUBGL Hand-held under-barrel and mounted grenade \nlaunchers \n Uganda\t10 handheldGL\t\n Yemen\t900 handheldGL\t\n Tajikistan\t200 handheldGL Equatorial\t1 40mmUBGL \n Guinea\t500 \n Ethiopia\t10 40mmUBGL\t\n India\t236 40mmUBGL\t\n Hungary\t2 Israel\t151 150UBGL,and \n 1 handheldGL\t\n Norway\t3 handheldGL\t\n Indonesia\t2 40mmUBGL \n Canada 15 \n UnitedStates\t355 handheldGL\t4. Afghanistan\t428 73mmHATGL Recoilless \nrifles 5. UnitedStates\t41 Portable anti-tank missile \nlaunchers 6. Yemen\t170 60mmmortar Mortars of calibres less than \n75mm \n Tajikistan\t6 60mmmortar", "Canada", "Exports", "A B C D E Remarks \n FinalimporterState(s)\tNumberofitems\tStateoforigin(ifnotexporter)\tIntermediatelocation(ifany) Descriptionof item\tCommentsontransfer \n Small \narms 1. Israel\t6 Revolvers and self‑loading \npistols 2. Denmark\t5077 Rifles and \ncarbines \n France 2 \n SaudiArabia\t380 \n Sweden 2 \n UnitedKingdom\t38 United 15 \n States 5. UnitedStates\t3 Returnedgoods Light machine \nguns Light \nweapons 1. Uruguay\t105 M2QCB.50 calHMG\tDonation Heavy machine \nguns 6. UnitedStates\t1 Demilitarized Mortars of calibres less than \n75mm", "Imports", "[TABLE]", "Chile", "Imports", "[TABLE]", "Croatia", "Original language: English Calendar year: 2010", "Background information: yes Date of submission: 1 June 2011", "National points of contact: yes", "Exports", "[TABLE]", "Imports", "[TABLE]", "Czech Republic", "Exports", "[TABLE]", "Imports", "[TABLE]", "Germany", "Exports", "[TABLE]", "Note: The table indicates values for both commercial and non-commercial international transfers of small arms and light weapons originating in Germany. No data on actual transfers in 2010 are available concerning information on commercial international transfers of small arms and light weapons. Therefore, data on licences granted for commercial international transfers of small arms and light weapons in 2010 are quoted as a best approximation. It should be noted that actual transfers can be lower than the licensing figures quoted. Data are provided in a manner that avoids double-counting of commercial transfers (e.g., at the time of licensing and subsequently at the time of actual transfer). Data on non-commercial international transfers of small arms and light weapons reflect actual transfers.", "Imports", "[TABLE]", "Greece", "Exports", "[TABLE]", "Imports", "[TABLE]", "Grenada", "Original language: English Calendar year: 2010", "Background information provided: yes Date of submission: 16 May 2011", "National points of contact: yes", "Imports", "[TABLE]", "Hungary", "Exports", "[TABLE]", "Imports", "[TABLE]", "Ireland", "Original language: English Calendar year: 2010", "Background information provided: yes Date of submission: 25 May 2011", "National points of contact: yes", "Imports", "[TABLE]", "Latvia", "Original language: English Calendar year: 2010", "Background information provided: yes Date of submission: 24 May 2011", "National points of contact: yes", "Imports", "[TABLE]", "Lichtenstein", "Original language: English Calendar year: 2010", "Background information provided: yes Date of submission: 20 May 2011", "National points of contact: yes", "Exports", "[TABLE]", "Imports", "[TABLE]", "Lithuania", "Imports", "[TABLE]", "Mexico", "Original language: Spanish Calendar year: 2010", "Background information provided: Date of submission: 18 May 2011 yes", "National points of contact: yes", "Imports", "A B C D E Remarks \n\tExporterState(s)\tNumberofitems\tStateoforigin(ifnotexporter)\tIntermediatelocation(ifany) Descriptionof item\tCommentsontransfer \nSmallarms \n1.Revolversandself-loadingpistols\tItaly\t9125 7,196Beretta9mmpistols\t\n\tAustria\t9309 1,010Beretta0.40”MCApistols\t\n\tGermany\t16 1,009Beretta0.380”MCApistols\t\n\tUnitedStates\t151 6,0599mmGlockpistols\t\n\tBrazil\t656 1,2300.40”Glockpistols\t\n\tIsrael\t510 2,0200.380”MCAGlockpistols\t\n\tBelgium\t281 15 0.22”MCAWaltherpistols\t\n\tCzechRepublic\t505 1 0.22”ISSCpistols\t\n 130 9mmMCA SigSauerpistols 1 45”ACP Mod. \n Governmentpistols\t\n 200.380”MCA SigSauerpistols\t\n 50 9mmMCATauruspistols\t\n 6060.380”MCATauruspistols\t\n 9mm MCAI.W.I.pistols 0.38”SPLTaurus \n revolvers \n 5.7 MCAFNHerstalpistols 0.22 MCACeska \n Zbrojovkapistols\t\n2.Riflesandcarbines\tUnitedStates\t8431 8105.56x45Bushmastercarbines\t\n\tIsrael\t555 720.223”DS ARMScarbines\t\n\tBelgium\t75 680.223”Smith &Wessoncarbines\t\n\tItaly\t202 2,9540.223”Coltcarbines\t\n 2527.62x39USOrdnancecarbines\t\n 437.62x39Coltrifles 1,1007.62x51 \n Bushmasterrifles\t\n 8577.62x51MCA DSARMSrifles 1 5.56MCA \n Remingtonrifle\t\n 40 5.56SigSauerrifles\t\n 18 9mmColtcarbines 2,155308” Win \n Bushmasterrifles 61 308”Win \n RemingtonSA58rifles\t\n 507.62x39IWIrifles\t\n 5057.62x51IWIrifles\t\n 7.62x51FNHerstalrifles\t\n 9mmBerettacarbines\t\n4.Assaultrifles\tItaly\t3427 7005.56x45BerettaSC 70/90rifles\t\n\tUnitedStates\t115 2,7275.56x45BerettaARX160rifles\t\n\tCzechRepublic\t250 55 0.50”Barrettrifles\t\n\tIsrael\t505 50 6.8Barrettrifles\t\n 100.338”Barrettrifles 05.56Ceska \n Zbrojovkarifles\t\n 5.56 IWIrifles\t\n5. Lightmachineguns\tUnitedStates\t49 47 9mmColtsub‑machineguns\t\n\tBelgium\t10 2 9mm DSARMSsub‑machineguns\t\n\tIsrael\t103 5.56mmHerstalmachinegun\t\n 5.56mmIWImachinegun\t6.Others\tUnited\t3 Variousrifles \n\tStates\t024 \n\tFinland\t55 15 Riflecal.308Win MCASAKO\t\n\tCzechRepublic\t1154 40 Riflecal.308MCA SAKO\t\n\tBelgium\t707 RifleCeskaZbrojovkavariousmodels \n\tGermany\t303 \n\tPortugal\t201 Browning12, 20,30-06calibreshotguns\t\n\tItaly\t558 Riflecal. 22LRWaltherG22\t\n YILDIZ12, 20calibreshotguns\t\n Benelli12, 20calibreandBerretta12,calibreshotguns\t\n Fabarmcal. 12,20\t\nLightweapons \n1. Heavymachineguns\tBelgium\t1 Herstalcal.50mm\t2.Hand-heldunder-barrelandmountedgrenade\tUnitedStates\t248 40mmGrenadelauncher \n launchers", "Exports", "A\tB\tC\tD\tE Remarks\t\n\tFinalimporterState(s)\tNumberofitems\tStateoforigin(ifnotexporter)\tIntermediatelocation(ifany) Descriptionofitem\tCommentsontransfer \n Small arms 2. Rifles andcarbines\tGermany\t500 MP5A3 Heckler and koch self-loading \n pistols", "Netherlands", "Exports", "A\tB\tC\tD\tE Remarks\t\n\tFinalimporterState(s)\tNumberofitems\tStateoforigin(ifnotexporter)\tIntermediatelocation(ifany) Descriptionofitem\tCommentsontransfer \n Small arms \n1. Revolvers andself-loadingpistols\tGermany\t58 \n\tFinland\t1 \n France 3 \n Italy 8 \n Kenya 6 \n Malta 1 \n\tAustria\t3 \n\tSlovenia\t1 \n\tSlovakia\t2 Czech 1 \n Republic \n Turkey 2 \n\tUnitedKingdom\t24 \n\tUnitedStates\t7 \n\tSwitzerland\t1 \n2. Rifles andcarbines\tBulgaria\t1 \n Canada 2 \n Germany 130 \n\tFinland\t1 \n France 1 \n Italy 7 \n\tLithuania\t1 \n Norway 2 \n\tAustria\t3 \n Poland 2 \n\tRomania\t7 \n\tSlovakia\t2 \n Spain 1 Czech 1 \n Republic \n\tUnitedKingdom\t16 \n\tUnitedStates\t1 \n\tSouthAfrica\t2 \n Sweden 2 \n\tSwitzerland\t1 \n5. Light machineguns\tGermany\t98 \n Malta 4 \n\tAustria\t4", "Imports", "A\tB\tC\tD\tE Remarks\t\n\tExporterState(s)\tNumberofitems\tStateoforigin(ifnotexporter)\tIntermediatelocation(ifany) Descriptionofitem\tCommentsontransfer\n Small arms \n1. Revolvers andself-loadingpistols\tBelgium\t390 \n Brazil 6 \n Germany 652 \n France 6 \n\tItaly\t202 \n\tMalaysia\t4 \n Austria 155 \n\tCzechRepublic\t113 \n\tSuriname\t2 United 2 \n Kingdom \n Sweden 4 \n\tTurkey\t36 \n\tUnitedStates\t28 \n\tSwitzerland\t103 \n2. Rifles andcarbines\tAustralia\t1 \n Belgium 881 \n\tDenmark\t3 \n\tGermany\t1380 \n\tFinland\t1 \n France 2 \n\tIceland\t2 \n\tItaly\t23 \n\tLuxembourg\t3 \n Malaysia 13 New 5 \n Zealand \n Norway 4 \n Austria 91 \n Poland 2 \n\tSpain\t10 \n\tCzechRepublic\t288 \n\tUnitedKingdom\t142 \n\tUnitedStates\t69 \n\tVietNam\t191 \n\tSweden\t29 \n\tSwitzerland\t51 \n3. Sub-machineguns\tBelgium\t11 \n\tGermany\t7 \n4. Assault rifles\tUnitedStates\t7 ShotgunMosberg 34 Barret \n AMcal.12.75. Light machineguns\tBelgium\t639 MINIMI, \n MAG \n\tGermany\t811 H&K-416,-417\n France 1 \n\tLuxembourg\t6 \n Spain 1 Czech 1 \n Republic \n\tUnitedKingdom\t30 \n\tUnitedStates\t24 QCB\n Sweden 3 \n Light weapons \n2. Hand-heldunder-barrel andmounted grenadelaunchers\tBelgium\t2 \n Germany 24 \n\tAustria\t1 United 5 \n Kingdom \n\tSweden\t10 \n\tSwitzerland\t2", "Norway", "Imports", "A\tB\tC\tD\tE Remarks\t\n\tExporterState(s)\tNumberofitems\tStateoforigin(ifnotexporter)\tIntermediatelocation(ifany) Descriptionofitem\tCommentsontransfer\n Small arms \n1. Revolvers andself-loadingpistols\tGermany\t83 HKP30L\t\n4. Assault rifles\tGermany\t4070 HK416/417", "Portugal", "Imports", "A\tB\tC\tD\tE Remarks\t\n\tExporterState(s)\tNumberofitems\tStateoforigin(ifnotexporter)\tIntermediatelocation(ifany) Descriptionofitem\tCommentsontransfer\n Small arms 1. Revolvers andself-loadingpistols\tGermany\t129224 HKUSP9x19Walter\tForGovernment \n P99 Austria\t2 Glock \n 9mm \n4. Assaultrifles\tGermany\t7429 HKG36HKMG4\tForGovernment\n Light weapons 5. Portableanti-tankmissilelaunchers androcket systems\tGermany\t50 HKGrenadelauncher \n AG36", "Republic of Korea", "Exports", "A\tB\tC\tD\tE Remarks\t\n\tFinalimporterState(s)\tNumberofitems\tStateoforigin(ifnotexporter)\tIntermediatelocation(ifany) Descriptionofitem\tCommentsontransfer \n Small arms \n1. Revolvers andpistols\tCambodia\t100 9mmpistol\t\n2. Rifles andcarbines\tCambodia\t7 K2\t\n3. Sub-machineguns\tCambodia\t87 K1A\t\n\tSingapore\t497 K1A\t5. Light machineguns\tIndonesia\t803 K3light machine gun \n cal.5.56mm", "Romania", "Exports", "A\tB\tC\tD\tE Remarks\t\n\tFinalimporterState(s)\tNumberofitems\tStateoforigin(ifnotexporter)\tIntermediatelocation(ifany) Descriptionofitem\tCommentsontransfer \n Small arms \n1. Revolvers andself-loadingpistols\tColombia\t3 Republicof\t4 \n Moldova \n2. Rifles andcarbines\tAustria\t408 \n Germany 260 UnitedStates\t34 \n 018 \n3. Sub-machineguns\tAustria\t500 UnitedStates\t18 \n 147 \n4. Assault rifles\tAfghanistan\t600 \n Austria 800 \n\tBurkinaFaso\t142 \n\tFrance\t44 \n\tUnitedStates\t400 \n5. Light machineguns\tBurkinaFaso \n\tUnitedStates \n Light weapons \n2. Heavy machineguns\tAfghanistan\t162 \n\tBulgaria\t8 \n Thailand 11 \n\tUnitedStates\t136 \n5. Portableanti-tank missilelaunchers androcket systems\tUnitedStates\t25 \n6. Mortars ofcalibre less than75mm\tUnitedStates\t12", "Imports", "A\tB\tC\tD\tE Remarks\t\n\tExporterState(s)\tNumberofitems\tStateoforigin(ifnotexporter)\tIntermediatelocation(ifany) Descriptionofitem\tCommentsontransfer\n Small arms \n1. Revolvers andself-loadingpistols\tAustria\t2388 \n\tAustralia\t10 \n\tCzechRepublic\t37 \n Germany 136 \n Hungary 19 \n\tItaly\t33 \n Serbia 1 \n\tUkraine\t1850 2. Rifles andcarbines\tAustria\t343 Hunting and sportarms imported forcommercial \n market\n Australia\t55 \n Belgium\t374 \n Bulgaria\t6 \n Canada\t3 \n Cyprus\t850 Czech\t612 \n Republic \n\tGermany\t1116 \n France 9 \n Hungary 349 \n\tItaly\t667 \n\tNetherlands\t9 \n\tSerbia\t70 \n\tSlovakia\t1 \n\tSouthAfrica\t1 \n Spain 9 \n\tSweden\t12 \n\tSwitzerland\t18 \n Turkey 1 \n\tUnitedStates\t105 \n3. Sub-machineguns\tBelgium\t1 \n Light weapons \n1. Heavy machinegun\tNetherlands\t1\tItaly 3. Portableanti-tank guns\tSouthAfrica\t1 Anti-tankgrenade launcher40mm \n MGL-MK1L", "Serbia", "Exports", "A\tB\tC\tD\tE Remarks\t\n\tFinalimporterState(s)\tNumberofitems\tStateoforigin(ifnotexporter)\tIntermediatelocation(ifany) Descriptionofitem\tCommentsontransfer \n Small arms \n1. Revolvers andself-loadingpistols\tAustralia\t6 \n\tAustria\t1450\tGermany \n\tAfghanistan\t775 Jordan \n\tBangladesh\t1 \n\tBosniaandHerzegovina\t660 \n\tGuatemala\t340 \n\tIndonesia\t2 \n\tIraq\t5100 Bulgaria,Jordan \n\tJordan\t310 \n\tCanada\t200 Theformer\t57 Yugoslav \n\tRepublicofMacedonia \n\tPakistan\t1688 \n Peru 2 UnitedStates\t13 Austria 1 178 licence via \n Austria\n\tSlovakia\t9 \n Slovenia 150 \n\tUnitedKingdom\t127 \n2. Rifles andcarbines\tAlgeria\t55 \n\tArgentina\t103 \n\tAustralia\t1526 \n\tAfghanistan\t408 Jordan \n\tBosniaandHerzegovina\t558\tRussianFederation \n Bulgaria 45 \n\tCzechRepublic\t25 \n\tMontenegro\t60 \n Denmark 284 \n\tFrance\t250 \n\tGuatemala\t5 \n\tIndonesia\t18 Singapore \n\tIraq\t2 Jordan \n\tJordan\t26 \n\tCanada\t360 Theformer\t24 Yugoslav \n\tRepublicofMacedonia \n\tMozambique\t50 Portugal \n Namibia 50 \n\tNewZealand\t231 \n Pakistan 220 \n Peru 1 \n\tPortugal\t3 \n\tTajikistan\t100 Bulgaria \n\tUnitedStates\t16235\tDE,RU,CZ \n Slovakia 41 \n Slovenia 213 \n\tSpain\t68 \n\tUnitedKingdom\t21 3. Sub-machineguns\tUnitedStates\t13 \n 711 \n4. Assault rifles\tIraq\t27 Jordan \n\tEquatorialGuinea\t2000 Cyprus \n5. Light machineguns\tAustria\t5300 \n\tAfghanistan\t7743 UnitedStates,Jordan \n\tEquatorialGuinea\t2000 Cyprus \n India 4 \n\tIraq\t2300 Bulgaria,Jordan \n\tJordan\t10 \n Kuwait 3 \n\tUnitedStates\t552 \n Slovenia 110 Tajikistan\t570 Bulgaria,Russian \n Federation \n\tUnitedKingdom\t29 \n Light weapons \n1. Heavy machineguns\tAustria\t6603 \n\tAfghanistan\t2194 \n\tEquatorialGuinea\t1 \n\tIraq\t432 \n\tUnitedStates\t6 \n\tTajikistan\t100 \n\tUnitedKingdom\t195 \n2. Hand-heldunder-barrel andmounted grenadelaunchers\tAlgeria\t64 CentralAfrican\t10 SlovakiaCyprus \n Republic \n\tEquatorialGuinea\t2 \n\tUnitedStates\t15 Bulgaria \n3. Portableanti-tank guns\tKenya\t6 \n4. Recoillessrifles\tIraq\t40 \n5. Portableanti-tank missilelaunchers androcket systems\tTurkey\t1", "Imports", "A\tB\tC\tD\tE Remarks\t\n\tExporterState(s)\tNumberofitems\tStateoforigin(ifnotexporter)\tIntermediatelocation(ifany) Descriptionofitem\tCommentsontransfer\n Small arms \n1. Revolvers andself-loadingpistols\tMontenegro\t750 \n\tRussianFederation\t190 \n\tSlovenia\t1\tGermany \n\tGermany\t8 \n Italy 6 \n\tGreece\t57\tItaly \n\tCzechRepublic\t61 \n\tBelgium\t2 \n Austria 47 \n2. Rifles andcarbines Montenegro\t700 \n Slovenia\t1 United\t38 \n States \n RussianFederation\t776 \n Germany\t272 \n Italy\t77 \n\tUnitedKingdom\t47 \n\tCzechRepublic\t32 \n Germany 13 \n Portugal 105 \n Belgium 15 \n Austria 222 \n3. Sub-machineguns\tMontenegro\t550 \n Germany 32 \n\tItaly\t40 \n5. Light machineguns\tGermany\t24 \n\tBelgium\t4 \n Light weapons \n4. Recoillessrifles\tMontenegro\t16 \n5. Portableanti-tank missilelaunchers androcket systems\tMontenegro\t1286", "Slovakia", "Exports", "A B C D E Remarks \n\tExporterState(s)\tNumberofitems\tStateoforigin(ifnotexporter)\tIntermediatelocation(ifany) Descriptionofitem\tCommentsontransfer\n Small arms \n1. Revolvers andself-loadingpistols\tGermany\t9 \n Spain 24 \n France 64 United 10 \n Kingdom \n Italy 37 \n\tRomania\t60 \n\tRussianFederation\t909 \n\tThailand\t350 \n\tUnitedStates\t300 \n Uganda\t400 2. Rifles andcarbines Czech\t6 \n Republic \n France\t456 4. Assault rifles CentralAfrican\t400 \n Republic 5. Light machineguns Czech\t39 \n Republic \n Algeria\t2 \n Light weapons \n1. Heavy machineguns\tCzechRepublic\t273 \n Uganda 60 \n7. Others\tAzerbaijan\t1 30mmcannon2A42\t\n\tBulgaria\t6 30mmcannon2A42\t\n\tEgypt\t1 30mmcannon2A42", "Imports", "A B C D E Remarks \n\tExporterState(s)\tNumberofitems\tStateoforigin(ifnotexporter)\tIntermediatelocation(ifany) Descriptionofitem\tCommentsontransfer\n Small arms 1. Revolvers andself-loadingpistols\tAustriaCzechRepublic\t59218029235 Germany 269 Italy 1 UnitedStates \n Belgium 2. Rifles andcarbines\tAustriaCzechRepublic\t35083651 Germany 782 Denmark\t125 Italy \n\tUnitedStates 3. Sub-machineguns\tBelgiumCzech\t1108 \n Republic 4. Assaultrifles\tBelgium\t240 \n Germany \n5. Light machineguns\tCzechRepublic\t220 \n Light weapons 2. Hand-heldunder-barrel andmounted grenadelaunchers\tSerbiaBelgium\t517 \n Germany \n7. Others\tCzechRepublic\t31 30mmcannon2A42", "Switzerland", "Exports", "A\tB\tC\tD\tE Remarks\t\n\tExporterState(s)\tNumberofitems\tStateoforigin(ifnotexporter)\tIntermediatelocation(ifany) Descriptionofitem\tCommentsontransfer\n Small arms 1. Revolvers andself-loadingpistols\tUnitedStatesUnitedArab\t511 Emirates 1 Turkmenistan \n Estonia 2. Rifles andcarbines\tSpainRomania\t291 \n\tRepublicofKorea 3. Sub-machineguns\tUkraine\t46 Denmark 290 India 28 Kuwait 50 RepublicofKoreaPoland\t36107 Thailand \n\tSouthAfrica \n 4. Assault rifles Chile 25 \n\tIndia\t1039 \n\tMalaysia\t35 \n Ghana 737 \n\tBosniaandHerzegovina\t10 \n Light weapons 2. Hand-heldunder-barrel andmounted grenadelaunchers\tBosniaandHerzegovinaFrance\t3689240 Germany 3 SloveniaUnitedStates\t122911 LuxembourgIndia\t102910 Croatia 725 Spain Portugal Hungary \n\tSouthAfrica", "Note: All data provided above for small arms and light weapons do not refer to actual export but to authorized exports licences (number of weapons authorized per country), which do not necessarily correspond to the calendar year.", "Imports", "A\tB\tC\tD\tE Remarks\t\n\tExporterState(s)\tNumberofitems\tStateoforigin(ifnotexporter)\tIntermediatelocation(ifany) Descriptionofitem\tCommentsontransfer\n Small arms 1. Revolvers andself-loadingpistols\tGermany\t28 9mmpistol\tForFederalPoliceand Swiss \n Army\n2. Rifles andcarbines\tFinland\t1 8.6mmrifle\tForevaluation", "Trinidad and Tobago", "Exports", "[TABLE]", "Note: This section of the annual report takes into consideration the fact that the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago is neither a manufacturer nor exporter of conventional weapons and/or small arms and light weapons.", "Trinidad and Tobago firearms legislation has a section entitled “exports”. This section is not defined according to the United Nations Programme of Action, but is in reality a “re-export” procedure, which allows persons to take firearms abroad. Most of these firearms are “re-imported” at the end of their activity and are reflected in the import section of this document.", "Imports", "[TABLE]", "Turkey", "Exports", "A B C D E Remarks \n FinalimporterState(s)\tNumberofitems\tStateoforigin(ifnotexporter)\tIntermediatelocation(ifany) Descriptionof item\tCommentsontransfer \n Small \narms 1.Revolversand PakistanPhilippinesThailandBangladeshKyrgyzstanLebanonUruguay\t135992785195118 self‑loading NamibiaCostaRicaSenegalHonduras\t34115290 pistols SyrianArabRepublicGeorgia\t280240 GuatemalaPeru\t3070 UnitedRepublicofTanzaniaBosniaandHerzegovina\t2729230300 ColombiaBurkinaFasoEgypt\t2781200 Zambia\t90 Iran(IslamicRepublicof)Kenya\t9461340 RepublicofMoldova\t50030 Panama 2 Chile\t009 Azerbaijan\t20 Kazakhstan\t25 ElSalvadorNetherlandsSloveniaUnited\t11653110 States 1 NewZealand\t120 Portugal\t10 Sweden 3 Italy 8 Switzerland\t623 South\t4 Africa 4 France 27 155 10 100 \n 8 2.Rifles UnitedStatesGermanySaudiArabia\t1412505 and SyrianArabRepublic\t2 \ncarbines 3.Sub-machine ThailandMoroccoSaoTomeandPrincipeVietNamSaudi\t250640100200 \nguns ArabiaPhilippines\t1251", "Imports", "[TABLE]", "Ukraine", "Exports", "A B C D E Remarks \n FinalimporterState(s)\tNumberofitems\tStateoforigin(ifnotexporter)\tIntermediatelocation(ifany) Descriptionof item\tCommentsontransfer \n Small \narms 1. GermanyUnited\t11628 Revolversand StatesFranceRomaniaHungaryCzechRepublic\t400011850 self-loading ArmeniaPakistan\t1002482302 \npistols 235 2.Rifles AustriaLuxembourgGermanyUnitedKingdom\t70020532970 andcarbines UnitedStatesCanadaCzechRepublicArmeniaDemocraticRepublicofthe\t4700954006050520 Congo 60 3 \n 000 3.Sub-machine AustriaLuxembourgCzechRepublicAzerbaijanArmenia\t1004302003000 guns KenyaUgandaDemocraticRepublicofthe\t165002000 Congo\t36 798 10 \n 000 5.Lightmachineguns AustriaArmeniaVenezuela(BolivarianRepublicof)SriLankaChadKenyaDemocraticRepublicofthe\t1652501111350500 \n Congo Light \nweapons 1.Heavy KenyaUgandaDemocraticRepublicofthe\t10025100 machine Congo \nguns 2.Hand-held UgandaDemocraticRepublicoftheCongo\t501180 under-barrel and mounted grenade \nlaunchers 3.Portable DemocraticRepublicoftheCongo\t600 anti-tank \nguns 5. Azerbaijan\t1 Portable anti-tank missile launchers and rocket \nsystems", "Imports", "A B C D E Remarks \n ExporterState(s)\tNumberofitems\tStateoforigin(ifnotexporter)\tIntermediatelocation(ifany) Descriptionof item\tCommentsontransfer \n Small \narms 2.Rifles AustriaRussianFederationLatvia\t352375 and \ncarbines 3.Sub-machine SwitzerlandGermany\t41 \nguns Light \nweapons 1. Cyprus\t250 Heavy machine \nguns", "United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland", "Exports", "A B C D E Remarks \n FinalimporterState(s)\tNumberofitems\tStateoforigin(ifnotexporter)\tIntermediatelocation(ifany) Descriptionof item\tCommentsontransfer \n Small \narms 1.Revolvers AustraliaCanadaChileIraqJordanKenya\t111150500 Pistol__________________Semi-automaticpistol__________________Sportingpistol andself-loading MauritiusNetherlandsNewZealandNorwayPakistan\t62518101 pistols SpainSwitzerlandUnitedArabEmirates\t311081 UnitedStates\t______ _____________\t151 Afghanistan\t25 Austria\t40 Barbados\t6 Belgium\t1 Brazil 1 India 64 Italy 27 Jordan 55 Kenya 30 Lesotho\t11 Malta 20 NewZealand\t4 Oman 5 Pakistan\t28 Panama 1 Seychelles\t29 Spain 3 Switzerland\t7 TrinidadandTobago\t1301 Turkey\t4 UnitedStates\t______ Zambia\t1 _____________\t1 Malta \n NewZealand _____________BarbadosBelgiumCanada\t______30128 __________________Revolver France\t1 Italy\t4 Malta\t2 NetherlandsNewZealand\t2612 Norway 4 Poland 1 United 1 \n States 2.Riflesandcarbines AustraliaCanadaFinlandItalyNewZealandPortugalSerbiaSpainUnitedStates_____________AfghanistanAustraliaBahrainBelgium\t521111112______1201214316 Combinationrifleshotguns_________________RiflesShotguns__________________Sportingrifle__________________Sniperrifle CanadaDenmarkDjiboutiGermany\t7822102 GreeceIndonesiaIreland\t5316 Italy\t2 JapanJordan\t202 Kenya\t14 NetherlandsNewZealand\t31519 Norway 10 RepublicofMoldova\t11 South 38 Africa\t2 Spain\t1 Sweden\t6 UnitedRepublicofTanzania\t0061 United\t29 States 3 Argentina\t6 Australia\t2 Austria\t5 Bahrain\t19 Barbados\t1 Belgium\t41 Canada 19 Chile 20 Cyprus 1 Denmark\t7 DominicanRepublicEstoniaFinland\t165515 FranceGermany\t1335 Greece\t13 HaitiIreland\t502 ItalyJamaica\t830 JordanLuxembourgMauritius\t7130 NetherlandsNewZealand\t70102 Norway 4 Pakistan\t13 Portugal\t1 Qatar 56 RepublicofMoldova\t31 RussianFederationSan\t317 Marino 9 Serbia 14 Singapore\t4 Slovakia\t1 South\t1 Africa 1 Spain 68 Sweden 1 Switzerland\t______ UnitedRepublicofTanzania\t2758 Thailand\t2 UnitedArabEmirates\t103 Ukraine\t1 United\t4 States 1 Zambia 8 _____________\t5 Argentina\t27 Australia\t4 Austria\t2 Bahrain\t6 Barbados\t12 Belarus\t5 Belgium\t17 Botswana\t14 Brazil\t164 Bulgaria\t5 Canada 17 Cyprus 25 CzechRepublicDenmarkDjiboutiFinland\t112223 FranceGeorgiaGermany\t11099 IndiaIreland\t54 ItalyKazakhstan\t135 KuwaitLuxembourg\t72 MalawiMozambiqueNepal\t6530 NetherlandsNewZealand\t1461 Norway 1 OmanPakistanParaguayPortugal\t10340110 QatarRepublicofMoldovaRussianFederation\t516150 Saudi 3 Arabia\t545 SerbiaSlovenia\t23 SouthAfrica\t______ Spain\t6 Sweden\t3 Switzerland\t3 UnitedRepublicofTanzania\t1110 Thailand\t1 UnitedArabEmirates\t211 Ukraine\t2 United\t6 States 10 Uzbekistan\t10 Zambia 60 _____________\t1 Australia\t135 Austria\t1 Belgium\t4 Brazil 8 Canada 67 CyprusDenmarkDjibouti\t257494 FranceGermany\t139 Ghana\t12 Indonesia\t15 Ireland\t5 Italy\t1 Jordan\t6 LibyanArabJamahiriya\t181 Mauritius\t2 Mexico\t6 Netherlands NewZealand Norway Oman Peru Poland RussianFederation Saudi Arabia Slovakia South Africa Spain Switzerland Thailand \n Ukraine 3. BahrainBrazil\t523 Sub-machinegun Sub-machine BruneiGhanaJapanJordan\t255250114 guns MaltaMauritius\t52 NewZealand\t25 Oman 25 Panama 11 South 4 AfricaSpain\t600 UnitedArabEmirates\t3926 United\t2 \n States 4.assaultrifles AfghanistanAustriaBahrainBrazilBruneiCanadaCzechRepublicDjibouti\t49427371750141 Assaultrifles France\t60 Germany\t143 Ireland\t1 JordanKazakhstanRepublicof\t450174 KoreaLesothoLiberia\t1133 Malta\t8 NetherlandsNewZealand\t2364 OmanPakistanPeru\t105 Seychelles\t27 South\t3 Africa 24 Spain 6 Trinidadand\t18 Tobago 2 Ukraine\t30 UnitedArabEmirates\t003 United \n States Light \nweapons 1.Heavy AustraliaBelgiumBrazilCanada\t53022 General-purposemachineguns_________________Heavymachineguns machine DjiboutiFinlandGermany\t616 guns IsraelJapan\t1111 KuwaitLiberia\t538 Netherlands\t1 NewZealand\t33 Oman 11 Pakistan\t1 Seychelles\t15 UnitedArabEmirates\t31 United\t500 States_____________\t______ Ghana\t3 Liberia\t20 Malta\t1 Spain\t13 United\t1 \n States", "Imports", "A B C D E Remarks \n ExporterState(s)\tNumberofitems\tStateoforigin(ifnotexporter)\tIntermediatelocation(ifany) Descriptionof item\tCommentsontransfer \n Small \narms 5. Belgium\t402 FNHerstalLMGs Light machine \nguns", "Annex", "Views received from Governments in accordance with paragraph 6 (a) and (b) of General Assembly resolution 64/54", "Netherlands", "The Netherlands firmly believes that the transparency in the field of armaments contributes to enhancing confidence, easing tensions and strengthening regional peace and security. Moreover, such transparency enhances responsibility in arms transfers. The Netherlands regards the United Nations Register of Conventional Arms as an effective mechanism to improve and promote transparency and confidence between States and regions.", "To further augment the Register as a mechanism that promotes transparency and confidence, the Netherlands would be in favour of including information on the transfer of small arms and light weapons in the annual reports of the Member States to the United Nations Register of Conventional Arms. Transparency in the area of conventional arms, in particular small arms and light weapons, is an essential component in combating the uncontrolled proliferation of these weapons and in providing an atmosphere of confidence and security.", "[1] The first eighteen reports were issued under the following symbols: A/48/344 and Corr.1-3 and Add.1-3; A/49/352 and Corr.1-2 and Add.1-4; A/50/547 and Corr.1 and Add.1-4; A/51/300 and Add.1-5; A/52/312 and Corr.1- 2 and Add.1-4; A/53/334 and Corr.1-2 and Add.1-2; A/54/226 and Corr.1 and Add.1-6; A/55/299 and Corr.1 and Add.1-6; A/56/257 and Corr.1 and Add.1-2; A/57/221 and Corr.1-2 and Add.1-3; A/58/203 and Corr.1-2 and Add.1-2; A/59/193 and Corr.1-2 and Add.1-2; A/60/160 and Corr.1-2 and Add.1-3; A/61/159 and Corr.1-2 and Add.1-3; A/62/170 and Add.1-3; A/63/120 and Add.1-3; A/64/135 and Add.1-3; A/65/133 and Add.1-5." ]
[ "第六十六届会议", "* * A/66/50。", "暂定项目表^(*) 项目99(g)", "全面彻底裁军:军备的透明度", "联合国常规武器登记册", "秘书长的报告", "摘要", "本报告根据大会第64/54号决议提交,载有从会员国收到的有关2010日历年度出口和进口《联合国常规武器登记册》涵盖的常规武器的资料以及有关军事财产、国产军备采购、小武器和轻武器国际转让的其他背景资料。截至本报告提出之日,秘书长已收到64国政府的汇报。", "目录", "页次\n1.导言 3\n2.从各国政府收到的资料 3\nA.各国政府提交的资料总表 4\nB.各国政府提交的关于常规武器转让的报告 6\n3.各国政府提供的关于军事财产和国产军备采购的资料 41\n4.各国政府提供的关于小武器和轻武器国际转让的资料 70 \n 附件 \n各国政府依照大会第64/54号决议第6(a)和6(b)段提出的意见 133", "一. 导言", "1. 本报告是设立《联合国常规武器登记册》以来秘书长发布的关于该登记册的第十九次综合报告。[1] 大会第64/54号决议第3至第5段吁请会员国每年提供登记册涵盖的主要常规武器国际转让的数据和资料,包括“无”报告,以及其他背景资料。", "2. 裁军事务厅于2011年3月3日向会员国发出普通照会,请它们至迟于2011年5月31日提出报告。所收答复转载于下文第三和第四节及附件。以后从各国政府收到的报告和补充资料均将作为本报告增编印发。", "二. 从各国政府收到的资料", "3. 从各国政府收到的资料列示如下。", "(a) 第二节载有:", "㈠ A部分——秘书长收到的资料总表;", "㈡ B部分——各国政府关于常规武器转让的答复;", "(b) 第三节载有各国政府就军事财产和国产军备采购提交的背景资料;", "(c) 第四节载有各国政府就小武器和轻武器国际转让提交的背景资料;", "(d) 附件载有会员国针对大会第64/54号决议第6(b)段所述“登记册缺乏小武器和轻武器大类是否限制了登记册的意义并直接影响了就参与作出的决定”这一问题提出的意见。", "4. 各会员国答复的原件可向裁军事务厅调阅。常规武器登记册的年度报告和其他有关资料可在该厅网站查阅电子文本(见 Registe/HTML/RegisterIndex.shtml)。", "A. 各国政府提交的资料总表", "国家\t收到报告的日期\t出口数据\t进口数据\t背景资料 对将小武器和轻武器纳入登记册的意见\n 军事财产 国产军备采购\t小武器和轻武器的国际转让 \n1.\t安道尔\t2011年6月10日\t无\t无 有\t\n2.\t阿根廷\t2011年6月20日\t无\t无\t有^(a)\t无\t无\t\n3.\t澳大利亚\t2011年6月1日\t有\t有\t有\t有\t有\t\n4.\t奥地利\t2011年6月1日\t有\t有\t有\t无\t有\t\n5.\t孟加拉国\t2011年6月29日\t无\t有 无\t\n6.\t白俄罗斯\t2011年6月10日\t有\t无 \n7.\t伯利兹\t2011年3月24日\t无\t无 \n8.\t不丹\t2011年4月18日\t无\t无 \n9.\t波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那\t2011年6月29日\t有\t有 有\t\n10.\t巴西\t2011年6月17日\t无\t有 \n11.\t保加利亚\t2011年6月1日\t有\t有\t有\t无\t有\t\n12.\t柬埔寨\t2011年3月16日\t无\t无 \n13.\t加拿大\t2011年6月27日\t有\t有\t有\t无\t有\t\n14.\t智利\t2011年5月31日\t无\t有 有\t\n15.\t克罗地亚\t2011年6月1日\t无\t无 有\t\n16.\t塞浦路斯\t2011年6月6日\t无\t有 \n17.\t捷克共和国\t2011年6月1日\t有\t有 有\t\n18.\t多米尼加共和国\t2011年5月25日\t无\t有 \n19.\t萨尔瓦多\t2011年5月13日\t无\t无 \n20.\t爱沙尼亚\t2011年5月11日\t无\t无\t有 \n21.\t芬兰\t2011年5月31日\t无\t有\t有\t无 \n22.\t德国^(b)\t2011年6月23日\t有\t有\t有\t有\t有\t\n23.\t希腊\t2011年5月31日\t有\t有 有\t\n24.\t格林纳达\t2011年5月16日\t无\t无 有\t\n25.\t圭亚那\t2011年6月13日\t无\t无 无\t\n26.\t匈牙利\t2011年6月8日\t有\t无\t有 有\t\n27.\t印度\t2011年6月6日\t无\t有 \n28.\t爱尔兰\t2011年5月25日\t无\t无 有\t\n29.\t日本\t2011年5月31日\t无\t无\t有\t有^(c) \n30.\t拉脱维亚\t2011年5月24日\t无\t无 有\t\n31.\t黎巴嫩\t2011年6月6日\t无\t无 无\t无\t\n32.\t列支敦士登\t2011年5月20日\t无\t无 有\t\n33.\t立陶宛\t2011年5月31日\t无\t有\t有 有\t\n34.\t马来西亚\t2011年6月3日\t无\t无 \n35.\t马耳他\t2011年3月29日\t无\t无 无\t\n36.\t墨西哥\t2011年5月18日\t无\t无 有\t\n37.\t摩纳哥\t2011年3月18日\t无\t无 \n38.\t蒙古\t2011年5月31日\t无\t无 无\t\n39.\t荷兰\t2011年6月14日\t有\t有\t有\t无\t有\t有\n40.\t挪威\t2011年6月1日\t有\t有 有\t\n41.\t巴基斯坦\t2011年6月15日\t无\t有 \n42.\t帕劳\t2011年4月4日\t无\t无 \n43.\t秘鲁\t2011年6月13日\t无\t有 有\t\n44.\t波兰\t2011年6月22日 有\t有 \n45.\t葡萄牙\t2011年6月10日\t无\t有 有\t\n46.\t大韩民国\t2011年4月7日\t无\t有 有\t\n47.\t罗马尼亚\t2011年6月1日\t有\t有\t有\t无\t有\t\n48.\t俄罗斯联邦\t2011年5月31日\t有\t无 \n49.\t萨摩亚\t2011年3月15日\t无\t无 \n50.\t圣马力诺\t2011年6月21日\t无\t无 \n51.\t塞尔维亚\t2011年6月8日\t有\t有 有\t\n52.\t斯洛伐克\t2011年5月31日\t有\t有\t有\t无\t有\t\n53.\t所罗门群岛\t2011年4月25日\t无\t无 \n54.\t苏里南\t2011年3月11日\t无\t无 \n55.\t瑞士\t2011年5月23日\t有\t无\t有\t无\t有\t\n56.\t前南斯拉夫的马其顿共和国\t2011年4月21日\t无\t无 \n57.\t特立尼达和多巴哥\t2011年5月31日\t无\t无\t有^(d) 无\t\n58.\t土耳其\t2011年6月6日\t有\t有 有\t\n59.\t土库曼斯坦\t2011年4月12日\t无\t无 \n60.\t乌克兰\t2011年6月23日\t有\t有 有\t\n61.\t联合王国\t2011年6月24日\t有\t有\t有\t有\t有\t\n62.\t美国\t2011年5月27日\t有\t无\t有\t有 \n63.\t乌拉圭\t2011年4月14日\t无\t无 \n64.\t越南\t2011年5月20日\t无\t有", "^(a) 阿根廷还提供了关于小武器和轻武器军备情况的资料。", "^(b) 德国还提供了关于常规武器及相关技术出口政策与做法的资料。该报告以英文发表,可在 Service/publications.html网址查阅。", "^(c) 日本还提供了关于国产小武器和轻武器采购情况的资料。", "^(d) 特立尼达和多巴哥提供了关于小武器和轻武器军备情况的资料。", "B. 各国政府提交的关于常规武器转让的报告", "澳大利亚", "原文:英文 日历年度:2010 \n 有无提供背景资料:有 提交日期:2011年6月1日 \n 有无国家联络点:有", "出口", "A B C D E 备注 \n类别(一至七) 最后进口国\t件数\t原产国(如非出口国)\t中间地点(如果有)\t物项说明\t转让说明 \n二.装甲战斗车 荷兰加拿大\t403 装甲车\t资料依据是澳大利亚国防出口管制办公室的出口许可,不是实际出口情况。", "进口", "A B C D E 备 注 类型(一至七) 出口国\t件数\t原产国(如非出口国)\t中间地点\t物项说明\t转让说明 \n (如果有) \n四.作战飞机 美国\t11 F/A-18超级大黄蜂\t\n五.攻击直升机 法国德国\t34 欧洲直升机,武装侦察直升机MRH-90型多用途直升机\t\n七.导弹和导弹发射器\t(a)\t美国\t保密 SM2、RIM-162B、FGM-148E、AIM-9X、AGM-154、AGM-158\t\n 瑞典\t保密 RBS 70 \n\t(b)", "奥地利", "原文:英文 日历年度:2010 \n 有无提供背景资料:有 提交日期:2011年6月1日 \n 有无国家联络点:有", "出口", "A B C D E 备注 \n类别(一至七) 最后进口国\t件数\t原产国(如非出口国)\t中间地点(如果有)\t物项说明\t转让说明 \n二.装甲战斗车 葡萄牙\t7 PandurII\t\n三.大口径火炮系统\t沙特阿拉伯\t37 M121535型120毫米迫击炮", "进口", "A B C D E 备 注 类别(一至七) 出口国\t件数\t原产国(如非出口国)\t中间地点\t物项说明\t转让说明 \n (如果有) \n二.装甲战斗车\t葡萄牙\t1 PandurII 8x8", "孟加拉国", "原文:英文 日历年度:2010 \n 有无提供背景资料:有 提交日期:2011年6月29日 \n 有无国家联络点:有", "进口", "A B C D E 备注 类别(一至七) 出口国\t件数\t原产国(如非出口国)\t中间地点\t物项说明\t转让说明 \n (如果有) \n三.大口径火炮系统 中国\t8 HF-7C型火箭发射器\t用于F-7BG和FT-7BG战斗机\n六.军舰 联合王国\t3 1艘水道测量船2艘近岸巡逻艇\t\n七.导弹和导弹发射器\t(a)\t中国俄罗斯联邦\t304 PL-9CAPU-470导弹发射器\t用于F-7BG和FT-7BG战斗机用于米格29 \n\t(b)\t中国\t49 QW-2肩射地对空导弹(便携式防空系统)", "白俄罗斯", "原文:俄文 日历年度:2010 \n 有无提供背景资料:无 提交日期:2011年6月10日 \n 有无国家联络点:有", "出口", "A B C D E 备注 \n类别(一至七) 最后进口国\t件数\t原产国(如非出口国)\t中间地点(如果有)\t物项说明\t转让说明 \n一.作战坦克\t也门\t66\t俄罗斯联邦 T-805\t\n三.大口径火炮系统\t阿塞拜疆\t30\t俄罗斯联邦 120毫米榴弹炮D-30\t\n四.作战飞机\t阿塞拜疆苏丹\t11\t俄罗斯联邦俄罗斯联邦 苏-25苏-25\t\n五.攻击直升机\t尼日利亚乌干达\t21\t俄罗斯联邦俄罗斯联邦 米-24米-24", "巴西", "原文:英文 日历年度:2010 \n 有无提供背景资料:无 提交日期:2011年6月17日 \n 有无国家联络点:有", "出口", "A B C D E 备注 类别(一至七) 出口国\t件数\t原产国(如非出口国)\t中间地点\t物项说明\t转让说明 \n (如果有) \n一.作战坦克 德国\t88 豹1 A5\t\n二.装甲战斗车 瑞士\t3 MOWAGPiranha IIIC\t\n五.攻击直升机 俄罗斯联邦\t6 米-35\t\n七.导弹和导弹发射器\t(a)\t以色列\t20 Python4\t\n\t(b)\t俄罗斯联邦\t4862 IGLA-S发射器IGLA-S导弹", "波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那", "原文:英文 日历年度:2010 \n 有无提供背景资料:有 提交日期:2011年6月29日 \n 有无国家联络点:有", "出口", "A B C D E 备注 类别(一至七) 最后进口国\t件数\t原产国(如非出口国)\t中间地点\t物项说明\t转让说明 \n (如果有) \n三.大口径火炮系统 阿塞拜疆\t10 128毫米口径RAK-12多管火箭系统\t\n七.导弹和导弹发射器\t(a)\t阿塞拜疆\t20000 128毫米口径RAK-12火箭 \n\t(b)", "进口", "A B C D E 备注 类别(一至七) 出口国\t件数\t原产国(如非出口国)\t中间地点\t物项说明\t转让说明 \n (如果有) 二.攻击直升机\t塞尔维亚\t2 1Bell-206L Long Ranger、 1 \n Bell-206B JetRanger", "保加利亚", "原文:英文 日历年度:2010 \n 有无提供背景资料:有 提交日期:2011年6月1日 \n 有无国家联络点:有", "出口", "A B C D E 备注 \n类别(一至七) 最后进口国\t件数\t原产国(如非出口国)\t中间地点(如果有)\t物项说明\t转让说明 \n一.作战坦克\t柬埔寨\t50\t塞尔维亚 T-55\t\n二.装甲战斗车\t柬埔寨\t404 BTR60-PBBRDM-2\t三.大口径火炮系统\t乌干达也门\t35054 82毫米迫击炮81毫米迫击炮 36 82毫米迫击炮 \n 120毫米迫击炮", "进口", "A B C D E 备注 类别(一至七) 出口国\t件数\t原产国(如非出口国)\t中间地点\t物项说明\t转让说明 \n (如果有) \n一.作战坦克\t塞尔维亚\t50 \n二.装甲战斗车\t以色列\t5 沙猫战车", "加拿大", "原文:英文 日历年度:2010 \n 有无提供背景资料:有 提交日期:2011年6月27日 \n 有无国家联络点:有", "出口", "A B C D E 备注 \n类别(一至七) 最后进口国\t件数\t原产国(如非出口国)\t中间地点(如果有)\t物项说明\t转让说明 \n一.作战坦克\t挪威\t2 豹C1\t已拆除武器二.装甲战斗车\t智利\t464\t美国 M548A1/A2装甲车\t警用/军用 \n\t尼日利亚", "进口", "A B C D E 备注 类别(一至七) 出口国\t件数\t原产国(如非出口国)\t中间地点\t物项说明\t转让说明 \n (如果有) \n三.大口径火炮系统\t美国\t19 M777155毫米牵引式榴弹炮", "注:出于国家安全原因,未提供第七类武器的进出口资料。", "智利", "原文:西班牙文 日历年度:2010 \n 有无提供背景资料:有 提交日期:2011年5月31日 \n 有无国家联络点:无", "进口", "A B C D E 备注 类别(一至七) 出口国\t件数\t原产国(如非出口国)\t中间地点\t物项说明\t转让说明 \n (如果有) 一.作战坦克\t德国\t11456 Marder1A3豹IV\t2010年4月30日第7210/1506号 236 豹2豹2\t2010年9月13日第7210/3759号2010年3月8日第7210/610号 2010年5月20日第7210/1873号 \n 2010年5月24日第7210/1914号\n二.装甲战斗车\t德国\t13 豹2A4C/CN\t2010年5月20日第7210/1914号\n三.大口径火炮系统\t西班牙\t4 EXPALM-8681毫米迫击炮\t\n六.军舰\t美国\t1 油", "捷克共和国", "原文:英文 日历年度:2010 \n 有无提供背景资料:有 提交日期:2011年6月1日 \n 有无国家联络点:无", "出口", "A B C D E 备注 类别(一至七) 出口国\t件数\t原产国(如非出口国)\t中间地点\t物项说明\t转让说明 \n (如果有) 一.作战坦克 保加利亚\t693 T-55T-72 \n 美国 \n二.装甲战斗车 也门奥地利\t1518 BVP-1带 MG14.5Pandur\t\n三.大口径火炮系统 乌克兰\t44 d-30榴弹炮\t四.作战飞机 拉脱维亚\t161\t俄罗斯联邦 苏-22M4L-139 \n 美国 \n七.导弹和导弹发射器\t(a)\t保加利亚俄罗斯联邦\t324123 9M33M3巡航导弹S-24B无制导火箭 \n\t(b)", "进口", "A B C D E 备注 类别(一至七) 出口国\t件数\t原产国(如非出口国)\t中间地点\t物项说明\t转让说明 \n (如果有) \n一.作战坦克\t保加利亚\t69 T-55\t二.装甲战斗车\t意大利\t32 IvecoM65SE \n\t波兰瑞典奥地利匈牙利斯洛伐克\t101433513681 OT-64、SKOT、BRDM-2Pbv-501PandurIIBRDM-2、BTR-60\t三.大口径火炮系统\t斯洛伐克\t23 D-30榴弹炮 \n\t匈牙利 “Acacia”榴弹炮", "多米尼加共和国", "原文:西班牙文 日历年度:2010 \n 有无提供背景资料:无 提交日期:2011年5月25日 \n 有无国家联络点:有", "进口", "A B C D E 备注 类别(一至七) 出口国\t件数\t原产国(如非出口国)\t中间地点\t物项说明\t转让说明 \n (如果有) \n四.作战飞机\t巴西\t6 A-29超级巨嘴鸟", "芬兰", "原文:英文 日历年度:2010 \n 有无提供背景资料:有 提交日期:2011年5月31日 \n 有无国家联络点:有", "进口", "A B C D E 备注 类别(一至七) 最后进口国\t件数\t原产国(如非出口国)\t中间地点\t物项说明\t转让说明 \n (如果有) \n七.导弹和导弹发射器\t(a) \n\t(b)\t瑞典\t20 RBS70便携式防空导弹", "德国", "原文:英文 日历年度:2010 \n 有无提供背景资料:有 提交日期:2011年6月23日 \n 有无国家联络点:有", "出口", "A B C D E 备注 类别(一至七) 最后进口国\t件数\t原产国(如非出口国)\t中间地点\t物项说明\t转让说明 \n (如果有) 一.作战坦克 巴西智利新加坡土耳其\t87*3256**10 豹1豹2豹2豹2豹2\t*列入德国2007年的出口**2010年到货7辆;2011年到货3辆 \n 荷兰 10 \n二.装甲战斗车 智利\t***63 Marder\t***有39辆列入智利2008年的报告\n三.大口径火炮系统 希腊\t223 PzHM109\t六.军舰 希腊葡萄牙\t11 U-BootK1.214 \n U-BootK1.209PN\t\n七.导弹和导弹发射器\t(a)\t西班牙\t23 Taurus空对地巡航导弹\t\n\t(b)\t卢森堡荷兰\t22 毒刺毒刺", "进口", "A B C D E 备注 类别(一至七) 出口国\t件数\t原产国(如非出口国)\t中间地点\t物项说明\t转让说明 \n (如果有) \n一.作战坦克 丹麦\t99\t德国 豹1\t\n七.导弹和导弹发射器\t(a)\t美国\t78 SM-2RIM-066M-03制导导弹\t\n 美国\t78 MK13发射器 \n\t(b)", "注:", "1. 德国把装备运离出口国领土和运抵进口国领土作为登记武器转让时间的标准。", "2. 德国继续:", "(a) 只登记属于七个类别的整套装备的转让;", "(b) 不登记下列物项的转让:", "㈠ 已拆除武器的物项;", "㈡ 付诸销毁或处理(尤其是作为废物处理)的物项;", "㈢ 作为博物馆展品的物项。", "希腊", "原文:英文 日历年度:2010 \n 有无提供背景资料:有 提交日期:2011年5月31日 \n 有无国家联络点:有", "出口", "A B C D E 备注 类别(一至七) 最后进口国\t件数\t原产国(如非出口国)\t中间地点\t物项说明\t转让说明 \n (如果有) \n七.导弹和导弹发射器\t(a)\t美国\t5\t美国\t瑞典 陶式导弹\t\n\t(b)\t德国\t3\t美国\t卢森堡 “毒刺”", "进口", "A B C D E 备注 类别(一至七) 出口国\t件数\t原产国(如非出口国)\t中间地点\t物项说明\t转让说明 \n (如果有) \n二.装甲战斗车 德国\t223\t美国 M109、A3GEA2\t\n六.军舰 德国\t1 SSK潜艇\t\n七.导弹和导弹发射器\t(a)\t美国\t16 改进型海雀导弹 \n\t(b)", "匈牙利", "原文:英文 日历年度:2010 \n 有无提供背景资料:有 提交日期:2011年6月8日 \n 有无国家联络点:有", "出口", "A B C D E 备注 类别(一至七) 最后进口国\t件数\t原产国(如非出口国)\t中间地点\t物项说明\t转让说明 \n (如果有) \n二.装甲战斗车\t捷克共和国\t9\t前苏维埃社会主义共和国联盟 BRMK-1K\t\n三.大口径火炮系统\t捷克共和国乌克兰\t7012\t前苏维埃社会主义共和国联盟 2S1SP榴弹炮\t\n四.作战飞机\t拉脱维亚\t2\t前苏维埃社会主义共和国联盟 米格-21\t\n五.攻击直升机\t拉脱维亚\t1\t前苏维埃社会主义共和国联盟 米-24", "印度", "原文:英文 日历年度:2010", "有无提供背景资料:有 提交日期:2011年6月6日", "有无国家联络点:无", "进口", "[TABLE]", "立陶宛", "原文:英文 日历年度:2010", "有无提供背景资料:有 提交日期:2011年5月31日", "有无国家联络点:有", "进口", "A B C D E 备注 类别 出口国\t件数\t原产国(如非出口国)\t中间地点(如果有) 物项说明\t转让说明 \n(一至七) \n二.\t装甲战斗车\t瑞典意大利\t161 M41D迫击炮OTOCompact加农炮\t\n六.\t军舰\t联合王国\t1 Hunt级猎雷舰", "荷兰", "原文:英文 日历年度:2010", "有无提供背景资料:有 提交日期:2011年6月14日", "有无国家联络点:有", "出口", "[TABLE]", "进口", "A B C D E 备注 类别 出口国\t件数\t原产国(如非出口国)\t中间地点(如果有) 物项说明\t转让说明 \n(一至七) \n一.\t作战坦克\t德国\t10 豹 2\t改造为架桥坦克", "挪威", "原文:英文 日历年度:2010", "有无提供背景资料:有 提交日期:2011年6月1日", "有无国家联络点:有", "出口", "[TABLE]", "进口", "A B C D E 备注 类别 出口国\t件数\t原产国(如非出口国)\t中间地点(如果有) 物项说明\t转让说明 \n(一至七) \n二.\t装甲战斗车\t意大利德国\t4510 IvecoLMVDingo-2\t\n四.\t作战飞机\t美国\t2 C-130J\t\n六.\t军舰\t西班牙\t1 护卫舰", "注:挪威将所有权转让作为报告转让情况的标准。", "巴基斯坦", "原文:英文 日历年度:2010", "有无提供背景资料:无 提交日期:2011年6月15日", "有无国家联络点:有", "进口", "[TABLE]", "秘鲁", "原文:西班牙文 日历年度:2010", "有无提供背景资料:有 提交日期:2011年6月13日", "有无国家联络点:无", "进口", "[TABLE]", "葡萄牙", "原文:英文 日历年度:2010", "有无提供背景资料:有 提交日期:2011年6月10日", "有无国家联络点:有", "进口", "A B C D E 备注 类别 出口国\t件数\t原产国(如非出口国)\t中间地点(如果有) 物项说明\t转让说明 \n(一至七) \n六.\t军舰\t德国荷兰\t21 潜艇M级护卫舰\t供葡萄牙海军使用", "大韩民国", "原文:英文 日历年度:2010", "有无提供背景资料:有 提交日期:2011年4月7日", "有无国家联络点:有", "进口", "[TABLE]", "罗马尼亚", "原文:英文 日历年度:2010", "有无提供背景资料:有 提交日期:2011年6月1日", "有无国家联络点:有", "出口", "[TABLE]", "进口", "A B C D E 备注 类别 出口国\t件数\t原产国(如非出口国)\t中间地点(如果有) 物项说明\t转让说明 \n(一至七) \n二.\t装甲战斗车\t西班牙\t5 TT UROVamtacS3\t\n四.\t作战飞机\t意大利\t2 C-27JSpartan\t运输机\n六.\t军舰\t以色列\t3 ShaldagMK IV\t巡逻艇", "注:国家转让标准:装备运离出口国领土、运抵进口国领土、所有权转让、控制权转让。", "俄罗斯联邦", "原文:俄文 日历年度:2010", "有无提供背景资料:无 提交日期:2011年5月31日", "有无国家联络点:有", "出口", "[TABLE]", "塞尔维亚", "原文:英文 日历年度:2010", "有无提供背景资料:有 提交日期:2011年6月8日", "有无国家联络点:无", "出口", "[TABLE]", "进口", "A B C D E 备注 类别 出口国\t件数\t原产国(如非出口国)\t中间地点(如果有) 物项说明\t转让说明 \n(一至七) \n四.\t作战飞机\t黑山\t6 N-62(G-4)军用教练机", "斯洛伐克", "原文:英文 日历年度:2010", "有无提供背景资料:有 提交日期:2011年5月31日", "有无国家联络点:有", "出口", "[TABLE]", "进口", "A B C D E 备注 类别 出口国\t件数\t原产国(如非出口国)\t中间地点(如果有) 物项说明\t转让说明 \n(一至七) \n一.\t作战坦克\t捷克共和国\t1 T-72\t已拆除武器\n三.\t大口径火炮系统\t瑞典\t2套 84毫米RCLCarlGustafM3", "瑞士", "原文:英文 日历年度:2010", "有无提供背景资料:有 提交日期:2011年5月23日", "有无国家联络点:有", "出口", "A B C D E 备注 类别 最后进口国\t件数\t原产国(如非出口国)\t中间地点(如果有) 物项说明\t转让说明 \n(一至七) \n二.\t装甲战斗车\t比利时巴西\t635 Piranha装甲运兵车 西班牙 PiranhaIII装甲运兵车 \n Piranha装甲运兵车", "土耳其", "原文:英文 日历年度:2010", "有无提供背景资料:有 提交日期:2011年6月6日", "有无国家联络点:无", "出口", "[TABLE]", "进口", "[TABLE]", "乌克兰", "原文:俄文 日历年度:2010", "有无提供背景资料:有 提交日期:2011年6月23日", "有无国家联络点:有", "出口", "[TABLE]", "进口", "A B C D E 备注 类别 出口国\t件数\t原产国(如非出口国)\t中间地点(如果有) 物项说明\t转让说明 \n(一至七) \n三.\t大口径火炮系统\t匈牙利捷克共和国\t12312 122毫米自行炮2C1152毫米自行炮2C3 \n BM-21", "大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国", "原文:英文 日历年度:2010", "有无提供背景资料:有 提交日期:2011年6月24日", "有无国家联络点:有", "出口", "[TABLE]", "进口", "[TABLE]", "美利坚合众国", "原文:英文 日历年度:2010", "有无提供背景资料:有 提交日期:2011年5月27日", "有无国家联络点:有", "出口", "[TABLE]", "注:", "1. 国家转让标准:㈢ 所有权转让。", "2. 未列入有关无人驾驶飞行器的资料。未列入这项资料无涉这些资料是否属于现有类别。", "越南", "原文:英文 日历年度:2010", "有无提供背景资料:无 提交日期:2011年5月20日", "有无国家联络点:有", "进口", "A B C D E 备注 \n类型(一至七) 出口国\t件数\t原产国(如非出口国)\t中间地点(如果有)\t物项说明\t转让说明 \n七.导弹和导弹发射器 (a)\t44 \n (b) 4", "三. 各国政府提供的关于军事财产和国产军备采购的资料", "阿根廷", "原文:西班牙文 日历年度:2010", "有无提供背景资料:有 提交日期:2011年6月20日", "有无国家联络点:无", "(a) 军事财产", "类别\t军事财产 装备说明 \n 一. 作战坦克 232 TAM 51 AMX-13 120 SK 105 90 Sherman \n 4 Patagon 二. 装甲战斗车 617 M113-AMX-13-TAM 半履带战斗车 145 Panhard-Mowag-Glover 侦察车 54 M-548-M106、装甲运输车 3 HUMMER M998,通信 \n 11 LVTP-7,履带登陆车 三. 大口径火炮系统 42 AP 155毫米AMX-TAM火炮,装甲火炮 125 155毫米火炮、中型火炮 11 155毫米榴弹炮,中型火炮 6 AP 105毫米榴弹炮,轻型火炮 77 105毫米、榴弹炮,中型火炮 354 120毫米迫击炮,重型迫击炮 \n 923 81 迫击炮,中型迫击炮 四. 作战飞机\t116311863 A4/AR-S/Etendard-PucaráIA-58-Mirage II和V-TrackerOrion P3B-OV1DMohauk-Beechcraft B-200- 119 Lear Jet L35-波音707 Fiat G 222-Sabre Liner-CessnaT207-Merlin III,IV-Casa 212-Porter PL-6 Saab 340B-Hercules C130B、H、KC-Fokker F-27/8-Lear Jet 60-Cessna182-Aero Commander 500-Twin Otter DHC6 AB 180-MentorT45-Tucano-Gliders- \n PA25/28和R/31/34-Cessna206-Mentor T34-IA63/46五. 攻击直升机\t53931022 A 109 Augusta-UH 1H/UH-BellHuey II-Sea King II-3Fennec AS-555-SN-SA 315 LamaBell 212-Augusta II-3SA 332 Super Puma-AlouetteA1-UH 3H \n Hughes 500-Bell 212 六. 军舰 3 潜艇 4 驱逐舰 2 运输舰 9 护卫舰 2 巡逻艇 5 战斗后援舰 2 快艇 3 多用途舰 \n 1 勤务保障舰 七. 导弹和导弹发射器 18 MM 10 AM 6 RBS-70 4 Roland 导弹 9 TOW 2 A \n 4 LzCh105口径防区外对陆攻击导弹", "(b) 轻武器装备", "类别\t军事财产 物项说明 \n 1. 重机枪 68 20毫米口径 1 486 12.7毫米口径 \n 2 940 7.62毫米口径 \n2.便携式榴弹发射器(有座或无座)\t20 40毫米口径\n 3. 便携式反坦克榴弹 72 SR 75毫米SR火炮 \n 4. 无后坐力步枪 \n5.便携式反坦克导弹发射器和火箭系统\t1 061 LzCh Instalaza\n6.口径小于75毫米的迫击炮\t169 60毫米口径 7. 其他 135 AA 40毫米炮 12 AA 35毫米炮 42 AA 30毫米炮 \n 247 AA 20毫米炮", "(c) 小武器装备", "类别\t军事财产 物项说明 \n 1. 左轮手枪和自动手枪 42 621 9毫米、22毫米和45毫米手枪 \n 3 842 38/44口径 左轮手枪 2. 步枪和卡宾枪 111 759 FAL7.62毫米口径 4 899 FAP7.62口径 442 7.65毫米口径步枪 1 856 步枪 \n 544 卡宾枪 \n 3. 冲锋枪 4 311 9毫米冲锋枪 \n 4. 突击步枪 1 029 5.56口径步枪 \n 5. 轻机枪 \n 6. 其他 1 039 霰弹枪", "2010年阿根廷武装部队常规武器转让报告", "(a) 军用武器", "类别 件数 物项说明 \n 四.作战飞机 3 Hercules C-130B 1 Hercules C-130H 3 Cessna 182 1 Fokker F-27 1 AeroCommander 500 1 Pucara IA-58 1 A$-AR 1 Mirage M III 2 Tucano \n 4 Gliders", "(b) 轻武器", "类别 件数 物项说明", "1. 重机枪 3 7.62毫米口径", "2. 其他 1 35毫米Oerlikon", "(c) 小武器", "类别 件数 物项说明", "2. 步枪和卡宾枪 11 FAP 7.62毫米", "10 22口径 卡宾枪", "4. 突击步枪 2 7.65毫米口径", "澳大利亚", "军事财产和国产军备采购", "类别(一至七)\t件数\t物项说明\t国产军备采购\t原始设备制造商\t备注 \n一.作战坦克\t59\tM1A1艾布拉姆斯 GDLS\t2006年7月从美国进口;从美国进口的新坦克,替换豹式坦克\n\t103\t豹 1 1970年代从德国进口;现已废弃,正进行处理\n二.装甲战斗车\t7\tM88A2装甲抢修车 BAES\t2006年7月从美国进口\n\t515\tM113A1 履带装甲运兵车 FMC\t1960年代从美国进口\n\t223\tM113AS4 履带装甲运兵车\t29\tTenix\t基于M-113A车身改建;生产目标共计431辆\n\t257\tASLAV轮式装甲侦察车 GDLS-C\t车身从加拿大进口;炮塔1995-2004年在澳大利亚建造;在澳大利亚组装\t612\tBushmaster改型\t91\t澳大利亚Thales\t比2009年报告增加91辆 \n 有限公司\t\n三.大口径火炮系统\t35101185\t155毫米榴弹炮M198105毫米L118/119Hamel轻型炮81毫米F2迫击炮 美国联合王国联合王国\t四.作战飞机\t119\t71F/A-18大黄蜂 21架F-111已退役 15F/A-18F超级大黄蜂 \n 33 鹰式127 \n五.攻击直升机\t6\tChinook 波音\t战斗支援直升机,装有7.62毫米自卫机枪\n\t34\t黑鹰 Sikorsky\t-//-\n\t16\t海鹰 Sikorsky\t海上战斗直升机,装有12.5或7.62毫米机枪和Mk46 空投鱼雷\n\t19\t武装侦察直升机 欧洲直升机公司\t武装侦察直升机,装有火炮、自由飞行火箭f和地狱火导弹\n\t13\tMRH-90、多用途直升机 北约直升机\t战斗支援直升机,装有7.62毫米自卫机枪\n\t6\t海王 AugustaWestlar\t-//-六. 军舰\t22\t4艘FFG(Adelaide 级) 2010年9月Manoora从海军退役 8艘 FFH(ANZAC 级) \n 6艘 潜艇(Collins 级) 2艘补给舰 \n 2艘两栖登陆舰(Tobruk、Manoora、Kanimbla) \n七.导弹和导弹发射器\t保密\t空对空:AIM-120(AMRAAM)、AIM-9M、AIM-9X(Sidewinder) 雷神\t导弹数量保密。\n\t保密\t空对空:AIM-132(ASRAAM) MBDA(联合王国)\t-//-\n\t保密\t空对舰:AGM-142(SOWS) 拉斐尔\t-//-\n\t保密\t空对舰:AGM-119(企鹅) 挪威Konsberg国防和航空公司\t-//-\n\t保密\t空对舰:AGM-84(鱼叉) 波音\t-//-\n\t保密\t空对舰:AGM-114(地狱火) 洛克希德马丁\t-//-\n\t保密\t空对舰:AGM-154(JSOW) 雷神\t-//-\n\t保密\t空对舰:AGM-158(JASSM) 洛克希德马丁\t-//-澳大利亚国防部已接收这些导弹,但导弹实际还在美国。第一批预计将于2011年4月底或5月初运抵。\n\t保密\t舰对空:RIM-162B(ESSM)、SM-1(标准)、SM-2 (标准) 雷神\t-//-\n\t保密\t舰对舰:RGM-84、UGM-84(鱼叉-BlockI和II 改型) 波音\t-//-\n\t保密\t地对地:FGM-148C和FGM-148E(Javelin) 雷神/洛克希德马丁\t-//-\n\t保密\t地对空:Bollide、RBS-70 SAAB-BOFORS\t-//-", "奥地利", "军事财产", "类别(一至七) 件数 物项说明 说明 \n 一. 作战坦克 114 “豹” \n二. 装甲战斗车\t808\t包括71轮式装甲运兵车\t有200多辆装甲战车已不再使用三.大口径火炮系统\t808\t包括:122门自行加榴炮\t已不再使用的有:122门自行加榴炮 192门120毫米迫击炮 9门迫击炮(120毫米) 429门迫击炮(120毫米以下) 19门牵引式榴弹炮 \n 14门多管火箭炮 \n 四. 作战飞机 15 \n 五. 攻击直升机 无 \n 六. 军舰 无 \n七.导弹和导弹发射器\t20", "注:国产军备采购报告为“无”。", "保加利亚", "军事财产和国产军备采购", "类别(一至七) 军事财产 国产军备采购", "一. 作战坦克 564 无", "二. 装甲战斗车 738 无", "三. 大口径火炮系统 1 161 无", "四. 作战飞机 57 无", "五. 攻击直升机 19 无", "出口军事装备", "类别(一至七) 军事财产", "三. 大口径火炮系统 184", "注:", "1. 这份关于保加利亚共和国的资料有效期截至2011年1月1日(依照《欧洲常规武装力量条约》),其中包括了保加利亚武装部队的常规军备水平和国产装备的供应数量。", "2. 在按照欧洲安全与合作组织题为“全球军事信息交流”的文件提交资料后,截至2011年1月1日,保加利亚军队已废弃处理了总排水量超过400吨的6艘水面战舰和1艘排水量超过50吨的潜艇。", "加拿大", "军事财产^(a)", "类别(一至七) 说明 数量", "一. 作战坦克 作战坦克 186^(b)", "二. 装甲战斗车 装甲运兵车 688^(c)", "装甲步兵战车 308", "重型装备战斗车 29^(d)", "三. 大口径火炮系统 火炮、榴弹炮以及结合火炮和榴弹炮特点的火炮装置,100毫米口径或更大 254^(e)", "迫击炮,100毫米口径或更大 0", "多管火箭系统,100毫米口径或更大 0", "四. 作战飞机 作战飞机 104", "初级教练机^(f) 28", "五. 攻击直升机 攻击直升机 27", "六. 军舰 水面战舰 (满载排水量400吨以上) 29", "潜艇 (潜航排水量超过50) 4", "七. 导弹和导弹发射器^(g)", "注:", "^(a) 加拿大关于军事财产的背景资料取自“加拿大全球军事信息交流”报告,该报告每年向欧洲安全与合作组织提交,有效期至2010年1月1日。这一做法符合联合国裁军事务厅的指导意见,该意见建议各国提交各自政府在报告年度编制的关于军事财产的文件,而无须为登记册编写专门报告。加拿大愿意应要求提供更多关于持有的军事装备的资料。", "如2010年“加拿大全球军事信息交流”报告所载,加拿大兹报告所有持有的军事装备,包括剩余装备和注销的装备。 剩余装备以及拆除或处置中的装备将在注释中作出说明。", "^(b) 作战坦克:从荷兰购置80辆豹式2A4和20辆豹式2A6。从德国租借20辆豹式2A6。66辆豹式1。", "^(c) 装甲运兵车:61辆现役,包括57 辆RG-31 Nyala装甲运兵车和4 辆Bison装甲巡逻车;20 辆Grizzly 装甲运兵车型装甲运兵车被定为多余物品,停放等待处理;553辆 M113A2 装甲运兵车正等待处理指令;22辆 M113A2 推土机正等待处理指令;32辆 M113A2工程车正等待处理指令。", "^(d) 29辆Cougar重型装甲战车被定为多余物品,停放等待处理。", "^(e) 火炮/榴弹炮:144门现役、34门C1型105毫米榴弹炮和76门M109A4(+)型155毫米榴弹炮作为多余物品存放等待处理。", "^(f) “初级教练机”一词系指在设计和建造上主要供作飞行训练的飞机,这些飞机可能装有训练基本武器投送技能所必要但有限的军事装备。", "^(g) 出于国家安全原因未提供资料。", "国产军备采购", "类别(一至七) 军事财产", "三. 大口径火炮系统 184", "爱沙尼亚", "原文:英文 日历年度:2010", "有无提供背景资料:有 提交日期:2011年5月11日", "有无国家联络点:有", "军事财产", "类别(一至七) 军事财产 物项说明 \n 一. 作战坦克 无 二. 装甲战斗车 20 BTR-80 \n 1 BTR-70 \n 58 SISU XA-180 \n 15 SISU XA-188 \n三.大口径火炮系统\t24 155毫米榴弹炮 FH70/A1\n 42 122毫米榴弹炮 H63 \n 32 105毫米榴弹炮 H61-37 \n 165 120毫米迫击炮 41D \n 14 120毫米迫击炮 2B11 \n 41 81毫米迫击炮 B455 \n 10 81毫米迫击炮 NM95 \n 四. 作战飞机 无 \n 五. 攻击直升机 无 \n 六. 军舰 无 \n七.导弹和导弹发射器\t无", "芬兰", "军事财产", "类别 军事财产^(a)", "一. 作战坦克 108", "二. 装甲战斗车^(b) 978", "三. 火炮装置^(c) 1 192", "四. 作战飞机 62 (55F-18C、7 F-18 D)", "五. 攻击直升机 无", "六. 军舰 11", "七. 导弹和导弹发射器 66", "国产军备采购报告为“无”", "注:", "^(a) 数据反映截至2010年1月1日指挥系统建制和所属单位所持军事装备。", "^(b) 装甲运兵车和装甲步兵战车。", "^(c) 自行和牵引式火炮和迫击炮(包括岸防炮)(口径100毫米及以上)。", "德国", "军事财产", "类别(一至七) 2010年12月31日所持军事财产* \n 一. 作战坦克 1 048;包括: \n\t299豹1749豹2 二. 装甲战斗车 2 761;包括: \n\t1 653 Marder334 Tpz-1 Fuchs352 Wiesel91 Gepard50 Ozelot69 BV 206S212 SpWg FENNEK 三. 大口径火炮系统 734;包括: \n\t10 FH M1012 FH 70251 PzH M109170 PzH 2000198 Tampella103多管火箭系统 四. 作战飞机 309;包括: \n\t188龙卷风55 EF-200058 F-48 P-3C Orion 五. 攻击直升机 187;包括: \n\t160 BO-105 PAH-15 KpfHubschr TIGER22 SEA山猫 六. 军舰 69;包括: \n\t15护卫舰5轻巡洋舰20 MCM boats10 Fast patrol boats (PBFA)15辅助舰s4潜艇 (SSK type U 212)\n 七. 导弹和导弹发射器 3 906", "* 此份关于军事财产的报告载列库存的系统和德国联邦武装部队掌管的系统。", "国产军备采购^(**)", "类别(一至七) 国产军备采购 \n 一. 作战坦克 无 二. 装甲战斗车 27辆;包括: \n\t17辆 Wiesel10辆 FENNEK (JFST)\n 三. 大口径火炮系统 无 四. 作战飞机 17架;包括: \n 17架 EF 2000 \n 五. 攻击直升机 无 \n 六. 军舰 无 七. 导弹和导弹发射器 21枚;包括: \n 21枚MAW Taurus", "** 本报告中关于国产军备采购的定义是:德国政府在2010年从德国境内供应商或从德国为伙伴之一的共同生产项目购买的属于登记册所列七类武器范围的整套武器系统。", "匈牙利", "军事财产", "类别(一至七) 军事财产 物项说明 \n 一. 作战坦克 157 1辆 T-55 \n 156辆 T-72 二. 装甲战斗车 602 410辆 BTR-80 11辆 BTR-80 MPAEJ 3 辆BTR-80 MPFJ \n 178辆 BTR-80A \n三.大口径火炮系统\t91\t50门82毫米37M 迫击炮1门 82毫米2K21 迫击炮2门 85毫米D-44 反坦克炮3门 100毫米MT-12 反坦克炮1门 2S1 自行榴弹炮31门 D-20 榴弹炮2 门M-30 榴弹炮1门 M 120 38/43型 迫击炮 四. 作战飞机 101 53 架米格-21 1 架米格-23 25 架米格-29 8 架苏-22 \n 14 架SAAB 39 GRIPEN \n 五. 攻击直升机 48 48架米-24 \n 六. 军舰 无 七.导弹和导弹发射器\t94便携式防空导弹+178导弹\t49枚9P519 (Igla)便携式防空导弹 便携式防空系统 32枚 9M313 导弹 45枚 Mistral-2便携式防空导弹 \n 146枚 Mistral-2 导弹", "注:军事财产数据反映截至2010年12月31日武装部队和国内治安部队所持军事装备,以及退役装备、研发装备和待出口装备。", "日本", "原文:英文 日历年度:2009", "有无提供背景资料:有 提交日期:2011年6月10日", "有无国家联络点:无", "军事财产", "类别(一至七) 物项说明 件数", "一. 作战坦克 74式坦克 490", "90式坦克 333", "二. 装甲战斗车 73式装甲运兵车 286", "96式装甲运兵车 289", "89式装甲战斗车 68", "82式指挥和通信车 229", "87式侦察和巡逻车 102", "防化车(轮式) 43", "87 式自行高射机枪 52", "78式坦克抢修车 46", "90式坦克抢修车 25", "87式 炮侧弹药车 78", "三. 大口径火炮系统 89毫米火箭发射器 M20 878", "64式81毫米迫击炮 817", "81毫米迫击炮 L16 624", "107毫米迫击炮 M2 162", "120毫米迫击炮 RT 414", "96式自行120毫米迫击炮 24", "84毫米无后座力步枪 2 712", "60式106毫米无后座力步枪 390", "75式自行155毫米榴弹炮 46", "155毫米榴弹炮 FH70 422", "99式自行155毫米榴弹炮 62", "203毫米自行炮榴弹炮 79", "多管火箭系统 M270 99", "四. 作战飞机 F-15J/DJ 202", "F-4EJ^(*) 70", "RF-4E/EJ 13", "F-2A/B 89", "P-3C 91", "EP-3 5", "五. 攻击直升机 AH-1S 74", "AH-64D 9", "SH-60K 31", "六. 军舰 驱逐舰 52", "潜艇 16", "水雷舰 20", "制导导弹巡逻艇 7", "坦克/通用登陆舰 5", "辅助舰 8", "七. 导弹和导弹发射器", "* F-4EJs包括F-4EJ升级版。", "国产军备采购", "类别(一至七) 物项说明 件数 \n 一. 作战坦克 10式坦克 13 二. 装甲战斗车 96式装甲运兵车 17 87 式侦察和巡逻车 3 NBC侦察和巡逻车 3 \n 90式坦克 抢修车 1 三.大口径火炮系统\t81毫米迫击炮 L16120毫米迫击炮 RT\t54 \n 99式自行 155毫米榴弹炮 9 \n 四. 作战飞机 F-2A 4 五. 攻击直升机 AH-64D 1 \n SH-60K 5 六. 军舰 驱逐舰 1 \n 潜艇 1 \n七.导弹和导弹发射器", "国产小武器和轻武器采购", "物项说明 件数", "89式步枪 10 012", "5.56毫米机枪MINIMI 335", "12.7毫米重机枪 125", "81毫米迫击炮L16 5", "9毫米冲锋枪 99", "立陶宛", "军事财产", "类别(一至七) 物项说明 件数", "一. 作战坦克 无", "二. 装甲战斗车 共计: 246", "M 113 221", "BTR-60 PB 19", "MT-LB 6", "三. 大口径火炮系统 共计: 179", "105毫米M101 榴弹炮 54", "120毫米2B11 迫击炮 20", "120毫米M1982 迫击炮 17", "120毫米M38/43 迫击炮 18", "120毫米M41D 迫击炮 28", "120毫米Tampella M113 42", "四. 作战飞机 无", "五. 攻击直升机 无", "六. 军舰 1", "七. (a) RBS-70 21 导弹和导弹发射器", "(b) “毒刺” 8", "荷兰", "军事财产", "类别(一至七) 物项说明 件数 \n 一. 作战坦克 豹1 12 \n 豹2 133 \n 二. 装甲战斗车 YPR-765(25毫米) 313 \n YPR-765 566 \n CV 9035 130 \n M-113(25毫米)C&V 50 \n XA-188 63 \n Bushmaster 53 \n 维京BVS-10 98 \n TPZ-1 Fuchs 1 \n FENNEK 392 \n 三. 大口径火炮系统 M-109自行榴弹炮 123 \n FH-70牵引式 榴弹炮 1 \n Brandt 81毫米迫击炮 161 \n Brandt 120毫米迫击炮 82 \n PzH 2000 54 \n 四. 作战飞机 F-16 127 \n 五. 攻击直升机 AH-64阿帕奇 29 \n 山猫SH-14D 21 \n NH 90 3 \n 六. 军舰 水面舰艇 (a) M级护卫舰 2 \n • Karel Doorman级 (b) LCF-护卫舰 4 \n • De Zeven Provincien级 (c) 辅助/补给 2 \n • Poolster级 d) 船坞登陆舰 2 \n • Rotterdam级 潜艇 4 \n • Walrus级 \n 七. 导弹和导弹发射器 由于安全规定,仅提供总数 313 \n 便携式防空系统 毒刺导弹 1 631", "备注:", "一. 作战坦克 3辆豹1坦克已改为指挥车。", "2辆豹2坦克已改为滩头装甲抢修车。", "二. 装甲战斗车 1辆YPR-765(25毫米)已销毁。", "15辆XA-188已出口至爱沙尼亚。", "三. 大口径火炮系统 无备注", "四. 作战飞机 7架F-16已出口至智利。", "五. 攻击直升机 无备注", "六. 军舰 1艘van Galen级M级护卫舰已出口至葡萄牙。", "七. 导弹和导弹发射器 8枚鱼镖导弹和32枚海雀导弹已出口至葡萄牙。", "便携式防空系统 无备注", "国产军备采购报告为“无”", "波兰", "原文:英文 日历年度:2009", "有无提供背景资料:有 提交日期:2010年6月22日", "有无国家联络点:无", "军事财产和国产军备采购", "(截至2011年1月1日)", "类别(一至七)\t亚类\t型号\t件数\t国产军备采购 \n 一. 作战坦克 共计 900 \n 豹2 128 \n T-72 540 \n PT-91 232 \n二.装甲战斗车(装有至少12.5毫米口径武器或导弹发射器)\t共计 1 492\t\n\t装甲运兵车\tAMV KTORosomak S\t27\t\n\t装甲步兵战车\tBMP-1、BRM-1、AMV\t1 465\t62\n Rosomak \n三. 大口径火炮系统(至少75毫米口径)\t共计 1 048\t\n\t火炮/榴弹炮 635\t\n 122毫米2S1自行榴弹炮\t523\t\n 122毫米M30榴弹炮\t2\t\n 152毫米Dana自行火炮/榴弹炮\t106\t\n 203毫米2S7自行火炮\t4\t\n\t迫击炮 166\t\n 120毫米M12038/43型\t151\t\n 120毫米2B11/2S12\t15\t\n\t多管火箭系统 247\t\n 122毫米BM-21\t173\t\n 122毫米RM-70\t30\t\n WR-401Langusta\t44\t\n 四. 作战飞机 共计 118 \n 米格-29 34 \n 苏-22 37 \n F-16 47 \n 五. 攻击直升机 共计 84 \n 米-24 22 \n 米-2URP 20 \n W-3W Sokół 42 \n六. 军舰 t.OHP、t.877;\t31\t\n t.620;t.863;t.874;t.570;t.888;t.767;t.130Z;ZP-1200;B-199;t.206;t.151、t.1241RE;t.Kobben \n七. 导弹和导弹发射器\t便携式防空系统", "退役待处理的常规武器", "类别(一至七) 亚类 型号 件数 \n二. 装甲战斗车(装有至少12.5毫米口径武器或导弹发射器) 共计BMP-1\t289 \n OT-64(SKOT) 19 三.大口径火炮系统(至少75毫米口径)\t火炮/榴弹炮\t共计122 m 2S1自行\t241 \n 120毫米2B11/2S12 1 \n 122毫米BM-21 21 \n 四. 作战飞机 共计 12 \n 苏-22 12 \n 五. 攻击直升机 共计 1 \n W-3W SOKOL 1", "罗马尼亚", "军事财产", "类别(一至七) 亚类 型号 件数", "一. 作战坦克 1 098", "T-55 569", "TR-580 226", "TR-85 249", "TR-85 Bizon 54", "二. 装甲战斗车 1 594", "装甲运兵车 1 413", "MLVM 75", "TAB ZIMBRU 69", "TAB-71 699", "TAB-77 162", "TABC-79 391", "Piranha IIIC 17", "装甲步兵战车 122", "MLI-84 23", "MLI-84 JDER 99", "重型装备战斗车 59", "苏-100 59", "三. 大口径火炮系统 1 832", "火炮/榴弹炮 9 929", "2S1自行榴弹炮 6", "82式火炮 75", "85式榴弹炮 114", "81式榴弹炮 320", "M-30榴弹炮 210", "ML-20榴弹炮-火炮 14", "89式自行榴弹炮 42", "98式山地榴弹炮 148", "迫击炮 715", "M M1982 317", "M M1977 398", "多管火箭系统 188", "APR-40 134", "LAROM 54", "四. 作战飞机 99", "米格-21 99", "五. 攻击直升机 23", "MPHELO 23", "IAR-330 SOCAT 23", "六. 军舰 16", "快速巡逻艇 3", "护卫舰 3", "轻巡洋舰 4", "扫雷舰 4", "布雷舰 1", "潜艇 1", "七. 导弹和导弹发射器 208", "便携式防空系统 208", "CA-94 208", "国产军备采购报告为“无”", "斯洛伐克", "军事财产", "类别(一至七) 军事财产\t物项说明 \n 一. 作战坦克 69 T-72 \n二. 装甲战斗车 352\tBMP-1、BMP-2、OT-64、OT-90、TATRAPAN6x6\n三. 大口径火炮系统 122\tD-30榴弹炮、DanaM77、Zuzana M2000、迫击炮M1982、RM 70/85Modular、RM-70\n 四. 作战飞机 23 米格-29、苏-22 \n 五. 攻击直升机 15 米-24 \n 六. 军舰 0 \n 七. 导弹和导弹发射器 (a) 0 \n (b) 1 231 9M32M、9M39", "国产军备采购报告为“无”", "瑞士", "军事财产", "类别(一至七) 军事财产", "一. 作战坦克 344", "二. 装甲战斗车 610", "三. 火炮系统 496", "四. 作战飞机 87", "五. 攻击直升机 无", "六. 军舰 无", "七. 导弹和导弹发射器 一些毒刺", "国产军备采购报告为“无”", "特立尼达和多巴哥", "原文:英文 日历年度:2010", "有无提供背景资料:有 提交日期:2011年5月31日", "有无国家联络点:有", "小武器装备", "小武器 共计", "左轮手枪和自动手枪 6 201", "步枪和卡宾枪 5 150", "冲锋枪 2 521", "突击步枪 6 877", "轻机枪 0", "其他(霰弹枪) 715", "大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国", "军事财产", "类别(一至七) 定义 数量", "一. 作战坦克 挑战者2 345", "二. 装甲战斗车 维京前式 140", "维京运兵车后式 91(6辆装有救护装置)", "维京RRV后式 14", "维京CV后式 34(2辆装有救护装置)", "FV 430系列 1 215", "战斗侦察车(履带)Scimitar 316", "战斗侦察车(履带)Spartan 476", "战斗侦察车(履带)Sultan 203", "战斗侦察车(履带)Sturgeon 35", "战斗侦察车(履带)Salamander 32", "Saxon 1", "Warrior 792", "Panther 386", "战斗侦察车(履带)Samson 49", "战斗侦察车(履带)Samaritan 50", "HVM(SP) 60", "TRV 28", "Mastiff EOD 11", "猎狼犬 10", "三. 大口径火炮系统 105毫米轻型火炮 126", "AS90 SP榴弹炮 141", "MLTR发射器 36", "多管火箭系统RRV 4", "四. 作战飞机 龙卷风GR4 137", "龙卷风F3 40", "Nimrod R1 2", "Sentry 7", "台风 70", "Reaper 5", "Sentinel 5", "五. 攻击直升机 小羚羊 35", "山猫AH7 54", "山猫AH9/9A 22", "阿帕奇AH1 67", "海王HC4 37", "海王HAS 6(CR) 6", "美洲豹HC1 34", "Merlin HC3/3A 28", "Chinook HC2/2a 38", "Chinook HC3 8", "山猫Mk3 27", "山猫Mk8 33", "Merlin Mk1 42", "海王Mk7 13", "六. 军舰 潜艇 10", "航空母舰 2", "护卫舰/驱逐舰 24", "两栖舰 3", "调查船 4", "近岸巡逻艇 4", "航空训练舰 1", "维修舰 1", "加油/补给舰 14", "水雷对抗舰 15", "七. 导弹和导弹发射器 共计 5 598", "国产军备采购", "类别(一至七)\t件数\t型号,种类,变种的详细信息 \n 四. 作战飞机 9 台风Tranche2 \n 七. 导弹和导弹发射器 250 HVM Starstreak导弹", "注:国产军备采购系指联合王国政府从境内供应商或从联合王国为协作伙伴的方案购买整套武器系统。", "美利坚合众国", "军事财产和国产军备采购", "以下是美利坚合众国2010日历年度的资料,按进出口所用的相同类别列出。", "类别(一至七) 军事财产 国产军备采购", "一. 作战坦克 6 332 60", "二. 装甲战斗车 20 318 743", "三. 大口径火炮系统 6 200 398", "四. 作战飞机 3 480 65", "五. 攻击直升机 1 614 6", "六. 军舰 287 6", "七. 导弹和导弹发射器 107 957 790", "注: 大会第46/36号决议L节(第10和第18段)、第47/52号决议L节(第5段)和第49/75号决议C节(第4段)请所有会员国就武器转让和防止非法武器转让方面的相关政策、国家武器进口和出口程序提供背景资料。因此,美国以前提供的此类资料依然有效。", "美国认为,军事装备的转让以其所有权从美国转让给他国为准。因此2011年提交的资料包括在2010日历年转让产权的装备。", "美国国务院国际安全和不扩散局减少常规军备威胁处是涉及联合国常规武器登记册的国家联络点。该处的电话:1-202-647-0397,传真:1-202-647-4232,电子邮件地址。", "四. 各国政府提供的关于小武器和轻武器国际转让的资料", "安道尔", "原文:法文 日历年度:2010", "背景资料:有 提交日期:2011年6月10日", "有无国家联络点:有", "出口", "A B C D E 备注 \n 最后进口国\t件数\t原产国(如非出口国)\t中间地点(如果有)\t物项说明\t转让说明 \n 小武器 2.步枪和卡宾枪\t西班牙\t431 葡萄牙 1 俄罗斯联邦法国\t14 \n 意大利", "进口", "A B C D E 备注 \n 最后进口国\t件数\t原产国(如非出口国)\t中间地点(如果有)\t物项说明\t转让说明 \n 小武器 \n1.左轮手枪和自动手枪\t西班牙美国\t38 \n 德国 5 \n2.步枪和卡宾枪\t比利时法国\t1862 \n\t意大利\t49 \n\t土耳其\t85 \n 美国 23 \n 德国 128 \n\t奥地利\t1 \n 巴西 5 \n 瑞士 4 \n\t西班牙\t38 \n 芬兰 1", "澳大利亚", "出口", "A B C D E 备注 \n 最后进口国\t件数\t原产国(如非出口国)\t中间地点(如果有)\t物项说明\t转让说明 \n小武器\t各式\t312 非军用枪支,包括步枪、卡宾枪、火枪、手枪、左轮手枪、霰弹枪和滑膛武器\t资料依据是澳大利亚国防出口管制办公室的出口许可,不是实际出口情况;此外应指出的是,一次许可可能包含多种火器。", "进口", "A B C D E 备注 \n 最后进口国\t件数\t原产国(如非出口国)\t中间地点(如果有)\t物项说明\t转让说明 \n 小武器 \n1.左轮手枪和自动手枪 124 非军事进口\n2.步枪和卡宾枪 627 包括半自动底缘底火式步枪\t非军事进口\n3.冲锋枪 122 不使用步枪弹药的全自动火器\t非军事进口\n4.突击步枪 257 选射或全自动步枪\t非军事进口\n5.轻机枪 76 5.56毫米或7.62毫米轻机枪\t非军事进口\n6.其他 434 霰弹枪\t非军事进口", "注:1. 澳大利亚从以下国家进口各类小武器和轻武器用于军事目的:比利时(手枪、中型机枪)、德国(手枪、步枪、冲锋枪)、瑞典(便携式反坦克炮)、美国(步枪和卡宾枪、霰弹枪、榴弹发射器、便携式反坦克导弹发射器、25毫米口径火炮)。不提供军用小武器和轻武器的进口数量,因为这被列为机密信息。", "2. 正在升级非军用品进口许可系统,未来将收集出口国的数据。", "3. 信息的依据是澳大利亚司法部授予的进口许可,而不是实际进口。", "奥地利", "出口", "A B C D E 备注 \n 最后进口国\t件数\t原产国(如非出口国)\t中间地点(如果有)\t物项说明\t转让说明 \n 小武器 \n1.左轮手枪和自动手枪\t阿拉伯联合酋长国\t307 \n 亚美尼亚 50 \n\t阿根廷\t3969 \n\t澳大利亚\t4081 \n 1\t瑞士 \n 阿塞拜疆 160 \n\t波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那\t715 \n 70\t比利时 \n 27\t德国 \n 240\t俄罗斯联邦 \n 巴巴多斯 217 \n 巴林 2 \n2.步枪和卡宾枪\t巴西白俄罗斯\t480162 \n\t加拿大\t1408 \n\t瑞士\t7399 \n 5\t捷克共和国 \n 10\t德国 \n 1\t芬兰 \n 智利 427 \n 26\t德国 \n 哥斯达黎加 383 \n\t多米尼加共和国\t2000 \n 阿尔及利亚 410 \n 埃及 27 \n 26\t比利时 \n 1\t加拿大 \n 90\t德国 \n 2\t意大利 \n 1\t美国 \n 德国 1 \n 1\t比利时 \n 圭亚那 210 \n 克罗地亚 203 \n 3\t巴西 \n 6\t捷克共和国 \n 304\t德国 \n 17\t意大利 \n 7\t日本 \n 64\t葡萄牙 \n 14\t美国 \n 印度尼西亚 453 \n\t印度\t2562 \n 伊拉克 10 \n 冰岛 66 \n 约旦 228 \n 日本 49 \n 肯尼亚 135 \n\t吉尔吉斯斯坦\t18 \n 3\t比利时 \n 柬埔寨 7 \n 大韩民国 196 \n 科威特 372 \n 13\t德国 \n 1\t意大利 \n 哈萨克斯坦 308 \n 黎巴嫩 779 \n 4\t德国 \n 圣卢西亚 174 \n 列支敦士登 5 \n\t卢森堡\t1305 \n 摩洛哥 7 \n 1\t比利时 \n 2\t德国 \n\t黑山\t4\t德国 \n\t前南斯拉夫的马其顿共和国\t23047\t比利时 \n 1\t美国 \n 毛里求斯 7 \n 1\t毛里求斯 \n 墨西哥 4 \n 马来西亚 140 \n 纳米比亚 499 \n 尼加拉瓜 504 \n 挪威 568 \n 1\t德国 \n 新西兰 378 \n 2\t德国 \n 阿曼 325 \n 4\t比利时 \n 1\t意大利 \n\t巴拿马\t11519 \n 250\t德国 \n\t秘鲁\t3932 \n\t巴布亚新几内亚\t70 \n\t巴拉圭\t1300 \n 卡塔尔 384 \n 塞尔维亚 583 \n 59\t比利时 \n 7\t德国 \n\t摩尔多瓦共和国\t140 \n\t俄罗斯联邦\t1620 \n 2\t巴西 \n 48\t瑞士 \n 60\t德国 \n 1\t芬兰 \n 1\t联合王国 \n 8\t意大利 \n 56\t美国 \n\t沙特阿拉伯\t1442 \n 新加坡 550 \n\t圣马力诺\t1\t法国 \n 1\t意大利 \n 苏里南 55 \n 萨尔瓦多 205 \n 泰国 876 \n 30\t比利时 \n\t塔吉克斯坦\t1\t德国 \n 2\t意大利 \n 土库曼斯坦 8 \n 1\t意大利 \n 突尼斯 70 \n 土耳其 967 \n 2\t德国 \n\t特立尼达和多巴哥\t2 \n\t坦桑尼亚联合共和国\t302 \n\t乌克兰\t1732 \n 378\t比利时 \n 5\t德国 \n 1\t芬兰 \n 22\t日本 \n\t美国\t624725 \n 400\t比利时 \n 2\t捷克共和国 \n 8520\t德国 \n 2\t意大利 \n 50\t南非 \n\t乌拉圭\t1823 \n\t委内瑞拉玻利瓦尔共和国\t15 \n 越南 150 \n\t南非\t9991 \n 赞比亚 115", "波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那", "出口", "A B C D E 备注 \n 最后进口国\t件数\t原产国(如非出口国)\t中间地点(如果有)\t物项说明\t转让说明 \n 小武器 \n2.步枪和卡宾枪\t克罗地亚美国\t1201 \n3.冲锋枪\t斯洛文尼亚\t112 \n4.突击步枪\t奥地利\t3400 \n\t斯洛文尼亚\t84 \n\t美国\t10000 \n 轻武器 \n5.便携式反坦克导弹发射器\t捷克共和国\t2490 \n6.口径小于75毫米的迫击炮\t亚美尼亚\t200", "进口", "A B C D E 备注 \n 最后进口国\t件数\t原产国(如非出口国)\t中间地点(如果有)\t物项说明\t转让说明 \n 小武器 \n1.左轮手枪和自动手枪\t奥地利克罗地亚\t133169 \n\t捷克共和国\t50 \n 德国 108 \n 希腊 765 \n 丹麦 2 \n 黑山 70 \n\t塞尔维亚\t663 \n\t斯洛文尼亚\t455 \n\t西班牙\t350 \n 瑞士 1 \n\t土耳其\t1321 \n 美国 98 2.步枪和卡宾枪\t奥地利\t2043 \n 加拿大 \n\t克罗地亚\t9 \n\t捷克共和国\t2550 \n 德国 103 \n\t希腊\t1170 \n 丹麦 2 \n\t意大利\t1 \n 黑山 19 \n\t塞尔维亚\t472 \n\t斯洛文尼亚\t701 \n\t西班牙\t1300 \n 瑞士 3 \n\t土耳其\t1827 \n\t美国\t1711 \n3.冲锋枪\t比利时\t3 \n4.突击步枪\t奥地利\t55 \n\t比利时\t35 \n 德国 20 \n 瑞士 10 \n 美国 1 \n5.轻机枪\t丹麦\t15", "保加利亚", "出口", "A B C D E 备注 \n 最后进口国\t件数\t原产国(如非出口国)\t中间地点(如果有)\t物项说明\t转让说明 \n \n 小武器 1. 新西兰 1 \n左轮手枪和自动手枪\t美国\t658 \n 南非 100 \n 比利时 1 2. 美国 4 美国 \n步枪和卡宾枪\t德国\t125 \n 南非 500 \n\t阿尔及利亚\t8 \n 新西兰 2 \n\t塔吉克斯坦\t120 \n\t前南斯拉夫的马其顿共和国\t16 \n 芬兰 50 \n3.冲锋枪\t塔吉克斯坦\t200 \n 新西兰 1 \n4.突击步枪\t印度\t800 \n\t联合王国\t2 \n\t塔吉克斯坦\t500\t塞尔维亚 \n\t加拿大\t76\t罗马尼亚 \n\t也门\t40700 \n 新西兰 5 \n5.轻机枪\t塔吉克斯坦\t100 \n\t也门\t1000 \n\t阿尔及利亚\t302 \n 加拿大 10 \n 乌干达 20 \n 轻武器 \n1.重机枪\t尼日利亚加拿大\t213 23毫米海军-牵引式防空系统\t\n2.枪挂式榴弹发射器\t阿富汗\t3000 40毫米枪挂式榴弹发射器\t\n\t乌干达\t10 手持式榴弹发射器\t\n\t也门\t900 手持式榴弹发射器\t\n\t塔吉克斯坦\t200 手持式榴弹发射器\t\n\t赤道几内亚\t1500 40毫米枪挂式榴弹发射器\t\n\t埃塞俄比亚\t10 40毫米枪挂式榴弹发射器\t\n\t印度\t236 40毫米枪挂式榴弹发射器\t\n 匈牙利 2 \n\t以色列\t151 150枪挂式榴弹发射器,和1手持式榴弹发射器\t\n\t挪威\t3 手持式榴弹发射器\t\n\t印度尼西亚\t2 40毫米枪挂式榴弹发射器\t\n 加拿大 15 \n\t美国\t355 手持式榴弹发射器\t\n4.无后坐力步枪\t阿富汗\t428 73毫米手持式反坦克榴弹发射器\t\n5.便携式反坦克导弹发射器\t美国\t41 \n6.口径小于75毫米的迫击炮\t也门塔吉克斯坦\t1706 60毫米迫击炮60毫米迫击炮", "加拿大", "出口", "A B C D E 备注 \n 最后进口国\t件数\t原产国(如非出口国)\t中间地点(如果有)\t物项说明\t转让说明 \n \n 小武器 \n1.左轮手枪和自动手枪\t以色列\t6 \n2.步枪和卡宾枪\t丹麦法国\t50772 \n\t沙特阿拉伯\t380 \n 瑞典 2 \n\t联合王国\t38 \n 美国 15 5. 美国 3 退货 \n 轻机枪 \n 轻武器 \n1.重机枪\t乌拉圭\t105 M2QCB.50口径重机枪\t捐助\n6.口径小于75毫米的迫击炮\t美国\t1 已拆除武器", "进口", "A B C D E 备注 \n 最后进口国\t件数\t原产国(如非出口国)\t中间地点(如果有)\t物项说明\t转让说明 \n \n 小武器 \n1.左轮手枪和自动手枪\t奥地利德国\t3295 \n\t葡萄牙\t40 \n\t美国\t5818 \n2.步枪和卡宾枪\t奥地利比利时\t29 \n 法国 6 \n 德国 37 \n\t塞尔维亚\t200 \n\t联合王国\t185 \n 美国 23 \n3.冲锋枪\t联合王国\t78 \n 德国 8 \n5.轻机枪\t联合王国\t2 \n 美国 3 \n 轻武器 1. 美国 4 \n 重机枪 \n2.枪挂式榴弹发射器\t捷克共和国法国\t152 \n 德国 4 \n\t葡萄牙\t3 \n 美国 81", "智利", "进口", "A B C D E 备注 \n 最后进口国\t件数\t原产国(如非出口国)\t中间地点(如果有)\t物项说明\t转让说明 \n 小武器 1.左轮手枪和自动手枪\t美国奥地利\t20818 BerettaPx49毫米 \n Glock17口径9毫米\t2.步枪和卡宾枪\t美国\t648 BTAPR口径388 \n BTAPR口径308\t\n 501 BTColtM4口径5.56\t\n 1 Barret338\t\n4.突击步枪\t美国\t18 ColtM4Comando5.56\t\n 11 ColtM4A1口径5.56\t\n5.轻机枪\t比利时\t111 Minimi口径7.62\t\n 100 Minimi口径5.56\t\n 134 Hertall口径50\t\n 轻武器 \n2.枪挂式榴弹发射器\t新加坡\t84 STKCISM40口径40毫米\t\n\t美国\t10 M-203口径40毫米\t\n5.便携式反坦克导弹发射器和火箭系统\t瑞典\t55 导弹发射器CarlGustav口径84毫米", "克罗地亚", "原文:英文 \n 背景资料:有 日历年度:2010 \n 有无国家联络点:有 提交日期:2011年6月1日", "出口", "A B C D E 备注 \n\t最后进口国\t件数\t原产国(如非出口国)\t中间地点(如果有) 物项说明\t转让说明 \n \n 小武器 \n4.突击步枪\t伊拉克\t500 AK-477.62x39毫米", "进口", "A B C D E 备注 \n\t出口国\t件数\t原产国(如非出口国)\t中间地点(如果有) 物项说明\t转让说明 \n \n 轻武器 2.枪挂式榴弹\t德国\t8 AG 36榴弹发射器 \n 发射器", "捷克共和国", "出口", "A B C D E 备注 \n\t最后进口国\t件数\t原产国(如非出口国)\t中间地点(如果有) 物项说明\t转让说明 \n \n 小武器 1.左轮手枪和自动手枪\t澳大利亚孟加拉国\t1035003 Tokarev1933GP 35CZ 75 菲律宾印度尼西亚伊拉克\t150036000 CZ 75CZ 75CZ 75CZ 75 约旦加拿大肯尼亚立陶宛卢森堡墨西哥纳米比亚新西兰俄罗斯联邦阿拉伯联合酋长国\t1390312523695508231111154 TT口径7,62CZ 75CZ75、2075,83Tokarev1933CZ 75CZ 75Tokarev1933WaltherP38,PPMakarovPMWembleyMk IVEnfield2 Mk I 苏里南泰国多哥美国越南摩尔多瓦共和国\t104601390711018792773 Beretta34Glock17、BerettaM‑92Kevin口径380CZ 75ALFAHolek左轮手枪 CZ 各式 CZ 75 CZ 82左轮手枪和手枪 \n 左轮手枪和手枪\t2.步枪和卡宾枪\t澳大利亚比利时\t101506 EnfieldL1A1CZ858战术 爱沙尼亚\t25350 CZ 2003LUVO 菲律宾 5 CZ858战术 芬兰法国意大利加拿大哈萨克斯坦哥斯达黎加\t680110563002016 CZ858战术FSN 01CZ858战术CZ858战术CZ858战术CZ858战术 卢森堡毛里塔尼亚\t5144 CZ858战术CZ858战术 墨西哥荷兰俄罗斯联邦斯洛伐克斯洛文尼亚瑞士美国泰国\t101303415191026742 SKSSimonovFSN 01CZ 750狙击步枪CZ狙击步枪CZ858战术AW300、AW338 Mosin、Manlicher、SKS CZ858战术 CZ 750 狙击步枪 CZ 750 狙击步枪 FSN 01 CZ 2003LUVO VZ58自动装弹 VZ 54 \n CZ712口径12x76毫米\t3.冲锋枪\t比利时芬兰加拿大\t861103 VZ 61CZ75自动VZ 61 肯尼亚卢森堡泰国斯洛伐克新西兰\t21062110223 ThompsonPPSh 43SudajevPPSh 43M63 RAKVZ 61VZ 61VZ 61PPSh 41Shpagin 2464100 Beretta1938CZ24,26 115 AKS 74U 21 CZ 97自动 CZ 97自动 VZ 61、Thompson、1922 M1、PPSH43、Beretta 38、PPSh41 \n VZ61、Thompson、UZI、M16A1、AKS74U\t4.突击步枪\t比利时\t260204 VZ 58VZ 58 肯尼亚 20 VZ 58 卢森堡\t650 VZ 58VZ 58 新西兰 50 VZ 58 德国 \n 美国 5. 芬兰 8 M 53/42 轻机枪\t加拿大卢森堡新西兰波兰联合王国\t111121042 ZB30/37DMPZB 37MG35M 53UK 59LZB30/57 6196 ZB30/37UK 59LT 2 M53 PKT \n DShK \n\t斯洛伐克\t22013 PKMSDegtjarev、ZB30/37、Maxim1910、Gorjunov \n 轻武器 \n1.重机枪\t保加利亚也门俄罗斯联邦联合王国拉脱维亚\t310018445 KPVTZPU-2GSh-23/231口径23毫米PIDVK30毫米口径NR-30、GSh-2\t\n6.口径小于75毫米的迫击炮\t约旦斯洛伐克\t10013 \n7.其他\t也门斯洛伐克\t4534 ZU-23口径23毫米加农炮2A42口径30毫米", "进口", "A B C D E 备注 \n\t出口国\t件数\t原产国(如非出口国)\t中间地点(如果有) 物项说明\t转让说明 \n \n 小武器 1.左轮手枪和自动手枪\t奥地利以色列德国乌克兰\t20666051409163 Glock17、19、26Walther、BerettaTT-33Stechkin 240 MakarovPM 63 \n MakarovPM 2. 德国 131 瑞典 毛瑟枪 步枪和卡宾枪 811848115\t瑞典 霰弹枪vz 24SVT-40MosinNagant 272 98 M24/47SchmidtRubin 2124 毛瑟枪M94Vz52/57 71 AG 42 9 Danzig、DMV、DUV Steyer M95、K98 Swiz \n 1986、K11 波兰 5 SKS 奥地利乌克兰\t104037 Works11Radom-sport \n 520 SSG08、AUG、PSL\t3.冲锋枪\t以色列德国波兰瑞士\t4010022051 UZIHKUMP、MP7A1、G36C、MP5、Beretta, 乌克兰\t200 PM63、PPS-43,PM-06 \n BT MP9 4.突击步枪\t以色列美国\t31640 TayorM6A2L1A1 \n 比利时 5.轻机枪\t比利时德国斯洛伐克美国\t8413302 MINIMI、M2QCBMG-42DShK、9A-624、PKT、NSV、UKL-59 \n 口径12.7毫米\t6.其他\t斯洛伐克\t460 Barrelsof \n DShK和PKT \n 轻武器 \n1.重机枪\t比利时波兰匈牙利\t2210 M2 OCBAAZPU-2GSh-23/23L口径23毫米\t\n2.枪挂式榴弹发射器\t德国美国波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那\t521216 HK-69MK-19mod IIIRPG-7\t7.其他\t挪威匈牙利\t3125 M151遥控式武器站 \n ZU-23-2口径23毫米", "德国", "出口", "A B C D E 备注 \n\t最后进口国\t件数\t原产国(如非出口国)\t中间地点(如果有) 物项说明\t转让说明 \n \n 小武器 \n2.步枪和卡宾枪\t加拿大爱沙尼亚日本黑山沙特阿拉伯\t20005284426 3.冲锋枪\t安道尔澳大利亚\t28550 巴林 136 比利时不丹巴西文莱\t1520255132 加拿大 75 克罗地亚捷克共和国\t67011 爱沙尼亚\t1608 芬兰 104 法国 20 印度 2 印度尼西亚\t29136 爱尔兰 108 以色列\t8012 意大利 50 日本 5 大韩民国\t15220 科威特 2 黎巴嫩\t103 卢森堡 新西兰 阿曼 菲律宾 波兰 \n 卡塔尔 斯洛文尼亚\t86127 西班牙 8 瑞典 96 瑞士 20 泰国 34 阿拉伯联合酋长国\t68439 联合王国 \n 美国 4.突击步枪\t澳大利亚巴林不丹文莱\t410010363 加拿大 3 智利 9 克罗地亚塞浦路斯\t762025 捷克共和国\t1083 芬兰 8 法国 2 匈牙利\t15969 以色列 6 意大利日本约旦大韩民国\t69153180662 黎巴嫩\t1279 立陶宛\t3377 马来西亚黑山荷兰\t5180783 挪威 秘鲁 菲律宾 \n 波兰 沙特阿拉伯\t3002 \n\t斯洛文尼亚\t10 西班牙\t1625 瑞典 84 瑞士 5 特立尼达和多巴哥\t74625 土耳其 343 阿拉伯联合\t1214 酋长国 联合王国 \n 美国 5.轻机枪\t比利时巴西智利爱沙尼亚\t25003381005 挪威 384 西班牙瑞士\t1032 土耳其 450 阿拉伯联合 酋长国 \n\t联合王国 \n 轻武器 2.枪挂式榴弹发射器\t加拿大克罗地亚\t485 捷克共和国法国\t5622 意大利 15 日本 13 科威特\t18050 立陶宛 54 马来西亚 黑山 \n 荷兰 挪威 1 秘鲁 1 \n\t菲律宾波兰\t298 沙特阿拉伯斯洛文尼亚\t1650 西班牙瑞典联合王国\t232710028 \n 美国 4. 法国 5 无后坐力步枪\t新加坡\t6000 \n\t联合王国\t750 \n5.便携式反坦克导弹发射器\t法国拉脱维亚\t1035", "注:本表列出源于德国的小武器和轻武器国际商业和非商业转让的数值。有关小武器和轻武器国际商业转让的资料没有2010年的实际转让数据。因此,为提供最佳近似值,援引了2010年小武器和轻武器国际商业转让许可证数据。应当指出,实际转让可能会低于所引用的许可证数据。在提供数据时避免了重复计算商业转让(例如,在获发许可时和在其后实际转让时)。有关小武器和轻武器国际非商业转让的数据是实际转让数据。", "进口", "A B C D E 备注 \n\t出口国\t件数\t原产国(如非出口国)\t中间地点(如果有) 物项说明\t转让说明 \n \n 轻武器 \n1.重机枪\t比利时\t67 MG12,7毫米(FNHerstan)", "希腊", "出口", "A B C D E 备注 \n\t最后进口国\t件数\t原产国(如非出口国)\t中间地点(如果有) 物项说明\t转让说明 \n \n 小武器 \n1.左轮手枪和自动手枪\t波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那塞尔维亚\t54117 Beretta", "进口", "A B C D E 备注 \n\t出口国\t件数\t原产国(如非出口国)\t中间地点(如果有) 物项说明\t转让说明 \n \n 小武器 \n1.左轮手枪和自动手枪\t美国\t107 半自动左轮手枪", "格林纳达", "原文:英文 \n 有无提供背景资料:有 日历年度:2010 \n 有无国家联络点:有 提交日期:2011年5月16日", "A B C D E 备注 \n\t出口国\t件数\t原产国(如非出口国)\t中间地点(如果有) 物项说明\t转让说明 \n \n 小武器 \n1.左轮手枪和自动手枪 8 口径.22、.25、.38\t警用装备\n2.步枪和卡宾枪 5 口径.22、.303\t警用装备\n6.其他 14 霰弹枪12、10\t警用装备", "匈牙利", "出口", "A B C D E 备注 \n\t最后进口国\t件数\t原产国(如非出口国)\t中间地点(如果有) 物项说明\t转让说明 \n \n 小武器 \n1.左轮手枪和自动手枪\t捷克共和国南非罗马尼亚\t429520 Browning、Parabellum\t匈牙利国防军剩余装备\n2.步枪和卡宾枪\t罗马尼亚美国瑞士\t522\t比利时 猎枪半自动狙击步枪半自动狙击步枪 \n 轻武器 \n1.重机枪\t捷克共和国\t10\t前苏维埃社会主义共和国联盟 NR-30、GSh-23", "进口", "A B C D E 备注 \n\t出口国\t件数\t原产国(如非出口国)\t中间地点(如果有) 物项说明\t转让说明 \n \n 小武器 1.左轮手枪和自动手枪\t美国克罗地亚奥地利德国\t1610446109100 SigSauerHSGlockSauer、AKAH \n\t乌克兰 9毫米Makarov\t2.步枪和卡宾枪\t美国比利时芬兰法国德国\t25671141124311\t俄罗斯联邦 RemingtonManser、Sauer、BlaserBaikal 意大利 240 俄罗斯联邦塞浦路斯\t8109 \n 奥地利", "A B C D E 备注 \n\t出口国\t件数\t原产国(如非出口国)\t中间地点(如果有) 物项说明\t转让说明 \n \n 轻武器 2.枪挂式榴弹\t美国瑞士\t110 40毫米枪挂式榴弹发射器 \n发射器 40毫米枪挂式榴弹发射器\t6.口径小于75\t西班牙\t24 60毫米迫击炮 \n毫米的迫击炮", "爱尔兰", "原文:英文 \n 有无提供背景资料:有 日历年度:2010 \n 有无国家联络点:有 提交日期:2011年5月25日", "进口", "A B C D E 备注 \n\t出口国\t件数\t原产国(如非出口国)\t中间地点(如果有) 物项说明\t转让说明 \n \n 小武器 \n2.步枪和卡宾枪\t联合王国\t60 AI.338inSM狙击步枪\tAccuracyInternational有限公司", "拉脱维亚", "原文:英文 \n 有无提供背景资料:有 日历年度:2010 \n 有无国家联络点:有 提交日期:2011年5月24日", "进口", "A B C D E 备注 \n\t出口国\t件数\t原产国(如非出口国)\t中间地点(如果有) 物项说明\t转让说明 \n \n 小武器 \n1.左轮手枪和自动手枪\t奥地利\t200 Glock-17、9毫米\t\n5.轻机枪\t比利时\t30 MINIMIPARA5,56毫米 \n 轻武器 5.便携式反坦克导弹发射器和火箭系统\t瑞典以色列\t5005 轻型反装甲武器AT-4、口径84毫米EUROSPIKE含27\t瑞典、SAAB \n 反坦克导弹", "列支敦士登", "原文:英文 \n 有无提供背景资料:有 日历年度:2010 \n 有无国家联络点:有 提交日期:2011年5月20日", "出口", "A B C D E 备注 \n\t最后进口国\t件数\t原产国(如非出口国)\t中间地点(如果有) 物项说明\t转让说明 \n \n 小武器 \n1.左轮手枪和自动手枪 1 非商业进口", "进口", "A B C D E 备注 \n\t出口国\t件数\t原产国(如非出口国)\t中间地点(如果有) 物项说明\t转让说明 \n \n 小武器 \n1.左轮手枪和自动手枪 2 非商业进口\n2.步枪和卡宾枪 7 非商业进口", "立陶宛", "进口", "A B C D E 备注 \n\t出口国\t件数\t原产国(如非出口国)\t中间地点(如果有) 物项说明\t转让说明 \n 小武器 \n1.左轮手枪和自动手枪\t奥地利\t22 Glock19、9x19\t\n 轻武器 \n2.枪挂式榴弹发射器\t德国\t12 GMG、40x53", "墨西哥", "原文:西班牙文 \n 有无提供背景资料:有 日历年度:2010 \n 有无国家联络点:有 提交日期:2011年5月18日", "进口", "A B C D E 备注 \n\t出口国\t件数\t原产国(如非出口国)\t中间地点(如果有) 物项说明\t转让说明 \n \n 小武器 1.左轮手枪和自动手枪\t意大利\t9125 7,196Beretta9毫米手枪1,010Beretta0.40” MCA手枪 \n 1,009Beretta0.380”MCA 手枪 奥地利\t9309 6,0599毫米Glock手枪 1,2300.40”Glock手枪 \n 2,0200.380”MCA Glock手枪 德国\t16 15 0.22”MCAWalther手枪 \n 1 0.22”ISSC 手枪 美国\t151 1309毫米MCASig Sauer手枪 1 45” ACPMod. Government手枪 \n 20 0.380”MCA SigSauer手枪 巴西\t656 509毫米MCATaurus手枪 \n 6060.380”MCATaurus手枪 以色列\t510 9毫米MCAI.W.I.手枪 \n 0.38” SPLTaurus左轮手枪\t\n\t比利时\t281 5.7 MCAFNHerstal手枪\t\n\t捷克共和国\t505 0.22 MCACeskaZbrojovka手枪\t\n2.步枪和卡宾枪\t美国\t8431 8105.56x45Bushmaster卡宾枪\t\n 72 0.223”DS ARMS卡宾枪\t\n 68 0.223”Smith &Wesson卡宾枪\t\n 2,9540.223”Colt卡宾枪\t\n 2527.62x39USOrdnance卡宾枪\t\n 437.62x39Colt 步枪 1,1007.62x51 \n Bushmaster步枪\t\n 8577.62x51MCA DSARMS 步枪\t\n 1 5.56MCARemington步枪\t\n 40 5.56Sig Sauer步枪\t\n 189毫米Colt卡宾枪 2,155308” Win \n Bushmaster步枪\t\n 61 308”WinRemingtonSA58 步枪\t\n\t以色列\t555 507.62x39IWI 步枪\t\n 5057.62x51IWI 步枪\t\n\t比利时\t75 7.62x51FNHerstal步枪\t\n\t意大利\t202 9毫米Beretta卡宾枪\t\n4.突击步枪\t意大利\t3427 7005.56x45BerettaSC 70/90步枪\t\n 2,7275.56x45BerettaARX160步枪\t\n\t美国\t115 55 0.50”Barrett步枪\t\n 50 6.8Barrett步枪\t\n 10 0.338”Barrett步枪\t\n\t捷克共和国\t250 05.56CeskaZbrojovka步枪\t\n\t以色列\t505 5.56 IWI步枪\t\n5.轻机枪\t美国\t49 479毫米Colt冲锋枪\t\n 2 9毫米DSARMS冲锋枪\t\n\t比利时\t10 5.56毫米Herstal机枪\t\n\t以色列\t103 5.56毫米IWI机枪\t\n6.其他\t美国\t3024 各式步枪\t\n\t芬兰\t55 15 步枪cal.308Win MCASAKO\t\n 40 步枪cal.308MCA SAKO\t\n\t捷克共和国\t1154 CeskaZbrojovka各式步枪\t\n\t比利时\t707 布朗宁12、20、30-06口径霰弹枪\t\n\t德国\t303 步枪口径22LRWaltherG22\t\n\t葡萄牙\t201 YILDIZ12、20口径霰弹枪\t\n\t意大利\t558 Benelli12、20口径和Berretta12、口径霰弹枪、Fabarm口径12、20 \n 轻武器 \n1.重机枪\t比利时\t1 Herstal口径50毫米\t2.枪挂式榴弹\t美国\t248 40毫米榴弹发射器 \n 发射器", "出口", "A B C D E 备注 \n\t最后进口国\t件数\t原产国(如非出口国)\t中间地点(如果有) 物项说明\t转让说明 \n \n 小武器 2. 德国 500 MP 5A3 \n步枪和卡宾枪 Heckler和koch自动装弹手枪", "荷兰", "出口", "A B C D E 备注 \n\t最后进口国\t件数\t原产国(如非出口国)\t中间地点(如果有) 物项说明\t转让说明 \n \n 小武器 \n1.左轮手枪和自动手枪\t德国\t58 \n 芬兰 1 \n 法国 3 \n\t意大利\t8 \n\t肯尼亚\t6 \n\t马耳他\t1 \n\t奥地利\t3 \n\t斯洛文尼亚\t1 \n\t斯洛伐克\t2 \n\t捷克共和国\t1 \n\t土耳其\t2 \n\t联合王国\t24 \n 美国 7 \n 瑞士 1 \n2.步枪和卡宾枪\t保加利亚\t1 \n\t加拿大\t2 \n 德国 130 \n 芬兰 1 \n 法国 1 \n\t意大利\t7 \n\t立陶宛\t1 \n 挪威 2 \n\t奥地利\t3 \n 波兰 2 \n\t罗马尼亚\t7 \n\t斯洛伐克\t2 \n\t西班牙\t1 \n\t捷克共和国\t1 \n\t联合王国\t16 \n 美国 1 \n 南非 2 \n 瑞典 2 \n 瑞士 1 5. 德国 98 \n 轻机枪 \n\t马耳他\t4 \n\t奥地利\t4", "进口", "A B C D E 备注 \n\t出口国\t件数\t原产国(如非出口国)\t中间地点(如果有) 物项说明\t转让说明 \n \n 小武器 \n1.左轮手枪和自动手枪\t比利时\t390 \n 巴西 6 \n 德国 652 \n 法国 6 \n\t意大利\t202 \n\t马来西亚\t4 \n\t奥地利\t155 \n\t捷克共和国\t113 \n\t苏里南\t2 \n\t联合王国\t2 \n 瑞典 4 \n\t土耳其\t36 \n 美国 28 \n 瑞士 103 \n2.步枪和卡宾枪\t澳大利亚\t1 \n\t比利时\t881 \n 丹麦 3 \n\t德国\t1380 \n 芬兰 1 \n 法国 2 \n 冰岛 2 \n\t意大利\t23 \n\t卢森堡\t3 \n\t马来西亚\t13 \n\t新西兰\t5 \n 挪威 4 \n\t奥地利\t91 \n 波兰 2 \n\t西班牙\t10 \n\t捷克共和国\t288 \n\t联合王国\t142 \n 美国 69 \n 越南 191 \n 瑞典 29 \n 瑞士 51 \n3.冲锋枪\t比利时\t11 \n 德国 7 \n4.突击步枪\t美国\t7 霰弹枪Mosberg\n 34 BarretAM口径12.7\n5.轻机枪\t比利时\t639 MINIMI、MAG\n\t德国\t811 H&K-416、-417\n 法国 1 \n\t卢森堡\t6 \n\t西班牙\t1 \n\t捷克共和国\t1 \n\t联合王国\t30 \n 美国 24 QCB \n 瑞典 3 \n 轻武器 2.枪挂式榴弹\t比利时\t2 \n 发射器 \n 德国 24 \n\t奥地利\t1 \n\t联合王国\t5 \n 瑞典 10 \n 瑞士 2", "挪威", "进口", "A B C D E 备注 \n 出口国\t件数\t原产国(如果非出口国)\t中间地点(如果有)\t物项说明\t转让说明 \n \n 小武器 \n1.左轮手枪和自动手枪 德国\t83 HK P30L\t\n4.突击步枪 德国\t4070 HK416/417", "葡萄牙", "进口", "A B C D E 备注 \n 出口国\t件数\t原产国(如非出口国)\t中间地点(如果有)\t物项说明\t转让说明 \n \n 小武器 \n1.左轮手枪和自动手枪\t德国\t129224 HK USP9x19WalterP99\t政府用\n\t奥地利\t2 Glock9毫米\t\n4.突击步枪\t德国\t7429 HKG36HK MG4\t政府用 \n 轻武器 \n5.便携式反坦克导弹发射器和火箭系统 德国\t50 HK榴弹发射器AG36", "大韩民国", "出口", "A B C D E 备注 \n 最后进口国\t件数\t原产国(如非出口国)\t中间地点(如果有)\t物项说明\t转让说明 \n 小武器 \n1.左轮手枪和手枪\t柬埔寨\t100 9毫米手枪\t\n2.步枪和卡宾枪\t柬埔寨\t7 K2\t\n3.冲锋枪\t柬埔寨\t87 K1A\t\n\t新加坡\t497 K1A\t\n5.轻机枪 印度尼西亚\t803 K3轻机枪口径5.56毫米", "罗马尼亚", "出口", "A B C D E 备注 \n 最后进口国\t件数\t原产国(如非出口国)\t中间地点(如果有)\t物项说明\t转让说明 \n \n 小武器 \n1.左轮手枪和自动手枪\t哥伦比亚摩尔多瓦共和国\t34 \n2.步枪和卡宾枪\t奥地利\t408 \n 德国 260 \n 美国\t34018 \n3.冲锋枪\t奥地利\t500 \n\t美国\t18147 \n4.突击步枪\t阿富汗\t600 \n\t奥地利\t800 \n\t布基纳法索\t142 \n 法国 44 \n 美国 400 \n5.轻机枪\t布基纳法索 \n 美国 \n 轻武器 \n1.重机枪\t阿富汗\t162 \n\t保加利亚\t8 \n 泰国 11 \n 美国 136 \n5.便携式反坦克导弹发射器和火箭系统\t美国\t25 \n6.口径小于75毫米的迫击炮\t美国\t12", "进口", "A B C D E 备注 \n 出口国\t件数\t原产国(如非出口国)\t中间地点(如果有)\t物项说明\t转让说明 \n \n 小武器 \n1.左轮手枪和自动手枪\t奥地利澳大利亚\t238810 \n\t捷克共和国\t37 \n 德国 136 \n\t匈牙利\t19 \n\t意大利\t33 \n\t塞尔维亚\t1 \n\t乌克兰\t1850 \n2.步枪和卡宾枪\t奥地利\t343 从商业市场进口的猎枪和运动枪械\n\t澳大利亚\t55 \n\t比利时\t374 \n\t保加利亚\t6 \n\t加拿大\t3 \n\t塞浦路斯\t850 \n\t捷克共和国\t612 \n\t德国\t1116 \n 法国 9 \n\t匈牙利\t349 \n\t意大利\t667 \n 荷兰 9 \n\t塞尔维亚\t70 \n\t斯洛伐克\t1 \n 南非 1 \n\t西班牙\t9 \n 瑞典 12 \n 瑞士 18 \n\t土耳其\t1 \n 美国 105 \n3.冲锋枪\t比利时\t1 \n 轻武器 \n1.重机枪\t荷兰\t1\t意大利 \n3.轻型反坦克炮\t南非\t1 MGL-MK1L40毫米反坦克榴弹发射器", "塞尔维亚", "出口", "A B C D E 备注 \n 最后进口国\t件数\t原产国(如非出口国)\t中间地点(如果有)\t物项说明\t转让说明 \n \n 小武器 \n1.左轮手枪和自动手枪\t澳大利亚奥地利\t61450\t德国 \n\t阿富汗\t775 约旦 \n\t孟加拉国\t1 \n\t波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那\t660 \n\t危地马拉\t340 \n\t印度尼西亚\t2 \n\t伊拉克\t5100 保加利亚、约旦 \n 约旦 310 \n\t加拿大\t200 \n\t前南斯拉夫的马其顿共和国\t57 \n\t巴基斯坦\t1688 \n 秘鲁 2 \n\t美国\t13178 奥地利 通过奥地利颁发了一份许可证\n\t斯洛伐克\t9 \n\t斯洛文尼亚\t150 \n\t联合王国\t127 \n2.步枪和卡宾枪\t阿尔及利亚\t55 \n\t阿根廷\t103 \n\t澳大利亚\t1526 \n\t阿富汗\t408 约旦 \n\t波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那\t558\t俄罗斯联邦 \n\t保加利亚\t45 \n\t捷克共和国\t25 \n 黑山 60 \n 丹麦 284 \n 法国 250 \n\t危地马拉\t5 \n\t印度尼西亚\t18 新加坡 \n\t伊拉克\t2 约旦 \n 约旦 26 \n\t加拿大\t360 \n\t前南斯拉夫的马其顿共和国\t24 \n\t莫桑比克\t50 葡萄牙 \n\t纳米比亚\t50 \n\t新西兰\t231 \n\t巴基斯坦\t220 \n 秘鲁 1 \n\t葡萄牙\t3 \n\t塔吉克斯坦\t100 保加利亚 \n\t美国\t16235\tDE、RU、CZ \n\t斯洛伐克\t41 \n\t斯洛文尼亚\t213 \n\t西班牙\t68 \n\t联合王国\t21 \n3.冲锋枪\t美国\t13711 \n4.突击步枪\t伊拉克\t27 约旦 \n\t赤道几内亚\t2000 塞浦路斯 \n5.轻机枪\t奥地利\t5300 \n\t阿富汗\t7743 美国、约旦 \n\t赤道几内亚\t2000 塞浦路斯 \n 印度 4 \n\t伊拉克\t2300 保加利亚、约旦 \n 约旦 10 \n\t科威特\t3 \n 美国 552 \n\t斯洛文尼亚\t110 \n\t塔吉克斯坦\t570 保加利亚、俄罗斯联邦 \n\t联合王国\t29 \n 轻武器 \n1.重机枪\t奥地利\t6603 \n\t阿富汗\t2194 \n\t赤道几内亚\t1 \n\t伊拉克\t432 \n 美国 6 \n\t塔吉克斯坦\t100 \n\t联合王国\t195 \n2.枪挂式榴弹发射器\t阿尔及利亚中非共和国\t6410 斯洛伐克塞浦路斯 \n\t赤道几内亚\t2 \n\t美国\t15 保加利亚 \n3.轻型反坦克炮\t肯尼亚\t6 \n4.无后坐力步枪\t伊拉克\t40 \n5.便携式反坦克导弹发射器和火箭系统\t土耳其\t1", "进口", "A B C D E 备注 \n 出口国\t件数\t原产国(如非出口国)\t中间地点(如果有)\t物项说明\t转让说明 \n \n 小武器 \n1.左轮手枪和自动手枪\t黑山俄罗斯联邦\t750190 \n\t斯洛文尼亚\t1\t德国 \n 德国 8 \n\t意大利\t6 \n\t希腊\t57\t意大利 \n\t捷克共和国\t61 \n\t比利时\t2 \n\t奥地利\t47 2. 黑山 700 \n步枪和卡宾枪 \n\t斯洛文尼亚\t1 \n 美国 38 \n\t俄罗斯联邦\t776 \n 德国 272 \n\t意大利\t77 \n\t联合王国\t47 \n\t捷克共和国\t32 \n 德国 13 \n\t葡萄牙\t105 \n\t比利时\t15 \n\t奥地利\t222 3. 黑山 550 \n 冲锋枪 \n 德国 32 \n\t意大利\t40 5. 德国 24 \n 轻机枪 \n\t比利时\t4 \n 轻武器 4. 黑山 16 \n无后坐力步枪 \n5.便携式反坦克导弹发射器和火箭系统\t黑山\t1286", "斯洛伐克", "出口", "A B C D E 备注 \n 最后进口国\t件数\t原产国(如非出口国)\t中间地点(如果有)\t物项说明\t转让说明 \n \n 小武器 \n1.左轮手枪和自动手枪\t德国西班牙\t924 \n 法国 64 \n\t联合王国\t10 \n\t意大利\t37 \n\t罗马尼亚\t60 \n\t俄罗斯联邦\t909 \n 泰国 350 \n 美国 300 \n\t乌干达\t400 \n2.步枪和卡宾枪\t捷克共和国\t6 \n 法国 456 \n4.突击步枪\t中非共和国\t400 \n5.轻机枪\t捷克共和国\t39 \n\t阿尔及利亚\t2 \n 轻武器 \n1.重机枪\t捷克共和国\t273 \n\t乌干达\t60 \n7.其他\t阿塞拜疆\t1 30毫米加农炮2A42\t\n\t保加利亚\t6 30毫米加农炮2A42\t\n\t埃及\t1 30毫米加农炮2A42", "进口", "A B C D E 备注 \n 出口国\t件数\t原产国(如非出口国)\t中间地点(如果有)\t物项说明\t转让说明 \n \n 小武器 1.左轮手枪和自动手枪\t奥地利捷克共和国\t592180292 德国 35 意大利美国\t2691 \n 比利时 2.步枪和卡宾枪\t奥地利捷克共和国\t3508365 德国 1 丹麦 782 意大利\t125 \n 美国 \n3.冲锋枪\t比利时捷克共和国\t1108 \n4.突击步枪\t比利时德国\t240 \n5.轻机枪\t捷克共和国\t220 \n 轻武器 2.枪挂式榴弹发射器\t塞尔维亚比利时\t517 \n 德国 \n7.其他\t捷克共和国\t31 30毫米加农炮2A42", "瑞士", "出口", "A B C D E 备注 \n 最后进口国\t件数\t原产国(如非出口国)\t中间地点(如果有)\t物项说明\t转让说明 \n \n 小武器 1. 美国 5 左轮手枪和自动手枪\t阿拉伯联合酋长国土库曼斯坦\t111 \n\t爱沙尼亚 2.步枪和卡宾枪\t西班牙罗马尼亚\t291 \n\t大韩民国 3.冲锋枪\t乌克兰丹麦\t46 印度 290 科威特大韩民国\t285036 波兰 10 泰国 7 \n 南非 \n4.突击步枪\t智利\t25 印度 1 \n 039 \n\t马来西亚\t35 \n\t加纳\t737 \n\t波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那\t10 \n 轻武器 2.枪挂式榴弹发射器\t波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那\t3689 法国 2 德国 40 斯洛文尼亚美国\t31 卢森堡印度克罗地亚\t229111029 西班牙\t10 葡萄牙\t725 匈牙利 \n 南非", "注:以上提供的所有小武器和轻武器数据并非实际出口数据,而是获批的出口许可数据(各国获批武器数量),不一定与日历年度对应。", "进口", "A B C D E 备注 \n 出口国\t件数\t原产国(如非出口国)\t中间地点(如果有)\t物项说明\t转让说明 \n \n 小武器 \n1.左轮手枪和自动手枪\t德国\t28 9毫米手枪\t供瑞士军队和联邦警察使用\n2.步枪和卡宾枪\t芬兰\t1 8.6毫米步枪\t供评测", "特立尼达和多巴哥", "出口", "A B C D E 备注 \n 最后进口国\t件数\t原产国(如非出口国)\t中间地点(如果有)\t物项说明\t转让说明 \n \n 小武器 \n1.左轮手枪和自动手枪\t美国巴巴多斯阿拉伯联合酋长国\t10575 各式H&K、GlockGlock\t安全/执法/训练竞赛安保2.步枪和卡宾枪\t巴巴多斯加拿大\t22226 7,62打靶步枪7,62训练步枪\t竞赛训练 \n\t美国 22Ruger步枪、M4卡宾枪、HKG36步枪\t\n3.冲锋枪\t阿拉伯联合酋长国\t2 MP5\t安保\n6.其他\t巴巴多斯巴西美国\t111 12-号霰弹枪\t竞赛回国居民", "注:年度报告的这一部分考虑了特立尼达和多巴哥共和国既不是常规武器和(或)小武器和轻武器的制造国,也非这些武器的出口国这一事实。", "特立尼达和多巴哥关于火器的立法有一节题为“出口”。该节并不是按照联合国的行动纲领制定的,而实际上是一项“再出口”手续,允许个人将火器携往国外。这些火器大多数在活动结束后“再次进口”,并被列入本文件的进口部分。", "进口", "A B C D E 备注 \n 出口国\t件数\t原产国(如非出口国)\t中间地点(如果有)\t物项说明\t转让说明 \n \n 小武器 \n1.左轮手枪和自动手枪\t美国巴巴多斯阿拉伯联合酋长国\t11175 各式H&K、GlockGlock\t安全/执法/训练竞赛安保2.步枪和卡宾枪\t巴巴多斯加拿大\t22226 7,62打靶步枪7,62训练步枪\t竞赛训练 \n\t美国 22Ruger步枪、M4卡宾枪、HKG36步枪\t\n3.冲锋枪\t阿拉伯联合酋长国\t2 MP5\t安保\n6.其他\t巴巴多斯巴西\t11 12-号霰弹枪\t竞赛", "土耳其", "出口", "A B C D E 备注 \n 最后进口国\t件数\t原产国(如非出口国)\t中间地点(如果有)\t物项说明\t转让说明 \n \n 小武器 1.左轮手枪和自动手枪\t巴基斯坦菲律宾\t135992785 泰国孟加拉国\t195118 吉尔吉斯斯坦\t34 黎巴嫩\t115290 乌拉圭 280 纳米比亚哥斯达黎加塞内加尔洪都拉斯\t24030702729230300 阿拉伯叙利亚共和国\t2781200 格鲁吉亚危地马拉秘鲁\t909461340500 坦桑尼亚联合共和国波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那\t3020092025 哥伦比亚\t1165 布基纳法索埃及\t31101 赞比亚 120 伊朗伊斯兰共和国\t103 肯尼亚\t8623 摩尔多瓦共和国\t44 巴拿马智利阿塞拜疆\t2715510100 哈萨克斯坦\t8 萨尔瓦多 荷兰 斯洛文尼亚 美国 新西兰 葡萄牙 瑞典 意大利 瑞士 南非 \n 法国 \n2.步枪和卡宾枪\t美国德国沙特阿拉伯\t1412505 \n\t阿拉伯叙利亚共和国\t2 3. 泰国 2 冲锋枪\t摩洛哥圣多美和普林西比\t50640100200 越南 125 沙特阿拉伯\t1 \n 菲律宾", "进口", "A B C D E 备注 \n 出口国\t件数\t原产国(如非出口国)\t中间地点(如果有)\t物项说明\t转让说明 \n \n 小武器 1.左轮手枪和自动手枪\t美国德国意大利\t1001231325\t加拿大 半自动手枪-//--//- \n\t奥地利\t950 -//-\t2.步枪和卡宾枪\t比利时奥地利美国\t20011 FN303防卫步枪7,62毫米Steyr步枪 \n 5,56毫米SigSauer516\t\n4.突击步枪\t比利时德国\t27 FN AHPF200Base-B武器 \n 轻武器 \n5.便携式反坦克导弹发射器和火箭系统\t俄罗斯联邦德国\t781 Kornet-E密集阵导弹\t\n7.其他\t意大利\t2 40L70双管紧凑型舰炮", "乌克兰", "出口", "A B C D E 备注 \n 最后进口国\t件数\t原产国(如非出口国)\t中间地点(如果有)\t物项说明\t转让说明 \n \n 小武器 1.左轮手枪和自动手枪\t德国美国法国\t116284000 罗马尼亚匈牙利捷克共和国\t11850100248 \n\t亚美尼亚巴基斯坦\t2302235 2.步枪和卡宾枪\t奥地利卢森堡德国联合王国美国\t70020532970470095400 加拿大\t6050 \n\t捷克共和国亚美尼亚刚果民主共和国\t520603000 3.冲锋枪\t奥地利\t100430 卢森堡 200 捷克共和国\t3000 阿塞拜疆\t16500 亚美尼亚\t2000 肯尼亚\t36798 乌干达\t10000 \n\t刚果民主共和国 5.轻机枪\t奥地利亚美尼亚委内瑞拉玻利瓦尔共和国\t1652501111 斯里兰卡乍得\t350500 肯尼亚 \n\t刚果民主共和国 \n \n 轻武器 1.重机枪\t肯尼亚\t10025 乌干达 100 \n\t刚果民主共和国 \n2.枪挂式榴弹发射器\t乌干达刚果民主共和国\t501180 \n3.轻型反坦克炮\t刚果民主共和国\t600 \n5.便携式反坦克导弹发射器和火箭系统\t阿塞拜疆\t1", "进口", "A B C D E 备注 \n 出口国\t件数\t原产国(如非出口国)\t中间地点(如果有)\t物项说明\t转让说明 \n \n 小武器 2.步枪和卡宾枪\t奥地利俄罗斯联邦\t352375 \n\t拉脱维亚 3. 瑞士 4 \n 冲锋枪 德国 1 \n 轻武器 \n1.重机枪\t塞浦路斯\t250", "大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国", "出口", "A B C D E 备注 \n 最后进口国\t件数\t原产国(如非出口国)\t中间地点(如果有)\t物项说明\t转让说明 \n 小武器 \n1.左轮手枪和自动手枪\t澳大利亚\t11 手枪\t\n 加拿大 1 \n 智利 1 \n\t伊拉克\t50 \n\t约旦\t500 \n 肯尼亚 6 \n 毛里求斯 25 \n 荷兰 1 \n 新西兰 8 \n\t挪威\t10 \n\t巴基斯坦\t1 \n 西班牙 3 \n 瑞士 1 \n\t阿拉伯联合酋长国\t10 \n\t美国\t81 半自动手枪\t\n\t阿富汗\t15 \n 奥地利 1 \n 巴巴多斯 25 \n\t比利时\t40 \n 巴西 6 \n 印度 1 \n 意大利 1 \n\t约旦\t64 \n\t肯尼亚\t27 \n\t莱索托\t55 \n\t马耳他\t30 \n\t新西兰\t11 \n\t阿曼\t20 \n\t巴基斯坦\t4 \n 巴拿马 5 \n\t塞舌尔\t28 \n 西班牙 1 \n\t瑞士\t29 \n\t特立尼达和多巴哥\t3 \n 土耳其 7 美国 1 \n 301 \n 赞比亚 4 \n\t马耳他\t1 运动手枪\t\n 新西兰 1 \n 巴巴多斯 30 左轮手枪 \n\t比利时\t128 \n 加拿大 1 \n 法国 4 \n 意大利 2 \n\t马耳他\t26 \n 荷兰 1 \n 新西兰 2 \n 挪威 4 \n 波兰 1 \n 美国 1 \n2.步枪和卡宾枪\t澳大利亚\t5 组合步枪霰弹枪\t\n 加拿大 2 \n 芬兰 1 \n 意大利 1 \n 新西兰 1 \n 葡萄牙 1 \n\t塞尔维亚\t1 \n 西班牙 1 \n 美国 2 \n\t阿富汗\t120 步枪 \n 澳大利亚 12 \n 巴林 1 \n\t比利时\t43 加拿大\t16 \n 782 \n 丹麦 2 \n\t吉布提\t10 \n 德国 2 \n 希腊 5 \n\t印度尼西亚\t31 \n 爱尔兰 6 \n 意大利 2 \n\t日本\t202 \n\t约旦\t14 \n 肯尼亚 3 \n\t荷兰\t15 \n\t新西兰\t19 \n\t挪威\t10 \n\t摩尔多瓦共和国\t1 \n 南非 1 \n\t西班牙\t38 \n 瑞典 2 \n\t坦桑尼亚联合共和国\t1 美国 6 \n 006 \n 阿根廷 1 霰弹枪 \n 澳大利亚 29 \n 奥地利 3 \n 巴林 6 \n\t巴巴多斯\t2 \n 比利时 5 \n\t加拿大\t19 \n 智利 1 \n 塞浦路斯 41 \n\t丹麦\t19 \n\t多米尼加共和国\t20 \n\t爱沙尼亚\t1 \n 芬兰 7 \n 法国 1 \n\t德国\t65 \n 希腊 5 \n\t海地\t15 \n\t爱尔兰\t13 \n\t意大利\t35 \n\t牙买加\t13 \n\t约旦\t50 \n 卢森堡 2 \n\t毛里求斯\t8 \n\t荷兰\t30 \n 新西兰 7 \n\t挪威\t130 \n 巴基斯坦 70 \n\t葡萄牙\t10 \n 卡塔尔 2 \n\t摩尔多瓦共和国\t4 \n\t俄罗斯联邦\t13 \n\t圣马力诺\t1 \n 塞尔维亚 56 \n 新加坡 3 \n\t斯洛伐克\t1 \n\t南非\t31 \n 西班牙 7 \n 瑞典 9 \n\t瑞士\t14 \n\t坦桑尼亚联合共和国\t4 \n 泰国 1 \n\t阿拉伯联合酋长国\t1 \n 乌克兰 1 \n\t美国\t68 \n 赞比亚 1 \n\t阿根廷\t27 运动步枪 \n 澳大利亚 58 \n 奥地利 2 \n\t巴林\t10 \n\t巴巴多斯\t3 \n\t白俄罗斯\t1 \n 比利时 4 \n\t博茨瓦纳\t1 \n 巴西 8 \n\t保加利亚\t5 \n\t加拿大\t27 \n\t塞浦路斯\t4 \n\t捷克共和国\t2 \n 丹麦 6 \n\t吉布提\t12 \n 芬兰 5 \n\t法国\t17 \n 格鲁吉亚 14 \n\t德国\t164 \n 印度 5 \n\t爱尔兰\t17 \n\t意大利\t25 \n\t哈萨克斯坦\t1 \n\t科威特\t12 \n 卢森堡 2 \n 马拉维 2 \n\t莫桑比克\t3 \n 尼泊尔 1 \n\t荷兰\t10 \n\t新西兰\t99 \n 挪威 5 \n 阿曼 4 \n\t巴基斯坦\t1 \n\t巴拉圭\t35 \n 葡萄牙 7 \n 卡塔尔 2 \n\t摩尔多瓦共和国\t6 \n\t俄罗斯联邦\t530 \n\t沙特阿拉伯\t1 \n 塞尔维亚 46 \n\t斯洛文尼亚\t1 南非 1 \n 103 \n\t西班牙\t40 \n 瑞典 1 \n\t瑞士\t10 \n\t坦桑尼亚联合共和国\t5 \n 泰国 1 \n\t阿拉伯联合酋长国\t6 \n\t乌克兰\t150 美国 3 \n 545 \n\t乌兹别克斯坦\t2 \n 赞比亚 3 \n\t澳大利亚\t6 狙击步枪\t\n 奥地利 3 \n 比利时 3 \n 巴西 1 \n\t加拿大\t110 \n\t塞浦路斯\t1 \n 丹麦 2 \n\t吉布提\t11 \n 法国 2 \n 德国 6 \n\t加纳\t10 \n\t印度尼西亚\t10 \n\t爱尔兰\t60 \n 意大利 1 \n\t约旦\t135 \n\t阿拉伯利比亚民众国\t1 \n\t毛里求斯\t4 \n 墨西哥 8 \n\t荷兰\t67 \n\t新西兰\t257 \n 挪威 4 \n\t阿曼\t94 \n\t秘鲁\t139 \n\t波兰\t12 \n\t俄罗斯联邦\t15 \n\t沙特阿拉伯\t5 \n\t斯洛伐克\t1 \n 南非 6 \n\t西班牙\t18 \n 瑞士 1 \n 泰国 2 \n 乌克兰 6 \n3.冲锋枪\t巴林\t5 冲锋枪\t\n\t巴西\t23 \n\t文莱\t255 \n\t加纳\t250 \n\t日本\t114 \n 约旦 5 \n 马耳他 2 \n 毛里求斯 25 \n\t新西兰\t25 \n\t阿曼\t11 \n 巴拿马 4 \n\t南非\t600 \n\t西班牙\t39 \n\t阿拉伯联合酋长国\t26 \n 美国 2 \n4.突击步枪\t阿富汗\t49 突击步枪\t\n 奥地利 4 \n 巴林 2 \n 巴西 7 \n 文莱 3 \n\t加拿大\t717 \n\t捷克共和国\t50 \n\t吉布提\t141 \n\t法国\t60 \n\t德国\t143 \n 爱尔兰 1 \n\t约旦\t450 \n\t哈萨克斯坦\t1 \n 大韩民国 74 \n 莱索托 1 \n 利比里亚 133 \n 马耳他 8 \n 荷兰 2 \n\t新西兰\t36 \n 阿曼 4 \n 巴基斯坦 10 \n 秘鲁 5 \n\t塞舌尔\t27 \n 南非 3 \n\t西班牙\t24 \n\t特立尼达和多巴哥\t6 \n\t乌克兰\t18 \n\t阿拉伯联合酋长国\t2 美国\t30 \n 003 \n 轻武器 \n1.重机枪\t澳大利亚\t5 通用机枪\t\n\t比利时\t30 \n 巴西 2 \n 加拿大 2 \n 吉布提 6 \n 芬兰 1 \n 德国 6 \n 以色列 1 \n\t日本\t111 \n 科威特 5 \n 利比里亚 38 \n 荷兰 1 \n\t新西兰\t33 \n\t阿曼\t11 \n\t巴基斯坦\t1 \n\t塞舌尔\t15 \n\t阿拉伯联合酋长国\t3 美国 1 \n 500 \n 加纳 3 重机枪 \n 利比里亚 20 \n 马耳他 1 \n\t西班牙\t13 \n 美国 1", "进口", "A B C D E 备注 \n 最后进口国\t件数\t原产国(如非出口国)\t中间地点(如果有)\t物项说明\t转让说明 \n \n 小武器 \n5.轻机枪\t比利时\t402 FNHerstal轻机枪", "附件", "各国政府依照大会第64/54号决议第6(a)和6(b)段提出的意见", "荷兰", "荷兰坚信,军备领域的透明度有助于增强信任、缓和紧张局势和加强区域和平与安全。此外,这种透明度使武器转让行为更加负责。荷兰视《联合国常规武器登记册》为改善和促进国家之间和区域之间透明度和信任的有效机制。", "为进一步加强登记册作为促进透明度和信任机制的作用,荷兰赞成在会员国向《联合国常规武器登记册》提交的年度报告中列入有关小武器和轻武器转让情况的资料。常规军备特别是小武器和轻武器方面的透明度,对于打击此类武器泛滥和提供一种信任和安全氛围必不可少。", "––––––––––––––", "[1] 前18次报告的文号分别是:A/48/344和Corr.1-3和Add.1-3;A/49/352和Corr.1-2和Add.1-4;A/50/547和Corr.1和Add.1-4;A/51/300和Add.1-5;A/52/312和Corr.1-2和Add.1-4;A/53/334和Corr.1-2和Add.1-2;A/54/226和Corr.1和Add.1-6;A/55/299和Corr.1和Add.1-6;A/56/257和Corr.1和Add.1-2;A/57/221和Corr.1-2和Add.1-3;A/58/203和Corr.1-2和Add.1-2;A/59/193和Corr.1-2和Add.1-2;A/60/160和Corr.1-2和Add.1-3;A/61/159和Corr.1-2和Add.1-3;A/62/170和Add.1-3;A/63/120和Add.1-3;A/64/135和Add.1-3;A/65/133和Add.1-5。" ]
[ "第六十六届会议", "页:1", "暂定项目表* 项目99(g)", "全面彻底裁军:军备的透明度", "联合国常规武器登记册", "秘书长的报告", "内容提要", "本报告是根据大会第64/54号决议提交的,其中载有从会员国收到的关于联合国常规武器登记册所涵盖常规武器进出口情况的资料,包括“无”报告,以及关于2010历年军事财产、从本国生产取得的军备以及小武器和轻武器国际转让的补充背景资料。 截至本报告编写之日,秘书长已收到64个政府的报告。", "目录", "页次\n一. 导言 3\nA. 提交资料的索引4\nB. 从各国政府收到的关于常规武器的报告 6\n三、从各国政府收到的关于军事财产和通过国家采购的资料 41\n从各国政府收到的关于小武器和轻武器国际转让的资料\n武器\n各国政府就第6(a)和6(b)段提出的意见145\n大会第64/54号决议", "一. 导言", "1. 联合国 本报告是自登记册建立以来秘书长就联合国常规武器登记册发表的第十九份综合报告。 [1] 大会第64/54号决议第3至5段吁请会员国每年提供登记册所涵盖主要常规武器国际转让的数据和资料,包括“无”报告和其他背景资料。", "2. 2011年3月3日,裁军事务厅向会员国发出普通照会,请它们在2011年5月31日之前提交报告。 收到的答复载于第三节和第四节及下文附件。 从各国政府收到的任何其他国家报告和补充资料将作为本报告增编印发。", "二. 从各国政府收到的资料", "3个 从各国政府收到的资料如下:", "(a) 第二节,其中包括:", "(一) 编 A-秘书长收到的资料索引;", "(二)编. B. 各国政府对常规武器转让的个别答复;", "(b) 第三节,其中载有各国政府提交的关于军事财产和从本国生产取得的军备的背景资料;", "(c) 第四节,其中载有各国政府提交的关于小武器和轻武器国际转让的背景资料;", "(d) 国家 载有会员国意见的附件是应大会第64/54号决议第6(b)段的要求提交的,该段题为“登记册中缺少小武器和轻武器这一主要类别是否限制了登记册的相关性并直接影响关于参与的决定”。", " 4.四. 会员国答复的原件可通过裁军事务厅索取。 关于常规武器登记册的年度报告和其他有关资料可在裁军厅网站上以电子方式查阅(见。", "A. 各国政府提交的资料索引", "国家数据出口报告 数据输入 背景资料:关于小武器和轻武器在\n持有的军备 国际转让小武器和轻武器\n武器\n1. 安道尔 10.06.11 无是\n2. 阿根廷 20.06.11 无 是 (a) 无\n3. 澳大利亚 01.06.11 是,是,是,是,是,是,这是\n4. 奥地利 01.06.11 是是是是是是是无是非\n孟加拉国 29.06.11 无是零\n6. 白俄罗斯 10.06.11 是\n7. 伯利兹 24.03.11 无\n8. 不丹 18.04.11 无\n9. 波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那 29.06.11 对,对,对\n10. 巴西 17.06.11 无\n11个 保加利亚 01.06.11 是是是是是是是无是非\n12. 柬埔寨 16.03.11 无\n13. 加拿大 27.06.11 是是是是是是是无是非\n14. 智利 31.05.11 无 是 是\n15个 克罗地亚 01.06.11 无是\n16. 塞浦路斯 06.06.11 无是\n17. 捷克共和国 01.06.11 对,对,对\n18. 多米尼加共和国 25.05.11 无\n19. 萨尔瓦多\n20. 爱沙尼亚 11.05.11 无是\n21. 芬兰 31.05.11 零是,是,是,无\n22. 德国^(b) 23.06.11 是 是 是\n23. 联合国 希腊 31.05.11 对,对,对\n24. 格林纳达 16.05.11 无\n25. 圭亚那 13.06.11 无\n26. 匈牙利 08.06.11 是 无 是\n27. 印度 06.06.11\n28. 爱尔兰 25.05.11 无\n29. 日本 31.05.11 无 是 (c)\n30岁 拉脱维亚 24.05.11 无是\n黎巴嫩 06.06.11 无 零\n32. 列支敦士登 20.05.11 无是\n33. 立陶宛 31.05.11 无 是 是 是\n34. 马来西亚 03.06.11\n35. 联合国 马耳他 29.03.11 无\n36. 墨西哥 18.05.11 无是\n37. 摩纳哥 18.03.11 无\n38. 国家 蒙古国 无\n39. 联合国 荷兰 14.06.11 是 是 是,是,是,是,是\n40. 挪威 01.06.11 对,对,对\n41. 巴基斯坦 15.06.11 无\n42. 帕劳 04.04.11 无\n43. 秘鲁\n44. 波兰 22.06.11 对,对\n45. 国家 葡萄牙 10.06.11 无 是 是\n46. 经常预算: 韩国共和国 07.04.11 无 是 是\n47. 国家 罗马尼亚 01.06.11 是是是是是是是无是非\n48. 俄罗斯联合会 31.05.11 无\n49. (中文(简体) ). 15.03.11 无\n 50. 50. 圣马力诺\n51. 联合国 塞尔维亚 08.06.11 对,对,对\n52. 斯洛伐克 31.05.11 是是是是是是是无是非\n53. 所罗门群岛 25.04.11 无\n54. 苏里南 11.03.11 无\n55. 国家 瑞士 23.05.11 实为零 是\n56. (中文(简体) ). 前南斯拉夫共和国\n57. 特立尼达和托巴戈 31.05.11 无 是 (d) 无\n58. 土耳其 对,对,对\n59. 土库曼斯坦 无\n60. 乌克兰 23.06.11 对,对,对\n61. 国家 联合王国 24.06.11 是 是 是\n62. 美国 27.05.11 是 无 是\n63. 国家 乌拉圭 14.04.11 无\n64. (中文(简体) ). 越南 无是", "^(a) 阿根廷还提供了关于小武器和轻武器军事财产的资料。", "^(b) 德国还提供了关于出口常规武器和有关技术的政策和做法的资料。 该报告以英文出版,可查阅。", "^(c) 日本还提供了关于通过本国生产小武器和轻武器进行采购的资料。", "^(d) 特立尼达和多巴哥提供了关于小武器和轻武器军事财产的资料。", "B. 从各国政府收到的关于常规武器转让的报告", "澳大利亚", "原文:英文", "有否提供背景资料:有 提交日期:2011年6月1日", "国家联络点:是", "出口", "A B C D 注释\n类别(一-七) 最终进口国(s) 物品数量 原产国(如果不是出口国)\n二. 装甲战斗车 荷兰 加拿大 403 以出口为基础的信息\n澳大利亚国防出口管制局批准,而非实际出口。", "进口", "A B C D E 备注 类 出口国(s)\n(一至七)\n四、结 论 11架F/A-18超级Hornet战斗机\n V. 德国 34架欧洲直升机、武装侦察直升机MRH-90多火箭直升机\n页:1 (a) 美国分类的SM2、RIM-162B、FGM-148E、AIM-9X、AGM-154、AGM-158\n瑞典分类RBS 70\n(b) 国家", "奥地利", "原文:英文", "有否提供背景资料:有 提交日期:2011年6月1日", "国家联络点:是", "出口", "A B C D 注释\n类别(一-七) 最终进口国(s) 物品数量 原产国(如果不是出口国)\n二. 葡萄牙 7 PandurII\n三. SaudiArabia 37 120毫米迫击炮M12 1535", "进口", "A B C D 注释\n类别(一-七) 出口国(s)\n二. 葡萄牙 PandurII 8x8", "孟加拉国", "原文:英文", "有否提供背景资料:有 提交日期:2011年6月29日", "国家联络点:是", "进口", "[表", "白俄罗斯", "原文: 俄罗斯历年:2010年", "有否提供背景资料:无 提交日期:2011年6月10日", "国家联络点:是", "出口", "A B C D 注释\n类别(一-七) 最终进口国(s) 物品数量 原产国(如果不是出口国)\n也门 66架俄罗斯T-805\n联合会\n三. 大口径火炮系统 阿塞拜疆 30俄联邦120mmhowitzerD-30 IV. 苏-25苏-25 俄罗斯\n乌干达 21 俄罗斯 米-24米-24 俄罗斯\n联合会", "联合国", "原文:英文", "有否提供背景资料:无 提交日期:2011年6月17日", "国家联络点:是", "进口", "[表", "波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那", "原文:英文", "有否提供背景资料:有 提交日期:2011年6月29日", "国家联络点:是", "出口", "[表", "进口", "A B C D E 备注 类别 出口国(s) 物品数量 原产国(如果不是出口国) 中间地点(如果有的话) 物品说明 转让\n(一至七)\n二. 塞尔维亚 2 1 Bell-206L 长程车, 1\n贝尔-206B 喷气探险机", "保加利亚", "原文:英文", "有否提供背景资料:有 提交日期:2011年6月1日", "国家联络点:是", "出口", "A B C D E 备注 类别 最终进口国(s)\n(一至七)\n塞尔维亚 T-55\n二. 柬埔寨装甲战车 404 BTR60-PBBRDM-2 III. 大口径火炮系统 乌干达 也门\n36 120毫米迫击炮", "进口", "A B C D E 备注 类别 出口国(s) 物品数量 原产国(如果不是出口国) 中间地点(如果有的话) 物品说明 转让\n(一至七)\nI. 塞尔维亚 50\n二. 以色列5辆沙地车", "加拿大", "原文:英文", "有否提供背景资料:有 提交日期:2011年6月27日", "国家联络点:是", "出口", "A B C D E 备注 类别 最终进口国(s)\n(一至七)\n挪威 2 豹式C1 非军事化\n二. 智利 464 联合军 M548A1/A2 装甲车 警察/军事人员", "进口", "A B C D E 备注 类别 出口国(s) 物品数量 原产国(如果不是出口国) 中间地点(如果有的话) 物品说明 转让\n(一至七)\n三. 大口径火炮系统", "注:出于国家安全考虑,没有提供关于第七类进出口的资料。", "邮件地址", "原文:西班牙文\n有否提供背景资料:有 提交日期:2011年5月31日\n国家联络点:否", "进口", "A B C D 备注 类别(一至七) 出口国(s) 关于转让的评论\n出口者)\n德国 Marder1A3 LeopardIV Leopard2 第7210/1506号,30 Ap 2010 第7210/3759号,13 Sep 2010 第7210/610号,8 Mar 2010 Leopard2 第7210/1873号,2010年5月20日\n2010年5月24日第7210/1914号 II. 装甲战斗 德国 13 Leopard2A4C/CN 2010年5月20日第7210/1914号\n西班牙 4 EXPALM-8681毫米迫击炮\n系统\n六、结 论 美国 1个石油", "捷克共和国", "原文:英文", "有否提供背景资料:有 提交日期:2011年6月1日", "国家联络点:否", "出口", "[表", "进口", "A B C D E 备注 类别 出口国(s) 物品数量 原产国(如果不是出口国) 中间地点(如果有的话) 物品说明 转让\n(一至七)\nI. Battletanks 保加利亚 69 T-55 二. 装甲战斗车 斯洛伐克 3210143351368 IvecoM65SEOT-64,SKOT,BRDM-2Pbv-501 PandurIIBRDM-2,BTR-60\n1个\n三. 大口径火炮系统", "多米尼加共和国", "原文:西班牙文", "有否提供背景资料:无 提交日期:2011年5月25日", "国家联络点:是", "进口", "A B C D E 备注 类别 出口国(s) 物品数量 原产国(如果不是出口国) 中间地点(如果有的话) 物品说明 转让\n(一至七)\n四、结 论 巴西战斗机", "芬兰", "原文:英文", "有否提供背景资料:有 提交日期:2011年5月31日", "国家联络点:是", "进口", "[表", "德国", "原文:英文", "有否提供背景资料:有 提交日期:2011年6月23日", "国家联络点:是", "出口", "[表", "进口", "[表", "注释:", "1. 联合国 德国在记录其武器转让时,将设备离开出口国领土和设备运入进口国领土作为标准。", "2. 联合国 德国继续:", "(a) 国家 仅记录七类所定义的完整设备的转让;", "(b) 国家 不包括下列物品的转让:", "(一) 已非军事化的物品;", "(二) 为销毁或处置而转让的物品(特别是废料);", "(三) 作为博物馆展览的物品。", "希腊", "原文:英文", "有否提供背景资料:有 提交日期:2011年5月31日", "国家联络点:是", "出口", "[表", "进口", "[表", "匈牙利", "原文:英文", "有否提供背景资料:有 提交日期:2011年6月8日", "国家联络点:是", "出口", "A B C D E 备注 类别 最终进口国(s)\n(一至七)\n二. 捷克共和国 苏联 布兰克-1K 社会主义者\n共和国三. 大口径火炮系统 7012 前苏联联盟 2S1 SPhowitzer 社会主义者\n共和国四. 拉脱维亚战斗机2\n拉脱维亚\n共和国", "印度", "原文:英文", "有否提供背景资料:无 提交日期:2011年6月6日", "国家联络点:否", "进口", "[表", "立陶宛", "原文:英文", "有否提供背景资料:有 提交日期:2011年5月31日", "国家联络点:是", "进口", "A B C D E 备注 类别 出口国(s) 物品数量 原产国(如果不是出口国) 中间地点(如果有的话) 物品说明 转让\n(一至七)\n二. 装甲战斗车 瑞典 意大利 161 M41DCannonOTO\n六、结 论 “Hunt:classsel”号战舰", "荷兰", "原文:英文", "有否提供背景资料:有 提交日期:2011年6月14日", "国家联络点:是", "出口", "[表", "进口", "A B C D E 备注 类别 出口国(s) 物品数量 原产国(如果不是出口国) 中间地点(如果有的话) 物品说明 转让\n(一至七)\n德国 10个豹2\n架桥式坦克", "挪威", "原文:英文", "有否提供背景资料:有 提交日期:2011年6月1日", "国家联络点:是", "出口", "[表", "进口", "A B C D E 备注 类别 出口国(s) 物品数量 原产国(如果不是出口国) 中间地点(如果有的话) 物品说明 转让\n(一至七)\n二. 装甲战斗车 意大利 德国 4510 IvecoLMV Dingo-2\n四、结 论 2架C-130J战斗机\n六、结 论 西班牙一号驱逐舰", "注:挪威在报告转让时将所有权转让作为标准。", "巴基斯坦", "原文:英文", "有否提供背景资料:无 提交日期:2011年6月15日", "国家联络点:是", "进口", "[表", "秘鲁", "原文:西班牙文", "有否提供背景资料:有 提交日期:2011年6月13日", "国家联络点:否", "进口", "[表", "葡萄牙", "原文:英文", "有否提供背景资料:有 提交日期:2011年6月10日", "国家联络点:是", "进口", "A B C D E 备注 类别 出口国(s) 物品数量 原产国(如果不是出口国) 中间地点(如果有的话) 物品说明 转让\n(一至七)\n六、结 论 德国战列舰 荷兰 21艘潜艇", "大韩民国", "原文:英文", "有否提供背景资料:有 提交日期:2011年4月7日", "国家联络点:是", "进口", "[表", "罗马尼亚", "原文:英文", "有否提供背景资料:有 提交日期:2011年6月1日", "国家联络点:是", "出口", "A B C D E 备注 类别 最终进口国(s)\n(一至七)\n三. 大口径火炮系统\n四、结 论 越南战斗机\n挪威 1 IAR 316B 非军事化\n六、结 论 瑞典一号多用途舰", "进口", "A B C D E 备注 类别 出口国(s) 物品数量 原产国(如果不是出口国) 中间地点(如果有的话) 物品说明 转让\n(一至七)\n二. 西班牙 5 TT UROVamtacS3\n四、结 论 意大利战斗机 2架C-27J斯巴达运输飞机\n六、结 论 以色列 三艘沙尔达克号军舰 MK 四号巡逻艇", "注:国家转让标准:设备从出口国领土出走、设备运入进口国领土、所有权转让、控制权转让。", "俄罗斯联邦", "原文: 俄罗斯历年:2010年", "有否提供背景资料:无 提交日期:2011年5月31日", "国家联络点:是", "出口", "[表", "塞尔维亚", "原文:英文", "有否提供背景资料:有 提交日期:2011年6月8日", "国家联络点:否", "出口", "A B C D E 备注 类别 最终进口国(s)\n(一至七)\n一. 柬埔寨的战地坦克 60", "进口", "A B C D E 备注 类别 出口国(s) 物品数量 原产国(如果不是出口国) 中间地点(如果有的话) 物品说明 转让\n(一至七)\n四、结 论 黑山战斗机 6 N-62(G-4)\n飞机", "斯洛伐克", "原文:英文", "有否提供背景资料:有 提交日期:2011年5月31日", "国家联络点:是", "出口", "A B C D E 备注 类别 最终进口国(s)\n(一至七)\n二. 装甲战斗车 保加利亚 8 OT BRDM2RCH 三. 大口径火炮系统 马来西亚 印度 31 120毫米M5155毫米Howitzer Zuzana 2 捷克共和国 3972 125毫米Cannon2 A46122毫米MLRSRM-70\n122毫米榴弹炮D-30", "进口", "A B C D E 备注 类别 出口国(s) 物品数量 原产国(如果不是出口国) 中间地点(如果有的话) 物品说明 转让\n(一至七)\n捷克共和国 1 T-72\n三. 大口径火炮系统 瑞典 2 sets 84mmRCL 卡尔·古斯塔夫M3", "瑞士", "原文:英文", "有否提供背景资料:有", "国家联络点:是", "出口", "A B C D E 备注 类别 最终进口国(s)\n(一至七)\n二. 巴西 63辆Piranha APCPiranha IIIAPC\n西班牙 5", "土耳其", "原文:英文", "有否提供背景资料:有 提交日期:2011年6月6日", "国家联络点:否", "出口", "[表", "进口", "[表", "乌克兰", "原文: 俄罗斯历年:2010年", "有否提供背景资料:有 提交日期:2011年6月23日", "国家联络点:是", "出口", "[表", "进口", "A B C D E 备注 类别 出口国(s) 物品数量 原产国(如果不是出口国) 中间地点(如果有的话) 物品说明 转让\n(一至七)\n三. 大口径火炮系统 捷克共和国 12312 122毫米自走式2C1152毫米自走式2C3\nBM-21 导弹", "大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国", "原文:英文", "有否提供背景资料:有 提交日期:2011年6月24日", "国家联络点:是", "出口", "[表", "进口", "[表", "美利坚合众国", "原文:英文", "有否提供背景资料:有", "国家联络点:是", "出口", "[表", "注释:", "1. 联合国 国家转让标准:(三)产权转让。", "2. 联合国 没有关于无人驾驶飞行器的数据。 这一省略并不妨碍是否将其归入现有类别的问题。", "越南", "原文:英文", "有否提供背景资料:无 提交日期:2011年5月20日", "国家联络点:是", "进口", "[表", "三. 从各国政府收到的关于军事财产和国产军备采购的资料", "联合国", "原文:西班牙文", "有否提供背景资料:有 提交日期:2011年6月20日", "国家联络点:否", "(a) 军事财产", "类别 军事财产 设备说明\nI. 战地坦克 23251 TAMAMX-13 120 SK 105 90 谢尔曼\n4 帕塔贡二号. M113-AMX-13-TAM型装甲战斗车 Panhard-Mowag-Gloverreconnaissance 3辆M-548-M106,装甲货运车11辆HUMMER M998,通讯\nLVTP-7,履带式着陆车\n三. 大口径火炮系统 4212511677354923 155毫米AMX-TAM炮、装甲火炮155毫米炮、中型火炮155毫米榴弹炮、中型火炮 AP 105毫米榴弹炮,轻型火炮105毫米榴弹炮,榴弹炮,轻型火炮120毫米迫击炮,重型迫击炮81迫击炮,中型迫击炮IV. 战斗机 116311863 A4/AR-S/Etendard-Pucará IA-58-Mirage II和V-TrackerOrion P3B-OV1D Mohauk-Beechcraft B-200-119 Lear Jet L35-Boeing 707 Fiat G 222-Sabre Liner-CessnaT207-Merlin 三号,IV-Casa 212-Porter PL-6 Saab 340B-赫拉克勒斯 C130 B,H,KC-Fokker F-27/8-Lear Jet 60-Cessna 182-Aero指挥官 500 — Twin Otter DHC6 AB 180 — 导师 T45 — 图卡诺 – 滑翔机 PA25/28和R/31/34 — Cessna 206 — Mentor T34 —\nIA63/46 (英语).\n V. 攻击直升机 53931022 A 109 Augusta – UH 1H/UH – BellHuey II – SeaKing II-3Fennec AS-555-SN – SA 315 LamaBell 212 – Augusta II-3SA 332 Super Puma – Alouette A1-UH3H\n休斯500 – 贝尔212 VI. 3艘潜艇 4艘驱逐舰 2艘运输舰 9艘护卫舰 2艘巡逻艇 5艘作战支援舰 2艘快艇 3艘多用途舰\n1 后勤舰七. 导弹和导弹发射器\n4 LzCh Cal 105 SLAM 导弹", "(b) 拥有的轻武器", "类别 军事财产 物品说明\n1. 重机枪 681 486口径20毫米口径12.7毫米口径\n2 940 Cal. 7.62毫米口径\n2. 携带/无20 Cal.40毫米口径便携式榴弹发射器\n3. 便携式反坦克72 SR 75毫米SR炮\n4. 无后坐力步枪\n5 (韩语). 便携式反坦克导弹发射器和火箭系统\n6. 国家 7. 其他135门AA 40毫米炮 12门AA 35毫米炮 42门AA 30毫米炮\n247 AA 20毫米炮", "(c) 小武器的持有", "类别 军事财产 物品说明\n1. 左轮手枪和自装手枪 42 6213 842 9毫米、22毫米和45毫米手枪38/44口径左轮手枪2. 步枪和卡宾枪 111 7594 899 FAL口径7.62毫米FAP口径7.62 442口径7.65毫米步枪 1 856步枪\n544个卡宾枪\n3. 冲锋枪\n4. 突击步枪 1 029 5.56口径步枪\n5 (韩语). 轻机枪\n6. 其他 1 039发猎枪", "2010年阿根廷武装部队常规武器转让报告", "(a) 军用武器", "项目数量 物品说明\n四、结 论 C-130B-Hercules C-130H 3 Cessna 182 1 Fokker F-27 1 AeroCommander 500 1 Pucara IA-58 1 A$-AR 1 幻影M III 2个图卡诺\n4个滑翔机", "(b) 轻武器", "项目数量 物品说明\n1. 联合国 7.62毫米重机枪\n2. 其他 1 35毫米", "(c) 小武器", "项目数量 物品说明\n2. 步枪和卡宾枪 1110 FAP 7.62毫米口径卡宾枪\n4. 突击步枪 2 7.65毫米", "澳大利亚", "持有的军事装备和从本国生产取得的军备", "类别(一至七) 通过本国生产采购 备注\nI. 作战坦克 59 M1A1Abrams GDLS 2006-07年从美国进口的新型坦克 美国更换 豹式舰队\n103 豹一号1970年代从德国进口;现已过时;目前正在处理\n二. 装甲战车 7 M88A2装甲回收车 2006-07年从美国进口\n515 M113A1跟踪APC 妇联 1960年代从美国进口\n223 M113AS4 tracked APC 29 从M-113A重造出 Tenix 船体;总生产目标是431\n257 从加拿大进口的ASLAV轮式装甲侦察车GDLS-C Hulls;内置炮塔 澳大利亚1995-2004年;在澳大利亚组装车辆\n91 Thales Australia 与2009年报告相比增加91人\n三. 大口径火炮系统 35101185 155mmhowitzerM198105mmL118/119 Hamellight gun81mm F2mortar United States United Kingdom United Kingdom 四号战斗机 119 71 F/A-18Hornet15 F/A-18FSuperHornet 21 F-111已退役\n33个霍克127\n五. 攻击直升机 6 7.62毫米自卫队\n34 黑鹰西科尔斯基 -//-\n16 配备有12.5或7.62毫米机关枪的海鹰Sikorsky Maritimecombathelicopter Mk 46air-发射管\n19 武装侦察飞机、自由飞行火箭和壳火导弹\n13 MRH-90,多口径直升机 7.62毫米自卫队的战斗支援直升机\n6 海王奥古斯塔·韦斯特拉尔 -/-六. 战舰 22 4 FFG (Adelaide Class)8 FFH (ANZAC Class) 海军于2010年9月将马诺拉撤出服役\n2 Aphibious(托布鲁克、马诺拉、坎姆布拉)\n页:1 导弹和导弹发射器 机密空对空:AIM-120(AMRAAM),AIM-9M,AIM-9X(Sidewinder) Raytheon导弹编号被分类\n机密空对空:AIM-132(ASRAAM) MBDA(联合金多姆) - ///- - (英语).\n空气对地:AGM-142(SOWS)\n机密空对地:AGM-119(Penguin) Konsberg Defenceand Aerospace 挪威 - ///- - (英语).\n空对地分类:AGM-84(Harpoon) 波音 - ///- - (英语).\n机密空对地:AGM-114(地狱)洛克希德马丁 - ///- - (英语).\n空对地分类:AGM-154(JSOW) 雷席恩 - ///- - (英语).\n空气对地:AGM-158(JASSM)洛克希德马丁 -//- 导弹已被澳大利亚国防部接受,但是它们仍在美国身体上。 预计2011年4月下旬或5月初\n地对空分类:RIM-162B(ESSM)、SM-1(标准)、SM-2(标准)Raytheon - ///- - (英语).\n分类地对地:RGM-84,UGM-84(Harpoon-Block Iand IIvariants) 波音 - ///- - (英语).\n已分类的地对地:FGM-148CandFGM-148E(杰维林) 雷席恩/洛克希德马丁 - ///- - (英语).\n分类地对空:Bollide,RBS-70 SAAB-BOFORS - ///- - (英语).", "奥地利", "拥有的军备", "类别(一至七)\n一. 作战坦克 114 “Leopard”\n二. 808辆装甲战车,包括超过200辆的71轮装甲运兵车 包括:164个自发榴弹炮192门120毫米迫击炮 不再使用:106自行榴弹炮9 迫击炮(120毫米)429发迫击炮(小于120毫米)19发牵引榴弹炮\n14分钟\n四、结 论 战斗机 15\n V. 攻击直升机\n六、结 论 军舰\n页:1 导弹和导弹发射器 20国", "注:关于国产军备采购的“无”报告。", "保加利亚", "持有的军事装备和从本国生产取得的军备", "类别(一至七) 国产军备采购\n持有量\n一. 作战坦克 564\n二. 装甲战斗车\n三. 大口径火炮系统 1 161\n四、结 论 战斗机 57\n V. 攻击直升机 19", "用于出口的军备", "(一至七) 军事财产\n三. 大口径火炮系统 184", "注释:", "1. 联合国 关于保加利亚共和国的目前资料自2011年1月1日起有效(根据《欧洲常规武装力量条约》),其中包括保加利亚武装部队的常规军备水平和本国生产的进口数量。", "2. 联合国 根据欧洲安全与合作组织题为“全球军事情报交流”的文件提交的信息,截至2011年1月1日,保加利亚军队已处置了六艘水上作战舰艇,总水位迁移400多吨,一艘潜艇总水位迁移50多吨。", "加拿大", "军事财产(a)", "类别(一至七)\nI. 作战坦克 186 (b)\n二. 装甲运兵车 688^(c)\n装甲步兵战车 308\n重型战车 29^(d)\n三. 大口径火炮系统 火炮、榴弹炮和火炮与100毫米口径或更大口径的火炮和榴弹炮的特性相结合\n100毫米口径或更大的迫击炮 0\n口径为100毫米或更大的多管火箭炮系统\n四、结 论 战斗机 104国道\n初级教练机^(f) 28\n V. 攻击直升机 攻击直升机 27\n六、结 论 水面军舰(超过400吨已满载) 29\n潜艇(水下50吨以上) 页:1\n页:1 导弹和导弹发射器^(g)", "注释:", "^(a) 加拿大关于军事财产的背景资料取自“加拿大全球军事情报交流”报告,该报告每年提交欧洲安全与合作组织,自2010年1月1日起生效。 这符合联合国裁军事务部的指导意见,其中建议各国提交各自政府在报告年度编制的关于军事财产的文件,并且不需要编写特别报告以提交登记册。 加拿大愿意应要求提供关于军事财产的补充资料。", "与2010年“加拿大全球军事情报交流”报告一样,加拿大正在报告所有财产,包括剩余和注销设备。 多余的被拆除或处置的设备将作脚注。", "^(b) 作战坦克:80辆豹式2A4和20辆豹式2A6从NL购买. 20\"豹\"2A6由德国出借. 66豹一号.", "^(c) 装甲运兵车:61辆在运行,包括57辆RG-31 Nyala装甲运兵车和4辆Bison APV;20辆灰熊装甲运兵车被宣布为多余并待处置;553辆M113A2装甲运兵车正在等待处置指示;22辆M113A2推土机正在等待处置指示;32辆M113A2工程师正在等待处置指示。", "^(d) 29只美洲狮HACV被宣布为多余并停放等待处置。", "^(e) 火炮/榴弹炮:144发,34发C1 105毫米榴弹炮和76发M109A4(+) 155毫米榴弹炮被宣布为多余并停放等待处置。", "•(f) “主教练飞机”一词在此被定义为为初级飞行训练而设计和建造的飞机,可能只拥有武器运载技术基本训练所需的有限军备能力。", "^(克) 出于国家安全考虑,没有提供任何资料。", "从本国生产取得的军备", "(一至七) 军事财产\n三. 大口径火炮系统 184", "爱沙尼亚", "原文:英文", "有否提供背景资料:有 提交日期:2011年5月11日", "国家联络点:是", "拥有的军备", "类别(一至七)\n持有量\n一. 作战坦克\n二. BTR-80BTR-70装甲战车\n58 SISU XA-180\n15 SISU XA-188号文件\n三. 大口径火炮系统\n42发122毫米榴弹炮H63\n32发105毫米榴弹炮H61-37\n165发120毫米迫击炮 41D\n14发120毫米迫击炮2B11\n41发81毫米迫击炮 B455\n10发81毫米迫击炮NM95\n四、结 论 战斗机编号\n V. 无攻击直升机\n六、结 论 军舰没有\n页:1 导弹和导弹发射器", "芬兰", "拥有的军备", "类别 军事财产\n一. 作战坦克 108\n二. 装甲战车^(b) 978\n三. ille(c) 1 192\n四. 战斗机 62 (55 F-18C, 7 F-18 D)\n V. 攻击直升机\n六、结 论 军舰 11\n页:1 导弹和导弹发射器", "关于国产军备采购的“无”报告", "注释:", "^(a) 截至2011年1月1日与指挥组织建制和单位有关的军事财产数据。", "^(b) 装甲运兵车和装甲步兵战车。", "^(c) 自行和牵引火炮和迫击炮(包括海岸防御,口径为100毫米及以上)。", "德国", "拥有的军备", "类别(一至七) 截至2010年12月31日的持有量*\n一. 作战坦克1 048;包括:\n299 豹取出 1749 豹取出 2 二. 2 761辆装甲战车;包括:\n1 653 Marder334 Tpz-1 Fuchs352 Wiesel91 Gepard50 Ozelot69 BV 206S212 SpWg FENNEK\n三. 大口径火炮系统734;包括:10 FH M1012 FH 70251 PzH M109170 PzH 2000198 Tampella103 MLRS IV. 战斗机309;包括:\n188 龙卷风55 EF-200058 F-48 P-3C Orion V. 攻击直升机187;包括:\n160 BO-105 PHH-15 KpfHubschr TIGER22 SEA LYNX VI. (原始内容存档于2017-12-12). 69号军舰;包括:\n15艘护卫舰5艘护卫舰20艘MCM艇10艘快艇(PBFA)15艘辅助艇4艘潜艇(SSK型U-212)\n页:1 导弹和导弹发射器", "* 联合国 关于军事财产的本报告列出了库存范围内和由德国联邦武装部队负责的系统。", "从本国生产取得的军备**", "类别(一至七) 从本国生产取得的军备\n一. 作战坦克\n二. 装甲战车27;包括:17 Wiesel10 FENNEK(JFST)\n三. 大口径火炮车辆 无四. 作战飞机17;包括:\n17 EF 2000号\n V. 攻击直升机\n六、结 论 军舰\n页:1 导弹和导弹发射器 21;包括:21 MAW 金牛座", "页:1 为本报告的目的,从本国生产采购的定义是,政府2010年从德国境内的供应商或从德国作为伙伴的合营生产方案购买的本登记册所涵盖七类武器内的完整武器系统。", "匈牙利", "拥有的军备", "类别(一至七) 持有的军事装备\nI. 作战坦克 157 1 T-55\n156 T-72 二号机车. 装甲战车 602 410 BTR-8011 BTR-80 MPAEJ 3 BTR-80 MPFJ\n178个BTR-80A\n三. 大口径火炮系统91 50 82mm 37M迫击炮1 82mm 2K21迫击炮2 85mm D-44 AntiTank Gun3 100mm MT-12 AntiTank Gun1 2S1 SP榴弹炮 D-20榴弹炮 M-30榴弹炮 M 120型38/43Mortar 四. 战斗机101 53 MIG-21 1 MIG-23 25 MIG-29 8 SU-22\n14个SAAB 39个GRIPEN\n五. 攻击直升机 48 - 48 MI-24\n六、结 论 军舰无七. 导弹和导弹发射器 94 肩扛导弹+ 49 9P519 (Igla)肩扛导弹 178 导弹 32 9M313 导弹 45 Mistral-2 肩扛导弹\n146 导弹", "注:截至2010年12月31日,关于军队和国内安全部队以及退役装备、研发装备和待出口装备的持有量数据有效。", "日本", "原文:英文", "有否提供背景资料:有", "国家联络点:否", "拥有的军备", "类别(一至七)\nI.74型坦克 490\n90式坦克 333\n二. 73型装甲运兵车 286\n96型装甲运兵车 289\n89型装甲战车 68\n82型指挥和通信车 229\n87型侦察和巡逻车 102\n化学防护车(轮式) 43\n87型自行防空机枪 52\n78型坦克回收车 46\n90式坦克回收车25\n87式炮侧弹药车 78\n三. 大口径火炮系统 89毫米火箭发射器 M20 878\n64型81毫米迫击炮 817\n81毫米迫击炮 L16 624\n107毫米迫击炮 M2 162\n120毫米迫击炮RT 414\n96型自行推进 120毫米迫击炮24\n84毫米无后坐力步枪 2 712\n60式106毫米无后坐力步枪 390\n75型自行155毫米高维兹机 第46条\nFH70 422型155毫米榴弹炮\n99型自动机155毫米榴弹炮 第62条\n203毫米自行榴弹炮 页:1\nM270 99\n四、结 论 F-15J/DJ 202战斗机\nF-4EJ^(*) (中文(简体) ). 70个\nRF-4E/欧洲法学家 13\nF-2A/B 89号\n经常预算:\nEP-3 5 导弹\n五. 攻击直升机 AH-1S 74\nAH-64D 9 (韩语)\nSH-60K 31 (韩语)\n六、结 论 驱逐舰 52\n16号潜艇\n20号地雷战舰\n巡逻制导导弹艇7\n登陆船油箱/设施 5\n辅助舰艇8\n页:1 导弹和导弹发射器", "^(*) F-4EJs包括了F-4EJ的升级版本.", "从本国生产取得的军备", "类别(一至七)\n一,作战坦克10型坦克 13 二. 96型装甲运兵车 87型侦察和巡逻车 1733 核生化侦察和巡逻车辆1\n90型坦克回收车\n三. 81毫米迫击炮 L16120毫米迫击炮 RTType-99自发155毫米榴弹炮 549 (中文(简体) ).\n四、结 论 战斗机F-2A 4\n五. 攻击直升机 AH-64DSH-60K 15 驱逐舰1号\n1号潜艇\n页:1 导弹和导弹发射器", "从本国生产采购小武器和轻武器", "物品说明 项目数", "89式步枪 10 012", "5.56毫米机枪 MINIMI 335", "12.7毫米重机枪 125", "81毫米迫击炮 L16 5", "9毫米冲锋枪99", "立陶宛", "拥有的军备", "类别(一至七)\n一. 作战坦克\n二. 装甲战斗车共计:246\nM113 221号\nBTR-60 PB 19 (中文(简体) ).\nMT-LB 6号机车\n三. 大口径火炮系统 共计:179\n105毫米M101榴弹炮 54\n120毫米2B11迫击炮 20\n120毫米M1982迫击炮 17\n120毫米M38/43迫击炮 18\n120毫米M41D迫击炮28\n120毫米坦佩拉M113 42\n四、结 论 战斗机\n V. 攻击直升机\n六、结 论 军舰1号\n页:1 (a) RBS-70 21\n(b) Stinger 8", "荷兰", "拥有的军备", "类别(一至七)\n一. 豹式作战坦克 1 12\n豹2 133\n二. YPR-765(25毫米)313型装甲战斗车\nYPR-765 566 号公路\nCV 9035 130号车\nM-113 (25毫米) C & V 50\n(单位:千美元)\n布什师 53\n维京 BVS-10 98\nTPZ-1 Fuchs 1号\n芬内克 392\n三. 大口径火炮系统 M-109 SP\nFH-70型拖车\nBrandt 81毫米迫击炮161\nBrandt 120毫米迫击炮82\nPzH 2000 61\n四、结 论 F-16 127战斗机\n五. 攻击直升机 AH-64 Apache 29\n林克斯SH-14D 21\nNH. 90 3\n六、结 论 水面军舰\n(a) Karel Doorman 第2级\n(b) LCF-Frigate 省第4级\n(c) 辅助/补充 普尔斯特二级\n(d) 国家 着陆平台码头 • 鹿特丹二级\n潜艇 第4级\n页:1 导弹和导弹发射器 由于安全规定,只提供了总数313枚斯丁格导弹\n肩扛导弹 1 631", "备注:", "我当然知道 I. 为教学目的,已改装为车辆。\n2辆豹式2已改装为弹簧装甲回收车。\n二. 1辆YPR-765(25毫米)装甲战车被摧毁。\n15辆XA-188已出口爱沙尼亚。\n三. 大口径火炮系统 无意见\n四、结 论 7架F-16战斗机被出口到智利。\n五. 攻击直升机 无意见\n六、结 论 1号战列舰M-Frigate van Galen级已出口到葡萄牙.\n页:1 导弹和导弹发射器 已出口到葡萄牙的有8个哈蓬和32个海雀。\n肩扛导弹 无意见", "关于国产军备采购的“无”报告", "波兰", "原文:英文", "有否提供背景资料:有 提交日期:2010年6月22日", "国家联络点:否", "持有的军事装备和从本国生产取得的军备", "(自2011年1月1日起有效)", "类别(一至七) 通过采购的子类别编号\n国家生产\n我当然知道 I. 作战坦克\n豹2 128\nT-72 540电话\nPT-91 232 (韩语)\n二. 装甲战斗车(配备至少12.5毫米口径或导弹发射器的武器)\nKTOROOSOMAKS AIFV BMP-1, 1 465 BRM-1, (韩语).\n机动车辆\n罗索马克语Name\n三. 大口径火炮系统(至少75毫米口径)共计\n枪/HOW 635\n122毫米2S1SP榴弹炮523\n122毫米M30榴弹炮\n152毫米Dana SPGH 106\n203mm 2S7 SPGun 4号\n摩尔塔尔 166\n120毫米M120摩德38/43 151\n120毫米 2B11/2S12 15\nMLRS 247号卫星\n122毫米BM-21 173\n122毫米RM-70 30\nWR-401 朗古斯塔 44\n四、结 论 共计 118\n米格-29 34\nSU-22 37 导弹\n页:1\n V. 攻击直升机共计 84\n米-24 22\nMi-2URP 软件 20国\nW-3W Sokół. 42\n六、结 论 军舰\nt.OHP, t.877;t.620;t.863;t.874;t.570;t.888;t.767;t.130Z;ZP-1200;B-199;t.206;t.151;t.1241RE;t.Kobben 31\n页:1 导弹和导弹发射器", "退役并等待进一步处置的常规武器", "类别(一至七)", "二. 28辆(至少装有12.5毫米口径或导弹发射器)", "BMP-1 9 电话", "OT-64 (斯洛伐克语) 18", "三. 24个火炮系统(至少75毫米口径)", "GUN/HOW 122米 2S1 SP 1", "120毫米 2B11/2S12 1", "122毫米BM-21 21", "四、结 论 战斗机 总计 12", "苏-22 12", " V. 攻击直升机", "W-3W SOKOL 1号机", "罗马尼亚", "拥有的军备", "类别(一至七)\n一. 作战坦克 1 098\nT-55 569号机\nTR-580 226\nTR-85 249\n二. TR-85\n二. 装甲战车 1 594\n装甲运兵车1 413\n萨尔瓦多 75\n塔布齐姆布鲁 69\nTAB-71 699号机\nTAB-77 162\nTABC-79 391号机\n苦艾酒IIIC 页:1\nAIFV 122号\nMLI - 84 23\nMLI-84 JDER 99 (英语).\n第59条\n苏-100 59\n三. 大口径火炮系统 1 832\n枪/水 9 929\n2S1 SP榴弹炮6\n枪 82 75\n枪榴弹炮 85 114\n榴弹炮 81 320\nM-30榴弹炮210\nML-20榴弹炮 14\n型号89 SPHO 42\n山地榴弹炮\n摩尔塔715\nM1982 317型导弹\nM1977 398号\nMLRS 188 (英语).\nAPR-40 134\n拉罗姆 54\n四、结 论 战斗机 99\n米格-21 99\n V. 攻击直升机 23\nMPHELO 23号\nIAR-330SOCAT 23 《禁止酷刑和其他残忍、不人道或有辱人格的待遇或处罚公约》\n六、结 论 军舰 16\n财务和预算处 3\n3号护卫舰\n护卫舰 4\n扫雷员 4\n布雷员 1\n1号潜艇\n页:1 导弹和导弹发射器\n肩扛导弹 208\nCA - 94 208", "关于国产军备采购的“无”报告", "斯洛伐克", "拥有的军备", "类别(一至七) 持有的军事装备\n一. 作战坦克 69 T-72\n二. 352 BMP-1、BMP-2、OT-64、OT-90、TATRAPAN 6x6型装甲战车\n三. 122 D-30榴弹炮 Dana M77、Zuzana M2000、迫击炮M1982、RM 70/85 Modular、RM-70\n四、结 论 23架米格-29、苏-22战斗机\n五. 攻击直升机. 15架米-24\n六、结 论 军舰0\n页:1 (a) 0 1 231 9M32M、9M39\n(b) 国家", "关于国产军备采购的“无”报告", "瑞士", "拥有的军备", "(一至七) 军事财产\n一. 作战坦克 341\n二. 装甲战车 610\n三. 火炮系统 496\n四、结 论 战斗机\n V. 攻击直升机\n六、结 论 军舰\n页:1 导弹和导弹发射器 有点刺痛", "关于国产军备采购的“无”报告", "特立尼达和多巴哥", "原文:英文", "有否提供背景资料:有 提交日期:2011年5月31日", "国家联络点:是", "持有的小武器", "小武器共计\n左轮手枪和自负载活塞\n步枪和卡宾枪\n冲锋枪 2 521\n突击步枪 6 877\n轻机枪 0\n其他(手枪)", "大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国", "拥有的军备", "类别(一至七) 定义编号\nI. 挑战者号作战坦克 2 345\n二. 装甲战车 维京前车140\n维京TCV 91后(6个装有救护装置)\n维京 RRV 后14\n维京CV后34号(2个装有救护装置)\nFV 430系列 1 215\nCVR( T) Scimitar 316 (中文(简体) ).\nCVR(T) 斯巴达476\nCVR( T) 苏丹 203\nCVR(T) 外科医生 35\nCVR(T) 萨拉曼德 32\n萨克森一号\n勇士792号\n豹类 386\nCVR(T) 萨姆森 49\nCVR(T) 撒玛利亚人 50\nHVM(SP) 60\nTRV 28号车\n马斯蒂夫爆炸物处理 11\n猎狼犬 10\n三. 大口径火炮系统 105毫米中炮126\nAS90 SP榴弹炮141\nMLTR发射器 36\nMLRS RRV 4 (英语).\n四、结 论 战斗机 GR4 137\n旋风 F3 40\n尼姆罗德 R1 2\n哨兵7\n台风70\n死神5号\n哨兵5号\n V. 攻击直升机 Gazelle 35\nLynx AH7 54 (英语).\n林克·AH9/9A 22号\nApache AH1 67 (英语).\n海王 HC4 39\n海王有6(CR)6\n美洲豹HC1 34\n默林 HC3/3A 28号\n钦努克 HC2/2a 38\n钦努克 HC3 8\n林克克斯 Mk3 27\n林克克斯 Mk8 33\n默林 Mk1 42\n海王Mk7 13号\n六、结 论 10号潜艇\n航空公司 2\n护卫舰/驱逐舰 24\n两栖船只 3\n勘测船. 4\n海上巡逻船 4\n1号航空训练舰\n修理和维修船1\n油轮/补给船 14\n防雷措施 15\n页:1 导弹和导弹发射器", "从本国生产取得的军备", "类别(一-七) 型号、型号、变体的细数\n四、结 论 台风2型战斗机\n页:1 导弹和导弹发射器 250 HVM Starstreakmissile 导弹", "注:国产军备采购是指政府从联合王国境内供应商或联合王国作为合作伙伴的方案购买的完整武器系统。", "美利坚合众国", "持有的军事装备和从本国生产取得的军备", "下列资料是美利坚合众国2010日历年的资料,按出口和进口所用的相同类别列出。", "类别(一至七) 国产军备采购\nI. 作战坦克 6 332 60\n二. 装甲战车 20 318 743\n三. 大口径火炮系统 6 200 398\n四. 作战飞机 3 480 65\n五. 攻击直升机 1 614 6\n六、结 论 军舰 287 6\n页:1 导弹和导弹发射器 107 957 790", "注:大会第46/36 L号决议(第10和18段)、第47/52 L号决议(第5段)和第49/75 C号决议(第5段)。 (4) 请所有会员国提供背景资料,说明武器转让和防止非法武器转让方面的相关政策和国家武器进出口程序。 因此,美国以前提交的资料载有这些资料,这些资料仍然相关。", "美国认为,其转让的军事装备发生在美国与另一国转让该装备所有权时。 因此,2011年提交的文件包括2010日历年转让所有权的设备。", "与联合国常规武器登记册有关的资料的国家联络点是美国国务院国际安全和不扩散局减少常规武器威胁办公室。 该办公室的电话号码为1-202-647-0397,传真号码为1-202-647-4232,电子邮件地址为。", "四、结 论 从各国政府收到的关于小武器和轻武器国际转让的资料", "安道尔", "原文: 法国历年:2010年\n背景资料:是 提交日期:2011年6月10日\n国家联络点:是", "出口", "A B C D 注释\n最终进口国(s)\n小武器 2. 步枪和卡宾枪 西班牙 葡萄牙 4311 俄罗斯联邦 14\n意大利", "进口", "A B C D 注释\n原产国(如果不是出口国)\n1. 自负载活塞 西班牙 美国 385\n德国 2. 法国 186249 意大利 土耳其 8523128 德国 15438 奥地利 1 巴西 瑞士 页:1\n芬兰", "澳大利亚", "出口", "A B C D 注释\n最终进口商(s) 国家(s) 各种312个非军用火器,包括步枪、卡宾枪、步枪、活塞枪、手枪、反转枪和口袋武器 澳大利亚国防出口管制局批准的军事出口许可信息,而非实际出口信息;此外,还不应该说允许出口的其中一个。 多个编号\n枪支。", "进口", "A B C D E 备注 出口国\n(如果不是出口商)地点(如果有的话)\n1. 回收品和124个非军事进口品\n自装入活塞\n2. 步枪和卡宾枪 非军事进口\n3. 非军事进口122支未发射的全自动火炮。\n自动步枪\n5. 轻机枪 76 5.56毫米口径7 62毫米口径机枪 非军事进口\n6. 其他 434支猎枪 非军事进口", "注释: 1. 澳大利亚从比利时(手枪、中型机枪)、德国(手枪、步枪、冲锋枪)、瑞典(便携式反坦克枪)、美国(步枪和卡宾枪、猎枪、榴弹发射器、便携式反坦克导弹发射器、大炮口径)进口了各类军用小武器和轻武器。 25毫米口径). 未提供军用小武器和轻武器进口数量,因为这一资料已分类。", "2. 联合国 正在更新非军事进口许可证制度,以在今后收集关于出口国的数据。", "3个 资料依据是澳大利亚总检察长部颁发的进口许可证,而不是实际进口。", "奥地利", "出口", "A C D 备注 最终进口国(s)\n无)\n1. 自负载活塞 亚美尼亚 307503969 瑞士 比利时 德国 澳大利亚 阿塞拜疆 40811 俄罗斯联邦 波斯尼亚-黑塞哥维那 160715 巴巴多斯 巴林 70 27 240 217\n2. 鱼和木炭 巴西 白俄罗斯 加拿大 瑞士 4801621 408 7\n399 510 捷克共和国 1 德国\n芬兰 科斯塔里卡 42726 德国 多米尼加共和国 阿尔及利亚 埃及 3832000 410\n27 26. 比利时\n加拿大 90 德国 21 意大利 联合\n德国 圭亚那 11 比利时 克罗地亚 210 巴西 20336 捷克共和国 德国 304 意大利 17 日本 7 葡萄牙 64 联合\n14个国家 印度尼西亚 453 比利时 伊拉克 2562 德国 冰岛 约旦 10 意大利 66 肯尼亚 吉尔吉斯斯坦 22849 柬埔寨 135 韩国共和国 科威特 1837 196 372 13\n哈萨克斯坦 308 德国 黎巴嫩 779\n4 圣路西亚174 比利时 列支敦士登 卢森堡 51305 德国 摩洛哥 7 1\n2个\n德国 前230 比利时 南斯拉夫共和国 471\n马其顿 墨西哥 714 毛里求斯 德国 马来西亚 纳米比亚 尼加拉瓜 140499 504 意大利 NewZealand 568 德国 阿曼 巴拿马 秘鲁 巴布亚新几内亚 13782325 比利时 德国 巴拉圭 卡塔尔 41 塞尔维亚 11 519 250 3 932 70 1 300 384 583 59\n第7条\n俄罗斯联邦 1620 巴西 2 瑞士 48 德国 601 芬兰\n1 沙特王国 意大利 新加坡 圣马里诺 561442 美国 苏里南 550 法国 萨尔瓦多 比利时 泰国 塔吉克斯坦 土库曼斯坦 突尼斯 土耳其 55205876301 德国 意大利 意大利 德国 特立尼达和多巴哥 28 1 70 967 2\n2 302联合共和国\n坦桑尼亚 乌克兰 17323785 比利时 德国 芬兰 日本 22 比利时 624725 捷克共和国\n委内瑞拉(玻利瓦尔85202 德国 意大利共和国) 501 南非 823\n15 越南 150 南非 赞比亚 9991\n115 (韩语).", "波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那", "出口", "A B C D 注释\n最终进口国(s)\n小型\n军火 2. 里夫莱斯·克罗埃西亚\n卡宾枪 3. 斯洛文尼亚 112\n枪 4. 奥地利 斯洛文尼亚 3400 攻击 联合国家 841000\n轻型步枪\n武器 5. 捷克共和国 2490 便携式反坦克导弹\n发射器 6. 亚美尼亚200发口径小于\n75毫米口径", "进口", "A B C D 注释\n原产国(如果不是出口国)\n小型\n军火 1. 奥地利 克罗地亚 1331个左轮手枪 丹麦 黑山 塞尔维亚 斯洛文尼亚 西班牙 瑞士 土耳其 联合国家 76527066345535011 321\n98 2. 河床和木炭 奥地利 加拿大 加拿大 克罗地亚 捷克共和国 捷克共和国 捷克 希腊 丹麦 意大利 意大利 20439255010311702 塞尔维亚 1 斯洛文尼亚 19 西班牙 472 瑞士 701 土耳其 1 联合国家 300 3 1 827 1\n3. 比利时 3\n枪 4. 奥地利 比利时 5535\n德国 瑞士 美国 20101 5. 丹麦 15 轻机\n枪", "保加利亚", "出口", "A B C D 注释\n最终进口国(s)\n小型\n军火 1. 新泽地1型左轮手枪和自装\n手枪\n美国 658\n南部非洲 100\n比利时 2. 联合国家 4\n卡宾枪\n德国\n南部非洲\n阿尔及利亚\n新扎尔纳德 2\n塔吉克斯坦\n前南斯拉夫共和国 16个\n3. 塔吉克斯坦 200\n枪\n4. 印度800起袭击\n步枪\n联合王国2\n塔吉克斯坦 500 塞尔维亚\n加拿大 76 罗马尼亚 也门 40\n700个\n5. 塔吉克斯坦 100台轻机\n也门 1\n1,000个\n阿尔及利亚\n加拿大 10个\n乌干达 20\n1. 尼日利亚重型2台23毫米牵引式防空系统机\n枪\n2. 阿富汗 3000 40毫米UBGL 手持枪管下和挂起的榴弹\n发射器\n乌干达 10 个手持GL\n也门 900个手持设备GL\n塔吉克斯坦 200个手持设备GL 赤道 1 40毫米UBGL\n几内亚\n埃塞俄比亚 10 40毫米UBGL\n印度 236 40毫米UBGL\n匈牙利 2 以色列 151 150 UBGL,以及\n1个手持设备GL\n挪威 3个手持GL\n印度尼西亚 2 40毫米UBGL\n加拿大 15\n4. 阿富汗 428 73mmHATGL 无后坐力\n步枪 5. 美国 41 便携式反坦克导弹\n发射器 6. 也门 170 60毫米口径小于\n75毫米口径\n塔吉克斯坦 6 60毫米", "加拿大", "出口", "A B C D 注释\n最终进口国(s)\n小型\n军火 1. 以色列 6个左轮手枪和自装\n手枪 2. 丹麦 5077 步枪和\n卡宾枪\n法国\n沙特阿拉伯 380\n瑞典 2\n联合王国 38\n国家 5. 美国. 3 轻型机器\n轻炮\n武器 1. 乌拉圭 105 M2QCB.50 CalHMG捐款 重型机器\n枪 6. 美 国 1 口径小于\n75毫米口径", "进口", "[表", "邮件地址", "进口", "[表", "克罗地亚", "原文:英文", "背景资料:是 提交日期:2011年6月1日", "国家联络点:是", "出口", "[表", "进口", "[表", "捷克共和国", "出口", "[表", "进口", "[表", "德国", "出口", "[表", "注:该表显示原产于德国的小武器和轻武器国际商业和非商业转让的价值。 2010年没有关于小武器和轻武器国际商业转让的资料。 因此,关于2010年小武器和轻武器国际商业转让许可证的数据被引述为最佳近似数据。 应当指出,实际转让额可能低于所引用的许可证发放数字。 提供数据的方式避免了商业转让的重复计算(例如,在发放许可证时,随后在实际转让时)。 关于小武器和轻武器非商业性国际转让的数据反映了实际转让情况。", "进口", "[表", "希腊", "出口", "[表", "进口", "[表", "格林纳达", "原文:英文", "有否提供背景资料:有", "国家联络点:是", "进口", "[表", "匈牙利", "出口", "[表", "进口", "[表", "爱尔兰", "原文:英文", "有否提供背景资料:有", "国家联络点:是", "进口", "[表", "拉脱维亚", "原文:英文", "有否提供背景资料:有", "国家联络点:是", "进口", "[表", "利希滕斯坦语Name", "原文:英文", "有否提供背景资料:有", "国家联络点:是", "出口", "[表", "进口", "[表", "立陶宛", "进口", "[表", "墨西哥", "原文:西班牙文", "有否提供背景资料: 提交日期:2011年5月18日是", "国家联络点:是", "进口", "A B C D 注释\n原产国(如果不是出口国)\n小武器\n1. 意大利 9125 7.196 贝雷塔9 mpistols\n奥地利 9309 1 010 Beretta0.40“MCA活塞\n德国 16,1,009贝雷塔0.380“MCA活塞\n151 6.0599毫米格洛克活塞\n巴西 656 1,230.40 “格洛克活塞”\n以色列 510 2 0200.380 “MCAG洛克活塞”\n比利时 281 15 0.22 “MCAWaltherpistols”\n捷克共和国 505 1 0.22 “ISSC活塞\n130 9mmMCA SigSauerpistols 1 45 “ACP Mod.\n政府主义者\n200.380 \" MCA \" 西格绍尔皮斯托斯\n50 9毫米MCATauruspistol\n6060.380 “MCATauruspistols”\n9毫米MCAI.W.I活塞 0.38 “SPLTaurus” (“SPLTaurus”) 导弹\n左轮手枪\n5.7 MCAFNHerstal活塞 0.22 中美洲安全和合作部\n兹布罗约夫卡活塞\n2. Rifles和carbines 美国 8431 815.56x45 布什马斯特卡宾斯\n以色列 555 720.223 “DS 火箭炮\n比利时 75 680.223 “Smith & Wessoncarbines”\n意大利 202 2,9540.223 “科特卡宾斯”\n2527.62x39 欧德南卡宾枪\n437.62x39 凝胶1,107.62x51\n布什·马斯特里夫斯\n8577.62x51MCA DSARMSrifles 1 5.56MCA\n雷明顿里夫\n40 5.56西格语 自杀\n18 9毫米口径Coltcarbine 2,155308 “Win”\nBushmasterrifles 61 308 “Win”\n雷明顿SA58步枪\n507.62x39 IWIrifles (英语).\n5057.62x51 I Wirifles (英语).\n7.62x51 FNHerstalrifles (英语).\n9毫米贝雷塔卡宾枪\n4. 意大利 70/90步枪\n115 27275.56x45 贝雷塔ARX160步枪\n捷克共和国 250 55 0.50 “巴雷特里夫斯”\n以色列 505 50 6.8 巴雷特里夫\n\" 巴雷特里夫斯 \"\n兹布罗乔夫卡里夫斯\n5.56 IWIRIFLS (英语).\n5. 轻型机枪 49 47 9毫米口径冲锋枪\n比利时 10支2门9毫米DSARMS冲锋枪\n以色列 103 5.56毫米 赫斯泰尔冲锋枪\n6. 其他\n国家 024\n芬兰 55 15 步枪 308 赢得MCASAKO\n捷克共和国 1154 40支步枪 308MCA SAKO\n比利时 707 步枪\n德国\n葡萄牙 201 Browning12, 20,30-06口径中弹枪\n意大利558步枪. 22LRWALTERG22号卫星\nYILDIZ12,20口径步枪\nBenelli12,20口径和Berretta12口径口径手枪\n法宝能. 12 20个\n轻武器\n1. 重机枪 比利时 2. 榴弹炮下手持式榴弹炮\n发射器", "出口", "A B C D 注释\n最终进口国(s) 物品数量 原产国(如果不是出口国)\n小武器 2. 步枪和卡宾枪 德国 500 MP5A3 Heckler和Koch自装\n手枪", "荷兰", "出口", "A B C D 注释\n最终进口国(s) 物品数量 原产国(如果不是出口国)\n小武器\n1. 联合国 左轮手枪和自负重活塞\n芬兰\n法国\n意大利\n肯尼亚 6个\n马耳他 1个\n奥地利\n斯洛文尼亚\n斯洛伐克 2 捷克共和国 1\n共和国\n土耳其 2\n联合王国 24\n美国 7\n瑞士\n2. 保加利亚步枪和卡宾枪 1个\n加拿大 2个\n德国\n芬兰\n法国\n联合国\n立陶宛 1\n挪威 2\n奥地利\n波兰\n罗马尼亚 第7条\n斯洛伐克 2\n西班牙 1 捷克共和国 1\n共和国\n联合王国 16\n美国 1\n南部非洲 2\n瑞典 2\n瑞士\n5 (韩语). 德国 98\n马耳他\n奥地利", "进口", "A B C D 注释\n原产国(如果不是出口国)\n小武器\n1. 联合国 比利时 330\n巴西 6\n德国 652\n法国\n意大利\n马来西亚 页:1\n奥地利\n捷克共和国\n苏里南 2\n王国\n瑞典 4\n土耳其\n美 国\n瑞士 103\n2. 步枪和卡宾枪 澳大利亚 1\n比利时 881\n丹麦\n德国 1380\n芬兰\n法国\n冰岛\n意大利\n卢森堡\n马来西亚. 13\n新西兰\n挪威 4\n奥地利\n波兰\n页:1\n捷克共和国\n联合王国 142\n美 国\n越南 191\n瑞典 29\n瑞士 51\n3个 比利时 11\n德国\n4. 突击步枪\nAMcal.12.75 (英语). 比利时639 MINIMI,\n磁共振\n德国 811 H&K-416,-417\n法国\n卢森堡\n西班牙 1 捷克共和国 1\n共和国\n大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国 30\n美国 24 QCB\n瑞典 3\n轻武器\n2. 手提管下榴弹发射器 比利时\n德国\n奥地利 1\n王国\n瑞典 10\n瑞士", "挪威", "进口", "A B C D 注释\n原产国(如果不是出口国)\n小武器\n1. 联合国 德国 83 HKP30L\n 4.四. 德国4070 HK416/417突击步枪", "葡萄牙", "进口", "A B C D 注释\n原产国(如果不是出口国)\n小武器 1. 联合国 德国 129224 HKUSP9x19 沃尔特·福尔政府\nP99 奥地利 2 格洛克\n9毫米口径\n4. 德国 7429 HKG36HKMG4 科特迪瓦政府\n轻武器 5. 便携式反坦克导弹发射器和火箭系统 德国 50 HKGrenade发射器\n第36条", "大韩民国", "出口", "A B C D 注释\n最终进口国(s) 物品数量 原产国(如果不是出口国)\n小武器\n1. 联合国 柬埔寨 100 9 mpistol\n2. 步枪和卡宾枪\n3个 柬埔寨 87 K1A\n新加坡 497 K1A 5. 轻机枪 印度尼西亚 803 K3轻机枪\n口径5.56毫米", "罗马尼亚", "出口", "A B C D 注释\n最终进口国(s) 物品数量 原产国(如果不是出口国)\n小武器\n1. 联合国 哥伦比亚 3 共和国 4\n摩尔多瓦\n2. 奥地利步枪和卡宾枪 408\n德国 260\n018 (英语).\n3个 奥地利. 500\n147国\n 4.四. 阿富汗600式突击步枪\n奥地利\n布基纳法索 142\n法国\n美国. 400\n5 (韩语). 轻机枪\n美国\n轻武器\n2. 联合国 阿富汗 162挺重机枪\n保加利亚 第8条\n泰国\n美国 136\n5 (韩语). 便携式反坦克导弹发射器和火箭系统\n6. 国家 口径小于75毫米的迫击炮", "进口", "A B C D 注释\n原产国(如果不是出口国)\n小武器\n1. 联合国 奥地利 2388\n澳大利亚\n捷克共和国 37\n德国\n匈牙利 19\n意大利 33\n塞尔维亚\n2. 奥地利 343 为商业目的进口的狩猎和运动武器\n市场\n澳大利亚\n比利时 374\n保加利亚\n加拿大 3个\n塞浦路斯 850捷克 612\n共和国\n德国\n法国\n匈牙利 349\n意大利 667\n荷兰\n塞尔维亚\n斯洛伐克 1个\n南部非洲 1\n巴拿马\n瑞典\n瑞士 18\n土耳其 1\n美国 105\n3个 比利时 1支冲锋枪\n轻武器\n1. 联合国 重机枪 荷兰 意大利 3. 便携式反坦克炮 1个40毫米反坦克发射器\nMGL-MK1L 导弹", "塞尔维亚", "出口", "A B C D 注释\n最终进口国(s) 物品数量 原产国(如果不是出口国)\n小武器\n1. 联合国 左轮手枪和自装手枪 澳大利亚\n奥地利 1450\n阿富汗 775\n孟加拉国\n波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那 660\n危地马拉\n印度尼西亚\n5100 保加利亚、约旦\n约旦\n加拿大\n马其顿共和国\n巴基斯坦\n奥地利 1 178份许可证通过\n奥地利\n斯洛伐克 9\n斯洛文尼亚 150个\n联合王国 127\n2. 步枪和卡宾枪 阿尔及利亚 55\n阿根廷 103\n澳大利亚 1526\n阿富汗 408\n波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那 558\n保加利亚\n捷克共和国\n黑山 60\n丹麦\n法国\n危地马拉\n印度尼西亚 新加坡\n伊拉克 约旦\n约旦\n加拿大 360\n马其顿共和国\n莫桑比克 50\n纳米比亚 50\n新泽地231\n巴基斯坦\n秘鲁\n葡萄牙 3\n塔吉克斯坦 100 保加利亚\n美利坚合众国 16235 DE,RU,CZ\n斯洛伐克 41\n斯洛文尼亚\n中国\n联合王国 21 3. 冲锋枪 美国 13\n711号\n 4.四. 伊拉克 27 约旦\n赤道几内亚 2000 塞浦路斯\n5 (韩语). 奥地利 5300\n阿富汗 7743 美国、约旦\n赤道几内亚 2000 塞浦路斯\n印度 4\n伊拉克 2300 保加利亚、约旦\n约旦\n科威特 3\n美国 552\n斯洛文尼亚\n联合会\n大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国 29\n轻武器\n1. 联合国 奥地利6603重机枪\n阿富汗 2194\n赤道几内亚 1\n伊拉克 432\n美 国\n塔吉克斯坦 100\n联合王国 195\n2. 手提管下和挂载榴弹发射器 阿尔及利亚 64\n共和国\n赤道几内亚 2\n保加利亚\n3个 肯尼亚的便携式反坦克炮 6个\n 4.四. 伊拉克 40\n5 (韩语). 便携式反坦克导弹发射器和火箭系统 土耳其 1", "进口", "A B C D 注释\n原产国(如果不是出口国)\n小武器\n1. 联合国 左轮手枪和自负重活塞\n俄罗斯联邦 190\n斯洛文尼亚 1 德国\n德国\n意大利\n希腊 意大利\n捷克共和国\n比利时\n奥地利\n2. 步枪和卡宾枪\n斯洛文尼亚 1\n国家\n俄罗斯联邦 776\n德国\n意大利 77\n大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国 47\n捷克共和国\n德国\n葡萄牙 105\n比利时\n奥地利\n3个 黑山 550\n德国\n联合国\n5 (韩语). 德国 24\n比利时\n轻武器\n 4.四. 黑山 16\n5 (韩语). 便携式反坦克导弹发射器和火箭系统", "斯洛伐克", "出口", "A B C D 注释\n原产国(如果不是出口国)\n小武器\n1. 联合国 德国 9\n西班牙............... 24\n法国 64 联合10\n王国\n也门\n罗马尼亚\n俄罗斯联邦909\n泰国\n美国 300\n乌干达 2. 步枪和卡宾枪 6\n共和国\n法国 456 4. 中非突击步枪 400\n共和国 5. 轻机枪 捷克 39\n共和国\n阿尔及利亚\n轻武器\n1. 联合国 重机枪 捷克共和国 273\n乌干达\n7. 阿塞拜疆 1 30毫米口径2A42\n保加利亚 6 30毫米口径2A42\n埃及 1 30毫米口径2A42", "进口", "A B C D 注释\n原产国(如果不是出口国)\n小武器 1. 左轮手枪和自装手枪 奥地利 捷克共和国 59218029235 德国 269 意大利 1\n比利时 2. 步枪和卡宾枪 奥地利 捷克共和国 35083651 德国 782 丹麦 125 意大利\n美国 3. 比利时 捷克 1108\n共和国 4. 比利时 240\n德国\n5 (韩语). 捷克共和国\n轻武器 2. 手提管下榴弹发射器 塞尔维亚 比利时\n德国\n7. 捷克共和国 31 30毫米口径2A42", "瑞士", "出口", "A B C D 注释\n原产国(如果不是出口国)\n小武器 1. 联合国 左轮手枪和自负重活塞\n爱沙尼亚 2. 步枪和卡宾枪\n共和国 韩国 3. 冲锋枪 乌克兰 46 丹麦 290 印度 28 科威特 50 波兰共和国 36107 泰国\n南部非洲\n4. 突击步枪 智利 25\n印度 1039\n马来西亚\n加纳 737\n波斯尼亚-黑塞哥维那 10个\n轻武器 2. 手提管下榴弹发射器 波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那 法国 3689240 德国 3 斯洛文尼亚 美国 122911 卢森堡 印度 102910 克罗地亚 725 西班牙 葡萄牙 葡萄牙 匈牙利\n南部非洲", "注:上文提供的小武器和轻武器所有数据均不指实际出口,而指核准的出口许可证(每个国家核准的武器数量),这些数据不一定与日历年相符。", "进口", "A B C D 注释\n原产国(如果不是出口国)\n小武器 1. 联合国 德国 警察和瑞士人\n陆军\n2. 步枪和卡宾枪 芬兰", "特立尼达和多巴哥", "出口", "[表", "说明: 年度报告本节考虑到特立尼达和多巴哥共和国既不是常规武器和(或)小武器和轻武器制造商也不是出口国。", "特立尼达和多巴哥的火器立法有一个题为“出口”的章节。 这一节不是按照联合国《行动纲领》界定的,而是实际上一种“再出口”程序,允许个人携带火器去国外。 这些火器大多是在活动结束时“再进口的”,并反映在本文件的进口部分。", "进口", "[表", "土耳其", "出口", "A B C D 注释\n最终进口国(s)\n小型\n乌拉圭 135992785195118 自行装载 纳米比亚 科斯塔里卡 塞内加尔 洪都拉斯 34115290发手枪 危地马拉 秘鲁 联合共和国 哥伦比亚 布基纳法索 埃及 2781200 赞比亚 90 伊朗伊斯兰共和国 肯尼亚 9461340 摩尔多瓦共和国 50030 巴拿马 2 智利 009 阿塞拜疆 20 哈萨克斯坦 25 萨尔瓦多 荷兰 斯洛文尼亚 11653110 国家 1 新泽地 120 葡萄牙 10 瑞典 3 意大利 8 瑞士 623 南非 4 南非 4 法国 27 155 10 100\n2. Rifles 美国 德国 沙特阿拉伯 1412505和阿拉伯叙利亚共和国 2个\n3. 泰国 Moroco Sao Tomeand Principe 越南 250640100200\n菲律宾 1251", "进口", "[表", "乌克兰", "出口", "A B C D 注释\n最终进口国(s)\n小型\n军火 1. 德国. 11628 自动装弹 亚美尼亚 巴基斯坦 1002482302\n235手枪 2. 奥地利 卢森堡 德国 联合金道70020532970和卡宾枪 刚果 4700954006050520\n3. 冲锋枪 奥地利 肯尼亚 乌干达 刚果\n000 5. 轻机枪 奥地利 亚美尼亚 委内瑞拉(玻利瓦尔共和国) SriLanka Chad Kenya 朝鲜民主主义人民共和国\n刚果光明\n刚果民主共和国\n2. 手持枪械 乌干达刚果民主共和国 501180 枪管下和挂起的手榴弹\n发射器 3. 刚果共和国600辆反坦克车\n枪 5. 阿塞拜疆 1 便携式反坦克导弹发射器和火箭\n系统", "进口", "A B C D 注释\n原产国(如果不是出口国)\n小型\n2. 奥地利 俄罗斯联邦 拉脱维亚 352375和\n3. 子机器 瑞士. 德国. 41\n轻炮\n武器 1. 塞浦路斯 250 重型机器\n枪", "大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国", "出口", "A B C D 注释\n最终进口国(s)\n小型\n军火 1. 澳大利亚 加拿大 智利 伊拉克 约旦 肯尼亚 111150500 活塞 半自动活塞 运动活塞 和自载 毛里求斯 荷兰 新泽地 挪威 巴基斯坦 62518101手枪 美国 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 赞比亚 1个 1马耳他\n新泽地 比利时 加拿大 • 30128 翻译 : 法国 1 意大利 4 马耳他 2 荷兰 新泽地 2612 挪威 4 波兰 1 联合 1\n2. 河床和木炭 澳大利亚、加拿大、芬兰、意大利、新泽地、葡萄牙 塞尔维亚 相机相机相机相机相机相机相机 加拿大 丹麦 吉布提 德国 7822102 希腊 爱尔兰 5316 意大利 2 日本 约旦 202 肯尼亚 14 荷兰 新泽地 挪威 10 共和党 11 南非 38 南非 2 西班牙 1 瑞典 6 联合共和党 0061 美国 29 美国 3 阿根廷 6 澳大利亚 2 奥地利 5 巴林 19 巴巴多斯 1 比利时 41 加拿大 19 智利 20 塞浦路斯 7 多米尼加共和国 爱沙尼亚 芬兰 165515 法国 德国 1335 希腊 13 海地 爱尔兰 502 意大利 牙买加 830 约旦 卢森堡 毛里求斯 7130 荷兰 新泽地 70102 挪威 4 巴基斯坦 13 葡萄牙 1 卡塔尔 56 共和党 31 俄罗斯联邦 圣马力诺 9 塞尔维亚 14 新加坡 4 斯洛伐克 1 南非 1 西班牙 68 瑞典 1 瑞士 ______ 联合共和党 2758-58 泰国 2 联合阿拉伯帝国 103 乌克兰 1 4 美国 1 赞比亚 第8条 阿根廷 5 阿根廷 27 澳大利亚 4 奥地利 2 巴林 6 巴巴多斯 12 白俄罗斯 5 比利时 17 博茨瓦纳 14 巴西 164 保加利亚 5 加拿大 17 塞浦路斯 25 捷克共和国 吉布提 芬兰 112223 法国 格鲁吉亚 德国 11099 印度 爱尔兰 54 意大利 哈萨克斯坦 135 科威特 卢森堡 72 马拉维 莫桑比克 尼泊尔 6530 荷兰 新泽地 1461 挪威 1 阿曼 巴基斯坦 巴拉圭 葡萄牙 10340110 卡塔尔 共和国 摩尔多瓦 俄罗斯 联邦 516150 沙特阿拉伯 3 沙特阿拉伯 545 塞尔维亚 斯洛文尼亚 23 南非 西班牙 6 瑞典 3 瑞士 联合共和国 1110 泰国 1 阿拉伯联合埃米尔 211 乌克兰 2 美国 10 乌兹别克斯坦 10 赞比亚 页:1 1 澳大利亚 135 奥地利 1 比利时 4 巴西 8 加拿大 67 塞浦路斯 丹麦 吉布提 257494 法国 德国 139 加纳 12 印度尼西亚 15 爱尔兰 5 意大利 1 约旦 6 利比亚 贾马希里亚 181 毛里求斯 2 墨西哥 6 荷兰 新泽地 挪威 阿曼 秘鲁 波兰 俄罗斯联邦 沙特阿拉伯 斯洛伐克 南非 西班牙 瑞士 泰国\n乌克兰 3. 巴西 523支冲锋枪 冲锋枪 文莱 加纳 日本 约旦 255250114炮 马耳他 毛里求斯 52 NewZealand 25 阿曼 25 巴拿马 11 南非 4 非洲 西班牙 600 阿拉伯联合埃米尔 3926 United 2\n4. 过失 阿富汗 巴林 巴西 Brunei 加拿大 捷克共和国 吉布提 494273717050141 法国 60 德国 143 爱尔兰 1 约旦 哈萨克斯坦 450174共和国 韩国 莱索托 1133 马耳他 8 荷兰 新泽地 2364 阿曼 巴基斯坦 秘鲁 105 塞舌尔 27 南非 3 南非 24 西班牙 6 特立尼达和18多巴哥 2 乌克兰 30 United Arab Emirates 003 United\n国家\n比利时 巴西 加拿大 53022 通用机枪 吉布提 吉布提 德国 616发火炮 以色列 日本 1111 科威特 利比里亚 538 荷兰 1 新泽地 33 阿曼 11 巴基斯坦 1 塞舌尔 15 阿拉伯联合酋长国 31 美 国 _____________________________________________ 加纳 利比里亚 20 马耳他 西班牙 13 联合1\n国家", "进口", "A B C D 注释\n原产国(如果不是出口国)\n小型\n军火 5. 比利时 402个FNHerstalLMGs 轻型机器\n枪", "页:1", "各国政府依照大会第64/54号决议第6(a)和(b)段提出的意见", "荷兰", "荷兰坚信,军备领域的透明度有助于加强信任、缓和紧张局势和加强区域和平与安全。 此外,这种透明度加强了武器转让的责任。 荷兰认为,联合国常规武器登记册是改善和促进各国和各区域之间透明度和信任的有效机制。", "为了进一步加强登记册这一促进透明度和信任的机制,荷兰赞成在会员国提交联合国常规武器登记册的年度报告中列入关于小武器和轻武器转让的资料。 常规武器特别是小武器和轻武器领域的透明度是打击这些武器不受控制地扩散以及提供信任和安全气氛的重要组成部分。", "[1] 前18个报告以下列文号印发: A/48/344和Corr.1-3和Add.1-3;A/49/352和Corr.1-2和Add.1-4;A/50/547和Corr.1和Add.1-4;A/51/300和Add.1-5;A/52/312和Corr.1-2和Add.1-2和Add.1-4;A/53/334和Corr.1-2和Add.1-2;A/54/226和Corr.1和Add.1-6;A/55/299和Corr.1和Add.1-6;A/56/257和Corr.1和Add.1-2;A/57/221和Corr.1-2和Add.1-2;A/58/203和Corr.1-2和Add.1-2;A/59/193和Corr.1-2和Add.1-2;A/60/160和Corr.1-2和Add.1-3;A/61/159和Corr.1-2和Add.1-3;A/62/170和Add.1-3;A/63/120和Add.1-2;A/64/135和Add.1-2;A/65/133和Add.1-2。" ]
[ "Substantive session of 2011", "Geneva, 4-29 July 2011", "Agenda item 13 (a)", "Economic and environmental questions: sustainable development", "Draft resolution submitted by the Vice-President of the Council, Miloš Koterec (Slovakia), on the basis of informal consultations", "Report of the Committee for Development Policy on its thirteenth session", "The Economic and Social Council,", "Recalling General Assembly resolutions 59/209 of 20 December 2004 on a smooth transition strategy for countries graduating from the list of least developed countries, 65/286 of 29 June 2011 on implementing the smooth transition strategy for countries graduating from the list of least developed countries and 61/16 of 20 November 2006 on strengthening of the Economic and Social Council,", "Recalling also General Assembly resolution 65/280 of 17 June 2011 on the Programme of Action for the Least Developed Countries for the Decade 2011-2020,", "Recalling further its resolutions 1998/46 of 31 July 1998, 2007/34 of 27 July 2007, 2009/35 of 31 July 2009, and 2010/9 of 22 July 2010,", "Expressing its conviction that no country graduating from the least developed countries category should have its positive development disrupted or reversed, but that it should be able to continue and sustain its progress and development,", "Acknowledging the contribution that the Committee for Development Policy can make to further strengthening the work of the Council by broadening and deepening the use of the expertise available in the Committee,", "1. Takes note of the report of the Committee for Development Policy on its thirteenth session;[1]", "2. Requests the Committee for Development Policy, at its fourteenth session, to examine and make recommendations on the themes chosen by the Economic and Social Council for the high-level segment of its substantive session of 2012;", "3. Takes note of the proposals made by the Committee regarding its future programme of work, in particular the monitoring of the development progress of Cape Verde and Maldives and the review of the existing smooth transition mechanisms to identify how they can be further strengthened or improved and better monitored;", "4. Recalls its endorsement of the recommendation of the Committee that Equatorial Guinea be graduated from the list of least developed countries;", "5. Reiterates its recommendation[2] that the General Assembly take note of the recommendation of the Committee that Equatorial Guinea be graduated from the list of least developed countries;", "6. Welcomes the outcome of the Fourth United Nations Conference on the Least Developed Countries, held in Istanbul from 9 to 13 May 2011, and notes the contributions of the Committee to the Conference;", "7. Requests the Committee to monitor the development progress of countries graduating from the list of least developed countries and to include its findings in its annual report to the Economic and Social Council;", "8. Reiterates the importance for development and trading partners to implement concrete measures in support of the transition strategy for ensuring durable graduation;", "9. Decides to hold, within existing resources, more frequent interactions with the Committee for Development Policy and invites the Chair and, as necessary, other members of the Committee to meet with the Council, including, as appropriate:", "(a) To discuss, prior to the annual substantive session of the Council, the views and recommendations on the themes of the high-level segment and other relevant issues contained in the annual report of the Committee to the Council;", "(b) To exchange views, during the general segment, on the programme of work of the Committee on the themes to be addressed by the Council at the high-level segment of its following substantive session and on other pertinent issues that the Committee wishes to bring to the attention of the Council.", "[1] E/2011/33 and Corr.1.", "[2] See resolution 2009/35 of 31 July 2009 on the report of the Committee for Development Policy on its eleventh session." ]
[ "2011年实质性会议", "2011年7月4日至29日,日内瓦", "议程项目13(a)", "经济和环境问题:可持续发展", "理事会副主席米洛什·科捷雷奇(斯洛伐克)根据非正式协商提出的决议草案", "发展政策委员会第十三届会议的报告", "经济及社会理事会,", "回顾大会2004年12月20日关于脱离最不发达国家名单的国家平稳过渡战略的第59/209号决议,2011年6月29日关于执行脱离最不发达国家名单的国家平稳过渡战略的第65/286号决议和2006年11月20日关于加强经济及社会理事会的第61/16号决议;", "又回顾大会2011年6月17日关于《2001-2010十年期支援最不发达国家行动纲领》的第65/280号决议,", "还回顾其1998年7月31日第1998/46号、2007年7月27日第2007/34号、2009年7月31日第2009/35号和2010年7月22日第2010/9号决议,", "表示深信脱离最不发达国家名单的国家的积极发展不应被打断或倒退,它应能够继续并维持其进步和发展,", "确认发展政策委员会能为进一步加强理事会的工作、扩大和加深利用委员会现有专门知识做出贡献;", "1. 注意到发展政策委员会第十三届会议的报告;[1]", "2. 请发展政策委员会第十四届会议审查经济及社会理事会为其2012年实质性会议高级别部分选择的专题并提出建议;", "3. 注意到委员会就其未来工作方案提出的建议,尤其是监测佛得角和马尔代夫的发展进步,审查现有的平稳过渡机制,以确定如何进一步加强或完善及更好的监测这些机制;", "4. 回顾其赞同委员会关于赤道几内亚从最不发达国家名单中毕业的建议;", "5. 重申建议大会注意到委员会关于赤道几内亚从最不发达国家名单中毕业的建议;[2]", "6. 欢迎2011年5月9日至13日在伊斯坦布尔召开的第四次联合国最不发达国家问题会议的成果,注意到委员会对会议的贡献;", "7. 请委员会监测脱离最不发达国家名单的国家的发展进步,并将其结论列入提交给经济及社会理事会的年度报告中;", "8. 重申发展和贸易伙伴采取具体措施支持确保持久脱离名单的过渡战略的重要性;", "9. 决定在现有资源内,与发展政策委员会进行更频繁的互动,邀请主席,并视需要邀请委员会其他委员酌情与理事会举行会议;", "(a) 在理事会举行实质性年会之前,讨论关于高级别部分专题的意见和建议,以及委员会向理事会提交的年度报告所载其他相关问题;", "(b) 在常务部分,就委员会的工作方案、以及理事会下次实质性会议高级别部分上将要讨论的专题以及委员会希望提请理事会注意的其他相关问题交流意见。", "[1] E/2011/33和Corr.1。", "[2] 2009年7月31日关于发展政策委员会第十一届会议报告的第2009/35号决议。" ]
[ "2011年实质性会议", "2011年7月4日至29日,日内瓦", "议程项目13(a)", "经济和环境问题:可持续发展", "理事会副主席米洛什·科捷雷克(斯洛伐克)在非正式协商基础上提出的决议草案", "发展政策委员会第十三届会议的报告", "经济及社会理事会,", "回顾大会2004年12月20日关于从最不发达国家名单毕业的国家平稳过渡战略的第59/209号决议、2011年6月29日关于执行从最不发达国家名单毕业的国家平稳过渡战略的第65/286号决议和2006年11月20日关于加强经济及社会理事会的第61/16号决议,", "又回顾大会2011年6月17日关于《2011-2020十年期支援最不发达国家行动纲领》的第65/280号决议,", "还回顾其1998年7月31日第1998/46号、2007年7月27日第2007/34号、2009年7月31日第2009/35号和2010年7月22日第2010/9号决议,", "表示深信从最不发达国家类别毕业的国家,其积极发展不应受到干扰或逆转,而应能继续并维持其进步和发展,", "承认发展政策委员会可通过扩大和深化利用委员会现有专门知识来为进一步加强理事会的工作作出贡献,", "1. 联合国 1. 注意到发展政策委员会第十三届会议的报告;[1]", "2. 联合国 5. 请发展政策委员会第十四届会议审查经济及社会理事会为其2012年实质性会议高级别部分选定的主题并提出建议;", "3个 1. 注意到委员会就今后的工作方案所提出的建议,特别是监测佛得角和马尔代夫的发展进展并审查现有的平稳过渡机制,以确定如何能进一步加强或改进并更好地监测这些机制;", " 4.四. 3. 回顾委员会赞同委员会关于赤道几内亚从最不发达国家名单中毕业的建议;", "5 (韩语). 2. 重申其建议[2],即大会注意到委员会关于赤道几内亚从最不发达国家名单中毕业的建议;", "6. 国家 1. 欢迎2011年5月9日至13日在伊斯坦布尔举行的第四次联合国最不发达国家问题会议的成果,并注意到委员会对会议的贡献;", "7. 联合国 5. 请委员会监测从最不发达国家名单中毕业的国家的发展进展情况,并将调查结果列入其提交经济及社会理事会的年度报告;", "8. 联合国 2. 重申发展和贸易伙伴必须采取具体措施,支持过渡战略,确保持久地脱离名单;", "9. 国家 4. 决定在现有资源范围内同发展政策委员会更频繁地进行互动,并邀请委员会主席,并视需要邀请其他成员同理事会举行会议,酌情包括:", "(a) 国家 在理事会年度实质性会议之前,讨论委员会给理事会的年度报告所载关于高级别部分主题和其他相关问题的意见和建议;", "(b) 国家 在常务部分就委员会工作方案交换意见,讨论理事会下届实质性会议高级别部分将讨论的主题和委员会想提请理事会注意的其他有关问题。", "[1] E/2011/33和Corr.1。", "[2] 见2009年7月31日关于发展政策委员会第十一届会议报告的第2009/35号决议。" ]
[ "United Nations Children’s Fund", "Executive Board", "Second regular session 2011", "12-15 September 2011", "Progress report on implementation of the recommendations of the Board of Auditors on the UNICEF accounts for the biennium 2008-2009", "Summary", "As requested by the Executive Board in its decision 2011/4, this report describes the further progress achieved by UNICEF towards implementing the recommendations of the Board of Auditors on the UNICEF accounts for the biennium 2008-2009. The report provides an update on implementation of the main recommendations, including an overview of the strategic implications of the recommendations for the management and strategy of UNICEF.", "I. Introduction", "1. At its first regular session of 2011, the Executive Board considered the Report of the Board of Auditors on the UNICEF financial report and financial statements for the biennium ended 31 December 2009 (A/65/5/Add.2), together with the report of the Secretary-General on the implementation of recommendations of the Board of Auditors (A/65/296/Add.1) and the report of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions (A/65/498).", "2. In its decision 2011/4, on the UNICEF financial report and the audited financial statements for the biennium ended 31 December 2009 and the report of the Board of Auditors, the Executive Board requested the Executive Director to build on progress achieved and to continue to implement the recommendations of the Board of Auditors in a timely way. The Executive Board also requested UNICEF to provide the Executive Board with an update on implementation of the main recommendations at its second regular session of 2011.", "3. This report describes further progress achieved by UNICEF towards implementing the recommendations of the Board of Auditors, including the main recommendations and their strategic implications for UNICEF.", "II. Update on implementation of the main recommendations", "4. UNICEF rigorously pursues implementation of audit recommendations made by both the Office of Internal Audit and the Board of Auditors. In this respect, UNICEF appreciates that the Board of Auditors classifies its recommendations into “main” and “other” recommendations, as this classification helps to identify how to prioritize activities and resources. Nevertheless, once they are discussed and accepted by management, UNICEF is committed to implementing to completion all recommendations made by the Board of Auditors.", "5. Responsibility for implementation of the audit recommendations is regularly and closely monitored by the UNICEF Office of the Comptroller, using an Internet-based system, which forms the basis for reporting to the Board of Auditors.", "6. The Report of the Board of Auditors (A/65/5/Add.2) contained 50 recommendations, of which 21 were classified as “main”. This report focuses on the status of the implementation of the main recommendations.", "7. As of 30 April 2011, 10 of the 21 main recommendations were fully implemented and 10 were under implementation. UNICEF did not agree with one recommendation. Of the 10 under implementation, 6 will be completed by January 2012, with the roll-out of the single Enterprise Resource Planning virtual integrated system of information (VISION) and the adoption of International Public Sector Accounting Standards (IPSAS). The remaining four recommendations have a set target date by which UNICEF anticipates full implementation.", "8. In compiling the 2008-2009 audit recommendations, the Board of Auditors considered the status of the 2006-2007 audit recommendations. Any recommendations not fully implemented were re-raised in the 2008-2009 report. Of the 21 main recommendations, 5 were re-raised from the 2006-2007 report. Of these five, three are under implementation and one UNICEF considers closed; UNICEF did not agree with the other one.", "9. All reporting by UNICEF on the status of audit recommendations is subject to verification by the Board of Auditors at the end of the biennium.", "10. Details of the 21 main recommendations and the actions taken to comply with them are provided in the annex.", "III. Strategic implications of the recommendations for the management and strategy of UNICEF", "11. Several of the main recommendations in the Report of the Board of Auditors on the UNICEF financial report and financial statements for the biennium ended 31 December 2009 (A/65/5/Add.2) involve improving management practices and information reporting with respect to non-expendable property, land and buildings; end-of-service liabilities; and cash transfers. Most of these recommendations will be implemented with the roll-out of VISION and the adoption of IPSAS by January 2012.", "12. IPSAS will improve the quality of UNICEF financial reporting by requiring new information across a range of areas, thereby increasing the transparency of programmatic and operational management practices. This additional information will enable improved governance and accountability and will assist in ensuring that UNICEF employs current best-management practices and achieves more efficient and effective use of financial and human resources. Key areas of change for UNICEF resulting from IPSAS adoption relate to management of inventory, premises, equipment and revenue; accounting for cash transfers; recording of expenses on delivery of goods and services; and reporting information related to employee benefits.", "Annex", "Implementation of the main recommendations of the Board of Auditors on the financial statements of UNICEF for the financial period ended 31 December 2009", "I. Recommendations fully implemented[1]", "Para.\tRecommendation(see A/65/5/Add.2)\tStatus of implementation\tDivision/Officeresponsible \n22\tUNICEF agreed withthe Board’srecommendation toupdate its IPSAScommunication andtraining planaccording to the newtimeline of fullIPSAS adoption.\tTraining andcommunication plans havebeen updated based on therevised timeline forIPSAS adoption.\tDivisionofFinancialandAdministrativeManagement \n (DFAM)26\tThe Board recommendsthat UNICEF reviewits current practiceof obtainingassurance onprogrammeexpenditures and takeappropriate measuresto obtain suchassurance to ensurethe validity of theprogrammeexpenditures.\tUNICEF works jointly withthe United NationsDevelopment Programme,the United NationsPopulation Fund and theWorld Food Programme toapply the harmonizedapproach to cashtransfers framework. Thisrequires all implementingpartners to submitregular certification ofactual expenditures (viathe FACE form, referringto Funding Authorizationand Certification ofExpenditures) and toconduct assuranceactivities commensuratewith the assessed risks.\tDivisionofPolicyandPractice(DPP) \n UNICEF obtains auditreports at least onceduring the programmecycle if the harmonizedapproach to cashtransfers criteria foraudits are met.\t\n123\tUNICEF agreed withthe Board’sreiteratedrecommendation tointensify its effortsto settlelong-outstanding cashtransfers.\tUNICEF has implemented amonitoring mechanism forlong-outstanding cashtransfers. Priority wasalso given to resolvingthese cash transfers, andthey have decreasedsubstantially. Due to thenature of the UNICEFworking environment, thiswill continue to be anongoing effort. Directcash transfersoutstanding for over ninemonths were 1.98 per centof the $493 million totalat the end of the firstquarter of 2011.\tDFAM\n128\tThe Board reiteratesits previousrecommendation thatUNICEF ensure thatits field officescomply with theFinancial Circular 15on the issuance ofofficial receipts byrecipients of cashtransfers.\tUNICEF has implementedthis recommendation inall concerned offices andwill continue to workwith them to ensureofficial receipts arereceived from recipientsof cash assistance.\tCountry/regionaloffices\n134\tUNICEF agreed withthe Board’srecommendation toensure that all thecompleted evaluationreports are submittedand rated in a timelymanner in accordancewith the provisionsof the UNICEFEvaluation Policy(E/ICEF/2008/4).\tA new strategy forevaluation reports wasimplemented, resulting inclearance of the ratingbacklog, and submissionrates have increasedsignificantly. For 2010evaluation reports thesubmission rate was 82per cent. All of the 2010evaluation reportssubmitted will bereviewed/rated.\tEvaluationOffice\n158\tUNICEF agreed withthe Board’srecommendation tostrictly comply withthe provisions in theSupply Manual inrelation tocompetitive biddingand to maintainwrittenjustifications inrelated files forexceptions.\tUNICEF has improvedprocedures in the auditedoffices to ensurecompliance with theprovisions in the SupplyManual related tocompetitive bidding.Written justificationsfor exceptions are alsobeing maintained inrelated files.\tCountryoffices\n177\tThe Board recommendsthat UNICEF takeappropriate measuresto improve itsmanagement ofnon-expendableproperty includingensuring thecompleteness andaccuracy of thenon‑expendableproperty records.\tUNICEF has reviewed andstrengthened itsnon‑expendable propertymanagement procedures inaudited offices, whileawaiting implementationof VISION in 2012. VISIONincludes an assetaccounting module thatwill automate many of theprocesses currentlyperformed manually. Aspart of the roll-out ofthis new system,non-expendable propertypolicies and proceduresare also being reviewedand revised to reflectsystem changes and newroles andresponsibilities inpurchasing divisionsregarding accountabilityfor assets they purchase.\tCountry/regionaloffices\n185\tUNICEF agreed withthe Board’srecommendation toensure that theSupply Divisionadhere strictly toSupply DivisionProcedure 006 to dealwith the stockmaterials nearing theend of their shelflife.\tFollowing this auditrecommendation, UNICEFrevised Supply DivisionProcedure 006 and nowensures adherence to it.Monthly meetings havebeen held by the PropertySurvey Board since August2010 to ensure properhandling of obsoletestocks. The number ofdays between the receiptof Property Survey Boardmeeting minutes and thedate of sign-off by thedirector has also beenreduced significantly formeetings held sinceAugust 2010.\tSupplyDivision(SD)\n205\tUNICEF agreed withthe Board’srecommendation to:(a) adhere strictlyto provisions ofUNICEF HumanResources Manual inrelation toperformanceevaluation; and(b) establish amechanism to monitorthe overallcompletion rate ofthe PerformanceEvaluation Reports.\tSince launching e-PAS in2010, UNICEF can reportcompletion metrics inreal time at each stageof thee-PAS process for theoffices where thisrecommendation was raisedand all offices fortarget groups (i.e., forinternationalProfessional staff in2010).An in-depth review of thee-PAS system is alsobeing conducted toascertain its potentialuse for broader staffaudiences in the nearfuture. This will allowoverall performancetracking and compliancemetrics.\tDivisionofHumanResources(DHR)\n240\tUNICEF agreed withthe Board’srecommendation tostrengthen advocacyand communicationwith current andpotential donors toincrease regularresources and globalthematic funds.\tThe UNICEF Public SectorResource MobilizationStrategy andImplementation Plan havebeen approved and arecurrently beingimplemented and monitoredby PARMO. Thesefundraising strategydocuments for public- andprivate-sector donorsfocus on securingquality, predictable,multi-year and flexiblefunding. The overall aimis to achieve thefinancial targets set inthe medium-term strategicplan.\tPublicSectorAlliancesandResourceMobilizationOffice(PARMO)", "Recommendations under implementation", "Recommendation(see A/65/5/Add.2)\tStatus ofimplementation\tTimeframeforimplementation\tDivision/Officeresponsible \n36\tThe Board recommendsthat UNICEF consideramending itsFinancial Regulationsto ensure that theaccounting treatmentin relation to cashtransfers provided inadvance to theimplementing partnersare recorded asadvances, and areonly recognized asprogramme expenditureuntil the appropriatefinancial utilizationreports are received.\tIn anticipationof the adoptionof IPSAS inJanuary 2012,UNICEF hasamended itsFinancialRegulations toallow cashtransfersprovided inadvance toimplementingpartners to berecorded asadvances.The amendedFinancialRegulations andRules are to bepresented to theExecutive Boardfor approval atits secondregular sessionof 2011, inSeptember, andto becomeeffective inJanuary 2012.\tQ1/2012\tDFAM\n62\tThe Board recommendsthat UNICEF reviseits accounting policyand disclose itsend-of-serviceliabilities on theface of the financialstatements inconjunction with theadoption of IPSAS.\tUNICEF is in theprocess ofdrafting aFinancialStatementspolicy that willrequireend-of-serviceliabilities tobe disclosed onthe face offinancialstatements, inaccordance withIPSAS. Thispolicy will beeffective from1 January 2012.\tQ1/2012\tDFAM\n71\tUNICEF agreed withthe Board’srecommendation totake appropriatemeasures to ensurethe accuracy of thedata used incomputation ofend-of-serviceliabilities(including ASHI) inthe future financialperiods.\tHumanResources-SAP(Systems,Applications andProducts) isundergoingroll-outthroughoutUNICEF, whichwill becompleted by theend of 2011.This will allowUNICEF toprovide accuratedata to thevaluationactuary forcomputation ofend-of-serviceliabilities(includingafter-servicehealthinsurance) infuture financialperiods.\tQ1/2012\tDFAM\n96\tThe Board recommendsthat UNICEF:(a) develop trainingcourses for staffmembers in respect ofresults-basedbudgetingmethodology;\tTraining/guidancematerials tofurtherstrengthenresults-basedbudgeting arebeing developedas part of theVISION trainingpackage and willalso be includedin the ProgrammePolicy andProceduresManual.\tQ4/2011\tDFAM\n\t(b) include in futurebudget submissionsresources estimatesas well as activitiesfor each expectedresult; and\tThe 2012-2013budgetsubmissions tobe approved bythe ExecutiveBoard at itssecond regularsession inSeptember 2011include resourceestimates aswell asactivities foreach expectedresult.\tQ4/2011\t\n\t(c) establish amonitoring mechanismto facilitatetracking of budgetimplementation aswell as progresstowards achievementof results.\tDashboards and aperformancemanagement toolwill beestablished inVISION tofacilitatetracking ofbudgetimplementation.\tQ2/2012\t\n102\tUNICEF agreed withthe Board’srecommendation to:(a) provide necessarysupport to theoffices with higherextension rates toimprove programmeimplementation; and(b) put in placemeasures to monitorthe timeliness ofsubmission ofrequests forprogramme budgetallotments extensionfrom field offices.\tAs part ofVISION, thegrants reportingschedule hasbeen redesignedto enable fundrecipientoffices to logtheir requestsfor extension inthe VISIONsystem. Thus thedate ofsubmission canbe tracked alongwith therationale forthe extensionrequest and dateof requestapproval orrejection. Thissolution allowselectroniccollection ofdata, analysisof trends andidentificationof gaps inperformance. Itwill also leadtorecommendationsfor correctiveaction.\tQ1/2012\tPARMO\n195\tUNICEF agreed withthe Board’srecommendations to:(a) review thenecessity for poststhat had been vacantfor a long period;and (b) takeappropriate measuresto fill the remainingvacancies.\tUNICEF hasimplemented avacancymonitoringmechanism bywhich DHR willfollow up withindividualhiring units onall postsexceeding 90days’ vacancy.This process hasalready led toclosure of somepositions andacceleration ofthe process tofill others.This monitoringwill continueuntil December2012, the targetdate forresolving thebacklog.\tQ4/2012\tDHR\n226\tThe Board recommendsthat UNICEF expeditethe implementation ofthe One ERP projectin accordance withits project plan.\tVISION is onschedule forroll-out to allUNICEF locationsby end of 2011.\tQ4/2011\tVISIONteam\n233\tUNICEF agreed withthe Board’srecommendation toaccelerate theimplementation of theinternal auditrecommendationsstemming fromHeadquarters andregional officeaudits.\tUNICEF hasintroduced aquarterly Officeof InternalAudit activityreport that isused to monitorand follow up onoutstandinginternal auditrecommendations.Allrecommendationsolder than 18months are alsoreportedregularly to theAudit AdvisoryCommittee andannually to theExecutive Board,as requested.\tQ4/2011\tOfficeofInternalAudit\n245\tThe Board reiteratesits previousrecommendation thatthe PrivateFundraising andPartnerships Divisionadhere strictly tothe provision ofUNICEF FRR [FinancialRegulations andRules] in relation tothe retention ofincome by NationalCommittees.\tUNICEF isworking with theNationalCommittees forUNICEF toachieveappropriateremittances asstipulated inthe FinancialRegulations andRules and hasjust concluded anew cooperationagreement tothis effect.\tQ1/2012\tPrivateFundraisingandPartnerships\n252\tUNICEF agreed withthe Board’sreiteratedrecommendation todetermine the causeof the delays indonor reporting byfield offices andinstitute measures toensure that reportsare submitted inaccordance with donoragreements.\tAs part of theVISION project,the grantsreportingschedule hasbeen redesignedto improve thecapture ofinformation onthe timelysubmission ofdonor reports.The systemredesign andreports willenable improvedmonitoring andidentificationof the issuesrelated totimelysubmission ofreports.\tQ1/2012\tPARMO", "Recommendation not agreed by UNICEF", "Para.\tRecommendation(see A/65/5/Add.2)\tDivision/Officeresponsible\tStatus ofimplementation \n163\tThe Board reiterates itsprevious recommendationthat UNICEF ensure thatall offices include inpurchase orders apenalty clause for latedelivery in accordancewith the provisions inthe UNICEF SupplyManual.\tSD\tUNICEF notes that itsSupply Manual does notrequire offices toinclude a penaltyclause in purchaseorders for latedelivery; rather,liquidated damages areoptional. UNICEF notesthat the casesmentioned thus complywith the Supply Manual.Reference is made tochapter 8 of the SupplyManual, which listsoptional contractremedies.", "[1] Although UNICEF considers these recommendations fully implemented, they will be officially closed only when the Board of Auditors verifies the status at the end of the 2010-2011 biennium." ]
[ "联合国儿童基金会", "执行局", "2011年第二届常会", "2011年9月12日至15日", "关于执行审计委员会就2008-2009两年期儿基会决算所提建议情况的进度报告", "摘要", "应执行局第2011/4号决定要求,本报告介绍了儿基会在执行审计委员会关于2008-2009两年期儿基会决算的各项建议方面所取得的进一步进展。本报告提供有关各项主要建议执行情况的最新资料,包括概述各项建议对儿基会的管理和战略所产生的战略影响。", "一. 导言", "1. 执行局2011年第一届常会审议了审计委员会关于儿基会2009年12月31日终了两年期财务报告和财务报表的报告(A/65/5/Add.2)以及秘书长关于审计委员会各项建议执行情况的报告(A/65/296/Add.1)和行政和预算问题咨询委员会的报告(A/65/498)。", "2. 执行局关于儿基会2009年12月31日终了两年期财务报告和已审计财务报表及审计委员会报告的第2011/4号决定要求执行主任扩大取得的进展并继续及时执行审计委员会的建议。执行局还要求儿基会向执行局2011年第二届常会提交各项主要建议执行情况的最新资料。", "3. 本报告叙述儿基会在执行审计委员会各项建议方面、包括在执行各项主要建议方面取得的进一步进展,以及这些建议对儿基会的战略影响。", "二. 执行各项主要建议的最新情况", "4. 儿基会严格执行内部审计办公室和审计委员会提出的审计建议。在此方面,儿基会赞赏审计委员会将其建议分为“主要”和“其他”建议,因为这有助于确定如何安排各项活动和资源的优先次序。但一经高级管理层讨论和接受,儿基会即努力贯彻审计委员会提出的各项建议。", "5. 儿基会主计长办公室利用网络系统定期密切监测审计建议的执行情况,并以此为依据向审计委员会报告。", "6. 审计委员会的报告(A/65/5/Add.2)载有50项建议,其中21项列为“主要”建议。本报告重点介绍各主要建议的执行情况。", "7. 截至2011年4月30日,21项主要建议中有10项得到全面执行,10项仍在执行中。儿基会对一项建议表示不同意。在10项仍在执行的建议中,6项建议将在2012年1月推行单一企业资源规划虚拟信息集成系统(VISION)和采用《国际公共部门会计准则》后,得到全面执行。余下的四项主要建议设有一个目标日期,儿基会预计将在该日期前全面执行这些建议。", "8. 在编制2008-2009年审计建议时,审计委员会考虑了2006-2007年审计建议执行情况,并在2008-2009年报告中重新提出了所有没有充分执行的建议。在21项主要建议中,5项是重新提出的2006-2007年报告中的建议。在这5项建议中,3项仍在执行中,1项建议儿基会认为已终止;另一项建议儿基会表示不同意。", "9. 儿基会关于审计建议执行情况的所有报告都要经审计委员会在两年期期末进行核查。", "10. 本报告附件载有关于21项主要建议以及为执行建议所采取行动的详细情况。", "三. 各项建议对儿基会的管理和战略所产生的战略影响", "11. 审计委员会关于儿基会2009年12月31日终了两年期财务报告和财务报表的报告(A/65/5/Add.2)提出的若干主要建议涉及改善关于非消耗性财产、土地和建筑物、服务终了负债和现金转移的管理做法和资料报告。大部分建议将在2012年1月儿基会推行单一企业资源规划虚拟信息集成系统和采用《国际公共部门会计准则》后得到执行。", "12. 《国际公共部门会计准则》要求在不同的领域提供新资料,提高儿基会财务报告质量,从而提高方案和业务管理做法透明度。这些补充资料将改善治理和问责,有助于确保儿基会采用目前的最佳管理做法并以效率和效力较高的方式利用财政和人力资源。儿基会采用《国际公共部门会计准则》后,将发生变化的主要领域是存货管理、房地、设备和收入、现金转移会计、交付货物和服务开支记录以及关于雇员福利的资料报告。", "附件", "审计委员会关于儿基会2009年12月31日终了会计期间财务报表的主要建议执行情况", "一. 已全面执行的建议[1]", "段落\t建议(见A/65/5/Add.2)\t执行情况\t负责部门/办公室 \n22\t儿基会同意委员会的建议,即儿基会按照全面实行《公共部门会计准则》的新时间表,更新《公共部门会计准则》沟通和培训计划。\t已根据实行《公共部门会计准则》的订正时间表更新了培训和沟通计划\t财务和行政管理司26\t委员会建议,儿基会审查获得方案支出保证的现行做法,采取适当措施获得这种保证以确保方案支出的有效性。\t儿基会与联合国开发计划署、联合国人口基金和世界粮食计划署合作,实行现金转移框架统一办法。这需要所有执行伙伴提交定期实际支出证明(通过FACE表格,涉及供资授权和支出证明书)并开展与评估风险相应的保证活动。\t政策和实践司 \n 如要满足现金转移统一办法审计标准,儿基会在方案周期内至少获得一次审计报告。\t\n123\t儿基会同意审计委员会重申的建议,即加大努力,解决长期未结的现金转移问题。\t儿基会实施了长期未结的现金转移问题监测机制,并优先解决这些现金转移问题,使这些问题大幅减少。鉴于儿基会的工作环境,这将是一项持续的工作。2011年第一季度末,超过9个月未结的直接现金转移占4.93亿美元未结总额的1.98%。\t财务和行政管理司\n128\t审计委员会重申其之前提出的建议,即儿基会应确保其外地办事处遵守关于现金援助收款者开具正式收据的第15号财务通告的规定。\t儿基会已在所有有关办事处执行了这项建议,并将继续与这些办事处合作,确保从现金援助收款者处收到正式收据。\t国家/区域办事处\n134\t儿基会同意审计委员会提出的建议,将确保根据儿基会的评价政策(E/ICEF/2008/4)的规定及时提交完成评价报告并及时对其进行评定。\t儿基会执行了一个评价报告新战略,解决了评定工作的积压情况,并且提交率大幅提高。2010年评价报告的提交率为82%。所有提交的2010年评价报告都会得到审查/评定。\t评价办公室 \n158\t儿基会同意审计委员会提出的建议,即严格遵守《供应手册》中与竞标相关的规定并在相关文档中保留特例的书面说明。\t儿基会改进了接受审计办事处的程序,以确保遵守《供应手册》中与竞标相关的规定,并在相关文档中保留特例的书面说明。\t国家办事处\n177\t审计委员会建议儿基会采取适当措施,改善非消耗性财产管理,包括确保非消耗性财产记录的完整性和准确性。\t儿基会审查并加强了接受审计办事处的非消耗性财产管理程序,同时等待在2012年实施“Vision系统”,该系统包括一个资产会计单元,该单元将使许多现有手动程序实现自动化。作为推行新系统工作的一部分,还将审查并修订非消耗性财产管理政策和程序,以反映系统变化和各采购司在其采购的资产问责制方面的作用和责任。\t国家/区域办事处\n185\t儿基会同意审计委员会的建议,即儿基会应确保供应司严格按照供应司第006条程序处理保存期将过库存物资。\t根据这一审计建议,儿基会订正了供应司第006条程序,并确保遵守这些程序。自2010年8月以来,财产调查委员会每月召开会议,确保适当处理过期库存。为2010年8月以来召开的会议,还大幅减少了自收到财产调查委员会会议记录之日至司长签署日期之间的天数。\t供应司205\t儿基会同意审计委员会的建议,即儿基会应:(a)严格遵守儿基会《人力资源手册》有关考绩方面的规定;(b)建立一个机制,以监测考绩报告的总体完成率。\t自2010年启动电子考绩制度后,儿基会可以在该建议针对的办事处和有目标群体(即2010年国际专业工作人员)的所有办事处的电子考绩程序的各个阶段实时报告完成衡量标准。\t人力资源司 \n 儿基会还在对电子考绩制度进行深入审查,以确定近期在更多的工作人员中使用这一制度的可能性。这样就可以跟踪总体业绩和遵守衡量标准的情况。\t\n240\t儿基会同意审计委员会的建议,即加强与现有捐助方和潜在捐助方的宣传和沟通,以增加经常资源和全球专题资金。\t儿基会公共部门资源调动战略和执行计划已得到核准,现由公共部门联盟和资源调动办公室执行和监测。这些为公共和私人部门捐助方编制的筹资战略文件侧重于确保获得高质量、可预见、多年期和灵活的供资。总体目标是实现中期战略计划中设定的财政目标。\t公共部门联盟和资源调动办公室", "执行中建议", "建议(见A/65/5/Add.2)\t执行情况\t执行时间表\t负责部门/办公室 \n36\t审计委员会建议儿基会考虑修正其《财务条例》,以根据对现金转移的会计处理,将提前转移给执行伙伴的现金记录为预付款,只在收到适当资金使用报告后才被确认为方案支出。\t由于预计于2012年1月实行《公共部门会计准则》,儿基会已修正了其《财务条例》,允许将提前转移给执行伙伴的现金记录为预付款。经修正的《财务条例和细则》将在2011年9月召开的第二届常会上提交给执行局,供其核准,并将于2012年1月生效。\t2012年第一季度\t财务和行政管理司\n62\t审计委员会建议儿基会在采用《公共部门会计准则》时,修改其会计政策,在财务报表中披露服务终了负债。\t儿基会正在编制一个财务报表政策,该政策将要求根据《公共部门会计准则》在财务报表中披露服务终了负债。这一政策将从2012年1月1日起生效。\t2012年第一季度\t财务和行政管理司\n71\t儿基会同意审计委员会的建议,即采取适当措施确保未来会计期内计算服务终了负债(包括离职后健康保险)时使用数据的准确性。\t整个儿基会正在推行人力资源SAP(系统、应用和产品),并将于2011年底前完成。这将使儿基会可以向评价精算师提供准确的数据,供其在未来会计期内计算服务终了负债(包括离职后健康保险)。\t2012年第一季度\t财务和行政管理司\n96\t审计委员会建议儿基会:(a)为工作人员制订有关成果预算编制方法的培训课程;\t正在编制作为VISION综合培训材料的一部分的进一步加强成果预算编制的培训/指导材料,该材料将编入《方案政策和程序手册》。\t2011年第四季度\t财务和行政管理司\n\t(b)在未来的预算文件中列入每项预期成果的资源估计数和活动;\t供执行局在2011年9月第二届常会核准的2012-2013年预算文件中列入每项预期成果的资源估计数和活动。\t2011年第四季度\t\n\t(c)建立监测机制,促进跟踪预算执行情况和实现成果的进展。\t将在VISION中设立信息中心和一个业绩管理工具,促进跟踪预算执行情况。\t2012年第二季度\t\n102\t儿基会同意审计委员会的建议,即:(a)向展期率较高的办事处提供必要支助,以改进方案执行情况;(b)制定措施,监测外地办事处及时提交方案预算拨款展期请求的情况。\t作为VISION的一部分,赠款报告安排已经重新设计,这样,收款办公室可以在VISION系统中提交延期要求,以便可以查询提交日期和理由、核准或驳回日期。这一办法可以用电子方式收集数据,分析趋势和发现业绩差距,以便提出改进建议。\t2012年第一季度\t公共部门联盟和资源调动办公室\n195\t儿基会同意审计委员会的建议,即儿基会应:(a)审查是否需要长期空缺的员额;(b)采取适当措施,填补其余空缺。\t儿基会已实行一个空缺监测机制,人力资源司将通过该机制与各个征聘单位就所有空缺超过90天的员额开展后续工作。这一程序已导致一些职位的终止和填补其他职位的程序加速。此种监测将持续至处理积存状况的目标日期2012年12月。\t2012年第四季度\t人力资源司\n226\t审计委员会建议,儿基会应根据项目计划,加快执行“单一企业资源规划系统”项目。\t如期于2011年末前在儿基会所有地点推行VISION系统。\t2011年第四季度\tVISION小组\n233\t儿基会同意审计委员会的建议,即儿基会应加快执行由总部和区域办事处审计产生的内部审计建议。\t儿基会开始编制季度内部审计办公室活动报告,该报告用于监测尚未执行的内部审计建议和就其采取后续行动。儿基会还定期向审计咨询委员会定期报告,并根据要求每年向执行局报告所有超过18个月的建议。\t2011年第四季度\t内部审计办公室\n245\t审计委员会重申其先前建议,即私营部门筹资和伙伴关系司严格遵守儿基会《财务条例和细则》有关国家委员会留存收入的规定。\t儿基会正与儿基会国家委员会合作,根据《财务条例和细则》中的规定妥当汇款,并为此刚刚缔结一项合作协定。\t2012年第一季度\t私营部门筹资与伙伴关系\n252\t儿基会同意审计委员会的重申建议,即查明外地办事处向捐助者迟交报告的原因,并制订措施务求按照捐助协议提交报告。\t作为VISION项目的一部分,赠款报告安排已经重新设计,以改善有关及时提交捐助者报告的资料获取情况。系统重新设计和报告将能更好监测和确认与及时提交报告有关的问题。\t2012年第一季度\t公共部门联盟和资源调动办公室", "儿童基金会不同意的建议", "段落 建议 负责部门/办公室 执行情况 (见A/65/5/Add.2)", "163 审计委员会重申其之前的建议,即儿基会应确保所有办事处都必须根据儿基会《供应手册》的规定,在定购单中加入推迟交付的惩罚条款。 供应司 儿基会指出,其《供应手册》没有要求办事处在定购单中加入推迟交付的惩罚条款;与此相反,违约赔偿金是任选的。儿基会指出,所述情况符合供应手册的规定。儿基会提到《供应手册》第8章,其中列出了任选的合同补救措施。", "[1] 尽管儿基会认为已充分执行这些建议,这些建议只有在审计委员会于2010-2011两年期期末审核其状况后才可正式终止。" ]
[ "联合国儿童基金会", "执行局", "2011年第二届常会", "2011年9月12日至15日,纽约", "审计委员会就儿童基金会2008-2009两年期账户所提建议的执行进度报告", "内容提要", "按照执行局第2011/4号决定的要求,本报告说明儿童基金会在执行审计委员会关于儿童基金会2008-2009两年期账户的建议方面取得的进一步进展。 报告提供了主要建议的最新执行情况,包括这些建议对儿童基金会管理和战略的战略影响。", "一. 导言", "1. 联合国 执行局2011年第一届常会审议了审计委员会关于儿基会2009年12月31日终了两年期财务报告和财务报表的报告(A/65/5/Add.2),以及秘书长关于审计委员会建议执行情况的报告(A/65/296/Add.1)和行政和预算问题咨询委员会的报告(A/65/498)。", "2. 联合国 执行局在其关于儿基会2009年12月31日终了两年期财务报告和已审计财务报表以及审计委员会报告的第2011/4号决定中,请执行主任以已取得的进展为基础,继续及时执行审计委员会的各项建议。 执行局还请儿基会在2011年第二届常会上向执行局提供主要建议的最新执行情况。", "3个 本报告介绍了儿童基金会在执行审计委员会建议方面取得的进一步进展,包括主要建议及其对儿童基金会的战略影响。", "二. 主要建议的最新执行情况", "4. 儿童基金会积极执行内部审计办公室和审计委员会提出的审计建议。 在这方面,儿童基金会赞赏审计委员会将其建议分为“主要”和“其他”建议,因为这种分类有助于确定活动和资源的优先次序。 不过,一旦管理层讨论并接受这些建议,儿童基金会将致力于执行审计委员会提出的所有建议。", "5 (韩语). 儿童基金会主计长办公室利用因特网系统定期并密切监测审计建议的执行责任,该系统是向审计委员会报告的基础。", "6. 国家 审计委员会的报告(A/65/5/Add.2)载有50项建议,其中21项被归类为“主要建议”。 本报告侧重于主要建议的执行情况。", "7. 联合国 截至2011年4月30日,21项主要建议中有10项已得到充分执行,10项正在执行。 儿童基金会不同意一项建议。 在正在执行的10个系统中,6个将在2012年1月之前完成,推出单一的企业资源规划虚拟综合信息系统(VISION)并采用国际公共部门会计准则(公共部门会计准则)。 其余四项建议设定了儿童基金会预期全面执行的目标日期。", "8. 联合国 审计委员会在汇编2008-2009年审计建议时,审议了2006-2007年审计建议的现状。 2008-2009年报告中重新提出了未充分执行的建议。 在21项主要建议中,有5项是从2006-2007年报告中重新提出的。 在这五个国家中,三个正在执行,一个儿童基金会认为已经结束;儿童基金会不同意另一个。", "9. 国家 儿童基金会关于审计建议执行情况的所有报告均须由审计委员会在两年期结束时进行核查。", "10个 附件提供了21项主要建议的详细情况以及为执行这些建议所采取行动。", "三. 建议对儿童基金会管理和战略的战略影响", "11个 审计委员会关于儿基会2009年12月31日终了两年期财务报告和财务报表的报告(A/65/5/Add.2)中的一些主要建议涉及改进非消耗性财产、土地和建筑物、服务终了负债和现金转移方面的管理做法和信息报告。 这些建议大部分将在2012年1月推出VISION并采用公共部门会计准则后得到实施。", "12个 《公共部门会计准则》将提高儿童基金会财务报告的质量,为此需要一系列领域的新信息,从而提高方案和业务管理做法的透明度。 这些补充资料将有助于改善治理和问责制,并将有助于确保儿童基金会采用目前的最佳管理做法,并更高效地利用财政和人力资源。 由于采用公共部门会计准则,儿童基金会的主要变化领域涉及库存、房地、设备和收入的管理;现金转移核算;货物和服务交付费用记录;以及报告与雇员福利有关的信息。", "页:1", "审计委员会关于儿童基金会2009年12月31日终了财政期间财务报表的主要建议的执行情况", "一. 已充分执行的建议 [1]", "建议(见A/65/5/Add.2)\n22 儿童基金会同意委员会的建议,即根据全面采用《国际公共部门会计准则》的新时间表,更新其《国际公共部门会计准则》传播和培训计划。 根据采用公共部门会计准则的订正时间表,更新了培训和通信计划。 财务和行政管理司\n26 审计委员会建议儿童基金会审查目前取得方案支出保证金的做法并采取适当措施取得这种保证,以确保方案支出的有效性。 儿童基金会同联合国开发计划署、联合国人口基金和世界粮食计划署合作,实施现金转移统一办法框架。 这要求所有执行伙伴定期提交实际支出证明书(通过外地资产管制处表格,指供资授权和支出证明)并进行与评估风险相适应的保证活动。 政策和实践司(DPP)\n如果符合统一的现金转移审计标准,儿童基金会至少可在方案周期获得一次审计报告。\n123 儿童基金会同意审计委员会再次提出的建议,即加紧努力结清长期未清现金转账。 儿童基金会对长期未清现金转账实行了监测机制。 也优先考虑解决这些现金转移问题,这些现金转移已大幅下降。 由于儿童基金会工作环境紧张,这项工作将继续持续进行。 在2011年第一季度末的4.93亿美元总额中,超过9个月的未清直接现金转账占1.98%。 自动调试系统\n128页 审计委员会重申以前的建议,即儿童基金会应确保其外地办事处遵守关于发放现金转账收款人的正式收据的第15号财务通知。 儿童基金会已执行所有有关办事处的这项建议,并将继续同它们合作,确保从现金援助接受者那里收到正式收据。 国家/区域办事处\n134 儿童基金会同意委员会的建议,即确保所有已完成的评价报告按照儿童基金会评价政策(E/ICEF/2008/4)的规定提交并及时评级。 执行了新的评价报告战略,从而清理了评分记录,提交率大幅上升。 2010年评价报告的提交率为82%。 所有提交的2010年评价报告都将得到审查/评分。 评价办公室\n158 儿童基金会同意委员会的建议,即严格遵守《补编手册》中关于竞争性投标的规定,并为例外情况在有关档案中保留书面理由。 儿童基金会改进了被审计办事处的程序,以确保遵守《供应手册》中有关竞争性投标的规定。 相关文件也保留了例外的书面理由。 国家办事处\n177 审计委员会建议儿童基金会采取适当措施,改进对非消耗性财产的管理,包括确保非消耗性财产记录的完整和准确性。 儿童基金会在2012年等待VISION的实施的同时,审查并加强了经审计的办事处的非消耗性财产管理程序。 维也纳 N包括一个资产核算模块,该模块将使目前手工操作的许多进程自动化。 作为推出这一新制度的一部分,还正在审查并修订非消耗性财产政策和程序,以反映系统变化以及采购资产问责制方面的新作用和责任。 国家/区域办事处\n185 儿童基金会同意审计委员会的建议,即确保供应司严格按照供应司的程序006处理库存物资,这些物资的储存期已接近尾声。 根据这一审计建议,儿童基金会订正了供应司第006号程序,并确保遵守。 自2010年8月以来,财产调查委员会每月举行会议,以确保妥善处理陈旧存货。 自2010年8月以来,从收到财产调查委员会会议记录到主任签字日期之间的天数也大大减少。 供应司\n205 儿童基金会同意委员会的建议,即:(a) 严格遵守儿童基金会《人力资源手册》与考绩有关的规定;并(b) 建立机制来监测考绩报告的总体完成率。 自2010年启动电子考绩制度以来,儿童基金会可以在提出这项建议的办事处和所有办事处(即2010年国际专业人员)的考绩制度过程的每一阶段实时报告完成指标。 正在对考绩制度进行深入审查,以确定在即将来临的将来,该制度对广大工作人员的潜在用途。 这将允许全面的绩效跟踪和合规度量。 人力资源司(人力资源司)\n240 儿童基金会同意委员会的建议,即加强宣传和与现有和潜在捐助者的沟通,以增加经常资源和全球专题基金。 儿童基金会公共部门资源调动 战略与执行 该计划已获批准,目前正在由PARMO实施和监督。 这些面向公共和私营部门捐助者的筹资战略文件侧重于确保高质量、可预见、多年期和灵活的筹资。 总体目标是实现中期战略计划中设定的财务目标。 公共部门联盟和资源动员办公室(PARMO)", "正在执行的建议", "建议(见A/65/5/Add.2) 执行时限\n36 审计委员会建议儿童基金会考虑修订其《财务条例》,以确保与向执行伙伴提供的现金转移有关的会计处理记录为预支款,并在收到适当的财务使用报告之前仅确认为方案支出。 预计2012年1月将采用《公共部门会计准则》,儿基会已修订其财务条例,以减少提供不成熟的执行伙伴的现金转账,将其记录在册。 经修订的《财务条例和细则》将于2011年9月提交执行局第二届常会核准,并将于2012年1月生效。 Q1/2012 DFAM (中文(简体) ).\n第62条 审计委员会建议儿童基金会修订会计政策,并在财务报表与采用《公共部门会计准则》不一致的一面披露其服务终了负债。 儿童基金会正在起草一项财务报表政策,该政策将要求财务报表正文披露服务终了负债,不符合公共部门会计准则。 本政策自2012年1月1日起生效。 Q1/2012 DFAM (中文(简体) ).\n71 儿童基金会同意委员会的建议,即采取适当措施,确保未来财政期间使用的数据对服务终了负债(包括离职后健康保险)的误差的准确性。 人力资源-SAP(系统、应用和产品)正在逐步推出儿童基金会,将于2011年底完成。 这将使儿童基金会能够向未来财政期间的服务终了负债(包括离职后健康保险)的估价活动提供准确数据。 Q1/2012 DFAM (中文(简体) ).\n96 (韩语). 审计委员会建议儿童基金会:(a) 为工作人员举办基于成果的预算编制方法培训课程;作为VISION一揽子培训的一部分,正在编制进一步加强基于成果的预算编制的培训/指导材料,并将纳入方案政策和程序手册。\n(b) 在今后提交的预算中列入每项预期成果的资源估计数和活动; Q4/2011号\n(c) 建立一个监测机制,以便随着成果的实现而跟踪预算执行情况。 将设立自动显示板和业绩管理工具,以方便跟踪预算执行情况。 问题2/2012\n102 儿童基金会同意委员会的建议,即:(a) 向延长率较高的办事处提供必要的支助,以改进方案的执行;(b) 制订措施,监测外地办事处提出延长方案预算分配额要求的及时性。 作为VISION的一部分,赠款报告计划已经重新设计,使接受资金的办事处能够在VISION系统中记录其延期请求。 因此,可以跟踪提交日期,同时跟踪延长请求的理由说明和请求批准的日期。 这种解决办法可以以电子方式收集数据、分析趋势并查明业绩差距。 这也将导致建议采取纠正行动。 Q1/2012 帕雷莫\n195 儿童基金会同意委员会的建议:(a) 审查长期空缺员额的必要性;(b) 采取适当措施来填补所余空缺。 儿童基金会实施了空缺监测机制,人力司将在超过90天空缺的所有职位上与个人雇用单位进行跟踪。 这一过程已经导致某些立场被关闭,并加速了其他进程。 这一监测工作将持续到2012年12月,即解决背书的目标日期。\n226 审计委员会建议儿童基金会根据其项目计划加快实施一个企业资源规划项目。 VISION计划在2011年底前向儿童基金会所有地点推出。 Q4/2011 VISION小组\n233 儿童基金会同意委员会的建议,即加速执行总部和区域办事处提出的内部审计建议。 儿童基金会已每季度提出内部审计办公室活动报告,用于监测和跟踪未执行的内部审计建议。 所有超过18个月的建议也按要求定期向审计委员会报告,并每年向执行局报告。 Q4/2011 内部审计办公室\n245 (韩语). 委员会重申先前的建议,即私营部门筹资和伙伴关系司严格遵守儿童基金会关于国家委员会保留收入的财务条例和细则的规定。 儿童基金会正在与儿童基金会国家委员会合作,实现《财务条例和细则》中规定的适当汇款,并刚刚就此缔结了新的合作协定。 Q1/2012 私营部门筹资和伙伴关系\n252 儿童基金会同意审计委员会再次提出的建议,即确定外地办事处捐助者报告拖延的原因,并确定确保报告不符合捐助者协定的措施。 作为VISION项目的一部分,对赠款报告计划进行了重新设计,以改进关于及时提交捐助者报告的信息。 系统重新设计和报告将改进对及时提交报告相关问题的监测和确定。 Q1/2012 帕雷莫", "儿童基金会不同意的建议", "建议(见A/65/5/Add.2) 执行情况\n163 (韩语). 审计委员会重申其先前的建议,即儿童基金会确保所有办事处都按照儿童基金会《供应手册》的规定,列入延迟交货的罚单条款。 儿童基金会指出,其《供应手册》不要求各办事处在定购单中列入延迟交货的罚则;相反,清偿损失是可选择的。 儿童基金会指出,上述案件因此符合《供应手册》。 参见《供应手册》第8章,其中列出了可选择的合同补救。", "[1] 虽然儿基会认为这些建议已充分执行,但只有在审计委员会核实2010-2011两年期末的状况时,这些建议才会正式结束。" ]
[ "President:\tMr. Wittig/Mr. Berger\t(Germany) \nMembers:\tBosnia and Herzegovina\tMr. Vukašinović\n Brazil Ms. De Oliveira \n China Mr. Liu Bing \n Colombia Mr. Quintana \n France Mr. Gonnet \n Gabon Mrs. Onanga \n India Mr. Kumar \n Lebanon Mr. Assaf \n Nigeria Mr. Ikuru \n Portugal Mr. Madureira \n Russian Federation Ms. Khvan \n South Africa Mr. Murongwana \n\tUnited Kingdom of Great Britain andNorthern Ireland\tMr. Green\n United States of America Ms. Edelstein", "Agenda", "Children and armed conflict", "Report of the Secretary-General on children and armed conflict (S/2011/250)", "Letter dated 1 July 2011 from the Permanent Representative of Germany to the United Nations addressed to the Secretary-General (S/2011/409)", "The meeting resumed at 3.10 p.m.", "The President: I wish to remind all speakers to limit their statements to no more than four minutes in order to enable the Council to carry out its work expeditiously.", "I now give the floor to the representative of Sri Lanka.", "Mr. Kohona (Sri Lanka): Let me join previous speakers in thanking Germany for convening this open debate under its presidency, and also acknowledge the presence of the Foreign Minister of Germany this morning. The useful work done by the Secretary‑General’s Office, the Working Group on Children and Armed Conflict, the Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Children and Armed Conflict, the UNICEF and other associated agencies will no doubt add substantial value to addressing this issue so vitally important to our times.", "Sri Lanka endorses the three side events that were organized by the Permanent Mission of Germany in association with the Office of the Special Representative of the Secretary-General, the Permanent Mission of Canada and the United Nations Programme on Youth in June. They incrementally advanced our understanding of these issues. The relevant discussions underlined the urgency of concerted action at the national and international levels to contain and halt the repugnant practice of child recruitment for armed combat. To deprive a child of his smiles and dreams and burden him with gore and machine guns is an appalling indictment of the values of the certain groups and individuals.", "However, Sri Lanka has serious reservations about the report issued by Conflict Dynamics International under the auspices of the Permanent Missions of Canada and Germany. For instance, its assertion that individuals implicated in crimes against children in armed conflict continue to hold high Government positions is sadly incomplete and misleading. My Government consistently encouraged former armed groups to denounce violence and to enter the democratic process as a part of the reconciliation effort. Following this approach, the Tamil Makkal Viduthalai Pulighal (TMVP), a breakaway faction of the terrorist Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE), ceased to be an armed group and entered the political process as a registered party.", "Like in other countries where former terrorist groups have transformed themselves into legitimate political parties, the TMVP has also joined the democratic process. It has released all child combatants under a tripartite action plan with UNICEF and the Government. The adult cadres are very much part of the democratic process, which has had a salutary impact across the board. It appears that the report will stoke embers of a bitter past and politicize the issue of accountability related to child recruitment. Unfortunately, these complex underlying realities have been ignored.", "This debate takes place against the backdrop of the increasing frequency and intensity of the identified six grave violations against children in armed conflict. Children are the most vulnerable group, and they therefore require conscious protection. We therefore welcome the recommendations in the Secretary-General’s report (S/2011/250) on adopting targeted measures against persistent perpetrators of grave violations against children. In Sri Lanka, it was clear that the child soldiers of the LTTE were cannon fodder for the movement who were sent to early graves.", "On the recommendation of filing systematic information on violations against children in reports and recommendations to sanctions committees, we would like to urge the Council and the Working Group to ensure that the information so collected is objective, accurate, reliable and verified by experts, including forensic experts, and in an open and transparent manner with all the members represented in the country task forces where they exist. Paragraph 3 of resolution 1612 (2005), which clearly states that the monitoring and reporting mechanism must work in close consultation with the country concerned, must be strictly adhered to. We add this note recalling Sri Lanka’s unpleasant experience with the global horizontal note filed from 1 May to 31 July 2009. Many reports had been made to the Council without reference to the country task force. Inaccurate reporting would cast doubt on the credibility of both reporting sources and the Secretary-General’s report itself.", "The progress made by Sri Lanka in realizing its policy of zero tolerance in the case of child recruitment, including the rehabilitation and reintegration of former child combatants under its “Bring Back the Child” campaign, is by any standard salutary.", "According to a UNICEF report made public recently, over 60 per cent of the LTTE fighting forces from 1983 to 2002 consisted of boys and girls under 18 years, including orphans harvested after the tsunami. UNICEF recorded over 5,700 cases of child recruitment by the LTTE from 2003 to 2009. Others have suggested a figure closer to 20,000. Child soldiers were often deployed to attack villagers with machetes and used as suicide bombers, especially the girls. Hundreds of such attacks were launched. In the final stages of the conflict, children were thrown up in large numbers as cannon fodder. More than one generation of children were sacrificed to realize a megalomaniac’s terrorist dream. These are our children.", "Tremendous progress is being made in child tracing and family reunions. According to a recently released UNICEF study, 64 per cent of the missing Tamil children had been recruited by the LTTE. Many may have died in mosquito infested jungles.", "In the post-conflict phase, significant attention is being paid to restoring and rebuilding schools and to the release of schools to the educational authorities. Over 135 schools in the north that were abandoned have now been rehabilitated and are functioning normally. Sri Lanka provides free education to all its children without distinction from kindergarten to university level.", "Recognizing that children formerly associated with armed groups continue to be highly vulnerable, the monitoring of the reintegrated former combatants will continue. The Government recognizes that these children should be placed under the purview of the Department of Social Services. Children are an asset and the country will invest heavily in their future, as it had done in the past.", "Unfortunately, despite the progress I have outlined, Sri Lanka continues to remain on the naming and shaming list in the annexes to the Secretary-General’s report. The unresolved cases relating to five children appear to be the reason for this. In comparison with other situations in the world, this would appear to be trite and unreasonable. The individual allegedly responsible for the situation of the aforementioned children was indicted for criminal intimidation, an offence under the penal code. He pleaded guilty and was convicted and sentenced to two years rigorous imprisonment, suspended for 10 years with a fine of 250,000 Sri Lanka rupees.", "We call on the Council and the Working Group to undertake a holistic and fair assessment of the Sri Lankan case and to de-list Sri Lanka from the naming and shaming list. Sri Lanka now has a representative on the Committee on the Rights of the Child, and we intend to play a very active role there. It is pertinent to recall in this context a proposal made by a civil society representative, Ms. Carla Stea, at the meeting convened on June 30. She proposed that the Council consider adopting an honours list for countries that have registered appreciable progress in addressing issues of former child soldiers, especially those countries that are also parties to the Convention on the Rights of the Child. The three-tier categorization maintained in the methodology of the annual United States Trafficking in Persons Report is also relevant and instructive in this context. A corresponding list, we believe, would be forward-looking and constructive. It would also encourage more countries with the problem of child recruitment to be willing partners to action plans.", "We also agree with the views expressed by some representatives during the side event held on 30 June that the discourse on the issue of children and armed conflict should involve the wider United Nations membership if it is to be truly meaningful. Furthermore, the mandate only covers situations of a conflict. Limiting the discussion to the Security Council and allowing the non-Security Council members to speak on the issue only during open debates really does not accord the issue the seriousness, focus and attention it deserves among the wider membership. Broadening the space of this debate would bode well for ensuring collective responsibility and effective monitoring.", "The President: May I remind speakers to limit their statements to no more than four minutes in order to enable the Council to carry out its work expeditiously. Longer statements can, of course, be distributed in writing.", "I give the floor to the representative of Peru.", "Mr. Rodríguez Arnillas (Peru) (spoke in Spanish): I welcome the convening of this open debate on an issue that my country deems of great importance: children and armed conflict. I should like to thank the Secretary-General for his report (S/2011/250) on this issue, as well as Ms. Radhika Coomaraswamy for the information she provided in her capacity as Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Children and Armed Conflict and Mr. Anthony Lake, Executive Director of UNICEF.", "The Security Council in recent years has adopted a series of resolutions that have provided the international community with a legislative framework for enabling progress to be made in the protection of children in situations of armed conflict and in the aftermath of conflict. The progress made in this respect has been the result of the growing concern about the issue as well as the political resolve of protagonists to take concrete action. The resolution adopted today by the Security Council represents a further step forward in the gradual process of protecting children in armed conflict.", "However, the situation of children in armed conflict remains of concern. Hence, in the view of the delegation of Peru, it is imperative that we should redouble our efforts to put an end to the recruiting and use of children in armed conflict and take drastic measures to punish those who perpetrate sexual violence, maim or kill children in armed conflict. Impunity in such cases can in no way be tolerated by the international community.", "In this report, the Secretary-General also referred with concern to the increasing number of attacks on schools and hospitals where children are among the principal civilian victims. My country therefore welcomes the important decision taken by the Security Council to allow the Secretary-General to include, annexed to his report, a list of those parties which in an armed conflict, in violation of international law, repeatedly attack schools and hospitals as well as those who repeatedly attack, or threaten to attack, those who are protected in connection with schools and hospitals. Peru therefore believes that the inclusion of this new criterion will contribute to providing greater and more comprehensive protection to children in times of armed conflict.", "My delegation reiterates that it is important to continue to strengthen communication between the sanctions committees and the Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Children and Armed Conflict in order to make it possible to adopt measures or exchange information so as to provide greater protection to children or impose appropriate sanctions on those parties that commit serious violations against them. It is important for the sanctions committees to consider the possibility of including the situation of children in its mandates. In that respect, the progress made in the case of the Democratic Republic of the Congo can be viewed as a good precedent, as suggested by the Secretary-General in his report.", "It is also important to continue to include in the mandates of United Nations peacekeeping operations and special political missions, as well as in peacebuilding missions, specific provisions with the clear and specific objective of protecting children.", "My country believes that the Peacebuilding Commission has a fundamental role to play in supporting plans and programmes aimed at reintegrating children who are former combatants in the various spheres of economic and social life in the aftermath of a conflict. The support of the international community is therefore essential to support national endeavours to that end.", "As my country has indicated on several occasions, crucial to addressing this problem and the issue of sexual violence against children in conflict is the possession of information that makes it possible to adopt preventive measures that allow for a rapid and effective response. It is necessary to continue to explore mechanisms that allow for a reliable exchange of information on acts of sexual violence, in order to take action to reduce and combat this scourge.", "My delegation believes that this exchange of information must be substantively strengthened among United Nations agencies, the various Security Council committees and the Working Group on Children and Armed Conflict. Of equal importance is capacity-building and awareness-raising of military personnel deployed in the field so that they can adequately respond to situations involving sexual violence.", "The establishment of the Working Group on Children and Armed Conflict is evidence of the growing commitment of the Security Council to protecting children in armed conflict. In that respect, it is important that the appropriate administrative and substantive support be provided so that it can carry out its functions effectively, including field visits, which are of great importance.", "I wish also to acknowledge and commend the devoted and unflagging work carried out by Ms. Radhika Coomaraswamy, Special Representative of the Secretary-General, and the important work being done by UNICEF, the Committee on the Rights of the Child and other relevant institutions.", "Finally, there is a broad international legislative framework providing appropriate protection to children in times of both peace and armed conflict. Hence it is necessary to continue to urge the parties to fulfil their obligations and to enhance the mechanisms that promote that process.", "We cannot waver in our efforts, allow impunity in such cases, or yield to circumstances. It is an undeniable and imperative duty of the international community to guarantee peace, development and a climate conducive to the enjoyment of human rights for future generations. Peru is firmly committed to that lofty objective.", "The President: I now give the floor to the representative of Pakistan.", "Mr. Haroon (Pakistan): Mr. President, I wish to express strong appreciation for your interest in this frank discussion on children and armed conflict. I wish also to convey my very strong support for the diligence of the Secretary-General in presenting the report (S/2011/250) on time, for the Special Representative of the Secretary-General for the work she has put in and for the Executive Director of UNICEF as well.", "I need not go in detail about love for children and how it transcends social, cultural and all developmental factors. The United Nations Charter itself speaks of the noble objective of saving succeeding generations. The international community has conceived the Convention on the Rights of the Child; Pakistan was one of the six co-initiators of that summit in 1990 which provided the due fillip for the ratification of the Convention.", "Pakistan also takes pride in being actively involved in promoting and protecting the rights of the child. We have a national commission for child welfare in development, in collaboration with UNICEF and the International Labour Organization, and we have worked for legislation on the progressive elimination of child labour, the rehabilitation of working children, formal and non-formal education, free vocational training and skill development. The United Nations agencies have been very helpful throughout this process.", "We have also signed the Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child on the sale of children, and have worked on the Optional Protocol on the involvement of children in armed conflict, which is at a very advanced stage and within this year will see fruition. I do not think that anyone in this Chamber will ignore these noble intentions; but even hell has a path paved with good intentions, and we must have what I consider strictures where the mandate is concerned. The children and armed conflict mandate was created by the Council precisely to look into such situations, to ensure that the rights of children are protected in the worst environments of conflict. This is very important; indeed it is the crucial core of what needs to be achieved.", "There are thousands and thousands of derivations of actions that this body takes. How many can we stretch into without losing the direction of the core? I think that all other situations should be aptly covered by the Committee on the Rights of the Child and other relevant United Nations agencies. As a refresher, I would like to recall that in 2001 we adopted resolution 1379 (2001), of which paragraph 16 is the important feature. That paragraph speaks of parties to armed conflict that recruit or use children in violation of the international obligations applicable to them, in situations that are on the Security Council’s agenda or that may be brought to the attention of the Council by the Secretary-General, in accordance with Article 99 of the Charter, which in his opinion — and I want to underline this — may threaten the maintenance of international peace and security.", "Then in 2009, in resolution 1882 (2009), we added, in paragraph 19 (a), the words “or in other situations of concern”. The important phrase here is “in accordance with paragraph 3 of the present resolution”. Paragraph 3 says that the annexes to the Secretary-General’s reports should be “in accordance with the conditions set out in paragraph 16 of its resolution 1379 (2001)”, which I just read. That remains the core, which cannot be in any way mitigated or set aside.", "When there have been attempts to do so, the Office of Legal Affairs points out the difficulties. In a note to the Special Representative in 2009, the Office wrote that that this terminology has been used by the Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Children and Armed Conflict in the title of the annex, without a clear mandate of the Security Council nor, for that matter, its endorsement, and that that situation gives rise to legal, political and practical difficulties for the Secretary-General, the Special Representative and the Secretariat as a whole.", "Today, the Council has decided to amend this further, and in paragraph 22 (a) the wording about situations of concern has been removed and replaced by “or in other situations”. So we should start to lose any ambiguity and understand where we stand to do this good work. The work is exemplary, but it starts moving elsewhere. I endorse what my Indian colleague said earlier. We have four trigger mechanisms; let us keep them going. Let us not make things contentious. That is what the United Nations is all about: the letter of the law. Who better than the Security Council to know about that?", "I would like to say that the reference to Pakistan, from my Government’s point of view, is misleading and serves to accord undeserved respectability to terrorists and criminals — which would be greatly unfortunate. There are no provisions for situations other than armed conflict.", "In conclusion, I have been asked by my Government to condemn in the strongest possible terms any use of children by extremists or any other groups to promote their nihilistic agenda, and to say that my Government is taking appropriate action to stop such practices. At the same time, we sincerely hope that the future reports of the Secretary-General will remain higher on objectivity but squarely correspond to the given mandate.", "The President: I now give the floor to the representative of Thailand.", "Mr. Sinhaseni (Thailand): Let me begin by joining others in congratulating Germany on assuming the presidency of the Security Council for the month of July. On a more personal note, Mr. President, it is a pleasure to see you in the chair. My delegation also congratulates and thanks Germany for holding this open debate, which allows States that would not otherwise have the chance to present their views on this important issue to do so.", "Thailand attaches great importance to the promotion and protection of the rights of children. We uphold the best interests of the child in our national policy and its implementation, particularly the right to education and universal access to it, which is guaranteed by the Constitution. We also share the concern of the international community over the issue of children and armed conflict.", "We note the efforts and intentions of the Council, as evidenced in today’s adoption of resolution 1998 (2011), to better protect children in situations of armed conflict. We support the effective implementation of relevant Security Council resolutions on this issue and would like to offer a few modest suggestions on ways to further improve work on this important issue.", "First, according to resolution 1379 (2001) and subsequent resolutions, the scope of the children and armed conflict mandate continues to cover armed conflict situations that are on the Security Council’s agenda or that may be brought to the attention of the Security Council by the Secretary-General, in accordance with Article 99 of the Charter of the United Nations, which in his opinion may threaten the maintenance of international peace and security. It has come to our attention, and as my Pakistani colleague has mentioned, that the Office of Legal Affairs has stated, in the 2009 United Nations Juridical Yearbook, its opinion regarding the mandate on children and armed conflict:", "“You will recall that for a number of years this terminology has been used by the SRSG for children and armed conflict and included in the title of annex II without a clear mandate of the Security Council, nor, for that matter, its endorsement; a situation which gave rise to legal, political and practical difficulties for the Secretary-General, the SRSG and the Secretariat as a whole.”", "In moving forward and resolving such a serious systemic impediment, Thailand would like to suggest that the work of the Special Representative be guided by the definition of situations of armed conflict in accordance with international law. In addition, we hope that the Secretary-General will review and streamline future reports consistent with the authorized mandate. We are gravely concerned that any attempt to reinterpret the mandate without due regard to the original intention of the Security Council will undermine this important mandate and the work of the Council on this issue in the long-run.", "Secondly, one can never emphasize enough the importance of coordination. There are various mechanisms within the United Nations system on issues related to children, including the Special Representative on Children and Armed Conflict, the Special Representative on violence against children, the Special Rapporteur on the right to education and the Special Rapporteur on the sale of children, child prostitution and child pornography. Rather than competing for work outside one’s authorized mandate, coordination among those various mandate-holders is vital to the overall effective work of the Organization and to the rational use of its limited resources. In that regard, we are considering proposing an initiative to enhance coordination among the relevant United Nations actors on children. We hope that such an initiative will strengthen and increase the overall effectiveness of all existing United Nations tools on the protection of children.", "Thirdly, it is imperative that information collected and communicated in the production of the reports on children and armed conflict be accurate, objective, reliable and verifiable by the United Nations system. That is the only kind of information that should be the basis for listing parties to armed conflict in the annex to the reports. In Thailand’s case, the United Nations country team, including all United Nations agencies, has unrestricted access to all areas of the country and makes regular visits throughout the year.", "Cooperation between the United Nations and concerned Governments is also indispensable. There should be no denying that the Government has primary responsibility and should play a central role in promoting and protecting children’s rights, with the support of the United Nations. Opinion and information from the United Nations country teams on the ground, in close coordination with concerned Governments, should be given due recognition and form the basis for the annual report. Allegations unverified by the United Nations country team should be removed from the report so as not to affect its credibility.", "Fourthly, we welcome the provision in resolution 1998 (2011), adopted today, requesting that Member States communicate relevant information to the Security Council on the implementation of its resolutions on children and armed conflict. Such engagement will further enhance coordination among the various stakeholders, align child-related priorities and ensure greater transparency and accountability in carrying out this mandate.", "My fifth and final point is that there is no one-size-fits-all solution to addressing challenges relating to children and armed conflict. Each situation is fraught with political, socio-economic and cultural considerations that make it a unique challenge. We therefore urge the international community to invest more in areas that can make a real difference on the ground.", "As was articulated in the statement, with which we fully associate ourselves, delivered by the representative of Switzerland this morning on behalf of the Human Security Network, a group to which Thailand belongs, we feel that demobilization, reintegration and rehabilitation efforts are also crucial to long-term impact. In this regard, investment in areas such as education, basic health care, poverty eradication, the rule of law, good governance and respect for human rights is also paramount to addressing violence against children more comprehensively and effectively. At the end of the day, we must take a more integrated, holistic approach to the issue. Cooperation between United Nations agencies and the Governments concerned should be based on mutual respect and sincere dialogue in order to facilitate the effective implementation of the relevant Security Council resolutions.", "The President: I now give the floor to the representative of Hungary.", "Mr. Körösi (Hungary): The Republic of Hungary fully aligns itself with the statement to be delivered by the representative of the European Union. Let me extend my gratitude to Ambassador Wittig for being a driving force as Chair of the Working Group on Children and Armed Conflict. It is indeed a great pleasure for us to co-sponsor a resolution such as resolution 1998 (2011), adopted this morning.", "In our view, the Security Council, in adopting today’s landmark resolution, will strengthen the United Nations protection framework for children affected by armed conflict. My country pays special attention to preserving the cultural heritage of all nations, and to preserving their identity and building on these things both in peacetime and during conflict resolution. But we are also convinced that no country’s culture and heritage can endorse attacks on schools and hospitals. We are convinced that the abduction of children from such targets is a crime against the children, their families and the communities concerned.", "Hungary therefore welcomes the recommendation to expand the triggers for listing to parties who attack schools and hospitals. Only through an effective monitoring and reporting mechanism can the perpetrators be held accountable. It is of key importance that perpetrators be held accountable for violations and abuses for which they are responsible. Hungary is of the firm opinion that grave violations against children should be incorporated as criteria meriting sanctions in the mandates of the Security Council’s sanctions committees. We strongly believe that the international community should spare no effort in taking effective steps to respond and put an end to attacks, abuses, assaults and any other kind of violence aimed at children.", "The Republic of Hungary strongly supports the work of the Security Council. We would like to reaffirm the importance of family, childhood, education and mental and physical health in all people’s lives. Hungary would also like to further encourage the Council to maintain its campaign against the recruitment and abuse of child soldiers.", "The President: I now give the floor to His Excellency Mr. Pedro Serrano, Acting Head of the delegation of the European Union to the United Nations.", "Mr. Serrano (European Union): Thank you, Sir, for giving the floor to the European Union and for convening this important debate. The candidate countries Turkey, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Montenegro and Iceland; the countries of the Stabilization and Association Process and potential candidates Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Serbia; as well as Ukraine, the Republic of Moldova, Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia align themselves with this statement.", "Like other speakers, I thank Germany for its strong commitment to advancing the approach of the United Nations to the issue of children and armed conflict and the hard work of the Working Group on Children and Armed Conflict under the leadership of Ambassador Wittig. I would also like to recognize Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon’s personal commitment to this issue and to extend a warm welcome to his Special Representative. The European Union (EU) commends Ms. Radhika Coomaraswamy’s tireless efforts on behalf of the rights and well-being of children facing armed conflict, and fully supports her mandate and actions. Let me also express our appreciation for UNICEF’s contribution to child protection, which the EU supports.", "The European Union greatly values the progress made in recent years in creating a strong normative framework for the protection of children in situations of armed conflict. We therefore welcome resolution 1998 (2011), adopted this morning, and the expansion of the triggers for listing parties to attacks on schools or hospitals, as well as to attacks or threats of attack against protected persons connected to schools or hospitals, including schoolchildren, patients and education and medical personnel. We look forward to comprehensive implementation of the resolution, including through monitoring by country-level task forces.", "The European Union also joins in calls to strengthen accountability and take further decisive action against persistent perpetrators, including through restrictive measures. When establishing or reviewing the mandate of relevant sanctions committees, the Security Council should include grave violations against children as criteria meriting sanctions. We also encourage the Security Council to address accountability gaps where there are no country-specific sanctions regimes, and to deal with violations of applicable international law committed against children in such cases.", "The European Union also believes in the importance of investigating, prosecuting and punishing all those who commit grave violations against children. We have stated on numerous occasions that every effort must be made to end the culture of impunity, including through the International Criminal Court and other international criminal tribunals, which play a key role in ensuring accountability in cases where a State is unwilling or unable to fulfil its responsibilities. We would like to recall here that children are specially protected by the Rome Statute. We welcome the work of the International Criminal Court in this field, of which the ongoing trial of Thomas Lubanga for war crimes is the first example.", "Many in this Chamber today have highlighted the crucial importance of decisive and comprehensive implementation of our commitments. I would like to use this occasion to update the Security Council on recent steps taken by the European Union to enhance its contribution to the work of protecting, rehabilitating and empowering children — objectives that have been high on its foreign policy, development and humanitarian agenda for a number of years. I am happy to report that, since December 2010, the European Union has worked with a revised implementation strategy for the EU guidelines on children and armed conflict. European Union action in this area is firmly based on Security Council resolutions and the Paris Principles, and fully aligned with United Nations priorities. In that context, I would like to highlight that the EU guidelines pay particular attention to the situation and specific needs of girls in and after armed conflict.", "The European Union has stepped up political advocacy and public diplomacy. For instance, we continue to support the universal ratification of the Optional Protocols to the Convention on the Rights of the Child, as also promoted by the Special Representative in cooperation with other partners.", "On this year’s International Day against the Use of Child Soldiers, the African Union and the European Union have jointly called for the promotion of peace, security and stability in Africa and Europe and for the strengthening of efforts at all levels to prevent conflicts and protect children from the effects of war, including from being forced to serve as combatants, sex slaves or servants.", "The European Union has made further improvements in mainstreaming. We now include new standard language on human rights, gender and child protection in all relevant mandates of European Union special representatives. We have started to develop training modules for our crisis management experts and enhanced human rights training for European Union diplomats, including for officials on postings in EU delegations around the world, who should soon act as children and armed conflict focal points.", "Moreover, on the basis of its human rights guidelines and as a measure of practical support to the implementation of the country-specific conclusions and recommendations of the Security Council Working Group, the European Union has funded numerous projects to support protection and rehabilitation for children in post-conflict situations.", "The European Union has enhanced its practical cooperation with the Office of the Special Representative and with the Department of Peacekeeping Operations, in view of its crucial role in mainstreaming protection issues within peacekeeping missions. We look forward to further intensifying our collaboration with the United Nations to the benefit of children affected by armed conflict, including with United Nations country teams in the field.", "In conclusion, my thanks go out to all who work on this noble cause on a daily basis, often in difficult situations.", "The President: I now give the floor to the representative of Australia.", "Mr. Goledzinowski (Australia): I would like to thank you, Mr. President, for convening this very important debate. We always say that, of course, but I think that this issue does have special resonance.", "Before I deliver my statement, I would like to say that, as a member of the Group of Friends on Children and Armed Conflict, we are very pleased to associate ourselves with the statement delivered this morning by the representative of Canada on behalf of the Group.", "Australia welcomes the Security Council’s demonstrated commitment to addressing grave violations committed against children in situations of armed conflict. That commitment has yielded notable and tangible results. In that regard, we congratulate Afghanistan for signing the comprehensive action plan to halt child recruitment and other violations by the Afghan National Security Forces, only 12 months after the Afghan National Police was listed by the Secretary-General on recruitment grounds. We also commend progress in the Philippines towards the development of an action plan with the National Democratic Front of the Philippines to ensure that children will not be recruited into the New People’s Army or involved in the conflict there. We hope that the Government in Myanmar will allow Special Representative of the Secretary-General Commaraswamy to have access to non-State armed groups so that action plans can be negotiated, allowing some such groups in the country to be delisted.", "Despite those successes, in his latest report (S/2011/250) the Secretary-General notes that attacks and threats of attacks against educational and medical facilities are a growing trend and are of significant concern. We also note that such attacks are in contravention of international law. Clearly, there is still work to be done. Attacks on schools affect not only children and youth but communities as a whole, undermining efforts to reduce poverty. We therefore welcome the resolution adopted today (resolution 1998 (2011)), which expands the listing criteria to include the grave violations of attacks on schools and hospitals and credible threats or attacks against school children and educational and medical personnel. The inclusion of both schools and hospitals reflects the relationship between access to education and medical services and the survival, development and well-being of children.", "We encourage the Working Group to fully utilize the toolkit available to it, including the use of emergency or irregular briefings, in line with the Group’s terms of reference, to enable it to respond to surges in grave violations in a timely and flexible manner, particularly when they occur outside of the cycle of country reports and conclusions. The briefing by the Special Representative of the Secretary-General to the Working Group’s formal meeting in May is a good example of how this could work in practice. Australia firmly believes that Working Group field trips, such as those recently undertaken in Nepal and Afghanistan, are powerful tools for securing commitments by listed parties. We hope that the Working Group will undertake further field visits in 2011.", "Like others, we would like to welcome the work of Special Representative Coomaraswamy on the protection of children in situations of armed conflict, including through her field visits, which represent an important means by which the Council’s recommendations are realized and acted upon at the ground level.", "We look forward to increasing consideration by the Council sanctions committees of perpetrators of grave violations against children. We note that in 2010, for the first time, an individual in the Democratic Republic of the Congo was listed under the sanctions regime on such grounds.", "We are concerned that some persistent perpetrators cannot be held accountable through targeted measures, given the absence of designated sanctions committees. We call on the Council to address this accountability gap on an urgent basis.", "In conclusion, the Security Council and its Working Group on Children and Armed Conflict have made significant advances in ensuring the protection of children in armed conflict. However, while we celebrate our collective successes, we must also recognize that challenges remain. We all share the responsibility of ensuring that those who abuse children in times of conflict do not go unpunished. We look to the strength and the commitment of the Security Council to lead us in that regard.", "The President: I now give the floor to the representative of Finland.", "Mr. Viinanen (Finland): I have the honour to address the Security Council on behalf of the Nordic countries, namely, Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden, which all sponsored resolution 1998 (2011), which the Council adopted this morning.", "We are particularly pleased, Mr. President, with your effective approach to turning country situation reports into timely Security Council recommendations. This is crucial for the recommendations to have real impact. Good examples in that regard are the country conclusions regarding Afghanistan and Chad, which were approved in March and in April. As a positive follow-up, in the past few months both countries committed themselves to action programmes to end the use of child soldiers. All in all, this shows that the monitoring and reporting mechanism can be a powerful tool for ensuring that all rights of all children are respected. We should use it and related resolutions to provide the widest possible protection to children affected by armed conflicts.", "In that regard, the increased attacks against hospital and schools and their personnel are of extreme concern to us. It is our view that both institutions should be equally respected as humanitarian space, including during conflict. This is a fundamental prerequisite for fulfilling the right of all girls and boys to education, as well as a basic requirement for promoting schools and hospitals as zones of peace and as vehicles for psycho-social support and recovery for children in unstable situations.", "Finally, access to health care and education, especially for children, is a fundamental building block of lasting peace and sustainable development. Attacks on schools and hospitals, the denial of or restrictions on safe access to those facilities by armed groups, using them as shields, for military purposes or as recruitment grounds, and other disruptions to educational and medical facilities should trigger listing in the annexes of the Secretary-General’s reports on children and armed conflict.", "Relevant sanctions committees are increasingly engaged in the agenda of children and armed conflict. We commend the efforts of the Special Representative in this regard. We urge the Council to continue to find ways to hold perpetrators to account through existing sanctions regimes and to explore new ways of ensuring accountability for violations committed in conflicts.", "In order to acquire the necessary information on attacks and threats, the Security Council should ensure that all relevant United Nations peacekeeping operations, special political missions and peacebuilding missions include specific provisions on monitoring and reporting violations by child protection advisers.", "The President: I now give the floor to the representative of Liechtenstein.", "Mr. Wenaweser (Liechtenstein): Thank you very much, Sir, for convening this meeting and for organizing the side event of 30 June as a very good preparation for this open debate.", "We align ourselves with the statement delivered by Canada on behalf of the Group of Friends on Children and Armed Conflict and would like to add a number of comments in our national capacity.", "At the outset, we commend the Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Children and Armed Conflict, Ms. Radhika Coomaraswamy, and her dedicated staff for their excellent work on this topic.", "We are alarmed by UNESCO’s report entitled “Education under Attack”, which reports recurrent attacks on students, teaching staff and institutions in situations of armed conflict around the world. The Secretary-General’s report (S/2011/250) also documents increasing attacks on schools, which are highlighted in 14 out of the 22 country situations covered by the report and perpetrated by State and non‑State actors. In almost all circumstances, attacks on schools violate international humanitarian law, and they may constitute war crimes or crimes against humanity as defined in customary international law.", "According to the Rome Statute, intentionally directing attacks against buildings dedicated to education — provided they are not military objectives — is a war crime. We are therefore deeply concerned by reports of the widespread dual use of school buildings as both teaching facilities and military sites and urge all parties to conflicts to refrain from such use of these institutions.", "Using school buildings for military purposes may also violate children’s fundamental right to education, a right that is enshrined in key international human rights treaties and is non-derogable during times of armed conflict. We commend the Council for taking concrete action on this important issue through the adoption of resolution 1998 (2011) today.", "Parties to conflict that attack schools and hospitals in contravention of applicable international law will now also trigger the monitoring and reporting mechanism. This is an important step in the right direction. We also believe, however, that equal weight must be given to all six grave violations of children’s rights in various conflicts. Only with difficulty can differential treatment be squared with the universality and interdependence of human rights and the principles of international humanitarian law.", "We are deeply worried about reports of increased recruitment and use of children in various armed conflicts. To respond to such incidents in due time, the Working Group should make better use of all its available tools, including emergency meetings and field visits. We welcome the initiative of your delegation, Sir, as Chair of the Working Group on Children and Armed Conflict, to conduct more frequent field visits, and we are disappointed that other Council members have shown little enthusiasm for this approach. Field visits can send important signals to affected populations and to political and military leaders, and we hope that in the future the Working Group will make more effective use of this important tool.", "Sixteen parties to conflicts have been listed in the annexes of the reports of the Secretary-General for more than five years for having committed serious violations of the rights of children in armed conflict. Those persistent violators must be subject to the Council’s strong and urgent attention and action. Measures taken by the Working Group should be complemented by effective enforcement measures such as sanctions, including arms embargos, bans on military assistance and the imposition of travel restrictions.", "We thus call on the Security Council to consider taking such measures when establishing or renewing the mandate of relevant sanctions committees, as agreed in the Council’s presidential statement of June 2010 (S/PRST/2010/10). Where no designated sanctions committee is in place, the Council should consider the use of a thematic sanctions committee. Furthermore, it should bear in mind the option of referring situations to relevant national and international justice mechanisms, such as the International Criminal Court, while considering the option of having the financing of such decisions borne by the United Nations budget.", "Ultimately, the responsibility to respect the rights of children in armed conflict rests with the parties themselves. We call on all persistent violators to develop and implement an action plan that may eventually lead to their de-listing. To that end, the States concerned should allow direct contacts between the office of the Special Representative of the Secretary-General and relevant non-State actors.", "The President: I now give the floor to the representative of Belgium.", "Mr. Grauls (Belgium) (spoke in French): I thank you, Sir, for having organized this important event, which underscores once again the importance that the Security Council and the entire international community give to the protection of children who are victims of armed conflict.", "Belgium welcomes the excellent report of the Secretary-General (S/2011/250) that Ms. Coomaraswamy presented to us and the practical recommendations that it contains. I would like to thank the Special Representative of the Secretary-General for her tireless commitment.", "We welcome with enthusiasm the establishment of the fourth criterion for acknowledgement, namely recurrent attacks against schools or hospitals. This development is an important step in terms of strengthening the normative framework regarding children and armed conflicts. Moreover, I would like to congratulate the German presidency of the Council and you yourself, Sir, as well as the other members of the Council for its important decisions. As you know, Belgium was happy to co-sponsor this resolution.", "I would like to illustrate the topic of this debate with the case of children in the Central African Republic, on the basis of my experience as Chairman of the Central African Republic configuration of the Peacebuilding Commission. Regarding the situation throughout the Central African Republic, I would like to very briefly make five points.", "First, with respect to the LRA — the Lord’s Resistance Army — it still runs rampant in the south-east of the country, where it is to this day recruiting children as soldiers or sex slaves. Those who manage to escape it are in urgent need of psycho-social support. The communities who welcome them also need humanitarian support, instruction and medical care, and just as urgently. Above all, this problem requires a regional response.", "Secondly, in the north-west of the country, more than 500 children have been demobilized from the ranks of the Armée populaire pour la restauration de la République et la démocratie, the APRD. Nonetheless, there is still no assistance provided for these children through a reintegration programme that would go beyond, and last longer than, the disarmament, demobilization and reintegration programme. That is my second point: the demobilization of child soldiers must go hand-in-hand with reintegration programmes.", "Thirdly, in the north-east of the country, on 12 June the Government concluded a ceasefire agreement with the Convention des patriotes pour la justice et la paix, the CPJP. Through that agreement, which should facilitate humanitarian access, one of the recommendations of the latest report of the Secretary-General on children and armed conflict in the Central African Republic (S/2011/241) is taking effect. And that is my third point: the reports of the Special Representative are having tangible effects.", "Fourthly, given the enormity of the challenges in terms of protecting children, I noted, during my numerous visits to Bangui, that the United Nations system is lacking in resources and capabilities. While the Council prepares to include attacks against schools and hospitals as a criterion to be taken into account, it must be remembered that strengthening the system at the level of principle, an expansion of triggers, is not sufficient. We should also ensure that those who work to protect children have the necessary resources and capabilities to carry out their duties. Without that, the gap between the observed needs and the support provided will only widen in countries such as the Central African Republic, where attacks against schools and hospitals are undeniably still being perpetrated today.", "Fifthly and finally, I wish to underscore the existence of two categories of child victims of armed conflicts who do not receive the attention they deserve: children born of rape, who are often treated as pariahs by society, and those who witnessed the rapes of their mothers, their sisters or other members of their family. To date this is a forgotten matter in the Central African Republic, in the eastern part of the Democratic Republic of the Congo and elsewhere.", "I know that Ms. Coomeraswamy is aware of the existence of these two categories, who have so far been forgotten or neglected, and is determined to give them all necessary attention.", "I wish in particular to commend the decision of the Special Representative of the Secretary-General in Bangui to strengthen the work of the United Nations to protect children as soon as she arrived a few weeks ago. Her team has already made a very important initial step by relaunching the work of the technical-level inter-agency group on the monitoring and reporting mechanism on grave child rights violations. The mechanism is finally up and running in Bangui.", "In conclusion, I wish to welcome the efforts of the Government of the Central African Republic to set up a national council for the protection of children, and I encourage it to implement the recommendations in the first report of the Secretary-General on the situation in Central Africa (S/2009/66), especially in the area of children and armed conflict.", "The President: I now give the floor to the representative of Israel.", "Mr. Prosor (Israel): Mr. President, I would like to congratulate you on your stewardship of the Security Council this month and your able guidance of the Working Group on Children and Armed Conflict.", "Allow me to begin on a personal note. I speak before this Council not only as the Permanent Representative of the State of Israel, but also as a father. I am deeply proud that I raised my three children — Lior, Tourer and Oren — in Jerusalem. However, my children grew up in a reality where abnormality had become the norm. From infancy, they saw that every educational institution had to be protected with an armed guard, from preschools to kindergartens to high schools. The international community cannot accept this abnormality as a normal way of life. No family, no child should live under those circumstances.", "Children are the primary victims in armed conflict. They are its targets and, increasingly, its instruments. Thousands have been subjected to sexual exploitation, prostitution, rape and sexual violence. More than a quarter of a million minors are currently being exploited as child soldiers, recruited at such a young age that they are robbed of their schooling and their youth.", "Israel assigns great importance to protecting children in armed conflict and is a party to the Convention on the Rights of the Child and its Optional Protocol on the involvement of children in armed conflict. Israel is proud to have co-sponsored today’s resolution and commends Germany for initiating it.", "We are encouraged by the progress that has been made on this issue, as is highlighted in the Secretary-General’s report (S/2011/250). Thousands of children conscripted into armed groups have been released in conflict zones around the world. To that effect, the United Nations has signed new action plans over the past year in the Philippines, Afghanistan and Chad. We welcome those developments and call for the agreements to be implemented without delay. However, releasing those children is not enough. The international community must make special efforts to reintegrate them into society so that they can hope for a future outside of combat.", "I would like to extend Israel’s appreciation to the Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Children and Armed Conflict, Radhika Coomaraswamy, for her significant role in carrying out these efforts. We sometimes find that her reports could benefit from a wider range of resources. However, we salute Special Representative Coomaraswamy’s professionalism and dedication to protecting children in conflict around the world.", "My statement would not be complete without reiterating the pressing need to protect children in the face of terrorism and extremism. While this is a global concern, the situation in our region provides a clear picture of this multifaceted challenge.", "In the Middle East, terrorists continue to single out children in their attacks. My country was numb with horror last March when Palestinian terrorists brutally murdered five members of an Israeli family in Itamar as they slept in their home. The terrorists went from room to room, using knives to carry out their appalling crime. They killed both parents; they killed their two children, ages 4 and 11; and, in an act of unspeakable cruelty, they murdered the youngest member of the family, a three-month old baby girl.", "That is just one of many attacks that terrorists have launched against Israeli children. Last April, Hamas deliberately targeted a yellow school bus in southern Israel. They struck the bus using an anti-tank missile, completely destroying it and killing a 16-year old boy. That attack underscores the daily reality facing children throughout much of southern Israel, where the threat of rocket fire is ever present. Since the beginning of the year, some 290 rockets and mortars have been fired into Israel — an average of nearly two attacks every single day. This alters the fabric of life. In the past six months, more than 100,000 Israeli children have been kept out of school on numerous occasions to avoid the danger of rockets.", "There is no monopoly on the suffering caused by terrorism. All children in our region suffer. Hamas and other terrorist groups deploy minors as suicide bombers and recruit them to carry out attacks against Israeli civilians and soldiers. They use children as human shields; they place children in harm’s way by using schools, hospitals and civilian neighbourhoods as a base for their activity.", "The Council has a responsibility to address the broader context in which children are used and abused in armed conflict. In schools, camps and mosques and through the media, generation after generation of children across the Middle East have been taught to hate, vilify and dehumanize Israelis and Jews. This prevents them from becoming contributing members of a global, tolerant society. For the sake of those children and for the future of our region, the international community has a duty to end this culture of incitement. We need education that promotes peace instead of hate, tolerance instead of violence and mutual understanding instead of martyrdom.", "The child victims of terrorism are real. Each one has a name and a family; each one has their own dreams and aspirations. The international community cannot accept the perpetuation or justification of terrorism in the Middle East or anywhere else. The next generation of children in our region will deserve a brighter future without conflict, without terror and without hate.", "The President: I now give the floor to the representative of Papua New Guinea.", "Mr. Aisi (Papua New Guinea): I take this opportunity to congratulate the German delegation on its assumption of the presidency of the Council for the month of July, as well as to thank the delegation of Gabon for its leadership of the Council during the month of June.", "We thank you, Mr. President, and your delegation for convening this important thematic debate and for your effective leadership on this issue. We also acknowledge the fact that the Council has remained seized of this important matter, especially through the continued oversight and consistent support of its Working Group on Children and Armed Conflict. We strongly believe that it is important that the Council remain seized of the matter.", "Papua New Guinea, having ratified the Convention on the Rights of the Child, continues to support its implementation, more specifically as it relates to children in situations of armed conflict. We also continue to support the four core principles of the Convention, which are, first, non-discrimination; secondly, devotion to the best interests of the child; thirdly, the right to life, survival and development; and, lastly, respect for the views of the child.", "While the organization Security Council Report’s recent fourth Cross-Cutting Report on Children and Armed Conflict, dated 6 July, notes that much has been achieved, much more remains to be done.", "In that respect, we observe and express our deep concern for the continued numerous violations perpetrated against children around the world. Furthermore, we would note the following six specific grave violations against children of which, we believe, the Council is aware and must continue to examine: the killing and maiming of children; sexual violence against children; the recruitment and use of children as child soldiers; attacks on schools and hospitals; the denial of humanitarian access to children; and abductions of children. My country therefore supports the Council’s resolutions that seek to protect children, especially resolutions 1612 (2005) and 1882 (2009).", "The present debate is also about attacks on schools and hospitals. My delegation underlines the importance of schools and the right of children to education. We therefore call for the creation of zones of peace for schools and urge the Council to support actions towards securing schools around the world.", "In conclusion, my country reiterates its support to, and commends the work of, the Special Representative of the Secretary-General on Children and Armed Conflict, Ms. Radhika Coomaraswamy. We also commend the relevant United Nations agencies, including UNICEF and the Department of Peacekeeping Operations, for their commitment to addressing this area of critical concern to the international community. We pledge our support for their work.", "Finally, if the children of the world are to become our future then surely we, the international community, have an obligation to ensure a better future for them.", "The President: I now give the floor to the representative of Bangladesh.", "Mr. Mahmood (Bangladesh): Let me begin by congratulating Germany on its assumption of the presidency of the Security Council for the month of July and for organizing this open debate on children and armed conflict. I also thank the Foreign Minister of Germany for presiding over this important meeting. And I welcome the presence and statements of Ministers here today as clear testimony to the issue’s importance to all of us.", "Allow me also to express my country’s sincere thanks to the Secretary-General, the Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Children and Armed Conflict, Ms. Radhika Coomaraswamy, and the Executive Director of UNICEF, Mr. Anthony Lake, for their detailed briefings this morning.", "My delegation thanks the Secretary-General for his tenth report on the issue, as contained in document S/2011/250. We believe that his recommendations merit careful consideration and subsequent implementation and compliance by Member States and parties to armed conflict.", "We commend the Security Council for its continued efforts to end violations against children in armed conflict. These include the Secretary-General’s naming-and-shaming list, the establishment of a monitoring and reporting mechanism, action plans, the creation of a Security Council Working Group on Children and Armed Conflict through resolution 1612 (2005), the application of sanctions and referrals to the International Criminal Court.", "Those initiatives have yielded significant and tangible successes. As reflected in the Secretary-General’s report, last year, too, several listed parties to armed conflict signed agreements to adopt action plans to end their recruitment or use of child soldiers. The United Nations system-wide response to this issue is also laudable. In that connection, I take this opportunity to thank UNICEF for its leadership role in the monitoring and reporting mechanism. The Special Representative and her team deserve our particular praise for their dedicated efforts.", "While addressing this matter, we must focus a bit more on the supply side of the issue. The use of children by non-State armed groups does not take place in a vacuum. Conditions that might make children in those settings vulnerable to recruitment include poverty, discrimination, inequality, exclusion, hopelessness and desperate situations. They also include a culture of political violence, tensions over issues of religion and identity and a history of the use of child soldiers, all of which combine to create a situation where conflict is possible and where children can be used or abused by armed groups. Success in ending children’s involvement in armed conflict therefore depends largely on addressing the root causes of motivation as well as desperation and on building societies where children’s rights and dignity and the hope for a better future for all children are upheld.", "Needless to say, there is still a long way to go. While progress has been made through action plans to release child soldiers in several situations of concern, the overall situation of children in armed conflict remains grave. There are 61 entities on the lists contained in the annexes to the Secretary-General’s report, 16 of which have been listed for at least five years. Some kind of criteria should be contemplated to enforce full compliance by parties listed in the annexes, particularly persistent violators, with time-bound action plans. However, a cautious approach is necessary to ensure that such enforcement in no way risks harming the very vulnerable group that we are addressing here, namely, children.", "The issue of child casualties in the course of military operations needs to be appropriately addressed. In line with paragraph 220 of the Secretary-General’s report, we hope that all parties in situations of armed conflict will adhere to their obligations under international humanitarian and human rights law.", "Apart from what I have referred to, in many armed conflicts grave violations are committed against children including, in particular the recruitment and use of children, the killing and maiming of children, rape and other sexual violence against children, the abduction of children, attacks on schools and hospitals and the denial of humanitarian access to children by parties to armed conflict, in contravention of applicable international law. In that regard, I particularly urge the concerned parties to protect educational and health institutions and related personnel from such attacks. We also welcome the adoption today of resolution 1998 (2011) in this connection.", "It has been more than nine years since the Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child on the involvement of children in armed conflict entered into force. Bangladesh signed and ratified the Optional Protocol on 9 September 2000. However, we note with sadness that a total of 50 Member States are still not party to it. We would like to urge those States to become parties to the Protocol. Children are the future of our world and they bear the torch of the culture of peace. It is our solemn duty to protect their physical safety and their right to live on planet Earth with their minds free of fear and filled with hopes and dreams.", "The President: I now give the floor to the representative of Afghanistan.", "Mr. Tanin (Afghanistan): I thank you, Sir, for convening today’s debate, which offers us all an opportunity to reaffirm our commitment to ensuring the protection of the security, rights and well-being of children in armed conflicts. I also wish to extend my appreciation to Ms. Radhika Coomaraswamy, Special Representative of the Secretary General for Children and Armed Conflict, and Mr. Anthony Lake, Executive Director of the United Nations Children’s Fund, for their remarks this morning.", "The legacy of war and violence has had a devastating impact on my country. Violence still takes its toll on everyday life. It did so today in Kandahar. As President Karzai stated after the loss of his brother, Ahmed Wali Karzai, the head of Kandahar Provincial Council, “This is the life of all Afghan people. I hope the miseries that every Afghan family faces will one day end.”", "Sadly, such miseries are ongoing and include children. Children continue to bear the brunt of conflict in Afghanistan. They are among the growing number of civilian casualties, and their ability to live safe, healthy and prosperous lives remains in jeopardy. There is no war zone in Afghanistan; there are no front lines. Violent attacks take place in our villages, markets and public streets, and put Afghan children at risk as they attempt to live normal lives. Forty-four per cent of all child casualties are caused by improvised explosive devices and suicide attacks, which are increasingly intended for soft targets such as civilian roads, schools and health clinics. Children, women and other vulnerable groups are the prime victims of such attacks.", "The Government of Afghanistan is committed to fulfilling its responsibility to protect the rights of all children and to addressing violations of children’s rights. We have initiated a number of important steps, including the launch of an inter-ministerial steering committee mandated to develop and implement our national action plan, which seeks to prevent the recruitment and use of children in our national security forces and to address all forms of violence against children. Our efforts are geared towards meeting our obligations in child protection.", "We are working closely with the United Nations country task force on monitoring and reporting and the Working Group on Children and Armed Conflict to protect children’s rights to security, education and health care. I take this opportunity to welcome the Working Group’s visit to Afghanistan, led by Ambassador Wittig, during which important discussions were held with relevant Government entities to enhance progress in the lives of Afghan children.", "We all must address the disturbing rise in child suicide bombers employed by extremist militant groups. Recent reports of terrorist networks training and selling children to militant groups for suicide bombings reflect gross violations of children’s rights in all countries. The vulnerability of a child who knows nothing outside of a war-torn existence is not up for exploitation in war; a child’s innocence is not fair game as a fighting strategy; and most importantly, a child’s body is not a weapon of war either under the standards of the Constitution of Afghanistan or under international law. The use of these children in suicide attacks is a heinous crime that must be addressed with firm conviction.", "By the same token, we believe it essential to avoid equating the Afghan Government with the terrorists when considering the challenges facing Afghan children. Attacks against children and violations of their fundamental rights are the work of those who are continuing their campaign against peace and stability in Afghanistan.", "Violence against children through sexual, physical and domestic abuse is an abomination and against national law. Sexual violence, including pederasty in its local form, which is widely sensationalized in media reports, is a crime that incurs serious punishments under the Afghan legal system. Though such problems are not unique to Afghanistan, we are taking all necessary steps to stop this illegal, un-Islamic and immoral practice.", "The widespread poverty afflicting the country is also a threat to the safety and security of Afghanistan’s children. Over 7 million children are living under the poverty line. Poverty plunges underage children into the labour force both in Afghanistan’s cities and in the countryside. Their struggle to be breadwinners deprives many children of opportunities to pursue an education and to build a brighter future.", "In the face of these challenges, we should not lose sight of the progress made thus far. To date, more than 7 million boys and girls are enrolled in schools, investing in their futures. We have constructed more than 4,000 schools across the country; we predict having nine million children enrolled in schools by 2020; and in a country where practically no girls received education just 10 years ago, over 40 per cent of these new students will be girls. Additionally, the great majority of Afghanistan’s population has access to basic health care, showing great improvement over the past 10 years.", "Nevertheless, we have yet to overcome our challenges. We look forward to our continued partnership with the international community to improve security and ensure prosperity in the lives and futures of Afghan children. Our international partnerships will remain intact throughout the transition as the Afghan Government begins to assume its leadership role. Therefore, we are alone neither in our successes, nor in our failures. We share responsibility for the security of children in Afghanistan, who need and deserve an environment free of indiscriminate violence to pursue their full potential.", "The President: In my national capacity, I offer Germany’s condolences for the death of the brother of President Karzai.", "I give the floor to the representative of Myanmar.", "Mr. Han Thu (Myanmar): At the outset, my delegation wishes to express our gratitude to you, Sir, for presiding over this important meeting. We also join previous speakers in thanking Ms. Coomaraswamy, Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Children and Armed Conflict, and Mr. Anthony Lake, Executive Director of UNICEF, for their updated information on the situation of the protection of children in armed conflicts. It is most timely that the Council is considering this important issue following the release of the Secretary-General’s report on children and armed conflict (S/2011/250).", "Children are the most innocent and vulnerable victims of armed conflicts. Most often in conflicts, they are abused and deprived of their basic human rights. Children are still being recruited as combatants, maimed, killed and raped in various armed conflicts. Crime against children is unforgivable. Despite the measures prescribed in international humanitarian law and Security Council mandates, children continue to suffer in conflict situations around the world.", "Ensuring national reconciliation, the rule of law, the protection of human rights and the promotion of sustainable development and poverty eradication are the best approaches to preventing conflict and to enhancing the protection of children on a long-term basis. The international community and the United Nations have a vital role to play in assisting States to establish an environment in which children can best enjoy their basic rights and be better protected.", "We believe that the primary responsibility for protecting children and promoting their welfare lies with States. The Government of Myanmar has made a commitment that no children under the age of 18 will be recruited into military service. Our armed forces are purely voluntary, and those entering military service do so of their own free will. There is neither a draft system nor forced conscription in our country. Moreover, under the Myanmar Defence Services Act of April 1974 and War Office regulation 13/73, a person cannot be enlisted in the armed forces until he or she has reached the age of 18. This regulation is strictly enforced. The Government has also initiated an active advocacy programme to prevent the recruitment of under-age children into military service. We have strict scrutiny and inspection procedures in place at the recruitment stage. New recruits who do not meet the minimum age requirement or other qualifications are rejected or discharged from the armed forces.", "The Judge Advocate-General’s Office of the Ministry of Defence oversees strict adherence to military recruitment orders, directives and regulations. In that context, from January to April of this year a total of 36 persons who failed to meet the recruitment requirements were discharged from the military. Along with discharging and reuniting under-age children with their families, punitive actions were also taken against one officer and 11 soldiers of other ranks for their failure to abide by existing recruitment rules and regulations.", "We have made it crystal clear that the Myanmar Government is eager for the name of our army, Tatmadaw Kyi, to be de-listed from the annex of the Secretary-General’s report. To reach that goal, we are preparing a draft national plan of action that includes the elements provided by UNICEF and samples of the plans of action of three different countries, which we received from the Special Representative’s Office. The technical working group comprised of officials from the Ministry of Defence, the Ministry for Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Labour, the Ministry of Social Welfare, the Attorney-General’s office and the Chief Justice’s office met with representatives from UNICEF and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) four times from September 2010 to March 2011.", "With flexibility from both sides, we hope to finalize our national plan of action. On our part, Myanmar will continue to cooperate fully with the Office of the Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Children and Armed Conflict, UNICEF and UNDP to conclude a national plan of action in the near future. Our aspiration is for the name of our national army to be de-listed from the annex to the Secretary-General’s report.", "The President: I now give the floor to the representative of Austria.", "Mr. Ebner (Austria): At the outset, I would like to thank the German presidency for convening this debate and for its excellent work in the Security Council in strengthening the protection of children in situations of armed conflict. I also wish to thank Special Representative of the Secretary-General Radhika Coomaraswamy and her Office for their tireless efforts and important work. We appreciate the close cooperation between Ms. Coomaraswamy and the Special Representative of the Secretary-General on Sexual Violence in Conflict, Ms. Margot Wallström.", "Austria aligns itself with the statements made by the observer of the European Union, the representative of Switzerland on behalf of the Human Security Network and the representative of Canada on behalf of the Group of Friends of Children and Armed Conflict.", "Austria welcomes the adoption today of resolution 1998 (2011), which will strengthen the existing child protection framework by expanding the triggers of the monitoring and reporting mechanism on children and armed conflict. The increase in attacks on schools and hospitals, including the specific targeting of girls, are deeply worrying and need to be clearly condemned. The further expansion of the triggers requires an increased monitoring and reporting capacity by the United Nations. Close cooperation among all child protection actors becomes even more important. We welcome the Council’s resolve, as reaffirmed in today’s resolution, to take action against those parties to conflict that persist in committing violations and abuses against children, including by the adoption of targeted measures.", "Resolution 1998 (2011) provides a clear road map to ensure respect for Security Council resolutions on children and armed conflict. In that regard, we welcome the Council’s intention to ensure that provisions pertaining to violations of applicable international law relating to the rights and protection of children are included as listing criteria for its sanctions regimes. The Sanctions Committee established pursuant to resolution 1533 (2004), concerning the Democratic Republic of the Congo, provides a good model in that regard. We highly appreciate the exchange of information between the Committee and the Special Representative, which entailed concrete action.", "We would like to encourage the Council to consider using all tools at its disposal, including the imposition of targeted measures, to take action against persistent perpetrators in country situations where no sanctions committee is in place. We agree with the Secretary-General that direct contact between United Nations country teams and non-State actors is important in order to prepare and implement action plans, and thereby ensure the effective protection of children.", "Finally, we encourage the Council to continue to include child protection provisions in the mandates of peacekeeping and peacebuilding missions. We would like to highlight the importance of training for both military and civilian peacekeeping personnel. In that context, Austria warmly welcomes the Department of Peacekeeping Operations training initiative to promote child protection through comprehensive training, including by reviewing existing training materials.", "Let me conclude by expressing my appreciation for the work of the Working Group on Children and Armed Conflict under the German chairmanship. Austria is pleased to hear about the Secretary-General’s efforts to establish a working arrangement for the Secretariat, and encourages continued support for the Council’s Working Group on Children and Armed Conflict.", "The President: I now give the floor to the representative of Ukraine.", "Mr. Pavlichenko (Ukraine): While Ukraine aligns itself with the statement delivered by the observer of the European Union, I would like to commend Germany for its strong commitment to advancing the children and armed conflict agenda, as well as the intensive work done by the Working Group on Children and Armed Conflict under the leadership of Ambassador Wittig. I would also like to recognize the personal commitment to this issue on the part of Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon and his Special Representative Radhika Coomaraswamy.", "We welcome the Secretary-General’s most recent report on children and armed conflict (S/2011/250), as it contains many valuable recommendations, including those on measures that could be undertaken against persistent violators. Important progress has been made over the past year. We welcome the expansion of the triggers for listing to include the killing and maiming of children, rape and other sexual violence. We also welcome the exchange of information among the sanctions committees. We would like to encourage more such interaction between the Special Representative of the Secretary-General, the sanctions committees, their expert groups and the Working Group on Children and Armed Conflict.", "Noting with concern the increased number of attacks on educational facilities, we encourage the Security Council to address this problem in its future deliberations. We consider it important to thoroughly investigate, prosecute and punish all those who commit grave violations against children. Ukraine also encourages the Security Council to include in sanctions committee mandates, where appropriate, provisions pertaining to violations of applicable international law committed against children and of Security Council resolutions on children and armed conflict.", "We in Ukraine have made child welfare a strategic national priority. Ukraine has undertaken appropriate measures to protect the rights and dignity of every child. We remain fully committed to the proper implementation of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child. Earlier this year, the Committee on the Rights of the Child considered Ukraine’s initial report under article 8 of the Optional Protocol to the Convention on the involvement of children in armed conflict. The Committee welcomed, among other things, Ukraine’s endorsement of the Paris Commitments to protect children from unlawful recruitment or use by armed forces or armed groups, and of the Paris Principles and Guidelines on Children Associated with Armed Forces or Armed Groups. The Committee also welcomed Ukraine’s mandatory training regarding children in armed conflict, including on the Convention and the Optional Protocol, which is organized for Ukrainian military personnel who participate in international peacekeeping operations.", "We firmly support the Special Representative’s campaign for universal ratification of the Optional Protocols to the Convention on the Rights of the Child, and stress the great importance of such legally binding international instruments for protecting all children worldwide, with no exceptions.", "In conclusion, my delegation would like to reaffirm Ukraine’s commitment — particularly as an active participant in peacekeeping operations and a member of the Peacebuilding Commission and the Executive Board of UN-Women — to applying all its efforts to help assure children of healthy, appropriate conditions in every situation of their lives. We believe that resolution 1998 (2011), adopted today, can contribute to children’s well-being. As one of the resolution’s sponsors, Ukraine looks forward to its full and successful implementation.", "The President (spoke in Spanish): I now give the floor to the representative of Chile.", "Mr. Errázuriz (Chile) (spoke in Spanish): Chile congratulates the German presidency on its decision to make this important issue the subject of an open debate in July. My delegation is grateful to the Secretary-General for his comprehensive and interesting report (S/2011/250). We also thank the Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Children and Armed Conflict, Ms. Radhika Coomaraswamy, for the valuable information she shared with us today, and Mr. Anthony Lake, Executive Director of UNICEF, for his comprehensive briefing.", "Chile associates itself with the statement made by the Permanent Representative of Switzerland on behalf of the Human Security Network, of which Chile is a member.", "The protection of children in general, and of those living in areas of armed conflict in particular, is a matter of special concern for my country, which is why Chile is a sponsor of resolution 1998 (2011), adopted by the Council today, and hopes to see it fully implemented.", "There is no doubt that the issue of the protection of children in armed conflict has made progress since the Security Council first included it on its agenda. The Secretary-General’s decisive action in appointing a Special Representative for this area, and the efforts of that Special Representative, have contributed effectively to this progress. Moreover, the increased interaction between the latter and the Office of the Special Representative on Sexual Violence in Conflict should be emphasized, since they deal with two sides of the same coin. I also stress the growth of coordination with other United Nations agencies devoted to the protection of children once they have returned to society and have been reintegrated into the educational system. Special attention should be paid to the scars that the experience of violence has left them with, and of course even more attention and care are needed if they have been subject to sexual violence.", "We share the concern, expressed in the Economic and Social Council ministerial declaration adopted yesterday in Geneva on implementing the internationally agreed goals and commitments in regard to education that “a large number of the world’s out-of-school children live in States affected by armed conflict and natural disasters” (E/2011/L.28*, para. 30). This is a clear warning that we must work to improve access to education in a safe environment for children living in armed-conflict or post-conflict situations. Assistance in helping these children to recover must be provided through the appropriate channels and reach the families and communities, who are generally those most directly involved in the recovery process.", "Chile calls on those Governments suffering through armed conflict to make every possible effort, while taking necessary precautions, to establish channels of communication with the other actors in the conflict so as to keep children at a distance from the hardships of conflict and prevent their direct involvement in it. At the same time, justice must be done when children are involved and abused. This goes hand in hand with reparation, which could be provided in special facilities for education, health and so forth, including symbolic reparation as well.", "My country shares the Secretary-General’s concern about the increase in attacks on hospitals and schools. In that regard, Chile calls on the parties to conflict to refrain from using any people — much less children — as human shields. Whatever the situation, attacking schools and hospitals is to be especially condemned.", "Lastly, Chile joins in calling on those States that have not yet ratified the Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child on the involvement of children in armed conflict to do so.", "The President: I now give the floor to the representative of Yemen.", "Mr. Al-Saadi (Yemen) (spoke in Arabic): At the outset, I wish to express my country’s thanks and appreciation to you, Mr. President, for having organized this open debate on children and armed conflict, a subject that is undoubtedly of major significance to my country and other Members of the United Nations. We express our appreciation to the Foreign Minister of the friendly State of Germany for presiding over the debate, and thank the Secretary-General and his Special Representative, as well as the Executive Director of UNICEF, for their efforts and briefings.", "The economic and political circumstances of Yemen, currently and for the past few years, are well known. My country believes, however, that children are the future on whom we are relying to build a modern State. The Republic of Yemen was therefore among the first countries to accede to the Convention on the Rights of the Child, in May 1991, as well as its two Optional Protocols. We provide periodic reports on the implementation of those instruments. We have taken steps to enact legislation to promote and protect the rights of children — for example, law 45 of 2002, on the rights of the child, and law 24 of 1992, on the care of minors.", "The Republic of Yemen has not only signed international instruments and enacted domestic legislation to protect the rights of children, we have also set up institutional mechanisms to translate them into concrete actions. We have also established a Ministry of Human Rights and a Supreme Council for Motherhood and Childhood, as well as several national committees and networks on the protection and promotion of the rights of children. In particular, we have put in place the High National Committee, which is chaired by the Vice-President, similar other national technical committees to protect human rights under the auspices of the Ministry of Human Rights, as well as a technical committee to fight child trafficking. We have also forged a valuable partnership with UNICEF.", "We have taken note of the report of the Secretary-General (S/2011/250), with regard to which we wish to state the following.", "First, we reaffirm our absolute commitment to the promotion and protection of the rights of children in every respect.", "Second, with regard to our commitment to prohibiting the conscription of children in armed conflict, all our national military legislation sets the minimum age for mandatory conscription into the armed forces at 18 years of age. Law 67 of 1991, concerning military and security forces, law 23 of 1990, on public reserves, and law 22 of 1990 are all in line with the Optional Protocol.", "Third, we have cooperated with all international and civil society organizations to prohibit the conscription and involvement of children in armed conflict. We have also established numerous guidelines and published many manuals with regard to this issue.", "Fourth, the Government has been compelled to shoulder its responsibility to combat the recent armed rebellion in Sa´ada province. The State of Yemen declared a ceasefire in February 2010, to which it has been committed ever since.", "Fifth, an amnesty has been declared in order to pardon all detainees, including children who were conscripted by the rebels and Al-Houthi groups.", "Sixth, the Government has undertaken many measures to provide assistance to all internally displaced persons and refugees, especially children.", "Seventh, we would like to stress that, in spite of our country’s special circumstances, great progress has been made since the listing of Yemen in last year’s report of the Secretary-General (S/2010/181). We therefore do not see any reason to include additional categories in the report’s list.", "Eighth, we would like to highlight the importance of the need to gather precise information with regard to the implementation of relevant Security Council resolutions.", "We would like to state that, in spite our country’s special circumstances, we will make every effort to implement our international obligations and promote the rights of children. We hope that the international community will support us in our endeavours.", "The President: I now give the floor to the representative of Azerbaijan.", "Mr. Musayev (Azerbaijan): At the outset, I would like to thank you, Mr. President, for convening this very important open debate on children and armed conflict and for the submission of the concept paper (S/2011/409) on this topic.", "Azerbaijan aligns itself with the statement delivered today on behalf of the European Union. I would like to make a few additional remarks in our national capacity.", "We reiterate our commitment to continuing to support the activities of existing United Nations mechanisms and other relevant international actors aimed at ensuring more effective protection for the rights of children and improving the situation of children affected by armed conflict. Azerbaijan’s determination with regard to the issue under consideration is obvious and stems from our keen interest to contribute to the achievement of sustainable peace and development and from our practical experience in addressing the impact of armed conflict on civilians, including children.", "The war unleashed against our country and the military occupation of our territories have had a considerable impact, inter alia on the humanitarian aspect of the problem, and primarily affect the most vulnerable groups. Azerbaijan continues to suffer from having one of the highest number of refugees and displaced persons in the world, large numbers of whom are children. The most serious crimes of international concern have been committed during the conflict, and even children have not been spared.", "In its relevant resolutions adopted in 1993 in response to the occupation of Azerbaijani territories, the Security Council referred specifically to violations of international humanitarian law, including the forced displacement of large numbers of civilians in Azerbaijan. The European Court of Human Rights later arrived at an important conclusion, qualifying the behaviour of those carrying out the incursion into the territory of Azerbaijan as acts of particular gravity that could amount to war crimes or crimes against humanity.", "In spite a formal ceasefire, deliberate attacks by the occupier against Azerbaijani civilians and civilian objects, in contravention of applicable international law, have become more frequent and violent over recent years, resulting in the killing and maiming of many inhabitants residing near the front lines, including children.", "The issue of children and armed conflict has been inscribed firmly on the international agenda, and a strong normative framework has been developed. Important steps have been taken to achieve accountability for grave child rights violations. However, serious challenges remain. More resolute and targeted measures are required to protect children in situations of armed conflict and to end impunity for genocide, crimes against humanity and other egregious crimes perpetrated against children. Furthermore, particular consideration should be given to internally displaced children in the context of ensuring their inalienable right of return, and to the implications for the protection of child rights of illegal policies and practices in situations of foreign occupation.", "Another challenging issue requiring urgent action is that of children taken hostage and reported missing in connection with armed conflict.", "Azerbaijan will continue to contribute to identifying long-term and sustained solutions to this problem and to focusing on the ways and means by which the international community can address existing challenges, including in particular violations and abuses committed against children in situations of armed conflict and measures aimed at bringing to justice those responsible for such violations.", "The President: I now give the floor to the representative of Kenya.", "Mr. Kamau (Kenya): Allow me, on behalf of my delegation, to express our gratitude to you, Mr. President, for presiding over this important meeting. Kenya appreciates the global importance and priority that the Security Council and the international community continue to attach to the protection of children affected by or involved in armed conflict.", "My delegation wishes to thank the Secretary-General for his report (S/2011/250) — which enumerates the grave violations committed against children in armed conflicts, the progress made in the release of children from armed groups and the challenges faced in dealing with some of the parties to conflicts — as well as for the recommendations it contains. We also very much appreciate the statement delivered by the Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Children and Armed Conflict and by the Executive Director of UNICEF.", "Child protection should be part and parcel of any conflict management and prevention strategy. In that regard, we appreciate the progress made through the monitoring and reporting mechanism and the Working Group on Children and Armed Conflict.", "Kenya welcomes the attention that is being drawn today to the issue of children and armed conflict, especially as it relates to attacks on schools and hospitals. But it is Kenya’s observation that, while deplorable, attacks on schools and hospitals are symptomatic of a deeper and more troublesome situation of civil strife, abuse of human rights and failure in governance, law and order. It is imperative that the Security Council and the international community at large address those fundamental causes as well.", "While Kenya recognizes the progress made over the years, significant challenges remain. We recognize the situation in countries listed in the Secretary General’s report. For Kenya, the situation in Somalia presents a clear, persistent and continuing threat to national security and to our economy.", "As highlighted by the Secretary-General in his report, engaging armed terrorist groups, for example Al‑Shabaab, for purposes of curbing the involvement of children in armed conflict remains a formidable challenge. The consequences of the involvement of children in armed conflict are devastating, not only in Somalia but also beyond that country.", "In Kenya, the burden of more than 20 years of conflict in Somalia and the continued flow of refugees is enormous and harmful to our society and economy. Kenya is host to the Dadaab refugee camp, which is the world’s largest such camp. With more than half a million refugees, the camp is stretched beyond its capacity. As we speak, more than 1,000 new refugees, consisting mainly of women and children, including ex-soldiers and children who have been in armed conflict, cross into Kenya every day. That is more 30,000 new refugees every month.", "Following terrorist acts committed by Al‑Shabaab, the World Food Programme was forced out of Somalia. This is a cause for grave concern, as we know that the availability of food is a powerful deterrent in the recruitment of child soldiers.", "We therefore urge the Security Council to redouble its efforts to help the Transitional Federal Government of Somalia and neighbouring countries, including ours, to put down these terrorist groups. We must not attempt to placate or engage in dialogue with terrorists. Only this will help to normalize the situation in a country such as Somalia, bring an end to the recruitment of children and facilitate the resumption of emergency assistance to the Somali population.", "Kenya recognizes the decades of civil war that the new Republic of South Sudan has suffered, with many children involved either as child soldiers or as victims of the conflict. Kenya carried a heavy burden with regard to those children during the years of the civil war. There is an urgent need for heightened support in dealing with post-conflict trauma for affected children and families, including in South Sudan. As we join others in congratulating the Republic of South Sudan on attaining its independence and becoming the newest State, we encourage States and other international actors to support the new Government in promoting the physical and psychological recovery and social reintegration of children and families affected by the armed conflict. The measures adopted should not only realize their medium-term development but also their long-term aspirations.", "In conclusion, as a troop-contributing country, Kenya welcomes the Secretary-General’s call for a specific provision for children’s protection to continue to be included in the mandate of all peacekeeping operations, as well as for the inclusion of child protection in pre-deployment training. That will no doubt enhance the broad and effective protection of children in armed conflict, including protecting those in schools and hospitals.", "Having said that, we should never loose sight of the fact that the most effective way to protect children is to prevent the outbreak of armed conflicts and to prevent conflicts from escalating by addressing the multiplicity of causes of conflicts, including climate change, hunger, disease, exploitation and under-development.", "The President: I now give the floor to the representative of Kyrgyzstan.", "Mr. Kydyrov (Kyrgyzstan): I would like to thank you, Mr. President, for having organized this very important debate. I also wish to congratulate the delegation of Germany on its excellent conduct of the presidency of the Security Council during this month of July.", "Kyrgyzstan welcomes the tenth annual report of the Secretary-General on children and armed conflict (A/65/250). We also thank Ms. Radhika Coomaraswamy, Special Representative of the Secretary-General on Children and Armed Conflict, and Mr. Anthony Lake, Executive Director of UNICEF, for their comprehensive presentations.", "Let me reaffirm Kyrgyzstan’s strong commitment, as a member and Vice-President of the Human Rights Council, to the promotion of human rights and the safeguarding of international humanitarian law.", "Kyrgyzstan appreciates the recommendations contained in the Secretary-General’s report. We believe that the strict implementation of those recommendations will greatly change the lives of many children for the better. We consider it necessary to adopt more stringent measures to bring to justice and end impunity for criminal gangs and individuals who have continuously committed serious violations against children and have been listed in the report of the Secretary-General for the past five years.", "Kyrgyzstan welcomes the signing of the new plans of action mentioned in the report. We join the call of the Secretary-General to the parties involved in the recruitment, use, killing and maiming of children, as well as in committing sexual violence against them, to finalize plans of actions as soon as possible, in close cooperation with the relevant United Nations country task forces.", "The timely implementation of action plans and the taking of appropriate measures in respect to those parties not complying with those documents are crucial to preventing criminal acts against children. We believe that the Security Council should develop concrete measures to track progress in the implementation of such plans.", "Kyrgyzstan fully shares the concern of the Secretary-General and the Security Council with regard to the growing trend in attacks against schools and hospitals. We strongly condemn those acts and urge all parties to respect international humanitarian law.", "Kyrgyzstan believes that the issue of child protection should be consistently reflected in peace processes and peace agreements. The special needs of children must be taken into account in post-conflict planning and in the funding of peacebuilding activities.", "Protecting children in armed conflict should always be part of a wider conflict prevention strategy and of response measures aimed at overcoming hunger and poverty and promoting socio-economic development. In this regard, we would like to emphasize the pivotal role of the United Nations in ensuring the successful implementation of such a strategy. It is important to maintain a close and effective cooperation between the Security Council, the General Assembly and the Economic and Social Council, as well as peacekeeping missions, political missions, UNICEF, the United Nations Development Programme and other agencies.", "Since 1994, Kyrgyzstan has been a party to the Convention on the Rights of the Child and its two Optional Protocols, as well as other international legal instruments aimed at protecting civilians in armed conflict. I would like to confirm that Kyrgyzstan will continue to strictly follow the commitments assumed under these international instruments.", "In conclusion, I would like to stress that Kyrgyzstan supports resolution 1998 (2011), adopted today by the Security Council, and believes that it will make an effective contribution to the protection of children in armed conflict.", "The President: I now give the floor to the representative of the Republic of Korea.", "Mr. Shin Dong Ik (Republic of Korea): At the outset, I would like express my appreciation to you, Sir, for organizing this meaningful open debate on children and armed conflict. I would also like to commend the work of the Security Council and its Working Group on Children and Armed Conflict to end violations against children and to protect their rights. My delegation would also like to applaud Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon and Special Representative Radhika Coomaraswamy for working tirelessly to lessen the plight of children in armed conflict around the world. In this regard, we welcome the most recent comprehensive report of the Secretary-General on children and armed conflict (S/2011/250).", "Taking this opportunity, my delegation would like to note the positive developments on this issue since the historic adoption of resolution 1882 (2009) and the expansion of the triggers. Specific achievements have been realized in the key areas of recruitment, and an expansion of disarmament, demobilization and reintegration programmes has been seen. The Republic of Korea also welcomes the efforts of the Working Group thus far in 2011, including its adoption of four sets of conclusions on Afghanistan, Chad, Somalia and the Democratic Republic of the Congo. In this connection, we urge the relevant Governments to establish action plans to ban the recruitment of child soldiers.", "We are particularly pleased to note the increase in country-specific reports of the Secretary-General in 2010 that contain information on the protection of children, as recommended in resolution 1460 (2003). This is a helpful step in the right direction but should be scaled up even further, if possible, to include more references to the protection of children in country-specific reports with a view towards full compliance with resolution 1460 (2003).", "However, despite the aforementioned progress, my delegation remains concerned by the perpetual plight of children affected by armed conflict around the world. There is still widespread impunity for grave crimes perpetrated against children in many countries. While we note some of the steps in the right direction — including investigations, arrests, trials and prosecutions that Governments have committed to address — the issue of impunity continues to prevail in too many conflict areas.", "Indeed, the Council must stand resolute and apply robust, targeted measures to confront these persistent perpetrators. In this connection, my delegation continues to support the Secretary-General’s recommendations that the Council consider including child recruitment and use in the mandate of all of its sanctions committees, including those that deal with counter-terrorism. Incorporating more expertise in the field of child protection on the Council’s sanction committee expert groups, as well as scaling up reporting on violations against children, would be steps in the right direction.", "Many persistent violators, in addition to child recruitment, have been responsible for committing other grave violations against children, such as rape and sexual violence. In this connection, we continue to support the annex listing of parties accused of rape and sexual violence against children in the report of the Secretary-General, pursuant to resolution 1882 (2009), as well as the adoption of resolution 1960 (2010), which specifically established a mechanism for monitoring and reporting sexual violence in conflict areas on the Council’s agenda. My delegation encourages close consultations between the Special Representative for Children and Armed Conflict and the Special Representative on Sexual Violence in Conflict in this regard.", "My delegation believes that the adoption of resolution 1998 (2011) today is yet another milestone in the Council’s work on the issue of children and armed conflict, and we are confident that it will go a long way towards further protecting children around the world and send a strong message that such crimes will not be tolerated.", "We hope that today’s open discussion will continue to increase the Council’s consequential deliberation on this critical issue. The Republic of Korea will continue to stand with the international community on this issue to ensure the protection of children around the world.", "The President: I now give the floor to the representative of Armenia.", "Mr. Nazarian (Armenia): I join previous speakers in thanking you, Mr. President, for convening this open debate and welcoming the presence of Minister Westervelle and other honourable foreign ministers earlier today, as well as the Executive Director of UNICEF.", "We also thank the Secretary-General for his report on children and armed conflict (S/2011/250), which focuses on the growing trend of attacks against schools and hospitals, and his recommendation that the Council expand the gateway to the annexes to include parties that attack or threaten to attack schools and hospitals. We welcome the recommendations and the positive developments referred to in the report. The report is a useful guide for coping with the continuing challenges in the implementation of resolutions 1612 (2005) and 1882 (2009) and other relevant documents of the Council.", "Conflicts have devastating consequences on children, whose protection is of the utmost importance, deserves the attention of the international community, and should be a primary responsibility of all because it is a serious humanitarian concern and a significant security issue. The protection of children therefore requires a multidimensional and comprehensive approach.", "For Armenia, a country hosting tens of thousands of refugee children as a result of war and aggression imposed on us, this debate is of particular importance. In the early 1990s, innocent Armenian civilians, in particular children, were subjected to a barrage of heavy artillery, missile shelling and bombing. We witnessed indiscriminate firing upon homes, schools, kindergartens, hospitals and even ambulances.", "Armenia therefore believes that concerted actions are necessary at the national, regional and international levels to put an end to such brutal actions and policies. At the same time, our efforts should complement each other, with all stakeholders utilizing the comparative advantages of their respective mandates and experiences.", "I would like to take this opportunity to express my Government’s gratitude to the Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Children and Armed Conflict, Ms. Radhika Coomaraswamy, for her tireless efforts to ensure that children can live and grow in peace and dignity. Ms. Coomaraswamy’s role has been growing in recent years, with her field missions now serving multiple purposes, including the dissemination of the recommendations of the Working Group on Children and Armed Conflict. For its part, the Working Group has showed renewed improvement in its working methods and continues to play an active role in mainstreaming the issue in the Council this year.", "It is unfortunate that, despite the legal safeguards in place, horrendous violations of children’s rights, such as the use of child soldiers and the killing, maiming and rape of children still continue in many parts of the world. Obviously, it would be naive to expect that problems of such gravity could be resolved by the mere provisions of relevant legal norms. After a high-level debate on peacekeeping, peacebuilding and conflict prevention in September 2010 (see S/PV.6389), the Council reaffirmed in its presidential statement the conviction that the", "“protection of civilians in armed conflict, particularly women and children, should be an important aspect of any comprehensive strategy to resolve conflicts” (S/PRST/2010/18).", "We share the view expressed in this Chamber that the Council should also focus on the application of targeted measures against persistent perpetrators of grave violations against children through the possible imposition of sanctions. My delegation therefore fully supports the adoption of today’s resolution, which, inter alia, requests enhanced communication between the Working Group and the relevant Security Council sanctions Committees.", "This debate represents an opportunity to become engaged in a serious discussion on how to address issues of cross-border violations against children, reaching out to persistent violators. We believe that the commitment from Governments in addressing the issue of violations against children can also provide the impetus needed to begin to seriously address this matter.", "Child protection is everyone’s responsibility, and the future of children is dependent on the actions we take today. The Government of Armenia is committed to doing its utmost and to constructively contributing to global efforts to promote this noble cause.", "The President: I now give the floor to the representative of Benin.", "Mr. Zinsou (Benin) (spoke in French): My country, the Republic of Benin, is pleased to see the Federal Republic of Germany presiding over the Security Council. My delegation noted with great satisfaction the personal contribution of the Secretary-General and of the many representatives of the Governments of States members of the Council to the open debate today.", "This debate clearly touches on an extremely sensitive subject in terms of the capacity of the United Nations to fully and effectively shoulder its responsibilities in the promotion of the ideals enshrined in the Charter of the United Nations, in particular in the area of international peace and security and the protection of human rights.", "I should like here to state that the Government of Benin is very pleased with the ongoing commitment and commendable dedication shown by the Special Representative of the Secretary-General, Ms. Radhika Coomaraswamy, and her team in terms of carrying out their responsibilities with respect to the monitoring and reporting mechanism on children and armed conflict. I should like to commend in particular her bravery in visiting dangerous conflict areas to obtain the release of children recruited into and used in armed conflicts.", "Benin would also like to encourage the Security Council Working Group on Children and Armed Conflict to work with resolve in cooperation with the United Nations agencies and international civil society actors that are working to protect children and young people in armed conflict.", "Benin would like to take this opportunity to congratulate Qatar for its leadership in the context of United Nations efforts to ensure the protection of the right to education in emergency situations.", "The adoption in 2010 by the General Assembly of resolution 64/290 represented a significant development in fighting international human rights violations affecting children. It offers hope for the effective achievement of the Millennium Development Goals, in particular in the area of education. In that resolution, the General Assembly unequivocally condemned attacks deliberately targeting civilians in armed conflict, including schoolchildren, students and teachers, as well as attacks against civilian objects, in violation of international law. It also declared that such acts may constitute grave breaches of the Geneva Conventions of 1949 and, for States parties, war crimes under the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court. The same is true of attacks against schools and hospitals which should, during times of conflict, be considered as safe havens to ensure their inviolability.", "The initiative taken by the Security Council to expand the mandate of the monitoring and reporting mechanism on children and armed conflict to include attacks against schools and hospitals and protected persons working there demonstrates that the Council is addressing the concerns clearly expressed by the General Assembly in resolution 64/290 and by the Secretary-General in his latest report on children and armed conflict (S/2011/250). We congratulate the Council for having responded to the call by the Secretary-General that it make greater efforts to ensure that such facilities remain protected, in particular by appealing to all parties to the conflict to respect those essential institutions and their staff and to take all possible measures to protect them and ensure that they can function.", "Guaranteeing humanitarian access remains a crucial question. Benin, as the main negotiator of resolution 1612 (2005) and having set up the monitoring and reporting mechanism, welcomes the expansion of its remit to encompass other atrocities affecting children. Benin urges the Security Council to", "make full use of the instruments available to it so as to ensure the respect of the rights of children caught up in armed conflict or in humanitarian crises.", "It is important to step up international cooperation in order to guarantee access by children and young people to the basic services that are key to their well-being by establishing appropriate partnership and assistance programmes at the global, national and local levels. That is why Benin has been actively involved in preparing for the United Nations High-level Meeting on Youth, set to take place here in New York in several days to consider the situation of young people and children.", "In conclusion, Benin is proud to be a sponsor of the new resolution on children and armed conflict. It supports the measures authorized by the resolution and, over and above that, all efforts undertaken at various levels to bring added pressure to bear on those who remorselessly trample on the rights of children caught up in armed conflict and in political or humanitarian crises.", "Benin reiterates its urgent appeal to the international community to work with greater determination to put an end to all conflicts in the world, regardless of their intensity, to promote reconciliation and peacebuilding in the countries affected.", "The President: There are no further speakers inscribed on my list. The Security Council has thus concluded the present stage of its consideration of the item on its agenda.", "The meeting rose at 5.40 p.m." ]
[ "主席: 维蒂希先生/贝格尔先生 (德国) \n 成员: 波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那 武卡希诺维奇先生 \n 巴西 德奥利维拉女士 \n 中国 刘冰先生 \n 哥伦比亚 金塔纳先生 \n 法国 阿罗德先生 \n 加蓬 奥南加夫人 \n 印度 库马尔先生 \n 黎巴嫩 阿萨夫先生 \n 尼日利亚 伊库鲁先生 \n 葡萄牙 马杜雷拉先生 \n 俄罗斯联邦 赫万女士 \n 南非 穆龙瓦纳先生 \n 大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国 格林先生 \n 美利坚合众国 埃德尔斯坦女士", "议程项目", "儿童与武装冲突", "秘书长关于儿童与武装冲突问题的报告(S/2011/250)", "2011年7月1日德国常驻联合国代表给秘书长的信(S/2011/409)", "下午3时10分复会。", "主席(以英语发言):我谨提醒所有发言者将发言时间限制在四分钟以内,以便安理会能够快速开展工作。", "我现在请斯里兰卡代表发言。", "科霍纳先生(斯里兰卡)(以英语发言):让我与前面的各位发言者一道感谢德国主持召开本次公开辩论会,并赞扬德国外长今天上午与会。秘书长办公室、儿童与武装冲突问题工作组、负责儿童与武装冲突问题的秘书长特别代表、儿基会和其他有关机构所做的有益工作,无疑会大大有助于处理当代这一至关重要的问题。", "斯里兰卡赞同德国常驻代表团与秘书长特别代表办公室、加拿大常驻代表团和联合国青年方案协作,在6月组织了三场会外活动。这些活动增进了我们对这些问题的了解。有关讨论突出在国家和国际层面采取协调行动遏制和制止招募儿童参加武装战斗的恶行的紧迫性。剥夺儿童的笑容和梦想,使其身负重伤和机枪,骇人听闻,是对某些团体和个人价值观的严厉控诉。", "但斯里兰卡对“国际冲突动态组织”在加拿大和德国常驻代表团赞助下发表的报告作出严重保留。例如,该报告声称,有涉嫌在武装冲突中对儿童犯下罪行的人继续担任政府高级职位,这种说法罔顾事实、误导视听。我国政府一向鼓励前武装团体放弃暴力,加入民主进程,这是和解努力的一部分。根据这一方针,泰米尔伊拉姆猛虎解放组织(猛虎组织)这个恐怖团体的一个分裂派别“泰米尔猛虎人民解放”组织(“猛虎人解”组织)已经作为一个正式注册的政党加入政治进程,它不再是一个武装集团。", "同在有前恐怖组织转变成为合法政党的其他国家一样,“猛虎人解”组织已经加入民主进程。他们已经按照同联合国儿童基金会和政府达成的一项三方行动计划释放了所有儿童战斗人员,其成人干部大都已经加入民主进程。这对各方面工作已经产生裨益。报告似乎想要让痛苦的过去死灰复燃,把追究招募儿童兵的责任问题政治化,但却不幸忽略了那些错综复杂的背景现实。", "本次辩论会在现已确认的六种在武装冲突中严重侵害儿童行径事件日益频繁和严重的背景下召开。儿童是最脆弱群体,因此需要有意识保护。因此,我们欢迎秘书长在报告(S/2011/250)中提出采取有针对性的措施,惩罚执意严重侵害儿童的惯犯的建议。在斯里兰卡,泰米尔猛虎解放组织的儿童兵是被该组织用来牺牲的炮灰。", "关于在制裁委员会报告和建议中系统性地提供侵害儿童信息的建议,我们谨敦促安理会和工作组确保这方面收集的信息客观、准确、可靠,并在相关国家国家工作队所有成员在场的情况下,以公开透明的方式经过专家、包括法医专家验证。必须严格遵守第1612(2005)号决议第3段的规定,其中明确规定,监测和报告机制的开展必须与相关国家密切磋商。我们回顾斯里兰卡与2009年5月1日至7月31日提交的全球横向情况介绍的不愉快经历。提交安理会的许多报告没有征求国家工作队的意见。报告不实将导致人们对报告来源和秘书长报告本身的可信度产生怀疑。", "斯里兰卡在落实杜绝招募儿童兵的零容忍政策,包括通过“带回孩子”运动实现前儿童兵康复和重返社会方面所取得的进展,按任何标准来看都是值得肯定的。", "根据最近公布的一份儿童基金会报告,1983年至2002年猛虎组织作战部队60%以上是由18岁以下男孩和女孩组成的,其中包括海啸后网罗的孤儿。儿童基金会记载,在2003年至2009年期间,猛虎组织招募了逾5 700名儿童兵;另有人建议有近2万人。儿童兵经常被用来用砍刀攻击村民和充当自杀炸弹手,尤其是女孩。此类攻击事件发生了数百次。在冲突最后阶段,大批儿童被用来充当炮灰。为了实现一个疯子狂妄的恐怖主义梦想,牺牲了不止一代儿童的生命。", "儿童寻找亲人和实现家庭团聚工作正在取得巨大进展。根据最近发布的一项儿童基金会研究报告,64%的泰米尔族失踪儿童是被猛虎组织招募的。其中许多人可能已经在蚊子成灾的丛林中丧生。", "在冲突后阶段,我们非常重视修复和重建学校和把学校交给教育主管部门。北部地区有135多所原被放弃的学校现已得到修复并正常运作。斯里兰卡为所有儿童提供免费教育,从幼儿园到大学,没有区别。", "认识到以前参加武装团体的儿童仍然非常脆弱,我们将继续监测重新融入社会的前战斗人员。政府认识到,这些儿童应该属于社会服务部职权管理范围。儿童也是一种资产,国家将同过去一样,大力对他们的未来投资。", "不幸的是,尽管有刚才介绍的进展,但斯里兰卡继续留在秘书长报告附件中的“点名羞辱名单”上。其原因似乎与五名孩子案件问题未决有关。同世界其他局势情况相比,这似乎牵强,不合理。造成上述儿童问题的一名嫌犯已经被公诉犯有刑事恐吓罪,这是刑法规定的罪行。他已经认罪,并被判刑两年,缓刑10年,罚款25万斯里兰卡卢比。", "我们呼吁安理会和工作组全面、公正地评估斯里兰卡问题,将斯里兰卡从点名羞辱名单上除名。斯里兰卡现在有一名代表参加儿童权利委员会,我们打算在该委员会发挥十分积极的作用。这方面不妨指出,一位民间社会代表Carla Stea女士在6月30日举行的会议上提出的一项建议。她建议安理会考虑建立一份光荣榜,用以表彰在解决前儿童兵问题方面成绩显著的国家,尤其是同时也已经加入《儿童权利公约》的国家。在这方面,也可借鉴在美国《人口贩运问题年度报告》中采用的三级分类做法。我们认为,建立一个类似名单将具有前瞻性和建设性意义,并将鼓励更多存在招募儿童兵问题的国家愿意合作执行行动计划。", "我们也赞同一些代表在6月30日举行的探讨儿童与武装冲突问题的会外活动中提出的意见,即应当争取更多的联合国会员国参加,这样才能真正有意义。此外,任务规定仅涉及冲突局势。限制仅在安全理事会上讨论和允许非安理会成员仅在公开辩论上就此问题发表意见,不能切实体现广大会员国对此问题应有的严肃和集中关注程度。扩大这方面辩论范围有助于确保集体负责和有效监督。", "主席(以英语发言):我谨提醒所有发言者,发言请不要超过四分钟,以便安理会能够迅速开展工作。较长的发言稿当然可以书面形式散发。", "我请秘鲁代表发言。", "罗德里格斯·阿尔尼亚斯先生(秘鲁)(以西班牙语发言):我欢迎就我国认为非常重要的一个问题,即儿童与武装冲突问题,召开本次公开辩论会。我要感谢秘书长提交有关该问题的报告(S/2011/250),感谢拉迪卡·库马拉斯瓦米女士以负责儿童与武装冲突问题的秘书长特别代表的身份介绍情况,还要感谢儿童基金会执行主任安东尼·莱克先生。", "安全理事会近年来通过了一系列决议,为国际社会提供了立法框架,使得在武装冲突局势中和冲突后保护儿童的工作取得进展。这方面取得进展是因为人们越来越关心该问题,以及有关方面展现了采取具体行动的政治意愿。安全理事会今天通过决议,意味着武装冲突中保护儿童这项渐进工作又前进了一步。", "然而,儿童在武装冲突中的处境仍然令人关切。因此,秘鲁代表团认为,我们必须加倍努力,制止武装冲突中招募和使用儿童兵行为,并采取严厉措施惩罚在武装冲突中实施性暴力、残害或杀害儿童的人。国际社会绝不能允许此类情况不受惩罚。", "秘书长在该报告中也关切地提到,学校和医院遇袭事件不断增多,儿童成为其中主要的平民受害者。因此,我国欢迎安全理事会作出重要决定,允许秘书长在其报告附件中列入在武装冲突中违反国际法一再袭击学校和医院的当事方名单,以及一再袭击或威胁袭击学校和医院所要保护者的当事方名单。因此,秘鲁认为,纳入这一新标准将有助于在武装冲突期间更好、更全面地保护儿童。", "我国代表团重申,必须继续加强各制裁委员会与负责儿童与武装冲突问题的秘书长特别代表之间的沟通,以便可以采取措施或交流信息,从而更大力地保护儿童或是对严重侵害儿童的当事方实施适当制裁。制裁委员会必须考虑将儿童处境问题纳入其任务授权的可能性。在这方面,刚果民主共和国取得的进展可被视为良好的先例,秘书长在其报告中也是这么认为的。", "还必须继续将含有保护儿童这一明确和具体目标的具体规定纳入联合国维持和平行动和特别政治特派团以及建设和平特派团的授权。", "我国认为建设和平委员会可在支持各种计划和方案方面发挥重大作用,这些计划和方案的目的是让原先是战斗员的儿童在冲突后重返社会经济生活的各个方面。因此,支持各国为此而努力离不开国际社会的支持。", "正如我国曾数次表示的那样,掌握使我们能够采取预防措施,进而作出迅速有效反应的信息,对于处理该问题以及冲突中儿童遭受性暴力的问题至关重要。必须继续探索使我们能够就性暴力行为开展可靠信息交流的机制,以便采取行动减少和制止该祸害。", "我国代表团认为,联合国各机构、安全理事会各委员会以及儿童与武装冲突问题工作组之间必须大大加强这种信息交流。同样重要的是,要对部署在实地的军事人员开展能力建设和提高认识活动,以便他们能够妥善应对涉及性暴力的局势。", "成立儿童与武装冲突问题工作组,体现了安全理事会日益致力于在武装冲突中保护儿童。在这方面,必须给予适当的行政和实质性支持,以便它能够有效履行职能,包括进行非常重要的实地访问。", "我还愿认可并赞扬秘书长特别代表拉迪卡·库马拉斯瓦米女士所开展的兢兢业业和坚持不懈的工作,以及儿童基金会、儿童权利委员会等相关机构所正在开展的重要工作。", "最后,存在着和平时期和武装冲突期间适当保护儿童的广泛国际立法框架。因此,必须继续敦促当事方履行其义务,加强推动这项工作的机制。", "我们不能动摇努力,不能允许此类事件不受惩罚,也不能屈服于困难。国际社会负有不可否认、必须履行的义务,即保障后代享有和平、发展和有利于享有人权的环境。秘鲁坚定地致力于实现这一崇高目标。", "主席(以英语发言):我现在请巴基斯坦代表发言。", "哈龙先生(巴基斯坦)(以英语发言):主席先生,我愿对你乐意就儿童与武装冲突问题举行这次坦率的讨论会深表赞赏。我也愿表示,我大力支持秘书长尽责按时提交报告(S/2011/250),支持秘书长特别代表所做的工作以及支持儿童基金会执行主任。", "我无需详谈我们多么热爱儿童,这种爱又如何超越社会、文化和所有发展因素。《联合国宪章》本身就谈到了拯救后世的崇高目标。国际社会制定了《儿童权利公约》,巴基斯坦是1990年举行的儿童问题首脑会议的六个共同发起国之一,该会议为批准《公约》给予了应有的推动。", "巴基斯坦还引以为豪的是,它正在积极参与促进和保护儿童权利。我们与儿童基金会和世界劳工组织协作,成立了国家儿童福利委员会,我们就逐步消灭童工现象、童工身心康复、正规和非正规教育、免费职业培训和发展技能等问题制定了立法。联合国各机构在这整个过程中都给予了很大帮助。", "我们还签署了关于买卖儿童问题的《儿童权利公约任择议定书》,并在研究关于儿童卷入武装冲突问题的《任择议定书》。该工作现已进入尾声,年内我们将看到成果。我想这个会议厅里没有人会无视这些崇高意愿;但是好心也可以办坏事。我们在授权方面必须要有我所说的限制。安理会正是为了审查此类局势才制定了儿童与武装冲突的任务授权,以确保在最恶劣的冲突环境中保护儿童权益。这一点非常重要。事实上,它是需完成工作的关键核心。", "本机构采取了成千上万的派生行动。我们还能采取多少此类行动,同时不迷失核心方向?我认为,其它所有情况都应由儿童权利委员会和其它联合国机构来加以适当处理。作为提醒,我愿回顾我们在2001年通过了第1379(2001)号决议,其中第16段是一个重要特点。该段谈到在已列入安全理事会议程或秘书长根据《宪章》第99条认为——我愿强调这一点——可能威胁维持国际和平与安全而可能提请安理会注意的局势中,武装冲突各方违反对其适用的国际义务,招募或利用儿童的问题。", "之后,在2009年的第1882(2009)号决议中,我们在第19段(a)中增加了“或其他有关局势”等字眼。这里的重要措词是“根据本决议第3段”。第3段说,秘书长的报告附件应“符合第1379(2001)号决议第16段所述条件”,我刚刚宣读了该段内容。这仍是核心,不得以任何方式加以削弱或搁置一边。", "当有人企图这样做的时候,法律事务厅就指出困个难。法律厅在2009年给特别代表的一份说明中写道,负责儿童与武装冲突问题的秘书长特别代表在附件标题中使用了这一术语,而没有得到安全理事会的明确任务授权,也未为此得到其认可,这种情况给秘书长、特别代表以及整个秘书处都带来了法律、政治和实际的困难。", "今天,安理会决定进一步做出修正。在第22段(a)中有关“令人关切的局势”的说法被删除,而代之以“或其它局势。”所以我们应开始消除一切含糊不清,明确我们的立场,以把这项工作做好。这一工作堪称楷模,但是它却开始向其它方向发展。我认可我的印度同事先前说过的话。我们有4个触发机制。让我们保持这些机制继续运作。让我们不要把事情弄得有争议。这正是联合国的全部含义:尊重法律的文字。有谁比安全理事会更了解这一点?", "我要说的是,从我国政府的观点出发,报告中有关巴基斯坦的提法是误导性的,等于是对恐怖分子和罪犯表示他们根本不配的尊重,这是极为不幸的。没有对除武装冲突之外的局势做出任何规定。", "最后,我国政府要求我强烈谴责极端分子或任何其它团体利用儿童来推进其恐怖主义议程,并表示我国政府正采取适当行动阻止这种做法。与此同时,我们真诚希望秘书长今后的报告将保持更高的客观性,同时严格遵照既有的任务授权。", "主席(以英语发言):我现在请泰国代表发言。", "信哈舍尼先生(泰国)(以英语发言):首先,请允许我与其他人一道,祝贺德国担任7月份安全理事会主席。主席先生,我要以个人名义表示,我高兴地看到你主持会议。我国代表团还要祝贺并感谢德国举行本次公开辩论会,这使本无机会就这个重要问题发表意见的国家可以这样做。", "泰国高度重视促进和保护儿童权利的问题。我们在国家政策及其执行中维护儿童最佳利益,特别是受到《宪法》保障的受教育和普及教育的权利。我们与国际社会一样,也对儿童与武装冲突的问题感到关切。", "我们注意到安理会努力并打算在武装冲突局势中更妥善地保护儿童,今天通过第1998(2011)号决议就证明了这一点。我们支持有效落实关于该问题的各项安全理事会有关决议,并愿就如何进一步改进在这个重要问题上的工作提出几点合理的建议。", "第一,根据第1379(2001)号决议和随后各项决议,儿童与武装冲突问题任务授权的范畴,仍然是列入安全理事会议程或秘书长根据《联合国宪章》第99条认为可能威胁维持国际和平与安全而可能提请安理会注意的武装冲突局势。如我的巴基斯坦同事已经提到的那样,我们注意到,法律事务厅在2009年《联合国法律年鉴》中阐述了它对儿童与武装冲突问题任务授权的看法:", "“大家记得,多年来,负责儿童与武装冲突问题的秘书长特别代表使用了这一术语,并将其纳入附件二标题,却没有得到安全理事会的明确任务授权,也未为此得到其认可;这种情况给秘书长、特别代表以及整个秘书处都带来了法律、政治和实际困难。”", "为向前迈进并解决这一严重的体制障碍,泰国愿建议特别代表在根据国际法对武装冲突局势所下定义的指导下开展工作。此外,我们希望秘书长能根据授权的任务规定来审查并精简今后的报告。我们深表关切的是,任何重新诠释任务授权而不适当考虑安全理事会初衷的企图,都会削弱这个重要的任务授权以及安理会在这一重要问题上的长期工作。", "第二,协调的重要性再怎么强调都不过分。联合国系统内存在多个关于儿童问题的机制,其中包括负责儿童与武装冲突问题的特别代表、暴力侵害儿童的行为问题特别代表、教育权利问题特别报告员以及买卖儿童、儿童卖淫和儿童色情制品问题特别报告员。这些不同的任务授权持有者之间彼此协调,而不是争着做其任务授权范畴以外的工作,对于本组织在整体上有效工作并合理利用其有限资源至关重要。在这方面,我们正考虑提出一项倡议,加强联合国有关儿童问题的各行为体之间的协调。我们希望,这一倡议将加强并提高联合国在保护儿童问题上各种现有工具的整体效力。", "第三,编制儿童与武装冲突问题报告时收集和传达的信息必须准确、客观、可靠,并得到联合国系统的核实。只有这样的资料才应成为将武装冲突当事方列入报告附件的基础。就泰国的情况来说,联合国的国家工作队,包括所有联合国机构,全年之内都不受限制地进出泰国所有地区和进行定期访问。", "联合国与有关政府的合作也不可或缺。不容否认的是,政府具有主要的责任,应该在联合国的支持下,在促进和保护儿童权利方面发挥重要作用。应该与有关政府密切协调,对当地的联合国国家工作队的看法和信息给予应有的注意,并将这些看法和信息作为年度报告的基础。未经联合国国家工作队核实的指控应该从报告中删除,以便不影响报告的公信力。", "第四,我们欢迎今天通过的第1998(2011)号决议的规定。这份决议要求会员国向安全理事会通报执行安理会关于儿童与武装冲突问题决议的有关信息。这种参与将进一步加强各利益攸关方之间的协调、调整涉及儿童的各项重点并确保执行这项任务的透明和问责。", "我的第五点亦即最后一点是,解决儿童与武装冲突的挑战没有“一刀切”的解决办法。每种局势都充满各种政治、社会经济和文化方面的考虑,使局势成为独特的挑战。因此,我们敦促国际社会在那些能够促使当地情况发生根本改观的方面作出更多投入。", "我们完全赞同今天上午瑞士代表以人类安全网的名义发表的声明。泰国是该集团的成员。我们认为,正如声明指出的那样,复员、重返社会和恢复工作对于长期影响也非常重要。在这方面,在教育、基本保健、消除贫困、法治、善治和尊重人权对于更全面有效地解决暴力侵害儿童也极为重要。归根结底,我们必须对这一问题采取更加统筹、全面的办法。联合国机构与有关政府的合作应该建筑在相互尊重和真诚对话的基础上,以便推动安全理事会相关决议的切实执行。", "主席(以英语发言):我现在请匈牙利代表发言。", "克勒希先生(匈牙利)(以英语发言):匈牙利共和国完全赞同欧洲联盟代表将要作出的发言。我感谢维蒂希大使作为儿童与武装冲突问题工作组主席推动各项工作。我们确实非常高兴能够共同提出决议,例如今天上午通过的第1998(2011)号决议。", "我们认为,安全理事会今天上午通过的具有历史意义的决议,一定能加强联合国保护受武装冲突影响儿童的框架。我国尤其注意保护所有国家的文化遗产,维护它们的身份特性,并在和平时期和解决冲突过程中进一步发展这些方面。我们也确信,任何一个国家的文化和遗产也都不会容许对学校和医院进行攻击。我们确信,从学校和医院这样的目标绑架儿童是对儿童、其家庭以及有关社区犯下的罪行。", "因此,匈牙利欢迎扩大将攻击学校和医院的当事方列入名单的触发点的建议。只有通过有效的监测和报告机制才能追究肇事者的责任。追究肇事者所负侵权和虐待行为的责任极其重要。匈牙利坚信,应该把严重侵害儿童的行为列为需要采取安全理事会制裁委员会任务中的制裁的标准。我们强烈认为,国际社会应该不遗余力地采取有效措施应对和阻止对儿童的攻击、虐待、骚扰和一切形式的暴力。", "匈牙利共和国坚决支持安全理事会的工作。我们重申家庭、儿童、教育以及心理和身体健康对于所有人的重要性。匈牙利还进一步鼓励安理会应继续开展其打击招募和虐待儿童的活动。", "主席(以英语发言):我现在请欧洲联盟驻联合国代表团代理团长佩德罗·塞拉诺先生阁下发言。", "塞拉诺先生(欧洲联盟)(以英语发言):主席先生,感谢你允许欧洲联盟发言和召开本次重要辩论会。候选国土耳其、前南斯拉夫的马其顿共和国、黑山和冰岛,参与稳定与结盟进程的可能候选国阿尔巴尼亚、波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那和塞尔维亚以及乌克兰、摩尔多瓦共和国、亚美尼亚和格鲁吉亚赞同这一发言。", "同其他发言者一样,我感谢德国坚定致力推动联合国在儿童与武装冲突问题上采取的办法以及儿童与武装冲突问题工作组在维蒂希大使领导下所做的艰苦努力。我还要赞赏秘书长潘基文本人对这一问题的承诺,并对秘书长特别代表表示热烈欢迎。欧洲联盟(欧盟)赞赏拉迪卡·库马拉斯瓦米女士代表遭遇武装冲突的儿童的权利和福祉所做的不懈努力,并全力支持她的任务和行动。我们还感谢欧盟所支持的儿童基金会对保护儿童所做的贡献。", "欧洲联盟十分重视近年来在建立武装冲突局势中保护儿童的坚实规范性框架方面所取得的进展。因此,我们欢迎今天上午通过的第1998(2011)号决议,欢迎扩大将攻击学校或医院的当事方以及攻击同学校或医院相关的受保护人士包括学童、病人和教育及医疗人员的当事方列入名单的触发点。我们期待全面执行该项决议,包括通过国家一级工作队的监测。", "欧洲联盟还附和关于加强问责以及对惯犯采取更果敢的行动、包括通过限制性措施的呼吁。在制订或审查相关制裁委员会的任务规定时,安全理事会应该将严重侵害儿童的行为列为实行制裁的标准。我们还鼓励安全理事会解决没有针对具体国家的制裁机制情况下的问责空白,同时处理对这种情况下的儿童所犯下的侵犯适用国际法的行为。", "欧洲联盟还认为,调查、起诉和惩罚所有严重侵害儿童的人十分重要。我们曾多次指出,必须竭尽全力终止有罪不罚的现象,包括通过国际刑事法院和其他国际刑事法庭,当一个国家不愿或无法履行其责任时,国际刑事法庭在确保问责方面应发挥重要作用。我们在这里要重申,儿童受到《罗马规约》的特别保护。我们欢迎国际刑事法院在这方面所做的工作,其中对托马斯·卢班加战争罪行的审判就是第一个例子。", "今天,本议事厅的很多发言者都强调了坚决和全面履行我们所作承诺的重要性。我想利用这一机会,向安全理事会报告欧洲联盟最近为增进其对保护儿童、使儿童康复和增强儿童所采取的措施的最新情况。多年来,保护儿童、使儿童康复和增强儿童的目标一直居于欧洲联盟外交政策、发展和人道主义议程的突出位置。我高兴地报告,自2010年12月以来,欧洲联盟采用了欧盟儿童与武装冲突问题指导方针的订正执行战略。欧洲联盟在该领域中的行动,以安全理事会各项决议和《巴黎原则》为坚实基础,完全符合联合国的优先事项。在这方面,我谨强调,欧盟指导方针特别关注武装冲突期间及其后女童的状况和具体需求。", "欧洲联盟加强了政治宣传和公共外交。例如,我们继续支持普遍批准《儿童权利公约》的《任择议定书》,特别代表也同其他伙伴合作提倡这样做。", "在今年的禁止使用儿童兵国际日,非洲联盟和欧洲联盟共同呼吁在非洲和欧洲促进和平、安全与稳定,并加强各级水平上的努力,以防止冲突并保护儿童免遭战争的影响,包括不会被迫成为战斗人员、性奴隶或奴仆。", "欧洲联盟在主流化方面作出了进一步的改善。我们目前在欧洲联盟特别代表的所有相关授权中,列入了有关人权、性别和儿童保护问题的新的标准文字。我们已开始为危机管理专家拟定培训模式,并加强对欧洲外交官的人权培训,包括派驻世界各地欧盟代表团的官员,他们不久将成为儿童与武装冲突问题的联络人。", "此外,根据其人权指导原则,并且作为一项实际支助执行安全理事会工作组针对具体国家提出的结论之措施,欧洲联盟资助了无数项目,以支持冲突后局势中儿童的保护和恢复。", "欧洲联盟加强了同特别代表办事处以及维持和平行动部的实际合作,因为考虑到该部在把保护问题纳入维持和平特派团的主流方面的关键作用。为了受武装冲突影响儿童的利益,我们期待着进一步加强同联合国的合作,包括同实地联合国国家工作队的合作。", "最后,我感谢所有那些经常在困难的条件下,每天为这一崇高事业而努力的人。", "主席(以英语发言):我现在请澳大利亚代表发言。", "戈列兹诺夫斯基先生(澳大利亚)(以英语发言):主席先生,我谨感谢你召开本次非常重要的辩论会。当然,我们总是这样说,但我认为这个问题确实获得了特别的反响。", "在我发言之前,我谨指出,作为儿童与武装冲突问题之友小组的成员,我们非常高兴地赞同加拿大代表今天上午以该小组的名义所作的发言。", "澳大利亚欣见安全理事会明确致力于解决在武装冲突局势中对儿童犯下的严重侵犯行为。这一承诺产生了显著和具体的结果。在这方面,我们祝贺阿富汗在阿富汗国家警察因招募原因被秘书长列名的仅仅12个月之后,签署了禁止阿富汗国家安全部队招募儿童和其他违反行为的全面行动计划。我们也赞扬菲律宾在同菲律宾全国民主阵线制定一项行动计划,以确保儿童不会应征加入新人民军或参与那里的冲突方面所取得的进展。我们希望,缅甸政府将允许秘书长特别代表库马拉斯瓦米同非国家武装团体接触,以便能够谈判制定一项行动计划,使该国一些此类武装团体能够被除名。", "尽管取得这些成功,秘书长在其最近的报告(S/2011/250)中指出,对教育和医疗设施发动和威胁发动的袭击呈上升趋势,令人感到严重关切。我们也指出,这种袭击违反了国际法。显然,仍然要作出努力。袭击学校不仅影响到儿童与青年,而且影响到整个社区,破坏了减贫努力。因此,我们欢迎今天通过的决议(第1998(2011)号决议),它扩大了列名标准,以包括袭击学校和医院的严重违反行为,以及针对儿童及教育和医务人员的可信的威胁或袭击。把学校和医院列入标准,反映了接受教育和医疗服务同儿童的生存、发展和福祉之间的联系。", "我们鼓励工作组按照其职权范围,充分利用它拥有的工具包,包括利用紧急或不定期通报,以便能够及时和灵活地应对严重违反行为的爆发,特别是发生在国家报告和结论的周期以外的违反行为。秘书长特别代表在5月工作组非正式会议上的通报,就是如何能够实际这样做的一个良好例子。澳大利亚坚决认为,工作组的实地考察,例如最近对尼泊尔和阿富汗的考察,是确保被列名各方的承诺的强大工具。我们希望,工作组将在2011年进一步进行实地访问。", "我们同其他人一样,谨欢迎库马拉斯瓦米特别代表为保护武装冲突局势中儿童所做的工作,包括进行实地访问,这是在实地落实和执行安理会各项建议的一重要手段。", "我们期待安理会制裁委员会更多地审议严重侵犯儿童权利的凶手。我们注意到,2010年刚果民主共和国的一名个人首次由于这些原因在制裁制度下被列名。", "我们担心,由于缺乏指定的制裁委员会,无法采取定向措施,把一些屡犯者绳之以法。我们吁请安理会紧急解决这一问责方面的漏洞。", "最后,安全理事会及其儿童与武装冲突问题工作组,在确保对武装冲突中儿童的保护方面,取得了重大进展。然而,在我们庆祝我们的集体成功之时,我们也必须认识到仍然存在挑战。我们都有责任确保,在冲突期间虐待儿童的人不会逃脱惩罚。我们期待着安全理事会在这方面有力和坚定不移地领导我们。", "主席(以英语发言):我现在请芬兰代表发言。", "维纳宁先生(芬兰)(以英语发言):我荣幸地代表北欧国家在安全理事会发言,它们是丹麦、芬兰、冰岛、挪威和瑞典,它们共同提出安理会今天上午通过的第1998(2011)号决议。", "主席先生,我们特别高兴地看到,你采取有效方法,把国家局势报告改变为及时的安全理事会建议。这对于各项建议产生实际影响,是至关重要的。在3月和4月获得批准的有关阿富汗和乍得的国家结论,就是这方面的良好例子。在过去几个月内,两个国家采取积极的后续行动,均承诺实施杜绝使用儿童兵的行动纲领。总而言之,这表明监测和报告机制可以成为一个强大的工具,确保尊重所有儿童的所有权利。我们应当利用它及相关决议,为受武装冲突影响的儿童提供尽可能广泛的保护。", "在这方面,袭击医院和学校及其人员的事件的增加,令我们感到极为关切。我们认为,这两种机构作为人道主义空间应当获得同样的尊重,包括在冲突期间。这是实现所有男女儿童的教育权的根本先决条件,并且是促进学校与医院在动荡局势中作为和平区以及儿童的心理-社会支助与恢复场所的基本要求。", "最后,尤其对儿童来说,获得保健和受教育的机会是持久和平与可持续发展的基本组成部分。武装团体袭击学校和医院,拒绝或限制安全进入这些设施,将这些设施用作盾牌、用于军事目的或作为招募场所,以及其他干扰教育和医疗设施的行为,都应成为在秘书长关于儿童与武装冲突问题的报告附件中列名的理由。", "相关制裁委员会日益参与处理儿童与武装冲突问题议程。我们赞扬特别代表在这方面所作的努力。我们敦促安理会继续设法通过现有制裁制度追究有关行为者的责任,并探讨确保追究在冲突中所犯侵害行为的新途径。", "为获取关于袭击和威胁的必要信息,安全理事会应确保联合国所有相关维和行动、特别政治特派团和建设和平特派团的任务授权含有关于儿童保护顾问监测和报告侵害行为的具体规定。", "主席(以英语发言):我现在请列支敦士登代表发言。", "韦纳韦瑟先生(列支敦士登)(以英语发言):主席先生,非常感谢你召开本次会议,并组织6月30日会边活动,作为本次公开辩论会的非常好的筹备活动。", "我们赞同加拿大以儿童与武装冲突问题之友小组的名义所作的发言,并愿以我国代表的身份补充几点意见。", "首先,我们赞扬负责儿童与武装冲突问题的秘书长特别代表拉迪卡·库马拉斯瓦米女士及其兢兢业业的工作人员就这个议题所做的出色工作。", "我们对教科文组织题为“遭到袭击的教育”的报告感到不安。该报告指出,在世界各地武装冲突局势中,学生、教职人员和机构屡遭袭击。秘书长的报告(S/2011/250)也指出,袭击学校的事件日益增多。在报告所述22个国家局势中的14个国家局势中,这种事件非常突出。它们系国家和非国家行为者所为。在几乎所有情况下,袭击学校的行为违反国际人道主义法,并且可能构成习惯国际法所界定的战争罪或危害人类罪。", "根据《罗马规约》,故意袭击专用于教育的建筑——只要这些建筑不是军事目标——就构成战争罪。因此,我们对关于学校建筑被普遍两用为教学设施和军事场地的报道深感关切,并敦促冲突各方不要以这种方式利用这些机构。", "将学校建筑用于军事目的还可能侵犯儿童受教育的基本权利。这项权利载于主要国际人权条约,而且在武装冲突期间不可减损。我们赞扬安理会就这个重要议题采取具体行动,今天通过了第1998(2011)号决议。", "冲突当事方违反适用的国际法袭击学校和医院的行为,现在也将成为建立监测和报告机制的理由。建立监测和报告机制是朝着正确方向迈出的重要一步。然而,我们还认为,必须同等重视在各种冲突中犯下的所有六种严重侵犯儿童权利的行为。区别对待难以符合人权的普遍性和相互依存性及国际人道主义法的各项原则。", "我们对关于在各种武装冲突中招募和使用儿童的现象有所增加的报道深感不安。为适时应对这种事件,工作组应当更好地利用其可用的所有工具,包括举行紧急会议和进行实地访问。主席先生,我们欢迎贵国代表团作为儿童与武装冲突问题工作组主席倡议进行更频繁的实地访问。我们感到失望的是,安理会其他成员对这一方法显示的热情不高。实地访问可向受影响民众及政治和军事领导人发出重要信号。我们希望,工作组今后将更有效地利用这一重要工具。", "有16个冲突当事方因为在武装冲突中犯下严重侵犯儿童权利的行为,五年多来一直被列入秘书长的报告附件。对于那些屡次侵犯儿童权利的人,安理会必须给予强烈、紧急关注,并对其采取有力、紧急行动。工作组采取的措施应得到包括武器禁运、禁止军事援助和实施旅行限制在内的制裁等有效强制措施的补充。", "因此,我们呼吁安全理事会如在2010年6月安理会主席声明(S/PRST/2010/10)中商定的那样在设立相关制裁委员会或延长其任务期限时考虑采取这种措施。在未设立任何指定制裁委员会的地方,安理会应当考虑使用专题制裁委员会。此外,安理会应当铭记将局势移交国际刑事法院等相关国家和国际司法机制的可选办法,同时考虑由联合国预算为此类决定供资的可选办法。", "归根结底,武装冲突中尊重儿童权利的责任在于冲突各方自己。我们呼吁所有屡次侵权者制定并执行一项可最终导致其被除名的行动计划。为此,有关各国应当允许秘书长特别代表办公室同相关非国家行为体直接联系。", "主席(以英语发言):我现在请比利时代表发言。", "格罗斯先生(比利时)(以法语发言):主席先生,我感谢你组织这次重要活动。此举再次凸显安全理事会和整个国际社会对保护受武装冲突侵害儿童的重视。", "比利时欢迎库马拉斯瓦米女士向我们介绍的秘书长的报告(S/2011/250)及报告中所载各项切实可行的建议。我要感谢秘书长特别代表的不懈投入。", "我们热烈欢迎确立第四项认定标准,即屡次袭击学校或医院的行为。就加强关于儿童与武装冲突的规范框架而言,这一发展是重要的一步。此外,主席先生,我要就安理会的这些重要决定祝贺安理会主席德国和你本人以及安理会其他成员。正如你所知,比利时高兴地成为这项决议的共同提案国。", "我愿根据我作为建设和平委员会中非共和国组合主席的经验,以中非共和国儿童的情况来说明本次辩论会的议题。关于中非共和国各地的局势,我愿非常简要地提出五点。", "第一,关于上帝抵抗军(上帝军),它依然在中非共和国东南部猖獗活动。它迄今一直在那里招募儿童充当士兵或性奴。那些得以逃脱其魔掌的儿童亟需心理-社会支助。欢迎这些儿童的社区也同样亟需人道主义支助、指导和医疗护理。尤其是,这一问题要求采取区域对策。", "第二,该国西北部已有500多名儿童自复兴共和与民主军复员。然而,依然没有在解除武装、复员和重返社会方案之外和之后,通过一个重返社会方案向这些儿童提供援助的安排。这也正是我要谈的第二点:儿童兵复员和重返社会方案必须同时并举。", "第三,6月12日,政府在该国东北部同争取正义与和平爱国者同盟(爱国者同盟)达成一项停火协议。协议应便利人道主义准入。将通过该协议落实秘书长关于中非共和国儿童与武装冲突问题的最新报告(S/2011/241)中提出的一项建议。这就是我要谈的第三点:特别代表的报告正在产生实际影响。", "第四,鉴于保护儿童任务艰巨,我在多次访问班吉过程中注意到,联合国系统缺乏资源和能力。安理会准备把袭击学校和医院作为考虑标准之一,但须铭记,扩大触发机制,仅从原则上加强该制度还不够。我们也应该确保,保护儿童的工作者有必要的资源和能力履行其职责。否则,在诸如中非共和国等袭击学校和医院事件不可否认继续发生的国家,已经看到的需要和实际提供的支持两者之间的差距只会扩大。", "第五和最后,我谨强调,有两种武装冲突儿童受害者没有得到应有的重视:因强奸而出生的儿童,他们往往受到社会歧视;和亲眼目睹母亲、姐妹或家庭其他成员被强奸的儿童。迄今这在中非共和国、刚果民主共和国东部和其他地区是一个被遗忘的问题。", "我知道,库马拉斯瓦米女士认识到这两种迄今被遗忘或忽视的儿童的存在,并决心给予他们一切必要的关注。", "我谨特别赞扬秘书长特别代表数周前抵达班吉后立即决定要加强联合国保护儿童的工作。其团队已经迈出非常重要的第一步,重新启动技术层面严重侵害儿童权利问题监测和报告机制机构间小组。该机制终于在班吉建立和运行。", "最后,我谨欢迎中非共和国政府建立一个保护儿童全国委员会的努力,并鼓励执行秘书长关于中非共和国局势问题的第一次报告(S/2009/66)中提出的各项建议,特别是在儿童与武装冲突问题领域。", "主席(以英语发言):我现在请以色列代表发言。", "Prosor先生(以色列)(以英语发言):主席先生,我谨祝贺你主持本月安全理事会工作和干练地指导儿童与武装冲突问题工作组工作。", "请允许我首先谈谈个人感受。今天,我不仅作为以色列国常驻代表,而且作为一名父亲在安理会上发言。我非常骄傲,在耶路撒冷带大了我的三个孩子——利奥、图雷和奥伦。但我的孩子是在异常已然经成为常态的现实环境中长大的。他们从小看到,每一个教育机构,从学前班到幼儿园到高中,都必须由武装警卫保护。国际社会不能接受这种异常情况为正常生活方式。没有家庭和孩子应该在这种情况下生活。", "儿童是武装冲突的主要受害者。他们是武装冲突的攻击目标,而且越来越多地成为武装冲突的工具。成千上万的儿童遭到性剥削、卖淫、强奸和性暴力侵害。目前有逾25万未成年人被利用来充当儿童兵,他们年纪小小就被招来当兵,失去了就学机会和童年。", "以色列高度重视在武装冲突中保护儿童,而且已经加入《儿童权利公约》及其关于儿童卷入武装冲突问题的《任择议定书》。以色列为自己是今天决议的共同提案国之一而感到骄傲,并赞扬德国带头提出这项决议草案。", "我们对秘书长的报告(S/2011/250)所强调的该问题方面已经取得的进展感到鼓舞。世界各地冲突地区已有成千上万被武装团体招募的儿童被释放。为此目的,过去一年联合国已经在菲律宾、阿富汗和乍得签署了新的行动计划。我们欢迎这些事态发展,并呼吁毫不拖延地执行协议。然而,释放儿童兵还不够。国际社会必须特别努力,帮助他们重新融入社会,使他们能够在战斗之外看到未来希望。", "我谨表示,以色列赞赏负责儿童与武装冲突问题的秘书长特别代表拉迪卡·库马拉斯瓦米女士开展这方面工作的重要作用。我们有时发现,她的报告可以从更广泛的资源中获益。然而,我们赞扬库马拉斯瓦米特别代表的专业精神和她对在世界各地冲突中保护儿童事业的奉献。", "我的发言不能不重申保护面对恐怖主义和极端主义威胁的儿童的迫切需要。虽然这是一个全球性问题,但我们所处地区的局势明确地反映了这一多层面挑战。", "在中东,恐怖分子继续在它们的袭击中专门把儿童作为目标。今年3月,巴勒斯坦恐怖分子残忍杀害了正在伊塔马尔家中熟睡的一个以色列家庭一家五名成员,令以色列举国震惊。恐怖分子持刀行凶,从一个房间到另一个房间,犯下骇人听闻的罪行。他们杀害了这家的父母和他们4岁和11岁的两个孩子,而且杀害这一家人中年龄最小、才出生三个月的女孩,其残酷程度难以言表。", "这只是恐怖分子针对以色列儿童发动的多次袭击之中的一起。今年4月,哈马斯蓄意攻击以色列南部一辆黄色校车。他们用一枚反坦克弹袭击并彻底摧毁了这辆校车,杀害一名16岁男孩。这次袭击彰显出以色列南部许多地区儿童每天面对的现实,他们时刻面临火箭弹袭击的威胁。年初以来,向以色列境内发射了约290枚火箭弹和迫击炮炮弹,平均每天两起袭击事件。这改变了当地生活结构。过去六个月,为了避免火箭弹袭击的危险,已经有逾100 000以色列儿童多次不得上学。", "恐怖主义制造的苦难不分国界,我们地区所有儿童均受其害。哈马斯和其他恐怖组织利用未成年人充当自杀炸弹手,招募他们袭击以色列平民和士兵。他们利用儿童作为人盾。他们把学校、医院和平民居住区作为其活动基地,使儿童面临危险。", "安理会有责任处理在武装冲突中利用和虐待儿童的更广泛问题。在学校、难民营和清真寺中以及通过媒体,整个中东的一代又一代儿童接受仇恨、诽谤以色列人及犹太人和将其非人性化的教育。这种做法使这些儿童无法成为全球宽容社会的有益成员。为了这些孩子,也为了我们区域的未来,国际社会有义务制止这种煽动文化。我们需要促进和平而非仇恨、宽容而非暴力、相互谅解而非殉身的教育。", "受恐怖主义之害的儿童是有血有肉的。每个儿童都有自己的姓名和家庭;每个儿童都有自己的梦想和追求。国际社会不能接受恐怖主义在中东或任何其他地区永久存在或为其辩护的行为。我们区域的下一代儿童有权获得没有冲突、没有恐怖、没有仇恨的更光明未来。", "主席(以英语发言):我现在请巴布亚新几内亚代表发言。", "艾西先生(巴布亚新几内亚)(以英语发言):我就此机会祝贺德国代表团担任安理会7月份主席,并感谢加蓬代表团在6月份主持安理会的工作。", "我们感谢主席先生和贵国代表团召开这次重要的专题辩论会,并感谢你在这个问题上发挥有效的领导作用。我们还确认,安理会一直在处理这一重要事项,特别是通过不断监督和一贯支持其儿童与武装冲突问题工作组的工作。我们坚信,安理会继续处理该事项十分重要。", "巴布亚新几内亚已批准《儿童权利公约》,并继续支持执行该公约,尤其是执行该公约关于武装冲突局势中儿童的规定。我们还继续支持该公约的四项核心原则,即:第一,不歧视;第二,谋求儿童的最高利益;第三,生命、生存和发展的权利;最后,尊重儿童的意见。", "虽然最近于7月6日发布的第四份《关于儿童与武装冲突的贯穿各领域的报告》指出已取得很多成果,但仍有许多工作需要完成。", "在这方面,我们注意到世界各地继续多次发生侵害儿童行为,并对此表示深切关注。此外,我们还注意到以下六种具体的严重侵害儿童行为,我们认为安理会了解此类行为且须继续加以研究。这些行为是:杀害和伤害儿童;对儿童实施性暴力;招募和使用儿童兵;攻击学校和医院;拒绝为儿童提供人道主义援助;以及绑架儿童。因此,我国支持安理会谋求保护儿童的各项决议,特别是第1612(2005)号决议和第1882(2009)号决议。", "这次辩论会还涉及攻击学校和医院的问题。我国代表团强调学校的重要性,并强调学生受教育的权利。因此,我们呼吁为学校建立和平区,并促请安理会支持世界各地保护学校的行动。", "在我结束发言前,我国重申支持和赞扬负责儿童与武装冲突问题的秘书长特别代表拉迪卡·库马拉斯瓦米女士所开展的工作。我们还赞扬包括儿童基金会和维持和平行动部在内的联合国有关机构致力于处理这一国际社会严重关切的问题。我们保证支持他们的工作。", "最后,要是全世界儿童代表着我们的未来,那么我们国际社会当然有义务确保他们的未来更加美好。", "主席(以英语发言):我现在请孟加拉国代表发言。", "马哈穆德先生(孟加拉国)(以英语发言):首先请允许我祝贺德国担任安全理事会7月份主席,并祝贺德国召开这次关于儿童与武装冲突的公开辩论会。我还感谢德国外交部长主持这次重要会议。我欢迎各国部长出席今天这次会议并发言,这明确显示了此问题对我们所有国家的重要意义。", "也请允许我表示,我国衷心感谢秘书长、负责儿童与武装冲突问题的秘书长特别代表拉迪卡·库马拉斯瓦米女士和儿童基金会执行主任安东尼·莱克先生今天上午所作的详细通报。", "我国代表团感谢秘书长关于此问题的第十次报告,该报告载于文件S/2011/250。我们认为,他的建议值得会员国和武装冲突方的认真考虑和随后执行与遵守。", "我们赞扬安全理事会不断努力终止武装冲突中侵害儿童的行为。这方面的努力包括:秘书长的点名羞辱名单、建立监测和报告机制、制定行动计划、通过第1612(2005)号决议创建安全理事会儿童与武装冲突问题工作组、实施制裁以及将案件提交给国际刑事法院。", "这些行动已取得重大和可见的成功。正如秘书长报告所述,去年也有几个被列入名单的武装冲突方签署了协议,采纳了停止招募或使用儿童兵的行动计划。联合国全系统对此问题的回应也值得称赞。在这方面,我借此机会感谢儿童基金会在监测和报告机制方面发挥领导作用。特别代表及其团队的热忱努力尤其值得我们的表扬。", "在处理此事项时,我们还必须更多地关注造成该问题的因素。非国家武装集团使用儿童一事并非发生在真空之中。使处于这些情况下的儿童容易被招募的状况包括:贫困、歧视、不平等、受排斥、无望和绝望状态。此类状况还包括政治暴力文化、关于宗教和特性问题的紧张状况、使用儿童兵的历史。凡此种种,都共同促成了使冲突成为可能、使儿童可能被武装集团使用或虐待的局面。因此,要成功结束儿童参与武装冲突现象,主要取决于处理产生动机和绝望的根源,这还取决于建设维护儿童权利和尊严、为所有儿童获得更美好未来提供希望的社会。", "不言而喻,仍有漫长的道路要走。虽然在几个令人关切的局势中通过释放儿童兵的行动计划取得了进展,但儿童在武装冲突中的总体状况依然严重。秘书长报告附件所载名单中有61个实体,其中16个被列入名单已至少有五年。应考虑通过某种标准来强制附件中所列的当事方、尤其是惯犯充分遵守有时限的行动计划。然而,有必要谨慎行事,以切实避免此种强制执行危害我们所要帮助的脆弱群体,即儿童。", "儿童在军事行动中遭受伤亡的问题需要获得妥善解决。根据秘书长报告第220段,我们希望武装冲突局势中的各方都遵守国际人道主义和人权法律所规定的义务。", "除我提到的问题外,许多武装冲突都会发生严重侵害儿童的行为,尤其包括武装冲突方违反相关国际法律,招募和使用儿童、杀害和伤害儿童、对儿童实施强奸和其他性暴力、绑架儿童、袭击学校和医院以及拒绝为儿童提供人道主义援助。在这方面,我尤其敦促有关各方保护教育和保健机构及相关人员,使之免遭攻击。我们还欢迎今天通过关于此问题的第1998(2011)号决议。", "从关于儿童卷入武装冲突问题的《儿童权利公约任择议定书》生效至今,已过去九年多的时间。孟加拉国于2000年9月9日签署并批准了该《任择议定书》。然而我们痛心地注意到,共有50个会员国仍未成为该《任择议定书》的缔约国。我们愿敦促这些国家成为《议定书》的缔约国。儿童是我们世界的未来,他们高举着和平文化的火炬。保护他们的人身安全并享有在地球上免于担惊受怕并充满希望和梦想地生活的权利是我们庄严的义务。", "主席(以英语发言):我现在请阿富汗代表发言。", "塔宁先生(阿富汗)(以英语发言):主席先生,我感谢你召开今天的辩论会,它为我们所有人提供了一个机会,重申我们致力于确保在武装冲突中保护儿童的安全、权利和福利。我还要感谢负责儿童与武装冲突问题的秘书长特别代表拉迪卡·库马拉斯瓦米女士和联合国儿童基金会执行主任安东尼·莱克先生今天上午的发言。", "战争和暴力的荼毒给我国造成了破坏性影响。暴力仍在危害着日常生活。今天它就在坎大哈造成了损失。正如卡尔扎伊总统在痛失其担任坎大哈议会议长的兄弟Ahmed Wali Karzai后所说的那样,“这就是所有阿富汗人民的生活。我希望每一个阿富汗家庭面临的苦难终有一天将会划上句号。”", "悲哀的是,这种苦难仍在继续,儿童也未能幸免。儿童仍首当其冲地受到阿富汗冲突的影响。他们是日渐增加的平民伤亡中的一部分,他们仍无法过上安全、健康和富裕的生活。阿富汗没有战区,也没有前线。暴力袭击发生在我们的村庄里、集市中和大街上,将努力正常生活的阿富汗儿童置于危险之中。所有伤亡的儿童中有44%是由简易爆炸装置和自杀式袭击造成的,对民用道路、学校和医疗诊所等软目标正越来越多地采取这些做法。儿童、妇女和其它弱势群体是这些袭击的主要受害者。", "阿富汗政府致力于履行其保护所有儿童的权利并处理侵害儿童权利行为的责任。我们采取了若干重要步骤,其中包括启动一个部际指导委员会,其任务是制定并落实我们的国家行动计划,寻求防止在我国安全部队中招募和利用儿童,并处理侵害儿童的各种形式的暴力。我们的努力旨在履行我们保护儿童的义务。", "我们正与联合国监测与报告国家工作队以及儿童与武装冲突问题工作组密切合作,保护儿童享有安全、教育和医疗保健的权利。我借此机会,欢迎工作组在维蒂希大使的领导下访问阿富汗,在访问期间与政府有关实体展开了重要讨论,以促进阿富汗儿童生活的改善。", "我们都必须处理极端好战团体越来越多地利用儿童作为人体炸弹这一令人担忧的问题。最近有报告称,恐怖主义网络训练儿童并向好战团体转卖儿童用作人体炸弹,这反映出各国对儿童权利的严重侵犯。不能在战争中利用一个对战争以外世界一无所知的儿童的脆弱性;利用儿童的天真烂漫作为战争策略不是一种公平游戏;最重要的是,无论是根据《阿富汗宪法》的标准还是根据国际法,儿童的身体都不是一种战争武器。在自杀式袭击中利用这些儿童是一种令人发指的罪行,必须加以严惩。", "根据同样的精神,我们认为,在考虑阿富汗儿童面临的挑战时,至关重要的是要避免将阿富汗政府与恐怖分子等同起来。袭击儿童和侵犯其基本权利是那些继续破坏阿富汗和平与稳定的人的行径。", "以性虐待、体罚和家庭虐待的方式来暴力侵害儿童是令人深恶痛绝的行为,也违反国家法律。被媒体报道大肆渲染的性暴力,包括在当地表现为鸡奸的行为,是一种根据阿富汗法律系统应受严惩的罪行。但是这些问题并不是阿富汗独有的问题,我们正采取一切必要步骤,杜绝这种非法、不符合伊斯兰教义和不道德的做法。", "我国普遍遭受的贫困也威胁到阿富汗儿童的安全保障。有700多万名儿童生活在贫困线以下。在阿富汗城郊,贫困迫使未成年儿童加入劳动大军。他们为赚钱而苦苦挣扎,这剥夺了许多儿童寻求受教育和拥有一个更加光明未来的机会。", "尽管面临这些挑战,但我们仍不能对迄今取得的进展视而不见。截至今天,有700多万男女儿童注册入学,投资于他们的未来。我们在全国各地修建了4 000多所学校;我们预计到2020年将有900万名儿童入学;在这个仅仅10年前几乎没有女孩上学的国家,新生中超过40%将是女孩。此外,阿富汗的绝大多数人口享有基本的医疗保健,这表明过去10年来取得了重大改进。", "尽管如此,我们仍未克服我们面临的挑战。我们期待着继续我们与国际社会的伙伴关系,为阿富汗儿童的生活和未来提供更多安全,并确保繁荣富裕。在整个过渡期间,随着阿富汗政府开始发挥主导作用,我们的国际伙伴关系将不受任何影响。因此,不论我们是成功还是失败,我们都不是在单打独斗。我们分担着保障阿富汗儿童安全的责任,他们需要也理应享有一个无暴力泛滥的环境,使他们能充分发挥潜力。", "主席(以英语发言):我以我国代表的身份,代表德国对卡尔扎伊总统兄弟之死表示哀悼。", "我请缅甸代表发言。", "Han Thu先生(缅甸)(以英语发言):主席先生,首先,我国代表团愿感谢你主持本次重要会议。我们还要与先前的发言者一道,感谢负责儿童与武装冲突问题的秘书长特别代表库马拉斯瓦米女士和儿童基金会执行主任安东尼·莱克先生提供关于在武装冲突中保护儿童的最新信息。安理会在关于儿童与武装冲突问题的秘书长报告(S/2011/250)发表后审议这个重要问题非常及时。", "儿童是武装冲突中最无辜和最脆弱的受害者。在冲突中,他们经常受到虐待,并被剥夺其基本人权。儿童仍被招募为战斗人员,在各种武装冲突中受到残害、杀害和强奸。侵害儿童的罪行不可饶恕。尽管国际人道主义法和安全理事会的任务授权制定了各种措施,但是儿童仍在世界各地的冲突局势中痛苦挣扎。", "确保民族和解、法治、保护人权、促进可持续发展和消除贫困,是长期防止冲突和加强对儿童的保护的最佳办法。国际社会和联合国在协助各国创建儿童能够最好地享有其基本权利和得到更好保护的环境方面可发挥重要作用。", "我们认为,保护儿童和促进儿童福祉的首要责任在国家。缅甸政府承诺,18岁以下儿童不服兵役。我们的武装部队完全是自愿性的,服兵役的人系自愿参军。我国既没有征兵制度,也不强制服兵役。此外,根据1974年4月《缅甸国防法》和第13/73号《作战办公室条例》,年龄不到18岁的人不得征召入伍。这一条例被严格执行。政府还开展了积极倡导方案,防止招募未成年儿童入伍。在招募阶段,我们有严格的甄别和检查程序。不符合最低年龄要求或其他资格的新兵将予拒收,并自武装部队中清退。", "国防部军法署署长办公室严格监督军事招募命令、指示和条例的遵守情况。在这方面,今年1月至4月,共有36名不符合招募要求的人退役。在清退未成年儿童和让其与家庭团聚的同时,还对没有遵守现行招募规则和条例的一名军官和11名其他军阶的士兵采取了惩罚行动。", "我们十分清楚地指出,缅甸政府特别希望我们的军队“政府军”的名字能够从秘书长报告附件中除名。为实现这一目标,我们正在草拟国家行动计划草案, 列入儿童基金会所提供以及我们自特别代表办公室收到的三个不同国家的行动计划样本中的内容。2010年9月至2011年3月期间,由国防部、外交部、劳动部、社会福利部、检察长办公室和首席法官办公室官员组成的技术工作组四次会晤了儿童基金会和联合国开发计划署(开发署)的代表。", "我们希望,在双方都表现出灵活性的情况下,能够完成我们的全国行动计划。就我们而言,缅甸将继续同秘书长儿童与武装冲突问题特别代表办公室、儿童基金会和开发署密切合作,在不久的将来完成一项国家行动计划。我们的愿望是将我们的国家军队从秘书长报告附件中除名。", "主席(以英语发言):我现在请奥地利代表发言。", "埃布纳先生(奥地利)(以英语发言):首先,我要感谢主席国德国召集本次辩论会,感谢它在安全理事会内为加强武装冲突局势下保护儿童所做的出色工作。我还要感谢拉迪卡·库马拉斯瓦米秘书长特别代表和她的办公室所做的不懈努力和重要工作。我们赞赏库马拉斯瓦米女士和负责冲突中性暴力问题秘书长特别代表玛戈·瓦尔斯特伦女士之间的密切合作。", "奥地利赞同欧洲联盟观察员、瑞士代表以人类安全网的名义和加拿大代表以儿童与武装冲突之友小组的名义所作的发言。", "奥地利欢迎今天通过的第1998(2011)号决议,该决议将通过扩大儿童与武装冲突问题监测和报告机制的启动点,加强现有的保护儿童框架。对学校和医院的袭击,包括特别针对女童的袭击数目增加,特别令人担忧,必须明确加以谴责。进一步扩大启动点要求加强联合国的监测和报告能力。所有保护儿童行为者之间的密切合作因此变得更为重要。我们欢迎安理会如今天通过的决议所确认的那样,决心对一再侵害和虐待儿童的冲突当事方采取行动,包括采取有针对性的措施。", "第1998(2011)号决议为确保遵守安全理事会儿童与武装冲突问题决议规定了清晰的路线图。在这方面,我们欢迎安理会打算确保将有关违反与儿童权利和保护儿童相关的适用国际法的行为的规定作为安理会制裁机制的列名标准。第1533(2004)号决议所设安全理事会刚果民主共和国问题制裁委员会在这方面提供了一个良好的范例,我们高度赞赏1533委员会与特别代表之间交流信息,这种交流意味着具体的行动。", "我们要鼓励安理会考虑利用其拥有的所有手段,包括实行有针对性的措施,以便对没有制裁委员会的国家局势中的惯犯采取行动。我们同意秘书长的看法,即:联合国国家工作队与非国家行为者的直接接触对于制定和执行行动计划从而确保有效地保护儿童非常重要。", "最后,我们鼓励安理会继续将保护儿童的规定列入维持和平和建设和平特派团的任务授权。我们要强调对维持和平军事和民事人员进行培训的重要性。在这方面,奥地利热烈欢迎维持和平行动部提出的培训倡议,通过全面的培训,包括审查现有培训材料,促进儿童保护。", "请允许我最后表示,我赞赏儿童与武装冲突问题工作组在德国主席的领导下进行的工作。奥地利高兴得知秘书长正在努力为秘书处建立一种工作安排,并鼓励继续支持安理会儿童与武装冲突问题工作组。", "主席(以英语发言):我现在请乌克兰代表发言。", "帕夫利琴科先生(乌克兰)(以英语发言):乌克兰赞同欧洲联盟观察员所作的发言,与此同时,我要赞赏德国坚定承诺推动儿童与武装冲突议程以及儿童与武装冲突问题工作组在维蒂希大使的领导下进行的紧张的工作。我还要赞赏潘基文秘书长和他的特别代表拉迪卡·库马拉斯瓦米对这一问题的个人承诺。", "我们欢迎秘书长关于儿童与武装冲突问题的最新报告(S/2011/250),报告内载有很多宝贵的建议,包括关于可以对惯犯采取的措施的建议。过去一年取得了重要的进展。我们欢迎扩大列名启动点,使之包括杀害和残害儿童以及强奸和性暴力。我们也欢迎各制裁委员会之间交流信息。我们要鼓励在秘书长特别代表、各制裁委员会、其专家组和儿童与武装冲突问题工作组之间,进行更多的这种互动。", "我们关切地注意到教育设施受袭次数增加,因此鼓励安全理事会在今后的审议中处理这个问题。我们认为,必须彻底调查、起诉和惩罚所有严重侵害儿童的人。乌克兰还鼓励安全理事会酌情在制裁委员会的授权中,纳入有关针对儿童违反适用国际法以及违反安全理事会关于儿童与武装冲突的决议的规定。", "我国乌克兰把儿童福祉当作国家战略优先事项。乌克兰为保护每个儿童的权利和尊严,采取了适当的措施。我们充分致力于适当执行《联合国儿童权利公约》。今年早些时候,儿童权利委员会根据关于儿童参与武装冲突的《公约任择议定书》第八条审议了乌克兰所提出的初次报告。除其他外,委员会欢迎乌克兰批准有关保护儿童不受武装部队或武装团体非法招募或使用的《巴黎承诺》,以及《关于与武装部队或武装团体有关联的儿童的巴黎原则和准则》。委员会还欢迎乌克兰为参加国际维和行动的乌克兰军事人员,进行有关武装冲突中儿童的强制性培训,包括有关《公约》和《任择议定书》的培训。", "我们坚决支持特别代表为实现普遍加入《儿童权利公约》的《任择议定书》所开展的运动,并强调这些具有法律约束力的国际文书,对于毫无例外地保护世界上所有儿童的极端重要性。", "最后,我国代表团谨重申,乌克兰尤其作为维和行动的积极参加者和建设和平委员会和妇女署执行局的成员,保证作出一切努力,帮助为儿童确保在其生活的所有方面的健康、适当的条件。我们认为,今天通过的第1998(2011)号决议,能够促进儿童的福祉。作为决议的提案国之一,乌克兰期待它获得充分和成功的执行。", "主席(以西班牙语发言):我现在请智利代表发言。", "埃拉苏里斯先生(智利)(以西班牙语发言):智利祝贺德国主席决定把这个重要问题作为7月的一次公开辩论的议题。我国代表团感谢秘书长提出全面和令人感兴趣的报告(S/2011/250)。我们也感谢负责儿童与武装冲突问题秘书长特别代表拉迪卡·库马拉斯瓦米女士今天向我们介绍宝贵的情况,并感谢儿童基金会执行主任安东尼·莱克先生的全面通报。", "智利赞同瑞士常驻代表以人的安全网的名义所作的发言,智利是它的一个成员。", "我国特别关心保护全体儿童,特别是生活在武装冲突地区的儿童,这就是为什么智利成为安理会今天通过的第1998(2011)号决议的提案国,并希望看到它获得充分的执行。", "毫无疑问,自从安理会首次把保护武装冲突中儿童的问题列入议程以来,已经取得了进展。秘书长任命该领域中特别代表的果断行动,以及该特别代表作出的努力,对该进程作出了切实贡献。此外,应当强调加强在特别代表同冲突中性暴力问题特别代表办事处之间的互动,因为她们处理同一个问题的两个方面。我也强调加强同其他联合国机构的协调,这些机构专门从事保护返回社会和重新进入教育系统的儿童的工作。应当特别关注暴力经历给儿童留下的创伤,并且如果他们曾经遭受性暴力,当然需要予以更多的关心和照顾。", "我们赞同昨天在日内瓦通过的经济及社会理事会部长级宣言有关执行教育方面的国际商定目标和承诺的关切,即“世界上大量辍学儿童居住在受武装冲突和自然灾害影响的国家中”(E/2011/L.28*,第30段)。这是一个明确的警告,我们必须努力改善生活在武装冲突或冲突后局势中的儿童在安全环境中接受教育的机会。必须通过适当的渠道提供协助,帮助这些儿童恢复,此种协助必须接触到通常是最直接参与恢复进程的家庭和社区。", "智利呼吁遭受武装冲突的各国政府作出一切可能的努力,同时采取必要的预防措施,同冲突中的其他行为方建立沟通渠道,以便使儿童远离冲突的苦难,并防止他们直接参与冲突。与此同时,如果儿童卷入冲突和遭到虐待,就必须伸张正义。这要与赔偿同时进行,可以利用教育、健康和其他特别设施这样做,也可包括象征性的赔偿。", "我国同秘书长一样对医院和学校受袭次数增加感到关切。在这方面,智利呼吁冲突各方不要把任何人——更不用说儿童——作为人体盾牌。不管情况如何,袭击学校和医院的做法都应予以特别谴责。", "最后,智利同其他国家一道,呼吁尚未批准有关儿童参与武装冲突的《儿童权利公约任择议定书》的国家,批准该议定书。", "主席(以英语发言):我现在请也门代表发言。", "萨迪先生(也门)(以阿拉伯语发言):主席先生,首先我谨表示,我国感谢并赞赏你召开本次有关儿童与武装冲突问题的公开辩论会,这个议题无疑对我国和联合国其他成员具有重大意义。我们赞赏友好国家德国的外长主持辩论,并感谢秘书长及其特别代表,以及儿童基金会执行主任,所作的努力和通报。", "也门当前和过去几年的经济和政治状况是众所周知的。然而,我国认为儿童是未来,我们要依靠他们建设现代化国家。因此,也门共和国于1991年5月成为首批加入《儿童权利公约》及其两项《任择议定书》的国家之一。我们定期提交关于这些文书执行情况的报告。我们采取步骤颁布促进和保护儿童权利的立法,例如2002年关于儿童权利的第45号法和1992年关于关心未成年人的第24号法。", "也门共和国不仅签署国际文书和实行国内立法以保护儿童权利,而且还建立机构体制,把这些文书转化为具体行动。我们还设立了人权部和母婴事务最高理事会,以及若干关于保护和促进儿童权利的全国委员会和网络。特别是,我们设立了由副总统担任主席的国家高级委员会、在人权部主导下促进人权的其他类似国家技术委员会以及打击贩卖儿童行为的技术委员会。我们还与儿童基金会缔结了宝贵的伙伴关系。", "我们注意到秘书长的报告(S/2011/250)。对此,我们要提出以下几点看法。", "第一,我们重申我们对全面促进和保护儿童权利的绝对承诺。", "第二,关于我们对禁止招募儿童参加武装冲突的承诺,我们的所有国家军事立法都规定,义务参加武装部队的最低年龄为18岁。1991年关于军事和安全部队的第67号法、1990年关于公共预备役部队的第23号法和1990年第22号法都符合《任择议定书》的规定。", "第三,我们一直同所有国际和民间社会组织合作,以禁止招募儿童参加武装冲突。我们还制定多项准则,并印发许多关于这个问题的手册。", "第四,政府被迫承担其打击萨达省最近爆发的武装叛乱的责任。也门于2010年2月宣布停火。自那时起来,它一直致力于停火。", "第五,宣布大赦,以宽恕所有被关押者,包括被反叛分子和胡塞集团招募的儿童。", "第六,政府已采取多项措施向所有境内流离失所者、难民而尤其是儿童提供援助。", "第七,我们要强调,尽管国情特殊,但自也门被列入去年秘书长的报告(S/2000/181)以来,我们已取得巨大进展。因此,我们看不出有任何理由把更多类别纳入报告名单。", "第八,我们要强调,必须收集关于执行安全理事会相关决议情况的确切信息。", "我们要指出,尽管国情特殊,但我们将作出一切努力,以履行我们的国际义务和促进儿童的权利。我们希望,国际社会将支持我们进行这些努力。", "主席(以英语发言):我现在请阿塞拜疆代表发言。", "穆萨耶夫先生(阿塞拜疆)(以英语发言):主席先生,首先,我要感谢你召开本次非常重要的关于儿童与武装冲突问题的公开辩论会并提交关于这一议题的概念文件(S/2011/409)。", "阿塞拜疆赞同今天以欧洲联盟的名义所作的发言。我要以我国代表的身份提出几点补充意见。", "我们重申,我们决心继续支持联合国现有机制和其他相关国际行为体所开展的旨在确保更有效保护儿童权利和改善受武装冲突影响儿童处境的活动。阿塞拜疆对审议中议题的决心显而易见。这种决心源于我们欲为实现持久和平与发展出力的热忱和我们在处理武装冲突对包括儿童在内平民的影响方面的实际经历。", "对我国发动的战争和对我国领土实行的军事占领已产生显著影响,尤其是对问题的人道主义方面,并且首先影响最弱势群体。阿塞拜疆继续沦为世界拥有难民和流离失所者数量最多的国家之一。这些难民和流离失所者许多人是儿童。有关方面在冲突期间犯下了国际社会所关切的最严重罪行,甚至连儿童也未放过。", "安全理事会在其于1993年为应对占领阿塞拜疆领土的行为而通过的相关决议中专门提及违反国际人道主义法的行为,包括导致大量平民被迫在阿塞拜疆境内流离失所的行为。欧洲人权法院后来得出一项重要结论,将那些入侵阿塞拜疆领土的人的行为形容为等同于战争罪或危害人类罪的特别严重的行为。", "尽管已经正式停火,但占领者违反适用国际法而对阿塞拜疆平民和民用目标故意发动的袭击近年来已变得更加频繁、更加猛烈,导致住在阵线附近包括儿童在内的许多居民死亡或受伤。", "儿童与武装冲突议题已被牢牢列入国际议程。强有力的规范框架已经建立起来。已经采取重要步骤追究严重侵犯儿童权利行为者的责任。然而,严重挑战仍然存在。必须采取更坚定和更有针对性的措施,以保护武装冲突局势中的儿童,并杜绝对儿童犯下灭绝种族罪、危害人类罪和其他令人发指罪行而不受惩罚的现象。此外,应特别关注境内流离失所儿童,以确保其不可剥夺的回返权,并应特别关注在外国占领局势下非法政策和做法对保护儿童权利工作的影响。", "另一个要求采取紧急行动的富有挑战性的问题是与武装冲突有关的儿童被扣为人质和据报失踪的问题。", "阿塞拜疆将继续为确定这一问题的长期、持续解决办法和注重国际社会可据以应对现有挑战——其中特别包括在武装冲突局势中侵犯儿童权利和虐待儿童的行为——的途径和手段以及应对这种侵权行为负责的人绳之以法的措施做出贡献。", "主席(以英语发言):我现在请肯尼亚代表发言。", "卡马乌先生(肯尼亚)(以英语发言):主席先生,请允许我以我国代表团的名义感谢你主持本次重要会议。肯尼亚认识到保护卷入武装冲突的儿童问题的全球重要性和安全理事会与国际社会对此问题的高度重视。", "我国代表团谨感谢秘书长提交报告(S/2011/250),列举在武装冲突中严重侵害儿童的各种行径、武装团体释放儿童的进展情况以及在同某些冲突方面打交道中面临的挑战;感谢报告中提出的各项建议。我们高度赞赏负责儿童与武装冲突问题的秘书长特别代表和儿童基金会执行主任的发言。", "保护儿童应该是任何管理和预防冲突战略的组成部分。在这方面,我们赞赏通过监测和报告机制以及儿童与武装冲突问题工作组取得的进展。", "肯尼亚欣见儿童与武装冲突问题现在得到的重视,尤其是攻击学校和医院事件。肯尼亚认为,攻击学校和医院事件虽应谴责,但也反映了国内冲突、践踏人权和治理与法治失败等深层次和更麻烦的问题。关键的是安全理事会和国际社会也应处理这些根源。", "虽然肯尼亚认识到近年来已经取得进展,但仍然存在重大挑战。我们认识到秘书长报告中所列国家的局势。对肯尼亚而言,索马里局势对我国国家安全和经济构成明显、继续和持续不断的威胁。", "正如秘书长在报告中强调,同武装恐怖团伙如青年党接触以遏制儿童卷入武装冲突仍然是艰巨的挑战。儿童卷入武装冲突的后果是灾难性的,不仅对索马里如此,而且对索马里以外地区也是如此。", "索马里冲突二十多年和难民不断流入,已经对肯尼亚造成巨大负担,影响我国社会和经济。这方面世界上最大的难民营——达达布难民营就设在肯尼亚境内。该难民营收容了50多万难民,已经严重不胜负荷。现在,每天有1 000多名新难民越界进入肯尼亚,其中主要是妇女和儿童,包括前士兵和参加过武装冲突的儿童。因此每月有3万多新难民进入肯尼亚。", "在青年党犯下恐怖行动之后,世界粮食计划署被迫撤离索马里。这种情况令人严重关切,因为我们知道,粮食供应是遏制儿童兵招募活动的强大因素。", "因此,我们敦促安全理事会加倍努力,帮助索马里联邦过渡政府和邻国包括我国击败这些恐怖组织。我们绝不能试图安抚或与恐怖分子对话。只有这样才能帮助象索马里这样一个国家局势恢复正常,结束招募儿童兵活动,便利重新恢复向索马里居民提供紧急援助。", "肯尼亚认识到,新生的南苏丹共和国经历了几十年内战,许多儿童曾作为儿童兵卷入冲突或成为冲突的受害者。在内战年间,肯尼亚曾经为这些儿童承担沉重的负担。现在迫切需要加大支持的力度,解决受影响儿童和家庭冲突后创伤问题,包括在南苏丹。我们在同其他国家一道祝贺南苏丹共和国独立成为世界上最年轻的国家的同时,鼓励各国和其他国际行为体支持南苏丹新政府促进受武装冲突影响的儿童和家庭的身心康复和重返社会。所采取的措施不仅要实现他们的中期发展,而且还要满足他们的长期愿望。", "最后,肯尼亚作为部队派遣国,欢迎秘书长要求在所有维持和平行动的任务规定中继续加入保护儿童的具体规定,并将保护儿童列入部署培训内容。这无疑会增强对武装冲突中儿童的广泛和有效的保护,包括保护在学校和医院的儿童。", "然而我们绝不能忘记,保护儿童的最有效办法是防止武装冲突的爆发,通过解决导致冲突的各种原因,包括气候变化、饥饿、疾病、剥削和发展不足,防止冲突升级。", "主席(以英语发言):我现在请吉尔吉斯斯坦代表发言。", "克德若夫先生(吉尔吉斯斯坦)(以英语发言):主席先生,我谨感谢你组织召开本次非常重要的辩论会。我也要祝贺德国代表团出色地主持安全理事会7月份主席的工作。", "吉尔吉斯斯坦欢迎秘书长关于儿童与武装冲突的第十次报告(A/65/250)。我们感谢负责儿童与武装冲突问题的秘书长特别代表拉迪卡·库马拉斯瓦米女士和儿童基金会执行主任安东尼·莱克先生的全面情况介绍。", "让我重申吉尔吉斯斯坦作为人权理事会成员和副主席坚决致力于促进人权和捍卫国际人道主义法的承诺。", "吉尔吉斯斯坦赞赏秘书长报告中提出的各项建议。我们认为,严格执行这些建议将大幅改善大量儿童的生活。我们认为,有必要采取更加严厉的措施,将长期严重侵害儿童、过去五年被连续列入秘书长报告的犯罪团伙和个人绳之以法,杜绝有罪不罚现象。", "吉尔吉斯斯坦欢迎签署上述报告中提及的各项新行动计划。我们同秘书长一起,呼吁参与招募、使用、杀害和残害儿童以及对儿童实施性暴力的各方与相关联合国国家工作队密切合作,尽快拟定行动计划。", "及时执行行动计划和对不遵守这些文件的方面采取适当措施对于防止侵害儿童的犯罪行为至关重要。我们认为,安理会应制定具体措施,了解此类计划的执行情况。", "吉尔吉斯斯坦完全赞同秘书长和安全理事会的看法,对攻击学校和医院的趋势日趋严重表示关切。我们强烈谴责这种行为,并敦促所有各方尊重国际人道主义法。", "吉尔吉斯斯坦认为,和平进程与和平协定应始终体现保护儿童问题。在冲突后规划和为建设和平活动提供资金时,必须考虑到儿童的特殊需要。", "在武装冲突中保护儿童,始终应该是预防冲突大战略和旨在克服饥饿与贫困以及促进社会经济发展的措施对策的一部分。在这方面,我们强调联合国在确保成功执行这种战略方面具有关键作用。安全理事会、大会和经济及社会理事会以及各维持和平特派团、政治特派团、儿童基金会、联合国开发计划署等机构之间保持密切和有效合作十分重要。", "从1994年以来,吉尔吉斯斯坦就是《儿童权利公约》及其两项《任择议定书》的缔约国,而且是其他旨在武装冲突中保护平民的国际法律文书的缔约国。我确认,吉尔吉斯斯坦将继续严格遵行根据这些国际文书作出的承诺。", "最后我强调,吉尔吉斯斯坦支持安理会今天通过的第1998(2011)号决议,并相信该决议将为武装冲突中保护儿童作出有效的贡献。", "主席(以英语发言):我现在请大韩民国代表发言。", "Shin Dong-ik先生(大韩民国)(以英语发言):首先,我感谢主席先生召开这次有意义的关于儿童与武装冲突的公开辩论会。我还赞扬安全理事会及其儿童与武装冲突问题工作组为结束侵害儿童行为和保护儿童权利所做的工作。我国代表团还称赞秘书长潘基文先生和拉迪卡·库马拉斯瓦米特别代表为减轻世界各地武装冲突中的儿童困境开展不懈的工作。在这方面,我们欢迎秘书长关于儿童与武装冲突提交的最新全面报告(文件S/2011/250)。", "就此机会,我国代表团指出,自历史性地通过第1882(2009)号决议和扩大触发因素范围以来,在这个问题上出现了积极的发展。取得具体成果的方面包括招募儿童兵问题的一些关键领域,另外还扩大了解除武装、复员和重返社会方案。大韩民国还欢迎工作组在2011年迄今为止所做的努力,包括通过关于阿富汗、乍得、索马里和刚果民主共和国的四项结论。在这方面,我们促请有关国家政府制定禁止招募儿童兵的行动计划。", "我们尤其高兴地注意到,如第1460(2003)号决议所建议的那样,包含保护儿童信息的2010年秘书长具体国家报告有所增加。这是朝正确方向迈出的有益一步,但在可能的条件下,应予进一步增强,在具体国家报告中更多地提及保护儿童问题,从而充分遵守第1460(2003)号决议。", "然而,尽管取得了上述进展,但我国代表团仍对世界各地受武装冲突影响的儿童的持久困境感到关切。在许多国家,对儿童犯下的严重罪行仍大都没有受到惩罚。虽然我们注意到在正确方向上采取了一些步骤——包括各国政府承诺采取各种调查、逮捕、审判和起诉行动——但许多冲突地区仍普遍存在有罪不罚问题。", "确实,安理会必须采取坚定立场,对惯犯采取有针对性的严厉措施。在这方面,我国代表团继续支持秘书长关于安理会考虑将招募和使用儿童兵问题纳入所有制裁委员会、包括处理反恐问题的制裁委员会的任务规定的建议。若能在安理会各制裁委员会专家组内增加更多保护儿童领域的专门知识,并加强对侵害儿童行为的报告,这将是朝正确方向采取的步骤。", "许多惯犯除招募儿童兵外,还对儿童犯下其他严重侵害行为,例如实施强奸和性暴力。在这方面,我们继续支持根据第1882(2009)号决议,在秘书长报告附件中列出被控对儿童犯有强奸和性暴力行为者,并支持通过第1960(2010)号决议,其中具体设立了监测和报告列入安理会议程的冲突地区的性暴力情况的机制。我国代表团鼓励儿童与武装冲突问题特别代表与冲突中性暴力问题特别代表在这方面进行密切磋商。", "我国代表团认为,今天通过的第1988(2011)号决议是安理会关于儿童与武装冲突问题工作中的又一里程碑。我们深信,此决议将为进一步保护全球儿童发挥重要作用,并将发出此类罪行不会受到容忍的强烈信息。", "我们希望,今天的公开讨论将继续增强安理会关于这一关键事项的重要审议工作。大韩民国在此问题上将继续与国际社会站在一起,以切实保护世界各地的儿童。", "主席(以英语发言):我现在请亚美尼亚代表发言。", "纳扎里安先生(亚美尼亚)(以英语发言):我与前面各位发言者一道,感谢主席先生召集这次公开辩论,并欢迎韦斯腾费勒部长和其他尊贵的外交部长今天早些时候出席会议,以及欢迎儿童基金会执行主任出席会议。", "我们还感谢秘书长提交关于儿童与武装冲突问题的报告(S/2011/250),其中重点论述了攻击学校和医院行为有所增加的趋势。我们还感谢秘书长建议安理会扩大列入附件的肇事方的范围,使其包括攻击或威胁攻击学校和医院的肇事方。我们欢迎各项建议和报告中提及的积极事态发展。该报告是执行第1612(2005)号决议和第1882(2009)号决议以及安理会其他有关文件方面处理继续存在的挑战的有益指南。", "鉴于冲突给儿童造成毁灭性的后果,而保护儿童具有极端重要的意义,因此这一问题值得国际社会的关注,并应成为所有各方的主要责任,因为它是一项严重的人道主义关切事项,也是一项重大的安全问题。为此,保护儿童需要采取多方位的全面办法。", "由于亚美尼亚因遭受战争和侵略而收留了成千上万的难民儿童,这次辩论会对我国特别重要。在20世纪90年代初,无辜的亚美尼亚平民、尤其是儿童遭受了重炮、导弹和炸弹的轰击。我们曾目睹住房、学校、幼儿园、医院甚至救护车遭受恣意的射击。", "因此,亚美尼亚认为需要在国家、区域和国际三个层面采取协调一致的行动,制止此类野蛮行动和政策。与此同时,我们的努力应相辅相成,所有利益攸关方都应利用各自在任务和经验上的比较优势。", "我借此机会表示,我国政府感谢负责儿童与武装冲突问题的秘书长特别代表拉迪卡·库马拉斯瓦米女士为确保儿童能在和平与尊严中生活和成长作出不懈努力。库马拉斯瓦米女士的作用近年来不断增强,她的外地特派团目前担负多种使命,包括传播儿童与武装冲突问题工作组的建议。该工作组本身改进了工作方法,并继续为今年安理会将此问题主流化而发挥积极作用。", "不幸的是,尽管建立了法律保障措施,但世界许多地区仍继续发生可怕的侵害儿童权利的情况,例如使用儿童兵以及杀戮和伤害及强奸儿童。显然,指望仅仅通过规定相关法律准则就能解决如此严重的问题是幼稚的想法。2010年9月就维持和平、建设和平及防止冲突进行高级别辩论之后(见S/PV.6389),安理会在主席声明中重申了下述信念:", "“武装冲突中保护平民、尤其是保护妇女和儿童,应是任何解决冲突的全面战略的一个重要部分”(S/PRST/2010/18)。", "我们赞同在本会议厅表达的观点,即安理会还应该侧重于通过可能实行制裁,对严重侵害儿童的惯犯采取定向措施。因此,我国代表团完全支持通过今天的决议,它特别要求加强工作组与安全理事会有关制裁委员会之间的沟通。", "本次辩论会是一个加入关于如何处理跨界侵害儿童问题并惩罚惯犯的严肃讨论的契机。我们认为,各国政府承诺处理侵害儿童问题也能够提供开始认真处理该问题所需的动力。", "保护儿童是每个人的责任,儿童的未来取决于我们今天采取的行动。亚美尼亚政府决心竭尽全力,为推进这一崇高事业的全球努力做出建设性贡献。", "主席(以英语发言):我现在请贝宁代表发言。", "津苏先生(贝宁)(以法语发言):我的国家贝宁共和国高兴地看到德意志联邦共和国主持安全理事会。我国代表团非常满意地注意到秘书长本人以及安理会理事国政府的许多代表为今天的公开辩论会做出了贡献。", "本次辩论会显然触及了一个极为敏感的话题,即联合国充分有效承担起责任,以促进《联合国宪章》所载理想,特别是在国际和平与安全以及保护人权领域的理想的能力。", "我愿在此表示,贝宁政府非常高兴地看到秘书长特别代表拉迪卡·库马拉斯瓦米女士及其团队在履行其监测和报告儿童与武装冲突问题机制的职责时,表现出持续承诺和令人称道的奉献精神。我还要特别赞扬她勇敢地访问了危险的冲突地区,以使被招募参加武装冲突、受到利用的儿童获释。", "贝宁还要鼓励安全理事会儿童与武装冲突问题工作组,坚决地与努力在武装冲突中保护儿童和青年的联合国各机构以及国际民间社会合作。", "贝宁愿借此机会祝贺卡塔尔为联合国确保在紧急情况下保护受教育权利的工作发挥了领导作用。", "2010年大会通过了第64/290号决议,这标志着在打击影响儿童的国际侵犯人权行为方面取得了重要进展。它带来了切实实现千年发展目标,特别是教育领域的目标的希望。在该决议中,大会明确谴责了违反国际法在武装冲突中蓄意针对平民,包括学龄儿童、学生和老师的袭击以及针对民用目标的袭击。它还宣布,此类行径可能严重触犯了1949年的《日内瓦公约》,对于缔约国来说,根据《国际刑事法院罗马规约》,它还可能构成战争罪。袭击学校和医院也是如此,在冲突期间,学校和医院应被视为安全区,以确保其不可侵犯。", "安全理事会采取举措,扩大儿童与武装冲突监测和报告机制的任务授权,将袭击学校和医院以及那里受保护的工作人员包括在内,这表明安理会正在处理大会在第64/290号决议以及秘书长在其关于儿童与武装冲突问题的最新报告(S/2011/250)中明确表示的关切。我们祝贺安理会回应了秘书长的呼吁,即要求安理会加大努力确保此类设施继续受到保护,特别是要吁请冲突各方尊重这些重要机构及其工作人员,采取一切可能措施保护它们并确保其运转。", "保证人道主义准入仍是一个关键问题。贝宁是第1612(2005)号决议的主要谈判方,还设立了监测和报告机制,它欢迎将其范围扩大到涵盖影响儿童的其它暴行。贝宁敦促安全理事会充分利用现有工具,以确保卷入武装冲突或人道主义危机的儿童的各项权利得到尊重。", "必须加大国际合作的力度,通过在全球、国家和地方各级建立适当的伙伴关系与援助方案,确保儿童和青年能够获取对其福祉十分关键的基本服务。这就是为什么贝宁积极参与筹备定于数日后在纽约这里召开的审议青年和儿童状况的联合国青年问题高级别会议。", "最后,贝宁为自己作为有关儿童与武装冲突问题的新决议的一个提案国感到自豪。它支持决议授权采取的措施,更重要的是,它支持在各级采取的一切努力,向那些无情践踏被卷入武装冲突和政治或人道主义危机的儿童权利的人施加更多压力。", "贝宁重申,它紧急呼吁国际社会更加坚决地努力,以结束世界上的所有冲突,无论其强度如何,并促进受影响国家内的和解与重建。", "主席(以英语发言):我的名单上没有其他发言者了。安全理事会就此结束现阶段对其议程上项目的审议。", "下午5时40分散会。" ]
[ "主席: 维蒂希先生/贝尔杰先生 (德国)\n成员:波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那 武卡希诺维奇先生\n巴西 德奥利维拉女士\n中国 刘冰先生\n哥伦比亚 金塔纳先生\n法国 Gonnet先生\n加蓬 奥南加女士\n印度 Kumar先生\n黎巴嫩 阿萨夫先生\n尼日利亚 Ikuru先生\n葡萄牙 马杜雷拉先生\n俄罗斯联邦 Khvan女士\n南非 穆龙瓦纳先生\n大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国 格林先生\n美利坚合众国 埃德尔斯坦女士", "议程项目", "儿童与武装冲突", "秘书长关于儿童与武装冲突的报告(S/2011/250)", "2011年7月1日德国常驻联合国代表给秘书长的信(S/2011/409)", "下午3时10分复会", "主席(以英语发言):我谨提醒所有发言者将发言限制在四分钟以内,使安理会能够迅速开展工作。", "我现在请斯里兰卡代表发言。", "科霍纳先生(斯里兰卡): 请允许我同前面的发言者一道感谢德国在其担任主席期间召开本次公开辩论会,并感谢德国外交部长今天上午与会。 秘书长办公室、儿童与武装冲突问题工作组、负责儿童和武装冲突问题的秘书长特别代表、儿童基金会和其他有关机构所做的有益工作,无疑将为处理这个对我们时代至关重要的问题增添大量价值。", "斯里兰卡赞同德国常驻代表团同秘书长特别代表办公室、加拿大常驻代表团和联合国青年方案一起于6月组织的三次会外活动。 它们逐步增进了我们对这些问题的理解。 有关讨论强调,迫切需要在国家和国际两级采取协调一致的行动,以遏制并制止招募儿童参加武装战斗的可憎做法。 剥夺一个孩子的微笑和梦想,并给他以去雷和机关枪来负担,是对某些团体和个人的价值观的骇人听闻的控告。", "然而,斯里兰卡对冲突动态国际在加拿大和德国常驻代表团主持下发表的报告持严重保留意见。 例如,关于卷入武装冲突中危害儿童罪行的个人继续担任政府要职的说法令人痛心地不完整并令人误解。 我国政府一贯鼓励前武装团体谴责暴力并进入民主进程,作为和解努力的一部分。 根据这一方针,泰米尔猛虎人民解放组织(猛虎人解组织)恐怖主义泰米尔伊拉姆猛虎解放组织(猛虎组织)的一个分裂派别泰米尔猛虎人民解放组织(猛虎人解组织)不再是一个武装团体并作为一个注册政党进入政治进程。", "象其他国家一样,前恐怖主义集团已转变成合法政党,猛虎人解也加入了民主进程。 它根据与儿童基金会和政府的三方行动计划释放了所有儿童兵。 成年干部是民主进程中非常重要的一环,对全局产生了有益的影响. 报告似乎会点燃过去的痛苦,使与招募儿童有关的问责制问题政治化。 不幸的是,这些复杂的基本现实被忽视了。", "本次辩论的背景是,已确定的6起武装冲突中严重侵犯儿童事件日益频繁和严重。 儿童是最脆弱的群体,因此需要自觉的保护。 因此,我们欢迎秘书长报告(S/2011/250)中关于采取有针对性的措施来打击严重侵犯儿童行为的惯犯的建议。 在斯里兰卡,猛虎组织的儿童兵显然是该运动的大炮饲料,他们被送往早期坟墓。", "关于在提交制裁委员会的报告和建议中系统地提供关于侵犯儿童行为的信息的建议,我们想敦促安理会和工作组确保所收集的信息是客观、准确、可靠和由专家,包括法医专家进行核实的,并且以公开和透明的方式,与参加国家工作队的所有成员一起进行。 第1612(2005)号决议第3段明确指出,监测和报告机制必须与有关国家密切协商,必须严格遵守。 我们还回顾斯里兰卡在2009年5月1日至7月31日提交的全球横向照会方面的不愉快经验。 许多报告是在没有提及监报任务组的情况下提交给安理会的。 不准确的报告将使人们怀疑报告来源和秘书长的报告本身的可信度。", "斯里兰卡在实现在招募儿童问题上零容忍政策方面取得的进展,包括在其“带回儿童”运动中使前儿童兵恢复正常生活并重返社会,从任何标准意义上讲都是有益的。", "根据儿童基金会最近公布的一份报告,1983年至2002年,猛虎组织战斗部队60%以上由18岁以下的男童和女童组成,其中包括海啸后收获的孤儿。 2003年至2009年,儿童基金会记录了5 700多起猛虎组织招募儿童的案件。 其他人则提出接近20 000人的数字。 童兵经常被派去用砍刀袭击村民,并被用做自杀炸弹手,特别是女孩. 发动了数以百计的此类攻击。 在冲突的最后阶段,大量儿童被抛出作为炮灰。 超过一代儿童被牺牲, 他们是我们的孩子。", "在寻找儿童和家庭团聚方面正在取得巨大进展。 根据儿童基金会最近发表的一份研究报告,失踪的泰米尔儿童中有64%被猛虎组织招募。 许多人可能在被蚊子侵扰的丛林中死亡.", "在冲突后阶段,正在大力注意恢复和重建学校,并将学校释放给教育当局。 北部135所被废弃的学校现已得到修复并正常运转。 斯里兰卡向所有儿童提供免费教育,不分幼儿园到大学。", "认识到以前与武装团体有关系的儿童仍然非常脆弱,将继续监测重返社会的前战斗人员。 政府认识到,应将这些儿童置于社会服务部的职权范围内。 儿童是一种资产,国家将像过去一样,对其未来进行大量投资。", "可惜,尽管有进步 我已概述,斯里兰卡继续被列入秘书长报告附件中的点名和羞辱名单。 与5名儿童有关的未决案件似乎是造成这种情况的原因。 与世界其他局势相比,这似乎既老练又不合理。 据称对上述儿童处境负有责任的人被以刑事恐吓罪起诉,根据刑法,这是一种罪行。 他认罪并被定罪并被判处两年严厉监禁,缓期10年执行并被罚款25万斯里兰卡卢比。", "我们呼吁安理会和工作组对斯里兰卡案件进行全面和公正的评估,并将斯里兰卡从命名和羞辱名单上除名。 斯里兰卡目前在儿童权利委员会中有一名代表,我们打算在那里发挥非常积极的作用。 在这方面,应当回顾民间社会代表卡拉·斯泰亚女士在6月30日举行的会议上提出的一项建议。 她建议理事会考虑通过一份荣誉名单,列出在解决前儿童兵问题上取得显著进展的国家,特别是同时也是《儿童权利公约》缔约国的国家。 美国人口贩运年度报告方法中保持的三级分类在这方面也具有相关性和启发性。 我们认为,相应的清单将是前瞻性和建设性的。 它还会鼓励更多有招募儿童问题的国家成为行动计划的自愿伙伴。", "我们还同意一些代表在6月30日的会外活动中表达的看法,即关于儿童与武装冲突问题的讨论,如果要真正有意义,就应当有更广泛的联合国会员国参与。 此外,任务规定只涵盖冲突局势。 将讨论限制在安全理事会进行,并允许非安全理事会成员仅在公开辩论中就该问题发言,这实际上没有给这一问题以更广大会员国应有的严肃性、重点和关注。 扩大本次辩论的空间将是确保集体责任和有效监测的好兆头。", "主席(以英语发言):5月 我提醒发言者将发言限制在四分钟以内,使安理会能够迅速开展工作。 当然,较长的发言可以书面分发。", "我请秘鲁代表发言。", "罗德里格斯·阿尼利亚斯先生(秘鲁)(以西班牙语发言): 我欢迎召开这次公开辩论会,讨论我国认为非常重要的一个问题:儿童与武装冲突。 我要感谢秘书长关于该问题的报告(S/2011/250),并感谢拉迪卡·库马拉斯瓦米女士以负责儿童与武装冲突问题的秘书长特别代表的身份以及儿童基金会执行主任安东尼·莱克先生所提供的信息。", "近年来,安全理事会通过了一系列决议,为国际社会提供了一个立法框架,使在武装冲突局势中和冲突后保护儿童方面取得进展。 这方面已取得的进展是各方日益关切该问题并有采取具体行动的政治决心的结果。 安全理事会今天通过的决议是在武装冲突中保护儿童的渐进进程中又向前迈出了一步。", "然而,武装冲突中的儿童状况仍然令人关切。 因此,秘鲁代表团认为,我们必须加倍努力,制止在武装冲突中招募和使用儿童,并采取严厉措施惩罚那些在武装冲突中实施性暴力、残害或杀害儿童的人。 国际社会绝不能容忍此类案件中的有罪不罚现象。", "在本报告中,秘书长还关切地提到,对学校和医院的袭击越来越多,那里的儿童是主要的平民受害者。 因此,我国欢迎安全理事会作出重要决定,允许秘书长在报告后附上一份清单,列出武装冲突中违反国际法,一再袭击学校和医院的当事方,以及一再袭击或威胁袭击学校和医院受保护的当事方。 因此,秘鲁认为,列入这一新标准将有助于在武装冲突期间向儿童提供更大和更全面的保护。", "我国代表团重申,必须继续加强各制裁委员会同负责儿童和武装冲突问题的秘书长特别代表之间的沟通,以便能够采取措施或交流信息,以更好地保护儿童或对严重侵害儿童的各方实行适当制裁。 各制裁委员会必须考虑能否将儿童状况纳入其任务授权。 在这方面,正如秘书长在其报告中所建议,刚果民主共和国问题上取得的进展可以被视为一个良好的先例。", "同样重要的是,必须继续将保护儿童的明确和具体目标纳入联合国维持和平行动和政治特派团以及建设和平特派团的任务规定。", "我国认为,建设和平委员会可以发挥根本作用,支持旨在冲突后使前战斗人员儿童重新融入经济和社会生活各个领域的计划和方案。 因此,国际社会的支持对于支持各国为此而作的努力至关重要。", "正如我国多次指出的那样,解决这一问题和冲突中对儿童性暴力问题的关键是掌握信息,以便能够采取预防措施,以便作出迅速而有效的反应。 必须继续探索各种机制,以可靠地交流关于性暴力行为的信息,并采取行动来减少和打击这一祸害。", "我国代表团认为,必须在联合国各机构、安全理事会各委员会和儿童与武装冲突问题工作组之间实质性地加强这种信息交流。 同样重要的是在实地部署的军事人员的能力建设和提高认识,使他们能够充分应对涉及性暴力的情况。", "儿童与武装冲突问题工作组的设立表明安全理事会日益致力于保护武装冲突中的儿童。 在这方面,必须提供适当的行政和实质性支助,以便它能够有效地履行其职能,包括进行至关重要的实地访问。", "我还要感谢和赞扬秘书长特别代表拉迪卡·库马拉斯瓦米女士所做的奉献和不懈的工作,以及儿童基金会、儿童权利委员会和其他有关机构正在做的重要工作。", "最后,有一个广泛的国际立法框架,在和平和武装冲突期间为儿童提供适当保护。 因此,必须继续敦促各方履行其义务并增强促进这一进程的机制。", "我们不能动摇我们的努力,不允许在这种情况下逍遥法外,或屈服于情况。 保障和平、发展和有利于后代享有人权的气氛,是国际社会不可否认的、迫切的责任。 秘鲁坚定地致力于这一崇高目标。", "主席(以英语发言):我现在请巴基斯坦代表发言。", "哈龙先生(巴基斯坦)(以英语发言):主席先生,我对你关心这次关于儿童与武装冲突的坦率讨论表示高度赞赏。 我还要表示,我非常坚决支持秘书长及时提交报告(S/2011/250),支持秘书长特别代表所做的工作,支持儿童基金会执行主任。", "我不需要详细谈论爱儿童以及如何超越社会、文化和所有发展因素。 《联合国宪章》本身谈到拯救后世的崇高目标。 国际社会设想了《儿童权利公约》;巴基斯坦是1990年该首脑会议的六个共同发起国之一,该首脑会议为批准该公约提供了适当的条件。", "巴基斯坦还对积极参与促进和保护儿童权利感到自豪。 我们同儿童基金会和国际劳工组织合作,有一个全国儿童福利发展委员会,我们努力制定有关逐步消除童工、使童工康复、正规和非正规教育、免费职业培训和技能发展的立法。 联合国各机构在整个过程中都非常有帮助。", "我们还签署了《儿童权利公约关于买卖儿童的任择议定书》,并致力于拟订关于儿童卷入武装冲突的任择议定书,该议定书正处于非常后期阶段,今年将取得成果。 我认为,本会议厅中的任何人都不会无视这些崇高的用意;但即使是地狱也有一条有良好用意的道路,我们必须在任务授权方面有我认为严格的条件。 安理会设立儿童与武装冲突问题任务的目的正是要调查这种情况,以确保在最恶劣的冲突局势中保护儿童权利。 这非常重要;事实上,这是需要实现的关键核心。", "本机构采取的行动有成千上万起。 我们有多少人可以伸入而不失去核心方向? 我认为,儿童权利委员会和联合国其他有关机构应适当处理所有其他局势。 作为复习,我要回顾,我们在2001年通过了第1379(2001)号决议,其中第16段是其重要内容。 该段提到武装冲突各方违反对其适用的国际义务,在安全理事会议程上或秘书长根据《宪章》第九十九条可能提请安理会注意的局势中招募或使用儿童,他认为——我要强调这一点——可能威胁维持国际和平与安全。", "然后,2009年,我们在第1882(2009)号决议中在第19(a)段中又添加了“或其他令人关切的局势”。 这里的重要短语是“根据本决议第3段”。 第3段指出,秘书长报告的附件应 \" 符合第1379(2001)号决议第16段所定的条件 \" ,我刚刚宣读这一段。 这仍然是核心,绝不可能减轻或搁置。", "当有人试图这样做时,法律事务厅会指出困难。 在2009年给特别代表的一份说明中,办事处写道,负责儿童与武装冲突问题的秘书长特别代表在附件的标题中使用了这一术语,没有安全理事会的明确授权,也没有对此表示赞同,这种情况给秘书长、特别代表和整个秘书处带来了法律、政治和实际困难。", "今天,安理会决定对此作进一步修正;在第22(a)段中,有关所关切局势的措辞被删除并取而代之的是“或其他局势”。 因此,我们应当开始失去任何含糊不清之处,并了解我们如何开展这项好的工作。 作品堪称典范,但开始向别处移动. 我赞同我印度同事早些时候所说的话。 我们有四个触发机制;让我们继续。 让我们不要使事情发生争议。 这就是联合国的目的:法律的文字。 谁比安全理事会更了解这一点?", "我要说,从我国政府的角度来看,提到巴基斯坦是误导性的,是对恐怖分子和罪犯的不应有的尊重——这将是非常不幸的。 除了武装冲突之外,没有其他规定。", "最后,我国政府请我最强烈地谴责极端分子或任何其他团体利用儿童来推行其虚无主义议程,并说我国政府正在采取适当行动来制止这种做法。 与此同时,我们真诚希望,秘书长今后的报告在客观性方面将继续提高,但完全符合既定任务。", "主席(以英语发言):我现在请泰国代表发言。", "辛哈塞尼先生(泰国): 首先,请允许我同其他国家一道祝贺德国担任安全理事会7月份主席。 主席先生,就个人而言,很高兴看到你担任主席。 我国代表团还祝贺和感谢德国举行这次公开辩论会,使那些没有机会就这一重要问题发表意见的国家能够这样做。", "泰国非常重视促进和保护儿童权利。 我们在其国家政策及其执行中维护儿童的最大利益,特别是《宪法》所保障的受教育权和普及受教育权。 我们还同国际社会一样对儿童与武装冲突问题感到关切。", "我们注意到安理会为在武装冲突局势中更好地保护儿童而作的努力和意图,今天通过第1998(2011)号决议就证明了这一点。 我们支持有效执行安全理事会关于这一问题的相关决议,并想就如何进一步改进这一重要问题的工作提出一些中肯的建议。", "首先,根据第1379(2001)号决议和其后各项决议,儿童与武装冲突问题的任务范围继续涵盖安全理事会议程上的武装冲突局势,或秘书长根据《联合国宪章》第九十九条提请安全理事会注意的武装冲突局势,他认为这可能会威胁到维持国际和平与安全。 正如我的巴基斯坦同事所提到,我们注意到法律事务厅在2009年《联合国法律年鉴》中表示,它关于儿童与武装冲突问题的任务的意见:", "“你们记得,多年来,秘书长特别代表在儿童与武装冲突问题上一直使用这一术语,列入附件二标题,但没有安全理事会的明确授权,也没有获得认可;这种情况给秘书长、秘书长特别代表和整个秘书处造成了法律、政治和实际困难。 “", "在推进和解决这种严重的系统性障碍方面,泰国想建议,特别代表的工作应以根据国际法界定武装冲突局势为指导。 此外,我们希望秘书长将审查并精简今后符合授权任务的报告。 我们感到严重关切的是,任何在不适当顾及安全理事会最初意图的情况下重新解释授权的企图,都将损害这一重要授权和安理会在这一问题上的长期工作。", "第二,协调的重要性再怎么强调也不为过。 联合国系统内有各种机制处理与儿童有关的问题,包括儿童与武装冲突问题特别代表、暴力侵害儿童问题特别代表、教育权问题特别报告员和买卖儿童、儿童卖淫和儿童色情制品问题特别报告员。 不同任务负责人之间的协调不是在自己授权的任务之外竞争工作,而是对本组织全面有效工作和合理利用其有限资源至关重要。 在这方面,我们正在考虑提出一项倡议,以加强联合国有关行动者在儿童问题上的协调。 我们希望,这一举措将加强和提高联合国所有现有儿童保护工具的总体效力。", "第三,在编制关于儿童与武装冲突问题的报告时所收集和传递的信息,联合国系统必须做到准确、客观、可靠和可核查。 这是报告附件中列出武装冲突当事方的唯一类型的信息。 就泰国而言,联合国国家工作队,包括联合国所有机构,可以不受限制地进入该国所有地区,并全年定期访问。", "联合国同有关政府的合作也是不可或缺的。 不应否认,政府负有主要责任,应在联合国的支持下,在促进和保护儿童权利方面发挥中心作用。 应当与有关政府密切协调,适当承认实地联合国国家工作队的意见和信息,并将其作为年度报告的基础。 联合国国家工作队未核实的指控应从报告中去除,以免影响其可信度。", "第四,我们欢迎今天通过的第1998(2011)号决议,其中要求会员国就安理会关于儿童与武装冲突的各项决议的执行情况向安全理事会提供相关信息。 这种参与将进一步加强各利益攸关方之间的协调,调整与儿童有关的优先事项,并确保在执行这项任务时提高透明度和加强问责制。", "我的第五点也是最后一点是,在处理与儿童与武装冲突有关的挑战方面,没有一刀切的解决办法。 每一种局势都充满了政治、社会经济和文化方面的考虑,使它成为一个独特的挑战。 因此,我们敦促国际社会更多地投资于能够在实地产生真正变化的领域。", "正如我们完全赞同瑞士代表今天上午代表泰国所属的人类安全网所作的发言所阐明的那样,我们认为,复员、重返社会和康复努力对于长期影响也至关重要。 在这方面,在教育、基本保健、消除贫穷、法治、善政和尊重人权等领域进行投资,对于更全面和更有效地解决暴力侵害儿童问题也至关重要。 归根结底,我们必须对这一问题采取更综合、更全面的办法。 联合国各机构同有关国家政府之间的合作应建立在相互尊重和真诚对话的基础上,以促进安全理事会相关决议的有效执行。", "主席(以英语发言):我现在请匈牙利代表发言。", "克勒西先生(匈牙利): 匈牙利共和国完全赞同欧洲联盟代表的发言。 请允许我感谢维蒂希大使作为儿童与武装冲突问题工作组主席的推动力量。 我们确实非常高兴成为今天上午通过的第1998(2011)号决议等决议的共同提案国。", "我们认为,安全理事会通过今天具有里程碑意义的决议,将加强联合国保护受武装冲突影响儿童的框架。 我国特别重视保护所有国家的文化遗产,并在和平时期和解决冲突期间维护其特性并在此基础上更上一层楼。 但我们也相信,任何国家的文化和遗产都不能认可对学校和医院的攻击。 我们相信,从这些目标中绑架儿童是对儿童、其家人和有关社区的犯罪行为。", "因此,匈牙利欢迎关于将列名触发因素扩大到攻击学校和医院的当事方的建议。 只有通过有效的监测和报告机制,才能追究肇事者的责任。 至关重要的是,要追究肇事者对其应负责的侵权行为的责任。 匈牙利坚定地认为,严重侵害儿童的行为应作为值得制裁的标准列入安全理事会制裁委员会的任务规定。 我们坚信,国际社会应不遗余力地采取有效步骤,应对并制止针对儿童的袭击、虐待、攻击和任何其他类型的暴力。", "匈牙利共和国坚决支持安全理事会的工作。 我们要重申家庭、儿童、教育以及身心健康在所有人生活中的重要性。 匈牙利还想进一步鼓励安理会继续开展反对招募和使用儿童兵的运动。", "主席(以英语发言):我现在请欧洲联盟驻联合国代表团代理团长佩德罗·塞拉诺先生阁下发言。", "塞拉诺先生(欧洲联盟): 主席先生,感谢你请欧洲联盟发言并召开本次重要辩论会。 候选国土耳其、前南斯拉夫的马其顿共和国、黑山和冰岛;稳定与结盟进程国及潜在候选国阿尔巴尼亚、波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那、塞尔维亚;以及乌克兰、摩尔多瓦共和国、亚美尼亚、阿塞拜疆和格鲁吉亚赞同本发言。", "同其他发言者一样,我感谢德国坚定地致力于推动联合国处理儿童与武装冲突问题的办法,并感谢由维蒂希大使领导的儿童与武装冲突问题工作组的辛勤工作。 我还要赞扬潘基文秘书长本人对这一问题的承诺并对他的特别代表表示热烈欢迎。 欧洲联盟(欧盟)赞扬拉迪卡·库马拉斯瓦米女士为面临武装冲突的儿童的权利和福祉所作的不懈努力,并完全支持她的任务和行动。 我还要表示,我们赞赏儿童基金会对儿童保护的贡献,欧盟支持这种贡献。", "欧洲联盟非常珍视近年来在建立保护武装冲突局势中儿童的强有力规范框架方面取得的进展。 因此,我们欢迎今天上午通过的第1998(2011)号决议,欢迎扩大将攻击学校或医院以及攻击或威胁攻击与学校或医院有关的受保护人员,包括学童、病人和教育及医务人员的触发点。 我们期待着该决议得到全面执行,包括通过由国家一级的工作队进行监测。", "欧洲联盟还同其他国家一道呼吁加强问责制,并针对惯犯采取进一步果断行动,包括采取限制性措施。 安全理事会在制定或审查有关制裁委员会的任务时,应将严重侵犯儿童行为列为应予制裁的标准。 我们还鼓励安全理事会解决没有针对具体国家的制裁制度的问责制差距,并处理在这种情况下违反适用的国际法侵害儿童的行为。", "欧洲联盟还相信调查、起诉和惩罚所有严重侵犯儿童者的重要性。 我们曾多次指出,必须尽一切努力来结束有罪不罚的文化,包括通过国际刑事法院和其他国际刑事法庭这样做,这些法庭在确保一国不愿或无法履行其职责时追究责任方面发挥了关键作用。 我们要在此回顾,儿童受到《罗马规约》的特别保护。 我们欢迎国际刑事法院在这一领域的工作,目前对托马斯·卢班加的战争罪审判就是这方面的第一个例子。", "今天在座的许多人强调了果断而全面地履行我们的承诺的极端重要性。 我要借此机会向安全理事会介绍欧洲联盟最近为加强其对保护儿童、使其康复并赋予其权力的工作的贡献所采取的步骤的最新情况。 多年来,这些目标一直是其外交政策、发展和人道主义议程的重中之重。 我高兴地报告,自2010年12月以来,欧洲联盟一直与欧盟儿童与武装冲突问题准则订正执行战略合作。 欧洲联盟在这一领域的行动以安全理事会决议和《巴黎原则》为坚实基础,并完全符合联合国的优先事项。 在这方面,我要强调,欧盟的指导方针特别重视武装冲突中和冲突后女童的状况和具体需要。", "欧洲联盟已加紧政治宣传和公共外交。 例如,我们继续支持普遍批准《儿童权利公约》的任择议定书,特别代表与其他伙伴合作也促进这一点。", "在今年禁止使用儿童兵国际日,非洲联盟和欧洲联盟已共同呼吁促进非洲和欧洲的和平、安全与稳定,并在各级加强努力来防止冲突并保护儿童免受战争的影响,包括不被迫充当战斗人员、性奴隶或仆人。", "欧洲联盟在纳入主流方面有进一步的改进。 我们现在在欧洲联盟特别代表的所有相关任务中纳入关于人权、性别和儿童保护的新标准语言。 我们已开始为我们的危机管理专家制定培训单元,并加强对欧洲联盟外交官的人权培训,包括对在世界各地欧盟代表团任职的官员的人权培训,他们应很快成为儿童与武装冲突问题协调人。", "此外,欧洲联盟根据其人权准则,并作为切实支持执行安全理事会工作组针对具体国家的结论和建议的一种措施,资助了许多项目,以支持冲突后局势中儿童的保护和康复。", "欧洲联盟加强了同特别代表办公室和维持和平行动部的实际合作,因为它在将保护问题纳入维持和平特派团主流方面发挥着关键作用。 我们期待着进一步加强我们与联合国的协作,以造福于受武装冲突影响的儿童,包括在实地的联合国国家工作队。", "最后,我感谢每天为这一崇高事业而努力的所有人,他们往往处于困难的境地。", "主席(以英语发言):我现在请澳大利亚代表发言。", "戈莱德齐诺夫斯基先生(澳大利亚): 主席先生,我要感谢你召开这次非常重要的辩论会。 当然,我们总是这样说,但我认为这个问题确实有特别的反响。", "在我发言之前,我要说,作为儿童与武装冲突问题之友小组的成员,我们非常高兴地赞同加拿大代表今天上午以该小组的名义所作的发言。", "澳大利亚欢迎安全理事会表明致力于处理武装冲突局势中严重侵犯儿童的行为。 这一承诺产生了显著和切实的成果。 在这方面,我们祝贺阿富汗在秘书长以招募理由将阿富汗国家警察列入名单仅12个月之后,就签署了全面行动计划,以制止阿富汗国家安全部队招募儿童并制止其他侵权行为。 我们还赞扬菲律宾在同菲律宾全国民主阵线一起制定一项行动计划方面取得的进展,以确保儿童不会被招募加入新人民军或参与那里的冲突。 我们希望,缅甸政府将允许秘书长特别代表科马拉斯瓦米与非国家武装团体接触,以便谈判行动计划,使该国的一些此类团体能够被除名。", "尽管取得了这些成功,秘书长在其最近的报告(S/2011/250)中指出,袭击和威胁袭击教育和医疗设施的趋势正在增加,令人严重关切。 我们还注意到,这种攻击违反国际法。 显然,还有工作要做。 对学校的袭击不仅影响到儿童和青年,而且影响到整个社区,破坏了减贫努力。 因此,我们欢迎今天通过的决议(第1998(2011)号决议),该决议扩大了列名标准,将严重违反袭击学校和医院的行为以及对在校儿童以及教育和医务人员的可信威胁或袭击包括在内。 将学校和医院都包括在内反映了获得教育和医疗服务与儿童的生存、发展和福祉之间的关系。", "我们鼓励工作组根据工作组的职权范围,充分利用它所掌握的工具箱,包括利用紧急或不定期的情况介绍,使其能够及时而灵活地应对严重违反事件激增的情况,特别是在国家报告和结论周期之外发生的此类情况。 秘书长特别代表向工作组5月份的正式会议作的情况介绍是这方面的一个很好的例子。 澳大利亚坚信,工作组的实地访问,例如最近在尼泊尔和阿富汗进行的实地访问,是确保名单所列各方作出承诺的有力工具。 我们希望,工作组将在2011年作进一步实地访问。", "同其他人一样,我们想欢迎特别代表库马拉斯瓦米在保护武装冲突中的儿童方面所做的工作,包括通过她的实地访问,这是安理会在实地落实并采取行动的一个重要手段。", "我们期待着安理会制裁委员会更多地审议严重侵害儿童的行为人。 我们注意到,2010年,刚果民主共和国首次有人被基于这种理由列入制裁制度。", "我们感到关切的是,由于缺乏指定的制裁委员会,不能通过有针对性的措施来追究一些惯犯的责任。 我们呼吁安理会紧急解决这一问责差距。", "最后,安全理事会及其儿童与武装冲突问题工作组在确保在武装冲突中保护儿童方面取得了重大进展。 然而,在我们庆祝我们的集体成功的同时,我们也必须认识到,挑战依然存在。 我们都有责任确保在冲突期间虐待儿童的人不会逍遥法外。 我们期待着安全理事会在这方面领导我们的力量和承诺。", "主席(以英语发言):我现在请芬兰代表发言。", "维纳宁先生(芬兰): 我荣幸地代表北欧国家,即丹麦、芬兰、冰岛、挪威和瑞典,在安全理事会发言,这些国家都是安理会今天上午通过的第1998(2011)号决议的提案国。", "主席先生,我们特别高兴你采取有效办法,将国家局势报告变成及时的安全理事会建议。 这对于这些建议产生实际影响至关重要。 这方面的良好例子有3月和4月批准的关于阿富汗和乍得的国家结论。 作为积极的后续行动,在过去几个月里,两国都承诺执行行动方案,以终止使用儿童兵。 总之,这表明监测和报告机制可以成为确保所有儿童权利得到尊重的有力工具。 我们应该利用它和有关决议,为受武装冲突影响的儿童提供最广泛的保护。", "在这方面,对医院和学校及其人员的袭击增加,令我们极为关切。 我们认为,这两个机构应同样作为人道主义空间受到尊重,包括在冲突期间。 这是实现所有女孩和男孩受教育的权利的一个基本先决条件,也是促进学校和医院成为和平区以及为不稳定局势下的儿童提供心理社会支助和康复的基本要求。", "最后,获得保健和教育,特别是儿童获得保健和教育,是持久和平与可持续发展的根本基石。 攻击学校和医院、武装团体拒绝或限制安全进入这些设施、将其用作盾牌、用于军事目的或作为招募基地,以及破坏教育和医疗设施的其他行为,应引起秘书长关于儿童与武装冲突问题的报告附件的列名。", "有关制裁委员会越来越多地参与儿童与武装冲突的议程。 我们赞扬特别代表在这方面的努力。 我们敦促安理会继续设法通过现有制裁制度追究肇事者的责任,并探索确保追究冲突中所犯侵权行为责任的新办法。", "为了获得关于袭击和威胁的必要信息,安全理事会应确保所有相关的联合国维持和平行动、政治特派团和建设和平特派团都列入关于监测和报告儿童保护顾问违反规定行为的具体规定。", "主席(以英语发言):我现在请列支敦士登代表发言。", "韦纳韦瑟先生(列支敦士登): 主席先生,非常感谢你召开本次会议并组织了6月30日的会边活动,为本次公开辩论做了非常良好的准备。", "我们赞同加拿大代表儿童与武装冲突问题之友小组所作的发言,并想以我国代表的身份补充几点意见。", "首先,我们赞扬负责儿童与武装冲突问题的秘书长特别代表拉迪卡·库马拉斯瓦米女士及其兢兢业业的工作人员就这一主题所做的出色工作。", "我们对教科文组织题为 \" 受攻击的教育 \" 的报告感到震惊,该报告报告说,在世界各地的武装冲突局势中,学生、教师和机构经常受到攻击。 秘书长的报告(S/2011/250)还记录了对学校的袭击不断增加的情况,在报告所述的22个国家局势中,有14个国家的局势以及国家和非国家行为者的袭击突出显示了这种情况。 在几乎所有情况下,袭击学校都违反了国际人道主义法,可能构成习惯国际法所定义的战争罪或危害人类罪。", "根据《罗马规约》,蓄意袭击教育专用建筑物——只要不是军事目标——是战争罪。 因此,我们对广泛使用校舍作为教学设施和军事场所的报告深感关切,并敦促冲突各方不要使用这种机构。", "将校舍用于军事目的也可能侵犯儿童受教育的基本权利,这项权利被庄严地载入主要国际人权条约,在武装冲突期间是不可减损的。 我们赞扬安理会今天通过第1998(2011)号决议,就这一重要问题采取具体行动。", "违反适用的国际法袭击学校和医院的冲突各方现在也将启动监测和报告机制。 这是朝着正确方向迈出的重要一步。 然而,我们也认为,必须同样重视在各种冲突中所有六种严重侵犯儿童权利的行为。 只有困难地对待区别对待,才能与人权和国际人道主义法原则的普遍性和相互依存性相平衡。", "我们对关于招募和利用儿童参与各种武装冲突的报告深感不安。 为及时应对此类事件,工作组应更好地利用其所有现有工具,包括紧急会议和实地访问。 主席先生,我们欢迎贵国代表团作为儿童与武装冲突问题工作组主席采取主动行动,更频繁地进行实地访问。 我们感到失望的是,安理会其他成员对这种做法没有表现出多少热情。 实地访问可以向受影响民众以及政治和军事领导人发出重要信号,我们希望工作组今后能更有效地利用这一重要工具。", "秘书长报告附件列有16个冲突当事方,它们因在武装冲突中严重侵犯了儿童权利已超过5年。 这些顽固的违反者必须受到安理会的强烈和紧急关注并采取行动。 工作组采取的措施应得到有效的执行措施的补充,例如制裁,包括武器禁运、禁止军事援助和实行旅行限制。", "因此,我们呼吁安全理事会按照2010年6月安理会主席声明(S/PRST/2010/10)所商定的,在设立或延长有关制裁委员会的任务时考虑采取这种措施。 在没有指定制裁委员会的地方,安理会应考虑使用专题制裁委员会。 此外,它应当铭记将局势提交相关的国家和国际司法机制,如国际刑事法院的备选办法,同时考虑由联合国预算承担此类决定的经费筹措。", "最终,尊重武装冲突中儿童权利的责任在于各方本身。 我们呼吁所有顽固的违反者制定并执行一项行动计划,最终可能导致其除名。 为此,有关国家应允许秘书长特别代表办公室同有关非国家行为者直接接触。", "主席(以英语发言):我现在请比利时代表发言。", "格罗斯先生(比利时)(以法语发言): 主席先生,我感谢你组织这次重要活动,这再次强调了安全理事会和整个国际社会对保护受武装冲突之害的儿童的重视。", "比利时欢迎秘书长库马拉斯瓦米女士向我们提交的出色报告(S/2011/250)和其中所载的切实建议。 我要感谢秘书长特别代表的不懈努力。", "我们热情地欢迎确立承认的第四个标准,即一再袭击学校或医院。 这一发展是加强关于儿童与武装冲突的规范框架的一个重要步骤。 此外,我要祝贺德国担任安理会主席、主席先生你本人以及安理会其他成员作出重要决定。 如你所知,比利时很高兴成为这项决议的共同提案国。", "我谨根据我作为建设和平委员会中非共和国组合主席的经验,以中非共和国儿童的例子说明本次辩论的议题。 关于中非共和国全境的局势,我要非常简短地提出五点。", "第一,关于上帝抵抗军 -- -- 上帝抵抗军 -- -- 它在该国东南部仍然猖獗地活动,迄今为止它在该国招募儿童兵或性奴隶。 那些设法逃脱的人迫切需要社会心理支助。 接待他们的社区也需要人道主义支助、指导和医疗,同样迫切需要。 最重要的是,这一问题需要区域反应。", "第二,在该国西北部,500多名儿童从复兴共和与民主军的军队中复员。 尽管如此,仍然没有通过一个重返社会方案向这些儿童提供援助,该方案将超越解除武装、复员和重返社会方案,而且其持续时间将超过该方案。 这就是我的第二点:儿童兵的复员必须与重返社会方案齐头并进。", "第三,在该国东北部,政府于6月12日同争取正义与和平爱国者同盟达成停火协定。 通过该协议,秘书长关于中非共和国境内儿童与武装冲突问题的最新报告(S/2011/241)中的建议之一正在生效,该协议应有助于人道主义准入。 这就是我的第三点:特别代表的报告正在产生实际效果。", "第四,鉴于在保护儿童方面所面临的巨大挑战,我在多次访问班吉时指出,联合国系统缺乏资源和能力。 虽然安理会准备将攻击学校和医院列为需要考虑的一项标准,但必须记住,在原则层面加强这一制度,扩大触发因素,是不够的。 我们还应确保那些努力保护儿童的人有必要的资源和能力来履行其职责。 如果不这样做,所观察到的需求与提供的支助之间的差距只会在中非共和国等国家扩大,因为今天在这些国家,袭击学校和医院的事件无可否认地仍然存在。", "第五,也是最后一点,我要强调,武装冲突的儿童受害者有两类,他们得不到应有的关注:强奸所生的儿童,他们常常被社会视为贱民;以及目睹其母亲、姐妹或家庭其他成员被强奸的人。 迄今为止,在中非共和国、刚果民主共和国东部和其他地方,这是一个被遗忘的问题。", "我知道Coomeraswamy女士知道这两个类别的存在,它们迄今被遗忘或忽视,并决心给予它们一切必要的关注。", "我要特别赞扬秘书长驻班吉特别代表决定一俟几个星期前到达,就加强联合国保护儿童的工作。 她的团队已经迈出了非常重要的第一步,重新启动了关于严重侵犯儿童权利行为监测和报告机制的机构间技术小组的工作。 该机制终于在班吉运作。", "最后,我要欢迎中非共和国政府努力设立保护儿童全国委员会,我鼓励它执行秘书长关于中部非洲局势的第一次报告(S/2009/66)中的各项建议,特别是在儿童与武装冲突领域。", "主席(以英语发言):我现在请以色列代表发言。", "普罗索先生(以色列)(以英语发言):主席先生,我祝贺你领导了安全理事会本月的工作并干练地指导了儿童与武装冲突问题工作组的工作。", "请允许我以个人名义开始发言。 我不仅作为以色列国常驻代表而且作为父亲在安理会发言。 我深感骄傲的是,我在耶路撒冷抚养了三个孩子——Lior、Tourer和Oren。 然而,我的孩子在异常成为常态的现实中长大. 从婴儿时期起,他们就看到每个教育机构都必须有一个武装警卫来保护,从学前班到幼儿园到高中。 国际社会不能接受这种不正常现象是一种正常的生活方式。 没有家庭,没有儿童应该生活在这种环境下。", "儿童是武装冲突的主要受害者。 它们是其目标,而且越来越多地是其工具。 数千人遭受了性剥削、卖淫、强奸和性暴力。 目前,有25万多名未成年人被剥削为儿童兵,他们年轻时就被招募入伍,被剥夺了上学的机会和青年。", "以色列非常重视在武装冲突中保护儿童,并且是《儿童权利公约》及其《关于儿童卷入武装冲突问题的任择议定书》的缔约国。 以色列自豪地成为今天决议的共同提案国,并赞扬德国提出这项决议。", "正如秘书长的报告(S/2011/250)所强调,在这个问题上已取得的进展使我们感到鼓舞。 世界各地冲突地区释放了被征入武装团体的数千名儿童。 为此,联合国在过去一年中在菲律宾、阿富汗和乍得签署了新的行动计划。 我们欢迎这些事态发展,并呼吁毫不拖延地执行这些协定。 然而,释放这些儿童是不够的。 国际社会必须作出特别努力,使他们重新融入社会,以便他们能够希望战斗之外的未来。", "我谨表示,以色列赞赏负责儿童与武装冲突问题的秘书长特别代表拉迪卡·库马拉斯瓦米在进行这些努力中发挥的重要作用。 我们有时发现,她的报告可以从更广泛的资源中受益。 然而,我们向库马拉斯瓦米特别代表的敬业精神和在全世界冲突中保护儿童的奉献精神表示敬意。", "如果不重申在恐怖主义和极端主义面前保护儿童的迫切需要,我的发言是不完整的。 虽然这是一个全球关切的问题,但我们区域的局势清楚地描述了这一多方面的挑战。", "在中东,恐怖分子继续在袭击中挑出儿童。 今年3月,巴勒斯坦恐怖分子在Itamar一个以色列家庭的五名成员在家中睡觉时残忍地杀害了他们,我国对此麻木不仁。 恐怖分子从房间到房间,用刀子进行骇人听闻的犯罪. 他们杀害了双亲;他们杀害了他们两个孩子,即4岁和11岁;在一次难以形容的残酷行动中,他们杀害了这个家庭中最小的成员,一个三个月大的女婴。", "这只是恐怖分子对以色列儿童所发动的许多袭击之一。 去年4月,哈马斯蓄意以以色列南部一辆黄色校车为目标。 他们用反坦克导弹击中了公共汽车,将其完全摧毁并杀死了一名16岁的男孩. 这一袭击突出表明了以色列南部大部分地区儿童每天面临的现实,那里始终存在发射火箭的威胁。 自年初以来,向以色列发射了大约290枚火箭和迫击炮弹——平均每天近两次攻击。 这改变了生活的结构。 在过去六个月中,为避免火箭的危险,10多万名以色列儿童多次失学。", "恐怖主义造成的痛苦并非是专有的。 我们区域的所有儿童都遭受苦难。 哈马斯和其他恐怖主义团体将未成年人作为自杀炸弹手部署,并招募他们对以色列平民和士兵进行袭击。 他们利用儿童作为人盾;他们利用学校、医院和平民社区作为其活动基地,将儿童置于危险之中。", "安理会有责任处理在武装冲突中使用和虐待儿童的更广泛背景。 在学校、难民营和清真寺中,并通过媒体,中东一代又一代的儿童被教导憎恨、诽谤和贬低以色列人和犹太人。 这使他们无法成为全球宽容社会的贡献者。 为了这些儿童和我们区域的未来,国际社会有义务结束这种煽动文化。 我们需要能够促进和平而不是仇恨、容忍而不是暴力以及相互理解而不是殉道的教育。", "恐怖主义的儿童受害者是真实的。 每个人有一个名字和一个家庭;每个人都有自己的梦想和愿望。 国际社会不能接受中东或其他任何地方的恐怖主义长期存在或为其辩解。 我们区域的下一代儿童将应当有一个没有冲突、没有恐怖和仇恨的更光明的未来。", "主席(以英语发言):我现在请巴布亚新几内亚代表发言。", "艾西先生(巴布亚新几内亚): 我借此机会祝贺德国代表团担任了安理会7月份主席,并感谢加蓬代表团在6月份对安理会的领导。", "主席先生,我们感谢你和贵国代表团召开这次重要的专题辩论会并在这个问题上发挥有效领导作用。 我们还确认,安理会继续处理这一重要事项,特别是通过继续监督和一贯支持儿童与武装冲突问题工作组。 我们坚信,安理会必须继续处理此案。", "巴布亚新几内亚批准了《儿童权利公约》,继续支持其执行,更具体地说,因为它涉及武装冲突中的儿童。 我们还继续支持《公约》的四项核心原则,即:第一,不歧视;第二,致力于儿童的最大利益;第三,生命权、生存权和发展权;最后,尊重儿童的意见。", "虽然该组织最近7月6日的《安全理事会报告》关于儿童与武装冲突问题的第四次跨部门报告指出,已经取得了很大成就,但仍有许多工作要做。", "在这方面,我们观察并深切关注世界各地继续发生的无数侵犯儿童的行为。 此外,我们要指出以下六种具体的严重侵害儿童行为,我们认为,安理会知道并必须继续审查这些行为:杀害和残害儿童;对儿童的性暴力;招募和使用儿童为儿童兵;袭击学校和医院;不让儿童获得人道主义援助;以及绑架儿童。 因此,我国支持安理会寻求保护儿童的各项决议,特别是第1612(2005)和1882(2009)号决议。", "目前的辩论还涉及对学校和医院的袭击。 我国代表团强调学校的重要性和儿童受教育的权利。 因此,我们呼吁建立学校和平区,并敦促安理会支持确保世界各地学校安全的行动。", "最后,我国重申支持并赞赏负责儿童与武装冲突问题的秘书长特别代表拉迪卡·库马拉斯瓦米女士的工作。 我们还赞扬联合国有关机构,包括儿童基金会和维持和平行动部,致力于处理国际社会所极为关切的这个领域。 我们保证支持他们的工作。", "最后,如果世界儿童要成为我们的未来,那么我们国际社会当然有义务确保他们有一个更美好的未来。", "主席(以英语发言):我现在请孟加拉国代表发言。", "马赫穆德先生(孟加拉国): 首先,请允许我祝贺德国担任了7月份安全理事会主席并组织了这次关于儿童与武装冲突问题的公开辩论。 我还要感谢德国外交部长主持这次重要会议。 我欢迎部长们今天与会并发言,这明确证明了这一问题对我们大家的重要性。", "也请允许我表示,我国衷心感谢秘书长、负责儿童和武装冲突问题的秘书长特别代表拉迪卡·库马拉斯瓦米女士和儿童基金会执行主任安东尼·莱克先生今天上午所作的详细通报。", "我国代表团感谢秘书长提出文件S/2011/250所载关于这个问题的第十次报告。 我们认为,他的建议值得会员国和武装冲突当事方认真审议,随后予以执行和遵守。", "我们赞扬安全理事会继续努力制止武装冲突中侵犯儿童的行为。 其中包括秘书长点名羞辱名单、建立监测和报告机制、行动计划、通过第1612(2005)号决议设立安全理事会儿童与武装冲突问题工作组、实施制裁并提交国际刑事法院。", "这些举措取得了显著和切实的成功。 正如秘书长报告中所反映的那样,去年,一些列入清单的武装冲突当事方也签署了协议,以通过行动计划,停止招募或使用儿童兵。 联合国全系统对这个问题的反应也值得赞扬。 在这方面,我借此机会感谢儿童基金会在监测和报告机制中发挥的领导作用。 特别代表及其工作班子的不懈努力值得我们特别赞扬。", "在处理这个问题时,我们必须更注重这个问题的供应方面。 非国家武装团体使用儿童不是在真空中发生的。 可能使这些环境中的儿童容易被招募入伍的条件包括:贫穷、歧视、不平等、排斥、绝望和绝望。 这些因素还包括政治暴力文化、在宗教和身份问题上的紧张关系以及使用儿童兵的历史,所有这些因素加在一起造成了一种有可能发生冲突的局势,以及儿童可能被武装团体利用或虐待的局势。 因此,结束儿童卷入武装冲突的成功主要取决于消除动机和绝望的根源,并需要建立维护儿童权利和尊严的社会,以及所有儿童享有更美好未来的希望。", "不用说,还有很长的路要走。 虽然在若干令人关切的局势中,通过释放儿童兵的行动计划已取得进展,但武装冲突中儿童的总体状况仍然严峻。 秘书长报告附件所载清单中有61个实体,其中16个实体至少已列名五年。 应考虑采取某种标准,强制附件所列缔约方,特别是长期违规者充分遵守有时限的行动计划。 然而,必须采取谨慎的做法,以确保这种执法绝不可能伤害我们在这里处理的非常脆弱的群体,即儿童。", "军事行动中的儿童伤亡问题需要得到适当解决。 根据秘书长报告第220段,我们希望武装冲突局势中的所有各方将遵守国际人道主义法和人权法规定的义务。", "除了我所提到的情况外,在许多武装冲突中,还发生了严重侵犯儿童的行为,特别是招募和使用儿童、杀害和残害儿童、强奸和其他针对儿童的性暴力、绑架儿童、袭击学校和医院以及武装冲突各方违反适用的国际法,不让儿童获得人道主义援助。 在这方面,我特别敦促有关各方保护教育和保健机构及有关人员免遭这种袭击。 我们也欢迎今天通过这方面的第1998(2011)号决议。", "自《儿童权利公约关于儿童卷入武装冲突问题的任择议定书》生效以来已经九年多。 孟加拉国于2000年9月9日签署和批准了《任择议定书》。 然而,我们悲痛地指出,共有50个会员国仍未成为缔约国。 我们想敦促这些国家加入该议定书。 儿童是我们世界的未来,他们承受着和平文化的火炬。 我们负有庄严的责任,保护他们的人身安全和他们生活在地球上的权利,使他们的心灵免于恐惧并充满希望和梦想。", "主席(以英语发言):我现在请阿富汗代表发言。", "塔宁先生(阿富汗): 主席先生,我感谢你召开今天的辩论会,为我们大家提供了一个机会来重申我们对确保在武装冲突中保护儿童的安全、权利和福祉的承诺。 我还要感谢负责儿童与武装冲突问题的秘书长特别代表拉迪卡·库马拉斯瓦米女士和联合国儿童基金会执行主任安东尼·莱克先生今天上午的发言。", "战争和暴力的后遗症给我国造成了破坏性影响。 暴力仍然对日常生活造成损失。 它今天在坎大哈这样做了。 正如卡尔扎伊总统在其兄弟坎大哈省委员会主席艾哈迈德·瓦利·卡尔扎伊被害后所言,“这是全体阿富汗人民的生活。 我希望每个阿富汗家庭所面对的苦难终将结束。 “", "可悲的是,这种苦难仍在继续并包括儿童。 儿童继续在阿富汗冲突中首当其冲。 它们是越来越多的平民伤亡之一,他们过上安全、健康和繁荣生活的能力仍然受到威胁。 阿富汗没有战区;没有前线。 暴力袭击发生在我们的村庄、市场和公共街道,使阿富汗儿童在试图过上正常生活时面临危险。 44%的儿童伤亡是简易爆炸装置和自杀式袭击造成的,这些袭击越来越多地针对平民道路、学校和诊所等软目标。 儿童、妇女和其他弱势群体是这种袭击的主要受害者。", "阿富汗政府致力于履行其保护所有儿童的权利并处理侵犯儿童权利行为的责任。 我们已经采取了若干重要步骤,包括发起一个部际指导委员会,其任务是制订和执行我们的国家行动计划,力求防止我国安全部队招募和使用儿童,并处理一切形式的暴力侵害儿童行为。 我们的努力旨在履行我们在保护儿童方面的义务。", "我们正在与联合国国家监察和报告任务组以及儿童与武装冲突问题工作组密切合作,以保护儿童的安全、教育和保健权利。 我借此机会欢迎由维蒂希大使领导的工作组访问阿富汗,访问期间同有关政府实体进行了重要讨论,以增进阿富汗儿童生活的进展。", "我们大家都必须解决极端好战团体雇用的儿童自杀炸弹手令人不安的增加。 最近关于恐怖主义网络培训和向战斗团体出售儿童进行自杀性爆炸的报告反映了所有国家严重侵犯儿童权利的情况。 儿童在战争蹂躏下生存之外一无所知,其脆弱性不值得在战争中加以利用;儿童无辜不是一种公平的战斗战略;最重要的是,根据《阿富汗宪法》标准和国际法,儿童的身体不是战争武器。 利用这些儿童进行自杀式袭击是一种令人发指的罪行,必须坚决予以处理。", "同样,我们认为,在考虑阿富汗儿童所面临挑战时,必须避免把阿富汗政府等同于恐怖分子。 袭击儿童和侵犯他们的基本权利是那些继续破坏阿富汗和平与稳定的人所为。", "通过性虐待、身体虐待和家庭虐待侵害儿童的暴力行为是令人憎恶的,违反了国家法律。 性暴力,包括当地形式的恶行,在媒体报道中广泛引起轰动,是一种在阿富汗法律制度下受到严厉惩罚的罪行。 尽管这些问题并非阿富汗所独有,但我们正在采取一切必要步骤来制止这种非法、不伊斯兰和不道德的做法。", "该国普遍贫穷也威胁到阿富汗儿童的安全和保障。 700多万儿童生活在贫困线下。 贫穷使阿富汗城市和农村的未成年儿童陷入劳动力队伍。 他们为养家糊口而作的斗争剥夺了许多儿童接受教育和建设更光明未来的机会。", "面对这些挑战,我们不应忽视迄今取得的进展。 迄今为止,有700多万男童和女童入学,投资于他们的未来。 我们在全国建造了4 000多所学校;我们预测到2020年有900万儿童入学;在10年前几乎没有女孩接受教育的国家,这些新生的40%以上将是女孩。 此外,阿富汗绝大多数人口能够获得基本保健,这在过去十年中显示出了巨大的改善。", "然而,我们尚未克服挑战。 我们期待着我们继续与国际社会建立伙伴关系,以改善安全,确保阿富汗儿童的生活和未来繁荣。 随着阿富汗政府开始起领导作用,在整个过渡期间,我们的国际伙伴关系将保持不变。 因此,我们既不是成功,也不是失败。 我们对阿富汗儿童的安全负有共同的责任,他们需要而且应当有一个没有不分青红皂白的暴力的环境来充分发挥他们的潜力。", "主席(以英语发言):我以我国代表的身份就卡尔扎伊总统的兄弟去世向德国表示哀悼。", "我请缅甸代表发言。", "韩图先生(缅甸): 主席先生,首先,我国代表团想感谢你主持这次重要会议。 我们也同前面的发言者一样,感谢负责儿童与武装冲突问题的秘书长特别代表库马拉斯瓦米女士和儿童基金会执行主任安东尼·莱克先生提供了关于武装冲突中保护儿童状况的最新资料。 在秘书长关于儿童与武装冲突问题的报告(S/2011/250)发表后,安理会审议这一重要问题是非常及时的。", "儿童是武装冲突最无辜和最易受伤害的受害者。 他们往往在冲突中被虐待和被剥夺基本人权。 儿童仍在各种武装冲突中被招募为战斗人员、致残、被杀死和被强奸。 对儿童的犯罪是不可原谅的。 尽管国际人道主义法和安全理事会授权规定了措施,但儿童在世界各地的冲突局势中继续受苦受难。", "确保民族和解、法治、保护人权并促进可持续发展和消除贫穷,是预防冲突和加强长期保护儿童的最佳办法。 国际社会和联合国可发挥重要作用,协助各国建立一种环境,使儿童能够最佳地享有其基本权利并得到更好的保护。", "我们认为,保护儿童和促进其福利的主要责任在于各国。 缅甸政府承诺不招募18岁以下儿童服兵役。 我国武装部队纯粹是自愿的,服兵役者是自愿的。 我国既没有征兵制度,也没有强制征兵制度。 此外,根据1974年4月的《缅甸国防服务法》和战争办公室第13/73号条例,一个人在年满18岁之前不得入伍。 本条例严格执行. 政府还发起了一项积极的宣传方案,防止招募未成年儿童服兵役。 我们在招聘阶段有严格的审查和检查程序。 不符合最低年龄要求或其他资格的新兵被拒服兵役或退出武装部队。", "国防部检察长办公室负责监督严格遵守征兵命令、指令和条例。 在这方面,从今年1月至4月,共有36名未能满足征兵要求的人被遣散出军队。 在遣散未成年儿童并使其与家人团聚的同时,还对一名军官和其他11名士兵采取了惩罚行动,因为他们没有遵守现行征兵规则和条例。", "我们非常明确地表明,缅甸政府渴望我们的军队 -- -- 政府军的名字从秘书长报告的附件中删除。 为了实现这一目标,我们正在拟订一项国家行动计划草案,其中包括儿童基金会提供的内容和我们从特别代表办公室收到的三个不同国家的行动计划样本。 2010年9月至2011年3月,由国防部、外交部、劳动部、社会福利部、总检察长办公室和首席法官办公室官员组成的技术工作组与儿童基金会和联合国开发计划署(开发署)代表举行了4次会议。", "我们希望双方能够灵活地完成我们的国家行动计划。 就我们而言,缅甸将继续同负责儿童和武装冲突问题的秘书长特别代表办公室、儿童基金会和开发计划署充分合作,以在不久的将来缔结一项国家行动计划。 我们的愿望是从秘书长报告附件中删除我国军队的名字。", "主席(以英语发言):我现在请奥地利代表发言。", "埃布纳先生(奥地利): 首先,我要感谢主席国德国召开本次辩论会,并感谢德国在安全理事会为加强保护武装冲突局势中的儿童所做的出色工作。 我还要感谢秘书长特别代表拉迪卡·库马拉斯瓦米及其办公室的不懈努力和重要工作。 我们赞赏库马拉斯瓦米女士同负责冲突中性暴力问题的秘书长特别代表玛戈特·瓦尔斯特伦女士之间的密切合作。", "奥地利赞同欧洲联盟观察员、瑞士代表以人类安全网的名义和加拿大代表以儿童与武装冲突之友小组的名义所作的发言。", "奥地利欢迎今天通过第1998(2011)号决议,该决议将扩大儿童与武装冲突问题监测和报告机制的触发机制,从而加强现有的儿童保护框架。 对学校和医院的袭击,包括专门针对女童的袭击增加,令人深感忧虑,需要予以明确谴责。 触发因素的进一步扩大需要联合国加强监测和报告能力。 所有儿童保护行动者之间的密切合作变得更加重要。 我们欢迎安理会决心,正如今天的决议所重申的那样,对那些坚持侵犯和虐待儿童的冲突各方采取行动,包括采取有针对性的措施。", "第1998(2011)号决议为确保遵守安全理事会关于儿童与武装冲突的各项决议提供了明确的路线图。 在这方面,我们欢迎安理会打算确保把有关违反有关儿童权利和保护儿童的适用国际法的规定列入制裁制度的清单标准。 有关刚果民主共和国的第1533(2004)号决议所设制裁委员会在这方面提供了一个好榜样。 我们高度赞赏委员会同特别代表之间的信息交流,这需要采取具体行动。", "我们想鼓励安理会考虑利用它所掌握的一切工具,包括采取有针对性的措施,对没有设立制裁委员会的国家局势中的惯犯采取行动。 我们同意秘书长的看法,即联合国国家工作队同非国家行为者之间的直接接触对于制定和执行行动计划,从而确保有效保护儿童至关重要。", "最后,我们鼓励安理会继续将儿童保护规定纳入维持和平与建设和平特派团的任务。 我们要强调对军事和文职维和人员进行培训的重要性。 在这方面,奥地利热烈欢迎维持和平行动部通过全面培训,包括审查现有培训材料,促进儿童保护的培训举措。", "最后,请允许我表示赞赏由德国担任主席的儿童与武装冲突问题工作组的工作。 奥地利高兴地听到秘书长努力为秘书处作出工作安排,并鼓励继续支持安理会儿童与武装冲突问题工作组。", "主席(以英语发言):我现在请乌克兰代表发言。", "帕夫利琴科先生(乌克兰)(以英语发言):虽然乌克兰赞同欧洲联盟观察员的发言,但我要赞扬德国对推进儿童与武装冲突议程的坚定承诺,以及儿童与武装冲突问题工作组在维蒂希大使领导下所做的大量工作。 我还要赞扬潘基文秘书长及其特别代表拉迪卡·库马拉斯瓦米本人对这一问题的承诺。", "我们欢迎秘书长关于儿童与武装冲突问题的最新报告(S/2011/250),因为报告载有许多宝贵建议,包括可以对惯犯采取的措施。 在过去的一年中取得了重要进展。 我们欢迎将列名的触发因素扩大到包括杀害和残害儿童、强奸和其他性暴力。 我们也欢迎各制裁委员会交流信息。 我们要鼓励秘书长特别代表、各制裁委员会、其专家组以及儿童与武装冲突问题工作组之间进行更多的这种互动。", "我们关切地注意到,袭击教育设施的事件增多,我们鼓励安全理事会在今后的审议中处理这一问题。 我们认为,必须彻底调查、起诉和惩罚所有严重侵犯儿童的人。 乌克兰还鼓励安全理事会在制裁委员会的任务规定中酌情列入有关违反适用于儿童的国际法和安全理事会关于儿童与武装冲突的决议的规定。", "我们乌克兰将儿童福利作为国家战略优先事项。 乌克兰已采取适当措施保护每个儿童的权利和尊严。 我们仍然充分致力于适当执行《联合国儿童权利公约》。 今年早些时候,儿童权利委员会审议了乌克兰根据《关于儿童卷入武装冲突问题的任择议定书》第8条提交的初次报告。 委员会特别欢迎乌克兰赞同《保护儿童免遭武装部队或武装团体非法招募或使用的巴黎承诺》和《关于与武装部队或武装团体有关系的儿童的巴黎原则和导则》。 委员会还欢迎乌克兰对武装冲突中的儿童进行强制性培训,包括关于《公约》和《任择议定书》的培训,该培训是为参加国际维持和平行动的乌克兰军事人员组织的。", "我们坚决支持特别代表争取普遍批准《儿童权利公约任择议定书》的运动,并强调这些具有法律约束力的国际文书对保护全世界所有儿童的极端重要性,无一例外。", "最后,我国代表团想重申,乌克兰——特别是作为维持和平行动的积极参与者以及建设和平委员会和妇女署执行局的成员——承诺作出一切努力,帮助确保儿童在其生活的每一情况中享有健康、适当的条件。 我们认为,今天通过的第1998(2011)号决议可以促进儿童的福祉。 作为该决议的提案国之一,乌克兰期待着它得到充分和成功的执行。", "主席(以西班牙语发言): 我现在请智利代表发言。", "埃拉苏里斯先生(智利)(以西班牙语发言): 智利祝贺主席国德国决定将这一重要问题作为7月份公开辩论的主题。 我国代表团感谢秘书长提出全面和令人感兴趣的报告(S/2011/250)。 我们还感谢秘书长儿童与武装冲突问题特别代表拉迪卡·库马拉斯瓦米女士今天向我们提供的宝贵信息,以及儿童基金会执行主任安东尼·莱克先生的全面通报。", "智利赞同瑞士常驻代表以人类安全网的名义所作的发言,智利是人类安全网的成员。", "保护儿童,特别是生活在武装冲突地区的儿童,是我国所特别关注的问题,这就是智利是安理会今天通过的第1998(2011)号决议的提案国的原因,并希望看到该决议得到全面执行。", "毫无疑问,自安全理事会首次将其列入议程以来,保护武装冲突中的儿童问题已取得进展。 秘书长为任命这一领域的特别代表所采取的果断行动,以及该特别代表的努力,有效地促进了这一进展。 此外,应该强调后者与负责冲突中性暴力问题的秘书长特别代表办公室之间加强互动,因为它们涉及同一问题的两个方面。 我还强调,一旦儿童回归社会并重返教育系统,与致力于保护儿童的其他联合国机构的协调将得到加强。 应当特别关注暴力给他们留下的伤疤,当然,如果他们遭受了性暴力,就更需要关注和照顾。", "我们赞同经济及社会理事会昨天在日内瓦就落实教育方面的国际商定目标和承诺而通过的部长级宣言所表示的关切,即 \" 世界上许多失学儿童生活在受武装冲突和自然灾害影响的国家 \" (E/2011/L.28*, 第30段)。 这是一个明确的警告,即我们必须努力改善生活在武装冲突或冲突后局势中的儿童在安全环境中接受教育的机会。 必须通过适当的渠道向家庭和社区提供援助,帮助这些儿童恢复正常生活,这些家庭和社区一般是最直接参与恢复正常生活的家庭和社区。", "智利呼吁那些受武装冲突之苦的政府尽一切可能,在采取必要的预防措施的同时,建立与冲突其他行为者的沟通渠道,使儿童远离冲突的苦难并阻止他们直接参与冲突。 同时,在涉及和虐待儿童时必须伸张正义。 与此同时,还可在教育、卫生等特别设施中提供赔偿,包括象征性赔偿。", "我国同秘书长一样,对袭击医院和学校的事件增加感到关切。 在这方面,智利呼吁冲突各方不要利用任何人民——更不要说儿童——作为人盾。 不管情况如何,攻击学校和医院尤其会受到谴责。", "最后,智利也呼吁尚未批准《儿童权利公约关于儿童卷入武装冲突问题的任择议定书》的国家批准该议定书。", "主席(以英语发言):我现在请也门代表发言。", "萨迪先生(也门)(以阿拉伯语发言): 主席先生,首先,我要表示我国感谢并赞赏你组织这次关于儿童与武装冲突的公开辩论,这个议题无疑对我国和联合国其他会员国具有重大意义。 我们感谢友好的德国国外交部长主持辩论,并感谢秘书长及其特别代表以及儿童基金会执行主任的努力和通报。", "也门目前和过去几年的经济和政治状况是众所周知的。 然而,我国认为,儿童是我们建设现代国家所依赖的未来。 因此,也门共和国是最早于1991年5月加入《儿童权利公约》及其两项任择议定书的国家之一。 我们定期报告这些文书的执行情况。 我们已采取步骤颁布立法来促进和保护儿童权利——例如2002年关于儿童权利的第45号法律和1992年关于照顾未成年人的第24号法律。", "也门共和国不仅签署了保护儿童权利的国际文书并颁布了国内立法,我们还建立了体制机制,将这些文书转化为具体行动。 我们还设立了人权部和妇幼最高委员会,以及若干保护和促进儿童权利的国家委员会和网络。 特别是,我们设立了由副总统担任主席的高级全国委员会、在人权部主持下的其他类似的保护人权的国家技术委员会以及打击贩卖儿童的技术委员会。 我们还同儿童基金会建立了宝贵的伙伴关系。", "我们注意到秘书长的报告(S/2011/250),我们愿就此声明如下。", "第一,我们重申绝对致力于在各个方面促进和保护儿童权利。", "第二,关于我们禁止在武装冲突中征召儿童入伍的承诺,我国所有的军事立法都规定18岁为强制征召入伍的最低年龄。 1991年关于军队和安全部队的第67号法律、1990年关于公共储备的第23号法律和1990年第22号法律均符合《任择议定书》。", "第三,我们同所有国际和民间社会组织合作,禁止征募儿童参加武装冲突。 我们还就这一问题制定了许多准则并出版了许多手册。", "第四,政府被迫承担起打击萨达省最近武装叛乱的责任。 也门国于2010年2月宣布停火,此后一直致力于停火。", "第五,已宣布大赦,以赦免所有被拘留者,包括被叛军和胡塞人团体征募的儿童。", "第六,政府已采取许多措施向所有境内流离失所者和难民,特别是儿童提供援助。", "第七,我们要强调,尽管我国情况特殊,自去年秘书长报告(S/2010/181)中也门被列入清单以来,已经取得了巨大进展。 因此,我们认为没有任何理由将其他类别列入报告清单。", "第八,我们要强调,必须收集关于安全理事会有关决议执行情况的准确信息。", "我们要指出,尽管我国情况特殊,我们将尽一切努力履行我们的国际义务并增进儿童权利。 我们希望国际社会支持我们的努力。", "主席(以英语发言):我现在请阿塞拜疆代表发言。", "穆萨耶夫先生(阿塞拜疆): 主席先生,首先我要感谢你召开这次关于儿童与武装冲突的非常重要的公开辩论会并提交有关这一议题的概念文件(S/2011/409)。", "阿塞拜疆赞同今天以欧洲联盟名义所作的发言。 我谨以我国代表的身份补充几点。", "我们重申,我们承诺继续支持现有联合国机制和其他有关国际行动者的活动,以确保更有效地保护儿童权利并改进受武装冲突影响儿童的状况。 阿塞拜疆对所审议问题的决心是显而易见的,它源于我们对为实现可持续和平与发展作出贡献的强烈兴趣,以及我们处理武装冲突对平民,包括儿童的影响的实际经验。", "对我国发动的战争和对我国领土的军事占领,除其他外,对问题的人道主义方面产生了相当大的影响,并主要影响到最脆弱群体。 阿塞拜疆仍然是世界上难民和流离失所者人数最多的国家之一,其中许多是儿童。 冲突期间犯下了国际上所关切的最严重罪行,甚至儿童也未能幸免。", "安全理事会在1993年针对阿塞拜疆领土被占领而通过的相关决议中,特别提到了违反国际人道主义法的行为,包括阿塞拜疆境内大量平民被强迫流离失所。 欧洲人权法院后来得出了重要结论,将入侵阿塞拜疆领土的人的行为定性为可构成战争罪或危害人类罪的特别严重行为。", "尽管已正式停火,但近年来占领者违反适用的国际法,蓄意攻击阿塞拜疆平民和民用物体的事件已变得更加频繁和激烈,导致居住在前线附近的许多居民,包括儿童被杀死和致残。", "儿童与武装冲突问题已牢牢地列入国际议程,并制定了强有力的规范框架。 已采取重要步骤,追究严重侵犯儿童权利行为的责任。 然而,严峻的挑战依然存在。 需要采取更坚决和有的放矢的措施,以保护处于武装冲突局势中的儿童,并结束种族灭绝、危害人类罪行和对儿童所犯下的其他令人发指的罪行不受惩罚的现象。 此外,在确保国内流离失所儿童不可剥夺的返回权利方面,应特别考虑这些儿童,以及外国占领情况下非法政策和做法对保护儿童权利的影响。", "需要采取紧急行动的另一个有挑战性的问题是,在武装冲突中被劫持为人质并据报失踪的儿童。", "阿塞拜疆将继续为确定这一问题的长期和持续解决办法作出贡献,并侧重于国际社会能够应对现有挑战的方式和方法,特别是武装冲突局势中侵犯和虐待儿童的行为,以及旨在将应对这些侵犯行为负责者绳之以法的措施。", "主席(以英语发言):我现在请肯尼亚代表发言。", "卡马乌先生(肯尼亚)(以英语发言):主席先生,请允许我代表我国代表团感谢你主持这次重要会议。 肯尼亚赞赏安全理事会和国际社会继续重视和优先重视保护受武装冲突影响或卷入武装冲突的儿童。", "我国代表团想感谢秘书长提出报告(S/2011/250),其中列举了武装冲突中严重侵犯儿童的行为、武装团体释放儿童方面取得的进展以及在与一些冲突当事方打交道时所面临挑战,并感谢他所提出的建议。 我们还非常赞赏负责儿童与武装冲突问题的秘书长特别代表和儿童基金会执行主任所作的发言。", "儿童保护应当是任何冲突管理和预防战略的组成部分。 在这方面,我们赞赏通过监测和报告机制以及儿童与武装冲突问题工作组取得的进展。", "肯尼亚欢迎今天提请人们注意儿童与武装冲突问题,特别是因为它涉及对学校和医院的袭击。 但肯尼亚认为,对学校和医院的攻击虽然令人遗憾,但表明内乱、侵犯人权和治理、法律和秩序的失败更为深重和令人不安。 安全理事会和整个国际社会也必须解决这些根本原因。", "虽然肯尼亚认识到这些年来取得的进展,但仍然存在重大挑战。 我们承认秘书长报告所列国家的局势。 对肯尼亚来说,索马里局势对国家安全和我国经济构成明确、持续和持续的威胁。", "正如秘书长在其报告中所强调的那样,为了遏制儿童卷入武装冲突,与武装恐怖主义团体,例如青年党进行接触,仍然是一个艰巨的挑战。 儿童卷入武装冲突的后果是毁灭性的,不仅在索马里,而且在该国境外。", "在肯尼亚,索马里20多年冲突的负担和难民的持续流动是巨大的,对我们的社会和经济有害。 肯尼亚是达达布难民营的东道国,这是世界上最大的难民营。 难民营有50多万难民,其规模已超出其能力。 就在我们发言的时候,每天有1 000多名新的难民进入肯尼亚,他们主要由妇女和儿童组成,其中包括前士兵和儿童,他们曾卷入武装冲突。 每月有30 000多名新难民。", "在青年党犯下恐怖行为后,世界粮食计划署被迫离开索马里。 这令人严重关切,因为我们知道,粮食供应对招募儿童兵是一种强大的威慑。", "因此,我们敦促安全理事会加倍努力,帮助索马里过渡联邦政府及其邻国,包括我国在内,打击这些恐怖主义集团。 我们决不能试图安抚恐怖分子或与其进行对话。 只有这样,才能帮助索马里这样的国家实现局势正常化,制止招募儿童,并便利恢复对索马里人民的紧急援助。", "肯尼亚认识到新的南苏丹共和国遭受了数十年的内战,许多儿童要么是儿童兵,要么是冲突的受害者。 肯尼亚在内战期间对这些儿童承担了沉重的负担。 迫切需要加大支持力度,应对包括南苏丹在内的受影响儿童和家庭的冲突后创伤。 在我们同其他国家一起祝贺南苏丹共和国获得独立并成为最新国家的同时,我们鼓励各国和其他国际行为体支持新政府促进受武装冲突影响的儿童和家庭的身心康复并重返社会。 所采取的措施不仅应实现中期发展,还应实现长期愿望。", "最后,作为一个出兵国,肯尼亚欢迎秘书长要求继续在所有维持和平行动的任务规定中列入关于保护儿童的具体规定,以及将保护儿童纳入部署前培训。 这无疑将加强对武装冲突中儿童的广泛而有效的保护,包括保护学校和医院中的儿童。", "尽管如此,我们决不能忽视这样一个事实,即保护儿童的最有效方式是防止爆发武装冲突并防止冲突升级,办法是处理造成冲突的各种原因,包括气候变化、饥饿、疾病、剥削和不发达。", "主席(以英语发言):我现在请吉尔吉斯斯坦代表发言。", "基德罗夫先生(吉尔吉斯斯坦): 主席先生,我要感谢你组织这次非常重要的辩论会。 我还要祝贺德国代表团出色地主持了7月份安全理事会主席的工作。", "吉尔吉斯斯坦欢迎秘书长关于儿童与武装冲突问题的第十次年度报告(A/65/250)。 我们也感谢负责儿童与武装冲突问题的秘书长特别代表拉迪卡·库马拉斯瓦米女士和儿童基金会执行主任安东尼·莱克先生所作的全面介绍。", "让我重申吉尔吉斯斯坦作为人权理事会成员和副主席对促进人权和维护国际人道主义法的坚定承诺。", "吉尔吉斯斯坦赞赏秘书长报告中的建议。 我们认为,严格执行这些建议将大大地改善许多儿童的生活。 我们认为,必须采取更严格的措施,将犯罪团伙和个人绳之以法并结束他们不受惩罚的现象,他们持续严重侵犯儿童,并被列入秘书长过去五年的报告。", "吉尔吉斯斯坦欢迎报告中提到的新行动计划的签署。 我们同秘书长一道呼吁参与招募、使用、杀害和残害儿童以及对儿童实施性暴力的各方同相关的联合国国家任务组密切合作,尽快最后确定行动计划。", "及时执行行动计划并对那些不遵守这些文件的当事方采取适当措施,对于防止危害儿童的犯罪行为至关重要。 我们认为,安全理事会应制定具体措施来跟踪这些计划的执行进展情况。", "吉尔吉斯斯坦同秘书长和安全理事会一样,对袭击学校和医院的趋势日益严重感到关切。 我们强烈谴责这些行为,并敦促各方尊重国际人道主义法。", "吉尔吉斯斯坦认为,儿童保护问题应始终反映在和平进程和和平协定中。 在冲突后规划和为建设和平活动提供资金时,必须考虑到儿童的特殊需要。", "保护武装冲突中的儿童应当始终是更广泛的预防冲突战略和旨在克服饥饿和贫困以及促进社会经济发展的应对措施的一部分。 在这方面,我们要强调联合国在确保成功执行这一战略方面的关键作用。 安全理事会、大会和经济及社会理事会以及维持和平特派团、政治特派团、儿童基金会、联合国开发计划署和其他机构必须保持密切而有效的合作。", "自1994年以来,吉尔吉斯斯坦一直是《儿童权利公约》及其两项《任择议定书》以及其他旨在武装冲突中保护平民的国际法律文书的缔约国。 我谨确认,吉尔吉斯斯坦将继续严格遵守根据这些国际文书所作出的承诺。", "最后,我要强调,吉尔吉斯斯坦支持安全理事会今天通过的第1998(2011)号决议,并相信它将为保护武装冲突中的儿童作出有效贡献。", "主席(以英语发言):我现在请大韩民国代表发言。", "申东先生 Ik(大韩民国): 主席先生,首先我感谢你组织这次关于儿童与武装冲突问题的有意义的公开辩论。 我还要赞扬安全理事会及其儿童与武装冲突问题工作组为制止侵害儿童行为并保护他们的权利而作的工作。 我国代表团还愿赞扬潘基文秘书长和拉迪卡·库马拉斯瓦米特别代表为减轻世界各地武装冲突中儿童的困境而不懈努力。 在这方面,我们欢迎秘书长关于儿童与武装冲突问题的最新报告(S/2011/250)。", "我国代表团想借此机会指出,自第1882(2009)号决议历史性地通过以来,在这个问题上出现了积极的事态发展并扩大了触发因素。 在征聘的关键领域取得了具体成就,解除武装、复员和重返社会方案得到扩大。 大韩民国还欢迎工作组在2011年迄今所作的努力,包括通过关于阿富汗、乍得、索马里和刚果民主共和国的四套结论。 在这方面,我们敦促有关政府制定行动计划,禁止招募儿童兵。", "我们特别高兴地注意到,秘书长按照第1460(2003)号决议的建议,在2010年增加了载有保护儿童资料的国别报告。 这是朝着正确方向迈出的有帮助的一步,但如果可能,应该进一步扩大,以便在国别报告中更多地提及保护儿童,以期充分遵守第1460(2003)号决议。", "然而,尽管取得了上述进展,我国代表团仍然对世界各地受武装冲突影响儿童的永久困境感到关切。 许多国家对儿童犯下的严重罪行仍然普遍不受惩罚。 虽然我们注意到朝着正确方向采取的一些步骤——包括各国政府承诺解决的调查、逮捕、审判和起诉——但有罪不罚问题在太多的冲突地区仍然普遍存在。", "的确,安理会必须坚定地采取有力和有针对性的措施来对付这些惯犯。 在这方面,我国代表团继续支持秘书长的建议,即安理会应考虑将招募和使用儿童纳入其所有制裁委员会,包括那些处理反恐问题的制裁委员会的任务规定。 在安理会制裁委员会专家组中增加儿童保护领域的专门知识,并增加关于侵犯儿童行为的报告,将是朝着正确方向迈出的步骤。", "许多惯犯除了招募儿童之外,还对强奸和性暴力等其他严重侵犯儿童的行为负有责任。 在这方面,我们继续支持秘书长根据第1882(2009)号决议提交的报告附件列出被控对儿童进行强奸和性暴力的各方,并继续支持通过第1960(2010)号决议,该决议专门设立了一个机制来监测和报告安理会议程上的冲突地区的性暴力。 我国代表团鼓励儿童与武装冲突问题特别代表同冲突中性暴力问题特别代表在这方面进行密切协商。", "我国代表团认为,今天通过第1998(2011)号决议是安理会就儿童与武装冲突问题开展工作的又一里程碑。 我们相信,这将大大有助于进一步保护世界各地的儿童,并发出一个强烈的信息,即这种罪行不会被容忍。", "我们希望,今天的公开讨论将继续增加安理会对这一重要问题的审议。 大韩民国将继续在这个问题上与国际社会站在一起,确保保护世界各地的儿童。", "主席(以英语发言):我现在请亚美尼亚代表发言。", "纳扎里安先生(亚美尼亚): 主席先生,我同前面的发言者一道感谢你召开本次公开辩论会,并欢迎韦斯特维尔部长和其他尊敬的外交部长以及儿童基金会执行主任今天早些时候与会。", "我们还感谢秘书长关于儿童与武装冲突的报告(S/2011/250),该报告侧重于袭击学校和医院的日益增长的趋势,并感谢他建议安理会扩大附件的门户,以包括袭击或威胁袭击学校和医院的各方。 我们欢迎报告中提及的建议和积极事态发展。 该报告是应对在执行第1612(2005)号和第1882(2009)号决议以及安理会其他相关文件方面持续挑战的有用指南。", "冲突对儿童造成毁灭性后果,他们的保护至关重要,应当得到国际社会的关注,并且应当成为所有国家的主要责任,因为它是一个严重的人道主义关切和重大的安全问题。 因此,保护儿童需要采取多层面和全面的办法。", "对于亚美尼亚来说,这次辩论特别重要,因为我国因战争和侵略而收容了数以万计的难民儿童。 1990年代初,无辜的亚美尼亚平民,特别是儿童,遭受了猛烈的大炮、导弹炮击和轰炸。 我们目睹了对住宅、学校、幼儿园、医院甚至救护车的滥射。", "因此,亚美尼亚认为,必须在国家、区域和国际各级采取协调一致的行动来结束这种野蛮的行动和政策。 与此同时,我们的努力应相互补充,所有利益攸关方都应利用各自任务和经验的相对优势。", "我要借此机会表示,我国政府感谢负责儿童和武装冲突问题的秘书长特别代表拉迪卡·库马拉斯瓦米女士为确保儿童能够在和平和尊严中生活和成长而做出的不懈努力。 近年来,库马拉斯瓦米女士的作用越来越大,她现在的实地访问有多种目的,包括传播儿童与武装冲突问题工作组的建议。 就工作组而言,其工作方法有了新的改进,并在今年继续发挥积极作用,将这一问题纳入安理会工作的主流。", "不幸的是,尽管有法律保障,但是在世界许多地区仍然存在骇人听闻的侵犯儿童权利的行为,如使用儿童兵以及杀害、残害和强奸儿童等。 显然,期望仅靠相关法律规范的规定就能解决如此严重的问题是天真之举。 2010年9月,安理会就维持和平、建设和平和预防冲突问题举行了高级别辩论(见S/PV.6389)后,在主席声明中重申坚信", "“武装冲突中保护平民,特别是妇女和儿童,应当是任何解决冲突的全面战略的一个重要方面”(S/PRST/2010/18)。", "我们赞同本会议厅中表达的观点,即安理会还应注重通过可能实施制裁,对严重侵犯儿童的惯犯采取有针对性的措施。 因此,我国代表团完全支持通过今天的决议,该决议除其他外,要求加强工作组同安全理事会有关制裁委员会之间的沟通。", "本次辩论提供了一个机会,可以就如何解决跨界侵害儿童问题进行认真讨论,接触惯犯。 我们认为,各国政府承诺处理侵害儿童行为问题,也能够提供开始认真处理这一问题所需的动力。", "保护儿童是每个人的责任,儿童的未来取决于我们今天采取的行动。 亚美尼亚政府致力于竭尽全力,并为促进这一崇高事业的全球努力作出建设性贡献。", "主席(以英语发言):我现在请贝宁代表发言。", "津苏先生(贝宁)(以法语发言): 我国贝宁共和国高兴地看到德意志联邦共和国主持安全理事会。 我国代表团非常满意地注意到秘书长和安理会成员国政府许多代表个人对今天公开辩论的贡献。", "本次辩论显然涉及一个极为敏感的议题,即联合国能否充分和有效地承担其在促进《联合国宪章》所揭示的理想方面的责任,特别是在国际和平与安全和保护人权方面的责任。", "我要在此指出,贝宁政府对秘书长特别代表拉迪卡·库马拉斯瓦米女士及其团队在履行其在儿童与武装冲突问题监测和报告机制方面的职责方面表现出的持续承诺和值得赞扬的奉献精神感到非常高兴。 我要特别赞扬她勇敢地出访了危险冲突地区,争取释放在武装冲突中被征募和使用的儿童。", "贝宁也想鼓励安全理事会儿童与武装冲突问题工作组与致力于保护武装冲突中的儿童和青年的联合国机构和国际民间社会行动者合作,坚定地合作。", "贝宁想借此机会祝贺卡塔尔在联合国努力确保在紧急情况下保护受教育权方面发挥领导作用。", "2010年大会通过了第64/290号决议,这是在打击影响儿童的国际侵犯人权行为方面取得的重大进展。 它为有效实现千年发展目标,特别是在教育领域,带来了希望。 在该决议中,大会明确谴责违反国际法,蓄意以武装冲突中的平民,包括学童、学生和教师为目标的袭击,并谴责对平民目标的袭击。 它还宣布,这种行为可能构成严重违反1949年日内瓦四公约的行为,对缔约国而言,可能构成《国际刑事法院罗马规约》规定的战争罪。 对学校和医院的袭击也是如此,在冲突期间,这些学校和医院应被视为确保其不可侵犯性的安全避难所。", "安全理事会主动扩大儿童与武装冲突问题监测和报告机制的任务范围,将袭击学校和医院以及在那里工作的受保护人员包括在内,这表明安理会正在处理大会第64/290号决议和秘书长在其关于儿童与武装冲突问题的最新报告(S/2011/250)中明确表达的关切。 我们祝贺安理会响应了秘书长的呼吁,即安理会应作出更大努力,确保这些设施继续受到保护,特别是呼吁冲突各方尊重这些重要机构及其工作人员,并采取一切可能措施保护他们并确保他们能够运作。", "保障人道主义准入仍然是一个关键问题。 贝宁作为第1612(2005)号决议的主要谈判者并建立了监测和报告机制,欢迎扩大该机制的职权范围,使之包括影响儿童的其他暴行。 贝宁敦促安全理事会", "• 充分利用现有文书,确保尊重被卷入武装冲突或人道主义危机的儿童的权利。", "重要的是要加强国际合作,通过在全球、国家和地方各级建立适当的伙伴关系和援助方案,保障儿童和青年人获得对其福祉至关重要的基本服务。 正因为如此,贝宁积极参与了联合国青年问题高级别会议的筹备工作,这次会议定于几天后在纽约举行,以审议青年和儿童的状况。", "最后,贝宁自豪地成为关于儿童与武装冲突的新决议的提案国。 安理会支持该决议所授权的措施,此外,支持在各级为对那些无悔地践踏被卷入武装冲突和政治或人道主义危机的儿童的权利的人施加更大压力而作的一切努力。", "贝宁再次紧急呼吁国际社会更加坚决地努力结束世界上的所有冲突,无论其激烈程度如何,以促进受影响国家的和解与建设和平。", "主席(以英语发言):我的名单上没有其他发言者了。 安全理事会就此结束现阶段对其议程项目的审议。", "下午5时40分散会。" ]
[ "Seventeenth session", "Kingston, Jamaica", "11-22 July 2011", "Agenda of the Assembly", "1. Opening of the session.", "2. Adoption of the agenda.", "3. Election of the President.", "4. Election of the Vice-Presidents.", "5. Appointment of the Credentials Committee.", "6. Consideration of a request for observer status in accordance with rule 82, paragraph 1 (e), of the rules of procedure of the Assembly by the Center For Oceans Law and Policy, University of Virginia School of Law.", "7. Election to fill a vacancy on the Finance Committee, in accordance with section 9, paragraph 5, of the annex to the Agreement relating to the Implementation of Part XI of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea of 10 December 1982.", "8. Annual report of the Secretary-General.", "9. Report and recommendations of the Finance Committee.", "* To be taken up following consideration and adoption of the regulations by the Council.", "10. Consideration and approval of the regulations on prospecting and exploration for cobalt-rich ferromanganese crusts in the Area.*", "11. Election of members of the Finance Committee in accordance with section 9 of the annex to the Agreement relating to the Implementation of Part XI of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea of 10 December 1982.", "12. Report of the Credentials Committee.", "13. Date of the next session of the Assembly.", "14. Other matters." ]
[ "第十七届会议", "2011年7月11日至22日", "牙买加金斯敦", "大会议程", "1. 会议开幕。", "2. 通过议程。", "3. 选举主席。", "4. 选举副主席。", "5. 任命全权证书委员会。", "6. 根据大会议事规则第82条第1款(e)项审议弗吉尼亚大学法学院海洋法和政策中心申请观察员地位的请求。", "7. 根据关于执行1982年12月10日《联合国海洋法公约》第十一部分的协定附件第9节第5段,选举财务委员会一名成员,以填补空缺。", "8. 秘书长年度报告。", "9. 财务委员会的报告和建议。", "^(*) 理事会审议和通过规章后采取行动。", "10. 审议和核准“区域”内富钴铁锰结壳探矿和勘探规章。^(*)", "11. 根据关于执行1982年12月10日《联合国海洋法公约》第十一部分的协定附件第9节,选举财务委员会成员。", "12. 全权证书委员会报告。", "13. 大会下届会议日期。", "14. 其他事项。" ]
[ "第十七届会议", "牙买加金斯敦", "2011年7月11日至22日", "大会议程", "页: 1 1. 会议开幕。", "2. 通过议程。", "3. 。 1. 选举主席。", "4. 选举副主席。", "5. 5. 任命全权证书委员会。", "6. 任务 根据《大会议事规则》第八十二条第1款(e)项,由弗吉尼亚大学法学院海洋法和政策中心审议观察员地位申请。", "7. 基本考虑 根据《关于执行1982年12月10日<联合国海洋法公约>第十一部分的协定》附件第9节第5段选举财务委员会填补一个空缺。", "8. 秘书长的年度报告。", "9 September 2005 财务委员会的报告和建议。", "* E/CN.6/2009/1。 待理事会审议和通过条例后审议。", "10.10 审议和批准“区域”内富钴铁锰结壳探矿和勘探规章。 * E/CN.6/2009/1。", "注 根据《关于执行1982年12月10日联合国海洋法公约第十一部分的协定》附件第9节选举财务委员会成员。", "12. Credentials。", "13 August 2001 大会下届会议的日期。", "十四、任 务 其他事项。" ]
[ "Sixty-fifth session", "Agenda item 122 (s)", "Cooperation between the United Nations and regional and other organizations: cooperation between the United Nations and the Organization of the Islamic Conference", "Letter dated 8 July 2011 from the Permanent Representative of Kazakhstan to the United Nations addressed to the Secretary‑General", "I have the honour to forward the Astana Declaration on “Peace, Cooperation and Development”, adopted by the thirty-eighth session of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation Council of Foreign Ministers, held in Astana from 28 to 30 June 2011 (see annex).", "I would be grateful if the present letter and its annex could be circulated as a document of the sixty-fifth session of the General Assembly under agenda item 122 (s).", "(Signed) Byrganym Aitimova Permanent Representative", "Annex to the letter dated 8 July 2011 from the Permanent Representative of Kazakhstan to the United Nations addressed to the Secretary-General", "Organization of Islamic Cooperation Astana Declaration", "Peace, cooperation and development", "Adopted by the thirty-eighth session of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation Council of Foreign Ministers, held in Astana from 28 to 30 June 2011", "We, the Ministers of Foreign Affairs and Heads of Delegation of the member States of the Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC), participating in the thirty-eighth session of the Council of Foreign Ministers, held in Astana at a time of dynamic change, which holds challenges as well as opportunities for the Muslim Ummah and all humankind, and being aware of the added significance of this Council meeting, declare the following:", "1. We reaffirm our dedication of the high principles of our faith, which enshrine the values of peace, compassion, tolerance, equality, justice and human dignity for the Ummah and all humankind and we resolve to promote peace, cooperation and development all over the world.", "2. We are determined to give a new impetus to OIC and to strengthen its role as a means of promoting cooperation among our countries and implementing the new vision and goals for the Muslim world that require its reform, good governance and human rights in a way that meets the hopes and aspirations of the Ummah in the twenty-first century. It is within this context that we heartily welcome the transformation of our organization to a more cohesive and effective body under the new name of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation with a new logo.", "3. We stress the importance of a successful implementation of the OIC 10-Year Programme of Action, both for the benefit of the Ummah and in contributing to the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals. We recall the recommendations made at the midterm review meeting on the implementation of the OIC 10-Year Programme of Action and the OIC Vision 1441 H for Science and Technology, held in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, from 4 to 6 December 2010, and we therefore emphasize the need for further improvement of the mechanism of action related to its implementation.", "4. We recognize the emerging challenges to our community posed by the unfolding significant developments in the Middle East and North Africa. We appeal to all those concerned to engage in constructive dialogue and work towards peaceful solutions, assuring the protection of civilians. In the spirit of the OIC Charter, we will work, inter alia, through OIC, in order to turn these challenges into an opportunity to improve the lives of our peoples by promoting peace, cooperation, rule of law, human rights, fundamental freedoms, good governance, democracy and accountability.", "5. We reiterate the need for an early settlement of the Palestinian issue and express full support to the Arab Peace Initiative aimed at reaching a lasting, comprehensive and just resolution of the Arab-Israeli conflict. We applaud the significant institution-building efforts accomplished by the Palestinian National Authority, and call on the international community to acknowledge the progress achieved and to recognize the independent, sovereign state of Palestine based on the borders of 4 June 1967.", "6. We strongly condemn Israel’s settlement building and expansion, which constitute a flagrant violation of international law, which is an obstacle to restarting negotiations leading to an end to the occupation of the Palestinian territory by Israel since 1967. We call for the implementation of all relevant United Nations Security Council resolutions pertaining to the Arab-Israeli conflict, in particular resolutions 242 (1967), 338 (1973), 425 (1978), 1515 (2003) and 1860 (2009). We also condemn illegal Israeli policies and actions aimed at altering the Arab and Islamic character of occupied East Jerusalem, changing its demographic composition and isolating it from its Palestinian surroundings. We reaffirm our support to the efforts made by His Majesty King Mohamed VI, Chairman of the Al-Quds Committee, as well as the efforts of His Majesty King Abdullah II Ibn Al-Hussein of Jordan in this regard.", "7. We condemn Israel’s persisting occupation of the Syrian Golan Heights and Lebanese territories, and we emphasize our support for these two countries in regaining all their territories occupied by Israel.", "8. We underline the importance of security, sovereignty, independence, territorial integrity and legal rights for all OIC member countries and a peaceful resolution of the conflicts in accordance with the principles of the Charter of the United Nations, the OIC Charter and international law. We express solidarity with Iraq, Afghanistan, Azerbaijan, Somalia, the Sudan, Côte d’Ivoire, the Union of the Comoros, Bosnia and Herzegovina as well as the peoples of the Turkish Cypriot State, Kosovo and Jammu and Kashmir in their aspirations to a peaceful, secure and prosperous life. We support efforts to strengthen and enhance the role of OIC in conflict prevention and resolution.", "9. We are deeply concerned about the situation in Libya and its humanitarian consequences and call upon the member States and institutions of OIC to take part in the ongoing efforts aimed at providing humanitarian assistance to the people of Libya. We request the Secretary General of OIC follow the situation in this brotherly country and provide member States with regular and timely reports on all developments. We also welcome all efforts aiming at achieving a peaceful solution to this crisis.", "10. We reaffirm our joint commitment to a long-term engagement in Afghanistan in order to bring peace, stability and socio-economic development to this country and to tackle new challenges emerging from it. In this regard we welcome the initiatives aimed at contributing to the enhancement of cooperation with Afghanistan and commend relevant educational programmes, technical assistance and infrastructural projects. We resolve to step up our efforts to prevent and control drugs and crime. We further welcome the support of the United Nations in mobilizing and coordinating international efforts to counter the threat posed by illicit drugs in the region. We commend in this regard the activities of the Central Asian Regional Information and Coordination Centre for Combating the Illicit Trafficking of Narcotic Drugs, Psychotropic Substances and their Precursors (CARICC) in Almaty, Kazakhstan.", "11. We strongly condemn terrorism in all its forms and manifestations and reaffirm that terrorism should never be linked to any religion, race, faith, values, culture or society. We express our deepest sympathy and support for all who have fallen victim to such vicious attacks. We note that terrorism cannot be effectively addressed purely from a security perspective or by military means. Combating terrorism must be dealt with through providing proper education and better social conditions for impoverished people and job opportunities for youth, and would yield far better results by the eradication of its root causes. We reiterate our commitment to strengthening cooperation in fighting and eliminating terrorism and we reaffirm the proposal of the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques, King Abdullah Bin Abdulaziz, on the establishment of an international centre for combating terrorism under the umbrella of the United Nations. We welcome the initiative of Iran in organizing the International Conference on the Global Fight against Terrorism in Tehran in June 2011.", "12. Greater efforts are needed to promote non-proliferation and disarmament. We further stress the fact that progress in nuclear disarmament and non-proliferation, in all its aspects, is essential to strengthen international peace and security. We highlight the support of OIC towards nuclear disarmament and the elimination of other weapons of mass destruction and reiterate our call for non-proliferation through political and diplomatic means within the framework of international law, relevant multilateral conventions and the Charter of the United Nations. We applaud the call made at the 2010 Review Conference of the Parties to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons to convene a conference in 2012 on the establishment of a Middle East zone free of nuclear weapons and all other weapons of mass destruction. We commend the ongoing implementation of the Treaty on a nuclear-weapon-free zone in Central Asia.", "13. We congratulate the Republic of Kazakhstan on its achievement of closing the former Semipalatinsk nuclear test site and celebrate the twentieth anniversary of this landmark event. We welcome the United Nations resolution on the initiative of Kazakhstan to declare 29 August as International Day against Nuclear Tests.", "14. We commend the efforts exerted by the member States and Secretary General of OIC in supporting the causes of the Muslim communities in non-OIC member States, and urge them to continue to support these efforts consistent with the implementation of the relevant OIC Summit and Council of Foreign Ministers resolutions within the established principle of respect for the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the States to which they belong, in accordance with international law and international agreements in general.", "15. We reaffirm the importance of increased efforts to promote interreligious, inter-ethnic and intercultural dialogue within and between States in order to protect the rights of every individual, prevent conflict, foster social harmony, preserve identity and celebrate diversity. We welcome the initiative of the President of Kazakhstan, Nursultan Nazarbayev, to convene the Congress of Leaders of World and Traditional Religions on a regular basis and support other important initiatives and forums of the Islamic countries that provide an effective platform for dialogue to promote inter-faith peace and harmony, including King Abdullah’s Centre for Dialogue between Cultures and Civilizations and the Alliance of Civilizations co‑sponsored by Turkey. We acknowledge the example set by the Republic of Kazakhstan in terms of strengthening dialogue between Governments and citizens of countries in those parts of the world that are known as the Muslim world and the West.", "16. We call for tolerance and condemn Islamophobia and discrimination against Muslims. We commend the continued initiatives by the OIC Secretary General to effectively counter Islamophobia in various international forums. We call upon the international community to take effective measures to combat the defamation of religions and stereotyping of people on the basis of religion, faith or race.", "17. We recognize the growing importance of the Central Asian region for the Ummah, evident by the fact that the Republic of Kazakhstan is the second consecutive Central Asian State, after the Republic of Tajikistan, to chair the OIC Council of Foreign Ministers. We support efforts to promote regional cooperation in Central Asia and applaud the various programmes aimed at involving regional groups in the ongoing socio-economic activities, including the adoption of the Plan of Action for Cooperation with Central Asia.", "18. We acknowledge the key role that socio-economic development plays for the stability of our societies. We therefore welcome the outcome of the 7th World Islamic Economic Forum, held in Astana from 7 to 9 June 2011. We pledge to strengthen development, reduce vulnerability and to unleash the potential of our peoples and economies. We confirm our determination to enhance trade and aid among Muslim countries, and to promote education and innovation in order to modernize our societies, cope with demographic changes and create new opportunities, especially for youth and women. We recognize the immense opportunities for economic cooperation presented by the abundant human and natural resources of the Muslim world. In this respect, we call for the strengthening of multilateral cooperation within OIC in trade, economic, scientific, technical and environmental dimensions, as well as for the establishment of a fund for small and medium-sized enterprises, under the auspices of the Islamic Development Bank.", "19. We stress the importance of sufficient health care for the prosperous development of our societies. We commend the plans for adopting a “Strategic Plan of Action for the OIC in the Sphere of Health Care until 2020” at the 3rd Conference of OIC Health Ministers, to be hosted by the Republic of Kazakhstan later this year.", "20. We are concerned with the fact that insufficient access to food and water can affect the well-being of our peoples and the stability of our States. We call for increased cooperation in the area of food security, among OIC States and between OIC and interested partners. We therefore welcome the establishment of a relevant food security mechanism. We cherish water as a blessing from God that gives and sustains life. We therefore call for greater cooperation to promote water management, including through the realization of the OIC Water Vision.", "21. We recognize the role of the private sector in building capacity, generating investment and promoting the overall growth of the economies of the OIC member States. To this effect, we call for increased support for activities of private sector establishments in the OIC member States, including encouragement of their participation in trade promotion and joint venture activities.", "22. We reiterate the importance of the preservation and restoration of our cultural heritage and the exchange of best practices in learning and teaching languages, history and culture of the Islamic countries. We welcome the nomination of Almaty as the capital of Islamic culture in Asia 2015 by the Islamic Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization.", "23. We support the mobilization of additional resources and invite OIC member States to scale up their relevant contributions. In this regard, we call upon all national and international development partners to collaborate with OIC in its efforts to expand South-South cooperation.", "24. We call for greater inter-institutional cooperation between OIC, the United Nations, the African Union, the League of Arab States, the European Union, the Conference on Interaction and Confidence-Building Measures in Asia, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, the Gulf Cooperation Council, the Cooperation Council of Turkic Speaking States and other relevant organizations.", "25. We express profound gratitude to the Secretary General, Ekmeleddin Ihsanoglu, for effectively promoting the cause of the Muslim world, for disseminating our values and for raising the profile of OIC as a significant player and important actor on the global scene. We support efforts to strengthen the operational capacity of OIC, and to increase cooperation with other relevant partners, including by expanding the organization’s network of liaison offices.", "26. We express our deep appreciation to Nursultan Nazarbayev, President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, and the people and the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan for their generosity, hospitality and efforts that led to the success of the thirty-eighth session of the Council of Foreign Ministers.", "Done in Astana on 30 June 2011" ]
[ "第六十五届会议", "议程项目122(s)", "联合国同各区域组织及其他组织的合作: 联合国同伊斯兰会议组织的合作", "2011年7月8日哈萨克斯坦常驻联合国代表给秘书长的信", "谨在此转递2011年6月28日至30日在哈萨克斯坦共和国阿斯塔纳举行的伊斯兰会议组织外交部长理事会第三十八届会议通过的“和平、合作与发展”阿斯塔纳宣言(见附件)。", "请将本信及其附件作为大会议程项目122(s)的文件分发为荷。", "常驻代表", "贝尔加内姆·艾季莫娃(签名)", "2011年7月8日哈萨克斯坦常驻联合国代表给秘书长的信的附件", "伊斯兰会议组织和平、合作与发展阿斯塔纳宣言", "2011年6月28日至30日在哈萨克斯坦共和国阿斯塔纳举行的伊斯兰会议组织外交部长理事会第三十八届会议通过", "我们,在这一为穆斯林民族和全人类带来挑战和机遇的多变时刻出席在阿斯塔纳举行的伊斯兰会议组织外交部长理事会第三十八届会议的外交部长和代表团长,深知理事会本届会议意义更为重大,特此声明如下:", "1. 我们重申我们决心信守我们信仰的各项崇高原则,包括穆斯林民族和全人类享有和平、友善、容忍、平等、公正和人的尊严,我们决心促进全世界的和平、合作与发展。", "2. 我们决心进一步推进伊斯兰会议组织,加强它的作用,以此促进我们各国之间的合作,实现穆斯林国家的新设想和新目标,以符合穆斯林民族21世纪的希望和愿望的方式对本组织进行必要的改革,实现善治和人权。我们正是在这种情况下衷心欢迎我们组织启用伊斯兰合作组织这一新名称和新的徽章,变成一个更有凝聚力和更加有效的机构。", "3. 我们强调,必须成功地执行伊斯兰会议组织的十年行动纲领,以造福于伊斯兰民族和促进实现千年发展目标。我们回顾2010年12月4日至6日在阿拉伯联合酋长国迪拜举行的伊斯兰会议组织十年行动纲领和科学与技术回历1441年愿景执行情况中期审查会议提出的建议,并为此强调,需要进一步改进与执行纲领和愿景相关的行动机制。", "4. 我们确认中东和北非正在出现的重大事态发展给我们社区带来的新的挑战。我们呼吁所有有关各方进行建设性对话,努力寻找和平解决办法,确保平民得到保护。本着《伊斯兰会议组织宪章》的精神,我们尤其将通过伊斯兰会议组织开展工作,通过促进和平、合作、法治、人权、基本自由、善治、民主和问责制,把这些挑战变成改善我们人民生活的机遇。", "5. 我们重申,需要及早解决巴勒斯坦问题,并表示全力支持旨在持久、全面和公平解决阿以冲突的阿拉伯和平举措。我们赞扬巴勒斯坦民族权力机构做出重大机构建设努力,呼吁国际社会确认取得的进展,承认建立在1967年6月4日边界基础上的独立和拥有主权的巴勒斯坦国。", "6. 我们坚决谴责以色列建造和扩大定居点,严重违反国际法,阻碍重新进行谈判以结束以色列自1967年以来对巴勒斯坦领土的占领。我们呼吁执行联合国安全理事会所有关于阿以冲突的相关决议,特别是第242(1967)号、第338(1973)号、第425(1978)号、第1515(2003)号和第1860(2009)号决议。我们还谴责以色列旨在改变被占领东耶路撒冷的阿拉伯和与伊斯兰性质、改变其人口构成和使其与周围阿拉伯地区隔绝的非法政策和行动。我们重申,我们支持圣城委员会主席穆罕默德六世国王陛下以及约旦国王阿卜杜拉二世·本·侯赛因陛下在这方面做出的努力。", "7. 我们谴责以色列继续占领戈兰高地和黎巴嫩领土,我们强调,我们支持这两个国家收回被以色列占领的领土。", "8. 我们强调伊斯兰会议组织所有成员国享有安全、主权、独立、领土完整和合法权利和根据《联合国宪章》、《伊斯兰会议组织宪章》和国际法和平解决冲突的重要性。我们支持伊拉克、阿富汗、阿塞拜疆、索马里、苏丹、科特迪瓦、科摩罗联盟、波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那以及土族塞人国、科索沃和查谟和克什米尔人民寻求和平、安全和繁荣生活的愿望。我们支持努力加强和增强伊斯兰会议组织在防止和解决冲突方面的作用。", "9. 我们深切关注利比亚局势及其产生的人道主义后果,呼吁伊斯兰会议组织成员国和机构参加为利比亚人民提供人道主义援助的工作。我们请伊斯兰会议组织秘书长跟踪这一兄弟国家的局势,及时定期向成员国报告所有事态发展。我们还欢迎所有旨在和平解决这一危机的努力。", "10. 我们重申,我们共同承诺长期在阿富汗开展工作,以便这一国家实现和平、稳定和社会经济发展,应对该国出现的新挑战。为此,我们欢迎有助于加强与阿富汗合作的举措,并赞扬相关教育方案、技术援助和基础设施项目。我们还欢迎联合国提供支持,动员和协调国际社会的努力,以应对该地区非法毒品带来的挑战。在这方面,我们赞扬哈萨克斯坦阿拉木图中亚区域打击非法贩运麻醉药品、精神药物及其前体信息和协调中心开展的活动。", "11. 我们强烈谴责一切形式和表现的恐怖主义,重申不应把恐怖主义同任何宗教、族裔、信仰、价值观、文化或社会联系起来。我们对所有遭受这种袭击的人表示最深切的慰问和支持。我们指出,无法只从安全角度或通过军事手段有效消除恐怖主义。必须通过进行适当教育、改善贫困者的社会状况和为青年人提供就业来打击恐怖主义,消除恐怖主义的根源会取得更好的结果。我们重申,我们决心加强打击和消除恐怖主义的合作,并重申两圣寺护法阿卜杜拉·本·阿卜杜勒阿齐兹国王关于在联合国主持下建立国际反恐中心的建议。我们欢迎伊朗主动于2011年6月在德黑兰主办全球反恐国际会议。", "12. 需要做出更大努力来促进不扩散和裁军。我们还强调,要加强国际和平与安全,就要在核裁军和不扩散各方面问题方面取得进展。我们强调指出,伊斯兰会议组织支持核裁军,支持销毁其他大规模毁灭性武器,并在此呼吁在国际法、有关多边条约和《联合国宪章》框架内,通过政治和外交途径实现不扩散。我们称赞不扩散核武器条约缔约国2010年审议大会呼吁在2012年召开会议,讨论在中东建立无核武器和其他所有大规模毁灭性武器区。我们赞扬目前为执行《中亚无核武器区条约》开展的工作。", "13. 我们祝贺哈萨克斯坦关闭了前塞米巴拉金斯克核试验场,并庆祝关闭试验场这一历史性事件二十周年。我们欢迎联合国关于哈萨克斯坦宣布8月29日为禁止核试验国际日的提议的决议。", "14. 我们赞扬伊斯兰会议组织成员国和秘书长做出努力,支持不是伊斯兰会议组织成员的国家中的穆斯林社区的事业,敦促他们根据国际法和国际协定,在执行伊斯兰会议组织首脑会议和外交部长理事会决议的框架内,根据尊重这些社区所属国家的主权和领土完整的既定原则,继续做出这些努力。", "15. 我们重申,必须进一步做出努力,在国内和国家之间促进不同宗教、族裔和文化间的对话,以便保护每个人的权利,防止冲突,促进社会和谐,维护特性和多元化。我们欢迎哈萨克斯坦总统努尔苏丹·纳扎尔巴耶夫先生关于定期召开世界各国领导人和传统宗教领导人会议的建议,支持伊斯兰国家的其他重要举措和论坛,因为它们为促进不同信仰之间的和平与和谐提供了一个对话平台,包括阿卜杜勒国王促进不同文化和文明间对话中心和土耳其联合赞助的不同文明联盟。我们确认,哈萨克斯坦共和国在加强世界上穆斯林国家和西方国家的政府和公民之间的对话方面树立了榜样。", "16. 我们呼吁宽容,谴责仇视和歧视穆斯林人的行为。我们赞扬伊斯兰会议组织秘书长继续采取举措,在各种国际论坛上切实反对仇视伊斯兰行为。我们呼吁国际社会采取有效措施,打击诋毁宗教和以宗教、信仰或族裔为由偏见待人的行为。", "17. 我们认识到,对穆斯林民族来说,中亚的重要性在不断增加,这表现在哈萨克斯坦共和国是继哈萨克斯坦共和国后主持伊斯兰会议组织外交部长理事会的第二个中亚国家。我们支持为促进中亚区域合作做出的努力,赞扬各种旨在让区域团体参加目前进行的社会经济活动的方案,包括通过与中亚开展合作的行动计划。", "18. 我们确认,社会经济发展对我们的社会稳定起重要作用。因此,我们欢迎2011年6月7日至9日在阿斯塔纳举办了第七届世界伊斯兰经济论坛。我们保证加强发展,减少脆弱性,发挥我们的人民和经济的潜力。我们申明,我们决心加强穆斯林国家之间的贸易和援助,促进教育和创新,以便我们的社会实现现代化,处理人口构成发生的变化,为人民、特别是青年和妇女创造新的机会。我们认识到,穆斯林国家人力和自然资源富足,为开展经济合作带来巨大的机会。我们为此呼吁在伊斯兰会议组织内加强贸易、经济、科学、技术和环境领域的多边合作,并在伊斯兰开发银行主持下设立一个中小型企业基金。", "19. 我们强调,有充分的保健对于我们社会实现繁荣发展至关重要。我们赞扬有关今年晚些时候在由哈萨克斯坦共和国主办的第三届伊斯兰会议组织卫生部长会议上通过《到2020年的伊斯兰会议组织保健领域战略行动计划》的计划。", "20. 我们感到关注的是,没有足够的粮食和用水可影响我们人民的福祉和国家的稳定。我们呼吁在粮食保障领域加强伊斯兰会议组织国家之间的合作和伊斯兰会议组织与有关伙伴的合作。因此,我们欢迎建立一个相关粮食保障机制。我们认为,水是主赋予我们的,创造并维系着生命。因此,我们呼吁加强合作,促进水的管理,包括实现伊斯兰会议组织关于水的愿景。", "21. 我们认识到私营部门在伊斯兰会议组织成员国的能力建设、促进投资和推动经济全面增长等方面的作用。为此,我们呼吁进一步支持私营部门在伊斯兰会议组织成员国中的活动,包括鼓励它们参加贸易促进和合资经营活动。", "22. 我们重申,必须保护和恢复我们的文化遗产,交流伊斯兰国家在教育、语言教学、历史和文化方面的最佳做法。我们欢迎伊斯兰教育、科学和文化组织将阿拉木图命名为2015年亚洲伊斯兰文化首都。", "23. 我们支持另外筹集资源,请伊斯兰会议组织成员国增加相关捐助。为此,我们呼吁所有国家和国际发展伙伴在这方面与伊斯兰会议组织协作,加强南南合作。", "24. 我们呼吁伊斯兰会议组织、联合国、非洲联盟、阿拉伯国际联盟、欧洲联盟、亚洲相互协作与建立信任措施会议、上海合作组织、欧洲安全与合作组织、海湾合作委员会、突厥语国家合作委员会和其他有关组织加强机构间合作。", "25. 我们深切感谢秘书长艾克麦尔·伊赫桑诺格鲁,感谢他切实推进伊斯兰国家的事业,传播我们的价值观,提高伊斯兰会议组织作为国际舞台上的一个重要组织和行动者的声望。我们支持做出努力,加强伊斯兰会议组织的业务能力,增加同其他有关伙伴的合作,包括扩大本组织的联络处网络。", "26. 我们深切感谢哈萨克斯坦共和国总统努尔苏丹·纳扎尔巴耶夫,感谢哈萨克斯坦共和国人民和政府,感谢他们慷慨大方,盛情款待并做出努力,使外交部长理事会第三十八届会议取得成功。", "2011年6月30日订于阿斯塔纳" ]
[ "第六十五届会议", "议程项目122(s)", "联合国同各区域组织及其他组织的合作: 联合国同伊斯兰会议组织的合作", "2011年7月8日哈萨克斯坦常驻联合国代表给秘书长的信", "谨转递2011年6月28日至30日在阿斯塔纳举行的伊斯兰会议组织外交部长理事会第三十八届会议通过的《阿斯塔纳和平、合作与发展宣言》(见附件)。", "请将本函及其附件作为大会第六十五届会议议程项目122(s)的文件分发为荷。", "常驻代表", "2011年7月8日哈萨克斯坦常驻联合国代表给秘书长的信的附件", "伊斯兰会议组织阿斯塔纳宣言", "和平、合作与发展", "伊斯兰会议组织外交部长理事会第三十八届会议于2011年6月28日至30日在阿斯塔纳通过", "我们,伊斯兰会议组织成员国外交部长和代表团团长,参加了在阿斯塔纳举行的外交部长理事会第三十八届会议,会议充满活力,给穆斯林世界和全人类带来了挑战和机遇,并意识到安理会本次会议的附加意义,宣布如下:", "页: 1 我们重申我们的崇高原则,这些原则体现了世界人民和全人类的和平、同情、容忍、平等、正义和人类尊严的价值观,我们决心在全世界促进和平、合作与发展。", "2. 结 论 我们决心给伊斯兰会议组织提供新的动力,加强其作为促进我们各国合作和为穆斯林世界执行新愿景和目标的手段的作用,这些新愿景和目标要求其改革、善政和人权,以满足二十一世纪乌玛的希望和愿望。 正是在这一背景下,我们衷心欢迎把我们的组织转变为一个以伊斯兰合作组织新名称为新标志的更加团结和有效的机构。", "3. 。 我们强调,必须成功执行伊斯兰会议组织《十年行动纲领》,这既有利于乌玛,也有利于实现千年发展目标。 我们回顾2010年12月4日至6日在阿拉伯联合酋长国迪拜举行的《伊斯兰会议组织十年行动纲领》和《伊斯兰会议组织关于科学和技术的第1441 H愿景》执行情况中期审查会议上提出的建议,因此,我们强调必须进一步改进与其执行有关的行动机制。", "4. 第四届会议 我们承认中东和北非的重大事态发展给我们社区带来的新挑战。 我们呼吁有关各方开展建设性对话,努力寻求和平解决办法,确保保护平民。 本着《伊斯兰会议组织宪章》的精神,我们将特别通过伊斯兰会议组织努力,把这些挑战变成一个机会,通过促进和平、合作、法治、人权、基本自由、善政、民主和问责制,改善我们各国人民的生活。", "5. 我们重申必须早日解决巴勒斯坦问题,并表示全力支持旨在持久、全面和公正地解决阿拉伯-以色列冲突的阿拉伯和平倡议。 我们赞扬巴勒斯坦民族权力机构所做的重大体制建设努力,呼吁国际社会承认取得的进展,承认以1967年6月4日边界为基础的独立、主权的巴勒斯坦国。", "6. 任务 我们强烈谴责以色列修建和扩大定居点的行为,这是公然违反国际法的行为,阻碍重启谈判,从而结束以色列自1967年以来对巴勒斯坦领土的占领。 我们呼吁执行联合国安全理事会有关阿以冲突的所有相关决议,特别是第242(1967)号、第338(1973)号、第425(1978)号、第1515(2003)号和第1860(2009)号决议。 我们还谴责以色列旨在改变被占领的东耶路撒冷的阿拉伯和伊斯兰特征、改变其人口构成并孤立其巴勒斯坦周围的非法政策和行动。 我们重申支持圣城委员会主席穆罕默德六世国王陛下的努力,以及约旦国王阿卜杜拉二世·伊本·侯赛因陛下在这方面所作的努力。", "7. 基本考虑 我们谴责以色列持续占领叙利亚戈兰高地和黎巴嫩领土,我们强调,我们支持这两个国家恢复被以色列占领的所有领土。", "8.8 我们强调,根据《联合国宪章》、《伊斯兰会议组织宪章》和国际法的原则,安全、主权、独立、领土完整和法律权利对伊斯兰会议组织所有成员国都十分重要,和平解决冲突。 我们对伊拉克、阿富汗、阿塞拜疆、索马里、苏丹、科特迪瓦、科摩罗联盟、波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那以及土族塞人国家、科索沃和查谟和克什米尔人民实现其和平、安全和繁荣生活的愿望表示声援。 我们支持加强和加强伊斯兰会议组织在预防和解决冲突方面的作用的努力。", "9 September 2005 我们对利比亚局势及其人道主义后果深感关切,并呼吁伊斯兰会议组织成员国和机构参与目前旨在向利比亚人民提供人道主义援助的努力。 我们请伊斯兰会议组织秘书长跟踪这一兄弟国家的局势,并定期向成员国报告所有事态发展。 我们也欢迎旨在和平解决这场危机的所有努力。", "10.10 我们重申,我们共同致力于在阿富汗长期参与,以便给该国带来和平、稳定和社会经济发展,并应对由此而产生的新挑战。 在这方面,我们欢迎旨在促进加强与阿富汗合作的倡议,并赞扬相关的教育方案、技术援助和基础设施项目。 我们决心加紧努力,预防和控制毒品和犯罪。 我们还欢迎联合国支持动员和协调国际努力,以应对该区域毒品构成的威胁。 在这方面,我们赞扬中亚区域信息和协调中心在哈萨克斯坦阿拉木图开展的打击非法贩运麻醉药品、精神药物及其前体的活动。", "注 我们强烈谴责一切形式和表现的恐怖主义,并重申恐怖主义永远不应与任何宗教、种族、信仰、价值观、文化或社会联系起来。 我们对遭受这种罪恶袭击的所有人表示最深切的同情和支持。 我们注意到,不能仅仅从安全角度或军事手段有效地处理恐怖主义。 打击恐怖主义必须通过向穷人提供适当的教育和更好的社会条件,为青年人提供就业机会,并通过消除恐怖主义的根源,取得更好的结果。 我们重申我们致力于加强合作,打击恐怖主义,并重申两圣寺护法阿卜杜拉·本·阿卜杜勒阿齐兹国王关于在联合国旗帜下建立一个国际反恐中心的建议。 我们欢迎伊朗倡议于2011年6月在德黑兰组织全球打击恐怖主义国际会议。", "12. 第12段。 需要作出更大努力,促进不扩散和裁军。 我们还强调,核裁军和核不扩散各方面的进展对于加强国际和平与安全至关重要。 我们强调伊斯兰会议组织对核裁军和消除其他大规模毁灭性武器的支持,并重申我们呼吁通过政治和外交手段,在国际法、相关多边公约和《联合国宪章》的框架内实现不扩散。 我们赞扬不扩散核武器条约缔约国2010年审议大会呼吁在2012年召开一次关于建立中东无核武器和所有其他大规模毁灭性武器区的会议。 我们赞扬《中亚无核武器区条约》的持续执行。", "13 August 2001 我们祝贺哈萨克斯坦共和国关闭前塞米巴拉金斯克核试验场,庆祝这一里程碑事件20周年。 我们欢迎联合国关于哈萨克斯坦倡议宣布8月29日为禁止核试验国际日的决议。", "十四、任 务 我们赞扬伊斯兰会议组织成员国和伊斯兰会议组织秘书长努力支持非伊斯兰会议组织成员国穆斯林族群的事业,并敦促它们继续按照国际法和一般国际协定,支持这些努力,以符合执行伊斯兰会议组织首脑会议和外交部长理事会有关决议的既定原则,尊重它们所属国家的主权和领土完整。", "15 我们重申,必须加强努力,促进各国内部和国家间的宗教间、族裔间和文化间对话,以保护每个人的权利,防止冲突,促进社会和谐,维护身份和庆祝多样性。 我们欢迎哈萨克斯坦总统努尔苏丹·纳扎尔巴耶夫的倡议,即定期召开世界和传统宗教领袖大会,并支持伊斯兰国家的其他重要倡议和论坛,这些倡议和论坛为对话提供了一个有效的平台,促进信仰间和平与和谐,包括阿卜杜拉国王文化与文明对话中心和土耳其共同发起的不同文明联盟。 我们承认哈萨克斯坦共和国树立的榜样,即加强世界那些被称为穆斯林世界和西方的国家政府与公民之间的对话。", "161 我们呼吁宽容,谴责仇视伊斯兰教和对穆斯林的歧视。 我们赞扬伊斯兰会议组织秘书长继续在各种国际论坛上有效打击仇视伊斯兰现象。 我们呼吁国际社会采取有效措施,打击对宗教的诽谤和基于宗教、信仰或种族对人的定型观念。", "17. 第17条。 我们承认中亚地区对乌玛的日益重要性,因为哈萨克斯坦共和国是塔吉克斯坦共和国之后第二个连续的中亚国家,担任伊斯兰会议组织外长委员会主席。 我们支持促进中亚区域合作的努力,并赞扬旨在使区域集团参与正在进行的社会经济活动的各种方案,包括通过了《中亚合作行动计划》。", "第18条 我们承认社会经济发展对我们社会稳定的关键作用。 因此,我们欢迎2011年6月7日至9日在阿斯塔纳举行的第七届世界伊斯兰经济论坛的成果。 我们承诺加强发展,减少脆弱性,释放我们各国人民和经济的潜力。 我们确认,我们决心加强穆斯林国家之间的贸易和援助,促进教育和革新,以便使我们的社会现代化,应对人口变化,创造新的机会,特别是为青年和妇女创造机会。 我们承认穆斯林世界丰富的人力和自然资源为经济合作提供了巨大机会。 在这方面,我们呼吁加强伊斯兰会议组织内部在贸易、经济、科学、技术和环境方面的多边合作,并在伊斯兰开发银行的主持下为中小企业设立一个基金。", "191 我们强调,必须提供足够的保健,促进我们各国社会的繁荣发展。 我们赞扬在将于 later举行的伊斯兰会议组织卫生部长第三次会议上通过“2020年前在保健领域为伊斯兰会议组织制定的战略行动计划”的计划。", "20.20 我们感到关切的是,获得粮食和水的机会不足可能影响到我们各国人民的福祉和我们各国的稳定。 我们呼吁在粮食保障领域加强伊斯兰会议组织各国之间以及伊斯兰会议组织与有关伙伴之间的合作。 因此,我们欢迎建立一个相关的粮食保障机制。 我们珍惜水,把它作为上帝的祝福,为生命提供和维持。 因此,我们呼吁加强合作,促进水管理,包括通过实现伊斯兰会议组织水事远景。", "21.21。 我们承认私营部门在能力建设、创造投资和促进伊斯兰会议组织成员国经济总体增长方面的作用。 为此,我们呼吁增加对伊斯兰会议组织成员国私营部门机构活动的支持,包括鼓励它们参与促进贸易和联合企业活动。", "第22章 我们重申保存和恢复我们的文化遗产以及交流伊斯兰国家学习和教学语言、历史和文化方面的最佳做法的重要性。 我们欢迎伊斯兰教育、科学和文化组织提名阿拉木图为2015年亚洲伊斯兰文化的首都。", "23. 会议报告。 我们支持调动更多资源,并请伊斯兰会议组织成员国扩大其相关捐款。 在这方面,我们呼吁所有国家和国际发展伙伴与伊斯兰会议组织合作,努力扩大南南合作。", "24. 第24段。 我们呼吁伊斯兰会议组织、联合国、非洲联盟、阿拉伯国家联盟、欧洲联盟、亚洲相互协作与建立信任措施会议、上海合作组织、欧洲安全与合作组织、海湾合作委员会、土耳其语国家合作委员会和其他相关组织加强机构间合作。", "258. 我们深切感谢秘书长埃克梅尔迪丁·伊赫桑诺格卢有效促进穆斯林世界的事业,传播我们的价值观,提高伊斯兰会议组织在全球舞台上作为重要角色和重要行动者的形象。 我们支持努力加强伊斯兰会议组织的业务能力,加强与其他相关伙伴的合作,包括扩大该组织的联络处网络。", "262. 报 告 我们深切感谢哈萨克斯坦共和国总统努尔苏丹·纳扎尔巴耶夫以及哈萨克斯坦人民和政府的慷慨、热情款待和努力,使外交部长理事会第三十八届会议取得成功。", "2011年6月30日在阿斯塔纳捐" ]
[ "Sixty-sixth session", "* A/66/50.", "Item 28 (b) of the preliminary list*", "Social development: social development, including questions relating to the world social situation and to youth, ageing, disabled persons and the family", "Realization of the Millennium Development Goals and other internationally agreed development goals for persons with disabilities", "Report of the Secretary-General", "Summary", "The present report is submitted pursuant to General Assembly resolution 65/186, in which the General Assembly requested information on its implementation with a view to convening, at the sixty-seventh session of the Assembly in 2012, a high-level meeting on strengthening efforts to ensure that persons with disabilities are included in and have access to all aspects of development. The Assembly also requested information on best practices for the inclusion of persons with disabilities in development efforts.^(a) The present report examines progress made towards the integration of the disability perspective in development processes but notes that the rights and concerns of persons with disabilities remain to be integrated into mainstream development processes. The report also highlights opportunities to ensure the inclusion of disability in the global development agenda towards and beyond 2015.", "^(a) Selected examples of best practices at the national, regional and global levels in mainstreaming disability in development are periodically published and made available at the United Nations Enable website:", "Contents", "Page\nI.Introduction 3II.Overview 4 of progress made in equality and empowerment of persons with disabilities in the context of the global development \nframework A.Current 4 status of disability mainstreaming in the international development \nframework B. Mainstreaming 5 of the disability perspective and empowerment of persons with disabilities in society and \ndevelopment C.Progress 8 towards the integration of the disability perspective and persons with disabilities into development policies and \nprogrammes III. Strategic 15 framework for reinforcing the disability perspective in the global development \nagenda Key 15 priorityareas forstrategicaction for disability-inclusive \ndevelopment IV.The 19 way forward: promoting a disability-inclusive development agenda towards 2015 and \nbeyond \nV.Recommendations 19", "I. Introduction", "1. The General Assembly, taking note of the report of the Secretary-General (A/65/173), adopted resolution 65/186, in which it requested information with a view to convening at the sixty-seventh session of the Assembly, in 2012, a high-level meeting on strengthening efforts to ensure that persons with disabilities are included in and have access to all aspects of development efforts.", "2. As the final deadline for the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals draws near, the international community must, through all possible channels, ensure that disability is included in the Millennium Development Goals and in any development framework beyond 2015. The high-level meeting in 2012 will provide an invaluable opportunity to consider a global strategy towards 2015 and beyond for mainstreaming disability in the development agenda.", "3. It is anticipated that new ideas and specific proposals should be formulated to advance the new United Nations development framework beyond 2015. Dialogue and consultations on a post-Millennium Development Goals framework will present the international community with critical opportunities to ensure the explicit inclusion of disability in any emerging development framework for 2015 and beyond.", "4. As a result of the renewed efforts and globally concerted advocacy of multi‑stakeholder partnerships that include Governments, the United Nations system, civil society and, in particular, organizations of persons with disabilities, the international community has increasingly recognized the nexus between disability and development and its socio-economic impact. Disability issues are gradually gaining visibility in the outcomes of global conferences and summits on international development.[1] Nonetheless, commitments should be translated into concrete actions. The rights and concerns of more than 1 billion persons with disabilities remain to be integrated into mainstream development processes.[2]", "5. The present report provides an overview of the progress and challenges in promoting the inclusion of disability in internationally agreed development goals, including the Millennium Development Goals. The report also explores options for priorities and possible outcomes for the proposed high-level meeting in 2012.", "II. Overview of progress made in equality and empowerment of persons with disabilities in the context of the global development framework", "A. Current status of disability mainstreaming in the international development framework", "6. Mainstreaming disability in development is a strategy for achieving equal opportunities for persons with disabilities. Estimates indicate that over 1 billion people, or approximately 15 per cent of the world’s population, are living with some form of disability.² Some 110 million to 190 million people, or 2 to 4 per cent of the world’s population, live with significant disabilities. The evidence shows that persons with disabilities are more likely to experience adverse economic and social outcomes. There is an urgent need to transform development processes to be more inclusive, equitable and sustainable if the progress achieved is to benefit all members of society.", "7. Research on the relationship between disability and development has continued to increase in recent years. Although the link between disability and poverty is nuanced, mainly as a result of a lack of adequate data, the multiple barriers facing persons with disabilities are understood and well documented. Empirical evidence from both developing and developed countries indicates that persons with disabilities experience poorer educational and labour market outcomes compared to those without disabilities, as well as higher rates of poverty.² The multiple barriers relating to the environment, institutions, attitudes, and information and communication need urgent redressing to ensure the inclusion in mainstream society of the millions of persons with disabilities currently at the periphery of development.", "8. Historically, persons with disabilities have been largely overlooked in international development processes, including the Millennium Development Goals. Since the adoption of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities in 2006, there has been renewed vigour to address the rights and concerns of persons with disabilities in society and development.[3]", "9. Over the past decade, the General Assembly has reiterated its commitment to include the disability perspective[4] in the global development agenda, calling for urgent action in specific priority areas, such as the need for full and effective participation of persons with disabilities, building a knowledge base of disability data and facts and promoting accessibility of the built environment and of information and communications technology.", "10. A key achievement was the inclusion of disability and persons with disabilities in the outcome document of the High-level Plenary Meeting of the General Assembly on the Millennium Development Goals at its sixty-fifth session.[5]", "11. To ensure policy coherence between a post-2015 development framework and the current development frameworks, such as the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development and the Istanbul Declaration and Programme of Action,[6] participation in the processes by all stakeholders, including the disability community, is crucial for future efforts towards inclusive development.", "B. Mainstreaming of the disability perspective and empowerment of persons with disabilities in society and development", "1. Emerging issues and trends", "Strengthening national frameworks on disability through the implementation of the Convention", "12. With over 100 ratifications of the Convention, more and more Governments are increasing their efforts and undertaking new initiatives for its implementation. Strategic frameworks for the advancement of persons with disabilities have been adopted in the context of domestic policies. Those efforts include exploring policy options for disability inclusion in the mainstream development agenda; promoting accessibility; empowering persons with disabilities; and building national capacities and institutional frameworks to incorporate the disability perspective at all levels of decision-making.", "Promoting multi-stakeholder partnerships", "13. Multi-stakeholder partnerships within and outside the United Nations system have explored the cross-sectionalities between disability and other issues, such as gender, child poverty, mental health, peace and security, and emergency and disaster management.[7] For example, there is growing recognition of disability and HIV/AIDS as an emerging issue. The Global Contact Group on AIDS and Disability, an informal multi-stakeholder partnership comprising United Nations agencies, civil society bodies and other development partners, was established with the intention of mainstreaming a disability perspective in HIV/AIDS advocacy and programming efforts at the international level. The Group promoted the inclusion of issues that affect persons with disabilities on the agenda of the High-level Meeting of the General Assembly on HIV/AIDS, held in June 2011.", "14. Within the United Nations system, the Inter-Agency Support Group on the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, whose members represent 25 United Nations bodies, has finalized its joint strategy and plan of action, which will support the implementation of the Convention on the ground.", "15. Private-sector collaboration is fairly new in the promotion of disability-inclusive development and can play a vital role by ensuring that corporate social responsibilities include anti-discriminatory employment practices, training in marketable skills and support of business ventures and partnerships with persons with disabilities and their organizations.", "16. Improved coordination among Governments, ministries, United Nations agencies, donors, national and international development organizations, civil society and other bodies could promote a holistic approach to mainstreaming disability in development.", "17. For example, in response to the earthquake in Haiti in 2010, the Global Partnership for Disability and Development[8] established a working group to ensure the inclusion and involvement of persons with disabilities in reconstruction and community rehabilitation efforts in Haiti at all stages of the emergency management and reconstruction efforts. The working group developed a common strategy, established partnerships among interested parties, and coordinated advocacy efforts to ensure that all rebuilt and new infrastructure is fully accessible and barrier-free to persons with disabilities. A toolkit entitled “Haiti: reconstruction for all” was developed by the Global Partnership to help structure a more comprehensive approach to disaster management to ensure that long-term recovery is inclusive of persons with disabilities.[9]", "2. Socio-economic aspects of disability", "18. The Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities recognizes that disability is an evolving concept and that it results from interaction between persons with impairments and attitudinal and environmental barriers that hinder their participation in society on an equal basis with others.[10] Addressing those barriers is often the most cost-effective way to ensure the inclusion of persons with disabilities.", "19. As reported in the World Report on Disability, over 1 billion people currently live with some form of disability. That figure is expected to increase as the world’s population is ageing at an unprecedented rate.[11] Studies suggest that the incidence of disability associated with obesity and other chronic illnesses is also on the rise within the working-age population.[12] The changing structure and condition of the global population requires society to address environmental accessibility through designs that provide reasonable adaptation in meeting the needs and capacities of all users.", "Economic costs", "20. The exclusion of persons with disabilities results in significant costs to society.[13] Estimating disability-related loss in productivity and associated taxes is complex to measure. One such estimate using data from Canada showed that the loss of work through short- and long-term disability was 6.7 per cent of gross domestic product.[14]", "21. Another example is the exclusion of children and adults with disabilities from access to education, which affects human capital formation and bears significant economic and social costs for society as a whole. The Education For All Global Monitoring Report 2010 states that disability is one of the least visible but one of the most potent factors in education marginalization.[15]", "Social costs", "22. At the individual level, social exclusion often contributes to further discrimination and renders persons with disabilities disproportionately likely to live in poverty. Removing physical, attitudinal and information barriers is critical and results in numerous benefits to individuals, including improved self-esteem, enhanced well-being and a stronger sense of empowerment. This, in turn, brings benefits to society as a whole, including greater social cohesion.", "Investing in persons with disabilities", "23. The costs of promoting accessibility and reasonable accommodation should be regarded as an investment in the future. The upfront costs involved in promoting accessibility should be weighed against the long-term benefits to all members of the society.", "24. Investment in persons with disabilities is necessary not only to promote compliance with the Convention on the Rights of Disabled Persons and other relevant instruments, but also for the realization of the internationally agreed development goals, including the Millennium Development Goals, for all.", "25. Access to employment is the most cost-effective method of reducing poverty among persons with disabilities, their families and their communities.[16] The majority of persons with disabilities can contribute to economic productivity once barriers to their participation are removed.[17] Similarly, in the education sector, efforts should be scaled up to reach out to the millions of children currently excluded from schools. Evidence suggests that inclusive education, adapted to meet the broad range of needs of children with disabilities, is generally more cost-effective and produces more meaningful results than educating them in segregated settings.", "26. Additional opportunities for training in information and communications technology for young persons with disabilities should be promoted. As employment opportunities in the field of information and communications technology expand throughout the world, training and skills in this area can increase the scope for employment of persons with disabilities, providing an untapped supply of labour and leading to increased productivity and growth.", "27. The mainstreaming of persons with disabilities in development, with a view to reducing costs and as an investment in the future, should focus on implementation through progressive realization of minimum standards on accessibility. Research shows that accessibility compliance is most cost-effective when taken into account in the initial stages of design and planning of new buildings.", "28. Developing countries may draw upon experiences and best practices for lower-income countries to promote accessibility through innovative design and cost-effective strategies. While the cost of universal design could remain low with its incorporation in projects from the outset and local participation, the cost of failing to do so can be significant, taking into account human costs and opportunity costs incurred owing to inaccessibility.[18]", "C. Progress towards the integration of the disability perspective and persons with disabilities into development policies and programmes", "1. Member States[19]", "Legislative measures", "29. Member States provided examples of legislative protections for the rights of persons with disabilities. Some countries, such as Greece, underlined protection measures included in their national constitutions. Others noted the adoption of specific laws to ensure the rights of persons with disabilities. For example, in 2010, the Parliament of Guyana passed the Persons with Disability Act, which is guided by principles enshrined in the Convention. Burkina Faso passed the Law on the protection and promotion of disability rights; Cameroon passed the Law on the protection and promotion of persons with disabilities; and Slovenia adopted the Act on equal opportunities for persons with disabilities in the light of the Convention and the Millennium Development Goals. Member States also reported on the adoption of legislation implementing the Convention. For example, Senegal adopted the Law of social orientation on the implementation of the Convention. Further information on legislative developments with regard to the Convention can be found in the reports of the Secretary-General on the status of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and the Optional Protocol thereto.", "Action plans and programmes", "30. A number of Member States, including Ethiopia, Georgia, Indonesia, Lithuania, Mexico, Peru, Qatar, Slovakia, Thailand and the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, have national strategies, plans or programmes related to development, social inclusion or human rights, focused on or specifically inclusive of persons with disabilities. Other Member States, such as Saudi Arabia, have specifically included persons with disabilities in national plans and programmes on the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals.", "31. Some Member States reported on the creation of bodies to oversee State efforts to ensure the rights of persons with disabilities. For example, Bosnia and Herzegovina established a council for persons with disabilities to promote cooperation among State and local institutions and associations of persons with disabilities. The Congo created a national committee for coordination, monitoring and evaluation of the national plan for persons with disabilities. The Syrian Arab Republic created a national committee to implement disability policies and strategies in the light of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.", "32. Several Member States reported on efforts to ensure accessibility in society. China reported on its efforts to ensure barrier-free facilities and services, including through the formulation of barrier-free-building regulations and the promotion of accessible network and communications technology.", "33. A number of Member States, including Australia, Canada, Italy, Japan, the Netherlands, Sweden and the United States, reported strategies and initiatives to include disability in international cooperation and development assistance programmes, including through the funding of projects specifically intended to increase accessibility. Italy reported its adoption, in 2010, of guidelines for the mainstreaming of disability issues in the policies and activities of Italian cooperation, which contain recommendations to strengthen efforts to promote disability in the Italian development agenda. The United States reported the establishment, in 2010, of the Disability Inclusive Development Office to mainstream disability into the work of the United States Agency for International Development, including through the development of training and guidance tools on disability-inclusive development, and support disabled people’s organizations. That plan is being implemented in 2011. The Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela reported on its efforts to promote development and implementation of programmes and plans on care for persons with disabilities within the States members of Alianza Bolivariana para los Pueblos de Nuestra América.", "Strengthening the collection and analysis of data and statistics on disability", "34. The General Assembly has accorded high priority to building a knowledge base of disability data and information to generate disability-sensitive development policies and processes. The collection and analysis of such data and statistics are crucial to the effective formulation and implementation of disability-inclusive policies and programmes, and in the monitoring and evaluation of progress in achieving the Millennium Development Goals.", "35. Member States, including Argentina, Grenada, Mexico, Oman and the Philippines, reported on their collection of data regarding persons with disabilities on the basis of their national censuses. Italy, Lithuania and Poland also reported on their collection of statistics on disability by means of data-collection processes focused on the labour force or health. Several countries, including the Philippines and Sweden, reported either the current application of or efforts under way to apply the World Health Organization (WHO) International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health framework for measuring disability.", "36. Other Member States announced the development of new initiatives: Canada reported the launch, in 2010, of a new disability data strategy, and Spain noted the mainstreaming of disability indicators in all active population statistics gathered by its National Statistics Institute.", "37. Several Member States provided examples of their efforts to integrate the disability perspective in the monitoring and evaluation of the Millennium Development Goals. For example, Costa Rica reported on the creation, in 2011, of a national register on disability statistics, through which it seeks to create a statistical tool consistent with the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.", "Building and strengthening global, regional and national networks and multi‑stakeholder partnerships", "38. Member States reported on a variety of efforts to build and strengthen global, regional and national networks and multi-stakeholder partnerships. Member States, including Jordan, Morocco, Turkey and Turkmenistan provided examples of their partnerships with United Nations agencies and/or regional bodies. Turkey reported on its partnership with the European Commission on a project intended to ensure that persons with disabilities enjoy equal access to goods and services and the ability to contribute to society and the economy.", "39. Several Member States provided examples of intergovernmental partnerships to address the situation of persons with disabilities. Guyana reported on extensive bilateral cooperation with Cuba on ophthalmological care, which allowed for immediate assistance while helping the country to develop capacity and sustainability over a specified time.", "40. A number of Member States reported on partnerships with non-governmental organizations. In some cases, as reported by Andorra, Government consulting or monitoring bodies on disabilities had been composed of both ministry representatives and representatives of organizations of persons with disabilities.", "2. United Nations system", "41. To advance the mainstreaming of disability into the Millennium Development Goals, organizations of the United Nations system have undertaken initiatives and actions focused on mainstreaming disability.", "Mainstreaming disability in development policies and practices", "42. The Secretariat continued to provide forums for stakeholders to exchange ideas in the field of disability and development, with a view to mainstreaming disability in the Millennium Development Goals. To that end, the Department of Economic and Social Affairs organized a series of meetings and discussions in close collaboration and partnership with Governments, bilateral and multilateral development agencies, civil society and other stakeholders. The events were held in conjunction with sessions of the General Assembly, the Commission for Social Development and the Commission on the Status of Women, among others, and with the annual commemoration of the International Day of Persons with Disabilities.", "43. Most recently, during the High-level Meeting of the General Assembly on HIV/AIDS, held in New York in June 2011, the Department of Economic and Social Affairs collaborated with the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS and other stakeholders for the AIDS and Disability Partners Forum,. Other meetings and events in 2010 and 2011 focused on issues such as the empowerment of persons with disabilities through sports,[20] the promotion and protection of the rights of children with disabilities,[21] and expanding education and employment opportunities for women and girls with disabilities.[22]", "44. In 2010, the International Day focused on tools for making the Millennium Development Goals a reality for persons with disabilities. The Department of Economic and Social Affairs organized several events at United Nations Headquarters, including collaboration with WHO focusing on community-based rehabilitation and other tools to make the Millennium Development Goals a reality for persons with disabilities.", "45. In cooperation with the United Nations Development Group and co-chaired by the Department of Economic and Social Affairs, the Inter-Agency Support Group on the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities developed a guidance note for United Nations country teams and implementing partners to facilitate the inclusion of disability issues in their areas of work.[23]", "46. An interdepartmental task force on accessibility was established jointly by the Department of Economic and Social Affairs, the Department for General Assembly and Conference Management and the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) to develop policy guidelines to accommodate the access needs of persons with disabilities and facilitate their participation in meetings, conferences and services on United Nations premises.", "47. A report was prepared for the Human Rights Council on article 32 of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, entitled “Thematic study by the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights on the role of international cooperation in support of national efforts for the realization of the rights of persons with disabilities” (A/HRC/16/38). OHCHR subsequently promoted the messages contained in the study, including the need to mainstream disability rights more broadly and consistently in development cooperation. In 2010, OHCHR contributed to the High-level Plenary Meeting of the General Assembly on the Millennium Development Goals through high-level advocacy by the High Commissioner herself and dissemination of key messages, including on the rights of persons with disabilities.", "48. During the forty-ninth session of the Commission for Social Development, held in New York in February 2011, the Special Rapporteur of the Commission presented his report on the monitoring of the implementation of the Standard Rules on the Equalization of Opportunities for Persons with Disabilities and discussed his planned activities to contribute to mainstreaming disability in development.", "49. Organizations of the United Nations system reported new and ongoing efforts to mainstream disability issues within the work of their respective organizations. The United Nations Development Programme continued the development of communities of practice, where information is shared at the regional level among stakeholders with specific interests and expertise in disability issues. The United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) is developing a global strategy on disability and inclusive development and finalizing guiding principles for its work. In January 2011, at UNICEF headquarters, a staff orientation was held to sensitize UNICEF staff on disability-related issues and the critical importance of mainstreaming those issues in achieving the Millennium Development Goals.", "50. A central element of the International Labour Organization (ILO) Disability Inclusion Initiative, launched in 2009, is enabling ILO staff members to address disability issues in their work. Among the efforts in this regard, an internal campaign entitled “Disability inclusion is everyone’s work” is to be launched in 2011.", "51. United Nations bodies also provided examples of mainstreaming efforts at the regional and national levels. In the European region, UNICEF and WHO supported the initiative “Better health, better lives: children and young people with intellectual disabilities and their families”, which was launched in 2010 and among whose aims is to ensure that all children and young people with intellectual disabilities are fully participating members of society.", "52. In the Republic of Moldova, the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) and its implementing partners advocated for the inclusion of a disability perspective in health plans and policy. In February 2011, in collaboration with relevant Government ministries of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, the United Nations Mine Action Service conducted a meeting to discuss the process of ratification of the Convention.", "Strengthening the collection and analysis of data and statistics on disability", "53. During the third session of the Conference of States parties to the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities in September 2010, and in collaboration with other stakeholders, the Department of Economic and Social Affairs organized a side event on disability-inclusive monitoring and evaluation of the Millennium Development Goals and other internationally agreed development goals. The panellists discussed the current status of disability data and steps towards effective formulation of disability-inclusive monitoring and evaluation of the Millennium Development Goals.", "54. In June 2011, WHO and the World Bank launched the World Report on Disability, which summarizes the current situation of persons with disabilities and offers guidance for policy and practices to help overcome exclusion. The report includes the first new prevalence estimates on disability since the 1970s and extensive recommendations on improving disability research and statistics.", "55. The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization published a methodological guide on the collection and analysis of education data concerning persons with disabilities for Latin America and the Caribbean.[24] The guide encourages harmonization of concepts, classifications and the methodological development necessary to ensure regionally comparable information.", "56. The Asia-Pacific Regional Office of UNFPA supported country offices in conducting situation analyses on the extent to which women and girls with disabilities are excluded from reproductive health services and protection from violence. In 2010, a qualitative study and a literature review were conducted on that topic in the Solomon Islands and in India, respectively. UNFPA has been providing technical assistance in Kazakhstan and the Dominican Republic on reproductive health and family planning to build knowledge on disability issues.", "57. To facilitate Asia-Pacific-wide knowledge sharing on disability, the Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP) published “Disability at a glance 2010: a profile of 36 countries and areas in Asia and the Pacific”, which includes country-by-country data on the population of persons with disabilities.[25] Between 2009 and 2011, ESCAP conducted training programmes and extensive testing of the question sets in a number of countries. The outcome of that endeavour contributed to the adoption in 2010 by the Washington Group on Disability Statistics of a specific question set for surveys, advancing the methodology for disability data collection.", "58. The Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia collected and examined national statistics and policies related to the integration of persons with disabilities in public life and published the results in a report on proposed methods to combat poverty among persons with disabilities[26] and a working paper on practices fostering the inclusion of persons with disabilities in the labour market.[27]", "59. In September 2010, WHO and the Department of Economic and Social Affairs launched the report Mental Health and Development: Targeting People with Mental Health Conditions as a Vulnerable Group. The report uses the Convention to reinforce the need for development agendas to be inclusive of and accessible to persons with mental disabilities.", "60. The World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) also reported on efforts to ensure accessibility of information to persons with disabilities. In June 2011, the WIPO Standing Committee on Copyright and Related Rights agreed to move forward on an international instrument that would facilitate access to copyrighted works for visually impaired persons and others with print or reading disabilities.", "Building and strengthening global and regional networks and multi-stakeholder partnerships", "61. OHCHR, UNDP, UNICEF and the Department of Economic and Social Affairs are collaborating in the establishment of the United Nations Partnership to Promote the Rights of Persons with Disabilities to mainstream disability in all aspects of society and development through capacity-building of national stakeholders.", "62. In 2010, the ILO Disability Team and the Bureau for Employers’ Activities established the ILO Global Business and Disability Network, composed of 35 companies and with the purpose of knowledge sharing, development of joint products, such as an enhanced database of disability laws, strengthening of employers’ networks and the linkage of companies and other groups to country-level ILO or other disability activities.", "3. Civil society organizations", "63. The International Disability and Development Consortium is a network of 23 international non-governmental organizations supporting the inclusion of persons with disabilities in development efforts in over 100 countries. In Peru, the rural development non-governmental organization Arariwa has been operating a community-based rehabilitation project in several provinces of the Cusco region. Apart from specific services for children with disabilities, Arariwa mainstreams disability, resulting in the inclusion of persons with disabilities and their relatives in all types of poverty reduction projects. The project has been instrumental in the formation and empowerment of at least five rural organizations of persons with disabilities.", "64. Global networks of civil society organizations often help national non‑governmental organizations to work along with their Governments to develop national policies that are inclusive of persons with disabilities. In Togo, the disability movement was involved in the development of the first poverty reduction strategy paper (2009-2011). The Togolese Federation of Associations of Persons with Disabilities (FETAPH), with support from CBM (Christian Blind Mission) and Handicap International, was active in advancing the rights of excluded and discriminated groups in the recent national poverty reduction strategy process. Furthermore, all actors in the process became aware of the importance of the Convention and the need for inclusive policies and action.", "65. Following Cyclone Nargis in 2008, CBM supported the emergency response programme of its key partner in Myanmar, the Leprosy Mission Myanmar, to include persons with disabilities in the humanitarian response. This led to ongoing collaboration to support disability rehabilitation centres for persons with disabilities and the creation in 2010 of a community-based rehabilitation and disability and inclusive development project in 120 locations over three years.", "4. Multi-stakeholder partnerships", "66. In collaboration with the World Bank, the Global Partnership for Disability and Development organized the International Forum for Development Partners on Disability and Development in September 2010 in Brussels. The event brought together development partners, including representatives and disability focal points from Government donor agencies, United Nations bodies, multilateral organizations and private foundations interested in or currently working on disability issues and inclusive development, to share experiences and help increase donor coordination and collaboration.", "67. The Community-Based Rehabilitation Guidelines, launched in 2010 in Abuja, were developed in association with ILO, UNESCO, WHO and the International Disability and Development Consortium. The Second Continental Congress on Community-based Rehabilitation was held in Oaxaca, Mexico, in March 2010. The Congress was jointly organized by the Pan American Health Organization, UNICEF, WHO, the Community-based Rehabilitation Network of the Americas and the Caribbean, the National Agency for Family Development (DIF), the National Council for Persons with Disabilities (CONADIS), Piña Palmera, CBM and the municipal government of Oaxaca. More than 550 participants from 17 Latin American countries took part in the Congress, including persons with disabilities and their organizations. The participants produced the Oaxaca Manifesto, which calls upon States to include persons with disabilities in the development of their communities and societies by implementing the Convention and promoting the use of community-based rehabilitation in public policies.", "III. Strategic framework for reinforcing the disability perspective in the global development agenda", "68. During the past two decades, a series of United Nations global development conferences, summits and their follow-up have been held.[28] In the outcome documents and policy commitments and recommendations resulting from those conferences, persons with disabilities and the impact of disability on overall development and its processes have been largely overlooked. When references are made to disability or persons with disabilities, it is often within the context of a long list of vulnerable groups requiring care, as well as protection issues.[29] Only a few outcome documents, such as the Copenhagen Declaration on Social Development and the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action, have focused on developmental approaches to the advancement of persons with disabilities.", "69. The Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities reinforces the overarching principles and goals promoted in the World Programme of Action concerning Disabled Persons. From the inception of the Convention to its adoption, the General Assembly expressed the view that equality of persons with disabilities must be achieved with and through their full participation in development as both agents and beneficiaries.", "Key priority areas for strategic action for disability-inclusive development", "1. Equalization of opportunities for persons with disabilities in all aspects of society and development", "70. The General Assembly has defined accessibility as the means and goal for disability-inclusive development. In its resolution 64/131, the Assembly encouraged Governments to accelerate the exchange of information, guidelines and standards, best practices, legislative measures and Government policies regarding the situation of persons with disabilities, in particular as they relate to inclusion and accessibility.", "71. Policy measures by Governments to ensure disability-inclusive action, taking into consideration resource constraints, could focus on the three areas of accessibility:", "(a) Promoting environmental accessibility with reasonable adaptation, in both the physical environment and in the field of information and communications technology;", "(b) Providing appropriate and accessible social services and social protection that ensure a minimum of well-being for all;", "(c) Encouraging and developing participatory, democratic and accountable institutions that promote fundamental freedoms for all.", "2. Collection, analysis and use of disability data and statistics", "72. In the past three years, the General Assembly, through its resolutions 63/150, 64/154 and 65/186, has emphasized the urgent need to strengthen the collection and compilation of national data on the situation of persons with disabilities. The emphasis was on following existing guidelines on disability statistics to enable development policy planning, monitoring, evaluation and implementation to be disability-sensitive, in particular in the realization of the Millennium Development Goals.", "73. Despite the obvious requirement for the collection of disability data, the paucity of data on disability and inconsistencies in methodology used to measure disability continue to be an obstacle in promoting disability-inclusive development. The challenge is greatest in developing countries, where both the availability and use of disability data and statistics remain particularly limited.", "74. The report to the General Assembly (A/65/173) provided comprehensive and detailed options for strategic action on the development and use of disability statistics in support of inclusive monitoring and evaluation of the internationally agreed development goals, including the Millennium Development Goals. It strongly supports the inclusion of disability in national censuses using the internationally agreed guidelines for measuring and collecting disability data.", "75. Argentina and some other countries have introduced disability-specific indicators into their Millennium Development Goals monitoring and evaluation frameworks. Such an innovative approach, situating disability indicators within an existing framework for monitoring and evaluating development progress, could be a cost-effective way of narrowing the gap between the social and economic status of persons with disabilities and that of the overall population.", "76. At the same time, the caveats and limitations of disability data collection within a census are evident. Hence, supplementary sources of data, such as sample surveys and administrative registers, should be fully utilized to meet many data requirements for meaningful evaluation of the impact of disability on development policy and programmes and on persons with disabilities. It has been observed that persons with disabilities are less likely to be involved in national surveys because their disabilities may cause them to be disregarded; for example, people who are deaf would not generally be able to participate unless sign language is used.", "3. Capacity-building of stakeholders", "77. The inclusion of a disability perspective in development strategies requires enhanced capacity-building of stakeholders at all levels, including organizations of persons with disabilities, to maximize their participation in development activities, and planners and programmers at national, regional and international levels, including within the United Nations system. Increased attention should be devoted to the empowerment of organizations of persons with disabilities and the training of representatives of governmental and intergovernmental bodies. In this regard, the Department of Economic and Social Affairs, in collaboration with the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean and OHCHR, conducted a capacity development workshop in Trinidad and Tobago in November 2010. Representatives of Governments, intergovernmental bodies, specialized agencies and non-governmental organizations participated in the workshop sessions on disability mainstreaming, accessibility and inclusive planning, focusing on the implementation of the Convention in the Caribbean subregion.", "4. Promoting international development cooperation", "78. The report to the Commission for Social Development on mainstreaming disability in the development agenda (E/CN.5/2010/6) discussed the status of disability inclusion in international development cooperation at the global, regional and subregional levels. The report reviewed different forms and levels of mainstreaming disability in development cooperation. Some of the established frameworks for promoting disability inclusion in development cooperation are outlined below.", "79. Within the United Nations system, there has been progress in development cooperation policies and procedures at both the policy and operational levels. This includes the two principal functions mandated in 2005 to contribute to the work of the Economic and Social Council: the biennial Development Cooperation Forum and the annual ministerial review. The Forum reviews trends and progress in international development cooperation and promotes greater coherence and effectiveness among the development activities of different development partners. The annual ministerial review is tasked with assessing the progress made towards the Millennium Development Goals and other goals and targets of the United Nations development agenda.", "80. In addition, the United Nations Development Assistance Framework, the common strategic framework for United Nations operational activities at the country level, can play a significant role in helping Member States to include disability into the overall national framework for development. In October 2010, the United Nations Development Group endorsed a guidance note to support United Nations country team action and to facilitate the inclusion of disability issues in the common country programming process.", "81. Also within the United Nations normative framework for operational activities, the quadrennial comprehensive policy review establishes key system-wide policy guidelines for development cooperation and the functioning of the resident coordinator system (country-level modalities for the United Nations system). Each review focuses on emerging issues, in addition to traditional thematic issues requested by the Economic and Social Council in follow-up resolutions. In this context, disability should be highlighted as a cross-cutting issue to be addressed in the quadrennial review to ensure that adequate resources are allocated to disability mainstreaming in the framework of the United Nations operational system at the country level.", "82. Beyond the United Nations system, existing frameworks at the multilateral, regional and bilateral levels should be fully utilized to include disability in development cooperation. At the multilateral level, the World Bank, the Inter-American Development Bank and the Asian Development Bank have made notable contributions to international development programming to raise awareness, build capacity and issue policy guidelines for addressing disability issues effectively at the national, regional and subregional levels.", "83. Regional decades focused on disability and their corresponding frameworks have addressed the issue of mainstreaming disability in development. However, most of those initiatives are still ongoing and it is too early to report on the results. A third Asian and Pacific Decade of Disabled Persons is currently being planned by the regional membership.", "84. The framework for mainstreaming disability in development cooperation has expanded to include South-South and interregional initiatives. There are cooperative efforts between China and Asian and African countries and between Brazil, Mexico and other members of the Organization of American States. Trilateral cooperation among Japan, the Lao People’s Democratic Republic, Thailand and other ASEAN countries has also been evolving.", "85. Recent bilateral initiatives provide good examples of mainstreaming disability in development cooperation, including initiatives by the Australian Agency for International Development. In March 2011, the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation held a seminar in collaboration with the United Nations Special Rapporteur on Disability to review strategies for mainstreaming disability in development cooperation.", "5. Building on existing mechanisms and networks for disability-inclusive development", "86. The disability community is increasingly building partnerships with stakeholders from other human rights and development spheres. The Global Partnership for Disability and Development is an example of such an effort, where a multi-stakeholder partnership is contributing to the advancement of persons with disabilities through the sharing of resources and knowledge at global, regional and national levels. The Global Partnership has also demonstrated how multi-stakeholder partnerships can help Governments, international organizations and civil society in the planning and implementation of development policies to ensure inclusion of the concerns of persons with disabilities.[30]", "87. At the regional level, experience suggests that some regions are more advanced than others in incorporating the disability perspective by mobilizing regional expertise, tools and other resources in implementing disability norms and standards.[31]", "88. At the national level, grass-roots organizations of disabled persons can build alliances with mainstream sectors with experience in advocacy on employment, housing, health and other issues. Such alliances have the potential to facilitate the inclusion of disability issues in mainstream agendas.", "IV. The way forward: promoting a disability-inclusive development agenda towards 2015 and beyond", "89. There is a clearer recognition that disability is a cross-cutting issue that affects all aspects of economic and social development. However, persons with disabilities continue to experience adverse social and economic outcomes and remain disproportionately represented among the world’s poor.[32]", "90. The following section provides recommendations for action for (a) inclusion of disability in the Millennium Development Goals and their implementing policies, programmes, monitoring and evaluation frameworks; (b) inclusion of disability in the post-Millennium Development Goals development framework; and (c) preparatory steps for an international conference on disability and development in 2015, through which the international community could develop the development agenda within the post-2015 development context.", "91. Furthermore, options are discussed below for a high-level meeting on the inclusion of persons with disabilities in all aspects of development efforts at the sixty-seventh session of the General Assembly (see resolution 65/186).", "V. Recommendations", "92. The General Assembly may wish to consider the following recommendations:", "(a) In the course of pursuing the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals until 2015, the international community should intensify its efforts to include disability in the existing Millennium Development Goals through strengthening multi-stakeholder partnerships; mainstreaming disability into international cooperation; and developing the evidence base on the situation of persons with disabilities for effective implementation, monitoring and evaluation of development goals;", "(b) It is critical that Governments and the United Nations system should assess the impact of all policies and programmes related to the Millennium Development Goals on persons with disabilities. Available disability-specific indicators should be used, as appropriate, to fill existing data gaps regarding the economic and social situation of persons with disabilities, in the context of current monitoring and evaluation of the Goals;", "(c) Persons with disabilities should take an active role in all relevant discussions at the global, regional, national and local levels. In particular, as the international community begins discussions on the United Nations development agenda beyond 2015, upcoming consultations will provide a platform to integrate the disability perspective in any emerging framework. Therefore, in all preparatory processes leading to a post-2015 development framework, Governments and the United Nations system should facilitate the active participation of persons with disabilities;", "(d) Governments and all stakeholders should enhance linkages between disability and sustainable development discourse within the context of the three pillars, economic, social and environmental. The inclusion of disability and persons with disabilities, specifically in the social pillar, will strengthen efforts at all levels to promote sustainable development.", "93. The General Assembly may also wish to consider the following specific actions towards 2015:", "(a) An international conference on disability and development could be organized in 2015 to bring together key stakeholders to review progress and achievements under the Millennium Development Goals and to develop strategies and establish key priorities for post-Millennium Development Goals development efforts, with a view to adopting a global plan of action for disability;", "(b) Preparation for such a global conference should be based on the outcomes of prior consultations at regional and subregional levels. Such regional and subregional meetings could be held to provide input to a global plan of action and guidelines for mainstreaming disability in the global development agenda.", "94. The General Assembly may further wish to consider the following options for a high-level meeting on the inclusion of persons with disabilities in all aspects of development efforts at the sixty-seventh session of the General Assembly.", "95. The proposed high-level meeting could include one or more of the following outcomes:", "(a) Road map for maximizing achievement of the Millennium Development Goals for persons with disabilities in the years remaining before the final deadline in 2015;", "(b) Plan of action to include disability as a cross-cutting issue in a post-2015 international development framework;", "(c) Decision to organize a global conference in 2015 and an outline of preparatory steps for such a conference, including regional and subregional meetings.", "96. In considering these options, the General Assembly may wish:", "(a) To promote the implementation of the international disability architecture,[33] consisting of both human rights and development instruments, including by calling for wider signature of, accession to and ratification of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and the Optional Protocol thereto;", "(b) To facilitate the participation of persons with disabilities and their organizations in all preparatory processes leading to a post-2015 development framework, as well as in ongoing development processes and conferences such as the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development, to ensure the inclusion of the disability perspective;", "(c) To establish clear, achievable goals and measurable targets and indicators for action for disability-inclusive implementation of the Millennium Development Goals and other internationally agreed development goals and for the design of related policies, their implementation, evaluation and monitoring;", "(d) To commit adequate resources for the collection and analysis of data and statistics on the economic and social development situation of persons with disabilities as related to the implementation, monitoring and evaluation of the Millennium Development Goals and other internationally agreed development goals;", "(e) To promote multi-stakeholder partnerships, including through international cooperation, for concrete action towards improving accessibility to information and communications technology and physical environments and mainstreaming disability in development cooperation;", "(f) To ensure that particular attention is given to persons with intellectual disabilities; persons with psychosocial disabilities; blind-deaf persons; women and children with disabilities and persons with multiple disabilities in all preparatory processes to develop a disability-inclusive framework towards 2015 and beyond.", "[1] A series of United Nations development conferences since the 1990s and their follow-up present mixed results on disability inclusion. The outcome document of the High-level Plenary Meeting of the General Assembly on the Millennium Development Goals (resolution 65/1) mentions disability and persons with disabilities.", "[2] World Health Organization and World Bank, World Report on Disability (Geneva, 2011). Estimate based on 2010 population.", "[3] See the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (General Assembly resolution 61/106, annex I), especially paragraph (e) of the preamble and article 1.", "[4] The General Assembly defined equality for persons with disabilities as parity of opportunities with those of the entire population. The term “disability perspective” is often used as an analytical tool by which the impact of disability on development processes and outcomes is analysed, monitored and evaluated. See the report of the Secretary-General concerning the third quinquennial review and appraisal of the World Programme of Action concerning Disabled Persons (A/52/351).", "[5] In particular, goal 1 of the Millennium Development Goals (eradicate extreme poverty and hunger) calls for special efforts to ensure that persons with disabilities have access to productive employment and meet their nutritional needs through targeted and effective programming. Further information on the Millennium Development Goals is available from www.beta.undp. org/undp/en/home/mdgoverview.html.", "[6] Adopted at the conclusion of the Fourth United Nations Conference on the Least Developed Countries (9-13 May 2011, Istanbul, Turkey), available from home/conference.", "[7] See", "[8] See", "[9] Global Partnership for Disability and Development Working Group on Haiti Reconstruction, “Toolkit for long-term recovery: Haiti — reconstruction for all”, 2010. Available from", "[10] Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, paragraph (e) of the preamble.", "[11] World Report on Disability.", "[12] Jay Bhattacharya, Kavita Choudhry and Darius Lakdawalla, “Chronic disease and trends in severe disability in working age populations” TRENDS Working Paper Series, No. 05-4 (Ann Arbor, University of Michigan, 2005).", "[13] International Labour Organization, Disability and Poverty Reduction Strategies (Geneva, 2002).", "[14] World Report on Disability.", "[15] United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, Education for All Global Monitoring Report 2010: Reaching the marginalized (Paris, 2010).", "[16] Disability and Poverty Reduction Strategies.", "[17] World Report on Disability.", "[18] Harold Snider and Nazumi Takeda, “Design for all: implications for bank operations” (Washington, D.C., World Bank, 2008). Available from DISABILITY/Resources/Universal_Design.pdf.", "[19] Forty-one countries submitted their input in response to a note verbale from the Department of Economic and Social Affairs of the Secretariat dated 15 March 2011: Andorra, Argentina, Australia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Canada, China, Congo, Costa Rica, Ethiopia, Georgia, Greece, Grenada, Guyana, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Jordan, Lithuania, Mexico, Morocco, Netherlands, Oman, Peru, Philippines, Poland, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Senegal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Syrian Arab Republic, Thailand, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Turkey, Turkmenistan, United States of America and Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of).", "[20] On 27 June 2011, the Department of Economic and Social Affairs organized a panel discussion on the theme “Sports for inclusive development: sports, disability and development — key to empowerment of persons with disabilities and their communities”.", "[21] On 17 June 2011, the Department of Economic and Social Affairs co-organized an interactive panel discussion on the promotion and protection of the rights of children with disabilities.", "[22] On 23 February 2011, during the fifty-fifth session of the Commission on the Status of Women, a panel discussion on the theme “Science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM): expanding opportunities for women and girls with disabilities in education and employment” was organized by the Department of Economic and Social Affairs and partner organizations.", "[23] See", "[24] Available from", "[25] Available from", "[26] E/ESCWA/SDD/2011/IG.1/4 (Part I).", "[27] E/ESCWA/SDD/2010/WP.4.", "[28] See", "[29] The Johannesburg Plan of Implementation views persons with disabilities as members of a vulnerable group of society, which requires protection from debilitating diseases and special care for causes of ill health, including environmental causes.", "[30] “Toolkit for long-term recovery: Haiti — reconstruction for all” (see footnote 9).", "[31] The countries that constitute the Common Market of the South (MERCOSUR) have established a working group on the promotion and protection of the rights of persons with disabilities in relation to disability-inclusive development.", "[32] World Report on Disability.", "[33] See A/63/183. The international disability architecture includes the World Programme of Action concerning Disabled Persons, the Standard Rules on the Equalization of Opportunities for Persons with Disabilities and the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, together with other international norms and standards relating to disability." ]
[ "第六十六届会议", "暂定项目表^(*) 项目28(b)", "社会发展,包括与世界社会状况以及与 青年、老龄、残疾人和家庭有关的问题", "为残疾人实现千年发展目标和其他国际商定的发展目标", "秘书长的报告", "摘要", "本报告是根据大会第65/186号决议提交的,大会在该决议中请秘书长提交关于其执行情况的信息,以期在2012年大会第六十七届会议期间召集一次高级别会议,讨论如何加紧努力,确保残疾人能够参与并被纳入各方面发展工作。大会还要求,提供把残疾人纳入发展努力的最佳做法的信息。^(a) 本报告审查了在推动将残疾观点纳入发展进程方面所取得的进展,并指出,仍需将残疾人的权利和关注纳入主流发展程序。本报告还着重指出,在2015年以前及其后可确保将残疾问题纳入全球发展议程的各种机会。", "^(*) A/66/50。", "^(a) 联合国Enable网站(刊载了国家、区域和全球各级一些选定的最佳惯例,说明如何将残疾问题纳入发展主流。", "一. 导言", "1. 大会注意到秘书长的报告(A/65/173),通过其第65/186号决议。该决议请秘书长提交信息,以期在2012年大会第六十七届会议上召召集一次高级别会议,讨论如何加紧努力,确保将残疾人纳入发展和使他们有机会参与各方面发展工作。", "2. 随着实现千年发展目标的最后期限日益接近,国际社会应通过所有可能渠道,确保将残疾问题纳入千年发展目标和2015年后的任何发展框架。2012年召集的高级别会议将提供宝贵的机会,审议在2015年以前及其后如何将残疾问题纳入发展议程的全球战略。", "3. 人们预期,应制定出新理念和具体提案来推进2015年以后新的联合国发展框架。对千年发展目标后的框架进行的对话和协商,将为国际社会提供重要机会,确保将残疾问题明确纳入正在成形的任何2015年及其后发展框架。", "4. 由于重新作出了努力和全球一致推崇多方利益攸关者伙伴,国际社会已日益认识到残疾和发展之间的关系及其社会经济影响。多方利益攸关者伙伴的成员包括:各国政府、联合国系统、民间社会,尤其是残疾人组织。在关于国际发展问题的各次全球会议和首脑会议的成果中残疾问题逐渐受到重视。[1] 尽管如此,承诺应化为具体行动。超过10亿残疾人的权利和关注仍尚待纳入发展进程的主流。[2]", "5. 本报告概述了在推动国际商定的发展目标,包括千年发展目标纳入残疾问题方面所获的进展和面对的挑战。本报告还探讨,为2012年拟议的高级别会议制定优先事项和可能成果的各种可选办法。", "二. 残疾人在全球发展框架内获得平等和赋权方面所获进展概况", "A. 在国际发展框架内将残疾问题纳入主流的现况", "6. 将残疾问题纳入发展主流是促使残疾人实现机会均等的一项战略。据估计,超过1亿人,也就是约15%的世界人口,患有某种形式的残疾。² 约1.1至1.9亿人,也就是2-4%的人口,患有严重的残疾。证据显示,残疾人有较大的可能遭受不利的经济和社会后果。如果要使获得的进展惠益社会全体民众,就迫切需要使发展进程更具包容性。", "7. 近年来,就残疾和发展之间关系进行的研究越来越多。尽管主要是由于缺乏充分的数据,残疾和贫困之间的联系还不太清楚。在残疾人面对了多重障碍是可以理解和有据可查的。发展中国家和发达国家的经验证据显示,同没有残疾的人相比,残疾人在教育和劳工市场得到较差的待遇,其贫穷率也较高。² 迫切需要纠正与环境、体制、态度和信息及通信有关的多重障碍,以便确保将目前徘徊在发展周边、数以百万计的残疾人纳入主流社会。", "8. 从历史看,国际发展进程,包括千年发展目标,在很大的程度上忽略了残疾人。自2006年通过《残疾人权利公约》以来,在解决残疾人在社会与发展方面的权利和关注方面,表现出新的活力。[3]", "9. 过去十年中,大会重申承诺,在全球发展议程中纳入残疾观点,[4] 呼吁在特定的优先领域采取紧急行动,例如必须让残疾人充分全面参与、建立关于残疾数据和实况的知识库、推动无障碍的建筑环境以及信息和通讯技术。", "10. 将残疾问题和残疾人纳入大会第六十五届会议关于千年发展目标的高级别全体会议成果文件,是一项重大成就。[5]", "11. 为了确保在2015年以后的发展框架和现有的发展框架,例如联合国可持续发展会议和伊斯坦布尔宣言及行动方案[6] 之间保持连续性,让所有利益攸关者,包括残疾社会参与程序是今后推进普惠性发展的努力所必不可少的。", "B. 将残疾观点纳入主流和社会和发展方面赋予残疾人权能", "1. 正在出现的问题和趋势", "通过公约的实施加强国家残疾问题框架", "12. 随着100多个国家批准了公约,越来越多的政府正加紧努力,为公约的实施采取新举措。已在国内政策的范围内,采用提高残疾人地位的战略框架。这些努力包括:探讨执行下列工作的各种选项:将残疾问题纳入发展议程主流、倡导无障碍环境、赋予残疾人权能、建设国家能力和体制框架,把残疾观点纳入所有级别的决策。", "推动多方利益攸关方伙伴", "13. 联合国系统内外的多方利益攸关方伙伴已在探讨残疾问题和诸如性别、儿童贫穷、心理健康、和平与安全等其他问题间的跨部门关系。[7] 举例而言,人们日益确认,残疾和艾滋病毒/艾滋病是一项正在出现的问题。全球艾滋病和残疾联系小组是一个非正式的多方利益攸关方伙伴,由联合国机构、民间社会机构和其他发展伙伴组成。的目的是:将残疾观点纳入国际一级艾滋病毒/艾滋病宣传和方案规划努力的主流。该小组主张将影响残疾人的各项问题纳入2011年6月举行的大会关于艾滋病毒/艾滋病的高级别会议的议程。", "14. 在联合国系统内,由代表25个联合国机构的成员组成的残疾人权利公约机构间支助小组已最后敲定其联合战略和行动计划,它们将支助公约的实地实施。", "15. 在推进包容残疾的发展方面,私营部门提供合作还是相当新的做法,但可发挥重大作用,确保企业承担社会责任,包括反歧视的就业做法、培训市场需要的技能和支助同残疾人及其组织组成商业风险投资和伙伴关系。", "16. 改善各国政府、各部会、联合国机构、捐助者、国家和国际发展组织、民间社会和其他机构之间的协调,将有助于采用分析办法,将残疾问题纳入发展主流。", "17. 举例而言,为了应对2010年发生的海地大地震,残疾和发展全球伙伴关系[8] 设立了工作组,以便确保在紧急情况管理和重建努力的所有阶段,将残疾人纳入海地重建和社会复原的努力和让他们参与工作。工作组制定了一项共同战略,在相关各方之间建立伙伴关系,并协调宣传努力,以确保所有重建和新建的基础设施都能方便残疾人无障碍进出。全球伙伴关系编制了一套工具包,题为“海地:惠益全体人民的重建”,协助对灾害管理工作采用更加通盘兼顾的办法,以确保长期复原工作纳入残疾人。[9]", "2. 残疾问题的社会经济方面", "18. 《残疾人权利公约》确认,残疾是一个不断发展的概念,是由残障者同态度和环境方面的障碍交互作用所引起的,妨碍他们在同其他人平等的基础上参与社会生活。[10] 解除这些障碍,经常是确保包容残疾人的最具成本效益的方式。", "19. 如同《世界残疾报告》所称,目前有超过1亿人患有某种形式的残疾。随着世界人口以前所未见的速度老龄化,这个数字还会增加。[11] 研究显示,在劳动年龄人口当中,与肥胖和其他慢性疾病相关的残疾发病率也在增加。[12] 人口结构和状况不断变动,需要社会通过对设计作出合理调整,以配合全体用户的需要和能力,做到环境无障碍。", "经济成本", "20. 排斥残疾人给社会带来重大成本高昂的成本。[13] 对与残疾有关的生产力损失和相关税收损失进行估计,十分复杂。利用从加拿大取得的数据进行的一次这种估计显示,通过短期和长期残疾造成的工作损失,占国内生产总额的6.7%。[14]", "21. 另一个例子是,排斥残疾儿童和成人,剥夺他们接受教育的机会,影响到人力资本的形成,并使整个社会承担重大的经济和社会成本。2010年全球普及教育监测报告指出,就教育边缘化而言,残疾是最不明显,但也是影响最大的因素之一。[15]", "社会成本", "22. 在个人层面,社会排斥经常会加重进一步的歧视,并使残疾人很可能沦入贫困之境。解除物质、态度和信息方面的障碍至关重要,给个人带来许多好处,包括提高自尊、增进福祉和加强赋予权能的意识。这反过来又使得整个社会受益,包括带来更大的社会凝聚力。", "对残疾人投资", "23. 促进环境无障碍与合理提供便利,应视为对未来的投资。促进环境无障碍的前期费用应对照为社会全体成员带来的长期福利衡量。", "24. 对残疾人作出投资是必要的,这样做不仅符合《残疾人权利公约》和其他有关文书的规定,而且有助于为人类全体实现国际商定的各项发展目标,包括千年发展目标。", "25. 获得就业机会是在残疾人、其家庭及其社区内减少贫穷最具成本效益的方法。[16] 参与就业的障碍一旦解除,绝大多数残疾人就能为经济生产力作出贡献。[17] 同样地,在教育部门,应加紧努力,把受教育的机会带给目前无法上学的几百万儿童。证据显示,作出调整,配合残疾儿童各种各样的需要,通常是最具成本效益的办法,而且会比他们在隔离的环境下受教育,收到更有意义的成果。", "26. 应推动残疾青年获得更多机会,接受关于信息和通信技术的培训。随着世界各地信息和通信技术领域的就业机会扩充,此一领域的培训和技能将使残疾人的就业范围扩大,可提供一个未经发掘的劳动力来源和提高生产力和增长。", "27. 为了降低成本和减少未来的投资,将残疾人纳入发展主流应着重通过逐步实现关于无障碍环境的最低标准,来实现这项目标。研究显示,如果在新建筑设计和规划的最初阶段就考虑到遵守环境无障碍,就能带来最高的成本效益。", "28. 发展中国家不妨借鉴低收入国家的经验和最佳做法,通过创新设计和成本效益高的战略,促进无障碍的环境。通过一开始就让本地参与,将无障碍考虑纳入项目,就能保持通用设计低廉的成本。考虑到由于行动不方便所引起的人力成本和机会成本,不这样做成本就会大幅增高。[18]", "C. 残疾观点和残疾人纳入发展政策和方案方面获得的进展", "1. 会员国[19]", "立法措施", "29. 会员国提供了有关保护残疾人权利的一些立法案例。一些国家,例如希腊,强调将保护措施纳入国家宪法。另一些国家指出,它们通过了具体的法律来确保残疾人的权利。举例而言,2010年,圭亚那议会通过了《残疾人法》。这项方案是以《公约》所载的各项原则作为指引的。布基纳法索通过了关于保护和促进残疾人权利的法律、喀麦隆通过了关于保护残疾人的法律;斯洛文尼亚参照《公约》和《千年发展目标》通过了《残疾人机会均等法》。成员国还就为执行公约而通过的立法提出了报告。举例来说,塞内加尔通过了关于实施公约的社会导向法。关于有关《公约》的立法发展,更多资料可查阅秘书长关于《残疾人权利公约》及其《任择议定书》现况的报告", "行动计划和方案", "30. 若干会员国,包括埃塞俄比亚,格鲁吉亚,印度尼西亚,立陶宛,墨西哥,秘鲁,卡塔尔,斯洛伐克、泰国和前南斯拉夫的马其顿共和国制定了与发展、社会包容或人权有关的国家战略,计划和方案,着重或特别包容残疾人。其他一些成员国,例如沙特阿拉伯,将残疾人具体纳入关于实现《千年发展目标》的国家计划和方案。", "31. 有些会员国报称,设立机构监督国家为确保残疾人权利而作的努力。举例来说,波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那设立了残疾人理事会,以便推动国家和地方机构同残疾人协会合作。刚果设立了全国委员会来协调、建设和评价国家残疾人计划。阿拉伯叙利亚共和国设立一个全国委员会,以便参照《残疾人权利公约》执行有关残疾的政策和战略。", "32. 有几个会员国就作出那些努力来确保社会上的无障碍环境提出了报告。中国报称,已作出努力,包括通过制定无障碍建筑条例和促进无障碍的网络和通信技术,确保无障碍利用设施和服务。", "33. 若干会员国,包括澳大利亚、加拿大、意大利、日本、荷兰、瑞典和美国提交了报告,陈述将残疾问题纳入国际合作与发展援助方案的战略和举措,其中包括为特别旨在促进无障碍环境的项目提供资金。意大利报称,2010年通过了促进将残疾问题纳入意大利合作政策与活动的准则,其中载有关于加紧努力,在意大利发展议程中促进残疾问题的一些建议。美国报称,2010年设立了包容残疾的发展办公室,将残疾问题纳入美国国际开发署的主流工作,包括通过为有关包容残疾的发展制定培训和指导工具,以及支援残疾人组织。2011年,这项计划正在执行中。委内瑞拉玻利瓦尔共和国报称,它已作出努力,在美洲玻利瓦尔共和国联盟成员国的范围内,推动为残疾人制定和执行方案和计划。", "加强收集和分析有关残疾的数据和统计", "34. 大会将建立残疾数据和信息知识库一事列为高优先事项,以便制定敏感顾及残疾问题的发展政策和程序。这种数据和统计的收集和分析对有效制定和执行包容残疾的政策和方案,以及在监测和评价为实现千年发展目标而取得的进展方面,至为重要。", "35. 会员国,包括阿根廷、格林纳达、墨西哥、阿曼和菲律宾就如何根据国家人口普查收集有关残疾人数据服务的情况提出了报告。意大利、立陶宛和波兰也就其利用数据收集程序,收集残疾数据的情况,提出了报告,并着重劳动力或卫生方面。有几个国家,包括菲律宾和瑞典报告说,目前正在或即将致力将世界卫生组织(卫生组织)的《国际功能、残疾和健康分类框架》应用于残疾计量。", "36. 其他会员国宣布,它们制定了新举措:加拿大报称, 2011年推出了新的残疾数据战略,西班牙指出,已将残疾指标纳入国家残疾研究所收集的全部在业人口统计数字。", "37. 几个会员国举例说明它们在将残疾观点纳入千年发展目标的监测和评价方面所作的努力。举例来说,哥斯达黎加报称,2011年建立了全国残疾统计登记册,该国力图通过该登记册研订同《残疾人权利公约》符合一致的统计工具。", "建立和加强全球、区域和全国网络和多方利益攸关方伙伴", "38. 会员国提交了报告,说明为建立和加强全球、区域和全国网络和多方利益攸关方伙伴而作的各种努力。会员国,包括约旦,摩洛哥,土耳其和土库曼斯坦举出一些例子,说明同联合国机构和/或区域机构建立的伙伴关系。土耳其报告说,它已就一个项目同欧洲委员会建立了伙伴关系,该项目旨在确保,残疾人享有利用货物和劳务的均等机会,并能对社会和经济作出贡献。", "39. 有几个会员国举例说明为改善残疾人情况而建立的政府间伙伴。圭亚那报告称,已就眼科护理同古巴建立了广泛的双边合作关系,从而立即得到援助,同时协助该国在指定的时间内建设能力和可持续能力。", "40. 若干会员国报告了同非政府组织建立的伙伴关系。在某些例子中,如同安道尔的报告,政府有关残疾问题的执行或监测机构是由部会的代表和残疾人组织的代表组成。", "2. 联合国系统", "41. 为了推动把残疾问题纳入千年发展目标的主流,联合国系统各组织针对残疾问题主流化采取了举措和行动。", "将残疾问题纳入发展政策和做法的主流", "42. 秘书处继续为利益攸关方提供在残疾和发展领域交流理念的论坛,以期将残疾问题纳入千年发展目标主流。为此目的,经济和社会事务部同各国政府、双边和多边发展机构、民间社会和其他利益攸关方密切合作,举办了一系列会议和讨论。这些活动同大会、经济发展委员会和妇女地位发展委员会等机构的各届会议和国际残疾人日的庆祝活动一起举行。", "43. 最近,大会2011年6月在纽约举行的关于艾滋病毒/艾滋病的高级别会议期间,经济和社会事务部同联合国艾滋病毒/艾滋病联合规划署以及其他利益攸关方进行了合作。2010年和2011年举行的会议和活动把重点针对下列问题:通过体育运动增强残疾人的能力、[20] 促进和保护残疾儿童的权利[21] 和扩充残疾妇女和女童受教育和就业的机会。[22]", "44. 2010年,国际日的活动聚焦于:为残疾人实现千年发展目标的工具。经济和社会事务部在联合国总部举办了几项活动,包括同卫生组织合作,针对社区提供康复的活动,以及为残疾人实现千年发展目标的其他工具。", "45. 在联合国发展集团的合作下,经济和社会事务部、残疾人权利公约机构间支助小组共同主持了下列工作:为联合国国家工作队和执行伙伴编制一份指导说明,便利它们把残疾问题纳入其工作领域。[23]", "46. 经济和社会事务部、大会和会议管理部和人权事务高级专员办事处共同设立了一个关于无障碍环境的部门间工作队,以便制定政策准则,配合残疾人对无障碍环境的需要,和便利他们参与在联合国房地举行的会议和大会,以及提供的服务。", "47. 人权理事会编写了关于《残疾人权利公约》第32条的报告,题为“人权事务高级专员办事处关于国际合作在支助世界各国努力实现残疾人权利方面所起作用的专题研究”(A/HRC/16/38)。人权高专办随后宣扬该报告所载的信息,包括有必要更加广泛一致的将残疾人权利纳入发展合作主流。2010年,人权高专办通过由高级专员本人在高级别所作的宣传和传播重要信息,包括关于残疾人权利的信息,为大会关于千年发展目标的高级别全体会议作出贡献。", "48. 2011年2月,社会发展委员会特别报告员在纽约举行的委员会第四十九届会议上提交了关于监测《残疾人机会均等标准规则》执行情况的报告,并讨论了为致力将残疾纳入发展主流而计划进行的活动。", "49. 联合国系统各组织提交报告,说明在个别组织的工作范围内,为了将残疾问题纳入主流而正在进行的努力和新努力。联合国开发计划署继续建立实践社区,在这些社区内,对残疾问题特别感到关注和拥有专门知识的利益攸关者在区域一级分享信息。联合国儿童基金会(儿童基金会)正在拟订关于残疾问题和普惠性发展的全球战略和最后敲定其工作的指导原则。2011年1月,在儿童基金会总部举行了一次工作人员概况讲习,以便使儿童基金会的工作人员敏感顾及与残疾有关的问题,和注意到将这些问题纳入千年发展目标十分重要。", "50. 国际劳工组织(劳工组织)于2009年启动一项包容残疾的举措,促使劳工组织工作人员在其工作中处理残疾问题,是其中心要素。这方面的努力当中,题为“在所有人的工作中包容残疾事项”将于2011年启动。", "51. 联合国机构还举出一些例子,说明在区域和国家各级进行的主流化努力。在欧洲区域,儿童基金会和卫生组织支助题为“增进健康,改善生活:智力残疾儿童和青年及其家庭”的倡议。这项倡议于2010年启动,确保所有智力残疾的儿童和青年都能为成为充分参与的社会成员,是其目标之一。", "52. 在摩尔多瓦共和国,联合国人口基金(人口基金)及其执行伙伴大力宣扬将残疾观点纳入卫生计划和政策。2011年2月,在刚果民主共和国政府有关部委的合作下,联合国地雷行动处举行会议,商讨批准公约的程序。", "加强收集和分析关于残疾问题的数据和统计", "53. 2010年,在第三届残疾人权利公约缔约方会议期间,经济和社会事务部同其他利益攸关方合作,举办了一次关于以包容残疾的观点监测和评价千年发展目标及其他国际商定发展目标的会边活动。讨论会小组成员讨论了残疾数据的现况,以及有效拟订方法,以包容残疾的观点监测和评价千年发展目标而采取的步骤。", "54. 2010年6月,卫生组织和世界银行启动了《世界残疾报告》。该报告阐述了残疾人的现况,并对有助于克服排斥现象的政策和做法提供了指导。该报告载有关于1970年代以来残疾人数目的头一个新的估计数,以及关于改善残疾人研究和统计的广泛建议。", "55. 联合国经济、社会和文化组织出版了一份关于如何收集和分析拉丁美洲和加勒比地区残疾人教育数据的方法指南。[24] 这份指南鼓励对概念、分类和方法的研订进行必要的协调统一,以确保区域内可比的资料。", "56. 人口基金亚洲太平洋区域办事处支助国家办事处进行现况分析,研究残疾妇女和少女在多大程度上被排除在外,无法获得生殖健康服务和免遭暴行的保护。2010年,分别在所罗门群岛和印度进行了关于这项课题的定性研究和论文审查。在哈萨克斯坦和多米尼加共和国,人口基金提供了关于生殖健康和计划生育的技术援助,以便建立关于残疾问题的知识。", "57. 为了便利整个亚洲太平洋区域分享关于残疾问题的知识,亚洲和太平洋经济社会委员会(亚太经社会)出版了“2010年残疾问题概览:亚洲和太平洋区域36个国家和地区概况”,其中载有按国家分列的残疾人口数据。[25] 2009年至2011年,亚太经社会在若干国家推行了培训方案和对几组问题进行了广泛测试。这项努力的成果有助于华盛顿残疾统计小组在2010年通过一组特定的调查问题,以改善残疾数据的收集方法。", "58. 西亚经济社会委员会收集和审查有关残疾人融入公共生活的国家统计和政策,并把结果刊登在下两份报告内:关于减轻残疾人贫穷境况的拟议方法的报告[26] 和关于促进劳动力市场包容残疾人的做法的工作文件。[27]", "59. 2010年9月,卫生组织和经济和社会事务部开始编写一份报告《心理健康与发展:针对作为弱势群体、患有心理健康疾病的人》。该报告利用公约强调,发展议程需要包容心理残疾者并为之所用。", "60. 世界知识产权组织(知识产权组织)也就确保残疾人信息无障碍而作出的努力提出了报告。2011年6月,知识产权组织版权和有关权利常设委员会同意推动一项国际文书,便利视障者或对打印文件或阅读有残疾的人取用受版权保护的作品。", "建立和加强全球和区域网络以及多方利益攸关者伙伴", "61. 人权高专办、开发计划署、儿童基金会和经社部正协力合作,建立促进残疾人权利的联合国伙伴,以便通过为国家利益攸关者建设能力,把残疾问题纳入所有方面社会发展的主流。", "62. 2010年,劳工组织残疾问题小组和雇主活动局设立了劳工组织全球商业和残疾网络。该网络由35家公司组成,目的是分享知识;联合开发产品,诸如经加强的残疾法数据库;加强雇主网络,并把各家公司和其他团体同劳工组织国家一级的活动和其他残疾活动联系起来。", "3. 民间社会组织", "63. 国际残疾与发展联合会是一个由23个国际性非政府组织组成的网络,支助在100多个国家推动把残疾人纳入发展。在秘鲁,有关农村发展的非政府组织Arariwa一直在Cusco地区几个省经营一个以社区为基础的康复项目。除了向残疾儿童提供特定服务之外,Arariwa还从事将残疾纳入主流的活动,导致将残疾人及其家属纳入各种各样的减贫项目。该项目有助于组成至少五个农村残疾人组织,并赋予它们权能。", "64. 民间社会组织全球网络经常协助国家非政府组织同各该国政府合作,拟订包容残疾人的国家政策。在多哥,残疾运动参与了第一份减贫战略文件(2009-2011年)的编制工作。多哥残疾人协会联合会、在Christoffel Blinden团和国际残疾协会的支援下,针对被最近推行的国家减贫战略进程所排除或受到歧视的群体,积极推进其权利。此外,还促使该进程的所有行动方注意到公约的重要性和需要采取包容性政策和行动。", "65. 2008年,Nargis飓风来袭之后,Christoffel Blinden团支助其在缅甸境内的重要伙伴缅甸Leprosy团的紧急情况应对方案,把残疾人纳入人道主义救援活动。目前双方正协力合作,支助为残疾人建立残疾康复中心,2010年创立以社区为基础的康复项目,并于三年间在120处地点执行残疾和普惠性发展项目。", "4. 多方利益攸关者伙伴", "66. 2010年,残疾人发展全球伙伴在世界银行的合作下,在布鲁塞尔举办了一次残疾与发展国际发展伙伴论坛。这项活动把发展伙伴,包括来自政府捐助机构、联合国组织、多边组织和关注残疾问题或目前正为残疾问题和普惠性发展工作的私人基金会的代表和残疾问题联络中心聚集在一起,分享经验和协助改善捐助方的协调与合作。", "67. 基于社区的康复准则于2010年在阿布贾启动。这项准则是劳工组织、教科文组织、卫生组织和国际残疾和与发展联合会协力拟订的。第二届美洲社区内康复大会于2010年3月在墨西哥瓦哈卡举行。这次大会是由泛美卫生组织、教科文组织、卫生组织、美洲和加勒比社区内康复网络、国家家庭发展局、全国残疾人理事会、Pifia Palmera、社区内康复组织和瓦哈卡市政府共同举办的。有来自17个拉丁美洲国家的550名与会者,包括残疾人及其组织参加了大会。大会吁请各国实施公约并在公共政策中推动利用社区内康复,将残疾人纳入其社区和社会的发展。", "三. 在全球发展议程中加强残疾观点的战略框架", "68. 过去20多年来,举行了一系列联合国全球发展会议、首脑会议及其后续活动。[28] 在这些会议所通过的成果文件、政策承诺和建议中,残疾人以及残疾对整体发展及其程序所生影响在很大程度上都遭到忽视。凡在提到残疾或残疾人时,往往混杂在一长串需要照顾的弱势群体当中,并且同保护问题混在一起。[29] 只有极少数的成果文件,例如《社会发展问题哥本哈根宣言》和《北京宣言和行动纲要》,把焦点针对提高残疾人地位的发展途径。", "69. 《残疾人权利公约》加强了《关于残疾人的世界行动纲领》所宣扬的总体原则和目标。从开始审议到公约获得通过,大会一再表示,残疾人平等必须随着和通过他们以推动者和受益者的身份充分参与发展来实现。", "为包容残疾的发展采取行动的关键优先领域", "1. 残疾人在社会和发展的所有方面机会均等", "70. 大会将无障碍界定为实现 包容残疾的发展的手段和目标。大会在其第64/131号决议中,鼓励各国政府加速交流有关残疾人境况的信息、政策和标准、最佳做法、立法措施和政府政策,特别是涉及包容性和无障碍的规定。", "71. 各国政府为确保采取包容残疾的行动,同时考虑到资源的约束,不妨将工作重点针对无障碍环境的下列三个方面:", "(a) 同时在物质环境和信息与通讯技术领域,通过合理的调整配合促进无障碍环境;", "(b) 提供适当和方便的社会服务和社会保障,确保人人都享受最低标准的福祉;", "(c) 鼓励和重建促进人人享有基本自由的参与性、民主和负责任的机构。", "2. 残疾数据和统计的收集、分析和利用", "72. 过去三年来,大会通过其第63/150、第64/154和第65/186号决议强调,迫切需要加强有关残疾人境况的国家数据的收集和汇编。其重点是:遵照关于残疾统计的现行准则,使发展政策的规划、监测、评价和实施,特别是在千年发展目标的实现方面,能敏感地顾及残疾问题。", "73. 尽管残疾数据的收集有一些显而易见的要求,但有关残疾的数据短缺以及用来衡量残疾的方法不一致,继续对促进包容残疾的发展构成障碍。在发展中国家,残疾数据和统计的数量和利用仍然特别有限,对它们构成了最严峻的挑战。", "74. 大会的报告(A/65/173)为如何对发展采取战略行动和如何利用残疾统计支助对国际商定的各项发展目标,包括千年发展目标进行包容性监测和评价,提供了全面详尽的各种可选办法。", "75. 阿根廷和某些其他国家开始将与残疾特别相关的指标引进其千年发展目标的监测和评价框架。把残疾指标纳入监测和评价发展进度的现有框架,这种创新办法可能是成本效益高的办法,可用于缩小残疾人和整体人口在社会和经济地位方面的差距。", "76. 同时,在把残疾数据收集纳入人口普查范围,所需注意的事项和面对的限制都是显而易见的。应充分利用诸如抽样调查和行政登记册之类的补充数据来源,收集下列工作所需的许多数据:针对残疾对发展政策与方案和对残疾人所生的影响进行有意义的评价。据观察,因为残疾人患有残疾,可能会遭到忽略,他们参与国家调查的可能性较低,举例来说,除非利用手语,聋人一般无法参与调查。", "3. 利益攸关者的能力建设", "77. 将残疾观点纳入发展战略就需要在所有各级,加强利益攸关方的能力建设,其中包括残疾人组织,以便尽量扩大其对发展活动的参与,以及国家、区域和国际各级的规划人员和方案制定人员,包括联合国系统内的人员。应更加重视赋予残疾人组织权能,和培训各国政府和政府间机构的代表。在这方面,经济和社会事务部同拉丁美洲和加勒比经济委员会和人权高专办合作,于2010年11月在特立尼达和多巴哥举办了一次能力建设讲习班。参加讲习班课程的有:各国政府、政府间机构、专门机构和非政府组织的代表,主题是:将残疾问题纳入主流,无障碍和包容性规划,并把重点针对:在加勒比地区实施公约。", "4. 促进国际发展合作", "78. 社会发展委员会关于将残疾问题纳入发展议程主流的报告(E/CN.5/2010/6)讨论了将残疾问题纳入全球、区域和分区各级国际发展合作的现况。报告审查了在不同级别将残疾问题纳入发展合作的各种不同方式。兹将促进残疾问题纳入发展合作的一些现成框架概述如下。", "79. 联合国系统内,在政策和业务两级,发展合作政策和程序取得了进展。其中包括为促进经济和社会理事会的工作而规定的两项主要职能:每两年举行的发展合作论坛和每年举行的部长级审查。论坛审查国际发展合作的趋势和进度,促进不同发展伙伴各种发展活动之间获得更高度的一致性和有效性。年度部长级审查负责评估为实现千年发展目标和联合国发展议程其他目标和指标所取得的进展。", "80. 此外,作为联合国国家一级业务活动的共同战略框架,联合国发展援助框架可发挥重大作用,协助会员国将残疾问题纳入国家发展的总体框架。2010年10月,联合国发展集团核可一项指导说明,以支助联合国国家工作队的行动和便利将残疾问题纳入国家方案的共同拟订进程。", "81. 也在联合国业务活动规范性框架内进行的四年期全面政策审查为发展合作和驻地协调员制度的运作(联合国系统国家一级的运作方式)制定了主要的全系统政策准则。除了经济及社会理事会各项后续决议所规定的传统专题问题之外,每一次审查将重点针对正在出现的新问题。在这方面,应强调,残疾问题是将由四年期审查审议的跨领域问题,以便确保将充裕的资源分配给下一工作,在国家一级将残疾问题纳入联合国业务系统框架的主流。", "82. 在联合国系统外,多边、区域和双边各级的现有框架应予充分利用,以便将残疾问题纳入发展合作。在多边一级,世界银行、非洲开发银行和亚洲开发银行已对国际发展方案的拟订作出了显著贡献,目的是提高认识、建设能力和发布政策准则,以便在国家、区域和次区域各级有效解决残疾问题。", "83. 重点针对残疾问题及其相应框架的各区域十年都已论及将残疾纳入发展主流的问题。然而,大多数这种倡议正在继续进行,报告成果尚属为时过早。第三个亚洲及太平洋残疾人十年目前正在由区域成员规划中。", "84. 将残疾问题纳入发展合作主流的框架业已扩充,把南南倡议和区域间倡议纳入范围。在中国和亚非国家之间,以及在巴西、墨西哥和非洲国家组织其他成员之间,已作出了合作努力。日本、老挝人民民主共和国和泰国之间以及东盟其他成员国之间的三方合作,也在不断演变中。", "85. 最近提出的双边倡议,包括澳大利亚国际开发署提出的倡议,就是将残疾问题纳入发展合作主流的最佳例子。2011年3月,挪威发展合作署同联合国残疾问题特别报告员合作,举办了一次研讨会,审查将残疾问题纳入发展合作主流的战略。", "5. 借助包容残疾的发展的现有机制和网络推进工作", "86. 残疾人社区正日益加紧同其他人权和发展领域的利益攸关者结为伙伴。残疾与发展全球伙伴就是这种努力的一个例子。多方利益攸关方伙伴正通过在全球、区域和国家各级共享资源和知识,为提高残疾人的地位而努力。全球伙伴还表明,多方利益攸关方伙伴足以协助各国政府、国际组织和民间社会规划和执行各项发展政策,以确保其纳入残疾人的关注。[30]", "87. 在区域一级,经验显示,就通过调集有关实施残疾规范和标准的区域专门知识、工具和其他资源,纳入残疾观点而言,有一些区域比较其他区域更加先进。[31]", "88. 在国家一级,基层残疾人组织可以同鼓吹就业、住房和保健权利富有经验的主流部门组成联盟。这种联盟具有潜力,可推动将残疾问题纳入主流议程。", "四. 前进的道路:2015年之前及其后包容残疾的发展议程", "89. 现在人们更清楚地认识到,残疾是一项跨部门问题,影响到政治和社会发展的所有方面。然而,残疾人继续遭受不利的社会和经济后果,他们在世界贫民中仍占过高的比例。[32]", "90. 下一节提供了供采取行动的建议:(a) 将残疾问题纳入千年发展目标及其执行政策、方案、监测和评价框架;(b) 将残疾问题纳入千年发展目标后的发展框架;和(c) 为2015年召开一次关于残疾与发展的国际会议进行筹备。通过这次会议,国际社会将可在2015年后的发展环境下制定发展议程。", "91. 此外,下文将为在大会第六十七届会议建议召开一次关于将残疾人纳入各方面发展工作的高级别会议,讨论各种选项(见大会第65/186号决议)。", "五. 建议", "92. 大会不妨考虑下列建议:", "(a) 2015年之前,在力求实现千年发展目标期间,国际社会应加紧努力,通过下列方式,将残疾问题纳入现定的千年发展目标:加强多方利益攸关方伙伴;将残疾问题纳入国际合作主流;制定有关残疾人境况的证据库,以便有效实施、监测和评价各项发展目标;", "(b) 各国政府和联合国系统应评价与千年发展目标有关的所有政策与方案对残疾人造成的影响,这项工作至关重要。在当前对各项千年发展目标进行监测与评价的背景下,应酌情利用与残疾相关的现有特定指标填补有关残疾人经济和社会境况的现有数据空白;", "(c) 残疾人应当在全球、区域、国家和地方各级所有相关讨论中发挥积极作用。特别是随着国际社会开始讨论2015年后的联合国发展议程,即将进行的协商将提供一个平台,以便将残疾观点纳入任何即将出现的框架。因此,在导致2015年后发展框架的所有筹备程序中,各国政府和联合国系统应促进残疾人的积极参与;", "(d) 各国政府和所有利益攸关方应当在经济、社会和环境三大支柱的范围内,加强残疾问题和可持续发展论述之间的联系。特别是在社会支柱这方面,把残疾问题和残疾人纳入将加强所有级别为推动可持续发展而作的努力。", "93. 大会也不妨考虑,在2015年之前采取下列具体行动:", "(a) 或可在2015年举办一次关于残疾与发展问题的国际会议,把重要的利益攸关者聚集一堂,审查千年发展目标所取得的进展和成就,并制定千年发展目标后各项发展努力的重要优先事项;", "(b) 为此种全球会议进行的筹备工作应以事前在区域和次区域各级进行协商所获的结果为基础。应举行这种区域和次区域会议,以便向把残疾问题纳入全球发展议程主流的全球行动计划和准则提供投入。", "94. 大会还不妨考虑,对将于大会第六十七届会议举行的关于确保将残疾人纳入各方面发展努力的高级别会议提供下列选项。", "95. 拟议的高级别会议或可包括下列一项或多项成果:", "(a) 在到达2015年最后期限之前剩下的几年中,尽最大可能为残疾人实现千年发展目标;", "(b) 在2015年以后的国际发展框架中,促使行动计划纳入残疾问题,以之作为一项跨部门问题;", "(c) 决定在2015年举行一次全球会议,并列举为此一会议进行筹备的步骤,包括区域和次区域会议。", "96. 在审议这些选项时,大会不妨:", "(a) 推动国际残疾结构[33] 的落实,该结构由有关人权和发展两项问题的文书组成,行动包括:呼吁更广泛地签署、加入和批准《残疾人权利公约》及其《任择议定书》。", "(b) 便利残疾人及其组织参与拟订2015年以后发展框架的所有筹备进程,以及正在进行的发展程序和会议,诸如联合国可持续发展会议,以确保纳入残疾观点;", "(c) 针对以包容残疾的方式实现千年发展目标和其他国际商定发展目标而采取的行动,以及为相关政策的设计、执行、评价和监测,制定明确和可实现的目标,以及可计量的目标和指标;", "(d) 投入充裕的资源收集和分析与千年发展目标和其他国际商定发展目标相关、有关残疾人经济和社会发展境况的数据和统计;", "(e) 包括通过国际合作,促进建立多方利益攸关方伙伴关系,以便采取具体行动,增进对信息和通信技术以及物质环境的无障碍利用和将残疾问题纳入发展合作主流;", "(f) 特别重视智力残疾者、心理残疾者、盲人和聋人、残疾妇女和儿童以及多重残疾的人,确保他们参与为拟订2015年之前和其后包容残疾的框架而进行的一切筹备进程。", "[1] 1990年代以来,召开了一系列联合国发展会议及其后续会议,但在纳入残疾问题方面的成果不等。大会关于千年发展目标的高级别全体会议的成果文件(第65/1号决议)提到了残疾问题和残疾人。", "[2] 世界卫生组织和世界银行《世界残疾报告》(日内瓦,2011年)。这是按照2010年人口作出的估计。", "[3] 见《残疾人权利公约》(大会第61/106号决议,附件一)特别是叙言部分第(e)段。", "[4] 大会将残疾人平等定义为获得同全体民众同样的机会。“残疾观点”一词经常被当作分析工具,用来分析、监测和评价残疾对发展进程和成果所生的影响。见秘书长关于《残疾人世界行动方案》第三次五年期审查和评价的报告(A/52/351)。", "[5] 特别是千年发展目标目标1(消除赤贫和饥饿)呼吁作出特别努力,通过目标明确和有效的方案规划,确保残疾人获得生产性就业和满足他们的营养需要。关于千年发展目标的更多资料,参阅。", "[6] 在第四届联合国最不发达国家会议(20111年5月9日至13日,土耳其,伊斯坦布尔)闭幕时通过。参阅。", "[7] 见。", "[8] 见。", "[9] 残疾和发展全球伙伴关系关于海地重建的工作组,2010年“长期复原工具包:惠益全体人民的海地重建”。参阅。", "[10] 《残疾人权利公约》序言部分第(e)段。", "[11] 《世界残疾报告》。", "[12] Jay Bhattacharya,Kavita Choudhry和Darius Lakdawalla合著,《劳动年龄人口的慢性疾病和严重残障趋势》,TRENDS工作文件系列,第05-4号(密西根大学,Ann Arbor,2005年)。", "[13] 国际劳工组织,《残疾和减少贫穷战略》(日内瓦,2002年)。", "[14] 《世界残疾报告》。", "[15] 联合国教育、科学和文化组织,《2010年全球普及教育监测报告:惠及被边缘化的人》(巴黎,2010年)。", "[16] 《残疾和减少贫穷战略》。", "[17] 《世界残疾报告》。", "[18] Harold Snider和Nazumi Takeda合著,《普惠式设计:对银行业务的影响》,(世界银行,华盛顿特区,2008年)。查阅 Universal_Design.pdf。", "[19] 为回应秘书处经济和社会事务部2011年3月15日的普通照会,有下列41个国家提交了投入:安道尔,阿根廷,澳大利亚,布基纳法索,波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那,喀麦隆,加拿大,中国,刚果,哥斯达黎加,埃塞俄比亚,格鲁吉亚,希腊,格林纳达,圭亚那,印度尼西亚,意大利,日本,约旦,立陶宛,马其顿,墨西哥,摩洛哥,荷兰,阿曼,秘鲁,菲律宾,波兰,卡塔尔,沙特阿拉伯,塞内加尔,斯洛伐克,斯洛文尼亚,西班牙,瑞典,阿拉伯叙利亚共和国,泰国,前南斯拉夫的马其顿共和国,土耳其,土库曼斯坦,美利坚合众国和委内瑞拉/共和国政府玻利瓦尔。", "[20] 2011年6月27日,经济和社会事务部举办了一次小组讨论会,题为“促进普惠性发展的体育运动:体育运动、残疾和发展——赋予残疾人及其社区权能的关键”。", "[21] 2011年6月17日,经济和社会事务部共同举办了一次关于促进和保护残疾儿童权利的互动式小组讨论会。", "[22] 2011年2月23日,在妇女地位委员会第五十五届会议期间,经济和社会事务部同伙伴组织举办了一次题为“科学、技术、工程和数学:扩大残疾妇女和女童在教育和就业方面的参与”的小组讨论会。", "[23] 见。", "[24] 参阅。", "[25] 参阅。", "[26] E/ESCWA/SDD/2011/IG.1/4(Part I)。", "[27] E/ESCWA/SDD/2010/WP.4。", "[28] 见。", "[29] 《约翰内斯堡执行计划》将残疾人视为社会弱势群组的一员,需要保护他们免受折磨人的疾病,并提供特别护理,应付造成不健康的各种原因,包括环境不良。", "[30] “长期复原工具箱:海地——人人共享的重建”(见脚注9)。", "[31] 组成南方共同市场的国家设立了一个关于与包容残疾的发展有关、宣扬和保护残疾人权利的工作组。", "[32] 《世界残疾报告》。", "[33] 见A/63/183。国际残疾结构包括《关于残疾人的世界行动纲领》、《残疾人机会均等标准规则》和《残疾人权利公约》,以及与残疾问题有关的其他国际规范和标准。" ]
[ "第六十六届会议", "* A/66/50。", "暂定项目表* 项目28(b)", "社会发展:社会发展,包括有关世界社会状况和有关青年、老龄、残疾人和家庭的问题", "为残疾人实现千年发展目标和其他国际商定的发展目标", "秘书长的报告", "内容提要", "1. 本报告是根据大会第64/286号决议提交的,大会在该决议中要求提供关于该决议执行情况的信息,以期在2012年第六十七届大会上召开一次高级别会议,讨论如何加强努力,确保残疾人参与各方面发展,并有机会参与发展。 大会还要求提供关于将残疾人纳入发展努力的最佳做法的资料。 本报告审查了在将残疾观点纳入发展进程方面取得的进展,但指出残疾人的权利和关切仍然有待纳入主流发展进程。 报告还强调了确保到2015年及其后将残疾问题纳入全球发展议程的机会。", "^(a) 在国家、区域和全球三级将残疾问题纳入发展主流最佳做法的若干实例定期发表,并在联合国网站上公布。", "目录", "页 次\nI. 介绍3II.Overview 4 of progress made in equality and Empowerment of persons with disabilities in context of the global development\nA. 残疾主流化在国际发展中的作用\nB. 残疾观点的主流化5以及残疾人在社会和社会中的赋权\nC. 将残疾观点和残疾人纳入发展政策和发展政策的进展8\n方案三 加强全球发展中的残疾观点的战略15框架\n议程项目 包括残疾在内的战略行动的主要15个优先领域\n发展 四、结 论 前进的19条道路:促进2015年和2015年包容残疾的发展议程\n附 件\n五、建议19", "一. 导言", "页: 1 1. 大会注意到秘书长的报告(A/60/673),通过了第16586号决议,其中要求提供资料,以期于2012年在第六十七届会议上召开一次高级别会议,讨论如何加强努力,确保残疾人参与并有机会参与发展努力的所有方面。", "2. 结 论 随着实现千年发展目标的最后时限临近,国际社会必须通过一切可能渠道确保将残疾问题纳入千年发展目标和2015年以后的任何发展框架。2012年高级别会议将提供一个宝贵的机会,审议2015年及其后将残疾问题纳入发展议程主流的全球战略。", "3. 。 预计应制定新的设想和具体建议,以便在2015年以后推进新的联合国发展框架。 关于千年发展目标后框架的对话和协商将为国际社会提供重要机会,确保明确将残疾问题纳入到2015年及其后任何新出现的发展框架中。", "4. 第四届会议 由于包括各国政府、联合国系统、民间社会,特别是残疾人组织在内的多方利益攸关者伙伴关系重新努力并在全球协调一致地宣传,国际社会日益认识到残疾与发展之间的联系及其社会经济影响。 残疾问题在国际发展问题全球会议和首脑会议的成果中逐渐得到重视。 *** 然而,承诺应当转化为具体行动。 10亿多残疾人的权利和关切仍然有待纳入主流发展进程。 页: 1", "5. 本报告概述在促进将残疾问题纳入国际商定的发展目标,包括千年发展目标方面取得的进展和挑战。 报告还探讨了2012年拟议高级别会议的优先事项和可能成果的备选办法。", "II. 二. 在全球发展框架范围内在平等和增强残疾人能力方面取得的进展概览", "A. 导 言 B. 将残疾问题纳入国际发展框架的现状", "6. 任务 将残疾问题纳入发展的主流是实现残疾人机会平等的战略。 估计表明,超过10亿人,约占世界人口的15%,生活在某种形式的残疾之中。 大约有1.1亿至1.9亿人,即占世界人口的2%至4%,生活在严重残疾之中。 证据表明,残疾人更有可能遭受不利的经济和社会后果。 迫切需要改变发展进程,使之更具包容性、公平和可持续性,这样才能使社会所有成员受益。", "7. 基本考虑 近年来,关于残疾与发展之间关系的研究继续增加。 虽然残疾与贫穷之间的联系差别很大,主要是由于缺乏充分的数据,但残疾人面临的多重障碍得到了理解和记录。 发展中国家和发达国家的经验证据表明,与无残疾者相比,残疾人的教育和劳动力市场成果更差,贫困率也更高。 与环境、机构、态度以及信息和通信有关的多重障碍需要紧急纠正,以确保目前处于发展边缘的数百万残疾人融入主流社会。", "8.8 历史上,残疾人在包括《千年发展目标》在内的国际发展进程中基本上被忽视。 自2006年通过《残疾人权利公约》以来,在社会和发展中,残疾人的权利和关切得到了新的活力。 [3]", "9 September 2005 过去十年来,大会重申致力于将残疾观点纳入全球发展议程,呼吁在具体优先领域采取紧急行动,例如残疾人必须充分、有效地参与,建立残疾数据和事实知识基础,促进无障碍环境以及信息和通信技术。", "10.10 一项关键成就是将残疾人和残疾人列入大会第六十五届会议关于千年发展目标的高级别全体会议成果文件。 [5]", "注 为确保2015年后发展框架与当前发展框架(如联合国可持续发展会议和《伊斯坦布尔宣言和行动纲领》)之间的政策一致性,包括残疾社区在内的所有利益攸关方参与进程,对于今后实现包容性发展的努力至关重要。", "B. 残疾观点主流化和增强残疾人的能力", "页: 1 新出现的问题和趋势", "通过执行《公约》加强国家残疾框架", "12. 第12段。 随着100多个国家批准《公约》,越来越多的政府正在加强努力,采取新的举措执行《公约》。 在国内政策范围内通过了提高残疾人地位战略框架。 这些努力包括探讨将残疾问题纳入主流发展议程的政策选择;促进无障碍环境;增强残疾人的能力;建设国家能力和体制框架,将残疾观点纳入各级决策。", "促进多方利益攸关者伙伴关系", "13 August 2001 联合国系统内外的多方利益攸关者伙伴关系探讨了残疾与其他问题之间的交叉问题,如性别、儿童贫困、心理健康、和平与安全以及应急和灾害管理。 [7] 例如,人们日益认识到残疾和艾滋病毒/艾滋病是一个新出现的问题。 成立了全球艾滋病和残疾问题联络小组,这是一个由联合国各机构、民间社会机构和其他发展伙伴组成的非正式多方利益攸关者伙伴关系,目的是将残疾观点纳入国际一级艾滋病毒/艾滋病宣传和方案规划工作的主流。 77国集团推动将影响残疾人的问题列入2011年6月举行的大会艾滋病毒/艾滋病问题高级别会议的议程。", "十四、任 务 在联合国系统内,代表25个联合国机构的《残疾人权利公约》机构间支助小组已敲定其联合战略和行动计划,支持在实地执行《公约》。", "15 私营部门的合作在促进包容残疾的发展方面是相当新的,可以发挥重要作用,确保公司社会责任包括反歧视的就业做法、提供可销售的技能培训,支持企业,以及同残疾人及其组织建立伙伴关系。", "161 改善各国政府、各部、联合国机构、捐助者、国家和国际发展组织、民间社会和其他机构之间的协调,可促进采取综合办法,将残疾问题纳入发展的主流。", "17. 第17条。 例如,为应对2010年海地的地震,全球残疾与发展伙伴关系[8]设立了一个工作组,确保残疾人参与海地的重建和社区恢复工作,参与紧急管理和重建工作的所有阶段。 工作组制定了一项共同战略,在有关各方之间建立了伙伴关系,并协调了宣传工作,以确保所有重建和新建的基础设施都能够完全无障碍地进入残疾人。 全球伙伴关系开发了一个题为“海地:人人重建”的工具包,以帮助制定更为全面的灾害管理办法,确保长期恢复包容残疾人。 [9]", "2. 残疾的社会经济方面", "第18条 《残疾人权利公约》承认,残疾是一个不断发展的概念,其产生于残疾人和态度及环境障碍之间的相互作用,这些障碍阻碍残疾人在与他人平等的基础上参与社会。 [10] 消除这些障碍往往是确保残疾人融入社会最具有成本效益的方式。", "191 正如《世界残疾报告》所报告的,目前有10亿多人患有某种形式的残疾。 随着世界人口以前所未有的速度老龄化,这一数字预计会增加。 [11] 研究表明,与肥胖和其他慢性疾病有关的残疾发生率也在劳动适龄人口中上升。 [12] 全球人口的结构和状况不断变化,要求社会通过提供合理适应以满足所有用户需要和能力的设计,解决环境无障碍问题。", "经济费用", "20.20 将残疾人排除在外,对社会造成了巨大代价。 [13] 估算与残疾有关的生产力损失和相关税收是衡量的复杂因素。 使用加拿大数据进行的一项估计表明,短期和长期残疾导致的工作损失是国内生产总值的6.7%。 [14]", "21.21。 另一个例子是将残疾儿童和成年人排除在教育之外,这影响到人力资本的形成,给整个社会带来巨大的经济和社会代价。 《2010年全民教育全球监测报告》指出,残疾是教育边缘化的最明显因素之一,但是最强大的因素之一。 [15]", "社会费用", "第22章 在个人层面,社会排斥往往造成进一步的歧视,使残疾人更有可能生活在贫困之中。 消除身体、态度和信息障碍至关重要,给个人带来许多好处,包括改善自尊、改善福祉和增强能力感。 这反过来又给整个社会带来好处,包括增强社会凝聚力。", "对残疾人的投资", "23. 会议报告。 促进无障碍和合理便利的成本应被视为对未来的投资。 促进无障碍环境的前沿成本,应当与社会所有成员的长期利益相权衡。", "24. 第24段。 对残疾人的投资不仅对于促进遵守《残疾人权利公约》和其他有关文书,而且对于实现包括《千年发展目标》在内的国际商定发展目标来说也是必要的。", "258. 就业是减少残疾人、其家庭及其社区贫困的最具有成本效益的方法。 [16] 一旦消除残疾人参与的障碍,大多数残疾人可以提高经济生产力。 [17] 同样,在教育部门,应扩大努力,以惠及目前被学校排斥的数百万儿童。 有证据表明,适应残疾儿童广泛需要的包容性教育,总体上比在隔离环境中教育残疾儿童更具成本效益,产生更有意义的成果。", "262. 报 告 应当为残疾青年提供更多的信息和通信技术培训机会。 随着信息和通信技术领域的就业机会在全世界扩大,这方面的培训和技能可以扩大残疾人的就业范围,提供未开发的劳动力供应,并导致提高生产力和增长。", "。 将残疾人纳入发展主流,以减少成本,并将其作为未来投资,应侧重于通过逐步实现无障碍环境最低标准来实施。 研究显示,在设计和规划新建筑物的最初阶段,考虑到无障碍环境,最符合成本效益。", "第28次会议 发展中国家可以借鉴低收入国家的经验和最佳做法,通过创新设计和具有成本效益的战略促进无障碍环境。 虽然从一开始就将通用设计纳入项目和地方参与,其成本可能仍然很低,但考虑到由于无法进入而发生的人员费用和机会费用,否则成本可能很大。 [18]", "C. 在将残疾观点和残疾人纳入发展政策和方案方面取得的进展", "1. 会员国[19]", "立法措施", "29. 。 成员国提供了残疾人权利立法保护的实例。 一些国家,如希腊,强调其国家宪法中包含的保护措施。 另一些代表团指出,缔约国通过了具体法律,以确保残疾人的权利。 例如,圭亚那议会于2010年通过了《残疾人法》,该法以《公约》所载原则为指导。 布基纳法索通过了保护和促进残疾人权利的法律;喀麦隆通过了保护和促进残疾人的法律;斯洛文尼亚根据《公约》和千年发展目标通过了《残疾人机会平等法》。 会员国还报告通过了执行《公约》的立法。 例如,塞内加尔通过了《公约》执行社会导向法。 关于《公约》立法发展的进一步资料,见秘书长关于《残疾人权利公约》及其《任择议定书》现况的报告。", "行动计划和方案", "30. 。 一些会员国,包括埃塞俄比亚、格鲁吉亚、印度尼西亚、立陶宛、墨西哥、秘鲁、卡塔尔、斯洛伐克、泰国和前南斯拉夫的马其顿共和国,制定了与发展、社会包容或人权有关的国家战略、计划或方案,重点是或具体包括残疾人。 沙特阿拉伯等其他会员国已特别将残疾人纳入实现千年发展目标的国家计划和方案。", "313. 一些会员国报告说,设立了机构,监督国家确保残疾人权利的努力。 例如,波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那设立了一个残疾人委员会,以促进国家和地方机构和残疾人协会之间的合作。 刚果成立了一个全国残疾人计划协调、监测和评价委员会。 阿拉伯叙利亚共和国设立了一个国家委员会,根据《残疾人权利公约》执行残疾政策和战略。", "32. 一些会员国报告了为确保社会无障碍而作出的努力。 中国报告了为确保无障碍设施和服务所作的努力,包括通过制定无障碍建筑条例和促进无障碍网络与通信技术。", "336. 一些会员国,包括澳大利亚、加拿大、意大利、日本、荷兰、瑞典和美国,报告了将残疾问题纳入国际合作和发展援助方案的战略和举措,包括资助旨在增加无障碍环境的项目。 意大利报告说,它于2010年通过了将残疾问题纳入意大利合作政策和活动主流的准则,其中载有关于加强在意大利发展议程中促进残疾问题的努力的建议。 美国报告说,2010年设立了包容残疾人发展办公室,将残疾问题纳入美国国际开发署的工作,包括开发关于包容残疾的发展的培训和指导工具,并支持残疾人组织。 该计划于2011年实施。 委内瑞拉玻利瓦尔共和国报告说,它努力促进在阿埃斯特拉群岛人民联盟成员国内制定和实施有关照顾残疾人的方案和计划。", "加强残疾数据和统计资料的收集和分析", "343. 事实和争论 大会高度重视建立残疾数据和信息知识库,以形成对残疾敏感的发展政策和进程。 收集和分析这种数据和统计数字对于有效制定和执行包容残疾的政策和方案以及监测和评价实现千年发展目标的进展至关重要。", "353. 包括阿根廷、格林纳达、墨西哥、阿曼和菲律宾在内的会员国根据本国人口普查报告其收集残疾人数据的情况。 意大利、立陶宛和波兰还报告了通过以劳动力或健康为重点的数据收集程序收集残疾统计数据的情况。 包括菲律宾和瑞典在内的一些国家报告说,目前对世界卫生组织(世卫组织)的国际功能分类、残疾和健康框架的适用情况或正在作出的努力。", "363. 。 其他会员国宣布制定新举措:加拿大报告说,该国于2010年启动了新的残疾数据战略,西班牙注意到将残疾指标纳入其国家统计研究所收集的所有积极人口统计数据的主流。", "378 一些会员国举例说明了它们努力将残疾观点纳入千年发展目标的监测和评价工作。 例如,哥斯达黎加报告说,该国于2011年建立了残疾统计国家登记册,通过该登记册,哥斯达黎加努力建立一个符合《残疾人权利公约》的统计工具。", "建立并加强全球、区域和国家网络以及多方利益攸关者伙伴关系", "页: 1 会员国报告了建设和加强全球、区域和国家网络以及多方利益攸关者伙伴关系的各种努力。 包括约旦、摩洛哥、土耳其和土库曼斯坦在内的会员国提供了与联合国各机构和(或)区域机构建立伙伴关系的实例。 土耳其报告了与欧盟委员会合作实施的项目的情况,该项目旨在确保残疾人能够平等获得商品和服务,并有能力为社会和经济作出贡献。", "39 一些会员国提供了处理残疾人状况的政府间伙伴关系的例子。 圭亚那报告说,与古巴在眼科护理方面进行了广泛的双边合作,这有助于该国在特定时间发展能力和可持续性。", "404 一些会员国报告了与非政府组织的伙伴关系。 在某些情况下,正如安道尔所报告的那样,政府咨询或监测机构由各部代表和残疾人组织的代表组成。", "2. 联合国系统", "41 为了推动将残疾问题纳入千年发展目标的主流,联合国系统各组织已经采取举措和行动,重点是将残疾问题纳入主流。", "将残疾问题纳入发展政策和做法的主流", "42 秘书处继续为利益攸关方提供论坛,以交流残疾与发展领域的想法,以期将残疾问题纳入千年发展目标的主流。 为此,经济和社会事务部与各国政府、双边和多边发展机构、民间社会和其他利益攸关方密切协作和伙伴关系,组织了一系列会议和讨论。 这些活动是结合大会、社会发展委员会和妇女地位委员会的会议以及每年纪念国际残疾人日举办的。", "434 最近,在2011年6月在纽约举行的艾滋病毒/艾滋病问题大会高级别会议期间,经济和社会事务部与联合国艾滋病毒/艾滋病联合规划署以及艾滋病和残疾伙伴论坛的其他利益攸关方进行了合作。 2010年和2011年的其他会议和活动侧重于通过体育增强残疾人能力、促进和保护残疾儿童权利、扩大残疾妇女和女童的教育和就业机会等问题。 [22]", "444 2010年,国际日的重点是使千年发展目标成为残疾人现实的工具。 经济和社会事务部在联合国总部组织了几次活动,包括与世卫组织合作,重点是以社区为基础的康复和其他工具,使千年发展目标成为残疾人的现实。", "454 残疾人权利公约机构间支助小组与联合国发展集团合作,由经济和社会事务部共同主持,为联合国国家工作队和执行伙伴编写了一份指导说明,以促进将残疾问题纳入其工作领域。", "46 经济和社会事务部、大会和会议管理部和联合国人权事务高级专员办事处(人权高专办)联合设立了一个部门间无障碍问题工作队,以制定政策准则,满足残疾人的无障碍需要,便利他们参加联合国房地的会议、会议和服务。", "474. 147 为人权理事会编写了一份关于《残疾人权利公约》第32条的报告,题为“联合国人权事务高级专员办事处关于国际合作在支持各国实现残疾人权利努力中的作用的专题研究”(A/HRC/16/38)。 人权高专办随后宣传了研究报告中所载的信息,包括有必要将残疾人权利更广泛和更一贯地纳入发展合作的主流。 2010年,人权高专办通过高级专员本人的高级别宣传以及传播关于残疾人权利等重要信息,为大会关于千年发展目标的高级别全体会议作出了贡献。", "488. 住房 在2011年2月在纽约举行的社会发展委员会第四十九届会议期间,委员会特别报告员介绍了关于监测《残疾人机会均等标准规则》执行情况的报告,并讨论了他为将残疾问题纳入发展主流而计划开展的活动。", "494. 人口 联合国系统各组织报告说,正在作出新的努力,将残疾问题纳入各自组织的工作主流。 联合国开发计划署继续发展实践社区,在区域一级与对残疾问题有特殊兴趣和专长的利益攸关方共享信息。 联合国儿童基金会(儿童基金会)正在制定一项关于残疾和包容性发展的全球战略,并最后确定其工作的指导原则。 2011年1月,儿童基金会总部举办了工作人员情况介绍,使儿童基金会工作人员了解与残疾问题有关的问题,以及将这些问题纳入实现千年发展目标主流的极端重要性。", "50 。 国际劳工组织(劳工组织)的一个核心要素 2009年启动的残疾人融入社会倡议使劳工组织工作人员能够在工作中处理残疾问题。 在这方面的努力中,将于2011年发起一项题为“包容每个人的工作”的内部运动。", "51 联合国各机构还举例说明了区域和国家一级主流化工作。 在欧洲区域,儿童基金会和世卫组织支持于2010年发起的“改善健康、改善生活:有智力残疾的儿童和青年及其家庭”倡议,其宗旨是确保所有有智力残疾的儿童和青年充分参与社会。", "52 在摩尔多瓦共和国,联合国人口基金(人口基金)及其执行伙伴主张将残疾观点纳入保健计划和政策。2011年2月,联合国地雷行动处与刚果民主共和国相关政府部委合作举行了一次会议,讨论批准《公约》的进程。", "加强残疾数据和统计资料的收集和分析", "532. 移民 在2010年9月举行的《残疾人权利公约》缔约国会议第三届会议期间,经济和社会事务部与其他利益攸关方合作,组织了一次关于包容残疾的监测和评价千年发展目标和其他国际商定的发展目标的会外活动。 小组成员讨论了残疾数据的现状以及有效制定包容残疾的监测和评价千年发展目标的步骤。", "542. 世卫组织和世界银行于2011年6月发表了《世界残疾报告》,其中概述了残疾人的目前状况,并为帮助克服排斥现象的政策和做法提供指导。 报告载有自1970年代以来第一次新的残疾流行率估计数,以及关于改进残疾研究和统计的广泛建议。", "555. 255 联合国教育、科学及文化组织出版了《拉丁美洲和加勒比残疾人教育数据收集和分析方法指南》。 [24] 指南鼓励统一概念、分类和方法,以确保区域可比信息。", "565. 妇 女 人口基金亚太区域办事处支持各国家办事处进行情况分析,分析残疾妇女和女孩在多大程度上被排除在生殖健康服务之外,并免遭暴力。 2010年,所罗门群岛和印度分别就这一主题进行了定性研究和文献审查。 人口基金一直在哈萨克斯坦和多米尼加共和国提供生殖健康和计划生育方面的技术援助,以建立关于残疾问题的知识。", "57 为了促进全亚太残疾人知识分享,亚洲及太平洋经济社会委员会(亚太经社会)出版了《2010年残疾状况:亚洲及太平洋36个国家和地区概况》,其中包括各国关于残疾人人口的数据。 [25] 2009年至2011年期间,亚太经社会在一些国家开展了培训方案并广泛测试了成套问题。 这项努力的结果有助于华盛顿残疾统计小组于2010年通过一套调查具体问题,推进残疾数据收集方法。", "58 西亚经济社会委员会收集并审查了与残疾人参与公共生活有关的国家统计和政策,并在一份关于残疾人减贫拟议方法的报告[26]和一份关于促进残疾人融入劳动力市场的做法的工作文件中公布了结果。 [27]", "59 世卫组织和经济和社会事务部于2010年9月发布了题为“心理健康与发展:将精神健康状况患者作为弱势群体”的报告。 报告利用《公约》加强发展议程的需要,使精神残疾的人能够参与和接触。", "60 。 世界知识产权组织(知识产权组织)还报告了为确保残疾人获得信息而作出的努力。 知识产权组织版权和相关权利常设委员会于2011年6月商定,推动拟订一项国际文书,便利视力残疾人和其他有印刷或阅读残疾的人获得版权作品。", "建立和加强全球和区域网络和多方利益攸关者伙伴关系", "61 人权高专办、开发署、儿童基金会和经济和社会事务部正在合作建立联合国促进残疾人权利伙伴关系,通过国家利益攸关方的能力建设,将残疾问题纳入社会和发展的各个方面。", "62 。 2010年,劳工组织残疾小组和雇主局 设立了由35家公司组成的劳工组织全球商业和残疾网络,目的是分享知识,开发联合产品,如加强残疾人法律数据库,加强雇主网络,以及公司和其他团体与劳工组织国家一级或其他残疾活动的联系。", "3. 。 民间社会组织", "63/63。 国际残疾与发展联合会是一个由23个国际非政府组织组成的网络,支持将残疾人纳入100多个国家的发展努力。 在秘鲁,农村发展非政府组织Arariwa在Cusco地区几个省份开展了社区康复项目。 除了向残疾儿童提供具体服务外,Arariwa将残疾问题纳入主流,从而将残疾人及其亲属纳入各类减贫项目。 该项目在建立和增强至少5个农村残疾人组织方面发挥了重要作用。", "644. 民间社会组织的全球网络往往帮助国家非政府组织与各国政府合作,制定包容残疾人的国家政策。 在多哥,残疾人运动参与了第一份减贫战略文件(2009-2011年)的编写工作。 多哥残疾人协会联合会(FETAPH)在CBM(基督教盲人团)和国际残疾协会的支持下,积极推动受排斥和受歧视群体在最近的国家减贫战略进程中的权利。 此外,这一进程的所有行为者都认识到《公约》的重要性以及包容性政策和行动的必要性。", "656.65 继2008年“纳尔吉斯”气旋之后,“建立信任措施”支持缅甸主要伙伴“缅甸麻风病特派团”的应急方案,将残疾人纳入人道主义应急行动。 这导致正在开展合作,支持残疾人康复中心,并于2010年在120个地方设立了社区康复、残疾和包容性发展项目,为期三年。", "4. 多方利益攸关者伙伴关系", "66 残疾与发展全球伙伴关系与世界银行合作,于2010年9月在布鲁塞尔举办了残疾与发展问题发展伙伴国际论坛。 该活动汇聚了发展伙伴,包括政府捐助机构、联合国机构、多边组织和私人基金会的代表和残疾问题协调人,他们关心或正在处理残疾问题和包容性发展,分享经验,帮助加强捐助方的协调与合作。", "67 社区康复 与劳工组织、教科文组织、世卫组织和国际残疾与发展联合会合作,于2010年在阿布贾启动了准则。 第二次社区康复大陆大会于2010年3月在墨西哥瓦哈卡举行。 该大会由泛美卫生组织、儿童基金会、世卫组织、美洲和加勒比社区康复网络、国家家庭发展署、全国残疾人委员会、Piana Palmera、CBM和瓦哈卡市政府联合组织。 来自17个拉丁美洲国家的550多名与会者参加了大会,包括残疾人及其组织。 与会者制作了瓦哈卡·马尼法托,呼吁各国通过执行《公约》和促进在公共政策中使用社区康复,将残疾人纳入社区和社会发展。", "页: 1 加强全球发展议程中的残疾观点的战略框架", "686.68 在过去20年里,举行了一系列联合国全球发展会议、首脑会议及其后续行动。 [28] 在这些会议的结果文件和政策承诺及建议中,残疾人以及残疾对总体发展及其进程的影响基本上被忽视。 当提到残疾或残疾人时,往往在需要照顾的弱势群体以及保护问题的长期清单中。 [29] 只有几份成果文件,如《社会发展问题哥本哈根宣言》和《北京宣言和行动纲要》,都注重发展办法,促进残疾人的发展。", "69 《残疾人权利公约》加强了《关于残疾人的世界行动纲领》所倡导的总体原则和目标。 从《公约》开始到通过《公约》为止,大会表示,残疾人作为代理人和受益者,必须实现平等,并充分参与发展。", "促进包容残疾的发展的战略行动主要优先领域", "页: 1 残疾人在社会所有方面机会均等和发展", "707.70 大会将无障碍环境界定为包容残疾的发展的手段和目标。 大会在其第64/131号决议中鼓励各国政府加速交流有关残疾人状况的信息、准则和标准、最佳做法、立法措施和政府政策,特别是涉及包容和无障碍环境的政策。", "71 政府采取政策措施,考虑到资源限制,确保采取包容残疾的行动,可侧重于三个无障碍领域:", "(a) 在物质环境以及信息和通信技术领域促进环境无障碍环境,并作出合理的调整;", "(b) 提供适当和便于利用的社会服务和社会保护,确保人人享有最起码的福利;", "(c) 鼓励和发展促进人人享有基本自由的参与性、民主和负责的机构。", "2. 收集、分析和使用残疾数据和统计资料", "72. 第72段。 在过去三年中,大会第63/150、64/154和16586号决议强调迫切需要加强收集和汇编关于残疾人状况的国家数据。 重点是遵循现有的残疾统计准则,使发展政策规划、监测、评价和执行能够敏感地顾及残疾,特别是在实现千年发展目标方面。", "73 尽管显然需要收集残疾数据,但缺乏关于残疾的数据以及用于衡量残疾情况的方法不一致仍然是促进包容残疾的发展的障碍。 在发展中国家,最大的挑战是残疾数据和统计数字的提供和使用仍然特别有限。", "74 向大会提交的报告(A/60/673)提供了全面而详细的关于制定和使用残疾统计的战略行动选择,以支持包容性监测和评价国际商定的发展目标,包括千年发展目标。 它坚决支持利用国际商定的残疾数据测量和收集准则将残疾问题纳入国家人口普查。", "757. 阿根廷和其他一些国家将针对残疾问题的指标纳入其千年发展目标监测和评价框架。 这种创新做法,将残疾指标放在监测和评价发展进展的现有框架内,可以成为缩小残疾人和整个人口社会经济地位差距的具有成本效益的方法。", "76 同时,普查中残疾数据的收集工作也明显受到限制。 因此,应充分利用抽样调查和行政登记等补充数据来源,以满足对残疾对发展政策和方案以及对残疾人的影响进行有意义的评价的许多数据要求。 人们注意到,残疾人不太可能参与国家调查,因为他们的残疾可能使他们被忽视;例如,聋 de人一般无法参加,除非使用手语。", "3. 利益攸关方的能力建设", "77国集团 将残疾观点纳入发展战略,需要加强包括残疾人组织在内的各级利益攸关方的能力建设,以最大限度地参与发展活动,并实现国家、区域和国际各级,包括联合国系统内的规划人员和方案制定者的参与。 应更加重视增强残疾人组织的能力,并培训政府和政府间机构的代表。 在这方面,经济和社会事务部与拉丁美洲和加勒比经济委员会和人权高专办合作,于2010年11月在特立尼达和多巴哥举办了能力发展讲习班。 各国政府、政府间机构、专门机构和非政府组织的代表参加了关于残疾问题主流化、无障碍环境和包容性规划的研讨会,重点是加勒比次区域执行《公约》。", "4. 第四届会议 促进国际发展合作", "第78次会议 向社会发展委员会提交的关于将残疾问题纳入发展议程主流的报告(E/CN.5/2007/6)讨论了将残疾问题纳入全球、区域和次区域各级国际发展合作的状况。 报告审查了将残疾问题纳入发展合作主流的不同形式和程度。 下文概述了促进将残疾问题纳入发展合作的一些既定框架。", "797. 在联合国系统内,在政策和业务层面,发展合作政策和程序都取得了进展。 这包括2005年授权的两项主要职能:两年一次的发展合作论坛和年度部长级审查。 论坛审查国际发展合作的趋势和进展,促进不同发展伙伴的发展活动之间更大的一致性和有效性。 年度部长级审查的任务是评估在实现千年发展目标方面取得的进展以及联合国发展议程的其他目标和指标。", "808. 此外,联合国发展援助框架是联合国在国家一级业务活动的共同战略框架,可以发挥重要作用,帮助会员国将残疾问题纳入国家总体发展框架。 联合国发展集团于2010年10月核可了一份指导说明,以支持联合国国家工作队的行动,并促进将残疾问题纳入共同国家方案拟订进程。", "页: 1 在联合国业务活动规范框架内,四年期全面政策审查为发展合作和驻地协调员制度的运作制定了重要的全系统政策准则(联合国系统的国家模式)。 除了经济及社会理事会在后续决议中要求的传统专题之外,每次审查都侧重于新出现的问题。 在这方面,应强调残疾问题是一个贯穿各领域的问题,将在四年期审查中加以解决,以确保为将残疾问题纳入联合国业务系统国家一级工作主流划拨充足的资源。", "页: 1 除联合国系统外,应充分利用多边、区域和双边各级的现有框架,将残疾问题纳入发展合作。 在多边一级,世界银行、美洲开发银行和亚洲开发银行为国际发展方案作出了显著贡献,以提高国家、区域和次区域各级的认识、建设能力和发布政策准则,有效处理残疾问题。", "83 注重残疾问题的区域数十年及其相应的框架处理了将残疾问题纳入发展主流的问题。 然而,大多数这些举措仍在进行之中,现在报告结果还为时过早。 区域成员目前正在规划第三个亚洲及太平洋残疾人十年。", "页: 1 将残疾问题纳入发展合作主流的框架已扩大到包括南南和区域间举措。 中国与亚洲和非洲国家之间以及巴西、墨西哥和美洲国家组织其他成员之间开展了合作努力。 日本、老挝人民民主共和国、泰国和其他东盟国家之间的三方合作也在不断发展。", "页: 1 最近的双边举措提供了将残疾问题纳入发展合作主流的良好实例,包括澳大利亚国际开发署的举措。2011年3月,挪威发展合作署与联合国残疾问题特别报告员合作举行了一次研讨会,审查将残疾问题纳入发展合作主流的战略。", "5. 利用现有机制和网络促进包容残疾的发展", "86 残疾社区正越来越多地与其他人权和发展领域的利益攸关方建立伙伴关系。 全球残疾与发展伙伴关系就是这一努力的一个实例,在这一努力中,多方利益攸关者伙伴关系通过在全球、区域和国家各级共享资源和知识,为提高残疾人的地位作出了贡献。 全球伙伴关系还表明,多方利益攸关者伙伴关系如何帮助各国政府、国际组织和民间社会规划和执行发展政策,确保纳入残疾人的关切。 [30]", "87 在区域一级,经验表明,一些区域在执行残疾规范和标准方面调动区域专门知识、工具和其他资源,比其他区域更深入地融入残疾观点。 [31]", "88 在国家一级,残疾人基层组织可以与在宣传就业、住房、保健和其他问题方面有经验的主流部门建立联盟。 这种联盟有可能促进将残疾问题纳入主流议程。", "四、结 论 今后的道路:在2015年及其后促进包容残疾的发展议程", "89 人们更清楚地认识到,残疾是一个贯穿各领域的问题,影响到经济和社会发展的所有方面。 然而,残疾人继续遭受不利的社会和经济后果,在世界穷人中所占的份额仍然不成比例。", "909.90 以下章节为行动建议:(a) 将残疾问题纳入千年发展目标及其执行政策、方案、监测和评价框架;(b) 将残疾问题列入千年发展目标后发展框架;(c) 为2015年召开的残疾与发展问题国际会议筹备步骤,国际社会可通过该会议在2015年后发展背景下制定发展议程。", "91 此外,下文将讨论将残疾人纳入大会第五十七届会议发展工作各个方面的高级别会议的备选办法(见第16586号决议)。", "五. 建议", "92 大会不妨审议以下建议:", "(a) 在争取到2015年实现千年发展目标的过程中,国际社会应当加紧努力,通过加强多方利益攸关者伙伴关系,将残疾问题纳入现有的千年发展目标;将残疾问题纳入国际合作的主流;发展关于残疾人状况的证据基础,以便有效执行、监测和评价发展目标;", "(b) 各国政府和联合国系统必须评估与千年发展目标有关的所有政策和方案对残疾人的影响。 应酌情在目前对各项目标进行的监测和评价中,利用现有的针对残疾人的具体指标,填补有关残疾人经济和社会状况的现有数据空白;", "(c) 残疾人应在全球、区域、国家和地方各级所有相关讨论中发挥积极作用。 尤其是,随着国际社会开始讨论2015年后联合国发展议程,即将举行的磋商将提供一个平台,将残疾观点纳入任何新出现的框架。 因此,在形成2015年后发展框架的所有筹备过程中,各国政府和联合国系统应促进残疾人的积极参与;", "(d) 各国政府及所有利益攸关方应在经济、社会和环境这三个支柱的框架内加强残疾与可持续发展讨论之间的联系。 将残疾人和残疾人纳入社会支柱,将加强各级促进可持续发展的努力。", "93 2. 大会还不妨考虑在2015年之前采取下列具体行动:", "(a) 将于2015年举行一次关于残疾与发展的国际会议,使主要利益攸关方聚集一堂,审查千年发展目标的进展和成就,制定战略并确定千年发展目标后发展努力的关键优先事项,以期通过一项全球残疾行动计划;", "(b) 筹备这种全球会议应以区域和次区域两级事先协商的结果为基础。 可以举行这种区域和次区域会议,为将残疾问题纳入全球发展议程的全球行动计划和指导方针提供投入。", "94 大会不妨在第六十七届会议上审议关于将残疾人纳入各方面发展努力的高级别会议的下列备选办法。", "95 拟议的高级别会议可以包括以下一个或多个成果:", "(a) 在2015年最后时限之前的剩余年份最大限度地实现残疾人千年发展目标的路线图;", "(b) 将残疾问题作为贯穿各领域的问题纳入2015年后国际发展框架的行动计划;", "(c) 决定于2015年组织一次全球会议,并概述此种会议的筹备步骤,包括区域和次区域会议。", "96 3. 在审议这些备选办法时,大会不妨:", "(a) 促进执行国际残疾结构,包括人权和发展文书,包括呼吁更广泛地签署、加入和批准《残疾人权利公约》及其任择议定书;", "(b) 促进残疾人及其组织参与所有筹备进程,从而形成2015年后发展框架,并参与诸如联合国可持续发展会议等正在进行的发展进程和会议,以确保纳入残疾观点;", "(c) 制定明确、可实现的目标和可衡量的目标和指标,以便采取行动,执行包容残疾的千年发展目标和其他国际商定的发展目标,并制订相关政策、执行、评价和监测;", "(d) 投入足够的资源,收集和分析与执行、监测和评价千年发展目标和其他国际商定的发展目标有关的残疾人经济和社会发展状况的数据和统计数据;", "(e) 促进多方利益攸关者伙伴关系,包括通过国际合作,采取具体行动,改善获得信息和通信技术及自然环境的机会,并将残疾问题纳入发展合作的主流;", "(f) 确保在2015年及其后制定包容残疾框架的所有筹备过程中特别注意智力残疾者、心理残疾者、盲聋人、残疾妇女和儿童以及多重残疾者。", "*** 自1990年代以来举行的一系列联合国发展会议及其后续行动在包容残疾方面产生了喜忧参半的结果。 关于千年发展目标的大会高级别全体会议成果文件(第165号决议)提到了残疾和残疾人。", "*** 世界卫生组织和世界银行,《世界残疾报告》(2011年,日内瓦)。 根据2010年人口估算。", "[3] 见《残疾人权利公约》(大会第61/106号决议,附件一),特别是序言部分(e)段和第一条。", "[4] 大会将残疾人的平等定义为与整个人口机会均等。 “残疾观点”这一术语常常被用作分析工具,分析、监测和评价残疾对发展进程和成果的影响。 见秘书长关于《关于残疾人的世界行动纲领》第三次五年期审查和评估的报告(A/52/351)。", "[5] 特别是,千年发展目标的目标1(消除极端贫穷和饥饿)要求作出特别努力,确保残疾人通过有针对性和有效的方案,获得生产性就业,满足他们的营养需要。 关于千年发展目标的进一步资料,可查阅www.beta.undp。 org/undp/en/home/mdgoverview.html。", "[6] 在第四次联合国最不发达国家问题会议结束时通过(2011年5月9日至13日,土耳其伊斯坦布尔),可查阅 home/conference。", "[7] 见。", "见。", "[9] 全球残疾与发展伙伴关系海地重建工作组,“长期恢复工具包:海地——人人重建”,2010年。 可查阅。", "[10] 《残疾人权利公约》,序言(e)段。", "[11] 《世界残疾报告》。", "[12] Jay Bhattacharya, Kavita Choudhry and Darius Lakdawalla, “慢性疾病和工作年龄人口严重残疾趋势” TRENDS Working Paper Series, No. 05-4 (Ann Arbor, University of Michigan, 2005).", "[13] 国际劳工组织,《残疾和减贫战略》(2002年,日内瓦)。", "[14] 《世界残疾报告》。", "[15] 联合国教育、科学及文化组织,《2010年全民教育全球监测报告》: 消除边缘化群体(巴黎,2010年)。", "[16] 残疾和减贫战略。", "[17] 《世界残疾报告》。", "[18] Harold Snider和Nazumi Takeda, “签名:对银行业务的影响”(哥伦比亚特区华盛顿,世界银行,2008年)。 DISABILITY/Resources/Universal_Design.pdf。", "[19] 41个国家响应秘书处经济和社会事务部2011年3月15日的普通照会提交了意见:安道尔、阿根廷、澳大利亚、波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那、布基纳法索、喀麦隆、加拿大、中国、刚果、哥斯达黎加、埃塞俄比亚、格鲁吉亚、希腊、格林纳达、圭亚那、印度尼西亚、意大利、日本、约旦、立陶宛、墨西哥、摩洛哥、荷兰、阿曼、秘鲁、菲律宾、波兰、卡塔尔、沙特阿拉伯、塞内加尔、斯洛伐克、斯洛文尼亚、西班牙、瑞典、阿拉伯叙利亚共和国、泰国、前南斯拉夫的马其顿共和国、土耳其、土库曼斯坦、美利坚合众国和委内瑞拉玻利瓦尔共和国。", "[20] 经济和社会事务部于2011年6月27日组织了一次小组讨论,主题是“体育促进包容性发展:体育、残疾与发展——增强残疾人及其社区能力的关键”。", "[21] 经济和社会事务部于2011年6月17日共同组织了关于促进和保护残疾儿童权利的交互式小组讨论。", "[22] 2011年2月23日,在妇女地位委员会第五十五届会议期间,经济和社会事务部和伙伴组织了一个主题为“科学、技术、工程和数学:扩大残疾妇女和女孩在教育和就业方面的机会”的小组讨论。", "[23] 见。", "[24] 可查阅。", "[25] 可查阅。", "[26] E/ESCAP/SDD/2011/IG.1/4(Part I)。", "[27] E/ESCAP/SDD/ 2010WP.4。", "[28] 见 agenda/UNDA1.pdf。", "[29] 《约翰内斯堡执行计划》将残疾人视为社会弱势群体成员,这就要求保护他们免受疾病的危害,特别照顾健康原因,包括环境原因。", "[30] “长期恢复工具包:海地——人人重建”(见脚注9)。", "[31] 构成南方共同市场(南共市)的国家设立了一个工作组,负责促进和保护残疾人在包容残疾的发展方面的权利。", "[32] 《世界残疾报告》。", "[33] 见A/63/183。 国际残疾结构包括《关于残疾人的世界行动纲领》、《残疾人机会均等标准规则》和《残疾人权利公约》,以及与残疾有关的其他国际规范和标准。" ]
[ "Seventeenth session", "Kingston, Jamaica", "11-22 July 2011", "Agenda of the Council", "1. Opening of the session.", "2. Adoption of the agenda.", "3. Election of the President.", "4. Election of the Vice-Presidents.", "5. Report of the Secretary-General concerning the credentials of members of the Council.", "6. Election to fill a vacancy on the Legal and Technical Commission, in accordance with article 163, paragraph 7, of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea.", "7. Continued consideration, with a view to adoption, of the draft regulations on prospecting and exploration for cobalt-rich ferromanganese crusts in the Area (ISBA/16/C/WP.2).", "8. Report of the Secretary-General on the request submitted to the Seabed Disputes Chamber of the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea for an advisory opinion on matters relating to the responsibility and liability of sponsoring States.", "9. Consideration, with a view to approval, of applications for approval of plans of work for exploration for polymetallic nodules in the Area.[1]", "10. Consideration, with a view to approval, of applications for approval of plans of work for exploration for polymetallic sulphides in the Area.¹", "11. Report of the Chairman of the Legal and Technical Commission on the work of the Commission during the seventeenth session.", "12. Election of members of the Legal and Technical Commission in accordance with article 163 of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea.", "13. Date of the next session of the Council.", "14. Other matters.", "[1] To be taken up following consideration by the Legal and Technical Commission." ]
[ "第十七届会议", "2011年7月11日至22日", "牙买加金斯敦", "理事会议程", "1. 会议开幕。", "2. 通过议程。", "3. 选举主席。", "4. 选举副主席。", "5. 秘书长关于理事会成员全权证书的报告。", "6. 依照《联合国海洋法公约》第一六三条第7款选举法律和技术委员会一名成员,以填补空缺。", "7. 继续审议“区域”内富钴铁锰结壳探矿和勘探规章草案(ISBA/16/C/WP.2),以期予以通过。", "8. 秘书长关于请国际海洋法法庭海底争端分庭就担保国的职责和责任所涉事项提出咨询意见的报告。", "9. 审议适用“区域”内多金属结核勘探工作计划申请,以期予以通过。[1]", "10. 审议适用“区域”内多金属硫化物勘探工作计划申请,¹ 以期予以通过。", "11. 法律和技术委员会主席关于委员会第十七届会议工作的报告。", "12. 依照《联合国海洋法公约》第一六三条选举法律和技术委员会成员。", "13. 理事会下届会议的日期。", "14. 其他事项。", "[1] 将在法律和技术委员会审议结束后审议。" ]
[ "第十七届会议", "牙买加金斯敦", "2011年7月11日至22日", "理事会议程", "页: 1 1. 会议开幕。", "2. 通过议程。", "3. 。 1. 选举主席。", "4. 选举副主席。", "5. 秘书长关于理事会成员全权证书的报告。", "6. 任务 根据《联合国海洋法公约》第一六三条第7款选举法律和技术委员会成员以补空缺。", "7. 基本考虑 继续审议“区域”内富钴铁锰结壳探矿和勘探规章草案(ISBA/16/C/WP.2),以期通过。", "8.8 秘书长关于请求国际海洋法法庭海底争端分庭就涉及担保国责任和赔偿责任的事项提供咨询意见的报告。", "9 September 2005 4. 审议为核准“区域”内多金属结核勘探工作计划的申请。 页: 1", "10.10 4. 审议为核准“区域”内多金属硫化物勘探工作计划的申请书。", "注 法律和技术委员会主席关于委员会第十七届会议工作的报告。", "12. 第12段。 根据《联合国海洋法公约》第一六三条选举法律和技术委员会成员。", "13 August 2001 理事会下届会议的日期。", "十四、任 务 其他事项。", "页: 1" ]
[ "Sixty-sixth session", "Item 28 (b) of the preliminary list*", "Social development: social development, including questions related to the world social situation and to youth, ageing, disabled persons and the family", "International Year of Youth: Dialogue and Mutual Understanding", "Report of the Secretary-General", "Summary", "* A/66/50.", "The present report was prepared in response to General Assembly resolution 64/134 on the proclamation of 2010 as the International Year of Youth: Dialogue and Mutual Understanding. The report highlights key activities and initiatives undertaken by Member States, civil society organizations and United Nations entities in support of the year. It also describes the activities and initiatives of Member States against the backdrop of the year, efforts to put a youth agenda on the calendar and national development activities that were undertaken within the context of the year. Recommendations for Member States and the United Nations system in order to sustain and capitalize on the momentum generated during the International Year of Youth are provided in the concluding section of the report.", "Contents", "Page\nI.Introduction 3\nII. Background 3III. Activities 4 and initiatives organized by Member States at the national \nlevel IV. Activities 8 and initiatives organized by inter-State entities at the regional \nlevel V.Activities 9 and initiatives organized at the international \nlevel VI. Activities 10 and initiatives organized by civil \nsociety VII. Activities 11 and initiatives organized by United Nations \nentities VIII.Conclusions 19 and \nrecommendations", "I. Introduction", "1. In its resolution 64/134, the General Assembly requested the Secretary-General to submit, to its sixty-sixth session, a report on the activities and initiatives carried out during the International Year of Youth: Dialogue and Mutual Understanding. The present report is submitted in response to that request.", "2. The report, which provides a comprehensive summary of the activities and initiatives carried out by Governments, civil society organizations, individuals and communities worldwide to support local and international activities marking the International Year of Youth, is based on contributions from Member States,[1] civil society organizations[2] and United Nations entities.[3] The first section of the report provides the background to the year and the following sections provide an overview of the national, regional, and international activities and initiatives undertaken to commemorate it. The report also highlights some of the activities organized by civil society organizations and entities of the United Nations system and sets forth recommendations for Member States and United Nations entities with a view to sustaining and capitalizing on the momentum generated during the year.", "II. Background", "3. The International Year of Youth was first celebrated by the United Nations in 1985. A decade later, in resolution 50/81, the General Assembly adopted the World Programme of Action for Youth to the Year 2000 and Beyond, which established a policy framework and guidelines for national action and international support to improve the situation of young people. While this programme is still active, in recent years there has been an even greater recognition that young people are central to the global development agenda. At key international forums such as the General Assembly, the Commission on Social Development, the African Union and the Ibero-American Conferences of Heads of State and Government Member States have reaffirmed that support for the development of youth is an important means for realizing internationally agreed development goals, including the Millennium Development Goals. Prior to the declaration of the International Year of Youth, Member States had already promoted several regional and national agendas devoted to young people, for example, the Year of African Youth and the Ibero-American Youth Year (both held in 2008), the Year of Youth in the Russian Federation (2009), and the Decade on African Youth Development (2009-2018) declared by the African Union.", "4. Building on this momentum, in December 2009, the General Assembly adopted its resolution 64/134 proclaiming the International Year of Youth: Dialogue and Mutual Understanding, to commence on 12 August 2010. The proclamation of the year, at the initiative of Tunisia, represented the renewed commitment of Member States to ensuring that young men and women are at the core of the development agenda. At present, there are more than 1.2 billion people worldwide between the ages of 15 and 24, representing some 18 per cent of the world’s population. The proclamation of the International Year of Youth has thus presented a strategic opportunity both to raise awareness about the challenges and opportunities facing a very important population group and to advocate for young people’s rights.", "5. Within this context, the theme of the year, “Dialogue and Mutual Understanding”, promoted communication across generations, cultures, religions and civilizations and championed the ideals of peace, respect for human rights and solidarity. Member States, youth organizations, civil society groups and young people were encouraged to celebrate the year by holding activities to showcase the contributions of youth to development, promote mutual understanding and underscore the benefits of their participation in all aspects of society.", "III. Activities and initiatives organized by Member States at the national level", "A. Contextualizing the initiatives of Member States: the International Year of Youth as background and catalyst", "6. International years are customarily celebrated at the national level, and tend to be steered by national committees, usually comprised of appropriate Government entities such as ministries of youth or ministries of education, national youth councils, civil society organizations, representatives of the United Nations system and other relevant stakeholders. Member States were encouraged to hold events in celebration of the International Year of Youth and to review their national youth development policies and programmes. Supporters of the year aimed to utilize it as a catalyst for the fuller implementation of the World Programme of Action for Youth, to increase young people’s participation in society and to broaden their access to opportunities.", "7. In this context, as at 6 July 2011, Member States, civil society groups and United Nations entities have organized 354 events to mark the year, ranging from conferences, forums, camps, exhibitions, competitions (such as sports, writing, photography, art), film screenings, concerts and training workshops, to intergenerational conferences, model United Nations conferences, youth summits, festivals, online and offline courses on youth-related issues and community-service projects.[4] These activities focused on key topics such as the environment, HIV and AIDS and youth participation and empowerment.", "8. The support and participation of Member States was noteworthy. The launch of the International Year of Youth on 12 August 2010 was celebrated in all regions. In 29 countries, namely, Austria, Armenia, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Belgium, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Canada, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Egypt, Guyana, India, Jamaica, Kazakhstan, Lesotho, Mexico, Mongolia, Myanmar, Nepal, Nigeria, the Philippines, Romania, Sierra Leone, Somalia, Sri Lanka, Trinidad and Tobago, Turkey, Uganda and Zambia, special events were held to mark the launch.", "9. Over the course of the year, Member States undertook numerous initiatives to highlight the contribution of young people to society and to address current issues affecting them. Some of these activities are enumerated below, categorized by priority theme and type of initiative.", "B. Putting a youth agenda on the calendar", "10. The International Year of Youth provided Member States with an opportunity to put youth issues on the calendar. To that end, China proclaimed 2011 as the “European Union-China Year of Youth”, with the twofold objective of promoting intercultural dialogue and strengthening mutual understanding and friendship between European and Chinese youth. In Kenya, the Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports celebrated National Youth Week. In Qatar, the Department of Youth Activities and Events of the Ministry of Culture, Arts and Heritage celebrated International Youth Day under the theme “Dialogue and culture”.", "C. Forums, conferences, awards and competitions", "11. Governments worldwide supported a wide array of youth events that raised the profile of youth issues. In China, celebrations of International Peace Day focused on the theme, “Chinese development for youth and peace”. At the World Expo in Shanghai, a youth forum was held on youth, cities and the future, including the involvement of many leading Chinese youth groups. In addition, a large-scale sporting event, “Building bridges for friendship”, was organized in Shenzhen.", "12. In Indonesia, the Ministry of Youth and Sports led several initiatives. The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) University Student Conference, held in Bandung from 21 to 24 March 2010, identified the role of youth in preserving cultural heritage. The Asia-Africa Youth Forum, held in Bandung from 23 to 27 August 2010, constituted a strategic opportunity for young people to raise their voices and promote their ideas on the Millennium Development Goals. The Bandung Games, held in Kuala Lumpur from 29 April to 2 May 2011, was a bilateral youth sports forum that brought together some 800 Indonesian and Malaysian students in friendly competition.", "13. In Oman, the World Conference on Education for Sustainable Development was organized by the Education Ministry, in cooperation with UNESCO. In Peru, within the context of the International Year of Youth, the National Youth Secretariat held a meeting of youth from 17 different regions to propose strategies for increased youth participation in addressing key issues such as pregnancy and alcohol and drug use among youth, as well as the question of access to education.", "14. The Ministry of Sport, Tourism and Youth Policy of the Russian Federation reported on activities organized by youth organizations and civil society for the year, including the international meeting on “The assembly of the generations: the world of peace and non-violence”, as well as a conference entitled, “International and interregional cooperation on youth and the experience of countries in working with teenagers and youth” and the international project, “We are the future of the Commonwealth of Independent States” within the framework of the International Youth Forum.", "15. The Youth Division of the Ministry of Social Development in Saint Kitts and Nevis implemented a monthly award for young people for outstanding work in commemoration of the year. In Togo, the first national Youth Forum, held from 18 to 20 April 2011, brought together more than 750 young people from all prefectures in order to encourage dialogue and understanding among youth populations and to increase their participation in decision-making processes.", "D. Member State initiatives: putting the International Year of Youth into practice", "16. The theme of the year informed the initiatives of several Member States. The National Centre for Youth Development of the Ministry of Youth, Sports and Culture of Jamaica incorporated the theme of the year into its programmes for 2010. To commemorate the national Youth Month, celebrated each year in November, the Government held activities dedicated to showcasing “dialogue and mutual understanding” as a crucial facet of youth development. The Government of Thailand took various initiatives within the ambit of this theme, including camps and programmes to bring youth from diverse backgrounds together into a common forum for dialogue.", "17. The theme of the International Year of Youth was addressed by Member States within their own specific contexts. In post-conflict Sri Lanka, the year provided a key opportunity to promote the ideals of peace, solidarity and harmony among the country’s younger generation. As a result, the national activities organized to commemorate the year fed into the country’s reconciliation process. In Austria, the theme of dialogue and mutual understanding was explored through various initiatives, inter alia, a symposium organized on 20 September 2010 by the Austrian League for Human Rights, which brought together experts and young people to discuss increasing group-focused hostility affecting all members of society, including youth populations.", "18. Some Member States took advantage of the International Year of Youth to reaffirm their commitment to youth development. In Indonesia, the Ministry of Youth and Sports Affairs reaffirmed its pledge to develop strong partnerships to increase investment in youth, and to encourage youth-led contributions to society. The Government of Sri Lanka initiated a series of events to renew the country’s focus on youth and youth-related issues. Another notable trend was the increased support provided by Governments to youth organizations. For instance, in Austria, as part of the youth policy, financial support was provided to youth organizations, youth initiatives, youth clubs and youth projects.", "19. Some countries launched special initiatives in keeping with the International Year of Youth. In Portugal, the Government established a National Monitoring Commission for the International Year of Youth. Under the presidency of the Portuguese Institute for Youth, the Commission is responsible for the coordination of national activities carried out by public institutions and civil society organizations in relation to the year. The Commission raises awareness, not only about the year, but also about the rights of young people. Its aim is to strengthen youth participation, increase investment related to youth and mainstream the country’s youth policies. In Serbia, the Ministry of Youth and Sports inaugurated the “The Youth are the Law” programme to encourage and increase social activism. In addition to marking the year with events, the programme has included several major initiatives: the drafting of the Law on Youth, which has involved the holding of more than 80 round tables, totalling 2,895 participants, most of whom were young people and/or experts in dealing with youth issues; marking of the European Year of Volunteering and the tenth anniversary of the International Year of Volunteers in 2011; assistance to young people to carry on dialogue with their peers across the region and throughout the globe; the organization of an international conference on the democratic participation of youth; and the establishment of contact with and the signing of protocols of cooperation between the Governments of Portugal, Slovakia and Ukraine in the field of youth cooperation.", "E. Addressing national development in the context of the International Year of Youth", "20. The International Year of Youth has spurred Governments to focus on specific youth-related programmes targeting broader national development priorities. According to recent ILO estimates, global youth unemployment of the world’s 620 million economically active youth between the ages of 15 and 24 reached a historical peak of 81 million by the end of 2009. In general, young people tend to work longer hours under informal, intermittent and insecure work arrangements, characterized by low productivity, low earnings and reduced social protection. Recognizing the centrality of adequate conditions of youth employment to the development and well-being of youth, Member States have undertaken measures to bolster the conditions of work and opportunities for youth employment. The Government of Togo, for example, has conducted training programmes for unemployed youth and has implemented a national volunteer programme to allow unemployed graduates to gain professional experience. It will also offer professional opportunities to young people through its programme of support for the integration and the development of job opportunities.", "21. In some Member States, young people who demonstrated interest in environmental issues were invited to participate actively in advocacy, national adaptation and mitigation actions and international negotiations on climate change. In Trinidad and Tobago, the Ministry of Sport and Youth Affairs ran programmes on environmental issues. For example, “My Country, My Community, My Space” was a programme that encouraged youth to protect the environment from degradation.", "22. Against the backdrop of the International Year of Youth, Member States also led efforts to protect young people against discrimination and developed affirmative action programmes. For instance, three nationwide projects implemented in Austria in 2010 and 2011 focused on young people from immigrant backgrounds, in particular, affirmative action for Muslim women and girls (project “Fatima”) and young Muslim men (project “Mustafa”). Another project focused on the training of mentors to carry out these new programmes (project “Heroes”). In Peru, the National Youth Secretariat promoted the creation of a forum for the empowerment of rural, indigenous and Afro-descendent youth to promote the implementation, monitoring and evaluation of public policies aimed at this segment of society. Peru also initiated programmes for young people between the ages of 18 and 29 who were incarcerated, aimed at improving their quality of life and facilitating their reintegration into society.", "23. Member States reported on progress throughout the year in addressing the concerns and widening the opportunities for young people within their countries. In Jordan, the Higher Council for Youth formulated policies regarding the Council’s work during the 2010-2015 period, 42 of which focus on youth. A national strategy for youth 2011-2015 has been put in place, and the design of the second phase of the strategy, which commences in early 2011, is already under way. In Uzbekistan, the Forum of Culture and Arts of Uzbekistan Foundation has been working in line with the principles of the year. The Kelajak ovozi (voice of the future) Youth Initiatives Centre, the youth arm of the Forum, was founded in 2006, and has since become the leading Uzbekistan youth organization. The Centre works on themes such as education, culture and arts and information technology, and supports youth organizations. On 12 August 2010, on the International Youth Day, the United Nations Information Centre and UNFPA named the Kelajak ovozi Centre the best youth project.", "24. The International Year of Youth gave some Member States an occasion to consider youth issues at the highest levels of Government. On 4 April 2011, the House of Lords of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland held a debate on youth and international development. This debate, the first of its kind in the House of Lords, provided members of the House with the chance to scrutinize the Government’s policies for supporting young people in the many challenges that they face, especially in developing countries.", "IV. Activities and initiatives organized by inter-State entities at the regional level", "25. The African Union[5] has made youth issues a priority. In commemoration of African Youth Day and the International Year of Youth, the African Union and its partners brought together over 300 youth from Ethiopia in a celebration officially opened by the President of the country. At the event, young people advocated increased youth participation in all aspects of African society. At the African Union pre-summit on youth, held from 1 to 9 April 2011 in Addis Ababa, the role of the year in making African youth a high priority on the agenda was recognized.", "26. The Summit of the African Union Heads of State and Government took place in Malabo, Equatorial Guinea, from 23 June to 1 July 2011. During the Summit, at a debate on “Accelerating youth empowerment for sustainable development”, it was noted that the International Year of Youth was a platform for mobilizing African youth to constructive participation.", "V. Activities and initiatives organized at the international level", "27. The International Year of Youth was launched at United Nations Headquarters in New York on 12 August 2010 by the Secretary-General. Statements were made by the Minister of Youth, Sports and Physical Education of Tunisia, Samir Laabidi, the Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Benin to the United Nations, Jean-Francis Zinsou, the Under-Secretary-General of the Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Sha Zukang, the Special Representative to the United Nations and Director of the International Labour Organization Office for the United Nations, Jane Stewart, the Senior Deputy Assistant Administrator of United States Agency for International Development, Michael Yates, the youth representative from Pax Romana, Maya Saoud, and the United Nations Youth Champion, Monique Coleman. In commemoration of the launch of the year, a joint statement was issued by heads of United Nations entities. The Secretary-General, UNESCO, ILO, UN-HABITAT, the World Assembly of Youth and the National Youth Council of Namibia also issued statements for the launch.", "28. As a highlight of the International Year of Youth, the General Assembly decided to organize a United Nations high-level meeting on youth, as mandated by the Assembly in resolution 64/134. The high-level meeting is scheduled to take place on 25 and 26 July 2011 in New York at United Nations Headquarters.", "29. Other major international events included the fifth World Youth Congress, held in Turkey from 31 July to 12 August 2010, hosted by Peace Child International in partnership with the E-Gençlik Association, the Istanbul Youth Assembly and the Turkish Ministry of Youth and Sports. An offshoot of the fifth Youth Congress was the South Asian Youth Congress under the leadership of the Blue Ribbon Movement, a regional youth conference that has adopted the theme “Peace, dialogue and mutual understanding for the International Year of Youth”.", "30. The World Youth Conference, organized by the Government of Mexico, was held in Mexico City from 24 to 27 August 2010. The conference was organized by the Secretariat of Foreign Affairs, the Public Education Secretariat and the Mexican Youth Institute, with the support of UNFPA, UNICEF, the United Nations Development Fund for Women and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). The conference brought together representatives of Governments and civil society organizations to identify youth-related priorities for inclusion in the international development agenda beyond the Millennium Development Goals. The Guanajuato Declaration embodies the outcomes of this conference.[6]", "31. Young people’s interest in sport provides an entry point for promoting international development goals, such as the Millennium Development Goals, and for communicating values that foster peace and cooperation. In this light, the inaugural Youth Olympic Games in Singapore were held from 14 to 26 August 2010, to inspire youth, both as participants and observers, to embrace, embody and express the Olympic values of excellence, friendship and respect.", "VI. Activities and initiatives organized by civil society", "32. Civil society organizations were major contributors to the success of the International Year of Youth. Countless civil society initiatives associated with a wide spectrum of youth issues were organized in the following countries: Afghanistan, Antigua and Barbuda, Argentina, Armenia, Austria, Australia, Azerbaijan, Barbados, Bahrain, Belarus, Belgium, Belize, Benin, Bermuda, Brazil, Burkina Faso, Cambodia, Cameroon, Canada, Chad, China, Colombia, Costa Rica, Croatia, Cyprus, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, the Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Egypt, El Salvador, Ethiopia, France, Georgia, Germany, Ghana, Greece, Guyana, India, Italy, Jamaica, Japan, Kenya, Lebanon, Lesotho, the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya, Malaysia, Martinique, Mexico, Mongolia, Myanmar, Namibia, Nepal, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Niger, Nigeria, Panama, Pakistan, Peru, the Philippines, Portugal, Romania, the Russian Federation, Saudi Arabia, Senegal, Serbia, Sierra Leone, Somalia, South Africa, South Korea, Spain, Sri Lanka, Switzerland, the Syrian Arab Republic, Trinidad and Tobago, Tunisia, Turkey, Uganda, Ukraine, the United Kingdom, the United Republic of Tanzania, the United States of America, Uzbekistan, Zambia and Zimbabwe.", "33. Among global organizations, the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts reported that activities for the year were recommended for action at regional committee meetings and regional conferences in each of the five regions of the Association (African, Arab, Asia-Pacific, Europe and Western Hemisphere regions). To commemorate the year and 100 years of international girl guiding and girl scouting, the Association hosted three consecutive world forums for young women. The aim of the forums was to foster dialogue and mutual understanding, create awareness of issues relevant to girls and young women around the world, mobilize and engage young women from all 145 countries members of the Association in advocacy and connect young delegates from around the world. The Association also produced an advocacy brochure focused on the year, called “Ten million girls … one voice”.", "34. Among regional umbrella youth organizations, the European Youth Forum marked International Youth Day and the launch of the year with the Belgian Youth Council, within the framework of the Belgian Presidency of the European Union. Under the auspices of the year, the European Youth Forum also partnered the North-South Centre of the Council of Europe, the Spanish Government and the Spanish Youth Council in organizing the eleventh edition of the University on Youth and Development, held in Molina, Spain, from 12 to 19 September 2010. The European Youth Forum dedicated a special edition of its magazine, YO! (Youth Opinion), to the United Nations. This special edition was produced in collaboration with UNFPA and focused on the International Year of Youth and youth initiatives at the United Nations.", "35. Peace Child International contributed to the theme of the Year by promoting performances of its inter-faith musical, “Peace Child — Alpha Omega” in the United Kingdom, Estonia and Turkey. Peace Child International, along with TakingITGlobal, Global Kids (USA), Young People We Care (Ghana), Be the Change Academy (Kenya), United Games (Austria, the Czech Republic, Germany, Serbia, Hungary), KULtiger (Germany), Felt Agency (the Netherlands), Blue Ribbon Movement (India), CYCAN (China), ECO-Singapore, Junior Conservancy (Mexico), OASIS (Brazil) and Peace Child (Argentina), all worked throughout the Year to mobilize youth support for the Earth Summit to be held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, in June 2012.", "VII. Activities and initiatives organized by United Nations entities", "The United Nations Framework Approach for the International Year of Youth", "36. The United Nations Inter-Agency Network on Youth Development is the global mechanism of cooperation on matters related to youth development within the United Nations system. The Network aims to enhance the effectiveness of the work of the United Nations in youth development at the global, regional and country levels. The Network coordinated the activities for the International Year of Youth through the focal point on youth (also known as the programme on youth) within the Division for Social Policy and Development of the Department of Economic and Social Affairs. At the annual meeting, held at UNESCO headquarters in February 2010, the members of the Network developed the United Nations framework approach for the International Year of Youth: Dialogue and Mutual Understanding. The approach set strategic objectives and established the guiding framework for the year: (a) to create awareness: increase commitment and investment in youth, (b) to mobilize and engage: increase youth participation and partnerships, and (c) to connect and build bridges: increase intercultural understanding among youth. The approach will continue to underpin efforts in youth development, including the implementation of the World Programme of Action for Youth.", "Department of Economic and Social Affairs", "37. On behalf of the Inter-Agency Network on Youth Development, the focal point on youth within the Division for Social Policy and Development led the efforts to coordinate all activities related to the International Year of Youth. In accordance with both the theme of the year and the objectives set forth in the United Nations framework approach, the focal point creates awareness on youth issues, mobilizes stakeholders into action and expands partnerships with Member States, civil society organizations and United Nations entities, focused on creating a youth-centred global development agenda.", "38. The focal point coordinated the launch of the year at United Nations Headquarters, and organized a series of 11 briefings with partners from civil society and the United Nations system, to discuss the major issues concerning youth within the framework of the year. The topics of those briefings included: “Dialogue and Mutual Understanding”, “Investing in Youth”, “Youth Employment”, “Youth and Environment”, “Youth and HIV/AIDS”, “Youth Participation”, “Girls and Young Women: Empowering Disadvantaged Girls and Young Women”, “Indigenous Youth Issues”, “Youth and Armed Conflict”, “Youth and ICT”, and “Youth and Education”. The briefings were aimed at informing and facilitating dialogue among Member States, as well as between Member States and civil society. The focal point also organized a number of side events, including: “Youth employment in times of crisis”, in collaboration with the Permanent Mission of Germany to the United Nations; “Gender representation in youth-produced media”, a side event at the Commission on the Status of Women, in collaboration with the Alliance of Civilizations and the International Organization for Migration; “Young people and decent work”, a side event held during the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty; “Youth participation”, a side event held at the Commission on Social Development, in collaboration with the Permanent Mission of Germany to the United Nations and youth delegates; “Youth-led social development and young philanthropy”, a side event organized in collaboration with the non-governmental organizations, Search for Common Ground; “The two sides of gender: gender equality through youth education”, a side event held in collaboration with AXIOS-Misión Mujer during the Commission on the Status of Women; and “Youth participation: guarding the needs of current and future generations”, a side event held at the Commission on Sustainable Development, organized in collaboration with the major group for children and youth in preparation for the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development.", "39. In order to promote a flow of transparent dialogue with its constituency, the focal point utilizes social media to connect with young people. Monthly consultations on youth issues and concerns have enabled young people from all over the world to express their opinions and inspire each other, regardless of differences. The July 2010 monthly consultation looked at the “many ways that youth could use to promote dialogue and mutual understanding”.", "40. In order to create deeper connections with its constituency during the International Year of Youth, in collaboration with the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts and the World Organization of the Scout Movement, the focal point developed an “Activities kit: a guide to celebrating the International Year of Youth”. The purpose of the kit was to provide young people with practical guidance and concrete examples of how to organize and implement activities on key topics during the year and beyond. Other publications included, “Youth Participation in Development: Summary Guidelines for Development Partners” (produced together with the non‑governmental organizations Restless Development); a new 2010 edition of the World Programme of Action for Youth”; an International Year of Youth brochure; “a new 2010 guide to youth delegates to the United Nations”; and Growing Together: Youth and the Work of the United Nations.[7]", "41. During the course of the year, the focal point also issued a series of fact sheets on “Youth Employment”, “Armed Conflict”, “Youth and Climate Change”, “HIV and Young People”, “Girls and Young Women”, “Youth and Hunger”, “Youth Participation”, “Youth and intergenerational partnerships”, “Youth as a Smart Investment”, “Health of Young People”, “Youth and Volunteerism”, “Youth: Fostering of Dialogue and Mutual Understanding”, “Youth with disabilities”, “Regional Overview: Youth in Africa”, “Regional Overview: Youth in the Arab Region” and “Regional Overview: Youth in Asia and the Pacific”.[8]", "42. The Department partnered with the United Nations academic impact to organize a series of e-discussions offering a platform for youth to express opinions on educational issues within the context of the Economic and Social Council high-level segment in Geneva in July 2011.", "43. To bring greater visibility to youth issues, actress and youth advocate Monique Coleman was appointed the United Nations “Youth Champion” for the International Year of Youth. In that capacity, Ms. Coleman visited more than 25 countries during the year through partnerships with local governmental agencies, United Nations entities and civil society organizations to meet young people, learn about their most pressing concerns and raise awareness about youth issues and achievements at the local, national and global levels.[9]", "Department of Public Information", "44. The Development Section of the Strategic Communications Division of the Department of Public Information participated in the production of the International Year of Youth brochure and kit and organized the press conference and materials for the appointment of Monique Coleman as United Nations Youth Champion. The global network of United Nations information centres organized numerous outreach activities to raise awareness on the year in collaboration with local partners, including host Governments, the media, non‑governmental organizations, academic institutions and youth associations. Activities for the year were organized at United Nations information centres in Beirut, Canberra, Dar es Salaam, Dhaka, Geneva, Lagos, Manama, Manila, Maseru, Mexico City, Nairobi, New Delhi, Ouagadougou, Port of Spain, Pretoria, Rio de Janeiro, Tashkent, Tbilisi, Tehran, Tripoli, Vienna, Yangon, Yaoundé and Yerevan. The information centres in Canberra, Bangkok, Bogota, Brussels, Buenos Aires, Dhaka, Jakarta, Lagos, Lima, Manila, Nairobi, New Delhi, Pretoria, Rio de Janeiro and Tokyo assisted in organizing the visit of the United Nations Youth Champion to their respective countries.", "45. Multilingual outlets of the News and Media Division of the Department of Public Information covered the International Year of Youth extensively, through online news, radio and television programming, meeting coverage, and social media platforms. The United Nations News Centre and United Nations Radio provided coverage of activities and developments related to the year in all official languages of the Organization. The Web Services Section created a specialized website in Arabic, Chinese, French, Russian and Spanish.[10] The websites received a total number of 69,812 views between 12 August 2010 and 11 May 2011, based on statistics from Google analytics. The Web Services Section also created the International Youth Day website in Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian and Spanish.¹⁰ The Meetings Coverage Section issued a total of 44 press releases (27 in English and 17 in French), covering meetings and press conferences, including the Secretary-General’s messages and statements during the year. The Department of Public Information is responsible for communication support during the high-level meeting on youth and for arranging press conferences and liaising with the media on developments related to the meeting.", "Economic Commission for Africa", "46. The African launch of the International Year of Youth, held in Addis Ababa, on African Youth Day, 1 November 2010, and was jointly organized by ECA and the African Union Commission. The event took the form of a panel discussion between African ambassadors from Togo, Egypt, Tunisia, Equatorial Guinea and Nigeria, and several representatives of African youth. The event increased awareness of the importance and benefits of youth participation in all spheres of African society.", "47. The ECA Subregional Office for North Africa has planned a joint celebration of the International Year of Youth in the five Maghreb countries (Algeria, the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya, Mauritania, Morocco and Tunisia). The objective of the programme is to empower young people, ensuring that they have a more active role in the development process in the subregion, including in the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals. The celebration includes three activities. In July 2011, a joint publication on “What does it mean to be young in the Maghreb?” will be launched in all five countries. A forum for young leaders to address the theme, “Youth participation and leadership in the Maghreb”, will build on existing youth networks and use innovative ways to reach out to a large number of youth.", "Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean", "48. During the International Year of Youth, ECLAC expanded its activities under the Ibero-American Plan for Cooperation and Integration of Youth, 2009-2015. One such initiative is the Knowledge System on Ibero-American Youth.[11] The website on the system aims to serve national youth institutions in Ibero-American countries, as well as academic institutions, journalists, youth leaders and the general public. The system was a joint venture between ECLAC and the Ibero-American Youth Organization during 2009-2010. The core of the system comprises a set of youth indicators for the countries of the Ibero-American region, but it also incorporates information from diverse governmental and non-governmental organizations.", "Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific", "49. The regional launch of the International Year of Youth in the ESCAP region, organized by the Asia-Pacific Interagency Group on Youth (chaired by ESCAP), took place on 18 August 2010. Current youth-related programmes of United Nations entities in the Asia-Pacific region were mapped between November 2010 and March 2011. The mapping focused on the major issues identified under the World Programme of Action for Youth, and recommended potential areas of collaboration. The mapping provided the regional input to a global stock-taking of the capacity of United Nations agencies in youth-focused analytical research, programmes and activities. The Asia-Pacific Interagency Group on Youth has also been reviewing youth policies and experiences in the region for a regional report on national youth policies.", "Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia", "50. The twenty-sixth ministerial session of ESCWA adopted the “Guiding Declaration of the Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia on giving greater attention to Youth Policies: An Opportunity for Development”. The Declaration renewed the commitment of Member States to the World Programme of Action for Youth and stressed the importance of developing and implementing human rights-focused national youth policies within that framework.", "51. In November 2010, ESCWA organized the Regional Coordination Mechanism for United Nations agencies in the Arab Region at its headquarters in Beirut. The focus of the meeting was “Youth and poverty reduction”. The closing statement recommended the development of a working arrangement between youth and the Regional Coordination Mechanism, including the League of Arab States, and the possibility of a shadow “Arab Human Development Report on Youth”.", "52. ESCWA issued a number of publications, including its Population and Development Report, Issue No. 4, “Youth in the ESCWA region: situation analysis and implications for development policies”; and “Youth development in the ESCWA region: statistical profiles, national strategies and success stories”.", "Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations", "53. FAO, in collaboration with other United Nations entities and civil society organizations, has developed a range of educational material on climate change, food security and biodiversity, which includes a series of challenge badges and the International Award for Youth, a self-development programme for young people. The popular FAO “1 billion hungry project”[12] campaign has targeted young people through social media, suggesting ways for them to get involved in the drive to end hunger.", "International Labour Organization", "54. On the first day of the International Year of Youth, ILO launched its 2010 Global Employment Trends for Youth report,[13] which provided global and regional data and analysis of the mounting youth employment challenge. In December 2010, ILO provided technical expertise to the inaugural Global Youth Employment Agenda meeting held in London, which was attended by business, political and civil society leaders. ILO launched a new online platform to share knowledge on youth employment called the Youth Employment Knowledge Sharing Platform.[14] This web-based tool connects youth employment experts and practitioners living in several countries across the globe for the exchange of information, documents and good practices on youth employment. ILO also organized two interregional training workshops in Budapest and Lima in March and April 2011, to share knowledge on youth employment and migration issues. In addition, the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) and ILO undertook a joint project to review good practices in the promotion of decent rural employment opportunities for youth.", "Alliance of Civilizations", "55. The Alliance of Civilizations carried out three major initiatives in the context of the International Year of Youth that impacted about 500 youth from at least 110 countries: the Convention of the Global Youth Movement for the Alliance of Civilizations; the PLURAL+ Youth Video Festival on migration and social inclusion; and the Alliance of Civilizations summer school. The Convention of the Global Youth Movement for the Alliance of Civilizations, the youth platform of the Alliance, mobilizes youth organizations to reinforce their commitment to its objectives. From 7 to 9 April 2011, 130 youth from over 80 countries gathered in Baku, Azerbaijan, to work on the adoption of a charter for the initiative as well as on the identification of activities to be included in the action plan for 2011. Subsequently, the Alliance and leaders of the Global Youth Movement began to implement the decisions made during the first Convention.", "56. The PLURAL+ Youth Video Festival on migration and social inclusion, a joint initiative of the Alliance of Civilizations and the International Organization for Migration (IOM), is an annual youth video festival that empowers young people to explore issues of migration, diversity and social inclusion. Over 250 videos from 63 countries were presented at the first two festivals.", "57. The Alliance of Civilizations summer school was held at the University of Aveiro, Portugal, from 15 to 21 August 2010. It enabled dialogue and interaction between over 110 youth participants from diverse backgrounds from 44 countries.", "United Nations Capital Development Fund", "58. The United Nations Capital Development Fund launched YouthStart in December 2010, in collaboration with the MasterCard Foundation, an initiative to increase access to financial services for 200,000 low-income youth in Sub-Saharan Africa. The programme was boosted by a four-year, $12 million contribution from The MasterCard Foundation. With a specific emphasis on savings, YouthStart will identify and support up to 12 financial institutions to pilot sustainable financial services tailored to youth.", "United Nations Human Settlements Programme", "59. UN-Habitat views young people as effective advocates of change and as catalysts in making a difference on the ground. With this in mind, the 23rd Governing Council of UN-Habitat led major initiatives in line with the International Year of Youth. The 23rd Governing Council adopted a new resolution on urban youth development, encouraging UN-Habitat to lead joint efforts on urban youth issues within the United Nations system, and requesting that United Nations agencies explore the possibility of enhancing the involvement of young people in sustainable urban development. The Urban Youth Research Network and the Global Youth Help Desk were also launched at the 23rd Governing Council of UN-Habitat.", "United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization", "60. UNESCO served as the Co-Chair of the United Nations Inter-Agency Network on Youth Development from February 2010 to February 2011, and spearheaded a host of initiatives at the national, regional and international levels during the International Year of Youth. National studies on youth development and civic engagement were developed in the Azerbaijan, Burundi, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Kenya, Lebanon, Russian Federation, and the United Republic of Tanzania. UNESCO supported national policy formulation on youth in Brazil, Jordan, Lebanon, Tokelau and Tuvalu, in cooperation with other United Nations agencies and national and regional partners, developed regional studies on youth civic engagement in Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean, the Asia-Pacific region and the Arab States, and completed a study on the situation of youth in the Greater Horn of Africa. Within the framework of the year, Lebanon conducted a project on “Cultural reconciliation for Lebanese youth”, and capacity development in peace dialogue for Lebanese and Palestinian high school students. UNESCO also provided educational support for marginalized and vulnerable youth by building capacity through sport (Palestinian Territories), offering grant schemes and scholarships (Jordan and the Palestinian Territories) and working to map technical and vocational education and training opportunities for youth, particularly for female students, in Gaza. In Egypt, Iraq and Tunisia, and in the Palestinian Territories, UNESCO supported consultations with youth to promote youth civil engagement and participation.", "61. Regionally, the fourth UNESCO Asian Youth Forum, held in September 2010 in the Republic of Korea, addressed the theme, “Youth creativity and vision for community in Asia”. In July 2011, the National Commission of the Republic of Korea for UNESCO, in cooperation with the UNESCO secretariat, organized the fifth UNESCO Asian Youth Forum, linked to the International Year of Youth. In Latin America and Caribbean, the Forum of Ministers of Social Development (11 and 12 July 2011, San Salvador) focused on the theme, “Social policies for youth in Latin America.” In the Arab States, a regional research project on “Entrepreneurship education in the Arab States” was carried out in 2011.", "62. UNESCO has proposed the development of a joint follow-up mechanism for key youth events in order to strengthen the accountability and responsibility of both the organizers and the participants of such events and to facilitate partnerships for follow-up. UNESCO assessed the results of 50 global and regional events on youth since 2008, and developed a matrix with common clusters of recommendations, built around the 15 standard areas of the World Programme of Action on Youth and a number of emerging issues identified through these events. The initiative will be presented and discussed at the seventh UNESCO Youth Forum, to be held at UNESCO headquarters in October 2011, where partners and young participants will identify the next steps for collaborative follow-up actions.", "Secretariat of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change", "63. The secretariat of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, in collaboration with several United Nations entities, non-governmental organizations and youth organizations, organized a series of activities targeting children and young people during the 2010 United Nations Climate Change Conference in Cancun, Mexico. The conference was hosted by the Government of Mexico between 29 November and 10 December 2010. All of these activities were coordinated with the youth constituency active in the climate change process.", "United Nations Population Fund", "64. UNFPA collaborated with partners from Governments, civil society and the United Nations system to raise awareness about the issues facing youth in sexual and reproductive health, gender equality and human rights. Along with its partners it used innovative, evidence-based strategies to increase knowledge of sexual and reproductive health among young people, improve access to services and ensure that the issues facing young people, especially adolescent girls, are addressed in national and global policies and development plans. UNFPA supported the creation of a platform for national consultation on issues affecting youth, where youth and key stakeholders could identify solutions, and held youth forums and consultations in Kyrgyzstan, Madagascar, Mongolia, Namibia, Pakistan, the Philippines, Senegal, Tajikistan and Zambia. Sports, art, music, film and theatre events held in Armenia, Georgia, India, Sri Lanka, Tajikistan and Zimbabwe led to the creation of youth centres for people in rural Zimbabwe, a national youth council in Haiti, the establishment of a non-governmental organization in Georgia, joint peacebuilding activities in Kyrgyzstan and the presentation of policy recommendations to city government officials in the Philippines.", "65. UNFPA also supported the regional launch of the International Year of Youth in the Asia-Pacific region and Arab States, and a march in Istanbul, Turkey on the theme, “Our Year, Our Voice: Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights Matters”, which attracted media attention and highlighted the year. UNFPA provided support and training to youth journalists at the World Youth Conference in Mexico and supported several global initiatives on youth using non-traditional media. Finally, in collaboration with the Youth Coalition, UNFPA produced three fact sheets highlighting the linkages between young people’s sexual and reproductive rights and the Millennium Development Goals.", "United Nations Children’s Fund", "66. UNICEF undertook a number of advocacy initiatives focused on youth participation at the global level during the Internationat Year of Youth. UNICEF collaborated with the focal point of the Division for Social Policy and Development of the Department of Economic and Social Affairs on youth to produce a fact sheet on “Youth participation”, organized a briefing on “Adolescent and youth participation”, and produced a film and a public service announcement on youth participation.", "67. At the country-level, UNICEF trained and equipped environmental youth corps in Brazil, Haiti, Fiji and Zambia. In the Plurinational State of Bolivia, youth activities included forums and interviews of candidates for mayor, the participatory development of a plan for the International Year of Youth and the appointment of a team of youth reporters in La Paz municipality. In Guatemala, UNICEF advocated the approval of the national youth law initiative by Congress before September 2011 and also supported a media campaign called “Te Toca” (Your turn!) to build public awareness of issues affecting children and adolescents. In the Middle East and North Africa region, a series of cultural events kicked off the year: in the Syrian Arab Republic, UNICEF launched the year through an advocacy youth project, photo exhibition and cultural event in Damascus; in Lebanon, the celebration of the year was accompanied by the governmental launch of the national youth policy in December 2010.", "68. UNICEF has been active in rebuilding efforts in Haiti, supporting the establishment of the National Youth Council of Haiti in March 2011, a platform where 16 youth organizations and networks, spanning all of Haiti’s religions, could work together to promote youth dialogue and the strengthening of the development of youth policies. In partnership with the Ministry of Youth, Sports and Civic Action, the Global Movement for Children and others, UNICEF organized youth consultations with 250 young representatives and shared the outcomes of the forum with Government authorities. UNICEF was also instrumental in launching the “Vwajen” blog, the biggest youth hub in Creole where young people could express their ideas.", "United Nations Volunteers", "69. The United Nations Volunteers programme participated with other United Nations entities in launching events for the International Year of Youth in Honduras, Mexico, Uruguay and Viet Nam. The programme supported the development of national youth policies in Cambodia and Solomon Islands, and national volunteer policies in Viet Nam and Honduras, highlighting the added-value of volunteerism in developing youth skills and promoting youth participation in the development processes. In June 2011, in collaboration with the European Commission, UNESCO and several civil society partners, the programme organized a global exchange on “Youth volunteerism and non-formal education and the Millennium Development Goals”, a joint event for the International Year of Youth and the tenth anniversary of the International Year of Volunteers. In 2010-2011, the programme, with the University of Madrid, which mobilized 45 Spanish university volunteers, gave priority to assignments supporting youth programmes and the goals of the year. In commemoration of the year and the tenth anniversary of the International Year of Volunteers, the programme published a discussion paper called “Youth volunteering, social integration and decent work: inspiring leadership”. The 2011 report of the United Nations Volunteers also focuses on youth and volunteerism for peace and development.", "World Tourism Organization", "70. The World Tourism Organization published a study in 2008 entitled, “Youth travel matters: understanding the global phenomenon of youth travel”, which offers global overview of the youth and student travel industry. Most notably, it sought to highlight how the unique motivations of young travellers make them extremely important to the key objectives of the global tourism agenda.", "VIII. Conclusions and recommendations", "71. The International Year of Youth successfully underscored the role of youth in the achievement of the global development agenda, in particular the Millennium Development Goals. The activities of Governments, civil society and United Nations entities related to the year brought the youth agenda to prominence. Further efforts are needed, however, to maintain and capitalize upon the momentum generated during the year.", "72. In view of the foregoing, the General Assembly may wish to consider the following recommendations, calling upon Member States:", "(a) To further strengthen partnerships with and among young people, youth organizations, academia, civil society organizations, the private sector, the media and the United Nations system in order to develop partnerships with youth;", "(b) To continue promoting a culture of dialogue and mutual understanding among and with youth, as agents of development, social inclusion, tolerance and peace;", "(c) To undertake measures in partnership with relevant stakeholders to develop a youth-centred global development agenda.", "[1] Austria, China, Indonesia, Jamaica, Jordan, Peru, Portugal, the Russian Federation, Serbia, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Togo, Trinidad and Tobago and Uzbekistan.", "[2] European Youth Forum, World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts, Peace Child International and Restless Development.", "[3] Department of Public Information, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), International Labour Organization (ILO), United Nations Capital Development Fund, Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP), Economic Commission for Africa (ECA), Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC), Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (ESCWA), Alliance of Civilizations, United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat), United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), secretariat of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), United Nations Volunteers and World Tourism Organization.", "[4] All events were posted on the International Year of Youth online calendar, maintained by the Programme on Youth run by the Department of Economic and Social Affairs (see", "[5] Input from the African Union was received through UNICEF.", "[6] Available at:", "[7] Available at:", "[8] Available at:", "[9] More information available at:", "[10] See", "[11] More information on the system is available from: or", "[12] More information available at:", "[13] Report available at:", "[14] More information available from: cookie_auth/require_login?came_from=" ]
[ "第六十六届会议", "暂定项目表^(*) 项目28(b)", "社会发展:社会发展,包括与世界", "社会状况以及与青年、老龄、残疾", "人和家庭有关的问题", "^(*) A/66/50。", "国际青年年:对话和相互了解", "秘书长的报告", "摘要", "本报告是根据宣布2010年为“国际青年年:对话和相互了解”的第64/134号决议的要求编写的。报告重点介绍了各会员国、民间社会组织和联合国实体为支持国际青年年而开展的主要活动和举措。报告还介绍会员国在国际青年年的背景下开展的活动和举措、将青年议程纳入工作日程的努力和结合国际青年年开展的国家发展活动。报告结论一节载有对会员国和联合国系统的建议,以保持并利用国际青年年期间所产生的良好势头。", "目录", "页次\n1.导言 3\n2.背景 3\n3.会员国在国家一级组织的活动和举措 4\n4.国家间实体在区域一级组织的活动和举措 7\n5.在国际一级组织的活动和举措 8\n6.民间社会组织组织的活动和举措 9\n7.联合国各实体组织的活动和举措 10\n8.结论和建议 18", "一. 导言", "1. 大会在其第64/134号决议中请秘书长向大会第六十六届会议提交一份关于“国际青年年:对话和相互了解”期间开展的活动和举措的报告。本报告就是根据这一要求提交的。", "2. 报告全面概述了全世界各国政府、民间社会组织、个人和社区为支持本地和国际国际青年年活动而开展的活动和举措,是根据各会员国、[1] 民间社会组织[2] 和联合国实体[3] 提供的材料编写的。报告第一节介绍了国际青年年的背景,其后各节概述了为纪念国际青年年所开展的国家、区域和国际活动和举措。报告还重点介绍了一些由民间社会组织和联合国系统各实体举办的活动,并向会员国和联合国各实体提出建议,以保持并利用国际青年年期间产生的良好势头。", "二. 背景", "3. 联合国于1985年首次庆祝国际青年年。十年后,大会在第50/81号决议中通过了《到2000年及其后世界青年行动纲领》,该纲领确立了改善青年境遇的国家行动和国际支持的政策框架和指导方针。这一纲领仍在执行之中,而近年来,更多人认识到,青年是全球发展议程的核心。在大会、社会发展委员会、非洲联盟和伊比利亚-美洲国家元首和政府首脑会议等重要的国际论坛,会员国重申,对青年发展的支持是实现包括千年发展目标在内的国际商定发展目标的重要手段。在宣布国际青年年之前,会员国已经推动了专门针对青年的一些区域和国家议程,例如非洲青年年和伊比利亚美洲青年年(均为2008年)、俄罗斯联邦青年年(2009年)和非洲联盟宣布的非洲青年发展十年(2009-2018年)。", "4. 大会乘这一势头,在2009年12月通过了第64/134号决议,宣布“国际青年年:对话和相互了解”于2010年8月12日开始。在突尼斯的倡议下宣布国际青年年,体现了会员国确保青年男女位于发展议程核心的再次承诺。目前,全世界有超过12亿人年龄在15岁到24岁之间,约占世界人口的18%。因此,国际青年年的宣布提供了一个战略机遇,既可以提高对一个非常重要的人口群体所面临的挑战和机会的认识,也可以倡导青年的权利。", "5. 在此背景下,国际青年年的主题“对话和相互了解”促进跨代、跨文化、跨宗教和跨文明的交流,维护了和平、尊重人权和团结的理想。鼓励会员国、青年组织、民间社会团体和青年举办有关活动,展示青年对发展的贡献,增进相互了解,强调青年参与社会各个方面的好处,以此庆祝国际青年年。", "三. 会员国在国家一级组织的活动和举措", "A. 将会员国的各项举措融入同一背景:以国际青年年为背景和推动因素", "6. 国际年在习惯上都是在国家一级进行庆祝,往往是在全国委员会指导下进行,委员会通常由教育部或青年部等适当的政府机构、国家青年理事会,民间社会组织、联合国系统代表和其他利益攸关方组成。鼓励会员国举行国际青年年庆祝活动,并审查其国家青年发展政策和方案。国际青年年的支持者意在利用这项活动作为更全面地执行《世界青年行动纲领》的催化剂,加强青年在社会中的参与,并增加他们的机会。", "7. 在此背景下,到2011年7月6日为止,会员国、民间社会团体和联合国各实体已经举办了354场国际青年年活动,形式包括会议、论坛、营地、展览、比赛(如体育比赛、写作比赛、摄影比赛、美术比赛)、电影放映、音乐会和培训讲习班、代际会议、模拟联合国会议、青年高峰会议、节日、有关青年问题的在线和离线课程以及社区服务项目等。[4] 这些活动围绕环境、艾滋病毒和艾滋病以及青年的参与和赋权等关键问题。", "8. 值得一提的是会员国的支持和参与。各区域都在2010年8月12日庆祝了国际青年年的启动。在29个国家,包括奥地利、亚美尼亚、巴林、孟加拉国、比利时、布基纳法索、喀麦隆、加拿大、刚果民主共和国、埃及、圭亚那、印度、牙买加、哈萨克斯坦、莱索托、墨西哥、蒙古、缅甸、尼泊尔、尼日利亚、菲律宾、罗马尼亚、塞拉利昂、索马里、斯里兰卡、特立尼达和多巴哥、土耳其、乌干达和赞比亚,都举办了纪念国际青年年启动的特别活动。", "9. 在过去一年中,各会员国开展了许多举措,强调青年对社会的贡献,并解决影响青年的现有问题。下面按优先主题和举措类别列举其中一些活动。", "B. 在日程上列入一个青年议程", "10. 国际青年年为会员国提供了一个在日程上列入青年问题的机会。在这方面,中国将2011年宣布为“中欧青年交流年”,其目的有二,一是促进不同文化间的对话,二是加强欧洲青年与中国青年之间的相互了解和友谊。在肯尼亚,青年事务和体育部庆祝了全国青年周。在卡塔尔,文化、艺术和文物部青年活动司庆祝了国际青年日,主题是“对话与文化”。", "C. 论坛、会议、奖励和比赛", "11. 世界各国政府支持一系列广泛的青年活动,提高了对青年问题的重视。在中国,国际和平日的庆祝活动围绕“中国青年与和平发展”这一主题。在上海世博会上,举行了一个关于青年、城市与未来的青年论坛,许多中国主要青年团体参加了论坛。此外,在深圳举办了一个大型体育赛事“架起友谊之桥”。", "12. 在印度尼西亚,青年和体育部领导了多项举措。2010年21日至3月24日在万隆举行的东南亚国家联盟(东盟)大学生会议确认了青年在保护文化遗产方面的作用。2010年8月23日至27日在万隆举行的亚非青年论坛为青年提供了一个提高他们的声音和推动自己有关千年发展目标的想法的战略机遇。2011年4月29日至5月2日在吉隆坡举行的万隆运动会是一次双边青年体育论坛,论坛在友好的比赛中汇聚了约800名印度尼西亚和马来西亚学生。", "13. 在阿曼,教育部与教科文组织合作举办了关于教育促进可持续发展的世界会议。在秘鲁,为庆祝国际青年年,全国青年秘书处举办了有来自17个不同地区的青年参加的青年会议,以提出关于加强青年在解决青少年怀孕、酗酒和吸毒以及受教育机会等关键问题工作中的参与的战略。", "14. 俄罗斯联邦体育、旅游和青年政策部报告了青年组织和民间社会组织的国际青年年活动,其中包括题为“世代大会:世界和平与非暴力”的国际会议和题为“国际和区域间青年问题合作以及各国青少年工作经验”的会议以及在国际青年论坛框架内举办的题为“我们是独联体未来”的国际项目。", "15. 圣基茨和尼维斯社会发展部青年司为纪念国际青年年,设立了一个月度青年杰出工作奖。在多哥,2011年4月18日至20日举行的第一届全国青年论坛聚集了来自各省的750多名青年人,鼓励青年之间的对话和理解,并增加他们在决策过程中的参与。", "D. 会员国举措:将国际青年年付诸实施", "16. 国际青年年的主题成为一些会员国举措的内容。牙买加青年、体育和文化部全国青年发展中心将国际青年年主题纳入其2010年方案。为纪念每年11月的全国青年月,政府举办了有关活动,专门展示“对话和相互了解”这一青年发展的关键方面。泰国政府在这个主题的范围内开展了若干举措,包括青年营和青年方案,将来自不同背景的青年会聚到一个共同的对话论坛。", "17. 各会员国根据各自特定情况落实了国际青年年的主题。在冲突后的斯里兰卡,国际青年年提供了一个重要机会,以促进该国年轻一代的和平、团结与和谐等理想。因此,为纪念国际青年年而举办的全国活动促进了该国的和解进程。在奥地利,通过各种举措探讨了对话和相互了解这一主题,如奥地利人权联盟于2010年9月20日举办的一个研讨会,专家们和青年人在研讨会上聚集一堂,讨论影响所有社会成员,包括青年人的日益严重的对有关群体的敌意。", "18. 一些会员国利用国际青年年重申其对青年发展的承诺。在印度尼西亚,青年和体育事务部重申其建立强有力的伙伴关系的承诺,以加大对青年的投资,并鼓励以青年为主导的对社会的贡献。斯里兰卡政府发起了一系列活动,以延续国家对青年和青年问题的重视。另一个值得注意的趋势是各国政府对青年组织提供了更多的支持。例如在奥地利,作为青年政策的一部分,为青年组织、青年倡议、青年俱乐部和青年项目提供了资金支持。", "19. 一些国家结合国际青年年推出了一些特别举措。在葡萄牙,政府成立了一个国家国际青年年监测委员会。该委员会由葡萄牙青年协会担任主席,负责协调公共机构和民间社会组织开展的与国际青年年有关的全国活动。委员会不仅提高对国际青年年的认识,也提高对青年权利的认识。其目的是加强青年的参与,增加与青年有关的投资,以及将国家青年政策纳入主流。在塞尔维亚,青年和体育部发起了“青年就是法律”的计划,以鼓励和增加社会活动。除了以各种活动纪念国际青年年以外,这个计划还纳入了若干重大举措:起草青年法,为此举行了80多次圆桌会议,参加者共计2 895人,其中大部分是青年人和/或青年问题专家;纪念欧洲志愿服务年和2011年国际志愿者年十周年;帮助青年与全区域和全球各地的伙伴开展对话;举办一次关于青年民主参与的国际会议;在青年合作领域与葡萄牙、斯洛伐克和乌克兰政府建立联系,并签署合作协议。", "E. 结合国际青年年处理国家发展问题", "20. 国际青年年激励各国政府关注针对更广泛的国家发展优先事项的具体青年方案。根据劳工组织最近的统计数字,全世界15岁至24岁经济上活跃的青年有6.2亿人,而全球青年失业率到2009年底达到历史最高水平,失业人数为8 100万人。总体上说,在非正规、断断续续和无保障的工作安排下,青年的工作时间趋向于更长,这些工作的特点是生产率低、收入低以及社会保护少。会员国认识到适当的青年就业条件对青年发展和福祉的中心意义,已经采取措施,促进青年就业的条件和机会。例如,多哥政府对失业青年进行培训,并实施国家志愿者方案,以使失业的毕业生获得专业经验。该国政府还通过支持融入和发展就业机会的方案,向年轻人提供专业机会。", "21. 在一些会员国,邀请对环境问题感兴趣的青年积极参与宣传、国家适应和缓解行动,以及关于气候变化的国际谈判。在特立尼达和多巴哥,体育和青年事务部管理关于环境问题的方案。例如,“我的国家、我的社区、我的空间”就是一个鼓励青年保护环境防止其恶化的方案。", "22. 在国际青年年的背景下,会员国还领导了保护青年免遭歧视的努力,并制订了平权行动方案。例如,奥地利在2010年和2011年执行了三个全国性项目,主要针对有移民背景的青年,尤其是穆斯林妇女和女孩的平权行动(“法蒂玛”项目)和穆斯林青年男子的平权行动(“穆斯塔法”项目)。另一个项目侧重培训执行这些新方案的导师(“英雄”项目)。在秘鲁,全国青年秘书处推动成立了一个农村青年、土著青年和非裔青年赋权论坛,以促进执行、监测和评估针对社会这部分人的公共政策。秘鲁还启动了针对18岁至29岁被监禁青年的方案,旨在提高他们的生活质量,促进其重新融入社会 。", "23. 会员国报告了整个一年其国家在解决青年人所关心的问题并扩大他们的机会方面取得的进展。在约旦,青年高级理事会制订了理事会2010年至2015年期间工作的政策,其中42项政策的重点是青年。制订了2011-2015年国家青年战略,该战略第二阶段的设计于2011年初开始,目前正在进行之中。 在乌兹别克斯坦,乌兹别克斯坦基金会的文化和艺术论坛根据国际年的各项原则工作。2006年成立了该论坛的青年分支青年倡议中心(未来之声),它已成为乌兹别克斯坦的主要青年组织。该中心在教育、文化和艺术以及信息技术方面开展工作,并对各青年组织提供支持。2010年8月12日是国际青年日,联合国新闻中心和人口基金将“未来之声”中心评为最佳青年项目。", "24. 由于国际青年年,一些会员国有机会在政府最高级别考虑青年问题。2011年4月4日,大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国上议院就青年与国际发展问题举行了一次辩论。这是上议院第一次举行这种辩论,它为议员们提供了审视政府政策的机会,即这些政策是否支持青年人应对其面对的许多挑战,特别是在发展中国家。", "四. 国家间实体在区域一级组织的活动和举措", "25. 非洲联盟[5] 把青年问题作为优先事项。为了纪念非洲青年日和国际青年年,非洲联盟及其伙伴让300多名埃塞俄比亚青年在埃塞俄比亚总统正式主持开幕的庆祝仪式上聚集一堂。在该次活动中,青年人倡导增加青年参与非洲社会所有方面。2011年4月1日至9日在亚的斯亚贝巴举行的首脑会议前非洲联盟青年问题会议,确认了国际青年年在使非洲青年问题成为议程上高度优先事项方面发挥的作用。", "26. 2011年6月23日至7月1日,非洲联盟国家元首和政府首脑会议在赤道几内亚的马拉博举行。首脑会议期间,在关于“加速增强青年的能力,以促进可持续发展”的辩论中,有与会者指出,国际青年年是动员非洲青年建设性参与的平台。", "五. 在国际一级组织的活动和举措", "27. 2010年8月12日,秘书长在纽约联合国总部发起了国际青年年。突尼斯青年、运动和体育部长Samir Laabidi、贝宁常驻联合国代表让-弗朗西斯·雷吉斯·津苏大使、经济和社会事务部副秘书长沙祖康、国际劳工组织驻联合国特别代表兼驻联合国办事处主任Jane Stewart、美国国际开发署助理署长高级帮办迈克尔·耶茨、大同协会青年代表Maya Saoud和联合国青年大使Monique莫妮克·科尔曼做了发言。为纪念国际年的发起,联合国各实体的首长发表了一份联合声明。秘书长、教科文组织、劳工组织、人居署、世界青年大会、纳米比亚全国青年理事会也为此发表声明。", "28. 国际青年年的最重要事件,是大会决定按照大会第64/134号决议的授权,举办一次联合国青年问题高级别会议。这一高级别会议定于2011年7月25日和26日在纽约联合国总部举行。", "29. 其他主要的国际活动包括2010年7月31日至8月12日在土耳其举行的第五次世界青年大会,该会议由和平儿童国际与E-gençlik协会、伊斯坦布尔青年大会和土耳其青年和体育部合作主办。第五届青年会议的产物之一是蓝丝带运动领导下的南亚青年大会,它是一个区域青年会议,把“和平、对话和相互理解以促进国际青年年”作为主题。", "30. 墨西哥政府主办的世界青年会议于2010年8月24日至27日在墨西哥城举行。会议由外交部、公共教育部和墨西哥青年研究所举办,人口基金、儿童基金会、联合国妇女发展基金和联合国开发计划署(开发署)提供了支持。各国政府和民间社会组织的代表在会上聚集一堂,以确定与青年有关的优先事项,供列入千年发展目标之外的国际发展议程。《瓜纳华托宣言》体现了这一会议的成果。[6]", "31. 青年对体育运动的兴趣为促进千年发展目标等国际发展目标和交流促进和平与合作的价值观提供了一个切入点。为此,2010年8月14日至26日在新加坡举行了青年奥运会,鼓励所有青年,无论是参加者还是观众,拥抱、体现和表达卓越、友谊和尊重的奥林匹克价值。", "六. 民间社会组织组织的活动和举措", "32. 民间社会组织是国际青年年取得成功的主要推动者。在以下各国举办了与广泛的一系列青年问题有关的无数民间社会活动:阿富汗、安提瓜和巴布达、阿根廷、亚美尼亚、奥地利、澳大利亚、阿塞拜疆、巴巴多斯、巴林、白俄罗斯、比利时、伯利兹、贝宁、百慕大、巴西、布基纳法索、柬埔寨、喀麦隆、加拿大、乍得、中国、哥伦比亚、哥斯达黎加、克罗地亚、塞浦路斯、刚果民主共和国、多米尼加共和国、厄瓜多尔、埃及、萨尔瓦多、埃塞俄比亚、法国、格鲁吉亚、德国、加纳、希腊、圭亚那、印度、意大利、牙买加、日本、肯尼亚、黎巴嫩、莱索托、阿拉伯利比亚民众国、马来西亚、马提尼克岛、墨西哥、蒙古、缅甸、纳米比亚、尼泊尔、荷兰、新西兰、尼日尔、尼日利亚、巴拿马、巴基斯坦、秘鲁、菲律宾、葡萄牙、罗马尼亚、俄罗斯联邦、沙特阿拉伯、塞内加尔、塞尔维亚、塞拉利昂、索马里、南非、南朝鲜、西班牙、斯里兰卡、瑞士、阿拉伯叙利亚共和国、坦桑尼亚、特立尼达和多巴哥、突尼斯、土耳其、乌干达、乌克兰、联合王国、坦桑尼亚联合共和国、美利坚合众国、乌兹别克斯坦、赞比亚和津巴布韦。", "33. 在全球性组织中,世界女童子军协会报告说,在该协会五个区域(非洲、阿拉伯、亚太、欧洲和西半球区域)的区域委员会会议和区域大会上,建议围绕国际青年年开展各项活动。为了纪念国际青年年和世界女童子军100周年,该协会为女青年连续举行了三次世界论坛。这些论坛的目标是促进对话和相互理解,在全世界提高对有关女孩和女青年问题的认识,动员并使该协会145个成员国的女青年参与宣传活动,并在来自全世界的青年代表之间建立联系。该协会还编写了以国际青年年为重点的宣传小册子,名为“千万个女孩,一个声音”。", "34. 在各区域伞式青年组织中,欧洲青年论坛庆祝了国际青年日,并在比利时担任欧洲联盟主席期间,与比利时青年理事会共同发起了国际青年年。在国际青年年的赞助下,欧洲青年论坛还与欧洲委员会的北南中心、西班牙政府、西班牙青年理事会合作,于2010年9月12日至19日在西班牙莫利纳举办了青年与发展大学第11次会议。欧洲青年论坛的杂志YO!(您的意见)为联合国出版了专刊。这一专刊与人口基金协作出版,重点为国际青年年和联合国的各项青年倡议。", "35. 和平儿童国际对国际青年年这一主题的贡献是促成宗教间音乐“和平儿童——始终”在联合王国、爱沙尼亚和土耳其的表演。和平儿童国际与Taking IT Global、全球儿童(美国)、我们关心的年轻人(加纳)、Be the Change Academy (肯尼亚)、United Games (奥地利、捷克共和国、德国、塞尔维亚、匈牙利)、KULtiger (德国)、Felt Agency (荷兰)、 蓝丝带运动 (印度)、青年应对气候变化行动网络(中国)、生态——新加坡、Junior Conservancy (墨西哥)、OASIS (巴西)以及和平儿童(阿根廷)一道,在整个国际青年年期间努力动员青年支持定于2012年6月在巴西里约热内卢举行的地球问题首脑会议。", "七. 联合国各实体组织的活动和举措", "国际青年年联合国框架方法", "36. 联合国机构间青年发展网络是联合国系统内有关青年发展事务的全球合作机制。这一网络的宗旨是增强联合国在全球、区域和国家各级青年发展工作中的效力。网络通过经济和社会事务部社会政策和发展司的青年问题协调中心(青年方案小组)协调国际青年年的各项活动。2010年2月在教科文组织总部召开的年度会议上,机构间网络成员提出了“国际青年年:对话和相互了解”联合国框架方法。框架方法确立了国际青年年的战略目标和指导框架:(a) 大力宣传:增加对青年的承诺和投资;(b) 动员和参与:加强青年参与和伙伴关系;(c) 建立联系和搭建桥梁:增加青年之间的跨文化了解。框架方法将继续支持青年发展努力,包括世界青年行动纲领的执行。", "经济和社会事务部", "37. 社会政策和发展司的青年问题协调中心以机构间青年发展网络的名义, 牵头协调有关国际青年年的所有活动。根据国际青年年的主题和联合国框架方法提出的各项目标,协调中心建立对青年问题的认识,动员利益攸关方采取行动,并围绕制定以青年为中心的全球发展议程扩大与会员国、民间社会组织和联合国实体的伙伴关系。", "38. 协调中心在联合国总部协调推出国际青年年,并与民间社会和联合国系统的合作伙伴举办了11次系列情况通报会,讨论有关国际青年年框架内有关青年的重大问题。情况通报会的主题包括:“对话和相互理解”、“投资于青年”、“青年就业”、“青年与环境”、“青年与艾滋病毒/艾滋病”、“青年参与”、“女童和青年妇女:增强弱势女童和青年妇女权能”、“土著青年问题”、“青年与武装冲突”、“青年与信息和通信技术”和“青年与教育。”这些情况通报会的目的是提供信息和促进会员国之间以及会员国与民间社会之间的对话。协调中心还举办一些会外活动,包括:与德国常驻联合国代表团合作的“危机时期青年就业”;与不同文明联盟和国际移民组织合作的妇女地位委员会会外活动“青年制作媒体中的两性比例”、消灭贫穷国际日的一项会外活动“青年与体面工作”;与德国常驻联合国代表团和青年代表合作的一项社会发展委员会会议的会外活动“青年参与”;与非政府组织寻找共同点合作的配套活动“青年主导的社会发展和青年慈善事业”;在妇女地位委员会会议期间与AXIOS-Misión Mujer合作的一个配套活动“性别的两方面:通过青少年教育实现性别平等”;与主要青少年团体合作举办的可持续发展委员会会议的一项会外活动“青年参与:保障今世后代的需要”,以便为联合国可持续发展大会做准备。", "39. 协调中心为推动与其涵盖区域之间透明的对话,借助于社会媒体与年轻人沟通。就青年事务和问题所举行的每月磋商使得全世界青年人能够摒弃差异,表达意见并互相启发。2010年7月的磋商则讨论了“青年在推动对话和相互了解方面所采用的众多形式”。", "40. 为在国际青年年期间与其覆盖区域进行更为深入的沟通,协调中心与世界女童子军协会以及世界童子军运动组织合作,制定了一个“活动工具包:庆祝国际青年年指南”。这一活动系列的目的是就国际青年年期间及以后如何组织和实施有关重要议题的活动向青年人提供实际指导和具体事例。其他出版物包括《青年参与发展:发展伙伴的准则要点》(与非政府组织不停歇发展共同出版);《2010年新版世界青年行动纲领》;国际青年年手册;《2010年新版联合国青年代表指南》;以及《共同成长:青年与联合国的工作》。[7]", "41. 在这一年当中,协调中心还发布了以下系列情况介绍:“青年就业”、“武装冲突”、“青年与气候变化”、“艾滋病毒与青年人”、“女童与年轻妇女”、“青年与饥饿”、“青年参与”、“青年与代际协作关系”、“将青年作为明智投资”、“青年人的健康”、“青年与义务活动”、“青年:促进对话与相互了解”、“残疾青年”、“区域概览:非洲青年”、“区域概览:阿拉伯区域的青年”、以及“区域概览:亚洲及太平洋青年”。[8]", "42. 经社部与“联合国学术影响”合作,在2011年7月于日内瓦举行的经济及社会理事会高级别会议期间,共同举办了一系列网上讨论,给青年人提供了一个就教育问题发表意见的平台。", "43. 为更加突出青年问题,联合国指定女演员和青年事业倡导者莫妮克·科尔曼为国际青年年的“青年大使”。科尔曼女士以这一身份在一年当中通过与地方政府机构、联合国各实体和民间社会组织建立的伙伴关系,访问了25个以上的国家,与青年人见面,了解他们最关心的问题,并在地方、国家和全球各级提高人们对青年问题和青年成就的认识。 [9]", "新闻部", "44. 新闻部战略通信司发展科参与了国际青年年手册和工具包的制作工作,并为任命莫妮克·科尔曼为联合国青年大使组织了新闻发布会和相关材料。联合国新闻中心全球网络为提高对于国际青年年的认识与当地合作伙伴组织了多种外联活动,这些合作伙伴包括东道国政府、媒体、非政府组织、学术机构和青年协会。联合国新闻中心在下列地点举办了国际青年年活动:贝鲁特、堪培拉、达累斯萨拉姆、达卡、日内瓦、拉各斯、麦纳麦、马尼拉、马塞卢、墨西哥城、内罗毕、新德里、瓦加杜古、西班牙港、比勒陀利亚、里约热内卢、塔什干、第比利斯、德黑兰、的黎波里、维也纳、仰光、雅温得和埃里温。位于堪培拉、曼谷、波哥大、布鲁塞尔、布宜诺斯艾利斯、达卡、雅加达、拉各斯、利马、马尼拉、内罗毕、新德里、比勒陀利亚、里约热内卢和东京的新闻中心协助安排了联合国青年大使访问各自国家。", "45. 新闻部新闻和媒体司多语言机构通过网上新闻、广播和电视节目、会议报道和社会媒体平台广泛报道了国际青年年的活动。联合国新闻中心和联合国电台以本组织所有正式语文报告了有关国际青年年的各项活动和发展。网络服务科以阿拉伯文、中文、法文、俄文和西班牙文建立了专门网站。[10] 根据谷歌提供的统计数字,2010年8月12日至2011年5月11日之间,这些网站的总访问量达到69 812次。网络服务科还以阿拉伯文、中文、英文、法文、俄文和西班牙文设立了国际青年日网站。⁴ 在国际青年年期间,会议报导科总共发表了44条新闻稿(27条英文和17条法文),报道了会议和新闻发布会,包括秘书长致辞和讲话。新闻部在青年问题高级别会议期间负责提供通信支持,并就与会议有关的各项发展安排新闻发布会以及与媒体联络。", "非洲经济委员会", "46. 在2010年11月1日的非洲青年日,非洲国际青年年在亚的斯亚贝巴正式启动。这是由非洲经济委员会和非洲联盟委员会共同举办的。这一活动采取的形式是来自多哥、埃及、突尼斯、赤道几内亚和尼日利亚等非洲国家的大使与若干非洲青年代表之间的小组讨论。这一活动提高了人们对青年人参与非洲社会各个领域活动的重要性和益处的认识。", "47. 非洲经委会北非次区域办事处在5个马格里布国家(阿尔及利亚、阿拉伯利比亚民众国、毛里塔尼亚、摩洛哥和突尼斯)制定了联合庆祝国际青年年的计划。这一方案的目标是赋予青年人以权力,确保他们在次区域发展进程中,包括在实行青年发展目标方面发挥更为积极的作用。庆祝活动包括三项内容。2011年7月,所有这五个国家将共同出版“在马格里布作为一个年轻人意味着什么?”。为青年领导人举办的一项论坛主题是“青年参与和马格里布的领袖人物”,论坛将设利用现有青年网络,并将采用新方式向广大青年传播。", "拉丁美洲和加勒比经济委员会", "48. 在国际青年年期间,拉加经委会扩大了2009-2015年伊比利亚-美洲青年合作与一体化计划的各项活动。其中一项举措是拉丁美洲青年知识系统。[11] 这一系统的网址是要为拉丁美洲各国的国家青年机构以及学术机构、记者、青年领袖和大众服务。这一系统是拉加经委会与伊比利亚-美洲青年组织在2009-2010年期间的一个合作项目。这一系统的核心包括拉美区域各国的一系列青年指标,但同时也包含了不同的政府和非政府机构的信息。", "亚洲及太平洋经济社会委员会", "49. 亚太青年问题机构间小组(由亚太经社会任主席)于2010年8月18日组织举办了亚太经社会地区国际青年年的区域启动活动。2010年11月至2011年3月,对亚太区域的联合国实体有关青年的现有方案进行了调查。情况调查主要集中在《世界青年行动纲领》提出的各项主要问题上,并建议了可能进行合作的领域。情况调查为联合国机构的青年问题分析研究、方案和活动方面的能力的全球评估提供了区域投入。亚太青年问题机构间小组还审查了本区域的青年政策和相关经验,以供就国家青年政策提出区域报告。", "西亚经济和社会委员会", "50. 西亚经社会第二十六届部长级会议通过了《西亚经济社会委员会关于加大关注青年政策的指导宣言:发展契机》。各成员国在宣言中重申对《世界青年行动纲领》的承诺,并强调在这一框架内制定和实施注重人权的国家青年政策的重要性。", "51. 2010年11月,西亚经社会在其位于贝鲁特的总部为阿拉伯区域的联合国机构制定了区域协调机制。会议的要点是“青年与减少贫困。”会议闭幕讲话建议在青年和区域协调机构(包括阿拉伯国家联盟)之间制定一项工作安排,以及是否可能提出一份“关于青年问题的阿拉伯人类发展影子报告”。", "52. 西亚经社会发行一些出版物,其中包括“人口与发展报告,第4期”、“西亚经社会区域的青年:形势分析及其对发展政策的影响”;和“西亚经社会区域的青年发展:统计简况、国家战略和成功事例”。", "联合国粮食和农业组织", "53. 粮农组织与其他联合国实体和民间社会组织协作,制定了关于气候变化、粮食安全和生物多样性的一系列教育材料,其中包括一系列挑战证章和一项青年人自我发展方案——国际青年奖。粮农组织颇受欢迎的“10亿人在挨饿项目”[12] 活动通过社会媒体以青年人为目标,向他们提出参与消除饥饿的方式方法。", "国际劳工组织", "54. 在国际青年年的第一天,国际劳工组织提出其2010年全球青年就业趋势的报告,[13] 报告提出了关于日益严重的青年就业困难的全球和区域数据及分析。2010年12月,劳工组织为在伦敦开幕的全球青年就业议程会议提供了技术专家,出席这次会议的包括商业、政治和民间社会各界的领袖人物。粮农组织启动了一项新的网络平台,以分享关于青年就业方面的知识,这一平台的名称是青年就业知识分享平台。[14] 这一网络工具将全球若干国家的专家和业者连到一起,进行关于青年就业的信息、文件和良好做法的交流。粮农组织还于2011年3月和4月在布达佩斯和利马举办了两次区域间培训讲习班,就青年就业和移民问题交流知识。此外,国际农业发展基金和劳工组织开展了一个联合项目,审查推动青年在农村寻求体面就业机会的良好做法。", "不同文明联盟", "55. 不同文明联盟在国际青年年期间开展了三大举措,对至少110个国家的约500名青年产生了影响。这三大举措是:不同文明联盟全球青年运动大会、关于移民和社会包容的“PLURAL+”青年视频节和不同文明联盟暑期学习班。不同文明联盟全球青年运动大会作为不同文明联盟的青年平台动员青年组织再次承诺实现不同文明联盟的各项目标。2011年4月7日至9日,来自80多个国家的130名青年聚集在阿塞拜疆巴库,讨论通过这一举措的宪章及明确纳入2011年行动计划的各项活动。之后,不同文明联盟和全球青年运动的领导人开始执行第一次大会期间做出的各项决定。", "56. 关于移民和社会包容的“PLURAL+”青年视频节是不同文明联盟和国际移民组织联合开展的一项举措,每年举行一次青年视频节,使青年能够探讨移徙、多样性和社会包容等问题。在前两届青年节上播放了来自63个国家的超过250个视频。", "57. 2010年8月15日至21日在葡萄牙阿威罗大学举行了不同文明联盟暑期学习班。在学习班上,来自44个国家不同背景的110多名青年进行了对话和互动交流。", "联合国资本发展基金", "58. 联合国资本发展基金2010年12月与万事达卡基金会共同启动了一项YouthStart举措,使撒哈拉以南非洲的200 000个低收入青年更容易获得金融服务。万事达基金会还分四年向该方案提供了1 200万美元的赠款。YouthStart方案特别强调储蓄,并将指定并支持多达12个金融机构试行专门面向青年的可持续金融服务。", "联合国人类住区规划署", "59. 人居署认为年轻人可以在实地有效倡导变化,推动作出改观。因此,人居署第二十三届理事会围绕国际青年年牵头开展了多项重大举措。第二十三届理事会通过了有关城市青年发展的一项新决议,鼓励人居署在联合国系统内就城市青年问题牵头开展联合行动,并请联合国各机构探讨是否可以使青年人更多参与可持续城市发展。在人居署第二十三届理事会上还启动了城市青年研究网和全球青年服务台。", "联合国教育、科学及文化组织", "60. 2010年2月至2011年2月,教科文组织担任联合国青年发展机构间网络的共同主席并在国际青年年期间牵头在国家、区域和国际层面组织了一系列举措。在俄罗斯联邦、阿塞拜疆、黎巴嫩、布隆迪、肯尼亚、坦桑尼亚联合共和国和刚果民主共和国开展了青年发展和公民参与问题国家研究。教科文组织与联合国其他机构及国家和区域伙伴合作,支持巴西、约旦、黎巴嫩、托克劳和图瓦卢制定国家青年政策,在非洲、拉丁美洲和加勒比、亚洲-太平洋区域和阿拉伯国家开展青年公民参与问题区域研究并完成了一项大非洲之角青年状况研究。黎巴嫩在国际青年年框架内开展了一个名为“黎巴嫩青年文化和解”项目,并针对黎巴嫩和巴勒斯坦高中生开展了和平对话能力建设。教科文组织还通过运动进行能力建设(巴勒斯坦领土),提供助学方案和奖学金(约旦和巴勒斯坦领土),并努力为加沙青年,特别是女学生筹划技术与职业教育培训机会,从而为被边缘化的脆弱的中学生提供教育支助。在埃及、伊拉克、突尼斯和巴勒斯坦领土,教科文组织支持与青年磋商,促进青年的公民参与。", "61. 在区域层面,2010年9月在大韩民国举行了题为“亚洲青年创造力和社区愿景”的教科文组织第四届亚洲青年论坛。2011年7月,大韩民国教科文组织国家委员会与教科文组织秘书处合作组织了与国际青年年相关的教科文组织第五届亚洲青年论坛。在拉丁美洲和加勒比,社会发展部长论坛(2011年7月11日和12日,圣萨尔瓦多)关注的主题是“拉丁美洲的青年社会政策”。2011年在阿拉伯各国开展了题为“阿拉伯国家创业教育”的区域研究项目。", "62. 教科文组织建议制定主要青年活动联合后续行动机制,以加强此类活动组织者和参与者的问责和责任,推动为后续行动建立伙伴关系。教科文组织评估了2008年以来开展的50个全球和区域青年活动的成果,并围绕《世界青年行动纲领》的15个标准领域和通过这些活动发现的新问题编制了一个汇总表,列出了具有共性的各组建议。将把这一举措提交给2011年10月在教科文组织总部举行的教科文组织第七届亚洲青年论坛讨论,使伙伴方和青年与会者明确今后需要协作开展的后续行动。", "联合国气候变化框架公约秘书处", "63. 联合国气候变化框架公约秘书处与联合国若干实体、非政府组织及青年组织在2010年墨西哥坎昆联合国气候变化问题会议期间组织了一系列针对儿童和青年的活动。此次会议由墨西哥政府于2010年11月29日至12月10日主办。所有这些活动都与活跃于气候公约进程的青年组织进行了协调。", "联合国人口基金", "64. 人口基金与来自政府、民间社会以及联合国系统的伙伴方一道,提高对青年面临的性健康和生殖健康、性别平等和人权问题的认识。人口基金及其伙伴方使用创新、循证战略提高青年人对性健康和生殖健康的了解,提供更多服务及确保国家和全球政策以及发展计划能够解决青年人,特别是少女面临的各种问题。人口基金支持创建一个平台,便于就影响青年的问题进行全国磋商,使青年和主要的利益攸关方能够找到解决办法。人口基金还在吉尔吉斯斯坦、马达加斯加、蒙古、纳米比亚、巴基斯坦、菲律宾、塞内加尔、塔吉克斯坦和赞比亚举办青年论坛,组织磋商。在亚美尼亚、格鲁吉亚、印度、斯里兰卡、塔吉克斯坦和津巴布韦组织了体育、艺术、音乐、电影和戏剧活动。通过这些活动在津巴布韦农村设立了青年中心,在海地成立了国家青年理事会,在格鲁吉亚成立了一个非政府组织,在吉尔吉斯斯坦开展了联合建设和平活动,并向菲律宾的市政府官员提交了政策建议。", "65. 人口基金还支持在亚洲-太平洋区域和阿拉伯各国启动国际青年年的区域活动,并在土耳其伊斯坦布尔举行了一次游行,主题为“我们的年,我们的声音:性健康和生殖健康及权利很重要”。此次活动引起了媒体的关注并突出了国际青年年。人口基金向参加墨西哥世界青年会议的青年记者提供了支持和培训,并使用非传统媒体支持了若干全球青年举措。最后,人口基金与青年联盟合作编写了3份概况介绍,侧重青年人的性权利和生殖权利与千年发展目标之间的联系。", "联合国儿童基金会", "66. 在国际青年年期间,儿基会开展了若干宣传举措,重点突出全球层面的青年参与。儿基会与经济和社会事务部社会政策和发展司青年问题协调中心协作编写了一份题为“青年参与”的概况介绍,就“青少年参与”问题组织了情况通报,制作了关于青年参与的一个电影和一个公益告示。", "67. 在国家层面,儿基会在巴西、海地、斐济和赞比亚培训了环境青年团并为其提供了装备。在多民族玻利维亚国开展的青年活动包括组织多个论坛、采访市长候选人、参与制定国际青年年计划以及在拉巴斯市任命一个青年记者小组。在危地马拉,儿基会力劝国会在2011年9月前批准国家青年法动议。儿基会还为题为“Te Toca”(轮到你了!)的一个媒体活动提供了支持,以提高公众对影响儿童和少年的问题的认识。中东和北非地区通过一系列文化活动启动了国际青年年:在阿拉伯叙利亚共和国,儿基会通过在大马士革举行一个青年宣传项目、摄影展及文化活动启动了国际青年年;在黎巴嫩,在庆祝国际青年年的同时,政府于2010年12月发布了国家青年政策。", "68. 儿基会积极参与海地的重建工作,支持于2011年3月成立海地国家青年理事会,通过这一平台,覆盖海地所有宗教的16个青年组织和网络可以携手促进青年对话,加强制定青年政策。儿基会与青年、体育和公民行动部、全球儿童运动及其他机构一道,与250名青年代表组织了青年磋商,并与政府当局分享了论坛成果。在启动“Vwajen” 博客方面,儿基会也发挥了至关重要的作用,该博客已成为青年发表观点的最大的克里奥尔语青年中心。", "联合国志愿人员方案", "69. 联合国志愿人员方案参与了联合国其他实体在洪都拉斯、墨西哥、乌拉圭和越南的国际青年年启动活动。该方案支持柬埔寨和所罗门群岛制定国家青年政策,支持越南和洪都拉斯制定国家志愿人员政策,突出志愿服务在发展青年技能和促进青年参与发展进程方面带来的附加值。2011年6月,志愿人员方案与欧盟委员会、教科文组织和若干民间社会伙伴方协作,组织了题为“青年志愿服务和非正规教育及千年发展目标”的全球交流,这是国际青年年和志愿人员国际年十周年纪念联合活动。2010至2011年,志愿人员方案与马德里大学一道动员了45名西班牙大学志愿人员,优先关注支持青年方案或国际青年年目标的任务。为纪念国际青年年和志愿人员国际年十周年,志愿人员方案发表了题为“青年志愿服务、社会融合及体面工作:激励领导力”的讨论文件。联合国志愿人员方案2011年报告也重点关注通过青年和志愿服务促进和平与发展。", "世界旅游组织", "70. 世界旅游组织2008年印发了一份题为“青年旅游很重要:了解全球青年旅游现象”的研究报告,其中概述了全球青年和学生旅游产业。最引人注意的是,这份报告旨在突出青年旅游者的独特动机如何使得他们对于实现全球旅游业议程的主要目标极其重要。", "八. 结论和建议", "71. 国际青年年成功强调了青年在实现全球发展议程,特别是千年发展目标方面的作用。政府、民间社会和联合国各实体开展的与国际青年年相关的活动将青年议程提到重要位置。但还需进一步努力保持并利用国际青年年期间取得的良好势头。", "72. 鉴于以上,大会不妨考虑以下建议,呼吁各会员国:", "(a) 进一步加强与青年人、青年组织、学术界、民间社会组织、私营部门、媒体和联合国系统的伙伴关系以及它们之间的伙伴关系,以发展与青年人的伙伴关系;", "(b) 继续促进青年人之间以及与青年人的对话和相互理解文化,促进发展、社会融合、容忍与和平;", "(c) 采取各项措施与相关利益攸关方建立伙伴关系,制定以青年为中心的全球发展议程。", "[1] 奥地利、中国、印度尼西亚、牙买加、约旦、秘鲁、葡萄牙、俄罗斯联邦、塞尔维亚、斯里兰卡、泰国、多哥、特立尼达和多巴哥和乌兹别克斯坦。", "[2] 欧洲青年论坛、世界女童子军协会、和平儿童国际和不停歇发展。", "[3] 新闻部、联合国粮食及农业组织(粮农组织)、国际劳工组织(劳工组织)、联合国资本发展基金、联合国亚洲及太平洋经济社会委员会(亚太经社会)、非洲经济委员会(非洲经委会)、拉丁美洲和加勒比经济委员会(拉加经委会)、西亚经济社会委员会(西亚经社会)、联合国人类住区规划署(人居署)、联合国教育、科学及文化组织(教科文组织)、联合国气候变化框架公约临时秘书处、联合国人口基金(人口基金)、联合国儿童基金会(儿基会)、联合国志愿人员组织和世界旅游组织。", "[4] 所有活动都张贴在由经济和社会事务部青年方案维护的国际青年年在线日程表上(见。", "[5] 通过儿童基金会收到非洲联盟的投入。", "[6] 参阅:。", "[7] 参阅:。", "[8] 参阅:。", "[9] 详情参阅:。", "[10] 参阅:。", "[11] 系统详情参阅 or。", "[12] 详情参阅:。", "[13] 报告参阅:。", "[14] 详情参阅: login?came_from=。" ]
[ "第六十六届会议", "暂定项目表* 项目28(b)", "社会发展:社会发展,包括有关世界社会状况和有关青年、老龄、残疾人和家庭的问题", "国际青年年:对话和相互了解", "秘书长的报告", "内容提要", "* A/66/50。", "1. 本报告是根据大会关于宣布2010年为国际青年年:对话和相互了解的第64/134号决议编写的。 报告重点介绍了会员国、民间社会组织和联合国各实体为支持这一年而开展的主要活动和举措。 本报告还介绍了会员国在一年的背景下开展的活动和采取的举措、将青年议程列入日历的努力以及在该年开展的国家发展活动。 报告最后部分为会员国和联合国系统提出了建议,以保持和利用国际青年年形成的势头。", "目录", "页 次\n一、导言3\nII. 背景3 四. 会员国在国家一级组织的活动4和举措\n第四级。 国家间实体在区域举办的活动8和举措\n五级活动 9 和在国际范围内组织的举措\n六级。 民间组织的活动10和举措\n社会七。 联合国举办的活动11和举措\n八、结论19和结论\n建议", "一. 导言", "页: 1 大会在其第64/134号决议中请秘书长就国际青年年:对话和相互了解所开展的活动和举措向第六十六届会议提交报告。 本报告是应这一要求提交的。", "2. 结 论 报告全面概述了各国政府、民间社会组织、个人和全世界社区为支持纪念国际青年年的地方和国际活动而开展的活动和采取的举措,报告是根据会员国、*** 民间社会组织和联合国实体提供的资料编写的。 [3] 报告第一部分介绍了本年度的背景,以下各节概述了为庆祝本年度而开展的国家、区域和国际活动及举措。 报告还重点介绍了民间社会组织和联合国系统各实体组织的一些活动,并向会员国和联合国各实体提出了建议,以保持和利用该年形成的势头。", "II. 背景", "3. 。 1985年,联合国首次庆祝国际青年年。 十年后,大会在第50/81号决议中通过了《到2000年及其后世界青年行动纲领》,其中制定了改善年轻人状况的国家行动和国际支持政策框架和指导方针。 尽管这一方案仍然活跃,但近年来,人们更加认识到青年人是全球发展议程的核心。 在大会、社会发展委员会、非洲联盟和伊比利亚-美洲国家元首和政府首脑会议等重要国际论坛上,会员国重申,支持青年发展是实现国际商定的发展目标,包括千年发展目标的重要手段。 在宣布国际青年年之前,会员国已经推动多项区域和国家议程,例如非洲青年年、伊比利亚-美洲青年年(2008年举行)、俄罗斯联邦青年年(2009年)和非洲联盟宣布的非洲青年发展十年(2009-2018年)。", "4. 第四届会议 在这一势头的基础上,大会于2009年12月通过了第64/134号决议,宣布国际青年年:对话和相互了解将于2010年8月12日开始。 在突尼斯的倡议下宣布今年是会员国再次承诺确保青年男女成为发展议程的核心。 目前,全世界15至24岁之间的人口超过12亿人,约占世界人口的18%。 因此,宣布国际青年年提供了一个战略机会,既可提高对一个非常重要的人口群体所面临的挑战和机会的认识,又可促进年轻人的权利。", "5. 在此背景下,今年的主题是“对话与相互了解”,促进世代、文化、宗教和文明之间的交流,并倡导和平、尊重人权和团结的理想。 鼓励会员国、青年组织、民间社会团体和年轻人举办活动,展示青年对发展的贡献,促进相互了解,强调他们参与社会所有方面的益处,以此庆祝今年。", "页: 1 会员国在国家一级举办的活动和举措", "A. 导 言 二. 会员国举措的背景:国际青年年作为背景和催化剂", "6. 任务 国际年通常在国家一级举行,往往由国家委员会指导,通常由适当的政府实体组成,例如青年部或教育部、国家青年委员会、民间社会组织、联合国系统代表和其他相关的利益攸关方。 鼓励会员国举办庆祝国际青年年的活动,并审查其国家青年发展政策和方案。 该年度的支持者旨在利用这一工具,推动更全面执行《世界青年行动纲领》,增加年轻人对社会的参与,扩大他们获得机会的机会。", "7. 基本考虑 在这方面,截至2011年7月6日,会员国、民间社会团体和联合国各实体举办了354次活动,纪念该年,包括各种会议、论坛、营地、展览、竞赛(如体育、写作、摄影、艺术)、电影放映、音乐会和培训讲习班、代际会议、模拟联合国会议、青年峰会、节日、与青年有关的问题及社区服务项目在线和网上课程。 [4] 这些活动侧重于环境、艾滋病毒和艾滋病以及青年参与和赋权等关键议题。", "8.8 会员国的支持和参与值得一提。 所有区域都庆祝了2010年8月12日国际青年年启动。 在29个国家,即奥地利、亚美尼亚、巴林、孟加拉国、比利时、布基纳法索、喀麦隆、加拿大、刚果民主共和国、埃及、圭亚那、印度、牙买加、哈萨克斯坦、莱索托、墨西哥、蒙古、缅甸、尼泊尔、尼日利亚、菲律宾、罗马尼亚、塞拉利昂、索马里、斯里兰卡、特立尼达和多巴哥、土耳其、乌干达和赞比亚,举行了特别活动,以纪念这一发射。", "9 September 2005 在这一年里,会员国采取了许多举措,强调青年人对社会的贡献,并解决目前影响他们的问题。 下文按优先主题和举措类型列出其中一些活动。", "B. 将青年议程列入日历", "10.10 国际青年年使会员国有机会将青年问题列入日历。 为此,中国宣布2011年为“欧洲联盟-中国青年年”,其双重目标是促进文化间对话,加强欧洲和中国青年之间的相互理解和友谊。 在肯尼亚,青年事务和体育部庆祝了全国青年周。 在卡塔尔,文化、艺术和遗产部的青年活动和活动司以“对话和文化”为主题庆祝国际青年日。", "C. 论坛、会议、奖项和竞赛", "注 世界各国政府支持各种青年活动,这些活动提高了青年问题的形象。 在中国,国际和平日庆祝活动的重点是“促进青年与和平的中国发展”。 在上海世界博览会期间,举办了青年论坛,讨论青年、城市和未来,包括中国许多主要青年团体的参与。 此外,在深 Shenzhen举办了大型体育赛事“建立友谊桥梁”。", "12. 在印度尼西亚,青年和体育部领导了若干举措。 东南亚国家联盟(东盟)大学学生会议于2010年3月21日至24日在万隆举行,确定了青年在保护文化遗产方面的作用。 亚非青年论坛于2010年8月23日至27日在万隆举行,为年轻人提供了一个战略机会,使他们能够提出自己的声音,宣传他们对千年发展目标的看法。2011年4月29日至5月2日在吉隆坡举行的万隆运动会是一个双边青年体育论坛,聚集了约800名印度尼西亚和马来西亚学生参加友好竞赛。", "13. 在阿曼,教育部与教科文组织合作组织了世界教育促进可持续发展会议。 在秘鲁,在国际青年年的框架内,国家青年秘书处举行了一次来自17个不同地区的青年会议,提出加强青年参与的战略,解决青年怀孕、酗酒和吸毒等关键问题,以及获得教育的问题。", "十四、任 务 俄罗斯联邦体育、旅游和青年政策部报告了青年组织和民间社会今年组织的活动,包括“几代人集会:和平与非暴力世界”国际会议、题为“关于青年的国际和区域间合作和国家与青少年合作的经验”的会议以及国际青年论坛框架内的国际项目“我们是独立国家联合体的未来”。", "15 圣基茨和尼维斯社会发展部青年司每月向年轻人颁发纪念该年杰出工作奖。 多哥于2011年4月18日至20日举办了第一次全国青年论坛,来自各县的750多名年轻人聚集在一起,鼓励青年人之间的对话和了解,并增加他们对决策进程的参与。", "D. 会员国倡议:落实国际青年年", "161 该年的主题是几个会员国的倡议。 牙买加青年、体育和文化部国家青年发展中心将该年的主题纳入其2010年方案。 为了纪念每年11月庆祝的国家青年月,政府开展了活动,展示“对话与相互了解”,作为青年发展的关键方面。 泰国政府在这一主题的范围内采取了各种举措,包括将来自不同背景的青年聚集到对话的共同论坛的营地和方案。", "17. 第17条。 各会员国在其具体背景下讨论了国际青年年的主题。 在冲突后的斯里兰卡,这一年为促进该国年轻一代的和平、团结和和谐的理想提供了重要机会。 因此,为庆祝这一年而组织的国家活动促进了该国的和解进程。 在奥地利,通过各种举措探讨了对话和相互了解的主题,特别是奥地利人权联盟于2010年9月20日举办了一次专题讨论会,聚集了专家和年轻人,讨论对包括青年人口在内的社会所有成员造成越来越多的以团体为重点的敌对行为。", "第18条 一些会员国利用国际青年年重申其对青年发展的承诺。 在印度尼西亚,青年和体育事务部重申,它承诺发展强有力的伙伴关系,以增加对青年的投资,并鼓励由青年主导的对社会的贡献。 斯里兰卡政府发起了一系列活动,以恢复该国对青年和青年相关问题的重视。 另一个显著的趋势是,各国政府向青年组织提供了更多的支持。 例如,在奥地利,作为青年政策的一部分,向青年组织、青年倡议、青年俱乐部和青年项目提供了财政支持。", "191 一些国家根据国际青年年提出了特别倡议。 在葡萄牙,政府设立了一个国际青年年国家监测委员会。 在葡萄牙青年研究所的主持下,委员会负责协调公共机构和民间社会组织在这一年开展的国家活动。 委员会不仅提高了对一年的认识,而且提高了对年轻人权利的了解。 其目标是加强青年参与,增加与青年有关的投资,并将国家青年政策纳入主流。 在塞尔维亚,青年和体育部启动了“青年是法律”方案,以鼓励和增加社会活动。 除了纪念今年的活动外,该方案还提出了几项重大举措:起草《青年法》,其中涉及举行80多次圆桌会议,参加者共计2 895人,其中大多数是年轻人和/或专家,负责处理青年问题;纪念欧洲志愿人员年和国际志愿者年十周年;协助年轻人与本区域和全球的同行进行对话;组织一次关于青年民主参与的国际会议;与葡萄牙、乌克兰和斯洛伐克政府建立联系,签署青年合作议定书。", "E. 出席情况 在国际青年年背景下处理国家发展", "20.20 国际青年年促使各国政府注重针对更广泛的国家发展优先事项的具体青年方案。 根据劳工组织最近的估计,到2009年底,全世界6.2亿15至24岁的从事经济活动的青年的全球青年失业达到了8 100万的历史高峰。 一般来说,年轻人往往在非正式、间歇和不安全的工作安排下工作时间更长,其特点是生产率低、收入低和社会保护减少。 认识到青年就业的适当条件对于青年的发展和福祉至关重要,会员国已采取措施改善青年就业的工作条件和机会。 例如,多哥政府为失业青年开展了培训方案,并实施了国家自愿方案,使失业的毕业生能够获得专业经验。 它还将通过支持融合和发展就业机会的方案向年轻人提供专业机会。", "21.21。 一些会员国邀请对环境问题表示兴趣的年轻人积极参与关于气候变化的宣传、国家适应和缓解行动以及国际谈判。 在特立尼达和多巴哥,体育和青年事务部开展了环境问题方案。 例如,“My Country, My Community, My Space”是一个鼓励青年保护环境不受退化的方案。", "第22章 在国际青年年的背景下,会员国还带头努力保护年轻人免受歧视,并制定了平权行动方案。 例如,2010年和2011年在奥地利实施的3个全国性项目侧重于来自移民背景的青年,特别是针对穆斯林妇女和女童的平权行动(“Fatima”)和穆斯林青年男子的平权行动(Mustafa项目)。 另一个项目的重点是培训辅导员,以实施这些新方案(“血清”项目)。 在秘鲁,国家青年秘书处推动建立一个赋予农村、土著和非洲裔青年权力的论坛,以促进实施、监测和评价针对这一社会阶层的公共政策。 秘鲁还为18至29岁的青少年开展了一些方案,目的是提高他们的生活质量,帮助他们重新融入社会。", "23. 会议报告。 各会员国报告了全年在处理关切和扩大本国年轻人机会方面取得的进展。 在约旦,青年高级理事会制定了关于理事会2010-2015年期间工作的政策,其中42项侧重于青年。 制定了2011-2015年国家青年战略,2011年初开始的战略第二阶段的设计工作已经开始。 在乌兹别克斯坦,乌兹别克斯坦文化和艺术论坛基金会一直在按照今年的原则开展工作。 该论坛的青年分支Kelajak ovozi(未来之声)青年倡议中心成立于2006年,此后成为乌兹别克斯坦的主要青年组织。 该中心致力于教育、文化和艺术以及信息技术等主题,并支持青年组织。 在国际青年日,联合国新闻中心和人口基金于2010年8月12日把凯拉卡·奥沃齐中心称为最佳青年项目。", "24. 第24段。 国际青年年使一些会员国有机会在政府最高层审议青年问题。 大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国上议院于2011年4月4日就青年和国际发展问题进行了辩论。 这次辩论是上议院第一次这样的辩论,使议员有机会审查政府的政策,支持年轻人应对他们面临的许多挑战,特别是在发展中国家。", "四、结 论 国家间实体在区域一级组织的活动和举措", "258. 非洲联盟将青年问题作为优先事项。 为纪念非洲青年日和国际青年年,非洲联盟及其伙伴将来自埃塞俄比亚的300多名青年聚集在一起,庆祝由该国总统正式宣布开幕。 在这次活动中,年轻人主张让青年更多地参与非洲社会的各个方面。 在2011年4月1日至9日在亚的斯亚贝巴举行的非洲联盟青年问题会前会议上,与会者认识到了该年度在使非洲青年成为议程上高度优先事项方面的作用。", "262. 报 告 非洲联盟国家元首和政府首脑首脑会议于2011年6月23日至7月1日在赤道几内亚马拉博举行。 在首脑会议期间,在关于“加速增强青年能力以促进可持续发展”的辩论中,有人指出,国际青年年是动员非洲青年积极参与的平台。", "页: 1 B. 在国际一级组织的活动和举措", "。 秘书长于2010年8月12日在纽约联合国总部启动了国际青年年。 突尼斯青年、体育和体育教育部长萨米尔·拉比迪、贝宁常驻联合国代表让-弗朗西斯·津苏、经济和社会事务部副秘书长沙祖康、联合国特别代表兼国际劳工组织联合国办公室主任简·斯图尔、美国国际开发署高级助理署长迈克尔·雅特、大同协会青年代表玛雅·萨德和联合国青年卫士莫尼克·科莱曼发了言。 为纪念今年的启动,联合国各实体负责人发表了联合声明。 秘书长、教科文组织、劳工组织、人居署、世界青年大会和纳米比亚全国青年理事会也发表了发起声明。", "第28次会议 作为国际青年年的重点,大会决定按照大会第64/134号决议的授权,组织一次联合国青年问题高级别会议。 高级别会议定于2011年7月25日和26日在纽约联合国总部举行。", "29. 。 其他重大国际活动包括2010年7月31日至8月12日在土耳其举行的第五次世界青年大会,该会议由和平儿童国际协会与E-Gençlik协会、伊斯坦布尔青年大会和土耳其青年和体育部合作主办。 第五次青年大会是“蓝丝带运动”领导下的南亚青年大会,这次区域青年会议的主题是“国际青年年的和平、对话和相互了解”。", "30. 。 世界青年会议由墨西哥政府组织,于2010年8月24日至27日在墨西哥城举行。 会议由外交秘书处、公共教育秘书处和墨西哥青年研究所在人口基金、儿童基金会、联合国妇女发展基金和联合国开发计划署(开发署)的支持下组织。 会议聚集了各国政府和民间社会组织的代表,确定与青年有关的优先事项,以便列入千年发展目标以外的国际发展议程。 《瓜纳华托宣言》体现了这次会议的成果。 [6]", "313. 青年人对体育的兴趣是促进国际发展目标,如千年发展目标的切入点,并传播促进和平与合作的价值观。 为此,新加坡于2010年8月14日至26日举行了首届青年奥运会,激励青年作为参与者和观察员,拥护、体现和表达卓越、友谊和尊重的奥林匹克价值观。", "六、结 论 民间社会举办的活动和举措", "323 民间社会组织是国际青年年取得成功的主要贡献者。 以下国家组织了与广泛的青年问题有关的无数民间社会倡议:阿富汗、安提瓜和巴布达、阿根廷、亚美尼亚、奥地利、澳大利亚、阿塞拜疆、巴巴多斯、巴林、白俄罗斯、比利时、伯利兹、贝宁、百慕大、巴西、布基纳法索、柬埔寨、喀麦隆、加拿大、乍得、中国、哥伦比亚、哥斯达黎加、克罗地亚、塞浦路斯、刚果民主共和国、多米尼加共和国、厄瓜多尔、埃及、萨尔瓦多、埃塞俄比亚、法国、格鲁吉亚、德国、加纳、希腊、圭亚那、印度、意大利、牙买加、日本、肯尼亚、黎巴嫩、莱索托、阿拉伯利比亚民众国、马来西亚、马提尼克岛、墨西哥、蒙古、缅甸、纳米比亚、尼泊尔、新西兰、秘鲁、巴基斯坦、乌克兰、赞比亚", "336. 在全球性组织中,世界女童子军协会报告说,该年度的活动建议协会五个区域(非洲、阿拉伯、亚太、欧洲和西半球区域)的区域委员会会议和区域会议采取行动。 为了纪念国际女童指导和女童out年100年,协会连续为青年妇女举办了三次世界论坛。 这些论坛的目的是促进对话和相互了解,提高对全世界女童和青年妇女相关问题的认识,动员所有145个成员国的青年妇女并让他们参与宣传,并联系世界各地的青年代表。 该协会还制作了宣传手册,重点宣传该年,称为“100万女孩......一个声音”。", "343. 事实和争论 在区域伞式青年组织中,欧洲青年论坛在比利时担任欧洲联盟主席的框架内,庆祝国际青年日,并与比利时青年理事会共同发起这一年。 在这一年的主持下,欧洲青年论坛还与欧洲委员会南北中心、西班牙政府和西班牙青年理事会合作,于2010年9月12日至19日在西班牙 Molina举办了第十一期青年与发展大学。 欧洲青年论坛专门出版其杂志《YO! (Youth Opinion), to the United Nations. 该特别版是与人口基金合作编写的,侧重于联合国的国际青年和青年年倡议。", "353. 和平儿童国际通过在联合王国、爱沙尼亚和土耳其推广其信仰间音乐“和平儿童——阿尔法·奥梅加”的表演,为国际年的主题作出了贡献。 和平儿童国际与TakingIT Global, Global Children (USA)、Young People We Care(加纳)、Be the Change Academy(肯尼亚)、联合运动会(奥地利、捷克共和国、德国、塞尔维亚、匈牙利)、KULtiger(德国)、Felt Agency(荷兰)、蓝丝带运动(印度)、CYCAN(中国)、经合组织-新加坡、青少年保护组织(墨西哥)、美洲国家组织国际学会(巴西)和和平儿童(阿根廷)一道,在整个国际年期间都努力动员青年支持将于2012年在巴西里约热内卢举行的地球问题首脑会议。", "7) 联合国实体组织的活动和举措", "《联合国国际青年年框架办法》", "363. 。 联合国机构间青年发展网络是联合国系统内有关青年发展事项的全球合作机制。 该网络旨在提高联合国在全球、区域和国家各级青年发展工作的效力。 该网络通过经济和社会事务部社会政策和发展司的青年问题协调人(又称青年方案)协调国际青年年的活动。 在2010年2月教科文组织总部举行的年度会议上,该网络成员制定了联合国国际青年年框架办法:对话和相互了解。 该办法确定了战略目标,并为这一年确立了指导框架:(a) 提高认识:增加对青年的承诺和投资;(b) 动员和参与:加强青年的参与和伙伴关系;(c) 连接和建设桥梁:提高青年之间的跨文化理解。 这一做法将继续支持青年发展的努力,包括执行《世界青年行动纲领》。", "经济和社会事务部", "378 社会政策和发展司的青年问题协调人代表机构间青年发展网领导了协调与国际青年年有关的所有活动的努力。 根据该年的主题和联合国框架办法规定的目标,协调人提高对青年问题的认识,动员利益攸关方采取行动,扩大与会员国、民间社会组织和联合国实体的伙伴关系,重点是制定以青年为中心的全球发展议程。", "页: 1 该协调中心协调了该年在联合国总部的启动,并组织了一系列11次与民间社会和联合国系统合作伙伴的简报会,以便在该年框架内讨论有关青年的重大问题。 这些通报的专题包括:“对话和相互了解”、“青年就业”、“青年与环境”、“青年与艾滋病毒/艾滋病”、“青年参与”、“女孩与青年妇女:赋予弱势女童和青年妇女权力”、“土著青年问题”、“青年和武装冲突”、“青年和信通技术”以及“青年和教育”。 通报的目的是为会员国之间以及会员国与民间社会之间的对话提供信息和促进。 协调人还组织了几次会外活动,包括:与德国常驻联合国代表团合作举办“危机时期的青年就业”;与不同文明联盟和国际移民组织合作,在妇女地位委员会举办题为“青年参与”的会外活动;在消除贫穷国际日举办“青年参与”的会外活动;在社会发展委员会与德国常驻联合国代表团和青年代表合作举办“青年参与”的会外活动;“青年参与社会发展和青年慈善组织”与青年共同组织合作举办。", "39 为了促进与其支持者进行透明对话,协调人利用社会媒体与年轻人建立联系。 每月就青年问题和关切举行磋商,使世界各地的年轻人能够表达他们的意见,相互启发,而不管他们有何差异。 2010年7月的月度协商探讨了“青年可以用来促进对话和相互了解的各种方法”。", "404 为了在国际青年年与世界女童子军协会和世界童子军运动组织的合作下,与其支持者建立更紧密的联系,协调人制定了“活动工具包:庆祝国际青年年指南”。 该工具包的目的是向年轻人提供实用的指导和具体实例,说明如何在一年及以后就关键专题组织和开展活动。 其他出版物包括:“青年参与发展:发展伙伴简讯准则”(与复兴社会的非政府组织一起编写);新的《世界青年行动纲领》2010年版;国际青年年小册子;“2010年新指南”给青年驻联合国代表;以及“共同成长:青年和联合国的工作”。 [7]", "41 在这一年期间,协调人还发表了一系列关于“青年就业”、“武装冲突”、“青年和气候变化”、“艾滋病毒与青年”、“女童与青年”、“青年与饥饿”、“青年参与”、“青年与代际伙伴关系”、“青年作为聪明投资”、“青年健康”、“青年与志愿服务”、“青年:促进对话和相互了解”、“青年与残疾”、“区域概览:非洲青年”、“区域概览:阿拉伯区域青年与青年”和“区域概览:亚洲及太平洋青年”。 页: 1", "42 新闻部与联合国学术影响合作,组织了一系列电子讨论,为青年提供一个平台,在2011年7月在日内瓦举行的经济及社会理事会高级别部分会议上就教育问题发表意见。", "434 为了提高青年问题的可见度,协会和青年倡导者Monique Coleman被任命为联合国国际青年年“青年卫士”。 库莱曼女士以这一身份,在今年与当地政府机构、联合国实体和民间社会组织建立伙伴关系,访问了25多个国家,与年轻人会面,了解他们最迫切的关切,并提高对青年问题和当地、国家和全球各级成就的认识。 [9]", "新闻部", "444 新闻部战略传播司发展科参加了国际青年年小册子和资料袋的制作,并组织了新闻发布会和材料,以任命Monique Coleman为联合国青年卫士。 联合国新闻中心全球网络与当地合作伙伴,包括东道国政府、媒体、非政府组织、学术机构和青年协会合作,举办了许多宣传活动,以提高今年的认识。 今年的活动在贝鲁特、堪培拉、达累斯萨拉姆、达卡、日内瓦、拉各斯、马拉马、马尼拉、马塞卢、墨西哥城、内罗毕、新德里、瓦加杜古、西班牙港、比勒陀利亚、里约热内卢、塔什干、第比利斯、德黑兰、的黎波里、维也纳、仰光、雅温得和埃里温等联合国新闻中心举办。 设在堪培拉、曼谷、波哥大、布鲁塞尔、布宜诺斯艾利斯、达卡、雅加达、拉各斯、利马、马尼拉、内罗毕、新德里、比勒陀利亚、里约热内卢和东京的新闻中心协助组织了联合国青年卫士对各自国家的访问。", "454 新闻部新闻和媒体司的多种语文单位通过在线新闻、广播和电视节目、会议报道和社会媒体平台广泛报道国际青年年。 联合国新闻中心和联合国电台以联合国所有正式语文报道了当年的活动和发展。 网络服务科制作了一个阿拉伯文、中文、法文、俄文和西班牙文的专门网站。 [10] 根据谷歌分析员的统计数据,网站在2010年8月12日至2011年5月11日期间共收到69 812份意见。 网络服务科还建立了阿拉伯文、中文、英文、法文、俄文和西班牙文的国际青年日网站。 会议报道科共发布44份新闻稿(英文27份,法文17份),报道会议和新闻发布会,包括秘书长在该年度发出的信息和声明。 新闻部负责在青年问题高级别会议期间提供通信支助,并安排新闻发布会,与媒体联络会议有关的事态发展。", "非洲经济委员会", "46 非洲发起国际青年年,于2010年11月1日非洲青年日在亚的斯亚贝巴举行,由非洲经委会和非洲联盟委员会联合举办。 这次活动的形式是,多哥、埃及、突尼斯、赤道几内亚和尼日利亚的非洲大使与非洲青年的几位代表进行了小组讨论。 该活动提高了人们对青年参与非洲社会所有领域的重要性和好处的认识。", "474. 147 非洲经委会北非次区域办事处计划在五个马格里布国家(阿尔及利亚、阿拉伯利比亚民众国、毛里塔尼亚、摩洛哥和突尼斯)联合庆祝国际青年年。 该方案的目标是增强年轻人的能力,确保他们在次区域的发展进程中,包括在实现千年发展目标方面发挥更积极的作用。 庆祝活动包括三项活动。 将于2011年7月在所有五个国家发行一份联合出版物,题为“它意味着什么是马格里布青年?” 为青年领导人举办论坛,讨论“青年参与和领导马格里布”这一主题,将利用现有青年网络,利用创新方式接触大批青年。", "拉丁美洲和加勒比经济委员会", "488. 住房 在国际青年年期间,拉加经委会扩大了根据《伊比利亚-美洲青年合作与一体化计划》开展的活动,2009-2015年。 其中一个举措是伊比利亚-美洲青年知识体系。 2009-2010年期间,该系统是拉加经委会与伊比利亚-美洲青年组织的一个联合项目。 该系统的核心是针对伊比利亚-美洲区域各国的一套青年指标,但也包含了来自各种政府和非政府组织的信息。", "亚洲及太平洋经济社会委员会", "494. 人口 亚太青年问题机构间小组(由亚太经社会主持)于2010年8月18日举办了亚太经社会区域国际青年年的区域启动活动。 联合国各实体目前在亚太区域开展的与青年有关的方案在2010年11月至2011年3月期间进行了规划。 该规划侧重于《世界青年行动纲领》确定的主要问题,并建议潜在的合作领域。 制图为全球评估联合国各机构在以青年为重点的分析研究、方案和活动方面的能力提供了区域投入。 亚太青年问题机构间小组还一直在审查本区域的青年政策和经验,以编写关于国家青年政策的区域报告。", "西亚经济社会委员会", "50 。 西亚经社会第二十六届部长级会议通过了《西亚经济社会委员会关于更加重视青年政策:发展机遇的指导宣言》。 《宣言》重申了会员国对《世界青年行动纲领》的承诺,并强调在这一框架内制定和执行注重人权的国家青年政策的重要性。", "51 西亚经社会于2010年11月在贝鲁特总部为联合国各机构组织了区域协调机制。 会议的重点是“青年和减贫”。 闭幕发言建议制定青年与包括阿拉伯国家联盟在内的区域协调机制之间的工作安排,并有可能编写“阿拉伯青年人类发展报告”。", "52. 西亚经社会印发了一些出版物,包括《人口与发展报告》,第4期,“西亚经社会区域青年:形势分析和发展政策的影响”;以及“西亚经社会区域青年发展:统计概况、国家战略和成功事例”。", "联合国粮食及农业组织", "53. 粮农组织与联合国其他实体和民间社会组织合作,编写了一系列关于气候变化、粮食保障和生物多样性的教育材料,其中包括一系列挑战性格和青年国际奖,这是年轻人自我发展方案。 粮农组织的“10亿饥饿项目”运动通过社会媒体针对年轻人,建议他们参与消除饥饿运动。", "国际劳工组织", "542. 在国际青年年的第一天,劳工组织发表了《2010年全球青年就业趋势报告》,该报告提供了全球和区域数据,分析了青年就业挑战日益增多的情况。 2010年12月,劳工组织向在伦敦举行的首届全球青年就业议程会议提供了技术专门知识,出席会议的有商界、政治和民间社会领导人。 劳工组织启动了一个新的在线平台,以交流青年就业知识,称为“青年就业知识分享平台”。 [14] 这一网络工具将全球若干国家的青年就业专家和从业人员联系起来,交流有关青年就业的信息、文件和良好做法。 劳工组织还于2011年3月和4月在布达佩斯和利马举办了两次区域间培训讲习班,交流关于青年就业和移徙问题的知识。 此外,国际农业发展基金(农发基金)和劳工组织开展了一个联合项目,审查促进青年体面农村就业机会的良好做法。", "不同文明联盟", "555. 255 不同文明联盟在国际青年年范围内开展了三项重大举措,对来自至少110个国家的约500名青年产生了影响:不同文明联盟全球青年运动公约; 青年视频节:移徙和社会包容;不同文明联盟暑期班。 《不同文明联盟全球青年运动公约》是联盟的青年平台,它动员青年组织加强其对其目标的承诺。 从2011年4月7日至9日,来自80多个国家的130名青年聚集在阿塞拜疆巴库,努力通过该举措的章程,并确定将列入2011年行动计划的活动。 随后,全球青年运动联盟和领导人开始执行在第一项《公约》期间作出的决定。", "565. 妇 女 文明联盟和国际移民组织(移民组织)的联合倡议——“加强青年”电视节是一年一度的青年视频节,使年轻人能够探讨移民、多样性和社会包容问题。 来自63个国家的250多部录像在前两个节日播放。", "57 不同文明联盟暑期班于2010年8月15日至21日在葡萄牙阿韦罗大学举行。 它使来自44个国家不同背景的110多名青年参与者能够进行对话和互动。", "联合国资本发展基金", "58 联合国资本发展基金与MasterCard基金会合作,于2010年12月启动了《青年标准》,该倡议旨在增加撒哈拉以南非洲20万低收入青年获得金融服务的机会。 该方案得到总领会基金会四年捐款1 200万美元的支持。 《青年政策》特别强调储蓄,将确定和支持多达12个金融机构试验适合青年的可持续金融服务。", "联合国人类住区规划署 方案", "59 人居署认为青年人是变革的有效倡导者,是在实地发挥作用的催化剂。 有鉴于此,人居署第23届理事会按照国际青年年领导了重大举措。 第23届理事会通过了一项关于城市青年发展的新决议,鼓励人居署在联合国系统内领导关于城市青年问题的共同努力,并请联合国各机构探讨加强青年人参与可持续城市发展的可能性。 城市青年研究网和全球青年服务台也在人居署第23届理事会上启动。", "联合国教育、科学及文化组织", "60. 教科文组织于2010年2月至2011年2月担任联合国机构间青年发展网络的共同主席,并在国际青年年期间带头在国家、区域和国际各级开展一系列举措。 在阿塞拜疆、布隆迪、刚果民主共和国、肯尼亚、黎巴嫩、俄罗斯联邦和坦桑尼亚联合共和国开展了关于青年发展和公民参与的国家研究。 教科文组织与联合国其他机构及国家和区域合作伙伴合作,支持巴西、约旦、黎巴嫩、托克劳和图瓦卢制定国家青年政策,编写了关于非洲、拉丁美洲和加勒比、亚太区域和阿拉伯国家青年公民参与的区域研究报告,并完成了一项关于大非洲之角青年状况的研究。 在这一年框架内,黎巴嫩开展了“黎巴嫩青年文化和解”项目,并为黎巴嫩和巴勒斯坦高中学生开展和平对话方面的能力建设。 教科文组织还通过体育(巴勒斯坦领土)的能力建设,向边缘化和弱势青年提供教育支助,提供赠款计划和奖学金(约旦和巴勒斯坦领土),并努力为加沙青年,特别是女学生规划技术和职业教育和培训机会。 在埃及、伊拉克和突尼斯,以及在巴勒斯坦领土,教科文组织支持与青年进行协商,以促进青年参与和参加。", "61 在区域一级,2010年9月在大韩民国举行的教科文组织第四次亚洲青年论坛讨论了“亚洲青年的创造力和愿景”这一主题。2011年7月,大韩民国教科文组织国家委员会与教科文组织秘书处合作,组织了第五次教科文组织亚洲青年论坛,与国际青年年挂钩。 在拉丁美洲和加勒比,社会发展部长论坛(2011年7月11日和12日,萨尔瓦多)重点讨论了“拉丁美洲青年社会政策”这一主题。 在阿拉伯国家,于2011年开展了“阿拉伯国家创业教育”区域研究项目。", "62 。 教科文组织提议为关键的青年活动建立一个联合后续机制,以加强这些活动的组织者和参与者的问责和责任,并促进后续行动伙伴关系。 教科文组织评估了2008年以来50次全球和区域青年活动的成果,并制定了一套共同的建议组合矩阵,围绕《世界青年行动纲领》的15个标准领域和通过这些活动查明的一些新出现的问题。 该倡议将在将于2011年10月在教科文组织总部举行的教科文组织第七届青年论坛上提出和讨论,届时合作伙伴和青年参与者将确定今后合作后续行动的步骤。", "联合国气候变化框架公约秘书处", "63/63。 联合国气候变化框架公约秘书处与几个联合国实体、非政府组织和青年组织合作,在2010年联合国气候变化会议期间,在墨西哥坎昆举办了一系列针对儿童和青年的活动。 会议于2010年11月29日至12月10日由墨西哥政府主办。 所有这些活动都与积极参与气候变化进程的青年团体进行协调。", "联合国人口基金", "644. 人口基金与各国政府、民间社会和联合国系统合作伙伴协作,提高对青年在性健康和生殖健康、两性平等和人权方面面临的问题的认识。 它与合作伙伴一道,采用创新的、基于证据的战略,在年轻人中提高对性健康和生殖健康的认识,改善获得服务的机会,并确保在国家和全球政策和发展计划中处理年轻人特别是少女面临的问题。 人口基金支持建立一个平台,就影响青年的问题进行全国协商,让青年和主要利益攸关方确定解决办法,并在吉尔吉斯斯坦、马达加斯加、蒙古、纳米比亚、巴基斯坦、菲律宾、塞内加尔、塔吉克斯坦和赞比亚举办青年论坛和协商。 在亚美尼亚、格鲁吉亚、印度、斯里兰卡、塔吉克斯坦和津巴布韦举行的体育、艺术、音乐、电影和戏剧活动导致建立了津巴布韦农村青年中心、海地全国青年委员会、在格鲁吉亚设立了非政府组织、吉尔吉斯斯坦联合建设和平活动以及向菲律宾城市政府官员提出政策建议。", "656.65 人口基金还支持亚太区域和阿拉伯国家区域发起国际青年年,并在土耳其伊斯坦布尔举行主题为“青年年、我们的声音:性与生殖健康与权利问题”的游行,吸引了媒体的关注,并强调了这一年。 人口基金在墨西哥举行的世界青年会议上向青年记者提供支持和培训,并支持利用非传统媒体开展的若干全球青年举措。 最后,人口基金与青年联盟合作,制作了三个概况介绍,重点介绍青年的性权利和生殖权利与千年发展目标之间的联系。", "联合国儿童基金会", "66 在国际青年年期间,儿童基金会开展了一些针对全球青年参与的宣传活动。 儿童基金会与经济和社会事务部社会政策和发展司青年问题协调人合作,编写了关于“青年参与”的概况介绍,举办了关于“青年参与”的简报会,并制作了一部关于青年参与的电影和公共服务公告。", "67 在国家一级,儿童基金会在巴西、海地、斐济和赞比亚培训并装备了环境青年团。 在玻利维亚多民族国家,青年活动包括论坛和市长候选人的面谈、参与性制定国际青年年计划以及任命拉巴斯市青年记者小组。 在危地马拉,儿童基金会倡导国会在2011年9月之前批准国家青年法倡议,并支持一项名为“T Toca”的媒体运动,以提高公众对影响儿童和青少年的问题的认识。 在中东和北非地区,一年来一系列文化活动:在阿拉伯叙利亚共和国,儿童基金会通过在大马士革开展宣传青年项目、图片展览和文化活动,于今年启动;在黎巴嫩,庆祝该年的同时,政府于2010年12月启动了国家青年政策。", "686.68 儿童基金会一直在积极重建海地的努力,支持于2011年3月设立海地全国青年理事会,这个平台有16个青年组织和网络,遍布海地的所有宗教,可以共同努力促进青年对话和加强青年政策的制定。 儿童基金会与青年、体育和公民行动部、全球儿童运动和其他组织合作,与250名青年代表组织了青年协商,并与政府当局分享论坛的成果。 儿童基金会还协助启动了“Vwajen”博客,这是克里奥尔最大的青年中心,年轻人可以表达他们的思想。", "联合国志愿人员", "69 联合国志愿人员方案与其他联合国实体一道,在洪都拉斯、墨西哥、乌拉圭和越南发起了国际青年年的活动。 该方案支持在柬埔寨和所罗门群岛制定国家青年政策,以及在越南和洪都拉斯制定国家志愿人员政策,强调志愿服务在发展青年技能和促进青年参与发展进程方面的附加价值。 2011年6月,该方案与欧洲联盟委员会、教科文组织和若干民间社会合作伙伴合作,组织了一次关于“青年志愿服务与非正规教育与千年发展目标”的全球交流,这是国际青年年和国际志愿者年十周年的联合活动。 2010-2011年,该方案与马德里大学一道,动员了45名西班牙大学志愿人员,优先开展支持青年方案的任务和今年的目标。 为纪念志愿人员国际年十周年,该方案发表了一份题为“青年志愿服务、社会融合和体面工作:激励领导”的讨论文件。 联合国志愿人员的2011年报告也侧重于青年和志愿服务促进和平与发展。", "世界旅游组织", "707.70 世界旅游组织于2008年发表了一份题为“青年旅行事项:了解全球青年旅行现象”的研究报告,其中介绍了青年和学生旅行行业的全球概况。 最值得注意的是,它力图强调年轻旅行者的独特动机如何使他们对全球旅游业议程的关键目标极为重要。", "八. 导言 结论和建议", "71 国际青年年成功地强调了青年在实现全球发展议程、特别是千年发展目标方面的作用。 各国政府、民间社会和联合国实体在这一年开展的活动使青年议程受到重视。 然而,还需要进一步努力,以保持和利用该年形成的势头。", "72. 第72段。 鉴于上述情况,大会不妨审议下列建议,吁请会员国:", "(a) 3. 进一步加强与青年、青年组织、学术界、民间社会组织、私营部门、媒体和联合国系统的伙伴关系,并与青年建立伙伴关系;", "(b) 继续促进青年之间的对话和相互理解文化,作为发展、社会包容、宽容与和平的推动者;", "(c) 与相关利益攸关方合作采取措施,制定以青年为中心的全球发展议程。", "*** 奥地利、中国、印度尼西亚、牙买加、约旦、秘鲁、葡萄牙、俄罗斯联邦、塞尔维亚、斯里兰卡、泰国、多哥、特立尼达和多巴哥和乌兹别克斯坦。", "*** 欧洲青年论坛、世界女童子军协会、和平儿童国际和无休止发展。", "[3] 新闻部、联合国粮食及农业组织(粮农组织)、国际劳工组织(劳工组织)、联合国资本发展基金、亚洲及太平洋经济社会委员会(亚太经社会)、非洲经济委员会(非洲经委会)、拉丁美洲和加勒比经济委员会(拉加经委会)、西亚经济社会委员会(西亚经社会)、不同文明联盟、联合国人类住区规划署(人居署)、联合国教育、科学及文化组织(教科文组织)、联合国气候变化框架公约秘书处、联合国人口基金(人口基金)、联合国儿童基金会(儿童基金会)、联合国志愿人员和世界旅游组织。", "[4] 所有活动都张贴在国际青年年在线日历上,由经济和社会事务部举办的青年方案维持(见。", "[5] 非洲联盟通过儿童基金会收到投入。", "[6] 可查阅:。", "[7] 可查阅:。", "见。", "[9] 更多信息可在以下网址查阅:。", "[10] 见。", "[11] 关于该系统的更多信息,可查阅:Sicj.cepal.org或。", "[12] 更多信息可在以下网址查阅:。", "[13] Report available at:", "[14] cookie_auth/require_login?came_from=" ]
[ "Second regular session 2011", "6 to 9 September 2011, New York", "Item 1 of the provisional agenda", "Organizational matters", "Provisional agenda, annotations, list of documents and workplan", "Note by the Executive Board secretariat", "Contents", "Item Page", "1 Organizational matters 2", "UNDP segment", "2A Financial, budgetary and administrative matters 2", "3 Country programmes and related matters 3", "8 Annual report of the Administrator 5", "UNOPS segment", "4 United Nations Office for Project Services 5", "UNFPA segment", "6 Report of the Executive Director 6", "7 Country programmes and related matters 6", "Joint segment", "2B Financial, budgetary and administrative matters 8", "5 Follow-up to UNAIDS Programme Coordinating Board meeting 8", "9 Internal audit and oversight 8", "10 Other matters 9", "Tentative workplan for the second regular session 2011 10", "Item 1 Organizational matters", "Under this item, the Executive Board will adopt the agenda for the second regular session 2011 and agree on the workplan for the session as presented by the Secretary of the Board. The Board may wish to approve the report of its annual session 2011. A draft report was distributed to members of the Board for their comments; the final report reflects the comments received.", "In accordance with decision 96/25, a draft workplan for 2012 is being submitted to the Executive Board. The document will be finalized by the secretariat in close consultation with the Bureau of the Board and will be submitted to the Board for adoption at its first regular session 2012.", "Documentation:", "Provisional agenda, annotations, list of documents and workplan (DP/2011/L.3)", "Report of the annual session 2011 (DP/2011/31)", "Decisions adopted at the annual session 2011 (DP/2011/32)", "Draft workplan for 2011 (DP/2011/CRP.4)", "UNDP segment", "Item 2A Financial, budgetary and administrative matters", "The report on the annual review of the financial situation, building on the financial information provided to the Executive Board throughout the year, undertakes a comprehensive review and analysis, from the financial perspective, of UNDP activities at the global and aggregate levels. The overview assesses the performance of the organization against the various sources for programming: regular resources, other resources, UNDP-administered funds and the current cost classification. The Executive Board may wish to adopt a decision, elements of which are contained in the report.", "The UNDP institutional budget estimates for 2012-2013 are presented in the results-based format. They underpin and form an integral part of the UNDP strategic plan, 2008-2013, and of the recently concluded midterm review. They are also informed by the UNDP agenda for organizational change launched in April 2011. The budget estimates are formulated in line with Executive Board decisions 2010/32 and 2011/10 which approved the harmonized approaches for cost classification and results-based budgeting within the context of the joint road map to an integrated budget. The 2012-2013 budget estimates reflect an unprecedented level of $120.1 million (12.3 per cent) in volume reductions. These reductions offset $31.1 million in non-discretionary cost increases and $40.0 million in proposed investments. This results in a net budget reduction of $49.0 million (5.0 per cent). In gross terms, the 2012-2013 institutional budget estimates are $931.9 million. After factoring in $75.4 million in income offsets, in net terms, the 2012-2013 institutional budget estimates are $856.5 million. The Executive Board may wish to approve these amounts as the respective gross and net UNDP institutional budget appropriations for 2012-2013.", "The Board will also have before it the revisions to the UNDP Financial Regulations and Rules as a result of International Public Sector Accounting Standards (IPSAS) implementation in accordance with General Assembly resolution 60/283 and Executive Board decision 2007/10, and in light of the revised cost classifications as approved in decision 2010/32. The Financial Regulations and Rules have been updated where necessary to reflect changes to Regulations and Rules to ensure compliance with the upcoming implementation of IPSAS on 1 January 2012, the new terminology of the cost classifications, and other identified changes to reflect current organizational structures and working methods. The Board may wish to approve the proposed revisions to the Financial Regulations and take note of the amended Financial Rules.", "Documentation:", "Annual review of the financial situation, 2010 (DP/2011/33)", "Detailed information relating to the annual review of the financial situation 2010 (DP/2011/33/Add.1)", "UNDP institutional budget estimates for 2012-2013 (DP/2011/34)", "Report of the ACABQ on the UNDP institutional budget estimates for 2012-2013 (DP/2011/35)", "Revision of the UNDP Financial Regulations and Rules (DP/2011/36)", "Report of the ACABQ on the revision of the UNDP Financial Regulations and Rules (DP/2011/37)", "Item 3 Country programmes and related matters", "The note by the Administrator on assistance to Myanmar summarizes the findings and recommendations of the annual independent assessment of the UNDP Human Development Initiative (HDI) programme in Myanmar for the period June 2010 to May 2011. The assessment was conducted in accordance with the guidelines set out in Governing Council decision 93/21 and Executive Board decisions 98/14, 2001/15, 2003/2, 2004/2, 2005/3, 2005/42, 2006/2, 2006/31, 2007/36, 2009/24, and 2010/30. The document also presents a request for a one-year extension of the HDI Phase-IV until 2012, and a request to revise the Administrator’s authorization to allocate core resources and mobilize non-core resources for the period 2008-2012. The Executive Board may wish to adopt a decision, elements of which are contained in the report.", "Under this item, the Executive Board will also be asked to: (a) take note of the first one-year extensions of the country programmes for Eritrea and the Syrian Arab Republic; (b) comment on the draft common country programme documents for Cape Verde, Papua New Guinea and Viet Nam; and (c) comment on the draft country programme documents for the Central African Republic, Gambia, Malawi, Mozambique, Islamic Republic of Iran, Lao People’s Democratic Republic, Thailand, Algeria, Yemen, Brazil, the Dominican Republic, Guyana, Panama, Peru and Suriname, prior to their finalization.", "As requested by the Executive Board in its decisions 2001/11 and 2006/36, the following country programmes will be approved on a no-objection basis, without presentation or discussion, unless at least five members have informed the secretariat in writing before the meeting of their wish to bring a particular country programme before the Board:", "Africa region: Chad, Ethiopia, Gabon, Ghana, Mauritania, Sao Tome and Principe, Senegal, Seychelles and Zimbabwe;", "Asia and the Pacific region: Bangladesh, Mongolia, Philippines;", "Arab States region: Bahrain, Morocco, Saudi Arabia;", "Europe and the Commonwealth of Independent States region: Albania (common country programme), Kyrgyzstan, Montenegro, Ukraine;", "Latin America and the Caribbean region: Barbados and the Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States, Jamaica, Trinidad and Tobago, El Salvador and Honduras.", "Documentation:", "Assistance to Myanmar - Note by the Administrator (DP/2011/38)", "Extensions of country programmes (DP/2011/39)", "Africa", "Draft common country programme document for Cape Verde (DP/FPA/OPS-ICEF/DCCP/CPV/1)", "Draft country programme document for the Central African Republic (DP/DCP/CAF/3)", "Draft country programme document for the Gambia (DP/DCP/GMB/2)", "Draft country programme document for Malawi (DP/DCP/MWI/2)", "Draft country programme document for Mozambique (DP/DCP/MOZ/2)", "Asia and the Pacific", "Draft country programme document for the Islamic Republic of Iran (DP/DCP/IRN/2)", "Draft country programme document for the Lao People’s Democratic Republic (DP/DCP/LAO/2)", "Draft common country programme document for Papua New Guinea (DP/FPA/OPS-ICEF/DCCP/PNG/1)", "Draft country programme document for Thailand (DP/DCP/THA/2)", "Draft common country programme document for Viet Nam (DP/FPA/OPS-ICEF/DCCP/VNM/1)", "Arab States", "Draft country programme document for Algeria (DP/DCP/DZA/2)", "Draft country programme document for Yemen (DP/DCP/YEM/2)", "Latin America and the Caribbean", "Draft country programme document for Brazil (DP/DCP/BRA/2)", "Draft country programme document for the Dominican Republic (DP/DCP/DOM/2)", "Draft country programme document for Guyana (DP/DCP/GUY/2)", "Draft country programme document for Panama (DP/DCP/PAN/2)", "Draft country programme document for Peru (DP/DCP/PER/2)", "Draft country programme document for Suriname (DP/DCP/SUR/2)", "Item 8 Annual report of the Administrator", "In its decision 2011/14, the Executive Board requested UNDP to “present, at the second regular session 2011, for approval by the Executive Board under a formal item, a conference room paper outlining a “road map” identifying milestones and timeframes for making progress so as to achieve the objectives identified in the present decision and including indications of how this work relates to initiatives such as the Administrator’s change agenda and the UNDP integrated budget”. The current conference room paper responds to that request.", "Documentation:", "Road map leading up to the UNDP strategic plan, 2014-2017 (DP/2011/CRP.5)", "UNOPS segment", "Item 4 United Nations Office for Project Services", "In its resolution 39/220 the General Assembly established the need for recurrent reporting of statistical data on procurement by United Nations agencies on operational activities. As of 2008 and pursuant to Executive Board decision 2007/38, the Executive Director of UNOPS has assumed the responsibility of compiling and submitting the report. The 2010 report features a supplement on procurement in support of the Millennium Development Goals providing an overview of the role of procurement within each of the goals, case studies and country experiences, contributions from practitioners and international experts, as well as outlining challenges and opportunities. In addition, the report also features a trend analysis of United Nations procurement from developing countries and countries with economies in transition.", "The UNOPS budget estimates for the biennium 2012-2013 are geared towards implementing the UNOPS strategic plan, 2010-2013 (contained in document DP/2009/36), as approved by the Executive Board in its decision 2009/25. The format of the document is aligned with the harmonized results-based budget approach of UNDP, UNFPA and the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF). The Board may wish to adopt a decision, elements of which are contained in the report.", "Documentation:", "Annual statistical report on the procurement activities of United Nations system organizations 2010 (DP/OPS/2011/4)", "UNOPS budget estimates for the biennium 2012-2013 (DP/OPS/2011/5)", "Report of the ACABQ on the UNOPS budget estimates for the biennium 2012-2013 (DP/OPS/2011/6)", "UNFPA segment", "Item 6 Report of the Executive Director", "Under this item, pursuant to the oral decision (2011/13, item 9) to postpone the presentation of the midterm review of the UNFPA strategic plan, 2008-2013, from the annual session 2011 to the second regular session 2011, the Executive Board will have before it the report of the Executive Director on the midterm review of the UNFPA strategic plan, 2008-2013. The review builds on the progress achieved and the challenges encountered thus far in implementing the strategic plan (as described earlier in DP/FPA/2011/3, Part I) and provides resources and results frameworks for the remainder of the plan period.", "The Executive Board may wish to adopt a decision on the report of the Executive Director on the midterm review of the UNFPA strategic plan, 2008-2013. Elements for a decision are contained in the report.", "Documentation:", "Report of the Executive Director on the midterm review of the UNFPA strategic plan, 2008-2013 (DP/FPA/2011/11)", "Item 7 Country programmes and related matters", "The Executive Board will have before it three programme extensions: Eritrea in the Africa region; and Egypt and the Syrian Arab Republic in the Arab States region.", "The Executive Board will also have before it for discussion 17 draft country programme documents: Cape Verde (draft common country programme document), Central African Republic, Chad, Gambia, Malawi and Mozambique in the Africa region; Algeria and Yemen in the Arab States region; Iran (Islamic Republic of), Myanmar, Papua New Guinea (draft common country programme document), Thailand and Viet Nam (draft common country programme document) in the Asia and the Pacific region; and Brazil, Dominican Republic, Panama and Peru in the Latin America and Caribbean region.", "The Executive Board may wish to take note of the one-year country programme extensions for Egypt, Eritrea and the Syrian Arab Republic.", "The Executive Board may also wish to take note of the organization-specific annexes for Cape Verde, Papua New Guinea and Viet Nam, and the draft country programme documents for Central African Republic, Chad, Gambia, Malawi, Mozambique, Algeria, Yemen, Iran (Islamic Republic of), Myanmar, Thailand, Brazil, Dominican Republic, Panama and Peru.", "In accordance with decision 2006/36 of the Executive Board, 18 country programmes, that were reviewed earlier at the annual session 2011, would be approved by the Board on a no-objection basis, without presentation or discussion, unless at least five members have informed the secretariat in writing before the session of their wish to bring a particular country programme before the Executive Board. The country programmes for approval by the Board at the second regular session 2011 are as follows: Ethiopia, Gabon, Ghana, Mauritania, Sao Tome and Principe, Senegal and Zimbabwe in the Africa region; Morocco in the Arab States region; Bangladesh, Lao People’s Democratic Republic, Mongolia and the Philippines in the Asia and the Pacific region; Albania (common country programme document), Kyrgyzstan and Ukraine in the Eastern Europe and Central Asia region; El Salvador, English-speaking and Dutch-speaking Caribbean countries and Honduras in the Latin America and the Caribbean region.", "Documentation:", "Extension of country programme for Eritrea (one-year extension) (DP/FPA/2011/14)", "Extensions of country programmes for Egypt (one-year extension) and the Syrian Arab Republic (one-year extension) (DP/FPA/2011/13)", "Draft country programme documents", "Africa", "Draft common country programme document for Cape Verde (DP/FPA/OPS-ICEF/DCCP/CPV/1)", "Draft country programme document for the Central African Republic (DP/FPA/DCP/CAF/7)", "Draft country programme document for Chad (DP/FPA/DCP/TCD/6)", "Draft country programme document for the Gambia (DP/FPA/DCP/GMB/7)", "Draft country programme document for Malawi (DP/FPA/DCP/MWI/7)", "Draft country programme document for Mozambique (DP/FPA/DCP/MOZ/8)", "Arab States", "Draft country programme document for Algeria (DP/FPA/DCP/DZA/5)", "Draft country programme document for Yemen (DP/FPA/DCP/YEM/5)", "Asia and the Pacific", "Draft country programme document for Iran (Islamic Republic of) (DP/FPA/DCP/IRN/5)", "Draft country programme document for Myanmar (DP/FPA/DCP/MMR/3)", "Draft common country programme document for Papua New Guinea (DP/FPA/OPS-ICEF/DCCP/PNG/1)", "Draft country programme document for Thailand (DP/FPA/DCP/THA/10)", "Draft common country programme document for Viet Nam (DP/FPA/OPS-ICEF/DCCP/VNM/1)", "Latin America and the Caribbean", "Draft country programme document for Brazil (DP/FPA/DCP/BRA/5)", "Draft country programme document for the Dominican Republic (DP/FPA/DCP/DOM/5)", "Draft country programme document for Panama (DP/FPA/DCP/PAN/2)", "Draft country programme document for Peru (DP/FPA/DCP/PER/8)", "Joint segment", "Item 2B Financial, budgetary and administrative matters", "In accordance with Executive Board decisions 2009/22 (for UNDP) and 2009/26 (for UNFPA), the Board will have before it a joint UNDP, UNFPA and UNICEF preliminary briefing note on progress regarding an integrated budget.", "Item 5 Follow-up to UNAIDS Programme Coordinating Board meeting", "Under this item, the Executive Board will have before it a joint report that focuses on selected results of UNDP and UNFPA in addressing HIV and provides an update on the implementation of the recommendations relevant to UNDP and UNFPA, emerging from the 27^(th) and 28^(th) Programme Coordinating Board meetings of the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS, held in December 2010 and June 2011, respectively. The Executive Board may wish to take note of and adopt a decision on the report. Elements for a decision are contained in the report.", "Documentation:", "Report on the implementation of the decisions and recommendations of the Programme Coordinating Board of the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (DP/2011/40–DP/FPA/2011/12).", "Item 9 Internal audit and oversight", "As requested by the Executive Board in its decision 2011/23, UNDP, UNFPA and UNOPS will present an information note containing “a proposal for the remote viewing of internal audit reports providing secure access and proper safeguards for the confidentiality of the information disclosed, through, inter alia, secure passwords”.", "Item 10 Other matters", "UNFPA special event – Towards Rio+20: Population dynamics and sustainable development", "Joint UNDP, UNFPA and UNOPS thematic discussion – Transition from emergency to early recovery and development (special focus on South Sudan)", "Joint informal consultation on youth.", "TENTATIVE WORKPLAN EXECUTIVE BOARD OF UNDP, UNFPA and UNOPS SECOND REGULAR SESSION 2011 (6 to 9 September 2011, New York)", "Day/date\tTime\tItem\tSubject\nTuesday,6September\t10 a.m.–1 p.m.\t12A\tORGANIZATIONAL MATTERS- Adoption of the agenda and workplanfor the session- Adoption of the report of the annualsession 2011 UNDP segment STATEMENT BY THE ADMINISTRATOR UNDP: FINANCIAL, BUDGETARY ANDADMINISTRATIVE MATTERS - UNDP institutional budget for thebiennium 2012-2013 - Report of the ACABQ on the UNDPinstitutional budget for the biennium2012-2013 - Annual review of the financialsituation, 2010 - Revision of UNDP Financial Regulationsand Rules \n - Report of the ACABQ on the revision ofUNDP Financial Regulations and Rules\n\t1:15 to2:45p.m. Informal consultations on the UNDPprogramming arrangements\t3 - 6p.m.\t23\tUNDP: FINANCIAL, BUDGETARY ANDADMINISTRATIVE MATTERS (cont’d)UNDP COUNTRY PROGRAMMES AND RELATEDMATTERS - Assistance to Myanmar – Note by theAdministrator - Draft country programme documents \n - Approval of country programmes Wednesday,7September\t10 a.m.–12 p.m.\t4\tUNOPS segmentSTATEMENT BY THE UNOPS EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR- UNOPS budget estimates for thebiennium 2012-2013 - Report of the ACABQ on the UNOPSbudget estimates for the biennium2012-2013 \n - Annual statistical report on theprocurement activities of UnitedNations system organizations 2010\n\t1:15 to2:45p.m. Joint informal consultation on youth(pending final confirmation by the Bureau)\t12 - 1p.m.\t8\tUNDP segmentANNUAL REPORT OF THE ADMINISTRATOR \n - Roadmap leading up to the UNDPstrategic plan, 2014-2017 (decision2011/14)\n\t3 – 5p.m. UNFPA SPECIAL EVENT“Towards Rio+20: Population dynamics andsustainable development”\n\t5 – 6p.m. Informal consultation on draft decisions\nThursday,8September\t10 a.m.–1 p.m.\t6\tUNFPA segmentSTATEMENT BY THE UNFPA EXECUTIVE DIRECTORUNFPA: REPORT OF THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR- Midterm review of the UNFPA strategicplan, 2008-2013\t3 –5:30p.m.\t67\tUNFPA: REPORT OF THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR(cont’d)UNFPA COUNTRY PROGRAMMES AND RELATEDMATTERS - Draft country programme documents andextensions \n - Approval of country programmes \n\t5:30 –6 p.m. Informal consultation on draft decisionsFriday,9September\t10 a.m.– 12p.m.\t52B9\tJoint segmentFOLLOW-UP TO UNAIDS PROGRAMME COORDINATINGBOARD MEETING- Report on the implementation of thedecisions and recommendations of theProgramme Coordinating Board of theJoint United Nations Programme onHIV/AIDS FINANCIAL, BUDGETARY AND ADMINISTRATIVEMATTERS - Joint UNDP, UNFPA and UNICEFpreliminary briefing note on progressregarding an integrated budget(decisions 2009/22 and 2009/26) INTERNAL AUDIT AND OVERSIGHT \n - UNDP, UNFPA and UNOPS proposal for theremote viewing of internal auditreports (decision 2011/23)\n\t12 – 1p.m. Informal consultations on draft decisions\n\t3 – 5p.m. Transition from emergency to earlyrecovery and development (special focus onSouthern Sudan)\t5 – 6p.m.\t101\tOTHER MATTERS- Adoption of pending decisions ORGANIZATIONAL MATTERS - Draft workplan for 2012 \n - Tentative workplan for the firstregular session 2012" ]
[ "2011年第二届常会", "2011年9月6日至9日,纽约", "临时议程项目1", "组织事项", "临时议程、说明、文件清单和工作计划", "执行局秘书处的说明", "目录", "项目 页次\n1.组织事项 3\n开发署部分 3 2A 3 \n财政、预算和行政事项 \n3.国家方案和有关事项 4\n8.署长的年度报告 6\n项目厅部分 6\n4.联合国项目事务厅 6\n人口基金部分 7\n6.执行主任的报告 7\n7.国家方案和有关事项 7\n联合部分 92B. 9 \n财政、预算和行政事项 \n5.艾滋病规划署方案协调委员会会议后续行动 9\n9.内部审计和监督 9\n10.其他事项 9\n2011年第二届常会暂定工作计划 10", "项目1", "组织事项", "在本项目下,执行局将通过2011年第二届常会议程,并商定执行局秘书为这届会议提出的工作计划。执行局不妨批准其2011年度会议报告。已向执行局成员分发报告草案征求意见;收到的意见将收入最后报告。", "根据第96/25号决定,将向执行局提交2012年工作计划草案。该文件将由秘书处与执行局主席团密切协商后定稿,并提交执行局2012年第一届常会通过。", "文件:", "临时议程、说明、文件清单和工作计划(DP/2010/L.3)", "2011年度会议报告(DP/2010/31)", "2011年度会议通过的决定(DP/2010/32)", "2011年工作计划草案(DP/2011/CRP.4)", "开发署部分", "项目2A", "财政、预算和行政事项", "财务状况年度审查报告根据全年向执行局提供的财务资料编写,从财务角度对开发署的全球及汇总活动进行综合审查和分析。这份概览报告根据方案的不同资金来源,即经常资源、其他资源、开发署管理的基金和当前费用分类,对本组织的业绩进行评估。执行局不妨通过一项决定,决定的要点见该报告。", "开发署2012-2013年机构预算估计是用成果预算格式提出的。预算估计配合实施开发署2008-2013年战略计划及最近完成的中期审查,并构成其组成内容。预算估计还吸收了2011年4月启动的开发署组织改革议程。预算估计是按照执行局第2010/32和第2011/10号决定编制的,这些决定核准了在联合综合预算路线图下统一费用分类和成果预算编制的办法。2012-2013年预算估计中削减的1 201万美元(12.3%)是前所未有的。这些削减抵销了增加的3 110万美元非可控费用和4 000万美元拟议投资,使预算净减少4 900万美元(5.0%)。2012-2013年机构预算估计毛额为9 319万美元。算上7 540万美元收入抵销的部分,2012-2013年机构预算估计净额为8 565万美元。执行局不妨将这两个数额分别核准为开发署2012-2013年机构预算批款的毛额和净额。", "执行局还将收到因依照大会第60/283号决议和执行局第2007/10号决定实施国际公共部门会计准则而对开发署《财务条例和细则》做出的修订。《财务条例和细则》做了必要更新,所做变动是为确保其符合将于2012年1月1日实施的国际公共部门会计准则、费用分类的新词汇以及其他反应当前组织机构和工作方法的改革。执行局不妨核准对《财务条例》提出的修订,并注意到订正的《财务细则》。", "文件:", "财务状况年度审查(DP/2011/33)", "与财务状况年度审查有关的详细资料(DP/2011/33/Add.1)", "开发署2012-2013年机构预算估计(DP/2011/34)", "行预咨委会关于开发署2012-2013年机构预算估计的报告(DP/2011/35)", "修订开发署《财务条例和细则》(DP/2011/36)", "行预咨委会关于修订开发署《财务条例和细则》的报告(DP/2011/37)", "项目3", "国家方案和有关事项", "开发署署长关于援助缅甸的说明概述了对2010年6月至2011年5月期间开发署在缅甸的人类发展倡议方案的年度独立评估的结果和建议。该项评估是根据理事会第93/21号决定和执行局第98/14、2001/15、2003/2、2004/2、2005/3、2005/42、2006/2、2006/31、2007/36、2009/24和2010/30号决定实施的。该文件还提出请求将第四期人类发展倡议方案延长一年至2012年,并请求订正署长为2008-2012年期间划拨核心资源和调动非核心资源的授权。执行局不妨通过一项决定,决定的要点见该报告。", "在本项目下,还请执行局:(a) 注意到对厄立特里亚和阿拉伯叙利亚共和国的国家方案首次延长一年;(b) 对关于佛得角、巴布亚新几内亚和越南的共同国家方案文件草案发表意见;(c) 在定稿之前,对关于中非共和国、冈比亚、马拉维、莫桑比克、伊朗伊斯兰共和国、老挝人民民主共和国、泰国、阿尔及利亚、也门、巴西、多米尼加共和国、圭亚那、巴拿马、秘鲁和苏里南的国家方案文件草案发表意见。", "应执行局第2001/11和2006/36号决定中的要求,将不经说明或讨论以无异议方式批准下列区域和国家方案,除非至少有五名成员在会议前以书面形式通知秘书处,希望将某个国家方案提请执行局审议:", "非洲区域:乍得、埃塞俄比亚、加蓬、加纳、毛里塔尼亚、圣多美和普林西比、塞内加尔、塞舌尔和津巴布韦;", "亚洲和太平洋区域:孟加拉国、蒙古、菲律宾;", "阿拉伯国家区域:巴林、摩洛哥、沙特阿拉伯;", "欧洲和独立国家联合体区域:阿尔巴尼亚 (共同国家方案)、吉尔吉斯斯坦、黑山、乌克兰。", "拉丁美洲和加勒比区域:巴巴多斯和东加勒比国家组织、牙买加、特立尼达和多巴哥、萨尔瓦多和洪都拉斯。", "文件:", "援助缅甸——署长的说明(DP/2011/38)", "延长国家方案(DP/2011/39)", "非洲", "关于佛得角的共同国家方案文件草案(DP/FPA/OPS-ICEF/DCCP/CPV/1)", "关于中非共和国的国家方案文件草案(DP/DCP/CAF/3)", "关于冈比亚的国家方案文件草案(DP/DCP/GMB/2)", "关于马拉维的国家方案文件草案(DP/DCP/MWI/2)", "关于莫桑比克的国家方案文件草案(DP/DCP/MOZ/2)", "亚洲和太平洋", "关于伊朗伊斯兰共和国的国家方案文件草案(DP/DCP/IRN/2)", "关于老挝人民民主共和国的国家方案文件草案(DP/DCP/LAO/2)", "关于巴布亚新几内亚的共同国家方案文件草案(DP/FPA/OPS-ICEF/DCCP/PNG/1)", "关于泰国的国家方案文件草案(DP/DCP/THA/2)", "关于越南的共同国家方案文件草案(DP/FPA/OPS-ICEF/DCCP/VNM/1)", "阿拉伯国家", "关于阿尔及利亚的国家方案文件草案(DP/DCP/DZA/2)", "关于也门的国家方案文件草案(DP/DCP/YEM/2)", "拉丁美洲和加勒比", "关于巴西的国家方案文件草案(DP/DCP/BRA/2)", "关于多米尼加共和国的国家方案文件草案(DP/DCP/DOM/2)", "关于圭亚那的国家方案文件草案(DP/DCP/GUY/2)", "关于巴拿马的国家方案文件草案(DP/DCP/PAN/2)", "关于秘鲁的国家方案文件草案(DP/DCP/PER/2)", "关于苏里南的国家方案文件草案(DP/DCP/SUR/2)", "项目8", "署长的年度报告", "执行局第2011/14号决定请开发署“在2011年第二届常会一个正式议程项目下提出一项会议室文件,供执行局核准,该文件应概述一个‘路线图’,确定进展里程碑和时限,以实现本决定所述目标,会议室文件还应指出这项工作与署长的改革议程和开发署综合预算等举措的关系”。本会议室文件是按此要求提出的。", "文件:", "开发署2014-2017年战略计划的路线图(DP/2011/CRP.5)", "项目厅部分", "项目4", "联合国项目事务厅", "大会在其第39/220号决议中,确定需要随时报告从事业务活动的联合国各机构的采购统计数据。截至2008年,并根据执行局第2007/38号决定,项目厅执行主任承担了汇编并提交该报告的责任。2010年报告有一份关于采购支持千年发展目标的补编,概述了采购在每个目标中的作用、案例研究和国家经验以及执行人员和国际专家提供的材料情况,且概述了今后的挑战和机遇。此外,报告还载有关于联合国从发展中国家和经济转型国家采购的趋势分析。", "2012-2013两年期的项目厅预算估计,是为配合贯彻执行局第2009/25号决定核准的项目厅2010-2013年战略计划(载于DP/2009/36号文件)。该文件的格式符合开发署、人口基金和联合国儿童基金会(儿基会)的统一成果预算办法。执行局不妨通过一项决定,决定的要点见该报告。", "文件:", "联合国系统各组织采购活动2010年度统计报告(DP/2011/4)", "项目厅2012-2013两年期预算估计(DP/OPS/2011/5)", "行预咨委会关于项目厅2012-2013两年期预算估计的报告(DP/OPS/2011/6)", "人口基金部分", "项目6", "执行主任的报告", "在本项目下,根据把2008年至2013年人口基金战略计划的中期审查情况介绍从2011年年会推迟到2011年第二届常会的口头决定(2011/13,项目9),执行局将收到执行主任关于2008年至2013年人口基金战略计划中期审查的报告。审查将研究在战略计划执行工作中取得的进展和遇到的挑战(见先前DP/FPA/2011/3,第一部分),并为所剩的计划期间提供资源和成果框架。", "执行局不妨就执行主任关于2008年至2013年人口基金战略计划中期审查的报告通过一项决定,决定的要点见该报告。", "文件:", "执行主任关于2008年至2013年人口基金战略计划中期审查的报告(DP/FPA/2011/11)", "项目7", "国家方案和有关事项", "执行局将收到三份延长方案文件,分别涉及非洲区域的厄立特里亚、阿拉伯国家区域的埃及和阿拉伯叙利亚共和国。", "执行局还将收到17份国家方案文件草案,分别涉及非洲区域的佛得角(共同国家方案文件草案)、中非共和国、乍得、冈比亚、马拉维和莫桑比克;阿拉伯国家区域的阿尔及利亚和也门;亚洲和太平洋区域的伊朗伊斯兰共和国、缅甸、巴布亚新几内亚(共同国家方案文件草案)、泰国和越南(共同国家方案文件草案);拉丁美洲和加勒比区域的巴西、多米尼加共和国、巴拿马和秘鲁。", "执行局不妨注意到埃及、厄立特里亚和阿拉伯叙利亚共和国的方案延长一年的文件。", "执行局还不妨注意到佛得角、巴布亚新几内亚和越南有关特定组织的附件,以及中非共和国、乍得、冈比亚、马拉维、莫桑比克、阿尔及利亚、也门、伊朗伊斯兰共和国、缅甸、泰国、巴西、多米尼加共和国、巴拿马和秘鲁的国家方案文件草案。", "根据执行局第2006/36号决定,此前在2010年度会议上讨论的18个国家方案,将由执行局不经讨论或说明以无异议方式批准,除非执行局至少有五名成员在会议前以书面方式通知秘书处,希望将某个国家方案提交执行局审议。提交执行局2011年第二届常会批准的有下列国家的方案:非洲区域的埃塞俄比亚、加蓬、加纳、毛里塔尼亚、圣多美和普林西比、塞内加尔和津巴布韦;阿拉伯国家区域的摩洛哥;亚洲和太平洋区域的孟加拉国、老挝人民民主共和国、蒙古和菲律宾;东欧和中亚区域的阿尔巴尼亚(共同国家方案文件)、吉尔吉斯斯坦和乌克兰;拉丁美洲和加勒比区域的萨尔瓦多、英语和荷兰语加勒比国家以及洪都拉斯。", "文件:", "延长厄立特里亚国家方案(延长一年)(DP/FPA/2011/14)", "延长埃及国家方案(延长一年)和阿拉伯叙利亚共和国国家方案(延长一年)(DP/FPA/2011/13)", "国家方案文件草案", "非洲:", "佛得角共同国家方案文件草案(DP/FPA/OPS-ICEF/DCCP/CPV/1)", "中非共和国国家方案文件草案(DP/FPA/DCP/CAF/7)", "乍得国家方案文件草案(DP/FPA/DCP/TCD/6)", "冈比亚国家方案文件草案(DP/FPA/DCP/GMB/7)", "马拉维国家方案文件草案(DP/FPA/DCP/MWI/7)", "莫桑比克国家方案文件草案(DP/FPA/DCP/MOZ/8)", "阿拉伯国家:", "阿尔及利亚国家方案文件草案(DP/FPA/DCP/DZA/5)", "也门国家方案文件草案(DP/FPA/DCP/YEM/5)", "亚洲和太平洋:", "伊朗伊斯兰共和国国家方案文件草案(DP/FPA/DCP/IRN/5)", "缅甸国家方案文件草案(DP/FPA/DCP/MMR/3)", "巴布亚新几内亚共同国家方案文件草案(DP/FPA/OPS-ICEF/DCCP/PNG/1)", "泰国国家方案文件草案(DP/FPA/DCP/THA/10)", "越南共同国家方案文件草案(DP/FPA/OPS-ICEF/DCCP/VNM/1)", "拉丁美洲和加勒比:", "巴西国家方案文件草案(DP/FPA/DCP/BRA/5)", "多米尼加共和国国家方案文件草案(DP/FPA/DCP/DOM/5)", "巴拿马国家方案文件草案(DP/FPA/DCP/PAN/2)", "秘鲁国家方案文件草案(DP/FPA/DCP/PER/8)", "联合部分", "项目2B", "财政、预算和行政事项", "根据第2009/22(开发署)和2009/26(人口基金)号决定,执行局将收到开发署、人口基金及儿童基金会的联合初步简报说明。", "项目5", "艾滋病规划署方案协调委员会会议后续行动", "在本项目下,执行局将收到一份联合报告,重点介绍开发署和人口基金防治艾滋病的特定成果,并介绍分别于2010年12月和2011年6月举行的联合国艾滋病毒/艾滋病联合规划署方案协调委员会第27次和28次会议有关开发署和人口基金建议的最新执行情况。执行局不妨注意该报告并通过一项决定,决定的要点见该报告。", "文件:", "联合国艾滋病毒/艾滋病联合规划署方案协调委员会决定和建议执行情况报告(DP/2011/40–DP/FPA/2011/12)", "项目9", "内部审计和监督", "按照执行局第2011/23号决定的要求,开发署、人口基金和项目厅将提出一份情况说明,其中载有“关于远程查阅内部审计报告问题的提案,述及通过保密密码等方式,以保密方式获取披露的信息,并实施适当的安全措施,为披露的信息保密”。", "项目10", "其他事项", "人口基金特别活动——“迎接里约+20:人口动态与可持续发展”", "开发署、人口基金和项目厅专题讨论——从紧急状况向初期恢复和发展过渡(重点讨论南苏丹的情况)", "关于青年的非正式联合协商", "暂定工作计划", "开发署、人口基金和项目厅执行局", "2011年第二届常会", "(2011年9月6日至9日,纽约)", "日期/星期 时间 项目 议题 9月6日,星期二\t上午10时至下午1时\t12A\t组织事项• 通过会议议程和工作计划 \n • 通过2011年年会报告 开发署部分 署长发言 开发署:财务、预算和行政事项 •开发署2012-2013两年期机构预算 •行预咨委会关于开发署2012-2013两年期机构预算的报告 • 2010年财务状况年度审查 • 修订开发署《财务条例和细则》 \n •行预咨委会关于修订开发署《财务条例和细则》工作的报告\n\t下午1时15分至2时45分 关于开发署方案规划安排的非正式协商 下午3时至6时 2 开发署:财务、预算和行政事项(续) 3 开发署国家方案及相关事项 • 援助缅甸——署长的说明 • 国家方案文件草案 \n • 核准国家方案 9月7日,星期三\t上午10时至下午12时\t4\t项目厅部分项目厅执行主任发言 • 项目厅2012-2013两年期概算 • 行预咨委会关于项目厅2012-2013两年期概算的报告 \n •2010年联合国系统各组织采购活动年度统计报告\n\t下午1时15分至2时45分 关于青年的非正式联合协商(待主席团最后确认)\t下午12时至1时\t8\t开发署部分署长的年度报告 \n •开发署2014-2017年战略计划路线图(第2011/14号决定) 下午3时至5时 人口基金特别活动 \n “迎接里约+20:人口动态与可持续发展”\n 下午5时至6时 决定草案非正式协商 9月8日,星期四\t上午10时至下午1时\t6\t人口基金部分人口基金执行主任发言 人口基金:执行主任的报告 \n •人口基金2008-2013年战略计划中期审查\t下午3时至5时30分\t67\t人口基金:执行主任的报告(续)人口基金国家方案及相关事项 • 国家方案文件草案和延长时期 \n • 核准国家方案 \n\t下午5时30分至6时 决定草案非正式协商9月9日,星期五\t上午10时至下午12时\t52B9\t联合部分艾滋病署方案协调委员会会议的后续行动•联合国艾滋病毒/艾滋病联合规划署方案协调委员会决定和建议执行情况报告 财务、预算和行政事项 •开发署、人口基金和儿基会关于综合预算进展情况的联合初步简报(第2009/22号和第2009/26号决定) 内部审计和监督 \n •开发署、人口基金和项目厅关于远程查阅内部审计报告的提案(第2011/23号决定)\n\t下午12时至1时 决定草案非正式协商\n\t下午3时至5时 从紧急状况向初期恢复和发展过渡(重点讨论南苏丹的情况) 下午5时至6时 10 其他事项 1 • 通过待决决定 组织事项 • 2012年工作计划草案 \n • 2012年第一届常会暂定工作计划" ]
[ "2011年第二届常会", "纽约", "临时议程项目1", "组织事项", "临时议程、说明、文件清单和工作计划", "执行局秘书处的说明", "目录", "项目1", "1 组织事项 2", "开发署部分", "2A 财务、预算和行政事项 2", "3 国家方案和相关事项 3", "8 署长的年度报告 5", "项目厅部分", "4 联合国项目事务厅 5", "人口基金部分", "6 执行主任的报告 6", "7 国家方案和相关事项 6", "联合部分", "2B 财务、预算和行政事项 8", "5 艾滋病规划署方案协调委员会会议的后续行动 8", "9 内部审计和监督 8", "10 其他事项 9", "二、2011年第二届常会暂定工作计划 10", "项目1 组织事项", "在本项目下,执行局将通过2011年第二届常会议程,并商定执行局秘书提出的本届会议工作计划。 执行局不妨核准其2011年年度会议的报告。 报告草稿已分发给执行局成员征求意见;最后报告反映了所收到的意见。", "根据第96/25号决定,将向执行局提交2012年工作计划草案。 该文件将由秘书处与执行局主席团密切协商后定稿,并将提交理事会2012年第一届常会通过。", "文件:", "临时议程、说明、文件清单和工作计划(DP/2006/L.3)", "2011年度会议报告(DP/2011/31)", "2011年年度会议通过的决定(DP/2006/32)", "2011年工作计划草案(DP/2006/CRP.4)", "开发署部分", "项目2A 财务、预算和行政事项", "关于财务状况的年度审查报告,根据全年向执行局提供的财务信息,从财务角度全面审查和分析开发署在全球和总体各级的活动。 概览对照方案规划的不同来源评估本组织的业绩:经常资源、其他资源、开发署管理的基金和目前的费用分类。 执行局不妨通过一项决定,其要点载于本报告。", "开发署2012-2013年机构预算估计数按成果列报。 它们支持并构成开发署2008-2013年战略计划和最近结束的中期审查的组成部分。 开发署于2011年4月启动的组织变革议程也为他们提供了信息。 概算是根据执行局第2010/32和2011/10号决定编制的,该决定核准了在综合预算联合路线图范围内统一费用分类和成果预算制办法。 2012-2013年预算估计数显示,减少数量前所未有1.201亿美元(12.3%)。 这些削减抵消了3 110万美元的非任意性费用增加和4 000万美元的拟议投资。 这导致预算净减少4 900万美元(5.0%)。 按毛额计算,2012-2013年机构预算估计数为9.319亿美元。 在扣除收入净额7 540万美元后,2012-2013年机构预算估计数为8.565亿美元。 执行局不妨核准这些数额,作为开发署2012-2013年机构预算拨款总额和净额。", "执行局还将收到根据大会第60/283号决议和执行局第2007/10号决定,并根据第2010/32号决定核准的订正费用分类,对《开发署财务条例和细则》的修订。 必要时对《财务条例和细则》进行了修订,以反映对《条例和细则》的改动,以确保遵守即将到来的2012年1月1日《公共部门会计准则》、新的费用分类术语和其他已查明的反映现有组织结构和工作方法的变动。 执行局不妨核准对《财务条例》的拟议修订,并注意到经修订的《财务细则》。", "文件:", "2010年财务状况年度审查(DP/2006/33)", "与2010年财务状况年度审查有关的详细资料(DP/2008/33/Add.1)", "开发署2012-2013年机构预算估计数(DP/2008/24)", "行预咨委会关于开发署2012-2013年机构预算估计数的报告(DP/2008/25)", "《开发署财务条例和细则》的修订(DP/2006/36)", "行预咨委会关于修订开发署《财务条例和细则》的报告(DP/2006/37)", "项目3 国家方案和相关事项", "署长关于援助缅甸的说明概述了开发署2010年6月至2011年5月期间缅甸人类发展倡议方案年度独立评估的结果和建议。 评估是按照理事会第93/21号决定和执行局第98/14、2001/15、2003/2、2004/2、2005/3、2005/42、2006/2、2006/31、2007/36、2009/24和2010/30号决定所规定的准则进行的。 该文件还要求将人类发展倡议第四阶段延长至2012年,并要求修订署长在2008-2012年期间分配核心资源和调动非核心资源的授权。 执行局不妨通过一项决定,其要点载于本报告。", "在本项目下,还将请执行局:(a) 注意到厄立特里亚和阿拉伯叙利亚共和国国家方案第一次延长一年;(b) 对佛得角、巴布亚新几内亚和越南的共同国家方案文件草稿发表评论;(c) 在最后确定中非共和国、冈比亚、马拉维、莫桑比克、伊朗伊斯兰共和国、老挝人民民主共和国、泰国、阿尔及利亚、也门、巴西、多米尼加共和国、圭亚那、巴拿马、秘鲁和苏里南的国家方案文件草稿发表评论。", "根据执行局第2001/11和2006/36号决定的要求,以下国家方案将在无异议基础上核准,而不作介绍或讨论,除非至少有五名成员在会议之前以书面形式通知秘书处,他们希望将某一国家方案提交执行局:", "非洲区域:乍得、埃塞俄比亚、加蓬、加纳、毛里塔尼亚、圣多美和普林西比、塞内加尔、塞舌尔和津巴布韦;", "亚太地区:孟加拉国、蒙古、菲律宾;", "阿拉伯国家区域:巴林、摩洛哥、沙特阿拉伯;", "欧洲和独立国家联合体区域:阿尔巴尼亚(共同国家方案)、吉尔吉斯斯坦、黑山、乌克兰;", "拉丁美洲和加勒比区域:巴巴多斯和东加勒比国家组织、牙买加、特立尼达和多巴哥、萨尔瓦多和洪都拉斯。", "文件:", "援助缅甸——署长的说明(DP/2006/38)", "国家方案的延长(DP/2006/39)", "非洲", "佛得角共同国家方案文件草稿(DP/FPA/OPS-ICEF/DCCP/CPV/1)", "中非共和国国家方案文件草案(DP/DCP/CAF/3)", "冈比亚国家方案文件草案(DP/DCP/GMB/2)", "马拉维国家方案文件草稿(DP/DCP/MWI/2)", "莫桑比克国家方案文件草稿(DP/DCP/MOZ/2)", "亚洲及太平洋", "伊朗伊斯兰共和国国家方案文件草案(DP/DCP/IRN/2)", "老挝人民民主共和国国家方案文件草案(DP/DCP/LAO/2)", "巴布亚新几内亚共同国家方案文件草稿(DP/FPA/OPS-ICEF/DCCP/PNG/1)", "泰国国家方案文件草案(DP/DCP/THA/2)", "越南共同国家方案文件草稿(DP/FPA/OPS-ICEF/DCCP/VNM/1)", "阿拉伯国家", "阿尔及利亚国家方案文件草稿(DP/DCP/DZA/2)", "也门国家方案文件草案(DP/DCP/YEM/2)", "拉丁美洲和加勒比", "巴西国家方案文件草案(DP/DCP/BRA/2)", "多米尼加共和国国家方案文件草稿(DP/DCP/DOM/2)", "圭亚那国家方案文件草案(DP/DCP/GUY/2)", "巴拿马国家方案文件草案(DP/DCP/PAN/2)", "秘鲁国家方案文件草案(DP/DCP/PER/2)", "苏里南国家方案文件草稿(DP/DCP/SUR/2)", "项目8 署长的年度报告", "执行局在第2011/14号决定中请开发署“在2011年第二届常会上提交一份会议室文件,供执行局在正式项目下核准,其中列出一份“路线图”,确定取得进展的里程碑和时间表,以实现本决定确定的目标,并说明这项工作如何与署长的改革议程和开发署综合预算等举措有关”。 本会议室文件是应这一要求编写的。", "文件:", "通往开发署2008-2011年战略计划的路线图(DP/2006/CRP.5)", "项目厅部分", "项目4 联合国项目事务厅", "大会在其第39/220号决议中确定需要经常报告联合国各机构采购业务活动统计数据。 截至2008年,根据执行局第2007/38号决定,项目厅执行主任负责汇编和提交报告。 《2010年报告》载有支持千年发展目标的采购补充材料,概述了采购在每项目标中的作用、案例研究和国家经验、从业人员和国际专家的贡献,并概述了挑战和机遇。 此外,报告还载有对发展中国家和经济转型国家的联合国采购趋势分析。", "项目厅2012-2013两年期预算估计数用于执行执行局第2009/25号决定核准的项目厅2010-2013年战略计划(载于DP/2009/36)。 该文件的格式符合开发署、人口基金和联合国儿童基金会(儿童基金会)的统一成果预算办法。 执行局不妨通过一项决定,其要点载于本报告。", "文件:", "联合国系统各组织2010年采购活动年度统计报告(DP/OPS/ 2001/4)", "项目厅2012-2013两年期预算估计数(DP/OPS/", "行预咨委会关于项目厅2012-2013两年期预算估计数的报告(DP/OPS/2011/6)", "人口基金部分", "项目6 执行主任的报告", "在本项目下,根据将人口基金2008-2013年战略计划中期审查报告从2011年年度会议推迟到2011年第二届常会的口头决定(第2011/13号决议,项目9),执行局将收到执行主任关于人口基金2008-2013年战略计划中期审查的报告。 审查借鉴了迄今为止在执行战略计划方面取得的进展和遇到的挑战(如DP/FPA/ 2008/3号文件第一部分所述),并为计划期间的剩余部分提供资源和成果框架。", "执行局不妨就执行主任关于人口基金2008-2013年战略计划中期审查的报告通过一项决定。 决定的要点载于报告。", "文件:", "执行主任关于人口基金2008-2013年战略计划中期审查的报告(DP/FPA/ 2007/11)", "项目7 国家方案和相关事项", "执行局将收到三个方案延期:非洲区域的厄立特里亚;阿拉伯国家区域的埃及和阿拉伯叙利亚共和国。", "执行局还将收到17份国家方案文件草案供讨论: 佛得角(共同国家方案文件草稿)、中非共和国、乍得、冈比亚、马拉维和莫桑比克(非洲区域)、阿尔及利亚和也门(阿拉伯国家区域)、伊朗伊斯兰共和国、缅甸、巴布亚新几内亚(共同国家方案文件草稿)、泰国和越南(共同国家方案文件草稿)在亚洲及太平洋区域;以及巴西、多米尼加共和国、巴拿马和秘鲁在拉丁美洲和加勒比区域。", "执行局不妨注意到埃及、厄立特里亚和阿拉伯叙利亚共和国国家方案延长一年的情况。", "执行局还不妨注意到佛得角、巴布亚新几内亚和越南的具体组织附件以及中非共和国、乍得、冈比亚、马拉维、莫桑比克、阿尔及利亚、也门、伊朗伊斯兰共和国、缅甸、泰国、巴西、多米尼加共和国、巴拿马和秘鲁的国家方案文件草稿。", "根据执行局第2006/36号决定,执行局将在无异议的基础上核准在2011年年度会议上审查的18个国家方案,而不作介绍或讨论,除非至少有5个成员在届会之前以书面形式通知秘书处它们希望向执行局提交某一国家方案。 供执行局在2011年第二届常会上核准的国家方案如下:非洲区域的埃塞俄比亚、加蓬、加纳、毛里塔尼亚、圣多美和普林西比、塞内加尔和津巴布韦;阿拉伯国家区域的摩洛哥;亚洲及太平洋区域的孟加拉国、老挝人民民主共和国、蒙古和菲律宾;东欧和中亚区域的阿尔巴尼亚(共同国家方案文件)、吉尔吉斯斯坦和乌克兰;拉丁美洲和加勒比区域的萨尔瓦多、讲英语和讲荷兰语的加勒比国家和洪都拉斯。", "文件:", "延长厄立特里亚国家方案(延长一年)(DP/FPA/ 2001/14)", "延长埃及(延长一年)和阿拉伯叙利亚共和国(延长一年)国家方案(DP/FPA/ 2001/13)", "国家方案文件草案", "非洲", "佛得角共同国家方案文件草稿(DP/FPA/OPS-ICEF/DCCP/CPV/1)", "中非共和国国家方案文件草案(DP/FPA/DCP/CAF/7)", "乍得国家方案文件草案(DP/FPA/DCP/TCD/6)", "冈比亚国家方案文件草案(DP/FPA/DCP/GMB/7)", "马拉维国家方案文件草稿(DP/FPA/DCP/MWI/7)", "莫桑比克国家方案文件草稿(DP/FPA/DCP/MOZ/8)", "阿拉伯国家", "阿尔及利亚国家方案文件草稿(DP/FPA/DCP/DZA/5)", "也门国家方案文件草案(DP/FPA/DCP/YEM/5)", "亚洲及太平洋", "伊朗伊斯兰共和国国家方案文件草稿(DP/FPA/DCP/IRN/5)", "缅甸国家方案文件草案(DP/FPA/DCP/MMR/3)", "巴布亚新几内亚共同国家方案文件草稿(DP/FPA/OPS-ICEF/DCCP/PNG/1)", "泰国国家方案文件草案(DP/FPA/DCP/THA/10)", "越南共同国家方案文件草稿(DP/FPA/OPS-ICEF/DCCP/VNM/1)", "拉丁美洲和加勒比", "巴西国家方案文件草案(DP/FPA/DCP/BRA/5)", "多米尼加共和国国家方案文件草稿(DP/FPA/DCP/DOM/5)", "巴拿马国家方案文件草案(DP/FPA/DCP/PAN/2)", "秘鲁国家方案文件草案(DP/FPA/DCP/PER/8)", "联合部分", "项目2B 财务、预算和行政事项", "根据执行局第2009/22号决定(开发署)和第2009/26号决定(人口基金),执行局将收到开发署、人口基金和儿童基金会关于综合预算进展情况的联合简报。", "项目5 艾滋病规划署方案协调委员会会议的后续行动", "在本项目下,执行局将收到一份联合报告,重点介绍开发署和人口基金在处理艾滋病毒方面选定的成果,并介绍分别于2010年12月和2011年6月举行的联合国艾滋病毒/艾滋病联合规划署(艾滋病规划署)方案协调委员会第27次(第)和第28次(第)会议产生的与开发署和人口基金有关的建议的最新执行情况。 执行局不妨注意并通过关于该报告的决定。 决定的要点载于报告。", "文件:", "联合国艾滋病毒/艾滋病联合规划署方案协调委员会各项决定和建议的执行情况报告(DP/2006/40-DP/FPA/", "项目9 内部审计和监督", "根据执行局第2011/23号决定的要求,开发署、人口基金和项目厅将提交一份情况说明,其中载有“关于远程查阅内部审计报告的建议,通过安全密码等手段,确保所披露信息的保密性。", "项目10 其他事项", "人口基金特别活动——迈向里约会议20周年:人口动态与可持续发展", "开发署、人口基金和项目厅联合专题讨论——从紧急情况过渡到早期恢复和发展(特别注重苏丹南部)", "青年问题联合非正式协商。", "开发署、人口基金和项目厅执行局", "日 本\n上午10时至下午1时 财务、预算和财务事项——开发署2012-2013两年期机构预算——行预咨委会关于开发署2012-2013两年期机构预算的报告——2010年财务状况年度审查——修订开发署财务条例和细则\n- 行预咨委会关于修订开发署财务条例和细则的报告\n1:15至2:45p.m. 关于开发署方案拟订安排的非正式协商 下午3:00-6:00 开发署:财务、预算和行政事务(续) - 援助缅甸——署长的说明——国家方案文件草稿\n- 核准国家方案 项目厅产出——项目厅2012-2013两年期预算估计数的报表——行预咨委会关于项目厅2012-2013两年期预算估计数的报告\n- 《2010年联合国系统各组织采购活动年度统计报告》\n页: 1 关于青年的联合非正式协商(有待主席团最后确认) 12 - 1p. 8 署长的年度报告\n- 拟订开发署2008-2011年战略计划的路线图(第2011/14号决定)\n页: 1 人口基金“迈向里约会议20周年:人口动态与可持续发展”特别报告员\n页: 1 关于决定草案的非正式协商\n上午10时至下午1时 人口基金执行主任致辞:人口基金2008-2013年战略计划中期审查报告 3 - 5:30p.67\n- 核准国家方案\n下午5时30分至6时 关于决定草案的非正式协商 部分 艾滋病规划署方案后续行动 联合国艾滋病毒/艾滋病联合规划署方案协调委员会的决定和建议执行情况\n- 开发署、人口基金和项目厅关于重新审议内部审计报告的建议(第2011/23号决定)\n页: 1 关于决定草案的非正式协商\n页: 1 从紧急状况过渡到早期恢复和发展(特别侧重于苏丹南部) 5 - 6 p.m。 101 其他事项\n- 2012年第一届常会暂定工作计划" ]
[ "Second regular session 2011", "6 to 9 September 2011, New York", "Item 2 of the provisional agenda", "Financial, budgetary and administrative matters", "Revision of the UNDP financial regulations and rules", "Report of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions", "I. Introduction", "1. The Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions has considered the draft report of the Administrator of UNDP on the proposed amendments to the UNDP Financial Regulations and Rules (FRR). During its consideration of these proposals, the Advisory Committee met with representatives of the Administrator who provided additional information and clarification.", "II. Background", "2. The Advisory Committee was informed that UNDP would be presenting amended Financial Regulations for approval and Financial Rules for information, to its Executive Board at its second regular session in September 2011. The proposed amendments are summarized in DP/2011/36. The primary reasons for the proposed amendments are explained in the paragraphs below.", "3. International Public Sector Accounting Standards (IPSAS). The General Assembly, through its resolution 60/283 of July 2006, decided to approve the adoption by the United Nations of the International Public Sector Accounting Standards to replace the United Nations System Accounting Standards (UNSAS). The resolution was endorsed by UNDP Executive Board in its decision 2007/10. The existing UNDP Financial Regulations and Rules are based on UNSAS. The amendments are therefore proposed to align UNDP Financial Regulations and Rules with IPSAS. Under IPSAS, UNDP will change from a modified accrual method of accounting to a full accrual method of accounting, with the expected benefit of improved transparency, accountability and comparability.", "4. Cost classification and results-based budgeting. The Executive Boards of UNDP, UNFPA and the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) in decisions 2009/22, 2009/26 and 2009/20, respectively, requested the three organizations to work together for greater harmonization and improvement in the presentation of the biennial support budget, 2012-2013, as well as work towards the presentation of a single, integrated budget for each organization beginning in 2014. The Advisory Committee notes that, in order to identify best practices, the three organizations undertook a review of existing cost definitions and classification of activities and associated costs, as well as results-based budgeting models and methodologies of selected United Nations organizations and bilateral donors. The exercise culminated in joint proposals that were presented to the Executive Boards in a report entitled “Road map to an integrated budget: cost classification and results-based budgeting”. This approach was approved by the Executive Boards of the respective organizations in decisions 2010/32 (UNDP and UNFPA) and 2010/20 (UNICEF). It is indicated that the resulting changes will therefore require an update of the terminology in the corresponding articles of the Financial Regulations and Rules.", "5. Revision of the United Nations Capital Development Fund (UNCDF) annex. The UNCDF annex to the UNDP Financial Regulations and Rules has been updated to reflect IPSAS related changes and the new cost classifications, as well as being updated to align it with the current UNDP Financial Regulations and Rules.", "6. According to the representatives of the Administrator, other changes are also required to bring the UNDP Financial Regulations and Rules up to date. They contain terminology that requires updating to reflect UNDP Executive Board decisions and updated regulations and rules on internal audit, current organizational structures and current business practices of UNDP. In addition, editorial changes have been made, where necessary, for clarity and consistency.", "7. The Advisory Committee was informed that, in the interest of achieving greater harmonization with the other United Nations funds and programmes, the amendments were discussed and the principles agreed to with the United Nations Secretariat, UNFPA and UNICEF. Consultations were also held with the United Nations Board of Auditors, the UNDP Audit Advisory Committee, the United Nations Office of Legal Affairs (OLA) and the UNDP Office of Audit and Investigations. The comments of OLA are discussed further in paragraphs 8 to 10 of the present report. The Advisory Committee commends UNDP for pursuing wide consultations with the relevant entities throughout this process.", "8. Upon enquiry, the Committee was provided with information showing both general and specific comments from OLA on the proposed amendments to the UNDP Financial Regulations and Rules. In its general comments, the OLA points out that the term “encumbrance” is normally understood to mean a firm liability or right, rather than an anticipated or conditional liability, as defined under Regulation 27.02 of the proposed amendments to the Financial Regulations and Rules. The Administrator, in her response, explains that this term is used in the specific context of UNDP Financial Regulations and Rules, rather than in the general legal context.", "9. With regard to the use of the term “personnel”, the OLA suggests its replacement with “staff members” or “officials” as agreed in the comptrollers group meetings on the harmonization of Financial Regulations and Rules. In her response, the Administrator explains that the term will nonetheless be maintained in the UNDP Financial Regulations and Rules for the time being, in the interest of maintaining and highlighting the source and basis for accountability for non-staff personnel. Upon enquiry, the Advisory Committee was informed by the representatives of the Administrator that OLA had expressed appreciation for the feedback provided by the Administrator and had no further comment.", "10. The Advisory Committee emphasizes the importance of consulting OLA to ensure overall consistency in the interpretation of terms and definitions included in the amendments. The Committee trusts that OLA’s comments and suggestions will continue to be reflected in any proposed amendments.", "III. International Public Sector Accounting Standards (IPSAS)", "11. As explained in the report of the Administrator, IPSAS are full accrual based accounting standards which measure the financial performance and position of an entity by recognizing transactions when they occur, regardless of cash transfers. The current UNDP Financial Regulations and Rules are based on UNSAS which is a modified accrual accounting method, with elements of both accrual and cash basis accounting. The Committee was provided with information showing the main categories and reasons for the proposed amendments. The amended Regulation 26.01 now requires that all financial reporting be guided by IPSAS, hence the replacement of all UNSAS terms and references with IPSAS compliant terms. In that regard, the term “funds” has been replaced with “financial resources” except when it refers to cash or its equivalent. The concept of “period” has been modified, and all uses of the word have been reviewed and replaced with “budget period” or “financial period” or “programme period”. The words “biennial” and “biennium” have been deleted; and, in keeping with IPSAS, the term “financial period” in the Financial Regulations and Rules will always refer to a 12-month period (Regulation 26.05). The term “income”, which, under UNSAS, represented cash received on a cash basis or contributions accrued, has been replaced with the IPSAS term “revenue”, which represents an enforceable right to receive an asset. The UNSAS concept of “expenditure”, which represents the sum of disbursements and unliquidated obligations, has been replaced with the IPSAS term “expense”, which represents disbursements, accruals for goods and services received, or the use or impairment of assets. The concept of “obligations” used under UNSAS is now included in the IPSAS term “commitments”.", "12. The Administrator further explains that under UNSAS, non-expendable equipment refers to physical assets, which are expensed at the time of acquisition. Under IPSAS, physical assets are referred to as property, plant and equipment (PPE), and are capitalized and expensed over the period of their useful life using an appropriate depreciation method.", "13. The Advisory Committee notes that the IPSAS Board continues to revise existing standards and to issue new standards to meet emerging needs. It can therefore be expected that additions and amendments will be a permanent feature of the IPSAS environment. The Advisory Committee trusts that UNDP will establish the necessary mechanisms to ensure that its Financial Regulations and Rules remain in compliance with IPSAS, and remain harmonized with those of other United Nations funds and programmes. Considering that the International Public Sector Accounting Standards are principle-based, and do not provide detailed guidelines for their interpretation and application, the Committee expects that the harmonization efforts will be extended to the formulation of detailed operating guidelines in areas such as depreciation methods and internal audit rules. The Committee further expects that the lessons learned by UNDP will be documented and shared with other organizations.", "IV. Cost classification categories and definitions", "14. The Advisory Committee was provided with information showing the cost classification approved by the Executive Boards of UNDP, UNFPA and UNICEF. The categories are:", "(a) Development Activities: Costs associated with “programmes” and “development effectiveness” activities that contribute to the effective delivery of development results:", "(i) Programmes: activities and associated costs traced to specific programme components or projects, which contribute to delivery of development results contained in country/regional/global programme documents or other programming arrangements.", "(ii) Development Effectiveness: the costs of activities of a policy-advisory, technical and implementation nature that are needed for achievement of the objectives of programmes and projects in the focus areas of the organizations.", "(b) United Nations Development Coordination: Activities and associated costs supporting the coordination of development activities of the United Nations system.", "(c) Management: Activities and associated costs whose primary function is the promotion of the identity, direction and well-being of an organization. These include executive direction, representation, external relations and partnerships, corporate communications, legal, oversight, audit, corporate evaluation, information technology, finance, administration, security and human resources.", "(d) Special purpose: Costs of a cross-cutting nature that involve material capital investments, or do not represent a cost related to the management activities of the organization. The Advisory Committee notes that the joint report of UNDP, UNFPA and UNICEF (DP-FPA/2010/1-E/ICEF/2010/AB/L.10) included General Assembly mandated activities in this category. Upon enquiry, the Advisory Committee was informed that the UNDP Executive Board, in its decision 2010/32, decided not to include General Assembly mandated activities in this category because they would be better classified under other categories.", "15. The Advisory Committee notes that while cost classification categorizations among the organizations have largely been harmonized, some differences remain, primarily due to the different business models and mandates of the organizations. The Committee expects that further review and consultations will continue in this regard.", "16. Subject to its comments expressed in the preceding paragraphs, the Advisory Committee has no objection to the Executive Board’s approval of the proposed amendments to the UNDP Financial Regulations and Rules." ]
[ "2011年第二届常会", "2011年9月6日至9日,纽约", "临时议程项目2", "财政、预算和行政事项", "开发署财务条例和细则的修订", "行政和预算问题咨询委员会的报告", "一. 导言", "1. 行政和预算问题咨询委员会审议了开发署署长关于开发署财务条例和细则拟议修正稿的报告草稿。在审议拟议修正稿期间,行预咨委会会晤了署长代表,后者提供了补充信息并作出了澄清。", "二. 背景", "2. 行预咨委会获悉,开发署将向2011年9月举行的执行局第二届常会提出经修正的财务条例和财务细则,分别供执行局核可和参考。拟议修正稿摘要载于DP/2011/36号文件。拟议修正的主要理由将在下文中作出解释。", "3. 国际公共部门会计准则(公共部门会计准则)。大会在其2006年7月第60/283号决议中决定,核准联合国采用国际公共部门会计准则取代联合国系统会计准则。开发署执行局在其第2007/10号决议中对大会决议表示赞同。现行开发署财务条例和细则以联合国系统会计准则为基础。因此,拟议修正开发署财务条例和细则,使之与公共部门会计准则接轨。根据公共部门会计准则,开发署将由不完全权责发生制会计方法改为完全权责发生制会计方法,预计将带来提高透明度、加强问责制和增进可比性等效益。", "4. 费用分类和成果预算制。开发署、人口基金和联合国儿童基金会(儿基会)执行局分别在第2009/22、2009/26和2009/20号决议中,请三个组织协同进一步统一和改进2012-2013两年期支助预算的列报,并从2014年起各组织提交单一的综合预算。行预咨委会注意到,为了寻找最佳做法,三个组织对联合国部分组织和双边捐助方现有的费用定义、活动及相关费用分类以及成果预算制模式和方法进行了审查。审查后,三个组织通过题为“综合预算路线图:费用分类和成果预算制”的报告向执行局提出了联合建议。三个组织的执行局分别在第2010/32号决定(开发署和人口基金)和第2010/20号决定(儿基会)中核可了这一方法。报告表示,鉴于由此产生的变化,将需要对财务条例和细则相应条款中的术语进行修订。", "5. 联合国资本发展基金(资发基金)附件的修订。开发署财务条例和细则中的资发基金附件已予修订,以反映与公共部门会计准则相关的变化和新的费用分类,并与现行的开发署财务条例和细则保持一致。", "6. 署长代表表示,为更新开发署财务条例和细则还需作出其他修改,其中包括需要更新的术语,以反映开发署执行局的各项决定以及修订后关于开发署内部审计、现有组织结构和现行业务做法的条例和细则。此外,为明确和统一的目的,从编辑角度进行了必要的修改。", "7. 行预咨委会获悉,为了更好地与联合国其他基金和方案保持统一,开发署与联合国秘书处、人口基金和儿基会讨论了修订内容,并就各项原则达成一致。另外,还与联合国审计委员会、开发署审计咨询委员会、联合国法律事务厅(法律厅)、开发署审计和调查处进行了协商。法律厅的意见在本报告第8至10段中有所详述。行预咨委会对开发署在整个过程中与相关实体进行协商的做法表示赞扬。", "8. 委员会经询问得到了载有法律厅就开发署财务条例和细则拟议修正稿提出的一般性意见和具体意见的资料。法律厅在一般性意见中指出,“负担”(encumbrance)一般是指明确的债务或权利,而不是财务条例和细则拟议修正稿条例27.02所界定的预期或有条件的债务。署长在答复中解释道,这一术语适用于开发署财务条例和细则的具体范围,而不是一般的法律范围。", "9. 关于“人员”,法律厅建议按照统一财务条例和细则问题主计长小组会议的商定改用“工作人员”或“官员”。署长在答复中解释道,开发署财务条例和细则还是要暂时保留这一术语,以保持和强调对工作人员以外人员进行问责的理由和基础。经了解,行预咨委会从署长代表处获悉,法律厅对署长提供的反馈意见表示赞赏,并且没有提出进一步的意见。", "10. 行预咨委会强调,与法律厅进行会商以确保修正稿中的术语和定义解释的全面一致十分重要。行预咨委会相信,法律厅的意见建议将继续在今后的任何拟议修正中得到反映。", "三. 国际公共部门会计准则(公共部门会计准则)", "11. 正如署长报告中所做的解释,公共部门会计准则是基于完全权责发生制的会计准则,通过对发生的交易的确认而不论是否存在现金转移来衡量一个实体的财政执行情况和财务状况。现行开发署财务条例和细则以联合国系统会计准则为基础,为不完全权责发生制会计方法,包含权责发生制和收付实现制两种要素。行预咨委会得到了载有拟议修正的主要类别和理由的资料。修正后的条例26.01要求,所有财务报告均应遵循公共部门会计准则,因此用符合公共部门会计准则的术语取代所有联合国系统会计准则的术语和参照。在这方面,除指现金或等价物外,将“资金”改为“财政资源”。修改了“期间”概念,经过审查将“期间”改为“预算期”或“财政期”或“方案期”。删除“两年”和“两年期”;按照公共部门会计准则,财务条例和细则中的“财务期”一律定为一个为期12个月的期间(条例26.05)。在联合国系统会计准则中,“收入”(income)系指按收付实现制收到的现金或应计捐款,现在采用公共部门会计准则中的“收入”(revenue),系指可加以执行的收取资产的权利。联合国系统会计准则中的“支出”概念,是指付款和未尝债务合计,现采用公共部门会计准则中的“费用”,指已收物品和服务的付款和应计款或资产的利用或减损。联合国系统会计准则中的“债务”概念,现已纳入公共部门会计准则中的“承付款”。", "12. 署长并作出解释,根据联合国系统会计准则,非消耗性设备是指实际资产,购置时记作费用。而在公共部门会计准则中,实际资产被指称为不动产、厂房和设备,并采用适当的折旧方法在整个有效使用期间予以资本化并记作为费用处理。", "13. 行预咨委会指出,公共部门会计准则委员会将继续修订现有准则并发布新准则以满足新的需要。因此,可以预期增订和修正将成为公共部门会计准则环境中的一个长期现象。行预咨委会相信,开发署将建立必要机制,确保其财务条例和细则与公共部门会计准则接轨,并与联合国其他基金和方案的财务条例和细则保持一致。考虑到国际公共部门会计证准则以原则为基础,没有在准则的解释和使用方面提供具体指导,行预咨委会期待在折旧方法和内部审计规则等领域详细业务准则的制订方面进一步实现统一。行预咨委会并期待,开发署的经验得以记载并与其他组织分享。", "四. 费用分类类别与定义", "14. 行预咨委会得到了说明开发署、人口基金和儿基会执行局核可的费用分类的资料。这些类别为:", "(a) 发展活动:与促进有效交付发展成果的“方案”和“发展实效”活动有关的费用:", "㈠ 方案:可追溯至有利于交付国家/区域/全球方案文件或其他方案安排中具体方案组成部分或项目的活动及相关费用。", "㈡ 发展实效:具有政策咨询、技术和执行性质、为实现各组织重点领域方案和项目目标所需的活动的费用。", "(b) 联合国发展协调:支持协调联合国系统发展活动的活动及相关费用。", "(c) 管理:以增进组织特性、领导和良好状况为主要功能的活动及相关费用,包括行政领导、代表、对外关系和伙伴关系、机构交流、法律、监督、审计、机构评价、信息技术、财务、行政、安全保卫和人力资源。", "(d) 特殊用途:涉及基本建设投资或与组织管理活动无关的跨领域费用。行预咨委会注意到,开发署、人口基金和儿基会的联合报告(DP-FPA/ 2010/1-E/ICEF/2010/AB/L.10)把大会规定的活动列入这一类别。行预咨委会经了解获悉,开发署执行局在第2010/32号决定中决定,不把大会规定的活动列入这一类别,因为这些活动列入其他类别更为合适。", "15. 行预咨委会指出,虽然各组织的费用分类类别已基本统一,但仍然存在一些差异,主要是因为各组织的业务模式和任务各不相同。行预咨委会期待,今后在这方面继续进行审查和协商。", "16. 除上文段落中提出的意见外,行预咨委会对执行局核可开发署财务条例和细则拟议修正不持反对意见。" ]
[ "2011年第二届常会", "纽约", "临时议程项目2", "财务、预算和行政事项", "开发署财务条例和细则的修订", "行政和预算问题咨询委员会的报告", "一. 导言", "页: 1 1. 行政和预算问题咨询委员会审议了开发署署长关于《开发署财务条例和细则》拟议修正案的报告草稿。 在审议这些提议期间,咨询委员会会见了署长的代表,后者提供了补充资料和说明。", "II. 背景", "2. 结 论 咨询委员会获悉,开发署将向2011年9月执行局第二届常会提交经修正的《财务条例》供核准和《财务细则》供参考。 拟议的修正摘要载于DP/2008/26。 下文各段解释了拟议修正的主要原因。", "3. 《国际公共部门会计准则》。 1. 大会2006年7月第60/283号决议决定核准联合国采用《国际公共部门会计准则》,以取代《联合国系统会计准则》。 开发署执行局第2007/10号决定认可了该决议。 开发署现有的财务条例和细则以联合国系统会计准则为基础。 因此,建议修改《开发署财务条例和细则》与《公共部门会计准则》保持一致。 根据《公共部门会计准则》,开发署将从经修改的权责发生制会计方法改为全面权责发生制会计方法,预期会增加透明度、问责制和可比性。", "4. 第四届会议 成本分类和成果预算制。 1. 开发署、人口基金和联合国儿童基金会(儿童基金会)执行局分别在第2009/22、2009/26和2009/20号决定中请这三个组织共同努力,进一步统一和改进2012-2013两年期支助预算的列报方式,并努力从2014年开始为每个组织提出单一的综合预算。 咨询委员会注意到,为了确定最佳做法,这三个组织审查了选定的联合国组织和双边捐助者的现有费用定义、活动和相关费用的分类以及成果预算制模式和方法。 这项活动最后提出了联合建议,并在一份题为“综合预算路线图:费用分类和成果预算制”的报告中提交给执行局。 各组织执行局在第2010/32号决定(开发署和人口基金)和第2010/20号决定(儿童基金会)中核准了这一做法。 因此,据指出,由此产生的变动将需要更新《财务条例和细则》相应条款中的术语。", "5. 联合国资本发展基金(资发基金)附件的修订。 资发基金对《开发署财务条例和细则》的附件进行了更新,以反映与《公共部门会计准则》有关的变动和新的费用分类,并对其进行更新,使之符合开发署现行《财务条例和细则》。", "6. 任务 署长的代表认为,还需要作出其他修改,以便更新开发署的《财务条例和细则》。 这些术语需要更新,以反映开发署执行局的决定以及开发署内部审计、现有组织结构和当前业务做法的最新条例和细则。 此外,必要时还作了编辑改动,以便澄清和一致。", "7. 基本考虑 咨询委员会获悉,为了与联合国其他基金和方案实现更大的协调,讨论了这些修正案,并与联合国秘书处、人口基金和儿童基金会商定的原则。 还与联合国审计委员会、开发署审计咨询委员会、联合国法律事务厅(法律事务厅)和开发署审计和调查处进行了协商。 本报告第8至10段进一步讨论了法律厅的评论意见。 咨询委员会赞扬开发署在整个过程中与相关实体进行广泛协商。", "8.8 经询问,委员会获得了资料,表明法律事务厅对开发署《财务条例和细则》拟议修正案的一般和具体评论。 法律事务厅在其一般性意见中指出,“纪念”一词通常被理解为指《财务条例和细则》拟议修正案第27.02条所界定的公司责任或权利,而不是预期或有条件的负债。 署长在答复中解释说,这一术语在开发署《财务条例和细则》的具体背景下使用,而不是在一般法律背景下使用。", "9 September 2005 关于使用“人员”这一术语,法律事务厅建议按照关于统一《财务条例和细则》的主计长小组会议所商定,将其替换为“工作人员”或“官员”。 署长在答复时解释说,目前开发署《财务条例和细则》将保留这一术语,以保持和突出非工作人员问责制的来源和基础。 咨询委员会经询问后,署长的代表告诉咨询委员会,法律事务厅对署长提供的反馈意见表示赞赏,没有进一步评论。", "10.10 咨询委员会强调,必须同法律事务厅协商,以确保对修正案所载术语和定义的解释总体一致。 委员会相信,法律事务厅的意见和建议将继续反映在任何拟议的修正案中。", "页: 1 国际公共部门会计准则", "注 如署长报告所解释,《公共部门会计准则》是全权责发生制会计标准,用以衡量一个实体的财务业绩和状况,确认发生时的交易,而不论现金转账。 现行《开发署财务条例和细则》是以《联合国系统会计准则》为依据的,《联合国系统会计准则》是经过修改的应计会计方法,其中既有权责发生制会计,也有现金会计。 委员会得到的资料显示拟议修正的主要类别和理由。 经修正的第26.01号条例现在要求所有财务报告都以《公共部门会计准则》为指导,从而用符合《公共部门会计准则》的条款和参考资料取代《联合国系统会计准则》。 在这方面,“基金”一词改为“财政资源”,除非指现金或等同。 “期间”的概念已经修改,对“预算期”或“财政期间”或“方案期”的所有使用都进行了审查和替换。 删除了“两年期”和“两年期”这两个词;根据《公共部门会计准则》,《财务条例和细则》中的“财政期间”一词总是指12个月的期限(第26.5条)。 根据《联合国系统会计准则》,“收入”一词是指以现金或应计捐款形式收到的现金,改为《公共部门会计准则》的“收益”一词,该术语是接收资产的一项可强制执行的权利。 《联合国系统会计准则》的“支出”概念是付款和未清债务的总和,现已改为《公共部门会计准则》的“费用”,即付款、收到的货物和服务的权责发生制或资产的使用或损坏。 《联合国系统会计准则》中使用的“义务”概念现已列入《公共部门会计准则》的“承诺”一词。", "12. 第12段。 署长进一步解释说,根据《联合国系统会计准则》,非消耗性设备指的是实物资产,在购置时予以支出。 根据《公共部门会计准则》,有形资产被称为财产、工厂和设备,在使用适当折旧方法的使用期内资本化和支出。", "13 August 2001 咨询委员会注意到,公共部门会计准则委员会继续修订现行标准,发布新的标准以满足新出现的需要。 因此,预计增补和修正将成为《公共部门会计准则》环境的一个永久特征。 咨询委员会相信,开发署将建立必要的机制,确保其《财务条例和细则》符合《公共部门会计准则》,并与联合国其他基金和方案保持一致。 考虑到《国际公共部门会计准则》是基于原则的,没有为其解释和适用提供详细准则,委员会希望,统一工作将扩大到在折旧方法和内部审计规则等领域制订详细的业务准则。 委员会还期望,将记录开发署的经验教训,并与其他组织分享。", "四、结 论 成本分类类别和定义", "十四、任 务 咨询委员会得到的资料显示开发署、人口基金和儿童基金会执行局核准的费用分类。 这些类别如下:", "(a) 发展 活动: 有助于有效交付发展成果的“方案”和“发展实效”活动的相关费用:", "(一) 方案:具体方案组成部分或项目的活动和相关费用,有助于交付国家/区域/全球方案文件或其他方案拟订安排所载的发展成果。", "(二) 发展 有效性:实现各组织重点领域方案和项目目标所需的政策咨询、技术和执行活动费用。", "(b) 联合国发展集团: 支持协调联合国系统发展活动的活动和相关费用。", "(c) 管理: 主要职能是促进一个组织的身份、方向和福祉的活动和相关费用。 其中包括行政领导、代表、对外关系和伙伴关系、公司通信、法律、监督、审计、公司评价、信息技术、财务、行政、安全和人力资源。", "(d) 特殊目的: 涉及实质性资本投资的跨领域性质的费用,或与本组织管理活动无关的费用。 咨询委员会注意到,开发署、人口基金和儿童基金会的联合报告(DP-FPA/ 2010/1-E/ICEF/ 2010AB/L.10)包括了大会授权的此类活动。 经询问,咨询委员会获悉,开发署执行局第2010/32号决定决定不将大会授权的活动列入这一类别,因为这些活动将更好地归入其他类别。", "15 咨询委员会注意到,虽然各组织之间的费用分类基本统一,但仍存在一些差异,主要原因是各组织的业务模式和任务不同。 委员会期望在这方面继续进一步审查和磋商。", "161 咨询委员会不反对执行局批准《开发署财务条例和细则》拟议修正案,但须遵守前几段提出的意见。" ]
[ "Second regular session 2011", "6 to 9 September 2011, New York", "Item 3 of the provisional agenda", "Country programmes and related matters", "Assistance to Myanmar", "Note by the Administrator", "Summary", "The present report contains the major conclusions, recommendations and strategic challenges identified in the 2011 independent assessment of the Human Development Initiative, phase 4, for the period June 2010 to May 2011, in accordance with the guidelines set out in Executive Board decisions 96/1, 98/14, 2001/15, 2003/2, 2004/2, 2005/3, 2005/42, 2006/2, 2006/31, 2007/36, 2009/24 and 2010/30. The three-member international independent mission carried out its work from 24 April to 3 June 2011.", "The mission concluded that the Human Development Initiative is in compliance with the Executive Board mandate. The mission made recommendations that UNDP may wish to consider for implementation under the Human Development Initiative.", "In order to conclude consultations with all development partners on UNDP programme activities for the next programme period within the context of the full potential of the mandate and the evolving country context, UNDP is requesting a one-year extension of Human Development Initiative, phase 4, until the end of 2012. UNDP will continue to implement its activities in line with the programme focus endorsed by the Executive Board in decision 2007/36.", "Elements of a decision", "The Executive Board may wish to: (a) take note of the present document and of the report submitted by the independent assessment mission to Myanmar, in particular the strategic challenges and recommendations mentioned therein; (b) request that the Administrator take account of and implement the findings of the independent assessment mission, as appropriate, under the Human Development Initiative; (c) endorse the proposed one-year extension of the Human Development Initiative, phase 4, until 2012; and (d) authorize the Administrator to allocate for the revised period (2008-2012) an estimated $55.9 million from regular (“core”) resources, and to mobilize other (“non-core”) resources up to a total of $85 million.", "Contents", "Chapter Page", "I. Introduction 3", "II. Programming context 3", "III. Conformity with Governing Council and Executive Board decisions 4", "IV. Assessment of the Human Development Initiative, phase 4 4", "V. Proposal for a one-year extension of the HDI, phase 4 5", "VI. Funding requirements 6", "I. Introduction", "1. Since 1993, UNDP assistance to Myanmar has been carried out in compliance with the guidelines established in Governing Council decision 93/21 and Executive Board decisions 96/1, 98/14, 2001/15, 2003/2, 2004/2, 2005/3, 2005/42, 2006/2, 2006/31, 2007/36, 2009/24 and 2010/30. In accordance with those decisions, resources were targeted to meet critical humanitarian and basic human needs in Myanmar at the grassroots level in the areas of primary health care, the environment, HIV/AIDS, training and education, and food security. Projects were formulated and coordinated within a framework entitled the Human Development Initiative (HDI).", "2. The ongoing phase 4 of the Human Development Initiative was approved in decision 2001/15, and subsequently extended via Executive Board decisions 2005/3, 2006/31 and 2009/24. In its decision 2009/24, the Board endorsed the proposed one-year extension of phase 4 until 2011, and authorized a revised funding envelope for the 2008-2011 period. This consisted of $38.9 million from regular resources and up to $65 million from other resources.", "3. Recent independent assessment missions have identified a number of challenges relating to the ability of households to sustain their livelihood gains. The 2010 independent assessment mission (IAM) mission noted in particular weaknesses in terms of impact and sustainability of the two community-development projects. The mission linked this to shortcomings in the overall strategic framework of the programme, and strongly urged UNDP to identify a new and more effective strategic framework for addressing rural poverty.", "4. In its decision 2010/30, the Board recommended that UNDP, making use of the full potential of the existing mandate, initiate the design of programming activities from 2012 onwards, taking into account the recommendations of the 2010 independent assessment mission.", "II. Programming context", "5. The operating environment of the country has changed since cyclone Nargis in May 2008, with some expansion of space for international and local development organizations to provide assistance. The development context of the country has also seen some changes. A second survey conducted by the HDI Integrated Household Living Conditions Assessment (IHLCA) project during 2009-10 suggests that overall poverty as well as food poverty has decreased over the past five years. However, the IHLCA survey also indicates that poverty still affects around 25 per cent of the population, including the 5 per cent of the population that is affected by food poverty. Poverty in the rural areas is twice the level of urban areas, and levels of poverty and social indicators vary between different states and regions.", "6. Agriculture continues to dominate the economy with a 44 per cent share of GDP and employs more than half of the country’s labour force. Economic growth in the past decade was a little over 5 per cent per annum, and per capita income in 2009 was about $587.", "7. Elections were held for the first time in two decades in late 2010. Newly elected national and regional parliaments were convened and a new government formed in the first half of 2011. The new President has declared poverty reduction to be a priority of the Government, and has called for close cooperation with the United Nations and other international organizations. While concrete measures to achieve that objective have yet to be implemented, both the Government’s statements and the decentralization process, if carried through, such there is a potential window of opportunity to expand and intensify poverty reduction initiatives.", "8. The formation of a new government and the articulation of its priorities, including an added emphasis on poverty reduction, have added to the ongoing consultations on United Nations programmes, including on a strategic framework for the United Nations during the period 2012-2015. As the Government is in the early stages of its planning and policy-formulation process, these consultations with stakeholders, including civil society, need to continue for the next few months.", "III. Conformity with Governing Council and Executive Board decisions", "9. The 2011 independent assessment mission to Myanmar, consisting of three international consultants, took place from 24 April to 3 June 2011 and provided a detailed review of the conformity of the Human Development Initiative, phase 4 with the Executive Board mandate, and challenges and constraints in project implementation. The detailed assessment report is available on the Executive Board website.", "10. The assessment methodology included: (a) extensive review of documentation for the phase 4 projects that are still operational, namely, the community development projects, the microfinance project, the integrated household living conditions assessment project and the HIV/AIDS project; (b) visits to project villages in 9 of the 60 active project townships in the Delta, Shan State and Eastern Rakhine State; (c) systematic consultations with beneficiaries during field visits; and (d) meetings with diplomatic delegations, international and national non-governmental organizations and United Nations agencies.", "11. The IAM concluded that the HDI programme is in compliance with Governing Council and Executive Board directives, while concurring with previous IAM positions that UNDP interprets the mandate conservatively, and that this has had a bearing on the sustainability and impact of HDI activities. The IAM report also notes that if UNDP continues to interpret the mandate in this conservative way, there is a risk of missing important opportunities to influence the changes taking place in the country. Additionally, such an approach could limit the impact of UNDP in the future.", "IV. Assessment of the Human Development Initiative, phase 4: Conclusions and recommendations of the 2011 independent assessment", "12. The 2011 IAM acknowledged that UNDP has made considerable efforts to address a number of concerns raised by the IAM of 2010. Specifically, this refers to the efforts made to more closely coordinate the two principal community-development projects, and to increase the complementarity of the work being done. The mission noted that consideration now needs to be given to the possibility of undertaking a full merger of the two projects. While this would facilitate management of the two projects, consolidation could also lead to incorporation of the strongest of various project modalities into the new programmatic framework. As regards monitoring and evaluation, the IAM team also noted how the number of reports at the township level has been substantially reduced and that they are now brief and more clear. Overall the IAM found that the community-development projects are providing adequate support to both the poor and disadvantaged through livelihood initiatives, access to credit, improved skills and the strengthening of social capital.", "13. The IAM report noted that the microfinance project continues to perform with great efficiency, meeting international standards in providing credit and micro-insurance to the poor and vulnerable. This assistance is crucial for their livelihoods, to meeting consumption needs and to enhancing people’s ability to absorb shocks in times of crises. The report further suggested the need to investigate saturation levels of microfinance in some villages, and a review of whether new products are needed to address the credit needs of the poor. The report also recommended discussions with the Government on the future regulatory framework for microfinance in the country, and on expansion of project activities into new areas within the country.", "14. With the launch in June 2011 of the second integrated household living conditions assessment survey, the IAM also recommended that the country office develop a systematic approach to understanding and utilizing the survey data in planning and programming.", "15. With respect to HDI support to community-based organizations, the report suggested building on efforts to encourage such groups to engage in wider village-development activities. The report also recommended that UNDP undertake a study of the impact and effectiveness of initiatives to meet the needs of the “poorest of the poor” and “people with disabilities”.", "16. The IAM report noted that the HIV/AIDS project has made a number of gains through the self-help group model: a way of working to support the livelihoods of people living with HIV. The project has been less successful in its effort to integrate with the community-development projects, and the report recommended developing more effective linkages, in particular when undertaking community awareness and education campaigns, and providing livelihoods support.", "17. The report found that individual projects make a solid contribution to addressing women’s inequality and vulnerability through supporting mechanisms where the members and clients are almost exclusively women; however, there has been relative weakness in the consistency of the HDI application of a gender strategy and action plan.", "18. Significant efforts have been made through the HDI to introduce environmental improvement activities. The report suggested that further analysis of the impact of these initiatives is required, particularly on forest plantation establishment, natural forest conservation and agroforestry activities. Disaster risk reduction is an important new area of work for HDI. This work has relevance beyond the immediate response to the Nargis and Giri cyclone emergencies. The report noted the need for linking village groups to township support systems and ultimately with district-level disaster risk reduction support.", "19. While acknowledging important efforts made to move towards a stronger result-based management system, the IAM report recommended that additional training be provided to key project personnel in use of outcome indicators in planning, management and reporting.", "V. Proposal for a one-year extension of the HDI, phase 4", "20. Further to Executive Board decision 2010/30, UNDP has undertaken an extensive review of the recommendations of the 2010 independent assessment mission report, in particular of the suggested measures to increase the impact and sustainability of the programme. UNDP has identified a number of potential adjustments to its programme, to be implemented as part of its programme activities from 2012 onwards. As noted earlier, the Government has recently announced its initial policy priorities, several of which are directly relevant to the UNDP mandate in the country.", "21. Also pursuant to Executive Board decision 2010/30, the country office has embarked on preparations for a new programme, taking into account the 2010 and 2011 IAM recommendations. Given the recent changes in government, however, and the ongoing consultations with stakeholders on UNDP assistance to Myanmar for the next programme period, UNDP is requesting a one-year extension, to 2012, of the current phase 4. The extension would ensure that IAM recommendations are fully assessed and taken on board, and allow for the conclusion of consultations with all development partners on the design of the new programme.", "VI. Funding requirements", "22. In its decision 2009/24, the Executive Board authorized the Administrator to allocate an estimated $38.9 million from regular budget resources, and $65 million from other resources mobilized for the period 2008-2011. The revised regular (“core”) resources funding requirement for 2008-2012 is estimated at $55.9 million. The corresponding other (“non-core”) resources needs are estimated at $85 million for the period 2008-2012." ]
[ "2011年第二届常会", "2011年9月6日至9日,纽约", "临时议程项目3", "国家方案及有关事项", "对缅甸的援助", "署长的说明", "摘要", "在2010年6月至2011年5月期间,按照执行局第96/1号、第98/14号、第2001/15号、第2003/2号、第2004/2号、第2005/3号、第2005/42号、第2006/2号、第2006/31号、第2007/36号、第2009/24号和第2010/30号决定规定的准则,开展了人类发展倡议第四阶段的活动,2011年对第四阶段活动进行了独立评估,本报告介绍这次评估确认的主要结论、建议和战略挑战。由三名成员组成的国际独立评估团于2011年4月24日至6月3日开展了评估工作。", "评估团的结论是,人类发展倡议遵守了执行局的任务规定。评估团提出了联合国开发计划署(开发署)不妨考虑在人类发展倡议下实施的建议。", "为了发挥任务规定的最大潜力,考虑到该国不断变化的国情,为了完成与各发展伙伴关于开发署在下个方案期间的方案活动的协商,开发署要求将人类发展倡议第四阶段延长一年,直到2012年年底。开发署将继续按照执行局在2007/36号决定中赞同的方案重点开展活动。", "决定要点", "执行局不妨:(a) 注意到本文件以及派往缅甸的独立评估团提出的报告,特别是注意到报告所载战略挑战和建议;(b) 请署长考虑独立评估团的调查结果,并酌情在人类发展倡议下执行调查结果;(c) 核准下述提议:将人类发展倡议第四阶段延长一年,至2012年;以及(d) 授权署长从经常(“核心”)预算资源中为(2008-2012年)订正期间拨款约5 590万美元,并调动总额多达8 500万美元的其他(“非核心”)资源。", "目录", "页次\n1.导言 4\n2.方案规划的背景 4\n3.遵守理事会和执行局各项决定的情况 5\n4.人类发展倡议第四阶段评估:2011年独立评估的结论和建议 5\n5.将人类发展倡议第四阶段延长一年的提议 6\n6.所需经费 7", "一. 导言", "1. 自1993年以来,开发署按照理事会第93/21号决定和执行局第96/1号、第98/14号、第2001/15号、第2003/2号、第2004/2号、第2005/3号、第2005/42号、第2006/2号、第2006/31号、第2007/36号、第2009/24号和第2010/30号决定规定的准则,向缅甸提供援助。根据这些决定,资源被用来在初级保健、环境、艾滋病毒/艾滋病、培训和教育以及粮食保障等领域满足缅甸基层的关键人道主义需要和基本人类需要。在题为人类发展倡议的框架内制定和协调了项目。", "2. 正在实施的人类发展倡议第四阶段是第2001/15号决定核准的,此后,执行局在第2005/3号、第2006/31号和第2009/24号决定中延长了第四阶段的实施期限。执行局在第2009/24号决定中核可将第四阶段延长一年的提议,即延长到2011年,并核准2008-2011年的订正资金封套,包括经常资源3 890万美元,其他资源最高达6 500万美元。", "3. 最近的几个独立评估团确认了家庭在持续改善生计方面面临的几个挑战。2010年独立评估团特别注意到两个社区发展项目在影响力和可持续性方面存在缺点。该评估团认为这与方案整体战略框架的不足有关,强烈敦促开发署确认一个较有效的新战略框架,以解决农村的贫困问题。", "4. 执行局在第2010/30号决议中建议开发署充分发挥当前任务规定的最大潜力,参考2010年独立评估团的各项建议,开始设计2012年及以后的方案活动。", "二. 方案规划的背景", "5. 自2008年5月“纳尔吉斯”气旋袭击缅甸以来,该国的行动环境发生了变化,国际组织和当地发展组织提供援助的空间扩大了。该国的发展形势也有所改变。人类发展倡议综合家庭生活状况评估项目于2009至2010年进行的第二次调查显示,总体贫困率和粮食匮乏率在过去五年有所减少。但是,调查也表明,约25%的人口依然贫困,5%的人口依然缺粮。农村地区的贫困率是城市地区的两倍,各邦和联邦区的贫困率和社会指标水平也有差异。", "6. 农业继续主导国民经济,占国内生产总值的44%,为该国超过一半的劳动力提供就业。过去十年的年均经济增长率略高于5%,2009年人均年收入约为587美元。", "7. 2010年年底,该国举办了二十年来的第一次选举。2011年上半年,新当选的联邦议会和联邦区议会举行了会议,并组建了新政府。新总统宣布减少贫困是新政府的优先事项,并要求同联合国和其它国际组织进行密切合作。虽然尚未实施达到这一目标的具体措施,但若能坚持贯彻政府声明和权力下放进程,就有可能推广和加强减贫倡议。", "8. 新政府已经组成,而且它阐明了其优先事项,其中包括加大减贫力度,这为正在进行的关于联合国方案的协商、包括关于2012-2015年期间联合国在该国的战略框架的协商增添了助力。由于新政府处于规划和政策制订进程的初期,同民间社会等利益攸关方的协商仍要持续几个月的时间。", "三. 遵守理事会和执行局各项决定的情况", "9. 派往缅甸的2011年独立评估团由三名国际咨询人组成,在2011年4月24日至6月3日期间详细审查了人类发展倡议第四阶段遵守执行局任务规定的情况,以及在实施项目过程中遇到的挑战和制约。在执行局网站上可查阅详细的评估报告。", "10. 评估方法包括:(a) 广泛审查社区发展项目、小额供资项目、综合家庭生活条件评估项目和艾滋病毒/艾滋病项目等第四阶段仍在执行项目的文件;(b) 考察三角洲、掸邦和若开邦东部正在实施项目的60个乡镇中的9个项目村;(c) 在实地考察中系统地征询受益人的意见;(d) 与各国外交代表团、国际和本国非政府组织和联合国各机构举行会议。", "11. 评估团的结论是,开发署在实施人类发展倡议过程中遵循了理事会和执行局的指示。然而该评估团同以往评估团一样,认为开发署对任务的理解过于保守,而且这种理解影响了人类发展倡议活动的可持续性和影响力。独立评估团还在报告中指出,如果开发署继续对任务作这样保守的理解,将有可能失去影响该国当前变化的重要时机。而且,这种保守理解方式今后也会限制开发署的影响力。", "四. 人类发展倡议第四阶段评估:2011年独立评估的结论和建议", "12. 2011年独立评估团承认,开发署作出了相当大的努力,以处理2010年评估团提出的若干问题上,特别是,开发署努力更加密切地协调两个主要社区发展项目,增强正在开展的工作的互补性。评估团指出,当前必须考虑完全合并两个项目的可能性。合并不仅能方便项目管理,也能将最好的项目模式融入新实用框架。在监测和评价工作上,独立评估团还注意到,乡镇级报告的数量大量减少,而且内容更加简练和清晰。总的来说,评估团认为社区发展项目正在通过改善生计、发放信贷、提高技能和加强社会资本等举措为贫困和弱势人口提供足够的支持。", "13. 评估团注意到,小额供资项目继续高效运行,并符合为贫困和弱势人口提供信贷和小额保险的国际标准。这项援助能满足当地人的消费需要,增强他们在危机时期抵御冲击的能力,因此对他们的生存至关重要。报告进一步指出,必须调查一些村庄的小额供资项目的饱和度,并审议是否需要推出新产品,以满足穷人贷款需要。报告还建议同该国政府讨论制订该国未来小额供资监管框架和将项目活动扩展到该国其他地区的问题。", "14. 由于第二次综合家庭生活状况评估调查已于2011年6月展开,评估团还建议国家办事处在制定计划和编制方案过程中采取系统做法,以理解和运用调查数据。", "15. 在人类发展倡议对社区组织的支持方面,报告建议积极推动社区组织参与更广泛的乡村发展活动。报告还建议开发署研究为满足“最穷的人”和“残疾人”的需要而实施的举措的影响力和成效。", "16. 评估团报告注意到,艾滋病毒/艾滋病项目通过采用给予艾滋病毒携带者生计支助的自助小组模式,取得了若干成果。然而该项目在结合社区发展项目上并未收获理想的结果,因此,报告建议特别在提高社区认识和开展社区教育方面以及在提供生计支助方面,加强与社区发展项目的有效联系。", "17. 报告发现,个别项目通过支持成员和客户几乎全为女性的机制,为解决妇女地位不平等和易受伤害性问题做出了实质性贡献;然而,人类发展倡议却在应用两性平等战略和两性平等行动计划中缺乏一致性。", "18. 开发署通过人类发展倡议,为开展改善环境活动做出了重大努力。报告指出,必须进一步分析这些举措产生的影响,特别是对植树造林、保护自然林和发展农林业的影响。减轻灾害风险是人类发展倡议的重要新工作领域。这项工作的内容超出对“纳尔吉斯”和“吉里”气旋等紧急情况做出即时反应。报告指出,必须将村庄组与乡镇级支助系统联系起来,并最终与地区级减灾支助系统联系起来。", "19. 独立评估团报告承认开发署为建立一个较强大的成果管理系统作出了重大努力;与此同时,报告建议进一步对关键项目人员进行关于如何在规划、管理和报告过程中运用成果指标的培训。", "五. 将人类发展倡议第四阶段延长一年的提议", "20. 在执行局通过第2010/30号决定后,开发署全面审查了2010年独立评估团报告所提出的建议,特别是关于如何提高方案影响力和可持续性的建议举措。开发署确认了方案的几个可调整之处。这些调整将纳入2012年及以后的方案活动。如前所述,该国政府最近宣布了其初期政策的优先事项,其中若干事项与开发署在该国的任务直接相关。", "21. 同样按照执行局第2010/30号决议,国家办事处参考2010年和2011年评估团提出的建议,已着手筹备一项新方案。但是考虑到该国政府内发生的变化以及同利益攸关方正在进行的关于开发署在下个方案时期对缅甸提供援助问题的协商,开发署要求将人类发展倡议第四阶段延长一年,直到2012年年底。延长既能保证充分评估和采纳评估团的建议,也能保证完成与发展伙伴进行的关于新方案设计的协商。", "六. 所需经费", "22. 执行局在第2009/24号决议中授权署长在2008-2011年期间从经常预算资源中拨款约3 890万美元,调动其他资源约6 500万美元。2008-2012年订正经常(“核心”)资源经费约为5 590万美元。相应的2008-2012年其他(“非核心”)资源需求约为8 500万美元。" ]
[ "2011年第二届常会", "纽约", "临时议程项目3", "国家方案和相关事项", "援助缅甸", "署长的说明", "内容提要", "1. 本报告载有根据执行局第96/1号、第98/14号、第2001/15号、第2003/2号、第2004/2号、第2005/3号、第2005/42号、第2006/2号、第2006/31号、第2007/36号、第2009/24号和第2010/30号决定所规定的准则,在2010年6月至2011年5月期间对人类发展倡议第四阶段进行独立评估时确定的主要结论、建议和战略挑战。 三人国际独立特派团于2011年4月24日至6月3日开展工作。", "评估团的结论是,人类发展倡议符合执行局的任务。 评估团建议开发署考虑根据人类发展倡议执行。", "为了在任务的全部潜力和不断变化的国家背景下,与所有发展伙伴就开发署下一个方案期间的方案活动进行协商,开发署请求将人类发展倡议第四阶段延长一年,至2012年底。 开发署将继续按照执行局第2007/36号决定核准的方案重点开展活动。", "决定的内容", "执行局不妨:(a) 注意到本文件和独立评估团提交缅甸的报告,特别是其中提到的战略挑战和建议;(b) 请署长酌情根据《人类发展倡议》考虑和执行独立评估团的调查结果;(c) 核可将人类发展倡议第四阶段延长至2012年的拟议延长一年;(d) 授权署长从经常资源(“核心”)中拨款5 590万美元,并调动其他(“非核心”)资源,总额达到8 500万美元。", "目录", "章 次 页 次", "一、导 言3", "II. A. 方案拟订工作 3", "页: 1 A. 与理事会和执行局决定的一致性 4", "四、结 论 A. 对人类发展倡议的评估,第四阶段 4", "页: 1 关于将人类发展指数延长一年的建议,第四阶段 5", "六、结 论 B. 供资 6", "一. 导言", "页: 1 自1993年以来,开发署根据理事会第93/21号决定和执行局第96/1号、第98/14号、第2001/15号、第2003/2号、第2004/2号、第2005/3号、第2005/42号、第2006/2号、第2006/31号、第2007/36号、第2009/24号和第2010/30号决定确立的准则向缅甸提供援助。 根据这些决定,资源旨在满足缅甸基层在初级卫生保健、环境、艾滋病毒/艾滋病、培训和教育以及粮食保障方面的重大人道主义和基本人类需要。 项目是在题为“人类发展倡议”的框架内拟定和协调的。", "2. 结 论 第2001/15号决定核准了正在进行的人类发展倡议第四阶段,随后通过执行局第2005/3、2006/31和2009/24号决定予以延长。 在第2009/24号决定中,执行局核准将第四阶段延长至2011年的拟议一年,并授权为2008-2011年期间修订资金封套。 其中包括经常资源3 890万美元,其他资源高达6 500万美元。", "3. 。 最近的独立评估团查明了若干挑战,涉及家庭维持生计收益的能力。 2010年独立评估团特别注意到两个社区发展项目在影响和可持续性方面的弱点。 评估团将此与方案总体战略框架中的不足联系起来,并强烈敦促开发署确定一个新的、更有效的战略框架,解决农村贫穷问题。", "4. 第四届会议 在其第2010/30号决定中,审计委员会建议开发署利用现有任务的全部潜力,从2012年起着手设计方案拟定活动,同时考虑到2010年独立评估团的建议。", "II. 二. 方案拟订情况", "5. 自2008年5月纳尔吉斯热带气旋风暴以来,该国的业务环境发生了变化,国际和地方发展组织提供了一些援助的空间。 该国的发展环境也出现了一些变化。 人类发展倡议综合家庭生活条件评估项目在2009-10年期间进行的第二次调查表明,在过去五年里,总体贫困和粮食贫困减少了。 然而,国际人道主义法调查还表明,贫困仍然影响到约25%的人口,包括受粮食贫穷影响的5%的人口。 农村地区的贫困程度是城市地区的两倍,不同国家和区域的贫困程度和社会指标也各不相同。", "6. 任务 农业继续占国内总产值的44%,占国家劳动力的一半以上。 过去十年的经济增长略高于每年5%,2009年的人均收入约为587美元。", "7. 基本考虑 选举于2010年下半年首次举行。 新当选的国家和区域议会于2011年上半年召开,新政府成立。 新总统宣布减贫是政府的一个优先事项,并呼吁与联合国和其他国际组织密切合作。 虽然尚未落实实现这一目标的具体措施,但政府的声明和权力下放进程如果通过,就有可能有机会扩大和加强减贫举措。", "8.8 新政府的组建及其优先事项的表述,包括进一步强调减贫,增加了正在进行的关于联合国方案的磋商,包括2012-2015年期间联合国战略框架的磋商。 由于政府正处于规划和政策制定进程的早期阶段,与包括民间社会在内的利益攸关方的磋商需要在今后几个月内继续进行。", "页: 1 与理事会和执行局决定的一致性", "9 September 2005 由三名国际顾问组成的2011年独立评估团于2011年4月24日至6月3日访问了缅甸,并详细审查了人类发展倡议第四阶段是否符合执行局的任务,以及项目执行方面的挑战和制约因素。 详细评估报告可在执行局网站上查阅。", "10.10 评估方法包括:(a) 广泛审查仍在实施的第四阶段项目的文件,即社区发展项目、小额供资项目、综合家庭生活条件评估项目和艾滋病毒/艾滋病项目;(b) 访问德尔塔、掸邦和若开邦东部60个活跃项目乡镇中的9个村庄;(c) 在实地考察期间与受益者进行系统协商;(d) 与外交代表团、国际和国家非政府组织以及联合国机构举行会议。", "注 农联的结论是,人的发展行动方案符合理事会和执行局的指示,同时赞同国际农联以往的立场,即开发署保守地解释任务,这影响到人类发展倡议活动的可持续性和影响。 农联的报告还指出,如果开发署继续以这种保守的方式解释任务,就有可能失去重要的机会来影响该国发生的变化。 此外,这种做法可能会限制开发署今后的影响。", "四、结 论 《人类发展倡议评估》,第四阶段:2011年独立评估的结论和建议", "12. 第12段。 15. 2011年国际水域评估确认,开发署为处理2010年国际水域评估提出的若干关切作出了重大努力。 具体来说,这指的是努力更密切地协调两个主要的社区发展项目,并增强正在进行的工作的互补性。 评估团指出,现在需要考虑是否有可能全面合并这两个项目。 虽然这将有助于管理这两个项目,但合并也可导致将各种项目模式的最强力纳入新的方案框架。 在监测和评价方面,农牧业协会小组还注意到,市镇一级的报告数量如何大幅减少,现在报告内容简明扼要。 总的说来,农联发现,社区发展项目通过生计倡议、获得信贷、提高技能和加强社会资本,向穷人和处境不利者提供适当支助。", "13 August 2001 农联的报告指出,小额供资项目继续高效地开展,达到向穷人和弱势群体提供信贷和小额保险的国际标准。 这种援助对于他们的生计、满足消费需要和提高人民在危机时期吸收冲击的能力至关重要。 报告还建议,必须调查一些村庄的小额供资饱和水平,并审查是否需要新产品来满足穷人的信贷需要。 报告还建议与政府讨论该国未来小额供资管理框架,以及将项目活动扩大到该国新领域。", "十四、任 务 随着第二次综合家庭生活条件评估调查于2011年6月启动,家庭状况评估研究所还建议国家办事处制定系统办法,在规划和方案拟订过程中了解和利用调查数据。", "15 关于人类发展倡议对社区组织的支持,报告建议继续努力鼓励这些群体参与更广泛的村庄发展活动。 报告还建议开发署研究为满足“穷人中最贫困者”和“残疾人”的需要而采取的举措的影响和效果。", "161 IAM报告指出,艾滋病毒/艾滋病项目通过自助小组模式取得了一些成果:这是努力支持艾滋病毒感染者生计的一种方式。 该项目在努力融入社区发展项目方面不太成功,报告建议建立更有效的联系,特别是在开展社区宣传和教育运动以及提供生计支助时。", "17. 第17条。 报告发现,各个项目通过支持机制,在其成员和客户几乎完全是妇女的情况下,为处理妇女的不平等和脆弱性作出有力贡献;然而,人类发展倡议实施性别战略和行动计划的一致性相对薄弱。", "第18条 通过人类发展倡议作出了重大努力,开展环境改善活动。 报告建议,需要进一步分析这些举措的影响,特别是森林种植、自然森林养护和农林业活动的影响。 减少灾害风险是人类发展倡议的一个重要的新工作领域。 这项工作除了立即应对纳吉斯和吉里气旋紧急情况外,还具有相关性。 报告指出,需要将乡村团体与城镇支助系统联系起来,并最终与县一级的减少灾害风险支助联系起来。", "191 在承认为建立更强有力的成果管理制作出了重要努力的同时,农法协会的报告建议,在规划、管理和报告使用成果指标方面,向关键项目人员提供更多的培训。", "页: 1 关于将人类发展指数延长一年的建议,第四阶段", "20.20 继执行局第2010/30号决定之后,开发署对2010年独立评估团报告的建议进行了广泛审查,特别是提出了增加方案影响和可持续性的措施。 开发署已查明对其方案的若干可能调整,将在2012年以后作为其方案活动的一部分予以实施。 如前所述,政府最近宣布了最初的政策优先事项,其中一些与开发署在该国的任务直接相关。", "21.21。 此外,根据执行局第2010/30号决定,国家办事处着手筹备新的方案,同时考虑到2010年和2011年农联的建议。 然而,鉴于政府最近发生的变化,以及就开发署在下一个方案期间对缅甸的援助与利益攸关方正在进行的协商,开发署请求将目前阶段的一年延长到2012年。 4. 第四届会议 延期将确保全面评估和采纳农研中心的建议,并允许与所有发展伙伴就新方案的设计进行协商。", "六、结 论 所需资金", "第22章 执行局第2009/24号决定授权署长从经常预算中拨款3 890万美元,从2008-2011年期间调动的其他资源中拨款6 500万美元。 2008-2012年订正经常资源(“核心”)所需资源估计为5 590万美元。 相应的其他(“非核心”)资源需求估计在2008-2012年期间为8 500万美元。" ]
[ "Sixty-fifth session", "Agenda item 121", "Multilingualism", "Albania, Andorra, Argentina, Austria, Belgium, Benin, Bulgaria, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cambodia, Cameroon, Canada, Cape Verde, Central African Republic, Chad, Congo, Costa Rica, Cyprus, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Djibouti, Dominica, Estonia, France, Gabon, Georgia, Greece, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Haiti, Lebanon, Luxembourg, Madagascar, Mali, Mauritius, Mexico, Monaco, Montenegro, Morocco, Niger, Peru, Poland, Romania, Rwanda, Senegal, Serbia, Seychelles, Slovakia, Slovenia, Togo, Tunisia, Uruguay and Vanuatu: draft resolution", "Multilingualism", "The General Assembly,", "Recognizing that the United Nations pursues multilingualism as a means of promoting, protecting and preserving diversity of languages and cultures globally,", "Recognizing also that genuine multilingualism promotes unity in diversity and international understanding, and recognizing the importance of the capacity to communicate to the peoples of the world in their own languages, including in formats accessible to persons with disabilities,", "Stressing the need for strict observance of the resolutions and rules establishing language arrangements for the different bodies and organs of the United Nations,", "Emphasizing the importance of multilingualism in the activities of the United Nations, including those linked to public relations and information,", "Recalling its resolution 47/135 of 18 December 1992, by which it adopted the Declaration on the Rights of Persons Belonging to National or Ethnic, Religious and Linguistic Minorities, and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights,[1] in particular article 27 thereof, concerning the rights of persons belonging to ethnic, religious or linguistic minorities,", "Recalling also its resolutions 2 (I) of 1 February 1946, 2480 B (XXIII) of 21 December 1968, 42/207 C of 11 December 1987, 50/11 of 2 November 1995, 52/23 of 25 November 1997, 54/64 of 6 December 1999, 56/262 of 15 February 2002, 59/309 of 22 June 2005, 63/306 of 9 September 2009, 64/266 of 21 May 2010, 65/107 B of 10 December 2010, 65/245 of 24 December 2010 and 65/247 of 24 December 2010,", "1. Takes note of the report of the Secretary-General;[2]", "2. Calls upon the Secretary-General to continue to develop the informal network of focal points in order to support his activities;", "3. Emphasizes the paramount importance of the equality of the six official languages of the United Nations;", "4. Underlines the need for full implementation of the resolutions establishing language arrangements for the official languages of the United Nations and the working languages of the Secretariat;", "5. Requests the Secretary-General to ensure that all language services are given equal treatment and are provided with equally favourable working conditions and resources, with a view to achieving maximum quality of those services, with full respect for the specificities of the six official languages, and in that regard recalls paragraph 11 of section D of its resolution 54/248 of 23 December 1999;", "6. Reiterates its request to the Secretary-General to complete the task of uploading all important older United Nations documents onto the United Nations website in all six official languages on a priority basis, so that those archives are also available to Member States through that medium;", "7. Reiterates that all content-providing offices in the Secretariat should continue their efforts to translate into all official languages all English-language materials and databases posted on the United Nations website in the most practical, efficient and cost-effective manner;", "8. Requests the Secretary-General to continue to ensure, through the provision of documentation services and meeting and publishing services under conference management, including high-quality translation and interpretation, effective multilingual communication among representatives of Member States in intergovernmental organs and members of expert bodies of the United Nations equally in all the official languages of the United Nations;", "9. Stresses the importance of providing United Nations information, technical assistance and training materials, whenever possible, in the local languages of the beneficiary countries;", "10. Acknowledges the measures undertaken by the Secretary-General, in accordance with its resolutions, to address the issue of the replacement of retiring staff in the language services, and requests the Secretary-General to maintain and intensify those efforts, including through the strengthening of cooperation with institutions that train language specialists to meet the need in the six official languages of the United Nations;", "11. Notes with satisfaction the willingness of the Secretariat to encourage staff members, in meetings with interpretation services, to use any of the six official languages of which they have a command;", "12. Reiterates its request to the Secretary-General to ensure that the rules concerning the simultaneous distribution of documents in all six official languages are strictly respected as regards both the distribution of printed copies and the posting of parliamentary documentation on the Official Document System and the United Nations website, in keeping with section III, paragraph 5, of its resolution 55/222 of 23 December 2000;", "13. Emphasizes the importance of:", "(a) Making appropriate use of all the official languages of the United Nations in all the activities of the Department of Public Information of the Secretariat, with the aim of eliminating the disparity between the use of English and the use of the five other official languages;", "(b) Ensuring the full and equitable treatment of all the official languages of the United Nations in all the activities of the Department of Public Information;", "and, in this regard, reaffirms its request to the Secretary-General to ensure that the Department has appropriate staffing capacity in all the official languages of the United Nations to undertake all its activities;", "14. Requests the Secretary-General to continue his efforts to ensure that, in accordance with their income-generating nature, guided tours at United Nations Headquarters are consistently available, in particular, in all six official languages of the United Nations;", "15. Encourages the Secretary-General to strengthen his efforts to develop and maintain multilingual United Nations websites, from within existing resources, including efforts to keep the Secretary-General’s web page up to date in all the official languages of the United Nations;", "16. Reaffirms the need to achieve full parity among the six official languages on United Nations websites;", "17. Also reaffirms that the United Nations website is an essential tool for Member States, the media, educational institutions, the general public and non-governmental organizations, and reiterates the continued need for efforts by the Department of Public Information to maintain and improve it;", "18. Further reaffirms its request to the Secretary-General to ensure, while maintaining an up-to-date and accurate website, the adequate distribution of financial and human resources within the Department of Public Information allocated to the United Nations website among all official languages, with full respect for the specificities of the six official languages;", "19. Notes with concern that the multilingual development and enrichment of the United Nations website in several official languages has improved at a much slower rate than expected, and, in this regard, requests the Department of Public Information, in coordination with content-providing offices, to improve the actions taken to achieve parity among the six official languages on the United Nations website, in particular by expediting the filling of current vacant posts in some sections;", "20. Requests the Department of Public Information, in cooperation with the Office of Information and Communications Technology of the Secretariat, to continue its efforts to ensure that technological infrastructures and supportive applications fully support Latin, non-Latin and bidirectional scripts in order to enhance the equality of all official languages on the United Nations website;", "21. Welcomes the cooperative arrangements undertaken by the Department of Public Information with academic institutions in order to increase the number of web pages available in some official languages, and requests the Secretary-General, in coordination with content-providing offices, to extend these cooperative arrangements, in a cost-effective manner, to all the official languages of the United Nations, bearing in mind the necessity of adherence to United Nations standards and guidelines;", "22. Urges the Secretariat to keep iSeek up to date in the two working languages of the Secretariat, to continue its efforts to implement iSeek at all duty stations and to develop and implement cost-neutral measures to provide Member States with secure access to the information currently accessible only on the Intranet of the Secretariat;", "23. Notes with appreciation the work carried out by the United Nations information centres, including the United Nations Regional Information Centre, in favour of the publication of United Nations information materials and the translation of important documents into languages other than the official languages of the United Nations, with a view to reaching the widest possible audience and extending the United Nations message to all corners of the world in order to strengthen international support for the activities of the Organization, and encourages United Nations information centres to continue their multilingual activities in the interactive and proactive aspects of their work, especially by arranging seminars and debates to further the spread of information and the understanding and exchange of views regarding United Nations activities at the local level;", "24. Recalls its resolution 65/247, in particular paragraphs 54 (f) and 26 thereof in which it reaffirmed the need to respect the equality of the two working languages of the Secretariat, reaffirmed the use of additional working languages in specific duty stations, as mandated, and, in that regard, requested the Secretary-General to ensure that vacancy announcements specified the need for either of the working languages of the Secretariat, unless the functions of the post required a specific working language;", "25. Also recalls section II, paragraph 17, of its resolution 61/244 of 22 December 2006, in which it acknowledged that the interaction of the United Nations with the local population in the field was essential and that language skills constituted an important element of the selection and training processes and therefore affirmed that a good command of the official language(s) spoken in the country of residence should be taken into account as an additional asset during those processes;", "26. Recalls its resolution 64/266, in which it endorsed the proposals, recommendations and conclusions of the Special Committee on Peacekeeping Operations;", "27. Takes note of section II.D.1 of the report of the Secretary-General,² requests the Secretary-General to continue his ongoing efforts in this regard, and further recalls its resolution 64/266 without prejudice to Article 101 of the Charter of the United Nations;", "28. Urges the Secretariat to translate all peacekeeping training documents into the six official languages of the United Nations, within existing resources, to ensure that all Member States can use them;", "29. Stresses that the employment of staff shall continue to be carried out in strict accordance with Article 101 of the Charter and in line with the relevant provisions of General Assembly resolutions;", "30. Invites the Secretary-General to ensure compliance with the requirement for United Nations staff to have the ability to use one of the working languages of the Secretariat, and encourages the Secretary-General to further implement resolution 2480 B (XXIII);", "31. Invites the Secretary-General to take the appropriate measures to consider the linguistic specificities mentioned in vacancy announcements during the composition of interview panels for the employment of United Nations staff;", "32. Stresses that the promotion of staff in the Professional and higher categories shall be carried out in strict accordance with Article 101 of the Charter and in line with the provisions of resolution 2480 B (XXIII) and the relevant provisions of resolution 55/258 of 14 June 2001;", "33. Encourages United Nations staff members to continue actively to use existing training facilities to acquire and enhance their proficiency in one or more of the official languages of the United Nations;", "34. Notes with interest the cost-neutral initiatives of the Secretariat to produce publications in several languages, increase the volume of translated publications and encourage a multilingual acquisition policy for the libraries of the United Nations, and requests the Secretariat to continue those initiatives;", "35. Reaffirms that linguistic diversity is an important element of cultural diversity, stresses the importance of the full and effective implementation of the Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions,[3] which entered into force on 18 March 2007, and recalls the recommendation concerning the Promotion and Use of Multilingualism and Universal Access to Cyberspace of 15 October 2003;[4]", "36. Welcomes the activities of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, Member States, the entities of the United Nations system and all other participating bodies aimed at fostering respect for and the promotion and protection of all languages, in particular endangered ones, linguistic diversity and multilingualism;", "37. Requests the Secretary-General to submit to the General Assembly at its sixty-seventh session a comprehensive report on the full implementation of its resolutions on multilingualism;", "38. Decides to include in the provisional agenda of its sixty-seventh session the item entitled “Multilingualism”.", "[1] See resolution 2200 A (XXI), annex.", "[2] A/65/488.", "[3] United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, Records of the General Conference, Thirty-third Session, Paris, 3-21 October 2005, vol. 1 and corrigenda: Resolutions, chap. V, resolution 41.", "[4] United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, Records of the General Conference, Thirty-second Session, Paris, 29 September-17 October 2003, vol. 1: Resolutions, chap. IV, recommendation 41." ]
[ "第六十五届会议", "议程项目121", "使用多种语文", "阿尔巴尼亚、安道尔、阿根廷、奥地利、比利时、贝宁、保加利亚、布基纳法索、布隆迪、柬埔寨、喀麦隆、加拿大、佛得角、中非共和国、乍得、刚果、哥斯达黎加、塞浦路斯、刚果民主共和国、吉布提、多米尼克、爱沙尼亚、法国、加蓬、格鲁吉亚、希腊、几内亚、几内亚比绍、海地、黎巴嫩、卢森堡、马达加斯加、马里、毛里求斯、墨西哥、摩纳哥、黑山、摩洛哥、尼日尔、秘鲁、波兰、罗马尼亚、卢旺达、塞内加尔、塞尔维亚、塞舌尔、斯洛伐克、斯洛文尼亚、多哥、突尼斯、乌拉圭和瓦努阿图:决议草案", "使用多种语文", "大会,", "认识到联合国力求使用多种语文,以此在全球促进、保护和保存语文和文化的多样性,", "又认识到切实使用多种语文有助于在多样之中求统一,促进国际了解,并认识到能够用世界人民自己的语言,包括用残疾人可以采用的方式,同他们进行沟通非常重要,", "强调必须严格遵守为联合国不同机构和机关规定语文安排的各项决议和规则,", "强调指出在联合国的活动包括与公共关系和新闻有关的活动中使用多种语文的重要性,", "回顾其通过《在民族或族裔、宗教和语言上属于少数群体的人的权利宣言》的1992年12月18日第47/135号决议,以及《公民及政治权利国际公约》,[1] 特别是其中关于在族裔、宗教或语言上属于少数群体的人的权利的第二十七条,", "又回顾1946年2月1日第2(I)号、1968年12月21日第2480 B(XXIII)号、1987年12月11日第42/207 C号、1995年11月2日第50/11号、1997年11月25日第52/23号、1999年12月6日第54/64号、2002年2月15日第56/262 号、2005年6月22日第59/309 号、2009年9月9日第63/306号、2010年5月21日第64/266号、2010年12月10日第65/107 B号、2010年12月24日第65/245号和2010年12月24日第65/247号决议,", "1. 表示注意到秘书长的报告;[2]", "2. 吁请秘书长继续加强非正式的协调机构网络,以便支持他的活动;", "3. 强调联合国六种正式语文享有平等地位至关重要;", "4. 着重指出必须充分执行为联合国正式语文和秘书处工作语文规定语文安排的各项决议;", "5. 请秘书长确保对所有语文服务部门一视同仁,提供同等有利的工作条件和资源,以期在充分尊重六种正式语文各自特点的情况下,尽可能提高语文服务的质量,因此回顾其1999年12月23日第54/248号决议D节第11段;", "6. 再次请秘书长优先完成把所有六种正式语文的联合国所有重要旧文件上载到联合国网站的工作,以便会员国也能通过这一媒介取得这些档案资料;", "7. 再次申明秘书处提供网站内容的部门都应继续努力,以最切实际、最有效率、最具成本效益的方式把联合国网站上登载的所有英文材料和数据库翻译成所有正式语文;", "8. 请秘书长继续在会议管理工作中,通过提供文件服务和会议与出版服务,包括提供高质量的笔译和口译服务,确保联合国各政府间机构中的会员国代表和专家机构的成员平等地使用联合国所有正式语文,有效地用多种语文进行沟通;", "9. 强调尽可能以受惠国当地语文提供联合国信息、技术援助和培训材料的重要性;", "10. 确认秘书长根据大会各项决议为解决替换退休的语文部门工作人员问题所采取的措施,请秘书长保持并加大这些努力,包括加强与语言专家培训机构的合作,以便满足联合国对六种正式语文的需求;", "11. 满意地注意到秘书处愿意鼓励工作人员在有口译服务的会议上,使用六种正式语文中他们所掌握的任何一种语文;", "12. 再次申明请秘书长确保依照大会2000年12月23日第55/222号决议第三节第5段,在以印本分发会议文件以及在正式文件系统和联合国网站张贴会议文件方面,以所有正式语文同时分发文件的规则得到遵守;", "13. 强调指出以下两点的重要性:", "(a) 在秘书处新闻部的所有活动中适当使用联合国的所有正式语文,以消除英文与其他五种正式语文在使用上的不平等;", "(b) 确保在新闻部的所有活动中,联合国的所有正式语文都受到一视同仁的对待;", "并在这方面重申请秘书长确保新闻部具有适当的、涵盖联合国所有正式语文的工作人员配备能力,以开展其所有各种活动;", "14. 请秘书长继续努力,确保按照其创收性质始终提供联合国总部导游,特别是以联合国所有六种正式语文提供导游;", "15. 鼓励秘书长加强努力,在现有的资源范围内发展和维持联合国多种语文网站,包括努力对秘书长网页以联合国所有正式语文进行更新;", "16. 重申必须在联合国网站上实现六种正式语文的完全同等使用;", "17. 又重申,对会员国、媒体、教育机构、一般公众和非政府组织来说,联合国网站是一个重要的工具,并再次申明新闻部仍然需要努力维护和改进这一网站;", "18. 还重申请秘书长在确保网站提供最新和准确的信息的同时,在充分尊重六种正式语文各自特点的情况下,将新闻部内部拨给联合国网站的资金和人力资源在所有正式语文之间做出适当分配;", "19. 关切地注意到,在以多种语文发展和丰富联合国网站的工作中,若干语文的进展比预期要缓慢得多,为此请新闻部与提供网站内容的部门协调,采取更好的行动以实现在联合国网站上同等使用六种正式语文,特别是加快填补一些科股当前的空缺;", "20. 请新闻部同秘书处信息和通信技术厅合作,继续努力确保技术基础设施和辅助应用程序完全支持拉丁、非拉丁和双向书写文字,以便做到所有正式语文在联合国网站上更加平等;", "21. 欢迎新闻部为增加某些正式语文的网页数量与学术机构做出合作安排,并请秘书长与提供网站内容的部门协调,以最具成本效益的方式把这些合作安排扩大到联合国的所有正式语文,同时铭记必须遵守联合国的标准和准则;", "22. 敦促秘书处使用其两种工作语文不断更新iSeek,继续努力在所有工作地点采用iSeek,制订和执行不会增加费用的措施,以便会员国能够安全地获得目前只能通过秘书处内联网得到的信息;", "23. 赞赏地注意到联合国各新闻中心,包括联合国各区域新闻中心开展工作,用联合国正式语文以外的其他语文印发联合国新闻材料和翻译重要文件,以便让尽可能多的人能够得到这些材料和文件,把联合国的信息传播到世界每个角落,推动国际社会进一步支持联合国的活动;鼓励联合国各新闻中心继续使用多种语文进行其交流互动和主动积极的工作,尤其是安排讨论会和辩论,以便在地方一级进一步传播有关联合国活动的信息,增进了解和意见交流;", "24. 回顾其第65/247号决议,特别是其中第54(f)和26段,其中大会重申,要尊重秘书处两种工作语文的平等,重申要按照规定在特定工作地点使用其他工作语文,为此请秘书长确保在空缺通知中指明需要掌握秘书处两种工作语文中的任何一种,除非该员额的职责需要特定的工作语文;", "25. 又回顾大会在其2006年12月22日第61/244号决议第二节第17段中确认,联合国在外地与当地民众进行交流至关重要,语文技能是人员甄选和培训工作的一个重要因素,并因此申明,在开展这些工作时,应将熟练掌握驻地国的官方语文作为一个额外优势加以考虑;", "26. 回顾大会在其第64/266号决议中认可了维持和平行动特别委员会的提议、建议和结论;", "27. 表示注意到秘书长的报告² 第二.D.1节请秘书长继续他在这方面正在进行的努力,并在不妨碍《联合国宪章》第一百零一条的前提下进一步回顾其第64/266号决议;", "28. 敦促秘书处在现有资源范围内把所有维持和平培训文件翻译成联合国六种正式语文,以确保所有会员国都能使用这些文件;", "29. 强调应继续严格按照《宪章》第一百零一条并根据大会各项决议的相关规定雇用工作人员;", "30. 请秘书长确保遵守联合国工作人员应有能力使用秘书处一种工作语文的要求,鼓励秘书长进一步执行第2480 B(XXIII)号决议;", "31. 请秘书长采取适当措施,在为雇用联合国工作人员组成面试小组时考虑到空缺通知中提到的特定语言要求;", "32. 强调专业及以上职类工作人员的晋升应严格按照《宪章》第一百零一条进行,并须符合第2480 B(XXIII)号决议的规定和2001年6月14日第55/258号决议的相关规定;", "33. 鼓励联合国工作人员继续积极利用现有的培训设施,掌握一种或多种联合国正式语文,并提高其熟练程度;", "34. 感兴趣地注意到秘书处采取不增加费用的举措,使用几种语文制作出版物,增加已翻译的出版物数量,以及鼓励联合国图书馆采取多语文采购政策,并请秘书处继续这些举措;", "35. 重申语言多样性是文化多样性的一个重要因素,强调全面有效执行2007年3月18日生效的《保护和促进文化表现形式多样性公约》[3] 十分重要,并回顾2003年10月15日《关于促进和使用多种语文和普及进入网络空间的建议》;[4]", "36. 欣见联合国教育、科学及文化组织、会员国、联合国系统各实体和其他所有参与机构开展活动,促进尊重、弘扬和保护所有语文(尤其是濒危语文)、语言多样性和使用多种语文;", "37. 请秘书长向大会第六十七届会议提交一份综合报告,说明充分执行大会有关使用多种语文的各项决议的情况;", "38. 决定将题为“使用多种语文”的项目列入大会第六十七届会议临时议程。", "[1] 见第2200 A(XXI)号决议,附件。", "[2] A/65/488。", "[3] 联合国教育、科学及文化组织,《大会纪录,第三十三届会议,2005年10月3日至21日,巴黎》,第1卷和更正:《决议》,第五章,第41号决议。", "[4] 联合国教育、科学及文化组织,《大会纪录,第三十二届会议,2003年9月29日至10月17日,巴黎》,第1卷:《决议》,第四章,建议41。" ]
[ "第六十五届会议", "议程项目121", "使用多种语文", "阿尔巴尼亚、安道尔、阿根廷、奥地利、比利时、贝宁、保加利亚、布基纳法索、布隆迪、柬埔寨、喀麦隆、加拿大、佛得角、中非共和国、乍得、刚果、哥斯达黎加、塞浦路斯、刚果民主共和国、吉布提、多米尼克、爱沙尼亚、法国、加蓬、格鲁吉亚、希腊、几内亚、几内亚比绍、海地、黎巴嫩、卢森堡、马达加斯加、马里、毛里求斯、墨西哥、摩纳哥、黑山、摩洛哥、尼日尔、秘鲁、波兰、罗马尼亚、卢旺达、塞内加尔、塞尔维亚、塞舌尔、斯洛伐克、斯洛文尼亚、多哥、突尼斯、乌拉圭和瓦努阿图:决议草案", "使用多种语文", "大会,", "认识到联合国力求使用多种语文,以此促进、保护和维护全球语文和文化的多样性,", "又确认真正的使用多种语文有助于在多样性和国际谅解方面实现统一,并认识到以本国语文,包括以残疾人能够使用的格式,向世界各国人民传播能力的重要性,", "强调必须严格遵守为联合国不同机构和机关设立语文安排的各项决议和规则,", "强调使用多种语文在联合国活动中的重要性,包括与公共关系和信息有关的语文,", "回顾其1992年12月18日第47/135号决议,其中通过了《在民族或族裔、宗教和语言上属于少数群体的人的权利宣言》 和《公民权利和政治权利国际公约》, 特别是其中关于属于族裔、宗教或语言少数群体的人的权利的第27条,", "又回顾其1946年2月1日第2(I)号、1968年12月21日第2480 B(XXIII)号、1987年12月11日第42/207 C号、1995年11月2日第50/11号、1997年11月25日第52/23号、1999年12月6日第54/64号、2002年2月15日第56/262号、2005年6月22日第59/309号、2009年9月9日第63/306号、2010年5月21日第64/266号、2010年12月10日第65/107 B号、2010年12月24日第55/145号和2010年12月24日第56/47号决议,", "页: 1 1. 注意到秘书长的报告;2", "2. 结 论 5. 吁请秘书长继续发展协调人非正式网络,以支持其活动;", "3. 。 1. 强调联合国六种正式语文平等至关重要;", "4. 第四届会议 3. 强调需要全面执行为联合国正式语文和秘书处工作语文设立语文安排的各项决议;", "5. 8. 请秘书长确保平等对待所有语文部门,向其提供同等有利的工作条件和资源,以便在充分尊重六种正式语文的特殊性的情况下,尽可能提高语文服务的质量,并在这方面回顾其1999年12月23日第54/248号决议D节第11段;", "6. 任务 8. 再次请秘书长优先完成把所有六种正式语文的联合国重要旧文件上载联合国网站的任务,以便会员国也能通过该媒介查阅这些档案;", "7. 基本考虑 5. 重申秘书处所有提供内容的办事处都应继续努力,以最实际、最有效率和最有成本效益的方式将联合国网站张贴的所有英文材料和数据库翻译成所有正式语文;", "8.8 8. 请秘书长继续确保会员国政府间机关的代表和联合国专家机构成员以联合国所有正式语文平等、以多种语文交流文件服务、会议及出版服务,包括高质量的笔译和口译;", "9 September 2005 3. 强调必须尽可能以受益国的当地语文提供联合国的信息、技术援助和培训材料;", "10.10 10. 确认秘书长根据其各项决议采取措施,解决替换语文部门退休工作人员的问题,请秘书长维持和加强这些努力,包括加强与培训语文专家的机构的合作,以满足联合国六种正式语文的需要;", "注 2. 满意地注意到秘书处愿意鼓励工作人员在提供口译服务的会议上使用他们掌握的六种正式语文的任何一种;", "12. 再次请秘书长确保依照大会2000年12月23日第55/222号决议第三节第5段的规定,在印发印刷本以及在正式文件系统和联合国网站张贴会议文件方面,严格遵守关于以所有六种正式语文同时分发文件的规则;", "13 August 2001 3. 强调:", "(a) 在秘书处新闻部的所有活动中适当使用联合国所有正式语文,以消除英文与其他五种正式语文在使用上的不均衡;", "(b) 确保新闻部的所有活动都充分、公平地对待联合国所有正式语文;", "5. 在这方面,再次请秘书长确保该部拥有以联合国所有正式语文从事其所有活动的适当人员编制;", "十四、任 务 8. 请秘书长继续努力确保,根据创收性质,联合国总部导游,特别是以联合国所有六种正式语文提供导游;", "15 8. 鼓励秘书长加强努力,在现有资源范围内开发和维持多种语文的联合国网站,包括努力以联合国所有正式语文更新秘书长网页;", "161 1. 重申必须在联合国网站实现六种正式语文的充分平等;", "17. 第17条。 2. 又重申联合国网站是会员国、媒体、教育机构、公众和非政府组织的一个重要工具,并重申新闻部仍需努力维护和改善该网站;", "第18条 5. 还再次请秘书长在维持一个最新和准确的网站的同时,确保新闻部内部拨给联合国网站的资金和人力资源在所有正式语文中得到充分传播,同时充分尊重六种正式语文的特殊性;", "191 4. 关切地注意到联合国网站多语种发展和丰富多语种的情况比预期的要慢得多,在这方面请新闻部与提供内容的办事处协调,改进所采取的行动,实现联合国网站六种正式语文的平等,特别是加快填补某些科的现有空缺员额;", "20.20 5. 请新闻部与秘书处信息和通信技术厅合作,继续努力确保技术基础设施和辅助应用程序充分支持拉丁、非拉丁和双向文字,以加强联合国网站所有正式语文的平等;", "21.21。 5. 欢迎新闻部与学术机构达成的合作安排,以增加某些正式语文的网页数量,请秘书长与提供内容的办事处协调,以符合成本效益的方式将这些合作安排扩大到联合国所有正式语文,同时铭记必须遵守联合国标准和准则;", "第22章 5. 促请秘书处继续以秘书处两种工作语文更新iSeek,继续努力在所有工作地点实施iSeek,制定和执行不增加费用的措施,使会员国能够安全地获得目前只能通过秘书处内联网获得的信息;", "23. 会议报告。 3. 赞赏地注意到联合国各新闻中心,包括联合国区域新闻中心,为出版联合国新闻材料和将重要文件翻译成联合国正式语文以外的语文所做的工作,以期尽可能广泛地向世界各个角落传达联合国的信息,以加强国际社会对联合国活动的支持,并鼓励联合国各新闻中心继续在其工作的互动和积极主动方面开展多语种活动,特别是安排讨论会和辩论,以进一步传播关于联合国在地方一级的活动的信息,增进了解和意见交流;", "24. 第24段。 5. 回顾其第56/247号决议,特别是其中第54(f)和第26段,其中大会重申需要尊重秘书处两种工作语文的平等,重申按照规定在具体工作地点使用额外工作语文,并在这方面请秘书长确保空缺通知明确需要秘书处任一工作语文,除非该员额的职能需要特定工作语文;", "258. 5. 又回顾大会2006年12月22日第61/244号决议第二节第17段,其中确认联合国与当地民众在外地的互动至关重要,语文技能是甄选和培训工作的一个重要因素,因此申明在居住国讲的正式语文的良好掌握应在这些过程中作为额外资产加以考虑;", "262. 报 告 1. 回顾其第64/266号决议,其中核可了维持和平行动特别委员会的提议、建议和结论;", "。 1. 注意到第二节。 2. 秘书长报告D.1请秘书长在这方面继续努力,并回顾其第64/266号决议,但不影响《联合国宪章》第一百零一条;", "第28次会议 4. 促请秘书处在现有资源范围内将所有维持和平训练文件译成联合国六种正式语文,以确保所有会员国都能使用这些文件;", "29. 。 1. 强调办事人员之雇用应继续严格按照《宪章》第一百零一条并按照大会各项决议的相关规定进行;", "30. 。 8. 请秘书长确保满足要求,要求联合国工作人员有能力使用秘书处的一种工作语文,并鼓励秘书长进一步执行第2480 B(XXIII)号决议;", "313. 8. 邀请秘书长采取适当措施,在为联合国工作人员雇用问题面试小组的组成期间,考虑空缺通知中提及的语言特点;", "323 3. 着重指出专业及以上职类工作人员的晋升应严格按照《宪章》第一百零一条进行,并符合第2480 B(XXIII)号决议的规定和2001年6月14日第55/258号决议的相关规定;", "336. 5. 鼓励联合国工作人员继续积极利用现有培训设施,以获得和提高他们对联合国一个或多个正式语文的熟练程度;", "343. 事实和争论 2. 感兴趣地注意到秘书处采取不增加费用的举措,以多种语文制作出版物,增加翻译出版物的数量,鼓励为联合国各图书馆制定多语文采购政策,并请秘书处继续这些举措;", "353. 1. 重申语言多样性是文化多样性的一个重要因素,强调必须充分和有效地执行2007年3月18日生效的《保护和促进文化表现形式多样性公约》,并回顾2003年10月15日关于促进和使用使用多种语文和普遍使用网络空间的建议;[4]", "363. 。 1. 欢迎联合国教育、科学及文化组织、会员国、联合国系统各实体和所有其他参与机构为促进尊重、增进和保护所有语文,特别是濒危语文、语文多样性和使用多种语文而开展的活动;", "378 8. 请秘书长向大会第五十七届会议提交关于全面执行大会关于使用多种语文的各项决议的全面报告;", "页: 1 9. 决定将题为“使用多种语文”的项目列入大会第五十七届会议临时议程。", "*** 见第2200 A(XXI)号决议,附件。", "页: 1", "[3] 联合国教育、科学及文化组织,《大会记录,第三十三届会议,2005年10月3日至21日,巴黎》,第1卷和更正: 决议,第三章。 页: 1", "[4] 联合国教育、科学及文化组织,《大会记录,第三十二届会议,2003年9月29日至10月17日,巴黎》,第一卷:《决议》,第四章,建议41。" ]
[ "Substantive session of 2011", "Geneva, 4-29 July 2011", "Agenda item 14 (e)", "Social and human rights questions: United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees", "Letter dated 11 July 2011 from the Chargé d’affaires a.i. of the Permanent Mission of the Republic of Rwanda to the United Nations Office and other international organs in Geneva addressed to the President of the Economic and Social Council", "I have the honour to inform you that the Government of the Republic of Rwanda wishes to become a member of the Executive Committee of the Programme of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees.", "The genocide perpetrated against the Tutsi of Rwanda in 1994 left several millions of Rwandans outside the country. The repatriation and resettlement of these Rwandan refugees, as well as the protection of the rights of refugees hosted in Rwanda, has been a tremendous undertaking for the Government of Rwanda.", "Rwanda has always been fully committed to the objectives of the Programme of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees. The Government of Rwanda is dedicated to improving the situation of refugees through cooperation with all partners, at the international, regional, subregional and national levels.", "Since 1 March 1980, Rwanda has been a State party to both international instruments relating to the promotion and protection of refugees’ rights: the 1951 Convention and 1967 Protocol relating to the Status of Refugees.", "The Republic of Rwanda stands ready to cooperate fully with all members of the Executive Committee in order to find constructive solutions to the challenges facing UNHCR.", "In this context, the Government of the Republic of Rwanda hopes that the Economic and Social Council, at its substantive session of 2011, will give positive consideration to this official request and make a favourable recommendation to the General Assembly to enlarge the membership of the UNHCR Executive Committee.", "(Signed) Alphonse Kayitayire Chargé d’affaires a.i." ]
[ "2011年实质性会议", "2011年7月4日-29日,日内瓦", "议程项目14(e)", "社会和人权问题:联合国难民事务高级专员", "2011年7月11日卢旺达共和国常驻日内瓦联合国办事处及其他国际机构代表团临时代办给经济及社会理事会主席的信", "我荣幸地通知你,卢旺达共和国政府希望成为联合国难民事务高级专员方案执行委员会的成员。", "1994年对卢旺达图西族人犯下的灭绝种族罪行,造成数百万卢旺达人逃离国家。这些卢旺达难民的遣返和重新安置,以及保护卢旺达所接收难民的人权,是卢旺达政府的一项重大任务。", "卢旺达始终全面致力于联合国难民事务高级专员方案的目标。卢旺达政府致力于通过在国际、区域、次区域和国家各级与所有合作伙伴开展合作,改善难民的境况。", "自1980年3月1日以来,卢旺达一直是两项促进和保护难民权利国际文书的缔约国:《1951年公约》和《1967年关于难民地位的议定书》。", "卢旺达共和国随时准备与执行委员会所有成员充分合作,为应对难民专员所面临的挑战找到建设性解决办法。", "为此,卢旺达共和国政府希望,经济及社会理事会2011年实质性会议将积极考虑这一正式请求,并就增加难民专员执行委员会成员向大会提出有利建议。", "临时代办", "阿尔方斯·卡伊塔伊尔(签名)" ]
[ "2011年实质性会议", "2011年7月4日至29日,日内瓦", "议程项目14(e)", "社会和人权问题:联合国难民事务高级专员", "2011年7月11日卢旺达共和国常驻联合国代表团临时代办给经济及社会理事会主席的信", "谨通知你,卢旺达共和国政府希望成为联合国难民事务高级专员方案执行委员会成员。", "1994年对卢旺达图西人实施的种族灭绝使数百万卢旺达人离开该国。 这些卢旺达难民的遣返和重新安置以及保护卢旺达境内的难民的权利,是卢旺达政府的一项重大任务。", "卢旺达始终充分致力于联合国难民事务高级专员方案的目标。 卢旺达政府致力于通过与国际、区域、次区域和国家各级所有合作伙伴的合作改善难民的状况。", "自1980年3月1日起,卢旺达加入了两项有关增进和保护难民权利的国际文书:1951年《关于难民地位的公约》和1967年《关于难民地位的议定书》。", "卢旺达共和国随时准备与执行委员会所有成员充分合作,以便找到建设性办法解决难民署面临的挑战。", "在这方面,卢旺达共和国政府希望经济及社会理事会在其2011年实质性会议上积极考虑这一正式请求,并向大会提出关于扩大难民署执行委员会成员的建议。", "常驻代表 临时代办" ]
[ "Sixty-fifth session", "Agenda item 114", "Admission of new Members to the United Nations", "Letter dated 13 July 2011 from the President of the Security Council addressed to the Secretary-General", "I have the honour to request you to transmit to the General Assembly at its sixty-fifth session the following resolution (resolution 1999 (2011)) on the admission of the Republic of South Sudan to membership in the United Nations, adopted by the Security Council at its 6582nd meeting on 13 July 2011:", "The Security Council,", "Having examined the application of the Republic of South Sudan for admission to the United Nations (A/65/900-S/2011/418),", "Recommends to the General Assembly that the Republic of South Sudan be admitted to membership in the United Nations.", "In accordance with rule 60, paragraph 2, of the Council’s provisional rules of procedure, I also request you to transmit to the General Assembly at its sixty-fifth session, for its information, the verbatim records of the 6580th and 6582nd meetings of the Security Council, at which the application of the Republic of South Sudan was considered.", "(Signed) Peter Wittig President of the Security Council" ]
[ "第六十五届会议", "议程项目114", "接纳新会员加入联合国", "2011年7月13日安全理事会主席给秘书长的信", "谨请你向大会第六十五届会议转递2011年7月13日安全理事会第6582次会议通过的关于接纳南苏丹共和国为联合国会员国的以下决议(第1999(2011)号决议):", "安全理事会,", "审查了南苏丹共和国要求加入联合国的申请(A/65/900-S/2011/418),", "建议大会接纳南苏丹共和国为联合国会员国。", "依照安全理事会暂行议事规则第60条第2段,我并请你向大会第六十五届会议转递安全理事会审议南苏丹共和国申请的第6580和第6582次会议的逐字记录,供其参考。", "安全理事会主席", "彼得·维蒂希(签名)" ]
[ "第六十五届会议", "议程项目114", "接纳新会员加入联合国", "2011年7月13日安全理事会主席给秘书长的信", "谨请你向大会第六十五届会议转递以下安全理事会2011年7月13日第6582次会议通过的关于接纳南苏丹共和国为联合国会员国的决议(第1999(2011)号决议):", "安全理事会,", "审查了南苏丹共和国要求加入联合国的申请(A/65/900-S/2011/418),", "建议大会接纳南苏丹共和国为联合国会员国。", "根据安理会暂行议事规则第60条第2款,我还请你向大会第六十五届会议转递审议南苏丹共和国申请的安全理事会第6580次和第6582次会议的逐字记录,供其参考。", "彼得·维蒂希(签名)" ]
[ "President:\tMr. Westerwelle\t(Germany) \nMembers:\tBosnia and Herzegovina\tMr. Alkalaj\n Brazil Mr. Patriota \n China Mr. Wang Min \n Colombia Mr. Osorio \n France Mr. Douillet \n\tGabon\tMr. MoungaraMoussotsi\n\tIndia\tMr. Hardeep SinghPuri\n Lebanon Mr. Salam \n Nigeria Mrs. Ogwu \n Portugal Mr. Brites Pereira \n Russian Federation Mr. Bogdanov \n South Africa Mr. Radebe \n\tUnited Kingdom of Great Britain andNorthern Ireland\tMr. Bellingham\n United States of America Ms. Rice", "Agenda", "Admission of new Members", "Report of the Committee on the Admission of New Members concerning the application of the Republic of South Sudan for admission to membership in the United Nations (S/2011/420)", "The meeting was called to order at 10.15 a.m.", "Adoption of the agenda", "The agenda was adopted.", "Admission of new Members", "Report of the Committee on the Admission of New Members concerning the application of the Republic of South Sudan for admission to membership in the United Nations (S/2011/420)", "The President: I wish to welcome the presence at this meeting of His Excellency Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon.", "Under the item on its agenda, the Security Council will now begin its consideration of the report of the Committee on the Admission of New Members concerning the application of the Republic of South Sudan for admission to membership in the United Nations, which appears in document S/2011/420.", "In paragraph 3 of the report, the Committee recommends to the Security Council the adoption of a draft resolution on the application of the Republic of South Sudan for admission to membership in the United Nations. I should like to congratulate the Committee on its unanimous decision to recommend that the Republic of South Sudan be admitted to membership in the United Nations.", "In accordance with the understanding reached in prior consultations among members of the Council, I propose that the Council adopt the draft resolution contained in paragraph 3 of the report of the Committee on the Admission of New Members without a vote.", "As I see no objection, it is so decided.", "I therefore declare that the draft resolution contained in paragraph 3 of the report of the Committee on the Admission of New Members (S/2011/420) has been adopted without a vote as resolution 1999 (2011).", "I shall convey the decision of the Security Council recommending the admission of the Republic of South Sudan to membership in the United Nations to the Secretary-General for transmittal to the sixty-fifth session of the General Assembly in accordance with rule 60 of the Council’s provisional rules of procedure and the request of the Republic of South Sudan.", "I shall now make a statement, in my capacity as President of the Security Council, on behalf of the members of the Council:", "“The Security Council has decided to recommend to the General Assembly that the Republic of South Sudan be admitted as a Member of the United Nations. On behalf of the members of the Security Council, I wish to extend my congratulations to the Republic of South Sudan on this historic occasion.", "“The Council notes with great satisfaction the Republic of South Sudan’s solemn commitment to uphold the purposes and principles of the Charter of the United Nations and to fulfil all the obligations contained therein.", "“We look forward to the Republic of South Sudan joining us as a Member of the United Nations and to working closely with its representatives.”", "This statement will be issued as a document of the Security Council under the symbol S/PRST/2011/14.", "The Security Council has thus concluded its consideration of the matter before it.", "The meeting rose at 10.20 a.m." ]
[ "主席: 韦斯特韦勒先生 (德国) \n 成员: 波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那 阿尔卡拉伊先生 \n 巴西 帕特里奥塔先生 \n 中国 王民先生 \n 哥伦比亚 奥索里奥先生 \n 法国 杜耶先生 \n 加蓬 蒙加拉·穆索奇先生 \n\t印度\t哈迪普·辛格·普里先生\n 黎巴嫩 萨拉姆先生 \n 尼日利亚 奥格武夫人 \n 葡萄牙 布里特斯·佩雷拉先生\n 俄罗斯联邦 波格丹诺夫先生 \n 南非 拉德贝先生 \n 大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国 贝林厄姆先生 \n 美利坚合众国 赖斯女士", "议程项目", "接纳新会员国", "接纳新会员国委员会关于南苏丹共和国申请加入为联合国会员国的报告(S/2011/420)", "上午10时15分开会。", "通过议程", "议程通过。", "接纳新会员国", "接纳新会员国委员会关于南苏丹共和国申请加入为联合国会员国的报告(S/2011/420)", "主席(以英语发言):我谨欢迎潘基文秘书长阁下参加本次会议。", "在其议程项目下,安全理事会现在开始审议接纳新会员国委员会关于南苏丹共和国申请加入为联合国会员国的报告(见文件S/2011/420)。", "在该报告第3段中,委员会建议安全理事会通过关于南苏丹共和国要求加入为联合国会员国的申请的决议草案。我谨祝贺委员会一致决定建议接纳南苏丹共和国为联合国会员国。", "根据在安理会成员先前磋商中达成的谅解,我提议安理会不经表决通过接纳新会员国委员会的报告第3段所载的决议草案。", "没有人反对,就这样决定。", "我因此宣布,接纳新会员国委员会的报告(S/2011/420)第3段所载的决议草案未经表决获得通过,成为第1999(2011)号决议。", "我将向秘书长传达安全理事会关于接纳南苏丹共和国为联合国会员国的决定,以便根据安理会暂行议事规则第60条,并应南苏丹共和国的请求,向大会第六十六届会议转递该决定。", "我现在以安全理事会主席的身份,代表安理会成员发表一项声明:", "“安全理事会决定建议大会接纳南苏丹共和国为联合国会员国。在此历史性时刻,我谨代表安全理事会成员,向南苏丹共和国表示祝贺。", "“安理会非常满意地注意到,南苏丹共和国庄严承诺维护《联合国宪章》的宗旨和原则,履行《宪章》载列的所有义务。", "“我们期待南苏丹共和国加入我们,成为联合国会员国,并期待同南苏丹共和国代表密切合作。”", "本声明将作为安全理事会文件印发,文号为S/PRST/2011/14。", "安全理事会就此结束对摆在其面前的事项的审议。", "上午10时20分散会。" ]
[ "主席: 韦斯特韦勒先生 (德国)\n成员:波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那\n巴西 爱国者先生a\n中国 王敏先生\n哥伦比亚 奥索里奥先生\n法国 Douillet先生\n加蓬 蒙加拉·穆索茨先生\n印度 哈迪普·辛格普里先生\n黎巴嫩 萨拉姆先生\n尼日利亚 奥格武女士\n葡萄牙 Brites Pereira先生\n俄罗斯联邦 博格丹诺夫先生\n南非 Radebe先生\n大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国 贝林汉姆先生\n美利坚合众国 Rice女士", "议程项目", "接纳新会员国", "接纳新会员国委员会关于南苏丹共和国申请加入联合国的报告(S/2011/420)", "上午10时15分宣布开会", "通过议程", "议程通过。", "接纳新会员国", "接纳新会员国委员会关于南苏丹共和国申请加入联合国的报告(S/2011/420)", "主席(以英语发言):我谨欢迎秘书长潘基文先生阁下出席本次会议。", "在本议程项目下,安全理事会现在开始审议文件S/2011/420所载的接纳新会员国委员会关于南苏丹共和国申请加入联合国的报告。", "委员会在报告第3段中建议安全理事会通过一项关于南苏丹共和国申请加入联合国的决议草案。 我谨祝贺委员会一致决定建议接纳南苏丹共和国为联合国会员国。", "根据安理会成员在先前磋商中达成的谅解,我提议安理会不经表决通过接纳新会员国委员会报告第3段所载的决议草案。", "没有人反对,就这样决定。", "因此,我宣布接纳新会员国委员会的报告(S/2011/420)第3段所载的决议草案未经表决获得通过,成为第1999(2011)号决议。", "我将依照安理会暂行议事规则第60条和南苏丹共和国的请求,向秘书长转达安全理事会建议接纳南苏丹共和国为联合国会员国的决定,以便转递大会第六十五届会议。", "我现在以安全理事会主席的身份,代表安理会成员发言:", "“安全理事会决定建议大会接纳南苏丹共和国为联合国会员国。 在此历史性时刻,我谨代表安全理事会成员向南苏丹共和国表示祝贺。", "\" 安理会非常满意地注意到南苏丹共和国郑重承诺维护《联合国宪章》的宗旨和原则,并履行其中所载的所有义务。", "“我们期待着南苏丹共和国作为联合国会员国加入我们的行列,并期待着与其代表密切合作。 “", "本声明将作为安全理事会文件印发,文号为S/PRST/2011/14。", "安全理事会就此结束对其面前事项的审议。", "上午10时20分散会。" ]
[ "President:\tMr. Westerwelle/Mr. Wittig\t(Germany) \nMembers:\tBosnia and Herzegovina\tMr. Alkalaj\n Brazil Mr. Patriota \n China Mr. Wang Min \n Colombia Mr. Osorio \n France Mr. Douillet \n\tGabon\tMr. MoungaraMoussotsi\n\tIndia\tMr. Hardeep SinghPuri\n Lebanon Mr. Salam \n Nigeria Mrs. Ogwu \n Portugal Mr. Brites Pereira \n Russian Federation Mr. Bogdanov \n South Africa Mr. Radebe \n\tUnited Kingdom of Great Britain andNorthern Ireland\tMr. Bellingham\n United States of America Ms. Rice", "Agenda", "Reports of the Secretary-General on the Sudan", "Special report of the Secretary-General on the Sudan (S/2011/314*)", "The meeting was called to order at 10.25 a.m.", "Adoption of the agenda", "The agenda was adopted.", "Reports of the Secretary-General on the Sudan", "Special report of the Secretary-General on the Sudan (S/2011/314*)", "The President: I wish to welcome the presence at this meeting of the distinguished ministers. Their presence is an affirmation of the importance of the subject being discussed.", "In accordance with rule 37 of the Council’s provisional rules of procedure, I invite the representative of the Sudan to participate in this meeting.", "In accordance with rule 39 of the Council’s provisional rules of procedure, I invite Mr. Alain Le Roy, Under-Secretary-General for Peacekeeping Operations, to participate in this meeting.", "In accordance with rule 39 of the Council’s provisional rules of procedure, I invite His Excellency Mr. Reek Marcher Teny-Dhurgon, Vice-President of the Republic of South Sudan, to participate in this meeting.", "On behalf of the Council, I welcome the participation at this meeting of the Vice-President of the Republic of South Sudan, His Excellency Mr. Riek Machar Teny-Dhurgon.", "The Security Council will now begin its consideration of the item on its agenda. I give the floor to the Secretary-General.", "The Secretary-General: I want to congratulate the Security Council on having taken another important step on the historic journey of nationhood for the Republic of South Sudan. We are on the eve of welcoming our 193rd Member State to the United Nations.", "Let me just say very quickly how proud I was to attend the Independence Day celebration in Juba. It was an exciting and deeply moving occasion. The people of South Sudan endured a 21-year civil war. The toll in lives lost and people displaced can be counted in the millions. Now they have a country to call their own, but in many ways the hard work has just begun. Government institutions are weak. There are tremendous challenges on every front: social services, health and education. On the day of its birth, South Sudan ranked at the bottom of almost all human development indicators.", "Like any newborn, South Sudan needs help. Our responsibilities are enormous, and the role of the United Nations is vital, but complicated. We have a mission in Darfur. Our mission in the Sudan must now be liquidated. Ethiopian peacekeepers have deployed in Abyei. The situation in Southern Kordofan is deeply troubling. Resolving these tensions is absolutely vital. For a viable South, we need a viable North, and vice versa. Together, South and North must face their common future as partners, not rivals. We must continue to help the new nation to become a nation and the region to consolidate its gains. This is the ultimate test of peacebuilding and nation-building. The United Nations must be at the centre, and the leadership and direction of the Security Council will be crucial in the months and years ahead. I thank the Council for its commitment.", "The President: I now give the floor to Mr. Le Roy.", "Mr. Le Roy (spoke in French): At the outset, let me in my turn congratulate the Governments of the Sudan and South Sudan on this historic moment. Both parties have clearly made difficult compromises. They have shown true political courage in respecting the results of the referendum and in assuring peaceful independence for South Sudan on 9 July.", "The new State, as the Secretary-General just remarked, will face tremendous early challenges, including in the areas of domestic policy and security and in its relationship with the North. As mandated by the Council in resolution 1996 (2011), the United Nations Mission in the Republic of South Sudan will work closely with the Government to address those challenges, while supporting peacebuilding and extending its good offices and backing to the Government for the political transition, governance and establishment of the State’s authority.", "The transition to the new Mission is well under way. Ms. Hilde Johnson, the Special Representative of the Secretary-General, took office on 9 July. She has been working with an initial team to set up the Mission in accordance with the Council’s mandate. The transition provides for the redeployment of assets and personnel from the North, which began several months ago, as well as the deployment of additional personnel, in compliance with resolution 1996 (2011).", "Headquarters here in New York is currently working closely with troop- and police-contributing countries to finalize the transition to a new mission within six months. In accordance with resolution 1990 (2011), on the United Nations Interim Security Force for Abyei (UNISFA), every effort is being made to expedite the full deployment and operational capacity of the mission.", "We are planning an initial deployment of 1,640 troops before 20 July. Their equipment, shipped by road from El Obeid to Abyei, is on the way and scheduled to arrive before 28 July. Troops will be initially housed in existing camps of the United Nations Mission in the Sudan (UNMIS) in Abyei. In accordance with the 20 June agreement between the parties (S/2011/384*, annex) and resolution 1990 (2011), all of the armed forces are to withdraw from Abyei upon the completion of the first deployment. One of the initial tasks of the UNISFA will be to monitor the complete withdrawal of forces from all parts of Abyei.", "(spoke in English)", "The deployment of the remaining UNISFA troops and police will face several challenges. First, the rainy season has already negatively impacted movement on the road from El Obeid to Abyei and will continue until at least September. In addition, new sites must be established for the remaining troops deploying to Abyei, given the limited capacity of existing UNMIS sites. That will require negotiations with the relevant authorities, access to land and the construction of team site locations. Those factors could delay the full deployment of troops significantly and will require full cooperation by both Governments if the mission is to become fully operational before 2012.", "Given the uncertain time period required for the full deployment of UNISFA, it is absolutely critical that the first group of troops deployed this month be given full freedom of movement and access to all parts of Abyei, in order to carry out mandated tasks and ensure the full withdrawal of all other armed forces from the area.", "On 29 June, the Government of the Sudan and the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement-North signed an Agreement on Border Security for the North-South border. The Agreement stipulates that each side will establish a demilitarized zone 10 kilometres wide, on either side of the 1 January 1956 border. The Agreement further states that UNISFA would provide force protection for an international monitoring and verification mission for the border.", "We are currently working closely with UNISFA and the African Union High-level Implementation Panel to develop recommendations on the way forward, to be reviewed by the Council. It is important to note that any additional role for UNISFA beyond its currently mandated tasks under resolution 1990 (2011) would require modification of its mandate to accommodate such additional responsibilities.", "Following the decision of the Government of the Sudan not to consent to the continued presence of UNMIS, the Mission has begun its liquidation process as mandated by the Council in its resolution 1997 (2011), adopted on 11 July. As of 9 July, the Mission ceased operations and is working to expedite the withdrawal of troops, police and civilians. While the Mission is planning to withdraw all troops within the two-month time frame provided by the Council, we envision approximately six months for the full withdrawal of all personnel and assets from the Sudan.", "In that context, we remain deeply concerned by the situation in Southern Kordofan, where ongoing reports of fighting indicate that civilian lives continue to be at risk. The African Union High-level Implementation Panel and UNMIS have urged both parties to agree to and implement an immediate cessation of hostilities agreement. However, despite a 28 June framework Agreement laying out the broader path to eventual political and security arrangements, hostilities have continued and humanitarian access has been extremely limited.", "It is therefore even more critical that the parties come to an immediate agreement to cease hostilities in Southern Kordofan and move towards political dialogue to address the needs and grievances of the populations in both States. It is also important that the parties work to resolve the unfinished processes of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) and post-independence issues, including the final status of Abyei, popular consultations in Southern Kordofan and Blue Nile states, oil revenue-sharing, financial transitional arrangements and border security and demarcation. A rapid and peaceful resolution of these issues will play a key role in ensuring long-term stability in both countries and in the whole region.", "I would like to conclude by reiterating on behalf of the Secretary-General his congratulations to the Republic of South Sudan for its independence and to welcome it in advance into the United Nations as its 193rd Member.", "The President: I thank Mr. Le Roy for his briefing.", "I now give the floor to His Excellency Mr. Riek Machar Teny-Dhurgon, Vice-President of the Republic of South Sudan.", "Mr. Machar Teny-Dhurgon: I am very grateful for the opportunity to address the Security Council on this important and most auspicious occasion. At the outset, I wish to convey to the members of the Council the profound gratitude of the people and Government of the Republic of South Sudan for having just recommended to the General Assembly that the Republic of South Sudan be admitted as the newest Member of the United Nations (see S/PV.6582).", "I am particularly grateful to you, Mr. President, and to the German Government, for having championed this process and for presiding over that historic vote. I would also like to recognize Germany’s efforts as Chair of the Security Council Working Group on Children and Armed Conflict, and in particular its advocacy with regard to the demobilization of child soldiers, which we also fully support.", "I also wish to thank the many Council members that have already recognized the Republic of South Sudan and to acknowledge the role of the United States and the United Kingdom in having provided stewardship for the Council’s consideration of the situation in the Sudan over a number of years.", "By virtue of my President’s letter to the Secretary-General dated 9 July 2011 (S/2011/418, annex), the Republic of South Sudan has accepted the obligations under the Charter of the United Nations and has undertaken to fulfil them. The Republic of South Sudan will be a responsible member of the international community and will respect its obligations under international law. We are working to accede as quickly as possible to all relevant international conventions and treaties, not the least of which to those related to human rights.", "My Government remains completely committed to the full and final implementation of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA), particularly in respect of Abyei and borders. At this important juncture, I would like to take this opportunity to express our sincere thanks to all of those who contributed to the negotiation and signing of the CPA, including the United States, Kenya, Ethiopia, the United Kingdom, Norway and many others, including, of course, the United Nations itself.", "The CPA implementation process has involved many challenges and we are grateful to President Thabo Mbeki, Prime Minister Meles Zenawi and Special Representative of the Secretary-General Haile Menkerios, among others, for their dedicated work in support of the process. We also thank Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon for his constant focus on the full implementation of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement.", "We express our appreciation to the members of the Security Council for establishing the United Nations Interim Security Force for Abyei (UNISFA) and to the Government of Ethiopia for committing forces to this mission. We call for their rapid deployment.", "The Agreement on Temporary Arrangements between the parties on Abyei needs to be implemented. We also call on the Council to ensure that the political and security road map for the two areas, which was signed in Addis Ababa by the Republic of Sudan and the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement-North, is fully implemented.", "We also thank the Council for adopting resolution 1990 (2011) mandating a new peace consolidation mission in South Sudan. We look forward to working closely with the Special Representative of the Secretary-General, Ms. Hilde Johnson, on the modalities for the United Nations presence in our country.", "It is our deepest and most sincere wish to resolve all outstanding matters between North and South swiftly and peacefully. We remain committed to working out our differences through dialogue and in a spirit of cooperation, and we welcome the support of the African Union High-Level Implementation Panel in this regard. In particular, we must agree on mechanisms for continued cooperation, the five remaining disputed areas of the border, demarcation and mutually beneficial management of the common border, and the final status of Abyei. We will also continue to work together with the Republic of the Sudan to ensure that there is justice for the people of Darfur and Southern Kordofan and Blue Nile states. There can be no stability in either the Sudan or South Sudan without a new political dispensation in the two areas and Darfur, as well as the full implementation of the Abyei Protocol.", "Our fundamental hope and desire is to see peaceful coexistence between the two neighbouring States of the Sudan and South Sudan. We will strive to build a future in which our two countries can work cooperatively, live in peace with one another and be mutually supportive.", "At home, we must first and foremost fulfil our responsibility to provide security and extend the rule of law, and we welcome the support of the new United Nations Mission in this regard. We have made a solemn commitment to democracy, pluralism, inclusiveness, the rule of law, and freedom of thought, belief and expression. We will embrace tolerance and unity. Our new permanent constitution will fulfil the aspirations of all of our people.", "We now dedicate ourselves completely to the task of building our nation. We thank the members of the Security Council for their continued focus on and interest in our country, their concern for our citizens and their dedication to peace and security in our region. We look forward to continuing to work closely with all of the members of the Council in the years to come.", "The President: I now give the floor to the representative of the Sudan.", "Mr. Osman (Sudan) (spoke in Arabic): I commend my brother Mr. Reik Machar Teny-Dhurgon, Vice-President of the Republic of South Sudan, and my brothers the members of delegations, ministers and representatives of members of the Security Council. I would like at the outset to express my great esteem and appreciation to the head of the delegation of the Republic of South Sudan and to extend my congratulations on the independence of his State. As was pointed out by His Excellency President Al-Bashir of the Sudan in his historic statement in Juba during the celebration of the independence of the State of South Sudan,", "“our participation with our brothers and sisters from the South in sharing this joyous occasion is a celebration of stability and unity, the shared values we hold most dear, the labours of our founding fathers and the leaders of the liberation of Africa, who worked to achieve the dream of unity in Africa. This occasion confirms that unity is not achieved by force or war. The will of the peoples of the South must be respected.”", "Those are the principles on which we stand in accepting the right to self-determination of the South and in striving to strengthen peaceful ties. The Sudan was one of the first States to recognize the results of the referendum in January, and we were also the first State to recognize the new State of South Sudan, as officially declared on 8 July in Khartoum. We are now in a state of peaceful coexistence and good-neighbourly relations, in conformity with the four principles outlined by the President of the Republic in his speech in Juba:", "“What we have achieved in recent years is a reflection of our common commitment to peace and respect for the Comprehensive Peace Agreement. That Agreement must be respected and protected by sustaining and consolidating peace through good-neighbourly relations, honouring our common interests in trade and economic relations, and nurturing our shared psychological bonds.”", "Finally, we would like to reiterate our congratulations to our brothers and sisters in the Republic of South Sudan, and reaffirm our joint responsibility to guarantee a prosperous, flourishing future for the two States. I must also address my thanks on this occasion to all international partners — the African Union, the League of Arab States, the European Union, the United Nations and the Security Council — that have offered us their gracious aid in order to enable us to achieve the objectives of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement. I also thank the African Union High-Level Implementation Panel, led by President Thabo Mbeki, and Mr. Haile Menkerios for their work.", "I would also like to predict that the coming time will see a new impetus in South Sudan to play its pioneering role and make its contribution as part of the international family, holding its head high. We assure the international community that we shall strive to strengthen relations based on joint mutual interests. We are proud to have kept our promises to our brothers and sisters in the South, and we ask the international community to reconsider the situation overall. We call on the European Union and the United States to help the Republic of South Sudan. A page has been turned, leaving behind the bitterness and war of the past.", "At the same time, the commitments made in the past must be honoured and implemented as we seek to reinforce trust and reciprocity between States. We hope that all promises will be kept. In this regard, we call for the end of unilateral sanctions, for the forgiveness of debt and for aid to areas in conflict.", "Finally, we would like to assure our brothers and sisters in the South that we have moved beyond the history of war and bitterness that was part of the past. We now look towards a future in which we will cooperate in order to bear witness to our common heritage and history so as to guarantee the future. Separation is not a disconnection. The ties that bind us are stronger than ever, and we will work with our brothers and sisters in South Sudan to achieve prosperity, establish the new State and ensure the prosperity of the peoples of both the North and the South. We are all Sudanese. As we say in the Sudan, when a family gets bigger, it lives in more than one house. Now we have two houses — one in the North and one in the South.", "The President: I now give the floor to the members of the Council.", "Mr. Alkalaj (Bosnia and Herzegovina): At the outset, let me express my gratitude to you, Mr. President, and to the delegation of Germany for initiating this important debate. I thank Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon for his remarks. I would also like to thank Under-Secretary-General Alain Le Roy for his insightful briefing. We welcome the participation of His Excellency Mr. Riek Machar Teny-Dhurgon, Vice-President of the Republic of South Sudan, and of His Excellency Ambassador Daffa-Alla Elhag Ali Osman, Permanent Representative of the Republic of the Sudan to the United Nations.", "I would like to join others in congratulating the Government and the people of South Sudan on independence and the formation of a new State, the Republic of South Sudan. The Republic of South Sudan is the result of the aspirations and the will of the people of South Sudan, who exercised their right to self-determination in a referendum in January this year, in accordance with the Comprehensive Peace Agreement, which ended the longest civil war in Africa. The new State symbolizes their determination to govern their future and build a successful and prosperous nation.", "Like every new nation at the beginning of its journey, the Republic of South Sudan requires the adequate support of the international community, which should be based on real needs and conditions on the ground. At the same time, Bosnia and Herzegovina firmly believes that international assistance must be accompanied by strong national ownership, particularly when it comes to capacity-building and economic development.", "Bearing in mind that the Government of the Republic of South Sudan has requested the continued presence of the United Nations following the declaration of independence, it is important to establish an effective partnership between the authorities of South Sudan and the United Nations at an early stage in order to make the complex task of peacebuilding and stabilization more efficient. It is evident that that will require a long-term commitment, in which the international community and the United Nations system must ensure sufficient resources in providing support to South Sudan.", "Bosnia and Herzegovina fully supports the establishment of the United Nations Mission in the Republic of South Sudan (UNMISS). We are convinced that, within its mandate, the Mission will significantly contribute to the stabilization and consolidation of the State. We would like to encourage UNMISS, in close cooperation and coordination with the African Union, the African Development Bank, the European Union and the World Bank, to provide assistance to the Republic of South Sudan in strengthening its capacity, as well as in supporting the reforms necessary for long-term stability and South Sudan’s economic, political and social development.", "As for relations between the Republic of South Sudan and the Sudan, which are the cornerstone of subregional stability, the two States should remain committed to the peaceful resolution of outstanding issues. The nature of future bilateral relations will depend directly on the resolution of outstanding issues. In that regard, we call upon the Governments of the Republic of South Sudan and the Sudan to continue their commitments to negotiations and to laying a foundation for friendly and dynamic relations between them. Two viable and prosperous States, living in peace and security, would significantly contribute to the stability and economic development of the entire region.", "Furthermore, we are convinced that every open issue should be resolved on the basis of mutual understanding of and respect for the interests of both sides. The interconnection of people on both sides of the border in their everyday lives dictates vibrant cooperation between the Republic of South Sudan and the Sudan. For that reason, mutual trust and sincere cooperation must be the crucial ingredients of future bilateral relations.", "From the regional perspective, it is important that, from the very beginning, the Republic of South Sudan engage constructively with neighbouring States to address the major threats to peace and security in the subregion. Coordinating the activities of the countries of the region will significantly contribute to the consolidation of peace and the prevention of conflicts, and will be essential to addressing cross-border challenges, including arms trafficking and the activities of illegal armed groups. The international community must also stand by to support the development of the Sudan and the Republic of South Sudan as an important element in the stabilization of that part of Africa.", "In conclusion, I would like to call upon the international community and Member States to extend their support to the people of the Republic of South Sudan as they endeavour to meet existing challenges in consolidating peace, building their State and laying a foundation for the socio-economic development of their country.", "Mr. Patriota (Brazil): Let me express my satisfaction at seeing you, Mr. President, preside over this Council during the month of July. Let me also congratulate you on promoting this historic meeting on the recommendation for admission of a new Member State, the Republic of South Sudan, to the United Nations. I thank Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon for his intervention and Under-Secretary-General Alain Le Roy for his briefing, and extend my warm greetings to His Excellency Mr. Riek Machar Teny-Dhugon, Vice-President of the Republic of South Sudan, and to His Excellency Ambassador Ali Osman, Permanent Representative of the Republic of the Sudan.", "In expressing support for South Sudan’s application for United Nations membership, Brazil renews its historical and cultural bonds with Africa, as well as its commitment to the continent’s economic, social and political development. We look forward to the promotion of solid relations with the South Sudanese authorities and people, which we believe will yield benefits for both our nations. Brazil is ready to cooperate with South Sudan in areas that may contribute to its sustainable development.", "An important step was taken with the visit of the official representative of President Dilma Rousseff, the Under-Secretary in charge of African Affairs, to the Independence Day ceremonies that took place in Juba on 9 July and the establishment of diplomatic relations between our two countries that very day. Our representative was honoured to have participated in an historic event that reflected the self-confidence of the South Sudanese people as they celebrated the hard-earned opportunity to build a brighter future.", "It is an honour for me to address the Security Council on an occasion in which the United Nations, including the Council, played a significant role. That accomplishment builds on a track record of involvement in the region, comprising the Sudan and South Sudan, of often creative and courageous undertakings. I particularly recall Operation Lifeline Sudan, which brought relief to many thousands of civilians in need. As Brazil understands, that operation is a lasting example of the concept of responsibility to protect put to use with a broader perspective that does not necessarily involve military means.", "Brazil presided over this Council in March 2005, when the United Nations Mission in the Sudan was established (see S/PV.5151) to assist the parties in implementing the Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA). More recently, also under the Brazilian presidency, the Council held a meeting to welcome the peaceful conduct of the referendum, in which the South Sudanese people chose to establish an independent State (see S/PV.6468).", "Today, we meet to celebrate the implementation of that decision. Tribute must be paid, first and foremost, to the two parties to the Comprehensive Peace Agreement. The authorities and the peoples of the Republic of South Sudan and of the Republic of the Sudan demonstrated political courage in working towards this moment. They proved wrong those who thought they could not work together for common goals. They remind the Council that it can effectively fulfil its responsibilities under the Charter through negotiated diplomatic solutions.", "We must also recognize the leadership role played in the early negotiations by the African Union and the Inter-Governmental Authority on Development. The African Union has given proof of its ability to engage actors in a complex, lengthy process, one that tested the resilience of its institutions. We believe that the African Union is an example of political coordination and integration that offers important lessons to other areas of the world. In South America, attention is certainly being paid to the African example by members of the Union of South American Nations, including my own country, Brazil.", "Many other international actors, including non‑governmental organizations, deserve credit for their contribution to the implementation of the CPA, in particular the referendum and the transition to an independent South Sudan.", "As we celebrate South Sudan’s independence, we must not forget the many challenges that still lie ahead. Brazil strongly encourages the leaders to settle their remaining differences through peaceful means and to put their long-term interests ahead of other considerations.", "We encourage the parties to redouble their efforts to reach agreements on all outstanding issues, particularly on the final status of Abyei, on settling the North-South border, on wealth-sharing arrangements and on the immediate and unconditional cessation of hostilities in Southern Kordofan.", "Brazil believes that the vision of a democratically transformed Sudan can continue to inspire both countries. The leaders of South Sudan, who have endured a long struggle for autonomy, will certainly see the importance of ensuring that this achievement is translated into improved political participation and improved conditions for all South Sudanese.", "As the Security Council stated on 11 February (see S/PRST/2011/4), security and development are closely interlinked and mutually reinforcing for the attainment of durable peace. As both the Sudan and South Sudan continue to face the challenges of nation-building, the international community should increase its support to both Juba and Khartoum.", "We are glad to note that the Economic and Social Council and the Peacebuilding Commission have started to consider how best to assist the Sudanese people. We are also pleased that resolution 1996 (2011), which established the United Nations Mission in the Republic of South Sudan, envisages the kind of coherent and integrated support to post-conflict countries called for in the presidential statement to which I just referred, during whose adoption I had the honour to preside over the Council.", "I must also refer to the appointment of Ms. Hilde Johnson as Special Representative of the Secretary-General, who I believe is particularly well-positioned, given her wide-ranging experience, to provide expertise and leadership.", "Brazil encourages those who have not yet done so to take steps to normalize economic relations with the Sudanese. We support calls for debt relief. We also urge all development partners to step up bilateral and multilateral support. In the context of the India, Brazil and South Africa (IBSA) group, these three countries are negotiating three cooperation projects that we believe will benefit the people of South Sudan. Our countries also intend to work with the Sudan in the framework of the IBSA fund.", "As part of Brazil’s renewed engagement with the African continent, our relations with the Republic of the Sudan have intensified in the past few years. Bilateral cooperation projects and private partnerships, which aim at developing the country’s potential in the area of agriculture, are showing impressive results. In 2009, the Sudan became the first country in its region to produce and export ethanol with Brazilian technology. Other promising projects involve cotton and soy.", "We are also convinced that agriculture can play a pivotal role in the future of South Sudan. As we are all aware, the country has immense potential in terms of land, climate, water and human resources. In our bilateral meetings, the authorities of South Sudan have indicated that agriculture will be a priority. Given the potential of both countries, efforts towards promoting rural development in the Sudan and South Sudan can benefit the whole north-east of Africa, where food security remains a challenge, thereby generating a series of positive economic and social spin-offs.", "The independence of South Sudan is an event that evokes many of the traits of the African spirit, which we have come to respect and admire: endurance, courage and wisdom. As the new nation embarks on a journey to build a free, democratic, prosperous and peaceful home for its deserving people, South Sudan will require the active support of the United Nations and its individual Members. Brazil looks forward to playing its part in that process.", "Mr. Radebe (South Africa): We welcome the presence of His Excellency Mr. Ban Ki-moon, Secretary-General of the United Nations, at this historic meeting, and we thank him for his statement. We also thank Mr. Alain Le Roy, Under-Secretary-General for Peacekeeping Operations, for his briefing. We welcome the statements by His Excellency Mr. Riek Machar Teny-Dhurgon, Vice-President of the Republic of South Sudan, and His Excellency Ambassador Osman, Permanent Representative of the Republic of the Sudan.", "On behalf of the Government and people of South Africa, we congratulate the Government and people of South-Sudan on the independence they achieved on 9 July 2011. That was indeed a historic moment for the African continent and the people of South Sudan in their struggle for self-determination. For years, the people of South Africa, on the basis of our own history, have identified with the aspirations and desire of the people of South Sudan for independence, freedom, justice and self-determination.", "On 9 July, the Government of South Africa officially recognized the Republic of South Sudan as a sovereign and independent State. We hope that the independence of South Sudan will serve as an inspiration to the millions of oppressed peoples across the globe who continue to suffer under occupation and colonialism.", "The signing of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA), in 2005, was a major achievement for the people of South Sudan in their struggle for freedom, as well as in the international community’s efforts to bring about a peaceful end to the conflict in the Sudan. The holding of elections in April 2010 and the referendum in January 2011 were significant milestones in the implementation of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement. We commend the leadership of both the Sudan and South Sudan for their commitment and partnership in the successful implementation of these key pillars of the CPA.", "The date of 9 July will go down in history as a significant day when the world witnessed the closure of one of the most painful chapters in the lives of the Sudanese. The day equally marked a new beginning filled with hope and expectations, as South Sudan became a new independent and sovereign State. This achievement is a tribute to the late Mr. John Garang, who once stated,", "“I and those who joined me in the bush and fought for more than 20 years have brought to you the Comprehensive Peace Agreement on a golden plate. Our mission is accomplished. It is now your turn, especially those who did not have a chance to experience bush life”.", "We pay special tribute to this great African revolutionary, who unfortunately did not live to join his fellow compatriots in celebrating this milestone in the implementation of the CPA.", "We congratulate both President Al-Bashir and President Salva Kiir Mayardit for the exceptional leadership they have demonstrated in the six years since the signing of the CPA. We welcome the statements delivered by both Presidents in Juba on the day of independence. Those positive statements inspire hope and bode well for reconciliation and the strengthening of bilateral relations between the two sovereign and independent States, which are bound by a common history and share a common destiny as neighbours.", "South Africa is cognizant of the multiplicity of challenges that the new State faces immediately after its birth. South Sudan is one of the most underdeveloped and poverty-stricken nations in the world. We are certain, however, that the same amount of bravery and courage displayed by the people of South Sudan in their struggle for independence will stand them in good stead as they seek to address all the socio-economic challenges that still lie ahead.", "On the political front, there are still key outstanding CPA issues that need to be addressed. They include the final status of Abyei and the continuing tensions in Southern Kordofan and Blue Nile states. We should not allow these outstanding issues to reverse the gains registered thus far.", "South Africa welcomes the Agreement signed between the Government of the Sudan and the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement on Temporary Arrangements for the Administration and Security of the Abyei Area, which paved the way for the Security Council to deploy the United Nations Interim Security Force for Abyei. We would like to underscore, however, that the resolution of the Abyei question will go a long way towards consolidating peace and stability in the two Sudanese States. In this regard, we encourage both parties to reach a lasting agreement on Abyei and to resolve the situation in Southern Kordofan and Blue Nile states.", "We are encouraged by the firm commitment and desire of both parties to reach an agreement on all these pertinent outstanding issues. We are cognizant of the positive impact which the successful resolution of these issues will have in laying the foundations for peaceful coexistence and good-neighbourliness. We will continue to support the efforts of the African Union High-Level Implementation Panel, under the leadership of President Mbeki, to assist the two States in resolving all outstanding issues without delay.", "The fact that the Republic of the Sudan was the first State to recognize the independence of the Republic of South Sudan was not only a symbolic but also a further goodwill gesture of brotherhood and friendship. In January this year, the African Union Heads of States and Governments adopted a solemn declaration extending their solidarity and that of the entire continent to the people of the Sudan, who have taken the unprecedented and generous step of accepting self-determination for their brethren. The declaration further stated that Africa legitimately looks forward to the complete normalization of relations between the international community and the Republic of the Sudan to ensure that all the peoples of the Sudan can enjoy peace, dignity, democracy and development.", "We cannot overstate the role played by the United Nations, particularly the Security Council, the African Union, the Intergovernmental Authority on Development and the entire international community in general towards lasting peace and stability in the Sudan. South Africa would like to make a clarion call on all those who have been involved in these efforts to continue to stand shoulder to shoulder with the people of South Sudan as they embark on a journey of State-building, as well as for their solidarity with the Republic of the Sudan as they deal with the new reality created by the emergence of a new neighbour.", "In this regard, South Africa welcomes resolution 1996 (2011), adopted last week by the Council, establishing the new United Nations Mission in the Republic of South Sudan. We are particularly pleased with the integrated nature of the new Mission, with a focus on peacebuilding and support for development based on the principle of ownership. The Mission will play a significant role in supporting the new State in laying a foundation for sustainable development.", "For our part, South Africa will continue to assist with the means at our disposal in building on the technical capacity-building programmes of the past five years. The sister peoples of both South Sudan and the Republic of the Sudan can continue to count on our support to help build and consolidate lasting peace and stability in that part of our continent. Together with our IBSA partners, India and Brazil, we have committed to mobilizing our own resources to support development projects both in the Sudan and in South Sudan through the IBSA Poverty Alleviation Fund.", "In conclusion, we are of the firm view that the resolution of the conflict in the Sudan will contribute a great deal to the comprehensive resolution of all the conflicts on the African continent. In this regard, we salute the outstanding work of the African Union High-Level Implementation Panel led by our former President Thabo Mbeki. We also pay tribute to one of our own compatriots, Special Representative of the Secretary-General Haile Menkerios, for the exceptional manner in which he discharged his duties. We are grateful to the women and men who have served in the United Nations Mission in the Sudan since its first deployment. In spite of the harsh and challenging conditions under which they served, they dedicated themselves to the noble cause of peace and stability, at times making the ultimate sacrifice.", "To the people of South Sudan, I say: “Your time has indeed come. It is now your turn”.", "Ms. Rice (United States of America): Last Saturday, I had the great honour of heading the United States delegation to Juba to celebrate South Sudan’s independence. It was a deeply moving day. After half a century of war, at a cost of more than 2 million lives, the Republic of South Sudan can now finally determine its own future. The United States salutes the courage and the sacrifice of the people of South Sudan, who never abandoned hope.", "After so many years of bitter conflict, South Sudan’s independence occurred peacefully and democratically through a referendum — a heartening way for the world’s newest nation to be born. I welcome Vice-President Machar and congratulate the people of the Republic of South Sudan. We are delighted that Vice-President Machar Teny-Dhurgon was here to represent his new Government at a meeting at which the Security Council unanimously recommended that his country be admitted as the United Nations 193rd Member State. We also commend the Government of the Sudan’s decision to be the first country to recognize South Sudan’s independence. We welcome all efforts to forge a relationship between the Sudan and South Sudan that is rooted in mutual respect and cooperation, and that strengthens the viability, security and prosperity of both States. By continuing on the path of peace, the Government of the Sudan can redefine its relationship with the international community and secure a brighter future for its people.", "The Security Council remains fully engaged in helping both countries towards their shared goals of peace and stability. On 8 July, the Council unanimously authorized the new United Nations Mission in the Republic of South Sudan (UNMISS). UNMISS will assist the Government as it builds a new nation, including on issues of peacebuilding, development, security and protection.", "But as we all know, this moment of promise is also fragile and fraught. The Sudan and South Sudan must work hard to secure an enduring peace and two viable States coexisting as peaceful neighbours. It is vital that both countries work with the AU High-Level Implementation Panel to swiftly resolve all outstanding issues. The parties need to finalize arrangements on the border, citizenship, oil and other issues if they are to forge an enduring peace.", "A permanent resolution of Abyei’s status remains elusive. Despite the Agreement on Temporary Arrangements for the Administration and Security of the Abyei Area and the imminent deployment of the United Nations Interim Security Force for Abyei, the situation in Abyei is still extremely volatile. An estimated 100,000 people remain displaced from their homes. Meanwhile, brutal fighting between the Sudanese Armed Forces and the troops of the Sudan People’s Liberation Army (SPLA)-North has displaced more than 70,000 people in Southern Kordofan. The Sudanese army is continuing and intensifying aerial bombardments that are killing civilians.", "On 28 June, the Government of the Sudan and the SPLA-North agreed to a framework of political and security principles for Southern Kordofan and Blue Nile states, but the Government of the Sudan’s commitment to that agreement has wavered. Both parties need to agree immediately to a cessation of hostilities. The violence, the human rights abuses and the deliberate obstruction of access for humanitarian agencies must end.", "Given the ongoing hostilities and abuses in Southern Kordofan and the vulnerability of neighbouring Blue Nile, we deeply regret the Government of the Sudan’s decision to compel the United Nations departure from those two states. The United Nations should be allowed to maintain a presence in those areas to help distribute humanitarian aid, protect civilians and implement any cessation-of-hostilities agreement.", "The challenges are great, but they are by no means insurmountable. The Security Council has done its utmost to support this process, and the Council and my Government will remain deeply engaged in supporting the Republic of South Sudan at this critical juncture and into the future.", "My own country’s history has taught us that it takes moral courage to attain freedom and make freedom’s promise real for all citizens, and we have learned that this work is never done. We have great faith in the people of South Sudan. We expect that they will create a Government that works for the good of all people and for the stability of the region, and thereby create a country that strengthens this community of sovereign nations.", "As I said in Juba on Saturday, a nation born from conflict need not live in conflict. In this spirit, and with great hope for the future of the world’s newest nation, the United States wholeheartedly supports South Sudan’s application for membership in the United Nations. Congratulations, and we look forward to welcoming South Sudan.", "Mr. Douillet (France) (spoke in French): The Security Council is living through a historic moment today. We have recommended a new Member State for admission to the membership of the United Nations, bringing it to 193.", "The independence of South Sudan is a major event in the history of Africa. It represents a positive conclusion to 50 years of war that brought great suffering to all the peoples of the Sudan and led to millions of deaths. There are now great hopes for peace, which shows that negotiation and dialogue are more effective than arms and military confrontation.", "This new birth of an African State is the first since the period of decolonization. It represents a success for the Sudanese population as a whole and, of course, for the people of South Sudan, who in January voted unanimously for independence. It is also a success for the Government of the North and the Government of the South, which, despite the difficulties encountered, have implemented the Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) of 2005. And, finally, it brings relief to the international community, which never wavered in its support for this process and now sees the possibility of a fresh start. I would underscore here the outstanding contribution made by President Mbeki and by the Special Representative of the Secretary-General, Mr. Menkerios.", "France has invested a great deal in those efforts. It supported the Naivasha process that led to the signing of the CPA in 2005. It voted for the various resolutions that accompanied its implementation, and it never ceased to engage in dialogue with the North and the South, especially when the pace of discussions among the parties to the CPA had slowed. We recognized this new State at the same time as did the African Union and all the States members of the European Union (EU), and we established diplomatic relations with it on 9 July.", "France will stand alongside South Sudan in ensuring the integration of this new State into the community of nations and within the United Nations, as well as within its regional environment and the multilateral financial institutions.", "A number of challenges remain to be met in order for South Sudan and the Sudan to develop and to establish harmonious relations. The two countries must conclude the outstanding negotiations while ensuring, along with the authorities of South Sudan, the protection of civilians. The United Nations Mission in the Republic of South Sudan (UNMISS) will support South Sudan in the undertaking of its responsibilities. We fully support Ms. Johnson in that mission.", "In the North, certain regions remain a source of concern, such as Southern Kordofan and Blue Nile states. We hope that the Sudan will agree to the presence of the international community there. In the South, national reconciliation must take place, and the security of all inhabitants must be ensured. We must move from the centralized logic of the war years towards a pluralist democracy and build the infrastructure and institutions necessary to enable the people to emerge from poverty.", "The conflicts that are still being resolved today by force of arms must be settled peacefully, through democratic institutions. To that end, frameworks will have to be established; future generations must be groomed to manage the State; and robust institutions must be created. The fight against impunity in the Sudan and in South Sudan will be pivotal in order to pacify relations among citizens and between citizens and their authorities. France intends to support this new State in this connection by using all of its cooperation instruments, in coordination with the EU and its principal partners.", "We are very pleased today to welcome South Sudan as a member of the international community. This represents not only the conclusion of a lengthy struggle but also the beginning of a journey during which France, along with the rest of the international community, will continue to provide support.", "Mr. Bogdanov (Russian Federation) (spoke in Russian): Allow me to congratulate His Excellency Vice-President Riek Machar Teny-Dhurgon and, through him, the people of South Sudan on their proclamation of independence and the creation of an independent and sovereign State.", "With respect to the status of the State of South Sudan, Russia has steadfastly maintained its fundamental position. Well before the referendum, we had stated that we would support the sovereign will of the people of Southern Sudan. Given the complexity of the matter, Russia refrained from bringing any pressure to bear on either of the parties, taking the view that the destiny of the country should be determined by its own people.", "The Russian Federation has declared its recognition of this new State — the Republic of South Sudan. Overall, the Sudanese parties were able to peacefully and in a civilized manner oversee the division of what was once the largest country in Africa. The leadership of the Sudan and South Sudan have consistently demonstrated the political will necessary to address the critical disagreements between them on the difficult path towards the implementation of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement. As a result, they were able to successfully implement most of the elements contained in that Agreement.", "We believe that the primary challenges in the context of nation-building in South Sudan are the outstanding issues in the context of relations between Khartoum and Juba, there being a great deal of baggage in that connection, and there remains also the contentious problem of the status of the Abyei region; these are now at the inter-State level. We anticipate that in the new historical climate the leadership of both countries will shoulder their responsibility for the destiny and prosperity of their peoples and will reach a final solution to disputed issues politically, through the negotiation process.", "The arrangements reached in connection with the settlement of the future status of Abyei and the states of Blue Nile and Southern Kordofan should serve to strengthen the emerging positive momentum, and, to that end, the mediation efforts of the African Union must continue.", "Greater assistance on the part of the international community for nation-building in South Sudan will be required in order to create effective institutions of governance, counter growing internal threats and security challenges, address economic and social problems and establish an appropriate human rights regime.", "The United Nations Mission in the Republic of South Sudan, established by the Security Council, will play an important role in helping the country to achieve stability. In that context, we are of the view that the Government of South Sudan has primary responsibility for strengthening peace in the country and for advancing it in terms of peacebuilding.", "We are also giving thought to additional economic incentives for the Republic of South Sudan, taking into account the fact that the division of a country is always quite painful and accompanied by a number of new domestic problems. This we know from our own historical experience.", "For its part, the Russian Federation intends to strengthen Russian-Sudanese cooperation in all areas, including the prevailing constructive and favourable atmosphere in our relationship.", "South Sudan’s attainment of State sovereignty opens the way for the development of Russian-South Sudan relations on the basis of the principles of equitable dialogue and respect for the sovereignty of that country. Our position is that a truly business-like partnership between our countries will be an important factor in consolidating stability and security on the African continent. We are prepared to establish diplomatic relations with the Republic of South Sudan. We expect to hold substantive negotiations in that regard in the very near future.", "In conclusion, we would like to express our confidence that the leadership of South Sudan will successfully establish good neighbourly relations with the Republic of the Sudan and other African States, in keeping with the interests of maintaining and strengthening peace in Central and East Africa. The Russian Federation would like to see an overall normalization of the situation in that region, which has experienced a period of extended conflict and is gradually moving towards stabilization. That is the goal of the efforts of Russia’s leadership and of its diplomacy.", "Mr. Bellingham (United Kingdom): I would like to thank you, Mr. President, for calling this important debate. I would also like to congratulate Germany for the exemplary way it has presided over the Security Council during this month.", "I would also like to thank Under-Secretary-General Le Roy for his statement and for the tireless work of the United Nations in support of peace for all of the Sudan. I would also like to thank Vice-President Machar Teny-Dhurgon and Ambassador Osman for their statements, in which they reaffirmed their commitment to good relations between their two countries, whose futures are so closely intertwined. I was especially impressed with the remark made by the representative of the Sudan a moment ago that links are as strong as ever between north and south, for they are all Sudanese.", "The birth of South Sudan, on 9 July, was a historic event for both the newly born State and for the Republic of the Sudan. Along with colleagues from around the world, United Kingdom Foreign Secretary William Hague was present at Juba to share in that joyous occasion.", "As a witness to the Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) in 2005, the United Kingdom bore witness to the statesmanship that brought an end to 50 years of bitter civil war. Since then, as members of the Security Council all of us have witnessed the leadership shown by both parties, which delivered a peaceful referendum on the future of South Sudan and brought us to this momentous meeting today.", "The United Kingdom and the United Nations stand ready to assist the new State of South Sudan in delivering security and prosperity for the people. We recognize that needs are great, and time short, to make a real difference in the lives of those who have waited so long to realize the hope of a better life.", "The establishment of the United Nations Mission in the Republic of South Sudan, which will work with the wider United Nations family and the international community to support the Government of South Sudan, is an indication of our collective commitment to the South Sudanese people.", "The United Kingdom remains equally committed to assisting the Government of the Sudan in delivering security and prosperity for its people, including our engagement on Sudanese national debt and our support for United Nations peacekeeping and development assistance to the Sudan.", "But even as we recognize the extraordinary achievement that the Sudan and South Sudan have made in separating peacefully, many issues of vital importance to their people remain unresolved, including citizenship, wealth and oil sharing and border demarcation. As other speakers have stressed, those must be resolved without delay. I therefore welcome the commitment of both Governments to pursue negotiations urgently, with the support of the African Union High-Level Implementation Panel, under the excellent leadership of former President Mbeki. In that context, I also welcome the intention of the United Nations to provide advice to the Security Council on the implementation of the parties’ 29 June agreement on the management of the border and on the role of the United Nations mission in Abyei.", "As we meet to celebrate the friendship between South Sudan and the Sudan, I am particularly concerned about the people of Abyei and Southern Kordofan, who continue to suffer the agony of conflict and displacement. In Abyei, as a number of other speakers have made clear, more than 113,000 people have been displaced. With the rains setting, in, it is vital that the Agreement on Temporary Arrangements in Abyei, supported by the forthcoming deployment of the United Nations Interim Security Force for Abyei, be implemented in full and without delay, so that those displaced can return home.", "In Southern Kordofan, the continued fighting and the hindering of humanitarian assistance to populations in need are completely unacceptable. The United Kingdom is also deeply concerned about reports of ongoing violations of human rights and international humanitarian law in this continuing conflict, reportedly including aerial bombardment, extra-judicial killings, forced displacement and arbitrary arrests and detention. We unreservedly condemn that ongoing violence, and call on the Government of the Sudan and the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement-North to agree an immediate ceasefire.", "Furthermore, we urge the Government of the Sudan to grant immediate and full humanitarian access throughout Southern Kordofan. We reiterate our concern about the withdrawal of the United Nations Mission in the Sudan, whose mandate to protect civilians and ensure humanitarian access is, sadly, needed more than ever before at this time. In both Abyei and Southern Kordofan, the parties must work urgently to find lasting solutions that put the interests of local populations at their heart.", "In, Darfur too, a comprehensive peace agreement is urgently needed. We remain deeply troubled by the deteriorating security and humanitarian situation and urge all parties to cease fire immediately and to work to create the necessary conditions for peace to succeed.", "The challenges facing both the Sudan and South Sudan are immense. On the other hand, the opportunities for cooperation to transform the lives of all Sudanese are equally great, as the Ambassador of the Sudan pointed out. It remains the goal of the Council, which has engaged so assiduously in support of peace during the past year, to support both the Sudan and South Sudan in achieving stability and prosperity as two peaceful and economically successful States living side by side in friendship. The primary responsibility for the future of their peoples lies with them. We therefore urge both Governments to show now the leadership that delivered both the CPA and the historic events of last Saturday.", "In conclusion, I would like to congratulate Vice-President Machar Teny-Dhurgon on the Council’s recommendation that the General Assembly should welcome South Sudan as the newest Member of the United Nations to work in partnership with the Sudan and all Members to uphold key United Nations values and principles, including peace, tolerance, the rule of law, transparency and accountability. I am confident that South Sudan will uphold those values and thus, with pride, take up its place in the world community.", "Mr. Brites Pereira (Portugal): On behalf of Portugal, I would like to start by saluting the independence of the Republic of South Sudan and by welcoming this new country to the community of independent States. I am particularly pleased to greet here today His Excellencies Vice-President Riek Machar Teny-Dhurgon and Ambassador Daffa-Alla Osman.", "The Portuguese people have a special affinity with Africa, forged by centuries of shared history. Witnessing the arrival of the new South Sudan on the world stage as an independent nation is undoubtedly a special moment for us, marking the beginning of a new phase in our relationship with both the Republic of South Sudan and the Republic of the Sudan. Portugal looks forward to continuing to work with both in building a peaceful and prosperous future for the two countries, and indeed for Africa in general.", "Portugal was represented at the independence ceremonies in Juba by Ambassador António Monteiro, former Portuguese Minister for Foreign Affairs and member of the Secretary-General’s panel for the monitoring of the referendum held last January. In Juba, Ambassador Monteiro conveyed a letter from the President of Portuguese Republic to the President of the Republic of South Sudan expressing wishes for peace, stability and development to the new State.", "I would also like to take this opportunity to recall that Portugal has already recognized the Republic of South Sudan as an independent and sovereign State, as have the other European Union member States. Portugal now looks forward to establishing diplomatic relations with the Republic of South Sudan. We also welcome the recognition of the new country by the Republic of the Sudan and by the members of the African Union.", "Let me also commend the Sudanese people for their peaceful determination and for the orderly way in which they expressed their will. The referendum was a milestone, not only in terms of implementing the 2005 Comprehensive Peace Agreement but also in terms of underscoring the Sudanese people’s desire for a peaceful solution to their differences.", "Allow me again to voice our sincere appreciation for all the work and effort undertaken by the Secretary-General and his Special Representative Haile Menkerios, as well as by the African Union High-Level Implementation Panel and its Chair, President Thabo Mbeki, in order to help bring about the birth of the new country. We are also deeply grateful to the leaders and peacekeepers of the United Nations Mission in the Sudan for their invaluable assistance throughout the entire process, and for their dedication and commitment.", "The independence of the Republic of South Sudan is but a step, albeit an important one. But in order to fulfil the expectations it entails, the challenges that still remain must be addressed in an urgent and comprehensive way. That is why we encourage President Al-Bashir and President Salva Kiir Mayardit to grasp this opportunity and to spare no effort in solving all the outstanding issues between their two countries. As we have repeatedly stated, dialogue and political commitment at the highest level are what is needed in order to ensure that this historic moment becomes a time of lasting progress. We are thus encouraged by the meeting on 4 July between the two Presidents at the extraordinary session of the Inter‑Governmental Authority on Development on the Sudan in Addis Ababa, and by their commitment to continuing negotiations after 9 July.", "In that context, Portugal welcomes the recent progress the parties have made on interim agreements for Abyei and security arrangements for the border zone between the North and South. Negotiations on other issues have also continued. But we must emphasize that finding an agreement on the final status of Abyei and reaching a common understanding on key issues such as citizenship, the management of oil resources and border management are essential to ensuring a peaceful future, a mutually beneficial relationship between the two States and those States’ viability. We gave our support to the establishment of the United Nations Interim Security Force for Abyei and share the view that North and South would benefit from the assistance of the United Nations on border issues. We also urge the two leaders to make full use of the good offices of the African Union High-Level Implementation Panel, under the leadership of President Mbeki.", "Unfortunately, the encouraging progress in several areas that I have just mentioned has yet to be reflected in Southern Kordofan. Like all members of the Council, Portugal has been deeply concerned about the ongoing fighting in that state, which is resulting in an alarming and increasing number of displaced persons. We condemn the lack of access for humanitarian agencies and urge all parties to grant them full and unconditional access. We also call on the two sides to follow through on the Political and Security Framework Agreement negotiated by the National Congress Party and the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement-North to find a quick solution to the situation and put an immediate end to the hostilities.", "Peace and hope should be extended to all Sudanese, including those in Darfur. I therefore reiterate Portugal’s commitment to working towards improving the lives of all Darfuris.", "In conclusion, let me underline again that a continued commitment, engagement and spirit of close cooperation on the part of both Governments will be necessary to achieve a peaceful and prosperous future for North and South alike. The international community should also continue to provide the support and encouragement that the two States will need in the still difficult times ahead. For the immediate future, the United Nations will remain in South Sudan, and the mandate for the new United Nations Mission in the Republic of South Sudan has been established by the Security Council. In the same way that we have supported and strongly encouraged the Organization’s presence in the South, we will continue to support all efforts that the Republic of the Sudan believes may contribute to making this new chapter equally successful for its people.", "Finally, let me express my best wishes to the future one hundred and ninety-third member of the General Assembly. I also hope that the new future will bring peace, stability and prosperity to all the peoples in the region. Indeed, that is the only outcome that will justly honour their past suffering and struggle, while meeting their expectations and aspirations for the future.", "Mr. Moungara Moussotsi (Gabon) (spoke in French): Allow me also to welcome the proclamation of independence for the Republic of South Sudan on 9 July. Gabon is pleased to have been a participant at the highest State level, notably through the presence of His Excellency Mr. Ali Bongo Ondimba at the ceremony marking this historic event. We, too, have officially recognized the new State of South Sudan. I welcome the presence in the Chamber of the Vice-President of the Republic of South Sudan and of the Permanent Representative of the Sudan, and I thank them for their statements.", "The independence of South Sudan completes the implementation of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement, which is the foundation of the peace process in the Sudan. It should put an end to the long decades of tragic conflict that have led to the deaths of millions and an enormous displacement of populations.", "In the long and laboured quest for peace and stability in the Sudan, the international community has shown great unity and resolve. The Security Council has played a central role in the international mobilization aimed at achieving a lasting solution to the Sudanese crisis, to which we should also link the willingness of the parties to commit, through frank and constructive dialogue, to seeking a negotiated political solution to the conflict. That political will was recently affirmed by the signing of the Agreement on Abyei, following the violence that occurred in the Area.", "Gabon, which has always enshrined dialogue and political cooperation as basic values of its diplomacy, welcomes that progress, which should be conducive to peace and stability in this vast region of Africa. My delegation especially commends the political commitment and leadership of President Al-Bashir and President Salva Kiir Mayardit, which have been so essential to the implementation of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement. We also commend the United Nations, the African Union and the entire international community for its mobilization and ongoing efforts to promote peace in the Sudan.", "The challenges that the new State faces in terms of nation-building are enormous. South Sudan must essentially begin at the beginning with security sector reform and the establishment of democratic institutions, the rule of law and respect for human rights. Add to that the economic development of the country, the provision of basic services for the people and sound management of natural resources.", "To that end, the creation of the United Nations Mission in the Republic of South Sudan, established in accordance with resolution 1996 (2011), is a basic tool in the process of building this new State. The role of the new Mission will be to assist the country in strengthening peace and security and creating a stable economic environment.", "Euphoria over the birth of the Republic of South Sudan should not lead us to overlook the fact that there are still many outstanding issues. Both parties have yet to agree on the post-secession arrangements. The demarcation of the border separating the two States, citizenship and wealth-sharing are essential issues that must be resolved. Good-neighbourly relations and peaceful coexistence between the two States will depend on this.", "The final status of the Abyei Area and the ongoing fighting in Southern Kordofan are other sources of concern. Nevertheless, Gabon particularly welcomes the negotiations that took place in Addis Ababa between the Government of the Sudan and the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement-North that led to the establishment of a Framework Agreement on a political partnership between the two parties and the setting up of political and security arrangements in Blue Nile and Southern Kordofan states. Gabon urges both parties to continue efforts to achieve final solutions to all of these outstanding issues.", "In view of South Sudan’s efforts and work to build a new State, our support on all issues should not wane. For its part, Gabon looks forward to enhanced diplomatic relations with the Republic of South Sudan.", "Mr. Hardeep Singh Puri (India): It gives me great pleasure to welcome Vice-President Riek Machar Teny-Dhurgon and the other members of his delegation to the Council on this historic occasion. I also wish to welcome to the Security Council the Ministers from Brazil, Bosnia-Herzegovina, South Africa, Germany, France, Portugal, the Russian Federation and the United Kingdom. Their presence in our midst today underlines the importance we all attach to this occasion. I would like to thank Under-Secretary-General Le Roy and my colleague, the Permanent Representative of the Sudan, His Excellency Mr. Ali Osman, for their comprehensive statements.", "Sixty-four years ago, India’s first Prime Minister Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru, declared,", "“at the stroke of the midnight hour, when the world sleeps, India will awake to life and freedom. A moment comes, which comes but rarely in history, when we step out from the old to the new, when an age ends, and when the soul of a nation, long suppressed, finds utterance”.", "Today is one such moment of a tryst being kept with destiny when, after a long struggle, the voice of the people of South Sudan has found expression.", "Let me at the outset convey the Government of India’s warm welcome to the new State of South Sudan, born on 9 July after a peaceful and transparent referendum where the people of South Sudan voted to form a new State. Our Vice-President, His Excellency Mr. Hameed Ansari, participated in the joyous celebrations in Juba on 9 July.", "The Government of India commends the leaders of both the Sudan and South Sudan, who have shown exemplary patience and maturity in order to see the fulfilment of this important Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) landmark, which India supported from its very beginning in 2005. We therefore convey our congratulations to both parties for successfully marching to this day.", "India and the Sudan share the most cordial of relations. We are deeply committed to the development, peace and prosperity of the Sudan. It is in that context that India welcomes the developments over the past year in the Sudan that have brought peace closer to this troubled land. In particular, we welcome the emergence of South Sudan as a new State, the newest member of the international community and soon the one-hundred and ninety-third State Member of the United Nations.", "As a member of the Security Council, it has been our great pleasure to be associated with the adoption today of resolution 1999 (2011), which will lead to the General Assembly accepting the Council’s recommendation on South Sudan’s application for United Nations membership. We look forward to South Sudan joining the United Nations as a full-fledged Member as of tomorrow.", "India and the Sudan have deep-rooted ties. For over 100 years, people of Indian origin have made the Sudan their home. Nearly 10,000 persons of Indian origin live in Khartoum, Omdurman, Wad Madani and Port Sudan. The economic interaction between our two countries is substantial and our two-way trade amounts to approximately $1 billion per year — the largest among the countries of Africa. India was one of the first Asian countries to open a consulate in Juba. It will soon be upgraded to an embassy. We look forward to the continued growth and diversification of these relations as the two Sudans chart their independent destinies.", "There have recently been exchanges of high-level visits from both sides. These interactions have facilitated substantial exchanges of views for charting the course of action and future road map for intensifying our relations with both Khartoum and Juba. For India, the two entities of Sudan taken together remain a major force and partner in Africa. The recent India-Africa Forum Summit held in Addis Ababa testifies to our commitment to working together with our African friends for the collective development of Africa.", "India was witness to the Naivasha Agreement of January 2005, which established the Comprehensive Peace Agreement. We have watched the progress made in its implementation with keen interest and are happy to see an important CPA landmark achieved with South Sudan’s independence. We are sure that outstanding CPA issues, like the status of Abyei, among others, will also be dealt with by both sides in the same spirit of cooperation and mutual accommodation. In that regard, we deeply appreciate the work done by Special Representative of the Secretary-General Menkerios in overseeing the implementation of the CPA and maintaining peace in the region. We are happy to note the agreement between both sides to demilitarize Abyei, which demonstrates the will of the two sides to jointly move ahead towards a negotiated settlement.", "In keeping with this spirit of seeing a peaceful and prosperous region, we also support all ongoing efforts towards achieving peace in the Sudan, including the Darfur issue. We would like this issue to be resolved soon. Our appreciation is due to the State of Qatar and the African Union High-Level Implementation Panel on the Sudan, led by Mr. Thabo Mbeki, who has played a very significant role in that regard.", "India has been one of the largest troop-contributors to the United Nations Mission in the Sudan (UNMIS), in addition to the notable contribution of Indian police officers to both UNMIS and the Government of South Sudan.", "We recently pledged $5 million for development assistance to South Sudan as well as other capacity-building projects under our aid to Africa and India-Africa Forum Summit programmes. The Sudan is a major beneficiary under India’s technical and economic cooperation programme. To continue our engagement with South Sudan under this programme, 75 additional positions have recently been announced for South Sudan. The Pan-African e-Network Project undertaken by India in Africa has been a huge success. We are considering extending the entire package of Pan-African e-Network, including its tele-medicine and tele-education components, to South Sudan.", "As already indicated by the Foreign Minister of Brazil, India also intends to work alongside Brazil and South Africa as part of the India, Brazil and South Africa (IBSA) group and drawing on the IBSA Fund, on projects that benefit the peoples of both the Sudan and South Sudan.", "We recognize that the Sudan and South Sudan will face enormous challenges in the years ahead as they chart their independent destinies. For its part, India is ready to assist this process, both on a bilateral basis and on the basis of its rapidly growing interaction with Africa. On behalf of the Government and the people of India, may I once again congratulate the leadership of both the Sudan and South Sudan on their statesmanship and their commitment to peace and to the welfare of their peoples. India stands ready to extend all possible assistance on their path to progress and prosperity.", "Mr. Wang Min (China) (spoke in Chinese): I thank Germany for its initiative in convening today’s meeting. I welcome Vice-President Riek Machar Teny-Dhurgon of the Republic of South Sudan to today’s meeting. I also thank him for his statement. I would also like to thank Under-Secretary-General Le Roy and Ambassador Osman, Permanent Representative of the Sudan, for their statements.", "On 9 July, the Republic of South Sudan officially proclaimed its formation. The Chinese Government and people would like to extend our warm congratulations. Their present progress was achieved through a great deal of assiduous effort. In promoting the peace process between South Sudan and the Sudan and in implementing the Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA), the leaders and peoples of those two countries have shown exceptional wisdom, courage and unwavering will. The birth of the Republic of South Sudan gives expression to the common desire and autonomous choice of the people of that State. It is a major result of the peace process in the Sudan; it will promote lasting peace and stability in the region and is of great historical significance.", "The Chinese people and the people of South Sudan share a deep traditional friendship and a common desire to strengthen friendly exchanges. On the day when the Republic of South Sudan was founded, President Hu Jintau of China sent a message of congratulation to President Kiir of the Republic of South Sudan. China has already established diplomatic relations with the Republic of South Sudan, beginning a new chapter in the relations of the two countries. China will establish and develop a long-term, healthy, stable, friendly and cooperative relationship with the Republic of South Sudan on the basis of the five principles of peaceful coexistence.", "China supports South Sudan’s application for membership of the United Nations. We look forward to the historic moment when South Sudan becomes the 193rd Member State. We look forward to strengthening a comprehensive cooperation with South Sudan within the framework of the United Nations. We sincerely hope that the young Republic of South Sudan will continue to register new accomplishments in its efforts at State-building and development so as to become a positive force in maintaining peace and stability and the promotion of common development. China will continue to provide its assistance, within its capacities, to South Sudan’s development and reconstruction.", "South Sudan is facing many challenges immediately after its formation. We appeal to the international community to continue to support South Sudan’s efforts to achieve political stability, and to provide effective assistance for its economic recovery and development. We support the mandate of the United Nations Mission in the Republic of South Sudan to strengthen communication and cooperation with the Government of South Sudan and to contribute to the maintenance of peace and stability and the promotion of development in South Sudan.", "Both the Sudan and South Sudan are at a new phase in their history. They share a common history, and their economies and cultures are closely linked, as are peace and development in both countries. Continued tolerance, mutual understanding and strengthened cooperation between the two countries represent the only option to achieve peaceful coexistence and common development. We hope that the two countries will continue to focus on the overall situation of peace and the well-being of the two peoples in finding appropriate solutions to the outstanding issues of the CPA through dialogue and negotiation.", "China welcomes the good offices of the African Union in resolving the outstanding issues between the Sudan and South Sudan. China supports the African Union High-Level Implementation Panel led by Mr. Mbeki in playing an important role in this regard.", "The Government of the Sudan has demonstrated its political resolve to facilitate the peace process between the South and the North and has made tremendous efforts in this regard. The international community should normalize its relations with the Sudan soon so that its people can enjoy peace, dignity and development at an early date. It is our sincere hope that the Sudan and South Sudan, with the support and assistance of the United Nations and other international partners, will be good neighbours, good partners and good brothers forever.", "Mrs. Ogwu (Nigeria): Nigeria greatly appreciates the special attention that you, Sir, are devoting to the Sudan today. The contributions of your country to the Sudanese process are well recognized, as is your personal commitment.", "I would like to welcome the participation of the Vice-President of the Republic of South Sudan, Mr. Riek Machar Teny-Dhurgon, and to thank him for his inspiring comments. I also welcome my colleague, Ambassador Osman, and thank him for his statement.", "The Secretary-General has been unrelenting in his quest for peace, as has Under-Secretary-General Le Roy in his unremitting efforts in waging peace. Allow me, on behalf of the Federal Government of Nigeria, to congratulate President Salva Kiir and the people of the Republic of South Sudan on finally achieving statehood. Our President Goodluck Jonathan shared this historic moment with the people of South Sudan in Juba and conveyed Nigeria’s solidarity and unflinching support as the country begins the arduous process of nation-building.", "Let me also commend the leadership of the Sudan for promptly recognizing South Sudan’s independence. The President and the people of the Sudan have demonstrated courage and steadfast commitment to the implementation of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA). We believe that this is an inspiring lesson in international responsibility and peacemaking.", "On 9 July, the international community joyfully welcomed the historic birth of Africa’s newest State, South Sudan, following a protracted struggle. We must acknowledge the inherent challenges facing the newborn State, not least of which are insecurity, institution-building, infrastructure and economic development, political and social cohesion, the integration of returnees, meeting international obligations, and forging a strong and lasting partnership with its neighbours, especially the Sudan.", "Without a doubt, the primary responsibility for setting priorities and identifying strategies for addressing these post-conflict State-building challenges lies with the Government of South Sudan. First, the signing of a new interim constitution, the granting of amnesty to former armed fighters, the move to diversify the economy from oil dependency, and the emphasis on unity based on cultural and ethnic diversity are necessary steps in the right direction.", "The new Republic of South Sudan will require the support not only of its immediate neighbour, the Sudan, but also of the international community. A peaceful, stable, equitable and mutually beneficial relationship between the Sudan and South Sudan is critical to internal peace and regional stability. We therefore welcome the recent statements of both Presidents Kiir and Al-Bashir reaffirming their commitment to resolving all remaining issues of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) and to bringing peace to the troubled areas of Abyei, Southern Kordofan and Blue Nile, as well as Darfur. That commitment not only will serve as the bedrock of the future relationship between the two countries, but also should reinvigorate the momentum for the resolution of all outstanding issues of the CPA under the auspices of the African Union High-Level Implementation Panel.", "Nigeria is encouraged by the successes of the African Union High-Level Implementation Panel under the leadership of President Thabo Mbeki. The Panel remains a valuable mechanism for the resolution of all post-referendum and post-CPA issues, including the demarcation of the North-South boundary. We welcome the steps that the CPA parties have taken to resolve outstanding issues, and look forward to the fulfilment of the objectives outlined in the 20 June Agreement, the 28 June Framework Agreement and the 29 June Agreement.", "The parties have also utilized the Panel to explore post-secession issues, including citizenship, freedoms, the creation of a soft border, oil resources, trade issues and debt relief. The coming months will pose the first test of the respective Governments’ ability to protect their citizens from upheaval and unrest under the framework of those agreements. We call upon both Governments to work with United Nations peacekeeping forces to leave no stone unturned in seeking to guarantee the protection of civilians and to allow humanitarian access in critical areas. We note the need for cooperation with other relevant actors in the region, namely, the United Nations Mission in the Republic of South Sudan (UNMISS), the United Nations country team in South Sudan, the African Union-United Nations Hybrid Operation in Darfur, the United Nations Interim Security Force for Abyei, and the United Nations Organization Stabilization Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.", "In supporting resolution 1996 (2011) establishing UNMISS, Nigeria was confident that its broad mandate typifies the quality of United Nations assistance that we envisage as being most beneficial to the people of South Sudan. As security and development are closely interlinked and mutually reinforcing, we believe that they are key to attaining sustainable peace. It is highly critical that the twin pillars of the peacekeeping and peacebuilding mandate be fully operationalized.", "Independence may have come at a great cost, but the future of the Republic of South Sudan will bear out that undertaking. We are convinced that it will prove to have been a valuable investment if the human, cultural and economic resources of the country are strategically harnessed for the highest national benefit.", "Mr. Osorio (Colombia) (spoke in Spanish): At this historic hour for the Sudanese people, Africa, the United Nations and the international community in general, I would like to begin my statement by giving a warm welcome to His Excellency Mr. Riek Machar Teny-Dhurgon, Vice-President of the Republic of South Sudan, and to his delegation, and to convey through him our warm welcome to President Salva Kiir.", "Today is above all a day of celebration, on which we receive into the international community South Sudan as an independent Republic. I wish to convey the warmest and most sincere congratulations of the Colombian State and citizens to all people of the Republic of South Sudan and its authorities. The path that had to be followed to reach this result has been very arduous and there were many obstacles to overcome. However, that achievement was possible only thanks to the resolute will of the people of South Sudan to achieve their independence and to the acknowledgement of the parties to the 2005 Comprehensive Peace Agreement that peace can be achieved only through negotiation and democratic means.", "It is also necessary to underscore that the respect shown by the authorities of the Sudan for the commitments undertaken in the Comprehensive Peace Agreement, as well as their participation in the events declaring South Sudan’s independence on 9 July, indicate that the principles of good-neighbourliness and regional cooperation will guide relations between the two States. We welcome the positive statement of Ambassador Osman and his Government’s recognition of the new Republic of South Sudan.", "It is particularly noteworthy that, on its first day as an independent State, the Republic of South Sudan applied to become a Member of the United Nations, showing its commitment to the principles and goals of the Organization. That is in keeping with the fact that the independence process was carried out in exercise of the principle of the self-determination of peoples, which was clearly expressed in the huge participation in the referendum early this year, its results and the jubilation of the people during the declaration of independence.", "The international community must continue to demonstrate its commitment to supporting the Republic of South Sudan and to the establishment of conditions favourable to a prosperous and peaceful future for its entire population. Our enthusiasm at the establishment of South Sudan as an independent State should not lead us to lose sight of the enormous challenges awaiting the Government. We must be aware that it will require sustained and generous support for its national institutions and authorities.", "Guided by the commitment to the sovereignty, independence, territorial integrity and national unity of South Sudan, and based on the principle of national ownership, the Security Council adopted resolution 1996 (2011), establishing the United Nations Mission in the Republic of South Sudan, which must serve as an instrument of support to the national authorities in exercising their primary responsibilities.", "With the birth of the independent life of the Republic of South Sudan, the transition period also ends although significant issues of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement remain to be implemented. Also outstanding is the resolution of a series of issues key to the future of bilateral relations, to which many of my colleagues have referred. In that regard, the two States are called on to resolutely commit themselves firmly to achieving agreements that allow peaceful and mutually beneficial relations.", "In conclusion, I wish to show my appreciation for the role undertaken by the African Union High-Level Implementation Panel to implement the recommendations for the Sudan, which, under the leadership of President Thabo Mbeki, helped to reach commitments and to overcome difficult moments between the parties. The work of the Special Representative of the Secretary-General for the Sudan, Mr. Haile Menkerios, and the appointment of Ms. Hilde Frafjord Johnson as Special Representative of the Secretary-General for South Sudan, to whom we wish the greatest success in undertaking her responsibilities, should also be highlighted.", "I wish the new Republic of South Sudan good luck.", "Mr. Salam (Lebanon) (spoke in Arabic): At the outset, allow me to welcome His Excellency Mr. Riek Machar Teny-Dhurgon, Vice-President of the Republic of South Sudan, and to thank him and Ambassador Ali Osman for their statements and Mr. Le Roy for his briefing.", "The transition period ended several days ago, thereby completing the implementation of most provisions of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement after more than 20 years of war, destruction and suffering that led to the deaths of 2 million people.", "In Juba last Saturday, the entire world witnessed the great celebration at which the creation of the Republic of South Sudan was declared, in accordance with the outcome of the referendum of 9 January. The President of the Sudan, Mr. Omar Al-Bashir, was present, with all of the great symbolism that that entails. The positive atmosphere was due to the fact that the parties to the Comprehensive Peace Agreement fulfilled their commitments and that there was careful follow-up from many regional and international organizations, including the United Nations, the African Union and the League of Arab States.", "We commend the efforts and great sacrifices made by all the parties. Today more than ever before, we would like to stress that dialogue should continue, as should negotiations on all outstanding issues, including the final settlement of the issue of Abyei, the sharing of oil wealth, the delineation of the border and the situation in Southern Kordofan and Blue Nile.", "Cooperation in the relationship between North and South is a crucial issue, given the bonds and the deep common interests that unite both peoples. Therefore, there needs to be an ongoing commitment to working together, which will have a positive impact on stability in the region.", "We would also like to commend the United Nations Mission in the Sudan for the important role it played over the past six years. In this respect, we welcome the efforts of Mr. Menkerios and express our thanks and gratitude to former President Mbeki and all those who took part in good offices missions in the Sudan.", "We would also highlight at this time the importance of the African Union-United Nations Hybrid Operation in Darfur and the efforts of Mr. Gambari and Mr. Bassolé. We thank the State of Qatar for the efforts it has undertaken with respect to the peace talks on Darfur. We call on all parties to sign the document from the Doha meeting and ensure that the ceasefire is implemented and that Darfur-related issues are addressed. This will contribute to establishing peace and stability not only in the Sudan, but also in South Sudan.", "We congratulate South Sudan today, here in this United Nations forum, on having created an independent State through the exercise of their right to self-determination, as stipulated in the Comprehensive Peace Agreement and in Article 1, paragraph 2 of the United Nations Charter and enshrined in common article 1 of the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.", "On that basis, we hope to see the brotherly Palestinian people, with the support of the international community, achieve their right to self-determination and exercise this inalienable right on their national territory. Palestinians would thus be able to achieve their aspiration to enjoy peace and security in an independent State, with Jerusalem as its capital. We would like to be able to welcome that State, too, among us as a sovereign State Member of the United Nations.", "The President: I shall now make a statement in my capacity as Minister for Foreign Affairs of Germany.", "By adopting resolution 1999 (2011) recommending the membership of the Republic of South Sudan in the United Nations, we have written history for Africa and the whole world. We want to welcome South Sudan as the 193rd member in the family of nations.", "Last Saturday, over 500,000 people celebrated independence in Juba. The images went around the world. President Salva Kiir underlined in his outstanding speech the importance of good-neighbourliness, respect for human rights and good governance. We congratulate the people of South Sudan on that day of joy. The people and the parties in the Sudan, both North and South, have worked hard to make this moment possible. Independence was brought about by peaceful negotiation among the political actors in the Sudan, supported by the international community, the African Union and, especially, this Council.", "But the real work is starting now. I have just visited the Sudan. My stay in Khartoum, Darfur and Juba showed me both the vast extent of the lands and of the work that still needs to be done. Both the Sudan and South Sudan now face great challenges, and both South Sudan and the Sudan need our support. The Sudan must see benefits from continued constructive steps in this regard, such as progress on debt relief. Germany is ready to contribute.", "Above all, peace is needed. Recent violence reminds us that the destructive logic of violence must finally end. The Addis Ababa agreements are important steps in the right direction and must be implemented. I am confident that the United Nations and the Council in particular will continue to stand at the side of the peoples of the Sudan and South Sudan. The international community will continue to take a strong interest in the future development of the two countries. Germany will continue to assist in the great task of developing open, just and prosperous societies in North and South.", "This is also a moment to honour the achievements of all those working for peace under the big umbrella of the United Nations. I would therefore like to pay tribute to the women and men who have served in the United Nations Mission in the Sudan. The officers and staff who have contributed to this great effort through all these years deserve our sincere gratitude.", "Last week, we adopted a mandate for the new United Nations Mission in the Republic of South Sudan (UNMISS). The new Mission will be the best proof of our commitment to peace and stability in the Sudan. I am confident that UNMISS will be instrumental in ending conflicts and promoting peace, development and reconciliation in South Sudan.", "In the meantime, the situation in Darfur must not be forgotten. I was there two weeks ago and saw first-hand how serious the situation is. A comprehensive peace agreement must finally be signed. I look forward to the day when the parties return to the negotiation table. The Council plans to extend the mandate of the African Union-United Nations Hybrid Operation in Darfur (UNAMID) later this month. This will also improve security and freedom of movement for those on the ground helping the people of Darfur. I encourage the Sudanese Government to work closely with UNAMID.", "The Darfur crisis has challenged all of us, and it has lifted cooperation between the United Nations and the African Union to a new level. Thabo Mbeki has shown remarkable leadership. He can count on our continued support in his efforts to find a solution to the Darfur crisis. Above all, I would like to express my appreciation for the enormous commitment of African nations to UNAMID.", "Our discussions here in New York give reason for hope that a spirit of reconciliation will govern future relations between the Sudan and South Sudan.", "Peaceful coexistence is the fundament of sustainable development and a good future for the peoples of both States. This will require effort and cooperation. The Sudan and South Sudan will not be left alone in their endeavours. The United Nations and Germany, as a member of this community, as well as the European Union, will be at their sides. I am convinced that, in a few years from now, we will be proud to have been part of this new beginning for the Sudan and South Sudan.", "I now resume my functions as President of the Security Council.", "There are no further speakers inscribed on my list. The Security Council has thus concluded the present stage of its consideration of the item on its agenda.", "The meeting rose at 12.30 p.m." ]
[ "主席: 韦斯特韦勒先生/维蒂希先生 (德国) \n 成员: 波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那 阿尔卡拉伊先生 \n 巴西 帕特里奥塔先生 \n 中国 王民先生 \n 哥伦比亚 奥索里奥先生 \n 法国 杜耶先生 \n 加蓬 蒙加拉·穆索奇先生 \n\t印度\t哈迪普·辛格·普里先生\n 黎巴嫩 萨拉姆先生 \n 尼日利亚 奥格武夫人 \n 葡萄牙 布里特斯·佩雷拉先生\n 俄罗斯联邦 波格丹诺夫先生 \n 南非 拉德贝先生 \n 大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国 贝林厄姆先生 \n 美利坚合众国 赖斯女士", "议程项目", "秘书长关于苏丹的报告", "秘书长关于苏丹的特别报告(S/2011/314*)", "上午10时25分开会。", "通过议程", "议程通过。", "秘书长关于苏丹的报告", "秘书长关于苏丹的特别报告(S/2011/314*)", "主席(以英语发言):我谨欢迎各位尊敬的部长出席本次会议。他们的光临证实了讨论中议题的重要性。", "根据安理会暂行议事规则第37条,我请苏丹代表参加本次会议。", "根据安理会暂行议事规则第39条,我请主管维持和平行动的副秘书长阿兰·勒罗伊先生参加本次会议。", "根据安理会暂行议事规则第39条,我请南苏丹共和国副总统里克·马查尔·泰尼-杜尔贡先生阁下参加本次会议。", "我代表安理会欢迎南苏丹共和国副总统里克·马查尔·泰尼-杜尔贡先生阁下参加本次会议。", "安全理事会现在开始审议其议程上的项目。我请秘书长发言。", "秘书长(以英语发言):我要祝贺安全理事会在南苏丹共和国历史性的建国旅程上采取了又一个重要步骤。我们即将欢迎我们的第193个会员国加入联合国。", "仅请允许我非常迅速地表示,我极其自豪地出席了在朱巴举行的独立日庆祝活动。那是一个激动人心、令人动容的时刻。南苏丹人民经受了21年的内战。数百万人丧生和流离失所。他们现在有了自己的国家,但在许多方面,艰苦的工作刚刚开始。政府机构薄弱。在社会服务、卫生和教育等各条战线上存在着巨大的挑战。南苏丹在其诞生之日几乎所有人类发展指数,全部垫底。", "如同任何新诞生的国家一样,南苏丹需要帮助。我们的责任是巨大的,联合国的作用是重要的,但也是复杂的。我们在达尔富尔有一个特派团。我们在苏丹的特派团现在必须解散。埃塞俄比亚的维和人员已经部署在阿卜耶伊。南科多凡的局势极其令人不安。解决这些紧张局势绝对必要。为了一个可以生存的南方,我们需要一个可以生存的北方,反之亦然。南北两方必须作为伙伴,而不是竞争对手,携手面对其共同未来。我们必须帮助新国家建设国家,帮助该区域巩固其成就。这是对建设和平和建设国家的最终考验。联合国必须占据核心地位,安全理事会的领导和指导在今后的年月里将是至关重要的。我感谢安理会的承诺。", "主席(以英语发言):我现在请勒罗伊先生发言。", "勒罗伊先生(以法语发言):首先,请允许我也在这历史性时刻,向苏丹和南苏丹两国政府表示祝贺。双方显然作出了艰难的妥协。他们展示了真正的政治勇气,尊重全民投票的结果,并确保7月9日南苏丹的和平独立。", "正如秘书长刚才所说,新国家将面临巨大的初期挑战,包括在国内政策与安全领域中以及同北方的关系。按照安理会第1996(2011)号决议的授权,联合国南苏丹共和国特派团将同政府密切合作,解决这些挑战,同时支持建设和平工作,并为政治过渡、治理和建立国家管辖权,向政府提供斡旋和支持。", "向新特派团的过渡已经开始。秘书长特别代表茜尔德·约翰逊女士于7月9日上任。她同一个头期工作小组一道,按照安理会的授权成立特派团。过渡期规定,重新部署和安排北方的资产和人员-此项工作已于数月前开始-并按照第1996(2011)号决议部署额外人员。", "纽约总部目前正同部队和警察派遣国密切合作,争取在六个月内完成向一个新特派团的过渡。根据关于联合国阿卜耶伊临时安全部队(联阿安全部队)的第1990(2011)号决议,目前正在尽一切努力加快落实该特派团的全员部署及其行动能力。", "我们正规划在7月20日之前初步部署1 640名官兵。他们的装备由公路从奥贝德运往阿卜耶伊,目前正在途中,预计将在7月28日之前抵达。部队最初将驻扎在阿卜耶伊联合国苏丹特派团(联苏特派团)现有营地。根据有关双方于6月20日达成的协议(S/2011/384*,附件)和第1990(2011)号决议,一俟联阿安全部队最初部署完成,所有武装部队均应立即撤出阿卜耶伊。联阿安全部队初期任务之一将是监测双方部队从阿卜耶伊各地全部撤出的情况。", "(以英语发言)", "联阿安全部队其余部队和警察的部署将面临若干挑战。第一,雨季已对由公路从奥贝德向阿卜耶伊行进产生负面影响,并将至少持续到9月份。此外,鉴于联苏特派团现有驻地容量有限,必须为部署到阿卜耶伊的其余部队建立新驻地。这将要求同相关当局进行谈判、获得用地和建造队部场所。这些因素可能会大大拖延部队的全员部署。如果特派团要在2012年之前充分运作起来,两国政府就必须充分合作。", "鉴于联阿安全部队全员部署需要多长时间尚不确定,给予本月部署的首批部队充分行动自由和进入阿卜耶伊各地的许可绝对至关重要,以便该部队开展授权的任务和确保所有其他武装部队撤出该地区。", "6月29日,苏丹政府和苏丹人民解放运动北方分支签署了关于北南双方边界问题的《边界安全协议》。《协议》规定,每一方都将在1956年1月1日边界己方一侧建立10公里宽的非军事区。《协议》进一步指出,联阿安全部队将为一个国际边界监测和核查团提供部队保护。", "我们目前正在同联阿安全部队和非洲联盟高级别执行小组密切合作,以便就今后的道路提出建议,供安理会审查。必须指出,联阿安全部队在其目前由第1990(2011)号决议授权的任务之外发挥的任何额外作用,都将要求改变其任务授权,以便纳入这种额外责任。", "继苏丹政府决定不同意联苏特派团继续驻留之后,联苏特派团已如安理会在其于7月11日通过的第1997(2011)号决议中授权的那样开始其清理进程。截止7月9日,特派团已停止行动,并正努力加快撤出其部队、警察和文职人员。在特派团正计划在安理会规定的两个月时限内撤出所有部队的同时,我们设想从苏丹全部撤出所有人员和资产约需六个月时间。", "在这方面,我们对南科尔多凡州的局势仍然深感关切。在那里,关于战事的持续不断的报导表明,平民生命继续面临风险。非洲联盟高级别执行小组和联苏特派团已敦促双方同意并执行立即停止敌对行动协议。然而,尽管6月28日框架协议规划了更广阔的通往最终政治和安全安排的道路,但敌对行动仍在继续,人道主义准入极受限制。", "因此,更加至关重要的是,双方应立即达成协议,以便在南科尔多凡州停止敌对行动,并朝着政治对话方向迈进,以满足两国人民的需要,化解两国人民的冤情。同样重要的是,双方应努力解决《全面和平协议》未完成进程问题和独立后问题,包括阿卜耶伊的最终地位、南科尔多凡州和青尼罗州的全民协商、石油收入分享、财政过渡安排以及边界安全与划定等问题。迅速、和平解决这些问题,对于确保两国和整个区域的长期稳定至关重要。", "最后,我要代表秘书长再次祝贺南苏丹共和国独立,并提前欢迎它加入联合国,成为联合国第193个会员国。", "主席(以英语发言):我感谢勒罗伊先生的通报。", "我现在请南苏丹共和国副总统里克·马查尔·泰尼-杜尔贡先生阁下发言。", "马查尔·泰尼-杜尔贡先生(以英语发言):我非常感谢有机会在这个最为吉利的重要时刻向安全理事会发言。首先,我要转达南苏丹共和国人民和政府对安理会成员刚才建议大会接纳南苏丹共和国为联合国最新会员国(见S/PV.6582)的谢意。", "主席先生,我特别感谢你和德国政府支持这一进程并主持那次具有历史意义的表决。我还要肯定德国作为安全理事会儿童与武装冲突问题工作组主席所作的努力,特别是其关于儿童兵复员的主张。我们也完全支持这一主张。", "我还要感谢已经承认南苏丹共和国的许多安理会成员,并肯定美国和联合王国若干年来在为安理会审议苏丹局势提供指导方面所发挥的作用。", "凭借2011年7月9日我国总统给秘书长的信(S/2011/418,附件),南苏丹共和国接受了《联合国宪章》规定的各项义务,并承诺履行这些义务。南苏丹共和国将成为国际社会的一个负责任成员,并将信守其依照国际法所承担的各项义务。我们正在作出努力,以便尽快加入所有相关国际公约和条约,特别是关于人权的国际公约和条约。", "我国政府仍然完全致力于充分和最后执行《全面和平协议》,特别是在阿卜耶伊问题和边界问题上。在此重要关头,我要借此机会向曾经为谈判和签署《全面和平协议》作出过贡献的各方,包括美国、肯尼亚、埃塞俄比亚、联合王国、挪威和许多其他国家,当然还包括联合国自己,表示我们的真诚感谢。", "《全面和平协议》执行进程涉及许多挑战。我们感谢前总统塔博·姆贝基、梅莱斯·泽纳维总理和秘书长特别代表海尔·门克里欧斯先生等人致力于支持这一进程。我们还感谢潘基文秘书长持续注重确保《全面和平协议》得到充分执行。", "我们感谢安全理事会成员建立联合国阿卜耶伊临时安全部队(联阿安全部队),并感谢埃塞俄比亚政府承诺向该特派团派遣部队。我们呼吁迅速部署这些部队。", "必须执行有关双方就阿卜耶伊问题达成的临时安排协议。我们还呼吁安理会确保苏丹共和国和苏丹人民解放运动北方分支在亚的斯亚贝巴签署的关于这两个地区的政治和安全路线图得到充分落实。", "我们还感谢安理会通过了授权在南苏丹建立一个新和平巩固特派团的第1990(2011)号决议。我们期待着与秘书长特别代表茜尔德·约翰逊女士在关于联合国在我国的驻留方式上密切合作。", "我们最深切和诚挚地希望以和平方式迅速解决南北之间存在的所有悬而未决的问题。我们继续致力于秉持合作精神,通过对话解决我们之间的分歧,而且我们欢迎非洲联盟高级别执行小组提供这方面的支持。特别是,我们必须达成继续合作的机制、解决剩余五个有争议边界地区的问题、划分和以互惠方式管理共同边界以及解决阿卜耶伊最终地位问题。我们还将继续与苏丹共和国合作,以确保公正对待达尔富尔、南科尔多凡州和青尼罗州人民。不为这两个州和达尔富尔达成新的政策安排并充分落实《阿卜耶伊议定书》,苏丹或南苏丹都不能享有稳定。", "我们的基本希望和愿望是看到苏丹和南苏丹这两个邻国和平共处。我们将努力建立未来,使我们这两个国家可以和平合作共处、相互支持。", "在国内,我们必须首先履行提供安全和扩大法治的职责,我们欢迎新的联合国特派团提供这方面支持。我们已经作出坚持民主、多元化、包容、法治和思想、信仰和言论自由的庄严承诺。我们将拥抱宽容和团结。我国新的永久宪法将满足我国所有人民的愿望。", "我们现在致力于全心全意建设国家的任务。我们感谢安全理事会成员继续重视和关心我国,关心我国公民,感谢他们对本地区和平与安全的奉献。今后,我们期待继续同所有安理会成员密切合作。", "主席(以英语发言):我现在请苏丹代表发言。", "奥斯曼先生(苏丹)(以阿拉伯语发言):我赞扬我的兄弟、南苏丹共和国副总统里克·马查尔·泰尼-杜尔贡先生和我的兄弟们——各代表团成员、部长和安全理事会成员国代表。首先,我谨向南苏丹共和国代表团团长表示最崇高的敬意和赞赏,并祝贺南苏丹独立。正如苏丹总统巴希尔先生阁下在朱巴庆祝南苏丹国独立庆典时发表历史性的声明指出:", "“我们同南方兄弟姐妹一起分享这一欢乐时刻,共同庆祝安定团结,这是我们最珍惜的共同价值,是我们开国元勋和非洲解放运动领袖们努力的事业,他们曾努力实现非洲统一的梦想。今天这一庆典证实,统一不是用武力或战争实现的。南方各族人民的意愿必须得到尊重。”", "正是根据这些原则,我们接受南方要求自决的权利和努力加强双方和平关系。苏丹是第一批承认1月全民投票结果的国家之一,也是7月8日在喀土穆第一个承认正式宣布成立的新生南苏丹国的国家。我们现在与该国和平共处,睦邻友好,这符合我国总统在朱巴讲话中阐述的四项原则:", "“我们最近几年取得的成就,反映了我们共同致力于和平和尊重《全面和平协议》的承诺。必须通过睦邻友好关系维护和巩固和平,尊重和保护这项协议,在贸易和经济关系中维护我们的共同利益,培育共同的心理纽带。”", "最后,我们再次祝贺南苏丹共和国兄弟姐妹,并重申我们保证两国未来繁荣兴旺的共同责任。借此机会,我还必须感谢所有国际合作伙伴——非洲联盟、阿拉伯国家联盟、欧洲联盟、联合国和安理会为我们提供的盛情援助,使我们能够实现《全面和平协议》的目标。我也感谢塔博·姆贝基总统领导的非洲联盟高级别执行小组和海尔·门克里欧斯先生所作的工作。", "我预计今后将看到南苏丹跃跃欲试,发挥开创作用,自豪地作为国际大家庭的一员作出它的贡献。我们向国际社会保证,我们将在相互共同利益的基础上加强关系。我们感到骄傲,我们履行对南方兄弟姐妹的承诺,我们要求国际社会重新考虑整个局势。我们呼吁欧洲联盟和美国帮助南苏丹共和国。我们已经翻过新的一页,过去的战争和辛酸都已经过去。", "与此同时,在我们寻求重新加强国家间信任和互惠时,必须尊重和履行过去作出的各项承诺。我们希望所有承诺都能够得到履行。在这方面,我们呼吁结束单方面制裁、减免债务和为冲突地区提供援助。", "最后,我们要向我们南方的兄弟姐妹们保证,我们现已逾越属于过去的战争和苦难的历史。我们现在展望一个我们将共同合作的未来,以便见证我们共同的遗产和历史,从而保证未来。分离不是脱离。将我们联系起来的纽带比以往任何时候都更加牢固,我们将同我们南方的兄弟姐妹们一道努力,实现繁荣、建立新的国家和确保北方和南方人民的繁荣。我们都是苏丹人。正如我们苏丹人所说,当一个家庭变大时,这个家庭便不会只住在一所房子里。现在,我们有两所房子,一个在北方,一个在南方。", "主席(以英语发言):我现在请安理会成员发言。", "阿尔卡拉伊先生(波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那)(以英语发言):主席先生,首先请允许我感谢你和德国代表团倡议召开本次重要的辩论会。我感谢潘基文秘书长的发言。我还要感谢阿兰·勒罗伊副秘书长颇有见地的通报。我们欢迎南苏丹共和国副总统里克·马查尔·泰尼-杜尔贡先生阁下和苏丹共和国常驻联合国代表达法-阿拉·哈吉·阿里·奥斯曼大使阁下与会。", "我要同其他发言者一道,祝贺南苏丹政府和人民独立和组建新的国家南苏丹共和国。南苏丹共和国是南苏丹人民的意愿和意志的结果,今年1月,他们根据《全面和平协议》通过公民投票行使了自决权,结束了非洲为时最长的内战。新的国家象征着他们管理自己的未来和建设一个成功和繁荣的国家的决心。", "同每一个刚起步的新国家一样,南苏丹共和国需要国际社会给予充分支持,这种支持应该建立在实际需要和实地条件的基础上。与此同时,波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那坚信,提供国际援助的同时,还应该有牢固的国家自主权,在能力建设和经济发展方面尤为如此。", "铭记南苏丹共和国宣布独立后已要求联合国持续存在这一情况,南苏丹和联合国之间必须从初期阶段就建立起有效的伙伴关系,以便能够更为有效地完成错综复杂的建设和平与稳定的任务。显然,这将需要长期的承诺,国际社会和联合国系统必须在此承诺中确保在向南苏丹提供支持的过程中保证充足的资源。", "波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那全力支持设立联合国南苏丹共和国特派团(南苏丹特派团)。我们坚信,特派团能够通过任务规定为该国的稳定和巩固作出重大的贡献。我们要鼓励南苏丹特派团同非洲联盟、非洲开发银行、欧洲联盟和世界银行密切合作和协调,向南苏丹共和国提供援助,加强南苏丹共和国的能力,同时支持为实现长期稳定和南苏丹经济、政治和社会发展而需要进行的改革。", "南苏丹共和国与苏丹的关系是次区域稳定的基石。关于这一关系,两国应该继续致力于和平解决未决问题。今后双边关系的性质将直接取决于未决问题的解决。在这方面,我们呼吁南苏丹共和国和苏丹政府继续致力于开展谈判,并为两国间的友好和生机勃勃的关系奠定基础。两个在和平与安全环境之中存在的自立和繁荣的国家,将会为整个区域的稳定与经济发展作出重大的贡献。", "此外,我们坚信,所有未决问题都应在相互谅解和尊重各自利益的基础上加以解决。边界两边人民日常生活上的相互联系决定,南苏丹共和国和苏丹之间一定会有生机勃勃的合作。为此,相互信任和真诚合作必须成为未来双边关系的重要内容。", "从区域的观点来看,重要的是,从一开始南苏丹共和国就应同各邻国进行建设性的接触,以解决该次区域和平与安全面临的主要威胁。协调该区域各国的活动,将十分有助于巩固和平和防止冲突,并将对于解决跨国界挑战,包括武器贩运和非法武装团伙的活动来说至关重要。国际社会还必须随时准备支持苏丹和南苏丹共和国的发展,以此作为非洲这一地区稳定的一个重要要素。", "最后,我要呼吁国际社会和联合国会员国在南苏丹共和国人民努力应对当前巩固和平、建设他们的国家、为国家的社会经济发展奠定基础的挑战的时候向他们提供支持。", "帕特里奥塔先生(巴西)(以英语发言):主席先生,让我首先表示,我对看到你主持安理会7月份的工作感到满意。我还要祝贺你推动召开本次具有历史意义的会议,讨论接纳一个新会员国南苏丹共和国加入联合国的建议。我感谢潘基文秘书长的发言和阿兰·勒罗伊副秘书长的通报,并向南苏丹共和国副总统里克·马查尔·泰尼-杜尔贡先生阁下以及苏丹共和国常驻代表阿里·奥斯曼大使阁下致以问候。", "在表达对南苏丹申请加入联合国的支持之际,巴西重申它同非洲的历史和文化上的纽带,重申巴西对非洲大陆经济、社会和政治发展的承诺。我们期待促进同南苏丹当局和人民的牢固关系,我们认为,这一关系将给我们两个国家带来惠益。巴西准备同南苏丹在可能有助于南苏丹可持续发展的各个领域进行合作。", "迪尔玛·罗塞芙总统的官方代表、负责非洲事务的副秘书长出席7月9日在朱巴举行的独立庆典,以及两国在当日建立外交关系,是迈出的重要的一步。我国代表有幸参加了这一具有历史意义的活动,这一活动反映出南苏丹人民在庆祝建设一个更加光明未来的、来之不易的机遇时满怀自信。", "此时此刻在安全理事会发言,对我来说是一种荣誉,联合国,包括安理会都为此发挥了重要的作用。这一建树的基础是在包括苏丹和南苏丹在内的该区域进行的参与取得了良好的业绩,这些业绩中包括了常常是有创意和富有勇气的工作。我特别再次提及“苏丹生命线行动”,该行动给成千上万需要援助的平民送去了救济。巴西知道,这一行动是一种长久不衰的范例,它印证了不必涉及军事手段、从更广泛的角度运用保护责任的概念。", "巴西曾于2005年3月主持过安理会的工作,当时,为协助各方执行《全面和平协议》设立了联合国苏丹特派团。最近,同样是在巴西担任主席期间,安理会举行会议对公民投票的和平举行表示欢迎,南苏丹人民在公民投票中选择建立一个独立的国家(见S/PV.6488)。", "今天,我们齐聚一堂庆祝该项决定的落实。首先,必须赞扬《全面和平协议》的两个当事方。南苏丹共和国和苏丹共和国的当局和人民在为这一时刻的努力中显示出了政治勇气。他们证明了那些认为他们不会为了共同目标一道努力的人是错误的。他们提醒安理会,它能够通过谈判达成的外交解决方案来履行《宪章》为其规定的责任。", "我们还必须认识到非洲联盟和政府间发展管理局在早期谈判中发挥的领导作用。非洲联盟已证明其有能力使各个行为体参与复杂、长期的进程,该进程考验了其机构的应变能力。我们认为,非洲联盟是政治协调和整合方面的范例,为世界其他地区提供了重要经验。在南美洲,南美洲国家联盟各成员国、包括我自己的国家巴西在内都确实在注意这个非洲范例。", "许多其他国际行为体、包括非政府组织为执行《全面和平协议》尤其是全民投票和过渡到独立的南苏丹作出了贡献,值得受到表彰。", "在我们庆祝南苏丹独立的时刻,决不能忘记前面仍有许多挑战。巴西强烈鼓励各位领导人通过和平方式解决剩下的分歧,将长期利益放在其他考虑因素之前。", "我们鼓励各方加倍作出努力,就所有未决问题,尤其是阿卜耶伊的最终地位、南北边界的确定、财富分享安排和立即无条件停止南科尔多凡州的敌对行动达成协议。", "巴西相信,民主变革的苏丹的愿景将继续鼓舞这两个国家。南苏丹领导人为自治经历了长期斗争,必将理解重要的是确保将该成就转化为南苏丹全体人民更有效的政治参与和其生活状况的改善。", "正如安全理事会2月11日指出的那样(见S/PRST/2011/4),安全与发展密切相关、相辅相成,是实现持久和平的保障。鉴于苏丹和南苏丹继续面临建设国家的挑战,国际社会应增强对朱巴和喀土穆的支持。", "我们高兴地注意到,经济及社会理事会和建设和平委员会已开始审议如何以最佳方式协助苏丹人民。我们还欣见,设立联合国南苏丹共和国特派团的第1996(2011)号决议设想了我刚才提及的主席声明中所要求提供的面向冲突后国家的协调一致的综合性支助。该决议获得通过时,正值我有幸担任安理会主席。", "我还必须提及伊尔德·约翰逊女士被任命为秘书长特别代表一事。我认为她特别有资格提供专门知识和发挥领导作用,因为她拥有广博的经验。", "巴西鼓励尚未与苏丹人实现经济关系正常化的国家采取步骤实现正常化。我们支持关于减免债务的呼吁。我们还促请所有发展伙伴增强双边和多边支助。在印度、巴西和南非集团范围内,这三个国家正在洽谈三个我们认为将造福于南苏丹人民的合作项目。我们三国还打算在印度、巴西和南非基金框架内与苏丹进行合作。", "作为巴西与非洲大陆加强接触行动的一部分,我国过去几年来增进了与苏丹共和国的关系。旨在开发该国农业潜力的双边合作项目和私人伙伴关系正在显示令人印象深刻的成果。2009年,苏丹成为所在区域首个利用巴西技术生产和出口乙醇的国家。另一些前景良好的项目与棉花和大豆有关。", "我们也坚信,农业在南苏丹的未来能够发挥关键作用。众所周知,该国在土地、气候、水和人力资源方面拥有巨大潜力。在我们的双边会晤中,南苏丹当局已表示农业将成为优先领域。鉴于这两国所拥有的潜力,促进苏丹和南苏丹农村发展的努力可为粮食安全仍面临挑战的整个非洲东北部带来效益,从而产生一系列积极的经济和社会附带效益。", "南苏丹独立这一事件体现了我们历来尊重和欣赏的许多非洲精神特质,这包括坚韧、勇气和智慧。随着这个新国家踏上为其人民建设应有的自由、民主、繁荣、和平家园的道路,南苏丹将需要联合国及其会员国的积极支助。巴西期待在该进程中发挥它的作用。", "拉德比先生(南非)(以英语发言):我们欢迎联合国秘书长潘基文先生阁下出席这次历史性的会议,并感谢他的发言。我们还感谢主管维持和平行动副秘书长阿兰·勒罗伊先生的通报。我们欢迎南苏丹共和国副总统里克·马查尔·泰尼-杜尔贡先生阁下以及苏丹共和国常驻代表奥斯曼大使阁下的发言。", "我们代表南非政府和人民祝贺南苏丹政府和人民2011年7月9日实现独立。对非洲大陆和南苏丹人民的自决斗争而言,这的确是一个历史性的时刻。多年来,南非人民从我们自己的历史出发,一向认同南苏丹人民争取独立、自由、公正和自决的理想与愿望。", "7月9日,南非政府正式承认南苏丹共和国为主权和独立国家。我们希望南苏丹的独立为全球千百万仍处在占领和殖民主义之下的受压迫人民带来鼓舞。", "2005年签署《全面和平协议》是南苏丹人民争取自由斗争的重大成就,也是国际社会和平结束苏丹冲突的努力的重大成就。2010年4月举行选举和2011年1月举行全民投票是执行《全面和平协议》的重要里程碑。我们赞扬苏丹和南苏丹领导层成功执行《全面和平协议》的这些关键支柱内容。", "7月9日将作为一个重要日子载入史册,全世界在这一天目睹苏丹人民翻过生命中最痛苦的一章。这一天同样标志着一个充满希望和期待的新开端,因为南苏丹成为新的独立和主权国家。这项成就是对已故约翰·加朗先生的纪念。他曾说过:", "“我和那些在荒野中与我共同奋斗20多年的同伴们已用金盘子为你们奉献出《全面和平协议》。我们的使命已经完成。现在轮到你们了,特别是那些没有机会体验荒野生活的人们。”", "我们向这位伟大的非洲革命家致以特别的敬意。他不幸未能活到与同胞一起欢庆《全面和平协议》执行进程的这一里程碑。", "我们祝贺巴希尔总统和萨尔瓦·基尔·马亚尔迪特总统在签署《全面和平协议》以来的六年中发挥的杰出领导作用。我们欢迎两位总统在独立日于朱巴发表的讲话。这些积极的讲话使人产生希望,为和解以及增进两个主权和独立国家的双边关系带来良好前景。这两个国家拥有共同的历史,而且作为邻国拥有共同的命运。", "南非认识到,这个新国家诞生之初面临重重挑战。南苏丹是世界上最欠发达和最穷困的国家之一。然而我们坚信,南苏丹人民在争取独立斗争中所表现的那种果敢和勇气将大有利于他们解决未来仍面临的重重社会经济挑战。", "在政治层面,仍有一些关键性的《全面和平协议》未决问题有待处理。这些问题包括阿卜耶伊的最终地位以及南科尔多凡州和青尼罗州的持续紧张局势。我们不应让这些未决问题使迄今为止已取得的成果付之东流。", "南非欢迎苏丹政府与苏丹人民解放运动签署《关于阿卜耶伊地区临时行政和安全安排的协议》,该协议为安全理事会部署联合国阿卜耶伊临时安全部队铺平了道路。不过,我们愿强调,解决阿卜耶伊问题将大大有助于巩固两个苏丹的和平与稳定。在这方面,我们鼓励双方就阿卜耶伊问题达成持久协议,解决南科尔多凡州和青尼罗州的局势。", "我们感到鼓舞的是,双方均坚定承诺并希望就所有这些有关的悬而未决问题达成协议。我们认识到,圆满解决这些问题将对奠定和平共处和睦邻关系的基础产生积极影响。我们将继续支持非洲联盟高级别执行小组在姆贝基总统领导下,努力协助两国毫不拖延地解决一切悬而未决的问题。", "苏丹共和国是第一个承认南苏丹共和国独立的国家,这一点不仅具有象征意义,而且也表明了兄弟情谊和友好的善意姿态。今年1月份,非洲联盟各国元首和政府首脑通过了一项庄严宣言,向苏丹人民表示了他们以及整个非洲的声援。苏丹人民迈出了空前的、慷慨的一步,接受了他们兄弟选择的的自决。该宣言还表示,非洲理所当然地期望国际社会与苏丹共和国的关系完全正常化,以确保苏丹各族人民都能享有和平、尊严、民主和发展。", "我们无法充分表达联合国特别是安全理事会、非洲联盟、政府间发展管理局乃至整个国际社会为实现苏丹持久和平与稳定所发挥的作用。在南苏丹人民踏上建设国家的征程之时,南非愿大力呼吁参与这些努力的各方继续与他们并肩合作,并在他们应对新邻国的出现所造成的新现实时给予声援。", "在这方面,南非欢迎安理会上周通过的第1996(2011)号决议,成立新的联合国南苏丹共和国特派团。我们特别高兴的是,新特派团是综合性特派团, 其重点是在本国自主的原则基础上建设和平和支持发展。特派团将对支持新国家奠定可持续发展的基础起到重大作用。", "从南非来说,我们将继续以我们可支配的手段,协助在过去5年的技术能力建设方案基础上再接再厉。南苏丹和苏丹共和国的姐妹人民可以继续依靠我们的支持,来帮助建设和巩固我们大陆该地区的持久和平与稳定。我们与三方机制的伙伴印度和巴西一道,承诺调集我们的资源,通过三方机制扶贫基金支持苏丹和南苏丹的发展项目。", "最后,我们坚定认为,解决苏丹冲突将大大有助于全面解决非洲大陆的所有冲突。在这方面,我们赞赏我国前总统塔博·姆贝基领导的非洲联盟高级别执行小组所做的出色工作。我们也赞扬本国同胞、秘书长特别代表海尔·门克里欧斯出色地履行了自己的职责。我们感谢自联合国苏丹特派团首次部署以来在该特派团服务过的男女工作人员。他们在艰难和严峻的工作条件下献身于崇高的和平与稳定事业,有时甚至献出了自己的生命。", "对南苏丹人民我要说,“你们的机会的确已经到来。现在轮到你们了”。", "赖斯女士(美利坚合众国)(以英语发言):上周六,我非常荣幸地率领美国代表团前往朱巴庆祝南苏丹独立。那是令人深为感动的一天。历经导致200多万人死亡的半世纪战乱,南苏丹共和国现在终于可以决定自己的未来。美国对从未放弃过希望的南苏丹人民的勇气和牺牲表示敬意。", "历经多年的痛苦冲突,南苏丹通过全民投票——世界最年轻的国家以这种方式诞生令人感到振奋——以和平、民主方式实现了独立。我欢迎马查尔副总统并祝贺南苏丹共和国人民。我们感到高兴的是,马查尔·泰尼-杜尔贡副总统在此代表他的新政府参加会议,而安全理事会在会上一致建议他的国家被接纳为联合国第193个会员国。我们还赞扬苏丹政府决定第一个承认南苏丹独立。我们欢迎作出一切努力,在苏丹与南苏丹之间建立起根植于相互尊重与合作、能够加强两国的生存能力、安全和繁荣的关系。苏丹政府通过继续走和平道路,可以重新确定它与国际社会的关系,为其人民争取更光明的未来。", "安全理事会仍大力参与帮助两国实现共同的和平与稳定目标。7月8日,安理会一致授权,成立新的联合国南苏丹共和国特派团(南苏丹特派团)。南苏丹特派团将协助政府建设新国家,包括处理建设和平、发展、安全与保护问题。", "但正如我们大家所知,这个大有希望的时刻也是脆弱和困难的。苏丹和南苏丹必须下大力气争取实现持久和平,使两个国家能够作为可生存的邻国和平共处。两国必须与非盟高级别执行小组合作,迅速解决所有悬而未决的问题。双方要想实现持久和平,就必须就边界、公民身份和石油等问题达成最终安排。", "阿卜耶伊地位问题的长期解决仍遥遥无期。尽管达成了《关于阿卜耶伊地区临时行政和安全安排的协议》,以及很快就要部署联合国阿卜耶伊临时安全部队,但阿卜耶伊局势仍极为动荡。估计有10万人仍然流离失所。与此同时,苏丹武装部队与苏丹人民解放军(苏丹解放军)部队-北方之间的激烈战事导致南科尔多凡州7万多人流离失所。苏丹军队正在继续并加强导致平民死亡的空中轰炸。", "6月28日,苏丹政府与苏丹解放军-北方商定了南科尔多凡州和青尼罗州政治和安全原则的框架,但苏丹政府对该协议的承诺出现动摇。双方均需立即同意停止敌对行动。暴力、侵犯人权和蓄意阻挠人道主义机构进入的情况必须停止。", "鉴于在南科尔多凡州敌对行动和虐待行为仍持续不断,以及邻近的青尼罗州十分脆弱,我们对苏丹政府决定迫使联合国从这两个州撤离深感遗憾。应允许联合国维持在这些地区的驻留,以帮助运送人道主义援助,保护平民,以及执行停止敌对行动的协议。", "挑战是巨大的,但绝非不可克服的。安全理事会已为支持该进程尽了最大努力。安理会和我国政府将继续积极介入,在这一紧要关头和今后支持南苏丹共和国。", "我国自身历史使我们认识到,要获得自由并兑现所有公民都享有自由的许诺需要拿出道义上的勇气。我们高度信任南苏丹人民。我们期望,他们将组建一个谋求所有人的利益和区域稳定的政府,从而建立一个加强主权国家大家庭的国家。", "正如我上周六在朱巴所说的那样,一个从冲突中诞生的国家不需要生活在冲突中。本着这一精神,美国全心全意地支持南苏丹要求加入为联合国会员国的申请,并对世界上这个最新国家的未来寄予厚望。祝贺你们,我们期待着欢迎南苏丹加入我们的行列。", "杜耶先生(法国)(以法语发言):今天,安全理事会正经历一个历史性时刻。我们已建议接纳一个新会员国加入联合国,使其会员国数量达到193个。", "南苏丹独立是非洲历史上的一个重大事件。它标志着给苏丹各族人民造成巨大痛苦并夺走数百万人生命的持续50年的战争被圆满划上句号。现在,实现和平大有希望,这表明谈判与对话比武器和军事对抗更为有效。", "这是自非殖民化时期以来首次诞生一个新的非洲国家。这是所有苏丹人民的成功,当然也是1月份一致投票选择独立的南苏丹人民的成功。这也是南北苏丹政府的成功。它们尽管遇到了困难,但是仍执行了2005年的《全面和平协议》。最后,这也使坚定不移支持该进程的国际社会感到宽慰。国际社会现在看到了重新开始的可能。在此,我愿强调姆贝基总统和秘书长特别代表门克里欧斯先生所做的杰出贡献。", "法国为这些努力做出了大量投入。它支持导致2005年签署《全面和平协议》的奈瓦沙进程;它投票赞成伴随《协议》的执行的各项决议;它从未停止过与南北双方开展对话,特别是在《全面和平协议》双方的讨论速度缓慢下来的时候。我们在非洲联盟和欧洲联盟(欧盟)各成员国承认这个新国家的同时就承认了它,并于7月9日就与它建立了外交关系。", "法国将与南苏丹并肩努力,确保这个新国家融入各国大家庭,融入联合国,并融入区域环境以及多边金融机构。", "要想发展并建立南苏丹和苏丹之间的和谐关系,仍需应对若干挑战。两国必须完成未决的谈判,同时确保与南苏丹当局一道保护平民。联合国南苏丹特派团将支持南苏丹履行其各项职责。我们完全支持约翰逊女士在特派团中的工作。", "在北部,某些区域如南科尔多凡州和青尼罗州仍令人关切。我们希望苏丹将同意国际社会在那里的存在。在南部,必须实现民族和解,同时必须确保所有居民的安全。我们必须从战争年代的集权逻辑转向多元化民主,并建设使人民摆脱贫困所必需的基础设施和机构。", "今天仍在使用武力解决的冲突,必须通过民主机构加以和平解决。为此,将必须建立框架;必须培养子孙后代来管理国家;同时,必须建立强有力的机构。至关重要的是要打击苏丹和南苏丹的有罪不罚现象,以搞好公民之间以及公民与行政当局之间的关系。法国打算与欧盟及其主要伙伴协调,通过使用各种合作工具,在这方面支持这个新生国家。", "今天,我们非常高兴地欢迎南苏丹成为国际社会一员。这不仅标志着一场旷日持久战争的结束,而且也标志着法国与国际社会其它国家一道继续提供支助的历程的开始。", "波格丹诺夫先生(俄罗斯联邦)(以俄语发言):请允许我祝贺副总统里克·马查尔·泰尼-杜尔贡阁下,并通过他祝贺南苏丹人民宣布独立,成立一个独立的主权国家。", "在南苏丹国地位问题上,俄罗斯一直坚定不移地坚持其基本立场。早在全民投票之前,我们就表示,我们支持南苏丹人民的主权意愿。考虑到问题错综复杂,俄罗斯没有向任何一方施加压力,认为该国命运应由其本国人民来决定。", "俄罗斯联邦已宣布承认这个新国家,即南苏丹共和国。总的来说,苏丹各方得以和平、文明地监督了曾经是非洲最大国家的分裂。在朝着执行《全面和平协议》前进的艰难道路上,苏丹和南苏丹领导层持续表现出处理它们之间关键分歧所需的政治意愿,从而得以成功执行《协议》所载的多数规定。", "我们认为,南苏丹建国面临的主要挑战是喀土穆和朱巴关系中悬而未决的问题,因为在这方面存在大量历史问题,还有关于阿卜耶伊地区地位的有争议问题;现在这些问题变成了国家间的问题。我们期望在新的历史性氛围中,两国领导人将承担起他们对其人民命运与繁荣负有的责任,通过谈判进程,最终政治解决有争议的问题。", "就解决阿卜耶伊、青尼罗州和南科尔多凡州未来地位问题达成的安排,应有助于加强出现的积极势头。为此,非洲联盟的调解努力必须继续下去。", "就国际社会而言,它将需要为南苏丹的建国提供更多支助,以建立有效的治理机构,打击与日俱增的内部威胁和安全挑战,处理经济和社会问题,以及建立一个适当的人权制度。", "安全理事会建立的联合国南苏丹特派团将为帮助该国实现稳定发挥重要作用。在这方面,我们认为,南苏丹政府负有加强该国和平并推进建设和平工作的首要责任。", "我们还在考虑向苏丹共和国提供更多的经济激励,这是因为一个国家一分为二总是相当痛苦的,并伴随着若干新的国内问题。我们从自身的历史经验中了解到这一点。", "就俄罗斯联邦而言,我们打算在各个领域,包括在双方关系目前建设性的有利氛围方面,加强俄罗斯与苏丹之间的合作。", "南苏丹获得国家主权为俄罗斯与该国在公平对话和尊重该国主权基础上发展关系开辟了道路。我们的立场是,我们两国之间真正的切实伙伴关系将是巩固非洲大陆稳定与安全的重要因素。我们准备随时与南苏丹建立外交关系。我们预计近日在这方面举行实质性谈判。", "最后,我们表示,我们坚信,南苏丹领导人将成功地与苏丹共和国以及其它非洲国家建立睦邻友好关系,以利维护和加强中东非的和平。俄罗斯联邦希望看到,这个经历了长期冲突并正逐步走向稳定的区域的局势全面正常化。这是俄罗斯领导人及其外交努力的目标。", "贝林厄姆先生(联合王国)(以英语发言):主席先生,我感谢你召开本次重要辩论会。我也要祝贺德国在本月出色地主持了安全理事会的工作。", "我还要感谢勒罗伊副秘书长所作的发言以及联合国为支持整个苏丹的和平所作的努力。我也要感谢南苏丹副总统马查尔·泰尼-杜尔贡和苏丹大使奥斯曼所作的发言。他们在发言中重申致力于他们两个未来紧密相联的国家间的友好关系。令我印象特别深刻的是,苏丹代表刚才谈判,北方与南方之间的联系与以往一样强有力,因为他们都是苏丹人。", "7月9日南苏丹的诞生对于新生的南苏丹国和苏丹共和国来说都是一个历史性事件。当时,联合王国外交大臣威廉·黑格与来自世界各地的同事们一起,在朱巴参加了庆典。", "作为2005年《全面和平协议》签署的见证人,联合王国见证了使50年痛苦内战得以结束的政治家风范。自那时以来,作为安理会成员,我们所有人都看到,双方展现的领导力带来了解决有关南苏丹未来问题的和平公投,并且使我们得以参加今天的重要会议。", "联合王国与联合国随时准备协助南苏丹这个新生国家为人民提供安全、实现繁荣。我们知道,要使那些为实现更美好生活的希望已等待良久的人们的生活真正改观,需求巨大,时间紧迫。", "设立联合国南苏丹共和国特派团表明我们对南苏丹人民的集体承诺,特派团将与联合国大家庭和国际社会合作努力,支持南苏丹政府。", "联合王国仍然同样致力于帮助苏丹政府为其人民实现安全与繁荣,包括参与解决苏丹国家债务问题,并且支持联合国的维持和平行为和对苏丹的发展援助。", "但是,即使我们承认苏丹和南苏丹在和平分离方面已经取得出色成就,但对它们的人民来说至关重要的许多问题仍未获解决,其中包括国籍认定、分享财富和石油资源以及划界问题。正如其他发言者所强调的那样,必须不加拖延地解决这些问题。因此,我欢迎两国政府都作出承诺,将在由南非前总统姆贝基出色领导的非洲联盟高级别执行小组的支持下紧急开展谈判。在这种背景下,我也欢迎联合国有意就执行双方之间6月29日有关边境管理和联合国特派团在阿卜耶伊地区作用的协议一事,向安全理事会提供建议。", "值此我们共聚一堂庆祝南苏丹与苏丹之间的友谊之际,我对阿卜耶伊地区和南科尔多凡地区的人民尤感关切,他们在继续承受冲突和流离失所之苦。正如许多其他发言者已明确指出的那样,在阿卜耶伊,已有超过11.3万人流离失所。随着雨季来临,至关重要的是应在即将部署到阿卜耶伊的联合国临时安全部队的支持下,全面和不加拖延地执行关于阿卜耶伊问题的临时安排协议,使流离失所者能够返回家园。", "在南科尔多凡州,持续战斗和阻碍向需要人道主义援助的民众提供援助的做法完全无法令人接受。联合王国还深感关切的是,有报道说这场正在继续的冲突中存在持续侵犯人权和违反国际人道主义法的行为。据报道,其中包括轰炸、未经司法程序的处决、强迫性流离失所以及任意逮捕和监禁等行为。我们毫无保留地谴责这些持续的暴力行为,并且呼吁苏丹政府与苏丹人民解放运动-北方派立即达成停火。", "此外,我们敦促苏丹政府立即在整个南科尔多凡州提供立即和全面的人道主义准入。我们重申,我们对联合国苏丹特派团撤离感到关切,其任务授权是保护和确保人道主义援助。令人遗憾的是,当前比以往任何时候都更加需要提供人道主义援助。在阿卜耶伊和南科尔多凡州,各方必须作出紧急努力,以便找到以当地民众利益为本的持久解决办法。", "在达尔富尔,同样迫切需要达成一项全面和平协议。我们对安全和人道主义局势不断恶化依然深感不安,并要敦促各方立即停火,努力创造必要条件,以便成功实现和平。", "苏丹和南苏丹都面临着巨大挑战。另一方面,正如苏丹大使指出的那样,通过合作改变所有苏丹人生活的机遇同样巨大。支持苏丹和南苏丹作为两个和平和经济上成功的国家友好地毗邻而居,这依然是过去一年努力参与支持和平的安理会的目标。两国对两国人民的未来负有主要责任。因此,我们敦促两国政府现在就展现实现《全面和平协议》和上周六历史性事件的领导力。", "最后,我谨祝贺马查尔·泰尼-杜尔贡副总统,安理会已建议大会接纳南苏丹为联合国最新的会员国,以便它与苏丹和所有会员国合作努力,维护包括和平、容忍、法治、透明以及问责在内的重要联合国价值观和原则。我坚信,南苏丹将维护这些价值观,由此自豪地在世界大家庭中占据一席之地。", "布里特斯·佩雷拉先生(葡萄牙)(以英语发言):首先,我谨代表葡萄牙向南苏丹共和国的独立表示祝贺,并欢迎这个新诞生的国家加入独立国家组成的大家庭。今天我特别高兴在这里向里克·马查尔·泰尼-杜尔贡副总统和达法-阿拉·奥斯曼大使致以问候。", "葡萄牙人民与非洲有特殊的感情,这是几个世纪的共同历史造就的。看到新的南苏丹作为一个独立国家登上国际舞台对我们来说无疑是一个特殊的时刻,这标志着我们与南苏丹共和国以及苏丹共和国之间关系新阶段的开始。葡萄牙期待着继续与两国合作努力,以便为两国、事实上是为整个非洲建设一个和平与繁荣的未来。", "葡萄牙前外交部长、负责监测1月份举行的全民投票的秘书长小组成员安东尼奥·蒙泰罗大使出席了在朱巴举行的独立仪式。在朱巴,蒙泰罗大使向南苏丹共和国总统转交了葡萄牙共和国总统的一封信,向这个新生的国家表达了和平、稳定与发展的祝愿。", "我也谨借此机会指出,同欧洲联盟其他成员国一样,葡萄牙已经承认南苏丹共和国为独立和主权国家。葡萄牙现在期待同南苏丹共和国建立外交关系。我们也欢迎苏丹共和国和非洲联盟成员承认这个新国家。", "也请允许我赞扬苏丹人民的和平决心以及井然有序地表达自己的意愿。全民投票不仅在执行2005年《全面和平协议》方面,而且也在强调苏丹人民想要和平解决分歧的愿望方面,是一个里程碑。", "请允许我再次对秘书长及其特别代表海尔·门克里欧斯,以及非洲联盟高级执行小组及其主席塔博·姆贝基总统,为帮助新国家的诞生而进行的所有工作和努力,表示衷心的赞赏。我们也深切感谢联合国苏丹特派团的领导人和维和人员在整个进程中提供的宝贵协助,以及他们的奉献和承诺。", "南苏丹共和国的独立只是一个步骤,诚然是重要的步骤。但是,为了实现对独立的期望,必须紧急和全面地应对仍然存在的挑战。这就是为什么我们鼓励巴希尔总统和萨尔瓦·基尔·马亚尔迪特总统抓住这个机会,不遗余力地解决他们两国之间的所有悬而未决问题。正如我们反覆指出的那样,为了确保这个历史时刻成为取得持久进展的时机,必须在最高一级进行对话和作出政治承诺。因此,我们对于两位总统7月4日在亚的斯亚贝巴的政府间发展管理局关于苏丹的特别会议期间进行会晤,并且他们保证在7月9日之后继续进行谈判,感到鼓舞。", "在这方面,葡萄牙欢迎双方最近在阿卜耶伊临时协定上和南北边界地区的安全安排方面所取得的进展。有关其他问题的谈判也在继续。但是我们必须强调,就阿卜耶伊的最后地位达成协议,并且就公民身份、石油资源的管理和边界管理等主要问题达成共识,对于确保和平未来、两国之间的互利关系以及两国的可存在性,是至关重要的。我们支持成立联合国阿卜耶伊临时安全部队,并且同意,南北双方将受益于联合国在边界问题上提供的援助。我们也敦促两位领导人充分利用姆贝基总统领导的非洲联盟高级执行小组的斡旋。", "不幸的是,我刚才提到的几个领域中的令人鼓舞的进展尚未在南科尔多凡发生。同安理会全体成员一样,葡萄牙对该州目前的战斗深感关切,它正在造成数字惊人且越来越多的流离失所者。我们谴责人道主义机构缺乏准入的情况,敦促各方向它们提供充分和无条件的准入。我们也呼吁双方落实全国大会党同苏丹人民解放运动-北方谈判达成的《政治和安全框架协定》,以便迅速找到解决局势的办法和立即停止敌对行动。", "全体苏丹人民,包括达尔富尔人民,应当获得和平与希望。因此,我重申,葡萄牙承诺努力改善全体达尔富尔人民的生活。", "最后,请允许我再次强调,为了实现南北双方的和平和繁荣的未来,将需要两国政府的持续承诺、接触和密切合作的精神。国际社会也应当继续提供两国在今后仍然困难的时期所需的支持和鼓励。在近期内,联合国将留在南苏丹,并且安全理事会已经制定了新的联合国南苏丹共和国特派团的任务授权。正如我们支持并大力鼓励本组织在南方的部署,我们将继续支持苏丹共和国认为有助于该国人民的这一新篇章取得同样成功的所有努力。", "最后,请允许我向即将诞生的大会第193个会员国表示最良好的祝愿。我也希望,新的未来将为该区域所有人民带来和平、稳定与繁荣。实际上,这是不辜负他们过去的苦难和斗争,同时又满足他们对未来的期盼和愿望的唯一结果。", "蒙加拉·穆索奇先生(加蓬)(以法语发言):也请允许我欢迎南苏丹共和国于7月9日宣告独立。加蓬高兴地派出国家最高级代表,特别是阿里·邦戈·翁丁巴先生阁下,出席这一历史事件的纪念仪式。我们也正式承认了新的南苏丹国。我欢迎南苏丹共和国副总统和苏丹常驻代表来到本会议厅,并感谢他们的发言。", "南苏丹的独立,标志着《全面和平协议》执行工作的完成,该协议是苏丹和平进程的基础。它应当结束数十年来导致数百万人死亡和大量人口流离失所的漫长的悲惨冲突。", "在实现苏丹和平与稳定的漫长艰难努力中,国际社会表现出极大的团结和决心。安全理事会发挥核心作用,动员国际社会实现苏丹危机的持久解决;为此我们也应当提到,双方愿意通过坦率和建设性的对话,致力于通过谈判寻求冲突的政治解决。最近阿卜耶伊地区发生暴力之后签署的有关阿卜耶伊的《协议》证实了这种政治意愿。", "加蓬始终把对话与政治合作当作其外交的基本价值,对这一进展表示欢迎,它应当有助于非洲这一广大区域的和平与稳定。我国代表团特别赞扬巴希尔总统和萨尔瓦·基尔·马亚尔迪特总统的政治承诺和领导,这对于《全面和平协议》的执行是极端重要的。我们也赞扬联合国、非洲联盟和整个国际社会,为促进苏丹和平而进行的动员和正在作出的努力。", "新国家在建国方面面临着巨大的挑战。南苏丹基本上首先必须开始进行安全部门改革,并建立民主机构、法治和遵守人权。此外要有国家的经济发展、为人民提供基本服务,并且对自然资源进行妥善管理。", "为此目的,按照第1996(2011)号决议成立的联合国南苏丹共和国特派团,是建设这一新国家的进程中的一个基本工具。新特派团的作用在于协助该国加强和平与安全并营造稳定的经济环境。", "欢庆南苏丹共和国的诞生不应导致我们忽视尚有许多未决问题这一事实。双方尚未就分离后的各项安排达成协议。两国边界的划定以及公民身份的认定和财富分享都是必须解决的根本问题。两国之间的睦邻关系与和平共处都取决于此。", "阿卜耶伊地区的最终地位问题和南科尔多凡州持续不断的交战也令人感到关切。不过,加蓬特别欢迎苏丹政府和苏丹人民解放运动北方分支在亚的斯亚贝巴进行的谈判。这些谈判已导致就双方之间的政治伙伴关系达成一项框架协议,并在青尼罗州和南科尔多凡州作出政治和安全安排。加蓬敦促双方继续努力,争取就所有未决问题达成最终解决办法。", "鉴于南苏丹为建立一个新国家所作的努力和所开展的工作,我们在所有这些问题上的支助不应松懈。就加蓬而言,它期待着加强与南苏丹共和国的外交关系。", "哈迪普·辛格·普里先生(印度)(以英语发言):我非常高兴欢迎里克·马查尔·泰尼-杜尔贡副总统及其代表团的其他成员在这一历史性时刻来到安理会。我还要欢迎巴西、波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那、南非、德国、法国、葡萄牙、俄罗斯联邦和联合王国的部长来到安全理事会。他们今天与会,凸显我们大家对这一时刻的重视。我要感谢勒罗伊副秘书长和我的同事、苏丹常驻代表阿里·奥斯曼先生阁下所作内容全面的发言。", "64年前,印度首任总理潘迪特·贾瓦哈拉尔·尼赫鲁宣布:", "“当午夜钟声敲响的时候,当世界入睡的时候,印度将苏醒过来,恢复自由。这样一个时刻,一个在历史上很少出现的时刻,已经到来:我们正从旧世界步入新世界,一个时代已告结束,一个民族的灵魂在遭受长期压迫之后,终于可以扬眉吐气”。", "今天就是这样一个与命运之约得以信守的时刻。在经过长期奋斗之后,南苏丹人民的心声终于得到表达。", "让我首先转达印度政府对今年7月9日诞生的新国家南苏丹表示热烈欢迎,它是举行和平与透明的全民投票之后南苏丹人民投票支持建立的新国家。我国副总统哈米德·安萨里先生阁下于7月9日在朱巴参加了建国庆典。", "印度政府赞扬苏丹和南苏丹两国领导人表现出堪称典范的耐心和成熟,以便看到《全面和平协议》这一具有里程碑意义的重要目标得以实现。印度自该目标于2005年一开始就予以支持。因此,我们祝贺双方成功地走到今天。", "印度和苏丹有着最为真诚的关系。我们深度致力于苏丹的发展、和平与繁荣。正是在这一背景下,印度欢迎苏丹境内过去一年来出现的事态发展,使和平更加临近这个饱受动荡之苦的国度。特别是,我们欢迎南苏丹作为一个新国家、国际社会的最新成员和联合国第193个会员国的出现。", "作为安全理事会的成员,我们非常高兴地赞成今天通过第1999(2011)号决议。该决议将使大会接受安理会关于接纳南苏丹申请加入联合国的建议。我们期待着南苏丹自明日起作为一个正式会员国加入联合国。", "印度和苏丹有着根深蒂固的联系。100多年来,印度裔人民已将苏丹变为他们的家园。近1万名印度裔人在喀土穆、恩图曼、瓦德迈达尼和苏丹港等地生活。我们两国之间的经济交往频繁,我们的双向贸易额每年达到近10亿美元,在非洲各国中间最大。印度是在朱巴开设领事馆的首批亚洲国家之一。该领事馆不久将升级为大使馆。当两个苏丹各自勾画其独自的未来时,我们期待着这些关系继续增长和多样化。", "双方最近都开展了高层互访。这些交往有助于实质性地交换看法,规划行动方向和今后的路线图,以便加强我们与喀土穆和朱巴的关系。对于印度来说,苏丹两个实体加在一起,仍然是非洲的一支主力和伙伴。最近在亚的斯亚贝巴举行的印度-非洲论坛首脑会议证明,我们致力于与我们的非洲朋友齐心协力,争取实现非洲的集体发展。", "印度是2005年1月《奈瓦沙协定》的见证者;该协定建立了《全面和平协议》。我们饶有兴致地观察在执行《全面和平协议》方面所取得的进展,并且高兴地看到,《全面和平协议》一个具有里程碑意义的重要目标随着南苏丹的独立而得到实现。我们确信,双方也将本着同样的合作和互谅互让精神处理像阿卜耶伊地位这样的《全面和平协议》未决问题。在这方面,我们高度赞赏秘书长特别代表门克里欧斯先生在监督执行《全面和平协议》和维持该区域和平方面所做的工作。我们高兴地注意到,双方同意使阿卜耶伊地区非军事化。这表明,双方愿意共同朝着通过谈判解决问题的方向迈进。", "本着希望看到该区域实现和平与繁荣的精神,我们还支持所有争取在苏丹实现和平,包括解决达尔富尔问题的现行努力。我们希望达尔富尔问题不久将得到解决。我们赞赏卡塔尔国和在这方面发挥很大作用的塔博·姆贝基先生领导的非洲联盟苏丹问题高级别执行小组。", "印度是联合国苏丹特派团(联苏特派团)的最大部队派遣国之一。此外,印度警员为联苏特派团和南苏丹政府也作出了令人瞩目的贡献。", "我们最近认捐了500万美元,用于对南苏丹以及在我们对非洲的援助和印度-非洲论坛首脑会议方案下开展的其他能力建设项目的发展援助。苏丹是印度技术和经济合作方案下的一个主要受益国。为继续我们在这个方案下与南苏丹的接触,我们最近宣布将在南苏丹增设75个方案实施点。印度在非洲开展的泛非电子网络项目取得了巨大成功。我们正在考虑将整个泛非电子网络项目扩大到南苏丹,包括其远程医疗和远程教育部分。", "正如巴西外长指出的那样,印度还打算在印度、巴西和南非三方机制(三方机制)内使用三方机制基金,同巴西和南非一道努力,开展能够给苏丹和南苏丹两国人民都带来好处的项目。", "我们认识到,苏丹和南苏丹在规划自身独立命运的未来岁月里将面临巨大挑战。印度准备在双边以及同非洲迅速增强互动的基础上为这一进程提供协助。我谨代表印度政府和人民,向苏丹和南苏丹领导人再次表示祝贺,祝贺他们表现出政治家风范以及致力于和平和两国人民的福祉。印度随时准备在走向进步和繁荣的道路上为他们提供一切可能的帮助。", "王民先生(中国):我感谢德国倡议召开今天的会议。我欢迎南苏丹共和国副总统马查尔阁下出席今天的会议,并感谢他的发言。我要感谢潘基文秘书长、勒罗伊副秘书长、苏丹常驻代表奥斯曼大使刚才所作的发言。", "7月9日,南苏丹共和国正式宣告成立。中国政府和人民对此表示热烈祝贺。当前的进展来之不易。为了推动苏丹南北和平进程,支持《全面和平协议》,苏丹和南苏丹领导人和两国人民体现出了非凡的智慧、勇气和坚韧不拔的意志。南苏丹共和国的诞生,是苏丹南方人民的共同意愿和自主选择,这是苏丹和平进程的重大成果,有利于实现地区的持久和平与稳定,具有重要的历史意义。", "中国人民同南苏丹人民有着深厚的传统友谊。我们都有加强友好交往的共同愿望。南苏丹共和国成立当天,中国国家主席胡锦涛致电南苏丹共和国总统基尔表示祝贺。中国与南苏丹共和国正式建立外交关系,开启了两国关系的新篇章。中国将在和平共处五项原则基础上,同南苏丹共和国建立和发展长期、健康、稳定的友好合作关系。", "中国支持南苏丹加入联合国。我们期待着南苏丹成为联合国第193个会员国的历史性时刻,期待着同南苏丹在联合国框架下全面加强合作。我们衷心祝愿年轻的南苏丹共和国在国家建设和发展的道路上不断取得新的成就,成为维护和平稳定、促进共同发展的积极力量。中方将继续为南苏丹的发展提供力所能及的帮助。", "南苏丹建国伊始,百废待兴。我们呼吁国际社会继续为南苏丹实现政治稳定提供支持,为南苏丹的经济恢复和发展提供切实的援助。我们支持联合国驻南苏丹特派团根据安理会的授权,加强同南苏丹政府的沟通与合作,为维护南苏丹的和平稳定、推动发展作出贡献。", "苏丹和南苏丹都站在新的历史起点上。苏丹与南苏丹有着共同的历史,经济、文化紧密相联,两国的和平与发展息息相关。两国继续坚持包容和互谅互让的精神,加强合作,是实现和平相处、共同发展的唯一选择。我们希望两国继续以和平大局和两国人民福祉为重,通过对话和谈判妥善解决《全面和平协议》未决问题。", "中方欢迎非盟继续就苏丹和南苏丹未决问题展开斡旋,支持姆贝基先生领导的非盟高级别执行小组为此发挥重要作用。", "苏丹政府体现出了推动北南和平进程的政治诚意,并为此作出了巨大努力。国际社会同苏丹的关系应尽快实现全面正常化。使苏丹人民尽早享有和平、尊严与发展。我们衷心希望苏丹和南苏丹两国在国际社会的帮助和支持下,永远做好邻居、好伙伴、好兄弟。", "奥格武夫人(尼日利亚)(以英语发言):主席先生,尼日利亚非常感谢你今天对苏丹的特别关注。贵国对苏丹进程的贡献得到普遍肯定。你本人的承诺也是如此。", "我愿欢迎南苏丹共和国总统里克·马查尔·泰尼-杜尔贡先生与会,并感谢他作了振奋人心的发言。我也欢迎我的同事奥斯曼大使并感谢他的发言。", "秘书长一直在不懈地寻求实现和平,勒罗伊副秘书长也一直在不懈地谋求和平。请允许我代表尼日利亚联邦政府祝贺南苏丹共和国总统萨尔瓦·基尔和人民终于实现建国目标。我国总统古德勒克·乔纳森在朱巴与南苏丹人民一起见证了这一历史时刻,并表示尼日利亚将声援并坚定支持南苏丹开展建国这项艰巨工作。", "我还要赞扬苏丹领导人迅速承认南苏丹独立。苏丹总统和人民表现出了执行《全面和平协议》的勇气和坚定承诺。我们认为这是国际责任和促成和平方面鼓舞人心的经验。", "7月9日,国际社会对非洲最年轻的国家南苏丹在历经长期斗争后历史性地诞生表示了热烈欢迎。我们必须认识到新生国家所面临的固有挑战,尤其是不安全、机构建设、基础设施和经济发展、政治和社会团结、回返者融入社会、履行国际义务、与其邻国特别是苏丹建立有力和持久的伙伴关系。", "无疑,确定优先事项和制定应对这些冲突后国家建设挑战的战略的首要责任在于南苏丹政府。首先,签署一部新的临时宪法、特赦原武装战斗人员、采取举措使经济摆脱对石油的依赖从而实现多样化、以及强调基于文化和族裔多样性的统一,是朝着正确方向所采取的必要步骤。", "新成立的南苏丹共和国不仅会要求它的近邻苏丹提供支助,它还会要求国际社会提供支助。苏丹和南苏丹之间和平、稳定、平等以及互惠互利的关系对于两国国内和平及区域稳定都至关重要。因此,我们欣悉基尔总统和巴希尔总统最近发表的声明,重申他们致力于解决《全面和平协议》中的所有剩余问题并实现阿卜耶伊、南科尔多凡州和青尼罗州以及达尔富尔等纷争地区的和平。这一承诺不仅将成为两国未来关系的基石,而且还应推动在非洲联盟高级别执行小组的主持下解决所有《全面和平协议》剩余问题的势头。", "尼日利亚为塔博·姆贝基总统领导的非洲联盟高级别执行小组取得成功感到振奋。该小组仍是解决所有全民投票后和《全面和平协议》后问题,其中包括南北划界问题的一个宝贵机制。我们欢迎《全面和平协议》双方采取的解决未决问题的步骤,并期待着落实在6月20日的《协议》、6月28日的《框架协议》以及6月29日的《协议》中概述的目标。", "双方还利用该小组探讨了分离后的各项问题,其中包括公民身份的认定、自由、划定软边界、石油资源、贸易问题以及债务减免。今后数月将是对两国政府是否有能力根据这些协议的框架使其公民免遭混乱和动乱的首次考验。我们呼吁两国政府与联合国维和部队合作,尽最大努力,寻求保障公民受到保护,并允许人道主义援助进入关键地区。我们指出,有必要与区域中其它有关行为体合作,这些行为体包括联合国南苏丹特派团、联合国南苏丹国家工作队、非洲联盟-联合国达尔富尔混合行动、联合国阿卜耶伊临时安全部队以及联合国组织刚果民主共和国稳定特派团。", "尼日利亚支持第1996(2011)号决议设立联合国南苏丹特派团,并相信其任务授权范围之广是联合国援助质量之高的典型代表,我们认为这对于南苏丹人民将是极为有益的。由于安全与发展密切相关并彼此加强,我们认为,它们是实现持久和平的关键。至关重要的是,维持和平与建设和平任务授权这两个支柱应全面付诸实施。", "实现独立可能要付出沉重的代价,但是南苏丹共和国的未来将证明这是值得的。我们相信如果该国的人力、文化和经济资源能战略性地用于使该国获得最大裨益,就将证明这是宝贵的投资。", "奥索里奥先生(哥伦比亚)(以西班牙语发言):在这个对于苏丹人民、非洲、联合国以及整个国际社会来说都是历史性的时刻,我愿首先对南苏丹共和国副总统里克·马查尔·泰尼-杜尔贡先生阁下及其代表团表示热烈欢迎,并通过他转达对萨尔瓦·基尔总统的热烈祝贺。", "最重要的是,今天是一个欢庆的日子,我们迎来了南苏丹作为一个独立的共和国加入国际社会。我愿向南苏丹共和国所有人民及当局转达哥伦比亚国及其公民的最热烈和最诚挚的祝贺。取得这一成果的必经道路十分崎岖坎坷,要克服许多障碍。但是,成就的取得要归功于南苏丹人民实现独立的坚强意愿以及达成2005年《全面和平协议》的双方承认只有通过谈判和民主手段才能实现和平。", "还有必要强调,苏丹当局信守根据《全面和平协议》作出的承诺,并参加7月9日南苏丹宣告独立的活动,这表明,睦邻友好与区域合作的原则将指导两国之间的关系。我们欢迎奥斯曼大使所作的积极声明及其政府对新诞生的南苏丹共和国的承认。", "尤其值得注意的是,在成为一个独立国家的第一天,南苏丹共和国就提出了加入联合国的申请,这表明它致力于本组织的各项原则与目标。这也符合下列事实,即独立进程是通过人民行使自决原则开展的,这从今年年初全民投票得到广泛参与、公投结果以及在宣布独立期间人民欢欣鼓舞就可清楚看出。", "国际社会必须继续表明它致力于支持南苏丹共和国和创造有利于其全体人民繁荣和平未来的条件。我们对成立南苏丹独立国家表现出的热情不应使我们对该国政府今后面临的巨大挑战视而不见。我们必须意识到,其国家机构与政府当局都需要得到持续和慷慨的支助。", "在承诺南苏丹主权、独立、领土完整以及国家统一的指导下并基于国家主导的原则,安全理事会通过了第1996(2011)号决议,设立了联合国南苏丹共和国特派团,它必须成为支持该国政府行使其首要职责的工具。", "随着南苏丹共和国独立生命的诞生,过渡阶段也告结束,尽管仍有重要的《全面和平协议》问题有待解决。同样悬而未决的是,对于未来双边关系至关重要的一系列问题有待解决,我的许多同事都提到了这些问题。在这方面,我们呼吁两国坚定不移地致力于达成一致,建立和平和互惠互利的关系。", "最后,我愿赞赏非洲联盟高级别执行小组发挥落实苏丹建议的作用,在塔博·姆贝基总统的领导下,该小组协助双方达成承诺并渡过困难时刻。还应强调的是负责苏丹问题的秘书长特别代表海尔·门克里欧斯先生所做的工作,以及茜尔德·弗拉菲尤·约翰逊女士被任命为负责南苏丹问题的秘书长特别代表,我们祝她在履行职责时取得圆满成功。", "我祝新的南苏丹共和国好运。", "萨拉姆先生(黎巴嫩)(以阿拉伯语发言):首先,请允许我欢迎南苏丹共和国副总统里克·马查尔·泰尼-杜尔贡先生阁下,并感谢他和阿里·奥斯曼大使的发言,同时感谢勒罗伊先生的通报。", "过渡阶段于几天前结束,从而在持续20多年夺走200万人生命的战争、破坏与痛苦之后,完成了对《全面和平协议》中大多数规定的执行。", "上周六在朱巴,整个世界见证了按照1月9日全民投票结果宣布建立南苏丹共和国的盛大庆典。苏丹总统奥马尔·巴希尔先生出席了庆典,这具有巨大的象征意义。之所以有积极的氛围,是由于《全面和平协议》缔约方履行了它们的承诺,而且,包括联合国、非洲联盟、阿拉伯国家联盟在内的许多区域和国际组织认真地予以跟进。", "我们赞扬各方作出的努力和巨大牺牲。与以往任何时候相比,我们今天更要强调,对话应当继续下去,有关所有未决问题,包括最后解决阿卜耶伊问题、分享石油财富、划界以及南科尔多凡和青尼罗局势的谈判也应当继续。", "考虑到把两国人民团结在一起的纽带和深厚的共同利益,北南关系中的合作是一个至关重要的问题。因此,必须继续致力于合作努力,这将对该区域的稳定产生积极影响。", "我们也要赞扬联合国苏丹特派团过去六年来发挥的重要作用。在这方面,我们欢迎门克里欧斯先生所作的努力,并要对南非前总统姆贝基和所有参与在苏丹斡旋使命的人表示感谢和谢意。", "此时此刻,我们还要强调非洲联盟-联合国达尔富尔混合行动以及甘巴里先生和巴索莱先生所作努力的重要性。我们感谢卡塔尔国在达尔富尔和谈方面作出的努力。我们呼吁各方签署多哈会议制订的文件,并且确保执行停火和解决与达尔富尔相关的问题。这将有助于不仅在苏丹,而且在南苏丹建立和平与稳定。", "我们今天在联合国论坛这里祝贺南苏丹,它通过行使《全面和平协议》、《联合国宪章》第一条第二款以及《经济、社会、文化权利国际公约》和《公民及政治权利国际公约》共同的第一条所规定的自决权,创建了一个独立的国家。", "在此基础上,我们希望看到兄弟般的巴勒斯坦人民在国际社会的支持下实现他们的自决权,并且行使他们对他们国家领土的不可剥夺的权利。巴勒斯坦人由此将能够实现他们在一个以耶路撒冷为首都的独立国家中享受和平与安全的憧憬。我们希望也能够欢迎这个国家作为联合国的一个主权会员国,加入我们的行列。", "主席(以英语发言):我现在将以德国外长的身份发言。", "通过建议接纳南苏丹共和国为联合国会员国的第1999(2011)号决议,我们为非洲和全世界书写了历史。我们要欢迎南苏丹成为国际大家庭的第193个成员。", "上周六,50多万人在朱巴庆祝了独立。庆祝的场面传遍了世界。萨尔瓦·基尔总统在他的出色演讲中,强调了睦邻友好、尊重人权和善政的重要性。我们为这个欢欣的日子祝贺南苏丹人民。苏丹——北方和南方——的人民和各方为使这一时刻成为现实作出了艰苦努力。独立是通过苏丹各政治行为体在国际社会、非洲联盟以及特别是安理会的支持下进行和平谈判而实现的。", "但是,真正的工作现在才开始。我刚刚访问过苏丹。在喀土穆、达尔富尔和朱巴逗留期间,我看到了这块土地的辽阔,也看到了仍需做的大量工作。苏丹和南苏丹目前都面临巨大挑战,而且,南苏丹和苏丹都需要我们的支持。苏丹必须看到在这方面采取的持续建设性步骤带来的好处,例如在债务减免方面取得进展。德国愿意为此作贡献。", "最重要的是需要和平。最近的暴力事件提醒我们,具有破坏性的暴力逻辑必须终结。亚的斯亚贝巴协议是向正确方向迈出的重要步骤,必须得到落实。我坚信,联合国,特别是安理会将继续与苏丹和南苏丹人民站在一起。国际社会将继续大力关注两国未来的发展。德国将继续协助在北方和南方发展开放、公正和繁荣社会的伟业。", "现在也是一个向所有在联合国旗帜下致力于和平者表示敬意的时刻。因此,我要赞扬在联合国苏丹特派团工作过的男男女女。这么多年来为这一伟大努力作出贡献的军官和工作人员都应得到我们的真诚感谢。", "上周,我们通过了新的联合国南苏丹共和国特派团(联南苏特派团)的任务规定。新的特派团将是我们致力于苏丹和平与稳定的最好证明。我坚信,联南苏特派团将在结束冲突以及促进南苏丹和平、发展与和解方面发挥关键性作用。", "与此同时,我们不应遗忘达尔富尔局势。我两周前访问了那里,亲眼看到了局势有多么严重。必须最后签署一项全面和平协议。我期待着各方回到谈判桌前的那一天的到来。安理会计划在本月晚些时候延长非洲联盟-联合国达尔富尔混合行动(达尔富尔混合行动)的任务期限。这也将改善那些在实地帮助达尔富尔人民的人的安全与行动自由。我鼓励苏丹政府与达尔富尔混合行动紧密合作。", "达尔富尔危机是对我们所有人的挑战,并且把联合国与非洲联盟之间的合作提升到了一个新水平。塔博·姆贝基展现了非凡的领导力。在努力寻求解决达尔富尔危机时,他可以依靠我们持续不断的支持。最重要的是,我要向非洲国家对达尔富尔混合行动作出的巨大承诺表示赞赏。", "我们在纽约这里进行的讨论使人们有理由希望,和解精神将主导苏丹与南苏丹之间未来的关系。", "和平共处是两国人民的可持续发展和美好未来的基础。为此需要作出努力和进行合作。不会让苏丹和南苏丹孤独地努力。联合国和这一大家庭成员德国以及欧洲联盟将站在它们一边。我相信,几年后,我们将对参与了苏丹和南苏丹的新起点工作感到骄傲。", "我现在恢复行使安全理事会主席的职能。", "我的名单上没有其他发言者了。安全理事会就此结束现阶段对其议程项目的审议。", "下午12时30分散会。" ]
[ "主席: 韦斯特韦勒先生/维蒂希先生 (德国)\n成员:波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那\n巴西 爱国者先生a\n中国 王敏先生\n哥伦比亚 奥索里奥先生\n法国 Douillet先生\n加蓬 蒙加拉·穆索茨先生\n印度 哈迪普·辛格普里先生\n黎巴嫩 萨拉姆先生\n尼日利亚 奥格武女士\n葡萄牙 Brites Pereira先生\n俄罗斯联邦 博格丹诺夫先生\n南非 Radebe先生\n大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国 贝林汉姆先生\n美利坚合众国 Rice女士", "议程项目", "秘书长关于苏丹的报告", "秘书长关于苏丹的特别报告(S/2011/314*)", "上午10时25分宣布开会", "通过议程", "议程通过。", "秘书长关于苏丹的报告", "秘书长关于苏丹的特别报告(S/2011/314*)", "主席(以英语发言):我谨欢迎各位尊敬的部长出席本次会议。 他们的出席证实了所讨论主题的重要性。", "根据安理会暂行议事规则第37条,我请苏丹代表参加本次会议。", "根据安理会暂行议事规则第39条,我请主管维持和平行动副秘书长阿兰·勒罗伊先生参加本次会议。", "根据安理会暂行议事规则第39条,我请南苏丹共和国副总统里克·马尔切·特尼-杜尔贡先生阁下参加本次会议。", "我代表安理会欢迎南苏丹共和国副总统里克·马查尔·泰尼-杜尔贡先生阁下参加本次会议。", "安全理事会现在开始审议其议程上的项目。 我请秘书长发言。", "秘书长: 我要祝贺安全理事会在南苏丹共和国建国的历史历程中又迈出了重要的一步。 我们即将欢迎我们第193个会员国加入联合国。", "让我非常迅速地说,我多么自豪地参加了在朱巴举行的独立日庆祝活动。 这是一个令人兴奋和深刻感动的时刻。 南苏丹人民经历了21年的内战。 死亡人数和流离失所者人数可计为数百万人。 现在他们有一个可以称自己为自己的国家,但在许多方面,艰苦的工作才刚刚开始。 政府机构薄弱。 社会服务、保健和教育等各方面都面临巨大挑战。 南苏丹在其诞生的当天,几乎在所有人类发展指标中排名最低。", "与任何新生儿一样,南苏丹需要帮助。 我们的责任是巨大的,联合国的作用是关键但复杂的。 我们在达尔富尔有一个特派团。 我们在苏丹的特派团现在必须清理结束。 埃塞俄比亚维和人员已部署在阿卜耶伊。 南科尔多凡州的局势令人深感不安。 解决这些紧张局势绝对至关重要。 对于一个可行的南方,我们需要一个可行的北方,反之亦然。 南方和北方必须共同面对伙伴而不是对手的共同未来。 我们必须继续帮助这个新国家成为一个国家和这个区域巩固其成果。 这是建设和平和国家建设的最终考验。 联合国必须处于核心地位,安全理事会的领导和指导在今后数月和数年中将是至关重要的。 我感谢安理会的承诺。", "主席(以英语发言):我现在请勒罗伊先生发言。", "勒罗伊先生(以法语发言): 首先,让我在此历史性时刻向苏丹和南苏丹政府表示祝贺。 双方显然作出了困难的妥协。 他们表现出真正的政治勇气,尊重全民投票的结果,确保南苏丹于7月9日和平独立。", "正如秘书长刚才所说的那样,新国家将面临重大早期挑战,包括国内政策和安全领域以及与北方的关系方面的挑战。 根据安理会第1996(2011)号决议的授权,联合国南苏丹共和国特派团将与政府密切合作应对这些挑战,同时支持建设和平,扩大斡旋,支持政府进行政治过渡、治理和建立国家权力。", "向新特派团的过渡正在顺利进行。 秘书长特别代表希尔德·约翰逊女士于7月9日就职。 她一直与一个初步小组合作,根据安理会的授权设立特派团。 过渡规定根据1996(2011)号决议从北方重新部署几个月前开始的资产和人员,并部署更多人员。", "纽约总部目前正在与部队和警察派遣国密切合作,以便在六个月内完成向新特派团的过渡。 根据关于联合国阿卜耶伊临时安全部队(联阿安全部队)的第1990(2011)号决议,正在尽一切努力加快特派团的全面部署和行动能力。", "我们正在计划在7月20日之前初步部署1 640名部队人员。 他们从奥贝德经公路运往阿卜耶伊的设备正在途中,定于7月28日之前抵达。 部队最初将驻扎在联合国苏丹特派团(联苏特派团)在阿卜耶伊的现有营地。 根据双方6月20日的协议(S/2011/384*,附件)和第1990(2011)号决议,所有武装部队将在完成第一次部署后撤出阿卜耶伊。 联阿安全部队的初步任务之一是监测部队全部撤出阿卜耶伊各地的情况。", "(以英语发言)", "其余联阿安全部队部队和警察的部署将面临若干挑战。 第一,雨季已经对从奥贝德到阿卜耶伊的公路上的行动产生不利影响,并将持续到至少9月。 此外,鉴于联苏特派团现有地点的能力有限,必须为部署在阿卜耶伊的其余部队建立新的地点。 这将需要与有关当局进行谈判,获得土地和建造队部。 这些因素可能大大拖延部队的全面部署,如果特派团要在2012年之前全面运作,则需要两国政府的充分合作。", "鉴于联阿安全部队全面部署所需的时间不确定,绝对必须给予本月部署的第一批部队充分的行动自由和进入阿卜耶伊所有地区的自由,以便执行规定任务并确保所有其他武装部队全部撤出该地区。", "6月29日,苏丹政府和苏丹人民解放运动-北方签署了一项南北边界边界安全协定。 《协定》规定,双方将在1956年1月1日边界的两侧建立10公里宽的非军事区。 《协定》还指出,联阿安全部队将为边界国际监测和核查团提供部队保护。", "我们目前正在与联阿安全部队和非洲联盟高级别执行小组密切合作,就今后的道路提出建议,供安理会审查。 必须指出,联阿安全部队在目前第1990(2011)号决议为其规定的任务之外的任何其他作用都需要修改其任务,以履行这些额外职责。", "在苏丹政府决定不同意联苏特派团继续驻留之后,特派团按照安理会7月11日通过的第1997(2011)号决议的授权开始了清理结束进程。 截至7月9日,特派团已停止行动,并正在努力加快部队、警察和平民的撤离。 虽然特派团计划在安理会规定的两个月时限内撤出所有部队,但我们设想从苏丹撤出所有人员和资产大约六个月。", "在这方面,我们仍然对南科尔多凡州的局势深感关切,那里持续不断的战斗报告表明,平民的生命继续受到威胁。 非洲联盟高级别执行小组和联苏特派团敦促双方同意并执行立即停止敌对行动协定。 然而,尽管6月28日的《框架协定》规定了实现最终政治和安全安排的更广泛途径,但敌对行动仍在继续,人道主义准入极为有限。", "因此,更关键的是,各方立即达成协议,停止南科尔多凡的敌对行动,并走向政治对话,以解决两个州人民的需要和不满。 各方还必须努力解决《全面和平协议》未完成的进程和独立后的问题,包括阿卜耶伊的最后地位、南科尔多凡州和青尼罗州全民协商、石油收入分享、财政过渡安排以及边界安全和划界。 迅速、和平地解决这些问题将在确保两国和整个区域的长期稳定方面发挥关键作用。", "最后,我代表秘书长重申,他祝贺南苏丹共和国独立,并欢迎它成为联合国第193个会员国。", "主席(以英语发言):我感谢勒罗伊先生的通报。", "我现在请南苏丹共和国副总统里克·马查尔·特尼-杜尔贡先生阁下发言。", "马查尔·泰尼-杜尔贡先生: 我非常感谢有机会在这一重要和最吉祥的时刻向安全理事会发言。 首先,我谨向安理会成员转达南苏丹共和国人民和政府的深切感谢,感谢他们刚才建议大会接纳南苏丹共和国为联合国最新会员国(见S/PV.6582)。", "主席先生,我特别感谢你和德国政府支持这一进程并主持这次历史性投票。 我还要赞扬德国作为安全理事会儿童与武装冲突问题工作组主席所作的努力,特别是德国关于儿童兵复员的主张,我们也完全支持这项主张。", "我还要感谢许多已承认南苏丹共和国的安理会成员,并感谢美国和联合王国多年来为安理会审议苏丹局势提供了指导。", "根据安理会主席2011年7月9日给秘书长的信(S/2011/418,附件),南苏丹共和国接受了《联合国宪章》规定的义务,并承诺履行这些义务。 南苏丹共和国将是国际社会负责任的成员,并将尊重其根据国际法承担的义务。 我们正在努力尽快加入所有有关国际公约和条约,尤其是与人权有关的公约和条约。", "我国政府仍然完全致力于全面和最终执行《全面和平协定》,特别是在阿卜耶伊和边界方面。 在这个重要关头,我要借此机会向所有为谈判和签署《全面和平协议》作出贡献的人表示真诚的感谢,其中包括美国、肯尼亚、埃塞俄比亚、联合王国、挪威和许多其他国家,当然包括联合国本身。", "《全面和平协议》的执行进程涉及许多挑战,我们感谢塔博·姆贝基总统、梅莱斯·泽纳维总理和秘书长特别代表海尔·门克里欧斯等为支持这一进程所做的不懈努力。 我们还感谢潘基文秘书长始终注重全面执行《全面和平协定》。", "我们感谢安全理事会成员建立联合国阿卜耶伊临时安全部队(联阿安全部队),并感谢埃塞俄比亚政府承诺派遣部队执行这一任务。 我们呼吁迅速部署他们。", "需要执行双方关于阿卜耶伊的临时安排的协议。 我们还呼吁安理会确保苏丹共和国和苏丹人民解放运动-北方在亚的斯亚贝巴签署的这两个地区的政治和安全路线图得到充分执行。", "我们也感谢安理会通过第1990(2011)号决议,授权在南苏丹设立一个新的巩固和平特派团。 我们期待着与秘书长特别代表希尔德·约翰逊女士就联合国在我国的存在方式密切合作。", "我们最深切、最真诚地希望迅速、和平地解决南北之间所有悬而未决的问题。 我们仍然致力于通过对话和本着合作精神解决我们的分歧,我们欢迎非洲联盟高级别执行小组在这方面的支持。 特别是,我们必须商定继续合作的机制、剩余的五个有争议的边界地区、共同边界的划界和互利管理以及阿卜耶伊的最终地位。 我们还将继续与苏丹共和国合作,确保为达尔富尔、南科尔多凡州和青尼罗州人民伸张正义。 如果没有在这两个地区和达尔富尔建立新的政治体制,以及充分执行《阿卜耶伊议定书》,苏丹或南苏丹就不可能实现稳定。", "我们的根本希望和愿望是看到苏丹和南苏丹这两个邻国之间的和平共处。 我们将努力建设一个我们两国能够合作合作、和平共处和相互支持的未来。", "在国内,我们必须首先履行提供安全和扩大法治的责任,我们欢迎新的联合国特派团在这方面的支持。 我们对民主、多元化、包容性、法治以及思想、信仰和言论自由作出了庄严承诺。 我们将拥护容忍和团结。 我们新的永久宪法将满足我们所有人民的愿望。", "我们现在完全致力于建设我们国家的任务。 我们感谢安全理事会成员继续关注和关心我国,关心我国公民,致力于本地区的和平与安全。 我们期待着今后继续与安理会所有成员密切合作。", "主席(以英语发言):我现在请苏丹代表发言。", "奥斯曼先生(苏丹)(以阿拉伯语发言): 我赞扬我的兄弟南苏丹共和国副总统雷克·马查尔·泰尼-杜尔贡先生以及我的兄弟们代表团成员、部长和安全理事会成员代表。 首先,我要向南苏丹共和国代表团团长表示极大的敬意和赞赏,并对南苏丹的独立表示祝贺。 正如苏丹总统巴希尔阁下在庆祝南苏丹独立期间在朱巴发表的历史性讲话中指出的那样,", "“我们同南方的兄弟姐妹一起参加这个愉快的场合,是庆祝稳定和团结、我们最珍视的共同价值观、我们的创始人和非洲解放领导人的努力,他们为实现非洲团结的梦想而努力。 这一机会证实,统一不是通过武力或战争实现的。 必须尊重南方各国人民的意愿。 “", "这些是我们接受南方自决权和努力加强和平关系的原则。 苏丹是最早承认1月份全民投票结果的国家之一,我们也是第一个承认7月8日在喀土穆正式宣布的新南苏丹国的国家。 根据共和国总统在朱巴的讲话中概述的四项原则,我们现在处于和平共处和睦邻关系的状态:", "“我们近年来取得的成就反映了我们对和平和尊重《全面和平协定》的共同承诺。 该协定必须得到尊重和保护,通过睦邻友好关系维持和巩固和平,尊重我们在贸易和经济关系中的共同利益,并培养我们共同的心理纽带。 “", "最后,我们要再次祝贺我们在南苏丹共和国的兄弟姐妹,并重申我们共同有责任保障两国繁荣繁荣的未来。 我还要借此机会向所有国际伙伴——非洲联盟、阿拉伯国家联盟、欧洲联盟、联合国和安全理事会——表示感谢,它们为我们提供了慷慨援助,使我们能够实现《全面和平协定》的目标。 我还要感谢塔博·姆贝基总统领导的非洲联盟高级别执行小组和海尔·门克里欧斯先生所做的工作。", "我还要预测,在即将到来的时间里,南苏丹将出现新的动力,发挥其先锋作用,并作为国际大家庭的一部分作出贡献,高举头像。 我们向国际社会保证,我们将努力加强基于共同利益的关系。 我们自豪地履行了我们对南方兄弟姐妹的承诺,我们请国际社会重新考虑总体局势。 我们呼吁欧洲联盟和美国帮助南苏丹共和国。 翻过一页,留下了过去的苦痛和战争.", "与此同时,在我们努力加强各国之间的信任和互惠时,必须履行和落实过去作出的承诺。 我们希望,所有承诺都将得到履行。 在这方面,我们呼吁结束单方面制裁,免除债务,向冲突地区提供援助。", "最后,我们愿向南方的兄弟姐妹们保证,我们已经超越了过去战争和痛苦的历史。 我们现在期待着一个我们将合作的未来,以见证我们的共同遗产和历史,从而保障未来。 分离不是断开。 把我们联系在一起的联系比以往任何时候都更加牢固,我们将与南苏丹的兄弟姐妹一道努力,实现繁荣,建立新的国家,并确保北方和南方人民的繁荣。 我们都是苏丹人。 正如我们在苏丹所说的,当一个家庭变得更大时,它就生活在一个以上的房子里。 现在我们有两所房子——一所在北方,一所在南方。", "主席(以英语发言):我现在请安理会成员发言。", "阿尔卡拉伊先生(波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那): 主席先生,首先请允许我感谢你和德国代表团发起这次重要辩论。 我感谢潘基文秘书长的讲话。 我还要感谢阿兰·勒罗伊副秘书长的富有洞察力的通报。 我们欢迎南苏丹共和国副总统里克·马查尔·特尼-杜尔贡先生阁下和苏丹共和国常驻联合国代表达法-阿拉·哈格·阿里·奥斯曼大使阁下与会。", "我要同其他人一道祝贺南苏丹政府和人民获得独立并组成一个新的国家南苏丹共和国。 南苏丹共和国是南苏丹人民的愿望和意志的结果,南苏丹人民根据结束非洲最长内战的《全面和平协定》,在今年1月的全民投票中行使了自决权。 新国家象征着他们决心管理自己的未来,建设一个成功和繁荣的国家。", "南苏丹共和国同其旅程开始时的每一个新国家一样,需要国际社会的充分支持,这种支助应当以当地的实际需要和条件为基础。 与此同时,波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那坚信,国际援助必须伴随着强有力的国家所有权,特别是在能力建设和经济发展方面。", "考虑到南苏丹共和国政府要求在宣布独立后联合国继续驻留,必须尽早在南苏丹当局和联合国之间建立有效的伙伴关系,以便更有效地执行建设和平与稳定这一复杂任务。 显然,这需要长期承诺,其中国际社会和联合国系统必须确保向南苏丹提供支助的充足资源。", "波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那完全支持设立联合国南苏丹共和国特派团(南苏丹特派团)。 我们深信,特派团将在其任务范围内,为稳定和巩固国家作出重大贡献。 我们要鼓励南苏丹特派团与非洲联盟、非洲开发银行、欧洲联盟和世界银行密切合作和协调,协助南苏丹共和国加强其能力,并支持为长期稳定和南苏丹的经济、政治和社会发展进行必要的改革。", "至于作为次区域稳定基石的南苏丹共和国和苏丹之间的关系,两国应继续致力于和平解决未决问题。 未来双边关系的性质将直接取决于未决问题的解决。 在这方面,我们呼吁南苏丹共和国政府和苏丹政府继续承诺进行谈判,并为它们之间的友好和活跃关系奠定基础。 生活在和平与安全之中的两个可行和繁荣的国家将大大有助于整个区域的稳定和经济发展。", "此外,我们深信,每一个未决问题都应在相互理解和尊重双方利益的基础上解决。 边界两边人民在日常生活中的相互联系,决定了南苏丹共和国和苏丹之间的积极合作。 因此,相互信任和真诚合作必须是未来双边关系的关键因素。", "从区域角度看,重要的是,南苏丹共和国从一开始就与邻国进行建设性接触,以解决次区域和平与安全面临的主要威胁。 协调该区域各国的活动将大大有助于巩固和平和预防冲突,并对应对跨界挑战,包括武器贩运和非法武装团体的活动至关重要。 国际社会还必须支持苏丹和南苏丹共和国的发展,认为这是非洲这一地区稳定的一个重要因素。", "最后,我要呼吁国际社会和会员国支持南苏丹共和国人民努力应对巩固和平、建设国家和为本国社会经济发展奠定基础等现有挑战。", "帕特里奥塔先生(巴西): 主席先生,请允许我对看到你在7月份主持安理会工作表示满意。 我还要祝贺你推动本次历史性会议讨论关于接纳南苏丹共和国加入联合国的建议。 我感谢潘基文秘书长的发言和阿兰·勒罗伊副秘书长的通报,并向南苏丹共和国副总统里克·马查尔·特尼-杜贡先生阁下和苏丹共和国常驻代表阿里·奥斯曼大使阁下表示热烈问候。", "巴西表示支持南苏丹申请加入联合国,重申其与非洲的历史和文化联系,以及对该大陆的经济、社会和政治发展的承诺。 我们期待着促进与南苏丹当局和人民的牢固关系,我们认为这将给我们两国带来好处。 巴西愿意在可能有助于南苏丹可持续发展的领域与南苏丹合作。", "7月9日在朱巴举行的独立日仪式上,主管非洲事务的副秘书长迪尔马·鲁塞夫总统的官方代表访问了那里,同一天我们两国建立了外交关系,这是一个重要的步骤。 我们的代表荣幸地参加了一次历史性活动,这反映了南苏丹人民在庆祝来之不易的建设更光明未来的机会时的自信。", "我荣幸地在联合国、包括安理会发挥重要作用之际在安全理事会发言。 这一成就的基础是,在该区域,包括苏丹和南苏丹,参与往往具有创造性和勇气的工作。 我特别回顾苏丹生命线行动,该行动为成千上万需要帮助的平民提供了救济。 正如巴西所理解的那样,这一行动是保护责任概念的一个持久范例,从更广泛的角度看待,不一定涉及军事手段。", "2005年3月,当联合国苏丹特派团(见S/PV.5151)成立,协助各方执行《全面和平协定》时,巴西主持了安理会的工作。 最近,也是在巴西担任主席期间,安理会举行了一次会议,欢迎和平举行全民投票,南苏丹人民选择建立一个独立国家(见S/PV.6468)。", "今天,我们开会庆祝这项决定的执行。 首先,必须赞扬《全面和平协定》的双方。 南苏丹共和国和苏丹共和国当局和人民表现出政治勇气,为这一时刻而努力。 事实证明,那些认为他们不能为共同目标而共同努力的人是错误的。 他们提醒安理会,它能够通过谈判达成外交解决办法,有效地履行《宪章》规定的职责。", "我们还必须承认非洲联盟和政府间发展管理局在早期谈判中所发挥的领导作用。 非洲联盟已经证明,它有能力让行动者参与一个复杂、漫长的进程,这一进程考验了非洲联盟各机构的复原力。 我们认为,非洲联盟是政治协调和一体化的典范,为世界其他地区提供了重要的教训。 在南美洲,南美洲国家联盟的成员,包括我国巴西,当然正在注意非洲的例子。", "许多其他国际行动者,包括非政府组织,为执行《全面和平协议》,特别是全民投票和向独立的南苏丹过渡作出了贡献,值得赞扬。", "在我们庆祝南苏丹独立时,我们决不能忘记前面仍然有许多挑战。 巴西大力鼓励双方领导人通过和平手段解决其剩余的分歧,并将其长期利益置于其他考虑之上。", "我们鼓励各方加倍努力,就所有未决问题,特别是阿卜耶伊的最后地位、解决南北边界、财富分享安排以及立即无条件停止南科尔多凡的敌对行动等问题达成协议。", "巴西认为,民主改革苏丹的愿景能够继续激励两国。 南苏丹领导人为争取自治进行了长期斗争,他们肯定会看到确保这一成就转化为改善全体南苏丹人的政治参与和改善条件的重要性。", "正如安全理事会2月11日指出的那样(见S/PRST/2011/4),安全与发展是密切相关和相辅相成的,有利于实现持久和平。 由于苏丹和南苏丹继续面临建国的挑战,国际社会应增加对朱巴和喀土穆的支持。", "我们高兴地注意到,经济及社会理事会和建设和平委员会已开始考虑如何最好地援助苏丹人民。 我们还感到高兴的是,设立联合国南苏丹共和国特派团的第1996(2011)号决议设想了我刚才提到的主席声明中所要求的对冲突后国家的协调一致和综合支助,我有幸在主席声明通过期间主持了安理会。", "我还必须提及任命希尔德·约翰逊女士为秘书长特别代表一事,我认为,鉴于她的广泛经验,她特别适合提供专门知识和领导。", "巴西鼓励尚未这样做的国家采取步骤,使与苏丹的经济关系正常化。 我们支持减免债务的呼吁。 我们还敦促所有发展伙伴加强双边和多边支助。 就印度、巴西和南非集团而言,这三个国家正在谈判三个合作项目,我们认为这些项目将有益于南苏丹人民。 我们各国还打算在印巴南基金框架内与苏丹合作。", "作为巴西重新与非洲大陆接触的一部分,我们与苏丹共和国的关系在过去几年中得到加强。 旨在开发国家在农业领域潜力的双边合作项目和私人伙伴关系正在取得令人印象深刻的成果。 2009年,苏丹成为该区域第一个使用巴西技术生产和出口乙醇的国家。 其他有前途的项目涉及棉花和大豆。", "我们还相信,农业能够在南苏丹的未来发挥关键作用。 我们都知道,该国在土地、气候、水和人力资源方面有着巨大潜力。 在我们的双边会议上,南苏丹当局表示农业将是一个优先事项。 鉴于两国的潜力,促进苏丹和南苏丹农村发展的努力可以使整个非洲东北部受益,因为非洲的粮食安全仍然是一个挑战,从而产生一系列积极的经济和社会附带利益。", "南苏丹的独立是一个事件,它激发了我们来尊重和钦佩的非洲精神的许多特点:毅力、勇气和智慧。 随着新国家踏上为其应得人民建设一个自由、民主、繁荣与和平家园的征程,南苏丹将需要联合国及其各会员国的积极支持。 巴西期待着在这一进程中发挥作用。", "拉德贝先生(南非): 我们欢迎联合国秘书长潘基文先生阁下出席本次历史性会议,并感谢他的发言。 我们还感谢主管维持和平行动副秘书长阿兰·勒罗伊先生的通报。 我们欢迎南苏丹共和国副总统里克·马查尔·特尼-杜尔贡先生阁下和苏丹共和国常驻代表奥斯曼大使阁下的发言。", "我们代表南非政府和人民祝贺南苏丹政府和人民于2011年7月9日获得独立。 这确实是非洲大陆和南苏丹人民争取自决斗争的一个历史性时刻。 多年来,南非人民根据我们自己的历史,认同南苏丹人民对独立、自由、正义和自决的愿望和愿望。", "7月9日,南非政府正式承认南苏丹共和国为主权独立国家. 我们希望,南苏丹的独立将激励全球数百万继续遭受占领和殖民主义苦难的被压迫人民。", "2005年《全面和平协定》的签署是南苏丹人民争取自由斗争和国际社会和平结束苏丹冲突努力中的一项重大成就。 2010年4月举行选举,2011年1月举行全民投票,是执行《全面和平协定》的重要里程碑。 我们赞扬苏丹和南苏丹领导人在成功执行《全面和平协议》这些关键支柱方面的承诺和伙伴关系。", "7月9日这一天将是世界目睹苏丹人生活中最痛苦的篇章之一被关闭的重要一天。 这一天同样标志着随着南苏丹成为一个新的独立主权国家,充满了希望和期望的新开端。 这一成就是对已故的约翰·加朗先生的敬意,他曾经说过:", "“我和那些与我一起在灌木丛中战斗了20多年的人为你们带来了《全面和平协定》。 我们的任务完成了。 现在轮到你了,特别是那些没有机会体验丛林生活的人”。", "我们特别赞扬这位伟大的非洲革命者,他不幸没有与他的同胞们一起活下来,庆祝在执行《全面和平协定》方面的这一里程碑。", "我们祝贺巴希尔总统和萨尔瓦·基尔·马亚尔迪特总统在《全面和平协议》签署以来的六年中表现出杰出的领导才能。 我们欢迎两位总统在独立当天在朱巴所作的发言。 这些积极的声明为两个主权和独立国家之间的和解和加强双边关系带来了希望和良好的预兆,这两个国家受到共同历史的约束,并与邻国有着共同的命运。", "南非认识到新国家诞生后立即面临的多种挑战。 南苏丹是世界上最不发达和贫穷的国家之一。 然而,我们确信,南苏丹人民在争取独立的斗争中表现出的同样程度的勇气和勇气将使他们在寻求应对仍然摆在面前的所有社会经济挑战时站得住脚。", "在政治方面,《全面和平协议》仍有一些关键未决问题需要解决。 其中包括阿卜耶伊的最终地位以及南科尔多凡州和青尼罗州的持续紧张局势。 我们不应让这些未决问题逆转迄今取得的进展。", "南非欢迎苏丹政府和苏丹人民解放运动签署的《阿卜耶伊地区临时行政和安全安排协定》,该协定为安全理事会部署联合国阿卜耶伊临时安全部队铺平了道路。 然而,我们要强调,解决阿卜耶伊问题将大大有助于巩固苏丹两国的和平与稳定。 在这方面,我们鼓励双方就阿卜耶伊问题达成持久协议,并解决南科尔多凡州和青尼罗州的局势。", "我们感到鼓舞的是,双方坚定承诺并渴望就所有这些有关的未决问题达成协议。 我们认识到成功解决这些问题将对为和平共处和睦邻友好奠定基础产生积极影响。 我们将继续支持在姆贝基总统领导下的非洲联盟高级别执行小组努力协助两国毫不拖延地解决所有未决问题。", "苏丹共和国是第一个承认南苏丹共和国独立的国家,这一事实不仅是象征性的,而且是兄弟情谊和友谊的又一善意姿态。 今年1月,非洲联盟国家元首和政府首脑通过了一项庄严声明,向苏丹人民表示他们和整个非洲大陆的声援,苏丹人民采取了前所未有的慷慨步骤,接受兄弟的自决。 宣言进一步指出,非洲有理由期待国际社会和苏丹共和国之间的关系正常化,以确保苏丹所有人民都能享有和平、尊严、民主和发展。", "我们怎么强调联合国,特别是安全理事会、非洲联盟、政府间发展管理局和整个国际社会在实现苏丹持久和平与稳定方面所发挥的作用都不过分。 南非谨呼吁参与这些努力的所有各方在南苏丹人民踏上建国之旅时继续与他们并肩作战,并声援苏丹共和国应对新邻国的出现所造成的新现实。", "在这方面,南非欢迎安理会上周通过的第1996(2011)号决议,该决议设立了新的联合国南苏丹共和国特派团。 我们对新特派团的综合性质感到特别高兴,其重点是建设和平以及在自主原则基础上支持发展。 特派团将在支持新国家为可持续发展奠定基础方面发挥重要作用。", "就我们而言,南非将继续利用我们掌握的手段,协助在过去五年技术能力建设方案的基础上再接再厉。 南苏丹和苏丹共和国的姐妹人民可以继续依靠我们的支持,帮助在非洲大陆这一地区建立和巩固持久和平与稳定。 我们与印度、巴西、印度和巴西的印度、巴西、苏丹和南苏丹伙伴一道,承诺通过印度、巴西、苏丹和南苏丹减贫基金调动我们自己的资源,支持苏丹和南苏丹的发展项目。", "最后,我们坚信,解决苏丹冲突将大大有助于全面解决非洲大陆的所有冲突。 在这方面,我们赞扬由我国前总统塔博·姆贝基领导的非洲联盟高级别执行小组所做的出色工作。 我们还赞扬我们自己的一位同胞、秘书长特别代表海尔·门克里欧斯出色地履行职责。 我们感谢自联合国苏丹特派团首次部署以来在该特派团服务的男女人员。 尽管他们在艰苦和富有挑战性的条件下服务,但他们致力于和平与稳定的崇高事业,有时作出最终牺牲。", "我对南苏丹人民说:“你的时间确实到了。 现在轮到你了”。", "赖斯女士(美利坚合众国)(以英语发言):上星期六,我非常荣幸地率领美国代表团前往朱巴庆祝南苏丹独立。 今天真是令人感动 经过半个世纪的战争,南苏丹共和国牺牲了200多万人的生命,现在终于可以决定自己的未来。 美国向南苏丹人民的勇气和牺牲表示敬意,他们从未放弃希望。", "在这么多年的激烈冲突之后,南苏丹通过全民投票和平、民主地实现了独立,这是使世界上最新的国家诞生的令人鼓舞的方式。 我欢迎马查尔副总统,并向南苏丹共和国人民表示祝贺。 我们感到高兴的是,马查尔·特尼-杜尔贡副总统在此代表他的新政府出席安全理事会一致建议接纳他的国家为联合国第193个会员国的会议。 我们还赞扬苏丹政府决定成为第一个承认南苏丹独立的国家。 我们欢迎为在苏丹和南苏丹之间建立植根于相互尊重与合作、加强两国生存能力、安全和繁荣的关系而作出的一切努力。 通过继续走和平道路,苏丹政府可以重新确定与国际社会的关系,并确保其人民有一个更加光明的未来。", "安全理事会继续充分参与帮助两国实现和平与稳定的共同目标。 7月8日,安理会一致授权设立新的联合国南苏丹共和国特派团(南苏丹特派团)。 南苏丹特派团将协助政府建设一个新国家,包括在建设和平、发展、安全和保护问题上。", "但是,众所周知,这一充满希望的时刻也是脆弱的和充满活力的。 苏丹和南苏丹必须努力工作,以确保持久和平和两个有生存能力的国家作为和平邻国共存。 两国必须与非盟高级别执行小组合作,迅速解决所有未决问题。 双方如果要建立持久和平,就必须最终确定边界、公民身份、石油和其他问题方面的安排。", "阿卜耶伊地位的永久解决仍然遥不可及。 尽管《阿卜耶伊地区临时行政和安全安排协议》以及即将部署联合国阿卜耶伊临时安全部队,阿卜耶伊的局势仍然极为动荡。 估计仍有10万人流离失所。 与此同时,苏丹武装部队与苏丹人民解放军(苏人解)北区部队之间的残酷战斗使南科尔多凡州70 000多人流离失所。 苏丹军队正在继续和加强空袭,造成平民死亡。", "6月28日,苏丹政府和苏人解北方商定南科尔多凡州和青尼罗州政治和安全原则框架,但苏丹政府对该协定的承诺已动摇。 双方必须立即同意停止敌对行动。 必须停止暴力、侵犯人权和蓄意阻挠人道主义机构进入。", "鉴于南科尔多凡州持续的敌对行动和虐待行为以及邻近的青尼罗州的脆弱性,我们对苏丹政府决定迫使联合国离开这两个州深感遗憾。 应允许联合国维持在这些地区的存在,以帮助分发人道主义援助、保护平民和执行任何停止敌对行动协定。", "挑战是巨大的,但绝不是无法克服的。 安全理事会已尽其所能支持这一进程,安理会和我国政府将继续在这一关键时刻和今后大力支持南苏丹共和国。", "我国的历史告诉我们,实现自由和使所有公民真正实现自由的承诺需要道德勇气,我们了解到这项工作从未完成。 我们对南苏丹人民充满信心。 我们期望,他们将建立一个为所有人的利益和该区域稳定而努力的政府,从而建立一个加强这一主权国家共同体的国家。", "正如我星期六在朱巴所说的那样,一个从冲突中诞生的国家不需要生活在冲突中。 本着这一精神,美国满怀希望地支持南苏丹申请加入联合国。 我们期待着欢迎南苏丹。", "杜伊莱先生(法国)(以法语发言): 安全理事会今天正处于一个历史性时刻。 我们建议接纳一个新的会员国加入联合国,从而使它达到193个。", "南苏丹的独立是非洲历史上的一个重要事件。 这是50年战争的积极结果,战争给苏丹所有人民带来巨大痛苦,并导致数百万人死亡。 现在对和平抱有很大的希望,这表明谈判和对话比武器和军事对抗更有效。", "非洲国家的这一新诞生是非殖民化时期以来的第一次。 这代表了整个苏丹人民的成功,当然也代表了南苏丹人民的成功,他们在1月份一致投票支持独立。 这对北方政府和南方政府来说也是成功的,尽管遇到困难,南方政府还是执行了2005年《全面和平协定》。 最后,它给国际社会带来了宽慰,国际社会从未动摇过对这一进程的支持,现在看到重新开始的可能性。 我要在此强调姆贝基总统和秘书长特别代表门克里欧斯先生所作的杰出贡献。", "法国为这些努力投入了大量资金。 它支持奈瓦沙进程,该进程导致2005年签署了《全面和平协议》。 它投票赞成执行决议时通过的各项决议,它从未停止与北方和南方的对话,特别是当《全面和平协议》各方的讨论速度放慢时。 我们与非洲联盟和欧洲联盟(欧盟)所有成员国同时承认这个新国家,并于7月9日与它建立了外交关系。", "法国将与南苏丹站在一起,确保这个新国家融入国际社会和联合国内部,并融入其区域环境和多边金融机构。", "为了南苏丹和苏丹发展和建立和谐关系,仍有若干挑战有待应对。 两国必须完成悬而未决的谈判,同时与南苏丹当局一道确保保护平民。 联合国南苏丹共和国特派团(南苏丹特派团)将支持南苏丹履行其职责。 我们完全支持约翰逊女士执行这项任务。", "在北部,某些地区,如南科尔多凡州和青尼罗州,仍然令人关切。 我们希望苏丹同意国际社会在那里的存在。 在南方,必须实现民族和解,必须确保所有居民的安全。 我们必须从战争年代的集中逻辑走向多元民主,建设必要的基础设施和机构,使人民摆脱贫困。", "必须通过民主机构和平解决今天仍在以武力解决的冲突。 为此,必须建立各种框架;必须培养后代管理国家;必须建立强有力的机构。 消除苏丹和南苏丹的有罪不罚现象,对于稳定公民之间以及公民与其当局之间的关系至关重要。 在这方面,法国打算与欧盟及其主要伙伴协调,利用所有合作工具,支持这一新的国家。", "我们今天非常高兴地欢迎南苏丹成为国际社会的一员。 这不仅是一场漫长斗争的结束,而且也是法国与国际社会其他成员一道继续提供支持的旅程的开始。", "博格丹诺夫先生(俄罗斯联邦)(以俄语发言): 请允许我祝贺里克·马查尔·特尼-杜尔贡副总统阁下,并通过他祝贺南苏丹人民宣布独立,建立一个独立主权国家。", "关于南苏丹国的地位,俄罗斯坚持其基本立场。 在全民投票之前,我们早就说过,我们将支持苏丹南部人民的主权意愿。 鉴于问题的复杂性,俄罗斯不向任何一方施加任何压力,认为国家的命运应由本国人民决定。", "俄罗斯联邦宣布承认这个新国家——南苏丹共和国。 总体而言,苏丹各方能够以和平和文明的方式监督曾经是非洲最大国家的分裂。 苏丹和南苏丹领导人一贯表现出必要的政治意愿,以解决两国在执行《全面和平协定》的艰难道路上存在的重大分歧。 因此,他们能够成功地执行该协定所载的大部分内容。", "我们认为,南苏丹建国方面的主要挑战是喀土穆和朱巴之间关系方面的未决问题,这方面有许多包袱,阿卜耶伊地区地位问题仍然存在争议;这些问题现在处于州际层面。 我们期望,在新的历史气氛中,两国领导人将承担起对其人民命运和繁荣的责任,并将通过谈判进程从政治上解决有争议的问题。", "就解决阿卜耶伊以及青尼罗州和南科尔多凡州未来地位达成的安排应有助于加强新出现的积极势头,为此,非洲联盟必须继续进行调解努力。", "国际社会需要为南苏丹的建国提供更多援助,以便建立有效的治理机构,应对日益增加的国内威胁和安全挑战,解决经济和社会问题,并建立适当的人权制度。", "安全理事会设立的联合国南苏丹共和国特派团将在帮助该国实现稳定方面发挥重要作用。 在这方面,我们认为,南苏丹政府对加强该国和平和推动建设和平负有主要责任。", "我们还在考虑为南苏丹共和国提供更多的经济刺激,考虑到一个国家的分裂总是相当痛苦,伴随着一些新的国内问题。 我们从自己的历史经验中知道这一点。", "俄罗斯联邦打算加强俄罗斯-苏丹在所有领域的合作,包括我们关系中普遍存在的建设性和有利气氛。", "南苏丹获得国家主权为在公平对话和尊重该国主权的原则基础上发展俄罗斯-南苏丹关系开辟了道路。 我们的立场是,我们各国之间真正务实的伙伴关系将是巩固非洲大陆稳定与安全的一个重要因素。 我们准备与南苏丹共和国建立外交关系。 我们期望在不久的将来就此进行实质性谈判。", "最后,我们要表示,我们相信,南苏丹领导人将根据维护和加强中非和东非和平的利益,成功地与苏丹共和国和其他非洲国家建立睦邻关系。 俄罗斯联邦希望看到该地区局势全面正常化,该地区经历了一段旷日持久的冲突,并正在逐步走向稳定。 这是俄罗斯领导人的努力及其外交的目标。", "贝林汉姆先生(联合王国): 主席先生,我要感谢你召集这次重要辩论。 我还要祝贺德国在本月份出色地主持了安全理事会的工作。", "我还要感谢勒罗伊副秘书长的发言和联合国为支持苏丹全国的和平所做的不懈努力。 我还要感谢马查尔·特尼-杜尔贡副总统和奥斯曼大使的发言,他们在发言中重申致力于两国之间的良好关系,两国的未来密切相关。 我对苏丹代表刚才所说的南北之间有着同样牢固的联系感到特别印象深刻,因为他们都是苏丹人。", "7月9日,南苏丹诞生,这对新诞生的国家和苏丹共和国都是历史性事件。 联合王国外交大臣威廉·海牙同来自世界各地的同事一道,出席了朱巴会议,与大家分享这一愉快的时刻。", "作为2005年《全面和平协定》的见证,联合王国见证了结束50年痛苦内战的政治家风度。 自那时起,作为安全理事会成员,我们大家目睹了双方表现出的领导才能,双方就南苏丹的未来举行了和平的全民投票,使我们参加了今天的这次重要会议。", "联合王国和联合国随时准备协助新的南苏丹国为人民提供安全和繁荣。 我们认识到,对于等待如此之久的人来说,实现更美好生活的希望是十分需要的,也是很短的时间。", "设立联合国南苏丹共和国特派团将与联合国大家庭和国际社会合作,支持南苏丹政府,这表明我们对南苏丹人民的集体承诺。", "联合王国同样致力于协助苏丹政府为其人民提供安全和繁荣,包括参与解决苏丹国家债务问题,并支持联合国维持和平和向苏丹提供发展援助。", "但是,尽管我们承认苏丹和南苏丹在和平分离方面所取得的非凡成就,对其人民至关重要的许多问题仍未得到解决,包括公民身份、财富和石油分享以及划界。 正如其他发言者所强调的那样,必须毫不拖延地解决这些问题。 因此,我欢迎两国政府承诺在非洲联盟高级别执行小组的支持下,在前总统姆贝基的出色领导下,紧急进行谈判。 在这方面,我还欢迎联合国打算就双方6月29日边界管理协议的执行情况和联合国阿卜耶伊特派团的作用向安全理事会提供咨询意见。", "在我们开会庆祝南苏丹和苏丹之间的友谊时,我特别关切阿卜耶伊和南科尔多凡人民,他们继续遭受冲突和流离失所的痛苦。 在阿卜耶伊,正如其他一些发言者所表明,有113 000多人流离失所。 鉴于降雨情况,至关重要的是,在即将部署联合国阿卜耶伊临时安全部队的支持下,全面执行《阿卜耶伊临时安排协定》,以便流离失所者能够返回家园。", "在南科尔多凡州,持续战斗和阻碍向有需要的人口提供人道主义援助是完全不能接受的。 联合王国还深感关切的是,有报告称,在这场持续的冲突中,不断发生侵犯人权和违反国际人道主义法的行为,包括空中轰炸、法外处决、强迫流离失所以及任意逮捕和拘留。 我们毫无保留地谴责这种持续不断的暴力,并呼吁苏丹政府和苏丹人民解放运动-北方同意立即停火。", "此外,我们敦促苏丹政府立即在南科尔多凡州全境全面允许人道主义准入。 我们重申,我们对联合国苏丹特派团的撤出感到关切。 不幸的是,现在比以往任何时候都更需要该特派团保护平民和确保人道主义准入的任务。 在阿卜耶伊和南科尔多凡州,各方必须紧急努力,找到将当地居民的利益放在核心位置的持久解决办法。", "在达尔富尔也迫切需要一项全面和平协定。 我们仍然对安全和人道主义局势不断恶化深感不安,并敦促所有各方立即停火,努力为和平取得成功创造必要条件。", "苏丹和南苏丹都面临巨大挑战。 另一方面,正如苏丹大使指出的那样,合作改变所有苏丹人生活的机会同样巨大。 在过去一年中,安理会一直不懈地支持和平,它的目标仍然是支持苏丹和南苏丹实现稳定和繁荣,使两个和平和经济上成功的国家在友谊中毗邻共存。 他们对其人民的未来负有主要责任。 因此,我们敦促两国政府现在表现出领导才能,履行《全面和平协议》和上星期六的历史性事件。", "最后,我谨祝贺马查尔·特尼-杜尔贡副总统就安理会的建议,即大会应欢迎南苏丹成为联合国最新会员国,与苏丹和所有会员国合作,维护联合国的主要价值观和原则,包括和平、容忍、法治、透明度和问责制。 我相信,南苏丹将维护这些价值观,从而自豪地在国际社会中占据其位置。", "布雷特斯·佩雷拉先生(葡萄牙): 我首先代表葡萄牙赞扬南苏丹共和国的独立,并欢迎这个新国家加入独立国家共同体。 我今天特别高兴地在此欢迎里克·马查尔·特尼-杜尔贡副总统阁下和达法-阿拉·奥斯曼大使。", "葡萄牙人民与非洲有着特殊的亲缘关系,由几个世纪的共同历史所形成。 见证新的南苏丹作为一个独立国家进入世界舞台,无疑是我们一个特殊的时刻,标志着我们与南苏丹共和国和苏丹共和国之间关系的新阶段的开始。 葡萄牙期待着继续努力,为两国乃至整个非洲建设一个和平与繁荣的未来。", "葡萄牙前葡萄牙外交部长兼秘书长监测今年1月举行的全民投票的小组成员安东尼奥·蒙泰罗大使出席了在朱巴举行的独立仪式。 在朱巴,蒙泰罗大使转达了葡萄牙共和国总统给南苏丹共和国总统的一封信,表示希望新国家实现和平、稳定和发展。", "我还要借此机会回顾,葡萄牙已经承认南苏丹共和国为一个独立的主权国家,欧洲联盟其他成员国也是如此。 葡萄牙现在期待着与南苏丹共和国建立外交关系。 我们还欢迎苏丹共和国和非洲联盟成员承认这个新国家。", "我还要赞扬苏丹人民的和平决心和他们有秩序地表达意愿。 全民投票是一个里程碑,不仅在执行2005年《全面和平协定》方面,而且在强调苏丹人民希望和平解决其分歧方面。", "请允许我再次表示,我们衷心感谢秘书长及其特别代表海尔·门克里欧斯以及非洲联盟高级别执行小组及其主席塔博·姆贝基总统为帮助诞生这个新国家所做的所有工作和努力。 我们还深切感谢联合国苏丹特派团领导人和维持和平人员在整个进程中提供的宝贵协助,以及他们的奉献和承诺。", "南苏丹共和国的独立只是一个步骤,尽管是重要的一步。 但是,为了实现它带来的期望,必须以紧急和全面的方式处理仍然存在的挑战。 这就是为什么我们鼓励巴希尔总统和萨尔瓦·基尔·马亚尔迪特总统抓住这个机会,不遗余力地解决两国之间的所有未决问题。 正如我们一再指出的那样,为确保这一历史性时刻成为取得持久进展的时刻,需要在最高一级进行对话和作出政治承诺。 因此,我们感到鼓舞的是,两位总统于7月4日在亚的斯亚贝巴举行了关于苏丹问题的政府间发展管理局特别会议,并承诺在7月9日之后继续谈判。", "在这方面,葡萄牙欢迎各方最近在阿卜耶伊临时协议和南北边界地区安全安排方面取得的进展。 关于其他问题的谈判也在继续。 但是,我们必须强调,就阿卜耶伊的最终地位达成协议,并就公民身份、石油资源管理和边境管理等关键问题达成共同谅解,对于确保和平的未来、两国之间的互利关系以及两国的生存能力至关重要。 我们支持建立联合国阿卜耶伊临时安全部队,并同意这样的看法,即北方和南方将在边界问题上受益于联合国的援助。 我们还敦促两位领导人充分利用姆贝基总统领导下的非洲联盟高级别执行小组的斡旋。", "不幸的是,我在前面提到的几个领域所取得的令人鼓舞的进展尚未反映在南科尔多凡州。 与安理会所有成员一样,葡萄牙对目前在该国发生的战斗深感关切,这场战斗正在造成令人震惊和越来越多的流离失所者。 我们谴责人道主义机构无法进入,并敦促所有各方允许它们充分和无条件进入。 我们还呼吁双方贯彻全国大会党和苏丹人民解放运动-北方谈判达成的《政治和安全框架协定》,以找到迅速解决局势的办法,立即停止敌对行动。", "和平与希望应扩大到所有苏丹人,包括达尔富尔人。 因此,我重申葡萄牙致力于改善所有达尔富尔人的生活。", "最后,让我再次强调,两国政府的持续承诺、参与和密切合作精神,对于实现南北双方的和平与繁荣未来都是必不可少的。 国际社会还应在今后仍然困难的时期继续提供两国所需要的支持和鼓励。 在近期内,联合国将继续留在南苏丹,安全理事会确定了新的联合国南苏丹共和国特派团的任务。 正如我们支持和大力鼓励本组织在南方的存在一样,我们将继续支持苏丹共和国认为可能有助于使这一新篇章为其人民同样取得成功的一切努力。", "最后,请允许我向未来的大会第193个会员国表示最良好的祝愿。 我还希望,新的未来将为该地区所有人民带来和平、稳定和繁荣。 事实上,这是将公正地尊重他们过去的痛苦和斗争,同时满足他们对未来的期望和愿望的唯一结果。", "蒙加拉·穆索茨先生(加蓬)(以法语发言): 也请允许我欢迎南苏丹共和国于7月9日宣布独立。 加蓬很高兴在最高一级参加这一历史性事件,特别是阿里·邦戈·翁丁巴先生阁下出席了这一仪式。 我们也正式承认新的南苏丹国。 我欢迎南苏丹共和国副总统和苏丹常驻代表来到会议厅,并感谢他们的发言。", "南苏丹的独立完成了《全面和平协定》的执行,这是苏丹和平进程的基础。 它应该结束导致数百万人死亡和大量人口流离失所的长达几十年的悲惨冲突。", "在苏丹长期努力寻求和平与稳定的过程中,国际社会表现出极大的团结和决心。 安全理事会在旨在持久解决苏丹危机的国际动员中发挥了核心作用,我们还应将各方通过坦率和建设性对话承诺寻求通过谈判政治解决冲突的意愿与这一意愿联系起来。 最近,在阿卜耶伊地区发生暴力事件之后,签署了《阿卜耶伊协定》,确认了这一政治意愿。", "加蓬一贯将对话和政治合作作为其外交的基本价值观,它欢迎这一进展,这应当有利于非洲这个广大区域的和平与稳定。 我国代表团特别赞扬巴希尔总统和萨尔瓦·基尔·马亚尔迪特总统的政治承诺和领导,这对执行《全面和平协定》至关重要。 我们还赞扬联合国、非洲联盟和整个国际社会为促进苏丹和平而进行的动员和正在进行的努力。", "新国家在建国方面面临巨大挑战。 南苏丹基本上必须从安全部门改革和建立民主机构、法治和尊重人权开始。 除此之外,还要发展国家的经济发展,为人民提供基本服务,妥善管理自然资源.", "为此,根据第1996(2011)号决议设立的联合国南苏丹共和国特派团是建设这一新国家进程中的一个基本工具。 新特派团的作用是协助该国加强和平与安全,创造稳定的经济环境。", "对南苏丹共和国诞生的优待不应使我们忽视这样一个事实,即仍然有许多未决问题。 双方尚未就分离后的安排达成协议。 划分两国边界、公民身份和财富分享是必须解决的重要问题。 两国之间的睦邻关系和和平共处将取决于此。", "阿卜耶伊地区的最终地位和南科尔多凡州正在进行的战斗也令人关切。 然而,加蓬特别欢迎苏丹政府和苏丹人民解放运动(北方)在亚的斯亚贝巴举行谈判,导致双方达成政治伙伴关系框架协定,并在青尼罗州和南科尔多凡州建立政治和安全安排。 加蓬敦促双方继续努力,最终解决所有这些未决问题。", "鉴于南苏丹努力建设一个新国家,我们在所有问题上的支持不应减弱。 就加蓬而言,它期待着加强与南苏丹共和国的外交关系。", "哈迪普·辛格·普里先生(印度): 在此历史性时刻,我非常高兴地欢迎里克·马查尔·泰尼-杜尔贡副总统及其代表团其他成员来到安理会。 我还要欢迎巴西、波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那、南非、德国、法国、葡萄牙、俄罗斯联邦和联合王国的部长来到安全理事会。 他们今天来到我们中间,突出表明了我们大家对这一机会的重视。 我要感谢勒罗伊副秘书长和我的同事苏丹常驻代表阿里·奥斯曼先生阁下所作的全面发言。", "六十四年前,印度首任总理潘迪特·贾瓦哈拉尔 尼赫鲁,宣布,", "“当午夜,当世界睡着时,印度将唤醒生命和自由。 当我们从旧时代走向新时代,当一个民族的灵魂长期被压制时,当我们走出旧时代走向新时代,当一个国家的灵魂长期被压制时,我们就会发现自己的话语权”。", "今天,南苏丹人民的呼声在经过长期斗争之后得到了体现,因此,今天是一个充满命运的考验的时刻。", "首先,请允许我转达印度政府对新的南苏丹国的热烈欢迎。 南苏丹于7月9日在和平和透明的全民投票之后诞生,南苏丹人民投票决定组成一个新国家。 我国副总统哈米德·安萨里先生阁下参加了7月9日在朱巴举行的欢乐庆祝活动。", "印度政府赞扬苏丹和南苏丹两国领导人表现出堪称楷模的耐心和成熟性,以便看到《全面和平协定》这一重要里程碑的实现,印度从2005年开始就支持这一里程碑。 因此,我们祝贺双方成功地走到今天。", "印度和苏丹有着最友好的关系。 我们坚定致力于苏丹的发展、和平与繁荣。 正是在这种背景下,印度欢迎过去一年苏丹的事态发展,这些事态发展使和平更接近于这片动荡的土地。 我们尤其欢迎南苏丹成为一个新国家,是国际社会的最新成员,不久成为联合国第193个会员国。", "作为安全理事会成员,我们非常高兴地参与今天通过的第1999(2011)号决议,该决议将导致大会接受安理会关于南苏丹申请加入联合国的建议。 我们期待着南苏丹从明天起作为正式成员加入联合国。", "印度和苏丹有着根深蒂固的联系。 100多年来,印度裔人民使苏丹成为家园。 近10 000名印第安人居住在喀土穆、乌姆杜尔曼、瓦德马达尼和苏丹港。 我们两国之间的经济互动是巨大的,我们的双向贸易额每年约为10亿美元,是非洲国家中最大的。 印度是最早在朱巴开设领事馆的亚洲国家之一. 不久升格为大使馆. 我们期待着在两个苏丹规划其独立命运时,这些关系继续增长和多样化。", "最近双方进行了高级别互访。 这些互动有助于就制定行动方针和今后加强我们与喀土穆和朱巴关系的路线图进行实质性意见交流。 对印度来说,苏丹的两个实体一起仍然是非洲的主要力量和伙伴。 最近在亚的斯亚贝巴举行的印度-非洲论坛首脑会议证明,我们致力于与我们的非洲朋友一道努力促进非洲的集体发展。", "印度是2005年1月订立《全面和平协定》的《奈瓦沙协定》的见证。 我们饶有兴趣地目睹了在执行《全面和平协议》方面取得的进展,并高兴地看到南苏丹独立后取得了《全面和平协议》的一个重要里程碑。 我们相信,《全面和平协议》的未决问题,例如阿卜耶伊的地位等问题,也将由双方本着同样的合作和相互谅解精神加以处理。 在这方面,我们深切赞赏秘书长特别代表门克里欧斯在监督《全面和平协议》的执行和维护该地区和平方面所做的工作。 我们高兴地注意到,双方达成了阿卜耶伊非军事化协议,这表明双方愿意共同推动谈判解决。", "本着看到一个和平与繁荣区域的精神,我们还支持目前为实现苏丹和平所作的一切努力,包括达尔富尔问题。 我们希望这个问题能很快得到解决。 我们感谢卡塔尔国和塔博·姆贝基先生领导的非洲联盟苏丹问题高级别执行小组,他在这方面发挥了非常重要的作用。", "印度是联合国苏丹特派团(联苏特派团)最大的部队派遣国之一,此外,印度警官对联苏特派团和南苏丹政府都作出了显著贡献。", "我们最近认捐500万美元,用于向南苏丹提供发展援助,以及根据我们对非洲和印度-非洲论坛首脑会议方案的援助开展的其他能力建设项目。 苏丹是印度技术和经济合作方案的主要受益者。 为了继续在该方案下与南苏丹接触,最近宣布为南苏丹增加75个职位。 印度在非洲开展的泛非电子网络项目取得了巨大成功。 我们正在考虑将泛非电子网络的整套内容,包括其远程医疗和远程教育部分,扩大到南苏丹。", "正如巴西外交部长已经指出的那样,印度还打算与作为印度、巴西和南非集团一部分的巴西和南非一道,利用印度、巴西和南非基金,开展有利于苏丹和南苏丹人民的项目。", "我们认识到,苏丹和南苏丹在今后几年中将面临巨大挑战,因为它们将规划它们独立的命运。 就印度而言,它准备在双边基础上和在与非洲迅速加强互动的基础上协助这一进程。 我代表印度政府和人民,再次祝贺苏丹和南苏丹两国领导人的政治家风度以及对和平和人民福祉的承诺。 印度随时准备在其进步和繁荣的道路上提供一切可能的援助。", "王民先生(中国): 我感谢德国主动召开今天的会议。 我欢迎南苏丹共和国副总统里克·马查尔·特尼-杜尔贡出席今天的会议。 我也感谢他的发言。 我还要感谢勒罗伊副秘书长和苏丹常驻代表奥斯曼大使的发言。", "7月9日,南苏丹共和国正式宣布成立. 中国政府和人民谨表示热烈祝贺。 他们目前取得的进展是通过大量辛勤努力取得的。 在促进南苏丹和苏丹之间的和平进程和执行《全面和平协定》方面,这两个国家的领导人和人民表现出了非凡的智慧、勇气和坚定不移的意愿。 南苏丹共和国的诞生体现了南苏丹人民的共同愿望和自主选择。 它是苏丹和平进程的主要成果;它将促进该区域的持久和平与稳定,具有重大历史意义。", "中国人民和南苏丹人民有着深厚的传统友谊,共同希望加强友好交流. 南苏丹共和国成立当天,中国国家主席胡锦涛致电祝贺南苏丹共和国总统基尔. 中国已经与南苏丹共和国建立了外交关系,开启了两国关系的新篇章. 中国将在和平共处五项原则的基础上,与南苏丹共和国建立和发展长期,健康,稳定,友好,合作关系.", "中国支持 南苏丹申请加入联合国. 我们期待着南苏丹成为第193个会员国的历史时刻。 我们期待着在联合国框架内加强与南苏丹的全面合作。 我们真诚希望,年轻的南苏丹共和国将继续在国家建设和发展努力中取得新的成就,以便成为维护和平与稳定以及促进共同发展的积极力量。 中国将继续在其能力范围内为南苏丹的发展和重建提供援助。", "南苏丹成立后立即面临许多挑战。 我们呼吁国际社会继续支持南苏丹努力实现政治稳定,并为其经济复苏和发展提供有效援助。 我们支持联合国南苏丹共和国特派团的任务,即加强与南苏丹政府的沟通与合作,协助维护南苏丹的和平与稳定,促进发展。", "苏丹和南苏丹都处于其历史的新阶段。 它们有着共同的历史,它们的经济和文化密切相关,两国的和平与发展也是如此。 两国继续容忍、相互理解和加强合作,是实现和平共处和共同发展的唯一选择。 我们希望两国继续注重全面和平局势和两国人民的福祉,通过对话和谈判找到解决《全面和平协议》未决问题的适当办法。", "中方欢迎非洲联盟在解决苏丹与南苏丹之间未决问题方面的斡旋。 中国支持姆贝基先生领导的非洲联盟高级别执行小组在这方面发挥重要作用。", "苏丹政府表现出促进南北和平进程的政治决心,并在这方面作出了巨大努力。 国际社会应尽快使其与苏丹的关系正常化,使其人民能够早日享有和平、尊严和发展。 我们真诚希望,苏丹和南苏丹在联合国和其他国际伙伴的支持和援助下,将永远成为好邻居、好伙伴和好兄弟。", "奥格武夫人(尼日利亚)(以英语发言):主席先生,尼日利亚非常赞赏你今天对苏丹的特别关注。 贵国对苏丹进程的贡献以及你个人的承诺都得到公认。", "我要欢迎南苏丹共和国副总统里克·马查尔·特尼-杜尔贡先生与会,并感谢他所作的鼓舞人心的评论。 我还欢迎我的同事奥斯曼大使,并感谢他的发言。", "秘书长坚持不懈地寻求和平,副秘书长勒罗伊也坚持不懈地努力实现和平。 请允许我代表尼日利亚联邦政府祝贺萨尔瓦·基尔总统和南苏丹共和国人民最终建国。 我国总统古德勒克·乔纳森在朱巴与南苏丹人民分享了这一历史性时刻,并表达了尼日利亚的声援和坚定支持,因为该国开始了艰巨的建国进程。", "我还要赞扬苏丹领导人迅速承认南苏丹的独立。 苏丹总统和人民表现出了执行《全面和平协定》的勇气和坚定决心。 我们认为,这是国际责任和建立和平方面令人鼓舞的教训。", "7月9日,国际社会高兴地欢迎非洲最新国家南苏丹经过长期斗争的历史性诞生。 我们必须承认新生国家面临的固有挑战,尤其是不安全、体制建设、基础设施和经济发展、政治和社会团结、回返者的融合、履行国际义务以及与邻国,特别是苏丹建立强有力和持久的伙伴关系。", "毫无疑问,确定优先事项和确定战略以应对这些冲突后国家建设挑战的主要责任在于南苏丹政府。 第一,签署新的临时宪法、大赦前武装战斗人员、使经济从石油依赖多样化以及强调基于文化和族裔多样性的统一是朝着正确方向迈出的必要步骤。", "新的南苏丹共和国不仅需要其近邻苏丹的支持,而且需要国际社会的支持。 苏丹和南苏丹之间和平、稳定、公平和互利的关系对国内和平与区域稳定至关重要。 因此,我们欢迎基尔总统和巴希尔总统最近发表声明,重申他们致力于解决《全面和平协议》的所有剩余问题,并为阿卜耶伊、南科尔多凡和青尼罗以及达尔富尔等动荡地区带来和平。 这一承诺不仅将成为两国未来关系的基石,而且应重振在非洲联盟高级别执行小组主持下解决《全面和平协议》所有未决问题的势头。", "尼日利亚对塔博·姆贝基总统领导下的非洲联盟高级别执行小组的成功感到鼓舞。 专家小组仍然是解决全民投票后和《全面和平协议》后所有问题,包括划定南北边界的宝贵机制。 我们欢迎《全面和平协议》各方为解决未决问题所采取的步骤,并期待实现6月20日《协定》、6月28日《框架协定》和6月29日《协定》概述的目标。", "双方还利用该小组探讨分离后的问题,包括公民身份、自由、建立软边界、石油资源、贸易问题和债务减免。 今后几个月将是各国政府在这些协定框架内保护其公民免遭动乱和动乱的能力的第一次考验。 我们呼吁两国政府与联合国维持和平部队合作,不遗余力地争取保障对平民的保护,并允许人道主义援助进入重要地区。 我们注意到,需要与该区域的其他相关行为体合作,即联合国南苏丹特派团(南苏丹特派团)、联合国驻南苏丹国家工作队、非洲联盟-联合国达尔富尔混合行动、联合国阿卜耶伊临时安全部队和联合国组织刚果民主共和国稳定特派团。", "尼日利亚支持建立南苏丹特派团的第1996(2011)号决议,相信其广泛的任务规定体现了我们认为对南苏丹人民最有利的联合国援助的质量。 由于安全与发展密切相关和相辅相成,我们认为它们是实现可持续和平的关键。 维持和平和建设和平任务的两个支柱必须充分发挥作用。", "独立可能付出了巨大代价,但南苏丹共和国的未来将证明这一点。 我们相信,如果从战略上利用我国的人力、文化和经济资源为最高的国家利益服务,这将证明是一项宝贵的投资。", "奥索里奥先生(哥伦比亚)(以西班牙语发言): 在这个对苏丹人民、非洲、联合国和整个国际社会来说具有历史意义的时刻,我首先热烈欢迎南苏丹共和国副总统里克·马查尔·泰尼-杜尔贡先生阁下及其代表团,并通过他转达我们对萨尔瓦·基尔总统的热烈欢迎。", "今天首先是庆祝日,我们作为独立的共和国,欢迎南苏丹加入国际社会。 我谨转达哥伦比亚国家和公民对南苏丹共和国及其当局全体人民的最热烈和最诚挚的祝贺。 为取得这一结果必须走的道路非常艰难,有许多障碍需要克服。 然而,只有通过南苏丹人民实现独立的坚定意愿以及2005年《全面和平协定》各方承认只有通过谈判和民主手段才能实现和平,才能实现这一成就。", "还有必要强调,苏丹当局尊重在《全面和平协定》中作出的承诺,并参加7月9日宣布南苏丹独立的活动,这表明睦邻和区域合作原则将指导两国之间的关系。 我们欢迎奥斯曼大使的积极声明及其政府承认新的南苏丹共和国。", "特别值得注意的是,南苏丹共和国作为一个独立国家的第一天就申请成为联合国会员国,表明它致力于本组织的原则和目标。 这符合以下事实:独立进程是在行使人民自决原则的情况下进行的;今年年初,人民大规模参加了全民投票,其结果和人民在宣布独立期间欢欣鼓舞,就清楚地表明了这一点。", "国际社会必须继续表明其支持南苏丹共和国和创造有利于全体民众繁荣与和平未来的条件的承诺。 我们对建立南苏丹作为独立国家的热情不应使我们忽视政府所面临的巨大挑战。 我们必须认识到,这将需要为其国家机构和当局提供持续和慷慨的支助。", "安全理事会遵循对南苏丹主权、独立、领土完整和国家统一的承诺,并根据国家自主权原则,通过了第1996(2011)号决议,设立了联合国南苏丹共和国特派团,该特派团必须成为支持国家当局履行其主要职责的工具。", "随着南苏丹共和国独立生活的诞生,过渡时期也告结束,尽管《全面和平协定》的重大问题仍有待执行。 解决一系列对双边关系的未来至关重要的问题也是悬而未决的,我的许多同事都提到了这一点。 在这方面,我们呼吁两国坚决承诺达成允许和平和互利关系的协定。", "最后,我要表示赞赏非洲联盟高级别执行小组为执行关于苏丹的建议而发挥的作用。 在塔博·姆贝基总统的领导下,这些建议有助于达成承诺,克服双方之间的困难时刻。 还应强调负责苏丹问题的秘书长特别代表海尔·门克里欧斯先生的工作以及任命希尔德·弗拉菲约尔德·约翰逊女士为负责南苏丹问题的秘书长特别代表,我们祝愿她履行职责取得最大成功。", "我祝愿新的南苏丹共和国好运。", "萨拉姆先生(黎巴嫩)(以阿拉伯语发言): 首先,请允许我欢迎南苏丹共和国副总统里克·马查尔·特尼-杜尔贡先生阁下,并感谢他和阿里·奥斯曼大使的发言和勒罗伊先生的通报。", "过渡时期在几天前结束,从而在20多年的战争、破坏和苦难导致200万人死亡之后,完成了《全面和平协定》大多数条款的执行。", "上星期六在朱巴,全世界目睹了根据1月9日公民投票结果宣布成立南苏丹共和国的盛大庆祝活动。 苏丹总统奥马尔·巴希尔先生带着由此而来的一切伟大象征出席。 积极的气氛是由于《全面和平协定》各方履行了承诺,而且许多区域和国际组织,包括联合国、非洲联盟和阿拉伯国家联盟采取了认真的后续行动。", "我们赞扬各方的努力和巨大牺牲。 今天,我们比以往任何时候都更想强调,对话应该继续下去,关于所有未决问题,包括阿卜耶伊问题的最后解决、分享石油财富、划定边界以及南科尔多凡州和青尼罗州局势的谈判也应该继续下去。", "鉴于将两国人民团结起来的纽带和深刻共同利益,南北关系中的合作是一个关键问题。 因此,需要继续致力于共同努力,这将对该区域的稳定产生积极影响。", "我们还要赞扬联合国苏丹特派团在过去六年中发挥的重要作用。 在这方面,我们欢迎门克里欧斯先生的努力,并向前总统姆贝基和参加苏丹斡旋工作的所有人表示感谢。", "我们现在还要强调非洲联盟-联合国达尔富尔混合行动的重要性以及甘巴里先生和巴索莱先生的努力。 我们感谢卡塔尔国为达尔富尔问题和平谈判所作的努力。 我们呼吁所有各方签署多哈会议的文件,确保执行停火,解决与达尔富尔有关的问题。 这将有助于不仅在苏丹,而且南苏丹建立和平与稳定。", "今天,我们在此联合国论坛祝贺南苏丹通过行使《全面和平协定》和《联合国宪章》第一条第二款规定的以及《经济、社会、文化权利国际公约》和《公民权利和政治权利国际公约》共同第一条所载的自决权,建立了一个独立国家。", "在此基础上,我们希望兄弟的巴勒斯坦人民在国际社会的支持下,实现其自决权,并在其国家领土上行使这一不可剥夺的权利。 因此,巴勒斯坦人将能够实现其在以耶路撒冷为首都的独立国家享有和平与安全的愿望。 我们愿意欢迎该国作为联合国会员国加入我们行列。", "主席(以英语发言):我现在以德国外交部长的身份发言。", "通过建议南苏丹共和国加入联合国的第1999(2011)号决议,我们为非洲和整个世界写下了历史。 我们欢迎南苏丹成为国际大家庭第193个成员。", "上星期六,超过50万人在朱巴庆祝独立。 画面环游世界. 萨尔瓦总统 基尔在他的杰出讲话中强调了睦邻、尊重人权和善政的重要性。 我们祝贺南苏丹人民在这一欢乐的日子。 苏丹北方和南方的人民和各方都努力使这一时刻成为可能。 苏丹各政治行动者在国际社会、非洲联盟、特别是安理会的支持下进行和平谈判,实现了独立。", "但真正的工作现在开始。 我刚刚访问了苏丹。 我在喀土穆、达尔富尔和朱巴的逗留,使我看到了土地的广阔范围以及仍需完成的工作。 苏丹和南苏丹现在都面临巨大挑战,南苏丹和苏丹都需要我们的支持。 苏丹必须看到在这方面继续采取建设性步骤的好处,例如减免债务方面的进展。 德国愿意作出贡献。", "最重要的是,需要和平。 最近的暴力提醒我们,暴力的破坏性逻辑必须最终结束。 亚的斯亚贝巴协定是朝着正确方向迈出的重要一步,必须加以执行。 我相信,联合国特别是安理会将继续站在苏丹和南苏丹人民一边。 国际社会将继续强烈关注两国的未来发展。 德国将继续协助完成发展南北开放、公正和繁荣社会的伟大任务。", "这也是纪念在联合国的大伞下为和平而努力的所有人的成就的时刻。 因此,我要向曾在联合国苏丹特派团任职的男女致敬。 这些年来为这项巨大努力作出贡献的军官和工作人员值得我们真诚的感谢。", "上周,我们通过了新的联合国南苏丹共和国特派团(南苏丹特派团)的任务。 新特派团将是我们致力于苏丹和平与稳定的最佳证明。 我相信,南苏丹特派团将有助于结束冲突,促进南苏丹的和平、发展与和解。", "与此同时,决不能忘记达尔富尔的局势。 我两周前就在那里,亲眼看到局势有多严重。 最终必须签署全面和平协定。 我期待着双方回到谈判桌的那一天。 安理会计划在本月晚些时候延长非洲联盟-联合国达尔富尔混合行动(达尔富尔混合行动)的任务期限。 这也将改善实地帮助达尔富尔人民的人员的安全和行动自由。 我鼓励苏丹政府与达尔富尔混合行动密切合作。", "达尔富尔危机对我们大家提出了挑战,它把联合国与非洲联盟之间的合作提高到一个新的水平。 塔博·姆贝基表现出杰出的领导才能。 他可以指望我们继续支持他努力找到达尔富尔危机的解决办法。 首先,我要感谢非洲国家对达尔富尔混合行动的巨大承诺。", "我们在纽约这里进行的讨论使人们有理由希望,苏丹和南苏丹今后的关系将本着和解精神。", "和平共处是可持续发展的基础,也是两国人民的良好未来。 这将需要努力与合作。 苏丹和南苏丹的努力不会孤立无援。 联合国和德国作为这一共同体的成员以及欧洲联盟将站在它们一边。 我相信,在今后几年内,我们将自豪地成为苏丹和南苏丹这一新开端的一部分。", "我现在恢复行使安全理事会主席的职能。", "我的名单上没有其他发言者了。 安全理事会就此结束现阶段对其议程项目的审议。", "下午12时30分散会。" ]
[ "Provisional agenda for the 6582nd meeting of the Security Council", "To be held on Wednesday, 13 July 2011, at 10.15 a.m.", "1. Adoption of the agenda.", "2. Admission of new Members", "Report of the Committee on the Admission of New Members concerning the application of the Republic of South Sudan for admission to membership in the United Nations (S/2011/420)." ]
[ "安全理事会第6582次会议临时议程", "定于2011年7月13日星期三上午10时15分举行", "1. 通过议程。", "2. 接纳新会员国", "接纳新会员国委员会关于南苏丹共和国申请加入为联合国会员国的报告(S/2011/420)。" ]
[ "安全理事会第6582次会议临时议程", "定于2011年7月13日星期三上午10时15分举行", "一、导 言 1. 通过议程。", "2. 接纳新会员国", "接纳新会员国委员会关于南苏丹共和国申请加入联合国的报告(S/2011/420)。" ]
[ "Substantive session of 2011", "Geneva, 4-29 July 2011", "Agenda item 1", "Adoption of the agenda and other organizational matters", "Letter dated 7 June 2011 from the President of the Executive Board of the World Food Programme addressed to the President of the Economic and Social Council and the Independent Chair of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations Council", "Following the review of the World Food Programme Financial framework in 2010, consensus was reached that the World Food Programme (WFP) should move from its current “biennial management plan with a biennial budget” to a “three-year management plan, with a one-year budget appropriation”.", "This change requires an amendment to article XIV.6 (a) of the WFP General Regulations and Rules, to delete the word “biennial” and replace it by the word “annual”.", "I am pleased to inform you that today, 7 June 2011, during its annual session, the WFP Executive Board endorsed the suggested amendment and requested the WFP Executive Board secretariat to submit to the Economic and Social Council and the Council of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, the relevant document for further action.", "Document WFP/EB.A/2011/6-B/1 is hereby attached. Its timely approval by the two WFP parent bodies would enable WFP to present to the WFP Executive Board at its second regular session in November 2011 a management plan under the new cycle.", "(Signed) Agnes van Ardenne President of the WFP Executive Board", "Annex to the letter dated 7 June 2011 from the President of the Executive Board of the World Food Programme addressed to the President of the Economic and Social Council and the Independent Chair of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations Council", "[]", "NOTE TO THE EXECUTIVE BOARD", "This document issubmitted to theExecutive Board forapproval \nThe Secretariat invitesmembers of the Board whomay have questions of atechnical nature withregard to this documentto contact the WFP stafffocal points indicatedbelow, preferably wellin advance of theBoard’s meeting. \nChief Financial OfficerandDeputy ExecutiveDirector ,RM*:\tMs G. Casar\ttel.: 066513-2885\n Director, RMB**: Mr S. O’Brien tel.: 066513-2682\nShould you have anyquestions regardingmatters of dispatch ofdocumentation for theExecutive Board, pleasecontact Ms I.Carpitella,AdministrativeAssistant, ConferenceServicing Unit(tel.: 066513‑2645).", "* Resource Management and Accountability Division", "**Budget and Programming Division", "DRAFT DECISION[1] The Executive Board: 1. having reviewed “Financial Framework Review Options”(WFP/EB.A/2010/6-E/1) and “Review of the Management PlanCycle” (WFP/EB.A/2011/6-B/1), wishes to move from abiennial WFP Management Plan and budget cycle to athree-year WFP Management Plan with a one-year budget,approved each year on a rolling basis; 2. acting pursuant to Article XV of the WFP General Regulations,accordingly recommends to the General Assembly of theUnited Nations and the Food and Agriculture Organization ofthe United Nations (FAO) Conference, through the Economicand Social Council of the United Nations and the FAOCouncil, that Article XIV.6 of the General Regulations beamended as follows: “6. The Executive Director will submit the following to theExecutive Board for approval: a. the ~~biennial~~ annual WFP budget, and supplementary WFPbudgets whenever appropriate prepared in exceptionalcircumstances; b. annual financial statements of WFP, together with the reportof the External Auditor; c. other financial reports. These will also be submitted to the FAO Finance Committee andthe ACABQ for their review and comments. The reports of thesebodies will be submitted to the Board.” 3. requests the Secretariat to convey the recommendation setforth in paragraph 2 of this decision, and documentWFP/EB.A/2011/6-B/1 to the General Assembly of the UnitedNations and the FAO Conference, through the Economic andSocial Council of the United Nations and the FAO Council;and \n\t4. decides, subject to approval by the General Assembly of theUnited Nations and the FAO Conference of the recommendationthat is set forth in paragraph 2 of this decision, to amendthe General Rules and Financial Regulations as set forth inAnnex II of WFP/EB.A/2011/6-B/1 and requests theSecretariat to submit the amendments, when they come intoeffect, to the Economic and Social Council of the UnitedNations and the FAO Council for information.", "Background", ". The financial framework review process resulted in a number of recommendations aimed at improving the efficiency and transparency of WFP’s governance and finance processes. One of the recommendations put forward at the Board’s 2010 Annual Session in “Financial Framework Review Options” (WFP/EB.A/2010/6-E/1) was to move to a rolling three-year management plan with yearly approval of the WFP budget, including the Programme Support and Administrative (PSA) appropriations.", "Introduction", ". Should the recommendation to change the cycle of the management plan be adopted, the next management plan, due to be submitted to the Board’s Second Regular Session in November 2011, would cover the period from 2012 to 2014 and contain a PSA appropriation proposal for 2012. A management plan covering a three-year period would subsequently be presented each year at the last Board session before the start of the subsequent financial period.", ". To implement this change, a number of Financial Regulations and the text of a General Regulation and a General Rule need to be amended to eliminate references to a biennial document and make other necessary revisions. The proposed changes are listed in Annex I and Annex II of this document.", "The Current Management Plan", ". The Executive Director is required, under the General Regulations of WFP, to submit to the Board for approval the WFP budget as part of the WFP Biennial Management Plan.[2]", ". The management plan presents the foreseen programme of work, with WFP’s operational and PSA needs as determined approximately six months before the start of the biennium. The operational budgets for each project included in the biennial programme of work are approved separately and do not necessarily follow a biennial timeline. The Board approves the WFP budget, including PSA appropriations, in the management plan which is then valid for the biennium. All monies not obligated during the management plan period are returned to the PSA Equalization Account.", "Proposal for a New Management Plan Cycle", ". It is proposed that the management plan cycle be changed to a three-year rolling plan with yearly approval of the WFP budget, including the PSA appropriations. While projections for the programme of work, income and PSA expenditure will be made for three years, the PSA appropriation will cover only the first year of the plan. The details of operational and support costs and the associated analysis – price and income projections – will concentrate on the first-year budget, but the plan will have a medium-term outlook of three years. Each year, a new three-year plan will be approved, so that at any point in time WFP has a management plan that includes its objectives and indicators of achievement, and the indicative budget of WFP, for a future planning period of at least two years.", "Benefits and Drawbacks", ". A three-year rolling plan with annual appropriations would have several benefits over the current cycle:", "planning horizon. At the beginning of the biennium, the programme of work and PSA appropriations for the coming two years are determined. As the biennium progresses, however, the plan covers a shorter and shorter period, so that immediately before the approval of the subsequent biennial document, WFP has a plan in place that covers only the coming two months. The abrupt switch to a new management plan hinders continuity in planning and results in inefficiencies.", "As a voluntarily funded organization, WFP must live within its means: when indirect support cost income declines, WFP must adjust its PSA support structure. With a three-year plan, adjustments to PSA expenditures and the associated structural changes could be phased in over three years and adjusted according to the income situation. This would provide WFP and its donors with more certainty, and enable WFP to implement more orderly and gradual changes in costs and staffing.", "Standards (IPSAS) and the Annual Performance Report. The implementation of IPSAS requires WFP to report against its budget on a yearly basis and to submit the budget utilization figures for the year. Having yearly appropriations will align the budget with the financial reporting period and ensure more accurate final budget figures. The annual measurement and reporting of results in the Annual Performance Report will also be facilitated by annual budgeting that is aligned with annual objectives. In addition, results monitoring can feed back into the budgeting process more quickly, so that the budget for the next period is aligned with the results from the previous period.", "beneficiary numbers and operational figures on a project basis, for the financial period, and for the biennial budget period. It is sometimes confusing for stakeholders that figures are reported in several different ways; for example, beneficiary figures for a biennium are not the same as the sum of the two annual figures because a beneficiary who receives food in both years is only counted once. Having the budget period, the financial period and the reporting period coincide would make internal processes simpler and clearer and would improve communication.", "looks forward over three years will facilitate multi-year contributions.", ". The drawbacks of the proposal are:", "management plan and corresponding Board consultations occur every two years, with balances from the first year carried forward to the next year of the biennium. With an annual PSA approval process, that flexibility would be lost; the Board would need to approve the appropriations for the subsequent year.", "significant amounts of time to collect data, perform analysis, and engage in internal and external stakeholder consultations. This time commitment would be necessary every year rather than every two years.", "Conclusion", ". Changing the management plan cycle to a three-year rolling plan with annual appropriations would create a medium-term, forward-looking planning tool with a budget that is determined one year at a time. WFP needs to reassure stakeholders that its planning is robust and transparent, but it also needs to maintain flexibility so that it can adjust to shifting operational and funding realities. The proposed change would ensure that WFP always has a plan in place, that results are monitored regularly and that plans can be adjusted as needed.", "ANNEX I", "Amendment to General Regulation XIV of WFP", "General Regulations Article XIV: Financial Arrangements", "Current Text Revised Text 6. The Executive Director willsubmit the following to theExecutive Board for approval:\t6. The Executive Director willsubmit the following to theExecutive Board for approval: \n(a) the biennial WFP budget, andsupplementary WFP budgetswhenever appropriate prepared inexceptional circumstances;(b) annual financial statementsof WFP, together with the reportof the External Auditor;(c) other financial reports.These will also be submitted tothe FAO Finance Committee andthe ACABQ for their review andcomments. The reports of thesebodies will be submitted to theBoard.\t(a) the ~~biennial~~ annual WFPbudget, and supplementary WFPbudgets whenever appropriateprepared in exceptionalcircumstances;(b) annual financial statementsof WFP, together with the reportof the External Auditor;(c) other financial reports.These will also be submitted tothe FAO Finance Committee and theACABQ for their review andcomments. The reports of thesebodies will be submitted to theBoard.", "ANNEX II", "Amendments to General Rules and Financial Regulations of WFP", "General Rule X.8: Availability of resources", "Current Text Revised Text\n “The Executive Director shall “The Executive Director shall ensure that development projects ensure that development projects submitted to the Board for submitted to the Board for approval, and development projects approval, and development projects and Country Programme activities and Country Programme activities approved under the Executive approved under the Executive Director’s delegated authority, can Director’s delegated authority, can be implemented within estimated be implemented within estimated available resources. Resource available resources. Resource availability shall take into availability shall take into accounts pledges and contributions accounts pledges and contributions expected for the current Biennium, expected for the current calendar as well as resources which can year ~~current Biennium~~, as well reasonably be expected to be as resources which can reasonably contributed during the two be expected to be contributed subsequent Biennia including during the ~~two~~ five subsequent resources which could be made calendar years ~~Biennia~~ available by the recipient including resources which could be government itself or by bilateral made available by the recipient donors’ government itself or by bilateral donors.", "Financial Regulations – I: Definitions", "Current Text Revised Text\n Appropriation shall mean the amount Appropriation shall mean the amount approved by the Board for specified approved by the Board for specified purposes in the programme support purposes in the Programme Support and administrative budget for a and Administrative budget ~~for a Biennium, against which obligations Biennium~~ for a financial period, up to the amount approved may be against which obligations up to the incurred for those purposes. amount approved may be incurred for those purposes.", "Biennium shall mean two Financial [To be removed] periods starting on 1 January of each even-numbered year.", "Management Plan shall mean the Management Plan shall mean the biennial comprehensive plan of work ~~biennial~~ three-year approved by the Board, inclusive of comprehensive plan of work approved planned outcomes and indicators of each year on a rolling basis by the achievement, together with the WFP Board, inclusive of planned Budget. outcomes and indicators of achievement, together with the annual WFP Budget.", "WFP Budget shall mean the biennial WFP Budget shall mean the budget component of the Management ~~biennial~~ annual budget Plan approved by the Board component of the Management Plan indicating estimated resources and approved each year by the Board expenditures for programmes, indicating estimated resources and projects and activities and shall expenditures for programmes, include a programme support and projects and activities and shall administrative budget. include a Programme Support and Administrative budget.", "Financial Regulations – IX: The Management Plan", "Current Text Revised Text \nFinancial Regulation 9.1: TheExecutive Director shall proposea Management Plan, including aWFP Budget, for each Bienniumand submit it to the ACABQ andthe Finance Committee inaccordance with the GeneralRegulations of WFP.\tFinancial Regulation 9.1: TheExecutive Director shall proposea Management Plan, including aWFP budget for the subsequentfinancial period, ~~for eachBiennium~~ and submit it to theACABQ and the Finance Committeein accordance with the GeneralRegulations of WFP.\nFinancial Regulation 9.2: TheExecutive Director shall submitthe proposed Management Plan, aswell as the reports thereon ofthe ACABQ and Finance Committee,to the Board at its last regularsession in the second year ofeach Biennium. The proposedManagement Plan shall becirculated to members of theBoard not later than 60 daysbefore the session.\tFinancial Regulation 9.2: TheExecutive Director shall submitthe proposed Management Plan, aswell as the reports thereon ofthe ACABQ and Finance Committee,to the Board at its last regularsession of each calendar year.~~in the second year of eachBiennium~~. The proposedManagement Plan shall becirculated to members of theBoard not later than 60 daysbefore the session.Financial Regulation 9.4: Theproposed Management Plan willinclude:\tFinancial Regulation 9.4: Theproposed Management Plan willinclude: (a) planned outcomes andindicators of achievement;\t(a) planned outcomes andindicators of achievement; \n(b) comparative tables settingout the proposals for thefollowing Biennium, the approvedWFP Budget for the currentBiennium and the approved WFPBudget for the current Bienniumas modified in the light ofactual receipts andexpenditures; and(c) such statistical data,information and explanatorystatements, including staffingtables, as may be requested bythe Board or consideredappropriate by the ExecutiveDirector.\t(b) comparative tables settingout the proposals for thefollowing financial period ~~thefollowing Biennium,~~ theapproved WFP Budget for thecurrent financial period~~Biennium~~ and the approved WFPBudget for the current financialperiod ~~Biennium~~ as modifiedin the light of actual receiptsand expenditures; and(c) such statistical data,information, ~~and~~ explanatorystatements~~, including~~ andstaffing tables including thosewith regard to the second andthird years of the ManagementPlan period, as may be requestedby the Board or consideredappropriate by the ExecutiveDirector.\nFinancial Regulation 9.5: TheBoard shall consider theproposed Management Plan, andthe related reports of the ACABQand the Finance Committee, andshall approve the ManagementPlan, including the Budget,prior to the Biennium covered bythe Management Plan.\tFinancial Regulation 9.5: TheBoard shall consider the proposedManagement Plan, and the relatedreports of the ACABQ and theFinance Committee, and shallapprove the Management Plan,including the WFP Budget, priorto the ~~Biennium~~ beginning ofthe financial period covered bythe ~~Management Plan~~ WFPBudget.Financial Regulation 9.6: TheBoard’s approval of theManagement Plan, including theBudget, shall constitute:\tFinancial Regulation 9.6: TheBoard’s approval of theManagement Plan, including theBudget, shall constitute: (a) acceptance of the WFPprogramme of work for thefollowing Biennium and anauthorization to the ExecutiveDirector to proceed with theimplementation of the programmeof work; and\t(a) acceptance of the WFPprogramme of work for thefollowing financial period~~Biennium~~ and an authorizationto the Executive Director toproceed with the implementationof the programme of work; and \n(b) an authorization to theExecutive Director to allocatefunds, issue allotments, incurobligations and make paymentsfor the purposes for which theappropriation was approved, upto the amount so approved.\t(b) an authorization to theExecutive Director to allocatefunds, issue allotments, incurobligations and make payments forthe purposes for which theappropriation was approved, up tothe amount so approved.\nFinancial Regulation 9.8: TheExecutive Director may propose arevision in the Management Plan,including a supplementarybudget, for a Biennium in a formand manner consistent with theManagement Plan.\tFinancial Regulation 9.8: TheExecutive Director may propose arevision in the Management Plan,including a supplementary budget,for ~~a Biennium~~ the financialperiod in a form and mannerconsistent with the ManagementPlan.\nFinancial Regulation 9.9:Appropriations for programmesupport and administrativeservices shall remain availablefor twelve months following theend of the Biennium to whichthey relate, to the extent theyare required to discharge anyoutstanding legal obligations.At the end of that twelve-monthperiod, the remaining balance ofany appropriation shall revertto the General Fund. Anyunliquidated obligations shallat that time be cancelled or,where the obligations remain avalid charge, transferred to anobligation against currentappropriations.\tFinancial Regulation 9.9:Appropriations for ProgrammeSupport and Administrativeservices shall remain availablefor twelve months following theend of the ~~Biennium~~ financialperiod to which they relate, tothe extent they are required todischarge any outstanding legalobligations. At the end of thattwelve-month period, theremaining balance of anyappropriation shall revert to theGeneral Fund. Any unliquidatedobligations shall at that time becancelled or, where theobligations remain a validcharge, transferred to anobligation against currentappropriations.", "Acronyms Used in the Document", "ACABQ Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions\n FAO Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations", "IPSAS International Public Sector Accounting Standards", "PSA Programme Support and Administrative", "[1] * This is a draft decision. For the final decision adopted by the Board, please refer to the Decisions and Recommendations document issued at the end of the session.", "[2] Article XIV.6 of the General Regulations." ]
[ "2011年实质性会议", "2011年7月4日至29日,日内瓦", "议程项目1", "通过议程和其他组织事项", "2011年6月7日世界粮食计划署执行局主席给经济及社会理事会主席和联合国粮食及农业组织理事会独立主席的信", "在2010年审查了世界粮食计划署财务框架之后达成共识,认为世界粮食计划署(粮食署)应将其现行“两年期管理计划配以两年期预算”改为“三年期管理计划配以一年预算批款”。", "这一变动需要对粮食署《总条例和细则》第十四条第6款(a)项进行一项修订,删去“两年期”一词,而代之以“年度”一词。", "谨通知你,今天,2011年6月7日,粮食署执行局在其年度届会期间认可了所建议的修订并请粮食署执行局秘书处向经济及社会理事会和联合国粮食及农业组织理事会提交相关文件,供采取进一步行动。", "随信附上WFP/EB.A/2011/6-B/1号文件。粮食署这两个上级机构如予以及时核准,将使粮食署能够根据新周期向2011年11月粮食署执行局第二届常会提交一份管理计划。", "粮食署执行局主席", "阿格妮丝·范阿登(签名)", "2011年6月7日世界粮食计划署执行局主席给经济及社会理事会主席和粮食及农业组织理事会独立主席的信的附件", "[] 执行局 年度会议 \n 2011年6月6日至10日,罗马 \n资源、财务和预算事项 \n 议程项目6 \n 供核准   管理计划周期审查 \n C \n \nDistribution: GENERALWFP/EB.A/2011/6-B/1 本文件印数有限,执行局文件可到粮食署网站(查阅。 9 May 2011 \n ORIGINAL: ENGLISH", "2 WFP/EB.A/2011/6-B/1", "给执行局的说明", "^(*) 资源管理和问责司。", "^(**) 预算和方案拟订司。", "WFP/EB.A/2011/6-B/1 3", "4 WFP/EB.A/2011/6-B/1", "背景", "1. 财务框架审查进程产生了一批旨在提高粮食署治理和财务流程效率和透明度的建议。在执行局2010年年度会议上,“财务框架审查选项”(WFP/EB.A/2010/6-E/1)中所提建议之一就是改用滚动式三年期管理计划,配以逐年核准的粮食署预算,包括方案支助和行政批款。", "导言", "2. 如更改管理计划周期的建议获得通过,预定提交给2011年11月执行局第二届常会的下一份管理计划就将涵盖2012年至2014年期间,并载有一项2012年方案支助和行政批款提案。此后,每年在下一个财政期开始前的最后一届执行局会议上,都将提交一份涵盖三年期的管理计划。", "3. 为落实这一改动,《财务条例》中若干规定及《总条例》和《通则》的案文需要修订,删除文件提到两年期之处并作出其他必要的修改。本文件附件一和附件二列出了拟议的更改。", "现行管理计划", "4. 根据粮食署《总条例》的规定,执行主任必须向执行局提交作为粮食署两年期管理计划一部分的粮食署预算供核准。[1]", "5. 该管理计划提出前瞻性工作方案和在两年期开始前约六个月确定的粮食署业务及方案支助和行政需求。列入两年期工作方案的每一个项目的业务预算都单独核准,而且不一定依照两年期的时间安排。执行局核准管理计划中的粮食署预算,包括方案支助和行政批款,然后管理计划就对相应的两年期生效。管理计划期间未承付的所有款项都交还到方案支助和行政衡平账户。", "新管理计划周期提案", "6. 拟将管理计划周期改为三年滚动计划,配以逐年核准的粮食署预算,包括方案支助和行政批款。虽然将以三年为期对工作方案、收入及方案支助和行政支出作出预测,但方案支助和行政批款将只涵盖计划的第一年。业务和支助费用细目及相关分析——价格和收入预测——都将集中于第一年的预算,但计划将有一个三年的中期展望。每年都将核准一项新的三年期计划,从而使粮食署在任何一个时间点上都有管理计划,其中包括粮食署今后至少两年规划期的目标和绩效指标以及指示性预算。", "WFP/EB.A/2011/6-B/1 5", "优点和缺点", "7. 三年期滚动计划配以年度批款相对于现行周期而言具有若干优点:", "6 WFP/EB.A/2011/6-B/1", "8. 这一提案的缺点是:", "结论", "9. 把管理计划周期改为每年批款的三年期滚动计划,将打造一个具前瞻性的中期规划工具,与之匹配的是每年确定一次的预算。粮食署需要向利益攸关方保证其规划工作的健全和透明,但粮食署也需要保持灵活性,以便根据不断变化的业务和供资实际情况进行调整。拟议的变动将确保粮食署手头始终有计划可循,并确保成果可得到定期监测,该计划可根据需要进行调整。", "WFP/EB.A/2011/6-B/1 7", "附件一", "《世界粮食计划署总条例》第十四条的修正案", "《总条例》第十四条:财务安排", "现有案文 修订案文 \n6.执行主任将向执行局提交以下文件供批准:\t6.执行主任将向执行局提交以下文件供批准:\n(a)粮食署两年期预算,以及在例外情况下,酌情编制的粮食署追加预算;(b)粮食署年度财务报表,以及外聘审计人的报告;(c) 其他财务报告。这些文件也将提交给粮农组织财政委员会和行预咨委会以便审查并提出意见。这些机构的报告将提交给执行局。\t(a)粮食署~~两年期~~年度预算,以及在例外情况下,酌情编制的粮食署追加预算;(b)粮食署年度财务报表,以及外聘审计人的报告;(c) 其他财务报告。这些文件也将提交给粮农组织财政委员会和行预咨委会以便审查并提出意见。这些机构的报告将提交给执行局。", "8 WFP/EB.A/2011/6-B/1", "附件二", "《粮食署总条例和财务条例》的修正案", "《总条例》第十.8条:可用资源", "现有案文 修订案文 \n“执行主任应确保能够以现有估计资源来执行提交执行局核可的发展项目以及执行主任授权核准的发展项目和国家方案。可用资源应计入预计为本两年期所做认捐和捐款以及可合理地指望将在随后的两个两年期内所捐资源,包括受援国政府或双边捐助者所提供的资源。\t“执行主任应确保能够以现有估计资源来执行提交执行局核可的发展项目以及执行主任授权核准的发展项目和国家方案。可用资源应计入预计为~~本两年期~~本历年所做认捐和捐款以及可合理地指望将在~~随后的两个两年期~~其后五个历年内所捐资源,包括受援国政府或双边捐助者所提供的资源。", "财务条例——一:定义", "现有案文 修订案文 \n批款系指执行局为特定目的所批准的款项,用于某个两年期方案支助和行政预算,为这些目的可从中提取所批准的承付款项。\t批款系指执行局为特定目的所批准的款项,用于~~某个两年期~~某个财政期间方案支助和行政预算,为这些目的可从中提取所批准的承付款项。\n两年期系指从偶数年1月1日开始的两个财政期间。\t[待删除]\n管理计划系指执行局核准的两年期全面工作计划,包括规划成果和绩效指标,以及粮食署预算。\t管理计划系指执行局以滚动方式每年予以核准的~~两年期~~三年期全面工作计划,包括规划成果和绩效指标,以及粮食署年度预算。\n粮食署预算系指执行局核准的管理计划内的两年期预算组成部分,包括方案的估计资源和支出、项目和活动,并包括方案支助和行政预算。\t粮食署预算系指执行局每年核准的管理计划内的~~两年期~~年度预算组成部分,包括方案的估计资源和支出、项目和活动,并包括方案支助和行政预算。", "WFP/EB.A/2011/6-B/1 9", "财务条例——九:管理计划", "现有案文 修订案文 \n财务条例9.1:执行主任提出一项管理计划,包括粮食署两年期预算,按照《粮食署总条例》提交行预咨委会和财政委员会。\t财务条例9.1:执行主任提出一项管理计划,包括粮食署~~两年期~~下一个财政期间的预算,按照《粮食署总条例》提交行预咨委会和财政委员会。\n财务条例9.2:执行主任应在每两年期第二年最后一次常会上,向执行局提交拟议管理计划,以及行预咨委会和财政委员会的有关报告。拟议管理计划应不得迟于会议前60天转发给执行局成员。\t财务条例9.2:执行主任应在~~每两年期第二年历年~~每个历年最后一次常会上,向执行局提交拟议管理计划,以及行预咨委会和财政委员会的有关报告。拟议管理计划应不得迟于会议前60天转发给执行局成员。 财务条例9.4:拟议管理计划将包括: 财务条例9.4:拟议管理计划将包括: (a)按计划将取得的成果和绩效指标;\t(a)按计划将取得的成果和绩效指标; \n(b)比较表格,其中列出下一个两年期提案、已核准的当前两年期粮食署预算以及根据实际收入和支出修订的当前两年期已核准的粮食署预算;(c)执行局可能要求的、或执行主任认为适当的此类统计数据、信息和解释性说明,包括人员编制表。\t(b)比较表格,其中列出~~下一个两年期~~下一个财政期间提案、已核准的当前~~两年期~~财政期间粮食署预算以及根据实际收入和支出修订的当前~~两年期~~财政期间已核准的粮食署预算;(c)执行局可能要求的、或执行主任认为适当的此类统计数据、信息和解释性说明~~包括~~和人员编制表,包括管理计划期间第二和第三年的此类资料。\n财务条例9.5:执行局应审议拟议管理计划,以及行预咨委会和财政委员会的有关报告,应在管理计划涵盖的两年期之前核准包括预算在内的该项管理计划。\t财务条例9.5:执行局应审议拟议管理计划,以及行预咨委会和财政委员会的有关报告,应在~~管理计划~~粮食署预算涵盖的~~两年期之前~~财务时期开始前,核准包括粮食署预算在内的该项管理计划。", "10 WFP/EB.A/2011/6-B/1", "现有案文 修订案文 \n财务条例9.6:执行局批准的包括预算在内的管理计划应包括:\t财务条例9.6:执行局批准的包括预算在内的管理计划应包括: (a)同意粮食署下一个两年期的工作方案,授权执行主任着手执行工作方案;\t(a)同意粮食署下一个~~两年期~~财政期间的工作方案,授权执行主任着手执行工作方案; \n(b)授权执行主任分配资金、拨出款项,按照此项批款的核定用途,在核定金额内承付和承担费用及支付款项。\t(b)授权执行主任分配资金、拨出款项,按照此项批款的核定用途,在核定金额内承付和承担费用及支付款项。\n财务条例9.8:执行主任可提议修订管理计划,包括以符合管理计划的形式和方式,提出两年期追加预算。\t财务条例9.8:执行主任可提议修订管理计划,包括以符合管理计划的形式和方式,提出~~两年期~~该财政期间追加预算。\n财务条例9.9:核定的经费如果必须用来偿清财政期间未了结的合法债务,则须于此项经费有关的两年期终了后12个月内继续备用。在这12个月期间终了时,任何保留经费的未用余额将转入普通基金,任何未清债务应于此时核销,如该项债务仍然有效,应转为由现期批款偿还的债务。\t财务条例9.9:核定的经费如果必须用来偿清财政期间未了结的合法债务,则须于此项经费有关的~~两年期~~财政期间终了后12个月内继续备用。在这12个月期间终了时,任何保留经费的未用余额将转入普通基金,任何未清债务应于此时核销,如该项债务仍然有效,应转为由现期批款偿还的债务。", "WFP/EB.A/2011/6-B/1 11", "本文件使用的简称", "行预咨委会 行政和预算问题咨询委员会", "粮农组织 联合国粮食及农业组织", "公共部门会计准则 国际公共部门会计准则", "[1] 《总条例》第十四条第6款。" ]
[ "2011年实质性会议", "2011年7月4日至29日,日内瓦", "议程项目1", "通过议程和其他组织事项", "2011年6月7日世界粮食计划署执行局主席给经济及社会理事会主席和联合国粮食及农业组织独立主席的信", "在2010年对世界粮食计划署(粮食计划署)财务框架进行审查之后,达成了共识,即世界粮食计划署(粮食计划署)应从目前的“两年期预算的两年期管理计划”改为“三年管理计划,为期一年的预算批款”。", "这一修改要求修正《粮食计划署总条例和细则》第十四条第6款(a)项,删除“两年期”一词,代之以“年度”。", "我高兴地通知你,今天,即2011年6月7日,粮食署执行局在其年度会议上核可了所建议的修正案,并请粮食署执行局秘书处向经济及社会理事会和联合国粮食及农业组织理事会提交相关文件,供采取进一步行动。", "兹附上WFP/EB.A/2011/6-B/1号文件。 粮食署两个上级机构及时批准,将使粮食署能够向2011年11月粮食署执行局第二届常会提交新周期的管理计划。", "粮食计划署执行局主席", "2011年6月7日世界粮食计划署执行局主席给经济及社会理事会主席和联合国粮食及农业组织独立主席的信的附件", "[]", "给执行局的说明", "本文件提交执行局核准。\n秘书处请可能对该文件有技术性质的问题的执行局成员与粮食计划署工作人员协调人联系,最好在董事会开会之前尽早联系。\n首席财务干事兼副执行主任*:G. Casar女士 电话:066513-2885\n人民币局局长**:S. O'Brien先生 电话:066513-2682\n如有关于向执行局发送文件的事项的任何问题,请与会议服务股行政助理I. Carpitella女士联系(电话:066513‐2645)。", "* 资源管理和问责司", "** 预算和方案拟订司", "决定草案[1] 执行局: 1. 在审查了 \" 财务框架审查备选方案 \" (WFP/EB.A/2010/6-E/1)和 \" 审查管理计划中心 \" (WFP/EB.A/2011/6-B/1)之后,希望从两年一次的粮食署管理计划和预算周期改为三年的粮食署管理计划,其预算为期一年,每年滚动核准;2. 根据粮食署《总条例》第十五条采取行动,向联合国大会和联合国粮食及农业组织(粮农组织)提出建议。 1. 通过联合国经济及社会理事会和粮农组织理事会,《总条例》第十四条第6款修改如下: “6. 执行主任将向执行局提交下列文件供核准:a. 粮食署两年期预算,以及粮食署在例外情况下酌情编制的补充预算;b. 粮食署年度财务报表以及外聘审计员的报告;c. 其他财务报告。 还将提交粮农组织财务委员会和行预咨委会审查和评论。 这些机构的报告将提交理事会。” 3. 请秘书处通过联合国经济和社会理事会和粮农组织理事会向联合国大会和粮农组织大会转达本决定第2段中提出的建议以及WFP/EB.A/2011/6-B/1号文件;\n4. 决定修正WFP/EB.A/2011/6-B/1附件二所载的《总细则和财务条例》,并请秘书处在修正案生效时,将修正案提交联合国经济及社会理事会和粮农组织理事会,供其参考,但须经联合国大会和粮农组织大会核准本决定第2段所载建议。", "背景情况", "。 。 。 财务框架审查进程产生了若干建议,旨在提高粮食计划署治理和财务进程的效率和透明度。 执行局2010年年度会议在 \" 财务框架审查备选方案 \" (WFP/EB.A/2010/6-E/1)中提出的一项建议是,在每年核准粮食计划署预算,包括方案支助和行政(PSA)批款后,逐步采用滚动三年管理计划。", "导言", "。 。 。 如果修改管理计划周期的建议获得通过,定于2011年11月提交执行局第二届常会的下一个管理计划将涵盖2012至2014年期间,并载有2012年方案支助和方案支助批款提案。 随后,在下一财政期间开始之前,每年在执行局上一届会议上提出三年期管理计划。", "。 。 。 为落实这一修改,需要修订一些财务条例以及《总条例》和《一般规则》的案文,删除提及两年期文件之处,并作其他必要的修订。 提议的改动列于本文件附件一和附件二。", "现行管理计划", "。 。 。 根据粮食计划署总条例,执行主任须将粮食计划署预算提交执行局核准,作为粮食计划署两年期管理计划的一部分。 [2]", "。 。 。 管理计划提出了预期的工作方案,粮食计划署的业务需要和方案支助需要是在两年期开始前大约六个月确定的。 两年期工作方案中每个项目的业务预算是单独核准的,不一定遵循两年期时间表。 执行局在管理计划中核准粮食计划署的预算,包括方案支助和行政经费,该管理计划随后对两年期有效。 在管理计划期间未承付的所有款项都退还PSA平准账户。", "关于新管理的建议 计划周期", "。 。 。 建议将管理计划周期改为三年滚动计划,每年核准粮食计划署的预算,包括方案支助和方案支助批款。 虽然对工作方案、收入和方案支助服务支出的预测是三年,但方案支助服务批款只涵盖计划的第一年。 业务和支助费用的细节以及相关的分析 -- -- 价格和收入预测 -- -- 将集中于第一年的预算,但该计划将有一个三年的中期前景。 每年将核准一个新的三年期计划,以便粮食计划署在任何时间都有一个管理计划,其中包括其目标和绩效指标以及粮食计划署的指示性预算,其未来规划期至少两年。", "效益和缺点", "。 。 。 为期三年的滚动计划,加上年度批款,在本周期内将产生若干好处:", "规划视野。 在两年期开始时,将确定今后两年的工作方案和方案预算的拨款。 然而,随着两年期的进展,该计划涵盖的时间越来越短,因此,在核准下一份两年期文件之前,粮食计划署就有一个只涵盖今后两个月的计划。 突然转向新的管理计划妨碍了规划的连续性,导致效率低下。", "作为一个自愿捐款供资的组织,粮食计划署必须在其能力范围内生活:当间接支助费用收入下降时,粮食计划署必须调整其方案支助支助结构。 有了三年计划,对PSA支出的调整和相关的结构变化可以在三年内分阶段进行,并根据收入情况进行调整。 这将为粮食计划署及其捐助者提供更大的确定性,并使粮食计划署能够更有序和逐步地改变费用和人员配置。", "标准(公共部门会计准则)和年度执行情况报告。 公共部门会计准则的实施要求粮食署每年对照其预算提出报告,并提交当年的预算利用率数字。 每年拨款将使预算与财务报告期间相一致,并确保最后预算数字更加准确。 年度业绩报告中成果的年度衡量和报告工作也将通过与年度目标相一致的年度预算编制予以促进。 此外,成果监测可以更快地反馈到预算编制过程中,以便下一个期间的预算与前一期间的成果保持一致。", "按项目、财政期间和两年期预算期分列的受益人数和业务数字。 利益攸关方有时感到困惑的是,以几种不同方式报告数字;例如,一个两年期的受益数字与两个年度数字的总和不同,因为两个年度获得粮食的受益人只计算一次。 如果预算期、财政期间和报告期相合,内部程序就会更加简单明了,改善沟通。", "展望未来三年将有助于多年捐款。", "。 。 。 该提案的缺点是:", "管理计划和相应的 执行局每两年进行一次协商,结余从第一年结转到两年期的下一年。 有了年度方案支助审计核准程序,这种灵活性就会丧失;审计委员会将需要核准下一年度的批款。", "大量时间收集数据、进行分析和进行内部和外部利益攸关方协商。 这一时间承诺每年而非每两年都是必要的。", "结论", "。 。 。 将管理计划周期改为三年滚动计划,加上年度批款,将创造一个中期前瞻性规划工具,其预算将每年确定一次。 粮食计划署需要向利益攸关方保证,其规划是有力和透明的,但也需要保持灵活性,以便能够适应不断变化的业务和筹资现实。 拟议的修改将确保粮食计划署始终有一个计划,定期监测结果,并视需要调整计划。", "附件一 联合国", "对粮食计划署总条例十四的修正", "总则 第十四条:财务安排", "当前文本订正文本 6. 执行主任将向执行局提交下列文件供核准: 6. 执行主任将向执行局提交下列文件供核准:\n(a) 粮食计划署的两年期预算和在例外情况下酌情编制的粮食计划署补充预算;(b) 粮食计划署的年度财务报表以及外聘审计员的报告;(c) 其他财务报告。 这些也将提交粮农组织财务委员会和行预咨委会审查并提出意见。 这些机构的报告将提交给董事会。 (a) 粮食署两年期预算和粮食署补充预算,只要在例外情况下适当编制;(b) 粮食署年度财务报表以及外聘审计员的报告;(c) 其他财务报告。 这些也将提交粮农组织财务委员会和行预咨委会审查并提出意见。 这些机构的报告将提交给董事会。", "页:1", "粮食署《一般规则》和《财务条例》修正案", "一般规则十.8:资源的可获性", "当前文本订正文本\n\" 执行主任应 \" 执行主任应确保发展项目确保提交执行局供核准的发展项目和发展项目的核准,以及发展项目和国家方案的活动以及经执行主任授权核准的国家方案活动和国家方案活动,能够在估计可用资源范围内执行执行主任的授权。 现有资源。 资源提供情况应计入帐户认捐和捐款账户的认捐,以及本日历预期的两年期捐款,以及本日历可确定的两年期的资源,以及合理预计在两年期后两年内可合理捐助的资源,包括在两年期后两年内可合理捐助的资源,包括受援方可提供历年的5项资源,包括政府本身或受援方政府本身或双边捐助者提供的双边资源。", "财务条例一:定义", "当前文本订正文本\n批款是指理事会为方案支助和行政预算中方案支助和行政预算的指定目的为方案支助和行政预算的指定目的为两年期而核准的批款数额,其中某一财政期间的承付款不得超过核定数额,但不得超过为这些目的承付的债务。 核准的数额可能用于这些目的。", "两年期是指从每个偶数年的1月1日开始的两个财务[待 期间。", "管理计划是指经执行局核准的两年期综合工作计划(三年期),包括经核准的年度计划成果和指标,在滚动的基础上,与粮食计划署执行局一起实现,包括计划预算。 成果和绩效指标以及粮食计划署年度预算。", "粮食计划署 预算是指粮食计划署两年期预算,是指管理计划执行局部分核准的管理-两年期-年度预算计划的预算部分,其中列明资源估计数,并由执行局每年核准的方案支出,列明资源、项目和活动估计数,以及方案支出,包括方案支助、项目和活动,并应编制行政预算。 包括方案支助和行政预算。", "财务条例-九:管理计划", "当前文本订正文本\n财务条例 9.1: 执行主任应为每个两年期提出管理计划,包括粮食计划署的预算,并提交行预咨委会和财务委员会,以符合粮食计划署的一般条例。 财务条例9.1:执行主任应提出管理计划,包括下一个财政期间的粮食计划署预算,每个两年期,并依照粮食计划署总条例提交行预咨委会和财务委员会。\n财务条例 9.2: 执行主任应将拟议的管理计划连同行预咨委会和财务委员会的有关报告一并提交每个两年期第二年的执行局最后一届常会。 拟议管理计划最迟应在届会举行前60天分发给董事会成员。 财务条例 9.2: 执行主任应将拟议的管理计划连同行预咨委会和财务委员会的有关报告一并提交执行局每个日历年的最后一届常会。 拟议管理计划最迟应在届会举行前60天分发给董事会成员。 财务条例 9.4 拟议管理计划将包括: 财务条例 9.4 拟议管理计划将包括:(a) 计划成果和绩效指标;(a) 计划成果和绩效指标;\n(b) 比较表,列出两年期之后的建议、核定的粮食计划署本两年期预算以及根据实际收支情况修改的粮食计划署本两年期预算;以及(c)执行局可能要求的或执行主任认为适当的统计数据、资料和解释性说明,包括员额配置表。 (b) 列出下一个财政期间提案的比较表。 粮食计划署 (c) 根据执行局的要求或执行主任认为适当的统计数据、资料、解释性说明、包括管理计划期间第二年和第三年的员额配置表。\n财务条例 9.5:董事会将审议拟议管理计划以及行预咨委会和财务委员会的相关报告,并在管理计划涵盖的两年期之前批准管理计划,包括预算。 财务条例9.5:董事会应审议拟议的管理计划以及行预咨委会和财务委员会的相关报告,并应在管理所涉财政期开始前批准管理计划,包括粮食署预算。 粮食计划署预算。 财务条例9.6:董事会批准管理计划,包括预算,构成: 财务条例9.6:董事会核准管理计划,包括预算,应构成:(a) 接受粮食计划署下一个两年期的工作方案,并授权执行主任着手执行工作方案;(a) 接受粮食计划署下一个两年期工作方案,并授权执行主任执行工作方案;\n(b) 授权执行主任为核准批款的用途划拨资金、发放拨款、承付款项和支付款项,但不得超过核定数额。 (b) 授权执行主任为核准拨款的用途拨款、发放拨款、承付款项和付款,但以核准的数额为限。\n财务条例 9.8: 执行主任可提议以与管理计划相一致的形式和方式,在管理计划中为两年期提出设想,包括追加预算。 财务条例9.8:执行主任可提议在管理计划中以与管理计划相一致的形式和方式,为财政期提出补充预算。\n财务条例 9.9: 与方案支助和行政服务有关的两年期终了后12个月内,只要需要用于履行任何未清的法律义务,即应继续提供方案支助和行政服务经费。 在这十二个月期间终了时,任何批款的余额应退还普通基金。 任何未清偿债务均应在当时注销,或在债务仍为有效费用时,转入现期侵吞债务。 财务条例9.9:用于方案支助和行政服务的经费,应在与此项经费有关的_______两年期终了后12个月内继续使用,但以它们必须履行任何未履行的法定义务为限。 在该十二个月期间终了时,任何拨款的余额应退还普通基金。 任何未清偿债务在当时应注销,或在债务仍为有效费用时,转入现期拨款债务。", "文件中使用的缩略语", "ACABQ 行政和预算问题咨询委员会\n粮农组织 联合国粮食及农业组织", "IPSAS 国际公共部门会计准则", "PSA 系统 方案支助和行政", "[1] * 这是一个决定草案。 关于理事会通过的最后决定,请参见会议结束时印发的决定和建议文件。", "[2] 总条例第十四条第六款." ]
[ "Provisional agenda for the 6583rd meeting of the Security Council", "To be held on Wednesday, 13 July 2011, at 10.30 a.m.", "1. Adoption of the agenda.", "2. Reports of the Secretary-General on the Sudan", "Special report of the Secretary-General on the Sudan (S/2011/314)." ]
[ "安全理事会第6583次会议临时议程", "定于2011年7月13日星期三上午10时30分举行", "1. 通过议程。", "2. 秘书长关于苏丹的报告", "秘书长关于苏丹的特别报告(S/2011/314)。" ]
[ "安全理事会第6583次会议临时议程", "定于2011年7月13日星期三上午10时30分举行", "一、导 言 1. 通过议程。", "2. 秘书长关于苏丹的报告", "秘书长关于苏丹的特别报告(S/2011/314)。" ]
[ "Sixty-sixth session", "* A summary of the approved programme budget will subsequently be issued as Official Records of the General Assembly, Sixty-sixth Session, Supplement No. 6 (A/66/6/Add.1).", "** Official Records of the General Assembly, Sixty-fifth Session, Supplement No. 6 (A/65/6/Rev.1).", "Proposed programme budget for the biennium 2012-2013*", "Part III International justice and law", "Section 8 Legal affairs", "(Programme 6 of the strategic framework for the period 2012-2013)**", "Corrigendum", "1. Paragraph 8.43 (b) (i)", "The last recurrent publication should read", "Yearbook of the International Law Commission 2009 and 2010, vols. I and II.", "2. Table 8.3", "The 2012-2013 estimates for recurrent publications and total publications, respectively, should read 182 and 203," ]
[ "第六十六届会议", "2012-2013两年期拟议方案预算^(*)", "第三编", "国际司法和法律", "第8款", "法律事务", "(2012-2013年期间战略框架方案6)^(**)", "^(*) 随后将印发一份核定方案预算概要,将其作为《大会正式记录,第六十六届会议,补编第6号》(A/66/6/Add.1)分发。", "^(**) 《大会正式记录,第六十五届会议,补编第6号》(A/65/6/Rev.1)。", "更正", "1. 第8.43(b)㈠段", "经常出版物最后一个应为:2009年和2010年《国际法委员会年鉴》,第一卷和第二卷。", "2. 表8.3", "在2012-2013年估计数栏下,经常出版物和出版物共计应分别为182和203。" ]
[ "第六十六届会议", "* 核定方案预算概要日后将作为《大会正式记录,第六十六届会议,补编第6号》(A/66/6/Add.1)印发。", "** 《大会正式记录,第六十五届会议,补编第6号》(A/65/6/Rev.1)。", "2012-2013两年期拟议方案预算*", "第三编 国际司法和国际法", "第8款 法律事务", "(2012-2013年期间战略框架方案6)* * 《大会正式记录,第五十八届会议,补编第5号》(A/C.6/61/Rev.1)。", "页:1", "1. 第8.43段(b)(一)", "最后一份经常出版物应改为:", "《2009年和2010年国际法委员会年鉴》,第二卷。 页:1", "2. 表8.3 (单位:千美元)", "2012-2013年经常出版物和出版物总额估计数分别改为182和203。" ]
[ "Draft resolution", "The Security Council,", "Having examined the application of the Republic of South Sudan for admission to the United Nations (S/2011/418),", "Recommends to the General Assembly that the Republic of South Sudan be admitted to membership in the United Nations." ]
[ "决议草案", "安全理事会,", "审查了南苏丹共和国要求加入联合国的申请(S/2011/418),", "建议大会接纳南苏丹共和国为联合国会员国。" ]
[ "决议草案", "安全理事会,", "审查了南苏丹共和国要求加入联合国的申请(S/2011/418),", "建议大会接纳南苏丹共和国为联合国会员国。" ]
[ "Resolution 1999 (2011)", "Adopted by the Security Council at its 6582nd meeting, on 13 July 2011", "The Security Council,", "Having examined the application of the Republic of South Sudan for admission to the United Nations (S/2011/418),", "Recommends to the General Assembly that the Republic of South Sudan be admitted to membership in the United Nations." ]
[ "第1999(2011)号决议", "安全理事会2011年7月13日第6582次会议通过", "安全理事会,", "审查了南苏丹共和国要求加入联合国的申请(S/2011/418),", "建议大会接纳南苏丹共和国为联合国会员国。" ]
[ "第1999(2011)号决议", "2011年7月13日安全理事会第6582次会议通过", "安全理事会,", "审查了南苏丹共和国要求加入联合国的申请(S/2011/418),", "建议大会接纳南苏丹共和国为联合国会员国。" ]
[ "Sixty-fifth session", "Agenda item 13", "Integrated and coordinated implementation of and follow-up to the outcomes of the major United Nations conferences and summits in the economic, social and related fields", "Afghanistan, Australia, Bangladesh, Belgium, Bhutan, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, Costa Rica, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Dominican Republic, Fiji, Finland, France, Georgia, Germany, Greece, Guatemala, Honduras, Hungary, India, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Maldives, Malta, Nauru, Netherlands, Pakistan, Palau, Papua New Guinea, Paraguay, Poland, Portugal, Republic of Korea, Romania, Singapore, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sri Lanka, Sweden, Switzerland, Thailand, Timor-Leste, Turkey, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and Vanuatu: draft resolution", "Happiness: towards a holistic approach to development", "The General Assembly,", "Bearing in mind the purposes and principles of the United Nations as set forth in the Charter of the United Nations that include the promotion of the economic advancement and social progress of all peoples,", "Conscious that the pursuit of happiness is a fundamental human goal,", "Cognizant that happiness as a universal goal and aspiration embodies the spirit of the Millennium Development Goals,", "Recognizing that the gross domestic product indicator by nature was not designed to and does not adequately reflect the happiness and well-being of people in a country,", "Conscious that unsustainable patterns of production and consumption can impede sustainable development, and recognizing the need for a more inclusive, equitable and balanced approach to economic growth that promotes sustainable development, poverty eradication, happiness and well-being of all peoples,", "Acknowledging the need to promote sustainable development and achieve the Millennium Development Goals,", "1. Invites Member States to pursue the elaboration of additional measures that better capture the importance of the pursuit of happiness and well-being in development with a view to guiding their public policies;", "2. Invites those Member States that have taken initiatives to develop new indicators and other initiatives to share information thereon with the Secretary-General as a contribution to the United Nations development agenda, including the Millennium Development Goals;", "3. Welcomes the offer of Bhutan to convene a panel discussion on the theme of happiness and well-being during its sixty-sixth session;", "4. Invites the Secretary-General to seek the views of Member States and relevant regional and international organizations on the pursuit of happiness and well-being and to communicate such views to the General Assembly at its sixty-seventh session for further consideration." ]
[ "第六十五届会议", "议程项目13", "联合国经济、社会及有关领域 各次主要会议和首脑会议成果 的统筹协调执行及后续行动", "阿富汗、澳大利亚、孟加拉国、比利时、不丹、波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那、巴西、保加利亚、加拿大、哥斯达黎加、塞浦路斯、捷克共和国、丹麦、多米尼加共和国、斐济、芬兰、法国、格鲁吉亚、德国、希腊、危地马拉、洪都拉斯、匈牙利、印度、爱尔兰、意大利、日本、立陶宛、卢森堡、马尔代夫、马耳他、瑙鲁、荷兰、巴基斯坦、帕劳、巴布亚新几内亚、巴拉圭、波兰、葡萄牙、大韩民国、罗马尼亚、新加坡、斯洛伐克、斯洛文尼亚、西班牙、斯里兰卡、瑞典、瑞士、泰国、东帝汶、土耳其、大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国和瓦努阿图:决议草案", "幸福:走全面发展之路", "大会,", "铭记《联合国宪章》规定的联合国的宗旨和原则,其中包括促进各国人民的经济发展和社会进步,", "意识到追求幸福是人的一项基本目标,", "认识到幸福作为普世目标和愿望,体现了千年发展目标的精神,", "确认国内生产总值指标本质上并非旨在反映、亦不能充分反映一国人民的幸福和福祉,", "意识到不可持续的生产和消费形态会阻碍可持续发展,确认需要采取更包容的、公平的和平衡的经济增长方式,以促进各国人民的可持续发展、消除贫穷举措以及幸福和福祉,", "承认需要促进可持续发展并实现千年发展目标,", "1. 请各会员国进一步制定能更好地体现追求幸福和福祉在发展中的重要性的措施,以指导其公共政策;", "2. 请那些已主动制定新的指标和采取其他主动行动的会员国向秘书长通报有关情况,以此作为推动包括千年发展目标在内的联合国发展议程的一项贡献;", "3. 欢迎不丹表示愿意在大会第六十六届会议期间召开一次主题为幸福和福祉的小组讨论;", "4. 请秘书长征求会员国及有关区域和国际组织对追求幸福和福祉的意见,并向大会第六十七届会议通报这些意见以便进一步审议。" ]
[ "第六十五届会议", "议程项目13", "联合国经济、社会及有关领域各次主要会议和首脑会议结果的统筹协调执行及后续行动", "阿富汗、澳大利亚、孟加拉国、比利时、不丹、波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那、巴西、保加利亚、加拿大、哥斯达黎加、塞浦路斯、捷克共和国、丹麦、多米尼加共和国、斐济、芬兰、法国、格鲁吉亚、德国、希腊、危地马拉、洪都拉斯、匈牙利、印度、爱尔兰、意大利、日本、立陶宛、卢森堡、马尔代夫、马耳他、瑙鲁、荷兰、巴基斯坦、帕劳、巴布亚新几内亚、巴拉圭、波兰、葡萄牙、大韩民国、罗马尼亚、新加坡、斯洛伐克、斯洛文尼亚、西班牙、斯里兰卡、瑞典、瑞士、泰国、东帝汶、土耳其、大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国和瓦努阿图:决议草案", "幸福:采取综合办法促进发展", "大会,", "铭记《联合国宪章》所载的联合国宗旨和原则,其中包括促进各国人民的经济进步和社会进步,", "意识到追求幸福是人类的根本目标,", "认识到幸福作为一个普遍目标和愿望体现了千年发展目标的精神,", "认识到国内生产总值指标本质上不是旨在而且不能充分反映一国人民的幸福和福祉,", "意识到不可持续的生产和消费模式会阻碍可持续发展,并认识到需要对经济增长采取更加包容、公平和平衡的办法,以促进可持续发展、消除贫穷、所有人民的幸福和福祉,", "确认需要促进可持续发展和实现千年发展目标,", "一、导 言 2. 邀请会员国制定其他措施,更好地体现追求幸福和福祉在发展中的重要性,以指导其公共政策;", "2. 国家 5. 邀请已采取主动行动制定新指标和其他主动行动的会员国与秘书长分享这方面的信息,作为对联合国发展议程,包括千年发展目标的贡献;", "3个 1. 欢迎不丹提议在第六十六届会议期间召开一次关于幸福和福祉主题的小组讨论会;", "4个 4. 请秘书长就追求幸福和福祉征求会员国及相关区域和国际组织的意见,并将这些意见通报大会第六十七届会议,供进一步审议。" ]